HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa•-.. .. ' I I ' I I •• ,, j' I -- ·-·· --' .. P.0lice Nab NeJV .. -• ·-" -• !" • -. - M •.• . JUI Rebellion •• ' ' - --- • ·----~ - • ..::.::. . -----· _.,._ .... ~ ' -·- -- I I --us.s -'osmonaa s --•-' -.;.: ·-· --- ---=-=--"' -~ --'~· --· ... '-~ - ~ -----. -·' -. _, ..... : .. --:: -= Talks Begin Saturdcg U.S., North OK -. . ·.,.,,.a'.-" 'le-!~1tt~ ~· l~y. :J 1, ~ ' • ~!,(;._'. ,.,,s ,., .. ,-~ Y.r· 1,r · ,!_.. ~. . l o . . , . ":•""" . . .. ' ~ -. -TAIJ~Y'~-.1!11>-'ll(T.:ta, ' 1 ; • , VOL,U,. .... 140·1 t•CT'°'¥o a!rMit IWIT"""'91e San Francisco topless 'dancer Diana Demtls pickets stat~ ~apilol in support of legislative secretaries who &av~ been P','Ohib1ted from wearing miniskirts. Assembly Rules Coi;n.nuttee ~hamnan E~gene ·. A. Chappie of Cool, Calif., lost his last week, calling for a cover up by leggy legislative secretaries and messengers. . Couple Freed in Beach Slaying as 2 Arrested By WU.LIAM REED OI tk Dllltf Piiot ll•H Acting In a surprise move, Huntington Beach police arrested two men about 1:30 a.m. today on suspici<ln of murder In, the aavap slashing death of a woman whole crlgtnal suspected killers were arraJaned W-y. Release ol an aerospace engineer and wailr.,.·wlJlnally held In lhe cue was lrdiminent. as theJr attorney sought an order Ito free them in West OraI11e County!JudlciaJ District Coort. evidence of a recent traffic accident. Paint scrape3 on her car -which definitely came from the car driven by Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, or 1508 Olive A\'e., moments before she was murdered -were the result or the nearby collision just before the k.il.ling. ''We've had our doubts," Capt. Robilaille admitted, "We just were not 1001 ~t convinced -and we have had our detective force turned out en maase-tince UU. munkr. ·• Fnm Wtrer Servkt1 PARIS -The Unitod Stale! and NGrtlI Vietnam aiirloUncH aATeement todly that will enable the expanded Vietnam talka lo open Saturday In Paris. . President Johnson hailed the agree- ment but warned that fighting on the Vietnam battlefields may c on t i n u e throughout the negotiaUons.. The agreement came when both sides accepted a round table, with no markers, nameplates or flags to indicate whether the 141D "two sided" or "four sided." ~will be flanked by two small lqUare tablea for secretaries . and tramlators. . -The bickering -lhe shape of. the table centered on whether there would be an allied team on one 1kfe and a Communist team on the other, or whether tbe VIet Cong woold be seated as a separate force with the South Vietnamese government. The Viet Cong and Saigon each insist it Is the sole represent.alive of South Vietnam. The bickering conUnued for more than two months while men Oil both aides Man Dies in· Car_ Crash on Freeway The Caillomia Highway Patrol said Porfirio A. Ortiz of Corona was killed early this morning in a two-ear accident on the ruvendde Freeway in 8anta Ana Canyon. Ortiz, CUP omcers said, WIS dead ua •• c...,, Tnlllc Deltli TIU Ila I on arrival at Orange County Medlcal Center !ollowing lhe cnall, wbiclHoot place about three miles Mii ol lmperlal Highway. Detaila of the accidmt. including the name of the other driver, were attll under invesllga~on laie tllll morninS. • #';-,11-·--•,';., ..... ' ,-·.··1· J . died in Vie\J>am, arOUBing• ~118"·-eiif '-: · · · :, . . • 11 · ·f ' I 1 1 :•• ' f indip&Uoo ,among many1 J)fflonl In the· : J.. r, ·. . .. , · ' ~ ·• • • '\ · : ,: . world. The 11na1 .... of the ·tables wiu., MUl"de..,er·· ~' .. . _, b!edetmninedbytheFrJ!Uch.governmen.t . · , ' ' •1 ' ~' '< • , •• , • • • .-:, which ii boet for the taUu and which , .~ 1 • 1 ;. • · ~ " ··I • ' 1 · ~~i:,,_can In cabinet -~'. _~~:~e :DA Discounts'.· Kil.": .. .'fur~~;~~.·~,:: South Vleh~•"'tR Foreip. '1Jlii; ff . , 1 .. ., TraoCbang~llt..., ~' ' ' proellJld~g.,,~ ' ' . S~~~;t$ · .... ~·~Death Confession leaves o~ce o&tJln.,20. ,·,..: .. : · JOlmson; ~·c1eep,eri)olion_,it·.the procedural br>allhrougb,.lliM! ~:foor. days before, ht' ~ves ~; 1~: the' way had beeii• cleated fOr tbe:"·Start ol substaliHve talka flld stated: "We mUJt be · COntident that an honOrab~e ~ peace is possible lf we here at home remain steady." "We must pursue peace as diligenUy as we have fought aggression,." be said. "And this )I~ we have made steady progress for the peace we all devoutly . pray for. I deeply believe that if we onJy rem8.in united and slay together on thia path we will achieve honorable · peace in Southeast AJ.la." Diplomatic sources In London said the Paris talks would receive a boost from the Soviet Union and th.el it la exerting "all its ~ible inf1uence" on Hanoi to speed Vietnam peace negotiations. Tbey aid Ru.u1a now had more influence · oo Hanoi than ever before and that , the Kremlin wjlnted the •Vietnam war ended In ~pea of impro11lng . relaUons · with ~ Niloo adminlattaUoo. , A statement .bY Hanoi . representative . Nguyen Thanh Le stopped short of claim· ing a victory but il-said the cooditions accepted today were offered by· Hanol U fat back Id Dec. 1J and that the delay was ca~ by U.S. aDd SaJgon stubbornness. w. Averell .Harriman, the UJI ..... am-· basaador who ls reUring from the taJU thla: wee~nd. said ·the. 1 o I u·t Ion (See TALKS, Psp I) . ' ' . · ConfUSed ambusH •'tlller, Dehlter r A. Coley· m'Urdered a pretty Coata '1Mesa · cocktall · waitress and· admitted another st:x slaying, but he. coold not bi.Ve cotn- rnitted the second one, District Attorney <Jecli A. Hick.naid today. Ironically -bound by I e g a I ' technicallUes -·authorities know who killed the beauty in an earlier case, but he will evidently remain a free' man. flicks broke a two-month silence to refute reports that Coley had confessed "to any peace off teer" or to his lawyer, Matthew Kurlllch. "I have my . own ideas on the idenUty of the ...-lo whom Coley made bis adm.lstlon but I'm. no,l .~.·to dil'I!!&• "then\i"' Hicts..:aaiH; -~· ·• c, .... • ~ " . ' ' . ' · ~·Coney i;ouidn't possibly havo killed G1qrt!,.f9htiii:: J!l~ks ,.id today. ·"He may DaVi saTd· jre ' d1d but It was a confession that sbotll.d have been looked I : Orange . Coan ' -. Weatlier Now booked on suspicion o( homlclde is Henry L. Sianez, 25, ol 312 Clay St., who war picked up at another residence. The second 111Speci was ldentllied as Edward R. Hargrave, 18, o( 17392 Marken Lane, Huntington Beach. Detective Captain Earle Robitaille bad this to •say about the swprlse: twlst in the grisly CaJe. Soviets Make Crew Switch .. i_. ·.~.P~~~, ' "We do ban a statement rrom the rie;w pair Jmd we do have physical ev¥ten· ctr We will present our case this ar- tetnooo to the distrlct attorney," be uld. "We are asking immediate reltue of both previous suspects, Norman Coatney, 41, and Margareta Olngtr, a," be 1dded. Capt. Robitaille said the primary ru900 for lbe arrest of Coatney and J.flss Dinger was the fact that her dark aedan, found at 21st Street and Olive Avenue., war blood-smeared aod &bowed ' MOSCOW (IJPI) -Two manned Soviet a half houn. It had been upected lliey space ships docked today in orbit, the would remain linked for some time, flrrt time such a maneuver had ever but informed l&o'cet in MOIOOW aatd been carried ouL After exchanging crew lhe tltO capeulel probably woUid land members In another hJltOOe fJl'lt tbe Fridoy. two Soyus .....is '"""''gee! 'and -t u ..... lbt linkup and Ml*•llnn, their separate ways. ~ ..,.._. IL Col. Ynpn1 Fer one bour, two of the°""~; ~aAloolY~c.lamllered members !tom the 1pacesllip -5. ff.· I ID -'litl tho:1 ,,_ had wllloed In space u lbeJr , _ _., wfth 1 thlnl man, remained locked togelher wltto S.,,Z tbllr "'1 lloac aulde •rlilll and 4 lo form what the official ..... agency .,..... ou1 -t.uU. The)' !hon Tasa called "the world'• llrll Ill-, """"''lioJUI 4 wtim µ. c.L Vlodimlr pertmentai 'P8CO station." 1 .,_ 1 $>alllof bid -al1111 1inco bis n... The lhipi ranalned linked lrotil .,,. . uy i..,.. . ~ p.m. PST lo l :l!ii a.m. -four ud Tl>o7 -aliolrd loylll I llltlt • 1 t • --------ti. -~·~-~~-- ' ,......... •· --M ..... _ _,N , .._.._ " ............ II ...... _ ,...., .,..,. ,, .... ......,.,...,..,, , ......... , .. -... " =·-=· ~ • . • ...... " ........ ' ) ~~ ~ ---------------:--:---:::-:---:::--------;-:,-.,,-=-----------......,,,....--------------------- z Doll.Y IUT ' LBJ Agrees He'sLeaving Problems Telegraph Workers Settle Strike of AP NEW YORK (AP) -Memb<n ol the l!nited Telqnlpil Worbn Unim lt'tw otd to work al ADxiated Prea ollices ,,,.,,._,., -striking W'ire Serria Guild memben Y'Oted Oii • D!W -clfor IO md their ....t.Jong - DAILY PILOT .....,.,..... . ...... , .... L..-'-' ..... ,..., .__ CAUIOINIA J.<-~ •. c ... 1.,. ..._ P'rn--~-'*- n. •• , A.. ..... , .. ; ... _ ... _ P••I Min•• -·~ o ...... ~ Border Closing Backed Sen. Murphy Asks U.S. Drah Legislation 11£ -c.p ........ (a. ~t,.I!*;> :-llW ~ D J 15 ':,--: ...... , ., .... ~-~ ¥,..., .............. W\111 ...... .. loW Kw .. I -dly -·!'a ....,. ··---......... ,...,.... .... tr .,,,,., .. lltw,_t Qy ~ .. --~-a.t: .......... , ?' I fiM .. lie -il illopl *""" --.. ~-.,,.. tllie • e ,_ 111111"*. wil ~--... -.. -..· he said • ne.,.i .mmJs la a lmer' ttu:i:ttd ail WWW I & .. I ... dlilll it ....... P._e J OOSMONAUTS .• ... br bamftned • ftllCIXS or mm opera- tiom .. '9rda mtil. ~ nrw OjWi inleu& gives the • pmtaoity .. dloogo tbr ...... ol the .lhip IDd .. racaie (111«"""") in cw d ftllllS"l'acir&, .. Tau said. 1bai. y.,. sail!. "'""" -the SoJm, t 119 •Wp md toot new wti&C ---..... a..--. -· ....,..,_ ...... ...,_ cerml Rh "m tc mdmre GI _. .,... llJ -"'"'4a• ill ""'1 port • 11e -,..• lie ............ -il Ille ,... ... .... aHtOWWWtd \i;g. t .... P't* I c Dedat.lisf11 .. al•jlW u..s..--•- Ow1w!litstjtw .. iatdlie*' md W- Jm!lld • .. .... to tbe pl ol:*tu of -imparb<im_ "'ln 1-I wged lW tbe pa:a sM, " LSD be -o 1-.I crimo." ---.,.. ~ ...... -bf -,.. tllit Dnc c..tml -Alme Adtllla .. Be 'wk d; ·1--•--... n11 1r1Jmtice1..,.·1u.... 1• '"!itJ " cllallils ksl"•• ..... plrmMl"C JOUI' ,. ............... ~ o1.-..1.mnd"'nt&e-a.: far c6er atw IO lollo9."' Me1lpwt mwilma lat ~ did ... Rally Grit dolir'I tbt ...., ,. ™"""' mimn (-II). Tllq ---Ille ...... lily ... ~ed al~ "'2rinp. u the Justi<e °""""""' ..,. u. J.egjsl•im ii feasible. the app:opb4e --... the sabjoct ol ---inp. Ahin Karpis, ooeti-··Public Enemy No. I." shops Wecme.day in Mmtrea1. Can., for V•lmtine gill ior IUs mw, who still n>ides in u.s_ Karpis was paroled Tllesday after spoBling :IZ ,..,.,. in prbou ... ...-000 be be d<portal to bis -Canad• J>laca -r_........ -·· n.re ii ~ of roam fir an One inSbolalon- --....... -lbips -lligell¥r ill ....... -Im b Milfa1 ed mm from. cm to aaotber. Manned Craft Link Paves Td"'isioo <2m!n< -bodi SoJm 4 and SoJm ' llaftd Ille linbp .. jlltiilam Rlmiall ~ sciedis:ts below. Nataatwidr aOltimees saw tbe Tideotapes 1rithin lf ........ ~ .. !lie ...... Tbe Tm a1••1UDtY11....C said tbe -_.a.n .... god _.i.iy - Way to Space .Statiom ---~­YelileyPr ovtt the Sarid U a i o D. Telr:risim cameras al:Jo CBritd the .,.ce•alt. CAPE Knri")i.'EDY, fl.a.. CAP) - By w••sdully ~ two manne:d 'P '"''I'' aod t:raasfmiq: l. 0 OriUW. the Sorid l"aim b a S •""••mtrated ii CID aqrmblt space st,a.. ti:nl lar ¥fatiLcd in C3rUI ortiit. But ·~·.-.. -· .._ ... _, ·a•P 'w.mt.ww: .... __ .... al ..... ew:GJ' ...... ,ms la:,. ... OW"'"a*i 1111 tht -- PoliceJail Two On Murder Count Besides sel'T'iDt: as a base to aswmMr tqni1w11f"td fer mamrd ~ btbtoffs, a space station in earth arbit is mdul fer mWt..,. pmmaisvM%' and ,,.;,.,.,,jfv t'.1Jlti i::mtuts aod to p;d togdbtr" ••• , .,....,. IIDl1WIDrd probes aimrd al thl! plwls.. ,.,,.. .. r,.e 1 COLEY ••• In SoJm 4, Sbalalov was cm IU 35111 f2rth orbit sincr m lauDcb Toesday. So)'1D 5 was launched Wtdneutay. In their space suits. the ~ canied ''a new system al. ife main- tenance and generation,"' Tass said. The system is coipehle ol sustaining a. man in _. lot long poriodL Soriet "'ie.:icts said ~ wftlt as pWnd as Shalalov piloCef bis s.,m 4 up btbiDd Soyuz 5 ror the m.idafternooD dodillc ...,. Uie S..'iel Unim- fCJl'ttmml agmcy .•• ...... tnaw wbo tilled Gloria Dawn Rnss Asked to Oarily ;"~ ~u;•;:;,,,;w,:::~ l\liddle East Proposal and it mly takes ont b:lt at a list WASHINCTON fUPI) _ 1be Jo1msaa. al ,,.idence which we haven't bttn alJotr. adminislntim. in its final diplcmatic ed to submJ.1 m coon to convintt anybody wt -~ .is.:· ,...-. cm the Kiddle Ea.I pioblem, bas SOVIET SPACEMEN -Moscow television photos show Soyuz 5 A DAILY P" ~ --was -•-asbd the s..id Uaioa IO -'~ "· -• iJo 0-~-V I u.o..r• ''"r--,.............. ..__.,, .... eommauu p t DWia o ynov (top} smiling as he moves through led to tab • t.ief glance at the list m"Wbat bm:J new pnll)OLSals for a centrilugal lock in first chamber of spacecraft and cosmonuat Alexei ol .,......,. compiled bf • leading U-JI!-...,_ ol the Ar.lb-Yefueyev, an engineer, (bottom) in cabin of the craft during live criminologisL llisanimpooingdouior, .. ~I.sradi~~"'""id~=·~================~b~roedcast~~~from~~sbi~-~===============================o-, ane which would be almost certain to ~ a jury lo coovid the pencm. ilmllffd. lklt that i>enm is DOt Levester A. Coley. "Son. Coley is • kill<r." llicts ""'1. "Bal ho -·t tiD Claria CallioL In our boot, um case is somd and cloee:d. n ,.,,.. .. P.,.e 1 TALKS ... -... ridnrJ I«.., --"U WU DOt suggested by au.y one person. .• be said. "It was DOI a com- prumi5e.. but just a decision that an could agrtt to. amt satisfad.cry to all the participants ol the -"""""." Jn Saigon, Foreign Minister 1banh in- sisted tbe lalb will be two-sided - the United States and Saigon vs. Hanoi and the Viet Cong's front. ''This ls the nearat we could gd to lhl! two sides "' bave bttrl fighting £er,'' Thanh said. "It loob like a "-idory ii yoo go back: to the original Ncwth Vtetnamne demand for a fu---sided coo-fertnce.. ,, 1'so rectangular tables (or secttt.aries will flan& the l'WDd table at a dis:taace ol about II incbes. and Tbanb - these: .arr sufficient to satisfy Saigon's demand "" -Wb sine< they indicate a division between the a.Hied and Hanoi-V-iet Cong oegotial0r$_ Unhappy Woman rf akes Own Life Teachers Reach Pact PITTSBURGH (UPI) -A llrin by I.JOO of lhr dty•1 l .100 public school leachen •u averted today trbrn ~ JD«)t trU ruched on two ean:nUc ;..,,.,, -the lnltlal step In the -· drtvr rcr their nrst llfl'O&iated W1I' conlnct ' .JI: J. Qarrell~ f 2fh Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your choic:• of styie °' febric m•y be purc:hesed et • most 9•n•rot.1s s1vin9s , •• Truly a rare money-saving opportunity 20 0 Off IEGULAI l'IK:ES Over 200 Styles of Sofas -Chairs -Love Seats -Ottomans in your choice of any Heritage Decorator fabric. Your favoriU nsurior dtrignn ril bt Mppy to GAfrt Vo• ••. ALSO .•• SUISTANTIAL SAYIN•s ON MANY HOIT AGE DINING IOOM, HDIOOM AND TAllE GIOUl'S ... HERITAGE & )httlg U.dlU. ta r.n.tt•N H.J.GARREff fURNf]URE PROFESSIONAL 11-/TERIO. DESIGNERS • 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646·0275 646°0276 t T . I J I I 11 '' I I I '1 j 1 I I I • • • -.. ---- • gtonBeaeh· -~ ~ . VOL 62, NO. 14, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE coe~. CAUPORNIA , ---·-· ·-~ .or-~·.,_ ) • _:. TMURSDAY, JAN!!ARY T~, • Ships Dock • • ' .. c . " . . Huntington ~ Mµ(der~ T-wjsJ ree ' C- • l't;. • -· . ·-• ~ID . -. Cahhie's -- - Steeb TEN CENTS I • Ill • Story Soviets Switch Brings Arrests Crews -- • Ill Space ... 11-tOSCOW (UPI) -Two manned Soviet ~ .Ol*O..oblPI' docked today in orb!~ the first time such a maneuver had ever been carried out. After exchanging crew members in another historic first the t~'O Soyuz vessels disengaged and went their separate ways. For one hour, two of the three crew members rrom the spacesh.ip Soyuz 5 had walked in space as their vehicle remained locked together with Soyuz 4 to form what the officjal news agency Tass called "the world's first ex- perimental space station." • The ships remained linked from 11 :20 p.m. PST to 3~55 a.m. -four and a baH llom. It ~ J>een expected they would · r6hljp HDW fnr some time, but lnformtd -in M°"""' said the two capsules probably would land By WILLIAM REED Of .. Dal ......... _Acting in a surprl!e move, ~ Beach pollc< an-ul<d lwo men about 5·11La m lodaJ"" ""l'ICloa cl lllllliler in the Savage alashlng death of a woman wba• original su!'peeted killers were arfaiined Wednesday. Release of an aerospace engineer and waitress originally held In the case was imminent, as lheir attorney tought an order to free them in West Orange County Judicial District Court. Now booked on suspicion of homicide is Henry L. Sianez, 25, of 312 Clay St., who wa1 picked up at another residence. The second suspect wu idenUfled as Edward R. Hargrave, 18, of 17392 Marken ~ Hunllnglon Beach. llel«Uve Captain EOrle Robitaille 111!1 lhiJ' lq ~7 about the aurprbe l~ la.,. Ill# .... _ ~- :: "1'e 119; Ila•• a alatemw .i-.lllf : ''!.;\. ~· .~ new pair and we clo have physlcll eviden- ce. We will present our cue lhit af4 ternoon to the district attorney," be said. ''We are ~ lmmedialt relflle QI-lio\h pceviOiis susjiecls, ltoni>an Coatnef; n,.and Margareta Dinger,•." be-added. - -' -Capt. Robitaille said the primary reason for lhe arrest of Coatney and Miss Dinger was the fact that her dart sedan, found at 21st Street and Olive Avenue, was blood-smeared and lhowed evidence of a recent traffic accident. PBint' scraj>es on her car -which definitely came from the car 4r'1ven by Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, of ID Olive Ave., moments before she was murdered -were the result of the nearby collision ju.at before the tilllnl. "We'Ve had our doubt.I,'' Clpt. Jlobitall1e admitted, "We just were not 100 percent . COffVinced -and we have bed Ollr d~Y!> fqr<e lamed Olll en (See lll1llUIJ!:R, Pqo I) • fJ:il!ay. .- '.B:etWeen the linkup and separaUon, -1t xdl ~ U. Col. Yevgeny Kbrunov and Aleie.l Yetiseyev clambered out of Soyuz 5 lo which they were launched Wednesday with a third man, made their way along guide rails and carried out various tasks. They then entered Soyuz 4 where LL Col. Vla<ijmir Shatalov had been alone since his Tues- day launch. Beaeh~ Gr-0up ·up Against WIFE AWAITS NEWS Mrs. T•m•r• Volynov Huntington Sets School Bond Vote A $-4.75 million bond issue proposition ts on the ballot for a special election Feb. 25 in the Huntington Beach City School Distrlcl ~ Trustees approved final b a 11 o t arguments Tuesday night for the bond Issue which would support lhe building prOgram of the elemental") district in the coastal half of Huntington Beach. , A favorable vote would allow the district to take advantage of the state building loan program for the first time. Jn order to qualliy for state aid a school district must be bonded to 5 percent ot Its assessed valuation. ac· cording to district finance offitt!rs. Along with the bond issue is a tu increase measure. The increase, say district ofltc.iala, is needed to keep the district from ''financial chaos." The la:a: rate would fall from the tiresent' $1.35 per $100 asseued valuation lo 90 cents if a new tax override is pot approved before July 1. They remained aboard Soyuz 4. after the separation and cosmonaut Boris Vol)rnov was alone aboard Soyui S. A British scientist said the Russians coold keep such a space station a1oft Jndefinitely and use It as a jwnp.off polnl for a manned fllghl to the moon. American Sclentist3 also have said a space station was necessary for further space flights. The UnJted Slates plans its first crew transfer with the Apollo 9 mission set to begin Feb. 28. Two astron111t.s will transfer via a pressurized docking tunnel between the three-seat Apollo command ship and the tw~man Apollo moon landing spacecraft, called the lunar module, and launched with it. Later one astronaut will spacewalk from one ship to the other in practice for a lunar landing. The United States plans to launch its first rudimentary space station in 1971. -It will be the inside o( a rocket stage fitted with living and working units. This orbital workshop will at !!rat support three men ln orbit for a month and will be revis.ited later. Jn describing the Soviet feat today Tass said Khnmov and Yeli.seyev, a clvWan, showed how spacemen could be trarllferred in rescues or relief opera- tions in earth orbit. "This new uperlmenl gives the o~ portunity to change the crew of the ship and also rtscUe (spacemen) in case of emergencies," Tass said. I ' I UJ'\' cdt· Ql!t} SOVIET SPACEMEN -Moocoi.--televisibti·pbotos show -So~-$ command pilot Boris Volynov (lo') Wm,Uiitg .as ho:moves -tlm)QKJ>: centrifugal lock in lint chamber bf spacecraft an(!<cosmonuat .Velill • Yeliseyev, an engineer, (bottom) \lJ ~abin' of the craft duri!'g·.,n~e . broadcast from ship. . , ~ . · ; -. ' 1--· ! $ ' I • • ' '' ! !· \' I 0 I '; ' . Agreement Re•ehed . ' U.S., North Vietnam Open Talks Saturday Frem Wirt Strviea PARIS -Ttie Uoited St.ates and North Vietnam announced agreement today that will enable the expanded Vietnam talks tn open Saturday in Paris. President Johnson hailed the agree- ment but warned that fiahUng on the Vietnam battlefields may c o n t i n J e throughout the negotiaUODI. The agreement came wben both sides accepted ~ round tabre, with no markers, nameplates or .o,p to indicate whether the talks were "two sided" or "four sided ." They will be flJnked by two small square tables for secretaries and translator!!. The bickering over the shape of the table centered on whether tnere would be an allied team on one side and a Commwli!t team on the other, or ·whether the V1et Cong Would 'be :seated as a separate force with the South .Vietnamese government. The Viet Cong and Sa""'1 each tnml II ii the '°I< represaitative of South Vietnam. Murder Confession Blasted The blctefing ~tinued for more ttian two mont.bJ whJle men on both 'side's ~led in Vietnam, •l'OUlin& -II• and iodi,gnation among man,., pmcm in the world. Ttie final 'lit.e o( the t:ablea will be delerrnined by the French rovemment which LI host for the talb and which will call In cabinet makers to make them. Coley Not Involved in Slaying He Admitted, DA Says Confwed ambush killer L<vest.r A. Coley murdered a pretty Ol.!ta Mesa cocktail waitreu and adJnltted another se:a: slaying, but be could not have com- nutted the second one, DIJlrict Attorney Cecil A. Hicks said today. Ironically ..-bowxl by I e I a I 1echnlcaliUes -authorities know who tilled the· beauty in an earlier case, but he wtlt evidently remain a free man. tnckll broke a tW'o-monlh silenct to refute reports that Coley had coofessed "to any peace officer" or to his lawyer, Matthew Kurilkh. "I have my own Ideas on the ldenU!Y ol the penoo to wtmi Coley made hi1 admJas&oa but I'm ool pttpared to divulge lbem," lfjcts said. Coley pleaded guilty lul Doc. 11 to the ldllin& ol -Marie Weidner, an 1ltractlve Cotti Mesa eoclrtaU waJtrm. He la currenUy held In the 011no l!'lson ot1ssUkaUon cynter, awaiting psyclil1trM: . ·-~ trealmenl pending bla CGllllllitment to the )JrQ wbere ht wUI serve his life lllllence. II -1'biJe the zt-yOOMld FUller1on maUmoo -beinl held fa or-Couo- 11 jaD bei.., trlal lhal he admitted k1llll1ll Glcrla Jlnii Collim, • CGP7l'1ghted article In the Jlolloler llated. '!'be Cana- dian glil -olabbed to "'"th in a Fullerton aparlmeml ,.. Maleh I, 111117. I tilling for wbfch WUlil~lakeman, alto from canadl; "., and ac- qu!Ued. '"CoUey couldn't possibly have killed Gloria Colline,". lli<lnl ul<Hoda1-''lie Dl"l' ba" !lid he~ld 11 wu a ~ !Mt lbould -lool;'ll Ioli> a !DI men c belate the i. f-.UGa WU llUlde Pllhlli:." lllcb enumerai.d d.. crlnll!I to which Coley conleaed' lo the •presence of law enfOlcaeot -and bla •ll<lrn<J. Ht ll.9ted Uwm u : -Tiit tJllinl ol Mt.. Weidner lul v Oct. 17. -"Lui Ocl II, while pnnrllilg lo Gallup, New Nelico, be threw 1 brtck in an aparlmeol window. Coley cl«rlbed tbl!: as an uncontrollable urge to throw the l;rick." -0 0n Dec. 3, 1917. he committed • burglary in Anaheim in which he ltnlck the victim wttb 1 rubber mallet. We have been advised there were no serious injuries." -"He confeaed -1o buJ'alaria In Fullerton commltted cm Oct. 1 t and Nov. 7, 1963, May II, 11161 and JI'"' ' 'rl. 1968." -"He ldmltted a number fl peow .. ineidents not reported to lll1 iaw en- fon:ement qency." ''We -wbo tllled Glorla ~ C.Wlla," lllds aald. "We know beyjod a lhadow ol a doul>I wbo tilled her I and II Ollly laku !!!!'!_look al a 1111 I ol evidence whlCb we~\ boeo allow· ed lo IOll>mll In court lo can'1nce aoyb6c!J ' else:." I Souih VJelnamelle-'Foreign lllnls!G' Tran Cballt 'll>Al1b in Saigon lplmecliale)y proc1almed fl ''loob lite vlctog ... 'Bui obwver1 in Parla aald tt •lll'W"'i· there hall lieeo -lo lhe Cormmmlils lo 1ot lhe t.J1n1 alarl<d before J-ltaves omce on Jan. 20. ' J-. shawlrc-cleep emotion "' the pn>cedur1ll breakllfroulh lhal came loyr qays ~<n he leaves olllce,-aald the Wlf!/ • )la4' be"! cleare\! for the' ~ <l aoi.lantive ,la!µ ud llaled: "Wi •mull.,be ~t thal lo 'tionorahla peace It 'Jooo!l!>te U "' hon .at llome ·nmalo '1eadf." State in Freeway Fight By. TOM -IAllLEY or 11M OallY ,IW ,,.., A move by the Concrrned CWzeris Council ol HunUn\llOI> Baell to· hall state action on the route of , tbe recentlr approved Huniln&ton Belch P'reew11 lw run lnto 1 roadblock with 'the Callklmlt Highway Commwton's inslltence that it cannot be sued. Tile state agency conteodi that It can- ool be the large! ol llU1aU011 ''wilboul its C(lOJtllt. .. The commlulon will ask dismiual of Ille cltlzeos action in a Superiol' Court hearing set for Feb. 7. Su~t Beach · Fugitive Killing Said } ustifiable Although soqie details att Slill Dl!der lnverttgation, Chief Deputy District At- torney James Emi«ht said this morning that the death ol a fleeing fugitive last Friday in Sunset Beach WU "un- questionably justifiable homicide." Carl A. Sjolund, ZI, ol IV/2 28lh SI.; 5umet Beach, was shot In !lie bact ol the bead .. he fled from. • tleputy sheriff who was attempting to lleTVe felony warrants for the arrest of the molarcycle rac!J11 enthualul. Sjolund died lo Huntlnc1<>n lntettorn- munlty Hospital atJ:out lwo hotu's after he was shol by llepuly Edwa!)t Goulet. The 1herlff's officer lald· Sjolund was onler<d to halt oeveral limes and Ignored the commands ol officers. l)epoi, Goold said be fired -shol from bia .3kallber servtee revolver at the fleeing man wbo wu aboul 15 yanll awl)" at lbe ~ ~ ~ Selection of fr:eeway routes, statel the commission, "is purely a legblaUve mat· ter and not subject to judidal review." II argues that the Calilo~ lqlslalunl lw delegated in the blgbway COlllllllWon ''ctrtain funcUona" relaUng to location of routes. Bul, atates the eommluioo, "troid freeway corridor&" are selected by the leaislature wllh .the commi.l&loo only, selecung the precise illgmnenls. The commission's argument lJ directed qainst a suit flied Nov. 21 by the HunUngton Beach cllimls CJ'OOP· Thal action charged that UMamed penons "coospired and entered into ,a acbeme lo e.slablish and lb lhe adoptloo of the Huotlngloo Beach Freeway." 'Iilat suit was sparked by the com- mission's adoption of the Orange ·11ne - a 7.4-mile rouil,JJ whlci closely follows the line of Pacific Coast Highway in HunUngton Beach to Lampeon Avenue in Garden Grove. Westminster and Slanton went on record is favoring the route. It wu oppooed by Huoliogloo Beach, FOllDlalo Valley and Garden Grove. An BfgumeDl submitted by the ob- jectors during heatings wu lhal the Orange line will destroy 1,'50 homes. It was pointed out that a roue placed further well WOOJa have ooty displaced T10 famttiH, ' '!be Ila!< notes In Its "'ply to tho !illit that the ciUzens' action was baled on claims that the CallfonUa Higlnr•1, Commission ii a "quas.i·judlclal" body. It rej:lllet ·that the commls&ion is a "quasi-legislative•• body and therefore , does not come within the Juriidlctlon of the courts. Oraage Coaa& ------~~~---,__~ --~ --~'--·------------------------------------------···--------- --=== ... ----"""-=="""~-----_c...:;.;:;.-- - - -------- z """-' 1111.0T BJ EVELYN llllQWOOll ~:r&r0r'F£ -lll'Olllillellt' R~lc~ gan :.-clllng today lcii a fliBht to WashingtOn, Jl°.c .. Friday morning to attend the in- auguralion ol Presideot-doct Rlch"9 M. NiXoo. · The delegaUon wlll t.ake an economy class flight out ol Los Angeles lntema· tional Airport. Actor John Wayne, a Newport Beach resident, bad been among thoee who plaMed to be aboard. Accon!lngly, TWA officials scheduled an old John Wayne western during the Hight. Wayne then c.aneeled his plans betause of a movie commitmenL -. ' . , ad for Nixon Inaugural .,,a~;,k~!'liiii · A_-;;(u.jjr ... Cout . ~ .S bJ tho lallfprl! Coaccrt al f:IO .... -.............. _, __ • "" ar-.-~ wlll ..... bJ P.m. ai·eonsututloo Hall- .,.,. • ,~-;;;:_;.,..:.. '-"-"..!"~-'-' • , _,.._. \:; .. · 1'llt olllclol '"'""'"al ceremony 'and lJ .-.;~,,. ~ -..f1.~~I . '~ • ,~- < -.~ -... TM ......,.. ~ .ifllll ... iloii ·IWUl'!na-to ol ·tho · prealdcnt and vioe ln lhe mro, Uie actor does-biilUo for 'distlngliW>ed ladles 11 i p.'li1: :s.Jur-president •larb Monday al 11 :30 a.m. with !lamina oil welts Instead o}bHllW : otay f.l lhe 'Nalional G•~-"Of Arla, •I the Capitol The tna"#lll'al parade The charter plane will leaff ',"COO i(tU~ed by the Yo1-1ni •A _ . -SrJi.ite wUI be at 2 p.m. and ttie cllmU of Angeles at 11 a.m. (It• the Wuhlngton Hilton, , ·tl'.te--tn-the re.Uvitles, the Inaugural Ball, wW Headquartt.rs ~for the OQm&e Coast &q:ural gala at the Nati011at Guard Lake place at 9 p.m. group ln ~ n.aUon's capita.I will be Armory at·t p.m. · Many of the local guests are expected the Washinddi, ~ Hotel. ,-; • -On Sunda,y the governors• reception to return home Tuesday with various They ~there from OUllcs will tie h6Sd from 2 to-.$ .. p.ia: "8( the memorabilia of the h1Jtorlc events. Internal' -by bus. : Sheraton Park Hotel' and :lhe ·nc:tptJon Besides the favors of the lnalJIUf'al Ball A whirlwtnd ~ of activities 'ftir honoring Vice President-elect) anil Mrs. -presidential . sJgnature scanes and three days 8rid nights has~ piaMed Spiro T. Agnew will follow' f.rom 5 to cha.rm bracelets -there wm be for some· 17,«Xt expected to. attend the e p:m. -at -the Smithsonian Museum of available inaugural programs at J2 each ln.augural, which takes place MODday. History and Technology, lt·will be follow. and official inaugural books at flO. ' Mione Harbor l,m rtlid-who ... ~ to !ah l&o -J'rldl,1 .,., Mr. and Mrs. Bewley Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Andrews, Mr. and J~rs~ R S. Barnes, Mr. and Mn. KOOert F. Beaver, Dr. and Mra. Arnold Beckman, Mr. and Mn. Fnlnk Booth, Capt. and Mrs. George W. Brokate, Mr. and Mn. Edward Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carpenler, Mr. and Mn. John Curci, Judge and Mrs. Thurmond Clarke, :Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeFranco, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emrich. J. S. Fluor, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Footner, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gaede, Mr. llnd 11n. J1olier( G ... enllolm, Mr. and Mt1. Ja<I< H-ult, Mr. ad Jlrs . Clement L. Hinch, F. George Herllhy, Mr. and Mn. John Kelsey, John Klug, Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod. Rutb McLeod, Mr. and Mn. Fran~ -p, Michelena, Dr. and Mrs. David Nielsen. Mr. and Mn. Bert Osteau, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. l'Dick" Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Jerrel T. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmid, Mr. and Mrs. William Shattuck, Mrs. Evelyn Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swafield, Mr. and Mrs. Don Teet.or, Mr. and Mn. Charles Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turner, Mr, and Mrs. WWard Voit Jr. and James Carroll. I F,...m Pagel MURDER ... Murphy ·Asks 'Baja Barrier' mane since this murder." Miss Dinger told Capt. Robitaille she parked her car -the same one used by Mrs. Markee'• tiller -in her open garage at Z806 Delaware St., when she rtl.urned home. Coatney, according to police, said that he came over to Miss Dinger's apartment from his borne at 12581 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, and parked his car directly behind Miss D.inger's vehicle. He said it was parked in such a ·way that her car oould not be moved. Miss Dinger staunchly mainlained that she had not moved either car and that she did not know how her car happened to be moved and possibly used in the murder, because she bad on1y one set of keys. She still had lhem when arrested. Capt Robilaille said today that all evidence indicated that Miss Dinger's car had been used in the slaying; that tt waa found with blood Inside .-now proven .!o be Mrs. Mariee's -but because "she couldn't explain hoW it hap- pened to be missing and Coatney bac.ked her story, both were anested. BOUND FOR FLIGHT SCHOOL Hellcop ~lllford TAPPED FOR AlR DUTY · -Htllcvp-Morrlson-- Police did not elaborate on how they came to arrut Sianez and Hargrave, saying only: "we know both of them ," evidently from prior contacts. Asked about whether Miss Dioger"s car was taken by ooe or both of the suapects, Capt. Robitaille said an auto theft charge could be filed later. They~re Heli~ops Beacli Cliooses Morrison., Stafford Valley Charity Ball Scheduled Police Chief John Seltzer Wedneaday selected Sergeant Robert Morrison and Officer Floyd StaUord to undergo in- tensive training as the first pilots of the Huntington Beach Police '11le fifth annual Fomilain VaUey March Department's new )Xllice helicopter. or Dlrnes Charity Bait will feature music The men were picked for their loyalty by the Hi Lites from 8:30 p.m. to to the department, their skills as law l :30 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 8, at the enforttment officers and their over.all Meia Verde Country Club, 3100 Clubhouse backgrounds, Chief Seltzer said. Road Costa Mesa. Morrison is married and lives in Hun· Th ' So d Plus collegiate \:·ocal group tingt-On Beach . He has been in California .-11 e dd ~n the musie and Bruct Gossett. f' ·law.enforcement for 10 years. "" a 0 ki 1r; .... -«·list 1 Staftord, .also married and a Hun-~s Angeles Rams c~'6 "~ •· ·linR\on. ·Beach' resident, has been in "'ill serve as master of ceremorues. · California law eo!orcement for three Tickets are $4 per person and may ~-.. · be obtained from Mn. Charles ~:.-~~men ~-hen.opter training Moo- by phoning lm-1~ or at the doer.;:--•• day with Wt:i-'kJ.~iates, Inc. Neither All. proceeds will go to U.~ hp had previoU> heUcopt... ~ying ex- of Ormes. ---• petttnce. · OWnnan o! till! year'• cl>iitiy. baU ; · . ,,,.. tratnmi will cover ZOO hours in is Mfs. Vance Derington. Assidlng 'her ~ation to pass Federal Aviation are M,mes. Elmer Maiao, Edwtn Bobth. Aj~nCy (FAA) requirements for pilot's William Cunningham and lames Grtiody. Jieenses. March of Dimes Treasurer for FoUntain The first quarter of the training will Valley ii Arthur B. Bw:hacber. be conducted at Long Beach International Alr)Xlrt, where the helicopter is curreilUy stored~ . Alter ·that the men will begin flying patterns over Huntington Beach. Cb1et Seltzer polnted out that . when they receive training over the city they will also ·be working, thus gaJni.ng a double benefit. While the copter is primarily for police work in patroling Huntington Beach, Seltz.er added that other agencies may also benefit from its presence. "Serving as a platform for com· munications and observation," Seltzer said, "it can also be used to aid the Fire Department on a large blaze or for beach rescue operatlom." Once the two new pilots are fully trained, they will be put on eight hour shifts. The helicopter, however, will only ~ alrborne about five hour! per day. Tb.e versatility of the police chopper wai· poj.nted to as a big plus for the city by Seltier. He ~i:plained, "You can hover a!:iove a fleeing suspect with it, or land between tMI parked cars." Tht chopper is equipped with pontoom for water rescues and the pilots wlll be trah1ed in .towing boats. A.Rd perhaps the nicest thing Seltier added, "Is It is virtually silent." 'Hillbilly' Max Baer Fined on Gun Charge Johnson Admits Leaving VAN NUYS (UP!l -Actor Max Baer Jr., 31, who plays Jethro in television's "Beverly Hillbillies." was fined $100 in Municipal Court Wednesday, after he pleaded no cont.est t.o two charges of violacions of firearms laws. Baer was charged with displaying a gun In a rude and threatening manner and discharging a flreann in an unsafe plaet. Both are misdemeanors. He was arrested last weekend after he reportedl y threatened a nelghbor with a shotgun. DAILY PILOT Ou.HOE CCM.lT l'VILISMIMG COMl'AH't ••b••f N. w,,. ""'liftll' .... ,ut>llW. J•c• •• c.,1 • ., VI« l'lttlOt!\1 end 0-•el MMltff• Th•"''' k'11.;1 f.41tor T~om11 A. M•r1Jhi"1 M.111t•l~1 ft•ltf' AJb e•t W. 11111 Wi1H1lfl l•tl AUO<••'• ti"""'"""' e.-.ri EoilO' c,r, Et ltw H1.e ... 1Md!Offk• JOf Ith Street M 1ili~t Aof411u: P.O. I•• 7•0, f?t•I °""' ....... JC......-A ._.,: nn '*"' a.~ ..,~ (fl'llt Mint: »O Wflt t1,-S"Wt ' Nixon Economic Problems \VASHJNGTON (AP) -President Johnson sald today in his final economic report that he's leaving behind a solid Ionndation for continued prosperity, but he conceded that his successor will have to deal wiLh major problems in the economy. The Pres.ident, in sending his report to Congress, said the United States has experienced an unprecedented period of prosperity in the last eight years, all under Democratic administrations. This has pennitt.ed, he said, major in· veo;tments which should insure conUnued economic growth for the indefinite future. To support Johnson's case, l he economic report listed investments in: -Industrial plant and equipment, which hp grown by nearly a third in five years. -Manpower, more than a million No Prosecution Of 3 in Escape Three persons who were accused or ald.b'lg ahd atlettlng a Westminster man who escaped from a county jail working party will nol be prooeculed oo the cbar(ea, Deputy Dillrlct Attorney Mlke ClplJzi said Tlle'doy. Jackie L. Partab. St, of 9001 Yenno Way, Westminster, George D. Wanl. la, o! 145111 Purdy Sl, MldlYay City and Cathy L. Mtlgle, 19, of Oran&:t we r • arMted by Los Alamitos police I as l Nov. 12 •hortly af,.r they allegedly helped Rober\ G. Bn>clu>rd, 25, o! 9131 SlocWr Sl -from hll dutlel as • county caraae trulti)'. Brochard was rec1ptured et hl1 homt, Brochlnl bu ilnce heon ruled to be • nam>Uc:s addle!. lie Is unc1er1oin& trealment ol lhe ca!Uomla RehabllltaUon Cent... at Norco. persons have acquired skills through go\·ernment·aided programs. -Education, which has seen a spec- tacular increase of 2.2 million in college enrollments since 1963. -Urban centers which, the President said, arc beginning to be restored "has decent places to live." Johnson said, "The nation is now in its 95th month of continuous economic advan~. Both in strength and length, this prosperity Ls without parallel in our history. "We have steered clear or the business~ cycle recessions which for generations derailed us repeatedly from our path of growth and progress." But the president saw ()ne Oaw io his 1enerally rosy .economic anaJysls - lhe wage-price splral which became especially serious in 1968. He insisted that this was caused in no small part by the failure of Congress to enact the 10 percent income i!l'Jrtu in January, 1"7, when he first asked for lt. The bill passed 18 months later. Congressional crlUca bavt nl~ lllls delay resulled largtly from 1 relulal by Johnson and his Defense Department to present the true co.m of the Vietnam war at the time they first became ob- vious. Jn any even~. Johnsoa ·declared tn his report that the job' of t0mblnln1 ntttional prosperity with price stabillty "is the biggest remaining overall challenge racing the nation," tndustrhll countries have never solved thl!! problem of Inflation. sakt Johnll'm, and the United States could ·not solve ll either in the short.term future. But he expressed confidence tba1 evtllWllly an answer would be found. "'lbm ls no 1imple or alngle formula for ~." be commented. "But um combinaUon high employment and at.able prices can and muat be achlevtd -by the United States and within I.be nut several years. • Senator Joins Fight to Close Border to Unescorted Minors U.S. Senator George Murphy (ft.. California) has asked the Department of Justice to consider "the polSibility" of drafUng legi.alaUon that would close the Me:dcan border to unescorted minors, he told Newport Beach city authorities today. Murphy nld he toot the step in response to • nsoluUon adopted by the Newport City Council and other citiea calling for til border ban as a possible solution t.o the traffic in illegal drugs from Mexico t.o California. "While the measure you suggest, will certai~ly not solve the entire problem," he said to Newport offJctals in a letter recei ved this morning, "I think that it maY be another step in the right tlirec. tion." ... """ • Murphy noted that he is deeply con. cemed with "increasing evidence of narcotics' usage by our teenagers In every part of the Ctll.Ultry." He pointed out that in the past he had ct>sponsored legislation proposing the establishment of a joint U.S.·Mexican Commission to investigate and recom- mend solutions to the problem of narcotics' importation. Beach Infant Die8 Despite Officer's Aid Beach Youth Sentenced In Purse Snatching C~e . ' -~-three-montb;.otrtfunttngton Ba~tr ---·--- baby girl died Wednesday morning of Jerry J ustin Faulkner Of Hunlington acute b.ronchial pneumon"ta, despite ef· Beach must serve eJght mOnt.M in forts by Huntington Beach police officer Orange County jail for a purse snatching John Hauser to revive her with mouth·to-e~apade that left a ?3-year-old woinan mouth resuscitation. Police first thought little Cam ice bruised and bleeding in the roadway. Jearwttt Crisler had smothered t.o death Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner in a blanket wrapped around her head. ordered the jail term Monday and added -A coroner's autopsy, however, revealed bronchial pneumonia as the cause of di'!' th. - The Orange County Coroner's office explained the child may have got ten tangled .up in the blanket while thrashing around suffering from the pneumonia. Hauser answered a frantic call from the mother, Mrs. William Crisler, 310 15th St.. Apt. I, who hysterically told police, "Someone murdered my baby." Hauser attempted to revive the baby with mouth-to-mouth resuscitaUon. Later, oxygen was applied by the flr e department 's rescue team, but the small girl was dead-on·arrlval at Huntington lntercommunity Hospital at 9 a.m. Detectives who investigated the death said there were no signs of strangulation on the baby end the -coroner's report confirmed the cause of death u natural. Cafe Held Up, Girl Kidnaped A bandit armed with a knife held up a Stanton restaurant Wednesday night and kidnaped the attendant's roommate. Police said the susp(!ct described as male, white. S.10, 150, about %2 ' took $200 from Barbara Jamerson, 18, of 2727 W. Orange Ave., Anaheim. attend· ant at Carl's Jr. Burgers, 109Z! Beach Blvd . When he r girlfriend f.1ar$"ot Wright, 18, o( the same address arrived to pick her up, the robber grabbed her and sped of( in the girl's car. No trace of the car or girl had been found this morning. JI: J. Qarre[[j three Jean probation to the sentence. Faulkner, 18, of 2618 Ma.ware Ave., w1111 also ordered to make full restitution of the proceeds from his robbery to his vicUm, Mrs. Delores Clift.on Dunn, 73, of 901 Alabama Ave., Huntington Beach. Arresting officers said Faulkner leaned out of a car Window aDd grabbed the strap of a purse being cattied by Mrfl. Dunn. The elderly woman was draged along the ground unW the purse strap broke. Police said Mrs. Dunn was later. treated for cuts and bruises on her anns and face. Her 1lasses were also broken in the incident, police said. Faul~er·s two companions in the rob- bery la~t Dec. l~ are awaitfna court action. Terry Hard y. 18, of 2408 England Ave., Huntington Beach, is scheduled for sentencing Jan. 22 in Westminster Municipal Court. He has pleaded guilty to reduced charges of petty theft. Patrick Mahaffey, 17, of 2316 Delaware Ave., also Huntinglon Beach, la awaiting setting of a hearing by Juvenile Court authorities. 12th Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your choice of style or f•bric tn•y l:t1 purch111cl •f • most generou1 s1ving1 • , • 20 Truly a rare money-saving opportunity Over 200 Styles of Sofas 0 Off HGULAR PRICES -Chaks -Love Seats -Ottomans in your choice of any Heritage Decorator fabric. ALSO • , , SUISTANTIAL SAYINGS ON MANY HHITACH DINING ROOM, llDROOM AND TAIL£ GROUPS , •• HERITAGE H.J.GARl\Eff fURNflURE ~"llbfti'lllll'i!libiw.IW lmlllOtt lltSIGl«U 0,.-.-...... -JI II HAllllCll IL 'n>J COSTA MESA, CALIF. '44-0171 MU271 ' ' I I ' I ~ ,1 11 I I . ··--· ....... ~~---.. --.--....... -------·--·--~---~ -·---·---·-·---------·~---------------------------------==~., Tlwndl1, Jonuay 16, 1969 DAILY 'ILQT J l ' Teacher ; H~roscope ti 1 Costa · Mesa Aquarius: Use I ~formation . : W~isely To Marry in :·Mar,h ~ .I FRIDAY JANUARY 17 By SYDNEY OMAllR UBllA (Sep!. 13-0ct. 12): SAGmARIUS (Nov. ZS. AQUARllJ8 (Jan. fO.ll'tb. DTIU>AY YOll have gr<al Mr. and Mn. J. Clrl rl\)' ~ppa Della Pl, hon- Way ii cleared for emoUonal Dec. 21): Be wary where e1· 18): Attentlolt 11 directed •to drive, creaUv~ mources. Key F""ClllM ir. of Orinda have orary ·00n fr~ty. llld pro(easlonal advancement pondllurel are -nod .. iboae' who ll't lncapacllaled. la ,. obailoel onerglta and dltci.-1 the ena'a&emenl ol Tile n<dl<Wlecl ·Jlit1; aq, Ac:c<nt on well-being, aecurity, Realize you 1et nothing for Day feitura deallnp ·of • •·•··1a. Bef0te 111onth la over their d au 1 h I er, Clrnl alumm11 ol Wlllftll" Hlgl> """"· ,__ 1 .. hi 1• ~ eonfldenUal nature. You ant _, 1._ _.L 1 uc w._ man cooll'oi.o 1 feeling that you be Ion g . nothing. RlallaUc aiUtude given "Inside" informeUon. an ~tr tor aoUd ad-Elllaoem Ferguson to Stewart School, Dowiley and' Wbltlier destiny ... Astrology polnla the Property settlement c o u Id could result 1n gain. C!t • ..1.. Use 1.1 wt~•·. VIDCerne1\L. present.I l t ae. 1 f • CUUord FWter:, son of ti.. Collilooe where be currently 11 way." work to your advantace. Be ~KNJ" --v Grab It'. • • ..., -. l ARIES (!larch 21·Aprll II): alert. income potential. ll!aoard fan-' PISCES (Feb. J&-llarch 20): Gl!NERAL TENDENCID: Cllfford A. F'lshen ol Downey, complelinl ' work op ~ i 1 1, Bu 1Ine111, parent a 1 SCOfl:PlO (Oct. is-Nov. 21}: ta.sles. B'riendahlpa, social conllct.I Cycle hl&h for CAPRICORN, Miss Ferauson of Newpx1 maatera degree. He I' ruponslblliUes rurge to New moon stnsse1 relattorui CAPRICORN (Dec. n.Jan. are empfia.sb.ed. Project can AQUARIUS, P~. Special Beach .II an elementary school teaching ~al education irt Cort.ftont. You may feel you with nelghbora. Best to be 19): Cycle bJ&h. New moon be completed if you a:aln word to SCORPIO : don't try teacher lo COlta Mesa. She the Newport-Mesa u 0 lf1 ed. are belng unduly burdened. diplomatic. Stretch B Point. accents fresh ltartl. Take Jn. cooperaUon of gr o u P , to do too much too IOOD.· Is a graduate of Miramonte boo] ~"~ct But there is reward. Don't Know that others may be ahy itlaUve. Be j Independent in organiuUon. State your needs ~trete forces. · Hi&h School, Orinda and the SC · VJMC• • strlrk duties. You are golng to or restricted by pr Id'. thought, acUon. You have ask· -and clBrlly m0Uve1. 'lben T w s......, OmafT' ,._ , Uolven.IJ7 of califonda at San· ~ ~le have aelected gain much. Understanding today wina the ed for cerW.n opportunities. you succeed. ="'). T~~~'-='"~t:.~N: CARO L FE RGUSON ta Barbara, where she was a March 29 for their "~ TAUllUS (April JO..May 20): .::m::•JO~· r'....!:po=in=t.-----.....'..Tod=::1y~the:::..:deCr::::_:b:_:o~pe::n:_:. E::n::ter::·:__:IF:__:TO:::DA::::Y_.::IS:_Y:_:O_:U:_:R:_~!:.~"~~t.!'5~~:,~:._:..!hl~:w:'..' .f:l:!""'.!:·~U;:!l-:..!''i!\'~r:'--:_B:_r:_ld:.:: .. :.::'o-:...::_be:_ __ _::me::;m:::ber=-ol::.:.P:::hl:::Beta=.:.Phl:::...ao_ro-__ d_ate_. ______ _ New moon posiUon 1tre1st! .- creative lhlnldng. You adapt to changes. You make pro- visions for the futurt. Yoo are concerned with UMl6e at • d1stance. Avoid the petty. Plen aheed. GEMINI (!lay 21.June 20): Necessary to lake inventory. Find out what is comina: in, going out. Joint financial ven· lure is spotlighted. B e orlglneT, Independent. New view la favored . Discard the outmoded. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Accent alliances. C e m e n t parlnershlp, marrlege. B e concerned with cCH>peration, pulling together. Make con· cessions. Show that you desire harmony. This is road to CQn· tentment. LEO (July 2J..Aug. 22): Employ men taf fairs , dependents bigh1igbted by new moon position. E&Sential that you are aware of health re- quirement!. Avoid excess. Take one step at a time. Relative in U'ansit makes con- tact. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): lm:Uvldual vital to your in- ST ARTS FRIDAY • ' • • JAN. 17th Semi-annual SH·OE . . ., " ' ' . • -.... -+--;cle;;;rests could ..£fill~e concerJl:. _ ve &nalrustralion appear -----· -------------------·--· ----- THIS IS A TWICE A YlAR · EVENT! THE SHOES OFFERED IN THIS FANTASTIC SALE ARE I I ' ,I ' . 11 I I to U'avel hand-in·hand. Avoid tenden cy to act on impulse. Analyze and deduct; make decision based on feels. ''£» www §M§EW The Tee Taft/er Tunic News n THE TUNIC IS TOPS - tt trevels the urban roote with a claqic 1klrt, goes sporty with sJee:k, back-zipped slackt. Stw the ll'lo in vi brant doubleknits, blends. Printed Patter1 Hfil : NEW Misses' Sizes 8. JO , 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 11 (bu3l S4). SIXTY-FIVE CFNl'S l n coins for each pattern -add 15 centa tor each pattern for first-class malling and special handling: olherwl"' thlrlkllw delivery wlU take three weeU or mor~ Send to Marlin Martin, 442 the DA IL Y Pnm, Pattern Dept., m We1118th Si., New Ycrlt, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, AO- DQ'.&1 wllh ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NU~IBER. OF THE FINEST QUALITY, LATE?,T STYLES AND COLORS ! CHOOSE FROM A COLLECTION OF MANY FJiM,OUS BRANDS WH ICH YOU WILL RECOGNIZE IMMEDIATELY BUT WE ARE NOT . . . PERMITTED TO MENTlbN IN OUR A.DS. COME IN EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! THOUSAllDS OF PAIRS OF FAMOUS BRlND ' CASUALS REDUCED SO°lo to 800/o NOW ONLY '2 • '3 . '4 . '5 . '6 Values to 16 .99 SHOES shop Daily 9:30 to 9 • THOUSAllOS OF PAIRS OF FAMOUS BRAID DRESS SHOES REDUCED 500/o to 800/o NOW ONLY '4 . '5 . '6 • '7 • '8 Values to 29.99 HANDBAGS REDUCED ' UP TO 800/o Values to 19.99 IOW! THE BIGGEST SAVINGS AID VALUES II SOUTHERN CALlfORllA! open SUNDAYS 10 to 5 I COSTA MESA 333 East 17th Street . phone 642-5069 1 SANTA MONICA VENTURA WESTCHEmR LANCASTER BEVERLY HIW CANOGA PARK SHERMAN OAKS NORTH 464 South Main St. HOUYWOOD LOS ANG•LIS ' phone 541-9609 ..._ _.. .LA&: ' ' .. :1 •• .. •) .. .. : t .. JI OAll.V PILOT (Hl · Great Steam Rush • Finance Goes Underground In Brief ' ~ ~, . N8V1 YORK IUl'ii -ll II wells can' ht laJ>ll'd close --------• man aucceedJ in lappina and enough lo tbt. earth's IW'face NEW YORK (UPI) baroelsing tM giant steam -600 to a,poo ftt:t -the Braniff International Alrwaya boiler 'belo• the e1rth'1 crust profit potential ia gOOd beclUSt will Inaugurate direct jet the cost of such power b service between New York herwiH h1ye enough power to and key c!Un in Lalin run ·hll factories, heat and about 1.1 percent less. P'llldlne: America Feb. t to replace light ti.ii home. and launch his them ~ari be dan.geroua and Ila lnterchaqe arrangements mon ~i'obei for ce:nturies, may. expermve. One well In the 'w~N Uon&t nd Eastern Air be ev'tn fore"tr. geysers area mpted with 1 1 · On'tttd States companiM in such force the s c a I d e d Lin ~ rughtl 1 week recent months Nave decided wc.-kmen thought they had will be launched connecting lo drill 8el'iously f o r tapped a Uve volcano. lt bu Ne• ~ork wilb P1nama, teotbemW power locked in been running Wild ror 10 years, Colombia, Ecuador, P e r u , the earth's molten center. The .so great is the underground Pare.guay, Chile and Argen- resulWlt "Great S I e a m pressure. Una. Rusi\" Like tbe "G rea t Cold The earth's crust, about 20 Rush;' 128 years a&O. is miles thick, is too deep for e<oterod west of the Roc\;es. OCOllOll)}c dr1lllng at this JJOint. The rigs are especially active However, in some areas - 1t the geysers, about IJ miles mostly on government land north ol SM Francisco, where west ol the Rockies Pacific Gu & E I e c t r i c volcanic activity has cracked (PG&E) linct 1960 has been lhe crust, letting steam escape producing electricity { r o m through ftsSuru or fumaroles. steam created by molten rock In other instances, the molten or magma under the earth's rock or magma has been 9- 111.trlace. PG&E plans a $50-ploded close enough to the million complex capable of surface to make drilling possi· %50 ooo kilowatts. enough to ble. "l~ on" San Francisco. Finding steam wells on TREVOSE. Pa. !UPI) - &I.I Laboratories, Inc., hu agreed In principle to buy Albright & Friel, Inc., o( Pblladelphla foe about IU million In a!Ock. Albright & Friel is an engineering design and consulting finn specializ~ ing in water treatment. TORRANCE ( U P I ) Cosmodyne Corp. has bought Fraser Machine Products Inc., of Santa Barbara, a precisiQll machine shop, for an un- disclosed amount of cash and New Navy Fighter t.IPIT11MMM Artist's concept ahow1 th( Navy's new supersonic carrier-based fighter, "the F-14A. Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. has been selected as the prime contractor. The F-14A wtll be a two-place aircraft with tandem seating. Pres- ent plans call for the first flight in early 1971 and operation with the fleet in 1973. Oil companies al so are In public land, at accessible Ute steam race. Occidenlal depths, then harnessing tberq Petroleum , Sun Oil and Union to turbines is the problem. Oil are prospecting. The poor man's method of stock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-/ One company lying its prospecting in the absence of future to steam is Geothermal fissures is lo wait until it Resources International , Inc. snows and note where thermal (GRI) which has leased 96.IOCJ heat melts the snow. More acres in California. Nevada, sophisticated prospectors use and Oregon and is ·took.iog instruments which measures at potential stem well sites the. earth's electrical con· in Utah Idaho , Colorado, :P.fon-ductivity, higher in thermal tana and the Philippines. Last areas. Airborne i n tr a -r e d September it joined with t~o sensors indicate p o s s i b I e Philadelphia firms to drill thermal areas as whlte spots wells and bulld generating on their maps. • plants in the geysers area, Whatever the ~elhod, man and within %2 mooths expecb on eVery continent txcept . --to-provi4e .300.,00Q._kil.o.watis.... Ant.arc.tica.-and Australia is. to 11 northern California. com-prospecting for steam wells munities. today. Some scientists LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Slll'E•IOlll coU•T 01' TMI ITATE 01' (ALll'O•NIA ,011 THI COUNTY 0, OUNCE ttt. A-41UJ estimate 10 percent of U.S. eleciricily will come from sue?h wells by 1980. The potential is staggering. Power from steam wells will be v i rt u a 11 y inexhaustible when a technology permitting recirclllalion of condensed steam back into the ground is refined. Like nuclear p o w er • geothermal energy is being touted as the energy source of the future . And jt haJ the added advantages of being cheap and oot)opollutant. HOUSTON (UPI) -The ques tion of whether It is feasi- ble to stUp oil by tanker from the Arctic alope of Alaska through the northwest passage to the East Coast of the United States will be •tested next year by Humble Oil & Refining Co. With the coopera· tion or Atlantic Richfitld Co. Don't Scorn No-load Fi1nds, They Match Record of and · a. J:lriUsb Petroleum Co. By SYLVIA PORTER sub&ldiary · If IUCCt.ISful, the Let's say that the cyolca i..t lhouJd ocee!erate develop. ol Wall .~ ~"" .:.. ment of file Areuc field, tfie --. --..-•ere "'.6"t a • ..._. companiu.said. _ -~ou, the ~ependen~ !?~.est.or-' MINNEAPOLIS /UPI) Dayton Corp. announced its target stores division will build a discount store in Colorado Springs, Colo., next year and another in Fort Worth in 1970, the two to represent an investment ol JS . million. NEW YORK (UPI) Preston Robert Tisch has been elected president or Loew 's Theaters, I n c . , succeeding L.lurance A. Tisch, who moves up to chairman and continues as chief executive. Jiave a dun and CJ1muush1ng chance of winning against the professionals who manage the giant institutional portfolios in today's stock market. Let's say that the only way you can be relatively sure of mak· ing a profit over the long.Wnn i3 to put your money i.n the institutional pool, so that the. professionals \\'ill m a n a g e your funds too. Let's say. in short, that your basic investment answer - in a period when the little fellow is either being snubbed by many brokerage £irms or flatly told he's not wanted -is to buy mutual fund shares. charse) on the shares ranging as high as 91": percent over the net asset value. The hun· AIODERN HISTORY is on dreds of load funds on the your side if you say this. market cover the widest range The assets of the more than of investment goals, manage- 300 mutual funds in existence ment skUls and performance today are on their way to record.!J. If you choose to do $55 billion agaiOJt a couple this, you will find a fund which of billions less than 20 years meets your needs and you ago. The n " m b e r or will join close to 9 million shareholde rs is on the way others who own load funds to 10 million against a mere with assets above $50 billion. NOTICI OF HIAlllNO 01' l'ETITION FOii PlllOIATIE 01' WILL ANO FOii LITIElllS TESTAMENTAllY E1l1le of AnN T. Hln<t l'l•lm•. 1lto l<MWll II AnM T. tllntt, Otce1Jed. JANUARY CLEARANCE few hundred thow.ands in the Or you can join the minority early '50s. and seek out a "no-load" fund NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN T~11 'l'v°""" M. DoCld Ill• fl~ llertln • btllllo!I kl• ,..,ball ol wlM end tor 1.s ... ftOf t>f Lttttu Tnt•IN!l'll•rv la PtlltloMr, ret.n1n<t la wloldl !1 ....cit tor hH'Th~ "r11cul9n. •ncl 1!111 !l>t •lme •"" pt&('e DI l\t&rlM 11\t wme M l t11t11 iet lor J1r>10•r• ll, !Ht. •I t ;JO 1.m., In ""' tourtr"""' ot Departr'Mftt Mo. J DI 11ld courl, a! JOO Wnl El91'1111 ~traet, 111 11>1 CllV d s.nt1 AM. C1Hfllr11l1. , O.ted J1n119rv 1, 1fft. W. E. ST JOHN. (ount• C\f1t Jldl L Grhlll"' i•lt. 1• U'llM Tnnf au11111 ... -lkKll. c.1'""1119 tCIO"I 'fit: Cllll 4l5-M71 """..._ fw 1'11111 ...... Publl•llad Or1"9l' Coast 011t1 Pitel. J1nuMY I. t, 1', 1t6t Jl.ff LEGAL NOTICE STARTING TODAY! What's more, mutual funds which meets your objective. now are owned by very big A much smaller number of as well as litUe investors, by these Is avaUable and si~ oLher types of institutions as they have no sales distri bution well as individuals. A large system and charge no sales percentage of the funds con· commission (no-load), you sistently outperfonns all the must seek out and "buy '' this familiar averages. More than type of fund . My husband and 50 funds did at least twice I have had a substantial as well as the New York Stock percentage of our nestegg in Exchange average last year no-load mutual fund shares and a respectable number for years, and wbl1e other dwarfed this average. funds have chalked up more Okay, it has beec said. sensational perfonnanoe rec- What, then, are your ords, we have no complaints / I' alternatives? what'soever. su"e1110:~~·~~ oF THE ~· ~ ~ ~ YOU CAN BUY one or nlore Why do I fa vor l\lt: no-load srATI! 01< c.t.L1Fo11N1" Fo11 ~ ~~ of the "load" funds on the funds ? Because: , THE co:.'! .. ~~OllANOE ----•· ,.._,,,,~ market today. These are ~ YOU HAVE as wide a NOTICE OF Ml!AlllNO ON l'l!T!TION THs: 9HOP PQl\MIH TH• 9HQ~ POI' MIH vigorously sold by an DPmV variety as you need from FOii l'lllOllATI. OF WILL ANO 1'0 11 -••v ,Ll!TTERI 01' ADMINISTRATION WITH '270 E. 17th 270 E. 17th of salesmen through elaborate . THI! Wll.L ANNIXED Hlll6RE SQU RE H ' di tr"but" d E1t1le of ARTHU R II. MtCOLLUM, N A fllvREN SQUARE s I ion systems an ' D&eaHd. COSTA ~ESA COSTA MESA because of this, you will pay 'IOTl(E I!. HF REllY GIVEN Thtl NOllM.A .i.RMllllU$T t nd LILl.tAN '·'::========================:'...~''_~·~·~'':'''--~c~o~m~m~l~ss~i~o~n:_~(l~oa::cd 8 E!ll:RY Ill~ !lied Mrtilt a Hllllon fwl · l'•oblN ot w111 i nd '°' luutnct ot Lttlwt'1 6f Admlnl1tr1lkNI wl\11 It-.. Wiit Ar>ne•td ,,, p,1111oMrs, ret.,tntt to """lch !1 "'-l« turllllr 1>1rllcul1•t. and 1~11 IM time 11'1d PIA<e ol l>Nrl"' "'' ..,,,... 111s 11..i wt for J.....,.rv 31, Ifft, 11 ':JO 1 ...... , 1n 1!>t t.eur1- DI 0..rtmtlli Ho. l ol Mill QIVr'I. 11 1'llCI Wnl Ei.Mll 5trMI, lrl llW (:[ty ol 511~11 Afll, Ct ll'°"'ll , . o.,.., J1n119rv •• "" W E. ST JOHN, Count1 Clfrt. lrll, W, VOUNO Int -.W11t llflilll"'ll IH Sfttfl St>rhtt 11,...., lM .i.11 .. 111. C.Otonil1 *II ltb UlJI W -#OJ All-Y lw l'tOtlflttft. Publ15Md Or1"'t Co." 0 1J!y l'llol, J~........, t , lD, 16, !Ht a).ff LEGAL NOTICE llOTICI 01' TlllUSfl!E'S S"LE T.S. Ne.~ Oii J1nu1.-.. JO. lfr6t 1! 11 00 o''!Ocio. • M. 1t lll!l lronl ol!lt~ ffll•l'•c:e to loewrtty Tl!lt ff\l~r111c' Com"n•, 11! N ar01<1w1y. I" 1tw City of Slnll '"'• $11!1 ol (e llforflll, 5ECUAITY l!ll.E INSURANCE COMPANY. 1 tor· POtllloll, •• TrwlM llllM• Ille DHd o1 Tf'Vll '~«lllftf 11Y THEOOO!ll:E E ~tSHElt '"" l(ATHElllYN S, FISHE!lt. ~ 111'111 Wiii, ·--~I-Mr' IQ, lta l l dlMMN!lt N. Doll llt ~ •Mo ...... U7 ol Ofncltl ~ !ft "" offlOt ol "" 11-W .. °"""" C"'"""' C1N"""'i.. bf '"-ot dlrfilolll Ill ""' ..,......,, « ~ ot ..... lien --""""°' ltlc:Wlllll flll .,.... ., .._n, ncinc. ot •kfll -.-- Allll'llll "-',.. .. ~"'·_, 11'1 lid' IJll. -414 ot u lct Oif16'1t !It--w'll Ntl .. 9Ubllc. 9ll(tloll fol" ~ •""9111 ... .,,.my " :-= -tl'Mloft .... ~·-· "" -'* IO Mid Trwl"' br ..... 9f Trwf 111 ~ •I"'"' hi flw CIUl'lfr OI ar.,.., ..... ol Cll!fwflle, dllea ...••. Will It !ft l lott "J)" fll T•kl No. tll "' 11\t' Cltv ttl H-1 8M(l'I II ........ l'I I 1'... lhtl'lfll' rKOrdilll llt *"O·-Ull»lllt~ ~ #!IK.f'!i.-~ .-.corllh ttl .. 111 Ot•-c-toio '9" ... lt>y._ of N Vlftt •llN1'9N Nit"'"" bl' Mid 0.... !If Trust 0.1911 ~ :a. hit ll!CUllllT'I' TIT\..f: INSV~HCE COMPANV Lw!w Nlc:flo9-, llor«--. 0Hk1• ·~""' ..................... ...,,....._ .. ,_ ~ Wiii\ Dillff ~!lot. ~ hQ,. C..111°""9; °"""""" •. ... l'1 ... - 1 STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach Mutual Fm1ds ii ' I r I 11 11 i IJ j, I I ' r· I I 11 11 I 11 I I ,. , .. • .. • • 1 • < • • .. .. .. " .. • I' .. " • • ' • • . --~·,-,-cc-;,-..,.,.~,..,,..,~~~.,,. .............. ..., ............................................................................................................................ "" .. "! • J PAll.V ""°' Jp New York . ' .. • ... -· -~i 11 _ .. ~ l: ..:.: "i4 • :t .. .~ -~ !c ~ t'\l r~ -t: ,. i fli It , ·~ =~ ·~·· ll! : tt . I·! :~ Ill -~ -· I v ., ·.' .... " :, ' THE 'SWEETHEART . AND LET Q,Y._R SJYU.STS • LOOK YOUR LOOK ; ~ JI." ') .. h ,. 'i'IJ-'.. • • • > , • ' . . ou~e o ' . ... . ' . ' ITEMS .... kits . .. . · , ~ : ~~=·Etc. FLUFF & FOLD ONLY c lb MONTGOMERY ' ci.anen· & Laundry .. ' Opio'.'loly 1...._.9 ....... Sot.I o .... 4P..m. BlACK & DECKER POWER TOOLS ' ' Best v•lue, •II pur~ drlll you tan bUy. · ·" '' ' • 11 ·~ 1/7 H.P. 115 V AC I ' 1.0 AMP •2250 R.P.M. 1099 I ION . . . " :. . HARDWAR ·• · ' ' · IN wrSTCU#~~ i . . · · · MZ·llH. ' • ' ., . ~· ... ' '· ;, ., · TASTE'.$ . '.JQU~l.OYt . CHW~fllll f, :& StlCK TWO FAVO~ITES FJl0MTHE. WIDE SELECTION OF SPECIALTY FOODS· FROM ••• "~~[k~ ~~,Ii~. . DFQN/Q WESTCLIFF. •PLAZA TOWN· & COUNTRY 0,... l•ft ' ~ Opft lftl. I S.114cry 1.0~ ln:l9e. ·. 1'(1' s ..... _$tJ ~".°~..... ~. Celff •• TOP 9UAUTY CHIQUITA BANANAS 10~ . - USDA CHOICE FULL CUT ROUND STEAK. BON~~ESS MARKET BASKn Watcllff. Plaia .. . VALENTINE'S DAY FEBRUARY 14 ·1 SHOP . ~ -···' ~-' . ~ .•. EARL.".'-11 ~ ·-. • • . y PARTY GOOO_S & CARDS H•n A Cllwtey "-• P.ny N.pldn. c.,.. ttc ••••• PAPER IJNLIMITED WESTCLIFF PLAZA 1e .. 1 of ~rkot ·e .. kotJ ' ' MEN'S FORMAL WEA!lSPECIAUSTS darrell's -dedrick TUX SHOP FASHION SQUARE 25 Bulloc~l SALES -DELUXE RENTALS iri·r ~11!1 W.ESTCLIFF PLAZA 1130 Irvine -· EXPERT • .. Professional BARBERING F,or the Min Who Cares Westeliff Pina BARBERS · 1116 Irvine'·>,_ 646-994 I )., .-•..., Optometrist · Or. Lou Roy Elder • CONTACT LENSE~ • REFRACTING • EYE WEAR STYLING • PRESCRIBING " WESTCLIFF PLAZA -=---- .. • ' ' ,. I ., ____ .. • -... - ' • JD Valley EDITION Today's .,.Ut -.,)...__ ---N. Y.--stOeliS VOL 62, NO. 14, l SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ' ORANGE Cdf!!Y, e~UFpR"!fA .. -;:. JA URSDAV', JANUARY. 16, l 969 -~ . ' TEN wiTs . . -. - Huntingtofi Murtlet Twist ree ,, Soviets Switch Crews-.in Space ... Mo.5CCW (UPI) -Two manned Soviet spact ships docked today in orbit, the first Ume such a maneuver had ever been carried out After exchanging crew members in another hlstorlc flrst the • ·e-·-. " • • lll. ,a Ill , Cabhie's Story Brings Arrests By wn.LlAM Rm> new palr and we do have physical evlden-°' IN Dlilr ,... IWI' ce. We wW present our cue Utl1 at· Acllng in a su.rpriae moveJ ijuntlngton ternooc to the district attorney," be Beacl. police arrested m men abOut said. 5:3& 1.m. today m IUlplclon of mµrder "We · are asking immediate release o£ both previous IU!pecll, Nonnan in the savage aluhlng death of a woman Coatney, 4.l, and Margareta Dinger, 31," whole oriaiilat nspected k1llm were he added. arraigned Wodnadly. • C.pt. Robitaille said the primary Release of an aerospace engineer and reason for the arrest of f,oatney and ' --two-Soym-vessels-disengaged and-w.ent._ their separate ways. waitress..llriginall1 heldJn..tb~case_ps_ .MW;_Diliger....iaa..the fad. lb.al hef._dnk_ __ WIFE AWAITS NEWS Mrs. Tamera Volynov Hunting ton Sets School Bond Vote , A $4..75 million bond issue proposition ts on the ballot for a special election Feb. 15 in the 1 Huntington Beacb City School District. . Trustees approved final b a 11 o t srgument.s Tuesday night for the bond issue which would support the building program of the elemental"} district in the coastal half of Huntington Beach. A favorable vote would allow the district to take advantage of the state buildingJoan program for the first time. Jn ordef to qua!Uy for state aid a school dislrict must be bonded to 5 percent· of !ls assessed valuation, ac- cording to district finance officers. Along with lhe bond issue Is a tax lu,crease measure. ThP increase. say district oilicials, is needed to keep the district from "financial chaos." The tax rate would fall from the f>rt..$en( •t.35 per $100 assessed valuation to 00 cenl..'I i( a new tai: override is not approved before July I. ' For one hour, two of the three crew members from the spaceship Soyuz 5 had ·walked in spaei! as their vehicle remained locked together with Soyuz 4 to fonn what the official news agency Tass called "the world's first ex- perimental space station." The ships remained linked from 11 :20 p.m. PST to 3:55 a.m. -four and a half hours. It had been expected they would remain linked for some time, but informed sources ln Moscow said 111< twQ 1""' -'ably would land Friday. ' ,,, ... Between die linkup aDd separation. research engineen U . Col. Yevgeny Khnmo• ~ 4len1 '(eU.,...,·eJambeittr· out of Soyuz 5 in which they were ·::t.""' me:·:.rel'A~ -:i. ami carried out variowi tasks. They then entered Soyuz 4 where Lt. Col. Vladimir Shatalov had been alone slnce his Tues- day launch. They remained aboard Soyuz 4 after the separation and cosmonaut Boris Volynov wu alone aboard Soyuz S. A British scientist said the Russians could keep such a spact station aloft indefinitely and use it as a jwnp-off point for a manned flight to the moon. American scie:ntlats abo have said a space station was necessary for further space flights. The United States plans its first crew tran!fer with the Apollo 9 mission set to begin Feb' 21. Two aatronauU wip transfer via a pressurized docking tunnel between the three.seat Apollo command sbip and the twcrman Apollo moon landing spacecraft, called the lunar module, and launched with it. Later one astronaut will spacewalk from one ship to the other in practice for a lunar landing. The United States plans to launch its first rudimentary space station in 1971. It wHI he the inside of a rocket stage fitted with livi ng and working units. This orbital workshop will at first support three men in orbit for a month and will be revisited later. In describing the Soviet feat today Tass said Khrunov aod Yeliseyev, a civilian, showed how spacemen could be transferred In rescues or relief opera· lions in earth orbit. "This new experiment gives the op- portunity to change the crew of the ship and also rescue (spactmen) in case of emergencies." Tass said . •• I ' ' ~ r ·1•; ·t~ '• ' :.· ("'10,,tJ' hlil SOVIET SPACEMEN -Moscow itelevlslon 1Jholol • jjlow SOyuz .~ command pilot Boris Volyn<>V (top): smiling ·as he •lllbvos·'IJiroilgh centrifugal lock jn first chamber Of :ipa('f!Craft1 8nd tosriloquat Af~Jei Yeliseyev. an engineer, (liottom) in cabin ol'the ·ctaft dnrini;:Jlve broadcast from ship. · · Agreement Re~e~ed U.S., North Vietnam Open Talks Saturday ' . Frorn Wire Servleet PARIS -The United states and North Vietnam announced agreement today that will enable the expanded Vietnam talks to open Saturday in Parts. President Johnson hailed the agrte- rr:en t but wamed that fighting on the Vietnam battlefields may c o n t i n ~ c throughout the negotiations. The agreement came when both side:; ·accepted a round table, t.yith no markqr-s, , nameplates or Gag& to indicate whether Murder Confession Blasted Cole y Not Involved in Slaying He Admitted, DA Says Confessed ambush killer Leveller A. Coley murdered a prttty Costa ·Mesa cocktail waltreu and admitted another ID slaying, but he could not have com- mitted the 9eCOOd one, District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks said today. Ironically -bouod by 1 e g a I technicalities -authorities know who killed 'tbe beauty Jn an e.arller case, but he will evk!enUy remain a free treatment pendinC his commitment to the priaon when be will """" his life sentence. It was while the it.year-dd Fullerton mailman -beil1( held In Oranp Coun- ty jail belcn trial that be admitted kllJu.t Gloria 0.1111 Colllno, I copyrighted articfe In tbe JloPl<r &lated. The Cana- dian pi wu ltabbed to death in a Fullerton apartment on March 4. 1957, a killing for which WUUam Blakeman, m~~clts broke a tw<HTIOOth silence to aho fnm Canada, was tried and ac- f'f:fUte reports that Coley had conleued ~tted. , "to any peace officer" or to his lawyer. Colley cou~ t pouibly have ~ed Matthew KuriUch. "I ha ve my own Gloria Collinl, RkU uid todaJ. He &dea on Ute identity of the ~ to may. bav~ \aid he did but It was a whom Coley made Ills adml$!0o Pill -~tW ~ b1eD looted I'm""' (epored . to divulp 1bD., •·~·~!~~·.c ~<Qp '.in-•lftcU &al • "" .. , • ':!' • • Coley pleaded guilty last Dec. 11 to H&cb e:numenlfld crimes to which the tilling ot Roae Marie Weidner, an Coley confessed In the presence of law attractive Costa Mesa cocktail waitress. enforcemenl olOcen and hll altorney. He ls curmitly held in the Chino prison He USted them 11: cla.ssifJC.alion cent<!r, awaiting psychiatric -The t1lllnfl ot Ml.SI Weidner la3t imminent, as thelr attorney aought an sedan, found at 21st Stttet and Olive order to fr~ them in West Orange Avenue, was blood·smeared aifa showed Count)' Judicial District Court. evidence of a recent traffic accident Now booked on susplcloc ol homicide Palrit scrapes on h'tr car -'Which Is Henry L. Sianez, 25, of 312 Clay definitely came from the car driven St., who was picked up at another by Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, of 1508 residence. Olive Ave., moments before she was The second suspect wu idenWled as murdered -were the result of the Edw~ R. Hargrave, 18, of 17392 Marken nearby collision just before the killing. Lane, Huntington Beach. "We've had our doubts," Capt. Detective Clptain Earle RobJtaille had Robitaille admitted, "We just were not this to uy 'about the surprise twist 100 percent convinced -and we have bl the piaJy cue. had our detective forct turned out en 1. "'JI• do! have a 1iatement from ll'O (See MUllDER, Pog< ZI --~ •i.,, ~ · . 1-t h1· .·,~~,". -:·· -Up Against / Sfut~ ill F~~way Pight By TOM BARLEY Of "" DUtr I'll" ,,... A move by the Concerned Oitizerul Council of Huntington Belch to halt liat. actloo oo tho ~i..ol ,the r<e<ntly apjiroved Huntlngton IM8cll irr..w"1 hu run into a roadblock with the California Highway Commwloa'1 lllllll<llce that Jt cannot be sued. The state agency con1':nds that it can- not· be the target ol lltli•Uon "without lb consent.'' The commlulon will ask dismissal of the cltiuns action In a Superior Court hearing aet for Feb. 7. Sunset Beach Fugitive Killing Said Justifiable Although some details are still under lnvestigaUon, Chief Deputy District Al· torney James EnriJdit uJd this morning that the death of a fleeing fugitive last Friday In Sunlet Beach wu ''uf>. queatk>nably justifiable homicide." Carl A. Sjolund, 23, of lllm 26th St., Sunset Beach, wu shot in the back of the head u he fled from a deputy 1herifr who wu attemptlq to aerve felon)' warrants for the ln'ftl of the motorcycle racing enthusiast. Sjolund died In HunUnglon lntscom· munity Hospital about ·two hours after he was lhot by Deputy Edward GoWd. The llherl!!'1 olllcer said ' Sjohmd was onlered to haH -.ral tlmu and liJiond the commands of otncers. Deputy GoWd said he fired ..,. Ibo! from his .31-caliber aervlct revolver at the fleeing pian who wu about 25 yards away at the time. Man Dies in Car Ci-ash.~n Freeway Selection of freeway routes, &(ates the commission, "iJ purely a legislative mat- ter and not subject to judicial review." It argues th.at the Ca!Iromla leglslature has d,elegated to the highway commlaalon "certain fwrll.ons" relating to locaUm of routes. But. states the cmnmlssi.on, •'brOld freeway corridors" are selected by the legl!lature with the commlssloo only selecting the precise allgnme:nts. The commisston's argument iJ dlrect.ed against a suit filed Nov. 21 by the Huntington Beach <ltize!ll group. That action charged that unnamed persons "conspired and entered lnto a achene to establish and fix the adoption of the Huntington Beach Freeway." That suit was sparked by lhe com- mission's adoption o( the Oral'lle line - a 7 .4-mile routing whic" closely followJ the line of Pacific Coast Hipway Iii Huntington Beach to Lampaon Avenue In Garden Grove. Westminster and Stanton went on record as favoring the route. lt was opposed by Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Garden Grove. An argumect submitted by the ob- jectors during hearings wu that the Orange line will destroy l,'50 homes. It was pointed out that a roue placed further west would hive oolJ d.iaplaced 770 families. Tbe state notes In Its reply to the suit lhat the citizer\11' action was baaed oo~ claims that. the C.li!ornla HJahway Commission is a "qlllal-judiclal"' body. It replies that the commission is a "quasJ-legi.slaUve" body and therefore does not come within the juriadictioo of. the courts. Ora age Weadler Patchy OOO!tal log wW cRJud up the climatic conditlOllll Friday, with temperaturu ronginr !tom 80 to ~ alOlll tho Orange Cout. INSIDE TOD-' Y TMre IDill be ,....tllina /or •V<fllO!I' Mondou al the parade /olllllDlng 1M ma~ratian of Richonl M. Nl<on. l'o{lo J2. ... . , z lllal Y l'IUT Coast .. 111 l!m lllBIUl'OOD '. .. ~"'--" ~ ---prominent Jb,pubilcans an pactln& l<>day lot a flight lo Wuhlnglon, D.C., Friday monllnt1 lo attend the lo- aupraUari al Preaidenl .. le<:I lllcha<d M. Nixon. The delegaUoo wilt lake an economy class flight oul of Los Angeles Intema· tional Airport. Actor John Wayne, a Newport Beach resident, had been among tllOR who planned lo be aboard. Accordingly, TWA officials scheduled an aid John Wayne west.em during the flight. \Va)'Re then canceled hl5 plans because oI a movie commitment. F""m Page J MURDER ••• masse since this murder." Mlxs Dinger told CapL Robitaille she parked her car -the same one used by Mrs. Markee's killer -in her open garage al 2606 Delaware St., when &he returned home. Coatney, according to police, utd tbat he came over to Miss Dtnger's aJ)lilrtment from his home at 12581 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, and parked his car directly behind Miss Dincer's vehicle. He said it was parked jn aucb a \Yay that her car could not be moved. Miss Dinger staunchly maintained that she had not moved either car and that she did not know how her car happened to be moved and possibly used in the murder, because she had only one set of keys. She ltillbad them when arrested. Capt. Roblta.llle said today that all evidence indicated that Miss Dln1er'1 car had been used in the alayinf:; that lt wu found with blood inside -now proven to be Mrs. Markte'a -but because she couldn't ei:plaln how it tia~ penecl lo be mlx&ing and Coatney backed htr .story, both were arrested. , BOUND FOR FLIGHT SCHOOL H1llcop Stefford TAPPED FOR' AIR DUTY H1llcop Morrl_, ~d for Nixon Inaugural .... 11 11111. • ~ et \Jle$~ ~I l :IO '1111 ~ cere\\Jony and ~ ti Ult president and vico pml4ent olarts MC>D<lal( at U:lll a.m. al !lie Capitol. The in1uprll parade wlll be •f I p.m. and the climu of tWe festivities, the Inaugural Ball, will take place at 9 p.m. Many of the loc1l guests are expected · lo return home Tuesday wllh various memorabil!A ol lhe hlat.orlc events. Be!ldes the raven of the Inaurural 'Ball -presidential IJJpat\11'9 aearves and chirm bracelela -there will be available inaugural programs at p each and official inaugural boob at $10. . ~ If#~.'¥~ rt.l\df'Jll w~ ~ ~ 19 IOo 1111 ~ 1'111111 an: • , Mr. and Mn. 1$;w1ey Allen, Mr. lftd Mn. Victor Andrtws, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Barnes, Mr. and Mr1. Robert F. Beaver, Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. Ftank Booth, Capt. aod Mrs. George W. Brokate, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buqtetl, Mr. and Mrs. DennlJ Carpenl~, Mf. and Mrs. John CUrcl, Judge and Yrs. Thurmond Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. W. EdWard Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeP"ranco, Mr. and r.1rs. Harry Emrich. J. S. Fluor, Mr. and MI'S. Richard Footner, Mr. and l.1rs. Keith Gaede, Mr. an4 Mn. ~ G..,..i,alm, Jolr. .. llta. Jeq """''~ llt •.... Mfs • ctcmUt t.. Jliiicli, P. George Herllfiy, Mr. and Mrs. Jalm 'Kelsey, John Klug, Mr. and Mr1. John McLeod. Ruttl J.kLtod, Mt.. and . Mn. Fraink G. Michelena, Dr. and Mn. David Nlel.&en . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Osteau, Mr. and Mrs. O. 'fl. ''Dick" Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Jerrel ""T. IUcbards. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmid, Mr. and Mrs. William Shattuck, Mrs. Evelyn Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swaileld, Mr. and Mrs. Don Teetor, Mr. and Mn:. Charles Thomas, Mr. and Mn;. Louis Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Wille.rd Volt Jr. and James Carroll. ·Murphy Asks 'Baja Barrier' , Senator Joins Figlit to Close Border to Unescorted Minors ' U.S. Senator George Murphy (R· California ) has asked the Department cf JuaUeii to e<inslder "the pouibility" of drafUn1 le1lslallon that would close the Mexican border to unescorted minors, he told Newport Beach ctly 1ulhor1Ues today. Murphy Aid he took the atep In mpooae lo 1 raoluUon adopted by the Beach Inf ant Dies Despite Officer's Aid · A. liirefinonUM>ld Hunllngton Beach baby llirl died wednead1y momtng of {I.cute· .br.onchlaLpneumania....-lfupiti.. e&- Newport City Council and other cities calling for the border ban as a possible solution to the traffic in illegal drugs from Mexico to California. "While the measure you suggest, will certai!"IY not solve the entire problem," he said to Newport officials in a Jetter received thl1 morning, "I think that it may be another step ill the right di.rec· lion." Murphy noted that he is deePty con-- cerned with "increasing evidence of narcotics' usage by our teenagers In every part of the country." He pointed out that In the past he had co-sponsored legislation propo5ing the establishment of a joint U .S.·Mexican Commission to investigate and recom· mend solutions to the problem of narcotics' importation. Beach Youth Sentenced In Purse Snatc~ing Case ... -Police-did AO\..e]ebora&,! on ho'i' th~ came to arrest Sianez and Hargrave, saytng only: "we know both or them," evidenUy from prior contacts. Asked about whether Miss Dinger'• car wu taken by one or both of the suspects, Capt. Robitaille said an auto theft charge could be filed later. They're Deli~ops f ort1 by Hun1ln1ton Beach poUce officer John Hauser to revive her with mouth.to. mouth resuscitation. Police first thought little Candee Jeanette Crisler had smothered to death in.a.blanket wrapped around her head. Jerry JuaUn Fauttner of HunUngton Beach .. -must.-serve-eight-months in Orange· County jail for a purse snatching escapade that left a 73·yeai'-old woman bruised and bleeding in lhe roadway. Superior Court Judie Robert Gardner ordered the jall term Monday and added three yur1 probatlon to the 1eptmct. Faulkner; ·11, of :UII De1aWare-Avt., wal'also ordered to make full rut.ltuUon of the proceeds from hia robbery to his vicUm, Mrs. Delores O)lfton Dunn, 73, or 901 Alabama Ave., HunUnaton Beach. Beach, Chooses Morrison., Stafford A coroner's autopsy, however, revealed bronchial pneumonia as the cause of Cafe _,Held Up, Girl Kidnaped Arrtstin8 officers said F1ulkner leaned eut of a car window and grabbed the strap of a purse being carried by Mrs. Dunn. Tbe elderly woman wu drag(ed along the ground unW lhe purse strap broke. Valley Charity Ball Scheduled Police CbJef John Seltzer Wednesday selected Sergeant Robert Morrison and Officer Floyd Stafford to undera:o in- tensive training as the first pilots of the Huntington Beach Police The fifth annual Fountain Valley Marcti Department's new police helicopter. or Dimes Charlty Ball will feature music The men were picked for their loyalty by the HI Lites from 8:3tl p.m. lo to the department, their skills as Jaw 1 ·30 am Saturday Feb. 8, at the enforcement officers and their over.all r.fesa Verde Country Ctub, 3100 Clubhouse backgr?und~. Chief .seltzer ~d .. Road, Costa Mesa. MorrJSOn is married and l~ves 1~ Hu~ The Sound Plus collegiate vocal group ... _'ti~ ~~ach. He has been 1n California will add to the music and Bruce G081elt, , ~Yi enfoteeme~t for 10 .years. Lo A geles Rams kicking speclal!J&, SfiUQrd,: also . "'.J'Brr1ed and a Hu~- . 9 n r onlel ti~ ·~a.ch resident, has been 1n \v1ll serve as master 0 cerem · -Califumia Jaw enforcement for three Tickets are $4 per person and may years. . be obtained from Mrs. Charlel Aikin The me.n bqfn bellcopler tr•ining MC1n6 by phoninf 839-1665 or at the door-day wUh ·World Alloclates, Inc. Neilher AD proceeds will go to the March bu had prev1oua helicopter fly1na: et· of Ollnea. . pertenoe. Chalnnan of lhl.s year's charity boll · 'll10 troinln&' will cover :IOO b0ur1. In is Mrs. Vance Derington. Asslltlnc her pnparaUon to pass Federal AvlaUon are Mmes. Elmer Maiso. Edwin Bootti, Agency (FAA) requirements for pilot'• William Cunningham and James Grunctr. licenses. March of Dimes Trtuure:r for Founlam The firat quarter of the tralninl· will Valley 11 Arthur B. Buchacher. be conducted at Lons Beacp Internadoaal Air)x>rt, where the helicopter ii currently death. stored. After that the men wW begin 't'tie Orange County Coroner's office flytna paUema ovu..Huntin&ton Bucb. aplained the ehlkl may have gotten Chief Seltz.er pointed out that when tan1led up ln lhe blanket while thraahing they reeel.ve tralninl over the city they around aulfe.rlng from the pneumonia. will also be workln1, thus Jalnlng a Hauaer anJWered a franUc call from double benefit. the mother,. Mrs. William Crisler, 310 A bandlt armed with a ~lie held up While the copter ia primarily for police 15th St., Apt. I, who hysterically a Stanton '"estaurant Wednesday nl5ht work In patrollng Huntington Beach, told P,Olice, "Someone murdered my and kidnaped the alt811dan1's roo1nmate . Seltzer added that other agencies may baby. ' Police !aid the suspect described as also benefit from lta presence. Hauser attempted to revive the baby male, white 5-10, 150, about 22 took "Serving u a pla1Iorm for com· with mouUJ.to-mouth resuscitation. Later, $200 from Barbara Jamerson, 18, of muniei.tions aod observation," Seltzer oxyg"'~~ 8"Plied by the lire 2727 IA'. Orange Ave., Anaheln1, aucnd- sald, "lt can a!IO be used to aid the de~'•-telc:Ue te1m, but the IDllll an~Carl's Jj Burgers, 10922 Bctich Fire Department on a large blaze or slrl WU dead-on·an1val at Hunilqton BIWhen ~]friend MarfTOl Wright , for beach reecue ope.r1Uot11." Intercommunity H01pJll1at9 a.m. 18 r th dd • -• · k One. th9 two new plJota are fully . De'--Uvea who inv..-1"ated the death , o e same a ress arriv~ to p1c ~ s.wa her up, the robber grabbed her and trained, they wlll be put on elaht hour 1114· \hare wtre no 11.gna: of strangulation sped orf in the girl's car. s.hHts. 'nle beUcopter, however, will only ,__ on the Aaby ind the e<ironer'a report No trace of the car or girl had been Police aald Mrs. Dunn wu tater tttated for cull and bruises on her arms and face. Her glases were also broken in the Incident, poUce said. · Faulkner's two companlon1 In the ro\r bery last Dec. 15 are awalUng court action. , Terry Hardy, 18, of 2f08 Ef1iland Ave , Huntington Beach, is scheduled for sentencing Jan. 22 ln Westminster l.1uniclpal Court. He has pleaded guilty to reduced charges of petty Uielt. ' Patrick Mahafrey, 17, of 2318 Delaware Ave .. also HunUngton Beach, is awaiting setting of a hearing by Juvenile Court authorities. be ~borne about five houn per day. Q9rlflrmeci the eiuae of death as natural. found this morning. Tile veru.Ullty of the police chopper --::=================================::::::::::::::::::= was pointed to U.. a big plus for the oily by S.IUer. !& uplalnad, "You can l)over above 1 Qelini RJIP6Cl wUh fl, or land bei-n \fnj ;lrled dra." ' Tho ilioppei is ~JPOCI 1fltlrpon~. for water rescues • .And !lie ~\p ·wm be trained ln towing boatl. And per~ the niti!st 1hing Seltzer added, ''ls tt is virtually silent." fi: J. Qarrell '3 'Hillbilly' Max Baer Fined on Gun Charge Johnso11 Admits Leaving I 2fh Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES VAN NUYS {UPI) -Actor Max Baer Jr., 31 , who plays Jethro ln television's "Beverly Hiilbillies," was flned $100 in Municipal Court Wednesday, after he pleaded no contest to two charges of violations of firearms laws. Baer was charged with displaying a gun in a rude and threaten1n1 manner and discharging a firearm Jn an unsafe place. Both are misdemeanors. He· was amated last weekend after he reportedly threatened a neighbor with a shotgun . DAILY PILOT O•ANOf COo\$T l'U.Ll ... IHG (0Ml'AN1 ••lo••f N. w,,, l"fttlftlll • ..-l'ultll ...... J1c~ •· c.,r,., Vk t P'rnlftnt ..,. Gf'W'llJ M.,..,,, Tk1111 11 k••~il E•1tor T~tnU\ A. M~,,~;~, Me.,.9109 [l•llr .AH111•f W, l1tt1 Willie"' 11,,, /o"o<•"f Hu"lo .... I"" ll~e(ft E<li'Or C:oty Elllor HtlMI•• INc.111 Office lO• Sth Slft•I M1ili ~t AJJr•u: t .O. loa 7•0, '1641 °""' Ollkn frl""""" '4•d•: 1111 w .. , ...... ...., .... ,. tot!• MtUI JJf Wr~• .... s-· , Nixon Economic Problems WASHINGTON (AP) -President J ohnson said today in his final economic report that he's leaving behind a 11olld foundation for continued prosperlly, but he conceded Uiat hia successor wlll have to deal wilh m1jor problems in the economy. The Preaident, In sending his report to Congress, said the United States has experienced an unprecedented period of prosperity In the last eight years, all under DemocraUc administrations. Thia hu permlUed, he said, major in· ve11tments which should iflllure continued economic growth for the lnde!lnite future. To aupport Johnton'• CNe, the economic report listed lnveabnent.s in: -lndultrlal plant and equipment, wblcb hu aniwn by oeorly 1 third ln five years. -Manpower, more than a million No Prosecution Of 3 in Escape Three persons who were 1ccused or ektln& and 1betUnc a Weslmlnsttr man who ~aped from a county jail working porty wtll nol be p~lad Oil ... ~ Deputy Dlrulct Attorney Mille C.pllll 111d Tueaday. Jaale L. Pariah, 21, •I 9llOI Yermo Way, Westmlnat.er, George O. Wini, S2, of 1'511 Purey SI.. Midway City ind ~ L. Mtl&J.e, . It, of Orange w er e aresled by Loo Alamltol police I I I I Nov. 12 shortly Iller they allegedly bolfld Robat G. Brochan!, II, of 9111 staclatr SI. -l"'m bla ctuUea u • COWllY 1uaae lnllty. Bn>diud waa recaptured at his home. -hu --niled lo be a oarootics addict. He 11 undersoJ.na treatment 111111 C.Ufoml1 RehabilllaU.n Center II No=. persons have acquired skills through go'"ernment-a1ded programs. -Education, which has aeen a spec. tacular Increase of 2.2 million In college enrollments since 1963. -Urban centtrs which, the President said, are beginning to be restored "has decent placea to live." Johnson 11ald, "The nation ls now if! Its !15th month of continuous economic advance. Both in 1trength and lensth, this prosperity is without parallel ln our history. "We have steered clear of the busine• cycle recessiont which for 1eneraUons derailed U1 repeatedly from our path of growth Ind propua. .. But the president aaw one flaw in his aenerally rosy economic anlly1ls - the wage-price spiral which became especially serious in l"8. He insisted that this was caused in no small part by the failure of Congress . to enact the 10 percent income 1urt.as tn January, 198'1, when he first asked for It. The bill passed 18 montllll laler. Coqrwtonal crilkl have aald lbla delay resulted lara:ely from a r.tuul by Johnson and his Defenat Department to present the true costs of the Vietnam war at the time they first became ob- vious. Jn any event, Johnson declattd ln his report that the lob of mnl!Wn1 naUonsl prosperity w th r,rtce atablllty ''la: the biggest rema ntng overall chsllenge facing the nation." Industrial countries bave never solved this problem of lnflaUon, aald Johtmn, and 1.he Up.lted States oeuld not solve It either fn the lhort4erm futur.. Bu1 ht uprelltd confidence thlt eventually an an1wer would be found. "'MM!re la no almplt or alnl;le formula fot aucce11," he commented. "8\lt U»a combtnaUon high employment and stable prtcee can and must be •chlevtd -by the UnJled Slates and within lho next several yean. , in your choice of styl• er fabric m•y b• purth•1•d •t • mc1t g•ntrous 11vin9s ... 20 Truly a rare money-saving opportunity Over 200 Styles of Sofas 0 -Chairs -Love Seats -Ottomana in your choice of any Heritage Decorator fabric. ALSO ••. SUllTANTtAL SAVINGS ON MANY HlllTAIH DININ• IOOM, llDIOOM AND TAILI GIOUl'S •.. Off UGUU.1 l'llC:U HERITAGE a llv1nc tradlUen I• f11r•lt•re Your /auorl~ lnl1rlor d11fgMr 1Dfll bt 1"1ppw lo oullt ,.. .• , H.J.GARl\Eff fim-Nf]lJRE illOMlll'IMlijit!NAftrl L 0,. -. -I M. -2111 HA"'°" 11.~ NmtlOll DESIClftU COST4 MESA. CALIF. "46--0271 MM17• .. '· \ I I ' I ' . ·--nna.: Beaeh ' . - • VOL 62, NO. 14, 3 SECTIONS, lt PAGE$:'. . ' -- ' .. . :.', -. . " ~ -------.. --· .------ ltuptingtop ·M,p_JPer ~~~~....,,~~~~--,~ ...... ~~ ........... ~---~.,.... ...... :,,....1 _,.·,....--~~~,.......,...~~~~~~,.-~-~-=-:-~ ,..__ -• .. --r ·-• • • J[:'' :;r;. ...: • --· --- ree -. ' .Russ Dock, Switch Soviets Score Space Firsts in Maneuver MOSCOW (UPI) -Two manned Soviet but Informed sources In Moscow said space ship:i docked today in orbit. the the two caps.uJes probably w~d land " . ~ Friday first time. such a maneuver ~d ever Betw'een the linkup and separation. ~ c~J~-out .• After ~xc~~g crew re.search engineers Lt. Col. Yevgeny . J:Mmben' .m anOtber historic-firsl.-the ---Kbrunov and.Alexei Yeliseyev clambered.. t~ Soyuz vessels disengaged and went out of Soyuz 5 in which they were tbeJ.r separate ways. launched Wednesd&Y, with a third man, "ror one lour, two of the _three crew made their way along guide rails and rqembers from the spaceship Soyuz 5 carried out various tasks. 11ley then bad walked in space as their vehicle entered Soyuz 4 where Lt. Col. Vladimir remained locked together with Soyuz Shatalov had been alone since his Tues-- 4 to form what the official news agency day launch. · Tass called "the world's first e:s:-They remained aboard Soyuz 4 after perimental space station." the separation and cosmonaut Boris The ships remained linked from 11 :20 VolynovwasaloneaboardSoyw:S. p.rn. PST to 3:55 a.m. -four and A British scientist said the Russians a !half houn. It had been expected they cotild keep !l.ICb a space station 'aloft would remain linked for some Ume, indefinitely and use it as a jumIHJff ... point for a manned Qigbt to the. moon. American acientlsts -also have said a spact-station was ne.cissary for further space lllg)its. Th~ J1!l!ttll &t~l«.ID@!J>_lll,..u!J' """""'-~ transfer with the Apollo 9 mission set to begin Feb. 28. .. . . Two astronauts will transfer via a pressurized docking tunnel betwetn the three-seat Apollo command ship and the two-man Apollo moon.landiilCapacecraft, called tile lunar module, ond .. launcbed with it. Later one astronaut will spacewalk from one shlp to the other in practice for a lunar landing. The United States plans to laUQCh its nm rudlmentiry apace st.aUon in 1971. . ' ' , ,, q.'•'-!;.-i • Ill -' -.. --·~ -·---·----· -·· -~-- 1 TEN CENTS • ' Ill Cab Driver. Story Leads To Arrests By WlLWM REED ot ... Delfr p ... '"" .. Wotking behind the ocenes, Hunlfnlton Beach detectives today mested' two sus~t.s ln the slashing death ot ·a ,._ ' . ki!K111.~~lllj~~-j\181 15_ how:s an.er an inDDcem • coup1e WiS ar~ . raigned for the savage ,crime. A court-ordered release of t be aerospace eng\naer ~ w a i t r e a s orig!Jially cbargect seemed lmmlnept following the surprise 5:30 a.m. scoopup ' of tbe two new suspecti. · · 1 Now booked orv suspicion of homicide· Is Henry L. Sianez, 25, of 312 Clay Sf., who Wa!I Picked ·up at another residence. The second suspect waa identilled as Edward R. HargrB.ve, 18, ()f 17392'Marken Lane, Huntington B~ch. . DetecUve captain Earle Robitaille had !lib • ti> oay about the surprise twist . ,the,llrislY -· • "We dO have a statement rrom the Experts Seeking Laguna Marine's V.S., North Vietnam ' • .new J>llrond "' do have phy.V:a! ..-.. • C6. We .wtJI present our case UWt af· lernoOil"to the dlltrlcl ·-1 ... "* . Crash Cause Aviation experts today studied data add debris to determine why a ·jet flown by · a Laguna Beach Marine whose body wps found Wednesday s!IU)lmed into rug· ged m~tain terrain souUteast of its base Monday. ;Searchers circling around the RF-48 Phantom jet's crash site finally found w}\at remained or Maj. Charles L. "Chili'' RQPgers, 36, of 459 Mountain Road, L;\guna Beach, and his $2 million plane. . . Open Talks Saturday From Wire Services PARIS -The United States and N(lrth Vietnam announced agreement today that wUl enable the expanded Vietnam talks to open Saturday in Paris. President John.son hailed the 8Ffle- ment but warned that figlitlng on the Vietnam battlefitlds niay c 0 o t i n ;J e throughout the_ negotiations. a'nd Saigon eacb " tnlitt · tt ls the aolt representattve1of $outb.1Vietnam: The bickering contlliued· for more .than two months. while m.ep 1 on both...-1ldes died in Vietnam, arouslng outrage "and indignation among many persona in the world. The final slze Gf ·the tables will be determined by the French government which I!! host for the talka and whJcb will call in cabinet maker• to make them. The Vietnam veteran, scheduled to return to combat next month, was a~ parently killed lnstantly ·when the disabl- ed1 aircraft from which his radar officer had already ejected went down four days ago. Tbe agreement came when both sides accepted & round table, with no markers, nameplates or Oag.s to indicate whether the talk! were "two sided" or "four sided." They will be flanked by two small.square tables for secretaries and translators. So!-!th Vletna~ Foreign Minister Tran Chang Thanh in Saigon inu)>edia~ly proclaimed it "loob ·like vict«y," But observers in Paris said·tt.appeart:d there had been CODCe3llom te the Communisla to get the taIU started before Johnson leaves office on Jan. 20. ··~-11: +J , •.. '1,·· .... : : j '· ' .,, liaguJW, P.ice Mayf>r~C.alls . 'Rainy weather had shrouded the re.note site near San Juan Hot Springs, 23 • miles southeast of El Toro Marine cei;,,s Air Stajjon from air searchers. .Luckily, a break jn the. clqudJ Tuesday -.:. Just be!ore dusk -allowed helicopter The bickering over the shape of the table centered on whether there would be Ill a}Ued team on one side and a Communist team. on the other, or whether the Viet Cong: would be seated as a separate force with the South Vietnamese government. The Viet Cong .. l ; ' . - ~wmen to spot the radar oHicer, Lt. E~ward A. Kinsella, 24.. of 17081 Alladena J?Pve, Tustin. . . Johnson, lbowing .d~_emoUon on tht procedural breakthrouib. that came four days before be leaves "()fflce, said the way bad been cleared for the start of substantive talks and staled: "We must be confident that an honorable peace Is J)OS!ible if we here at home remain steady." For Softer ·Surfing Rules · 'J1le unconscious flier lay severely in- jll(ed in the brush a hall-mile north oC. Ortega Highway, eight miles from ~ crash scene, for 21 hours during th4 drizzly weather. 1Unab1e to give any information so fac due to his critical condiUon, Lt. Kinsella is being trea~ for a fractured shoulder and dislocated knee at St. J01eph's Hospital. Orange. .. 1i, leg artery ruptured in the rough parachute landing caused him to lose ams.lderable amounls of blood and he al$0 suffered trom exposure.. . , Maj. Rodgers was executive officer of~ Marine Composite Reconnaissance Squadron No. Three and wa!I on a routine ti:~lnlng flight Monday night when he i:~ioed a Mayday distress call. Jlis plane vanished. from the El Toro ~AS control tower screen at 5:30 p.m., JQding to an Immediate -1al ..arch. ·~){arine Corp1 Qffitlala listed Maj. Jlfdgen' nenol kin• !Ill fa-. Victor <;. Hodgen, of Carpus Chrbt1, Tu.1 tMlf. neighbc:n Hid be wu clivorced .ana me! a aon s or 4, living elaewbtn rib bis mother. ' Mesa Woman " l'a\ces Own Life Ex-Lagunan Held 01iCheckCharges A rormer Laguna Beach blll!linessman was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of Celoniously writing a f2(IO bad check . Police Sgt. Vic Sagen said Edwin G. Ford, 30 of Anaheim was arrested on a warrant at hi!! Anaheim home and released on '2,500 bail pending ar· ra.lgnment Jan. 27 ln municipal court. Sagen said the charge grew out of a check given at Barwick lmJi>Ort.s. 998 s. C'.oast Highway Jtm Nov. 21. The offictr said ·Ford was formerly owri:er of Ford TV at For.est and Broadway. 1be buaines.s la now defunct. "We muat pursue peace u dlUgently as we have fought ~. 11 be aaJd. "And thll year we have 'made steadf progress for the peace we an devouUy pray for. I deeply btlleve · that U wt only remain united and stay together on this path we will .achi.ev.e honorable peace in Southeast Asia." Diplomatic sources in London said Ule Paris talks would receive a boost from the Soviet Union and that tt II exertlq "all Ila possible Jnlluence" on llaJd to •peed Vietnam pe>ce uogotlaUOlll. They uld lluala now bad .-. Influence on Hanoi thin ever belOre and that the Kteml1n wanted the VJetoam war ended fu. hoi!et if ·1mprovln1 rtlallool with the Nixon adminllf:l'ation.. . - Youthful Uguna Beach Vice ·Mayor Jlll!eph O'Sulliv~ Wednesday night called . fot softening Laguna's surt'Jng' <lrdlnance ?.fllch• tie tabbed "one of the 'most re- sttlctlve." O'~vin11 'propoSaJ woUld, whitUe atiodt a moftth, <lH the folir-rtionth Sum- mor , control period . auil allow all.cfay ~~ li1 deslgnated mas· with lifeguard . cootroll. · .surt!ni in, ~OI Cl!l'!'!"llY dosltplated, for the ,por1 Is ,prol>Jbitetl be11r'"" It a,m .. and 5 p.m. ttom June , 1 to Oct.· 1. · The exceptions currently are . days · when.. the . weather or ocean ·candiUons Are sudi as t.Q ellmlniite IWimmen from. the• sea.· lJ!eguards then ·could allow longer . our!lng .. Olw!<llm<n ag<ed to Wte up the vice 1!1>1«'• · ...-11 for ordinance rev'o1kn al a ttudy · ae8sion nert Wed- ~ al 7:30 p.m. Murphy Asks '.BajaBar-rier' Senator Joi":( Fight to. <;l.ose Border If, l/f!ef~or~4.M.i~ors . 111.IEllOME .:. cotUNS he said to N"'l>Ort. offldlh In a lltt.j> ' ~ilk~Dii!a .ca,itr0r ~;Alxil.•' "* .....,;;,w ,..,. received this mornm,, •.•I' tftlnk U.t u. ' Mt ot 1M/'. . . · U.S. Sef!ator Geqe Murphy (!\-. dl..J: , · ne ·~: . ,l,olice said an appartnt1y dl1tr1Uebt California) tw Wed the Department ~:.:•be another step. in the· right · ~ 0 1 ~ve been In ··contact, · 'flij.h the · iitta Mesa woman shot her..U to death of Justice to COMlder "the pooldblllty" ~·1 o1 liWl.Ce l'tJitdb;g ' the ;.in...say night w~ lllWng I~,-~:"' of drafUng lqlalaUm that would c!-Ose ~llrphyed wttnotedh "incrthatwbelng· ls.~~!!_ COIJ: ~ of , drlftln& leglslatfQll lm· h\ the parking lot ~ the Los ....,ru1o9 the M lllcan -to uneocorted -•---""' .,~ °' pl , your ~ and,. Qtneral lloopital. • ·~~.. narcoUcs' usage by · our leenqm In o1· .e.n.;, ·1· lrill continue 'to ,search .ldrl. Marela L. Laodhoim, 3$, of tl45 ht told Nnport Buell eity authorlUOI evoryplrtofthe'Couiitry," · ' for-1....,..telollow." · · Aoaheim SL, was found shot in the tnday. He pointed -that In the pm la ' ~.;.;t' ciimen 'IOI ....th• dld llllod by Dr. Amok! Gebel of n-. Murpl>y oald ht took the lltp tn had CHponaor<d lealslatlon ·IJl'Ol>Ollnl : riot . . utP '~"jjjO"bOni,r • , i)r. Gebel told police the woman bad rtspODIO to a reoolullon adopted by the the establlsbll!Ont of a joint U.S.·Moxtctii ' 14·~ =~ Tbty ' been attending a group therapy meellng Newport Cit!' C«mcll and ofbor cities Couunluton Ot lnvestlpte and nconi-billdd tl!lt-the • be · .61 the hOSptlal and aeemed -l She calling for the bOrder bu u a possible mend 10lulloos to the problem GI ""!1114trtd at.C91> hwlnp. -.rted out ol Iha seatoo twice, the ooluUon to the trafllc to Illegal druga narcotlct' importatlocl. If the llllllce Depanment ~ the -nporied. from Mulco te cau!<nla. "In tlllt, I ...... 'lluit the polilnkll i;glilalloil II ltallble, the appr<p1ate ·A .Jkallber ,.volver WU fOll11d Ol1 , "While the ......,.. you 111gts1,. lrill ol LSD ht DMilo i ""8'11... erbne,t' l'!lll -id bl the,ailb~ ol IUdi bear- lbe,..t o1 the car. certainlJ nol IOlvt the Cllllrt prllilllm," be Aid. •11io ~•-~lilt ti\p. ' '! · · . He asked that the a"rea between CreSs Street and St. Ann's Drive and the area between Victor Hugo Pqint and the stairway below Jasmine· Street be designated as surfing areas. Lifeguards• could also designate oUier areas for surfing Qnder proper conditions. The.date of surfing.controls would change tO JQDe 15 to.~. 15. · · · . The lile~ 'deiwti!!ent, b~ J!O'tlng boundari~s wl@\fu the 'ienetal !urflng areas woul4 <tesiinate .. specific areas cm a daily basil. Wben. alins >rere oot wsted the entire designated am. would be open. ·O'~Wvan said .of L'aguna 'a.J.2·mUes of . beach "surely 700• )'llrda coold be used by aurfers." He·estim.ated:the lccal sarflng population al more than 100 avid and active participant.a. The . surfing . vice maycir . oald the ordinance WU en.ieted' tnl IMO u a m..., of cOot!ODh>i uliruly crowds. !!• slld' tlie caliber .,. -bas cbanJ!d and labOl<d the 1 oi1ifiW trid>lemil:en "hangel'l..m1."' . • + Moil! cil 'Uie .....,n1 ·sur1en _.not old •enough to our! lit 111111, ' Ho oald. ' a1Jd arguecl that Qiey at. 'jlenallUd or mtrlcjed'lor ~ not,WlMlr dolnf, ""'"""' the ·lul ')'ilr tbroe· nwby :1--. ~ " ··-'to Jlje. ~areu ·~·. . "l'.1'l1i ' :Salt ~ ~·""". :iJ:.r'l'lllr-....m ~ , ' J'!qi ftl>, 1 ~ .... will . haye .to . traveJ •· ' • on hl .... aj' to ~· ~,-Wftb :1\f ';i;; a~.nt F?~!"'*-:'o'Sul11~u.: lie aald . the, City lid'• ~~ty · to l'O'/ldO ,U mtlCh ~al . ti', for lt.,.c:Wzobo 11'......,lt.~· ' ---' .• .._ li 1 cr-1-~~ I:,· Uld. ' "We ·are asldpg Immediate reltaae of both prev'klus 11usj>ects, Norman Co&lney, 11, and Margarete Dinger, la," he added. Capt. Robitaille said the primary reason for the arrest CJf Coatney ·apa: Miss Dinger was the fact that her 'd.8Jk se;dan. found at 21st ·Street and Ollve · Ayenue, was blood-smeared and showed evidence' of a ncent tratqc accident., . r Paint .scraRts' on htr car -whicb deflntiely . came from ,the car , driveD. by Mn'. H"ter S. Marlil", 55, of tlOI OUve Ave., ·momenta befole she was m'Uraht.c1 -wtN! the re'sult ol Ole nearby co,lllslon just belore the killing. · "We've bad mll' . doubts " ca..t , -r > !!',._ \ Robltallle adinitted, "We jUst were not ]OIJ percent ·CClnvtncect· -incf we have had our detective f<lrce -turned out en masse stace this murder;'' ... ·- "We(fJjesday, we conUnued checking out one of 20 remote poeslbilities," Capt. · Robitaille &aid. That· remote pooalblllty was the atory cf a cab driver who said he had dropped · off a man at Eighth ~!mt and Orqe Avenue, not ' far from · Mi's. Markee'• apartment early Monday morning, Wltbln ' hours after the crime was discovered. The apot where the man wa's-dropped off was about one mile from where ' tile abandoned car ailogedly used by the killer was found. Capt. Robitaille sald that'!,lla Dinger and Coatney had been 'arrested and charged wl:h the m\lfder because of discrepancies in her story. · Tha captain eaid she · bad told q .... Uonlng police !XI the oigbt of the murder th4t ahe had ~ to a market at the Five Polnla SbciOhlna· Center aOOul 5:30 p.m. to buy foo•ftor dtnner. lronicaDy, the murder vlcUm went tq the same center later In the evening to wash clothes at a laundromat several doors from the same market. Ml5S Dinger told Capl Rohllatlle she ' parked her car: -the same one u.sed (See MURDER, hgt I) Oraa••· Coan Weadler ' Patl:!1y coaatal foa. will cloud up tlJO cllmatlc condJtlbna f'rldoi, I wJth lemperalur,a: ranging from , •.to II along Ula-~"!SO _c.a,t.. . , I INS~ HPAY ~ 1· .t~•re ~ll .b• !O!lld~lng for. ... '1/0M Mond4fl ol the parodc I , f6""1Dillf/ the lna•gorolioii of Rtcllotd Jr. Ni.tm. Page 12. ! --. C.-. A M I ....... 11 ' c..tlltll ... ...... .... .111 ~ .................... f ~ " .,....(..,. .. ~ ........ '' ......... 11 ....... .... ' led9' ...... 1).1,., ....... , ... » "'"' . hMl ....... ..., tlld: .,..... , .. ., + •nc... '' T....,.... • ......._. ,, ,........ .,, ,,,. ......... 11 ....... • ,...,.... • .... """"' n ' == ...... : ....... .,., 2 DAllV PILOT L •· EVELYN siu:awooo ._.~, ·-:...-: ........ . .... ~al lllOClrqt~­promlnent Republicans began packing today for a fll&hl to Walhlng1on, D.C., FridQ momine: to attend the in· a~atkm of Praident.f:lect Richard M.. Nlmn. The delegaUon will take an economy claaa flighl au\ oC Los Angeles Jntema· tiona1 Airport. Actor John Wayne, a Newport Beach resident. had been amona: lhost who planned to be aboard. Accordingly, TWA officials scheduled an old John Wayne western during Lbe flight. Wayne then cancelled hb plans betause of a movie commitment ~o Parking Spaces Eyed By Festival FeatlvaJ t1 Arb director• are . cm- "1derlng the poalblltty ol 1ecurlng 40 additional pm:lous parking spaooi: by covering lhe flood eootrol channel across the street from the ground5. Director Helen Keeley requested aDd ~jved authclrir.ation for a board letter a s k i n g the city to procP.ed with ln· vestigation of .coll.I and.mgot.lation with the Orange Cow!ty Flood Cootrol Dillrict. She indicated c'O.t. mlght be born by the Ftttlval· or the cily-a.nd-F-estival jolnUy if the project becomes a rtall1y. In Other business, the board: , -Was Invited to the annual casting party to select a cast for the Pageant of the Muter•. It will be held at Irvine Bowl stage Feb. I (Saturday) from 7 to 9 p.m. and Feb. 9 from 2 p.m. unW 5 p.m. -set March 15 aa the date for judging new artists or resubmitting arti..sll who hope to uhibit in the 1969 FeJtivat. Judging at Irvine Bowl will be from a a.m. to 10 a.m. -Rejected an International Food Fair application for use of ground• on the same date because of the conflict in time and feared parking probfelll!. -Heard a recommendation from Director Richard Brook.I that the Festival Chorale become autonomous in managing its own affair1 but sUll rec6ve financial support from the Fet'ltlval -Lea.rend from Director Paul Griem that the Chorale had raised $112 for the Laguna-Moulton Playhouse by a recent performance. -Authorized placement of 60 seats al the top of Irvine Bowl for $3,000 with an upected annual return of $4,321. -Learned that the steel framing is in place for the 230-eelt puppet theater aod multi.purpose facllity. · -Heard a suggestion from Brooks that the All CaWornJa Show should be an integr"1 part " the F..itv.i wtth llbared adminlltratian or lhoold be severfd:·trom the Feat.lval. -Agr<ed to lry the city XerOlC machine on a c05t per copy basis rather thin leulq their owu .. prOCluctton machloe. Jockeys Revol~ Block Debut MIAMI (AP) - A man nbelllon by Troplca1 Park jockeys Wednelday block- ed the hopes or 19-year-old Barbara Jo Rubln to berome the first girl rider in thoroughbred history. The male riders gathered in the jockey quarters and refused to come out for the third ract unlcsa Barbara Jo was withdrawn.. The third race began after she was taken off her mount, Stoneland, scheduled to nm ln the. fourth race. DAllY PllOT OUNGf (OAIT .. IJILl~HING COMl"AlfY 1111.111 N. Wttd "•nlftnl -1"11llol•~ J1 c~ •. c •• r.y \If(! "'""""I -Gf<'o'•t• Mfillltf'r TJ.1mt1 Kt••il llllelr Tliemt• A. ~wrp~i"t MIMl•~I [f,I~• a1,1i •• c '· Nin Lt...,... ••~II ' (ii~ l!tlilOf Po w! Ni111" ....... 11.1"' Ol!t<10lr L ..... h•• Offtt• ' 121 ~ •••• , ,,, ••. M1ili111 Adll1111>1 P.O. 111 t••, T26~l C.." ......... )lll Wttl ltl" Slfftf H-1 kt><•. '111 W•·tr ltlbN ..... W•t•• "-""'"" ltldl: .. }!fl Mrttt .A . OAft.. 'f "ILO'f, wllh ""'t<ll k <~ ..... Ilea•""'" II _......., ltllt '"'""' """" Nt' Ill _.,. N il\ool1 +.< l--..Cll. Nol'-' ktdl. (ft!f ........ M\11111~ ......... F-'tiol Vt !*"· ....... W'lltl I ~ Mlllllll Ort .... (-I ,.,,......., C:-...-..i .... l'll n!\ l tl ti 1711 W~\P ..... arW'f. .......... I MCll," Uf •• ..,. "'"'· c.,,. ~. , ....... t714t .. , •••• ,, Chlll11111M ..... •42-4Jll ~ -.. OtttltP (-~ ~. ... "''" """· ...... ,,.,.,.. rewc.I -tltr ., -"~'' ~ ~ .. -.-..wlll'IOtlt-....-....... _ ... _. ~ dlM -·-.... ,, ,.,...,, .. .clll ... Cn•• w ... c.• ... ..i.. Wl>Kr••llot ~ """"' 11.n -""'" ""' MfH ll • -411!rJ '"ltllM'r dettlf\l!ler>i, "·'' -~·· .&1 atz11111. to111 '?WA oQic1111, 11110ttior ................ Mid.,\•. • It ...... I -Jllill Wayne movt .. "lfelllllOl!ln. In tbt lijm, the aclor doea .battle with flamlnl otl wel!J lnalead " I~. Tbe charlu plane will le& ve Los Angeles at 11 a.rn. Headquarters for the Orange Coast group in the n1Uon '1 capital wlll be the Washington flillon Hotel. They will travel there from Dullu International Airpo(t by bus. A whirlwind si.rqgram of acUvillet for three days and nigbta hu been plaMed for some 17,000 expected to attend the inaugural, whlcb tatu place Mooday. ·-Al wllll lhl QrlnP Coul~•.Jeiikft, . ail. uiato -· Wiii ... ... b1 i.vtiotiao ea11. '1'111-l\Ortl wtlh .. ~ for disttnguhhed ladlu al J p.m. Salur· day at Ute-N allonal Callery of Arll. followed by the Young American Sahite at the Washington llllton, lllld the In- augural gala at lbe National Guard Armory at 9 p.m. On Sunday the pvemora' reception will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Park Hottl and the Nee\'lllOO honoring Vice Presldent-i!lect and Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew will follow from S to a p.m. at the Smlthaon1an Muaeum of Hbtory and Technology. It will be follow· "" °b, qi. lillu""'1 Coocul •I .f~ ;Ill , "•c-tliu•'-·"'"" . • p.!11. ~ ......,. ....,. - 1111 aflidaI lnmlpral certmony and ~ al, !be pruldent and vice prtslden1 atart.s Monday at 11 :30 a.m. at !ht Capitol. 11>o lnaUjllrll parade will bo at I p.m. and the cllmu of the fe!llviUeo, the Inaugural Ball, wtn lake place at 9 p.m. Many of the local guesb are expected to return home Tuesday with yart®" Jh«norabllla ·of U>e hl.stortC.~ em:d,. B"ldes the favm al the Inaugural Ball -presldenU"1 lltgnatnre scarva lllld cbann braceleta -there wW be available Inaugural programs at '2 each aod oUlcJal inaugural boob at $t0. ar., Mr. and Mr•. ,Bl~ley Allen, Mr. arid Mrs. Victor Andrews, Mr. and Mt$. R. S. Bernes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Beaver, Dr. and Mn. Arnold Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth, Capt .and Mn. George W. Brokate, Mr. and Mn. Edward Burnell, Mr. and Mn. Damla Carpenter, Mr. and Mra. John Curci, Judge opd.Jolrt. Thurmond Clar\e, Mr. aod Mrt. W. l!<t'(!lrd Chne, Mr. and Mrs:. Joe DeP'l'l:neO, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emrich. J. S. Ftuor, Mr. and Mn. ftjcbmt Footner, Mr. and Mrs.. Keith Gaede, ,ldr • .-1-Alro. Rojla1 G•~im, lfr. aoll ll'n. '"" a.uilll, 11<,•int,111ra. Cliiiieot L. Hir1di. F.-Geoige Htrllhy, Mr. and Mra. JJll>n Kel>ey, Jolul Klug, Mr. and Mrs. John Mcl..4ilod, Ruth M~. Mr. ·and Mrs. Franl<' ·o. Micbe.lena, 0... iOO Mrs. David .Nlelien. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Osteau, Mr. and Mrs. O. w. "Dick .. Richard; Mr. and Mn. Jerrel T. Richard!, Mr. ind Mrs. Walter Sch.mid, Mr. and Mrs. William Shattuck, Mrs. Evelyn Sherwood, Mr. and Mn. Robert Swaficld, Mr. anCI Mrs. Don Teetor, Mr. and Mn. Charles Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tumtr, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Voit Jr. and Jame:1 Carroll. LAGUNA TEEN CORNER 1 Problem-plagued ----By-TOM-GO-RMA-N ----~~ Plan Unlo·aded FOR A CITY that II UIUally IUbdued Whether the center would !Ian Into 1 wben it come1 to dynamic ldeu for bueball cllnJc or 1 aodal center nmainJ youtb poogram1, a lot bu hlppened to be ...., this put ,.,.k aloog the IJnea of teen THE y COUNCIL (I·-··= lmowi! u entertalnmenl . w ~ The wtek llarled off with I bang the Y oulh Council, but ,_ lll!Idllly Tueaday """' ctty Muqer James under the ao,tptces ti. t!>e .YJlPAl ran Wbealan of!erfd, pending certain ruuttne Into a roadblock, l«I by farm<r J:,quno roadbloob, the Bar<foot Bar 11 a teen moyor WUllam Martin. 11>o ~ .,,.t center. The city 11 prueo1ty leulq a letter to 'the Festlv1I bolrd ·..tine t1orne J the Irvtne Bowl on April Ind fer ill the -·property -to • Y e .r 0 me Easter concert. Well, It turned out that SkYOJW>ll._~.!!t_~~· to the llow winter a Jlllllll>fr\" members ..,lolooed lllOtllor moolhl, 51ev..,.. bu _....., the hope of returnln& the 11an1oo1· hick N<Wp<llt Pot Felllvat ~-nq-,,., to the city. He =er ai.in.,1we ti ta:::U., ll8ld sucb tlitnp u, "If ·.,. during the busier _.. • .. -,···•-· -~~ _,..,, ... •• -U the-city-ii -wllllng-to-parl....ttb-v ww -• ...w.e_....,.._.._~Y• !!Ill the revenue ot about $2.15 monlhly (city heads eumined,"' and •'They ao null council acUon II needed), it could turn at "theae thlngl.'' ·But It aeema tbetr the building over to the teens under line of thinking may be a bit ,a.stray. the mperviaton of tbe City ~eatlon About 100,000 people went to the pop 'Department. festival; capacity at the Irvine· Bowl SOME TEENS QUESl'ION how the ii 2,400. At the ~ eltravaganza. Recreation Department would run the the people were roaming around in quite establishment but nevertheless the ac-a large area. quWUon of uie Barefoot is a good start. At the Bowl, they will be in seats. • The pop festival lasted aC day; the Easter concert would last no more than four houi-s. And of the 2,400 seat!, 'pr°'" Laguna Beach echool truatees have bab1y 1,000 would be filled by Laguna 's moved to unload Thurston School's pro- youth. blem·plagued flexible scheduling equip- Do teens "go nuts" at 1.telodyland? ment by rescinding a contract with Wben's the last time you've seen a riot at the Anabe1m Convention Center, 1.tcBee Syst.elll!, a divi:lion of Litt.on which holds about 10,000 peopi<? Induatrles. It doesn't seem like er1visions or The board Tuesday also authorized another Newport Pot Festival are negotiation~ towards a ~ntract . with jUIUtled. The y Council 'im"t in the repre~entahvea of lnlernational Bwnness Con-arrt bualfttQ-W-m...-mooey and ?a.tach1nea (IB~). . apomor a riot. lt WSll to get kid.I Trustees ap~o~ed a letter to McBee constructively involved, and to help Systems, rescinding a three-ynr luse •· d I '"~"·-~ Wllh ... purchase arrangement for 123,854. creaK ecen enua ... uwu;m.. -ws:: · -THe present proce.ss.!ng system ac- bacting of the YMCA, it hopes to ac· cording to Wlci: 1.Dbo, Tb u r ; i 0 n complish these. a,lms. counselor, takes 19 hours ·to operate May~ Martin s statement should be as opposed to 1 hour with the proposed al~red. IBM equipment. He said the McBee . We ought to have our head~1e.xamlned machinery did not work properly because ii we refuse ~ help our youth. of mechanical complications. With thl1 lD mind, ~ Festival board Enthusiastic support for the IBM con· should tai:e an objective look at the tract was expre'5ed by both Lobo and concert. Dave Lloyd, Thurston principal. They have been consulting with the company's the district should support a dlnntr meeting following the Sunday conference. They were asked to meet dinner expenses of up to $4 per person for participants. -Heard from Dr. Ullom that according to an architect's report, property belon&· Ing to Latter Day Saint's' Church acrOS! from the high school does not meet with Field Act standards set to insure safety for school children in case of e~uakes. . y!fhe church wants lo seD their property on Park Avenue to the district. "It wilkost-them $.WO-to-detennine how much work . needs to be done to meet Field standards. I think we should look at this seriously before we direct them to spend this kind of money," Dr. Ullom told the board .· Dr. Nonnan Browne, board president , suggested they obtain an appraisal from the church before calling for the study. ~ From Page I MURDER ••• Sewers or No Building: representatives and have s e e n demonstrations ot lhe proposed equip- ment. In addition, support came from a Laguna Beach market analyst, John Taul. -Assumed the increase in premlum rate from '14.54 to $11.39 per month for each employ in the District Group Insurance Program with Blue Cross for February, because of a rate adjustment. by the California Teachers' Assoclattoo statewide pool. -Agreed to meet expenses f or part.icipants attending eight conferences including one in Miami Beach being held by the National Schoo! Boards Association Convention for b o a r d member11.aiid superintendents April 11-1]; by Mn. Markee'• tiller -In her open garage at 2808 Delaware SL, when ahe returned home. Coatney, according to police, sald that he came over to Miu Dlnier'1 apartment from bis home at 11581 Foster Road, Los Alamtlol, lllld parked hil car dlrecU, behind Mia Dinger's vehicle. He said it wu parked in aoch a way that her car could not be moved. MJu Dinger lltaunchly maintained that she had not moved either car and that She dld. .not know bow her car happened to bo maved aod possibly used In the . murder, btcauSe she had only one set of keyt. She lllilI had them wben amstad. Capl RDb!lallle said today tbal an evidence indicated that Miss Dlnger's car }lad been used in the slaying ; that it wu found with blood irudde -now proven to be Mrs. Markee'• -but becaUIO obe coWdn't ezptaln haw it hlp- ~ned to be mlsS1ng and Coatney backed. her story, both were arrested. · Police did not elaborate on how they ·came to ~ Sianez and Rlrgrave. wtnl oo1y; ..... know ooth of theiP," evtdeittly from prior contail.. . Asked abQrt whether Miss Dingtr's ear was taken by one or both of the suspects, Capt. Robitaille said an auto theft charge could he filed later. Council Becomes Landlord, OKs Lease for Store Laguna Beach councilmen Wednesday night tried on their new role as Landlord. At l1le recommendaUon of C1ty 1.1anager James D. Wheaton, councilmen agreed to lease a vacant city-owned drug 8tore near the Main Beach for ms monthly. It will serve as a women's clothing store. The property at 197 S. Coasl Highway will be leased for two years with three- year option by Raymond Kemp, who owns othet l\Orea Including one on Forest Avenue. Wheaton said lhe store has about 1300 1quare feet including 300-feet of soda fountain •ru. Councilman RlcMrd Goldber(, a merchan~ broached the poalbWty " ch&rJlng II ve p<r<ent " the grosa receipts above $78,000, "lt'1 quite a choice location,'' he said. ''Moat of the stores in that area are on a percentage buia." WbtatGD uld 8iDce tbt city hu owned tho.-ti bu been trying to attr1ct a tenaiiL He lMJ.cated the. world had not belton a path to hi• door to te... lho Pl-ty but llllo u.id lho ell!' had not yet advettlsed lt. The rent.. he saJd, was HOO monthly when the property WIS a crug store and less than $* more recenUy when it WIS for a time an art &allery. Goldber1 lllid, "It II an Important sour~ or revenue to the city and I want to be sure •e'rt doJna: the rl1bt thl " ~ Glenn Vedd<r Aid, "I'd llh to ... thll lton tulad with a eornmuclol d~t and operaUq. There'& I Nlol tu In thll town." At lho IUU..UOO " Councllmon Roy Holm, the rent wu .et at $325 for two ,.,an wtLb m.aopm f• necou .. tim or •t.tacblna a Wei perctOtage U the three-year option taken up. -City Deciiles -on Sewers "From an utter skeptic concerning the desirabtllty of tl1iJ lease, I have become an enthusiastic supporter," Taul said in a Jetter to Dr. William tnlom, district S'.Uptrlntendelll, after meeting with an lBM representative. By RICHARD P. NALL Of tM Del" Pn.t Slaff After pushing for sewer ftaa:abllity studies of their area, resident.I of Arch Beach Heights learned -some in dl!may -that the project ha1 gathered a momentum of its own. Lquna Beach councilmen laid the groundwork for a sewer assessment district Wednesday night. They called for a p:oposal from Boyle Engineering Co. on C03ls of engineering the proposed district. -Edward Lorr, 1020 Baja St., said many of the residents have .not lbown any desire to h!lve a sewer system. He sald the ear:Uer prodding of tht council was mainly a de!!ire to see telsabillt7 and coat studies made. ,_ ·:. ~· "'The Rre'Vtous report indic.ie«ii tt Woutd be extremely costly, I'd like to see more study," said Lore. Joseph Sweany, city~ public works· director, said the health office rtudle1 had indicated that there should be: either sewering of the area or a moratorium on building. Clyde Z. Springe, city building and planning director, said that the health office report mentioned seven failures of private systems but did not locate them. He said he suspected they were maintenance problems. Sweany aald there has been no in· vestlgaUon of the reservoir beneath the area or the affect of percolation (into the soil) on stability of the earth strata. John Turk told councilmen of the dJf. ficulty of getting heavy equiptMnt Into the area and the probablllty . that topography would make sewer pumplng necessary for some homes. Jim Nelson said, "J think it's pmna- ture for a decision to be made oo a matter that affects us 10 much finan- cially." He called for more study and a full public airing of projected costa. "The whole thing insUcated by the Arch Beach Heights AssociaUon wu to limlt the building rather than }et'1 1et toi'ther and form a sewer diltrict," he said. He said the group had been interested In stopping builders who were throwing together clapboard houses. Councilman Rcihard Goldberg asked "'hat the oouncil would, do if bids came in wq over ~ esthnatea. "You'd be making a declJ:IM between • rock and 1 hard place, 11 eaJd City Manager James: D. Whtaton. He said the cooncll could $lop U the process of bids were e1orbltant but wou1d have spent engineerin&: money It could not recover. M1yw Glenn Vedder u.ld the eqlnttr· lf!i dudy could be uvtd for wie at a later lime. Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan uld U. quid• percolated tnto the aoU Imm ceupoola IN.l' have conl!lhllled .to earth isUppiae on Summit Drtve. He uraed that ..,i-rtni proceod. Lorr uld, 'ibere are no ~11 RMplng now : how can it be a health haiard?'1 Robert Kellog-.t03l Katella, 1"1d lh<re ls at Umea "a terrible stench" io the area from cesspools. Mayor Glenn Vedder said, ''I can't foresee that area continuing to exist up there usin1 cesspools . • • even ii the city has to hold onto the engineer. in& reports." Councllmen called for the cost proposal so that a contract may be written with Boy le Engineering Co. In other bus.iness Tuesday night, trwtees of Laguna Beach Unified School District: -Agreed to employ Or. Douglas Manis for not more than $175 a day to iruilruct high school and intern1ediate school teachers in Flanders concepts on Interac- tion Analysis during sessions 1>n Sunday and Monday, Jan. 26-27. Trustees delayed a decision on whether .JI: J. Qarreff j .. Teachers Reach Paci PITTSBURGH (UPI) -A strike by 1,200 of the city's 3,100 public schltil teachers was avert.ed toda y when agree- ment was reached on tv.'o economic issues -the initial step in the teachers' drive for their first negotiated wage contract. 1. 12lh Semi-Annual Safe "' ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES i" your choic• of 1tyl• or f•btic mey be purche1•d et • mo1t 9•n•roU1 1evinq1 • , • 20 Truly a rare money-saving opportunity Over 200 Styles ot Soll! 0 -Chairs -Love Seals -Ottomans in your choice of any Heritage Decorator fabric . Al.SO •.. SUISTANTIAL SAVINGS ON MANY HHITAGE DINING ROOM, llDROOM AND TAIU GROUPS ••. Off REGULAR PllCIS 0,...--·M.-I ~ HERITAGE Ull HAnol! ILVDJ COSTA MlSA. CALIF. ......0271 ........02'1• 11 I 11 'I ~Y,P'!l#f' ......... •BLIND BDY~ Hopeful family· will be pul!lng for young Felix Gutier- rez (rlght) Friday when he .visits eye specialist for tests that will · determine whether his eyesight can be restored. With Felb< and his · mother, Mrs. Fidela Gutierrez, are his sisters (top, from left) Leti- . ..-claj Juaniq. and Maria. -: .. Ray of Dope · :Specip li.s i -to Check Boy's B'ail Kye s By TERRY COVlll.E ot ltle Dllltr ,U1t Sllfl' _Shadows and a little motion are all Felix Gutierrez can see now. -:::He 's totally blind in one eye and the partial vision in the other is isteadily .fading. _. ... There isn'~ enough money in tile family b an operation, and Felix doeill't even bow if it would help. But things may be on the upswing flit' Feli1., begiMing this Friday. The 1$-year-old Huntington Beach boy will fjnaJly have his eyes examined by a 'llfieclalist. .. Neuro<1pthalmologist Dr. Jack G<llds- teln of Los Alamitos has '"agreed to examine the boy's eyes tree to determine If medic~ attention can aid or re3tore its sight Felix' plight was brought to Dr. G<llds- tfin's attention by a group or citizens '#fio belong to the Council for Community Projects headed by Dr. Jack Kent o( Westminster. -! 1'he council, in turn, had learned of :lelJx' nee<t of aid from Mrs . Alice Medina, director of lhe Huntington Beach Commlmity Center. <Mrs. Medina is a neighbor of the dUt.ierrez family and has watched Felix fiir two years as he carefully picked hfs way through a yard full or old cirs and other hazards dangerous even f'° a boy with normal vision. Until she coolacted member1 ol the council. the best she could do was get tie· Huntington Beach Union High School District to place him in· a special school iq learn Brailie. .. 1Previous· vi!ils' lo the Orange County Medical Center failed to bring help for ' Felix' eyes because of a Jack or com- munication. No one in the Gutierrez family ope>ks English. Felix visited the pediatrics clinic twice and the dental clinic once at the medical center. Robert White, medical center administrator, says an appointment was made (or Fell:r to visit the eye clintc in February of 1967, but the family never returned. Mrs. Fidela Gutierrez, Felix' mother, explained in Spanish that the family was not ~ware of the appointment. The Gui.tierm: family has been In Huntinilon Beach only for three years:. The family migrated from Monterrey, Mexico; so the talher, Juan, could find better work. He now operates a forklift and stacks celery boxes at Chico fanns. Juan hopes Dr. Goldstein can help his son, but Felix has si1 brothers and sisters and the ralher's aa1ary can 't pay .for an operation if the boy needs . ... Mrs. Medina and · tnembers of the community projects council hope the assistance won't stop wilh Dr. Goldstein's examination. They are already looking for in· dividuals who will help carry out Dr. Goldstein 's recom.mendatlou, whatever they may be. Felix is naturally happy about all the activity in his behaU. But he 's a somewhat shy boy, and he's been U5ed to the world of shadows since the age of seven. He was ei.amined by doctors in Meiloo, four or fivi yean; ago, but thty Weten'\ specialists and could offer no remedies.' · Johnson Adinits Leaving Nixon Economic Problems :WASHINGTON (AP) -President Jpbnsoo said today in his final economic rtport that he'1 l.e.aving behind a solid f.tlmdation for continued prospefity, but he cooeeded that his succeuor will ba~·e tO deal with major problems in the economy. ·The President, in sending his report ~ Congress, said the United States has experienced an unprecedented period of J1r05Pttity In the last eight years, all uhder Democratic administrations. ThiJ Mas permitted, he said, major in- veiirtments which should insurt continued ~nomic growth for the indefinite future. To support Johnaoo 's case, t b e eponomic report listed inveatments In : '-Industrial plant and equipment, -bas JP'OWll by nearly a thlnl i, live yean. -Manpower. more than a million persllll have _,ired skills Umlolb ~t.alded·-· . .... -,.. ·-'-.. ' Nixon's Rai.se Only $27,500 ' , WASHINGTON (AP) -The Sena le Uired Wedneaclay th•t Richard M. Nl>- on will make $200,000 a yurts President INtud of 1100.000. but It putt ldm Iii a higher tu bracket and he'll only Col 127 ,500 mon! than "' would ha•• Wttbout the raise. -Education, which has seen a ~· tacular increase of 2.2 million in college enrollments since 1963. -Urban centm which. the President said, are beginning to be restored "has decent places to Uve." Johnson said. "The nation Is now in its 95lh monlh of continuous economic advance. Both in strength and length, this prosperity is without parallel Jn our history. "We have steered clear of the bu!lne& cycle receuions which for generation& derailed us repeatedly from our palb of growth and progress." But the president aaw one nn in hil flllll«•Uy rosy eoonomk analYsla -• the . ivop price spiral wblcA, .,.,._ espedaJ& tetjoas In -He lnSlstetf \Mt this wu caaied in no small part by the failure al Congress to enact lbe JO -Income surtu in Januaq, --he firal asked for it. The bill pa....i II monlhl I-. · Congreillonal criUca ~ye Uld thll delay reJU!ted largely il'om a,t.&al by JohMon and hla Defeue Department to present the true coW! of the Vietnam war al U. time U., finl became DI> viou.~· ; Io U1 -~ Jolpllon -In bis ~ tbal the Joi> of C<Mnblnlnc n•tlonal p<ooperity wtlll pr1ce· llab!Uty "ii the biggest remalnlq overall challqf. leclnl the notion." Nixon's like-home pay will be sh.ooo Iod-111 """1tries ha" never tolwd thll·pn>bkai• ~-11111at1ee, uld J-. and the Unllid si.t<e· C9Uld not aolve tt tither In the abort-tmn future. But "" e._...i confide-that ev...,tuaoy ~ year. aa lnl'Wtl' woutd be found. ''1bere ii no " The Senate completed Congresa:k:mal 1tmple or slngl8 fonnul1 for mcceu," jcUon on thl pay«lle mt:UUre on ,vuice be commented. 1'But th!1 combhtaUort tau afltt a s+mlnate debate and .. nt high emp!Oymtnt and atable lrlOb can Ito the Whl.. ii-to bo slcned ~ ud ..... bo achieved -by the ~led -. Jolwoc. -.J &tal<land wtthla lbo _ ....... ~ SFSC Calm .-~ -. But San Jose Tensio n Rises DA Says MUrd~r. Confession · False Strlkei>lagued Sin FrancilCO Sllte College Ol\JoYed -U\'e calm Wednes-day, while tensiOb molil'l:ted at Sall ·jose Stile College 50 miles to the 110U1b. A group of about· S50 strildn.o lludents 8ftd union teachers maln1aloed a pkke( line at the Sall Francisco camp111 and taunted atudents who croued lt to at- tend cfassea. A small contingent of police made two arrests, but there was nooe of the usual violence.. At Sao Jose State, however, mUltant students and membera of· the American Federation oi Teachers, actl.n,g in sym- pathy with their fellow r ·oups in San Francisco, paraded across the campus and lhrou'-b lhe administration building chanUng ' On slrikc, abut it down." , . Police were called to the campus thre tlJP'! *° 1"e!U9ye demonstrators trying !'!. §loeir: ""'°"'"' from entering the campus, but Uilre were no arrests. San Jose President ,Robert D, Clark announced ' thet •trlldnt< faculty 11¥'Dl- bera who are absent lrom the dus- room for five diys art aubject to auto- maUc ~Uoo. Clark'' ~action wu. the same as lhat taken under the atate education code wt week by acting President S. I. Hayakawa ol San Francisco State. rurk Aid the waliiiuf by san-J..e · memben of the AFT was "unwarrant- ed" because it caused studenlS . to suffer and rolght le.id to dliruptlve student behavior. . "A1thoUgh we have indications at this polnt that some 20 to 25 facuJty mem·· hers have been absent from their dutles," he said. "we wlll take no actioo against any faculty member unW be has had the opportunity to d.ia.- CUSI bis status with college officiais. '.' Confessed embosb killer Leveater A. c.i.; JOur<l<,red a pr<tty Costa Meoa coc!-;".all nltreu and admitted another 1ei alaying, but he could not have oom- mltled the secood one, Dim-let Attorney Cecll ~:lllcU said today .. lrol)fcally -bound by I e 11 I technlcalltie.s -authorities know who tilled the beauty io an earlier cue, but be will evldenUy remain a free mah. HJcks broke a two--month silence to refute reports lhat Coley had confe.ssed "to any-peaet officer" or to bis lawyer. Matthew Kurlllch. "l have my own ideas on the identify of lhe person to whom Coley made his admission but l'm oot prepared .to divulge them," lllcb Altl. ' . . Coley pleided guilty l1St Dec. Ji to the killing of Rose Marie Weidner, an attractive Costa Mesa cocktail waitress. He la currenUy held in the Chino prison classificaUon center, awaiting psychiatric treatment pending bis commitment to the prison wbe.re he will serve hfa life sentence. It was while the 29-year-O!d Fullerton mailman was being held Jn Orange Coun· ty jail before trial that he admitted killing Gloria Da-;¥n Collins, a copyrighted article in the Register stated. 'The Cana· dian girl was stabbed to death in a Fullerton apartment on March (, 1967, a killing for wbJch Wllllam Blakeman. CQMMUNITY EVENTS - • • /anuorv 5.. through Febnwrt1 5 EXHIBIT IN OILS by Mrs.. Helen '-•non ••. Member Co1t1 Me11 Art Le19ue at Califomla Feder1I -Costa Mesa COSTA MESA CIVIC PLAYHOUSE "GENERATION" Jan 25 & 31 and Ftb Isl \.. ADMISSIDN -$1 .50 ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS C.mil• et l~O ATTENTION AIRPLANE DRIVERS! Past and l're6ent! oran~ Coun.tw Red .Qar<n1 Historical SocittJr ln Formation u , MllftftSHIP CALL ·CLIFF WESDORF 546-2300 Ccmtacl Cliff WesdoTf·Wl-2300 I"' tnforniation rtgardlna YOU!l ANNOl1Nf:F:MENT in thU Cnt11mn ..J • • also from CMada, wu tried and ac- qultled. "Colley cooldn1 pwlbly have k111ed Gloria COlllM," HicU uld today. "Ho may hive said he dkl but it wu a confession that abould. have been iooted Into a lot more closely before' the' in· formaUon waa made pubUc." · llic~ enumerated Utt cri.Oles to which Coley cmfessed Jn the prestDCe of law enforcement offlcen ud bis' attqmey. He listed them as: -The killing of Mw Weidner wt Oct. 17. -"Liit Oct. J6, while prowllnc In Gallup, Nf!w Mexico, he threw a brick in an apartment window. Cotey deacrlbed this as an uncontrollable urge to throw the brick." -"On. Dec. 3, J1167, be commltled a burg!arJ in Anaheim 1" ·-lie muck the victim 'itfth a rubber millet. We have been advised lhere were DO aerious lnjurie!." -"He coolwed to burglarlea In Fullerton committed on Oct. 11 and Nov. 7, 1963, May 14, 1966 and June 'rl. 1968 ... -"He admitted a number of prowling incidents nol reported to any law en- fore6Dent agency." "We know who killed Gloria Dawn Collins," Ifie ks said. "We tnow beyond a shadow of a doubt who killed her and It onJy takes one look at a list oI evidence which we haven 't been allow· ed to submit Jn court to convince anybody · eJse." Neighborly. Thats what the nation's largest federal is! L DAD. Y PILOT ~ _Land Freeze ~ -- Pleas · Sliiied For Hearing_ • !nine ~ and MIH!r.e Vlojo C9o1J>in1 nqiieeta fO< .. -freeiln'r op1cultorll preaene -on ' iqor< U»n 100,GllO ..,.. of land wl1l come llP klr public bearillf J..._ • before Ibo Orange CoaJily Booid ol Soper'vbon. Irvinel Ranch aeeks preserte atatus on eo.~ acreo of u. property_ MJUlon Viejo wanll similar ne.mpUon on •.m acres. Under tbe atate'1 WJIUamsm Act. land· l'Jffte!'S can petition to h a v e acreage placed In the standby 1tatus for a period of 10 years. If the land r<malns ¥> that ""tus for Ille <;otlre pej;ID<!, .-.will ~ly be «!3essed at a lower rate-than land ready for development. If the land ii taken out of qrlcultural ~tu& before tbe end of the IO-year period • penalty mllll be paid far ·ew«J: year·a.e status Wu enjoyed. · The Saddleback Junior ColJege District has voiced the principal opposlUon to the two big land preserves, esllmatlng that it will COii. the dl!trict $100,000 in taie.s. Lodge Faces Questions WASHINGTON '(UPI) -Helll')' dehot Lodge will appear before the Senato Foreign Relatlona Committee ~ for questl9nln1 about ~ Im~ rol~ u chief . U.S. negotiator at the Vietnam peace• talb In Paril, . - ·- . ·•· -.cCAllRllllll flllOIAL --ww• ---- We're local people, from our manager to our tellers. And we're anxlous ta publicize all local community activities. It's our way of matching home-town friendliness with the efficient service of the Mtlon's largest federal savings association. It's why we have been winning ·so many more friends In Csllfomla every year since 1925. Stop In and open your account now. .. . . • 5 253 BONUS • 0 ACCOUNT: (Avallable In mulllples of $1000.) Earns 'I•% bonua each year above regular passbook rate when held 3 y80/S. 5133 PASSBOOK • 0 ACCOUNT: 5,13% annual yl eld on Inoured passbook accou nts when all savings and dividends remain a year1 If the 5% current annual rate Is maintained 811d compounded dally for a year. COSTA MESA OFFICE: ·-• 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 548-2300 CUFFORO M. WSSDORF, M!!f. 'VIC~ PRESIDENT &. MANAGER ' - 4 DAil V I'll.OT ·~ .., .. Dtlty ... lllllfl Jull•n O..tcher and D • v I d H0119 have made ii hall way around the world from their Lon· don homes -witboul spending a penny. Tbe British government permits English tourists to take only fl24 out of the country, and the boys arrived in Toyko with $124 each. Most expenses were paid by television appearances, they said. • Phil Kl•Dllln mi"ed this week's Kiwanis Club meeting in Fergus Falls, Minn. It was the first time he had missed a meeting in 22 years and it was designated a meeting lo present him with a per· feet attendance award. • "That's three" says Jamts Lovell to photographers after he was re~at­ edly asked }or "just one more" at the start of a parade in honor of tile Apollo 8 trio. TM cameras stopped clicking in time to get the parade underway on schedule. 0 A Roman Catholic priest in Phil- adelphip. suburb Bala..Cynwyd, in- jured in a fall, had a surprising re- placement to celebrate last Surr day's IO: 15 a.m. Mass at St. ti.1at- thias Church. Parishioners were :startled when the spiritual Jeader · of the area's 1.3 million Catholics -John Cardinal Kr'ol, archbishop of Philadelphia, appeared. He noted that he was asked about a replacement for the injured Rev. Thomas J . K•lly, and said: "Whet about me?" Reita Faria, who interrupted her medical studies to become Afi.ss Warld in 1966, says she h4I failed her qualifying e:r.cmina- tiom ca o doctor in London. Miss Faria. said: "It t00uld be far too mtV to blame mr own failure on that. TM fad fr that / ; .. t didn't tDOTk hard rnough.. .. • The Sultan of Z.nzllMr, wbose word was law on his African island until be was overthrown by a revo- lution five years ago, is being sued for nonsupport by his wife. A Lon- don High Court is bearing the law- suit, which began when the sultan, 38. summoned his lissome, 28-year· old wife, Princess Anisa, and de- clared three times in Moslem fash- ion: "I divorce thee." Not only did the attempted divorce fail to work, but Princess AnJsa took him to court for nonsupporl Embattled Prexy Dies at College By \JnUtd Prftt lnttrnaQo4al Dr. Courtney Smith, prealdent of Swarthmore College, died ol a bean aUack in hia office today as about » ol the school'• Negro students occupJed the admiS&.ion'1 office for the eighth day. A spokesman lot the college said Smith, SJ, had been uoder "quite a strain" since memben ol the Swarthmore Afro.American Soc I et y (SAs.5) took over the office last Thur&- day. Smith suffered the heart Blfizure shortly before he was lo meet with a faculty committee which had been studying dmwxls made by the blacb, the spokesman said. The SASS has been demanding greater participation for blacb in the af!alnl of the 1,02.......,1 Quaker school. At the University of Minnesota ln Min- neapolis militant Negro and white students relinquished control of ~e ad· ministration bullding after an agreement with officials of the nation's fourth largest school. The students ended a 24-bour occupatioa of the •dmlnlitraUoo bulldlnc after PrtaJdent Malcolm Prfooa aaid be would go part way tn meeUll( clmaodl of the militanl&. The blacu hid dcmanded financing for a Bia.ck Student Cooferenoe, an~ American •ludies d~ent And' black coolrol of lhe Martin Lather 11111( Jr. scbolanh.ip program. Moos applauded "Ule pain!taking negotiationl in a IDGll sensltive subjecL" Before lhe seltlemenl,e about lOll wbtt• students gathtnd in front of the occupled building, ralsed a "whJte power" aign, r;bout.ed "Go lo bell" and "ga home and take a bath" at the mlllt.ants - and ducked as lho6e inside fired water from a fJre hOS0 at them. Silty-four of the 150 Negroes at Brandeis University at Waltham, Mass., which has 2,400 studentl, were In the commun.icaUons building for the ninth day today, demanding an aulonomoua black studies departmenL About two dozen white students of the primarily Jewish school began a hunger strike to support the blacks ; about 150 other students entered the third day of a boycott aupporting the demomtrator1. Viet Reds Shoot Down Two More U.S. Copters SAIGON (UPI) -Communist rorce!I Bhot down two American heUcopters, tilling five crewmen, and then ambushed a U. S. Jnfaritry. col1,1mn attempting t~ reaCh one of the crash sites in heavy jungle, military spokesmen said today. Twelve American infantrymen we re wounded in the fighting 25 miles northeast of Saigon Wednesday. Elsewhere in Vietnam, Communist gunner~ attacked two Mekong Delta pro- vince capitals and sent 50,000 gallon!! of gasoline up in flames in a rocket attack against a U. S. Air Force fuel dump at the central highlands city of Pleiku. In Saigon today, U. S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker said Communists in South Vietnam have the capacity to launch new heavy attacks and may do so in an effort to influence the Paris peace talks. But the ambassador said t here are indications heavy losses suf. fered by Viet Cong for~ in 1968 have weakened their morale and Cilnfidence in victory. The U. S. Command In Saigon an- nounced 151 Americans were killed and 1,398 wounded in fighthig last week. The figure compared to IOI killed and 599 wounded the previous week and reflected an Increase in fighting !!iincc a year-end holiday truce period. 'lbree Americans were killed when Communist troops 1bot down an Army observation helicopter 320 m 11 e 1 nortbessl of Salgoo. Later Wednesday, a Cobra bellcopter gunship wu 1bot down nodhweat of Saigon. Communist troops ambushed 1 U. S. 4th Infantry Division reUef column aent to the aecond cra.sb. site. Tbe »man American force wu plnned down by automatic weapom, rocket grenadel and mortar fn frnm an esUmated 50 Cmn· munl!t!. Another 100 American troops wert flown tn hellcopten to lhe hltUe, and U.S. fighter-bombe" and artll~ry struck the Communist positions earJy today. There was no immediate report of Red cuualtl<o. Socialite Robbed WASHINGTON (UP I) -Four masked gunmen broke into the mansion of Washington society woman Gwen Cafrilz Wednesday night, terrorized t h e household for four hours and escaped with an tstlmated $250,000 In cash and jewelry, police reported. 1'1e helicopter losses bnxJght to 98.1 the number of U. S. bellcopten aho& down in South Vietnam durtng the war. Navy Promises P1·ompt Repair Of Enterprise PEARL HARBOR (UPI) -The Navy promised prompt repair of the explosion- wrecked USS Enterprise today but would hazard no esUmate of the time or cost involved., The cause of the devastation, triggered by an e1ploslon beneath the sh.Ip'• flight deck Tuesday, was not known. Disas~er investi gators and clean-up crews worked side by 11ide today on the !!ihattered deck of the Enterprise, world 's largest warship. The casualty toll stood at 24 dead, ane missing and 85 injured. A search was abandoned at sunset Wednesday !or the missing crewman. -tr -tr -tr 2 Californians Among Victims WASHINGTON (AP)-Two Calilornl- ans were among the crewmen killed by lhe flre on lhe USS Enterprise, the Defense Department annomic:ed Wed- nesday. They were Alrman John R. W<l>s(er, soo of Mr. and Mn. John Webater, NOi' wolk, and Oiief Avlslion Electriclln Ronald E. Hay, husband of Mn. Patri- cia Ann Hay, La Mesa. Among the injured were these CaJHornians: AYlellm Boetlw1!"'' Mite K Fl1derldc L lh~ dtll, Kin of Mr, Ind M'1o. Oonllld 0, 1.1 ..... tl, Sailt Crvi. AYle!lon llMhWll!\'1 M,m fC Htftry ..... I .. hYlbel\d of M,.., DllDrft MlnOOL Al1med1, C1!~. LI. JG Ger1lcl N1Ylrt1'11, rtw.n.l'MI Gt Mrl. G~ll N1v1ret11, Al1med1. Clndr. JKk J, P1r1r, Al11Nd1, ,t,v!1!1an Ori!11111CWM" K GllY T, kllft1. hY~ bal'lll ol M..,., Judllfl $tllln. PO'W•Y. Alrm1n Oonalcl L. Veugh", h111b1rld of M,.., l lN11 GIYt V1t119h". Al11nt'd1. Avlot'°" Elecirlclan"s M11t1 JC WflOo!I H, Wol~ llY•b•lld of Mr1. Jvdy Wol ... Sin 01t9o, A•ll!lon Ore1na"l:l!<'n1n JC Jo5'!'Ph LM litod, "Yi. band ot Mr1. B1rt11r1 Moad • .!.I" Olo9o. -'vllliDll Slrvcl11r1I Med11"k X Ortld It. LI• "olnl. h..n.bend ot Mrt, Monktvt "'IV! lll"ol!lf, 1..,s>e.111 a"u.. Avl1tloft OrdlllfttMll!I Chi.I l!dWltl C..~. l'ltntlltlll of Mn. K11t11Mn ..... (.'"""""" $1" ··- Midwest Travelers Warned Sleet, Snow and Freezing Drizzle Ice Michigan California s~ c.a111orn!t h"' "'"'-1~ sh! ... , bu! motllY tlOu<t>, todtV fo~ '-"-1«.11 moml111 toe 1rM1 IOW tkluoh lrom '"" c:-.1 ffll•nd !o '"" aNISlll mCIU>'l1l111. Tl!<'n111rtt11rn. ,..,. 1 ll"lt '*lrmtr I" "" to11lhtr" I,._ hrlor. Los ..,....,., ... h11$ """' cloud• dllrl"' !'-mornl"' llours wll'll htrv '''".,,!"' ....i ....,. 1'19'1 cloll':ll-dllrlrot IM .ne-. Tl\t ~;.., 11 111t C.tvlc: (ft>o ... ...... ... 119 ·~...., -·"'" fr-om Wed-1'(1 ,,. ~ .S. fanl9ltt'1 tow Ii. lo bf-trvuNI !O. Tl!s Air Pollu!lool COllll"OI Ol1trlct ,_-lfd l>O -In "" bl1ln, 1lot bMcN'o ~ tlwOv dvrl ... -.._..._ wllfl htrv 1Ynllllnt lo! IN .i'~ 1nd ~rtlurM In - low .0.. T1'lil Wlltf' ~"""1tlvtt '*II "· """"""''" .... .._,.,. ,. -._ dowdl •lonl lht C61o1i.1 ti-. ..,..... "" '"°"'"" wllkfl .. ~ ....... .. 1wttfllne ...,, ~11111 clouds 11ur1,. .... ..,_,_, lteMrt 1rffl l"e_.!M ,,...,, -JO, l'*" Wit PllCIW kit ....i lolw ,_....,. Ill .... -..,_, ...... ~. MflY lllla "'°"''"'• bl/I tufl$hlfoe ...,, ,,....llblil lli<tll tlcludt dlurl,. tt>e ,.. -"""' "' 1'lt •• .,. '"' hl-'I """" _,,,,.... tl......0 I~ • Ind f.S Iii "" ~ .,."'" to ~ " n m ""' .._ "'""""· lame """' w---. ... •rod ~' __ ..._.... """ lncllldeof: L- llMdl ., .... S."'• Mol'llQ ...... ...,... ~ '6& Mt. WllMft u-a 1'111Nro1i. ., .... , ll;l'Ns... ~ ''"" ._.._ ..._ 1~111-ld U.Jll. .. 11 D .... tl• M. llfN .. rlN,. C41. IOU'ftllll:N CAL.IFOll:NIA C0/4T-"'l ""0 IMl"lll:#ll01ATl VALLM _,,,..,. ~ '''°"' """" -~ .................. llfllt .. --· '-""""" M 19 """"" .. "' 7J. Cooutal 0Wt'Q1! "'~ .... "'0"1'1'" ""11'1 IOCllY '"" Frldrf, (IMtlnl bl' ~ w~ -"'"'· 10 ro 1• m.-.~. foilll''I llltll, )t to ... ........... .,... --t•lll"'9 t • II It d """"•~llltOllMl9•""'"'"' l"'-"f tlf!'llllt llll"' t-Wll1 M •o fj. Tiit .. ,.,. ._,.1vre ...... s1.1 ""' ...... s-, Ill-•· TW.. THU Id DAY ._. ... ,,,. "·""· 1.t loeCDl'ld ...... t ;tl ,.,.,,, 4.1 flll:IOAY Fir.t low • ,_ • l:U '·""· ).J .. 1,.1 """'.. ..... ,_,.,..,.,,, ~ 10W ... , , •• 1,112 p,m , )0 "<illf>d lllt~ ....... ,N:lt p,M. U -.. ...... i·n '""· "" ,:,, ,,.,,, ... ll:ltft •:Ill'""'· kb J:Ol 11.m. U.S. S11m1t1ar11 lPoe -·' ,...,11,.. loo "" "'''°"' lo'l•l' W8 lfl !!'le M~1t Ind It '*11 bed ,._911 I" lowr OI tt>e 1t•"r1 to PtomPI w.rnl"'I 19 l!ICllO!llh lo ai.v of! ..... '°"" All lrY mhilvr. el tl'IOW, .it.t 110d ffWdfte ,.111 ., dtlll .. •...i -" "' Mlet'l~ll cowrftl '*It" 1(1. f11""'ll"'' -"""" """ Ill tfflrl """""""' "" '''"· n.r. Wll '°"lft!"ld -If! - fl-f/11 """""' "'°''"""°'' -Nerti! D1ket1, '°"'"' ol ..... ''"'..... lint .. 1 ..... ""''""' ""' i,,. "'"· ltAln or -.O-• 1dlYl1Y ,,....,..,, .. ,., -"' " ..... W.1 ...... OuH. 't lt"•ll'W!7 --· ...,,.,111 1lt -~ T"''' arod • ""' """""",. -~ Temperat•r.,. ArtPv.ue ....... A'll:hor.,. AH1n11 l!a~!ttllfld l!i>m•rck llo.f•t !'loot.,., ('!\lc191> c ·~~'"" (••"fl•NI """'~ °" Molnet o.•..,11 Cv•ett Fort Worl!! '"-"""" , ..... "-~ ICtltlft (tty lM V-t l "'° AMt!.t'1 MltJ'Tll llftCI! Mllv<•""-... MIMt1POh1 Nr'* Oflf-t<tl Nfw Vorl o.-1•"11 ... M "''0 111.obln .. !\llMf<!lplll1 P-lt "lt11tll/f1~ ........ ll1•1d City ltH Ill/ti ·-Ste,.--. St, Loult S..111111 "'" l ... °" "" o'"" Se" Frtl'll;ltco S..n•• l 11Mr1 k•t119 ~=-w..,_ n " ' . .... . ~ ll 10 .10 0 " " " Jl l1 ·°' ~ D " " " " "' 1l .07 " " .... 61 Jt .tt " . " ·• n " ...... " " ... .. .. .... .... n '' .o . " .. .... • n .. " 0 .. .. 0 . " ,,., .. ·'' " .. ca If ,n ,. lt .. , ... l1 : ... .., .. 0 i't l'O .1S ...... " " " .. ,. Jl ,JJ " ,, .Dot " . " . --- Czechs Demote Emil Zatopek PRAGUE !UPI) -Olympic hero EmU Zaloptk 18.id today he WU demoted from a defenae m.tniJtry job bee"""' ol Illa pollUCI, hia dWlke for d"k jobo and his oi>- pootUon to renewed 1porls cootactl with lhe Soviet Arrey. The wiry, baJdtnc 1lhlete who woo gold medlla tn lhno Olympb l&ld tn an Interview he Is hippy ln h!1 new job u an asslstJnt coach at the Dukla AthleUc Club tn Prague. Zltopek Is a U.year-old colooel In lhe army and bad pmoloully. aerved u deputy commander of the army •porting programs. He described a a g·r y con- front.B:tlons with IUperlor officers over hit frequent public outcrlea ag.wt Ute Soviet occupation. He said he hlmlell was angered by de!el)Se m.lnlatry dedalons lo renew sport! compell.tion with the Soviet Army, "and I aaid I'm not sure I can stay in the ministry under such condlUons and so, here I am In Dukla," he aa.Jd. Stans and Volpe Com11Wrce ·Group Q~ Two for Nixon Cabinet -- WASHINGTON CUP!) -'Ille ~to 11111 ftdenl hJlhwfY 1dmtnfltrl1Dr In Commem Commftleo today alll'l'O\'od lhe EIMollower admlnlstraUoo. two ol President..lect IUchlnl" M. l'ilJ;." Stans waa budpt dlnct<lr under on'• cablntt cholca -Maurice Stana ElAahower. to be =•n:e aec..tary ml Sohn Walter J. lllcl<el, aeekinc conflnn1tton Volpa to be lrlnlportalloo _.iary. 11 lntorlor oecr.tary, said Io d 1 Y lhe ......._.._ dt!en.e department wu responsible for •-·-r· "1>dflll an Air N1tlonll Guard plane They were Ibo ' llnl ol Nlzoo'I to ferry tupplf" and equlpi11ent to 1 nomtnees to be noommenc1ec1 r.r s.n.te "'°"bound COl!)11l!r'Clll f1shfng _.u .... confinnaUoo. The prOlpOelfve-N&on cabloet member 'lb• lctton wu Wormal and muat said he bad V<toed the proposal but be realllnned Mond<y folJDwlna Nllon'1 wu overrulod by lhe Pentagoo. The inauguratton. plane cr:aJbed through the Ice when it Stana, SO, a New York tnvatment landed on 1 late near the flahery. baoker, Jet lhe .... ton do moil of Hickel, undorgotrig utonslve ques- the talking at 1 bearing W""'°""'J· tlonlng by lhe Senote Interior Commtu ... He generally aald be had not hid time wa1 asked Wedne.sday about use of the to !orm an opinion of a lilt of pet plane. projects tlCked olf by varloul committee Tbe governor said the Aluka Ea.ate memben. River Cold Storage Co. asked him in Volpe, SO, plw to ftlltgn IS IOYtl'JIOl' January, 1967, ·to pmnil the plane to of Musacbuseltl u IOOa u be ls con-fly building eQUipment, generator1, fuel firmed for lhe trl!llpO<llllon poll by and other supplies to the lakL He turned, 1 ~~!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!'!!'"'!"!'!!''!'!'!!~-~lhe~fu~ll~Sena~~te~.~He~""~~td~u~lhe~Dl~Uoo~'s~~d~o~wn~lhe~ requeslt Hicltel testified. , t THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR TO SAVE ON THOSE ''.WIFE-SAVING" APPllAIKfSI SHOP EARLY, WHILE SElECTIONS ARE Brn! SAVE on This WASHER-DRYER 1DllU18 UlllUCOUITER DISHWASHER EilY FRIGIDAIRE ••• whh powrfUI Super-Surge Washing Aciion th.i really c.rt cut U'w nlUStart1, baked beans .00 the tn.d 9gg, tool LOOK AT ntESE OllfSTANDfNG FUTIJRES,, • • Rl!Mfuces hend tinsSng • , • a tMud-worklng waM and rinse cycle does It. • Spols0 Aw1y rinse dispenser. AS LOW AS $15888 COMBINATION! e JET ACTION WASHER e 2 SPEED JET ACTION e AUTOMATIC SOAK CYCLE e SMALL LOAD SETTING e 2 JET•.A,WAY RINSES e DEEP ACTION AGITATOR e MATCHING DRYER e PORCELAIN ENAMEL DRUM e DURABLE PRESS CARE SAVES IRONING e NO.HEAT CYCLE FOR FLUFFING AYAILAILI IN HAIYllT &01.D-AYOCADO- COLONIAL C0,,11 M SNOWClllT WHITI BUY THE PAIR ••• SAVE $20.00! for both Washer & Dryer NO MONEY DOWN· EASY BANK TERMS BUDGET-PRICED SPACE SAVER! SINCE 1947 Frigidaire Frost-Proof Refrigerator with 106-DI. size top freezer $23888 EASY IANK TERMS DAVIS-BROWN HAVE BEEN KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE HARBOR AREA FOR INTEGRITY & DEPENDABILITY! Factory trained technicians are your ass uran ce of promp't, outstanding service! 411 EAST 17th ST • COSTA MESA ------· • TELEVISION •APPLIANCES 646-1684 I I I I 1 I I • j \ I ' . Ne~ort ••r;hor . . EDITIO'N ' . . ,, . VO~ t.2, No: 14, 3 SECTIONS, 32 -f'AGES '. ORANGE .COUNTY,"CALIEORNI!. , • , . " . ... • . - --4 •. ... _ ...... -' . . -, . ' . . New MUrJer • • .... · . ... -. .., .. ·-' I • 1-~ -· -" .,...[:_.. ~ ::::.f .. ·.~ . • • ase = -. • ':'" .,.. . ' .. ~ -••• • • • ·--, -'i'eUy'• Cl1iial . ~ . . . . --. " ' TEN C~trrs -·r-·· ~~-~-:-= ·_ wist 2 Arrested; Police Fre_e O~igi~l Suspects By WU.l.IAM REED Of Ille C.I~ l'llf St• 'Y'orking behind the scenes-, Huntington Beactl detecUve.s today arrested two suspects in the slashing death of a • kindly, church.going woman. just 1~ hours arler an innocent coople was ar· raigned for the savage crime. A court-ordered release of the aerospace engineer and w al tr e a a. originally charged seemed imminent following the surprise 5:30 a.m.. scoopup oltliet*ontw~ ' ' NO!r boolted on '"'~°" Of homicide Is Henry L. Slonti, ls, of llt 0ay st.'" who w~s picked up at another r~. .. .· . The second suspett was tdeDUfied u Edward R. Hargrav,i, 18, ol 17392 r.,:arken Lane, Huntington Beach. . Detecti.Ye. Captain Earle Robitaille had thil to UY .•bout the •un>rlse twlot Jn the grisly case. "We tlo have a statement from the .. ..... ,.;n11.we.ilo_i.;,.pp...i·~ ... ,. will pr""!\ otr .... lhii· 111- IOJTIOOJI to tbe dlltrlct •ttome:f, • be lald. "We 1n1 'aikln&. lomledloio • ieJ<.,. of both -pt9Yious luspecta, Norman C-01tne7, 41, &,ad Mar1areta Dlncer, a8,'.' be ......... ; ' •• Capt. l!Obltallle said Ille primary r:eason for lht arrest of Coatney-and Miss Dineer wu the fact that her datk sedan, found at Zlst Street and Olive • Avenue, WU bl~ and lhawed evidence of a recent traffic accldU. Pllnt scrapes ·on her car -whlcti defln1te1y 'came from the car drlvea by Mr1. Hester S. Markee, ~. cl 1508 Olive Ave., .momenta before 1be was muraered -' were the result of the nearbi collision just before the killing. "We've h~d our doub~," Ca~. Robttallle admitted, "We just were not tao percent convinced -and we hive (See MURDER, Pap I) ~osmonauts Switch Spacecraft MOSCOW (UPIJ -Two manned Soviet space ships docked today In orbl~ the fint time such a maneuver had ever been carried out. After e1changing crew members ln another historic first the t1>.·o Soyuz ,·es.sets Oi;sengaged and went thei.r .... separ:ate wayll • TUI cllled "the wwld'1 llnt .U· Kht!lnlW Md -Ten..,..·cla!!l- pertniental opa<e ototlon." out · ol SOy.n 5 In wblcb they wtrt1 The 5hlpo iemal1led linked from II :10 lawicbed Wedneldo¥ wltb • third -. p.m. PST to · !:5S a.m. -tOur aod made1 tbdr . way aloq suld• rail• and a ~all ~n, It had been ~ted.the7 c~ out_.nrl~ ~· '!'h<l' lllOQ . A Britilh · ocl-llfd, tht Ruaalaa•. ""'1cl . teep , ..... • --ololt Indefinitely ml use It u a lumi><>fl point for • manned fllibl to Ille mooa. Ameri<OnJcl!!>!lalo .!!!! have_ uld a spa~~statton -,.as *91111 tar fUrthet" For one t\our, L\vo of lhe three crew 1nen1bcr.s from the spaces hip Soyuz 5 had \val11cd in space as their vehicle rc1nained locked tog{'ther \.\'ith Soyuz 4 to form what lhe official news agency wQlll rentaln linked lot -e .tlm<.-•entered So,IJi t whert Lt. Col:-Vllli!lil\lr bul Jnfonned source.Lin ~:i;aid _ -5hat.alov had been alone thtce biJ Tuel-. the lwo capsules probably would land day launch. space...fllgbta. .. ~. --------- • UPI c• .. •11• .. SOVIET SPACEMEN Moscow television photos show Soyuz 5 command pilot Boris Volynov (top) smiling as · he mov~s through centrifugal iqc;k in first chamber of spacecraft and cosmonuat AJ,exei Yeliseyev, an engineer, (bottom} in cabin of ·the craft during live broadcast from ship. (;oast GO"P ua rs , 85 to See Wayne Film On Flight to Inaugural By EVELYN SHERWOOD Of It.. Oalff' ,.Ott SI-" Eighty-five of the Orange Coast's most prOminent Republicans began packing today for a flight to Washington , D.C., Friday momine to attend the in· Banning Chose11 To Head Neivpo rt 1969 United Fund Hancock "Bill" Banning lli was named president of lhe 1969 Newport Beach United Fund at the UF's anr.ual awards banquet Wednesday at the Irvine Coast Country Club. Banning, a property management ex· ecutive and realtor, served last year as vke president for -both the United IFund and tba Newport Harbor Chamber or Commerce. I He is president of the 11arbor Day School Board or Tn1stees and is a direc- 1 tor or tbe Orange County Children's • Hospital. He and his wirr. Judy, live at 17fl2 E. Ocean Front, Balboa. v1ilh their fi ve children. Other UF' officers elected at \Ved- nesday·s banquet were i\1rs. F'rank Lynch, vice-president : Gary Burrill, se- cond vice-preidenl : Beverly Benson, treasurer, and Mrs. Howard Means, secretary. George Hoag II, retiring president. auguration of President-elect Richard M. Nixon. The delegation will lake an economy class flight . out of Los Angeles Jnterna· tlonal Airport. Actor John Wayne, •'Newport Beach resident, had been among those who planned to be aboard. Acairdingly, TWA of ficials scheduled an old John Wayne 1,11eslem during the flight. Wayne then canceled his plan.s because of a movir. commitment. As a result, said TWA officials, another movie bas been scheduled. lt will be a new John Wayne movie, "Hellfighters." . Jn ~ film. the actor does b.attle with flamtng oll wells lnstea:d of Indians. The charter plane will leave Los Angeles,at 11 :a'.~ Hea<!quai1en: for the Orange Coast group In Ille naU6n'1 c1pllaJ will he the WashiJjgtoo Hllloo Hold. They wifi travel there from Dulles lnt.mallooal .Aiqlort' by bus. . .A ~I~ program of actlviUes for tftree dlys and nijhts has been planned fir-some 17 ,000 expected to attend the inaugUl'JI, which takes place Monday. As with the Oranae Coast GOP leaders, all those attending will he there by in vitati on only. The program starts with the Reception for distinguished ladies at Z p.m. Salur· day at the National Gallery of Arts, followed by the Young American Salute at the Washington Hilton, and lhe in- augural .1ala at lbe NaUonal Guard (See INAUG\1RAL, P•P I) 'C OCC Students Turn Down Bid For. SDi§rqgu~ An ,jtllempt to fomt a Students for a De!"W•tlo~ ~tty ~Dill c~ on the Orange Ooi!t Co'llege campui hii at the very least been sidetracked. The Inter-club Council voted 23 to 6 with one a~tention Tuesday against SOS petitioners. The council, made up of presidents of campus clubs, rccom· mends on approval or new 8tudent organizations. . The half dozen students wanting to form a SOS chapter contended their goals are different from the naUooal group, which, in the words of Deap. of Student ActJviUe.s Joseph Kroll, "seeks to disrupt the educational process." An observer to the voting said club presidents took the attitude "lf they adopt the SOS name they an affiliating." Since the vote went againSt them, the SOS petitioners have not ID4Jcated what their plans are. Two apparent op- tions are appeal to the Student Council, and try again to form the chlb but use a dif!erent name. Earlier, Inter-Club Council ad visor ?o.farie tfowes wrote to each club president: "The (SDS) movement expresses a deep hatred for American socie~y today and a lack of faith in the democratic procedure .•• The national Students for a Democratic Society ~ itself u a revolutionary group, manfpulaUng into situations of confrontation with authority using force and anarchistic methods." Barry Weinberg, apotesmen for the petitioners, reportedly replied: "The right to organize is the basic: right of all Americam. U Ml'I. Howes cannot recognile t.be rigbt of free speech, then she has the hatred of American society, for this is the foundation of the tlemocratic process." Stot!k ~larkets NEW YORK (UPI) -The stock market today got a big lift from the new• the way bas been cleared for the start of expanded Vietnam talks In Paris this Saturday. Trldlnl WU ac:tive. (5ee quoloUons, Pages If.II). Friday. They remained aboard Soyuz 4 after Between the linkup and seParation, the uparaUon and coamonaut Boris research engineers Lt. Col. Yevgeny Volynov was alone aboard Soyuz fi. Agreement Reaehed U~~., ~o~th .Vie~nnl1t • • '~4'Jtrd~~··· . t . ' -. ·-;~.~:r~~~:";;tL Vietnam .....mce.t ..,_ml todly that, will enable ·ll!e "'~Vietnam talk• to open Sa]urday In Paris. Prosklenl Jo\mlOD ha!Ieil : the agr ... ment but warned that 'Olhtina: OD the Vietnam baUlefiekla may ~ o n t l n ;m,e throughout the DflOl!aUam. • The ....-. came ....... both lldu accepted• round.loble. with DO -ltar•, nmiepl•IQ or o.ca.to lndlclte wbetjlu the tal,ka: wen "two ~· or "four sided.'' They Wm he f1'itliOd by tWo m11ll oquare tablet for -Ud lra1U11aton. . ' The blcterin( °'" the lbape of tbe . l %' -.. fllllt;• :J-·111111• be ·mt •llled· t Oil one ··' ~ • ComlhlUillt team 6n the , or wblthet the ·Viet eons """1d be 'Hlted as a aepar1te force with the Sou.th Vletnamtn pernmenl Tbe Vlet Con& and SalJOq •each ln!!at, lt· le · Ille aole rli>t'<lentaUve ol South Vle!nam. · · 11ie blck•rinl cooUnued, for IJl"l't than two -wbile·men !Ill ·bi141l lidei died· ID· Vlttiwn. .,... oatrap """ lndlgnallon llllOlll DW>1 -ID Ille W<rlil.:·'lbtl.>lllif ... ., the,~l'ID he d<tlrmiDed·bf tht P'rencb ..... ,-wlllcb ·1a· 11oot for the talU IJld wblcb will au· ID · cibln<l -to mate them. • , . • !. ' ' . 1 Freed,--1B~·still~·itwait . • Insurance Fraud Action Dimli&al of fraud charies agalnsl a Sherman Oab lnlurance uJesman Wed- nesday retlue<d to II thO number ol agents who face court action in ID al· Jeged operation of a SoullllancfwJde .fu. 1urancti acheme that cost contribut.on on esUmated 12 mlllloo. Superior Court Judge Rql>erl Gardner agn<d with Rlclwd lUWlleln of Sher· man OW thi.t then 1 wu ~ evidence to warrant bis fur1her fln*ecu- tlon. But be diml1"ed ldenllcal motloos flied by three other aamta of Regency lnvcstors Inc. of Enclno. Most of the defendants, lneludin< Cleo Marvin Johnson, ~I. of ltol Klnp Road, Newport Beach. have been ordered to face trial Feb. 10 on the conspiracy •nd grand the!\ charges. Procftllng of minol" motions befOre that date may enable hil o1nce to put .n 11 1n CGUit. toplher. Deputy DiJtrlct Attorney Joe DieUn<ln 11ldWedneoclay. 'l)>e firm and Ille then lilied 21 1gent1 weno Indicted by the Orance County Graod Jury lost Dec. 1 The lndl!:tinent followed • Grond Jury liudy ol a oales plan thet o!Jeiedly· bllbd iiwt)-Orange ccOiniy ....n-.er.. An miler liivestl11tloo of Regency's operalionl by the Callfomla. lltpartment of lmia lllU led to the rdund ol !iM,000 lrf pttllilwnl to vldlioi el the 'ollepcllJ -... pla. Thf ._ In· dl•bneol 'lltoted lhllt Rqency .... ii ..,.. life insurance policies lO Southland rtsl· dents .. "blghly prolltable, profit ohar- "" contractl wblch ...Wd bec<Jme oelf supporting one! . • • rtiurn • 111bs!On- Ual Income within ..iau..i. few )'W'i." Thf,,.uci.. allegos DlcbnOe, '"' "not'11Sth thelpiper·tbey•re printed 011.'' Introduced Joe Hamblet as new execuUve direct.or of lbe Fund, replacing Dr. Edwanf Milum, who iOcently resigned because o1:m beallh. Hoag presented a celor television ~t to the ~ In appreciation of hla · yean of'..erv~ ..,.. "Dr. Milum r..alsed nearlJ a million for local, agencies In the ,..... 7"IS he serv~" Hoog told ·Ille 2511 melllhen and voufoteer workers attendiq "tbe lcth annual event. Murphy Asks 'Baja ·:B~rri~~:, Special awards were pre!ented lo Forest Smith, president of the Irvine Cout Country Club. and to Mel Schinkel of Collins Radio Ccmpany for their sup- port of lhO .loco! euupelgn. Campaign chalnnen recei viag awards Included kobert Perkins, Mrs. Wimam Clark, Joe llamblet, Mn. Lee R.Jvers, Mart Soden and Dr. Norman Loats. Five departments ol the Clty of Newport Beach were given awards for 100 perceot participation in Ille 11181 campaip. Tbe7 were the city clerk's omce, etneral RrVicts d e p a r t m e n t , ad· pllnl>lt•Uv• departmont, ur.....,i. and the part department and the police department. I By JEROME F. COLLINS Of .... °'"' """ ..... U.S. SOnator Georle MUTphy (R· California) has uted the Department cf JustlCe to consider "the po&SibUlty'' of drafting le.gi.!laUon that would close \be Mexican border to unescorted minors, be told Newport Beach cjty authorlQ,., today. MIJr""1 Mid be took the atop In -to ..... 1ut1oo adOlllOd bf °"' Newport Cll)' Council ml 04her elf.lea calling for Ille border l>On u a poollble oolullon to the tnffle In Wag.I dntp from Mellco to Collfoml1. "While the _......, ;..· '"'""" wm certainly not IOlve the entlrt problem.'' "1 " -----. . The Uniled States p~ lta Uni mw tzansfer wilh the Apollo I mWJon, ad to begin Feb. 28. Drug-crazed Youth Nabbed 4{ter;:'fhreats _ .. . ' A J,&-year~ld unemployed maalclan, mJ!lll lqiim IBlni ... admitted " lilolo ~ H1!1iii61 1n iwo Ly,. we ciPtli!.d bf Ii~ Beach ppll!" Wi(lnelday nlPI after be roporledly threatened several persona wltb a gun and a butcher knife. • 1be lanky, t'3 " youth was committed to Oriiiige County Medical Center's P8YP>ol'a.thlc wan!, police said. . Officers respobded to a call from bb: terrorized n>Olllmates at • Balboa od· dms .lhortly after t p.m.' The ·roommates said he had 0 tom ' Ille apartm~t apart" loottn& for a 11111 wlt6 which he said he Intended to lboot {IOUqemm. Tbe day before, the wib !Ml ~·he had pofnled the ioadf!I weapon '!I •• ll[ee ~ II. wu lok<a lrom him """· but he "'lurned w~ night~king. lor IL . -·' nie young man. whit last week wu treated at Hoaa: Memorial Hospital for an overdose ol benzedrine, didn't find lht gun .. so he grabbed a butcher tq.ll' lnstta4 and fled Into the strteta, ·ihi! w11n ..... said. ·Pollce found him sev<ral blocka •Wl7 In Ille 1000 block of l!l. Oc:ean Fronl He was unarmed, and collapaetl and wept as officers approac:bed.. Police said be spoke "conotanUy ml .-~ly" •boul killing certain of. ficen oo lhe Newport force and about "a:ociety being ~ him." O:fOcera were able to penetrate lhl babl>le to learn from him thlll he had to..sed the butdter tnile In· -brush when he saw police neartn1 him. Tbe k:nlfe was recovered. At the station, u pollco booked him as a mentally dlaonleied -'· he said he had ulbot eecooaJ IO times in the last two days," officers said. They assertedJy discovered numenKts need.le marks at tbe elbow cf each of his arms. The youth, a native of Tex&ll, is a nephew of a public school adm.lnbtratar In Orange County. • . -•.. '. - ! Daii.'t PllOT . H ~-~~r ~h.arged-. Then leared-in Bea'ch Death -. ll1 • ... -A .,,.... rocl:il ~ and 'hit sb"1Wberry blonde girt friend , weoriOJ twlu ptitallJ ind a faint, but frequent" amUe, w1n formally charged Wednesday in Ille tllroaHiooh -mUldet ol I u ... Ungton Beach grandmother. Today. thty hive heal cleand. Once upon 1 Ume, IOflle de&ectivu dido' -k so hanl to clear up con- !lictlnf -.. by -IUlp<Ct!, when they hid IU<h oolld clrcwnllAlllial evidence. lnnocenl peoplf!: have been jerked into eternity oo 1 rou,ghwoven rope with . I' a trto-.i.1111,Gllw al, or laold IOQlb' • 1111111._ Wi, apln\ i.twf ,.. la-......... wtch jaol -...... "" lto '!'l'll\ v-.,•" , .... ----:I <tit~ do II. --, • 'l'lllt lo tile llC«)' ol pbli -~ --...id bltfl ........ ~ I to tw0 IMOC<nl !'«'Pi• caught up in to the savage knife murder ol 1\ln. • He11ter S. Markee, 55, or 1508 Olive Ave., a four-day ~lghlmare. llUntlngton Beach, since they consistent· .Rt.ad their names. ly denied any involvement. Then pul yoµr own !here. And they were not involved, d.lreetly, Ju~e Walter W. Charamza look less police concede-4 toctey. than. five minutes to glve fom11I notice The gray·haired optometrist's recep- of t&SUance of c.-omplalnts and set Lionist was hacked and alaa,hed by stab prelbninary bearinn· during the West woonda too numerowi to count •CCU· Orange County J'Udlcitl CAlrt pro-rately and left bleedina lnto a gutter ceedin&:. . on 17lh ~bwt •lW Palm Avewe lut Norman Coatney, 41 , of USBJ F011ter Sunday night. R!>Bd.. Los Alamitos, and Margareta Miss Dinger-wearing a black sweat- Dinger, 38, of 2602 Delaware Street, er, scotch plaid skirt and nylon stockings ' nmielod 11114 a"'1al below the kneto- _lid_ lato ..... ,~ allar t ,p.m. +bo7•WGlftMI~. I ·'lllo loot I-It, delendanr In ihl orllonet'I doct on the right side ot th& b)vlalon Three courtroom, she smiled acrou at Coatney, then toward the palr'• attorney, Don McCartin, of COBta Mesa. Coatney, wearin~ a white shirt and green overcoat which he used to hide his face from photographers while being moved from a paddy wagoo into base· ment holding ct.11:1, sat wltb four olhtr male prisoner•. Judge Charamza ran through the CUS· tomary announcemen t of defendants' comtitutioaaJ rlght.s and guarantees, . I llJell proeeodt<t wttb . Illa eutload. • - '1111 flnt tw -...... 4a1 lift ~ about tbett lop! .. ~ Uon, so Judge l:loram..a dtlaY ... -cues and contlnded. on with the Coat.aey and Dinger arraignments. McCartin asked that they be set Jail~ ZO and Judge Charamza noted that OepiJ· ty District Attorney John Kronln had asked that no ball be set for the two defendants. "We've dilcusaed It,'' McC&rtin replied, al which lime the Judi• -to the diJD1ct 1itomey'1 requal tlial the pair he kepi In -cualocfy, II ieul unW tbetr preUaiinary bearl111. Grtmaclng. Ille uoobavtD Coatney shook h1a head lD a ne11Uve manner. 4 - -Djnpt ..i-oa. In the """""""' fat • -fl!!it, Mia# -u;-.;u:o;; finally led )lei: bacf dowiislalra to ~wall the return rld9,'to ~Orallie County Jail. She smiled ooc.asJonaJly, once 'f(bert a youth, now atteiiding weekly probltkln meeUngs, '8ked f« leniency on a new criminal charge, so ht can keep working and oonUnue hls Juni« coUege education. Sta.riding be&ide his attorney, he hluobinlly admltled !hat cool'.lcl' wtlh Illa tn&.itten -hid _.,. Illa """ career lntertlU into thll area of soc:.lal wort. Coatney ,..,,,ined in the dock wllh other ..... llllll'lllllrit oeculoelllJ to a round-laced, •1'(1abwd )'Otiili'illling betllde ltlm,. ••1111111( .. -before Judp CIW'amu. Mrs. McDonald Quits Newport Parks Position Students Pledge Support Fron• P .. e l INAUGURAL •• , Armory at 9 p.m. llunlinCfoo Beacb dolectt... hid , .. ...med eeaenUally u,hl lipped about wllal -if ID)'lblJ!i beyond known c:lrcwnlll,ntlal •vldenoo--ltnked Coatney and Miu DJri&er to the brula1 ertme. One prime lbeory lnvot>a 1 dilput• ovtr a sllpt, fender-bender auto ac· Urge OCC District to Hold Another Bond Election On Sunday tfie governora' reception wUI be beld from 2 to 5 p.m. al the Sheraton ~k-Hoiel and the r«epjlon honoring Vice President-elect and Mra. cldenl , ' TbE re<l<filb-balrtd witlreu' Ille model car wu found~ blooc:kpattered arid aban· donocf, eigbl hJocka &W!Y in ~ JOneiy oilfield aru at 21.st Street and ·Olive Avenue. Unexpected urging by four sludenta He said he felt prevloUa diatrlct failures caUled Orana:e Coast Junior Colleae to gain support for financlal measures Mrs. Marion S. McDonald today resign-Dl.atrict trustees Wedneaday night to give ed. u a member of the Newport Belch more thought to holding another bond had been due tn part to popular reactJon Parks, Beaches and Rec.nation Com-elecUon. against student unrest on other campuses mission. Connie Pfister, Heike Pischel, Charles In the stale. Conway and Bob Seymour, all .active "We (board members) as adults cannot Mrs. McDonald said she I.a leaving in Orange Coast College student affairs, change the popular conception of the to wort u an adminlatraUve assistant promised_ widespread student support iJl student," he said, "but you as students to Asaembly John V. Brigp (R-another bond eleelion l<y. <!rtainlY c:ould. U you 1clively support Fullertoa). 'Ibey lllid otudeoll would make preaen-a hood electlon, then so will I." In her lell<r ol reoignallon, Ille aald latlons to loca( civic groups, mao in-Tro!lee J. O'Hara Smith, al Coroea she "ls looking forward to the new formailOD bootha at shopping centers, del Mar, also ezprt83Cd Interest tn a challenge" of working for the Jegi&lator and canvass house-to-house for votes. bond election backed by students. and appreciates "having participated in Board members asked them to in· The four students said they are te city of Nppcri'a growth." fcrmally poll other studenta on campus parOcularly c on c er n e d at lhe She said her job with Briggl requires to &ee u·perbaps they really could muster overcrowding and need fornewbui.ldfnp. that lbe =1:,:a-1mento. a tarae number of student workers. It was llOt discussed whether a similar City · Howard Rogers of The student.s' enthusiasm had ita tffect. !tudent tUort could be a1arted on the Balboa sald he reiretted M r a . Tru!tee Robert Humphreya, or Costa Golden West campus serving the West McDonald'• ltafln(, notJnc !hat In her Meaa, lllid he hu nol previ0111iy been County are• wher.-cl1'irlc:I fmance three yura an the commtaslon aht had jn favor of another bond elecUon, but measures tradition811y have gone down _ achieved_J11.uclL(Of tJ)e_ BalJJ.21_1rea._ -!!_.,!.!_~~would .actively auepor!_on~ to defeat. where ahe Uved. i>U .. vUJµ II • --inlJie -$7.ZS miiliOn oona volelasl ' Her term of office would have expired this July. Councilmen will probably select ber replacement on the live-member board Jan. 27. Rogers is expected to make the nomination. Sunset Beach Fugitive Killing Said Justifiable AlilpJgh aome detallJ are aUU under lnveadgaUon, Ollef Deputy Di!trict At- tornty James EnriJ:ht said thi.! mOl'l'ling that the death of a neeing fugitive laat Friday in Sunset Beach was "un· questionably justifiable homicide.'' Carl A. Sjolund, 23, of 1637% 2Sth St., Sunset Beach, waa ahot in the back of the head aa he fled from a deputy sheriff who was attempting to serve felony warrants for the arrest of the motorcycle racing enthuaiut. Sjolund died in Huntington inla<om- munity Hospltal about two houri after be wu sbol by Deputy Edward Gould: The sheriff'• officer II.Id Sjohmd was onlered to boll ...... a1 llmel llld tp.;r..i lhelle~o1,.:~itr..i ... Ibo! Imm Illa .lkallber lel'Vlce ~ al lbe lleelnl mao who ,... 1bc>ll Iii y- away at the time. Cook to Inquire About Harbor Plan Former Newport Beach City Coun- cilman Dee Cook Tuesday nl1ht was designated by the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce to send a letter of inquiry to ill< City Council on proposed dWolution of the County Harbor Diltrlct. C.OOll. chairman of the chamber's legialaUve committee, said the chamber wants to know "what the croncl1 has done. la doing now and la planning to do" about the harbor controversy. DAILY PILOT 0111.111'10! [QAit PUJ~liMING CQMl'A>l"t' lttl.••• N. w,,4 ""'lc!f"M .... ll~thl~•r 1~'"''' Kttlil Edilor lht..,•t A. "4 wr ,hi11t Mt11..i~t Etll~r J,,,.,., F. Ctlti~t '•wl Niutfl "' ........ , ..... ,1.,.,. ••. ,1 ... Cit'!' l!fU9r Ol•H;IW' ,._.,.,. .._. Offk• 1111 "'''' 1.11 ••• ··~1 ••• ,, M1!1i11f ,Uolrt11t P.O. ltt: I 11S, 1 J •41 • °'""°'"'" ic.tft ,.. .. : ut w ... 1 ... '""'' 1,..,... 9ffd0• 1n ,.,.,, ,,,._ ~ kl(J'I .. ~t~ S•H• City Promises to· Fix Streets Torn by Cable Streets throughout much of Newport Beach are being torn up by a Ioo-mtle- long cable ielevblon projec:I, 11111 lhc city is making certain that the roadways are restored lo top quality &hape, ac· cording to Public Works Dirtttor Joteph T. DevUn. Devlin, in response to inquiries from Newport Council Back Hayakawa, Scores MilitantS "An orglllhed mlllllnl -llClion ...... pooe<I or sludcni.., facully membera anti ootilde agitatora Is attempting to destroy the state college aystem ..• " . So says lbe N~ Beach-Cit; ~ ell in a unlllllmOlllJy adopted molnlloQ supporting San Francisco State College's beleaguered acting president, Dr. S. I. Hayakawa. The strongly worded s t a t t m e n t , adopted this week on a motion by Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons, is addressed to Gov. Reagan, State College Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke, Dr. Hayakawa and all members of the state•U:gislature. The resolution declares that the "mili- tant groups" have concentrated their efforts at San Francisco State and "by tactics of coercion, inUmldaUoo and violen~" have succeeded in temporarily dimpting the norm.al educaUonal pro- <..._ Dr. Hayakawa is eomroended "on the valiant and resourceful manner in which he has faced the problems at bia achoo I." Overheated Soup Brings Lido Fire A pot or overheated soup caused S120 damqe to a Balboa l:iland bQ.me durlna the Jcmch hour Wtdnesday. Mrs. Bertha Cummings, 314 Amethy!lt Ave., 11w ber kitchen curtafna, p up in film• afler 8he 1.1:1atched tbl •blazing can fTOm the stove and placed lt on a counter. . F:lremen said when their trucb re.acll- ed the 11Cene the fire had burned l~lr ouj, IUIOJ wlth ii I portion al the ldldim '"""1wrk. Bicycle Trails Hearing Slated Ntwport Beach pllnntng commwlon COllllderallon ol a plan lor • -k ol -.le bicycle l<olb In the Hll'hor ma hu heel> mcbeduled le.-the Feb. I ogftldL Earlier plaoa eall<d lot coostdenllon o1 ·lhe para depu1ment p1an "* lhe trails at tonltht'• meeti111. The propoHd net.t'lrk woWd cover 15 mOci In N~ ind -Id - wtth irall1 In Coola M ... ·imd county ierTttory n•ar UC lrvil!'· Coun<:ilman Paul .J. Gruber, said Cablevtsion,--lnc., after plaeing lhe $1 million in underground lines, is Oiling many or the ditches with concrete. "This is heavler than the material taken out," he said. "Most of the patches arc superior to what it was before." He explaintd that the concrete has less tendency to sink. Whenever it does sink, he emphasized. Cablevision crews are returning to make the requlrtd lm · provements. "There are so many miles," he sald, "Lhat in some areas they have to come back, iuch as In Newport Heights, where there wu some difficulty with patches.'' He assured Gruber that clty Inspector• are staying on top of the situauon. f'rom P.,,e l MURDER ... had our det~Uve force turned·Aout en masse sin ct this murder.'' "Wednesday, we continued .checking out one of zo remote possibilities," Capt. '.Robitaille said. That remote possibility was the story of a cab driver who said he had dropped off a man at Eighth Street and Orange Avenu e, not far from Mrs. Markee 's apartment early Monday morning, within hours after the crime was discovered. The spot where the man was dropped of! was about one mile from where the abandoned car allegedly used by lhe killer was found . Capt. Robitaille said !hat Miss Dinger and Coatney had been arJ'Mled and charged wllh the murder because of discrepancies in her story. The captain said &he bad toid ques. Uoning police on the night of the murder that she had gone to a market al the Five Points Shopping Center about 5:)1) p.m. to buy food for diilner. lronJcally, the murder victim went to the same center later in the evening to wash. clothes at a laundromat several doors rrom the same market. Miss Dinger lold Capt. Robitaille she parked her car -the same one used by Mrs. ~1arkee's killer -in her open garage at 2606 Delaware St., when she returned· home. Coatney, according to police, said tha\ he came over to Miss Dinger's aPJttment from his home at 12581 Feater Road, Lo.! Allmllol, and parked his car directly heh.ind Miu Dinger'• vehicle. He said It was Parked in such a way that her car could not be moved. Mi!!I Din;ger 1taunchly maintained that ob• had '1lOI moved dlher car and that she did dbl k-how her car hlppened to be mov.d and possibly used in the murder, because she hid only one set of keys. She 1Ull had them when arrested. Capt R.obltallle said today that alJ evidence lndlcaltd that Mm Dln&er's car ~ad been UJed In tbe 1llyJnr: thlt It waa: found with blood Inside -now prow:n to ht Mn. Mark~'• -but bf!lcaU6fl she couldn't erplaln bow ft bap- penl!d to be mllslng and Coatney hocked her story, both were arrested. Police did not elabofple oe how they came to anat S1arrer ~ Rarcrave. IO)'lng only: "we -both ol lllem," evidently from prior eont.acu. Asked abotJl wh<tber Miss Dinpr'o car wai tak•n bY.,,. or bOUl'olllle llUIJ>'Cll, Cnpl. Roblt.altl~ aaid an auto-theft ctw):e could be filed lalor. September the iBSue carried handily in Spiro T. A.anew wUI follow from S to 8 p.m. at the Srnlthsool&D ~useum of Costa Mesa , got almost exactly the re· History ind Techndlogy. It wtb be follow- qulslte two-thirds aprpoval in Newport ed by the lnaugural Concert at 8:30 Beach and Huntington Beach. but falled p.m. st Constltuflon Hall. in Westm!nster, Midway City and Seal The olflclal lnauiural ceremony and Beach. swearing·in of the pruldent and vice Since then, trustees have discussed president start.a Monday at 11 :30 a.m. at almost every meeting whether to at the Capitol. ~The inaugural parade hold another bond election or to levy will be at 2 p.m. and the climu of a tax override of u much as 2S cent.I the feltlvj~es, the Jnaugural Ball, wlll when a new law make& that pos&ble take place at 9 p.m. tn July. StUJ no decision has been reach-Many of-the local guestl are expected ed. to return home Tuesday with various Wednesday night, Supt. N o rm 8 n memorabilia of the historic eventa. Watson suggested four possible bond Besides the favors of the Inaugural Ball electfon dates -April 29, May a?, JWle -preaidenUal signature acarvea and 10 and ·June %4 -but said-he didn't chann braceleta -there will be want the board to make a decision available inaugural prolfams at '2 each yet because "we owe you additional alld official inaugural boeik! at $IO. informaUon... • Among H8rbOr Area residents who He saJd he would have more facts are expecti;d to take the rught Friday and -~es for _J!le~ board to digm___2.re :~ -· ~ -~ . __ iiiTwo weiKs. Mr. and"""Mfs . Bewley Alteif, Mf."" and 106 Acres Ready For People in Parsons' Area Newport Beach Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons' constituency tajay is larger by IOS acrea and no people. The people will come later. Parsons' picked up the added represen- tation by absorbing Phase II of the Upper Harbor View Hills development into his Councilmanic District 7, which encompasses most of Corona de! ~1ar east of MacArthur Boulevard. Some 4~ homes will be built on the parcel. It lies just north of Pacific View Drive and south ot the 51)().home Phase I Upper Harbor View Hills development, now nearing completion. Phase I several months ago was added to Councilman Robert Shelton's District & Mrs. Victor Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Barnes, Mr: and Mrs. Robert F. Beaver, Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth, Capt. and Mrs. George W. Brokate, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. John CUrcl, Judge and Mrs. "nlunnond Clarice, Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeFranco, Mr. and A1rs. Harry Emrich. J . S. Fluor, Mr. and Mn. Richard Footner, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gaede, Mr. and Mrs. Robert GUJgenhelm, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hesnault, Mr. and Mrs. Clement L. Hin ch, F. George Herlihy. ~1r. and Mrs. J ohn Kelsey, John Klug, Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod, Ruth '1cLeod, fifr . and Mrs. Frank G. Michelena, Dr. and Mrs. David Nielsen. · Mr. and Mrs. Bart Osteau, Mr. and Mrs. 0. VI. •·Dick" Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Jerrel T. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Schmid, Mr. and Mrs. William Shattuck, .Mrs. Evelyn ~herwood, Mr. and l\1rs. Robert Swafield, Mr. and Mrs. Don Teeter, Mr. and l\1rs. Charles Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turner, Mr. and Mrs. WUlard Volt Jr. and James Carroll. .JI: J. Qarrell~ A foot aearch by police located the vehicle after Donald Carr, of 20~ Loyola Road, Costa Me.., found Mra. Market's body lying on Its side in the beams of her car's headllghta. The victlm, described by her employer, Dr. Loui!: F. Haselfeld, u haJl.ng a totally winnlrut· way, wu involved" ln a minor acc1.cle'bt at nearby 17th and Main sl?eets juli before the klllln(. She was not the type benelf to argue. "She is -waa, I mean -abeolutely one of the loveliest women I know," said the operator of a Huot.tneton .Bueh secretarial service whole daughter was 1 poUenl ol Dr atucHeJd, "It's just sofiinbellevable," ahe con· tinued, "that woman wu devoutly religious, a wonderful person who literally had a halo of goodneas." _ The-couple f'lnt'&ccu.sed of herl'tJanfer· were .arrested at the Delaware Str,eet apartment about four ·hours after the slaying, which occurred just west o[ Dwyer Intermediate School. Except for a slight jog around the base of a hill on Huntington Beach Co. property, 17th Street runs in a diq:onal straight Une from the homicide scene lo the 2700 block of Delaware Avenue. The 17th and Main Street accident scene i!!l about haU way between the death site and the 17lh Street-Delaware Avenue intersection, which is up just a few doors from the Dinger resldenct, Pollce so far have not Aid whether they found anything In the apartmeQt at 2606 Delaware St., that possibly tied the two deeper into the murder mystery. r&ss pinger's car carried a, I.om~ registration address' when impounded Sunday night and police in that northetn Santa Barbara County city quickJy learn- ed she bed moved to Huntington Beach only recently. Lompoc is near Vandenberg AFB, ·a major Pacifi c Coast Missile Range te.!t site, where Coatney was reportedly fo have gone Tuesday to assist Jn a rocket launching -before his arrest on suspl· cion of murder. 12lh Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your choice of 1tyle er febric m1y be purche1ed et • mo1t 9enercus StYin9• • 1 , Truly a rare money-saving opportunity OVer 200 Styles nf Snfas 0 OFF HGULAR PRICES -Chairs -Love Sell.! -Ottomans in your choice of any Heritage Decorator fabric. ~·011r Javoritt inkrior de1lgMr tm1Z bt happ11 fo a.srilf uou , •• ALSO ••• SUISTANTIAL SAYINGS ON MANY HERITAGE DINING ROOM, llDROOM AND TAILE GROUPS ••• HERITAGE H.J.GARRFJT f1l-R~f11JRB PIO,bSIONAi: INTYIOllOB- 2111 HJ.""'1! It. \'11,j OOSTA MESA, CAU~. '44-0211 "46-021• ' I I I I . l;osia Mesa . ' -Today's l'la•I EDITION N.Y. St.oelm VOL :62, NO. [4, l S~CTION~, 32 PAGES · TEN CENfS S·t.· Clair, Ma:yor Clash ,on Freeway Re-routing .. Ill' TllOM,U KEIM!. !f .. DMlr f'lllil .,.., ''reWl>an c..ta Mesa City Cooncllman WilJ!am L. st. Clair cl.asbed. openly "1111 'h' m~ an<f Ill< city engineering stall @f,f '"!!. bow finn a stand to lake oi) wjlif roule for .lhe future Newport Fi'eewll)' through downtown Costa Mesa to Newpotl )leach. . His campaip loll "'"" doubt that tbe citJ-.1lt1>e.able to ~t a utiited !root w!Mo slate bfply <1liinem hold '~ --... .. ' -~---'-·- ' -- their filst public hearing on Ill• rouUng iri the belt two mootbs. 'Mayor A.L. Ptnkl•Y told member.! of <::HA,RT (Committee H~bor. Ar! a Research Team) 'at a breakfast session that t® rpany lncooclus.ive facton are involved in the five potent.Iii ?QUles to male a definl.tive st.aod, possible at tlW: lime. ' "I can't say today whlcb of. the five Jines I want becau&e l don't have all of< lhe information. Yet I'm as directly ·.; . ' ·. ,._ · UPI C~ SOVIE T SPACEMEN -Moscow television photos show Soyuz 5 command pilot Boris Volynov (top) milling as he moves through centrifugal Jock in first chamber of SIRt-cectatt am1 cosmot;iuat Alexei Yeli&eyev, an engineer, (bottom) iii CalJib Of the craft during 1ive broadcast from ship. · - -Rookie Russ Cosmo1iauts Switch Capsules i,,, .space MOSCOW {UPll -Two manned·Sovict space 5hips docked today in orbit, the · first time such a maneuver had ever ~n carried out. After eschanging crew members in anO\her historic firS\ tbe tWo Soyus ve~Ls disengaged and .went. Uieir separate ways. For one hour, two of the three crew nlembers from the spa.:eshlp Soyuz s had walked in space as their vehicle l1!mained locked together with Soyul 4 .to form y,·hat the official news agency Tass called "the world's flrsl ex· perimental space station." The shi~ remained linked from 11:30 pJn. PST to S:55 a.m. -four and a haJf hou r.;. It had been expected they woukl' remain linked for some time, but informed soutces in Moscow said the two capsules probably would land ~iday. · Between the linkup and separali'!'1 t;oearch enllineer• LI. Col. YnrPJY :tptnmoy and Alesei Y eliaeyev clambered '*" of $oy)ls ~ In "hlch lh<y were llllJlct>ed Wednesday with a third man. made their way along guide rails and oarried out various tasks. Tbey then onlered SoyUI 4 where LI. Col. Vladimir Shalalov had been alone since bit 'rue. day launch. They remained aboard Soyuz 4 afttr the aepar1tlon and cosmonaut Boris V6lynov wu alone aboard Soyuz 5. A BrJtlsh ocleollsl "Id Ill< Rmslans could teep such • 1pact station aloft tnddinitely and use it u a jump-off RQLnt fal'l • mlMed rugbl to lbe moon. American scieoti5ta also have uid a .,_ce station was necessary for further .,ace flights. The United Stales plans its Lint ~ lronlfer wllll Ill< ApoUo I mlaloo oet i. begin Feb. 28. ~ docking tunnel bettrftll the Unit 1eat Apollo command ship and t.he two-man Apollo moon laodlng 1pacecraft. coiled Ill< IUllU module, anll launched wtlh It. Later one a.atronaut will aipacewalk from one ship to the other ' • ' 'w11'i-AWAITS NEWS ~'Tamera· Voly..V ---In pnaiCe"T6f a1unar Jandlng. The Urdted Statu plam to launch its T:trll rudimeolery 'P""" ltallon In lflL It will~be. lht inskle of a rocket sta&e fitted with Uvlng &lid worling units. nvs~ li!>rkahop .,m al nnt ~ tlft4 · .,.. In or1>11 lor I month and w1Dbtmolal1Mlal<r. In deecrlblllfl Ill< Soviet !eel today Tau II.Id Khrunov and Yellleyev, a clviliap, lhr;Jwed bow 1pacemen could be transferred in rescues ur relld' opera· lions lo eartb orbit ~·~~~··---.,- lnvo!Ytd as a.nyme.11 Pinkley, a downtown druggist, made a pointed reference to St. Clair when be said: "A frttway route is not the personal choice of a councilman, but how good the route is for the city as a whole." His voice edgy with obviou.s dl.sagrte- ment, St. Clair retorted that much data is already in tbe hands or the city staff and the city council and that little acUon had been taken. "These facts were given to the city six months 1go," SL Clair said heatedly. "IJKI tbe city eouncll baa never had a meetinc on them. By God, we've · got to open our eyes. The figures are here.'' SL Clair, "1111 Ille hack!lig of some downtown men:hants, ts persuaded that the w..ternmc>st of the five pn>pcl5ed ""Ilea ..iu, In Ille long run, belt serve lho:lnteresta of Ille city. W)jlle sranUng Iha! 11 ""'11 men money, be SOid Iba.I lts bentllll would OYtt·llwlow Ille - factor~ T1ien1 '! an Obvious challenge lo Mayor Pinkley, be Aid: "U 1QYOD1 can't debate OR U.. maps that have been up for alx moolhs, it is I pr<tly daru bad al ... tlnn." 1be meellng, arranged by CHART v!Ce president Ja.mea Wood, WU billed .. a debatejD Ille ""'"'Y roolln&. ~ bul M~ Pinkley l4id la Illa C!P0111ng -----. remarb that there would be no debate "since you can't debate aometbinc wilhout facta and we hlven't got au Ill< fads." Tempers were. on edge In anoCher part ol the session when st. Calr Uid; "l know that Mayor Pinkley here runs the town, be'a ln the drJver '1 seat aod the citz~ '!lanager doea what he aay1 and Ille_ city stall does whal th< city (Bee FJ!,EEWAY, Pago I) - New Murder Ca.se Twist 2 Arrested; Police Free Original Suspects Dy WtIJ.IA1'1 REED of the two new 1uspects. ot ttr.e ci.11r ,11tt stiff Now booked on lll!plclon of homicide Working behind the scenes, Huntington fa Henry L. Sianez, 25, ot 3U Clay new pair and wt do haw physical eviden- ce. We will pre.sent our cue this af. t.ttnoon to the district attorney," he said. Avenue, was blood-ilmeared and allowed evidenct' of a recent traffic accident. Beach detectives today arrested two St., who wu picked up at another suspects in tbe slashing death of a residence. kindly, church-going woman, just 15 The second suspect wa s identified as hours after an innocent couple was ar· Edward R. Hargrave, 18, of 17392 Marken raigned for the savage crime. Lane, Huntington Beach. A 'courklrdered release of the Detective Captain Earle Robitaille had "We are asking lmmed!Ale release of both pr<:!vious suspect!, Nonnan Coatney, 41, aod Margareta Dinger, 38," he addfd. Capt. Robli.llle said Ill< primery reason for the. arrest of Coatney and MiM·!Jingir vt~• \ho fact l!Mll b~ .. <llrJt . sedaa, found at 21st Street and Olive Paint scrapes on her car -which definitely came from the car driven by Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, of 150I Olive Ave., momenta before 1be wa1 n1urdered -were the result "-the nearby collision just before the kllllng. aerospace engineer and w a i t r e s s thla to say about the surprise twist originally charged seemOO imminent in the grislJ. case. - -ro11owtng·the-surprlsn:30"11.~rtr.lc00pup~ --..we--cro haven scatenleDr from -the "We've had our doubts," Capt~ RobitaUle· adrriltted, ''We just wee not· 100 percent coovinced - and we..Jwi:a..... (8'< MURDER, P1ge II * * * * * * OCC Students Couple Free Again U.S., North Tur11 Down Bid Agreement Scientist, Girl Charged, Cleared S Talk F 01' SDS ,~1'~!1P By!,"~~;.';™~ I• two Fnl peeple caught up in larls S An all<mpl to fO!la It Studtt111·,... "'""' ''I" . '. • !~NJ !11&htmare. a Democratic SocietY (~DS) ch"11tr ., A ·mor06e r~_kl$ ~ fnd his . ~ W nam... , ' ' From Win Servlea the Orange CoaSl Callqe camPllJ ---~~I ~ • '"ljR-1111 fM owq !llertt ~ ."'-' .,_, PbRll -Tee Ull)led Stales and North 1t the Yeryleast been sidetracked. , · Ji.bl.!. bul t JI t~'Wlltif '-:· CtiihinA l1JC111 . Vietnam announced •a:mment todl1 The lnter-Club Council voted 2.1 to . , £oriri Charged W ay the:~~ to give formQ notice that wru enabJe tlie apa.ndtd VJetnam 6 with' Ohe abstention TUelclay against ~' lhe tbroiWluh uwrd;t" of 1;:-Him-of l.na · ~~plaints :f 8't tllk •to Sa rd in p SOS petitioners. The council, made up fi.ngton Beach grandmother, f:~ge &,:y Jt8dl~:n~ '!~ 1 ~ tu ay arll. or presidents of campus clubs recom-Today, they have been cleared. ceedlng .,.... Pruldent Johnson hailed the agree. mends on approval ol new 1 student Once upon a time, some detec tives Normin Coatney 41 ol 12581 Foster ment but warned that fighting on the organizations. di.dn.'t work so hard to clear up con-Road, Los Alamllos,' and Margmta Vietnam battlefields may c o n t i n .'t e The half dozen students wanting to flicting stories by arrested suspects, Dinger, 33, of 2601 Delaware Street, thi'oughout the negotlaUons. form .a SOS chapter contended their w~n they had such solid cirCWTl5tantial Huntington Be.ch, were ordered 1retum-The agreement came when both lfdes goals are different fro m the national evidence. ed to court Monday at 9 a.m. to u ter group; which, in the words of Dean Innocent 1>e0ple have been jerked into their pleas. . accepted&. round table, wllh no marken. of Student Activities Joseph Kroll, "seeks eternity on a roughwoven rope wllh Both woold have pleaded Innocent nameplates or fiags to indicate whether to disrupt the educational process." a l:r'ee at the other end, or faced lonely to the 11v1ge knife mlirder of Mrs. the talks were "two sided" or "four An observer to the voting said club yeara In prlaon with ju!t their bitter ~esttt .S. Market, 56, of 150&'01lve Ave., s.id~." They will be flanked by two presid ents took the attitude "If they knowledge: ·I didn't do it. Huntington Bt.ach, 1lnce they r.onsl.stent· 4J11a1I eqµare tablu tor 1ecretariea and adopt the sos name they are affiliating.'' This is the story or what happened (See ARltAIGNMEN'I', Pap I) U-anslaton. Since the vote went against them, Tbe bickering over the shape of the the SOS petiUooers ha ve not ind.Jca~ table centered on whether there would what llleir plan• are. Two apparent op. 85 to See Wayn·e Film be an •llled ... m on one alde and lions are appeal to the Student Council, a · Communist team on the other, or and try again to form the club but whether the Viet Cong would be aealed use a different name. as a separate farce with the South Earlier, Inter-Club Council advisor Vietnamese eovernment. The Viet Cong Marie Howes wrote lo each club On Flight to IJlaugural aod Saigon each IN!JJI ii iJ Ill< .... president: representative of South Vietnam. · "The (SOS ) movement exprt!iSe! a The bickering COfllinuecl for more lhan deep hatred for American society today two montha while men on both 11del and a lack or faith in the democratic died in Vie\Mm, arousing outrage and Proce:lure ... The national Students for By EVELYN SHERWOOD with flaming oil wells instead of Indians. indignation among many peraon1 in the Of IM D911T Plfllt Sid The. h·~· I Ill I • .. Id 1be Ii I . a Democratic Society sees it.self as a c 11.1 M;r P ane w eave uni wor . na size of the table. will Elghty·flve of the Orange Coast's most bed •·-• ed b '" · revolutionary group, manlpul ating into Angele• at 11 a.m. _ e~uun y u1e French government l!iituations of confrontation with authori ty prominent Republicans began packinc Headquarten for lhe Oranee Coast wh,icb is host for the talks and whJch using force and anarehlJUc methods." ttoday for a flight to Washington, D.C., In ••-1 , pllll ~n be will call in cabinet makera to mate F Id · •• i group un: nat on a ca w1 Barry Weinberg, spokesmen for the r ay morning to attend u1e n· them. petitioners, reportedly replied : auguraUon of President-elect Richard M. the Wuhington Hilton Hotel. South Vietnamese Foreign Minister "The rtght to organize i1 the basic Nlzon. They will travel there frOm DuUes Tran Cba'ng Thanh ln Saigon immediately right of all Americans.. If Mr1. Howes The deleeatlon 1'fill take an .economy International Airport by bua. proclaimed it "looks like victory." But cannot recognize the rlght of free 11peech, class flight out of Los Angeles Intern• A whirlwind program of activities for observers in Parls said it appeared there then she has the hatred of American tion al Ai.-,,ort. three days and nlghtl bas been planned ba'd been concessions to the Communl!ts society, for this Is the foundation of Actor John Wayne, a Newport Beach for some 17,000 ezpect.ed to .attend the to get the talks ataned before Johnloa the democratic proce.ss." resident, had been among thoBe who inaugural, which takes place Monday. leaves office on Jan • .at .... planned to be aboard. Accordingly, TWA As with lhe Orange C.oaat GOP leaden:, Johnson, shoWlng deep emotion 00 the S tock Jllarhets · NEW YORK (UPI ) -The 1lock market today got a big lift from the news the .., way hal been cleared for the 1Lart of erpanded Vietnam tal);s In Pam thla Saturday. Trading was active. (See quotaUona, Pagea lJ.19). officials scheduled an old John Wayne all those attending will be there by proctdural breakthrough that c•me four western during the rll!Jht. invitation only. days before be" leaves office, said the Wayne then canceled his plans becawe The program 1larts with the Re«ptlOn way had been cleared for the start of a movit; commibnent. for disttn&Ulsbed ladie1 at I p.m.. Sa\ur· of mbstantive talks and stated: "Wt .A3 a result, uld TWA officlala, another day at the National Gallery of. Arts. must be confident that an honorable movJe has been scheduled. !ollowed by the Youne Amtrican Silut.e peace is possible if we here at home It will be a ne" John Wayne movie, at the Waahlottoo Hilt.on; ud the-in-remain steady." "Hellfl&ht.era." augural gala at the NaUoaaJ Gurd ln the fllm, Ill< ector deea battle (See INAUGIJllAL, 1''!fl I) .---~-------~ Oraage Coan Murphy Asks 'Baja Barrier' Weatller Se nator Joins Fight to Close Border to Unescort-ed Minors By JEROME F. COWNS Of .... Dallr ,.,... ..... U.S. Senator George Murplly (R· California ) has asked the Depa.rtmemt ol JusUce t.o consider "the paalbility" ol drafting legl!latien that woold cloae Ill< Mulcan border to W1tlCfXted minors, ht told Newport Beach city autborl.Ue. today. M u.,,i.y llld he look the 1lep In retpOOSe to a resolution adopted by the Newport City Council and olll<r cltlp callin1 for the border ban as a possible 110lution to the traffic in illegal dnJ&I from Mel.Jco to CllJfornla. "Whlle tbt measure you '"""' w111 certainly nol aolve Ille entlre problem," , he Aid ' to Newport ollldelt In •. letter ncelved lllls morning, "I llllnlc Iba• ii may be anolber step In the right cflroo. Uon." MU!l>h1 llOlOd lhlt he ts deeply coo- cemed wllll "lncnlellng evld<nce of narcuUca' usap by our teen1gera in every part of the counlty." He polnlod out lhlt In Ille put be had CHponeond leglalallon propoafnJ the ellabllaliment o1 o'jolnl U.S.·Muiclft Qmmlalon .. ltrrelll(Ole aod ncotll· mend aolutloea to Ille P<olllem of n&rcotlC11 lmportlUon. "ln 11111; I urpll that Ille _.ion o! LSD lit mode .a !eden! Gl11ne," be fal<l. "'Ille ~ ... pro~ b1 - enact1ntr· Ille . Drue eomr.i aod Abttle Act of. t•" He~: "I haH bten In <ODlac! "1111 Ill< DeparJmenl ol Julllce rqardlq Ille poos1blllty or drafllnr 1ec1a1au... 1m- plemenUng your -.11on 'aod, of OOllh!. I will conU-·to aearch for ~ avenuea to foUow!' Ne;,pott coijOc!hnc lall. montll dld not apedlk:al4' urie cloalng Ill< -to llllllCOl1ed mlnon (-II). 1'hey utod -llwleod~,_~., ,w -.. • ljlartnp. ' U' 111<· JmUco' ~ mialt 11)'1 the leglglallol ii lwl , U., efJPIOl)rlato' bllil wotllil ... Ille IRib)'ect ol aucb bur-' inc-. . .. ' .. Patchy coastal foe wW cloud up Ille c:llmoUc condlUona Frldlf, wllll l<mperatur.s rlllllng ln>m fO to 51 aloog U.. Orange eo..t. INSmE TODAY Thtr1 will ~· 19Mtthh19 for <v<'l/O!lf Mondav at th• porad• following th• mauguralloo of lllchord M. NizoK. l>Ofl• 12. -. =:-·: ·-" ~~ ,, ............ ' . ............ , " ........ ,..., --.. -" ... L.aMln ,. -. .................... ,. -.. -.. ..... """" lt --.. or... c..t'I' " _,_,_(..... ,, kdil ,....._ tM' -~ ... Sflldt ......... , .. ,, T-M -.. -. ...... "' " """ -.. 1 l I - 2 DAll.Y ~!LOT _c • ~P .. eJ FREEWAY • • • DW\llS 11)1. .. • Cty manqer Arthur R. lttcKttWe, --"· ............ ""'"'1 ooil ...., ...... St. atk'I nmmb ..... this """1' doclaralk>n' "'Mr. St. Clair, you know 11 well u J ~ &bit t take my orders from the ctty councU. not from the mayor." St. Clair shunted the retort aside and said, "This has got to be an engineer's decision, not a political decision." ' .. Tbat'1 what J just said," amwered Mayor Pinkley. Ml)'OI' Pinkley then smiled wryly and oftered to appoint St. Clair to a special committee which would gather and disseminate impartial informal.ion on the freeny rootes. He stressed the word Impartial. ••No," St. Oair answered, "but I'll be glad to be chairman of a commiUee to give out partial information." 'Jbe nub of the argumenl was how accurate the figures and details ~ on the five route plans prepared by the Division of Highways. St. Clair main- tained that they ...,., sufficiently • .,. curate to draw at least preliminary coo- clusions. Mayor Pinkley, supported by city engineer, George Madsen, main· talned that the !t.udie11 we.re very rough and not sufficiently accurate for ad· vanced studies. MadM!fl noted that state engineers had projected &8,000.vehicle traffic dally on downtown Harbor Boulevard, but .noted that the trafflc artery cannot pos,,Ibly carry anyUtlng close to that volume. Hence, he said, the entire downtown tralUc flow pattern on several of the route studies will have to be re-- caleulated. · "It's a terrific guessing game," Madsen said. SL Clair, ba<ked by downtown buainess people such u jeweler J.C. Humphries and department atore owner Peggy (Mrs. Jack) Reinert, hu long advocal<d that the present Newport Boulevard align- ment between Costa Mesa and Newport Beach be mainlafned for local traffic. 'Ibey have supported • freeway routing th.at will swing westward down Superior ~--Avaua-and tbu1 leave tbe-pr.esenl Newport Boulevard intact. Pinkley, along with other councilmen and the buJk of the city stalf, has maintained that this route may be the most advantageous but that sufficient data is not available lo declare now that it is the city's favored alignment. St. Clair advocates the westernmost of the five proposed routes -labeled the Red Route. Its principal problems, said engineer Madsen. are unresolved on-ramp, off-ramp problems at Harbor Boulevard and questions about linking east and west 17th Slreet. Madsen al8o erplaJned that minor shil- lings in freeway planning culUvate a chain of new engineerina requirements on surface slreets within a city. The !!late previouJly planned to build the freeway around the alignment of the present Newport Boulevard. This appears to sUU be the cheapest routing and one that wou1d dislocate the fewest number or homez, businesses and in· dustrles. However, :state engineers submitted figures declaring that "wier benefits" o( the westernmost (Red) route WDUld total $15 million ov« a 20-year period. At th.ls morning's CHART meeting, UJe· meaning of. "user benefltl" came in (or IOme di!CUB&lon and both councllman SL Clair and •ngin<e< .M•d>e!i 'liad • whack at explalnlng what tt meant. SL Clair ducri.bed it as aavtnp by drivers in guollne, titne and expenses am beneDtl from "opening new areas for traffic flow." Madsen explained that state criteria for establishing these benefit.. are more specific -based on time and fuel aaved by motorists -but agreed that it wu 6'• pretty nebulous thing." SL Clilr, artulflg strongly for main· talnlng the Newport Boulevard downtown area relaUvely Intact, again displayed a picture of the "Paseo Grande" - an elaborate drawing of a business struc- ture buUt atop a bridge spanning the downtown boulevard. "I believe this Paseo Grande thing can become a reality," St, Clair said, "and maybe four or Uve stories higlt instead of the one story lhqwn here." He aaJd the optimistic projection came "after Lalklng with a few people." OAllY PllOI ~.uicr '°"''f foUIL1$HIHG (OM'""" R•~t•I H. Wtt4 .,,.,,..,., .... 'vlltiJ1'f• fl!'"''' Xttvil Etoklr Tl!,11161 A. M¥•plii~t MtMtl"' EOolor 1'.i1I Ni111~ AO\lerUi.i"t Dl1tc!e• Ce ... """ OHie• JJO Wt1I lty Shttf M1i/;11t MJ•111: P.O. I•• 1160, tlll' ott.r OHie" Nt ..... I ~IC"~ 1711 Wt•I ••ltlot "°""""••• '-•-flfot(f>: 712 ,,,.,, ·-H"""''""""' hkl'I. XII Jiii 'll"HI C•tl"f ~ILCf • .,.1., ....,1(11 h c~ 1t>t ............... It ~w.. •• ,,, ,.~~· ...... lllrf "' _.,. .. !I""" ... l-eNCll. "--' "'°'' ''"' ~... ...,... ....... .. 1'dl -'-1'"' Vtllfy ....... wllll t ~ MlllM. Or-(Nol ,l'tlllollW.I C-llt' _.. ..... •"" .... t i 1l1 I WHI ..,._. .,..._, *-' '-"' .,.. we W.• a.y '*'-'• t .. t, Mtw. ::x::•• t7141 MJo4JJ1 CJ ........ I '4J•l'71 C..-llllto ..... Ora-c.... """''"''"" C:-t. ... -.......... • ..... "."°"'" ~.., .. , -'*' •· "'"'1lu-11 "'"lot _., ... ,......,. wllllilll _.., """ ....._ .. .....,._,, ..., .... dill ..,.._ 11tlol •• "-' kedll .... c .... Mnof, (I I"_;,_ "-'•'<"•'""" IW u......, il.IJ -"' L1 .,..11" 51 -111111 lllllflt" ..... ~ .. 11.1) f'fll>lll/111, I --• Burning Issue Ufo!TNl..._lt San Francisco topless dancer Diana Dennis pickets state Capitol in support of legislative secretaries who hav~ been p~hibited from ·wearing miniskirts. Assembly Rules Committee Cbemnan Eugene A. Chappie of Cool, Calif., lost his last week, calling for a cover up by leggy legislative secretaries and messengers. Fron• Page 1 lARRAIGNMENT ly denied any involvement. And they .... ·ere not involved, direclly, police conceded today. The gray-haired optometrist's recep- tionist was hacked and slashed by stab wounds too numerous to count accu- rately and left bleeding into a gutter on 17th Street .iear Palm Avenue Jast Sunday night. Miss Oinger~earing a black sweat· er, scotch plaid skirt and nylon stockings rumpled and sagging below the knees- was led into court shortly after 2 p.m. by a woman marshal. !file lone female defendant in the 11rjsqMr~s dock on the right side or .the Div~ Three c;ourtroom, she smiled across -at Coatney, then toward the ~ at{or,ney, Don Mc:Car~n, of Costa Coatney, weari!l" a white shlrl and green overcoat which he used to hide his f~· from photographers while being ~ froni a paddy wagon Into baie- meftl holding cells, aat with four other male Prl&oners. Judge Charamza ran through the CUS· tomary announcement of defendants' constitutional rights and guarantees, lhen proef:eded with hi! caseload. The first two men called out were. uncertain about their legal represenla· tion, so Judge Charamza delayed their cases and continued on with the Coatney and Dinger arraignments. McCartin aaked that U¥?y be set Jan. 20 and Judge Chararnza noted that Depu- ty District Attorney John Kronln had asked that no bail be set for lhe two defendants. "We've discussed it," McCarUn replied, at which time the judge aKTeed to the district attorney's request that the pair be kept in no-bail custody, at least until their preliminary hearing. Grimacing, the unshaven Coatney &hook his head in a negative manner. fl.tis! Dinger sat on in the courtroom £or a short time, be£ore the matron finally led her back downstairs to await the return ride to Orange County Jail. Sile smiled occasionally, once when a youth, now attending weekly probation meetings, asked for leniency on a new criminal charge, so he can keep working and continue his junior college education. StandJng beside his attorney, he blushingly admitted that contact with hi:s probation officer had turned his own career interests into that area of social work. Coalney remained in the dock with other men, murmuring occasionally to a round-faced, wavy-haired youth sitting beside ltim, also awailing an appearan~e before Judge Charanua. Huntington Beach detectives had re- mained essentially tight lipped about \Vhat -if anything beyond known circumstantial evidence-linked Coatney and Miss Dinger to the brutal crime. o~ prime theory involves a dispute over :1l slight, fender-bender auto ac- cident. . The [eddish-haired wajtteM' laie model car wa:rhnmd, blood-spattered -and aban- doned; eight blocks away in a lonely oilfield area at 21St Street and Olive Avenue. A foot search by police loct1.ed the vehll"'le after Donald Carr, of 201 Loyola Road, Costa r..1esa, found Mrs. Markee's body lying on ils side in lhe beams of her car's headlights. The victim, described by her employer. Dr. Louis F. Haselfeld, as having a tolally winning way, was in\•olved in a n1inor accident at nearby 17th and !i-tain streets just before the killing . She was not the type herself to argue. "She is -was, I mean -ab,,olutely one o( the loveliest women I know," said the operator of a Huntington Beach secretarial service whose daughter was a patient of Dr. Haselfeld. "lt'z jullt mi unbelievable,'' she con· linued, "that woman was devoutly religious. a wonderful pel"300 who literally had a halo, of goodness." Fro111 Page l MURDER ... had our detective force turned out tn masse since this murder." "Wednesday, vte continued checking out one of 20 ren:iote possiblllties," Capt. Robitaille zald. Thal remote possibility was the story of a cab driver who said he had dropped off a man at Eighth Street and Orange Avenue, not far from Mrs. Markee's apartment early Monday morning, within hours after lhe crime was discovered. The spot where the man was dropped off was about one mile from where the abandoned car allegedly used by lbe killer WU found. Capt. Robitarue aald that ~tiss Dingtr and Coatney had been arrested and charged wtt.h the murder becAuse ol discrepancle.'i in her story. The captain said she had told que:s- Uonlng pc>llce on the night ol the murdtr that she had gone to a market at the Five Polnta Shopping Center about 5:30 p.m. to buy food kw dinner. Ironically, the murder vlctlm went to the ume ceattt lat.er ln lh4!I evening ta wash clot.bes 1t a laundromat 1everal Good Ski Conditions SAN FRANCISCO (UPI ) -The California State Automobile AJsoclaUon report.a nearlY all northern and central akl resort& have l(OO(I skllng on packed ""'"· doors from the same market. ~1iss Dinger told Ca.pl Robitaille she parked her car -the same one used by !\.1rs. Markee's kiUer -in her open garage al 2606 Delaware St., when she returned borne. Coatney, according to police, said that he came over to Miss Dinger's apartment from his home at 12581 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, and parked his car directly behind Mias Dinger's vehicle. He said it "'as parked In such a way that her car could not be movtd. Miss Dinger staunchly maintained that she ltad not moved ellhcr car and that she did not know how her car happened to be moved and pos.sibly ~ In the murder, becatl.!e sha had only one set of keys. ' She still had them when arrested. Capt. Robitaille said today that all evidence indicattd that Mill Di.nger's car had been used in the slaylng; that it was found with blood inside -now proven to be Mrs. !\.fariec':s -but because she couktn'l explain bow tt hap- pened to be mJssing and Coatney backed her story, both were arrested. Police did ·not elaborate on how they came to 11Ttsl Sla.nes and Harsrave, saying only: "we know both " them," evidently from prior contact:.. AJked about "'hether Miu Dingflr'1 c:1r lf&S taken by one or both of lht suspects, Capt. RobltRille said an auto tbelt charae tottld be filed later. a s s a a 2 -; ;:::: 5 169£22@ Stu.dents Pledge Support· • • I I • I .Ur$e OCC D~trict io ·Jioz4 41wther ~%lid ~le,~fl~!" : '11._ied urs!ii& ,,,. ""' ........ Ila 11141. Ioli ........ dJljrid fallareo •• :;... Ille --ti.;.iDy .......i Oranra P>ut Junior eon,.. to gain 1Upport 1or llDanclal m.._ eoeta Mm . .,.h1most" exactly the /e. Dlllrlcl -Wedo'5day nlghL to give had been doe In pall to popular r<actlon qulaile tw..uutd' aprpoval In No"Ptrl :=ontbou&ht to holding another bond against student unrest on other camwaes ~ and Hunti1'&too Beach, but tat~ ~ Pfister, Heiko Pischel, Oi.arles in .~he state. tn Wesbninster, MliSw'ay City ana Sul Conway and Bob Seymour, all active , We (board member!) as adults cannot Beach. in Orange Coast College student affairs, change ,!he popula.~ conception of the Since then, trustees .have diiteussed promised widespread student ·support in student, he said, but you u student! at altnost . every meeting wPetber tn another bond e~tion try. certainly couJd. lf you actJvely support hold another bond elecUon or to le'y Ther aaJd students: would make pres en-a bond election, then 10 wtll 1. '' a ,ta:t. ~ oyerride of as much u . ~ cent11 tationa to local civic groups, i;nan in-Trustee J. 01ffar• ~th, of Cor<!Oa ~ a n~ law !11.ates that possible formation bootha at shopping centers, det Mar, alao expreald interest. in a 1tt-Vuty. sun no d~on bas: been readt- and c.aDVass house-to-house for votes. bond elecliob backed by students. ed. Board members asked them to in-The (our 11tudenb said they are Wednesday night, Supt. N o r m ~ n formally poll other students on campua particularly concerned at the' Watson sua:ested four poiisible hood to 1e1 U perhape they really could muster overcr:owding and need for new bulldlnp. elecliorr data -AprU 29, May 20, June a Ia.rge number ol atudent workers. It waa not dillcuaed whether a llm11ar 10 and June Jt -but nid be didn't Tbe atudaitl' enthusiasm bad iU effect. student effort could be started on the want the boU'd to rnU:e a declsk>n Trustee Robi?rl. Humphreys, of CosLa Golden West campus sei:vinc the West ret bec~wie "we owe you additional Mesa, Wd be bas not previously been County area where di.strict finance information.,. in favor of another bond election, but meuures traditionally have cone down He aa.id he would hava more fact.• if students would actively support one to defeat. and figutt.11 far the board to dlgeat so would be. In the f1.25 million bond vote last in two weeks. Estancia Teen Flies Toward Aussie Summer Mark Saunders, IS.year-ol d student at Estancia Hlglt School, Costa Mesa, win Oy from winter to summer Sunday. He wW spend a year living with the John Ulrik family in Ringwood, Aus- tralia, as an American Field Service exchange student. In the southern bemi. s phere sea.sons are oppoe ite ours and in Australia it Is now summer. Saunders, 8 junior at Estancia, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Saun· ders, 1851 Boa Vist.a Circle, Costa Mesa. He has a brother, Ward, 15, and a Sis· ter, Susan, a. In Australia he will have foster broth- ers Paul, .J6, and Che.ii, 13, and-a-6ist.erf -Jane, 10. He will go to Ringwood High School in the suburb of Melbourne. Ulrik is a sales manager, presi- dent of a tennrs club, and is: active in the Boy Scouts, the Mesa youth has learned. · Saunders, who likes t'ennis and swim· ming, both popular sports in Aussie land, is pleased to be headed down under. After learninJ: of his selection, he met with Nick Enr1~hl, Australian exchange student attending Laguna High, and Kathleen Collins, Laguna student head- ed this wee.tend for a year in New 7nlaod. Saunders will return home next Jan- uary to complete a final semester at Estancia High and graduate with his class. Boston Wants Fair BOSTON (UPJ) -Boston, site of the birthplace of the American Revolution, officially put in a bid Wednesday for the 1976 World's Falr to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the nation. Costa Mesa Council Shows Sympathetic Side for Two Sympathy for more lhan population projectiona and -irowth charts really doel exist in Coat.a Mesa 1overnment, baaed on handling to date of two requests going to the city councn Monday. Clrcwnstances In each cue are out of the ordinary and seem to merit special consideration. The planning coiomis&ion frfonday chose to recommena ipproval of one sought by a young widow, u well as another needed by an elderly and ailing auto mechanic. a conditional use permit to do nllnor auto ~pair at his home. Dr. Stanley F. Hansen, of Anabalm, tubmilted a letter to the city uplaining that Van Heemskerck is his patient and is unable to work elaewhertl due to heart ailment and a hernia condition. Dr. Hansen said Van Heemstercll: will o~ be deprived of livelihood and practice of ru.. career SJl<Clalty, with probably a direct effect on his health &Ill.l life upectancy. Mr .. Barbera Cruaha, of 21.'lt <Irani• • • Ave .• needs to buUd a bigger bOme £'~bl,p "-mmuiter on..the-lront..<>l-bec long, deoi>-Jot ~""""-~ wants to rent a .small house the family now occupies as an lhcome-booster. Her husband Terry waa fatally atabbed last year by a friend ln a tragic accldent. The commission alao recilmmended ap.. provaJ for WIIllam Van Heemskercl:, &7, of 2087 Wallace Ave., to be granted Watchdog Just. Watched Theft A burglar evidently· oa frlendly terma with a formidable German shepherd dog guarding his vacationing family'• hearth stole $80 from a coffee mug on a bedroom dresser, Costa Mesa police taJd today. Mrs. ,Sheila M. Rog'ers, of 2.W La Linda Place~ loJd Officer Harry Bm!en the culprlt must have known the guardian-pet or he would never have gained entry through an unlocked door. "After seelrig the dog, I believe her," Bowen duly noted in his burglary report filed Wednesday. Told to Present Case Before PUC Cable Commuter Airlines, operating out of Orange County Airport and several other Southern California communlUeS. today bas 30 days in which to tell the Public Utilities Comm.issioo why ~IS operatiorut certificate shouldn't be ~vok· ed. . The commission wants to ttvoke It on lf'OtDlda that a fi!ght to Lake Havasu, Arir.1 makea Cable an interstate carrltr not aubject to !!late jurisdiction. · President Roger Cable tokl a coJri. mission examiner orally Wednesday he expects the state legislature to make it necessary for the line to have ·fl certificate and "it doesn't seem right to take away our certificate then rnakt us go back and have to re-apply." He also argued that loss of tht. certificate wou1d cause "bad publicity" which might hurt business. fi, J. {}arrell~ 12th Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your choic• of sty!• or fabric mty b• purch •sed •t • most generous '•vings ... Truly a rare money-saving opportunity Over 200 Styles of Solas 0 Off HCOULAR PRIC:lS -Chairs -Love Seat& -Ottomaru: in your choice of. any Heritage Decorator fabric. Your Jauorltt inttrlor Msianr.r wilt bt Mm to tUrist ~ou ..• l'l!OmllONAL INTUIOR DESIGNlltS .,,.. __ ,M._ I AL50 •.. SUISTANTIAL SAYINliS ON MA.NT HERITA•I DINING ROOM, HDROOM AND TA.ILi GROUl'S •.• HERITAGt JJll HA~ II.VOA COSTA MESA, CALIF. MMJ71 "4~276 ' • s OAIL Y PILOT :J '"".' , BY WILLIAM REED Bay of Dope Dimes Unit • • . . . ' ~·' W I SpecialUt t.o Check Boy's Bad' Eyes Mothers Set Reeclls ••• In the Wind Teens for Christ paraded Tues. day attemoon at Huntington Beach High School and later in the eveir Ing at the high school district head· quarters at 1902 17th St. to draw attention to their belief that religious freedom should be ex· tended to schools. The group presently is challeng~ ing a provision of the stale Educa- tion Code which prohibits some religious activities on campus in· cludiq' piassing out of unauthorized tractS~ · Whether one agrees or disagrees witb ,·lhe .groap or its aiulr and purpos6s. official note should be taken<lhal the Teeoa are peaceful prolOll\ol'S wbo ilaoe Yet to spark violence or to do more than just point out their beliefs. .. . ' * When the ·group first began its forays into the churches in the Huntington Beach area where the band of about 50 youths are housed, trouble seemed inevitable. By TllRllY COVILLE OI .. Dlat' r.e ,..., Shadowt. and a little . moUon are all Feliz GuUerrtz can IMl now. He's totally bllod in one eye and the partial vlaloo In the other IA ll<adlly fading. ' There Im i enough money In the family for an operation, and FeliJ. doesn't even know u It would help. But things may be on the upswing fGr Felix, beginning this Friday. The 15-year-old Huntington. Beach boy will finally have lilil eyes eu.mined by a 1pecialist. Neur<><>pthalmologist Dr. Jack Gold>- teln ol Los Alamitos lw agreed to uamine the boy 's eyes free to dtitermlne if medical attention can a.id or rest.ore his gjgbt. Felix' plight was brought to Dr. Gold• tein's attention by a group of dtlzeM who belong to the Council for Community Projects headed by Dr. Jack Kent of Westminster. The council, in turn, had learned of Felix' need of aid from Mn. Alice Medina, director ol the Huntington Beach CommWlity j;enter. • Mrs. Med!Da Is a ~ o1· l)le Gutierrez family and bas watched FeUx Wr two years as be carefully. picked Illa •"1 throogh a yard lull ol old cars and other hazards dangerous even for a boy witb normal visloo. UnW .abe conlad«I mem~ of the councll, ·the best she· couJd. dcr•was 1et tbe Hnotington Beach Uolin lllgh School District to place him in a special acbool to lemi Braille. Previous visits to the Orange County Medical Center failed to bring help for Sunset Beach Slightly built, bearded David Berg, leader of the band of bippie- attired youths, said the youngsters are interested in profession of their faith and in "combating religious hypocrisy wherever· it may exist." L •k o l J Unlike some ol .the. gr e a t f, es n y retigians--movements of the past, ·. -- such as the Crusades, the Teens _ p • for Christ moveme.nt is not violent . ar kzng plan and the emphasis 1s on aggressive persuasion. * Tuesday night, Berg came to the board of trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High School Disfrict to read to trustees the First Amendment of the Constitution and several excerpts from Supreme Court decisions. It was pointed out that the school administration and trustees must live within a set of rules called the 5'ale Education Code. Bu,g agreed that he would ·aubmit his complaints and desires in writing so school authori ties could get an official opinion from the county counsel on the legality of the re· quests. Meanwhile, the youths probably will continue to pass out tracts 1n a peaceful manner. POSTHUMOUS AWARDS Jool M. La Rocho Huntington Hero Gets Posthumous Medals, Honors 'The Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals will be presented posthumously to PFC Joel M. LaRoche, son of Mn. Glldys L. Curtiss, 30% Elmira St., Hun- tington Beach, in a special ceremony Jan. 23. The army man will be hooored at F o rt MacArthur during ceremonies tcbeduled for 3 p.m. by the comm.andllll general of the SWb Army. LaRoche was graduated from Mllinl Hl&h School in UM and attended clasles at Orange COast College. He wcrktd for a Ume at Fairview State Hospital before entering the service. He WU .t1lJed in action Aug. 23, t• tn Vietnam while at a forward artillery position which was overrun by a battallon bu o( Viet Cong. Prior to death he had been awarded the Purple Heart, National Defense &!nice Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Ribbon, Combat Infantryman fladle and WU noted for hlsmarksmansblp. By JOHN VALTERZA Residents of Sunset Beach have made it emphatically clear to the Orange County Harbor Ccmmi.ssioo that only one of four suggested plans for county-financed par· king would be acceptable along the beach- fronl area. The commission heard three speakers represeoUng commercial and private property interests in the area who all strongly advocated a plan whereby the Pa¢1flc Electric right of way strip be purchased for use as a parking lot. The group Tuesday cltetl averal rea- sons for their choice of the plan over the Uqee others submitted by Harbor Department planners. The foremost argument Is an Jm· pending zone change application coming before the county Planning Commis.!llon Feb. 13. If the change iJ appro'ved the strip could be filled with apartment buildings. The spe3kers were granted time to voice the opinions of Sunset Beach residents even though a public hearing was not scheduled. Afterwards the commission voted unanimously to submit the four plans to the county administrator's offJce, along with a report on citizen response to them. Along with the plans and report the commission agreed to include a request that the commission delay action on the 'zOne change to allow more lime for study of the plans. The apartment construction, th e spOkesmen argued, would hopelessly compound existing parking problems and cause the county to use beachfront houses and unimproved beach for parking lots instead. The spokesmen said the citi7.ens would "cooperate fully " with a plan which wouki not take away any be.a.ch area or private beach!ront property. Paul Bradley, a resideat or 16941 Pacific Avenue, which, in fact Is the right of way strip, told the comml3sion' that the Sunset Beach strand "is ()Ile of the few unspoiled beach areas left in the country." Sunset Beach architect Hup Gibbs, urged the commlssion to press for a total, long-range master p1an for Sunset Beach, and in the meantime to develop the strlp for parking to keep out high- density development In the already con· gested area. "These people in the area are already down on their knees financially, and if the apartments were to go in it would finish them. All we need Is a little foresight and the area could become one of the most beautl!ul beach areas arotmd," he said. Of the lour plaoa submiUed, the slrip- purcha" plan was the second most n . perulive. The costliest Idea would be to construct four lots or equal me along the beoch lrolll ~ mostly priv1te propet ... Studi11, the conunl11ion learned, show· ed that tt wooild cost about II.I mlllion. The project could involve 1paces for QI veblclea and four rest·room-tnack-bar combtnaUon structunll. 'nle ltrfp, about 1,000 lea 1oog, 11 • Ie<t wld<. The leut erptD&lve, but most offensive plan involved installing the strip, alone with revetments to prevent el'Olllon o( the parldo11ota, along the entlno otrotch of beach. Sunset Beach opokeun<11 termed thot plan "totally unacceptable," chal'glng that IL would ruin tha beach and cheapen the beach front property. ... FeliJ' eyea because ot a lack of corn- munt,:atlon. No ooe in the , Cutlerra lamlly speaks English. F.U. vlaited the pediatrics clldlc twice and the dental cllillc ooce at the medical C<Dter. Roben White, medka1 center administrator, says an appointment wu made for Fells: to vialt the eye c11ntc in February of IM'I, but the family never returned. Mn. Fidela GuUenu, Felix' mother. uplained In Spanish that the lamliy was not awatt: of the appointment. The GulUerrez. Iamlly bas been ln RunUngton Beach only for three years, The family migrated from Monterrey, Mexico, so lbe father, Juan, could find better work. He now operat.es a forklilt and stacks celery boxes at Chico farms. Juan hopes Dr. Goldstein can help his son, but Felix has six brothers and si!tera and the father's salary can't pay for an operation if the boy needs one. r,trs. Medina and members of ' the community projects council hope the assistance won't stop with Dr. Goldstein's examination. They are aln!ady looking for [n.. dividuall who will help carry out Dr. Goldstein's recommendaUon.s, whatever they may be. DA~Y ,II.Of Sftfl,,.... F.U. IA naturally hoppy about all tha activity ln his behall. But he's • somewhat shy boy, and he's been uted to the world of shadows since the age of seven. He was examined by doctors in Mexico, tour or five years ago, but they weren't apeclallst.3 and could offer no remedies. BLIND BOY -Hdpelitl family will be pulling for young Fe!lx-Gulier: rez (right) Friday when he visits eye specialist for tests that will determine whether his eyesight can be restored. With Felix and his mother, Mrs. Fidela Gutierrez, are bis sisters (top, from left) Leti· cia, Juanita and Maria. COMMUNITY EVENTS January 5 through February S EXHIBIT IN OILS by Mrs. Helen harson ••• Member Costa Mele Art League at Callfomia Federal -Cost• Men COSTA MESA CIVIC PLAYHOUSE 1'GENERATION" Jan 25 &: 31 .and Feb l!t ADMISSION -$1 .50 ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Csthl• et l :JD ATTENTION AIRPLANE DRIVERS! Past and Preoent! Oninge County Red Baron HUtorical Society In Fonnation "'' MIMllUHIP CAU. CL IFF WESDORF 546-2300 Contact Cliff Wesctorf·S46·2300 for information. regarding YOUR 1 · ·-··~-···(;'''"' ;,. '"'• r -•· -.. ., "':¥ •. -. ' ' Neighborly. Thats what the nation's largest federal is! • • • -. •• .. - Drive Goals • Molborl al the West <>ranee County atta twill meet. tonight at Gold~ We21t Co11ot1• In Huntington Beach to plan the IMUaJ Motbera March for the March of Dlmea campaign. Time ls 7:30 p.m. In the Forum. Campaign chairman Dr. Dale A. Miller, who also b dean ot students at Golde!\ West. aJlJIOWlCed a roll ol 110,<XMI which will be used !or the birth defec:U Oghl of the March of Dimes. "Through the efforts of the March of Dimes we stand on the lhresbhold of historic discoveries into the cause.I and prevtnUon oI birth defects and catastrophic diseases such as cancer and leukemia," said Dr. Miller. 1"Ibe Sallt Institute In La Jolla sf¥ds II! a monwnent to the dedicaii.oil of millions of Amerlaw who yearty.sb~pot1 the March ol Dimes." Tbe local goal, Dr. Miller pointed out. will mean a conbibuUon of a dlme from every individual in each home. Not only will the money support reseafch, but it will help carry OD IJie aervica ol l)le Orang• County Birth Delec:U Center In Sula Ana. The center providet family counsellag, makes referrals, funilahes transportation and a med.Jcal •clinic. Mothers March chairman Is Mn. Con-roe Bauer. She' said the march will be on Jan. II from I p.m. to 9 p.m. Raz CAllRIRNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS -.-..-... •• Wa'ra local people, from our manager to our tellers. And we're anxious to.publicize all local community ectlvlties. It's our way of matching home· town frlendliness with the efficlent service of tha nation's largest federal savings association. It's why we have been winning ·so many more f rlands in California every year since 1925. Stop In and open your account now. • 5.253 :g~~~NT: (Avallable In mulllples of $1000.) Earns y, % bonus each year above regular passbook rate when held 3 yearn. 5133 PASSBOOK • 0 ACCOUNT: 5,13% annual yl~ld on Insured passbook accounts when all savings and dividends remain a year, If lhe 5% current annual rate ls maintained and compounded dally for a year. COSTA MESA OFFICE: - 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 548-2300 CLIFFORD M. WESOORF, ASST. VICE PRESIDENT &.MANAGER • -· ---- I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I • .J ' • • Embattled Prexy Dies at College tc-llM "' .. Daltf ...... lllfO J ulian Goatcher and 0 • Y I d Hogg have made it hal1 way around the world !rom their Lo& don homes -without spending a penny. The British government permits English tourisll to take only $124 out of the country, and the boys arrived in Toyko with '$124 each. Most expenses were paid by television appearances, they said. • Phil Kjagllen missed this week's ·Kiwanis Club meeting in Fergus Falls, Minn. It was the first time the had missed a meeting in 22 1 years and it was designated a ; meeting to present him with a per- 1 f ect attendance award. I• • 111~ .... - Dr. °"'"""1 Sm!lb, preoldeiil ol Swarlhmor< ColJtae, died ol a heart attack In Ills olllce loday u aboul 11 oi tbt 1Cboo1'1 N.,... -ocaq>ltd the admlal111'a oUlce I« tbt etplb day. A IJ)Ok<llllllll fer tbt c:ollec• uld Smltb, u. bad -under "quite a ltraln" since mtmblrl al th. S'lr&litlrn<n Afro.American S o c I e t y (SASS) toot over tbt olllce fut Thura- d>y. &nllb ouflend tbt heart oellure llbor1Jy before be waa to meet with a (aculty committtt which hid been ltudytng demandl made b)' tbt blacD, tbt spo-sald. The SASS baa been demandlnl lfl'<al<!' partlclpafloi! for bJacb In tbt alfaln of tbt l,11%Wludent QoWr llCbaol. At tbl lJnlvenlty of MlnnePa In Mln- neapolla militant Nqro and wbito -l'ellnqullbed canllol " tbt ad-mlnlltration bulldlna allet .. .,...m.n1 wtlll ollldala ol tbt natlcn'1 fourth largest ICbool. Tbe ltudmls ended a 14-hour occupation of tbt admlnlltratloo hd!cllq alter l'nlldtnt Malcolm MllQI said bO ...wd ,. part way In -.. -"' tbt mllltanls. The -bad demanded llnlnclq ror a Black Student Qdsence, ao Alro- Amerlcan -dt~ and biack cootrol "' tbt Martin 1-m.. Jr. ICbolanblp fl'Ol?aJD. Maoa applauded "tbt -neaoaa-In a -aenatdve 111b,Jeei.11 Btbn tbt .. u ...... a -:IOO -otudaill 1atbtnd lo ltcloloitbt occupied bulldlnr. -·a "white _.. ""' lbouted-"Go to bell" and 0 p born~ and lite a bath" at tbe mDltanb - and ducked U -lmfde fired Wiier from a ar. '-at them. Sbty-foqr of tbt !JO Ne.,... at Brandel> Unlvenlty at Wallham, Mur., wblch baa 2,41111 l1udenta, were In lbe COlllDllllllcal hdkllOI for tbt ninth day today, demanding an autonomous bllck l!Udles ~ About two dozen wlilto llud<nll "' tbt prlnwily Jewllb llChool 'began a huoler lllrilte to IUppgrt tbt blacb; about 1JO other lludenll entered tbt third day ol a boycoU lllpporting tbt d-aton. ,. Viet Reds Shoot Down Two More U.S. Copters "TlUit'& three" S41iS Jrmu:s Lottell to photographers after he was repeat- edly asked for "just one more" at the start of a parade in honor of the Apr>llo 8 trio. The cameras stopped clicking in time to get tM parade underway on schedule. 0 SAIGON (UPI) -Communlot forces gbot daWn two American helicopters, killing five crewmen, and then ambushed. a U. S. infantry column attempting to reach one of the crash sites ln heavy jungle, military spokesmen said t.oday. Twelve American infantrymen were wounded in the fighting 25 miles nortbe~ of Salgon Wedne~y. Elsewhere in Vietnam, Communist gunners attacked two Mekong Delta pr~ vince capitals and sent 50,000 gallons •1 of gasoline up in flameJ ln a rocket attack against a U. S. Air Foree fuel dump at the central highlands city of Pleiku. In Saigon today, U. S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker said Communists in South Vietnam have the capacity to Jauncb new heavy attacks and may do so in an effort to influeoce the Paris ~ talks. But the ambassador said there are indications heavy losses suf· fered by Viet Cong forces ln 1968 have · weateaed their morale aod confidence Jo •idorf- A Roman Catholic priest in Phil- adelphia suburb Bala-Cynwyd , in- jured in a fall , had a surprising re-- placement to celebrate last Sun- day's 10 :15 a.m. Mass at St. Mat- thias Church. Parishioners were startled when the spiritual leader. of -&he 4.rea's J...3 million Gatbolics -J ohn Cardinal Krol, archbishop Tbe u. s. Command in s;:,c an. of Philadelphia, appeared. He nounced 151 Americlnl were and not~ J11at..,.h• wa.s~l"'ked '!~~ a ~ 1,391 wounded b\ ftghtlol JliM l'etk. replacemeiU 1or tile injure<! Rt v. The figure C<lllpared to 101 killed .ind Thomas J . Kelly, and said: "What .599 wounded .ct!ie . previous week and about me?" reflected an 1ncreue In Dghilng alnce · • • year-end boQ4v truce period. Three Amartc:ani ware kllltd when Reita Fcwia, who intem.1pted her medical studies to become Miss War!d in 1966, sa1111h.e haa failed her qU4.lifving uanUna- timLS as a doctor in London.. Miu Faria said: "It would 1 be far too ea111 to btamt mv- own failure on that T~ filct b that I juat didn't work hard enough." • The Sult•n of Z•m:lb•r, whose word was law on bis African island until he was overthrown by a revo- lution five years ago, ls being sued for nonsupport by his wife. A Lon- don High Court is hearing the law- suit, whi ch began when the sultan, 38, summoned his lissome, 28-year· old wife, Princess Anisa, and de- clared three times in Moslem fash- ion: "I divorce thee." Not only did the-attempted divorce fail tG work, but Princess Anisa took him to court for nonsupport. Communlat "-" llbot dOwn -an Army obseJ'Vation ~ 320 m l I 11 1 northeul ol Bali/IL Late! Wednesday, a Cobra beUooplor gunoblp wu lbol down northwell,ol Saigon. • Communlat -ambulbed a U. S. 41b lnlantry .Dlvllloa nllel column oent to tbt second cruh lllto. The 30-man Amer1can farot WU pinned down by automatic weapons, rocket grenades and mortar ar. from an estimated IO Com- munlsll. Another 100 American "-""" flown In be1lcapten to lbe battle, and u. s. fighl<N>omben and artm.ry - the Communlat posltionl early today. There waa no immediate report of Red c:aoualtiea. Socialite Robbed WASHINGTON {UPI) -Four mMked gunmen broke Into the mansion of Washington society woman Gwen Calrlt:i: Wednesday night, terrorized t h e ~ for loar hours and <!caped with an estJmated IS!0.000 In cash and jewelry, pollce reported. The hellcopter 1.,.... brought to 1113 the number of U. S. belicopW'I lbot down iD South Vietnam durin.c the war. Navy Promises Prompt-Repair Of Enterprise PEARL HARBO R (UPI) -The Navy promlaed promµt repair of tbe uploslon- wrecked USS Enterprise kld{y but would hazard no estimate of the time or cost involved. The came of the devastation, triggered by an uplo.sion beneath the ship's rught deck Tuesday, was not known. Disast.er Investigators and clean-up crews worked side by side today on the shattered -deck of the Enterprise, world'• largest warslUp. r!b! cuualty toll •tood at U dt.ad, -tpiulng and . as ln)Ur<d. A search ; "-'as abandoned at swim: Wedne!day for .tbe rulas1ng crewman. * * * 2 Californians ·Among Victims WASlllNGTON (AP)-Two Camoml- ano wve ....., tbt cmnnen killed by t)le fire on tbt USS Enterprise, lbe Defense Department announced Wed- nesday. They ..... Airman Jol>n R. w ......... ton ol Mi. and Mrs. John Webster, Nor- waJJc, and CbJel A viatlon Electrlclu Ronald E. Hay, husband ol Mn. P1trl-cta Ann Hay, La M.... Among the lnlured ..... these Calllamlans: --l."'-f1111 llottsw•ln'1 ~,. :IC ,-,....,ldl L lllto dtln • .., OI' Mr. Md Mn.. Ol!Nld o. ~11111en. '-"'• CN< Avl1tlDll lothw•ln'I fMi. 2C ......,., ._,.r .. ~ of Mra. De.,.,. Melodm, ANo'"9dl, tall!'. LI. JG Otr•ld Nlvarttt.. ~nd flf Mn.. G--.i. N...,•rell•• AltrTMd1. Cmdr. Jedi; J •.. ll'k, Alto,,,.,._ Avl•lloft °'""'*-'""' 2C 0.ry T, ktlor11. l\-knd OI' Mra. J!Jdlttl kllwn. ,_.,, Alnn... o.n.ld L Vowtlln, l\11&1Mnd of Mr._ Lindi GIY9 V~"'"' Al•'""'· Avl1tlon EJKtrkl111't Milt 3C Wtlllcin H. Woli., flutblnd of M11. Jlldv Wolft, Slfl Oltto. Avltllon Ordll111e~me11 :IC JoHPfl LM Hood, l\11 .. klld ol M ... 81rNrt Hood, S.11 Dle9o. Av!1I~ llructvt1I Mec:l1111!c JC 01v!d II:. L•- ,olnl, 111ni.1111 ol Mra. Motl'-Ann l11"o1111, ._ .. , effdl. . Avl1lloll Ord-ri Cl\lef IEdwlR ClltMMri, hlMtnd of Mrs. K1!111ffn Nttt Comlll'llft, "" ·- Midwest Travelers Warned Sleet, Snotv and Fr eez in g Dr izzle l ee Mic higan Californi a So!Jfflern C1!11omi. llld '"""" 1u,,_ sl\!M, b\lt mQllJy cloudv, tod1v lo~ lowlflti loc:tl rnornlno 109 1r'ld low <loud• from Ille coo1! l~l•lld lo IM C0.11•1 mo1mt1lru. Tem~rtture1 Wt•t 1 t!l!Tt "'"'""r 111 ~ to11t1>er11 lit> lfrlor. LO. Anofifl. Nd low cloud1 durl"9 ,,,. mornln~ llourJ with h•r~ suntlll"' •rd som• Mgfl ckllldl"'H <tu'1n1 11\t "'"""'oon. TIM 111911 '' ~ Civic ce ... h:r w•• 61. up lll!'ft 11e"gr~1 lrorn WH~tYs toll cl .S. T""lotol't -k to tr. 1.ound 50. Tiie Air Pollut!O'I c .... 1ro1 Ol1 trld ~rd l'O -111 lht "'''"· Tht bet<l'IM >O\"rt clovdv d\lr1"' 11119 rnoml"' wl!l'I l'ltlV 1u11$11.,,. 111 "'9 \ < ,,,....._ 1nd lemotr•IL119 In 1M t low a Thi w11tir i'emfllrt!Urt W.tl '" Mauftltlfl ·~· '"""°''" fOI tlld' '-t louctl l loll9 Ille C1NJl1I ti- 1 dvl'ilw lflir ....,..,.1,.. ~ic. '"" "''" to •""sflllW I nd flll!fl cloudt dl.trlr>I 1 "" ··~-. ""°" ..... "'""'"' I """" nur •· Tllert •II Nlc!IV ~ Incl law I clouds 111 "'-"''"'""" *""" "'"" I "rl'Y lflll ""'"'""'' but '"""'"'-1nd ,,..ritbl9 fl• cloud1 illl<•lnf '"" .... I 111tll'ldV el ,,_ w.. Tiit ~""' ,,,... I ..,..._ '""""" Ir~ ti tnd 6.1 i.. .,. ....,. "''".,... !(I ~ 1a n '" t11t ......... , ....... I '9l'l'lf II..,. Wltdlletdev i nd krrlfefol ~ llOn lncluclfd ~°"' I ....,. Al .. SMt1 Molllct fl.U, l ur- 1 .......... Ml. WJINI ~J.Jol, PtlmdlW """"' """""'* *'4. P1!rn SPrl"" ...... ~1111 11..-. S.11 Oltoe u,, ' .......... .,..,. 04J. " IOUtHlll:H (Al.ll'Of'"'IA COA$T· f Al AHD IH1'111:Mf.D/ATI VAlLE'V1 I -1'#11\r dllVdV t<rlder "''"' P•l<l'lv I .. ,..,. ,_......, fGf. A llltlt ,.,..,,,., ,,,.,....,.... LtrM toroltifll JI It to. f Hier. r1idin' .., lo 1J.. ---·--- Coatel OveKlll "''*""'°"' .... ....-.. 1 ... llwrt tod•l' •lid Frlcltv, ,.,..,.,,.. bv t fl-. Wk>ds -lerl'I', 10 tio If m .. Jt. Todl'l"i llitfl. " to "4. Yt~Yt ..,._,,,,.,ti r 1 ~ It d ,,.,,. • l\ltfl d .. "' • --fll ... '"''"" ~'"'"' ,._ -" la ~. TM .. tltt ..,.._,,,.,,.. ""'' l'.f ot-·-· f<RIDAY J;" ...... 1.• ' 'Ill '""'' .U "'In',_ """" .... 1:ts1.,,..11 ,.,,, "'"" ............ , 1:" ...... '·' ~ i... ............ ):01• ..... i.. Sttond 1'11"' ............ lint 11.m. 4.S ,,.... .,... s,n '·"'· ...._ •~" '·"'· S~~ lllMt. •:• t.11'1. llh J:N 1.m. V.S. Summary T,. ~I -.lfltf In !tit 111tl0ft to<lll' -IR ~ Mlillwoftl anol II •11 Mel 1~ Ill lllltr ol 1'111 tl•ltl '• 1rwn11 ••f'll.t"tl Pa motorltti to 1t1v .... _,_ M trY rn!Jdu,. of .-, tlttt 9"1111 fl'fttlN ,. ... w d•bJ!e ,.,. _,. "' Mkhi.tR rawrM •lfll let. Trt .. ier.• ............. """"' ill~ *'"'-' ""' '''"'· ""'"' .,. euttwf'llll .,.... Ill _... 1-. d llOtffltnt Ml-.ott W '"'1fl Otlolt. lov!l'I ti/ "" lrwrl"' """ r1l!!v ..... ""' -.... P'Ult. ll•lll Of' ..._.,. 1ctlvttv ,,t.MM .s ,,, Ditti .. JM Wtstlf'! 0...1'. lltt•"""'" ... 111'1. l'Nmld ,,, --"'-"'" r .... ,,.. • " ~ _,,, .. _ ·-All9"'1o ••-tm'ltld l ltrn1rck lcltt ICSIOl1 (hlctvo C!nclnnt" c: ..... 1.11c1 Dtllvff ........ Dtl~ll E~rell• Fort Wort!! ·-,, ... ·-· ...... Kao-CllY lH V-t lcq, Anotln Mlt""I ltKl'I Mltw.vltet Ml~PO!lt Nrw Orlt- New Y°"' O.~ltl'ld ....... ..... lt•Wt Plllltdt/itlll1 ·-· ·-... ....... R.,ld CITY ""' ekift ·-~"*''° St. l9111t S.IN1 S.11' leq City '" -Sin f<"""t.c6 S.~11 l1rti.r1 S.•ll'lt llltllt•"' -W1.iil11t!Ofl .... llw "'9c. " " ' . .. " " .. :IQ 1a .tt n • " " ,... " ·°' • u n " " ,. Jt :w .or ,. " .. .. •t .,. .n " .. " ·• " .. .. " " H n M .. .. .... " .. ,, ,, "' ....... .. " " n .. 0 0 .. M 0 • n It • .11 ,. " " "' .n JI II ..01 .. " " .. .. ~ ~ . ... .... • )II .11 .... .. " ., " :n n .SJ ,. ,, ... .. " " . Czechs Demote Emil Zatopek PRAGUE <UPO -Olymj)lc !Jer9 Emil Zalo!>el: said today be was demoted from a deleme ministry job ........ " Ills polltiCI, Ills dlallke '"' desk jobl and hll op-pc.ttlon to renewd sporta contacts with tbt Soviet Army. 1be wiry, balding athlete who '""' gold medals In three Olympie. aid in an interview be is happy ln h!1 new job as an assistant coach at lbe Dutla AlbleUc Club In Prque, Zatopek Is a 4.S-year<>!d colooel In lbe army and bad previou>ly ..,.ed u deputy commander of tbt lrmY sporting Jll'Oirams. He described a n gr y con- rrootaUom with superior officers over bis frequent public outcriei against the Soviet occupation. He oald be hhmell was angend by defense min1stry decisions to renew aporta: competitioo with the Soviet Anny, "and I· said I'm not sure I can stay in the ministry under such condJUons and so, here I am in Dukla," be said. Stans and Volpe Commerce Group OKs Tw o for Nixon Cabi net WASIUNGTON (UPI) -The Senato Commerce Committee today approved two of President-elect Richard ·M. Nix- on's cabinet cbotoes -Maurice Stans to be commerce secretary and John Volpe to be lransportaUon oecretary. 1eeretary. They were the first ot Nixon's nominees to be recommended for Senate confirmation. The action wu informal and must be rtaffinned Monday following Nixon 's inauguraUon. Stans, 60, a New York Investment banker, Jet the senators do most of the talking at a hearing Wednesday . He generally said he had not had time to form an opinloo of a list of pet projects tick~ oU by various committee members. Volpe, 60, plans to res ign u governor of Massachusetts as soon as he is con- finned for the transportation poat by the full Senate. He served as lhe nat!on'1 lint federal highway admlnl.<ttalor In the Eisenhower admlnbtratlon. Stans was budgot dir<ctor under Efsenhower. Walter J. Hickel, seeking confirmation as interior aecretary 1 said t o d a y the defense department was responsible for aendlng an Air National Guard plane to ferry aupplies and equipment to a snowbound commercial fishing optratlon. The prospecUve Nixon cabinet member u~ M Md vetoed ~e proposal OOt was overruled by the Pentagon.. The plane crashed through the Ice when It landed on a lake near the fishery . Hickel, undergoing extensive ques- tioning by the Senate Interior Committee, was asked Wednesday about use of the plane. The governor said the Alaska Eagle River Cold Storage Co. asked him in January, 1987, to pennlt the plane to fly building equipment, generatore:, fuel and other 111pplies to the lake. He turned down the req11-est, Hickel tesUfied. '; THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR TO SAVE ON 'THOSE "WIFE-SAVING" APPLIAIKES! SHOP EARLY, WllllE SElKTIONS ARE BEST! SAVE on This WASHER-DRYER 108IW18 COMBINATION! e JET ACTION WASHER e 2 SPEED JET ACTION e AUTOMATIC SOAK CYCL E e SMALL LOAO SETTING e 2 JET •. A.WAY RINSES e DEEP ACT ION AGITATOR e MATCHING DRYER e PORCELAIN ENAMEL DRUM e DURABLE PRESS CARE SAVES IRONING e NO-HEAT CYCLE FOR FLUFFI NG AYAIUIU IN HAIYUT ..01.D-AYOCADO- COLdNIAL co"" ., INOWCllST WHITI BUY THE PAIR ••• SAVE $20.00 ! for both Washer & Dryer NO MONEY DOWN · EASY BANK TERMS UIDEllCOUmR DISHWASHER BY FRIGIDAIRE ••• trrfltl powerfUI St/per-Surge Washing Action that rutty can evt the mustard, baked beans and the fried egg, tool LOOK AT THESE Otn'STAJIDfNG FEATVRES,. • • Reduces hand rin1lng ••• a herd•ortdng wah Md rinse cycle does it. • Spots-Away rl111• dispenser, AS LOW AS $15888 BUDGET-PRICED SPACE SAVER ! Frigidaire Frost·Proof Refrigerator with 106-fb. size top freezer • ramlly-s!n 12.1 m. ft .. J'll lb 30" width uses Ins SJ19C9 In kltthen ...... ~count • frost -Proofl You'll never defrost again! No sp.ac1 lost to frost. • FuU-w+dttt vq1table Hydratot kHps up to 25.1 qts. 1erden frnh end crlsp. • Deep door shelf lor bla ~ 11110• cartons. 46-oL ;.iie. cant. $23888 EASY BANK TERMS TELEVISION •APPLIANCES SINCE 1947 DAVIS-BROWN HAVE BEEN KNOWN THROUGHO UT THE HARBOR AR EA FOR INTEGRITY & DEPENDABILITY! Factory trained technicians are your assurance of prompt, outstanding service! 411 EAST 17th ST. COSTA MESA 646-1684 • . • ' : '· ' ' ' I ' I ' Jo rdan Hit By Israel Jet Strikes •1 Ulllfllf ,.,.., tlllrlnle~ ls.raeJI and Jordanian lf'QOPI boJUed alollJI the Jonlan Riv.,. ~ase fire lme ~. 1 mUJ..~ tary spokesman said in Jeru- salem. IJraeli fa nnera ,aaid Israeli jets atreaked In for air . strikes q alnsl the Arabs. Tbe IsrAell military spokes- ~ made no mentfon of jet fighters but said the Jordan- ians opened fire on an Israeli patrol with buookas in' the · Belsan Valley near the farm settlement of Maoz...Hayim. New Leba nese Cabinet Picked The IsraeliJ returned fire and suffered no cuualties, the spokesman said. Farmers near the settlement said two lsraeli jets roared ove.rbead toward the Jordanian border alter the shooc'.lng broke out. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - A new cabinet with a strong chance to win approval in ParUamenl, was announced Wednesday night by Rash.id Karami, designated Jan. 8 to be premier after lhe resigna- tion of Premier Abdullah Yafi. Karami conferred for six hours with President Charles Helou and emerged to a1r oounce he had succeeded in breaking a s eve o-d a y deadlock. Several times in recent weeks Isr•I has sent jets against Arab positions on tbe Jordan's wt bank but have nol confinned the air strikes. ' • Old World . Mediterranean Spanish Furniture Rtctlved c1nctl11tfon of $22,000.00 Sp1ni1h ind Med lterr•nt•n Furniture All N-To, 9•1lty h 1tl N•MH hceNfH'1 DrHN•HoltM 0 ._ Dk,!_, Items as follows: Georgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" t all decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamp.s in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled hlediterran- ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & bo:z: springs. Spanish decor diaj.n~ se!. etc . _ Wklo ••llWhl WOI ret11l•r s 1521.00 ~~:-:,~~~~-IF_I~~---············· $698.00 Any Piece Can Be Purch11td Individually Terms Av1i11ble -Newcomers to Callf. Credit Approved Immediately r JI J] Furniture At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa only Ev.,.., night 'tll 9 -Wed., Sat. & $yn. 'til 6. ', _ .. ...,.1-IOIP l>" • _., .... ___ ,, - Four Viet He(oes ' ·~ ~ ' WinHon0rMedals I W ASIDNGTON (UPI) - Four U. S. servicemen, two of I.hem from the same small lown ln Georcla, received the nation's h I g h e s t military • exhlbited In 19&7 while flyiq a helleopter in South Vietnam. President • • .. Puzzler 1 decot1Uon today when Presi- dent Johnaon presented them with the Medal or Honor for beroisn in Vietnam. Hearing t!iat four wounded American aotdiers were under attack on a beach below, Pleas reportedly ·••1aunched a devastating attack against the enemy force, killina or woWl- ding many of the enemy and driving the remainder back into a tree.line." ~tinutes later. he swooped down and rescued the four Gia as Viet Cong forces fired at them. I The awards, made early this afternoon at a ceremony ip lbe White House, probably will be the last Johnson pre.sen~ before leaving office Monday. They w~e also 'believed to be the first eftr presented simultaneously lo two men from the same town. The two Georgians, who live in Newnan about 40 miles southwest of Atlanta, are Marine Maj. Stephen W. Pless, 30, and Air Force Lt. Col. Joe M. Jackson, 46. Honored with them were Anny Slaff Sgt. Drew Q. Dix, 44, of Pueblo, Colo., .and Navy LL Clyde E. Lassen,. 2', a pj!ot from Fo<I My~ Fl•- , . Pleu, dda~ m il n y times before for valor and currenUy s tat l oaed in Pf:DllCOla, Fii., WU honored tor "euept.ionaJ alrmanship" Jack!on, oow stationed at the Pentaaon, was bonored for a daring air rescue mission last May. Pik>ting a CW through enemy fire, Jackson managed to reach a partially blocked landing strip near Kam Due and pick up a stranded three-man air force combat cootrol team. Dix, a unit advise!' to th& South Vietnamese Arr;iy when Communist troops attacked a southern province one year ago, was credlted with killing six enemy soldiers, capturiM; 20 prisoners and rescuiftg more than a dozen allied prisoners. Nigerian Leader Brands Biafra Rebels Gangsters LONDON (AP) -The ·lop They must give up their civilian in Nigeria's govern-rebellion, come back to a 'one menl virtually removed today Nigeria', and then we will By WILU AM MANSFIEl.D 1. This Pre si dent's grandfather was also Presl· dent. Who was he? "a) Benjamin Harrison; b) John Adams; c) Grover] Cleveland 2. Who was the hrst Presi- dent elected in the 20th ccn· tury! a) William t.lcKinley; b) Theodore Roo seve lt; c) William H. Taft 3. Which one of these Presidents did not serve as Presidenl during wartime! a) Dwight Eisenhower; b) James K. Polk ; cJ Woodrow \Vllson 4. This Presidenl was the only President v.·ho also ser\'- ed as Chief Juslicc. He was: al Theodore Roosevelt; bl William Howaru Tart; c:) James Monroe 5. Each one of these Presidents served as a general 1 in the U.S. Army except: I al George .Washington; b) Herbert Hoover; C) William Henry Harrison give'them assurancea for their any hope of cease-fire talks .!..ISl!et; and their property." with the Biatrin ... r~bell uol~as He had called a newa con· the~ renounce their rtbeU1on fert"nce afLer the end Of the agamsl the feder.al--j.oVUl'h--c o·m m trn we a It h -Prlml: ment. He called the rebels l\Unisters Conference There ANSWERS "gangsters." had been persistent · reports . ·q -~ Answering newsm~n's ques-during the week-long meeting pa~.rdxa lU<lpfSaJd se WJ<ll s14 tiom without any hestlation. that some sort of back.at.age J~JU OC6l I'll IUll WOJJ. ~:in~nr Chief Obafemi Awolowo said peace iniliaUves were under J<llllJ se pilflJas 311 q • he had no plans lo mett way_ ·e ·c Biafran represenlatives ·in Nigeria succeeded in block-."0061 U! pilllal<I ·e '?: London and would not even ing ;my formal conference 1Ml1 lI"! 1uapJSi.ld ilftl'. delay his departure for Lagos discussion ol. its civil war by o4Ni UOS!JJl!H ~JUaH Wl!ltHM beyond Saturday, the date contending that It was an l'ri-S8Ni J<ll{lBJpuV · SJH -e ·1 planned, If they approached temal matter. . him. Asked about th i 1 Awolowo was asked if t~ere possibility, he replied : "Cer· had been any cont a c .t s tainly not. between N t g e r i a n s alld "There is only one basis Biafrans · at lower official on which to talk to them. levels.""fii;ine," he replied.· • ' ·-.. ' ' LOCAL No otl1•r ll•Wlp•p•r f•llt you mo1•, •••ry d1y, 1bout wh11'1 9oi111J on i11 fli• Gre•f•r Or1ri90 C••~t tll1n tll. OAILY r lLOT. r.,.., J,,,.,,, 16, l96t -DAILY PILOT J It Was Loeky. S~r!ke Small Plane, Jet Brus'li on Takeoff SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - "The shiny belly ol thb big jet fllltd the entire windahield of my plane. Another fract.lon to the left and I would have been in the obituary colwnn." Richard A. Bridgeford, :>4, a vete.rJO pilot from Stockton, Calif., described bow hia single-engine Ce.sSDL.... I a 2 bnisbed a Pacific Soutftwest Airllnea 727 jet containing 22 persons Wednesday over San Francisco Bay in c I e a r wea lher. Both planes landed safely. It was one of the few times a pilot of a small craft has lived to lell about such an experience. Bridgeford, who has logged 20,000 hours of flylng in 27 years, realized shakily the odds II< 'h&ct ctlftiratl' ol .,di.er jet when overcome. · I' ftlt • 1 tttmenClous crUh. "Thb b the first clooe one 'l\e shiny belly of this big r.. had ill my 111.: I• wall Jt1 lilU.t ihe 11111re wlndlhleld very fortunate and very, very ol. my plane and knocted me lucky." lo tl>e lelL Brld&eford, who operatei a "lt teok ol.f lhe right wing flying service in Napa,. Like tip and r!pj,ed away three-- Tahoe ind SJocll\On, •aid he qu>rlerl o/ the right aileron. was cleared for takeoff from 1 radioed lhe airport tower San Francisco lnternatio04ll and declared an emergency. Airport apparently se.conds I told lbem J had a midair before Lhe PSA jel lilted oU colllsk>n and lhey d Id n ' t a separate runway. believe me 1 ''I had taken. off in a wester-"The radar a p pare n tly ly direction," sald Brida:elord didn't have us or didn't inform "and was banking eo de~ us of our close proxlmtt7," lo the right and climbing he said. straight and lev!:I at between Brid1efood cut his engine 1,800 and l,g(IO feet. and glided in without further "I hid just passed over the incident. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sat., Jan. 18 11 a.m. 'Iii sold out 13 31 Worehouse Rood -Cost• Mesa ' ' block eosl of Ha rbor -I block ·south of Boker ., .MODEL HQME : FURJYTURE ACCESSORlES & E91Ji~"T . -~·~, . Desi9ner cOllec'tibns of furn ifui'e t decorator p~e~es fr om one of the J1r9~. home bui~~~t 1n Or1n9• County. Ch1lr1 Sof11 Ch•sts Dreuers Olnlnt Room S•wing MachinH Bedroom Sets R•cord Player Tepe Recorders Banquet Tabl•• Conference Cheirs Electric Fhd ur" Occ11lon1I T1blt1 Occ11lon1I Ch1ir1 Bar 81r Stools Pldure1 Ttl•vltlon 71h' Child's Speed Bo1t -lOO's of other it•m• too ntJmerouJ to mention -INSPECTION 9 A.M. DAY OP SALE - :.'~~:HOUSEHOtD : APPLIANCE BUYS ~~~ ....... ~~~~~-w:1 :===============~ Great * n 'k Get your Wiki Wiki game card at over 3000 Standard Stations and participating Chevron Dealers! ·(?pme to G/ievroti -. .. 'Wilil'Wlkt • \ ;.I .. 5 W•YS 'ro WJN ,r iANOARD:SJADONS I ••*" ... . CHlVBON OWfftS tor bathrooms! I Blac. &. u•c. •r 11A" Circular Saw It's washable 1:-:fict· &.::;lilFtAND U'ILADH,$/VE l'LArrR: It's MtY to cr••l• a b•1U1lfut. pracUcal bathroom with w1sh-o 'abl•. wond1r1ul "CON·TA.CT.'0 · Ju1t p••I 011 backing and · 1moolh on! This dur1bl e0 1pl1sh·1bl• vlfl)1 waterproofs 1; 1urlac•s. Photo lhow• COIO,,_ '.t' coordinated 11owered wall• (#1551, Co1mos) wfttl Antique Blue wood (#568), Ct rt111r& Mar_, , blti (#154) Counter.See all th• new pattern• for atlll more I LdNSI 119•JH,~aJd WA1ER HEATERS ......... _ ... 20 Ga l ........ $42.h 30 G•I ••• , •, .• $44.U 40 Gal. " ..... $49.h 50 Gal. . .. .. .. $64.11 INITAUATIOM AfAILAIU T~ .,cttity ~ llttt t• Wl!W llHW "II ....... w1lll uflo ty t-. "' f"MUlr9d I>\' S.w, Wt ...... _.,. *'1 IM"t"""' ,., .. 1- 1tllt. " YOV •""...:....~L-,...1 I• •'"'*"'" "'" -· ca• " ,._ -.,,. ... ""' • .,. "'9 ....... M!ICY' lfltlt'llllioil IYl ll•blt, Al Ml1t .,,. IW mnter 1lllf1!bt't. , . I H.I'. 4400 RPM. 9 amp. Cub 2 x 4's lt45•. BloWI uwdu5l' of clrt· t1n1 1109. E•IY· KCurlt• 1dju1tment1 . GARBAGE DISPOSALS IN.SINK-ERATOR MODIL NO.' JIJ $]" 195 n•. Sit.ti. OUI r11c1 ····-··············· MoMI J Jl-1 Yr. O•t•••• MODIL Ill $4"ftll 110. ,,t.91 , -- O'UI PltCI ••••••••••••.••••• M ... II~ Yr . ..,_....,.. MODIL·NO. 77. $5495 •••. S7t.91 OUll'llCI .....•..•..••..••• M ... 77-ITr.0.._... Installation Available FARBERWARE f44.99. ' r j ,. I • -· .. - !DAILY·~ EDITO~ PAGE I AFT' s Futile ' Campus strife at San Fralldaco State College .and e]uwhere In the caJl!ornta educational system bas, qulta predictably, produced a spate of anU-eclucatlon legl.s1'Uon. Some ol U Is already In the Sacramenlo hopper. In practical eUqcl, the "co-<1uthon" of this restric- tive 111l!blation, lronlc_ally, are tbat small band of per· sons who assert that' tbey are themselves' leaders in education -the militant mischief-makers of the Amer· lean Federation of Teacher. (AFlrCIO) at San Fran- cisco State College. By their own cynical, antHducation action& they have brought reaction of a kind it required lllUe percep- tion to anticipate. This is the· response of the people - the taxpayers' -of California, and by legislators who can spot an issue with political appeal when they see one. This small minority of t~hers, many of t\Iem part-timers, is a cynical, power-hungry group, using the student disruptions to 'pull ·ou a labor union power play for themselves, to win members they haven't been able to attract intellectually or oth...Wise. The California Teacpers Assoeiallon, traditionally a voice ot moderation, denounced the AFT action, as a "raw power grab b.Y, ~~g~. labor to close the ,col· lege lnu-der to atttaet membetshlp." • . • Exercise .. Among full-time faculty memben, 80 )lfr«nt re- sponded. Of tbe!O, 114 pel'ccn\ opposed the strike. Among part-time instructol'I, 57 percent. opposed ll ' A festering sltuat!qn on college campuses nal!oD- wide la the pro)>l•m of underpaid, ovenvorked parl·t\D'• lnstruct<>rs, the teacl\lni assistants working for advan- ced degrees who carry too much of the leachlnc bur· den. • When even this · croup does not muster a majority favoring lbe atrlke, then there is extra evidence of bod faith and prldeless opportwiUm ·in the actiOOJ of Ibo small AFT group. · Perhaps Calllornia's taxpayers can U>lerata the excesses of students with grievances they sincerely J>e. lieve to be legitimate (as distinguished from those de- mands which are ludicrous by any rational measore.- m~t). But it is unrealistic U> expect that California clll· ums, wW much longer remain tolerant of irresponsible and'unJawful action·s~ of1bose who recklessly encourage and empl9y chaos on the campus in a callous gra:b for power arid status to . which they have no v&lld claim. At the same time, some 'Of. the legislation stimu .. lated by this unhappy situation •ll!nds to be as thought· Jess as the actions of the AFT itself. In ~.end, all thal'the radicals of-·the AFT will have pl!lj, ·ls · a flltile; bitter exercise ·1n political egotism.'. . · · The ,bigger problem Is to see that the vast majority of studenta-..lltd ~ers in our collegu who do be- lieve in the rules of reason and of law, and who do be--1 Jieve in education, are not penalized for the excesses of the few. , ...... , . ' 0 ' 0 • i I I "IS THIS TRIP NECESSARY<':.· Nothi~g We ·say Pandering To.Lowest Nixon Sets Sty_le of His Own I ,.. -!. Lacks ' Meaning At an International Design Conference in Aspen a few summers ago, a psychological researcher recounted an experiment he had cond·Jcted in "listen- ing to people." Interviewing a random group of sub- je.cts, he asks them to wear earpliones persons called "diplomatic," like suc-tbat feed them "whiJ.e noiseu -a kind of radio static that is activated , by the ces.sful politicians, have superb feedback, whlcb allow• them to censor their true ==·sta~~~~.' so that he· can't hear thougbt.s ~letely, even as they are ~ attuaUon. where the ~wer speatlng with persuasive fervor. cu 'lalk to the subject l!ld bear whal A lii»r "'1liciall. la able to monitor bi 1111)'1, while lbe subject can hear ev,.Y plirue l!ld tone u U Issues from '!"V tho Interviewer l!ld n<il himself, hla Ups, l!ld lo keep -coolinuous -<iUrp.Jrmg raulta .mw up. Oue adjustments u he ,..,.. U.. mood of of u.im. he reported, "is thal people lbe -.nee. (Tbla la wJly, by the way, 't ' • ' Public Taste The toundlng of a new television network "to meet the urunet needs of the viewing public" was announced yesterdq. It will be known u the Fun Broadcuttog System. FBS Presldent Greeley. Grmru;1e~ said that present network programming was "gravely out of balance'' and that it was the duty of public broadcasters to "satl&fy the tastes of all television viewers. "Today \Ve have violent shows for- tbose who like violence," be said. "We ...iu.a their ability lo controlo ,ttieM ~-~-, ;l'lllftleq 'l apeech." , ~ ~· ~D ~ , , :w\lcli ~ does noi all de"~. or ·••teed. have Comedy shows for those who Ute AS AN EXAMPLE the researcher back" from ~envlroJDM:Pl) , qomedy. We hav'e dramatic shows fbr cave, one man when asked ",l}ow. do MOST OF ~ however, are more those Who like drania. ·A~ wt have you ~ your wife ce.t . alon~? ,?"gbt Uke the old lady 00 the witness· stand educational televislop for tboae who like reply, We .get ~long ,1ust fine, ~ who snapped b8ck at tbe .Jildge: ''fiow to. watch .two JewiiJh docton arguing then add qwetly, That a a klt of crap. can 1 know what I think 'unW I bear with.each other. ·11,... , Wben the taped ln14;fVlew is played back what I say?" And even after we bear "But what does te1ev&ion offer today," to him, he doesn t at all remember what we say, many of us :.re unaware be aald, "To those w~llke 1e1:?" making the latter remark. of the uy it soands to others or -· "''" We all censor our thoughts before how a seemingly "lnnocuouBu state:Oent GROMMET CONCBOED that the speaking, for a number of reasons, .so'!le of ours is underlaid with 8 heavy emo-~rks had taken ~jU'ides forward &ood. and some bad. But what is m-tional charge 1n recent years toward meeting the need. tere.UUg ii that if we can't bear • . . He cited the jokes on-·~uah-ln and ourselves speak, we Jose some control When rebuked by bis wife af~r .• a shaving cream comfiterclal as ex- over our "feedback" mechanism. And party, a husband may exclaim: Did amples. acbially, mapy persons cannot "hear': 1 say that? Well, 1 ~y didn't But, he said, there could be no question wbat tbey are saying even without the mean it to sound offensive. But the Uiat television ~ag~ I behind all Interference of white noise. odds1 _..aredownhe dlbedl meanlbe ~~~I ~-other media in fulfllllng ~ obligations ·nps INABILITY accounts for a lot of what we loosely call "lactlessnesa," which ii rarely conscious or deliberate oo the person's part. On the other band, e ....... e, ow '-VII~ eva. · u .. 1. I"'" For not.lilng we say is without meaning ID ~ •~. or ~. even though It.a hidden m. "We have dirty books, dirty movies, tention may be clearer to others than dirty magazjqes and dirty plays.'' he to ouraelves. said. "But qOWbere can one watch dirty television." 'Taxpayers Have Had It' Grommet aakt that FBS inlUaliy would confine its programming to old dirty movies. 11WE FEEL THAT we will be providing a valuable 9el'Vice to the deprived ahut-in who can' gel down lo hla oelghhorhood dirty m<Me house," be, said: _ To the Editor: In response to R. J . Sparkes, Wed- nesday, Jan. I -Why do Students Rebel? -be made Some very pertinent ~ents. Granted that students are peOple that "eat, drink and steep" and art guaranteed the same rights a.s other citiza:ll, but just because he is a stiJdent dots not make him a different type ol. person or a special class ol people. We were all students at one time : ln (act, everyone is a student till the day he expires. Everyone learns something new and exciting every day, be it a piece· ct acientific knowledge, an ex· perienct or a lesson. JUST BECAUSE he is a student ~ not give him the right lo tear up public and private property or injure Uves ., my way, llUdt u blowing up lhe llame of lhe dean of instruction al Son Mateo College l!ld achoo! property ~ for by tho taxpayers. Jr this is hla idea of ,.belling, he Md better find another method. Students CGdly have the be$ educallooal facWtles, .. mool competeol leadlen l!ld an .,......,..ly lo accept freo educaUon. U·tbey do not nnl lhla, perllaps Ibey illoUld pay for ll themJelvu. B1t Gee1'9e --1 Dur Ge«gt: I ha-to be the olllce manager I vtr)' COllllel'V&tive .firm and I hlv~ heard the employa rerer -lo me ss "Bcxiehead;" This 11~· betealle qi 1111 baldness. How can I lfOtl the dilr<opectlul P'actict • 9'....,. <811ina me "Booeh<ad"? 8.8. Door U c TIJ 1 riol>loii wig. Nobody could <Ill ,... "Booehead" then. And ''j;UrlJ'' llf .... ~ ' l•l'tef'1 fl"Ol'fl rHden --"9nMllY........,.. "*1kl UJ11Nrt their -In • _. ., i.u. Tri. rll!lt lo COfldtMe tietfltnl lo flt -., •llmi.. n•l9 llblll Is ,........ All k-ttef'1 ll'Mt lnocli..o. '",.."""' """ -•une """"*"' bolt t1..-rnav be Wlmhellf D11 f"l*I If tuffkl9flt ,...._ It llS'N1'911. 'Niii T.\XfA YERS have had IL They are tbe ones who are beginning to rebel. They've -by voting down bonds. One or these days Ibey are going lo Cllt · off the students' Utt le playground completely. And the sooner the better. Now UU. la sad especially for the ma· jority of sludenll who waJjl this op- portuntty. But U lbey want to keep lhis opportunity. they had better band togeth<r and &el these Communlst-frool organizations and their busy little worters off that campus. llE, 100, ONE day will be a hard-work· In( taxpayer. And when ho 8Wtds back and watches his tax money betnc frampt .. ed on. burned up or tom down, then he too ii ping to rtbel the taxpayer's way. OUr aygtem Is far from perfect. But If he w1nt1 to change or alter it, then he thoukl set in that school, ltam all he can and come out and fal"e ·life • aod UM: ~~t kno\tltdge to belt.er . II.ht community Ind country. To becGme. 1 . producti ve member or .80Ciety~ .to vote •nd -his oolnlon. wm eventually chlnCe our Sf!lem to make It a more perfect. pla~ to live. Incidentally, J am not an old. miserly cool tiltbw. r am 1 21-y<aN>ld female, ...-klru( ei<bl hours a dill', paytog lats ~ going lo school. ' ,C. L. a.A Y'l'Olf "But within a ytar,'' be said, "we hope to provide a wide range of dirty programs lhat will appeal to all dirty tastes." Prograrm oow under cooSideratlon by FBS, he said, incl""° a qui> allow ("I've Got A DIJty Socrel"), a literary program ("Dirty Books l!ld Dirty Authon"), l!ld an Ed SuWv~ talent extravq:anza ("Salurday Nlgbt OrgJ"). As for a dramatic series, Grommet said res was attempting to acquire the rights to PeJton Place. "We'll simply relllm it to show what happened oU camera," he explained. • THE I O'CLOCK NEWS, he said, would include the qy's m>jor sez crimes, last.lully photographed,. l!ld lbe usual feature stories, aucb as "Strange Sex Habits around tbe Workl." "We will also, of course, devote the required number of hours to pubtlc service programs as spec::lfled by FCC regulatl~" he said, "One IU<b will be 'U.arn tbrouch Play l!ld t..e Welghl' This •Ill comb~ne audio-visu1l 1CJ educa- tion aids for ~ kiddies with interestina uerclses tor the flabby." GROMMET CONCEDED that Fe.5 wu tr1pecting ••a tt w ('QlnplaJnta" from vlewera. "Our market atudfes 11how that ap- pro1tmately the same number cf people d,JsUke sex as dialik:e violence," he said. •'Of tWne, they can Nmply switcb to another channel that eaten to their bang-up." G,rommet wu asked il Fm wouldn't be pandering to the very lowest common denominator of the American publlc: tute. "Exactly," he aald happily. "And thal'1 why ,.. confldenily predict lbe hlghosl ~ ln, tdmlioD hilkwy!' For 'Forgotten Am·erica~s'· - WASl!lllGTON -'!be white, upper middle class and establiJhmentarlan at.. mMphere of the onComing Nixon act. mlnistraUon mates no cooce.mons to what were supposed to be the new trends ol our Umes. Nlx:on is setting a style of his own wbith is now discernible u convenUonal, Orderly, competent and compatible with the slaudards or the middle classes. Nixon ia bringing W Washington -.n administration for the ' ' f o r g o t t e n Americans" of whom he spoke when he. accepted the presidential nomination in Miami Beac~''Tbe non-sboUters, the noo-demonstraton, that are not racist or sick, that are not eullty of ,the crime that plagues tho land! •• TheJ,ar• black, they are white, they' lie Duive born and foreign born, the'y ·in Joung l!ld old, they work in Aibttica'a factories, they run America's businesses, they serve in government. they prOvide most of the soldiers who died to keep us free." . IN A VAllIATION of lhla lheme since the election.NiJ:on has emotioDally er· tolled Ids own small town baclcgroudd and mlddle cl.,. upbringing and· pn>- clabned hia sense of identity with thla branch or the loraott<n and good Americans. The Nixon-cabinet ~eclions, lbeir tone l!ld style reflect lillle of lbe seething discontent in tbe c:l.Uea, or on the cam- puses and vlil>taJly nothing of lbe newer Ille 1tyltl wtth their empbatcls· on racial sodaJ equality, permissive beltam, raf· &b and eccentric appearance, and revolutionary tastes in literature, art l!ld lhouebl. So it will be interesting to see ii the Nixon administration moves into ir· reconcilable conflict with that large por· lion of the nation's 200 million who reject for one reason or anotJ;>er the conventionality of the middle classes. fr CAN BE ARGUED tbal lhla la what the nation has been praying fo,r, a return .lt~ventional standards' and .... ,. m . . ; • mOre ·meutll'ed ap- proach lo ·social adjustmen4 and' .. restora&~ ol,C!fdered ~-· Thia pir<tlcl,runs ~ the dem- and statemedls of ~ ,ol Nixon's officlaJ family who . have beei) meeting with .hiru in New YOrt prepuatory to the take-over oo Jaauaey 1.0. Tbey have met·in the manoer of &.te. Anglo-Saxon pro1'ftantism, which 11, Jn fact, the • domlaating element of thl.s country, con- trolling Ill-OSI of lta greal instilulions l!ld iddustries. • '!be eri>pbasla la .. -.. ~ lbe claims of mioorities thal lbe do!nlna&g J)OSiijon of white protestantism is 'u s u a 11 y overlooked, bat not in U. formation of N~M'I Co"!emment. AT THE BEGJNNlNc;I tlj)se clements whlch:ma7 eventually cadse Nixon the most-trouble are rernauung relaUvety quiet. Organized labor is pleased, for the time being, with ..Nixon's selection of a secretary of labor but complaisance can quickJy end il Nil:on intervenes against the interest of labor at any one of several flash points. Labor opposed Nixon in the election and its last minute drive nearly deleated the Republican can- didate. In Congress labor's power is not appreciably Jess than it has been. The movement ror Negro equality and justice lacks for effective central leadership but such diverse leaders as there are ap~ to have drawn back a step-or two to await the first workable opportunity to reassert their goals. THESE LEADERS are quite as aware as Welfar .. Secretary Robert Finch thal NixonioweS them nothing for his election. Thet &re not likely to agree with Finch that.ithe absence of debt makes it easier (or {be Nixon administraUon to handle prob_lems related to race. Tht 'greater drama as ·Nixon takes over lies ·in the ability of a government oriented to the middle classes to with· stand the assaults which will eventually be made upon it by racial, social, in· tellet:tual and political groups with dif· ferent standards and goals. Nixon overestimated by a factor of 10 to l the majority the midd1e classes would give him; he thought he would win a 5 million vote margin, but it was 500,000. He p~ed anyway with the niidd1e class government he had plan- . ned and now its time of trial comes. Pueblo: .Errors· of, Omission WAlll!lllGTON -The Navy can exp«t lols more criticism u a re.suit of Nm:tb Korea's seizure of the USS Pueblo, but few of the brickbat& will be tossed at Cdr. Lloyd Bucher l!ld hia ll·man crew. That is the present reading at tbe Cf.pltol, where new lmormatlon on tbe seizure ls being dreullted now that members of tbe crew are telling the.Ir stories ~ Navf autborlUea:. Data now avall&blt. on the incident suggests tbat there were a number of errors of omission er commisskln. Generally apeatlng, however, lhey do not appear 1o bave bMD made on board lbe beleaguerod·abip bul further up the Naey chabt of mmmatlt!. To Ult an oveiworbcl ~ WO(d. It appean no N•l')' "scenario"· ever accurately envillonltd •' deternllAed .1,t-tempt lo ..U. ooe ol 1be lii)Jl)Y mned et-spy abipo widcb <nilM clooe to wtlriendb-""""-To a -ldorable degrte, Bucher l!ld 1111 ..... ...., to ha .. -the -of mistabs made by other>. Dear Gloomy Gll8: It certa11>11 II bud lo teach dUJ. dttn to be ~ qa1ot II <om- mlll\llY -wlMll adulll, wbo should ..... -· rucJeq t>ll?7 on converutkms. -J. A. v. '* .............. ..-.. ... -_.....,..... ... ....................... ..., ..... ONE QUlllFICATION must be made in that appraisal, however. No u.sess-- ment hu 1et been made of the statements and "oonfessiona'' made by some Pueblo crew members and the circumstances under which they were extracted. That will be 1 central topic In lbe forthcoming Navy court of Inquiry. For the present, these comme.nt.s can be made: BUcber's basic orden1 drafted by his Navy sitperiorl. ~ ambiguous. ll ts clear that· the Pueblo skipper was N'OT ordered to acu1tle his ship rather than fol It !all into Communlat bands. Bucher WAil under orders, bonver • lo late Ill possible steps lo prevent capture by the CommanlllB of the Pueblo'• llllCt<I eledronlc equ;_.n. He had to ruolve thi! confilct. on 1bort notiC. urider the he>vielt ol pressur<a. IN llE80LVING rr, Bucher 1111,)' have -• blnl ol non-belllgcronc:e' in the portion ol hia onlua directing thal the dtlp'1 &0-callber machine cuns be kepi covered. Bavy 1uthsitlel in• ts t, ho ... ftr, thal thfa proyJao WU deslgned In make tile Pueblo a -vessel l!ld not a warship In Ila day~ """""'· Once tbe North . Ko<ean patrol c:nft began to baraa the Pt!eblo, Bucher'• radio report& to lhoR headq\larten bnluCbl blm no Uldlt1 lnllrucllons. lnlormull 1lllo llml'aDdled tbe radlo ~...,Bucherpaohelp. In coolralt, *""'"""' lo -i .. lomwita, lhe-Nortb K.....,. olflcer "'" bttnc prodded, In radio e:xchan&et, lo &ti .. wltJr tbe hoanlit1g l!ld seisoTe of tbe Pueblo. "Eftl')'ODe w11. tn the ac:t. ••. iays one knowledgeable source, "but there was no one who could make a decision, rigbt on up to the Pentagon and the White House. I don't know what would have happened if it had been missiles firtd at the United States." ~ RE:iPONSE which could have bel~ Bucher would have been the ar· rival of U.S. fighter planes, but none were then staUoned at bases In South Korfa and none bad been assigned to cover the Pueblo's mission. The Com· munista had air superiority unless and until U.S. planes could.be shuttled from Japan. When U1e time came, that could not be done. Coatrary 'to some published reports, efforts were made to destroy some of the ship's sophisticated ra~ar and elec· tronic gear with explosive devices. These efforts were unsuccessful, however, and Pueblo crewmen then tried to do the job with axes. There wa.s not lime to complete that sorJ of job, and it is now clear that secctt materials were seized for analysis by ftus.tjan experts. · - Byllol>trtS.Alle1 ud Job A Ookbmllh Thursday, January 16, 1969 Th• edlloficl ,,..,, of u.. !)oj!p Pilot aee b to inform and 1tfm.o ulott reodna bv prean.ting W. flt\0$pllµff'I optl\fotu and ~ mento.ry on topics of lntert•I and rignificanct, bt1 prooidfng a forum fOt the t.tpr«1rion of our rt~r1' OJ)fntont, and ~Jf prt1nt111g the dtvtt1t: vie~ point.s of inform1d obtnvt'rt and ipoke1m<n on topic.i o/ thl dcJ. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • -----~ • Ll}J, l~J~Q,11 PoSit~Ot;1Dfft~ierit"" ~ , · WASHIN'GTON \UP{)-On co...,_ to ICl'lp lhe "'"' ed ~ - 0 wblli elllulllal!ng. "1111-fu." al __ lime !J'lilll to jmprove the i 1aef<ral llsuea Pr eJ 14 • n I und<r wbldl lhe oldell ol lhe lnequllle1 ol lhe draft In for I& '&.kl. to raU!y U>e m!nltlrlll<lll by rt«pnl'!!!J Johnson called for .actJOll iD d~•f~youngmenuoder ~most effectlve way pout. treaty. Since the electJon, be lhe antipoverty program ~his State ol. tbe UnJon iheMage 21 are Called Hnt. Ke ~ blt, that Is by ellmlnatlng the haJ called for ·. ?aUticaUoo and._cantinoe It unW we hlw at variaGce with · p<llitions • Po*S IMt.ead a rindom;seJec--draft", " after be tatea.4ffice. broken the back 1Jf ~fdr adopted during the campalgo Jloq lojtery f)'stem u "an THE ·~~ 0• -RA ON -· In N,. land." 1 ·by -'"dent~lect Richard M. Ultftllal refonn.'' · 1~-...-R -..-~ TI ;. PO.-qnU , ~r, . •·-TREATY· JoiJnl!lo . said: "The. aaU-.Nlzon oald In a radio * Nixon. A c.-,;parisori:· . ·... •• • )lfio,, dld oo~ propose draft Johnson said "delaying In l'""rl1 progrim hu ' li>d drtN on AP'il 25: "The pov~. GUN CON11\QL · 'ffiiitm..blrt "Celled for e~ ratifying'' lhe nuclear non-many•achlevements and 10me ty programs of the past bl•• Johmon Said otie of his the:dtaft:"U, rablng mllilary proliferation treaty; "will not faUures.,':We .lllusl not gro.w failed, thia, much ts clett:as . • 'greatest dlsappolntmenls" · Pf1. acaleli IDd , eodlna \be. be helpful." . impatient '!flth i* -after on)y we look at the state of our was failure to win a Jaw pro-dratt,""be said.Th April, 1968, 'Nixon said durin(the cam· three yeari ~· trying to aoclety.-Rather than helpWC • viding for federal licensing "we ca.n have better military paign and after the Soviet remedy human. probltms that the· poor to move out or Povtll- and registration oi fitea:tms. prolecUon wl,th.a smaller arm-b I o c i n v a s Jo n ·o r have-bettr IMllldlng for genera·. ty, they have encouraged Lt!liD Nixon ..........,.,ed·1 f·ed er a 1· Caechoslovakia It would be Uans. t be.Ueve the CangieP kl remain poor.'' Vf't""' o ' f reglslraU"'1 and !Jc<ns"" but Easthluff Boy urged "state or muruclpal licensing of gun owners." J S d Joa ~RAINJNG n Ur ban tu y "ArtiStry in M~~g" · ENJOY THE BEAUTY Of SP RI NG·.;; ~--·ROSES THE YEAR ~ROUND '· No. 1. Gra~e ~re ro.~· stoc~ Js ready for plantin.g,now. Ta~e, ;~; .' · . advantage of" the.low prices of the "bare-root" season·. '· ~INNEri~;~R .1969 • fff the BEST' MOVE of •YOUR LIFE Call: ' 1· -494-1025 SACRAMENTO (AP) -A number o!. committees and Your q~ation.s and com- )oung ·San Francisco senator .create a new cne to handle m.tnts are welcom'd :mid 1' says he may be making urban affairs. ·toil& be wed lOh.1ftVM" poi-·*·.·-·GENE ·1·. '-'.RNER.. . . "··;.so· · V. ~ S~lltf l'l•k • , • , , ,, , ..• , , , • , , , , ,, .. ~ " His proposal was approved .sibie in ''Checkl1ig U~." headWay In trying to abolish 7&-0 after If drew the -stipl)ort Addreas mail to L. M. what he calls the "buddy-bud· on the flOQl' of ~at Jesse . Boyd, in care of tke DAILY ,_ dy system" in the Senate and ~t. Unruh; wbOm Monagan PILOT, Box 1875, Newpcwt :r to r esto r e "comcientiOUJ replaced as speaker last weel. Beach, Calif., 926G3 · ! voting" by Oemocratic'--'-----=-~-~-----'---'-'-----1 .... "· memben. Sen. George Moscone, a l ' first-term senator, said after a ~ Democratic caucui ,, which elected him floor lea&µ- ,! that some of Uie younger senators "lntend to put on ~ all who wear the party's hat the obligation to follow the party'• ideah." At the caucus. the , 19 Democratic senaton elected Moseone floor leader and elected Sen. James R. Mills of San Diego as caucus chairman to serve a s spokesman for Democrats 1n the upper house. CLUB ATMOSPHERE Moscone has been critical of the informal. club-like -at- mosphere in the Senate, where he says some bills are assign- ed to committees where it Is known Ibey will be killed. Also, he Has said tha4: the fate of some bills ls decided· the night before a committee meeting. Veteran Senate President Pro Tern Hugh M. Burns, D- Fresno. has retained his post. tion through the years with the help of some fellow Democra t s and some Republicans who make up the "club" which Moscone criticizes. Burns has been under fire from ' Democrats more recently for endorsing Republican President-e I e c t NiJ:on during the 1968 calfl· paign, and for failing to en· dorse Democrat Alan Cranston, who won the U.S. Senate race in November. Moscone has said hit at- tempt to break up the "club" is not dlrected at Burns personally, but "at the system." "This 'buddy-buddy' system stifles debate," Moscone said. "fou don't have conscientious voting." BE INFORMED He said attempt.a will be made to keq Democratic senators informed on issues. "We wouldn't ever tell theib how lhey ought to vote," he aaid, "just let them know wbal their vote means." He aald be would like to see more partlunshlp for three tt:as<n: to acquire bet· $er balance on committees; to lnaure that bllla art uslgo- td to "relevont and ·~ propriate" committees and to 1ee that decisions on bills are made "aner hearln1 the merits of the bllla." HARD Ulll'ID'IZD aOIL w~.r::=.TD It IOl!ens and breaks up hardest hardpan or _gummiest gumbo ••• corncta ltklirlttt in ,iay soils ""1ich prwents solllolwlllndry ... LillMlllr -poof mou, balled -llccli. ; • Nta111R llllh 1111ann11r In soils. n pnrld11 phosphorus far atimulatlan of roots .... IOftlna hardWoods for •IY beitdln1-nniny other · usn. PL $1.95 Qt. $3.50 Gal. $10.55 There is llO other pralllct tl..i dOIS IO complete I job. Clio-Ke-Co l'EH-0.TllATC . wilt -'°"' bid< ••• ind ,....r tompor •. Fer llAUTIFUL ROSES ••• LUSCIOUS FIUIT SPRAY NOW . I/SE .. In lhe Allembly, Republican Speaker Robert 0 . Monagan succeeded Tuesdf¥ ln brlnlill& about an lntemal 'reorpniu· lion .,hlch .. m ..-tbe•l------------'-------~ ... 1 ·,*·COMMANCH~ .. ~. "'"~" ··~~· .............. 3 •. 7~ .. . -* _PASCA_LI . FIM ... :"""' '." ... w., ........................... :.1~~ .. :·.: * BOB HOPE ............ Id ........... : ••• ~·::· ............ :~· •• '3!75 '. . : :~.~ ., .... ~;l ;;-.:;.l..!f •. ~ j .·.i ,. . ....... -• ,, ~ • .•• <>.•,.,Ill ~ll ·~ ·11,;.,,1. . ,, ro • .., • , •. ~ : •• -l* 11_.,~IK ,~, •.:fl' ..lo...,,: ~a.,..,,... ·~'i"' "'Ol , I ,•.11 ) .Jr),\:)10.i'.O: ?.11 ,.~~)(' .J._ ~ ' ··tw-.·•1 01,if'.'·llP,Erl~Q,J:'.:fAVORITES ,,.. j,;, • CHARLOTIE ARMSTROOG·'' .. ,._. DtlET':: ' · . i -, + • ,. • ... '" ·(/1' ';,I,,, ...... • MONTE/;(lllil!"-' . . '·I ,. HElEN TRAUB EL ... •PEACE • TROPICAl"IA ·· .. ' +· •• .I • • ...,.,. • STERLING SILVER • BUCCANEER . :.., . • OLE' ••.• AND MANY MbR.E HOW ABOU.T PLANTING .A :CITRUS (GARDEN 'IN 1969? . . . . . . . , , AN EXCELLENT TIME TO PLANT. ENJOY THE Tt-N\ii Y EXCITEMENT OF A VARIETY OF CITRUS ' IN ,YOUR 'GAl\DEl'I, ' .• l" * TASTY TANGERINES ...:.. 3 VARIETIES * JUICY 01µ..i".1.GES -. 3 VARIETIES * EVERBEARING LEMONS * TART LIMEs . '* RUBY RED GRAPEFRU IT ' ' :·, PRICED FROM $7.95 A~L WELL ES!AB LI SHED TRfES READY TO RUSHJNTO FULL SPRING GROWTH DWARF BONANZA PEACHES +W~rld f•mOus for dellc.iOus fru.lt and its . t,~~ 'clwarl sro'wing habit. Pi.nt ifi' • tub or in th• g•rd.n .• · . p Oont mis1 LASSEN STaAWBfRRY PLANTS Acid fl•vor to your corn fl•lcet -easy to 9row in the 1mall 9ardtn. 6 HUSXY "7' 9e PLANTS th• b•eutr. of sprin'g flow•rin9 • gl•dio u1 bulbs -they lo~• • sunny spOt with f)l•n+y of room to grow t.11 . Also try th• "tiny tot" 9led that ·9row1 to only two f eet. PRICED • ·-l'ER FROM 984 DOZ. . '" .WINE BARRELS SoUtl, .h .. ~ 'o•k· it••••, tfur· dy 1tee/ b•111lt. For tpe,;. -llNI ,f•11feft', ·~·• I 1ltr11b1. ·~ •' 11" ......... Early Birds Are Planting Apricots P•tChes Plums· N•~rfriHT - ' Figs -tnd Apple1 •• Right Now ' oiit.v 2" HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.,M., SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M \ Hu1li~s 2141 'Harbor Blv• • ' '! COST A :MESI • 11-· I ' t I -' .i. I • . . ' CAt.t~ ._,2~. . -. ' --· -- I I I ::J OAILY PD.OT -At n f'ertaatUIO f"...:..::.:....=~;;_;_;_~- Mili tan t ~ues Prexy = -: LOS ANGELES IUPI) -% The acting president of San ~ 1'~unando Valley State COllege ';I: has been sued for $50,t&O over • tits public charae that "hard· % core mllltants" planned to till •him on the campus. : The libel and slander action ·-was filed Wednesday in ; superior court aaainst Dr. : - Otlmtr T. Oviatt. Ute col· A. Hill, president or the col· lege's •cadem!c dean. by Har-, 1e1e'1 alumni a.uoclatlon. ·I'll A. carter, an accountant Ovlatt's slatements that ac· llvinc in1 San. Fernando not tivilt 1ludents planned to far from the tr o u b I ed. stage a major riot at lhe Norlhridge school, who de· school allegedly were made scribed himself as a "hard Monday, at a news conference core .militant." which HW attended. Named as a co-defendant At the time, Hill said the in Carter's suit was R~d informatlon was contained in an Intelligence report made -0-. ~ ....... -....... Jet Crash Clues To Cause Sought · LOS ANGELES (UPI) - "We are ha.vine a llttle gear trouble and lf Jt ptral:rts will advise the tower later." That terae meua1e was the tu\ radio transmlsaicn from the pilot of 1 Scandlnavtan Ab<llnes System DCI before it faded ' from radar acreem at International Airport and plunged into the sea Mooday nl1ht. aircraft makln1 a laodlnc In floonl of 11 In tba rali> Md darkness. ~ Supermaley available by the Los Angeles Police Department, Carter's suit charged. Carter said that Oviatt and Hill's statements were based on reports of a meeting of community, religious and stu· dent leaders in Pacoima, State ~udget Balanced, No Tax Increase A massive post mortem of the crash which claimed 15 lives hu turned up a few facla', aeveral theolies but no definite upllnation of why the jeUiner pancaked into the Pacific nine miles short of the runway. Officials of the NaUonal Tr1111portat1on Suety Board here to lnve!U,ate the crqh refuaed to comment on the pooslbillty the plane mlahl have slowed to a speed below tbe 1%0 mUea an hour recom- mended when comin1 in for a landlng In bad weather. "At this point," said Williaml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lamb, chief of t h e i&-1: -::: ., •· .... -Ansiver 20 Years Away :: LOS ANGELES (UPI) -physica!ly unable to llop .,. 'Jbt final answer to whether himself from raping the .-.: dltn y,•ith an extra male woman in May, 1967, becauae :.womoaome -s o -c a 11 e d of the eltra chromosome. His -· •supermalu" -are more ag-insanity iJ physical, be con- ;: iressive than men With a tends, not emotional. • f>rmal geqetic makeup may The prosecution Is at- :: aot come for 20 years. tempting to prove o t h e r ...,. •Dr. John Malynk, director caUBeS such as environment '.;'al the cytogenetles laboratory or peychologlcaJ con f Ii c I s J:. it ChUdren's Hospital, s'°ld were reapoos!ble for lbe at- IPi-e baa oot been _,.,b ,lacL '.,.>t"1'~t,' :: -into tba theory that ·I ·n,it ...... .,; J>O!ore Superior. .... aiipermO!u can 1 .. 1 impelled ·Coblt Jll'!I• liliurlce T • i te commit a cr1me. Leadfr' is ;tq de1f l r Di't De. _.. :~elynk te!t.ifled at a hear-~hether ~ ~ ~ ... i!tl for convicted rapist Ray· 1s legal bas11 for an !paaoity ~.liond Tanner, 33, who now plea . ., ~ .. :·ii trying to enter a plea of Melnyk said lt mi)' take ~ lhn.ocent by reason of insanity two decades before lcltntisls ~because he has an e1tra Y know for certain bow"two Y = tlromosome, known as_ the chromosomes affttt behavior W·XYY syndrome. because studies ~ lhould be ":. Tanner claims be knows ,bepD "1 infancy arid carried ...,.ria:ht from wrong but wu througb aduJthood. Roy Bulla Says . . . Calif. the night of Jan. 8. SACRAMENTO (AP) -The 'Ibe 1ult charges that the reports distributed by Hill and Reagan Administration can OVlatt of the meeling wer! present a balanced state "false." budget the next two years OVlatt is In temporary without asling for a tai: in- charge of the campus while crease, State Finance Director Callfomia State Co 11 e g e Caspar Weinberger said today. trustees select a permanent He added, "I consider this president. On Feb. l he is a major achievement and th! scheduled to take over a new fulfllling of .Gov. Reagan's job -~ a fecle~al flledle that 1ovemmont will J*'!Fam ii tba college, ' be kept as small and u ln- Metmrh)le. Glenn Mahler, expeMive as ts conslsteftt with student president of the col· meeUng the needs of the lege with an enrollment of ' .Jtlte." 18,IXKI, said at a news con-;\He aald the J96g..70 budget ference that three quarters which will go to the legislature of the students favor in· Fe'bnlary, expected to ex· establishment of departments ceecl $8 billion for the first for Negro-American and Mex· time, provides funds for ican·American studies. 1-1 e .. substantial" income I a x also suggested the possibility reductlons and continuation of of a n American-Orienlal the property tax relief voted studies department. by the 1963 legislature . There was 10me speculation SAS Flight 933 might have 1lowed down to keep from overtaking a propeller-driven LA Police Seek Mw·der Leads LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Los Anl:eles Police today groped for leadJ in the slaying of an ex-convict who once was sentenced to Clie in Ohio 's elec- tric chair. The body of Julius Anthony Petro, 4&, was found slumped over the steering wheel of a 1966 Cadill;;c convertible at Los A n g e I e s lnternaUonal Airport Sunday night. He had been shot in the back of the head. vestigaUve team, "we haven't ruled out the posalbllity of either pilot error or in· strument mallunction." Captive Pays 'Dividend' PALOS VERDES PENffi. SULA (AP) -A sea elephant that didn't look the least bit pregnant has given birth to a 40-pound baby. Of course, if you're shaped like a sweet potato and weigh 1,120 pounds as mama does, it's a litUe hard to tell. The mother was captured off Mexico with seven other elephants and brought to Marineland of the Pacific for display. Sei: of the n!w arrival ls not yet known. Mama ha1n't let anyon! get close enough to ten. .. ~ ...... -• •• MARTIN'S INVENTORY CLEARANCE .. "IT.'S-TIME FOR OUR . ANNUAL' COLOR TELEVISION .. SALE! f rom Molorol1'1 nlt'l'I llolhl of Color TV wittl G1nu1n• W1l1111t .,.,...,.i nd M lect ha~ tolid1 wllll OU W1111u! f1ni1h. •et· S71D SALE s5490o ~ The CATULLUS • I4S1SH -(11!11111 11111111 Provincial st}'ltd comp1ct lOn•olf in Cht1tv f1u1ho.·ood rolor on ~f'lf'tr. h1 rd111'ood 1olids '"d venee11. C1b1nct 11 1cc:en1ed w1lh deco••!"'' bra~' fe rru1n tnd 11mul•led burl 1n~r•t• VHF ind UHF lll11m1n1ted Dl1h. .... ,.,,SALE $5Q900 I ./ Th• l!NTHAM • Z4SllW llt•ut1ft1I Contemporary 'tvlf'd cnmp•rr con~O!! in 1r11ntd W1lnut color on ~eltn h•rd,.ood •ol•d11od 1·t11ct•s. VHr ind lJllf lllum1n11rd 01111. .... '"'SALE $48600 23" SPACE COMMAND REMOTE CONTROL COLOR. ZENITH AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING. 2 SPEAKERS. HERE IS A LISTING OF ONLY A FEW OF OUR OUTSTAND· ING BUYS. YOU'LL FIND HUNDREDS MORE, E9UALL Y WELL PRICED. COMPLETE LIVING ~ti k± ~ Mediterra.nean r d ~i 96" Curlom Q11llf• $111f1, 56" t, m1tc:hi119 Lo•• S•1t, y,1.,,t Club ! Ch1ir -C111ff11 T •bl1, Corn•r i~ T1ble Limp 1. E11l1 T1~I•. ~s595 ' ~ ~.,.,. ___________ ..,.i;J I.;~ .-MEDITERRANEAN ____ ........................ ._.,.,.... .. __ .,. ~ 8 ft. ustom Quilted Sofa .... , ..... ., .... $299.50 5 ft. Matching Love Seat .................. $199.50 96" Custom Quilted Print '"' ,,..,., ...... $239.50 : ,60".Matching Love Seat....,,,.... ......... $159.50 · 102" Spanish Sofa ......... o''"'•""•.. ... ... $275.00 ~ , ir..• zftOlliJ ROCKERS & RECLINERS ~ LA·Z·IOV' RECLINER ROCKERS AT llG SAVINGS! IERKLINE RECLINERS AT HUGE DISCOUNTS! Maple Swivel Rocker ... c .. , $54.50-2:5100.00 • Velvet Club Chairs ,,...... ........................ $99.50 ~:t .. !'Al am a 1 as .._.., a a \W~"'l1«!9llfll1'Wat J SLEIP SHOP SPECIALS !:!:-5::.!.'!~:~~:~~~2 ,. •.... ' .... ' ....... '. ' .......... $59. 95 ~.l~ ~~1N.!!_~~:!! :!~·~~!.,"1°:..';!:~1 ..... , .. ,, .. , ... , . , , . , .. , , . $39. 95 :~~'.:.~:~::~~~ ········································ $119.95 !~':,:;~~llSAl•Y•· ........ ······ ·• .... .. ........... $159,95 SIALT GOLDIN GUAID Ihm'"•' TWIN OR 'uu srz1 $49.95 IS... Mt I* wtJ -· "' ! ' :::.•: ,:.?,';~~.~·.~· .............. '... . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . $149. 95 i' :~:~!IC4:~Dsl:.~~~.~~ ...................... ,, ........ ,. $199,95 51111-11 .... tyNllt •114 S..ly h1t11re""1t et hit Treftldl Ptkel. tr 6 Pc. Corner Couch Arrangement. ! 2-J4" COUCHIS, INNIRIPllNG MATillSSIS, 2 lettt.n. Q11nte11 C°"'• $179.50 ..... SM,,...d C•on. ,,. .... 0.. c.,....,r.111 •. s... ,. ts,c.a.t Prical •• ..........-;.q;'l DINING ROOM Reg. 47.95 to 65.9~ -11ow to Sizes for regulars, shorts and longs COMPLnE ALTERATIONS AT NO CHARGE ··OPEN. SUNDAY .......... • 11 to S .... ,,., SALE $62f>O ' ... Me ... ICA'S LAPtel!tlT l"'AM ILV CLOTHl "'IG.CHAl"f . S-48-3-493 ROY BULLA'S 5-48-3493 STEVENS TV 1t53 NEWPORT ILVD., COSTA MESA (Ono Block North of 19th SlrNll OUI OWN EXPDT SERVICE 0 ~AKIS C!f ~ 1 Costa Mesa's Odest Home-Owned Fumlture Store! 1865 HAllOR ILVD. owntown Costa Mesa Phone U B-5131 Cosl1 MeSI, 1601 Newport Blvd. at 161h ' ·' ·-GARDEN GROVE -12372 GARDEN GROVE BLVD, : • - --- • • "Gotta Cleon 11le Whole Place Out'' Automotive 0 TEXACO MOTOR OIL 20 fo 30 weight, ch•ng• oil youn1lf e ncl 0 GAS ADDmVE ·4 9ro11 ln dock, R19. 21c. 29~. 1.0~ .. 0 NON-SKID AUTO TRAVEL RODS K11p cl11r 'fi1w of the 101d, 1:rp1nd1 for quid1: 1111, t1l11cop11 for 1tor•t•. choice of color, 47 only. R19 . 3.-tt. 0 CAR STAND H11 .. r duty i1clc 1t111d with -t,000 lb. c1p1city, 12 on y. R19. 2.60 11d1. 299 19! Patio & Picnic 0 CHAISE LOUNGE PADS Vinyl..,.,,,, wip11 cl11n wit'tl d1111p cloth, -t7 pi1c11, R19. 2.9t. 0 BAR•B·Q TOOL SETS l pi1c1, forlc, 101191, i nd 1p1tul1, off t111on prico. R19. I.ft. 199 . 88~ .. 0 DELUXE CHARM GLO GAS B·B·Q H11¥y c11t 1111l!'lbly with l1v1 roclc, f!oor 11mpl1, I only. R19. 99.00. 3700 0 KID'S SIZE AWMlNUM FOLDING CHAIRS ll only, 1'1'111c11 th1 little 01111 f11I big, R19. 3.59 . 0 DELUXE ROCK·A·WAY PING PONG TABLE 177 Deubl•t •t ft.111 1,1tility ltbl1, witlt 1tripin9 kif, 2 only. Rig. ~l-'15. 34 88 Housewares D CLIP ON COASTER sm $11 of I . J9 only. R19. I .II. 0 KING SIZE TV TRAYS Choice of co!ori end p1tl1rn1. 41 only in stock. 0 TV LAP TRAYS I Jo11n in itock, "'"' br1tkf1d In bed. 0 MAGIC HOSTESS BLENDER Chron'" fini1h, 2 1p11d, 8 onl y. R•t· 1'1.81. !Thi1 i1 •good one ) 995 0 MAGIC HOSTESS ELECTRIC KNIFE C11'Y11 It thin Of Iii. 1nyw1y you lik1 it, 12 only. R19. 11.'17. 0 WHITE GLASS CEREAL BOWLS OR CUPS 4 9ro1 in 1iock, r19ultr I for I .ti. Sp1ci 1I wlt i11 they 1111. 797 S~. Th11rsd..,., Jani.WY 16. 1969 • ............... , I ,. I STARTS I • I I I I I I TODAY I I I I I I UNTIL STOCKS ARE GONE OR I I I I JANUARY 22, 1969 I I FIRST IN • • • FIRST Gm! I I I ·······--······ (Dou that m1c11' I'm FlrH?J RIMA CLEANS HOUSE ' NO SPECIAL ORDERS, NO PHONE ORDERS, NO RE-ORDERS, NO DISORDERS. SALE IS FOR THE GiENERAL PUBLIC, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SALES TO OTHER DEALERS. ANTIQUING DEMONSTRATION SPECIAL OFFER by TONE·'N·TIQUE MANUFACTURER'S CLOSE-OUT ON CONTEMPORARY AND LUXURY LITE FIXTURES Ton1-'n-tiqu1 •••Y do1s it r1fl11llhin9 1y1f1m1 will b1 d1 monllr1t1d 1t ou r 1/ore by Mi11 M.ujori1 N•el wlrlo is 111 1xp1rl in !he fi1ld of 1nliquin9 ind wil l 1how you kow t o 1nfiqu1 your fur11 ilu1• ind 1cki1¥1 prof1uio111I r11ulh, !So bring 111 your youn9 p1opl1 1nJ m1k1 !him old. l 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 Hardware&Tools 0 TWIST BOARD H1lp1 you 1h1p1 up ind 11im down i nd throw your h11d b1ck out of wh1ck. 41 pi•c11 in tlock. R19. 3.99 11 •dv1rli11d on TV. RIM .NJTE LATCH_ Tumbler cylinder, p1;11it;.,. prol1clion, doubl• lt•y, 46 only in 1lock. Rig. I .'11, D MAGNmc CATCMES 21.~ 11.~ ~ 0 BRASS PLATED SWIVEL CASTERS Po1I or pl1!1 iyp•, 250 on the 1h1lf1 R19. Ll5 11ch. 69~. 0 SWENSON DOUBLE ROLLER FRICTION CATCHES 0 EMBOSSING TAPE For t1p1 loo! or Dymno1, 1/1'', 400 rolJ1 • Rig. 1'1c . 0 GLUE GUNS Witlt 111l1r i nd 9lu1 lliclt1, 1"ld1 to s1l111 7.95, 29 11h on th1 floor (10 pick th1m up 1lr•tdy.I 0 TURNER PROPANE TANKS I Pini, 10.7 fluid ounc11, 300 !•n1u on th1 sh•lf. 11:19. to 1.59. 0 HACKSAW BLADES Cut your w1y out of th1I c11I yot.1'r1 li ving In, 45 In the box. R11. 25c 11ch. 0 FURY •/4 INCH DRILL NO. F-11 Goocl 111 round home tool. 6'' 0 FURY l/a INCH DRILL NO. F-4 fo• "''\ing 1U th1 hol11 you n•1d. 1088 9~ 29!. 5~~ 88~~ 10~. America's Finest OFF A r11l 1w•l1 d1•I h1r1, 1peici1I offer clo11oul of 1tock on h•nd ind di1pl•y it1m1, choo1• fr om 1w191, ch1!n hun9, will l1mp1, Indoor i nd ot.1!door fl•fl1t11. R19ul1r ptic11 1r1 frorn 29.11 lo 89.11, w1 9ot 111 on hind, 111 •t h•lf price, NO SPECIAL OROEll:$, NO RE.ORDERS ON THIS DEAL. NO LAYAWAYS. Electrical 0 SENTINEL LIGHT CONTROL Eli,trlc 1y1, 111kim1tic 11l1 turn1 light on •I 2'' d111k, off 1t d1w11. 14 s•h, r19. J.99 ••ch. D WIRELESS BAmRY OPERATED ll .. ,~1~~~~! ~.~~~~ 2'' 11curlty (funny, I thou9hl you 1l1pl in • b1dl. R•t· l ,95. 0 HOME. BATIERY CHARGER Ch1r911 lt11hli91!t, toy, ind tr1111i1tor b1t11ri11 fr om "D" lo '1 "olt, irp to 15 tim11, 41 11h, CJ' iNTERMATIC LIGHT AND APPLIANCE TIMERS Modil LP-75 l1ound1 !ik11 r•corcl ), 5 only i11 1tor1. R19. 10.95. 2~~ 7'' . Gal'den. . ..; .. 0 VILLAG~ BLAClcSMITH ' .: •. NI~ f~~,,!~.~~e..r.:~.~~~ .. ; ':: :1 ~9 br1nch11, lmi9ht '"'" t1k• • 1het 11 A1r W11tl, 11 pi•c•t in lior•. R19 . Z.J9. 0 HAND PRUNER An"il lyp1, 111 tl•tl, 45 11h on tk• 1h1lf. R19, 1.-4'1. 0 VILLAGE BLACKSMITH HEDGE TRIMMERS F•clo,Y 1h•rp bl•d11, ••ty 9rip lrl•ndl11, 2111h. 0 2 CAMPING SHOVELS H1,dwood h111tl1•, tm•ll for c1mpin9, l:t•1ch, wh1!1"''• 0111 lt1tr1lfull. R19. 1.19. 99c 1~ .. 88~. 0 PLASTIC HANDLED GARDEN TOOLS Cho1c• of ho•. c:wHl.,ator, '' for~. 100 In th• box••· 11:19. l91 •• ,h. 19~ .. 0 NYLON REINFORc;ID: J HOSE · . Garclen cont. 0 PVC SPRINKLeR PIPE Polyvinyl chlorld•, 111y to work 3 • with, no thr11din9, no h11ry lf:a" C~: 10011 n11d1d to l1y yo1,1r own 1p1in•f1r 1y1t1m, llll'li-tltid.. "•" 4eft, 3,000 ft. in 1lock. ' .,, · Plulnbing- o WHITE & SILVER UNIBOL PULLMAN · 38'!. l11utiful, flni1h1d 111d r1•dy to 91id1 Info pl1c1, only 2 left, floor ~1mpf11. R•t· 59.95. 0 . WHITE &, ~LD UNIBOL PULLMAN · Fih 1ny kilch1n f1uc•f, 24 pl•c•s. 11:19, 3.99. D IN·SINK-ERATOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL lr.t1d1I No. 77, 1 fltl whit If t+i1 otd 0111 1\11 ti"'" up 1111 1hlp, ot for ln1t1lli119 n-. 11 only, r19. llif,95. 0 BATHROOM EDGING KIT o ... r 10 % f11t, c•r•rnlc 1111, ll 11h enly. R19, 4.t9. 0 DURA STEEL TARTAN . BATHROOM CABINET stJ11'1119 co1m.tlc comp1rtm1nf, colo9n1 ~lrllJ•r. 7 only, R19. 12.11. .. 4688 , • 0 SCREWDRIVER sm Sit of 6 •••Oritd 1i111 will\ rick. 39~ .. D 10 FT. GAL· VANIZED RAIN GUmR 2666 HARBOR BLVD •. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 Sho1t l1n9tlrls, ftorn 10 t1 II f1•I, on• t1bl1 pJI" hl9h. 66~ o 3 PosmoN HOSE TAP REEL 8"- ::.Build. SupP.lies b P.llEFIMISijED BUCK.SKiN PANEUNG ll9ht Intl dirk font, ••• r.ot, "-1lr00¥1cf, 75 p1n1l1 on lh1 floof, R19. ].99. 21• 0 PREFINISHED HICKORY STAINED WALNUT PANEUNG 45 1h•1h on th1 floor, 10 pltlM co-buy th1m ind pt.1! th1rn on yot.1r .,,u, they'll look SlipJoinl. sold1rl1s1 - g•lw111i11d for long life. sac Paint 499 2F~i~~~ ·~~·~;;;;~ ... 6~ 210 c1rtrid911 for 11111-1•1• p•n•lillt '"' •••• 9nc of inll1fl1tion: R19. l .lt. 7 0 SILICONE IRONING BOARD COVER 0 IMPERIAL """ ;, ,..,,. •••· "' ... , 49c SPRAY PAINT i ..... 0 SHERMAN POWER SPRAY OSCILLATING SPRINKLER Miscellaneous 0 RUG RUNNERS · · · ,, : , M. Jirmbo I] 01rnc1 c1n, cl!oi(1 of colors, includin9 prim1r1, '"'"''11, 0 TEFLON COVERS 59~ "' '"'""· "•· "' 0 FULL WIDTH SPONGE MOP WTll\ •qt.1111111 tnd b1ck ll111m1nt (011 ly Udtlintl, 69c II ,1,,,, in .toe._ R19. 1.zt ••ch. ... 0 MOD SALT, PEPPER, CREAMERS, OIL & VINEGAR . ·49c ... Au.nttl, enft IJJ ,11c11 I• th11t1•1. ll:19 . 2.91, 49~ .. 0 GLIDDEN ACCOUSTICAL CEILING PAINT ,. Oripltn, •oft while. I 14 91 Uon• In .tock. R19. 1.99. 0 GADGET TABLE 0 5 QUART PLASTIC PAINT PAIL Only 1: l•bl11 l1h, fvll of p11l1r•, p1 rit19 •11;,,,,, 199 tlic1ri, 1tc., 1fc • C11olc1 1f c1lor1, 110 t i! lh• flo1r. R19. <li e. 29' 'f 11h on tli1 floor. R19. 5.'15 .. , ... 0 VILLAGE BLACKSMITH ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER 399 A 1moolh 111d •••Y w1y lo h••• th1 n••'•" h1cl91 in loWfl , 14 in stock. R19. 11.'11. 1299 0 SEIJ.l'ROPELLED 22 IN. ROTARY MOWER WITH BAG lt't nrtly I ,tlnty b11I H'll t• 1111:1 11ff11ty. l19. I 00.00, I •11ly, R•1I c1rp•t ''"'"· • feel ,oly1th;l111t pl11tlc, 297 pl1c1t i11 1!1ck. R19. 2t• • 0 ARNO CARPETAK S1c11t1t c1tp1f1 l11tl1et ot 111t, 42 f•.ff roll, 16 roll• In llec .. l19. J.91. • 0 CORK IUUmN BOARDS Wood fr1rn1d , 11124 l111h•t fM fMlllft1 11•1 "l'rn l11¥i119 Y•• Jeh11" 1N Mch. )) p11c11 h1 1fock lt11••t t!ti't'J4', J••11 M111ht hit b1ct I R•t· 2.99. 0 SENT~Y A.EA COLLARS 1(11p1 th1 111•1 off f1r J 111011tfis, 911 one fer Y'"' hirblty'... It pf•c•• e11fy" b9, 1.19, 0 WILD BIRD SOD I ~-••c•. 1 .~ I le D.<ILY PILOT or The ·Record Valley Leads New Coast Citizens ·County's Shooting Fees Hiked ORANGE -Fees 'for target shooting at the Orange County Peace Officers T r a I n 1 n g Faeillty at 14682 Ka.tell.a Ave .. SANT.c ANA -Fut l'OW· Jns P~ Valley loOI< lop place 111 the Orange Coast W.._, u nine new • Amei1cW from that com· · munlty pledged their allegianct to I-he U.S. in the first naturalhaUon tt.remon,y of 00. . , TbJt:ty.flve MW c t t I z e n s f~11 COUIAl communities were •g ti (ormer aliens who renounced their ties to their bomdaodl tn the lint such cettm0ny to be CQG. ducted In the new $14 million county courthouse. Huntington Beach a n d Newport Beacll were close behind Fountain Valley. each wilh five residents at the n a t u r alizaUan procedure. Costa Mesa and Westminster furnished fOUJ' each a n d Laguna Beach is the home town of two more. here have been lncreued Irvine, El Toro, Midway ~arrfanes sharply by the county Board City. Laguna Hillo, Los AJaJni. -:"'!".'" :I of to.s and Seal Beach also were -.:--w % ___ Supervil,_{rs. represented. Each community = ...... ~ses The ..... feet are baaed on contributed one J'didfiit lo the ~ ~~. ~= M.1rri.1e actual costs as determined in citizenship fotJ¥1Ues. ~---hL • a study by the count Y "h-ada, a lradl"onal mai·or .... G. Pmifns,. ::0. ...., P-1 L.. Auditor's Office. ........ w ........ 21. llofl'o o1 t:a.i. .....,., provider of new stock for thiS ... 1~1~ .21<. en11 MMtV Annual pe.as rat.ea: will jump nation, contributed-12 ol her • 21• _,, -' c..t. from $18 to '56.I• and the ..n1----lo th I rf I Jn. • '----'ra~ kl' cpatractina law U LU.C"Jlll e co o u pro-...._ Wtlb$kr HlllVi'4 SI, Ind Purl .,...,... "'e ceedinp, CJose behind WUe ,._.,.,ie.-, ..o. tt-•" 0' ,_,,. -... enfon:ement agencies W I s West Germany with six new • J. ,...r.-;, .~ n. °' Faunu1~ boosted from $12 to $25.111. Americans and Britain with lln1 Ind Jotinnl• S~ Hieb, 20. J1.ea11-. Daily shooting fee1 at the nve former subjects of the J•11. lt ,. M. L•lohton. 11, Mid e,,.nw "American Standard Cour3e" queen carefully reciting the •"'ix J\lbk. 21, bllt> ., Ftunt•M wtb ~ at $1.25 bu1 charges unfamiliar oath. rm!11.:.· +::t,~1~1:, ;r:.;,1•~ at the "Practical P i s t o I Superior Court Procidlng '11 1>elfuJ.~t111~~ ~H::': Course" will move .from $1.2.l Judge Samuel Dre i z en, "''rs. 81,.1 .. :u. " Yi Pedro. to $1.70. himself the son of immigrants, ,:i·~~M Toung, n. "' Huft. The rate boost ia elfective urged the neW" Americana to JiL " immedlately. It ls the first "always ;:ember tbat the L. Fr•nl<. l4. -G1"""'9. • ben -· -•v •• AU« M. -~ AD. o1 at the aberifl's a.nm practice many-.. -'·~-e • ..,.. ~-'r~"'· u. •"" J•~« EUIMn facility since 1963. day also C tar the fulfill-J1, bolt> ol Wl!'llm"'°ltt t of bLi t• rt L. ,.....,.,'°"' tJ. ,,., ''"w The range is used by an meo many o ga ions . . Hl.~tt-•to. ..., DOtti °' u1111... estimated 4,500 persons each "Many Amerlcam hive suf. ni.rn D. G1lt.Y1n. 31, •"" Lo•• fered a-• died lo g1·ve you ,.,_.,., 1S. bottl Ill H1;n11n11ot1 month. Jt is open to the public nu -=~ tl1mlr11. 2'1..1 of Clltl1 MIPI fot handgun practice from 8 tbe r,rJvflegel rou ~~ive ~ uHr::: """ ,.~ ll. • a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday da,y, he saJd. ~t this _ . ·rM~tf~ ~..sf J~--through"'satutdar,8inall OOrc -thaugbto-·alwaya-be -~!th ~-- rlflea are pennitted from 1 in all the ~k~. of c1tizen.sh1p p.m. to 3:30 00 Saturdays and and r~1b1hty that yoo Simda s undertake. y · Superior Court Judge Ray- Nurse Files Suit Over mond Vincent welcomed the new Americana "lo t h e grea~country in the world" and lei a ••freedom under the Jaw that is not to be found in .some of .the 'nations from which you have come. attrocta U-wbobavo.wllhln (Poland); Ma~Jforgarelha Netherlanc!J): Kathe Ellzlbelll Nelh<tWldl). them thup!rl1 _of MblrlJ... Pfahl .. ' 1939 Killdeer Cfn:Je ... _ RJve.... 161 u LAGUNA BUal -Clalre llllj>erior C001' Jlldp Byron (S•eda>): George F.dowiH Redwood St. and Marla L1111o Anna Marie and Ru do I f K. •t!cMlllan led tho It l"w Rachlewieci, lllll Brllli>l SI.. Tobrock, 11909 Lljac WQ Gebard He<ber\ Br!lll, Jll Americanl in the ""'1t&Uon Apt. 11 (Belpim) a 0 d ; (bolll of Weot Germaey) "'-Drive <"" ....... '. · . ---. 11$ • _,,.._ --, of the Ir lint Qledge of Yorktown Lane (Hungary). HUNTINGTON BEAC!! -L AGUNA HILLS • a 11 e g lance. Organlu!U~ EL TORO _ John Jooeph Ran<lY John Gltsham, ,_ l3tll KJilhleen ~ Kuhn, S1911 represented al the naturaliz.a· , .... ...i:"n 24Ml Penfield St St and ll$e Frieda Heyer, A-••· Sevilla ( s ~ u t b Uon .,....,,,..,, lnclUdelj the -~ ' ., 8l4l lltulh Drive (both of ·~ America Lqloo ~ Its (=AIN VALLEY West Germany); Ran<lY John Alrka). Jadles' a u x'l 11 a r y , the 9.....,. Alln Keen, ti• San(; lllbbam, J!l!I 13th st .• Cecell& LOS ALAMITOO -01&• D~hten <I lllo -.0 llolla;lleretLio..JlljlCfEUeen EIJiabelh ,;..i John TbleileJ\, Sullc, ttllll Rtagan St. RevoluU.,. Ille League of Fillrie·POW<ll, tl&ae Sao Dl,go 157C. Wk*mw Lane, (all of (Conlda). Women V-,aoo Orange Circle (all of Britain)· Ed-Canada). · MIDWAY CITY -Margot CowUy. tbr ..... 'C....ty gterk l\)olld Victor Perrault, I lGllS IRVlNE-Gerbeo Slersma, Weatherbee. !<IOI Newland St WQJiam SI J.olL . La l!iiente and Gordon Bever-1'1'!11" Pallnenlo Way (~ (W'!i Germany). Sworn 1n -d citir.ena, 1h ly am Thelma Iva Grilli, 9114:--------'---'--.:....---'----- order of their communities, Swallow Ave. fall ol Canada). AME lltlCA'S were : Also, from Fountain Valley, COSTA Mf;SA -Helen Diana Bcand, 10411 Morning Cimbaluk, 2152 San Juan Lane G Io r y Av c . , (The JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE ••• NOW IN PROGRESS • The ''Madrid Chair'' HondcrDfted In gleaming chrom• with nice •'!lection of colort, this choir sits like a dream. LIMITED I: TIJllE 1 At This Price ' ~$195 I See Viking CONTEMPORARY and Scandinavian lrRports -the only store of Its kind Nobody sells for leu. Terms, free acal dellv..y.and <omp/ele0 deslgn serYl<r Tht Ylklngt I dlscovtnd· . Amtrlco- ~y don't, yo• 4iscovtr Viking Imports CON T •MPORA.lt'f' 17837 Beach Blvd. !Hwy. 391 N. of Talbert Huntington Beach l .. 11 .. -1• ., s.. oi... """'· HOUIS: MOll.·FIL 11·9 TUES.·WID. THUIS.·SAT. 10-6 Phone: 847-7979 and 540-3683 ... I I IW \ .Narco Rap SANTA ANA -Anaheim General Hospital, tts dirtctor of nunes, several state and city narcotict officers and the State of.: California have betft · named as defendanta in a $:1., mlllioo suit filed by a former nurse 1t the facility. "You are doubly welcome," he uld, .. ,~ when we nmemllerii~~ thlthl~tti··~AAmiierl~c~a~iii:~~~~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~-~, / j . ., "' -11ELL BROADWAY Mrs. Marlon Esther LUlevlg claims in her Superior Court action that she wu falsely arrested at the hospltal last Aug. 10 for a misdemeanor "which no officer saw her commit." Her complaint notes that the charges against her falsification of t1 a r c o t 1 c s recoros at the hospital -were dismissed in court last Sept. 18 foll owing the Anaheim city attorney's admission that there was insufficient evi- dence to support the . allega· tion Mrs. Lillevig claims that she was ••usault.ed and-battered'! at the time of her 'arrest. She further contends that nllfitna: Dlrector N 1 n ~ y DaV!ooo .called other. hooptwr In Uie .,.. and warned lheJn not lo hire Mra. ~ because "she -Is ' a narCollai ~ addict and has stolen driJo." Mrs. Llllevig, noUng allep- ~°"' that 8he bad llypodemlc needle mark• on both arms and WU addicted tQ ~, it.ates that she is a regi.ste'ed hemophiliac and is allergic to the drug. MULLEN BLUETT I • ·~· .. •• . -. :lhcre<fiblel Ss~e up to 145, on men's prestige clothing. ALLS125.&S135. TIMELY CLOTHES, E,AGLE AND OlffER Famous Brand .Suit$ GRODINS ,~·,,,, ~'.} r~ . I) I -J' ~~! ,;1 ;to1 WIDE LEGS AND SUSPENDERS the slacks with everything! ~, ' . '.I I ~ GOODWILL Industries GOoD Will Y SEZ: Extend your hotlday glv- lnt 1plrit through the yur. Any time you hive reJNlir•ble Items to 9ive ... y. help th• h•nd'" c•pped by giving them to Goodwill lndustrieL 690 W. 19th St. Costa Mita Open Mon. thru Fri. 9.9 Sat. 9 till 5:30 646-2479 BETTER THAN EVER VALUES CHEST OF DRAWERS $16.95 BA&Y· CRIBS & MAnRESS $21.00 White Tags Half-Price on Clothing SPECIAL MEN'S SLACKS $1.69 MEN'S COATS FIOM $1.09 SPECIAL Box Springs and ~ MOR11JARY t.Sena4n11 Cotta Mesa : u '4433 ~ILDAY BROTHERS e BntlllllO• Valley HarberOK'd SANTA ANA -The ap- poinbnent·of Fre(:I. D. Harber of Santa Ana as executive a&&istant to new First Diltrlet Supervisor Robert W. Battin was raUlied by the Board of Supervlsors \Vednesday. I Mattress 99 only 90 :a' l\tortuary :" nm Buell Blvd. ;:: Rutlqtoa Beacll ... NJ.'1771 .. • • ;: PA(.'[P'IC VIEW ;::NEMORIAL PARK •• _,. e Mtl1uTJ' -~pd ·~Vlewllrlve N4t ... ••T'i Callftnla .... ,.-.. . ,· -•·ra& FAMILY • P'UliEML flJAIN'::>ME ... • • ':;''"' MOllTllAl\Y -a. c.to lie .. ' Harber. a 14-year resident of Orange Coun1Y1• formerly ....., 1 city councuman and maytr of Buena Park and, at one time, served as city manager or Cypress. , .... ,.,\it •• iwnn.11t1 ;.· ... •"lq11el ~·· ' , MetMrot ~1 .. dllly pilot ".llSJ IOWml US" 1 ... ry Fri., S•t. I S1111, Tiii M•rcli 1 21t• ~a1. w.., Offer ends Saturday •.• at'fhis spectacular price! We must make room for a complete new inventory! . ' Net Oddo and e~-butlll iluls, all wanted otytHl 1 nd 2 b\fttOl1 ~glo • breastedl, daub t;,.atedl.'IDcludlng tho .-•ah.,,.-model ~ \ictset pocke~ Newest oploNliip1.,j111,i>f8"1a. checlli, •t(lpes .• ~ 'lfe~ Stlperb flbrlcs fromt 1 lfiClu<le afl wool worateds and lustrous and 1llk1. No,where, but n YOU lind tl10M famous brands atohtng1 11 ~~Thtywon'tlastlongat thia p<lce-oo<!om.Nllyfor belt aelection:i SOUTH COAST PLAIA -1,1,101 1 t t•• tn ... H••wa,, C..t• M111 THE lltOADWAY ClNTEll.-•f t 119 'S1nl• A111 ''•'""'V· A111~•i111 Chmp. value 8.99 Grea t slacks, great vat.el Bonded acrylics with the woncienuI wide legs you love and the sustienclen you want •.. they even button on and olf, accord- ing to yoor mood and have zip bacb for easy donning. And the assorted pattenu ... oquallyeyo-<atchlni1 Mlues' siza 6-16. OPEN SUNDAY 11 TO 5 ------' . ' ~ ' ' . ------ Costa Mes., 1601 Newport-Blvd. at 16th GARDEN GROVE -123n GARDEN GROVE Bl VD. ~ 31.96 Please Use These Booths In Your Neighborhood Call 646-2479 For Pickup Servlc• 'c ii ,I •• :1 i! " ~ ' I ,, :l • .. ~~1-..... -~ .. M"""P•rt a..eli i7S-1I20 • • 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ ..... ~~--',.i: • ' L. • • • • ) ' l 1 I ' ! ! • M sftAHol WOllD • MR.MUM 11.1j iJWL5 >'JffS;r& \. 109 M MS:* Legislature in Action ............ : .131 Years ' Ago Morse . Began 'Age' . Tiit s ...... "M~""" l'IMll -Comm I L1. Gav. ll:Clbert H. Find! far •-lnlmtnl by Prt110ent-11!1t'Ct Nbn;1n 11 U.5. s.rcr.t1rv ~,.·".•~11h, Educattc. tN1 Welftnt; • ., llvrM . .0:.lr._, •1111 •• ,,....,.. .. Hl111W1r 1 -Prowkln the 1t!" M1nw1r comml11lon IJ\.IU do!t."" ne norlh-south 1P11Qrflonm.,t of stt!t 111.iiw.,-conslrwcllon !undo, rtlftler.••o 1'11.,.. fflem i.et on rl1K r1t br ltw; 5!1 7l, Carr1ll, D·S.n Flfnll'ldOc. l'eftces -11-1r11 Mnclflll aion. U.5. i:s "1""'" L1tri. LUI ,,,. ~~ell 1111 n lnvo Coun1Y1 II '1, ~ -PllUlll on to C•llttltnla'l elderlv "f.tftrt rK!oltnh ..,, ~II lnc:rNHS In Socit l '9alrl!Y benefth; ''.11c Carrell. ""',_. -E•lf"Ph brewers gr1ln 1nd .-t mOl.t lrllll'I wlet Mid UIMI '''" -UMCI In Pl'odUCtlcn of lood for llumtn conuurnPTloll, MORRISTOWN, N.J. (UPI) ~~~~~''l.wi'r~v~" sa ''· ~The age of modem commu· • ..,,,r. -w11'1'n »ciw ... kfien nications made its bow 131 =:::~1~.1~nc1"'~nc1,nd1e~':'~m:i; ,. ears ago, when an ironfound· is -1t11 sa"" Grvnlll1' . .Art>ltr1lloll -Atloln qitnJIU110f1' er named Samuel F. B. Morse 1rbltr111ori Pl'OVl11on in C'O!!lr1cr. ""' "'""l'\ldloll In whldl nw 11111 or sent six words by wire from othff P01n1c.t1 1Ubd1vlstion It • "J11'1 Morristown to Morris Town· $a"~~t;~11:-11c_.., ~ &hip, 3 miles away. ~O:l1,,,\"'~~~rfl8~'r.' .. kbli::,,~~nm The message th.at clattered to A:""tir~~ 1 •t'r.~~"i:"'f,y-: out of the clickintbox Morse tr1v.1.,.. °" pr 1: 11rtnt1 •• -11 h . . •• on I •"llmf.I" or ~ (Ol'(UnGll ad attached to !I wire on ur~1 sa ~~)•·lkn.eley. Jan. 6, 1838, was "A patient to" Hll ~111Z ~~~ii: waittt is no loser." . :i;..~·:.,~.,!"CIJI'~ or11<1:,_1er11 Morse and Alfred -Vail his ; 1n1un1; sa u. H1rrnt;.'ii-01en11~11:. . ' Crlmef -.~"111d1 pUDlllhl"j ~ partner 1n I.he Speedwell Iron , br011<1cas11119 • "r.:" "'1th "" ,,,..,, W •·-h d ked I th « u~l"!I ~ 11lon ot I crime orJl.::I, a wor oge er or , 111H 11111 .... ..i.1 w!lldl woukl to string the 'fOrld'~ first tel· ' :oc1~~fir!1u1M!f;~e °' .:'':e'~.:'"~l egraph line three m i I e s 12,i::.t~mr.rurt _ '~"" 1nn1111 through the NeVf Jersey "'"'''" of S1n11 111 r• wuntv ltldltor from . t1'JOO 117.000. of l\'oods. In a fe~ years, the i11e 11111r1ct 1110•""" fl'nm 11•,tlO to web of wires that today links m:: ~nd.~~ :.':."'~.~= all parts of the world haQ R..0 111. • .... , b 1., .. -RN!ll••n ''"''"' "'•n 11 aws egun to ,.QW. a counf'r to r.andt. ta~ 1n• .. mffll A group of Morrist.own bus-~~':'ttlion c~"nu'~{:,. j~~ t,: lnessmen is now spearhead-cltv1 sa n. Wedwo•"'· o-+i1wltlorne1 . . 1 h th ""t'ldl -As o1 J11•r 1. itM. "° 111 1ng a campaign o ave e reaulrem"'' "''' ldloo 1111trlct1 reduct Speedwell Iron Works, which :::i•11.i!!!°"~..rL~:~'":r"'11 ~~l'ri StiJl stands declared 8 na-leclll'"ii~i1111d1 ~ "';i;O t tl; rr n, . ' • Slltrn, 0-8a1r.errllelct. t1onal monument 1n honor of El ~ -AP-ri.r" s1 m1111on · 10!' l res~Hon ol mt Ple&<;trnltr ~torse's ach1evemenL bloo: • of l!t Pueblo de Los Anteln Slt1h Hl11'ol'lctl Monum.nl; 511 7•, D1nltf_,, D·LO'< AnP~les. AIT'H'I -Maktl loe<n!I It'll rTCOfdl Foreign History Set The Far East and Lalin America will come under the historical magnifying glass in a pair or ·evening college courses at Orange Coast Col· Jege this spring. "History in the Far East" will meet ThW"sdays from 7 to 10 p.m. in Library Room 5. 'The course will be a survey of the political, social, and economic history of the Far East, and the response of Asia to the impact of the Western world. "History of Lalin America "' will mee~ Mondays from 7 to JO p.m. In Liberal Am Room 4. Stressed will be the ec~ nomic, socia1 and polilical development of Latin Amer- ica since 11$ independence from Spain, with special em- phasis on recent times. I <If trrt'll ~ Penon b arres~ wUl>Oul 1 w1rr1nl 11'11 11 not torm11ly cherved wl!h 1 crl'"'' SI 72, Ctrt1!11. lll'lllM -Per!l'lll• rff\jM truclc1 lo txettd stt!;I ~ 1nc1 cltv :':1~ r~1~Jre o"Y:, r'1 70~~~~"' l<llforma•l'I -A11!!1orl .. Ulldtr ur· l&ln concllllon1, 1dml11lon f/ff POlicf' lntorm1nh ~ld•Mt rn 1 crlmlflal !rlt! wlll\OllT rtvMll"' llle !lltntllv gl ll>e '""°''".,.' SB M. Shtrm•n. Scl!IOI -lncrNIH P"fl•l!ln klr -"°"' OVH I' YMMI gl 1111!, .,,..,. Int nDf PUD! I DI th• S<°'OO!, ·to :::,';;,!"•eor wl~11m\,i:~~; ci159tP11'2$; WhelmorT. It-Lt Hdrt. lltllOlutlon l"treMlllcM Ora1111t -A1k1 "'' Miione! td- mlnl1tr1t!Of' l'ICI ta '''" t rt!lfll "" on oobl!c IWlds ""'ft f\111 '"'ll'-' hearlntl htVI blfn Midi It 4, Britain Suffers From Flu Bug LONDON (AP) -An ex- pected epidemic of the Hong Kong nu has hit Britain, a government official said to- day. David Ennals, minister of state at the Heallh Ministry,. said there were reports of a rising sickness rate in parts of the English Mid1ands. I See by Today's Want Ads • You can bu,y many tapes with what yoU'll .. ve on Th.i.!t 4 I: 8 Track Stereo Car Tape P'&ayer. Never """'' • Wash )'Olli' cana away! A W•""'"°""' .......... ma· chll1il (coppt:rfoDll) ln Wt"'j rood condlHon tbr ~· • A real "~" Mqic OJef doGhle-crven-baflt in range/rotmarit. WOn on TV Shbw, will u.crtfice! • Must bl! Garace ctea.nout Ume. Many 1araie aalea. with all 80l'ta ol podies: from Soll club9 t.o lampl et<. • Great bey on a '13 8Wclc Wildcat. 4 door with P'fl'#• er sleerinl and brakes, good eondJUon. seDJr:w for a "wild" price. APPLIANCE C.OMPANY Low cost! No more frost! 'No Frost 12' 11.5 .,._ I< o.17 21"' ...... Needl no door detnbC11 at aide! • ~ ..,,_&-hdllitupto 81Jt..I • BqeVept.hlellia. ==':" :.:.7""'···-s229•• • GSmllls•wrbia. This side-by-side keeps ice coming! Stans up lo 190 cubes • , ..... .....; it~ more ••• automatically! Foodcenter 24'wiik A•foml& k•_,. • .,., 23.ts cu.. ft. •Model TFF-24.AD ·Ollb'~·--1 ti Jf_.--a.t ......... st-sbal .... Spilla ~·t drip tbroo&hl " .... • wlMebfar demi.inr! s559sa • J!ilcepocil.7, euy Joedin1, • HaDdJeo.ap Silverware Bubt. • Automdia Deterpnt ~- ODI}' s149•• • ~NO MONEY DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY WE DO OUR OWN SERVICING OUR OWN FINANCING 'OUR OWN INSTALLATION ' The "ready-for-evefything"washer! 3 wash speeds. 2 spin speeds I Multi-speed Washer with e1cluslve Mini-Basket~ • Mini-Basket-aves time, water, detergent for your delicate, little, or leftover loads, mw:ial care itemiJ. • Do.. big loada up to 16 lbs. mind, ha.,. fabrics. • Filter-FJoll System-mcl!l lint-flm OJI loada. • VariableWB~i...1-oettoouit:pourlood. • Permanent Pieal ~ with "Cooldown.."' 3 cycles! Permanent Press! Low, low prit:e ! I) lf I Filte,r·Flo • wars her ' . ' • Filt.er=Flo wash system- encjs Jj,nt-fuzz on all size 1--~-. .. . \JllUlll. '' . . ' • 3 water-level selections.· ·3 ~;"2 rinse ~"· .. : temperature!. · ·' • • Cold water wash and rinBe. • Permanent Press oycle with ·'~Cooldown.11 ' ' ' BlmplJ ....... ..,. nd • .Iii ..;. Ibo ......,_II -.i, 10 laudft lomllJ tbe loads tndy deaL · spray rm. • Turoo.rype.pamp • Unbll-$14 9ss ance load control " Counter depth (26") • Count<' h•IBht (86"} •Heavy Duty Molo• ' • Porcelain enamel COver, lid. ttib and buket • Positive w1ter fill • Spiral Actf. vator9 provides vigorou s 3-zaae wa1hlng llC!ion. ____ ...._ I. "" ., •, ., ;, :, 'I ;, . ' ·I . ' : I . ' ,. 'I ; I 'I :1 - J I JI DAILY PILOT ~. JMuort, U. 1969 • ~·-~·-,A~~·~•r~a!!:ls~t.~~M.~•~•~li :: Inaugural. Pa~ .. -~~Slwws Everything I • ' • WASHINGTON (UPI) -fint and Hawaii bringing Ill> ·.,:'"'ftere'll be tomelbbJI fqt lbe .-ftl.J'. '., , " "' everrcioe, from ~ lovers To add variety to the UIUll • • :!<! IJl90l>IUghl lana. In IUcbird ,.. .. thlry ol a band '\Jld'Ot . :M. N1Jon'1 t.....nd+half bouf•· l»ol. tiidJina II ltlldfl>i tho :..· tnauiura.:paradt. . · lndlanapoli1 Po.lie' "'"..._. Mflllons ot Ainerlew will 1 De f'I rt menc•1 tt;ick·tldln& • 'watcb on We.Woo u lht molqreyole learn. llinnuola ~ parade moves down hlstork will be ·represented b¥ an ·all- . · ~lvania Avenue frotn the girl drU1 team; M1chlgan by 1 •Capilol lo the Wbito House. some hlg!Htepplng Elks llhe . ~ .Perhaps haU a mllllon will hwnan kind) from Lhe French ~ A brave lhe weather aDd traffic Duies drill team of Ann :· Jams to watch in person. Arbor; the Virgin Islands by • • The. parade ls scheduled to a steeJ band and native ·.begin at 11 a.m. PST next dancers; · Monday shortly aft.er the new END ON SCHEDULE ;·:Presklent takes hi! oath of ·'OUlce at the official inaugural '.:ceremony on the Capitol step.!. ··uoRSES GALORE For horse love.rs, tber: will .... be three of the famous ... "Austrian Llppilaners, t h e ·.Arizona Cornancheros, t h e '. :CuJver Black Horse Troop · from Culver Military ': ~cademy in Indiana, and the mounted patrol of L o n 8 !leach. " :. : Moon-flight fans will be in- .. · jerested in a float, 1pomored · .. .::J>y the National AetooautJCI Tnaugural planners a r e determined that this year's parade shall begin and end on schedule. U they bring it of, it will be an historic achievement. Most inaugur_al parades· begin late and run over'tinle . Dwight D. Ebenbower ln, J952 waa kept in the,~11,y Nviewi.Qg stand in front · of the White House for nearly ~e hours. John F.Keiwe<ff~l~lparaderan on few neari, ar. liour alter dart. To hep lhlllp Jll!l•ma lhll year,. tho loaugural eommlU.. hu eaJJ.oned tho erpe/! help ol Terry thi1nber-; who hu been. organizing tbe' faniou.s Rose Parp in Pasadena for 11 yean. ~n "" 1'1>' ped al tho penoaal ._. ~~ -.and S p a c e AdminJJtraUon ~ -. · (NASA), displaying a full-size b .._ model of the lunar landing ··.):raft in which American ~-· 'Utronauts will try to land ift ~ .on the moon's surface later \ "" this year. . tion of Nixon,, "who was im- pressed wilh tho way tho Rose Parade was handled. -. ·•·• those who get a thrill oui ~. •· of crl!ply m.archlng military !-• units will see the handsome.Jr ~ • LraJDed cadets of West Point, LEAD PARADE \' ·• Annapolis, lhe Air Force Aca-Nixon, Agnew, their wives, • demy. the Coast Guard congres!ional lea<&!r!, cabinet ~Aca~emy and the Merchant officers. the governors of a . " .. ., • Marme Ac~demy. . _5;9_s_t,!t_e~ and_Q.\hfrjfignilariU __ ,, :~ .And fanciers of band m~src will lead the parade down will be treated to the tooting, "The Avenue of Presidents" thumpln~ and twlr!lng of 56 in automobiles, disembarking . ~count e~.-56 high ~hool, at the White Houae to review • college, civil and military the foflowlng parade units bands. The average ban~ will fro·m a specially-constructed .. boast more than 100 pieces, stand · and the New York State ' University marching band will Reserved seats in the choice :a·eigh in with 250 musicians. area in front of tbe White ~ llouse cost $2.a each, and sold .. ...,.4 STATE FWATS out some time ago. About Thirty-four states will be 35,000 other seats in tem- represented by r I o a t s . porary bleachers along thr Theoretically, the noats are ayenue were offered to the . -iupposed to reflect the official pdblic, first.~~ ~ed. ,Parade lbeme chosen by Nil· at priceJ l'IDlift& Imm ff to .on : "Forward Together." $18, depending on location. But the opportunity to grab St.anding room is free and a little free commercial lime plei;i~. . on the TV networks often pro-In case any of the marchers ves irresistible, so that some or spectators require medical (Joats turn out to be rolling attention, more than 200 doc- advertisements for the tourist tors, nurses and flrat aid al- attraclions and industrial ad-tendanLt will be standing by vantages of the sponsoririg at 37 medical aid &laUOlli 4tates. along the parade r o u t e . California, Ni1on's home Television viewer1 at home It.ate, and Maryland, the home will have to provide their own atate of Vice President Spiro aspirin. T. Agnew, will have the places1-r=========.I oC honor in the parade. They 'll be followed by other states .in the order of their admission to the union, with Delaware Lagunan Gets Honor Laguna ~ writer Arnold Hano, 156S Bluebird Canyon Drive, has been selected to appear io the 1969 edition of Community L e a de r s of America. the 1968 edition contained more than 3,000 names. They Include U.S. Senators and C on g r essmen, governors, educators . leading businessmen, state legislators., civic leaders, farmers , ministers, officers of trade organizations, leading sports figures and others named because ol past achievements. LET'S BE F11181DLY U you have new neJghbon or know ol anyone movin1 to our area. please tell .w: so that we may extend 1 friendly welcome and m.Jp them to become acquainted in their new surroundinp. Huntington ·Beach Vis if or 536-9626 Costa Mesa Visitor 642-6014 So. Coast Visilor 494.9368 Harbor Visilor 675-3433 JANUARY CLEARANCE . ... .. 5TA~TING TODAY! ' . • 270 I. 17th '-~~ 270 E. 17th HIUQ,llN SQUAl:E COSTA MESA • HlllftlfN SQUARE COSTA MES.A • , • > - • Misses' Sizes '10-tD 18 • .~ ·r •• • '· .,, • I - . ·u urns ~ Half Sizes 14\1-21\? • Misses' Sizes 10 to 18 \ 19.99 Misses' Sizes 10 to 18 Dacron polyester kni ts for m isses and hal f-si zes st ay in line beauti fully Knits have been tamed. They won't w1inkle or bag. They actually machine wash and drip dry without shrinking. And, they wear much longer. The trouble has been tamed out or knits. But, the impiessian you'll make hasn't bee~ tamed down. See ou1 collection of Dacron• polyester knits. Navy, beige, blue, turquoise 01 coral; llHB, 14\1-22~. Budget Dresses, all stores except Marina ,\ \ Newport Center fl Fashlm Island • 644·2200 • Mon., Thu1s., Fri.10:00 lill 9:30 OU!er days 10:00 till 5:30 \. - , • ,. I ~ r , ~ ,.,,...,, J....,/ I" 1Ht ..... II Dancers Form The booming voice of a caller saying "swing your partner" will set the stage for the ninth annual Benefit Dance for the Orange County March of Dimes. Sunday, Jan. 19, is the date of the event which will take place from 8 to 11 p,m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa. Roundancing, sponsored by the OnCorr Roundancers and the Correll Roundancers will be featured from 7 to' 9 p.m. Members of 45 square and roundance clubs, representiQg the Fourth District, Associated Square Dan· cers, are sponsoring the benefit. Leading the festivities which will take place amid a sea of muslins, lace and homespun will be Wayne West and Miss Deb Kelly1 square dance masters of ceremony with Mr. and Mrs. Art Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Hannon Jarritsma as roundance masters of ceremony. Callers for the tre-tapping music will be Miss Norma Dudney, Dick Hollman, Herb Lesher, Miss Vera Baerg, "Foxie", Bill Snailum, Bill Mar· tin, Art Miller and Mike Hull · Mrs. Oneita Correll of Newport Beach, dance coordinator, has an· nounced that along with the dancing, there will be refreshments and lots of prizes. _ Admission tickets·are $1 and may be purchased from club members , • .. • or at the door. Spectators are welcome. · · · , , -· ---tut-proceeds will·be-donated to-the"Orange·eounty"Man:!n1t-Dlme!rtlr--·PROM~NADE'":-G~ttiiig-lirste(r~r"'tb.-niDttr-1U11111aH!~dtt~couMY-Fatfg~Coil\l:'ife5a~'I'he RaiiSc:!IJ<oltiSaremem::- aid in the program to help end the tragedy of birth defects for all families. Dance for the Orange COUJlty MB;I'Ch of Dimes .are (left to ri&bt) hers of the SundOwners Of .se8J.J3each, and the Moons are mem. AcCording to Mrs. Correll, this special event has contributed mOre Ed Rau~chkolb, .Mr~. <;>. C. Moon, her busban:d, a{id M;i;-s._ ,RaUSch·, hers of the OnCori Round&nceJi,'.!lf C~a Mesa. that $15,000 to the National Foundation ln the past eight years. kolb. Tne benefit will take place Sun<lay, J an. 19, at. !be Orange '"'' , ' ' ' ' ' 1!(; : .• Women on 'a Search For Hidden ··Pote.nt:iat , By JUD¥ HUkST ot .... Dflly 1"1191 Stiff ' . Many women toda}'1n.all age groups and strata of society are expert.. encing feelings of alienation and sell doubt. Through better undersianding, such women may be helped and their probleMB• sympatheticalJy dealt with by professional people who continuaJ .. Jy work·witb liuman problems.. The University of California· Extension, Irvine, has a course designed to provide an opportunity for women to become aware of and begin expres .. sing their potential capabilities in human relations and self·a~ualization. , Lectures by psychologists and psycbiatrlc social workers are follow ... ed by revealing discussion periodr led by p1ofessional leaders. In these twcrhour workshops, the participating women•dig further into the lecture subjects to better Understand woman's capacity:for new growth. SERIES COORDINATpR Coordinating the sessions ls Dr. Robert S. Davidson, associate clini· cal professor of medical psychology at the California College of Medicine, UC!, and stall member.at UCLA. ' ' Assisting him as grOup leaders are Eval;,t Di D91nenico, social work- e·r at Los Angeles County General Hospital a¥ psychiatric sbcial worker, and Nancy Ferry, psyclliat;lc sosi4';llQiiier int private practice and senior psychiatric social worker for the Cdlifornia Detartment of Mental Hygiene. . Ot!iers are Dr. FQ!rest It 'Strayer, clini"1 psychologist; Dr. Ray W. Olson, clinical psychologist in private practici .staff member af .Fairview State Hospital and visiting lecturer at Loyol2l' University, and James"M, Anderson, cllnlcal psydloloslls\,andifo1111er1asiistant professor at Occiden-tal College. K!;{r ·>Gil •10•1> :: · Dr. Davidson and his Staff i)doled ideas; and presenled a panel dis-- cussion on Human Poten_ti~~' thcrti5st topic in ~e 10.week series. 'P(itENf'ilL Di FINfD Potential, as defined by'D['Davidson, i1t,tbe total sum o! capabilities which In every individual ~\s bul_~as no!jbeen brought out and use<). "Every person bas1'tlle llQte668lit'y of P,roducing satisfying relation- . • .sS!ps with people ... liDdlng hidden talents ,' .. increasing crea\ivity and '' I h '· 'r d · developing leadepblp,;• lie 5'1id, f 1 • •. Bus iness Women Po is 'Tools of the ra e' . ; . · .. ~ "Wilen we start ouYu\.llle we have all lhese potentials but we are set BPW·Tool of Opportunity will be !be conference theme fur San on Saturday, discussing The Fasclnatin!iv/.r o! Le~~ti~AD Into a limited mold by olbers (parents, teachers and religious leaders) who Oreo District, Business and Professional Women's Clubs Satur· afternoon panel led by Or. Fred Hans•, ecotOlllt/i.uJ. ei.. are concerned with molding us. We often 'take on their characteristics. day and Sunday, Jan. 18 and 19, in the Newport.er IM. Planning plore the pros and cons of liberalizing a Jaws in this state. "The deveJopmen~of..._, w~an i• controlled by the man she marries. to polish !bat "tool" are (le!t to right) !be Mmes. John P'1en, Sunday during breakfast, Parliament -kilow-bow·will be pre-He may want her lo !llay a "!Ille to be comfortable >yith qim and herself. Emily Stricker, Jack Broback and Arnold Naegeli. Miss Marion sented by Miss Daisy Grinnage. ,,1· -"By enrolling in ·t~~~ ;~~ri,tt,s you 5~~~d develop good qualitiM ud Ash, Publisher of "Skirting !be Capitol" will be luncheon speaker (SH POTENTIAL PROBED, P•u• 15) • He's a Tortoise, Not Hare When Race for \Check Begins ' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've been daUng this fellow for almost a year. He is really groovy and I dig him the most, so ple8.!le don't tell me to cut the connection. I couldn't do it.· 'Ibe only lh.lng: wrong with Jake is he's 1 little bil cheap. Whenever we 10 with another couple, he manages to be away from the table when the check comes, or he ill so slow to Dnd his pocket that the other guy gels it. Lately we've been doublin& with my best lrieod a lot. Yesterday 1he told me her steady refuses to double 1rith ua any more because Jake is toeb a 1ponge. I am so embarrassed I couJd t.lke lhe gas pipe. How do I tell him? -BOISE BLUES DEAR BOISE: In ~aln En1li1h, aad at antt, •nle1s he •ndtntands uothtr lanp1ge better. • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our middle ""'· age to, i. on unhappy child. Thia boy hu always done piorly In IChool and we were •t a loll to undtrtland why. The teaclien complain lhllt ii" d~111111 In c1aas, iloem1 pay attenuon and misses at least half ot what is going on. Hts grade1 show it. Last week It came lo my atlellUon that tht boy cannot react. I wu shocked. How he managed to fool everyone is beyond me. His En1llsh teacher 1u1- ge'sted that he might have d)'llexia, ' wh1cb lbe described U a disorder of the brain that can be corrected. Do }'OU know -l"'Jlhing abool lbiJ? lloel lbiJ mun my child is retacded? Can you help me? --NEWSDAY 1tEADER DEAR READER: CIJDdru w1lo ~ave dyslexia are not retarded. ID fad,• Ui'e1 hive normal or above averace lt- ttlUgenee. No one 11 ctrtalt wll1t ,•1t1 this Jae la visual llld aadl&ol')' de•elep- meai, but lite problem ofie1 fl dllCovertd I -.. lbe cblld tiu lnllile .....u.,. .n. elptrU -dyslello -to ru I• f1mWe! and cOlid he' ttfatml by a dlfflcalt b~ or a plJ'dtelOpcal problem early Ill Wt. I 111Qetl f" write to Enmtve Dine-, ' t«, 'Rt Secrttiry'1 (B.E:W.) Na._.. M.trary Comallloe ... DJ*>la Ud -Rudlq ._.;., ... WIC, N.l.JI. Bllfldtq Jlt M' 11~1, lld. lttt4. 1-mmead w. qaaiullto -..... pille. Cllll6dtDCt:. -...:--'" k .... ttmetldq •• , ft. ' DEAR ANN LANDERS : +.e .,.. up to OW" necb In debt. ~ ii .• pod pen<111 but ' ht loveo to Omble ...r he lleo to mo conatan!'l'~tlo'll-bet .n whether or not Ttw.aksgivlng falls on ,.cre1t la'9J ~le. Tbe N•UO!llll llet!«- a Thursday. Bruce awears he •P~ the ~Mdm• II: P. O. Bts: tnn, rent and the utU11; bit~ and 11-I · ' e1, i:,11., or !14111 Pico get thrte duMing letters and SdOMlbody , Loe liigelet, Calif. Write for show1 up In person. Last montA"lhe •!...&:.ood • power company turned off the gat \nd ~ •to 1oa, ltaaey. ~electricity. · • •. -The· Bride's Guide," Ann ·Lander&' Twjct last year Bruce went lo loan booklet. answen some or the l'\09l u,. componl,.i to ketp, !tom getting h~ • w1&e1 pmllbeed, My father finally ' ll*bily ISl!ed <jl>estloos •!Jou! weddln~ kiot. us t600 t\eeauae we were about 1 To receive your copy of ups co~ to lose our car and fumiture . prehenaive guide, write to Ann ~ Gambllng 11 u bad a sicknw _ u in can of lhia newipaper, enclOlil\c' alcoholism. Pleue, Ann, tell me What a·long, sel!·addressed, ~envelope to do. I'm "'ady to pack 111\f' ,cl#r ond 1$ cenil In cbln. .,, ' • • wt. ; ! -Ann Lanlllnr will lie slib to help -J'iO i;>OOll you with yoor problema. s.nd tbelli D~ NO: H"'LYM ~ to her In care of, the DAILY PILOT, a .. 111en "'"""-T Tlila encloillng a atamped, ,.lf,addmaed lo ,._ ollor AA! ... 1!91 wpid .... 1ope. • • '. --------• Mystery ~olved ' ·insitle Ruiiia . By JODEAN llAITINGS Collqt and t0ot a eomapond. " • Dlltr "" •• tlQ: coune from IOI Atiatles Ao -loo lo dllcover City Co1Jec1. JI ._ clue ro her mother'• The former L)'llO'ood"'IUT· backlrowld led 1 Hunllnaton dent punued wtlUDI u a Boadi .....-. beliJnd bGlll>)i and bu-had lftv!OUS lbe Iron Curtoln·and i.Ited travll ·-ellihed· in ~X.:.in~~i-boot, '"=;.m: bl.;..:",~i Pal '?llllboll..i'1 111 o I b • r • ooyel1 which IOOll will be.llub-anc! father lalt RullJli for lltll llonea. eountry lhorlly l>eloro th• Prior to her !OllfMY lo Rus- CommlOllll l\tllolutloo. 'Ibey Ila Mrt. Tambolloo (oolt a mot, marrtad, had a daUlh-cram "°""" In Ruqlan, so iar llld died wlllll lhe wu even thowlb no.-~. is vary fGW!i, and the Iron CU..' 1..un 1n U.."country IM·.,., laJri -on tbelr put : able'to cmnmunit•te wit!) )he Her tfforll lo locale any aid of a ~:Ibo· ear- .-v1q relaUves prompled rltd -..n.t· ' · · cllrect --With She --Iii trip with bolh both Nikita IOlruollcbey and eqernm and an1111y and A1enJ Kooyiln and talned adlnlio II WU I -I relief her 10 days Iii RllUla and via-when lbe apln wu salely en Ill lo remainlni family mom-roote hll!lt. Sbe found that berl. -the people wllla wbooi ohe Tbe el-page volume con-came 1n contact were aHghtly tll.ns the · adventuru of Mra. reluctant to. talk. (•1 always Tamboll~L !ho appeartd In uiled more tban 1h4!y would Ille ""'""''""' Beach [J. tell me; they llffllled lo put TRINKETS FROM RUSSIA . . JEWILS GO ROUND -Here a jewel·trimmed aown In a boudoir aatUnf ii the ul~i!te I!! !ashipn for the private hou _ro. The · lloor lenftb gown hu a !alee jeweled nectline which extends down \lie froiit and cull a 111%Wious path u you ·:wallc: In soft flowing trtcot..\Bluebel!?)',•J'l•Pbetty and black are the fealur· ed c;otors. brliy lo autocraph copies. me · oil," obt . said. · The wife of Marlo V. Tun· 8be wu IUrPl'iMd to find'-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iOMOiri010i. iOPOia;i;tt;;;;;TiO•m;;;;b;;;ol;;;I'°~~~--------;; bollao, Ille bu three married MOICOlf u ·D>odern u It was, I' dlllihlenandfourgrandcbll-and •!Joie! accommoda(lons,,. _____ GOOD NEWS r I Betrothal · Revealed -· Mr,:anc1 Mn. CW-U.::Artliur Herbertl or Newport Beadl have announced the. belrothal ol their Ujllhter, Carol Loai1e Her-and JllllQ llldlard Weatllni, son of Mr. and Mn. John Lambert Wetlllng of La Mesa. .. ---~~--­.fof Newport Harbor H1gb ; School and now is a senior :. at UCI \Vhere she is majoring ; in English and a member or .Sleepware Is Dreamy WheD you wlab upon a 1t.ar -you needn't be Clndlrella .lo loot Ute a fairy priDcels durini your private houri. !\WI -ill oqJJectJon of lounge ihd ileopwear may be just the anawer. lt conailta -of-''lltulf-thal:-drumi are · ·made of" for your most spec- tacuJar private appearance1. drln. She studled writing and wh.Ue ,cot luxurioul, were 11 I Enalilh at Compton Junior comfortible, and boteJ .em- Colleae and Golden Welt ploy .. cooperaUve. A. ,.Lj,. l New ~1t{lt.~ Sho 0 1 Service CRIST v11w c1•T1• Sociologist Outlines oPENING MONDAY, JANUARY 21th Location 'The Generation Gap' Dr. Jerome Kirk, aulltant profeuor ol IOCloioa ti lJCI will be lbe l\)Nt opeaker, dllculllni Tb e GeneraUOn Gop . al the meeUng of the NOllPOrl IWl>or Buslneu and Pro(eaalonal Women's Club lhlt evening. ·Mrs. Dc;ir.is CroxoR will in- trodu<etho-1peWr at the 9,90 p.m. dinner meetlng in the Villi Marina rettaurant. related ycw.11:b ll beJpt to dress the part and create a proper cllm.ate for a 12-week course on the aenerfllon gap. Brochuru deJCrlblna the cour1e talk about relating the problems of young people and wktng Involvement with con- temporary youth cu.lturtt "in order to create-ihe possibility of .communlcaUons." All women in busiaess or the prof~!lom are welcome. Dinner reservations may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jack Brobaclr at 6'8-4719 . 17th & IRVINE Next Kentucky Fried Chicken ALL WORK DONE PERSONNALL Y Coron• del Mor 4 CONVENIENT SHOPS e 3401 E. COA'ST HWY. Corona del Mar , .. 673-4640 e 3433 VIA LIDO N•wport 8ttch .. , 673-8620 e 74 FASHION ISLAND Newport 8t1ch . , . 644-7551 111~ & Irvine -Nrxt !O K~nfu(kY F•frd CMtkr " e 17th & lrl'ine e Cre ~tview Coit• Mei• CHOOSE FROM ALL THE LATEST STYLES Re1tyle your old 1ho•1 to th• n•w round look. 8ring u1 you~ probl•m and we'll 9iv• your shoes 1 n•w look, I. the Young Republicana and . ·Young Americans for i ·Freedom. She was a Can-t· dystriper. Loungewear for 1989 Cin- derellas means gOOdies to live in, at home bf yourself or surrounded by family and friends. A special find Is a . stunning nightgown with its neck11be jewel-trimmed. Dr. Kirlr, who ii described as "far from the stereotype college profesaor," first ap- pwed before hi.I cla.11 In hip- pie garb complete with long hair, mustach~. beads and sandals. He is not, he told his cla.u, a hippie, but in doing reaearcb on hippies and =-· ~·~--=-------=-----~--------·----- · Her fiance is an alumnus CAROL HERBERTS To Wed of Grossmont High School and ---------- attended Groumont C.Ollege in El Cajon. He is serving as a sergeant in the U.S. Air Forcet.. 1~ti~~ at Edw~ Air Force Base, Lancaster. No date bu 1>f£n aet for the wedding. . A real Cinderella's own home la her casUe. What bet- ter place to relax in fairy Uile fashion ! And there's no need to come down off the clouds when ·the bills come . In. 'these gowrui tiave 4'dol'•n · to earth" prices. Styles_ Shown Lagune Beach High School coe4I In the 1chool'I llmne Economlcl Club will parade fa1hlon1 during a show 1n the schoors audllorium at 7:30 lonlstrt. t! s?k{/Jpv111tt1 Salons Cards ·Aid Teenagers Lod~e Invited Ashore >. nautical theme bu been selected for the farewell par· Yacht Club Celebrates Proceedl Wlll IO to a acbolal"lbJp fund, accordtna to Min Shannan Fames1 a i· member or the·club. ty to be given to honor t he OutaOin& COmmodore Ger-A group of Orange County ,., Ing ch inn f 1-Al. aid SparU and incoming women rai.std funds to send ou-&o 1 an ° rua.:uor Commodore Albert H. Mat-Dence Club needy teenage girls to a . Lodge. thews will be honored by 'lbe n-third and fifth Cultural Center established by The "Viking Shlp""wUl drop Shark I.tland Yacht Club next Frkll)'l· .. ;7 each m 0 nth Jdyllwlld Institute Fl~sta, Inc. anchor at th& Stnlor Cltlzen.1 Saturday during the annllal membtn of Lace 'n Leather with a bridge party. and Recreation. Center at 7 p.m. Commodore's BaJI. Square Dance Club meet at luncheon in Dana Point Com· Saturday, Jan. 18, for a pol· Setting for the black-tie ar· I p.m. in the Recreation munity Clubhouse tod ay. luck dinner. Honored guuta fa ir win be the Newporter ,.._.&,. Hun"·~-n--ch wlll be "Capt." and Mrt. Don Inn , and festivities will begin \Alu.w, .......... »a · 'J\Je Orange County group Barrick. with 1 7 p.m. cocktail hour. Furtber ·lnformaUon may be meets in different part. of At the helm for t881 will be Dinner and dancinJ will fol-obtalned by calling Mn. Juan the county and has monthly Mrs . Kenneth Jack.Ion. low. DQ!OO.~ UM013. benefits to raise funds to sup-Deaigner and ellflneu r o r port the 1<1yuw11d program, the party 11 Karl Noby, and The Great Orange Coast's • according to Mrs. Irene Wert, providing entertalnrritnt at P':..~::"Cocru-.n of San ~~;'will be Miu Emilie No. 1 Paper! ' \ Clemente>, chatnnan of the 1-;::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::;:--iroup, is _assisted by co- ~airmen .Mrs. E I e a no r ~arkham of San Cltmente \ind Mrs. Vincent Shea of pana Point. Other officers, according to ~rs. Wert. include Mrs. Betty l erkins, s el c retary and ?J ea.surer. r· The Teen Girls Cultural Center, established by Jdyllwlld Institute In 11159, Is a program offering ooeda an opportunity to learn. help themselves and help othen. Horbor TOPS 'Harper School ln Costa Mesa Is the location where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gather each Monday evening at 7:30. Sisterhood Temple Sharon's Sisterhood meets the fourth Wednesday of the month in Temple Sharon RelijjOU1 School Costa Mesa. at a p.nl. BLEY LE PANT SALE -- C'i\Hl'E 1S I.A M P S · ,\(.C ~,S SOHJ 1-.S BIGGARS TWICE-YEARLY SALE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE CRAFTED BY THE NATION•S F0Rlli:M08T MANUFACI'URERS POMONA PASAD!NA J.--s~-;~ SANTA ANA MAIN at ELEVENTH 8 S.1N Au St.,. o,_ Ma.-, lffflllft e -----·------- We1hape your lightened hair into lovely curls. We caress t.hc curls with "Nice Change'' -no peroi:ide. ln just 10 minutee your new blonde ear l!! take on whi1per--10ft coJor.tone that luta throu1h sevtral skampool'I . With no rub-<itr, no retouch problem ; we just renew the color "'hen ever you ~·ish ! Art11l1, Calif. llDU .. ,....., ...... ,,,. .. lnlltt (!Ill!• ,,_ ..... , CMll MtJa, Coll!. HOO HtrW l lvt. KoMtr! ,i.11 .......... S1nt• An•, C•lif. '"" w .. 1m,,.,., T""' Cl'nltll" ,_$11·1* . . . -·--~ PLUS SHAMPOO $2 25 AND SET (Mori. thru Thure.) 1 Altar S p.m., $2.50 Frld1y, S1turd1y, Sund•y ...... '3.00 Cotta Mt11, C11if. 1 .. W. tfl~ Si rMf l'lleflt '-12-ll:l4 S1nta An1 , C11if. Jiff NO. F•l"'i.w F1lrv!~ C~~-1"-63it.J011 •• Fount1ln V1llay, Calif. 5C'11 r•'-' 11 1111.1111 V11_., Ctntto• Phone Sl1·20U • • ' I West lncfies Vi~iflJ'd , ' Tropical port& of the West Indies is !l\f vacation destinattpn of J;lr. and l\1rs. J. Phillip Meyer of J!un\inglon Boach who ar~ sailing atice'rd the Ss Oceanic. · From Page 13 Nupticifs • . , Planned < In April ' .Flrtll M<lbodiJ! Cburdl of Oooil M ... w1fl lie die .. !tin( . for the Aprll 19 marr111~ llillt-· ing Arlene Kriz and Richard Courtney or Los Alamitos. ~ews ol the ""1hooming event b'll -announced by . U¥ btl~' .. pal't!nf.s. Mr.· and Mn,;;,'Artbur Kriz of New· port Beach, M isa Kriz is a griduate of Newport lllrbor High Schoof and Oranee. Coast College, '"*I b 1 \nelnber of Alpl>a Gamma Sigma. Her flance, son of Mr. and 0 ARLENE KRIZ Spring Bride Mn. Charles Courtney of--------- Lynch, Neb., ttoelved his BS in business administration from the Vnivenlty "-Ne- braska. He ls a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma. Bug's Bite Delays Fun Southlander Returns Exbibit Opens·· Rtiumlne lo Ille Harl>or """" lo -t an art uhlb!t lo lhe CrAfee Garden Gallery, CGtona de! Mar II PhU Dike. well known Southland artist a~ teacher. Hlll lhow opena Jan. 20 and' will run untU May $, Hourt are from 10 a.m. to f p.m. Mondays throoCJI Saturdays. Dlke, who Ls known for bit affecllonate, llllrt-fllled pic- lurel of Ille Harbor Alta, Is, 1 master at deplctlo6 of the fonna and paltems of the harbor, capturing variaUom ot Ught, weather, waves and shore. Wllh perception and sympathy, he ha s Un. mortaliz~ the shore dwellers, fishermen and sailors, &O familiar to area residents, FroJll here, he moved on. to paint the Chino Valley. Serving on the faculty at Scripps and Claremont Graduate S c h o o I • Dike developed a new phase of , Santa Barbera and P...&n. m~ to name a few. !laving ,... ...,. lhlo Ill reglooal and 111Uonaf award.I, Diie bu ultlblted I n museumt. private plleriel •!Id unlver~u.. •CIQll 111e eow>try and 11 th& Brltllll) Royal W1i.t<o!or So e 1.o t y, Loniloo. His w or.ks a.re found In ftlll1Y IDljor coliecllons in lhe United States. OC Club Swinging To Music dynamJe paintings from his SwiJ!ging the1r J>ll'1!ien to ~ncenlration on lbe San Si-• the mtisic ol The C..vallen meon area. will be members ol the Or- Friendship Club, a group for Never an artist to stand ange COunty Polka Club next • • • Potentia I Probed people over SO sponsored by still, he has mastered many Saturday evenln8; at 9, in Assistance League o( Laguna media such as printmaking Abrama Town and Country murab in oils, ceramic ti1~ Club, o:ange. Beach, will resume its get-and mosaic as well as painting Tickets are tJ.75 per per- togethers at 7 p.m. Monday, in oil, watercolor, acrylic and son and are available at lbe Jan. 27, in the League House. pastel. doo_r;. The ,public is welcome emerge as a person instead and away from home. My learnings. But after years or Weekly gatherings on Mon· Born in Redlands in 1906, to . swing. of filling in a role." h1tsband and ·I have fewer its acr:eptance I felt a great ""'· ~1ub a•--Is pla• ... 1 .... a Dr. Davidson Cilntinued, "In responsibiliti1!!$ and now burden weighing me down. I days will be cancelled until DI ikti~ •,tten~~ tChodieduin~dNArt ~y tri;"to U:"V'e'ias this program we want to help maybe we can relax and find left the Church and for the this time, and have not taken ns tu e a,,.. s u lJl ew on Jan. St. Buses will depart women break out or their new interests," she smiled fir.st time in my life I relaxt'<d. place since 1963, thanks to York and Europe. One-man at 4:30 p.m. from the Grand capsules and help t hem hopefully. It's been 10 years now and the nu epidemic, said Mrs. shows ha ve been hosted by Hotel, Anaheim. Further in- DAILY l't~OT . CORONA DEL MAI TENNIS CLUB Invites You To Join This Private, Friendly Club ..• SPECIAL, •• CUI' THIS ADI GOOD FOR FREE INITATION FEE FOR ONE PERSON ·> , llPIUS MAICH 1. 1t6f ' .......... Dw .._. ••• Ma Slt ••• Miii. S6 ,_ .................. ( JQIN AND ENJOY: ___ .,..,.._.,_. __ t.w.1..a.....,,..&MN.••t ., . .,, ...... ..,.a.·. .. ......, .... ..... • ~ 1'', "°""""" " .lll'll•lcalnl HOlll 'Cklt:t• ....... ,,lof'lty Pt.us , .. for only $5.00 you: 901 fl T worth ~I llama and s1rvlc•s rn our rie_: uniqu1 guest coupon boolr:. e ENJOY TASTY l'OOD AND 0DRINq ~ e COMPLITUY STOCKID PRO SHOP e '. 1nu,..,.1cen1 e c.N ._.. • DI ..,. e ....... C..,. Z101 E. C-Hwy.--C:O.-dot M• Tot ...... 67J·5711 beCilme more than what the'y Also having an unhappy some day I may return ... " lhe Los Angeles C 0 u n t Y formation may be obtained by have been." hil -~B;aird;~Cofl=in~,~c=h:•irm::·•~of~th:•:_jM~u~se~um~.i';be~C!a~l~i~f~o~r~n~i ·:__~1~ei~•Jlhonrnin~g~Mn~.~John~~s~10~1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c dhood was Mrs. R. who In contrast, A1rs. M. offered group. PalaCf: of the Legion of Honor, arek at 548-3216. A cc ord in g to the fwnd solace in going to her view of religion. psychologist, women don't set church. "I was secure and "My parents were very marks high enough and must at peace in church but couldn't wealthy and 1 was very have challenge to t:ring out understand why my home was religious. As I grew up J ques- their potential. so miserable. Why couldn't tiooed my religion and sought "All women have the poten-God have made oor home hap-another. I accepted the Bap- tial to be other than 'just' py," she questioned. list teachings, although I don't a housewife?-' Svalyn--Di -A fourth -participant-was--go-to ehurdt.-'1 She-reads Domenico indicated. ''T h e "afraid of her identity," Bible and feels that :1be women often resent this title." although she was several "definitely has a religious "Maybe old ways of thinking months pregnant with her calling." are crlppling women because third child. She·· felt guilty at Before the second session families are assigning them never reaching out to her begins tomonow morning and certain roles," i n c I u d e d brother who Was recf;ntly kill· the remainder of women Anderson. ed in an accidenL discuss their li ves there are "Early in our childhood we to be noted seve~al strings Following the hour lecture, audience members broke into had a misunderstanding which which lie the first to speak six groups of about 20_ drew us apart. I never forgave together. 1 Utilizing new lnSights gained him. But my mother continued A few were already in through the le c ture , to .favor him. I wondered. if therapy. A couple were participants increased their being a boy was more im-remarried. Many w e r e knowledge of themselves and portant.'' grandmothers. Most were well were ready to explore new To her right sat a woman educated aod from .society's avenues in the g r 0 u p who remembered religion in upper strata. work.shop. her early childhood. "l was And the happiest moment raised in the Calholic faith In most of their Jives was Gathering in a comfortable and bad very strong.· religlou.s the birth of their children. lounge area the anonymous 1-~---'---'"---'--~---------l women in Dr. Davidson'~ group seated thenuelves in a circle. First names onJy were printed on cards which rested on the floor. "I want you to remember the earUest moment in your childhood and then offer im- portant experiences you en- countered as you grew to maturity. Five minutes is the limit . . • we don 't want to suUocate ourselves with too many ideas," he began. Another minute was alloted for the happiest moment. "Next week, when all have talked, and in the following weeks we will discuss and question what is said today," be concluded. The room suddenly went quiet and the wom en became tense and thougbUu1. The first began haltingly. "My first memories are of my grandfather. I loved him very much and strongly iden- tlried with him. He had 15 grandchildren but favored me especially. At meal time I would never eat . . . but he and I had a game devised , .. and l ate," she smiled. \Vith tears in her eyes she continued to speak endearingly of her grandparent who gave 50 much joy to her. Another woman cried when sbe remembered her unhappy home life when she was a child. "1 am sUU trying to adjust. My child now is grown l HB Auxilia ry Twice a month the Ladies' Auxiliary to Huntingtoo Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 7368 ~t at 8 p.m. The first Friday of the month they gather In Odd Fellows Hall for a business meeting and the third Friday they socialize in vsrious JocatioM. Further Information may be received by telephoning Mrs. Le.Roy Hermann at ~i;ao. BLEY LE PANT SALE V3CARAT* 0 . . V3 CARAT* NEWPDRT BEACH 11 ,... .. " ....... ,.....,.,. C..fW 0,.. N ... 6 M . UMlt ti.Jt p ... ~CARAT* 1/2 CARAT* SANTA AJIA 103 W. 4th St. 0,.1t w .... M . """'' ... .. • l 4.50 Famous Style Bras SAVE 33 %! 99 • Elntic 1idet., back Jet you move with eue e Biu ehi1tic 1t center tc>nt (or aentJe &epantion • Adju1table It.retch atrtpe 1weep down into Koop bock e Contour cup in white 1i1:es 34-J6A, 32-388 , C; in bl.ck 1iset 32-36A. 32-388 • Natur1I eap in white aise1 32-36A, 32-408, C; in bl11ck 1ise1 32.408, .C $5.50 Natural Cop Bni in O.Cop, 1im 32-42 3"> S5 Contour Cup Bra in O.Cup,aizes 32-40 3 ... •7 Tulip Long-Leg Panty SAVE 29o/•I ' 99 • Nylon •nd Lycra• 1pandex rirm1 you with gende control • Tulip-shaped panell It front and 1idet natter your fapre •White or black in me. S..M-L..XL Regular 16 Tp.lip Mini Panty Sunt r .......... Jooo.Jes ..oo.. SAVE 17%! fa< 11iim ond uim f ....... !deal 499 under ahorttr 1kiru. 'Wbi~ in -i1 ......... w..un ' . ~.::sears Charm ode Underf ashiohs Give Flattering, Firm Support to Your Figure t: f .. -- -'"L -~ L · L, '~ ..., {.. ·).~ 'i:· -- ---· - ~-------------------------------------------------~ IU9'APAll: &MONTI lONd~ Pm.t.... MHTAN.... V/11.m I CANOQAPAlK OIH.\lf OIY-&10!'0 --·MCICA VW!Ollh•-I I OOMrnlN HOUYWOOD -SAmA -SOUTH CIWT llAJA I CXIYtllA -........... I Sears. I , 10IOAIQ "---------~---... -.. ~· .. -------.-------·------------' -afallu0._1,or'jl..,MonoJJW --• • ....... ......, ...... ltlJi..,NtA.M.liNOP.14 • • .. . • . ' . . -~ '<1 .,.. -.--•-,-··-·--·-~-----------------------------------------~ .. 'Badgebackers' Collect Rummage by the Basketful Rummage by the basketful will be offered when the HunUncton ljea~b Police Wive• Guild sponsors its lint fllod·ralslng 'al• of tho year Saturday, Jan. 11 In the Odd Fellow• Hall. Packing a collecUon of items to be offered during the sale beginning at 8 a.m. are (left to right) Mn. Stephen Balloch, first In Style Race vice president of the club; Mn. Charles Hollings- worth, president. and Mrs. Gil Col!rper, historian· parliamentarian. New officers were rec.,ntly Install· ed during ceremonies conducted in the Town and Country Inn. Proceeds from the sale will be used to finance future cpmniunity projects. Princess Anne Copies Britons IJ MARGARET IA vn.u: LONDON (UPI) -Hardly anyone noUced her when the bloode--baired girl, shadowed by a Scotland Yard detective, slipped into a London store and tried oo a zebra·&triped Cur coat In navy blue and white coney. She bought the coat'-<]liriced al 1J;O poundl,.($360) and wore "my m••h1 new bunny rab- bit" to the eater the very same even.inf. The girl was ~ AJ110 ~ ber new lif•. Thi. prtqcess, 11-year<>ld daogbtor-of Queen Elliabelh II, left Stbool in the summer. Since then she ha.s &bown her horses in public com- pel!Uons, taken a era.ah course in French, started to show tastes in fashion and litt the gossips speclllatini about her boyfriends. ~>-of Uie most 'popular last year wu the tall, falr- haired Earl or Olfthne11, 11. but he now ii fanning in Auatralia before retumlnc to study •t an Engli.lb college of estate management. The dark, Jlandsom< Guy NIYIU, . ' . the queen's favorite godson, la still around. He was the first youth allowed to take the princess out for an evening without a chaperone. Princeu Anne also Ukes Earl Mountbatten's grandsons, Norton Brabourna, 23, ab air pilot, and his brother , !Cn•l<hbull, zo. Thll year brou£ht her 18th birthda)' and • re gu I a r ·)nont!tlY allowance from lbe queen. She now cbooau her own clothe1. Spurred by ~ c:rtllclm that 1be wort too m1111 matronly fuhlans, Anne bu OUR FIRST SEMl·ANNUAL CHILDREN'S & TEENS' SHOE CLEARANCE SCHOOL & 'DRESS TYPES • ~11111111 SLIPPERS ALSO MANY STYLES UP TO alues to NOW 2 •• Jll $13.00 ONLY to SALi STARTS THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16 PleaM, AH Sales FIMil ' No. 30 Fashion llkmd Newport Beach 644·2464 Consultant 1~~~~~~~~~~~ FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - -r-o Advise . ' • -~CORD KDPING R•tlritd Financitl E>1ecutl•elwevld llk1 to tll1cu11 your n•1d1 ln th1 ,,., of flnan~ cial mana9em.nt and recertl k11pln9. Gardeners 1~~~~~~iw"~'·~~~M~~,~~ii~~~ Ho r t lcu!Wnl -11anlli Marla Wllkel wtll ocldrtu tho Garden Seclloo ol 1111, Nnoport Beach llbell Club al ljOO" Wednfldoy, Jan. :a, 'In the llalboa homo or Mn. Clwlet Wrleler<. • a. iectuH WW lnc:ludo 111n11 "" landlcopln(, ..,. or ~~-.and Mn. wtllcll -... her career u one of f!V. -.omen to flnonco and totablloh the f~st lllldenll' group · in the first asrlcult\lral college for women I n Potchefstroom, South Africa. She is an active member of the Orchid Socitty of CaWom1-. a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society, holdJ membership in tbe Na-· tlonal Council of Oarden C~ubs and the Callfomla Garden Clubl, Inc. Alallt.lni the hosteu will be \fr•. J. A. Gant and Mrs. 1aymond Herms. Secretaries Orllll" County-Harbor Area Legal Secretaries Auoclation meets the third Wednmay of the month Jn varioul places. Further lnlonnaUon may be obtained by callinl M~ Sheron Dr e s s e r , W>-Or.i(l. Members gather at 7 p.m. BLEY LE PANT SALE ~eu u""'4 F I N A L CLEARANCE * off en our Rttular Collection Cocktall • Dresses and Formals * .UP TO~ OFF DRESSES ••. SUITS ••• COCKTAILS ... FORMALS ••• • COATS ••• SWEATERS .•• CAPRIS ••• BLOUSES ••• Ask About Mr. Tom's Men's Department "Get ,Acqu1lnttd" Sile CHARGE CARDS WElCOME 3-42-4 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT BEACH • 673-1970 DISNEYLAND HOTEL -ANAHEIM • 638-51.42 a naw lfe style •• ~ with YCM8' own beachl CROWt{ VALLEY HIGHLR~DS*t al '-'In fiallll by Iha Saalm ~ .............. ___ ~'""' ...... _..,.... !...-,.._, llrllil ~A artllMl!f~-­ ... ,. .. ..._.~ .. ,._~ .... o..-.,.i ,.., c.t. .._ u.,,... $23,000".and you awn the landl .................. ~ ................ _ __., ,,, ............................... _.,....., .......,., ... .,_ ... _,..,__. __ I...., ... liol~--.,.'""'~-........ ....... ... w..ii ..... ,.._....,.., ___ ........ . ............. _P\.l.15,,__ ..................... ... ....................... ,,__~.- ........... DloWo& .... ""*" --.. ·--------------····-···-- ~.,;nn:;~r.=--:;1· I I • 1 ~ • I& A $peclal Preview Party FOR SOUTH COAST FAMILIES ONLY! S•t., Jsn. 18 From 2 to 5 p.m., the striking new homes of CROWN VALLEY HIGHLANDS wDI be Offered for I.lie! First Come, First Choice-Refreshments will be Served I ' ·---------------------------------- HoroKope Aquarius : ·Use Information Wise·ly Costa To ·Mesa In Morry • Te acher ·! March • " t FRIDAY LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl: Ill: IAGlTTAJlllJS (Nov. II-A!1UARllJ8 (Jtn. JO.Peb. llljlTllDAY you have l)'t&I Mr. and Mrs. J. Cart rlty llld_lt~ppa !>"\!" 1'.i· ho!!: JANUARY 17 Way il'cleared for emotlollll Doc. 3)): lie Wit)' wllett ex-18)~ Altenll1111 fl dlfeoted to ·4rlve,creaUvtl'UOW'Cel. Key r.,.....n Jr. of Orinda have orai'y ~Uon f'"ternlty. 1 By SYDNEY OMARll and proleqlonal adv....-t peod[blna · 1 r • _...i. U-w~ are lncabacltatid. ·11 to chennel ener(lu and dl1<toaed Ille enga,einent of Tha benedlet .. lect ' ta aill Mcenl on woJl-beln1, aecurlty, Reolill Y1lU 111 DOUdl!I l0t I;>ay 1"1-~ of a taJenll. lief on mm th 11 over thoJr d a u ch I e r , Carol alumnu.s of Warra • lu6. "Thi wloe mtn1 contro1 la~ f .. lln( that you b •lo• f · nothlnl-ReaJllllc adltude ~~~! ... w..:U: an opporlunlly for IOlJd ad-Elizabeth F.,.,.l!On to Stewart School, Downey ancl Whlw.i-1 ~~:.~Y· · .Altro ogy po nll "~ :r: ::'"!::::~1:.:.u a: could result In 1ain. Study 1111 11 wl,aely. O~enl prooenll l t II If . Clllford Fllhtr, aon of the Colltae where be currently If ARllCSI (March 21-April 1 1 11 : 1 aim. ~~· potenUal. Dllcard Ian-..!._~(Feb. lt-1 r"cb112'1!: . GENERAL TENl>ENCIES: r CWford A. Fiahera off DoN wney. complelinl work "'Ht h: ~ Bu a q el 1 , P If e n a SCORPIO (Oct. ~Nov. 21): -"· n~•Jll, IOC a con •~ Cycle hlll> for CAPRICORN, Mill Ftr(IJIOll o ewporl muten dearee. ~ rupooalblllUe• •urge t d New moon 1tresses relaUon1 CAPRICORN (Dec. JI.Ian. ... emphuized. Project can AQUARIUS, PISCES. Special Beach II an elementary achoo! teachlni pbyllcal educetlon IJ, forefront You may f .. l you with neighbor~ Beal to be II): Cycle hl(lt. New moon be completod li you Sain word to SCORPIO: don't try teacher In Colla Mua. She the New .. rl-Meaa u n If I •d are be1n& unduly burdened. dJplomaUc. Stretch a point. accentt fresh 1tart1. Take in· . cooperaUol\ · ol er o u P , to do too much too soon. ts a graduate ot lltramonte rr But there la reword. Don't Know thel others llllY be ahy IUaUve. Be lndtpendaol In orgtnilallon. State your needs Concentrate f....... Hlib School. Orinda and the School Dlltrjcl. · 1hlrk duties. You are golnc to or rulrlcled by pr Id•. thoufht acUon. You hava eek· -and clarify motives. Then ' Unlverally ol'Calliornla Jt San-Tile couple have ,.,,.,,. gain much. Underolandlng today w!nl Ille ed !or' certain opporlunlilio: you 1uceeed. !'!!!:fl!. 'I"~ ~f;~~ CAROL FERGUSON la Barbara, where Ille Weit March 29 lor lhelr weddlnS TAURUS (April 20-May 20): m:::•::lo::.r..::po;::i•:::t·~----..:Tod=a::..y :;:th:,• d::oor::...::l•:.:o:!:pen:::·:.:Entor=::.· _:;IF_:TO,:D:;A;,;Y:__:IS::·_:Y:,_0:,.:U..:,R:....!i:,!!~"::!'~' ~:!:~.=""'::..:' :!"~· fii.:,:.l.!:,~!:;·~::::.· lii .!.::' ~j,'4:':...· _· __ B:_r..:.id:.:. .. ..:.te>lle:...:..: ___ ..:,m:.:.em:::be:.:.r;_of=Phl=Bela=Pb;__l IOl'<>;__;._da_te_. ______ _ New moon poaition 11tresae1,- creatlve thinking. You adapt to change1. You make pro- vl1lon11 for lhe future. Yoo are concerned with those at a distinct. Avoid the petty. Plan ahead. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): NeceSJary to take inventory. Find out what is comina: ~. going out. Joint flnancW ven- ture ii apoWghted. B e original, independent. New view 11 favored . Discard the outmoded. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Accent alliances. c e m e n t partnership, tnarriage. B e concerned with co-operation, pulling together. Make con· cessions. Show that you desire harmony. This is road to con- tentment. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): E mp) o y men taf fa Ir 1, dependents higblighled by new moon position. Essential that you are aware of health re. qulrements. Avoid ex C·e s s. Take one step at a time. Relative in transit makes ~ tact. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Individual vit1l to your in- terests could cause C<Jncern. Love and frustration appear to travel hand-in-hand. Avoid tendency to act on impulse. Analyze and deduct; make decision baaed on fact!. The Tee Tattler Tunic News A -'·'-' /-,.• • .., 11T ,..i .... 11f '"1" ... THE TUNIC IS TOPS - It travels the urban route with a claulc 1kirt, goes sporty with sleek, back-zipped alackl'. Sew the bio in vibrant doubleknits, blends. Printed Pattern M&l: NEW Mtaes' Sills I, 10, 12, 14, ti, 18. Size 11 (bust 34). SIXTY-FIVE CENTS I n co!N fm' each pattern -add 15 cent.I for each paittem for ftnklals malllng and l[>OCill handlln(; othenvl!< lhirckl"" delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Mar\ln, 411 Ille· DA IL Y PILOT, Pattern Dtpt., 131 WOii 11th Sl., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, AP. DRDS with llP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. STARTS FRIDAY • • • JAN. 17th ' • Semi-annual SHOE THIS IS A TWICE A YEAR EVENT! THE SHOES OFFERED IN .THIS FANTASTIC SALE ARE OF THE FINEST QUALITY, LATEST STYLES AND COLORS! CHOOSE FROM A COLLECT/ON OF MANY FAMOUS BRANDS WHICH YOU WILL RECOGNIZE IMMEDIATELY BUT WE ARE NOT PERMITTED TO MENTION IN OUR ADS. COME IN EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! THOUSAllQS OF PAIRS OF FAMOUS IRAllD THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF FAIOIJS BRAllD CASUALS DRESS SH'OES REDUCED REDUCED SO°lo to 800/o SO°lo to 800/o NOW ONLY NOW ONLY •2 • •3 • •4 • •s • '6 •4 • •s • '6 • •7 • •a Values to 16 .99 Values to 29.99 HANDBAGS REDUCED UP TO 800/o Values to 19.99 SHOES NOW! THE BIGGEST SAVINGS AND VALUES II SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! . '' shop Daily 9:30 to 9 • open SUNDAYS 10 to 5 c:.:_ - OOSTA MES A 333 East 17th Street phone 642-5069 ORANGE 464 South Main St. phone 541·9609 t SANTA MONICA VENTURA WESTCHESTIR LANCASTIR LOS ANGILES ' - -- BEYERL Y HILLS CANOGA PARK SHERMAN OAKS NORTH HOLLYWOOD l . . . • . . . . . . . . • ------------------------------------------~------'----------·---· ! 11 I I I I --~ ~·-~~~~~~~~~'::"':"'""'"'~···0""!'"""~'.:""~~~-~'~.""!'"!'"'!"''~-""!'.""!'.•.!"'•!!'!4t-•4!•ou!141;s .. ;"';""'e"a!!'l;sl!l!~!!ll¥•4!'14P..•4!!"!.~9~1•4"''~s•:•:••~'"',.",.c .. 12;0•c•44'0ose4"'t"'"'"""''""""""""""""""""""~~------i~~ JI OAILV PILOY (Sl Great Steam Rush ' Finance Goes Underground In Brief NEW YORK (UPI l -ll · If wells can be tipped clooe •-------- man aucceeds lo tapping and enough to the earth's surface baraeulnc the giant steam -epo to 11000 feet -the boiler below the e11rth's crust profit pot.entl.al is good beeatist he wUI have enough power to the. cost oi such power ls run bll factories. heat and about 23 pereent less. Fl'ndlng liBbi his home, and l~unch his them can be dangerous and man probes (or ctntur1es, may-expensive. One well In the be even fore\'d', ., geysers area erupted wll.b Unlt.ed States tompaniei in such force the s c a I d e d recent n1ontbt have decided workmen thought they had to drlU seriously f o r tapped a live \IOlcano. It hes Reolhermal power locked in been running wild for 10 years, the earth's molten center. The so great is the underground resultant "Great Ste am pressure. Rush ." like the "Great Gold The earth's crust, about 20 Rush" l?O years ago, Is miles thick. is too deep for ctntered west ol the Rockies. ~c drilling at th!s point. ~ rigs are especially active However, in sorhe areas - at the geysel'!, about 80 miles mostly on government land north of San Francisco, wbere west of the Rockies Pacific Gas & Electric volcanic activity has cracked (PC&E) since 1960 has been the crust, Jetting steam escape producing electricity f r o m through fissures or fumaroles. steam created by molten rock In other instances, the molten ct magma uoder the earth's rock or magma has been ex- 5Utface. PG&E plans a $50-pIOOed close enough to the million complex capable of surface to make drilling possi- 250 000 kilowatts, enough to ble. "tu'rn on" San Francisco. Finding steam wells on NEW YORK (UPI) BranUr lnterneUonal Alrwa1f wUJ i1U1ugurate direct jet aervice: between New York and key c:lUes in LaUn AmerJca Feb. I to replace ~~n~::::ooarr~ Lines. Sixteen ffigbl.s a week wlll be launched coonecling New York with Panama, Cclombla, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Chile and Arge& tlna. TREVOSE, Pa. iUPl) - Betz: Laboratories, lnc.. bas agreed ln principle tO buy Albright &: Friel, Inc., ol Philadelphla ror about $1.9 million in stock. Albright & Friel is an engineuing design and consulting firm speciallz.. ing in water treatment TORRANCE ( U P I ) Cosmodyne Corp. has bought Fraser Machine Products Inc., of Santa Barbara, a precision machine shop, for an un-- d1sclosed amowll of cash and New Navy Fighter Artist's concept shows the Navy's new supersonic carrier-based fighter, the F-14A. Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. has been selected as the prime contractor. The F-14A will be a two-p1ace aircraft with tandem seating. Pres- ent plans call for the first flight in early 1971 and operation with the fleet in 1973. Oil companies also are in public land, at accessible the steam race. Occidental depths. then harnessing lhem Petroleum, Sun Oil and Union to turbines is the problem. OU are prospecting. 'l'he poor man's method or stock. ------------------------------! One company tying its prospecting in the absence or future tc steam is Geothermal fissures is to wait until it Resources International, lnc. snows and note where thermal (GRl) which has leased 96,109 beat melts the snow. More acres in California, Nevada, sophisticated prospectors use and Oregon and is look}ng insLruments which measures al potential stem well sites the earth's electrical con- in Utah, Idaho, Colora:do, Mon· ductivity, higher in thermal tana and the Philippines. Last areas. Airborne i n f r a · r e d September It joined with t~o sensors indicate p o s s I b I e Philadelphia !inns to drill thermal areas as white spots wells and build generating on their maps. plants in the geysers area. Whatever the method, man and within 22 months expects on every continent except to provide 300.~ ki.lowalts Antarctica and Australia is to 11 northern California com-prospecting for steam wells munities. today. Some scientists LEGAL NOTICE SUPElllOR COURT Of THE STATE 01' CALIFORNIA FOii THE COUNTRY 01' ORANGE Nt. A·.itt7 NOTICC OF HEARING OF l'l!TlftON FOR PROIATI! OF WILL AND l'OR Ll!TIERS TESTAMENTll.RT EJ1ale of LlEWEl TN HUGHES. ()KN~. NOTICE IS HEll;EBY GIVEN Thal Ele.tnGI' G. Follell 1111 flit!!, h•rtln • petlllllf' tor prob<!~ of w1!1 and 'for llw..,cr ol Lelttn lHtamtnra'"" 19 Pelltl-r. reterrncr to whltl> ;,. fi'lde Joor turll\er Nrlltultt.. l!!d !Nol lM ti,.,. •nd place of llearon51 Ille ,..me ht• bMfl K l !O< F~rut'"" 1. Ifft. II t :lO 1.m.. In !lie courtroo"' el Dt>Hrtmelll No l of MIG cour1, 11 1aD Wnt Elgllltt 51~, Ill IM C'lfV o! "-"" AM, C11i111rnl1, ;-Otftd Jtnu.trv U, 1N9 W. E. ST JOHN, Co1mti' Cle•~. WILLIAM E. FOlt, SUl!lt N-lllf tu. • $eUtll Lair• ....... u •. PalHtr\,f. C1HfW11l1 '1101 Ttl 11111 ~H"' All........, i.r Pettlltner -Pui>lllhed Of"•~ Coe1l OallY Pill'>!, ,Ja11u1'"" is. 16. n. 1'69 n..., LEGAL NOTICE SU,l!RIOR COURT OF THE STATE 01' CALIFORNl.lt•FO!t THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A·61Pl estimate 10 percent of U.S. elecl.ricity will come from sucil wells by 1980. T~e pOtenLial is staggerin g. Power from steam wells wiU be v i r t u a I I y inexhaustible when a technology permitting recirculaf'ion o f condensed steam back into the ground is refined. Like . nuclear power, geothermal energy is being touted as the energy source of the future. And it has the added advantages of being cheap .and non-p:>llutant. HOUSTON (UPI) -The question of whether il is feasi- ble to shlp oil by tanker from the Arctic slope of Alaska through the northwest passage to the East Coast of the United States wiU be tested next year by Humble Oil & Refining Co. With the coopera- tion of Atlantic Richfield Cc. and a British Petroleum Co. subsidiary. U successtu:I, the test should accelerate develop.. ment of the Arctic field, the com panies said. MfNNEAPOLlS (UPI) - Dayton Corp. announced its target stores division will build a discount store in Colorado Springs, Colo., next year and another in Fort Worth in 1970, the two to represent an investment of $5 million. NEW YORK (UPl) Preston Robert Tisch has been elected president of Loew's Theaters, I n c • . succeeding Laurance A. Tisch, who moves up to chalnnan and continues as chief executive. •NOTICE OF Hl'.ARINO OF 'ET!TION FOR PROll.lTa OF WILL ANO FOR LE"ERS TESTAMENTARY E1!1!e of Arni! l . Hln<:e Hrlm,, al>o )..nown 1s Anne T. !finer. Decra1td. JANUARY CLEARANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That ~vonnt M. Dodo 1111 flied hertlll a j,r<ltlon for probate ol will tnd tor \nu•~ ol letlero Tn1amenl1ry to Po!ltloMr, rtler9J!~ to Wlllch !' made for turtller Nrllc~lar1. Ind Iha! tnr llf!1e 1nd olioi1 of lle••l~9 tnr ~""'~ h•• been u t for J1nuarv ll. Jff9, a1 t :30 1.m., In lhl' rc.urtroom o• DeP1rtmf'nl Mo. l of .aid cwr1, ar 100 we11 El11~1h Street, '" 111t (tty o1 S1nl1 Ana. Cillllor"l~. , 0.lecl J•nu1'"" f, 1"'. • w. E. ST JOHN. cw .. IY (If.ti: Jllf'' II. Orllllatn \ull• 11101 JertlM TNll eullfi"' \.•n• .. IK ... C1l1Mrnl1 tolOT Jel: ttUI US.7•71 Altlnlft' ter Petitioner I Publl~ Or'ln<1e Coell 01il'I Polo!, Jtnul'"" I. 9, 1f, 196' 11"9 STARTING TODAY! Don't Scorn No-load Funds, They Match Record of By SYLVIA PORTER Let's say that the cynics of Wall Street are right and you, the independent investor, have a dim and diminishing chance o/ "1nnlng against lbe professionals who manage the giant institutional portfolios.-in- today's stock market. Let's say that the only way you can be relatively sure of mak- ing a profit over the long-tenn is to put your money in the institutional pool, so that the professionals will m a n a g e your funds too. Let's say, in short, that your basic investmenl answer - in a period whtn the little fellow is either being snubbed by many brokerage firms or charge) on lhc shares ranging flatly . told he 's oot wanted as high as 911~ pert!i!nt over -is to buy mutual fund shares. the net asset value. The hun· ~10DERN HISTORY is on dreds of load funds on the your slde if you say this. market cover the widest range The as.sets of the more than of investment goals, manage- 300 mutual funds in existence ment skills and perfonnance today are on their way to records:. If you choose to do $55 billion against a couple this, you will find a fund which of billions less than 20 years meets your needs and you ago. The n u m b e r o! will join close to 9 million shareholders is on the way others who own load funds to 10 million against a mere with assets above $50 billion. few hundred thousands in the Or you can join the minority early 'SOs. and seek out a "no-load" fuad What's more, mutual fund! which meets your objective. now are owned by very big A much smaJler number of as well as little investors, by these is available and since other types of institutions as they have no sales distribution well as individuals. A large system and charge no sales percentage of the funds con-commission (no-load), you sistently outperforms all the must seek out and "buy" this familiar averages. More than type of fund . My husband and SO funds did al least twice I have had a substantial as well as the New York Stock percentage of our nestegg in Exchange average last year no-load mutual fund shares and a respectable number for years, and while other d\varfed this average. funds have chalked up more Okay, it has been said. sensational performance rec· What, tben, are y o u r ords, we have no complaints / / alternatives? what'.soever. sut>~R10R·~~·~~ o" THE ~ ~ ~· ~ YOU CAN BUY one or more Why do I favor the no-load LEGAL NOTICE STATE 01' CALIFORNIA FOR ·~ ·~ -... ~ (l{ the "load" funds on the funds? Because : THI COUNTY OF ORANGE #"..-"''' ·-........ ~-··, • "'"'"' YOU HAVE 'd Ko. A""" · market today, These are -: as w1 e a MOTICI OF HEARING ON PETITION THC •HOfl l"OJ"l MCN 'fl19; miQf9 l"Oft """" vigorously sold by an army variety as you need from '4'011 PROllATE OF WILL AN!> FOR l.ETIERS 01' ADMINISTRATION WITH '270 E. 17th 270 E. 17th of salesmen through elaborate . ms ••• THE WILL ,t,NNEltEO • s;:zi '" ~· E11alt of ARTHUR II MtCOLlUM. HILLGREt-1 SQUARE HILLGREN SQUARE distribution systems and' o~c .. 1ed COSTA MESA COSTA MESA l..AAA f th' ·11 tlOT ICE IS HEllEllY OtVEN Thnl ~use 0 IS, you Wl pay NORMA ARMeRUST •rid LIU.1.lN ··1=====:;;===================:__~·-·~·~1~.,~~c~o~m~m~is~s~io~n:_~<~loa~d 8EllRY hove fllt<I Mroin e 1'1:'11111111 lor ~rotifole al Wltl .11'CI for lllUll'OQ of lUlt'I O! Mmln1sttallort wllh IM Will Anm:'~~ 10 Pellllone•1. rtlertntt lo w1>lt1> Is "'•lie tor lur"""' P•u11culars, •rid llt•! ~ time end olect ol M1r!1>9 llt• s'llme 1wt1 ~ ~I for Janu•'"" ll ""· II ' '.lO 1.m .• In '"" c')V•!•OC"' f1J 0-•lmt'nl No. J o' 'lid coo•!, "' 1CO wesr Ei.ttill '""'· Ill Ille (I"' ef "-nla A .... C1llfornl1. , Dated Janu•'"" 1. INt W E. ST JOHN. • County Cltrll:. M. W. YOUNO Int 11•1• l u!ltti"" •SI ~ 5Hi"" SlrHI. Lat. "-k's, C1llfor11W. MtU T ... : ltUI 611~ Aft-T for .... 1111• ... n . Publl~ Oraft9• Co11I Dtlly PlloL Jan!Hn t, 10. 16. 1Nt ,....., LEGAL NOTICE NOT1Ca Of" TllUST€E•1 SALa T .l. N1. 6111S o.i J1nu1rv :io, lff' 11 11·00 o'doc:' .... M. ti llw lr0<1t Olhct e11tranc1 to ~urlty Tll.. lnWrln<t Cornp1ny. 11!> N. llf111dw1y, In Ille C!ti' (If Santi An&. Sl1N of C~llf.or.,la, SECllRllT TtTLf 11'1$UR.lN(£ CQMPANT. I cor· PO<llMll. M TrwlM unoer '"" D...c! of Trust t•H;UI"° t1y THEODORE. E Fl.)H~JI '""" KATHERYN S FISHER, hb$Oltld 11111 wl~. remrckd kolrnib<'r lL IJU M doc:.ume11t 11CL 5140 lft bOO~ IJOe, .....,. tl1 or Oltk lll RecDl'dl 111 tr.t tfflcil M lhl R_...., of Or ..... c-tJ>, Catl!O<l'lle, tr. ~-ef defeu!I 111 ll'lt •r"""' or '*10•rn•-o1 tf:lllt• lllftl wcv-f lllertf:llt 1Mllldlf'4 ftll Wfff;ll M ~. nptla of Wllido •M NUW'Cllod ,.__, a I ... 11 OoC\lflOl!flt r.. ttlOI In .. 117111. ,..,... 416 of Mlf Olflcl1I R'°"'*'i wlll i..11 11 Dvblle IU<llOIO tr ..... wlthavl Wl .. 11'1• 11 IO l1llr -· •••• lo or f"l:\lmbo'1r1CH, ""' lrtlf•HI ~ ftl Wicl ffVlfft ti\' Mid ~ .r Trwf I" ffDPf'rf• 1nw11ot lrt Ill• (O\lflfy cl Of'•-· ll11f of (llflorlll~. _..,." Ult 11 111 Skid' '"D'" .t Ttld No. JU In nw Clf'\o .r N-1 8ffCfl .. "'°""' OOI I ...... ""'"°' ~ "" booll II, ~ J) '9 .» lftcl11$1Ye .fl/f Mlttt+i.-~ ..eorwt o1 ... Or•-C-ti' for "'9 -of ""'Y1°" ab"'llloftt ~ b¥ WICI Dltld Oii Tt\l~I 0... o.ami.r l. "'' S'CURITY TITI.E INSURANCE COMPANY lDU• Nldloltoll, "tr«mvr1 Of'lluf St>s.41QI f'Ubllllllcl N-.t w.rtior N""' ""'' ~ "11~ DllP¥ ll"il(ll, N-.1 MtQ. (ll"°'""lt, ~r t, 16 1l -...... STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach Mutual Funds I 11 • . • . . • ' • • • ~ • • .. " .. ~ .. • • " ' • • ' '• ,, • • :·. ,, • • ·.~ • ,., " ,, • • .. " . .. .. • • •• •• •• .. .. ~ • " •• .. •• " ., .. .. ~ ••• " ,, • ... .. ... " '" .. " • " ~ •• " • ,, .. " •• " " ... ~ •• " "• '" " '• ,, '• " '• " ,, ' " ,' ,, " • ~­'• ' • • • " '• " • • • i ' • 1 • • • • ' • • • : • • • • , • • r . . - • ....... Stock • • -·- -~--- - j I ~ ...,. . • • • • • f'f" ;:,. • ' -:swEET<HEA:k-P''' ' ' f ' •· BE. A tOV~LY . ..;., ~ :. ... ' "it' ""~~N~ ~ AN D'1J.e·r . \)UI!. ;~J.ISTS 'LOOK ' :rfiYU~Tu~ tr .!}~~' 1T~lllTI · PHONE NOW 548.Q.460 . -IIEMs~· FlUFF & FOLD ONLY · f, ,-;;'": MaNTGOMERY ti ""~ . ClfG.11•n & . Laundry : F~~ • .. ,.,, ,. .... -Sat. a ..... -6 , .... • • ' . ) _, .-. c • . '. • ...... ,,_ ........ .. -'' ... U-100 VERSATILE · · Best 'Vllue, ~11 purpo.,-drlllhw- c1n buy. 1.0 AMP 22SO R.~.M. 1· ftll 1/7 H.P. 115 V AC v-- Rl o N HARDWARE IN WUTCLIFF PLAZA . 642-1131 TOP 9UAUTY CHIQUITA BANANAS 10~ USDA CHOICE · FULL CUT ROUND SJEAK ao~EtESs l MARKET BASKET Westcliff . l'laia ..._. ,, ..... -- USI TOUI Ml.Uni!:• CHAl•I -AM Ill• CA.ID VALENTINE'S DAY FEBRUARY 14 SHOP EARLY W' PARTY GOODS & CARDS H•M A C ............ P""J N.,._, ~-. '• • • PAPER IJNLlltllTED WESTC\,,IFF PLAZA IE11t o:f.,MI~ Basket). . ' . ' . MEN'S FORMAL WEAR SPECIALISTS darrell's dedrick TU.J:< SHQP SALES -DE~UXE RENl,\bS FASHION SQUARE 25 Bullocks WESTCllFF ~ 4 : PL;4-ZA 1130 Irvin• EXPERT Professional BARBERING For the "Min Who C1r11 Westcliff Plaza BARBERS 11 16 Irvine 646-9941 Optometrist Dr. Lou Roy Eld•r • CONTACT lENSES • REFRACTING • EYE WEAR STYLING • PRESCRIBING WESTCLIFF PLAZA ' auSH _ ...... _,.)...., . ............. .. ca,. ... lit ~ ....,. lllllt. •tic~ ""'_,..~ ..... __. ...... ~· Dllttal c- ... -· ---., , $ f"PhW it a a 12 1r1 . •\ . ' ·-· 1>AILY '11.QJ-11 1,1 .. • • ~ . a .• ' •.'1 ,, ' '· . ' · .. ,·erf,6,:. ... . nee . W ortti~·~:~ ${~~-:~:~Milli .. , .. , ._ • JI! "' ; I q <!lo l • ~,;:.,_, .L• .(.,,~.roJ.I I .,, •,-• ( ~ •. ' ' I ' ' ~···· o ., ... , .... ~~·,,.,.~·1.o;· • ·~. ;• ~ ..... ,..i;. Ew, !ORK (UPI) -It was so big the actuarles project Nam'atb helped Tb~~JU;t,.Qf":~~'U;benefit finan. a general Increase Jn player salarie~ ~year ·n 1rfghta ~ ,,!1 A.Ft .s:&Jbes games. NBC got only"''~ Ja~gte y ~to bring in the heavy stuff make for himself and aJJ oLhers con-'CL\111' becib!e ~(>f'i~:w,t{lt, ;be did in the not only among the Jet's but among f\)l"-'35 million four ~ · ag9 •. CBS,~ald from 1ts customers. You -~\he:~ handllr It, like the complometers and nected with the Super Bowl gaine when s~~BowJ ~ ·~ 1 all Ai~ players; a certaJn.: jump in ~ mois~ot ltlelf ~ f,.'fJ~ ev~ 13n't 85 good 88 tbe NFL ~":i·. , <;:' • I .. com[iuters, and when they were he led the New York Jets io their ~ ihe-~ " to begin L! Soe Nain8th endoraementr ,0mg with iifd., . got lllelf Ui'" .,.mes. . , . · · . ;~· _, :tbtoo&Ji figuring it out, who do you startling 16-7 upset over the Baltimore with Namath's . t~t~. They've a corresponding increase in Qlher Jet "We have found the average football But • · · and d 1 a .i>if_but ...... Joe em.tr ed ~ the_~le~ one-~t_Colq.__ __ _ __ -·. _ alreacb' m»de an·.~-agreement.-~-41Rdoraementa;--and...an-iRevitable-fan il:.a~-~wer1!!...........Namath.. undoubtedly .. b~s chaoge4,;..all--- , r or all Ume? Namath did It all in Jess than one amOng ·them not to ~)n appearance boost In the sales of such diverse com-says one NBC spokesman. "He was that According to .NBC, an esilui.ated oe. NQlath, that's who. hour (he turned over the controls to anyWhere for leSs :<fbtuit"50. But that's modi ties ranging from Jet pennants to . pretty .milch convinced the NFL was 60-milllon per30JlS. watched the t ~pet f I .fan~Uc superformance in Miaml Babe Parilli for two plays) and when's jtist chickeri fe~: '.... · AFL commercial TV time. Please pay better-than the AFL. The fact the AFL Bowl game and . in New' Yor~ ,a\One. y '1fas worth "approximately $7 the last lime anybody ever made that The Jets self~out th! blll park every attention to that last detail because the won 13 of 23 pre-season games last r -W. PE:."cent ol ·all ho~ ~d tbe..-:~ ·oo, :l.nd that is a conservative much in so short a time anywhere or Sunday they're at:·~·' SO there can actuaries figure it can be worth fall ·still di(ln't convince hinJ. 'Oh, they ,n,tPelr TV sets,.makinf..!i:t.J:~ ,''"¥JCOrding to actuaries from dif· anyway? be litOe material ·cJiffer:eOce there. The anywhere from $3-mlllion to $S-millian· V{~ only, Uhibition games,' he said. faJ8J llpo(ts event of ~11 , ... ·In this· ,ma:ior' industries. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Hughes big difference· in flcl::el~sales will be alone. , Now~!! Jhay come arotmd. Joe Namath ' 'PY...· · · . ~·: 1 ~-) o1<-' am.Bib won't get all of that $7 million, and Gettys aren't particularly looking reflected wbeD.tbft'r~.®"the road.·Now In other wonls, Joe Nam,~th made ~ has had a lot to do with DtM!s1."8t mean NBC1 •• ": ceiii'st( but don't worry. about . .him, to get into UiW d.ebate but ev.ea.. they'd . everybody want! to ~·Joe Namath. those figures possible for NBC, wt)lc:i, 1 ·1l » · , -rates~fOl' AFL advert!~~.,... J'llf • 'H do ill· rialll,.8Qij,•"'....,._~tmyf ,, a11ftiit;,~·· ' ,-·,fO,~,up ·thejr ·'Ulen there are"•o.t>IM•and and one televises Ill<! AFL games. <' ' Fllr thQse who llke ligures, CBS charg. The people at NBC areli, .. lf.•hnlhoi-,1,1,ipl'<i<>--;?'~r, ." ... ,.,. ·· illiio<tilo~t·~liy · lncalclllableswbich;"'iiteh·tr"""'1111Qu1 . The <O•AA•m••"waa the! N1IC came 'td·its·allvertben up,to 1,S5,00Qa mln~~-... :g:21.\"~~y tl!<l'.'!1!..1•. oe .,, , at ~.-ino;i~..\jl thl.~: '-JM~.. jrr~~~ . • amount of tei'ritory ~~. ,:.'tLlke. "':Qff'>a P®f'~ ·•~ it•bougbt the for commerdals durlng~,twon_·_;,-m,. ~"~· "~.;;f:, ~ ....... ,, ? '.,• .. "1:1·;, •·' •I ' ·<-:+·,. ·-• '. ' ~' ' · ' . -~ • ' • . . • "·.,·· ...... ········'•.···" .......... ,. . ! -............. , •• ,. .->•· .,.· ..... ~.,-. . .--~ .. ,. ,. ~ ~-...... , ... " .... ,,.. . .,,.~.., ,,~ '"-: . .,.4 'rJ ~· \ ~ .... '.'-t::;.l '-!-~·1 "~·"".l;.1 ,~ L":.,:;;,1.'1 fter Losing Spit% • ' · , · · · ·!I! ,, • -..... 1!" •••• ' . • ~ Coach Feels Like a Swim • . . -()ver Fall~ or in·, Geyser. ·' ·1·' ' \ . '.-. ' Gambril Is a man v;ho wo~ we'd have reall7'.had 'a fanlaslic team." 3.PS' ~e to lake. a unique swim. fvty had Uie· 'fastest 200 time in · the this moment -,, lilt~ '!!'~,. IP~ U.S. ·\f!; year j2>"-\l>. ~~!!~~~; ,· ~~--~ .. ;..t· ~~· ,,;~, ; . : '!"~. amb.rlli .. 'di .. ~· '. Ol:B>~bwiij<~.o~°"'ftilid.~p .. •.' rt) 1t lS due to 1DS:t of baateui&lt' team (Gatden Grrie) owea _ ~ar ~ Spiti~ suppos_edly the . grealest an assist to Huntington Beach IDgb coach -~ swimmer m the history of Elm Co bs f u~ ..... ..-~ rd l,JJ1iverse. er m or .._ ..-.•""-• reco • :iinbril ... shocked lhe world last year C~mbs told Garden Grove coadl Jim en. he l announced that somehow he Stephens that Corona del Mar'• main 'enti~ young Spitz to attend Cal weakness through the yean bas been · te (~g Beach) upon graduation its inability to b~ a ,press when '*"'**"*'"'***** WHITE W;i.SH Stephens called Cembs to uk what be b.ew abont CdM. '· SubRquenUy Stephen&' ferce1 were being shoved about rather bandsom·ely by Corona del Mar (IS-11 at the half) when the Grove boss decided to try tbe ·press. Resuh: Twenty turnover• by CdM and_ a,~ Gardea Grove ~· • , ·~ GUHN Wttt'r• · · · • · ' . Al<o ; 11/1 'ail<isl ~f!~ Jleach 's~ Clara High. S9h,401. GamQr)I, ; 11iBl1 t,nne~'l"·J'F $«:•~ "'lw a may•ljave "gb~ds,'Cbe<3j\'IRI, . ""'1ec! •l•~·o!,"le,.plng the seoreboard at Cal Sta~. clock · on and ofl-at the right time t that lime Spitz was a multi-world during Tuesday's basketbill game with ~Ider and a hot prospect to Marina . f Up Six or seven Olympic gold Only a pluc knocked out of the outlet j]a. Erperts were amazed that he kept the timepiece from beif18 perfectly select Cal State over several or operated for the key game. And that's otbei larger, more prestigious in-one of the rare occasions in 10 years Om such as USC, Stanford and or covering basketball that I've seen such expert l'Ork. The timekeeper is a highly important official -as anyone who's lost a game in the final few seconds or at the buzzer will verif1 .~ Orange Coast almost lost the Eastern Conference championship . last year when the timekeeper forgot a· had to happen just when we to tum the clock on during one offensive coiaing up with a great team,'' series. 1 s ~cambril. "J've got the Olympic Then Fullel'ton scored Uie winning Just as the French girls were coniriitulating themselves for win-' \Uedalist in lbe 'lOO ·1!\!li~ ;· ~"'!!I!' I~...-!ell 111:.defeli~'. " ning Wednesday, Austria's Will'1ld D?exel, 18, was racing down tbe ' y COOiing lrom wt!st ... ~ ... ,. ooc:i 'lhd"tbe :Dloc.'k'""" 'dllrlril 'thet . . s . 'tcb Ivey, .a 1.;... llOi:~" is earuu o!I~ . ....re., tiiOse roo"r stretch in tbe Montalon World Cup 'Sil Races downhill event. be .ntng Iron> 'Stanford. Willl Spitz, .&mds. •oal<I never·biYio beOtrplayed, ...,.._co_v_e_r_ed_lh_e_2_,_300_me-;·-t_er_s_ln_2~: 1~6_.78_\.0'--be_a_t_tb_e_F_r_en_cb_b_Y_•_•econd_,_· , l . . ' . -' :~-Bosox Boss Sen,fe:nced to Prison. I . . . ' ' TON, La. (AP) -Michael Is making arrangements to traru:!er Rig· · Icy" Higgins, former manager 0£ gins lo Uie rt.ate prilon. iostQl'I Jted Sox. is scheduled to Higgins, •ho ·ptaytd \ U .1Jea1K>ns In ve todl,y !or Ill<! lilale penltenllary Ill<! .Ametlcan League with Philadelphia, begi"t. a . four-year sentence for Boston, and Detroit, was a 1COUt for . (fl!Dt fR>!tticide. the Houston Altrol at the Ume of the · · s; S9, pleaded guilty lo the accident. ""I' connection with an auto ac-Hb auto went out ol control and crash- • ent ill •hi<A l!D• •• oian. was ~ e.t ,into a lllale bJ&hwq deparlmeDI ,,.., .. l<\luredon,Jl'm.17,)11&1'.· """'~····~~"" .,.,,. · la S!f. •':t.1+u ~~J&I. \• ..H..J • . ~ • • r-.~_:r;_, '•aid .. ~~4¥offb~':rltUiOii . ·~1ined. ~ ~ ' . ~ . Madden said that Higgins was ln- tox.Jcated at the lime 'and that tbe 0negllg0ol homicide charge Included thol •C<U1111Uon. "The areelet offense includp ~ leuer," he said. The maximwn penalty was rive years. Higins pleaded guiltf ieveral months ago, but aentenclnc 'WU delayed becaue Lbo ,Qad..a. -.-11oo, "It .1oob 14 ... Iil:e he has 'loot IO~ potln<!I," llie·~cil.at ...... ey oald. . ' . ,, .. · "t· ' ' U.at"b;;. has '• 'very · tii~a le . ....... ~··',i•:>-.. ~"1' ei · .IJ . . ' .... . . ' ' ' 1 'ft• . •1 • ~ •\Tlf{-' •. . ~ ~' r. . ~. ~ \l ·r.;~i'iig.:nic. ~· Tiff.!~t In • • ~1/'> .. ' . ' ~ . ' .... . sYDNEV, Australia (AP) -Favored Melville defeat.id Ann . . . ' \of Bpd ,Laver or Corona del Mar looked Britain, 5-7, M, M and ~ Cowt for 'help from a ball boy Wednesday• defeated Lesley ~y &:-1, 6-1.' ' before tumfng back Britain's Roger In a men's sina:Ies quarter·flnal·Tony Taylor in the quarter-finals ·of the New Roche, Australia, defeated A 0 di.•.• Soath W8Ies Open tennis championship 6;-~1-8-6, 6-2.,6-3. Cimeno, Spain, U, 6-3; 6-2, . 3-1, 1 .. 1 TJte '.I.Ith seeded Taylor, also a and v.·on the rlg11t to play Ken ROsewan .OOthpaw as is the Australian pro, bad in a semlfinaL ' a ._2 lead In the second "L In the. In the se<oojl. ~~-~ meri's .,with ·game of Ill<! sec!oocl"Mt, -doubl'8, Marty~ ~,nl.. I'-called •lght times willJ T~ylor ~-_:~~'::,.M;',':iga'~ 'il.t'~Dl 'Qh( ttte efgbth deuce c~' ; Laver otttr~ DlmQl).lc;o of -1~ 7· ~i;f: f~;;_ ,. Ms '?acket tb the ball · as· "1 tp' ~st · <( '· • • • ' • ··-to "" •• hot . '" ~· • ' ~-M)e ·~-~; :eru~ -~.Qtt~· ~ . , ;, '. · ~ ... t. 1' gesture and went on lo even the aecond . )) • ct· ./' :-.~,; .era1· ·t-1 •• 'rile second se1 .. ,oc1<11 . w111> aVIS . ' Taylar sbving a double laull 'll>lilDittfi I · ' ' ·'. , • · • 'l . · lastOd •2i; hours. f" TWO Ani.qJcan girls, BilH!rJean K'ing. '·i l{ N ~,·~.; 8!14': RotliO ·Casals, coasted into the f\. . ' ·e · . • '1 se~ but only Olli can teach the · ,.. ..._ -" · -· ,.. .... ' finil beCause they clash in a semi.fina1 . )(rs.-l\i!li. <ld~~w .. ~ filll\I .almOiifiil;Jucly''l:fJ)o,Pi"1.· . · .~ amr ··r.itiis'Cllals .. _bi!~OUI· ff AuitralianrKafren ~l"i~ .,;. In the o~r l)all,'Qf'.lh~ driwf~· . . . . ' .••• ·I »'(~ Girl Joe kif:~:: " .. ._ : . '}, . ' . . .... -,·~ .. ., ... ' ~ . ,.r .. : ·. F·ip· · .·,t:" ·: .• ,,. ·. f'OWS · · · · .. · · :r• ' · , · . r • 1 MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -"!'m f.Oing to ride and. ride and ride. And 111 mate ~~.';!"'baraJoRubhiaald. ""'W,Ol .. disappointed Wed!lilsp.,, Mile" J9':ktys thwar1<4 .... elloit. to ~ \lie llrst girl r.f.<IOr 'b; ~. th~b&red racinr< ~. Now )ho i>e.1ite lt-year-old brut.ette;~d~,, · .::. d~ to carry t oo_ bl!r f!#t, to ; lab II.lo eourt II n~. · · • Di;osaed ' ljl Ill<! goljl lllil' fM" aia<b ~~bad·~ to ....,. lb tho 'f'!l!l'llf' ricf 'II 'Tropical farl.j W~r' B4tl>ar• •(lo told ......,..., •1>c11dn\• elP,idl-'tlllt' at all. 1 wu. all ml!y ' to go. Tlir'male 19C:l.t,y1 wm IO bkO to .m81tbil1DOn\lnt ... , , .; · .. ~· lllct ~ ... ailded .. '( thbat i u.,1 • were jUlt:a <(ew of ~ "'° -...... to 1>o aplolt .... Bui . I ... , going> to try and I hope I'll be u.o.nt woman to race tome day.'' About 100. male joctey1 threatened a llws bol'coll at Troplcol W 11»1.....,. eserdle &it1 were a!IO'led to ride a hone named stoneland In · tho fourth racj. blt<r. a ilonnf m~tin&~tbe _, tlje Q ~ID Ibo -' ·=~~~lift:""' I ? •. . I ) . ' Prevail.,. · I Anahehn, ... Sports In Brief , ' ' . ;' ' **************• JOEL " SCHWARZ percentage wilh a 43"5 mark. Despite that record Killingsworth 11 unnaturally modest. "You know, I hj\ven't hlt loo many ·hMkels myself. It's ~sy to win wh~ You have good ki~ ·come alorig ail'iJ 1've always been at. achools where good: players show up ." i · . Gurney !)rives Cyclone. In Riverside Qualifying ·J 1 Teehnleab Calle• Somewhere in the · Unlted siMes a -raMd ba1ketball fan pnbably bu eotn- pUed a lilt ol every eencelvable ~al cage reeord. \ But until ,., bear otherwise we hive to as1ume Bow1e Landi, the baskelbaU coaclt at Merctt Commulty Julor College o( Trtnto•, N.J., fftlblblbed a record ef torts whu. be was taged with 11 techaJcaJ foah la a semi flnaJ game of the National JWllor Colltge lnvttatioaal touru.mut· aplnat boat .. Dan Gurney, the Corona del Mar .race driver wbo· Joaed his most successful year Jn lMI, is at Riverside International Racewaj' today. attempting te qualify for the 'Motor Trend-RJverslde 500 Sun- day. Qualifying runs for the race be~n today. Another top name driver competing in tb1a. year's event is Richard Petty, of Randleman, N. C., who is making hia: tint start as 1 member of the Fon! 'Motor Co. factory twn ln a 1!1~9 Toriorlobra. Alto on baud are David Pearson, of S~IJ11, S. C., driving another fac. t.cy ' • A. J, Fo)'I, Jr., I!pusU>o,. and .White, IU!okuki Iowa.· · Pelld' bad the fastest tlme or the day W-y with a clocking at 109.111 m.p.h. FO)'I. also In a Torlllo, Gumey In a Mercury Cyclone, and White in a Ood#'OW&er, all ran in the l<lln.p.h. br1cU1 Wednelday. P.U, -&fated te be flnt ou t today. lie bad_., thin hil lhare ol dlfficulUes w-iJ;;~I oil the caune three - d pi'octlce runs. Illa plung,. Into the r.-ked turf caused the Pttty ......, lo apend most of the day ...................... ll:.U'IUI -cnlc Bretdlove, former o.ea Men ftrem.al ud bolder of the • world's. land ipeed record, and partner. Busler SmtU. have bought the Puyallup Dragway .... 111 of ..... Clark J\.fanhall, owner of the drag. strip, al.Id the palr bad completed neg0Uatlon1 for the sale of Ute dragway. "Craig ud Bustef are moving their tnUre optTadon lo Bellevue," Marshall aald, "ud they 1hould be In • off'lce1 tbue by Feb. l." Bellevue II acros1: Lale Wuhlngton from be~. • . '' 11l1per1a1 v.u.r eonece. . The tournautent featured Jaycee ltaDLI rrom th atate1, but Landa stolt the show wltlr bis nOD-llOp verbal uuult on tbe otilClals. · · Tbt rolng rate for tetknlcals In · pn . baJ\. 11 $%5, so at tbst dip Luda woold have been out $!75. Colltf' ~ aren't fined for tethrucaJ1, bu.t each ANNAPOWS -Rick For~no, who . violation gave Imperial Valley a .rree hu been thoaen: rrom 8 list of· ·atioul ~ throw .attempt and pouessloa of t the S08 candJdate! for the head foOtb:all ·baJl•a' mtd-court. cOaclilng Job at the U.S. Naval Academy, Not surprisingly, Menier lost lo Sly8 he would like to build Navy's foot-Imperial Valley, 95-78, ILi oaly defeat ball machine around a pro attack. In the toarnamenl Aod, in one word, that means passing. · · "I like to throw the ball," said F....,.., Tarkanlan Tough who was appointed to Navy's erid ~e~ , Jetti' Tarkknian, who built jun,ior col· aft.er a one.year tenure as .,off~~-·-ie,e dynasties at Riverside City College ! b&ckfield coach with the Cincinnati. and Pasadena, apparenlly is at It aaatn, ' Bengals of the American Football league this time at Cal State (Long Beach). prior to a two-year stint with the· -6t. . . H!ading ·the 49er frosh team ire Louts Cardinals of the National Football Dwight Taylor, a member of Comptoo League. Hlgh School'• CIF champiwhlp oquad .-.-"" last year, and 8111. Jeriklnl, • M Import LOS ANGELES -Tile Lot Aqelet Stan mad< U 11I vldori., out of elgllt overttme American BukelbaU AaOcla- tao. ·11m• Wedaeeday alght "hen tbe7 . beat Miami, 13f.ut. from North Carolina • "Jenkim ls the most mobile M player J've ever ~n." sa.ld &addleback coach Roy, Stevens after hi3 club was beaten by Long Beach, 8..H?. ., j < Newport Center '• • Oiler Fives .rl'o Collide · GLENN WHITE Sports Editor ' Barons Get Crucial Test In Lid-lifter 20 "/ooff Famous naioo ski pa4~mired in the shop. 1/3 off women's fallJ?ll~Miiie ski pants and men's and w~oos name ski boots. 20%off Men's and women's ski sweaters In a great selection of coJocs. Special group of ski parkas. SPECIAL 1/ 2 off Ski gloves, ski hats, etc. at our Balgain Table. Our "in-season" ski sale of our famous na11111 ttands of ski apparel begins Friday, January 17 and ends Saturday, January 18, Hurry in for these great boys! Sportsman 's Shop, Newport Only d Fashicn lsland • 644-2200 • Mon., Thurs., Fri. 10:00 till 9:30 Oller days 10:00 till 5:30 • .. "' Ill "' ... nd .. ay ue ith •I Iii ue an cit to nd at .. Dy ori- ch lei Ila nt be ... nd or (<, le! at !Id ch •• l'I • TIM!r>dJt, JoA1111J 16, 1969 ( For ......,e ~oa•t Area Pr~ Prep ·wrestling Summaries Still On Hot Pace > U Eric Cuislenoen o! San : Clfmeote can continue his )lf05ellt ton1d Po"' ol 26.! " polntl per game, the Triton 'gum! will become the third highest ICOl'er per game iD Orange County prop history. Only Wendell Kallenberger of Rancho Alamltoe (Z7.l ) and John Vallely o! Cororui deJ Mar (11.7) lead the Triton aoe with their 1968 marks. Christensen bit Z:5 and 3! In the last two San Clemente wins. '1'•'11•• ...... SPorlllnl)'er . .,. "" 01vl1 Au1tlll Corin • Din W&ll111 . """""'" C1rto11 .,1 CORONA D•L MA: ';°Jl fl T' 1cw1111.,.., i s.c .u IJ'.Z ~""' '! to J9 219 w~lr.r,=r U ln i! 1U 1 N~tes lf 1 ,, 62 '= l1 1i 1~ ~ • 8rr 10 ' ,. 'Ltt,.Y 76JlJ Fllllev l J 2 I aSTANCIA lf..I ,. "Tl" UU~2711 15 52 " lll A SPEEDY CALL -That's Espiridion Martinez Castillo, better known as Speedy, making the call in a recent Orange Coast area prep game. Castillo is rated by area coaches as Orange County's best basketball" Official. During the day; Speedy Is a . truant officer for the Analielm School District ...... .,... ... ,......,, fl....°'4l9 (Ml M . Memlltt1! CAii ... ll6-T. W1!CMI IMJ ~ M«1Y1no (A)j 10.t 111--M. W1k2~ CMI ll!IMlili ,..,... WW IA)I II~ 12)--oOll.._. IMI -. eilrMt IA )I ,.. . · Ql'G ..... l't !M) ' "'""" TllrMf" tAll a:u· 1Htlilll ,..._, 4K. MIMkll (All 1M M~DIMIMll (M) llJlllMd Welcll (AJJ ti• • 1.-.....M. o.m-i cMe CAii ,.:t , tSl'...ttffflllt CAI lllC. D. Gertlilen .(M)1 2'14 161-0ir1cn Wt 41c. Df'all1 (Mii ,. 1 ......... ct. w """" AObotl (Mii t:• 1~ (A) '9t. Mini!-, (Mil •• • HV-Y.ertllt lAI -W fWfillt , Vlf'IJtt ........................ IM9dl 1t 91-l.-IHI -. CM (Wl1 "2 1~11o IHI *-11111,,_ (W)I ).! ll~Wwllmedl. (W) •lllMll O.vlf. -!Hl1 l :G 12)....AMlflllo (W) •lllnld Moll (H)I ,., l~l(urtt (W) lllllC.. It-(Hll 11·1 IJ6-.Alnblllfl' IHI •lnnM f lldlolf' (Wll $:11 1'1-McNe~ (W) dK, JCINIRn (H)I 15-4 1.-v1nll1 IHI d,... T"9mel (Wll .. , 151-Jllflll-00 We. 11 .. 1 fWl1 7-4 1~tmlll1111 (W) 1lrwld LOOM (Hl1 2:"" 111--Co1Mn111 (WJ dft, Slo.11 lHI M 1'4 -ci.m-IHI llK. """"'rd (W11 11-1 HV-$111'1r (W) -...,. forfolll ... _ W•tllll•• tt • ..........,_ I Mdl II "'"-*-' (H) 11111C.. Jitelnlo tWll .. 106-5-(H) drww Memtwlti. '(Wll ... 11$-#IMly iWI 11111C.. IOllKllll'I i HIJ ... \~~lll\~ :~ f~ ~' 1 51 li 1, 1: ~ 4 ' l 11 5 i _d I J 0 v ' Espiridion Martinez Castillo m-:trilrf9 (Wl O.C Grtwl (H)1 IM 110....I eq .. tWJ dK. l'lrvtr {H)I ., I~ !WI 1'lc:. N..it (H)I ).! Ul-S..n (W) dK. q,M. CN}I 6-f 1#-Jt_. tW) -"'*' ,_...,. 011 1 '" . U1-Wlbilna (W) M. Mvtfwi1I IHl1 fOUNTAIN VAU~Y ~1.°'"'~t T' ·i~m:-11 •n ~ 1: "'fH•mmw 1 s2 20 "' • Heidi 11 U 2l 1" tyWelMlr \2 ll 5 J1 VNCll 1l t! 10 '' V1ttiveM II ti 1: ~ 'tf':wdel l 1f 7 '' Top County Offi·cial Picked n• \~T_,,. (HJ c1K.. lelt9 IW)I ., 1'11-Twln (HI drW lUMll (W)l ... 1M-Ow1I (HI ""' lrl1NlltOll CWli ., Hll-M INltdl l':.!.~ ·1·r. 1c;::_,. f i ; By EARL GUSTKEY say anything bad about • -MUNTl~TO~•.fM~~·~~..J,__ °' ... ~~ ~~ s~ _s~t,'' Com?i say!~ -. c~tttr•• li 111 t! m Ehn~ombS, the Hun-lfe !I ilwa)'!I been con· -;:o!!!:,." u fti n /:: tington Beach High basketball sislellt and he doesn't call ~1~l JO 1, 7~ name the two or three best many iefs do." :~!U{et. J~ ~ n * coach, was asked recently to that Mickey Mouse stuff so Ji'!~ 1l 1? P officials in Orange County. Says Costa Mesa's Herb · W.i,"., : ~ j J "Heck, there's only one Livsey : "Speedy has an ex. MARINA (t-~ fe fT 1, lJ 3 51 716 n h ~ m 1i it ff l.U 1 • 15 ti ~ , l 11 , 2 1 5 1 1 I 4 1 1 0 2 I t I 1 MATlk ri11 Y,.'Je "T' 'l lOS 61 P' I n ~ 1U ' tt l' .. " , 16 '! I 17 $t 1 10 ' 26 "'!" • l " ' ' ' 2 3 • ' MISSION VIEJO !f.t\ G f G fT T, lJ ti 5' 1ll basketball official as far as cellent knowledge of the game l'm concerned -Speedy." he has good floor coverage The coach ·was referring to and he's very decisive." Espiridion P.1artinez Castillo, Golden West College'! Dick known to all in county cage Stricklin favors S p e e d y circles as Speed or Speedy, because he doesn't hold a depending on how well you game by it.! throat. know him. "A lot of officials will call Speedy chuck1ed when told a lot ot fouls in the first of Combs' evaluation or his five minutes to establish con- work. It seems the Oiler coach trol of the game but I've pnimpted the only technical never seen Speedy resort to foul Castillo has levied on a this." coach in the last five years. Speedy was asked what type "A Huntington game was of game is the mo.st difficult Jn progress and all of a sudden to call. the horn wen~ off. I looked "The one-sided ones are the over at the scorer'~ table and hardest because as an official there was Elmer hitting the you tend to relax. But in a buzzer. He wanted me to ex-close game you're Oh your plain a call I had made and toes constantly." l I had to give him a tech Conlrary to wpat many fans . for stopping the game.". might think,· a referee's path At 38 and an Orange County to high school varsity games official for the past 10 years, is no ea!)' one. school lightweight ,.,... tO the varsity level And----smce it'iilo secret that the CIF is desperately. abort of qualified officials, Speedy recrui.tll whenever be CJlJl. "We meet every Monday night at the J .P. Greeley Scbool ill Saota Ana. Anybody who wants to become an of- ficial can attend." Aa part-time employment, officiating'smonetary rewards aren't bad. Speedy says an average official will make $1,000 to $2,000 per year. The scale rum from M fer junior high game1 to $11 for CIF game.s to $50 for some college games. Pro leque officiab: make over $100 per game. But the comment is com- mon1y heard: "I wouldn't take all that abuse for any kind of money." Responds Speedy, "What abuse! I never bear any. You can't officiate a basketball game properly and listen to people Jn the rtandl at the same time." If Speedy ever did have rab- bl~ Ul'f1 they've shortened eoo&J.derably eyer the years. eourilliig -his orrrciating daYs in Flagstaff, Ariz., where he grew up, Speedy's in hls 14th season with the striped shirt and whistle. A3 a prep, Speedy was an above a v e r a g e basketball player but even better at track. He was an all.state quarter-miler, once atopplng the watches in 50 secoods Oat -not bad for 1949. He went into the service al!B. high school and play<d four yeah of servia: basket- ball before returning t o Atlzoria to eru:oll at Northern Arizona University. It was in the siitb grade at Flagstaff, incident.ally, where a coach pinned the "Speedy" tag on Castillo for hla energetic play on the basketbaij court. And also because be coWdn 't pronounce EsplrldJon. Speedy carries a whistle day and· nlghL He's a truant of· fleer for U. Anaheim School Dlslrict. . ....,,.,. 11111 WI ........ ~eGe'1PI IL) 1hvt1C1 Joh- (NHli J:n l~Geuf (LI die. Sdlldl fNHl1 s:ni~rrDr* ILi dK. Miller iNHfi '"~U-D'AIT!leo (NH) ,111..:1 Nonem (L1l-io.21v• INHI dee. W1l11 11.li ·~li'-HorMI tNHl die. ca11tn (l.)1 Hi~I -Htmmer11 !NH) I I" II• d AnclerSOll (L)I l ::I' 1.-eM Qlrry (NH) 11!11111111 MtMt IL11b~~ .. -ILi llnnM J. Curry INHl1 l:S.C 1"541--0ft tNHI 'lllMlll Frlllerlk1 IL)1 s:r11-CatnM tLI wllMMI °""'I~ lNHll l:f'H-Mllrtl11 INH) ll!'Tfl' K-'-(Lll ,_~V~errl"9 INHI .-lllnld Moore tL)1 1 :40 ~·:;;.vr{ll" .. """" ·" -J..CVtTI• tNH) 1 l11n1ll ltock~Wlf (Ll1 1:40 106-llffli:IMfl R..) d«.. Andrtoll (NHll 6-.o 1'1S..-.:-111kl tNHl d«.. Slw"" CLl1 71n-tt. Clllr INHI Ille.. IWmMtfl tLJ; 10-1 1M-J.._ INHl dte. ~l1nco IL 1: 5-J ·137 -ford (LI OK. Eblln. CNHl1 ., l•~rutet.' ILi 6tc. 81utmk• 1 llllllmt!I ILl 1l11necl Crl11111/UI ···~·, {NH I :25 • -Pl r1<.lr (NHJ 4tc. l<11rr111! fl.I I .. 161--Wllkuis (LI dK, Motll (NH)I .. ,n-H ... 11 IL) Ille. ltOllll'ntluf'lltt tNH}J J.-2 1t'-Sd!Hf9r lNHI dr-Tur...., (L)1 !·~V-81111111 !LI JlllMll 0.191¥ INHl1 2:«t -H""""" MarW 1•1 Ctl LI~ ..... "'!"'~ 11 5 14 11 \J ,1 ll llJ lltlU .. I 10 10 JO J ' ' 16 7 ' 5 1l 2 1 1 J I 1 I 2 SC, Page it) Speedy occupies an enviable Speedy, who is an instructor station runong bis colleagues. in the County 0 f f i c i a 1 s ' ~·~ Unhesitatingly, the coaches Association, says it take! an }:J:=c..r ( ~ rank him No. 1 among the average of three years for --) I -_ .... county's 168 refs. a referee to be graduated "I've never heard anyone from junior high and high TIRE Cena OflN.PA!LY IJ 1.30 A.M. >W.A.."Y 17'11 & Irvine OUR JANUARY s A FRIDAY THE 17th STARTS .~tJ..LID4J>. "'***<P TRADmONAL CLOtHlr\O W estc:liff Pima Newport Beach FRIDAY;d-SATURDAY-ONLY! , 8:30 to 6:00 192-lll~ .. TIRES • PLUS ••• SPORTS AND FOREIGN CAR IMPERIAL FALCON 36 MONTH GUARANTEE 1·600 ~l:'i=':.. ., ____ .. .... S.20.13 S.90-13 S.S/~U 6.00/5.f0.15 NA.TIONWMI OUAWn11 ,........, .................. ._. ... "£:: H""'Mll.••-W• ......... ....... ~ ....... ~ .... ---~ .......... -· -......... cw-....-........................ __ ........ ............................ -. Anaheim 115-1121 IAYCO SHOCK AB-SORBERS 2 FOR DOUBLE ACTION 516~ WPlllOl l lDI C0'4TROL LOMGU SPllNG AHD Tiii un IS Mil 111£ lllSTAllA TIOI IATCO SEAT COVERS 5 19~~~·~· M9ST CAU Ch-fre• c.JlhnMn U11ett S.l1ctiH.f '•tten1~ &. c.i.r. 30 MINUTE FUE IMSTALLATIOHf 100% NYLON CORD 4 PLY TIRES HO TRADE REQUIRED! ANY SIZE IN STOCK FOR BIG CARSI FOR SMALL CARSI • PRIMllll !IUD DfPTH • DOt111 aum rm lllB . . WHITEWALU ONLY $1.H ADDIT10MAL 30 Mltnm FREE INSTAlUTIOlll LHeHme Mufflers 514!~~ CARS INSTANT CREDIT! I . .... °'" ........ ,...... JM.. • '"" Ott. .......... , u ...... ,.....,,, v. """ .... 0,.. w ...... ',. .. COSTA MESA 2860 Harioo< llvd. Phone S40-0170 .._....,..,...,... ANAHEIM 1695' W. Lincoln Phone n4-84I6 " • I ' • ' t • _ < 24 DAILY PILOT -· .Mn""1 14. 1969 .,. ~ 01·ld's Largest Aerial Tram In Service at Squaw Valley LA Schools Short-changed ·On Comperi:tive Cage Action 1be world's targS ffrlal tramway was <hrbt<nod In a nood o! ocllvlUes lul weet- tncl al Squaw Volley'• lntemaUonally lllllOUi ul -.t and oite for the t9IO Ol)ntplc Wlnttt Games. Dancer Ann Miller broke a bottle d chant pagne over ooe d the two 1JO..pa8lenger can. Salw'llay evening. but despite the Cl'OWd • walling inskte ror takeoff and "cocktails in the alr" the jigbacl type 6)'St.m .....- slaUonary. Though skiing was good during the day on new snow. winds and wind direction prevented the inaugural nm up the mountain. Bulll oo a modWar coocept with walla ti lncbea lhlct, f,500 yanll ol --· Esther Billin gs poor..i In pl>ce within wilH>rusbod ply· wood ftlllllS to give the lexturtd effect ot wood. . The 136-foot long, 7>foot wide, 82-foot high building derives its shape from the tram- way machinery Inside, most of which is vi- vidly on view to visitors in painted hue!!. There are six vertical buttresses of pre- stressed concrete on each Ude of the central structw-e with posWension cables in them as reinforclng against earthquakes", u well as all other knowtt aalety features. as consul- tant-In-charge Hans Burkhart wu quiet to point out. Tbett are four indeperxlent brake systems and a C1'.lmpletely indepmimt ns:ue tram- way fir extra safety, two air-cooled standby diesel engines in case of power failure , a warning system, and safety checks are made daily as well u cbecb made by the conduc- l:J. l:J. . l:J. SoCal Snow -Rep(H1- What had been hoped for as snow-produc- ing clouds turned into the exact cpposite ·from the recent stonn u rain waahed away almost all of what mow there was in the Southern Calllomia mountains. At the moment the 'ollowing areas are closed IDlW new snow fall! or manufactured snow can be produced'. Snow Summit, Snow Valley, Holiday Rill, Blue Ridge, P.fl Baldy. In Central California June Mountain and Mammoth I.fountain are under heavy snow after a recent flurry over the last few days. Skiing should be ucdlent with all facililies operaljng. tor along on each ride wbo hu been trained to band.a. emergencies. 'lbe leQgth of travel of car ii 7,000 feet with a vertkal rise ol 2,000 feet. Traveling al 25 mph the upper tum!nal at 1,120 feet la readied In five mlnulea with hourly capa· dtyl,100per90!1!. &lg:btleeta al the base may watch h\'O huge counterweights of 147 Ions each move up aDd down lJ feet wllhlo a glass shaft a.s the tramway operates. In addition to five noon of machinery the building houses the "Great Entrance Rall,'' ati IChool both, Uckel coonters, restaurant,, stl renlal shop, space for five small lhopll. and a ratroom -the ooJy "room" in the structure with four walls. • Siders are programmed through a series of flow.cpace:s ·or •;ready rooms" made out d planes rather than volumes, u the de- m,,ier pula il 1be mieption at the lramway was followed by -In Squaw Valley Lodge and • cou- ture fur collection showing featuring John Boligblon fur designs. Holt Aleunder Cushing presided over all. inc.hiding an earlier press coof,erence in wliich be outllned future plans fO!' his area. Squaw Valley now operates 21 lifts, but CUshing plans over a dozen more, none of whJcb will service terrain presently covered. lt is a gigantic complex and a maze of new buildJna: since the Winter Olympics, which .began the construction boom there. Cliff Taylor beads the Squaw Valley Sk.I School "Instant Ski Division" on Short.ff Skis. Taylor advances skiers through a ser· les of steps and graduated length :skis, boast· Ing begiooing skiers learn to parallel im- medlaldy. He toot me lhrough a complete lessons aeriel -what fun! Po1es are Jell in the lodge and tbe skier uses bis a.n:m like a tightrope wapc:er, though the fee.Ung is more akin to gliding. It was a new experience and one lo try while at Squaw Valley, both for fun and ed- ucation in better skiing. The fligbt. to South Lake Tahoe by Holiday Airlines lrom Burbank Airport la ~ minutes and costs $19.95 plus tax, but if weather for- ces a bus ride from Tahoe to Sacramento to OOard tne etectra jet tral'el lime is gieaUy e.rtended. Jill Frank, a l~year-old ski instructor from Salt Lake City is queen of National Ski Week beginning F'Mday. The Big Bear Carnival Cup Race, BJg Bear Ski Club's first major race of the season planned for Junicn B, C, IV, and V wtJI be Sunday. Mammoth Lake's Third Annual Winter Carnival Is set Cor Jan. 25 through Feb. 2. Featured will be special races and evenl3, a torchlight parade, ski patrol demonstrations, an art show, special community dinners and ski moviea, and a parachute jumping event. Sponsor<d by the Mammoth Lal<" Cham- ber or Commeree, $1 bu}'I a carnival button that admits cueata to all events. Olympic Vet s at OCC Clinic Each of the athletes will diJcuss their specialltles. Sloan, another '68 U.S. Olymplan, w i 11 speak on training for the decathlon. PlE·JUDGf l'OllCE Of PUTTING STROKE • TheNare wmalways to lnerecHyourabtl1tyto lucfge · proper puttin; force. Ont of the best, I feel, ii to im- ogine that you ore rofU:'J tlit boll towards the hple, ·• I omc(ping in 111..-tnitlon. I. In kid, youmigbt'Gduolly prac'tlct dping this. • , The same amount of force required lo taa the boll up to the hole is ftHded to stroke if therewith a pUtter (i i. lustiation 12). ThlA, If you can imogin. how much force you need t'o tea the ball to tfie hole; you can rectdily tra,..fer thil Image to your actual ·putting stroke. Then whwiyou stroke a Jong putt during actual pl:aY, you nud only imagine teaing the ball to the hole. &elNt MAn. ....... ~- "HITTING THf·lllONS•-offm tolld r,tp, ltonc• ond twit19 pointers to boo9' iron plo, ond IOW9t' gol scores! Serd lo.; and o stomped, return WI.,,./ ope to Arnold Polmer, e/o thb paper. SC STAR .. (Continaed from Page !3) NIWl'OllT HAll901 11·11 H•ven .. ,_ Mtl!l!Olf Lll'ICbledl ·-PO\I T&lll! ·~ .. G<HllUI Mc;Anll1 ""~ '"" 0 "O nTP' SAN CLIMINrl lt·ll Cflrllt.nwn 1..,,,,,,dro1 .I.II<~ ' BMl1ml11 "''·~""'' F:;:<>elllnl Lemb!l"I " . ' " llrntu 0 '0 l'T T, 1.; 1)) ~ ,,., 14 11 u1 u ..0 1 t I' '' 17 •' 14~,!I U I.\ 11 !r " • 1 " I I 11 ? 1 ~ I 1 o WIESTlr1UNSnl 7 .. 1 0 ,0 ,TTI' II 1' M 711 "ti RI " " . " r. '" n 11• u 11 ' ~ 1r1 ·11 l I I ' l 1 0 / AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? • u Oranie Cout uu buketblll -lhouJd have a problem or two wltb ooe o! their pray.,. ouch u loo!! balr or • ~e verbal ...,, here'• a suuesUoo on '!IJ>al·lo do with the o!fender: • Don't throw him ore the team. Simply lhrulen ~ with transfer to a Los Angeles -· -u that d-·1 -the ...... out o! him, probably nothing wlll. Factl reveal that clty buketball players garner ooly tol;eo CIOOlpeUUve upooure. com- .,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ROGER ' CARI.SON "**" •"*' •• -, ••• par<d with their C!F Southern Seellon counterparts. First or all, lf a city athlete has competed In football during the fall, he is automatically ineligible to compete in basketball. Secondly, no tournaments for anyone, is the Los Angeles City Schools' polley. That meam a two-week layoff during the Christmas holidays. What's more, no team may play more than 15 limes during its campaign -in- cluding league games. That would suggest the maxhnum ol about five practice games. If a team is fortunate to win its league championship and goes on to v.·in the city championship, the run slate or game ex· NYLON CORD Ol)ntpie vet.rant Bob Day, Tracy Smith, Tom Von Ruden, Rlck Sloan and Rainer Steniwi headline Orange Co a at College's sixth annual track and field clinic Saturday in the college's science hall. Stenius, a· member ()f ,the 1964 Finnish Olympic team and head track coach at Whit- tier College. will discuss long jumping to open the clinic at 9 a.m. Ernie B u I I a r d • lissistant track coaeh at Sao Jose State College and former OCC head coach, will conclude the clinic II r--------~ •sAFETY ALL-WEATHER" TIRES 'l'bt clinlc, which will run rrom 9 a.m. to l.2:30 p.m., is open to coaches, athlele-' and track fans. There is no admission char~. At 9:45, Day, Smith and Von Ruden, all members of the 1008 U.S. Olympie team, will be featured on a diatance nllllllng panel SHOW CAPS -MITTBIS -GLOVU ~~g~s~~-~~1.~~s 95c,. 4 95 Ski·Cisor .... . ··-··-. 14" P'Nctlce 5'11 .. at H0111Je Sieck -Tlll agms SAM SNEAD or PATTY BERG BEGINNERS GOLF sm 1 & 3 WOODS . 3. 5. 7 . 9. PUTTER •'"l•lar 12.00 ................ --................. ...... 58°0 GOLF BALLS .... 60¢ • 75 ¢ • $1.00 IUCK Knives ................ 1200 to 30°0 OLD TIMH with a discussion on pole CALL 6734650 vaulting. II L---------' Additional information is available by calling J 1 m J.fcilwain or Don Guyer at 83~5767. H & H INSURANCE QI Mil~ -C... ... MW (hl!lnd ,..,. ThJJ""'I ---- ' ~ .________ ____ _ PENNSYLVANIA -X76 HOGYJ Duty Tennis Balls .. ___ 11n. 750 WILSON XTRA DUTY Tennis Balls.... ..Doi. '1'' MEN'S CONVERSE Tennis Shoes 775 LADIES' CONVERSE Tennis Shoes rs MEN'S JACK PURCn( • • h ' 8" Tennis S oes _·-··-···-· MEN'S Tennis Shorts 4'~ 13" IOY'S Tennis Shorts ···-·· ... 4 95 MEN'S ' Tennis Shirts .. 4 '°to 5°0 Bur tint tire It $ 19.85 • Get •Old tire % Jbat price only •• " Slm:7.DOxn -·-... $U4Fed.U. Ta: per tin!. No tr;tdeo-if1~ ""~ded" .. lllChl .. l lMllltt ht Jlt1 1.11111J:1.) $1,.15 J.35 I 14 --- 1.35• I~ $2J.J5 1.15 J: It ---1.1!i . u Slt.15 1-25 • It t.r.; K IS SZ1.10 1.55. tt l.S5. 15 SZt.75 UO•U SZ0.75 t.eS .1.15 $21.15 ,,(IO. 15 BUY NOW ON EASYTERMS- FREE MOUNTING! 211111 Tlt1 $ t .t2 Sl 1.6t s t .t2 $1 J.55 Sl 4.17 Sl O.J7 SIO.t7 $2J.10 $11 .55 $26.60 $13 .JO $2J.10 SI 1.55 $JO.JS $16.50 ----SJJ.oo 511 .51 ---$24.00 $12.00 ----SZS.10 512.55 ---SJ6.15 $11.51 pertencf: would number 19. For the recor<I . Fountain Valley hu plOl"'I 17 gamn before even enterbtg ln1ne Leacue compellllon. Tueaday was the final day of acUon In regular sta&on basketball for city playen. Friday the Irvine League achedule ill just getting under way. * * * A8 unprec:edented 1wetp 11 ht the realm of po11lbOlty for Fou.atal• Valley UJ&b ,rbt:ll I.be· Baroni trek to Marina Jan. l5 lO compete ta the annual Five CouoU~ wresWD& ta. vltatlonal. FIMlD.taia Valley has alreadJ take. tfnl place tropblts 1t the Cal State tLoo&•kKlt) toansey and tbe Oranie Cout lnvltaUo11aL 'lbe defend.in( Irvine League cbQaplom figure te be prime Ulrtabi at Martu. * * * Scanning Irvine League basketball rosters you get the impress.ion that it's the do-it-now year for several teams. Magnolia. favorite for the crown, ha.I e.laht seniors and three juniors with the Sarting five all seniors. Only seniors dot the IO·man ro~1er ()f Corona del Mar. And Fountain Valley 11 in much the same status. The Barons have only one junior on the squad. Loara is no exception -the Saxons also have one junior along wit.h 11 seniors. That leaves Estancia and Costa Mesa. Mesa has four juniors on the team along with eight seniors. Estancia is the only srhool with a starting five dominated by underclassmen. The last starting lineup included two juniors and a sophomore with two other _promising juniors on the bench. $1.76 "·" IOYS' Tennis Shirts ................... 4 °0 Knives ................ 575 •o 2000 SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SPEEDO & OCEAN CHAMPION SWIM TRUNKS & SUITS LEG WEIGHTS ........... 6.95 pr. IASIETllALLS • VOWY BALLS SOCCERBAW • 4 5qUARE .IALLS • SOFTIAW ·IASDALLS • HANDBAW .. RNNIS Dresses·-·-·-··· 13°0 •• 16" R NNIS Rackets ____ 4n to 5200 RALEIGH llCYCLES PARTS · TIRES· lVIES REPAIR RACKET STRINGING YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1596 NEWPORT Phone 548-9383 COSTA MESA 412 OCEAN AVE. Phone 494-6666 LAGUNA 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone 642.0010 • l red cue In ..... just Int di) ... ... '°" gilt 1ng or b l!lg ing ast I a ors • Pr.ep, Jaycee .Ba·skethall Log 'ANGBUJS U.t.Gllll I II FREEWAY LEAGVE i ll .. .. H Ii R " "' I .. " " ll u .. :! .. ll " .. • y • fi lf " u a " • " " .. .. " II tt ft " II ll ff ll : r. " ! ft .. ll 11 r. n a t :t I u ~--.. ---- GA&ell'N a•OVE 1.11'.t.GVll' I ~ r. .. " ~ " ; u " n " ff !! IRVINE U:AGVE , .... " " • • " .. ,, .. • .. " " " " • 4 .. n " " " " " .. .. " " " " .. " 1.0$ ALAMITOS. " Gll'lflM G.-~ a llMllM V•lllr .. " w""""' " .. !'"-'•fn v1n1-, .. • .. ._.. .. • •tntef'W .. • -" .. "-""-1.11 ... 11 • ,. .. ... ,..._ " Q .... ,,..,. .. ; Fil:. ... " " " LOI All\1901 ii(" .1 ..... Y~.in,Jv,v I All:l ... .. " U.DOt.•IACK ,, ,._ " 4, hitt. Alie V1l1W .. u •• Modflla p 11 ... m. ""' .. D UWM ...at .. tJ Mlltlefl Vt.rt. .. • , ... c ....... " 41 ~ Dtl .. ,., ., .. • ti ~=Ill " n 50NOlll.A • U Qulnt1 " " L.w.11 .. .. Lo ...... r " ,HlflQI " .. C.I Nitti • .. Elltt~ n .. ..... " D "-'-"' \l•fllrr .. " ""'"' •• .. a.Me AN \111"7 " 5' L.-Ai.ITlllW " ~ ~:~=-.. " " VAl.IMCIA w .. 1mll'll11r .. .. l• W1b"' " • sa1111 .. , " .. ""'ltftoll .. .. T-n a ...,,_ " .. Et DorM11 .. .. MINl.i Vltlo .. .. ........ .. .. ... ~ 4l El OM..,., .. '2 IMldltNd: " 11 S-• .. SIJNSET LEAGllE ANAHllM • c..r1 """""-• .. _ .. '"""" " W ... m ~ ..... Ar1Hl1 • Elunhowtr " f'ecltlte " 5.tn Oltto " l!I ""°"1~ " Vlll1 f'lrt .. Wntml,..ltr .. .. t-~·11.ne 11\INTI..,... llACM .. c1n1enn111 JV " Lotte .. W11lmlnsl9t .. G1r .. n Gr""9 .. M"llOILI " 11o1 ... o,.nde .. La W11Mn .. "'"'" " W11tmln11er " .......... n --" ltenc:l111 "''"""°" n S1n1111 ,.,,,, n n:t:Mi.t' " " .. " .. " MAlllNA Nwtll llllv1raldO ~" •• .... ~ l'eunt.lft Vt lley ll•llCho Altmllol 2nd TIPI lo• as ••• W1-yaubuy the 1.t tire at --~ -lft"""" 'II ...... --...... 1 ... .., ... ,.., .............. ! ................ -. llD ...... ...... • • .. • " " • .. .. " " " • .. " " " " " " " .. " .. .. .. " .. " ., " .. " • .. .. " kt-' H•rOlr • 11$mlli\lton ... di .. Ctm.ior1 • --· .. C.t Hltfl " """' .. ,. ..... n -·-., ,,_,., " HwnllntlM lltMfl NIW"°'IT ""lM>k .. C-.. , MM .. l•tancl1 .. LY Wtlt.rn .. 0 .. " Wl'lllll!N" p "''"" " t• Wiiien .. -· .. ..... " C•fl ~ " • •• .. MArlM " ~"11 Ana V111cv .. tsMfll IAllTA AMA " t.\eter Dtt .. ""'"" " -·-n leYllllMI n -·· n PK- " San Clell'ltflk " lhndlt At.mi.. " ,,_ .. .. .,,_ .. H1.>nll"8ton IH(ll • Wts'"" " Anal>tlm IANTA ANA VALLIY " S.rwl11 .. -·-" .......... " ._ ...... .. CW-1111 Mer " Co.t. Mme " Eltenclt .. ·-" -· •7 w .. ,.," ll ~=111r:""" WIUTlaJil " s. .... -• lot Alof!llM .. ·-" ,_ .. n ,,,_ .. Ooml119w1 " Ltvl1,..r • Hllf'llfittOfl '"" .. S1nt1 All• n S1n11 An• V•lll'r " Stnll Afll " NtWl>Ol'I H1r1>or WISTMINSTllt " V1l1ncte " S.nll-" HWl'ltlr\sJof! •11dl .. MltllOlll " Mo-• .. E1111ic:lt n lmll••ood " Mt1notl1 .. Compton .. Hwnllrtt!an II Ne• " Santi-.. C-lgn " Anlh•lm " Hwn11rc= " hfitl I t 1Y E .. tern Conl"".t!11Ce CHA,f'IY n1ai= ...... trtV -· 16 ~amp!Ofl ·~-n ." lei A.MeleJ 1~11 I fi: ~ll;\:· ..... In flr>C 1o;o ':"nl's AM ~ti SAC ti ~I~ CITRUS W IElll Uit ... ,... .. , l " .. • " " .. .. " • .. " " • " .. " .. " .. .. .. " i: .. .. " .. " .. " .. .. " n " • .. 4 " " .. " " " .. ., • • " " .. " " GOLDIM WIST 111 Cwt•I• ,. C.I l"l!Y CSL.Ot fntll lot' Ml. 1o1n Jttllllt ,. •lktrtfll .. 77 ,_ 7S Htl'tlor IA 5M ... Mnl,/l'IO n OllnNle lit °""'"' 7J ltlftUk!t '3 ltla Mol'lllo '1 !.Int• Aow t~ Ort119t Cots! MT.UC 10! Ml, Stn Jedtlte 61 Olttldtll ff Stn01"e ·-· 11 Cltrvl '5 FulltrlM fS Olelldi.ls '' c1m.• M 1'11Denl11 7t ChtlfeY t• i..n Jaot 101 Htn~ lS ,~-,. Stn ll1r1111"1tl11t n '""" n """" 19 Cllrus S1 Stn• A111 67 o•ANtl COAST '' IS e1 CtmlM ., " L-lltec;h 71 70 Ctrrltol .. ns Nt1rtlll'I AFI 17 " Ltntv " l'f M«Tllt " 17 Ctn\el""' U ' n ''"""' " ll"vlleriDn H ·ff .. .. r. ~ n " ll " 5'I Fuller1on 111 •t ... ...i. " Alo Hit* JS Col• w .. 1 RIO HONDO IQ E11t lot Mttl• 1• \llC l'"r..it ""'"" n .,..... """" 71 Glendti. t'l SoltllO ~ Sen 01-MIU " 5ao.11-ltrft 17 Golde!! Well IJ OrlMI Cot1I '1 Sen lltr111rdl110 S5 c,, ..... Cosl1 Mesa Newport Beach 475 E. 17th St. 646-2444 I rt n " n .. • " .. .. .. " " n " ~1 , .. DAILVM U ,11 .. 1, .... • OAJlY PILOT Tbundq, .bn"'I 16, 1969 t , , t THAT MAN'S BACK -&ib Hope, above, presents highlights of his annual (:hrisbnas louT of mililary f bases t<>nigbl al 8:30 OD Channel 4. Wit.b him OD I.be i tour this year were Ann-Margret, Llnda Bennett, y Rosey Grier, Dick Albers, Honey Ltd., the Gold- ~ .... w.·~gg~e_r_•_•_•_d_M~~-s_W~•r_l_d.~P-eD_d_o_p_e~P-lwnm~~e-r.~~-.1 t ,1. f. ! I • .. , TELEV,ISION VIEWS Old West Is Sweet By CYNTHIA LOWRY NE\V YORK lAP) -During an awkw_ard !"o- menL when il was important to say some~g lig~~ and merry to lead to a station break, "Music Halls • star Jack· Jones suggested that he and his guest artist play a game called "Television." "First we sing a song, and then there's a com- mercial," explained Jones in one of those naked moments of truth -and off we went to a mayon- naise pitch. . . It shouJd be noted that in telev1s1on there us- ually is time for two songs or a song and a comedy ~ketch between commerciaJs. ON DRAMATIC shows the commercial break often seems to be worked ~ut .a, ~refully as cliff- hanger conclusions to soap opera episodes : Our he~o steps into the hot noon sun of the Cowtown main street and there stands his arch enemy hand reach- ing for his gun -and we fade ·rl~bt into .the auto- mobile sales talk. Or the clever 1nlernat1onal spy is intenlly rifling the bad guy's safe when the. bad guy appears, gun in band. And on comes the c1gar- eUe spiel. . None of these interruptions is quite as annoying as those that turn up in small bunch~s during old feature movie broadcasts. Motion pictures, of course, were made for theatre audiences and with- out any regard for pausing every 15 minutes or so tor some messages. So the messages are inserted, sometimes brutally, when the time -not the story line is right. WEDNESDAY BROUGHT a rat.her quiet , relax- ed evening of television viewing. "Daktari" sang its swan song, departing CBS as it arrived, with Judy the chimp and Clarence the lion the real stars. "Th.e Virginian" on NBC devoted its 90 minutes to an involved tale that could easily bad been adapt- ed. 'l9 ·"Peyton Place.'' The white-bat ranch band killed a 'black-hat trespasser in self-defense, then worried near the end of the show, a second shoot- out justified bis act. LIKE ''BONANZA," the series presents the Old West and its men and women in such a sweet light. Jn the last episode the saloon girl was, as she often is in Televisionland, a nice kid , and something of a heroine as well. Jones ,this week's "Music Hall" topliner sang nicely but there was plenty of built-in trouble with the comedy material provided Debbie Reynolds and Godfrey Cambridge -and I.bey both tried bard. "Hawaii Five-0" continued to be preoccupied with narcotics and "The Outsider" got mixed up with some dreadful superpatriots. The show how- ever established some sort of a record -star Darren McGavin only was beaten up twice and knocked cold once. Druanis the Menace --: - Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service '"'I·'''"'"'' 642-4321 • 2211 Wod ....... llvd. Newport Beach PERKINS JUDGE PARKER W..Y I ~5E VOIJ'1! ~E.JllPGE? 6UXIA MAS A PATE WITM 6klF- TOUIGHT~ LF fl«IF'S A&OUT TO Al &u~INE5-S WITH l.uRY HOKE, I. ICIWW' HES IN nou&LE ! TUMBLEWEEDS ONCE: AGilJ.t!i_0-ASS!·-· WHAT ARE TilE 'TWO l'KIME HAZAAPS YOU MAY Ef!COUNTER IN l..IFTING- CE:RTAIN SCALPS? Jl 1; ,, ., MUTT AND JEFF MISS PEACH -- MISTER GfMIMIS, ""'EN 'IQ.I GET' SMAlt!E~, wru. VOi.i SE Pl!JNOPAL OF A HleH 50<001.. ? ..... • -- • By John Miles By Harold Le Dom: By Gn Arriola a CJ ,_,, ,,. D FASTm "EWS l" THE * WEST,111:1111 BILL BONDS, STU 'NAAAll, JIM HEALY, and CARL GEORGE! :itrt;;.~r Spoclal-llab touro .... Ylotnani r....,. !e~~.::: hb IMLlll tow fl ltlrl llllltaly ..... 11 YlltNll, llllpltlb In 11· p11, 11M1 9utM. TM& )'Hr lob tOoti wl~ Ill• M1·Mlfott; llA4a ..... tt; -cnot: -l'lummll' (Miu Wortd); CMct Al· Nri: KllMJ, Ltd.; 111d TM Gold· 'latn. . " '"'"' (C) 190) Dlcl: (111111'1 111d Mid.II' Dl¥1• "' rktpidt. Thi 11111!1 Mftl: II t lo.rouct llledl•· wll&"M Mitt MtnM .,_,. Dor111 • '" --t&O) ""' ''"' o.w A1¥111dL (. l.'fO...:. -'~ D IHHIJ ID-·CCI (30) (C) (lO) •'Qwtfit 1irlil striill -··· Con· u 111 .. u ... , ... ,. • .,,,_,,.,. dusioll s...w hltM =r.,. cuat .......... $lllilf (Q (90) Ji)'M J:1t 1 Y.....r ""9; f{ Ind ....... Clft' A(Qllltt• lnlll l.tll1J 5111 alb: ~ lit 11'1111111 ~ trldllnt; ...., Wd P•l:L m--CCI 1'0> O THE 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE m "" "' ..., CCI tS> * SINATRA! IN COLOR! el"""' 1 --11NEVER SO FlW"-Part I . , OSO ....... -CCI -''°'119(1)CIS l> .... _, S. Fflll" P1rt I (il'lm1) '60--fr1,t; ..... 111 lii• MIMI" (dr.-) 'M- Slllltrf StM lilld)l .. I 61111 lollo· Robtrt Mitchum, frMCI """"· la1· brl••' ' '1 Sulllv111, Trwor Howard. lllnan .. ' WyM. Towards the tnd of World (;JI lpf (Q (60) W11 I~ tile friction llttw"n British Ill 0) •nd Amerklll com111111ditlblloned ..._ (C) <3 in ll!dl1 la brou1bl ao 1 cltftu when IDn.t'1 Mew? (30) "'Th• Tn.1111· 1n American llellhlrllnt ·" dMratd petlf al Krakow." A sfDry "" medl· With shootln1 I Britilh *"'lllll 1'111 l'IA1nd 111d I }'OUlll boy D ~(I) m 1W 1111 (C) (30) AYll I sm1U willlit ,, aovnclln •'fll1t" of the Behold•." An •b· • trumpet Mel: sculpture ttnt ta M11 bJ Don ., ..... II '*ii prteipiWIS &II IJIUl!ld that ill· Q) IPL.I .... (Q \'OIWI tflt BIUINllS. (llucheduled) '""II --CCI !&al . ..,... ......... " .. "'CCI fD .....-tlll .... " QMu (30) °'Qfttini .... for tfll . Stesa.• &IN JI ....... how the ldiwlti• fiDlnl:M out M this Mfitl '" l'ltltld .. ""' dllll'OOlll .......... 111111 l!l -CCI D .• "7300 DAYS" ~ * GALA l·HOU(I SPECIAL CELE8RATIMG KNBC. Ch. 4'1 20th Anniwnlry m-<Cl (30) m •n ,,.,... (C) (60) Thlr· 11111 J011n1 ltfDB from tht "IJtion· II Thutre of tM Dl•f ptrfom nltttlolu from th• c:ompan)"• rep. 1rta11, lndudl111 °po11T11 by Willilm l l1kl •nd ltwis C.nol. lltd • ft(· Mii ol GilCOfl'IO f'llcdN'1 comic OPllfl, "Gi111nl Sctdcdll.· IE>f-CCI I= K I D A Y MmME MOVIES . ............ (tOlllMot) •• - ID ha t.. T• u. (C) (IO) tEl Jm Clsull (30) 11111 Totn11 llMI Th• Benny h~ Trit .ll'mnf 1 l)ro1nm conuntr1lif'll on jazz lint· en. Host Rllph GllUOll lfMI TOffnl disalu the distilClivl _,... If jazz ""''""' eo ..... (D i.e. t.JOO @rn m.....,." .. u .. .... (C) (60) 1fJ 11ns (CJ (30) T• ..,._tL fl! Wallllqt11 ii llrill' (Q {JO) fl!.) T\llln kit ~) TN C.lttdl pl1yers pruel'lf tctntl from Hrn!ld Plnttr's ~ ... Sllrht Adlt." Md-critic Hal M1ritnlhal tllb "1th C.rt Sd'lltn ind f'Ntt Fits fRllll tht c.neeh dr11111 dtpertin.l ei-- D !Ill (I) !ll JNJ -CCI u:00 m n s..-St"' DO-m 0 C..MRlty hllltit htfd '(C) m rro11 •• 1111iit o.t ce> l:JO m All-fttpt SNw: "'Thi Minotlur.• '1111 IOl•nt • 111f "Tht Hom lloWI It Midnlfht• wom--,_ '39 -Jot! Mccn.. -n. .._ M111p Mlp• (to!MIJI) '53 Mbott l Cottello. ''""·~· ... ., _ (-) ... -Midllll Wllll-. Roll Hobert. aut: G• liliw ,.,.. l:• a "'CMDlll· (hon'tf> -s-"',. lllOlld l1111 • ...... --°"""' '41 - _ ....... 'ii\,, ''"""'· '"'. (C) ...... "" "' - lHO II (C) .,•t..t llt.t" ("'micll) (adwntun) "58 Gor*MI Seaft. [" 14--fnM SiMbl. Doris Dty, lflfll • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS O••llty rrl11!h11 111d Otp111d1~!1 Ser.-ic1 for _,.. th111 I Q111rl1r 11 • C1nt11ry. ----n1' wm IALIOA ILYD. ._l NPC Rf I ACH .=: [ ="'=" - ' I .... .... """ ' ,.. """ ""' .... i Al· Gold· '""' ', .. .... .... (30) "''· ~ .. ... '"'' ' '"" ,._ .... .... """ ~ti"' ... .... "'" L (30) I lb• "'" I in· Ji.d) ) .... II ' sint· '"'" Im Uo· (30) ..., ..-;.- "'" m" . ,. " ,, ""'· '"" '"" mtic "' "" 11111) (•d· .... Q ..,.. ~ .. , .. , "' , ... ""' ur,• ... - "" -... 'U "'' ... c .. - t:h.,, Spht: AU Da!V...lf fTIJtn AT to• ... .,...,.,_ .. _, .... ---'14S.lJ1S n.. All Ctlor Mlfst cunt Walker • COLOR • "MOU DEAD · THAN ALIYr' ltldMrd JalonlOfl e COLOR e ' ... A,fWIST Of SAND" 11111• Tiit Offltrlllqn Gapl David Nlwn e COLOR e ''1HI IMPOSSllU , 'f.IAU" · • Pale;r V11"1ov_ e CPLOR e "~ .. IWONS" WlnltrW.111 ,,_ . 147-3591 . . ·-"HOW sWm JT:JS'" Phone 67U260 'EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEM~NT " Tbey left' th"e west • "MORE DEAD THAN AUVE" · f If l'J.J~ ii'~i~~a~~i~~ Aime Francis ALSO l'U.TINGo "TWIST OF SAND" lkhotl JoU.0. Hoeor llockMo11 i!fIJDD!o)}! 'M£WPORT lE"A"CJ4 • OR.!-8351:1 Best Actrest Belt Dlr:lction N.Y. C~itic~s A.ward I .191• Tlli .!,._1111llr· f'•·•n~ Dt~dl e GOLOlit.e ---· -... 1.r.-·.l'l~·u:i1r .-- 1 "PAPEl LION" ' f • ; ! I -·~ I ·--·-·""' Cl!nl E•1fwood • COLOR e . "COOGAN'S ILUFF" • Mldl1el S.rra?ln • COLOR e .. JOURNn TO SHILOH" --· 11.fnst ...... .., Doutt. Terror John A$hl'1 • COLOR • "IRIDES OF ILOOD'" Chrl$toP!ler Ue e .COLOR • .1 "l~oop ''~D- FOURTH AND FINAL WEEK! THEMOBT J;lSAVTIFUL ALSO Peter O'Toole Maggie ·Smith ' SMH Of .. J!lr"CllE(ll" look ... Liric'I ttrr lllJl JllLEil& .. .,ReUO LQfllE d!l'lfr!. ~~B!!'MI" f•'"llf CKEAlll AITI.L'IE lilWttrrtll"lllTE ~ -•JACl(t't\IRN!J!.'-•JOSllllALOONI . TECHNICOLOfl" t/I PANAVIS~ON"FROMWARNER BRos..sE\IEN,llRTS 2nd Hit at Cinema · · 2nd Hit at. Clneme West · JULIE 'EORGE C. CWRISTIE· SCOTT waw•I• -.the uncommon mone. e-.r·•-• ..... am• . l SUOO(S!t!? '°" iWUiit lol.CIOCtSI • Maggie Smith JAMES DEBBIE MAURICE GARNER RtYNOLDS RONET ........ ALSO FIRST ORANGE ~OUNTY ~ui. , ...... ~-.• ·-··--.... I 'f' ---------------------· --------. -~~~~-- Sto.rm ·Window Sa.ksma"' . ,, . a Newark company. Jarrett's interest in lheater began as a child. ''I got hooked when I played a tulip in kindergarten," be said. He studied at theater schools in New York and Hollywood and during World War II appeared in "This Is The Army." lllJ dual Ille kttpa hJa, diya and l)l&hls full. He leaves home lo Tea.neck • across I.he Hudaoo. River from New Yori City, about 8:30 1.m. and ~ at his ofO.. llJ)UI about 5 p.m. After dianer with his wife, be leaves for the theater. and returns home about 1 a.m. Jarrett, 50, describes his life as "a matter of ,trifng t.o ,oatlsfyJamily needs and fOllf ""·• .Sthetic oeed8 •I the · h time." · ., He bas been undentudf for rour months in the part ot 1 Tevye. a humorously wise father of five daughters who prealdes over a small village in old Russia. Jarrett is the sixth actor to perf!>f111 the role in the Broadway pro- ductioo. "Now that I have the lead, I think about the role and the coming performance a great deal during lhe day," he says, Irvine €horus Sets ' . -. . . DAU.Y 'IL.OT Shilt ..... 'Elijah' This Sunday · 'That's the Man' Mauflee Allard, director or Maurice Allard, direclor, Is the Irvine Community Chorus, assistant professor or music has selected James Johnson, at UCI. The assistant con- bass-baritone, to sing the role ductor is Denois L. Houser. Greta Smith is firm in her identification of John Moran '(right) as she undergoes questioning by prosecutor Ron Filian in this s c en e from ~'Night of Janttary 16th," openhig tonight at the Westminster Community Theater. DAVID NIVEN of the prophet Elijah ,i.o the A do~ble quartet will sing first pubJic CQncert OC ~the parts of the Elijah consisting Irvine C~mmunity Chprua of Leslie Rels, Jan Unvert, Sunday 1n Crawford Hall, Jan AJexander, Donna Fuller, formerly known as Campus John Udall, Donald Rohrer, Hall, at 7:30 p.m. James White and Dennis '-Yirgin IGng' Opens F,;riday Mrs. Darrellyn Melilli of Houser. . "Th y· . Jn.. " F II t .... Us """''•• " Orange will perfotm ,._the .·1 The Irvine Community~ -e ll'g1.11 1¥>1g~ a new . o. o~~re11 ~ 0.,.....,.1 The Horeesbjle ·s!ge ~ter ~ day, Saturiiiiy. ancl StmdaJ LOLA ALB RI Gill" soprano ·part or the widow. Chorus is aponsored by musical based on the original V1rg1n King WiU CQnUnue test _Estyn_Go,u_of Ulma._ I .Inda U~Bity ~ Calif9fllia ~~-_~med~ by .tliz!!._beth Kaebum._ _~ r ~or man c e I at the sings tenor solos for the parts tension at Irvine. Numbering and adapted by Jack L. Har· nlibllJ ildefml"'t-'"el"y, ___ '-- Peter Ustinov IN of Obadiah and as Ahab, tbe almo.rt JOO, the ~horus was rell opens Friday night at Kb)g. 'Ot.b_er solosils lnclude organlt.ed to provide an op. • sopranos Jan · Unvert 0 f portunity for Orange County the Horseshoe Stage Theater Newport Beach Donna FWJer residents to participate in this in I.Os Angeles for a premiere of Irvine, Mar).nn Kattan of type of cultural act.ivitr. test production prior to possi- Santa Ana, and J ~ n e To encourage the mterest ble Broadway showings. Films T~ Gay? "Hot Millions" Westb!"O?k of Laguna BeaCh_. of.~er people, concert ad-The story tells of an ex-king Organist for the production nussion ls fr:e to students reluctantly· relinquishing his · ~~~~~~~~~~~ls~Mr~s.~R~u~th~L~an~gw~o~rth~y~H~•~lli.. to be seated m th~ baJCQny throne to his son only to Actress. Resents Trend By VERNON SCOOT = of Crawford Hall. Tickets for ' -Ute CQncert are '1.50 each see that young man rise to and are ava~Je at the Ex-a _happy notoriety . that tension Information office and deUg~ted his ~bjects as. mu.ch the office of the Newport as his father s promtScuity Beach Chamber of Commerce. had annoyed them. ROIJtf-¥.._. Satl~ "Tbe Incredible Reign of Gool-~iting Ulii'F- t:M '·'"·-THIRD STEP THIA TRI-COSTA MISA Cotrol llh Offlw-646-ll•l IALBOA 67J.404B o,.. 6:41 "'I. a.n... .. , .... Pf>nlntult NOW .SHOWING OPEN AT 7:11 SHORT SUIJECTS 7:)0 FlATURE 1:00 --On• Showin9 Onft- HELD OVER 3RD WEEK! ' ' The original celmplete roadshow versLon of the multi Academy Award Winner IT IS LIFE ITSELF ••• RAW BEAUTY IN AU ITS AWAKENING! -~ ~ F . .,.,...._ N11t11N1t QiW' SOUTH COAST '""" !A. PLAZA THllATllE CORPORATION San Qlea;o Frefta1 at Bristol • 546-2712 -NOW PLAYING - SHOWING 'nMES Weekdiyo-7:00 · 9:45 p.m. Sit. & Sun,-1:30·4:15.7:00,-9:45 -- Donald Stuart, co-producer of Originals Only, will sing lhe. role or the J ·fx·king he created in UW'" fil'Bt version. .• -----d pen n a r Io• m' . The par1 of hil ~.the 'virgin J.A:U.llCll king is sung by Christopher ternatianally noted concert Cain. The cast also includes plan.ist, wW perform at UC 16 • year • old Jayne Hamil of Irvine in Crawford Ha 11 Anaheim. tonight at 8:30. Pennario will -~-------­ perfonn works from Haydn, Chopin, Prokofieff, Schumann and Liszt. Give lhe United Way Crossword ACROSS 48 Brlfl&b Coh1mbla t Bun eullv ....... 5 Mr. Ra!hbone 50 ii;°ber JO Popular of tne cartoonist othn s.ldt .14 fhtSSltll 51 Olschar,ged: name · lnfof'llll 15 C~e together .SJ Lobster, 16 E111 !Oy •·I· 11 Mu Uolled 57 C•lmtnots by 7: of old 2 words 61 Fish sauce 1• Object or 62 .Nolfonal: worshJD SHI antics to Stock-· 64 Uncordial holders' 6S City of concern Qudlrt 21 Call 66 On• of lncon-tctfy sneral 23 let masses D1nl1b 25 Bt ln"dtbted tings -16 ClnemtUc 67 Extided 11p . eccmory 69 Discharge 29 Castlgalts 69 Fool 111&/69 12 Dance: 40 Mott lgfot111al dls1gr111blt '13 H1wallan 43 Wiped out fire soddtSI 45 Calmed 11 Historic. 47 Human rlv!r btln9s 22 Kind of 49 "01' Man music River" DOii 24 Placl111 at C0111postr rnt!rvats '2 Point In 26 kind of hit acctntric 34 Feature of many castles 35 Impetuous aRfor l Speech 1111-27 Contra·-\lrVlt P!rfectlon County, 53 Btaut 37 Poette ,..,...1u .. '' Niw'®nd-land's time ione: Abbr. 39 Kind of drawing 41 Pronoun 42 Ranch anfmal 44 For111 of Juanita. 45 Pl!rtl 46 Ajar: 2 words J .. " ' 2 Fln!Sh!d Calif. 54 Ancltnt 3 Th! Peacoct 28 Badger's Je-.lsh 4 In effe<:t rel1t1ve month Fr.: 2 wds 30 Single thing 35 1,ansfer S Shirt 31 Reputed S6 Smttl f1cto1Y waste remnant l!!Tlploytt • 11aker · St Ont tildnt 6 Htitltctous 32 -All1n, basic plant American lnslNctlon 7 Slmllt: Abbr. hero S9 Mallgnant · 8 Entry 33 Quc!n of-60 Endln1111Hi 9 Injury · 36 Kind of with bl 10 Certain th01011gh-and f{I Orlmtals fare 63 Tim• or 11 OP!tl 39 Comp.,,. day: Poet • 7 • • " HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Virginla Mayo outspokenly ·suggests that the unhappy i ~. plight of actresses today cari ' . be blamed on the number of effeminate writers, producers and directors in 1 b o w business. The subject has become a thorny one for years. Few performers mention.the topic for fear of being blacklisted by the growing number of effete males who have gained conslderable ,con- trol of the theater, motion pictures and, to a lesser degree, television. Miss Mayo, however, speaks out clearly. "Making movies a man's medium is premeditated," she aaid. "The result is a put-down or women in alt the en- tertainment media. "And it all begins witb the writers, many of whom aren't noted for being particularly masculine." The blonde actress reeled off the names of a dozen playwrlgbll and dramaUals who are not famed for their virility. Some, she said. are more ellemin&te thari the charactus they write about. "That's why we are seeing more and more movies and books written a b o u t les- blanlsm and homosexuals," sbe said. "Apparently these people want the public to ac· cept the subworld of the deviates instead of rejecting It. "When women are included in their stories they are unat. tractive people. Females are brought in for nude scenes or for explicit sex themes. "I won't have anything to do with such parts, and there are a lot of other actreues Who ajree ·"#ith me." Miis Mayo was sitting in &he1 Untversal studio -com- mlssarj. She wai playing a guest star role in a sequence or "The OutBlder" -which neither requires her to disrobe nor otllerwise go agaihst her principles. SA Staging 'Biography' The Santa Ana Community Players will preaent "'Biography" as their nest productJon, opening Jan. Sl. Cut members illctude Ruth WOMEN PUT boWN? Virginfa Mayo ''WI! ... I lira! broke lnln pictures, movies were a feminine medium.· But today producer's are d~cated t.o 811 extension of their own egos. They deJ)lct men in vlolenl situations doing violent things. l\flss Maio. who bas been touring the past nine montbt in "Barefpot in the Park, .. shook her bead in dismay1 "HOw 9{ten these days do you !ee an.: actress playing a wen groomed lady? "'l'oo niany of the Yount aclresS<!tt depend on laking oft their clothes. That'• .not: aeo tlng. It's something ever, woman ·does every day in the privacy of her home. "Audiences are being to1d that these themes and the w·omen on screen represent teality. I dop't think so. "What's more, a· number of ·movie reviewers are mtmben of the same tribe who write the plays and scripts. They aren't reaJ.1,g:ten at, all ·And they don't liOw bow to ·wrlll about,real~ en either." WbiJt . . fl'.ayo may have O'Yetstated point Of view. there ls DO• questioning the fact. tbat1 moVles and . tile theater'bave moved mitre and mitl'O tow!lf<I the sexuallJ! 'Jillfire, the 'deviates lad tO ,~tthemes~ , "Sllch thoro\tghgoing he-men ... ;Jllc»ard Burjon and Rex lliUtl"'*I"• reeenU, compleled playing ,• i ll pair of aging 'tiO'mcr,.eio.a-11 ~ "The Stairca-ae!' -+-1'd:nf'li"l-+-++-lb Gabler, Lee How Ing Ion, William Carden, Betty ".fto1emar7'1 ~t1• "The Kl!lllll ot Sl8lir 'Cleol'l!e •• '"I'be: Fox,"· 41'I'be' Swimmer" and other,. in recent mooths have Aealt w I lb h ,demimonde lad clement~.:.;_ The • new r•ttnr· 11,....;m notwl\hetanding, the !"btl JL...,,. ""'"' tlOO ~ _, ....... .... ...... 10001 - t.lcClure, Buddy Fort. Robert Sollo, Gall Cbudacoff 100 Howard 'Gluier. Ross OOrttfi> ls directing, with Lee HOW• 1ng1on u ~v-. Prof!Uctlla d. le. ... Fdd4,vt ' ind SI l U r 'd I y I ~Feb. 1li et the Players Th<oter, 1020 W. 8th SL, Saitta Ana. f • b" =· ~ .i:'i!t?.. , oool!n"' to llo'tO. ~ sou, .... f.\etor. Vlrglnl1~i70, Is one of •"" few p<itformen """' ~ to raise the ' i;;; which loog ~ .. lteen a~ of• -""""" the -r • ------------------------~-------------------------------------·-·-·-··-··----·-. ·-·---···-··--··-· HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE tfOUSES F9R SALE --1000 Newport 8-h 1200 Lldo_lsle 1351 F'ountaln Valley 1~~~~1;;--~~~l EAST SIDE COSTA MESA NEAJI BEACll-with parJW IAYFRONT NEWPORT HGTS AREA Ocean Vitw, 2-two Bdrm. ak1n: $115,(l)(I DUPLEX with • bome1 l G""t Apt. Dbl Pl' J.BR, J bat .. ap. 2 BR l 1 ALL. THIS AND R2 ,.., ...n.bullt .,..,.,..,. BAOOMl.J!'tplat.Ba>fonl block COMft. $3f.SOO., pt.lio ·~th room to ~ 1410 10000...rol LAST CALL!! 1000 General 1000 0-rel ForecloauN St1rtlcf 16th ft Tustin-Costa Meat 'RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookburst & Al· lanta In HunUngton Beach has jus\ one home umold. This 3 bedroom 2 bath home·features a dlnlng room, a 2 story high living r~m1 bullt·in electric nnge & dishwasher, carpe<ea throughout in lux\lrlous green nylon. Full price only •~.oso & that Includes shake roof &: concrete driveway. M added incentive to get thl.s last home sold we will landacape tile front yard or fence the "'3r yard. (You might even talk us Into doing both!) Immediate pos· session with 10% down. Temporary sales of- fice In the white \railer plirked at Brookhurst & Atlanta. Call 968-1388 anyday from 10 lo 6. I >:;r !338 Via Lide 61'5-5200 $25 500 9! .... , Wolbr Roolty 4 BR 3 bathl, bu!lt..lQ. ran&e & oven. tile counter tops. walnut cabinets.. Top loca· tion. 3 years old. Needs aome deanlna & some paint. Doubie guqe, lha.ke roof. block wall fence, cul.4e-aac Jot Must have $3000 cdl - . try ,$29, 150. 2m5 W. Balboa Blvd., N .B, 675-4000 ; I Looking For .A I Workshop? I Prime area makes: this 3 ~ bedroom & bath tamDy I home an iexcellent waloe -! Hardwood Doors & pluter ! Interior -Double garage with extra 1°"20 wo.rkshop plllll a double covered Cll'- port with alley acceas - ' $26,500. : 646-7171 546-2313 OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 THE~EAL E S TATERS Colesworthy & Co. 642-m7 l90C Harbor Blvd., C.M. Open :EM!!. ON THE BEACH £)i;chislve Olina Cove home - year around ll~ • belt Harbor area, 2 BR. 2 Ba. priced to aell Jut al • $69,500 By appt only CORBIN·MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 67S.1662 NfED ELBOW ROOM! Just listed! ~ Bedroom, single !'It o r y atrium home, immaculate in- aide & out -really neat! All elec. blt-ins, W1der- ground utilities & beauti- ful grounds. Onl)'. $34,950. Channing 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den.d ... 1% ballll, fireplace, urpetl & drapes, buJlt-••A•' Y Oollthtful 1 .. 1ory Ins & forced air heal Thl.s well landscaped N.., NB ""' Ole • ..,._,.,, si.,rp 3 BR ""' ollic</ home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a Bdnn, 2 baths, large dio-vecy large fenced back yard, with room for CASUAL LIVINGI-.,. .. entry hall. lov<l.Y .-...... -. a boat, camper, or build a rental unit! It has CAN be yourt in the Back South patlo -$65.000 Bay. Atrium floor plan + R. C. GREER, Ilealty 1 • IN h 17"' a paved alley entrance for easy access. I.oca-library w dad. MHtt4 atJ.6 Via lJdo 673..0000 .;;~.o.ls.u;.;n;;;•;..;;...-.•-----tion ls just about perfect, l 'h blks to New· port grade school, and only 2 blks to new city park. East 17th street and Westclifl shopping and two other schools within walking dis· tance. For appointment to see, write: 1l1lta 11tal Estett Huntington Beach 1400 Handyman Specloil Income Units f Private Party t:. . .TJJ.uf' lox P612 ~t ~i=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;D•a~lfyNP~ll~ot;;H;;;;:-t:tt.500 • 1-Newport Hgts. $29,500 2414 V~ta 0.1 Oro A SURPRISE! Lovely ganlon patio of! the BEAUTIFUL &: Cu atom built. Larae 2 BR. Ir: Fam rm, 2~ ba A: .room tor addition w/ ~ly view. 2518 Vi& Marina. e Owner. M'-'!219 ELEGANT, well bit Ir: only $22.900. FHA (If' VA. Zoned R2. Large living rm .• tirepL, cpts, drpe:, elee. kltcb, 2 BR., den. Owner. W-4441 HUNTINGTON HARBOUR SALES CORP. Loe. on Qceanglde o.t Hwy, 150 yda lrom Beach. • "' Apt. unH•. needa paint Ir: good ....,al -PO-TENTIAL INCOME EX• CEEDING $10,00> ANNUAL- LY. Price $69,950. MI$JON REALTY 4M-073l 985 So. Codi. ,,..... Near Waterfront Hom11 WESTERN AWARD Newport Beach dirdnr room. 2 baths. Ex· J bedroom, famUy room, liv· 3 A 4 Br. Semi Custom 1ng room, dining room, Jdtcb-Homes Jrom $35,'50.00 Now en, 2 baths. Near shopping under construction. l.ocattd center, schools, marina and on Mountain View Drive, o11 sand beach •. •• · • ·. $46,0CX> Tyrol Drive. Prime Bay View ·~ =. ":' N°.':,,.~ =~ =~ ;!:''&~tt!:: tor thil low price. 2 baths. cillties. 540.1720 . Delightful "£"Plan 1ove1,y•ar<1wood11oon,,.. .. TARBELL 29ss Harbor k>us living room with fire- place, w /w carpets A: drap.. GREAT BUY Beaut 4 Bdrm, 2\.9 Ba, lie A.P.I. SALES AGENTS 2 story, 3 bedroom, t.amily Phone 71' o-~011or es, Choice location near schools & Weatcliff Shopping Center. Only $28,500 • HtJR.. RYI l'\11 ·\\llllJ ~t..\11\ \II\\ I! l \I I ' t U BEACH BARGAIN ~poo1.=--153~.soo.~......,..-=c-. :P.'lodern 3 BR, 2 be. "A" BLUFFS Condo -2 BR, l Jrame, tileps to Ocean _ BA, split level, fireplace, $25,900 • temu. view. By owner. 644--0801 Caywood Riiy. 5411-1290 *BAY VIEW Ftt lot 85' x 195' w/ plan1. $34.900. Cost• Mna 1100 Owner MS-.7249, 548-4207 room and den. 2~~ be.th • • .__,,' further in:tonnation ••••••••• •••••••••••• $53,(X)(I i BDRM. 3 bath. Tbp oJ Spllt.Jevel 3 bedroom, pa.net-World. Ocean & mountain ed tam Uy room, dining room.1=v=;"'=· $37=:,500;:·,:540-=:""'=== I 21,i bath!, former furnished model ........ , ..... $59,500 Condominium 1950 N rt H_.. 1210 2 1•·-. ._._atlc en•..., hall, 4 BR, 2 Ba Condomhllum FANTASTIC 4 Bedroom IWPO •·-W•J u•au• ~J F •-•· C'" -ooo 1,,... n-•-,.. "'" .,.,, 0:••11 4 .... _ .. __ m• 1~-e f8.m\'" on au v..::W, .-. -· • """" ocuu::.o-, ......... ~ home in absolutely im· 0 MESA ~vu "' ..... ., OJ / "400 d •~ M r maculate conditiOfl, double EAST SIDE C STA room, dining and living w ,.... • own. ,...... o - NEWPORT HGTS. AREA room, 2i-> baths, 2 fireplac· riatown Lane. 540-6976 eves. fireplace, gorgeous nylon AU. THIS AND R2 es, heated & filtered pool • • & week-ends. 5f3-7322 dly&. carpeting, sparkling blt·in •"K 500 ldtcMn A manicured yard. Charming 3'bedroom or 2 .,.. ••••..••.••••••••••• $59,500 Dupltxft for Sale 1'75 YOUR WORK -NEW LO-Traffic frff street, close to bedroom & den. 1% baths ..... ,_ ... _. H . - ENJOY CAL ornCEJIEEDS _u.. . ocboab-hking m.211 ---mo...,.-..,.,.,. & c1ra,.· • .W.11."-".w<w -~mn-.flEWl'OM'--'"' .,.,.. 4 UN CENSED REAL ESTATE submit. Call 54().1151 (open built-in it forced alr ~at'. 3 bedrooms, 3 bath 1 itory 200' to beach. Or will trade LEAD MAN OR WOMAN evea) Heritage Real Estate home. Deck, dock for boat equity for aood Lquna BALBOA , This well landscaped home •.••.•.•.•.....•••••• $76,000 -idential ,_ p, o. "-BROKER OR SALESMAN· can be found on a huge R2 ·~ """ DU.\ {1008 W. BALBOA) DPALEVAESE ~fLL "k cozporty~~;,::m~nea.feN:~ lot with a very large tenc-4 hedrooma, 3 bath, 1 story ~ffl) ;::~;aeb. Fin:t time listed ••• Btepa G B ' u r • ed back yard, witb room for home. Deck, dock for boat to 10th SL Beach. We are 644-0JlO •treet. large R..2 lot with a boat, camper, or build a GOLD Medallion· Duplex, 3 very prolld to offer this lm-:mom for rental Unit, $19,900. rental unit! It bu a paved •·•••••••••••••······ $84,900 br &: 2 Br units. 1707 W. maculate property. Alwaya D I $2 950 Graham Realty alley entrance for euy ac-4 bedrooms, 4 batha, custom Balboa. Blvd. N.B. Call rented Eummer &: winter. Up ex 4, Near N.B, Post Otc. 646-2414 cess. Location i& just about 1 story home. 56 Jt. boat Walter Burress A Aaoc. $61,500 i& the price • we Eastslde Costa Mesa. Hard· perfect. l'A blla to Newport dock, deck cantlleverd over 1 _6'4-<ll66~~·~----- have the key. wood floors &: double car LUXURY Living in Prestige grade 5choo1 1,_~~ °!!?_2 b17Uath water ••••••.••••••• $99,500 RENTAL$ Rm Clllil'. garage seJ>&?ttna tmitl (2 area. 3 BR, den, blt-!M. to new c ty _. ........... t HouMS Fumlshtd bdrms e. ch). Extra larae: 1500 eq. tt. brick patio, Jitt. street and Westcliff shop. (bedroom, 3% bath, 2 story -=='-==='--1 kitchen ~a in 1 unit. place. Immaculate! Auume ping and two other schools home acrou Irom Beach & Rental1 to Shire 2005 REALTORS Wells-McC.l(dle, Rltn. VA loan. $11,500. Owner with~walkingdiatanoe.For Tennis aub. 54 ft. on the 1810 Newpo!rBlvd., C.M. 54()..4()4f. 912 Peace Pl in appollltment to see, write~ waterfront with a '4-fl boat FEMALE roommatr to Iba.re 2l1l5 W. 6B7~~vd., N.B. 548-77'29 Eves. 64l-068f Rancho Mesa. Pri~te ~arfY. dock &: cantllevl!ttd deck. house. Balboa laland. $84 1""!!"FO!!"'!!R"!C'!E'!o"', '!T~o"s!'E!'L!'!L:m' ~Y ~WN;:~E-~ 3 b~~ ====o=..,.==Pl='o='=== 1 ..................... $99,900 ~PM.A~.,,,·~ eau ~t Immaculate 3 BR home with kitchen; utility p or c h ; Above bome1 are a part of WORKING girl to •hart furn 2 sparkling baths, cUBtom crplli, drps. Close to schls Baycrest 1223 the itiale dMtlon'a. exclu· University Parlt home w/ john macnab carpeting, manicured yard & shp'g. $25,500. 548-0244 FANTASTIC REDUCMON. :dveJ!stinprangq:inprlce same. Days 5f6-.£e28, eves. Ir large patio with fireplace, NEW 2·sly. 3 BR. 2 Ba. Beaut custom Medallion from $43,im to .$185,000. 833-15.11 BAY FRONT BBQ. Hard to find ard only "'-tg •· ~,. . ~ 9511· Ba t ho l79 n:n Co?Qe: in and Wk to one ct EMPLOYED ..... -... t 0 -Magnl!icent unique bay· $2~.500. Mwit sell immedl· $3.tXWJ~.'O~rMZ.'.9167' _ =s $7S,~~'. ~w ·;; our ll Julf.tlme proleESion-share ptea..;;t~home front home. Over 120 feet ately. CALL RAY GAULT, pra~ value. Like new 4 al salea represent&tivea. w/same. $50 Month. of bay frontage, spectacular 540.llSl (open eves) Herit· Mesa Del Mar 1105 BR, 3 ba, huge fam nn, OPEN 10 A.M. 'TIL DUSK 548-0072 days. view, I av is h panelling, age Real Estate. fully crptd, drpd, brick 7 DAYS A WEEK child -~" enormous master bed·sl.ttini TERRIFIC FIXER-UPPER, GI Io w BBQ, J*tio. HL!ntlngton H1rbour MOTHER w/amall ww room. $179,000.00. 5 BR 4 bath o:. .. crest home down. $26,000 value, 5 BR. 1007 Santiago Dr. NB 646-4750 Salu Corp. = r::; w/wne, ~4 U'Y converted gar: needs paint, 213/A30-3571 This choice S Bij. 2 story Call for appointment with delightful pool. Excel-carpet. $23,950. Owner Univenlty Park 1237 7141 •• 7•2531 WANT 2 young liberal mind· home is today's top value lent Antigua Way location. 546-4607 -ed bachelbn to share nice from It's slate entry hall to (714) 642·8235 Hurry for this onr.. d ======== BY OWNER, 3 Br, 2~fa Ba, 3 Br home, N.B. 675-420S it's lovely landscaped Yard·l•-;;;-Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml 881 Dover Drive, Suite 101 Arnold & Freu Me•• Verde 1110 fam room, bu everything! BRAND NEW 25 YR. old -workina lfrl It's quallly throug~ut Cll!v· UCTS NO DftURI Macco Realty Co. Bldg. 388 E. 17th St., C.M. Priced to sell! 833--0104 \vishe.s roommate for )'rly er wall paperli in many ''' vnn Newport Beach Realton 646-1755 3'BR $26,900 FHA !-=========-2 BR. carpets&: drapes, 2 beach~. 673-6629 rooms, electric built-In kitcb-"":=::=::=::=::=::=::=:::1 ·--s-19.lj;D--Fantastic terms on this Mesa Corona d1I Mir 1250 blks to beach. Honeymoon. -1 ;,-Nlo-CEo,,;..:.lirl=d~e"o1.-.....:.., "..,.-,-to en, nylon· w/w carpeta Ir: 4yardBR !.~--ba1o~;._1~:, tteau" • $19,950 Verde home. 3 lg Bedrms -1;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;; en Spedal. S22,900 _ .. __ ,"-a M•,. Apt.-. custom drapes, new re.I~~ now."""""' auupp...,.. 4 Units 2 battm -family room + 2 I' BEST BUY R. D. SLATES, Rltr. &;369-fv:tt 4. - erator included. Price $34,......., • e 3 BR -newJy painted Jireplaces. Owner has bought CORONA OEL MAR 847-3519 Eves. 536-7840 • FIWGI tenm. $21,500 Near Bay & Ocean e Feoced yard & patio another. EZ '""".FHA· FEMALE roommate, 163.50 l'\l I 0 \\llllL ~I \ll \ \II \\ II I \ 1 I ' ' " 1093 Baker, C.M. 143 Broadway 645-0181 Ev ... 642-1453 646-4579 51h% LOAll. Payments $141 mo. lnclude1 all 4 Larp bedroma, gpac- ioUI llv. nn., t•_. BA, large fenced ya.rd. 'Nf'ar schools & So. Cout Pla&a. lmmedi· a!I' ponesl!'ion. MARTIN R.E . Newport •• Victoria 646-8811 THE~~EAL E S T{\.TER S * 4'h% Interest * Anybody can usume this VA loan. Payments Sll3 per mo principle, inlerest & fax· es. 3 BR l '4 ba, bUge f.am.. ily room with fireplace, din- ing area. built-ins, hdwd 1loors, dble gllfale, pool· s.izcd yard. Aak:ing o D I y $23,900. Rllr. 646-3928 or 56348.1 *LACHENMYER BROADMOOR Ex"llent Investment prope~ • 1148/mo lncludH .n VA· 126,900. Small"°"" P!Ut Furn"'"'· $795 Down/NO 2nd per month: Balboa latarwl ty, on double lot. Each stu-IUtr. 6(2.9730 Eves. 548-0720 f "ring,. al Unit on full size lot. Full Apt. 673-8405 . i price ~.750. HURRY ON ~!,P,• .'.'.'.!:~:_Bal':;_ .. ,,'~;i. • KENNEDY ..: "' SPRING TlllS! Vory ""lrablo.,... Vacant • ~·· ·-· "" '--.............. ~---.... 1>"1> AT ""1 VOGEL O'.lMPANY Lui• 4 bedrooms. :!i;;;·H~ ........ 152•500 '-DUPLEX •• i ~.... 2661:ii..,."';,''!,i1;;,CdM •. ::!,"!~A~.,'!;~TJ, .. Near Beach a: ShoppfnE 2629 Harbor mw .. c.M. 11740 Wl.mel', fV 842-4405 Excellent value at $34.950 ,..A,...,..... .,..__ 1/3 -H ' Hiiis BY OWNER: 3 BR. Ir: Faml· ~ --· ........ llntln ..... n Geor-Wllll1mson ly, 2 BA. ,.._ts, -f-thrtJ. ocean view, key to pvt ~·.,. r " " -~ he h he lod I 4 Br Take over 5% % loan. Hard· Cold II D.-L & Co. Realtor out. bJtns. $26.500. 540-0022 ac • a poo, , l/.: ~~ c-::':::.., 613-4350 Eves. 673-1564 Rfl 6 wkdys or wknds. 2-'it Ba, frplc, b 11 • i n g, wood floors, large 3 BR, ,.__, •llldl. c.i._.. Divorce sale, $ s 9, o o o. 13xl8 lam. nn, new palnt in tu f.#11 ., .. ,... Barbour It v a n d 1 i n g , &: out. Sell GI or ~· ID UNITS Newport B11ch 1200 Broken. 114, 838-5440. sun BRASHEAR !!£ALTY Costa MM• 2100 ------"·---· 3 BEDROOMS, like new con· dltion. Completely furniah. ed. Adulta only or maybe one ch.lld. Swimmina" pool, rtcrea.tion centtt at no ex· Ira charge. $235 mo. Apnt 54&-414.1 FURN 2 '~'> l br. 2 ha. cond., incl piano, bltn.s. ResJXln adults only. 5'6-2668 100' 300' lOJ on 3 loU. AdJaoent lo Ocean-~ l"" 71<: SJ'!...., 847-8531 """'· 968-1118 I Iron!. Sl5S.IXXI. BY OWNER: price reduoed 2 NICE "°""' on doubl• 2 STORY I POOL Homo N rt Sho 2220 Balboa Reil Esftte Co. from ro.500 to S37.500. 3 Jot. So. of Hwy. Reduced Large separate Jamily room, 1-•-w-'po'-------'--'"'-~I Zonodho R~l4c,.P500, wl~.~400, sq 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa !BR. 2 Ba. Hugel liv., ,k to $5t,500. Ch\>ner, 673-4169 quality carpef5, 3~· pool with CHARMING 3 BR frpl(', ft use. ' am ..... own. 673-4140 am. rms.; very ge. o; DIAL~--~·-~-, filter & heater. GI or F1iA BBQ P tlo a b •·· ~1 Al.so other acreaa:e $4S.IXll1..,.!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' can store boat or house ~~ v.rvv•o, ....... 6 te n..: . . ht 1 · • · u ,,_, Tuv • ,.r acre in city. I"' trlr. Cor. of l Sth St. &. your act. then a.It back and '"rm3 500s. T••ce ll!I ng a No pets. 1 child OK. $250 .. -PERRON .. .;r.~ .. 1797 Oranre, Costa Mtsa * 642-lnl Anytime* $1200 UNDER MARKET- $2600 cash to pruent loan. $19, 750 full price. $166/mo pays all 3 BR 1 ~ bath Mon. tloello Condominium, double garage, cal'pets, drape11, built.ins, 2 pools, club hou8e. ~r/Agt. $41)..558(1 .,. mo to JuJy 1. 673-5521 SOCK tT TO 'EM! KlJlgl Pl. Ca11: 545-5124 listen to the phone rinll P.~1 Jonas Rulty Gen.r•I -1000 Gener•I 1000 O.ner1I 1000 1147-1266 Eves. 53&.7124 S@R~lA~Ltt.~S" Solve• Simple S=mbl•d Word Pun!< for o Chuckle 0 Reorrnrige letters of 1he' /-'--,,.--....... · , lour tcrombl.t """"1s. t>.- low to form four llmple words. :ILIArA,~, , Ir-;.~~ 11VANLA I \.' I I I t BR. crpts, drps. bltns, hdwd fln, frplc, pan, 2 Ba • Foal, cul de sae. Nr schls & shp'g. May rent w/ opt. By owner. 646-6304 HunHngtoft Beach 1400 Moth1r.Jn-l1w Problem? Solve lt with lbia 3 BR Span- i9h Hacienda + separate at· tached 1 BR apt. Luxw-y 3 BR 2 bath, 2 .,,..,.h !n- p1a..., -""""" Ille. beamed ceUirwa. walk • Jn Corona •I Mar 2250 -'-'-"---"'=I EXECUTIVE, luxury, $375. mo. leue. Adults, 2711 Shell, China Owe. ~ B1lbo1 lsl1nd 2355 BAYFRONT 5 BR. til June ht. $325 or yrty $500 incl utl!. 673-6300, Martha or eves 675-5764, Mrs. White Duploxoa Furn. 2975 FURN 2 Br, 1 % Ba. Apt. m&nyutru.$1S1.- or 67l-13SO ' RENTAU Heu ... Unfurnfthed K f ROO HARBOR VIEW. CdM LOO l 4 B 0 M Oo You NHd Room? 2500 Wavocr .. t Dr . -------- Your Valentine will be all Mnllt11 with an JV AN W E LL S "forever view" home. 4 bclmi.s, 3 bf!., fam. rm. tUe inner atrium ·w/\\~I bar, 3 car pr. Roy J, Ward Co. 'ISYTAT I p a n t r )', eJeetric built -in r.nse • self cleaning oYen, ditl'rNasher, apaekl!.ls master 111lte with upgraded car. pets 6 1)1.d, drapet, covered patio, 3 car ~-Mother-O.n1r1I 3000 In-law apt. bu specious liv· '.'."'."------'= In& room with fireplace, Cin-$160: 3 BR., 1 bath. Fenced dertUa kitchen with built· yard. Children ~ pet OK. Iris, quiet mur.r bedroom, 01lrolre;;;..;;;.:,' ::.534-<lO!O:;,::::.=-- prlvate bllh. Renttod now S18S: 4 BR., 1% b&U.. for $125 per month. $5000 fenced yard. Frpl. children down -low dotl1¥ costL I. pets OK. BJcr. 534-6980 $22,500 tor a boat Y camper Y or Extc Trl·~vtl Model DN1rab&e area at such a doC Y All this In Newport ~ Santiago Dr. 646-1550 tow --1 2 ba.ths. famlll Beach + a lovaty 3 bdrm 5 BEDROOM .--"9 500 PRICE REDUCED rocm. EDcba.nti111 firepl&ct. 2. blth home with family Dive Gambill 4 BR Provincial home. bit. Brick s-tio with pa BBQ. dln!rW room & ranch 5t)'le ,, •• ,,..._ Dftam Jdtchen wUh bu1lt-ter'\'ic:e porch. Priotd for 1~".!'"!"!!!!~""'!'!!'!,w'!!'!!~.. in kitchen, U~place. Reduc-W.. MO.I'm lm.mtdlAte uJt. 1-f'd to $56,500. L--I 4 Bedrm -''O•" Down O a Coa I Pr= TAllll~L 2955 Har-Pote Barrott RN ty •• 3 750•1 ' ng• 1 1-W •-""Dr NB .,.,, c......., ._,. 332 M,.,.....,.rlte, OJM , DAVIDSON Realty -"~ ' ~-For• IMt<• 'tamlly • fun! l"'!'"""-..,..··-,.....,.._..,.I All Ploy Ho Worlc WANTED TO BUY 3 or c Formal dining room. Ca~ S.11 Buy In Balboa I cu be )'OUno Seaudhal &pan. bedniom boulit, It.kt owr iietro • m&l1Y extra•. Spot-Duplf:x nr Bay. 2-2 BR's isll; lfyle 2BR.a1~ balb O» klAn • paym~ll under leas rondllion! 540-1770 Furn + extras, low price 'e PllNT NUM!El!O tmw I' r p r I'. · 1· I' I' IN lHije SQUARES _ _ t _ . . . _ : I I' I A honeymoon is the 'VOCt>- . . . . lion the groom tokes fust be-r--------. fore starting work for o -IBOULES 1~ l-i& I ' It ,-lr--rl-.-1 ""'I .... , .... , ,..-t o c..,, ... ""' dodlo •"°'"' by "'""• .. '"" -... -·1 • }IOI.I d ... lop from np No. 3 below. .. "" ..................... I damllllum. $211,850. $13$.00. Haw cull !ar equ> TARBELL 2955 Harbo< $39.500. Ir J1!0-m 01 ty. Call 548-$995 &112r 1:30 E-H. Mlchoel. Realtor SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION BOOO . !;va...,, P~t Dial &tZ-M78 for RESULTS 507E.BAlboAB1. m.-.,, _________________________ _ ,_,,,, --4l-'-'• ....... ~-3~~ii=~o~;::.1Jr~ 113>: 2 Bdrm. T- WATQ{ Jour ·rv lbo91 on bullt-lns, w/w, drspq. ' th• let you tlnd bl the -,=;:Bro:=:""::.'.:-::::::::;:: __ , C&Millcd Ads. Oit<:k them Neea a li&rtlerwtqle1' bcrlr1 f'lnd It "1th I want aid! .- -· -16, 1969 ONLY l'ILOT NTALS IEHTALS RENTALS lENTALS ~J~:•~N~"f~l.S~;;~r~~L~~~:J Daily Pilot Claulfied CLASSIFIED" IND!X .._ Unful'lll,,,.. "-Unfurnlahad Apia. 'um..-Apia. Unfum!t~ AlltL Unfvmlohod c.t• MMa 1100 ~ Ha1th11 ~10 C..•• ~ ,, 4100 o-r 5000 c_. t1o1 Mir 5150 .-tw..,. "" AVAIL. ~ .. -3 Em Sltje c""",-1 • ~ • (X)LLllOll Or --Pl er. "' 'llo. ~: "' -port Ht111o ~ ''U f :Jj' , ~ -u.. .., 1111 1a. 1111 1a •-· moloL, bid. pool, Ip. OlamWw 3 bedJoom or 2 , .,~ ncJrm bod, Ill -.. -·belt oll aivtlo p&tlo. bedt'Oo111 • -lll batbo. a i.<UH !VVABJ'.A'l'l!l An'St .., •N• 11$-3111 -. -with -ftttt>lace, '""'"ti •·drapes, -ocaJPAl<CY l:J'IJIUt1llllED='====--,-... -,-, ..... ,-., Advert.INN""',. ••a.oe ..... , .... .., ........... Phones Ar• Open 8:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m. II or older. P7J lofo. -bull•lnl • .._ l1r beet. an,,.. OluntY• -ADIJ\,Ya FAMILY ON TEN ACIWI -- I0-030D Well landtc1Ded bome with NEW Malt UW. C"OIDPkl SEC'J"lOfifS AVAU.ABLZ 1 • 2 BR. f'urD 6 Unfan ~ ID-fJl4 • 9 to Noon S.l\rd1)'-Clmad Sunday DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 FOR LEASE · IAlll tbb 1 very i&;p f.eoced back """'°'run,"' aolunl. Clooo to Shopplnt Pork l"rplca I Pr! I P1t1o1 11-========•I lltnctlw 4 + llmll> room. ~-:;1..,~":.,lo ~.:::: ~= c.!::"" e S.Ocloul S Br'' ! Ba PoolL T-. °"""'1 m., R-It loard - February 1 ., Seofember ....,,. ICbool. and Oll!y 2 bib O..t&n • 2 BR. widen « ofc. bl. 9 bola Pvtt/......_ NICE "°""' lb -~ .:""~i to new dl> perL £u t l'llh • UoxurloQo G......, • Swim PGOI, Put/.,...,, "" S.. Lloe, OIM SU.:1111 Volley ..--114r• WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-'1220 IChootL ' • ,,,.., and westc1Jtt .._ •B•bblli1:1Prllw•br'Ooll ~:f',::'h.t/lodryAta•'la tM....-ar.c...t-1 -prtv.R••••••bllt RA!altor ~ pin& and two other ICbooll • 42' Pool I. tbete.py bath m ve. 531-'lOOB wtthln walkingdl&taoce. J1BO • Aetivll;y room/bllliardl COSTA MESA SU.38'.M t BR. 21& &., frpl., cpta. =======~==II LEAl!E/OPT!ba"· • .-~N_,~ re8!i.r! For detalla. write: • Sauna Balli drt;ls., ltJ'IP, bin. UIO Income l'ra,erty --~~ Prl ..... p rty • Put""" .-Month. c.n: 54().1231 En CLASSlf'llDCOUNT1iftl1retoo.t.d•fthtw11 ti&l aru. lmm•dlate y,...,. G eOutaideCuBBQs CGrtfl Mela J100 Ct HOMEAINO'JMll!byOW'N' Huntlntlfon llaach 540.1220 1211 W.lf .............. N..,... lwL Ill W• .., ...... c... ..... J" ~ ~~ ( o~ ~ ~ lox P612 • Encl. prages. stonae OCEAN view hz:rury_dUJl]tx. ER 10-1BD.1'9 ba. apta. • .... """'· "-.C..•• ...... m .......... ~ ..... lllMilt ...... .. • .... eves) Herttqe ~al Estate DaDy Pilot CENTER ot town -between Excelll!llt. pu1c • rue. &Ur-3 Br, 3 Ba. Fam rm, 2 4 Bd. 2 hL res. l Th &,, • >"on!IHlrbor • N.,.. rouodJnp t<r aduUs -"""--"Pb. ...... old. """-2310 S..ta Ano, Mall Add,..111 hx 1175,. N1WP9rt a.aoti. Calif. WESJ'SIDE 3 Br, dell, 1% =========='I port tnc peace a: quid. $350.. Mo. leue. S15--0l3e: CM 6'J5...ll93 H R I • D di' hi, ,,.wty paln"" """"' • Newport Sho..., 3220 """ P&n<W, CM W06111 °""""""'tlve Teouta 2 llR. Apt / =======::.I ours-egu at1ons-ee 1n•1 out. Avail now at $175 mo w gar lusl p rty SP•cious • "" • • • bl' ALL .. w tum, cpU, ---. ~ 2 • ' BDRM. APl'S. ~-F·-... ·~ ---w/ltUI!', call aft 5:30 pm A '°""' ~ u.n, ... n•l~ .. BR. .. ___ iw:~· POC>t.. NO QUIJ)R.EN ....... __ , • ........._... IRftORli Advtr11ters 1ho.,1~ chee• thtlr adl deny •l'Hll Nl'Of't tmmedlattl1 .,.,..,. week-"·-54&-&!Jl. in&. crpu, drpe, nr heh I: _..,t, .-uo;:61."' ce .... ,s. M-1 HEART ol Gankn -~ poo1a. im. s.e Bit·""· """-S155. zm MARTINl"'UE H 11 -llNch 5400 or mllCtaplflcatlons. THi DAILY PILOT a.a&llMI Uablltty for trrtf'I only to .. BR House in c 0 u rt now · u .. n i Sl 540-5566 'I' ';;;";;";;;;";;";;:'-;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Grow bustnn:s. 4 0 x 24 0, • -~· GARDEN APTS. 11 o;o. se.""'.,,.., VI• oxt1nt of publl1hlng the adv1rtl1em1nt oorndlr 1n1 tlmrt. w/pn.ge A yard. Watn EASTSIDE ~.• 2 Br ==·==========,! DIA.OLINE FO" COPY AND KILLli l :SO P'.M. th• d•Y bm,.. ,.,,1t1Joat1 ..... ""°'" ,., pd. lit A Jut_,;:'• c':! Corona del Mir 3250 etec. hlW: ,.fu.e~u1ts ~· 18th A Santa Ana. C.M. EXCWSIYE lutlntM R•nt•t '°60 W1ek.•nd Edition •nd MMcr•Y MCtlomi whon oloetng tlrn9 '8 l:IO P.M. l"rktay. ~·C~ mo. A ly. 36J..B()gle, 60-1298 Call Mn. Hendenoa ~ ON•THE·IEACH cozy • lmmac 2 Br. Cot-NICELY turniahed 2 BR. 1111 Sbtl Am., Apt ll3. C.M. 2". -~-...... MESA. Verde Medical A VOU MUST HAVE Kill NUMll[ .. I Wh1n ldlllng en •d Mol191., ~ulo• ,...tta., NEAT 2 BR .l Den, 11.4 tqe. Frplc, beam ceil!up, ,. _,_,. r•-Pmteaional Building lZP to IN rl~~,..11to m&k• • reaord ot ttl1 ltlll "umblr 1tv.n )'Ill lty your •II bklf' M BA. Quiet atrttt. walk'g pr.r patio , (or furn). ~~=-768 Scott Pt ui"HE SEVILL~' i.mm,. JMrw to pie.. tbt 4,000 Ml· ft now avallable. Ye 08 '" ot )"'IUr •IL dist to all sbop'g. Av&U 675-4943. Of' write P. o . . NN 2 BR. w/prage $140. moat dllcr1mlm.U.· NO'll' \Vill remodel all a. put Ev1ry effort 19 m•d• to klll ., oot"r'9Ct a now 111 that hu "'" •nl•red, ~t w. °'"' now. $150 mo. 6'T.J..6882 Box 513 CdM. LGE. Clean bad!.. apL All (Adults). F~ prlv. yard, avallabZe at lo allt RnanL Contact Bob not gu1rantff to do" untll th• ad w atP••Nd h' th•,..,... 2 BR. Prlv. 1 •rage , LUXURY 3 Br .. tam. rm., utU. pd. Adlta. no peta. $100. cpts, drps, bltna. water pd. lhl ffgntf...t(\ft Law at 2850 Me. Verde DIME·A·LINI! Ada er• strictly uSh In Mvance by mall er at •nJ' MO., eur efflola. washer/dryer. Reier. re-2% ha. Cpts, drpa. 3 Car 2115 Placentia 548-240? 2619-J Santa Ana Ave. 1'1111 Driw, Colla M..._ 5&-0395 NO phon1 ordorw. quired. pr. ~an A-Bay view. ATTR. 3 BR apt., 2 ba.. • 636-4120 • p clfl OORONA del Mar ~ The DAILY PILOT NNrY• the right te cla•ffy, edit. eoneor er,.,,_. 1ny adYt,.. 169 Mesa Dr. $135. 548-7881 Yr. old. Ue $300~ 494-fi057 w/w carp., drps., attr. yd. NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba. Twnhle. I C [0 Sh>p i1t busy locatm tlNmtnt. and to ohange th r•ts• and Ngulatlone wtthout prMr l'IOtfo&. MS--3481; ~154; 646-Ql22 Bltm, ........ ts, •-, incl ...... Former beauty lh:Jp tnOYed IMMACULATE 2 Br,..,...., Lido Isla 3351 -• -~ ~ to •--I HOUSES FOR SALE MIWl"OltT l&AcH CMe n•.&n•NO •••VICI "" .... ....,.tr"&:-... .. , blt-ina. $135. BEAUT. J.e!'. 2 Br. 1~ ba. Club hse & pooL $195. .... -quar er•. OIHIU.L NIWl"OlT HllOHTI 41" IUC'TRICAL. -.. ...,... 11tudJo, p:>OI, adults. fl.85 54Q..4179 alt 4 Sat Cl' all nl Ocean Ave., ILB R.e.:lnable re D t • Call COITA MISA :: MIWf'OltT SHMU 4211 ltUtPMINT lllfTAU ... mo. 546-9155 3 BR & den, 2 Ba. fl'plc, ..... ~M:. -~ ..... <n•> ..,.,..... llutchena. n4: 838-ell I MISA DIL MAii llM =r:~~~~:., P'AltlC :: ~· = 3 BR. 2 Ba., Westclitt area; sl:oYt, refrig., crpt3 "' drps. -..o Santa Ana ...-~ .....,. SUn. -· ~.::•::... ;:i: &ACK .... ., .. fluaNACI alPA1.,, 11c. w• walk to schll & 5bop., Cpta, Yrly teue by 0 w n er • NASSAU PALMS • Niil~CEE:2iS&oa'iihldidii1o:-:ap;;.:~-:-....,;;a;l!l12S!!!'"•!"''!!Slli0:!!!""!!2"!!•"!!3"!!8!'R. STORE Cit OFFICE HIWro•T llfACH ,. IAIT ILU,,. 4M1 rU1tNrTUlll llUTOltlNO "ft -etc 548-2395 eve 644-1288 eves I: weoekendL 1 & 2 BR. -Pool acc. 98f El CamlJlo.. C.M. .._ N--"·: HUNTINGTON BEAal HIWl"OllT MllOMTl Ull COAOflA NL MA• 4ttt • &lf'lflllHINO .. 177 E . 22nd St. 642-3645 $145-96;2...5{M, Avail Feb ap... .,_..,. decor., cpta. In Oettter on Bn.ch Blvd. =~~:::.r.~~s.,, :~ ~~DI = ==~:~~:.-· = 2 !D~ Ii:!~~ ~: Huntington BNch 3400 $S8 ON'E BR, utils incl, 1 L : :!~K.~· = MT.(811 IAYCllST IDI .... LIOA JIU.MD ... OL.UI .... Mo ~ adult. no pell. 19 61 2 BR. Mod. Duplx $14.\. Blvd. " Main. doee t6 SMAU.. ruisnnably •AYSHOltll im HUWYIMOTOll IEAC11 .-••••" TMUU &ne • FREE RENTAL BOOK Full rton N 4 642-Q.12 Crp •-N dee. Bl Store ~ in DOYlll SllOlllJ ltU •OUlfTAI" YAU.•¥ t411 OUM '"°" .,,. 2 Bdrm. House $140 Drop In &: Browae t' o. . t., ..... _ ew lDI, 8Cboola A: llhoppina. M7-Mtt'i Corona de:l Mu location =::~1":,.,.u,,.01 ::: 11.&L ••ACM .... MULTM a.u11 mt 3 Bdrm. House $160 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. Double DELUXE Apt 1 BR. nio enc patio. Gu. 2244-A St&la. W•nt Privacy? Newl Call Hutchens. n 4:- uMiv1at1TY P'AltK 1m ~J.=.~~~NT1' = =~~~tlWllNI :: Phone 531.1723 Garage. Separation forces pool, ideal for Bachelor. 642-7472 ONE BR'• NEAR OCEAN ~ ... ~i:s,,.., ::: ou.o•N 111:0¥• .. ,, lllTIAIOI o•C:OUTlllo '111 rental of th1s gorgeous home. 1993 Church. 548-963J REFINED. responaible older $127 mo ($1C Furn) prap ~A Me&&, ~ E. lltbl IASHLUl'I' IMI WltTMlltJTlll ..... IMCOM.I TAX .,. 3 BR, newly painted, p11.tio, • lad.y or couple 1 Br. W1furn 202 • 14th. 5$1319 613-l'lSf JiotW IJ'OWld llue, aBey IOI lllYIMI TlltllACI 1241 MIDWAY CITY .. , • ...,., Onu••I .... .,.. fncd yd, Adults. $165/mo. $115.00 per month. Poulble N 8 h 4200 ~ liMr J'ronbp. QWmi COltOHA OIL MAil 1UI SANT• AMA !!!! ........ N,I~·,,.. ~.. Rltr. &C-91:11 Option. ewport ••c aCpMt., ,.,, 145 Mu& Dr., 3 & 3 BR. spts. 2 Ba. patio, . ._ .. -. 1 IALao.t. P'IMINIUU 1• IAlfTA All.I. MlllNTI -... ., w lk & l ,_, "'"""'" .... CON .... ., , .. TUSTUt ....... UUlllC• 1171 • •DRM JU .. __ -· a er ee OCEANFRONT 3 BR. mtns. · · u ... c. ~drpr. play ya.rd. SHOPS , COAJfM. '1'M UfV91TIOATI..., ~ Int • ~ • .... ,, ..... , '"i' • 1 •• ~ Util Incl U55: 2 BR. See to apprec. chlldrt!n .,.. ... 40. up. 11871 • ~::O 1~1~"°' ::; U.OUNA llACN fNI UJUTO•W. '1M bit-ins. $225 mo oo lease. ... · _...,, .._ ....... • Like new; privacy; yd. Bell or&" tLB. ac..36Tf Nr. Newp::n Pin' IALIOA ISL.l.ltO 11U UIUIC.tt fUOUIL ..,.., , ... LIY •• , ... ,.. .... .. .,..,. ""'3 -Edi-er ............ • . -~=-=='""'....,~~~ HUNTlltOTOM llACM , .. IAN Cl.IMl!llTI <ml L.l.MPIC.AP'lfl• 1111 ~~....... ''™" ll'6 care. No pets. adlt•. 2 BR-n~'·"Carpets, :. . ~~~~~~0:..,~.,aou• i:: =:.ti~'~ :: =.• 11.ac =-..... ___ Verde il 10 8GA4S5 Open Ews. 565140 N.wport Shora 4220 ~ drapes.~ 1 child BLDG. !OXlm, tn tart oC Sl.t.L IUCH , ... CONDOM1•1UM ..... MOVIM• • rrou•• ,,... $~ Lovely 3 BR. 1% BA. . 3 BR unfurn, reh"iprator, OK. liftir 5 PM downtown Costa Me..~ l ~~?J11'~~. \':s RfNTALS ;:~:::: =:-•• = $m MONTH. water pii , 2 itoey.-CODdo. Crpta, drps, 2 BR. Mobile home. 2 blks btt•tn i'tDft, redecorated, 2 R. ~·&to ,5tl:-Ullli-~a.I LOH• ••AcH ,,. A.,,.. Unfumlthed ;~-:.Ul'NT = nice 3 bdrm. Available Feb. at.ave, retrig, whr/dyr. Prv be;i-ch.~~ mo. Adults neuw ""'"'c.drpa, •$130. 568 ~~. ~,,;:;,,. i!1;· Offl a·nt I ' L.l.l(lWOOO .... OINllAI. .. 1'1.All'lllllO. ·-......... ht &U-7922 patio. Prk'g, Pool. Oub~. on y. w aon SL M. 545--0760 816 Palm' ' . • .,..... ........ ce ~--•;_ _ _;;;;.:... .. OltAMOI COVNT'f ,.. COSTA MllA .,.. Tennis ct.a. Call c 0 11 .......,...,... - ouT oP couNTY ,,. MllA v1•0• 1111 =•:llOOM,,.. = 21.3/342-3531 Coron• dtl Mar 4250 UNFURN. 1 BR. apt.; extn. 2 BR 0u .. 1 ..... , -"-te yard. LAGUNA BEACH OUT o, STAT• '"' MIWPOllT ••ACM n11 C II p k 3115 lge exceptionally nice .,_.... ........ Al Cond~---• STAMTOll '"' NIWP'OllT MllOMTI PT• :\.:·=~~.,. :~ 0 • ., 4 BR 3 bl.th executive borne, pa& drapea. cpl .A.dulta'.. Patio, carpetl, drapes • r Rl'llllllW'll Wl!STMlllST'll 1411 ltlWl'OlT SHOllS Int l"UMP s1av1ca ... ' BDRM ~·est room Bit· carpets, drapes heatrd pool . BAOIELOR 1 bdnn apt, • pool. $135. Sb-1540 ON FORES'/ AVDRJI: MJOWAY CITY 1tlt W&STCUl'I' IHI &OClf'lltO ... ,, •M • furn. ffi~ f ............ -, adults $95 126 E. 22nd St 642-U74 l L l BJ\., 2 ~·~ ~. ~---a-"·"-S"AMTA AMA 141' UIUVliltSIT1' PAIJl IU1 lnL N ta. 3 3 6 ~ per mo. W1age Re-al .._....,..,... • -...-, r6'• ~ -... -.... IAMTA ... ,.... MOTS. ,,. IAClt UY IMI Fa~~~:...... :: Prince= (~ lU-4256 Eltate 96'2-44n or 546-8103 only, $125. month + uttL NEWLY Redec. 2 - 3 BR. patio· heated pool. unit amc:e wn,,-,, ...... _>il ~~:ri:· ::: ~:'o:!~."L MAI = UMOOILllt .. IUTCQlll .. . Sal ' 4 BR. like new, nr r...... • ..ta. Bltna, cpts, drpa. Conv. Joe. I 962-1994 ECW• k>caUon In ~ N01tTM TUSTIN 1~1 a.u.toA '* ._.. ..,... .,. owner on preml!IU oo-L'VU6 ..... Lido 111• 4351 St.15 ii: up. 838-7598 Lactma Beach. Air AHAttltM ,.,. uv isu.MDS '* :::::: MACMlll• 11,.A1u:: ly, 9 to S. &: shops. 16392 Lakemont LGE. 2 BR., I 1l bi.tho, w/w •·nta Ana "20. Ucmed. carpeted, ......,.iif.~I llLYltAOO CA•YON 1w LIDO llLI nn .,.. Lane. Avail now $216/mo. Ch I 2 St » --td "' L.AOUHA MILLI ,, .. MUMTINGTOM llACH ... ~l~:u. .......... "" lease. Agt. &fZ..1171 •rm ng ory cptl., drapn, stow; r:arb. panel partitiontna. Tw ~ t!:~:: :r0 ... ~:L :: :~::1~1~NL;1v :;: ,.••MrT1 cottTtoi "" Newport Beach 3200 s~ :arB~ _.Fl~ dtap. Cb.lid OK. ~7632 ~_;-clean 2 ~ 2 ~ ;~: ~ ~ SAN CLIMIMTE 1111 SIAL •IACM SUI TILL c:...k ..,... ...,., _Laguna Be.ch 3705 _.....,, . va 2 BR. Newb' Redee New ~n Apts. pa...,. or .... rec .... su. JUAN CAl"ISTIAMO 11it LOMO IEACN u. ;_"fii ~ • :',C WINTER RENTALS ahol't term or yrl)t" lease. ........\!I .i--Bltrw. uZ, mo Pool. Nice area. 546-1525 M~ pu1dDa Iota. $l5q CA,.ISTltANO IUCH 1119 OtAllOI COUNTY .... TILIVllllOM. ....... .... -CHARM 2 Br. 3 Ba.. Atrium, Adullll only. Ask for Mn. ;-..;-0::.... "",-• ps month tor ... Dlld. DAMA l"OtNT ,,,. •••o•N 011:ov1 "1' ul"tlOLITl•Y ..,. NOW AVAILABLE GJ'Ull!lky .........,. L••una •--~ 5705 ud. ..__._ aTallablie tar ..:l C.AttLSaAO 1141 Wl'STMIMITElt IOI WILOlltO .,,, cpt., drpa, view. PriV. heh. 'd 9' DWV1 ..._. 'f" oc1.&N1101 11t1 MIDWAY CITY N11 JOBS& EMPLOYMENT ·.BR-$125. la. $295. ~7 0wner Pete l•rrett RHlty NEW 2 Br. crp'd A drp 1-~~--------1-. haarl -:-':.:~~= couNT't i: "'..;! :! HllOlfT1 :: iw 2 BR. -$150. Ml.5200 Garage $1!0. 1570 Onnst 100 CLIPF l)IJVE l«Yice available .., S10 110t1111 TO •• Mov10 ,,. TUITllll ... :: :=:: =.. ,.. 3 BR. -2 bath -$175. D,uplexn Unfum. 3975 'Aw ... ot. ~ •; · · LUXlJRY rt:mN/UNFURN All utDIHa paid ~~~:~~IUF~• SA.Le = ~o::..· ... L •••ett :: JOI •MT•o. ... Ocetln front 3 BR., 2 bltb--Balboa l1l1nd 4355 s SR. 2 Ba., frpl., m Yeu\Y Llw. 1 • 2 BdrmL tallpban.. Al"AlTMEHTS POil SALi 11t1 U.etlMA HIOUll m1 ~~t. n. $22.5. A: $275. 2 BR, WfW crpt. drps, prqe. Adults. $140 Mallth atepa to ~ 6 Sbopt DAIL'! PUDI' RENTALS ....,. CL•MllfTI '"' ..... NCll:I. M.-,,.. • lllCI\ CARPfT • ~. bit-ins, adults, no BA.Of. apl , 1 adult only, 327-8 C..brlllo 5',\.4691 Oceanvtew from fNf!ey Apt. m FOR!:!l' A.VDfUE IA• 'UAM CAl"llnANO 1711 NII\.!" WANTl:D, M19 7-llW 389 E. 3Jtb st CM _,_ G---" ,. ___ , LAGUNA BE&Cll Housn Fumi1hed , IWIA P'OlltT S1• ao1NC11s. ._ nt11 pets, · · ~teiuvnl, ,....,,.. ~. 3 BR. $1.XI. Stow, dJspouJ from SlSO mo up. leue OIMlltAL .. REAL ESTATE, NIU' WAMTSO. --,.. REALTY RENTALS littl~ BaL hJand, boat dock; &: crpta. 132: E. Bay, Apt 491-2449 fM-98 lll"NTAl.S TO SNA•• .. ' Gener•I ~ .. ~ ~ _.._ = (30 ot6CH lo lelW you) Apia. Furnished avail. ~ ht., $1~ Mo., A. 494-tm iEAL ESTA n Deluxe Offices COSTA MllA "" Tl:IP'LIX. .tc.. ,,. KHOOU 6 lltlT•UCTIOM , .. 202S W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. incl. ufil. See now. 6'13--0207 ,.,_ I MISA OIL MA• 11U COMOOMINIUM llH9 ,01 rtlLl"AU.TIOM NI 67S-mlQ PATIO Apt 1 Bl' $9). U'9net'I SUITESorlhicleotfi'9fram ~~.::·~:." 111• AINTAl.S WANTID .... TMIATittCAI. ,... Gtn•r•I 4000 R.aqe, Refrlg, Pl • water $75. Carpds, air cmi!Hono M1w1'011T •EACH :: :::•.Hi~:::' ::: MERCHANDISE FOi Huntington Be1ch 4400 pd. Nr shopping. 64.f..UOI Rent1ts W1nted 5990 1.ng, ~t.arlal ••rYtc:e.; :::=~=~ ::~=-•• :! MOTIU. TRAIL•• cou•n "'1 SA.LE AND TRADE 8/8 RENT UTILITIES PAID Quiet 2 BR. Duplex EASI'ERN i!uc., nonanoker central k>cation. ~ 1AY1Mo111s nu ou•sT HoM1s "" tru1N1Tu•• -TOWNHOUSE 3 Rooma Furniture »I Broad .... .., sus. / b t t d / t County Bank BJda. DJ & OOVll IHOlllS nu ~l~~M:'r.~~.T1' = ==:: =~,'I:.~ :~ 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath $ 2 Bdmul. furn. HUI. pool Call aft. ~53i4282 w no c re n p e • . 17th st., CM. 60-1486 wl!STCL1FF :;; ausiHiss "•°"••TT ..,. "°'' •eu"M•MT ..,1 ZS Month 802 Knoxville, Apt D, H.B. D!ltrelt apprm 4/5 mm UMIVl!ltllTI ,...... TIUAllll ,. ... a .... CA ... ••ITAUHICT 9'14 2 Car Carports FULL OPTlON TO BUY • 536-2914 • LIKE NEW 2 Br., new cpb., co~. well appointed NEWPORT CIVIC ~~-r:-. • ., ::= 1u11t11ss lllHTAL .... u• 1eu1rM9MT 1111 $200/Month (Refrigerator. Avallable) 1 LOCK fro drpt. blt·U.. carport; na fum % BR bcb apt, OWoel: IUllabl• for EAST •Lu"" !!:? ~S":~~~.~fLNT•A•LOl"lllT't = =~:O~.ooea = Poola ~Adults Only! No deposit o.Lc. "B m L~ed lpoo!A ,pets· sdultl $125 5CM169 i.,ur.tNewport Clll.I g. merclaI, Medkal. Den tllYINI Tt!llltACI ·-lltCIAL ... ·-Bay & •-ch ~ BR aptll., m::o.t • • 4':!> n4· 5§.n71 Mn. AIMond crptl elnak'tr ~~~::: 011 MA• ;:: f:::nlllAL alMTAL "" =.'::::. "-·-;: -H.F.R.C. bit-ins, rec room. Inler<'Dm 2 BDRM unfurn, p:>OI, cbe ~n ' 'From fro ••v ISL.I.Mos !HI ~:~~"'' !~: ==·~cM1 .. 11 :: 901 o!:'l.b?;~~lte 221 517 Fur,n~!ure Rent•f• lmBwoRk:. ~ 536-887 .. I I ~th~~~: ~ S13 E. QUIET, Rdlned Collep '1rl Sfl-&m OR 61S-241C ~~~~:L~SUllD = CITltUS ••WI'• •111 MUSICAL lfllTltUMllfT llU w ......... CM. 548-3481 - ' C011uO., auL um. • .. , .... _. tna>me • pe' E"'V'IN"'IP .......... ...,..._ ·-AClllA•• ... r1Attot. OlllAlll IUI 645-ml Eves. MS-6966 1568 w. Lncln. A1lbm T1'-38JO N Atl b---· Bl·... l&l't:'U -.. ~U&&'t";t:, v.....,., -..--HUNTIHOTON ••ACM 1411 UlllC• ILSlltOltl 11111 llADIO "" r.. a.nta " '°"""UI ....... N rt •-ach 5200 dnlft• pmnanent home or 'JOO lq. ft. in new Bid&. FOUNTAIN YALLIY ,..,. ••so•T l"ltOPl•TT •• T•L.9VlllOM lllll HOLIDAY PIAZA. Cpl~. only. $160. ewpo -apt. furn le unfurn.. Ap.... -,__ ................. _ ~~ ::.~~ ~4: ouMoa co. 1'1t01'•1lTY '*' Ml-J'I a ITilao lhl LEASE New 3 BR Con-DELUXE, Spadoua 1-Bdrm. ~984 « 96l-66&l UNFURNISHED Apt ..wen. Avail Feb. ht er later. A~u·~~ rrs:m. OltANOI COUNT' U• OUT 0• STAT• l"tl:OP. •• TAI'• aacoao11U ... dominlum Pool. Walli: to Furn l ..w .... Pl til ,......, .,. 1.,.,.., ANA tai• MOUNTAIN a ouallT It'll CAMIUI • ••u1.w.&1r1T .. ecbools, lhopplnl center & · ap •w;o WI u -LARGE Bachelor, util furn. Newport Hgbl. Luxury, t.&una Bch er CdM area, 1 OOMMERC. _ 300 Sq. tt. w1sTMIHSTll ::: ~~~~iv~;;.c;."n ~::vie• ~: =::.:;.,~"': = pu'k. C&rpeta., dra~ a11to H~~ ~tt!e ~ Single older adult only, $90. v I e w, du p I ex •pl, xlnt refaenca, 645-lim. 1 INDUST. _ 800 911, ft. ~~:.,A::'°HrlOM1'1 .. II.JI. IJ.:CttANOI •DI llllOCULAU. KOl'll .,,. ~· Prv patio. Tbe 1965 Pomona, CM 643-5858 Walk to 1hp'g, 842-2219 aplll-levd, 2 bed, frpL, RErlRED Coup&e want. 1 • "6-2lll • ~~iT:; au.cM = 8uSiN£$$ •nd 11• ::_•=::' :: Blutf&. $290 mo. 644..(139) $!KJ· 2 Bdrm.I bdwd. nn. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL .~;.".,...~~bi: rJ-.:_ e ~ er 2 BR. apt or t., faclrv OP'FICES: 2,300 + 911. ft u.oufllA MllUIL mr FINANCIAL MACMIMlllY. •r. , ... ,. BEACH House i doon to ' • Adult. only. 3 BR. po o I --~· t.Y" or ocean. from May l!ach; atreet lewl: Clcalllt: SAN CLIMllfT• m1 UIMUll Ocean 2 BR, tio Children A-pet O.K. 17676 Cameron. 347.2125 !~........,Call afttt ~ p.m. 1 to Nov L Bnt ot Reta. SM JUAN CA1'llT'ltAllo 1ru 1u11N1ss Ol"PoOITuN1T11s '* JT01;A•• ms • PB · pr, Broker 534-6980 ~ Hwy, CdM. Call: 67J..C830 CA,.llTltANO llACH 11>1 IUSIN•SS WAHTIO Oii IUILOU• MATlllAU ... )'riy $19> mo. Bk:r. 675--<1130 2 BR. Large upatairt: All Write putiai1an to T1'390 OAllA P'OINT v• INVISTM•MT 0'""""111t1 1111 IWAl't lr9I $100; 2 BR. 1 ba. triplex. untU included fl9J mo' 2106 UPPER Duplex, 2 Br. $160, Missouri Or., Palm l>Hert, 2 SMALLER priy ofc'11'\lm .. 81v1111101 cou1ttv .... .., :;:r.M:C,lf1'10~:'"10 :r,: PETS and LIVESTOCK 2 BR plu.1 den, new ad"'PulUI, On Penlnllula. UtU paid. .,.._, .. _ ,....,3621• · 1 yr. lease; lD'ftl' duplex Calll. 92260 wiUt wie of Reception Rooal. VACAJIOflll ••lfTALJ •m. on•••• -lmmac. 3 car gar, la r DJi-•Wl .....,.... ..wDi:. •·--· Rani Fortin. 6G-5(m CONDOMIN1c.tM ,.,. r11tSONAL LOANI Inf on! •-nc ., • ., '""" n•-Broker~ · 3 Br. ..,,.,, 1 yr. ..,,.._, PLANT M-.i-to ~-ou1'L1x11 rUlllL .,. JIWl:LltT LOAMI '"' CAn .. y, _...., OP'tir ........ Dft.lo Adult. ta. Sere '-• ........ "" ..... ~ coLL.ATlltAL LOAMI wt 0001 · -; no pe "" Co. Mlddle-aaed coup I e I d ~-1 Prop. ~ RENTALS ltl!AL ISTAT• LOAMI iNI HO•••• ... 3 BR. 2 Ba., frpl., cptll, Costa M... 4100 l•gun.11 Be•ch 4705 app't. only. Miu White wiAh to tl!tlt 1 BR houle. n Vltr-M ""'9111 Housn Unfumi1hed =~~":!~T~i., CHfft '* LIVUTOCK • drapes; 1% bikl. to beach. Tn-9150 Excellent relerencel. Up to _W_ANTE __ D_to_buy~-. -1-..,..~·I "'"'"' -ANNOUNCEMENTS -~:~J~RNIA Ll~INC:.,, Y.....,. l200 lllo. rn-000! SEA LA "K MODERN View ap~ mrth 2 BDRMS., 18 ,..,., to beach. $100 month. Call Collect -"""' - COSTA MllA rt• end NOTICES ,.,MMIM9 HOU ... ~ I'\ eDd, 2 •!Ory, 2 BR. 1~ Q)uple prefened. We I I (213) ~ So. Orangl Co. Box -::: ~=~o-:"" :: rou1r1o 1,........., 1411 :~':.. :J HOW'S THE "T MOTEL Ba. 2 swxSeeks, pr, 1 bllr Newport. $JS5 Yrly Agt LOCAL Bank otfioer wtt Fbller1DD. Cal. ~C:-i'~.'T ~~~" = ~SOJIAU :: V""'TIOlll .,. TIME FOR WEE KL y RATES ~~~Very plw.b. 642-3850 • 2 cbUdren need a.~ Nn-l"<l•T HOTS. at'• ANNOuNc1M1Pm .. ,, TRANSPORTATION 2301 Newport Blvd., CM ON BAY near Udo. 1 Br .• Ql&cious a Br, 1~ Ba. lndustrlal Rental 60tq :!~.':,~T•:"°"'' : :~•:::...Ls ~~ ::"~nYACNTI = ftUICK CASH e 646-7445 e RENTALS patio apL (or furn), Newly home. Preferably ln Omma OOYl!lt sMOaP 1121 rAID o•tTU .. ., Mii row11• CllUtt••• ,... T A U I I L-_. decor. Boat •t.orage avall. del Mar. 984-781.3 COSTA ui:r l ~:~i~~"J., ,·A•r. :: =~:::~ OffllCTOtl:I :::: rc:;"'T::.t.::t" :: $25 Wk. Up ptl. n urn lr19111 $185 util incl. ~ 1 BDRM houle or apt. * l'IUA * 11t¥tM• mi CA•D OP TN.Ullll .n• •e».T MAlltl'IMAllCI taa THROUGH A e Studio A Bach apt.. Gener•I 5000 J BR. J Ba. FrpJ.c. w/w Eubiide Co.ta MHR. m111t UCIC UY .. IM MaMO!tlAM 1411 M>Af UU..CMlllO N>4 IMT eLurP n.a caMITl•T LOY• .. ,, watfll 1oulf'. -DAILY PILOT • Ind Utill A: Phone eerv. 1 ~ drpll, bltr.. incl pr. be NUOnable. 6 4 6 ... 4 214 IAYIM• T•••AC• n4I CIMITlltY C•Yrn .. ,, IOAT ILIP. MOOlllQ ..,. • Maki Servke • TV avall. $ 58; 2 BR. 2 bathl, llU'llle; $225 mo yrty. &t6-003I tWI. CCHtOflllA OIL MAii mt c•1MAT01111s ""' MMiT Ml'IKll "" WANT AD e New Ct.ft• Bar W/w, bltns, f?plc. YNG __ ,, 1 ..... 1..l-•-._ IA1",\ J;lll MIM081.U. P' .... IU ""11 IOAT llllf'TAU ... -•-..,..,, _..,. ...,.-... N'ow leutrw new lnclmtrlal bldi· 1350 '" tt. a111m a rest room. $1!15/mo. R. Natt1"1 Rltr. IC-1111 eAY llL.l.llOI me AUCTIONI lal lOAT ·CHAllTlll ""i:===~17.~;;;~~f231G§~N~ewport~~§Bl~ ... ~~-~~~§~u~·~~~~-ij=""'= Newport Hgtt.. 5210 ... rm er wU1 c:onlkler LIDO th.a »h AYIATIOlt .. l¥1(1 6411 rllMIH SOAn ,.. IALIOA _.... aw TUYI\. tclli MAT MO'flJlt ,.. $185 UPPER spa.doul 2 Br. Iha.re. NB or 04 art&. DXI SQ ft wveboua 6 ofDce NIW1'01lT "" ... Al• ~fA.TIOll ... IOAT ITOU.•• ... I .... " ~-_ .. _ .... _ .... -··. 66--1791aft1:30 pm. + 8UXI .. It pewd L ~~ 'fUN"TINOftlfl MACW .,.. AllT'O 11tAllll"OllfATMMP ... 10An WAllfT'ID ,.. 1 ST' ..,R G.A:...,,E"K>-..;iC.¥. .---. auw .. .,....,. ........... • ........_ HUlfTIMOTOM KAltllOlfl .. LIOAL MOTICIS .... A••cun "" ·1 ~ .M ..&'-' .... cor C1Q • st .Andnws, EMPLOYED lady wanta 1 )'ar'd. -Lqima Cu1Joft 'OUHTAlll YALLIY " ...... MAit • TVTOIUMO ... •LYIN• LISSONI ,,. Q.Al"I. ...... u:nt BR Untuna Apt beach Rd. (n4) C!N-.aB or (UC) 11.&L 11acw ""'..,, SERVICE DIRECTORY Mn11La MDMl!I '* j Alta owner............,... ana OAllDIN ••ov• AttOulfTiMo ,.. ~.';'*u m: A ~ zr ~ Yow Dolf, AdMtf O..W. )/. to JllO. Gar er carport Dl!IC. 1 ~!WO-='mtl~=~~~-- LoN• ·-:~M MTT = AlllftlllMO ll!IYICI ... IL1!CT•tc CAlll tt• ~NA. ft ltcPKdJ•I tlJ ••• .Slon. 5242 SC-«118 aft/5 NPI', 9CH. DeainJ>ie cattr, OltMOI u .. ,. Arl"L1.1.11rt 11:1rA1a1, '"" u11 MINI 111tas "" 2· 9-ll·l To develop ~ for Frldoy. East Bluff F""n v ·~ 4 Br ~-, ~-• --• --~ U.lfTA AHA • """'°'ISIJIO .. d MOTOlC'C•H .... ~~ d~to---L...,;,... Am.U..:1. ~"~ ~ ....._ • ,..,.. ...-~ WllTM1MSTll 1611 AWHAl.T,0" 4.111 MOTOlttcOOTlll -;;;,.-z:;:;·:::~ ,..,Mill"• p estl l••J: Costa Me.a, N<rth of adJ,tJPS.0wnr.2131Cl-J.* ~~:" ... ~!":.1111trt = AUTO •• ,....... -AUTO l•llYICll • '"•n ... r ae U\.ClllOD B&kl:r, Eut of 1'l.lniew tto CONl'Al ,,.. Atno. ........ T-. ..... .... AllTO TOOU • aov1r. "" , Q.,. 3IT-,1 ,..,.... ·--~-61 •A L.1.0UNA llAC.11 Pll IAIY1mlflll0 "'9 TlAILllt. TUYft. ,_ l $1oy 3l,._. ~""'9 $25(1. Mo. CaJl 546-5810 ~ i1V u.oufllA 1tteutl " eoAT MAIMT1N.1•a ,.. T•A1L111t. 1111111 "" :J-3Jn... ..,......., Fm leu!, delllU 1881 eq. tt. e LANDLORDS e I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ltlCK. MASOMltY, ttc.. tUI CAMrlQ -... _ MlwJ j nn 2u ~ Apt. ~. I' SAM CLIMllllTI ".,,.1• IUSIMllS •••Y1C•• .... nuacs ... ... ~ -Pf>.ot 711 -., ......... FREE RENTAL SE8V1CZ CArlJTUMO IUILOIU "" J•ln "" ~ ~~ ::= drapet, carpet., wet bll', A-S.-,...., -CAl"ISTl»IO lllAl".M l1'JI CATlllflle U1' OUMI IOHIU -,,..... 31A 41-rl bllcoNei dbl ,_,.,...¥ ~ OAMA P'Olll'T l1 .. tl CAllHITMAKIM ... IMl"OltllO MITOI ... 7 ~ ... -~ ..... .._ p V. ; ~1,,,,,,.,..,.,,,.6=,,=....,.,.,. COHOOMIMIVM IUrd 38~ _..._ a11 ~ 0"~-~ dbl.•-"--•--~-... -CAllr•NT••... .... WO.T Co\ltS .. ,. ·-"Ard ~....,... IU...... .... .... ___ , u 1,.r . nuum:". ._.._ Ul't.IXll Ull IL .,. Cl:MllfT, c...... .... AllTHMllt. CLAISICI ffU lO To ,., e.itt oven. pool. eon.m.nt to ftnl WU1 tuaicovt. Awq RENTALS CMILO CA••·........ "'' UC& CAllL •OPS fill 11~ :;r~ 71Wf'I-......... ,~ ac:bcloll " Jt!CrMo ...._the·-. llH .. -CONTUCTOllJ 4':11 AUTO IVIMTI '1Qt 12 ..._ '2 w... n ~ -""t' • ucv.-n ._.,.. • ..._........, Apts. Furnl1htd c.1.1t1'1T cLaAN1 .. • uu AUTOI WAlfTlo "" ,,;;;;.-"'" .av-n ~ Uon SLEEPING Room to o:aMIUL .. CAll1'•T LATINO ............. ,. ,. .. CA•• .. ,.,._.. "40-U 7•Y-.t oNLY •M5 MONTH _ .. __ ... __ .. with COSTA ll&ll'IA 4MI 01t.AP•l1•1 6'11 MtTO LU.llfll "1t 1,11 .U~ 75Al ~6 --.-. .... .,.... MllA n:aM •• o&MOUTtoll ,,.. Utao CAU "" 16Pmdrr A6~ 1.:,.. 835 AMIGOS WAY mAle. ~ HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS · IN YOUR HOME LATELY? 17n. .. ,0-. T71t'a New-rt Beach ·~ 40... 11A r-"'"'""' .,..., "°"' Mgr. Apt. 9 i:"L..,4" !.o~ IO,,,. -· 21 ,._ 51 Whlir-. II ~ .,_ .,_ ........ rt loach 5200 PVT -· _,, im. -lJA..a .$ln..I IJAl'lll ~ 2A...,.. s.c"' "'M!t SHARP New l BR. 2 be.lb. "' f'OOm. employed 1ld1 25CM SSY-15~ -.. 1 ...... '"-. ...____ .. A·-"-t.!· prt{m'N1 &tl-1393 ~:: ~l:.C.. MMooil ~-•....,.,.... _,,.._ 2'Uttlll 5tU.-::=r:-now. Don v. Franklin. IUt;r. DAILY P'IlDr oncg..A,. .3f .v--. e..<lft = ~ 173-m2 LIND. You c:u'I Glllt a.m @;;: '°'" 2 Bit !or lllm.l .......,_, ~ •--1 •··. ~-• -~ IOI,~ l\N_I!.!', -,_ -- 5995 ,,_ \61......_ .,; ~ Nrar all. $155 mo. l154W M2"5f11 =======================================~·-------------------------·~•ptc;,,:,5~pm.c;;,,. ____ _ NORTHEASTDN ORE.ON RANC!f zo °"" tmlta or 1 S30 """' --..... J'Oad; ...... " -• tree. USI Dretded M:r90 Ai a National l'orat permit Jot UI oow mdt. A aood, worti. .. nno:h with bul1dlnll. ................... ""'*" 11>1 h-and lllbq. N price 1125.000 with --l'ar-~ tkm pl•••• caD 1bampaoa with ! lckhoff a A-., Ina llll W. Oll.pman Ava. °'"""' Oiltt. 511~ --s.n.cm •....... ""--"':.,..,;;;;oi;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;; ____ .... iiiiiil_.._. .......... iloil~-·~--............. _,;:-.;•,_;:•,;.•;.,• ;;.·-.··.:.·-.•.:,•~';.· ..;-;.,.;-;;;-:;:.•;;.-__ ... .,.;;o;·.:;•;::;•;::;;,o-.:;;--;l!:IE:;::::::=::::=~="-:;-;.:•c::-;.:·::-:!'.!•=::::i=:~C:::C:"-:::•c:•:;•:,_~-••"• .. "••• a ---.. j r and NOTICES 6205 Loot SERVICE DllU!CTORY Joas & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMlNT ="""' N50 "°'" Wlllittld, Min noo Hole want.d:Mon ~ SALES MAHAGfR e INSTRUCTORS -NI • Rf.NT ...... -NAL& -bllr, ..u,.. MO• II C •ta ()nbnlri:hn .. lad tat. vie. 8ft1 ~ vm"$-Palnll•1. REAL JSTATE .. /ind part Ume. Neat.,. . ~ Eol. UC. • s-. ..""' Ralf, •?"'"-........... .. ... be '* lo snii.aD jobs w e l c o m e . qa10. optOe(t 'Mo., 4 otnce mett and diet1 with U. IQ.OdT on Harbor Blvd., Co 1 ta public, iood tl,gutt. Apply e INT -.EXT, ANY SIZE Mea, """ .,.....i.ac.d In ....,.,, Holiday Jr..Jlh JOB. Xlnt wort. ma. free Real Eltatt Sain Auoclate Spa, 2300 tlarbor Blvd., -&.....mo H.B. ....... FOR -,.,.._ llaa> LOSl'==-=s~ ... ~-oltl""""'Dob=-.-..,~.,-••. -..... Oiodo. ......... Vlo. --·-1--.. L 6'D.ml HD Rewanl. 9'i-iu8 REWARD! Man'• bit nllet nt. & 0..rt 6210 lost at 11th a OraJ>ae, C.M. at. JIM. &O-t669, &a-7521. wbo could quality tor mm., _c_.M_. ______ _ qcment ~Hon to lead an 1 - l1l'IF\JL Hltb o.at: 5'1-10>, a.fl • p .M. PAPER tianahw, 45 )'tan aggreulw Mia: staff. For CARP~ Cleaner tralnH:, ex~. Call Fredi excellent ~r oppartunlty )'OW!&: 11\Arr~ nv.n 25 to 11 Ac. •/anal.I slUQCO hou8e. tmr: ~ ~ 1Hot A Olld wattt, elec., parrol; We. Harbor Sehl.. ~ ""'· - * ,MB-4903 -11-In 1 dynamlc am atmoe-35. No exp. noc. Good PAP!:R HANGING pbeft phone or lmd<l'HU.me v.-orkln rond. lmi bene6tt. 1 1P' ODOkr. Xl:nt loc. rr. 29: Fbun&a.iD VaHey .,..... Whadctva Want? Wh1ddy1 Gott -l1liOO rum. 133-.:134 NAN'S -walltl. Vic~ Sl'EC:IAl C:LASSIFICATION FOii PAINTING lo ~ Gardner all inlar-Work into lead man poal-~ ma~ held in alrtck'lt OJO. ~';t xi:, ~~t)t lor t.Usi:E;;~:: ~: .... ~ ::t~ NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS ~ ,, , ~ol Rm PAINTING, tnter.-exttrlor fklen,..~. Spring Realty -,:;,= .. =::":::·..:===-- State Uc .• boaded. Free 2629 tte.rbor Blvd. M<M82t JANITOR aervkle , Ml Ume 1, FINANCIAL 5 Llnos -5 tlmoa -5 bucks ~ Penon1ts 64Q5 ~ RUl.U -NJ. Mun IN(LUOI est!-m&t~ ~ ~hi man. MU!t haw exp. !: bl' ~AR"PENTERS in floor can!, w J n d 0 w ~~.' ~~ """" · * wuhi"" & ge•~nl deaning. ua. ~nitlea 6300 LICENSED ~"Owl W::.,. ..... ~ ... "!:i.... ~ C ~ ~9:: \ lnVbtment Capi t1I Splrilual readinga,. advice J....HOTHl..a POJ u.t..I -tt.ADJ.$ OHL.YI WANTED on all matten. l!O S. El T Pl YPHONE 642-5671 -~-~ ~--~-With mobile home exptrl-~ enoe. Excellent benefita.cu ~:..::,STO~D=AN--w-OR=K.--5,.-ody Awb' in penon, men capable ol cleaning of-~ational Sales/Marke~ or-Cimlno Real, San Omlentt. 0 •~ our Trld1r'"1 ParadlN Ad 1 pttizalion bu exceptional 4!tM1J6. 1D AM -10 PM DON'T JUST WISH tor Newport Dup&ex, 200'' to e PAT'S Autmq . all beiicb. WUI trade equtt;y ~ l\u HtiJnab, Call for good Laguna resld~ 541)..1125 ~ "opportunity aYall-VIC Avocado St. 4 mo Shep. 1C1methlne to f\unbh your ~ 1or Individual with H·.;"" Whi ........ home find Venlure Capital. n.vwzh -.,,. pup. t.e ..,, ~ · • • • llft.l buy1 tlal lot. P-0. -1123. I"=<======= Huntington Beach. <114) Plumbing 6190 ......., °"""·. I:...:=='---=;; EXPLORER MOTOllHOME 4000 Campus Dr. Newport Beach fice building a: bank in their le~ houra. Write name, and phone nwnbU' to Box M108 Daily Pilot lest nwhtlrw ltl lbe state pe.tch ovtt right ~-Re-in todQa au.lfttd Ads. of c.lif. we have acqul.ml. a ward. 369 Avocado, ~II.. ~ "1ew tl1-lrvel ullit, [FOduct with llOUnd invest-546-8633 dtiplex .l comm. Incl vacant ~t potential. Med. 5 fig-ARE )'OU. from Colorado'? We corner Jot. $25.000 Val t..o.. urea posslb!e, $2500 lnvelt· have a new club for former eatl!d in Morro &y. Will ment. 675-.5983 C o l o r a d l a o 1 . Fbr fn. trade for '? 1' ! 646-6682 formation call ~1458 or :;ooct VW combl '65 w/1500 Trade 3) Ac' agricultunl huid, 600 n. on main hwy. fi ml to nearest am town nr Rem. PLUMBING H hf, RrY. Work guar. Uc., inaur.; remodel, rqiajr, rooter .ev., 1-----.---- 531-"'6 PLUMBING REPAIR DAY KITCHEN Helper + dishwashing. 5 days. 1 nlte. OYPr 18 )'I'll old, aee Terry in delL 495 E. 17th st .. C.M. e BOAT CARPENTERS e MILL MEN e ~EMBLERS Jensen Marine Corp. 235 Fisher, C.M. FRIGIDAIRE ~ anytime. ena. 38,700 ml. For Portche N' Job too omall • 642-3123 • DISHWASHER JET ACTION PACIFIC SINGLES Kannan Ghia or VW buii Beautiful renewed Laundry. for attra.ctive aingJe adults at like va1ue. 28 wuhen, 11 dryers. 3) lb. who want to meet otben 641).. 721:5 ~uher. $1B,OOO yr. gross who are part1cular. 54&-1534 10 unlti WUmlneton $'JOO. :· ~ out how e~ it is ..--Attractive ·Expert net per mo. Income. Trade own. • YOUNG WOMAN T.O.'a. land, or ! Agent/ Coin·O·Matic dancer will teac:h you an owner. 646-2629 «' 213- Equlpment, Inc. latest sttps, Call Ardell Ii.,._,,.,:;:::;::;;,·=,,--,~~-' 2334%. W. Valeocia 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM Maul llawaii -near new Fullerton 714: 525-'1833 e Selective Singles e home $69,500, free le: clear. 1 Going Into Buslneu? What~ ot compardon are ~f~t~:U:~:= Golden opportunity in beach )'OU seeking? Call dbt Sallsbury Rlty 61J..8900 area. Phillipa 66 Service 642-9fi16 Noon to 8 PM 'Station for le&Bl'l; llOl Bay-ALCOHOU.Ui AnaeymOus 60XJOO lot, free, clear. 2362 side A. Marine Dr., Newport Phone 5G72l1' or wtit.e to Santa Ana Ave. Trade for 'Bea.ch •. Contact: p 0 Box 12'l3 Cost M home or units. Owner, H. CHUCK CROWDER . . a e ... Red!em. 449 W. Manchelt- tt4: m-mo n4: 'n-4-1043 er, Ina;lewood, Cal. Announcements 6410 Have: 120 Ac. clear in Calif. AlJ.EY WEST S300 per Ac. Want: N~· Beaut wooded bldg Iota. tr.- on yr-round rlwr, pvd rda:, pwr. Lake Succes:s, Porter- ville area. Trade for 6 place "'1>lane. Agelrt 612-5495 R•mod•I., Repair , 6940 IF You need remodeling, painting or repa.ira, Call Dlclt. 642-1791 6960 ALTERATIONS A:. Cuaiom Dreumakin&-Very f i De work. App'l 548-nK Altorotlo..-2·5M5 Neat, accutt1te, 20 yrs. exp. • Dre&ema1dqr:.,\lt.en.Hom Special on Hema ·-· TILE. C.ramlc 6974 I BEAUTY SALON ~ 6 Unlta, finest 1Lactme location. Best eqUi~ , ..... l ANNOUNCES port Beach income · or hom. O• Palm Sprl... San Clemente Income 2 * V•-, the Til• ••--* Lunches ' • atmea • 2 Jots 2 office• 2 ""' mau Mo~ •• thru ...... ....i _ _, Matcham Real.., 646-<1837 ......... --k. I-... -" • r<pain ,.._,,,. .,., ..... ......, "' Apts -Will take TD'• or """"'" '"" •~l.&ll ' from n :30 dally 10 Unit Motel ---"--No job too small Plaater ~~ property. """' off-wh. L< Id • Every Sunday $39,000 equity for TD'1, er. ~l _ &-3'262 :pair. 84;_i.:71~ er SMALL inveabnent needed Btc...ot0 Brunch Lr.nd, Apta, etc. 494-9972 Eves. 494-8619 ,_... DA • ..:i Real"" 675-5930 Have luxury 1-sty, eondo , trom-...rldl!g parmerc With -· m;,,. 10 ·AM ~ ~ --_.., u....-Bey;--Beaot• JOBS & EMPLO'tMENT expttlence In the world of serving: :ECga: Benedict, Trade My Blue Book •--& od lln C'.-! BR., 2 ba. $24,IXXI Equity. -•Cu•u•" m e G'. """~' Huewa Rancheroa, Stamp1forYourGrMn WantseBBOnedTD.'s. Job Wanted, Lady 7020 weekends call 96'M935 Steak & Eggs, Stamps. 536.32•9 Owner (213) 941.1368 1 MAN 0 pe r a t Ion -21~ W. Oceanfront TROUBLE SHOOTER , Food-to-go Sandwlob Shop. Newf'O!'I Beach * * * -· * * * Just mo'ed to Orange C. Excel. location, C.OSta Mesa. (acrogs ~ JSier le I !!!J!!!!!!!!!!!'i!'!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!J\'!!!!!~~!!!!lf!!!~ area from Beverly Hilla - SeU or lease. ~13 Dory Fleet) ISERVICE DIRECTOR'Y :tCRVICt DIRECTOR y wish to find h u It ab I e GIFT Ii. Home Decor shop, employment. 18 yr's exp. ,muat aeU. See -Make otte:r! Funeral1 6412 C•rpenterlnt 6590 Drifting Service 6637 in Women's SPorta~ar. e 548-1914 • Owned own shop in Bever ly Maps; Geological or CiW Hills for lV yr. Abo deslgn- iN.ANTED' OU.sal• liquo• WESTMINSTER CARPENTRY from """""" ek. ed & mfg"d OW>! lin< of 'u,,..,.. ~.";:~" MEMORIAL PARK MINOR REPAll\S. No Joh T"'h. m .. l -Writlog .,., •• i.. Bo• M656, Dolly . Too SmalL Cal>l»et in 1a.r-675-6874. P.O. 374, CdM ;.,P;,.ilo'=t===-=-- ATTRACTIVE Beaut)' aalon. Mortu1ry I Cemetery ages .t o t be t cabinets. ADVERTISING GI r l tea80nable price, ca I I Complete fuMr1li 545-8175, if no anawer leave Electrlcal 6640 management -public rt'la· . 962-7232 uk for Gloria. from $245 mae at 646-2372. lL O. lions -sharp copy -graphic 'Cemetery lots Anderton FLAG Electric, ge11'l e1ec-artisl Evenings, 54&-3634 or Invest. Wanted 6315 from $150 triciana. Comc'J, re1,, wrtteBoxP-466,Dail¥Pilot 1;.;:.::::;.;._;;:.:;c::.:;::.__;:::::1 lndudea Endowment Care A·l Maint. Sm jobs w e I c . PERM ?ft, aaat. bkkpr. gen'l ~EI'IRED Marlceting Expert Everytbl0& In one bNuWul Carpentry, any 11%e Jobi ~1045 otc., typing. No 1ht-hd. bored with golf will help place means Jeu COit. Call Gordon 847-Gi45 Some med. frt ofc. NB area. you with your problenu;. No traffic problems. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Gardening 6680 673-8316 549-ZO'f 14801 Beach,. Wutm.lnster CABJNETS, Ally alze job. '-----'-~Ho=u~S~E~CLE=AN=IN=G~. ~.,.~ ... -,. r;;---531.·1725 893-2421 25 yn.. exper. 548-4i113 ANTHONY'S Ex. Ref. $2.50 hr. Min 4 _!!!..Y to,L~~ 6320 PHONE Mark 6 4 2-9 719. Garden Service hrs. 646-6749 after 1 PM RETIRED COUPLE Cemetery Lots '4ll Framing. finiahtng,, plyboard 646-1948 LADY In 301, llYe-ln com· Has money to lend on 1st & Ii.drywall nail, tap K-Reier. BUDGET LANDSCAPING panion/hskpr, Laguna area. 2lXI mortgages. Call PA~IC View Mem. Park, C•rpentry Work Prune ••. Plant ••. Prepatt P. O. Box 674, Laguna Bch Broker 547-1333 cbotre 4-grave burial plol wanted. M2·1500 Monthly Maintenance BKPR f TC, SH & typing. 0 _ 4~ ~•g Exp. Horticulturist el · ~ '3acr. """"""" eves. Constr le ectroruc1, "" yrs. Re I E t t L 6340 AL'S Gardening Ser \Ii c e exp 536-7248 a s a • oans SERVICE DIRECTORY CeJMnt, Concrete 6600 Lawn rnalntenantt, garden-=;,·======= Domestic Help 7035 HOME LOANS ing & clean up!!. 646-3629 Have 90'A financ:in& at 7%% &a_b~y~1-ltt_ing.=.. ___ 6c;5.:;5.:;01 ~ ~~~:!e ~~ J APANE.5£ Gardening, Prof interest.. Oieck our 6.9% MATURE 11 1 Phillips Cement 548-6380 Mainl Land 11 cap in g program A 2nd TD le.mu. . woman w 0 637-6951 Sattler Mortpae Co. Inc. babygi.t Fr\, Sat, Sun from CEMENT work, no job tao 17::,wrup:.=:~·.::.c.::::._ __ _ 336 E. 11\b SL 6 pm. Call those days. amall, reuonable. Free JAPANESE G ar dener . 6G-21n 545-0611 673-1094 Own tram. $1.50 esttm. H. Stufllck. 548-8615 Complete Se rv Ice, Ex· Eves. 673-'7865 60.1157 per hr. e BEST IN CONCRETE perienced. Rellable. 642-i389 i---BABYSIT 1 or 2 children Walks. pooWlecks f1oora. Cut .l Edge Lawn 'ANNOUNCEMENTS over 2 yrs. my home. Lrg Patk>s. Pil>nr: 6u-ss14 Maintenance. Ucensed and NOTICES ~ yrd, play equip, TLC. NO job too large or small. 548-4S)!l/&$2310 aft 4 Found (FrH Ads) 6400 ~~ A Bushard HB. Licensed I ins\D1!d. Free Cl.Tl' I edge lawn comp! est. 89'J..2900 or S26-4T;J6 lll!l'Vice. Lie. 546-5261 eves & weekends FOUND: Shagy black BABYSIT Daya, my home. ; young dog; vie. Richard• Mon-Fri, 18 mos & up. Vic Market, Lido Isle. Ha& 44th & Seashort', N.B. General S.rvlcet 6612 white markings on chin & 675-6446 Thoryk Concrete, no :lob to small. Frtt e.stlmate1. • 646-1234 • : chest. 613-6065 eves. 'rn'===~earo~-,~0,-m-0-thO-rt1 OONCRETE work, all types. HEATING & Ail' Cond. Serv FOUND·, White po o d I e who ha11t to work and don't Poot decka le CU.!tom. Call le repair, also Wuher I 548-1324 dryer repair. 24 hr serv. tfemale: vie. Annivenary want to leave their childrenl-'-=:'""=====o--842-7237 or 847-5681 Lane, Newport Beach. Co& just anywhere, 646-8662 e CUSTOM ;l'ATIOS • 1 tact: 673-1000 MATURE, Middle agtd ladY. concrete ~wing & removal HAULING. Cleanup garages, 'roUND male puppy Blk· loves clti.ldren., llVt"IS in State Lie. • 8f2.1010 ~ ~ est Jim '•nt. """""'"'· Red collM '°'°" H.R., "" traosporta. Child C 6610 1"'========= -vie. Mesa Dr. C.M. tion, 536-88)9 are 1 · , •• o 7 4'6 Houllng 0730 .....,.. Wil.J., Babysit my borne. 1 YOUNG Mother will C8ft FRATERNITY Pin found or 2 chldm tram age I'i!i for your child. Fenced yard CLEAN Lota. pragea etc. 'vie. N@Wpc>rt Beach. Initial on. Fnctd ynt, good meals. hot lunches. f\fagnolia A. 'l"rff removal, dump, akip ,"P". Pieue identify . Bywkonly.~2187 Adams (Glen Mar Tract), backhoe, fill, 1rade . 642.-Ql5'7 BA YBSI'M'tNG by nunery HB 962-M45 962-8745 bOG, Beagle-mix -vicinity school teacbtt, my home I-WILL=-c-7ba~b'",..-;~t.-my-homo,~-LITE Hauling Ii: cleanup. ' Warner It Harbor • be is Fri It. Sal dayt; le nights. 5 da.ys v.-eelc. ~ Anaheim Reasonable. A111 area. c.all George Allen Byland Agency Employer Pa.Y5 Fee 106-B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 Chinese live--ins. Cheerful Permanent. Experienced Far East Agency 642-8703 Halp W•ntod, Man 7200 EXPfRIMEllT Al MACHINISTS Rlt.D. No production Une. D\. vel"llitied experience ~ ed, 5 yr, minim.um. Attrac- tlYe wages and benefits. Advanced Klnetlct, Inc. 1231 Victoria. CM 6'6-7165 An equal opportunity employer CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Join tnd~ f.utest inrwtnl profession-Mutual Fund &alet No operlmot necnsar)'- We tl'8in • full ar part time Mutu1I Fund Advlson, MA111RE gtrl' will babysit TRIM. hedge, trees. Gen. Inc. BUFF Colored kltten, male eves In )'OU!' home or oon; Contr1cton 6620 clean.up, name It! 1 haul, Npt B. 1803 Westcliff M2-MZI at H.B. Animal Shelter. Call Agt!IS ~. 00--3112 aft 7 Aw., CM. 6UMS2 642-2657 me 847-94111 1fou.nd in Huntington Beach own trans. N.B. area Jftf. e ROOMS ADDmONS e ~......,.,...::.:,'-"':::;;;..· .:.642-<0JO::.,,;=---I S.A. 1212 N. B~ l nr. Westminster -M7-Tl12 644-2858 L.T. Cc::Ntruction HAULING, clean-up A: 547-8331 ~CK • White kmg haired BABYSITTING ~k days In Fam.0, rooma, ldtcben ar malnt; no Job too amall. * SALESMEN * doir. Fema'Je. Vic. 15th & my home. Experienced, 2 units. Single ltary ar t · Reu. rates. fiiS.6549 Evea. l.a.rrst exclusive mor1aga~ ~SL BaJ Penn. 675-3123 children at hon\t'!. 546--6148 ptan. custom dttlgned. F~ Housec:INn_ln_g ___ ..:6.:.73.:.5 ~r. t1!Pn!tf!nting over ~ mcker t,ype lemaJe, ~t. BABYSITTING My home. estimates &. layout, phone -300 savings and loan usocla· !Ru Jump on tumm)'." Vic Reuonable. College Prk e 847-1511 e *APT. a.EANING * tlons. No prospectln&, no 1 CM. P1euC call 5fi.3D5 area. (0CC) 546-70fl0 Addlt:Jonl * Rmtodellna: Fut & thorough 642-8164 collections. All leads fum.. D tn Mffll Verde, about DEPENDABLE day c 1 re. Fred H. Gttwkk, Llc. WILLIAMS ~ Serv. i!.hed. II )'OU are a top u.'le&- Jt.n 3td. Brownisb cat. Pref. wkly care QI U yra. 6'1Mi041 * 549--2170 man and a good cloler, c:Ul: 540-191:1 Uc. Hrbr/ &Joer. !il6-153t AOomoNs _ JWno<t.U.,. • Ironing 6755 ;;;m:c•=-l-c.962-81~;"~==- VJ'Il"UL SaUn Black WOULD like child ! yn or CablnrU -Block Fenoea. EXPERimCD> I r o n I n 1 IF Sl.SOO IN A MON'I11 iD- )'OUQS Cal OWnet ~older to care form)' borne F'rMEsthnate9.M2-llllS2 fl.15 hr.,References terestsyou •.. :;ot1intuut ldtnU()'. ~ Mc.Fri. 61&-7290. 548--7330 ot 646-3405 us. Opening for man over c.-Clu I 6625 40 In Beach Cities area. -JUrc. Owmr Iden-WIIJ.. babysil 1N YOUR '....-· n ng No experience re q u I red 11~1111;:· :iM7:i:-;i;1'51;,==~~~l-H~O~ME~~·~ny~llc>~"'~~l1~2!1=!1.~.; CARPET A: Fum. cleaniJw; L1ndsc1pJng 6810 Caah bonURS. Air mall H. 24 hr. rates. 5C&-C389 foe 1 da1 Rl'Vkt A: quaJlty SPRINKLERS E. Pa~. Pm., Texu 6401 - -.._ ~ call Sterlinl IDr It Sod LBwn.a. Uc a: Bbndeoet Reflnery Q:rp., Box 711, F1.. li==-,Wlol-te--l'<IO-lan-..;f.,..i.= i,rl~ Masonry, etc. br1ghtneu! &C-8531 * &42--2733 * W011h, Tnaa 76101. oat. w.. .,.; vtc. °' Port 6560 NO G~I Bet:t expert cpt OOM.MERCIAL ' residential WANTED: Q "•I Ir I. d m.. The • t e i-, Olli. Rew. BUILD, Remodtt. ~ 6. fW'TI c~. al kwle1t Gardenlnf a: Landacaping. dMdual to do Income lax m:.a Brick. bkdt, concrete, pricff. 5*-1486. &tS-m7 JoeCotT'al962.-47G4 ~turns. lndlv l dual1 cmrnt br•~•let. crpntry, no )ob too ainall. WALL , TO WAIL Carpet Partnrrshlp1, CorJ!oratk>m.. ir··--...,.. Billi A Uc Contr. 9C..QM5 CI ea n In I a. exp er I t11perhanglnt NI or part time. Ointad • ...tw.1.1-clieanl"" 546-3'7BO Painting 6150 J. B. Saunrlerson.. amtt Aft. H.B. 1leward. · .. , .. __ ,, · ---~----=::: Western Buslnesa Serv. Inc. c..,.....ennt 6590 CAill'ET A turnll"'" o1e ... VlN\'t. wall c over In a 563 W. 19th SI., C.M. G DAY WEEK RfUBEll L l.E£ 151 E. Coast Highway Newport Beach * YOUNG FRY COOK OR KITCHEN TRAINEE Permanent, Full time job. Chance for actvancemenl APPLY IN PERSON BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th Sl Costa . Mesa REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't you be se~ the hottest area Huntlnjton Beac:b'! Village Real Estate 96l-ffn or 546-8103 MALE Adult. to m a k e deliveries and do odd jobs. Full time. Must have car. Apply 3011 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach EXPER Only. Fiberglas layup, smal l boats . L&minator, aurfboarda. 1916 Placentia Av .. C.M. PART Time, <hilly, go1I dub il equipment attendant Santa Ana. Country Oub. ,.._,,.. SERVICE Station Attendant. Full time Exp. nee. 1rquire -~==~-~--1 Chevron Station, SpJ'inidale MECHANIC at F.dlng.,, H.B. Journeyman mechanic, .ex· .-FRY COOK . A p p I y , pet1e11coo-Forefgn or .Flying..Builer, 3101 Neym> mestlc. One of the ol~est 1,,:81:,."":..::..· .:.N_.•:_·,.;67c.3--09Tl:..:;c.;.._~ Foreign car service depart-BOAT Bullden -part time. mcnts in Orange Co. Flat Eves & w-eekends. Ex· rate & waminty work $8.ll) perience necessary. 613-~7 per hour, pay based on 50/ KENNEL Man, exp. prefet- 50%. Excellent working con-red t d Hrs. dlllons. Must have own hand SU.:~ ea y, opeti, tools. Cali Mr. Ke 11 y,1.;;=,=.::.,...-,,..-c,.-,--,-, 494.9771 or 545-0034, Dishwasher-Week days 6 to 2 PM. Odies Restaurant, YOUNG MEN 2ll E. 17th SI., C.M. OVER 20 TAILORS. Fitten & Formam looking for a future with a apply SilverwoOds. No. 45 quality pie shop. WW train Fashion Isle, N.B. for seven day operation, six day 9Checlule, Many benefits. Apply 9 a.m. lo 6 p.m. (See Bob) at: Vi's Pie Cott•ge 191 E. 16th, Cof;la Mesa FOOD & beverage Mgr, cballenge for exp. man in rt'sorl operation . 3 restaurants, 4 lounges, plus banqu!ts. Sales exp, desired. Good salary plus. Write or call Mr. Davis StardU51. Hotel, 950 Hotei Circle, San Diego. TI4: ,,..,171 PART TIME e COOK WANTED • Huntington Seaclill Country Club 5.16-'866 Must be <lvet 21 yean old. Could develop into full time. TV TECH, COLOR Bench &: outside. Major Co. benefits, paid holidays, life It med. ins. and sick leave. PACKARD BELL 117 Cabrillo, Costa Mesa YOUNG man 1B or over, part time to train for foW). tain work il cook. The Zoo, Cout Hwy & MacArthur, CdM SERVICE Station Attendt!nf. nee. Goof work. eond's. Days. Un.ion OU 393 E 17th. C.M. JANITOR WORK Older man. Call aft 7:30 pm. 546--1102 FUU. time porter, ~ days a 'veek. no age limit. Apply Desmonds, No. 3 Fashion Ldand, N.B. Experlefteed lry cook with rt'fererx-es. Hours 7 to 3. Benton's Colfee Shop, 133 So. Cnast Hiwy, Laguna For Dally POot Want Ada. Dial 6"$111 Agencies, WorMn 7300 newport . personn~ __ agency IN ADDITION TO PER- MANENT & TEMPOR- ARY JOB.S, THE FOLLOW- fNG PERMANENT PART TIME POSITIONS A R E AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME: NEWPORT BEACH SECRETARY S-1 Mon thrU Thurs. Lite bkkpe, lovely office. $200 mo. SECRETARY lo Purchuin:g Agent. Approx 30 hr wk. $2.60 hr. SANTA ANA PROOF READER Moo, Wed, Fri 8: 15 to 5. Desree pre- ferred. To $3.50 hr. 833 Dover Dr., N.8 . 642-3870 549-2743 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 64,.5fi78 A efn.tllfled ad pMts easlt l11 your pocket. Good ideal ..... 642-5678 NO MATTER IT IS ••• YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A D'AILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGE IT! IGE ~ Owptllpoo 1 MASTElt c:upenta $4 per lng, 11,yq I repalr. Call speclalillt • kit, & baths. 546--1250 60-0212 ,-olll. Loot VI•. -· R<mockllnr .'1tepa1n. G'""'8nf Carpet 6G#i!!O M•t<n.t A ""°'· E.l ARCH. DRAFTSMAN 8&)"lhon!I. N8'6-1211t 6Q..MJ9 ot 536-3000 CllARGE 'P6' want ad now. 847-16.'iS Dana Point 011.lce 496-3311 i i,.=========~=-----JI==================' Aflency lor C.-GIN . GOW. O..C Hwy., N. B. By appoint. Ml-3939 Holp Wantod Womon HOSlWES 7400 Full Time APPLY JN PEMoN 9 to 5 P.M. REUBEN E. l£E 151 E. Co11t Hlghw•y Nowport lloach Openings for: • Cashier e UshtrettH e C•ndy Glrl1 Apply 511 2-4 Mr. Bradney EDWARD'S CINEMA . H1rbor et Adams CodoMou WAITRESSES Experienced • Over 21 APPLY AMIGOS Fimlly Restaurant 421 E. 11th Sr--· co.to Me.. 642-4262 SECRETARY $428. to $545. 2 Poaltlon. Xlnt opportunJt)' . tor sharp yng glrl Friday. Elec typeM'iter, shorthand, Min 2 yrs office exp. Full benefits. ----------------------------------·------- STACO, INC. 1139 Baker St. Co1t1 MIM 549.:1041 .. equal opportunl'1 employer Newporl Center Branch Secuttty hc;lnc Nat'J, Bank 5:iO Newport Center-Dv. Ne'lf\"Ol1 B:cach e NURSES AIDIS e 3PMtoUPM ud MIRCHANDISi! POlt MliRCHANl;llSI POii ' ULI A~D Tlt/iDJ · : ~Lit .M!D,.TIAOI tlum.i;.:. • .000 Pu,,.iluri " • IQiiO -· rog. $59.95 ··~ ·' 'llltlrJdq, J.,..., 16, IM MlltCHAfjDISI ~ M R HANDIS '4L~ ,AND TRADE $ALE AND TRADI Cata ~ '.'. _~.~~ .. ~130 1111 ... 11.._ ..00 ~ .,,,, --· 1. ~-.,. s-i.1t PllUC. AllC1IOll ,,,,._ Ab¥, -a ''°9fMODILS.QHLY . ,-.,. Sim kllt••• " SA YI I O'Yo · 5 1~5:.::;11 ::::::18!8:::.----.u l'IANllS l!ld OltGANS Tt4UR DAY .l?!P 1121 0>nn • ~11or e x.u. JAN. I& f.'-'..._----=-----•Ji 7 30 l'M 3 YR OU> FZK.-..... ,, .Abo Dlrillma. Tftde-IM : .,.,._ pd '"'""""'"" 1<ob1a a a.., Sp pluo $188 NEW.:, USED Fu.=-.. !15' ~I Pt!!, I ji': ll!ur. ·-.......... 1395 Color ' -MM416 all ' 1'*°" p:inlD&e ·•····· $571 1tC., Uyl.na room tet. DI& .+' -~=~~-~-" O!uJ>Plll'O combo •••• 161111 ''"" °"""' -R-. ~ AiU?O """ ~ conoo1e .... ,,., .u..n.. sor,.. 1.me ...... ,,,.,., lleld "" ,... a.a.. ~ 'Pinet "'I'll .. 1417 Lampe. ~ etc. ploo lln<, S moo old. r.nw., 1 Hammond M·lll .. only 18111 GUARAlllTEEl) -. 54MGl • WU!lt-4070 •••• only $880 APPLIANCIS . GREAT 0.0.. e --.1 ·o,~ Owrtce, wal. Save $225 Gu atovea. Electric •klVCS. ba(&.Mbrobn, we I J mmo Gould Mu•lc Company Frool -reflltr'" Wuherl, ,;...,,, Bte .. flll. 20I$ N, M&ln, Santa Alie. D~m. Freuers. r 831-1745 Sp. ot n.ew.,y, 14!.QlSJ. ANTIQU~S 8As.sl\T-;o.:,~-pidllreed-.~~-m-o~le~21 I, 111on • 1'tl '1ll e SUn l'6 earm • pc s,.nllb """" ,,. ol4. ... " ""1,. ,.;,.. , NEW YEAR'S SPECW.S let Cam!d Butftts, Otlna · g.:mi Appllcallon1 lolng TAKEN FULL TIME IMFLOYMENT * Hourly Teller Pe ....... , only no stutlenll • Pftft!l' mature. 11 PM lq T .A.II One of Our M1ny Blrgalnsl 'MEIHTEIUNEAN Sl'ANISH New Showroom Samples Wiii S.11 Any Ploce lndlvlclutliy In Uted Cabinets. Sertke I« 12 S.-wttb chlldren.. TD1~ ' j HAMMOND ORGANS varlan chln&. OU Bedrm AKC -·-~-· SET• I JtT.2 Conctrt Modd •• $1895 set, Hall tma. Sec'ty oom-TERS, 1 weeM old, Webl)'ll 1 * Hourly NCR Proof ~:::' :.::! ~ five day Wffk. Apply Mon-8' Wood carved arm divan, )g, man'1 chair or love seat. 5 P.c Or;lagon dark oak din set w I black or av~ado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR set. 9.d Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 com· modes, decorative headboard in Spanish oak design with matchln' box springs, mattress & frame. C3 WJtb apeaktr .... tl~ bo, Rocku'I,. Oak Olelt. llnt. 1148,.1138 M-101 Deluxe Spinet •• $1($5 M.1sc ltemt. DOBERMAN P l n • e b er• j M.J Spinet, Maple .... 15111 ADAMS . champ -· mml ..U. 3al2 Spine~ Walnut .... $450 MM494 1 open Mon" 1'1 evu. RIRlllJURE MARJ RARE sw,bam Tmlet, MIChine Oper. ~·=-~~ EXPERIENCE F. W. Woalworth HAMMOND wltlte, bou1e -1ow1 S.nk;i;:.~T/SA 2300 Harbor Blvd. 18691 Mein St. --00=57;:.:A.:..ME=SA::.:..._ Agencle1, Men & Women 7550 . tn CORONA DEL MAR ldda. 11 mo. SM. 839/lT& ; 2854 E. eo.t Hwy., rn.8930 11929 E. c.non 860-3470 REGISI'ERED German : HAMMOND • Steinway · Ya-Hawaiian Gf.rdena, 3 bltb E. abort balr Pobtbu PQI: for ! rnaha • new A: ued plano& of ea; Frwy. 1'crmerly Pat'• aa1e. S15 each &a-<m.\ ' Huntington Beach '847-3541 XT. 34 Equal opportunity employer * WAITR6SES e SEAFOOD e RESTAURANT REUBEfl E. l£E 151 E. Coast Hlghw1y · Newport B••ch * RH or LYN NEEDED FULL TIME Apply Newport Herbor co .... 1eaunwio.p111~ 646-7764 LVN's 3to11 & 11to7 Ind Reli•f New convalescent bolplta1 . Scheduled to open end ot Jan. Apply in person. 393 Hospltlll Rd. corner New· port & Hospital Rd, N.B. EXPEllIENCED ln•t1llment Cretlll Cl•rk UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK "SERVING FOR 39. Yf;ARS" Wo Con Find Tho Rlahf Spo1 For You r.;r. Not Luck" "lt'1 Know How'' FEMALE DIVlSION ONLY $529.95 ($1095.95 Value) or TERM$ oi low 11 $4.66 Week No' down -Ult our store ch1r9e plan or ell malleL Sett b""' In FRIDAY IS • So. Calli. rlll>I here. YAROAGE DAY • • • H.,_ "30" SCHMIDT MUSIC CX>., In Co.ta Mua 6 YR. A.Q.H.A. Mare. Prof 1911'1 N. Ma.Ill, N~ R1ecUon, ~ prlc-tmd tor lntenn rider. WM'1 Santa Ana ea f!!lerY Frida¥ 10 AM at 'Stable, Laa C&n)'Gn Rd. Uk ~ .. Oi;:·:::::::::::: Approved furniture T.1.v111on 1205 ~:1'1' 1"""~"'oncy~. __ _ Gen. Office ............ $350 """= u.~ at.~ T•ANSPORTATION 222 O' .. n A •• n... (N F " MAGNAVOX Co...i. 23" ··~ •--· ~""• --Mold Trainees ........ l30l o oncy Front -BUT Quollly Voluu lnold•) Costa .Mesa ' L19una BNch Dental Front Office •••• $500 2.159 Htrbor Blvd., Costa Mts• S48-ft.f.£tt. color 'fV. Remote control. Bolts & Yachts 9000 1 49US46 ?tfALE DIVISION 7'""1' 2 yn:. ·o~. Walnut. Allo POOL -Opon 9.9 D1lly-Sund1y 11..S Zenith 23" BJW """°"' FREEi EqDal opportunity employ" Time Keeper .......... $407 Constru.etion <cable) ., $390 12 Y••n, 11me loc.1tlOn-11me OWntrt 548-3825 • -.. c ' 1 ~~~ ;,~ Slltp • Rec. Tm. ...... 1346 · . REN't, TV $10 TABLES Bll~oa~I~.,!":" l :.~oros::~. ~~ "We!'~~~ jobs furniture 8000 -"'1tlqu• 1110 ~n:ipogh 0 orFrte d=O ~e;:et;.~~ i::ni: = r~e~%~ Appl .,.n 1175-'*'9 SOME FEE mo~ • ~· ..... $100 VI ANTIQUES USED TV• 125. up. Repair, m . -··--MM. at Newport -Yubl ........-vno never,._,,. • . ir. abop or ~e. 3127 up, .. .w. u;>~1;11, ~w. Otlb-'120 W. Bly Aw .. New-i WOMAN to -for oeml·Jn. MERCHAHTS 3 Bedroom ..... king.· tuJi SHOW AND SALE Harbo'1ll., CM. 64>-1672 1AllTftft FABRICS .... -NO' ADVANCE I valid woman, Lla:ht dutiea 6 twin ataet. 8' Sofa & , January 16, ·tT, 18, 19 MlllW REGIS11t.ATION NECES- •S:65nl&b!_,I0 p.~ ... to Bal! AM.boa PERSOlllla love seat.· Den furniture, Thurs, Fri, Sat 1·10 PM Hl·PI & Stereo 1210 ... FOR' s•LE SARY. ENROLL AT'CL-AmJ l ,..-,,,.. coffee & end _tables. Occas. SUnday 12-6 PM ... "' 64&3423 613-l.8tll5 ix' • Island. 673-3528 '-~•-Ma"• !her .• A ~ 1A..n or °*" l Cu•1.11., •v o 1..:m ... Lo11g Beach Murdclpal Audi-~EREO • ~ Solid 1tate, RllmM~ pmptu a MID lnfll.. . _ , Hou s EKE E p ER. cblld 200 Weatclltt Drive-Must sell everything! Only tmium. Long Beach Blvd. I 4 1pd, . t 1peakfr aodib ends Sa.t. Oil&' J ·•.m. to 2 FREE care. Perm. Pvt nn, ba, lobby omce 2 months old. All Mcditt Ocean Ave. system 1n walnut CDDIOle. p.m. 929 ~· Cofta Mesa. TV. Salaey open. Mwt love Co~ LTth •. Irvine -_!!?'_,reaaoiiable. 714: A _lee_ l...vA~ a D::JJ tone -Left on lay ~· P•v ' ,. •11lc INtl-( ...... chlldren. t!fave, -y ........ -N ....... .w;r. -, .......,::a.. 4""' .-. "'biliiiOe' er _____ .. ;;<"1.::! ttI N'"~Y:t e-n--trl : _ll!il_ ·--'!S ---· -l glrla) 96S-3l)tg or 548-Sill.. ewport Beach 2 Chopping blocks, 2 Brau , ••11 .,.... -ww BeautWI 9 lt'·lJi deep pile; OFFER!:D TO PUBlJC omen in 1111 ot Furniture returned from dis-beds. 2624 Newport Blvd.; ~tl.Warebouae. 535-7289 bela:e w/ftftbobeit battlboo BY RECEP'I10NIST _ Bkkpr, Orange Coanty play atudiol. nicdel b::>mel. Coat.a Mesa sc.3069 4 & 8 TR.ACX Stereo Cat deti&n at ~mer.. 'Retailed Huntlntfon INch med ottlce, Laguna area. 645-:rn> deootators canoellation. VASr stock Arna &: Eur Tall:" Player. $130 Tenna. at $1250, saer4ftct? toi:$250. Power Squadron I Nursing not req. State age Cooks male or f1m11e Spaniab I: Medltm'anean etc turn &: cloeka. Larr 'Y Never used. Must aell! $80. Alao 6 "X 9 $'.llufan. $T5. starting Mon.. Jan. 20, '1 PM : • qual. Box M-70~ Daily Fry Cook!, Breoktut Coolm. RD FURNITURE l'<orl&n Anti-. 24 2 8 * 50-4431 * 1400 Iiolpbt. ·,Terr., CdM •t Huntlnaton Beach lllP ' Pilot Sous Cbeh: A: Broiler, 1844 Newport Blvd., CM Newport Blvd., C. 'M. WIUJAMSON Stereo, 100 {Irvine Tem&tl. School. H.B. ! HOUSEKEEPER A: child All re.taunnt ~pt ever/ night W 9 watt AM IF M Cu -Far fartbllr Into caD care, private room & bath, Call Bemte. 54S-11'96 Wed.. Sat. & Sun. 'lil 6 S1Wln9 ~chino 1120 chanpr. See to ap·predaie: ~Hall'-~~ 842·1227 or 146-"2350 : T.V.5\>dayaweek,pern>. ARGUS AGENCIE$ QUKK 'CASH ,67 SINGER compl witb Cal!any1lmel48-1141 · .Hum~ ID\T '1t•d· $5600 : job & paid vacation. $200. 1869 C.Newport Blvd., CM. walnut COJ'lllOle. Transferred SMALL walnut con a o le di.9b-!kowJJ m ·l't.u (full 23• FIG AUX SLOOP I Mo. 540-921.Z scrvit<e ma.n Jorcet: repo. Magna~ $tet'ft), 2 Yl"I old. cap). Pald" '1tl, M1t fm' 28• CAL 28 race •••• SlO,SOO l Government Agency in Org-. WANTED: Qua l i r 1 e d In-Instructor in Ch1rm School1-ln1trudJon 7600 FOR FURNITURE Toucb-o.rn1ptic, auto .rle-zag, Llke new. $17'. 548-3825 $25.· 548-45.37 all.I ii:t11. 36' SLOOP loaded •• $12,500 : Co. Call 540-2910 or 962-2417, divid\ial to do income tax A Modelln&: or modelin& APPLIANCES OR button holes, blind hems &:. S I ~ YD cem mix. McCb. po.t 40' BOUNTY FIG •• $11.500 : ftir. Silvester. returns. 1nd 1 vi dual. background needed. Eves, TM Newport ANTIQUES. DAY OR overcasts ·etc. No attach-port ng Goods 1500 IK>1e dilger, 9" aua:er, make p• DIESEL crua •••• $14,500 : Part Time W1ltrt1u Partnerships, Cotpon.tlons. weeands. Call 90S35 School of lualnen NIGH'I' 63t-3620 neededi4 ?0 1·85 ~h or ; SCUBA Outtit, complett'· offer. Ronla Nova. 3 bp 63' t>sL cna otter •• $44.950 I Experience pre!e!Ted in Ital· Full or part time. Contact "e"AB=Y~S~CITER""':,,-wan..c_t7ed-F,ln-my-HAS A GUARANTEED Quanty King-Size Bed, ~~ c.aiI ,.!1,!,6 uar 1 purchaaed in 1968. MW oi mini b!Jft': new clutch. 6 •PACIFlC YACJfr SALESe l tan food. Work evet. Ctll J.B. Saundel'llOll. Weatnn hometmn1:110to5:30PM. CUftRJCULUM FOR beautHul quilted·mattreuL •""" -~ fer613--8821 moold.'10.'~m· · 3446V.la()parto I after 2 pm. MI 6-49'l9 or ap-e-t D Service Inc. 563 t 6 days • week Laguna Bch 833 r!1CCES8t0r N 8 ~·-.toundN-.!r~..:.....b.lt;~ I Mu1lc111ntt. . 1125 ',.MA.u1~· .. Surfboard by IQ,B.BY Vac:uum ~ " NeWport . flJ;t.1510 ply in peraon ' ·~1'th St, C.M. arf.I. &M-~ before 11 AM. ver ., · • .&Clllllt: ..,."' u=u -. _ . , Greek. '1' 8 .. , very .eood a~n?:. ~ aold 1. FT. cumm nim1nlo 1 VILLA ROMA 642-0212 lmJcK girl needed tun fune. 646.0153 Wortb $'50 . ......,,,.. BASS Guitar, cue & amp. <0ndlt1on, 16<>. 53!>-0402 Im ..,.,, $300.. Tab ewer Racer. Blue ud &<>Id. ; 445 N. Newport 81vd. ·CK CLERK ~IN· lnterviewinf 3 to 6 pm, Lifetime Gift. typewrtttnc. . IQ-r}t t'Ond $195, .6 Strini mnallpymntaor$49.60cuh. Tl'aUer 6 boat frtlbly 1 Newport 8Hch RY CONTROL . APfOPOs, Fashion Ialand, Chlldttn, srandcblldren. or Offl~ Equipment 8011 gufiar w/vibratO + amp .Creditd;ept. 535-o128p painted. New wbltt l A Se i ckk room exp., fantillar N~rt Beach. yourself! Individually tu. ·$60 673-2529 • M11cellaneout, 8600 NYLON carpeting 50 aq. n au cab yd e • U~ 1 U~ashi: Ce !::"J°ff'::urocedSTRiureESs. ~~~= ~~g ~=t1J'~e.:, P~~~~~~~ ~~~ca~:= * AUCTION * ~~n ~~ m,o~ =ea.16~~.~':f;'h Ii Dally sale• summary, 'Y.'Ar-i ~ S. Ritchey St. S.A. 1967 Nev.-port BlvQ., CM CM, M8-2S59 , metal edge, solkl basswood, I ..:Flrrt=='=IB5=la=lre='·="'""='=;;:"= =ar cushion air pad. :!er~~~ ~ ranty repair ord en:. M·ust .~ _ 547-3906 LIVE-IN housekeeper fot · MllCHANDfll POil electroniaOiy bonded, sand· f Id J 17th Wayette. Nrwpcrt Beacb. t have recent e;cperlen<:e. · equal opportunit)' employer elderly couple; m a tu re, $AL! AND· TRADE ed amooth. Strong steel Pianos & Or.~8='";:;':__.:l.;.13:::0 r iy -en. BEAUTIFUL blond w I r. . ; ' 642-7098 woman pref. 642·1260 tllttng arcs, tllta to aey 7:3o PM.. F'n!Deh. hand tilld orl1 coet lT FT. Pabmer. Ialandei' · WORKINCdM •••-•ny, Part "-e, Pumltur'. IOOO g1 WJDAYSlll NEW&USEDFUllNITURE $295. Will oen'1m ·~ Deluxe mod•I (•II : HOUSEKEEPER SECRETARY 1or Le&&l In-~ .. .,, • ~$50 or best . otter. Bedroom aetl, dlnJnc room st6-78l7 aft 5·30. •'"" IJber1la11) oatboar · surance &: Mutual F\md dl,YL K.F.C., 693 So. Cst SPANISH FURNITUaE --~""-~-~~-~1 H' h rl setl, cheltl. deakl, coUee . cu.tom amp down IXJWI', : Full Tlmo -Day Shift Apply in~ Huntlniton Beach Convalescent H011pltaJ 18972 Delaware st. Hunt Bch SCA N DANAVIAN or German cleaninC lady 1 day per week. Must have references, CdM area. OR 3-6519 COMBINATION, Sharp Bar J\.1aids &: Go Go Dancen. Top \\'I.gel $3.1]0·$3.50 tG start. Ph. for int. 545-9983 SASSY LASSY, 29Dl Harbor, C.M. Executive Sec:ret1ry Top aJdlll l'l!q'llired, attrac- tive &. respon!lible. Mtm. mum .wt1nc salary $600. Phone for appt. &fi.OOTO. HOUSEKEEPER, C h 11 d catt, live.in, L> love 2 small happy bo'Y• ages 2 & 4; Jovely nn. S dAys wk. Mesa yerde. 540-0910; 546-6518 HOUSEKEEPER. li\-e • in; woman alone, handicapped: rio lifting. $25 Wk. Call Mo& day 642-2232 . NEEDED: Ea.,perlence Seamstreu. Call 497~133:5, between 11 & 5 PM for an interview. BAKERY lllesgirl, no phone calls. l?1tervtew1 at J'lorence Bakery, 819 J9tb St, c.M. See Mr. KnlghL EXPER Woman IO day ~ for a 5 week period aemketarded cb1ld 5 yean. 111J..'567 EXPERIENCED Operatr.n -"" .in..... TO!' Pay. 863 Production Pl., NB. -GENERAL Ofc/Order desk. Ov. 21. Mature w/pleu. tel voice, Jor comm. bluepint-54C>-!lm MANICURIST WANTED • 842-~. ~sponalba woman to Care for 10 month old sltl My ~. Pmnanent. .fBS.0)9 Part Ume be:lp, over 21 545-9163 BABYSITTER Mi.kiri VtejO. 13'1..mT MAID. fiiltt, ...,. ». I da!Wk. port time. IL '15 llT. 4N-1U1Lqw.llcb I work. Require llharthand le Hwy, Laguna Beach R ET U RN E D FR(} M Ansa·pbone fur sale, ig er P ces are cornUle -tables, dteuet11, dinettes, TWIN Beda with framet Ir: Bii wbeel tilt tra.Uer. $100 : lJke new '•-=i but we are still dlaco1111ttne mattreues, lampe, pt ..... ~• headboards $40 complete. .............. ~ .. -... _ 7 -, must take responslblllt)'. Salo HOUSEKEEPER, live-in; MQDEL HOMES. SAVINGS ' ....,... all · & Jn the ......... ::., ....,._ O'U"'GlaU .... ....-r-w 1 clrlld rl ba. e 847-1659 e pianos organs TV's, Stereos, china cabt-Matcbina Bathroom eneem-USED 13 • .i .... i--_..._ ... ~ acy <lpen. rite P.O. Box perm. : P v. rm., TO 80". SpuQb -·nted last d•-or tbe -at Mov bl n• •••1352 -~ ~• 8 ~ d Sal N ... ~, ...... ...,~ •·-• nets, credenzas, divans, e . .,....,, n9' w/9" bp z·•-• -"-, , , ...urona. eJ Mar, Calif. open. 'pt Bch. """""""' sofa& love ee.d. 3 oaklMng, H-.. --L-•, Goodt •• 20 fna Sale It will --l you 711 ....,..,...,_ • ~ ..,,.._, -"' -. .., ' ....... chain!, MelbUm uprlght pl-UPH013l'EIU.NG • -u. '" •RA N-. • .. ~ -~. ', ·-OP~ 'TORS Blind 1tl._..__ room tablel. 2 ttvq room mo""" to wait Shop • bnv .,, .. ......, ~ -., .. • ......., ~ W.Am"ED: Automotive office ~ flnishen..Garment ;;. W:aps • ~ palnUnc. FUMISHniGs at e 11 t1 re n~·~~t: · • -ano, Spanlah bar. Refria'et'-pc:. <European craftlmen) from $215. Scboci: Boats ' rnanaaer. Comp 1 et e tory exper. sti-21566 N.B. El Pftlidente kin 1•i1 e -.· all less than 2 .,,.. WARD'S BALDWIN st'UDIO at.ors, stovl!S,. washera,-dry-Free 11et, del, pickup, 215 673--mt ' ' bl!droom auite A_ ... 1r1 .. 1... """ et11, and J.WCH MORE! Main. HB "Berey" 536--6405 • knowledge ol automotive HAIRDRESSER • ..,... _. old, all very reuonable, 1801 Newport, C.M. 60-8484. COME BROWSE AROUND1 DIRTY but Dry. 16' Fantuy ; genenl ledger tbru !lnaJ>. CoHl""' de Femme, 17414 ...._ A mlmr, klna .,..., wuber • dryer• peal • BARGAIN • WINDY'S AUCTION NEW compt.te strull·A-Cbatr pluo Welhtromb trtr. In I clal statement neceaaary. 8 ~ mvd H 8 °'"ll15 beadboe.rd. 2 ooaunoda. tllb!r many others. Call 714-2-••A-ual ·~--~-.·Ire , baby ~· ~ + crlb A PIO • tltm. ~ , H B ea .. ,1 ., • • O'l.<" kinptJ.e mattrru & box IQ.IU• ,.,.. .......,., .. ""' ttreu N uted $175. · · arta. Call Mr, MANICURIST aprlnp, 2 boudoir tamps, 496-3767. Organ w/orcheatra bells " ma ' evtr · FOR SKIPPER OR BOAT l Roblnson8C2-7711 extemal 9)und cvwtem·, u 20751h N~rt Blvd. 30838thSL;NB873-0583 ..... -_,. .. ,.,CE CALL , c.outures de Femme, 17414 6 piece Span1ah Wl'OU&'bt G 5 I ·-2 v~u 711 Behind T ' u1.:1 .. Mat'I-•"'""'1•&IW'IAI, SECRETARY, Govtrnment BeaCh Blvd. H.B. SO-.lll5 iron dinln& set Only $467. _ 1r1ge I e ov~ orla:lnal cost, $2500-Terml. ony • ~· .., VARDEMEN Surlboard 9'7''. 548-3561 1 contracts exptrience, fut, $20 down $4 Also, lge. selection of organ Costa Meaa '* M&a86 Wood tail-ha.ck~ shetland · I I ri f elllgent. Radiatronlcs, ~ aepu-a~. ~ w::r.: MAUN A LOA WMCA Club kUa, consoles A: acceu. "'!!!!!O!!!P!!EN!!!!!!D!!AIL""'Y"""9!!to!!.!!4""' floor pollaber, toad OOD< S.llboats 9010 188'2 Teller, NB. 83J..2100 Jobi Min, Wom. 7500 HAMILTON FURNITURE Garaae Ale. Sat " sun. NEWPORT ORGANS ~ dltlon $15. 546-am I (aO'OllS from Orange County -·· w~·--A.. Jan. 18tb I: 19th.N 10 to 300 w. Cout Hwy., NB HIDE-A-BED, never med. GOOD :I) -!lot water Zl' VIKING Sloop. SAUCY I Airport) ~ CIJUIW .. l.a' " ' 5, zn Colton, ewport 643-1530 $100. 3 Bedroom JefJ. king, beater $iS Snitable far vtrtually l'eblt in Aul• HOus~"ER. L•."• ,.. REAL ESTATE WIO-m. terto. 89444349 ~t Shoret. &a&-9839. Bargains Y1m1t.-full & twin sizes. 8'. aota amallerbo~. ~·--.. Former fleet cbamp,.11111 ~ • IO L to g p.m., :::;_· galore! . rnt11 6 love Mal Den tumiture, 5 ~ • ---i..-ndl ...,'"" of uill, extru. Poul.hie motherless home in Laguna. SALESMEN a.m. p.m.. liNUo GARDEN equip., }I w r . Pia not & Or9an1 cottee .\ end tablea. Otcaa ,...~ ~ • Bllboa ll1e .Up Ideal tor 2 childD!n. l~ .\ 31*. Mud lnveaUgatr the umciue 0~ ~U;:,;P,,:·""::,,,to;,.5;..:Po-·m.::;:.. __ ~ mower; power tools & See thel"" h?W at pairi. Many other ttema. PORTABLE G.E. TV $35; 2 aharirw t1mu!f.. Alk1rw :~~i:ek.-::01 ~x~ :ls portnnitift with Newport'I ~~lning se,t. 47" holllehold furn. & Misc. Coast Music M2,Ult ~~.eWI rything! Only anri.isblue5fS..:.~ tet. s $1700. w/tenna to relponli- days/ ~ ~ ends. wte~t ifOWlng profeu!onal ~ bue, chrl, 842-6237 1839 Newport Blvd, CM montM o cl. All Meditl c · · ble pty, Shown by •ppt. marketina organization, Rea-2-18" ext leaveS, CUI p&da Ve-ry reasonable. T 14: 3 8£AUTIF1JL Mannequins. 644-1304 BUSINESS ;, Good! Jamalra ldential/Commercial S28S. 10' Soto, Fatbell, GARAGE Salo; "'"· chain, 64&·0271 870-IS9% Come In• make .U... 1..;...;.S,;NO~W~B~l~R0~-#~3~7~1 - Inn H •-1 ---• 1 2 u·-• lik ..inn ...... _ Schwinn bikt, aoU clubs It. 0"' '""""'5 or more PROPERTIES WEST qu u:u, e new ,.....,, ...... clube &·etc. lSOJ, Ballantine ELEGANT, Did s· 5" Grand FllENOI divan & cbalrl, l83li N~WpOtt Blvd. CM All wood. Dacron sail. Ex· 1 maldApplys; ~u11 .... :,npart2IOtlml Ee. 1028 Bayside Drive '•"'a •'e'°U1"2x 14b21e:' ped$ lett&l3"' Ln., Hunt. Beach MZ-3442 Piano, Queen Ann legs, beauti1ul . wood, need s SOTA. Refrlg, tool bench, cellent condition. Ready to ..,.. • · Newport Beach • "' • beautifully hand carved & upbolater1ng. Car chains. twin booc aprtnc, mattrul Sal) Away! $25(). 673-3690 or \ Cout Hwy, CdM Or call ~ Fri(iadlreDlxlmperlal GARAGE W e, Sat-A Sun, .,_,_ .. _ .. 11100 slte 800 x 14. Men'• aid ... __ A."AnMO•• _ .. "'. ·····-I for e.pp't. washer/dryer $175. Stewn Jan 18th &. 19th. 5891 reu11111na1. • 54$-6673 boo I 10" t U hlld' ...., . ...,u., ~.u..a. n.u .• ., .,..,.;NO, Edward"• twn bed comr Edmond Ci 1920 UPRIGHT Grand, xlnt 15 ' s ze ' ;ra 0 c • PEM.CO Aquariwn 77 pl 2> rr ' atru, I EXPERIENCED Sewing LAl,;UNA Beach Unlfjed .. -•t, -'d I'~. Pr ~tge 5 rcle, H.B. nd a--tl desk. child a a dre saer. 1,,,.,.._,..,. .. 1. "•b'· ..... -r:-~ tnanYTom Machine Operators. Few School Dbtrict it accepting ..... ..... ..,,., ""' JAN. 18th & 19th only "° · '"""~" Y tuned. Large dreSMt' & mirror, & w ..,._............. ..... ... _.... ~ tuma. cat I IJ'alneea belng aceepted. a p p J l c a t l o n 1 for Leb upbola chn $140. Dble bed Sbcwlnn bike, golf clubt & 1 ~~":.c.,""°',;.:,;c';...;.:A;.;l";.;'_':.,.:.PM.:::.._ m~l itema. £ 7 3. 6 S 6 9 , 962-3329 c.a& 9-5 Boe.ta, 2614 New PO rt• I 2907 S. Oak, s. A. 7:3).3:l). Alllst&nt, 15 hn per wk. let, nlte 1tandl, 9 dn.T mlsc. 714 Goldenrod, CdM BR AN D new GulbTil11sen come Stt on Sat. Jan. 1Bth SLATE top Pool t a·b le 8'75-l400 HOUSEKEEPER. I Ive •1 n Applicantl must be U.S. drellKl', desk, headboard, Premiere Organ. Selling JO to 4 PM. ru Heliotrope, 31,ix6~ .$2XI. Harne be.r1'SN=o"WBI11D==:--:N""o-. "'21"4,--....,, motherleas borne. NewPDtt citizen. Pleaae c: n t •ct = Spanllb Style $175. Furniture Audlon 1025 ~· Prv prty .. &U-7787 CdM in garage. w/4 stoolt, $9'3.. '97...ect restored. ExCt!llOf'l.el. trlr area. 2 Children, apa 14-16. P!9onnel otfice, 550 Bia-1---------· NEWPORT Beach Tennis STEREX> tape ~u .. Sony incl. $IX>. Call U> m«M9 Prefer under 4!J. S31-H50 monl, .,._, be I or• SCRAM-LETS AUCTION FREE TO YOU Club Company m<mbenblp 50J Wlth mlts • 'l)<8ken. LIDO 14, No. 1921 .,,,,,,_, HouSEM'Aio. •4 days/wk. 1 ln7/69 for sal• • .2 re1ular Finl $1S5 tua MIJ..6413 trailer, North uJJa. Bllll bra/day, $2 br. Particula.r. Reel Eat•'-Sifts ANSWERS Sat. Jan 18 .11 AM TU Sold Ohoh.GANIC Fertilizer. aged membl!~blPll + 1 IOcial A: white. Like new. 8'7..&156 Do ell h k u.n ' W-n 1331 Warehouse Rd. CM rse manure combined membership. Priced wtJl Rt!ferences.~wor • ~~:"'O"Wce # lbllc.E.ofHatbor ~·Ith wood abavtr.., Good Wow COil De.ya 547~.~Winttd 1610pOwtrCrulters 9020 SALESLADY Tor {.,,,,_,_, ' openlnp a\..U..bl• 1« Avowal -Naval -Talty -1 blk. So. of Baker muleb. 8336132 or ft6.4931 Eves 6T3-&C3ll w A N T E D · ~ .. ...,,3 lieensed men 6 womm. Jn. Blou.w -NEW BOSS Model Home ~. Ae-betw 8 le: 5 MOP Un HOPE CHESI'. Girl ·gotna 25' OWENS Cabin. CNim' skn. · J . C. Hwnpbriel, stant Income • tnJnlni. Mr A boneYmoon ta the V'aca-cellOdes A Equipment. ne.. Fr1. . 1/31 awt,¥ to 1Cbool wlli ll!ll my w/pllt;y A be& Sll!ePI JeWeler, l823 N e wport Gardner. Sp r inc Realty, Uon the croom t&kea ju&t be-1ignerl CoUectlona of l"llm-GINGER, mixed amaU breed Sl?S hopn chell t, llJre MW, We need qu.llly (no junk 6. Slrwla acre'W' w/185 bp Blvd., C.M. S4S-3402 S4G-482f fo~ •tartinl worlc for a NEW tture • Decorator Piecel female J!UPPY, ~t 3 $50 Cub. Call M a r y pie~). Funlitunt, co Io t airy., Marine e n I• PHONE SOUCITING e SALESPEOPLE~ N ea t. BOS& from one of the lAf'lest month&. l.oWJable, beialthy m.e.s&B attmr 1 PM TV 1, ~ a.ppltancea, Recently Oftl'hlnltd. SIS No experience neceuary. aood appe~. Due to PRO\l'tff.CIAL Jl\ll.,,. Home Builders in Ontlge &: mw1 to lovln& homt!. 10 AM to 5 PM Dally tooll m1 ol1lot equipment ~baJt tank. "125Q. Holiday Health Spa 2300 new exp&nlion reuonabH. Cobo TV A Qnmty. 546-8959. ln7 Gardc!n tooa. Jll'tio rum: TOP CASH IN' 30 Mi.INl:elt -==,....===--· Coala -Hollcloy HNllh Sp• ....... m w. WU...., OI .;;:======= RAllBll'S. maJu -to alr' cond. _,drytt, 5$).12U * -~RICE ilEbUCEDI BABYSITTER, Matur.. "" ,_,. u1.._1 •. We train. 143,T/16 • ~llanc~ IJOO llaod borne '" will trade ntrlr• .....,,.. ·e 1 e c. • WANTED . i 25 M~boqlu ~. 5~453 ~ 6 ~ DO up. nte. Apply lD per-SPECIAirMUST SEU,.! MAG JC Ottl double <Mm for ftmaJe. black • 'White edcer/.mower. Small ft.ma. Furrdturt • Appll~l'Cl'f =-Owntr -· ~ son. 2300 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. 1-41 loot 110fa. Gold $15. Call built-In nnie w/ ~: IPQtttd. 6T~Ul1 1JJ 6 MOvlna. It'll chl!apl 6U-82lD Color TVi e Pfanos,I:=. -===-++'""'~ ROUSEKEEPE><-nurte1 ald. e HAIR srYLIST e after 6 PM. 541-2108 Won . on TV "'°"'· will SPAYED ,..,.,. 8-r; ell Qualll)1 KlnS-Sl>t Bed, ETC. 12' GRAND Banb - u,. In ' ..,. wk. $l50 Wanted with .,,.. followlns TWIN bed. box .,..,,,. I< S.ct1ftcel Cholco ol colon. ""'· Good Wnlly clof. 2948 btaulUUI qulllod mattna, Cash Ill 1/ hou :'iJ':111 ~ bd : mo. CdM are.. 67J.(J95l pN!erred. Duq "'°" In .., matt-. Good condition. ~1670 all 5 pm. E. Cout -Coma ""'l fow>dallon, bll·ln 2. f · ' I H°""'keepn-, llve-Jn. cen.nt loclltloo. m..-$35. MW619 GOOD 20 p11on bot wai.r del Mar, f to 5 ~· Newr ....i. $98. 541-4531 S d Ski INts f030 l $25. pa wk. COUPLE wanted tor ldtcbea !QNG-Sizt bed A ba:r qqa. beater $15, auUable Jar MALE l yr, tialt &banauar, W«th ~ 8CM536 BUYINCi Silver COLlf 104' pMI 96:1-7682 care al local dUlrcb. -°"1Dm • made, -''• ""'1ler home. Cell..,_ bal1 -· ell -. 1ovts IJ)" RADIAL ARK SAW ....,. floe. Dollln • '1.10. '115, Uii• a.ASSIC old llool 1 BAR Maki, fall Umt, nlgbta., M8-11fl' 9 kl 5.. Like new ttOO. M$.2933 aft 5 pm A wbndL c:blldren. ~1588 I/lT $85. Call lm SfB..0888 I.ft Si!Yft' nlcktl.s $3.!iG roll. wt«IO Mere., Mc wbL trtr. j mlllt bl reU.b1t. Apply GER.MAN Teeclwr, part a PC r:t'*7 mabolal11 bdrm WESl'lNCHOUSE wubina 2 SM. a.p dop. 1f8 Maple 5 "" wtnda. COSTA COINS 837 W. 00 Xlrrt ccnd. $1US. Slll-dS Knott)' Kq-. &46-8910 tlme. Small prtva~ ac:bciol .t. Sett otftl1 5f>..ml mtchlne, copptrlor'lt, WJ7 Ave. C.H. After 3 : 3 0 FtSH ntt 2,l110 aq tl $25. St., CM. •l"5 . --' RN-. and LVN'• m-8610 after. PM. """"con!. 1'4. -p.m. l /17 u volt bait pimp 122. CU!AN rill dirt. -or .... Siie -... toU Hun-Beach am. APr. Mir· wont <xp. cpl. OOY'S --· -w/ IVHl1U.l'OOL 0.. Dcyv. IO MO. ma,., Cockar, Beqle Al<ol'd ''°"" $18. 6*-1211 lft\'tl OX. I!! Vlelorla. C.M. SAIL boot '-· tor -• M'1"96'71 NOW! New dbt. fiO urut C.M. tormica top, 08k, cbest1 ExcelltDt t'Or.dllloft. $45. rnbld, All 1bot1 -ll&ht tan. THE QUlCKER YOU CALL. 548-31U w/ mutmum t ft Dial 6G$F8 for RESUl:rs $300 PIWI apt. 675-139.1 It book CU-ell. 673-$47 S.CT-8115 546-8!Kll. Aft. 6 PM 1118 ~ QUICKER YOU SELL DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Act.~ , . ----~· r··-~ ·- I ' ... I .t; I I I' I I SEE tho Dual wide R<>ad- llner Pltl. AmericaD, Para- mount. Elite and General mobile llomts now at Dual Wide Sales Ollpman Mobil~ Hornet tne. 520 N. Hlt'w , S.A. 531-8.571 2fx43 2 BR. 1% Ba. Alumn awnlrig, pon:h. s k Ir ting U>dacpd. Rancho·Hun- tinc10n adult .... Call 9l)2...{l;t2 ct &alt for Ana:lr. BEAai area, 42 X 10 wtth awning. Air cond., ~w wall to wall shag, New tum I: ..,,.,........, TRAILER a: Cabana 1 ar 2 bdnn. Xlnl thruout Phone OR S-2908 Motor Homes 9215 . CORTEZ-You won't believe Its ,a '66 -low mileage fae . air coJXI -pvt pt;y - orig owner. M7-Illl Duno BugglH 9525 '66 Dune BUftY $1599 549.olOJ.-411·1190 1970 HAHOI IL•D. COSTA MISA (le1t11· 'l'I --l I. .. l · 31111 Pl·i'I •_; J~n·.1p~11: 31ill11L"i ~ I . SUBARU ' ~ * .. V'olvo lff..t: • ~:'17,aJO mL _,..,.., __ s;on ·c,,. 9610 ~1rtupo1 i .il111pl11 t :1 TRANSl'OITATION TllANSPOltTATION {i;j'~ 0 0 9900 Uood Co,. 1=;::..:.::.:.:.... _ _..;~ CHRYSW MERCURY • • • • • • • • • • PRY Party must ael l -• _ • VW Floor pan. with dllc brakes, 10" chrome-wheels ' 1969 SUBARU from $1297; 66 MPG eo,dplete forefp car 8l!f'Yice WTUS Elite '61. pod cmd. JlOO W. Corm lf\lfY. Kosta Kustom Kan will ~ ~ "'!"· m..,;Newport Beacb 5'0-l'IM Bi!autUul 196'T Corvette MUSTANG •~-• Futback. Yellow, ( spd, t ~~ • many extras! Like new; '66 Mu.tang Air Cand. - Orr low miltqe; Must aee O'lux G.T. model ln true new • . !980 -Blvd. -, ======== Authoriud MG Dealer 'CHEVROLET' w/12/'35 Indyr;. V\V motor 1964. 190, auto. leather, & 2 fiberglas:s bodies, mew AM IF M, a bso I u tel y flake. ReasanabJe. 496-37S7 t!.awiess, perfect mech cond. CHARTREUSE Dunebuggy, 1~$=-=·=-===== SUNBEAM io appreciate! 13150 wUl ac-car condition Eve.ry im-• • cept. tnde in. ~ 'tnqinable •~ inc. •VI, •11ffmoti~, p • w • Ill anytime. auto tram, full pwr., landau lf••rin,, , •• u., liNf•r, ti•·• AntlquM. Cluslco 961 5 black top, black n~~bl"'' MG -1936 Femi •srille $15. 2 rear side curtains. ncaou<.... e, 1967' SUNBEAM: A!plne. Milst doors complete wtlh a1au <19&--3767 1---------sa.crlfloe! $172i. 673-1%JA, '$10 a_,O:ne front n ·com-* DUNE Buggy. Parti&lly MG wknds or aft •:30 PD;\. Pl* with A·triuDe i: 1, .. completed. $675 r It m • whee~ kkaJ . to make a ....-a11 5•""""'-SolH, Sorv;..,P1rt1 TOYOTA _tra11er _w)th 120-• v.w.""' Imported Autos 9600 Com#lete new MG ~ ---,----~ Rt.ts aboUt I' loar. i25 for Sea 1be new A..0.:-Amio1co Tcyota •oi Encutlw ...,_ 3 ol u..p::eau· 5J6.8(!1 HA 1958 Corvette top, 1tttl ~le wbed&, inter. •1111• .... ~ .. 1 c • .,.,.. h•d Clean. 548-0887 alt 6 ~sroup,factoey"""1Tall-•r•1ti •nd m•ny, rn1ny• ' · l========;ol .ty 1tm. in ~t A muat for •"'or•I 91105111 • '65 <Cllevroi.t COUGAR the quality oomciOus. • lmmod lot. Dollvory • SS Impala Sport O>upe, a ::: .::ge ~r:c.: '67 Cougar Air Cond. : $199 :. brtcrior. 45.,Cn> actual local Finiahed in cbam~ ml.rt tnllr' factory air with JIOW" w/ plulh oontruting bucket • .,, Cboc1t uu. 1ow lUl1 •--... t mt.no.. Fully """~ • DOWN • • Spot Cash for Imparts MinrBikff 9275 We pay more fm-any import ~-------1 reprdleu ot year, make MINI bike like new, 3 hp, or con<Uti<m. 'Ir,, u t>.fore c.ost. $160 a steel $95. 3111 you ~ EL M. O R E Visla'8'Ya, CM. 548-1198 MCJl'ORS, 153IXI Beach mvd • u.-· u I atrator. This deep blue ear. .'o:w .. ~ow oDa 2 dr. bu. on1y 10l!I m11-Autoo w.- J2rwport 31inplll'IS .., lUl1y ..... _ Incl. ...._ .. • er, ra4io, w. wan.. Ser. No. WE ~A.1 •: • ·;11 MAXEY CASH Lie. NPA 468 lncld. auto trans A: all pow· 3100 W ~--• tt asaiatl. A new car trade • ....-..~ Hwy. •Pia T• _. ~ .. 1st car lot $0~69~ BJvd. which ttOectl meticulOUI ~Newport Beacb540-l?64 •Al,,.... c.r..at. GMAC• JOHNSON & SON = = :r1n w~~~ Authorl"" MG Dealer ... --.:· Lin<ob>lll'"""Y llluot be-? l<drl""' to be '65 MUSTANG •••••••• Co.ta. Mesa Branch f\ll.Jy apprttlattd. Cpe, Bucket seat, automaUc • '700 ,_Mot_o_' r~<Y-•_1 .. ___ 93ob 1-=w=...,..........==="::·....:im=== '67 TRIUMPH T-100 C 500 C.C. Xlnt cond.. Law mileage, ~ Pvt. pty. • 531-8387 • 1967 SUZUKI, model TC 250, . 250 CC; 6 speed;, high pipes, new front tire & raclc. fZ50 firm. 540-4563 aft 6 pm. 1965 BSA 650 CC Ll1htnln&: $550. Gaod cond. 549-3876 aft 5 pm. HONDA Late 'fi6; low ml, total rebH, eng.; new o'sbe lirff; make offer 675-3226 '68 HONDA 175 SCRAMBER EXCELLENT CONDITION. . .,,....,. . 'QI BMW Jt.m; saddJe bags. falrlng; $450. 1969 -· paid. Call: Paul 494-5887 ALFA ROMEO '67 ALPHA "2600". Hardtop Coupe, Ji speed, FM. Lie TUUS33. $2499 149·1tll s.-67J..1190 1911 MAIPOI ILYD. COltA MlSA AN&UA '59 ANGW Sta. Wagon; good cond. Nrly new tires, Org. owner. $300. ~2562 !loo W. tout Hwy. Nowport Beach 64Z-H6 5f0.176t Authorized MG Dea.Ia- MGB 65 Rdatr, Ruby red w/black bucket 1"" llarl>qr mv.i. llj>-7000 """'" radio, heater. v.,., • JAGUAR • '64 IMPALA clean. Low mlln. OWP'32. • ffEADOlJ' 1nmr • Fact.ry olr, IWl!o. heater, GUA$1095N • A1uuu • automatic -•• w er RA TY .Com plot• s.1 .. -Sarv-· · tar med ears •mic1cs juat !T@i!OJT!A! iROJHOOiOiit 18811 BEACH BLVD. . Hun!. l!iich 847-1555 A>k tor ~ - s.at intr., wire wheels, 1'3.· JmiN.ofCoastHwy.onBcfl :e~~. car. very noo w. emst Hwy. C~~~!>~ •~:n:"f:rpjts8A;s~·: Newport Beach At Santa Ana Freeway • S•t llle &dtin9 WE PAY CASH -=a:_: m=.._=-=......,,..==~=="""=1164::._I :~~~G _3lll s:i-: ~·'•:•••· • . 18'Zll ·Beach Blvd. Hwrtington Beacb KI 9-3lll dio, etc. Beautiful condUioil · fn ~detail. '69 TOYOTA! · All Models Fr $1770 · .. ,tu E. l'lth Sl map. gtn w/blk int. $2100 • • • ,. " fU, i.l.mi4 fOR YOUR W S..: ~'~ ~ -,;D;O-;;;D;j;G(;jE~-1!i~~-~~~de;,;far~ca~m~p~e" • SPECIAL • ~ Clli!lVii;tt )I a \I b . lood nu: ~E """' MUsrANG 1967 Wt .... • TODAY DNL y • 3100 W. O>ut Hwy. ltlf'ORTS CQ!\INEl.4 " ,.,...~.CllMrt.11&11, he•"r. good"'"'~ bat'. 390' "'"" lapo deck, xlnt • '66 OLDS • Nowport Beach TOYOTA-VOLVO CHEVROLET .. -. pwr -" ...... "''" ..... 390 <Ond . ....__ • • J2r tup or t 31111p ort'" ....__ 540-1764 1966 Harbo.-. Clll. ..._... ...._""'· """"...-.. wt • TORONADO • Authori"" lllG °""'' d: ~ ~ .._ """ -n. FALCON OLDSMOBILE • • lifG '52 TD Red w I white TOYOTA . ~ ·~, ~ __ ;.:::::::::,:~:._--1 :.,.;;-0;;LDS;-;;;;-;88,;-:;,~D;::lt;;-:;HT:; •D•lun Co11pt. Fu-n powtt,• flbergla.a: top, interior ex-RS '' -~· -· 1961 EL Camino, 4 1_. R/H'tiO Falcon Ranchero. Hydro, R/H. Good ron•i •f•ctory •ir con4itioni11t-• cellent, engine ttblt, $1XKJ IJEADQtlARTE _ spfd;.t ~ • r-Ji: . Auto. Good oond. cond. $95. 548-!K83 • 4SVYl4o21. • cuhs•-..:.-~:--0101. or ~ ELMORE Yem Vol'4 a • • Pancbe Black. per90nal car, new -=~l<OO~·,;*~,..._:;;;:;;,==i "'=;~~~:;;;;;;"'=-j ,695 • .,-·;,;;;--_...,,..,. mt. 9' · -.~~ ~ -=:. Pofd "' ~ c1u1 a>nd. 1m>. ~ FORD PL __ Y_M_O_UT_H __ : ' • 153!0 ~di Blv.i., w...,,;,,. 672 119" good a>nd. Mu.t ..n by ....... 89<3321 --' , ... " '61 CHEVY II '611 PLYMOUTH ValtanL • • 3G H.P. V\V casing, xl111 .!n. M~: Xlnt cond. , :Ntw-CAR ARRIVED! • ~ W~ Nova aeries. Air, automatic '66 Ford Country r;::' =: :~266'.lruna • • ronl., '""''"' by Red-Pn l!a"" 1968 Toyo1a m:. W!llfo °""""'' °""""" tram., _.,. -...... Ra-Squire Wa90n · ' · • • Ali!to Servictis &. Parts 9400 AUSTIN HEALEY POOLE'S FINE USED CARS master & other VW parts. 'fi8 AUSTJN Healey, DXI, ml C.:U~~~~~k4~ep~· w/. black in~. 4 ~ .TOP i :BUYla dlo. ~~~· +Other extras. 1'b1I immac1late 10 pa.uen. '6t VALIANT Signet white, • • 968-S1u evei wfblakc interior, prlv/pty, radki. Lo miles. n750. Da)"a BILL MAXEY .'IOYOl'A I.Ow IIWQ. # M!I!l. 1er wagon ii a beautitul dft. b1k int, buckets. auto. Jm. I======== I S2.SOO. 831-'151 54>-ll<I. Ev ... -• . 1Mn l!<adl-m..t. $2090 •rt ..... with matcbinlJ tn-...__ CdM • '67 IUICI lhlent • Troiler, Trovol 9425 PORSCHE "O~-AG"''' a --.' Pia. Ml-G& GUARANTY terlor-. EqWpped witll ta.. ro .... ac ... , ....... IKl"Y ''"'-· CORTINA p 'f "" WAN!Eo< Eiirl>'' VW P.il. CHEVROLET '°"' ""· disc power --,. ,,.. • •""•'· !THU ii i • KENSKIU. '69 ...... $1<99 or1<1\e6l Super 90 ir•Putl, ~ _,, powe• 1tttrlng, auto trans, ----.--$3995 • New 15' Standard fully '68 ())RTINA db., R 4 H, Gleaming red coupe w/black '6.1 11.W. B~, COl'l'll>ttitioo CrP.<>:Bol' M. O.ta11ieaa nl E. 171!1 SL radio I: heater. Uc. SlJX. '5$ PONTI.AC 81&. Wq. • equfpd. Loaded with extru. U.Cn> mi under warr, $200 Inter. Fully equip. E>ccep-yellow, 3 mo. new ttrei, · At Santa Ana Freeway 770. Buy now at winter prtc-Good tires., new 1t at f. • • No pmta for 6 mo. or $38 below book. Xlnt, 0 n e tionally clean. Muat see & Chroll}e wbk, rtblt lfll& by Auto lo.Mllftt · Slntl. Ana _ 5e931l es. Full prl~ Transp. far· 1st '125 ~ • • total dn. pmt & $38 mo. owner. 644-{)141 drive. prof. whh 6 mo guv, now . . . . $2295 It, 618 Gowmor. 54U5ft • '6J IUICK Skylcd: i O.A.C. Authorized dealer!-========== 7 wks old New tran&ud. *AUJO l·tlnlll:* ht car lot on Harbor Blvd. Ul65 GTO (!oov 389 C\J ~ H.J. Cp•. Aulomolic, r•d· for Avion, Layton and Terr)' DATSUN Xlnt buy ~t S800. 4!K-0477 . ~llN ~OHNSON & SON 'apeed, iim ~ l>est o1fef, •io, ho•f•r: pow•r st.•rln1.• lmiJers. VW ,64 Sedan. beice, R/H, I Au. MAKl!S 547-3446 wkdl.)'l lO to I. •f•ctory • ., lFXOl4fl • Rick Baldino's 1 T Lincoln-Mercury $1295 DATSUN '69 w w. op oond, clean • of COMPETE11VE PRIC>S Costa M,.. Branch -• • Mobile Wo rld , sharp. Prv Pr1> $950. Cort Fox Auto Lo11lns 1541 Harix>rBlvd. 612-7000 RA)8BLER • 194.12 Beach Bl., H.B. 962·1377 3lOO W Coas 673-1553 224 .W. (but HilbwaY ,64 • OPEL 436 s. Harbor Bl., SA 531-8770 Big New Sed1n · l Hwy. WANTED: F..arly VW P .U. Newport Beach 642-MtO Ford Galaxie X L "63 RAMBLER 2 dt hdtp • 67 • FOR SALE 4, X r WARDS e 96 hp, overhead cam Newport Beach or panel Oleap! ti75-&75 Owned by little 'ole retired auto trans Rood cond. ~ •Sport coup•. R•dio, h•at1r,. TENT TRAILER $275 00 e 4 speed • bucket :seab 642-94C6 '540-1764 U-·• C 9900 marine. Sky blue, V..S. auto-titts. pvt,' ty $4'15 Mr 4 1p11d. !UOFIOI I • When set up with ~de~ • WSW, d1x hub caps Authorized MG Dea1er or P.O. Box 993, c.oata ~ ars. matte, fact air, pwr iteer-Longo 549-lJs ~ 962-iJ17 , • $1595 e Backup light&, etc. '67 PORSCHE 911 T&rga, Mesa. ------in&, dlr. Excellent ct>lld. $75 • • It 1' 7' x lS'. The"' 1' a so 000 Ml GUAR black, xlnt rond. $5000. '61 vw, xlnt cond. Gond TRAllSPORTATIOM °"" deli"'1L Will lab tor-'62 srATION Wagon, 5 .... , • =~~. ~~x ~e~ r Dll)'1, 833-6643, Eve I • eng'lne, R/H, 4 track ltef'e9. . . , elgn car in trade, fine prt,y Ambauadoi V-8, pwr str, '65 OLDS Dparn,lc II l.i la 494-0331 aft 8:30 545-6033 aft 5:30. W SAlf prty, 49f..9773 or 545-0034 air cond. $395. 54().5207. • D HT IH S • ::U~ ~::· ~~c~~ :J: $186 fUll _ DOWN '62 PORSOIE Cpe. Super. 1967 V\Y lrnmaculate. Ors Credit prob~!' Ste UI tor '68 FORD LTD 2 Dr. ,Fact. 1962 R..UJ8LER Qusic 4 •:1r ~·ond. '1~0Y1:~+lo.. p •• O'W!nlb:e new tires and elec· Chrome wheels. N l c e owner. A:aW'm radlo. Belt lnltl.Dt dellve:ry, Jaw irlca. alr, auto, tJi\ns.; ~ pwr1 Dr. Wag. R/H., a i r · • $1495 • tric hookup for tW'tl signals. $54.86 for 36 moc. thruoul. $'1450. ~ alt 6 offer. 6C-0010 De! Montell. easy• tmns. We l!oltte ori ateoer Ir. brakn; brogbam W/walla 139.S. ~ aft 5 • • Tralle:r is in excellent con-• •n: vw •-your credit. call w come trim; tinted gW. & m•~l==~~~~;"'==1:--::.:_.::.:::_::__:, B-ick Datsun Pon dto 67 91 2 Cou pe ~ , WW ......,., .... "'today -.. 1 -..HELIY dillon and must be seen to 111111 Bahama yellow jey,"el w/ Urea. excellent condition. MM'lti access. 7 Mos. old; adult ~ '66 TEMPEST be gppreclaled! Call Bob .... _... 1n•-·~ I FM $ll00. 56-2819 ILUI ~u• drivers. 613-2394 8 • ti31-ill6. IMPORTS ~ ...,.r., IYI... • ......-m E. 17tb SL 1967 . SHELBY '67 GT 350 • Spd H.T. Caup •••• di ••. J...t.r .• ehrclne wbeell, ~· ....... '63 VW Camper. 1500 CC AU'\'O S&J.IS At San!& Ana ~way FORD X4 Vlrzyi top, Xlnt cond. ""MM ' • ••ut•m1tic, pow•r tf•.,in9. CAMPING trlt 4x4x2. Water oac + tax &: lie etc. Flawleu tbNOot Qtb. e~. Call 675-0773 aft 2 pm. 2145 J1t.rbe1r O.ti. Meu Santa Ana see:Jll white •klewalla. tac air, _.,.,. Private W ISVE66fl • ..-canvu top. Gond 998 So. Coast Hwy. L.B. en,tochoole. ' : . ,, 615-47lll.tt6·pm. WE PAY CASH FOR .,63 BEL Air 4 -· 230_ RIH autn ""°' shilt, xlnt Party. ~13 • $1695 • I ~~ ~!~. ;;~: l=i~75 494-9773 545.0634 '65 vw iq. ~: riakl. YOUR CAR PAID Llke new, orii: owner 19 ~ 6PM &: "le· end 1 .. • '67 DATSUN Xlnt oond. 11\00. 646--0416; fOR OR NOTI mpg. w/p"' •"'· iooo, T BIRD -------VERY CLEAN 23' Kenskll Big Sedan. Near new! One if no ans. call '~ e · fi Cad &iie~de Ville 66-'1409 '67 CNTRY. SQuin:; pwr. • 8 '68 THUNDERlllD • 1959, extras. SUOO. 548-3690 owner. Excellent condition. '68 VW Sed. mtkt AM/FN, 2'o00 m1. •~ steer., xlnt, r;ee to apprec. '63 ""-Ii d .:&.lrcf • l1"d•u. Full pwr., f•c .• 1,.• alt 5 O\llned by little 'ole man Coco mats. .l beadera, Ask· • .fl tooprXR''1 St'ATION Wagon '&S Bel Low mi Ori& owner. Reas. I": n erUI .10,000 mil•1. IXSRI 111 • Alt>, "'-SAS. new Um. oiler. 516-8311; 546->008 Couna 25' TRAILER w/baUL Make from Laguna. 4 Spd, dlr, ra-llOO w. c.a.t Hwy. ing !1150. "2-0'7 "!'-5 ll,~~-'$2150 good oond. $1295. 833-nn SALE-1966 Fairlano -.--• $3995 • offrr. dio, beater, auto. fawn zreen Newport Beach '68 vw cmtV ~llow R/H • Ex~~. new. OJSt '5.1 Oiievrolet, 6 cylinder, Squin! Finished · In a beauWul me-* 892-1261 * ext., plush black leather G42-94ro 548-l16t lt.11.rette up~ XLNT' ccnd 1 __,;m,;::;"::D::$325.;:::='"°""":::;::;::::: stick shift. $75. Sta Wag. V-8, pf1. Auto taJJk gold with niatchl,.-• 8 '67Shas:ta21' sell bucket teals. $75 Cash deli, AuthorUed MG Dealer $1950f~t otter. 67S-456S 1· • 6f2..5790 • trans. tiNXIDd. 3rd seal Interior. The car shows the • '60 CHEVROUT • ,_, __ _, ,..___ will fine prvt prty, 49f.9773IT.";n;===c.i--'7-"--BUICK 962-3285 one owner care of 34,755 . 'd • , • con....,..,..., ......u..,py. or 545-0534 '67 PORSCHE 912. Llke new. 64 VW BUS 'C3 CHEV 11· la..t•" -" ,,.__ . '"' 111r.top. R&H, a1" "640'19 ,.,~ Call ·-.,,. S ' ' ~ 5 car 1965 FORD Oluntry Squire 1.1wes. .ruW"Cc lrteenng, pow. t•, PS. I FXX251 I ............. ·~ or tereo. lee box, bed unit. '63 BUICK Wildcat " Dr. $495. 2191 Harbor Blvd., Waeon. Loaded. Xlnt. i1900 er brakes. radio A: heater. • $395 • FERRARI 615-S530 64$-8!i06 ,,.,._ ,...,, " -· good Colla M'8a. 543-5300 ~o or 613-n"IS Lie. GBEari. Tty this lUl1 • • Trucks 9500 0 *SPORTSMENS VAN* * TRUC KS * Thoy Aro All Hero At Fantastic Discounts I '59 Porsche, '66 VW, radio, 1u.nroof. Gcxid cond. fT15. 6 7 5. 2 4 9 2 . '66 CAPRICE, all pwr, ..... u F• m• ••-v-• lo pl'ioe of • FERRARI n695. &ndition. Seal Beach. 213: 67&-2677 ' """"' ~·-....., au · $995 64M261, days. 4J0.-1914 alr-cond. Any reuonahle R/H. Xl'rt me ch an I ca I 1st car lot on Har~ Blvd. • ''4 I.UICI Skyln • Newport Imports Ltd. ()r. I 7========--========:.. MD:IANICAL Spec I a I! oUer. 3.f,IXMI mi 548-J96l cond. '67S. 61J.....l523 eve&. JOHNSON &~SO •A11tam•hc.. p•w•t 1 ... rin1, • ange Count)"• «lb' author-I lmPO rtecl Au'tos 9600 Imported Autot 9600 Beautiful '62 Buick. Ideal • '63 alEVY • '63 FORD Waguri Country N r•tli•, h•1hr, IUAUt l ~~ ~~1=~:VV1CE. PARTS 2nd ~ car whrn flxtd. Beautit.il Condition! Satan. air, auto, power, lJ.nrnln.Mn"CIJI')' • $995 • i ~ ....... ~ M2-IC27 $700 .• 67l-7J21 lood ttret. 83!Mi5lB ea.ta Mesa Branch • 8 l100 w. Cout Hwy. [i~[j~(E ========-1!111 !llE'mOllEI' StaCloa 1!!""!!.!H~"'~"":;:;m~vd.~~m~""'!!!l~:::--:::::=:-::-:-:--111 Ready for lnpnedlate .....,,, BEACH CITY DODGE -Newport Beach S<O-ll64 e • CADILLAC w°""' ,-.., xlnt oond. '57 T-BIRD • '67 IUICI -• Autborlzed MG Deal" . ' m1a .. ,,.,, 546-0648 MERCURY Xtn oharp! 5000 mt; new Sp..+ <HP'• U H • .,,., ' Fl4T 16555 Beach Blvd., (llwy. 39) 5<1>-2lili0 ·---~~~-~ 111.Dltlncton Beach '68 FIAT 851 lerill. Spicier I -,,..It-DATSUN Conv. Xlnt <:Olld. low v.1 mileage. MJ..41'1'3 Y. Tor pidrup, 4 spd. dlr, I"'="'=======-I x!nt cond. Driven locally at JAGUAR Newport Beach. 27,cnl M.llea I---------on &peedorneter. Must Koe to I appreciate! SSS CUh dela. wm ti.be pm prty. Pymnta. $.1!.8&. Call after U Alft OM773or~ '59 JAGUAR 3..t 1.Jtre ll!dan; •t.ilB., nd llhr., witt whll. im. Xhtt oand. 338-8564 XKE Conv. '63. tuJ.l)t ftltored tu new. Blk wired int, ~ tlre1 A top. 6'D-882L '67 r:r '68 Co11Vt'rtibie9. low 68 OIEVEU.E 67""27 eng. ieng Ii: trans. New paint • PS, 1ir cond, CTU2St91 • ELMO..,• MOTORS ml Oii both, air, lUl1 pwr, 4 IP· fil "°''tntclon. $1500. MEl<CURY M-1965 4 chrome a Interior. Call ._'. • $2595 • _.. FM, make offer. owner 540-8003 dr Btte~. NI power, fore 6 pm, &12-8838 8 8 l U OO 11.&CH)LYD. WDTMINS1'11 IM-J J U 6'S..2m '57 CHEVY. Needs Air. Execllent amdltlon! T-BlRD 1963. Best bey in • 1968 &f>ILLAC S«lan De ctn er at or , excellent = :" J:' under Blue 'I'Dlml Wht w/red Int. Full • '66 DOD&I M--. • t 5300 Buch Blvd. WeslmillSler 194-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS Ville. 12,000 ml. Whi~ ~ USO. 897...aQI power, iood rubber. Low 4 Or. H.T. RlH, a.to .. • w/blue int. Fun, tqu.lp.· '65 COMET Caliente, S c;yl, mileage. Xlnt cond. Priced a PS, 1lr cond, rlrUOJZI 1549! Prtvai. ...... ---------1 ..... lo ml, .,. """'· 11"" to""' 6'S-ll36 • $2195 • '68 Cl'E de VIiie. -CHRYSLER ~ o!l<r, m"" ,. I I. '62 T-BIRD hd tp, R t. l~ • While on wtlih!, must tee. -pwr steer brak $5250. <13-8'61 '63 Chrysler"300" 1.961 llERCURY Cougar, Xtnt cond 059 "" '.:;L ~ • 23j f 17111 ST • '61 "'~ _, ,_ vu Zli,Oll mlles, I owner, xlnt Owner, .....; ~ • • • • • '-IU.I ~ • ....,. It. F\11). Hardtop coupe· this specialty I 0.Jl-VUIV f>W'. tac. air. Loaded wlf>W'. cu of the clu,.t.. lamJly ~ p L 491-?(I! After '55 ·T-B!RD dustc; metal. • 548• 77 65 • $500! 8~ (Fullerton) is llPQtlesl in lta EIPhell ' 1Uver w/rt:d Int. radio· • • * ~tt CAD. Needs ~Ile white and ma~ lntaior. '58 MERCURY. ExOO.lent Xl.nt oom. $2;000 66-().t~ Mon.Fri 8:30 em Oftl'Nul: SDI. f 1 r m • Factory air, power 1~, condiUon. ~ ~Best U no AllB'lftt caJ1; • S6-0l44 • to 9 pm • 6t6-0S98 aft 5 or wknd:s. puwer brakes. power win-otta owr 1962 J DR Hn:I top • Saturd1y 1:30 am • '81 CAD Oorrv. Va'f caod doww, automatic trans. ra.. '65 <X>LONY Part t pus. air, fWI powa>, xlnl ~: • to 6 pm • cond. See at tJftlon 76 si. clo and beater. lAc. NYD-wacan; fUD pwr • .t: tJr. 14:-paint A molr:r, ori& 011'11!'1'. I Sundays l:30 a m I lion. N...,,... a ,........ "" Full '$l'O,s .... radL $1.!115. -mi. m.-• to ' ""' • 1963 coffiii De vidr. J ht (2f lot on Harbor Blvd 8tlSif8J' marbtptw 18 "5 T-BIRD, new paint, new ..... , "'· NI -· atr. JOHNSON & SON ...._ 111o DAlLY Pam "-f\il! ..,.., " a1r ori& 'I fl:l(l). t?M3!l6 Oul1Dtd acdoo. I a •• owtW!r, l15Z. 646-Cttl / _ DAILY PILOT WANT ADS ~~~ mmwf tbm 6 .cbt. Loall 1:! ~-= '= :t:lii •• ,.._..,_, 1....iu • ..a......mvd. ~·"'~ DOW!lf · .-., ,..,..,. a -.--............. ""' _.,......, Harbor Rim, C.M. ·-------- ! I