HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-14 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI • 1-• I @Vie , _.osmonau. . , . ' .. • • ... • ' I . .., ' • • I l • -' • r . , ' I , .. • . ·A'.'~t;1.na1i~ ·Spy · .. So'!Jo#, . ' . -.. ' • • • • -· ' .-• I ' • ·Wins !Prison Belease • • TUESDAY AmltNOON, ~Nl:JARY 14, .1969 ' .... tit ........ 11•.. ...... ~ ,. . . ~ , I • ' . ' . ' . -----·--• I --- ----·--~~ --·--------------·----~...___ ___ ·-----~·---R.--. .--~-------:---- . ' ' . :·P,ss~~·s ... 't ·:' ..... _ ~· -. Mpnned Soyuz 4 Orl,its Earth, I~ihkup Expected I " ' .. .... . !. ' + ' Plane • . ! ' : ' / '~ "'\-;;a·:t 1r-i _:_~r 1 ·), ·:- . Spy Sobell Wins : Appeal; Released From U.S. Prison --.,.. __ ~ " " ..._..-.. -., • -• ·1 1 I J j l I I I I' J I I -------=;-=-~~~~~~~-~----..,.._.,__..-------------,, J IWl.Y PILOT s 5,()00 Allies Storm -C-ommunist Stronghold • Tivo Jurors Excused in Sirhan Trial LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Two _. pl'OIPfJdlv:e Junn were cfum'..t for c--, wbm lhey told the COIRI that beulol the lenglby trial d Slrl>an B. S1r1>an for the llaytni d Seo. Robert F. ltmoedJ would "111 tllem their jobs. 'lbe tedlool proc:eedlDg d Jury ltlectloo was delayed more .than half an hour while counsel for both sides conferred tn chambers ovu the previous day's transalpt and said this would be a dallJ occurrence. '!be third paoelill questlooed today, telephone com-miploye Caro1Jn FRemaD. Aid the -,be. allle lo Bit u....p the trial, bid DO feeliDP about the dofendllll and loll the could be tmpartlll In bor p........ d his gulll f6 lnooceDCe. A -ol lhe def.-11.aff -ed that Sirhan would almool certainlY appear on the witness stand during the trial. . The 24-yur-old Arab imnugrant was · described u acutely aware of the fact that only his motivation and sta~ o( mind-can rwa:y a iurr-t.oward-lenieocy.. and to be ready to go into those matters In detail Deferm COUMtl had m a 1 n t a I n t d lhnloghout Ille ~ maneuvering that Ille Paiadena youth would never be called lo testily. One jaror was tentatively ~~ed Monday during a full day of questio~ eight men aod women, and she still wu subject to dismissa.1 through . one Qf the 20 peremptory challenges given each side. Mrs. Rosa Molilll, a widow and a llW'Je hesitated f<r loog moments .and then~ .. Yes'' when Deputy Dist. Atty. David Filla aa);ed her: "Wauld you have the courage to come ilown from Ille jury room and aay (lo 6hilanl 'f« the murd<!r of Senalor K,.. ned1 you die in the Pl chamber?'" !lei...,. Attorney Grant B. Cooper revealed at the outset or the jury ques- t.ioalng that Sirhan would not deny that he fired the shots tn the Ambusador Hotel which killed Kem>edy and wounded ftvo other J>U!Oll' staodlq nearby. From P .. e l SOYUZ ••. a ••cornplicat.ed and responsible ~ ~·" U S space exoerU said the Sov;ets had. a ;'wiodow" for a shot al the moon ii Soym 4 .... lo Jump from earth nrl>ll toward a lunar m£sslon to match Amer· tea's Apollo I feat. B~t most ~· tion centered on a linkup with wt-- manned Cosmos 263 satellite, sent al~t Sunday, or for dockina: wttb a manned spacecraft yet to be faunched.. 1be. United States carried out docking maneuvers with the manned Gemini spacecraft and the unmanned Agena target rocRta but bas not performed a doclting by two manned apacecraft. There also has been no exchange of crews in space-frequently rumored as a Soviet projecL A Moscow television commentator said Shata!ov's flight would conduct further ust1 oo the SOyus spacecraft u part o! the Soviets' l0!)4 ""I• goo! ol estob- lisbinl eartb-orb1Unc space 1talioos for int.rplanetary space travel. DAILY PILOT ~ ..... " ............ . &..t-IHdl ..... ,..,. c--CAUH>l,.IA OIAHG£ COAST ,.Ull1$HIHG COM.JIAH'I' ll•Hri H. W••" l'rr•iW<ll •"'Ml1""'1" Ji<'° I, C111l•y Vic• "'-'°"~' -"°'"''" ~ Th•111•t 1e., .. ;r ..... The1111t A.. M1r,iiili• N.91119' .. E.:llOI" p,.,1 NI''"' "'*~"l•lnt OlrKNf _ _L. 4. Another 1,IOO U.S. and South Vleinl!Dt!e lnlant:ymen set up a cordon at the ned d the Isthmus lo bloct a Com- munlst rttreeL -1,IM Comm-aoldl...--...... -llolod Ill' ... tllt =: • mllel -ol Slllod-L4 ... ud hidlpeakw brolck..t. urged aa -led O,OOI to 10,000 clvlllanl 1if . Ibo aru lo leave prior to Ille -u!L 'lllt llriet d the WWI WU I too- • l!CjUa....iJe ..... heavily forUfled wlU, -aodlimllelllhalbu--by the Communists ... • staging pnlot for more than 20 years, the spokemien sald. MllllY of the lortillcatlonl wer. COMtructed by the Ja-during World War II. "'l'hce ,,,. a lol of VC (Vlei C9o1) 111 there and we are sure it wlll be strongly contested," Brig. Gen. Howard H. Cooksey, ooe of the task force com- mandm, said. UPl~Kale-Webb~ one American wu itl!ed and six wi>unded durlng the early pbues of lhe operation. She aald about 500 suspects were rounded up for lntem>gatlon. Rear Adm. William W. llebrens Jr., eommancter of. the invasion ~. aaid &here hid betn Q amphibious assaults tn Vietnam since 1965 but 0 none can cooipare with this." He said many more ,,.....,. Pagel ' AIR CRASH • • • .. ~ section ta sink," said Anderson, af Stockholm, "we climbed onto the wings and got into a life raft but it had a hOle in It and lank.'' , Anderson said his pretty bride diaap- peared for a time and be feared she .was lost, but the new)yweds were soon reunited in another Weraft. Another SAS pilot aboard the c!nwned craft, Olav ~ said he tried to help take charge Ofe\'acuation operations as the shattered airer.tit bobbed oll the !\'Velis. '' "We have to leave the plane," the off-duty Hanson shouted, ordering those able to help to get liferalts from the overhead compartments. llAFl'S LAUNCllED 'Launchlnll rubber rafts from the left wins, HaDlon ilid heavy winds blew '"'° Into the tom, jagged nooe of the pllne, which ta named "Sverre Viking," Clllllng It lo puncture and sink. Several COut Guard vesselJ, including the cutters Point Judith and Point Bridge led yachts and pleasurt! boats out into stonn·lashed seas on the mercy mission. Three amphibious helicopters were im- mediately dispatched under Los Angeles lnternalional Airport's at-sea air disaitet plan, flood-llghting the area when beav)' swells prevented them from setting ~--down. ----- U'I T•lt.tlm CRASH SURVIVOR CARRIES CHILD TO SAFETY 'It 'Was • Miracle Anybody Survived' Hayakawa Seeks Identity Of Strikll1g SF Teachers SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Acting President S.I. Hayakawa sent certified letters today to the San Francisco State College faculty in an attempt to idenWy striking teachen. HayatawaI1 e came on the recom· mendation ci council of academic deans and u preliminary lo a court hearing invo I the American Federa- tion of T . The session wu scheduled for 2 p.m. The union was ordered to show cause in mperior court why a temporary in· jUDCtion banning it.J slrike should not be made pennanent. Presiding Judge Edward F. O'Day issued the order a week ago and striking teachers face possible fines and arrest for violations. They also face loss of their jobs under provisions of the state education code which declares fi ve straight days of unauthorized absences constitutes an automatic resignation. Hayakawa asked the teachers In his letter to fill out encl05ed attendance forms. President Gary Hawkins of the AFT Loe.al 13$2 urged faculty members to Most Notorious Murder Suspects 'Guardians' Meet LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Two she~iffs who guard America's most nolonous murder suspects got together for aome shop talk Monday. Sherill Wllllam M. Morris Jr., of Ten- ~·· Shelby County, said his charge. James Earl Ray, ls a much more 110lemn prisoner than Sirhan B. Sirhan. SherUf Peter Pitchess, of Los Angtles County, sald the two prisoners must be protected no matter wh•t the expense. Morris la making the c:oortroom securi- ty ammgemeo\I for Ray, who goes on trial March 3, charged with the sniper •la.)'inl ol Dr. Martin Lother King Jr. Pitcilesl ts protecUng the life of Sirhan, wboH triaJ ror the fatal shoot.Ing or Sell. -F. Kennedy la just getting under way. "He (Ray) seems more cognl&ant oC the &erlousnt.U ol the &1~1Uon than StrhaD SlrhlD." the Tennessee sheriff oblel'. •td. He added thJt Sirhan seems 1o be "ln good spirits and smlleo rre- quenU1 ." PUcbeaa wu 11ked by a newsman about the hlgh "111 of 1eC11rlty for the ~· He replied that America cuoot put a "Jrlce ta1 on a person," as far u his rt1bts to trial are coocerned. Morrtl pratsed the Ught 1ecurtty pro- vlslcm made for Sirhan. "l can see DO points where. It Is fallible," he H1id. r Ignore Hayakawa's requut. Chairman Leo McClatchy of the Academic Senate also announced his opposition. "I think it is a demeaning device," said Hawkins. "We are professionals. This Is just another kind of loyalty oath." McClatchy said he would place the Issue. befol'f! the Academ.Jc Senate's next meeting. He said he opposed the request on "the same principle as the loyalty oath issue against which we fought years ago." Militan t leaders of the IO-week student strike Monday contracUded reports of possible peace moves. They accused Hayakawa of "trying to lamper with the internal aUalrs" of the Black Students Union. Hayakawa met with BSU member Roscoe Blount last -wttk in what was described as a major effort lo solve the problems which have resulted in dissension and violence on the 18,()(1().stu- dent campus since Nov. 6. Strike leaders told a news conference ~londay that Blount, a graduate student, wasn't a representalive of the BSU or the Third World Uberation FronL The two minority groups called the walkout in support ol 15 "non-negotiable" demands on the administration. Jerry Varnado, BSU representative on the central committee, denount'ed the Hayakawa-Blount talks. He said the Negro group "wants to aS3Urt our sup- porters that there have been no talks and no meetings" between tbe college admin.i.slration and the BSU. l'ro1n Pflflle l MURDER ... and ~ngus, if any , grabbed the victim in anger and slashed her badly. She managed lo twist away from the death grip and rte.I back toward her car. She clidn'l make It. A search or the area turned up a blue sedan which shows evidence of a r~nt collision, officers said. Inside the automobile, found at 21st Street and Olive Averwe in a ~ atta nr oil tanks and pipelines, officers discovered blood 1patt«s on lhe froot se.at, steering wheel and~ shift lever. The car was traced to Miss DinJer at her apartment and ol!ken arroated Mlaa Dinger and C..tney on munler charges aboul four houn d\er the crtme was committed, according to ltie poUce. Funeral services fir Mn. Markee Will be held at 10 1.m. Wednesday at HUWde: Cbapel at Rose Hilb Memorial Park. Whlliler. Burial will follow at the me- morial park. Family members said that Mn. Markee had three IOM and two dlaahtm and that the famllJ does not wllft the names of tht sons and daugbten nor family histor~ divulged. .I Procedures for handling such a ditching were reliearsed immediately following the slmllar Nov. 22 pancake landing of a Japan AlrUnes jetliner off San Francilco International Airport. MIRACLE LANDING No one aboard the JAL plane which carried 107 persons was killed or injured, but the miracle landin g in a calm, ~hallow portion of San Francisco Bay alerted Los Angeles safety officials to the possibility of. one ia the Southland. Passengers injured ia the MODclay night SAS crash were taken ashore either by boat or lifted into helicopters by aerial allngs, depending upon need fnr tmmedlat. U..imenl. . ''The conditions were terrible," said David Bowcralt. 43, of f"llewood, akip- P"' •of the Loi Ancela County Harbor Patrol boat "Bay Watch." FOUJ!,.FOOT SWELL . "'lbere was a three-to'.lour foot swell," he said. 0 and the vislbllity was almost 11onai.tent. II Survivors -·many of them bleeding, moaning, and crying lo be taken lo shore and safety-were 11J!hed to UCLA Medlcal Center and Sanla Monica Hos-- pita!, wtth five &erlously injured aiid all others in fair to good shape. A Los Angeles County Sheriff's l)e.. partment bus supplemented a fleet of ambulance&. '!be pilot declined to discus.<> possible causes of the first commercial airliner crash in the history of Los Angeles In- ternaUonal Airport, which opened in I!M7, but praJaed bis crew. One stewardess is among We dead and another ·Ls missing. He described tbelr acUons as toLally herok: and disciplined. while a Coast Guard rescuer · Sa.Id it was somewhat of a miracle that the DCB didn't break apart and sink entlrely. In Washington, D.C., the National Tramportation Salety Board announced it was dlspatcbing a team of JO men ~ investigate the crash, while SAS off1- clals Immediately took off from ~ penhagen to join lhem. * * * Airline Releases Na1nes of ·M~-1ig, Dead, SurtJWors troops were landed at Inchon In Sep- tember, 1960, in the cempa'8t' tbai drov• the North Korean army out of South Korea ;'but this is a far more com- plicated and far reaching operation in every other respect." Partlclpating in the penlosule drive were elements of the U. S. army America! division. the Marines' 2iSth regimental Jand.ing le.am and unils of the South Vietnamese 2nd infantry UJllTtt.i.tt WET, BUT SAFE ASHORE A Fortun•fi Survivor-- division. flw &iflaD aor1J todoJ a Vlei C.,.. force atlacklng behind a rocket grenade barrage, partially destroyed a brldgt • guarded bJ South Vietnamese soldiers. Other Communist trooj>! invaded a !1'fugee camp on tbe northern coast an:d kldnaped abotlt 40 men;· women and children, a:ovemment 1pokeameo said . Missing Man ·Alive-Just Went Home TORRANCE (UPI) -Editort at the South Bay Daily Breeze did a double take when the f1JIDe "Andrew Doaett" appeared on the' list of perso111 1m111> counted for' in the crash of an SAS jet. I" I Oat of the paper's r"llO!IFs bad just tu med in an tnteNiew with an ''Andrew Dossett," who had cOme ashore ·froin the downed plane at the Marina del Rey Coast Guard station. A hurried telephone call to Dosseh's home in nearby Santa Monica showed that he was indeed alive and well. Dossett, an importer, was returning from a business trip to Denmark al the time of the accident. An employe of his firm was walUng for him at Los Angeles International Airp:rl. Learning that survivors were befnf taken ta Mar.ina del Rey , the employe drove there, picked up Douett, and took him home. Coast guard and SAS offi cials somehow missed him in the confusion. When Dosett did not show up at the hospitals to which other survivors were taken, SAS listed him as missing. _"He 's f~ling fine, thank God,'' his wife t.Old newsmen. U'I T•..,.,,.h INJURED, BEWILDERED CHILD AMONG SURVIVORS Sm•ll Armad• of &o..h Joins R•scue Effort Won't Talk in Weakness, Laird Tells Congress Probe . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rep. Melvin n. Laird pledged today tha~ as defense secretary in the Nixon administration he "·ould "never pennlt this nation to fall into the position where we are forced to negotiate from weakness ." The Wisconsin congressman was one of four or President.-eleci Richard Plf. NL"ton's cabinet appointees called before Senate Committee confirmation hearings. Smooth sailing was anticipated for the four but Davkl Packan:I, the West Coast indu!trlallst selected to be defense undeT"M"Cretary, was experted to face stiff questioning about his private stock holdings. Laird told the Senate Armed Sen·ices commltiee th.at he had placed all of his fin1ncial investments in a blind trusl to bt operated by the Firs( Wisconsin Tn13t Co. of Milwaukee. Packard is chairman of the Hewlett· Packard corporation, which does a subst.nlifJ electronics bualness with the Defense Department Comn1itte@ chairman John Stennis (0. t.liss.), rtold Packard thsl lhe question of pc>¥ible conflict of interest in his case '"has to stand on its o,,.,•n facts " • Stennis said Packard must "act Im· partially and without favor It I 1 m ' ' towards hls electronics firm. At another confirmation hearing, John N. Mitchell, a law partner of Nixon, said that as attorney general he intends to use wiretapping and other electronic de.vices in the fighl against organized crlmes. Michell told the Senate JudlciarJ Com- mittee that he would end the Johnson administration's policy ol Ii m It l n & wiretapping to national security ca!leS. The 56-yesr-old New York •Uorney said that lbe wirtt.apping provision in· c.luded in last ycRr's omnibus crime bill "should be uaed , carefully and ef- fectively, not only in national securtty cases but against or1anlu!d crime and other major crimes. " Two other confinnaUon hearings bepa for Nhon nominees -Da vid M. Kennedy as Treasury oocr<tary and Robert H. Finch to be secretary rl Health, Eduta- tion and Welfare. 1. Nixon's friend ana pollUcal strategist, said he advls.ed the PresktenH.lect against making his campaJp pledge of automatic soclJJ security increues tled to the cost of llvlng. f I -.. , • t l ,, -. • . ' VOL. 62, NO. I?, l SECTIONS. 22 f>!GES • ' : ' -. ORANGE ·COUNTY, cAiJr<>RNf.( . . •• JIN C9fT'S' ' . ••• , . ' • . I I• , . .. ,, MUrder Charged ' Pair Held in (;nsly Beach Sm~~i,ig COAST GUARDSMAN STANDS BY TO AID SURVIVORS AS SHIP APPROACHES DOWNED PLANE SC1ridinevi1n A~rlfn1r·w1th 45 Aboard Pancak11 into Coastal Wat1t1 Off ,LAX BJ 1!ILLWI lUfZD Of• °""' ,... ..... Munier complalola wilt be ~ Iola tod'Y or Wedneod01 qallllt a mu ood WOllWI DOW bllac llelit bJ ll,antlncloa Beadl pollco la Uie blooily """' ........ death ol lln. -.rr-. Held In J!1m11octOa a&J Joli on-the moirder ~ la N..,... C0.1ney, "• . , an engineer wllh .' a ".Nl!WP<rl . Beach aerolpllCe firm;. Ills • ~ o. m p a n l o n , Mqll<ll Illnpr, :.,. •· waltrm at a Newport rWlnnt, 1iU been transfer· red to Womea.'1 detentiOo at Orange Coonty Jail. Tho DAILY PIL()T learned today that the IUlpeCta, .Who pve their addrtu as lltll llelawlre St:, Huntlngtoo Beach, Probe Studied . L,i Slayfug 'of $Unset Man·,- ::::~~=r: ; lD- DoteetlWI Yid 11111 • maniblg • Ulil tile pair will be tabn lo Welt Oranp Qrunly Munlclpal Court !Gt orrUpmeol a IOOO utile paperwn can be~: "We definitely will take ·tbele ttro lo court." llid Del Monty McK ....... 'Ille body of Mn. Marbe, 55, of llCll Olive Ave., Huntington Beach, was dilcov.r<d by a · passerby about 9,15 p.m. SuncJ,y. It wu spra-..led on the pavement ·o1 17th su..t just north of Palm A..,.,. In a pool of blood. Mn. -·· lbroat hid been ~ eel and her body puncturod b7 .....,.... It.ab wouods. The body was just a few llicbea In front of her lllll rwmln& car Jet Hits . O·eea-n--Off · tA-·· ----· -------+"~ lnvesUgation of the 1hooting..death cf Hope Dims for 11 Missing iii SAS Crasli 'I THOUGHT I LOST MY BRIDE' Hon1'fmooner Anderson and Wife UPITt....,_ Descending throogb stormy nlgbt sides I~ an abnormal landing approaGb. a $candinavian jeUiner, with· 45 aboard· splashed lnlo the ocean eight ~-olf. ~ya c1e1_.Rey_,~ .n1~. · by wn=~·· . ftre .. _.., · · ~-!T hu~.ffrl'll' . ' I~ 1-" ' w~ aS Ahai' • =~U( > .Uio .... hope· WU finaUJ,.atioa. d~ Uilt anfeie coUJd femaifa itlve. · Four bodies were recoV~ Monday l)l&lil and 30 victims saved by an 8rmada Of 40 rescue craft and private boats is the drama at sea unfolded unatt t:lie ,glare of helicopter searchlight. and parachute flares: · A Cable Conlmuter Airlines pilot from Westminster was "the first persOn to 1$ight !JOat.ing wreckage of the Scan- dinavian Airlines-System oca, beaded into Los Angeles International AirPort when it hit. The SAS Flight 933, piloted by capt. Kenneth Davis, former British Royal Air force flier, disappeared from .tower radancOpes at 7:40 p.m., after a 1~ hour delay aloft in a holding pattern over the San Joaquin Valley. Capt. Davis had" said he was ex· periencing minor landing gear trouble before turning the big jet inland to approach Runway 25L on an easterly oversea rolrte swept by I2·mile-an hour winds and storm turbulence. Suddenly, without warning except for one stewardw' , order to , fasten seat be.Its, the plane slammed into three to (See AIR CRASH, Pase Z) a sunlfj, Beaclt man by a &herlff'; deputy . Will depend upon the. content& o'._i• report being prepared by the sher· Ul"S offict, D)strlct Attorney Cecil Hieb aa1d today. "( npect to have that report on my desk later today," be said. "UnW then, I won't know just whaL action, U any, lhould be taken In lbll case. I know of DO clrCWMtances tllli ouJd ha ·-~ ... w ve-wlll1'f.lted SClKlll on UJ1 J!lll beforo pre~ cf Ille "P.'<I.'' · Under preparatl!!' ~y l!'t tbo, d'*M~ ~lliip;1.,,.;·. ·,~t,,.of eventa J1Ja1 1'11. ~ the .tlaJ~ r® of cart A. Sjolllnd, 23. or um :zetb SI. The unarmed Sjolund WU ahot In the back of the head u be fled !tom a deputy who was attempting to serve felony WRITants for the arrest o{ U\e motorcycle racin1 enthusia!IL Sherifrs Captain James Broadbelt bu denied post.sla)ing nnnors tba't more than one !hot had been fired u Sjolund ned from hlJ hotne. • "There wu only one shot fired," BrQlldbelt said. "We are qult'e 'positive about this In<! ifl I !act that hu beOn subetaiitiated _, uveral wttnwes." Sjolund died In Huntington Intercom- munlty Hoipltal. about two boon alter he waa shot in the back of the head by Deputy Edward Gould. Deputies said Sjolund was ordered to halt several timeai and ignored the com· mands of \he officers. Goold said he fired one shot from his .31-caliber service revolver. He estimated that Sjolund wu about 25 yards away at the Ume. Deputies said Sjolund wa& involved In a fl1ht over a 1lrl some weeka agt and wu to be arrested in mid- December on a warrant cbargiog USJulL He was arrested by Gould three weeU ago. The warrant• ~ by tbe deputy Friday related to Ullt a:rnst. •• ORBITING ~E EARTH Cotmonaui Shafalov Spy Sobell Wins Appeal, Relea~d NEw YORK (UPI) -Morton Sobell, a codefendant with JUiius and Ethel Rosenberg in. the espionage. cue,o( tht Cf.llllury, today won his release from • 30 7ear prlaon -~ for o:oDlpiril1c to deliver atom bomb aieerets to-Russla. The U.S. Court of A~ ruled .tbal Sobe.I should be Rfven credl\ for seven months imprisonrrient served prior to sentencing ani:I while awaiUng trial thus making him~etialble fOr parole. SobeU had been senteneed to 30 yean: In prison April 5, 1951 and the Rosenberp received the death penalty. They subse- quently were e1ecuted in Sing Sing prison in New York. The court gave Sobe!I credit for 7 months and 11 days he was in jail beca111e he collld oot ralae 1100,000 ball, prior to· belntl .... ..-In 1961 lo 30 yem In prison on c:hargOI of dbdo1lng Information on "\he atom bomb to the Soviet l!nlon. Airline Re"leases Nt;imes Of Crash Survivors, Dead · LOO ANGELES (UPI) -Scandinavian Airlines System today released the names of the dead and missing and known survivors of SAS Flight 933 which cruhed at sea Monday rught w:tth 4S persons aboard. Rainy Season Gets Late, But Persistent Begiqning ---1.-J~1" Mlortlntl, I~, C1llf~ "°"' ~ ... Three Girls Held· On Narco Chprges Thrte girl students at Los Amlgot High Scllool, Foontain Valley .,. belnl held in Juvenile Hall today pending set- ting of hearings on charges that they used aod distri~ted dangerous drugs. Founlaln Valley Polk< said the girls. two 14 and one 15 and all from Santa Ana, had Dilanlin capsules In tbelr poaaession •• the lime of arreal llllanOn 11 an anlkonv111aant a,.,,t Wldel7 - by eplJepllcs. O!llc*l llld ..,. odmlttel to coodaued -oltlielllmulontandborc:otllP'i>iooo lrdmlttod _... .... dlalrJ>UUon ol tho dnJI. OM o1 the ttio II 'alrr'lnllJ .. pn>IJldool I« JIOll•-ol llli'ootlc!I. I l " • . ' ,.. .'. '"''-~ HWADID -!!OR HOSPIT.fll: • Unldolltlfttd .W ·Pouotnttl'' ' . . Soothern C111fomla'11ate«artln1 rainy aeuon was tn full swine today u a peralatent otorm dumped more pr<elpita- tion on the Orange Cout than .bad been predJcted. . . Weot. ~ County "bore the brunt of the wet ,....tber aa UI lnCbel or ~ Jt11 ·.., tba l{wltlnatoo ValleJ area ~ Colt• -~ t.14 ta--. •"Lacbna -LG6 .... wfiOe Newport Beactl WU _.ajvtlJo dry with •.• 71 '""""'· 'fllil brought the -···total ralnfall lo UO lnclles·ln the Huntblgtoo Valley, a otlarp decllne ITutn the 5.17 • lnebel wlilch I/ad lallen at thll tjme las< year. T"6 ~ Contrail was In Newport Beach, where lht current 1.s1 \Otal nt ineaJW'td againlt lut.ae....,•a Ul. M the rain ""l'llhued lbll mornlni. -lor-"""' '9ok!nc '"' a c1eartng trend late today, ~ ttte ..... clC>ldl' r..-!al< lkles Wod~. Coastal and , mkkxlmtty &etupe ltunl were prtdlcted 1n·tbe mlddte IO'lo IU ... M4T~ ~-~ ... ~. ·~·'-t.r< ........ ~ .-! u , f.'1 '-" -J -.uJ' ..... ~ .... ' , ..... ..,, ....... 'f'llil9 T • • lj ..... I.ti ( ~ ' 1 · • 11 I 1:: ft!, w...---.,_. .... , 1 ."..Wit Ji , (' t .... lrvtnt """° 1.n t.N u.-· """'" 1.0$ t~1 Anllltlrp ,... '"' ~ c....... 1.lt a.Ji s... ,....... • ... .... "' '"" ... s.tt9 AM " 1.l• J.ilO f.1• ~ '*'*"" tltW• -tr.Tl J-. ' Cypress Resident • Burne<I· Di FU-e ' A Cypral ratdent ., .. 8'rloully llurn, ed Monday nlgtil when fire .-, lo <iothes clooet and cll4 14,IOO · damlC• to hll borne. State Foreslr}' s.rvic:e olllclall uld Claude L. Cole, ~l, of rm La Salle St., aulltfed lint.' -.... tblnl degne bw"nl oo bll ~co .oodboth or!IJI. He ·•(\empt;./ lo flAt tile l1re with a garden lioo< bef«e ¥1 oir\ved .. Caw< ol tlie fire 11 Ulld<r lioyel(Jptlon. Two .,,g1ne COlllJllnles aqd • """'" unit .wifll 11..,. 1n ·an ·bad tile Jlro li:! la --... Ol'.Tlnl al ~I ' 'In '. o . COit II, ~ WW1'!'41'1. «ii" ~ tj>ll """"1nc In~ Conunuri\y Jla,p/t¥ lt!JIO*a:Port. :"' ' • r • 1 ' ' ' just north or Palm Av-. ~adllgbll of bir,~ ~.Ille bloody -n¢ .. ii. lflmllltfloD· Beach Counb'J Club. . . . . . ' • lnveatiplioo bu 1"d. lo • tllearJ !Ital the woman may: have been murdlfecl. by the Irate dri~ ancl,-00 _,._. of an autorqoblle w1lh whldl lllle .,colldOd.ma.id a few momenta before het"deathi · Mrs. Markee, a receptiottist for 1 .~ llngtoo Beach _op~. load , -a load of lawldrJ, to , • "l'ln ~ and was on her h,y bocl' ID tile apart- ment where sbe -oloDe. · ' At . Adams A.....e .and !Ith -she apparently waa .involved in·• minor .. (See HUllDEJl,.r.,. •>·, (/ . . . SoViets Orbit Cosmonaut . . Around Einili .. -----'--... MOSCOW LUPI) -'Ille Sovtet ,Union· sent a ,Ql.lnned Soyuz 4 s~ -Into orbit .-Ille eanb loday" m !'hit • the. Ri.mlanJ.la:lld was a !'CClllpllcat.s• ... ....... •. Then l'~ speculltlor ~ -·...old ·aftclpt a api<e ~ up Will\ ...,,i;...._~ ·u ' nnt .+R towards ~-~l'Zu •• 0 · "'•""'" .._........, ._...,...,.. Within mlou\ea a!l<m tile ,Jundl Iha pilot;, Lt. c,I.. Vlecjlmlr ~-. told • talavls""! ~. "Everythinc I& an,. I am f!!!t."U'be lone ._ ~ au_. II, • 11111111Jer-of ~ m~Jril_,,.~ ~ powe>. • '!iii!! ' Ia a mo~. ~. lor Iba Soviet Unlott. .................. -to minutes of UJ!o!I. bruadcast 'ride<> tape> ol Shataiov'1 •htP aoartng -tieally from" the Soviet's Central ·Aa:il space center and cuniing t'owi.rd orblL The Ru!liaN broadcast picti!l-ol the launch of Soyµi 1.1.,i Novflllliief _iboul 36 lloun after H !ell Iii launcll J*I.. also unor!Cedented for the" Rua;fthi ~ .".1. >.. lllUal the s.vter Union dJa no. cJe. tail goals ol the latest ._ Dl&M and the news agency Tass tald only It .lrll a ''compllcat.ed end · resPonilble .,,._ gram." · u. s. •pace ...,.ns 11ld the Sovteb bad -a "w~" for a tbot at, the mo<11 U So)'UI 4 was lonJfrom wth.«b~ toiw~ • lunar. to malcb Amer> r .. ·1 'i.pouo a tei , moo1 ·,....;w.. titin · centered on a llntup wifb Wl- manned COamoa 113 llt<llife. -aloft Sunday, or for doctiM with a manned !pacecraft yet to be fiuncbed. The United States carrted oot docklnl maneuvers with the manned Gemfnl spacecraft and the unmanned Aj:en1 target rockets but tw not ~rformed a docldng by two ll1lllDed ~ There · alsO has been no nchange ol. crewa iD space-lttqo<!llly ·rumorifl u a Soviet project. A lloocow televlslon <OllUlll!llator uld Sbalalov'a ru.J>I 'wOflld coocltCt lutlber i<m on the l!O)'UI apicectiolt u pan ol the Soviets' Ion& rqe ioal ol eitaJ>. 1tsblng earlb«ti!U., --, ... interpw.etarr space Imel. Actress Barbara Rush, Husband Separate HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A c t r e 11 Barbara Rush announced Tueoclay fbo and her publlcbt h!o>balld, Warren Cowan, had separated. The couple was marrlfll hi 1159. 1bey are the parenll of• daughter. 5. Oraalfe w-&11er ' -. Tbm'a a Ill"' lli!lnl beb1ntl -niD clOU<is..'io!I. 11.'ll ...... up w.,._,., -1a1r. """"""' weather. Looi< !or matUrJ racl- lnga of IO 1oca1ly and 14 fllrl1lor inland. • INSmi D~Y . Prt~ Jolo..,111f 1oOl<i °" hll admfnilll'Gllo1' }roflt. OM ll<llldpolnl, """'V of llll C01110"f' """ from ....ui.r. P"f'. J2. ·-. === ,._: ... .. ~ .e... : ·--. Ii 1 7 rl • :t::: . ,.,I :::;.;-: n .'I --· ~ ... ';:::J ·-' :: ............ , --. --" ~-.:...._ ~~t ~ '' = .. --· .: --.:-..-..·;,;. -::.:;7;;:·;;,.-:;o;;-,,,;-:;,ot:O•,,;'"''TT>n"OIOl?il¥•" .. ?r! .. ""'"'b'"" .. .+""".+U!o .. ' "'"'"°"' .. "'"""' ''""-S"C-1 .+S""-Oo"l,_Z ··--.rM"'•-·---·---·-----~·~,, .... b~' .... 'h•tt ....... __ ....... -· _, -·------,,. , •-. ~• .... ---=· ------- .I , I 11 ) I ~·-0-0 ' '~-DAt_L_v_m_o_r ____ ~ ___ r.....,,....., u, i .... 5,000 Allies • Storm Communist .. Stronghold WGON (UPI) -Al>oul l,GllO llljod .._-.~ ............. --.. -.. au11n the blgest amphlblous _.u.., sillOI U. S. Marina iuded at Inchon Hatbar In Ille Korean wor, mtll1117 ........... aldtoday. Oommanlqoeo ald .... I.IOI U. S. Marines ridlng heticopt<n and landing craft swept into the Batangan Ptll.lMula M<DdO)' lrom the South China Sea. Sunset .Asks Annexation To Huntingon Sunset Beach !wlOl'll have med the HlllllfDIUin Beach City Council to bog!n -which ""'1d lead to aM<Dllon of the beach community to HlDltlngton Beach. Councilmen M<Dday nl&)il mmed a letter from the Swlset Beach Chamber of Commerce to the city Planning Com· mission for development of a possible muter plao of land ... In tbe strip of unincorporatod land al<11& Coan Htpway to the nortlnoeal ol tbe city. The Jetter, olgned by David Kin(, preal· dent of the chamber, began : "We "'POcifully request that tbe city of Htm- tlngton Beach undertake the nec...ary otepa toward ...... u .. to iluDUD&toa Beach of the 1llllnaxpoatod .... of ()range County known u Sunset Beach. ••As resldeots and propertyownera we are dedicated to the Immediate IJ'ld long-range goals or preserving, improving and beautifying -Beach. ';To accampllab. tbue objecti.Yel we look forward to developlng a mutually desirable and feasible master ~ with --YOlll'Pl~l<iii:---. -· HJbe rf:quert for anneiaUon Is made, of coorae, with the underltalldlng that a Master Plan acceptable to thlJ com· munlty WGlld be developed prior to tht annexation election." ' ' Slgnera King, Paul llradley, Ivan Ll&· ptt, F.clward W. Turk, Michael GulflU, and Wll1lam C. Draper, Pointed out that the Orange County Plmmlng Departmeot Is mamc a muter plan lludy of the aru, ooe found "unacceptable" by the llgners. • Huntington High Bids for Speech Crown Tonight Speatera from lluntlngton B<orh llJ&h School will p11 their best vo1ce rorwaru Thunday nl&)il u they competAo In the 32nd anmJal oratorical conlat opooac>ted by Huntington B<lth American i.g1on Poot !JI. The contest will atart at 1 p.m. on the .-.! floor ol Memorial Hall The -will go .. to the dlatrkl final.! with 1 chance for a top ICbolarsblp award of $4,000. Former Post No. !JI Commander orlan Sowera la chairman ol thJa yur'a contat. The J'lhllc la Invited to hear the 1<Jlllll orators give their best Valley Republicans Plan Castro Program .. Cutro'1 Hand In the U.S. TUrmoll," will be explained to the H1D1tlngtoo Valley v...,, Republlcan.s at I p.m., Thunday, at the Sberatoe-Beacb Inn, H1111tingtal Beach. Jote Ncrman. a former Cub an joumaJbt and cdlee plant-....,., wW talk about bis aperiences in Cuba and hill escape from the Castro rqime. DAl lY PllOT ()lt.lN(j.( (041T ,Ull.t5HIHCJ ((IM,A"l'f' ll•t••I N. W••• '"'"""' '"' ll'Woll•r J.c~ It, c.,,1 • ., \11(1 ,,,.""'"4 -Gt-Al ,,._9'< Th1m11 K11<ril Ellolor Th'"''' A. M~1,h:111 IMM~"I ElllW Albtt! W, a.1,, Willit"' 1!1td ,.,_ .. ,, H\lll•ifol!Oft IM<ll Ed1W Clly l':.ltw H11"-ttM k-.• Office Jot ltll $fNl1t M.a;,.1 ,.._,,11! r.o. ••• 1•0. 92641 --,,......, ltM!l: n11 w..1 .. Mt.....,.. c..... .... °' Wttl .. ,. ,lrftf \ Allothtlr Ullt U. I. andSauth Vldnam• llllllllijW • up a -al 1111 -"' tht Jt!lilm• .. -• a.. ----About i.-Qnmrd1 ....._. _.. belleved boled U) ... tht PlllinfuJa JOO r.iiles !I0!1beut of Silgan. La!Jet'dl'Gpt and loudlpeaker broldcutAI urted ao estimated 5,000 to 10,000 dvillw in the area to leave prior to the assault. 'l'be target o( the as.sau1t wu a two- ' oq.-,_ -Ur lorlllled Wiili .. -.. aald. ...,._at i...111111 lial WI -UPl--KalaW<ll>b._.., "' .. (>H• 1 ·1. -:="""' . ____ ...... _ !l1r _.. tlim • ,_., * 111 • .,.. tht wly ...,_of the -•Uon. ~-of dlo --... a.M1t1-•-1awererounded by the J-dllfiti& up for inkmlpllon. World War ll. Rear Adm. WUlW. W. Bebr<nl Jr., ''Thin are • lot of VC (Viel Cooal -of the Inv-lon:e, Aid in there and we are aure it will be there had been Q: amphibious assault$ 1trongly contested," Bria. Gen. Howard in VJet.nam .slnce l~ but "none can H. Cookaey, one ol the i.a force com-compare wltb tb1s. tt He llld DW1J more ::C, w"" landed al Incboo In s.p-, 1•. fa tht -· thtt droft IM -IC-army out of l5oatll Korea "but thil 11 a far more com- plJcalod and far nocbing operaUon In evtry other respect." Partldpating in the peelnaul1 drl•1 were elemenUI of the U. S. army Americal dlvisloil, the Marines' 26th regilneatal landing tearn and unita of tht South -Ind inlanlrJ tlJvlaloo. II• lalliOI tlttJ 1odl:y a Viol C..,. force allld;lq behind a roclcel grenade banqe, partlaJ11 destroyed • bridge &Uarded by South Vletoameae toldien. Other Communlal troopl ln•oded • nfu&ee camp oa the oortberD cout and kldnaped about 40 mt:n, women and children. aovunmtnt spokesmen Aid. 'Aviation, Local Problem~ ur1T.,..._ CRASH SURVIVOR CARRIES CHILD TO SAFETY 'If Wat • Mfr.1clt Anybody Survived' F,.... P .. e J AIRLINER CRASHES • • • four.foot ocean awella and hr<lte apart just behind the wlngi. . Honeymoonin( SAS pilot Olol A1¥1eroon, 3S, dozing in a· seat be.side his bride, Marianne, 23, said be thought the initial impact was just a rough landing at the Los Angeles lield. .,Then I saw the water e<>ming into the plane. My wife and I waited for tha plane to stop and then searched for the rubber rafts," Anderson said. "'Some of the wmnen were screaming and l klobd l100Dd and 11w some bloody faces," he continued after being broughl asbou at a hutily eatabli.lhed rtlCUe dispersal center at Marina del Rey. "It took a long lime for the tall seeUon to sink," 1aJd Anderson, of Stoctbolm, "we climbed onto the wings Hearing Slated On City's Plan A public hearlna: will be held tonight on a proposed amendment to tbe We.stminster City Council at 7:30 o'clock in councl1 chambers. 'lbe amendment, recommended earlier by the Plannlng O:immisalon, would a:· pond poeaible future induatrlal develop- ment in a general ana bounded by Mqno.!ia Street, Hazard Avenue, Ward street and McFadden Avenue,. The area in question is currently zoned !or light manufacturing and commercial .... A chan&:e in zoning is not being con- sidered at tbe present, but the area will be coosidered for wider induslrial development in the future. Selectioo of a financial consultant for the proposed fU millioo parka and recrution bond will also be considered by the council . The proposed bond is for I O neiji:hborbood parks, a IG.acre expans.ion of Siegler Par~ and a three-par golf course lO be located on property next to Weatmlnster Hll!h Scbool. Huntington Pair Charges Dropped A HuoUngton Beach couple seemed "'::'" loo of marijuana followlng a po raid en their bome hava been . dearod of all charges In West Ofanae County municipal courl Bernie, 24, and Mary Sanz, 1!, of Sii Ninth SL were booted by police No•. I& after a raid on the Saru heme tn wbkb seven penons were arrtW!d on 1 variety ol drup off_,, Abo cleared of all charges In the Interim period were !loo Quentin Ludlow, IO, of Olendora and Timothy Rolin Stewart, I~ olM-ia. Scheduled for Jury trial In the oame murt Feb. II are J~ Gtcrgt, IO, and Gtcrge Garcia, JI, of Monrovia and Jimm)' Loe Dwn<r, II, " -· AD are ICCUINld ol pci111•lon ol mari- Juua and bel1111 p.-11 In • ploce wheR marijuana wu used. /. and got Into a life raft bat lt had • hole in it am sank." Andenon oaid hla pretty bride dlaap- peared for a Ulne and he feared lhe was lost., but the newlyweds were soon reunited in another liferaft. Another SAS pilot aboard the downed craft, Olav Hamoo, said be tried to help take charge of evacualioo operations as the shattered aircraft bobbed on the swelll. "We have to leave the plane," the off-duly HaoaOll ahootod, ordering -able to belp to get JUeralla from the overhead compartmenU. RAFI'S I:AUNCBED Lawiching rubber ralla from the Jell wing, Hanson aald heavy wlnds blew one into the tom, Jagged. nose of the plane, which is named "Sven Viking," causing It to p.mcture and lint. Several Coast Guard vessela, including the cutters Point Judith and Point Bridge led yachts and pleasure boats out into stonn·lashed seas on the mercy mh:sion. Three amphibious be.ttcopters were im· mediately dispatched under Los Angeles International Airport'• at·sea alr diluter plan, fiood·llghtlng the area when heavy swells prevented them from setting down. Procedures for handling such a ditching were rehearsed immediately following the aimtlar Nov. 22 pancake landlng ol a Japan Atrllnea jeWner off Sao Franclaco International Airport. MIRACLE LANDING No ooe aboard the JAL plane which carried 107 persons was tilled or injured, bul the miracle landing in a calm. lhallow porUon of San Franclaco BO)' alerted Loi Angeles safety offlclala to the possibility of one in the Southland. Passengers injured in the Monday night SAS crash were late:n ashore either by boat or lifted into helicopter• by aulal sllngs, depending upon need for immediate treatment. "The conditions were terrible," said David Howcraft, 43, of lnl;lewood, skip- per o( the Los Angelu County Harbor Patrol boat "Bay Watch." FOUJ\.P'OOT SWELt "Tbere wu a three-to-four foot swell," be said, "and the vtaibUlty wu aimosl nonelistent" Survivors -many of them bleedlng, moaning. and crylnC to be tateo to sbora and lalety-......, rushed to UCLA Medlql Ceoter and Santa llanica H.,.. pltal, With five wlooa!Jr iQJUred and all othel'I in fair to pd aha~ A Loa Angelea County Sberlll'1 IJe. pm1menl bua suppltmellled • fleet of ambulances. The pllot declined to dlacuu pooalble CIU&e5 of the ftnl commercial airliner cra!I> In the hiJtoty of Loa Ani•lea 1 .. ternatlonal Airport, wblcll OJllll'd In 1"7. but praised hit crew. One stewardes.1 la among 1'he dead and another ta missing. He de<cribed their adiou u totally heroic and dladpllntd, while a Cout Guard meuer Said it wu somewhat ol a miracle thlt the oc:a didn't break apart and alnk enllrtly. In Wuhlnflnn, O.C.. the Nailonal 'lnnl1>ortatlon Salety Board -il -diapatdling a team of 10 .... to Jnvest.laate the crash, whUe SAS oft1. dala fmmedlately tool< off from Co- penbqen to Join them. I ' Transportation Assistant Says Washington' Won't Help ' By JACI BROBACI Of .... .,.... ..... ,,,.., 'Jbe time bu cune for local govern- ment and people to aolve their own avlailon lacllity problems. Big brother In WaahJnitoo Is not going to do the job, accordlq to M. Cecll Mackey, a..i.. tant aecretary ol tranaportatioo. Macte1 spoke Monday before the Oran«it County Fonnn of Town Hall of California lo the Anaheim COOvenUon Ceoter. In additloo to throwing the avteilon problem blct to 1ocal solution, the opeU.er aald, "We have Ul\cbed a point where the 1eneral lupO)'er ohouJd i>ot be iated to ltJpporl dvil ·-Air ....ice that can not operate without .......,. lbould lie plwed out rapidly. 4'Tb8 n.eardl amfdevelopment :;:"'1 to produce the ldnd of air COO:~t:r.:! wblcb the natloo needl and upettdilures -"7 to Implement It -be lltwx:ed by wter chlrte4." Mlcte)' empl\ubed "With a1riiQril u ~· theTe 11 DO rtalCa from a llt.lod-- polnt, why the 111era not pay the COiia," the speaker umted. '"lbla appllel to the alrllnel and to private aviation. U prlnle Dying can't or won't pay lta Wf'1 pd the 1oeal community la not willing to . undenrrlte Ila operailon, why aboukln't tht airport site become a abopping center or a housing subdMaion!'' the Wa.ahingtoa eJ· pert aaid bhinily. He aald that federal dictation of what are property local mattera abould be permaoenUy diacMded aa an Ingredient of puhllc P>IJcy. "The Department ol Transpor1altoo baa CONlalenUy "-' an upanded federal grant .....,..., for airport tfevelopmeol," Mackey llatetl. He urged that lllales late a more leadlq poaltloo .. the -lleid. "Aviation,. almost ainoe the day of Ila birth, baa et\JOyed pttlmed ltatua but It can no lon&er lay claim to • right of _..i tttatmml .,. aubaldy. lt mlllt pay Its own way," the tpeaker lnolated. On similar subjects, Mackey said: -Defense requirements muat bavt priorltJ in poasible combination U3e of emting mililllT atrporta. -The question of hijacking planes ba!I not been solved. Every avenue has been explored but we do not want to do anything to endanger passengers. -Standards will be establilhed for noise suppresalon but there ia no "'silent" airplane in aighl. -Local participation la weakeal In ZOO· Ing to avoid airport problema. But it ii a local question to be solved locally. -Larger planes wUI not reduce a1r coogeallon and will lncreaae airport c:oo· ,..uon. They will just keep up with tbe growth ol air travel. Youngster Dies Despite . Efforts, -- Offers of Blood Hayakawa Seeks Identity or-Stri){ing-SFTeacners-- Despite good wishes and offers of blood from scores of Orange County resident!, a Westminster sixth grader died Saturday at Long Beach Memorial Hospital alter a fight against a cancerous apina) tumor. Funeral services were schedu1ed for 3 p.m. today for Kaylene McCarty, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. McCarty of 1782 Pacheco St., at Peek Family cbapeL The girl had rare ~negative blood 'and when it wa.s discovered that the . girl might need blood transfusiorui, ICOJ'es of persons vohmleered to stand by to donate the rare type. Family spokesmen said the girl had a cancerous spinal tumor and had been in the hospital three tlmes in the past year. Survivors Include her parents; two sisters, Muzette and Mrs. Erma Bullock, both of Santa Ana; a brother, Bill Gosvener of Costa Mesa; and her grandpar ..... Mr. and Mra. B<rt Ch ... of. Sacramento, Mrs. Vera McCarty of Portland, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCorty of Modesto. Statue of Dr. King Set for Cathedral WASHINGTON (UPI) -A statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will be plactd aJongside other church leaders in the nave of the Washington National Cathedral (Epl!COpal). The very Rev. Francis Sayre Jr. said the cathedral's scu1ptor1in·residence, Carl Bush, would carve the 30-inch statue. King preached in the cathedral last March 30, four days before his assassins· lion. 'I Talked to God' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -AcUng President SJ. Hayakawa sent certified letters today to the San Francisco State College facuJty in an attempt to identlfy striking teachers. Hayakawa's move came on the recom- mendaUon of the council of academic deans and as a preliminary to a court hearing involving the Amerlcail Feder&· tion of Teachers. The session was schedu1ed for 2 p.m . The union wa!I ordered to ahow cause In superior court why a temporary in- junction banning lta atrlte shou1ct not be made pennanent. Presiding Judge Edward F. O'Day is.!ued the order a week ago aq_d striking t~achers face possible fines ind anest for violations. They also face loss of their jobs under provilions of the state educalion. code which declares five straight days of unauthorized absences consUtuW an automatic resignation. Hayakawa asked the teachers in bis letter to fill out enclosed attendance forms. President Gary Hawkins cf U.e Arr Local 1352 urged facuJty members to Ignore Hayakawa's request. Cbalnnan Leo McClatchy of the Academic Sen.ate also announced his oppos!Udn. "I think it is a demeaning devict," said Hawkins. "We are profeuiooala:. Thi• is ju!t another kind of loyalty oath." McClatchy said he would place the Issue before the Academic Senate's next meeting. He said he opposed the request an "the same principle as the loyilty oath issue against which we fought years ago." Militant leaders of the lG.week student strike Monday contradicted reports of possible peace moves. Tbty accused Hayakawa of "trying to tamper with the internal affairs" of the Black Students Union. Miss Ann Petroski rests Monday alter being freed by St. Louis pollc• who said she had been nailed in a closet tor live days without food or water. lnveatigators said the 57·year-old woman was held prisoner by a part time handyman who worked for her. She said she prayed for her release. ' I Hayakawa met with BSU member Roscoe Blount last week in what was described as a major effort lo solve the problems which have resultod In dissenaioo and violtnce on the 11,00'ktu· dent campus since Nov. 6. strike leaden told a news confertnee MoodO)' that BIOUD~ a graduate lltudmt, '\wasn't a representative of the BSU or the Third World Uberation Front The two minority groupa called the walkout In support of 15 "non-negotiable" demands on tbe administration. Jerry Varnado, BSU representative on the cenlral committee, denoune«I. the Hayakawa·Blount talks. He said the Negro group "wants to assure our sup- porters that there have been no t&lis and no meetings" between the college admlnlstration and the BSU. From P .. e I MURDER. • • and pasaengers, lf any, grabbed the colllllon with another. car. Her car was scratched sllghUy and a couple of parta fell off to be ICIWld later by pollce at the point of Impact. She drove on toward death a few hwxlred yards from the accident scene. Apparently the other car drove up beside her and caused her to stop one way or another. She apparently got out of her car and walked up to the other car same 20 to 30 feet away, police believe. . U thla theory is correct the driver, vicUm lo anger and sluhtd her badly. She managed to twill away from ·the death grip and reel back: toward her car. She didn't make it. A search of the area turned up a blue sedan which shows evidence of a recent collision, officers said. lnslde the automobile, found at 21st Street and Olive Avenue in a deserte<! arta of oU tanks and pipelines, oUlcera dllCovered blood opatlerl on the front 5eat. steering whet! and gear shift lever. The car was traced to Miss Dinger at her apartment and officers arrested Mias Dinger and Coatney on murder charges about four houn after the: crime was committed, according to the police. Funeral services for Mrs. Markee will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Hillside Chapel at Rose Hills Memorial Park. Whittier. Burial will follow at the me- morial park. Family members said that Mrs. Markee had lhret sons and two daughters and thal the family doea nol wlah the names of the 10ns and daughters nor family history dlvulged. Bandit Pleads To Lesser Count A Westminmr man ac.'alled of btln1 one of two bandlb who he1d up a servlce ataUon In that city last Sept. 10 baa pleaded guilty to reduced chargea in SUt>erlor Court. Judi• Robert Gardner acotpted the plta of Edwin 'nleodon: White, 19, that he wu an acceaaocy in the '34 holdup of the HUdson Service Station, ?Ml Westminst.er Ave. He dilmilMld wife" charaea of armed robbery and ordered White to serve three years probaUon. White '• accomplice In the holdup. Richard Dlamoad Roubedeo.._ JI, of lJ>ll W1Umette Aw., Watmlmter, it !ICbeduled to rotum to court Feb. I ,,.. M!lletlcini-Ha baa pleaded l!Jllty to -d-anned robbery. J. l -. .. tt...:;:;;::;,i;;;~:.;::;,...;-;,,;;-~--;;.. ............................................................................... ...:;... .. .,.~.-c;..;;"'"Z>:l~:t • ~X....-t·•- ' I • ' I I l t I ' ' For the Record BALT"l MORTUARIES Coron• del M•r OR S-N51 COita Metia t.fl l-:U4 BELL BROADWAY rtfORTIJARY tit Broadway, Cotta ~ten u WU! DILDAY BROTHERS Huotiaato1 Vllley MorU!ary 1'7tll Beach Blvd. Hv.adnrton Bui:b au.mi PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Clme"'7 • Mortuary Cll1pel SSM Pacllle View Drive Newport Bf:aeh, Callfonfa l«-%780 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FIJNEllA!. HOME 7191 Bolu Ave. W•lmiucer IQ.WI SMml't MORTUARY 117 Mu SI. RD.._._. LE Miit WESn:LIFF slORTllARY 411 E. 11111 at., Cllll r.iaa - - Marriages Lieenses LAS VEOAS, Hrt, -,,.,.rrl ... license, 11.!Ufd 1'1~1 lnc:ludt: OKI!~··' SNOW-WATTER S, GI,., I"., 11, 'If 201Jl H1rbour h~ •nd Sl'ltlTle l ., 11, al T0111ftl Sf., bofh ef Hl,lllfl.,,.,., l••ci'I. PEACHEY-FULLER, 01"1!11 l., 15, ol' 'ltll Ci.rk, l1t11M llHdl -L~ M., 1', ol' 1563 W. 1111 lloed, An11'1elm. MOlllGf<N·l"OllCE, llUS!ie" M., 3', o1 fflt l rvc:e Cresg:nl, ......_, IHd'I "'" G.r11d~ M., tt. of 210G Pe~f"IOll W1y, Cosl• Mna. lAUOIS-SMITHLEY, Jol'ln M... n. ol' 16'7' Te,rtl SI. 1NI c ... ..,1 l., 1•. of 16'71 T 1 r r t I SI., bclh Of Fwn111n \11!1r1". JllLEY-WARO. ROllert J,, lt , fJI n20 Or111M _,.., J11rir.r R.. lL ti UI S.1111 lwbe~ bot!\ of Colhl ~- .. .. 20th ANNIVERSARY SALE ''NEW MARKDOWNS'' FAMOUS HAND WOOL DOUILI KNIT$ 30°At AND 40°/o OFF SK IRTS, PANTS, TOP'S, JACKITS & IWIATIRS SPIC! lltOWN, WILD HONIY, ELICTRIC ILUI, Plll:E llED VASSARmt PANTIES IUY THRU AND SAVE! 1.00 Brief ---········-··-···-··-·············· i 12.4S 1.25 Brid ···-···········-·-·-······ .. ·········· i 1i.1s 1.15 Tnlnk .......................... , _________ :1/2.IO 1.35 Med. Leg ···················-··-··-·-·· .. ;a1i,40 1.65 Tia"ht ... ························-·-·····-·· i /4.25 SALE PRICED MARTEX TOWELS 2.50 Rath --········--··································· 1.ff J.50 Bath ·····-····················-·········-······-2..50 1.50 Hand .............................................. 1.2' 2.00 Hand .......... . ..... ····-· ···---1.7t ACRILAN BLANKETS -REDUCED ! ! ! ]6.98 20.98 10.98 80''x90" ............... , 1.1.tl 90"xl<ll"' _............. . ..... , 22-tl "Nltht 5-nt" Thwmo1I 80''x90" .......... ,. ....................... '·'' MEN'S NO.IRON SLACKS ..... I.SCI, tAO, IUO.. a 11.M Plald1 & Plaln Coltn. Sln1 2t te M, 40 MEN I. IOYS' SWV. TtltS Cardlt•"'-Pull•.,.,.. s,.mhlrt• -.. L..., a lhwt SIMVH Turtleneck Knrt Shim NOW SHOP OUR BARGAIN TAILES Loclln Sportsw..,, Dreun Skirts, Pants, Joe.km 2.99, 5.99, 6.59 40°/o to 50°/o REDUCTION °'" Dolly t:J0-6, r.lday 'lij,J..p.m, P'al'k C.WMlle"tly in Oor ltMr lntry P'arkrnt MASTU CHA.RSI AHD CARTI ILANCHI • IN COSTA MESA IT'S DEJtA1'TMltNT STOl\e 111' NEWPORT ILVD. IANIC AMIRICAll:D AND OINIRS CLUI J LEGAL N~CE LEGAL N011CE ..... .. ··-, . .. ,. , I j/ • JO DAILY '1lOT !Hl ~Consume1· Buying ~-Wor1·ies Economist .. , .. SAN FRAN~ISCO (UPl) - Economist Walter Jloadley iuggesb U>ett Is a potentially dangerous "new dimension " in • the C\lrrent Inflationary spiral , "in this country. The executive vice president and chief e<.'Onomist of the Bank of America said in an intervitw the new factor is the apparent willingness or consum~rs generally to pay rapidly increasing prices. ••Traditionally, the LEGAL NOTICE .,,. ttu MOTICI!'. TO C•t:OIT0115 IU,1!•1011 COUit OF THI! STATE 01' CAl.IPOllNIA l'OR THJ: CDUMTT OF Oft.I.NOE Nt. A-6124' RALPH It. CARHART, American coDJUmcr reacted to higher prices by saying: if that car is 50 dan1ed much I'm not going to buy IL I'll wait until It gets cheaper;' J!oadJty said. 1'bls attitude helptd bring prices back in line. Now, he said, "we have seen for the first time a slight indication that people will buy in the face of inflation." NEW AmTUDE The economist said the United Slates h'as not had ex· perieoce with this psychology which is "characteristic of the rampant inflation in other parts of the world." Hoadley said the new at· titude was one of the marks of the younger generation. "The average American is 27," he said. "He has no con- ception of the reverse of in· Tight Cash ~Hits Small ' .Businesses • ~. j • - ~=)Mith .... c ... c~:! =I Mlt• i... c .... c':'f. A -A--'-. .. .. l:::"l~l ~ . fl.. ii· ::-:: m&.":~";l! :\ ::" ::. & !c £ n. .'.Iii: ~ I ·~ i :t.11 ~' f!<:U 'll ~ U\I ~~ =·~ NEW, YDA<:.r.:I I• T---~ !. • t : I :r. .!! B\, "" ~. = .,~ Me. , ri; ' Ill~ "'lcM: A U. -\i IUOU I ti if'v. ~ ~1 + • • ._ Mtt .-,11'1 r JO ~ ~ \!Jo -1 i.ofJl.i h• Ito tt~· ~ JI~ .+ 11 t,.,),111"' '-a.<• tl:1"' J.J, 1Sof u 1itYI lt1, + tt Ol1'tb-ei; }:~ t ,Jtt ~~ '4~ :.· · ~Mftll 4: ti.a v. A -I' ._. 5o1..-tor ss ,,. 1>'4 ""' -• ~~l 'n.· ~~ !ili Im f!ii A<oitM ·~ii"~· ~ll' ~ ~g'1 .. iS''-:r:B 3 llli llj n f:::1' =rl~ 3t ~ t ~::!~:"' .1 ... 1., 'J.ir~-~ sr~ .,. i~~, w P+,~. By l!IYLVlA PORTER All Mlm~ 16 1~ iri: I ~ i = ~~w i'-afZO 1~ 1 ~' +·111 ~,..:::" :J 11 pjt im ~ =·t:· Today wlllih up l1'tls series =~ ..11 ~ " l!,. 1"' -.,. AW .1 I. i1c ,q"' " ~con E41• 1.tc1 lSJ ~ ~ .., + 'i • of f l des' At!MLll.,C 1 31~ s~ f \.\ g~ t1~ ~ ia I ft :!: "'&:e311 ..,, 10 1cn1t 101 l -1.-expl~~~ :u:7otgabtg~ lh~~:l~'f. 14 *~ ~rl'I ~!:\.~ ~.I 41nU1r1~.:is!i(;on~1J~4 '~1 ~ Sl S~l1~: Federal 0 ---rve Sys'·m's new ~~tr.•,•, 'U l:t' lm 1~ -~ =~11e ~ 3tn~g\t »hl.\J~"+ l: ~.,;F~~ 1 • 11'\4 109'i'I 1100j, tn: 1~ ..:-,._..,.,. lM ll ~ ~ +1¥. An1$11d t:~ 11 'ii 50\.lo V. \4 Cdrtla/lt l U lMlo ~ !It ·· • light money Policy and the ~lf:f~: .w: ~. ~ .~ ~ :!: 1: ~ l;SO 11f ~ nl'I ~ ~ s.::-~.:: ~ m: Yt? 11~ ~ '·~ ge~rally st~pped·up flgJ1t ... ~·:::t~~.~ ~ ~ .. ,,b ~ttt~r"1.U 11~ Uv. ·~'E "'if~~~:=t~ ,~1A v~ ~ ~i' ~ ag••••t lollat·-~ u • liv. "' u ..... <:lltnl u ll 13 "'ColltAlrL .50 1•t 2N 2H11o n\'t ~! ....... ...... ... I 1'.Jt I• 1-. 3S-351.\ -" ti I.Of :w )t 31 ~ lV. Cont C•~ J 20 IS "" ~ ui: "" Q. How will tight money"" Mll!n 1t ~ ~ = =:t~~o.<J.llljn.a ff~ a...,,4;,.~c~'tp/3:~s I~~ ~\.t ~111o:.::,,.. affect housing? :UJ:n~1 .~ no ~ """' ~~ +1"' A111Put11vo' st 2S ''""' + ~ lcn1 co:"..,! iu n '' "" -~ A SO F !.-··-AIU.OPd f,f ;t I tov. """ M'4 -"'Ar181u. CIS .to ltt ~ ~ -V. contCf ptt.SO :io. ,, MIV. 61 -1 . AR. llw.Pling ls dolng AUlldSlr I.... 11 M\t 15" ~ -Hll ArfMO $11.J ,, 5'~ ~ ~ +1~ CtMll ~y ft 26 nv. 31h 22111 ···v. fine: mortgage money ts still ~ltl:"c':.1.:' ~ u~ = ~~ :i:-~ ~ :... 11' ~~ ~ ~ + l'o c:: :::' ;. • ,r. m; i: Jt t "" available at a pnce andl.lllh1Pc .1oe 'i1 ~ r.~ nl*"'~-~=11-?,ll 111: ~:: Jm ~:Z=1~S:l~/1 ':'2 ~ ~ ~ ~+~· h•mebuye-·-m t b ~ ;3:. 11• 1s ,.._ s +~..tin c.. -" ' 1"11 mi. Jt\to · •• ~°"' 1t1 61 • 2s-25\io u14 +. 111 " • '" ........ O 'Am.ttsuf 1.60 J 316'llr 36111' ~ + 1,1, •' ''"• 1 1 »* a• 3N +"eon'"'' oii. "'° n1~ 1nv. lJm +•'ii becom'"• ac•••t•med •-the ·~c ao 10 ,571.\ 56'4 SM Iv. All! .ou .:ID -~ .io ~ -.,., c rrwoc1 160• 10 '° 39 ll'"--\Is --o """' u W ....., • 1'. )3\lt )31't 3$ ¥o AltlOU "'1."1 1 ID IO IO +l Cool Colt . 5C ll .a!Jo " 39\t. -~, steep pMce. But if credit ·~ 1 pi\:~ 11 st SJ'lllo • "'A•d 1.-u 1~ 1s11o 1.sv. -"" ~'1" loo • •1'\IJ •7'4 .,,,. -v. •fnln(1 3 ;tl23 10Pt l•V. IOI,,_ 'Ill ~sld 00 1.to 2t ~ ~ M'M + ~ -r TR. l :11 ttl" U~\ U* + ~ tightens further, which b P* M1tFn1r ..., 12 '!! »l'I :131'1 'Vi ""'Soe 1.20t> s »,,.. 11'¥1 31. -v. -T •fl.)J 10 ;ti\ 1m 2m -,,. babl th · bou Nrr Al u ao 11l :M 331'\ ,. +.,., A1'4lian .40 12 lfl" 1m 15-\\ t 14 _Ind 1 ?t ' 40 m. •• e, e squeeze IS nd Am 9~~ · 1 •s 29 2sv. u .... .us c1nv 1 . .111 • 31'• 36 36111 I\ 0001101 .~ it 4'4 .,... .,.. + ''I. t t d buildi ·-Bi. tf r I 1 JGl.1. ~ 3'!'I -.. """!wn 1.60 51 32"' 32.... 31l'& 1.-l oPWISI 1.70 I] 7Sl'J 1ru. j51'i _ ,_, o c~ own ng. Aftiada.r t_60 12 6114 ":i.1. ,,.,,, j I'> Aldll• .,, .so , 10.,.., 10'4 10\lo -~ t:Ol'lfllhB .»> ,.,, '"'"' Mv. '"' + ~' W·th ample m 0 rt g • ' , • ,, w.·. S6'1t. 5'1'1 ""'AllCIYEI 1.:» n :78 tN ,. -14 Co•" Pd LIO tl •iv. ~· •1'4 -~. ' age ,.m '" . J iri' 2'"• )J ... tlCEI Qf5.11 , 116 lU'" 115\lo -11'1 CorGW 1.~ ,, 2'11 27' 216 .. -\• money, homebuildina would be~~"',:,!. ~1o1 "' 11•1 111'1 11~ v. Atc:11ve1 p1' iuo MU. '6'11 .. .,, -"'CorQnl! ,,.., ,3 lD ""' mi. -~• ~-e Ch.II 1611 11 :17\., :it 3'\lo A.ti lil:ld> lA' J'S 108\a 106~ 107 Cowt.J 5CI l' 151\o U\li 1Sl'o + \'t securely on the way to a ~·m~ ;..si 6 1' 11,,... 11v.-·"" 11R1ctrld w n1111 1os 1~ +lV.CoicBm·, .50 • ss ss ss + v.-Ameredn tO jl) 1~ ,,,, tS\.'f + \I. AllRCfl pf3.JS zno 62 61"1t. 61'4 + I" Cr1ne 1.60b ?"! 5'\~ "" S2\li -+" nation -which scars the en------------------------ tire older generation." 2 000 !JOO.a-year level and all · 1 3 :m~ n:1o1i + ,,, .1.11 Rlct. pt J •1 183-\li 111Wo 111.,.., +1Vt c'""'pw;n ·'° " ?J•• 111:. 73\'o ~\ ' ' • ACrvSll~ 1.4 1~4 69 11)\lo +Ill ,t,lllllc~ pl wl 10' 10 t.91'1 70 -~; CrO<'teHln lb ~Ii l'llo 32~0 32\11 -•ti. out boom . But a mortgage ~~v:n tif 11.: ~~~ ~~~ ~~ J. :% ::i:: ~~;ID 2~ 1f-• 2I~ ~ ~.h E:"fC0~1 -~' 11~ j~~ ~::t ff~:;~ money pinch must SJOW the AmDkl 1..IOli 1~ 17'0 11~• 16\9 _ ""Auror~PI .1' 11 19:11o ll:U 19"t + >\ lr°""' Cork It 1l 12'1< 72'A -t't LEGAL NOTICE ffDTICE (IF INTENTION TO ENGAGE ' IN THE 5ALE OF ALCOHOLIC: S'tVEllAGES J1nu.&t¥ I, 1Mt Te Whom II Mav Cancorn: , S•bloct "' 1uueni:e cl tM nc•Me "°1>111ltd fer, nol!ce Is ht~bt" 111.-en the! !ht uf>d~rslirnf'd l>l"OPO~ ltl •ell altQl\e!I<; t>twre'6 ti !tit oremlJes, descrlbtd al fo!JoW\: I 1700 PllCtf'llil. Cacst1 MfSI !INl . Pursu1nt lo 5\l(n !"!tnllon, Ill• un· j:lersl11n<!d 1$ 10PIYl"9 to 11-.e DtP1Mm<!nt 81 Akollollc B~r1go CO!lh'ol !Cr ltwance JIY 1r1n1lrr cf lf'I alc(lllllll~ bevtrave llCf!llf (or llcrnwsl lc.r l~tst" orem\se1 IS loll""": · ON SA.LE GENERAL (PUBLIC PREMISES) ' AnVOM dnlrln11 lo protest lht hs11ance Cf svth l~nUOl m1¥ Ille I verllled P<"Ot.•I wl"' 1nv ofllc• of -Dep1rlmfnl t11 Alcaholk: Bewreoe Control. wH~ln 30 d•ir't cf lt>t o:lllt ~ Prwmeci premllf'I .,..,, flrsl JIOSted, slallf'l9 ll"X!!"ldl for ~"\11 1s ~rovldfd br l1w. The prl!f"lSH #'I fWIW lkfnied for ""-11~ of lkol>Ollt '-'vt••vet. The lotm cf vtrlflc1llon mar J,r atot1lnec:I from anv -olllc• of ll'le ~trlm'""'M1rct1 Moer1seman • j>yb111Md OrA"llf CHS! Otllr Pi le!, J1is.11l'Y u. 1Mt se ... t LEGAL NOTICE l'..Jtl11 CERTU•ICATE OF eusulf.SS FICTITIOUS NAME W hi J e depression-scarred parents are still dominant in the economy, they are an ever-dwi ndling m in or i I y , "Younger wcple are ac· cepting inflation in a way that the previous two generations could not,'' said Hoadley. ''The younger people. for very understandable reasons. d1> not fear it. The older people do.'' Today's young generation also has affected" the country's ~no my in another way, Hoadley said. "We have a greater concern as a nation about the qua Ii tat i ve dimensions of life. The pro- blems which confr1>nt us now concern such things as peace. They c 1> n c er n motivation, morals, culture, confidence and many other qualitative aspects of life." REBELUON ~ --- The rebellion of America's young, he said, "is.much mor~ a rebellion against the success of the estabf.shment, not against its failure." Young people realize they cannot easily surpass their fathers in ways of making money but can surpass him "in the qualitative dimensions." The Bank of America expert anticipates t~t government restraints on the economy ear· ly in 1969, including the new heavier Social Security and income taxes and tighter federal reserve policies, v.·i!I put the brakes on inflation. "\.\'e still assume fiscal and monetary policies will have a restraint," he said. "lf they d1> not, then we've got a new ball game in which the momentum and t h e in· flationary psych1>logy a r e going to build up a terrific head <lf steam and lead us into an adjustment that we are not going to be happy with. "For the rn1>men\, we"re belling that it will be checked. but we're n1>t so c1>nfident v.·e'd lay 100 to I on it.'' Missile Pact , ,.1', \mderslgnf'd does urti!v ~f h (Q<'dudlnt • bo11neu 11 1921 H•rbor eJvd.. Cosll ~.a. C1tifornle. 11n<ler !hf lkllllou1 !km n&mf of HARBOR tl088YCRA.FT~ ind 1~•1 sa;ct llrm i• c~sed of t~ tollllwl..., perWf', wllc•t 11~1 In 11111 1nc1 <>ltte o! •~iden<;f CAKLAND, CaTl1. iUPl) -la •• fol low1: llot>erl Sikn. isu ~;m 1'11te. Rucker Co. has obtained threc- ·~~::;1j;n~:~'°;~,18im. year contracts totalling $3.5 RoW•• s1k" million to supply components Sith! ol c111tomla, Orenve Count~: fo• Ph;lc~Fo•d's C ". , S . °" J1nu1<Y 10. lftt, bdoro mt, • "' , v-"' " Noi.rv POOllc In •nd lor ... ic1 State, Shillelagh anti-tank missile Mr,ont\IY li>Pf-lr..:I Rot..rt Slk" known "' ~ 10 tie tt.e ..erson whose n•-system for the Army, Is subscrlbed to "" wttt.ln lntlrument•l----~------'----•nc! •ck-~.il M ••Kiiied ~ H-. LEGAL NOTICE (OFFICIAL SEAL} JotePll E. Davi• Not1ry Publlc-Ca!llornla PrlnclPll Offlct In Ortn!lt C:..Un!T SUPERIO• COUllT OF THE STATE OF CALIFO•NIA FOR THE COUNTY OF OltANGE N1, A ... 17M OROEll TO SKOW CAUSE M• c-m!HIO!I E•Pl•t.• June ~1, 1'10 "ublltl\td Dr•"9• COISI D1ilv Pllo!. FOR CHANGE OF N•Mf. J1n111ry u,, 21, 711 tnd Fol>rvll"Y '· In 11\f M1l~r cl ~ APPllc11\an cl ""' S1-H DOROTHY ATTERBUll'f SLITER, lor •---,,-,,,.,-,,--,,:==-:::::---·I (111119e ot Nam•. LEGAL NOTICE WHEllE•S, 1he 1PPllci!lon cf Dorothy •----------~~--IAtltrbur~ Sli!tr le• ch•<111• ol name has bffn dulv llltd with l!'lf cl•rt CE•TIFIU.TE 01" tlUSINESS o! 11111 Count,, and 11 1PPolrln9 from FICTITIOUS N.lMIE wld aPollcahon that stld IPPllC~rrl dttltl'!; TN \lndlrslgn<!d !IQ ctr11ty '""' are 10 have her ntmt ch1n~fll to tho <;ilf>OIK!lnt a buslriess tr 1~ Pl1c&nlia oroPOsf'd namf of Oorctl>J A~orb<ir·" A.ven\lil, NewPOrl Bett:I>. C.lltornla, unOl!r NOW, THEREFORE, 11 Is t.trebv h flclltloln firm na""' or NEWPORT crtk>rf'd 11..i dl•«IM Illa! 111 Pt•«>n• lRUCK LEASING ""' 11"!11 said firm ln!erostf'd In the ..,Id ma!ter cf ch•f'l9t b Olm~ or fl>I lOlklWl"ll ..... SOfiS, ol f'llmf, IPPolr bt!orf lht aboYf tnllHtd w"°51 ntmos In full Ind o1•~• ol C11;1r1. ln Offlarlm•nl J lhtrPQI, Joclll'd •nlcle~ IN ts follows: al 100 Wo1t Ei11h!l'I S1refl. S..nt• Ant, • At'<Clrew Cttl, 1St4 Plactn!lt Av~· C1litorn!1, ;.., "'' 1111 div of F!Ulrvarv, 'Nf'W!>c.rl 8Wd1, C11!1of'nl1 1'6t, •I ll>e hour of 9·lG AM , !hen • Wil(lam L. F•i.<l•uo;•· I.If Prtsldlo ~"" 1/>frf lo sl>Dw uust, !! ·1nv 11\t~ Drive, Cos!• M•••· Cahlornl1 have why tl\e IPP11c.ill0f\ for th•,,.t ·'O.led J1n111rv 11. 19ff 01 nl"'t 1houkl f'IOI be grant..i. And·~ Cecr IT IS FURT!-iER OllOEllEO Thal • Wl!l\t"' l. Fr\fd..lutf C001' cf !his 0..dfr bf PUblishfd In STATE OF CALIFORNIA, !he ORANGE COAST OAll.'f Pll.OT, ORANGE COUNTY. 1 nowi;pa~r of \Tl!'nefll clrculetlotl orlnffod .0.. Ja"'1tl"Y 1~. Im, bfto•• mr. • 111<1 1>11bllsl!NI "' ""' CllT cf Coda Not1ry Public In 1..cl Im uld Stale, Mtu, c11ilornl1, Cll(t oach ~Ii: •or ,....IDftl!IV a~~ Anc!rll"W (Kl and tovr 111cc"•lv~ -kt prior to ltwo d~tr Wllllam L Frledauer kncW1' lo mt Iii ?M l>e~I~ menllO'Oed he1r1,,. of te bf tt.. ""'o'" wr.o.e namft art ... Id 1ppl!c1t/O!I. l<lbtc.rlbtd to ti. wllllln lnslrvmenl Ind Dtled: OK. 13, 1ffl td:~ lt'lt\r Ul'tUl"fll ll>e ... m,. ROBERT P. KNEEi.ANO lO«l<ltl $tlll JUdvt "°'""" IE. D1vlt JOHN W .El!l l'ELDINO, Notarv PIJbllc • CtlHornlt llM o""'" A-· .. Prlnc:lpel Otfla In Ltt Anti .... Call ...... 11 MIU Of"A-C:-tv AH_,, tor l'tllt ..... • M1' CornmlHIO!I ElolroJ T11t1-UlU 4""219 J-"' 1110 nu« •tJbFW!ecl O.-ant'i' c .... 1 0111-r •11o1, Pubtl1tied o""'" c..-11 01lly Pllol. ·~ u. "· ,. al'ld FtbN•l"Y •. 0Kembfr 74, J1. 1t6' •nO JAf'IUll"V lttt ~ 1, u. 1Ht 1!ll-61 Listen, Boeing 7 4 7 Doesn't Sound So-Bad "plrend. !mooa?111o\~~' 1 1,.,. u•\ H\'o _ "' Au$1 w1e11 .60 1 •1\'o ""' dV. -·-~ 0crw~te_,2·.?il .~1 S61.,1 sen "n" -+ ~,! u .. 10 J6.l-'o 3a''o ")6•!. "' AAA h>c .U .. 104 101'~ lOM -'I> rn z .,,4_,,, z, .... n .• Q 1 t. ht l. ""'ElPw LY ,,,. 51 i,;, ,2~ +1\11 A11t5ot!r .Olla 1•5 Js1·, 241·, 39~ +,.... crs CorP .•o 21 26'4 ?S"rt '' -''I . s a lg money Po ICY A Ellk• I.SO;> Jll' . ,, At.rtomln Ind Jl 1 5C1i ,,,,,., +1 Clld<lh¥ Co M 13''• 21, 11'-ii + ,_. fair? ~m,,•,_,, ,•,,~, ,,~ -"~ ~,,,t ::,\ + 1-i. .-.wro eo 1.20 18' •l•• •S 1!"' ·~ !.f. Cudhy 1>t115 t "''• ?i"o 2Sl~ " '"' "" l6., " 1'.' 1 Avco o13Jil 41 '3'11 f11'J '2~ +1 C:u!llgen .21 11 2l'• 13'0 ?l\• + 't A. No! lt is definitely ""'• :J!2!.', ,·•.,, 51 12'f' 21:~ /• + ~ .-.wrv Pd. ·'' 11 "~ .o1>•·1 "'" + ·~ c~mmln .801> 1 38 ... J7>,i, 31'-< -' · • ""'" llf SI>,; Sl,t ~,1_ + Avnet In< '0 71$ u ~J\'t :n~ .+ 'Ill CunnDru~ .10 17 1$'~ 11V> 71'1.~ + ' discriminatory It j s ex· A Home pf 1 11 11 'll(I.., .. Av1111 012 so 11 "65 u5 165 1 Curtin wr 1 '9 19•\ "'·" ,,,,.. + •.:. . Am HOSP .n 11 " l1'" J1Qa t !',~Avon Pd "1 60 ni 1'7 126'h 171'"" + '• Cur!l..sWr WI l ~ ?l'I> ll"'-+ ''-ceed'ngly uola;· t· t h e Amlnvst 1 10 61 2' 71 :u ... . -II-' Curt Wr A 1 • 31\\ JI'~ 31"".I + •1'. ' " u AmMF~ .9o lt' 291/• :!Sf,0 :ll!V. +" Cutelr H 1.10 11 ~'4 39-'• ....... + '~' smallest and weakest among ~: ~I tn' 1'l 1~~ ,ii"" 1tf:+~la l:i.~,"ft. 1:1: :& ~~ ri:;: 1:~~ -i: ~ l;~~~l~ 'i~... ii ~:j M m: '.~. ~ SE ~LE (AP) y 'll Wi. Am Mo!Or$ Hs lffi 1m -Bait GE 1.60 .-! J.4\~ ll'• 33~ _ 1~ -0-A•• -ou past advances in engine design AS MENTI e.1Gp11 ~..so ....... r.i n1~ 121~ -~• · ONED above, itb g•0 ?t RAE2 s111c pfC~ i•o 64 11311 i:i~-;.D•n Riv 1.20 •7 ~• '"'"' 1-™+o(r· know the 747 supe,i"et airliner have ~·'uced qu'ete• eng'nes · B1ngPun1 . .o '' -16~ •J'.~ -16'"' o..,.. CP 2.711 11 4'" ,,,,.. ,,.,, + ~· ,..uu • • • must adversely affect all in· a,.,.,. Pf? '° s1 51 51 -1,..oavcoeo 1.60 111 •P.~ -16>,0 .u>.o-~· by the noise it doesn't make. and that the '",000--·~-volved ; n home-build;ng, M·UTUAL ll11111P pfl.75 -,,' •s 's •s -.,., Dav"" pu.1s 11M 11J'4 112'• n1o:e + .,._. "W l"""..,.. ' • Barb011 J.lDI ~ '"'° 67'/o 6t\lo +l:it Oav PL 1.S1 1 ].j~ 3.11'1 :U'IO .•• Th B · C nd P•att thr t h p bu;lder bu ··'l nd Bard cr:i 1s " •n• •t +1,,. OPL PIA3.75 z160 '' 60'0 ~o; .... , e oemg o. a • us orsepower & W • S. yen, ....., ers, a a.sic lf'lc :10 1o 1,.,. 19 • .., 19,,., _'•Dee•• co ' rn .Wl 5S'I• SSlll -'4' & Whit t 't ffiany !'n °';S '•cJustry sh ld R1slc iH 2.50 1100 ll'4 4!l.!i 41>r. + '" ~O Pwll 1.0I H ?Siio 15 25 -'.i. ney guaran ee I • engines probably will Wilow >v• '"'' ou FUNDS 11•1n M'9 6 16'• 16 16 _ ~ el Mntc 1.10 lt 34'4 "'"' Jm + •.ti. h• be helped •~·n housm· g WR 8atll Ind lit 6on; 59~ 6S +N Oolta.-.lr .0 11 l4>t JJ'n J.41,. + "' A Boeing sound researc er suit. · "'..: S 1·111 tnd p1 s s u1 ur 1!5'A+1'"• 8"m Mia ·"° XI '-"'" "'I• U\•..., 111 says the huge Passenge• forced inti> a -lla~ durlng •u•chLb .llCI 5' ssv. s.·~ ~5 _ ,~ ... !~nyi111 .~ l'!)l 11 Js>,; JJ +1'4' • Th 747 ·11 be b'ect t ... v ,....¥ ~ ut•Lltb 11 n .00•4 :iqo,• 3'l'I (! ...,.,,sy 1.20.i 11 .U'• .16Jtr "~ + .,... Plane's no'se level w;ll he "ob-e WI su J o the credit squeeze of 1966, M••ca~:ra;:«!DP" e1vu~c1g :50 10 19l!I-1'''> 1,1, +:1~ DonRGr 1.10 u n 1• ,1,,. n + !Ji, . • . I s,arlnos .II) I jll\ J~'--i ~ + ..., Deerco I>/ 8 • 69(1 Ill '"' +. t •• vi1>usly l1>wer" to the ear than new noise regu ations pro-hundreds of other lni;Justr1es J1n, u 1~~"' Gr011~: , ... 111111 Fds .12 3• 11 16•• n + 1 \:!_!So,,!p.trn:, .tO 6 11 :J.1•t 36\.\ -\) h di r l . Mui 11.01 I.,... Btck 1>tcld 1>0 1?6"'° 129'-I 116>1 """' "" •·'° 51 W• 1~''> 1t'i + ,.._. -for example _ today's 7ffl posed by the FAA and ~d ar y et ·the pinch. NEW YOIJ:K IA.Pl StGC;k 11.11 ?l.66 Bw.man .}() " lfl'h .is•i •9'h +1,~ oet Ed i>IS.50 '103,., 101•-t 10'!•< .. • lt '11 lfull 1. -Tht fcUcwlno .. uo.-Se!t-d •.u1a.os Sectono .:i.l• n t.:1 61 63 + ,,, ~·' sree l.bO 15 13'4 1"\• 2Jli + u.. l·etliner by Congress bul the company Wt unmerc y pena 1ze · n •uo lied t>v V1• •~v • t.19 e ... chA•r Js t6 St>\ Jt J9 _1 .... ., •• _019 s. "'°"' 3'1'4 "°'' +lr. · ' the smaller businessman wh" :~a N'iuat11f As~GC;I· •nv Rnh 6.01 6.rt Belco Pet .so •6 ,6~:. •s•to ...; -+ ,,. g1•1Flf'l~i" ,.50 J8 111~ 11•~ 11•~ _ ~-, On takeoff, he said, the did ot h th th " tton o1 $11C11ro!lti 111e1 11.1171.7~ Ber Htm .10t1 :n " ~ ... J9 +1 •m "' •. eo 61 "" ,9., ,91, +P'l eng;ne •ear w;ll be 6.5 dec'•·ls n say w e er e pro-is a marginal cust"me• Be;•g "1e11or1. '"'·• J" ivttt JAN i.~.s,1 Reid H~m wi 1 16 1• '' -".~,",~'"', ,•.,•o 106' lJ'~ 37'• 33 -'•' • • • ,uo;: v '· "' Nie prlcn 11 wtich Ivy "·· llt!I How .40 15 61''• u>;, ,y•~ -1-1 >-1 " P ~llo (•'·• u1~ + ''o• l"we• than the 118.,. dec;•-ts posed standards are consider way down the list of favored the.. ~t~•HesJoMslf'I 116J1L6lBtH 1n1ttcon :ia is« 1•'• 15,_+·~8!•S pf01.10 19 n "'' ,2,•-~•· v 1 •I.le h nd ed · tovkl hevt-bft" KeY1to"" Fu~os : l\emhCo 1.60 ? 70 1~ 7'0 _ ·~ ••naSt .t?O 1' 17•~ 16'• 16'ir -'~ the 707 produces at 820 feet w en sou ·r ucmg com· borrowers, the s-m a·! I er t01o:1 tblo1 « b<>l!lr"' cut e1 10 • .0 n.ll Bondi• L"l 30 ~~ -'S'·~ "l4 + ,.. gj~~~g°" .mi.., ~1 :M\la u 2•1• + , ~nenls we•e deS;gne<f f the b · • Bid But B1 21.1<173,18 Beno:llx"' J S 76llr 75''1 16.llo +l"o O!OJ .· ..., l1\'I ~ •1V,-+1'' Jtit d r"' 1 ' Or USIOessman may not gel a Aberdlle~ J.01 379 Cus 8• lD.'.17 11.21 Bt"ffFln 1.6' l>J .,,.. •J•-i '8V, + ''• OIGtorqio ,·ii 31 3''0 Jl>t Jl>o + ~II. a,,..\,~ e.Ann_ -p>o••_ng•• _,,7_ -~ 747's four JT90 engines. loan at all. !?tr1\~~ til 1i:: l~: ~~ '·Ma1!:8 g:~~F s::~.l8 r16~ 1~,~ 1~~ 1~~ +l'h g1111~~m0 :J.S ~ ~f~ ~;; ~n: t ~:· ~· ~ ......,._ .., ,.,_,, ~ -"fii-e--Ba·e-in-g .. sotrnd ----..f -·o ~ -1 -... u ....... ~ 1..0 UJ1-1--unav111a..-.v--~··'"'-1~--1 • ..,..·.:...,., \11~1;1-~~i} --1 ll --.U...-~1 _-,w __:.. twice as powerful as the 707 . 1 w1 compe postponement Algh• 11.5-i 10.10 ~· s? 11.J113_.s e ... tutt 1n 1-M 1sv:. ui.;. 111:. 0117"' c 1 2 H4 SJ D -1 • -is scheduled for delivery researcher sa1d a . person on or many municipal projects ~cl~, t~ i:~ c~! ~1 1:r'l! 1~:U ::~:, l'pr.o n 1f2 lliz ~n: ~:-? +p-o1n:"rc1 ~5Cb n ~~~ ~t~• ~;;~ '.: ~' lhe ground comparmg the 707 1~:hich a'e desperately d d Am o;v1n 1l~1i·a PQlar>t !.9S 6." Ber~ !11 1.60 ?46 31'\0 J1 li'" + .~ 8i!f'c-aq·J<\b,0 ~~ n · 11 n 1·, + t!-l1> airlines late this year. More d h ll •' nee e Am Grth -• . Knlckb 1.46 t.1111;Th••• .60 u 3, Jl\4 Jl•1:o v. 0 P • 4d\\i 1s•1o "" + '' than 150 a•e on ""der and an 747 <lVer ead could le by America's little fell•ws !"' Min~.. 1t·~~ 1~·~J Knick G1h 11.41 u.5'1 11ckOk 1.65 , 51:111 S1'l S7'4 +to ~~r~ -~g ~~ •,1,. 4S>,0 ., _, • the C•mpany expects I" P""-e J erence in noise eve. IT WILL HURT the C"liege Am •,-3.ll ·•1 l.e• RJCI! 11.•s 19.2' &lie Bou 1.50 11 ~ M'\ 31,,.. = o;, o....n,11 .u:O "l,1 i:r, 11,~ ll~·, _ 1 • •• th d'ff · · I l u • '"'"' v• -3·8 L••lnot 11.2917.:U lbs Law 1 s 79-'<:r "'~ 19•• ll DomFd --J,. 16 7614 + [ v u '"' H 'd that th• 147, l nd·. , v Am at n LlbtttY a.01 1.15 8ol!bl• 11r, 131 iji' lt•o 111-h +H'o 0 •v . •P~ '''' •1·~ + · ducesome •~ofthesupe·i·ets esa1 s a mg boy ·and girl and the'""nc11orc Grwi:~'-'11 LlfeSrk s.•6 s.t7 Boe1~11 1.1o 1n .,.. .ssi'f 55\'• o'/:' gi•ver 113"'0 n•; 13 •• +1 • ~ ' ap h d J l ld · • " •• · · Life ltlv 1·11'1 l.M Sol''•• 2517 J)1 6S oiS"lo \' Do vt r~rp 8 35•,, 3'', 3S\, + 'n less••--r~·· yea•s. proac soun eve wou parerii.. seeking' college !•ans Grw1h i:·~l~Jt Unu .98 t.11 !los.C pf1 .10 1 w 15 16 +i • 0 w~m 1_40 111 16 n•,, " +tit. • UliUI """ ' be 11 5 d ·•-]s I th th ... u • Inv · Loornli Sivia SoM Sirs l 20 s1 v, 31 31 \lt + :ii, 0,.. " 1.~ lJ .c&·~ •.$'.i. •6•' _.~ A test flight SCheduled late.. . . ec1uc ess an e This 1-· nf ~A .... ,..we• •anks Fd Inv 10.1' 11·~ Fd': BOOIF.Mtt. 1.21 1 33,,_ :r.r'"" 33,~ 1,, 0-. .. ,1nc1 i . .io :xrJ •o•tr •c '°I': + '.l • 707' 1205 nd that t bot .Jt""" v UU••v 1 • "51odald 1.63 "" (aMd Sj08o12Dll!lord~n 1:!0 ~1 ~3,11 :1J>. 33, + • "ssr IH7.10 '•1 o16'i 41 +~-thism<>nth "shouldteJlagreat s ··~ a a_u even lower than the sman....,,•Hd°"f!'"fit•." '""1 1:11 1i17Bor9War"i.U :i&~33,Zu··+~8;~~•P182 ll•n:.41 "'~+, deaJ about the SUCCess Or 40() feel altitude -engines businessman ~r°nd B, SO,'nl~.t7 M:;';,~\n li~J:~ ~~7: fOI ~ !llt m~ ~'1! -· O~~,!·ut..: ;J ~:z .: ~:~ :j:" ~~ failure 0 f sound-reduction cut back for landing -the At the · . tight i~~" f:# 1:H ~~! ~7g 1t 4e :~ ::rrn~•1J.. ?' 'r4 1•·~ 2~t + ~: ~~~ f,~ :~ 1~~ ,n~ ,, .. +1~ favorable noise red UC t j 0 n m"ney' W;liSad~t"" timm~;e than l~°l!!d ll:~1~:n ~a;:. Tr '::~~-fl a:r&J'~jr •. ~. ..:, h~ ~f~ ~f,! ~ ~ ~~-~~~: ~-jg t ~~ ?~:· 1~1~ =1J, techniques in the aircraft's would b 11 d "bel v , • u uu u• Boods1~ 1. u ,.JO Mitt> '15 n :lj·i1 6 Iii 1 · .s::i~ S3 SJ + v. D11Q Lr 1 66 S6 30,"' ""'• ~ -:-J' design . The B~ing s;;~es~an said ·annoy the top-rated giant bor· t:~'t 1~J~ lo:~ ~~.P~vt 1~1~ 1h: ~:~:,,xi 1Jf~ ..,~ ~m r,;: ~1~ :)":1..,. g~QL~1Z'·1: ;~ 1;; ~~ :u•o -'·• While the Boeing CC>. has yu · rower Even 8 percent money I road sr. 1'·9'1 1'·1"' M~Y c 1• 3611 i6 ~G: '\A ' '1'" '1'" '''"' -'• oa 'rsptl a1 i i 0 i<o 31~~ w-. + •i' "ltaranteed the airlines the the sound-reduction techniques sinks .. cl t the 4 t $~1ir-: l~-J¥ H·~ MOOOV's p 16 ,,;., Bri>'Wn Co. ff n~ ?~:~ n:· + \, gvmo.ln .5.!1 l ~1 n~ ~~ ~ ..... + ·,:.;'. are 8 r@suJt Of more than • •.:, ~ O .percen c·n~<!i!f'I l~::~rf~ ~,;:::: ~=: i~~S~~O '1 i' 1"2>1 77'• 27'~. ' rna Am -40 !2' 21 2•~i 261> +~· noise will be ·less with the five yea•s' ··csea•ch category on an after..f.ax cost c::::: ~~ 'a:J1 9:u Grwth n.1i H.10 sw"~ '1'.5C 1.~ 1f:~ ~f}~ lj,/ -: • -E·F-· 747 d th · k • • • · b ·s If · t c,n1 Shr univbl lncom •.fl '·~ 81u.lllWlck S9S 16'• 1~, 1 ! -,' E•al,Pch .lo J~ JP' J1 :rt>,; + l: -an e engines-ma er,---'-----------as1 , a pro1ec appears e~~""'"" Fvno,: '"'"/ s.10 '1.!(l !uck?r~ 1.10 •1 1111:. 71.~ 1f.• t ,• E~'! Air .so 60 n11, ,,~,, 1:ro. _, . Pratt & Whitney, has made profitable, the big corporation p:)::nsrk 'l:~ lj:U ~!~ t!.~n '!:!t'~:~ ~& ~. 1..~~ ~~ ~~;· ·~:~ ~;l -6 ~:i/i"su"~~ ~~ ~~,,, ~~;~ ~h +,' · a similar guarantee lo Boeing will go ahead, and if fhis C·,~~~ 1 n :ll ~ %?~~ if:~~1t\i ~~ ~Q :J ~ 1f.~ 1::· 1;-~ =1~ ~"-K1~;~ 1i8! 1~~ ~I.~ 29 .... mt -~ -the only testing to date is a prime borrower lenders SP<iti~1 3:5' 3.9'1 ~~ fhr•, 2~·t! 1,t.t' Bvdvor 1" :" 40 191; 19 ' n;·; + , Eaton'fa i.«1 31 31 ~ ~ + 1 • C~•st Grouo: " rus ·"" · • Buu F"~' ! 1 l4 ·, '""' 3,, + ,• E~uco Ir.a 1 14 sa>e 511, ~7\olo + '4 has been at stationary stands will supply the credit. (Fur.c11 1Jl·tl1B·~; ~;,Aw~~~ llffj~·{~ e,u1ov~ .aeti ?• 4\<., ;~ •6': "E,chllnMt .6 110 11•1 20•1:o 21~• +1~· t B ' ' t th Q Will h ron · ·1 "" I"" 13·1113·11 unk ll:amo 215 !S'o IS•o M' + 'l ckerdOq .'9' 1? '1''> 41 ~i , a OC!ng S p an ere. . t e tax Surcharge C~ ~r~ld I n·~ j~·o2 Na! ~ve-.t il7 fSI gunkR oil.SO & •71'; •l •11; EOls Flro~ .15 1 •l \.'o •I',~ 41'"' :•· ·: • R L Vannote a supe.-v'so y ·-t' d' c rm1~r. . . N~r Sf< s~··· . url Ind 1.40 I& 41''• 11•~ 41~) -'• EG &G .10 l ... 46'? •S 4!-'" 4lf • • , lvr uo::COnmue . 0EO:uitY J·ll t .2' ll•l•n· d.}tl3.0 1'1urJldy .60 ll -ll \l J:•1 31'•-'•~IMusoc .11, l!~ ;n..o 71 ,, 7,•-' inspector in the Federal Avia-A AT THIS DATt: th's Fund 1 .611•.11 Bond 6.'J 1.00 trrov!ll'lt 1 1n 2m, ,,,,, n5 +1 •M·1• '"·11• :;e 6'1.9 6'~ 6~ ···- tion Administration's Seattle Is logical The tax surcharge coms1 ed :u s:n P is11t a.51 t:JO Butltrt Sho. "c3"'' JJ n -1, e,~~1 Spec 1 '' 2~~1t ~ -, . . ·. . . Commowllh Fels: lncom f.ll '·'1 -_ ..,,, Wa!ch ~ l~ 1:7'~ 11 +' . . • I Grwth ! JS 'lJ Oivlot S.16 •JO lhUllV .'61 J.I JS l••· J.A, + •• El~(! ~~ l• 21'\lo 11'.j n' -t"~· office, said that readings with. 1s built into the prniect1ons cao Fd 11..,., 11.s2 St«.k 10.25 11.21 ,,_, c .. ,. ""' eiP~soNG 1 310 1•Vo 7.1"' 1•Vo + . 1ncom 11.1s1z.19 Grwlh 11 .s1n.5I "" P .... • ... ~1·0 31•1+•,E!!raco 1.10 1~ -0 •11.l '1'4+' sound instruments while the for budget surpluses which 1nvt-•1 10 J& 11.n Nat wesl 6.11 7."3 c1::,.~'•"dnlnr 7& 10•, 10 101, + lo Emor El 1_90 10 100 "''• 90'"' +l • · ft fl' '11 be th p 'd h . Stoclc 10.1111.ID N"'°Wffh 29.7129.21 · J5 2e. 11'~ ?1'o + -,, EmrEI oll.90 J 75'i IS') 75 ,,, . · • a1rcra ies over w1 e res1 ent Jo nson 1s schedul· cw11h Naw Env 11 .ss 11."9 c'm~L ··'~· 11, w,• 311. ll -1 EmtrYAlr 90 u .sav. 51,,, 5,.,,, _ ~ lr t t [ th · •-· t' d t d' l w· h A&9 U,nval11b~ ~ Hor Jl..111 31.01 am o '• 0 ~l'o ?lio JOl'ir + 1;, Emhart 1 :iJr t21 Ulr •nt, 4 ue es o e JUmuu Je s e o 1sc ose. 1t 1>ut a cwnh New Wld 1'.63 u.9' l"", ap .... 3.IO •1 • • 10'• 10•-. -,,, E ..... 01~1 i .60 , h ~ 32 - n•'se t t' f the' h he C&D U"-Vllltble ewlM 1A.S718QS n I(; 7 1~ n~ '7 '4+ \' EmDOrC 90b S J" '"''" '~ •• vi • te en IOn 0 SUfC arge, t C~ U,,,_Yai!alolt Noroest 11.6711".61 1::'1Rd 1.10 I 16'n 16 2t''> + •.~ fr.ciJohns. SCI 10 3(J .....-. :D'"o · • He added h"WeVC' that l ld f d · Como Ocno•I> lllmOI ID ante-en .91l 27 '9~ 19 :n•, + \'IE IM" ·1111 :l'!ili 3'~;, +:if· , u '• surpuses wou ae into &d Uf'1av111&bleOm•~ 9.121.12 1 ... _<. &dc•I • 16'!.< '"'' 16~ i;-;:!rMi'n "wi ~ ',!~~ tc " +'.f" dr .. ls · Como 100Fd l71t11l'9a.~vf'll.40 1!2 !P,jp,o+•·etG '":n :n 0 e ICI again. Fd unav11111>1e One wms 11:11 iiJJ ••~110 .60 33 :w 11i. ""• _ ·~I':~ 181 1·10 • Jll"l 38'1'.! 31~• + J A d t '" f[' · l I ComS!lo:: Umov1~ablf O'Noll lllll'll>I •1"11 C&011 S Jff IO 19', 19''> ,. "' .70 11 JJl• :n 37 _' n mos wp o 1c1as 0 ccni:o"' 20.1970.lttwef'lhm t211013CarO.-L1 1.•1 "21•1 ;1 ' 3~,,..+1 .-~sou;re .:ii 16 ""* :1'9-'lr :2'1>;-• th N. Ad I · t t" (O!lt l"V l3.1S 14,2J Penn SQ ·9 » t"]1 ~roll. T .'6 1• Jl\2 Jl'~ JJ•> + Vo •w~I"! Ll'O JJ7 41'"1 •2"o '1'"r +-' • e lXOn m n1s ra ion are !on\m Inv 5.8' 1.n p4 Mui 1l;ia.22~38 rPJ"th 1.~ u •O 19~. 391, _ "• Ethvl co .n 61 ll'• :rr>< l:ll~ + ' • n 'th l f • OIWSK ll.111J.t'lptill 15001638 lrrierCpJ IOI 1410 1JI; 73'4 J ~)Ett>vl pf2_,jl) l 5C\'I $(1<111 50'1'.!+• ow e1 er open y av1>r1ng o•P Ld 16.5211.U Pllorlm · una.;b1 ca .... Ge~ .QS• ' 3J JJ 33 =, Euroff'ld .30e 11 19i,;, 1' 1• • retention of the su•cha•ge 0 .. ntrvCao1'.621S.80 p;1o1 !·1•10.10C•rrtrw ...... '' ~ 20''-201.~+1 ;Eu•otd tn.JO. 1 11'~ n •;, 11v,: ·• ' ' '(rownW l.U I.Ill pine St 1 .3&12J6~1S<! JI lt ll•i 11'• 1814, Evan1P .60!> 87 •I>• ••'0 '6\•+'6 are remaining significanUy dV•o~ M 7'l.111t.1l P1onfer u.1s!6:&1 ••e o1A1.•' 1 ?•~ ,,11. ,.1,., · EvPr"1••o so ?i"• 2,.. 2'"'4-~ D«a! l~c i..uis.•; Plan 1~v 1s3016n Ces110Ckt .60 II :la\-1 J6 J6"• -+'i E~C•llO 1.75 Sii :l?'o J::'• 32>~ + "flexible" ()fl the subi·ect oe11w1re lS.t:l 17.' Prlct Tit 2.1'.•115'.,1 caterTr 1.20 101 "''• ~'• _...,, " F1erorA .t<t> 16 53.., 53'~ 33,1, _ , , · 0.11, t.2110.10 Pro 10lS11 ai CCI MerQdt 7'/ 16'• 15'• lt'-• +··~ F1lr1>eC .!Oe 161 19 '~ 11'~ 18\o, +I~' Q. Why not' solve the pro-Oftv1d Stir J.to '·" Provld~I 6:51 1'.11 cct M o11.1s 2 •I'• •1111 ,,,, +, Falrcti Hiiier 166 ?1''" 11'.l''> 71 _, , . , Oowlhl~ 1.lt l.'1pur11~~ \1.f617.t:1CK0 Co _t(I I~ JO 30V. 'F1!rrnon! I 1' 21-'(i 1-P,, 27'1,-\, blem wtth wage-p rice con· o~re~t,1 '',·ii\'·~ Putnem Fund•: Ctl•ne:.eco 2 1» 61~ 66 6• +1"' l'a1s1a11 ·'° 61 1,1, i1111 15\il l revus · · Eovlt 1S}(ll6tJCfl1n PfA•.so l M u 611 1 F•mF i" 1.JO :>ti 16 :!S<o 16 +1 tro S? ator.,&How•rd' S! GeorQ H:?6 11:n Cef'l~O lno .J:) );4 56'/• 5 'i S"~ + l tr Fln•l~I Inc 61 31 ... :lO'• 31~ir + • A THIS NAGGING U t' !a;;, n·Mn·3(1 (;r!h 12.1'13.!•CtnFo!~ l.'11 • ,5,,. 15'' 2\h + F1rWnt Fh1 :!10 '"" 711• 23'.•+• · Q es IOn l~crn• i11 ii• Inc am 9.-56 10.4.S Cen Huo:I 1.4 10 211 :1111, 71\o ·: · • F1rahMf .illb -S6 60 ,•,,,_ 53V. -1 Bank Sets Record Net Earnings F11llerto11 Job Costa l\1esa resident deserves a column by itself SPe<:lai is:1116:,, i"m' l.~5 ¥.3' cen1111L1 1.2 • n '''' 7•'~ '''' +·i,\ F""'P" ."l !6 siv. ~ »\4 -i S!oc:k 164' HIM V!S!e 1J.~911.63C.,.,l!l"S 1.12 ·~ 141': 'J'l:o 14\\ + • FedMO'OI 1.10 11 Jo l)', 3" + and I'll submit one soon. Here Et>trst ls.a11(41 RIP TKh 6.11 6.15C•n!LeEI .u l 2Jv. 13'1 1~.,, + t: FodPac EIK 31 15 ,,,,. 7•~ _' · 'Ea...tFd 1~14 161lRevere ll.t:ll7.t1CenMPw 11? 39 2(1:1~ 711i0 :101'1 FedPaaBd 1 19 28'~ 18 18 _.. · SUffiCe it tO say that While Enerav 1S)1 U)1 r,~entl!I io,.>,?~ 11.32 Cen! SW J0,IO 561 •11'> 41lo •2 = ~ Ftd0S1r .fS 112 31"o » :WI! + • Southern Calif1>rni:i First Nati1>nal Bank has reported Gar Y G. West has record nel operating earnings been appointed assis· . il1abte siu uiler • ·F, 19.li C8"t Sara , QI 33 ?J'IO 2l 23 Fed Mto lnY l 14~1 1111, l~>io + > there IS some support for an E~ull! lO.ll n.11 in'M~ 1700~1"m ~..,T~u .tOb "' ~no 2s:io 2s;o :::· ~f~ro~: 1i~ ,5 ~v. •7-'lo .C-"11 +' extension of credit controls i:~,: '" ~1::: F.:U ~1 ".Y'l"i','1! c:::;~e~~c ~ ~,, m: ~ :j:1~ i:1ei3c1M i.-o 1~ 411. ~i,'! :;: .+ '. of $.1.995,912 or $3.03 a share, tant manager of Bank ror 1968. of America's West Ful· C. C. Blakemore, president lerlon branch. W e s t and chief executive oflicer, served the past year as 'bi rt f f<a rid H 11 lj.20 E ¥ • • Cl'ladbn Golt\ 1u, 161 1~· I{ + Flrtstne 110 -'! 611 59•~ 5''• -0 in IVI u • ere IS no Exr,ic.r 21:2'n:Dl ~~~I St :1·~ /,'·,Of CFI $11 .io 111 11~ 10'• 111,;. t ll Fin F'd'"'" 115 27->.• ,,,~ 11·~ +-1' . t . d' 'd aJs th . ~VftSI '" ,, s12110 . ·" Cf~lf'llA I'° :io .Sl 5211 SJ Flllrol 1.olO II "6',• •s•i, ~·· + ll said it represented a 28 per· an assistant cashier in responsi e suppo or wage· Fnn eM~ 11:001 .oo c 1 Q~lt '·• '-r;I heml'S I.lo 23 30,,; 30,: JOV. + .,., Fsrc11r1 1.61t 16~ Jal~ ~ 311. i" · Price controL!i and with -..vi Ff'd Grttl 15.s-t 16.911 "fe-c ";.'" 10 ~f1" 8s hmoNll 1.60 M Sl-\li S6'u 51.., ~· F11t<crv .s10 iot n~ n''! '''• , 6""" Fld Cap 13.lt 1'.M S I S S 1,·~ 19·., Clllr!erN'f 7 6 ;521/, .SO'\oil '1 F!t Na! Strs 11 38 J7>, 311 ' rheeason. Nk?t onlhly would this Elg fT; v:uA~J! ~)i~: lo:TI 1i:~1 ~:~:~ 1'.:t •1?l g~ ~ ~~~ fiE ~!~~~r~; J,:tt 1: tt:: ~~ w-+ ·'1: cent increase over 1967 earn· the lending department ings of J.3,115,008. at the Newport Beach attac 1ng e symptoms fE:~' fn '·~ sw rnvest 10:2311:0& ~::""''~ i.111 ~ .Q.\• otJ otl'" + v. Frfn'ik~~e ·1 l~ 11,, 11 ~f,'Z + ~ Based on the weighted branch. rather than the causes of in· .: 1:n j:11 r.'.'1{m1f'I" 15·1111·21 ~~'t-~'1.ii112 1 1" o121¢.. :;7~ ·.~~ ~1v. ~1'~"'e"'t:~~ 1'° t6'~ 1~;z ••v.-+ ~ fl t' a · f Fii JnQlh 901 ,iS Gt!i 6.n 4.1? hn Ohio • 21 10\'> 10'4 JO'!, + Vt Fla G~ 40 ,J, ~:: 9' ~~· ± ;l average of 1.317,430 shares,----------- 1963's per share net is 9 per- a ion: wage-price reeze F•t 1nstk 10:0110.•1 s111t s1 s2.2s~1.60 cr:rtlb•11 .t'l .a :it'~ 39 :;9·, + ·~ F• P • 1 51 .,.;:.~ ,1,; -45'~ +, also would fail miserably to ~:l ~~1111 \~~,1~:1: 5~:"1~ 15.0'!1~~ g:1~1r'~1t11P !J l{i.: 1~·~ 1~'• = ~-F1!Pwri' 1·u '' u w. 66"• -'t h. th" ood d '"' Fkluc tSJIO(:l(l'\IMStPP (! 10 5"" 5,1, 5''' 1-lFI• 51""1 ~o so 111', '1'• 11~-l'i . cent greater than the bank's former high of $2. 79 reported for 1967 on 1,116,753 shares outst:inding. Two mergers .consummated in 1968 accounted for the in· crease in outstanding shares. On June 6, Sou I her n Calirornia First National Bank merged the Bellflower Na - tional Bank or Bellfl1>wer and completed a merger with the Bank of La Jolla on Nov. 15. Southern California First National merged three banks in 1967. They were : The Sad· dleback National Bank of tington-Valley Bank of Hun· tington Beach on Sepl. 14, and the Heritage-Wilshire Na· li'onal Bank of West\\'ood on Oct. 5. aC leVe any Ing g Un et Cao untvltltb!e S(:len 1.°8' 1:.e O.MSPP of S J 1'fl< 18l!o 11<~ + ·~Fluor Corp 'i ~:'l 56'~ Wo + ',\, today's cifcumstallCeS Fret Fd lt.<C7 -Stwln Rot Funds: Ch.I MVslc I 11 31'< 30'~ 31•, + Ir. ~)"'°' ~~B wl1 l 76 ~6'• ttYr ~I ..,. · Fla Glh I.II t.11 Bal ri.97 22.tJ CMPnt11 l.IO 11 0\0 '211 •3'~ +Ito F1"'°{1° 1'Cr 10! '9 ?~~~ 21''< + ,_.~ What's mol"f, it would In· ~~n~~'' t~~ ~:= !7~k lt.t! l!:tl ~g~t~' cf•Gp ~ ~!:.? ~ "fl:'~ .:... II F~C ~e; .i5 9~ 36•1 ~t:~ ~\,, -\~ .. V<llve the creation nf a Fou .. a lJ . ..i 1,.1• \uo lnt!h 1.u 1.51 CbR1P cntw 1 2.At '•l'I 7•'-t _ ~ F'~""!1·'590 ,~ ~j., ,:.1• Fr1n~11n Grouo: vncr Glh ll.60 !l.11 Cl>IT!lleTr 2 1115 5' SJ ~ 1 """ aot · l\"-' -1~.; monstrous bureaucracv to ad· com srk 1.12 7.'1 MR Ao 11.sJ:lll.ot cnoe1o•u11 .60 33 1t>io 1t 19'' + v. Foo:e cB .eo ~ is 11" 11 _1 .. · ONTC 13.9)15.111e1c~rs 12.211'.11'Chrl1C•1ll l 15 '1\'o J9"o 0·1i:. +l~' FoolP Ml~ 11'~ 11 Bank Reveals 10.4% Increase minister the controls. It would u111 1 . .00 1.11 tchvsl t.JO t.u cc11 CVPt.1ar 1 •o •o .O +1 ' Foot• Pn.10.-,.', u,1 ;~ l61, ~,1:~,-:_ ,'', SAN DIEGO " '! d lncom una.Vbl Teth'ltl J,11 t CCI! prpf J 6 11 71 11 FordM~I 7•0 ' , 1.-111 e lead t1> rationing to help back f<11nd Am 1D.t1·11 ,., TKhnol 1.16 .ss c11rom111 ·" ·~· 35 .u·~ H'l t ., ForMtK .15 6? jll\ 3H~ jl,:! :!: ~ •. ; St'les N"t''"nal B•"k t--'ay . . G!nSK 11n1vb1TemaGI ".1tl l!ChrJSler1 ?U ~·; '''' ''' , FMcK 01180 • .11'r> S1 , " u "'" uu up the controls. This 1n tum Gib<auer 11.1' l~.•• T•x•• unavt. ClnnGE 1.'11 a1 "'• 1!1\ 1t'' 11 FMIWM -~ J7 M ... 2,•1,, 1•~ +1 ·., 'e•wted a 10' percent ;n l Group SK: Tr1n Cao 10.'511 .51c1nGE ••11 1S lllXI IS' '''' ,,,•-+~ FflSIW~ pt 1 1 -.. 19>, ,. .-~• ·" ' • • wou d lead to another ,i,oro SK '·'110.9" TWf'nC G1h unavnl c1~ GE pl , lUO wi.: 611 48 • ll·' Fo•bo•o .6D 11 'r~ ' '• •11 .. +1 Cre•se ,·n net "pe•at;ng e••n b t d com st l•.98 11.11 Twef\C Inc un11vbl ClnMlll 1 "'· 111 .,.L ,, ,3, -• F1ank sir .J1 n lD-'lo 70% 70>• ~ '4 " " • ' '" -monstrous urcaucracy o a · Fu1 Ad •.tG 10.12 un11 Mut 11.'ll ll.39 CITFI~ 1 to"'" m ';, .. 4..1•; 46,' -11;• F•el'PSu1 1.•o '" 4''" «1•4 ~(• _,,,, logs after taxes for the year · · t th t· · Bl k Grth Ind 21.51 7>.19 vrt110 11.6' 11.18 ClT F Pl"s.50 2 111v, 1•1(~ 1111• .~ F•ue~co 1 10 11~ lll"1 ll''') . •• -~, • m1n1ser e ra1on1ng. ac &rvot>on 1G.69l1.6!Un11e<1 Fun<h:c11,1ssvc? 561 n'• 1J''o 11 ~ 11 Fvavatnd .20 66,,.,o •1•11 4l +\t 1968 as Compared IC> the 1967 markets W 0 II\ d inevitably H~nlf'I 21·'' 21.'1 r~~ il·ll 111-~ CllS evplt.lJ 6 1~ 1l1''1 l:U +11 1 -U--12 th ·oo . . LW<J '''1un sc1tt1 f}41 ·21~11Vlnv.J01> 7'•61 "'l " ilV.G.-.cCp1$0 fOS1V.S61'1st+1-" -mon per1 · spring up. The quality nf many H•m ~ 5:.:1 6:1~ UnFIT c1n "un.¥111 llll~lnv Ji Ii' 271 !;:" ~~;., !~~:~ ' GAC c .. o1 ·1 1 J9'4 n·~ J9'tr '• ·~ Total net •pe•at;ng eam;ngs rod t ld d t · t Hanover una1'bl v11v1 •1.1... Fund$· I• ·., , 11 ~ • ~ •'4 GAF Co"' io ~1 1s 19'4 J',. ,..,~ 1 '4 v I • • p UC s wou e er1ora e H•~I 11.16 '8.61 Y•I Lin 10.3011.ri co-•'i T -lC4 all~~ ,2?'" ,,1• -..., 8:F ,n1.10: x!O l7l't 1''> 31''> 11 fo, 1'"0 am•unted t• $1 6S4 6t4 k di It ld be ,_ 1•.:!S l1.1' 1-J,OI 1.76 '"" ·""' ---. '-' -"' am s•o i.:111 SJ lS :u-. 3•'• .+-~ "'"'° " v ' • mar e y. wou an H ~nn unavt>l sot Sit 10.u 11.'5 !l•r'k o I .411 1J 4'• •l''> '1'" -ft ms on ,1s s ll'\ Jrn J!'' 1 " equal t0 It Sl pe• sl·a-d It l d ' Hubtmn 11.1~ 1124 V•nce s le...c11H 1.60 s sm 5.1 551'1 ... 3•mS "'' 60 ' :M'< :?l'i :M\~ ·~ • -v · • • ,,.. una u era e mess . it>s r.c11rr1 s. 0 s:os tPCI ,_,. t.lt !eYfllll '·G.1 ias •t• ..ov. ~ + \Ii •r wood· 31 tt~ ,,,. '1\ + ,.., on a weighted average of ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i 1s1 Giii 6.tl '·" v•ndrtit lj· u 11.ot tev Pit 3.50 :111 st•tr 5''6 s.•4 . .rc1oen 1.u 1 °'"' ~ '1'!• .• • imo c ... 105311 lll v"'" 7$ ""a '""i" 101 1 uso 33 32 s3 +1v. carlot.k ao 6 1' " l' · 1,101 ,667 share5 outstanding. 1.-Gth ':"10:" v1r 1nG1>1 r.:!1 '· ' .. "'!,' 1.711.... !_ '°,,. ,.a? It'll'/-G""1n1 C11• 11 ' 1!•1 s"' -"" Th. l QUICK Inc Fnd 13.t1 U.21 VJklM l J !· C f of1.,.. "' ''' 'Kl"'-\ Gtr"!llnl" .~ 11 12 111.:o l? . 1s compares to 1967 tota inc Fd a t.lS t.11» w111st lf'I 12.5 "" !''"'•'P ·"'., -"S ~ ~~ it~ .... GtnA•"v .16tr 1 31~ 31.., 31 .. -"•. ••• ' of $1 449 M• aJ C • I •I I I lf'ldtond l?.I 1• With My l', l'"-111 lt11tll N . « ..., _,.., ... v. -11\ ~mO! 1.6Clb "Ii 51 JI'~ ~1'11 + 1\ ~ ~n1ngs ' ....... -equ 1tc.11 lip q11e y ·~ OCI lndT......,1~ ... "·fiW-11Glon .,. ·~:ll ""V's1'1.I J J~ ~I'll ~-v. Tr•" 1.60 '6 '314."" ,,,.+1'i,_ to $161 per share on a h'111t•. Rttd yo111 comp1et, tn<tWY l.'2 •. 1 WtJ~I rnd ·'l i; Oii ~· :.& ,......., -'IO .-.Trn "'2.50 l ~ 57''t se + i-r "' weighted average ot 932,500 c•mpt•"•nsiv• i.om•tow" •'i· l~J~ 11 .... 1i:n W'1n.i'e:t: l-i::W ~,.J.i &~"E:J 1~20 .: ~~ ,,~ ~ +1 ~"c~~f i:~ ~ ~~ •• M"~ M .:!: a'" tio• of*"• DAILY PILOT. l;i; Ciuld ntltld 11_1t -1j.JI toc.&llw 1.20 11 )).'4 :Jl'l'o :»"1-14 ~ft Clo 1 ~ 16 31.;, 31>'0 3u1r + • shares outstanding. nv lndlc 10.311oi1wbcon .u hC011P1I \·M 29 e• '"'°'~+<It ";nDl!wl .:i6! 11 '''~ 16"' 2•••+1 i"YS llos 1l.S9 l•.ts Worlh •.fl , •• 1 OlllftAll! _:IG 5' -Ml.4 .Qli ""' + ... GlnDYnlm • •nt. •rv. '1"' -' • .,. • ·• NIUT INGS • ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 . ! ;.~. . l ) t • ~EAO OFP'ICE '~ ."\-_;;~.t~ 315 Eqt Colc:w"ltdo Boul.vard ..t,..v 'lM Pasltd•n•, C.Ufoml• 91109 ·-' -~ ·~- • hrterast '""91 ~ 'If ~ * Ille IOt!i, . . llilml lo 41111 ottiitw• '8W 1111. ! ..... ,...., 'f l!Ccolal .. ""' ... ~· liH. , , I ' • • • • ; • • • .. ... , . •• • • i· • • • t· ' • • ? ' • • • .. • i .. • • • 'l " " :-•' ~: ... • •' .•. .. " '" ~· •• it ~· .; " '·•I \l: ;;, . ... '" " .. i ~ . • . , ~: !'!• ~ .. ~~ ,, , . • ·~·· • ~ . . . ~· ~: •· • . ,. , . • • I , • . . • ,. • • • • .. I ' .. .. '· •• ~· > .. ' .. • '""""· """""' 14, lM IHI OAllY PILOT il Tuesday's Closing Prices -Complete \ I I l ........ . ..... -•·· • -, . ... • ... Johnson Villilied _;:LBJ Leaves Office on Unliappy Now • lly MElUUMAN SMITll tho! moet of hlJ »Cllled reuon to believe JOO- 'tJPI WW.. e .... Reperter legiJ!IUV<O "accompUshmenta" might have 'helped hlmlell, 22 Pueblo Cre,vmen Going Out • :;'iiAsuiNGTQli (UPI) -had been in various stagoa the counlr)' and tho cause il'rolldent Johnion lelVU ·~ ol progreaa ffJ< yem ¥<! that ol peace ltaell had be lllOdo SAN DIEGO (UPI) -M°"' -he mortly happened to ... ··-"White Houae wllh a towtting President whtn the time was his announcement so m e "1110 one quarter of the crew record ol public service and -ripe Joe their enactment. monllil earlier. He had, after of the \JSS Pueblo ls ella:ible 'iccomp!WunenL ¥!Wons ol U ched th •--•-for discharge and will be : hi.1 fellow countrymen, instead BLACK Ho.ttlLITV a • rea a ra er .,..,"' , cl bcio& grateful ·•od a(I. For all of the civil rlg_bts underlltandlng with hls wife, E.'f r:J;.. . .• rele•sed from the Navy Jan. miring, are glad lo see him legislation pushed throtfgb by Lady Bird, and with bim~U '"ff__ · , "-23, a Navy spokesman ~aid. ~IO· a heavily D e m o c r a t I c that the !9M campaign for ;...;'!i'i , . He explained that the tours J Why this public disdain Congress while Johnson was the presidency would be his ):~ ~. .... of duty of 22 members of 1'hich at Umes has reached chief executive, no President the vessel'• a man com-aew dept.tu of villllication? ev.,-attracl.ed such hooUlity last; that he would run for · •The simple answers are a rrodi blacks. The enormous and serve only one electite N • plement have e:1pited. All war wlllch Johnson inherited, step-up in funds and programs term tn the White House. 8J'C0bCS those eligible for discharge then escalated, plus the fact to aid educaUon did little or 11111 b not sell-serving are enlisted men. that he succeeded t h e nothing to prevent hls being T • Many of them will be called usassinated John F. Kennedy. tho focol point of st¢ent hindsight on hlJ part. Several OplC on lo testify al a court of . There are other amwers, anger. Vietnam and U)e draft ol bb close associates tnew inquiry into the Pueblo'• cap- too; answers as complicated outweighed lePJ.ation of any about h even as be was in-A M • ture last Jan. 13 bv North ;u Johnson himself. 8 l 1 kind in tho mindB of a 'bigll!y augurated in 1965. Moreover, t eetµig Jlorean Navy units, 'in what ·1)residency coindded with the . demonstrative aed vocal part his ®&term decl3ion was the Na')' , 111, were iD- .'Oulburst of loot pent-up feel-of young Amefic.a. reported 1peeulatively more Dr. Edward A. Taub, of ternatlooal waten off the 1)N:s oI protest in young people As he left the White House, than • year before his an-the UCJ College of Medicine, Korean cout. in over the world and wlth John.son could, if he wanted, nounctment, and again after will speak on "Adolescenta No date has been set for :the determination of f.plerican , derive some sur~ease from March SI, his agreement with and Dangerous Drugs" tonight the Inquiry. Pueblo crewmen ~lilacks to break out of the bitterness by recalling that Lady Bird was revived and at a meeting of the Mission and officers are still un- thetto and seize a larger share he could not have assumed reported in some details. Viejo High " School Parent dergoing debriefing by m. Pi the We enjoyed by' whites. the presidency ir. the first A great many Americans, Teacher Organization. telligence and medical person. place under much worse however, found this h.ard to Dr. Taub, who teaches nel. '·JllS'I1NCT FEELING circumstances: the n1urder of believe for it was so untypical pediatrics, is on the attending A spokesman at Balboa ~· In spit.e d any and all of Kennedy, a n increasingly of Johnson .. This made a cer· staff of Children's Hospital of Naval Hospital, where the ·· the answers, Johnson heads popular, attractive and in· lain •mount of •••••, The o g Cou t p bl ., baclc 1 hi T · h h ..... -. ran e n y. ue o crew is housed, said ·.. o s eYas ranc ome spirational young leader. White House has seldom seen, His talk will be at 7:30 d" h ed bel th with a distinct, characteristic men JSC arg ore e . )' / . ,q ' ' ' st•IJe . s•iSAlTIONI llle·t:fd*'81 Sii~Jld er ~ Orange .County Music --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach ' ~· feelln.g that if there were to CRASlllN GENO perhaps never, such an un· p.m. in the Mission Viejo High court of inquiry can be su ·~ be any stars in his crown, With Kennedy's tragic death 1 _t_YP_ic_•_l_m_a_n_. ______ rn_u_l_tip_u_rpose __ roo_rn_. ____ ~poe-na_ed_t_o_t_es_tU..oy_be_fo_r_e_il_. ___________________________ • __ _ :: .to borrow from an old hymn, came the crashing end to an ., they wou1d have to be put era for so many who altacbed :; ¢lere by future historians. considerably higher value on ~ He doe.! not feel he had style, easy-going elegance and ~ .ncelftd • fair shake or pr.; intellectual uplift than to the ~" per credit from m o 1 t haslHnarks of bills pused, :~ ·~den of contemporary forelp visitors entertained ;:,. hlstory, particularly editorial treaties signed or bllllom :;· w r I t e r 1 , cartoonists, col-, spent. ~, ·umnista and commentators. Johnson literally found i Most men in public life himself up against an ifn. ;;. woukl derive en o r m o u s possible situation w h e re in ~· satisfaction simply rroQl hav· millions of Americans 8nd :.... ing toiled and clawed up jag-other millions overseas found 1: a~ political and professional themselves emotionally unable •> mountains, as Johnson di~ to accept an i 1n med I ate -'t fiOrnlt>e lowly rote or aCoun· sul:iSllfUfe-Tor ~John ·F. Ken: -- .. try school teacher in Texas nedy. ;: to · the presidency and un-Jn 1964, Johnson won the ~· disputed world leadership that presidency in his O\vn right. .., went with ii. , He carried 44 states and rolled ' .. "" '•,Theo u t go i.n g President, ,. up th~ largest popular vote 0:: .bpwever, is JeaVi!lg the na-margin in history as he van- ;; Uon's capital in :., tjipicaUy" quished bis conservative ~ nlll'ed mood of p r id e , Republican opponent, Barry • .; SMJiStalgia and downright bit· M. Goldwater of Arizona ): terness. For all hit years Jn whose homMtate v o t e r 1 'i'··tn*mvice, L~~-utw-oed him to the U.S. ~ ~ does nw lijipoar 1o -sai.i. lhl! year. :: have developed ability to T b e history-making pro. . .:warate unreasoned acorn portions ot_ Johmon's election 1, ~ rldJcole 'fNmt1ttstlled or· victory ·seemed ooly to ex· _, well-intended criticism. acerbate the situation for SOME REASON many Kennedy worshippers. There ..,as tome ~-fl]f "F~r QlOre years of. Texas," .. Johnson's senaHivity. 'While he some ol them Cilftlplained. Invited some of his lwnps "What the hell am 1 a;up. -others were hard to fathom. ' posed to do," Johnson ex· In no Pr-e'sldent's time has ploded to a friend," ~et myself the.re been as much civil born all over again, go to rights, health Y.d housing Harvard and play touch foot· legislation Wct«I a1 during ball on cape Cod?" 1lie Johnew\ .~nlslration, ROILER COASTER ~ not to mention numerow anti-J hnso , dro . 1 . ' poverty program, medical o n s p 10 popu anty J care for 'Utt aged,' increased all.er the 1964 victory was of Social Security benefits at· r o 1 J er~ster proporUona. lacks on _pollation of ~ater Acting on the best advice be and air and a variety of laws could get and would accept, to protect ihe consumer. h-: . began to pour . added • Many llberall within his own !fiihtary po~er .into Vietnam party refused to rate these m l~ until, 1n manpower legislative ~liahments alooe, 1t e~e~tually went over as Johnsonlap. Oii •irounda that the bal!-milli~n mark. ~e be did nciC O(lgtbate· them · '!"ere draft riots, ra« riots, · , • ' student riots. Such cities as ~ Hairstyling Classes Offered . Two nine-week hairstyling courses will be offered In the evening at orange Coast Col· lege this IJriirg for licensed California cosmetologists. . "Hair SiJUng ~view" will '!!"<I WedDesiloys from 7 to JO JIJll. in tho ooometology lab in tho uphoi.tuy building. . "Hair Stylinc Salon" will nleet Tuesdays from 7 to Ht p.m. Jn the cosmetology lab. Students should bring their llc!eme and a model to class JbeetiDj'.s. Los Angeles, Detroit, Newark and Washington saw largely Negro residential and buisness areas -the slums -bad1y burned and looted. Numerous and virtually con- tinuing peact probes initiated by Johnson and Secretary of State Dean Rusk seemed to leave Hano unmoved. Last March 31, saying he wanted to avoid further divbiveness at home and help the chances of peace. Jotwon pulled out -he would not seek nor ac- cept renomination. GOOD REASON History may be a long time in deciding, but there is good • AMIRtcA't • L&ltOhT ~-_.;,t,.rp;-]DRAPERY (._.,Ot{, WJCLEANE PS ..... , . EXCLUSIVE IOUAUNTDD DRAPERY Cl,IANINli Dr•,.,.., CIOlnlltf. Port.ct .....~ ............ .. .,.., ..... ,.,..,. ., 111% .... ... '""""'' tf , ......... •N•WlftNHelllla •No•lw- • '9rhct lven HefM e W1tw ltalft ROIMV'tl e .....,_. PIMt P.Wl"I e PnhttlONI IMtala.tt.n OUR UCLUllVI alRYICI -. ,,..,..... ....... . e TenM May h A"'ant..il • ,,.. l.IHmat. • ,,. a... 0r.,.. Off .... cMh • ""' 540-1366 20% 642.0Z70 . "" I t 7Ji RPoRT II. YD •• COSTA MESA .. • ' 0 Appt<t!all<!i c.m a:1Vl!t the speclrum cf man and nature- appreciation of life, appreciation of a friendly smil~ appreciation of a rainy day, the aroma or steaming coffee, the \'ibrant color blending of flowers, the mischievous giggle of a small child, the breath-taking beauty of fluffy tlouds, and even the 1nysterious sparkle of an evening star, Here are simple. everyday sig11ts that can m ake a d ay rich and enjoyable. Jn the mixed pool of huma11 nature, appreci~ ation h as become a way of Jifc for us, and js son1ething that \VC believe in and practice. Appreciation can make a day rich, pleasant, and enjoyable • Why npt use this every day? To us, appreciation is a 'Very real force, strong and vital to our everyday lives. lt is governed by a law that is almost as direct as the Jaws of pb:ysk:s-"We draw to ourselves the good of'everythlng we approcial<, but lhe evil of everything we belittle." We know that in banking:, people represent the very core of success or failure, and there js aJ\yays something to ap· preciate in all people ... if we look for it/ "Appreciate, and you prosper. Belittle, and you Jose·. Because or I his 1in1e· proven principle, each person's fate is in his o'Vn h:lnds. 'Ve appreciate each employee in his own way, and they, in tum, appreciate each depositor lh::it en ters our bank. ' .. . feciatiO ' Thl9mmthmm.1111! c:nlmlnt!iao. el 9"' :yem el ..,i,q; this Yitai foroo. Fite yean ago this month, oui door9 opened fcr bll'siness, and It was a<:ballenge foe us, a~ competitive challenge, at thaL We bad a :roof, floor, 4 walk, and a small safe. But, we reallied th on that tbOse l!lalei:lal assets were not ·going to be enough, if we wen to be suc-- cessful. We needed to have that something extra. , • th~ "Art of Appreciation". We •tarted by hiring that cerWa kind of employee who had this basic quality inherent in his personality. The people of Orange County have responded Ill our kind cf appreciation. In five abort YFan, our success Is being xeal- lzed because It II 1!ased m "J)ils llllong allil Yitai foroe. OUr assets ha\'e grown flota zeb. lb .,.;,, 55 mll1lon ilollan la that time. Cerlalult w appridlle this poWib. Howe1er, we appreciate et... mere the he! that our depositor& appre- ciate our many-and hO!r our people h-worbd with them. The"Art Ill Appnclation"really woris. Let any man try it fm: one ordlnilry day, and that d"J' will be dll!er- ent and more-rewaJdlng than any he bu experienced before. lf you are not appreciated where you nm• do your banking. please pay us a visit and try our brand of appreciation. \Vc'd appreciate if! ----/ ~~tWPORT -\ ( .-),.., \ .'~ NATIONAL _,,. j;"' . ·~t: BANK :J,I' / ... . ,-~' . ,. .-' . .--------... / ' I • An1Uvcrsary rcfr cslimcrits 1v1// be ser1.ied lo cueryu11e u flo pays us a i.isit du.ring tlu: nionth of January. ( I •' I ) I . . . ~v -·- ,~ I •· t VOL:. 62, NO. 12, 2 .SECTIGNS1 22 °PA:GtS ·-· • " I., ' !"!'-• ..., "' r • J. - • .... ..... " TUESDAY, JANUARY l4 •.. ,~,9 TEN CENTS : ) ,. " • I ' l'lt (:iJal"ged · ( . • P t,iir H ~ld; in ·6risly !JelfCh, ~rgbiJin~ . 17 W1LUA¥ 11DD -iftreioed 1_,,, ot .., II> just north ol.'.Palni Avenue . ., "' ... "" --t In Ibo 1111111111tiir. • · ffeadllghla ol ber car ~ Ibo Murder ~ .wW be IOlllhl !ale . Dllecllva.mt 1bla _..., 11111 Ille blpody· oqeJie neot to lhe Huntln&ton today or Wedqewlo;y olllnot •JDlll ml .,.ir wtJl be tmn to Welt~ Coual.Y 8"ach Coun\rY Club. . · woman now belllc _befd ibf . limlllnglna. Municipal Coolrl r.; amt..,_i.aa ..i.n · · Bw:b pallce In 11>1·~-llll>bln& u lhe paperwwt cuibe'eOni,llotOd.'"T° Jnv~Ugat\oo bu led to • theory that death QI Mn. -Mlrkee. • ._.-.. . • "We dellnllely will tak•-~· two tbe woman may hive been murd...d . Held Jn ~ City 'Jilll .do tbe to court," l&!d Del Monty ·~. b,. the irate dr!V<I'. and-« pwenger m.-ehlilO 11-·COotDey,.A!, The~ QI.Mn. Marue,,,_16,,ol 15111 ofaoautomoblleWlthwhlcb.lllemlllded , an eDatDeer wttJ:i ' a .Neirport BMcJi Olivt Ave.,. Huntington ·aeacn; waa a lew ~ehts before her de&th1 , aeftllPIO& ftnn. ma co.mpanl'9D,· ~ bJ a pauerbJ about t :l& .Mrs.1Markee,areoeptloolltforalhm- ' M_,.ta· ~ ... ·• .,..itrtss -at p.m. ,SWlilay> It wu oPl'a1'1ed on the Wigtoo lle.$cll . qptomelrllt,. bad .twa a N""1"ri .-UnPt,1 .... _~ tramfer.. payemont o1 !'Ith ·Strott just, north o1 a , ~ ol ~ ,to !'·coin lailad!f . red to -'I cletenUon..at ~ Pahn'Avdmelnapoolo!blood. and Wf.' pn bfr way b&c~ to tho apart. County Jail _ Mn. Mllrfkee'a throat hid been sluh-mtnt when! she lived al""'· ' : The DAILY PILOT learoed today that ed and her body punctured by numerou5 At ·Adama Aveoue and !'Ith Su.et , • the aupeC41, .. W~ &ave their ' address stab Wounda. fte bcxl,y WU just I few she 1pparenUy WU ~volved ln & mlDcr : u 2111.Delaw~ SI., Huotlnglno Beach, 1ncbea In !root QI her allU running car (See MIJlll)Ell, P~&• I) Probe .Siudied . . . . . . ' T , "'1,........ ~ COAST GU~ROSMAN STANOS BY TO AID SURVIVORS AS SHIP APPROACHES DOWNED PLANE . T.-:. ·_~_-0.1· aymg·. .• . of SCandln1vl1n Airliner with 45 Aboard P1nc1kes into Coastal W1t1B off LAX .I.II .. ·~ 4. -''•I/_'',,-~ -Jet Hits -(}~ eff-b\, -.· .... , *~~=~. s.oviets Orbit Cosmonaut t a Stmllt ~~h ·man by a lheriff'1 depufy wD1 · dtjlend upan the contents ~~=~r·=~i:::,b~~= said today. Hope Dims for 11 Missing in SAS Craslt, "I ezpect to have that report on my Descending through stormy night skies desl: later today'" be said. In an abnormal landing apprOacb, a SCandinavian jeUiner wjth · '5. aboard "UnW then, I won't know just What· •--~ ~·-·~ -·" ..... _,.__ u •ctlool; U Ill)', lhGuld be taken In tbiJ Sp-..:u uau \.IC -.,.......,..., ~· ~ 0 ' , - Playa de(Bey MOl)dayt '11ght,. anil 'by , case: I 11\)ow ~ no ~ ~I dawn ~todly a_ lhfr:d"" tbooe0 ~bolril . woolil hi? warranted aclloo on my , :a~fEi7t~-~s:;ri!~~\ ~~~ w:"'!li>ill!'.-.,.. . · .:U led 1o<.lbe &;inc'~ 'I THOUGHT I lOST MY BRIDE' Honeymooner Anderson ind Wlfe Airline Releases Narlies Of Crash Survivors, Dead - LOS ANGELES t CPI) -Scandinavian Airijnes System le,·:iy releaSecl the nunes of the dead and missing and known IW'\'jV()ll of SAS Flight 933 which cruhed' It sea Monday night with 45 ""10"' aboard. ·-"" 1.L-J~111 M1rt!nrt, 11111tw00d. c1m. ~ re<AIVIJM. , Three Girls Held , OnNarcoCharges Three girl sludtnts 1l Los Amigo.'! !!J&b School, Founlain Valley are being held ln Juvenile Hall today pending set~ ting ol hearings on chargee that they used and distributed dangen>u1 drugs . P'ounlaln Valley poliCe said the slrls. two 14 ll1d ont 15 and aD from Santa Ana. had Dilantin capruJes In their pollUSioll at the lime ol arrest. Dilantln 11 an 1nU-coovulaanl agent widely wed by epllepllct. omc.ra aald one idmltted lo l"')IInued UH ol the atimulant and her compeclont admilled ..,...1 .. •od dlatriliullon ol Ibo dftqJ. Ono of the trio 11 cumntly Oil J*oblllon far _...ion of nar<otiCI. I ' doiied ibaf anyone CoiaJd ~ Oll•e. ol earl A. SJOIWll. D; Gf iU71 28th ·Foor boc!les w~ ·~trod ~ St. The 1lllUqltd Sjollmd -;Ibo! In nlgb!:anct31lvldqnil!l•edbfanarmada the back o!'tbe bea<! u be ·lied from of · 40 rescue craft. and P'iv•~ iloala · aS u.e· drc.ma at sea unfolded ulider a deputy · who was attempting to Str'Vfl l~e glare ol bellcopter searchjlgbla &11\l !el<iny warr~la for the ll'rest of tlie parachute flares. niotorcjcle racing enthusiast. 'A Cable 'eomi!!uler Airlines p}lot')r~ Sheriff's Captaln Jame1 Broadbelt has Westminster wu-the first perlOJl to , · · . · . sight fioaUag Wre;ctage of the Sc&JJ· d~ ~~l•r1'1' nnn?"• th~t . ~re ?in.avian Afrlln~ S)'~!e'm DCa, ~ tha~ ope 1b0t liad been fired1 U SJolUpd into Los Angeltl Jnternational AJrpprt , fled from bis hoIJ'le. when It hit. . · . , ' ''There was only one aboJ :tired.'.' The SAS Flight 933, pdoted by Capt. Broadbelt aeid. "We are olilln poolUve Kenneth Davis, former BrlUsh, Royal , -1 ! · · Ak For .. ·flier <\isappeared ~tower about·tbiJ and .Ila a fad llja "bu been radar.COpea: ai 7:40 p.m., aiter I· tJ,W sut.lanll&ted ·bf aevera1 wMe&ses." ~ hour del;ay aloft in a bokling .pattern Sjobmd died in Huntington f.atercom- over the1San Joaqu.in Va'l.ley. munity HQIPltal about two boun after ~pt .. Davi~ bad ~id be was ex. he 'waa shot in the back of the bead per1e0C1ng nunor landµlg gear trM>le . before turnil)g the big jet Inland to by Depul,y l!:dward .Gould. approach llwiway 25L on an aaaterly Deputlol aald Sjolund wu ordettd to oyersea route awept-by 12-mllw.D bow' halt several times and ignored the com- winds and storm turbuJence. , mands of the. officers. ·Suddenly, without wariilng except. for Gould aid he fired one shot from one stewardess' order to fasten seat his .38-ca.IJber senrice revolver. He belts, the plane slammed into. three to esUmated that Sjolund wu about 25 tSee ADI CRASH, Pqe.%) yarda away ~t the Ume. Df.putlu iald Sjolund was Jnvolved In a fight · over a girl llOJlle weeks agt. and wu to be arrested in mid· December on a warr1;nt charging usault. He was arrated by Gould three weeU ago. The warrants canled by the deputy Friday r~llted to that arrest. .. l r . • , , ; I ' . , , . , Sp.y So~II · W~s Ap~al, ~e•easecl NEW YORK <UPI)' -Morton Sobell, a' OOderendant with Junu1 ancf Ethel ~berg in the eipl~nage ·~ of ·the century, today woo. ltfs nlcue from a Jt year ,pr!!ai .,.teiioa '!<r' oooiplHhc • to deliver at.om bomb aecma to Rus!la. The U.S. Coor! ol Appeal~ ruled tljat Sobel should be. gfyen· cttdit •fot .even months lmPrtsonm!nt · aerved pi1or to sentencing a{'ld whlle pwalli!lg ,bial thus making him ellglble (or parole .. Sobe.II had been sentenced to 30 years In prlllOn Mr!l 5, 11)51 aod the Roaeo~• received the death penalty. They subse- quently were executed in Sine Sing prison in New ·York. The court 1ave Sobell credJt for . 1 months and 18 days ·be was In ' jail because he could not raise 1100,000 boll, · prior to belf!I sentenced in' 1951 to 30 years Jn prison on charges or dltcloalng information on the atom bomb to the Soviet Uolon. Rainy Season Gets Lat~ Bui Persistent Beginn~g , I . . . , • I. ~ '· •• ~ .'-;"~ .. ,...~ I ,f (,1."J'I~ HEAOID·FCIR. tfOSPlfAt "" Unldlilltllltd (AS Pa1Ml\gllr Southern Ca1Jlomla's )ate-.lartlnf rainy 1eucm was tn ,luD awtn& ~ay ,~U a penlslnnt storm -ped more preclplta· Uon on the Orange Cout ~ bad been predicted. Welt • Qrange County bore tM bruot of the wet weather u i.se lnchi& of ro!n foll · ow Ibo, lluntln&ton V alfey area ovemlpt. Coat1 ,M_ ~ J,lf U.. cltel, Llguna Btach 1.0I nchel, while N..rpott Beach wu mmparatlvely dry with a ,72 ruillng. Thia brought tht .. uoo·s total nmr1n to S.ilo 'lndlfs In '!lie Rtlntlngtbo .Yllley, a •ban> cteCIJhe lroni tbe U'l lncbea wlllch · bad !aJ!<n at Uila Umt laot year. The : ~=-~~~.\~~~· -" ~m'i "'i, . Aa •'tel. . , .............. ~·. ~· 1 clearlnc tnoil lalo litda•~ ~Ille .~ rw 111riklot ·w~.~1 · ml mllkooiilty . tafn)l!l'lliul'ff . ""' . predl.urtil ~~::t , L . .., ,u ... -... ,,. ~· MIM . ' '"1.1• ' l:N -t ."11 • ~ llldl. ' • ' Jt ·t.lt i "' • , • , ... , •!! .... .:'r ·~·,. ·~ ·~ t: W.. l.Jl J,.. U7 ,.,,. .... •» w.tf IAl'U1 U.1 . •· 1"'1111 llMdl 1.J1 t .M . f • .. .. ... L_.. ltltwl I.If "·!I ... Anafttlm. 1,Jt ' • J.M O•nfefl GIW9. f.tt lU '4M a.n '"'""''-• .tt 1'1'11• AM 1.ll J,to J.IO ...__ Cllmtnh 111um Hl11111 fr9"I Jtn. I . . Cyj>re8s Reside~ · Burned ' hi Fil~' -. -·. . Around Earth ---·-·-· -·- .• MOSCOW (UPI) -.The Silvlel Union • Sent' a . manned. Soyuz-t 1P&ceCraft lnlo otbtt aroohd 'the earth today' on wbll £he ·Ru8sians. aafd WU 'a· 1fc0dlpllcatedll' · program. There wu apeculallon tht cOsmo~ut Would attempt a spate link~ up with . another ciaft is I flnl llep towards eslabllsblDg a 1pice llallan. Wllllln minutes after the laWlch the pilot, Lt." Col. Vladimir ShataJoT I told a television audience, "Evtr'Jt.blnl II fine. I am fine." The lone 1p-oon1n re~ *'-o Jn I ~r of l"""" uai.--Pill! said be bM ~ hll~"fiatrerin oolo tbt IUD to moJn.' tiln P.,..r. . ,,, . •<: 1rl r• mov• unPreoedesuea ·tor Ul9 Silvl<t Union, M<loCow lelevlo!on, within 90 minutes ol llftol! broadwt Video-tapes ol Shatalov's ;f,ip: soaring maJ,.. ticaUy from the Soviet's 'centr.I AaJa space center and curving toward orbit. . The Ruaians broadcast, pJ,ctures of the launch · of Soyuz 3 la5t NovOmber about 36 bolir1,allnr 'I~ left ·Ila J!uncb 'pall. alao unpreCedented for the IW!slans, As uauo! the Soviet Union did not de- tail go&ls ol the latest space fUghl aod the news gency Tiw: said OQlY· It was a "complicated and reipc)mUilw pro-gram.". . u. s. •pace .....-la said lhe SoYleb had a ''window" for a tbot at. the moon if Soyuz 4 WU to Jump frmn earUI orbit toward .. lWllr mluloii to mat,:h Amero l<;a'I ,Agollo I feat But most IPICll!a- tioo centered Oil • linkup wUb ~ manned Cosmos 263 ' utellite. aent aloft Sunday, or for doCklng with a manned spacecraft yet to be fauncbed. The United .lllales carried out docltinll maneuvers · with tba DWJned Gemlril spacecraft and the ·unmanned Agena target rockets but hu not per!Ol'/Oed, a . docking by two manned . spac;ocmt. There el!o has been no exchange of cteWI Jn &pae&--frequeotly rumoted U a Soviet project. - .A Moecow. televlllou commentator 11id . Shltalov's flight would conduct !udber tests on the Soyuz spacecraft d · part ol. the Sov~· lsmg :raoae goo! ol Ostaf>. 11sh1ng .ell'UHirl>Jl\118 ·~ stauona ror . i'l!etJ>laiie\"l' space travel. · Actress Barbara Rush,· • Husb~d Separ~te HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A c Ir e 11 Barbara Ru.h announced Tueaday ""° and her publicist busband1 Warren Cowan, had •par1ted. t The couple was ~led 1n tllSI: They are the partlifl ol a <l<ughlnr, J. Thtn'a a,.&U,vcr . lining behind lhoae rain c:loudl, llld tt'U • up Wedneadoy with !air, ,....ie.. weather. Look fer mercury reld- lni• ol eo loc1lljo aod II furlhet Inland. t ( I I l •• • • •· ................... _ .... --. ::------................ ------- .,,,!_DAn:_Y_Pn.-'"OT'----"'---T .... _'-r 14. 196f ·s,ooo Alli~s Storm C,onlmunist Stronghold 1WGON lllPll --l,lllO aWod h:llfll ·---• o., •• ff'b1'1 plnfmala an South Vietnam'• emtn1 _.t In the biggett 1mplllblous operaUon &Ince U. S. Marina landed at Inchon H-lo lhe K0ttan war, military 1polt......, Aid teday. Communiquel Aid """"' 3,008 u. s. Marines riding hellcopten and laoding cnU swept into the Batangan Peninsula llooday 1rom the SOuth CbiDa Sea. Sunset Asks Annexation To Huntingon Sunset Beach leaden have wed the Hantlngtoo Beach Qty Council to begin studies which could lead to ammallon of the beach comnnmlty to Huntington Btach. Councilmen Monday nl&bl rderred a letter from the SllllSet Beach Chan1ber of Commerce to the clty Planning Cam- mlssloo f<r devd_..,t of a poaible mut<r plan of land -IJ1 the &trip ol unincorpofated land along Coul Highway to tbe northwett ol the clty. The leUer, signed by David King, prtsi- dent of the chamber, began: "We respectfully request that the clty of Hun- liJlgton Beach undertake the necwary lteps toward annn•tioo to Huntington Beach of the unlncorpoaled area of Orange County known as Sunset. Beach. "Al reside.nts aDCI propertyownen we are dedicated to the Immediate and Jong-range goals of ~g. improving and beautilYinl Some! Beach . -J,llllU. I. -.1 SO&tlh VWNllMM _,_ ill up a -at Illa -II( Iha lllllm'!l 1o. -a °""" --L • ~ 1,Glll COmmanflt -... believed hoJtd up Qn the peaiusul• *>a cllu nortbeut of Saigon. Leallet dr<>p1 and Jo11d1ptak., broadcaats urpd .. estimated 5,000 to 10,000 civilians in lhe aru,to leave prior to the assault. Tbe tarset of the as.uult wu a two. ~ -beavilJ fcrtJllod wWi ---thal·---llJlllaO 'fa• .. :=• formcn ... JWl,tbl 7 EB aald. -of "" fortl-... constructed by the Japaneae durlnc World War 11. "Tbe<o are a lot oJ VC (Viet Con.I) In there and we are sure It wUI 6e 1troogly contested." Brl1. Cen. Howard It Cook!ey, one of the tut '""'° com- ' :;'.C. were Iooded al lncboo IJ1 Sep. • mt, la Iha_ ... that"""" the Nortb -ann1 oa1 cl l!outh Kena "but th1a ii • far more ~ pllcaled and far reacb1ng -•Uon in every other respect." ParllclpaUng IJ1 the penlnlula drive ...,.. elements ol the u. 6. army Amerlcal divfalon, the Marlnea' · 2l1h rqlmenlal landing lmn and units ol tbl 8*h vw-=+a . 2nd illfantr)' di•lllcn. • Nw SaJaoo ut11 toifq a Vlol Coq f,... allactlnii bolllnd a rectet grenade barng<, palllally d<aWyed a bridge guardocl by Sooth Vletnam .. e soldiers. Other Communilt troope: invaded a rol\qleo Cllllp on the northern cout and kidMped about 40 men, women and cbUdreo, g(Wumnent spnWmen aaJd. 'Aviation Local Problem~ l 'Tramp0Tt.ation Asiist.ant Says· W mhington W on:'t Help llJ IAClt BBOllACK Of .. D9fJ , ... ..,, The time bu come for local cover. m~t and people to solve their own avlaUon facllity problems. Big bnllher In Wuhlngton 11 not golJ1g to do the job, •CC011llnl to M. Cecil Mackey, auil- lant oecretary ol tranaportaUon. Mackey lpoke Monday before the Orange County Forum oJ Town Hall o1 Ca!Uomfa In the Anohefm Convenlion Center. · In addlUon to tbrowfng the ariaUon problellJ blcl: to local IOhzUon, the speabr Aid, "We have reacbed a DOlnl wbln the ~ taipayer abou1d not be aaked to IUppart clyfJ avfaUen. Afr -that ... not _.tie -subsldJ, llllo!Jld be phaaed out rapldly. '"Tbe'rtllUda ud dev4lopment _..,, to praduce the kind of alt traffic coctrol 01lem which the nalkm needa and capltil upendllurea nece111ry to lm$ 8boold be financed by UJCr , " lilacbJ:· em llzed "With • with ::0,,, thoro II DO l'tllCID from a tralllportatloa ltaod-- llofal. ~ the --·obould not pay lbe COIUI,' the speaker Ulel'ted. . •"11JfJ applies to the altllnel and to private avlaU... U private llylJ1c can't or won~ pay !II way and the local communf(J la DOI wtlllJ1g to underwrite tis operation, wby llbouldn't the alrpm1 alte become • lhopplng cenler Or a boualng 111bdlvlalon!" thew~ ... . pert aald bltmllY- He aald thal federal dlctatlon of what are -ly local mailers abould be permanenUy dlawded aa an lngredfent of public polfcy. "The Deparlmenl of Tranoportatlon bu conalltenlly oppioed .. --federal grant pn>grom for airport development."' Mackey atated. He urged thal llates late a more leading poolUoo ln the 1vf1Uon field. "AviaUon. aJmoet since the day of ffa blrtb, bu a!Joyed ~ llalua but it CID no. longer Y claim to a rfgbl of opedaJ treatment or subsidy. It mut pay UI own way," the .speaker tmdtded On 1tmnar subjects, Mackey said: -Defense requirements must have priority in possible combination use of ..UUng mllltary airports. -Tbe question. of hijacking planes has not betn aolved. Every avenue bu been aplored but we do oot want to do anything to endanger passengers. -Standards will be established for no1le 1Uppresalon but there ls DO "silent'' airplane In alght. . -LDcaJ participation is.weateat In zon.. Ing to avold airport problema:. But i& ls a local question to be solved locally, -Larger planes wlll not reduce air congestion and will Increase airport con- gestion. They wUI ju11t keep up wltb the growth of air travel ., . "To accompliab tbeB W~vfL.w_e_ look forward to developing a mutually desirable and feasible master plan with your Planning Commission. youngster Dies -Hayakawa Seeks ld_e11tity --1:.1espite-Efforts.-------------- Offers of Bloo~ Of Striking SF Teachers '"Ibe request for annexatJon la made. ol COllJ'le, with the undenlandlng that a Muter Plan acceptable to Ull!: com· munlty would be developed ~or to the annention eJecilon. '' Slpen King, Paul Bradley, Ivan Lig- gett, Edward W. Turk, Michael Guflltt, and WIDlam C. Draper, polJ11ed out that the 0rance County Planning Department ts makin& a master plan atudy of the area, one found "'unacceptable" by the algnerl. Huntington Higli Bids for Speech Crown Tonight Speaten from Huntington Beach High School wtll put their be<I voice forward Thunday nlgl>t aa they compete In the 32nd annuaJ oratorical contest IJ>OnlOl'ed by HlDltington Beach American Legion Poll m. · The contect will start at 1 p.m. on the second Door of Memorial Hall. The winner will go on to the diltrict finala with a chance f<r a top lcholanhip award ot $4,000. Former POil No. L!3 Commllllder Orlan Softn: II chairman of thil year's contat. The pubUc is invited to hear the young orators live their best. Valley Republicans Plan Castro Program "CUtro'I Hand in the U.S. Turmoil," will be explained to the Huntington Valley Young Republicans at 8 p.m., 'Ibunday, at the Sheraton.Beach Inn, Huntlngton Beach. Joee Norman, a former C u b a n joumallst and coffee plantaUoo owner, will talk about his experlenooi ln CUba and his acape from the Ca!tro regime. DAllY PILOT CWtANO• a»'T l'V•LISHING COM,M't · l•IMrf N. 'Wtti l'rttlilem ..... """'!""'" Jtcli •• c •• 1.., \lltt Prftw.N .,.. "--' ,.....'"' n ..... k ••• ;1 Ed•kH' n.""'' ""· µu"''~; •• ~Mfi"'t E'°lw ,AJNtf W. ltttl Willi•M lttol ,._ltilt i+u"t"'91C'I lel<Jt l!dll« C:1•r Edlltlr ., ............. Offk• Ht ltti Slr••t M1lli111 AMt-•u r.o. ••• 7to, tJ,4t --.......... ..,.: "" ..., . ...,. ..,~ C•ltl #oew: Ja '#Kl .. , 510'ftl t...,... .,.,....., m ,,.,..,, """""' DAILY JIU.Of, .i• .... "c .......... It'll ... .._ .. _ .. ...ti!lllMtl ..ii• •..:"'' """ ,.., ... ---.-11 .... "" \.~ llNdt. Ne-k..O. Cot1• Mt.., 1tu111111tllll .. 9Cfl -,_. ............ , •• ,.,. •1111 • ot.......i ....... Cit-'""'' fl'WlitMfit c~ .,....,.,.. "-' .... •t n11 wett hCbu IMI. ~ IH<ll. .... 1JI ....... ..,, ...... '-'• """"· ''':!: ; f7141 641-4111 ,...._ A • c.I 14 .. 1 ut a 11...,.. M;atW.t M:t.1611 CWl'rtlM. ... Or...... C...• l'Wlllfllllol ~.Ht -••••• ,,, ....... "_ ~ -'"' ., ........... _..,, ,,..... ....., -,.,.... ....... 9"(jal "'"'"'*' .. ...,,.... ...... . _.,... cte.. ....... Nilll ti N._. 11«111 -Cut. .... c.1 ....... ""'6c•i.tl .. " ur1'l6' ···"-"""'· ... '"I'll.,,,. ...... 1111,, ..... ..,_, .... M.JI -Iv. ( UPITt ....... CRASH SURVIVOR CARRIES CHILD TO SAFETY 'It Was • Mlr11cl1 Anybody Survived' .From Page l AIRLINER CRASHES • • • four.fool ocean ... e11a and broU apart Jun behind the wlnp. Hooeymoonlllg SAS ptlot Olof Andenon, 38, dozina: Jn a seat beside his bride, Marianne, 23, said be thought the initial impact wu jwlt a rough landing at the Los Angeles field. "Then I saw the water coming intO the plane. My wife and I waited for the plane to stop and then searched for the rubber rafb:," Anderson said. "Some of the women were screaming and I looked around and u.w some bloody laces," be conUnned after be!J1g brou&hl aabore at a butify establialied uscue dl!peraaI cenler at Marina del Rey. "It took a long Ume for the tall "SeCUon to aink," aald Anderson, of Stockholm, "wt climbed onto the wings Hearing Slated On City's Plan A public hearing will be held tonight on a proposed amendment to the Westminster City Councll at 7:30 o'clock in council chambers. The amendment, recommended earlier by the Plannlng Commission, woold ex· pand poaaible fulure industrial develop- ment in 1 general area bounded by Magnolia Street, Hazard Avenue, Ward Street and McFadden Avenue. The area in question is currently zoned for light manufacturing and commercial use. A change Jn zoning is not being con· 1idered at the present, but the area wW be con11idered for wider industrial development in the future. Se1ection of a financial consullant for the propelled 14.2 mlllioo paru and recreation bond will al5o be considered by the councll. The proposed bond is for I O neiebbOrhood parks, a 10.acre upaiWon ol Siegler Part and a three-par goU coune to be located on property next to Westminster High School. Huntington Pair Charges Dropped A Huntington Beach coople accused ol polRlllon ol marijuana lollowfng 1 pollce raJd on thelr home have betn clear<d ol all char&ea IJ1 Well Orange Counly muitlcfpal'coori. .Btrnle, 24, and Miry S&n1, 21, of Sii Ninth SL ...,.. booted by = NO¥. ·u after a raid on the Sam ln wbicb MV'fll'I ptrlOfll wse arrested oe a variety ol drup oil-. AllO cleared ol an charge1 In the Int.rim oarlod ,,.. Dolt ~ Ludlow, lll, ol !llllJdon and 'I1motby Rolin Stewart, ti, olMoorovla. SchedUled for jury trial In the 11me court Feb. II are Jooepb 0-,t, lll, and 0-,e Carel•, It, of Monrovia and Jim"" Lee Deamer, U. of AJuaa. All .,. accuoed ol _...ion ol mari- juana . and being praaant In -. place where marlju1na wu u.std. • and got into a life raft but it had 1 hole in it and aank." Anderson u.id his pretty bride diaa~ peaced for 1 time and be fund the "¥ Jost, but the newlywed! were llOOO reunited in another liferaft. Another SAS pilot 1board the downed craft, Olav Hanson, said he tried to he1p take charge of evacuation ope.raUOlll as the shattered lircraft bobbed on the swells. "We have to leave the plane," the off-duty llanson abouted. onferin& iboM able to help to get llftrafts from the overhead compartments. l\AFlll LAUNCHED Launching rubber rafts from the left wing, Hanson said heavy winds blew one into the tom, jagged nose of the plane, which la named "Sverre Viking," causing it to puncture and slnk. Several Coast Guard vewll, includlng the cutter11 Point Judith and Point Brldge led yachts and ple&IUl'e boall out tnto storm·la11hed aus on the mercy m1u1on. Three amphibious helleopten were im- mediately dispatched under Lot Anaeles InternaUonal Airport'• at-tiea air diluter plan, flood-lighting the are• when heavy swells pre.vented them from setting down. Procedure.11 for handllng such a cltt.cblne were rehearsed immediately following the similar Nov. 22 pulClke landing of 1 Japan Airlines jelllner off San Franclsco lntemalionlll Alrporl ~fiRACLE LANDING No one aboard the JAL plant which carried 107 persons was killed or injured, but the miracle landing in a calm. lihallow portion of San Francisco Sq alerted Los Angeles safety offlcllll to the possibllity of one in the Southland. Passengers injured in the Monday night SAS crash were taken ashore e.lther by boat or lifted into hellcopte.r1 by aerial sllnp, depending upon need fer' immediate treabnent. "The conditions were terrible,'' said David Hwcraft. 43. of lnglev•ood, .skip- per of the Los Angelea County Harbor Patrol boat "Bay Wat.ch." FOUR-FOOT SWEU "There wu 1 three-to-four foot awe II," he Wd, "and the vtalblllly waa almolt nootxl.ltent.'' SUrvfvon -many ol them bleodlnl. moaning, and cryinl to be tabn iO shore and ufety-wen rushed to UCLA Medical Center and Santa MMlca lfol- pli:al. with five serloullly tnjuff.ld and all others In fair to good lbape. A Los Angel,. County Sberlff'1 De- partment bul supplemented 1 fleet of ambulances. 'lbe pUot declined to dillcusa ~Ible ctustS ot the first commerclll airliner crash In the history ol Loo Anftlea In- ternational Alrpori, which opened In 1947, but praised hiJ crew. One atewardela ii amM1 the dead and another ii missing. • .... _ He delcribed their -.. ......, hetolc and dlaclpllned, -a Cout Guard rescuer u.1d lt was .newhlt of a mlrlcle thit the DCI d!dn't brui: apart and •Ink enUrely. In Waahlftilon, D.C., tho National Tranopotlalfoll Slfety Board at1llOUl1COd It w11 dlapat.chlng • tum of 10 meo to lnvt1llg1t.e the cruh, 11¥hile SAS offl- clal1 Immediately tool< oil from Co- penhagen to join them. • Despite good v.·ishcs and offers of blood from scores of Orange County resfdenlll', a Westminster sixth grader died Saturday at Long Beach Memorial Hospital after a fight against a cancerous spinal tumor. Funeral services were scheduled ror S p.m. tod1y for Ktylene McCarty, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. McCarty of 8762 PachecQ St.. at Peek Family chapel. The girl had rare O.negatlve blood and when it wu diacovered that the girl might need blood transfusions, scores of persons volunteered to lltand by to donate the nre type. FamUy spokesmen said the girl had a Canctf'OWI spinal tumor and had been in the hospital three times In the past year. Survivors Include her parents; two sisters, Muzette and Mrs. Erma Bullock, both of Sa.nta Ana; a brother, Bill Galven.er of Costa Mesa; and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Berl Chase of Sacramento, Mrs. Vera McCarty of Portland, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCarty of Modesto. Statue of Dr. King Set for Cathedral WASHINGTON (UPI) - A alatue of Dr. MarUn Luther King Jr. will be placed aJongside other churth leaders in the nave of the Wuhlngton National Cathedral (Eplacopal). The very Rev. Francis Sayre Jr. said the cathedral's aculptor·in-residenct, Carl Bush, would carve the 30--inch ltattle. King preached In the cathedral last March 30, four days before his assassina· lion. 'I 'l'alked to God' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -AcUng President S.I. Hayakawa sent certified letters today to the San Francisco State College faculty in an attempt to identify striking teachers. Hayakawa 's move came on the recom- mendation of the council of academic deans and as a preliminary to a court hearing involving the American Federa· lion of Teachers. The session wcu scheduled for 2 p.m. The union was ordered to show cawe In superior coUrt why a temporary in- junction banning Its strike should not be made permanent. Presld.ing Judge Edward F. O'Day issued the on:ler a week ago and slPikil'g t~achers face poulble fines and arrest for violations. They also face loss of thf'i r jobs under provisions of the state ctlur.allon code which declares five slraight clays of unauthorized absences consUtute.f an automatic resignation. Hayakawa asked the teachers in his Jetter to fill out enclosed attendance forms . President Gary Hawkins of the AFT Local 1352 urged faculty members to ignore Hayakawa's request. Chairman Leo McClatchy of the Academic Senate also announced his opposition. "I think it is a demeaning device." 11ald Hawkins. "We are professionals. This is just another kind of loyalty oath." McClatchy said he would place the lswe before the Academic Senate's next meeting. He said he opposed the request on "the same principle llll the loyalty oath Wue against which we fought years ago." Militant leaders of the JO.week 11tudent strike Monday contradicted reports of possible peace moves. They accused Hayakawa of "trying to tamper with the internal affairs" of the Black Students Union. Miss Ann Petrootl rests Monday after being freed by SI. Louil pollc• who said aha had been nailed in a closet for five day1 without food or water. Invertigators said the 57·year-old woman was held prt1oner by a part time handyman wbo worked for her. Sbe 18id she prayed for her release. • ( H.ayak1wa met with BSU member Roscoe Blount last week in what was described as a major effort to solve the problems which have resulted In dissension and violence on the 18,~stu­ dent campus since Nov. 6. Strike leaders told a news conference Monday that Blount, a graduate student. wasn't a representative of the BSU or the Third World Liberation Front Thi two minority groups cdHd the walkout 1n support of 15 "nOIHlegoUable'' demands on the administration. Jerry Varnado, BSU representative on the central committee, denounced the Hayakawa-Blount talks. He said the Negro group "want.II to assure our llUP. porters that there have been no talks and no meetings" between the college administration and the BSU. From Page l MURDER. • • and passengers, if any, grabbed the collision with another. car. Her car was scratched slighUy and a couple or parts fell of! to be found Jate.r by police at the point of impacL She drove on toward death a few hundred yards from the accident scene. Apparently the other car drove up beside her and cau~ her to stop one way or another. She appare11tly got out of her car and walked up to the other car some 20 to 30 feet away, police believe. If this theory is co rrect the driver, victim in anger and slashed her badly. She managed to twist ~way from the death grip and reel back lo\vard her car. She didn't make it. A search of the area t11rr.ed up A blue sedan which shows c1 i•lcncc of a recent colli sion. officers s<iid. lnsidc the automobile. found at 21st Strf'et ind Olive Avenue in a deserta: area of oil tanks and pipelines, officer~ dlscovere.d blood spatters on the front seat. steering wheel and gear shift lever. The car was traced to Miss Dinger at her apartment and officers arrested Misa Dinger and Coatney on murder charges about four hours after the crime was commJtted, according to the police. Funeral services for ~1rs. Markee v.•ill be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Hillside Chapel 1t Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier. Burial will follow at the me- morial part. Family members said that Mrs. Markee had three ll()f\S and two daughters and that the family doe.s not wish the names of the sons and daughter.s nor family history divulged. Bandit Pleads To Lesser Co1mt A Westminster man accused of being one of two bandits who held up 1 aervict station in that city last Sept.. 10 bas pluded IUllty to reduced charges jn SUperlor Court. Judge Robert Gardner accepted the plea ol Edwin Theodore White, It, !hat he wu an acces90ry in the $34 holdup of the HtJdton Service Station, 7Ml Watmloster Ave. He dlam.issed earlier dw'ges ol armed robbery and ordered Whfte to serve thr@e years probaUon. Wblte'a 1CCOmpllce In the hokluit. Richard Oi1mond .Roubedeauz, 19, of JJOll Wlllmelte Ave., We&tminster, J1 scbedu1ed to return to court Feb. & for tentencina:. He hu pleaded ruUty to second degree armed robbery . f • 11 \ I I 11 \ ------ ,. l'j I • .. L I '• I •, Iii VOi:. 6_2, NO. "2; 2 SEOtK!>NS, 2? PAE>S l .• • -' '9 , ! , '· s "Ii 1 I • 11 • ' I ; •• 4 ! • ' • • • t ~ ' ~. I' ' • ·~/ t,; (t '. ~' . . . . .... .,. . .. ) . ~ . ' OFEO~ -o . ... 0-. (• ";'. . -. ,' . -' . ' . . ..;;. .. )-.. ' ' Orbits Earth Soviets Launch UPIT ....... ORllTING THE EAlfnl <osmonavt Shatalov Laguna Police _ Caich .Marijuana Warrant Suspect Alter a notrsO-merry chue through the downtown area, a Laguna Beach police oftlcer Monday night ran to earth a suspect named in two marijuana war- rant&. Police &aid DenDis John Martino, %Z, no fii:ed address, was arrested at the Broadway shopping center by of'fker Robert Remillard. After bb 1951 car hlt a chain lint fence. 11aid poHC!:, Martino fled on foot, the officer firtd a shot in the air and pbunced on Martino when he tripped during • foot clwe. · Police aaid Marllno bad driten throu&h l .. -red Dghla and I atop alp in the dbwntown ~ while Remillaid was in ~£ u.sing red light and atron. Teens . : ..... MOScoW (UPI) -' Tbe "Smet .tlnlon sent 'a' m1ml!d ~ ... f "apraceciJft tilCo oitilt Or1lind the""~ toda 6n wllat the BulllaRI aaid ,, ... ··.Japi1e1~ ... program. 'l'bere WU specuJ1doo the COllDODlul -1d attempt a space llnir.- up --croft .. .• llnt step tewardl estebHlh:f.a• space ltad.oo. WIUrln ml!lfila the lllmcb the Sbala)ov, told '''Everythiq )! 1-spiMiia'n reported -In • -of .,.,.. ual--s·.nr111 lioll ·lodoii . 'bis .. ,.. ~ 1'!11 .,,,.,.in. ~ ,, 'l<ir the Soviet Ullloo, M°"""' WOVWon, within 90" mlmltes of , liltoll brllidwl video- tapes of Silatalov'• i!dp aOlrlng ,majto- tieall1. !rolll the.-Soyi.t'1 ~ Asia ·~-and cdi!vliif, .-...mi orbit. Tho Rualiins broadcuf plcture1 of the launch of Soyuz a last November about 3& boun alter It l~t )II Ial!lifh pad, all" unorecedented for the llusSialls. As usUal !hi Soviet Urilon did not de- tail Coals of the·hites! space fliCl>t and the news agency Tua: 5'kf only It wu a "complicated and nspomlble pro-gram." . ' Y. S. 1pace experts llld the Sovi.ts had a ''window'' for a· lbot at tbe moon if Soyuz 4 waa.to llm>O m.. earth orlljt toward a lunar mfaioii to match ~ ica'• Apollo-·I feat. But mo1t apecu.Ja. tion centered on a linkup with J1rt manned Cosmos m satellite. sent aion Sunday, or for docking with a manned 1pacecraft yet to be launched The United States carrt.d out docki"l! maneuvers with the manned Gemini spacecraft and lhe unmanned Agena targ~t rockell liut U. not perionned a !!_ocklng by' two mlmied opacej:l'aft. There also~ haS been no uchlnge · of crews in spa~requently rumond •s a Soviet project. · A Moscow televiskm commentator said Shatalov's. fligh4 would .cooduct -furthier teats on 1be SOyhz l'pacecrift as part <l ttre Soviets' !onf range goll of est:ab- lishing earth-orbiting 1paC!: statiom for interplanetary spat!: travel. NEW YORK,(UPI) -The itDc:k mar- l:et cl..-.d •b!per _, In moderate trading. Tbe advance larceJy reflected }hdi<tiolll of lncrwod bowlnc 11arts W. year, mostly blabtr automobile. sails durin.< the lint ildro cl. January, riliol alumlrwm ~ and a commu· ce ilepartment ,.port lbat bullnesl sates accelerated bl NoVember in tbe faoe of incrtased lnveolcrltl. (See quotali011J, Paces 10.ll). • • Haven? . , t " ~ ,, ' ' 08+N65 COUNT¥; :C:'AllFORNl.,\ t-t • ...... /.~ < I '!,, ,1 • ,.. ' . • ---" . ' . . • , ... 1~ ,: f . . -•. ~ .. .._.. .•.• "''"~ ....... -I t~-·:; /F .. t,._ a~-.-·· s ,, ' . ! ' ' ' . · .¢0AS'l\GU.41(DSMAH ST.f\IDS BY ;ro Al D • . , · . : , ,:Sc.onc!i'!"•lar ·Alr~nai .*! '4;! -. . . . . ' ' . ... . . ~ ;. ~ ' .:. 1. • • • '. . ' -. • • •• '1 \ • ""'~ f!:VIVORS·~S SHll'. ~PPROACH.ES Dd~NED P~ANE . r~ P~n~l1<91 .lfnto1 C!-•f•I WA'ter1 off' UX t, . 1 . '. . ' s,ooo ;·in Huge Amphjb • • ' • • • < ~ Ramy Seas0n \ . . In. Full Swing, . . . Lauding Hit Red Camp . :~.·:,--4 ~·~,.i·,.-. . ...... ' :But Going l\w~y • TodaY'• Fl••I .N.Y. Steek&- ~ .. '·. -. . ·O Hopes JEN CENTS • • I. • . . ' ' . Dim ' • ' For Missing Deloencllng lltroolh lllmml' ntpl-otiel fn : an ablJomW. lttndlni •Jll"O"cll. • Scondinavlall I jell!t>er. ·with. -15 ~ . 1plaabecl Jnto..tbe , OCOU• el~mllol ~ Playo-de! lit}' lolOllf\iJ Ii, and b)' dawn today a third GI abcmd Wen!! presumed ~ , l '., 1 • Seareber• cootlntied to ~ lor 11 poaathle ..,.Ivon In the rdllwepl, Mo deiree wl~ ~ 111oru i-r1a11 ~ Ille rufact, but bope WU flnlllf ~ , &no.!· that UI)'.-""""' nmalA alive. ; l'Qllr boclll'. "' roi:orere11 ~ • 'l ~ud 30 '1'll'lll ,avetl bf an arm,eda ,)-I :, ' Mora (~ ......... , ' \ . ~' . ·Stot;1et,.P....-r of• 411 r..cue 0-afl and p;Ivato boa11 u 'the' <hrila at oet. imlolcleil m;ler the glare of bellcopter tJWcbllgtrti· and • }lltracllllte fl.,.... !< Cable Commuter Alrli1H01 pllot from Westminster waa the fint penon· to slP,I floating wreckage .of the ~ dlnavlJlll A!rlln.. System DCI, 1ie4ded into ' Loo Angel" lnternaUoar' Airport wllen ii hll. · . The SAS Flight 933, plloltd by Capt. Kenneth Pavil, former Brltilh Royal AJr Force mer, cllaapPeared !run tower radarscopes l!l 7:40 p.m., "~ler • 1~ hour diolay aloft In a hokllnc pattern over the San Joaquin Valley . '' • ·_.; · i : -.:. · ·~ ~ SoutbemCalilo~·11~~~~ SAIGON' (UPI) -About 5,000 aW.ed-In Vietnam since 1965 but "none can seascin wu ·m ftlll nrins lbday 81 a · troops ~ed a Communist-held compare wtth -this.'' He said .many more persistent storm dumped more prectplta· Capt. Davil bad aa.ld , he was a- perleljclng minor landlnc sear' lmlhle befo<e turning the bl( Jet inland to ap-ch. Runway 25L oo an east<rly ovenea route nept by U-mJle-aD. bcm ..--and storm 1urbulence. peninsula 'Oil South Vietnam's ·central troops were lao®d. at ln::hon ·in Sep-tion on .the ofanie CoJSt th.an had bletl coast in the blggtll ainpbibioos operaUon tember, 19Si0, in the.campaign that drove predicted. . . . ~ the North Korean , army out of South since U. · S. Marjnea landed al lnchor Korea "but ttiis Us a far mctt com· West Oran&e Cotµlty bore the brunt Rather~ in ~ forian war, m.llita!)' · plicated and far reaching opes:aUon in of the wet weather a1 -l.M ~·-of apokestt\en satcttOdlf. -·' · ever)"otber r.espeot." rain fell on the HunUng(on Vap.,. area Communiques ta.Id some 3,000 u. s. PardclpaUng in the peninsula driye overnight. Costa Mesa repor\ed 1.14 in· were elements of the U. S. -anny ches, Laguna Beach 1.05 ncbes, whU~ Marines riding heJJ~s and l&Ddlo&. Atnerical . dtvialon, the Marines' 26th Newport Beech was •cbmparaUVely dry cr~·•~Jnto,~'Bat.anpn ·B~.. regimental · landing team .and .unll,s of with a .'72 reading. · MOnday from the SoUth '~'~Ses.. tile South ,Vietnamese· 2nd infantry , This l!rodght'the ....00'1 total rainfall Another 1,000 U. s. and South Vlelname1e division to UO tnches In the·HuoUngton Valley, a infan~ set up a cordon at the Near S;1gon early today a· Viet Cong sharp declihe from the ~:37 1inchee WtUf;:b nf.ct· of lbe llthmU. lo ·black ., 'C<Q-force iltacldq ·behind a rocket grenade had falleli ·at this· Unle ~ast ·year: Tbe munl.st l'etrtll , , :1 . ;: • batTagei partially destroyed a bridge sbarput CClbtrul was In Newp>tt Belch. .Aboul 1;900-~unilf aoldi<fs wero : g....ied Ill' Soulh Vletnanieae aoldlen> where the > C\lmllt Ut .,tatal waa belieftd. holed ' uP'.on the ~ JOO ' Other' ~ troops invaded a .. measur~ ag~ la~ ~ r.l.~1. . . nil~ ...-theast of ~ l;oalkl ~ · refugee camp on the. ...-then> coast ·AJ the •alri cohtmued ·thll•.-.itnr• and loudspeaker broadcutl utgi4 .mi' and kidnaped about» .0 nien, women . weather fore:utes Wft'e' Jookfrc ,,_ oatlfnate<h 5,000 ·to 10,QI!! J'lvlliapl. ·la aOd children, government 1paiesmen a clearing tnnd late tAld•y, .parttns<tlto the area to1leavt1 ptior to~ usault. -: zakl. clwds for fair 1tia WednescfAJ .. 'Jbe tlr&et ol the !UliuV "'.U • · iwo- sqiw<.mlle area. heaTllY f91'1llied w\lh · bunkers and tunnels thiot ba,s 1>een Uled • by tliO Communiltl u .•. llLIP!I ~ Im-m!ft tllon I> yean, ·the opqk- ~ ·~·'\:ef~d=' Saddlehack -Won't Become :~=~::~~.I! ~<it"'~ College of Mission Vie1·0 •trona11 C<lllelted," Brig. .Gen. Howlid , Suddeply, without warning except ~ one steward{!!.!' order to fatten ieat belts, the Riane slammed Into 'tJnl to fClllr.foot ocean swells and broke apart just ti<hlnd ·the wlnlot. Honeymoootnc~AS" pilot OIOI Andenon, ~-dozing In a !eat belllde his brkle, Marlaone, 23, llld he ~ the ID!tlll impact WU just I Jouch landlnc at U1e Loi Angei.t field . '.'Tben I saw the water comlJll'-lnto the plane. My wile and I walltd for tbe plane to st:Op and then rteOrcbed for the tubbet rifts," Andenon aid: "Some ot the ~ m · ~ and r looked ·around ··and .. w 'IOtllt biood,f faces," he continued. afte<. bcinl bl'Mlflht ashore at I bastlly establilhed rocue dispeilal 'CSlla' Ill '1tlarlna de! Rey. ) • ,"II took 1 lobg time IOI' the taU HcUon to 1ink;" llk1 Andenon, of Stockholm, ''we climbed onto the wlnp lllld got Into a life rift but It bad a hole in It and sank." )\nde-.. Id hit p!?lty IKlde 41ap-' !See ADI CltMll, Pap II Oraage r New Plans for Btii-efobt Bar '. •r~"S--°l" iul fott1 c,om'_, . -• ' · JAii .. ~. ·~-_, , ""'d!ebec:k ilnllltea ~·t w111t their with the college, and not jull c1-' ·-eip<i>d""•""""· ... bb j~ iollelo to.,.,...,,. loioWn U ·the ociloOll." . • K110!111 In 111 hlyd1y u a llcliloHXUal havet1, Laguna11 now.quiet Barefoot Bar m1,1 lunl over • new leaf ana ~llf' a centu for 1.eena&en. The pooslbillty was broached to rep esmtattmr f1 the young set thJs week by City Manqer James. D. W!leaton. He IOUgtlt 1 feedback of teen lntemt "" the !lhllhood tllat tbe bar bul1dinC mlgbl be utlltsod lo the -niOntha .. yoOlll ........ under -oftlit city llec:reollon Departmenl Wheaton abo tacked on a lilt of ~-lnducllna .-led approval of ~ tbelea9ee and tbe city ......ii. The _.,, --u the B/iionhralt. Ill Oceaa Ave., II leaded bf. allomey J....,. Stevtlllljlll since !Ill PIJi<hue by the city from Conaolldaltd ~Co. ''I dda' think U'I malJn& any lllOllq • ,, J for Stevenson," Aid the city manager. "And the teens tiave recojyed veey llUle in the Wlf tf Witlt» tJecauR 1of Jeck of fi.cllities." U Stevenson Is willing and tbe council Is willlJl( to porfwlth the........, during tbe Winter -(•boot 1131 mooth}y) phu paJ fcr --. ot r'aerullGnal aupervbioo, the project Dia)'. .. , .,, the IJ'OllM .. The lnlllal qdatl\ln, W1iMlon indlelltd 11 ~ .-_ h1 ieeiH<ra to h propoaal. • .,,,... ... • lot of . - endl,'' he said. "but. I'm 1'trJ excited about tl. .. The rule ~ Indeed be • chanp of -fer dro old Bonloot. Bow• of the bomooa:qal • cllt!llM Uiat. ...,,, frequoottd l!Je .plai>a and tlleb' reported hlj!nr. the city wlpl . • 1.., ·-aplmt tho bu lrYIJli, to abate It aa an undalrable etalillllimcnt . I -~ wu killecland .al> w<!UMed CoU.p of il!lsalon Viejo. He poloted out that In the IUCCdaful during tbe -IT ti!Ues of the _all,., Moi>day night they took steps to 'le -electlon preclKts cioaell -.to Sile ~.IOO ~were.....-, di-late the college from the nearby the oampdl voled the -heavl!J' in ' up-Jilt·~,·-{ '\ r"'· ..._.,\, lianoed <d>IMNftl!Y '!'<\s!ve\Jt •wider favor. ' • · RU-Mto;i'WlllJam w. IWllttDI Jr., ldentllicallon wlili the JuniOr college In other buaineu, the Saddleback bolid ~°I rn=~: dlatQ_£1, that ~¥' fl<'m ~·Ip := = ~ ~:c.t1111:1:.-= ' . ' ~~aa a poll!;t U\at'purcbaea . PIVkk BacWI, Daoa ·l'<llDt, will .be . ·· be iude fh>m.llrJlll wt"1jl\ q,e. cllitl1ct ' eJpjrlDc. , • • · •• · Cll~ Sch~uI~ · w~ llley ... ~ n~ mt llpckw, -. •. ""' .... -·1 Maril\a . . . "-~ ·<Ni>Ull by lbil ~ tbe ' !Ugfl School, In ff1lnllnllol> ~. -' . ., ' . . !, 1 ' diltttct, cm !WU uadtt llOi; .' "':· "'. 1>11~ to• ""1 -ia!L Voce~ 41, • Breakfast Meetµrg · · "If• -to lda.tlrk;!,~QD muoary -...... and 1~ eo11op · 1,,. IArunl ~~·win~~ ~!,:Id,-; ~ ... Vil¢-~~~ §' :t1. ·::i: ll~.w:· ':!,{ 111·aecond w~ ~ ~ il 1 1111111 111 'Ute-¥.ten Uve ,_~r ·q..,. Cleclded. · u,e Hotel LqmJi l...n i.'IO t 1 a.111,' ' F\11'1¥ ~ ·ijte !Ut!Un Q)ne~' enns or Colllnll, LoUll Zllltt ml Wediw.tilaJ . . I . I ' llOot\l'l'r:tii ~ '·"' ' ~~ -t Ulllll • lf11. • A -: <f 'lublp, ':&'' lhtf('. . ~ '\fioQl;j . .l~~,1_!!!1 ' t ~:..-. ~ wtll-De pen& IHi 1 ' , \ .. • ... •-'· f teJ1 • .eJeet19it~ Cllimliirnl•--'WantD' ' '" /l . ~l1t19"a _el!ort ~ tle.cte\f.". VoCeJ' apt '.10 ~.iitd ed the .,.;;,a?ilitplia.• · 11e "" • •'tie im..,i,o ntate • n11 Backttl aco1nat five, sq· 11r1 ..m 1n 8ruhl will cOat ,t.IO per ,,....... effolt IO eel' tho ,.,.... ma llwolvod ' their, .... WU wldelf spUl . ' ' . -- J llAll.Y l'llOT Jly llhll lnhftondl • ' ''Mrs. Brown , , , Er ••• I Wonder If You'd Like to Reconsider That 'No Pets' Rult on that Rental Unit of Yours?" .f'f'om PQfJe 1 AIRLINER CRASHES . • • reunited lo another liferaft. Another SAS pilot aboard the downed craft. Olav Hanson, said he tried to help take charge of evacuation operaUoos 21 the ehatlered aircraft bobbed on tile '"We have to leave the plane," the oft-duty Hanson shouted, ordering those able to belp to get lilerafts from the ()Verhead compartments. RAF'lll LAUNCHED Launchiog rubber rafts from the left \ving, Hanson said heavy winds blew one into the tom, jagged nose or the plane, which is named "Sverre Viking," causing jt to puncture and sink. Several Coast Guard vessel!, including the cutters Point Jud.1th and Point Bridge led yach" and pleasure boa" out into 'torm-Iaabed seas on the mercy mlssi6n. Three amphibious helicopters were im- mediately dispatched under Los Angeles International Airport's at-sea air disaster plan, flood-lighting the area when heavy 1well1 prevented them from setting down. Procedures for handling such a ditching were rehearsed immediate!)' following the similar Nov. 22 pancake landing of 1 Japan Airlines jeUiner oil San Francisco International Airport. No one aboard the JAL plane which carried 107 persona was killed or injured, but the miracle landing in a calm, lihallow portion of San Francisco Bay alerted Los Angeles safety officials to the po5Sibility of one ill the Southland. Passengers injured in the Monday night SAS crash were taken ashore either by boat or lifted into helicopters by aerial alings, depending upon need for immediate treatment. ''The cond.IUons were terrible," said DaVid Howcraf~ 4.!, of Inglewood, skip- per of the Los Angelea County Harbor Patrol boat "Bay Watch." "There wu a three-to-four root awell,'' Nun Takes Fall Off Laguna Oiff A nun who toppled about ~feet down 1 rocky Laguna Beach cUU dW'ing an outing was badly skinned and nauseous but apparently atherwise all right, lifeguardft reported today. Weguard LL Eugene DePaulis iden· tified the vicUm as Sister Mary Aileen McDermJt of San Gabriel. He said she and about six other ntm11 were pickni.ck· Ing below Victor Hugo Point Friday. AB lbe threw a towel to lhe beach below, aald DePaulis, she lost her looUng on the dirt path where there i1 no guard railing and tumbled to the beach. Gaanls administered first aid . DAllY PILOT ltob•rl N, w.,J ..... ,."' .... l"l,ibll ...... J•,• R. Cvrl1y \'>tt l"rft•llenl l"lll <lf,,... .. Mt""tfl' 11. ..... , ktt•il i;Gllo• TJ.,..,., A. t.4v•p~: ... M•"9tlnl £1•~ J;,1..,4 '· Nill l•-l•tdl· Cl!y EflW r1vl N;11*~ ......... 1,1,.,. l)!rK"' L.,.M a..• Offln 212 ,.. ••• , ...... M•IGttt M4•1HI P.O. I•• '''· t2•JZ: ---C.lit MtMr lJIOWftl at'I' ilrttt H-1 ..... , ttll #Ml .. ni.. 90\llt\ll'. ltUllfi.r..torl .. Kii; ~ ii~ $1tfo'I he said, 11and the visibility was almost nonexistent." Survivors -many of Ulem bleeding, moaning, and crying to be taken to '"°"' and safety-were iusbed to UCLA Medical Center and Santa llloolca Jloo. pil'af, witb flve aertoualy Injured and ali otberl in fair to good lbape. , A Los Angeles <;o<mi, Sber!lra De- partment bui aupplemeoted • f1eet ol ambulanoes. \, 1be pUot declloed to dfic\l!I poalble causes ol the llrBI commer<!af alrU- craah ID the h'4f«Y ol Lo& Anplel 1"' ternatlonaf Alij>orl, whleh opentd 1o· 194'1, but praised bis crew. Ooe tlewude!o-II llDOlll lbe dead and another II mt.aing. He described their lctlons u totally heroic and disciplined, while a Coast Guard rescuer laid it was somewhat of a miracle that the DCI didn't break apart and sink enUrely. In Waahingtoo, D.C., the Natiollal Transportallon Safely Board lllllOWICOd' it was dispatching a team of 1t men to investtaate the crash, while SAS offi. ciw fmmedlal<ly took off from C:O. penhagen to Jpin them. Federal Avlallon AdminiatraU\111 of. ficers at Los An¢es 1btemaUonaf Airport aafd Flight IM's landing ap- proach was somewhat unusual, llllce planes uaualiy awoop ID from tha Ult over Inglewood. • The nm.way approach out of the west, however 1 requlru a pilot to "ly on his own lnstrumenls, wl>ile the routine landing Is governed by the Proclslon Approach Radar (PAR) system of guidance. The Sverre Viking's two crews had brought the plane in from Copenhagen over the North Pole route, with a Monday afternoon :stopover in SeatUe, Wash., prior to its scheduled 6:05 p.m. Los Angeles terminus. A gray, drizzly dawn broke over the Pacific Coast today, revea1ing the wreckage of the DC8 .._ originally built just a few miles away in Santa Monica -still bobbing ib the water which reaches depths of 300 feet at the crash scene. Removable portions of the wrecked airliner were brought a.share Mooday night and official! hoped to tow the hulk to shallower water o(f Malibu Can- yon to comple(e recovery operations. Award-winning Laguna Artists Set Exhibition An elhi.bilion of works by 15 award· winning artists, a one-man lhow of sculpture and a display of antique Spanish f a n s will be offered Sunday through Feb. 24 at the Laguna Beach Art Association galleries, 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. IJ'he "Winners Circle" exhibit ii com- posed of winners in the associaUon's All Media Juried Membership Show. Joan C:.UI, artist member of the association, presents her sculpture :show in the Lower Gallery. The fan collection ts on display in the East Gallery. Exhibiting artists in the Winnen: Circle are: Herb Griswold of Laguna Beach with "Boundry" (oil-acrylic), Adele Heyman of Laguna Beach with "Head XI" (watercolor), and; Barbara Hogg of Laguna Hills wil.h "Seylla and Cherybdi:s" (graphics), Johanna Jordan of Redlands with "Jos-ette" (sculpture) and Zelda Rd>in30n of Newport Beach with "Variations of Lloo" (era! .. ). Tonia Nagel of Laguna Beach with "H .. ther" (m!Dd medial will alae be tlhlbJUng having received the Associate Artist Mercllandlse Award. Honorable menUon winnf:n are : Rote Baumruhr of Claremont with "HUis" (oil), Mildred Brown of Hollywood wttb "Study in Three Colon: (oil ), Kay Grey of Fountain Valley with "Bowers Pump" (acrylic), and ; Johanna Jordan of Redland1 with "Tono" (aculpturel, Roger Kun" of Laguna Beach with '"The Salb" (oll), Ema Lawler ol Lacuna Buch with "S.Uk" (cr•I .. ), Dorothy McKinne)' of Bru wtth "Interlude" (w1Jer<0lor), and; Mary Riker of Lallllll 8-11 with "In My Houae No. i• (IJ'llphiCI), and Lyne T. Shackelf.ro ol El Cajon wttb "Boathoo>e" (walen:olor). Juron wen Sam Cllyb<rger of Lo& Ancelet. YDMI Nakamura ol Whlltltt and Arnold SchUren of Topanga. j, . . -·-·. ' -- I • • F ace .Mur .derCharge r ' Two . A·cc~ i~,'1u-,itington ·Woman's Stabbing Death 111·Wll.U.Ui·Rl:iio j,· '· ··•wo''ilOditltei, ·win tate thelo two 1 load of laundry to a coin laundry A "an:h of the area turned up a ot ._ °'"' ,..., ....., to'cdbrt,".l&kf Del.~~, and wu on bet ""1 back to tbe aprart.. blue M41D whk:h ¥x>wa ~v,idtn<t• of Munier complafnts will be 1011ght late Tht ...... ol .,_ ... ~.. .. ol !IOI menl where abe lived alone. a ,...01 oolllstoo, ·'"-said. Inside tod>y ... Wedneaday aaalmt a llllll and """' ,,,. •. ~~. -. • -..,.--• ~ woman now being hefd by Huntlniton OJJvo Ave., Huntington Beach, wu At Adama Aveooe and 17th strott the automobile, found at 2lst Strttt Beach police in the bloody street stab6inc cllef:Qvcred by 1 passerby about t : JS she apparently wb involved in a mtoor and Ollve Avenue in a desertec; area du.th of Mra. Hester Markee. p.m.-&mday 1t wu sprawled on Ute col1isloo with another. car. of on tanb and pipelines, officers Held in llllntingtoa City Jail on the pav-nt o1' 17th ·-just norlll c Her Oft w .. l!"aiclled tliaJllly and discoYOtecl blood spatters oo the front murder charp II Norman Coati>ey, fl, Palin Avenue tn a pool of blood. • ""!Pie of plrlt lfl1 olf le be found oeat, ale<dng wheel and gear sbllt lever. ao erclDev with '• Newport Beacll Mn. Marfli<~ UiroOt bail be<n .iasi> later II)' poll!e at the''l!olol of hnpoct. The car wu traced to. Mia Dinger aerwpaoe flnn. His c om p a n i o n , ed and her body p.mctUttd by numerous She drove on towanl death • few at her apartment and officers arrested Margareta Dlng!r, 38, a waltrtu at stab wounds. 'the-body was just a few hundred yards from the accldmt acene. Miss Dinger and Coatney on murder a NewpOrt restaurant, baa been transfer. iocbes ln front ot her 1Ull running car Apparently the other car drove up bealde charges about four hours after lhe crime red to women'a dettnt!oo at Onnat just DOrtb ol Palm Aveuuo. her and callled her to lllOp ooe way waa committed, accor'5lng to the police. Colonty Jail Headllgh" of her car bacldlghled the or another. She appanntly 1ot out of Funeral ....ices for Mra. Markee will The DAILY PILOT learned today !bat ~ ..,... next to the Huntiqlon her car and walked up to the other be held at 1e UI!. W<dneaday II Hlllsid• the ~. who gave t\l<ir addr<u Coontry Club. car """"' to to to feet away, police Chapel II a-Hills Memorial Park, as 260Z Delaware st .. Huntington Beach, InvestigaUon bu led to a u-y that believe. Wbihler. Burial will follow at the .,.. have prole>Sed IDnoc:enee Of aey tn-the woman may have been munlered U this theory Is ooJTOOt the driver, moriaf park. volvement in the grialy llayln&. by the ltate· driver and-or paueoger and pusen&en, if any, grabbed the P'amlly members said that Mrs. Detectives aid thla momln.a that the o1. an automobile wUb which lhe collided victlm. in ancer and slashed ber badly. Markee had three :sons and two daughters pair will be taken to West Orqe County a few momenta before her death. She managed to twbt away from the and that the family does not wtsb the Municipal Coar! .for arra!IJUllOlll u llOOO Mn. Marbe, • receplloolal for • HUI> death grip Ind reel baa toward her names of the '°"" and daughters nor ., the P8j>etWGri can be com;>leted. tingtoa Beac:h optomelrllt, bad taken car. She cl!dJ!l make IL family blstory dlwlged. Action Slated On Thurston Lease Plan TnWe1 of Lal\lllA Beac:h Unified School !llltrlq tonight may ad 1o eanoel • leua agreeni<ol and llllloed the 'J1wralOe Bobool . ll<odble 1cll••1nnc equipment !bat bu been piqued wltb' protilema. . The school board will be uUd le appiwe a letter to --a,.teu.. a division of Ulton lndultrfes, mcfllit~. · a<bfte.yeaQeaaepurc!Wearr_..;i - for $23,854. \ 1be data ~ lj'ltem, alDfllli other thingl, waa doalined to acbOdule ctaaaea for )'OWllltel'I ao that · ad- minlsirators al the Innovative j1lnlor !llCh wocld know who waa where, -·and W~Owever, W;c~ Lobo, Tb U t Ito rt c;ounae1or, bu aa1c1 the aystem did. not -tom 5 s-•-n work properly because of. mechanlc1l ~ PY .,_ eomplications that loc:luded warped cards :::::,;: thlt went into the machinery. . --· .• • Wltb changea ln w .. ther and bumidlly s '.;-:..::s bell w• kinda of paper upallded In •arytnf• ,. ; · variation, be aa!d, cards of dlfleniet' ~O lD8 ~i:"~J:im:;:·u.. kldl,"·~· ,::A.; . "·'Released told the board at a meeting lut yar" "'} . . ;;,: c:= -~· ~°"' llU ' • li£l YORK (UPI~ .': ,~ •. Sebell. David Lloyd, ~ID'oton prtncloal.. and' a cocl!f"'1dant witb Jul!111 and Ethel LobO tonight are to report to tlie lioaid · Holenb<rg in the eapfooage cue: ol the on their investlgalion ol OU. 11)'1~ centurY, today won bis releue from They have talked with repmientaUvts 1 30 year prison sentence for consptrlng <>f International Business . Machines to deliver atom bomb secrets to Russia. (IBM) and with a consulting linn. The us Court of Appeals ruled that Lobo told the bovd at a former · · . meeting that be felt u IBM could land Sobel ahould be given credit for seven rocket.! on the moon the company could months hnpriaonment served prior to hand1e Thurston's flexible scheduling. sentencing and while awaiting trial thus 29 Finishers In Hike Given Fitness Medals making him eligible for parole. Sobell had been aentenced to 30 years ID prison Aprll 5, 1961 and the Rosenbergs received the death penalty. They subse- quenUy were executed in Sing Sing prison in New York. 1be court save SobeJI credit for 7 montbl and 11 days he wu in iail because he could not raise $100,<m bail, prior to being sentenoot i11 1951 to 30 yean in prison on charges af di!closing information on the atom bomb to the Soviet Union. Sunset Victim Shooting Death Action · tnvesUgation of the shooting death of a Sunset Belch man by a sheriff's deputy will depend 11pon the cootents ol a report being prepared by the sher- iff's office, IJlltrlo! Aftorney Cecil Hieb aa!d today. "I expect to have that report on my desk later today," he said. .. . 0 Until then. 1 won't knq_w j_ust wjmt action, il any, 'sllould be''lllen ID 11!1& cue. 1 kno" GI no circiUnstanC:e&-tlilt would have warranted · actioo on my part before preparation of the rtport." Under preparaUon 111..,.iay for-the district attorney wu a summtr7 of evem. that led to the ..i.y1na Friday ol .Carl A. Sjplund, 23, ol 16371. 16tb SL The unarmed Sjolund WU allot In the back of the bead aa be fled from a deputy who wu attemptinc to Hrve felony warrants for the arrest of the motorcycle racing enthutiaat. Sheriff's Capt.in James Broadbell baa dr.nied poet.slaying rumors that lnore Awaited than one shot had been fired as Sj-0Jund fled from his home. "There was only one shot fired ,'' Broadbelt said. "We are quite positivt aboot thlJ and If• a fact that has bee.11 subStanliated by several witnesses." Sjolund died in Huntington lntercom- munlty Ho5pital -about two...bours after be was shot in the back of the head by llepuly Edward Goold. Depulle1 aaid SjolWJd ·was ordered ti> halt several Umes and ignored the com• mands of the officers. Gould aaid he fired one shat from h1a .31-callber service revolver. He estimated that Sjobmd wu about 2$ yards awiy at the time. , Deputla aald Sjolund was involved in a fight avez. a '.girl some wee ks age. and w11 to be arrested in mid-Deceinber on a warrant charging assau!L He WU lllTested by Gould three Wetkl ago. The warrants carried by the deputy Friday related to !bat ari;esL ' Capo School Trustees Discuss Tax Override A proposed &kent tax override elec- tion was ticked around Monday nllht in a special aesaion of Capiltrano Unlfied School District il'u!leOI. Decision on bow much to ask for and exactJy when to hold the electian may be made at the regular board meeUng nut Monday night. 'lbe seven board members seemed in general agreement that an overrJde elec- tion should be held, but split sharply on whether it should be limited to a term of. say, three years or be without time limit. . Three and perhaps four b o a r d members leaned toward no Ume Dmlt. At least three wanted a cut off date when aoo\bet eleCUoo would have to be held to renew the oven'lde. There was only the vaguest dlecuuion of the omount to be aakecL Supt. Cbarlea Kenney , recommended II cents, ,mlcb would increase the present $4.12 tax rate to $4.80 per $100 -0f assessed valua- tion. ' He said that amount would take care of the district's needs for at least two years, and enable it to restore cuts made this year, including remedial reading teachers, Ubrary book purchues, and preventative maintenance. Twenty-nine finishers in L a g u n a Beach's 50-mile hike received Alonzo Stagg physical fltne1s medals and the commendation <>f the city ir. ceremonies Monday at the Elks Club. Bryon Overton, ~. finiahed fint in the race sponsored by Explorer Scout Post 717. He had a time of seven haun flat for the hike. Tustin School Board Sets He recommended the override election be held May 20 or thereaboata. Board member! did not camment on a date. KeMey said that because new residents continue. to move Into the district faster than new industry the school system is going to keep getting poorer. Second place finisher was Vic Buuelll with a Ume of 7:35, third wu John Gamache with a Ume of I: 10, and fourth place \\'8S picked up by Bobby Gamache finishing fn 10:01. The hike attracted 101 starters of which 29 finished. Flnlshera included thrff &irll. Track gold medalist Bill Toomey wu unabl~ to attend the meeting aa prevlou• ly scheduled. Ken Hickenbottom, 1COut execuUve officer for the Orllflle Empire, spoke instead. "I couldn't be more proud of any ex- plorer post than this one which has done so much an its own," he said. Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan in ex- tending the cit¥'• offidal c:ommendaUOn noted that while a mtnortty of youn& people may attract attention. it is the good majority that d e s e r v e com- mendation . Report Plans for Override Vote Tultin Unlon High School Board member• Monday ordered dlttrict of. flclal1 to complete tbe details for a »cent override election scheduled for March It. '11l.e 31'.k:tnt increase wouid brinl the school dlltrlctl' tu rate up to 11.10 per SIOO of auea1ed valuation. It ltlll would be one of tbe lowest tax rates in the county. John Duncan, ass.lat.ant 1uperinteDdent, aa!d that should the override fai~ the dlltrlci will looe 1.. p.....t II.to baaa and revert July I to a 15-ctnt tu level, the minimum allowed by atate law. "We're talklnl about a $1.5 ntillion differeoce," Duncan said. "Without it (passage of the overridt), we estimate income at about. $(.5 mlllloo, wUb it, about $8 million/' he a:a.ld. The dlltrld'• budget this year of IU million wu termed "mlnlmual" by Duft. can. He said the board IJped that jUBt to continue prtsent programa next year a tax rate of $1.19 would be needed. Pment rale Is 11.20. The additional 11 ctnll f1JW'fl in the »ctnt override, would 10 toward open- ing of the fourth high ochool in the district, and provide revenue for a con- on Sewage Slated Study Says Replacerneni of Equipment Needed A bulky rePort on Laguna Beach HW· age nee& prtaent and future will ao to cOuncllmen for c:onslderaUon Weclnetday. The study by Keith and Associates, civil engineers, Indicates the ,....,. ptant bu Immediate problems ol oblOleo- cent equipment that must be replaced. It also ouUines ah'.emaUve approacbts that mlltht be taken to mett lncrtued i;ewage flow from populaUoa elplftlloo. "'lbe aewage trtatment plant of tht City of Lquna Beach bu reached the point ol ovttloading In oertaln phuu," the report reads. "and la now UDdtr sautiny by the control qtnq of the s .. i. of Ca!Uornta (Water Quality con. trot Board) for not meetJnc d1-af requlttments required by the agency." "In addlUon. ope.raUonat and odar pro- /.. blema have become more and more prevalent the tut two years or operation of thl!: planl" The report notes that the plant WU constructed In 19!4: modified In llMI : onlerged In 1950; and oomplttely modUted qalJI in ll6Hil- 'Jbe rt:pOft ltatt1 that due apparently to buda•Untl requlmnents of the. ctty. the plant haa been maintafned and operated on a minimum bub. "Jn the last year, sevtre operational problem• have O<lCUITld and It II Ip. parent that the plant II now In neod of major nipaln. and wiU conUnue to neod 1dd1Uonal uperadlng with modern equip- ment in oroer to keep paco wltb the evu ln<nastn& sewage nows," the study •talt!l. lt lllYI the llllJorill' ol prol>lemo of operation are mainly due to lock ol equlpmenL Otben have been perlOllllel shortage. The reporl lis .. a variety of alternaUVI pruent and projected and COlll. Cly Manoger Jamea D. Wheaton uld other facton will havo to be explor<d u well u web Jnlne Compuy plans for ocean shelr denlopmtnt betwttn Laguna aod Corona del Mar. He broached the ~bDlty allo that .. wage colledlon In the future may -rqlooal -that the Laguna Beacb plant evenlllally ml&ht be clOoecf down. Wheaton aald the ~ point, .-hlch he called 1 CoOd ant, Is al this point l.nform1ttonal . t "Right naw we're between and betwixt," he said , explaining it will be several more years before the district becomes poor enough to qualify for state equalizaUon aid. Mrs. Ian Kennedy, ar San Clemente, speaking from the audience, said, "The people around here are a litUe stubbarn. But they are highly indlvidualistlc; they won't sit around waiting for 1tatc money." She said, "We've got to meet the nee<IS <>f the children. We know we can get the override for you." Mrs. Frank Shank, of Dana Point, agreed. "Mr. Kennedy has real rapport with parent-teacher work.en," she said. "Education here Is just to the point where it's getting exciting. The parents know it and we're ready to work." Kennedy uJd be personally believes the climate of opinion in the schoo l district is the most favorable i incc willication in 1965. Lagunan Going To New Zealand Lagunan Kathleen B. Collins, 17, -0f 19'1 Temple Hills Or., will be orr for New 1.ealand Saturday for a year's study at a bigb tchool tbtte, all part or American Fie.Id Service student exchange procram. While in Invercarg.ill, a rural com- munity localed at the southern Up of New Zealand, Miu Collini will attend James Harxea Hill> Schoel. It is a coed institution about the she of Laguna Beacb High School She wW be the gue1t of the Ewart Munro lamlly. Kathy ii the dau1htcr of Mr. and Mn. Lester Collins. 1be Laanna Hi&h senior is one of more I.baa 400 American studtnL'I selected from across the country to study in • foreJgn n•tion. . ; < ., • L ~-------------------------------------------------------- - -- ' I \ 1 I \ ----------· ·-----.. ·-·-·--------------------------------------------------.. . . .. -. • Aiiv·e Bu·t . BeWildered UP'I Ttlt!IMlt CRASH SURVIVOR CARRIES CHILD .TO SAFETY 'It W•s • Miracle Anybody Survived' UP'I TtllllM,. INJURED, BEWILDERED CHILD AMONG SURVIVORS Smell Armada of Boats Joins Rescue Effort Fear for Jobs Two Jurors Dismissed From Trial of ·Sirhan LOS ANGELES (UPI\ -Two more prospective jurors were dismissed for cause today when they told the court that hearing the lengthy trial of Sirhan 8 . Sirhan for the slaying of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy would cost them their jobs. The tedious proceeding of jury selection was delayed more th an half an.. hour ~,hile counsel for both sides conferred in chambers over the previous day's transcript and said this would be a daily occurrence. The lhird panelis t questioned toda y, telephone company employe Carolyn Freeman. said she woukl be able to ''it through the trial, had no fttlings 11bout the defendant and felt she could he impartial in her judgment of his l\Jilt or inhocenct. A member of lhe defense staff disclos- ed lhat Sirhan would almost cutaln ly tlppear on the witness stand during the LvtaL The 14--year-old Arab Immigrant wa~ described as acutely aware of the fact I.hat only hi! motivation and state of mind can sway a jury toward leniency llnd to be ready to go into lhose matters in detail. · Oefenee counsel had m a l n I a i n c d 'lhroughout the preliminary maneu verinA !hat the Pasadena youth would never bt called tn testify, • ' One suror "as tcn1at1vcly ~cltx ~ Monday during a full day of questiOnlni eight men and women. and she still was subject to dismissal through one of the 20 perempto ry challenges given each side. rwtrs. Rosa f\.folina , a widow and ~ nurse, hesitated for long momenta .and then anrw'.t uyeg" when Deputy Dist Atty. Da vid Fitts asked her : "Would u have the courage lo come down ll'om the jury room and say (to Sirhan) 'for the murder of Senator Ken· nedy you die in the gas chamber?' " Defense At torney Gra nt B. Cooper revealed al the outMt 0( the jury ques- tioning that Sirhan V.'ould not deny that he fired lht shot! in the Ambassador Hotel which killed KeMedy and wounded five other persons standing nearby. Cooper told the first prospecti ve juror. Geor1e E. Doodle. and employe of an aerospace firm, th•t lhe defense would coocentrate on the "lntent" of Sirhan. "Knowing that there will be no denial that Sirha n Sirhan fired the shola that killed Senator Kennedy and acc epting that as a fa ct, y,·ould you be able to weigh wllhoul any bias the quuUon <lf his Intent to e-0mmll lht! crime:'" Cooper asked . "'No. I don't believr. I could judgt': the inte nt,'' Dou<ilc .said. He was excusOO immed iately P.Y Judgo }!erbcrt V. WalkC'r. 1.,., Vl'ITt__.. 'I THOUGHT I LOST MY BRIDE' Honeymooner Anderson and Wlf• - HEADED FOR HOSPITAL Un identified SAS Passenger WET, BUT SAFE ASHORE A Fortun1t1 Survivor Heart Uecipient Dies At Stanford Hospital STANFORD (AP ) -Virginio Asche , who :ecelved a transplanted heart Sept. 9. died of hepatitis today, Stanford Med - ical Center said. Ptf r s. Allche, 48. h ~ d been living at her home In Los Alto.'1 It.ills since Oct. 12 but y,•as readmitted \v tht': holipital Jnn. «. ~ .. Missing Man. Alive-Just Went Home TORRA NCE (U PI) -Editors at the South Bay Daily Breeze did a double take when the name "Andrew DosstU '' appeared on lhe list 0( persons unac· coonled for in the crash of an SAS jet. One of the paper's reporters had just turned jn an interview with an "Andrew Dossett," who had come ashore from the downed plane at the Marina de\ Rey Coast Guard station. A hurried telephone call to Oossett 's home in nearby Santa lf1onica showed thal he was indeed alive and well. Dossett, an importer, was returning from a business trip to Denmark al the time o( the accident. An employe of his firm was walling for him al Los Angeles International Airport. Learning that survivors were being taken lo Marina del Rey, the employe drove there, picked up Dossett, and took him home. Coast guard and SAS officials somehow missed him in the confusion. When Doiett did not show up , at ~ hospitals to which other survivors were taken , SAS listed him as missing. "He's fee.line: fine, thank God," hi! wife tol..; newsmen. Laver Advances To Quarterfinals 111 Wales Matcl1 SYDNEY:. Australia (AP) -Southpaw Rod Laver of Corona de! Mar, Calif., favored lo win the New South Wale!! Open tennis championship, advanced to the quarter-finals Tuesday by beating long-haired South African Ray Moore in str::iight sets, 6-3, 6-2, 6-L Other professionals who reached the round of eight were Pancho Gom.ales of Los Angeles, Roger Taylor of Britain, Andres Glmeno of Spain and John Newcombe, Tony Roche , Roy Emerson and Ken Rosewall of Australia. Go nzales defeated Fred Stolle of Australia , 15-13, 6-4, 8-6. Taylor turned back John Alexander, Australian amateur. 4-6, •1. 6-2, 61. G;meno defeated Mal Anderson of Australia, 31. 7-5, 18-16, 6-3 and Newcom- be conquered Vittorio Crotla of Italy. 6-1, l~. 6-1, 3...fi, 6-1 in a two and a half hour baltle . Roche beat Manuel Orantes of Spain 8.fi , 7·5, 6-2; Emerson overcame Marty Riessen of Evanston, Ill., M, 7-5, 6-%, 7-5. and Rosewall turned back Australia D11vis Cup player Bill Bowrey, 11-9, &-2, ..... Mrs. Billie Jean King of Long Beach. Calif., defeated Norma Marsh of Australia 6-2, 6-1 in the second round of women's singles. Rosemary Casals or San Francisco 11lso advanced by beating Gail Chanlreau of Australia, 8-6. 7-5. Judy Tegart of Australia beat Helen Gourlay of Australia 6-3. 6--0; Mrs. Ann Jones of Britain defeated Evoone Goolagong of Australia 1-1, 6-1 : and Mt!. 1t1argaret Smith Court of Britain beaL Kerry Harris, of Australia 6-0, 5-7, ~2. Holling Stone Loses l.ONOON (UPtl -Brian Jonts, guitarist of l h e Rolling Stones, I o 1 t hJs appe,al Monday of a Sept. 26, 1161, conviction for ~ing marijuana. He wa~ fined $120 and \'52 in com. _,~_ ... _v_,_.......,~~-1~~'"'~'~~--''-L~)~~-·-~-L_Y_"_L_o_r_~ No DC Help l I I County Aviation · Local :Problem, I I U.S. Aide Says. By JACK BROBACK 01 1119 Dtilr PllM Sltff The Lime has come for loc1I govern- ment and people lo tolve \heir-oytn aviation facility proble.mJ. Bis brother in Washinaton ls not lfOin&: lo do lbe job, according to M. Cecil Mackey, assis- tant secretary cl transportation. Mackey spoke Monday before the Orange County Forum ot Town Rall of California in the Anaheim Convention Center. In addition lo throwin1 the aviation problem back to local solution, the speaker said , "We have reached a point where the general taxpayer should not be aaked to support. civil aviation. Air service that can not operate without .llubsidy should be phased out rapidly. "The research and development necessary to produce the kind of air traffic control system whi<;h the nation needs and capital expenditures necessary to implement it should be financed by user charges.'' Mackey emphasized. "With airport& a.s with airways, there is no reason from a traru:portation stand- point, why the userll should oot pay the cost!," the speaker aSM!rted. "This applies to the airUnes and to private aviation. If private fiylng can"t or won't pay II.! way and the local cmnmunity is not willing to underwrite lts operation, why shouldn't the airport site become a shopping ctnter or a housing subdivision?'' the Washington ei:~ pert aaid bluntly . .He said t.hat_feder.al.dicta.Uon...o! .what 11re properly local matters should be permanently discarded as an ingredient of public policy. "The Department of Transportation has consistently opposed an ex~ancled federal grant program for airport development," Mackey stated. He urged that states take a more leading position in the aviation field. "Aviation, altnOst since the day of its birth, has enjoyed preferred 1tatus but it can no longer lay claim lo a · right of special treatment or subsidy. It mual pay ila own way," the speaker insisted. On similar subjecta, Mackey said : -Defense requirements must have priority in poaslble combination use ()f existing military airports. -The que!ltion of hijacking planea has not been solved . Every avenue has been explored but we do not want to do anything to endanger passengers. -Standards will be established for noise suppression but there is no "silent'' airpJane in sight. -Local participation ls weakest in :ton- ing to avoid airport problems. But it is a local question to be solved locally. -Larger planu will not reduce air coogeation and will increase airport con· gestion. They will just keep up with the growth of air travel. La~t Train Bandit Given Pri8on Term AYLESBURY, England (AP ) -Bruce Reynolds, the Jut of the masked band that 1taged Britain's $1 million Great Train Robbery in 1963, was sentenced today to 2S years in prison. 'HELP YOURSELVES' Transport1tlon'a Mickey ~~~~~------~~ . .. .. , Jet Mi~sing · From El Toro; .~ ... Search Started 7 A land and air starch was under'' way today for a missing Marine Phantori! jet from El Toro. The plane ls believed,. to be down in the Sitton Peak are~ <lf Cleveland National Forest about lt miles east of El Toro. ,. The RF·4V Jet .disappeared from tha .t El Toro tower radar about 6:27 p.mo., Monday shortly after a "May Day ''. emergency call was received from the plan!. .i Search and rescue operations were. .. begun immediately but had to be called~ off around midnight due to stormy,,, weather. ... Assisting the Marine ground rescue team and helict1pters are the Orang•. County Sheriff Department, the Stat,, Forestry Service and the Riverside ... County Sheriff Department. 1~ Sitton Peak i.s on the edfie of Riverside County about tight milea southeast o!l Lake Elainore. -~ The Marine Composite Reconnalasan~ Squadron VMCJ-3 jet was on a routine training mission from El Ton>. It carries Blast Kills 2 Men WESTLAKE, La. (UPI)-Two work· men were killed' and four to alx otbera, injured today in an explosion and fire· that de!troyed the alcohol plan( at Con- tinental Oil Co. 's Westlake petrochem- ical complex. .. White Minority I ~ • Barbs Hit Reporter's Conscience • By JEAN COX Of !flt OlllY Plltl Sllff The hitter accusations and hostility black studenla from Dorsey High School hurled at whites at Newport Harbor High School seemed to be aimed directly al my own conscience. I was a white student at Doney High from 1959 to l96t. I was part of a large mlnortty. 'nle majority of students then -and I understand it is still true -were Negroes, with a sprinkling of Japanese-Americans. Neverthelwi:, Dorsey was nol an in- te11rated xhool. Most of the while and black students didn't study, talk to nr know each other although they sat in classes together for four ye1rs. TYPICAL STUDENT During the years I spent u a Dorsey Don, I didn 't attend one achoo! JOClal function , save the all-Important football games. Yet I wu typical of the white 1tudents at the school. Each day the caueuians. most of them from middle-class homes in Baldwin Hllll and Windsor Hills, drove: up and parke:d their cars on one: side of the school. The Negroes, mosi of whom were rrom lower middle-class homes, arrived at the opposite !!Ide of the: school . They went in one entrance, we in another. The. campus, built In a Spanish motif, wu dlvkled lnto triangles where studenl:B ate their lunch and pthered for nulrt- lion. For the white !!ludent.s who belona· e:d to aoclal clubs. there was "C" trianale. White 1t.udent.s not In clubs were rele1at.ed to a leu important trlan1le whk:h they 1hared with the: Japant1t. The Negroes had their own ltlanale. Nol onai did a 1\ngle Negro student put hi• foot into "C" triangle. Not until one day when 1 lar1e IJ'OUP (whkh we called 1 mob) walked through, perhaps to txprm rtbelllon at the eegrtgalion btlposed on them. This w13 ' considered so unusual that new• cameras ' were on hand lhe following day in cue·• anolhef "rac,e riot" occurred. )· I don't think I have ever witnea!led more prejudice than that harbored by-· the majority 0£ my high school peer •. group. '(! In all fairnt?Sa 'io white llude~t.s, 14 : must admit segregation was championed.;: by our parents and in many ca&ts by .. members of the school facully. ;1 f\.1ost of us were brought up to believ1t., the worst about Negroes, .00 u far. : as we were concerned. friendship witlf: one was a black mark on one·s social 1• .. record. ;, One carefree, pretty coed discovered' : this the hard way. In junior high achoot : she suffered from a public crU!lh over•< • good-looking Negro boy. : Upon her arrival at Dorsey, she was,,; ostracized by the white group, lncludlnfl: all but one or two of her friends. She : was denied entranct lo the covete:d "C'" • triangle and she spent her lunch hours"''. wandering alone and aimleuly around · the campus. CARED ENOUGH Newport Harbor 1tudents uked "What · Can We Do?" "How Can We Ht.Ip?'': Perhaps, if some of us had cared enouah : to ask the!le que.aUons then, the answers would have been dilferent than' they~ were: Jut Friday. But we never did. Some of us were ' loo infused by the balr<d injected lnlo U$ in deathly doee• by our pirtnta. Others of us were too busy struc&ltnt~ with lhe problem• of srowlng up "'· face a aoclal conaclence. And otbel1 of us just blithely uswnecf, we wtre· happy in our world, so they mull bt happy In lhelra. , And now t am faced with the q~on. II tt loo lalo now? la It loo lite nmf becau,. of wbal l and the olben didn't do el&bt yean •to'? lf-to, tho eUI is pariliJ.ly mine. • 4 8,111. y Pll.01' ·~·-.,.., ...... The Condor's Dance Emporium In San Francisco !J looking across the width and breadth of the naUon for the J>Orfecl topless dancer. Tbey will ofier a one-year contract to the girl wbo comes closest to the Ideal rneasoreinen!J of 48-2'-36. 'Ibey call the whole campaign ''Operation Uplift." • Milwaukee Flrem.., Clarence H•rdloon may well have urged b!J fellow smoke-eaters to go easy with lbe ues when they fought a fire la an·unoccupled house. The house 00- longed lo Hardison. -----~~-~~~~"'"".:" .......... ~ ................... "":-'..,.,"""'"Jllll""" .............................. . ------------.... - Israel'·s JEROSALSll (AP) -Prlmo.Mlnllt<r Levi Eldikol aid IOdo1 be ftlnd -~ Arab dwJ1" ., .. Jsr..u llllllW7 balli11q,-oe llrHl'1 borderl -bllng -... -dw1'0 pnc:eded the .lrab-IMMli WU of 1181. ' In a opoecb lo the Knwtt, 1Ma•1'1 Par!lamen~ deallnl prlaclpa!ly with the Jl'roncb "'IDI <tnbargo against wael, Eshkol lubod out ot Pull tor ·Mflng It bad bapcad the embargo lo avert upamloo ol the Middle Elll-6i<:t. Eshkol noted that Prtaldenl Charles tie Gaulle's government bad ukl tt helped Jerusalem. unW an aggressive Israel .U.Wd !Int, Gov. Reagan Appoints Two UC Regents Premier Lashes; De ''This ii a new VU'lfon ol the · men- dlcloua libel Invented In M•Y 1987 when Soviet Rusa1a alleged we Md con- centrated troopt on our northern border lr:r -uresatoo," Eshkol aald. "It may well be that Uds figment of lmqlnatloo brought on lar;Ooica!e Egyp!WI troop conceolraliOlll end drag. ged tbe entire ttgion lo tbe abyss of war. "I !tu tbel·• DtW libel of th!a kind ls now beta&· Invented." Some Arab cop!!a!a hovo aceused tbe IJJraello of moaall>I ~ oo the Jon!an!an and Lebaneu -And -· d!ploma!a have 1lao warned of a poaslhle Israeli allact, ae<on!lJ>I lo pnu ._ti pub!!abed here. The prime m1nLner llld Oll)'one •trying lo lumdlcap our .u...th la ... tuolly hurUnr tbe r-u !or -In tbe Middle E:.at.' "Our ltrength, to avert any blow dealt UI, is the (Jnut l\W'Jlltee f<ir peace," he added.' He agaiJl bit 1t criUca: of Jsrltl'a retaliatory commando attack ca Beirut lnlernatiooal Allport. "We art dea.Jioa: with a double standard of morality according In wblcb foreign property outwelabl our blood in value," he said. ''It luma: a bllnd eye to the baaic fact that temir!om 11 • metbocl of warfare waged by o u nre1mplenutll warf•e wqf'ld, by our eoem.les againat us, end tm'fdurq wu It la !n- concelva.ble to ouUaw aelf~eNe. "It may be ulely wumed tb1t the P'rmcb embargo decision wu linked to Beirut only for the We ot 1J1Umeot and It doel oot coovloce oor mHe aente." Meanwhile the Arab statu ore plan- ning lo !lgbt.n their II-year ecooomlc boycotl ol llrael and foreign flrms !bot do buslneu with the Jewilh ftale, a 1potesmon llld 'l'uoda1. Bui be did not annotmee whot actioo would be takeo. Mohammad Mah job, commissioner Gaulle pieral ol tbe Aral> 1-'• Boi<ott llrael movement, ta.Id 1n Oamucm. S)Tia, that meaawv 'Ito plfll the llPI In the olege" are ID tbo 4lllq. Ho llld they woold be .........i Ill a coo- f mnce In Qatar J111, li, CtirTenu, "' tbe "Arab blld till ll'O firms thaf bon main or branch lac!ori<s in Israel; ~flftnl lbat bold ~lbartl in hr1ell bUll:neaet;. f.innl that reader COllltnlclural er technical aid lo Isr..U lodustry; flrms ~ ·for oolural rteOUrCts ln Israel ; banb that do more businesa In llrael than ID Aral> 1tates, and those that give !he righl lo w;e names. trade marka «.p&tenll to llrHll coocems. 10,000 Leave Homes After Big Oil Leak LIMA, Ohio (UP!) -A pipeline brea~ • Afkr toolchi11j1 ·U.. New York Jitr up.set the Baltimore Colli 15-7 ill U.. Super Bowl Game hi Miami cm ttlntdon, Neto YOTk Gov. Nelson A. Roclujelltr 1DG1Ud Uttle time in dUpatch- fng a tclt'grom to Vice Pre1i- d<nl-<ltcl Spi<o T. Agoew, lh< f017M.r governor of Maryland. •'Deof Ted," said the UltQram. "You cma't toin th.em aU." SACRAMENTO (AP) -A baseball club owner and an electronics company executive become Gov. Reagan's third and !~ dlred appointee• lo !he University of California Board of Regents. 1be Republican governor announced Mooday the selection of Robert O. Reynolds, president o! tbe California Anegeles baseball club, and Dean A. Watkins, a Palo Alto electronics firm executive, to serve out the unexpired tenna of two regent.s who resigned. -poured thousands of gallons ol fuel oil into the streets and sewers of Lima late Mooday. A $200,000 !Ire destroyed the sewage disposal plant and minor explosiom rocked the sewer system, but • Watkins replaces IL R. Haldeman who resigned Friday. He bu been named a key alde oo the White House staff of President-elect Nixon. Haldeman was appointed by Reqan. Reynolds will fill out the tum o! luel from 27-year old student Samuel B. Moaber, a ,.gent since 1956 leader Sepp 8iol•r ID Vienna. 'Iba who bu been unable lo Attend mee!lngs fleapona-were..-Rinnish-cross CO\lll--for-two·ye&rl-'beeauN of--p>or·healtb. lry skis, used on a 25-mile COlll'se Both Wa!klns and Reynolds ore !elected by Mayer. Alter finisbhlg Republicans. , ~· Mayer said be had '!anted to Wat.kins, 45, a former professor at give Bieler time to think about Stanford University, waa one or the '1hat be wrote" about the profes-founders in 1957 of Watkfn5.Johnson Co •• nr, who considered. ft.Insulting. • Palo Alto electronics manufacturtng • company. Last year be waa named a truatee of Stanford. A Soviet woman bas filed a com· llainl with Moocow police that her leighbor's rooster breaks into her lard every morning and lures her ens next door to lay their eggs, 1ccordiog to the Soviet newspaper tvestia. • A long·pos~poMd wedding finall11 tot off the ground Saturday when lharon McCartnet1 marritd Stuart tuiseU. crewman on th.e captured ttteUigtnee ship Pueblo. Here the lt'W Mr1. RuueU gets a big kt!! from ~mdr. Lloyd Buchn after the cert• tonJI at the Naval HOlpital chapel in Ion Diego. • A liWe mow doesn't bother the brifty selectmen of Nantucket, an 1land town off Massacbusetu bul ri unnecelisary expenditure of tax ' ey -that's something else. e the word of Wiiiiam E. Post for that As Nantucket Public u Dlreclar he called out the JDd1nR' and snowplowing crews (ter a-tw~inch mow. The .sfilect- nm fired ·him. Reynolds, 54, war pres.ldent of Golden West Broadcasters, which operate! a group of radio stationa, for IIS yeara before be sold his interest last August to devote full time to the Angels baseball club. A part owner of the Angels he also i5 a vice preslddent of the 'Los Angelea Rams football club. LBJ Expected To Talk Tonight In Broad Terms W AS!IlNGTON (AP) -Presid"1t Johnson is expected to outline bb: analy· sis of the St.ate of the Union in broad temUi tonight 1 n d defer recommenda- tions for Bpeeific legislation to his suc-cessor. Clo.se associates of the outgoing Prtsi- dent say the only exception in his fare- well addres,, to a joint session of Con- gress, and to the nation via televi.!iion and radio, will be to recommend that the IO percent income tu surcharge be U· !ended- By doing '° he can Include tbe $13 billion annual revenue produced by the surcharge in his budget for fiscal 1970, a thus show a small surplus when he sends his last breakdown on government spending to Congress Wednesday. Johnson and Presl'dent-elect Nixon have been maneuvering for two weeks over the issue of extending the tu, ap- proved for one year by Congress as a check on an overheated economy a n d due to exptre June 30. The President, reported to believe that the tax was 1tlll needet:I to combat in- flation, tried to get Nixon to join him in a public statement advocating extension. Nixon who had criticized the tu sur- chUJe during the campaign. demurred. '.J~hnsmrMeets Stri;fte .. ..s-- Presidmt Johnson said early goodbyes Mqii(ay ~ a group of Associated Press employes who dYered. his days la the White House. The membera of the Wire Service Guild, on strike against the~were ouuide the AFL-CIO building where JobnsOn made a presentation Monday. With the President are (left lo right) Francis Lewine; Chic Harrity, Robq.rt Schutz, Harvey Goerges (with for bat) and Boll. Dougherty. .. ·'Old Creepy~ Leaves Jail 'Meanest Man Alive' Once Captured by FBl's Hoover STEILACOOM, Wuh. (UPI) -Thirty· t\\'O years ago he was known as one of the meanest men alive. The G-men tagged him as "Public Enemy No. 1,'' and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover refer- red to him as a "rat.'' Today Alvin ·~Old Creepy" Karpis, waa leaving McNeil Island PenitenUary at the age of 60, suffering from arthritis and described by prison autboriUes aa mild mannered and friendly. Karpis, who ran with the notorious Ma Barker gang back in the early 1930!, Wa! granted a parole from federal pri30n, where he has spent more than half his life, on condition he leave the country. The v.s. Board of Parole said the Canadian government has agreed to permit Karpis to return to his native Montreal where be was guaranteed a job and a home. In the thirties, Karpis had vowed to kill Hoover, but the FBI chief personally arrested Karpill -the first time Hoover, himself, arrested anyone. Hoover was in New York on April 30, 1936, when he got word that Karpls was holed up in a Canal Street apartment in New Orleans. The FBI chief flew there with a force of agents and closed in on Karpls' J:lldeout in the French Quarter. When Karpis came out and got into his car, Hoover moved in quickly on the driver's side and grabbed the gunman before be .couJd reach a rifie in the back seat. Hoover ordered his agents to handcuff Karpis but no one had thought to bring any, so one agent used bis necktie to bind Karpis' hand1. . Karpi.s was taken to St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. Sirhan: Shy, Sad Visitor at Son's Trial LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The hand of the small, sad-eyed woman ahook as she signed for a red entry pass to the murder trial which may cost the life of her son, Sirhan B. Sirhan. where he was convicted of <:1)Mpiracy in the 1933 kidnaping of William Hamm Jr., of the Hamms brewery family. Karpis was Bentenced to lite im· prisonment. Although the kidnaping ·rap W8! the only one Karpis was stuck with, he was accused of participaUng in numerous kllllngs during bank holdups and payroll robberies in the Midwest, South and Southwest. Most of Karpis' escapades came after he had joined forces wJth the infamous Kate "Ma" Barker and her four killer sons, whom she had groomed for a life of crlme. Karpis had met the eldest son, Fred, in the Kansas state prison at Lansing where Karpls was confined alter he had escaped from the state reformatory in Hutchin.son. Hia original conviction was for tire theft. The ICCl"e of the Barker-Karpls gang lncluded more than $500,000 in bank loot, $100,000 in ransom rrom the Hamm kldnaplng and $200,000 in ransom from the kidnaping of Edward E. Bremer, son of a wealthy St. Paul banker. "Never be taken alive," was Ma BArker's edict to her sons. -Ma stuck to her guns and her motto and after a sil-hour gun battle with FBI agents who surprised tht gang in the predawn fog on Jan. 17, l~ at Oklawaha, Fla., Ma and Fred were dead and another aon, Arthur, wu captured. Storm Anchored Off Coast Mrs. Mary Sirhan, mother of the man acrused of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, has rnL!sed legal pr .. ceedinga against her 24-year-old son only once -last Thursday when attorney! advised her the sessJon would be brief. "She'll come as often as she can," her son Ade~. 30, said Monday. Mrs. Sirhan sat quietly in the back row of the fortresa-eourtroom, flanked by her youngest 90Tl, Munir, 21, and Adel. Her elder sons, Saidallah and Sharif, have yet to appear in court. But "Old Creepy" got away and fled north w Lt h Harry Cambell, another notorious outlaw, and two girl friends. Karpis avoided another FBI trap in Atlantic City, N.J., and some members of Congress publlcly·crltici.it.d Hoover. W estem -w ™hingto1i Snowstorm Blankets Quillayute Temperature• ••11111 "-CIMl•Ul•l1 H19'1 Ltw lllN(. " " 10 .,, '' ,, ,. ,, " " " .. 71 !f Tr ,, ,, 11 70 Tr A short, heavyset woman who wears ber wispy, graying hair In a tight bun and dresses in unfashionably loog skirts, she has shied from newsmen. But Mon· day she told a wom1n ~r she hoped lo 1ttend tach ....ion of the trial. Cope from New Jersey to California were advised to "shoot fll'St arxf uk questions later" U they crossed ~alls with Karpis. But Hoover and his agents didn't follow that advice and lhe arrest ol Karpil silenced criticism of H00Vt!r'1 proweu as a gangbuster. Soldiers the threat ot widespread fire damag• was averted. A policeman suffered minor facial burns, but no one else was known to have been injured. About 10,000 persons -4,000 adults and e,ooo children -were moved out of a lZS..block area along the route of the sewer line principally involved In the fiood of oil. They were wailing today for the word to return to their homes. Officials of the Buckepe ?ipeline Ca. ~saraa-'22-lDcli-tuflJ.lne tiiitir-1 ataliOOt - -4:30· p.m. Monday, spewing oil under pressure hlto the streets. A spokesman estimated that at least 8,000 gallons -an hour'• normal flow -escaped before the line could be shut down. Lakes of highly volatile oil six Inches deep and a block long formed in some places. Mayor Christian Morris proclaimed a etate of emergency and put all firemen, policemen and other city employes on round-tbedock duty. Firemen flushed the oil Into the sewer while policemen Informed residents of the danger and Jed them from their homes . Gov. James Rhodes called out the 250 men of the Ohio National Guard'• 140!.h Division to aid in clearing the threatened area and to guard q:ainlt looting. The oil ln the sewers !Omehow caught fire, causing a number of minor ex- plosions that mwhrOQmed Into a roerinf fire at the sewage disposal plant on the banks of the Ottawa River. National Strike Of Oil Workers Nearing Solution DENVER (UPI) - A nationwide !trike of more than 50,000 oil refinery workers moved Into its 11th day today witb signs that the walkout, the first maj(lr oil strike since 1952, may be nearina an end. The Oil, Chemical and Atomic Worker1 International Union (OCAW) reported about 1,000 or its members had returned to wqrk at .Union-Pure Oil Co. plants at Wilmington and Oleum, Calif., afler accepting a new contract agreement. Strildng workers also headed back to their jobs at the Beacon Oil Co. In Hanford, Calif. other Union-Pure plants with 1,500 striking workers also were expected to return to normal operation by week's end. The Union-Pure agreement, union of- ficials said, involved an "added cash income equivalent to an average increase ol 69.6 cents per hour" over a twcryear period. The terms of lhe BeacOn Oil pact were not announced. OCAW members, who make about $3.85 an boor, bad been holding out for a 72-ee.nt an hour wage increase alon1 with additional fringe beneUts when they began their walkout Jan. 4. Some 435 OCAW locals negotiate directly with various firms throughout the United states. The strike has affected 25 states, but has hit Texas and C&lifarnia hartlest -tbe two states with the bulk of Lbe union membera. on Pot? c...,..1nd ....... .......... 0.1,,,,1 E.,,_, " " n n '' ,, . ~ ,, "My son has not asked me to be bere, but 1 know in my heart l could not be anywhere else," 1be u1d lo her strongly acctnted voice, her pierclni dark eyes searchin& to be wre she wall understood . Most of Those Ousted Vsed It CoutaJ av.rc..t """" oi;a.-,.1 ... .. ~ .,,. •"""""'" ....... .... w.t"-111-f!trfY, 1t ti II '""'·"-Ttdn'1 ltlefl, &S i. 6'. ..... _,..,. ............ , ...... fr(J'l'ltltlll'l"'R'-••111'.._I,,. ......, ,_...,,. .... -. " .... TIW wttw ..._..!\In -11 • ·-S•n, /lfOOJt. T&.ka TUUDAT ~ Miii . . .. " '·'' '·"'· J.4 lticW .... WIOlllUIM~l;O '·'"· t.4 'lrlt "'"" ............. •:• ··"'· '-1 ..,,... ...., ....... ,. ..... 11a ,,,,.. I.A .._.,. 11111111 • , ••••• , •••• ·~ If 111.m. '"1 --.... t :'7 .......... 1:211 '·"'" ... . ...... ,,.,,,., ... ,:~~ i-w hrlt 0. ""' ""' •• ~ 11 ""'-II ,.... I ,_, II ll.S. S•m-r11 A ._,_ '°"' fftSM"I sm-- <llolW "' .,........,..,_ -......... ,.."""--' ---mvdl ., .,,. "Kif~ C-t l'WMrf, °""' lowt •'--. ......,.. ,._ ol """ Norlf>. -""'*'" _,, ..... "".,., ·-"' "-l'ltltlt ...... ,_ .... l'"tfll -'•It'"' 0...... '#ft'-"' ·~ "''"" lwo llKl'IH Ill --,,_.... •' Qvlll11'V1t Oii fl'te Hcrt!Mnl C-1 "' ~ ,11 ... lttlll mh!M Wlltl ..,.. Ill w. llltl'I _,,. l1l11t t.H ltOm llte or-Ind C.•11· fWllll CMllS lflltt'lill lo Arll_,. ll'llf We.'9nl #.Ollll,_, A MlV'!' '"°"' Wiidt Wll hlllld htr Ctntr1I Htbr1•1. •~111.,. """"r•tllrtt '""" lllt '"* ..,., """' -C.ned• (IW\fJ ... .... -MU(:tl of !tit EMttfll Mlf " ""' Mtten. r....,.,...,,.., _,. bl--.,. ""' Ill ~ WI~ , ... ltt-fllw """ ,,...,,i.w mtrtc •• ftr '"""' .. ~,. ........ Fort ~!fl ·-~ ..... H-lul" ....... kt111•• (lty l• V-t Los A.,..tn Ml•ml e.todl Mii-*• M!Nw"lh Ntw Or1M119 _v .. ....... ....... PllO llolllft ~l""'l""le _ .. Plthl:!Urtl'I Port lend '••Id (lt"f' Rtd llluff ·-S.er • ..-1e it. LOllll ~1111111 s.u 1..~, (ti"!' s.11 o""° Sa" ,flM!M:o k"t. Blrtllr• ... ,. -·~ """"'' Wftfllll9fool I, " n $1 ., 1 ... n " " " " » " " ,. .. ·" 11 " 1,,. 1a '° 1.• " n " " .. " " " 5' 41 1.tl " " ,.. .u 1.1• ~ ,, " $1 Tr J' "' .n 41 -, .... " " . . ,, " " " " .., ~ " ~ ... 4t 47 .01 '° A ,, .. ., .)! " .,, 1.N " " ,. " n N 2' She said she was no longer employed et a chureh day nursery near her Pasadena home because "J cannot be here and somewhere else at the same time.'' Adel and Munir aaJd they too were unemployed and upected to attend most sessions of the trial, which may take as long as three months. Both men were nattily attlrm In sport coats and ties. Munir wo~ sunclU&tS throuahout Ille doy. Mrs. Sirhan nodded to the defendant as be was brouabt into court after each recess. Each tlme he wu seated he ahlfttd In his chaJr and caught her ey" grlnnlng b{<>odly end w•villl oooe. NEW YORK (UPI) -Nearly 90 per- cent of the Anny '1 court-martJaled soldiera aged II to 24 rmoked marijuana before they entered tbe service a oeren5e Department rpok<SllW\ disclosed In a letter made public today. Front A. BartJmo. chalnnan or tbe Defense Departmen\'1drug1buse control commlttee, said In • ltlt.r lo M<Coll '1 magulne that mor!Juona omoklng by service pe!10lltltl IJ ••• matter o! ll<riou. concern." "StaUstks pertalillng lo ..me. men In the IS-2• age arouJ>, court-martJaled !or mllltary o!f..,,.. and undergnl!ll co•" rectlonal training by the Army, revenl lhat RHO percent had amolled marijuana prior to thtlr entry into the arm~ forces," Bartl.mo said . "Ho"r'er," he added, "llM the vast majority of Unlted States high BCbool and college students, the vast majority of American service personnel , in Viet- nam or elsewhere, do not use marl· juana." "Nonetheless, the use of marijuana by however rew 5en'lce personnel it a matter ol serfou. concern t.o the Department ol Defenee," Bertfmo &aid, "!or no military establilhment. whm security IJ alw1y1 vitally crltlq!, ml rtlylng 11 It dots on the team concept.. e:an cha~ having one team member even momentarily mentally unbalanced through the use of any dllngeroos drug." B&rtlmo al!IO polnttd out in his letter that the root of the problem "is a rtOtcUon of • naUooal BOClal 111" and not just one affecting mcmben of the \med '"'""· ( I • I --. --·-,---.-·-----... --------• .. • • 6Cl<IJ ,_..,, ,....,., It, INf \. ..... 11 · JNn c.,.,· 4f4.t466 . ' •• • Continued · Traditionally, the Auxiliary to Orange County Medi· cal Association and the Orange County Lawyers' Wives begin each new year wilfl a joint meeting. And, 1969 is nQ exception. Spotligihting the new year while posing the provoca· live question, What's So Happy About the New Year? will be the keynoter, Car I P. Terzian. noted personage in the field of political science, who has been a goodwill ambassador for the United States in many countries. The joint session is 6cheduled for nei:t Thursday in the Saddleback Inn, announced Mrs. James W. Obrien, coordiriator. Festivities will 'begin with an 11 a .01. social hour, followed by a .luncheon and a showing of Joan Buck fa&bions during the repail • · " · . Mri:•Jame. Slack, ·pr00deat of the J:lawyers'Wive! will-greet Mrr.Frank'E. Kendrick, auii\iary presi_dent ~-~inaotner;;ieiis as .!liyarrive. , ,. • The 1peeker has been engaged by. Mrs. Welsh Morningstar, Lawyers' Wives vice president. -. ' ' :: . . . ·:-••• .•· ,.'.! • • .•. ·: -.:p • • , .. .. ·-... ~ ;~\. •' .. , :-; , .. , .. :"'.: JOINT SESSION -Finishing plan! for the joint meeting of Women's Auxiliary to Orange County Medical Association and Orange County lAiWYers' wives are (left to right) the Mmes. Mariin E. Hansen and Morris Fier ~ the auxiliary and Mri: Keith WelpuU, represenlhig LaWYers' Wf-ns; 'lbe gmup will galiier In Saddleback Inn naxt Thursday fw a•.IIOOO lll!ldleon. Following this seMion, Lawyers' Wives will continue their wcrk with and riising funds for Orange .County Legal Aid, while' auxiliary members wiD be planning their. annaal fund.raising fashion ahow to raise fund• for scholanbips. '• ----- The Laguna Lines Residents at l.riaugural Ball If Jarwary is any tndication, the new year will rind area women hopping w t I h parties, meetings, aale.s, projects and trips. IT DOESN'T lake an utrologer to predict an e1· clting and glamorous evening for Mrs. William Roley when she and he!-husband. Col. • Roley, attend the loaugural Ball In Wasblngton, D.C. Col. Roley was head of tbe Laguna B e a c b Repibllcan Committee, 10 the Laguna Beach couple have been in- vited to the ball and other Washington parti" cenW'ed around the lnauguraUon. The Laguna couple also will attend a Governor's RecepUon for Spiro Agnew, former governor of Maryland. The Roleys still have a home Jn Maryland, their fomier home state. At the ball, Mrs. Roley said she will wear a full length winter-white beaded c r e p e gown with a white velvet coat which ta fashioned with a mat· chine beaded collar. Prior to tbe Inaugural festivities Mrs. Roley alopped in Florida where she was a l1JOSI spe&Ur last Tbunday at the Univenlly of Miami. Her topic was lmprovtne . tbe Self-Image of Women. While In -~ the prosld<nt of South Coast Chapter, AWARE InterDatJonal. a I I o com- mentated oo. a chamber: or ccmmerce fasbioo allow, MRS. ADOLPH KROCK of Laguna Beach gave . a cock- tail party and buffet dinner last Tuesday t o celebrate her husband's 17th birthday. Guests toast· Ing the host included the Messrs. and ,...,,. cox M nfe s. and Andrews, John Weld and Law- rence Reynolds of Emerald Bay, Sam Garst of Irvine Cove, Jack Taylor of Laguna Beach and Frederic Proctor of South Laguna. Others were Dr. and Mrs. George Hagn of L a g u.n a Beach, Mrs.·Gertrude Tbomu or Newport Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kroch, the couple's Son and daughter-ln- law from tblcailJ. LAGUNA BEACH Branch members, American Associa· tion of University Women. launched 1969 with a luncheon in Leisure World and a talk by Granville Peoples,,dlrectot. of the Orange Coonly welfua ~RLD or aculpture was , the ~ when Laguna JJea,ch Branch, N a t i o n a I League of American Penwomen opened their year with a gathering Jut week. Member Mn. Jane Poye' apob before the 1atherlng. EBEU CWB llltlllbers, who revived from the holiday rush with a Let Down Party recenUy, are planning a rum- mage sale which will take place in Laguna B e a c h Woman's Clubhouse from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Jan.- 31, and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb 1. STAR SPANGLED GIRL played to an enthusiastic crolt'd of music supporters last Tuesday evening and before First N i g h t e r s Wednesday evening. The preview perfonnance was a theater benefit for Laguna P h i 1 harmonic Committee. Pr i·o r to the play, theater- goers gathered for cocktails at parties hosted by several committee members and their h u s. b an d s • After-theater fe!tlvities took participants to the Hotel Laguna for a late supper. A lalute to Leisure World residents belonging to Lall1JDI Community Players higbllghled the First Nighters' dlnner·whlch toot place prior to the officlal <JP<!1lng night pedonnance of the play. 1UV1ERANS toot 1 look into elilnsemory petceptloe 1 J! d the 'poychlcal· pbenomeni dur· Ing a ~ meeting In Balboa Bay Club last Wed- ne<iday. Bt'ldge playen In the &f"OUP also met last week for a eard party, llOCial boar and luncheon In Lall1JDI Coontry Club '• Ben Brown's restauranl GARDEN A\/1110IUTY Joe . I LlUJefield spoke b e Io re Laguna Beach ·Garden Chlh members. at their opening meeting of the year last FJi. day afternoon, Friday also was a meeting date for Churchwomen United or Laguna Beach and Women's Service Gu 11 d. Laguna Beach Church of R~ligious Science. h.AN~O VIEJO Woman's Club board members met yesterday in the home of Mrs. 'Theodore Cooper where up- coming activities,· Including a general meeting in Miaslon Viejo Recreation Center neit Monday, were discussed. Tlie cl ub's Garden and Beautification Section is plan- ning a trek to Busch Gardens next Thursday. IN ADDmON to their rum- mage sale Saturday, Jan. 18, , beginning· II 9 a.m. In the Woman's Clubhouae, Laguna Beach Junior Woman's Club members are planning a bridge luocheon, abo In the clubhouse, from 10 a.m. to z p.m: Thursday, Jan. :a. Both events Rn! open to' the publlc. AFFILIATES of Lquna Beach Art Auoc:Iatlon and their guests, drt • e II tn lbetr least pretentious garll, wUI gather for a Bard Times P• ty Friday, Jan. 24. 'Another bash that same weekend is planned by Revelen, a couples club which wppom Child 1 Guidance CUnic or Oran&' Cowlly, lot Saturday, Jan.25. 'Laguna Juniors Sho,wing Trump Cards '.• ~\ l.Alguna Beach Junior Woman'• Club Is opeming to the event .are br)dge enUnalasta (Ielt lo miit) 11,1,e ;:, the public a bridge luncheon In Laguna -Mmes, Eml• _Quigley, Jobn Bangbrnon ilDcl Bl!D;> Woman'• C!ulJhouse whlcb will -plact from 10· Dugan. , :· a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23. GeWng reedy for. " .• ;:1 Christian.s Need ·N0 N·eon Signs to Illuminate DEAR ANN J.\NDERS: We moved Into tbil home amn montba •IO-The neigbbon: Were Vf!rJ nice, unW the se- cood ~ In DecemlJ<r, when they all bepn to put up lJibb, tree decorations. Santas and sleighs, angels, what have yoU. This block looted like M.cJ'• - doWI. My wife and I have alwayt placed our ~ tree In the !root -and that wu all.· We never felt it WU necellll'J' to (0 In for I bi( dlspillf. On Dec. It I neichb<>r telephoned arid asted lf we needed help to "put up 01r QuUtmas UitJ>ts." l told her we wm not putting up any llgbtL She then said, "Oh, l:heu jt'1 true -you rota aru't Chriitians." I replied, "I didn't say whether we were Christi1ns or not. All I said was we are not I • , ANN LANDERS ~ puttln( up any lights." The COOftl'l8tioo didll"t (et any better and I flnalq bun( up. Now my wlfo oays I lhould not have left a doubl in tbe neighbor's mlnd as to whether or not we are Cbrlstlans (we go to the Prubyterian Church). l 1ay It's ...,. of her buJin<sl. Who is right. Ann, my wlfe or met --OROSSE POINTE DEAR. G.P.: YH 1rt. And a holly wrtatll lo you, Bub, ror not 1llowin1 your De11bbor to pat 1'" ,. the defensive. DEAR ANN LANDERS' I'm 1 bacbelor who wu keeping company with a middle- aged widow. Mary had thlJ eat that I never cared fer. Whenever I went to call, Jasper seemed to be watching every move I made. I was always UD· comfortable around him. Last week Jasper was silting in the middle of• the driveway when I ca.me to cali. I llOUllded the horn but he just aat then. I got m1d bectllll be WU being •t•bborn so I ran over ~. Mary come out of the hOwie at that momenl When abe -llW Jupu lbe became bysterlcaJ. II -plain that the cat was de.cl, but lbe lm1sted we take him to tbe vet'• anyway. When I refU8ed abe told me to leaVI and never to come back. l WU vtr7 load of 'Miry but II abe would trade our Hlatiootlblp for I eat maybe •be ... too nutty to make • good wife. What do you say! -ANCllOJIAGE DEAR ANC. l 111 100 .....i Ub a lldllllc tool ud Ille II 1""7 to be rid ti 7'"· DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm 1 1$-)'W• old gtrt with 1 li-yeaMld problem. My mother. Whenever I om: In-to epend the night II a !Prl'1 'house,' she has ... -the IWl10. -ud phone number of the lirL .I doo't mbld thlJ, but l DO mind wben oho calls the mother of the !Prl and stvea he!-the tlllnl d<p. Tbil mobs mt lool< lite I baby ud I hate ll I' abo loob llt• my mother -~ lrull me. say oometbinC .. ID)' mother wW cut ft out. ~OINFANT DEAR N: W1aat JOe cMollder t1ti1 Wnl depte la real17 I lie~ lillel'fll lo ' ' . Do you feel !II ~ eue. • • oat 'fl. It? ,, ·~·~ •'aaod 'ltilf but fOUl Write f~ .lli>,Lmtln•-.; ''11ie Key to P~,• .... llldti wtlla your nqueot '5 -. lo coin led ·a loo(, "11.-.....i, llampecl ....... ' AM Landen wtft be llld ~ ~ you with your lll'oblemL Send "'°"" to her In care Of Ille bAILY P.IWr1 eoclolln( I *"P"I• oelf_-' i. envelbpe, ... •, '•: I ' ' • ·----~· .~ ... .. . . . . . . . '• '• .. . '· . ' .. ----...... ' ............ -.... . • •I •! ~ ·I ' • ' . . . H DAILY PILOT • ~ Best Dressed List r '.:Mal~ 'Plumage'· Recognized for First Time NEW YOllK 1 (AP) -A Russian~.,. a N'lll"' ac-treu, a llCUlpt<r, a stt star and a married couple are NDOOg thole who've made lhe -11111 this year. Tbt variety of names ls bec1U11 lnltlad of one list this year tbm~are three: one for the "(ublcm clasaicista," one f'!f' the "most imaginative" and one for men. 'Ibe 1lata are based on a poll taken among 2 1 5 O o designers, socialites a n d fashion personaliUes and are coordtnated by p u b I i c i s t Eleanor Lambert who an- nounced the winners last Sun- day. The ballerina -Maya Pllsetskaya, the actre8.! - Diahann Carroll, and the sculp(or -Marisol, all made the list of the "most lm- agtnalive" women In fashion. So did Gloria Vanderbilt Cooper whose husband Wyatt made Ute men's list. Tboaw Kem-. Mn. Rttmy Soli.m.n. MrJ. Abmet ~Mn. wuu.m Rayner and ~· llol>ln Butler, Oil the m111'• llst, In addJUoo to Killy and c.>oper, --PriQCO Philip, Queen Ellllbeth'• hulbandj_,~ ~.!•ll':•»u~~ Gl..,.ey: -~-; Patrlct, Earl ol Litcblleld; Bv""1'll Lalrrin; George W. -; Cow>t Rudolfo CnlPl and IOclallle Baron A1eJls de Rede. . Fred Allalre and the Duk• of W1ndJor wen 11ven tzn. -statua .. bell-drel...i Hall of Famen. The com- mittee said both men were ''above compeUUon and have never been topped in their lives." Ski star Jean.Claude Killy also made the men's list, pro- ving he looks just as good off the slopes aa on. On the trad!Uonal llst were Mn. A 11 red Bloomlngdale, Mrs. Charles Revson, Mrs. Graham MatU.,On, Mr 1. Charles Engelhard Jr., Mrs. Gianni UzleW, Prince.as Ira Furstenberg, Mrs. Harllaos 11\eodoracopwos, Marquess Carol de Porta10, JtS r 1 • !II. ... ~_. Vtncente MinnelU, M r 1 . Liberman SavlU, Mrs. Ahmed Benbim and the Duchess de U .. ITt....,_ t WINNING TEAM -Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Cooper ~: ll!'e given top honors Oil the Best Dressed list. Coop- J er was named the best dressed male, while bis wife "1ook top honors in the "imaginative" categocy. Moy Rites Disclosed During Family Supper 'Ille engagement of Linda Jo Elliott to Steven Howard Snyder was revealed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Elliott (If Anaheim during a family buffet supper last Sunday. Others on the most im· aginaUvc list were actress Barbra Streisand, M a r i s a Berenson, fashioo expert Mrs. CadavaJ. Alumnae To Honor Newcomers Setting for the party was the Founlai.n Valley home of the brldegroom~lect'1 brother, Fred$. Snyder. Miss Elliott is a graduate E~!,l,'ti of Marina High School and Newcomen will be honored by the Onoge County chapter cl 5atppl Ahnnnae during a geWl:qualnled coif.. 0 D 'lbmldaJ, Jan. 11. Mn. William Eilers, cbalnnan ol the group, will -the even! In her Newport Beacbhome. The 10 LID. meeting wlll -• d1lcussloo about planl fOf a (lelllinar, on 'l1te Ferment In Higher Educa\ion. n.. lecluroa w1l1 tw place bellJmlnl W~, Feb. 5 from 10 a.m. to noon. in tbe homo ol Mn. Ellen. '!be - ol the -w1l1 be $10. 5pWen for the evont will Include Mn. Eliubelll Closs, -ol Special -~ l'nlcrama and c.o. tiaullll F.ducaU.0. Mn. --jorJ Doomln& dean ol the laoalty, Mn. Mary Decktt, dean ol aludenta, all al Scrippa College. and Dr. John Bevan, ~vice pmldenl of the CoUep al the Poclllc. -lll!ormaUon can be abtalnod by calllng Miss CJnlhll Putuahln al 175-1991. Officers' Wives Host Luncheon Orange Coast. College where she affiliated with Epsilon Delta, dental assisting sorori- ty. The future benedict, son of Mrs. Flore~ Snyder of Seal Beach and the late Seal Beach Police Chief Wendall J . Snyder, is an alumnus of UCLA where he pledged Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He also completed two years o f graduate wort at California stale College at Long Beach. A May wedding is being plann<d. • CHRISTINE PLOG Envavod Betrothal News Told Mexican Waters Cruised Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ev8111 of Costa Mesa are cruising Mexican waters aboard the SS Lurline. Pot'!s of call include, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and Maz.atllln. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with hl•ck and white glossy pboto- grapbs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy p i c t u r e, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- -ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, ooly the wedding pboto will be ac- cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able In all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further quesUons will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 1142-4321 or 4114-9466. The JmuaJ Nnc-. far --~althe Laa Alwn""' Ollken Wives aub .m tw p1aoe 'ntunday, Jan. 16, in lhe Officers Club on Tenninal Island. MrL Rock Duitman al 1----------------..111 Guest opeaker will be Mr•. Jmel Aabcroll who will speak on cootdlnaUng famlons. ·A cocktail hour will b e g l n the functioo at 11:30 a.m. with luncheon being served at l2:JO. ReservatloOJ may be made by calling Mn. T. T. Au.berry at 118'1-9951. 'Ibo -and Sow aewing duo ,ut bel!ln .. Friday, .Jan. 11 at t a.m. at the Naval Air SlaUon Goll Coone, Los Alam""' lnlcrmatlon can be ..,.,b d .., calling Mn. Johll c. K.,.r al ---' •• Mesa Seniors 'Community Recreation Center at Onngo County .flllrpwncll b the ac<ne of .ildlvUy ' wben Colt.a Mesa ~ CllJJeDI meet II 11 • t.m. evay 'l'ltesda7. HB TOPS Club Newport Beach bas announc<d the engagement of her daughter, Quistine Plog to John ~. son of Charles BomgardntT of Denver and the late Mn. Bomgardner. Miss Plog, also the daughter of Chal'-les B. Pto1 of London is a graduate of Pacific Palisades High School and the School of Business at the Unlveni.ty of Colorado. She received the Beta Sigma aV1·ard as the outstanding senior girl, was a member of the Business School Studenl Dom!, pnllldOlll al Beta Sigma and assist.ant social chairman ror Alpha C h I Omega. Her fiance, wbo ls serving with the Anned Services on Okinawa, studied 1n Montlnl and at the Unlveralty of Colorado, School al Bwln .... No cl.ate b8J been set for the weddin(. Emblem Club G1thering for bu 1Ine1 s """1 School 11 tho meetln& ...,...,. and ... srom• are .,.._. I« ID<lllbm al Hut> mtmben of NowPOrt Harbor U....., Beach 'roPS Pound Emblem Club the second Pinc:ben at 7 p.m. every Mon· Tuelday at I p.m. In the Elks day. . Lodge, Newport Beach. Club Mixes Music, Work At Meet Tbe AmerJc.an A.isociaUon of lunches. All persons over 55 Retired Persons will host its yean of age are welcome. regular meeting in Harbor Sen Io r Citizens Recreation Cenler, Newport Beach at U:>O p.m. nat Thursday. A Jll'Oll'lm or music, under the direction .of Mrt. James E. !ljpYer of Newport Beach, will be offered. Mrs. Ruth Johnson will dlsc:u.u WORK (Warted, Older Residents with Know~w}, whlcb betp1 de.al with the pro- blems of. -· The purpooe al WORK b to help tttirees to fJnd part time jobs. ,,_ •ttendln• the 1•ther- lng are aated to bring ..a Choral Group Every MOlldq al !:IO p.m. momben al tho Protpectlve Aliso Valloy Olaptor of Sweet· Adellnos convene In M.Lulon Ir the new cleaners explode dirt- what mast they do lo your bands? • •Traditional hand lotions ,are little protection against modern killer cleaners. ' New Vedra with Aloe, the desert's moisturizing plant, was formulated ex· preaaly to oft'Aet the deva • staling effeeta or harth cleaners. ft aoothea, smooths, he1pt restore 1 aoft texture to hand1. Vedra Lotion, 1.00, Cream, I.SO. Viejo H\tlh School. ,,_ ln· •--------1 1"1'ated 1n Jolnlntl m•7 call Mn. Wllllam Recht •t 137· 0731 . RUNNER-UP -Faihi..; designer Bill Blass took the No. 2 spot in the men's division of the Best Dressed list, and placing third was Great Britain's Prince Philip. Alumnae Set Agenda Chi Omega Alumnae of Orange County will gather on Thursday, Jan. 16 for their first meeting of the year. The setting for the 7:45 p.m. event wlll be the Orange home of Mrs. W. J. Blackstone. GOP Meeting Mesa V e r d e Republican Women have changed their meetlng place for their in- stallaUon of new officers tomotTOw. The event, to begin et 10:30 a.m., will take place in the home of Mrs. Cal Swnrall, 1766 Bahama Place, Mesa Verde. Being 011• weiOh1 can OfWo, befUM'f!PfmeN._. Newly elected president, Mrs. Arthur Zaslo, will con- duct a short business meeting and will announce the schedule of meetings and programs for the year. All Chi Omegas living In the Orange County area are invited. Mrs. Blackstone at 633-9758 may be notified for reservations. Auxiliary Coastline Auxiliary t o Veterans of Foreign Wars. Post 3536 gather the first and third Fridays at 8 p.m. Cosla Mesa's American Legion Hall is the scene of the meetings. __ _.....n.. ..... ....00.:Cfe-hobib. n..-....n..-™<,.... .. -.. Y Oii CUfl, SIClp .... tot-,. •I , We·...., ~ I al OWW BUI VO'it OCM do ti 1 ¢. 0 lhe warid.. This M1M about voursell don ·1 irv 1t olofle. ti yeu' re O¥et weight, COll'l9 COM to the one and to Weight Watc..... onfy Weight Wotthen. Hera. vou con team to ic.. wtlght and ... p ii off thmugll dw Weioht Wa~ "•t9nlOlk>nolly IOfl'IOtn; 'N9ioN control orogrom. Th91"9 ore no drvgt Ol pills. No~ WSVdte. s-....,..-....... .. ·~ ... ....... FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSIONS OUNGI 'UAL MACH WM11eitd•t 1:IO l".N. WM. t 110 A.N. el' 7il0 P.N. JlllUll'Y 15tl'I .lellUl'l' 11tl'I AMWAY CINTR ST. ANNE'S CHUICH 1240 W•st Collins 340 10th Stre.t (off Mel11) !Off C.otlt Hw)I,) S5 R-alttrotlon-$2 Per w .. k-No Contracts ,._~.,....,..,..,.,.loo .. -Or-.~ (llol9IRI CAU 835-5505 TODAY! Allt.h. ....... ----·-=---··:":':=:..:-_,__ _ _,, ..... --- The Daily Pilot Covers Booting Best In The West ·-.... r • .... .. . . . . . . . . Horoscope Capricorn: Pleasant • Surprise Awaiting WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15 81 SYDNEY OMARR 1'The wise man controls b1J delllny .•. Allrolol)' polnta the way." ARIEi (Mardi SI-April It): ,Aecent oo Jont.raaco 111an1. Keep commW1lcatkm 11 De 1 open. Dbcwl lulure vaca&n planl with famlly member. Be aware of fubll'e trends. Gain shown tbrouP written wonl. Read, study and wrlte. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Avoid aelf-deceptlon. Face facts u tber CJiJt -includes maltera perlalnlng to bud&••· .. pendlturea. DllCUU -with mate, partner, close auoclate. Don't overentnd youncU. GEMINI (May al.June 20): Stress on permanent ties, in- cluding marriage. Muna thiJ lJ M day to play 1amea. Others are apt to b c superaenaiUve. PeimJt one close to you to have apotllgbt. Play walllng game. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Study detalla COIUlecW with hu)'ln&, aelllng. lleJ .. to be lbonlti&h· llaad bilween th• 11ntJ -.tu<IY Ible print. Then )'OU coold mner1• with ... flt. SAGrrrARIUS (Nov. n. Dec. 21): You CID wln friends, lnOucnce people. Lunar poal· .11oa aocenta your ..,. .... uty. You &et your way through chum. aell-expresslon. Speak ~. Dtaplly unlque talents. You're a wiMer. CAPRICORN (Dec. D-Jan. 11): Be cbarltlble. Realize some want to plcue but feel restricted. PatJence t 6 d a y could win over one wbo hu been elusive. P I ea 1 a n t surprise is due. It's prepared behlnd tile scenes. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cowerve energy. Some are well-meaning but squander your Ume. You could find out today just who ts best for planned project. Not wl.se to mil busineaa with plellSW'e. Be practical. PIBi:ES (Feb. It-March 20): Be confidmt about your own abllitJes. Your career, prestige may be on the rise. Don't rock boat by neglcclinl basic r e 1 p o n alblliUes. One in authority sees things your way. Attend to perS9111l tub, re- quiremeata. Some may at- tempt to in,volve you in their problems. Be cbarmlng -hut declln<. Neceuary today to atuod to basic Issues. Gel IF TODAY IS Y 0 U R better undentandillg of job. BIRTHDAY you arc entering L£O (July :13-Aug. 22): Day an exclllng period which features fun through creaUve features travel, variety ende.avor1. Loved ones provide ~lf ain1le-marrlage. U pleamre. Evenlni·on the town married, you could redlJcover could provide great benefit. mate-and rekindle romance. Your penonality apartlea. GENERAL TENDENCIES:· ~~=ent 00 your wit, CyCle high for SAGI'M'ARIUS, VIRG<L<Aiit. 2J.Sepl. 22): CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS Family manber may be • Special won! lo VIRGO: g!va overemoticnak Your task is ~arelul conalderaUon to offer to remald" ca1zb. 1'hlnk of mvolvlng sale or purchase of future -"1>1!'e . petty ... property. 110faoctl. Acceilt. aJao OD pro-To ordtr 11•-.ia•r"I •w: pert ti do ti• si booil.i.T<-TIM ruth ~I Al!rolo 'I' y ma ers, mes c tua· ="" oA'l'L vc-;r1t of~ ..,. ·~ ~.~ Uon. Follow through on hunch. c..,1r•1 s1enon. Ntw Yin. H.v. 10011. UBRA (Sepl 23-0cl. 22): Spotlight on abort trip. Day features flurry of activity. Some messagea could be garbled. Don't offend relaUve by sharp retm1. Sense of humor becomea your great ally. SCORPIO (Cid. 23-Nov. 211: Altend to financial matters. Overeaters Every Monday al 8 p.m. members gather in Anderson School auditorium, Westminster, for meetings of Overeaten Anonymous. Guests are welcome to attend. 14th SOME OUTSTANDING VALUES IN FAMOUS MAKE MERCHANDISE •• , TO CELEBRATE OUR 14 YEARS IN THIS LOCATION! LADIES SPORTSWEAR LADIES DRESSES LADIES LINGERIE SAVE 1/3103/4 GIRLS DRESSES & SPORSTWEAR REDUCED 1 /3 to 1 /2 BOYS WEAR TOSIDlC 1/3off .. 1/2 off / GOOD SELECTIONS • 3404 VIA UDO NEWPORT IEACH fONI o• THI LIDO lHOPll I ' I I I ' I . -• • • • ' .~ I ·1 " lWe~rt Darlior I • J f . EDITION • N.~ voe. 62, NO. 12, 2 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES 1 ' • I , 0 ' ' Newpoi;t · Delays Marina ·Decision 111 JEJIOME F. COIJ.INS ' Of .. D11r Pia.I Staff ' Steven C. 4"1d'a ambltiowl plan for' • 1.-. niarina · encl6sed b7 a -o!! ·Wetl ·N<wport I! atill allQOt, • ' Newport Beach d!Y ' coon0Imen Mon- doy· held lllelr nr. until 'Ibey •learn' mor.. Key &egments of marina • structures wouJd be loeated at the Santa Ana River m~th between the cities of Newport and HimtlngtQn Beach. . ~ Ibo .. yoar·old· advertbing ex- Soviets Send Cosmonaut Into Orbit Mlisc!)li" (UPI) -The Soviot Union ~ a manned Soyuz 4 spacecraft into orill.t around the e(l.nb today on what the Ruasians said was a "complicated" ~. There . wu · apecu!aitOri the; coo"*8ui -id attanpl a .-link· up with apolber crift .u a lint mp ""'-atabllabln( ............ . W!iftia m11u1w ailer lbe lannCb,-Ule pil!'I.'· Ill. 'Col Vladimir-~ ....... a to!evll!.a audience, "EYetythlnc "'li fine. I Im fine.'' 1be 1¥e 1pacemao rePOl'ted· success In a mnilbu of mm- ual oi>eratioOa and said ht bad laded his solar baUerlU ontO $he sun to main- tain Poll'tt· • In a moVe unprecedented for the SoViek-Union, Mr>scow television. within tO minulol o! lllto!I, broadcast video-tapes ot Shatalov's ship soaring majes- tlCaIJ.y1 from the Soviet's central Asia l~to COlller and curving .toward orl>IL 11le Russlanl broadcast pictum ol lbe la.,n,:h o! Soyuz 3 last Novembor -iS'bwrs Iller u Jolt ii! lamich 'pad, al!o wulr<coderited for the Russians. · k . usual the Soviet Unic:m did mt de-tail goals of the latost lp&CO flight and the news agency Tass Wd onJt lt wu a "complicated and responsible pro-aram.:" U; S. s~ eQ>Crls said the Soviel5 had :a ,"window" tor a shot at the moon if SOydz 4 wUt '6 jump from earth orbit toward a lunar m1Sslon to match Amer· t~• Apollo 8 feat. But most spec1,1la· ti.on centered on a linkup with un- tnahned Cosmos 263 satellite. sent aloft Sunday, or for dockinR with a manned 1pacecraft yet to be faunched. ... ecutive outlined the proposal In a 45- mimrte presentation, Newport councilmen told him it deserved further conslderation -lllld will get ii at an upcoming study sesaion.. . Loadm! o! 11\o West Nowporl . Im- provement Aaaociation. however, .gnnnbI· ed abciul the projocl ·bolng carried thal far. They warned of a ciiliea uprisin& uniess JI is )1Wed. "We are lOD percent against annbing lite a beachfroot roadwl.f' or an oUAre breakwator," declared Ralpb Wat~. "You will bO kicking the lid o!l'I Pan- dora's Box if yoU go along with this." GOOD OCE~ FRONT "It'a r8ther inconceivable that we have to· lt&Qd here and tell the council that we baVe ·a magnificent ocean front," Said Margo Skilling, president of the 400-member homeowners' group. "How anyone can contemplate destroying it is beyond me." Ray Martin, who said he has been a. West Newport propertyilwner for 30 years, was even more sucdnct. "This plan,'" be said, "is lhe craziest thing. that has ever happened." Councilmen p!ain!j>· didn't think so - not yet, anywai. , , '!'bey ..... ~ !nll1pd by .. Inland"~~ ol Auld'• plan. 'l'bil provides fer a retldtnllaJ.tnuine Qe9elopment llmillr In ....,opt lo Hilft. tin&lon Harboui. A ·-Would link it to tbe marina area. • ' Called ''G<noa Bay" by Auld, It would be built on, undeveloped lands behind N"'fPOl'I Shoru and would ~se more than bt single-family homes, Z80 apartment unita, two publle parks,. a shopping center and·some too additional . boat slips. MclNNIS OPPOSED . Councilman , Donald A. Mcinnis, who ropreaont& Weal No1rporl; 18!d ho would bo mtaltera~ oppoSed lo the offshore breakwater -extending from the Santa Ana· River jetty to the Newport Pier are.a -if ll would ••destroy our most impattant am, our beach." But he aaid if Genoa Bay can be accomplished without wrecking the ocean beach, "then I'm highly ln favor of it." "I certainly would not oppose studying the feasibility (of Auld's plan) to see what can be done." ••J think the in1and development is a particularly "good Idea," .nld Coun- cilman Ed Hirth. "But the plan along the octan would conflict with people (See MARINA, Pap Z) • ORANGE COUNTY, CAUPOaNI!- -·-~­--• • , • > I .... j _, ' _-' • COAST GUARDSMAN STANDS· BY TO AID SURVIVORS AS ,SHIP APPROACHES DD~NED PLANE Scandinavian Airliner wlfh 45 Abolird P.ncakea Into Coa1t1I Waters off LAX · Newport Workers Face . ' • .. ,. • ~ . • • F()r Missing Passengers lioocending throush llormy lillbl Pita .tn an abnormal landlnt appnllleh. 1 &.sndlnovlu jotUner 'lillh • .- ~Into. Ibo ..... t!"'°""'. Playa dd liq Monday d "1 clan today I lhlrd ol ·-were pneumed loet., Seorchm cootlnued lo bunt fw lf poalblo IUtv! ..... In Ibo raimwepl; ... dogree waters u tbaru prowled""""'°' th<f mrfai:O,. bu\ llope .WU llnally.- ' doned 'tllat a,,; ... 'cqWd remalD 1n..: • Four bodfes' Wei'e m:Overed Monday night and 30 victims saved by an armada · More. Crash Photot, Storlu~ ·pa .. J · ol 40 . rescue craft and .Private boat, as:. the dr;.ma at aea unfolded under the glare of hollcoptor IOlfclilltlbia and parachute flares. A Cable Commutor Alrlln" pl!Ot. llom Wesbnineter WIS the first penon to sight floating wrecrt11e of the ~ dlnavlan Alrllnos Syatem DCI, huded Into Loi Angel"' lntemaUOllll Abport wbon It hit. Tho SAS Flight 133, pllotod by Capt. Kamelh Davll, lormor Britlah Royal Alr Force flier, diYppoared m.n Inwer radarscopes at 7:40 p.m., after a 1~ hour delay lloft in ... boldJnr pallom ~~~~·.Be~ Mu~der £;bar.a~~, :~~*1-z-t P.ml*nt.~lluinmdmoreprecipila· r ~~·· .,¥· · .. ,.•;.i.., " , ... t • ..; -..,,; ~1 ilL on•·--'~ Rainy Season In Full Swing . ' tion on tiie Oilni~'U.an had bOen Bjl 1l'iWm RllBD pav~ ol lllh ilbWl"luol•noHh. ·61 • ...,_ ~"""" •lftlll by, JJ.mJle.an-; "redJCtei_ ' ' · 0t•.....,,...,.., · Palm Avt1111Jil apoOI o!bbd. : ; · ~ IDd..ltortn tUrbulence: P wM O,~ Coimty boro tI!o brunt Murdor comjllafull Win &e180Ught !1to Mn. Mar!kee'1 lhroat had been 11u1> . Suddpily, without wamin, •xcopl for of itte. 'wet w~Jitber aS '1.56 inches of today ot Wednelday agatiilt •'man·and i ed a:rid tiec body punctUrtd by numerous o(le lfqardeu' ofder to futeo seat woman now ·being hold by Hunllnglon s\&b -1'he body, wu Jull a lew bolb the pJa,no llatnmocj Into lhree to rain !ell ••·the Huntington Valley aroa Beach ·pollci lh the bloody-ltabblng lqcboa• ln !ronl ol, llOr 1UU .runnin1 ~ four.!qot ocean awolla and broke apirt oveTnigbt."Costa ~esa reported 1:14 lit-, deathofMrs.HesterMarkee.· · · just~of PalmAvenue.,, . 1• Ju'st 'behu1ct th'e wlnP. ches, Laguna Beach 1.05 ncbu, while ·Ht ld -in kont1ngtOn 1CltyrJall·on the Headllg~tl·J>f Mr car bactUgtited the · Honeymoonin1SASPilotOlofAnd'enon Newport Beach wu romparatively A-. murder charge is ·Norman COatney, 41." b~y . scene next , to. lbe lfUflthjlQon 38, dozing in a seat be&lde his bride' ~' an engtn"r wllh a NO'liporl Boacb Beacl! Country Club. ' · Marianno,.23, Aid bo thouibl tile 1n1t1ai with a .72 reading. aerosp10Pl • firm. His-" com p•a n ion, ~YefUJIUon baa ltd ~-a ~ Ufat lm~ was ju5t a rough ladina at This·brooghl !he...,..., total rainfall Margareta Dlngor, 31, a •wallral' •I tile "-·may ,hive.\~ mutdtred !ho Lela Allgel'8 fleld. to 3.60 ioches:in the-Huntington Valley, a , a Newport restaurant, bu been transfer·. by the lrltf ,iliiver ·.~ .DU!tDP? ''Then I aaw the water coming Into sharp ,declme -from., ~ 5,37 inches which red to womert'a de~nUon at orange ot I~ automobile with. whldl:diii ,Colllded the plue. My wife and 1 waUed .for had (1llep ot lhla, tlm• last. yoar. The County Jill. · . · • (S.. iltu!tDER, hp'l), Ibo pla!\e to 11op and then IWclied sharpeal conlrast .. ., In Newport Beach, 1be DAILY PJLOT !urned today !hat , • , , llf. Ibo nibbor nlll," Andenoa llld. where "·-current 2.31 totaJ was the ·suspectt:.i who gave ~ 1addrta· · • · r ... Sbme of the ·women w.J... ~-'-•, ~.,.~':gainsl wt.......,., 5.91. ., 2M2 Delaware 81.,,H~l!facb, f:',_;_un' C!~.' ~-1..!...:..., and l 'lookod """"11 .::i• .;;;~ · havo professed' ihnoconco or. )lJlf !"' \'..Al n ~~"" b!ood,Y ., ...... be -Iller ~ • City •AIHl'M.L -r:·i:t~ --'tart "'· volvement ln the lrilb' ~ ' . . . ' ' . . ' ' . . li . . broucl}t ~ .at a hutib' eaita~ I == ::li rn !:!! pa~1r;·~~~~~· .NCwpott ·~~tet','~· -;~~l ctntetat ·1i1~~· Huntington 11.-h. 1.u l.60 s.11 Municipal CoUrt for1 arraigrubent u soon . . . "JV ioolc' -~ thrm ( ..._. t!t • Fou"11tn v 111tJ" 1.u J.20 5.ID as the paperwork can be com;i1eted. . · .1~ al: "'"'II . .. w""",, .,"",.!!r . '·" l." '·'' . w ,. __ t As .Ci.ty Hu' ll, S1't~· . 9'ctiOQ:. to . . ~'t , • • . ' ...,.. 1.16 1" s.11 ·"We ~t:ely· w lake ~ wo -s~m •. .......:... · ,.,...1. : ~ L1t111111 L•llur• w1rld 1.0j i.s1 •.» l rt " d Det M ty Mc.Kennon ~ "11;1 ~ trvlM lt.ndo 1.n t.H s.• 0 coµ • saJ · on r"k • · and &ot · into "'-:We raft bu& it,.. ,:> ~=m'0""' :::: ;:~ ::~ Oi'f: ~ .. of~~1 .. ~ ee8!5Cb~ ~6: .Newport. Beadferty councilmen Meo-•·~.trf··itiiid~·,; ·.'f_.1t'i.-, ... .' Gird~ Gro... i.1r '·w 4.61 ""'6w d1y nlgbt c1ppedi two yean of atudy . ,Alldehfob lild1111l.-mtdy•i:lrtdt ' ' · ..... ~~::::::~ oeurK -~~ ,,!!'Jin. 111• ~~v~~:: I~ ~~w~!n ·~=: by unanlmously Rlectlq prbRerty •t reunited 'in auotber ilf~At..-~ .~ ?f.fe ; _...;.. -------------~----------Ne....;... center aa a ·ilte for ~. QtW 'Ano;tber 8AS pilot abMN Ule~r · ,!J .,... • cralt, . Ollv HUioir, aald~· ;. · > ·, ~ civic center and cuJtural compeh. btlp"takecharge:otievaCaatlon ' r 1'. -14 · Munic!P":'' aidea today boga~ ~ 11 tlie-llhau.r.d alrcrolt Git! 'l .. liolll ln ...-w!lh the livlne ComjllllY '":~. havo to iea .. • u.;, ~;:._. ;;.,_ . : , · for --'.ttton of-the 19«!re 11te, valued -'T"-~ 9. :.::-<-. CS.. Alll.CIWB,• ""-'>'1) ., .r.1. · .by -•ppralaor Ill #•mllllon. ' .... ·' 'lbe..r. d1Y piim to ... •i:i'" ~crt• ror . sti.t:rc. ·/If-le.'"'• .·-. a 1 ciq adrlilnbtratlon Wfldinl, · police, ~~ t ~ ll1il cOwtcll ~-'Ille ~,-;:;!i;;EW::;-;;Y;:;,O::;R h:;-\t"":"'"'1'"1 --=Tbe=-""11oc-:-t-,,_-I , mt GI lhO xreap "°"ld lie..~· 1" t,t. clOled t'odoy In -te olher·111enclu,·lnClu4lni r.1.loc1hd lrHlor. The -IanaJy _,,~~ Harbor Judiclal)llilrlctCoiul '"'"'°"-" ~ ol lncreued lioois: ·~-- . . ' The ,cOurt. would ,.ql!lie' abl;;ii ~ ibla ,=. maaJy·. hiiber. ~ l' acrt1,.1_.ii,.to Ea>!tOmlca ~· s;il .. during the first .tltlrd ol Jonuary, Associates (ERA). rij:ing alumirnpn priCes and a..cammer-~ Secondi>hue plana fpr dvk centier ct department report that bu.slness • cOnltruction call for uee. of··lhe ~n(f!I ._1ea acctlerated in1 l'iovtmber in die o! the ""''ge by 1 cily,Ul1rary·buildlnc, !lice. o! "lncroued lnvllllorito. (S.. Nowport u.-Chimber ·ol•Commm:e q1jolallona, Page,s !IHI . . headqdarttr•· and Other ··service and • cuJtura1 irouP.S· ' ; t • 'lbe 'eltr fl •~ed to ... k outrlghl acqulslUon of the· 1ix acirea ro? munldpiJ ' government offlcet and three acru Cot tlf0'1!brary. 'Tllo .ttllt·ot the ..... ,. woultl bel raer"Vtd •:tn IOtM rrianner," acconlln( to City Manage< ll•"IJ' ·i." JliirJburt, .. l .' l J0 , Ir: ' ''How~lt wt>liJd be ireten"'l,t;'! he sakl1. ' "ls llill>ject ti> neptlatfon w!lh tHe rlrrina · Compimy.!' • ·t · ' '• • 1 • • ''llhere b:, a lf.llht' p1wpa;t; of1 ·al\-ts: . chango ol land, !nvolvin( the .~ . city ·liaJI ~to ou · li<!flll•t.r BClolleVlll!I •I ~, A"""""-Cedric Wbllt..: M.J.A.,_.of ~11.@Clw,I ID•eotpto , :'l~=-~~ ~.;:".",be~ White'• 1lndlnp ... !Jolb' ~ .. pl!fl . the · llndloga ·ol·1E;llA ·..il ~ CGP1Uilanll Wellon !l«kol • Alo6tjllloo, · lndlcat. a not , adv~p ,to , the dll' In .,..,.,. to Ncwpri C.Oter ol ..... than '91».00t.t ,.:1 '1 : .At .... point dlrlni~tbe 'pall ""' . Oruge I . . Weatller. 11..n·. a' allvir ·uni;., bellind : tbo6e rain cfoo4:la",1 arMI lt'll ahow up Wodneadoy Wlllf !air, lmOlleaa weather. Looi: Lor mucury nad- !np ·ot to 1ocaI1¥ and M hlrlhet ln!lllld. INSID / TODAY Prflidttll Jo/lm<m look• .. hit · od~-.0 from ... · 1t1>ndpoillt, manr.4/ 11/< cv•llfr.J-i I .,.. ttom OMther. Paoi 'JJ. ; IE--· • • <.....,... tNt ,. C....ct 11 1 ~ .. =-::..... : ::=.• .e. • 1 1 ................ ~ ... !! ~= . ,..lf ·=~"" ~; ...... ic... ' " , ...... .., tt~·· ,. • •• IS nits WEST NlWPORT OF FUTURI? <ITV' SAYS HUGI MARINA AND ''GENOA IAY' ll'C!RIGllOUND> MAY NOT' iE 'Pl'Pl>DRIAM I 1 yun of 8'udlet, the advantqe .Wll . ptqed·« mdre :lhal:t11-mllllan. Wblta'• llb!dla: hll!'mrl pl""'111111a ..w.,or - tbe city hall'lllte at IOll -11811 boon (lea CMO CENTD, , ... J) -.,. -I ,~..-. " ............ " • t , ''\> I I 1 l , I a DAILY l'ILOT H 5,000. Tr.oops ' . Raid Cong C.a,mp SAIGON (UPI) -About 1,1100 allied lroot>I llonned I (:ommunlot·heJd ptnlnsllla OD ·Sou.th Vietnam's ctntral cout In the blatJt empbnii0111 operaUon aince u. s. lllrlnea landed al lncbofl U,IT....,_ RELEASED FROM PRISON Atom Spy Sobell Spy Sobell Wins ' Harbor in the Korean war. military .IJlOk-aald today. Ccim.manJques uld some J1000 U. S. Morlnes "11111 h<llcopten and lllJldln1 crall swept Into the ~laoiu Penlmula Aloadoy from lhe South €bina Sea. -2,000 u. s. and llouth Vl-~men set up a cordon Jt the neet ol 'the bthmUJ-to block • Com- munist ~treat. About 1,000 communist soldius were ~eved holed up on the peninsula 300 r:ilJa -ol ~ ... Lealld dropil and loodtpe•tor ..-.is llrpd an -t«I $,000 lo 10,000 dvlllana lo lhl .... to 1aa .. prior to the -'l!io ..... ol tbt -wt ... a two- squarNlilo area heaYllr fort111ed with ~ and -that hat-lllld bf U., O..mUnlol• u a· lllclq ,polul for--• yean, lhl ai>ot-~ ol Ille fonlllcll""' won . bJ Ille Japa-durtoc World Wli IL '"ll>On are a Joi ol VC (Vlei C«\I) in lben. and we are ture ll will 6i strooclY c:Uitealed," Brig. Gen. -H. Coobey, Ollt ol the tut ,..,,. ...... -. aald. UPI ...,.......ient Kata Webb ._ted ... Am«1can .... tilled and m -eel durilll the early pbalel ol th• operalloo. SllO aald aboul 500 upec11 were IOllllded up for illlfm>C1Um. Rear Adm. WUllam W. Behnna Jr., _.._ ol lhl IDvaalon force, aald !hen bad -a amplllblous uaaulta in V1eCnam l1nct 1915 but 0 DODt can compare wllh tllll." He aald muy men "-,.... IJnded at !lldlOll ID Sip. !ember, lllO, lo the cam!>alln lbat drove the Ncrth Korean al'lllJ' oul ol Soulb Kwea "but tbia ii a far more com- pllcat!ld .and far .rwlllnl oponlloa lo every otber reaped. 0 Appeal, Released Front P .. e J NEW YORK (uPf} -Morton Sobell. AIR CRASH . • • a codeltodant with Juliua and Ethel Rotenberg In the "Jllouge cue ol the century, today won his release from a JO year prison sentence for co0aplriog lo deliver atom bomb lf!Cl"tLs to Ruu1a. 'Ibo U.S.. Court of AppealJ ruled that Sobel abould be gtven credit for seven montba imprilomnenl lerVed prior to aeotencinl and wblle awaitln( lrial thus matlnf blm eligible for parole. Sobel! had been oenteiiced to 30 yean In prison April S, lllSl and the -p rec<lved the clealb penalty. They subse- quently were eucuted ID sin, sin, prlaon 1n New York. 'lbe <OUrt pve SObell credit for 7 montha and 11 dayr he was in jail because he coold not ralse fl00,000 ball, prior to be1na aentenced In 1951 to 30 yeara In prtaon on charges of dlscloalng • ,information on the atom bomb to the Soviet Union. Navy Schedules Pueblo Inquiry SAN DIEGO (AP) -The Navy will open a court of lnouirY Into the caie al the lntellJgence ahlp Pueblo nm. Mon- day. Annoondng this lu\ nlib~ the Navy laid the inquiry would have three phasu, Including the mJNion 1 and operation of the ship, its selmre lut Jan. 23 by North Korea and the detention. of the crew. Five admirals will conaUtute: the court, with Cmdr. William R. Newsome acting as judge advocate. Newacme aald there was no quu:Uon of lleeklng to apply to the Pueblo's crew the Military Code of Conduct, which forbidl mating con!easlons while a pri50Der of war. He A.id the rta.900 is that "we are not ln a state of war with North Korea" and the crewmen were Illegally detained. OAllY PILOT OltANOe COASf ..UlllSMlfrtG COMl'Al'l'f ··"'' w. w,,, "'""Wit!' .,., ,uttllWf' J••" •. c.,,,., Viti~ tllf G_..tf M-ttf ti. .... , KttV~ l"fitor lh.,,.11 A. M11,,1i;,,, AM"'"'"' E~ltw Jatt-F. C1Hi11t ,,.,1 N;u,~ .......... hKlt Aclverl"int Clh' f...... Ol•ttll.r ---211 I W1•t l•lkt l•11t••r4 M1itiat Ai14m11 P.O. 111 1171, •t•6l ' --e. .. #rMI Of Wttf a.y """'' L....,.,. klodl: m ,_, ,.,...,.,, ........... a.te111 M ~fl $1tHI ( off-duty Hanson alloulAll, orderlnf -able lo belp to 1ei llleralta from tlle overhead eompartmenta. Launching rubber rafls from the left wing, Hanson said heavy winds blew one into the tom, jagged nose of the plane, which la named "Sverre Vlktna," causing It t.o puncture and link. Several Coast Guard vessels, including the cutters Po[nt Judith and Polnl Bridge led yachll and pleasure boats out inlo storm-lubed seaa on the mercy mllsion. Three amphibious hellco~ were im· mediate1y dispatched under Los Anl:eles International Airport's at-sea alr'dlaaster plan, fiood-Hghtln( the am whell heavy swells prevented them !rom aeWni down. Procedures for handling such a cUtcmna: were rehearsed immediately following the similar Nov. U pancake landing of a Japan Alrlllle1 jetllner oil San Francl!CO lntm>aUooal Alrporl. No one aboanl the JAL plane wblch carried 107 persons was tilled or Injured, but the miracle laod1ng In a calm, -portkn ol San Fraocllco Bay alerled Loa Anlelea &aid)' offlclall to the poalblllty ol ... In the Sou1hland. Passengers injured In the Monday night SAS cruh were laken ashore either by boat or lifted into btllcopters by aerial 111nf1, depeoding upon need foc immediate treatment. "The coodiilona were terrible," said David Howcraft, 43, of Incte:wOod, skip- per of the Loa Angeles County Harbor Patrol boat "Bay Watch." "There wu a &hree-to-four root swell," he said, "and the vlaiblllty wu almost nonexistent.'' Survivors -many of them bleeding, moaning, and crylna to be taken to shore and aafety-were rushed to UCLA Medical Center and Santa Monica Hoa- pltll, with flve sertOUJly Injured and all others In lalr to good abape. A Los Angeles County Sheriff's De- partment bus supplemented a fleet of ambulances. 'lbe pilot declined to diacuu posaible causes of the fint comrnerclll alrllner crash in the history f1' Loi Angeles I~ ternatlonal ,Alrport.. which opened In 1947, but praised hiJ crew. One stelfarde.u ls among tbe dead and another u rnlsslng. He described their acilons as totaJly berolc and dlscipllntd, whlle a Coot Guard rescuer Said it WU 1omewh1t of a miracle that the OCI cUdn't break apart and sink entirely. !ft Washlllgtoft, D.C., the Nlllonal Tramportallon Safety Boan! announced it wu dlspatcb.lng a team ol. 10 men to lnvesllllle the cruh. while SAS olfl-ciu linmedlat<IJ toot ofl fl'Dm eo. penhagen to join them. Federal Aviation Adminlltratioa of- fioerl at L<>s Anaeles International Alrporl aald Fllpt 913'1 Jandlnc ap. proacb .... IRllD<Wbal UllUlual, llnce pl..., .....U, llWOOp In from the eul over IncJewood. 'Ille nmway approach oot of the WQI, howenr, nqulnl a pllol to nly on hil own lnltramlntl, wbl.le the routine · landJni ii 1ovemed by the ~on Approech Radar (PAR) 1y1tem or guidance. Tbe SVtrre VltJn&'s t"o crtwa had brouihl the plane In fnim CooenbalOft O't'W 1be North Pole route, with A Moniley attemooa ttopover in Se1tUe, Wuh., prior to Ila scheduled 1,05 p.m. Loa Alllela tennlnua. A ftt1, drtal1 dawn brote over the Paclllc Coul today, nveallnf the wncba1 o1 the DC1 -orl,inallf bulll jult • ln mlla away In Sant.I Monica -&till bobbing In the water whlch reacht1 deplha ol JOO fed at the crub -· Romovable portions of the ,....hd alrU-wtn1 lx'ouiht ubcn Monday nflht and olflclals hoped to tow the hulk to lballonr water olf MaUbu Ca& )'VO to c:omplere recovtry operations. \ CofC Stu(IYJ Gives Pass To Bonds ' ' By THOMAs FORTUNE • Of .. Dlltf ...... fllff The doubters have become heliever1. Stepllcal businessmen who nine moollls ago began to hold a dollar and ctata • nrdslict up to Newport•MW Unified School Diltrict 'have tou.Dd it mealUJ'U 1IP-Mondo)' Ibey reconuMnded an- donemenl of the Feb. W bond ""1e fa< f!Ji.t mllllon. The vote by IS members of a jolbt chambers ol commerce study committee was unanimous. Their recommendation now goes to direct.ors of lhe Newport Harbor and Co6ta Mesa chambers. 1be significance of the vote was ei:- preased by Dr. Nolan Frizzelle. He aid: "Can I point out that when we started these meetings we had a high ratio of members opposed to school hood re- quests. Some of us thoU£bt we were going to find all klndl of buried secrets. The yea vote or this group conslitutcs a turning about in light of the facts." ,. • ". ' A Ctnfll A"""' THIS 1$ $1TI (WHITJ. OUTLlr•ll SILICTID l'OR l'UTURE NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER In the nine months of their ln· vestigation, the chamber men have heard alarming enrollment projectiou, charges that scllools are built with frills and are monuments to archleda' ego, rebut- tal of the charges, and testimonf that Nel\·port-Mesa schools were bwlt as cheaply as schools elsewhere in the state. From r-.e l CIVIC CENTER SITE 'PICKED. • • an11cipaUd, ilrieJy becauae ol an or1&Jnal mllcajollatkln 00 the amqunl ol avaltable land, and the value .o1 the Newport Center lite at a hlcJ>er 0..,.. than anticipated, becaUIO ol lnflallooary factOn. Councllriten qread M°""'1 I h a 1 teOO,ooo. wu IJUffk:Mnt to wmant reloc:a- lloo, llpeclallf In comblu\Q! with Olher •·m~n adv~, ~ II cenlrallly-olloclllm. Councllma!! Howard Roctn, •be! nprtRQta Balboa, l1Ulllhled alloul the reviled valuallona, bul he -..i1 alOl!I , wtlh bla oolleque1 In commlltlnl the city to the Newport Center alte. The COWlcil took the actlon, on Vice Mayor 1Jnd8Jey Panoas' motion, by Newport Slams Lid on Proposed l'Jack' Restaurant Newport Beach city councilmen ?\-Ion· day night nailed the lid on Jack-in·the- Bo1. In an unurual acUon, they unanimously ovemded a planning comm.lsslon decision that would have permitted the drlve- tbrou&h restaurant at 20th Street and Bafboa Boulevard. Spotumen for Foodmaker, Inc., a Los Mieles firm that owns the reataurant chain, were pla1nly miffed at the co~ cil'a action, wbich wu bued on traffic problems the hamburger rtand would assertedly 1enuate. '"Thi• decillcm," aaid Jame1 E. Ericbon, Foodmaker attorney, "means that the city of Newport Beach no longer hu the traHlc c1pacity to handle any commerclal development on t h e ptnill!Ull' I I He said an analy1is by the city of what. ues Jn the area are permitted might now be 1ppropriate, "usuming you will permit any C-1 development." Councllman Robert Shelton denied Erickson's "suggestion that we rezone." He 1aJd many other commercial uBU would be pouJble without creaUng major traffic problems. Traffic consultants hired by Food- maker also got nowhere with the council. The consultants conceded there would be lrafiic backups "on rare occasions" at the Jaclt-fn.the-Bo1, but they wouldn't be serious. "Any traffic backup on Ba 1 boa BouJevard would be eerious," snapped Councilman Conald A. Mclnnil. Vice Mayor Llnd&ley Par10ns II.id he objected to the plan because the restaurant's patrons would be pltchlng lllter all over the ltrftt.s as they drove away. "Thousands ol cups would be toued out of car windows," he llid. Police Chief B. Jsmes Glavas was also of lltUe help to the restaurant finn . He testlfied that pedestrian patrons would botUe up the flow ol traffic 1s they acurrl~ acrou the boulevard. He said It would also pose 1 nfety buard. Tbomu Hyans, 217 11th Stree~ opoke for JO ~ ownera wbo bad •llJlled a peiltlort pn>lelllng the plan. "If you are concerned about the tour1N being deprived of lwnburpn," he Aid, "there ""' no 1.., than 13 eoloblllhmentl within I two or tlnt bJoct radius ol the oite, ID quuiloa, which Hm abnflar fan.'• MURDER • • • • few moments bef<n bu death. Mn. Markee, a receptlonla:t for I HU& tlngton Beacll optometrlsl, had teken a load of laundry to a coin laundry and "" on her way back to the apart. rnent where she llved alone. At Adami A..aue and 17th Streel 1bl 1pptrently wu involved in a minor collJalon with anolher. car. Her car wu scntcbed sllptly and a couple ol parts fell off to bt found later by police at the point of lmpacl. She drove on toward dcalh 1 few adopting a lhr,..part rtJOlulioo. II declared: -"Tbat the Ctif Council lllteods to proceed with the development ol a new dYlc ctnter complex in Newport Center, subjecl to the consummaUon to the city's aatlafactlon of property acquiliUon and development ol. a feasible program for lllwlclllg the project. • • -"Thal the City Council ~J!!_ tbe Orange County Board of SUpervllln-to· select Ni;wport Center u the site for Harbor Judicial Court faclliUes. -"Tliat the CJty C.Ouncil assures the Board of Supervisors of ii.a full coopera- tion and support tn making this proposed project a success." The resolution noted that several con· aultenta, citizen !ludy committees and coancll comm!tteea all had unanimously recommended the Newport Cent.er alte. The resolution also pointed out that the firm ol Stone & Youngberg bad been hi.red to act a1 financial advisers to the city in studies to determine a means of paying foc civic center con- strucUon, the cost of which has been varlou,ly estlm&ted at from $t mlWon to " million. Stone & Youngbe'g's report is expected early this year. Councilmen also unanimously aifeed lo send on to county supervisors a detal.I· eel report from ERA that cltea economic advantqi;a tq thP. county ahoold it relocate the courts, now in Costa Mesa, at New.port Center. Tustin Scl1ool Board Sets Plans for Override Vote Tustin Union Jfigh Sch0o1 Board members Monday ordered district of. flcials to complete the details for a JO.cent override election scheduled for March 11. The 30-cenl increase would bring the school districts' tax rate up to $1.50 per $100 of assessed valuation. It still would be one ol the lowest tax rates in the county. John Duncan, assistant superintendent, said that should the override fall, the dlstrlC( will lo.<Je Its prewit $1.'3 base and revert July 1 to a &Xent ta:x level, the mlnlmum allowed by 1tate ,. law. ''We're Lalking about a Sl .5 million difference," Duncan 11ald. "Without it (passage of lhe override), '>''f" estimate incnme at about $4.5 million, with Jt, about $6 mi!Uon ," he sald. The district's budget th is yc11r or $5.8 million was termed "mlnlmual" by Dun· can. He said the board figured thrt just to continue present programs nc::t year a tax rate of $l.3SI would l:ie needed. Present rate is $1.20. The add!Uonal 11 cents fi1 ure in the 31k:ent override, would go toward open- ing ()f the fourth high school In the district, and provide revenue for a con· From Page 1 MARINA PLAN DELAYED • • • who O'>l'n beach properties.'' The breakwater. as proposed by Auld, would encompass five separate docking areas, a sailing channel , a view park near the jetty and three quiet swimming areas, which Auld said would ap- proximate 78 percent of the existing beach. Obviously, there wou1d be no pounding surf, he aaid. "It would be jtm 1 aorUy lapping surf, such aa at Avalon.'' The marlna, breakwater included, would cmt 1bout $15 million and would be seU-sustalnlng, he said. Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons said the city should look at the enllre pack11e in two p1w... "The first would be to uk the Army Corps ot Enginttr3 to study the breakwaler," he explained. "The s~nd would be to invesUgate the Huntington Harbour type of develop- ment. We would do both to setUe our own minds." After considerable d1Jcu.u.1on, the coun- cil finally agreed to Mclnnta' llUQeallon that no action be conatdered until the matter ls taken up at an<>ber ttudf' 1esslon, on a date to be announced. Before that undcntandlnl wu reacl>- ed, Auld, empba~"nc that 1111 plan was Julf. a cne-man drtam, reclt.td what he believed to be the brutWater-pro- hundred· yards lniln tha accident """'· Appuen~ the otbar C11 drove up beside lltr and calllld her to stop oot way or anolher. SllO IJ>Pll'ntly IOI out ol ber car and wilted up to the other car IOlllt IQ to 39 fetl away, pollce belle ... If lhll 0-, ti corrocl Iha driver, and _.,,.,.., 11 ..,, srabbed the vlcttm Ill ancer and alulled ber badly. She man11ed to twllt away from the dulh IJ'lp and reel back towanl her car. She didn't make it. ' I tecled marina's advantages. He said It would : -Ha1t the "fruJtlesa" expenditure of public funds to combat beach erosion. -Provide new land areas for public recreational use. -Ellminate the "stigma of blight'' from West Newport. -Provide the "only economic method'' of Olllhinl out the lower bay. (The plan includea a channel carved out from Newport Island to the marina area.) -Shorten the dlstanctl boats must now travel to 1et from the lower bay to the SCI. , -Double the number of boat slipa ooce envisioned for the Harbor Area. -Give prtv1te property owoen In West Newport an lncei>Uve f0< maj« shoreline development. The lut cttµen to speak to councilmen on the subject wu Hal SwenBOn. "t 1ay thrff cheers for . more boat 1Upe:, '' he declared. Swenson ill a local yacht nleaman. History Group To L-Ook Back On School Days While citr counc11m .. dtacula lhe up- coming Newporl-Meaa Unffled Scbool Dlstrlcl bond tlecllon tonllht. the Colla MtJI Hlltorlcal Socltty will be hooorlnf educaton fnlrn ~ dl,ya. "Gool Ole Sc:bool na,t," II the Utle of the 7,JO p.m. round-table dlacunlon Ill the CIY!c Center confennce room 11 77 Falr Drive, acc<rdlnc to Miidred FIJher' IOO'etery. Newspilper . dlpplncs, obotolnphs, dbi>laya and olber memorabllla OI pre- unihcaUoa dl,y1 will bt a•allable and the public 11 lllvtted to attand. Gu"ta wbo plan to attaod Include Evtmt Roa and Jmoph Kemble!, botll pall tchool principals: Mra. Faye HarbllOl'I, Mn. Robert FlAher, Mr1. Nellie Lon(, Lealls Miiier, Mrs. Leroy AnderlOfl, Mrt. Amelia Drummond, Miss Marian Panons, MW Elalt Morrow and IOme other11. I As a result they have come to the conclusion that school need.1 a r c legiUmate, money hu ool been loosel:· spent in the past, and the bond request is reallst.ic. Faye Edelblute of the Newport Harber Chamber'a Womens' Oivi!ion wanted it noted the committee has overcome two emotional objectons -unificaUon and college campua revolt -in deciding to support Ute schools. BuL Dr. Frizzelle, a former statewide chairman ol the comervaUve United RepubUtans of California ( U R 0 C ) , reminded the group its stand was to be bl&tld ·solely on findings from a busineass point Of view. "Other groups can handle the emotional issues such as how children should be treated," he said. Jack HamlneU, president of the Costa Mesa Chamber, summed up the com· mittee's study this way: "It probably wasn't a very nice thina: lo do, but we decided to tap th• superintendent on the sh<>ulder and say, 'Lookit here. are these schools built eccoomlcally? Wu our taxpayers' .moaey 1pent prudently?' "This is something difff!rftlt than saying the usual 'Vote yei because our kJds: need it.' " * -:; * ' I ' ' Unprecedented School Backing By Citi-es Nears Newport Beach and Coat.a Meu city councllmen will meet tn a joint 9el11ion tonh1ht to consider resolutions· stroogly urging voter approval Feb. 11 of the $15.9 rrtillion Newport·Mesa school bond issue . If the two cities endorse the bonds, as anticipated, it will be an un· precedented action. The 12 councilmen -seven from Newport.. five from Costa Mesa -were Invited to the session by James W. "BBi"" Peyton. president of the unified school district's board of trustees. Notices of the meeting, to be held at Costa Mesa Hlgh School's Lyceum , were sent out Monday to Costa Mesa cowiclmen by Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. The Newport councll, in a formal session Monday night, voted unanimously to accept the invitation. The motion was made by ex·Moyo;• Paul J. Gruber, 1vho in the past had been the countil 's principal ad~·ocate of "not iettlng the city involved in IChool matters." Gruber said Monday he sLill believed that way, but felt the school district's desperate classroom short.age wu an overriding conslderatlon in thls IMtance. "I'll support this reaolullon," he 11ld. ''But we're getUng Into soft ground. The two jurisdlcUona should be kept aparl" Councilman Howard Roeera responded that becau.se the plea for support came from the school board, "we bav1 a moral obllgatlon to be h<lplul." "PolltJcal jealoulles ol the pul," aald Rogera:, "ll'I dluppeartni. We must look at thia from the .. ut111 point of view , and thal Is that a lltrool tchool systam II the key to the succeaful lfOwlh ol I city." "It ill the key," •Feed Gruber. ''I don't want to appear tn the lust w1y opposed to the bond blue. I am lor It.'' Gruber'• poe.IUon thus 1ppured to usu.re a unanimoui Newport vote on the r<10lullon tonflb~ The nsolullon ~ for adoption lllote" "The City Councll ••. urgea the voter• ol Newport Beacb to cooaldet the neod• ol the local acbool l)'llllm, to COllalckr tbe aoclal and ecooomlc lmpllcatlool for tbt ccrnmunlty U needed c:lulrooma are not provided, and to YOle In favor of tbt bood issue at the eledlon on Fell. 11., l•.'' Vice Mayor Lindsley Panons fretted about Illa being unable to attend tonf&hl 'a jolol mtlll"i becaUll ol 1 prior bulln111 commltmtnt. "l don't nnt my ablence to be CONlrued as oppoaltlon. I'd Uke to make It clearly understood that I favor the rt110luUon." MIJ'Of Dorten M1rahlall 1 o I v t d ParlOnl• dilemma by dlrecting the clly clerk to record PtrllOnl' vie"• Ja I.he. minutes of Monday's mtttlng. \ I I ------------------------------;,..-------. -----··---::~-----~---~ -- JOINT SESSION ~ .Finishing plam for tlie joint IIJMlhig of Womm'1 Atllllla7y to Orange Camty llfedlcal Anoclaflm and <>range County J,awyen' :Wives 111'9 (!ell to rlgbt), lb• ;Mmet. New Leaders Ready to Assume Duties Hlgbllgbling the dinner dance, Jan. 20, of the Wo~1 Divislon, Newport Harbor CJiamber' of <Jommmoo will be the lnatallalion al new of:fioen when .Mrs. Carol French accepla Ibo pvel and dutleo of the ~· She ud .llrs; Patzl<ia Bray (left), first vice president, oheck programs.for 1969. Also hdpfne J.>larl activities ·are 'the .Mmes. George Zebal, Vir&lnia Fouta, Be'tty TowM«ld and ~ Para. who will• ISSUJDft duties dmlng the event In the Newporter Inn. Chrjstia:n.s Need Ne DEAR ANN LANDERS: We moved Into this homo ..... m-. ap. The neigbbon wtn vtsy nice, uoW the se.. cond week lo D<arnber, when they all bepn to put up Jlibls, tree decoraUon1, SIDtu and ......,., all&'IJ, what have you. 'l1lis bloclt loobcl like Macy's win- dows. My wife and I have always placed .... Chrlstmu tree in the front -and that wu aJL We nevw felt it WU -.ry to 80 lo for a big dilploy. On Dec. II I nelgbbor telephoned and aated ff ft needed help to Uput Up our Christmas lights." I told her we were not puttiD( up ""1 ligJltl. Siie theft Aid, "Oh, then tt's lnJe -you fdlb ara't Christiani." I replied, "I didn't uy whether we were Chrl!Uans or noL All I aaJd was we are not ANN LANDERS ri pulUng up any Jlibls!' The converutloo didn't get any betttt aod I ltnalJy bung up. Now my wife aay1 I abouJd not have left t doubt in •the neighbor'• mind u to whether or not we m Christians (we go to the Presbyterian <hlrch). I say it"1 none of her --Who ta rigbt, Alln, my wife or meT --GROSSE POINTE DEAR G.P.: You are. A.ad a holly wreath to you, Bolt, for not allowing your ~lglbor i. put yoa oa tbe de!enllve. DEAR ANN LANDEllS: I'm a blcbeloc who waa ftepiDg compallf with I mlddJe. aged widow. Mary had lhll' cat that I never cared for. Wbeoeftf' I went to call, Jasper seemed to be: watching every move 1 made. I was always un- comfortable around him. LAsl week Jaspu was sitting ln the -----!...!•-t""..i"'! • -~--• ----...... - .. • • ' "' ) • ) . ' n.N¥' • .,_.,_ .... tNf .. .. .. ,. IEA ANDlllSOH, EDITOll -T radi .. ti.on ·~ Continued . . . Tracli\ionally, 1!>• Auslllary to Orange County .Medi- cal Aosociatlon:•nd'lbe Onnge County Lawyers' Wivu begin each new year -wllh a joinl'meeling. And, 11169Js no exceptloo. · . Spolligtiling tl>O·new Year while po~g the provoca- tive.question, .What's So' Happy About' the New Year? will ·be·the k.,,,.ter,«;aJ:r .P;T~"l'led,peno"W', In the field Of polllical ldellce, Who hU bee•·• goodWill &ll'haa1ador for the UnUM·Staltl In many countries. The joint aess!Oll ls,llCbeduled f<>r next 'l'!lqnday In the Saddlehack Inn, anDOUDCed Mrs. James W. Obrien, coordinator: · · ~ · · · • Festlv!Ues will ' begin With an 11 a.m. aocill · 6our,' followed by a lllncheon and a ohowlng of Joan Buck flllblona 'durlnl tllo reput. • · Mn. Jamu S1act, ~ a( tho,Iawyera' vr .... wDJ-sroot Jlr& 'Frank:& lt!i1111fltk,-iilxliiary preoldent ll!d_ot!!l(l!MlllJ .. llley.~ •. 'Ille ~ hU · been engaged by .M<s. Wel,ih .Mornlnistar, ·Lawyers'. WI-vloe president. Followlnc lbi6 session, Lawyer1'·Wlves·will continue their work with and nWng fnnds fnr Orange County Le&al Aid, while auxiliary memberl will be plan!lipg thoir umm! falul.nlsln& fubion show to raise fundl for ICholmldpo. . ' • . ' • ' • • i , • Helping Hands Welcomed by Pacesetters · ·· W8rm weloomes will be extended 18 new memben toafublon.&lJow·bySax,of'l'mUn w!lb~ • - of 'i'l<e8etta' €llapller a( the Clllldrma.Allbmali< ~'F!oroncol!malel.Mn.Joellatl~em-· .. :1 RioBelrch lnltltute IDd H01pltal during a . Q0'"1 • benhiP chllimm hap~, ~.now. (left ~;'' Iundieon saturday .. Jan. 25, ln·Berblllreo. .After· . 1o ngnt) . .M,lu $Ison GtOil aiid . .Mra.,Hai . ,.: ward they and eonulllllng IDllJlllera will be ~al<d . · · · .. ;: to middle of. the ilrlvnray. wbal I came to caJL 1 -ed tbe bonl but be jusC .11t·tbere. I Col mad ·because be was being atubtxlrn 10 I ran over bim. "l"'l' came oal of the bouse al that mom<nl. When Ille .... Jasper she became byller1cal. II WU ·plain that the cat was dead, but sbe-inlllted ,.. take him to tbe 'rel'• anywll)'. When 1 m..ed llie told me to leave and neTer to come back. I WU very food of Mary but ii lhe would trade oar relatlorooblp for a cat maybe abe wu too nutty to make a goOd wile. Whal do you uy? -ANCHORAGE DEAR ANC: I 111 yoa toald Uke ' a .-bot· ud U. II lldJ to be rid" yGL ' ' DEAR.ANN LANDERS : I'm a IJ.y.,.,..: old girl with • 11-Jeal'<lld 'problem; My . mother. WbeneYer I am Jnvlled to .pend the niclll at •· l!rl) -. obe baa to know tbe -•• -aod pllooe number ol tbe &Ir!. I doo' mind• ~ but I DO mind wberu Ille calls 1JiO motlier of tbe tdrl and· pves her the. tlllrd dqJ<e. T!il. man. me looll lite a baby and I hale IL II ,also loob lite 1111 motber doun' trust me. S&y IDmethini .. Dl1 -will cul "out. -NO INFANT DEAR N: WU! )'M evdter tlle tMrd: d-lo rullJ • lltalaJ -' la ----~· --- ~ 'Y.. • ' -··-·~·-. .-.-.,... .. ll6i ...... ~, ..... ~ ·--........... frim4.'I m-udmw-.tWal- -,.-wll! .. ol -.., I ...... Wr • r:-1 IMP-< AM ,_ .-, ........ ... " ' ~ ' j 'I ... '"':"~:--""~~~~~,._. ............... ,..., ......... ~.~~...-.~-~'-:;::;;;:;;i;~o::'lo;i;;l;;;icm::ll'or;ll;l;:~~"Z:'lr:'lt"="".,.,.~~11!'91 ........ ~.~-~ ........ •.•.•.• ......................................... 1111'-. . . . . . . . . . ........ ·-. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . I Tloadir. ""'"'"' 14, 1969 • Best Dress~d List • ~ Mal~ ~Plumage' Recognized for First Time ·' ' ' j UIT ......... 1.WfNNING TEAM -Mr. and Mn. Wyatt Cooper '·""' gtven top booors on the Best Dressed· list. Coop- l;er was named the best dressed male, while his wife took top honors in the "imaginativeu c~tegory. May Rites Disclosed During Family Supper Tht engagement or Linda Jo Elliott to Steven Howard Snyder was revealed by her parent!, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alumnae To Honor Newcomers Newoomers will be booored by the Onnae ec.mi, cllapter of Scrlppo Almnnee during a gfJ«qualDted coffee o n 'Jbursda,J, Jan. 11. Mrs. W1Ulam Eilers, -ol the IJ'OCIP, will hOll the event In ber N"'JIO!t Beach bome. Tbo 10 a.m. meeting will feature • clllcuDlon about plant for a !lflllln1r on The Fennmt In llJcber Eclucati<la. Tbo -.. will tW place bqlnnlng Wedoelday, Feb. 5 from 10 am. to noon in the hcime ol Mrs. Ellen. The -of the-will be $10. Speabn for the eveot will loclude Mrs. E1Uabeth Clea, director of Special Educa- llonal Pregrams and eon. tinuing Education, Mrs. Mar- jory llolm!ng, dean of the faculty, Mrs. Mary Decker, dean of ltudenll, all of Scrlppo Collep, and Dr. John Bevan, ""'1demlc -presldeot of the Collep of the Pldllc. -lnformalloo can be oblalned by calJlnc MW c,Dlhta Putush!n at m.1991. Officers' , Wives Host Luncheon · C. Elliott of Anaheim during a family buffet supper last Sunday. Setting !or the party was the Fountain Valley home of the br i degroom-elect'• brother, Fred S. Snyder. Miss Elliott is a graduate of Marina High School and Orange Coast College where she affiliated with Epsilon Delta, dental assisting sorori- ty. The future benedict, son of Jo.trs. Florence Snyder of Seal Beach and the late Seo! Beach Police Chief Wendall J . Snyder, is an alumnu5 of UCLA where be pled&ed Slim• Alpha Epsilon. He also comple!ed two years o I graduate work at Cllifomia state College at Lcq Beach. A May wedding ts, being planned. CHRISTINE PLOG Engogod Betrothal News Told NEW YOllK IAPl -A Rua1an balllrioa, a Nqro '°" &feU, I 5CUJ:ptor I a lkf ltm' and 1 marrled cwple are amoaa thole who'Ye made the ~ 1111.s this year. Tbo varlell' ol names Is because lmteld <JI ooe list this year there ara three: ooe for tbe '"fubtcn clusltista:,'' one fer the "mOlt imqlnaUve" and one for men. 1be um are bued on a poll ta.ten amoog 2 , 5 O o designers, socialites a n d fuhlcn personaliUes and are CIM'dlnated by p u b I i c I s t Eleanor Lambert who an- noqncod the wlnnera Wt S.... day. The ballerina -Maya PlisetU:aya, the actreu - Diahann Corroll, and the sculplor -Marisol, all made the list of the "most Im· aginaUve" women in fashion. So did Gloria VanderbUt Cooper whose husband Wyatt made the men's list. Ski star J ean-Claude Killy also made the men's list, pro- vlng he loots · just a.! good off the alopes as on. 'l'llomae ltempner, ldn. Rmt7 Salbmao, Mrs. J,. b m e t Erl4lun. Mrs. Wllllom a.-and' Mn; Robin B.u,;,..,,_ On .lhe1111111'1!111, hi addition to Kiiiy and ·~. -9 Prince Philip, Qaeea EliuJJttb'I blJIUod: actor" Gtorp Hamlltoa; ·~ BJD Blau and Hubert de Glvtad!J'; -Cedl Bta""': l'llrlct, Earl ol Lllddleld• l!ernlrd Lll!V!n; tlecqe W. ~; \Colmt Rudolfo Chapl and aoclallte Barm AjGll de Rede. rr..i -and the Dub ~--11-1m­--u-Hall ol Famers. Tbo com- mlllee Aid both ..... --"aboYe compeUtkll and hl•e ....... been topped In their lives." On the tradltlo!lal list were Mn. A I I r e d Bloomingdale, Mn. Charlea Rev1011, Mn. Graham MaWson, M r I • Charles Engelbard Jr., Mra. Gianni Uzielli, Princeu Ira Funtenberg, Mn. Harilaos Theodaracopulos, Marquesa Carol de Portago, J.f r a . ;....&;oio.i:..:,;: others on the most Im· aglnative list were actress Barbra Streisand, M a r i s a Berensoo, fashion expert Mrs. Vincente Minnelll, Mr .! • Liberman SavlU, Mn. Ahmed Benhim and the Ducties.. de Cada.val. RUNNER-UP -Fashion designer Bill Blau took the No. 2 apot in the men's division of the Best Dm•ed list, and placing third was Great Brllaln's Prince Philip. Mexican Waters Cruised Mr. and Mrs. Philip Evans of Costa Mesa are cruising Mexican waters aboard the SS Lurline. Ports of call Include, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and MazaUan. Weddings, ·Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid diJappo!ntmen~ prospectiye brides are reminded. to have their wedding storlee with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. • For enpgement announcements it is suggested that the atory, also accompanied by a black and white gloosy p I c t u r e, be submitted early, U the betzothal .announ.ce- ment and wedding date ~are six weeks or less apart, only tho wedding photo will be ac- cepted. To help fill requirement.s on bolh wed· ding and engagement rtorles, f<>nns are avall- abl<> In all of tho DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 842-4321 or 494-~8. Engagement Revealed At Buffet Party Cloeo friends learned 1Jie news of a rummer wedding .when Susan Lee Rothert. and- Jeffrey Alan Seybert were honored during • bullet party in the HanUngton Beach home of Mr . .qcJ Mrs. Charles E. Rother!, parents of the bride- to-be. The Couple will exchange their nupllal vows at 8 p.m. July 25 in ~e First Christian Church, Huntlngton Beach. Miss Rathert attended Hun- 1.ingtoo Beach High School, and Is attending Golden w..i College. She is a past hooored queen of Job's Daughters, Bethel 120. Her !iance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Seybert of Huntington Beach, attended Huntington Bead! High School and now attends California SUSAN LEE ROTHERT State College, Long Beach. Summer Bride Alumnae Set Agenda Chi Omega Alumnae of Orange County will gather on Thursday, Jan. 16 for their first meeting of the year. The setting for the 7:45 p.m. event will be the Orange home or Mrs. W. J . Blackstone. GOP Meeting Mesa V e r d e Republican Women have changed their meeting place for their in- stallaUon of new officers tomOlTOw. The event, to begin at 10 :30 a.m., wlll take place in the home of Mrs. Cal Sumrall, 1766 Bahama Place, Mesa Verde. Newly elected pre.!!ldent, Mrs. Arthur Zaslo, will con~ duct a short business meeUng and will announce the schedule of meetings and programs !or the year. All Chi Omegas living In the Orange County area are invited. Mrs. Blacbtone al 633-9758 may be notllled for reservations. Auxiliery CoasUine Auilliary to Veterans of Foreign Wara, Post 3536 gather the first and third Fridays at a p.m. Costa Mesa's American Legion Hall Is the sceoe of the meetings. Tbo JIJlll&rY luncheon for memben and guall ol the I.GI Alami!nl Ofllcen Wlves Club wUl take place '1'1ursday, Jan. 16, in the OfJicen Club on Terminal Island. Mrs. Rock Duilm"an of Newport Beach bu announced ~------------------'ol Guest speaker will be Mrs. Janet Aabcrofl who will speak on coorctinatlng fashiom. A oockt•il hour will b e g I n the funcUon at 11:~ 1.m. with luncheon being served at 12:30. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. T. T. Atteberry at 118'1-11958. The Stretch and Sew aewing claas will begin on Friday. Jan. 17 at I a.m. at the Naval Air Station Go~ Coone, Los A1amitot. lnformaUon can be obtalntd by calling Mra. John C. !\'mp! at elli-29811. Me1e Senion ·Commun I ty Recreation Cent.er at Orange County JaJrrtounds Is the ocene of ldhtty when Colla Mesa """' Cll1w1I meet II t t ...... ...., 1\ielda7. ' ' · HB TOPS Club • • Alleo 5c:llool la the meetin1 .... for members of Hu1> ti..,... Bead1 TOPS Pound Plncben at 7 p.m. every Mon· ct.y. the engagement of her daughter. Christine Plog to John Bomgardner, son or Charles Bomgardner or Denver and the late Mrs. Bomgardner. Miss Plog, also the daughter of Charles B. Plog of London is a graduate of Pacific "Palisades High School and the School of Business at the University <JI Colorado. Sbe received the Beta Sip& award , as the outstanding senior girl, was a member of the Business School Student Board, president of lltta Sigma and assistant social chafnna.n for Alpha c h i Omega. Her fia.oce, wbo ls serving with the Armed SUvices on Ottnawa, studied in Montana and at the Univenlty ol Colorado, School <JI Business. No dlte bu been set fot the wedding. Emblem Club Gathering for bu 1 l n e ' s seulona and programs are memben of Newport Harbor Emblem Club the second Tuaday at I p.m. in the Elk> Lodgt, Newport Beach. Club Mixes Music , Work At Meet The American Aiaociation of hmchu. All peraoos ovu $5 Retired Per!ONI will host JU: yean of age are welcome. regular meeting in Harbor Se n 1 o r Cltltens Recreation Center, Newport Beach at 12:30 p.m. next Thursday. A proifam of music, under the direction of Mrs. James E. Sawyer of Newport BeaCh, will be offered. Mrs. Ruth Johnson will diJC\lss WORK (Wanted, Older Residents with Know-bow}, which beJps deol with the pro- blems of agtnc. The purpose of WORK is to beJp retirees to find part time jobs. Those attending the gather· Ing are uted to bring 11c1< Chore! G roup Ever)' Monday at 7:!!0 p.m. memben ol the Prospective Aliso Valley Oaapter of Sweet· Adcllncs convene in MWloo Viejo Hitlh School. Thooe ln- i.mted ln joining m17 ull l\trs. William Recht et 137· U73i. If the aew deaaers explode dirt- what mast they do , to yo1r hands? 1T111ditional hand lbtions are little protection against modern killer , cleaner~. New Yedra with Aloe. lhe desert's moisturiiing plant, warlormulated ex- preuly to oflaet the deva- stating efl'ccr.. of hanh clcaner1, It 1oothe1, smooth,., helps restore a 1oft texture to h1nd1. Vedra Lotion, 1.00, Cream, 1.50. Hflre, YOl COR leCJnl JO 1os. -..eight ond k-.p ii olf through the Weighr Wotdien laterlKltionoOy famow weight control Pl'Ol)rOM. There en l'IO drvo5 or pits. No~ WEIGHTS. WAlCHERS.· ~ ...... -....... ................ FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSIOIS OUNGI llAL UACH W•d11•1d1y JIM ... N. J1no1'J 15til AMWAY CENTER 1140 Wett Collini WM. l :ta A.M, IP-71111 ~.M. J ....... ,. 15th ST. ANNE'S CHURCH 340 10th Stf'MI tl'ff Mt.In) (l'ff C:o•t1 Hw1.1 $5 lltegistnrlion--$2 l'er Week-No C°"tfOds """'~ ""'~ .... -or.. c:-..r a.-1 CALL 835-5505 TODAY! Mt.ht~ ----+.•w =..::=,:.:a_.__._ .... · ~ ·- The Doily Pilot Covers Booting Best In The West Horoscope Capricorn: Pleasant Surprise Awaiting WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15 Study dei..Jla _,..led with buYJni, aell!nc. Key la to. be lhoroUgh. ll<ad betwMn the By SYDNEY OMAJlll JJnea -4ludy fine print. Then ~ wln man controlJ his you could emer1e wlth profit. •~•-·· ·~-Io In SAGllTAIUUS (Nov. 11--~., • • .~~ tr/ po II the Dec I ) y ~-~-•· Wl;f." , 1 : OU CID ww ii IQN!lt Influence people. Lunar poal. ARID (March 21·Aprll It): lion accents your penonallly. Accent on lon&-<ange plana. y t ••-·•• Keep communJcaUon 11 n e 1 00 ce your way -.,..... open. Dllcnu' !uture vacation charm, sel!.apresaton. Speak ' plana with family member. up. Display unique talent.. Be aware of future trendi. Yoo're a winner. Gain -~ ,,_,.. ~ CAPRICORN (Dec. !Wan. -•• -......... tten 11): Be charitable. lleallze wen!. Read, study and write. I ~ .• I I TAURVS (April :ZO.May 20): $Ol!lO want to p eue -ee A\Ud telf....t-. tklll. F 1 c e rutricted. PatJence today __....!"., l!OUld win over one who bu factl u they exist -includes been elusive. p J e a 1 an t mattera pertalofng to budget, BIU]lri!e is due. It's preparod upendlturee. DIJlcua finances behind the llC<lleJ. with mate, partner, cl.., AQUARIUB (Jan. :ZO.Feb. auoclate. Doo'l overextend ·--'' 18): Conserve energy. Some yow-. are well-meaning but squander GEMINI (May 21.June 20): your time. You cooJd find out Stress ori permanent ties, hr tod J ho 1 best r duding marriage. Means lhil ay ust w 1 or planned project. Not wbe to ii no day to play gamet. ml% business wllb pleasure. Otbera are apt to b e Be ctical aupenensiUve. Permit one pra · tlose to you to have spotlighL PISCES (Feb. 1,.March 20): Play walling a:ame. Be confident about your own CANCER (Juoe JI.Jul• %2): abilltiea. Your career, prestige ,, may be on the rise. Don't Attend to penooal tukl, re-rock boat by neglecting basic quiremenb. Some may at.. r e a p on a.ibWUes. One In tempt to involve }'U!.l in their authority sees things your problema. Be cbarmlng -but way. decline. Neceaary today tn attend to buJc isluea. Get IF TODAY Ill Y 0 U R better understanding of job. BIRTHDAY you are entering LEO (July 23-Allg. :ti): Day an exciting period wblcb features fun through creative features travel, v a r le t y endeavors. Loved ones provide and-if single-marriage. U pleuure. Evening on the town married, you could rediacovet could provide great beneflL mate-and rekindle romance. Your personality sparkles. GENERAL Tl!NDENCIE8 · =~~-on your wtt, Cycle high for SAGl'ITARIUS:· -VIRGO ..(..;.g.-:s&pt.-:l;-CAPRICORN, ~_ AQQARIUS Family member may be Special word !O VIHGO: pve overemollonaJ. Your task i! ~arelU;I conidderaUon to offer to remain calm. Th1nt of mvolvmg sale or purchase of future -Ignore petty an-property· myances. Accent al9o on pro-To orflr Svdl'wt Dm•rr'• Sir. pert ti d -~ si booklff,~ TM Tniili .-.11ou1 Allr ., y ma ers, om~uc tua-~oA~Lvumto~ a~'M 0 •• ~~ tlon. Follow through on hunch. c1ntr11 si.rton. N"' voi\., N.Y. uio11. IJBRA (Sept. 2J.Oct. 22): Spoillghl on short trip. Day features flurry of activity. Some messages could be garbled. Don't offend relative by sharp retort Sense of humor becomes your great ally. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Attend to financial matters. Overeeter1 Every Monday at I p.m. members gather in Anderson School auditorium. Westminster, for meetings of Overeaten Anonymous. Guests are welcome to attend. 14th SOME OUTSTANDING VALUES IN FAMOUS MAKE MERCHANDISE ••• TO CELEBRATE OUR 14 YEARS IN .THIS LOCATION! LADIES SPORTSWEAR LADIES DRESSES LADIES LINGERIE SAVE 1/3103/4 GIRLS DRESSES & SPORSTWEAR 1/3lo1/2 BOYS WEAR TOllUU 1/3off .. 1/2 off GOOD SELECTIONS II • ows 3404 VIA UDO NEWPORT BEACH (ONI O' THI LIDO IHOPI) :::;~~~~-~--""'!'=~-~"."'!'~==:::-----·-·--·---------~~~-.-~~----------------- ) I I 1 , I I I -~-~~-----------.....- • • a . Mesa I ~· -· EDl'l'ION .N.Y. Steeb tEN CENTS VOL. 62, NO. 12, 2 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES ORANGE ~· ~NIA - ~------'----'--------~~~~~~-~~~.~...,..~~.....;=-.:...~=-.....,,,.,..~~~-::::;i=-..::...:;:.:;;:..:~.....,~i'-..::::;.,...~.~-:--~,-..~-~.-r,.,..;;;~~-~,_......,.~..,,. ...... ~~"-"'. ................ • .. • ' ' -orror • 0 Orbits Earth S·oviets Launch . . . Manned Soyuz 4 MOSCOW '(UPI) -1be~,Jnion -• manned Soyuz 4 lnlo mbll arowid ,the ~~ ... 'Whal the R11ssj1rw. sild WU a "~fed" program. 'Iben ""' ~lioO-the cosmonaut woold attempt • apace link· up with another craft u a first step towards establishing • apace stall.on. Within minutes after Ute launch lbe pilot, Lt. Col. Vladimir Shatalov1 told a televlaion audience, "Everything is fiQe. I am fine." The lone 5paceman reported SUCctS5 in a number ol man- ual o~aliom and said b'e bad locked his iojl; batteries onfo the sun to main- -.. ta.in poWer .' • .._' --ln-,.a.-move.-uoprecediented _ !or~ -the- Sovi~t Unioo, Moscow television, within 90 mlnut<s of Ilfloff1 broadcast video-ta~ of SbataloV's snip soaring maje>- ticaliy fl:mD the Soviet's central Asia ~·~ and' curving -·or!Jit. Tlie·llusslul'bniollciast pictures of the laani!b·ol-Seym ~.Iaat Nminibor 'about 36 boun after It left Us launcb pod, abo WJ~ for the Ruulam. . . ..,. " • •• ,, !,. I t o "'' ,........,. . . . . . . ' ' . . ' COAST GUARbSW,N ·STANDS BY ·T~ A!O SU!tVIVOllS AS SHIP Al'PRP~HES Q9WNED P~NE · "'SCiftilintvl•n Alrllntrwlth 45 Aboml Pa-Ic.a .Into Coufal Wat.ors off LAX >.. usual the Soviet Union did not de-~.:;~~ ='~ Heavy_~~~~l~e8 -NewpP~t Workers Face ~~'.-said the s.vrels Feared . · ~ 4l-'" · ; .;1 ·-. , : UPIT•...._ hlda~;A~~._:.asbotatlhemoon '""'"" B ' ( ' )tA~· !J.nJ ' ' ~R:~:.!H~.~:~TH ~~~~~ti:i~ llir&~tJiierP~~-:. f&f( " ,r~~-·~~~4~·-~:. 11' • ·!r'a..£1'~niil,~. :Ill' Jii ' PflAliL''1l'Alll!e!IH!riaii (uPI) •---·~·' 11j ~M t'EJki)" • ' ~~rti"rr<# of ·~ .Qlj ~ uP Suftdly,.or for docking, witi • tUDDed A fll'e broke «i ~m· ~ rugbt deck Of tllt Dlll1 ,.,. ttatt . jUJt ~of Palm Avenue. spacecraft yet lo be lau!ICbed. of the nuclear CllTier USS Entttpri&e Murder complalnll wID be 10Ught late Headlfabll ol her car backUght.d the l'be UDlted States carried out docklna today and a ..... ;1a~-aource reported . today or Wedneadll)' against a·man and bl:: ~ne next to the Hunlingtan ~uven WJtb llie manned GemJril ,, __ , Be r-··•-Cl b spacecraft Im lhe UJU1)8l1Ded Agena casualties "may be bea".f." woman nQw being held by Huntington 8 ............. ,,. u · · ~t rockei:s but hu not perfm:med a This was substanUaled. by a requeat Beach po~~ in~ bloody meet stabbing ii:':~~g:~'°:ia~ ~: ~n ~~ ~ by ·twp manned spaCecraft. from the Navy. for · dmatiolll of .blood. death of Mn. Hester Markee. · by ·the .tr.ate driver and.-or ~N:,et wHmIER'. (UF'I) . ....:. Twb men poaiol ~ ~ ~y·= :! Tlie Navy spokesman asked all civilians Held in. HimUngton Cib' Jail on the of an automobile with Which she coWded 11 telephone repairmen kldnaped I . J. ' Soviet pro~· . . . to . repo' rt u) Queen's Med.ic1J Center mUrder, ~ge js Norman Coatney, 41, a rew moments before her de;ath. . · a••·-~ ~•-rr_;_-~·-· _., · -·-"_,___ an engineer .with • Newport Beach Mn. "arkee, a 'l'1!Ct!pticinlst for .a HW> yiar-oldllirllromherbome·todaY· ~""';"'Oisbi:';;.J~-turtii,"; and all military P.,-I lo Tr1pler aerospsC. firm. Ills compan!On, tin~n 'PBeacb optometrist; had faten Tt.. child, Panla McGlnni!, wu taken toN 00 the 80ym lpacecnft 11 part ol General Hosplta• both In Honolulu, for M~ta Di\litl;. 138, a waitm.. at a 10.d ot JauTidry 'ti> a coin laundry from her East Whittier home about t the Soviets~ JOl)4 range coal of estll:r their blood donatJorui. a l;ofelfPOri resta.41"8(11, bu. been transfer-and waS an her w&Y back tO the apart· a:in., while her parents were away. lisbina. earth-orbiting ·~ stations for Asked if the incident was .littious, red lo women 's detentiOn at Oran&e (See MURDER., Pap Z) ho .. internlaoe1•"" •n•ce travel a military source replied "casualties msy Couut7 Jail. . ·. . · 1 ' Police were called by a useaeeper, ..,..y -; _... 1be DAILY PILOT 1---~ •·• that · ' · be heavy." · ' · =•~, _., · i<lenUfied .. Mr~ Mitchel' •• tmploye The ·fire broke out on the l ,123-foot the ••spec!!, who gave . theie address T' hre' e Acc1' ..],"'nts of,tbe youngster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wire Talks Recessed vessel, the largest warship in the world, as Z602 Delawart St., Huntington Beach, . . ' . UV . Frank McGinnis. while , it was· 70 miles southweat of have professed inoocence of any ln- 'f lh kid WASHINGTON !UPI) -A federal Honolulu. volvement in the ,grisly slaying. K · p ij · .,. Whittier Child Kidnap Victim ' ' . Hopes Dim , . For Missing Passengers Descending through stormy night skies · tn an.' •bnormal . landlng ·~· • .... -.v1t,n1 letllner '1iltlt 45 ahoud splaalJed 1nto the ocean eight mIIes · off Plilya <IOI Boy · Moaday nlgbt, and 111 dalrn :tiifi1 a third of tbOle aboeril ..... pmwned loof. ' . Searchers· conUnued· to hwlt !OT II . ix;sni1e survivors tn the rabiswept, 54-degree'wa~ as shalb prowled~ the surface, but hope was finally abmi- doped that ,.,..,. c!ould remsln alive. Four 1>9diea were recovered Mooday night and 30 VlcUms saved by an aanada More Crelh Photos, Stories, Po19e 3"" of to-rescue craft ~!vale ·boats as-t.fii diwni af"" sea iimOlded ilDder the glare of heUcopter searcbllghls and parachute flares. "' A Cable Commuter Airlines pilot from Westminster waa the first persoD to Bight &iitlna · wreckap ot the Sc;an- dlnavlan Airlines· System DCI, beaded into Loa Angeles International Aii'pott when it hit ' '!be SAS Fllbt 13S, piloted by ¥ Kenoeth Davll, former British !lofaI Air Foree flier, disappeared from tower radll'ICOpes at 7:40 p.m., after a l'i-3 hOW'l,~lay F: 11) .. holding pattern ovor °"San· qu1i1 Valley. . \:&pl.' Dav ltU sald he WU ... perienclng -llJ!dll1I ...,. -le bif!!ll. 'lltmlilll tho bit jet lnfaM, lo ~ ~ 2SL on an, wierly Gversea route swept by 12-mPe-an boor winds· and stonn turbulence. Suddenly, without wamlng eicept for one rtewardeu' order to fasten seal belts, the plane slammed into three-to foyr-root .Ocean swells and broke apart ju t beliind the wings. ~oneymoohlng SAS pilot OJo! Andt.nOD, :!8,. ~ozlng lo a seat beslde· bls lrlde, Marianhe, 23, ssfd he tliouibt the lnltlaf Impact was just a J'Ollgb landinl 1t the Loa Angeles field . '.'Then I '"' the water cominJ fnlo the plane. My wtfe and I waited for the pDine to !top and tlfen 1eearched !or the rubber ra!tl," Anderson sakl. "Some of the women were screaming and I ,.looked around and saw some bloodf faces," he· coolinbed "'8r, belng brought ashore at a hastily· 4!stat;llilbtd rescue dispersal center at Marina de! Rey. ,. Jt was not known I e napcn , j Detecilvea aaJ4 thJ, ll)Omlng. that the e"'p Q cemen had Jeft a ransom note. mediator met briefly loday w i th A request for medica asslstlnce was paiJ' ~!Jl'be talte'n to West Orange Cb1.urt1 . ~ ;; • 1 • The FBI would oo1y say "no comment'' ne'gotlaton for the Assoc.lated Pres! and sent to the Pearl Harbor Navy base Municipal Court for arraignment as soon when asked if they had been called : the ltriting Wlre Service Guild, then even tl19ugh the carrier has a large as the ptperwork can be com~let«l. Hoppm' g m· Mesa into the case. r~ the talks unW afternoon. medical dispeosary. "We -ddinitel7 will take theae two ~----------~----------------"----------lo court," sald Del. Monty McKenrron. "It took a long thne for the tiil section to sink," said Andenon, o( St.ockbOlm, "*e climbed onto the wmp.i.. . and got into a Ufe raft but 11 bad Busy Cost.a ·Mesa Police oflkers raced a bole in It and aank." DAl\Y PIUl'T ................. 81RQS OF A FEA'TMl!l ~Happiness ta ,a ,fll...S Small. Gft&O.!J' ru .. ., ·Patty. .v~eiiunO:,'~·. wltli an umbi:ella at .lbe,bw •Lop oit a nibjy .r,,. . , Clark, Llurte Alomo and Leu.ra F.~o., ~iJt¥t: Y0!\'4 get llllle aralll!lenl on that bit of. homa)iun , died together this morning a1'theTwm~.fol' ~~I phfiosoplty from school chlldrtn (from left) Kel!h · bus lhal look them to Pomo~a School in Cos'J' Meaa .. ' The body of Mn. .fl!arkee, ss, of ooi Olive Ave., HuiWrigton Beach, was di8covered by a puser1>y about l :lS p.m: SUndly,. lt was spr:awled on 'the pavement of 17th Slnet J.,i.. north of Pabn·Avenue.In •pool of blood. . • to tbref! '1ep3tale accldenll -. ~· of ~ ::0~1aue bride ~ them about 200 feet apart -occ1in1Jt& Another SAS pilot aboard the· - si mul£aneoustY, at..2:10 P·f11· .Monday· fD craft, Olav Hanson, ukl, be1 tried ito the: 1ame ralr17. area of ,to;wn. help take charge of evacuation opentiona One man "JUI bospitali~ and a the .L..-• woman sports car paBBenger sU&hUy hurt as 11U1Utered aircraft bobbed Clll. tbe lln. -·· throat bad been 1flllh-ed. ond her body~ by ~ous · stab wourids. The body' Was just a few ml bl h swells. 1'1' ln fhe shaps, all 'of w c wen ap-•'We have to· -leav& tbe p1ee. • ;the . parently caused primarily by wet pave-· (See AIR CRASH, Pao: I) • Clear . Skies Due Afwr Stor1tt · . · m~t. . ~~.:::::..:::::..::::::::::!C.:..::!:..::!.....~ J;1rne F. Orozco, 2t. of 2'1is s. Baker Stock llf•l'keU St .. Santi ·+na; I• Uiled in fair conc11i1m today at Ci>sll MesaMe!l)or)al H06Jljtal /iEW YORK (UPI) -The ltOck mar· wllh back·ll>Juries suf!<r~ 19,if~~~ . ket cfoaed hlg!1er loday lit mO<jerate cr•ah· , , . ... . , ... • " , lr~ding. The advance largely ~ed. · Patrolman Richard Fersuson aakt P~ctions of increased hCli!ing starts ' 0r.ozco wa11 ·driving east , on M•ms this yea~. mostly · higher automobile Sou .ks co· n~.tz:.hn Avenue al !:10 p.m., approachin{ .the . ~fes durmg the &st third of January, . u.o. Iii...::; Ml ;Vefdlf ·Dliv Eut lntene&on' riJ1ng aJumlnum prices and a commer-• • , ~ ~ : • •: • ' .;aa , , f e 1 I ' ce Clepartment report that busloeas 1 <111111 when his cit "ent ·out «.control. ~ accelerated In November Jn lhe ' ~ ~liO!'ila'•, i·~ rainy The vehicle ', ilJ'd an ~·~',l,fflll . fli:e of tncreMed Inventories. (See ' · .w.n"wa! Jn NII *wln, tqd,a~ u ' a feet 1br0adalde ai1c! ~ed . I~ Ille qijotatlons, Pages UHi). · · --~ · ~ fnioti 'of tw'o 'oeber Clllf' .lftippod tn · · penllte!1t , · IDOi', ~ -w-''--',laoeo ol •••"'•.AvftJUL 1be · O ,,, __ _. . Um.oil Ille""'"'" Coa&!lllan -: ~~ ... J."T"',.;i, UiJu'1!f, ,.;. ' raaae ......... predkted. • . cojdbic to ....... : reporll. • . . . West Oranie County boro the brunt ThOy' Wen~ J. BUrg~, 5'1, of the --·~ tu Jod>ea of o1 ·1719 Albtlnlll ""'ve aDll · 000.fd 'F, · . ~~ .. ~ ·~ • -... · Niuhiui, '.ti,> Of tj8i, Tanaaer l>riv~ 1 rain fell .,,, the lltmUngton VaDey uU botb Jn Colta,111~ · . overnight. Colla Meia ·~·I.If, fli-. rqnco ~ a.other, J:lO p.m., accldeilt . ches, Lagulla 'Bl.di l,05 '-.. while injured 1 ~ when Mr~ ',Gold~ Newport Beacb .. "1"· comparatively dry A. Johilioo. )I, ol· 1151 lthodes Drl~. 1 with 1 \71 t'I&~. · _ Costa ,Mesa, IOet ~trol of her sport This ~pt lhl.~'t ~rainfall . roi<Wr ab ·EJlaticra DrlV<, ·1.000,!eot ; · , . south. ol Sw~n ,Circle. · · • • 1o 1·!0 1~.1nu.a ·n111tt1ncton Valley, a , ,,,. IOQihbo\md • ·, sWery~ :oir:µ,... sharp' ded&.i .friilt ~~.17~ which wil"'r.a.r.,.y ana ~Ileil ..,.,. G!\18 -:1'-' ~~:1 ·~::;:t~ · confflllble Joo.· Calf'llli back jnjw1u, '. . ~-'lbe' . ,.. ·.,,~I · .,.; toMr;s. V~)as!Jlll, IO, ottt&! ~,u<lll · muMu•ecf · · ...d'i.:t.ll"'J. • · p(a~~ Q>ita Mesa. ' , ' • •t • , • . , . , • .,.1~ .. , , ,. ,~, • Pfllcer, ,Jabo ~Wltllt,uld(~·~. · , • . ,..,.., ·'-~.., wb ,!fe&fiil'·.;i:,tt Cliiia .u='M.m.ilil• Cltt' • ' M w -·-w: · .::...r ... 1 and ....._ ,.._ · --···i: "' ... ,.,,. •. H..,.... ._....., r ·-, ',. ~::;::-.... ~. .,:: ~ !:· )u.tu.tb!.Johnlcaecc..-~. -r· ·:r.· ... .., . ··--. -..,.~ =::,:... t.: ~ t: ' ~ ... ol •~a.~. Calta --, ':II ~ ur Mea, ron olf J!ltanc!a Drift .. Jed =·~--Ww1' ·;-n ,,,.,.-,t: . l(llltbof8"a~adaaDedOWr. ~ -. .. . . •:;-a ~ .. Miss Slittpnnan lol(d11-, Jamel' • ~--· • l.,1 u~!_ !::• , Bla)'lock that two~ a1ra looted , ' . ' ! • · WeaU.er ' l : There's, a i~ver Jlnb\g ,behind I thoOe rain clouds, and it'll &bow 1 I up Wedneaday With fair, ll1IOglesa weather. Look ror mert'Ut}' ttad- t lngs of 60 locally and 64 further inland. • INSWE .mDA l' Prt.id<111 Joh·n.on looks ,;,.· hil admfnfllTOttD1' from Dl\t i 1tandpofnt, maov of 1"' cov«trr 1 mn from <mot.Wr. Page 12. I . -e.= =·'..:... , __ 1•1111 P I •T I ::,~ .... _ -, ........ • • .... • • • • " , .. 11 . r? II --· :-,:-. .: --" ............. ..,, --. ...... ...,... .. ...... ...,, .......... M>ll • ~--== . ll , t:..'=""'1 •, ~ ,~"" 1,,o 't ,,,,, • aa. Ultulh ' tber ,~_eofltc tD collide • ....... <-1!!"!9 ......... _.... I • (lleo ~·hp,11 L---------"--.....J -" .wwtt ..... ~ -1.: ' h ,., I ' ... • • I ~CJt't a*• 4e;:::e .... :e:w • O.lllY I'll.Of , c TlltSdq, ~ 14, 1969 ........... l.Auuli., ' I • 5,000 Troops !iSP Epi?i?S. ,( 3 1. ,.; . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. f • .._ ... .. --......... ..-. ~ofC StuCl}J Gives Pass ' ' Raid Cong Camp SAIGO/I (UPI) -About l,000 •IUed V.Ops -• Comnumlal·held pmlnsull on South Vleblam'1 central c:out in the bluest amphibious oper1Uoo lince U. S. lllrineo lloded II lncboo Barbor in tho Kortln Wit, miUllrJ' ~ Aid lod01. Ccmmunlqu<o Aid -1,000 u. s. Nlrirl<s riding hellc:<JP<n and llodlng cnft ,,..pt Into the Bltangan Peninsula Rain Postpones Mesa Police Test Of Helicopter Rain washed out a scheduled test o1 the pr_.,t Costa Meu Police Deport· ment helloopl<r patrol loday. Clearlna: skies forecast for Wednesday, howenr, Jed to expectations that the Hlllc:w demomtralion may 10 1111 u plmned 11 • ..... fn>m • pad behind police boldquarter• II •Fair Drive. OrlllullY, tho hrHaJ lest WU plaD- lled for lodly, bul storm C<Dlillom f..,,. ed cancdlalloo ol the 1ppointmall bY. 11..,,.. -Co. penoonel U demmlltrlllona and.lrilll bellin Wed· neaday, the -cboppo< will 10 thnllJih potrol teclmlques for 1 crowd ol police peraoond and city o{flcl•I~ Nlih! fllgh" are Included in the lclleduled brlefln& ....ion. to show patrolling alUludes, llllVeill•nce palteml and floodlilbllnl 1bility at crime and accident actnes. Coda Mesa Police Chief Roger Neth --pllOI lo 1111._,, and dilcul1 flnanclll( -JlllllDfacturen afler the Helicop oymm lrlal, prior lo making a recom· mmdatlon to the city councU. > • Spy Sohell Wins Appeal, Released • NEW YORK (UPI) -Morion Sobe11. a c:odef...W.I w1lb Jallua and Ethel -. In the ell'i'""le .... of the century, today won hll rele.ue from a IO year prbon ll!lltence fw c:ompirtng to deliver atom bc:mb aecrdl to Rullia. The U.S. Coar! ol Appeals ruled thll Sobel lhoWd be g1.,. credit for oeven mantbl lmprlloomOlll oerved prior to antencing and while ••ait.lnl trial tbwl mallfng blm eligible for parole. Sobell bad be<ll -tenced lo !!O ~ In prilon April II, lllll and the no... """"ved the dealll p!lll!ty. Tiley IUble-quonlJ1 were execuled ID Sing Sing prlloa In New Yart. Tbe court pve SobeD mdll for 7 moathl and II dly1 be WU In jail becll111 be could not ralae 1100,000 ball, piar lo being ... -In 1951 lo llO _. In prilon ... dwpa ol dllcloalng lnformaUClft OD the a!Dm bomb lo the Soviet Unloo. Loleta Gerspach Succumbs at 60 Loletl M. Gmpach, a Costa Meza l!Cbool leacller for !O ynn. died S.tur· day in Hemet, where lhe and ber buJ.. bond. Edward, bad lived recently. Sbe WU 50. Servlcel will be held In Coota Meu, at I p.m. Wednmlay at Bell-Broadway Mortuary. Bm1al wtD follow at Harbor RM M.-111 Park, Costa Mesa. Sw-vlvor1 include a son, James, of Runllngtoo Beadl, wbere he la balUlllon chld In Ibo Fire Departmenl D~ltY PltOI ell.MOE ((IAST "UM.t$HlHG COM'ol.HY Jl•~•t N. w.,, ''"~ .... 1'\11111~ J•~k R. C•rl•Y Via PlftifoMt ~ GMl•IW ~ ...... Tk•r111t Ktt•il .. .., n ..... , A. u •• ,11;~, -..1.,. E••• '••' Nl1~" .._II .. OlrKlor c.... .... Oftk• 3JO W..t l•y SffMf M1ilt11t AMr1111 P.O. I•.: 1160. tt62& ---........... i nnw ....... ~ '--9'NO: )7t ~ ... _ ~-..... ...,,, . "" '""' ' Monday from the -South China Sea, Another 2,000 U.S. and South Vlr:tnamese Wantrymeo set up a cordon at lhc nect of the islhmu.s to block a Com- munlst retreat. About 1,000 Communist soldier• were believed holed up on the penJnsula !00 Diles northeast of SaJgon. Leaflet drop1 and loudspeaker broadcasts urged an estimated 5,000 to J0,000 civilians in the area. to leave prior to the assault. 'J'be large! of the UN11J1 WU a hro- squarHDlle Itel beavllr lortilled with bulWn and ltulllela that bu betn uaed by the Communfatl .. a •lailnl polnl for more Uwt Ill yeara, the spokemnen said. Many ol the fortilluUom "''" COllllructed by the Japanese during World War II. ''1bere are • lot of VC (Vlei Coiwl in there llDd we are llUfO It \rill. be stroql.1 contested," Brfi. Gen. Howard 11. Ooobey, ooe ol the task force com- manden:, aaid. UPI com.pondent Kite Webb reported ooe American wu ltllled and m wounded duriq the early pbues of the opmUon. She lald abool liOO llUlpOdl ...... -.d up for lnterropttan. Rear Adm. Wllllam W. BebrenJ Jr., «Ollllllllder ol the lnvulcm force, lald Ibero had been a amphlbtoos uuu111 In Vlelnam alnce lllllS but ''oone CID compare with tbla." He aaid many more troops were landed at Inchon In Sep. tember, 1950, ID the campaign thol drove the North Korean army out of South Kcrea "but this la a far more com- plicated and far reaching operaUon in every other raped." Frot11 P_,e 1- AJR CRASH ••• off-duty Hanson shouted, orderiq those able to help to gU lllerafts from the overhead compartments. . Launching rubbe'I" rafts from the Jeft wing. Hanson ·said heavy winds blew one into the tom, jagged nose of the plaJle, which is named "Sverre VWn&," causing it to puncture and sink. Several Coast Guard vessels, including the cutters Point Judith and Point Bridge led yachts and pleasure boats out inlo storm-lashed seas on the mercy mission. Three ampbibiws belicopten were im· mediately dispatched under Los Angeles International Airport's at-sea air disaster plan, flood-lighting the area when heavy swells prevented them from setting down. ProcedurtS for handling i;uch a ditching were rehearsed immediately following the &i.milar Nov. 22 pancake landing of a Japan Airlines jetliner off San FranciJ<o lnlernaUonal Airport. No me aboard the JAL plane which carried 107 per80DI wu klllod or Injured, but the ~ lloding in a calm, shallow portioo of San Francisco Bay alerted Los Angeles Balety olflclala to the poaibilily of ooe In the Southland. Passengers lnjared in the Monday night SAS crash were taken ashore either by boat or lifted into helicopters by aerial slings, depending upon need for immediate treatment. "The condition! were terrible," said David Howcraft, 43, of Inglewood, skip- per of the Lo!: Angeles County Harbor Patrol boat "Bay Watch." "There was a three-to-four foot swell," he aaid. "and the visibility wa1 almO!t nonexi.str:nt." Survivors -many of them bleeding, moaning, and crying to be taken to shore and safety-were rushed to UCLA Medical Center and Santa Monica H~ pl(a], with five leflou>ly injured and all others in fair to good 1hape. A Los Angeles County Sherllr• De- partment bus supplemented a Oeet of ambulances. The pilot declined to disoua possible causes: ol the lint commercial alrllner crash in the history of Los Angeles Jn- ternational Airport, which opened in 1947, but praised his crew. Ooe stewardess ls among tbe dead arid another ls missing. He described their actlom as totally heroic and discipJined, while a Coast Guard ~cuer said It "WIS somewhat of a miracle that the DCa didn't break apart and sink tnt.irely. Jn Washington, D.C., tht National TransportaUon Safety Board aflllOUOced it wu dispatching a team of 10 men to invesog:. the crash, while SAS ofri-cills edlately took off from eo. penhagen to jolo them. Federal AviaUon Administration of- ficers at Los Angeles International Airport eaid Flight 113'1 landlnl ap- proach wu somewblt unuoual, since planes usually swoop in from the eut over Inglewood. The runway approach out ol the ~ how...,., requlra a pnot to ...,1y on hili own lnltrumentl, whne the roultnt lancllni Is gov.med by the Precision A-1> Radar (PAR) oystem of guidance. The Sverre Viking's two crewt had brought the plane irl from Coptnhqen ovtr tbt North Pole route, with a Monday afttmoon atopover in SeatUe, Wuh., prior to '" scheduled f ,OI p.m. Loa Angeles ltrminUJ. A gray, drialy dawn broke over the Pactlio Coa!t tnd03', roveall1111 the wrecbie of the na -or111n111Y buUt JUll a few milel 1way In Santa Monica -iltlll bobbin( In the Wiler whlch .-deptha ol llOil feel at the erull -R<mcrftblo portlonl ol the -ktd airtlner ...,. broacJll .,,_ M"""1 nlalll and o!Odalo 1-9 to tow the hull! to lhallonr water oil Malibu Cln- yoo to complor. ,_.., _.itons. rfo Bonds i By THOMAS FORTUNE Of 1t1o1 IHlllr PHii lttft The doubters have become belJevers. Skeptical businewnen who nine montha ago began to hold a dollar and ctntl yardltick up to Newport·Meu Unlftad 8c:hool Dlalrlcl have found tt m....,.. up. M"""1 they rec<ll1Ullellded I"" doneme:at of. tbe Feb. JI bond l!IUI for $15.0 mlllloo. The vote by 16 members of a 'joint chambers of commerce study committee wu unanimous. Their recommendation now goes to directors of tht: Newport Harbor and Costa Mesa chambers. 'The significance of the vote wa.! ti'· pressed by Dr. Nolan Frizzelle. Ht: said: "Can I point out lhat wheo we started these meetings we had a high rado of members opposr:d to school bond re- quests. Some or us thought we were going to find all kinds of buried secrets. The yea vote or t.tds group constitutes a turning about in light of the facts.'' THIS rs'·srT&' lWHITl'OUTLINll SILECTID FOR. FUTuRE NEWPORT CIVIC CEN~'rt""'" I In the nine months or their In· vestigat.ion, the chamber men have heard alarm.ing enrollment projections, charges that schools are built with frills and are monuments to arcbiects' ego, rebut4 tal ol Lbe cbara:es, and testimony that Newport-Mesa schools were bullt as cbeaply as schools elsewheir: in tht: state. Council Selects Newport Center As City Hall Site Newport Beach ctty COIDlcllmen Mon- t nlgi>I capped two. ynn of study un8nimowfy seJectlnl pi opa ty at ewport Center u a lite for a new civic ceoter and cultural compelx. Municipal aides lodoy belan nqolla- Uona In .,._ wtlb..lbO IrvlDe °"""""'' for acqullllloa of the IJ,acre.,JU, .valueol by mappralaer .•I IZ·mllllon. _ _ The city plans to "'° m acres for a city admlnlalratlbn bu11dlng, police beadquartera and COWldl chambera. The rest of the acreage would be used by other agencies, including r e lo c a t e d Harbor J udlclal District Court lacllltta. The courll would nqalre about foor acres, aceordtng to F.conomiCI Re9ea.rclt A!sociates (ERA). Second-phase plans for civic center coostructioo call for use of. the balaDce of the acr<age by • city lilrary bulldlng, Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce headquarters and other service and cultural groups. The city ill ezpect.ed to seek outright: acquisition of the six acru for municipal government offices and three acru for the library. The rest of the acreage would be reserved "in some manner ," according to City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. "How it would be reserved," he said, "is subject to negotiation with the Irvine Company." There is a slight prospect of an ex· change of land, involving the present city hall !lite on Newport Boulevard at 32nd Streel Appralaer Cedric White, M.I.A., of Anaheim. reported to coa:o- cilmen Monday that the S.t3 acrea: have a "fair market value" of $675,000. White's findings on both sites, plus the findings of ERA and architectural consiiltants Welton Becket &: Associates, indicate a net advantage to the city in moving to Newport Center of more than $600,000. McKenzie Wins Appointment to Police Board Costa Me!a City Manager Arthur R. McKemle, a Republican, wu appointed by Gov. Ronald Reagan today to a three-year tenn on the state Peace Of· ficer Standards and Training C.om- mission. McKenzie -former city police chief dubbed Super Chlef after he stepped up to the top municipal execuUve poe:t -has a wide background in law en· forcement. Current Poliet: Chief Roger E. Neth, who started his career 15 years ago as a patrolman with the rorce, followed McKenzie as the community's second top police officer. The appointment by Governor Reagen puts McKenzie in the spot vacated by William J . McCann, of Santa Fe Springs, whose term ei"pired. McKenzie's new thrte-ytar post ls still subject to conflnnlUoo by the State Senate . From p_,e 1 MURDER ..• ment whtore she lived alone. At Adams Avenue and 17\h Street $ht apparentl,y wu involved ln a mlnor collision with another. cv. Her car was acra1ched •ll«bUy and a couple of parts fall off to be found later by polloo 11 the point of Impact. She drove on toward death 1 few hundred 1.ro. from the aocldenl llOl!le. Apparently U1e other car drove up beside her and COllled her to stop one "IY or another. Sha appanntly eot out of her ear and walked up to the otbu car tome JO to 30 reet a..,, pollce believe. II thla theory 1$ correct the drlw, and -·· If any. lflbbad the vlctlrn to angtr and slashed her badJ.y. She manqed lo twist away from tbt d'"th grip and reel bact Iowan! lier car, SM dldn 't make ll ' City Planners ApP.rove . ' ~ A& a result they have come to t.be conclusion that school needs a r e legiUmale, money bu not beOll loosely ~pe~~i1i:UC:tbe past, and the bond ~uest ·em Station Ordinance " . f. Pl'OPOled city ordinance doslgned to eolve ·many present and future pro- bllml llllffOW1dlng the aerviee llaUon h:1atne1q ta Costa Mesa wu approved by the city planning commlulon Monday, wUh little di....-. . - S!wp tooth ... """lalned In the drall lo be oubmllted to the-di)' eouncil for final &elJOO, but olf:Jiii!iii!IFspolesmdi have aJao ,pra.J4ed~ u an effective, no-nonawe plddlne. The ordlaance u drafted now includes 21 separatt areu ot contro~ ranging f~ .~apinj and free.wheeling ac- ' t6.-deitrucUon of stations loo i!lf. . • e ~r associate planner . .. . -- SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -AcUng President S.I. Hayakawa sent ca1ified letters today to the San Francisco State College !acuity In ao attempt lo JdenUly •lrtklng teachers. Hayakawa'• move came on the recom- meodatJon of the council of academic dean1 and u a preliminary to a court hearing involving the American Federa- Youngster Dies Despit.e Efforts, Offers of Blood Despite good wishes and offers of blood fr001 scores or Orange County residents, a Westminster sixth grader died Saturday at Long Beach Memorial Hospital after a fight against a cancerous spinal tumor. Funeral services were scheduled for 3 p.m. today for Kaylene McCarty, lJ, daughter of Mr. and Mr&. C.M. McCarty of 8762 Pacheco St., at Peek Family chapel. The girl had rare 0.ne&aUve blood and when It waa dlacovtf'ed that the girl might need blood trandUJlons, ICOl'e• of personl voluntee.red to staod by to donate the rare type. Famlly 11poke!men said the gir1 bad a cancerous 11plnal tumor and had been in the hospital three Umes in the put year. Survlvor11 Include her pwtnts: two sisters, Muutte and Mn. Erma Bullock, both of Santa Ana; a brother, BUI Gosvener of Costa Meta ; and her grandparenll, Mr. and Mn. lltrt Chase of Sacramento, Mn. Vera McCarty of Portllod, Ore., and Mr. and Mrt. Arthur McCarty of Mocleato. Attendant Caught On In Hurry An ovemlaht attendant who uked a com peUtor acrogs the street how to property close up shop early Sunday 1' sought by Coat.I ·Me,. police today, along with '473 which dlsappeared w1th him. Robert L. Dodd. owner or D &: w Union Service, llOO Newport Blvd., u.ld Ille II-yaw-old VllDd theft SUJpecl had worked for him oo]J a lhort Um<. The overnllbt mtn at a nearby Richfield ll!'Ylct llaUon aald the )'Ollth asked him how lo lock UP and abut off the llghll SUnday, bUI be thought nothing about IL He .. Id be alao &bowed him how to take the 1Q)llM pump Jaland ta1h bo•ea °"t for depoall ln11da the lllUon owned b7 Dodd, 1 Fountain Valley reel· denl j Dave Lei&hton compiled hia survey, 14 stations were within city limit.s, while the number has since grown. Six were Inoperative at that time, but some of these have been leased. while others have changed hlDds. S~Uini thinp out In DO • uncertain ternu, the ordinance approved Monday would alJow any-ztation-closed 90 con-- secutive days or 150 days off-and-on durinl a U-mooth period lo be fwced out of bustoeu by permll IUSpellliCll, And any otaUon which cood11cl.,. bu3inesa In violation of the n&lla.to be formally enaeted yet couJd. lllo bo declared • public -. under ·the law -a ltiff charge. Faye Edelblute of the Newport Barbor Chamber'a Womens' Divl!:lon wanted it noted the committee has overcome two emotional objectorui -unification and college campus revolt -in decldinJ to support the schools. But Dr. Frizzelle, a rormer statewide chairman of the conservaUve United Republicans of Clllfornla ( u RO c ) , reminded the group ila stand was to be hued· solely--on· finding•-Crom·-a "bualnesu polnt of view. "Other grouJ>J can handle the emotional lssuea 1ueb :: ;;; children should be treated," Jack Hammett, presldllll of the Con. Mou Olamber, lllDUDed up the COID· mlllee'a lludy thla w01: "l1 proliably wam~ a Vtty nlee lldng lo do, but we doclded lo tap the supe;tnlendenl oo the llloulder and uy, 'Leokll here, are thele achoola built economically? Wu our tupl)rerl' money spent irudartlJ?' . ''Thia la IOIDething diUfftlll lbln 1aying the usual 'VOte yes because our ki& need it.' .. * * * = Vnprecedent.ed tion or Teachers. The seulon WU 15Cheduled for 1 p.m. S h l B k, The union WU onlered lo show cause C 00 UC ing In superior court why a temporary ln-~c=e ~l ·~~~u:. By ·Cities Nears Edward F. O'Day iasued the order a week ago and 1trikin1 tu.cbera face Newport Beach and Costa. Meaa city pos!.ible fines and arre!t for vjo1atiom. cwncilmen will meet in a joint ~on They also face 1o1s of their jobs wider toni.ght to comlder resolution! strongly provi&lons ol' the atate education code urging voter approval Feb. 11 ot the which declare• five lltralght day1 of SIS.I million Newport-Mesa school bond unauthorized abseocea constltutea an imle. automaUc resignaUon. Hayakawa uked If the two cities endorse the bonds, the teachers in his letter to fill out as anUcipated, it will be an un· enclosed attendance forms. preeedented acµon . President Gary Hawkins of the AFT The 12 councilmen -seven from Local 1352 urged (aculty members to Newport, five from Costa Mesa -wen ignore Hayakawa's request. Chairman invited to the session by James W. Leo McClatchy or the Academic Senate "Bill" Peyton, president of the unified also announced his opposiUon. school district's board of trwtees. "I think it is a demeaning device.'' Not.ices of tbe meeting, to be beld said Hawkins. "We are proltssJonals. at Cosla Mesa High School's Lyceum, This is jU5t another kind of loyalty were sent out Monday to Co!ta Me5a oath." coonclmeo by Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, History Group To Look Back On School __ Days While city councilmen diacuu Lbe UJ>- comlng Newport-Mesa Unllled School District bond elecilon tonight, the Costa Meaa Historical Society will be honoring educators from byaone daya. "Good Old School Day1," 11 tht title of the 7: Ml p.m. round·table di1CUu100 In the Civic Center conference room at 77 Fair Drive, accordlna: to Mildred Fl!her, secretary. NeWlpaper clippings, plloloeraplls, dloplaya and other -·~ ol pre- unillcaUon do1I wtll ,be avalllbll aod the public la 111.tlOd to auand. Gue!la wllo plan to 1ttend lncludo Even:U Ra aod JORJi> Hamblet, both pall achoo! llfinclJ>lla; Mra. Faye HarblQ, Nri Robert 1'1aher, Mra. Neille 1-. Lealle Miller, Mn. Leroy Anderaon, iln. Amelll llrummoad, IOa Marian Panona, !Illa Ellie Mormr and some others. l'rom P .. e 1 CRASHES. • • with her auto and &be l>"'hapa ovtr<Or· rected to awkl a hudol\ cruh. Le11 thin thrat bOlln lftlr the 2:10 p.m. colllslon 11 Mama A-and Mou Vmle Drive Eu!, a -... cldent there damaced another vel\ltlt, but the driver CKaped injury. David Ii:. PJiDW>, 17, ol 11&1 Kentucky Place, told O!llcor Hal Ctfppan bit Im· ported otatlon w.,.. •pun around on ralnallck pOTemenl and 11n1Ck the curt, dam111D1 the left rur wh<ol. I - The Newport council, In a formal KSSion Monday night, voted unanimously to aceilpt the invitation. The moUon wu made by ex-Mayor Paul J. Gruber, wbo In the put had been the councll's prlnclpal advocate of "not getting the city involved in achool ma.tten." Gruber said Monday be lltlll believed that way, but felt the llC:bool district'• desperate clauroom shortage wu an overridinl consideration in this instance. 1'I'll support this re!Olullon," he said. 0 But we're getting into aoft grotmd. The two jurisdicUons should be kept apart." Councilman Howard Rogers responded that bec::aute the plea for support came from the school board, "we have a moral obligation lo be helpful ." "Political jealousies of the past," uld Rogen, "are disappearing. We must Jook at Ulil from the M1flah point ol view, and thol la the! I ltrODI acbool lyltem la the key lo the succeufol lfOWth ol • city." "It 11 the key," aireed Gruber. "I don't want to appear In the Jeut way opposed lo the bond l11Ue. I am for JL" Gruber'& pooltion thus appeared to wure a unanlmoua Newport. volt on the resolution tonliht. The reaolullon propooed for adoption ltate1: "The Qty Counc:ll ••. urges the voters of Newport Beach to conilder the netd• d the local tchool 1y1tem, to conakltt the aoeial and econonUc lmpllcatlonl for the community ll needed c1wroomJ ""' not provided, Ind to -in favor of the bond laue II the eloctlon 00 Feb. 11. 1•.11 Vice M'1'JI' Llndaley Panooa !mted about bit beinl lllllble lo lllond t«llgirt'I joint meetll1f !iec11111 ol 1 prior bulfneu ccmmltmenL 0 1 don't want my abllnce to •be construed .. oppoalllon. I'd like to make it clearly understood that I favor the l'llOluUcm." Mayor ·t>oret. Mmhan I • I v. d Par_. dilemma b7 dlrecUnf the city clerk to record PartON' v1ew1 In the mtnutft of Monda1'1 meelinc . ' .. ( ..IP.' \I I I I ... rr.- BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• In the Wind Up in Gaiden Grove the firemen are raising a lot of smoke_ with opposition to a recommendation by a management consultant firm that the safety services be combined. Firemen have purchased full page advertisements in newspapers and ~enerally and publically have voiced a strong displeasure at any \bough~ of · fraternizing with the police m a single organization. The thought of reorganization to the point of combining departments has been discussed in Huntington Beach from time to time and I suspect that the idea is no more popular in the fire, police or lifeguard. stations in Huntington Beach than it is in Garden Grove. * But what is a city council to do? Money is scarce in city coffers and there is a need to economize from time to time. That's certainly not bad. as most any taxpayer \viii tell you . -·---~---- Humphrey's Tinie Runs .Out Inaugural Marks Pause Not End to Politi.cm Career WASHINGTON (UPI) -Alier more than two decades in the vortu of na- Uonal affairs, Hubert H. Humphrey's political Ume has run out. It la an occupational har.ard the vk;e president tried hard to avoid and probabb> will seek to remedy two years from now. The incti~Uons are that the In- auguration or Richard M. Nixon as Pres1- dent marks not the end of Humphrey's public career but merely an unwanted lntmuptioo. . · Pel'IOIW close to the vice preaident, e•en some who traveled with him to Norway on bis last miaaioll abroad. con- tend Humphrey has talked little about hi> penowoJ political pi... 5ince NW>n defeated him. Both Builders But they say there ls a definite chance Humphrey will run for l!)t Senate tn lflO and added UU:1t obviowlly no declaton has been made about a second race for the presidency in 1972 .. Humphrey's departure marks the end of 23 years as a public official -three as mayO'I" of MinneaPolis, 16 as senator, ~ four as vice preslient. But even without a lormal portfolio, Humphrey remains the titular leader of the Democratic party and therefore the ranking, active Democrat. The 57-year-old ·vice p r e s i ci e n l , normally hyper active, bas already map- ped out a busy schedule for his im· mediate future. M SOOD ta Spiro T. Agnew becomes Christiana Board Agrees To Acquire Byron Lasky LOS ANGEL&5 -Directors of the Ch:ristianl Oil Corp,, developers of Hun- tington Harbour, announced Monday that Chri!tiana bas agreed in principle to acquire all outstanding stock of the Byron Lasky Co. in exchange for an undisclosed number of Christian• shares. four major housing developments currently are under way and three more are scheduled to start within eo days. Byron H. Lasky, president and chief executive officer of the Lasky company, is upected to become a Christiana ex- ecutive. Christiana President Martin Fenton Jr. said Lasky recorded in e1cess of ;.s million in sales during the sil months vice president, Humphrey plans 1 one- week vacation with his wife before begin- ning hi.a: new, many-faceted career. He will take up residence in a house provided by the set.col at MacAlaster College in St. Paul, Minn., where he will teach political science. He will divide his educational endeavors b e .t w e e n MacAJasler and the University ol Min· nesota He also has been named to the board of Encyclopedia Brittanica. ln addiUon, Humphrey pl&M . very shortly to hit the lecture circuit, speaking to college groups, organizalkm, and associations and at fund-raising dinners dellin<d lo wipe out the huge party deficit run up in the e1ectk>n. Humphrey•1 base will be in Minneapolis but he plans to keep an office U. Waahington -courtesy of the govern- ment for the first six months -and keep his apartment tn the capital clty. Aides say "that Humphrey's dejection al losing the election "comes and a:oes'' but tbey' add that "he does. not seem to be depressed. He ls in good bilmor and spirits." Hum;brey considers the major ac- com~llJhmenta of the JohnsoD-Humphrey admizUstration to be the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 11165 Voting ll!ihla Act, the 1968 Housing Act, the landriiark education legislation, the poverty programs, and conservation of the environment. The biggest regret wu the inability of the administration to achieve peace in Vietnam although Humphrey feels the mechanism for peace has been put in motion by the administration. MOVING UP THE LADDER New Cept. Rudd PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN Firefighter D•luc• LA Promotes Huntington Fire Officers to Captain Timothy .R. Deluca and Merlin E. Rudd, both of Huntington Beach, have been promoted to captain in the Los Angeles Fire Department. The promotion of DeJuca and Rudd , announced by Los Angeles City Fire Chief Raymond M. Hill, Is elfecUvt lm· mediately . Trouble is that all of us are \Vorried about whose ox is about to be gored. The Garden Grove consultants say something like $150,000 per year could be saved by combining departments and squeezing out the fat. The ~ky organization builds home! in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counlie!. A spokesman for the firm said 'Professional' Recreation Class Slated at -GWC - ending Dec. 31. . Included in the acquisition, said com· pany spokesmen, will be the Lasky firm's interut in Christiana Western Structure, Inc., recently formed by Chrlstiana and Lasky to produce low-cost housing units. Take Note, Musicians: Deluca, 6182 Christy Drive, has been assigned to command Fire StaUon' No. 3 in central Los Angeles. Rudd, 22091 Capistrano Lane, will command Fire Slat.ion No. 2 in East Los Angeles. The city has 107 fire stations. The two Huntington Beach men qualified · for their promotions in com· petition with 600 other Los AnJ:ele1 firemen. L wonder how much fat there 1nighl be in the city staff ,in Hun- tington Beach. I suspect the city has -on the payroll-about three times as many people as the general pubUc thinks necessary. and only about one-third as many as Doyle Miller feels he could use profitably. * -. Huntington Beach-is involved in a survey o( all positions and job df'SCriptiQns will Qe written so that every ernploye ean get the salary his job commands. It is a long and involved labor and is being coriduCtecr by a group of manage- ment. or at least personnel experts outside the city government. While they hope to be less con- troversial than the group in Garden · Grove , I predict they will be run out of city hall if they ever suggest paying employes what they are \~'Orth . ''Recreation leadership," a cciurse designed for those currently employed in the recreation field will be offered l:>E:ginning Feb. 3 for the spring semester of Golden Wets Evening College. Sam Migliazzo, director of t h e \Yestminster Recreation and Parks Department, will teach the course. Classes will meet from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Tuesdar.i in room 102 of Marina High School. The course win deal with processes, techniques, facts. and theories of leadership as they api,>IY to individuals. grou'ps, the leader and agencies, whether public or private. Methods of ·planning, organizin& con· ducting and evaluating recreation pro- gi:ams will also be studied. Open regislration for the classes will be held from 5:30 p.m. lo & p.m., Jan. 2.2-30 in the Golden West' College Center. l • t' l' ' ~ I ' ,.._ • ,.. . -~· i ;. • \ f ' ,,. . ~ f ' I i • ' . Christiana recently purchased J ,800 acres in San Diego County. The com· pany's revenues in the fi6Cal year ending last.June 30..were $7 .4 million~ _t;ollege Band Needs You . Pair to Compete For Academics Solon Asks Home ,Rule at SF State SACRAMENTO (AP) -Assemblyman John Burton (0-San Francisco) an- nounced Sunday he would sponsor legisla- tion to give "home rule" lG San Fran· cisco Slate College, his alma mater. He said the measure provides for an independent San Francisco State govern-.• ing board of seven appointed by the governor from a list or 21 prepared by San Francisco supervisors. This board would take over all---poWer~ now held by the State Co)lege Board of Trustees at San Franciscd State, Burt.on said. "The issue is home rule versus absentee political control,,. Burton said. " ', ~ .. " ' ( \ ,. -' ' . . "' l . . \.. \ ~· I •• f ' •. Remember that old musical lnsirument you stored some years ago? Why not dust it off and spend an evening a week playin& for fun and enjoyment with the Golden West College Concert Band suggests Tom Hernandez of the music department. The concert band will meet from 7·lD p.m .. Wednesdays in room 102, under the direction of Hernandez, college band director. It is part or the Golden West Evening College program. Anyone from high school lo senior citizen with any type of instrument may join. LaSt fall semeiter 30 musicians signed up for the band. By next fall Hernaodei hopes to build it up to 60 members. Registration for the band is currenUy being conducted from S:30 p.m. to a p.m. in the Golden West College Center. Persons whose las~ name begins with (' . ,. ' ; .t ' ·-i. '• ' .. --' 1''·K may register today (Jan. 14); I,.Q, Jan. IS andi R·Z, Jan. 16. Open registra- tion for all persona will be held Jan. 22-30. DRIVE TO HONOR KING REVEALED NEW YORK (UPI) -A nation·wide drive to have congress and the President designate the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as the nation 's fir st Negro hero was an™*1!ced Sunday b:y the Rev. Ralph D. Abemath,y. , . Abernathy, who succeeded King as · president or the Southern Christian Leadership· Conference, said at a Harlem news conler~nce that he hopes Congress· will set aside Jan, IS, King 's birthday, as a national holiday. TwQ 51arina High School seniors have been selected by Represintatlve Craig Hosmer, 32nd Con&rt3Sional District, to compete for openings in one of tht' three U.S. military academies. Gary E. Murphy, 910 Fathom Ave., Seal Beach and Cr ant H. Tucker, fi052. Dagny Circle, Huntington Beach, are among 21 high school seniors Hosmer has certified to compete for academy openings in July 1~9. Hosmer explained he is using the congressional t:11mpetitive method rather than choosing 11. prineipal and an alternate cindldate lot aCademY Open- ings. In this manner each of tbe 21 boys will receive an equal chance to enter based on their schola.sUc achievements: in high school. l ' i • 'to> • • l'J . •l fl"' . c.t"-~._v ..•. ,. •• t . ' " • . ~. , . l ' .,, .• t ·'· i . ,, ·• i ' ~' .. ! ' ,-·~·J :• ~~·7~•-~ .,, '' l j . .,, .. ·-· .. :_., ,.1 .~.·~--· •C ' '·' • + " ..• ' , ! . • . ; ; Fl·NAL·\ .'-STOCKS! ·. . . . ·,_. ....• . ~ I .... . ......... .. ................ ; . i . .. 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They will offer a one-·year contract to the girl who comes closest to the ideal measurements 1 of . 48-%~ They call the whole campaign 1 '0peratlon Uplift." • Milwaukee Firem1n Clarence Hi1rditon may well have urged his fellow smoke-eaters to go easy with the axes when they fou ght a fire in en unoccupied house. The house be- longed to Hardison. • After watching the New York Jets upset the Baltimore Col ts 16-7 in the Su~r Bowl Game in Miami on television, New York Goo. Nelson A. Rockefeller umted little timt in dilpatcho- i ng a telegram to Vice Presi· dent-elect Spiro T. Agnew, the former governor of Maryland. "Dear Ted," &aid the telegram. "You can't win them all." • Prof. Hannn Mayer, 47, won a Juel from 27-year old student leader Sepp Bieler in Vienna. The weapons were Finnish C.l'O!S coun- try skis, used on a 25-mile course 1elected by Mayer. After finishing irst, Mayer said he had wanted to •give Bieler time to think about vhat he wrote" about the profes~ or, who considered it insulting. • A Soviet woman has filed a com· 1laint with Moscow police that her 1eighbor's rooster breaks into her rant every morning and lures her tens next door to lay their eggs, ~ccording to the Soviet newspaper zvestia. A long-postponed wedding finally IOt off the ground Saturday w h e n !haron McCar tney married Stuart tw &ell, crewman on lhe captured ntelligence ship Pueblo. lJere the ttw Mrs. RusseU gets a big kiss f rom :mdr. Lloyd Buch£r after the cere· tony at the Naval Hospital chapel in Ian Diego. • A little snow doesn't bother the hrifty selectmen of Nantucket, an stand town oU Massachusetts but m unnecessary expenditure of tax noney -that's something else. ~ake the word of Wiiiiam E. Post Ir. for that. As Nantucket Public Vorks Director he called out the ending and sno\vplowing crews tter a tw.;incb snow. The select- oen fired him. lsrael'·s J!IWSALEll (AP) -Primo Milllll<r Levi Elbtol uld today be !wed - MU dJlrC<O ol an !Jradl mllllar7 buildup oa hntl'a ...,.._ w~ btlllli lnYenled qllo. 5uch charges p.-.s lhe Aral>-laraell war of 1967. In a 1peech to the Knesset, Iarael'1 Parllamei!~ deallnC prin<lpolly wlth the Fr<l1Ch """" embargo against larael, Eabkol luhed oul at Parll lor saying ll bed Imposed the embargo to averl expa-olthe Middle Eut eonOlcl. Eahkol -that Ptt.sldenl Charleo de Gaalle'1 -bad said II helped Jenuilem ualll en aggrao!ve !Mad ·-llnt., Gov. Reagan ' Appoints Two UC Re gents SACRAMENTO (AP) -A baseball club owner and an electronics company ei:ecuUve become Gov. Reagan's third and fourth dlrect appointees to the University of California Board of Regents. The Republican governor announced Monday the selection of Robert 0. Reynolds, president of the California Anegeles baseball club, and Dean A. Watkins, a Palo Alto elecfronics firm executive, to serve out the unexpired terms of two regents who resigned. Watkins replaces H. R. Haldeman who resigned Friday. He has been named a key aide on the White House staff of President-elect Niion. Haldeman wu appointed by Reagan. Reynolds will fill out the term or Samuel B. Mosher, a regent since 1956 who has been unable to atteod meetings for two years becall!e of poor health. Both Watkins and Reynolds are Republicans. Watkins, 46, a former professor at Stanford University, was oqe of the founders in 1957 of WatkiJls..Johnson Co .• a Palo Alto electronics nianufacturing company. Last year he was named a trustee of Stanford. Reynolds, 54, was president of Golden West Broadcasters, which operates a group of radio stations, for 16 years before he sold his interest last August to devote full time to the Angels baseball club. A part owner of the Angels he also is a vice presiddent of the 'Los Angeles Rams football club. LBJ Expected To Talk Tonight In Broad Terms WASHINGTON (AP) -President J.ohnson is e:s:pected to outline his analy- SIS of the State of the Union in broad terms tonight a n d defer recommenda· tions for specific legislation to his suc· cessor. Close assoclata of the outgoing Presi- dent say the ooJy exception in his fare- well address to a joint session of Con· gress. and to the nation via television and radio, will be to recommend that the 10 percent income tax surcharge be ex- tended. By doing so he can include the $13 billion annual revenue produced by the surcharge in his budget for fiscal 1970, a thus show a small surplus when he sends his la.st breakdown on government spending to Congress Wednesday. Johnson and Presi'dent-elect Nixon have been maneuvering for two weeks over the issue of extending the tax, ap- proved for one year by Congress as a check on an overheated economy a n d due to expire June 30. The President, reported to believe th at the tax was still needed to combat in· flation. tried to get Nixon to join him In a public statement advocating extension. Nixon who had criticized the tax sur- charge during the campaign, demurred. Pr~mier Lashes •1'hls la a new v...i. o1 &be mm. dacloul libel lnvenind lo Mq -- Sovlel RUllla alleged we bad - cenlratod troops "' our northern bortler for aureuloo." Eahkol lald. "It -...n be that this 1i,me.1 of lmaglnaUao broughl oo larjHCale EllJIJ>llan troop caocentrallon1 end dras- ged the entire reg.Ion to the abyss of war. "I fear thal a new· libel of WI kind b now bein& invented... Some Arab capU.alJ have accused the Israelis of muaing troops cm the Jordanian and Lebanese -· And Soviet diplomata ' have also warned of a poaible laraeli allad<, ~ to pmt ftparll pob~ h<r9. ... 'l1lt prime -said aey-•1r1tnr to handicap our strq1h II ac- 1ually hurting the prospOcts fpr peace lo the Middle Eut." "Our atrtngth. to avtrt any blow dtall u11, ts the finest iuarantee for peace," he added. He again hll al crttlca of !Jrael'•, relallal.ory commando aitack on Beirut lnternaUaoat Airport. "We are deaJ.tns with a double atandard of m«allly according to which forelp properly oulweJahl our blood In value," he said. "II lum.o a bllod eye to the bu!< Johnson Meets Strikers fad tblt leltO.:llm ti I tDftbod of warfue wqed 117 o u nno1m11-1a1 warfare wqed 117 "" ~ qainll ... and that <lt1rlol .... It la ... concelyallk to ouUtw *1f-dd-. "ii may be llftty usumed thal the PMnch embargo decWon wu linked to Bdnit oo1y for the Ute of arpmenl and 11 doel not convince nor make sense." Meanwhile the Arab. otatet art pltn- nloi to tight.en thelr !"year economle boycoU ol Iarael end foffi&n flnna thal do bualneu with the Jewlsb tlale, a opokmnan .. 1c1 'l\ot!day. Bui be did not announce what acUon would be talen. Mohammad M 1 h Job, -er u,., ........ President Johnson said early goodbyes Monday to a group of Associated P ress employes who·c<;ivered his days in the White House. The members of the Wire Service Guild, on strike against the AP, were outside the AF!rCIO building where Johnson made a presentation Monday. With the President are (left to right) Francis Lewine; Chic Harrity, Robert Schutz, Harvey Goerges (with fur hal) and Bob Dougherty. ·'Old Creepy~ Leaves Jail . 'Meane st Man Alive' Once Captured by FBI's Hoover STEILACOOM, Wash. (UPI) -Thirty. two years ago he was known as one of the meanest men a1ive, The G-men tagged him as 0 Public Enemy No. 1," and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover refer· red to him as a "rat." Today Alvin "Old Creepy" Karpis, was leaving McNeil Island Penitentiary at the age of 60, suffering from arthritis and described by prison authorities as mild mannered and friendly. Karpis, who ran with the notorious Ma Barker gang back in the early 1930s, wa& granted a parole from federal prison, where he has spent more than half his life, on condilion he leave the country. The U.S. Board of Parole said the Canadian government has agreed to permit Karpis to return to hi s native Montreal where he was guaranteed a job and a home. In the thirties, Karpis had vowed to kill Hoover , but the FBI chief personally arrested Karp is -the fltst time Hoover, himself, arrested anyone . Hoover was in New York on Aprll 30, 1936, when he got word that Karp\s was holed up in a Canal Street apartment in New Orleans. The FBI chief flew there with a force of agents and closed in on Karpis' hideout in the French Quarter. When Karpls came out and got into his car, Hoover moved in quickly on the driver'& side and grabbed the gunman before he could reach a rine in the back seat. Hoover ordered his agents to handcuff Karpis but no one had thought to bring any, so one agent used his necktie to bind Karpis' hands. Karpls wu: taken to St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. Sirhan: Shy, Sad Visitor at Son's Trial LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The hand ()f the small, sad-eyed woman shook as she signed for a red entry pass to the murder trial which may cost the life ot her son, Sirhan B. Sirhan. "fr:s. Mary Sirhan, mother of the man accused of the assassination of Robert F . Kennedy, hu missed legal pro- ceedings agalnst her 24-year-old son only once -last Thursday when attorney• advised her the session would be brief. whe re he was convicted of coospiracy ln the 1933 IUdnaping of WJlliam Hamm Jr., of the Hamms brewery family. Karpis was .sentenced to life im· prisonment. Although Ute kidnaplng rap was the only one Karpis was stuck with, he was accused of partici pating in numeroull killings during bank holdups and payroll robberies in the Midwest, South and Southwest. Mo,st of Karpis' escapades came after he had joined forces with the infamous Kate "Ma" Barker and her four killer sons , whom she had groomed for a life of crime. Karpis had met the eldest son, Fred, Jn the Kansas state prilon at Lansing where Karpis was confined after he had escaped from the state rtfonnatory in Hutchinson. His original conviction was for tire theft. 'The score of the Barker·Karpi1 gang included mort than $500,000 in bank loot, $100,000 in ransom from the Hamm kidoaping and $200,000 in ransom from the kidnaping of Edward E. Bremer, 50n of a wealthy St. Paul banker. "Never be taken alive," was Ma B~'s edict to her sons. t.1a stuck to her guns and her motto and after a six-hour gun battle with FBI agents who surprised the gang in the predawn fog on Jan. 17, 193S at Oklawaha, FJa., Ma and Fred wen dead and another son, Arthur, was captured. Storm Anchored Off Coast "She'll come as often as she can," her son Adel, 30, said Monday. Mrs. Sirhan sat quietly in the baC!k row of the fortress-courtroom, (lanked by her youngest son, Munir, 21, and Adel. Her elder sons, Saidallah and Sharif, have yet to appear in court. But "Old Creepy" got away and fled north w I t h Harry Cambell, another notorioua ouUaw, and two girl friends. Karpls avoided enother FBI trap lo Atlantic City, N.J ., and M>me members of Congress publicly criticized Hoover. Temperat ures ·-Andlor•ff 141111 l •• l"rlt. SJ a1 111 ·Ill .. " 1• 111 " .. " " 21 1! Tr ,, ll 71 1CI Tr A short, heavyset woman who wears her wispy, graying hair in a tight bun and dresses in unfashionably Jong skirts, she has shied from newsmen. But Mon- day she told a woman reporter she hoped to attend each session of the trial. Cops from New Jersey to California wet'e advised to 0 shoot first and ask questions later'' 1f they crossed trails with Karpis. But Hoover and his agent& didn't follow that advice and the arrest ol. Karpis silenced criticism of Hoovu'a prowess as a gqbuster. Soldiers Gaulle ,...,.11 ol the Arall tacue'• lloycotl J&rael --~ aald In Domucus, Syria, that m<alUrU "lo pq the PPI lo the alege" are lo tho olllag. lie SI.kl they would be •Pfl'ffed at a coo- f.....,. In Qaiar Jan. 20. Cutmlll)' on the MU black list are firml that have main or branch factories Jn Iarael ; '"firms that bold th&reJ In J.rraell busJne11e1 : firms that render cooKniclunf « technleat aid to IM..U industry; flnns aearclllng lor ll&lural resources ln J1rael; banks that do more busJneu in Israel &ban In Arab 1ta1e1, end ti-that pve the Jiibl lo UM mun... trde markl « pal<Dla to Iaraell cmcerlll. 10,000 Leave Homes After Big Oil Leak LIMA, Ohio (UPI) -A pipelln< brea~ poured tbousandl of 1allons of fuel oil into the etreeta aDd sewers of Llm1 laie Monday. A $200,000 fitt deetroyed the sewage disposal plant and minor uplosiom rocked the sewer system, but the threat of wkfespread fire damage wu averted. A policeman suffered minor facial burna, but no one else: was known to have been Injured. About 10,000 persons -4,000 adults ' and 6,000 children -were moved out of a US-block area along the route of the sewer line principally Involved in the flood of on. They were waiting today for the word to return to their ix.n ... Olllclals of the Buckepe Pipellne Co. said a fl.Inch fuel line burst at about 4:30 p.m. Monday, spewing-oil-under pressure Into the streets. A spokesman estimated that at least 8,000 gallons -an hour'• normal flow -escaped before the line could be shut down. Lakea of highly volatile oil six inches deep and a block Jong fonned in some places. Mayor Christian Monis proclaimed a lllale. of emergency and pul all firem"1, p6licemen ·and other city employes on roond-the-clock duty. Firemen flushed the oil into the sewer whlle policemen Informed residents of the danger and led them from their homes. Gov. James Rhodes called out the S men of the Ohio National Guard'1 140th Division to aid in clearing the thrutened area and to guard against looting. The on in the sewers somehow caught fire, causing a number of minor ex- plosiom that mushroomed into a roaring fire at the sewage disposal plant on the banks of the ottawa River. National Strike Of Oil Workers Nearing Solution DENVER (UPI) -A nationwide. strike of more than 50,000 oil refinery workers moved Into its 11th day today with 1igns that the walkout, the. first major oil strike since 1952., may be nearinl an end. The OU. Chemical and Atomic Workers Internat.ional Union (OCAW) reported about l,000 of its members had returned to work at UnJon-Pure Oil Co. planta at Wilmington and Oleum, Calif .. after accepting a new contract agreement. Striking workers also headed back: to their jobs at the Beacon Oil Co. in Hanford, Calif. Other Union-Pure plants With 1,500 striking workers also were expected to return to normaJ operation by week's end. Tbe UnJon-Pure agreement, union of- ficials &aid, involved an "added cash income equivalent to an average lncre.ase of &t.6 cents per hour" over a tw&year period. The terms of the Beacon Oil pact were. not announ~. OCAW members, who make about $3.85 an hour, had been holding out for a 72-cent an hour wa1e increase along with additional fringe benefits when they began their walkout Jan. 4. Some 4.1$ OCA W loc als negotiate direcUy with variow: firms throughout the United States. The strike has afietted 25 states, but has hit Texas and California hardest. -the two stat.es with t.be bulk of the union members. on Pot? Afl•nl• a 11mtrU ... " I Ol!ort ChlC-Cl!ltlnMll Clrvtlu-.1 ,,,_, Du MolMI Otll'Olt £1118:1 . " H n '' 10 n u ·" "My son has not asked me to be here, but I know in my heart J C!OUkt not be anywhere else," she said in her strongly act"ented voice. he.r piercing dark eyes searchini to be sure she was understood. Most of Those Ousted Used I t Coastal ()\ltt'CMI win! llCU•~I '11owtr1 f11t°""'*1t the .,.,_ todn. Wlndl .... ,.,.,..._""1\1, 11 • .. "'·"·"· TCJdly'1 "" ..... U te K Yt1i.ni..'f'1 '-'"'"" r I 11 I' Ill '""" • """ " " to • low of ... 111-i....... ~tu .. "'"" .. , SI "' 4 , ""' ••lw ........... 1\1.. ••• SJ .... ·-g.,.., . Jtl-, T W e• TVIUD.t.l' ~h1911 1171.111.I • a-(! low 11;#1.r• .. 1., WlfOMlf.SO.l.Y ,.,,, hlfll .... ,.. ,:01 I "I. •.J ""'''°" .......... l·J1p,'"·'· ~ lllttl . .. .. ...... I : It •·""· l .1 M.-..... J:t1 •• m. hfl. l :M 11.fl'I. '"" ..... t :lf '·"'· ..... ·i~ ...... . ..... ,..,.., .. ,..,, ....... o. J.., II J•"· U ,..._ t Ill.._ 10 • ., s ........ .,, .._ "'" '--tvf9 •n!MI ,,.,. dloo'llll eff Wnl'llNIOn .. , kftlli,_ rel,..._. '*'--fllMldl ., ""' Pedflc C091! T...sn. 01W 111w1 •I-'ht E111tt,,, '"°""' ol 11w Nortl" ,,,, Rortlft ""~ doll"" l'telV'I' ...... In "" Plllnt •!lit . S-tl'ld t1ln ••• felll,,. ovtr Wt1 ...... Weth&MIOl't •lltt 1..-o lflctoa of MW -,_,.., el Oullt1Y'Ule on ,..,. Not11'tem c-• of "'-111~. 1111n ""'-" Wllft ,_ .. ""' """ .......... !1ln1 1'11 ,_ !tit °'"°" •rid Ci t\. '°4'ttl1 (O.Jil 11'111"111 la Ar!ron.1 t ttd W~Jl1!,,, Monll "'• A 1111 .... 1-wtldl "''' J.-llfd tor (ffllrl! N~llrflltl. 8-.cttllH,,. ''"'"'r1ture1 ltDI" Ille 1'>11 .. ll(lllr 111111 O¥tr C.nlll1 (IHlll,.. ut'd •t•OH muctt of "" E••""1'1 lle!I ol ,,.. llel!ort. l-•tvr.1 ...... ~ kwr "'"' It! ltortfll1ll WI~ erld tiei-'tie ''"''"' -ni •• l•r aouffl •1 Norll'llnl ,IOrlda. Fort Wortlt ,_ ..... H-11.>ltJ ·-~ ....... , (l!y l .. VeNS Lo. A1111tlft Ml...,I lt•d'I Ml""-'*" M'-"'11• Hew 0.-... ,.. _v .. """"' °""'"' P1w Ret.""1 ~ll1dellll'll1 -· t>ltl1bur'9fl . ..,..., RIPld CJtv lt..i 11run ·-...,_. SI. Loult S1llM1 !>4111 ltkt City ~1n Ole9o S.'1 F'...c:lt<o h11t1 ll1rblr1 S..llle .... OM '"'""'' W•..,,ltlt•on " n )4 a I.It H " ,, " " .. u " .w "' .)f .. u 1.!t 111 611 1."' " ,, " " .. " " .. SI Cl 1.11 " " $.I ., 1.11 " ,, .. " " " .. " " " " .. .. " " " ~ " ,, ,. -" ·" ... ..., 01 '° n .11 ~ •7 .)! St 5' 1,°" " " " .. " " H She said 1he was no longer employed at a church daJ nursery near her Pasadena home becl.u9e "I cannot be hen and IOIDewhere ebe at the same Ume." Adel and Munir said they too wtre unemployed and expected to attend moat sessions of the trial, which may ta.ke as long as thret months. Both men · Y•ere nattUy attired in sport coats aod ties. ltfuair wore sunglasses throu1hout the day. Mrs. Sirhan nodded to the defendant as he was brought into tourt after each recw. Each tlme he was seated he shifted In his ch11ir 11nd ca ught her ey e, grinning broadly and waving once. NEW YORK CUPI) -Nearly 90 per. tent ol the Army's couri-martlaled sokl.ltn aged 18 to 24 smoked mtrljuana before they entered the service • Delena:e Dcpartmenl spakesman disclosed in a letter made public today. Fronk A. Bartlmo, chairman of tho ~ Departmenl'a dro& abuse control -mlttee, said in a loller to McCall's magutne thal marijuana smottnc 117 service penoooe1 la "a maller ol serious concern." ''Statistlcs pstalninc to servkt men In the Il-2f age group, court-martlaled for military ofl ..... and undergoing COi'• rectional training by the Army, reveal that 85-90 percent had smoked marijuana prior to thdr e:ntry into lhe 1rmed forces.·• Bart1mo said. "Howtva-," he. added, t•Uke Lhe vast majority of Unit ed States high school and college 1ludents, the vast majority of American service penonne.1, in Viet- nam or elsewhere, do not use mari- juana." "Nonetheleu, thfl u.. of marijuana by bowe¥er lflW HrVict personnel I• a malta' ol aerlous coocem to the Deportment ()( llefenae." BarUmo -. "for no military atabllalnnen~ where aecurily la alwa)'I vitally crltlcal, ml relylni u tt does oo the team conctpl, can cbance b\vtng: one team member e\l'en momentarily mentally unbalanced through the use of any dangerous drug." Bart.Imo al!tO pointed out In his letter that the root of the problem "Is 1 reflection of a national social Ill" and not Just ooe alfectlng mtmbers of the armed for<es. -. -----------·-.,.-----------------·--------------------------=-=~- I • I W: T .... """"" 14, 1969 DAILV l'JLllT $ . - DISEOUNTS ARE IN STYLE ... EVERYDAY AT FAD ~.~ PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY thru TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 thru 21 • • U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF FEATURING OUR OWN "TENDERFUL" BEEF GUARANTEED TENDER AND FLAVORFUL U.S.D.A. CHOICE • BLADE CUT CHUCK . ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE • LARGE EYE STANDING RIB ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE, • FULL CUT ROUND~­ STEAK U.S.D.A. Cl:iOICE • TAILS REMOVED T -BONE OR CLU.B STEAK . 19 LEAN -•· DEPENDABLE QUALITY -• FRESH GROUND BEEF FARMER JOHN OR LUER • 1-LB. PKG. SLICED BACON; lb STORE-HOURS: DAILY: 10 A.M.·To' 9 P.M. SAT •• SUN. ro A.M. TO 7 P.M. FAD • 1-LB. PKG. c SLICED lb BACON U.S.D.A. CHOICT'• BONELESS ·c - lb SHOULDER CLOD EASTERN QUALITY • FAMILY PACK C SLICED 1& Pork Loin c u.s.o.A. GRADE A • WHOLE BODY FRYING CHICKENS . u.s.o.A. GRADE A • FRYING CHICKEN PARTS :~::s NO STAMPS • NO GAMES • NO GIMMICKS • JUST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES plus 4 STAR SPECIALS! LI u. • 4 STAR Sl'KIALS are extra aaving1 made possible by special pur· cha•• from the manufacturer and pou.d an ta yau everyday. • 5PRINGFIELD 20-0UNCE • DELMONTE • ZEE • A-PACK SWEfT AS SUGAR o LOADED WITH VITAMIN C ~~~~GES 1 o~ --· • CH~U~HEDDAR HAif MOON 4-9( 10-.W.~KG, 1uctt ~!!c" VITNl.1"' STWEAET N. EGASYE·TOL·PEOEL s 1 oclb. FULL Of FLAVOR o ZIPPER-SKINNED 6~s1 00 TANGERINES ............... s fLORIDA o RUBY RED o JUICV ~ 2:25c GRAPEFRUIT .................. .-:-~-I 1 \\-LB. PACKAGE 48' ZAHIDI DATES .................... .. $EHSATION"I. VALUE e AflllCAN VIOLETS A-INCH •131 POT rino c;ROWN • NO. l • lAllEIOOT ' • UI. ORY BA ·N~-1.19 DIODORANT \·~;-·6.6( .,, 98o BAGGED Vegetables SAVI 23 lOc ( 1.P•AI CQf'IN e ••ANI ' • MIX•D VIG, • PACIFIC 20.0I. IAG SAVE 10c COOKIES APRICOT TOILET NECTAR TISSUE ~:29c s:~E 29( • l·LB. CAN • SAYE le SHORi1ENlNG 7 7 ~ 40-0Z. BOX ..___. ------- BISQUICK l>GAUC!N •fAMllVPACIC 59 -. · 41 FO.REMOST C ·s::E • · -C ICE CREAM ~:~e SANTAANA : 120 SO. lllSTOL AT WAINEr. COSTA MESA 2200 HAllOl &VD. AT \lllUON \ I .. ' I I ' I 1 ! I J • I I • I • -. -·-------~---·----,.:.....!-.... ,; -.-._· ... ' -.. · ... --.· ""------:--. --... ,.,_.,.._ -. ' ,--I DAILY PILOT ·miToBLU PAGE] • • • • • • • Lesso.n Race Relations • • .. • .. •· • • Wbot better way to learn what Negroe. think about race relatiooJ tbao to lalk to \lleDl about It? • ·• • • • Newport Harbor HlCb Scbocil faculty had the Initia- tive and the gumption to arrange lor some high school 1ludents to do just that last week • M a result, the atudentl. their schools and indeed the Orange C o a s I area at large, had ao Invaluable learning e•perlenc< . • • • • • • • • • • • · Out of some sbock, some outrage, some bruised feelings and some badly shaken idealism bu to come a new grup of the scope and the depth of the problem of racial relations . • • • • • • There ls oo greaJer problem our young people will have to cope with aod llvt with -and hopefully , .. aolve -during their adult lives . Twenty-five students from Dorsey High School in Los Angeles aod some b l a c k nattonalist spokesmen were brought to ourly all-white Newport Harbor High for frank discussion of the racial problem with sludent.s from Harbor and Estancia highs . • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' > -• Prepared though they were for hostility and -rough going, the while students -and ~acul~y -got m~re than they bargained for. Black nationalists spoke with- out inhibition. Then the black students began io·spill out with unmistakable feelings and vehemence their di sgust \vi th what they said they considered another exercise in tokenism -discussion they felt was merely designed to sal ve the white students' conscience but not to fire them to action . • • .. > • • -• • " The confrontation was most revealing of just ho\Y wide and deep the racial gap has become in this coun- try. Black nationalism with its overtones of black power, and -yes -violence, c 1 ea r l y has taken a strong hold among you ng Negroes in Los Angeles and undoubtedly in the cities across the nation . ~ ~ • • • The young Negroes made it clear they aren't likely to respond to mere profession:: of good will They de- mand lo be shown . , v • ff ninterested " • .StJ.tdents vs. • l:Jissidents > ., ~ I: high school history teacher wa!l safing the other day lhat he wished h~d a few "trouble-makers" in hi:ii; clMs. The problem with most of my ki<=." he said, "is that they're too J>a1Sive and uninterested. They don·t seem to bave any particuJar values at a1i.::• r· th ink he i!l right, and we ought to M grateful for our dW:ident students in Jhe colleges -who, after all, are deeply concerned wilh values and goals, cvl't if they don 't happen to be the \•alies or goals. of the Establishment. • '1HE GREAT MAJORITY or students ::iri.. not so much dutiful as they are un~ncerned. Most or them are disen- chii!led wilh the educational and social strt:f.ure they have grown up in, but th~ aren't looking for ways to reform or 'Improve it -they live in a moral anlintellectual void, trying to gel decent gr~es and then a satisfactory job. tit that isn't enough these days. \Vt.lever the faults of the college tlisi1dents -and there are plenty - ther.. at least recognize that time is ru~g out on the world. that it is not~a\ist.ic mereJy to reject old stan- da"5 without proposing some positive subtt.itutions. To make no choice. as \Vima_m James said long ago, is itseU a cOoicr. • ~E OF THE Establishment leader!! v.-l10io aeems to understand what Lhe col· leg~ rebels are expressing is Edward r:. ~her, president of McGraw·Hill, \\'h<f"'remarked recently; • • • Dear Gloomy Gus: It seems that our system or educa· Uoo i.s wrq wheo 1tudents: in state' colleges make demands on the authorities elected and ap- pointed by the people rather than peaceful protests and suggestions for improvements. -E. M. Tlll1 ... hlrt Nfl9dt ,....-,. "'-' 111r ~-rJOt fMM .r ""' -IHr. SH• ~ Ml -It .._T ... Otb Pli.t. ''I believe that they {college !llude.nts) are questioning the basic vaJue,,, or rather the lack of vaJuea on the part of many, if not most. buslneimnen or my generation, other than the usual regard for growth and profits. It i!l, in my opinion, our failure as bus:inessmr:n to rerognize and emphasize individual rights and the need to improve the quality ol society that closes channels of commwllcation between us and the generation whose support we need and must have." WHETHER WE aiuee or disauee with the dissenter!!, it is a fa ct that they cart about society, about the future, about war and poverty and. prejudice. Thtir tactiCJ may be distressinJ. or their solution!! wrong, but they are fill in' a vacuum that no other serment of society i!l concerned with. IL i!l un to us to channel their enerJV and ideali!m into productive oath!, not to sneer, to acorn, or to shut them up. Our rul threat comes from the unin. volved, lhe di.!engal!'ed. the blank~~·ed students who simply go throuvh !he motions of C<lnforming and belie\'e nothing -who cynically reject the values of the past without embracinl!' any stan· dard for the future except !l:1fety. secur!- lv and self·satisfacUon. 11ils spirit i.~ treason to the American dream. ; Revisions in Medi-Cal • • ~ ~ By JAMES E. WllETMORE ~ Semior : lit) Dbtrid • Tf history of the Medi-Cal program, the ~te 's own heall.h Catt: plan, tw beetwrought with problems almost from its J11Ception . The plan is a good one, but-from tJmt' to lime has needed "shak· ing :down'' and revised to make It ll'OrllabJt'. T~ late st of these revisions is the rs~lishment of a new system in ~tedi· t:at ' administration. and we expect tha t le=n on other plans will be in- Ir early this session. T;s new plan has been designed for 11''0.pllrposes; to cul out, or at least rJowt. >On the chiseling , and to reduce the ..workload for county we If are tlepf!'tmenl!, which detennines the quamtcat.ions or !host apptyln.g for Medi- cal.• • N", EA.CU prrson eligible will rc.ctM'e a book of fivr identi ficaliltn cards l:;iu!I each monlh. Th15 replaces lhe idenifJcation card. Under this system. lhc ~yaician or o~r providtr of ~ delacbf.I one of the identiflcaUoo rorre. •nd attaches ll to his claim. A~ • penon UleS the first four ""'E' he may rtlain the final (onn and nt it for other ten•)ceg during lht: th. In thia cue, U>e provider ma his clf,1m to the couoty w~fare tfePl'(Jnent ror certlBclUon Of eliglblUty bolo& h Ir fmfarded for P81"'•nl. TIW, the direct« of health care ~ for the tll&e 1111. will enable oouiiu: to be aware of ttdpierdl who l f"f' 1).cavy Ulen a( taVk:e and Yerlfy uWince of genulnt need. • THll NEW !\'STEM lhould ""'""" I i \ lhe chance of making duplicate payment~ and also increase the audit capabilities or the fiscal intermediaries. Thrtt fiscal intt':rmediarie.s with con· tr1cts are responsible for rea!ipt, pay· menl. and audit of bills submitted by doctors, bospitala, nw11in1 homt':s, and other provMitrt of aervice . These are Blut Shield, Blue Cross North and Blue Cross South. The plan ls beins inaugurated in U counties, and ii expected to apread to other countiea during the year, coverln& some 300,000 recipients. AND ANOTHER plan, atarted nearly a year a.go aa a pilot study :imong 30,000 reciph1nts ol Me.di.C&J 11hould , ir proven micceasful, help allevlste some of lhe program's booUeepin& probltnu. ~ the atudy, a ll'OUP or docwn in the medical eocie:ty are contracting with the state to estabtuh 1 prepayment plan fot pbyaician serv.icu to ellJlble wtlfare reclpfents. The maLn feature or this proaram b Ille alltfllng cl' responolblllty for medicll cost atimates lO a private foun· datlon (the Socl•tl''• foundatlon for medk:1J care). ft b !hon up to the foundation to decide 001' much money will bt nttded to provldt medicRI servJces for lbc 30,000 recipient.a ln the four counties. Thls plan bu worked most auc· r:mfully, btcaute It has dlaccx.raged IO-Cllled "lunary'' medical ttrVtcea, pad· ded bllli, or dup/Jealt paymtnl>. Out of their heated words, their expressed cynicism and bitterness, came some sugg11Uona. for their young white counterparts. "Don't come to our community to help us •.. leave us alone ... Tum your efforta to root- ing oul prejudice in your own community, io yollt neighborhood." ObviOUJly, the 1ype of communication that deve- loped at the Harbor High session is hardly calculated to inspire brotherhood between the races. And yet it very well coutd be the beginning of racial wiadom on the part of the white students which .eventually wUI enable them to translate their idealism, good Intentions and desire for underttanding into practical action . The ultimate solution is not to leave the black man isolated. Certainly the black man must build pride in himself. But we need to be wary and concerned lest black oat!ooallsm become black separatism. That is not a workable long-term solution . On the other band, it seema clear that change must be encouraged in the white community a, well as in the ghetto. "Keep talking to your neighbor until yo u recondition him," the young Negroes told their white hosts. That advice would seem equaUy applicable for Negroes. Despite what seemed bitter and senseless rebufi to their well-meant efforts, Harbor High and the students \Vere tjght in making the attempt. Despite their harsh words, it had to be encouraging to the black students to see that white youth is deeply concerned. They ~ay have spoken disparagingly of what they beard, but aome of the good will behind it had to register. Before we cao begin to build a bridge -be tt or concrete and steel or a bridge of understanding -~'e rnurt know the width, depth and the n a t u r e of the chasm to be bridged. Twenty-five Harbor Area students now have had a first hand lesson from \vbich all of us can -and shoUld -profit. May Be Timed for lnaug11ration Viet Reds -Moun·ting Ne -w Assault - \VASHINGTON -The public ought le. know, it is said in the Johnson ad- mini!tration, that the NorUt Vietnamese are mounting another assault which may be timed £or the inauguration of Presi· dent Nixon. The purpose wouJd be to show that lhe COmmunisl! still have plenty of muscle and if Nixon wants peace he will have to make the com- promises necessary to get it; to wit. stuff an undesired peace down the throats of the South Vietnamese. Nixon, it is reasoned, may be faced with deciding on a re-e!Cala.Uon of the war rather than on some new peace offensJve. In any case, he ~·ill be com· pelled to issue directives to the American Vietnam command -Am.bass ado r Ellsworth Bunker and Gen. Creighton Abrams - spelling out the policy of the new administration. ANYONE WHO IS at all familiar with what Ambaaaador Bunker has regularly been reporting to President Johnson can- no~ doubt this skilled diplomat's con· viction that a weakening now of American will would be an historical disaster and a ludicrOUJ misjudgment of timing. Ambassador Bunker has always accented the positive in hi.5 voluminous reports to the President, no Jess than his predecessor, Henry Cabot Lodge. General Abrams is quite proud, and justifiably so, of hi! heavy bombardment and other tactics which spoiled Com· munist offensive operations in 1968 at a horrendous co.st to them. The story which is believed in the Johnson .ad- ministration is that the slaughter ha.s been awfuJ -some 200,000 Communists killed. IF TIDS IS SO, it is no wonder that tht old President's advisers, who are the new President's "team." have few qualm.s about continuing the war. At this level of killing the Communists come close to losing the equivalent of all their yo ung n1en coming or military age in a year. and that is so shocking as to invite disbelief. It may be reasonably concluded from the fact that Nixon is now relying on Bunker, Lodge and General Abrams lhat the newly formed dovish convictions of Deferue Sec. Clark M. CWford have not gotten through to the new President. This impression is further strengthened by the presence of Gen. Andrew Good· pailer in !ht': Nixon camp. , GENERAL GOO DP ASTER is General Abrams' deputy, and a former military adviser and staff assistant with President Eisenhower. The hawkish groups in the Johnson administration have been simply delighted by General Goodpaster's trip back from Vietnam to consult with the President-elect. But even more important than Nixon's choice of advisers is the improbability that the President-elect will malfe any significant move in Vietnam without con- sultiiig General Eisenhower. President .Johnson has been .meti<;u\ous io keep.ing General Eisenhower informed on Viel· nam, not just general lnfonnation but detailed tacticaJ and strategic in· formation with the aim o[ making General Eisenhower as well informed as the Joint Oriels of Staff. No weakt':ning of will about the Viet· nam War is noticeable in the ambulatory invalid at Walter Reed Hospital ; if Nixon does not know what to do he need!l only to pay another visit to the former commander·in<hiel. THIS QUESTION CAN be asked : Why, if the Communists have suffered so grievously in 1968, . are they preparing still another oftensive and moving in another 30,000 or 40,000 men? Why, after all their claimed reverses, do they con· tinually ask for more ? Or are we merely misjudging once again their ability to carry on this kind or warfare indefinitely and exaggerating the effectiveness o! our respame to it? Nixon will have to satisfy himself on these points, which are at the heart of the case made by Clifford against ll. continuation of the war, before he decides on a re-escalation. President's Salary to Be Doubled With the Inauguration of Richard M. Nixon as Presidenl of the Uniled States or. Jan. 20, the President's salary almost certainly will go from '100,000 1 year In $200,000. The Housr approved the rise on Jan. 6 by voice vote, with only a few audible no's. There was little debate. Speedy Senate approval was expected. President Johnson, who favors the rise, must sign the bill into law before the Inauguration. The salary of a President cannot be increased during hi s term of office. The salary of the President had been raised only three times since first set at $25,00C. a year for George Washington in 1789. The most recent rise wa.• 20 years ago, in lHB, when Congress in· creased Harry Truman's salary io $100,000 a year -from $75.000 -by an act be signed just beiore he enteffij his elected term. It was estimated that nearly '43,000 of the $100,000 v.·ould be taken by income lllt':!l. THE HOUSE majority leader. Rep. Carl Albert {D Okla.), noted during debate on the latest pay rise that "every President has had to reach into hi~ O\vn pocket to help pay expenses of office." He said be had bw1 told that President Truman "left the White House broke." Congress in 1789 stt the salary of George Washington al $25,800 a year. He hid no expense allowances. The salary of President Lyndon B. J ohnson "'AS $100,000 a year, plus 1 tax.£ret travel allowance of $40,000 a year, and a taxable offlcl1J allowance of '50,000 a year. It would be 1lmos1 impo.Wble to e.stimate President Nbon's lu obliga· Hom: under the $200,000 figure without knowing the! este.nt of his deduct.iom for federal Income tu: purposes and the amounl, ....... and timing of bis B11 George Dear George: Here ii 1 quarter. Are rou the columnist wbo bu the patt.ema? MRS. J. J. ~r fi.trs. J. J.: Boy , have I aot patterns! ThJnks for tht': quarter. J'll put it on my psychiatric bill. (My pcychlatriat ~ try!ni 14 rcmeczy my pottuns.) non-Official income rrom his law firm, investment.s, and other sources. BUT IT WOULD be safe to say that George Wl.':lhingtM'B official income - not subject to a federal incomt tax -meant more in terms of real money than Prtaident Nlxon's $200,000. The 1789 dollar was worth about four times the value of the present dollar, according to one government statistician. President Nl~on's federal tax liability could run as hiah as 70 percent of income or as low as, say 1 30 percent. He will, of course:. be subject to lncom!: tax imposed by the District of Columbia aM all other normal tax-levle.5. The ri!le in the President's pay is in line with the general recommendations of a commi.!sion established by Congress in 1967. President Johnson in his budget message lo Congress is e1pected to recommend other proposals of lhe com· mission, headed by Frederick Kappe.I, former board chairman of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. THE CO~ll'i1ISSION was not authoriz· ed. however, to consider the pay of the President and the Vice President. The Vice President now receives ,40,000 a year and a $10,000 allowance, botl\ tuable. The following salary levela are sug- gested: Member! of Con~, to $50,000 from "3,000; Cabinet member!l, to ,IP" 'lllilt HID I lilyT' $60,000 from $35,000; district judges , lo $47,500 from $30,000; AMociate Supreme Court Justices. to $65,000 from S39.500: the Chief Justice, to $87 ,500 from $40,000. Rules in Government Condemnations If ttle. eovmi.menl wants your property for some public use, the government may take it. But when that happens, you are enUUtd -under the Constitution -to "just compenaaUon'' for the loss. Unhappily, your notion of .. jug\" and the government's notion of "just" might be very different. When cltil:en and governmtnt can't get together on the price, what rules prevail! Almoat always, the test applied by the law ls "fair market value" -that is. the price your property would bring in a norm1l sale by 1 willing seUtr lo a willinc buyer. Tbi!l leaves out element! of value that art strictly personal to you. Tate I.his ......,, A HOME OWNE'll claimed »evtral thouaand doR1ra ror some shade trees. located on a strip of his l1nd condemned tor a hichway. Although the trees added little to the m1rket vatut of the property, the man pointed out that he had tlvtn tbtm tender lo•lnc care tor more tban 20 years. But the court donl'!f '°"'pensation for thl1 rpedal value, aaylnc: "The l1w slmply does not allow com· ptn.w.Uon tor aucb -Persontl feelings." Nor c1n you collect for future \'alucs that can be seeii only through rose-ail- ored g!8.S!e1;. In one case the owner of raw acreage tried to show the court how v~uabl~ , hi~ !and could be, some distant day, if it was subdivided and 801d for homt sllf!s. However, lbe court would not llStcn. M one jud,e put it . .. Ta pennit such evidence would con- vert an eminent domain proceeding into a iuesslnt contest.'' ON 11fE OTllEf\ htnd, you art tnUUed lo be paid for possibilities that ire rtaliatic -even K you yourself have not yet tried to re.allze thole pogslbilities. nm, a man owning lartd on a bualnea drfft won compenutlon for lta tncomc potential. even though he hJnue!f had only a houae on It The court said tM Income potenUal wu real enoush '° that a bl.Iyer woukf oomlder that e~t In makina an offu. I'n abort, the law seeks fl fair balance between the government, hoping to cut expenses, and the property owner, hoping to bit the jackpot. In the words or the United States Supreme Court : ''Compensation shall be just, not mere- ly to lhe individual whose property is laken but to the public 1i1·hlch is to PIY for It ..• An American Bor Association public service /tcturt by \Vill Btrnard. --~-- Tuesday, January 14. 1969 The editorial pctg• of the Daill/ Pilot .aetks to inform and stim- ul4t1 recdm b~ pre"11ting this n~1 opi·nioni and com- menttny °" topk.s. of i"ftrt1C ond dgnl/icm.ee, bf/ Pf®iding a '°""" far file U)lT<ulotl of our read.tr.r' opinio ns, tmd bt1 prt1nt:fng the dtv1rse tJfew- poUt" of infornud obsnvcr1 and apolctimn on topic1 of tli• oov. Robert N. Weed. Publisher ' " II ----,.,.,. CHECKING •UP• Try. Storing Raz or. In Anti-freeze ByL.M.BOYD "Be changeaible.'' sald George Bernard Shaw in his advice to women on bow to keep their m e n • "Changeable women are more durable than monotonoua ones, however unpleuant some of their cbangu may be. They are sometimes murdered, b u t seldom deserted." .•. THAT SOME WOMEN seem prone to accident! is c o m m o n knowledge. But what's not common knowledge is the fact moat accident-prone women are short. At least aborter than average. Maybe 5-feet-3 or thereabouts. A study of insurance records shows that. "SO YOUR LOVE AND WAR MAN says every hus- band ought to own a camper," writes a Great Fallil, Mont., Informant. "ls he acquainted with that recent court case tn which a wife won her divorce? Her husband and playmate took of! Ill hill camper to the deserl The wife, having followed them, i;neaked up and snapped the padlock shut on the camper door. Then she got into the pickup cab and drove them at high speed over washboard roads back to her town's police staUon where her al· torney and officers of the law were summoned to open the camper. I believe she was awarded alimony." IF I OWNED • tobacco company, I!d put out a good inexpensive cigar (or new fathers with noUting printed on each cigar baod except "Isaiah 9:6." ... RJGHT ABOUT NOW there are 2,200 t h u n d e r s tonns booming somewhere in the world . . . OF GUW> CALLED Rachel, says our Name Game man, it's generally conceded their lucky number is 3, their lucky day ol the week 'I'Uelday and their lucky color light purple NOW THE MEN of science 1ay lhe caffeine in a cup of coffee makes some selected citluns amon>WI • • • RUST 18 WHAT dulla a ruor blade. Not wbilken. So atatel a Georgia g<ntleman. "Tbat is why,'' he says, "l ltoie my razor between s:hava in a cupful of rust·lnhlb!Ung anti- lr<eze." YOUNG LADY, IF yoU want yout valentines postmarked "Loveland," that can be 11'· ranged. Loveland is a town in Colorado. Have a reader !her<, am proud lo report. Anyhow, every year about·thi.s time, muneroua clUJ.ena stamp and address all their valen· tines, then send them in one wrapper to Postmaster, Loveland, Colo., 80537. He im- prints the envelope.s with a romantic verse and t h e Loveland . postmark, a n d remails them, no charge. CIJSTOMEJI, SERVICE: Q. ''GREATLY enjoy y o u r garbage, old boy. One ques-- tion, would you uy you write an item pretty fast or fairly slow?" A.KIND OF YOU TO COMMENT, SIR. Slow, I'd say, sort ol lite a nudist clim· bing through a barbed wire fence . . . Q. "WHY DO SAN FRANCISCANS.so'TtSeJlt it when you call it 'FriSC{J'?" A.. The town was named after a saint, they-say: Some-regard· Frisco as sacrilegious . • • Q. "ALL VEGETABLES are green at ooe time or anOther in their growth, right?" A. All but red cabbage. MIGHT 1RY this one on your Language Arts class, madam. Use the word "down" as a noun, verb, adverb, ad jective, preposition, and ex· clamation. UDderst.and it's the only rour·letter word i n English that can be so variously employed . Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be used wherever pos- aiblc in "CM eking Up." Address maiE to L. M. Boyd, in care of tht DAILY PILOT, Ben: 1875, NtUJpaTt Beach, Calif., 92683 Supply-laden Vessel L eaves NY for Biafra NEW YORK (AP) -The snappy liltle mercy ship.FOtTa u.lled out oC Brooklyn Monday night, crammed with a fluoroscope, vitamin pills, rice and ali of the lhinp the small people or a rich land donated for starving Blafrans. One estimate put the value of the cargo at $250,000, but no one really was counting. "There never has been such an outpouring," said Richard Weston, a Bialra Christmas Ship Committee aide. "They allowed volunteers on the pier to unload the tr~. The carpenters crated a fluoroscope some d o c t o r "donated. Everybody on the waterfronl bas gone out of their way. It's the first Ume I 've seen anythjng like this," Aid Edward F. Curley, vice prest·d ent of the Kerr SWunahlp Co., which bandied the Forra without charge. Boy Scouts, teen-ageen:, old wcme.n oo crutches and young people worked around the clock packing contributions &o the ship could sail OD time. The International Rescue Committee coliected $60,000 worth of druga and equlpment -antibiotics, vitaml.ns, ban- dages. :r-ray machines -and !90.000 worth of blgb-protelll food Humphrey Asks Demos Set Up Policy Council W ASffiNGTON (UPI) - VI c e Presl'dent Hubert H. Humphrey recommended to- day that the Democratic Na- tional Committee establish a national policy council to speak for Ute party, in ad- diUon lo the party !eadenhip in Congress. , His proposal came In a speech to the committee recommending that it elect Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma as DemocraUc national chalnnan to succeed Lawrence F. O'Brien, who an- nounced his retirement to enter private business. Humphrey cwelully avoid ming the ftrm "DemocraUc advisory councJI,'' a polic)'INl!dng arm of the party which generated friction with D e m o c:raUc congressional leaden a decade qo during the final ye.an of t b e E-admllllllraUoo. He Aid, i-.v.r, that be had ..,..Jf'd many recom- mandallona lo mablhh a "NaUooaf Danocratlc Policy Couodl." Re apWntd that It wauld r<pment •lecled par· ty omcta!J and the naUooal committee, .. RrVtng u a voice ( o r disenfranchised Democrat.I a n d as a coordinating group for the determination ol. buic party policy." Humphrey, the 1968 preaidentlal nominee, spoke aftor O'Brien, In I farewdl sJieecb. urged the Democrat. to develop a plan, and to ... t passage of legillaUon, for lederal financin( o f pr.sidential campall!Jll. LET'S BE FllBIDLY U you have new nef&hbon or know ot anyone movtn1 to our are&. pleue tell ut JO that we may utmd a ~~!' welcome and help m to become acquajnted tn their MW aurroundinp. Huntinaton Be1ch Vlsffor 536-9626 Costa Mesa Visitor 642~14 So. Coast Visitor 494-0519 Harbor Visitor 675-3-431 War .Cited For U.S. Deficit WASlllNGTON !UPI) The D e f e a • e Department estlmated today Uuil the Viet· nam wu was having a •t.I billion adverse Impact on the U.S. tntematlona.J f In 1 n c e PoSilion. But a private analyst aaid the war was having a much worse efiect. Defense Department Comptrolier Robert C. Moot oaid in prepared testimony for a joint economic sub- committee of Congre!S that "about tt.I biUlon" ol the U.S. balance of payments deficit wu attributable to the Viet· nam war. But Pet.er Passell said in his prepared testimony that a special analysis he prepared for a doctoral paper at Yale University showed the figure was more lite '4 billion. In /987 the llnited States ran up a total balance of payments deficit of $3.6 billion -representing the difference betWeen the total outflow of dollars through Imports and military transactions and the amount coming in from ei:- porta. "The U.S. Treasury and other f e d e r a I government departments have estimated that the war In Vietnam con-- tributes approximately $1.5 billion lo the net outflow of American dollars," Passe II said. He said his analyslS, however, showed that the ef-- fect of the war was "slightly in ex~s o( $4 billion" - which presumably would have put the United States Ill a 'favorable balance of payments 1ituatlon in 1967. 3 Arrested In Stolen Gun Seheme Ll"J"n.E FERRY, ·N. J . '(UPI) -Two sergeants and a civilian employe of the Na- tional Guard were under ar· rest today and a truckload of apparently.stolen military weapons was in lhe hands of federal agents who broke one of the nation's biggest black markets In guns. Sgt. William Walko, Sgt. Vincent T. DiBarlolo, 38, and Kenneth J . He,rbeck, 26, were arrested after raids Monday night uncovered arms caches in a modest frame house in Little Ferry and a rented garage tn nearby Garfield, N. J. Both towns are .suburbs or New York City. A tw~ton truckload of ex· ploalves and weapons in- cluding machine guns and carblne.s Wl.!I taken to Newark, N. J., for Inventory. The guns will be displayed today in the federal building in Newark. Walko and DiBartolo, both fulltime guardsmen, w e re assigned to the T e a n e c k Opposed b y NAACP Bltrck Dormitor y Proposals Sc or ed Huck Fi nn 'Expelled' MIAMI (AP) "Huckleberry Finn," the Mark '!'wain classic, has been drop- ped from the required reading list at Miami Dade Junior Collegt -a victim of Black Power. Ambrose Gardner, a school official, said Negro .students complained tb:at the novel of 19th century file on the Mississippi River em- bamuised them. NEW YORK (UPI) -Tbe drive for blact studiel p~ 11ama and black atudent · donnltorles on collep cam· pJseS was described u a "Jhn Crow"' co"""pl Monday by Roy Wilkins who aakl he woold go lo coort if nece.ssary lo block their implementation. Wilkins, head of the National AaaociaUon for the Advan- cement of Colored People (NAACP), said the demand for "autonomous" b 1 a ck studies program s and dormitories for blacks only was tantamount to setting up of "rac1ally based Jim Crow schools" and that NAACP lawyers believed the use ol tax money (or lhis purpose was unconstitutional. Wilkins, who spoke to about 200 NAACP representative! at the 60th annual corporate meeUng of the association, said he waa not against COW'5e.a of black studies being taught in high schools and colleges. In fact, he said, the NAACP has supported such programs. But, Wilkins said, "We are opposed to their ( b l a c k studenls') dormitory propo.!als and their autonomous black studies prograrrui. 1r we can't find a plalntifr (to bring suit) ... we will sue on the basis Gardner said the book •P-or our belief that tax funds pears to create an emotional cannot be used" to create block ror black students that segregated racilities. inhibits learning. He also said Negro studenls and while members of the E n g I t s h sympalhizen al a number of department voted 26-11 in cotttges a n'd universities favor of keeping the book on aCT08s the country have.clash· tile gr6Ufld -it -was ··"a con---ai with adminl8lratoF8 ort--the- siderable whack at prejudice dormitory and autonomous and discrimination ••. " studies issues. In his preface, Twain, who The 67-yeu-old civil rights died in 1910, wrote: "Persons leader said the Negroes live attempting to find a motive Jn a white world and that in this narrative will be pro-"Negro boys better learn what secuted; penons attempting the white boys are learning." to find a moral in it will If you ng black students want be banished: persons at-Lo help their race advance, tempting to find a plot in Wilkins said, they should study it will bt: shot. By order or harder, get their degrees and the auth-Or ." go out to bring .advances. GRAND RE-OPENING New people ••• new image a completely new menu featuring many new dis he s. We're still serving our famous line of USDA CHOICE steak d inners and we've en- larged ou r sandwich menu, too! Have a FREE dess e rt with your d inn er during our GRAND RE-OPENING CELEBRATION! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Jan. 13, 14 & 15 - 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Armory where Walko was a custodian and Dmartolo was '---"' an administrative supp I y techrllcian. H e r b e c k , a 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA small anns repairman, travel· eel throughout the state repair· ing weapons for the Guard. Paul Hankins, the Internal Revenue Service's New Jersey chief, said the arests were the result of a four-month undercover investigation at various military installations In New Jersey. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hovra: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' ' -.-H,1M OAILV PILOT I • For your enjoyment aftd pleasure a new beautiful year around indoor, HEATED SWIMMING POOL in our COSTA MESA SPA JOIN NOW DURING OUR EXPANSION PROGRAM CALL TODAY RESERVE YOUR .. -POOL MIMBERSHIP OFFER IS LIMITED! SWIM & TRIM HEALTH SPAS CALL OR STOP BY TODAY FOR A FREE TOUR FREE PARKING WE HONOR OPlll 7 DA H A Wlll COSTA MESA 549-3368 2300 HARBOR I L. Harloo< lhopplt!s ,_ ANAHEIM 826..o381 510 S. IEACH Ill..,_,. ,,, "-~ lhoppt•1'- """""' , .......... , ..... ,Ill - Swim your way to trimness bjoy Ellflre Clo hcllltl11 Al lo Ednt Cell • DAlllSH COID l'UJNGE • HOT WHllLrOOL IATllS • FINNISH ROCK SAtlW • ROMAN STfAM IOOMS • SWISS llCW. MACHINES • FlOltDl SUN TAii • Ulfll MODOH CONDITIDHING fACtlllllS FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN OUI lllWUT HULJH PAWi Ill HUllTilllTOll llACH ISIOW .... COllSTIUCTIOll OPlllllll SOOll ,, ........ ,,, ... _, ORANGE 639·2441 622 I. KAn UA ,, ....... lhoppln9 c.ntw .:__ • :• ' ' •• ,, ·' •• ' .. ' :n • ... '" .. " •. .. • .. ~ ''" ... , .... .. I I', . ot -. .. ,.,.. '" •.. ... , .. n· ,., ... ..• I• ., '" .. l'.Jll, . ' ... n .~ • ~· ~· " ., - ( .. ·.:.~_:::-_:-'_-:_-----------------. -.·~--~.-. -.-.-... . -.,-p .,,;.,i .. , .• * I • ·--••••• a ~· .. -.:;--··-· ..•. " ....... • -.--OAJlY PILOT FBI Takes Robber :.:fugitives . ., ... ' ~ ;LONG BEACH (UPI) -A '." ~tured b a n k robber who .-· speaks three I o r e i g n languages and dabbles in paizt.. 1 ting was arrested here Mon- de.y, the day before his name ·was to have been placed on "the FB:I's list of 10 most . ·'Wanted criminals. ·: .:A. posse of FBI agents and ·--~.ng Beach po Ii e e · ap- . prebended P a tr i c k Dooald ·~e, 43, accused of escaping trom two U.S. marshals last Nov. 14 while serving a 22- year federal prison t.enn for bank robbery. Arrested with Kane was Dale Glennon WUson, 24, described by t h e FBf as ~ne's partner in overpower- iq the marshals at War- renton, Mo. Kane and Wilson are ac- cused of staging a $55,000 bank rolibery at St. Charles. Mo .. T"'d", J....,., I~, 1969 Girl W atehing QUEENlf lly PhR lnttrlcmdl Conservative Legislarors to Get Help GOPin Ways,Means. SAN DIEGO (UPI) -JI the dlsllngulshed membon of I b e Calllomia Lqislature don't know bow to observe 11rts In mlnllldrts, the -~ dent of the lnlemaUODOI Society ol Girl Walchen It ready to tell them. Jooepb U..gin, of S a o Diego, today volunteerocl lo appear belon: the legialators, after beariog that minjskl.J1.s bad been banned for all emptoy.. of the Jeclalat.re. The ban was imposed last weet by Assemblyman Eugene Chapple, a Republican from the Uoy mountain town ol Cool, in northern california's gold mining COUD· try, Chappie was supported by a San Francisco Democrat, Assemblyman John Burton. •'Bolh of these men need some Professional advice," aald Beacln, the bead ol a 15,000 member crganiz.allon devot«I lo the appniclatloo ol. the draped female form in public places. 11Am&teur girl w a t c be rs don't know how to cope wt.lb the revealing mint.skirts to- day,'' Beagin continued. "1bere are many ways to get in a full wa\(!h wUhout emba!Tasamnet to either the wearer or &he viewer. HQur memben, trained ~ made expert by constant prac- tice at monthly meetings, know how to adapt to any situation, any place, any time." Beagin says he c a n -" · demonstrate the techrllques ~ · developed by the society in ~ .l'J A ' its nine years of scientlllc t.:i:;;.t/ __ '.:.l"~_.;,......._.._,.;.._•.-1;.;4;,__,.:::.:::;::.,.._._1 investi&alion ol the problem. "Take a hate letter • • • " SACRAMENTO (AP) He did aay "I wlll be just u a "mooe-ort>ltlnl era" for Gov. Reagan's ecilnomy pro-as conservativt" bt voting on assembly operatlons. gram (aced brighter days to-money matters u he always lie propoeed cutting the day with the appointment of has been. number of committees from a fiscal c o n s ~ r v a t I v e • Monagan a I 1 o preaented 25 to 21 and creation of. • Republican Frank Lanterman Assemblyman W. Craig Biddle o e w ooe CGncentrating on of La Canada, as chairman CR-Riverside) as his majority urban problems. of the Assembly Ways and leader and u such. "a prime. Lanterman's main job will Means Committee. "I'm delighted," Finan~ spokesman" in the Aasembty be in shepherding Reagan'• DI.rector Caspar w. Wein· for Reagan's "Creative Socie-budget through the Assembly. berger said ol t he ap-ty Program." Tbe budget, expected. to top polnUnenl, announced Monday At the same time, Monagan '6 billion, will go to the by Assembly Speaker Robertl..;re":v:ea::led=w=· ba::t;;;b;;;e;;;;;;d;;;escr;;;;;;ibed;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;;egisla;;;';;;;;;lw'e;;;;;;;;;e;;;ar;;;li;;y;;;n;;;erl;;m;;;o;;;nlh;;;;;. T. Monagan (R-Tracy). 'jlll think we can work very well together." Lanterman, a 67-year-old land developer and a lS-year veteran of the lower house's money conunittee, had little to say at a news conference when he was int.roduced by Monagan. Hickel Opposed Making Living • Old World Mediterraneari Spariish Furniture Received cencell1tion of $22,.000.00 Sp1ni1h •nd Mediterr1neen Furnitur• All Nn Te' qwellty ....... No.n DKonltor'• D'"• H ... O• D..,._, Items as follows: Georgeous 8 fl custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak tn.,.decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tab! .. , (2) 58" tall decorator lamps1 banging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master By Sierra Club ls It Shoot or Die World? OAKLAND (UPI) -For was It, and I fired." "I shot a C<lUple of rounds, bedroom suite in pecan panelled Med.iterran· 69,000 me.mber organ.izaUon Llnda Lee West, making a Mrs. West had been on a then he got one off with his ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -board ol directon of the Tbe Sierra Club, the nation's largest and most vocal con- servation organization, has vowed to publicly fight t h e nomination of Alaska Gov. Walter J . Hickel as secretary cf the interior. President Edgar anoounced Mooday Wayburn that the had voled """"'-Ollllly to nn.. living is a matter of life and ladder stockiil.g shelves and .22 but fortunately it missed/' kin . ~ •r d th d g size mattress & box springs. Spanish ~ Senate -~-a"on ol ea · her husband was nearby at she sai · d d' · t t ..--un:uu u• ... ecor 1n1n1? se . e c. Hickel to the post in the Nixon She has shot 'to death two the cash regi.sttr. Both were The couple theR emptied administration~ robbers in the past five weeks armed, he with a .357 magnum their weapons at the robbers, Whele kiMhl wat ,.. .... , $1121.00 Wayburn said after a and says she would do il and she .with a .38 revolver. who were attempting to nee. MUST SACRIFICI $698 00 "thorough Investigation" of again. The three men entered, one One of them, John A. Smith, FOR ON~ Y ···········-·····-······-• Hickel's record, the club had Mrs. West, a 25-year-old armed with a .22 pistol 24, fell dead. Another was Any Piece Can Be Purchased lndlvldually concluded that he "has no mother, owns a liquor store The anned man "acted like hit and later arrested at San Terms Available -Newcomer• to C1lif. understanding 0 (conservation with her husband, Jack, 35. he was in a frenzy,'' Mrs. Francisco General Hospital. Credit Approved lmmediitely and the need to protect and and they have been the target West recalled. "ft was almost The third was picked up by following their escapo, and of ,4 rw B' __ _ terrorizing and robbing a ~ UM.U .~ton,--Yo., coup1£ -·-. restore the "American en-of frequent ~Id-up at~ets· like a perso~ vendetta, police within three hours of , I /] vironment." The latest came Sunday night, almost like be hated my bus-the shooting. l • F. "t -"Hicnt-is perpetuating-the w.heQ.Jhree _men enfpred .1he_j}and. He ..tm:e~...m.4JQ. blow Last month, Mrs. West shot •II __ _..!'~' are frontier spirit of headlong store and ordered West to his head off." -~ inCIK.ttred .Aiidtew~ .Alldrad.e, -The FBI d i d not supply development which bas left lie down on the floor, on his Tbe gunmen were watching 38, when he at\t:mpted to bold At H cirbor Blvd. ~elails or the arrest but said Abortion Law it.resulted from "alert action by a Long U..cb police of- . f~." An FBI spokesman . s a-i d the two men had no the CGuntry with a legacy of stomach. West, tlardly noticing Mrs. up the store. She said he mistakes II It sUU trying lo "They said Ibey were going West .. sh• climbed down was extremely excited and she 1844 Ne-Blvd c~ Mesa ly LOS ANGELES (AP)-The correct," said Wayburn, a g;.. to execute him " Mrs. West from the ladder pulled her felt he would have shot her -rr-• • ~'"' Oft · .ch,~nce tCl resist. They were , ·anned . · ·:t he FBI described Kane as . floent in German, French and ~banish, and a reader or ·heavy books. He a I s o was "J-egarded as a talented amateur artist. Kane and Wllson staged their break while b e I n g ~sferred from a prison ln ·Leavenworth, Kan., to St. lxluis for a court appearance. bey were lo be arraigned ~9f't a U.S. commissioner ~ Los Angeles today. State Supreme Court has been year-old San Francisco physi-said. "They ~ that word, gun from beneath her blouse,r...:il:.:she::.:ba:::dn:::'l'.:!:'.:ir::ed::_::lir'..'.s~t. __ ~~E~v~-..~·~~·~igh~t~'~ti~·1~9~~w~..r~ .. ~Sat~. !i&~S~un-~~'ti!!-'1~6.~~ asked to overturn California's cian. that's why I knew that thi! turned and fired. abortion law on grounds that._::=::._ ____________ .:__::._ _____ ::._::.__::::,.::_ _____ I it perpetuates tbe religious dogm a of the Roman Catholic Church. The American Civil Liber· ties Union of Southern Califor· nia filed a brief Monday at- tacking the law as an unconsti· tutional 11establishment of re· ligion." II said that oellber the pub- lic nor other religlou.1 group!9 support the Catholic Church's position that bmnan life be-- gim at the moment of concep-- tion. .-------------------------------------.. ·--~·-·-·--~~~~-~~-' , ·-------------. I I I I ! They're off and running I to Santa Anita! i ! I Legislature in Action . " Here Is your quick-reference schedule of .,,. buses to Santa Anita Race Track. Cltp and save for use throughout the winter racing season • •r 'fMI ASSOCIATl!O f'•ESS ~G6v. At"'8an'1 ~Y pro11ram : fal!ts Wlt htiH" d1y1 with fh9 -In!. mfllt ol a fllal COllSff'o'allw, ltl!Jlubli- "•"frat*. lantennan at L• C1nadt, 11 Cl'la'ltmlin of the IU-.nblY WIYI and Mffrq COmmltt.e. TIM A-llty-........ ,,...,.. ~lllClt -Conriratula~ Ll. Gev. Rober1 H. Flncll on Illa -lntment •s U.S. MCre11rv of he-11th, educatlOfl and welfarai SCR '· Bu., .. D--FrHnO. . '9'f -Aallfles San Franc!w;o di,,._, d\ar1111 '#1\kh retur..s -••!Ian of The Port of $an Ftancll(;O eriarter rn•li9a' wti1c11 mu1111 OPenotklrl o1 tt>e Port of S.n Fr1ncltai from 1t.ie to eltv 1nd (Ollntv ewril'Oh SCA 1. Motcor!e, O·Sen Frtnd..:o. · c-tltutlon11 ._.....,....,..ti lnlred!KM · -..rw -Pr~ "Nrn. le1rn tnd Hlmburae" tuition olen for kl1n1 to .,.,...,h Df tht Unlver11tv of C.l!lornl• ...... s111e co11ttei: ACAt. com...,., ·.A..U. AllVf'ieo. ,, "IM -EJ1empt1 from t 1J1 ~ Ul4,. lffM ot U .. of p-rty ICQ\llrecl 11111.Nl or ••• 1J1olor1tlon or lltt"lllhlctlon uui In oulff cont1nen!l1 sne111 ,t,8 4.$, y_,.,1", A·Mocle"o. tticid~ -Mek" oert1!n 1!1te .l:rtijdeYI flll llfl Mor*"t'S/ Al 6', V-• !--CLtr~ lnl«it of 1n- ll"°lklllofl ... nprcl"'9 -oul* 1t1tre 111JM "'-"' r"to C11lfoml11 1'1 f7, Sdllbt"'"" R-Co\llnt. °'"' -A"'llllrTS ltbelll on tit drua1 to airrv 1rnou!lf or 1dlve- "'9rt4ttt11tr Al 6f, c..-, D-ALtmeda. .s•1t""'" -Prpyldft for the for1911vre d dtt. tctv)i.rshM "" lHdflecl t~ Al 10, Ltnt..-Trlen, R.L9. C-llda. • ..QOr -Ren"IPYft dla1mwn of .AtiAIJ&lllun county c9ftfrtl Clllmmltttts 11et1tlon of "" RftM.Jbllctn et'!\frt! cornmflfffl from Ion of ~ Reoub!lclo~ 1lllle lon1 Al l'l. eurlct. R·H\lllllntlon -Erlmdt unlll JulY 1, 1'); t lltrlorltv of I ICl'loe1 ~kt 'tit ~ , .... -tilt ,.,.Jlllnlllft ''" Ill """'lid v ""'~ IC:hoof 11111...-;. dlcl1rtd ll!l$11e from Ill .. .-.-ii:t 1t .. 1dpolnl; ,t,e 1~ Mu~. A..._.'111 Crw. L•tr• -lmol~ -" ~-.f:llo !Nm 111(1 relmburt;e" tu!l!On f":M..11'11 If Unlverllt¥ Ill C1l!lor"llll1 .¥ {J· Collltf". ... ..... .. . ~ " •JI ~~ ···~···· .. - --• I I See by Today's Want Ads • Kal.id-v ....... An ~~ vista Is yours tr yoo rent onl" of these apartmtnta: on the Canal waterlront -an extra lalge one bedroom. or a bachelor Apartment,, both with boat dockll. • Compod Case ••• 0.. or two btdroorn trail· er, with cabana, in ncel- Jent condition throoghou.t, Newport Beach area, tor .... e Girt Friday ~t: Qukk-w:ltttrd )'OU'W ~ an nHdfd lo do a.ccounta payable and rettlvable ror this ~ industry •• llOme typi"9" required. e Avoai<loSeuon: Thia •vocado and crcme IOla, with fmm cushions, ta I.rt excelient condltkin, and DMda: a MW ham& I I I ' I . I A.T.D. BUS SCHEDULE I Sch•dulea below will be 20 minutes later on weekdays be- alnnlng TL1118day, February 4, 1969. (No Change on SlturdlYL) FROM DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES, via Santa Anita Park Freeway Flyers, Une 57: $!arts from B.T.D. Stallon at Sixth and Loa 'Angeles Streets, from approximately 9:45 A. M. until approxlmately 12:30 P.M. No Stops En Route. LOCAL SERVICE from Loa Angeles also uia Monrovia· Glendora Line 68. FROM HOLL YWOOO, via Glendale, Eagle Rock and Pau-- dana, Line 57: Leaves la Brea ind Hollywood Blvd. eueiy le11 minutes stanlng at 9:50 A.M. to 10:20 A.M. daily. arriving Santa Anita Park 11 :15 A.M. to 11:4S A.M. FROM RIVERSIDE, Vil Une 57: leaves Riverside Station, 10:15 A.M.: Ontario, 10:45 A.M.; Pomona. t 1 :OO A. M.: arrivl11g Santa Anita Pa'1<, 11:50 A.M. FROM COLTON-sAN BERNAR- DINO AREA, via Une 57: leaves Colton (8th & I Sts.), 10:00A.M.; San Bernardino, 10:12 AJA.; Fontana (Spring St.), 10:30 A.M.; Pomona. 11 ;00 A,M.: arriving Santa Anita Park, 11 :SO A.M. FROM SANTA ANA, vie line 57: Leaves Santa Ana Station. 9:52 A.M.: Orange, 10:05 A.M.: Ana• heim, 10:18 A.M.; Fullar1on, 10:30 A.M.: Buena Park, 10:41 AJA.: Norwalk, 10:50 A.M.; Lake· .wood & Telegraph Rd., 10:57 A.M .: Rosemead & Whitt ler "B!vda., 11:09A.M.: arriving Santa Anita Pal%, 11 :SO A.M, FROM WHITTIER (Connec· Ilona): Service is also provided b•tween Whl!l!er Statlon and Sanla Anita Perk, leeving Whittier Station 10:30 A.M. for oonneo- 'l':uon wllh Santa Ana Freewa y Ayer Bus scheduled to depart lrom Rosemead •nd Whittler BMSs,.11:09A.M. AthJrn buses for lDs Angeles and Hollywood depart aa needed lrom approximately 4:00 P.M. Return buses for Riverside, San Bernardino-Colton and San!a Ana·Wtlittier letll't 20 mlnu!n after tnt ,..,._ For lnlom11tlon, etill 747-4455' °' eontl.llt yvur toeal dlr.ctory. I M • M BUS SCHEDULE I Schedules below will be \i, hour later on weekdays begl"'" nin; Tuesday, Feb rue I)' 4, 1909. (No chang1 on Sat\lrdaya..) Route No.' SAN PEDRO AREA lEit..VU Harbor City , , •• , • , • , .•• 10:00 Stops WM!11n & 101 H•gi"tQ1 Sa11 Pedro •••••••••••• , 10:15 SlOll'S Sl~lh & Htrbor Blvd. Wilmlngton • , •••••••••• 10;35 Sto1>1-A~•lon & An1Mf1t1 Route No. 2 TORRANCE AREA Hermosa Beech . , •••••• 10:00 Slopt P<er & Humosm Redondo Beach • , ••••.• 10:10 S!OPS Ton111C1 81¥d, & 101 Hwy. Torrance •.••••...••••• 10:28 Slops To"ll'Ce 8/Yd, & Post Gardena ••• , , •••••• , •• 10:42 61<>P~ Vermont & Ros'""""" Route No, 3 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY Canoga Park • , ••• , • , , .10:05 StoPS aw..,,mou!h & St>ermt" W1v Aeseda •••••••••••.••• 10:20 :Stop~ At~tda l Sh.rrn1n Way Van Nuys •••••••.•••• , .10:40 S!CPS V•n NU)I BM!. & V!c10J1 61¥d. Sherman Oaks ••• , ••••• 10:45 Stopl ll1n Nuys BM!, & AiY•rsi~• 01, Route No. 4 INGLEWOOD & LOS ANGELES Inglewood ••••••..••••• 10:30 Stopti Sl4 Hil!c1tit, A&C lrtytl Los Angeles •.•.• , ••.•• 10:40 SIOlll M•nehnttr & Vt~ Route No. 5 HUNTINGTON PARK AREA Los Angeles ••••• , • , ••• 10;45 SIO~ Mtne1'191ttr' Cen!r'lll Huntington Park , • , •• , •• 10:55 Steps P1c1hc & F1or.nc1 Bell •••••••••••••••••• 11:07 S!OllS Gtge & Atlt"11c Maywood •••••••••••••• 11:15 Slops Sltuson & A\!10\lc Route No. 8 EAST LOS ANGELES· MONTEREY PARK· ALHAMBRA-EL MONTE East Los Angeles ••••••• 10:45 StG!a Wllll!ltr & AllllJl!ll Mon!erey Park ••• ' •••••• 10;SS Steps Ot!W)' & Qarn.i.t A8 lhambra • , •••••••• , • •. 11 :00 lopt V.I~ & Olrlltokl Rosemead ••••••••• , ••• 11:10 St()(l1 Viti.,. & "-ll>Nd •El Monte •••••••••••••• 11:15 IOjll Tyltr ...... lM9 lest but IM\1'81 fifteen ml"""" 1fter thl last tflC8. For lnfOmlatlon, call 775-8112, 0t COl'llUtt JOUr IOcal directory. •oot-Filll Rice 12:30 P.M. every Sat· urd1y, Weekda)'t-12:30 P.M. tnr~h Janu1ty; 1 :00 P .M. Feb- ruaiy, Mirth •nd AprtL Getel open 10:30 A.M. tNery s.tUlday'; 11 :00 A.M. an other dl)'L ' THE GRAY LINE Schedule• below will bt "' hour later on WH«deys beg1fl.. ning Tuesday, February 4, 19159. (No chang# on Saturdays.) 11rrt list LOS A•'GELES tu1 lv1 "' A.¥. A.M, Ambassador Hole! •• ,.,, .10:45 Globe News Agency, 314 West Sixth Stretl,, 10:55 General News Agency, 328 Wm Fifth Slreel ••• 1,:00 Biltmore Hotel, ••••••••• 11 :05 Hiiton Hotel ••••••••••• 11:15 HOLLYWOOD Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel •• , .••••• 10;00 t 1 :00 Newsstand (Las Palmas lo Hollywood Blvd.) •••••••• 10:05 11:05 Knfc~erboeker Hotel •••.••••• 10:10 11:10 Hollywood Plaza Hotel •••••••• 10:15 11:1s· Greyhound Bus Depot, 1409VlneSL •• 10:20 11:2{) NORTH HOU. YWOOO Greyhound Bus Depot, 5373 Lankershim BIVd .• , 10:30 CULVER CITY Spence Travel, 3931 Duquesne Ave. , .10:10 BEVERLY HlUS Centuiy Pl1za Hotel •• , ••• 10:30 Beverly Hi11on Hotel ••••• 10:40 Beverly Wilshire Hotel •••• 10·45 Beverly Hills Hotel •••••• 1o:ss SANTA MONICA Miramar Hotel ••••• , •••• 10:00 G1eyhound Bus Depot, 1433 F!llh St •••••••••• 10:05 Cable Car RestauranL 11917 WMshlre Blvd. (W.l.A.) ••••••••••••• 10:15 LONG BEACH RTD Depo!, 56 long Beach Blvd. •••• 9:30 10:30 ANAHEIM [»sneyland Hotel ••••• ,, .10:30 Saturdriys OnlY SAN BERNARDINO Trallways Bus Station, 612 w. 5th St. •••••••• 10:30 COLTON Tranways Bus stl!IOn,, 194 Eest I Street. , , •• , t O:!O RIVERSIDI! Tr•Hways Bus Station. 3828 8th S!nlel •••••• , 10!15 For lnfonnatlon, ctll <411·21t1, or conauH your local dlrlclory. ··-APrll 4, 1969 (Good Frfday) ltKtng on Moncllf April 7. 1969 I I ! I I ' I I I I I · 1 Santa~i!!o~~ j L_. _________ __j l • ove~ LEtuslend)'OU the money to cope with that awful post• holiday letdown your bank account feels. Open a No- bouncc Account. Once you'.re approved, write checks for all those bills. We'll advance you the money. to cover all the checks-from $JOO 'to $2400, depending on your No-botmcc Account limit. 'llllleit~ Repaying can be a nic:c,gradtial process. Take months. 0£ course, we do chaigel%% intttcstpcrmonth on the average daily balanm dne-butyoucaneliminatealotofwonyingfortbat1%%. BeanUDlmown. The joy of a No-bounce Aa:onnt is that it's all 10 dit- aect: When you write checl:s to actfrale an automatic loan, who mows? Only our oomputcr. And it's so busy keeping track o£ om: $900-miDioii bank, it hardly haa timotugossip. No· bounce Account$ llllltDSlft P.UX omcz: 18022 Cbherilrive, Inine I' I 11 I I I I I DAILY l'ILOT 0 LEGAL NQ.TlCB LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE For the Record SU'••M>ll COUltT 0, nt• ITATI ,..,., hf' Ul1 &A.It•'• 4liW 0, CAU,OltfUA c1an,1CATa Oii •Utllt•U 'fOTICI TO c•l.DITOlt'I HOTIC• TO c••Dl'TOltl .. l'Otl T"41 COWTY °" ......... ' PIC'ITMMlt MAM• ~:''•'ug: c'i'lV':1"•:r .. 1~ SUl'l.ll.oll couaT o .. , .. . I MAl'MISU 'nit ......... cwtlf'r hi II .. 11'ATI C» CA.llll'Otl•'-' c:inca -........... °" t>St1TSON ~ • tut!-,, t• w"' • COUNTY Olt&NOI ntl COUNTY Oii ~ ..... """" •Oft ...... ,.. D' WILL ANO'" c..u H1'tiwu. ,....,,_, •••ell, f:t\llf of u'"'~Ull M l'tltfjltfl, .... ........ " L.llfTlltl TllTAMIMTAaY Collf•nilt, Vl'lllirf 1M llctl!i.w flmo rlatNI ~ ~ • bttlt ti RO.QT M O ... AD b1tt ~ l"Ll!MINO Ll!a IUITI.IY, ff ,,_ THI! !'!.~':,:j OILI llld 11\tol N ICE IS Hlll!IY OtVEH lo CHA$1AGH•, Otcttwf. l ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ ........ _____ .............. 1•ilo ~ 01 l"L.Llolil~ L.. l(lllTllY, MMI firm If Of tlW followll'll '°'t ol lhl lbcrft lllll'IH dtc I NOTICI IS Hf .. E8Y OIVIN ~. ,.,_. wfloM -In fVll and •loao 1111 .:~ =:nt~;t;" •= ~1 1'11. crt<I00•1 ., tlW *"'---' ill!IACl041LLllS. LM (., 11, al • 11.lnN f'~ H-1 lffCfl NOTICE 1• Hl!ltf_IY OIVl.N Tllo! II~ Is at,...._.! ......... will'I 1f1t '*'""'"' W01K11ef1o IR ""-' •II Mt_,. ti.¥1nr '"""" Births JIR\11,.., I Mr. •ncl Mrs, Garry Sll<ltt, JOS Avenid1 Ctrrlm, Ntwpgf1 It.ell, t>o¥ Mr. •l'>d Mrt. Lulent Mullrtlo, 13" Plter1hv, l.1gu111 llelCl'I, bov Mr, lod Mr1. Edw•rd O....tn, 1"4 Wtlllc• A ..... , Costo Mt1.11, bo'I Mt, Ind Mn. P1ut lllutr, 41 Trt¥er11 Or .• CO•I• Mt••· 11r1 Mr, '"" Mrt. Dontlcl Klubnlk, !'091 Aloh1 Dr., l'oU'llllllOIM llNdl. t ltl J•Mllrl'.J Mr. Ind Mrs. Edward ~rblom 160! Cllr SI .. NtwPOrt 8ffcl'I, boY ' DEATD NOTICES KOE'IZ W1!11!r M . Kotn. Alt 6J. of '111' ML- 11(11", .... t. I, COii• Mew, D•~ ol 0t111'1, J11111ory n. Surrl'tecl" Ill' son, Cll<lrftt Kotn. Monl!i?r P11"11; d•uon. ter. Jovc1 Jon.e11 brO!h!r, J, Paul l<otti, MonttrltY P1rk; 1lll1r, 11*1 H1-l1, Forl\l<ll, C1UI,; former ~. Ca!ll¥ Koet_r, cosr1 Mfto; ada.>i. l!d '°"' Ktnntlh Allen ; t ncl 11,.. ltlr.dchlldrtn, ~Ollty, tonlthr. Tue .. d1y, f PM. ltt<1Ul!m MIU. W~n,1• d1Y1 . f AM, bot!\ 11 SI. JOlld'l!rns C1t1111lc Chun:~. lnMtmenl, Holr StP-11lef>er c ..... ierv. Ofteeltd by a1Ui Morlvory, 1741 Superior. COlll• Mew. BIU'l'l'ON Vemer E. llrl!IO!"I. 8tl0ved hinbolld or le11!t 1 IDYlng l1t11er of Vl¥f•n lllw~ Norm1 Pq"'"' Marl•n H1rrl11 brorr.'.: er el M.llbll Eu1lls. Also survived by flYt g,.ndchlldreri a'llf one ert•l·tr•~ cl'llld. Serv!Cls, 2:30 PM, WNINSHt. •I PNrce llrt111'1el"I Horr~. Frie""• ,.,..,. Ull •fftr ' PM Tutld1¥. Petru a"""'n, Hollvw-i, Directors. McDONALD Fr1nda lto McDonald, 316J'IU. 1nd Alff., Sil. llfUlll. 01tt OI de1!h, O.c. 2,. Survl¥1N1 br '°"' Fr1ncl1 L. Mc-Oon1ld, 3'21 Frtnklin SI., Fullerton, PrlYlfe lll'Vltes were httd II L1t11111 lttCll Mortv1rr. lntermonr, pr!vtle. KO KER Etrnnt Kllller. 211 A Atl1nt1, Hun!· tr>0lort llH(h, $ttvl(e1 pe....,lnt . Bell lrOldw•r Morluarr. SJOLUND C1r1 A. Sloh1nd, Jr. Ate 1l. Oled Jan, 111. Strvlc,1 today ti 11 "iM, Smllh1 Cl'l•HI. Survived by 1>1renl1. Mr. •lld Mn. Corl Slolu!ld, Sr.1 1l1hlrt, IC1re11 Slolul'>d and ll1rt>lr1 McGiii. Smlln1 Mortu•,..,, Olrectori. FARQUHAR James S. F1,,.uh1r, Jr. Ate Joi. of Ntwpor! leech. Priv11, tervlcts Wt'e l'lt-ld Vlllet'd1¥ 11 ' PM In Sml!h1 Cl'llHI. Family •ll09'1l1 friends wno Wit/\ lo m1kt memorl1I conlrlbutlro~. Pleo1e cor1trlbu!e to Ille ... ,,, Fund. Sml11'11 Morlv•rv. Olrect0<1. MARKEE Mester S. Mlrlltt. 150t Dll¥e s1re~1. Hurrlillll!Oll le1cll. Died J•"· n . St•Y· 1cf1 WldnetdlY ti 10 "iM 11 HllltlOe Ch11>1!, llOH Hill• Memorl1I Per~. Sm!!hs MorlU•rr, Olrectors. LIDDELL Van W. Llclcllll. Survived b¥ wilt. Emmi Llddell; -· lvln 11 .• Ml•· vl" W. llddtll1 d•uth!•r. IEl11ne M. 01mar+1 allrtrt, El11e M. 1tlcll1rd1on '"" Jlulh H. lvu·son; IOJr trlndchll· dl"en; 1 ore11.,rem1c1111c1. 5etvlces Thund1y ., 111 AM, llMI Hutt Me-..,..,.,,, P1rt.. Whllllet. llO•t H1Ut Mel1111rr D!rKl0rt. BECH Zoe Ptlmlllr lltCll . .-,!It 1-1. S~·E Vlo E1tr1d1. Lltl/1141 Hlll,. D~d Jin. n . Survived b¥ dllP!IMer •~d 10.,.1,..1aw, Mr. oNI Mrs. R-ld lltrlcw. L1vun1 1111111 ene tl•tl'llllOfl, Noel l1•low1 ono 9r1no.S.utrhler, Mor\I lt1t. .,...,,rn)n, Prtv1t1 lff"lkt 1nd c...m11lon ti Tiit Abbrt. An11>efm. Wesk\IU C:hlPel Mor· 1111,.,, Dlret;11;1r1 . PAGE ll1nl1mln I". P111t. "ige ''· o1 26!7 Eldon AVI., Cot.II Miu, Survl¥td bv wl,., Elltn1 ""'' lleo1nle, of ANlhelm: '-bf"othtn, It"', of Cotti Mf11, 1nd Huth Page, ol ~; Ill'" 1hter1'. IEll!e Vin Haolt, llu!h Pl1nchtor1 11'1d lttlll H~1to111 tour grJlllkllll dren 1nd one 1re1f.gr1nclchilG. Services, !tU llfOllllW•v C:haioer, WN1neld1¥, t PM. Interment, PKlflc View Memor1•1 P•rt.. llell llroecl..-1v Morf111ry, Dine· tors. GERSPACH lolel• M. O.rtPlth. Age 60. of 61S w. O.kl1N1, Htmri, C111!. SllrY!v!d br lllJlbll'>d, Edw•rdl sorl, Jt....,. E. C,erspocn, Hunt!~IOfl ll~ch; !'No 111- ,.n. Mr1. Morris Wll1011, 1""11"'' Mn, ltldltrd Wrltl!I, Co"'1 ... l ~ ,,.ndclllldren. SttvlcH Wiii bl Mid Wtdnesdl\', 3 PM. llell lrotdw•V Che~. lntermtnl. HarbOr lies! Me- morlal P1rk. Directed by Sell brood· w•¥ Mort111rr. 11n aroadw1¥, Colli Mm. BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR 3-~50 Costa Plff:51 Piii 6-tuf BELL BROADWAY MORTIJARY 111 Broadway, Costa ttfe11 LI~ DILDAY BROTllERS HunUngtoa Valley M-.,Y 1'7tl1 Belch Blvd. H111Ulnrton Beach su-m1 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Ctmetery • ftlortnary Chapel 3$0I PacUlc View Drive Newport Beach, Callfomla "4-t'IOI .., PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERA!. HOME 7al a.taa A"e. Wulmil1Ctr 11WWi WESl'CLIFI' ~ORT\lARY err & 11u. 111., c.-Mat - •11 VllM l"lllt•· H.-t he<fl .,. JMH....s. J., 11. If oa. A"""°, -..... I, l"rtfdMrd .... ntt.1 ~ e -~ •• c--. l*I WoeRIM .... offi<o ., ""' (lll'lt If "" ~ ..... Wld -.....it .... ,........ .,.,. A__.I c.. n. " 1'11 ACKJo, c_. HI .v..r, "''"°"' fw ,,_.,, et .i11 ond fW *' Dflw. lonlt AM. Collfwnle. f'lhllld C*ll'J, "" II ltf....t trwfrl.-Oiillfi .....,,_ w\ltl lfll _,..,., c.-.. MM ~ 9' lt'INA T•l""-"ttY II ,...lo C.t.I °"*""*" n. IHI, ,,.. TI~ ~ II) .... .. tfll Ol'lla ... !flt (..,.. .. .. • LIGHTll·SANOlllJON, JoMllil W .• 411, ,.._,., PW!lwnncto II) Wllldl ti mOff "' lldMl"ll It. CY*"-t1Jn ! ""-' fl ~ ,J~ tntlllM c.,1rf, ., II) -I ClOW'-ICHWAllTL 8¥IWI, ff. vi' 14'0a ot J010 T~• WIV ONI WOlllUI L, tul1hiH' Hl11Wll,.., llftd tt.lt rho ti,,_ ond II• .. of C.11fotn.141, OrMH C-IV'~ ltrr-..M ... ~IE 0 • ll(~~neftl; 1111 ~ veud!on, .. H...-t, SO!ll9 AM "" o-i. L.. d. f/I m. Cl'llll!WI, IMll'I 9f C..lt PMci ot ... rlnt tfll .. 1111 f\o1 '"'9 .. t Oii ~ ~ 1 .... Dllorw ..,., tOllU, ..,.lcfl If 111 ='"OJ C1,. ..... .itntd •I llw ortlcl ~ lwr • ti. Ill Dltl Mlllllv 1.-. l'tullllllllwl INw, tw ~,., f'-1Nt, •I t :llll 8.lr\,,, 8 .,...,,., ..Wik lit olllll fW Mid SllM, of ~ llrlllfnllMcl 111 111 ""'tlln ..,. J1-A. JKl!mon. "" Wt.a I t. ttocfl, •YAN-MAGAHA, WllH-"i , Q , ol Ill ,... O.U~ o1 l)tp.l""*"t W.. -"" _...,.,. l;ldll,, It CillhMt lei " b rt19M ol Hlil diialMnt, ltlttt m, &Mii AN, C.lltlrrla~ • IUTCHl!l<OflTK. I!'"°" D., )I, ol 19' ~... Cotlo tM.o el'lll f et wW ewf1, It M Wttt llefllfl ._ .. IN 11 M H --wfloM ~I ~ _.,_ '""' ""' n.11 MIO Wflldl Is "" •18C# f/I IM.'-.... l'H ,..._.. liv.1. Md Me~r11 Sturro. .ct, at 1111'14 1'3<d 5f., llrMt, 111 1111 c..., fl ""'-AN, -., ...,._.,.. te lfll wltt\111 I• '"6.tf!."'~notl«. 11 ,... ...,... ... In 111 """'" ,.-...,. E,, U. " tM toltwHrt lhod .• CIOfll H-•111 C..llfor"l', ..,._, onf ~lldtld !It ••~uNd 0oyy "'-"· Mmlnlslr•ttl• loll lfll nllle *' wkl ~. ,....._ ol N-1 loldl. D1ttid J11'1U6tT i. IM. !Pie ...,,..., • ~ 111 o1 ll'lf iwr mMllH ~ 11• ""' _....._ lll.19"4TUOEIAIC.Elt. G•rr •.• :w. Fi e IT 1•-w. E. IT JOHN <Ol'l'ICIAL &!Al.I M dtCWenl °' 11\11 nolk~ ~~ ot )17 OUlflldl i..111, Alllhllfn at111 r ..... Q c_,, C11r11 ~ E. Dovlt Cl.l•Tll . •GI ON-Ooltcl J.,...,., l11Mf ,_..;. It-E .. ti, 9f )17 VII Nk1. ' tll.IJCll:LIN ANO l'IANICLlN Nole1'1' l"Ullllc.c.tlfoNll• ff~ ~.t= ~ M. ain-~ H9-1 14'odl. J 1S lliWoi.111 YeilllT -· 117 ... , lltll ,..,..., l"rlndMI ~ 111 r.r, (I u ,:;in· l!~«Vtrl:lf .,, "" Wllll ·~ OECMl!ll!lt It 1 eu_,,;:.,m. ll'londoYo •-.it. l,,.., C...lo ~ Cll"""'OI flm Of'-c-t't • ....._ fW "4M......,ttrlil ~ _..,. ~I HITCHCOCK·HAltOY, Otnnl' G., H, 7•'t2 , m , _.,., Ha:r tl'>d Lllic Teh ..._22tl M'f """""*1111 IEulrn PubllSlllCI Orlftlol Clltl O.llv PLlol, JAMl!S A. JA(l(MAN "' ntl N...m•" ''" H11~1t1111on 11 ,10 •. m.~PW!t(lle E1r~ AltwM't't fOr ...,tllllllt' J-21, 1'11 0eo;.m111, 31, 1HI Ind J1nU1rr ~kilt.., 9olCfl '"" Vlet.1 L., 11, llf 10011 SN l"llblllllod nr•-Colll 01!11 l"llot. Pubtlthod Ori .... COit! 00!11 Pilol, 11, Ifft ... W. ltlll It, T,.,lor wn. o.rdlll Gron. 10,11 •·ITI '' w•llldllwft. "''me Jwwo"' 1, 1, 1.1. ltt't 1..,.. DK•mhr>< ,, 21 ,,.. '"' J111111rt LEGAL NOTICE IMt• A-CdNnl• t11'H M.l.Cll!ARN·ll't011A,M, lll'f A., S1, llf Mii H ·•~M.11rlr11 • 1 1• I"" • ' 72SHI Tllf: ·--1 in A""'~ hll8e '"" 1u1w L.. t • ~ "" 1 • E>,. a• OTICE ' Attwm' 11r •--'rt• ..._ ., 1t1 w. 11" AnlMll. MIPI 1 Pur.,:·m., , .,., N.cu.. o.-2 ~ N LEGAL NonCE •411 ,... Pu1111t111t1 o ...... c .. 11 DIJl'f 1"11111. ot S11• Cllfl'IOntt. ="'" ·= HOTICI! TO Cl•DlflMtS Jo-r.. I,, 21, 21 And tp:~o, JO:.E~?l~~i!in lt=rt a::/er~" A~ t:~11':.--"' med 1 '141 ' l2fi Cl:l:Tll"KA;:: •utiNlll Mn" ;~:::ig: J.~Y:111:r.. ::: Ifft lt . of !IO w. Wiiton. boll! of 10:» •·'"" c•r fire. 8NCll •NI Edl"lt• "ICTITIOUS NAM• •Al·lfM TH• COUNTY 01' Olt.A ... I! LEGAL NO'l1CE ' COllll Me.-. 1:1' •• rn., rnocllc.91 11df1 m111~11 ,,.,., uncNr.i....of .,_ certlfV llll It C•lTIPICAT• OP •UllM•SI N>I, Mlll't CIOWl!·FOllREST, Cl\lrlft V., 41, S:JI ,,m., ilnlCl\lrt ,., in ~11111 MIMM t ilP W ltltl fllCTITIOVI MA.Mt: Etltll ot •ENHETT NATK.l.N. Clec-J--------~~~~~--- of 4M1 ltlwr A.,.., H_, •NC.I'! .·-·• udu l'I lf,'" """' •t ..... •'•• C t .... • C ..;.__19 Thi ~ .... cwtltY he h 9d MOTIC• °" IWT'INO.D Mr, •NI M~. WHiiom $ml111. 111 Ind l•Ooml L. "·of 12352 ·-::04 '·:.m.~r tlr9 ... 1::-.1.iiloft. ·~ "'*'" ""' ffeti,:,: """' ..:;;;;" oi ~ • IM'-~I ,,... VII~ NOTICE IS HEltl!IY GIVEH to 1111 •I.ILK HANSllll• .. 4Jrct St., H--' and!, 1lrl 1,,. lood, °'""" Grt1Y11, FlouNlltl" Orlq SUSAN'S HAlllPIECEI no 11\11 141 VIiii Wt,, Ol>o,.,.., C. lfornl9, undOI Uldl!Orl flt II-. .-.. N,,..,. dec»dent NOTICE IS Hl!AllY GIVf~t "'~·.,1r.':"or~~y111~~1 .,~. ,,•,t,lOI EU8ANl(J.PETl!ISOH, Oennls F,, 21. 1C:11 P.rn., I~ flA, m1 Tobermorv firm h ~ DI' n.. ,:.IOlll'llll .. ,::.,, ::11::1~,.:~ =-~ !':,~11~1~-S IMI tll t>er-1'11Vl"9 Cl•lm• _1,..1 J<»IH t( llODERICIC. ol\S ELIZA TK ,,. • .,.. ...,,, el I . fl. 1, kN:lbtr, Ill, INI lHnM LIM w11oH ,,_,,,. ! fl;ll ofld •lltl DI' l'Wlklenc;t m fhe 11ld de(edlfll '"' tt<1Ulrtd to lilt A. 11100Elt1CI(, 1NI tltctl of , Mr. oncl M~. R1nnol'>d '•ubvl. t'l'I M, 1', of W COll"lllll• LIM, COit• lO:l'I p,m., mr::: :::U1f7!1 IE1tu1rv ii 01 followl; n It c~ ot llw iolltlowl,,. = tnem. •111'1 ll'lt necnurr ~ •• 1ro Oolnt butll'llH •t TALLY HD ,MtMS, Junl111t0 Or .• C...I• Mat, '"'' Mew. 1l:IM •• m, Morld1v. lll .. ''"""· WO """' Wiiiia .............. JIM .. """"' ~ i.'::!·ln 11111 .... pllc;t al r" ""', Dlfk• al ""' Clert. ot "" ·~ """*" tdll•ll'll .. inu ,....._ ....-..i, J-lf'Y ) GIEEH8AUM·KALI!, Cl'ltrlet L., 31, Fft lrvlow ROid PL Cot!• Mlle, C1llfornl1. H i-f ;_. f.141 VIiii VIII• In llfcl -.rt, or I'll Pl'IHfll ""''"· w F-llln V1llt'f", CO\lnfV 9f Or ..... , M•. llld Mrt. ll0114rl MC~rnn. IJ!l of •14 l-lel(I\ llva., ltfUNI 10 .2't ,.m., llM 1l1tm, >01 Vlcl0tl9 011'1<1 JOnulrl' 1, Ifft, _, ' ' the l'llCtllMfY l'Ol>Chen., II !tit u• CtU!orf'it, It about II' m.tW I ... . W. ''"' Newoor! Be.ch, WY Steen ll'>d Horme l., 33. ol 5011 Mew""" a .. dl Suun W1Hoa Htr¥rt Wl'f, Or111to, Cilllornlo ""1 de"lellld ti 11\f: llfflu ol 1'111 tltorl!IY, tt1nrtlf' Hie fo TAAHS l"ACIFICf,.IM• JtftUt,.., I Scott Clrde, LI Ptlml. lO:Q 1.m. Mondt¥, rnr,i1 butl'I, Sltle o1 C11ll!lml1 Ot1n11 County· Dtlld Dl<:emllotr Jl, \Mol. Oonild E. Smtll'loood, l•U WHlclltl VIESTMEHT CO., IHC., ""-.... . LI. 11\d Mr1. Dtvld Wt ll1, 114 Dtl V"iNDEGltlFT·JONES, MIGl'le~I It., 1!, ll~r"::;:te ';;1.a~l°'~d rliD W On J•nu1ry 6, 'lfH, bofott ,.;t, 1 l+OMElt H. JONES Dr!¥t, Sul!t :0., Hewpgrl le1d1, Is 1123 Eitl 11111 Slfttl, SI.I .... ,1r, Mtr Aw.., Cotti MHI. g!rl of 21'5 Pomon1 SI. al'>d '•1•1cl• !;,y . " ' . Notarr Publk In '"" for Hier S!llt, P. 0. BQ~ ~J:: I '16iS C1tltornl1 '16'0, lll'hkll II lllt •19ce ~nfl A~I, CounlV' of Or..,.., Cllltll;\111 Mr. •nd M~. L•rr¥ WellV', 166' M,, J1. of )ltJ l"ornont SI., boll'I 3:&! ".m., 1rt1W llro, SQ., ltY'lrll'!t pe"'°"'lty 11>t>e1rtd "'°''" W1lllce ,,,. •°'c',;,~;nl•'· 0:1".,!f C.unrv: Ill ...... I_ ol ll'lf Unckrtlo~ In Ill of 111t folklwllll Pl"_,,.,: Monrovl1 "iw. .• Cost1 Mew, 1lrl '' c-•• "-•. ' ' 1 1 -•I )905 .. ~--' • "' ..... ,_, ''" '"' meftTr1 11ert1!nl1'111 lo 11'1• al1lt ol "ill of 1111 fl~tura, -i-K''f.d ~ ....._ ):~I p,m., • K r Cl • .--.er¥•Y "'''"""' 0 .... .. ... " On Dfftmbtr n. "" Dllor• ..... tOt wt I tout" 11'1 ,, ~ M• '"" Mr1. Sl>ll>-Yunu sne.,. 1G111111_:•:o:':':':•:·:":'"'"""=:':·..:'"':'c"c.:•:·:·_':':·_•:::._..::•o"o""":;:;,;_~•-•'cwc.c.. _______ 1., M,•• "'-, ~~ 1~rn*'-• "".,.""",",. • Mot•r~ Publlc 1" ino ~ .,141 Sltlt, !!~,1~,, -··~~',:..,.."'•' _,, ~. • • '' 1toc1t, INHl!Qlil •""'""-"-or• El Pti.o Ave , Founlaln V1l~y, 1lrr n1 rlHntn ''"' 1 ... now M•IOlllllV' 1_.red HorMf H. J-"~ """ ~ "'" '" ·-oll\er ~I ._..., 9f Y M• 1nd Mtl. 01Yld PrlUll. lfOH e<;UINI t~e """· krw:iwn II> mt lo bl IM person whose Oiied O«tmber 'l'O, 1MI HD FAll:MS. wtlkn ~ 1' 1'itted ~~·rllsh Circle, Huntlnglon 8t1cti. Crossword Puzzle (0FFIC~P$11E;~~.vlt ~t~'::.~: .t~M~~~~i!:.:O"' ... ·~~:.'::vt~ ~':c':' .... M.;,"i:!"'.;111 ot ~~1111.:?'~111:~ Strwt, l'~I" M•. Ind M". Jtck Clint l:IU"" llrooct HGl1rr Publlc.C1!lfornl1 11'11 Mimi 11\t 1bclv1 NmN decl'd<n! TMt bulk lrlfllflf" will bl~ St, ~ewJ>Orl lle1dl, girl Pr1ncl,ll Offla 1~ IOFflC:IAL SEAL) DIMlll •· Sm1ll'wMI on or rite• J1f'!Ut ,.., :ICI, 1Mt, ot Suli. Mr. 1nd Mrt, D•on Cordell, '"'' Or._ Co!.>nlV' Jlllll M. Girrtll 1111 WnlclllhOttw, SUUI 214 Ut, Union II.. S--rt, °'91'11fc• l1n1I Clrc~. Hunllnglor1 lle1ch, 111•1 M¥ Commlulon EUl•f1 Not•rr Plltlllc-Cilllornla N--1 ltKll. (Olll, ""° C•llfornl1. ,,. t Mr •nd Mrs. 01,rrU lroolt. 2'7' Jun• 21, 1'10 PrhKIPll otllct In Tel: "44-HU Wlll'lln lfll Pttl 11\r .. Y11&rl ft• ........ lledt.nd1 Dt., Co~I• Mno, 111r1 ACROSS y •-d , p I S I ... Publlllhed Oflflllt Coast Otllr f'llol, OranM County Att.,WIJ fir ElKllMI' h•• •lw ultd tlll follllwtl!O .........,. M•. end Mrs. P•••ton Jones. 312 Sl Chemlc1I es ..... ilY s uu e 0 vru: J1nu1rv 1. u, Jl, ,., Ifft 1CH'I Mo Comm'•"-'''"'l f'ubll111ed Or1nt• (041SI D•llY Piiot, n1rne1 ,, ll'oe fOllOlll'1 ... ""''-.. ~. "iv•nld• Cumbre, NtWl>OTf •Heh, compound ""' DKtmber 24, 31, lfij.I 1nd J1nu1rr drnwt. to the krwi•i.dt• of troM!tcet: bor 1 Offends J~IY 21. Ifft 1. ,,, Ifft 22fCMI HONIE. •. ~· Mr. •M Mrs. UuloP1 ~.,, 1,...1.11 S2 Tense LEGAL N011CE IOMONO IALl"H ANOl!ISOH, Jlt. CU.TED! Jinwrv .,., '"'· "'"" Hr«ll"" "ivo.. HunUnt•on ... ch. 5 Explode out 56 y ... 1muhln1.s AltwMr LEGAL NOTICE TltANS PACIFIC bot of • tr&p teacher P·J2.1\f Ullloll '"* ,...... ' INVESTMENT co .. IHC' "" .. Jlft\11,., ' 10 Garment 60 At-: CEllTtFICATI Of' IUllN•Ss Ctlllrlt T_, S..llt '" l".nlln • C1UlornLI cor-•llon. ..... Mr Ind Mr1. K•nntTl'I WtKltt, 'OS 14 Al Iii FICTITIOUS NAMI! Or-. Cl11'1n1L1 ""' Cl!ITIPICATE OP IUJtNESS Tr1nsl"'" lleoor1lo A~e .• Coron• dtl Mo•. boy rp ne F inally The under1lgned !tots Corti!¥ IM Is PubltahNI Or•"" Cotti DlllY Piiot. FICTITIOUS NAME llr lffMrd J. P•rl"I' M• 1nd M11. MlcNo! T~'" 11• maneuver 61 Menaced cond.,,,111111 • bu\; ..... ,, j1Jl Mar1h1t1 J1nu1rr 1, Tt. 21, 21, Ifft 13-69 Thi """'"l•llld do (lrlllv 1..., ,,. Pm. ~-Sulllvtn. Sonte An1. llDv 15 Anxious IO 64 Girl's na111e Orlv•. Hun111111ron 8tKI!. C1llloml9, 1111-cOMucllnu , bvslneu 11 MU W. COit! llCKAllO I . l'LOYO n . .,, . Mr. •nd M'1. At•" Cenlltlcl, 101'7 tetstarled 65Allerfcen dtr n.. 11c1111ous fl"" n1n11 ot JET.,t,.tll LEGAL NOTICE H""'" N....-t kid!, CillfornLI, un<llr A.,..,... It L-...Jv llon1tr, Gordon G,.,...., ~lrl 16 COlllllOtion SERVICE incl 11111 u ld llri<i h ~fa Ille tkllltoui Hrm r11m1 of PROGAESSIVE $11111 .. U1111!1 a111~ S... Mr. '"" Mr1. Wiiiiam Lull111, 1112 lndlans o1 Ille follow1"' person, '''f>O" 111mt 8Al·1111 CAA WASH •nd tl'llt wld t!rm I• com-°''-C1IMnll• ""' '"" Ver1no PL. Irvine, boY 17 Aeg@an 66 Quttt In lull Ind plac1 of rttlde11e1 h •• HOTICI! TO Cll!OITOllS i>oted of Ille !ollowlnt ttrlOrlS, wlloll Pllbll11Md Dranp Cotll Diltv J.lla!, J•n~•,., ' Island covering tollows: supe110 1t COURT OF THI" n•m•• In 1u11 •lld "''''' ot rts1Hnc1 J.,,u,,.., *'· lHt .., Mr. lrld Mrs. lto~rl ChJ1holm, 194 lCJ Always ,, United [n Htltn Zl1krout, Stl2 M•r,htl! Orlvt. STATE OP CALlf'Oll NtA 1"01 trl 11 follows: W1lnu! SI., Cosl1 M.i!••· boy ZO R I Hu"ll1111ton leech, Ctlll<>rnl1. THIE COUNTY 01' 01.tNl)E ltDllERT J. l"iDD, 1Xlf w . .t.Mhuttr LEGAL NOTICE Mr. '"" Mra, Sltohon E. D,t, 1&0 ea fll aartlagt Dlltd DKtmber LI. 1961. IM. A111'l Pl., Sanll Ar11, (llHornlt . M~:',.!:" ~o::~ "'o.~!t!bo-rE , Nou,.,e, l2JlSKtlon'"d Of if,•,· .. "".~ J/14/69 Slltl of H~:i:"to:~r.="'(j°:,nge County· ... i:.~11~ of JOSEPH X>HN ICOll051(t, GENE KllE51. W S/ltllmtr, Co111 NOTICI! Of SAL• Ol" iiAt I' ' "· L ' ' ' _,,, . Mew, C•lltoml•. f'llOPl"ITY AT l"lllVATI" SA1.9 . 10362 ..... .,.., Hunt 1111•on 11••cll, thniMI 69 tllntrtl lZ M•rch ~ 44 Sthooling: °" o.e. 11, lNL bel'llre ,,,., • Nol•,., HOTLCIE 1$ HEllEIY GIVEN lo '""' STANLEY K. GOODNESS, 10l10 $1trn tilrl • 2& Do •tUtt f'Ublle in-Incl fOf' 11ld $Ult, t>erwn•ttr eredll!ll"I of !I'll ollov1 111mec1 cleadtnl A ..... , Glr&tn Grfl'lt, c.ntorn!•, No. NW P-4111 "'"' J111111,., 1 sprlngs dill 2 words •1>Ptorec1 H•l•n 11111.•oul bown 10 m• 11111 en Ptrllfll 111v1"' d1lm1 •MLMI O•lwll Jinu.,., ., '"'· SUl'!RIOll COURT o~ ;l:HI! Mr. •nd Mri. Jollll Mtln, 737 Aml'ltrsl thin 13 Wint 46 COrTOded NI be 11'4! Pit!"..., wlQI """' t. 111blcrlll-1111 wld cltcedtnl ••• required kl Ille RDIEAT J . LADO STATE OF CALIFOltNfot°°'F~ . ltd., Cosll Mew, •1•1 21 Gt Ye DOIN 111 Fall ~8 Parade ed lo "" ... -~!Ill" LMff\111"11111 I ncl ll'lfm, With ""' ntOIUffY "°"""'"' "' (;ENE KllESS THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGE~ Mr, '"" MP'l. Gt!or9e ltostftbtum, I ..,,. TV stir d 1(11.ftOwJedotecl Ille "axecut9d 11'11 NIM, !hi olfk.t qi 11'11 c~rt. of lbf 1bow STAHLEY K. GOODNESS I" Ille Moth< o1 Ille Ellahl ef "1ftGll. SOl E. K1f•lt1 Av1., Ora.,.., boy &ppl'OYI lo u groun (OFFICIAL SEALI enl1119d (:Ollrl, or hi o•nenl ll)fm, •111'1 Sith! ol Cllltorl\'1, CH"•nvt eoun:v: H. WAID, DKMMCI. • Mr. ind Mrt. Jamts Mele/II" '1"2 30 lounbln 111 the Bobby COlllCll.,d: MOrr K. Hon,.., Ille n«nt1,., ¥0Uehtrs, to !tie u,.. On Jlnu•,.., t, lMf, bttort mt, 1 Notte• lt ""rtbY 11lvtn 11111 1M.~ E. 1Jrt> 51,, Apl-' l-. 8t1dl, n)'lllphS faots a~ 2 WOfdS Hol•l"I' Publlc.Ctlltornl• cll~l•Md •I "" olf1c• ol hit •tNlr ...... Noll,,, Public In •Ml !or Sllcl $i.t •• ~~·ned Wiii HU •I Privet." .. ~. !Joy )t Versifier dlff t 24 "-·-.(CJ Coln PrlntlH1 otl!tl In JOHN I(. TROTTER, Jr., 900 North PlrlOnlll'I '""'red AOIEllT J. LAOD, fo Ille l'llohnt 1NI bid blddltl", 1Jitit.d Mr. •nd Mt1. Danny McL1111Mln, ffln Or1n91 County 8rNdw1y, Suite &02, S.n!1 AN, GENE II.RESS •Ml STANLEY K. to conllrmlllan of uld S-lor W"• •10f W. 5111 st., S.nt1 An1, boy 35 lnsttuments 2 landtt Eat 52 Realtor's Mt Comml:..:!or1 Ex11lr1:1 c1n1om11 f111lf, •lllch 11 tl'lf •la<:• GOODHES$ known to me to be Jlw on or Iller Ille 1'111 411 of J•~• Mr. 1nc1 Mri. Mldlael a1rrw1, 1105 31 E11cla11. of 3 Play Cake": m1.p NoY'tlllber ,,, ltn DI' Mllll'li "' t111 un"'"lol'ltd ln 111 ""°"' whoM ,,_ '" wbKdbllil!I' 1o 1'69, 11 Ille otllc• a1 GIEl:.A~O. Ho. ''-'"SI .. s.tnll Ant, boY • surpriSIP 4 Like so•t 2 words 51 Hindu P\lblhl'led Ot•flll• COit! 01JI'( l"llol, m•tttri Ptl"l1l"I"' to !ht tlltll ol !ht wlll!ln ll'Jlrul'Mnl Ind •cknowledlf'CI TANNEH ol KATES, TANNEN . s. Mr. '"" Mr1. Jolln Slnol•tor1, 1st.ft 25 Train b" rulet Ooc. ll. 10. 21, 1Kll al'lll Jin. 3. ••Id dec:taent, wlll!ln lour ,,_Ill, •lier "'" •~ec:uttd 11'11 wmt 110I c,,., St., Sulhl 1Gll, seii F Tullow Lint. t111ntl1111lon lel(I!, ''" 311 Presldentl•I children , I Ifft 21fl'61 "" llrtl Ptlbllc•llool ol lfllt llClllC'll. !OFFICIAL SEALl ' cou.nty ot L°' A"911H. Sl9!r"!_·of' Ja"u'"' I nicknalllt S Strong lnsltuctlOll 54 S!!!"f O D1ttc1 Jonuo,.., >. lHt. Jowl>h E Oivlt C11t1ornl1, 111 111« rklflt, t1111 llnd I~ Mr. ind Mt!. Oevld "incler...n l10tJ 39 Go before requ1sl 27 Nullify old LEGAL NOTICE Erne• J11n IC.obolkl Nol•rr p~~llc.C•llfornl• of Hid dKllled It Ille 11 .... of\diloflt Grovt Clrcle, Huntington 8t~th, boY 6 Tultll"' god 28 Abode 55 Over the J1idmlnl1tr1tor of Ill• E11111 Prln(IPll otllt• 1~ •1'111 111 li'>t rklhl, 11111 1NI 1"'9ftft Mr. end Mri. S•m!H'I Mast~llfr, 11151 4} Slate: •1 C c b whole diS• NOTICI TO CIEOITOIS o1 !I'll 1bovl Nlmed dec:tdtnl Oflngt Counl'\I' 11\.11 !I'll ttlllt ol wld dKe•std I'll• N•wllrld No. 2~. H1111llngton ltKl'I, Abbr. 1 QltOlll lR 29 QCr;SCOl!t SUPElllOll CDUIT OP THI! JOHN It. TIOTTll, JR, Mt Commlasian E~o\rn acoulred lly -••llon ol ltw or ofl«W .. , boy 42 Poetic: Empire 31 C0!11 iz~nl lance: Yar. STATE OP C"illFOflNIA FOi ,.. Ml •• ,......,, Sllllt WI, June 71 1t10 otf\fr lllln or In PCldlt!Oft lo ~ .. tJll Mr. tnd M•~. J•m•i O....t111. 13"07 ,,, .. ,,,,,, ff' 3l Mental 57 Cut . THE COUNTY OF ORANGE S.nt• Au, C1llllrlll• ""' p bl\'11ed 0~•1111• COl•I O•llv P!lot. Ullcl dK••1ed, ., tt>e !Im• el ~. T1rt, <;1rden Grovt. bov " 0 ICtf l Ho.. A~U'1 Tth SU·H'U u In tnd lo 1U ll>t cwt1Jn ,....,,._, Mr. ~11d Mr$. Gared Scnw1ndt, 1,..,1 ~3 Sttong I Rellglous angui$h 511 ll5 t<JEtl•lt of NELLIE N. BENNY, oeet1s-AllwlWI ,.r •~ml"1ilrllff January 1, H, 21, 11. Ifft 1s-6t •lluUINI In 1111 Counrv of Ori11ge,_$tJ~ Norton s1 .• lf'llnr, bov vlrlle llllt body 33 Hits. Supper NOTICE IS HEIEIY GIVEN to IM Publl•hed Orang• CIMlll Dtll¥ Piiot. LEG" NOTICE "' C1lllorn11. Plrlltullrlv dner!biill' .•• Mr •rid Mrt. GM'llt D1v11. UOO 44 ModerittlJ , A11phibl1n: 36 Czech • picture cr..iltori el tM obovt Nmttl decedent J1nu1,.., 1, 1'. 11. :it. lfft 12-.19 n.JJ 1011o...,, ta-wit: I!''' E. Helm SI .. Ottnof:, 9lr1 2 • patriot .59 Tottboard 11111 Ill t>erMH'll l\IVlnt ci.1.,,,. pg1\n1I "iN UNDJVIDED OHIE·HAL. YH-M• '"d Mr1. L1rr~ Souckr, l36 fast pit WOI S 1111 sold "9CfCltnt . 1r1 re<111ll'llll ta H• LEGAL NOTICE IAl·l•1 TEAEST 1r1 lr¥1Pro-..I r111 ..._,.,., E. lllh P1., CD1h Mt'I• 1lr1 45 Catch }Q Piai11 39 Sl1ge in data !Mm, with 111<1 ._...,.,., woucl'lt~. In NOTICE TD Cl&DITDRS at 1009 E. CMllllr SI .. 4nibalrrl.. Mr, 1M Mrt. John Curren, 11'3 47 p TA 11 lar• I C:jC:le 62 ]/10 Sl'll !Ito olfkt ol tllt cltrk el 11\e above IUPEllOll COUIT OF THE Ctlltornla, ie111lty llQcrlbed It foltiMri:. G111net Or .• Cotti Mil<•, boy ' ' " d .(0 ftlt 63 Slllll Or\I tnlllled court, or lo Pl"•Hnl them, •lln IA• 1"41 STATE OF CAltl"O•NtA l"Ofl Lot u INI ""' W•ltr1¥ ~ .... J1n111r1' ' lll!llbet's e· conltlUon l"shl :I:.11m~:,,., L•~~e. ':i ~ .... ~c; NOTICI! TO Cl•OITOIS TH• COUNTY OF OIANO• cl LQI " or Traci Ho. 1 • '' M• ~"~ "''"· T~oddt•ll ""°"''"""'"· 50 Func:Uon votJon ... •nd Fr1n1tlln. 101 E•st ltrh StrHI. SUl"IEltoll COl.lltT OF THI! NI. A .. lUI sllown o~ MIP rec:onstd '" '"· 1'7t Hl11"1•MI Dr .• N,,._...., 111!1ch, Cos!• M~C1ltfoml1, lll'll!ch ii ll>e ITAY• 01" (ALIPOINIA POI Est•lo .,, THOMAS c LI" F 0 It D p-~~ ol MIKel"-a ·~·· bov 1 9 II ll J pL.o;e of ,.,. o1 1ttt uN1111'$111Md THI! COUHTY OI" OIU.NOl AltCHElt, Also lr.l"IOWll 11 THOMAS C. records ol °''"""County, C.11'91fiiii:" Dr and Mrs. LMlr.e, SllJ Alli Cl!\ld1, Ir! •It mt '" t>erl1lnl"1 lo Ille Hltle IM. A ... lm "illCHElt, 0Ke11e<1. EXCEPTtHG 111 on ~ LI c~n1ae. •l•I :ite~tl:'. f~11c.ri:1;, ~·~""' IEtl•"' of EDITH L. KUHN, 0.C.•Hd. NOTICE 1$ HEAEllY GIVEN fo ""' '"'"'"""'· ••• '"' ottwr ~ M• ~rid Mra. T•IV11 !11rlr.l1Y. 1:16 lol Otlwd DlctmMr JI, IHI' cr:'.i~~~~IE oflStti!'E.~.y .!'.!:H llt~M~~ ctldllo~ GI rho tbow n•m•, OK~,M•, 1ut>lll11Ctt ""'"' '"" 1Joel1111 ---" Igo"' -.ve .. ••tboo l11111d, boy $1muel G. 1enn1, xecuto, thil i n "''°"' hivlne clilm• 1811.,_1 11111 111 Plrtons 111,,11111 cl• m1 ••• n1 SOO feel und•r llW ourflc• fl ,,._. Mr ~n<I M't, Tl>l<ldore M. Slllmro. 17 of lht 1st1te ol Ille '"' wld dtctellnl ••e reciulrtd la Ille Ille uld declfdlnl 1rt <t<111lrl<I to lilt land tbovt dncrlllld1 loll•tl'ltr 111'11111 •}t P•ul~•lno, Cot!• Mew, ,1,1 1bovt nomed GICl<ltn! -· •lrl'I tlll -w~ vouct..r1. In !him, wllh 11\e l>K>llHr'I' YDUd'll~. In ll>e right to 1nter .. ,., I•,....._ II• ~"" Mrs. Robert Hlctooh. 1t3tl l"r11111tll" .... P••llllll• . , •• el """ ltrk ol """ ..... b!rf "°' lbo¥t IM w1ct 500-foor'lWel " ·-•---• ' ' Iii lid 11111 llf"Nf '"' '""' of Ille cltrk ol lh• 1bow 11\f: ltt c ·~ -· ··-• ••"-_. Clndt Lant, .--.1m.. ,.....,., g • lO I -c ,,._, '''"' rt or 1 tnl lllfm wltll .. ..-ww•-"~""" M• ind Mrs. '•u1 J. J1rmui, 1311 , 'Mt-Jdl 1 ,_,,., enlltleCI (:Ollrt, or lo ..,.,1tnl them, will\ ~ cou ' 0 i:'"" la th; u,.. svt>lte....:ea 01 reserwd lfl Ille dftd A~ktr SI .. Cott• """"'' olrl AttW!Wn ,., l!•KVHIT !I'll nteellto,.., ~. I'll Ille uri-cllrslg~"\'i. ":fffc. '!i his •lto•nt¥1· ... w. e'. Cllrt. Ind olllert °""° Mr '"" Mrs Jomts C. ,.,,,,.l"IQll, Pubtllhed Dr1nge Ca.11 0•11¥ Piiot, aenloned 11 !Pie otllc• of his •ltomen. WALLACE al!OWN & CllAIN, Ill Dover Jul\' l~. 1'5:1. HOS ll~ktt $1 .. Cot!• Mt11, boY Dtumblr 31. lNI •nd Jlnu•rv 7, ~ YOUNG, PRENHEfl & HEWS, 315 Wnl Ori,..., Sult~ 2't. Hewpgrl aeich, Celllollrnle Ttl"~ el 1,11 c1111 If! liWf\11 ....&.. 1'1 arriages Licenses LAS VEGAS. Nev. Mlrr1q1 llcen1n IHl/ed lier• ll'ICl\ldt: O!Cl!Ml !lt t SNOW·WATTEI$, G1rv P., 11, ol 101'1 H~rbour Isle •"" Slltrrlt l ., 16, of 10, 121h SI., boll\ of H\l<ltllllltOf'I ll••th. PEACHEY·FULLElt, 01rrtll L,, 2J, of 2100 Cl1r1!, l"9UM !le•dl Ind Ll!Olll M,, 1t, of Holl W. 811! ltoad. Allll!tlm. MOAGAN-FOICE, luuelf M., lt, of 4'1' eruct Crnc,nl, NIWPClrl l••dl IP"ld GfrlldlM M., 2,, Cl! 21'0 Petenon Way, Cotti Mew. l.AUOIS.SMITHl.EY, Joi\~ M,. n, ol 16474 T1<rel $1. ond Cl'llr¥1 L., 11, of 16'H Terrt! SI., boll\ of Foun!lln Valle\', lllLEY·WAllD, ltobtrl J., 1,, ol 2220 Drll"lllt Incl JMnne It., 11, DI' ,,. S1nt1 l'l'l~I. boll'I of Cotti Mtw. " • 20th. ANNIVERSARY SALE ''NEW MARKDOWNS'' FAMOUS lllAND WOOL DOUILE KNITS 30°/o AND 40°/o OFF SKIRTS, PANTS, TOP'S, JACKITS & SWIATIRS SPICE IROWN, WILD HONIY, ELECTRIC ILUE, FIRE RED VASSAlmE PANTIES IUT THREE AND SAVE ! 1.00 Brie( ....................................... 312.45 1.25 Brier , ........................................ S/l .15 1.15 Trunk -· ·-·"·········-·-····· ..... S/2.IO 1.35 ~1ed. Ug ........................ -........ Sl).41 1.6,') Tighl ....................... l/4.25 SALE PRICED MARTEX TOWELS 2.SO Bath ................ ··························~· 1.tt 3.50 Bath ................................................ l.SO 1.50 H11nd ···-··-···· .............. -.. 1.1' 2.00 Hand ... ....... ········-·· 1.7t ACRILAN BLANKm -REDUCED ! ! ! 16.98 26.98 80"x90" . ........... ............ . 13.tl 90"xl08" ................................ n" "Nl9ht Soni'' Thermal 10.98 80"x90" ........ _, ................... , MEN'S NO.llON SLACKS R ... UO, t .00, 1UO, & 11.ot '·'' Pl1l .. 1 & Pleln Colon. Slz• 21 te JI, 40 MEN I IOTS' SWEATERS C•rdl11n1, Pulleven Sport1hlrt1-.• Lont & Sftert Sl .. ves Tuttlenack Knit Shim NOW SHOP OUI IARGAIN TAILIS Ladlu Spomwear, Dre11n Skim, Ponh, Jock•ts 2.99, 5.99, 6.59 40°/o to 50°/o REDUCTION Opeo Dolly 91lM , FriHy 'tll 9 P·'"· MAITll CHAI.GI AND CAil i IL.AtfCHI Perk Clf'l.,.t.nlly ht OW R•r l'ltrr Parkl~ An• IN COSTA MESA IT'S Dl!."AftTM!:NT 9TO"!: 111' NEWPORT llVD. ...... AMIRICAJtD AND DINIRS CLUI 21. lNf UI Tl'llrd Strut, Sonlt ANI, C1rllornl1 f'll'OI, n6'0 \lllllkh II 11\1 place ol bu1JneH of Ille UnUl<I S!1!H on COl!f~.., wlllc:f\ 11 11\1 PIKO er bullMH of t111 of n:. ulldefllan..i In 111 mtl!trl 11e,. of wit, or 111rt cail'I 11111 lllllM<ll !tfld.tf1!1ned I" 111 m1!1er1 ..erl1lnl1111 lllnlng to 1111 esllle of wlcl a.tleltnl, t"IOenced ll'f' not• MCUrtd ll'f' ~ l'9 !Pie ""'' of Hie! dec:tdtnr, wllfll• wlll!I" fau~ ,,_1111 •llW ll'lt 11~1 PUbflr:.I· or Trust om on lftl ~ ~ LEGAL NOTICE Cl1Tll'ICA71! 01' IU51Nl!SS 'our monlht artltl" ll'lt flrtl ..ubll(l llon llOll ol lll!i nollce. sold. Te.i 1ter cent of _,..... _ •ICTITjDUS NAMI" ol 11111 nolfct. Olted Januirr J, Ifft. lo bt de!Hnl!Td wllll bid. Tl'lt unClerslgnltCI' doh certify he Is 01t1<1 Dtctmber ,0, lNI. Pamela A lnmin lllds or otl•rs lo be In •rtll,. ....... eoncluctlllll I bu1lne11 If 1544 Pl1ce~ll• l.~I+ J. Kulln Admlnlstritrl• o! !M Esrtt• will be rt(elved •I 111<1 lf9"nlld,dl'k• A¥1n11e, NfWPOl"I 8t1dl, C1llfornl1, \l<lGU E•~utor ol 11'11 Witt Of IN •DO,... n•mltCI' lltctdtnl ti 1n¥ time 1rter Ille 11~1 Pllbll~" ""' fldllloon firm n1"" of AOVANCE Of llM 1boYe n1med Gtt!Nlenl WtLlACI!, leOWN a CIAtN ht,eol 11'111 blfort Hie of 111t. 1 ... . MAlllNIE OllVIEltS POOL tNI !I'll! u ld YOUNG, f'ltl!NN•ll I HEWS IU Orltt ort .... , lv!hl tt Ot!td lhl1 10th H¥ o1 J111111rr, ! ... ,. firm Is aimPO:Sed of tl'lt lo1111'wl"I person. Jll Wttl Tlllnl Sllftf N.....,.,i IHc•. C1Uler•I• ~ llELEH L WA•o. ~-.... "Wl'lost .,.mt r" lull •ncl •••c• ol rallHnc:t Selll• Au, Cllff. ttltt Ttl· m.nn E•KVlrl• el Ill• l11I Wiii It 11 tolfO*I: Ttl: J.lt-4:m ' · lo Ad lflls t I of s1ld OtudM!t N::;lma;.~: ~ ,.,.,en111 A-ue. A1~~:ir::..i1er o~!~:lffcoasr D1Ut Pllo!, A';::ea ror.:e ~!.~,s D1llr Piiot. ::~:~,oT:N!::N&l!~A~l l Ollld J•llUI,.., 11, lNt Dlc•rnbtr 2', 31, tt61 Ind Jinuirv J1nu1rr 1. U, 21, 21, 1Hf 111t 11• Ctlb St., Suite ttf Wltll1m V, CK! 7, !(, lfft '25'-611 LEG" NOTICE 1111 F1n1111111t, C•llf. f'IM ........ • .. ..• STATIE OF CALIFORNl"i ,,,_.., At"""" fir hwtltrb OllANGE COl.INTY; LEGAL NOTICE Put>llllMd Or1n91 C011I 0111r :)!11q1 ..• On J111Ulr'I' 1), ,,.,, btlort mt, I P·Dlft JlllUlty 1,, 1$. 21, 1Ht ~ Notarv Public In 1na tor atld St1te, IAl•lttt Cl!ITIPICATI! Ofl IUSINl:il Hr&0n1lly 11H1rtd Wtlll1m Coe! k""wn NOTIC• TO Cll"DITOll l"ICTITIOUS PlllM NAME to me lo bt !ht """°" Wl'loH ntme SUl"!lllOI C:OUI T OF THE THE lJHOE ASIONEO clots llerii'bY LEGAL NOTICE .. .,, 11 111b!ulbed lo rl'lt wl!hln ln1!rumen! ST .. TI! OF CALll'O•NtA FOi ctrlllv 11'111 R-ld P. Mlll'llWI\, C-~CI· T Cl" NV TIM I " • •1'111 tcknowledged ... UKUI"' "" •• ,.,,,. THl COUNTY 01' OllAHOl i1111 • GAOUHO CONT AOL butlntH ,, St led NO I 1' .!in • .. ·!!....~_. (Dltlc111 Se•U Hi. A .. IUt na Ronold Rd., Cit¥ of Hvnll11111or1 • . "'OllOIO • ,_.._ •I JOHoft IE. 01vl1 letdl. COJnl'\I' of Dr•""• Sl11t of Callo Ille otlice of 11'11 Seuell,., d f:li11Y ~1•:;tp,i~\~1•1~1lllornl1 tl;ll•~~o~n H~~lt~E~~~DI~? :!:ti~; ~~~0H'b""t~~~,U~~ll!:t ,i;~ w~"1i,~ !•v::~onf~~1\~ .'!:,.!.,•! !"~-:; ... ~~ Ortnoe Cou"l'\I' 11>0 known II H. H, IAILEY, DICltHd. It comllOltd ol 1,,; lollowl"t otrtonl 1175), FOU"lfln Vtlll'I'. C11Hom11,...,.,., MY Coml"f'l .. lon E•Plre1 NOTICE u HEllEIY' GIVEH 10 !ht whose ne1ne1 •nd •<lcl•n~ ar• .; Ofl or befo•• '"' 2hr dff Of J......, J""' n, 1,10 ctl<llto•s Gt lht 1boYt n1med McNlent IOllOwJ, fo.wll: 1•61 •I ,,. ,,m., 11 lll'lllcl'I '"""'"""' 11'111 ttl """""'' r..vi.., dllmt ... 11111 _.,, -... ,., -~ .. -'· P11bll5hNI D•lllllt COi•! Dlll• Pllol, ll>e Hid dec!dlnl ltt rtc1ulred IG Ille ltan11d l"ef!r MO!hlwn, T14J IONlld ..., "" """ ¥ _,_, I m J•nu1rr u , n, 11 tncl Ftb•Utf'I ~. !Mm, wllll "" necnu,.., -.cntrs. '" Rotd, Hu"tlneton le•cll, C•llfornl• !I'll olfke o1 1111 80lnl llf O,,..,..,_ lfft ~ llll o!fl(I of 11'11 cllrt. ~ rl'll lbollt' WlfntH my l\lnd ll!lt 221'111 ffy o1 81 _JOk<I IElllt "ivtnve, FOU!111I" "tfllry, ,., No¥1mller lMI C11ilornl•. far: ,_, ""lllled court, or lo 11r•H•lf them, wllh ' llonild I". Millllstn RECDNSTllUCTION 01' llOO• ftVMf' "" nectne,.., llOlll:htrs, to the un· STATE OF CALIFORNIA ST"iTION COtlTRACT NO S-1' -•1 LEGAL NOTICE dlf"llontd 11 Clo YOUNG, f'R!HHEll COU NTY OF ORANGE 81da 1rt rtrO\llrtd IOI" "'9 lllllrtW!i: HDTICI! TO Cll"O!TOltS & HEWS, Altor,,..,.,, II L1w, 315 Wt'll On lllll Dnd dlY of HQ'i~, A.0 ,, descrl~ l'ltrtln, ·• SUl'l!lllOfl COUllT"'OP THI! Third SlrHI, Sonl1 Ant, Ctl!lornla f'll'OI, \"41 Dllort me Vl<tl~fl I. Oivll, 1 The -rll ls lo be doo'll ~ll'tP ST•TI! OP CALIFORNIA '011. wllkll 1• "'' PIK• ol !><ISllllll ol "" Ho!.,.,. Public Ir! '"" ,.... M,141 COUl'I,., to Ille ...... '"" tptClflufions Oii file TNI COUNTY (It" ORA~· """"'•l•n«I In Ill mtlltn Hrt•lnl"9 '"" Slllt retldl"9 lht,.ln cKlll< com· lfl 11'11 olflct ol tlll Slc~I,., ~~ Nt, A .. 1'4t lo ll'lf Hlllt O! Hid cltcedtnl, wlll!t" llHIO!lld ~nd ·-"• "'"'°"lll'I IPHlftd Ditlr!cl '"" Hid Pt.ns Ind SHCltl E1t1lt ot "iNN"i PLATT, Dec111NI, 10\lf moMht •f!tr Ille l!rtl PLibllctlkln R-141 P. MllhlHll k-n kl me to trt bl' Alertnee ll"llde e Ntl It NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to 11\e ol 11\!1 nollc•. DI "" ... ,. ... lll'l'low n ..... Is •ublctli.d nollc:1. • ..... credltor1 ol lht •DO"O'!! named dece<ll!nt 0111d J111111ry I, Ifft, loll tl'lt •wllllln lnsll'ufnent, Ind ldl,_lldl-P11ns, SPK:lllr:.illoNI and """' c.Mritftiff 11'11! 111 pe..on1 h1vin.t c!1lmi 111l11St lleule Edd~ i::111ev tel IO 111 llVI "" axec:uted 11\t llmt. Documenri ..,., bt •••mlftld ,;t:i_~jj\; 11\e .. Id dec:f'cllnl ,,, reciulrtd to fllt Admlnl1tr1lrl• ol ll'oe Wiii IN 'llTHESS WHEREOF, I ....... oltlCI llA rl'lt counrv S.11U1tlo!I OllN'R't ll'lfm. with 11\t necnwrr YOUCMrt, ln o1 111t •boYe ntmllll O.ctdtnl 11treunt.J HI "'" "'"" •IMI •fll.itld m¥ Ho. s 11 ICIUI Ell!• A-. FteMtftl, tne ortlce or '""' cterk ol tlle •t>crtt ~~"u'o~.:~,;~~N:,wi nttlclit ... , ttt. d•• •NI ¥ff• In thl1 v111ev. C1Ufornl1, Cot>~• llA 11111 ~ enlllltd court, or to o•e•enl ll'lfm. wllh ''' Wft' , ,,,_ '' ., t"'fl!IUhl 11,11 Ibo¥• lll'rll!tn. Oocurntnlt, Pl•ns and S...CIH"tlorlt'll'llY Ill• MCetH"I YOUchtrt, kl Ille un· •• rt.. (Dtllcfll SHI) bt olll1lned ''°'" ''-•bollt>-,,,.,...,. Mrsf1ned 1t 11\to otllce of l'll!r Attar"'°'' S."11 A111, C111 ... .,,1, Vlr11l~ll L. Ot¥ll otll<e -.i-.i1 o1 W .00 lHld ... It 8trn11rd Htlman, llilM Wt1! levtrlt p,..,.., 1<11 .. DI Noltry f'ubllc. Cilllor"I• sllllt be Aful'>dtd II 1"11111 ~..,., loult..-lrd, LOii Alllltles, Cllltor"ll '°°"'8. AlflrM'f lff Adlftlftlt!rllfl• Prln<h>•I DHlet Ln 5"clflc:1tlons 1•1 ..,,,,.,.,..., Ill 1111 OfliM;&:t wl'llch ii Ille •IKt ol bushwu ol IM Publllllf<I °''""" c,..11 0111¥ Pllo!, Orinp C011nt1 wlll\ln "" (111 den ''"' 1111 HtJu. · llnder1lgned In 111 m1ttffl Plrl•l~ll'lll J•11111rr 1, u, 11 , 11. "'' U-M "'' Commlulorl E••l"'J AH a td1 mull bt -I" ~ ro me .. t•lt ol Miid dteedllfll, "''"'In Jul• n, ul't with tne 1t11u111i al Calllernl1, -.... lour monmt 1ner ""' l!rtl '11bl!C1llor1 LEGAL NOTICE Publl•htd Orlntit COlltl Otllr Piiot, 11w1 •PP!l(tblt tMt1lo, 1.-..1ru<1~ of :.::./'~~~:.r¥ lJ, 1tlt D«MIM• ''· 11. lKll '""' Jonu1ry Ill~·~· lh• P..-u1, Ind 1111 l!OH Golub. f'·ntlt 1, I•. ltff 1'Ju..e '"" SPKUlc1l!on1 0\ "'ltlecl flilfl! CEllTIPICAT• OF eUSINl"SS W'Ol'li:. E•1JC11lrl•, Gf fl'loo WI" fll 'ICTITIOUS NAM• LEGAL NO~ 8l0clt•s ''' llltl"ttrv N)llfted'it ll'lt •boY' """" dt<.Mrnl Till unOtrilo,,.,, <1o ~..-•ff't ,.._ ,,, PLI•1111n1 Ill •r.wl1lonl ol tlll · · lll•NAJIO NlllMAN, I • n Code of .... S C.llfam 111' Wttl l1v1rty aH1tv1,.., """''Cl "ti 1 to.''""1 If t y--HOTICI! TO PlltSONS IN ll!STIO IOlt ol L9 l.M A~plM, Cttlf9rnl• _, A\t ., "1onnn111011 leech, Ctlllornlo, uNltr IN Tttl •STATE OP AONlS CAl1'tll llOlrd ol OlrKIOtl of (°"""" 1111, IM ll(llllO\lt llrl'I' ... m, o1 ARTISTIC ' Ol1lrlcl Ho. S ho1 OM:trtOi...cl tho ~~~~ :i-:::c. ... r1. OEllOHS IN lltOH tnd 11111 ulcl 11"" ~l~C~A~~ ! l"I r•lf of "' diem ·-· 61 ... l"lt•Mfllt ii (on\POMd " IN tollowl"' --· To 1 1~1 ~ "'f~t•ruttd '""'""" loulll'I' rn wllldl IPll• WOril It •ut>l!ll'ltd orint-1 Cotti Ot\l'f l"llot, wllolf "''"" I" lull """ 1>t1cn ol •t creditors, ll<l!n. "'°''""· ,;, O.Vldff. Plrtormed, 11>1>lk.tblt lo lflO -.'IC 19 J~"u1r'/ u , JI, 71 tr.d Feti•utrr '· rnlOtnct ••• •• lollowl : 1n fhe esltlt lf1f Alflft Cisper, dKt1Md, ~ -· lo !Joe •• ""'''..,. hi "" \Hf 61..ff l(lfllltlll J...cl'°" F,.,, 104lll7 ShllOm, wllose •• ,, •ddr.u Wll ""'••· Soult\Om C•llfoml.I Mffllr L I II 0 LEGAL NOTICE HYnflnuton ••Kh, C•Ul.1 ltOn•rd Hl!br1slr.1 61l1S 11'111 leltert tnl1me11llrr "••-nk, l!lld In "" Ol'llce "' """ Wlllltm Klly11'1rsl, Jt.. 1'420 V1nu1 ., o1 odmlnlth-irlo!I lllv• bee!'I lnuld COllnl'I' ~n11111on DJ1trlck of or-• Or , Wa.!1t1IMl•r. C1llf.1 MI c 1111 I lo Otfl Ptl.ilrl, 1111' Thl¥tr C-IY Cou"I' 11'111 l" lllt cifflcti flf tM AlsodotM p.nn• .v..~..,ld(, mt oano Aw , L.-. c;our1, • courl o1 ~Mnt htrhdLd'lon Gtner11 ContrKlor. flt Amtrkl. *"""' llucfl. Collt 1 l"'"' LI'" w-'"'"· of Ille SUM of Nebr•""'· Cll!IOl'flll Cl\lolw. ClllTl,ICATC 01' 1u111te1s ~I Holl A\'11 H1111tlntl0f'I hKll. C•lll T ... I ll'lt lollowlno ""°" ft '""'bl«! No 1141 wUI la. cont.kitted Ill\~ l'ICTITIOUI NAMI" O t O ... td I rl'r ol 11\t lt ii rfllot on I bllnt ftlrm ~ Tilt ul'llltri!tned do ce•llfv ll'ltr ••t • ~ Kf ... bt• n . 1 ro or t>CI 1111 --• .._ 1111' Ille CllUlllV $11\N•lloll Olstr~ ~ncl>J(tlnv • bull-•• 1"4 Jl>~tt Ken~/~ J""•OI' l'(v wlcl Nc:eci.nt: M•led 111 ll'lt tnc:lootcl ""'-'"'~• "ivl'ftue. Coil• M41w, Cil!lornlt, l.fOfl•rd Wlllltm Harhurll Jr, NllWllQr1 811Do. St¥1nt• llld LOln bf' Ille Olllrlcl bffrl~ ll'lt I • .,, I.,..,,., ""' llClltllul firm lllml ol M~al Mllkwkll AHocl1tlon, l36t VII LI.to. N~• ll'le WOrk '"' Ille ...,,,. of ttw lldilff "LAJTEll'! COSTA ME&A ONE HOlJll E""'' l.trov Wortimon kKr\, Oro""' CllUlll• INI n11 lleM l'ICI o111ff tllt!lneu/llftl,.,,; MAITINIZINO orod "'8! tl141 llrm It $It" OI Ctllfor"il , ltlll An,elu Coun,.,: Tiit! 11'11 -~teM'll d61"'' lo 'tc;t~ ,..,.,.,,, II II 11'11 Mit ~ltlJllY !//f c-ffd Pl tt>t fol_..,. Pe•Mni, -Oii Deamber it, 1fll, briott ..,., ll!O' ultl --• I"-••• er ce 1111 IJticllll' .. -lflll !11' •lit Is "''"" In lull ond •IOCtl ol rtltdtfll;• I Nol•" Pull!Lt Jn 11\d /Of uld Sllte, :-<llll':. ~ to ~lo':' c:= -""'d M -llrlW. "'"'IM...,....,. ••••• folklWI IHINflf'l!lll'v ·-••INI K•-1~ J\ldton Frv, rec:• """ t I '" '""' "" ICl'llOl.lltd clo.lfls """ ,,.,. AICH"illO . A ANO YVETTE; A, ltot11f11 Wll!111t1 H1¥hunt, Jr .. Mll;l'lael lo tllt .. Id tltle whir: lttlt•~:·i::: rtU4PI o1 lldo INH lie ~ tt U.STEA, l••kll l..... Nvnt111111111 M•!ktfltll ....., '"'"' l.f:l'oY Wltl/ll-" :::.. er of IOl\'lln\11 •111111 • ll'lt ·~ _.,,, 1.ec11, c.111arn11. trl'ICIW!I " me Ill W 11\e N riont ..,_.. An ........... ,.,..,,,.. clllml -lnll 1111 eldl •*tr mutt M 1DMM .,.. 0.ttd JlllUlrr 4, 1'tf n-1 Ort ...-rlllld to ll!t wlllllll o:lec4ftnl or tn 11'1'-I 61! .... tJtl"lt -ltl'IM II ""'°"" lht -.I: ......... llCM.t.1110 A. LASTIEI ir.1rvmet1r lf'CI Kk-ltdeld W..f -11"1 wllnL ... M otl!KI Ill Ml\ r._11 Ill ._ DliaJm,enlil, + "'M cl ~.~J!:1t ~::.E~nl'I'; ~~~C~l ~!~·LI ~.!..:'"!e~.::.,n.n., ~ 'f"no:,:tt c!t 'l1o..':":t ':. ':.1 ~ ~ °" Jtf'IUI,., 1. ""· botfort -· I NO!'-E ko!t °' t>Clldfnt Pll'10MI ,,..,.., !//f, "" wlU • l"MUll'" w'llW HO '"' .... Nollrv Publk '" trlCI for uld SllU, Hol•rv Publlc.C1!1fc11'11l1 ot>ced""I Suell flOfltt mu1t 11t ftwfi llO lld alloll DI ~ ........... _._ffr •-•rOd llCNAJID •. Ind l'•lnc:lp-! Qnlct In to !ti. ._,_ lloldlne 11'11 11,_1 -lld MCllf1tt' It tne .... ""'"9lfl. YVITTE A. V.ITll II-I'll "" Lot ............ C-11' Mrl'I' or -In.ti wtoom ll'lt cl•"" it Tiie ._., of Oll'9dlln " ... ~ 11 "" ll'lf --wl'lole n•"'" '" Mv COff>mlMltn faplrft (1(1 H. """"' 11 ""' ...,.... ff lllllCll lb:fWI 1t1111 Dlltrld .... I ,_..... !lilt I wOKrlDtd ta 11\t wlll'IM hlttrumf!ll •Ni 1'10 ,..111\ln: • OAYS ~ n"' Mlkllllll rlel'll . te Nllct 'ft!'. w 111 If* lfld Kl:nowlldffol ll'lf¥ 1oteuted Ille """'· •~t.nlll'lld °'"'" CM1f 0111¥" l"llvi. DI' 11\11 11o11c1 " nlW 8"f "' •• .,,....,11rin.. (OFFICIAL 114l) Ott_,"°'' 1' )1, 1'41 11111 JfnU1rr O•IM: °'1itmw 11, lffl. 810', .. ,.• .. •• 0 0 •,,•,•c•TOO• ' I .I-" I!. Owlt 1. 11, 11f,I """""' ISJ 0,All PltlEFEIT • Not1rr l"ubtk-Calll9rnl1 Al ""'m1"1sll•!Ot .. 11or.11 /Ion COUNTY 5AM.ITATION Prln(.IMI Ol'lkl I~ G c 1.1 OISTllCT NO. I Dr•-c_,.. \ ive to Your ol nit ...... If Aontl C•""'1 ., 0r ..... Cwilb'r Cellfll'fllll MY (..,...IMllfl EaP•rr1 OW..... 191 tlrW A. l1lf"llrr, ,_ ''· '"' U ' d F d •nn s.cm.,.., l"ubl!tn-d 0.•ntf '""" Dilly 'llol n 1te Un l"vllllahld Oro"" CMtl 011,, l"!"I' PublbhM Ott ... a.t 0.lft Pm• .llllVOr'f 1, 14 ,,, tt. '""' 11... J_.,., '· u , n. ltdt 14' J-'Y J, ti, 1• an.e ' • --------------------·--~~-~---~--~----------~=.3~=====~=~-,,,,======o=c=:. __ ----. ----===:..:·~ • • • I . " -------------... ------ - JO OAILV I'll.OT ($) T-• .,....,. 14, 1969 Consume•~ Buying ~Worries Economist . ' .. .. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Ecooomist Walter Hoadlty augtSLs lhett ~ a potentially clangtJ11u1 "new dimension" In the rurrent WlaUonary splrBl .in this country. •· The executive vice preaident :and chief economist of the ilank of Amtrlca said in an r!ntervlew the new factor is ·tht appa.rtnt willingneSs of __.consumers generally to pay .Tapidly increasing price.'I. ''Traditio nall y, lbe LEGAL NOTICE American COl\SWTltr reacted to Wgber prices by saylng: lf that car ts so damed much I 'm not going to buy it.. I'll wait untU It gel.! eheape-r," Hoadley said. This attitude helped bring pri~ back in line. Now, he said, "wt have seen for the first time a slight hxhcaUoo that people will buy In the face of inflation." NEW AmTUDE The economist s.1id the United States has not had ex- perience with this psychology which is "characteristic of the rampant inflation in other parts of the world." lloadley said the new at· titude was one of the marks of the younger generalion. "The average American is 27." he said. "He has no con- ception of the reverse oC in- Tight Cash Hits Small Businesses ..... W llltt • NII i~llf)tll \.w C ... Oj. (Nt,IMltfil L .. CIN9Cff. --C- -j: ;=~ ~=~ 11 ~ n~ w;~·: t I !AU ~~ 1~-:tijl If . =: l:-\i. ~wr::rl'..'t'l>4='~•::"'~'"" ~ ·~ '.:•~ i.1' i1, . ~. I• ' ~~ ·A· '~;: ... , ... .::IE~~~· • ·~~1~ ~Ii g ~ ~~~ :w;.a:.·;. M ·ff = n~ I r· ·~.i' .ii i11i ± ll 5-11-1 .Ji ~f~ ~ :: s =:'~l-1: ,; ~ ::: . +ili ~'A'Wlql: 13 ii-i:=tt -1 1' fQ \\=1~· s1 snvtA PORTER ~arn.Si~1: 11 l"' "'"' , it-Iii 11w ::'.. Ii\ ~ U ; ft ::·~ -1 lMI·~ l ;It ~a : Today winM up tbls aeries Addm• ,_. ~r. im' ?r.1' ~ -~ w '-1' 1» rili = "" "W -~ Ol'll' • 1 " -l't • ........ J l!li ~; ::...:. " ~ =· U'"i :t ~ : ~· • 1 • '!!~~I • ' ~· .. ol five columns designed to if.~~ll&to 1 10 n lt N -"'"'""ln!; ... SJl't il4t> -jt .... q + .. explaln ibt bafllegab of the :~n -~ ,~ ~:t 42!1"' itU: =" cC:: J\ 1 1ll141 ,:"' :::m : 1 1 " 1~ -t'li ''*"~"' m 1~ >"" 'I" -1 1'.M '"' ·• ' ~ »14 + v. :f' 2 1 1 i 1, Federal Reserve System's new "F' 1 lt IN tv. 1 "' +Vi """'* Copr 1 h "'"' -\II ''"'"' ill ~ -" "A '2 !14,i" "-1~ ltd2.AO "°SO\lolO'A-l'll 1111•tGlj 1• 'lo!"-'' tl...,t nvvwN policy and the A 111 i.11 ,q Ulli 27ft + ~ tJO .u1 •s '""' '41.t -VI ontPwr,1•,·. ,, \ii 141 .n\fo -1•, .. , ·-~ Al "'fj' ~7J _ lofOlM 1411 1t 1' -1 Pw JI n nener•llu ... ~-up 11 db t 'II ' . ll l ~ -11.\o c"' IJO ~n .IHI U\.\ ~ ---3\11 °"rArn.lllt" 'l'U ;r" -1 • :ea1nst"intiai~.. a ~ riLud n 1H ~~ y~ I~=-~~~ g .3'4 I ~ ! ! t~~-ll ii ™ t:U = ~ Q. How will tlnht money ~ !\.. 1:!i 1• r~ Hv. -~ ArdlOffl 1.111 It = .. \Ai "'"'"-~ ,_ .n: rm 11"6 11'11 •• '6 [jij :ll 1 ~ ~ -li! tlll"vbSYC -Ut tilio 241'1 t"9 -V. ~C• ' 1if iB 5'~ -Vt ar~ so ™;"~~ousing ls doing i :, r.J ft~ t ~ tr'~~ r=, ~~11'~ 1~ iJ"t Im., ll"~ ::_~ °"l'J~ .n·1i ~, 21t n~ I~~~ " • ' ' • • ~-+ .•• _, -. ' • .. .... 3 153 1~ ni.t r-" l)ne: mof1°110emone~isslillA :.-fl~ 1~-\\Amicl'1M. u nv. ..... ~ ... ont 111 .Jilt l• -.-.. II bl e-!.!t_C~ i;.t i! ... ~ ,... Ufl.--.. Ollf fl .6-"°' U~ V.-'• ava a e at I p and: :i;,l"CM~i"OI 1il ... itt? .~~~~*-~ii 11 a Woll~ ~ +~~ ..,, off~ jf i;tr IL '#= ::,~ homebuyen seem to be "~·~ 1~ )Alf ~ ; ... _.., ArM 11111 1 ll JJYt ,. _,;;t _1,,_ 1.• ,. •Al. ~~ ~m _ ~ becoming. accusto~ tot~ ~I' J.,.M ?l mi ~ -V. Altlld°l.l,71t l ~ ,._ _.+\lo ::r Tll I 5' 21'~ ii•• 17\lr ,. steep pnl'e. But lf credit ~ I J ;l.. n H... '~ + ~ ~:'9' e.::' ·:w 1519 nit ~ =2{? -land.ti~ 1 .: • 31 "".-:-·~ tightens further1 which ls pre> h"r.~,·r. i., ''° 1~ 1G1Vt ' ::1 ::1:' 11: 11 ~:t ~ ~ ~ :='ltf 1~ ff 3tt ~~~ ;I:+':! bable, the squeeu Ls bound Am Alfi " If 2ff1 ~lt:~ ti!!\? 3't = ~ ~~~ 1:2 : ~J" ~ a-..:1tt °'1"1~~ l~ 1~f ~ L *"' = l~ l t d buildi Am lllkl• ... J . -+.v. Atch!Mlll ·'° :n n-. llV. ~ '.. O<'GW 1.SOI II 211 173 2n . O c~ own ng. :::~NNOIJ ~ 1100 52 n !l "~ 1 llf .. 50 l 1c.w. l~ 1~ +'-' °',,. p11.• 110 11v. '° II -1'• With ample mo r tgage An'l8'k11 1.411 u ., ,, •1 ~,;:,: 11"~1 l.f': 1]J ~ 1J111 ~v. -~j .;:11p11~ 1T: ~:Z ~Yt !m .:!: ~~ money homebulldln• w Id be Arn can 2.20 .ui1 Y~ "'" Y . . ,,, Rl1m 1.• 111 10t~ 101 101 -v. -~ .50 1s lJl! t! fr" _ ~. • o OU A.CM! Pf I.TS t e ,,.!'o 2',_ + Yo Att R'.-..1'!1 ••' .st 101\~ lOS 1051~ -l , , SO < " ~·· ••• •• I the .., ~ .60 !:IO 1tlll 11'11 111.'t -YI A~it~'ptJ."li Jlll ,,,.. •1 •1V. + ~ ,->.'" '' ::... ~ ... ,ll!-_,• secure y on way to a , '"'" 1.•• 12 ... lt """ ..... "' 'ii -.. "" ....... ... .... -. -... ,. R1cto p1l 2411•1'.1 -s rom11Kn .111 .ff n~ 21" n -~ flation -which scars the en------------------------2,000,CKM>-a-yeJt level and all· ~c,M,.•,,··.~ 1 1'-'ll ,,,,.. 1'"'+"'ot.ilUC11 "'""' u:i ,,,,. 7"' \:. -v. rwttH111111 14 :n'AI :nv. Ill!-" ...,...... ... " 2P\o 2U'o 2~ ... Allal Cl'I .. ,, ~ nv. 22'4 _.. fOWCol 1..511 .st lA;, " -'• out boom. But a mortoage ACrySUt 1 . .io II JA\~ l JV. iiv. -"' A1111 Corp 161 1 '"" '"" -'ii rown Carli ~ nv. n!o'o -\t LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGACE 11!'1 THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC 9fj"Vl!lt.t.0Ef 1o wr.om n MIY Conce.,,: Soblecl lo IH11•nct of 111• l1ctn" •lll'fied for, nellct I• ht•tb'> qiv•n IMI 1'114! unders~ntcl P•OPOK• 10 1tll 11cohollc b9wt1oes 11 II>.-proml••'-describe<! •• loliows: lltlll Pt1centl1, Cost• Mes• IHH • P11t1u.nl to WCI! 1m..n11on, ITI• un· ffrsi9Mod Is IPPIYl ... to tM O..rllmnl o• Alc:choJle kW<'.,. Control tor luu•~ l:w fraMfel' di Ml llaiol>Dlic bf.YPrl~ ~CC"M• Cor HteflM'Sl kif fflese Prtmli.es u fDllows: ON $ALE GENERAL CPUllLIC PREM1$ESI AM-dt>lrlnt to p•ottsl ~ ln<ian.tf <If wch llte!'Wfsl m1v fl~ I verll!..i -~f'Of!'t.I ""Tit! 1nv clfl« of Ill• O.p4rtfT'tnl QI AICoholic 8•W•llH' Ccnlrot! ""111\lft ~ d•J• of !ht dtl• the prOPOJO'CI prrml<n -rt 11,.1 POSIM, 111111111 9<"0UNll fer dtnl1t 11 1trov!d<!d Ir/ ''""· n.. premlsa1 ire -tk~ for '"' sale of 1lcohOllc bfver•t'es· The iorm of vtrllltallcn mav "' obttllled trom lllV olfkt of IM D-r1l'Tlfftl. Mt•«I Mef'SS~ln l'ubll~ Ort"'e Coa•I Dilly p;1t11. Jorwarv u, 19'f Sl4t LEGAL NOTICE " ' • tire older generation." W h i I e depression-sc arred parents are still dominant in the economy, they are an ever-dwindling m i n o r i l y • "Younger people are ac- cepting inflation in 3 way that the previous two generations could not," said Hoadley. "The younger people. for very understandable reasons, do not fear it. The older people do." Today's young generation also has aflected the country's economy in another way, Hoadley said. "We have a greater concern as a nation about the qualitative dimensions or life. The pro- blems which confront us now concern such things as peace. 'l'My c o o c e r n motivation. morals. culture. confidence and many other qualitative aspects of life." REBELLlO N The rebellion of America's young, he said, "is much more a rebellion against the success of the estat?...shment. not againsl its failure." Young people realize they cannot easily surpass their fathers in ways of making money but can surpass him "in the qualitative dimensions .. " The Bank of America experl anticipates that government restraints on the economy ear· ly 1n 1969. including the new heavier Social Security and income taxes and tighter federal reserve policies, will put the brakes on inflation .. ··we still assume fiscal and monetary policies will have a restraint," he said. ''If they do not, then we've got a new ball game in which the momentum and l h' in~ flationary psychology a r e going to build up a terrific head of steam and lead us into an adjustment that l'.'e are not going to be happy wit,h .. '•For the moment, we're belling that it will be checked. but we're not so confident we'd lay 100 to I on it." Missile Pact SUl"EIUO• cou•T 0, THf. STATE OF CALll'"OllNIA FOil THI: COUNTY OF O•ANOI: M9. A41'36 OllDEll TD SHOW CAUll: ' Listen, Boeing 7 4 7 Doesn't Sound So Bad SEATI'LE (AP) -You'll past advances ln engine design know the 747 superjet airliner have produced quieter engines by the noise it doesn't make. and that the 43,000·pouod· The Boeing Co. and Pratt thrust horsepower p & W & Whitney guarantee it. engines probably will follow A Boeing sound researcher suit. says the huge passenger The 747 will be subject to plane's noise level will be "o~ viously lower" to the ear than new noise regulations pro- -for example -today's 707 posed by the FAA and passed jetliner. by Congress, but the c<impany lR-~ o Amev•n .l!S 1~ J~ 121'11 3214 ... Aurar•PI .x JI \t>I 11v. 11\\......; rownZe 110 n J4lli 54111 Y V. .... . money pll1U1 must slow the Miah! i.• , •"Ha •1~ •m ill' it.u11 Nici'! .. llO s •1~ •1 •* •.., rn z p1'·'° :«i 11 •'> 11 .... 11111 .. . l d A"' DIHIVtll .U 11 1~ 11 '141 AllA ll'IC .t• 15 lGI"• 107"• 1(11'4! + V, T Caro .«I 16 ?ti'! 761~ :M\41 ->1 up ren . •ou11 "'·'" 11 u:iti '' l"'lo "'Auts111r.1r oea 11.-1 u11o 2.o¥. JJ ~v. •llv Co " 2J~ n ?J -•• Q I I, hi 1. Amf'/P"" 1.5' 2613 3''\4 ~\\ ~ \~ Avtcmln '11111 66 50'~ "''·'-.SOV. +1 ~Udl'lv plJ,tS J6 2•i;, 21.-19'o-'lo · s a 1g money po ICY •en • l.Jlit 2~ 51'1\ !OVt SGV. -'"' Avco co L20 J1 ~N •Jl\ •JV. -'Ii u1tl111n .?I u 2J"' 13 2:t>i fair? A4•,,,E..~" ,',~• ~s ''"" *"" 4'"' -~ •~o "'l 20 :it tT\.'J to tlV. ..i-1 ummln .toll ' ~• Jl(t 31<,1, -11. .... .. 160 16V• 1, 1, -v. AV.,Y Pd. ·'' 5 " • '9 ·+1 unnDni• .10 "10 21"'o '7\'o J lh -Yo A. No! It is definitely •,m~_!?! .,n,, 10 71Vt 21 2''111 -v. AYMt inc: ..60 m l-l1' ~ 31'4 -~ u~u Wr 1 11 :If'' 11~ .,, -'• ""'''"" l• 51''1 SI !t"--+-Vo 91Yll~Cl1 !O 11 11~• ll 11'to ... 11Wr wl l 11\'J 7J ?l -1 discd~inun,· atounlry ... It is ehx-~~}i:;''.J 1U ~ n::: ;y:z _~A ...... Pd 1:60 fll lJ7Yt 12J!.4 12'V.-2~ ~te,wH tJ l~ ~:t ~:t ~Iii~ ~t cee 1ng y air 1J> t e ":~~~ 1. 10 -iii fln 1J(~ ?ill -u. -~ c1on '·'° 7.1 .s~ .it •1 -1 Smallest and weakest among~Fcr1~ 2°' !111. WZ JW:-,\?•1bdtw 1..u 11, J1'h w~ 31~-v. 'PflPM 1.4o 24 57Vi '' ,,.,._,~ 1H U!.li 12\; 17'-\ i •; 81ktOUT AO g 72 '1V. JI\< -D- US. ~:~~· J 27 '"' 4H\ •1.\ot -1.1 11111 GE 1.40 l • j l]V, lj + l\ 01" Alw 1.., •A 22l• '' ll1IG pf9 l.!O 150 13\'o 71\"o 1J'oto -~ D1n11 Co ifi ..,. d 1' Jf -,, AS MENTIONED above, ittl•>::'"1!2!2m"" .. '"'"'""K""nois1n11Punt .111 l-1 """ ~!"• "'" :t v. g•vcoe11 1·'° u "" 41"" ~,,.. -"• must adversely arrect all 1·n-111"'P P17 1 sJ•~ si,,;i :,.no ,\.\ •Y'o "".'5 112~ 11~ 1~r.~ 1~~~ +1 ~~ MUTUAL &frbOll ] .. lot 11 H•O 4' .,, -Div Pl 1'12 1 34'• 3'l'i ;u _ ''" 1 d . h b Ud" !11rd Cll .!J ~26 41~ " or'o -l OMr, Co 2 5t ll\IJ U!o »~ • vo ve in ome-u 1ng, •••lc....l~c .to lO 701, 19'.., lt'l-<-~iDtiPwLt \Ill 1 isri. 25.,.. 7314 .:.:·,.; builders, buyers, sellers, and ••te• Mtg s H\\ 1'"' l&V. · DelMnte ·10 xU JS.'. ~JI< ~ .. , -n' 611h 11111 1~ loO\;o J9 J9io -3"';. Ottin Mia .llO IS •'' •L ....,. • many in this industry should e1111 Ind P' 5 u ,,. 111 111 -•1• 0.<>11vRil ·e.t • 41 ... 45 _,,., . UNDS ~UIC!ilb .10 1!5 5111. ""' 5~1'> -~·~ Ornt$J 1 ,O., .t:!S lli''I LH!o ~ -l'~ be helped. When housing was F 811•trL•D .11 7t 10·~ Jt(o «I + "'DtnRGr i ID ~? ~"" ,,,, tt~ = ~ 81YllllC!• .50 U ll't 11 11'~ Du.co 111""15 u '' ..., forced inlO a collapse during 5t••1n11 1.0 10 i';'~ l1h :W.• -•• De$otolnc 90 17 31~ ~: ~: + ~~ th edit I 966 --~ ---..-9NI Fdl 1.11 l'I 1"• 1~ ~ -o.tf"dl1 I ft .. :lilt :llVt )II) _ 1; e er squeeze o I , ~· ..,.._ tlado;m1" so 50 ..,"' ' " _,,,,°''Ed p1}.10 , 1113.., lOl'" im·. _ \L h d -•· r th !KionO .. .101 17 4"I ''"' ,,.,,, -1'~ D•I St I .., .., .., • un ri;;u., o O er industries Jin. u inven Groug: eedl Al• .1s 11 ~ "fJ .o , -:" o.x~r ~oiV.,. •P ••'• 121• 21•, -''" •·rdJy feJJ t•· pinch NEW YORK (APl Ml<I 11.01 11." tlco Pfl .50 '' l9 ~ ..... 4.!'o -~ Dl1IFln1n .. so ;: f:~ ~j.':_ ff~!t. • .: :,• II.ii 1n:: -Stock 21.n 13.il B•J tlem .tllb H Jt>~ '.l8 JI! -"• olamJnU l IO 11 '" It W'1JI Unmerct'ruUy penal' e -T~e followlftl qlJO-Select ,,l-110,0 Beld HMI Wl 1 16~~ J6 1~1~ +'Ito Ol•Snam l'.40 _ ",.~ ... ,,, Ill',. -\'t 1z 11t1on• i111>rii1tc1 by V••'•v t t .1 91!11 tiow .60 16 ~''·" ~''•--' Dt•Sl!r.;:c1 " " • ll~-"'· the smaller businessman who the ~t\onl "'loci-rnv Ruh '·ii •.57 a11 llnttrcon " iw. 1•1• ,~.,, _.,, Dl•S 01 Jo 31 ;~,,, ;;, .. ~\L = :~ flicn ot s.cur 111'5 IU~t J), I 21.7' lltml•CP !.'° ' 71'l 70 7 Vo_,,,., l)lan.1 If ,·, "O •• • • is a marginal customer Bern· g 0 .... 11r1 '"' ,,, tvl'St 16.lll 11 !1 ~'"111" l.60 •S ~\ •J''o 46 . D''''"" · .. -nl-0 ,,,~ 11v. + '~ • ttie ..,k:ei .._"w11kf1 lVJ H .. l &<1,odll. Ill l J J!>I. 7! 7! -') 0 n ··• lO 21 JN 2P« -1!1' On takeoff, he said, the did not say whether the prcr engine rear will be 6.5 decibels posed lower than the 118.5 decibels standards are c<insi.der when sound-reducing com- way down the list of favored tt1ei• seairmn .._...."' 216321-'l •-•"1" 1.6G 1.e .u•~ .ql'I M> -1\li 01i.~1'?..·•,.b • ~ .u•1o ""'-' -11' . could hlVI l:lftn Kl l'llont Fun<JI· RIMll'" pU..JO t .,v, ll n -1 o:&i;.; •» ~ M n _, '• borrowers, the s ma 11 er sold !biol u boll!lhl c.., e1 10.60"21.'1 !IMF J111J.Jt 111•,, "·~ ,311:'-'o 1 ~1'1 +~ DllUl'lllfimp1.~ 1..! ~ !!', !!",, -;-1 ... u.smessman may not get a Abtroeen 3,01 21'1 cu1 84 , .. 1. 11·11 a-uei tn J•l ,~ 1s 11'~ ... ""'~ 111e2 1 " !s 5J _.., I --AOvliets f.>I 10.39 Cuo Kl t Hfl !lancA.W PM SS ""'4 :Jt'"l: 40''> • ""' Cos !l :20'~ lt lt oan at all. "'l"1111ted !·'' '-~ c..,, KJ '' a1rm.c c11 n 1~1 ,,,-. m\ ""' + ~ g1Mr.te1 .50b 14 •nt •J•.i. 1s110 -toi.. It will compel postponement ~iph~m1r 12:~ i~:fa l~: ~: tt~"l'3~:~ :r:'r~s,'~ 1'.~ 1~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~,., -.,.. Di:r::.9·~10 1~ !!~ ~v. ~ +':: the · 707-produces at 820 f~t ponents were designed for the altitude. The 490-passenger 747 -747's four JT9D engines. The Boeing sound twice as powerful as the 707 researcher said a person {In -is scheduled for delivery the ground comparing the 707 lo airlines late this year. More and 747 overhead could tell than 150 are on order and the difference in noise level. b . -ao.:i 811• et 11Jjti1~11-11e1 ' """ "• · ·· DUI · .... )Q:l4 •· ..... .. .... r . ' I . Amt•P 63' 1.11 Cu• Sl f?tlOll 'll•ckDt 1.0S 41 ~7\~ s• ST . ' O•Pto1>11r .IO 1S ..... ,, '7 -!~' o many rnun1c1pa proJects Am llY• j·60 J.\IO Cu• s1 1·113 1·61 11.11n L~""' 1 '~ :in ''"" ,..,,, -v. DorM-M1" .IO -ls nr, 7&\!J nv. -n' ·- hi h d I Am Olvl"-1 .113 \3.U Po.le•I• 1·" 6s1 Rue 8tll ., ~ ,. YI'\ 51'" S""'ll + v, Dorn F<I .l ie ?J 1S 1"'1i 1~~ -'41 w c are esperate y needed Am Gr111 ·'' 1.11 Knkktt ·65 9"11 llebb'-11m ii ,.,.,, l•"lo '"" -v. Donn•ll!l .60 17 " ~n1 11u, _ ·~ • b • -· • J"ttl f II Am Inv 9.11 •.11 Kt>ick GIP! 1 '•1 ll.5' Roel"" l :If' tit ~·4 5"'4 S"lt -'.It Dorr 01 YH 1 11'• ,JV. ni.. + 14 Y ~uertca s l e e ows.. 1,m Mitt 11.>! 11.l1 LPl"91 11;,, 1,:,. Acl1C•1 )$11 i11 6o!\\ •sv. ,,v, -"'"oa ..... co"' 11 w 3.5\'o l!~ 1 IT WILL BURT the II Am NllW .JJ 111 Lu RKll 17 1.,1 t 29 Bol1eC 1111 • ' II'~ 15 I.I --'"' Dao#Cllm I '° I.CS m: 7SV. 11\~ + s., CO ege Am Pac ll2 Liberty 1:01 1..,ll llcncl Mro 0 1 l ~l'o ~ ~ -V. Dr1YOC• 3a U 46>; °"""" ~_lo\. boy and girl, and their A~ GrOll~~.OI 11. (11:: f! 1:# i::, :,:*~lt!l.~tl 1?l ,_,,, n,,, il,~ .: .. ::04 8~=~~nda1J:: n ""' '° '° -\T- the company expects to pro-He said that the 747's landing duce some 400 of the superjels approach sound level would p.renls See" II I Grwth 14.:!t lS.6' L "II I 91 t 11 ...,, .. war 111 rt l"!ll l"''> mo -u, Drt nr p1 ai 1~ !t~ ~ .it'\ -, , ""'ng co ege oans. rnv t.n 1~.11 L_,,11 s.vlfl · !.orr.-B~F ·"" •7 1s•:. 71"• '"':' -•• Drevt111 90 l5" • ~ -l~ This type of borrower rA-t-~ Fd tnv 1c.1• n.t0 F<1s: ""' E.:111 7ot 1 ~"• ''~\ ""' -·~ DutiePw '1...0 6 ~~ ~,,. ~ -+'~~ .. "'""" Auoclf!d I ~J 1.71 Canad 57.0I 42.0fl llotl Mf C<> l6 1'11111 71 \'11 -V. DUPl8" CP 1• ~!'lo even lower than the small ,..(u&'°rju1r·r, ~·:111 ltlill·~ ~~~:crn,P' J ~,. ~.,, r,,4 :1,~ ::;~=:: ~~o 9D 1~:? l;~~ i:r +1~ ~ in less than rour years. be 11.5 decibels less than the A test flight scheduled later 707's 120.5, and that at about this month should tell a great 400 feet altitude _ engines deal about the success or failure of sound-reduction cut back for landing -the businessman. t~k · 164 t:zs Manhtn 1.~ 1·.?'I .... ~u.o1.1r .. <n 1111 '"~ '°'~ 71>;, ~ ~1 ~"Lt 1 ~ J ~ :rg~ 76>1. -'" ~ C 7'11 i Jj MIU Fnd N l Rr100~.~l 7JG 6 5'"• 5:''~ !•h + •.;. l l'Oof'I TO II) 3J>.lo lJ~ 3o>t -'~ • At the same time tight 8~~n" 1·fl i'1 M1u c.10 11 ... u:6"1 ~. •' ,,,.,.., 1 '° m ~..._ 6"' M -·~ i lepn·oJ ~ w• J.j\" ~~ :_1~\ :; favorable noise redu c tion techniques in the aircraft•s would be 11 decibels. design.. The Boeing spokesman said While the Boeing Co .. has the sound-reduction techniques auaranteed the airlines the are a result of more than noise will be less with the five years' research. 747 -and the engines-maker, ---'--------- Pratt & Whitney, has made a similar guarantee to Boeing -the only testing to date has been at stationary stands at Boeing's plaot here. . ' Bl R"d 14'30 1~·61 M1nlr U.OIU51 11r!1!Mv cf' 1 41''o '"~ '"''•-''DuoLi ~·1 r.S1 0 :)fl' :nV. ''I ti money will do no more than ea:isttt' 1·1, ,.1<1 Ma'"' 9.9~ .: .. ll<fwY H•i. 1 " 11•~ "' •i>• + •\no· :1.1So11 .11 z1110 31V: JDl'I ::iov, -! ,_ lh t d . 11 si s1k 1o'n 1 ·n M1lt!eri 25.77 1s,11 "krvnuc: l.n ,, )'11,1 :tt"• 3'>'" D<I , 111l>n lO z10 :JI! 36 36 1 annoy e op-rate giant bor-8g.1on ,-11 so:n Mc:Don 10.1111.t1 ,.,_,, co n 11'" 1<1>; '~'• + 1 .. Dvm0 rn .561 loo 1111t n nv. •\ rower. Even 8 percent money B=· SI. lfri :'·U ~ml~ ,~~ fi'.i: ::::"sh~~o ": i: ;::i r...:~. r.,;; = :~ Dvni "'" .ct 136 ~ 2"4 2~ -1~,, ''·-JI lh 4 CGFd 10-,jll'!t~• 1'17 . .n"w~Sltoe.1.SO t \11\ JI'<-' -E·f-Sin&.3 no e percent c ... ~dl•~ 1t'.l JO)• Mor1on1 Fund•: "ru"rwlc-3~ 1~··· I~'" ,~,, -'" rc~~ltPch 90 2s Jl!i~ 311,,, 31 ,L _,,,, t rte • I ~011 tnc 111211..!• Mort0nt Fu>\<11: "tH:k"~11 1:>0 .., "''" '"'• ,..,._,,. E1u Al• so 169 11:i. 71' '" ca egory on an a r-..ax cos .,11 Shr ·l1 9 11 Grwlh 1J.1a 1s.10 l'lvc:ver 1.,0 1• 11•; 'IJ • ?Jti -•· "'••tGF 1 ·1\, , •'• 3;;,z "••• =•~''• b. · II · I MSh ·u~1Vb! l11eom ''1 51a 11u11~ ro .ao 1• ?t>• '"'",. -l·'•e 1s51 · , ... 8SIJ. 3 ptojec appears ~.n~ln~ Fuftds, !n~ur ,::10 9'.lJ l'I~ <o o1S zJO 1''" 1"'• 1~'~ +1l\ i::~1u111 i':& ~ 2-Ri '' 2' _,,_ profitable, the big corporatioo 2~"s•~ 1i·~ 111:tt ~~ ~~h ,:~ 2i:~ ~."l .. llf:'110 .: ~;~ ,:'• ,tv· :....,"' ~~~~~ 'I~ 1i.s ff\.l ~~ i = ~ will ahead d ·r th. Grwlll •. °' 'n Mwf ~COii\ J 61 '11 lluf( For"f • 3"} J"" :!.''~ -1 Ebaico Ind' 2 l!lO ~ ~~ = :1 . g~ t An 1 lS llKPnl 1:11 ,:61 Mui nv l(lt lj:!I "ut0\11 ,ltt. ti M~i 1;'.'t ~'~ -\ Fet1linMI ·" 1J'4 'IP.lo 'I 1s a prune borrower, lenders Chsa~,~~-... 1.·1' l.'2 ~~ ~i~, 2~:tt 2,:;: ~R 11~7.°50 'tt !;~? ~.;f 1~; = ~ ~c,\,'Bd,!?! ·un Y•, 4.M~:.~ -2.~··L .a,L -_-~ 'II J th di ........ NEA Mt 11se1t16RIJ'llrt<1 1-. 11 _,,,., "''""' 1 G .,. · , .... 41"" 11.,. n wt supp y e ere t. ~~::, 1Jl·:f1ll?t ,,., ..... ~ 11 :11 1l·u Ru•!ICIV .,.; tt 11'• •1•• 11" =1~ E~..,lc ·1~"" .,,.,., -1 R. L. Vannote, a supervisory inspector in the Federal A via. lion Administration's Seattle office, said that readings with sound instruments while the aircraft flies over will be the true test -<>f the jumbo jet's noise. Q Will the tax surcharge Shrtild u:6l u·t0 N•I ttld 1J.1! 1 :11 11,u!:r'1'!"111' .,' "•' ,,,..,, ,.,,,~ 21, + ""!i"~u• ,~·,.. 'l"r ~ Ii• '""':: "' · Chemlc!I lt.lJ 20.0rl N•I tnvesl 7 .. 1 l.Jl Uv•unv · lt '!'~ l''" +l>.i. ~ 1 Aiioc: 41 ,lV. '11'1 71,.. _ ''• be CODtinUed' Colonla : N•! SK S<!r: l!tuflers 51\m Jl ll\I 1"'' Jl .... -V. E SHC 30 ft111 71 fi14 -+. ¥t A AT nfls DATt: this ~~:'JitY 1llr,tn i~~n 1~:~1~:~ -C-~i~~so~G'ch1 ~~ ~~.~ 7.1. 11N ~-=•''· . . . Grwt~ a.u t,1, Oivld J,I, I.JO ~bot Co .. 6(1 11 3••· 361.a l6'~ EU•• Co 1 10 "" .., , ~ ..... 1s logical The tax surcharge comS1 Dd s.~• !.•1 P fStk 1.$1 t.JO el Flna"I Hiii 10\< 10 io :..: •1 """"'El 1:10 '5! 9s~ ,,,4 t7'4 _" is built into the projections C'r.:"TJ1",tflii." r= '·l:.1, 1t:;r • .:.·P11R't :If! H ~r: ~;~ ~~·h + :: ~~;~~1j,,-~ ~: ~1: !I .. =~ -~ r I . tncom 11 .. l! 1 ,\9 Grw"' 11.51 n. campSo 1.10 ~4 JD', n >• :io _ '• ~rnDDi/"" \"', '~·!",·. ,.,."°'• ·, ""ir.• .... :~ or budget surp uses which 1n~e11 10.w 1 .t:r N11 west 6.11 7.'l cd!l a~ .olO 37 11 10•.i. 11 + ~ !""'°' ,tri>b .... 33110 •. , P "d t J hnso . h d I Stock 10.11 ll.10 NfllWrl~ :!t.71 2'.71 Cllr\ Pao: l 11 IJ 11 n·~ -... n<IJOl\l'tl -~ >10 •1 <1' ,, .••• ~ -_,• reSI en 0 0 IS SC e U -Cwllh New E~• 11.5! 12.'9 Con PK ffl > I 1lUr n 1 \'a ndJQl\n cl I ,. ., ed to d'isclose W"•lhoul a A&B Un1v1111blt N!"" H0< 31.0I 31.CI C1n1llld 1.1D 1 '6 lSUr ,, + t~ nt1elMI~ .to 4 '""' '°"" '°"' _1 ,~ . Cwl"' New Wl<I J(.lrJ 11.'9 C1ntet~ .to 31 ?t1'.o 2f''• 2'''o _ ~· ftP! Ml~ w! 17 »"' J'I ll 1· t ' . I th h th C&D wnev•lJ•ble ~ewlor> l0.571 05 Cap c Sda! n n 16J.< 16" \k 1111 M llll.1.5 s 1ti -1'5 1 ~ • re en Km o e sure arge, e g:;:11t1 un.1v•l 1tt1e Nllreast 11.1111'.61 C.rbrun 1..wt :u 571/t s1 11,; + ~ E""'G•1 210 12 311'\ :II""• :e,l.'i _ ·~ SUrpfUSeS WOUid fade into 8dp Vn1v1U1b!• &;,':'!' ~.'IT~.~ ~=~i~I ·flu ~ ~i~ 19'~ r,:~ -211 !;~I~ r~ i:~ 1!: Ml? ~~ Jl\~ t :: deficits agrun. c'fd" v"•v1111b1eb~F~rml::lf lJ;~l:~ttir i'A 1# ~"" ~;; ~·=v:~~~~~1~1-~70 ~~ ~·,;: ~ ~~+Z~ He added, however, that And most top ()fflcials of ~~·.~ u~~~!~flf rNeH t.f7°r'1'; !~rtlt• co" I 10 1JY1 l•~· 1 ... --~ ~:::~1 ;r,.~2 " jJ.l,~ 31'~ :m. -t. th N. Adm' · Ir t' Cons Inv 1J.j51-.J! If:~ t..ll2 ~·:n 1rr P12.25 ISO :17 37 31 .... Eurol'nd lOt t 50>lo 50''1 50'4 -I\ e IXOn lnJS a !On are Consm Inv !· > 1·n Pa MYf 2'1 ll 2i~ lr1trW .~I ?0 213i 10'~ ~ -\o Eurold I~ :JOit ?~ 1:~ i·~ If + 't ., ·th I f · ~v sec 1 .71 1 .tt Pflll lf«I 16· ne Jt !J 16"!r 19"' 1119 _ '"' E p 60b 6, 11111 lt\lo .. now e1 er open y avor1ng P Ld 16.n11.12 Pl!lrlm · 1m1Vb )!ie pt Al.u ~' u ... u11a 2•1'a -~• E::;:,,1,p 11 ~!; ;f~ g'"~ =~ retention of the surcharge or ~ c,;p 1~:ti ~;tt ~11ot t .J• lo. 10 c::!~~'i.: 1~0 d"' 3:,1~ ~lo\o = llo i:xeeuo 1.1J is 1 :12111 »Vt _,. Bank Sets . . . ·r1 u <IVt!lll M 1' IJ.,, ll ~I 1'·3612·" !Cl M1rocrt ., ,, lSU JS;i "" l'KICll"A .llb n 5:JI.~ " ""' are remam1ng s1gn1 can y 0ec11 Inc 1.t'.i11i:a~1an 1~., ~ll:~t·M c•M pf1.2s •? ''"" ,, •• a i'o =i~ F•lrcl!C .50t iu 11~ 11 n"':..:; "flexible" on the subj .. eel Ot!a""''' 11.'1 1 .ti p,1« TR 25:,1 25·.41 ~o CP .IO u J~ 30•\ 301~ -loo ~a\~ H, ",ltr 109 111' 211'\ ''"' _ '\ · ~11, ' .1•10.lOp<"O 10151101 •l1t1tHC' 2 l1 UV. 65\'o 65-h -lb 1 '"""" If ll>4 214' 2'1i -1\ Q Why no' solve the pro-~· "" j·to '-~P•ovlent 6:s1 1:11j'tll'b • tt17 r10 111 111 111 .... ~.•.111•,',' -~, ... so TH"' u"' ll1't-•·• " . .. h In ·s 1··• Purilen 11t41~ fl !II~ lllA•..SO 2 41~ 6114 61'-..> ~ ft ·-32 'S~~ 25\'o JS'io -a~ b!em with wage-price con-r•~~I 11•-•,·°'Putnam ·Fuiido· encolns.xi !•Sol ~'~ 51v.-1>1oF,•~wl•e11 •,~, J2 Jl:i. ll14 jl''t -•'.o O~Y!ll'I . S. .:a:J Eoult \S 5(116 9j CenF 0¥ 1.Cll U 16~ 2Slo:i 'J\i -.,., ar e• " SO 2~ ,1 2~~ + \i Record Net Ftdlerton Job lrols? E~ton&How•rd*· Geora ,:2• 1in c.,,, Hud 1.41 10 :it 1!~ 111.,.. _ \~ Fer•hMI .tQb '° &7\IJ 60\.lo 601111 -IV. A. 11115 NAGGING question !~~ l~: 1 1!,:~ Gln'c~ 1[t ll:~ ~''i'Ul~Ll~J: rn: ?t~ Jtl'a Jt"' .~\.\ ~=~ i'::o ~~~ il:t ll:; =l~ d I ·is If 1ncom1 I· .t.I nn-s t 1 ss , 3-1 ~t~HIPS 1.12 lO 3.-;, 7l'li 23\'i -"i FedP•e El.c ,,.. JS 7""-?l1'o _,., · eserves a co umn by 1 e •""•"' 1,1 J' /}:l vrsi1 1i 391i 6i com1LaE1 .111 ' 2J•o 2n1o "'~ _ 1-. F P.c: pll.2' 1 11\11 'l'\'t '™' -,,. d I'll b "t H toe . . lttfl Tech ,·,. '" C...W.PY. 1.12 15 ~ !10'4 ,.,\,, _,,. FedPftPBd I '' 111• 7m. 27"!'. -•• Earnings Costa Mesa resident Southern California First Gary G.. \Vest has National Bank has reported record net operating earnings been appointed assis· ()f $3.995,912 or $3.03 a share, lant manager of Bank an SU mi one soon. ere, !btt1t u.• 11·• Revert 1,:.a 11·tt cenr sw 1.10 s• "" Q~l ,iq;, +•• FtdOS1r .. ts 13' :w-. 2 · 7116 _ ~. SU ice I say a w e l'lf!'W l5.711UJI kl!Ulltr 11: lfll tnTtlU .IOb 61 N'4 JSG 29\ -HI FerraCP l.?O 17 l rt-•7 '1"11 -"' Ir, 't to th ( hi! or1!1 Fd l•.ll I .1) RPlt""'I 10 g 11 °31 ~nt SoVI .IO 76 :ill. 23 71 -V. Fed Mltr lnw JJ Ill;, ll \l _'Ii there is some :support for an e .. urrv ~J ri .. lt kllOOlr undt: trro 1.60!> " ~~ '9V.. 4'\'J -'4 Flbr,:1>rd .10 ,, :u1~ J• 3"lo + •-. .. .. Eoult Giii fiff lnl h"' 17.0017.2' I-INCi .lkl U 71"' !I 21\lo -U. FleldC'IM l.ct 10 .Wo 40!\ lO'"lo ... extension of credit controls eue~ ·" · s~1 unnbl er .. teO pf.ti! s Jt 21~ :11 -Vt Ff1tro1 1.40 s1 11•,. 11•"' ·~ -J1.'t . . E ell In lfJ22'1 881 1•.t1 1jtl HSMA 1.<IO 1' 571.< 5114 nv. _,,,Fil l'edtrttn !9 21l~ 26 26"1o-I"' to individuals there 1s no E;~ 1ian·g corn st n.il :~§" s11 .to " """ l'"" '°'" ~• F1r,1in. 1.1.o 110 s91. sr !9>.io _to for 1968. of America's West Fu!· C. C. Blakemore, president lerton branch. \Ves t and chief executive <>fficer, served the past year a s · • F r1d 1,. ll' lli ~lv l!. &.]I 11.tdbn Golt! 731 16"1 1 1~ -1 F!IC~rt 1,881 1'9 36~ 31" l6\!i +lV> responsible support for wage-F~ aMu 11: 1 : '' <111lt •. '·" omos 1.10 5111 '°"" .J0\'11 30'"' , . F1•Nc1v .ttll st n1~ 11•1: 11.\to _ ._ said it represented a 28 per-an asslstant cashier in · J rui "th ood Fltd Grltl 1 ~ 1 IC nv ut11vbl mpNlt 1.06 7l ~\.l 51 51 -1'4 F$1 Nt! S!r1 .tS 311v, 31'l 31~ _ ~. price contro s a WI g Fld t:... l :1t 11:3-j eltc Am 10.9' 11.IJ Cht•lfrNV ? 11 $P~ mt. 5,... -FIS<h~ll 1.30 49 51V. !.H• S6V. -I N t I Id th. Fld Fullll 11.9( lt.3' Sel SOICS 1,.2t 19 ... 0.tte8k '·'° lS 11\lo 11 tl'~ -\Ii l'f1htr$CI .11 1& 76-lo 1!b 2$"> -+. "' reason. 0 On y WOU IS FldT•nd 77.1730.1•Sli1ma 1 ... ll.100..d<tr Mot S '1>.!o 76'0 76•,-.~ Fltmlng .!O I 101• 1fl4 tt•i -t'o be 'I k. the l Flt1111Cltl Progr1m · Sml"' !I 10.11 10.31 CMmtln 1.!lrlt Al -O•~ •1 ,lJ -1'1!. FU111tote I Sl 71'' 1~\lo )6~ 1•~ a ac 1ng sympoms /:""'" 111 t.o5Sw1nve.1 le..2111.111chernw1r ·'° "16•r. 1s'• uv.-..:. Fl!"1 "'"'JO 1110 "'' ui. IF~-... cent increaM.' over 1967 earn-the lending department ings of $3,115,068. at the Newport Beach Based on the ~·eighted branch. rather than the causes of in-ftdust !.32 j·r.r ri1r 1nw u.1111.:it ciws _..,, 1.6t t •1·~ •J 1l -1 Fllnr 11161:15 1 39 39 l9 ~'" average of 1,317,430 shares,------------ 1968's per share net is 9 per- ncom I.le .,7 · rm Chts on1co 1 ;t 70'> 70 70 -u, Fl• E Coa•I ' 21._ 11"" 71o.;, ~i fl a ti on: 3 wa~e-price freeze ~:: :~~I~ 1~:ri' 1c:t~ St~t': St st:~!~:~~~~~ 1rl ~: W! ;i;,, i'Fo -: 'I!. ~I: ~::. ii2 N n~ !:~ !!~ + lo also would fail miserably to ~•1 M11111 l1.l6!1.t•S1Ndmin ""',rlC"1Mll S•PP 11 ~ s.•, S•'1t-T1t F!1Pwu 1:1a ns 66'• '&'~ u·~-.-. 11 NII t.7110.ff tc; Ind 1i·~ jf· Cl\lMS!PP d lj SS'<i ~ !•>{, -1-. Fii S~1t fQ 11 ?Fo 11Us ?Ht t <. achieve anything good under Ftta,, ~nivail~ble Sci~ 6:1, J:i CllMSPP' • l 12 n, ~~ !J.':!.! l'lt~ + \lo Fluor co..P 'a 57 S!'i'a !6'~ ,,,,. cent grealer than the bank's former high of $2.79 rtported for 1967 on 1,116,753 shares outstanding. Two mergers consummated in 1968 accounted for the in- crease in outstanding shares. On June 6, Southern California First National Bank meri;ied the Bellnower Na- tional Bank of Bellflower and completed a merger with the Bank of La Jolla on Nov. 15. Southern Calif<>rnia F irst National merged three banks In 1967. They were: The Sad· dleback Na tional Bank of tington-Valley Bank of Jlun- tington Beach on Sept. 14. and the Heritage-Wilshire Na· lional Bank of Westwood on Oct. 5. ASSETSOVE~ $425,000,000.00 1 Bank Reveals 10.4% ] ncrease tod • ' •A Flt! Fd 19.0 -Sltln R~ Fund . CM M111 ( 1 . 111 ...,.,. Jl . .. FlllOr Cowl ~ ~"9 ~ ,UV, +H• aysctrcums ... nces. Fa Gth 111119 11 8,1 22 ,122 l;ChlPl'!tu 1.10 .2 111i '1'1' ~1'l•-11.o F111P•Dl!l w1 s H )J 1s .. \vh l's more 1·1 would , ... Fl'l<I t r l." 1·• 1r>1i 11·1r.:1 ,,. Cilll Ill Pac 1 111~ 1114 2sv. -v. Ftv 11gu .10 1a; 11" "'' 1114 _ ,, a • ,,.. Foulldtrt "10 .,, Stock 11·n 11·16 ChRIP cl UP I 11\~ 7•14 2411. -\l FMC Co .. 15 lllYvl ld\(o U!1i + \'t VOIYe the creation or a Fou.,p n:olO '°'SW 1111111 :a :.111 Cllfl.IP clNW ,, ,,,. )41'1 Jl\lt -l'o FMC ..i1.2s 11 SI'\ Sl !( -1 'inllllft Gr-· S~ilc;r G1h 11 J] 11 Cfl!TIHelr ? t Y Y 56 ... FOOdF•lr " l 4 11'• Jl 72 -1;, monstrous bureaucracy to ad-orn Sit 7.?J 7.ti TMA AP n:D :111: ... Cl\cckr.•"0-Hl , .. , !!.:: !,!.._ ?,! -"'eoole C!I .IO 1' 1S I•"' U -i... NTC 'j '"1·17 Teach rs 11.21 n 1' Otrlt er• _,.,.,. ~···· .., . . rCICllt Ml11 2 211"' 21 :it _ •• minister the control.!. It would utll .-. .11 jKllY1• •.!Cl ,:,. ccn CVPf.1or lo :Jt ll~ Jt -+-v, Fo 11 ""'?Ot-, :16"t ~ :i. .. SAN DIEGO United ,_,, un11vti1 ec1>nc1 111 1.st Chrom.tll ·" "' l! l-114 l4V. -1• FordMPI , olO 200 ~·~ s1~ s1v. _ '" lead lo rationing to help back i'=und Am 11.t111.tt 11e1ino1 1:16 t.ss c~~ p1 s 19 121 137 lll +2 ForMcl( "is '' ll~• n:r,i; :u _ ·~ Slates Nall'onal Bank loday .. . Gtn SK un•vtll Tt<no GI ,,_" ll 1' C vier J 1'2 "~ S.5 SS'\ .... ,McK Ofl .lo 1 ~·'I !J ·~ _ .. up the controls. Ttus 1n turn g;rir11tu 1s.M ~t.ll Tt1<11 un1Yb1 c ""'bE 1.e 1s ~ ~· ?ti• -v. F.,.rW111 ·'°'" 16 11 73·~ 7l>r. .,. reported a lOA percent in-would lead to anothe r T'Jo S•c t.t710~ ~'kcm1110·'u'n~1~tf ll" 1 El~' 12!: ::~ :! t:"' ::~. ~:::: ~~· ; lf~! ~1(! lr~= r. C•ease 1·n net opera11·ng ca~ b t d cl)m s1 H.nu.~1 twene inc u11.1 1.10 1to ,,14 ...... -s +, """ ,,, ,, ,,,, , ... ,... , • .. -monstrous ureaucrocy o a -Fu! Ad '·'° 1 .,, un11 Ml.rt 11.is i 01J.JG '11• 1u 1u .... F~ep~u1 1:1111 131 ,1"' 40v;; ,1.ii +i•! ings after taxes !or the year minister the rationing. Black~ ~:U12:,T~~~ H.6,!J.!i.. s:f'le "fri:""2.U 2~m:_~~=~'·: Jn 1111'' JIV. ~o +2·~ 1968 as compared to the 1967 markets w o u Id inevitably ~~rdft 11·'7 27·'7 ~~~ ,1 1·.U 12· 1 zv ptJti, ~: ;;: ~~ ""U);? =m · ~ a 'J 1' v. 12·month period. spring up The quality of many t"u ,,.Mu.n s.:1tt1 .).11,.11 uv 11 itt1.n 1 63 ,,.~ •111i-1 GAC c. 1.!I 'f t J t t' rn1n ' "'-Mt !.63 • .. IJ U"+'o CP!, ufWIYl)I City SITt ?St 11 71t;. 11a; 71a.o + 6t OAC Cp pf 1 o a ne opera 1ng ea gs products \\·ould deteriorate ~::ri 11 IZ':o":I vt.'ri tin~ ic."11{';" · ~·~ E• '1.io m ~ . 211.t l1'• _,,.. GAF corei ·"° for 1968 amounled to Sl,654.614 marke 1 dly. It would be an ~"=I'll\ 11'~;.'~t, ti"i11 1 ::~1{'. 1~JSm11 ~:S j ~~i !F ~=l §!~lJS:~·~:i -equal to $1.51 per share unadu terated mess! H~"!!'.n i'41l'~ vat1tt ·• 11v P11 3.511 mo w.i. ~·~ s.•\ -111o G.ms .111 ()n a weighted average ()f ;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l lfis 0~m ·~· 0 '~ v.~;"' 1&·nl 'j''ot i.v " 111• 2 rte 11'111 31"' J1~ -&" 110 "'7 h ts d" ''"• •• 10. 11·.tS Vtntd s'1 'j!C!lvlrt 1.:ict 10-I 11 ''"' '° -\ .,.. wooci cl , l,uo s ares OU tan 1ng, 1~ " !·' 'j:u v~r ll'lllfl'I 6:e1 : c1w111 Jl/'?.Jt n l'lt fl u -1rd0tn 1,1.5 -· 1 1967 t I QUICK nc f"nO 1 '1 1 11 v111;i..... It! lotoi< ,SOt 111 '''~ 251'1 161.11 +,,. ct.tlact IO 1 ul<t compatts 0 ota Inc: Fd l!t 1.35 t .. fa1 Wt!lli In 1t'.1t 1 :!! IWlrPM ... :n ~ ;n,.. 33"1 -"'Oernln! (ff earn. r $1 449 124 J C • · II I ' 11\0tond IJ 11 11 W•sll M~ 14 ~ 1• 1 ulrttl" OI I I 2:!I 21 25 + 1, Gtmlnln .!61 tngs o , , -equa •ten "P q111c Y on ot1 11w:1 Trlftd .,_,.. ,.37 .i1t11o11 1u 11,;. °'" SI ~ • 11•~ 111~ '11• -lo\ nAlnv .l6t to $1.61 per :share on a ""'"''-ll11d your ,,,,,,,ct, •l'MMN 1.nJ•1w.,f1nd 1.u t6J~IG., wt 1 1m '™JN }A....Ou .iOtl eom11nhtn1i'f1 ho,,,1tow" 1di· l~J.~ 11.u H:fj w::!o":'c!! lo::U ~t:~ ~=:111°~ lJ: 1U fr ~ ~ ~l~L ~,'!~~.,, ~~ weighted average of 93%.500 1. 1 •• DAltY >ILOT 1;;;~ winti.io 11.11115·-;ai.1>11 1.111 ts 4N nu: d't -• ...... a.nc .Y :shares OU!standing. •Oft o m• . Inv lndlc IC.17 10.:17 Wltc:Oll .54 1.1' ~e!!l/\A.11! 1." ,, ~ 4" di~ -I '" Ctblt I.JO l"v' IOI 11 . .lt UH WOrl"lt'I '-•1 l .. tl P1U111lad .10 i"I "'4lo •?\\ •1 -) :ioln Cla I '8 INGS • " ' '" • • ' • ,. ' • " " ' " " ~ " " .. " ., .... W• -1•~ ~-''" •\1-1 .... "" "" '"' " il + \'I ~-"" "" + ~. " :rs ... "" lJ\lo 331~-·~ " ... "" -\lo ,, .• ,.. ,.. _, ~ Q'> Q'l6 -·-,,. "' 1f -(~ ... ,,. 1 " -21 ,,,, l'" ll -YI "" .. Jl~-G m, " 51'11 _,,,, "" ~· 31: _,,. ... ""' " '"' !!"-.. ,,.. n "" ' Jllla -" -.. ' I ·------------------------------·~---...,..-----------------==- DAILY '11.0T ,, -" ... Monday's Closing 'Prices -Complete New York StOCk Exchange List • D DAil y PllOT Tutldq, .IMulr/ 14, 1'169 • Johnson Villilied 22 Pueblo Crewmen Going Out .. LBJ Leaves Office on Vnhappy Note . .... -N ., MERRIMAN SM1l'll " UPI WMle H-8'porier • ~GTO CUPll -)~t JohMoo leaveo tl>e '*lhlte House wttb a towerinl : =· ol public service a.00 plllhment. MiWOlll ol : · leJlow countrymen, lnsteod · "'1 being grateful and &d- ..:, are glad to tee hlm . ' . .,. Wbt this public diJdaln ch 1t limes has reach!d w depths of villilication? simple answers are a ~ .: ar whk:b Johnson inherited, " n escalated, plus the fact , .. at be succeeded l h e , ,.....matec1 John F. Kennedy. • ~1r 1'ben! are other answers. ; too: answen as complicated .as JobnlOn himseH. 8 i s · ~ coincided with the ~ . -outburst of long pent-up feel- ' lngs of protest in young people •· all over the world and with · · the determination of American .., ·lilac.ks to break out of the • tbetto and seize a larger share ~~ the life enjoyed by wh.ites. " . :1lISTJNcr FEELING that most cf hla 1CM:alled rtu0a to believe Johnloa legislative "accompU!hmenla" ml&ht have helped hlmatU, had been in varlou st.a.MS ._.. the ol progrtll lot yep< and tl>at the country -cauae SA!i DIEGO (UPI) -Mou he m«<1J ha\>pe"" to be of puce ,ftaell had be madlJ tl>an one quarter of the ....., President When the time wu hls announcement • o me ripe for ~Ir entclmenl. months earlier. He had. after of the USS Pueblo b ellglble BLACK 'H08TUJTY all, ..ached a rather ballc lo< cliJcbar1e and will be For all of tht civil rl&IJll undentandilll with bil wife, I released ~ the Navy Jan. leglJlatloo puabed ·throup by Lady Bird, and wltl> blJmell 23, a Navy spokesman nld. a heavily D e m o c r 1 t I c that the 1114 campalp for He uplained that tbe toun Congr"' while Johnson wu the pruldeoey would be his ··.:....:....:........;.....;_;_;..;::;;... of duty of II memben of chief eieQitfve, no President -the v~·s a man com· ' •· ·~ h 1.._ .... ,>h. last; that he would run for ever a .. ac...u sue 1JUD~1 ... ,, plement have expired. All from blacks. The enormous and sel'Vf: only ooe elecUV'e N • step-up In funds antl programs term Jn the White House. 8J"C0UCS U1osc eligible for dischar&e to aid education did UUle or ire enlisted men. This is not seU-serving nothing lo prevent his being hindsight on ,._ "°"· •·veral T • Many 'ot them will be called the focal point of ltudeot w. _.. """'" on.1c on to testify at a court ot a111er. Vietnam and the draft ol bil clooe woclate& knew r-Inquiry 1111o the Pueblo'1 cap- ootweigbod legl!lallon ol any about 11 even u he waa ht-At M t' W.. laat Jan. 2S by North kind in the minds of· a htgbly auauraJed In 1116. Moreover, ee mg Korean Navy unlla, in wbat demonstrative and vocal part bl.I one-term dec11ioo wu the Navy a:ay1 were in- cl young America. reported specula1ively more Dr. Edward A. Taub, of ternational waten off the As he left the White House. than a year before h1a an-the UCI College cf Medicine, Korean coast. Johnson could, If he wanted, nouncement, and again alter will speak on "Adolescent.a Ne date has been set for derive some surcease from March 31, his agreement with and Dangerous Drugs" toWght the inquiry. Pueblo crewmen bitterness by recalling that Lady Bird was revived and at a meeting of the Mission and officers are still un- hc could not have assumed reported in 90me detail!. Viejo High School Parent dergoing debriefing by Ui- the presidency ir. the first A great many Americans, Teacher Organization. telligence and medical person- place under much worse however, found this hard to Dr. Taub, who teaches nel. circumstances: the murder of believe for it was so untypical pediatrics, la on the attending A apoll:esman at Balboa Kennedy, a .D jncreasingly of Johnson. This made a ~ staff of Chlldnn'1 Hospital of Naval Hospital, where the popular, attracUve and U.. lain amaunt cl sense. 'n.e Oran&e County. Pueblo crew ls housed. said spirational young leader. White House bu seldom aeen. His talk will be at '1:30 men dixharged before the • ll'l ' STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... FrQm Fashion Island. Newport Beach ; ~lo spite of any and all or •· tbe answers, Johnson heada ~ back to bis Texas ranch home ;;. wita a distinct. characteristic ·: feel.lng that lf there were to ·: be any stars in his crown, ~ .to borrow from an old hymn, ..,. they would have to be put '..:. there by future historians. CRASHIN GEND perhaps never, such 111 un-p.m. in the Mission Viejo H1gb court of inquiry can be su With Kennedy's tragic death1_1yp_i_cal_m_an. _______ m_n1_upu_'PIJ'< __ roo_m_. __ , ___ poe_na_ed_l_o_test11 __ Y_be_fo_r_e_ll_. ------------------------------ came the crashing end to an era for JO many who attached ~· He does not feel he had ;· rtceived a fair shake or pro- .: per credit from rn o s t ·: recorders or contemporary ~ history, particularly editorial .;· w r i t e r s , cahoonists.. col· ...: umnists and commentators. considerably higher value on ..... style, easy-going elegance and intellectual uplift than lo the hash-marks of bills paued, foreign visitors entertained treaties signed or billiom spent. ~: Most men in public life f woold derive enormous ;.. satisfaction simply from hav- ... _ ing loiled and clawed up jag- ~ ged political and professional :-; mountains, as Johmon dJd, from the lowly role of a coon- ~. try school teacher in Texas ~ to the presidency and un4 : disputed world leadership that Johnson llterally f o u n d himself up against an im· possible situation w h e r e i n mi!Uons of Americans and other millions overseas found themselves emoUonally unable to accept an immediate substitute for John F. Ken. nedy. t;ent with it. ·_The outgoing President, ~ however, is leaving the na- -: tion's capital in .~ ·1ypically :_.mixed mood of··prld e, · nostalgia and downright bit- :. terness. For all his years in .. public service, Lyndon Baines . : Johnson does, not:~ppw' to '; have developed ability to : • ..fjlpa.rate unreasoned scorn and riWcule from justified or wt!Hntended criticism. SOME REASON There Wa.!1 some reason t9r Johnson's sensitivitY,. While be . invited some or bis lumps, others were hard to fathom. In no President's' time has there been as much civil rights, health and housing legislation enacted._ as dqring 1he Johnson administration, nOt to mention numerous inti· poverty progr&ms, medical care for the aged, ~ Social SecuriLy benfnts, at· tacU on pollution of water and air and a variety of laws to protect the consumer. Many liberals within his own party refused to rate these }tgislative accomplishments as Johnson.ian on grounds that be did not originate lbem ; 2 Hairstyling ; :Classes Offered ·• • · !J'wtl nine-week hairstyling courses will be offered in the evening at Orange Coast C<il- h:ge this spring for licensed C4li!onUa cosmetologists. "Hair Styling Review" will Jl)tet Wednesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. in the cosmetology lab in tl!" upllolstery building. "Hair Styling Sa.loo" will ,meet Tuesdays from 7 to 10 ·p.m. In the cosmetology lab. Students should bring their license and 1 model to class mee.Ungs. In 19&4, Johnson won the presideacy in bl.s own right. He carried f4 states and rolled up the largest popular vote margin in history as be van- quished h i s conservaUve Republican cpponent, Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona whose home-state v c t e rs returned him to the U.S • Senate this year. T h e history-mating pro- portions of Johnson's election victory seemed only to u· actrbate the -1tuatloa. fer many Kennedy worzhlWaw. "Four more years of Tezu," some of them complaloed. 0 Wbat the hell am I IUJ>- posed to do," Johnson ex- ploded to a friend." fet myself born all over agam, go to Harvard and play touch foot· ball en Cape Cod?" ROILER COASTER Johnson's drop in popularily after the 1964 victory was of r o J I er~ter , proportions. Aeling on the best advice be could get and would accept, he began to pour added military power into Vietnam in 1965 until, in manpower alone, it eventually went over the half-million mart, There were draft ·riots, race riots, student riots. Suth cities as Los Angeles, Detroit, Newark and Washington saw largely Negro residenUal and bllisnesa areas -the slums -badly burned and looted. Numerous and. virtually con- tinuing peace probes initiated by John.$on and Secretary of State Dean Rusk see.med to leave Hano unmoved. Lut March 31, saying he wanted to avoid further divisiveness at home and help the chances of peace, Jobmon palled cut -he woold not seek nor ac-- cept renomination. GOOD REASON History may be a long Ume '" deciding, but the!"f ts good ~-~riflDRAPERV VlJtlW.Jc;;.L~~N~R6 .. ' ~ ... .. ' I.,.... Wehr O.ma .. • FLAMI 'ROOFING EXCLUSM liUARANTIED DRAPERY CLEANINli Dra,_,., CINnlftl. r.rt.ct ,...,.,1.... ef the :t• ., your llr•PffY• or 111 Y. ,.. ,racement If CINM•"- • Ne WJI'°" H..U .... lhrtnk ... e hrhcf lfffl HeMI • Watw Stalft 19'Mftl e P"erf'Mt PINt F.Wlnt • ,,..,...._., tnmll1tt.n OUI IXCLUllVI lllYICI . ,..,_._.. .......... • r.,... Mlly le Arra,...i • ,,... llHINhl • ,,. Lo... Dn• °" ,.,. C11111 a arrr 540-1366 20% 642.0270 ° .;,. 1702 llEWPOIT RVD., COSTA MW .. , < ,. - I - • v~.years pe ectitlfJ 0 AM:ftti-. can C1191!r the spectrum of man and natore- appeclallon of life, appreclation of a friendly smile, apflftdallon of a >alny day, the aroma of steaming coffee, the "ribrant color blending of flowers, the mischievous giggle of. a small child, the breath-taking beauly of fluffy c:louds, and even the mysterious sparkle of an evening star. Hele are simple, '""'Jday sights that can make a day rich and enjoyable. In the mixed pool of human nature, appreci· lllion has be;;ome a way of life for us, and is something th•t we believe in and pr:u:llce. Appleciation can make a day rich, pleasant, and enjoyable. Why not use this every day? To us, appreciation is a very zeal force, &trang and Vital to our everyday lives. It js pemed by a Jaw that is almost as dJrect as the laws of ph,.ics--We draw ID ourselves the good of everything we appn>ciate, but the evil of everything we belittle." We bow that in banking, people represent the very core of success or failure. a.od there h always something to a}>' prociale in all people ••• if we look for ii! ".Appreciate, and yoo prosper. BellUle, and you Jose". Because of this Ume· pomi pinclple, each person's fate is in his own hands. We ~eachemployeelnhis own way, and they, in tum, appeciate each depositor that enters our bank. • ., • I ' . recia io This month nmb the Clllm!natim of lite~ cl 4fl1ltig thls >ital fcm:e. Five years ago this month, our dottw opened for bostnea, and It was a challeoge for us, a '111 competitive challenge, at thaL We had a:roof, :floor, 4Wlllls, and a small safe. But, we realized then that these material assets were not going to be enough, if we were to be IUO- cessfuL We needed to haYe that "°"'ethlng.atra ••• the •Art of Appm:iallan". We started by hlrlng that certain kind of employee who had this basic quality Inherent in hi• penq>aiity. The people of Orange County have responded Jo our kind al apprecladon. Jn live short years, our success Is being IUI· ized because it Is based on this sttoog and 'rilal force, Our asseta have grown from :zero to over 55 million dollm in that Ume. Certainly ""' apprec1,ie this growth. Howner, . we appreciate even more the fact that our depooltars appie- ciale our many servJoiis and how our people have w<rted with them. The• Art of Appoclation" really works. Let any man try It far one ardinarJ day, and that day will be dllfer· ent and mo<ll rewarding thin any be hu aperiencod bet°"'. If you are not appreciated where you now do your banking, please pay us a visi~antl ur-brand of appreciation. We'd appt~fe ii.! ----,---------~ ~--- r,-' ~tWPOR'J' :...~ :· NATIONAL "") ~~ BANK '.l<{Ji . ' ';'(:~~~ h~ #~ ... / -, ·---- A,.._,_,~·~ will be UTWd lo •""!lone who pays "'a 1IUit during the month of January. ' ' JOINT SESSION -Finishing plans for tho joint meeting of Women's Auxiliary to Orange County Medical As>oclatton· and Oran ge County Lawyers' :Wives ere (left to right) the Mme<, , Martin E. Hansen and Monts Fler of~ a~and Mn. Keith I Welpallt, npresentlng Lawyers' Wives, 'lb8,Jiroili> will pliler(ln · Saddlel>ad: Ino nut '.lbumlay f<>r a n<i!>n 1.-i. . • ' • ( • . • • ' • 6ClOJ ,..,.. .. ,, ,,,....,., 14. ,,., • .. ... ,, Jod11n 11<11111191, _, Tradition . Cont·inued Traditionally, the AUJiliary to Orange County Medi- cal Association and the Orange Coun~ Lawyen' Wl- begin each new year wfth • joint meeting. And, 1969 is no exception. Spotlighting the new year while posing the provoca- tive question, Wh•t's So Happy About tho New Year? will be the keynoter, Carl P. Terzian, noled personage tn the field Of po~lical science, who has been R goodwill ambassador for the United States in many countries. The joint· sesSion b 1<heduled for next Thursday tn \hol Soddlebact Inn, announced Mrs. James W. Ob.rien, coonltnator. • F01tlvities will bee!n with an 11 a.m. sodol hour, followed by a . luncheon and a lhowl.ng of Joan Bilek ,_ durmg lbe repast :Mn. Jame• Slack, preeidall of the Lawyers• Wlv .. will ;reet Jlfs. · Franlc E. KendrlcK, auxiliary president and other l1iecll u ~ arrive. The speaker bu been engaged by Mrr. Webb Morningstar, Lawyera' wi. .. vice preaident. Following .\hii ....ion, Lawyfl'I' Wiveo will continue tbar work with and· nlaing twldl far Onngie County legal Aid, while allllllary members wlD be planning tbar annlJal Nnd.raliing fllhlon lhow to raise funds for ICbolanllips • .. . ,, .. • • :· .r1 • • • • • ' ) • • ~ ~ ' • .. • . •• . , Thrift Shop Shelves Coiled Golden Treasures Home Accessories Featured Shelves are fast filling with merchandise as mesn- bers of the Golden Key Auxiliary of the Child Guid- ance Clinic of Orange County bring their contribu· tions to the thrift shop, now located al 223 Main SI., Huntineton Beach. Mrs. William Hanna, clWnnan, accept& ccntrlbatlona from Mn. Falilan G-. and Mrs,. Gene Shores (left to right), The shop is open between 10 e.m. end 2 p.m. eacil Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, and Saturday openings for special l8lel, will be posted In Ille tlJrift lllop. Additiooal lnbmallon 111117 be ClbtalDed by ""1!1ng the lllop el 1138-7810. A new Innovation in the thrill shop staffedlby members of Golden •Kq for the. benefit of emotionally disturbed children In Oran&• CGunty will be a boutique comer which will ,....,. new, ond"'u.ed bul nlmtllabed, lwme 11CC911Ddes. Arr111glng U.. dllplq are (left to rlgbl) Mn. Bl1IDCIDd Mao._ 1114 Kn. Rldilid Teoli'a, Mn. Ttlte will llipc.tse a.. wl••"t• dliied b .i.. ' .. ' Christians Need -Neon 'Signs to Illuminate Faith .. j ~ !>EAR ANN LANDERS : We moved Jnto this home aeven months qo. The netpbors were very nice, until the ae.. cond week lo. J>ecemher, when they all bopn to put up Jlgbls, tree dec<rations, santes and tWlhl, angels, what have you. This block l<>olted llke Macy's win- dows. My wife and I have always placed our Christmas tree In the front -and that was .U. We never felt it wu neomaey IO fl in for a big clllplay. On Dec. 11 • nelshbor telephoned and asked If 1tt needed help to "put up oor Christ.mu lights.'' I told her we --not putting up ""' liaJllL She then said, "Oh, then Jt's true -you folU ama't Chriltlans." I ntpUed, "I d.idn 't MY whether w~ were Christians or not. All J said was we are not ANN LANDERS [i putting up .. , liabta." The coovena1liio dldn'l l'l &l\1 -and I finally bung up. Now nv wlie aaya I aboold not have left a doobt In the neighbor'• mind as to whether or not we are Chrkd1m1 (we ro to the Presbyterian Cbun:h). l say It 's none of her business. Who is ri&b&. Ann, my wife or me? -GROSSE POINTE DEAR G.P.: You a~. Aad a holly wreatll lo you, Bu\, for noc allowiu1 ,.... oelPbor lo pol ,.. .. tho delemlft. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm a bachelor wbo wu keeping company wtth a m.iddle- aged widow , Mary had this cat that 1 oever cared for. Whenever J went to call, Jasper seemed to be watching every move 1 made. J wu always un- comfortable around him. Last week Jasper was sitting In the ~---------------- middle ol Ibo ilrl-•Y wben I ..,.. to call. I !!OWlded the bom but be Just 111 there. I IOI mad beca ... be was being stubborn IO I nn over him. Mary came out of the bcwo at lbal moment. When lhe aw Jqper lbe becsme byaterical. II WU plain that the cat wu dead, but IJbe lnlllled we take him to the vet'• -· Wben I relUJed 1be told me to leave and never to come back. I WU very food ol Mary but li she would .trade. our rtlatlonshlp lot a cat maybe she was too nutty to make 1 good wife. What do you 11y? -ANCHORAGE DEAR ANC: I uy J OI IOUd lib ; • --..... "....,lo ,.. ..... llJ1111tlll '-tt;:'~ ... rid I(,.. ..-.. -·-... ,. --·-...... "... . DE,\R ANN LANDERS: I'm a IJ.,..... -.. - -M ~ old pl wllb a ll-7eaNlld Jll<lblem. 111 -· ~ 1111 .. a& -. J mother. -I am lnvlled to apood 1or· ...,i J 'I a~ .bl ,. tbe niglll at a idrl'• boaie, oho bu too. · • to -tbe ...... *-11111 pbmo . number o1 tbe 11r1-1 11mi mind t1111, Do ,.. lat! m a& .-• • • but I DO mind -obe calll tho Ill .II mgbodJ lz.tac 1a pd mother o1 tho g1r1 anc1 .,... ..... the 1>o1 ,..1 wr11a·r.r -~ - tblrd degree. Tbll mal:u me loot lite "Tbe X.,,. to~.''"*' i!aJi~ -a baby and I bale It. It allO loob t: ~ 15 -.. .... md 'I> llk• lll1 mother doelD' lrull hie. , ..u.-I,.._.., ........ '. Say oomethlni IO lll1 moCllet will cut AM Landen will)ba Pd*l' it out. you with ,_ ~ ... -NO INFANT . to bet In <IN of Ibo llAILY PllDI' DEAR N: Wiiii ,..·er 11_,llt IWl<I -.. a lllmpod, 1111 desree II nall7 a 11u111J lilorost ta envtiopt. • ·: • -· I l ' I ' I ' ' I - -~ .. -... ----.. ---------~ ~--~~~ ------:-------.....,-----~---------------------·----------·~--~--..-..,..,.... J4 -y tflDT T-, JanuirJ 14. 1'6'1 ,_.Best DressrJ Ust _ . :: Male 'Plumage' Recognized for First Time ••• NEW YOl;Ut (AP) -A Russian btlltltna. a Nesro ac. treu, • acuJptor, a Hi atar ud ' I married couple ~ amq thole wbo'Ve made Lbe -lillo 11111 year. 'Ille vllriely ol. names i. because fnolead of one lilt 11111 year there are three: one for the ••fashion cluslciats," one for the "most lmaginalive" and ooe for men. The llats are hued on a poll tabo among 2 " 0 0 desi.O,ttn, socialites a 11 d fashion penona.J.lties and are aodiuted by publicist Eleanor Lambert who an- nounced the winners last Sun- day. The ballerina -Maya Pliset.staya, the actress - DiahaM Corroll, and the sculptor -Marl!OI, all made the list ol the "most im- aginltive" women in fashion. So did Gloria Vanderbilt Cooper whose husband Wyatt made the men'' list. -~.Mn.Reon7 Sah:nn•n Mrs. Ah me t Erl.ow!. Mrs. Wlllfam Rlyner and Mn. &bin Bullet. 00 the men'1 lllt, lo addill<n to Kiiiy and Cooper, ..... Prlni!e Philip, Queen Ellubetb's ~; act« George Ram!11aa; deslgnrn Bill Blaaa and Hilbert de Giveochy; lfl1il Cecil ~too: Patrick, Earl of Ll\chfleld; Bernard Lanvin; George W. Widener; Count Rudo 1 f o cmp; and oociallt. Baron Alai! de Rede. Fred Aolalr< and the Duke of Wlnd8ar were given iJ:n. mediat.IWulas- Hall of Famera.. The com· nllttee said both men were "above competition and have never been topped in their lives." Ski star Jean-Claude Killy also made the men's llilt, pro- ving be looks jun as good of! the slopes as on. Others on the most im· aginative lisl were actress Barbra Streisand, M a r i s a Berenson, fashion expert Mrs . Oil the traditional list Weft Mrs. A I fr e d Bloomingdale, Mrs. Charles Revson, Mrs. Graham Mattison, M r s . Charles Engelhard Jr., Mrs. Gi&Mi Uzielli, Princess Ira Furstenberg, Mrs. Harilaos TbeodoracojJuloe:, Marquesa Carol de Port.ago, N r s • 1"'.a..,._..;.:;,; Vincente Minnelll, M rs . Liberman Savitt, Mrs. Ahmed Benhirn and the Duchess de . . ; 'WINNING TEAM -Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Cooper : are given top honors on the Best Dressed list. Coop. .. :.er was named the best dressed male, while bis wife took top honors in the "imaginative" category. May Rites Disclosed Suring 1Family Supper Tbe engagement of Linda Jo EUioU to Steven Howard Snyder was revealed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alumnae To Honor Newcomers Newcomers will be borxnd by tbe Orange County chapter ol Scripps Alwnnae during a get-acquainted co(fee 0 D '11nirsday, Jan. 16. Mrs. William E 11 er I~ chairman of lbe ~p, will host the event in her Newpor-1 Beach home. The 10 a.m. meeUng will feature a diSCIJ9slon about , plans for a seminar Cl\ The Ferment in Higher EdncaUon .. The lectures will tab 1'lace beginning Wednesday, Feb. 5 from 10 a.m. to noon In the home of J\lrs. Ellen. 'Ille cost of the sen.. will be ,10. Speakers for the event will lnclude Mrs. Elizabeth ci.u, director of Spedal Edu<:a- Uonal Prognms and Coo- liooing Education, Mn. "'""' jory Downing, ..... of the focully, Mrs. Mary llecW, dean of 15tudenla, all of Sclppo College, and Dr. J""1 Bevan, academic vice pnsldellt of the College of the Pactnc: Further lnfonnaUon can be obtaloed by calling Miss Cynthia Pastushio 11 '7M99f. Officers' Wives Host Luncheon C. Elliott of Anaheim during a family buffet supper last Sunday. Setting for the party was the Fountain Valley home (If the 'bridegroom-6ed'I brother, Fred S. Snyder. . f.,{iss Elliott is a sraduat.e of Marina High School and Orange Coast College where s.he affiliated with Epsilon Delta, dental assisting sorori· ty. The future benedid, son or Mrs. Florence Snyder oC Sea1 Beacb and the fat. Seal Beacb Police Ollef Wendall J . Snydu, is an aJumnus or UCLA where be pledged Sflmt Aljlba Epsilon. He also ~· lwo years 0 f gradllate wort at california Slat. College at Loog Beach. A • MOy wedding ;., being p!onned. ., CHRISTINE PLOG E"lepd Betrothal News Told CadavaL Mexican Waters Cruised Mr. and Mrs. Philip Evans of Costa Mesa are cruising Mexican waters aboard the SS Lurline. Ports of call include, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and MazaUan. . WedC!ings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, pro.spe<"tive brides are reminded to have their we<lding stories with black and white glossy pholo- graphl to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcemenls it is suggested that the story. also accompanied by a black and white glossy p i c t u r e. be submitted. early. If the betrothal announce· ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac· cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· -,.ble in ill of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members al 6424321 or 494·9466. The January luncheon for rnembers and guest.a of the Las Alamitos Officers Wives Club will lake place Thursday, Jan. 16. in the Officen ctub on Tmnina! bland. · ·• Mrs. Rock Duilman of'---------------------"/ Newport Beach has announcod the f:~qement of her dllugbter, Qrlstfne Pio( lo John Bomgardner, son of Charles-Bomgardner of Denver and the late Mrs. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Janet Ashcroft who will speak on coordinating fashions. A COCklall hour will begin the function at 11 :30 a.m. with luncheon being served at 12:30. Reservations may be tnade by callinl· Mrs. T. T. Atteberry al 887""95&. · The Stret.cb and Sew sewing r.lass wiU begin on Friday, Jan. 17 at I a.m. at the NavaJ Air Station GoH Course, Los Alamitos. lnfannailon CID be obllined ~Y calling Mn. John c. Kempf •t 19%-29111. , ' Me1e Seniots . Community Recreation Center at Orange County Fairiroundl it the ICf:ne of ICIJ\jty .men O>lll Mt11 ~ Cltizml meet Ill 11 o.m. ..,.,, Tuesdly. • I ' . HB , TOPS Club Bomgan!oer. Miss Plog. also the daughter of Charles B. Plog of London is a graduate of Pacilic Palisades High School and the School of Business at the Unlvenity of Coloradb. She received the Beta Sigrn1 award as the outstanding senior girl, was a member of the Business School Student Board, president ol Beta Sigma and assistant social chairman ror Alpl)a c h l Omega. Her riance, who is SErVing with the Armed Services l)f1 Okinawa, studied in MmLlna and at the Uciftr'Bity ol Colorado, Scbool Ill 8usinea. No cl.at. bu bem RI for the wedding. Emblem Club Gathering for bu s I n e s s Allen School II the meeting aeulonl and prolfams are place for Ml!mben of Hu.B-memben of Newport Harbor tin,too Bt.at.b TOPS Pound Emblem C1ub the 8fleOrKI Pinchen It 7 p.m. CVel} Mon· TuMdly at I p.m. in the Elks div· ' Loda<, Newport Beach. Club Mixes Music, Work At Meet The American A.isociatlon of Retired PulOrll wW boat its regular meeting in Harbor Se n i o r Citizens Recreation CenLer, Newport Beach at 12 :30 p.m. nes:t Thursday. A program of mualc, under the direction or Mrs. Jamt.i E. Sawyer of Newport Beach, will be oHered. "trs. · Ruth ;Jolwon will discu.s.s WORK (Wanted, Oki.er Residents with Know-how), which helps du1 with the pro- blem.s of aging. The P"l""< of WORK ii to ~p reUrees lo find put time jobs. nioo. ollalcllng the gather- ing are uted to bring 11ck Choral Group E""'7 Mondo¥ ot 7::10 p.m. memben of the ProlpecUve Aliso V1Jley Chapter of Sweet- Adellnes convene In MWlon Viejo High Schoof. Those ln- ,,.rNt.ed ln joining may cell Mrs. Willi.am Recht at 137· om. 1----~~----ll If lhe aew cleaners explode dirl- whal masl they do lo yoar hanch? Tndilional hand lotions •re little protec tion against modern kiltf!r cleanen. l°"ew Vedra with Aloe, the desert'.a moisturiiing plant, wu formul1ted ex· pre11l1 to offed: the deva- atating e&CICll of hanh cle1ner1. lt 1ootbe1, amootJu, helpt reato~ a soft texture to hands. Vedra Lotion, 1.00, Cream. 1.50. RUNNER.UP -Fashion designer Bill Blass took the No. 2 spot in the men's division of the Best Dressed list, and placing third was Great Britain's Prince Philip. ' Engagement Revealed At Buffet Party Close friends learned the _news of a .summer weddlng when Susan Lee Rothert and Jeffrey Alan Seybert were booored during a buffet party ln the Huntington Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rolhert, parenta of the bride- to-be. The couple will e1change their nuptial vows at 8 p.m. fl July ZS Jn the First Christian {' Church, Huntington Beach. Miss Rothert attended Hun· tington Beach High School, and is attending Golden West :;; College. She is a past honored queen of Job's Daughters, Bethel 120. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Seybert o( Huntiqton Beach, attended Huntlnglon Beach High School aod oow attends Calilomia SUSAN LEE ROTHERT Slate College, Long Beach. Summer Bride Alumnae Set Agenda Chi Omega Alumnae of Orange County will galher on Thursday, Jan. 16 for their first meeting of the year. The &etilng for the 7:45 p.m. event will be the Orange home of Mr9. W. J. Blackstone. GOP Meeting Mesa V e r d e Republican Women have ctw.nged their meeting place for their in. stallaUon or new officers tomorrow. The event, lo begin at 10:30 a.rn., will take place In the home of Mr11. Cal Sumrall, 1766 Bahama Place, Mesa Verde. Beil'IQ Oll(ll welgt1t cot1 Ofl/y be f...-iny to~ wllo'W91'9 nflY'el' <1¥91 WMigtd. 1lie cj;gs. The ~icli:ers. The jokes. y 00 COfl, .Mop the jokes. But YoU COfl do !OCMlbinQ oboot Yourself. I I you· re overweiQhr. cocne 10 Weight Wotcher$..• Her•, 'fO'ICOn learn to io.. weight orad li:Mp ii off through tN Weight Wotc:.hets IMlrftOfloiKJfly loiiious welof'd control DtOQra.. U..e ore no dnigs, Of ~ No .storvo- Newly elected president, lo.ITT. Arthur Zasio, will con- duct a short business meeting and will announce the schedule or meetings and programs for the year. All Chi Omegas li ving in the Orange County area are invited. Atrs. Blackstone at 633-9758 may be notified for reservations. Auxiliary Coasl1ine Auxiliary t o Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 3S36 gather the first and third Fridays at 8 p.m. Costa Mesa 'l!I American Legion Hall is the scene of the meetings. llood:oh.loWelght Watchert. l'O\l '9om to re-educate eotiflg hob<ts. This program WOik&. We've ~0¥91'1 it oll O'l'llr the WCW"ld. This lime don·11ry it olone. Come to the oneond orilyWeigN Worchers. ~:· .. ,.. ..... _ ......... _ .,..... .. ...... FR EE UITRODUCTORY SESSIONS OIANGI Wtdnt..:t•y 7:IO ~.N . J1nu1ry 1~1n AMWAY CENTD. 1240 Wnt Collin• .SUL BUCH WM. '''° A.N , 0' ?~to ~.M . JlllUll")' t~tll ST. ANNE'S CHURCH 340 10th Street (off M•ln) l•n CM1t H .. y.J S5 1tealtfnrtton-$2 ,., w .. 1r_... Contnicn ............................ Ill .. _.,,_ c:..tr a-..1 CAU 83$.5505 TODAY! u ................ ---·-= ~.:..:---.--.. ...... · 1.a ·- The Daily Pilot Covers Boating Best In The West Horoscope Capricorn: Pleasant Surprise Awaiting WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15 By SYDNEY OMAJUI •'The wlse man control& hll desUny .•• A!trology polola !he way." ARIES (March 1t·April II): Accent on long-range plana:. Keep communicaUon t in e a open. DlJCUJI future vacation plans with family member. Be aware of future trends. Gain shown through written word. Road, study and write. TAURUS (April 20-May 201 ' Avoid self-deception. Face facts u they Wst -include! matters pertaining to budget, expenditures. Di!CllSS flJwlcu with mate, partner, close as.sociate. · Don't ovens:tend · yourself. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Sb'ells on permanent ties, in- clwtlng maniage. Means lbis is no day t.o play games. Others are apt to b e superseMiUve. Pe.nnit one close to you to have a:potlighL Play waiting game . CANCER /Juoe 21.July 221' Attend to personal ta.ab, re- quirements. Some may at- tempt to involve yoo in their problems. Be channing --but decline. Necessary today to attend to buic issues. Get better understanding of job. LEO /July 23-Aug. 221 ' Day features fWJ through ettative endeavors. Loved ones provide pleasure. Evening on the town could provide great benefit. Your penonallly sparkles. People comment on your wit, showmanship. VIRGO -(Aug. l3'Sept. 221' Family member may be overemoUonal Your task is to remain calm. Think of future -Ignore petty an- noya.nce.s. Accent also on pro- perty matters, domestic situa- tion. Follow through on bunch. LIBRA (Sep!. 23-0cl. 22): Spotlight on sbort trip. Day features flurry of activity. Some messages could be garbled. Don't offend relative by sharp retort. Sense of humor becomes your great ally. SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. 21): Attend to financial matters. Study deta1ll ~ wllh buying, oelflof. 11<7 II to be thorough. Read blllween !he lines -jiludy line print. 1btn you could emqe wllh proliL SAGmARJUS (Nov. =- Dec. 21): You CAD •ln bienda, lnllueoce people. Lunor post- tton acceola your porlOllallly, You gel your way lhnlulh cbarm, seli-apraslon. Speal< up. Display unique lllenfl. You're a winner. CAPRICOR!< (Dec. ZZ.J111. 191: Be charllabfe. Reallle some want to please but feel restricted. Patience t o d a y coold win over ooe who bu been elusive. P 1 e a 1 a n t surprise ill due. Jt'1 prepared beblod the ..,.....,, AQUARIUS (Joo. 20-Feb. 18): CoDBme energy. Some art well-meaning but squander your time. You could find out today j11Jt who Is !>ell for pfanoed project. Not wise lo mis: buJJDClll with pleasure. Be pracUcaJ. PIBCE8 (Feb. Ill-Morch 20): Be confident about your own abillliea. Your career, preatige may be on the rise. Don't rock boat by tteglecung buic r e Ii p on siblUUes. One in authority sees things your way. IF TODAY IS Y 0 U R. BIRTHDAY you an entertnc an exciting period wb1cb features travel, v a r I e l y and-il slogle-marrfage. u married, you could redlJcover mate-and rekindle romance. GENERAL TENDENCIES~ Cycle bigh fo. SAGmARWS, CAPRICORN, AQUAl\IUS Special word lo VIRGO : give cartful cons.ideration to offer involving sale or purchue of property. To orcler S\dMY Omerr'• = boalclel. The Mh Abclvt Attr ..nci 5G ctnl1 to Om•rr IOllll fir "'' DAIL y PILOT, llo• :DtO, _Grfna Ct11lr1I $!111on. N""' York. N.Y. l0011, Overeaters Every Monday at I p.m. members gather in Anderson School auditorium, Westminster, for meetings or Ove.reaters Anooymou1. Guests are welcome to attend. 14th SOME OUTSTANDING VALUES IN FAMOUS MAKE MERCHANDISE ••• TO CELEBRATE OUR 14 YEARS IN THIS LOCATION! LADIES SPORTSWEAR LADIES DRESSES LADIES LINGERIE SAVE 1/3to3/4 GIRLS DRESSES & SPORSTWEAR REDUCED 1/3to1/2 BOYS WEAR TOSID14 1/3oH., 1/2 off GOOD SELECTIONS • • ows 3404 VIA UDO NEWPORT BEACH (ONI OF THI LIDO SHOPI) ( • -' TUES DAY ,,.. n (IJ rn m • t--""' ..... -"""'""') 'I! -AMI ll1ncroft. P.tty DuU. PEANUTS '4lc:tor Joly, Mdtw PriM. Tm ...., ......... $1!Ut1111'• ....... effort. ,. i..r, tM '°"""' Heltl ic.iHt ...... flWI • alptlm .. --11......:::..~~'-------' ='-""'~""'-= l:JO U fASTtST NEWS IN THE * WEST! Whh Bill BONDS, STU NAHAH. JIM HEALY, 1nd CARL GEORGE! 1:00 8 no ""' -(C) (IO) J.., Dunphy, a m -·••""" ICl ~01 0 Stlft ... $M9 (C) (90) Rlcll· 1rd Ben]•min, P11111 P'111ntiss, Dani V1ltry, The Pair bl!IOl'di111i1t 1nd W1ynt Gibbons 1unt o @m m•" ..... ,,., lli (con'T from 5:30) Chris Sctlt•- kel 1116 Jtck Twym1n dnerlbt tflt 1ctlol froni Btltitn01t. CJ I S,, (C} {60) m,..... it> <Jo1 ft) Wliaf's "'9? (30) ~.1.1au1 Bears." A littlt 1ir1 ind her sports- man f1lhN' lltvel to Aluka fo1 tome undid obs1rv1tion1 of burs. l :JO 0 DIC N1WMrViui (C) (60) 0 ~ S (C) (SO) Joh• C1rt Ind Atlitl lrytnt prtMllt I lll\IJleal allow Ml i11 Puerto ltloo. DIMM: (C) .,.,_ .. ,..,.... (d11rnt) 'IO -h.i Ntwm1a, Jo. tllflt Woodward. Fro111 Joti11 O'H1t1'1 story of Ofll Nll't rlll flOlll llO'l'- MJ to ... ttti 1114 lllSilioll 1ftd dlntlutiOll e( .. is 1111rrlq1 throuP ll'litutldtnlalll!nf tnd •&lltl tD lu M ltw Ut (C) (60) &!I RP f..Wlf (C) (60) "f't fllm ,.,,.,man 111 w11.~ A bl II bow J'OUlll film-.. tppt'OIClt Wit IS rlfledlid ii "The Duerr bJ Jlntw Kubik; "Opus 007" ~ Gtra!d lltlkill: tnd ·~ It Owl er..• lridrtM ~y Roblrt EA· r ico. ''" f) Ill! (I) ...... (Cl (30) Wboo Buc:k tnd Ilia Mst fritnd 11tutrrll CM!r •• 1ftrldiw widow, Ooris fl· luct.ntlJ finds ll•stlf I~ Ill her flttl•f't Nllllfllic tri111rJt. (Rt• sc1Ttdul1d from Dlctmb• 24, 1963) G Ntw1 (C) (30) ltd M'Ylf'. m"" l~IXlfJQl (J) ........ ~ t!J YOJ11t ti 111 ldtft ttf lflt Min, MJf (C) (30) SN (C) (60) -um-!Cl 1&01 G MtnMI 111»1 (30) Clll\lt ... ft) (JO) PERKINS [jlJ JUDGE PARKER Gil lilml Witll Ytlll' ail14 (30) •'fitt Rttdin1 P1alfllll for 9's, lO's •nd ll't." Marion M1rstiall and 1utsb dbcuu the P•r!nls' rale ill Mlpinc tl!ei1 chlldr.11 to imPftl¥t th1ir 1etdin1- m lladl: .... tin (JO) Discus· ci:==~~~~"'-'lJ 1c,.----- Ill m• ... ICl 7tJO 8 9 (I) CIS fwt"illl 1Mn (C) (lO) Wtlttr Ctonllltt. D Whlt't MJ t.m? fCl (30) • m-t<J ())) m ni. rr.dl Chtf <30> Julla Clittd lhows how lo ~1ch aolt lilleb. (lll lstlflds ill lti• SUR 7:JO IJ QI (J) LMcar (t) (60) A lor- eott1n ch1plw of Jell)''• past com• back lo haunt him tnd tilt Lancers 'ltt!en 1 fann.r lawmen tniff1 t i 1111 Jandl to 11ttlt tn old JCOl't. .ltme1 Olson awsti. Cl@ @ m *'7 L .. is (C) (60) Gary lewis and lilt Playboys, ltr.sie an• Th• Osmond 81others 1uest {ll!IChedu!ed !ram · Jtnuuy 7) 0 lest ill SptU (C) (60) cJ llillloll $ MlrJr: "FtltPtr"' (com· •It)') '37 -Ctry Grt~t, !Anst111Ct ltnnett. m Ttd w C..~ IC> (JO) m,..,.., .... (60'J m c.cM " a. ••11 1J01 tion of the upcominc umpai1n !or mt)'OI' or los Ant:ela willl Council· man Thomas Bnrdley, 1 reetnlly 1nnounc.d undidtlts tor tlltt ol· net. 1"30 fJ 9 (i)""" -IC) (60) ''ftM Sidi. 11 Orm." An wnMl- b of chl111es hlklfll pllct wlthll tM So..lthtnl Ctlhrnit ll111:lcn- Americ1n IOITllllUrity. Clll:t Rflbtrt:a anlf Sob Nl'llml Nport. Pfqfllfl is the second irutr.11mll'lt or thfll· part study llltttled "Somtttri111 Old. Sornethln& Hn." 0 INN: .,_.. ilt ""7 W'Jlll .... {drama) '61 -Pfill Ankl, Rlllll Roman. IE"-IC> (JO) fD IMflR JllWI C.llfffffCt (30) Ill Dttv1s ffl M11r1 m Alwltc1 rwces Mllf'iliPts CC> 11:00 a a om m ,. ... 1c1 9 Allrtd Mitchc:itd m MM fru IJIKU (C) m ..... "li11t "u. u~ (drtmt) '!9 -Humphrty Bot.art. K•r fnrnciL atrnm- -11:.JO 1J Mtwil: '1iaalipr (tlrMna ) '« "'owlt>you Llk'!: !O IJE MY 51STE'R· IN·LAW7 SWIVEL-? TUMBLEWEEDS l:GI 0 @ C1J Q) Miii s.u..; fC) (60) -;~~':!dB B~r1m•"· Joseph Cotttn, t-------------., "Hlllo Mother, My Mame 1s Julie."" O'J • WELCOME, 6UDOJNG BARl3ARlANS! Julie is 11t:•rtsic• when her motht• D @OO m T.iritfll ._. (C) THE: FIRST ITEM ON THE AGENDA tfriftl unllPtdtdlJ in Los An1tles. IS A RE.FRESHER COORSE IN tnd the youn1 fit! remembtn tile O Mnlt: "TM lnri1iblt A1111t" Iii• Jtie fied ht Sin Francisco. J~-(mystery) ·~2-11on 1 Massey, Pll:er SC'Al.PIN&(CU\1MON~Y l!e't miqivinp tu1n lo quilt des. Lont. KNOW~D AS pention wllen an old p1ttw1t rt· ll I\! occu<Her 111tth«. a torm•r jll'osti· o Uil rn m ,..,. l istre' (C) fr..TE PEEL.IN&';. lull, nnts .hllil to mtct 1 l'flllt· ll!an friffld , I rntfl the SlllHfl 1Jill IMrr)' htt. Mtn M1rtil1 (UISls. m...., ltl (JOJ m w.rw "-(C) (601 Cl) P'ft111ler Ortttn I.Ct 12:00 m n Stlnlll Stnp 12:11 G Mwlt: "UntelKhlll" (1dv1n· lure) '56-Ritardo Mollltlban, , l:l08Ql(J)hll ••• (t) (60) Audrey ¥11ck!tn: Tht Lettarmtn, 12:!CI OJ Acti•• Tll11lt1: '"Boomtr1n1.• 111d lad Mid 11.1Ut. a i»@mJ11;, <c1 (lo> "Matdlm1Mr,. 9,.,, Me a Mitch." l;Oll 0 Kwit: '1M M111 WM T11111t1 All old !lame drops in on JuJit le Stone" (horror) "57-'lrclor Joly, ewt of tM ~"· says h1'1 out at Mn Oonln. lf'lll .. d asks i,. b • $500 Iott!. J;etty List« pllJI • bank· ltll• 111d .. Prlnct" MidrHI Rt· manoft' it • custom•. ctluU Wood Is ftltured n ttre u ·boyi'ritnd , Ptul Ctrttr. 0 lttiu ia Adilft (C) (30) m Dolttl4 G'CMMt CC) ~) m ..... _(Cl 1,., WEDNESDAY DAmME MOVIES 0011 ... (C) 0 C.O-ltJ .. ,... ... ~ (Cl m F• .. t11t 11111dt °" cc> l:lG m All·Nl1~t llilr. "Dtctption,• ''Call: t Lon1 Shadow," '"d "Troop- ., Hoot." 12:30 m °'Tt.I 1lfM M••n" (tirll· I 9"' 'Jt-The litr llmhert. "'JM M• I L.wr' (drtmt) '•7 -141 Lupino, ltlllbtrt. Aldi. 2:eo m -TM ..,... 1ir'11'" (•dtn1> '"57-ll11 oms, Merry Anden. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Ov•ll fy P'rl~fhit •114 O.pe11d•hl• S.rvic1 for 111•r1 tht 11 • 011•rt•r <If • C1,.h1ry. 2111 Wtsl IAUOA llYD. NIWPOIT IU.CH MUTT AND JEFF JEff. Wf4AT ARE YOU DOING? YoU DON'T OPEN TEA BAGS AND OROP°™E TEA IN, ,--..1 YOUR CUP! oH. NO? MISS PEACH MJ<, GRl.MMIS CAU.50 AR.THU.IC'. IN FOR A CONSUC TAT/ON ... I ' ! I ' : OF COURSE NaT! YOU JUSTOIP °™E BllG INTO YOUR CUP, LIKEnllS! • By Cliarles M. Schulz .--------~ PATifMT:S OFTft4 DelEl.OP A FRUMG Of-ATIACH- MBlT FOR THEIR P:5)i'('WIATR15T ., •• IT PASSfS .•. 50 ... LC1'!5 MOT TAL.: A90UT ll, EH! SE ll!WTMll I056 ME 04 'TNE llOSE ! -- By Ken Bald W1U. JT Aii116~? -~· IF AMO ~ l CA"'I Sff. AGt.IM -PO'JICU 5(.PP()'5!: I'LL •e. Allf: 10 lOOK "'10 lOJR !YI$ AJIO SIDOl!MLY Dt6CO¥R lKt.T ~T L 1MOU5HT 'Ht"e Laf'r._ w;.e NBW.Y lHfRAP'(? By John Miies ly Harold Le Doux 00.'f •. t\L aE OY£1t I <.A.WY TOtUGH1': IN A. FEW M1NUT1:5 WITH l.\UV! I .. 1: M.t.VE A. V>Jl! LET~ 6Er THI~ PA.TE "T !>EVEN! MOW PEM. WDl'PfP IP! 'A&Otlf TOMOll:20W ( M01fNIN6? By Ferd Johnson ... BUT ITIS LIKE THIS·· I ~AVJ' THIS T HING ABOUT PAcl<.AGI' ·PoAL5 ... NOW YOU DROPPED FlVE SUGAR CUBES IN YOUR. TEA WmlOUT TAl<JNG OFF THE PAPER WRAPPERS! ,_-.... swe.u.! MR .~IMMIS .SAID l AM SPACE-MINDED/ ' '' ,_ .. , .. ',. ~ ·.~ · ... --.' By Tom K •. Ryon •· -l Ii JI By Al Smith -YEH, I DON'T LIKE ITTOO SWOET! AICE \ClU su~e ? By MeU AATHIJI(, THelll!'S A DI FFflCeNCE l!fTWl!l!N 'SFllU-MINC'e """ • flN"IY-l'VoPfD T~, Jlftuwy 14, 1969 DAILY I'll.OT Jf ... ,.,....,lo..i .. ' ~ HELPFUL MOM -Doris Day, above, finds ber he\ping band is nol appreciated on the "Doris Day Show" tonight in color it 9:30 on Channel 2. When •• her young son bas: dif!iculty handling-his egg route, • · Mom's eUort.J to help him result in worse confusion.": TELEVISIO.N VIEWS ABC Makes Monda y Hit By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOIJ (UPI) -The concept of a tel.,. vision magazine-of·lhe-air got another boost Mon- day night when ABC.TV wiped out its regular prime time schedule and presented four colorful documen· taries. They were not joinUy billed as a video maga· zine, but they amounted, in sum, to precisely that, and were a very special parlay. Only last week, NBC-TV offered the debut of a magazine-style series, ''First Tuesday, .. a collection o( news teatures. Before that, it was C~TV w1th a similar seties, "60 Minutes," and National Edu· cafional Television with the "Public Broadcast Laboratory." Monday night's ABC.TV collection in· eluded another undersea adventure with Jacques Cousteau, a study ·of child adoption, a profile of champion skier Jean...cJ.aude Killy and an exami- nation of urban problems, "Cosmopolis." FOR ALL PRACTICAL purposes, it was extreme- ly smart scheduling for ABC· TV, for the network'• ratings are a particular washout anyway on Mon· days. The NBC-TV competition is very rough with "I Dream of Jeannie," "Laugh-in" and a movie. And the CBS-TV competition is the most success· ful ratings lineup on video: "Gunsmoke," "Here's . Lucy," "Mayberry· R.F.D.," "Family Affair" and Carol Burnett. ABC-TV's lineup, eliminated Mon- day, is "The Avengers," "Peyton Place," "The Outcasts" and "The Big Valley." The most significant documentary or those that replaced the regular shows Monday night \vas "Cosmopolis," produced by John Secondari and Helen Jean Rogers. Surveying a number of cities here and abroad, the broadcast outlined many of the problems we already are aware of -but, more interestingly, also focused on numerous plans to make urban and suburban life more fulfilling in the future. Regional planning was strongly advocated, and some towns that have already been carefully created were shown. THE FIFTH PROGRAM in the occasional series entitled "The Undersea World of Jac(Jues Cousteau'' was seemingly, at first, merely a light tale about the befriending of two seals by the crew of the oceanographer's scientifica1ly-oriented ship. But as the hour passed, the training of the seals -and the growing trust and relationship between them and their keepers -made for fascinating viewing. especially their useful mutu81 friendliness in adven- tures in the depths of the sea. The Killy documentary was, at times. on the border of a fan piece. But, after a while, the legiti· mate theme of a man who has reached the top in his own field -and is looking for new challenges -also held the viewJ!r's interest, reasonably if not too passionately. His sli~ht discomfort at the odd nature of Hollywood had a ring of truth to it, and somehow one \Vas relieved to see· him decide that the town's opportunities were not, at this point, for him. "TO LOVE A CHILD," the adoption tale. con- cerned the way a youn,g couple went about getting a baby from an agency. This kind of story always has its moments. and although television bas done it better -and more fully -before, one could not help being touched by the touple's concern. Pro- gram, alas, was only 30 minutefi in length -too short, by far, for the subject at hand. Dettnis the Metaace , - Bucs Face Rustler Challenge r· Prather's Presence Key to Go lden West Hopes HEAD RUSTLER Dick Stricklin I The fif'll tWO )'tltS Ot lhe Orange Coast-Golden West basketball rivalry has been about u one-sided aa the Arab- larlell wars. However. Oranae Coast basketball coad> Bob W•tiel Is the lint to admlt th.al toaJa;bt's Eutera Conference ,1ame between the RuaUen Nl<I the Pirates won't be anything like the prtvious four games. Tipoff for tonight's contest in Petenon gymnasium on the OCC campw1 is I o'clock. In the previous Eastern Conference conlestl between the two acboolll, Orange Cout bas p)lted four rldicoully easy victories with a 27-potnt average margin Feels Good for Him - ~* McLain Compares Namath to Self By MILTON RICHMAN NEW YORK (UPI)-DeMy McLain, who's had his picture on the front page a couple of times himseU, looked at Joe Namath's picture on the front page and smiled. "I fee1 good for him," said Detroit's super wiflner about the New York Jels' super.duper. "l know how he must feel. I've never met him but from what I read I like him. He's lhe same type of tellOw I am. ~e talks a lot .and people get the wrong ldrea about him. It's no crime to say what you feel. Is it? '"He backJ up everything he says, too, doesn't he? You have to like a guy like that. I think what he accomplished down in Miami was something out of sight." One of those listening lD the Tigers' 31-game winner at the hotel where he was helping ballyhoo the annual Sport· ing Goods Fair suggested that Namath would make a bundle of money now in tile wake of that 16-7 mother of ail upsets over the Baltimore Colts. "Good for him," said McLain, dis- playing not even so much as a _cuticle of envy. "He deserves everything he g_ets and whatever it is I wish him twice as much." McLain wondered what the Jets' dressing room was like following their Super Bowl spectacular. , .. A madhouse," said a guy who had been in it. "Rougher than ours alter we won?" McLain wanted to know . • "Rougher than yours." ·"Nothing could top our pennant cele- bration," he Insisted. • "This did," the guy said. "Our World Series dressing room was ri>lhiog, but I still say nobodf could beat o!lr pennant celebration," said McLain. ""How do you think Namath feels to- day that he's had • little time lo think it over?" somebody else in the group inquired of the Detroit right-hander. ·"Well, I know how t felt once the orig· ioal shock wore off. You can't find words to describe it but" I reallzed I couldn't have done what I did without the other 2C players. "What I wanted to do was 6Jlress my feeling lo them , to let my teammates know how I felt. I'm pretty sure he (Namath) must feel lbe same way." The subject swung over to baseball and naturally there was the inevitable question~ How many games did McLain think he'd win nert season? "l don 't think I'm gonna win 30," he spoke right up. "People rorget I had everything going for me last season. We had a great ball club and 1 think we sti l1 have but yoo never can tell about injuries or things like that. "All l really care about ls winning the pennan t again. That's the big thing. Collegiate Cage Res ul ts RAST ""°* Island 11. VerMCll'lt 1fl 9oltan u. "· l(lftt'• ~,,., 1) Htnl•fll a . Tltlh 1J IOllOWRIT Molrf Oamr 11. II.Ir Fore• JJ Crelol\IO!O n, l'rovldt<oc:e '1 T\ilw ... SI. Louil U low• s111e n. """ .. n n 0111 OePtUI ... ll.tv1-" lO!lloJ 11 Colo!"-1J. K1nu1 Sltlf H l'Mrlhrrn lll]nob Jj, MMINll 7t SOUTH M••Y<Ancl IJ, Cle,,_ 11 1 SI. Jol\n"1 tN.Y.l 11, Vlrtlnlt fl .. Kuitvc•v 11. Geortl• 61 T """'lft .,, F IOrklt U • Solllll CtrOllN Sttlf: Im, Fl1k ti Vl1tll'!lt TM n. Wlltltm • Mir\' ... V~lt •t. Mlulul•I lo.I ICfl>f Sttle 11w:;:1dl Sit~ ,, Funn9n IOI!, d f,S Wnlerl'! K.,,lui;lly II, ,.,.,.ehelld $111-N lOTI SOVTHWalT Tr!l'!lt\I flf1t11l 91 .• ..._....., si.i. I! LtlNlr Te.:11 11. l+clultofl &S !OT! Tu11 ''' A'1lt-!t *R1T COAIT u~~11.,.., L• V1ga1 11J, :&eu,,....,., u1 ... •1 Pruidlo "' Hvmboldl S!t!f 4o1 $U•11e l"t<~ ti. '' ,,,..,,,,.., n Look, with the kind of ball club we had last year any one of our four starters could've won 30. If we win the pennant again nert season I wouldn't care if l was 7~. 10-9 or 2()..19." "Seven-six be okay with you, too?" '"That's right, if we won,'' McLain re- peated. "My goal is lo win the pennant. If the ball club has a good year, I'll have one, too. l'm not worried about lhat." McLain has been on a tough schedule this winter, making appearances and playing the organ, but the grind some· how hasn't shown on him at all. "I'm okay now but I was exhausted last week," he admitted. "r went 31h days wiUtout sleep during one stretch. I left Los Angeles midnight Monday and didn'' get lo bed again until Thursday morning. In between I made stops in Detroit, Sharon, Pa., Albion, N.Y., and Chicago. I didn't mind thou~h. I was playing the organ and I love 11." When the conversation returned again to football and Namath, McLain sudden- ly remembered something he had in common with the -Jets' quarterback. "I've got a whlte mink coat like he has," lauJthed the Ti~er a~. "Namath's coat isn t white mink," sol'ftf<lne put in. "It's black seal." McLain shrugged. So who's counting anyway? 1 Miami Girl Eves Ride • Against Males MIAMI. Fla. (AP) -Barbara Jo Rubin, a 19-year-old Miami girl, qllalified for her jockey's license Monday and will ride in her first race against male jockeys later fn the week. Tile three Tropical Park stewards en- dorsed Barbara Jo after watching her break a horse from the starting gate. Her contract employer, trainer Bryan Webb, said he would put her up on one of bis horses one d.ay this week. Following standard procedure, she will not actually receive a license until she has ridden in a race. ··we were very impressed," s.aid Eb Pons, a steward. "It looked to me like she can ride as good as anybody. She broke the horse very well and even used the whip effectively, which we do not require of male jockeys taking the test. ''There ls no doubt in my mind that we \Vill be able to issue her a license as soon as sht's ridden one time ." The stewards also checked the patrol film as ~ Rubin brok:e Webb's Jamie C. from tht gate between l w o stablemates. Janie C. is a filly which never ha s started. Miss Rubin put her mount on the lead and outran her male competitors for one-half-mile. A second girl, Irish Coppinger. also 19 ,arriving at the starting gate too late. She sald she would be back Wednesda y to seek the stewards' approval. The main point of concern is whether male riders will compete against her. The jockeys at Churchill Downs refused to ride against Penny Ann Early last fall after she was granted a license. To hurdle another problem, Tropical oUicials said a trailer would be brought on the grounds for Miss Rubin's use as 1 dressing room . of triumph. 'J1le closest Golden West has been at the final buzzer was 25 points. Of course ~ four wU. came during the John Vallely era at Orange Coast . and ~uring Golden West 's firlit two sea.sons. Tonight's game i-important for both clubs. Orange Coast, after a slow start in pr«:0nlerence play, has started to run again and trails league-leading Fullerton by a game and a half. The Pirates need a victory to stay close lo Fullerton, which is threatening to run away from tbe other 10 Eastern Conference teams. The Hornets are i--0. Golden West, one of the pre-season favorites, has faltered at the gate, drop- ping two of its first three EC starts and needs a victory badly tonight to remain in contention. One or the keys to tonight's game STARTING LINEUPS Golden West OraU&e Coast 6-S Ambro'Lich F JordJn M 6-5 Robin>oo F McCartin 6-2 6-8 Harding C Stickelma.ier 6-6 $-10 Martin G Turley 5-10 S-0 Miller G Flaherty 5-11 will be the cond.itlion of Colden West's 6-9 center Dave Prather. Prather has been plagued by a lingering case of the Hong Koog flu for two weeks and bas seen only llmHed conference action, missing the Rustler1' lut game with Sanla Arul. Prather was out of school again Mon4 day and lf he ian't ready, coach Dick Stricklin wtll go with another 6-9 center, Dave Harding. "There's no way tonight's &ame ls going lo be like the olher four," said OCC's Wetzel. ,;It's going lo be quite different.'' "This is by far Golden West's best team. We've got a lot of respect for Ambtozicb. and their four guards are real strong. Our job will be easier ii Prather doesn1 play, but l!Mdlng played well for them against Santa Ana." GUARD OF GUARDS -Great guards have come and gone in the National Basketball Association but Cincinnati's Oscar Robertson remains the great- est. He 'll be in action in the NBA all-star game to- night in Baltimore. Las t 'A.1uate urs' Europe's Last Chance •' For Davis Cup Glor y LONDON (AP) -The last great "amateur" tennis stars of Europe - Manuel Santana of Spain, Tom Okker of The Netherlands, Mark Cox or Britain -are ready to set out on what could be the last all-amateur Davis Cup com- petition. Critics believe this may be Europe's last chance for a long while to make a real splash 1n the world tournament. 1'he big four tennis powers -the United States. Australia. Britain and France -have called for an open Davis Cup, with the contracted pros joining in. Since the cream of the professionals are Australians or Americans, il could result in those two countries dominating the tournan1ent more heavily than ever. They have won the trophy between them regularly since 1937 -Australia 16 times and America IO times. But whilr the competition remains for amateurs o n 1 y the stronger European teams are in with a chance. Santana. Okker and Cox are some or the men who could be facing the i,;nitcd States. the defrnding champions, in the challenge round. Santana, Okker and Cox rnake a lot of nioney these days. from prizes and appearance fees in open tournamenls But 1hey still rate as amateurs because they play under the jurisdiction of their national associations and are not under contract to promoters. If this year's matches go according lo form. Spain. led by the wily Santana. and The Netherlands, spearheaded by the fleet -fooled Okker, could be facing each other in the fin al of the European zone section B next July. Section A is more open. But the draw has been kind to the British, \\•ho think their chances are brighter than in any year si nce 1963. when they were Euro- peafl Zone champions . Slick Guards Give East All-star Edge BALTIMORE (UPIJ -The potent backcourt combination of Osc ar Robertson and Earl Monroe makes 141e East a solid lavorite to continue its dominance of the National Basketball Association all-star game al t he Baltimore Civic Center tonight. Robertson of Cincinnati is an f'ight-timc all-star. l"'ice voted ~fost Valuable Player in the game. and only once on the losing side in the classic. Monroe of Baltimore ploying in his first all-star game, and Robcrlson give the East two high scoring guards the West cannot match. The East holds a 12-6 edge in the series and last year romped, 144·124. 011 T V T onight 5::10, C'ho1n1e l 7 Emerson Crushes Russian The British have to play Sw itzerland in the fir st round and then, if they \\Jn that one. Ireland or Luxemlxlurg 1n lhe secolld. The tousle-headed Cox a n d his team should ma ke the sen1ifinals. They would then have to O\'ereome probabl y West Germany and South Africa to meet the winners of the American zone -predic- tably Auslralia -in the inter-zone semi- HnaJ ... The odds on a repeal victory rose sharply this week when Jerry \Vesl of Los Angeles, the Y.'est's best gua rd. was removed from the game because of a pulled leg muscle. Lining up wllh ~lonroc and Robert.son (or the East will be Bill Russell . Boston player<0ach, at cen1.er, t1nd John Havhcek of Boston and Jerry Lucas of Cincinn ati at forward s. SYDNEY, Australia CAP) -Jotm Alei- a1i:ler, 17-year~ld MWcomer on Ua'1 loatng Davia Cup team, a<:ed lluchbol&. pro from St. Louil, 17 MOlldly and ellmlnated the Amerkan ln • firat round m1tch of the New Soulb Wales Open tennis touma- m!ol. n.i ..... WU M . W, .. 7. Mere than 4,500 fans jammed the t:landl wound the centtr court for the daJ'il leature maldl. Roy Emenon, Corona del Mar pro, downed Toomu Lejus of Ruula, 6-J, l-0, t-0; and Marty Riessen of Evanaton, DI., stopped Barry Phillips -More of Australia, U. 6-3 ... ,. M. In another spectacular match, Pancho Gonzales of Los Angeles beat John Chan- freau of Franct, 6-2, 6-4. 6.J. Pierre Barthe!, French pro ,lost to Victor Crolll, Jllllan youngster. •~. 7.5, &-1, 6-1. Barthes played the match three hours after arriving here following a 2& hour flight from Paris. Billie Jean King of Long Beach. and Rosemary Casals of San Francisco both won their malches 1n women 's singles. Mrs. King took Norma Eastburn of Australia, 6-1, 6--0 . and ~fiss Casal~ triumphed ovrr Kaye Dcn1ng o t Australia, 6-2, 7-5. Bob llcwltt of Soulh Africa -anolhf'r ;in1atc11r who rakes In !he pr11e money -Is the man who could upset European drc~m~. Hewitt ha.~ 1nadc Sot1!h Afnc11 a powerr·1I force 1n lhr Din 1., Cup ~1nre he cmigrnled from !us nati ve AL1straha. Elvin Hayes, the brilliant rookie whose 30-point scoring average and shot block- ing defensive play has converted San Diego from a celh1r dweller to a ph•yoff con1ender, taps off against Russell for the \\'est. Ha yes is fl anked by lean1mate Don l\oJi~ and Elgin Baylor of Los Angeles at for\\'ards. and backed by guards Len \l'ilkcns of Seattle and Jerry Sloan or Chicago. PIRATE LEADER Bob Watzel Streaking UCR Visits Anteaters By EARL GUSTKEY Of 111t Dl llJ l"lltt Sltlf UC Riverside, a basketball team seem- ingly at the top of its game, visits UCl this evening in a contest the Anteaters hope will tum into their 10th victory . Tipoff is 8 p.m. Campus Hall will be renamed in honor of the late Irvine athletic director, Dr. Wayne Crawford, in a pre-game ceremony. Coach Dwain· Lewis comes to Orange County with three straight victories under his belt. His Highlanders wer• expected to be the strongest cpge ag· gregation ia UCR history and the club Is just now rounding into the kind ot game that was expected from them. Riverside slipped into a five-game los-- fng streak not too long ago but the Highlanders have rebounded. The most recent victim was LaVeme, 11 Ht7·98 loser Saturday night. Azusa· UC Rlvenlde UCI 8-fi Barton F CuMingham 6-3 5-11 Festejo F Sanden 6-3 6-8 Rodwell C Heckman 6-8 6-l Masi G Barnes 5-10 6-1 Jensen G Sabins 6-2 Pacific fell by a 94-88 margin Friday and UCR clobbered Westmont last Tue:s- day, 104-7'2. Ii was Westmont which caused Irvine fits Saturday night. Irvine needed a second rally to subdue the pesky War- riors, 99-93. In that one, Jeff Cunningham tied his own school scoring record by popping in 34 points. But Davis reported Monday that Cunningham and fellow forward Nick Sanden -both starters -are at half-speed with head colds. Amazingly enough, Cunningham put on a brilliant display against Westmont despite missing two days practice prior to the game. Right now he's the best basketball player performing in Orange County. Riverside arrives with a 6.fl center, Carl Rodwell. An Aussie, ROOwell played on the 1964 and '68 Australian Olympic cage teams. At guard is John ~1asi, a familiar figure to county JC fans . He and Orange Coast's John Vallely were the top scorers in the Eastern Conference last year. Masi. 6-1, played at Riverside City College. Masi is averaging 11.0 per game. The ' leading Highlander scorer is Dick Barton, a 6-fi forward averaging 22.7 a contest. 11e had 42 against LaVerne. A real sleeper in the UCR aUack, however, is relief man Reg Greene. A sophomore forward, Greene haa come off the bench in the last three games and sparkled. A control coach in recent years, Lewis has switched to a run-and-shoot attack with his current ouUil. Cage Polls Status Quo IJ PI Poll Ttam I UCLA. !lll 1. Ml!l"Tll C•ro!lnt J. S.11!1 C!I•• ~ D1vldS011 J. llllf'IOll 6. K~nl\>dl;y I N~ Mt•lco S!1i. I ~I. Jol>n"1 tNV) f. K~lllAI 111, Vlllir"IOVI 11 Tu111 17, New W•!(O ll Noire O•me U fTli!J Wyom l119 ""'"'~ u l'u'o"" H ITltl Colo•- S!. B<lnl vtntv•t n (Ht ) Coh1mtil1 loul•v!llo Cil'!Cll'lnl l/ AP Poll ·-11-G 11-1 ... '" 11·1 •·• ... '" ,,, '" 11·t 11·1 '" .., ,., •. , "' ,., H·I ,., ., ""'"''' ·~ "' .. •• >U >D '" ·~ ff .. " " " " " " " " " " " I • • I • I f ! . ;-• -.. _.... -~· .. ··-- • DAll.Y PUT J7 .It's Vikes, Huntingto.n ' . In -Tonight's Feature Orange Coast Tournament Decider By ROGER CAIUON ................. •:mt lhlng lhat doem'I ~ from year to year la tho idae ol erowdl lhal e<,wqate ..-..... HunUngton Beach and Mortna blgb llCbooll dash Cll the baalielhall court. II doesn't n,un to be any dlllerent looigbl when Marina's Vlklnp move Into the Huntington Beach coofinel for • Su....-League duel al 7 o'clock. Packed b as good a deacrlplioo u any, I One definite dllference this Ume around b the league ncord tho Vlkes bring with them. Tbey'n to tho un- familiar role ol baaement-dwollm with an · &-2 reconl while bOlll llantfngtlill Mariaa Haatlq1eo -6-$ Ivie F Contreru 1-1 f. t Moll F Walters 84 M Baird C Miller 1-1 $-11 M<*l G "Bonwell M f.l Mosier G Wbltfield &.O Beach ii at the other end of the ladder with a J.O mark, 21 league winl in a row and an overall 1 t--1 mart for the year. The Oilers are the favorites but on• must remember the lut time that handle wu tacked on the Oilers when tbe two cla!bed. That came in the fOt.b annual Hun- Ungton Beach Jnvltaticmal in December when tho Oilers were belvy picks over their sister acbool. Wbal waa figured lo be just another game en route to a lhowdown with Comptoo In tho finals turned Into dbuter as Marina played Is game to perfection and dealt Huntington Besch a sluoninC 66-Dddeol. Fountain Valley High School's Bob Walker (178) stunned El Modena with a pin to gain the l_!_ec~ry points to assure the championship Tu the Orange Coast Wrestling Invitational Saturday at Orange Coast College. Estancia wresUerBoll J!ayinonij Jl_ll4) laJ~r tl!11led the tables on Newport Ha(bor's Bruce Martin to hand the Barons the title. i.ur-ym It waa basically Iii£ 1iliil story with the Vlkea tnoctlng olf Hmt- 'tlngton twice in tomnament ac:Uon - then falling to tbe Olien two Umes in league combat. ' In Antiquated Gym Oilers Climb Crowd Hardly Friendly To Eighth Marina '1 lnltJal win over Huntfncton this time around came chJeOJ on the fine necuUon of boanl strength and hll!tle wbile Huntlngloo Besch wu CUllly of numerous turnoven in the deterion- Lion of ita fut break offense. The · Vlkes appear to have the edge again on the boards with W Diet Ivie and 6-f Kipp Baird in the !root line while the best the Ollen can mmter in beigbt are three J.J jumpers. TowardAnteaterCagers ~u~~ch~~llilllmov· Coach Lute Ollon of Marina confides that the key lo another upset of the Oilers remaim: in hil club'• ability to aweep the boards In an effmt to CUI di Huntington'• running game. UCJ basketball coach Dick Davis and bis players had no advance warning cl what was going to happen to them wbeo they walked into Boston College's antique gymnasium a week ago. The towing Anteaters correctly figured In advance that BC fans wouldn't ex.actly make Jt easy £or them but UCI was totally unprepared for what actually transpired. First of all, when Irvine took the floor for pre-game warmups, they were pelted with miniature boxes of corn flakes. Anteater food, lhe fans figured. When the Eagles came out a moment later, the ovation was instantaneous and deafening. Twenty.foot red and gold streamers shot into the air and descend- ed upon the floor. The yelling and screaming from the ••••••••••••••• EARL GUSTKEY ·········••***'* capacity throng of 3,300 was a unique experience for the Californians, who hadn't yet encountered such enthusiasm, even on their home court. But another surprise was yet to come. When It came time to introduce the visiting starting lineup, the PA announcer called out the name of Mike Barnes, who nearly fell on his face on his way to mid-court when the BC students exploded into a st.anding, roaring ovation. For a Cull minute lhe 5-10 Barnes stood aJone on the court, overwhe lmed by the roof-lifling crescendo. Then, as quickly as it started, the ovation ceasrd In an instant 11Dd was followed by laughter. Each ot the Irvine starters was ac- corded the same treatment. "It took them five rninula to Introduce our starters," recalls Davis, who ctndles at the incklent now but who was u unnerved as his players at the Ume. "By the time lhe tipoff came around we didn't know which end was up." UC1'1 cheerladers might profit from al1 thJs. C-omparalively speaking, student entlwaium at UCI games so far has been u dead as a doornail. WJllS1t.E DEPT. -Atl.bougb most ef die coacbe1 wt recently polled a1rttd &bit Speedy CuWI~ wu Orange County's bed baU:l!!tbaD offlclal, two others men- lteaed prominently were Em.11 Neeme .... Leo Pllelps. VOSS DEPT. -Bill v.,. says the feeling ol relld l1ll011I Chicago Wblle Sn p~ was unanimous last summer when manq:er FAdie Stinky wu fired . He tells one story which preUy much 51)'1 something of the kind of rapport staJUy bod with hi! piayeno "ln one game Jut year Bob Prkkly wu pitching for u1 and doing very well. He was beating Detroit and all or a sudden it started lo rain. ~Stanky went right out and lifted Priddy," recalls Voss, a Newport Beach resident "The two had words after the game. "Priddy asked : 'Why did you take me out? That wa s just like Laking bread out of my mouth.' "Stanky told him he took him out because it had !tarted to rain and wouldn't give him any otller reason. "Priddy told him: 'You know, Eddie, before today I was the only guy on this club who liked you. Now il 's unanimous -nobody likes you, Eddie.'' JETS DEPT. -Ex-Mater Del and Orange Coast College football standout Gary Pttagner probably doesn't k now ~·hether to laugh or cry today. Becaa&e be was Injured In a pre-season gaml!! and sidelined for the teason, he wasn't In the Jets' lineup Sunday. Everytimc Magner looka at the surgery scars on bis knee, be figures the doctor bill was • cool $15,000. Sudden thought -bow would yon like to be in cbargl!! of selling 1961 season tickets for tbe New York Giants? SOCIAL DEPT. -Here's two not to be invited to the same party : Ray Thornton and Henry Burke. Garden Grove Still County's No. 1 Quintet No changes occurred in the top four places of the top 10 prep basketball teams of Oran ge County but a major shakeup resulted in the lower half of the list. Garden Grove, on the basis of the only undefeated record in the county, con- tinues with 1 narrow lead over SuMy Hills (11·1) while Huntington Beach and Anaheim continue as the third and fourth entries. Marina, after two straight iosses, drop- ped out of the elite list and was replaced by Magnolia 's 11-6 team. Katella, Troy, Foothill and Westetn follow with each of the top nine teams victorious twice since lhl!! first release oI the top 10 clubs. Mater Dei moved into the rankings after dispo&ng of Saleslan. The third and fourth ranked teams -Huntington Beach and Anahelm - collide Friday nighl Place Team 1. Garden Grove 14-0 %. Sunny Hilb t 1-1 3. Huntington Beach IJ·2 4. Anaheim IJ..l ~.Magnolia 11-6 6. Katella 11-3 7, Troy lG-2 8. Foothill 9-4 9. Western 84 10. Mater Del ll·S Otbcn: Marina I. Votes 39 :rt 33 "ti 24 20 17 11 7 4 ed up one notch apiece in the AMA CIF basketball . rankings in the teCflltd edition of the poll. The Oilers of Huntington Beach cllm~ ed to eighth after defeating Santa Ana and Westminster in Sunset League ICtion while Sunny Hills upped Its placement to third with an ll·l mart. Undefeated Compton with 13 wirll under its belt captured all 17 first place votes for the second straight week. Pasadena is a distant second and Muir trails in fourth . Garden Grove continues on top in the AAA division with IO first place votes. Place Team .. Votes AAAA 1. Compton (17) 13--0 l7U 2. Pasadena 15-2 137 3. Sunny Hills 11·1 126 4. Muir 15-2 l<n' 5. Chaffey 14·2 88 6. Ventura lJ.l 85 7. North Torrance 13-2 84 8. Huntington Beach 12-2 58 9. Notre Dame 12-4 21 10. Covina IJ.3 11 Others: Anaheim IZ.1 14, Arcadia 91 Mominl{side 8, Pacific 7, Centennial 4, Oxnard 3, Dominguez 2, Arroyo 2, Crescenla Valley 2, Burbank 1, LB Poly 1, La Habra 1, Hawthorne 1. AAA l. Garden Grove (10) 1-MI 163 2. Claremont (7) 1$-0 158 3. Santa Maria 15-1 IM 4. Beverly Hills lJ...4 115 S. Aviation U-2 90 6. Glenn 12-4 13 7. Nogales 11-4 M 8. Cabrillo I~ 39 9. Magnolia 11-e: 37 10. North Ri verside 10-4 17 Others : Mater Dei 10, Bishop Amat 8, Serr.:a 7, Colton 6, Corona del Mar 6, Bonita 2, Ganesha 2, BI s bop Montgomery 1, San Marcos 1, Loara I, Foothill l. ~e took awa1 the tblags we wanted to take away lut time and I think oor kidJ are capable of doing it again." Olson 11.yi. Bellon Gets Two Awards For Monarchs Don Helion ruped the lion's llhare- of awarQ at the Mater Del High School looll>all awardl banquet Monday night at the Santa Ana Elka: Club with Udes of Most Valuable Player and Mooan:h of the Year. lndlvldul Awardl Best coodlUoned -Ron Diet.son Meat courageous -Ron Mendez MOii improved -Roa Ganlea Most valuable -Doa Hellon Best offensive player-Mart Dunn Best l\efemdve player -Tom Gnecka Headhunter -Tom Gnecta Most lnsplraUonal -Tom Gebrll and Spencer Fruier Members or Red Tie Club -Mark Dunn, Tom Grzecka, Roa Ganles, Bill Appletoo. John Grluo, Tom Gehris, Mike Ray, Bob Haupert, Don Hellon, Pat Hernandez. John Huan. Award -Spencer Fruler MOii promlalng IOphomore back - Mark Dowling Most promialn( 10phomore lineman - Ted Hatfield Most prco.ilalng freahman back -Dave Grant Most promising fr<lllman lineman - Terry Martindale Monard> ol the Year -Don Hellon GWt; Gets Aee Golden West College's 195g football fortunee received a shot in the arm this week when former Marina High quarterback Mite Tamiyasu enrolled for classes. Tamiyasu, an all-Orange Coast area quor'terback for the Vik· ings in 1967, played freshman football at Oregon State thls post,... son. Reportedly distressed st hiJ prospects In Conallia and the weather there. the 5-10, 175-pounder decided to cast hiJ lot with the Rustlers over Christmas vacatJon. The arrival cA Tall!_i1asu sets the stage for a spirited two-way •lruggle !or the sl>.rting QB ~IUon next September. Tamlyuu will have lo beat out Steve Griff111l, a •ophomore from Paclfica High In Garden Grove. Griffith played behind John lngiehart last IOUOn bul lbowed great promise In lhe nttle time he did play. Tamlyasu i. a 110rambler wllo Is a dlD..,..... Unat runnlnf.. U Tamiyasu doesn't tum out to be Goidon Weal'• quarterback, bes a cinch start« at running back. Griffith is a drop back thrower wllh potentlali, the flneal possing arm In the Southern Calllomla Conference, the new leecue GWC ente'3 nezt oeason. ' RusUer head coach RaJ Shackleford enressed elaUon al Tam· 1Y•••'• availability and speculated that should be he<ome lbe ltartlng QB the RU611era would probably io with a pou-run opUon attack. GUIDES VIKINGS Lute OlMft Sports in Brief OILER CHIEF Elmer Combs OSU's Andros Interested . In Pittsburgh Vacan~y ·-CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) -Coach Dee Andros ot Oregon State will fly to Pittsburgh Tueaday to dll<uls tbe foot- ball coacblng vacancy at tbe Univenity ol Plllsburgh. Andros, wbo8e team bad a 1..! record lul ......,, said be had talked to PIUsburgb ofllciala several Umea but had received no concrete olfen. Androl, however, said, ''There must be something there or I wouktn 't be wasting my time." He said he had been invited to dllcuas the opening With tho University's chancellor. Kings In Artlon INGLEWOOD -The Los Angeles Klnga, 11111 looklng for their first wto of the new year, open a three-game NaUonal Hockey League h om e stand tonight at the Fonun when they meet the New Y0<k Rangers. 500 Greet .Jet• NEW YORK (UPI) -The New Y0<k SUperjets arrived ho m e to a heroes' welcome from tiUHtarved New Yorkers who last celebrated a champion when the New York Yankees woo t be 191SZ World Series. A crowd of 500 Jets' worahipers lined tho vfafton '••"""" at Kennedy Airport Monday to greet the chartered Qlgbt carrying members of the "Cinderella'' team that belt the BalUmore Colts, 11-7, in Sunday's super bowl claulc. Cries of "we want Joe" were 1 o on dlminllhecl when it was learned the flam- boyant Joe Namath did not accompany ,. the team home. He and 10 other J!I!: p!ayers wenf dfredly lo .TlicboOviDai . Fla., where they will play In the American Foolhall League all-tlar 111119< Saturday. occ, Jltutlers a-~: Orange Colli and Golden West~. will enter mile relay teams In the lotll anmlll Los Angeles Invitational "Cblm- piom" Indoor track and ffdd meel Frk · day night In the Los Angeles Spor111 " Arena. Orange Coast, which has won its sec- tion of the mlJe.<elay In 11166 and 1917 ' and wu third la.st year, will go wtUi ·. a team of Dave Stepben1, Terry Schmit%,· Roger Kelly and Jeff Bater. · Golden West will be repr<aented by the fouraome ol Jim Walla<e, Mike , McMaboo, Jim Hernandez and Jim Seymour. , FIVE PREP TIFFS ON TAP TONIGH'lf Orange Coast aru prep baalielholl continueJ tonight with 7 o'cloct games . featuring Long Beach Jordan at Conil1a del Mar, La Qulnla al Estancia 8'* a Sunset League test at Newport Harber with Western (2-0). . Newport Harbor (H) must win ll it ia to stay ill cootentlc:n with the league leaden. Foothill and Laguna Beach round oul · night acUon al tho latter's gym In Crestview League actJon. Magnolia Accorded Nod For Irvine Cage Crown Magnolia High School will win the Irvine League basketball race tb1a year . with an 1-2 record. '!bat's the predictioo ol the DAILY PILOT but alter tho first spot bu beeo decided the ml of tho field ii In a maze. A second-place tie al M with throe teama: involved wouldn't IUl'prise. It's rully too close to call but for the nke of lining them up, Corona del Mar geb tho secontt posilion on tho bub of tho Sea Klnga' ~7 mark againal W<lieol no1i-league competiUoo. MIKE TAMIYASU lackl•AtN Corona came within 12 of Complofti · led Ganleo Crovo by IS al tho half and had Loog Beach Poly Ol1 tho ropes before falling In tho fourth perled. llbcfpllned ball-control effcru by Corona del Mar makes the Sea Khiga a delinlte threat to tho talent-laden -lfnela ol Magnolia. In the third l]JOI Is Foontafn Valley, wblcb bu run bot and cold l1ince tho opeoing day ol non-loque competllloo. The Barons have won 10 Umea and are currently oo a fOOJr'tame win alreak after a bout with fill WU partially ""flOlllible for Une llrllgbt -.. However, tho bi( problem with tho Barona appears to be the laclt ol .,.._ llistenl Inside llCOl1ni-OWide the -a r e tough. b u t a sudden cold streak from out&l.de spells trouble for Fountain. Valley. Loan b eJ\remely hard to figure. Saxon winning ways could propel tho ·--'· ........................ l.C-.. MW.~lllW a..._. ............. ..... 4.U.._ ... ____ Lbl...._~ ........... .... ..c...~ ........ . Anaheim club bllf1er than fou1111, l1ut oil their p<Heague ........,, tho Suooa are delipated for tbe middle ol ~ pack. • Estancia ii -with yo<*'& -dine piaym and will probably be toutliif u tho team to but DUI year in tho lrvlne drcull. . -··· lboro la too much -polftlCll this --(Gr tho ZtCfO!! to lit a --lo tho enift;' 'l1ley will maa ii ulH1neq ~. f!'{ tho -. ..... , •• -"'°" lltiPI· and playmattoc- Oolla Mesa, dllplte b emeom. Jmi ---tho llart ol tho -Is delfpated (Gr Ille -" Lib Ealanda. -will r:.!" ... o1 wtna, taltng l*lislit ot IA, ~ ........... 'l ,; I • • \ Ja OAILY '!LOT T-. JMu#y 14, 1969 'Tartuffe' Du~ at Cal State . -AUO- P 1ul N1wm1n I St.I< FuUtrton 114ge Wed-r-"'1 u Moli<re's "Tarlllf- fe" opens for 1 five-,q:ht ai&-L CUria1a time is 1;30 p.m. tn lbe Llttle Ttleater. and the run elt.eDds through Sunday night. Originally written for the J 71h century French COW'\ u a aUrlcaJ look al nJilloUI "HOMBRE" I """' .... "' ... l'l'l•litt SHw Stwts 6:45 OIOlJGBW·~ ..,. zeakltt, the play wu b1Uerlf ottacled !or Ito lllhlgin1 ytl humorous dla!OtllJO. Althwab Mollere w.u 1trori1f7 pmsur.d and e-..JJy -..telholarco--1 times, his .-.n1 ol ff1pocrlsy rem&lnl relevant after 300 year~ 0 Human nature," ob3ervtd Jllclwd Roal, the dlrec:ICll-, "bu certalJlly DOI changed bflcauae we still tee what we want to 1ee In a persoa and don't look at lhlngs as they really are." 11MI two.act comedy ctn.ten: on an okl aristocrat played by Dan Strickler of FuUer!oo, Who iavites Tartuffe, an op- porllmbt In religious dress, lo ahare bis home and family po11e11lon s. Tartttffe, portrayed by Marshall PhiWp1 of Brea, takes the silualioo literally and makes advances to the ari!tocrat'11 wife, played by Jayne ruco or Fullerloo. Rounding oot the cast are Linda PblWppJ, Don and Ron Welch, Gary LeGault, Stan Jen.90Jl, Andi Korba, Chris Munoz. Lois Arnold, Ed Led· ford, Doug Momary, and Carolyn Wray. Reservations can be made by telephoning the CSCF theater box office between noon and 4 p.m. any day ez· cept Sunday, and al.w during performance11. Seats are pric- ed at Sl.50. CONr1Nuous suNDAT j_ sx=rro-=-~ '===~~~~~====~~n~....,..~~""'~·~~~~1~ . ....,~~~ f flOM 1 UL ~~ .. "The Young Runaways" STAlllN• • • •&ACH , AT IW• • • ••• ....., I hYbt C.111•11" HUNTIJllOTON •I.CH• M?--.0. -ALSO - Pr · for Rosemary's Baby NOW At BOTH CINEMAS THJC.M08T LOVE 8TORY EVER? ,, .. -"PETULIA" 11£1 llllB Dnlt 'Oll1J FD.,~SOUTHCOAST PLAZA THEATllE Sin °"CO ff91W8J It Briltol • 5*-2712 -NOW PLAYING - SHOWING TIMES sur __ TIS __ .,. _.. Gt... PinS..Suw • •• Ill • I llo-.. .... llOO ....... VJmlGm -· ...... . ...,.... ....... _ ----...ir· ..,. -.mtt' • -'· ,,_ ,..... ......... = .~ ...... --,_· ~ ... ~-. ...... .. ENDS TONIGHT JO.,M WAYNI "HELLSFIGHTERS" TONT ••ANCIOSA "IN ENEMY COUNTRY" --STAm WIDNUDAY- "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN .-...,. Uttlno¥ IN ''HOT MILLIONS" , 6 -5 6 7 8 D A I L y p_ I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 -..... 1000! - ... ,,~~ .... ""9 -~ ........... ..... .. --..-.. ..._ .. SPECIAL BARGAIN MATINEE WED. 1 P.M. •Ill IDIUHMINTS MATINll ADMISllO" ADULTI $1.to Results • HOU$U fOlt SALi HOUSES l'Oa SALi HOUSES l'Olt SALi Genlral 1000 General 1000 LAST CALL!! $16,500 Ol.Y $1t650 DOWll 16th & Tuotln-Cotta - Ercellent location1 near acbooll, shopping and beach OnJ.y a 1ew lett. B~y now wblle In· tue.st .rates are only --- RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst & Al· Janta Jn Hunllll(lon Bead! bu jua\ ooe home W110ld. Thia 8 bedroom 2 bath homefealllres a d1ning room, a 2 story hJSh llvinC room, built-in eleclric range & dlllhftoher, arpeted throughout in luxUrlous green nylon. Pull price Onlf '25,050 & that lriclut* obake roof & concrele driveway. AJ added Incentive to get lhla lut home 1old we will !Jlndscape tile front ~ftd or fence the rear yard. (You might e""1 ua Into doing both!) Immediate pos- session with 10% down. Temporary wee Of· flee In the whlle 'trailer parked al Brookhurst & At1anla. Cail 9113-1338 anyday from 10 to 6. TH R EE BEDRiiaK. l!I BATHs. l!ltllt-in - ....,.uc1 ..... --. -altbeol,a-wall .. Wlllcupela, ..... car ..,..., lorl" lot. Jocol. ed 00 a quid eul·da· MC street. Owner rnovbv tit 8llD 7% with 20% down-J'\lt% with 10% On. "° 2nd -llO polnb-29 yn on bolonce rn.ao and --..... The tinancbw .II all •t. AD lxcJut ... Agont we need b ~ down lll1" ment -ACf NOW? p.a. palmer incorporated 33n VIA LIDO * * * * * Allenlioo Veterans Tract Ph: s4o.sta From LA. Call MA 5-8034l!!!!!!!!EA'!'"!!!S!!!!T!"'!S!'!l!'!!D'!!E!"'C'!!"'!O"!S'!!T~A~M~E~S~A~ UNa.E SAM wlll help '°" .., llWo -...... . --------. NEWPORT HGTS. AREA ALL THIS AND R2 $25,500 Three -lli ... ... SIX DEWIE 3 BEDROOM UNITS Uke new on 1n acre mm- pletely block wall fenced. Sp?'lnkkn l)'llA!:m and lulb tandtcaplng. Each unit bu 2 full bath&, FA tot Is tull,y carpeted. Call for detail&. $840 Mo. Income ~ PERRON -.. . .......... ,, * 642-lnl Anytime * FOUR BEDROOMS --$17,250 M~ lnlo tbll larp tamJl)' home today. aoee to ~ piJW, 8Cbooll and churches. Jut put Ob the mubt. thb: one won't lut. $135 ~ month includes taxes and m. llUl'alJCe. ONLY'$500 DOWN. Walker I: Lee, 200 Westc:llfl Dr.,-.OpenEvoa. Charming S bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. 1 % baths, fireplace, carpets & drapes, built. ins & forced air heal 1'his well landscaped home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a very large fenced back yard, with rOQJD for a boat, camper, or build a rental unit! It has a paved alley entrance for easy access. Loca- tion Is just about perfect, 1 Ya bl.ks to New· port grade school, and only 2 blks to new city park. East 17th street and Westcliff shopping 20<3 WESICl.JFF DRIVE and two other schools within walking dis- '46-11ll Open E'vea. tance. For appointment to see, write: Built· in kitchen l.rk:h.U. --· rto.place and FI A beat Fully carpeted A draped. l.Dcated OD • quiet tree lined atrttt ia this mar- \'elous buy at only $26,SOO. NO DOWN -THAT'S RIGHT - G.L -ACT NOW!! Umpteen Ways Private Party l::==:==:==:=:::==:=:=i-...., will ....... N ... -Box P612 port Ho-3""""""" Evenings Call 646-l<M CUSTOM EAST SJD! RAMBLING BEAMED CEJL.. ING. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath sparkler with DOUBLE FIREPLACE In LARGE FAMILY ROOM end 11paci- OU11 living room •PPQinted with lovely carpeti and drapn. Luxe RANCH SIZED KITCHEN and all electric bullt-lna. Fantaatk: VETS NO DOWll 4 BR 1% balh. larp reor yan1, <"* lo "'°PPIDc-CID ....... $21,500 Nowport ot FIRST SHOWING !IOJ I' \I I.\\ 11111 ~I Iii\ \Ill\ H I \ I I l ' " llm Baker, C.M. "DISTRfSS DUPLEX" 2ms W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 SPECTACULAR! Walk to Golden West College mm this lwrurio111, prestlgf! borne. 4 Large bedrooms. 2~ baths; 1ormaJ dining room plus a famiJ.y room & a party-aize co~red patio next to your garrlen kitchen with all the convenient built· lns. Immediate possession. _ $43,000. HARBOUR REAL TY 5042 Warner, HunL Beach 847-8595 5~% LOAH Payments $141 mo. inc.luCes all 4 Laige bedroms, spec- IOU1 llv. rm., 1%. BA, large fenced yard. Near schools I: So. Cout Plat.a.. Immedi- ate possessjon. Owner/Brok- er 548-6.m. Jf you have Unils, Land or Lot for sale or cxchanae, we have buyen.. Alto • builder to joint ~hn up to 2) units on yaur lot or built to suit. Call Oscar eves. 646-6927 Perron Rlly 642-lnt.. 1797 Orange Ave., CM $19,950 """" apartment '°"' lire-Daily Pilot place, hardwood !loon. oat· I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-jtiM~~;:;;;;;;;:~j;;° in& .,.. 1n "" ldlchen. 1 • GOOD THINGS (j)uiet Country In pmqng far boat or trailer, 8 h and umpteen """' •• 121.000 Newport eac Colesworthy & Co. ~ ~1:,: '?!~·:en 1~ ~~ example, be sure A: aee In this desirable area. This 642-nn 1904 llarbor Blvd., C.M. Open Eves. this BIG 4 BR 3 bath pool was built by an execu- home wt t h additional tive of Anthony Pools for his DEN, DINING ROOM &: own ust". Heated &: filtered BREAKFAsr ROOM + with extra d~king set on a 16:1:23' llvinlt room. AD home size: lot Brand new the nice things. too. Only carpets and drapes. 1'wO fixer Upper Duplex 2 bdnns ea.ch unit.. Easy _ (%_ yeari old & In prim~ ~n ~ ~tbs, with ~ waJk to shopping &: schools. central location. 0 n I Y • ter dressing room having 9000 aq ft lot. R-2. $36,500 .l it'• YOURS. tremendous closets. Fire- $25,000 Can be seen anytime. place set in mammoth living • COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 54~141- (0pon EYenlngo) room with sliding glass doors leading to pool area. One or a kind. $34,950. OWN· ER ANXIOUS. 20.13 WESTCLIFF DRIVE 646-ml Open Eves. "1ohn macnab EAST smE co,,,-A MESA NEWPORT llGTS. AREA DOVER SHORES VIEW ALL TIIlS AND R2 $'15,500 One ot the moat admlttd O\arming 3 bedroom or 2 view homes in Ilavu' Shotts. bedroom & den. 1 %, baths, 2 bedrooms, larie panelled ti.replace, carpets & drapes, den, ope~ to ~uttful ter-built-in & forced air heat. race. Spadou! garden-room This well land!!caped home for large pool Plans for ex-can be found on a huge R2 RADIANT HOT WATER heating and m&ny cuatom features. The C 0 U RT YARD ENTRY .00 low maintenance, very private yard are viewed trom beau- tifully placed M A S S I V E WINDOWS. W o r t b ever)' penny o1 $33.9- J mt completed, 4 Bed· rooms, over 3000 lrl ft.. stand-up bar in cathoo dral ceiling fam. nn,. brand new &-atiJJ time to select carpet cokn. !'13,000. paru:lon -only $74,950. lot with a very large fenc. (714} 642-8235 ed back yard, with room for l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;J 881 Dover ·Drive, Suite 101 a boat, camper, or buDd a ')1~.·sa\ 7: r~\· ']\ i ,1. ti. 546-5990 Macco Realty Co. Bldg. rental unit! It has a paved 4 Units ON THE BEACH 1 ·-~N~'WJ>O!ii!J!j"!!ijBea~chjll•l I alley entrance :or. easy ac· Near Bay & Ocean I ' cell!. Location I! Jl.L't atwir& EASTSIDE perfect, 1% blks to N~ Excdlent investment proper-Exclusive China Cove home - year arowld llving • besl Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, priced to 5ell fast at · $69,500 COSTA MESA .,..d, ochool, aod only 2 blks ty, on doublo Joi. Each otu- to new city park. East 17th dlo apt with 2 BR, bath + 3 Bedrooms + family room. street and Westclill shop-powder room -always rent- Newly painted, interior and ping and two other achools ed • •· · • •• · • "• • •• ••• $S2,500 ex.terior. New carpet t n g within walking disl1lnce. For Walter Haase By appt only CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. CoHt Hwy, CdM 675-1662 throUgh-OUI. New tile in kit-appoinbnent to see write· ...,.,,. chtn and bath. Yard needs ' · -Private Party lo~ and care. $23,950. Box P6ll JEAN SMITH, °""' Pilot Realtor Do You NHd Room? 400 E. 17th Costa Mesa for a boat'!' camper! or,., ___ ...,,,, ____ .., dog'!' All this in Newport I · Beach + A lovely 3 bdnn New listing 2 bath home with family Extra sharp listing in P.fesa d ining room &: ral1<'h atyle Verde, walking distance to service porch. Priced /or complcle shopping. Owner immediate sale. will sell lowly 3 & family P t B t R I room at "no dov.•n" to vet-• • •rret •• ty 1005 We~tcltu Dr, NB 642~ erans or on F1-IA term 11. Only $25, 750. "'l"l!'"l"""...,..~~I 4 Bedroom -$22,500 ~ 546·5!!0 Nothing to equal this~ 2 (nt1r cintm1 lhelb1) bath~. Family room. Isolat· LLEGE REALTY ed rear living room with en-1S00Adams1t1Mrbor,CM. chanting Jireplace overlooks ~::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::I a large brick patio with gM • BBQ. Dream kitchen· built-3 Bedroom, 1 '12 B•. in range & oven Ii: diahwaah-Fireplace, deluxe carpets er. 54Q.172G hardY.'OOCI floors. Easts.Ide TARBELL 2955 Horbor Only $22,500 TAKE OVBI HIGH 6% GI LOAM at no COllt and no change in interest rate. SpotleSl!I 4 BR 2 bath home. Newly decor- ated kitchen v.·ith built-in oVt"n & range, qua]ity w/w carpets & expensive lined d r a p e s. Fireplace. Near schools & shopping, Profes- sionally landscaped. Priced $24,700. l lurry! !J• 1093 Baker, C.M . LOOKING FOR A WORKSHOP? Prime area makes this 3 bedroom and bath family home an excellent vallll! - H&rdwood floors A plaster Coldwell, Banker & Co. 22111 .. C-'........., ----Kl t-DS1 ~ HO IF'S ••• qua.1ity 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home, our finest selection to start the New Year. Will take low down -owner mov· ing out of th estate. $31,000 -move in right now. REDDdRf REAL.TORS 20'25 W. Balboa Blvd., NA 675-6000 FOUR UNITS $49,500 TOP LOCATION -VIEW OF OCEAN • 2 bed, 1 i,s baths, 3 years old. Top un.itl •t • SENSIBLE PRICE. $1200 UNDER P.iARKET- $2600 cash to present loan. $19,750 full price. U66/mo pays all 3 BR 1% bath Mon- ticello Condominium. double garage, carpet!!, dr3pe5, bullt-ina. 2 pools, club house. Owner/Agt. 546-5580 143 Br01dw1y 645-0111 interior -Double ~ Eves. 642-8453 646-4579 with extra 1Cttc20 \1-'0rkshop ORANGE COUNTY'S BllOADMOOR Pl"' a doubio '°°"'"" COT-LARGEST H.-Viow Hil1' HALECREST porl wllh alley """" -293 E. 17th St, 646-4494 Corona d•I M" 3 BR l~ ...... «In ,,,,.. :6-~13 646-7171 D I $2 0 $7,000 reduction family room with fireplace, up •x 4, 95 • $148/mo includes PITl Tri-Level Model built . In kitchen, hardwood East.side C.OSta Mesa. Hard- • 3 BR. yard, palio Executive 5 Bedroom floors, double garage. Pool-wood Doon & double car e Newl,y painted in&lde DAVE GAMBILL sized yard wUh shade tftea. .,.,..,.,. aep&ra-'-untfl <2 Rltr. 642-9730 Eves. 54S-012l · M · ,.~._-..,,. • K 644-0020 patio. ust see to &pPttO' bdnNI e. ch). Extra larp ENNEDY y Val i alo. Only "3,000. ld lchen area In 1 unit our ent ne Rllr, 646-392!1 E,,,.. 546<m -~~-'!"'"--~•! Wollo-McCardlo, Rltn. DA YIDSON Realty will be a11 ~u ... with "" *LAC HEN MYER 4 BR -$24, 950 1810 N.....,n Blvd., CM. SV.-4 LOAN IVAN WELLS "lo"""r FORCED TO SELL Assume 5l/4°/o 5'3-T729 E""'· 6'+<J68' Paymtnta only $121 mo. In-vil!W" home. 4 bdrm.&, 3 ba, cludin& all. 3 BR 2 ht.th JAm. nn. ti1e inner atrium Immaculate 3 BR home with Loan 100" NET NET NET ho Only 119 DUI w/wet bar, 3 ""gar. 2 sparltllng beths, custom Long I ,_ me, vac, ·-· . ·-""' eou ......... rk -rrw.r L.--t tenn e.uca on thw Roy J. W.rd Co. carpeting, manicured 1.,... r" · "v • """' Rltr. l7SO Harbor lB. CM 1__ 1,_ 1 h pla yard, ,,,.alk to ehoppina 4 excellent income invutmenl cu,......., Eves "''" ..ccu 1842 Sanliogo Dr. 646-1550 & ..... r;c pa"' v.· I fitt ce, ,... __ 1 -~ ound .......,.,.,.,. · '"""""""' BBQ. Hard 10 find and only IC'hools. .......,"' ~return ..... ut - WANTED TO BUY l or 4 W ,500. P.1ust KU immedi-Pyr1mid Exch1ngon ing futuMe poS&ibillUea. Prtce 10 UNITS ~-~·--"---"" ~ IJH.000. Income 11,-pr ucuivu"1 ,........,, uur.c .,~._. ately. CALL RAN GAULT, .....,...._., ......, on l lots. AdJ•ce"tt to~ kian " payments under 540-1151 {open cvea) Hult-I==~======= :tT NET. front $155,000. SUS.00. Haft cash for eq\U-qt ReaJ E:i;tatc. 11 Walker & Ltt Mr. Ln!ne Balboo Roal Eo••to Co. tyPM. con .............. ,,301·~~~~ .... ~-DUPLEX 1nco ... 1-nt Dopt. TOD E. B&Jboa mw .. Balt,. ON THE BEACH NNr Beach A ShoppflW 545-S45l li?Ml<o I ........................ 0 12 BR Furn homo. °'""r .no """'""" YBluo at $3U50 TERRIFIC m=:=:z===:IBEACH BARGAIN """''"TO'''""' lnle.. Goo'90 Wllliomson 5 BR . balh -home COlY 2 BR home near New· Modem 3 BR. 2 b& "A'' l'SI, $15,000 On. fttal!or with dellghttuJ pool Excet. porl Heights. CUl rte Sac tnune, steps to Ocean • Cringe Co11t Property 6'73-4:t'SO Eves. 673-1564 Jeni Antigua Way loC'a.Uon. street. I~ R-2 lot wHh $25,900 • terms. 332 Mn~u<'rl!C, CdM 67l-85.'JO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'I Hun')' for th" OM. ... m ,.,. """' Unil, 119.900. Caywood Rily. 548-1290 """"'""'""'""'""'""'"' Arnold & Freud G h R I -----.... --... MANY WONDERflJL OP· ra am ea ty OAD..Y PrLOT' DfME·A-PORTUNITIES ft••• beftll 381 E. 17th St., C.M. Ne&t NJI. Poat Ofc. 646-2414 PLACE )'Om wanl ad wbtte LINES. YtRJ CllO 1ise than d~ in 0.ul&d Adi. Rtelton: &t&-T751i u_,. .,.. looldnr -DAILY for Just pmn:ifll. dA.y. OlaJ Tum beck t(I ··ewmeu OS> SOCK IT TO 'E:.,-! -eL0T dusllltd &c:-5618 642..w11 oortunltiea" NOW! 01°"1 &1Ui6TB tor RESULTS ........ ' ' Tultdq, JlrluarJ 14; 1'6t ' HOUSU l'OR SAL• HOUSIS '°R SALi HOUSES FOR SALi RENTALS ltlNTALS . RlllTALS ,,... RINTAU -T,K;i;•i;;NV:T[;Lr"':':'-, "--11mniffim~~ H Unfu ...... H1•11 Unfvl'lltslaod Aph. '•ml·...... • ·~ u-•-1-Aph. u~ GoMrol -1 lllOO !"!!!'!' IMch 1200 _...., 11.m 1400 -"' · M...,. , ..,.,_ '""'" 1-==--.....,:-1 ChonMI Roof Wolk to IM<h 2 STORY/POOL H-lolboo Island USS Nowpott Holghto 3210 Cool• Mou 1 ~100 ,,,,.. 5100 Hunll ....... -5400 Offloe ....._. Pont'-oo Apt, N.,,., ultra ~ J -l.orp -lamlb' room. BAYJ'llOllT 5 Bit. 111 Zum loot Side Coote Mooo e nmtODUClllG e fll5 6 lllD: I a. I ~ LAGUNA llACH 1W Sale or 1-at "50 2 bolhl • °"'1 llWw ,.... q1l8!ltf ...,,. ... S5' pool with h~ 1325 or Yr1> 1500 Incl N-rt Hp. Aru u f 2' 1 pula • 11ko """ apll. No.ty decor. .... Air c.n.RIMI ... por mo. to rellal>lo -with ""°" -lire~ !!lt.r • ........ GI 0< mA utll. -lfartlla '*' OlaroU>I s bedaoom or 2 • ' ,.... lor --A drpo. mo.. ~aftll. OH ll'ORE8'/ AVJ:NtlS •• '.. °"*' Solllbca-y, wall • -...,,...,. • ..... term~ Pr1oo i. rtaht at I =-=67>.,\==""=-==Wbl=te=: I -• a... "' ...... a Uen-... -• """" • ""-• OK. Nr. llo!ido Dol1I _.. --Ill """'""· ~ dh" ..-t. .,.11o. EZ $33P.SOO.I Jo •-·I 1. llrtl>lace. carpets a 4-1, . -ttw Tmlots Blvd. 6 14&1n. cJooo ., -ame. ~ .. ""'"' at pUliO. •• -,...,1y Duplex• Furn. 1975 boDWlll " forced a1r boot ara.... a.met• lleollWll I. s • I ™ AP1'S. """°"" •""""""' tll'l-4'1111 pr1m1 -111 lloulOw• Cooto Muo 1100 8fl·U88 E-. ~'112' -• Well ~ Imo -llEW Adult llYl!w -POOi. MO OIILDREll 2 • 3 BR ~Ba, ..... Lq,q -. Ak •'i -BIG HOME F1JRJ< 2 8', l\6 Ba, ..... ...., ---CU.tom-.. -. •MA.111Nl9UE l»k.«1> ... _ll!aY_ -.... 114.l ... _atlilllol•I BIG BONUS ROOM • 8edrooml, 2 ...... - the perfect fa:nlly home, electric built.Jns. dlahwuh- er, fully carpeted I: draped. All thia plus • 2bl:30 extra room plumbed for wet bar or bath. Nme better at $32,!tJ<l kl ntW are&. 546-2313 646-7171 THE ~J EAL E.STA.TERS .-: "' SPRJNG ....,. ..-'160. MW11lf )'Old. .._,..., la juot about Slreln • 1 Bdzm • 2 Bdnm G "RDEN •-ehlldttl> olr, $111. Up. 11111 ,...i.1 ..-. TJ _. _. 'DD A. T rm;1 or 61J..7350 pttftOt. l'Ai blkl to Newport e Contempcr&17 0..tom " .-.r 1 WI• Bell Qrde, H.B. I0-3m -truc9t J'rruDlio e ... ., ~ I BR. 111 ho.,°'· -tel-RENTALS ...... ICl'oool,andonly2blb °"'In 1llh 6 -~ C.M. 2 BR°""""" -to"""° ..... A•.., -"""'ID 1 WW ~··-Modlcol cent.r and only Ho Unfvmlthod lo ..., dbl parla. Eut l?lh e Lwrurioua G .... ns OLll,.,,. s.a.i.noo -Patio, ...,,.... -A -..-W& Blvd M 121.500. E-Z Fina"""". ---------11Joel aod Wnlcllll abop. e Bubblln& -6 Inola 111T Sonia Anl, US, C.M. pool. $135. SG-151! ,., -Ill tor -I Dolt "'29 -" c. · R. D. 5LA TES, Rllr. General 3000 p1na w two olher ....,., • 42' Pool • ...,.., boll> aod diam ·-b 15. Ubrary for Dad! 8'M7~-3519~=~"""~·,!!flel.~1369~ I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wilhln -""'""'"' $180 • AoUv;ty ... mlbilllanll 2 BR. °""!;".,;. --· "'~ ---w••• 2BR TowMouae By Owner 1't1r details. write: e Sauna Bath BXRMUt>A VILLA.CE G&r..-1 ...-..__....,. W'fict rt*11P1t 1ar $10. Plul ..-,1 ~--~ lailcl> '15,650 • 19:iJ Down $135 WORRIED? Pri-• Party • Pu-Pffll -2 ' S &. A .... 818 Palm -All atlllu. JOY --·-~~-•--w ••• e oulaldeGuBllQo <>pts, __ ._,.0~~1 ,..,fl•11o.~•~-. en for emcieney off enornt-mo. u1e1 -4 wia. , • • thtn rest ell)'. e lo P612 --....,...... oua: 1ami1y room. Exclusive ~ to eee. spedalt.e ln 1111 Opet of . X· e Encl rara&a A lknp abp'1 A IChla. Qlildren OK. upta. df'Plro encl pat». bl" DAJL1' PD.Or -·-~-I..... Rentala -SUmmer, Wla-Daily Pilot CENTER of """' • between l1JO'.... ..... Nr ohopploo. 8'7-m -AVlll!JJ ~~ n:i 't;f,~~. ':z BO::.~ -::t ~ ter, Year &roUlld. I ----~----I ~le: Ford/HarfJor 4 N~ 221C Cotlep' Aft. Apt. 7. Mgr 2 &-3 BR., 2: be.tbs. prtv. LAIIDM~ 1210 1168-1431 alts • RB> CARPET • Coron• dol Mtr 3250""" Panona, CM ~ ''THE SEVILLE" patio; -= "'Newpo<1==-'-H"'g1s."""---• Lo , BR. -. S"' • New 2 sa. .,,..,... $1«1. Deluxe Offlcft EAST SIDE ecxtrA MESA ;;;c .. ="°;;o.;;B;.;•.;.oc;;.;h;...._1;;;7..;;05"1 ms w. --N.B. ea,... ms mo. ~ .... LARK U.dultsl.l'enced.priv.yud, Sonia An• 5620 SVl'l'ESoull.i•--~~HG~ ~ Handynwn Spec:lala 673-.H3 Ba==~ ...,.. MOTEL cp~drps,s.n'1a~"~.pd. VERY clMD 2 Br. 2 BL : =~~~tr: 125.500 Loe . .!.n~n: .. ~·~ Hwy, F"" Ron!al Service ~ WEEKLY RATES e 636-1120 e G&rden Apia. PN patio. -.U """tton. °""'"" EASTSIDE 6 UNITS OlarrnilW 3 bedroom ar 2 lSO yds from Beach. 4 Jge to home ownl!n and tenants 2301 Ntwport ltvd,, CM NEW J Br 2 Ba. Twnhae Pool. Nlc:e aru. 546--1525 (:ow)ty Bank Bide. 230 £.. 2 ~R && 7~2~~.1 bedroom & den. 184 batbl, Apt. unlts. need.a paint & Balboa 3300 e 646-7445 e Bltns, C!'JI~ drps. incl aar: 11th st., Of. 642-148$ 6 prages. lnoome $620 mo. ~~4 ~ ~;~= good gtbel"&l cle~IQ'. PO-' ElR. 2 BA, w/boat slip. ALL new tum, cpts. drapes. Club hie le: pool, $195. Lagun1 Buch 5705 ='!Ju~lC ~ Exttllmt live in a: rent out -. TENTIAL INC 0 M E EX-bit.in&, patio BBQ $425 mo. paint. 2 BR. Beam ceUinp. MQ..4119 aft C Sat or all p DRIVE $62,500.. Tllia weU landscaped home CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAL-n 4: 529-ll00 2l3:sis..aim Bit-ins. Pool. $155. %l72 da,y Sun. 100 CLIP merdal. Medical, Dental. can ~ lound on a huge R2 LY. Price $89,950. 2790 Harbor Blvd. ========"I MQ!e st. 540-es; REFINED, responlible older LUXURY FURN/UNFURN AlMxmd .. c:rpa. ei.-tar Graham Realty 1ot with a very taiv tenc-MISSION REAL1Y 494-0"131 56-9491 ~ till 9 PAI Lklo Isl• 3351 lady or couple 1 Br. unfurn Ye:uty i..eu.. l • 2 Bdrma. 1'rom S'TO NearN.B.PoslOfc.&16.2414 edbackyard,withroamfor 98.5So.Coalt,Laguna $145; 2 BR. 1 ha. duplex; --------•INtwpOrt Buch 4200 apt., pr, 145 Mesa Dr., ~-~ev._~ '"'=541=.am==OR=~,,--= OOLL HOUSE -eolld built a boat, camper, or .build a WESTERN AWARD itove, re.fril,, w/w, fenced S BR I. den, 2 Ba. frplc, C.M. ......~.,, ~J ..._ EXECUTIVE Office •PPRIX East.side home inunaculate rental wlit! Jt hu a paved J A • Br. Semi CUstom yard. Broker 534...meo stove, rer:rti., crpts A drps. FURN. 2: BR. apt. No Larae 1 BR du.pl(!£ trum mo QP. leut 'lOO Ml· ft. In new Bide· condition. Pleasant dining ~ .. ''. Locaen~ ~arji:~~ Homes from $35,450.00 Now PXJ; 4 BR. 2 ba.., fncd. Yrly kue by 0 w n 8 r children or pelJI. 24001" E. $110 l Spa kJu1 $)US by Orarwe County AlrpJrt. area. cozy fl replace, ;rfect, li,t; blks to Newport under construction. Located yd., w/w, trpl. Cbildren • i.;6"-;;1288=:="""'==::'=w=""""==OO.=,IN~~·Beacb 646-466t yard.~ eue. c REAL ESTAn Avail lmmtdlatel)1 &'7MUO hardwood fl.oon &: forced eracte school. and ollly 2 blks on Mounta.l.D View Drive, oft pet OK. Brobr S34«l80 Huntl......,.n Belch 3400 MOBIL Home Lido n.. .. ~... 1·BR., Garage, Stove, General OFF1CE& 2. 300 + ,q. fl. air heat. Pre~ for lm· to new city park. East 11th Tyrol Drive. "••-, . ~ .... -., Refrigerator $100 each; ~ Jnel; O:ut ~~~ ~~ $21~~; ~ it:ree:t and Westclitt £bop-A.';;!!Ai~~E:TS Cotta Mesa SlOO FREE RENTAL BOOK ~ts ca,:na~. ~· :uo Avocado Apt. ·B M4-86l2 Rentals Wanttd 5990 Hwy. Corona del Y: ar J-ieritage Real F.state. ping and two other ICOOols 3 BEDROOM, family room, Drop ·1n "-Browse ' pe • QUIET. Relined College lkt ;.;613-4830.;,,:,_,,,=.,,...._,,,,...,,....,,..1 within w&lldng disfuce. Fot ~~-'°""'"'Worma'-"""-''-tlon""'~ fireplace, built in kitchen, 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. Double 3 BDRM. % blk. to beach; Newport leach 5200 w/assured lncome I: pet 1 COMMERC. -300 Sq. CL LUXURY Living in Prestige appoinbnent to eee, write; ' BDRM, 3 bath. Top ot new w/w carpet mmplete, Garage. Sepa.ri.lion torce1 126 40th St.-$190: unf. $165 • deatrel permanent borne ~ 1 INDUST. -ll> .q. A. atta. 3 BR. den, blt·ins, Private Party World. Ocean & mountain 1% baths, patio, detached rental of this l'O!POUI home. 615-3249 UNFURNISHED Apt. -apt, fum • u~ Approx • ~2130 • ' 1500 sq. tt. brlck patio, fire. Box P6l2 view. $37,500. 540-7366 21 x 21 rumpus room, tenoed $185.00 per InOllth. Po6alble Newport Hgta. Lux u r Y' $150. Avail Feb. ht or later. 2 SMALLER prlv otc'a l'um· place. Immaculate! Assum.e Da11J' Pilot ard divided OpUon. tffwport ShoNI 4220 v I e w, du. p I e x a pt. , Lacuna Bcb ct CdM area, with '* of Recieptlon Room. VA loan. $21,500. Owner fz==="===== ---------=~~.Nope~ w lk & L I BR. ~-•"· ho 2 :::::_ apllt-levt!I, 2 bed, !rpl,, xlnt references. ~16aii. Hazel Fortin. 6G.$X)O .....,.._ 912 P<..,. Pl in Horbor Highlands 1235 Condominium 1950 8 er ee ~ me. -tlUdc carpi>' dnpea 1 ;,o:=;~.:;=;;==I Rancho Mesa. 642-9555 beach. $100 per mo. Adulta praae. Availii.ble Jan. ~ PLANT Mavine to Qrance 1 • B:.Y~O~WN=ER~-. ~E-al~.-.~,~Br. 4 BR., family rm. 2% ha. 4 BR. 2 Ba Condominium LEASE/OPTION 4 BR 2 7682 Edlna@r only. 548-7644 $275. can after s p.m. Co. Middle-aged c 0 up I e lndustrlal P-:op. 60IO 2 Ba. Natu.ral wood bltn Enclosed Lanai. .l patio. on Fairview, C.M. $2'1,000. baths. $200 mo-n1ce reaideD-842..f455 Open Eves. 540-5140 548-2394 wil!ih to rent 1 BR b::iu@e. WA1'1'f'T'D ·to buy, 1 acre ki._ ..... uWlty po•ch; "-t'd, .. __.., bltns. Mlllt w I $2400. down. 121 Mor-tla1 are~ Immediate . C •·• .. _ 4250 Excellent referenctL Up to '{U••... .., u.;u<:.1• ..... P .......... ,.. 4 BR 3 00.lh executive home, orona --.~r UPPEIJ. Duplex, 2 Br. $160, $100 month. Call Col)-~ JndSo.um!ally<lftnaem ... ~ -P10fl!!?O; _.., ..._ Close to __ .. ,_ &ell, leav'a: area. $48.$0. .ristown Lane. 540-m16 eves. possession. CALL M R • " ,_ .. t~ _, 1 1 ,_ d 1 ~· ~ _ -·.-... .,... ~ 1501 Anita UI, NB Owner. le week-end1. 543--7322 daya. BLACK 5'fG.ll51 (open carpe • ...... pes a~ ...,.... $85 FURN. bl.ch. apt : yr. ease; .... wer up ex {213) 288-835' . Cal .l ahp'g. $25.500. 543-Q244 &t6--3"l04 eves) Heritq:e Real F.state $330 per mo. Village Real privacy Btalneu man·"'aee l Br. Sl85. 1 yt. leue. WANTED Inv t FUllftton. . ASSUME 511( % VA loan; 'Duplexes for Salt 197~ 3 BR home, cloee to abopplnc Eat&te 962-4471 ar 546-8103 to apPreelate. Utll. ' pd. Adult.I; no IM!tB: See by 3 BR. 3ooe::._ v ... ~ llntll_Jlfl_ EuWae l BR., 1% Ba.; NEWPORT DupleI f A.I ~-IChools. Elem-tJil'u Jr f. BR. like new,..-.Douglu STh-4859 ---~~ ofllr.~...Aml-~ --pi'a&'e faclli~ lndustrflL -=-Full price. Owner Un1venlty Park 1237 200' to ~ Or wll°f ~ Coll I: parochial, corner lot, .l 1hops, 16392 Lakemont 2 BDRM duplex near beach. $300 + monthly. &'JS.-0296 2% Ba. equ1 fat eood 1 _ .... ,.. oH at. park. boat or trailer. Lane. Avail now ~mo. $165. per month. After 5 ON BAY near Lido. 1 Br., YNG loo'"'""" ffX' '-IRVINE lndllltdal t.• MUST SEI;L, lounac 3 BR. BY OWNER. a Br, tJ --a Leue, -d. .,. .. ~ alt 6 lease. Agt. 642-Im * 6'f5.3l53 * · patio apL (or fuml. Newly man wW•uia __ .. ~ 12.000 or 16,000 Ill• ft. call: fam room, bu everything! residential lot. P. 0. Box --.._ ........._ '-========::.!decor n-t """"' avail. aep rm or ~ K. W Small wilh l% BA borne, ful11 crptd, Prlcedtoaell! 833--0104 1~ Hunttnpm Beach. 1~ · ~ hare NB CM • all the xtru, adj. to golf (714) MS.ems. OWner r:;AC. 5 BR 2 bath. Duplexes Un*'!!"· 3975 Balboa l1lancl 4355 '185 util tncl. 673-WiO ~rim. llft g~ pm. area. lckhoff & Assoc.. Inc. course. $24,SOO. M6-MQ3 GO=LD.,,.-."'M'"odalllon""'°,--"'Du'"""p'"1.,.-."°'3 I blt-ina, cpbl/drpl, patio, 2 BR, W/W crpt. drpt, l BR. 2 Ba. Frplc, w/w EMPLOYm lady wut1 1 l8lS :t~ AW. NEW 2-aty. 3 BR. 2 Ba. I .c;;o;;ro;;;n;;•;d;;•~l;M~•;;r~;l;2;;50;j br • 2 Br unita. 1107 W. Conv. loc. $210/mo I.ease. prage, hlt·inl. adulta. nn l·BR. apt., extra tge. llv. Cl'Pll. drps. bltna, incl pr. BR Unfum Apt IJel.cb.,. ~..,E;:,~ 53&S7J. Cptg. & drapes; $26,950; 1 • Balboa. Blvd, N.B. Call No pets. Sf.&.-0560 peta, 389 E. 20th SL C.M. ~ wuterfnlnt. Gran d ~ mo yrly. 646-0038 to $UO. Gar tr carport mc..1 ~!!1!~'""""!''""11'!''"!!!'"1 $3,000Down.Owner64l-9167 BEST BUY Walter B~ss & Assoc. 2 BR. Priv. garase, RENTALS boatdocJc:~vall~~~-E•dlluff 5242 6C2-3R ll(l/5 3(0JSQttwarebJwie4orHioe CORONA DEL MAR ----·------I wa.sher/dryu. Refer. re-Apta. Fuml1htcl $175 Mo., incl. utll. Adults FAMILY detlru .f·Br bomt. ~~ tt paved• lenl»d ,M_;.;.•;.;•.:o•..;0c.•;.;.1..c.M..;•;:;r __ 1;.;.1.;.;05; 1 ~':'i'o1~::' ~u:~t:: RENTALS ,::;'~.;.Dr. $130. 543-""1 Clen•rol 4000 only. no .... ..,....,., Prestige location :. ~""';,r :;:.i;.., ·~ lid. mt! = ~ FIXER·UPPER. GI low price $28,150. HURRY ON Hou ... Fumlshtd BACH. apt, 1 adult only, $250 Mo Call 546-MIO' 54()..'T&ll) down. $26,CXX> value, 5 BR, THIS! 4 BDRM, 1'4 ha. crpts, drpe, RENT waterfront, Grand Canal Fot leaae, dehm 1888 l!f. ft. ~~·~·~~~~....,.-l i;;;.::;.u;n;:;::;:;:-:::;;;; cmverted gar, needs pa.mt, VOGEL COMPANY General 2000 blt·lnll. $225 mo on lrt.se. 3 Rooms Fumltu,.. little Bal. lliand, boat dock; 4 BR., 2% ba. Apt. Frplc., 1 BR. Apt tum or untam NPT •• SOL ~,,..::: carpet. $2.),950. 0 w n er 2667 E. 0>ut Hwy., CdM "---'--'""'-----'=.;; 54&6113 $25 Mo-AL avail. 'March lat. S16S Mo., drape&, carpets. wet bu, on beach tn CdM. desired ~ ~ 0wnr m 94:11311 54&4607 61.J.20'J) anytime $195; 3 BR. w/w. Garage. mn incl. util. See now! 613-o:m prlv. balconies: dbl. prap by ling}e Dr. Call "4-2925 .....,.. • • ..,_"!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!--•I Sundeck. Pleue call: Newport Beach 3200 Ftn.t. OPnON TO BUY olf ldtch .. 01ahwuher, dbl. btwn 5 ~ 6 pm. ,200 Mei• Vtrdt lllO BY OWNEk Broker 5U6980 <Retrtceraan AvallltM> Huntington 8e1ch 4400 oven, pooL Convenient to e LANDLORDS e ~l;.;,•._ _____ 1 3 BR home, crpta, dpra. · No depoelt o.Lc. lhop'l ·1 achoola I: recrea.. FREE RENTAL SERVICE Z5 MJN fl'oDl San t.oW1 3 BR $26,900 FHA 111>1e. blt-1na, 1t-2 ..... "'"' Ron1111 to Shore 2005 Newport Beach H.F.R.c. UTILITIES PAID -· Broker 5SU98S oh•-DI oc. """' ..,. · ,.,_ CdM 1oc. can 67>%!19 Fuma'tu-•·nto'-B{ch. Ai>l Hid. pool ONLY $325 MONTH -'"'"'.:-, -··" ·-Fantastic terms on uwt Mesa WORKING Woman or ~ • • IW • _ "-·•ua D u " GO AY ~ •~ ven1e ...,,,, ' ,. Bednna • ~-==·==·===::=:=::= lo ...... home wilh ~ Renlals 517 w. 19th, = 548-3<81 -~~·-""" , -135 AMI s w Room1 tor .... , 5995 •"-in ....... -2 baths • family room + 2 -who worial evenlne hours. 1568 w. lncln, Anhm Tl•2800 • 5.16-3!4 • N1wport Btlch ai.,,.,. In 1eUOD-$300. pa flttplaoes. Owno. baa bought ;L;ldo;;l~al;•~~~;1;;3;;5;1 I ~ lh ••• -WINTER RENTALS $11XI', l·Bdnn. y-~ I-BR. rondo., beaut !um. Mgr. Apt, 9 COLLEGE Or -""' .,,. X!nt tmn., will dlvldo. another--E'l tenna • rnA· ........ mon _...._.,.. ~ Nr. Atlanta A: Bea.ch Blvd. live on Bal la. Kit 1n Broker, 6f4..290'7 VA. f>;,900. • BAYFRONT WILL ,..,. my 2 Br, 2 NOW AVAILABLE We'!':~ Cplo. ooty, $160. COl'ONI dol Mor 5250 >ee/nn incl, 160 mo. up ,.,.. • •nna• adng$1151XX>DUPLEXwl.th BA apt w/worldng girl or IBR-$125. =========IOOl-6984 or 962-6683 615-3613 Rtsert Proptrty w;-•.., ~SPRING 3 BR. 2 .,;.tho up. 2 BR 6 l •tud•nt. N. 8. ""''· 64>-Sm : :: : l~ii.-$11'. Coote Mao 4100 LARGE lllcbelor, uW turn. RM. w/lcil (ldv. Neu OCC. FOR REl<1' Fum Mamolllh ..--._ 'Dt:' AT "1V BA down, 2 Frplcs. ~ MO'rnER w/mnall child will OcNn frmt 3 BR., 2 bath---------•I Single older adult only, $90. ~._ • Yllll: man, no ~. Mount a In O:Jndamhthnn .......................... ..,..:~. ~ patio ..ilh room lo -"""" apt w/wne. Pool. 1225. 6 1215. $25 Wk. Up Walk lo abp'r. Bd-%ll9 ~ " 51$-IS<8 or OJ5.'150 _,_ e. 5'11-"30 WW .... ,_ Welker Realty Costa M-. 64&-WJI< e SludU> & Bach apta. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL •"• .-.;:;R Reol Fum. llam- 2629 Harbor Blvd., CM. 3336 Via Udo 6'15-S200 MAN To &hare Newport • RfD CARPET • • 1ncl Utill "Pbone lft'\I'. Adults only. 2 BR, p 001 ON TEN ACRES Income Property 6000 molh Mtn. Condo. --.I a 3 BR. " Fam! "'l::l::l:il::l:i Beach home with pool e Ma1d Serv1ce TV vai1. 11676 Cam ron 847-2125 ....-BY OWNER: " ii M2-1313 After 5 PM (30 office• to serve you) • * e . 1 A 2 BIL Furn A: Untu:rn HOME A INCOME by OWN-sauna, aleepa & M0-2'l30 OUly .• 2 b!B~ ~ta.;,.,.. drpl. "''"" ~ 2 Largt LIDO LOTS WANT 2 ......,.,".,.liberal mind· 2025 W. Balboa Blvd .. N.B. :1~e;~ .lm~ MS-9755 2 BR. 1..arp upstalrL All Frplcs I PrJ I Patiot I El 1Q.2 BO. 1~ hL apts. I: 210 ' ---~ BUILDER'S PRICES ,--~ 675<000 --~· • uoW incl-. 8180 mo. 2ID6 P-T""'1a • a.mrt'I Bk· 4/B<l. J ba. ..._ 3 y,_ Mount. A 0-rt 6 a.ft&wkd.Ysorwl<Ms. OPPORTUNITY NOW I ed bacbe1on to share nictlo;z::m••••••ILARGE bacbelor, nicety Florida.5J6..3621 fat. 9 bole f'att/Gl'fflL ,t11d. Pool. 1'llD Santa Ana. 1115 LOVELY 3 Br. h:nne In desireable area: !am. rm., 2 be.., W/W cpl; tree lhad- ed ya.rd. Nr. acboola & shop- pina'. $24,950. By owner 54G-<582 Ntwport Stach 1200 NEAR BEACH-with partial Ocean View, 2-two Bdrm. homes &: Guest Apt. Dbl gar- age, well -built concrete block coruitr, $34,500. e~ did& l!ALTY Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 BY OWNER: price reduced from $42,500 to $31,500. 3 BR. 2 Ba. lluge liv. & ram. nna.; very Jie. lot; can 1tore boat or house trlr. Car. ot 15th St. A Kings PL Call: M5-5U4 3 BR. 2 Ba. Up.flaln sun. deck. Ltv, dirl nn. patio, ~ bl.It bch A: be.)t, bltn kit. Onr lot, 15th • Bal. Pt!rpetuallY rented rear apt. By owner. Must lllilll Prine only. 613-8718 BEAUTIFUL Ii: C u.1 Io m built. Large 2 BR. 6 Fam rm, 2% ba I: room for addltion w/ kMly view. 2518 Via M.ma. • Owner. 642-3319 ELEGANT, wtll bit • only $22.900. FHA or VA. Zoned R2. Lerge livlna: r m • , flrrpl., cpts, drp&, elec. kitch. 2 BR.. den. Owner. ........ , I SACRIFICE I Low:ly S BR. Home tn WfSt· clllt ..... C...Ota. -bltns. ~rw. dbl pr. qe. Nr Cla a ahop'I• Xlllt c:ond. By Owner. 54M211 GREAT BUY ........ Bdrm. 2\1 Ba. ... pool. SSl.lOO. ....srn BLUFTS C'ondo • 2 BR. 1 BA. split level, fJftplA(.'e, view. By owner. 644--0801. * BAY VIEW Tee lot 85' Jf 195' w/ pl..-. '1001. Owner MS-7249, MS-a11 call for information S Br hmnt, N.B. ~ 11 fumiAbed. Available Jan. U. 900 See Lane, OW 6M-2611 CM ~1393 B!!Atrnnl'l. HJab Detert; 6f2.S200 15 YR. old v.uJrine girl B/B Employed adult prelem!d. Laguna Beach 4705 (M'ac.4rthlir nr. Coed: HW)') ======== 5 Ac. w/unall lblDco boua Petl: Barrttt Realty = :,ma~or yrty TOWNHOUSE to~E Qu'-2 Er MODERN VJew apt. north I BR .. ~ Ba. _, ta Butlftltl p,._rty 6050 :t ~ Xlntwai:-~ 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath ~•oiu • ,..,.; · end, 2 1tory, 2 BR. 1"' ' .,.., ' ... ,..., cp ' M-1 HEAltT of Garden Palrm. $1500 Furn. ·133-2'1M Most Unusual on Lido 1 NICE girl deRrea same to 2 Car Carports elec. bltnl, petio. Adults on-Ba. 2 mndeckl, pr 1 blk drpl., prqe, bltna. $300 G bua1nNL 4 0 24 0 eves. or weekend&. Home. Guest House .l Pool. lhw'e Costa Mesa Apt. $60. $200/Month l.y. 361-8 Ogle, &Gia lboppine-beach. verY p1ulb. Month. Call: stl)-1234 Ext $7";;. 56-l9'2 eves. x • 2 separate tots. a 45• and 642-3EIH. an 4. Pooh· Adulta Only! A'ITR. 3 BR. apt., 2: ba., $260 mo. '94-8982 421 BUSINIU.and 30' PLUS 2 plen/lllps FEMALE roommate, $63.50 Bay Ir leach w/w carp., drpll, attr. yd. RENTALS SHARP New 3 BR. 2 bath, Butln• Rtntal 6060 FINANCIAL $250,IDJ per month; Baltna. Isl.and Rtalty, Inc. 548-3481; 541).0]54; &M-'922 A U fu I heel fireplace I: deck. Available R. c. GREER. Realty Apt. 6'J3...8400 901 Dover Driw Suite 221 2 BR furnis.bed, l'ltU ·~ pta.. n m I now. Don v. Franklin. Rlty. MESA vm. Medical A 3415 Via Lido 673-9.n WANTED, 3rd girl to ah.are ~20'.XI Eves. 548-«166 plna ce.nter. S135. MU499. G.ntr1I 5000 673-2222 Proteulonal Bu11dlng up to I _. •· h l400 apt. vie. Harbor H.S.; stu-'!''!!!!"'!!"'!!!""'!'!"""!"'!!'~I 313 17th Pl. C.M. z BR. (or turn.) FlftplaCI!. 4,000 lq. ft now available, Hunt n •• on U98C dent pret S50 mo. 64.5-1544 4 BR, 2 Ba, Newpt Hgt.I. $80 INCL. Util. Small twi, VEN DOME N••'•"s pm.all. $155 mo. 6'l5-3153 WW remodel all o~ part MotMr-ln·l•w Probltm? m San Bernardloo St, $250. apt. 1..m..tl. Near 15th A ~:1~ ie;: ~~= Solve it with this 3 BR Span-Costa Mita 2100 Mo. 673-1398 or bua ph. Newport &Q..4583 h 5400 ~-~ M ... -i&h Hacienda + aeparate at---------531...ml Mr. YOWll' IMMAClr ATE APTSI Huntington IMc u.-i~, .....,... ea ~ 3 BEDROOMS, like new con-I _1 1 BDRM prqe ApL Clean lMMED. OCCUPAN""" CORONA del Mu Beauty tached I BR apt. LwmrY 3 dltion. O>mplele.ly furnigh. 3 BR. . Ba., ... .,_., cplJI, Ii: Attractive. $100/mo. 2220 ""4 Sho In ..,,_, loca · BR 2 bath, 2 Span,,. fire. ""-Adults only or --·~ dn.,., 1\1 blka. In beach. °"""" ~ ADULT• FAMILY EXCLUSIVE P _, oo.. Pia--11:' ....... lah quarry tile, .. ....,....,. Yearly pXI Mo. 613-8088 ' SECTIONS AVAILABLE Fomv!r beauty lbop moved be.;;,;, "';1i..,.. walk·U> """clilld. Swimming pool, . NICELY """"""" 2 BR. CIOH to Shoppl"I Pork ON-THE•BEACH to "-••"'""· P • n t r y, electric built • In rettealion center at no ex· N_.wport Shoru 3220 Quiet Adults. 168 Scott :Pt. • Spa:dowl 3 Br'a, ; Ba 2 l J: Bed rn Apt&. Rnonable re n t, Call range • self cleaning men, ~~· $235 mo. A&ent CM. 646-2323. • 2 BR. widen ~ ofe. roo pleue the Hutchens. 71(: 838-6Sll dlshwuher, lp&cioul muter I========= SPACIOUS 4 BR, 3 BA, bit. • NASSAU PALMS • e Swim Pool. Put/creea 1:;>' :::.tin&. !fO'I' SMALL reuonabbr. priced suite with upgraded C&flo Balboa 2300 lnl, crpta, dr_pt, nr bch • 1 • 2 BR. • Pool e Frp1, lodivllock)r fac'll vallabk 1 Store Bu11dlno In buly peta 1: pad. drapes. OOYered I--------pool1. $715. See now . 177 E. 22nd St. 6U-3M5 1845 An•htlm Ave. • • , c.orona del Mu location. palio, 3 cat ....... Mother-• BR. ' BA. w/boat allp. ..,_ BEAUT ..... 2 .... 1\1 ha. COSTA MESA 612-2il:M 1he Hunlingt~n Call HulchelW, 71'' S3M5ll in-law apt. bu spadoua llv-blt-U.. patio. BBQ, $5.15 mo. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS ltudlo, pool. adu!IL $185 • CX>SrA Mna, D> E. 17th. Cindy Supply Routo (Part ar Full 'nme) Excellent· tncmne tor 6nr brL -""""' (d&ya er __ ,_aod_ Ing """"' -coin -ated dilpemer1 tn On..- County a.rd~ area. No .ellil8. (H&ndlM name brand cm:11 and maclm). $1650 cub requlnd. For pe:1"10n&J. interYSn' hi a..,.. °"""" Slnd .--. -aodpbo .. -,., ''ROUTE DEPARTMENT" P.0.-39411 Anaheim.Calli. 9li)lll derella kltc~n with built-~-Channel RMf ""'· 100' J'robtq-e. Owner GIFT & Home Decor ahop. ""'..,.m wilh -""·cm-m ,S29-&llll ru,37Hl91 Bll!NG RESULTS• 2310 s.nta.... """"" FOR SA!.E oR LEASE Pacific ~ i.o..,"""""' ...... alley ... iM, quiet muter bedroom. Gtntral 3000Gentra1 30000.ntrat 3000 Penthouse ADt. 615-6034 must .U. Stt • Mab aartt private be.th. Rl!nted now $550 per mo to relia'ble par-SHOPS • 548-1914 • for $125 per molrth. S54JOO ru Oolan Aft., HJ down -""'·-...... Crill~ Bl-w.1._ D-c ~Q.• tlet only.°"'' Slllshluy <nil !llt,1'87 Nr.Newportl'lor THEQUICKERtOUCAu. ~~ ~"U ~).. '4:f P<r V Realtor. m«n1 Rltr. mol30 mE QUICK!:ft. YOU au. If JllJl_1®Dutf!ld sublr:.., ~:: ... R._. :::::.· • .,,,.,, '\.!21ti'T!!!'Tmlt" Solo•• Simple Scrambled Word Pu:sle for•'Chuckle •• ;::::..., .:;::,,,.. liRIDES DELIGHT 0 '--loiton of tho . .......................... Gorpoul I Bedroom home Sow to forwi four alrnpf. 'MOf'dL with ..... ..... """""' •~.-..... ~~~ IL!ORED I· ... -,.:;,;-~N ;;.; : .: I I I I' I $19,IXk>. GI no cub down. · • S160 pl!I' month lnd:udet an. I I W11YR.entT • NAYER Walker & Lee _ I ! I' I 1682 Edlrver M2M55 Open Ewl. 541).5140 $795 Dtwn/llO 2nd Vff"/ desirable area. Vacanl LArae 4 htdroorna. HAFFDAL REAL TY "Homes to Matdl Inoxnt" 8140 Wtrner, FV IG.....:15 Hllllfington Hilh Ta.kt Oft!' ~ '% loan. Ha.rd· wond floors. larre 3 BR, l$Xl3 tam. !Tft, new paint in l out. Sell OJ or ntA. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-8531 Evtl. DGS-1118 IT U LI G I Said Iha nur• to the ox· I I• I pe<tont 1otheh "Juo• """---;:;-~-~·==~you ..... boon kopt WQfflng r: doesn't ntcessofUy mean that llOINIG lthebdbywmMo-· 1-'io . 1 I I I' I I "~u:;!z~= e "\'lks';;;~w. LmtlS N r r I~ I' I' r I & ~":~~ lEITTRS l(} I I I A ·I I I I I e -·~...-. ... SCRAM·Lm ANSW!RS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 Costa Mela SIOO 2 Blt unfum, l"t!frtprat.or, blt-tn 1tow, mSeenrated, .... c:rpto, -$1lO. IQ Wllal SL c.,.-. 5t5-(l'J8) eN .. l7 Deo:n.f2rde tee. 2 B.R. w/prqe $11$ 217&-A Plaoentla 6J6..C120 2 BR. NewiY Rodtc. ll<w Cl"Pt.. drpt. ma W5 mo. -LIKE llEW S 8'., ..., cpto.. -blt·lm,-llO peta; adults S125. 5tM1'I 3 BR., 111 ha. QdlChn ___ ..,.... 11112 w. o.nter, .... 1 3 BR. 2 s... 111>1.. ci...t ....... Adulll. $llO ~ 321·8 Cobnllo - 2 BR. irlO: s-. "-' A crpta. 1A E. Jiu, .&pt A.-7m2 - I • • i ..., WMddra Want? Whaddya o.tT SPECIAi. CLASSIFICATION FOR NA TUllAL BORN SWAPPERS Spodal Rm 5 Ll--5 tl--5 bucb •ut.Q -N) MUST INClUOE .......... .,.. .... • ..... )-WMt .,.. ..... ""'- --YOUll ,,_. ...,_ ..... ._. .... If e.f¥Wftl- J....ftO'TH/NO J<Oll SAU: -TllMl!I OHi.Yi PHONE 642"671 - To Pl-Yow Trlclor'1 ParadlM Ac! N...--lllO' to beoacb. Will trade equity forp>dLa .... -tial lot P-0. Box 1423. H-lleadL <nil Mfl.OOIS Ownr. 0o .... 1lcHtlp CAREER Ofil'oRTUNITYI Joia..S.,.-- -M-1'11111..i.o The optnlnp ef 1 coe. No G)*1eDcil nee • .,.. plete MW _deplrtrnent We traio • ft.Ill or part tilne for tlio pl-I of Mutual F~ Adv'-t, Domatlc Pononnel. Npt a. lib! w-- ARGUS A&BICIS AlllOUllCll C o o k a. HoUll!kttpen. 1.4. 1212 N. ~ -O>mpanloao. O>aut-~ ·-·FamllyRancb i. .... and Cnapla. u.. in -·-Home "'"' beao.d • mtor-.. oul AD DomeoUc ,..._ $500. IMJ, GUAR. edpool.$38.500; 19,000<qUI-11om,.. paid .by..,.,.. u ,.. .,... our.....,._ ~ Jor Boat, Lot. UllJtl 1 ployer. Top wageal Ca 11 menta. Rnllor m-<392 Mia Abby, 548-17911 Full °' Part Time Honolulu, Hawaii; oep. A-us A-1- bome Condo Complex. ! ~'!:I ~·-•• NO EXPER. NEC. Br. 2 ba. Val $4(.{8); $14.· 1169 C Newport Blvd. we haw ·students who an ClXI eq. Trade part equity Coste MtH ~ $900. month A: more. tor Jacal. Realtor, m-28lli Chine.e llv~b'ta. Cbeerfu1 Wondertul O>. bt.neftta. ~ trade My Blue Book Pcmwlonl -tlftmen4 -lallmtlon,,tn. St1m" for Yovr G .... n Far F.ast Apncy 60-l'ftl1 ~. etc~ · . NEED P.._,. for my 5 ......,. Stampa. 536-3249 Newport B. 642~110 FACTORY • T ec:hnlc:lan • -In testing -........ -""" -.......... VALOR Monufactunr of tlio a--. 6 Wlq4oro 3 "'"""'-" 6Tral- VALOR ELECTRQNICS, INC. 3100 Pullma.n St. -CO.ta __ _ . HOMSSES Full Time APPLY Ill PEJUlON 9 to 5 P.M. RBJBBI E. lH 151 E. Coa1t Highway Newport Beech WAITRESSES ELECTRONICS t ••" Exporloncod • 0..r 21 ' '"""· APPLY ' AMIGOS 3100 Pullman St. Crilta Mesa -M0-8261. ~old::-=~ 7.0NED M-1 w/ home lo ... F..-d p-., \IT, """1 Help Wonltcl, Mon 7200 W"'mln-192~11 ......,. W~~ $20M'-~-ehomeq u it y. for cam-. Auto. trans. S.Jeamen • C.metory ...,. '· ......., • .-· EW1'mllJ!BnAl F1mlly Rfft1ur1nt BABYSfTl'lNG..., °'-. -' ;,., ar quiet home. ~1f S:;,.';:-~.s~' Ul'Ulll'I 1,";'" ~ ":, "':,... '""": ~ARPENTERS* '21 I!. 17th SI. -my No. Hun-8ch Phono 645-0139-~ MACHlllSTS ...,., Tblnk,.,.. can ..n In Coate -6'2..C262 Real Estate Loens 6340 home. Vic Edwardl le Ocean view tri.Jevel unit. the home? Pacllic View With --'·"---..._ __ ... .......--_ , ---------F.dh!&a' 897...sE Oceantront lot tor income UJl,KllR: ........................ 1- Immediate oeentiw tor • .,. ___ .., .. three )'U1'I upa'. Good ........ -pluo • llbenlbeoellt ........... a new atN:iond. plant, Joe. io ... '"'-Ind. ~ EVENING JNDORVIEWS MAY BE ARRANCED wml VARIAN DATA MACHINES :m:I )(ICHEL'lON 'DllJV1; ()fichrlU1 Dr. at Jamboree Rd.l cn4> 833-2«0 * Hourlr Tell er * Hourtr NCR Proof Machine Oper. EXPERlENCE PREFERRED Bonk of America NT /SA 11691 Main St. Huntington Buch M1-3Soll XT. 3' Equalopporlunltyomployor Waitress APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 w. """"" Coste Mna HOME LOANS . duplex & comm. Incl vacant e Apple Vlb' kit kw TD, RIO Memorial Park, N.IL otters ence. Excelh!nt bmelita. 11& .. 90" fU1anclnc at 'll(" CHlLD C... tor mothen "°""' lol 125.000 VaL Lo-car/mob!• -Inn e 12/unlts ~ -uctlon line. DI-• -""""oppor-,.,,,,., ID ponon. SECRETARY 1nterat. a.ck" c:m 6.9% who have to work" and don't catm 1n Morro Bey. wm ...i-expertera requ1r-tunlty, Full trainfns. start LVN's ....,... " 2nd TD fmnl. want to 1eo. .. the~ cbildftn ....,. Im '?' -for ..., ·or ""~ 548-llill od. 5 yr. minimum. Attn<> """"' !Int -"-What EXPLORER $421. lo $5'$. 3 lo 11 & 11 to 7 Sattler~ Co. Inc. just aQ;yWbeft. 6t6-8662 :iood VW combi '65 w/lSOO Doyle Co., nes 615-191'1 ttve wages and bmefit&. does U COit to invffijgate? 2 Position. Xlnt opportunity nd Rell f 3!6E.17thSl wnL """''"my bome-t •nc.38,71lOmtFor""""', """''°"'-~!Ural Adv•~cot1c~:::.t1~lnc. ean "'· w.ro r.r appt MOTORHOME ~ ~~~:N ... .,,~a1...,..,e....,1ta1. 60-tln 545-0&11 er J clddrn from -.P 1% Karman Ghia or VW bu& ~ ~ne~ sm tmm~ 646-716?i 64f-«ll2 Min 2 yrs office op. Full Scheduled to open elld of. Ewl. 613-7865 60-ll57 on. ~ ,.m. sood mea1a. ot like value. It.mo. An equal. opportunity SOLID 1NC0 ME OP· 4000 C:.mpVs Dr. benefits. Jan. Apply in perni. !93 By wk only. 64S-2U7 64&-'l2m MS-2:209 employer PORTUNlTY for man in Newport leach H01Pllal Rd. romer New· ANNOUNCEMENTS MATURE ..... will ...... 10 un1i. -sm Mod 20 ac hone nncb. ful. * SALESMEN * Beach Clt!<a atta. Cub Gowmmont Agency ID Org. pm< A lloopltal Rd, N.B. •., •nd NOTICES eva in )'Olli' home or p: net per _mo. hlc:ome. Trade ~_·dn 1r net. 2 wtlla. S Lupat_ _ ,...us!_ve ....-.. ... -bonus and frlnp be~tl Co. Call 5f0..2Pl0 or 962-2417, WANTED: Qua l 11 i e d in. p~=·--=---a--:.:) ,.]I_ own.JranL N.B. aiu..jzret.. T.D.'s, land, or r Aaenll ~--· c-::rt. •-·--, -..___.:;;::,.-_~ available. No e~ YOUNG Mr. Silvnttt. dMduaJ to do incume tax •· l"'VUl"Kll \rri l'lllm .....,.., 6"-2156 owner. 646-2629 er zu. -houel, .1.• stalls. 9M ft bun .. .....,~--~r·~u ... ., uv.... needed. Full or part time. turna. 1 d 1 l d YELLOW • wbllo ..... .,. BABYsrrTING My ...... ........ :;.."'\ :';~ ~ ::~ =...~ Air mall c_ D. Byu, Kl~~JE~~~~:EE Auto ~rvic:e ::'-.,..· ~::!!'. ' ' ty. Found near Harbor 1 Reuor-.ble. Coll~ Prt Beaut wooded bk!& Jots. tr. mUectiona. All ltada rum. Omlolldated P A V Corp., Cashier Full er part time. Contact Baker st. CM. Call \aft 6 area. <ore> 511-7000 on yr.round rtver, pvd nil. = 1(7tl.~!.':~ 4:i ilbe4.11 )'OU are a top l&lea-~o.:i.,mdg., Oeveland, Perrnannrt. Full time job. n.ny sales aummary, war. JB.·-~under'*ln. W_estem , : I wknd& 545-C51B BABYSITI'ING my borne. pwr. Lake Suc:cess. Porter-""'"-man and a auod cloaer call: Clance far advancement. ty pair crief'I M ~ Service Inc. 563 UWE b1l: female Cdlie w/ Prd 5 ~ wt. CM. &reL ~~ ~ 1::::ce :.~ ~~~~ (ll4) 9'Ul61 ' . FLS 6 SERVICE APPLY IN PERSON :-:Ve ~nt ~-" • 1 ~~19th St., C.M. r~ _,, wht rlqi -• all. -Roaonable. --~--""' ..... ".....,..alt 1 pm IF ll.l!llO IN A MONTH in-PART nM£ 64%--~ No O>llu. Vic s.A.~ DEPENl>ABIZ .... earo. """' H.owall -ncu now HAVE' 5 two BR -._..,... ••• ,... .,_ BOB'S BIG BOY OJMBl!IATION, Sharp Bar WORK IN CdM 5'9-1355 Pftl wldy ..,. of :M yn. homo 119.!IOO, lroo A door. "'· Openlna tor man .,.. $250. PER MONTH 15' E. 17U> Sl Ma1do A Go Go llanouL SECREI'ARY for Local In- FOUND: Wblte rood 1.e Lie. Hrls'/ s.kl!r. M&--1539 Trade for 3 or 4 BR home ~io :e ~'io 40 in Beach Cities area. Need men now. Must be neat C.osta Mesa Top wqes $3.0041.50 to surance I: Mutual Fund female: vie. k1nhlfr'ury BABYSl'ITING Corona del Mar Hlih School ,. i• um•· No experience required and .......... salve. Work 6 to start. Ph. for int . ., • ., ........, work. RequJn Aborthatd • • :my home, d'~'-"•N•-ru .. ·--• ... ,.. __ .. .........-~ must"-'--bill Lane. Newport Bt&ch. Cc. days onb'· Xlnt rdennoe& .. , ..._..v ... 1 ~ 111,,_ Bob Ollon. RJtr. 546-5580 .....an bonule1. Air mail H. 10:30 P.M. 547-7782 SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, ......, ly. Sal-== Pin Fl!noed )'d. 98:J...C'16f 60X300 lot. free, clear, 2.162 Have luxury 1-cty, duplex ~~teCor,, Prea., Texas Oraft1rNn-Mec:hanlcal Y=~:': tr!8in :r,:: C.M. ~ C.:~ =tll,k?·~ • found WOULD like chlJd J )'J'I fl Santa Ana Ave. Trade for oa Upper Bay, N'pt Beach. Worth, Texu ~ 711. Ft. Some experience. Sal a r Y 1aln work 4: cook. The Zoo, E ti Secnt 92625 vlc. Newport Beach. lnitlal' older to care tor D\1 home home or units. Owner, H. 3 BR., 2 bL $24,000 Equity. commensurate with uperi-Coaat Hwy &: MacArthur xecu ve iry ;....;.7=====-~ Pleue identify. Mon-Ft1.6'l5-'2!n Redfem.'49W.Menchelt· WantteuonedT.0.'•. WANTED:Qualifledin-ence and trainlne· Good CdM 'Toptkills~.attn~ LAUNDRESS WILL ._.__., ~ YO•"' u, Jnilewood, Cal. Owner (213) Ml.J.368 dividual to do income tax compa,ny. ~work. LAMINATOR w/IUrf ... __ _. tive I: ~e. Miru. Full time B,_ ~·~ Id-__ ,_ _.,J'_ u, ... ~ rebO'nl.-1 nd.1 v t •.a al• .;;..a.: ___ .. _ AYL ~ mum --•·-- vu ~~ ~ HOME any hour $1.l5 hr.; * * * * * P.-po. ~bon• -· ~ --A -U boat --· ---l6r --;.;,,.;:-· Apply In Ponon hoxl In Huuthcton Beacb 24 br. rats. 548--1389 • * . ._...,.. c.oata Mesa ACC'Ul'1lte Systems, Inc. l9l6 r•......, · Huntiqfton Beacb nr. Wtltmlmter .. lff .. m.2 ~ ~ Cont.a.ct e MANAGER TRAINEE. Placentia Ave., C.M. FOTOMA T Or Ive Thru Convaleacent Hospital Bl.ACX 1: Wb1te long batftd SERVICE DIRECTORY .. ..:K'Y1\oll: Ut'(t"-1UWY Wemm Buainea Sttv. lDc. Neat appearance able to Eqierienced fr)' cook with Photo a.lea, evel)ine Work, 18"r.n De!awar St., Hnta Bcb doc. Female. Vic. 15th 6 Brl~ Mnonry, etc. 6llO 563 w. 19th St., C.M. meet and deal with the ttferencn. Houn 7 to l. 3 to 9 pm. Age 19-22. HOSPITALITY Homa ls 8th st. Bal Pmrl. 6?S-3J23 6560 C.l'p9f C'-nlnt1 · 6625 Landacaplnt 5t6-l250 M2-02U public. Full time. Must ap-Benton'& Cofiee Shop. 201 E. 17th St., CM "2-5101 looklnc fCC' mature_ Woman BLK cocker type female, fat. eun.o, Remodel. v ...... • CARP£:?' 6 FUrn. claenillc: $PRINKLERS e IHSTRUCI'ORS _ Full ply in penon, Holld.Q 133 So. Cout Hlwy, Laguna HOUSEKEEPER & , child to we~me D!Wcom.!TI to Hu Jump CID tummy. Vlc ~-_... for 1 dq tervice I: quality I Sod 1A. Health Spa., 2000 Harbor, commuruty Must b ~· p•·ue _., "'~" ..,.... Brick. block, con ert: t •, --'"" __ ,, s·~1n1 ._ ~,!:!!.I: Bonded. Ot/utd part time. Nee.t ap. C.M. PART Time, daµy, goU club care, private room I: bath, +.m..Wfiter "car .~ be•~-e ~ ~::-;;:-ail1ar ~~tr~~too small. ~!~ -00~·;~.-M-• :ee~M:!ibewt~U: TV TECH, COLOR &: equipment attendant ~~· s~: a w~!pei:. di:bie. ApPq 28S'ia.t M~ .,..,...,. Bench &: ouWde. Major Co. ~~Ana Country Cub. Mo. ~ vaca · St., Suite 7, Twltin. 544-6925 -knot tan. vie. 8tb SL. CARPET A !=ihn'o-... Gard<olnl A 1'andlcaplnc, publlc, p>d ...,._ Apply benofit., paid holid .... We WAf<TEI), ---ltB. ~78 Carpenfertnt1 6590 tnc. 1aylnc &1 npalr. Call Joe Corral 962-4164 In pe.non, Rolklay Health I: rried. Ins. and sick tuw. e FRY COOK . App I y, HOUSEKEEPER, live -Jn: ' ve ~ BEAUTIFUL Satin Black REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Gttouard Carpet. 60-8656 Spa. 2300 ffarJxr •. Blvd... PACKARD IELt I1ytng Butler, 3101 Newport woman alone, hanl!tcaJ>Ped: manager. Com PI e te young cal Owner pl Paperblnfl"I C.M. Blvd. N.B. 673-09T7 no lltting. S25 Wk. Call Moll-.. ~~ of .~ iden•w.• 56«rl'6 eue CABINETS, A1J3 me Job. Electrlctl 6640 Pafntlnt 6l50 117 Cablillo, Costa Mna day 642-2232 •= ... ledaer ...... finan.. UV'• Z yrs. exper. 5C8-6713 CARPET Cleaner trainre, FULL TIME lite mechanica. ARCH. DRAFTSMAN cial atatement ~ MASI'ER carpenter, $4 per Ft.AG Elect:r1c, gen1 elec> VET'S Bonded pa In I In I· ~ manied man 25 to $2.00 per hr. + comm. Dam. Polnt Office 496-33n WANT Part time H.B. area. Call Mr. Lost 6401 hour. Remodeling -Repain. triclanL Comc'l, re a.• .Free Eat. U 6 Insur 35. No exp. nee. Good FULL It PART TIME '""· houaelcttper or be.byaitter (1 Robinson 342-7781 • 1--------'-'-..... .,.,.... Malnt. Sm jobs w • 1 e. Small • c. • worldn cond. frna: bvidit:a. ta. -·-11 -+ child) momtnp only. s""'==,,,-=-,,..,-~-1 LOST, vie. N'pt. u ....... ·-· ~or 536-3900 job& we I come, w rk • a,uJW•w .ou comm. .a-nciel Women .,_ .,,, ........ USINESS la Good! Jamaica ._ ... --. 5'~1045 f;42..()427 o lnto ~ man posi-ir. Hunt. Deb. For ·-* ...,. , ,_ ......--..... Inn H~l ~.1-• -PARTWeimarantt doc PHONE Mark 642-9719. !Ion Xlnt .. -... 1 ... •-_I'.. vu::·~ ............. ~"' • • , I"'"-...... .,, ..... call (213) 566-0966 EXPER. Balcer;r Salesiirl. maids• f'ull or part time ~wn.~~ 1::;. = = :.,~.:= Gardening 66IO ~ wa:i kl~ 0 ~ e ~~ rieht penan. 549-'425 PRE • Pree Fiber Gius Cllnlcal Socl1I Con tac~ Mr. R1chard9on, Apply• ln pe1'110n, 2101 E: to bead. Family mbenb1e. ANTHONY'S Material I labor. F.et. JANITOR ter'Vil::e, full time I: Aaaembly Tr a In e e Worker to $1074 Trotter 1 BaJctty 234 Forest Coast Hwy, CdM Or call ft'ftld. MS-S'lSS: ~191!1 Cement, Concrwte 6600 G.rden Service 847-1659 night man. Must have ap. Meclwdca.I aptitude. Telo Must haw MSW degree tn Av. Lquna Bch. for app't. BLACK. atinHe Pug, at 646-1941 e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE tn fkx:I' care, window Division. Woolat:y Marine soclal welfare, 3 years ex-NEEDED: Experlencel-O=N':E:-G=11t."L-:O"F"F-IC __ E_ around 17., Sl ·-c•• CEMENT work. no job too O washing I ceneral cleaning. Jnduatrin. Inc. 887 West pmence Will be worldnc Seamstress. Call 497-Ul5. ....... ..._ llD&l1. ttaaonaNe. F BUDGET LANDSCAPING J B. Xlnt work. refs, fr'ff Part time help a1ao needed 16th St., N~642-G61 • between U • 5 PM for General ottlce work. Book-= Ask tor lam.. estim. IL Stutlick. ~ • ~~~t;:" est JIM. &U-1669, 642-752&. 549-2425.. e SILK SCREEN e in administrative capacity, an interview. :P:; ~~ °:: e BEST IN CONCRETE Eap. Horticulturist p ~G, lntrr.-exterlor KlTOtEN He Ip er + Silk 9Crftn printer reqllired. Premier WOULD You like to make 1on. Call 642-9.JOO for inter-~~~~ Walb, pool ctma, &on. AL'S Gardening Ser v 1 c • e~a:· M:-Free ~~18hlnl· •,., ...... ITDitt'. Exp'd. with circuit board. Personnel Agency ~ $5.S-hr. uNBEAUTY view on Jan. 15th. .--Patiol. Phone 64U514 VVIO".-yrs o iiee erry &early job with prospects. t..UUN ELOR? o can-WAITRESS ~te~.U= NO job too tarp or small. :': =~~~ ~or SERExt.VIPCE~~: lnCMdeli. 495 E. 17th St., S767 Birch St, N.B. 546-7190 ~ E. 17th St., C.M. vassing, 675-{8)9 over, lull Ir. ~~meU A~ RED/Orange Manx. & Mo. Llcerwed • lnsumL Free JAPANESE Gardtning. Prof ~est. 548-t62T.....,.. . . BARBER/Mgr. or rent 2 646-0531 EXPER!ENCED ()puaton ply in ~2 PM. to 5 Parlr est. 892--2900 or 536-479i Malnt. Land 1 cap l n I e BOAT CARPENTERS chair eatabllahed 1 bop. llGC E. 17th St., S.A. wanted for dn!uea. Top PM dally. Snack Shop lr ~~::: Generous 'I1myk Concrete, no job Cleanup. 637-6951 PAPER HANGING • MILL MEN $37.50 week. ~1544 547-tnl Pay. 86.1 Production Pt, NB. Harbo:' It 19th CM . BEIGE rmale Cocb tomoall.Ffteestimatea. JAP~ Gardener. P~G J•~ EXP'D. COUNTERMAN e KEYPUNCH-.---646-0308 · TEACHER~. babyattter 'wJm Fold t.CJSt~ 7 e 646-1234 e Complete-Service. Ex· e;enFi&her C.M' *CITY A1.n'O PARTS* OPERATORS GENERAL Ole/Order desk. for 2 mo old baby my · e. ' • 2072 Plact:n .. - C.M. •1..1.-oeumetica1. Loni Ov. n_. Mature w/pleu. home, old-1 .. ..i .. ',,,_t_ n .. _.___ un 645-~-CON~ work, all..._ --..i...__. Reliable K2-CJ9 Pl.a.terin"'_, Reo:ir r.CLO .~.. ~A~ ~-••-•t _ _;;;=~=c:-=-=:;__ ~-"" ~ r·~ ,,_,, __ .,., ,,D """"' ...,.,..... ..,.._..._..... · :it -~ ~~ ~r.o. .........,,.... term ...t&Junenta. day&. tel ww:.-e, for comm. 673-84 LOS1':, Cllild'a white 1Dy ~ decks &: C\lltDm. Call C'ut .l U,. Lawn e PATS a----, all )'Otl be ll!llrw the hottest BOAT Builders -part ttme. Long Beach mu. Free blueprint &hop 540-9373 EXPERIENCED S, w In male poodle, vie. Mta ·Del _,..ll)f . Maintt'nanct:. IJoenaed • ----area Hwrtlr'vtOn Bea.ch" Evu " weekends. Ex-g 0 CUSTOM PATIOS e 548-tlDl/645-2310 aft ' Typn. 1'fe. estimate. Call Villale Real Eatate 5162-Nri. perience neeeuary. ST3-25l7 parldrw, GIRL Friday; payroll, typ. Machine Operators. Few Kat. a.ta lieu. 546-Zll ocncrete •wltW •removal 5(0..6825 ot 546-8103 EXPER. Service stat 1 0 n KELLY SERVICES INC. ing, acct'• payable 1: tn.inttl being accepted REWARD! Man'• blk wallet State Uc.• 80-lOlO Ctn' A edp lawn compl Attn'dnl Full time, Appl)i 230 E. 3rd Strttt n!Cdvable. Space-Tele, 1922 2907 s. Oak, s. A. 'l:l>-3:30. · ··=:~1:t.·, ~ c.M. ~ 5f6..6Z1 eva Plumblftl "90 BUSiln ~ Ill · 159'1 Pla.coenUa, C.M. Long Beach. Cjalll Placentia, CM. 642-7'263 HOUSEMAID. 4 day11/wk, 8 Chlld C1re 6610 town. 1bt D~Y PD.Dr Equal opportun~~~= HOUSEKEEPER. 11 ve -1 n hn/day, $2 hr. Particular. : U~n )'OW'C -r I •---I .._..__ PLUMBJNG 2t br. M:l'V. Oul:lfted eect1aD-Sift KENNEL Man, exp. prefer-motherless home. Newport Do all house w 0 r k parrot; vie. llarlxr SchL. YOUNG Mothef' will ~ 1 ......-CM ~ Work SUU'· Uc., lnsur.; llDCIM:J, Ume a ~ 1.ool red. steady, Hn. open. TIM Newport Personnel area. 2 Oilldn!n, agea 14-16. RefereDCt:a. 494-3892 ' .r.ntaln Vallq ~ frr 10'lf' child. Fenced yard HEATING 6 AJr Cobd.. Serv rernockt. ft'Pl)r, rool:u' ~.. nowl!I &C-3840 Temporary Agency Prefer under 40. 531-1450 BOOKKEEPERS part time JilAN'S black wallet. V1c flat bot lunchea. Mqnolla ii ii repair, aJm Wuber 6 531-'1566 Often you: L lli&hest hoUr'1 ELECTRONIC ASSEMBl·Y days ot ewntnp to ~ SL on bw:b aru. NB. ID Adama (Glen Mar Tract), dryer repair. 34 hr IU'\I. PWMBJNG REPAIR Help W~ Men 7200Help W~ Men 7200 nt. (no fee to YoQ!) 1 D 1: SOLDERING. 1!i mo'• ex-on income tu returns, Ql1 ftlnah&e. Rf:wud. M&-nx> HB 9fi2.6M5 IC-1237 er &17~ No job too mnall slcnmenta: dote to home. 3. per. Apply In per.:an 8:il 893-6102 or 531-5m I WILL bllbyait, my homt, HAUUNG. Cleanup prqea, 4 &a.ma e Spedal ~ta I: beman. W. 18th St., C.M. CASHIER • Coocesak>n . .,Pec..;;.•;.101:;;nc:•:;;lt;.... __ _;6405...;;;.o I 5 days week. 2H5 Anaheim odd Jot. etc. Fret est. Jim DESIGN ~tero::~ Dr., N.B. Responlible woman to cart: Muat be 11 or oldeT. ~; r LICENSID A,.., Of_ 6U-MS2 5'8-6325, anytimo Remodel. Ropolr, 69'0 SENIOR 642-3170 I« 10 month old""" My Port Thoa.,,,, 0.-de! 1 Spiritual rudlqp. ldvice Contractwt 6620 Hauling 4730 1:.,1~~ needor .. ~ For Penonal & home. Permanent. 495-0'.19 Mar. art. l!i, eves. ~ =-~ ~~te. i.--ROO...;.MS=;.;ADOc__m_OtlS_;;.:;;:•; la.EAN Lob. prqs ebJ. M:"&U.1m _.... ._... DESIGN CHECK ER confldtntlil placement DRY Cir~~ lirlL No PH~er!u~~..'!ry &«13' 10 All'·10 PM I...T. O::mtruc6cm n. l'f!IDIW'a), dump. skip Call 541-8550 before noon Holiday HeaJtb Spa 2300 , PAC1f1c SINGLES hmfl1 ......, .,_ "' baddloe, 1111, •'ad•· Sowl"' "'° Eleclro-Mecblnk1I • V•t.r-• OPERATORS Blind ....,,. ..._, c..ta M• .. Joi attnctfte Ml1e: .aultl units. SlJWle lltlr7 or 2; 90-ITtS • ~A11U1t.tiam P.llCefnent Agency hand ~ ~ ~tic-DRUG 'who want ., _, olhen piano ..-dalcned. ~ LITE Haullnr • cleanup. Spoda1 "' Homa Requires 7 yean of electro • mecbanlcol "2 w. 191h St., C.M. .,.. exper. "2-2606 N.B. Clork, OXperi•ncod. who ... particalar. 5fl5.15.l4 teimatfll a 1Qovt. ~ Reuonable. A:tf1 aru. Call * 6*Mtl * design checking experience in 1erospace -===-c'4~''-1'-13--'1~~-1LEGAL ~. muat be • l!i'T!>-OS44 • I-"~ e 11'1..t511 e l!iO-J657 ALTERATIONS l cu.tom vehicles and AGE etectro-mechanic:al ~ack· BEAUTY Operatnr, fully ex· fut. aceurate :ypist, .:me TEACHER wants bah)'J:ltttt ' YOUNG WOMAN Addidllm * Remodelirw TRIM. bedce. trtts.. Gen. ~. vm r 1 n e aging. Must be familiar with MIL apecifica-pnienced. Mmt ha~ eooci tlh. D-&IOO nr 53"807I wk.da:;ya ln home. Lido lsle -dancer "'11 tea.di )'OU an Fred JI. Gerwidr. Uc. dean-up, name ni I baW. watk. App't. MPrnOt lions. Degree or 2 vears college plus appro-~ --~~~ment RN'• and LVN'• Ref. reqd. 6'1l-3841. Afl s ' ( la6m ·~ Call ArdeD m.«M1 * 504110 tt.uona.ble. go.a Alteratl--"2 ...... prtate experience In lieu of education ~ P* · "-Vt'V m penon Huntington 8eacb area. BABYSlTTER, Mature, our 213.: Sr9'1"'6111·10 PM •nom-s ·~·-HAUIJNG .. , .... ..__,... ._ --~..... u1r d Tun. Ja_n. 14 -6 P.M. 847-91i71 borne. s -'-·-. ,...__ n-..-... ,.... ...,... -._...__.. -• ~~ " N,.t, ·--to, --,_ q e · .. 9 P.M. --•-"° W ~" v•" --~ e Selectlw SintJ;lea e What type or Clamplnioa an )'OU •ldr-1 Call Cabinets .. lUotk hnota.. malnL; no )>b too amaU. !===-=·-=·=-=·=·-=-... Appty In Penon or C1ll Dth St.. eo.ta"'M'e's. . HAIRDRESSDl s boys. 64.>1'53 aft 6 p.m. ,.,... fldkna-. -R<u. ,...,_ m.et9 Evoa. TILi. Ceramic 697' (71') SIM030 Collfuru do ,.,,.,.., ll(H IJVE.fN ............ for I 6CMl'll Hom to I PM Carpet c-~ 6625 Hewec ... ftlnt 67U * V..-nt, the Tti. Mah • 3333 Harbor Blvd.. Cotta Men, Callf. s.e Betty 8"ice at Beach Blvd., H.B. aa.ws elcJerbo a>uple; mature ~ tor cart« Girt& MANICURIST wcman SC"'eL M'l-6661 &nilllyW NO Clmk:t! JMllt apert cpt * APT. ~ * • C\iat. work. Imtall A repairs. --00 -.. a -doc-at -hit a -MUJM No loll ... mna1L P1M1tt P.~ Bal llZS a.ta,,__ pr\cw!s. ~-"'"'2T!7 WoJJAMS CLl:ANING Pltch. ~ •how•r I!~~~~~~~~ npaJr. MT-LllS7-WALL 'TO WAIL CUPft SERV. ~~IUMa~ '410 Cleaning ii ezpef't We&dlftf 6995 Ml..ilo Symma Olvlalon All1llllc Reselrcll CORPORATIOll WAI.Tm -' ·-""""""" ........ -,,.., 6755 ----_lllG ...... _· __ ...:.:.::;c -"~ .. Burnln1 : A~ ~--r ,. c 11111 ~ a brw M«lfDI# DlALdlnct...,._Oiarat EXPERIENCED Iron lag parta~ equipment; ........ ,.,. .. ,. ....... ...,. ~ •t 11.17 lllriml Dr. ,_ ad, Cba • ..,.. _, $1.15 ht. R • f • r •a e • a ~ ~ Ca 11 An ecJU&I oDPOrtunlty tmpkJJ'er -''-------;~1111=•::....:"':..:"'"::....:':•:•:.• ,;;dlor~t IMl-1111 or -anytime. l3M7l:I 'll•••••ml!!I•••••••• I 1 • '10 W. Out Hwy., N. B. Colttufts de P'emrM. 11414 HOU~ Di By oppolol '*"'839 _,,Blvd, H.B.·IG-WS U.. in 5 ..... ..._ fl50 HOUSEKEEPER. C b l l d MAID. Expw, OYtl' I>. 6 mo. CdM uu. f73..0051 oue, Uw-ln. &a low 2 a:rnan dtJwk. put tinw. SJ..75 br. Houaekttpe.r, live-In, hltl'P)' boys qes 2 A 4: tM-1.\21 !Apw, Bch $25. per wk. lowly rm. 5 ct.ya wt. Meal M&kt. 1...qunl Reef Motel. 962-'76S2 Vmt.. 5*).(l910: 546--6511 30808 S. ODal HW7 BAR Ma'd, full tlme:, nigh~ MANICURIST * ff..2005 * nnut be ftliahle. Apply WAl'trEO Part time hrtlp. Oftf 21 Knotty Kt'(. 646--9910 e "2-7100 e 5'S.HQ DAILY Pll.OI' WANT ADS? I OIS alMfl'l.OYMINT ~Mma 7 P=.iu AiHiiCT 441L11'1111, ~~ llNL 11'11 It, ~ti" FEMALE F.C. lkkpr. tSCJ0 Wet•d.v P•1roll 26 -·· -.. port, ... --ln-volcet, ~ 1n construction. a.ck Off! .. Modl<1l lo WS Certl!le<l -· must know t.ci office routine&, l.botl ol etc. Pttpare patJenta. ma-j· L19al Soc lo '475 o~ year leaal exi-rl· e~. trial exper1ence nice but not necnsary. Type 80, ihorthan4 100. sharp front otflet. , Sady/Roc~$400 Shorthand. 7 type 50 accurately, , re- recptlonllt. aharp. Will train bright Pl in banquet rnanacm1. Typist to $350 Type 50 aoeuratelY brleh~ malutt, Iv If I ~n u banquet man&· a:er. Girl Friday lo $390 Short.band 80, Qrpt: ac• curatf:ly, sharp eeneral o!llce. Pononnol Aaat '450+ Experienced Jn rttrUft. ' Ina • )llri'11 clerical worke'ra. Will work with........,._.. ment. Excellent ad· vancement opporlun· ity. C1tch up Girl, factory. $203. Day sh.itt, e~rlenc~ in prtnte·d ctrcults, clean up. U1e marneuc needle for cleanln1 · partlcale In PCB'" Finger dexterity. C11hlor lo $375 Good bookkeeping backaround, accounts payable, account. re· celvable, poaUna: and bala:ftclnr. NCR O,.ralor $391 Experlencf 1n NCR or Burrouitbl 100. po1tln1. lnventory, some typinr, ..,...ive. MALE Shool Motol, londl $2.75 hr Operate drill ptts111 power pre a a. power brake, machine rlvtt· lne" -· S1ndblarlor Aaaombly $2.50 hr 2 years experience In as.sem bb' u eandblut- "· Tochnlcal llluatnlor to $1000 10 years uperlence u U<chn1cal Wustrator. Will prepare technical handbook chartl. Art work for tl1p cbutt, upede:nce with air bruab and fnk tfclml .. ques. 2 ynrs coUege or comparable graphic art counts. Fee ne10-- tiable. Suporvltor Ent1lnoorlnt Sorvloo. $726. · Milltary complete. some co1=.:~•ed. know el com- ponents. Srl up A aU• pervlse •tockroom, Pl't'- Viou.s experlmte. Ordor Dotk to $J,50 hr Know induatrlal motor, p&l"tJ. exPUtence in order dnk. lnotallallons TMh $J-25 hr Know telephone 6 teJe.. l"•P~,_ buraler alum ir11tau..Uon UcJml. QUtl, R...,rchtMilper Ttalnoo $520 Carter poa!Uon with national concern tttk• inc younc mm with 2$ unlb of coll~~ ~ . 10 wrlb ln PbylleaJ Science a Math. FC lkkpr $550 up M!nimwn 4 YMl'I n· pertenoe eoet account- ing. aocountl payable_: weellly payroll tor "' people. Wiil 10 hilb• er for top man. loat lldr lo $3.20 hr Expt~ in ftber- slua lamlnallne • mo14lna in boat fliulld· ln1. factory Tmn ·$2.60 •'IO" tal~ ll004 -· cal conditfcn. ri.we aptlll.Hk. Schools ' and lnstructio_ns This variety of fine schoola could introduce you to anew tomorrow. Fer furth" Information r•9ardin9 th• Deny Pllef Schfflt. A ln1tnu::tton Directory CALL 642°5678, ·EXT. 225 ' -"'""""""' Appll .. flono "9r Tho SPRING SIMISTER --Commonclnt Jan. 27th, 196' .....,,.,......, zwa u" .,,., ..... fer ,.,_ ORANGE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE of LAW Vincent s. Dolslmtr, Du-; A Stat. Ctiart.rff N•il·P'reflt h1~tla11 ,,.,.,;., Slito 4•1tf1 fer th• C11lfej.11fa ler lff•lll•ffett. 111Mrl111 ltv-' llle11t1 """' ft••• • Ml11hr1111" PN l.et•I Mteeft•• ., E~11l•ele11t •• le~1i1lr•lll ~ th• C.Ut...le Itek hr. · fe11r Y11r "*tr•• In p,...,,._, Le141111 te J, O. f.hlrf1 OHMtJ Det,.• Call or •lilt tho .. mpus 17141 n1.asa1 12145 WESTMINSTIR AVINUE SANTAANA ; l.adloo Atot 24 plus • -n.na:o. OPENINGS roR runnu: roUNTAIN ' VAUEY omCE Wmtnin. _.......,. twill:)' for qualUled ladltt wUh mo....,.tlcal .,._. Extensive benttlta lnclQde: eeorn.,._Medleal Plan eGroopLl!elnlllr. • Prollt lbarlJ>c -.......... ·---pion •Proll•~- STACO, INC. NIEDED FULL TIME Apply __ .. the Unlqu< ... _.... with Newpo<t'1 -----.... -ident1&1/Commtrclal. PROPERTllS WEST 11128-Drt .. N-Beocb - Call now for -. • • ' " lrlfcsn ~· ·.'""' 1Mw ·'•·••:·-Training ' an Ev1l11tion Conference . .... I ' • "' a w~. Ccftine ~.-,.._ & ·10clll :lob . • Gradn •·12 HAMMOND •OIGAN Ytx1 do not have to own·~ lllllrwnent. Fr9e pnclloe· Ume. available. Repter now -clau llarta on Tal!lday, 1,,,. H, Placement ' • 5tnall C:lasMs llM at 7 P.M. Excellent tOclior. • lrnmtdlate AttentlOll Also cluaes tor 1econdiry & Intermedi- ate or ( a n lllldeUta. Noinlilal' tuition. si,n UP. now & avQld the, ruahl ~ start Thursday, Jan. 18. ,, , (Ele<trlo 'fypt-lltiRI· DMY (0..L oi MotOr \rehldtt) ' tt , Close Penona! s.,.l'llllotl · • Academics ,..elNd t.r Collete lnt1unc• FUN-~ltllAllllll6·lllOWlEDGABU Rent Orvan · · · S11NOnn (Mtcblm Sbcrtband) , R .. 1-NOW -IMMIDIATI anrwll-. Avallable Durlnt Term of Course. , R°'lstor NoWI Inquire for o0tall1 Do\T Ott WINI,.. APPOINTlltlNT AltliANOID BRICKER-WAR!;>~ .. Pelr ....... c-. .. _ ,._ 141-7~ • 14IM4l0 Hamn1'ond Organ Studios 2114 LC-H ... wwy. -Ml M• 6n..,H -.. ....,, I -- Edueatlonal ~enter CAL STATI Dll'T. OP IMPLOYMINT aH. Ja4 ..... 2117 Sootlr llhlol, I.A. -.Academic Anna's PN-School -lit tirade ANNOUNCES Betty.Jean Daleo 2211 Avocado Street Costa Mesa, Calllomla Chllcoa! School Of 'i')'plng In ID Lessons: 173 Del Mar Avenue COiia Mesa, California -.Ackievewunf FKllllloo for Enla..... lnrwlllTIOllt Register your lltu• ones-tor: Dear Mias Chilcoat: Tfound·my fllture llmlted bYtbe liCk of the typing aklll, and decided to remedy Ibis by taking the quick and easy "CHILCOAT NAME the FINGERS" ayatem. This 10 loslOfts courH w111 odd moro !hon $1,000.00 o yoor to my solory. I hoYO found o poalllon H Office Mano .. r ell • Smell Cleuea • lndlvid~1I Attention • Open Court Reedin9 • A Pull (fun) Loomlnt1 Pr .. ·ram • Full Dey S~J1ion1 e MUtlc e Art • Danclnt • Crooll" ActMtloo 4 ... to my bolnt1 ab.lo lo typo. • Extended Dey Cir• •·Transportation Fundamental Chri.tian Edueetlon • • Hot Lunchoa A Snacka . I do hope you w111 1>o oble to -thl1 1lmpfo oyalonr of typlnt1 In aH tho Stole Schoola. I am happy tliat you are able to. (i~e 10 mucli o! your 'time &n4 talent lo the Retanlecl puplla In FIUT .BAftlA DAY SCHOOL • A ... 2 lh""'th lat """" 2110 Thurln A ... Coot• Mou Pht 646-1444 the State Fal:view Sc:hOol here In Costa Mell. c;}t. ~ A molt hllppy student, win ~~se ·tt~. Betty..J:an Daleo 3GI . Magnolia Street Co1fo Meie, Califomi1 Ttltphone 548-1733 Sewf'J Machi,;.. 1120 Pio-a Orp• llM '6T l!INGl!:R compl with e BARGAIN I walnut conaole. Tramferred 2-Manual Arti1U 'J'blUn Spanish ~':h~m~!.':i ~w/~~ Mediterranean ......... boi-.. 1 ... hllnd -"""'· --••••••••••••••••••••• to isoo · hem.a I: overcaa:ll etc. No ,A1lo, .Ip:. •ltcUon ar: orpn -mu/G""1liveoutl400 llouslht 'Monufoctunt'i '61 ·Showroom Somplu attadt ...-. $31.15 CUh ·lllJl.-•- Employer Pa)'I J'et At , ............ I l,..W 1e1... ..... or auurnt $4.10 ar mo. NEWPORT ORCWCI ••!lliliiililliii••lc..,.. Allen Byland,,,.,.,, a• Wood carved IJ'tll divan, Jg. man'• chair euar ""1 -. c111 JOO w. Caul Hwr. ICJI 106-ll E. 18th. SA 1167-43911 or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oat din .. 1 .,.._ ee.imo · , ~ w/black or avocado framed clialrs; 8 Pc BR Y-ht or u......-ScMolo-lnatrucllOft 7600 set. 9-dr Mr. & Mn. dresser, If mirror 2 MU11<1I Inst. 112J Ptanot A Orp• Tho N _.. commodOI, decoraUve beadbolrd In Span!,h 11eo --at SchMJ 9f";':(.;... oak deaign with m11chln1 box 11prlngr, mat-BASS Guitar, cw • unp. Coast Miiie HAS A au""'-tr ... & frame. Xh>t cond $lJ5. I 8trlno 1·-u-, .... CM curuucuilJMro"R llom• Sold ' lndlvldually ...... w/vlnto + .... -· ..... ,.. ..... SUCCESS! Shop Aravnd -lloloro you buy -USI $60 m-Z211 646•0271 IU Do.or Dr., N.1. VALUI '1095.95-fULL PRICI $529.95 • GOOD vlollz> with PIANOS & ORGANS 646"0151 or tormo u low H $4.66,.,. _k -$30. -ram-"-Brutdto Ll&ililli cut; l)1ieWTliliilO NO'Down-U111 Our Store Charge Plan 1'15a2 <tT.e !Jiil ,,_ -. OllldrwD, lfllldchlldnn. ar No Fancy Front -BUT Quality ValUH Inside 8l'EREO --· a.., Also USED lmb™""' youneW lndlvlduallY 11> ' !00 with mlca .. _-. Oouhl MUtlc ~ -OdlCo<t 111 1euon1 APPROVED FURNITURE Ftnt $111 tabs. 5IMl'l3 lOl5 N. Matn. Suta a typtiw ochool. 111 Doi Mu, 2159 HARIOR, COSTA MHA So. al -11'7.-i CM. -12 Yurt aame locaUon same owners Planoo A Ort•• llJO lfoo •I'll 'ttl • tmlor lU MIRCHANDlll POR IS Dolly 9-9 al FREE ORGAN LE9SOllll Tolevtolon l20I SALi AND TRADI Sunday 1o.t roa BEGINNERS $419660 • Weeb ....... -... on RINT TV •10 Pumllurw IOOO , .,,_ .., tho -No Doposll • ll'lao-, Car W• Help 8PAN1BHFURKITUR!: -Orpo. y.., do not bo,. IKOOl ,.. TIUllD 113' a.kor St. Cot!il-549-3041 Full !Imo or Wltonds., RETURNED FROM to-ao h1ltnlmeot, net USEDTV11Z1•up.a.piln *DRIVERS* Mln11eU.-lll..-MODELHOMES.SAVINGS Pumlturo IOOO Gor!rSalo .8022 --•vapab.h 111 lhop "·-2111 UOO CAR WASH ro !0%. -qulltad GARAGE Sale· ~ -er now • Claia llartl -Bl.1 CM. - An ..... opportunity employer No Experl1nc• 411 E. 17th eom ,.,.. -• •o•uea~ 3 oaklivllw OUKK CASH ~.!'"by· ~ ... ~ w1p, ~~t:ct! . ., 1 19'•' ~ ~-TV' Nee---! ,.... taN.., 2 liv!Jw room ~ ..,. mon. 96>-"913 Also ..._. ,... secondu7 -u. -· ---1 A1"cloo, Mon A lampo A Spuilh palntfna. POR FURNITURE aintermedhto-• pm. m-42!1 Mllll havo d ... caJl1ornla Women 7150 El Pttolden" k In 111 u APPLIANCES OR ---"--"''-'-"'-----dr!Ww record. Appl)r bedroom lultt, oak triple ANTIQUES. DAY OR ~ll•n-1100 .._ ... llomlllol bd-.1--------1 YELLOW CAI CD. "SERVING FOR 39 YEAJIS" ....... .. mJmno, """' l\llGHT 636-3620 MAYTAG -~. :,':,up -.. a-tho FREE TO YOU Appllcallono loln9 181 !!:. Uth st. Wo Con find Tho headboard, 2 comm¢u. Quall Top loader, bleach FUN_ ENTEllTAllllllQ I N TAKIN Com M-RI!!'.!, Spot , ... You = ,mo: .. t..': bewttt!l' :":..::;.. '""""*'· Unt trap. Cleao KNOWIZDGl!:ABLE Md a Horner ,ULL TIMI LAGUNA Beacb Unllled rs Not Luck" g piece -MOU&ht IPl!t low>d•tlon. blloln 'PP""""""l3S.lf6.0908 Coll,lllo ___ I'm c.miaa Sl>epllltd and EMl'LOYMINT School Dl&tr!et II --"ll'a K-How" -<lfollll NL On!> $461. lrame, N,... ....i. $98. 4 YEAR old Electric s.... IWBIOND Lob mb, -, 4 -old. Pennanetrt0D4' a11pllcattona tar Lab FEMALEbIVISION $20. down A $4.50 Weekly, Worth$250.8'2"'536 in xlnt cond. Bat otttr. In CORONA DEL M.ut 1'veank9111M:k-..,ec:c. noatudentl ·-ma-. ~ l5 bra per wll. lalH .................. $520 1111-tel)l.J:uyc:rwdll PROVINCIAL Furn 6411-'911 l§IE.Cou!Hwy ~ ·-·lorp--lllo um.I ...atlon poy. Merit A-muat be U.S. Mtdlcal Ole. .......... l<Oll HAMILTON FURNITURE ...,.nable Col,,. TV i, lttlri&mlt« ~ WJ DAYS 111 mo to plq 111 ud -rai. .. ~ diacount:a. cltlRn. Pleue c n tact Gell. otnce ....... ,, ••• $350 5NI WN1mlmwr Av•. , aia'fo n:i W wu-n CM larp, xlnt .~ $50. Hl-15ai 1ovhw cut. 5a-C531 1121 five day week. Apply Mm-Paonnt1 orn~. 550 Blu-MUI Tn.inte1 • • • • • •• • .. Wf!ltmlneter. 8£M-"'3C dally 543-37i.6 . ......... ' -ORGANIC· FtrW!ltr, qlld day, Wtdnelday, Tbund&1 mont. 4.9f-15t6, before MALE DrvISION 10 a.m. to t p.m., Sat. ....,___ lllO HJctitr prkw an comJnc-i.... mamre ~ and Frlday, 9:30 to 4:00. l/IT/81 Time' Kffper •••••••·•• 1«77 JO a.m. to I p.m., Sun. SOFA, evoc.ado A ertme, ~ __ but we an .UU. diloountb'W with wood th&Ylnp. Good F. w. Woolwortll • MAN OR WOMAN. O>natrw:tlon .......... l380 Up.m.tolp.m_ loam cuahlona. Xh>t cond, VI ANTIQUIS on .............. "' tho -113&32 .. - 2300 H•bot llvcl. 2J to 60 "!"_;,•u':·~ p;,j' ,::' HIDE a bed, ....,. • u d $95. ea.ms SHOW AND SALi lut daJs al 'the ..... --I " 5 -~ allll'A MESA ,_ -e-. _.,,. ....,.,. ,... ,.... $100. s BR. .,., J..ld-. ,....,,. u, 11, 11. u llW lilL n will -,.., Fri. , vn -. ID to IO bra. a -11. SOME FREE 1-{ull ..... :Mwln. I' -8PECIAlrl4UST Si!:LLI Tb1in, rrt, S.t 1.JO PM -IO wait. 8llop .. boJ 2 YEAR old Water School, -or -SOME nz " lave .,.~ den --· 1-4 toot aora. Gold IT3. con Sunda1 lU PM -at , Sl'Oftlel, .u black. --htlpllil. """""°' In> ...,.. . • end .._ oo-ll1ttt I PM. llll41D8 LolW Bea'° Munldf)al Alldl-WARl>'I BAUlW1N fl'IJDIO -to loYo • -....... ...,, .von. u ........ _ MERCHANTS .. .-1 ........ a1ao ...,. ....... LolW -Blvd.• ll01 Nft1"ll. c.11. -a1ao -nn1. To aOic1 lnotoll-nt 'l'raJnlns: at our -· l .._ MaoJ other Olfloo l9ulpmont I011 Ocw\Ave. NEW YEAR'S i!PiX:WJ homf. ,.._ lilt Crodll Clork Mn 8-l3M20I pnrw 1 ...... """ ..u -VASr SfuC1i AIJia " & In Used FREI!: 1um1>er.,. a. ..., • Roal lototo •·IH uu111e1u. ' mos old, on me<11..,. Anaa·phono ""-· tum • """"'· Larr• lWOIOKD ORQAN8 ,.,_ beb.1 .._ • .::0.., UNlnD CALlfOllNIA -" w.;;;.. 200 w .. tellll llrlv. ........ ' ..... l'IUOOlblef Like-· JZIO. ...._ -JUI RT4 °"""'"Model .. $18 Totl.t. tank. ·a -IANK Lobby Olftee Coll '10-151:1 I In-ID e Newport Bled., c. M'. C3 With _. ..... 111'0 pattL -JU' -it m Ocoon A-... ':'°..::Z. ~-= ,! Comer 17th • IMne ,.,,...._ """''"" trom di. Nouoohof4 GMtfo aoij .3 PC motehli>( -...,, 111, :.i.un =-:.::. ':: lV-t St CM. all 4""" · __, msn .. -ll> N...,... Blodl ~=.::::....-lll(IO. O>mplett °"""'°"' l!ID -Walnut .... $CIO IWlBtl'f, -N •to T~ _._..,.......,.Mr ~1nona1 11pa111s11,......_ ... FUllNllllllKG8o1oat1ro 111, 111'......,. 1-. ...,Jioo•J'rl-aoodhomf•wlll- -· •••1•1 Roalty, or.. °"""1 ID FUINmURE ..... on,_ -s,.,.. 11W1a. 1W010ND . ,.. --• ..--_.,,ty....,.,,.. -ff5."'9 old. on ....,. -bll,. la CORONA DD. MAR -m.uJ3 W HOUSEKEEPER elWR smme COUPLI 1144Newllortlhol.CM ....,,,...-,.-.poa1 Sowl!)llMochl-1120 :lllCIE.Couti!WJ.-iffiiiiiiAXiiiGif111l'il'l p II Tl "-Shift w ..... wtlb -Oook a -evw/ DICbl ti. lllla: --Call JU. . ' -IWlllAlM> • _..,, Y• ..... Ii> -W1 !ti u .~j;;"'~ ..-,:..., .. tollOO,DnpioJorPQSlle. Wed.,8al .. 8Ua.'t81 "1Wm. .._,..,u~U. ---·--_,.,. toaoba" ~ Bwti ~klcatbl. m..m:s o bftnld 6 deu eut. Jtelo. KIRBY v a cu am ff.eCoo. toodM>mltSc. Np off till af ID mUn. a.t lao'I JD 1'1'$-1111 11M loth{MlrtapPllClnt ealotoam.,rn.No.COlll. 0.111.Y PD.or llDlll-,\. dltlonod, .........-U!1r =~c:.:-~~ &o.~r1sl>tbon. SPAYED--.-oll and ~ pol.I lly -,_ ~ -ta! OOVPLE wanted *>r -Call -Abby, ... Tiii UND. Too -• -,,..., w/atbdL F1i!f F1ol ' · a::mllln' lllUS(C co.. vace. Good lom"1..,, H ......, ,..,_ = ~ = l!lcll :'n~ ~IL-. pt-. AllGUS AGINCJll tor..,_. o 4q. Diii 131.115, IS -con ~ twLY Pnm WAHi' Alli u;n N. Mala, E. 0ooot UW.--QIW Joi•-----·I 1* C N"'1)0tt JJhrd., C.M. ..,, ' ' ' •ft)'Ume ~ & o..o.I , 81nt:t. Ana dtl Mar, t 10 5 lo ( I ) • ' . -•• ; ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' I • ~ 5 U Y "1ft' • TuttdoJ', ........,,~ lM -. o·¢W,Qllf~l0* Jll!I?.!~~-Ml!ROWIDISI l'Ca ~ATIDN 'WATIOll TUNSNITM'lllf T 'IUllSPORT~'ICIN ; <!!AM!~T~T,!I!! ~§I'll 1 i4f~~ LIA!:!~ ~IAf!QtyDI SW11111 tiitTNilis'·I '•I -._,_.._ .-~C:. ttOo~C.!t etJ!!I! Ml111ll =· MOOMllnll•RHllO MOO Mlo<.cW...W MIO '"""I.':": .... 214, -*'l'OH1MINS v""* roy•~1 • 'It Qi( 0... • Vllk DOME lWIY-MAHYFINAN<iEC~ANIES ;;?.(#,f"""'Pldf'v.;Slf'd. 1':f,f;,p-:Z -a ~~j.~1.._1~1 I~~ °'='=o ndlo, • • w~ IN·-,_ -~1111 •1 • i1r * Vil ~-':°', ''tU!Jl'lt'ACTUREllS--"-'-lCASHNOWllll lifS...iLMSTOC~ ~1111.nm..MMm l\C'M!f' O EtllUH ~-·°"' .... ii~ •. ~,., ~ 1111<•·-*" -.. Wn 1 . NO $Z50,000 •lll_ft"'!rJ Musi 6t 111 f DAILING _... ,-=. ,_ !="*'" . 9010 BU1!i'1cittl J i05m1!'ii;: CA C Rlf : .• • PUBLJC ADCTJON 1 ~~ 2 blue point.'! OWDal..-'=. = f DODGE VOLKSWAGEN l.~=:i!:.;,l!uu """O.luloXL • STEP, : '$.U . e , i :e.. ........ ..,,/185 .. ii-Bl"' .. (H"'.39 ,_. ·:!'lilff!>!O JlllOl-(FWltt!NJ'r •Jlttle'ole .. llred ·up .ft A· Wadnesd1y Hitt.:,>'!.,.. n. 15th ~ 1125 a.,:;z; r;;,:;.. '•••. , ..,.,... "' v:w . ...,, ....,.utloo ,_-CAD Alr PIS -·Sir/' blue, v ... avo., . ,I \1 · • .. '1aweMllquldcly.Youdun'thlnto 1 Dod>abvnd~'],"--~lolt !allk. ""'°'ff 95lo -.....·.,1ih·s1J!"'....,"':'-~~-~"50~L~ ~~.Q-ltf.ja BRAUI\ • r~ .... '"-'"nn&;'! •no , ' --~I --.;;,;;:,:-----··~":t"'l;'"'~--,; ' to IMly 11 do1l1ra prl.... ps. ,,._ ..,..1 wkl • ~ 1 wkl old. Now trarm..i. t!Ct .. ltllif 11" lltii'"' ""trad£.lh\'111"'8 '11' , '' HEW • male !)), fem. '15. .:,IUCE RED=. 'Cle % ;roa· ........... XL,! ........ !!qi. e..om iliira lf2:· OM.ms ar 5'4-<11134 • &fPllf • • e!eat.t" couches (velvet & olher fabric.), :i:" ~ -' -~ 'Ful11 :... ~· ;:., °c: 1=i',;,,;::;;.. ~~·:.:.: liJ!;:,:. De~~ :J:!>.: ~~:. ·111: n : llOld teat end & cclfee table., SpaniJb .-old .w.. AKC W °'""' 6IM739 &.iid. pa..,..... c I ' • exb&U<t. ......,., lmcutate, • • .lnlit; lftlbam • 1969 Jtedlternnean coffee & end tabl<S. Dmmg "". 111 32' flMtlJl 8&nb """'1 lb.,. -. l300 m 64MOl'6 k4.25!IO 1!nted rr1u&1.-.... , • • i;oom..U 'dliiell .. (Virtue with wrought iron = ~ • -PO. cr.!oir. lll!IJ ~·lr,Id l!ft.1'1rtod "utpe , 9'00 alter< PM · · <;!'E c1o ~· --. T Moo. old; adult • • l!lgli back chairs), lampo;, piclur<I, nwsive Si&EsE. A , '""4 "'· ..alt. m.ii1't.7'PM t IA>ot &,, 1~ ~ U1i1 V'l\I, ;;.,_' ,,k,4 1969 l!hlteO. whit., ~ clrtwn.6T.1·"191 • BUICK • C\151omblt .Gillesp1ebedroomsets.Sandhurg s.n-"1'1~-. 6 9100 W•:'l>o7morelor--1.IJ->l!di'& Int. Good $S250.SJ;M<6' 1911-i'Oiil c..m.,..,.....• • ,lledroomsets,game..U,many,mall)',olhers R""1an -Uttau Alrcr!ft ~ ot ,_ ..u. """"concL llDJ, 545-2622 aiv, ... ,....,,...,, w-.t.,adia.xint $!$00 ~·9'3' I in Spanlsh/Medit -maple contemporary ~ ' PrL Piiot Course • --,.,. .; be1on ,.. MS--0131 tra"""ta!on 1415. 6'l>.32lD ""m.ft1' • 8 croupo. GREATCW.tmo.female, ITS do. llO.H mo. M_,, ll"O odlt ll;LllORI:.., VW, ... _..._ --•· 1 '62 Ford • 1 USED inu.-., well.....,. Alrml!Sol&FM-M\)TORS. ___ ......._.~-o'loaul StotlenW-• • Soonish/Medit,Modern,Mliple.&Frenchl'ro-,,..,., -.tlftiL 1115. cnap Count1 -W--• ..--edia(t. St-. -t CHEVROLET • a.may '-.., V4, ...... ..,. ·vlnciaj.-couchea, Joye llWB. bi<\0-•·beds, occ • 831!17<S .....,. ar 516-1610 • •1\1 -~ f I'll -· mat!<. dlr, ...,, steering. ~ ~~ chairs. recilners, dinettes, din Yin eels. (SeV· ANG"& '61 ' vw, iiiliad. -'64 IMPALA " • MWl~'""'''l75 C8sh doll-. ""1 good bard rock maple w/tiutcbes), bul· ~Ptnochns Molijle~ 9200 ~ -·RIH.'-""'*-. r.ct.ey air. radio, boatrr • ...._will fine pm prty. • • lets ~as white c'1]opy l!edrm set, (a champ -· mbat "IL S lal Sa'-'S9 ANGLIA Sta. Wqon; ..._ att 5,lJ. automallc' tririL, P '"tr ~ ll8..,. month. 494-• • beati\y?), f6botany bednri ~ts, coffee & tnd .541-6494 -. ~ , ~ • ~ cond. Nd1 an tlM, iii VW llluat Mll! $50 or ~· Local car. Viery 9773 or 545-0634 •VI, •uto111•tlc, p • ..., , ,II tables., AU s'tyles -some with marble tops. ~. ~~-= 20' \n:U sl59B ~'.J. $91.19 OrE. owner. $300. m..Zl62 bm otttt. VZX.$::0 RC ••t••rin9, r•dlo, h11ter, ii•-• mo. incl. tu, Uc., del and M1·Jl25 ME URY htx• wh11I eov1ri., h••da -.u .... 455.B39/lll6. ....,,.._,,.......,.. AUSTIN H.EA"'rw .... vw0 .. '---"·to.~ GUAlllAl'ITY 1 ".l!_..,-i ... 1o "' "'"" ... ,.... Cqlor TV's -B ,& w TV's 2 blond Cod<er ......... 1 BAY HARIOR c -~ -..-v•g '63 MERCURT-..... , 9ZtO!tlf • All st.yles :-Stereos & Combos ma1.. 1 ,....... ' w... - . ... AUSl'IN "'·""'~ • ~· Am-Fm ndlo. """' . CHEVROLET Han!top. Alr. lmmaculAt. .• lmmadlll• O.llvery I 11..__._...,._..., ________ _.I 516-m> Mo!Hle H.,,,.. Sbow.,. ·•lb!Ui: i.....;;;:<· ' • ·-·";aeom Do>. • 'Ill E. 11th st. Book lltlJ5. Our Pm< 1896 $ Thomasville round marble top dining rm sets AKC reg. '""' """" Pups. 1425 ~ ~~-D.!iOO. si'r°'."!iiif"'. ~=-~~~ ~f":!" ~ .~ llfWPOl1bi MOJO}S ~ 199 : I bl to bull L D ks edar Chests l Weblyn line, & wkl old, n< u• ~ Fili . -..unJUllD' .. ._ sqta. ·• JUl ., • w mar e P e , es ' c • ""-'"" ~·· .' -. &RI .,,, .... -~ • :r '61 CHEVY 11 , • I pme sets, 8 pc Cherrywood din T'm 6els, REGISTERED German SEE the Dual WJde Road-\ ·, , "'r \f1 vw, ,SUi!l!J. W!'J' ,dean.. N 1 BeriliJ W. Wloibatfc .. 2035 llalbc!it Blvd. DOWN • slate top carved dresser, hospital beds, dee-lhort hair Pointer Pui-ti:r liner Pan American, Para-FERRARI $500. caab. bank un.net"&' :CS.. p:)Wtl' •teaiiw, R6o SIB-6294 5t8-85\1 •Pin '• _. U'"'9 ... orator items loo numerous lo list! New & aaJ $75 each &G-0933 motmt. Elite and General Newport lmporUi Ltd n.... s:rr.81 Mo. 0.A.C. 84'7~ cUD. Heate'!' + other extru. MERCURY MonteWr 196:5 !I .,,, .. .,. Ctfflt. 5MAC• Used mattress sets -all 6i%es. e, mohOe homes DOW at eoon.... _,_ ~ '&:f:.V,WA\ili r--. ---Low mnea.' # U31JJ! d~ ~ft)'. NI p;iwer. rr ... Fl•wJ.t.. • ____ ....;·----------... 1BOSTON T•rrl•n. 8 wks, Dual Wide Sales .... ~· -•-,-. -lot>L· v•-•« ·-$2090 . . A~. Exoellent condilloa! AKC CbarnJ._~ lino. O.,pman ~oh11e.Hom .. 1nc.. ~~~VICE· PARTS 11 no UW. .J-1:.-645--041'; GUARANTY = ~: """'' 111"' =-······-= Split Front & Double door near new, refrigerators • Refrigecators, washers, stoves, dryerS, freez.. ers, dishwashers. ANTIQl,IES King Louis 15th betlmt .. i., dining rm sets, hand carved Lion leJ library table, 7 pc 'true" French Provinctal bedrm seL Antique organ, clocks, mirrors, screens, glass lront oak•oecretary, bow front china comp! sets of china, cut .glass & MANY, MANY OTIJER ITEMS!?! A-OK Commission Gallery 7722. Gorclon • .G~ !II.Yd., Westmlnttar ,,, ...... .., .................... . ' ."°"" IUO 520-"s,~~',,S.A. "'::~C:..:f!!'· r -1·,o·~~.. CHEVROLET , .. COL PK ..... StaOnn • J~GUAR • 612-9'111 , ~lfl, ~/< 962-2'113 111 >:. 11th st. .....,., an-rond, foll '"'· • HEADQUARTERS 1 I YR A.Q.H..A. Matt. Prof TRAILER A: 'Cabana 1 « Authorized MG o,.ilei j i ~ ·f~ At Santa Ana Ftenny• ~78'4 Days. S .f 8-3 2 6 3 llC I S I S • trnd for interm rider WM'• 2 bdrm. Xlnt thnxxrt Phone ;'Sunroof e Sabta /.NA. 5'3-9.11l Eves. omp 1te a ei • erv- Stable, Lag Canyon Jid, uk: OR 3-2908 JAGIJAR1 . , i i .• , $975 • '65 COLONY ~t-9 pass. Ilic• end P•rts D•p•rt-a '°' Noney. 10 x 50 KIT -1 •962-1lli5 I -fWl P!"." fu. "'"" "f'ent for JAGUARS. • TRANSPORTATION 1 BR SPACIOUS "67 JAGUAR, ·s.a !,'"'piT ''8 VW conv, yellow, RIH (ageracK. $1195. 5f6-3665 I s,, Tltt bciti"t •• JU complete 64>1090 , lirb. pwr lltl' lttntte uph, XLNT ~ -, 1969 J•gwt.r Today • _ Boots & Y1dlll 9000 9215 'AM-FM.~ -~ Sll50llfm -.:1f5..4168• ' M. Ult ANG ~..... ••••• ="'----'--'----Motor Homa Low mi's.-xlnt cond. $COO. '66 vw. n.dk>,-sun:root. rl --wl!llc~~~ST CORTEZ-Yoo .... , b<U.Ye 633-8649 rondltton. "'"' Beach. 213: '65' MUSTANG • BRAND NEW • Mid • Wint.er Oearance on lb a '66-Jew mileqe tao XKE (bw. '63, fully restored 0>-191.f . Cpe. Bucket Bea'.t, automatic • l 969 • ama.tt boat.. a .... now and ~~~ ... , ~ pQI' -~ to new. Bit wired Int. nu '67 VW -Perfect conditloh. trans,, rlt.dlo, heater. Veey : • ....._ ,,. •• .._. '" -~· top. ~ Will ta'.kt older car in trade clean. Low miles. OWPW, a ·~~·Express Crulaer. rad· -54&--2622 w 6C-Oul $1095 OPEL Io, st•m "'°"" lra1lu 118'5. Mini Blkos 9275 MlltCEDES llNZ I '<O VW. $11> • • GUARANTY I 1 ·~~~.~ .. ~~' ': 2:,:::=,_!...,~i l<U<T =T COND. '66 EL CAMINO CHEVROLET • ONLY : w J"1rin, G ... '°' IOOd 1<> ' --• . VI, Fae. Air, ....... -· 111 E. 17th st. • $1899 • --• #1..1.. -~--~ -radio, beater. P. 21521 At Santa.Ana Freeway ~ --~ .... -VOLVO $1590 llanta Ana 543-SW. • UDO 16' °"""" -...,, ""' Motorcycloo 9300 • ---,,=,..,----135 •-... -. ... SUSO. * -.., Volw , .... 1 GUARANTY MUSTANG 196'1 wt -• TE l'Rll>lY IS '16-io' -Qut..r '67 -wu•H CH-R"''.... 39Q, ........... -llot • IMMEDIA • • 1963 Solid -lO' ... .._ct.an! .. $2950 If\ ..,., Shilt lT,000 ml Ii• ""'51 am........_ · u· • ...,. ~ ~..:::::: YARDA.GE..QAY... MAKE OlTEll l2800I"'"'. -= 111 E.11th St. •68 MUSTANG ., ml. v~ • DE VERY • .,m:m ' In Costa-Mesa E-Z Bank Ftniux:i,.: Law ml1eqe, $825. Pvt. l'f1'. 'At Santa Ana~ --Pwr st. vill)'I top. Xlnt •Fully •q•ipped lncl11di119• ~of jz, :='~ ~ '!:" ~-~lO~ ~ Newport Arches Muina • 531-8387 • J91U. 190, ~ Ulo. leather, Antiques, Clanla 9615 Santa Aoa 5U83ll CCICld. Sl'IDD. f!M..9521 •du11l 11111d•r cylind•r brek•• PJIDDll.w.nGw SS.ml .,._,, -~ -_ .am. W, CnMl ~ • )'"tlOl'fDAS'· 'tll.-e -.cr..-. -Jrlf.f.P ltt-..M&-"";![ 1.w 'F' _, =-i-• .-.-.,..~~ l& CBEVELLE-llal lb ll •1y1t.m, k••t•r, whit• w11ll1'8 ' ' !N'JnU(A'l'lON.AL Htwpmt Btada &0-m.t sa cc. '°"" 6 trail ..._ a.aw.. pedlc:t _. Jll.l9 m1 p1Ulll! f.Gtl mar ~Sport eonwrt. RAH. ·oLDSMO••• 11 du,11p••.d wind1h1.1d •!P· WILUAJ(SON Stereo. 100 YARDAGE SCIAM LETS -,. r -n-365 $2995. ... ,. doers. complet9 with ~ • I -neer • brtkes, - . ...... ••rs, w•rr11119 f1111lt•r, r•d10,. watt' 'AK/,f')(. Gar. 2'1SO~Bhod. lt u-~. -$]8e&.-0Nfrantel'llf.ccm-W".W',r~· . •+c..,IOl<tll -· Seo •1<1 aplftdal>. 0oota .Mo. • total. t!l9-35&S llltrr I , MB UIT, lEO·.ll, lu11' -pteto wtth .. ...._ & JE' lad olr, tlnt.d """"°"" ti!t 'tit OLDS, 4 dr HT, ... pb, • • $500.CallanytimeM&-1441 ANSWERS 1965 BSA 650 CC JJabtniqi pe4,beautitulcobd..grt1Jftt, wbeell.. ~ to_Jllake a steering whl, pogltractlon, FM radio, Royal .Master• • l=::::i:====== GAS stclVfJ .... 135. Ailmh'IJ f $5li4. Good cond. , $l9li5. 8111 0512 tratt.r 'wfflf tJo, y.w:·bot ''"' wlndoww. $000. 546-0033 ""'· xlnt rond. 11695. Ptlv • 1 Sportlnci ~I 1500 10 cu ft REFRIB. $95. DAV-!io&38'Matt5pm. aeats about 6' Joni. $2$ for alt 6 pm ply. 56-1170 ' • • , ENPORT & 2 CHAIRS. all Ledaer -YMtn -Guilt -HONDA Late '68· low mi. M4 3 of them. CaD 5.16-8411. H.B. 1967 EL Cam.lno, 4 1peed, SCUBA ~Hit, complete; like new. Gibbon -BE a GIRL total reblt. eng.: 'new o•sizf Y special iaspenslon • 396. PLYMOUTH • '67 BUICK Riviera • ~hased 1n 1968. Mike of. -SEI! ·9-4 WED ONL y Seid the nurse to the ex. tires· make otter 615--3228 MG Autos Winted 97CO Black, peNiOnal car, ri:r.:w -• • fer 6'13-mt 387 E lBth St i, t E CM pectanf. father; "Just be-' tires, ht claM cond. 13W>. '60 PLYMOUTII Valiant .• Full pow•r, f1 cfory 1lr, low. • 645-imp • came you. have betn kept '68 HONDA 175 SCRAMBER WE PAY .... 675-2226. Needs body work. but rum mil••g•. !THBS211 : -llaneou• 8600 --°t!'P.!'!'--•lwattln< dqosn't ~ EXCEi:, ~~molt Sol•, Service,,_ CASH. '63 BEL Air • ...... 230. IOOd. •tick. -61l-"'2 11 $3995 • 1::.:c.;;,;=---~-POOL mKn ~~the baby wW. llE CbmJ)lete new MG lnftiltlOr)' · Like new, Qria: owner, 19 '64 VALIANT S1gnet white,• • • f ~~ • .~~ ~ 0 :!i a GIRL. Auto S.nJces See the liew Autta Anmica mpg, w/~ ' 11~, $995. blk int, buckets, auto. $787. '63 BUICK Skylark • ~n tfted. $150 incl JAB FREE! & P1rtt 9400 Here Now! for 'Died can A: tniCb j'Qlt ~lUI 644--0438 CdM H.T. Cp•. Auli;imotic, rid·• Goodyear Cl1llUoll air pad. LES Buie Bo.ting (111111 call UI tor tree Htlmate. '64 CllEVY JI ttd s w. SACRAFICE 1967 Fury m .io, h••fer; po~ •• 1le1ri.11g •• ~7860 NewalateS695vatNmr._ ~~I'M to Public by vw 36 hp ename. ttcel. GROTH CHEVROlfT ~ ·~n93rroo Ol' best hardtop sedan. Like new .• fedory$•;,, 2t"9""5" • BEAUTIFUL blond . w I g. 23 MOdeh: to cll009e trom.$5.9 Ill~ Power Squadron Cond. $175. Meyers Manx o er. owner. U795. 675-6259 • French. baOO tied, ong. cost up. 21.3: ~161 69'1-21.0l Startirw 7 PM Mon. Jan. J3 bQuy. &«5-26n 1961 OIEVY 6 cyl stick, 1••'--'----- $39S. Will sell for $7S. • at N~ Harbor Yacht Aak for Sale1 Mana.sex Xlnt cond. New t I re IS, PONTIAC • '67 JAGUAR 420 • ~mT aft 5:30. CH I~ ESE 0 r 1 en ta I: Qub 'i'lO W. Bay Aw., New-Tr1ll1r, Tr1v1I 942$ 3100 W. tout Hwy. ill21!:~~ n~~.: brakes I: tram. 962-STI.n •Sedin. 1 owner, 11,0 00• HUMAN Hair Blonde wiglet, Beautitu.t 9 x 12; deep pile; JIOr\ Beach. NO ADVANCE New}Qt Belldl un ... ,...,., ~ • 5 7 CHEV y, N e-e d 1 '68 Pontiac Fittbird, 359 •""a,.. full pow• r. 1ir. $1D. Alic beige w/~ bamboo RECISTRA'nON ~ KENSKILL '81 • ·•••• ·n499 6G-M)5 5f0..1764 Kl 9-3331 generator excellent air oond., tull power, radio, to..d., wir1 wh1el5. IVCK °"'never worn design at c:ornen. Retalled SARY, ENROlLATa.AS! ·New 15' ·standard :tnlly A~..tMGDealn-wr: p•y WH . .-..1_._ . ..,,,.;, 897--9420 vinyl top. ll,000 ML 50,IXXJ •2151 • Human H•t • lied-•tWS<l,AOrib!flr;<;o. ~"'613.!DtarmcN equlpl.Loadod-utru. ---. "' A ·~,..,..... miwarr,1mma<U!alet •SALE PRICED• clilh-llrown ID"I !all !lull Alon I • 9 Kuutaa, $75. Into. ·No pmts tor 6 -ar 138 MG '52 TD Rod w I white • CUaJSI .. , 645-'661 I cap). Paid llltl, oell tor 14<XI Dolpbln Tml'. CdM FREE total dn. pat a 138 mo. -top. 1D1erlar OX· EAR y;.,iR'. ;.~. nft ....,. 1965 GOO Coov, 3119 cv lo ~65 DLD5 Dr-olc 181 ~ (Irvine Terrace) O • .A.C. Authorized dealer ~ent. enzine teblt. $UOD fV UU lAI( I 4 ~ 11 _ t.l. .... &»er· w RlH PS 10 AM to 5 PM Dally. 8 i Boe Cl :fllr Avian.~ and Terry cub. 547--0101. or 673-6246 '64 Chrysllt Jlf\Ptrla ·~· cw. or Llell1 cm · 4 Or. H.T. , 1uto., . Gardtn tool&, patio lurn. * AUCTION * o':F~REDt~ p~~ bllan. Stewn,ion CONNELL Full pwr, air rorxtitloning, 6 547·3446wkdaya10 to 6. • eir co11d. (MOYl46) •• air oond. 'vuhcr/dryer, U you will aell or bey BY Rick B1ldlno'1 '62 MG midget. Xlnt cond. way pwr seats, dlr, pwr an-'58 PONTIAC, one owner.• $1495 refrtg, bar-b-q e.l e c · g ive: wtncty a try Huntington Beach Moblle World Priced fo quick 118.ie '850. CHEVROLET lenna. Car has had loving New; tires, brakes. Runs• ~1 fldaer/mo1\-er. Small de.ma. Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m.. Power Squadron l94.'12 Be&ch Bl., H.B. 962.1377 Call 54g..1753 aft 4:30 pl( 2828 Harbor Blvd. care. New tires, $85 cash good. Make otter. 646-4200 • ,66 TEMPEST • ~. 9cll cheap! 642.-821.0 Windy's Auction Barn startfng Mon., Jan. 2Q, 7 PM 4.16 s. Harbor BL, SA 531"1'10 Costa M~ 54&-l200 ~::~ w!!!.!;::a.P~~ -• H.T. C.11p•. R..Oio. h••l•r .• ie1utlful Behind~ I DI.ii-... _ at Buntlnlton Beach Web FOR SALE •• ll'.""" WARDS -~· PORSCHE W1'll luy or 5'S-0634 ,..---' RAMBLER 1wto111atic, pow•r 5l•1rin1., KINGSIZE BED 2075% onyi "Qt' ill.11.tl Sc:bool, ff,B. TENT 'l'RAil.J:R ." $215.00. ~ •1sVE66ll r -qVl1"'1 matt..u, ,.itt Newport, 616-3686 For-WocaJI -letup ___ 'IT .PORllOIE 911 Tarp, r-v~.;.:-'61NEWYorku<1"'.hdtp. '63 RA141ll.Ell 2 d(.hdtp.if $1695 • blmlaHon. bltn frame, N~ ~ ~ 142-1227 or 144-2250 It I.II r x w. 'l'heN I.II • bladr. alnt COlld.. $5900. A.fQ t.,, 4dllus. Patd tcit Black; MW tittt; pwr. auto tram:,. goo& cnnidi new . • "'_,. $98, worth l250. ,,; aaJe. 2 r•iulapr i. IT. Outom namto&o -bod4'zT'..,top<i Days. ~~· E aoc.Cal!~·'~ ~--.U.. ""'·pvt. pty. W!. "'·· '68 THUNDElllRD • -llactt Bl and _,, ....... .,,,.,., -.... ~ y ... .. • ...,.. ~ . 1 t:.orco 549-161.5 .. 9l>J1T7 • mernberahlpe; + 1 aoclal • ue &........ ~ platet.. 3" toabt.mat· 49f-033l art. 8:30 673-1190 PERFECT CoodWon. '57 '62 SfATION w 5 door • l1nd1Y. Mill pwr., fee. e1r,1 E. Nardi •leering wheel 1nt fnembenhip. Priced well Traner A boat freshly trea, traBtt MHth A ball, PORSCHE 1964 C. a ean, New 'tcirW."'· $Z25. Far Amt.---dor V~p .. -sir, I 10.000 "'"'•· IXSlll 111 • VW, $55; 4'' Rltchle Cp:n. below cost. n...-547_11j,... painted. New whUe A /Fm l • .,,,,.,,, IMPORTS WANTED .......,_ -.... "' 95 pass $55; Weenu hand bear--Eves 673-6436 .......,;> -vwv. n a ti I ab yd e. Uphobt~ oversbe new tirel and titt-m • owner. _....... Om:lrei llimtitt ~low market. &0--1081 air cond. $395. 54-0-5:207. • $39 1 q (bmpua $35. .All like Three 16% bp Ownplon bic hookup ior tum a:f8nala. 673-91'!9 or 675-5835. TOP $ ElJYER. -1962 RAMBLER Cla§1 41 ~-...._ ____ _ ... ........,. SI.ATE tDp Pool ti h I• -Complde w Ith Trall<r I• lo ....Uent '90" '59 Po"'1><, BILL MAXEY TOYOTA CONTINENT,\L O>-. Wag. R/H .. , ~" • '60 CHEVRDLIT • l~x6~, $l'.XI. Home bar era! fUtl h·~ 1-~--dt~ and -·~ ~ ,... to 11~ I I KIRBY VaL'1lWll cleaner ll w/4 stools, S95 897-sQl ltlV -.-a~.... ......, • ,.,...,, --... 18881 Bea.ch Blvd. ,.....,_, e Full W/walla $395. ~ aft 5 -4 door lt1rdtop. RIH, •w· ttacmnenta. Orieinally Miki. · and m:itroll. See al 2fDI be appn!dated! Call Bob 642-4261. days. H. Beach. Ph. 8«7~ '63 LIN-..w~ Convt. . • to .• 'P-S.. 1 FXX251 J • • !.. ---Tako -STEltEO.... .......... .... La!a>ott.. N ....... Beodi. m.fill. -· lutllrlr -· SHELIY $395 • -~· --·~ 500 ..,~ ml • . L' -·~~ ~-t -~'. • small pynim. or $660 cub. "' cs • lpeUtn. 17 f'T. Pertoocmer. klaDlier CAMPING trtt 4x4x2. WatB' Aunt LHling 9110 ...... ""._ .-.. ......... Qedltdept..~7'289 Fhwt$115b.ke9.5M-f4,13 Delaxe model fall prool cannt top. Good SUBARU la.Y's area a must tell, · • • · fib I I tiftL Equip / lltn. S115 *A'"O l~lfllll! S1290. MWlt>I SHELBY 'fl GT 810. ~fot>d· • '6' OLDSMOllLE • MINK STOLE Ml W •rs ••• ootboar "" 1969 SUIARU UI' llAl.V* 'fl6 CONT Fact. a!r tun Xlnt mnd. sm>. Private Toronado. Full pow•r •nd · tJut1: Sahlie w/piocketl• mrl IC. anted 1610 Qzrtom sm.p down CXM:r. w 1:st offer. n•: 535-l088 k-c1297 66 u~ 1_· ~-, _,_.' .._..,, Party, 642-3413 •1octory elr co.11ditlonln9.• ~-u 1 -" ' --Bia: wheel Wt trailer. $'7IXI 25• TRAlLDt w/bl.th. Jlab liVm ,. ; mrv I ALL MAKES pwr. uw-. u•1e1"., ..... , .... ..,.,, 1 1 -am • -w A N T E . D phone -a1"'r '.... otlor Oimplete ................ .,, ,, O'.>MPETETIVE PIUCES 22.soO Ml. $S,:lltl • .,...,., : ISM 's"2995 : ~G • 119.50. 2 USED u· ~ ,,...bout · * tl!n-1261 * Kostel Kus tom Kan Cort Fo• Auto i..a11., '62 CONT.. boautilul ""' T ·llRD ~ (El1ropean craftamen) We need qualibr (no junk w/9~ hp Johnlon A trailer, '67 Shula n· sell l9llO Harbor Blvd. 6t6-64U 224 W. Cbut Hi&bway :dnt cood. 63.000 Ml.; alll---·...:.:.:;;:_ __ ·il•l-;-;:-:::::::-::-:kft::-;-W•i ft9t lie\. dc.>l, pk:kup, 215 pleue). Fumtture, c 010 r '350. New • used abob., contained, Canopy. Ne.port Beach 642-8440 acceaa. $1.JXI. 6"-0790 '57 T·BIRD • '67 IUICI R:, t • !f8 •·sem,y" SJ6.6405 'JV'" atereos, appliaorn. . !:"' _!215-Schock Boats. 646-tJ79 •62 ~lal Xtn. ~! ~ nU; new • Sport coupe, , •u o .. -tooll .,,_, SUNIEAM Used C.rs 9900 mbxr -e.-" tnu._ New paint PS. olr eontl. CTU2119l • -plete Sboll-A-Chatr and ollloe -n..d& -'<• ~ -.~· & ·-· ~·.,,_'.. $2595 • - lll:n. "1 + <rib A TOP CASH IN 3ll ....... DIRTY hut in,. 16' ftntuy T ~ f500 1 1111-1--·-~ ~ -N .... .,.... !ITS. Sll-UlJ * ->lvs W-b trlr. ht rvc.. 1J6T SUNBEAM Al,.,.. Mlllt TRAllSPORTATIOft ror. l! ,... 60.!833 • • •-St..NB&T.l--0583 •WANTED• 1310·llrm.~ I.., GMC 4000 tr cab. '"""'"'' 11125. m.an1 CORYAIR T·BIJtD 1913. Bm hu> m •'6' DODGE"'-• ;:;;,~::'1::-:-0;::;;:::;1=-I FOR SKIPPER OR BOAT cbusla, P/S, t.b, $950. ftnds or aft 4:S1 pm. (AR. llll Town! Wht w/mt hlt. Full • 4 Or. H.T, •&H ....... . ' 5.teuffer Reduc "I F11mltvr'e e Appfl1nnt MAINTENANCE CALL .._ &'SJ'onl IAiT PU, auto, C:rtdlt Probwn~ us fot ~ Corvair Monza Conv. power, rood rubbtr. Low PS, air c...tl, tTPUOJ21 Modllne -$15. Culor TVa • Pion. 5d-.1S61 tram ~ ...,,;e,., $6lll. TOYOTA Instant dollvory, low....... !.150 mll• .... Xlnt cond. Priced • $2195 • * 50-4153 * ETC. Srrvttoft sos 3bt st, ff5Y term&. We dtdde on 499--3565 af't.!r g to tell! ~1ll5 • • AllDQIEN -• .,... Cash 111 1f2 hoar SolU...ts 9010 ·~ -'61 HAllD'IOP t,""' <ndl~ DD ........... COl!VAill 2 dr. HT . .., T-BIRD clUOlo; """'·. 234 E 17~111 ST • "°°"' tal-Mek $30. Shetland 541~1 'S3 DlEV ~ Pk:lw;p. 1...ANDCRUISER toda,y. 1.-ownet. Gbod C!Old.. $500 •UVtt •lftd int. ""'1kl; • • I • --· .... -21' VIKING -SAUCY •• -" & e. --""' -low ml).... ..5:'4J:.2. ... .... -·,,.,. m-mt Xlnt ..... '2.CIJl. ~; • s•a 7765 a.. SIS. ~ · BUYING Sllwr om. 10" v1rtutll7 rebl:t ta Aur· Da7 -..rr ~-60-GM • we've ever ltH.. Comrp. U no ann.itt UU: ~ • • • ~ IWril. tool boncb, ::,:'-· ~.:. St.1'1. fumor lleol -2 ...... II ,.,. 'a;n;. Pldolp -loci. warn ..... & 2145 = ~ .,_ CORYEllE 1962 J DI! Hrd w~ ........ Mon.Fri 8:30 Im • ... ._ -.._ nlcblo -n>IL °' .na, utru. """'°"' utralarsohul1Wnautuk. WE PAY CASH FOR ·~ lull..-: Zrot,,;.., • to 9 pm I $IMll1 alt.~ <XlSTA <X>INS "1 W. 1ttb Balhoa ltle tllp, ~ lor Dual -v ... .-ltl5. <UUllll '62 CORVETTE . point & .-,'"Ila .,._: 1 -SI., C.M. M-1.. 2 -llmU)M. Alldntr ~ , ~ YOUR CAR PAID Blad"' b1ut. -. "'°' $lllO. m.3112 • S.lurd•z 8;30 1111 I • Dul to -MAPLE Hutdl • -c.· ., ........ ·-... roRD II ,.,. -Up • ~ .. ~R Cit .NOT! ................ end • ....S.19'1 T-BIRD. LllPt ..... n. I 1o pm • m_N._ -. lmrp."""' be ,.. pty, -1'J-. 4 -"" 6 ML BILL MAXEY~~· --ta .... .,..,,_Localcor~ lownor Ill""' 2249 Sundoy18:30o~ •, ·~~aub~-ft'tl .... Ne. Call m.or•" ~ MutwotM.61J..MM ·.___ Tbt 0 .,.. °",_ • pwr. ·~ ·---~~ -· '~' c.ar. clellwrt. wm tab llatbar Bl'4 C.M. · I to 6 pm 1 Aft 5. rn· a. c.... Spla .u.. '58 Dodae Pickup. I' bed. a.alllld '9dloa. s • •• anWl *"-~car. nae prvtl=---'==='==== ~=~-;~"'"" 77 1aL BABY-.. --.... Racriw ..... Xlol ..... OwT1oadl. -ITIOIYJOITIAI ::"'ttl-.-.. 1-~-......... 139.116.tlWm TEMPEST :1 ,...... lo .... ----•531·1-~!'irtl-liii"'"lli! ..... __ - ;; ·? "'" -Ool:N """''m !JOO 14. No. Iii"'""""'· iii · 11 TilN v.a Plokup 1il81 BEACH BLVD. JODI'"'-··., the""' H 'f OONV. ,.,,.., '<l~w1ooo11. xtnt traU..., """' .... -IWL n llltlT .,_u,: HUftt. BNch 947-1555 nm.r Pll.or WAl!r ADS\ """· arl(r """"· ar, $3200. condl !Ill ...... , otter. IGam far 'RESULTI OIARGK J'OIS' 1'Mf ad now. a wtdta. u. ...... lfT-1& Aw., C.M. s ml N. ol O>alll Hw,. OD.. toSJI ~ .. 1ru. M'T-3164 .... )al f/J/XJ&n u1c K •l ~il I UICr C .• ~·~, COSTA MESA t. 1 l l ' D ;·:-0 • . ----- ' I • , I I • 1 I I ' I 1 1 ' • ' ( I