HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa; • _..,, ........ ,.l'!""""'"":j'"'.~~~-:o;:; I":"'........-.~ "'....-="""'"~--,-.,~~:-:--c-c-:-....,......~--,-...,...,~~-~""l'l""'""""~-"""""'I I t • .. ... •. ' " -... ' . ~ ._-. -· ":"'-7 -j '"· --~5 . ara '.I·~ • , I ' •. f"· .' . ' .I • . . . . . .. -. . ....... ; : i:.I ' ~ •• ' •• -,-· 7 I "" •• ·i • • ' . !. 1-'l ... ' . ' ...,. . ,,.... . I '~ .. i I . .. Bites • t ~· I t , 1 • ,' •, ' . ' '. • ,_ '. ~ . ' . ' ' . ~, ~Uaut Bac&From Orbit •. ~ . ... ' . .... ·' \ • .... , 1'· '"'·'"~, J • ?': . ,. .-... .. ...:.. ..._ \;;. ,•'"• • 1 ..... 1· ·· · ''.•.·.,I' ... •· ···-1 .i • 'WE ARE ,~tHJiRfD •JIERE TODAY 'li!cAUSl\:st!E·WAS·A·FSl.1.0W ·HVMAH'BllHG~ . • • ,Two5,w0111in'Who Didn't 'l'hlnk:Slie• Sliouhl;le1Alotle'. Affliw' Janrl>Oe»·1t1tta· " . ' ' . . " " . .. \.' ~~-..,~~~...,...;~~~~ ' •. -' .:! • Strangers Pay. Re$pet.;t$_· . . To Coast ;Murder Viclim By AllTlllil\ R. viNsEL Of flHI °"" l"illl Ii.ti' strangerk• final respects are better th"n none and we pa1d them Friday to Jane Doe; women afraJd she would be alone; n~spapermen. an<!. , a detecU\le who· photographed signatures on the mourners' list. • There ~ere~s.ix. .' . 'l'\>e l!i1ia mle or bfanb. to · be .fillecf .waa ·~~ecf:-'.·Ofir ~-, . We were · her friends on Friday, b6o ·ca\QO ·~had po one !O ..... Just· l(y lhat plllnil "Our " or elle -JI Ille cild -il waf,fcir ~ a day iua·.Uke . .., ol{ier, • ~ <ll!elr -4augbl<J" loll ~ .. ·"11Ul!a· . Tbe ,'fao•lllort-llld <l!npler lhe ·=~.r~~....z&-r.= ~ ~r . 111*.'.jjijo,~ .,. .. , .. l:~i~~eo~!:: on\)i u(1'Jiday, ... n.i.v.r It ""'1d have ~·~E~· Ooe woman already sat nm Ille front row al I p.m. I« lhe· qalel rlt.o' !n Smtih '1 llortmry Cbapal. mU1ni lhe 22 -...,. -emptier, :U... H no -Ill lhoft·ot..U. .,,. ocmpo-. Tho chapel cm hold men thoo llD peo- ple. . . . Ooe man woman ·jolned lier, -..r. In by .. ·illend-'" . - Olio -· -........i <I< nd _, and wblle camatloos -led Ute, "'*'-•'ll'llr·-·~·Doo . t '·' . t '· • • .,.., • ' ··-#•'J\ °"·lho.t1 . .l'I• I~' • • ·. , ollice Ill<! a ~ ID tllo U.S. -"'· Ina·~ 1V: A;;;eJI llariltnii(i!;l'; ..... ~-who bal IOd thi 11'11' • fem ilnce' . ~ wllh lfllibi . ' Wit 11"1~ lo Wuhl!JitoD SliQdVi ' ·~ 111chml· M. Nll'on, who will be inaugurated Monday, ha appoint· eel Henry, Cabot J.odie. Jr. ,l<p ~ i!Ur1man as cbiel ,U.S. negoClll!IJr. Lo4p fi,expeded lo arrive ID Parll bl aboilt·o week to assume hll duUts. Harriman nld'at a.~Jn bl*_ (SW PIACB, 1'1111 I) San Jose Siate :Rioter$ . . ' Rlltn Anwk O"n· C·auipm ' . ~ .... -- • •jl DAllY PllOT s " Fortner Roo y · 1 • • • • ,,,..,,. Page 1 .:-: · .. · · , · -JANE DQE LAST RlTES •• { ~y· s Jane Doe ···-tliu• ... -..... ·lnavllabl• Judgem .. 1. th" -bu! ... ar• c:t.4. Rtv. Shaw talked ,also ot Ule,, • evltablli!J." ' - ol Its !JI. wi C l Moll . ~~~~1s.u1e~ :elle::. w been hec:raJ~~ ctnlers ~n other thlnp toe, , fli, .. S ye e "In this Ufe 'that mlaJ>t h"e been, "No Ille hu 't"< ,bten lived that , I the woman called Jane Doe was 1oved as left no mark on someone." A woman reportedly doing jaillime dur-someone's daugllter,'' he added, "and couu~ BODY maybe even eomeooe's wife -we do .. .,. .... inJ:,.mOl'Jtb.I in which Jane Doe lay un-not know." "We know, ga1hered here lo honor one n~ ln • moraue identified her late KNOWN TO GOD unknown to us, that whoever toot her ~ .Dj• former roommate whit drift· 11aer· po«mtlal wu known only to life will not go unpunished,'' he added. ed 1n,:-w.-..c1e llJ1I society. -........ Who allo ...... h--··10Dll and "Perhaps one day,1aD the ~mm will _..,.,,.,. .. , ·~ ..... ,,. .,._... be known and tb.IS ·cue wtD ~ closed,'' I ' -•• .. ....... • -~$TI • .... • ,, . -.. --'®~ [d®fi ! " . ·r • TI ~ . . . • Tbi'f~ ~1loclqd Friday d • hu· paln,11·eddid tli! cl!fpqum ln p(&ytr. he continued. • • man be1nC wh9'8' name and • life are The match ¢ one IDICl'f. ballpoint "We therefore 'ltnderly· .. comrnJi· her ·:· lmoWJI .... to ,God ii Aid to .be ;&oda pen .. paper..., Ille snlfi1'i of anotller body to Its fiMJ •!tllni plaee," he~ ·--+.~~ l'i, .... , -ill --•·· <;.., "' naU peraon who would obVloii<J:r be !mown ed In a brief, GUI.of-place comm!tal &er· -...._,, ·~, •··~ re,a ve l:J'ldcaredforbertiJCMeofltitdeadelth vice, "but into Tby hand1 we oQJmnit w~·*?'Yell flnall7 carriat,be:r lo tr• fo1lotred the mlnlster~a wordl In the quiet her spirit." , gtdy· •· · · chapel. EYen on the day of her tons. long- ·J·:c\ie Sm~y. 21, oJ Loni Bt1cf\, made Speaking Of nilhder, the S!Cond sin delayed fwieral, Jane Doe did not go "-tentalt've, laet·hour identificaUon Fri· recorded in the Bible, Rev. Shaw point· to her quiet, $35 grave in the rollin,it "'"' cd out that Adam and Eve's son Cain day. 311 davs after the murder, when d ed 1 d knolls of Pacific Vltw Memorill Park ....., was con emn o wan er -or run -above Corona del Mar. lheNviewed the cocpse followWM a sparse· all hi1 day1, in punialunent for killing One more tlme _ after five other such ly attended funeral. his brother Abel fahe leads -a ·woman who saw a st.dry HunUngton Beach Police Department CAIN'S F.ATE CITED and photo of the slaio woman in a news- ~ •.@~tn made ~ ~---!i:it__ "I . shal~. be __ a. fugitiv~ and !l V~I!· ~~ ji&_TQur~4'l.s!)led to l!I._,h.e. •bout Ille otuMlng dtveJOpmenl ·bu 1 bOn11,-Calil 'IamlliliGlo lhT'tOra, 'but -lhoughi she ·knew Jane Doe. · ' hll choice had been made, according to . Burial was aelayed. ~tftS!~ urat "the idenutlca~on Is by no t he Scriptu~. wblch prouUse ven-One more time, .late Friday .,ttmioon, means postttve.· . . . geance In lt1· own· time. . the lid of Jane Doe's economy~au ·cOf. In the past, others thought they knew "Ju~ment," intoned Rev. Shaw. "We fin was to be lifted in the hope of solving Jane Doe. do not understand all the facts about the riddle of her idenUty. ·MiJl'Smay, however;gaJd·sbe JIV<d with Ronda Fisher for a time, but lost touch With her after ''taking a fall," 1cycle cir· cle &!ll)i for being jailed. Miss $mq 1ild she met Ronda Fl.sher while both were riding wilh 1be Hell's Angtla .outlaw 'cycll!t crqwd. "fio way '! «iild'mlMale Mr,1' Miss Smay told afir aftu seeing a death ph~ of JeM . .Ertl .. daif;.nd"" ~ I}. . "She just haJ • 1il the al &elver of the 10-monlh identificaUon mys- t<ry. "Sure l have an Jdu.1" she added when questioned about whal. may have led to the bl'\lta1 murder of Jane Doe, or Ronda Ftaber. u the case may be. "Bui lhe HuntinBton Bead! police told me not to talk about it1" abe concluded. While DA's Away Burglars Play LOS ANGELES fUPl) -Burglars have robbed the home of Los Angelea: County Dlst. Ally. Evelle Younger, po- lice discovered Friday night. · Found missing from Younger's Los Feliz diltrt4t home were two coin-lilted boUlea, i pair of cufninks, two blue chip stamp books and a piggy bank with '14 inside. , Younaer and . his wife were .out of town.. They were invited to attend the Inauguration of President-elect Richard NIIon. Police. !al~ the burglars gair.ed entry to the home by forcing open a screen and then brt1king a window ln the rear ol the building. I DAILY PILOT N1w,_n '"4 H••tl•t••• lttc.11 L.tt" ..... .. .......... .. c .......... CAUIOaNIA ll1b•1f N. W1e4 Prtllft~I •n4 P~"llMr n ...... , ic .... a l!lllef tlt-•• A, M11,hl~1 M-.1111 l'~lllt p,.,t Nin•,. "''"''"(!09 Olft(Mf Offktt C.i. ~! t U Wl•I It~ &t""f ,.._.,, tlMll; '111 oifftl MlllM ._........, LHMM ...... ~ m ,.,.,, A ...... ""°"'•""' .. tc111 .-m ,.,..., F1'0111 Page J COATNEY'S NIGHTMARE • • • • • righta. I WA!O'l sure What thls Wll! about. Mid Coalney Pointing out bis background Maggie had been lead away to ar).Qther u a sclentlst. room." ''There was no water in some of the The arrest was made at Miss Dinger's cells and they would not let me shower apartment, a mile and ont-MU or so , ~ shavt. 140 one would say why. They llO'f where the \j>oily of grandm?~ ' .·hlilnlllat..i;!fio and yet I held on 81l4'on. Mn!• Mukee ·had oeen dlo:overed,aboat ·~ l,iild QOlhliig to hide. I was innocent." four hours earlier. Hll grtatest anger ts at the HunUng· DY!:'OhVND~.o.~ biJ I """ ·• toa Beach Jail which he called, "a atlnk· e ·~ .. ee...,.1 ... tng meas." Despite h1I m11eal at being Hunllnglon Beach Jail I wu Awn!> •ecwted· of a murder be did not com· fouqded. I d'l.dp'i ~" whit w~ ~P-mlt, Co1b:ley siJd. today1 "'I Wlnt to do penlng and JlO one re~ly told 'me. l everything possible to clean up that sty.•• knew I had nothing to hide and wanted to cooperate wt th the police." J tried On Wednesday be was transfered to to help but the· next thine I tnew I wa! Weat orange . ~ty Municipal Court accused of m!U'derJng a woman." where hl heatd himself and Mias Ding· Xlthougb be emphaahed be wu not er accused of the brutal slaying and physJcally mlstre.ated, Coatney ii ei;. beard the judge order them held without peclally bitter about receivlrlg whit he :~R CONDMONS called, "a mental mauling." . . "They took turns shuffiJng me from Then It WIS to Or~n&e C1~ty Jail room to room to questlOn me, first one where he found,, conditions, wonderful officer and then the next. They Jeter by comparison. CJean shetts, cle.an moved me frqm cell to cell and at one clothes. a shower and a shave and with tfme even brOught ·in 1 man wbO cJa[m.. the dawn of Thursday the world began ed to be a psychiatrist to look at me. to look brighter for COatney. STUCK TO STORY . Il turned out to: be the day that the "I held on In spite of frequent ques. Pol ce :&nd di!trict attorney -areed to tionings, te11lna the same story time what Coatney rnd Miss Din1er knew all and time a1aln because It was the only along -that neither were 1Uilty of mur· one I knew. It was just the truth, but no der. · one would belit.ve me." Coatney is not yet back to bis job is • Coatney, once a frogman 1n the United a top enJloeer in a leading Newport Stat.ea Navy, 18.id that he wu told many Beach space firm. things during the questioning. Even as he contempl1ted returning "I was even asked how J was going to the enormous responalbillUea in to explain to my two small cblldren how aldlng his natloo In rocketry and space I ~.appened to be accused of murder." exploration, he will tell you that , the lt w111 rough., I was kept a day alone major problem n~g Immediate at- tn the juvenile tank. My ears became at. tenUon ls the HunUngton Beach City tuned to the soond or jln,gllng keys. Jail. They'd come soon to release me I told "'rhe jail needs to b4. cleaned up and myse:r again and again. But they never the treatment improve<! for those hu· did. msn beings accused of even the moat COUNTED BARS vile of crimes. "One ceJl has 21 bars 1ix rows deep. "They might not be 'autlty. It hap- Another has 121 Md yet anothu 106,'' pens sometlme1.'' Lonely Dog, Cat Guard Their Mi.stress COLORADO SPIUNGS, COio .. (UPf)- Pollce have ended tlie JO.day vlCll of a German · She~rd aQd a Siamese cat which guarded ~U!e body of tlie~· dead milltrtsll and survived by eaUna: the blndinl• ol booka. Police broke Into tbe home of Mn. G""ndolyn Schmid!, II. ThtUad>y and found she had been dead ne•rly a month. 'Ibey found her two pets 5tarvlng and near death In the hou11t. Corontr RaeuJ W. Ulrich Hid the d<>1 and cat hid eppmnlfy Joined fore· " ht fernllnfl oot food In tlie Jocked houae. "The dofl must have knocked tlit back olf lhe lolls! lo IJ't drfntinc Wiler," Ulrldl wd, "and lhe enlmall chewed lhe blndlllil off booQ oO ata1 alive." '!'ht coroner said nothing had been d.fnurbtd In lhe house exetpt whtte Ille pell had searched for food. Mrs. Schmidt wu the widow « a former Co1· orl4o Sprlnp phyafclan. Ulrich wd Ille body, found partially clothed on a bed, htd not bten distur!r ed by the anlmab. The dog tnd cat were lake.a to an animal shelter and were u- petted to survive. Beatles Bug Out · LONDON (AP ) -Tht Bullu dldn'l fffl quite ready for lhe al»w ao tliey canceled tt and said U!ey w.Wd de It some other time. Tht conctrt wu mppoted to be beard tonlrht before an Invited audltoce. No ticket. wen btlrtt sold. "Thef were ·quill 11 llbtrty to post. pone lht roncert to suit thtmstlves," SAid Mavis Smith. spokesman for the singing rroup, .. ' • " '• ;,:,, l~SU •;,"~ " ' ·:, r M.URDIR CASE GEOGRAPHY -Key locations In kni!e slaying last Sunday of Mrs. Losier S. Markee: Dotted line traces .what police believe to be murder "1ctlm's route. Dashed line traces route police believe was followed by killers. Five Points laundromat (1) is where murder victim washed clothes. Comer of 17th Street and Main (2) is )Vhere, pOlice theoriie, lits .. Markee was involved in minor traffic co!Jlslon wllh stolen car di'tven by her evenlljal.murderers, MA!te1e . SE!'" mar~s site of. !JIW!\e(on 17th Street betwH3ilwyer Scho61 aad J!ua1\ngton jleach Courury,-~ub. Blo9d·stalned car Investigator& be- :lieve was used by murderers was found 11,handoned In old oil flald at • •21at 'Street and Olive Avenue (3r. MUrder victim's borne (4) wlli at !Mis Street and Olive Avenue. Bloody suspect Is believed to have bail- ed a cab sevenil hour! lifter the killing at 8lh Street and OranJe Av.,. nile (5). Murder car was allegedly s\olen from Delaware Street apart- ment (0),ol Margareta Dinger, an original suspect In the case alnce clearlcl by' p0lice. Clay ~ •partment (7) at murder ruspect Hen· ryLopez Sianez where cab driver dropped bis bloody pessenger. Mar· ~~ Lana home (B) of suapect Edward Roy Hargrave. . ' N~ Pair Facing Court ' In Hunti~gton Slaying A lifelong Huntington Beach resident and his teen.aged buddy race arraign- ment Monday in connection with one of the most savage murders in the history of the beach city. Henry L. Sianez. 25, of 312 Clay St., and Edward R. Hargrave, 11. of 17392 ~1arll:en Lant, are charged with the throal-lluh slaying of a kindly, religloll! grandmother tut Sunday night. Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, of IS08 Olive Ave. was sliced across the ear and doY:n thr~b vital arteries. then left to die on the street in tht tlarlng beams of b e r Dino's Seeking Piece of Action LAS VEGAS, Nev. <AP) -Singer Dean Martin has applied to buy 10 per cent of the Riviera Hotel, a gaming con- trol board spokesman said. The price was set at $80,000, the 1polcesman added, and official action wlll be taken at the board's nut meet· ing this month. The appliaUon was lllad Tuead1y. Martin hu been a major attraction tl the Sands where he bas appeared ex· clualvely for severtl years. His con· tract there explrea AprU 29. Martln said he will Umlt ruturt Las Ve11s 1p- pearaooes to lbe RJviera. NEW GAS TAX BOOST PUSHED SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A speclol sen1te advi50TY committee Friday SOW· ed the leeda for • potential tw<>«nl in· creue ln the st.ate 1uollne tu. The lncreue ln the tax on each gal- lon of psoline would ral1e an est.J. mat~ $1*> million. Fund& rrom the tu are uaed f0< h!ihway constructlM. Durina an -m'"Uni the l&-mtmber commJUet dltcuued ltr1t- egy for wlnnlna JeGgl1Uve and pubtic support for an fncruse ln the preMnt stv~n-centa-ptr-gallon tax. car's headlight!, following an 1pp1rent auto crash dJspute. Sianez Is charied with suspicion of murder, possession of a sawed~ff shot- gun and grand theft of an automobile, all three felony offenses . Hargrave, a Huntington Beach H I 1 h School dropout, will be char1ed with murder for his particular connection with the slaying, for which an innocent couple were fonnally indicted and almost proa· ecuted. Sianez, an oUfJeld worker, and t h e young unemployed laborer are schedul- ed lo appear at 9 a.m., before West Or- ;:inge County Judicial Court Judge: Walter Charamza. Last Wednesday, Norrntn Coatney, of 12581 Foster Road, Los Alamito1, and his girlfriend, Ptfargareta Dinger, 31, of 2806 Delaware St., Hunlin&ton Buch, were before the same judge for the same crime. Deputy District Attorney John Krooln will doubtless ask Judge Cbarlmza n o t to set bail for the pair, at leut unUI their preliminary hearing -and probably not even then. Polloe alle1e that Sianez, married and the rather of one chUd, ltOle a car be- longing to Mlsa Dinger last Sunday night, while in the company of Hargrave. After beocmlng Involved 1n a collblon with Mn. Markee a short d1ltaoce away, police believe, the vlcUm wu kllltd to keep her from reportin1 the cue. ConlllcUn1 ston" by Coatney and Miu Dinger about how her car was tl1ten while blocked In 1 driveway by his late model, tlmpu-proof auto led poUce to suspect them. Miss Dingu's a•Jlo wu found abandon- ed not far from lhe ~1arket murder lite -splattered with the alaln woman's blood an<f with paint smem from her car -a strong combination of evidence. A cab driver'• tip about a bloody pu- !lenger picked up early Monday, however, led lnvett.11aton to Slanes. who b re- vealed by a records check to bt a habi- tual traffic law 't'lolator. Ht once spent five day• in Oranp County Jail f0< ltthn tn appear and answer charges. A probe ot Hargraves' baclcgound In. dlcated be has oo recorded law violations. ·-"'·1---••_,._ ... -... o:, ·-• 't -.. ., __ ,, --l ..... _. .... __________ .... ~~~~~~~~-"--------~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~--------~ ---------· Thieu Plans ' r · U.S. TrooPi t • w·th.l~· a1 l w~W: •• '4100~ (Al') -~t 'IJllJ!n , .. Thieu ~ t¥a1 .~ ~ lroo\>I w!ll "' ~ .... " .tlc><jl!t V1etnfnl U!ls y,at and be i· -bit -111~ <Ille! ol .iall to ' . ~~!Ito u.a. , ; ~ 'ftlisa ... ., _._ "flto .... • U.I. ~ ltl Ille ..irr-it1 be wlt6drawn, and edded "detailed plan• will first have to be developed by t he mlJilaly '!llff ol lhe two. countries before 1peclf.lc timing can be ~veloped." But aources lllid Ill~ JnJIW "11hdrawal might affect 20,000 troops and 100,000 mlg);t be plwed out by lhe end ol the year. An llde to Gen. Cao Van V,len1 chlff of South Vietnam's armed forces. II.id Vlen conferred wllh the l!.S. comm...ier In Vleln&JI!, Gen. Creighton W. Abrama, tatt week. A 1p0};eamau for Abram1 aaid further -"" ~""" 'be· twe«> the \l!O· i_ , , .. AJ far ·• ~te 4JIUrt11 ari con- cerned," Abr .... ' spok~an iaJ\I, "it'a too seon to ,.y because of ao ffl&AY In· tangible.. It'• tom«hinl th8.t•s·golng ta take time. A lot of things have to be con· sidered." Abrams ls understood to have reluc. tantly accept.:I the fact lhat some Amer· ican troops wtll have to bo •"lllbdrawn -bllL be II em«<! to "'II'. outback uJ>UI lllld.July. Al>rlml believes !he llouU! VJelnam•se army wlf1 not be iood fonouih lo flD tlie gaps Wllil Ill.,,, He~ to kO.O Ille enemy.1.-"on the run,", -llktf MKI would infer to awal~ devektpmoldll 11 tlie Pw I"'""' JaJb 1'fore wlnl ilown U.S. atr.,,gth. , . Thitu's announcemtfit oame a few hours before the first «heduled meeUng of the tnlarged Pai'is lfeace talks and fol· lowed a two-hour meeting Friday be- tw""' Thieu, U.S. ~dor Elbll'Ortb Bunktt and Abrams. • From Pqe l . . SPAcEMAN .••. lhem, Aletei Yeliseyev and Yev1eny Khrunov, bad made apace walk& Thurs· day from Votynov's craft lo join Vladi· mlr Shala.lov aboard Soyuz 4.. Tua Aid a •breaking rocket on Voly· nov'• apaceahlp wu fired al 1 prtde- termlned lime and tlie craft desc<nded tnta Ille almoapbere, slowed by para· chutu. . Volynov was met on the around by the rtcovll')' team, frieDdl and n4y;g.. ,~en, Taq ldded. . ~ . .,..; 'llovteH~dlo~!elevlJlan ilorm~!l"'08f . to 1Ive :the nounceiiiez>li I ed 1>7-loud, trlllm I musk. ' ~ , " ri' ApPU;ell!l;f uaill. the ume I g teclU1lqUe u soiji: tbe fli>rus $ P' mi.cl tnto,twh ~ during tlie JatO· !ng, :I'\!l;illd. Vjl!Jnov 1!~ aboard fl!• crew ~~Ii. wlllle . the workJJ!i q.,.,. len In a _iaol!o#called lhe orb!la! ciCO· pariQ1ent MIC ":*lttly. ·l Tbe fJJPI " · 'nutecl n .~• " mJauja. ~""· the ~unchlng' 'of Soyua I :0.. Tueoday, the entire ~ luted ltl>our• it qi~ ,. , \r/esllftl elpel'!a have -1almed iie Soyuz mtealon as 1 atep toward ts. sembly of permuent apace 1taUon1 and orbltlna laboratorie1, where acientlsts and c:usmonautl can be ferried back and forth from earth. ' l'r-Page l PEACE • • • or Friday night lhe basic probltm1 lo be decided were the evacuation of both American and North Vietnamese troops rrom South Vietnam and the status of the demilitarized zone which divides J\Ol1ll from south. • The lhreat or a big new Communltt fr· fens.ive next month, when the Vietnil Lunar Year of the Monkey fades out the Year of the Chicken comes In, c t a 11hadow across the e-0nference table .. Military 110Urces recalled that Hanol's Defense MinJster Vo N111yen Glap ~­ lea.shed hll mualve •ssault on the Frtrdl fortress of Dien Bien Phu, which fell jlO the Viet Minh, only 48 hours after the 4't· nouncement or the opening of the I~ Geneva Conference on Indochina. · .. Although any American "Dien Bien Phu" is not even considered a por;alblli· ty, another series of attacks like last year's Tel 0Uen1lve could serlously en- danger the current talka, a!Ued oflli:Ws wd. " .. Hatmakers Face Nixon Nightmail! • WASHINGTON (UP() -Hahetdaah- en: won't like It but Richard M. Ntp,n It golna to stick to his own tradition On lniuguraUon Day. ' '· Dwf&ht D. Elsenhowtr wore a tr:· burg, John F. Kennedy a silk top hit d Lyndon B. JohnlOn a bl8ck fedora ft they took lht oath of offiee. ' But Nixon, who disdains hudgtar, stea no re1son to m•ke the conc111lon for blrtory't s1ke. He might carrr a bombur1 lo plem protocol. ~'lt Otberwi11e, he will conform to ffMJ~ Uoo by wttrlng a cutaway mornJa& COii, atrJped ll'OllJm, I lour·ln.flagd (t'l.1 Ind black necktie, I whfte s\iti wtlb tumd""' collar and gray 11 .. .E- For lht ln1uguret ball, Nixon wtll-wht~ tle and tallt, formal wtar he 1lrllil not dislike as openly u hit two i pre- deoesaon K"'"ody and Johnson, • l. • , .. ID m It- It ~­.. II • .. t i IO ~ •• d ,. ,_ ., ,. :0 I• n k • • • d ,1 n ' I . · I .. -: •a::t----- . -... voe 62, NO. 16, 4 SECTIQNS. 74 l'~G~ • TiN CENTS • Wrong M#rder Suspect Li-Ved a Nightmare . ' . of 26116 ~ware St., 8 wattrea w b o w«u In ~ Beach and the c:o- ........i· with Coa!oe1 In 1he muni. .. Tin> ~persona now are ~ In the . But fnr,Coatney,.a N ... - port· Bea nx:ket engineer' !be &rnsl Of -others ~ not rtmoved the ordeal from bla niJDa:. He· Is i>lrucularly bitter abcitl\ the HunUngtOit lBeach jail and ironiCilb" he may have an ally ir. Police Chief John Seiber Wh · is seeking additional space e.t i011Ci" heid(jU&riers. "Police Woke in Magje's place early Monc!ay momln&. I waa In a llale ol ahoct. · tt wu I wbile before ~ eyen showed me •. • badfe, ·~ )le recall~ "Then '10meorte punea a gun on me. c.ie otflCF WU ,reading to me 'aijout mf right.a. I w.un, mre whit this wu abouL Maggie· bad tJeen lead' away to anoUier room... . 1'le arrest "u made al Pttiss Dlnger's apartment, a. mQe and one-half or so from where the body or grandmother Mn.. Mar tee. bad .blei dl9covered about four houri earlier. 1 Later he ~ hls feeli&a:s al Peace H1111Ungtoo Beach .jaU. "I WU dumb- founded. I didn' know What WU hap. pening and no one really ~ld me. I knew I bad nothini to bl<le WI wanted to cooperate wtth the pollCe. •• J bied to help but the next lhtng I knew I WU accused of murdering a woman.". Although he empbaslud he wu not physically mistreated, Coatney ta u- pecially bitter abou~ receiving what he called "a mental mauling " ' ,. "They look turns shufning me from room to room to question me, first·one officer and then th• nest. They later Talks • moved me from ctll to cdl and al .... Ume even brouaht In a man who claJm. ed to be a peychlatrlal to look at me. "! held, cm,, In spite ol frequeot q- tloninp, telling the wne slory time ahd time again because it was the only one I knew. It waa just the truth. but no 'one would bellefe me." C:O.tney, once a frogman in the untted Slltea Navy, uld tbiit he WU told llWI)' thlnga during the queationing. "I wU even asked how I WU going to explain to my two srnan children ~ (5ee -OOATNEY, Paae 2• Open Delegation at Paris Roundtable PARIS (UPI) -Communilt and allied negotiators for the first _lime sat down togelher around •· conference table" to- day to work out an agenda for finding peace in Vietniµn . first Item of bu1inesa. The .Wei were office and a change In the U.S.·negotlat.. expected to counter with a demand for a Ing team. W. Averell Harriman. the vet. North Vietnamese military pullout. eran American diplomat who hu Jed The Communlsls are upected to in-the U. S. negotlaUng team aUa bilateral slst the talks officially be called the "Par-talks wllb lfanol begin.last May, rtUrel is Conference on Vietnam/• excluding to Waahibgtoa Sunday~ - any reference to peace. Prt.sldent-elect R1chard M. Nixon. who I , 1'Ie deputy chlela of-.tbe four delega- tions met· around a round table, 13 feet in diameter, at the P~a Conf~ce Cen- ter to ~ an agellda and rules of or· -der fo1'1'nln'ntib1itailtlve siiSi~-- U.S. negotiator Cyrus Vance said Fri· """"Will•be in&t110taied-M~a-1~ ---=- d~_nlght l!e )!oped ii l!'.Ould.Jol<• 0'"1--ed llemJ< Cabot Lodp-.1~----t wo or Uiree meetings to wori out the Harriman u chief U.S. negotiator. Lodge ' I • -. , 'WI ARE GATHERED-HERE TODAY BECAUSE SHE WAS A FELLOW .HUMAN BEING' Two W_-.,.Who Didn't Think Sh .. Should .Ba Alona Attand .J•ila Doe Rltaa -.. l:!~P~r!f: ·. ln 4-Man Orbit MOSCOW (AP) -Cosmonaut .Boris Vctzynov landed safely in !be Soviet Un- 1.0 today, llllCCOl8fully """l!leltng a four- • mlssioll In 'which !be Soviet Union ed the world's fint ~~tranafer ~ een orbiting spacahl.ps. ' . :. official SoYiet news agency Tus Volynov's ·Soyuz· 5 qalt mide a anding at 11 a.m. Moscow time, mil" soutbwesl of the citJ of Kus- t.tuy. Thi! ·would 'put him a rew hun-clr"1 m!les nortliw04t of lhe •II'<'! .•111!-er: at Baikonit, where Soyuz 5 WU llinChed Wednesday. ~1-'olynov 11feel.!I good," Tass report- ed: "All experimenta were fully com· pl.eted.'" HiJ: landing came one day after three cblmonauts made a soft landing in the SO!Vl~ Union ·aboard SoJUZ 4.., Two . of tbitm, Alexei Ye1*Yev and .~ Y~&mY Klirunov, hid made space walks 1'h:urf-c!a1 from Volynof'I eraft to joio Vladi- mir Sbatalov aboard Soyuz 4. Tes said a breaking· rocket on ·Voly· f19V'S !plcelhip WU Cired at 8 ptede- tplned time a.a !be craft descended lnto lbe atmosphere, slowed by para- ~tea. , Volynov wu met on the ground by t4o ncovery leaqr. friends and news- men. Taas added. &viet radio and television interrupted normal programming to give the an- nOOnce.menl, followed by loud, lttumphal music. · . . . \' ~-.. -ianier"iPay tt'l$picts- To Coast Murder Victim By ARTHUR R. VINSEL or .. 0.1" ... "' U1H Strangers' ftnal ~ts art better than nont and we plKt fbem Friday to Jane Doe: women afraid &be would be d>ne, newspaperme.n, and a ·detective who pbQtograQhed alpatm:es on the mouMiera\ fist. There were six. *·* * Ex-Rooinmate Says Jane Doe Is Ro,nda Fisher A _... ,.~-doing ·ialltime dur- lnc Dlonths dlt·wbith >Jane llno lay ·un- . named: in a-""mcque ~ldelltWed· her · late Friday U ' a fonrii!r ~ -•drift. ed in•motorcycle gaiig .IOC!ety. The victim eulogized Friday 11 . a hu- man being wboie name and life are known but to God ·ii Aid to be Ronda Fisher, 23, a roaming. Georgia native . whose traVels finally carried her to tra- gedy. Jackie Smay, 21, of Long Beach, made the tentative, last-hour ldenUflcation Fri· d>y, 311 daya atter tb1J imlnler; when ·she vteweil the.corpse !<ill.Wing a spant· 1y ' attended funeral , Huntington Beach Police Deparlment spokesmen made no formal comment about the stunning deveklpmenl, 'bu t stressed that the identiftcaUon ts by no mearui positive. The long line of blanks to be filled WIS headed : Our Friends. We were her friend! on Friday, be- cause Jane Doe had no one to even just- l!y that phlral "Our," or else -if she did -it was for them a day just like any other, since their daughter lost touch and &topped writing. The funeral was short and simple, the sort tbooibllul people rodtin<ly say tbey prefer, before their own grieving family and friends must make the last arrange- ments. Jane Doe -whoever she really was and whatever her life was like -had only us Friday, whatever Jt could• have meant. One woman already sat-near .the front -row· at l p.m. ·fdr .'tbe quiet :nta. In Slriltb's MorlOary.Cbapel, malling the llZ pews , seem almost ·emptJer··'t.hlm if no one sat lhere at• all, bf. comparison. The chapel CIJl•bold more than 1lO peo- ple. One more woman joined her, ushered ln by an "attendant. . 1 ' • One neJt arr~eot . of. red .roses and wbJte carnations decorated · t b e plain, rrar casket ln which'. Jane DOie lay Frid11, 311 days after her~t was cut and she dled alone In a dltib. · 'One melsncholy hynin ended. One more began. '1In the ManslOns of Glory, prepared (S.. JANE, Page 2) Bitter batUea await the negotiators over the agenda. The communist delegations were es:pected to demand a U.S. troop withdrawal from Soutb Vietnam u t b e rule& and get the talks started in earn-is expected to arrive Jn Paris lD abou& a est. week te asswne his duties. The. talks begin with only two days re-Haniman said at a reception In bis boo-- mainiilg in Prei.lden~ Johnson's Lenn of (See PEACE, Pap S) Thieu Reports Two Panthers Murdered Plan for. IJ .·. " · I'-' {UCLA Campus Fight T4'DAD ,~U~~k . '< I ' ' . ,, ' . • -:;"I!"· ' ·. ":-• LOS ANGEL!S (UPI) -Two ...... WI ~ In the chlll Botb .,.., dead SAl\iON <-"l -P~ldenl Ngiqen Van ~-of the militant IDack:l'anl!lara wore w~ and arriC::. ba4 been ~ Thieu ~: io4liy sodle Amepean Ibo! Id death at a meeUng of llO Niii'• ed · ID!'· UCLA'• "high pntenUal" Pl"" combat troopl will be withdrawn f r o m ctodenta at the UCLA campua Friday. cram ror minority studenta whose aca- South Vietnam this year and he has di-A short time later, poilce raided _ Ute demic recarda did riot ~y them for reeled h1J military chief of staff to draft home of one of'the victims and atre5t-admlsston. Both had fe .arrest 1'flC.o a timetable wUh the U.S. Command. ed 17 other Black PanUters, many or ords. Police aald Carter 1 "deputy them heavily armed. defen.se mlnl&ter" In the Btack'Panthen. Thieu did not aay how many of the ~· Fourteen were detained whlle detec-Tw8lve of those arrested Were ')aoked soo U.S. troopll In the country would be -·• lead on ~ ol ~ ol -fl.wea on the camJW 1laylngs. 0111 •-in<T to commit ~ will first have to be developed by I h e DetecUves atudled reporll'I that the • • withdrawn, and added "detailed plan,, tivea pumped them for ....,.bl• • __ , Oii •mlt 1rw military staff of the two countms before ahootinga may have resulted from a specifJe timing can be deteloped... quarnl between the Black Ponthm and Restram· t Mar . But IOurceJ said the inJtlaJ withdrawal lW'o other organizaUoM over leader- might aUect 20,000 troops and 100,000 ship of black acUvlsta at UCLA. might be phased out by the end of the The gunfire broke out at the close or year. a meeting in a classroom building. It An aide to Gen. Cao Van Vien, chief had been called to diacUSB 1 .. black of South Vletruuri's armed forte!!, sakl 1tud.1ei!r program" which school officials: Vien conferred with the U.S. commander planned to propose Tuesday. ln Vietnam, Gen. Crtlghton W. Abrams, The ltudents acattered in panic. When last week. A spokesman for Abrams said campU! police arrived the building was further discussions are scheduled be-nearly empty. On the floor of tbe cafe- tween the two. teria where the meeting was held, ofi. "~ far as concrete figures are con- cerned," Abrams' spokesman said, "it's too -soqn to uy because of so many In- tangibles. It's something that's going to take Ume. A lot of things have to be con- aideted." Abrams is understood to have reluc- ,tant1y .accepted the fact that some Amer- tc8n troo~ will have to be withdrawn 100n, but he is oppc>Md to any cutback until mld.,July. Abr&m1 believes the South Vietnamese anny WUI not be good enough to fill the ·pps.uoUI then. He also wants to keep the enemy "on the run," 10urces said, and wo"uld pn!fer to await developments at the ~-peace talks before paring down U.S. sttength. Thieu's announcement came a few hours before the first scheduled meeUng of the enlirgtd Paris peace talks and fol· lowed a tw~hour meeting Friday be- tween Thieu, U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and Abrams. leers found the bodies of John Jerome Huggins, 23, and Alprentice Carter, 26. Huggins had been 1hot in the back Wliik DA's Away Burglars Play LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Burglan have robbed the home of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Evelle Younger, po- li ce discovered Friday night. · Found missing from Younger'• 1As Feliz district home were two coln-Ulled bottles, a palr of eutnlnlal, two blue chip stamp books and a piggy bank with $14 inside. Younger and his wife were out of toW11. They were invited to attend the inauguration of President-elect Rlchard Nixon. Nixon Transition To Pr esidency NEW YORK (AP) -FOi' Richan! M. Nixon, I2 weeks of methodical, calm pre- paration come to an end and four yeara of power begin at noon Monday. Tbe days of tnmltlou, from the tri- umph of electloo to the nspomlbllltleo of lnauguraUon, have been typical ol Nixon'• Ialter-<111 style: ordely, a1w"1I cautloas, !requenUy sllenl There have been few missteps ; eener- ally the tone at Nbcnn beadquarten, In the mmte, upenstv1 Hotel Pierre, b a 1 been one of quiet, JOmetimea bland, com- petence. Seldom bu there been even 1 hint ol drama. Nixon associalel report tile period ho. tween pr..idencloa bu been marked bJ lull ooopontlou with the outgoing poll- Ucal advmary, And when citllen Nixon ralaecl hi• champagne glw in a final, ptt-lnaugural toast to the President ol the United Stello, It WU with WonJs ol prabe for Lyndon B. JohMon as a man who warted u bard at his job u any who ever held the WblllHouae. ApparenUy using !be nme landing· tectullque as Soyuz 4:, the Soyuz 5 sep- arated into two secdons during the Jand-lnJ, Tu,, said. Volynov was aboard the crew capsule, while the worklng quar- ter.' In a section called the orbital cmn- par!ment deacended separately. ,,.. flight of So)'\1% s lasted n hours .,., ,mlnutes. In the past, others tboaght they kn ew Jane Doe . Mill Srriay, however, said Sht!"lived With Ronda rliber 10< a time, hilt Inst touch with her alter "tatfnl I fall," 'cycle Cir• cle slang for being Jailed. Quag111ire Versus Carlson Then! bav• been polnla of lrldloo. For example, Nixon'• early report that Iha admlnistraUnn w"'lfd clear with him Ill'/ 10l1I term forelp\ pollql ~ prior to ...__ clay. PRESID EN TIAL j. ROLE VIEWED io.. America, • we' do ll ·with baJlob Jn.toad of bull&. Novelist Allen Drury ("Advise and Conlenl") wrll6 Ule lee! Bto17 In toc111'1 edltm ol FIUllily Wed· lyl . ~ •IJll..-.. hoW tbe power .o1 , the pr;.Jdency II j>woct·.\ioi -a llmtly lllllject wttll )'nlldG-"1td !'lino'• ... adlllft'aUoa coming Oii M"!"1*Y· • Abo lh thla ediUon: a warm illd ~II lool:I ... ~W// --~·· ~-Doi!ll1 bl~l<t J>letnK .,. 'of ....,.,,__bb dllr!ng • ~ lel-.e In ·-..... Ill FamllY Weekly CoHboot, a IOUp "Ill! -Ullt ...,_ --,oil bJddo 11111 COfl1 ol tlll IWLY P.J1,0I'. ' Mia &n., laid ihe met Banda Fisher · willlt botb wen riding willi the Hell's Angela ·outlaw 'cydfst . .,,,,.d. .. No way I could ndltakrher," Miu , Smay told a reporter afler ...Ing a death . pbOto otJaneilae ln·a newspaper Thur .. dll)I and oontactil!C Ill editorial office. W eatlie rman See1 Sim ilar:-Pattern Or, How Bear Go t Electrified and Flu nky Fi red J Jollllloo qulddJ clodlncl that .... 111111 no -elae, 'll1>Uld be In olwp ol U. S. pollcy until be left omc.. And Nixon tm. (See NIX<ltl, Pop I) NEW GAS TAX BOOST PUSHED J ~V f,ILOT K ..... to ·~1e . • DP!) hftttry. " l • From Pqe •,i JANE DOE LAST RITES . ' . • .. for the Blt3't, where Death ls only • drWD ••• '~ One woman wept. One by one, 1h9" presenl stepped forward to see Jane ~r Je.atures weU-preserved and nicely made up ~th c06melica -contrary lo olher stories of the 10 months in which the un.ideolifi· cd murder victim has awaited bu.rial. One reporter looked at her for a long time, then crossed himself. went lo the fear and &at ln the la.It row. "She lookl Dke a hundred other w1>- men )'lJU\rt ~er seen," said another ne.wmian. "no wonder no one could really identify her." The Rev. G, Russell Shaw. of the First Methodist Church of H1.111tington _ Beach, ealered and began his l!eCOfld funeral in ao years for a member of the mysterious Doe family. He buried a hobo 15 years ago in Col· '111\bla, ;Pa.;· alter the mao fell from a freight train and landed in eternity. "W~ 'arie met here today in tbil mem- orial service !or one known only to God and whoever l! responsltJ.e for her death.'' said Re:v, Shaw, who agreed to officiate at the S60 pauper's funeral. Quoting frpm the Bible on the sin of 'Playing QOO· by killing another. hu!nsn, 1hus guaranteelng inevitable judgement, RevcShaw talked i!Jo·Cf ure. "Whit Is 1Ue1 Thii qlte!tion has been .asked for all time," he 11aid. "ln lhis lile tllat mlaht l}eve bten. the woman called Jane Doe was loved as 50ll}e0lle's daughter," he added, "and maybt even someone's wife -·we do not know." KNOWN TO GOD "Her potential was known only to Thee, W.bo also k,no~est her passions and pain1" added the -clergyman in Pl'lYer. The scratch of.· ooe man'• ballpoint pen on piper and the snlfne of another l\«'1\1. w1io·.,w14 obvioosly1ebe 1tn1wn iln« Wtdlor \ltlri case or 8\ftlden death ;1~ lh~ mlni.ter's word~ !lit qulel chapel. s~~in· or ,mii'der, ~ 5@COnd &in ncoiiled IP th~ Bible. Rev. Shaw poln~ ed °"' jllal Adam ml Eve's 1011 Caln .wu condwned to wander -or run - .all his ~<. In punlslunenl for killing his brother Abel. CA!N-S FATE CITED "I shall be a fugitive and a Yaga· bond," Cain lamented to lhe Lord. but his choice had been made, according to t h t Scriptw-es, which promise ven· geance in_ita own time. "JU<fsement." intoned Rev. Shaw. •·\Ve do not understand all the facts about this -but we are certain of its in· evitability." Certainty centers on olhe.t things too, be said. "No life has ever been ll\'ed that left no mark on someone." COMJllJT BODY "We know, gathered here lo honor one unknown to us, that whoever took her life will not go unpunished," he added. "Perhaps one day, all the unknown will be known and this case will be closed," he continued. 11\Ve therefore tenderly commit her body to Its final r:eztlng place," he finish--• ed in a brief, out-oJ-place comm.ital ser· \'ice •• !!bUf ·mto -·nly-handl-Wfi=<iomnitit her spirit." Evert on the day of her Tong, long. delayed funeral, Jane Doe did not go to her q u i e t, $.15 grave In the rolling knolli of Pacific View 1t1emctrla1 Park above Corona del Mar. One more Ume -after five other such false leads -a woman wh1;> saw a Mory and photo of the slain woman in a news- pa,per just Thursday called lo say. she thought she knew Jane .I>ot!1 l ~ ,: , Burial was delayed. ,... ~~ One more time, late Friday a~temoon, t~ M of .Jane Doe's ~nomy~la&s C{lf· fin was to be lifted in the hope oI solving the riddle of her identity. ~ •.i' ,-' : ' . ' ·\I I ~' -·· l'Om Page 1 COATNEY'S NIGHTMARE • • • I happened to be accused of murder," "It wu rough. I was kept a day alone 1n the juvenile tank. My earr; became al· tuned to the sound of jlngling keys:. Theyt come soon to release me l told my~ again and again. But they never did. COUNTED BARS "One cell has 21 bars si:ir: rows deep. Another has 121 and yet another 105," aa.Jd c.oatney pointing out his background as a scientist. ';There was no water in aome of the cells and they would not let me shower er shave. No one would say why. They humiliated me 11nd yet I held on and <>n. 1 had nothing to hide. I was innocent." His greatest anger is at the HunUng· ton Beach jail which he called, "a stink- ing mess." Despite his ordeal at being accused or a murder he did not com· mit, Coatney said today, "I want to do everything possible to clean up that sty.'' On Wednesday he Wa! transfered to \\"est Orange County MtDtlclpal Ccurt where he heard himself and Miss Ding· er accused of the brutal slaying and heard Ute judge order them held without bail. BETTER CONDITIONS Then il was lo Orange County Jail ' DAILY PILOT y,·here he found conditions, "wonderful by comparison.'' Clean sheets. clean clothes, a shgwer and a shave and with the dawn or 1'hursday the world began to look brighter for Coatney. It turned out to be the day that the police and di!trlct attorney agreed to what Coatney and Miss Dinger knew all along -that neither were guilty of mur- der. Coatney is not yet back lo his job as a top engineer in a leaWng Newport Beach space firm. Even as he contemplated returning to t h e enormous responsibilities in aid ing his nation In rocketry and space exploration, he will tell you that the major problem needing immediate at- tention 'is the Huntington "Beach City Jail. "The jail needs to be cleaned up and the treatment improved for those hu- man beings accused of ever. the most vile of crimes. "They might not be guilty. 1t hap- pens sometimes." From Page J PEACE • • • men supporled by tanlul stomled a Com-LI r-iil m\ijlllt 'ttr6ticl>bld lri thUV . Jiihile ntar ,. S.lgon, mllltfrY spokesmen .. 1d today. The red !orce lost '3° deacl In fighting at close quartert. U. S. lroopo ·ol !)1e Ut)i Jnlanlry OM· o!Oll,Iosuoe.k~lod •"'112 wounded In Ille fJabl!iil 'J mIJeo . hotlhwest of Saigon Friday In ,Ibo Col Loi Fotcat the opok.,. maii saJi:I. 'l1ie Amerlc8ns charged to within 25 yards of 'the communlsta' forti· fled poslllonl before the red !otce broke andr-led. Al tlie U.S. ·Navy .!Ja!< at N.ha Be II ,mllea aoutl!west of Satgoq, rooir An><ri- cans, W«e )llJed 4Dd lC otb6r1 WODllded obolit midnight Fridly when a Commu- nlal mJrie ezi>loded as It WU "°1na dia- arroed, The mine. was captured alter tt.s Viet Cong bearers were slain in an am· bush. Four memben Qf • bomb dlspoaal '<luad Wen> killed When tbe mine <1<1>iod· eel as they •Uemptod to l'J!T)Ove the fuse. The Uth Division troop&")'erfl on a com- bat sweep at the edge of the Col Loi For- est when they drew fire frVm the jungle. Operating with tanks alld armored per· sonnel carriers, the fool soldiers turned into the woods and pursued the Commu· nists with support fro1n a no..arby artil- lery base, helicopter gunshipa and Air Fottf: (igbter-bombers. "Fighting raged with 25 to 50 yards in front of the advancini elements," a spokesman said. "At the height of the righting, groups of enemy were ena:aged as they rttreat.ed rfom well-fortified bunk- ers and raced deeper Into the triple-can- opied jungle." Chicago Negro Give11 Heart Of White Man CffiCAGCJ(UP!I-=-!. (9-year-olaNe- gro, a former Chicago Transit Authority bus driver out of work for the last 12 yearS beCause of progressive heart dis- ease, began a new life Friday with the heart f)f a ~·year-old \vhite man beat· ing in ·hla chest. Benjamin Evans of Chicago received the heart in a four·hour transplant op- eration at the Veterans Administration lfospita1 lrt suburban Hines . lt was the third· heUt transplant in the Chicago area. ~1 "He ·ii ~oing well," said Dr. Robert Fruin, ~h1tr Of staff et Hines. "His heart Ii beating nbrma\ly on il! own." Fruin seid the hospital staff had con· sidered attempting a heart transplant about a year ago and began making ser· ious preparations for one Jast summer, The name of tbe donor was tiot im· mediately released, but Fruin said that before lapsing into a coma the man re- quested that any usable organs be transplanted. Fruin saJd the donor bad been suUertng from 1 brain tumor. Ex-Lion Trainer Of Huntington Succumbs at 77 James Jackson of Huntington Beach, a o n e • time lion tamer who lived to 6ee his name carried on by 23 grandchildren and 10 ~eat­ grandchildren, died Thursday m a \Vestminster convalescent home. He was 77. Born in Ireland, Mr. Jackson had been a resident <>f Huntington Beach £or eight years and El ~1onte for SO years. He was the lion trainer al the old Gay's Lion Farm in El Monte, an institution which has passed from the SouUtland 6Cene. In addition to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, ~fr. Jackson is survived by his \\'ife, Ruby M., of the family home, 224 Knoxville St. •• I· . . MURDER CASE GEOGRAPHY -Key locations in knife slaying last Sunday of Mrs. Lester S. Markee: Dotted line traces what police believe to be murder victim's route. Dashed line traces route police believe was followed by killers. Five Points laundromat (1) is where murder victim washed clothes. Corner of 17th Street and Main (2) is \Vhere, police theorize, Mrs. ~tarkee was involved in minor traffic collision with stol en car driven by her eventual murderers. 1jaltese crass· marks sile of murder on 17th Street between D1wyet" ~ct>l and Hwttington Beach Country Club . Blood-stained car 1nvestlgators be- lieve was used by tnurderers was found abandoned in old oil field at 21st Street and Olive Avenue (3). Murder victim's home (4) was at 15th Street and Olive Avenue. Bloody suspect is believed to have hail- ed a cab several hours after the killing at 8th Street and Orange Ave- nue (5). Murder car was allegedly stolen from Delaware Street apart· rnent (6) of Margareta Dinger, an original suspect in the case since cleared by police. Clay Street apartment (7) of murder suspect Hen· ry Lopez Sianez where cab driver dropped his bloody passenger. Mar- ken Lane home (8) of suspect Edward Roy Hargrave. • New Pair Facing Court . In Huntington Slaying A lifelong Huntington Beach resident and his teen-aged buddy face arraign- ment Monday in conne ction with one ot the most savage murders in the history of the beach city. Henry L. Sianez, 15, or 312 Clay St., and Edward R. Hargrave, 18, of 17392 Marken Lane, are charged with the throat-8la.sh 11\eying of a kindly, religious grandmother last Sunday night. 1i1rs. Hesler S. Markee, 55, cl 1508 Olive Ave., was sliced across the ear and down through vital arteries. then lelt to die on t.he street In !he glaring beams o( her car's headlights, followlng an apparent auto crash dispute. suspect them. 1i1iss Dinger's auto was found abandon- ed not far from the Markee murder site -splattered wlth the slain woman's blood and with paint smears from her car -a strong combination of evidence. A cab driver's Up about a bloody pa. senger picked up early Monday, however, led invesUgators to Sianez, who ts re· vealed by a records check to be a habi- tual traffic law violator. He once spent five days tn Orange County Jail for failure to appear and answer charges. A probe of Hargraves' background in- dicated he has oo recorded law vlolaUona. 2 . Orange Coast Youngsters pue 'At ma Two Oran,i1.coast youngsters lhia mof1Ung boarded a jct thal will take them"" to the natlon'1 capHal for the inauguration of Prtaldent Richard M. Nixon. Louisa Davis, a filth grade stud!nt "t Lark View SChool in Huntlnglon Beach, and Joseph Pallo, an ojplh grader al SL Jolll\ tlie Bapli!t Catllolic SCbool in Colta Mesa, parlayed their knowledge of history and their wrJUn~ abUJUts into a three-day vlsil to Washlnlton D.C. for the Inaugural feWviUes. They are among eight Southern California winners of an essay contest :a:poubred by a Southland supermarket tbaln. All elgllt woo lrlps lo the Nizon lnauguratloo, oourteay ol Vons Grocery Co. Louisa, 10, dAUihler of Mr. and Mn. CurUa J. Davis, 6811 Vista del &1, HunUngton Beach, won her trip with an usay on the nation's first pregident, George Waahington . Joseph, 13, is the 60ll of Mr. and Mu. George J. PaJID, :Ja2ll 11Ardlni Way. Cost.a Mesa. His prlze.wl'.nning ewy was On President Theodore R.ooseve!t. Be.skies viewina: the inauguration, the students,· wb11e .ln WubingtM, wlll tour historical Point<, violl eo.....,. and have an opportUnJiy lo meet hlgh level govern- ment leaclerl. 'Ille market chain II pick- ing up the tab for the entire trip.· La Hin " gu,,..~n~ tiJig Of 'HninanChain' .To Prote8t Buses .• l!ell<lent• of LaBUJ18 ·Beach' a Ocean Avenue .may form ''a JrumM chain" to<jg-ta lllock a O·Y -dJI ~ lhsl • be~ .doim lbelr -· a opokemwi for the Human Rlpil Com- mlUee-aid Friday, ...._ --·--· He aakl "500 or more people'' migh t be willing lo >top any wrongly....,...ted Grey-bU"5 lhat uiie u.e& atreel 11 ..,.,... f4 the Laguna depot. -Bua routlnp down Oceln Avenue have loOg ·'*!!> a ....,,. <,ii ·itrli,Uoo lo lhe blad: commWlily In Laguna. City Manager James D. Wheaton said he bid no lnfonnation qn any possible .de!!)C)Mtralion by the Human Rights group. "If they plan anything, it's all new to me," he 11ald. Ocean Avenue residents began pm. le.sting bus travel down their street last June. They asserted the practice caused noise aad fume3 and danger to tir chlkiren. ~J Wheaton said that all bus' ron ~ gg have ·been changed ·by the Com y so oCean Avenue wCu1d-not be'' • Howeyer, he .noted ~t relief dri~ers and drlvera new 11o 1he area l'iCmeUuies violate company· ordm·not to get down Oc~ Avenue. I ' F..-~m ,. . .,,e 1 . -. -NIXON~· •. ' ' . modiate!y ~yed an a"urance 0>.if he wasn't trJini' to be co-pMidenL · ·~ In anotmr instance, Johnson appears to have used his budget-making authority to Ptts3 Nixon into an endorsement of renewal of the 10 percent income sur· tax. Ni>;,on reluctantly announced sup»"rt <>f its citnUnuaUon, apparently after .~the administration made clear th11.l the alter· native was a budget \1.'ith reductions that the new White House team would lind troublesome. As President-elect, Nixon avoided •ny· thing that would seem an attempt to 'pro- pel himself past Johnson and into the role of national spokesman prior to h I 1 inaugurallon. He decided at the outlet; for e111mple. that there would be no general news oon- ference until after Jan. %0. Nixon felt Johnson would regard that as an attettipt to seize in advance the stage of presiden· tlal publlcity. He remarked privately 01at Johnson was a bit sensitive on such mat· t!rs. ...... ,.,. .... "'"''"•'•" ..... L"f'IH lnllrl Pe111te411 YelltT c .... w ••• CALIK>IHIA or Friday night the. basic problems to be decided were the evacuation of both Ameri can and North Vietnamese troo~s from South Vietnam and the status of the demilitarized zone which divides north from south. He also leaves sons Robert J. of Sacramento; Joseph and Chester G. of Huntington Beach: daughters E v a Evlllanuva, Huntington Beach; Elaine Chenard. Buena Park; Alice E. Eubank, ritonrov!a; and Olive L. Travis. Buena Park. 11e Is also sun·Jved by a sister, Nellie Gilmoae of Toronto, Canada. Slane:z; la charged with suspicion of murder. po.saesslon of a sawed-off shol· gun and grand theft of an automobile, ~II three felony offenses. 32 Harbor Students Set OllAN(it COAST ,.\Jll!lHll<l(i COM .. Al<I'( ~obt•I N. Wttd "'" Ot"' J-od .. Vbl•lhtr Jtc• II. Curley V•'t "'"I'°'"''"' Gt11tr.i M.INtfl Tliem•1 l(,,~;r f4il(W Tiit "''' A. t.4wrplii111 Mtllt ..... E•ltet l'tul Ni11t11 At¥t'11ll111 OJ"'"'" Offkn c ... i. "'n•· in w11• ••• "'"' Nt-•! lttCft: 7111 ~Ii OtlC.t 1Wit¥t,,_ L•9U"' II••~~· 111 r..,.11 """"""'' l<Vll!tflflHI attc.11: »t S!ll Sr.-HI !)•tLV "ILOT, wllllo ""'ot"' k (-ltlM<f lflt' Pl_#,.Ji. 11 NIHIJ-t t !lp t•<O'PI a- .,, "' -··•'-.. 11 ... , ,,, ..... ., ... lt.-(to. -lttcll. C•i• """· _.Int._ It~~ ..... '°"""'" VtOlff, 1:-*'"' t ntleflfl .-+llrtfl. () .. ,,.. (MU ""'°'h"lftt c.....,..i, iwi...ti... ..... l •rt " uu wut a11111ot llff.. ,,...,..,, lttcll. '"' SJO WIN l.t¥ li.ttl, (t.il MHf :::;-tf14l MJ.4JJ1 Cl AMftht .. 641-1671 C..,.,ltflt,. I-Ot-(Nit P\llll,.,.,,. ~. NI ,..,., ttOfltt, •lll•lf1t1on-. Hlftf'lel ""'"" ., ...... '1'-'>I• l'otnl11 .... ... ·-..-... ............ _! ...... """Mii' • £9¥rltM """"· ttaN cl.lu _,,,, 11111 •t Ht-1 ludl ..., C•lt Mtlof, C:tllf•~!t het.c,_...,. W ttot•ltt 11,r1 -•Jlfy; ..., "'''' n JO tl"l(llllMVI .. ""~ ..... ,_, l•.1' ......,tlllV. f The threat of a big ne1v Communist of· Iensire next month. ""hen the Vietnam I.unar Year of the ,,_tonkey fades out and the Year of the Chicken comes in, cast a shado1v acrOES lhe conference table, Lonely Funeral services for Mr. Jackson will be Monday at 3:45 p.m. at the Rainbow Chapel. Rosehil\ ,.1emorla1 Park, Whittler "·ith inter1nent there to [o\low. Vigil Dog, Cat Guard Tlieir Mistress COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (UPJJ- Pollce have ended the 3tklay vigil of a Cttm&n Shepherd ind a Siamese cat which guarded the body of their dead mJstrwi and mirvlved by eaUng the binding• of books. Pollet broke into the home of ritrs. Gwendolyn Schmidt, 56, Thu.raday and lound 1he had ~en clUd nea,rJ,y :1. month. 'I'IM!y found her two pell starving and near de1th In the house . disturbed In the hou6e except where the peU h8d searched for food. Mrs. Schmidt was the widow of a former Col· orado Springs physician. Ulrich aaid the body, found partlally clothed on a bed. had not bten disturb- ed by the animals. The dog and cal were taken to an animal 5helter and were es· ~ted W survive. Turn Other Cheek Corooer Raoul W. Ulrich said the dos IUld cat had apparent.lY joined lore- ., In ferreUng out food In the locked KANSAS CITY (AP) -P<>Uce escort· house. ed Joho E. Walker rtom Ult!: downtown "The dog must have knocked the bac'k ... Kansas City Public Library Friday night oil the loUet lo gel drlnkina water." and charged him with dilturhl111 the Ulrich aakt, "and the anim&ll chewed peace. Walker, :zt, was accused <>f re.· the bindings off books to slay alive." tusin&" to stop rtadlng aloud from the TI1e coroner said nothtng had been Bible In the llbrary's main lobby . / -. Hargrave, a Huntington Beach ll I g h School dropout, will be charged \\li1 h murder for his parUcular connection with the slaying. for which an innocent couple were formally indicted and almost pros· ecuted. Siane:z;, an oilfield worker, and l h e young unemployed labonr are schedul· cd to appear at 9 a.m., before West Or· ange County Judicial Court Judge Walter Charanua. Last Wednesday, Norman Coatney, of 12581 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, and his girlfriend, Margareta Dinger. 38. of 2!506 Delaware St., Huntineton Beach, were before the aame judae for the aamc crime. Deputy D\strict Attom•Y John Kronln ·will doubUeu l!Sk Judgt Charamu not to set ball for the pair, at least until lhtir preltmlnary hearing -and probably oot e\'tn then. Police allege that Sia.net, married and the father of one child, stole 1 car be- longing to Mlaa Dinger last Sunday ni&ht, while In lht company of. Harvavt. After ~Ing involved In a colUalon with f\lrs. "iarkee a short dlat.ancfl away. police believe, tht victim wu killed to keep her !rom reporting the case. ConnlcUng storl" by Coatney ond Miss Dinger 11.bout haw btt car wu llttn while blocktd In a driveway by his late model, tamper·proof auto ll'd pollec to l For Squaw Valley Trek Start of an avalanche and an eerie tale of the Donner Party belna: can- nibalized are awaiting 32 students of Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar. The excitement will come on 1 oon-servaUon study trip to Squaw Valley 1Northem C.llfornla site o( tbe 11160 Winter Olymplca). The &eve.nth and elaht lf'ldt claue1, three teachers and lte.admuter John Marder of the Epl8c:opAI school will t"mbark by bus Sunday. TI?e excursion wi!I last five days. Cost ol the lrlp will be $4,000 lncludlng the salaries of two lnstructora from the. Lawrence Hall of 5cience at Berkeley. It will be paid for b)' In· dlviduail from Newport Beach. who uk· ed to rr:main anonymous. and Olympic Vill11• Hole~ when Ibo otudenil will stay. Marder llid. Marder 11ld ho bepn planning the trip ln bull Miiiions Jut summu durln& • National Scleoce FowldaUoo prosram at SqQIW Valley • He said hit Idea II to lnlmlt oludenlt In conservation at an age when tbay are truly curlous about natural raources. • " I "Down here the JiidJ turn on the water fauctt and they don't give too m'Uch thought to it," he said. Waler and where it comes from should have more meaning to the students by I.he lime they get back. At Squaw Vllley they will ltudy prtelpltaUon lnctuawz snowfall, figure rates of melt and nuiif, evaporation, erosion and rock destruc- tion. • Tbey will make a trip up the akl aJopea: to watch the dynamiting ol snow bank.I th8t prtvtnt1 u n e x p e c te d avalanches. They also wlll visit the,eite where I.he Donoer Party was cannlballitd and bear a talk by Or. Kenneth Jackman. who hq ertenslvely irtudled the 111-fa~ pioneer party. Marder 1aJd the students will kttp dlarles lo be graded dally for compoo!Uon by Bntllsh &eaeher MN. June Ft.n•. Mathemttica teachtr Brian Phelan :WUI direct the atudentl ln figurine faow tabl.., lnllow and outnow hydralUka equallona and the like, ho llid. " The thin! ltachet from Harbor V., Scbool ta make the lrlp will be odftte teacher Mn. S&lly Burdl'tt. Msrd'Of ·ts a former acleoce teacher himself. • ------_-_-r ,~_•_•_~~1::!1_._::=---i.,..w,....,~-............................ ____________ ,-i,__ __________ ~~------~~~~~...__~~~~~· ' t :0 J ~ :e • (, ·n it 't "' y '· 1, ID t, d /, ~ •• tr e \• ,. ., ' ' n " • I, t j t • e ~ • s J l l r ' ' ' • ~ • Hoiµe ~ous~s History • By JACK CHAPPELL W..• 0.11, "'"" '"" • lJke the twisted old olive tree standing in bis adobe front yard Dan Rios bu deep roots in California. ' '!tie mos family bas, 'lor six geoel'll-' ~ tio'nl -174 years -been a part or . San Juan Capistrano. The family horoe at1 31711 Los R:ioa street still stands in good rtpair. It was built in 1794.. Dan Rios, who now lives in Dana ~ ,~. ,, .. '' " :' .. ~~' ..; ~! ... " Point, noted lhat hla ramlly hlatory bepn In the mllSJon town when aold1er SanUiao Rios fllllslled hla I001' of duty with the Spanish gaaiooo thett . Spanish aoldi<n servinl ill the New Worldt Riol explained, could either sail back home to Spain or rtmain. To entice them to stay io the aparcely populated Le.n1tory Spain offered virgiu land to the men. S"'1!ago Rios decided lo stay. He DAii. Y PrLOT SMtf ..... REMrNISCING -Surrounded by memorabilia. Dan Rios recalls past while standing before fire place in his family's 17~year-old home in'San Juan Capistrano. Shotgun he is holding is old British muzzle-. loader used by his father. Weapon was made in London in 1851. ~ Richard M. Nixon will be repre. • SE;nted by two tuxedos at his inau· gural ball in Washingtun Mon~ay­ the one be wears himself and the one on Sheriff Joseph I. Woods of Cook County. Woods, brother of the President-elect's pe(Sonal secreta· ry, Rose Mary Wood s, has boasted jor years that he wears Nixon's ~ han<l-me-d~s. ' ' • Army Sgt. Jaime Tejeda, who . worked in the government print shop in the pre.tidential palace, in· Me:tico City, outflanked his !military superiors on at least oue front, according to the city pros· ceutor's office. Tejeda had a hMlth.y bu.rints.J going, printing and seUing fotse di&charges to 1 dra/Ues for $40, officilt/3 said. • 'I Like Kids': Reason Broker Works for Dimes Newporl Beach stockbroker Louis Markel is concerned about children. "l like kids,'' is the way he put il. The father of seven children . of his own made that statement as he started his third year as 1969 chairman -Of the Costa Mesa March o( Dimes campaign. "If only everyone could visit one of the more than 100 Birth Defects Centers supported by ~larch of Dimes COO• tribulions, he would see how children are receiving the finest possible medical attention,~· Markel noted. "One of these centers is at the Children's Hospital of Orange County, in a county where 1,700 children are born each year wilh mental or physical birth defects," he added. Another facility ·aided by the March of Dltnea is the Salk Institute for Biological Sludie.s ln San Diego, where scientists work to reveal the cause and cure ol such tragic abnorma1iUea. Markel, of 2078 Bonair Way, urges Costa Mesans to give generously on the night of Jan. 21, when the organtt.a- tion which helped whip polio stages its annual Mathen' March here. Dads too, will join in the door-to-door campa1gn for funds to fight birth defects, having begun making the rounds with their wives only three years ago. , Since that Costa Mesa innovation, men throughout the United States be.ve parlicipated in the annual Mot.hen' March against birth defects. ' . Wal &lven lf• :a::rw of Jud abotJt • quarter mile from the San Juan Capbtrano Mlqloa. S..llM<> loc\1t an ltldian wue. The adobe home they buil~ the family they start.ed, llld the olive -t be r. planted have survl\"'1 lbe ravqa Ol nature and man for 174 yearL Within the home now, are the memorabilia of those yean. Some are phyalcal lllte the first etone table.! (morleros) end round stone rollen (manoe) once used rw JDlkln& tortJIJM. Others .,.. lnlanlJble, contained In Ille memory of Dan Rios. There ii the $lory of Joaquin Munlolla, a DWI called a bandit by Americalll endl patrlol by old Caltfomlan:i. . "Joaquin Murrietta' was t Robin Hood of the El Dorado,'' Dan Rios uld. "He was working up tn· the g'Old fields In J.81M9 when 1he Yankees' ran htm oH alter rapinl and klll1ng bis YOlllli wife. SWORE VENEGEANCE · "Murrietta ~ vengeance. Even· tually he killed the men and went on lo fonn a band that attacked the Americans . MECHAN.ICAL TESTING .EQµIPMENT GIVE,S TEACHER; STUDENtS''INSTANT RtPLAY' CAPABlL'lTY 11 Cl•s1 Tuned. In on Teacher's W'iiv• L9111th'1 M.•aa High Sy.1tem...·An1wer1 That Oueatlon "They were guerrillas and lhe Yankees ' called them bandits. They wtl'fi patrlota to the CaWornians. "Many times he went through bere going to Mexico," Rlos said. Hi.! grandfather 1 Greeorio Rlos befriended Instant Testing Murrietta. "'lbere would come a knock on. the . door at 1 or 1 o'clock in the morning • My crandfatber would call out 'Quien va?' (Who goes then?) and Murrietta woWll eay, "Soy Joaquin' (It iJI Joaqulo). M~sa High Gets Electronic Insight · ''1ben.my ·grandlatber would put him up lot ihe· night and give h1m some beans, eorn. floor and other staples. "The neit· morning he w.oukl rbe gone. B7 THOMAS FORroNE Colta Mesa High School bas a new mechanl~ly-rigged testing_ room ~t gives a. teacher lnetant Insight Into bow y.·ell student: are getUng a lesson. Students &it at dub with A, B, C and D butlons to pwh IQdlcating their anJWer to a questiop. The instructor Grandfather nl!J!:ht find a little leather bag hanging from the ~ in back. In it woold ~ ltftfil1 gold pieces." / reads on gauges, with needles that move _.'IMP,,DOOB _ -lik . •~~•1o __._~-. .,_ ~ ~ _ d _ 1 • .bed ·r e an auw11ru111 ~,....,,....., J""• ie!s~ :rurri~t~~: aec~:'m 11~~~~~ what percentage of the class gave each place. . answer. "There was a little table with L candle For knowing how many of the students on it and thia bed with a mattress are getting a coocept just explained made of com bu.ski," he said. the setup is hard to beat, says Mesa The rancho grew under Gregorio Rios. High's 1peclal Ulistant to the principal, 'At one Ume 1,700 acres were held by Hector Navarette. the family. The adobe became a hacienda lf too few got the right answer the of 14 roomJ. A large family u well teacher can go back and try to exp2ain ., as paulng guest.II coold b e ac· again. If a 1¥a:e number choQse a commodated.. parUcular wrong amwer be can •stop' "This ranch house here wu famous and explain why it Ui wrong. for its hospitality up and down California. Called "Multi-Media Lt a r n t n I It was always open," Rios said. System," the setup was loslalled lait Separate· euestrooms were located on lall b t d ........ 1 t trouble ont the grounda. Travelers could ride In u ue "" ........ pmen Y late at nigh~ put !hell' horses In the rtcel1tly has been put lo .... It coet 19,1100, part ol the '46,000 Newport-Mesa school district alloUed Costa Meu Jna:b to set up ita plan ol performance curriculum ao<I flalble achedullng new thil scbool year. (Eaen- tfally tt means st.udent.s advance at tbtir own rate.) '()qr plan needs to tell us where a student is, what be knows at this point,•• Navarttte said. ~-Besides.ii> di•-ti:..ua;_11te·tu1Jn& ~m also is used for instrucUon. Drlver education and health education and health education cla!:ses are being taught in the room and one teacher i.5 using it to teach slide rule. other teachers are beglnnlna: to develop video tapes. It doesn't have to be used that way, but most of the lime lessons are taught vbually. The system is called "mu1li· media" because it can handle films, slidel, video tape end overheat projector In the testing seuton. "The kids really enjoy it," 1ald Navarette, "because it is a change of .pct1tn 1nltn.rct.l()Oj" corral and bed down in the guestroom without dleturbinl the ram11y, -laid. "They could either leave some gold or take some, what.ever they needed," .. Man in Twin Death Crash he added. In 11189 when the railroad came to San Juan Capistrano, the Rios Adobe served as a po8t offtce. The room that was used sWl has a heavy door with a small hole in it for lhe passing of mail. Now old saddles are stared lhere. Dan Rios' father, Damian C. Rios, lived to be 93 years old. In 1960 he died in an accident. Vamiaii Rios wa~ a horse trader, breeding stock on the rancho, lhen run· ning it to Las Vegas where horses were exchanged for cattle which were then driven to the Sacramento area and sold for goods. The weapons and other goods used by Damian Rios fill tht home. An altar in the beidroon1 of Dan's mother still bears many r"ligioul arti- facts Jncluding an lodlaD-an'ed figure estimated to be over 100 years old. "My mother had the Rosary .down .pat. Boy, she could go for an hour and not repeat herself," fUOI said. Now 51, Dan Biol bu retirfld after 18 years with the Orange County Sheriff'• Department and eight years u manhal of the South Coaet aree from San Clemente to Laguna Beach. 1be ~ generation Rios, IOll Stevm, 20, is a aereeant with the U.S. Marines. The Rios Adobe recently had a "For Sale" sign on the front fence. The sign t gathered a lot of attention, and shocked a few people, Rioe liid. Actually it's fGr property behind the adobe. "It ~ans \oO much to me lo ever sell. Why I wu bom in there,•• he said, pointing 111 the old house. Sentenced to Nine Months A Los Ana:elea: man contict.ed of manslau&htu following a Seal Beach traffic accident in wlilch twd,teen-acr.r1 died ba1 been sentenced to nine months in Orange County Jail. Superior Court Judge Rottrt Gardner also orderid Robtrt Edward Delo, 211, lo serve thrff years probation. An ad· ditional M!ottoct ol one }'ear in jaU was suspended. Police said Delo was the driver of C_an a 1peedine auto which amalhed into ·a small 1portacar dtiven by Julie Ann Glahn, 17, of Huntington Part on Sept. t, 1967. Tbe impact completely demoJish- ed the gir1'1 brand new auto and left il in flames with the girl lrapped inside. She died. Gary ir. Norris, tt, of tps Arigelea also suffered fatal in,Juriea fn the impact. NorriJ, a passenger In Delo's car, died you qualify as a Bidwell customer? ... ANSWE~lNd BY TOUCH Studont K•\i.vStHlo 10 days after the accident on Pacl!le Coast l!ighway ju.t east ·of Bay Boulevard. I)elo spent six monlhs in tht hospital recovering from the extensive injuries he suffered in the crash. It was leltifM!d that Delo was driviol at more than m miles ar\ hour in 11; construction area. Mtsi Glahn, it W.1$S noted, took her fint job after being graduated rrom high school a f~ da~s before the crash. The sportscar was her graduation ~nt. 1 either. If I did, from thou ou he'd have to boy hie mill from a 1tor9 in hiA own coin.muniry. While he ...,.. lm1illlf • .Wt, ho kept ltarillg et Olll' walJ.to- waJI h!>mp earpetlng, Finally bo atornly informed u1 it ii lll8de of marijuana! He OU@: ht to know. He uy1 th•t'1 where marijuana eomu from, the hemp plant. In fact, they make· roPe from it. . Andrew Dosset, a survivor of the Sc8.ndinevian Airlines crash has an ezhibit at the Southern CalifOrnia Boet Show Jan. 24. He is showing inflatable life rafts. • Suspicious Officer Stops Auto; Driver on Drug Rap . . . All it lakeo i1 a few dollan and a bumm ll)lirit. U•aally, you can tell• •tore by tlie ri1tomne it keepo. on .. are pleatianr, relaxed, falrly ·~ and oometlme1' a We ..UOd lilm up a11d •lied ii ... coald ...... ._.,_ 1Ught ~in the reot of Ilia letter and print it, wllh bi1 name. Heuidno. Think of Iha&. Wbal would I ever do with the old carpet ii we decided to h•ve a new on~ imtalled? If we burned it, we'd Uve 14 motorcycle eop11 from 14. mil .. around, •uif!- ing their w•Y to lh.i.1 1tore, bot not to hoy mill • Maybe now i1 tho beot time ju1t to deliver ou.r colD.lllettYI and conelode our ad alter 1 W-brief worclai We eell' men'.1'1969 IAlits tai· ICJl'ed'by H. ~f!ol'man, Ratner, Dean.gate and Devomhlre, at frum t8S IO $165, ODO of which is exactly the 11uit you"'ve been. looklhfl for, I'm '""'· University of New Mexico phy· sical education teacher G • r t1h fliiher nteds a certain type of per- son for an experiment as part of his doctor's dissertation. BUt so tar he has not found any votun· ·reers. He is looking for men be- tween the ages of 20 and 35 who are fa~ flabby and in ·generally poor physical condition, for en eight· week physical fitness program. • ; Bill Gazaway. chief technical in-. speclor for Nascar, at Rive\oside refused to Jet drivers and mecb~ t.cs for the Riverside 500 stock car rid into the pits if their hair Was 'too long or they needed a shave. Ope man argued for three hours ·-rt bo finally sbaved olf bil bNnl. A nervi;ius rear.window ~atcb . ~Y pauengers Thursday ltd to the arrest of I Loi Angel.. you!h fblJOlfed by a pollce car as he drove away from a familiar Costa Mesa addresl .. Steven J. Cantell, 19, Was tiooked on suspicion of posseu.ion of dangerous drugs and posses&ion of a dagger, af\er Patrolman David Hayu arr~ hhn for warrant.II on other cl)arges. Officer Hayes said he frisked the youth at the scene in the 2200 block of Harbor Qoulevard, at which Ume a botUe eon· taining three martjlJana cigarettes and three pills fell from the wai..Jtbanft ot bis farmer4tyle overaUs. Cantell was stopped after makinl a right tum without t lignal. A sheathed dagger with a blade nearly -four lncl)es long was found attached to CantelJ's belt under a sweater, police uld. armted. were followed 1ft1 from :!SI Vktorta St., OMtlme llppie communal ped wKere a l'W'CbtiCI n1d WU arrled ott Jut spring. The Cos~ . Meaa City Council has ocbeauled a public heuln1 Mpnday night, in ract. on the poulbDtty ol dectarlna the dilapidated premt,.. at 211 llld Ziii Victoria SL, io be JlUblic nuisances. tn-tely, If thil . ...... done. they could be desa.yed by the city 11 the owner's experutt. Besides the drug and dagger charge, Cantell Is held for &.erly Hills poUce on the buts of a fl,20D arrest warrant held for him ln that city. Perh•PI the leatt of hl1 troubles, but a trouble noneUieleu, i1 a S30 local nrnnt for hil f.lilun to appear before Judie Donald ~ In Harbor Dlrtrld Judictal Court. llule Dllta. . ' Hore, for in•tan<e, ia a \otlm' we ~.ived recently. Whal doe. it tell you about UI p ''Dear Bidwll: ,. H0te rifhl you.,. you .o• o/qun. , ''Your al 1nid «man ahoald not buy • •riit to keep eaarm l>al lo "'""" •iMHlf handoo ... ''I 6ourlu • •Kil fro• 10• /or no 04lutr •-on IA.. lo look "-<loo-• .41 "'°" .. I "'"''"' ;r, I -lllla FL T/uJ 1uil l<epl ..,. _...... llum ,.... •. l.J • • " COIUCI~••• ·All right, we'll lllll you a1>out 111141ther eQtomu. He'• a pcllice chief ill a friendly ~ eommunlty. I can't re-Ye•·I hh· name Youn truly, .' Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo n<mt to Rlcbard'1 !lfuliet and the Lido ThMlre at the .,,,...., .. to Lido hie. 673451 O. An _.. of tn.-iw.. at ...,. of thl• otore. Coprrilfat 19611; Tldt flidftll. - CantdJ and hi1 two companions, not ffe had been cbargtd with WllklllC ...... • -1plnot ..... tlgllt. -- I • ' • ' • l I • • -.. , ' ·-4 Dlll.V I'll.OT Missionary . Chr~tian Unity: It Depends Meet Ojitfits o· R .. Wednesday ,,:,::~~~.r~":!n.R~~r:=:" Pulpit and . . l'ew • • A-11-llowlll .. -... -~., till --el ... _ .... llllOrd cl -al t:• allll 11 Lm. oervtcoo at II. ... M*w'J Pra1\7ierl11 " ~ ltlO SL Andltw'1 -Rood, Newport Beac:b, SW> ~... day. • ' Al theoe tervlca and II the I a.m. HrV1te, Dr. Olarlel H. Dlettnfle!d will ... ad> on "Learn !low lo w~ • Spea~ in "A Mlnllter'1 ~· Rm. lkllrJ :& Japa will deliver the W'lllCll -at C.lnl -a.n:ii, nrd Street a n d 0ranae A.....,, Calta Maa, at t a.m. and ll:JO 1.m. ~.me.. ... held at 7 o'clocL The Yiluelbed ......... ... the -cl Adi, this -"Cod'• M ...... IC!f Israel." will continue at that hour. ,,._ Pvtttnt.. ii tar.I ....... lo "" dell...a "1 !be RoY • .i...,., w.-. 'mle Grulltoooer oomplu" ii t1le Ut1o iii-the ....... fw 5tmday al P ~::: 1 t ~ ~-ti 111.,.n-. --SI., Newwt• -· Piiiot Normon t. llnlt!n !rill bol4 -al II a.m. 5tmday IChool ts held at the -hour. ' .. _. -. Wloa'', cloll...a bf !lit llfo. Joh ~ JloYll, will ... tbe ~~::..~and Ua" oeminar wUl futur. at UCI bladt student puel on -ID tbe Cbttto, w-.,, T:30 p.m. Evancellctl Free ClaJrth of u.t• ,,_ .....,..... lbemle!vn ovu what role tbt nt.&oUIUona, COCU ii ap. lluntlniton Belch, 1111 Pf0lealant1 and Catbollca chur<h lhoulcl ploy In trying proaclllng the da7 ,.h<n tt Jttorida, hePs Its annual around the world wtll oboerve lo mn«l1 qi. in. ol the world can ofler lo Its CCIQltiluect mlulonai1 c on ft r en c e their •Mual wetk of prayer through direct polltica1 and denominations ~ detail~ plan ~WfldnudtY. The theme of the liOClat action. for coming toJetber Jn one conference whlcti conUnuea for ChrisUan unity today great new church unlil Jan. 21 111 "Who Will through Jan. 2S. , Much of the energy and While •<-I ha. ~ di! Anner." dedJcatlon fo(merly channeled 1.1"' Pan 1 """"n · Th.ii period of joint prayer into U!e ecumtrucal movanent ficult to work out, the eruter "Didn't Ii ltabll " II U. Utle Repre1ent1Uves from the is at once a teathnoniaJ lo is now being diverted into dUficulty will be ldllng it to qi '*be Jll'IDCm , to bl Jlvtn ())nco, Venezuela. the PbiUp-bow far ChriBtlam have come these lntramural dillputet. the 25 million members ot •t c 3 •-'\.."=! Uiaal plnu and Japan will speak. down the road to reunion, and the participaUng deoomina· a.a. Ill A 'Ibe cllmcll a1lo h • 1 a reminder of bow far they THE B CU M E N 1 C A L -Uon..s. c.r-dol -,,.,, ol 11 a:~: ~~. ~~ Kong, sUll have lo IO· movement also is being hm1 Recognillog that mlddlwg- Dr. Wllllam a Elllr will Ollld con II 11°'!4M. __,..., -~-•Y· APTER II YEARll 0 f lo IOIDe· degree, perhape a ed and elderly p e op l 1 meeting la 1ef llr I ,.m. prwb ''111e Goa-of Chun:b -11..Qo held ~lod lo opeot Wed-dr1matic prosmo, d u rt n 1 oertoqo ooe, by the spirit ol naturally lend lo 1111 awzy .. ~. • Auaual __._ .a.-u. ...... and 'Iba-' al al 10 o'doct. ~J:_ 7 pho.m. •~--a ,'!""'ldo which c a t b 0 II c 1 .~ anti·lnllltutlooaltsm which is from any cbanlle In lamlliu __, • .,...._. -·z 1i.uw.~ w P-w -endemlc amona e d u c a t e d ways, COCU leaden feel tho ceptaoce cl tha -badcel the 1:411 and 11 a.m. "'""""° mlulooary work in the Cqngo. Protestant. moved1 from a young people lodly. only hope for puWng the and hd'dtng pncrw, wlll be Sunday ol tht LI t Iller a a "~ Nc:k· OWll' the The Rev. John Aiken, hiJ .wife atate of cold war to at 1eut Many of the J'OUD&tr clergy merger acrou Uea in enliat1nr clllcuad. Clludl of the -· Z90t -_, ·-the · and llz chlldlen wW leave the tbresbhold cl-· -• la ho -'•'" be •'-·~·-'utlc cl ... PadBc View Drive, Corolla yw 21W' • tbe beslanlnc for hll m1aa1oo this smnmer. the ecumenical mo v e m e n t aalU ymen, w u..,..... UllC eowuai. suppcrt. wa Comnnmlmi wUl be olfmd de! Mor. for a -om lo be -ted Thunday, the Rev. Herman seems lo he alowln& down. e"P'!'_~ 1 lo dl!pfarl~z_ .~~-~ 700"f...<\"JY1o~•~ .!.~ •~ 1NW1 Wlltl : " -a.m. vo::iV~ 01CJ "'* l""I' Y noi:i"• • "a ae Mateon, m 1 s s i o n a r y in ~~-" of unity, actually tend to be far, however, there ii no In-• ~· ,._ a 1• -~ II ~ ~•-·• ---• wUl ~ b tbe &-. ~-1• Tbls may be a _uarv grea-ervor i.m:: "'"""' are ~c.,..ve .......,.e. 1uu.19 ··-•-at ~-• _...___ conducted a& Hlllbaven Coo---~ e--...i.-..... _ v ~... f .-. st and constructJve = -a :· K.i "n,;'IC'4 ._...., ... _... auu ~ •nc en~a or uic pa 14 dlldalnful of moves toward dicatloo that the proposed •~ Preachlnl "Let Love Be Ge-~.~ 7eO . Victoria •. Costa vale5etnt Hospital at 2 o'c::loc~. prosram is IPOOaored by the yean, wJtl speak at 7 p.m. pause for COOIO aUon of organlzaUonal union, which merger is generaUnc much nulne," Pastor James G. Blain Meaa, 'SUnj:lay. The Rev. "nle congregation will meet Costa Mesa \1 •It• r I a• on his wort in South America. gains. they reoard as mere tinkering excitement amona tlle youni. f will talk at 8:30 and It a,m. Lolhar V., Tornow wlll speak for ib annual election and Ualvtnalllt Cllartl, l'Jt Vie· Maiaon bu been involved in But it also could be I Ith •-~tut! 1 Ai..; ....... , • ' 9el"Victl:. at the Newpor1 on the theme "Fill the year's review Sanday, 7 p.m. toria St., Costa Mesa and will a variety of mialonary efforts symptom of distraction.. w nu JWJu tutOO: ~a\.U&U'IO,,.lng, · WlllLE INDIFFERENT • \ Waterpots.·• be · t 10 30 S d hi h I Jud. I s 1 u e 5 caua loward the redrawing cl In· \ Bmt. LaUteraa a.rd, 2501 !Ula : a.m. un ay. w c nc e paatora and CAmoucs are pnoc· part1cular coDCet"n to leaders t CUI Drive, Newport Beach, Sunday school and Bible Communion will be offered Friday the church wUI hold evanaellam wort aa well as cupied with internal dilaenslon of the Consultation on Church sUtuUonal llnea, many young : ~-Communion will be classes meet at 9:30 a.m. at Uie a 1.m. services Sunday an lltlnual meeUDg to elect c on 1 tr u ct ion wort in over birth control and the n:-Union (COCU), the forum in people are intensely CDOCWned ( af(ertd after the 11 a.m. SUn-of St. MJOael'1 ud All offictrti adopt • budget and Venezuela. erclse of authority Jn the w!Uch 10 major Protestant with eatablbblng warm human 1 day senict. Mesa Verde u a It e c! Angels' Episcopal C II u r c II , report on committee work. A An internaUonal supper in church. · denomlnaUons are trying to relationships with membtra of • The annual concregaUonal Methodist Church wiU 3233 Pacific View Drive, (Set PULPIT, Pase 5) (See MEETING, Pq:e I) Proiestanta are embroiled In agree oo a merger. (See CASSEI.8i Pqe I) t ;:::;:::.:::=:::::::=:::::::=====================:::;=========::::i==================::::::==============. i ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY l ~ FAIRVIEW IAl'TIST CHURCH ,..._..., ... ,_Dmo.C.M. 10 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE t A.M. SUNNY Cttultetl: KHOOI.. ''* 1'.M. 1r. Ml a Sr.11' ...,... .,...,,.. ,-,....,.,.., llbll lhd¥ W.. 7:• & l:U PM. ,....,. Mol* Y. f.,... _ ~ t lr41 -..,_..lt \A.LCJ i ~~~~~~-~~ t I HARi~~ !!!~~~!!.~URCH ~ "'* c.... ...... PosW J Sunday School 9,411 Lm. Morning WouhJp 11 :00 a.m. ( 8aptilt Traln.ing Urdou e p.m. Evening service 1 p.m. , : WedDe.ldaJ BJbl• StudJ A Pr~er ..........• 7:00 p.m. ~ 1 t • RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IUMCHU OP THI MOTHI:• CHUICH THI PlltST CHUICH OP CHllST, IClumst IN ~ITOM, MAUACHUSIT'fl ------:,;., . .:.. ~ ---·------ "LIFE" Subject of Lesson -January 19 Cot ti Meaa -F!nt Church of Christ, Scitn111t 2110 ..... ,.,.. Dr .. c .. , ...... S...., Sdl11I t :ll A.M. a.di SIM• 11 A.M. ...... a .... 11u.._,.,...,, - THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wal-You. IT • .W.n, ntt Tiii U.. M-..rt a..11 ....., s.r.tc..-7111, f:H, ll:tt ,....., lt1Jt-,....., '* , ... H.a, 1•111"" t., ........ ~ ...._,, Tiie ......... P. Alllley H: .... n. 1 ......... c._, ---==··-----__ Pho_-. 67'~0__...: ____...._,._ ~...--­ ST. MICHAEL ·I ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar SuQdays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Daya as ~nnounced IMter, .................. Dem-,.._ '44-046) ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Churoh School-9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days u announced ... n. .......... w .......... _ ,._ 14MJ26 EPISCOPAL Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2ilOI Cllll Dr. LI M293 ....................... ,.. ......... " ..... .. -- Lu!Mran Chureh- of the M.mr 2900 Paclllc View of. COHONA DEL MAii --IWricit --· ... l:IM1• l.ffL I ....... klilMl .• ,. , . •1•111M .... DR. WILLI~ R. ELLlll ,,, ••• 011 3-5022- _ ...... _,,.._.~.'. 1H•tl~-I ... ... 5.A.M-F••il'f.-W ...... - f :45 A.M.-Suncl1y Ot111rcli SC.hool Nuraery care available at all aervlces WELCOME I 11 :00 A.M.-Forii'fe Wera~I' J . H...,, PmWM CHRIST LUTHEllAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 1" Vlctw5-It. C..1'8 MeN L.ttMr v. Tona9W, Putw Stl Stlt Wfl'tlll' llnkn: l :IS & U A.M. .... , lcl1Mh ti• A.A ~ 6H HAMILTON, COSTA MUA Ro•. lob Scti111olt.•opf l •nclty SdiMI ••••••• 9:45 Tr1l11.ing U11io11 •••••• , • , • 6:01) Huntington Boact-first Church of Christ, Sclenll1t 11101fn Q1rdi A ,_..., ScllnJ-t:JO & 11 ;II hl11111tt 1.....-111 OIM Alllllt &lllfo CS.-: f •M "-"" ll~===================!l CHllmAN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL 14MIU ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ( • : l • • , t • M I w hi 11•00 t.-oJu119 Worth1p •••••••• 7;00 om llt irt ' • · • • • Wtd. E••ni119 s .... ic.1 •• , • 7:00 ,..._ 642.fl ti N__.,, ,AJ_,. AMllMfl Laguna Beach -fllnt Church of Christ, Sct.ntist 6J5 Hlp Dr-. Qmr9ll • ~ 5q:1.i 9:Jf & 11 :00 ~--1'4-Aff. ... It • ., °'""" "'--'-' ...... Pfft ..... MNtlllttlo IMdlo. Ct11t1n1i1 TIM lft. ,_ C. ClllJ, Pllltr y:i. ·. ,., Newport '!!~-.J~•Cl!.urch of Chrl1t, Sciontlll Sundoy Servi- ••• &.M. ""' C~lll t:at AA l'•111lty ~ • c11w~ J ,, ....... ·--ldllll 1:• l'.M. .,...._.. 11111 A.M. MW'lllq ww1111, UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2112 S. L PALISADES •D. SANTA ANA HlllMfll IUNDA't ICMOOL ............ , ................ , • .,,. t:• A.M. Ci.rd & S..._, SdtMl-t:11 Ii 12 :00 ........... JJ1 I Yhl LWto Newport hlch·Setond Church of Christ, Scitntitt Jiit ........ Dr .. c .......... 111:;::===·=""="""""""=======·=~="='=·~=·~= ... ==:::!i 111 Flnt Asumbly of God Church MOlllONG WOllSHlP ... , ...................... , •••. ,., U il.lllf. IVlNlNC. WOlliHIP , ............................. ., ... , J 1'.M. MIDWll'.11' ••11v1c• W•DHIESDAY -., .. ,.. . ri• l'.#- OUIST MIN117la C.MUllCH l'HONIE MW617 FIRST FIRST CHRISTIAN C'-di ~ ~ lci...t-11 A.M. ....... l1.-Jl6J 1. Cfflt Hwy. All ue cordially Invited to attend the church oervices and enjoy the prlvlleges of the Readlnc Rooms CWU C.. PN'l'l•lll AT AU SllYICU 1 146 I. 22nd St., Cotta Mesa 548-3761 M. C. Cronic, Pastor l!;1y Nlc.••1111, Mi11iat•r 1f Youlh SCHIDUU Of SllYICIS S.MeJ-C•~ Sdllol •••••••••••••••••••••••• 9:JC'I ...... IAfllST CHURCH ef ,._.... Yallo>y ~&uti.tl 17411 Mepei ... ,. .... ,...., CHURCH I Victoria&: Placentia Ave. !\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Costa Mesa I.: CHURCH OF CHRIST .. ...,, Wlrlllfp •••• ·, • ••• 10:11 •.111. & 7iot p.-. c;:ll•rc.h Choir -Sh1ril P1 vl1•11, Dlr41clor .~W...._ -N.,..,-A.._.... STATI UCINllD PU.SCHOOL-r-1 wmi. .... or,..., ,..., '414J1J .. ..,.0-N...U. I S1111t11y Sch oel ..••.• 9:JO AM . Mor11i111 Wo11tlip • . 11 :00 AM Prrttr S•r•iC• • , • • 6:10 9IM (,,e11i111 Wotthl, •••. J:H PM J.-s I. P'Wcy "''"'-'• DH .... H9'fes Yewtll Miltlt1-• .,.., W..,.._ .......... , •••I.Ill\. aiflllil Sdlotl ... .• •• .. t i )ll 1.11'1. Mtnll119 W1o11111, ....... 111 .. 1.111. 'YHtllG"'-,.,,. ... , '•·'"· y_, ......... , ......... 1 ''"'° I Nursery Care Provided 1 14M771 141-6)41 • 211 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA MTWllM HAllOI aMI PAPIYllW SUNDAY MORNrH$ lllLE STUDY • , •...•.•.• , •••• 9:41 AM SUNDAY MOJINING WORSHtP I COMMUNION •• 10:41 AM SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP •••.••••••••••• , ••• 6:00 P.M. WEDN£SDAY £VENIN& l llLE STUDY········••••• 7:JO 'l>A NUISllY CAAi PltOVIDID a H1rbor Area Reform Temple mMting at St. James Episcopal Church 3209 Via Lido, Ntwport B••ch I ••-O. MrtfMI• D. •· Hom I SAllllATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 1 .! ~~.'~!J~[i~:~ M ... 1!~ ~~~ .. ~··~ ... ~P~h~·~·~·~,~s~4~a-~s~1~11~D~a~y~·~·~.:~i-;~h~t,.,.~~"~"~-~i/~~~;';"~·~L·~·~~~:-~iD~~,.~· •• ··l,or .. ,··~·;;=~·~~··~~r~~·~.,,.,...~S~:;! FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main &. Ad1ms Str1it1 Huntin gton Bt•th i ,.''.;,M:.'.:.. 646-4652 i BIB~~~~CH CORONA DEL MAR' i ASSEMBL y OF GOD ! AHA S .; aUllC.., 1 1 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach I M1ml111 Wont.I, •• 1:10 10:41 i B 'I 'A <,.T!..,:" .~~ o"",., H't llod! ..... ,.... "°''"'" I 11w. $chool •••••• •:lO PROCLAIM •• ..., . ~ t: ::I ': ' 646-6620 or 546-7866 I Y111lh Gr•11p1 •••• 6:00 PM Boho' u' llah fl -). ~' ,,... .. .._...,........ -""'Mn•. M"k"' """""" I h•t11illt Worth!, , • 7100 'M I I <.' -J;. .-,. 1 ft41 A.M. _....., kllMI I .... ,...,,.,...._...,_,,,"', lt1t•M "A"" " "'"'"' c.~ l"rwldld 11t 1N "'"'"" "Tho 'ro111i11d Ono" EtnpMizing -: ... _. • O..W'" ;;;-~~·-~~··~""'~"'~"~'~""~',_..~ .. ~~11~~5~"~·l~l~IS~"~'~4~9·~lO~O~S~~1, 111=~~c:,'ht = ' J:ff P.M.-".w.-!'~;:;;i:r_ hp" I GO AHEAD! SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! n.. ~ "'81:Jt A.......,. S..1u et CALVARY CHAPEL .............. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH tMI C1ffl Drtft. N.....,, l"10 "'" wlll t1111 Orlltltfll '-""' ..... ...... V..tMl!to 1111 ta'""-t ...,_. Mnlc. ~llOl'T °"'"' It .. ................. Ctlw'Cll ......,. ... -..., """nw ..._.. "....._. ..._ 64U7U 646-9S12 ..._.,._ I Th< row" of th•"°'' >pMt I +~ ; ~, ,.+ I ''" r.M~SINGSPIRATION 511ndl'f Sdoool 'AM ~ , J • ·• t:ll Mo111i111 ~ship t llllf 10.JO Nd o·, 'Tiie ............... , .t Sa Diet• 1""111rt111St,n10:.1 ""4 ~~ '--... ... GfM,,...... c .. " Widnadly l lblt Study • 1 ~.~ '111 ~ _, ... ..,.,, IN..• 1iwl rray.,,. 7 PM 11 \.:It M a.'f ~ Ii'~::::::::;::::::;:;:;•~~~;;:;~~~~~~~:::::;::::::;::::::;:~ I Cm~~~~~f: .. I COMM~NITY 1! HAR~;~ ::;~:;:;'·~FMGOD I ' C.ott. Mna I (ftlll'.lll6jTllllljl I 740 W. Wilson, Cost• Masa ·-H. L-IJCA Mb•. ~ INft Y. L HllJWICI, -Lfl OON COfFIY, I • 14M7M lllltW. .t .... & y .... 611 HELIOTltOPE 1 INTENSIVE W--U<ff .Lii. • SUNDAY SllYICH ~~~g~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dtsc:rlbn tht UAILY PILOT'S ca-cti s.•i•I 11sll A.M. : 11:10 A.M.-'"alkt Ii. n. M141t Of A11 COlltt• °' .., ..... No Of ......... MWYW........ I 11..,.lfecl CHrd" ~-~a----~ _.,_ C~ri6lian OP NIWPOIT l1ACtt-1Di. .... 1 ~ • ...._., H9'1'W Dl:wufwf SONI 421 L 18" St .. C... .... Church School -9:45 A.M. IVOT&hip -10:0 A.M,m NltWJ C.. Pi11 ... Phone: 675"3H5 Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy ST. MAITHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMh•o11•I Sy"od l •o••~ipln9 11 tho UNIVlllSITV PARK SCHOOL s..I ..... at M1tthowr l11 UN•ouit,'.--1..-k WOUHJP: 111Jt A.M. loY, H. Hl1r111•"~• P11lor f )].121f I lilllvt wfllll"'I )'OI YOU a.. 67s.cooo 71M P.M-"h We NoM ... ,...,, .. I SllMON IT PASTOI Stvtnth-Day AdvHtlst Chwchts ·--._ """' 271 A........... ....... .. Jeh11 Sti.w1111M, P•lt•' htttl 1iltrtl: ....... ~ Ph•n•: 141-&lt• ~nl ~,.....,....., ........ k11e11 •••• t :JI AM A. f. 111•11~, P1 tl1t ..... WenWp •• 11ftl AM Phetto1 -491·lfJ6 • ....... .......... t:JtAM --·-·'"'"'--·· ......... SHARP H fl"'• 1 •ll1rp tt1•tr. •••the OAIL'f PfLOTS I•••• Di,.... MfNI ••••!fl.ti ff• ....,.,..,.,.. .._ .. 1 ....._ 4"1 , • • whither I ,...,. ""' ... It ••"'"• l COSTA MISA CHRlmAN SCHOOL ..,...._, -KllA.,._ -a....,., -CNN C- RRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 914t , ..... A,.. CT .... Ii M11n Mal, POUNTA?N YALUY UN IFllO SlRVICE • S1111t11y SU.el •:lO-WOll:SHIP • lt:l O Wouhl, I l ••th &t1.,1 . •:10 , .... Hlfn•'l' ,,1•it1.tl 1t otl t•F¥ic.t1 " c-••ll't 011rca -Vltllwt An """'" w--. I Trinity UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH ,.,, ................. WORSHIP AND MESSAGES ......, '""""' -JiJt , ... 961-1411 IJ4.lt44 w, l1li••• 111 fltr111I Ufo •11tl '•••• 111 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M111 Vord1 DriY• I l1•er Str • .t, Cotti Mo11. C.lif. •NDaEW C.ANDalUON, 1'11111' Momin• Worsllk>: t :CI, f:Ma 11:00 $...0.y kbool: 1:1111, ,,. 1.11 :11 Pri11to of P11c• l11tt.or111 Sclleol -Mis1 (1fh1r Ol1c;41, Pr'iicl,11 Offico PhH•1 14f·0521 Sc.kol ft.01101 149-0161 HUNTIN•TOH llACtt UNITED CHURCH Of RWGlous SCIBKE 420 10th St., Huntlnglon Beach S."*f MIF9ltlt Senkn _. Y.m Climft-11 :10 .. ,.. W.dn1td•y heni111 S'1tdy 6r1vp-7:l0 ,.111. lnlftt r.te, Ml1imr ..... I 06-1121 A Coratal Wolcomo from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lb10 l1l1nd COMMUNITY Hw11ti119toa lo1cll-N1rit. METHODIST CHURCH COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 6662 Hoil A••·· .142-4461 Worthip I Chwr1h SJl1ol 111 Aq1t1 675-0950 l :tl lnfo•rn•I Wo,.hip 9:10 Tr1ditiol'l1I Wor1h ip & Sund1y Sthool Cot11 M•11 9 I IO:JO AM FIRST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH IF¥l11e-f1Jt ll11ff UNIYIRSITT METHODIST CHURCH Wor1hip •••• 1:10 A~ 111.1211 19th St & H1rDor ll•d. W1r1h1, I Ch11rch Sc.hool 9:10 I 11 AM 541°7727 M1otln9 f•mpor1rily h1 St. M11k Pr•1bytorl111 Ch11rch E•1tbl11 ff Dr. l J•111!.or10 Rd. L1911n1 l11t• Costa M111 North M15A YIRDE MITHODIST CHURCH LAGUNA llACH MITHODIST CHURCH M•M V•rde I liker St. 149.2119 W1nhl, I Church Schoel 9:00 I 10:30 AM H1nti"tto11 •••~Ir 216)2 Wotloy Dr 11 So. U.9~R1 Wontlip 9:10 I 11 AM Chwrc.~ School f :JO AM 499.JOll N1wport l111h CHRIST CHURCH IY THE SEA 1400 W. l1JD0• 11~t1. t7J-JI05 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St .•••• 5J6.J511 S•r•ic.01 -9:JO & 11 1.111, H¥nery th,. 2ftd 1J r1d1 • 11 Ch11rch Sthaol -9:10 1.111, W•rihi' I C:h11rt h Sdt.10! •:JO & 11 :00 AM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Churc:h Presbyterian 21111 ......... IN .. M.wt H•lffli .... ~ ........... o ................ ,_., .....,_ WIH"llJp: t :Jt AM QwG Sdleel: 11:41 A.JI. Offtc1 111 W It • ..._ 9'*"4Mt Chun:h of th• Covenant 2151 ......... c..... ..... • 1!;1•. Don1lt1 I. M1el11n•t., ln .. ri111 P1tfef' t ~ W ...... & a-. Sdffl: 9:JI ,. ... 14MJ14 , L.J St. Andrew's PrtsbyterleR Cilili'Cli '"It. A ........... ....,,.,, .... CHAIUI Hll1117 lltltN•ltlD, PASTOI w..w,' Chrdi.SdNI: •• 9:Jt & 11 ... '4 .. 7147 St. Mark l'resbyterlan Churell C.nlf J a,,,..•,.....,. DrM. c.,... "4 ... lo!MS ........ ""' ....,., Wrii, a ClllN SU..1-11 AM "4-1141 Community Prtsbyterla1 Churcli 411,..., ..... (llt,.... lt.l. "-"-.... DAUAS TUlNll. PASTO• W.,,.., 6 Cllwd S.liool t ill AM W .......... 11 AM 494,7111 ' ' ' H • -, ' of . ,. I h '''" pion """ dll· .... t to Of .In•· ... ,. pl• wo:J Illar the the u: who lllll in· lOtd lllCh .... r • In- ""'' -nod nan • of ) - == - ' = - I - PULPIT AND PEW • I ~ ; !<:¥1'& 1 I -Plt&f t) f Avo., lluntlllgton Btach. wW < "patlu!t ~ II I :• p.m. hold sen'lca, dlurcb IChool will 11"*4 lhe 1"111-aod nuntf1 CINI II 9 and 1.m • Tile morning oerilce wUI be prtaenled by Putor Herlnfton at 11 1.m. Chlldrtn's church and nunery care are held at the aame hour. A rpeclal mUJic .ervlce wi11 be -Sunday •vtnln1 at t o'clock by 1tudenta from ., Loo AnJeles Bapt~t Colleg•. " "Why Did It Happen To , Me," 18 the aerrnoo aubJect • ~ SomdaJ at Chrdo tC lhe ', ~ whlch -is II Tbe Chape~ 3500 Paclffc View .-Drm:, Corona dtl M a r , . . Services begin at 11 a.m. lO:IO a.m. SUn<lay. Al the ~ Pastor Jloe« G. Brtsw«th wjll Jnld> ~Pul 1t-Pradlccr Tile ,.mil --•• IJ:rn. ill tbe dNrcb toeial The annual church dlnntr wnt be held Sunday evening at 6 o'clock ol the F1nt 81p- U1l Cllorell II Hulfqtoll Beacll. 11 wID be followed by Ille buainea mettillg. At lh• m«nllll ..,.-al both t :JO 1.m. at Peele'• Chapel, 1101 Bolaa, Westminlter, and 11 1.m. at lhe Hunlfnf!lm Btach Chopel, Ith and Orlngt, lhe putar, 11ev.....i w~ J. Loar wm give the IDf88IPt ••What A Da,y." • celohralocl II T::IO and t:a r a.nl. &ulldoy al SL J ... lhe DI-~ Cllar<lo, lltl Ona(e An., Cella Mela. SUnday scbool cWaes wID be held at t :IO Lm. Nunery can ii provided. The aMUa1 conve&lllon mootltlg wlll ho h•ld Jan. IS afl<r a (>Otluct supper at •:80 p.m. The f'ttlt Unltet\ !•tHcllll Cburdl, 420 W. 19th , Colla Mesa, wW cooduc\ plicat.e worship lflrviCU at 1:30 and II a.m .. Sunday with the Rev. Rlcbard J. Dunlap ... adllnc II hotb. A superv!Jcd nunqy and web ochool lor an aiu .,. htld 11 lht """' houri. ... __ . ' ~··-, Lutheran 1 Leaders Set ~._,a, 196'1 DAIL y "1.0T IS CASSELS •.• :. ~. Tbe Barbor C'rl1tl•• .,, Chttb Sundoy services wUI ... feature a Sl!fmOn entitled Chutth school for both chlldAn and adults is at 9:30 a.m. at the downtown Chapel. --- A report on the French stu· dent upheaval of 1968 will be pr<stnled to lht Ualtarfao· Ulllveru.li1t Fe.llowd.lp o f Lapn• BNd. whe.n they meet Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m . at lhe Art Aslocialion Gallery at the corner of Cliff Drive and Coast Highway. "The GoopoJ n ... iaton d San Dlqo" will ho Iha """* singen for the monthly "slnpplratlon" at 1Jir! GIM 'Nlllp -y -.. Goll cburch, 15th and ~ •• ~::."°'1 Beach, Sunday al·~========~~~::::::~'~~~====~~ Mormon Meet Due "Under New Management" by •1 Dr. O. W. amcElroy. The con- .~ gregation meets at Harper Ele~ntary School, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa with church school meeting at 9:45 and communion and worsh.ip services at I O : 4 S A.M. Nursery care ls provided. Three additional w i n t e r camp dates have b e e n scJvduJed by Waner Avame Baptllt Clmrcb, W a r n e r Avenue at Gothard Street, Huntington Beach. Camps will be designed for college-<:areer agtd youth and senior high youth. For further information on all camps, contact Putor David Wood at H7·7050. --- SpeakinJ wW be Dr. Henry Weinberl of the F r e n c b departmtot al UC lrvint, who was in Paris last avmmer doin( rtltUCb work. The ....ing meeting will be a diac:uWon on academic freedom, and will be he.Id at I p.m. at the home of tbe Nonn Babcocb, 1177 Dwmfng Drive, Leguna Beach. "The gift of God IJ eternal life through Jesug c.1U'ist our LOrd." M ti t 9 M -• ti This verse from Romans is ee ng a :...., auu a.m., ~ The FlnL United f\1ethodl:st the golden te1t of the Bible Church, 2721 17th St., Hun-lesson-sermon tltled "Llfe" Ungton Beach, s u n d a y that will be read in aJJ Orange ~ will leature a sermon, County Cltrl.1Uaa SdtKe" "The New Church in a New churches this Sunday. Age," by the4\e¥.-6:-RUS3tll--- Shaw. Hebrews 3: 7-14 is the basis Church school and nursery for the sermon this Sunday care >190 are held at both at St. Mart Pretby&eriaa houn. Youth il'OUJll meet at Chrd., Eut Bluff Drive and 1:30 p.m. Tbe iDquirrn: class Jamboree Road, N ewpo rt meets at 10:15 a.m. Stach. Pastor James Kirk will BtglnninJ Sunday wonhlp with church cl&,... aM adult- youth dlJcliutOn at t a.m., LnltttaD Cburcll al the Rmlr· rocUoa, 9811 Hamilton, Hun-t tington Beach, holds morning 1• strVices 1t 10:30 a.m. The cooJrtgallon will hear lhe sermon "Christ in the Com- mon Placa." •· . I" . Commaalty Unite d Metbadlsl Cllurdl, 6162 Heil 1 Music Due ' In Afternoon Mllllc c:oUr.es In tlementary and !ntermedlafe orJ•• art •. lo be offered In tilt late af- t temoon 11 Orange Coast Col- ! Jege. I Elementary Organ will mttl I Tbundays from 2 to 4 p.m. 4 In Music Building 4F. It will cover study of the keyboard and pedal exerciaet, easy classlcaJ organ piece. and stop selection. Students· must be able to play any hymn at sight on I.be piano to take the course. Auditions will be htkUI lhe llrst cW...mettlng . t , l I ' ' • I Intermediate Organ w i 11 meet Tuesdaya from 2 to 4 p.m. lo the aame room. Studeota wW ltudy Bach, Dupre, Mendellsohn a n d othm. plm 1>1rnn 8Jld llllhem lcctlDpanhnentl. Walke to Speak At U.N. Meet Tbe Coastline Chapter of Ille United Nations Association will hold a public meeting I Tueaday ai a p.m. at Island I IIouse, Fashlon Is I and , Newport S..ch. I United Nations films will be shown. Guest speaker will be I the Rtv. Roger T. Walk<, --T"""'minilter ot the Uni&ariaa • . Uoivmaliat Q111n:h DI Colla Mesi. The evenin('s theme wW be "'For AU Rurnanltf." BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE deliver ' ' T b • Everluting Today" at 10 a.m. Church tcbool and nursery care also are held at this time. A colfee fellowship hour follows the aervice. Newport Beach's 1 FI rs t Church of Chrlat, Scie.ntiat, has elected .two new, readers far the church. Elected for three-year terms, Ro b e r: t Nlchob and Mn. Marguerilt Saye WW begin conductin& church atrVicts Sunday. ---G re tc be n Brememunn, minUter at lht Finl Church DI lltllsSou Sdelieo II Saa Clemente 141 Miramar, will conUnue the yearly review af Jltlig!OUI Scltnce l<achlngl thla Sunday at 11 a.m. Sbe wlll apeak on ''What It Does." Wednesday, Pastor Bremermaon will · d I 1cu1 s "Thoughts are Thing1," IO a.m. At the Buntlaiton Beach United Chwck of Religious Sdea.ct this Sunday, lhe Rev. Ernest Pate .viii speak on the topic "What Religious Science Does," continuing the annual review or basic con- cepts conducted in a I l Religious Sclence churches each January. The regular JI a.m. service wil be followed by the MDUal bu1lness meeting of the general membenblp. --Communion will be Opening 1 new Sunday school wing. First Church ol Chrltt Scleatut, .2.88() Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa, In- vites the public to. ·attend services this Sunday. Child care ill provided for bolh the 11 a.m. and f p.m. services. Norman Stern, first reader, and Mrs. Madeline Bvnett, second reader. both of whom wue ·'recently elected, will conduct the aervices. Sermon lesson at Newport Ualltd Cllart~ Sunday la en- Utled "Working With God." 'Ibe Rev. Loren Dale Flick· Inger will present the message at 10 a.m. at the Senior Citizen'• Building, 15th and Jrvint. Newport Beach. Sun- day school meets there at 8:45 a.m. Prayer services are held Wednesday's, 7:30 p.m. Special meetin1s art scheduled at We1tmln1ter Foursquare Cb.arch, 22nd and Jackson Street, Westminster beginning Sunday evening 7:30 o'clock and continuing nightly through Jan. 26 except on Monday and Saturday&. Evangelist.!, the Rev. and Mn. Lloyd J-will be pelts at these meetings. World Religion Talk f or Bahai World lltllcJon Day wUI be ohstrved locally by tbt Bahal Communlly al Garden Gruvt. A public mtttloc wUI be htld at tht Pacifica lllll)I School in Garden Grove, Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Th• Jll'Oll'&lll -.UI Include dieu.sston ca "RellaSon u Guidance for Modml llan. • e MATIRISSES e MATIRESSU BOATI . llOM1Cll -TJUP,PI _ ...... c.ta llfea Matbwll 0.. 11• !9...,.,n llfTt. STEREO SENSATION! • i -· Uberry 8-1303 Mm llt*lsl•rr Liberty M711 1111 NiWFOIT llft. • Tiie colorful sound of _ .l...... Ol'lllltl• CO.nty Music .. pam RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM . , From Fashion Island. Newport Beech · ' COSTA MISA STORI ONLY. 3 DAYS ONLY, SAT., SUN. & MON. Dally 10' 10, Sunday 10 • 7 ' JANUARY .11!, 19, ZO · CAMERA DEPT.-3 DAY SPECIALS! FOCAL Z0·60 POWER Zoom Telescope with Tripod COMPAU 'A."! $54.50 34ss l'ITfect for prolonfecl vlawiai of dlatanl ob- jfJCll • , • tor llars, et< ••. or dlalanl objfJCll 1Uch u boat.I, pl= ett. Telescope la com- ~ tripod has . er adjlulm•nt. Cbar&e Sawpr'a 550R Slldo PROJECTOR -1ffUW.....,,., Ch.tnae slides and reverv from &CroN the room. ~·'~ ·-64" Alrequlpt Metal SDde Magcallie Holda S6 alldes With tho purclwt of· 144 • IUde meoVDH. 1Gl an ret rt1o c.:. '5.97 A!nqulpt. ... .. :.,n:fu"~ ~-~ .'.~ .'.~. ~~-'-............ _ 97c lnstONtic Gadtet IQCJ Star4y, -111<11 vinyl. Campi•"' 311 with --· -:ti , ............... TRIPOD c.lnids to """'" ... ~IJ=~~utck- ~'7,.. I • I I • -.. ' • '· • • . ~ommeni Page I . . • • -..... ----, } .. " • ~ 1 . I ' • f r '• + ' q-v I ) The Negro !EXeclltive Displa v .. ::; ~' JJI I on • \ Nenr ... 1.i..- Amerlca has a whole new -ol N-who nol Giiiy .,. edllcatlonllly qualiliod for )obos Ill -. IPd JI>. duatry, but .,. ...... !baa wlllla( to -. Since the clvll rii)lll man:h In Seim-. Ab. ... 1111. IPd -""""'11 -...... emplQ1mm1 ~' "cll"Uoa bas 1-<lllC!ed, K bas --flX" tba elucaied Negro lo i<t I job with~ U.S. .,..pan1 ... .. tncr. ... 1a1111 salts and ..... prollts, be irouJd "'°""' oo t>IY "1ae. Al the ume Lime white Qlanlger of comparable dqlortmeull ...... ellber bllnl prumolod crci-.... .....,. "l'oopit --feel ,... ... loo puob,f IPd lhol JOO'vt (OI I dllp oO J11G•llblllildrr," bt WU told by tbe ltore mezsr. •eut ,.. told me that In mi.. lo ,.u -and be DOlk:od, I bad • . ln •ny of the three -a cmn.n lnunl&nnt, a woman born and rai.eed in the South, and a Negro -bad felt he would have any d1fllcu.lty, be would have beeo tranlfernd lo another depart- ment with no questions asked. AU aaki lhey c:ould work !or the N-and durh!g his slay at the !taro no problemo ever'dev~. CONVER8ATIONS with ""1JIK Negro problem 13 that there ilren' mllJY . ' Black cnqufia. d. ' ASKED •IF . U,.y ,,~.,"aa....i "Uncle Tome:" by the left 1*blnd in lbe gbtlt.IJI, ~t young Negro e1· ecutives admitted fnnkly tl>ey probably were. In fact, most admitted the't often could no longtt identify with the poVertr· stricken Nearoes in the gbettol, aHbouP eVtt)' one in,f.uviewed doe! counselinl with high 'scliool boys and tllrlll)JI !ht evenings, trying to encourage tftdn to go on and finish higb school and then Ilia jl<Oblem b, -..,., 1hal """" he Ii hln!d, be ...... to gt! '"""llK in I ~· Aller ....al 1W' ol employmeot ht .. ecuUve tralnlng I""' grams and lower level rnapagement posi-- tions, many young Nqroea s e e themselves treading water while white men and women who wen hired at the same time shoot ahead in job authori· ty and pay. It'• Hard for tlae ~HotUe Nigger' to Move IJpWard . . go to college. ' ~ "But what can you say to Uiese,peopl~ Getting bind lm't the problem. !l's getting ahead °""" hired. At any plber· inf ol Negrv college graduat.. wbeft the men and women have already gotten Info Iha white mu's busiDeos W<llid. the Sl«itis ., lruslraUoa .,. endless. TB! NEGRO mlJllgtr of. Ill appliance .-WU called Into the llUire manapr't olflee ml told lhal delpile . A NEGRO WOMAN ·working toward her doctoral degree in mathematics al night and u a senior elec~c data systems . progl'Jlrqmer du.ring the day rece:lved. a letter of commendation from one her compaoy'1 clients. Her equal.km were the right ones and her "'"-w.,. good, the ...,,. mendalion Wei. Her whtte manager, I high ocbool 11>dualo wtJo had been with the firm for yean, put a note wbtre all vlsltora can aee hlm, and · be ·runy isn't too enthusiastic about being dragged out during "Brotherhood Week" for newspap!'I" intervlewa by papers loo.king far feature stories on Negn>ell in buslnw. ~l~T OF THE young college graduate. art from middle ,clul lamlly backgrounds. Their rathtt1 w·e r e teacben, postmen, small c o mp a n y owners. In general, they can't undentand wily major companies hlro them and then reluse lo tan lull advantap of lheir talenla. They are rW!ltlc tnouaJi lo realize For Mr. Nixon: .Endless Lists -By -'llNOLI> 11. SAww+ft . Belon lbe 11!1 band ol the Inaugural parade bas tootled down Ptllllll)'lvanla Averwe into Mooda;f'• Iii t b er 1 n g darkness. Richard M. Wtton will be mak.· ing decision1 in tbe name of 200 mlWon plus Americans. Fer the nut four years, NiJon will be trying lo solve the problems ol the United States, which in this agt fre- quently are ol global acope. If he is good at the work -and lucky -Nixon may be at it for eight yean. He begins with no shortage ol raw material. 'lbe problema being J,eft behind by President Johnson -the ones he couldn't aolve-are the most immediate.~ And RepuhUcan N1mn, taking over after eight yean of Democratic ruJe in the While House, is hrlnging ..... tough problems wllh him. M with Jolmoo. Vietnam is N'WIO'S first and toogbest problem. U he can !ind •. way· ... ., !hit dilemma ln laMI! Asia. -wlJl . &Ive ~ both Jft"ligt """ ~ lo -problems that are u close to home u the ,,..,.a bi& city llum and the price lags ln the aulo sbownlODll and on the supermarket shelves. DEPENDING upoo what priedty )ie cbooees to gi•e them, the ~ ·and third moot pressing problems facing lbe 37tb President are what lo do about America's sici. cities and its overheated econny. other i&sues are on the horizon that couk1 divert Nixon's attention from Viet- Jllil1, lbe cities aDd lnl1alion. FottmOSt 11 the Miclclle E8!1, where the polelltial for a ccofrootation with the Soviet Union has rpwn u relatioos between Israel ai¥f ni Arab neliimon apfJI approac~ the fluhpolnl Regardless of what ·happeos In Paris oc Vietnam, Nlnn must face at home the problem of dealing with lrinatlon and llies. The argmnent that high federal tuu are a drag on the ecooomy is a Ume- bonored article ol Republican political faith -but so Is opposition to inflation. Anything Nixon dots in an attempt to stabilize the cost of living must be balanced against the economic and ''Well?" political price that would have to be 'tfb!'i more can or should Washington paid for a bueiness downturn . Nixon .. dol'' ,. must be especially wary of unemp~ Jr. ment, which could aggravate his Oqijr '· ltfi.UJi!. courts which he criticiJed biK domesUc problem -d~ 1 ' ..-toO-~ Nlxoo's only leverage of the cities and violence amoaa tbeir ~ •, ~ . ~t of federal judges citizens. '' he rilJ&hl. aped lo be lougher on NIXON IS --lo brinilac -........ lelllitive lo the rllhll private en1upr1ae lnlo lbe ll&hl fer urbeli 1" ••uMI ·peraoos. ~that 13 at best ttJ1.1.venaUon ln a big 'way, • VWJ ~ But .~is. laced with n.manuc .cootrol .~)> this.ls anmher lnherlted pro- of bofb the Senate and tbe ·Hou9e, and·· -blela ~nee relauonl;, In ~.he ~I lheae .leaden lhul lar have rig!dl)'.op. _ ,P91ltl!:al,~.· Nbqn owes nothing posed tax incentives as a means tl · IO the N~ because they overwhelm- it>auclng bualneamen to uncj.ertake sodll i~t~-..,Bemocr~t Hubert H. welfare projects~ , . . , • , 1¥f,fill~ But in the cont~ One problem that the new President of ltattd lntenUon lo try to ~ may have made for himse:H it Uwil ~ counf:a"rNl1on must face ~ w1den- p.....-worked catcli phrase of the last 1ng gi.Jlf De!Ween blacks and_ whites and campaign, "Law and Order." ~e po88ibillty that there will be more Just as il must find a path toward violence. peace in Vietnam, the Nixon ad· ministration Is conunitted to revemnc the upward trend in crime. The problem is that law enforcement in thls country is. and presumably will remain under Republican · rule, a local and state responsibility. The Democrats tried to improve police forces with federal subsidies, and uk.ecl: ANO'lllER PROBLEM that comes in sharper fOCIJSl; to Nixon because he is a Republican Ill government economy. Nixon hu called for big cuU in federal spending but ool7 ~ _.i "'""" In the fottlg1q>ollcy area, aside from the !DOii pressing inlematlooal problems o1 Vietnam and the Middle East, Nixon Negroq 'la tbe fear by whit.es that other white men and women will balk at working for a + Negro. Rubbish, reply the Negroet, ~who art willing to cite case after case where Negroes supervise white employees witboot dissent. At one large department etore chain in tbe metropolitan New York area. an executive trainee was aasigned to a bnncb store as a.u.istant manager. Bef0t9 'be was accepted. however, the manager called In three people who woold have to report to the new assistant manager and asked if there were any objecllom. • -__ , ....... will have to give major attention to Europe and tlJe: North Atlantic Treaty Alliance. Nixon also must make some basic decisiMI in the most costly of federal expenditures: what to do about new nuclear and conventional weapons, about milllary ship and aircraft development and cmstruction. And he must decide what· lo do about the clralL RELATED .TO ALL Uris is a most contr~enial question -tbe foreign aid program. Ntton. will ·have troube with fon!llfl· aid no matter which way he goes, · ju&l u the po;lition he will have -to taJi:e relatively 1100R oo U.S. foreign trade .policy. The !isl goes on and on. Should space exploration go on beyond the moon? What can be done about air traffic congeitloo! Should consumer protection, recrecitron and antipollution programs be d~~r.ed! Tht problems will keep coming faster than they can be solved. And Richard M. Nixon will get a new insight into the sm.all lign that Harry S. Truman had on his desk. It said: ''The Buck Stops Hue." r---------------0..r Men In s-l'rlPteb----------------, Dr. Hayakawa Finds ' the Price of Fame By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -And did you know that de.alb tbreab are ''normal" thelo days? Nollher did I UU I had a talk with Mike Teilmann the demon public relations wbii. Mike la the :Ja.yr-old Sausalitu who bas 1-hired by W. Clement Stone, tho Chicago Insurance m!DlmoU.., lo guide Stone's friend, Prof. Hayakawa. lhnluflh the mue and mytlerit.1 ol melllni the mind media Ol1 I daJ-lo- cfa.Y hula. S1ont l'll'I Mlb'1 .,.,. elderable .. 1ary, and MIU bu an olllce at S. F. Stale -althouih It '1rlkes me !hat actmi1111 Har1klwl on public rolatlonl Is like tdlin( OnaasU how lo malt• money. Nevertbelea, Mike is doloi okay. Shortly after he look lbe job, lbe Gallup PoD llsted Prol. Hay1kawa u "Educator ol the Year." It's not oft.en you can set that kind of tnt · ror a client on such &hort nollce: the yur ln question was 1 Ml and the Prof. didn't make il into the -.I beldlllla UU No- tomelhtni. via tho tam o·- wlrepullloa route. Bui -the -Mollllo1 JDOr11ia1 al I, Mike drove up to Pnll. l1a7obwa'1 house In MID Ve1Jo7, to drlTo him lo 5.P'. Stale for tho _.. t,;, ol the campus. "Of _,. • -di dltl," rtlaln Mlb. "ad on my way to tht Professor's house I was slopped by three Mill Valley police cars. Talk about security. They're really protecUng him. Then when we LEFT the house, there was the CHIEF of police, waJting to escort us out· of town." "That really is security," I agreed, 1mpre!Sed. "Has the Professor been receiving death thmltl?,. "Only the normal amount,'' said Mike. There. IN WEST GERMANY, i'eports Marilyn Venable. who bu the clip- pings 1o prove it, sm.tr1'1 mcme. '"The Det.ee\ivt," ls called "Der SChnufOer... Even Frank has t.ba HKFLU? SNATCBES OF overheard con- nnat.lon et an art gallery party: Hlpple girl: "I took some add btfore I went to see 'Yellow Submarine.'" 8et:oDd hippie airl: "J t-o o ll: mucallne." Strailht &frl' "I loot! my kkf." a mutuaJ friend, and ir1 nict to know these things. MEET THE new chutJpah champs: A policeman on the 1Ct.ne of a spec· tacular crash outside the Twin Peaks Tunnel -three streetcan, a truck. two autos -report.l!I that at least two motoriats parked their cars nearby, entered one of the damaged atreelcan via the rear door and limped the.ir way out tbe-froot door, claimi1111 lo \>&•e been Injured! C.l ouu.a here. •• ALL THAT to-do last week ovtr a cockfilllt at ()> Broadway C Producer Kettb Roctwel1 wu ll'Ttlted) reminds an o\d-tlmer that Gov. Sunny Jim Rolph lllapd a cockfight In the living room ol his ltome on San JOR Avt. for Writeni ~ne Fowler and Bup Baer during the tno Danocrotic Convention in San Francisco. Fowler I Baer bad complalotd about "no actJon" In S.F., 10 Sunny Jim sh01ftld 'em a UtUe. llEADIJNE In the Local Long.hore Blllletia' "Nlxon Umella 'S.xlels' _ca_• n.s.,.1a the Bland! , . AND l!l1!PIL\NIJI Hale bopn you dlcla\ ml8I the Dec. IO l""e ol Sdenoe Magulne, whkl> Included an .arllclt Utlod "Ol!:umber SU Ex.- presslon ti1odlfled by 2· Chloroelhanephosphonic Acid." lf your cukes just lie there, buffing their nails and yawning. you're probably using the wrong stuff, A JAR containing about $:.o in dona- lloos v.•as stolen from the Berkeley United Nations AAsoc. Center, despite a label stating clearly that lbe money was for the starving ol Blatra. Enjoy, thief! llEAllLINE IN lbe SF (for Scleooe Fiction) ExlmiMI'' "Wh>t Onassis Spent on Jaclde -$2,200,000 In 4. Weeks." Love ls a money-3pltndored thin£? OUR OWN LAFF-IN : "I( Martha Tilton married Conrad Hilton would she be Lillin' P.1artha Tilton Hilton?" Jean Ney wants lo know. I'd rather know what happens whtn a Silva Thin Man Meets a Vlrainla Slim girl ... Ronnie Schtll : .. A heart murmur kept m• out ., the Army. n kept ·munnuring 'Don't go, don't go!'" ••• Jim Holden: "Do I.he laundromat dryert ruo bactwards In Australia?" • • • Sean Nooaq al Mmroe'1, -bing tM No. I occupallonal huard of a bKhelor: "Waking up tn the morning and tryina tn rtmernber when you parked ~ car." executives show there ls a difference of opinion about their chance.s in a white man's world, depending on when they applitd for their first position . 'lbose who have been working since befort the l1nt major civil rights march in Sttma, Ala. feel there are many obst.ac\es yet to be overcome. There aren't enough p r o m i n e n t Negrou around in power positions to help Jowtger Negroes trying to climb higher. One re.a.son Negroes never get ahead Ja that management cliques come and go -they direct promotions and hirings and firings -but the Negro's· Out In tlae Opeta ••hen they ask about their fu~ lrt white buslnessts when YO\\ feel yoursctr ·being shunted aside!" asked One mllit.ant- young man. "You just tell them to keep on trying." ' Are lhe Super Negroes a long wa:f from the ghetto dwellers? The an"°er' varies. One says he has the best ol two worlds : he is accepted by bis-white friends and by the people in Harlem. Anotber says he Is rejected by· botb whites and ghetto blacks. But they all have one thing In common! a determination to make it on tbe1r own in the white man's business wotl(f. They. don't want the state Commission for Hwnan Rights fisl>ling their baWet. Sex Education • Turns a Reprinted from the We5tmins&tr &roll, .Westmtna:ier Hieb Sdtooi'1 Student Paper Sex has been talked about in the corners of classrooms whf::n no adult was insight. Prtliminary o v er t u r e s are made in the dark locker rooms a!: freshmen students find that .boys are very different than girls and that they can be kissed differently than from parents. Howe\'er, as far as learning the true meaning of life and the role set for young adult-s, Westminster s'udents have been kept in the dark. Sex has, been a 'tabu' subject that is touched, In varied degrees, ln science classes. The science teachers obviously do not go into the moral or emotional aspeeb of life, and the students are left as Ignorant of life as befatt. THE llVNTINGTON Beach Union lliib School District bas finally lt!COgnized the need for a family life and sex education program that would be co- educaUonaJ. It is true that senior girls are now offered a semester course in family life. This coorse cover$ the roles of both the male and female in life, not only in sex, but more importantly, in dating, marriage. children and life in general. However, only a small sampling of 'VHS senior girls take this class. The rest of the student population has no opportunity to learn things they thought U1ey were knowledgeable on. These students, who have had no edu,ation, are the ones who act as if they had lived through it all. Unfortunately, the result of many of these boasts end up with forced marriages and illegitimale children. Corner Dr. Moll, district superintendent la- charge of curriculum, conferred with local parents and teachers lut summer in order to find if there was • need. for an extended, compulsory course in ser education and family tile. These par~nts, many of 1hem as.sociated with the PT~ all agreed U;tat such a COYrSe was needed. A COMMITTEE was then formed 1" plan a format for a co-educaUonal course. Mrs. Remy, home ecoMmics teacher at Westminster, plus four other professional people associated with the· district was ~iven ~ task. Also,~ .Dr. MoD arranged for a fewesentative frwa the Anaheim School District to adTise on the program. Anaheim's program in sex education is nationally known. Thus a program for sex educatloe has been created. If ls true that ~ wl1 be made befoce and after ff 1goe1 for approval of the Board of Education and, more importadtly, local pan:nll. ' THE COURSE 11 tentatively planned lo be co-educational anCI compolsory. "It's true that ~any .parents will object to the school teaching chJJdrew family" life and s~ educlt.ion," said Dr. Moll, "and I'm sure that most of the faculty and administrators agree that it is the job C1f the parents not the school." "Unfortunately. many parents neglect lheir job and then we feel that we must lake over. However. if any parents do nol want ttleir son or daughter in the program. all they will have to do' is sign a paper stalinl? this ." · The program. as it is planned now, wil be a nine week course in the" freshmen, junior. and senior years. Jt will cover roles or individuals In dating, in life and in marriage. Ah, Yes, Love Is Free From SWEDEN 1\.1aga:r.lne When a 32-year-0ld housewife went to register the birth or her new son Me set a un)que legal puzzle. For in the column beaded "Father or the Child" the pre.tty woman called Eva Berndt entered THREE names. They v.·ere those of ~her· ~year--0Jd husband, Gustav, a weD·kno'ltn doct.or. and a wea1thy architect. To the puzzled RegistrBr o1.· Births. Eva explained that she did not know which ol them was the lather ol her ... Eric. She bad .-an three lo mike love lo llll' w1lllln 20 minutes and the child .... the NSUll; EV A SAID that she ~ed lo the St«lamllJ movema>I. st«famll) means big ram11y. and the ....-;.-prao- 11s1ng (!J'OUJl living aod wife ltiaring ••. Swtden'1 l11test experiment In modern living. • Such publicity may be sheer delight to hotels. restaurant and tourls\ 1ssocla- Uon11, who. after all, are not responsible for lhe frustrallons which befall Innocent tourtm who m"Y be lured. Into speftdlng their travetlen' checks tn ~. In all fairness It should be polnled out. however, that the case of Gust.av and Ev1 is 85 unique as that of Ad a1n and Eve. 'Apptrtotly apprebens!ve ol how tourl.st lnterezt might begin to wane If the tMtallziri& halo of sin ever faded from Sweden's tmage, the Swedish NaUooal Tomill Traffic "'-1atloo bu )u.<t t.....t a film titted ''What Became o! SwedWl Sin!" ROOn to be distributed In England. America, Denmark, Norway, f'rance and West Germany. It is the sad tale of an English reporter assigned the job of "giving our readers inside information from the rield of Swedish sin." He finds not what ht seeks, of course, but a btautlfuJ landscape sparsely peopled with drivers. di vers, fishers and golfers -which 11 about par for the course. It is true that the state-owned television channel recently devoted an entire evening to questioning the in- stitution of marriage, with accent mt the Jaws and Cll!toms which tend to keep W{)mtn economic«Uy dependent no men. One program by a Swedish team dil1 in f8Ct, present an eiperfm entsl storfamilj, but it was made in -weft Germany. ! W-· S urday. January 18, 1969 . The Comment Page of the Dally Pilot seeks to Inform and stimulate readers by presenting a variety of com- mentary on topics of Inter- est and significa11ce from Wormed ob.servers a n d !pokesmen. Robort N. Wood Publisher =-t , ) I • ' • ) U• Jily 'ten rty- !lgh llni th< to hen "'~ lo self ant to .. ,. >er' of ·~ ~m. otb '"' W1\ ><)' for fa, itb. ..,. ~d. In !Se ith ... to '31 ics ... :he· )r. "" .. "" .. :eo ... •• ed -y. rl. ilr" ·11. ty· he <t •e '" In io •. , •. It g, ~ ., " '· " d n • • • • I, I I S.._, ,11,._, II, 1'69 BuUder Sa1s • ID Stalls ReaJ ··Estate .Rate BOost the Sky? ... -.Or.anse-.Coun~~Gl!kmg-.SOlu&iM 0-:~·1 Co1T1mJ Perils Homes Land -Ill ()rap CCaftJ dlilooll prltllll lliloul4 be la • prime factor In Ille -UYI oplralod apwvd to the .... lad. Unued~ct11111!11.iot point where Ii II -mon ~Allor a •tudy al land om.. '*"Plil' aiil II olf<n ' ----• ·" ~-~1 •-naJlobtlfr and coeto tt wu tbe deciding point In lulln« -tvfU<ICUIY ·-"' e w con-~ ~ compeUllon betwffn t w 0 atrud mulU·leNl p a r t I n I =. 'up~ on the our C:..~ developments. 8y R111ior R1nd1ll McC.rdlo The rectnt lnmaM: ln the prime interest rate could very well destroy the tlme-hoDOtfld cono<pt of bom1-0V.nenhip Ii> the United States in the opi· ' nlon of one of the nation 's Edi! 's Nott: This 11 tht uventh tn G 1nles of most succe.ulul homebuilder•. columm om Randall It AtcCardlt dtoling toith the real t1&cte situation in varioua .European Ray Watt, hf:ad of th• R. I..: A. Watt Compan1, lnc., a coun r•t 1 aubaldlary c:i Baile CUcade ' LoNDO -Probably one of the very best ways Corporallon, a Orm that bu " to take the uhe of a city, Is •Imply to bu~a local cooslnl<led 10D1e si,oee11om .. In the pul two decadel, made ewspapen. d read the classlJled section. th that thiJ olatanent u be accepted In tnlhd, h are some of the ads thlt appeared the Profwlooal Bulkier al tbe Qne day in e London Times under 0 Property to Year Awanl al cerO!DOll!., tn Yet." ¥ conjuncUon with the National Most of e homes here do not have ceritral heating ---------- "-i&Uon o! Home Builders' ....... COi\~ In Jloualon. Tuu. 1 "Another lncresae In In··. terelt rMU Iii both govem- meDt ud con.•entkrW Ww..ed home 1.,,;. coapled witb rt. ... -· II! land, m-1a1, and ·labor, -1d ll'Ode our cberllbed Amdc• trldltlcm ot bome --· •• Aid ll'•ll. "OUr ln'1tYlrY ..... to teep coets lll llno bat ..... exert Utile ar no lnl1ulnco Ill ndue- lng or nen mlllllaWitc that portion of a home-owner'• monll>ly bin which repruento interest and tixes." Watt's seleetlon as pro- ~ional builder of the year recognlles his leadership of La Questa Adm Saks lrifo· Unit · 1araae: and create "st.aµ. 1n property wu COllliderabJy Jw "We didn't spenJ fU million lhe 1ky" than f.o ecqulr• Id-thlD tbe cost ol acquirlnc ad-on a development to hive it Jacent land for parltlaa, datoo i-nt land. In addition, tbe lack proper psrklnc. !'roe lf'enfi · i:...tnlttrt, 1 'ftteuUve COPltiut6tm ·of' U't parking parking is avallabJe to both ' . vice ~..icte0t. J>1 Cinal-llan-Prof on • ..,r ei!oUDIJ pro. emplor-of lenant !Inns ~ .... pertt enabled u1 to acble've vlsllon. With 90 percent ol dolph Corporalion. lull utlllsatlon of 1114! site . .,. all employ ... travellnc 16 -.I Ao 1111 eumple, Lamberl Lambert noled lbal JWklng from their l* by pl!vato cited the development of ., . ·. can, parldn& ranb hip on Unloo Bulk ~ 0r-. sny cbectllll ror a MlccMilul aad the --•e..i " Talk Slated development." be ....,1udod mllll\l!I • .,.ntJic faclllt1 -Union Bulk Squan, 1aqal over 1J "I"" al parldnc • ollJco coniplu lo ~ -~"""!'-u!'~,.;r~ By Cameron ~ a1":~ ~ "We developod lhllpq -Tom Cameroa, ns1 ..sate and Garden ar..t rr-ys. A • e," aaJ...Wonnatloo; ~ .Ill lai:remenli;" Aid ana -COllllll!ant Over 100 bullnea ftnDI, ;,.. cooler hu be<n Gpened , lot Lam&ett, "CGllltruc:tinl ono wW be tbe -1<• at. !ht cludlnc II major U , S • Uni\ 3 or Raocbo La Qutll•' lower. at • UQJI _and waltln& • Jtn. U .meeting of tbe Sal11 Corporatlolll are ..,. located at Brookh1Jrst 'Street and untU the emttni JpaCe WU • and Marketing Council ol the in the development. AUanta Avenue. Huntington over 95 .percent ocaitiie<l Building Industry ADoct.ation.1-----'----- Be.ach. before beginning construction Tht dinner meeting \Vil! be as yet, an state so proudly when they do. Many of the pro ie11 are leasehold. The leasehold period varies fro our to four hundred years. \V. C. is ti1e abbrcvi on for water closet or toilet. A "lift" iii an elevat One En i:h pound is eQual to $2 .40. A guinea is 21 shillin.i? there are 20 shillings to the pound. "QUEE DRIVE. 20 minlttes from the West End. Three bedr , all \Vith fitted cupboards and extra wash basin second bedroom. Hilo shower unit and ' the building industry i n pioneering new construction techniques and l'•Orking \\'ith federa l agencies on low and medium income housing. Watt hat also pioneered in \ow~ost One of the most popular of another to~r . Then, as at the Rodger y 0 u n g plans in the new grou p o! wc began to prepare for con· Auditorium at 7 p . m . , hornes is a three.bedroom, structlon of lhe third high rille preceded by a cocktail hour two-bath model with family too·er, increasing the total at g p.m. All home builders. roon1 and for!,llal dining room . project to over 420,000 square markeUng director1 ind home feet of office space, our sa1esmen are Invited to al· Ray Patscbek~ sales and surveys indicated that ad-tend. SHARP If Y••',1 1 ,h.,, .... 1111,r, •1• th1 DAil Y ,llOT"S f•"'•ut Dl1t1•·A·lln• <l111lfltllll •Ill• S1t11ril•y1. ~•k• , ll•tt.' il•1I . . . wh•fh•r y'11'r• ll•yint ... 1•lli11t· W.C. Dowos cloakroom. Separate utility room with sink Md r. Price 9,950 Pounds ... " (About :r.?4,000.) · "MIDD EX . Excellent up-to-date stud farm. For sale bY priv treaty or at auction later. Very fine Tudor Peri.~~nh;ouse. Fully modernized with recent additions. F bedrooms. First class modern horse and stallion es with spacious concrete and tarmac yard. lnclud covered yard and hay atorage. About 98 acres of ng loam. The sporting rights are in hand ... " ''FLATS preatige blv< lease. Pnce curtains ... " GROSVENOR SQUARE. Second floor Three bedrooms three· baths. 87 year pounds to include carpets and fitted "RENTA Young lady, late 30's. cheerful with good seo6e of mor, wishes to P.G. with nice family, prefer~bly \n tral London ... '' "WEST EX: Channing periOfl cottage of Sussex flint, fully modernized. Full oil fired central heat. Three be ooms, W.C." "SOUTH HORSHAM. A detached 300 year old PeriOd C ry Cottage in an attractive situation. One mile sou Barns Green. Two bedrooms: Two reception one with inglenook. Free hold 7,850 pounds ... " ''RENTAL. uxury furnished flal Modern block Lilt Near sea. guineas per week ..• '' "WEST S REY. Stone built cottage. Three bedrooms. One eception room. Central heat. New conversion in p shell. 40 minutes to London. 10,500 pounds ... " "HENLEY THAMES . On rising ground off the Fairmile, ll. mile Station (Paddington in under an hour). An i resting conversion ol a centuries old barn. No'v rming a spacious 'well appointed reSidence. Five rooms, Galleri~d lounge hall. Draw· tng and <tining ms. Auction Unless sold privately. .. .. "LAN CASTE ATE FLATS for sale. New modern conversion of s J, well equipped units with life. 'l'Wo rooms, kite and bath. From 5,500 pounds 130 years Jease .. ' "HYDE P parking. Three b Ground rent 45 curt.a.ins. 13,500 po Channing flat \\•ith private car . Centraf heat. Lease 80 years. ds. Price to include carpet and s." "CRICKET available for hire. licensed ·club ... " UNO and four grass courts sy access. Central London. Fully "E GRAUT C W.I. Belgrone New style cottage in e Lease 14' years 15, IS. Nine Clifford Street, London. outh SW! Attractive 17tb Century Jent order. Two beds kitchen. pounds to include entire contents .. . . . "REGENTS P of this small well-pl of the Park are fo dining room , bathr years lease. Price f P,Ointment. . . " ·. The remaining three houses ed development within 100 yards ale. 3 bedrooms with baJcony, , cloakroom. Central heat. 99 17,500 pounds. Shown by ap- "CATERHAM. I the Surrey Hiiis. M heated with four b tn a mature gard at present doubling the garage ... " l!"OITOll:'S NOTI!': ll:trlfflf II. llHI Es!•,.,., • COl'"9 very special setting, high on n doub1" glazed, fully centrally Three reception. and situated There is a separate flat let a studio and darkroom above ••t.t. TQdl9n. eutllor ef ''W: _,_.. 19 ll:tllCleU II:. Md:• ..... "Newport an Moves Up in Co well F~m , John B. Parker or Ne Beach has been named y Coldwell, Banier and . , realton, to the position U:ecutlve vice pres1dent ·northern Division, it ·onnounced by G. M. M .Jlrealdent. The appointmen ~ective lmmedlalely. . Parker f«merly WU president and r 11 I d e lllinager al tbe Coldw 'Bankor Oranfe Coonty llld bu be<n .-J1ted lbe Onn for more than 1 years. He Is a member .lbf boanf.o! director•. ' In his new capacity Park ds bated !n .1be company's .!JownlOwn 50 Froncllco of. lico. Re will dito<t all ""'1 1ctlvltle1 of the northern division which includes eight offlcu covering the S.n Fftn.. cisco Bay Atu and the llOrlbem por1100 o1 the state. Parker, a native of Be•erlt 111111, ..,,,ed Ii> Ille Navy dur· Mia World War U. He ll'adualed la tl!IJ from UCLA ind .joined Coldwlll, - Ill 1111, •pedlllzln& la the deve~ent ol property manqemeol 6ct0Wlll. \Re wa1 later named COLDWELL VP John I. Porkor ~ housing for minority groups. marketing director for Frank -=:.:.:::_..:::::=....:=_::__::::::_ _______ _!:========~ RANCHO EXEC Robert L. Unger I Unger Gets E~Post At Ranclio Heavy buying by investors as well as growers increased sales at Rancho California to a rec<rd $13,450,748 for the year ending Dec. 31, 1968, compared wilh $5,168,514 for the same period in 1967, an increase or 137 percent. , Representatives o( Kahler Aluminum and Chemic a"l c;orpor.at.ion, Kai!e.r Indu stries Corporali9fl aod M a c c Corporation, joint ownen of the project y,·e.re told that sa1ea can be expected to coo- tinue at current high levels through 1969 . In anticlpaUon of further ex· paoded acUvliles, Robert L. Unger has bttn elected to the newly created post of ctWrman or the Owners Com- mittee and vice chairman of the board of directors of the ranch company. In addiUoo lo Jong range planning, his prtnclpal r<SpOIUlbUlty wUI bt to act on behalf of the partners in conntetion wtlh community relaUona and press relaUons. E. James Murar was elected president and chief eiecuUve officer of the ranch company. In thl1 capacity be will have total responsibility for com· pany operations from planning through Implementation, in- cluding marketing, finance and 1eoeral operatiom:. No Traffic Problems At Leis~re With l60 manon being com- pleted in the nut IO calendar day•. 1 real \r1rfic jam could be brtwtng at Leisure World, Lacuna Hills. "Not so," says C. W. Dark, Di.rector of M1rketln1 , Roumoor Corporation , bullden o! Lellure World. "Havtns ' been airoup tblr belcn, we -bow to make "thlnp • euy a It Ir lunan!J JW!ble f<r --..... .,.., "Durinl tbe put ,.., ,.... over tlXID manon bave been completed and '"°'ed Into lllth a mlDhmun al-. Eoch lamUy bu been wip- ed • move-In date. They are spaced out to give room for trucks. etc.. and • p e c I a I Ltisure World aeoirtty ru1rds att on lland to d\rect vans and advise the new arrivals OD where lo set anything spec1o1 tbe1 need." I 0.rt pointed out lhal mov· Ina tnto Leltuer World ii dll· ferent than movJ.nc into an ordinary tubdlvllloo. At Lellure World ucb resident hu a ipec.1.al 1arqe and laun- dry """" .. .. ~ to their ........ In adcJllloo, tbe new .,;YI) rlCthes a -ltll cootalnlna ...... Ual lnlarmaUon Watt claimed, "Govunment is pl11ylng an increasing role in our Industry, and the pro- f eulonal builder can have a tremendous impact on the future of the country if he cooperates closely with local, state, and federal agenciu in crutlng workable urban pro- grams." 1-1. Ayres and Son, lhe developers or Rancho La Cuesta, says prices range from $24,995 ·with ai.x percent interest rates stlll available. Rancho La Cuesta Is wall:· Ing distance to· Huntlngton Slate Beach and ls convenient to shopping, schools, cbUrches and emp1pyri2ent op- pOrtunltie.s~ We're getting up in the world Come on along. Watt propoeed thal new and flexible means of financing homes be made available to the rapidt7 increasing numbers o young families in the 2S to 30-year-old age group. He explained that his firm is conUnui.ng to search for Y<ays to· provide young- fami lies the opport~ty of purchasing their homes with deferred mortgage payment plans, permitting lower home payments during the family formation years when incomes The new sales·lnformation oHice may be reached from either the San Diego or Santa Ana fretwa:iis, south on Brookhurst SL to Atlanta Ave .. Huntington Beach. are at the lowest. New OfHce Kalella Realty has an· nounced the opening of its severith resale offici at 15580 Brookhurat St . in We~ter. ' • • • I An euly loolc at an ""1iow gioup of dftllle-level lmury homes . , in the hills overlooking the University It takes a little foresight ••• ii don't·Wiii l·for-the· crowd attitude. If you'rie the kind of person who understands the value gf first choice, )'Ou'll be here this weekend. Those who can make Becisio ns now ~ill get the most select homesi tes in what is alrea<ty acknowledged the fin est community()f the Irvine Ranch. You'll have the widest choicl!!tlf large or small lots ••. the best of die panonimic views aaon the Irvine campus of the UnW,rsity of Callfomia.,. tile ~modest selection.of floor plans and-., otyli'11!-Alld the most OU!Standln& hN•UM!l'lt opportunity available in a l~ry home. \lo1!at)'Oll ,.llnq111sh for the privilege ol belns" folSI~ the gl11110t1rof meid-sln1-Todly,you an tell our working bJueprints. Yov can examine the hidden qultity of contlnlction we a.re offor'ri11 bywalltlna th!OIJlh sem~llnishod model homes. And you an make ..,,ur own seSections of the wides,'1pos.sible rans• of ~tom options • Your ct,ci5ion now will e:ive yoP.arnple time to dlipc1e of your pre~nt home and make your moving plans • _u " -. ...... J • • • Yourpu-lndudet "*"benhip In th• Turtle Rpck Swim 1nd Tennis Oub, a privatft recmi'tlentl p.itk with COUT1:!1 pools, &nd playg'rounds reserwd exclusively for residents. You may choose outright bwnel'llhip or Jong-term leasehold, on rerms more advantaseous 1han may be possible la.ter. Prices range from $38,000 to upw.irds of $50;000. fKh home is individually valued on its site, as well as on its basic floor plan. The very best is av.1ilable nO\v. It's time fo r decision. Come to the crossroads of Culver Roid and Umpus Drivei tum ,up the hill, and follow tl1uians-. . . ' . ... • s A•11 8pf,,_1Nloeland!.~lly Mf'Ril DllrAi••1tllalfdtn:ela1m4 ::•mll•Plwld.ln"""-, ~·------ ' l I I I \ l ) j I • • . --• • • • '• • •• •• The Negro America hu a whole new croup of an lncrtaee la l1il ul., llld .,... prolll>, be. would "°""" uo PIY raJte. At tbe same time-whl(e inanager ot oompwablt ff<li,.. who nol only are educadonally c(eportnJeoll 'I'"' elthu bltoc pr<imotecl quallfled for Jobs In l>uslnea and Jn. or ~ "*' money. clultry, but .,. man than .'t'llllna: to "Pqlo .-here feel ,,,. ... too -. "Since tbe clvij .Ji9* inarch In """" ud Ibo! yoo... Fi a clllp 00 ~ Ala. la 1161, iliil .... notalJy ""=-·· bO .... told "" tbe llons -aqQ!ll anplaymool opporludl1 • ma . Jtilo!atioo bu '-' enacted, H bu • " -..., for tbe «located Nqro But ,.., told me Iha! In .rder to to ;.ta Job wffh major U.S. compooles. sell m<r•!w-and be llClllced, I bad • f;omment Page ' Executive lhlt b~ p!ay1 a major role In lholr stalul quo 1ltuatlons, but there are other ract«t. '!lielr l'lllbt would be lmpmed, QJey fen, JI top IDlllOlemeot put lnln writlni a 'llOllcy demaDdlng ~air !tut- -ol alf emi>loJea. A> Joog u IUCb poUdes ate DOI wrtUea and dn:ulaled, .-mm In ·~ d prwnotlcN will DOI take Iba llht llep and promqte a Nlll'O to II -poet. Stlll ~ ·problem mentioned by I· on . In iiiy of the One -a GUman lnunlarant, 1 woman born and railed in the South, and a Negro -had Jelt he would have any dilllculty. he would have beeo trwferred to anodler depart- ment wllh oo questlona Wed. All said thq could -k for tbe · N'*'° and dur!nf bis llay at the otwe no problems evet"dev~ CONVER8ATIONll with fOUOI N<ll'O problem 11 that lhh -~ many • • • -f ... _ , -! ..... • > I , ~ 'ir-.~· ... "' . \ . . ... +·•· .. I Black cllqtl&. ',•., 1 ASKED •lF •they w <P,Prtaeft<l "Uncle Toms" by the Ne left Wiincf lliJ iral>lan Is, ........... )bat .... bo Ii lilrod, he ...,,,. to pt 'caucbt In a quqmln. All<r .......,i yean ol ~t In e1ecuUve tralnlnc ~ graina and lower level mapagement posi- ticm. many young Nepoes s e e -themselves treading w11.ter wtule white men and women who werl! hired at the aame lime shoot ahead ill job authori- ty llld Pl¥· It'• Bard for tire ~Boase Nigger' to Move IJpward ' . . tn the gbettce:, moat YCMll Necro e1.. ecuUves admitted fnulkly U,.,. probably were. In fact , most admitted they often could no longer idMUly wllfl tbe poverty. stricken Negoes In the &l!otJoo, i!lbouRh ev.ry one illjuvlew«I doe. counaeling wltb blgb ochool boys and glrl\Jn. Iha ev~s. trytng to encourage ~ ta go on and finish l\)gb ~I and !hen go to college. . "But what can you say to these peop1' when they ask about their future hr- white bus.ine~ whe1n yo-. feel yourself 'being shunted aside?" asked One militant young mao. "You just tell them to keep on trying." ' a.tllni hind Isn't tbe problem. It's 1eWn1 allead mice hired. At any gather· Inc fl Negro coDe:ge graduates where the mm and women have already gotten Into tbe white man'• buslneu world. tbe ot«lei ol lnlatratlon ""' endless. TB!! NEGRO IDIDlger ol an appliance departmlnt WU <aJled Into tbe store ........... ~ -and told 'U..daplte to be ag11!Sl1ve," he prnt..ted. Then he got tbe meaning. A hard-driving white is ''aggrusive," 1 hard-driving Negro ia "pu$y." A NEGRO WOMAN working toward her doctoral degree in mathematica al night and u a senior el~tronic data system1 , programmer during the day received a letter of commendatioo from one her company'• client& Her equatiorul were the right mel!I and her BUQestiona were good, the com· mendalion ukl, Her white manager. a blp school l'lduato w'*1 bad been with the firm IOI" Y..,.., put a note where all tisiton can aee him, and he ·really imt't too enthusiastic about being dragged out during "Brotherhood Week" for newspaper i11terview1 by papers looking for feature stories on Negroes in·busineas. l\fOST OF THE young co 11 e g e gradualea are from middle ,clasl family backgrounds. 'lbeir falbtrs " e r ·e teachers, postmen, am.all com p a n y owners. In general, they can't undentand why major companies hire tbem and then refuse to take full adVIDtap of their' talents. They are ruliatic aiauah to reaJil'.e N-II the fear by wbltts that other white men and women will balk at working for a Negro. Rubbish, reply the Negroes,. who are willing to cite case after case where Negroes supervise white employees without dissent. At Olle large departll)eDt !lore chain in UJe metropolitan New York area, an executive trainee was assigned to a branch store as assistant manager. Before ·he was accepted. however, the manager cailed In three people who would have to report to the new assistant manager and uked if there were any objectloos. -· __ , ....... ' . Prof»lent, Problems For Mr . Nixon: Endle ss List s By ARNOLD IL SAWISLAl Before the Jut band of the lnauglnl parade has tootled down Pennsylvania Avenue into Mondq'1 g11therln1 darkneSs, Richard M. Nixon 'IVlll be mak· ing decisjorw in the name of 200 miWon plus Americans. F<r the nert four years, Nixon will be trying to oolve the problema of lbe United St.ates, which in this age fre- quently are of global ""P'· II he Is good al the wcrk -aod lucky -Nilon may be at il for eight years. He be1ins wilh no lhortage of raw malerW. The problenu being left behind by Pruident Johnson -the ones he mildn't.10lve-are the most immediate. And Republican NWrl, tUiq over after elgbt year1 of DemocraUc rule in the White Houle, b bringing IODle tough problem! with bbn. A> wltb lolmaon, Vietnam II Nixon's first and 1ou1f>est problem. II he can find •• way-out "' tbJs dllanma In tal'oll Asia. m..n ,.in· JllVe . ~ both prestige and . ...........,. lo attack problems that are as close to home u the -big city illmn and the price tap: in the auto sbowrooms and oo the supermarket 1helve:i. DEPENDING upon what priority tie cboo8es to giwe them, the second and third moot pttssing problems racing the 37th President are what to do about America's sick citie:i and its overheated ec<>n>my. other Wuei are on the borizca that coukl divert Nhoo.'1 atlention from Viet-nam. the cities and lnflaUon. Fo~ IJ tbe Middle East. where the poleDliaJ for a controntation with the Soviet Union ha qmm u relations between Israel and n.· Arab nellbbon apfn a~h tbe llubpelnt lleprdleu ol what . happw In Paril or Vietnam, Nixon must face at home the problem of dealing ·with lrillatlon and lut111. The argument that hlgh federal tu.. are a drag on the economy is a u.me.. honored article of Republican political faith -but so is opposition to lnf1atio1t Anything Nil'on does in an attempt to stablli:e the cost ol living must be balanced against tbe economic and "Well!" political price that wouJd have to be •1sru.t more can or should \Va.shington paid for a business downturn. Nixon ~'?7:'" ment, which coo.Jd aggravate hiJ '"'P f;ofj: tbe courts which be. critici!ed must be especially wary of unem!. "'· big domestic problem -deterlota. *f too--,~ Nixon's on1y leverage of the ciUe.s and violence atnOQ1 their Ja . ttw ·ajtp!4utu•ent of federal judges citizens. ' he ~ apecl to be tougher on , ..... .._. eriinlnw cr·l<u oens!Uve to the rlglits NIXON IS ....... llled to ---d aceuled penom. And that Is at be•t private enterprlae Into tbe flClll lor urban ~ _,_,,_ rtJ1.1venaUcm fn a big way, a very lo t .qnge. llU&UYWI. But .be 11 lllc<d .wltla Demon11c cootro1 Tlod tbls is another lnberlled pn> of both the· Senate· and the ~Houte and -blem ..., race relations. In the usual theae . le.aden tbua far have rtgtd19. OJ>-P9ll~I·, ~. NilQn "owes" nothing posed tas: incentives a:i a means of · IO the Nf(ll'Oel because they overwbeJm.. inducin buaintlllb to undertake social klslY ' ~-~ Democrat Hubert H. &· eo. ' . "'·-•-•.<1ait' lllL "ut in the C011tm WeUare irojecta;. ' ' . ' ........ .,...~,., 0 One problem that the new President of his staltd intention lo try lo unify may have made for himself if that the country. Nis:on mw;t face the wideo-- pverworked catcti phrase of tb£ last ing gulf ~een blacks and whiles and campaign, "Law and Order." the possibility that then will be more Just as it mu:it tmd a path toward violence. peace in Vietnam, the Nimn ad· ministration ls committed to revef'!inc the upward trend in crime. The problem is that Jaw enforcemeol in this country is, and prmunably will re.main under Republican rule, a local and state respon:iibility. The Democrats tried to improve police forces with federal subsidie11 and aaUd: ANOTHER PROBLF..M thal comes in sbarper focur to Nil'on because he is a Republican is government economy. Nixon bu called for big cuts in federal spending bul mlly In "'°era! terms. In tbe foreign policy ...., ulde from the moot pmsing lnl<mational problems d Vl<tnam and tbe Middle East, NIIoo will tiave to live major attention to Europe and tbe. North AUanlic Treaty Alliance. • ' Nixon aJ90 mu:it make some basic decislom in the most costly oI federal es:peodlt.ures: what to do about new nuclw and· conventional weapons, about military ohlp and . aircraft. deve1-ent and construction. Aod he must decide what· to do about the draft RELATED :ro· .ALL this Is a most contfV'trliaJ,question....,; the foreign aid Pl'Ol1'4Dl· Nllon. will 'have lroube. with fortign· aid no mfliter which way he goes, · julft 11 the ~lion he will have .to take relatively iOOl1 oo U.S. foreiga trad< .JlO)lcy. The list goes on and on_ Should space exploraUon go on beyond the moon? What can be done about air traffic congedoo? Should consumer protection, recreation and antipollution programs be de-em~zed? The problems will keep coming faster than they can be :iolved. And Richard M. Nls:on will get a new insight into the small sign that Harry S. Truman had on bla desk. It said: .. The Buck Stops Here." .---------------Our llf•• la S•a ~ ---------------, Dr. Hayakawa Finds ' the Price of Fame By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -And did yoo know that death threats are "nonnal" tbe1e days? Neither did I tJ.11 I bad a tait with Mike TeilmlM the demon public relations whiz. Mite 11 the 38--yr-old Sausalitu who bu been hired by W. Cianeot Slone, Ibo Chicago Insurance mlll'-lre, In pkl< Stone'• friend, ProL Hayakawa. throo&h tbe mue and mylleri., d rnedfnc tbe mliocf media Gil a dqto. day balil. Stool ]llYI Mllro'I - llderable aw,, and Mike hN n olllce at S. F. State -atlhoogil It strikes me that advfllnJ Hayakawa on public relations 11 like tellinc Onus1s how lo make money. Nrvertbelela, Mike i. dolrJC okay. Shortly after he took tbe job, tbe Gallup Pol! lllted Prof. Hayakawa u "F.duca&or of lbe Year.'' It's DOt olteo yoo can 1et that kind d Ink · for a clltbl oo auch short nodce: Ille J<ll' In quutlon WQ Jill and the Prof. dkfn'l make ll into tbe 11011ooa1 beadllnu tfll Novanber -1hlnl. via tbe tam o'lhact<r-wlropu!Jiiia route. Biii about the -~ _..,. .i I, Mike drove "' lo u.,abwl'a bowt in Mill va11e7, to ~·lllm ta s.T. Stale rcr tllo-liil Gt 'tllo campus. "Of _. fl 1 ... dlllt," rtlata Miki. "• oo my way to the Profesaor's bou!e 1 was stopped by three Mill Valley police car11. Tali about security. They're really protecting him. 1ben when we LEFI' the house., there w~ the CHIEF of police, waiting to escort us out of town." "That really ls security,'' I agreed, Impressed "Has the Prorwor been receivinl death threat&?" "Only the normal amount," 11id Mike. There. IN WEST OEllMANY, teports Marilyn Venable, who has the clip- , pfna:1 to prove Jt. Sinatra'• mO'fle, ''The Detec1ive," Is called "Der SchnufOer. •~ Even Frank bu the HKFLU? SNATCHES OF overheard con· verutlon at an art 1allery party: IDpple lirl ' "I took some acid before I went to see 'Yellow Submartne.'" 5«ood hippie strJ, "I t• o k mescaline.''-$traipt cirl: "I toot my kid. ti a mutual friend, and ' It's nice to know these things. MEET THE new chubpah champs : A policeman on the ieene of a spec· tacu1ar crash outside the. Twin Peaks Tunnel -three. streetcars, a truck. two autos -reports that al least two motorists parked their cars nearby, entered one of t.be damaged atreetcars via the rear door and limped their way out tbe front door, claiming to ~ve been lniur«I! Get outta here. •• -. ALL THAT' to-do last week ~vtr a cockllgilt at~ Broadway (Producer Keith Rockwell wal in-ested) reminds an old-Umer that Gov. Sunny Jim Rolph llal«i a cockfight In tbe living room of hll home: on San Jose Ave. for Writen Gene Fowler and Bugs -during the ltJO Democntk: Conwtntion in San Francisco. Fowler I llMr had e<mplained about "no action" in S.F., 10 SwmJ Jim showed 'em a liWe:. llEADUNE In the Local Longshore Ballotln ' "N!Jon Jlmolll 'Se:<l<Os' -~" '11lo'ilo)ol In Ibo Bland! •. AND ll'l1IPllANII!: Hale bopet '°" dldn' mill the Dec. • lssut of Scltn0e Mapllno, -Included an ctlcfa titled "Olamlber Sa 111- pre s slon ~todlrled by 2· Ch.loroethanephosphonic Acid.'' lf your cukes just lie there, buffing their nails and ya"'ning, you're probably using the wrong stuff. A JAR containing about $50 in dona· lions was stolen from the . Berkeley United Nations Aaoc. Center, despite a label stating clearly that the money was for the starving of Biatr1. Enjoy, thief! HEADIJNE IN tbe SF (IOI" Science FJct.ion) Examiner: ''What Onassis Spent on Jackie -12.2111,000 In 4 Weeks." Love b a money-spiendored thlni? OUR OWN LAFF·IN: ''If Martha Tilton married Connd Hilton would ghe be LilUn ' Martha Tilton Hilton?'' Jean Ney wanL'i to know. I'd rather know what happens when a Silva Thin Man Meets a Vlrainia Sllm girl ... Ronnie Schell: "A heart murmur kept me out ol the Anny. It kept murmurinJ 'Dln 'l ,go, don't go!'" ••• Jim Holden: "Do the laundromat dryen: run blckwvdl in AU&'tralia?" • -• Sean N_, al Monroe's, dNCrlblng Ille No. t occupaUOnal huard of a 1*:htlor: .. Waking up In the morning and trying to remember when yoo parked your CIT." e.s:ecutives show there Ls a difference of opinion about their chancu in a white man 's world, depending on when they applied for their nm J)08ition ' Those who haye been working since before the first ·major civil rights march in Sthna, AJa. feel there are many obstacles yet to be overcome. , There aren't enough prom In en t Negrou around in power po15itions to beJp 1ounger Negroes trying to climb bjgbe.r. One reason Ne,groe:i never get ahead la that ~ent cliques come and co -they direct promotions and hlrinp flnd firinp -bat the Negro's- Out in the Open Are the Super Negroe5 a long . w11yl rrom the ghetto dwellers? The ansft'er varies. One says he hat the best of two worlds: he is accepted by h!.-whtte friends and by the people in Hlrlem. Another says he is rejected by· bolb white:i and ghetto blacks. But they all have one thing In com.monr a determination to make ij oo UJ,lr own in the white man's buaineu wor1il. They don't want the State Commimion for Human Right. lig!iting their battla Sex Education • Tur:p_s .a Cor ner Rep"rlnted from the We1lmln1ter Scroll, . Westminster High School'• Stuiltnl Paper Sex haii been talked about in the corners of classrooms when oo adult was insight. Pri:liminary o v e r tu r e s are made in the dark locker rooms a! freShinen students find that .boys are. very different than girls and that they can be kissed differently than from parents. However. as far as learning the true meaning of life and the role set for young adults, Westminster students have been kept in the dark. Sex has, been a 'tabu' subject that is touched, in varied degrees, ln science classes. The science teachers obviously do not go into the moral or emotional aspects of life, and the students are Jen as Ignorant of life as before. THE HUNTINGTON Beach Union High School District has finally reaignbed the need for a family life and ~ education program that would be co- educational. lt is true that senior girls are now offered a semester course in family li!e. This course covers the role11 or both the male and female in life, not only in sex, but more importantly, in dating, marriage, children and life jn general. However. only a small sampling of 'VHS sen ior girls take this class. The rest of the student population has no opportunity to learn things they thought they were knowledgeable on. These students, who have had no edutation, are the ones who act a:i if they had lived through it all. Unfortunately, the result of many of these boasts end up with forced marriages and illegitimate children. Dr. Moll, district superintendert ta • charge of curriculum, conferred witi. local parents and teachers Iut amnmer in order to find if there was • need. for an extended, compulsory course in sel' education and family li!&. The&e par~ts. many of them aS&lciated with the PT~ aU agreed tbat such a CO\lf'Se was needed . A COMMI1TEE was tMn formed to plan a format for a co-educaUonal course. Mrs. Remy. home ecommics teacher at \Vestminsttr, plus four other professional people as:iociated with the-- dfstrict was given fPe l.Qk. Allot ... Dr. Moll arranged for a fewesentat.ive frcim the Anaheim School District to adYise op the program. Anaheim's program iif~ education is naUonally known. Thus-a program for sex educat.ioa has been created. If Is true that c:hangel wit be made before and after tt 'goe1 for approval of the Board of Education and, more importa~ly, local p~tl. • • THE COURSE 11 tentaUVely planned to be co-educational and compalsory. "ll'a true that m8.J1Y .parenls will object to the school teaching chlldre11: family life and :ie,x educ.Uon." said Dr. Moll. "and I'm sure that most of the faculty· and administrators agree Uiat it i9 the job of the parenls.not the school .'' "Unfortunately. many parents neglect their job and lhen we fee l that we must take over. However. if any parent! do not want their son or daughter In the program. all they will have lo do is: sign-a paper statint!" this." · The program, a! it is planned now, wil be a nine week course in the' freshmen, junior. and senior yean. It will cover roles of individuals in dattng, in life and in marriage. .,,.. Ah, Yes, Love Is Free From SWEDEN ftfagaiine When a 32-year-<1\d housewife went to regb:tet the birth of her new son she set a unique legal puule. For in the column beaded "Father of the Child'' the pretty woman called Eva Berndt entered TH.REE names. They were those of ~her lS-year-<1ld husband, Gustav, a weD-kno'(n doctor, and a wealthy architect. To the puzzled Registrar of Births, Eva el'plained that she did not know which of them was the father d her son Eric. She had allowod an three to make love to ber wllidn 'IO minutes and tbe child WU tbe result. EVA SAID that she be)mgecl to the Stonllll1llJ movement Stori.mUJ means big IBJl!lly, and the mov.miiit II prao- Using group living aod wife atiiring ••. Sweden'1 latest experlment In modern living. • Such pubUclty m_, be sheer dellgtlt to hotels, restaurant and tourist associa· lions, who. afle' all, are not responsjble for the frustration! which befall lnoocent touMits who ma,y be lured into spending their travellers' checks tn S'wt6en. In all fairness tt should be pointed out, howe ver, that the cue of Gustav and Eva is as un~ u that d Adam and Eve. 'AJ!PU"1Uy apptthenslve al ho" tourist tnte:mt mJg)lt bt,iln to wane if the tarrtaHJlria halo d sin evir faded ftom Sweden's tmage, the S•edlsh National Tourbt 'l'ralllc Aasoclatlon ha1 Just Issued a film tltltd "What Bttame or Swedish Sin ?" soon to be distributed In Engllnd. Amerlc1, Denmark1 Norway, France and West Germany. It is the sad takl of an English reporter assigned the job of "giving OW' reilders inside information from the field of Swd ish sin." He finds not what ht seeks, of course, but a beautiful landscape sparsely peopled with drivers, divers, fishen1 and golfers -which 11 about par for the course. It is true lh al the state-owned television channel recently devoted an entire evening to questioning the iit- stituUon of marriage, with accent mt the laws and cu:itoms which tend to ktep women economically dependent cin men. One program by a Swedish team d~, in fact, pre3e0t an es:perimentel Slorfamllj, but it was made In -WUI Germany. I Mi-· slurday, January 18, 1969 .. The Comment Page of the Dally Pilot seeks to Inform and stimttlate readen by presenting a variety of com. ment'.ary on topics of inter- est and significance from informed observers a n d spokesmen. Robert N. Wffcf Publl.n.r I I I :I ... 1ly •• :y- 11)1 ., ill to en •le. ht llr nt to iy •• ol .. n. th ,, '" '1' " •· I> ~ d. n • h • • tl • r .. ' ' l ' • I l t ' .. , .. _........ . ... ~,,.,. _____ _ '· DAU.Y M 7 " Bullcler S•v• I Stalls • ID Real ··Estate · OuestioJ · .Rate .-BOost- the Sky? •nd Co""" P ·erils Homes Laod -ID Or-. Colsm)' havo~.,...... lolhe point where U Is ..,. ,man economlcallylUalblelocon- atruct mulU·leftJ° p ~ ~ k I n I 11arq:ei: and crute "stal!s ln the uy" than Jo acqoJre' a<1- J1<:t11t land for parklns, otala ·lfel\r)i tamber1 •• 'm.utlv'e =-""!' lbocld be t,•AJW a ·study ot land I~ and colU it WU ~ . l!h'I lbe coat of bulld~ tup' on our preunt propert.J wu comldtrably leu than lbe cost cf acqulrin1 ad· Jactnl land. In addition. the conslMObn r1· the parking 1arqt "' .... dltllnr pre> pen,· ena&led ui to achle've lllU utllilillon ol the site.'" II I prime factor In 11'1 -lltwed ~olanymajor olflco -pat ud II cflen the -· pelnl In leuln1 compeUtion betwetn l w o developmenls. By Rooltor R1ndoll McC.rdlo The recent 1ncn ... In the prim~ inter~ rite could. very well destroy the tlme-honored eoncepl ol bome..ownenhlp In the United Slates In Ille opi· Edtiof1 Nott: Thil if the ttventh m 01erit1 of ~=t ::~ ~~~ columni from Rondall R. McCord!< d<oling urilh RoY Wal~ head o1 Ille R. the rtll 111ou lituation in varioui .Evropean A. Wall ComplAY, luc., I countrlu. 1 1Ubaldlary ot Boise Cucade ; WNDON -Probably one of the very beol ways CorporaUon. • firm lhal bas constructed aome 11,000 bames t,o lake the pulle of a cily. Is simply to buY a local In lbe put lwd .W•del, made newspapers and rud the classllled sOctlon. With that lhll otatmienl • be accepted Ill mlnd, here are some of the ads thM appeared the ProleulODS! Bollder ol .lhe qae day in the London Times under .. Property to Year Awanl al ......,n1,. ln •·l .. ¥"' conjunction with the National Most of 1.be hOlll•• here do not have central heating ---------as yet, and 1tate so proudly when they do. Many or the proJ>('rtlea are leaaehold. The leasehold period varies from four to four hundred years. W. C. is the abbreviation for water closet or toilet. A "lift" i& an elevator. One English pound is eoual lo $2.40. ·A guinea is 2.1 shillin~. there arc 20 shillings to the pound. "QUEEl"S DRIVE. 20 minul .. from the West End. Three bedroom, all \Vith fltted cupboards and extra wash basin in second bedroom. Hilo shower unit and W.C. Downseatrs cloakroom. Separate utility room with sink 8.nd bOiler. Price 9,950 Pounds . . . " (About $24,000.) · .. MIDDJ.i;:sEX. Excellent up-to-date stud farm. For sale by private treaty or at auction later. Very fine Tudor Period farmhouse. Fully modernized with recent additions. Four bedrooms. First class modern horse and stallion ~:r:es with spacious concrete and tarmac yard. Includes covered yard and hay storage. About 98 acres of strong loam. The sporting rights are in hand ... " .. FLATS GROSVENOR SQUARE. Second Ooor prestige btocf" Three bedrooms three baths. 87 vear lease. Prici :fi,-soo pounds to include carpets and fitted curtains. . . " . "RENTAL. Young lady, late 30's. cheerful with good sense of humor, wishes to P .G. with nice family, prefer~bly i,nJentral London ..... .. WEST USSEX: .Charming peri"f! cottage of Sussex flint, rtefully modernlied. Full oil fired Ceritral heat. Three bedrooms, W.C." RANCHO EXEC Robtrt L. Unger Alaoclallon of Home Bullderl' amwat co~veiiuon In HOllllon. 'l'uu, • ' I .. -lqa<l8e In In· . 1ere1t h&tl oa both gov~ men, l'.ftd· convenUOn.al 1UW:.ed bomo !Gani, ~ with ri. Ing -ID land, maleriaJ. and ill1*. eould .. out --Amtlcm lrldlUoe ol homo8Wlierablp,•·,aald watt. "Qr' lndlialry --lo katp coita In line but ..... uert UlUe or no lnlluence In reduc- ing or oven malnJalnlnll tllat portloo ol a ---·· month!J blD whlch reprueota Interest aild tb:el." · Watt's selection as pro- fusional builder of the year recognlzes his leadership of lhe buUding industry i n pioneering new construction techniques and y,·orking "·ith federal agencies on low and medium income housing. Watt has also pioneered in low-cost housing for minority groups. Watt claimed. "GoVttnmenl is playing an increasing role in our industry, and the pro- f esaiooal builder can have a tremendous impact on the lulure ol .lbe country if he cooperate& closely with local, state, and federal agencies in creating workable urban pro- grama." Watt proposed that new and Oedble means of financing homes be made available to the rapid!( increaaing nurnbtn: o young families in the · 25 to 30-year-old age group. He explained that his finn is continuing to search for ways to· provide young (amities the opportunity of purchasing their homea with deterred mortgage ~yment plans, permitUng lower borne payment.I during the. t.mily formation years when blComes are at the lowest. La Questa A~Sales . . ' '" lrito ·U~it ... tict. pr .. 1c1eo1 111 c~.RaJ>. . dolpll Corporallon. AJ an aample, Lambert cited the clevolopmellt. ol Unloa Duk 'Squai:o, lln1lio. ucl lbe -. tm.level '1 m11ll9n."pan!q foclllty with over U lCftl ol pullfDI ' ....... ..ip. for l.IOO ,can, completed urlbr thll yur. . "We developed Vnli>n Bank A n e. w 1ales-lnfonnation. Square ,la IDcrementi;'' ..w center hss been opened , for Lambert. ••COllllrucling ,.. Unit 3 ol Rancho. Le Quest• · tower. at a Uqie and wa!!lnr at Brookhurst ·street and untU the utsdng .apace was Atlanta Avenue, Huntington over 95 percent occupied. Beach. before beglnni~ construction One of the most popular of anolhar to r. Then, as plans in the new group of we began to pr are for con· homes is a three-bedroom. structlon of the third hlgl'I ri!e two-bath mQllel with family loy,·er. increasing the tolal room and formal dining room . project to over 420,000 square Ray Patichek, sales and feet of o!fice space. our marketing director for Frank surveys indicated that ad· 1-1. Ayres and Son, the i.imbtrt noled lhlt wkllia ~... ' . "We didn't 1penJ $U mlJlion on a development ro Mve it la~ proper parking. Pree parking is avallabJe to both employea of tenant flrms and ¥!sitars. With 10 pertent of all employee. tr1ve11Df to aod Imm their Jobi by pllvato cars, park!na: ranb blab on any checilllt for I llUCCeldul Talk Slated c1e~::-:.:;· ~:!.. olllct COlllples ID ~ By Cameron Cowity, ts i..:.lad at die lnlenectlon ol lbe -... Tom Cammon, rul ealale and Garden Gro<o ,,_.. and CGllllruetlcla eonoullant, Over 100 boalneu l!rmo. lno wUI bo the apeot..-at. !ht eluding to major If . S . J111. D .m<tllng ol the Salts CorporaUODS are ..., 1-ted and Marketing Council ol the ln the development. Building Industry Assoctation.,-----'----- The d.i~r meeting 'viii be al the Rodger Young, SHARP Auditorium at 7 p . m . , 1 prtteded by a cocktail' hour at 6 p.m. All home builders. marketing directors and borne salesmen are Invited to at· tend. If v•w'•• • '"''' tt-t4er, 111e th• DAILY ,ILOT'S fe1+1ht DIMe·A·Llne cl1uiAM e4t 51tv1d•y1. Me•• e ~ette, de1I . . whether .,..·re ~wyint ., teUiRf. developers ol Rancho ' La Cuesta, says prices range from $24,095 with sis: percent interest rates still available. Rancho La Cuesta is walk· Ing dlslance to Huntington State Beach and ts convenient lo abopplni, school~ churches and empl9yritent op- pOrtuniUes~ W&re gettjng up in the world Come on along. The new sales-lnfonnation oCfi~ ni.'ay be reached from either the San Diego or Santa · Ana freeways, south on Brookh1Jrst St. to Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach. New Office Katelta Realty has an· nounced the opening of its seventh reae.le .. office at 1&580 Brookhurst St . in Westmlns:ter. "SOUTH OF HORSHAM. A detached 300 year old Period Country Cottage in an attractive situation. One mile 'IOUtb of. Barna · Green. Two bedrooms.' Two reception rooms, one with inglenook. Free hold 7,850 pound.11 ... " .. RENT AL. Luxury furnished OaL Modern block . Lift. Near sea. 12 guineas per week .•. " Unger Gets Exec Post At Rancho Heavy buying by investon,1-~~;::::;::;::::;;;;;;::;;::;;;::;;::;:;::::;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:-~ .. WEST SURREY. Stone built cottage. Three bedrooms. One reception room. Central heat. New conversion in period shell. 4-0 minutes to London. 10,500 pounds .•. " .. HENLEY ON THAMES. On rising ground off the Fairmile, 1 rt mile S~tion (Paddington in under a1t hour). An interesting conversion of a centuries old barn. No\V forming a spacious 'well appointed reSidence. Five bt!drooms, Galleri~d lounge h;;tl1 . Draw· in~. and dining rOoms. Auction Unless sold privately. .. "LANCASTER GATE FLATS for sale. New modern conversion of small, well equipped units with life. 'I'Wo rooms, kitchen and bath. From 5,500 pounds 130 years lease ... " i· "HYDE PARK. Charming flat \Vith private car parking. Three beds. Centraf heat. Lease 80 years. Ground rent 45 pounds. Price to include carpet and curtains. 13,500 pounds." "CRICKET GROUND and four grass courts available for hire. Easy access. Central London. Fully licensed club ... " .. E GRAUT COLLIS. Nine Clifford Street, London . W.T. Belgrone News. South SWI Attractive 17th Century style cottage in excellent order. Two beds kitchen. Lease 14' years 15,000 pounds to include entire contents ,. . . . _ ''.REGENTS PJ\RK. The remaining three houses of lh1s small well-planned development within 100 yards of the Park are for sale. 3 bedrooms with balcony, dining room, bathroom, cloakroom, Central heat. 99 years lease. Price from 17,500 pounds. Shown by aµ.. P,.Ointment ... " "CATERHAM. In a very special setttng, high on the Surrey Hills. Modern double glazed. fully centrally heated with four beds. Three reception , and situated '11 a mature garden. There is a separate flat let at present doubling as a studio and darkroom above the garage .•. " fOITOll 'S NOTI!; '--S.lt II. li\d:erftt 11-. ln+titl:WI ltflltm, _....,. If fr1e am h"'--e col"'" l9d\lrW. e •lrtdw "" "" Cel..,,.11 ~-et l:MI l1tm Tftellloiln. •ufllor If ''l:MI: lmt. Jn Cl""'"""' ..... .,_ -'*" .... --1'a .. 11_,.!I II. Mc:Ce .... cl • lflt 0.Jl'f' "JIM, ... 1• eoat. ~ ..... , Newport Man Moves Up in CoJ~well F~m John 8. Parker of Newitort Beach has betn named \b7 Coldwell, Banker and /Je .. ,Wion, to the poslUOI\ lol txecutive vice prtll!lident <l ti liortbem Division. ii ·.........,i by G. M. M'T. pruld<nl. Tho oppolntme0t'ii ~octive immodlotdy. I · ParkPr formerly wu Yim prealdent and re1l~en iliinqer ol the Co 'Banlrll" Onni• County 'llld lw -UIOdlted the Orm for more than I years. He iJ 1 member otl the boml ol dlrecton. • ' In hll new capr.city Put. <ls b..,.i ln lhe --·· JJown!Own Sd Frandloo cf. 11co. lie .. m dlred an bu~"'"" 1'dlv1Ues of the n<M1herD diviskm whlch Includes tighl offlca coverins the San Fran- cilCO Boy "'"" and the -por1lon ol Ille otate. Parter, • natJw: of Btwir 111111, wvod In the Novy clur· lo1 World War II. He Faduated to lllO !run UCLA ind joined Cold...U, BllDUr In 11151. specla!lzlni ID the development of pro pf: f 11 1n1nqemeal ICCDallt&. , He w1s later n1med COLDWl\.L VP Jolin B. Porbr manqer of • Loi An,eles ollico " Ibo Orm and then ~ and became Jll!oqer ol the Orqe County Glllce ln i'lowporl Beach ID !Ml, bulldh11 " Into -" tbl tompany•1 major hrshw:a lenlt.orlel. as well as growers 1ncreased sales at Rancho California to a record $13,450,741 for the yur eoding Dec. 31, 1968. compared with $5,668,514 for the same period In 1967, an increase or 131 percent. Representatives of Kaiser Aluminum and C h e m i c a· l Gorpor:ation, K&Uq Industries Corporati9n and M a c c o Corporation, joint ownen of the project in·ere told that saleJ can be expected to con~ linue at current hl1h level.II through 1969. In anUcfpaUon of furthe, ex· panded adlvities, Robert L. Unger has been elected ta the newly created post of chairman of the Owners Com- mittee and vice chairman ot the board ol dlrectors of the ranch company. ln addition to long range planning, hla principal respomlblllty wW ht to act on behall of the partners in connection wtlh community relation& and press relations. E. James Murar was elected president and chief e:recutive orJlcer of the ranch companf. In this capacity be will have total ruponaibllity for com· pany operations from planning through Implementation, in- cluding markeUng, finance and generaJ operations. No Traffic " Probl.ems At Leisure With ltlO manon beinJI: com- pleted 1n the next 80 ca1en<Pr days, a real traffic jam could be brewing at Leisure World, Lqllna llllls. "Not so," uys c. W. Dark, Director of,Markettng , Roumoor Corpor•lion , builders fl Le11ure World. "Havln& -a.....11)1 this t,elcn, .. -hnr lo make 'thinp • euy u It b bumallly ~·for GUI' new n"'da'• ''llurin1 lbe put lour yean over 100t mm:n have belD ,...,plded aild moved Into -a mlDlmmn ol --· Each lamUy lw been uslp· ed • mov•ln datt. 'l'bey are spaced out to give room for tnlcb. etc., and 1 p e c I a I Leisure World MCUrily guards are on hand to dnct v.m and advise the new arrivals 00 where to set anythlng 1pecl•l they need." Dart pointed out that mov· Inc lnlo Lelluer World ii di!· 1•"'11 than movU,. Into an ordJnuy subdivision. A t Lellure World --resldont bu a l]lldll -and laun- dry ...... u .. a<Uunct lhdr home. In -. lbe DIW errt.Vli rwttet a wolcome kit OllllaWnc ....... Ual lnformaUon • .. • • J I An early look at an afl.tlew group of lingle-levet luxury homes . in the hills overlooking the Uni;er&ily It takes il little foresight .•• a don't·w;1it·for·the4 crowd altitude. If you're the kind of person who underst.inds the value qf first choice, )'Ou'll be here this weekend. Those who Cin m;1kc Bccisions now \).'ill get the most select hom~ites in wh;1t is alreaijy acknowledged lhe fines! co mmunity Of the Irvine Ranch. You'll have 1he widest choict!bf large or small lots ••. the best of th~ panoramic viewi •troll the Irvine qmpUs of the Univfrsity of Callfomia ••• the broadest sektction of floor plam and-r styli'll!-And the moot outsllndin1 imfl;ttuent opportunity IYlilable in a lu:~.1ny home. 'Mitt you rellnq11lsh fotthe privilege of being• fllll '8 the glompur of merthandbln .. Today, you an•ourworkingb.lueptints. Yo~ an examine tho hiclden qu>'fity of constnJctjon we are offorins by Miking throuth semi-flrilshed model homes. And you an make your own selections of the wlde&,&.~ible range of Cl.If lorn options. ¥ourc{eci.sioo now will live you.ample time to dispose of your present home and m.ik~ your movini plan s. .... ·-- J • Yourpun:lwelndudeo manbenhlp In tho Turtle Rock; Swim and Tennis Club, a private recreatJonel pilrk with alum~ pools, and playg'rounds reserved exclusively for residents. You may choose outrighc Owllership or lon .. tt:rm leasehold, on terms more adva11tageous th11n may be possible later. Prices r•nge from $38,000 to upw.i.rds of $50,000. Each home is individually valued on its site, as well as on its basic floor p1.i.n. lhe very be51 is available now. It's time for decision. Come lo the crossro;ids of Culver Ro.id and Cimpus Drive; tum .up the hill, and follow the sians. , s A•u :u1t)of.lfa1Mne a.nm.~ biJ .......... A: ......................... 11·' J ------- I • I I i I I J • • I ' Gnpada Ufiteils :. il r.I ' · 5Models ' .. GNnada Homt.11 -Mission Vi*'• newut ntighborbood u.( lia first populorlty-prlced Jolt courae-orlentod "°'"ea' - nw!o Ill lonnal debut Jut weettnd wllb the Ullvelling ' of live all-new models and Miu Gj IT holn., on Saturday 'and~ay. -- . . - Ap~rtm ~nt Op~ Newport, Grove Cel.ebrating s· GrJ.00 opoolng Jll(tleo are scheduled Suoday to herald two new South Bay Club apart· ment complexes in Orange Couqty at Garden Grove and Newport Beach. 1 Cbampaane. and h o r s , f.eolivtis wOI be served, and vWtors will be taken on a tour ~ the projects . Festivitiea al Garden Grove are to celebrate the grand opelllng of the project while lbe Newport Beich event halls tbe opehlng of tho moclela and rental program. Weateni states. Artas where South ~ Clubl are either in the piaMlng or construction stages are Shennan Oakl, Marina Del Rey, Phoenix, San Jose, Sauu.Uto and Anaheim .. Clubs are-CurrentJy operating ia West Los Angeles, Torrance, Long B e a c b , Mi&sion Bay, Garden Grove, Los Angelea, Mounlaln View and Van Nuya. The Garden Grove South Bay Club is a $7 mUlion 4Q1. unit complu, while t h e Newport Beach ·development u·a 111\0,mllJioo 7!2-<mit pl'I> ' Jolla T • .llartin, vice prosi- .cleil of marteim, flf llJsslori 'Vlojo Clxnpaey, dtrd-ol ' tlio n.-.,.... town 1n • ~ OrU(I County Mel ti. naUon'1 ~ .... 'mo home bollde., attributed The G~1Grove complex II localed at UOlll Bai'J>orl . st., an<!· lbe Newport Beach clevilopnient'ls at 16th Street and Irvine Ave. Jed. Both clubs I e at u r •!;;;mi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iia;i;i;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;. slni;i:lea pJus ORe and i tw~ . ••¥1 f ..... Qo --· immediat. piJblic acceptanCe to desi~ ~-market reMarch ' Btillt and managed by R & B Development Co., the project are among 11 South Bay ctubs .. .;ompleted or ul'Kter constroction. R &· B pioneer~ the concei*· of pro- vi<ijog apartment I i v i n g "tailored1o the needs of-single people .between the ages of 21 and 40:" funll!hed apartment.. Recrea-"°' · bedroom furnished and UD· A~.,;, In~ ,.:~e~m..i:' ~h: ' LARGE WINDOWS JNCR!AS'E 'PANORAMIC lf'.IE~ AT GRANADA HOMES, MISSION Vll!JO tlonal facilitle1 ;nclu<le l<llnls .... ~"-N,.E cooru, volleyball·basketball ('I~ ,_. coor,., Olympk .. ;ze swiln· P.'ROBLEMS' ,,. usual 1pproach of creating ·---------------------~----------------­ plans and then hoplng suf • ming pools, jacuzzi pools and I a tennill professional's shop. Each projtet will have a clubhouse with a completely . ' CALL 6'3·16$0 ficient nwnbers of the home- buying public will be able to fit thesi plans to their needs. Iast.ead, we determtne which . t)'P.!s of families will be most Interested in Lhese homes and · we. design 11 model to appeal Last Homes New Buccol.a Homes Kunze Cited As Leading Salesman equipped men's and women'S<11 •------,,-,~­ ' Offered by Accent on Location A chain of 50 JUCh1 clubs are BCbedu1ed for the 11 gymnasiums, sauna bath!! and ind'oor golf driving range, ping pong and shuffleboard areas, an arts and crafts rooms, H. & If lNSURA~CE ta. MILIOrlll:Ol'i '..=. -C._. 911 Mir (llthilld ~. TIIM~l l!pl<lillcally lo each famHy -' D l Ce profile. For example, one e frO Ideal location ha!I been tjted might.be for 1 gregarious pro-u one ol the major factors feui.onal m~ ot 38 with .3 The three fina1 home! at .in qie oul8tanding,sa1es ~ wife wtio likes to entertaln ·the popular Del Cerro com-reported at Bucc9la Homes- allll two chlfdreo, oged 11 and ' · · r.~ M ·11 M -~ ti. . We also (ianish and muruty m ...u;:i~a esa w~ ..coata esa, a new pao;;n •• ge Jand!Clpe the home to appeal •be offetet! for sale tbi.s duelopment .of tbe Buccola t Ulla family weekend wttb both FHA and Company, which is st i 11 0 Mart.In siressed 1 h 1 t : Veter.an terms available. holding a series of preview research 11 only the beginning The selection includes a showings. ol the tht Mission Viejo ap-;three bedroom JDOd:el home, George O. Buccola, head ol bedr homo d 1be pioneer 0.U(e County proach to marketinJ a new 'a four oom • an homebuUdlng concern, pointed line ol homes : a big two story home with out lhat the homes are be.ing "No matter bow expert you three bedrooms and upstairs built in one of the finest are in reading plans, you don't '•Bonus Room., , residential distri.~ts in the rt.ally know how • house is •"Jbe three homes ~offer an ...., in I... 1 ded going to look and' feel until ideal ...,....,..,., ... ;ty for someone coun.i. a qu "''• tte u "'t't""...... and eshbli:sh"4:! area, yet you build it. For that reason, wishing to beat rising prices within a Jew blocks of the while our Granada models and interest rates and to famed Newport-Balboa beach were under construcUm, we purchase in a ideally located, area, and within minutes of frequenUy walked t h r o u g h . neigbborbo9d", the pioneer fine shopping f a c I I i t i e s , them to see w~ere and how home , building c o m p 1 n y scJKic>la, churches and other tl_ley might be unproved. To stressed. , 1 urban servlctS and facilities. cite but one slmple .uample, · Del Cerro is located just The home• were design·ed and one-half story design - a design that allqws for a variety of interesting and Coney B.' Kunze of Laguna unusual room arran1ements Beach and sales represen- and groupings -and contain tative for Deane Brothers at three or four bedrooms. Tbey their Diamond Point develoi> are prjced from $30,950 and ment in Diamond Bar,. was may be purcb83ed under ·a recently honored by American number of excellent financing Salesma.sters as one of ,the arrangemenl!!I through t.h e country's leading salesmen~ Newport-Balboa Savings and Kwu:e was awarded the Loan Association. organization's top award at The Medallion hemes con· ceremonies held in the Santa tain numerous luxury features Monica Civic Auditorium 1a·st for . comfort and convenient:e month, for selling 'OVer four including all-electric kitchens million dollan of homea dur· with a full Une of built-in ing the past year. appliances. Model homes are located -at Kunze has enjoyed a career 16th and Aliso in Costa Mesa .which started w.hile he was and may be reached by driv· sUU in coll~ge l"or several h Tu · A f years he was a member or ing nort on stm ve. rom the V .l.P Club. He joined the Pacific Coast Highway to .Dtane Brothers a year aa:o 16th, and ri&ht to A&o. s.Jes and has· sinct broken all their a n d infoi'matlcm (eJephone . W~re off to a good start. • Are you? ' Beat the .......S. lo lhe new Mission View homes- -· the grlllll oPenlng. TokeS.nta Ana freeway to La Paz Rd. turnoff In Southern Orange County. Then foUow signs lo the Southland's most spectacOlar new home buy. in the Santiago modtl, we '~ . west of Bristol Street at by Burton RCl1lberger ,·• prin- dedtha d~g room. ~ Paularino Avenue about two clpal in the Buccola crganiza· '° ~ 1ou course view ,.vm "'111iles:from-fiouthCoast Plaza Uon The homes are of · one the livln& room and dining · · number is (714) 540-5183. P. existing s a I es records. A. Palmer, Inc. is sales agent."--'-"-----------------------------------~- room could achieve panoramic proportions.'' Granada Homes is planned as a three-year program with 1 total of 700 homes. The Cirst homes will be completed for earlyi!pring occupancy. The first unit of 47 Granada HCllles went on the market in December and a ~d unit of 43 homes opened last weekend. A third unit of 44 homes will become available this weekend. Morris and Lohrback, archltects far Mlalion Vlejo's $40,000 to ieo,ooo Mlllioo Ridge homes, lncluded in the Granado models !!1M1 of·lbe featuru f..,00 Ip ~ more ezpemlve hoolea. Thi . new modela are · dec<l<ale4 by Virginia D o U I I a I ' and A!lociates, the firm whlch won national acclaim for its interior• in Ml!.aion Viejo'• EJdorado Home!, La Paz Homes, and Mission Ridge. Varylnj: in size from thtte to six ·bedrooms and from l 4!IO to 2,850 square fut, the Granada models offer a wide j range ol options with one model having as many as six basic variations and many minor options. Prices range Crom $28,000 to $38,000. Open daily from 9:30 to 5:30, lbe Granada Homes sales of. fice may be reached by taklng the Santa Ana or San Diego Freew1y past Mission Viejo'a lint phase area aod the goU course to the Crown Valley Parkw1y turnoff then crossing over the bridge into Mission· Viejo. 3 Buildings Dedicated In Complex Oranie County civic and bv.sJ.nesl 1eaders Friday joined officers and directors of Amerlun Ho!JJ)ital S u p p I y q.rporauon at a lunch mark- ~ dedication of the firm's ~ n<w buUd;ngs Iocaied I the Irvine lndustrfa1 ... ally opened on a *- acre lite Were: ' Model Homes! VA Reposessions! Nine New ~ome BrrCJains ,.{~.This BiCJ Year End ffo~e Clellrance! · i ·' • Del Cerro is sold Ot1tl'Now we .musl'>eU the'thrH model home .. (one has • pool), elon9 wit~ six other hci;;;'es p~iouJi sold, but beck.on the m1,... ' . ' ket-brt1nd neW ..;ith some ~f. t.~-1~_v~Ou~ o~ners erlr~s. Th·e s•I• is ~n unusu•I one! The terms •nd •p·r 1 c ·~ •r• the•most·llexobfe enywhero on Qr;n~~un'Y:.: .F!'f~, VA,,G:onvent'fotla.1-wo'I even trade! Wo want ·~ •nd~ng,to pa11 on th~ srfo;J191.toi1Jot these homes sold oilt. , LOC?K ~ T WHA 'I' 'NE -OFRR: ; . . '\ lit ~.. ·, MODEL HOMES . ' ' Four ~droom, Spenish styled on• 1tory. Full grown tr••~ lendsc ib~. sprikler1. Fully c1rpiit•'cl .. fireplece. Smart, high fa1hion ~itchenl with b t-11\s -even outdoor barl:l~Cue lriCluded witJi one plen. Buy .this watlc a~ te ·,~, tither FHA or GI loen. 1 , ') ,i\t " \ " . ·~ ' · MODEL HOME WITH POOL " This home is • y••r old -•••n hy thou11nd1 of visitors for its exciting en/ dif- f•rent "Florid• Room" ... •nd room thet hes insicle-outsid• pool, l~dic1Aif\t:, . e1tiri~ b1r. You'ye neYer s-een enyfhing li~e \t before. Of,ferN , to 'f'.• . .fKfy· buy•r for $5000 under the cost;.fhr•e big bedrooms ~ 9r'a'"t up 1lfs pl1y• _ room. Three beths -lo1ded with extr11. 10,. down1w buy! ' ' ·: :\. '' . ~·/I ·°' . "i• ,: • · • ·' · , '., • ·, 1 ~ r' I"'!)\ •, ~)' .. . ... . -. '~ . At Glen Mar West ·yQu ·~.i11e ilJ a l~x~rr ho~.· J\ convenient community. A recreational paradise. -And a bargain. · · 3 & 4 bedroom homes from a low $21;350 Let's !like first things first. Glen Mar West homes include-central forced air heating, patio kitchens·with family rooms, fireplaces, dens and a long list of other luxury features you must see to believe. As for convenience, one of Orange County's most extensive shop- ping centers is nearby. so ·are schools for all ages. Closeby freeways and highways put you minutes from the main employment centers of Orange CountY. and met· . ' . ropolitan Los Angeles. Now for the fun part. Parlfs, sch·bol.s and recreational areas are all over the neighborhood. You're 5 minutesifamJhe beach- and most of the pleasure points that make Or8/lge yau11,ty·so~pular with everyone. Glen Mar West. A bargain from.any poiilt-ofwiew. V4l€n maR W€st , .. ._, · In Huntington Beach \ -A 11Jn and di1tributioii \ ctl'lter ror the American Heopitil lidpply Md Scltntlfic Produc:tl dlvlaiOn!. It includes -Ui,000 "'""' feet ol olflce and.wanhouse spact. -A .Jl,000 aquare ! o o t l1lllllllocturl facility for Ille Harleco cllvlilon, manufac· ..... of lsbor•l«Y """"" and cllqnostlc ..... II. • , -A •.ooo ooquole foot pl'I> duclioo and olllce lacillt7 for ti, C.OOvertors d I v I s I o n , -..-ol d"-'>le ""1icll drljlerih ......... tod ptDC)uds. ' • ~ AHSC dluetAn who llew in Callonda !!f tho event wrre Poattr G. McGraw, American '• founder 1 • d <hll1'111an ol the hoard. • ' I ~ I D PA IW<£R PHONE 546-5346 T~e 8'iJtol South just p;.;t tho. now South c .... t sNoppin9 c. nt or-to l'•ulerino •nd 90 lelt~ind Wilflo Front to Doi Cerro. ...,., ~ · Qo~IQ'-"' of GIMt.0 M. Hobtilln lo Sono-Hor .. y Borger _-WALKEI AND UE INC. SAIES AGINTS ----------- or ". ilh its md •W iag llld >lb ilo- all .. , • OC• nai J • - . ' • . ' I I I ' ' 1 l . I ' j I ' .: " I, ' ' I I c I ,, i l ' • ' ' ., > I '• ~ '. ' l I ~ I I ,,_ I • • ! 1 I \ , .. " . . ........ --; ·.---.. · 1 ... . ' .. " ' .. ' • , i •1 t I • -. .. ... , ' .... . ' . -~ ' " ' ' . "' t , •I •r . : ; . ! : .. ,, I:'( :_,it,),' ' ··' ' ' '. •\ . '~ • r-4.; : "''':"·· ' 'I , ·!" ' ' c•·: ' ' I "'., . • ' " , ~ ,I, . ~ .,.,. ·,. ·. \ < '~ .. ' • ' f ' . ' .. I '/ . ' , ...... "" .:..,. ~ .~·.Aacti is more· tfian just a fabulous new 1 plJce~;tc> tNl tfs our new Expandable home. .. , ·, Whitlt-does exactly what its name implies. · ·1 • · · Hir~.s-a home that's· designed· so two or ·i morfi IOQm•i;an bt added as your family graw>. 8Ui t6is' extra $!>ICE doesn't roit you extri · : money until'.Yofi'.-:ac1u.Jly need it. Even then, . ·• leciditiOl)S to, the i;Kplndable cost less. bee.a use , • ;·-e>f'.its 'i>al~l >adll-on plan and its one-slDry : , '. 'W$· rjn. :And a~er additions • .., mode, the Ex-' ', \'· ~ I" sfiD ~flins ii$ basic ardliteetur~h~ · : ... " ~;unlike some io-calJed ~bonus ' , 1. :;pfdl''· " .iviifaijle, the •Expllnclab'le· 1s 1a' 1, ., : , .• ' ' I , I ' .. ' ' ' ' .. > I I I JI •..i -'i.;_., • • f'l J I , • r • · r ~· i "· • "~ \ . c • • • • . ,. '"' . •· ,· .• ' l· . . ' ,• . . ' • •• .. • '• \. I --' ' . .. . ... 'Jt. •• • I . .. ·, ',, ' . . ' . " • _, . _. .. , • ••. A;,: _ •. : , .. ~ . .... -·-·' "~·. .. / ' • • t• .... . . . .. I • . ' t •l • ..'. .. . ' . ' I . " ). • ... ,'f . • '. ' . ' ... "\ r '" • .. ' ' '· . ' 1' . ti~ ·. 1 . Jf \ I . ' J ' . ' . .. '·. . ... -. . . . t ·+ r I ~ .. ' j,' .... I ·~ ... , •• •• ' ' ·I.-/ .. ""' . "~ . ·•1.;:·.:~··~1, .. f+>.!,1 ';:·~ •·i ,.!, . J · ·~,.I • • · ., ' j • · ' , t '•. , 1,~, .it)• : ' ..! 1· ,+ ': ~ , • \f · •I t -' -'· ~ -·· • ·• 1 :_. , • I .... • e· ~ ••. ···' I ' • , , . ' ,, . ~ , I ! ~!··~! .... , •· .• !·,,·· ,·· J ' • .''. ,._,, • j • ·,: • •' t . ... .. ~ 1 "t ': t' I • , I • " . .. . ' • • •' . ' •• • .. "! "· ;j .. ' . i • ._ I, I , 'lj"~ •. • ~ .. . .. ·.; ,., '' 'i ' ' ' ,. ' •• ·. ,r. ' " ')• .. -~~ • .:.· .. ) I '•' ' ;-1' \ -· . '· , .. ,( . ' • . " • • '· • •• .. " .. ' '· -. . ) ., -· ; '\"" ' •' : 'o.ui.v Pli4J ' ·' ' ' . --. --__________________ ___._..;;,i.__ ________________ _ ' I I I \ • I • --~-- / " .. - • • • • l ""'""· a...., lt, 1169 • ' I DAIL y "-01'-JJj -. ... .... 1 ..... Ult-. •• • J! DAILY PllOT Sai."°'"""''"' II, 1969 UCI Nips · Chapman at Wire 72···~o ' . l II)' IA1\L GUBl'UY CM ..... P>llielS .... UCl'I uopredidable Ant.eaten, who at one time own.t a lf.poiot leld 1n the first ball, !r1ttered It all away frldO)' Dl&hl but ~ to walk off the court with an ulot.Ntotinc ?S-11 decision over Chap- man. It wu even clcur than that. Oiapman guard Doug Eckert, who had been ahooUn& tht lights out all night, lwiabed a jumper at the buzzer but orfl- clal Jeny Reiser ruled it was too late, precipitating an e1ploslve protest by lhe Chapman b<ncb. Super Joe Leads East InAFLTiff JACKSONVILLE. Fla. IAPl Quarterback Joo Namath and 10 morr of the world champion New Y<irk Jets are faced with a renev.·ed demand Sunday to prove Uiat the East is better than the West in the American Football League AD-Star game. No m1tttr that the Jel.! upset the Balt!Mre Colts Jn the Super Bowl, and put the AFL in first class status for the Ont time, they still have to eoovince the boys from Oakland, Kansas City, On TV Sunda11 11 a.m., Chan11el 4 San Diego, Denver and Cincinnati that the East ia best in their own league. Coach Hank Stram of Kansas City has taken this All.Star game as seriously as if it were the Super Bowl. He prepared an elaborate playbook and worked his 33 players twice a day through Wed- nesday to be sure they learned it. "This is a prestige game-with -prestige people at every position," Stram said. .. They have a great deal of divisional pride and will play with a strong purpose." On the coaching seat for the East, Wally Lemm of. the Houston Oilers prac- ticed only once a day, and the New York playen didn't join the squad until Wednesday. That was enough, the coach said, since they had a playin11: edge from last Sun- day's Super Bowl. and the stars of the pros have the pride and ability to do their best. Lemm thinks his quarterbacks are the best in football. He won't ((el much argument about Namath. Bob Griese of the Miami Dolphins, with only two years of pro experience, the coach says. Is not far behind. On the West. Stram is filled with praise for Namath's ability but. doesn't concede East superiority over bis pair, John Hadl ol San Diego and Len Dawson of Kansai ctty, Hadl and Namath have familiar rtce.iverw and, along with a special rule JftV':DUnC lienbaeters or safety men from blltzing the quarterback, passing is expected to dominate. Such running greata as rookie Paul Robinson. Htwritt Dixon and Floyd Lillie on the West: Hoyle Granger. rookie Jim Kiick and Emerson Boozer on the East will probably function primarily as blockers and pass receivers. UCI SWIMMERS VIE AT UCLA Coach A1 lnrin'I UCI IWimming forces paddle back into action tbll weekend with a vWt to Westwood and UCLA's Bnlinl tllit ~ trvtnt bu one dual meet win, a C-47 nod over UC Daria, and a third place flnllb Jn the All-OC meet, behind UCLA and Cal. Irwin ls .....,... on sis Jtttermen nimmen -Bob Dowell. Ridl Euon. Steve FtrTner, Pat FerJUS.. Dale Hahn and Mike Martin. Bob W'Uhite is UCl's dependable ICIJttr in diving t"t'tnls. "We've got eight or nine good swim· mers but lack overall depth," Irwin says. "We'll do OK In Lhe dual mf'els and If we progress like I think we can we should be strong by the time the nationals come around.·• The best of I.be JC translers att Duane Olson of Monterey. Bob Dake of Orange Coast and Jim Patzolv cf Ol&ffey. • The win bocoted Irvine to 11.0 f'"' tho season ind Jett Chapman at M. Nen atop •for coach Qick Devil' Ant. eaters b 1liursday at ~ aplnst UC Davis. None of the aoo oi so on band at craw- lord Hall Frieay nJght would have drum· td that Jrvlne would go to the wire with tht' scrappy Panthers. rt wu beglnnlng to look like a 1augher when It waa 4<>-24 \\•ilh seven minutes left In tht half. But Chapman hustled back to tw6 at Intermission and the die was cast. Irvine couldn't find any comlstency tn the: sec- ond half and the Panthers flnally caught Keeping in Styl.e Ille boob at 4847 on an Ecket! jumper with 11:10 left. Ch&J>O>b -tcbod ll to IHI wllh II mloulel ldt and Irvine was bl blJ trouble. Coach Dave Weatherill'• team stole the ball with UC! leadlnl -anti Mike Barnes fouled Eckert wTth 1:11 to play. The latter made it 7G-a and the Ante..t· ers went into tbe stall game. Eckert committed the deliberate foul with 32 seconds left. Heckman'• charity shot made It 7149 and the Pantbera look tbelr last time out with 28 MCOOds left. UCJ'1 Steve Sabin! fouled Eckert With seven socoodt Je£t and the ~ throw mode U 71-70. A Bl""" free lhrw with two aecondl left produced the final. 72· 70. 1be clock sllowed no time left on an out-ol-bowlds play but the buutt had n o t sounded an 1 Reber gave Chapman "a fraction ot a second" ta &boot. It did and made the bucket -but not quickly enough, Reber rvled. Steve White scored Z3 and Cary Fox 17 to lead UCl's freshman team lo a '14-63 win over the Panther frosh. Tim TUt'• team travela to Chapman 1\Jtsday nlibt. With the threat of girl jockeys breaking into the \l!oroughbrOO racing field, male jockeys al Hialeah Race Track made a few adjustments in their dress- ing room in the event the gals manage to break the barrier against women riders. Gurney Aims ' For 6th Win At Riverside RIVERSIDE -Corona del MM-'s Dan Gurney shoots for hls s.ixth wtn in the seven-year history of the Riverside 500 stock car race when he faces a speedy field Sunday at the Riverside oval. Cale Yarborough of Timmonsville, S.C., drove a 1969 Mercury Cyclone 109.213 miles an hour Friday and led seconi:Hiay qualifiers for the Riverside 500 stock car race. Yarborough's speed earned .bim the 11th spot. If he had reached that speed during Thursday's qualifying runs, he would have been fifth in the field . A. J . Foyt and 1.,e Roy Yarborough and Gurney were the (op lllree in runs Thurs- day and head the field for the $100,000, 500-mile race Sunday. Gurney had a practice run o[ Jl0.i28 m.p.h. -the fastest stock car run ever at Riverside 's Raceway. Second Friday and 12th on the grid was Bobby Allison of Hueytown, Ala., driving a I9G9 Plymouth Roadrunner 108.968 m.p.h. Don White of Keokuk, Iowa. in a 1969 Dodge Charger, and James Hylton, Inman, S.C., in a 1967 Dodge, were third and fourth. David Pearson, Spartanburg, S.C., went out of control at aboul 115 m.p.h. in a 1969 Ford Torino and skidded more than a half-mile up a slope before coming to rest a;i inch from the wall. Car and driver were unscathed. LA Tops Royals LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los An· geles Laker s got 20 points or better from four players and buried Cincinnati 128· 107 in the National Basketball Associa- tion Frid ay night. Elgin Baylor and Mel Counts ~ombin­ ed for 39 first half points as the Lakers outscored the Royals 20-4 in the last 5: 19 of the first half for a fiO..M inter- mission lead. Sports In Brief Bruins Host Houston; Barber Leads Kaiser Although not ln the ''dream game" class of their two meetings last sa.son. tonight's . big inter.sectional basketball batUe between Houston's Cougan and UCLA 's llrulns in Pauley Pavilion stlll haf a Jot going for it. A sellout crowd of 12,800 will be on hand for the 8:30 tipoff of this game which will be televised locally at 11 p.m. over KTLA (Channel 5) in a tape replay. Houston comes Lo town with a disa~ pointing 10-6 seasonal record. "They ju.st h:iven't put it together yet, but they :.ire a mighty dangerous team with outstanding pla~rs," UCLA coach John \Vooden warns. The Cougars have four starters averag- ing in double figures, topped by an amazing 6-2 jumper at forward , Ollie Taylor, who is hitting at an -i.a.o clip. He's followed by center and Olympian Ken Spain (6-S) with a 15.3 averi!ge. Fire. a 67 NAPA, Calil. -Miller Barber, a plwnp bespectacled pro, recovered from a bogey on the first hole to post a five- under-par f1 Friday llnd tab a one-- stroke second round lead at the $135,000 Kaiser Interna.lional Open goU tourna- ment. Barber's 3&-hole total was 135. one stroke ahead of Bruct Devlin of Australia. Two strokes behind the leader was Arnold Palmer. Devlin shot a five-under-par 67 on the shorter but tougher South Course. Barber and Palmer played the North Course, which also is par 72. Arnie shot a 68 for his 137 total. Lover In Final• SYDNEY, Australia -Rod Laver ol Corona del Mar easily d e f e a t c d AU!tralian John Newcombe, in the semifinaJ round of men 'a singles ln tba New South Wales Tennis Tournament Friday, 1-1, 5-3, '1·5. He will meet the winner of today's Ken Rosewall-Tony Roche match for the tiUe on Sunday. Spfke Star• Scratch LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Invitational Indoor track meet got un- der way inauspiciously Friday n i g h t with Olympic champion Willie Daven- port winning the 60-yard high hurdles in '1 .0 seconds and John Carlos taking the 60-yard dash in 6.1. There were disappointing scratches from the outsel. Long jumper Bob Beamon bov.·ed out or his event with a muscle strain in hi11 right thigh. Sprinter Charle Greene \\'IS report· ed snowbound in his home town, Omaha, Neb., and world record holder Bob Seagren withdrew from his speciality, the pole vault. Denver Dumps Star• DENVER -Denver walloped Los Angw uo.102 Friday night in the American Bu.ketball Association. Pla11ers Reject Offer NEW YORK -The threat of a strike by major lugue basebaJI playen in- creased again Friday when the Players Association revealed that the awners' offer to increase their pension rund by a million dollars had been overwhelm- ingly rejected. Bo Sues Teo1n CARACAS, Venezuela -Bo Belinsky, the colorful pitcher who gets more publicity off the field than he dGeS on lhe mound, say1 he is suing the. local Magallanes b • st b a 11 team for $33,73S.21. February Charger Verdict Due • Ill First Matter at Hand Is Pro Draft 87 EARL GIJSTKEY Of .. DIWP •II" Stt" A final df!CilJon as to whether the Ian DJe,o Ow"gers will cooduct pr~ _, traJnlf11 camp operatiON al ~ Cout Coll<a• probably won't .. made wit1J urly F•bruary, th< DA!· LY PILOT bu lumtd. ' "8flel' bead COrAch and genera I lll80gOI' Sid Gillman saMJ Friday that , Ille aa&rwer front ofrJct is devot.ln, all Ila --lo llae Jan. 28 pro draft. "Allttt •tier tlll~ we'll take a dOle look at all our pros1>eclive training camps and make a decision,"' he said. Gillman y,•ouldn'l reveal what other cities (in addiUon to Co:st.a rife.sa) ha ve approached the ChRrgeri; but it's known Oceans.Ide has made a proposal. The Amerlc:an 1.-ootball League cluh Is vacaUng it! Esc.'Ondldo campslt.e. The Rams train at Cal State (Fullerton) and wllh the. Chargers in Costa Mesa., On.n&e County woold have two pro teams thill wmmtr. CUy Menagtr Art McKenzie. who IJ headln( up the Com M.,. delegaUon to lure the AFL club to the are•. his obtained tentative approval from OCC'a Board of Trustees and only a site for the housing and feed1ng of the football team i.s a hurdle. yet to be cleared. ~1cKenzie is attempting to complete negotiations wlt.h Southern Calllomta College for the use of donnito~nd cafeteria aecommodationa. The Chargers want a living site •ithln walking dbtance ol occ. Orange C~st has no dorms. Should McKentie fall to procure the facilities al SOCal c.oneat. he said the C'lub would aUmrpt to le.11t a nearby motel Orange Coast administrators have satl!fled themselves thal there are no legal ramifications to the plan which would prolllbit the Chargeni from using the junior coUege's facilities. The master plan callll for the Chargers to use OCC for one summer. Then the city hopes to construct a recreational facWty aome.where In Costa Mesa to be UICd by Gillman's team on a IOJli· term basis. Charger business manager Jrv Kam hu a.Id of the city's propouls: "So far, Coda Mesa is our No. 1 choice for a tralnlng 1ltt." • ... "" ....... t11nnlfllilMI 'II I .& II ....... .. s J 11 ~ . ''" a.,_ I I 1 I &tblnt I I J 10 Fl,._, 1111 Ftrwtll I I I 1 1tr111 tt "·" n U(I ........ fl•I t1n.ri. I I J I S I 4 IJ • 1 ' ,, S•"'*" _,, ""'" '~ ltrtclr -· wa ... rlf\411 l!w1111 Tot1!1 ' ' ' 11 I t 0 t • 1 s ll 1 t .. ' 1 I t J ts2425 1t ....... , ... ...... -MllJIW -..... _,, """"' ........ CMtn~ '"'" 'f ; ~ ~ .. 1 .& IJ I I I .t I t 1 I S I I II 7 I 1 IJ I 1 I I '° 10 17 " c..._. Pft!UI IAI .. " ... ,, .. , ..... ·-..... Girt "-" HtttlJ" • 2 .. t • , .tu ' 1 ',. I .t J ' ' I I • ' I > • • • Rustlers Test Tribe's Hot Offense By JOEL SCHWARZ Of , ... Otlff l'lltt It.if If you like your basketball fast and fur ious tonight's Eastern Conference basketball game at Orange Coast Collt1e between Golden West and San Bernardino should be your cup of tea. Tipoff will be at I o'clock. Golden West, coming off it3 most im- pressive conference victory, a 91-75 thraahing ol Orange Coa.sl Tuesday ni&hl, Villl be abooting for a record of llOtt.I toofght agalnat the lndian1. 'lbe RusUers, who split their first four starts, have never won mort than two conference gamts in their flnrt two years. "We needed that wln over Orange Coast badly," said Golden West coach Diet Stricklin. ".and we have to keep winning to stay alive." The Rustlers should be at full strength FuUtrtroll Cll1lltY USTlaN S1ni. An• .,,,_ Goklt#I Wet! 0.-•nt• Coa11 .. -Mt. SAC .ltn hrntrdl.,. ll:lvtl'lld• CONll'Clll:•.HC• W L P• l'.6. ' 0 .511) JN 4 I 40t m ) 1 Jll :itf , 2 lff l't 1 1 31• Jll l2.i...1S7 2 2 J24 lff 24"474J IJ,...37' I ' 47 4'1 Ctti'V) o I M "11 l'rlf•y'' $(-. futltrtorl 61, Mt. SAC M. _,_ k" ._rctN Ya. Gold.,, W.t It OCC Or•-Clout et Stinl1 .-.~, Clln.o• tt 11:1'¥H'lld9 II.Ill Kondo .. Cl'l•tfell for the first Lime since conference play began. Center Dave Prather is expected to be over his lingering cue Qf the flu . Against Orange Coast Prather saw spot duty for the Rustlers and chipped Jn with several key basketa, winding up with 12 points. In pre-season play, the big S.9 center -poured in 31 points against San Bernardino during Golden We11t'a 103-M victory in the Chaffey tournament. The Rustlers are most effective u a fast-breaking team, but they haven't been able to get the rebound to lt&rl that fast break in conference play while Prather has been ill. While Prather has been out of the lineup, reserve center Dave Ranting has gained valuable experience. Harding isn't the offensive threat that Prather is, but his play has shown marked im- provement over some ragged pre-con-- ference appearances. He 's been particularly effective on the backboards, along with forward Brian Ambrozich. who set a new Rustler re- bounding record against Orange Coast with 20. Stricklin will go with his regular lineup against San Bernardino -Prather at center, Ambrozich and Allan Robinson at forwards, and Mark Campbell and Ollie Martin at guards. San Bernardino, is averaging 84.5 points a game but the Indlins have allowed the OPpo!ition 92.5 while lllf. ferlng thrugh a t.S record. Coach Ray Blake Qf San Bernardino fa expecttd to start a Uneup conal!tlng of 6-1 Sam Cub et center. M Howard ~ Md 1-J Sam Christian at font&rds along with a pair of Uny guards Luke Harrison (W) and CbarUe Hayes (S-7). Rangers Top Bruins, 3-1 The Coast Rangers' bone-breaking de- fense shut out arch-rival UCLA for the last 45 minutes whlle scoring two goals of their own to take a S-1 victory before 1,111 fana Frldq night at Newport 1111' bor lllgh School. By wirming Ille Ra""" evened their aeriea at J..S-2 with the Bruins ol Wut. wood. And they upped their ......, ..... on! to 10.1·1. They return to Pacific l.ugtie w a r a Sunday to duel Arteai.a al Newport Beach's Mariners Park. Game time is 2,30, Coach Brian ~fcCaughey'1 Ranaers Jost star Leif Werneld when he suffered a deep bead v.·ound in the fln1l 10 min-. utes. And UCLA's Bernard Okoye was knocked out in the first hall with a brok- en arm \.\'hen he collided '1'ith Albert Bums. He ill a sprint star on the UCLA track team. Tbe ~Jtra drew first blood w h e n Jackie Ogilvie banged Jn a 10-yarder 20 mlnutOJ into the game. However, UCLA capit&llzed on a delentive m1xup to ewn it up with five mlnutea left ln the half. But the Ranpn ahul the Bruln1 out the In! h1lf ~· Andn! Coutln and J 1 m McWillloma ICOred 10111 for the vlcton. Meredith, ' . ' Morrall Vie 1 In Pro Bow • LOS ANGELES IAPl -Dal!dy !loo Meredlth of the Dallu Cowboy• wii open up at ~uamrbaclc for the Ea&! In tlSe 19th annual Pro Bowl battle Sun- day u thfl National Football Le~• winds up lit length)' awon. 'I1le game starts at I p.m. and will not be televised. Coacb Tom Landry' coadl ol the Ea&! and the Cowboys, conllrmed the Moredlth role Friday. addln( that J!'nn Tam.too ot the N«IW York Gianta will alternate aafleld-. Coad> Geors• Allen ol !he Well llld the Loa Angeles Rams eaJller lhll ....i: nominated Earl Mornll ol the Balllmora Colts as h1I it.art.er at quarttrback, with the Rams' Roman Gabriel aharing action. Landry made it clear there really ls no Na. 1 or No. 2 signal caller. "I'm not goinl to say whether Tarken· ton v.'lll come on in lhe 3el!ond quarter or the sec<1nd half," Landry said. "Howevei, we are going 'to try to get everyone in the game."' The East will field a formidable backfield on offense, Including cowboy Don Perkins and Leroy Kelly of t he Cleveland Browns, the league's leading rusher in 1!188. The starters for the Weat in the backfield, u named by A1leni are Km Wlllud of the San Franclato (Serl, Baltimort's runoing back, Tom Matte and the Colts' WiWe RlchardsoD at flanker. San Francisco's Clifton McNeil, the NFL's leading pass receiver, leads off at split tnd and Baltimore's John Mackey opens at the tight end. Morrall, who guided Baltimore to the league championship, and Meredith hive a common il unhappy bond. MorTall and the Colts were shocked by the New York Jets in the Super Bowl and Meredith and the Cowboys went down to defeat to Cleveland for the NFL Eaitern Conference title. Meredith reflected on the comparison, recalling that be watched the BalUmore -Jet a:ame on television. "I had a great deal ol empi)by lo< Earl Morrall. He's a nice CU1 aod I like to see nice guys do well," Meredith commented. "I bad just gone tbrouah the aame traumaUc, personal eipertence in Cleve.land. ln tact, I found it ironic that we both were taken out of. the game at about the same ti.mt in the third quarter." Orange Coast Faces Potent Dons Tonight • • Santa Ana College'• basketball team: has scored fewu points thin any Eat- ern Conference outfit, but Orange Coast coach B o b Wetzel i.! afraid the Do n s might decide to run against his club io.. night when the rivals clash in Cook gym-_ nasium at 8. The host Dons are currently third In the conference race with a 3-1 record while Orange Coast shares fifth place with a 2-2 mark. "They can do a lot of things well ..... play a deliberate offense or really run. I don 't know what they'll do against w," Wetzel said. "Santa Ana probably ha! a better ahot at league-leading Fullerton thaa any team in the conference. Its center, Mike Thomas is the best freshman postman in the conference and they ba.ve creS: speed and good r<bounding. "Their guards (Jim) Hucbieln ana (Lanny) MildieU are tough and IO is forward Steve Gerjets," Welul said be lon't aure who will I°' the alartlng call for Orange Coal! to- night. The Pirates have been plagued by lnconsi!tenl play all season and the OCC coach is sUII looking for the right combination. He's been experimenting with a start- ing five of Rich Stickelmaier at center, Steve Jacobsen and Phil Jordan at for· wards along with guards Tim Salyer and Jim Kindelon in practice this week. However, Wetzel said he won't decide on his starting lineup until shortly before the tipoff. "One thing for sure, we have to Im- prove our shooting. We hid our wont sbooUng nidlt or the yur 11atnst Gold- en West. !Jut even then we were 1ttn in lhe game with two and a halt min- utes to ga . "But I guess you have to credit thtlr (Golden Weat'a) deftnae far our poor shooting. Tuer, aot their handl on a lot of our 1hotl, ' be uld. GAUCHOS HOST. SAN DIEGO MESA !. After a week 's l1yoff. Saddletiick College'• ba1ketOOll team tel\lmea adidft lonlght el Ml&..,ion Viejo lll1h School against San Diego Mtsa . Tipoff ia • •• Both teams are off lo 1low 1tarta -Saddlf!beck is 4-1 lor the MUQD while Mtsa haa 11 5--1 l record. Al U1Ual. Saddlcback wlll rely on BUI Noon, Mark Hardy and Randy Lawrence for moll of Ill -Ing p.mch, -c:onUnua to leed Or1n1e Cout .,_. jaycee nnkl in acorln1 with • J;1 J ........ • • ii st 1• 1e ll ~ b n • d t • b • y r t BAGGING A, REBOUND -Costa Mesa Hig~'s Gregg Erskine comes down with a rebound while Estancia lligh's George Barnett (24) is muscled out of the play in Fliday night's Irvine League basket- ball opener. Looking on for Mesa is Preston Spellmeyer ( 45)~ Erslrine wa~ high scorer for the losers with 19. 1 Big Lead Melts Estancia Stops Mesans In Irvine Opener, 5644 BJ GLBNN WIUTR 01 Ille DlllY P'll91 SUft Estancia High's Eagles held off a determined Costa Meµ rally to take a 56-ff triumph 1n the opening of Irvine League basketball action Friday night at the losers' confinea. Coach ·Bill .Wetzel's .Eagles bad wat- ched an early 15-point lead fade away as Gregg Erskine sparked the Mustangs to life late in the third period and early in the fourth quarter, ' Erskine hit from everywhere after '°acb Herb Livsey's troops had gone l:j:SO without a Ueld goal. He shook loose for shot alter shot from underneath as Eslancia's defense CQntinually left him alone. Then when the Eagles tightened up, Eni:ine moved outside and uncorked. Finally, the Mesans had reduced the gap to 41-39 with 6:57 left in the game. The Green and White obviously had the momentum. But it wu also ln foul trouble, thanks to I b e nll·picklng officiating of E m 11 Neeme and Lee PhelJl" (Ibey called 41 fouls for the night). Erskine fouled out with 5:31 left and with him went Mesa's hopes for an upse~ He -ed 19 -high for the game. Estancia got flne performanoes from J-r Stfp Williams, who tallied 14, Bill Dugaa with a dozen and Mlke Hays -12. Wlth Erskine gone, Estancia went on a binge to break the game open. In two minutes the Eagles upped thelr lead to 48-39, then Hays made a pair or free throws and Dugas hit l 11-foot shot to make it 52-39 with 2:&7 left. c.s. Mel {44) ~""'*' no ltft~-It ft .... "' """ ' ' ' ' ''""" 1 ••• ••w , • 1 • Wllll•ll'lt s ' ''' En.-lne 7 s 5 If ...... ' ' ' It 1<.i1r t 1 I ' Hon ' ' 1 ,, Corin ' . ' • """ ' ••• ~lmtm 1 , , ' ,,_,Ill • • 1 • ....... ,111 1 • ' 1 ...,, . 1 . . ' o•n • 1 • 1 Tl'lorn!llOll • • ' • W1n111 .. ' • .... 1 • 1 , Tot1l1 1' U704' Tcit1l1 11:11211' lc:lf'll .,. a.rtwt ....... " " " , ..... Co.ti~ , " • , .... El Modena Free Tlirows 5ink Mission Viejo, 65-56 El Modena exploded for 26 points In tbe second quarter and capitalized on 19 free throws to sink host Mission Viejo, 65--56, Jn a key Crestview League tiaskelball game Friday night. The vtctorious Vanguards we re outscored from the floor, 25 field goals to 23. IJowever, they were big winners al the charity line -IM. Ed Jiminez did all the damage In that second period u the slnling visitors gunned ln almolt eve<71hlng Ibey threw up from the Door and the free tbro1f line. ~ ~es tnade a~ dozen pointa In the J;Ig ·period and bed 16 at the half. However, the Dlabloe abut blm oil the !leeolld hall, holding lllm llCOl'eless. Tom Gardner waa the leading riolnt producer for Minion Viejo, c:annJni 16 shots and also owning the hot hand from outs.ide. Mates Dan Kratz (13) and Rudy Holm.es (11) also htt in double figurta for roach Pat Roberts' oot!il. Mission Vlejo fell behind lD the early going and wu never ever able to overtake the lnttuders. El Modena wu on top al halfUme, 41·28, and wu able to fend off the Diablos the final 16 minut.el to remain in contention for the Jeque cham- pionship. 1:1~ '"' ..... Ylll9 Of) .. .. ,, .. 1 , 11• J t I 6 l t I I I I I 1J I 1 1 II • • • I IS 611'6 Jlmlfllt ,_ " ....... Cll'llOll ·~· Tot1lt .. ,. ..... I I 116 4 II I II J J 2 ' 5 J ! IJ J J J , ........ ·-..... 1<r11I --tilt I '1 Tcrt.lt ....,.,_,., lt ~ 11 M 11 Mlulofl \'ltl6 IJ 1• 14 , .... 1 .... ,. • SoJll<dq, J"""!'I 11, 1 M •• I 1 -~ DAILY Pit.Of Jf 1 Miller Leads· .69.-62 .Oiler. Win Huntington Beach Dumps CQlnnists 8)' llOGEll CAJWJON ••Ot"!' , ...... • Delendln( SUUot Lequo blQotball clwnplon Hunt1111to1,. Beocb, -Roy MllJor leading tile.., 1n lbe thlrld and and fourth per1odt, toot a Clllll llep to Ill tbl.nl llraJPt loop clwnpionlblp with a -....Ucl over lbe Anlhtlm Cohalsts =' nlgbl before a pacted -or Jt wu, however, cloeer than the flnal llCGro lndbled. Ano-, down by nine at the e ft d of tbrt8 QUartera, stormed back lo cJooe the pp fO lft•wllb 4:61 to go before. lbe lnv.-0 from Jllintlngtoo Beacb were -l4 )all alowb' away. Vlctory l:eepo tbt OIJen OD top of lhll Sunoot cireuit with a 4-G -aJonir with West.m l!Jgb.. And, II _... the OU City'• 31.game wlnnlbc llreak Jn lequo cxmpttlUon along wlth UIUf'hlc DO WOrMI than a third <l!IOI ln lbe rankjnp ol °"' ange County. Western. a leam beaten by Hwitlnglon Beach in preleague action, ~4. " 111 move into the Oller cmfinea next Friday night to break the Ue at the top. , Huntington is now 14-2 over.tll while Cold Barons tose 49-37 Coop Opener I By JOEL SCllW ARZ Of ""' Od't ...... llatf Bir Jan Adamson scored 17 points and pulled down a record 2t rebounds to lead Munolla High School to a 49-37 over bosI Fountain Valley Friday nigbt in the Irvine League buketball opener for both -A big crowd watched the 1-5 Adamson Clominate the game, which could have been played in a det!:p freer.er the"'way the two clubs were sbooUng. Magnolia coMected on but 15 ' of ~ field goal attempta for a 28.3 percentage. Fountain Valley1 wbicb only bit three o[ Ill fll"lt 25 shots, waa even colder, wlnd~ jng up with a 2Z.J ahooting figure on 14 ol 63 attempt& The lhooting wu ao had that In the fourth quarter Magnolia only made one lit.Id goal in a span luting more than seven minutes, but still man.aged to pad It.. lead by one point Adamsan, who aet a Magnolia record wilh bi! 21 rebolmds, was setting a strong challenge on the board! from FOWi· lain Valley'• Duane Dillie lot most o! the rm half. However, Diffie picked up hlt fourth penonol foul wllb two and a balf min-• utes to go before intermisaion and went to the bench. He returned to ldion for leas than 30 seconds W. ln lbe lhJrcJ period and quick- ly fouled "'~ * "ti "ti Mlll•tt. ,.., flftlllflilll J I 4 1 :t • :t lt 4 ' 3 17 ' J J 11 1 I 2 2 ·-··-Dlffi. H•1'C"' ·-, ... ., V•lbu .... ...... ,._,. .. VI"" (171 "fl,... I I I I t I :t ' 2 I I ' ' • 5 2 •• '14 1 1 2 J t 0 I ' • 2 • t 11 t2011 15 lt IC n Tcit1l1 _., __ I '' 1J • IJ t , ..... .. ..., Tritons D11mp Orange, 59~51 San Clemente lllgb School cruiaed to ill thlrcl llraJcht Crestview League be•k- etball vlct«y Friday nlgbt with a ff.51 win over Orange wi the k:Nser'1 court. Victory keeps tile Trllool OD the heelo o! leaguo.Jeadlng Foothill, a game behind. The two collide with a 7 o'clock en- counter at Foothlll TUelday. Eric Chri!ten.sen, the top llCO'fer in Orange County with a 26.1 average, pumped Jn 29 countu1 OD 12 field goals and five free throws. Sal Lombardi, a M junior, caahtd in 11 to complement Chrl!ten.w1'1 tot1l11. The Tritons of coach John Baker wrapped it up in the teeoud quarter when a hot streak propelled them into I :11-23 lead It the half. Tbe margin IWelled to 13 in the third period before Orange nam>Wed the &•P to four mldway in the f<KJI1h quarter. * * * ••• a.-t. (If) .. ,.,.,., 1 I I t 1 t ' • 2 • ' .. • 2 t 2 J I S 1 I I 1 I 12J11f .. ' 1 " •• 1 • °'..., fnl hi ft"'"' o.wllltr J t I 6 ,,.. •• 1 0 C.frtl '. J'° ICNllWlit I I I 6 t>art.r • ' I ' .._ 1' J Qf11111ff I • 1 1• 2J 1111 IJf Tcit1lli 111•1•n , ..... ..... -.. -hit ,._.. 1• '' 11 • OrM!M 1• • 14 the depooed COlonlat.s are 3-1 ln feaaue and a.a !or Ibo sauoa • Mlllcr, -.rltb the clutch etrort, was oul· lllaod!l>i for coach Elmer COmba' """· He lanktd II point.I ln the third period on loW' Oeld pla and lhrte !r e e tbroWI to Cl .. the Orqe and Blacl: a -bulp and come back In the fourth period for -el&ht. Hla 2t wu hlgb fot the game after 1et-. llnf only -aptn.i Marina Tueaday, Combo cndlted Ibo !lne elfort to a change ln nl!tNJve 11\J>le ln lhll -00 balf •lllhllnC Ibo f.Z !onrerd to """' "' • the Anaheim delenders In 1111H!><J111 •I· tuallons. "We tried to clear and 1et oo.~ lltuatloos on Mlller and (Miko) Contre- ra•." uld Cambi. "Yeo, Ibo key to our wla wu piling those tw~ .Lsolated," be added. ,..., throws proved lhll a'1llh!l1J !lnllh to ANheim u Cootreru, N.Wer and ll{art WbJttlold canned two snu. -apiece ln lhll Jut 1:11 lo put lbe pmo oot ol reacb. Loo Wallen. who fO!lfed oot wllb S:• nmalnlll(, caal1ed In 10 point. !O< C«nba' five an d Whllfleld added IJ to CdM Knocks Out • the cauae whlle c.ni,.ru wu punplq ln It. But tt .... Miller'• -lllorll 11 tho third •lama that did lbe trick: Twi<a ;n that dlbl-mlnllle IJ!&ll the booll pm- bled trying to llleol lhll ball ... M111" and he Clplallsed OD easy~ abota. .............. ,#) ........ ~,., '"'"""" 1 J J 1• ...... WllllfW • 2 1 11 f'llllll,. ..,_ .. 1•1 ~ WIW 11! 1)1 .tens.ti Nalfrtn 2 ' • 11 ,.,,._ T ... lt IJ • 11 # "= -·-.........,,.,.. 11 1s a AMMlm M lf M .. ...... ' • 112 I 1 S II I I 111 1 I I I 2 I I I ' ..... '6W1ta ..... ..... Loar a In Closing Minute, 48-45 By STEVE EKOVICB Of ... Dellr "'*" ,, ... Corona del Mar snatched a victory in lls lrvlne League basketball opener Fri· day night a\ Loara JHgh alter trading lbe Suons JIWICh le< punch unW deliv- ering the knockout blow ln the Jut min- utea ol. play. 1:40 • Loara p-abbed the rebound, drove down, ¥d 11COred anOther to put them two away, '""42. I :Ill • Loera mllaed a chance to lie It up and then fouled Wlltncbt who nabbed a !roe throw. Coach Bill Bloom breathed euter. l :M • Loara coUect.ed a free throw, IH!. :36 • TI!ompoon ilyed one up, 47-43, :ZS • Wllbrecht put ft all away l'rom lhll l[rllill line. ar-... Mir 1•1 .. .,,,, ... .._.. Utl ·-.. _, Mo;Wtlll•fflt -·--..... ' I 111 I I I 14 1 I I I I J I I ' ' 217 I I 1 1 -..... ...... ,.,_..tie -..... ·-·~-Tltlts lJ 12 11 • .,.,, .. -·- .. ..... ' • 211 I ' 2 • ' . ' ' t I I • ' I t I J I I e I I I 11 1f Jl•U I '-*' NM ts 11 J Loa.re II 11 11 11 ...... , ,....., The Suom hit 19 field pk com- p&red to 13 for Corona, but the Sea Kings pumped In free throws wttb rote ac. curacy to register 22 points from the gratis line for a 43-45 triumph. Corona del Mar held the upper band m01St of the first half, but the Sea K1np failed to earn more than a ail-pal.at lead. Newport Blows Lead After 1 Suon rally in lbe closing mi. ute1 of lbe llOCOlld perled pd a 40-!ool h!retet by Loan'• Ralph Redington. 111• holl.s led at the lntennlaion, :ri.a. 20-5 Spurt Crushes Loera'• offense..oplltered tn .the third quarter and Corona turned Jt on to grab a three-point advantage going into the last frame, 37-M. Sailnr Cagers, 60-53. Chris Tbompoon hit two but& and a pair o! !roe throw• to put the Sea Kings ahead G.ll with 5:14 to go. Then the adrenalio started flowing. To chronicle those lut minutes: 4:41 • Kim Wllbnchl drove up the middle and bagged a layup that appear.. ed to put Corona into a comfortable 44- 31 lead. 3:35 • Loara moved lbe ball down court and ,hit a bucket to make it 44-40. 2:04 .. Loara 1ttambled to atea1 the ball from a Sea King, but Instead foul- ed Dean Wiese who went to the line and misaed th lint basket ol. a oae-aod~e sltuaUon. By STEVE ANDREWS Of -.. ,, '°"'' ltelf That aecond hutetball win ln Ibo s .... aet Leacue provai to be more and more elusive with each same for tbt New-· port-Tan. Coach Dave Waxman'• Sailor• drop- ped • ~ decillOD to tile Ji<OVlouofy wlnlw llanta ~ Salnta Friday nlgbt at Santa ADI. The Saint.I went Into Ibo lhJrcJ qull'ler of the UH, -IMO, but ...-.i the Tan 2G4 to late the victory. Newport bu "°" failed ln throe &lrol&ht attempt. to ·pick up ill •"""'11 victory ln iequo ploy. We•tnainster F.U., 74-67. Ii Powers. Isn't Enough To Knock Off Pioneers Wetlern JHgh gamely held on to a thin lead throughout lbe finol quarter Friday night and held on to beat vt.siting w..i- mlnsler, 74-87, Jn a Sunset League bask- etball encounter. The Jou gives coach Ben Taylor's Lions a l ·3 Sunset League mark and a 7-9 ov- erall record. West.em stay1 tied for t h e loop lead. Jeff Powers wu h!gb point man for the Lion forward canned r2S points but was bandlcapped delenalvely ln the lllretcb with four foula:. In fad, aeveral of the \:ey Uon per· formen were In foul trouble. Dan Brod· erlck flnlohed wllb lour and Dmyl Ber' and Dave Della fouled out. The Lions never led. It was 32-28 at lhll half. We1tem choked off Wfftminster'a fa.~ break throughout, preve11tlng Taylor's aew from performln& .tta best attack. Tustin Def eats Lagunans, 42-40, On Blo'cked Shot Wllb faur tleCOl1da left to play, Tullln High School'• Rieb Edel blocked a that by Lquna'• Rod llndolpb to llJDll• the Arlllt.' lalHecood bid !or one ov- ertime game 11 the Tlllers bung on for a IMO ba.tttball victory Friday night at the winners' c:oort. Nest teat !or Wulmlnlter Is a Friday nllht bome encounter with slumping Newport-. The Uons kept pace with their 'flctcn only ln the oecond quarter When tt WU an IS-II otandoff • W..lmlllltlr CUI ...... IHI ,~ .. ·-· 5'n11fwood "" lllldtrkl ·~· ,. fl ...... • 1 l • ID J " ' • 1 ' ' ' • I $ J '12 1 ' •• O'l<-.f• EdWlnl• ,. ... ,.. Nmrlll DIWIOft .. ...,, -... :U 1• 21 61 Tot1I• ICIM'9 w ··""' 14 11 2' 11 II 21 Saints Trip MD, 33-27 ,.,, .... ,, J I 1 1 ' • 2 1, •• 2 l• lt I • 21 I 1 I I ' . ' . l • , • •1••1• LONG BEACH -SI. Anthony ffilh School llaggered to a ~:rl AngelUJ League bukelball win over vllltlng llater Del Friday nlgbl ln the loop opener for both elubl. Neither team attempted to alt en t b e ball In the low -1nJ conteot, but fOlllld It virtually Im-Ible to put tho bill ln buket wllb any regularity. The aboollnll WU IO bad tltal St. Anthe> ny could oaJy cash In "' nine ol 1$ -throw allm>pl& Ma le r Doi bell _, """""' al Ibo r ... throw line In a limit- ed woy, hltllnf eeven ol JS trloo. Mater Del led earlY In tile conteol f.S. but lhll Saint. raDlttf to tab an M lead ofter the openlnJ period. II{-Del ttl11• ed to cut the m&rlln lo )ult '""' point, t:t.lt, at halftime, but thet wu as ~ aa lhe Moaarcbl cmr came to eventnc the ICOl'O. When uted the reuoa Wmnan r. plied, "I wish I knew myl8IL In Iha put couple ol ...... ....... bell tho lead late In the _., bul wbm .,. llllrl to .... .... hqlD to fon:e OW' lhota." Harbor bed trouble leWnc -to forte In lbe Jut ...... Friday, .. lbe Saint. led by Gary Lard and c!trt.s May, began forcing turnoven and bad -· Newport managed to· put onlJ two shot.I ~ the -ln lhll final eight -· "We, for aome nuon, aboot well the lint balf (54 percent), but .... lbe touch ln lbe lteCOod (31 percent)," added Wuman. "We're Just 1ohl.i to have to find out what mlatakes we are commit- ting and wort them out ln )lndlce." Laro, who Uled perfect ICrleDI by Larry Brumley and BW lhw to -. easy Uy"1pe, wOlllld up wllb a lair nlibiB work, toulng ln 21 pointa. ..._..IWWCIJI ..,. ..... ..... ,., ..,.,,. -.... .. _ t I t ' t • I • 1 .. '11 I ' 11• 1 I 1 I t t I t • 2 J 11 21111151 °"'" • r J '' Olllltrt l I I 2 nr-tll• ..... Srv~ lt4• ·-••• LIMl•Md't Tot•ll Mir :111• LW11 a I 421 ... ,..,,.., 1 1 1 ,, Tci'll.. 12 1' 1' .a ....... --11111••-- 1421141-A Basketball Standings suqn LU•u• w • HI.ft!"""" le.di ' • w'"""' ' I AtolM>lll'I J I ,.....,,.. HarlllW l I Mll'IM 1 3 ~"' 1 , 111119 An. I I knte NII Vtlfn' 1 J """""""' ...,. ~~ """ ...... '°' ........., .. Mlrlftl •1, '""' AM V1l1W Ill W"11rft 74, w.tfntltlltlr' ff FllflllH c1t11TY11W &.ueue w • • • ' ' , ' ... ,_ MIMllll IV1il .. -... """ VIJii t'1rt ._,_ ... _ ' ' ' ' , , 1 ' • • .. ,...,... ._ Tu"lll 4. L..-llldl a El ,.,,..... CS. Ml .. lefl Vlllr. ,. 1111 Cllml!!tl #, Of'tllMI ti ,..,,.ltl & Yin. ,..nr;" il.Vl•I ...,..,., W L 1 • 1 • 1 • ' I • • • • -- ,., .. ..... "' .. m : In 211 "' ,,. "' ... m "' .. "' "' '" ,.. .. "' "' "' •• "' m ... "' .. "' '" , . "" , .. ' ;; .. .. .... ... ... ~ .... ,,,,., .. ..__. <I #Mt.ill 4t, Pwlflltlllll Vllln 11 ......... '*'-..... PutwAY UMft .,._HU• T"' .. --·-,..,. ,,_ ....... , ._. W L .. ..... .. '" .. ' t I I .. 1 ' "' 1 • "' 1 ' "' 1 ' "' -- •a ~· a• ... ... ... "' .. ... ~arina Tops Falcons, 61-50 Tustin led 2l-l7 at the haH and then rang up 13 potnto Jn the third quarter to Laguna •a nine to take • s+n lead Into the last eight mtnut.es. But the Artists came flying back bJ bagging ll points from the tree throw Une whiJe re.pterin1 only me field IOai. Tustin bed a stx·point Jud with two minute• lei~ but Laguna obeved It to two 11 It lhllt.ered the Tuatin 1lall. St. AnlhonJ C01111nutd to pull away at a onaJIJ -In the NCOnd bell, and Joct. ed up lbe 1-ln lhll llnol twe ml111tos ol play allflr Mater Del conter RalJb Chlllldoo foolell out. Cbendoo and St. Anlhony'1 Paul Unnoll lharod scoring honon with nloe polnll each. •--Vk1ory flnally came to Marini Hieb School in Sumet League action Friday •lght .. lbe VltfngJ took • 61-50 decl· fton from Sant. Ano Volley Oil the klw's bonlwoods. ' A ts.point burst In the rtrat quarter ll)>arioed by Vince Mall clld the trtclt aod ftlr tM-m o 1 t part the Vlkes wen bOlne -' MaD wu the big sun 10< the wlnnm, hilting •Ix (leld gOliJ ln lhll !Int period en rout.e to 19 for the game. Rick Mlloler, lba ailck Junior guerd !or coacb Lute Olson, WU held to two poinl& by the Fakoos. Double teaming wu nsponslble for the low eUort by Mooier u be sot oil tho only eight -during tile ,_. Klpp Baird and Diet lvl• n<pl the boards for Marina. Baltd ocored II and Ivie 12. The -made a ... "' Marina In tho third pa.lod -Sbtnnao -'-' gan hitting -aulborll1, bCll """ .,. able to c1 ... tile pp le -tbU nine. 'l'llonW wu hilh !at S.nla Ano Volley with ZI on dght !lold goell and st.s fr<e throws. 'l1Mt i-dropptd the Falcom lnto a nve ,..,. tie for Jut plao6 ln leque otandinp. CMlrWI flll .......... v.....,,.., .. ft .. "' 2 J I 1t I I I I . ' .. • • 1 I "'' _ ... .... ---...,_ , .... - .. ,.., .. J , 112 I I 1 I • I '14 I I C 11 I t t I • • I , I I 1 ~ IJ 1111•1 T•ll ' I • • ' .. ' MICIS• Mi VI_, -·-.. " 11 II .. 11-41 " - Arllat s-Wlezbowsid !lniohed .. lhll top _.. for the nlaJ>I wllb 12. ...... ~t•I -"" Nftff• .. " .. "' ·-I I I 4 -,,,_Jlf :::::i..... t • ' • _,. 1 •• ' t I I I ... I 1 J I ·-J ... lt -; t 111 -I I S I =-' 1 t 11 ....... 1 I I • 1 1 • J 10" ,, • "'r.:r. I 1 1 1 , ... U111•0 ,,. .. ..... r"W' " ..... ...... -• • • ·- Maler Del rel111111 to action Wednflday nJalll Jn an I o'clock pme aplnlt Bishop Amat. MIW Dllf9 ~el" ... ....,. -::., " ..... • I.. ...... 1 I I t HtllM 1111 ~ ,, •• °"'*" 11 '11 .,.., llS' -'l'' '*illtY 1111 CNWt I ' 6 llNllR 1 I 1 9 Mdl\11111• l 1 :t I n.ct..r JI I 6 T•ll lt 1Mf1 T..... lt '"*' .... .. _ _...,. Ptl; • ' • 1147 I'· """""' I ' 1 1~ • 1 l I ----~"'-- ,-..,. __ •Start Your Engines! by Deke Houfgate Take a week oil and a• akiing. That's tile advk:< ol a ,_ ,aulomOblle company pr<Sidenl on bow lo <ftt rid SUNDAY JAN. 19th 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. of ~ve tensions. .. : , ... 'llio ~: Dan CU1'1101, whose compiny> makts ws that!;~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;~~ ..U: 11!1' fll,GOO ~ up. Gurney Ir a<:qdtJnted with temionlf' .. p«bape .. olh<r ~ elOCllthe -lit. "' prlnclpol uaer ol hi. own prulud, ·be cOO.tandy I~ .danler al l!pOOda up te IOO miles an ~· · ''1 got to \be ~ that U I -·1 tab _,.. time oil and get away J WU going to lftak up," ~ admitted. ••sut I didn't realizt a couple of weeks of KiinC could renew a peroon like it did me. Emybody ..... tt lo blmxtt to take a vacation." Gurney was SUl1)rised that he could learn as much as he did about the unfamiliar winter sport, or that he would enjoy it so much. He is Y1 years old and had never been on a1ats before. M Ole result of a few days orf. he .bas developed ~ , enthusium, not only for skiing, but ror life itself. ~ Talking with Gurney these days b an e~ience if ~ou've li.-nown him at an earlier time. He has an mterest m the world around him. Beautiful llCf!OU)' cat.ches his _atten~. Problems of. others bother him. Cultural phenomena like mUSlC and art stimulate him. ·, . • • .. c.., ""·· ....... ., • • 1 ·~~Jt· WOMEN'S CORDUROYS Our Reg. 1.96 to %.96 1.33 Jn other words the dedicated competitor who barely used to raise bia bead 'rugb enough to Rt over . the fuel injectors New boot or buckle oxford& in wide-wale cotton when he wasn't driving a race car bas cmcovered the rat corduroy. Jumbo 'crepe soles. Brown, green, gold. ol the ...,Id, and be is enjoying it Sizes l>!O. Carney takes' time oil this w<d:end !or anotlie< di""""".11..!:=================..l {ram his work U president ol All American Rac<n °'·IL ~SantaAna. 1--;=================ii He will drive a Mereury Cyclone for Glen and Leonardi! Wood in the Motor Trend 500 at Riverside Raceway. This comes under the heading o( "Sunday Drives Gurney Has Taken.," because Dan has won frve of the last si% 500-mile stock car races on the Riverside road course. 1.fonday morning he will be hitting the ball as UI08.I at his d..t< at the lllcl<ll')', bossing 15 -loyea and nwiaging a company with gross revenues that are approaching $1 million thi3 year. Gurney will bOs3 _. two-car racing -team for .USAC's cbam· pionship trail road races and the SCCA Can-Am sports car circuit. That adds up to 17 races. That will Jeave him ple.nty of time for the paperwork back at the factory, a few public appearances and some more racing. Gurney -.i•t t.alk about It. but he 'itches· lo gtt a Tram-American racing program going. Last August be c:onlided that be ·WU ~ed in campaigning a couple of M111lang.l!i on the Trano-Am trail, and the rumor mill is grinding out opocuhltion lo that efled today. If Gurney doesn't nm his own can, and it now appears that he won't, Dan will be available for limited call by Font Motor Co. this summer when be isn't etbenrise occupied. , 'nlis year.._bowever. Gurney hu some alternatives to hiring tllmself out to drive cars and wpervising race car prepantion at his factiry :, \ ... . He might -lake 1 -k off nOw and then. Bueknum :Bounee• Back 'nat IOdla Rubber Maa, Roule B11clm8lll, hao ~ hack ID tbe news apln. Last week Rocer Penske Informed Bacbam tllat a 'rfde was brtba1 made available for ltlm. •• &eammatt to Camare Traa~erfcu. driver Mark Donohue. Nlat mondl1 ace Buebam was 1t tile dead end of ~ ndq career, uv1q· walled any from tlie f1ctory Mustang team lfter a Um.Dlatin& uperteac:e at Sebrt.n1. ne car be •ad to drive ••d H c• aac e ol wlaa 1 n g, ud Baebam blistered oder Ills collar at Fenl inl1nldioa le p ...., la practice. fte:I k realped from tke tum, Romtie txprtued Ills epblioe cH;didly abou.t tbe way thl.np wen beiJl1 f11ll in tk Mutu.g camp. That's called bnrnlng your brid,es. S. lie wtnt home &o ~ and started matin1 pbose NYLON/RAYON AREA RUG* Sunday Only 2 .96 011r Reg. 4,44 Quilt-patterned nylon and rayon rug is 27i;48'' 1U::e. is: in gold , blue/green, blue, red or pmk. '"'L'Mlff' lfl<Nnrltf'. ftOfte 1111d to -leri THRIR -PRICED K MART PROPANE FUEL TANK* 011r Reg. 1.17 86c Sunda11 Onl11 'i!'its all makes wrches, camp stoves, lanterns, beaters. Heat for hun4 dreds of uses. Use it for camp-site cooking, too. Charge It. •NET CONTENTS 1 PT. 11.1 Fl. OZS. calb.. One el the calls WU te Sid Wtt.ber~I', OW.U Mir;:================:;-; Ute somewllat Uglltly regarded Indianapolis car Bucbum wull. heoked to drive 111: the 511. Yes, Rottif: 1UU Ud a ride at IDdJ' 1 lte WU IJ1ared. Ia qullfyln1 rookie lhlctnom hlt tlte seveaU. row witb a speed ol lfU mJ*. and wltOe RonnJe wao't plused wiU. •11 perfwmaDee, owner Weinberger was. Roule was la the Gasollae ADey restl111"1.&t ctlebralinl over a catioD of milk wbea H heard the bid HWI over lbe pUUe address 1yslem. Bis car bad bee welped and ·-to be II powldl oder iepl weight Ht WU dl"iUliflod. "I jut cu, "8eft It," Bocbtum aald. Welnber(er tllruten- ed USAC wl&la « laWlldt, ud lite 8lpJDeats witblm ruie of dllef sienr.I Buiud Feaper were so lleated tll1t one •tit flat -im..i. Uslac Its OW11 .eales, tbe Weillberger crew found Ute car to be over t&e llllalmam weip.t. So Wtinberiet llrtaPt ta u offldal ti dte fiMl1aall Bmua of Weiihtll and Meanrts, wllo ,_ ., effkial ocaltl le be faulty. Baebnun wu relmtaied, started tbe 511 but retired from tile ra~ at ablat 1lte one-tbJrd mart and ns aWU"dtd ttst platt. It wu t. tM USAC read races tbat be Un-ed kil potutlal. At Mooport -am ftabtiod Wrd evtnO. Al CGol1aaial Dlride toe Id a qualtfyln1 rteord and led for ZS taps aatD die eir (altod. Boebam lialalled fov1h at lndi...,.U. -., Parle ... was aeetDd at SL Jovtte. 'l'Ut'1 wha H DI 1.9 'mah a declal• ..._ wMdltt te eontbue u • s,.u ear driver .. rwhdl 1e na1 radar. -·a wta la .. Midligaa' ........ -the nrprlaa ti .... _ .... chainp tnll, bat n1-.ieq ...... ..-. .. 7 'Ge.1e Follmer •eme11:Uet1 Bltd:Km's spwtl ear la a Cu-Am ,-.,, at ""-Stea. nta tUeelholr "'' ~•I ti die en.Am baa-. f'err•rl Rolla 01t Emo Femrl b: the Geor1e Halas « auto racina:. Just u II aeem1 he llhould be "tirtnr from the apart or 1elling bis (adory to some big combine like Fiat, he comes on strq wftb a new program. Uke Halas, Ferrari wiU eventually have to quit, but f• now be is plun,ginc into a new season with enthuslasm. Fernri'a latest negotlatlm !or 1 driver II with Mario AlldRUl. Canplalnina that cb1vers tbtst days "make me lick 1'1111 demands for too nmcb money," the Italian racin1 master ..-hu made plant !or Daytooa and Sebrinf Iona dW-raceo with the apmslvc Andretti In mind. Set The Table for 8 With 45-PC. MELAMINE DINNERWARE* O•r Rq. 12.84 s ....... ,, Onl11 9.27 Choose (rom severa1 colorful patterns. pastel col- on. !1'1 break, chip reStst.anl .. sale in W..bwsash- era, a joy to own! Just Charge It. • 'Lln'llttli WMll!lr, ,_ eld flt •i.ts -- ·--~---·- .. .. .... :.;.,., ''·" : MBl'S POPUW SHORT SUM SWEATSIHRTS 0..r Reg. 1.94 1.44 Sunda11 Onl11 Charge It 5-0% cottxm/50% cr .. lan® acrylic, short aleeve, crew neck sweatshirtJI:. Choice-of colors. S.M-1.,.XL. SPACE SAYER POU LAMP FOR SMART DKOIATING ' -011r Reg. 6.96 4.44 Charge Ii Smart in living room, den or family room. 3 metal re- flector lamps on an enam· el • finished pole. Walnut fini!b knobs. Save at K marl •u,,.lfftll 111U1n1111r, -llOld t. dNlen 1-PINT SIZE ;¥A<t1UM BOTilE · ., ., . ~· FOR UICH BOXfl 011r Reg. 1.94 94c Fits workman's lunch kits:. Polypropylene • jacketed bottle ... is rustproof, dent. proof, easy to keep clean. No-drip pour-lip, cup cap. BOLSTER LOUNGE PILLOWS 2.97 011r Reg. 4.27 Sunda11 Onl11 Handsom~ new lounger pillows are all llxl8x24, some are in cotton corduroy and some are "mo- hair", all are plumply filled with Kapok. Cordu· rays are solid colors and "mohairs" are prints. Battery-Operated Our Rq. %.94 s ..... ,, °"'" Scissors 2.48 POWER.CU'l' scissors operate on two "C" baiter· ies, are the perfect pill' for the seaI111tress for their cuWng is precbe andeUortless. Use POWER- CU'l' once and wu'll use them always. Cbargo ll GIRLS' DRESSES ou..-R'efl. 3;97 S1111da11 Onl11 3.00 Girls dresses in a lovely variety Joi styles and colors -in prints and solids. Sizes 4 to 14, they are an assortment ot cotton an4. bonded ' fabrics. WORKMAN'S METAL LUNCH BOX Will HOID .10-0Z. VACUUM 94c Our Reg. I.Iii Hard ,.earing grey fi"-h. Will hold regular or witle- mouth lO.:OZ. vacuum. Se- . cure lock. Plastic· handfer. Llmite<I quanuty, none sold . to dealers. YOUR CHOICE OFI 4 KEYSTONE COP.S MOVIES** Our Reg. 1.68 Ea. 97c Sunda11 Onl11 Special prints of 50-foot "Keystone Cops" home movies to delight both young and old. Just say, "Charge It". •SoofM other moYle priflb ll'ICll.ic»d 11' 11>11 -i•I ll"OOolll ••Llmlte.i -"'"'· ,_ oold lo d~1f..s SPJN-Oll FISK FISK SEAlfD Oll ALTERS BUM BULBS ' o ..... 2.17-2.77 O.r let. 1.07 J 1.66 88c ' s.""•11 o~ Sunda11 Onlf": Spin-on lyPe filte~. re-Series 4-000. For diiaj move dirt, sludge in en· headlight systems. Easy, line oil& to !natal!. ... • LU'TD.IU Alla llfof 9"(1~•D ------== Al the • of 70, rm-art appears to be beaded for a buq, .-u1 racJna l..,. witb Group I prototype sports can _, srand pria formW. I ears. By tbe way, ii there -elae activo In \be aport toda7 who WU born In the !tilt c.Dls7f 2200 HARBOR BLVD. ;i~~;~·0~1d COSTA MESA . Harbo r !. --------- .. '/ I , - I UM ' Hallo ... ,,,. boys 1114 ·g1r1a, ...ic.melo another S.!qr- .-"ttij Dtomtn,-..-of fun in tincltf ... -~ Len's Corner. Uncle Un received • lot ol. 1ood drawin,p this week, but CIQIY, I f ... of them stuck to tb6 theiue' we ,announced lut week -your favorite historfcll character. Of the ones-that dkt. there were G""i" IVulJingion, Abraham Lincoit" and ovtn Cleopatra. BECAUSE most of you boys and girls didll't get the r6esaag~ ]pl v;eek. Uncle Len b ( uteiidlog thL historical •••• chara~r (frawlng contest into :i another week. So, get out the hlsloty books, kids, and let's see whO yoo can come up with. Our· or .. Coast area has produced •..,U.tr winner in ~--------=---.;._-------'---~~~-----~,1 • • • • • • •••• • the Ask #<Jy contest, also r on thill page. She's Margaret Mail, IZ, ol Newport Beach. 'Who" w~ "Wby do they llllfi'\ life began in the sea." Andy gives his •OSWtt Bl)d the .DAILY' PILOT, w l l I present Margaret Jrith a World Book encyc~ -· BONORABIE mention win . nus in the art contest this week ire: * PRIZE WINNER * . This week's contest winner is Jonleigb Piper, 91h , 1203 N. Bay!ronl, Balboa Island Any child under 12 can enter Uncle ~n's Art Contes~ Here'~ all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and 4 ind!es deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (S) PUt your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail ii lo Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAJLY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will re<:eive Kennedy half dollar. Janet Forrester, 10, Cai>istrano Beach; Ju 1 J e L-----------------------------~1 O'Brien. 9lh, · CMta Meta: Debbie Coats, 8'it. Huntiniton Beach: Jimmy C., 6, Hun- t.iogtod Deach; Doris Col'lls, I~!. Huntington Beach; .J.tn: nifer Echenique, II, Costa Mt!a, and Courtney Blackburn, •~~. New po r I Beach.-• Corne,----- RIDDLES AND JOKES * PRIZE WINNER .. Wife : Now don't get me anything ex· pensive for my birthday; I'd rather have something you made yourseli. Husband: Such as what? Wile : Money. -Cllln'I T1111l'. , ... i..c11 UM,. ll•llJ111tltll ~ • .i ,. ' • - • Dear Carol: How do yoU. spell mousetrap in three letters? 'J.•\f•) :.1M1uy -"-......... ltvs. u. .. lfltlltf Dear Carol : When is a fanner mean to his corn? "SJte '!•'ti SJlnd l't Ufi4M :JIMIU\f -,_., Od1-. II, H-' •.O Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 41 Sound of rtlltl 1 Convict 49 1111•11c1I •Seal• .,..,. 9 COIMllUfl[• SO Cobj1111ttion cation .51 Hls:.ft. 14 Guido's note 5Z Shi' 11fnge 15 Asian en, wod:tr 16 IC"'d of 54 '.yt ol 1 Ulon:lv91· thftttr ... 51 '-.OU• 21 c .. ard'1 11lcba•• ,.....,. HCI•• Z wordi '1 luslcaf lt W11 4trfcUon 20 Flow« •z YlHl•lr 21 llnntts tilth II last U lyinn •Jttjloa '4 £1actttl by U Attkl< ... oh "'1 2J Htrrw's 66. C4inceml111 dv1I 6TDnfct fDi 24 Leavn port nlslng 2•rn.. ... 11t11tals: • ll Gt•t ldtt ........ '' ,, .. 21 Tle .... le TO,,. INlUr =·~ 71 s..., ... tMg 31011i .. rw DOIN ' JZ-Roct. S. I Phlll•lnt Francisco lslanl .. D Fruit Z F• Ntrth · " .... fih• ._ ... >I IJcu l GoHI<: -lt F'f'llleh Cocllll. font pflllosothtr .c Mt1t11 It• •l Cllanc(er S • ......_ In Ft. Ucal Nit """•lat • Ihm ••• 43 Stock •arttt Dtlhl is statistic 1 Caplcious 44 GrlUnf of a a. Cflttdlet i crosfff llilrs t1U1 (with fl Houstwllt's "Tiit"}: necasltr Z words ' Veat!f'dar's ,utile Solvtif!' • Vtfliclt IOCtrtoln 1rtttlngi: ., farwtlfs 11 llfl •lllH of foltlort 12 ObstNctlott: Atdlak 13 Facial feaMe 11 '''"! In tht dirtc llnt 24 Hid t• llllllng 2) Sbldt l"'P 2 M111fcal co•poslUon 21 Kind of trf!Un; surf Kt 30 l11pedl11teitl lJ Kind of .... l4 Sort as --: 2 words . 35 '•pu•: Z WO'Cls 31 Hu11tr put 1111/69 40 klnd of alloblcnt 41 HlstOllt Wlttf body: 2 words '4S Ont who wlls ....... , 41 Outdoor ..... 53-•ous: ''"''~ ou1selvt1 5S To COii• °'to ia 56 Tete --. ?words 57 Now 5! Htrildlc. btarlng 61 Mtt.al 62 lord In s ...... plact n•tt 6) lllhln: C.b. fof• •s lon9 ...... lnltl THE ROSE THORN -1 woke up early Sunday morn. I picked a rose And got stuck by a thorn. My finger was bleeding ; 1 sighed with pain; I shall never, ever Pick a rose again. A k"'""' U" •llllr -i. l"tt11 W•""'-llV.. 16'tt Anr. SI.. F-f• .. \'tlllJ' IW lllt wlnllll119 MlfrJ Ill '911 1Jtry .... --*'· Mell ,,_ -Ir ......, 119 Ullc\t l.tAo IN 1Ut C.ISI MIA. calil. s.114 ,.w ~.-i.a t• Alt """'· c/• ONett C.. Wy f'llet, lu 1560, Celtl9 M ... , C•llf. """' sendl 1 26-wiki-'11!1 o1 th~ WOALO BOOk. ENCVCLOPl!OIA lo ,...,.,,,,..., M1l1, •9e u , Df Newpa,-1 •ucn, C•llloml1, f« lier -lion: Wby do they think lift btgan in Ute sea? This is one <>f those pro- blems that is hard to answer on a definite yes-or·no baail. But in the past 100 years, level-headed scientists have done mountains of work on the origin of lile on earth. Zillions o( fossUs and {acts have been unearthed and verified. And not <>ne single bit oC evldera: sug&ests that life did not begin in lhe sea. Scientists estimate lhat our gorgeous old planet h a s celebrated about 4'4 billion birthdays. The oldest rocks so far found in her cru.st and rellably dated are about 3.6 billion y&an old. There are no fossils or any <>ther records of life in these rocks. There are no records of life in the earth's rocky diary for counUess ages. The evidence we have on hand suggests thet our teeming planet was lifeless through at least the fir!t half ci her lile. fresh-water 1eas. And for 11h billion years or so, the sea wa.s the cradle of aU livilijl things. Everywhere the f o s s I I evidence of later chapters repeats the same story. Life began with small simple <>rganilms similar to the single celled organisms that share our modern world. They progressed step by patient step, advanced and improved, grew bigger and more com· plex. All living things need moisturt and c e r t a i n chemicals and the sea pro- vides a steady, reliable supply of these requirements. It is logical to assume that life began in a smaJI way in the ancient seas -and there is no evidence to p r o v e otherwise. Everywhere the evideoce reveals a steady ad- VllJlCe by trial and error. Finally, in rocks formed about 400 mlWon yean ago, we find a few fossils of stubby-legged, half-fishy creatures. T h e y were the first to venture a few paces from the watery crad1e of life. Nevertheless, through the """'' t.nd1 • WO•LD aOOK ATLAS lifelw ag.,, tbe seas and to ~end• sw Hwnt, '" 11. 9f s~••v. "'1. Lowl111,.., for Mr <1utrllc1•1t the land were scenes of busy activity. Volcanos and <>lher Where did U1e n 11 tr la ,geological upsets shaped and orl&tute! reshaped the crust while The native home of the minerals conspired with the nutria is sooth <>f Peru, whert land. the seas and the weather lo make ,nd r e m a k e he thrives tn the temperate themselves by chemical ac· climate on both aides of the tlvity. We do not toow when Andel . He ii a South small· unita of these chemkal! American cousin of our ratty first were encto..ed wllh the rodents. The people in his miraculous (!lfl ol life. Bqt nelghborllood call hlm th< we do kl!ow lhal It began coypu, but the Splnlab oettlen in a smOll way. And foull rtnamo!I him !he nulHa, lrom r<COTdr and other abundant !heir .word for oit<r. He lw evidence lhow thol llep by !he sPocW ...,.Ing teeUl •and patient step, living thinga other f .. turu shared by his becB.Jnt bigger and more com-nttr relatives. But we have plex through the ages. The oo rat lo compare with his story of life l8 a story of size. Ht may be two oc three itlf·improvement by trial and feet long. plus a 11 Inch tall. error. His chubby l'OIJnd body may The f1rlt ldndlllable folsils weigh u mucb u 20 pounds. date back men than 500 The stiable nutria Is a • million yean. They were genlle vegetarian who enjoys microorganlsm.s with fealurt5 a quiet Jlfe in and around of both the plant aod animal swampy man.hes. There he kln(doms. Reawchen lno\st ii hun!ed down becoule hb that they were suited to live soft, durable coat ii valuable 00!1 in the ancleot lrolb-walel' in the f1lr trade. Fw th1a 1e1s. They must h a v e reason. colonlea ol DUtrta blVt -ln>m -olmpler 'been adopled by --... ancetlora who ,..,. loo loll lnll'n 1111 natln '-. Nudli aod anall in loaft dbnble lor Ille hlr tndt -lft --Scialtilll llltmate .. tbe _, ~Jc°' tlial We -have be..,. two '-'•u oild olliF ""'ll « blntOlf yearo 1go in tho ancient thtlJnlled Sia Its. GORDO l C4J/r PLA'I! 111,6.VE ro llABVSIT/ 0 JUDGE PARKER MOON MUWNS TUMILEWEE~S MUTI AND JEFF MISS PEACH ' ' /;'· - , . ,_ -.. ly John Miles By Gus Anlola ., Ir ' .. Ii r! --.....::~!I By Harold Le Dou I WOCILPMT Wl5M YOU LDlK, 611:1f ! IT WOllLPNT PO AllY 6009~ By Ffrcl Johnscitl By Mell 1-11 V\I\" Lt.. i I ' ~ I ~ • }J DAil Y PD.OT Situni'f, J.anuaJ')' 18, 1%9 A.ail Landers • • It's a Real Sap ' ' . ' WIW Gives Slnp :. -DEAR ANN LANDERS : It is permissible !or a woman te 1Jap a man's face in a public place, such ai a..rt.Stau'.rant? l won't go into the details. You can guess what happened. · My friend says she was justified because a slap in the face is the surest way for a lady to register a protl!sl against a gentle- man who Is no gentle-and JOU'U Uve ta pay for man. your'W1 moa~ A bet Is ridln1 on your ' DEAR ANN LANDERS ' A -PLUS 'ry'ENTY ctrt.aln woman who goes to answer. OEAR 1"LUS: Wbat'i tM. our church brings her S-year· ...a ... dd' old J>oy to services every Sun-maU:tr will 'yov """' 1 day. She aJ.&o tirings a bottle, voeal cOnb:? a bag of toys, a tin whislle A lady doesn't aUow a and a barDlQrtJca. This mother ceatJe.mu to 10 so far that spends the entire worship Ume sM W &. pve llim a klop trying to entertain the child. In IM clliops la order to SometilTlts her voice is louder .. reitlter a protest." I detect than the minister's. This a &eeey weeny bit of W:asieg woman can·t be get t ing •ere, my friend. anything out or the servlce and the litUe boy certainly DEAR ANN : I'm stationed doesn't understand what's near Oklahoma Clly and go going on. Our church has into town whene ver I can. assigned seats so l can't I met a sweet chick through move. The Distaff Side Last week I sugge!:ted to a buddy's sister and we hit the mother that she leave the It off .. ight away. Tht: other child in the n u r s e r y night after the dance. we got downstairs. She told me she to talking and didn't noLice wants her boy to be exposed the time . I brought her home to religion EARLY, and even Reporters Zoe Ralph and John Zimmerman interview presidential .candidates' two hours late. She tried to lhough he may seem too d I d M ' . K . ( . ht) J M . 'II but )le Id wives Torruny Ed\var s (center an rnam mer rig as oy a1v1 e sneak in r 0 man YOO""• he absorbs a lot. The B M t t lh H t' ·u. Wh he ·-e looks on in this scene from ''The est an," nl>\V on sage a e un 1ngton was W8l g up. en child may be absorbing a lot, started to lecture me I lost ~ut 1 haven't heard a sermon Beach Playhouse. my temper and used a couple for two months: What should -------------------------------- cuss words. He kicked me 1 do? out and told me not to come H • back. -RIGHT cHuRcH. wR7~~ Pai·r From untington I've called the girl four times but she says she can't ~ ~~:~1~~ ~a;s~~': ~a~; r:J1~::~;i:;~!:~:i~E Star . i1i 'Fa iitas ticks' should be forgi ven for a· little mistake. Please help me. _ leave . ~e . ebild at home or put rum 1n the nursery. A 3-year-old should not be ex· ARNIE -nEA"KARNrE! Sbi'l'y ;-i-pertea-~fi.-Sil. qulEUy through can't •·ork up anf sympathy a church serYlce. Moreover, for a t:h.lrader who bring& "'it'i unfair lo the congregation a girl home two boars late and the mlnl11ter to allow a ·~ and &Ilea cusses out lier father. youngsW:r to spoil the Sunday Everytlti.q ba1 a price tag 1''tr~bip. FOURTH AND FINAL WEEK! THEMOtlT aB.AUTIF,VL EVER1 . ' ' • · RtDGMVt · NrRO · HtM~NGS · Jff ffiltS s... .. w """Ulll6Lf" W ""'!JOO ttMJ.UW!aP: ~ tifllll.::alft 0 ~"1lllSllU!f .... "11fOllCE• lm:ICllG'ill'JW.WMlf •• Two Huntington Beach ac-Forum XI Theater in Long -tors wilt star-in the musical>· Beach. Produ.clion of ''The Fan· Carol Greenberg and Dan Terry \viii appear as the tasticks," opening Jan. 31 at romantic lads, Luisa and Enlarging Of Laguna Board Urged Laguna Playhouse members will meet Feb. 9 to elect new . directors ilnO consider plans to en!a_.-e the board, It presently stands at nine aqd the pending proposal, if ap- proved at the annual mem- bership meeting, will increase the number of directors to 12. Matt, in the popular comedy· fantasy. Miss Greenberg has ap- peared in leading roles at Golden West Junior College and at Marioa High School. where she received two best actress awards for h e r portrayals in "MadY."Oman ol Challiott" and "All My Soos.'' She also received a ''best in vocal award" in the Hun· tington Beach High School District competitions. A vocal music director at Marina Higli School, Terry has played in 63 musicals in- cluding leads at T u s t i n Playhouse, Orange C o a s t CollE!'ge, Long Beach City College, the St. L o u i s Municipal Opera, and various road companies. At \Vestma r College and Indiana Universi- ty, he appeared in several musicals and operas. Long Beach Casts 'Come Blo'v Horn' "Co1ne Blow Your l~orn," lhe comedy which started play\.\'right Neil Simon on a hit-a·year Broadway schedule, will be presented next month al the Long Beath Commun ity Playhouse. Andrew Hawk eS and Michael Lorent have been cast as the two brothers, one a 33-year-old swinger, the other just turned 21 and eager to follow in his brother 's footsteps. Joseph Carr, cu rrently star- ring in "'I'he Best Man" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, and Darlene Chaf- fee play the parents, with Celeste Clinton furnishing the romantic interest. "Come Blow Your Horn '' will open Feb. 14 for a Sil· weekend run, following the current production. ' ' \Va i t Until Dark." at the playhouse. 5021 E. Anaheim St., L<lng Beach. ,_.lla(LWllllfR · -•JllllllllLOlilll TECHNl~Oll" "' PANAVl8ION"FROMWARNER BROS,SEVENARTS · 2nd Hit at Cinema JUL1t ~OllGE C. 2nd Hit at Cin•ma W9st Maggie Smith The slate of board can- didates as drawn up by the~ nominating e. o m m i t t e e in· eludes three incumbents - George Gade, currently presi- dent or the playhouse ; Harriet McConnell, First Nlghters president (at t~ moment ·ap- pearing in "Ah, Wilderness!" al the Cleveland Playh~e); and Gerald Bro14·n, arf at- torney with offices in Newport Beach. Brown and M r s . McConnell were appointed lo fill vacancies on the board in 1968. Drops Cl-lRISTIE· SCOTT fthllls .. Jtw unconwnonmotie. _ __..__ ..... 1111• ALSO '' FIRST ORANGE COUNTY RUN If the proposed by I aw change increasing the number of directors is approved by the general membership, the nominating committee will propose three additional can· didates -Tulley Brown, Bill 1-Iarcum and Monte McMille n • "HOT MILLIONS" 111ltti llart Moldn BALBOA 673-4048 o,.. ,:41 '"'·"-... ..... l'tftlrtilill• ~ By VERNON SCO'M' ifl)LLYWOOD (UPI) Acti':s aren ·1 changing nam~· anymore. their Ro)'-Fitzgerald is now Rock Hudson. Kirk: Douglas was once Issur Danielovitch. Todafsitlger Eng J e be rt Hwnperdink finds his name an asset, as does Joanna Shimkus. An ex4epLion Is H a n s Gudegast •ho starred as the Nazi Capt. Hans Dietrich in the .defunct television series. "Rat Patrol.'• He's changl'd his handle to Eric Braeden for reasons that make good sense. Had he conlinued with Gudegast , Braeden y,·ould have been consigned forever lo playing Gennan roles mosty Teutonic soldiers. NOW SHOWIMG OPIN AT 7:15 SHORT SUIJECTS 7:ll ft.A.TURI 1100 --011• Showi11t 011ly- HELD OVER 3RD WEEK! This fate befell such other German a c I ors as Hardy Kruger, Curt (ne Curd) Jurgens. Horst Bu ch ho I z, r..1aximilian Schell and Oskar Werner. When "Rat Patrol'' folded Braeden lande<:! a lop role in "100 Rifles." Thereafter Universal Studios set him for the lead in the mulli·million dollar produ c tion of "Colossus.'' "I t was the studio's idea that I change my name,'' Braeden said in faultless English. "Four or five times previously I'd been asked to change my name so I could play other than German roles. "In the past I resisted. I thought thal era of anti- German feeling was over. Then I remembered Buchholz and Schell and 1he others and realized they've p I aye d nothing but Germans. They have careers in Europe. I do Beatles · Go Broke. .J.~. • ""' Lennon Says 'Apple, ComfKJl'Y Shµky LONDON CAP) -John L<n- non said ln an lntervttw pubU.sbed today that he and his feJJow 'Beatles wUl be broke in &ix months if their organbatiOO -Apple -goes oo loslng money aL the present rate. Lennon'• s la l e men t im- mediately brought a denial that tbe company was in deep !lnancial trouble bul an ad- mission that its manqement is widergoing change. 1be interview with Lel'\non wa.s published by a pop music weekly, Disc and Music Echo • In •it the 2J.year"°ld Bealle was quoted. as .saying: "We haven'\ got half the money peqple think we have. Jt's been )>ie-ln·the-sky frorn the start.. Apple's Io s i n g money every week because it needs close running by a big businessman. "lt doesn't need lo 1nake vast prolits but if it carries on like this all of us will be broke in the next sl;: months. The $2.4 1nillion con1pany ~as set up with interest cover- ing music publ ishing, tele-Yision. shops, movies and electronics. Its headquarters in London's Sav1Je Row , -bought for $1.2 million a year ago -has a staff of 30 Lo .W persons. "Apple needs a new broom and a lot or people there y,·ill ha ve to go,'' Lennon said. An official of the company commented: '·Let the quote rest.'' But later Apple issued a statement saying manageri:i.I changes were being made. "\Ve have our businessman and we are doing our streanllining," the statement said. "Our records arc nits. Our misses are m<ignified. Our future is magnificent." A spokesman added : ''What John said in the intervie1v was true. What Apple says now is true. The times they are a'changing." After a meeting at Apple headquarters \Y e d n es d a y night, Beatie George Harrison weighed in with what he called a clarification or Lennon·s remarks. "Apple has plenty of money Barbra Tops NE\Y YORK (AP) -Barbra Slreisand has been named "Entertainer of the Vear" by the Friars Club, the famou s all-male theatrical organiza- tion. She is the second \voman to be so chosen in the club's 6~year history. Dinah Shore received the honor in 1960. -we all have," Harrison told newsmen. ;<When John said \l'e were losing money he was talkin& about clvln& too much away lo the wrong people. We have aiven too much to charity. We've Just been loo generous ind that's goin1 to stop." Rumors cireUlated through London's pop music world tbat Harrison aod Lennon had a fierce quarrel that broke up rehearsals for • B e a t I c television 1pectacular l a a t wekend. A colleague who dld not with to be named denled that the two stan came to blows and said it was "just a penonal tiff.' Ha added : "Life ·amoni \be Beatles has never been completely peaceful, but they have always managed lo palcll up di!· fere.oces." Broadway's 'Dollies' • Star in TV Special By JACK GAVER NEW YORK (UP I) -Jusl how much or what of a two- hour taping will wind up on the home screen in f\-1arch when ABC's new Carol Chan- ning one-hour special i s telecast can't be predicted here. but anything t b a t survives the necessary editing should provide one or the sea.son's top entertainments. Miss Channing, who created the title role of the stage musical, "f{ello, Dolly!" and Pearl Bailey, cu rr ent titleholder in the Broadway production. sang and quipped their way throu,llh the taping before ·a specially invited au- dience in a video studio the other night with a zest and affection that was infectious. There were a few fluffs, requiring retakes, t h a t enlivened the proceedings. Some probably will be. re- tained in the finished product. Such as t~ one when Miss Bailey stood In the wrong spot as the curtain came down, separating her from Miss Channing. One sequence was outslan· ding -the two proving how effectively they can project songs usually identified as male property, such as "The.re's Nothing Like A DanW," "76 Trombones," the floating crap game song from "Guys and Dolls" and "If I Were A Wealthy Man'' from "Fiddler on the Roof." Women should swoon at the fabulous costumes the two 'wear. Of course, each gave her unique rendition of the title song of "~lello, Dolly!" and this is the first time producer David Merrick has permitted use ot the original lyrics ol the song on television. "If I asked yoo, you'd even work for me for nothing, wouldn 't you,'' Carol rem.ark· ed at one point. "U you asked me, I'd say yoo have a great imagination," Pearlie Mas replied. And if they asked me. I'd say that both seemed to be having so much fun tbal they should pay the Mosnanto sponsor for making it possible for them lo get together. Don't miss this one. 2 New Stage Classes Set A pair of course! I n theatrical costuming a n rt makeup will be offered in the evening at Orange Coast College this spring. . "'Dleatrical Costum!ng" will meet Tuesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Home F.conolniC;.'; Building Room ~. It will cover the basic _ costuming for the theater, with special emphasis on the particular design for pericxls in the theate r . Construction techniques will also be discussed. "Theatrical Makeup" will meet r..londays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. backstage tn the OCC Auditor'ium. The course is designed to teach the prin- ci ples and techniques 0 f makeup for slage and TV, Studehts will practice applying makeup for straight and character part!. Nazi In1age not. I've been in America nine years. ''So I began lo set the necessity for a change. I chose Braeden from the village I lived in near Kiel, Bradenbek. "There were other factors. I want to make my career in this country, and I married an American girl. With the new name I reel my career will be broadened and enlarg- ed beyond German roles." Braeden is an even featured. handsome man who was born in Kiel in 1941. He ·was a toddler when World War ll ended. bul still bears the stigm!'. of having been a German in Germany during the Nati regime. ··rm tired of all that," ht> sighed . ··~1ovies are guilty or oversimplification of human characters in poliUcal situa. lions. The illusion is childish and dangerous. All German soldiers ~·eren't Nazis, and I'm sick of being cast in those parts." Braeden plays an American in "Colossus" and hopes to conti nue p ort r ayi ng Americans in the future. "I've been in this country so long I no longer feel totally Gennan," h·e said. ' • M y English instruct-Or was a Gennan spy in England during \Yor!d War 11 who had at· tended Oxford. Perhaps that's why I have the advantage of speaking the language as fluently as I do. "The important thing is that J 've been given the op- portunity to get out of the Nati mold. I'm young enough to assimilate into American society without the disad· vantage or being typeca!t a German. "If for no other reason it v.•as Yi'orth changing m y name." While Eric Braeden may sound less Teutonic than Hans Gudegast to some, it still rings more Germanic than, say, Hock Hudson. AMERICANIZED Eric Br•edan cunT easrwooo ..:·COOGans BLUff" T ... orlg:lnal· complete roadshow varilon of tha multi Academy Award Wil)nlr TELEPHONE 541•1552 FOi INFOIMATION I See By Today's Want Ads: llf COlOll ·,. UMvaaA&. lllC'TURr STARTS WEDNESDAY ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ~. :i.=u~/ ,• .···' ~--.. ,... ... ~_.... . " I IT IS LIFE ITSELF ... RAW BEAUTY IN ALL ITS AWAKENING! TWO FIRST RUN FEATURES Th• Slee1>9r of th• Y•1r r--""'.'."~T'."'.".H E~--., IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" a DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRIGHT IT'S DIME A LINE DAY! I I Inauguration Set WASIUNGTON .(UPI) - Tilt' secret -· the FBI and the entlre inveaUgaUve apparatus 'of the federal llOV""!llent F,vt joined lfrces to try to make . the" in- a.,,..1Uon of Richan!' M. Nix· .OD the amooUJest ever. · Helicopters ,will be whirling .overhead and security men ·will be on ~ery rooftop, min~& with the crowds, coc· dOlliJig oil the White """" and eDcirclt11i the U.S. Capitol u Nixon becomes the nation's l7lb Pmldent • . ' .\n lnlcimed l\le!S · 11 thet the total DUJtlber of men on duty Jl(I. 20 wilt be anywhere .from l,"000 to 10,000. Officials would not disclose the actual number. SOUGHf HELP Local polict have called on the me_tropolltan po I i c e rnem «<1>1 ll1CI the District tf C.Olumbla National Guard for· _Julltance. (}\her units have been made available on th• standby ~ .. 1 •• · Group11 wch ii th8 National MoblllzaUon Committee to end the war In Vietnam are sub- ject to c:onNnt llCl'IJUny. No one could &et a pennit to eve.a pjcket without ap- proval frotn the Geqeral Sel'Vlces Administration. Lyndoa B. Johnson Wiii the molt protected President in U.S. hi.story when he was IWOl'Q 1n for a full four-year term ln. lMf, wltb U1e memory of Prttldlnt JQ)in F, Ken-nedy's ~\)on . I ti 11 ln.!h. . Nixon 11 even more pro- tected btcauae of t h e asaaulnatlon of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy dw1ni: hit quest for the DemocraUc pmlden- Ual nomillaUon. Secrtl Service aaents be1an pro~on June S.. the day died , when Congreu Id through a Jaw to provide prbtectlon for every prt&identlal candklate. In lhe past, only the victor got such protectJon after the general election in N9v~,.. ,, ' FOLLOWS JIECIU~ Nl:ron la a delight to the Stcret Service because he doe.a what ,thty ten him. Dur- inl triP1~broad u vice presi- dent In Jhe f;i&enhowu ad- Mix 'BtW,ns' Oil Slicb . Phono67J'.6260 EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT htey l.tt the west I I "MORE DEAD ' I THAN AUVE" 11111 Clint Walker Vincent Pri~e Anne Francis • AL10 ft.AfOt• I "TWIST OP $AND" I --1 I TON"' AT ':It & 10:10 -., ....... s.............,..,....,.- Jlll ·~~. • JUUE BROWN ............,. HARRIS •«·inn -EIVI~ , ........ ~-· AND AT f!ll;«>NLT ••• llllilllr ~=-­.• ._ .. """ """" • COi.Oil • "111111 ... _ CIW'lttlHlfr IAt e COlOlt e _.,,... .. • . ................... . I . s.....,,...,U,llft , .. o:(llji•=•: v a •• ' ---------------------------------------------------------_ __....,:,;,~-.:...--"" R_ J!olaY PlLOf • ' i COLLINS .MM!rlu F .... '<.oOIN • .,,,,.., ff, 111 31622 $Cenlc ,Drift, L .. ~ BMch. '°"' 11'1 Ml"""'Jllown. ~ .-W.l"I' U, 1171. Died .,._,..,. I(, ..... lllr· viwd ""'"""""'"' AllDey Doi L..autour, ef N~ &ftdi. Gr_,kM ...,..,le .. .,in be lielO ~'' 11 A/fA. C11t. "'"' CemtterY. Under rtw 1l1AC!tan ef Ut11,111tB..m~. IMbllt. H•lne#. 110 E. C>a:klln'91. S.nl• Ana. 0111 of clttfli, ,,_ry 11. survived b'J" hll$bMll, Herb9rt E. H•l,,_.I Gl\111..,..., s.ndr•, el tht home; p1renh, ')llr. end M" llDrt Alnlr, 1rwi11,.._ .s.rvicu:. Mlll!'llltr. 11 AM. l'•tl!Oc: 'l}#w OlaPll. wllfl Rtv. bJll'IMlll Nldlob of U11llt11 lvl!Wrwr\ aiwc-. iwW• . A.... offldallnt. In.- ti""'"*• Padfk View~ ~. Oln09li br Padlk Vlt• MOrfuary, Eolffl H•lltdl. .... W. 1'Ttl SI., Cosl• Mn&. Services ~""'-aeu lnMlll· "" Mllrlue'1" ti• 11~,. Colli ...... GENSLER JAMf •· Geriller. D W"-1 Fc1r•I lltot1d, Coste Mu.. Swrvlwd b\I "'"· Rollltrt L. G-Jtr, Ci(Kl~UJ Mullll- ~W. Mlr'-'1e ~lef; "''" .,.M'd101u, .ldlll •.. Pt* T.. llld. ......... '· ~ltr. II. Jlnolai&. to-._,., $111urde't', 10:• AH.. w .. i.:.11tt Cl\Apifl. tntwnwit In llow Hllll, LI,.. ...... ,.._ ........,., Ok"tctel .,, Wul· dlffCllllPel~ .......... BEU!IROADWAY MORTUARY lll·Blei49e1, Cet1I Mtia LI ..., ... , ' 1'1111,--. B•d=.-.a rA!lil:icm1' !Ol:MOl!lo\L PAU ec..., • ......, • Qopel · • .Jml'ldllcVJewllrln • ' .Ne.,.n =-Colllnla . P~ FAMILY COl.ONLU. F\JNERA!. .DOME '1111 Btlsa Ave. Weotmlol.l<r Pl-3515 SlllTll'I: MORTUARY ll:l)blll SL ".&Beac• "'" . ~,lllOSTIJARY ,• 111 & l!lli,11;..--··-' • ' ' . " fas•it• S~s r1Sizu l l\tt11 i _.;L'C'=A'l,'-'•'"i; __ .,,_ ·--...... • · T.V. Lead Wire · "No"Bugs M' Lady" SHElf I DRAWER PAPER ' .. . ~-•• ' Praued witb • tlOOIJ.ESS pest to1trol a1e1t wbicti kills IRts, I foacfles 11111 liJYel'flS~ ChtstF-Rll 11'lllfl. •ll"'dlFL ••fir "Congespirin" CHllDRlWS ASPIRIN + NA~Al DKONGES1~ ' Cllaop.1-·-, • l""lh ti, .. !!lid ... .... l .. -lltllt II 2' . .. SAY.ON "Minicaps" .. Mg!ti7 .. Vitamins · As a dietary suppr. rnl.'llt take oDe cap- sule daily. 100 c., .. , .. • 1.59 Vitamin "C" SAl·IM 111111 ... """"""'" IOO mg. age l11tl1 tf lH · ~~~ 111111 ••• egc Iott~ II 111 ' Vitamin "B-12" SlJ.lllllAlll ... 1 09 2S mcg. lttttt tf 111 • Super B and C SAl·IM 1111111 ... 3 39 _ lttttt tf tM • I '"Friskies11·, . • • CAT FOOD •. -Fttm "" -"' 1)2 IL Clin: -:9 i $) · Therapeutic "M" · Vltallils l 1i.11s SIY-111 111111 • • • 3 98 ltttl• rf ·t• • Yeast & ·iron SAY•IUlll ... 1· 92 P'llfe Dry Bre'wtrs · Yeast ltttlt tf 251 • Vitamin "E" Sll-11111111111 •• : 1 69 50 lat Units. /1 letll• tf 111'1 • . HOUSEHOLD Scissors 1 l~O,,~~~~~ . .. 11~~ . ' •IS11« nip ·1iliot f I! 111111 ~. Now JQ1t can m:e !tetal · ' "Color · SHUl'.JP!! ' · Deutf:l !Oler .,~'tel£: Sij1C.. -. • • 11111 & 1'11.· 1111111 . 1 00 ••s. 2.51 ....... ~. . • llOllTJ1£11i9. ·1 00 lea. JJI . ·-----'··•' • Sllfl TONfl ' , oi;c tti.ue ~ ...... ~. w- "'"' Ol!Alf ', 1 M ·, lie-'-"·-••• ,UU·' = ........ J.OO. ... \ ' .. • I • . • ftll Firpi • Cmae Pl1t1f • Miwil• S•mi • C11r111t11 5 Yurs Ii--Heat p!OM· ·; : • r ·Dr11smker Sieir • 1~" lirber Slur • 1" Dr1ssm1ker S'ear • l" Pi1ki11 S•lar • 5" S1wi11 Sciss1r • 4" EMr1idery Scimr llD handle. Choose from Avto ~ cado • lll!Vtst GoW "'"'· ' ~ •1J1:TtTMt:C~ftnu.Wtflt,~ 2 39 1 -Cheracol u ~,.,i i... .. -· ~"·~----.. a lit ,,_,~""--1..----.: COUGH SYRUP . ,, .. 21~ Qt T !"'Kettl l!UPJOMN ... Far-2 . e Ill' · "'"'''"""'· .. ''·"'-. . . "'' . moo c.otd. Oelicroirs •111d cberry . ~ '7 Mllll ••• Trirger s fut easy fllhn£' ; f);nor. Mon-aa1Dt1c. eii-p111ring ••• grooytcl 11in-~ _:Bf 1.49 1 ~99' .;i~~~~T~;.iQ~ ~ "~D'' ~· . 2.98 . JtjJ w:::"""" 1.49 . . ~IJIVJWl\ll "' IADlll' .} . j' 'World of Color' llJll!IWU&ZAE PAllT a Maskiaz T;ipe 1. Bl1Shs · Tennis Shoes_: DRUG STORES. '· 1">111 ti. . ;~"'i1:, ~ ~ 59c . · .tle•i>..~11> . ~ ~· aodl'.sim. . -· ··B9c" "A t' II i WORLD OF COLOR n 1que ~ SPRAY KIT ~ ~'"Ill•"'" s.n .. n:c... g '"'' ""'"' tit *"!ltd 11 I ll'O'ide the ..... GI' JrQfessD!al .. ~ lurtifuf ~ ll!DIP Ille ..... ___ , .... It """"' ·~ Ille 2.98 --· -· 1111.MJ '' PWTI(, Sboe Boxes •. • -""t" -4 1.69~, . ~ , .. 1~11~ 1.29 ·' • : i .. . 'f& PLYM ·so ·Fury RIWio, h11ftr', ~pow~'t. · stHtin9, aUfOMatic, power bri.~1s. . . ISVU-6501 • $43' Doww " '$4l Moo11i!J • ' . ·'67 -JAMBl.EI $·1· 560 ~·2 door secf•q, V-81 auto- ·-'!'•iic .. ,,,,~er st~ring,, radio • ~ and fi11t1r. 11ULY-1861 1 .. ' ' Tetll·Prlca + T.& L $46 °""'" .. ~ Monthly ' ""'•'' $·1277 '68PLYM .Fury 1112·.: 3 ;7, ··:7· . 2 dr. hdfp_.,-sp1rifin9 red, r1cfj1, "; .' . , ~ · - htr.1 P/S, fct, •ir. IVRC.7501 . · · • . $IO °""'" .. ' . $IO Monthly. • I ' , . . · • Ttbf Pfke··,.:,.y &iL .... ; . w . --. ·c~"'"' ~ ... f\l&V o~,_"'..,o"'- lA'1el\ '" ,v.vi\ . ,c* ' I ----·---·---- . ' ' '66 DODGE,Chger $·1'6 7· . 2 1))or li1rdtopJ Rldi01 h.-at .... autornatk. pow., stHriluJ, f·c-' tofy"'Alr; white wills, axc1,ttOn· · ellv cle0n. 12700721 , . . $5t Dewo & $57 M""""' : , Tofil '.fko + T ~ L ,. '~7 CHEVBel Air$1J': . 77' :.,-, . tel~tif~I ma~~d~er rad MtUippacl •. ,. • Jf/!factorv air, Auto., RIH. _,. · IWK.7011 1' • • $46 °""rt & $46 Monthly Total Pr~+ T & L .,85 MUSTANC ·HT Coup•J Power st11rin91 aut .. m•tic, radio, t\.attr. A 1'111 buy, · f PCR-l ISi. • u; .,_ ., '.Ut MDlltlily F~!.~!~~"!!.r steor., $1 J-, 7· , 7· .. · . auto., RIH, Outstandin9 .. arue. · , . • .IUUS-84-tl. · 1 < $46 Dowft. & $46, Monthly , ,Tehl;~ + T & L -. -r·· ... "tqr,.,.·t--f> -r1 "LYMOPJX: . · ·'. • . ._. • ' 4 CHRYSLER· ' : MMiOAL · · L • 4.J· • ' • . J I . HUN1'NGTO." ·~CH OP&..' 1t1At t ... sml 'TIL 11 PM • • • ' . I • • ' • ' ' i I l I; .. I· • I· HOUSH l'Oll SALE HPUllS l'Olt SALi \ HoUsES l'Oll SALi HOUSll l'Oll SALe llOUllS FOR SALE HOUSll POR SALE HOUSU POR I.ALE HOWES FOR SALE 1000 ........ 1000-ral 1000 -I 1000-rol ..,., o.n.tol 1000 Oonorol 1DOI _., 10000onorol 1000 T-0-P IAYPltOHT-Juat llated 5Bedroorn, lamily room, dell, 4 llalhs 6 powder room, heated·& !Ulmd pool Tom TheurluU! d..tflMd. Pier and Float for bolta _up to 50 fl. An ~cop­ lionll buy at fU9,-. SboWU bf appoint-· menl . ,· LINDA ISLE · IA YP'-ONT ,..;. 4 bodroomi, large aclivlty room. concrete pier .nd eljp. Adlng '1~5,ooo. Open Saturday &. SUndiy. 101 Lliida we. , . DOVER SHORES VIEW -One o! the most ad~d view homes In Dover 'Shor•o. 2 bed· rooms large panelled den, opening to beau· Utul view terrace. Spacious prden -room for l&rie PoOl P 1 a n s for expansion -only $74,950. 1000 Santiago Dr. OPEN SAT " SUN. ELEGANT -Ex~lli&ite Dover Shores borne, 3 Bedrooms, la rm, lanai rm, beauU!ul interior, extensive landlcaped, room for pool. Sunken )lvlng !',!!I, huge mastor suite. Priced fll5,000, op..,. SAT " SUN. 1363 ,Galaxy Drive. INORMOUI .VllW -For tbooe who can a!' ford lhe belt. 4 Bedroo!DI, den and familY rm, 4 baU... over 6,000 sq fl. Large pool A magnificent home. $175,000. Shown by ap- pointment iohn macnab RIAL TY COMPANY H1 Donr Dr., Suite 101 Micco Rulty Co. lld9. 642-8235 nm :RJP:&J. ESTA:I mm Barrell !Za;/tg. .. 1708 Jrewport 2790 b preden~ 6"-Jf7t 5'6-2313 EXCLUSIVE NEW LISTING -CU.- too!llze4 J!Atcrt1I -homo «hlld.Qfil ' · pool encldlld With wroucht' 11'.on 11!11Ce. 4 '*"'-· dlning room & fam-ily 1'QOm with fireplace & bar, new hmulous -llDg, freshly painted & papered. New rai:f f; oven ll ditsh· wuher. Call to ... . BRIGHT .. SUNNY HOME -Situ· ated on a large tree shaded corner lot. 3 bdrms 2 baths, 1paciou1 tam· iJy rOom, living room overlooks beautifully Jand1caped rear garden. 1131 TrH11Wlnds Lene Opon Sun. 12·$ CHOICE EXTRA • LAltGE ·LIDO CORNER-3 bdrms 3 bath>, sunny private patio, 3 car garage. See this by appomtuient 0111)'.. < I BAYCREST'cOllNllt~Wlth pleas- ure we offer tblo cbarnllng Contem- porary 3 bdrm home, huge dining room, an umisual ·workshop or darkroom arrangement, SJ>:lcious "open celllng"'floor'plan with sep- aral& muter bedroom lllite. Well priced ·at f59,000. NEWPORT HARBOR VIEW · LOTS Choice Building Sitff: * 2209 Cllff Dr., Cliff Haven, NB * 2772 Bayshoro Drive, N.B. B.ayshores, Bayfront with pier &. silp.. . . '> . CHEAPER THAN RENT GI -lmmedlate J>Ol'"SSlan -Dandy 3 bed· rooms & den and 2 batha, large Uving room with fireplace. -Clrpeted and draped. No down lo Vela.:...:. Just $1400 Down to others. $22,450 FULL PRICE MAGAZINE COVER SHOWPLACE Oiannlng Custom 3 be<jroom and dining room iii a plctUttoque eaataid~ setting. Open beam ceilings, gleaming b1rdwood floors , and used bHck fireplace givea lhe living room a "copper KelUe'' style. $26,500 - Terms are easy - QUALITY-PRICE-LOCATION Hard lo find all in one pallk.age, they are all In this chll'l!llng 3 Bedroom, College Park home. -Clean u a whistle with new top qulllty Iha& carpets. -Kitchen with Built· Ina and dlabwuber, -$24,500 -only 10% down needed. TOO Bl~USt SELL . · The 11?1-.l home In lhl$ flne art& al )Jaa Verde. Boom ti> ij)are with every built-In-cm· venl..;ce--311Diuioua llalbs, party alze paUo, large Sunset pool completely wrouib~iron fenCed . Owner may trade for smaller "bome-- f42,50Q. You make the termJ. WHAT A BUY Outitandlng S BR 2 hath hbme with 'boauillul Palo& Verde stone trim, Paloo Vorde '1tone fireplace le pan,, e1led walled llvillg room. Ha GI lban ·with f114 per month pay· m-. Full price •~. i50, 4 IR-$iJ,950 • !'fO DOWN YES, a veteran can move in for noo:-eo.i. &,impounds, payments ol' flDO month include everything. Low down for FHA buyers. A real deal!• COAJS & WAW.Cf RfALTORS ICJla.. 1491 BAKER STREET ~ ~(>.1141 COSTA MESA. CALIF. • • FARROW'S NEW EXCLUSIVE 'TlADE·O.PLAN ·1. DIRECT TJW>t{ •• on anottwr home • \GI ·or down. l l . WARRANTY SALi 11 It does no1 8tll. ·wl'D but It. 3. 4% INTliR&ST LOAN on your home to enable you, 10 buy anc;ith!'r bomt' ot )'OW' choice. 4. SPEED SALE Buy your equity outri&bt. Competent and courteow: EuWd Sl9,500 stall are able lo ~h 6i.!.% financlnc available. help to, ho~ owners ~ ' Tint time U.ted . • . step.<1 to lOth,St. !kadl.. We art" very proud to ofltt' ttrls in). maculate -· AIW8Y' rented .ummer '" winttt. $61,500 ii tbe price -we II;,\" t!lo ..... . "lllJNflm ~ Rl~/'Y,. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 -------OPEN SAT Ir SUN J..aiie ~2 lot, 2 bedroom' borne beyerl. ". '. plus den and 2 baths. Walk C&ll WI now fDr e .... tion to all the lhopplna:, detach-ol the One1t P~ fn Or-- ed double 1arq:e, chain a.rwe CoUDI;)' u indicated b)' linked tencr. Act now or the T -0-P inillals. loose this little iem. Colesworlhy & Co. -rar1-~K - 1904 Horllor Blvd. t ORANGE COUNTY'S CM. 642-77T7 • · LARGEST , ' ~~Open Eves. 29! E. 17th St. 64~4 Bost Buy In Balboo . lroadmoor Honie Duplox .... Bay, ,.. BR'• HARBOR VIEW Hills ~urn500 + extru, low Price Dcltlng View or Bay~ Clla· E. ii. Mk?hl.l!l. Realtor Jina • and llghts at nJah1 SOniietlilnt. OPNCE OPIH i 1 For Eweryone ' Saturdays " Sundays -I -1:,~N~~~~~f -. -- -1605 WESlCl;IFF" - I Beauttlw 8al"""'-tormal Will "" Ibis In a Ba -~ DRIVE ! 2264 Federal Av•. 3 BR. 2 BA. ............ Vacant. Orlfy SU.950 DAYl~SO,,i_Rea!rf 546-5'60 Eves. MS-35114 SOCK rr Tlr 'EM! 507 E. Ba1boe. Bl. 673-6880 from th.is 4 bedroom. ~~~ WAMTEo TO BUY 3 or 4 balh Jonner Model Home. Asking $6!,500. """"°m """"· tako """' DON BIRD, ASSOC. Joan -paymenl!I under ror appolntmwt • · $1S5.00. Haw cash for equi-675-0901 5f7-700 ~I t;y. c.all 548-8995 alter 5: 30 d PM • Cl-lARO:E )'OUl' want a now. I· ~""."". 3 ::,.."'".'::;~ ::..,~ ".""'~ ·~~ '" Newport leach 643-5200 ! 1tone: firtplaces. t•nd"'!>' home, HD 111 •. ft.; lush w/W • • ~ :.= ~~~~ ::·.,,~:r::-.i.: EASI' SIDE OOSI'A ~ HOME. Real family life ls • yord. ~ 1511,500 , y""' mm. bdnn, ... """ bath; IAYSHORES NEWPORT HGTS. AREA no happy accldon~ it ts -·.= .. -=:-.==--. ---------- j tierma. ~ owner needs choice loc:. <>wner's amdoul; TERR.IJ'IC HOME for !gr. ALL '11IIS AND R2 p2aDned lor and built for. • to price, $31-. family, near prtv. beach on . $25..500 Every eonsidera_tion w •.• t 'move. &yabore Dr. TOP quality Cha.murt1 J ~ or 2 rtven \\'hen building this !· 1111 Diii-. 1 5 bdrm. 5 t,.lh. Ice. Hv. nn. bedroom &: den. 1% baths, FOUR BEDROOM, family 4 din. atta plus h11ge !leP-~. carpets &: drapes, room, dinirc room. bttak· I Wn. rm. w. fireplJ.ce, bit-built-in & ~ air beaL wt 1'0001 CUSTOM HOME. R E A L T Y Sn'•• w/w cpl &: drapH. 3 This well Jindacaped.,.bome Th! kltcben Is all electrlo 3Cm \V. ,,_BaJ 7 .boe....,.. Blvd., N.B. tall Balalr, C:M. stloM car earace. CA1J. roR AP· can be bind on a hu&e R2 includbW dllhwasher. Ema 111 -v. · · POINTMENT. lot with a veI"Y lup; fenc-tarp mUter bedroom with l••liiiliiill!lll!!lllli!l!!I DA!L-Y•PILOI' WAm' ADS ft....n sat Sun 1-5 .. bad<,,.... with""'"!« ;pr!Y<1'J!Jth .,., ......... ••v--w·~ ""S' BIUNG RDULTS! _,_. ·• • a boa!, camper, or~ & ot ~bes. The family D,..,.,.:i rllAI~ ~ • .., · 23'8 tRVINE A VE. Exttllent rental unit! '"It has a paved n;oM is < extia 1at;e and I• Otnoral 1000 - I lOOO Wn. home w:llb 4 Ip. bdrm.I alley entrance for Ml)' ac--makH an kle&I home for n 2'1ii baths (extra Ip. ~ ceu. Location is just •b:Mlt a POOL TABLE and enter- ' f ' .. I • ~ ' I " . l • ' ~ I f ' ) . ' • l I I Coldw•ll, Banker OFFDS: DOwer Shores A be8ut1fUI' watertront homo. Z4lory w /• cimllar sWrway and eJrtry haD. 3 Bdnru, formal dlning .rm. Pinelled den w/frplc, Pier &. Floal . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. $ 155,000 Mrs. Raulaton Emerald lay Beach Home This 4 BR 4 ba home by the beach •njoys a beaut. white !\'lier view from the L.IL + F.R. w /lrplc ill ea'h. Bll'ln wet bar, 3 car gar., l'h lots w/tennia ell, mm pools, v ball Cb:. Greg Wohl . FIY• Select layffonts . All five new or near newJ. 2 story w /pier Is slipa -lido, Dover ohores, & Linda Isle. All easy to show. To aee call Jbe Clarkson laysllom • layYi•w OPEN SUN 1 • $ 2151 Bayshorn Dr., N_., 5 Bdrm <e""'1Uy rebuilt home w/great Bay View !rum Liv rm, muter suil& and Gaeat Rm. Lunry carpet. drapu, wet bar and nice patio. .. ..... .'.. . .. .. .. . . . $76,500 Mrs. Hll'Yey c-no del Mor· $32,500 Exceptional 42 fl R-2 on oeean clde or high· way with very nice 2 BR home -Room to add ' a large unit -80% financing. Waller Haase laycrest -lstTlme Offerecl OPEN HOUSI SUN 1 • 5 1601 AnllfUO Way Two story llledllerranean. 5 generous Bd- rma pluo malda quarlera, 4\IJ llalhs + pow· der rm. Sunlten llYlng rtn, formll din rm opening out to 11pacloile paUo ·w/founlain. Gourmet kltcllen w/111. Electric hl~ln llloYe. Breakfast rm, eaUng bar, enormous util rm, 3'h car PT,.'(O(Jm for boal Lge run rm "/f~jlfce. AltlO game rtn, Wiit ma star BR w /8'J1911W. Yee land. lln. Mlrlon OFFICE OPEN SATURDAYS COLDWELL, IANKIR Ir CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWl'OltT llACH Kl ;.au, ter bdrm. faclna: patio) love-perfect. 1~ bib to Nf!"IVP(Jl't tainment of friends. I..argt ly lie. fam. room w/nr. srade school, and onb' i blkl prap with electric door p.aoej '1£W of...., 6 mta. to new dty put. Eut 11th opene:r. All of this can . be .U btt-hi,'s. ttrV. p::irdi.. eov-•tret:t arid 'Westcbtr tbol>-)'OUf'I en this spacious 1/3 ered patio &: c:overed ~ pine and two othtt · ICboola ·ACRE on cul-de-sac 1trttt way • ASKING $51,500. within waDdlw distance. For tc:r ontJ 152.soo . FillancirC ''C'' THOMAS appointment tD lff, writ.I!: 11 no problem -CALL NOW!· REAL TOR Private Party 224 W. Cout Hwy. Sl8-652'7 Box P612 Ne"l'Ofl Beacb Ew.~ Daily Pilot Fow lecire- $17 ,250 Ml>ft lnta lhlll iU¥t lam.ill' borne today. aose to shop. pins, schooll and churches. Just put on the market, thil one won't IasL $15l p ~ r month Includes taxes and insurance. 0 N L Y $500 DOWN. $750 DOWM Yn, that'• aU lo own tJUI wtlJ. cond. 3 81·. t.xne. Nr. BOYD'S Im IUYS OPEN Hous•s 1SLl1UI ..... SAT ,& SUN Eve-Call 642-9192 NewlY d"''"'"' 3 Bedrooml MESA VERDE- 2 balh• ........... ' 122-''" 4 BEDROOMS 516 W. Boy, Costa MoN ASSUMi $1'0 Per Mo. VIEW PQOL + 1'tll Jmmaculat< 4 -MIN/MAINT home locat~ on choice • _. """" OVERSIZED 2 _Bedrooms & convert den wr tUlh landacaping and • • • •• • • • · · • • • • • • • • • • • S52.([IO QUIET nel&bbotbood. Drap-624 R•moM, ed. and wttb LOVELY ~ lrvlne Terr. PETS. a ooq FIREPLACE BOYD ~ tutetu1 ...,. """" TY off lu'P kltdlon and FAM· -~ I -.... D.Y DINING ROOM. It _,, E. U!Ui< H 'IVQ'. uua WOD't lut Jone, SPECIAl.- m..5930 LY wtth tts UJW 511( % in--_ ..._ LBJ an llclJoolJ:. Monthly wmt. Lovely Back Bay .ftw1tl $157, incl. prtnc., int., tuft 1'or people who are ~. A lnlUr. On!7 $18,450. Ql1 Eltpnt MW c bdrm s blth mr ~. home on Galax;y Drive willl ~ a panoramic Back Bay 'flew. 2190 Harbor Blvd. ) ~ Inner atrl.wn, family rocm.10545-9491iiiiii ....... oi°"'"-"•till•9i1P•M 1' \I I , '\ I( l I I ~· \h,\lt\\ ' ' Mt 1-r, electrtc kitchen. t• ' Good IOhool d"1rict • ...... 132' x 305' • R-2 nel&hbon lncluded 1n the , 5t6-M40 reuona.ble price of $13.000. Located on E IS ~ta Meaa. "'iiiiiiiiii ExetUtnt financlnr avail--Owner wtU sell 1ubject to • able ~variance. Aaldrc $4'1',500 Roy J. Ward Co. • owner ·~ • 1d~inlrw Exclu&lwi aw. Om! home. · (Baycrut c>akt:) lot av&il&ble 86 x 3Cfi. r:;,... "':!, ~ -, ';:'. 1842 -°'· '*l.500 79' x 297' ~ R-2 )lriaed to lfll fut at • $9,500 Ump~n Way1 ID Looat!d adjaclnt to ~ Bz ..... ooly N-H•llbt. c:lol lot bl npldly ~ CORllN·MARTIN ror this"""" to ....,. -.... ·""""will"" oubJeot Ill.AL TOltS 3 8<drooms ""' .--. to IW "" C>llnmerdal vvi--............... ---........ "'·""· *61. Coaot lfvry, CdM ..... hudwood tlocn. do-CHIL T ltOIJNETT :==':7:5':·1662===~l llabttul brWdut patio. REALTOR 6e012! ...... air hea~ kl-. ""'l•ll!!l•"!!"-"!"!!!l!l!P :!"':..","'!;: = Fw Growtno GOOD LOCATJOll anc1 umpteen """"· ••. m ,llOO f'llmlly Colesworlhy & Co. ~'::. ~°' ~ OPEN SUN 1-4 2124 E. Ocean llvd. B1lbo1 Penln1ul1 3 Bedroom1, 3 bllhl plus fam\t1 room RICHARDSON 642·7m ltw spae!e and oounlr)' at- 1904 1111.rbor Blvd., C.M. ~· ~ Ii v In I Open EYt1. room.· 4 bedrooms. paneled rt<!ftallon room. °"Ck f,Jut $15,760 balcony .... """""'"''" RF.ALTY C la M view. Exoell•nt condltiol> 67.5-4031 OS elCI and are.11. ~Ullve wl.tb ~~:l!:"~=~~!! I EAST StDE -l bedrooms -Jeu Srnllh. $42.500. =LOOK! 4 ilDROOM R-2 tot. """" ... ,,,..... JI.AN SMITH $22,SOO uftlt, C>wnfr wW Mlp fil> a E. 17\b CData Mt9. I>Hirl.bil! aru a.t web a a.nae. ~ ""' """' 2 balllo, faml)J Ciilllno1 '•"' ...... D>ebantq llrtJla«. ,..,....,.. Afit. =.,ia,:::: J: = ORAHOI COUNTY'S ';: ~ : ,!:. -:.:: ""-....ino LARGIST en 1,_ <>••"" Salfdlw)I, TAllllLL 295$ Horbo< 293 I. 17th St. '4M494 Roel .... - • .Open Houses THIS WEEKEND',. hep ............ cterr ... .,.. .... ..,...,.. -,. :. ............. Al ..................... .. ... ............... , ., ........ , ..... """' .. .,..._ DAILY ftLOT WANT ADS. ..,._ .......... ..._. ........ ., ......... ...... ..n.t ........................... .....,.. HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Bedroom) 434 ~erson, Costa Mesa ' NJ.4455 (Sun 1-5) f2 Br. & Femi!y or Don) 2518 Via M~. Newport Beach 642-3219 , (Sat & Sun) 3629 E. Coast Hwy, Corona 'tlel Mar 671>5930 (Sat &. Sun) 457 Morningside Canyon Rd., CdM 540.1151 (Sun 1·5) . (3 Bedroom) 19381 Newhaven Lane, Huntington Beach 826-2495 (Open Sun) -2264 Federal Ave., Costa Mesa 546-5460, Ev .. : 546-8584 (Sat &. Sun) 586 West Bay, Costa Mesa 675-5930 (Sat &. Sun) 20271 Spruce.'(Back Bay area) 546-7677 · (Sat ·&. Sun) 4821 Cortland Dr. (Cameo Highlands) CdM 673-2222 , 673-3747 (Sun 1·5) 17602 Alta Mirano, Huntington Be<icb 842-4455 (Sun 1-5) 107 Via Dijon (Lido !ale) NB 675-3000, Eves: 673-6162 · (Sun 1·5) 234 Palmet, Colla Meoa. 642-4980 (Sal &. Sun 1·5l 2391 Notre Dame (College Park) CM 546-2313, 64&-7111 (Sat .i. sun 1-5) (3 Br. & Family or O.n) *1860 Maul Circle (Meoa Verde) CM . 546-6421 (Sal &. Sun) 1626 Sandalwood , (Baycrest) NB 673-3663 (Ope n Sun 1-5) * * 105 Linda ble Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-5930 (Sal&. Sun 12-4) 1604 White Oaks (M ... Verde) CM 540-0322 (Sal I< Sun) 219 Jumlne, Corona del Mar 646-3926, 545-3463 (Sat &. Sun 1-5) 1363 Galaxy Drive, (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat &. Sun) 2124 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa Penn. 878-6900 (Sun 1-4) 2043 C.1"11 Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 1546-3081 (O]ltQ Daily) 1830 Park St., Huntington Beach $36-4698 (Sat & Sun) *2256 Fordham Road, Co&ta M .. a 648-0570 (Sal &. Sun) *2510 23rd SI., Newport Beach 646-3235 (Sat &. Sun 1 -5~ *1727 Tnde Winds, Newport Beach 646-3235 (Sun 1-5) ••2716 Shel! (China Cove) CdM 675-3000, Sves: 548-8888 (Sun 1·5 232 Evening Canyon (ShorecWO CdM 675-3000, Eves: 842~718 (Dally 1-51 2932 AndrOI (lileaa Verde) q11 645-7W (Sun 12-5) 327'7 lndlana Ave (Meea Verde) CM M0-4722 (S.t & Sun 1-5) 2U Brantwood,-cMI llaa 5411-2313, 6411-7171 (3 Br. a Fomily or Don) 3006 Royce Lane (llalecrest) CM 646-3928, 545-3483 (Sat & Sun 12-5) *473 20th St., Costa Mesa 546-5440 (Sun 12:30-5) 3030 Babb, Costa Mesa 5~-5440 (Sun 12 :30-5) 2420 Univemly, Newport Boach · 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) ·431 Lonwood, Costa Mesa 540-1720 ' (Sun 1°5) 107 Via Dljon, Lido Isle, NB , ' 675-3000, Eves: 673".6162 ; (Sun 1·5). (4 Bedroom) 1000 Westwind <Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Open Daily) ~278 Cornell (College Park) CM 646-2309 (Daily 1-5) *1930 Commodore Road, Newport Beach 646-8676 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 17674 Santa Elena Circle, Fountain Valley 84:1-4455 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Don) 2919 Paper Lane, Newport Beach 642-2637 (Sat &. Sun 10-5) 1324 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 25271 Champlain Rd ., Capistrano Hiland& 546-5460, Ev .. : 545-5142 (Sal & Sun) 2622 Visla Dr. (Bayshores) NB 642-1771 (Sal&. Sun 1-5) 1907 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB . 646-4750 (Sat &Sun 10-5), 1228 Sand:rint Way (Broadmoor) CdM 673-893 , Eves: 644-2379 (Sun 1-5) *1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 645-1550 (Daily 1-5) **1354 E. Oceanfront, Be.Jboa Penn. 645-2000, Eves: 548-6966 (Daily 1-5) ; **101Unda15le, Newport Beach "'- 642-8235 (Sal &. Sun) * 1720 Candl .. tick Lane (Baycra;t) NB 675-3000, Evos: 548-8868 (Sun 1·5) 1606 Rulll Lane (Baycrest) NB 675-3000, Eves: 673-0554 !Sun 1-5) 2661 Bayabore Dr. (Baysbor .. ) NB 671>3000, Ev"': 646-6590 (Sun 1-5) 601 St. James Place (Qil!baven) NB 648-7000 (Sat &Sun 1-5) 444 Windward Lane, Newport Beach 646-1846 !Sat .i. sun 11-5) 2006 Holiday Rd. (Baycr11t) NB 646-7755 (Sat&. Sun 1·5) •22 15 Irvine Ave. (cor of Heather) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 11-4) · 1375 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 645-7171, 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 2016 Balearic (M ... Verde) CM 546-2313, 646-7171 (Sun 1-5) 1907 Leeward Lane (laycrest) NB 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) (5 l1droo111 & Family Room) 1815 SanUa10 Dr. (Baycrest) NB 645-7755 . (Sat&. Sun 1-5) 2794 l<>renzo, (Mies> dtl Mar) CM 546-2313 , 6411-7171 (Sun 1·5) (5 Bedrooms & Maids Quorton) 1601 Antigua Way, (laycrest) NB 6711-2000 · (Sun 1-5) (6 B•droom & F•mily 0< Don) 618 Plumer, Coota Me&a 646-3Q28, 646-3483 ·-** w ........ ................... I <Sat Is San 1-5) t • ' ' 1 I I ' I I I I -----------~--·---------~--------~~---~---------~- 7 r -f-=.:::::::-~O~R~SA::::L~2~,:::.::~~::,::;~~ !H~O~U~SE~S~F~O!RlS~A~Ll!..._~H~OU~S~E~S!fO~R~~:::i·r-·!Q!l-~St~S~FO~RlS~Ab~EL,...~H~OU~S~El§!f~ORt,~SA~L~E-I::::::.::.::.::~~:::!!'--!!:::::!!:..!:::..:~~ -ol lOOOGononl 1000 -•I 1 10000..-•I 100o General IOOOGenortl· 10GI .. ' .~, • 16th I. Tustin-Cost• Mos• Excellent location, nur IChooll, shopping and beach Only 1 few left. Buy naw whilfl in· tetut rateJ are only -- - 7% with 20% down-71-1% with 10% Dn. "" Md _;_ n• points -29 ytl on 1Nllnc9 ~ .. 1<1DDllS RIDI ---w.flKIS .. up,,-l?I" Ba'! -n~Yv~orl Most F1tiulo11toc•r.on ~tt":'::"."f.!t~~~.~~:o.~:- .# j ,-c ,., • ·c t Ping. S Bedrooms, 2 balhl and all eie<trie Nj!w Custom Span]Jh with mlssl0n tile on • I orn11 oar kitchen. Owner ..... $26,g()(), oruy 10% down roof. 4 Bedroom, 21> balhl, formal dJn. LllD!rlous new Homea 00 Linda Isle or will trade for unit.. ing rooll), f&mlly rcom, wet bar. Custom Piers SU~. prote<.Ud patios DOVE1t SHORES carpel& le spanlah tile floors. Partially • Hom of rare beauty! draped Large lot, oversized garage, elec-103 ond 105 Linda lolo Drlvo Buy Today -Mo .. In Tomor"'w Irie Opener etc Over 3100 s'qu•re feet or luzurious livipgg m iii • · Shown by appl this CU$lom built 4 bedroom 3 baU..:.Extra lhycr... 1m r~ABJ,:...~ aeri_11r.-. ..., Sit.- --I'll.too. -op-............ LIA .... , 81!,l ... -.... -........ ---BBQ.~ ~1 Santiqo Dr. NB l4l-r150 '!"estcllff 1230 ' ATTENTION FIXER.UPPERS Open Hou .. Sot I. Sun 11-S BOYD REl,LTY large living room, formal dining room. Jn- Exclusl .. Agonr • 442 Windward L•n• \ 3•29 E c H CdM •75 •930 tenor completely refinished. Otnier liu (NH. "2nd I. Tustin A ... ) • · oHt wy • ~ ed d ill -· -I .._ .,. mov an w give imn1ed1ate possesslon- 3 -....... 211 &lbs. Ruff but & Real Barpin! P• a. pa mer incorporated 1i;;2fi~;ay~11u~11d~•~·~646-~~1M~6~iiiiii~il~'if;r.f''ijjjl~?c;ft,~~;i~~· •1s.soo. You make the terms. TroctP1t:~1 :11 ~:::~c:anMAuo:M ~ EAST SIDE COSTA MESA 646-7171-0pen Sunclay-546-2313 Newport leach B/B NEWPORT HGTS. AREA l SPfOAIS 1J 6f'J.~ * Un1...,;1y Pork 1227 ------OPEN SAT-SUN 2421 TUSTIN AYE. Panoramic Vi1w Hills & Bay SO BEAtrl'IFOL IT'S HARD TO DESCRIBE, lm:wioua 3 large bedrooriL!. cozy fam- ily r oom, CUSTOM DE- SICNED PdOL lloml': de- signtd Ir:' built by Ivan Wl':lls. The home )'OU'Vfi bee:n look- illl' for. the prioe will pleaSI': yo11. ONLY 10% down. AL- SO AVAILABLE. extra lot with BOAT HOUSE, potent- ial tor private WUils court. DRANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 1 293 E..17111 St. 646-4494 MocMril Spanish Beauty Ftnm In rracioua living and Open Houses 2215 Irvine Ave. (cor. of. Heither; NI) Sat/Sun 11-4 Excitq split level (I bdrm home with larp family room I: separate db\iD& room. Nice .pool l:. patio. Vacant 2006 Holiday Rd. Bay crest Sat/Sun·l -S Delightful 41 Bdnn hom~ with family room, formal dlnln&: room & breakfast roOm. Priced to sell 1815 Santia90 Dr. Bayc:rest Sat/Sun 1.S Huge 5 bdrm boml':. Loadl':d with dl':luxe features.. lkaDd 1. entertaining. tntra CU5tom 4 bodroom. ' bath, w;1h h""' CHAS. ARNOLD 1 centra1 tittpll.CI': anc1 cathe-ERRY FREUD clnl «lling. Lugo """""' J room with bar. Stereo thru-388 E. 17th SI., CM out. 1'1any bonus features. Realtors 646-7755 SoPbiatiCated · residential 1 'ijiijiijiij ~ area. Owner says sell!!! I j Full price $48,500. Submit your smaller homl': on our ~ttt ~e P~· ·,-. - Ii . • 2043 WFSl'CLIFF DRIVE 1 ~77ll Open Eves. " l ' SlOP LOOllUIG I I You won't find a bl':ttt!t value • 1 ; in Mesa Vl':rdl': at, suc_h a low ! price., 3 BR 2 bath, ell':CtriC 1 I built·in kitchen, large llving 1 room with fireplace, SJlrink· ! lers frOnt &: rear. Will sell rnA or VA only ,$25,950. \l\l l•\\11111 -1\ll\lll\\ ...... ~I A I I ~ ~ l• TRANSFERRED out of the State owner must sell his lovely 4 bedroom home on quiet street' in exclusive Back Bay area. Iar&e play yard plus swimmabll': swimming pool aep&rate f.amily room A. REAL BEAUI'Y! all clean and fre'Sh 151 .... call: Jim Cobb -'13-1!64 _ '''1"003"'"Bak"'"o"r". c,,-,,M,,· .... ,,546-S44 ... ~0 !!!~~~~~~ I H bo H' ... I d IMMEDIATE . ' ar r 11111 an s POSSESSION OPEN SAT/SUN 1500 Sylvie Ln., NB 4 BR 2"2 ~ths, huge living room with Oi'eplace, all built- in kitchen, b&rdwoOO tloors, compll':tel)' carpeted Ii: drap- l':d. Dbll':. aarage. Priced to .el) fut at $34,500, RHr. 646-3928 or 54>3483 *LACHENMYER Now port Hgts. $29 ,500 Immaculatl': 3 bedroom home largl': lot. garage. workshop, boat entry, range, relriger- a tor, washer incIOOed. 514 % 11.nancing availabll':. OJME QUICK. MATOIAM._ 155 Rochester c~ 646-4137 Lovdy gardl':n patio oU the ~~~~~~~~~ , 1 1 dininz room. 2 balm. E:'<- qUls:ite ""hite brick firl':place. Enjoy pool &: rl':Cl'eation fa· I' ciJltles. S40-}7l0 • TARBELL 2955 Horbor !, i"'iii!P.P.i~!!!!IP.jiii ' 1• OCEANVIEW Uke New 4 BR, 3 ba, mod bl':ach home, new carpets, drapes. paint. Vacant. ready to go, $35,500 tc nru;. ~ ,::a:;.,.t.,. -::.,~ -ALL THIS AND R2 ~ ~: l11"":,b :l;500 In tb11 ...,,. ... .,.._ 1'>b BEACHES $25 500 J 3 BR alrlum • $29.~ pool wu boDt by an eHCU-' DOUG JOY, A,.nt tive cl An"'"1y Pooh tor BOATS & PRIVACY Charming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. ~504 bis own uao. _..., A fil-1 % baths, fireplace, carpets & drapes, bullt- ttted.wlth.utra deddDa' aet That's 1QY1bores ~s & forced air heat. This well landscaped Bt!mo~~ 1!'"~h~ on • home aiu lol Bra.nd Where . the Uving home c~ be found on a huge R2 lot with a Prictd lo ~ll! ~ ;: =~ ~0:-~ very large Ienced back yard. with room for .;.;;=:.. __ _;1.:.11.:.0: 1 Newport BMch . , 1200 BY OWNER 3 BR., 2% BA. muter dreuirc room hav-is E'8$}! a boat. camper, or build a rental unit! It bas 4 BR.. tam rm. Din nn. ' -ram-rm. Wu· Everytbiiw! q tremeMoua closets. a paved alley entrance {or easy access. Loca-2 8 a . \V 1 \V. Lr 1 le--.J Priced to Sell! SJ3..Ql0t. ""place "' ;n mammoth TAKE YOUR PICK,,, lion is just about perfect, II> blks to New-Pa"'m''"· e.1_ow mrl< .!»~-~--''-l"'" living 't'OGtn with sliding port grade school, and or,tly 2 blks to new city Chl~r. as5umphon. FllA. "?~1 , Bade lay - 11a.sl! doors-leadifig to pool .,... Modest, expandable 2 park. East 17th street and Westcliff shopping 545-8754. ~ /,{,. ---~--·---• ·-a o-of a '·'nd. ttA"""' D-'room with conv•rt•.bl• h b 1 hi lk. 3 BR. ltdwd fln; wrw crpt'c ...... -""' 11.1 ..,..,;JON 00.." .. " and two ot er sc oo s wit n \Ya 1ng dis· 01·-·ER ANXIOU"' den -di,ning room. Long, 3 BR 2 balh, frunlly room, in liv nn Ir. bait WJC135' ....... ~ Jow lease-hold.$37,500 tance. For appointment to see, write: 2flreplaces.UX>Odn-6\ioo/c :7}~1.J Jot v.·I grallS, lruit trffs .,... Well located 4 Bed-Private Party loan -total Pym n ts , 6 patio slabA. 20'lT1 Spruce VETS NO DOWN 4 BR 114 bath, 1ar1e rtar yml. clolo to obopplng. Call now. $21,500 NoWJIClrt It room with large livi~ BOX P612 Sl!IO/mo. Owner 545-7822 _q/ il!UJ, (Ofl PaliSades Rdf $22,()(1), room, covered patio and BY O\VNER: 3 BR. & 1''ami-(.JIU by ov.·ner 543--'lBTl, 5U-8o29 outdoor fireplace + BBQ. Dally Pilot ly, 2 BA. Crp'-'>. d ..... 6 thru-6J' A ball for the creative • ,. buyer. $37,500 l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;=========I out, b.ltns. f.E,500. 540-0322 Cott• Mesa 1100 aft 6 wkdys or wknds. -~""'.,ti .,... Best location, Ear J y American 4 Bedroom, 2 story with large rooms. View fronl very gpacious Ma.st.er Bedroom. Undl':r ;60,000. Bay & Beach loolty lee. --------'-""' 3 BR., fam, pan/den, crpts, YFa1 ./ IN MESA VERDE Horne + 1/2 Acre ...,._ °""''· """"'' 1° tn ,, 1606 Baker StrMt Nestletl on all110.'lt % actt in FHA $26,500 ·will take 2nd. ODtJlltlll. Sharp 3 + family room. p~ location. lmpa;sible -"""""~~m~. ~----- Available on VA no down to find this sire parttl at BY O\VNER; Mesa Vttde oc FHA terms. amazing Jow price with Pacesetter. J &: Family. 6% BAYFRONT 2496 Mlul Pia~ home on it. All for U9,950. loan; '30,500. <lK3 Calver1 DUPLEX Open This WHkend 1250 BEST BUY CORONA DEL MAit Small mx. Plus tum Rent· al Unit OD full Sile lot. 1'ill prlco 12!. 'JSO. HURRY ON THlSf VOGEL OOMPANY 2&61 E. O>Ut BWJ' .. QDI' .,...,,._ . 2407 E. Coast Hwy., CdJ.I '7S.3000 Fabulous 2-&ew:l brand nl"W .. "ring"' AVf'., 546-3(ll} Enjoy )'Ollr watedront custom. -rHdy for the dis-• p pier le lllp. mmlnali"' laml\v. • .... s RING Coll09e Park 1115 only ..... from tbia Mornln9 Canyon .... 2970 Java Road .-. REALTY spaciouf view estate .. Sonday 1~ 6nljo •• "anvtime" Combr;dgc H;9hl1nd1 2 BR. 2 lla +dining nn 457 Victoria Big Coionlal home • 1 o I f S27 500 and pa1o.. Additional· VIEW. 2 BR dt.n. flreplacre, bn _2629 __ H•_•_00_•_B_lv_d .. ~ AMume S~7o· loa.11 \v/Dex. ~ UAit will bit-ins ele., come 6 lff.. 646--1811 ~ ~ ~ area . very !pre5-5 Bedroom 2 Story do"'" po.yt. Xlnt cond, lrg renerate $tl5 Per. 1no. OPEN SUN/ 1.$. CA l; L Nestled on tree lined street. :t Br. 2 Ba. w/2 frplcs, , $63,SOO GLEN QUEEN '540-1J51 ,/ DEL CERRO HOP.~ES 2 story 5 bedroom mansion. J-~am rm &: near new 1:rp!s ll14-CI (open evn) Heritap ftul 100' 300' LOT .. --·---. -ty -S908pf;p:f~f;ve ~r:n,;1 ~~: H.~~lo:now ~~,,:;~"""'.:.546-8.:..-c:.c~::;ai-_payts __ -_"_ PRO;=--C= Sbft~: l/! acre, J · J"•t 1,·,1-• -Fab··•-... do-· • nng GREY Bar / 1· • "~• -~--~-lo pvt ,.1. V; .. +~ n..1 o -""' .....,..., '-V' I • n \\' gas tic " (7J.I) Cl" 'Ill · ocean ... ~. -.7 Zoned R~ C.P. "with 1400 sq ft bousl':. $49,500 small down. Also other acru.ge $45,00> per actt ip city. " i pE~~ON ~.. . .·.~ ... ~ 1797 Orang@, Costa Mesa * 642-1771 AnyHmo * Rare Opportunity Street omy be widened. F.astsidl': 2 BR homl': on 5Qlcl.50' lot. Only $13,950 143 Broodway 64~111 Eves. 642-8453 646-4579 BAYCREST Only $62,500 for this attrac- tive f bdrm home with lam· lly room, formal dining room. Pool & patio with BBQ &: pool.side wet bar. ...... &-"'I. ro in l.bU attractive 2-levd with SPRING ~ N-rt 0 -acl ·~ • B•, ei-pts, d'P' & •h"""'· beach, be11'd pool, 4 Br, --~ ~ • b>&. lam•·ly ---1 bar -•-1 b · 1-·u ~·-n · • B -~· .. "' .-.n-...ATrt'IV ... ..,c, ll-1M,blk wall,patio '"'" •7-"" 2% Bl, frplc, bit-ins. Prime ay View '"· ... ., """""''. • Bl"" Ila""" pool !<npo .. 8->,C~if_,,... D,_. ..i.. n•.•••-.... "anytime" w/heal('l'. Clean. 2256 ,.. ' .GJ BariJour I: v ·aadJla1 . Dell'ghlful "E" Plan ' SUNSHINE HOME "" 11 .. oor in,• .. c.M. »ordham "'" c.M. 548--0570 -... TH: --Sun Sunday 1-5 200 SQ. Ft. 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba, ·1: evt n.4:•531..QBI * Spac/Llving nn. din/area Exceptio~~Y J~e'!~ 3 BR, College Park Arei rN-;•~w~"'°iiiii"i;;;iB~·~··~hi;;;;;ii1~200;;1 ~:a :·1~:u: :: BEAUTIFUL :I lit * l Kine me BR, 2% ba many extras.· 11 •f:im 'nn: wJfrpJc,' Clo8l!'ts !a.Jl'.~i!y rm •. ~ ~~t otJt * Ideal for l':nt.ertaining 9 ·.xi 4 BR 11' ba, 26' living roorn, UK wfPJ).llnan le walk in 4821 .~ Or. * 4:e walnut pan/t.m nn ~ !4' "IO 2278 CORNELL "RAIN ftft SHINE" ..,.,., Lge •muter .Wt• -~ ,_, 4 *Professionally dl':corated (rtirCl'ISNthelbt} blt-ins, v"/w carpe-ts.. q.rap. OPEN HOUSE cl1M1et. Beaut landscaped, *Luxuriouscrpts&:drapes ikmU.J"!~~'II es, fl':ncN. Walk to all SAT & SUN 1_5 $37,800 FHA Appr·a is l . Don~~~?f7 * Wet Bar, mirmrl':d doo~ schools & shopping. $26,500 641-26.!1 · * Loa•• "' °""""""' 1-::::-:z-~=-::i-;-;==== J ..,._,,., Ag• 601 St. James Pl. =-==-c--'-.-BY o\vNER. • l.'i • " • * Many custom teatura. I• BY OWNER; price· reduced BROADMOOR. 4 BR,,, BA, •* Wallod patioo CORONA D£l MAR POOL -Why waH "nti l >Um-criffhaven from "'·""' to $3'1,500. 3 '""' rm. Priced "' quick * Nr. Pool & cabanas mer-think ahead. A Spacious 4 Bdrm, 3 bath. BR. 2 Ba. Huge liv. '= sale! Open Suncla7 l.S. 1228 * Priot.'d beiow Marltet R-2 lot + house. Rare all8il· bl':autiful 2 story 4 BR dining rn1, plus family lam. rms.; very lgr. Jot Sandpoint Way. "4,.:.2379 $53,000 ·good tenns ability, high investment po-home, 21-:: baths, family room. On big mmer lot. can store boat or hoUSI': l':Vl':S., ~days. 644-1133 644-0233 Eves. tential: cl1>11e to Ocean mvd. room, patio ,t, in pleasant Plenty of room for pool, trlr. Cor. of lSth St. le 1 ,,:.,:,c~~--'---,-.,,-,-1 le. beach. 3 BR., 1% baths; residential llJ'(!a. Owne r trailer camper. \Valking Kings Pl. Call: *5124 ~ .... Nt~ 'bou91':a1 8 _, on .. ~~, som~ view. Always rented. leaving area-priced to sell dislaflCl' lo all schools. BEAtJl'IFUL ' Ca1tom ou .~~O!N'l0n. • ..:.:.·~~ Priced lo sell, $37,500. at $37,950. CALL 540-1151 fl.fov<' in now. &e lhis built Large 2 BR. le. Fam to..,.., ....... uw .. ,,... "'~ (open eves) Heritage Rea.I week-end rm, 21.-li ba &: room for 1300 Newport . .- Victoria 646-1111 or cnll: Mr. R-Oblnson addition w/ lovely vil':W. l1lboa Ptin}ftsula ' Estate. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ! Bring Paint Brush Da:!~.7~alty -""~==~::::v==1a~M-.,,.._~-~·~0wnu~. -BAY VIEW · h!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!ii!!!!!iii!"l!!!!!!!l I BLUFFS Condo • 2 BR, 1 Near HQ and Oce~ 2 8d All oflen. 3 BR 2 baths. ------BA, split level, mptaoe, 2 baths, 2 c&r pra&fi • R.-3 2t1i6 aub Mesa. Opvi Sat Wulalk to~ .. ~a3c~~ view. ,By owner. &M--0801 , k>t. i.ar.e ,aundeck, room 1-5 CAIL GLENN QUEEN Newer tra s.-..~ ccurm hr opansion. $.16.,~ SCG.ll51 Copen evesl Herl-2 baths • Cozy living room * BAY VIEW F~ lot 85' R. C..GREER. lfieal1:1 tagl': ReaJ Estate with wood bumtng fireplaoe x 195' w/ plam. $34.900. 3416 Vla Udo m-DIO Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th SL, C.M. BA YCREST oiiii.iiiii.iiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiml wall -wall carpeting. hug!': Owner 5tS-7249, 53-4'.a>'f dblc garnge & patio. EZ lcrrru at $26,$0. OJZ¥ 2 BR homf' near New- port Heights, Cul de Sac street, large R-2 lot with room for ~ntal Unit, $19,900. Newport H!"-'.7::::-::1:'2'.:100 I ~L;::h=..lol:!Jle::_ __ ....:;13::5:,:ll Rl':alton 646-7755 4 bdrms plqs maid's room ln this artistically designed $23,950 -Jr.-E1tat. home. Lovely pool, choice Pride of ownenhtp inside & location. out I botha, m"'" '""" Amold & Freud bedrooms. Formal dining room. E:teeUent area. 388 E. 17th St., C.P.f. 540-1720 oiiii;;jii""";;;~~iiiiiiiii\;R•~al~ton====~646-~'17>.5= Graham Realty Nl':lll" N.B. Post ore. 6(16..2414 • 'JUNG'' EAST SIDE 00.!TA MESA , ... \SPRING ~~~G.i:'i, ~ 4124 REAL TY $25 500 a sPankina: MW home! •••• "ANYTlMl:' Channing 3 ;......,,.. ar 2 3.000., IL <BR. 3\1 ba. d ... LUXURY Living in Prestige bedroom Ii: dl':n. 1%. baths, fam nn, dlnin&: rm, nt bar, arl':a. 3 BR, den. bit-ins. 2629 Harbor Blvd .. C.~I. fireplace, carpets le drapl':s, 2 lrplca, sundrck. Lil': cor. Lido Is Expecting 2 BR. 2 Ba., 1 block to bl':ach, $29,500 George Wllliemson Realtor TARBELL ~955 Harbor ENJOY ----- Whi ti Clea H BROADMOOR s e n BEAC BARGAIN YOUR WORK -NEW LO-HARBOR VIEW, CdM 1500 sq. ft. brick patio, lire-OPEN HOUSE-built·in I. forcl':d air heat. strada street to strHI lot. This well landscaped born~ Sl':lect colon. carpets NOW. place. Immaculate! Assume SAT . & . SUN . 1 • 5 can bl': found on a huge ru See planlf in o{fi(:I': • delivttY VA Joan. $27,500. Owner 1115 SomerHt Lane lot with a very large fenc-dateapproxApril)lt.$92..500 3 BR, 2 ba, mod beacll borne, Modl':m 3 BR, 2 ba "A" ~'IC <";M -·-L CAL omCE NEEDS LI-2500 Wavecrett Dr . ....,.,.,.... <Qu• framl':, stl':ps to Ocean • CEN~o REAL ST Caywood Realty 548-1290 """" E ATE Exec TM-Level Model .,.,,.,.. W ,.. __ t H NB $25,900. terms. LEAD MAN OR WOMAN, 5 BEDROOM 1 -=~~~~~~=~-~~-~~~~~wy~,~~.!C!!o!!yw!!ood!!!!!!!R!!l!ty!!. !!5~41-!!!!12~90~ I BROKER OR s.u.ESMAN -White Ell':phants! $(19.500 PLEASE CALL: Dave Gambill Gonorol 1000Gonorol, 1000Genorol 1000 DAVE OMIB1LL. Bkr, 644-0l:ZO ·~~~s~-~~,~,~~~~-l===::...,,..~~:l""""'s~~%%;wall"'" ©\\.~ ~,_-l££~s· ,,!:.~ .. s~'~-p''"""" IJ(J mo. ""I""" S'ol~ a Simple ScrcmblM Won! Puzilt for a Chuckle'. wood noon &: doob!I': car ~I. 4rl..a.r1:e ~~ ~pac . •. ~~~.~ 6 ~l.d gan.ge separating units (2 ;~v·~· Nut llCl:i~ ....,,,, ...,""" to .......... 6 bdnns e. chl. Extra large le. So Coal 1 ·Pl lmmcd'. limpl• words. Print '-Hen of kitchen area in 1 unit. at~ ~se~ion.8za. I .oc:h In itl lirie of tQvores. Wells-McCardl•, Rltn. P.IARTIN R.E. 5'1S..ro.32 1810 Nl':wport Blvd., C.f.t. 4 "-d "0$" ft-5-W-7729 Eves. 6ff.OOS4 Dm rm -uvwn $23,7501 Eves. 673-1564 .,t:;ORDEL I 540-4044. 912 Peace Pl in Beautiful Westcllfl I-story ed back yard. wttb room for WALKER RLTY -ask for Rancho Mesa f Bd, J bath, pan/den, Jge a boat. camper, or buDd 8 Mrs. N9.sH ti'ltt-2676 BY Owner: 41 Br., l:ii Ba., liv rm, Fully l.llsulatcd rental unit! II has a paved oii.iiiii;Oii .............. , encl. patio: new paint. circular drive. $'15.500 ··a.lley l':ntrlln<':e tor easy' M> ONLY $55,00Q · Frplc., cpts, drps. $4,500 R. C. GREER. Realty ceu. Location is Juat abollt· ._ tbi•·' BR. 2 ~·• ·•-~ Down: takl': over GJ. loan, 3.fl6 Via Lido 67J.S300 ... __.. itL bUts to N-..,~ ......... _ all ""' -pe.'-"".. 111 ., ... ...,... ''""" homt on a 45' lot pl,. Sl511 Mo. pay• -~·O GARDEN A TlllUM _. '"'h''""""' ooly 2"bllls : ~ -fuu, . """' aklll. aod BY OWNER -E-side 3 Br. . •u"" 10 nl':W city part. Eut 17th ..,..,•u -n oM. ol Lido's 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn FLOOR PL.AN wrth avtt .o'llN street and We9tdttt sbo~ -:.::.:; .. ,'b"~."'"" BUYS ~ SEE kitchen: utility porch ; ~ ft. . Best bac;k bay atta ping and two other acbools .. .....,. ~· crptll, drps. Close to schls 'vith Vl.l!'!I'. ~14 within walking distuce. For TODAY! &. shp'g. $25,500. 543--0244 appointment lo sec. wrl"°: Lee · Schonelc: NEW 2-<ty. 3 BR 2 &. i),Jt• Jl,.J fstot< Prlvato Pa"7 REAL TOR • ~ "" ao. ,..,. -•1• •515 Cptg. " rape!!: •"'· : Daily Pilot -s:i.ooo Down. Owner 642-9IS? --GREAT-BUY--LIAlLY Pwn' ODl&A· D'.JN'T JUSl W1SH 1or mome· Mes• Del Mar 1105 Beaut. 4 Bdnn, 2i,., Ba. lgl': LIN~. Yoo an use Hem thm&' to f\tmi.lb yaur bmnl! pool. $i1,500. 64&-8676 for juSt pvmlm a da1· Dial ••.. flad .s;reat ba.1111 ~ FIXEft.UPPER. Gt 1o 1v Dial MZ-5678 for RESULTS 642-5671 day's ClasslJkd Ads. down. $26,IXX> value. S BR.J;"===~~=:;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.;;~== converted gar: needs paint.I ~ $2'3,950. Ownor ~TAR GA'Z.'.ER."1<' .. aAYL.!O!ILIJOl-~-..-...,,,.,,,-'-1 $llXJ UNDER MARKE"I'-For • la~e family • fun! $26()0 CMh lo prelllint loan. Fonnal dining' room. Car- $l9 750 full price $11i6/mo peted -many extru. Spot· ~ all 3 BR 1% bath J.Ion-!HS condition/ 540-17'!0 tittllo Coodominiwn. double TARBELL 2955 Harbor garage, carpets, drapefl, ARE YOU SICK ot taxes ~M:;:•::ll::_V;_;•:::rd;::::_• __ __:.1.:,11:.:0I •~a l< y ,,,,,,, _"""" l< u:!ll-"'~· JI ...,. A:,,.di1t ....... $ ..... • ...,. ~· l), o rm:.~r r r r 1· r I' r r 1 ·~·~~1* .... :r_,.1....,...1._. I I I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN DIME·A-LINE built-ins, 2 pools, club & mortgare pa.yml':ntJI! You house. Owner/ Agt. 546-55lll don't have any hn'I':. Live DOCroRS Private Beach tree. with low d o w n • home, 3 br., 2 be., rirepl.att. Eubllde 3 BR. bOnll':. with peti9, 1un root l'll':w w/w 3 rent:al units. $30,IDI. Lem- carpet I drapl!I.· 2 car gar. mer Bkr. 646--3750 -1 bl. bey & beach, . no Pl':ts or imall childrl':n, Costa Mllll 1100 y""""' onq. t.eue _, _______ _ Realty 541)....t12t. $250 mo. Vlew-Vlew ....... View • vacant N~e.r l bedroom boo'll': on ~c:::'-'c~-=~--1 ll'ff llntd .ltrfft with a Me.. Verda $25,954 view ol ocean. Mu~r ~ Exdtinc 3 bedroom, 2 bath. room with private balh It Dcl\chUul family r o o m. dresahl& room. PaJot veme Built-ins. Large acrttnod I: fireplace. F'antutic bu.ill in &}lmed patio for YMt roorKf kitchen. COQI" family roo1n en,jo)'menl 541).1120 ncl rd TARBELL 2955 H•rltor w\th e oaed 00\lrt ya . Under $35,ID>. 10 UNITS on ' ~ AdJMomt lo Cktu-tronl SW.000. S.lboa a..1 Est111 Co.. 700 E. D&lboa Blvd., Balboe .,. . .,.. "rino"' I~\ SPRING --~•REALrY I ~ ......... Ii«.,." 2819 Ito.-BM .• C.M. CllARCE JT! 4 Beef rm -Golf Cour .. Just a "9" iron from the coH coune. Sprawling ranch styli': home on huge groUnds. 4 Bedmu -°'n · 3 laths • Amazing low price lor area. EZ """'- f "RING" 11 ..,\SPRING .. -.REALTY •• "ANYTIME'' 2629 Barbor Blvd .. C.M. OPEN HOUSE SAT I: SUN lSlll Maui C1rcil': CM By OwneT custom home nt'ar goU COUl'll':. 3 Br. 21,\ Ba, tam rm. 2 (rplca, pool. s;o.r;oi. ,.._,.,, J BR, 2 Ba. new crplS. b1 t- lna., 'Prinkltr aystcm. boat .,...._ sz;.soo. $16-28$1. SOCK rr ro 'EM! J.M. tt ' cx;r. 3-,s. '-'1 To d~cp rMS&age for,5'nlaf., · ~~·_J .iod--.-~­..,_Zcdlo<bl!f>- ')Vait1e 31~" Cl~!, Jlf#lr 32~ c,... n 30.oel:. l!.. ,43 .. T•. ~ AWtoi. ..... ~ Soilol .~"'°""*"' 35 '9, ..,,.,,_. ~~ 3fg:-61~ ~L.ci.itr · ~~ s=--lO f'lty AOW'llcS. 1'TN ''~"' ~,..__. 71ftod 12" .il~...... n ~ IJA,.J .oiJ l'~c ?JY-1•""-""" ... n..w. ,..~ 15CM .o15'°" 75Wlc"'9 lt1r.>....,.""'" '6~ ,..,,.. 170-. .t7 ~ """"' 11"'• '8Col'lfh<f 710Hy "!!~~ l'&..,. ""c...t.-.t 1'~ F 'Z)Y-~~-IO~ ... ,,~ )1~ SI~ l'll'~ 5.'Ze.-t nr .... :Oeio:>od ))0....... IJ"--t 24 ""'""'"' ~ Yru'• ~Moot 2'~ $1C.., as~ "'t ~Te MV-'71 S7 T• 11,,,flulrltW ... :.I 58~ ·-..... ,,..... i:~ .!:l:.fi.. ~ "'-\jail ®~.~·. ,. , --------------------------------------'-~'- , '1' -.,,~ •.•. ,. S 'Oil SALi HOUlf! POii !!!:1 lt'1(TALS ~·~AU ltfNTAU . ·~~~;;~~~~:;;;;;:;;:!~;!~~~;;·~.1.•~-~!,et~~ralb;• ;;;1~-~l!~H~'°5'1~i~1 ~U=ntu='!':·!"~'[~~ Apll. '""lllle1 , . ,..,.., ~ :1 -'l!;;.v... 1110 c:..t1 MW 410I 9-f•I *° ._..lhilf I ... ST CALL l ! 'SP~ " ...... • .... . • ............ _ • JOI\ SALZi Oii LBAaE , _.._.._,;_ __ WESTCUFF t ALUE -' v~c.~'.~i.~ U_/._....fl),'" Chi-tltoof , Prmlfgt locifioD i 'l'lllt 1!11111 well· planned home you'ff been ltANatO LA CUUTA 1t Btoakiiur.t tr At.. • .,. "' ~-Pili ...., ""'"-~ ::u:. 'r~r.,:~teba:: =~4'1!'gn:.8:r'i!t:C:.oi::.t= ' ~~!:'l,-~~'i~" a ' ·~ ':!~~~-~ r:~-::-:;::.1..1i1V:1'~~~1ii I Jw&e co.ered pallo on Jarae corner Jot . • dlninC room, • 2 story high IMllJ room N!!l!!'! 8joCI! liGO °'*""' :<Jlaatf• lloiOttmi -· -·l'!6"11 of room for boat a. pool. lluUWn elt!<lrlc ""'"·" tllJl>waeher, corpeted wi--a NT• N~i:.,,-,;:-Jlji': ia. •fW, -I , r .Jn thr<JuPoul ID tuxurloua green 1111on. Full .. • • .. Ls -_ 1 em:. 2 -bltm. M•- l ~.r .. ~ ~~·~ ~:.i::dill~ ~~edec· ~n:.~ .. 12ti~~~~ ~~~"ti=:o~ . 'l~ ~~ILAILI • °"'""'""'"° °"""" -- ti;; • ::a.. l .f get this Jut b .... IOld W<! will Jandsca-"e 2 BR. -lllo. e ~-r.~-Coote ,IMoi 5!00 , .. ow<JRu awsog ,rt. tro ....i i th """' •BR.-21a .. -ms. ~--- 1 lt·"~'TOlt eve"nt}'.,_uaorlnentoced 1n• reorbothyalmmrd. 0'.,~~.~t °"''" lhml.3 BR., 2 batJ>. •Bubb11na-A brook ...... ,.... •M COl,LEGE Or -· ,..... -o I I) ~~po&-im a sm, e G' Pool A -batb .,....__,,, .... • -""" ll\oe on flal U: Kfl 11.,, v;. w. e N...,.,, •••c.h • ,,,,...,,, •ession with 10" down. T~IJ\l>Ol"Ul' ales ot.-• lllllll llllllST • • Ad1vit1 ~ ~ rar Mlltl ._., ,nc/rai tnal. '8'I RiJ · uP. f1<e In the white 'trailer partet1 at B?ookhunt -uoart• e Sauna Bath "" -lo tull<. ~ • • ~,- li 'l!'.Ll~do~13:"5-1 ~H.::: •• ::-11:.,,.~-;_'"':t-'"''""7!:"." ·4Al1anta.Call968-1SS8.eydayfroml0t~e. coi!om."::i'~-·· :==--' ~m c-· ~·Mor L,\RGE ',.;,,;. ;;./llriV& --l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ... ~!'!' .. !!!!!l!!!!!!R[ 2025 .,~ • End. prqn lc 1torq• PoQl.. .NO CHILDftEN bath ~ ~·1~ ~ ... .,.,._, 140Sr ..... ,.•AL) -W.~BIYd .• N.B. CENTER•town-blitwetn , MARTINlfUI ,. $15. Mo. Beach area, :.t:.'~'"::! L............ 170$ H-Pu........ ~. ~. N.... GAIDIN APTS. tt:O.r.._".:. D= ~ Cool& ~ ""'"""''~2!:BR'• ~JOll 1HE lolboo ltloftd 2'55 1(1 =-Of -11111 • --c.M. ~ prlv. ~.""'"~J!. -···---sea G,,_., TOWNHOUSE OllUln.B--CllTDIACRES .... .,..,_wi.,_ Wllkor l!Nltv -'"°"'' ~YF!tONT •BR. tll 1une 2.....,, 2 Bath y SLf\MOWKTEL 1ms..i.A::..::"u.s.CM. 1 a 2 J!ll J\lra • U"""'1 PVT -Jdt.)llv. -333& Via Lido fls.slOO IOR T1IOfiE W1ID HAVE h~ 1325 at >II> $500 ind 2 Car~ ........, I Pi{ I Padol I io room, enip!O)'ttl •·~ KNOWN 'DIE SEA. AND util. m.&£OJ. Kuttm or ~· ·~ -¥ SAW COIP. HAVE FAW!:N 1JllDER <W16'J5.ml,Jln.Wbtle ~th~'·! WlllCLY ltATIS HEW OAllDIH APTS. -~....:.~B>c· prd<md.6*-U83 Hvntf..--1400 , . HER MAGlC SPELL, thls -2'0l =a.._., ,. .. 1 • 2 BR. --w/ Ill. I -~-.,.,_. HHr WO!Wfront H-cbarmmc "SaSlde" -Humi..._ -h "'l. l 9-h • --""' ,.... • oWm. -· IOO Soa 1-. Oil&~ !loom &.' ... N 5 ~~-•-•-p-•1 m? ~ "" coold b< th< lullf!Dment "' ....... 2400 oolty, 1-445 • ..,_ -pr. <>11mP!• IMacAl'lbar "'· °""'Hwy) NICE u.-1n -·-~ ........ --• ! -.. -~ room. li•· --older ·--pool. Ba<jue ~·~ ~u~~-~!!'!,.~ .~ .......... ~.t-,N-~! ......... -·home,_,._,"": 3 8R. 211 Ba., .. tnl, crp!I, ~Do.tt Drl~.'!,!:!. $25 Wk., Up fk. EJec•-... ~= 2 BR. N"' ...... 1000 ... Vall<YpriJ>l"lU-':""l' -~,..... -.---.,._ --I' .....,_-" .....,_.._,_ drpJ, pool, rec ball. S225 ~ e S&udio6Bacbapts. $135mtt-Adultl-1... ft,new-•,;i..-,LR~-Home V:•R,e~'on&.,. e tidied 1 BR apt. Luxw'y 3 center lcboob marina and .,.,.....,.., ,..., ....,.,n completely ..,_, ~ ~ -e Ind U""-...... vuy -r ...... .,.. --. c ..... """"" BR 2 beth 2 ~ .. 1 .. i.. ~ ...... ;,..acb ' '" ooo rtStott'd. DETAILED A.ROI-~•JJ~ .... .,.,._. &.oil, 'I BR plus den, new .....,ll, e .... , .. ~~-~TV~:.. 2'l Wihon. C.M. 6G-S40J bUn kit, IOl LarkSPur, $175 ....,..,. 1 ......., '· • • •· " placea. spa'.nlab ";_-;;. tile, .-"""' •• '' •••• -"• ITEC'ruRE W /EXTERIOR ~....,..,....... immac. 2 car gar. ~ti PlAlll ~u..-.: " av-.u. LARGE 'eaftaide 2 bedroom, mo incl uti!. Adults, ftfs. R0QM i. ~ ~ ~Only .. ---~ .... 11>---"· : ... , 1 3 '"--'~-OF STUCCO 1~ • onty $235 ""!290b'-e NewCale•Bar built >'• wtc•·n -w w/ 646-409.5' in · ptlvaiti li:tme:».'ftetr ~ ............. ... .... -.... -• ory, UCUl......... ' vvvu Duplexes Furn. '2975 -' · .,...... .,,...-. 237& Newport Blvd. S4S-97S5 • .. ...., ' '"" w beacb. $30 week. 536-&ST pantry,eltttrlcbuilt·in roomandden.2%batb •• ~~CED~EASHAKE 3 BR. 2 Bl .• .frpl., cpts, ATI'R 3BR pt 2bt carpet ·complete, p,rtva~ 4 BR. 2?4 Ba., frpl., cf~'========:=I I'll\if: ·self cleaning oven, ..•............•..... $5.1,000 • THZR· FURN 2 Br. 1% Ba, Apt. drapes; 1'Ai bib. to tie-ach. · 8 ·• ·• patio. d°'8d ~· Neu drps., p.np, bltm:. _..,1· disbwuher, BPl.cious master ED BY THE SALT AIR OF many e:<tru. $19). 545-3'104 Yearly. $a:lO Mo. li13-8C& •s:.=. ·~ mr..;., !~~· major ~ ce n ttr , Month. Call : 544)..1234 Ext Mi~ Rent1b 5f9t aulle with upgraded car-Split-level 3 bedroom. '""'"I· THE SEA. or 67~7350 ..._....."'"" ,,,_....,..... Adults OllJ)r. No pets. $140 421 " ... "it:~+....,._ ...... -$20 ··MO.,• Se(l.ilinlie · ...,.1e pets A: })6d, drapH, covered ed family room, dining room, ki;rt tA' .._ U-rf H1f9ht1 3210 BEAUT. Ip. 2 Br. l~ ba. per mo. Bllr;-t04!555 3 MODERN 1 BR Apts. $140 • ""--~ ltJ patio. 3 car pnae. Mother-2~ balhll forme r furnished ~tiquated old WhioMd par. H~· Unfumlshed •.-.... ~'"" S"-c .... a•---studio, pool, adult&. $185 Greclew Adult Llvln9 to $150 mo. Avail almost ~C.M~ 54~ -.;, iD-kw9Pt.bu.-ckMliv-model .. : ....•..•..• $59,500 ~~~·'Z™ _, -w 2310SAntaAna 645-2933 2 BR,1~bath,w/wearpet3, l.mmed. Don V. Franklin, q: l"001ll witb~. On-AN EXCELLENT \rJEw OF General 3000 Newport Hgh. Aru e NASSAU PALMS e fil"epla~. spiral staireue Rltr. 613-2222 Income Property dereDa kUdlen with built· 2 story. Dramatic entry hall, THE .. Cbt.rming l bedroom or 2 11: 2 BR. -Pool and ......i • · SHARP N--3 BR, 2 both, I ;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;i U., quiet muter bed!Omn, 4 b!drooml. Wxe :family OCEAN. New w/w bedroom a: den. l"-baths. 177 E. 22nd ....-. "'" I• _,. b&tll. Reftt<d -...,._ dlnlnc and li .... carpetinr m.ndlnr tluu th< IRVINE TERRACE • 2 BR llr<pla'" carpeta • -St. 6G-<&15 Mooo list Apt. tireplaco ~ deck. Mailable MONIY MAKERS tor $125 per month. $5IOt room, 2119 batbl. 2 fittptao. bells A: bedrooma. OJatom. I: deb. Fantutic View, beau-bWll-illl '• fotced air heal $98 ONE BR. utila ind, 1 1t5 E. 18th 642-347.f r#R. DGn V. Franklin, IUcy, NEWPORT Deal"" Be at: h. down -low cbdne tom. es, beatm 1: tlltrred pool •• bed draperies tbru-ou.t. titul conctttim .. mo prr mo. Well JaDdlcaped bcmt with dblt, no pets. 1111 ''THE SEVILLE" .,;m.;;,:.,,2222='---~~-some ocean vSeti, 3 UNlI'S. • • . . ... -soo • ·~-··-~ -Fullaton No. 4. I0-4ll2 -2 DD .. ,_ 11-2 BR. (01' furn.) F1~1--. 2. 2 BRs " -~ ••• . r=-9flli. =:= '.. . .. ......... . . ......,, SPAOOUS KlTQIEN W/ BEAOON B4Y • 2 BB ft den. ~~~;';about STUDIO Apt., Ip. ilrtu. (Adults~ J'HCld. priv. y.;d. Near all. $155 mo.~ pr. $34.500. ......... ..~ ...,.,..,.-Waterfront Homes ATl'Acm:D BREAKFAST or 3 BR. Communtty t.acb. perteet. 1~ bib to Newport rm., jQlt redleor. $95 Pt!r cpts, drpl, hltna. wattt pd. aft i pm. .._.. 3 bedrooms. l bath 1 story AREA I: BILT-IN CHINA pier, teMil court -$4;50 ptr lf&de acboo1, and~ 2 bib mo. 2Ul llden Aw.. CM 2633 S&llta AN. Aw. 2,;._,,BR.,,..:_(or.....,fum.~-,~ ...... ~.~lac<-. EAS'J'SIDE C.M., 2 bome1: DUFFERS DELIGHTI home. Deck, dock for boat ~~=Hg"~ ~obn to new dty part. East 11th $ll5 INCL. utn.: 1 BR. tum. e 636-4120 e Nt1r all. $155 mo. 675-JlSl on corner lot. 2 8R It 3 Bit. Why pt up at n.wn to play • •• •• • • • • •• · • • • • • • • • • fl6,<m HAS BEEN <X>MPLETEL Macnab Realt)r Co. a~t and Watdif! lbop.. aJt.; 144\llt onJy. 2 BDRM lllXUl'Y •tudio •Pt. =ap!::t:.:50-'Po;!"-:;______ Live in one, re~ one. $32.950 around!! Walker &: Lee bu I ' REDECORATED y MU235 pine and two other' saboola •5ca-tsose l~i bathe, crpb: a: drps. OCEAN view IU.."(ll;I')' duplex, an kleal 4 bedroom home on 4 bl"dromna 3 bath, 1 story INSIDE wiJ:bin walkinc dl.ltance. Sl80 . . See Mar Wlllon Garde .o,e 3ld 'I:ff Of Meadow 1Mk home. Deck. dQci: for boat AND OUT. lt'~ ottlP:l'td at $22.'i; 4 &: Fam. rm., 2 batru:, For details, write: $125 CLEAN Furn, cloee G; 2283 l' · t&ln W ns, S Br, S Ba, FIDl rm, 2 Goll Course. Vacant and • ........... •........ $84,900 the very low pm o1 wtw,. bltns. Childern A pet prfy.-.. Pftl'tv 1 BR Bacb. util& 1tlcl. lfter 1 ~' IY East, ~M· odrps.I ~.; ~ SO. EAsr C.M. 2 for t&e pri~ of 1. Ranch scyte 2 BR & den, 2 baths. PWS ' BR rental unil $36,500 OJ<. Brokf!r ~ u1v -• 1 w/gar, no pets. ~ -..-·-..,.,.,. . tallfl. u,............,.. ....ty ... ~ fomily. Pric· 4 bod<oom" 4 baUu, """'m $26,500 3 BR. v;ew lot. ,...1 Spadn lox P612 FURN . .tnalt apt, m•-NEW 2 B<. 2 Ba. Twntti<. 2 IR Apt w/gor , w'" th<lmkld ::~ur.&? .. lf!?ttl~· , . . !~~~e::;,~:i-::; . FIJLL -Pl I Cf ""ln:;-Mission~B37:.M4S --Di11JP11i,------adult. 90twr;-16fr.llttt pd. {;:.!.~~~ft:,: ML.-for~Agt. 510-3862 ~I~!~ ~i;:.1 ~! ' a er ee TERMS ARE Mt. Wlbon 54S-2S57 or 54M15? 5'0--C.79 a1t 4 Sat . or all Huntln.-.n Beach 5400 wat" .............. $99,500 N rt 5•-3220 . d s 1-;;;;;;;;;•;;;;••;;;;;;;;;;;;,; oom• i;ro ,.... $59,500 OPEN TO OFFER! Coste -1100 _!!!! ~-Ntwport ... ch 4200 ;::-;ay=u~n·=-"'~~=-I• 4 bedroom. 3% both, 2 sto>"Y MISSION REAL TY SPACIOUS 4 BR 1 BA bit· ELEGANT 2 Br, 1% ho. EXCLUSIVE 9: G)_, 7682 Edinger S42-M55 Open EYeL Sf0..5140 OPEN SAT. 1·5 19552 C.nborra I.one 2 STORY/POOL BO>IE Wto __ , .. ,,.,, -carpet., 35' pool with mter A beab!r. GI ar 1'HA • tmns.. Price !s right at -Poul ,,_ Roalty "7-1266 Eves. 536-1124 1.663:1 RHONE Lanie, .Sol , Vista. OPEN 1-5 Sat/SUn home ao'OSI 1nxn Beach A: 985 So. Cout Hwy., Laauna 3 BEDROOM, tunlly room, ins crpts c1rps' nr ~ A 3 BR. halt bUc to beach, All elect. crpb, drps. GE 4 .... - Tobrus Oub. " It. "' ... Pbon< (114) ......,,, !tttplace, built ID kitcb<n. ...;,,, sm. s,, n 0 w. fum $190, """"" ms. Stu. Id .... -pr, nr ho~ $1<0 ON· THE-BEACH • f • l r"":" waterfront witb a 4f..tt.. boat • nl!'W w/w carpet oom~te, GC-*'86 O.K.. 126 40tb St. 675-3249 adults. Mar at ll4 E. 20th 2 & 3 ltd A ti dock " <ODtiJewred decl. 1.op .. Nlpol 1707 . 1% b&thl, patio, .......,, or 545--0213 St. LwmrJ Uvlnc':"' ~ ;.. !<ear NB Pos\ Ole. '46-2411 ..................... $99,900 20' 20nonf)lll1"ttm, ''""" Lido lolo 3351 Ocua!ront 1 BR. IPO"""-~ lolENllt:lZA; i Bt. 2 """ discrlmlnatinc· N"" DEWXE 3 Br. 2 Ba.: .... "'"',,.... doublo ..,..., -c>fldnnOK. BL-. -apt. available at 10% NET lffT llJ Above bomeo on a put o< --. • -....,. 11'5 per mo. No pets. BKR 3 BR • deo, 2 Ba. l1plc. • m-22i9 • 1 Yn, -$1llO Mo. th H nil .t ""' ....., ,,_., ...m. 1n m:1m1 .. -ea,; ..,__ ...... ttfrl(., crptB • --or-111r ..... ..._ e U R111llR siveliltinprqhWlntmce lo9eJy oc.nn view·' auU: FREE. 1 weeks rent: 2 Yrty leue by owner OCEANFRONT 3 BR. Bltm, NtCi 2 Br,ltulllo apt, from $C3,000 to $115,000. water 80ftener Ir ~ gar' hr. 1~ ba., qle. 1n., ~ ~m ewe 1 weekend&. pr. $250. Util lncl. OCC. 914 El Camino. ~ p 'fl Comr in and talk to ~ of doors;-1 yr. new. $59,soo: tncd. yd. Di• Po• a 1 , H ntl ... h ·~-67M724 Jl.CS. 982-.5000. Avail Feb ICI C ~ our 12 full.time J>n?fHPOn-with 6%.'10-loan. Owner (1) Gardener. Cptll., dr ps •• U ntton C --Co-•,_, u-r 4250 L al Ales repttaentlltivts. 499-tl98 14x24 panelled liv. rm.:· --INT IOO ·--_, ""' ,.;-'-=-------OPEN 1d A.¥.•"T.Rt DUBK .erv. pof'ch.. Vacant No r~s;&_... AL·; K· -· 2 BR. Mod. Duplx $.MS. fll 0oean Ave., H.11 , Fore c:are free income -I stores, all leaaed with 2 to 13 yean to ~don. Tax protection (:Iauies. $21.fkX> net return t*r )'ear, For jt). fonnation on thll; or o~ tnvfftmenta inclwll.nc uni~ : 11IA loan 51( % • t BR 2 ba. blt·ins, cpts/drps, trplce. Insulated, s b a k e roof, walled yard. ~t ClOlld. Vacanl Frio! $25.900. Owner 831..otTS or M7-38!KI Condominium 1950 """ lllO Unfurn.. l1'0 °"'I> "'" Bn>woe Lido Joie 4351 c.pto, drpo. New de<. mtns, (114) 536-1487 • BR. 2 a. Condominium .'::;."':!".::'.: ':: , Walker & lee chormlnt 2 story ~-.. ~Ac~.:®'.::,.~ 1125 " $150: ' • , sR. on Fa!Jview. C.M. $22,(Q). Br 21~ & townbo11se· 7682 Edln&tt Spacious 3 BR 2 ha, frJtlc, $155; 2 BR. See to apprtc. apll. Newly df'C'Ol'., cpts. w I $2400. down. :m Mor-e:icltr '~ainf htd ....... 1 •1 .. ': M2-44.55 Open Eves S40-S140 patio, 2 car parldnc, Avail. l.Jk,e beW; privacy; yd. Ir drpa. Bltns. Rerrlc. avail. 61/2 X GROSS riatown Lane. 540-6976 eves. · " : ........... ~ · · abort tenn or nJ,y leaae. care. No peu, ad 1 ts. 2 Children OK. Nr. Beach a 'ftl!:k-enda. Ml-7322 day11 gt'ffn belt .oH ~vale patiO. 4 BR 3 bath o:ecutive heme, Adults o .. 1 ••• A•k flir Mn:. 67s..4859 Blvd. A Main. close t!\ Owner needs to trade. up to call-·-· 30 UNllS ' $13,500 1410 . · Adult :family with cblldre.n carpets, drapes heated pool. G ky ,...,. scboola: •shopping. 847-6905 more units or sell Jmt can't :Cind lline any-Duplex• For Sale 1975 16 or older; S20'l Mo. 1eue $330 per mo. Vlllqe Real p:; I •-.. i... 2 BR. Pn-patio. Crpfa. drps. Wint Prlv•-? Newf \Valker & Lee Mr. Levine lnlft. Older heme for tttir-VACANT 642--0300 Estate 962-44TI or~ 1 arrett IW9"J Avail Feb 7. $140. '12!>A -, Income Investment Depl ed; limited. bw:ume pmJOn. S BR 3 bath, luge lot with NEWPORT Duples for ule. FOR LEASE • Lease this 3 BR. Small fncd yd. $140 st2-5200 ' W. 18th st. f 7 5-112 'I • ~~~;~;~~e 545-¥51: See this. side yard, room for pool. 2CO"'to belch. Or wiU trade attractive 4 + 1amlly room. yrty. b:t l tut. 2 cblld lalboa lslentf 4355 54l-«S84 202 • 14th. 53&131! 673-1784 FOR THE CJREFUL JN. R. O. SLATES, Rltr. Vrry clean I: indiftct licbt-eqdl~ for sood 1.qanl F~bruary 1 to ~tembtt OK Nr. Beach Blv a: Sliter 2 BR .u.nfum. nfrlcttatior, VESTOR. full)t·leutd stcre 847-3519 Eves.. 536-7840 inc. ued Wick fire,lace • redaentill lot. P. 0. Bo:1 L $250 includLng prdmer. 17654 Vin Buren IQ..712,l BACH. apt, 1 •dult only, blt•in stove, redlP:oon.ted, l BR. 2 BA, fl'nced yard. &: office. bldg on major ST ntl!!rior, lhake root. walnut 1a:s_. HimtlnctOn Btach. Oca to almpping, all . waterfront. Grand .Canal, new crpu, drpi. $130. 568 Built·inl. crpts, drps, Sl65. hlghway in Orange Cnt;J ot• ART 11fE catdneh, coppertone mwe flU) 8t6-«N5. Owner IChOOls. Meu. dd Mar. .f BR. like new, u:t Dousiu little Bil. Island. tio.t dock; Wll100 St C.M. ~ 1™1-B Roxanne Dr., H.B. tered tor sale w/ttUOnable' Nn Yecir RIGHT ...... tile kitchen....-GOLD Medallioo Duplex, 3 COLLEGE REALTYS4&0880 ""'•'· 1'!91 1·-t a..n. Mat'cb lll 1165 Mo., E-SIDE 1 BR. .,,..., pr 2 BR Dupl<X, Pri••"' yard. """' ID qua1llled .,,,..,, SpreM. out ill a • to 5 Ba, &: drapes. b1oclc Will tuce. t.' • 2 Br units. 1707 w. LEASE/OPI'ION f BR 2 ~ : 642-m. $2(6/mo. incl. util. See 11119.'! ~ back )Td. $90. m wainui Patio,. ca.rpetl, drapes & Shows good tdurn. approx 2 i, s baths. Start livirf;! :!,_IJCed $29,950 • $3.lllO Ballloa Blvd, N.B. Call baths. $2XJ mo-nice res1defl. ' St .•. CM ~ pool. $U5. SC.1540 10 yrs old, xbat a:mst. Call HAFFDAL REALTY ~Btqea i: Auoc. tla1 area. tmme.dlat• ~i a.adt 2705 Huntlntf'On huh 4400 NEWLY Redtt. 2 _ 3 BR. 2 A 3 BR., 2 baths, priv. ~15nt10e.ves or wk~nd• at rl40 Warntt F v 842-44(6 • . pouiP:SIMln. CALL MR -r u RN I s HE D Bltna, epts drps Om loc patW; heated pool o...... • ' . ~ 1p1111p RENTALS Bl.ACX 54()...1151 (o pe ~ I'~ Ocean; redec. 3 Br. or UN~ $11S a:·up. 83s-759s v. . 962-8994 HOME & INCOME by OWN· BY Owner, 3 Br, 2 Bil. crpts, T1_., -Houw Furnl-&. ... .a ew1) Herltaae Real Eatam 3 Ba. Privacy. $395 Lease FURNISHED ER 10-2 BD 1L drps. bit-in range & oven, .,.._ Owner 49'-61157 2 bedroom, 2 be.th ltudiO, NEW 2 Br. Cl'fl'd A drp'd 2 BR DUPLEX, carpets, . 1,.. bL apU. A mtal1 ln f need ha k % BR House in court belt loeatkm 1 block to 5 Garqe $150. 1570 Oranp drapes. $130/mo. 1 child 4 Bd. 2 ba. ·res. S Yr. ~ New ~ aln!~y Sunaet Beach 145$ R.1nt1lt to Shire 2005 w/prage le yard. Water CHARM 2 Br. 2 BA. Atrium, Polnt:t le town .l country Aw., CM. 5'.WSTZ OK. !J36..4634 old. Pool. 2310 "Santa Ana, estahlisbed. No qualifying, OCEANFRONT dbl lot. f BJt WORKCNG (irt to lhAre fl.Im ~. 111:..m l n!o":'' .;;:~· ~ ~· ::.· 4=1~· .tores, tbtl.ter, re1tauruts. 3 ilR. 2 Ba., h"pl., closed -s ... -.-A-ne--5620 I ,..°',,'""6"'15-,,.1393;-,,,.-~~~~ owner tnllllferred, ca 11 Univeniity Parle home. w/ ·~.., from $130. 1701 ~ Apt garage. Adults. n-40 Month 6 CLEAN unlta, E, 18th St~ 828.-24$. ~ ~ 2 BR income same. Days 546-092&, eves. Pl. C.M. Ou lb U f Jf7S D. M~ or call owntr 32'1-B Cabrillo 5'W691 VERY clean 2 Br. 2 Ba. CM. Asaume lrg ni!tlnc ap. 833-153.1 $JlO a MONTH 3 &<!room, f II tt U,!'1'-642-2.8.l) 2 BR. $120. Stow. disposal Garden .Apt!. Prv patio. L!t. Lemmer, Bkr. 646-3750 ' Huntin<Jton Hiiis Sent• Ano 1620 EMPLOYED -.man to lamily room. 2 •.~.~.~!.'. 2 BR. W/W <1?L drpo, UTILITIES PAlb • crpta. 132 E. Bay, Apt Pool. Nlct area. 546-1525 Tab-CM'r 5~ % loan. Hard-lhare plt:uant h 0 me carpets, drapes, uw.1UJ.1a garage, blt-w, adult&. no 2 B4rmt. fun1. Htd. pOOl J.. 494-111!2 Butln111 ProP.9rfY 6050 WOIXl &an. Jure l ' BR. SPANISH ~---. "··-_._ w/wne. $50 Mo n th , Nice. borne north C.M. Clyde. pfta, 389 E. 20th St. C.M. SCO KnoxvW Apt D H.B. LHun1 leach 5705 1ll1JI: tam. nn, new .,.mt ID .._._.>.UIQ ....-uoi: Johnaoo 5«)..11':1 or *'"2644 e, • Quiet 2 BR. Duplex ...:: • out S<l1 Gt or FHA. Santiqo. 1 yr nu. 3 811., .......,, ,,.,.., BACK BAY 2 BR. Patio. 3 BDRM. 2 ho. blt·!m, """ • 536-2914 • 304 Broad>n.y. $U5. 100 CLIPF DltlVE 1~1: ACRES. C zone. MWiOn Viejo • Laguna Niguel an!&.' Us. than $1 llq ft. 83U.17S ; BRASHEAR REAL TY 2 ha. Immae! $31,SOO. Cltm. Wil.L Shan my 2 Br. 2 tncd yd .... p Adu1tsa Baby a: drps. Lowtt level. $215. BA.at. apt. furn.; wata-A Call aft. S.. 531-1292 Ul&U Ewa 968-1111 °"""'·.......,., Ba. apt. w/-"" or • -· yrly, 213: '°"320 IU paid. Adult oo1y $15 'LIKE ~f .. ~/UNJ'U• 2 D~ FOR ale aM/ar 1eue: .tudtnt. N. B. Area. ~dolJ.Cpt/drp.$DllENTALS IU~Hunt.~ drtll.~~Br~?':; .t;;;to Sbott As::;-lusln ... R•nt1I 6060 --3 ltdrm.' 170$ ec-&911 2 BR. Prtv 1au1• AJ!!'= FumlohH = or .... :-ta$1.l5.51U191 ~"'""n"'7Apt. MESA Vml< Medlcal a; b& A den, Man1 ......, WORlllNG motbtt wtll...,. _,.,,.,: Reier. ,;. ;;'. I ' 4000 .,..11T & BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM un!Qrn, poo~ cloH -$150 mo ap. lalt Profe"'°ttal Baildlnr up ID ---to oohoola a. H.B. home "'"°""" lkf -·~. ---.. ,<4Ulbo only. 2 BR. po o I to .~•-, ~· •• • -•~ 4 000 -- I .,...,._, ;;; __ _ ....___ ........ _..,.. -~ -._._ , sq, ft now available. lboJlping in H. B. Call or' mo w ODt 169 Mffl. Dr. $135. 548-'1911 uNT 1 •••• ~n. sn.:ms 17th Pl, C.M. 6C2-l.f99 RIAL l!STATE, Will remodel all or 53&-BB aft!!' 5 a: .eek· 'E• child. 9Q.5MO Aft. I PM 3 D----• I 1 BLOCK trom. ocah. 1 I: to :ault tenant. Contact Bob ends. • WANT 2 YoUD1 lib!ral mibd-LOVELY Cldlklm built borrat, ~ rVf'ft ture 2 BR aptl., heattd pool 2 BR. apl, clttn; new cpl. Glnenf Law at 2800 MeM Vtrde om. «I b<am e<Uinp. w/w "'""' $25 Mo..... °"'""-built-Ins. -MOVING Ea.at -lowly .;a;g.w.. bacbekn to shl,re ltlce Cl'Pt&. frplc m liv a: kit. mn blt·il'll, nc room. lnteNlom. 1552-A Coriander, Otl Renter. Wtntllcl 59'0 Drlw. Costa Mesa. 56-0395 "'°"' -Pacific Sands l Br borne, N.B. 675-a6 Br t-i ~·" •t:•• FUIL OPnCW TO BUY muaic. Aaf.. 536-m4 CORONA d·' M Bea ...... 1-1 3 . ~45. mo. _.........,.,. SPLIT-Ltvtl 3 Br 2" ho EA~ .. ,.. IC&. ar. uty tract. 3 BR. 2 ba, W:o _._,..;,-• 1 NICE &hi dHlrt1 o.mt to (Rdrige:raton Available) 1 &: l BR. turn apt, nr bch • .,. ' "'.c.ru-. exec., nonsmoker Shop in busy location nn. _ _,.,, ldtcb!n, carpets, .,...,.:.:-lhare a.ta Mesa Apt. '60. NEAT 2 BR 4: Den. 1" No deposit o.1..c. $125 up. F'tte utWtle1. 2885cpts, ~~tns. No petJ. v.·/ no c bl Id re n I P et II . Formtt be.au"· shop ___ ; _........ •4f4.lln BA. Quiet atreet, waJk'g HF lt.C ~Me • .._... CM 5t5-S421 DIP:slrta approx 4/5 mos '3 uruv""' dnpa $25,500. 5 3 6-g 4 g 9 642-3694. aft(. dist to all shop'g. Avall F I • • 1 • I 5]6..JTI7, 536-7282, 53&-1316 comfortable, \vtll appoil'lted to larger quarters . , e.Tff. EMERALD BAY -Suptrb FEMALE roammste, $'3.50 no\\'. S1SO mo. 673-5882 urn ture anti• 2 BR. Large upstain. All Newport lffch 5200 turn in BR bch t Reuona.ble rent. Ca I I BR. crpts, dr)s. bltns, Ocean View from eacb ml.• ptt month; &\boa l:iiland 2 BDRM HOUSE $140 ~ ~ 1::-,_c.M. 51148-3.t&l utll. incl. nso Momh Laguna/Newport C&ll ap... HutcMM, 71~ 333-&)l l bdwd fin, trplc. pan. 2 Ba. ;lot rooin. Sptcloos 5 Bed· Apt. fi73..M05 . ' ....,., Anbm ~~ 2106 F1orida 53&-3621 UNFURNISHED Apt. -4.:30, n.c: M>nn Mn. SMAU. Rea!ICln1.bly priced Fncd. cul de sac. NI" st:hh rooma home. -~ den, %306 ELDEN llOLIDAY Pt.&IA Newport Hgts. Lux u r Y • Kcron Store Buildings in bu A lhp'a. ~ mrt w/ opt fireplace in mutr:r suttt. 4 Cotta Mt.a 2100 Phone S3l·l'T21 DELUXE,Spadout1-Bdrm. LI~ IMch 4705 view, dupltx apt., QUIET, Refined College ..i..i Corona del ?-.Jar location.. By owntt. 6t6-f304 Baths, 1uJe IU'Vice room, ! "'f n.v......,. .... _ -&SIDE 3 Br. House. $150 Fum. ipL Sl3S Plu utO.. -• · ~It-level, 2 bed, ~.. • .. , Call H tcbe r' -= •./I• 1405 BR, fir -~ ... -· ·e Did;, H.aatln1ton patio, • s. $89,m BED.n.uv....,, ium new con-Mo. Avail Feb 1. 2'JO Monte Heated pool. Ample perldns llODERN View apt, aorth thick catpta.. drape 1 , w/uaured income It pi:t u DB. 714 : ditton. Compltte)y fumlsb-Viata, go..1854 No cbiJdten.No plll end, 2: 1tory, 2: BR. 1~ garaae. Avanabte Ju. z. dlP:sitts permanent home ~ g DOUBt.E ltall NIGUEL'. TEJUtACE _ a ed. Aaultl cm1:Y ~ maybe 4 BR. 2 Ba. mwly decmated l9S5 PomOna, CM 60-6l5a Ba, 2: INDdecltl. pr, 1 blk $275. can atttt t p.m. apt, furn A: wdum. Appmr and/or ear lot for leaR Vf!!l"/~4~ barDI :.~ ==' pool, 306 QlJrllJo Sl tUO; 3 BDIUd.S., Jllltio. bltm. ~VII')' pl-. 548-2394 $lSG.. Avail Feb, lJt or liter. Low reriL 1J111 Harbor Blvd. Oii &IJ'i'e liv.t lo(~ 'tra el'arp. $235 mo. no a-$l)O Month M5-08&1 W/W: cbildren O.K. S* mo. ..... UPPER Dl1,a. 2, Bl'. $19, ~~ CdJi art&, C.M. 6*-6Clf 11 """'""""-Bti -54Mltl Apnt ff6iiSE iD cour1· 2 Dr --KtiNTAI.$ 1 yr. ""'' lower dupla p::= u~-66-lo lftl5. -;STO=R<>E.-..O"'R"'O"'F"'F"'IC"'E:-1 ...... S --Jdtd> · ' " bk~ 3 Br. $1J5, 1 yr. -~• -·-. °""'" llUNTINGToN BEA<ll -·--- This Page REACHES D,172 EiC WJEK ~ aOlu d • '52 cm. fiJitH 2 att: 2 br 2 ba. cpta., dnpa; prtv. pati6. Sl!S; 2 BR., llJ'., uW. pU1 · :TT Adults; no peta. set ~ Co. 111~ e. • o·p 1 e tn Ctnttr on BIP:acll Blvd. TURNER ASSOCIATU """"• Incl' .-: .,.._ 9llJA W. l1th St Ml;U Ollldftn O.IL Oonerol MOo app'L ooly. llllll -"1<h to ,.,. I BR -· 841~ 682 No. Cout mw.. · RflPl!I adUJta on1,y. M&-81 iiliitACUutt 2 Br. nnae1 8":lker 5UM) Tn-tL50 ExctUent rtfenl'ltU. Up 10 m'M"u:;;;o";:,-=:::-:J l.quno Bwb (n4) 494-lll'I -ctpts A drp~ bl>tnl. $135. ft Xltl ' -lllll!· montll. Call Coli.ct BLDG. 5GXIOQ, in b<Art WESTEIH AWARD C-. tlol Mer 2250 .,._.....,.. Ceoto-. 4100 VERDUlllt ':8;~.to:!':'; 12131-:="°""~.,.l S • 4 Br. Semi Custcmt 2 BR. l a... newly d~cor. S BR. 2 Ba.. WQtclitt area; GrtclWI Ad1ii1lt LIYlnt Newport. $1.55 Yri1 Alt l BDRM hOuM or •&it. SHOPS llomes from '35.'50.00 N°" ft.taut. dr'IP'• Ii c p 1. .....ut ~ ~s • aklp., Cpta, t Bdrm., 'flllW tar-pm. drip INP!ACU"' ATE A.PT'S! 64~ Eutalde Cost. Mt.I&. mual Nr. N-p,·- under construcdon. Located DtconflJr turn ln<'I r:olor ~.tie 54&-™ evt es. balcony pAtlo. ll\Bl:ED. OCX'UPANO' LidO =11~UD1'11lble. I 4 •· 4 2 l .f lll .... ...,.. "' on Moonlaln View Drive, oU TV. Prlv. pa~: 011~. high 2 s6RM Is den. ftnced )'Ud, MESA EAST APTS. ~tg-J5 a:.~~! w: O~tii>BAa~t.(!: tum). ~~ tr. 6 T)'rol Drtve. ooam cell., ocean iidt of no pets, water paid, $.150. 16 E. lllth, C.M. w..af'f4 -....-~ decor Boat rt vaJI. YNG man looklnc for ftr Offl •-- A.P.I. SALIS AGENTS hwy. °"" to ....,,.,,.,, Mo. -ALL.,., furn. qita, an.pes, C~OO::!!.'T't::Vi:!'k llBS ~tll Ind.~ • ".!,. nn,.: wUt "°"""" ct ''"" 1 ' 1 Pb:me '71.,._1701 tor $195 Month,. ye a r I y. 3 sa, newl,y pt.lnted, patio, paJnt. 2 BR. ~ C':tWnp. • 2 D• •ldto _ ofc. 2 r:m, 2 Ba. crpta 1 c1rpa !.,. · or CM .,,ea. EXECUTl;VE Office • fUrtber !nlan:nation 673-3811. M toot yd. Adu1tL $1&.VmO. Bit-ins. Ptlol. ··1;155. 2m •,.;;;;Pool. Pttitrttn $1'5 an yrly le.._ Cupon. -im &It ':30 pm. 700 aq. ft. In new Bldg. SLEEPER. apSfta 13> ft VIEW, I u x 11 r y, S3~. 1Utr. 6(J..913t . , Maplt st. SC0-6!IM • f"rlil. 'tadfy/lndry llc'll Call~ .v.. WIDOW 6 adl&ll 1on dfflft by Orange Counl;,)' A Bullness -•• Otut mo. ...... Adult!, 2111 4 BDRM, t!i l>o, ............. EMtSJiii ~t; 2 Br. 1145 A hol A yrly 2 BR. atdura ht< '"' Avail -tol ! .6'/JH Bl .... l1t15 ... fJ1t ind Sh<ll, °'"" °""'· -bl>ln• 1225.,. .. ,..,.. ' -........... -·... OOSTA ~ m .:.... Nowpert """ 1210 .. "' beach $151 ---OmCES: 2: 2.300 + ... all ~ ar. P.O. llCrl piiiii'f ~ ID 5*&l3. lf. 3'1.a Osle,~ , 531-8$16 eac.b· ltl'Mt level· 111 Lqift ti. -'lllt' DAILY PILOT i§ YOUR lib' JJi CLJiiSj. WB. a... badl. .;._ AU llAI: 2 BA. lll bl. -~85. Ba,UI>~ -2 Br, FAMILY -f l!r ...... Hwy: Cd¥. Call : 67i.fsto c BDtm. J mnt, "-!f: .= N ....._ s. .. m:rn Sar•• wm bl atfl.pd.Adlts.noJtts.SIOO. ""'"·CldldM:a,M<1t. · :_a!! . .!..~ :.~~-· .. ' 1 1~.---~-"' --6 II J 'Li' ·--.-.• ~Loolo _lor ... ·lllll-!lllllPlae<ntla----'250.llo.CaJttwMm-~'""!!....:r~"' --------' ...... Sl'l,!Oll. ~----'-' ------'-"'lot:;...;:oWd<.=:.:'=fllc:::t:ld=..:.-=:=.•.Wh::;:::lt.::.,::tlto/lan::.!:;:::::"::.' ,;:Dhn::' :::~:::::::: Wb1te t! ..... ts! Dim...,... WhJ t:44 •. _..... e ---''--'-..;.;,;=:c::c:1 _ _::::,:t.:.,::_,.~==:':__ White elephants! I>ime-a-ltne OIARCE )'OOl" ftlll ad now. - '--------------------------------........ --...... ·- ' I I • ,_ SIJB Elll! ·- Read The DAILY '-ILOT c L A- 5 s I F I E D ORANGE COAST'S leading • • DAil Y 1'1!.DT RIAL ESTATe IUSINISS . -• '!~••p••lfl••• •••lljl••illlfll Swinsq, ~ 11 • 1 "' lloMral :' ' flNANCI:; I 'w "' :' llltVlCI DllllCTOltY SlltVICI Dlll~·-Y ·~I ·-·L· Offlc>t ~'-.1'-'--'°=70~1 .... Oitp1rtu111ti.. 6'00 ·'· ·" ' "' ·" llriclr,11\;;;....;,0te.~ Gonor•i ,.,.,_ ~ .... w.-. ~~Itel;: ....... Moot LAGUNA llACH roll --,. ..:.!.. HEATING• Air Cood. S-'1>'/D\T!81NG cltrl • 1 Air Cen4!11oolod IT -~ "1 Bil apt.. lllllLD, -i. ""'"1t " -· Ibo w-• ,.,., .. _ · pthllo ...i.. CITY OF ON~tAVD«!ll bor, .._. Uqwr ..... ,.., =--~~·~·~ :r-n:J'!'t,~llr '""· ~--.-.:.'!!~or NIWPORT llACH o.k tf1C8 aVIJlablt tn e.ift lb:ip ncna&n c:enttt. lJc OaDtr m.ecs .. ._. Evtnl.le. .,_........,., _,. -lilll-· at Cllolco city ""'* 1ot. .... • BAocld•Ut:'._G...._~ ............. •1m write Box l40S. Dail' Pllo! POLICE OFFICER JC1me iocadoD ta down""'1l fC!tnic route tit Ytil:wntone. c,,,.,.. · '590 ,_ .... ,. Loauna ........ Air --· --' • """' ~ --··Help 7035 t61• $131 ,., - tSODeCl,. cu,..ted. beautifb1 UH,. srowinl ta 1 t er . · r....-• pue1edl partltkmiq. Two Woman ow11er wtU ~"tl·l;:;I:;l CARPENTRY Hauling 0730 _., .. Allton Byland~ .,......., -.., _ _....._ !80,000 tu11 -· , • MINOR Employer p.,._ Fff • 4--· ~~ --·~· -.1...... -~~~No Job CL£AN Lota, ... -1,. elc. lOS-B E. 16th. SA 5C7.Q39$ Fcntc A..._ 1Qf koW to op~ clown to rl&ht _. .,,_ .-.-~ in -· Muoc:lpl paft!q ~ S!llJ ~-JtZ ttrmt. Wrlle ~ • -qu Is 0 t be r • Tree mocwaJ, dump, lklp Chlbtte lfw,Jiw. Chtft1ul ""' moatb tor II**' De* JM,fVUll Owtlttlhen. Odef WhacWy1 Want? W'hedcly1 Gdt? 56-aJ.75 lf DO le backhoe, flll, r rad• . Pumanent. D:perienoed and e11·•-._ ... ~ -11<>111. lie.I • ~ Mo11tana SPeCIAl CWSIPICAT10N FOR ' ..._ ""' llG-8145 Far E:ut Aa<ney MU7tl! -· ...... --.-......-' ~~ M&.2312. lL o. y-'ri ,.....,.~'ii.iii111ii1-C"i·ri~iW---lli··pD..l:;;:~;;:;;~~k.,;~~ "'-...... ._...,. or call m<> -. NATURAL BORN SWAPPEltS -· "'•~ • ~w ..,. ... a.-1or Slit W--. c.Jll, Spoclol .... R<uonablo. A11:t ...._ Call Halp Wontod, Mot\ 7100 AU •lllJU.. paid -ln ... f!Mftl Ciapllol 5 LI--511.,.. -5 ...... .w I ;;;;;m-;ru-265-'-~=::-=--=--telclbooe... WANTED •IA.It -AO MUST IMCLUCMI CU'pentzy, &f11 tbe job! TRIM, hedp, trMa. Geo. J, C. PENNEY 00, FASHION 1SLAND NEWPORT BEAQf DAILY PU:hr NatSonal ~U,. ~ ~. r:.,:"!.:., ":..., ~ tC'. -:r' ...!;....'"f: Can Gordon &f1~4S dUJ:HUI, name Ht I baul, ·• l'OftDf •VENDZ pnJwUon Ml exceptlonal ~OTHING ~·UL.•-TaAOI$ o.M.YI RCPAIRS.. ALTERATIONSbi";;;uo;;;:na:;:;:ble::·;6U-40.10::::;::;:,,.,__ LAGUNA BEAat ...,,i.r -'" avail-PHONE 641-11671 ~·~~-lJGHT -· "6-54911 -a••· •-·~·--• ~th T Pl Y T -•-J -~ -~••· All:t '""' Job. um _. ~ ... .,._. w• o ace our r....-1 ~ar..-1• Ad 2S yn. aper. 5t8-6713 . ocecm ·ac layvlew OFFICES roll RENT wm dMdt to JUite tenant. • RfD CARPET • REALTY VentuN Capital 'J'horoo&h 11e1t mutcetnw tn the state Maul lla....U -neu oew Trlde 11 ft Performtt out-C.rpentry Work ol Calif. wt have ecquired: a home 189.500. free I: clrar. boa.nl, (ft~) for tun wanted: IO-lm5 product wttb P1hd lnvnt· Trade ftJt S or ' BR borne or put PQ?MDt 011 carpet. MA8l'ER carpenter, $4 per ment potential. Med. 5 ftr· CoronaddMarBlcbSchool dnpff, larxl1C1pl.nr, &no. hour. Renodelbw-Repatrs. urn po111Ne, $2500 invest· dist SallsbUry Rlly maoo izw or ? t 6tM9IO att 'I pm IO-&t09 or 536-.3900 ment. 1'15a83 60X300 lot. free, clear. %162 FRIGIDAIRE Saota Ana Aw. Trade for ':,5 :;,OOOBR .:::"C..::::;-::n:.::I!.' .;:Co::;n:,::<:;:ra:,:1:_•,.:6600:::::: home or units. Owner, H. WANT 1- JET ACTION Redfml. "9 w. Ma.nchest· : to exchiqe for 10 * <DNCtETE wortc. Bonded HOUMCieonl'f 67" * AP'f. CU'.ANJNG * -·--WILLIAldS a..m.w s.rv. 'DAY WEEK e.autllul ..,,.,. .... Lauodry. c"°'' :::'-~:;:::::,•;=.cal:::·:,-,= Bob 0 lo 16 unit<. 6 Lic<m<d, Omcrete oawine 11£119r11 L ta: ""'!'!!'!"!!!!!!!!"'""'""'"~ 28 wuhen, 11 dryers, 20 lb. Have: 120 Ac. clear in eaur. lion. Rltr. ~ Pbillips Cement. 548--6.180 UU L'n LU; Deluxe Offices ., ..... ,, llB,000 yr. """' $300 .p<• Ae. Waot, New· Beaut wooded .... -tr. ltCUSTOM PATIOS• J, c. Penney Co. 151 E c I HI h SUITES or ainile oflicet trom inc. Find out bow easy It is port Beach income or on )'l'round river, pYd rds, eorx:rete aawlng I: removal I • • HI SI W9J (30 omces to 1erve yoU) 202ti W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 6J3.J663 $75. Carpets, air condition-to own! home, or Palm Springs. pwr. Lake Succea, ~r-Stat eUc.eSC-1010 !!!'1n1 6755 24 F•shion lsl1nd Newport IM•ch Ing. secretarla.I •er vice. Coin•O·Matic. lliatcham Realty 646-4837 v.i.Ue area. Trade for 6 place CEMENT work, 00 job too IRONING, 80c an hour, Newport Be•ch, ·c.nf. * central location. Orange EqulpnMnt, Inc. 10 Unit Motel lllrplane. Agent ~ tmall, reuonable. Free please bring hangers. ~l·B An EquaJ Opporlunlty FOOD A beve~ Mgr, County Bank Bldg. 230 E. 2334~ w. Valencia $39,000 equity for TD's, San Oemente Income 2 estim. H. Stu!lick. 548-8615 Avocado Costa Mesa, Li 8-___ _:E::.m:cp:::loy="---chaUenge for exp. man in _1_7th-a-Stcd.,~CM=·~Sl2-~' =':::"':o-:--I Fullertoh n4: S25-783.1 Lr.nd, Aptl, etc, stores • 2 lots 2 offices 2 e BEST IN CONCRETE 8227. resort ope Tat Ion. 3 OFFICE SPACE Boyd Realty 675-5930 Apls • Will take TD'• or Walks, pool decks, Doors. MAIL llfRK restaurants, 4 loul'l&ff. plus Private alcove, desk & an. Going Into BusinHI? Home in Mesa Verde 3 BR smaller property. Make otf· Patios. Phone 6f2.85l-t J1nitorl•I 6790 ban q u el•· Sales exp, swering aerv incl. From Golden opportun1ty in beach + family, 1% baths. WANT er. Call • 494-326'2 -....-·k desired. Good Bal.uy plus. S25 p 1-1- 300 area. Phillips 66 Service Joca1 Units. Equi £ ....... ,. Concrete, no job 2 HIGH School seNon will Excellent opportunity for well Write ct call Mr. De.Yll, N-~ Blvdar-NB.. N. Station for lease: llOl eay. ty $8,<Dl. Ha.ve luwry 1...ty. condo to a:mall. Free e1timatea. do ollice clean-up, groomed fOW1&' man with Stardust Hotel, 950 HoteJ "' .. ,....... ., Farel _,,._" _ _,__ AJenVowner onUpperBay,N'ptBuch. • 6t&.1234 • m.2!M8 car! Duties , __ , .... _ mall Clrde. San DU-.-'114·. Walka' 64&-7414 iuuc: M...-.. ., Dr., Newport 646-2629 ! BR. 2 ba. HJOOO r-" ")iijCR;irii';;;;'i~;;-;;;;;;;~ I ;===~;:;;::::,,==" ~~ -•-Beach. Contact: -:;-:=--;:'7;;=;'=-~= • -_ ... t;y. CX>NCREI'E wort. all t;ypes pick~, In plant deliwry, 1 ____ n==~--- NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER OIUCK CROWDER HAVE SI'ANLEY COU-Want aeuoned TD.'s. Pool ~ & CUltom. ea.ii Landtc•plng 6110 care oI omce supplies and PART TIME OUices suilable far Com· n.f: mmo nt: 'n4.1Ml PONS TO TRADE FOR Owner (2l3) 9f1·1368 543--1324 mbcellaneout errands. Call 40 ME mel"Cial, Modica!, Dental. BLUE OR GREEN srAMP N..._ DujUX, 'Jtl1 to SPRINKLERS •• ..,.,, Mun be wllllnr toNa1art wmlr '"''"""'\,.~"$,;Ievator BEAUTY SALON BOOKS. b<odl. wm trade .....,,.c..,h_H_d_C......;ra;__....,:66=10: I ~Sod;"~• *Bood<d lmm<dla1<ly. Wonr ''" to ... ~ ---==.,::518-3&72c:=;::.;,.--1or "°"" 1.a..-ra1<1""'-D•Y C1 '·VAL CO 10• • n1&bi. a....._ Top..,. J'U'i,IUoMO OR 675-246f Established, 6 Urrlts, finest i:&rwe Cabin Bta: Bear area, tial lot. P·O. Box l423~ care for Pre· k i ~ COMMERCIAL Ii: residential L:A • and IOme ovutime durlnl ~ locatioll. Best equip-4 • 30 1t lots, value $14,<m HIID.tington Beach. cnt) derprten. ArtJ, c r a ft s , Gardeninc a: Landscaplna:, 17th I Pl1contla Del¢ S montN. ment Tn.de $9,0CK> -·1ru for dn-•u N\.01< ,..___ creative approach to pro-~J;,:oe;:Co!Tal~;,;!162-4~~76<~== CALL MR. REED 494-9972 Eves 494-8619 ~ ... v ...........,._. vwnc. duce potential of each child. Cost• Mesi! WANTED to buy, I ·-1 '.~115'~·;::::::::::1'· -:::=~ 1ert:_:hom:::__ejo~•~l~ocal~=lot~o':::__' H 54 77•7•u ........... 6C2-6250 Deluxe Villa 53 M, F/C. ot lunches, mid aftn P•perhanging a.220t "'" &JY indultriall,-·ioned properfy. SMAU.. investment needed WANT waterfront home; ,..ckt, ... ~Quiet times. Palntlnt 4150 IF $1,SOO IN A MONTH m. So. Orange Co. Box 3862 from working partner. With 17' Glusllne Boat &: t:r&iler Arrowhead home:, WANT I.Jmit@d rrumbers. 8 to 5 --=----':.::::1 An equal opportunity teTHtt )'00 • • • )'OU lnWnlt Fullerton, Cal. experience in the world of 165 hp Interceptor, Eaton Otanae Co. property or pm. For information call VET'S Bonded p a i n t I n 1 . employer us. dpenina fer man CMll' lndustrl•I Prop. , charm & modeling. Eves, drive, med 6 times, like boat. Davi.a Rlty. GG-7IXXI 540-5098 Free Eat., Lie. &: Insur. 40 ln Beach Citiea u.. lncfu1trl1I Rtntol 6090 w«keod• call -•035 new. Trade for 22' trailer, ' s 11 •-1 ·---....,-----No • ........._ ........ r r d --..... Malilm ll'ta 1 aC[e. hlll· YOUNG Mother will care ma '°""' we come. · ~....--•"""' eq11 re BEAUTY SALON 3 ~...? -548-0246 aide retreat 'running creek. tor )'but' Child. Fenced yard 642-0427 • -SALES MANAGER.-c;&lh bonuses. Alr ~ H, * ConA urrA * Top Location in Corona del GoodVWKombl, '6S w/l500 .ic tftea. 'approx 100· rd bot lunches. Magnolia &: VINYL \tall coverln11: REAL ESTATE E.~·'Pati. "Pres.-:--Tau l'IU Mar. 6 Chain, new 1 y e~. 3S,700 mi. For rront, 3 ml to ecea.n. Trade Adams (Glen Mar Tract), specialist -kit. & baths. Sprln11: Realty expa.oding ;t'~m.1::' 111. n, Now. lea~ new industrial ~d:;_"'°.;.:.:."':ct;c<d;:_. _675-J420=..:=--Por&che, Karman Ghia or !or house T.D. or r W-5378 HB ~5 Material & labor. Est. again, opened No. 4 office blda'· 1350 eq ft, office &: 1 MAN 0 per at ion -VW~B=ug,-,ol::646-::llk~~;::v:,al-ue_·~-CUatom built 26' cabin crui• I' WILL ba.bytiit, my borne, 847-1659 ~ Har~lvd., = FU "pSERVICE .... """"· SIS5/ino. Food-.,... Saodwlcb Shop, = lid WI 5 ........... »IS Anaheim • INT • EXT ANY SIZE e... exp< ART TIIIS a. Natlftsa rutr. &a.1485 Exoel. location, Coeta Meaa. GE Electrlc Qotbes Dry-f!t', 90 mllhopny h ' Ave CM 642-6452 JOB Xlnt ~ nrs h"ee Real Estate Sa.18 Aaociate •r Sell or leue. 642-8913 er, like new thni~ Will tu1J.y equipped. $2500. Trade, ., , t'tt ,JIM. ~ 642.7528 who cou1d qUality for ~ $250. PEit •-~ 3000 SQ tt 1V8ftbome I: ottioe + 6QXJ 1q tt paved .I: .fenced yard. IBS5 Laguna Canyon Rd. (714) ~ or (Il4) 54 .. 7680 trade for Gu Qotbes trlr, camper, truck or ,! Centr•-'---· ' · apment pog.ltion to lead an '"""1 n GIFT I; Home De<:rr shop, [)eyer in like condition. Call ol same value. 5e399'f, ........ 6620 PAPER hanelrl«. i5 yean aggrt'SSlve tales statf. For Need men now. Mat be neat must lllill. See -Make otter! 642-5688 Brome frollUess 16 cu tt. Additions * Remodeling experience. Call Fred! t'Xcellent career op~ty and aareutve. Wodl: I to e 548-1914 • • ,..._... H ,.. _ __.A,. * 548-4903 * in a dynamic aales atmol-10:30 P.M. 5f7·1'182 DON'T JUsr WISH for 2 door. late model Sean "'1~ • ~w"'"" Lie. ATTRACTIVE Beauty salon, something to tumish your refrig. Trade for white oM 673-600. * 545-2170 PAPER HANGING phert', phone or .end resumt MODEL I: Plue bWlden ln reasonable priCf!, ca I I ho find t b t1f equal value w/ri&ht hand PAINTING to Mr. Gardner, all inlor-fiberglu I: wood with esp ~7232 ask fOl' Gloria. ln ~~~~~ 'aaU: Ad!J: door. 83J..2!H8 P.M. C•rpet CIHnlng 6625 675-3043 ma.tion held in atrictest eon. in boats I: campen. Must BEA Sho . P"-,AINT="'m"'c"' • .:..o,:.:n:,.,-,_-..,...,,-,_.,....I t.idence. Spring Realty -havt' ov.-n tools. Contact or UTY P · m Co:!lta * * * * CARPFI" & Furn. clea.nins; 2G29 ilarbor Blvd. 540-4824 call Rick 2135 M -•·-ott-o.,., u-.. ., "_. "3 estimates 642--0238 Dr. Costa Mesa. 60-9758 ......., .... ...,........... work, call Sterling for ==--'=-""::C.=-* Mesa 4 stations. ?>fust sell! .i*li!!!!!!!!!!!!!*li!i!!!!!!!!!l!!lii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!""1""'~"'!!!!!!!l 'ar 1 day service & _,",itv State lie. -bonded. Free at Canyon WANTED' ott-Sal• "-ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS brighln<5'? 642-8531 INTER or Ext. PAlNTINC, CARPENTERS* SERV. srA. A!TENDANT _ ticell9e for Orange County and NOTICES incl NOTICES NO Gimica! Belt .,........,,.. cpt IMMED. SERVICE. LocaJ Full time, id. aal plwi • R•nches 615 Call: 642-8139 &:. furn cl ...... .,....., rer. FREE e1l. 548-1627 With mobile home experi. benefit.!. Neat, courteous, l,;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;O · Lost 6401 Announcemenh 6410 ng. at lowest!-"===========! eOO!!. Excellent benefits. over n. None other need NPI'. BCH. Desirable contr. ofc. &: new shop -wareh.se. adj. UPS. Ownr, 713 941-1368 NEW M-L 600 sq, tt. $70 mo. 2944 Randolph, CM. •Call eollect 211: 'f89....8SaS ' =::... ____ _;:_::.: I :..o=====-...:.;.;,,;1 prlcea. ~l486. 646-m7 Pla1terinq, R•-o~ir 6~8() Apply ln person. apply. See Clyde. 2590 NORTHEASTERN lnvHI. Wanted 6315 LOST' Black male part. ALLEY WEST WALL TO WALL Carpet Newport Blvd. C.M. RETIRED Marketing Expert Siamese Cat wearing jev.·el· ANNOUNCES CI ea l'l Ing &: expert • PAT'S Pl.uteritlr .. all EXPLORER OREGON RANCH ~ ~th -N will •-Ip <d .,...n <0ilar, An•. Lunch~• · . ~up~hobte~~.-y~cl~o~.,,,,,.~·~, 6f6.3~~180~1 ~Type~·~· ~>no~:::u~tlm;:at~e.~C:all KlTOIEN Helper + ........ ~ "'' "vu. '"" M-·• ••-· Sa··~··· "'" -MOTORHOME diahwu\,i-. 5 "'--1 ntte. 250 Cow unlta or a 330 steer ·you with your problems. "Scamp"• ln vie. of Spr-u.<lllBY uu-.. .... ......., CARPET &: furniture clean-......,..._""' Over 18 .... ~ old~ Terry ~17u:te~~~~v,e: <"""=.;2507~======! ~~:1 • F.dinger, H.B. ~:;S~~ ~~:_e~ ~P;;lu;.:mc:bl;;.::;n,.1 ____ 6::1::;.90:::1 4000 C1mpu1 Dr. ~.M~· 4S5 E. 17th st., free. U52 Deeded acre• & Money to Loan '320 AUSI'RALIAN Silky .male. 8 Bicycle Brunch PLUMB NewPort Be1ch a NaUonal Forest pennit for. Mos. black A: ere am. h'Om 10 AM Drifting Service 6637 wane ING 24u hr. •rv. 106 cow unit. A Koodi worlr:-RETIRED COUPLE ANwt'n: to "Buffy." Vic. lel'Vir1&: F.ul Benedict, remoc1 guar. c., Insur.; --.,,-------1 8!!Vl~~ ~~~L Ing ranch with bllildings, Hu money to lend on Lst Ir Newport Riviera, c. M. Huevos Rancheros, Maps; Geological or Civil 53l-~· repair, root.a sev.. PART TIME barns, corrals, plus wonder-2nd morfPl'l!s. Call 642-SMl alter 3 p M, Steak A Ens. from 11\D'W~ etc. e COOK WANTED e Da,n. Unkln Oil 393 E l'ltb, ful hunting and ftsbin&. Full Broker 547.1333 Reward. 2106 W. Oceanfront Tech. must.. Writing PLUMBING REPAIR Huntington Seacli!f ,cC~.M,-,·~=~~---1 price $125,000 with xlnt ===~~~---, Newport Beach j . .::':75-687:::'·:P:.0:·:31:~=CdM== No job too small Country Club REAL ~ATE. Shouldn't terms. For further lnfonna· Ri•I Eitite Loans 6i40 S~E ~al Point, mall! (across from Pier l -===•,:;:6f2.J128:=.;;;;•;;:=:::i ~ you be llellne the hotteft lion p I fl a at' call Glenn white plastic collar. Strayed Dory Fleet) ... Must br over 71 yttn old. area Hun~ Beubf Thompson with HOME LOANS from 2'29 Costa Mesa St. ::=======;'.::;;::::~l!E~11!a~et~r~ic.o~l!_ __ ~6640~ Remodel., Repair, 6940 Could deveklp into full ttme. Vi.Jlace Rn! Estate 96)...tC'1l Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc Have 90% financing at 7~~ % Call 548-2924 or 646-3728 Funerals 6412 FLAG Electric. ren'l elec-IF You need remodeling, •~hers -"'-......,~~0!,:,,..,=~---1 1818 W. Chapman Ave. interest. Check our 6.9% ~R<=""""~~lor--any.;...,inf~o-. _,.., I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 trielans.. Cm;ic'I, re 1 ., paintina' or repairs. Call • Firushed carpenters ewANTEDe Orange, CaliL program It 2nd TD terms. wsr: Between Newport • WESTMINSTER MalnL Sm jobs we 1 c. Dick. 642-1797 • Mechanics, -prefer with Auk> Body Man 541·2671, Eves-wknds 537-6727 Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. Harbor on Victoria St, c .M. 56-10«5 welding experleDCe. Exp'd Palnten helper. 336 E, 17th St. Lab Retriever, 5 mo, femal•, MEMORIAL PARK So I I 6960 lslaod.,. Moto• Hom" Inc, 646-9534 642-2171 545-0611 il ·•·•· •·•· "".:'--------1 w n 806 E. Wubi .. ..t ..... St. Resort Property 6205 Eves. 673-7865 642-ll!i7 blk, • '::':~· ,,~';:,,,-.e c._..., Mortuary & Ctmetery 1G•rdenlng 6680 ...... l:"'ft .. TJONS • CU-'-Santa ;;.-· EXPER Only.FI be r 1 la• ---'-'-==-;;.:;:::I reward. ~ Complete funerals ,tU.1 c.n.n ..-"w"' I a Yu P. •ma 11 boat•. FOR RENT Fum Mamouth ANNOUNCEMENTS BLACK Fem Poodle puppy from ,245 ANTHONY'S °""maklnr, y,,.,, II n • TV TECH, COLOR Lamlnabr, -l9IJl Mountai n Condom.inlwn _a_nd __ N_O_T_l_C_Es ___ 1 6 mo., Vic of Caesar'• plaz.a Ctmetery •ots G•rden Service work. App't. 548-n04 Bt'nch I: ouUlde. Major Co. Placentia Av., C.M. ileeps 8. 541)..2730 Fovncf (free Ada) 6400 on Bolsa. Chico&: warner. from $150 646-1941 Alter•tlont-642.5145 benefits, paid ho1ida,ya. ille NEWSPAPER dell••ry e FOR Rent Furn.. Mam-H.B. Reward. 5 9 2 • 5 314 lncloc1es li:ndowmeat Clre BUDGET LANDSCAPING Neat, accurate, :IJ yn:, exp. I& P::c~~ ::Llve. Saturdl.y I: Sunday, Earl, moth Mtn. Condo. pool A CHILD'• jacket. vie. of Eves. 63&-8029 Effryddnc Jn on• belatital Prune ... Plant ••• Prepare e Dreumak:hw·Alterationl 117 Cabrillo Costa M<U A.M. 1'Nck requlr•d. sauna, 11ieeps 8. 540-2730 Ocean I: Poppy A v e • , ARTIST'S oil paints in bl~ place m-.m lea COit. Monthly Maintenance Special on Hem1 ' 5({)...6207 Corona del Mar. Call .I: tool box, Coast Hwy, So. No trattlc (WOblems. Exp. Hortfculturist * 646--6446 * YOUNG man 1B or over,S "'ER=Vl=CE=~~----- Mount. a Desert 6210 Identify. 6Th-3234 Lacuna. Jan 16th. Call coll 1'801. a-..s. W_ ..... _ AL'§ Game"'-Se rv ,. c e part time to train tor t~ . Station Attendant. _c;.:~::..c.=='----HAa -lllllle& .... ._ TILE ,_ I 6974 tain work I: cook. Tbe Zoo, Full time Exp. nee. Inquire I BEAUTIJ'UL High Deaert; BLACX Puppy about 6 mo Palm Springs nt: ,_,.....,...... SSl-1125 193-2421 Lawn maintenance, pnte.n-, -ram c Coast Hwy le Mac.Arthur Cbevron Station, Sprlncdale , 5 Ac. w/miaU stucxo house. old. Vk. K·Mart Shopping 1/6/69. Blk A Wbt temalre Ina I: clean aps. 6(6...3629 * Vt'?Tle, the Tlle Man * CdM • at Edinger, H.B. : Hot .I:-CoJd waltt, etec., Ceriter. CM. Call to Identify. coker .. springer, Reward. C JAPANESE C•...t.-i-n-... cu t k •--" l -·•-FULL "----5 •--' tmmtry • ~ ••11 ... ..., ...... ..-~u• s · wor · ......... • .. .,....... ... ~rlenced -·cook with .... ..., _..... _,.. air cooler. Xlnt loc. nr. 29 &15-M?J Comes to name of Patty. ~ -M&int. Land• cap In 1 N · b -~ "' a k llmll '""'" • o JO too mall. Pia.Iler references. Haun 7 tn 3. wee • no age · ,..,l'V 1 Palma. S7500 fm'n. 833-2734 MIN Ylll male: oU white 548-7849 PACIFIC View Mem. Parle, Oeanup. 6371m1 patch. Le11.ki"I' shower Benton's CoUee Shop Desmo.nds. No. .S Fubio.n ' ec""'..:::.·,.:0:_' .c•-..=•'::""'=·-· --1 poodle w/Jonr tail. No col· BEIGE Female Coclcapoo 7 choice 41rave burial plot. JAPANESE Gardener. repair. 847-1957'846-0206 133 So. Coa.st Hiwy, LBiuria Island, .N.B. I · S A NR Hemet. Xlnt view. lar. Vic Cecll Pl., CM. weeks old. Lost Vie. Sacr. m-8649 ews. Complete Service, Ex· Dishwasher-W k da.ys 6 to ' 2800' el. Wtr, deer & ,.., .. ii. 646-6248 n ... ,.,hom1. NB 64&-1289 perlenced. Reliable . ., • ., ·~-JOBS I EMPLOYMENT BOAT Builders -part time. 2 « I •-~· ~ ------"-==c.1 ~s &: weekends. Ex· PM. ()dies Restaurant, ~. SSS dn. 633-7710 S.lll DOG, Beagle-mix • vicinity LOsr 5 mo old Doberman. SERVICE DIRECTORY cut 11: Edge: Lawn J b W td pene 673-25l7 212 E. 17th st., C.M. agt. Warner l Harbor • he is HBmt·.Y~:..~~£~6Adams, Blbyafttlng 6550 ~~:1~!!,~· Licensed 0 •nf ' Lady 7 020 LlQUO"; :~~. ex· Part Time Custodiln E h at H.B. Animal Shelter. Call n.cwaau. ;,v-..... ---...o/-..-2310 a.ft 4 HOUSECLEANING. Dutch. _ ... __ _.., ....,_ ... r-.-.. * 646-n47 * xc •ng .. , It. E. 6230 ,,...-.., .... ~ .,.~ "" ............ ~m,.:e~84~7~·'-94!0"'------Wil.L babysit. M,y home. Clrr le edae lawn comp! Ex. Ret $2.50 hr. !.fin 4 Me• area. Phone ~ OIARGE tr! 3 BR, fam rm. Rol!ywood Cllll..D'S prescription glanes Penonale 6405 Fenced yard. My :1J montb atrvice. Llc. S46-Q6l eves hrs. 646-6749 alta-7 PM Hilla trade hr aimi1ar corner e>ranp l Buoy, C.O.. I ;.;;.c.:==----'--'"' old dauzhter needa a com. .I:-~kends LADY In 30a. live-in com· Hela Wantad. ~ noo Hetp Wanted. Min 7200 home Udo, Newport . =ta=M= .... '"'=--'-548-l589--'--=~~ LICENSED panion. Between 1 and ~ panlon/Mkpr, Lquna aftL ;;;;:.1 M k I $44,000. $22,<n:I eq. 213-0L BEAGLE puppy. Male. No Splrttualrudinp,advioe ~· De.yL Near SOCKITTfJ"EM! P.0.Box674,Lqun&Bch - ar elp ace 4--0988 collar or tags V1c Beach on all matters. 180 S. El ShoppU. Center. FOREMAN ------A Hou. HB. 847-1161 Camino Real. San Clan<nte. -M3-139i; JOBS I EMl'LOYMENT JOBS I EMPLOYMENT G'J..9136. 11.1 AM -10 PM BABYSITI'ING Wftk days in PLASTICS & NALE puppy, dark brown ARE you rrom Ookndof W• lft7 hxm. Eqlftienced. 2liiiH··~·~·~W~an~tldiiiii.~~~nii;;n~oo;;rt~a~l;·~W~a~n~tld~,~M~1&1~n~~n~ooi NOW'S tHE for TIME FOR Automobiles QUICK CASH THROUGH A ~REST ~llYSI t;-~~ ~~1 DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5878 ------- puppy with ljpt paws. Vic havt a new club for tormer children at home. 5'M141 I• Wallace St., C.M. ~Ri& Colora41an" Fork> BABYSITTING My -· FIBERGLAS FOREMAN 6401 BL!C-A M ...... dog, Am to Albert. Tap. Vlc 3500 Marcus. NB. lm-2098 LOSI': lirey-sretn l'O'Jfll ..,,.., .... 11.mr Sehl., Founteln Valley 960-3024 MAN'S black wallet. Vlc: fut S1.. on brach &J"e9. NB. ID valuaNt. Rt?1rt'IJ'd . ~m MALE Slamelt'. blk, coUat • !mot tall. vie. st> SI., R.B. &.'&047I lt!WARDI IS YOUR AD IN Q.ASSJ· nmt Someone wUI bl ._ ...... Dial- ... -tfllclaot -i~ pµa;,_ ....... -. U., .,.....,,.._DAILY PDAJ' !Is ssde-t llHm fonnatlon ea11 !lfS.1458 or ............ c.u... Prti ALUMINUM" '3S-Ql84 . ..,.um.. ..... (OCC) 846-'111110 PACIFIC SINGLES DEPENDABLE ""' 'a... To wperylle our plutlca a.od fiberilN tor attractive altwSe adults ~ wkJ¥ care of i..t ,,... WELDERS m.anu!acturing area. Requires ten )'Uri """ want In .,... oth<n Ue. Hrbr/ Dam. ~ uperien<e JUpervlslng plastics end Ii- who . .,. -· 545-1534 llAllYSITTING, ln1 home, berglas fabricators Ind meclwllco IOd • -SlnglH • c..ia M... ..... ,.._, Experien<ed Hellan: .. mJ.aulomaUc Inert a llion>ugjl knowledge ot manufldur- Whot type or com..-.,. lovlnt1 caro. 646-11,. gas aluminum welders. Musi be capable of ing melhoda, lacililies and equlpmenL )'QU !ttkina"T eau NlLT-5021 cerUtication. &42--9176 Noon to 1 PM WOULD like child 3 Yl"I or Please call Lee Kelley : _, • cMder to ca.re for my home Apply in person or Call ALCOl!OU"' .....,,_. Mon-f"ri. m.7290. (7141 546-1030 (714) 5461030 Phone 512-'121! or wrlta 1D ""'aa".,,.i~-..,.=.;.;1n.:..c......,,-.... -.,.-3333 Horbor Blvd., Costa MtN, Calif. 3333 Hl'bor Blvd., Costa Mtoa, Call!. P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mm.. Jntut to I )'Um Fmced ""1-c.ata M-~ M-s,.-Dhlllao Mlullt 5}'1tamo Dl..i.n Announ ........ i. 6410 WllL _,,, IN Youa ~ Allanli'c R........ ~ A111nllc Resurm vnaa·s PutJ Time f'rid.Q HOME &nJ hour St.25 br.; ~UI Januuy 24th 1 PM tD ·l_,._hr_,_n_tea.;;;..;,;i11M311;;..:::;:__ c.por.tltm COllPOIAJIOll ' ,_ ....,,.. wllh ''001'' DAILY PllDf 01J(g,A. on tap, Cont4 check our LlNlS Yciu cu • tblm prlcta. 1791~ He wport *1t ;.c ,._..a daJ• Dt.aJ Blvd •• C-M. -. A~ .t t1te S11.1rhn111 C.,.. A11 ..... 1 .,,.,..,..., •111,i_,., ---------------- A Dh • .t n. ........... c.r., .......... -'"'...,..,..,. I~ .. ' I I ! I ' ---.....,.-----------·-··-· .. • .. .. ·-,···1: . '. All 1,.000 of, :.u·s ~ .. Busy Day Today I • ' ' We creat.ed and deli vered a nother fr esh edit ion of 1The .. DAILY PILOTi l . ' • I ' • TEAMWORK produc.es each day'! all-new DAILY PILOT. Often special- . ista like Thomas Fortune (left), whose beat is education, work with a staff photographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both in words and pictw-es. The staff shot 70,000 pictures la.5t year to illustrate the varied story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local stories we wrote. Not even us. .. ' 1 ---; i' • : ': .'·, CREArtYJTY helps advertisers tell their stories and sell their goods in i . the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford ~ (left) of the display advertising department watches start artist Les McCray put final touches on an ad which will be ready to. appear in the newspaper only hours after the artwork is finished and approved by the ii advertiser, a local retail merchant. I l. I: I . QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal plates used to reproduce pictures) into page fonns as the day's product begins to take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury Is only one of a platoon of printers who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work- ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available information in each edition during the day. DELIVERY of the newsaper is a speed event, too. c.onveyor belts carry the papers through the mailroom where lhey are automatically lied in bundles oC SO and tossed to waiting circulation district managers (like • Blaine Roberts, shown here, right) who speed them via a ~vehicle Oeet to carriers for delivery. 1'1ailroom forman George Arauz (left) and his crew can move 20;000 newspapers an hour. " . VOLUME is the word at the Copy Desk. DAILY PILOO' Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus (background) and other copyreaders every day sifts, checks and edits more wire reports from worldwide news services than the average weekly news magazine pulr lisbes. Editors scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 24: hours. Speed, born of experience, helps them keep it all fresh, too. THE WORDS are ready. Marjorie Jackson feeds them into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine for automatically setting type at high speed. The machines can set type at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour. MACIDN~ hasten the processes of preparing plates for printing the pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed- ward Quinn operate a casting machine which molds curved plates to fit onto 'high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps Jn stock more than 40 tons of type metal which is used, melted down and used again in the continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day. MODERN equipment helps the accowiting department keep up with the "today" pace at the DAILY PILOT. Even as the d.o.}''1 newspaper is being sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figures into a compulronlc bookkeeping machine lhat helps: keep trtck of billings for ads and subscripUons. The machine, forerunner of a brace of computers soon to be added. handles 5,000 accowits a month. RAPID communication is the name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of "ad-visors" handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone, resulting in publication of 5,000 classified ad! -words which help people buy, sell, rent or I ease ••. even find lost dogs • ..Many or the DAILY PILOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged in here, the classified advertising de- partment, home of "Want Ads" and Dime-A·Lines. PICTURES, too, get the benefit of skilled, efficient handling by master craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a sensitized metal plates which are used to repro1Juce the photos as read- ers will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image on the metal plate. FINISHEJ? PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chief, even as high-speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of $3.5 million. Eleven·man press crew will feed into these machines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in printing the DAILY PILOT this year. ALMOST before the ink ts dry, the product or our busy day is tossed ~eftly on Y?'Jr l~wn or porch by one ~ our 700 newspaperboys who are unportant links tn ~e chain of people 1t takes to bring you today's nen. and features .today 1n the DAILY PILOT. And as our young independen$ mucllant.s, like John Melton here. make their deliveries, we 're gearinc up for another busy day -all 1,000 of us. \The •Now.~ Newspaper for All The Co10111unities • • .. .. ~Of The Growing Orange Coast t -·----------------------------~---.. -~-~----· Join I vtlal ,,..,..,.i. l<W !ndm1:y Wltb tho .......,,...........,... er ot autom1.tlc valwl and cootro1a. e DRAmMAN CLA·YA1 CO. 17th .. Pl1-tl1 c .. 11 M.,. 541-2201 Anequxl._.. •mpieyu * * • CARPENTER HELPER $523-$636 por mo. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Excellent opportunity for man with minimum of one year experience in shop work or general mainte- naaoe work, or apprentice- ship training in carpentry. Filing deadline January 24. test January :n, 1969. :ror furthff detail& contact (n4J 673-Q;JJ, Personnel Office, C I t y Hall, 3300 Newport mw., Newport Beach, Call!. 92660. FULL TIME HELP WANTED LARGE CXl. EXPANDING IN ANAHEIM CITY O' . NEWPORT lllACll FIREMAN 'Scellttqliruceat m~lxec NO EXPERIENCE NEC. Hilp Wonlod 7,_ Lack ...... -)'OU ~-·'------'-' bad<' 11u ,....,. educetloo ALTl:RA""ur Wled to pttpare you. tor a ,II. llVIU top-job? Anatlooally""'""',,,..,.,. fOR bl hirtna: peJ.'llCNml!l for their aalts and promotiollll dept. $500. Mo. Gu1r1nlM il )'OU meet our requirement& QUALIFICATIONS:. • Neal appearance. e Wlllinl t.o follow instruct· -• Hard working For appt; 642-SUO or 892.5611 CARDR OPPORTUNITY! 3oln!Dd.,.. ....... -. prof~MutUIJ. Fund salu No experlencl Deenlal'J" We train • full or part timt Mutuol Fund Advlto,., Inc. WOMEN'S DEPT. NIGHT 1:: SATURDAY WOR.K MUST BE EXPERIENCED Apply peraonnel oltioe, 3rd Jloor - THE BROADWAY llWPORT No. 47 Courts of Fashion Newport ~1nler An equal opportunlly employer Npt a 1603 Westdtff MUml--------- 6,A. 1212 N. B- 547-1331 EXPERIENCED Installment Cr«llt Cl1rk ---_.. ---···--~ •• WAITRWU e SEAl'OOD e RESTAUltANT REUBBI E. l!E . . . 15 I II. COio! Hlghw1y N...,porl 811ch * Homsru ' Full Time APPLY JN PERSON 91o5P.M. • REUBEN f. lll BLACK Malo llodllhund, N!;VER>IAR lllobw labl. LoYEBlllDS If.'-$1. REf1!IGER.t.'l'OR $2S. 10' CUl'J'111110 me ~ - --· 2 months old.' 115 6 -....u.nt .,,.. l'beuanU IS. Fan c > .... ._ SW. Jlalrl:lil>' and -13 lo 'SIO. Siio ""' pla)1UI, JUI! rilbl aa. tlltldn 115 Smoll IMIW"""' Plpom $4. &C-321!3 pen 14: A'*'1o ...,,...,.. 10 -''1 lo 15. St>n lo tnloy. $15. llflU'rnl • dWr SIT.SO U-tetetl Sf;WING m--le $13. OtldUolcopt 11 7. Mon. Ju. ll. IUO· "°" TWIN Bedl $10 each. M-:t.1 cha1re. paJt $2$ • • c b • szs. G.E. *"° ~ $2S. Tetqbonn, S5 • rr. Piex· tlnch&m Rd. N • w POT f bet! ,,.,... 13 -. 2 °""' ""...,,,.. ottoma11 S12.SO .u Matttt -.. htnt 111so. tau rue lhlold \/.'' • I' 8eo<h. ~ plet~ alµmlnum w Ind o W Wee new. O>ttce table $5. 81S-68S1 X 4' SU. $etftQr» JS. 8" 9'4" HOLDEN surtbolrd '3D· tramee: p and $4. 9' row ~ rtL fed u c l n c 9' x lT' Gold Clll)et $2$. bench 1aw. C15. Red awlve1 58 Oldl conwrtlble top "° boat, OU'I and dolly $2S. mactttne. new $20. 5' x r whit. RUG $10. chair SS. Harck$ Us;bt 50c. TV SS. Sofa mabt lttto bed m-4317 ' ~n Eledrlc llnl& $.1. -s. Danl>h -·chair with ll4. -"'"".,.... p. API'. S'i so · Wa..M-.-... CBTnmceiwr (3) $15each. .-.. t'lt .. t1.1-__ .. .-ottoman $15. Lawmnower 6SO ic U dft $3. fi5 a.vy ··--• ---115. U~.!)ed -. -~--with ·"~· --~ 1&-.....t $25. 2 ••t. """ --AM, Fl& and ~ " ~~ ute-~•-• ....,,. .,,_ -~ --w.o • ......... ~ JlM.111 ----112. Trundle n.--4 .... _, __ .... .,:_._ Phllco ~!&«talion, 1 Ale' P00no.. noellent condition 5c 25c. t --.,. 2l23 ·-·--~·.r --·--~"-"'"' 125 -• ........ --$25. ml 8atTey llrl... 15-eoi.man Ice -S1 $25., 1 for $3>. <lu"Omf • ~ Valley, Lacuna <Camro Hiplanrl•\ O!M. TtaUttt bUdi JJ.. 61 Amill\ dlnett. lable with ' -AP!'. Slot ...... clean Ill ~ ~ ._. ndlai.r $S. -= '!!"..~ 1'-1~ = One for $8 Bullt..fn oven 21" MAGNAVOX T.V. WOfk.. TW1"' bed $15. ar,n. veey picket tenoe 15c per RcUoo. SI~ Heavy -hand tJUck and -· both i>r !JV $25. Sing<• portable aoo1 Mndltloo lll-M290 ~ $25. N t c e rounded lft'lnl maeblne. KOOd lhape 1-==---~~~ $20 2:13 Mn& n.., Cl4. Upholmiy chili 115 2 wcy $25, T.V • Monl'°' !10. 'l'WJN bet! 115. Cl'8ll. ""Y INFANT'S crib $1!!. llllh 151 E. C-1 Hlghw1y 5l8-0009 old..._.....,, both $8. luml'°"' $2.:!0 to 125. pipe -ooblltion. 6l4-42lO dWr $7. Dlntue iable .,,., Ntwp0rt Belch BABY Crib, a:mipJete $10 20361 IAft&:e Dr., &mta Ana nipples <60 pieoel) $1 anc1· TYPEWRITER ~built nma ' cbaln $15. Boy's 3 speed ---------1,;;MAIW;;;;;;l•;,S5;;;.-::546-0843;=~-~ Heights. ~ S2, atatlooeey ttem. Sc to Uke new $25. 548-n65 = ~:;. = COR.VE'ITE Ski raclr: ':3-61 SINGER. Sewfne machine In $1, many ~ paper GOODIES for We! Wartne cottee table~ 54!Mm6 LVN's Ill-Kay banlo. new I'S. cablntt. ...i ... practice bad< and cblldn!•• ....., blend.r 17. Goll earl SI0.1 ,,,:;;:~=:-""='='-=-.,..,. 11 to 7 Wet suit. amaU 81.ze $10 $10 ' draM!I' Maple \leMI!!' 10c to U. bl&: -. cannon Portable hair dryers $10 COMPLETE 1955 Ford 4 545--621& cheat $5. 23" -Mde. 6f6..'llll. bJd $5. cer spotllpt $5, each. Li.dies electric r'a%Ol' door Statton Wagun, not N----•escent ~tal FUR Pieces for trim, hi.ti 2l1.2 Diana, NB. barber •t S3. cloth1n&: and $7. Skis (with>ut bindings) nmnina $25. 1955 Ford bead ...... ............ ,.._.,, 15e t S25 536--0l53 brlo-a-brac lOc to $1. 2.ll6 $5 Lad)''a clothing inedlum with new valvtS $15. 1955 Stbeduled tG open end ol 0 · ROILAWAY Bed, complete Delaware, H.B. .~ $1 • $10. mS Ocean-Font beadt r with rebQilt Jan. Apply in penon. 393 THERMADOR E I e c t r I c $8. 6 ft potted olive tiff BABY cribs ~• h front. ~'1 carburetor $10. 1955 Ford H08p1tal Rd. camer New· range top 1tovt, atainleu $1S. Pedal go cart Sl5 2 .,..., ea e • atar-ter, renerator port & Hospital Rd, N.B. steel, llke new-$25. Abo Venetian hanging lamps $11 authentic Japanese f 1 sh PORCH Glider $20. 4 distributor with wires $.6. ST O c K c LE R K-IN· Thennador electric own, Otlld's de!lk. white $'1. 3 flap $2-$4.50. 962-9'159 Samson Folding chairs $1. 1956 Ford 4 door Station VENTORY CONTROL. ~ttuerie, clock controll. prices 5l5 bt>avy quality 4 ~17th CENTURY printA Bronze ~e$20. Sato1> Wagon, n1n1 good US. Stock room exp., famillar like new $25. Foldaway t-d. carpet $12 Coppertone dou· or German towns ln unusual ly, ms Setting Sun Dr. Green tota, rak condftion w/p,rod. cpntrot procedures. excellent condition $18 • ble sink· and rtm $25.. Wuh tram.ts $10 each. 536-n60 CdM $5. AM·FM radio and TV Some typing. Owner. 642-4251 buin $25. 2 wheel3, 2 aUck 1D SPEED bike $2.5. 5.16-6126 SIMMONS run me mattress combination radio p1aya LEAR JET lNDU"""'Tll'O TV Table n Bar doon ~•so titetl $25 each. Craftsman and bo:t ,.•--. &..--good, picture tube ~ -s. Ri'·•· St.••S.~A.~ .,.... .,-. table aa.W $25. Stand $25. 1 MAPLE double bed like '"''l!t" _, um-= $.5. TV cabinet. titea ...co~ -...,...,y Walnut oottee table '10 1J• Dido bead -.. Saw bk.de& new $25, 1 maple play.pen .$5, twin size mattrets $10, vetted to rtcOnl cabfnet ¥7-3906 eel brick 8c fi73...3957 --troll book rack for Honda $8, equal opportunity employer $1 ea.eh. Small banging and pad ., ... , l • er $8. sink $5. new 6 . v o I t $2.50. Baby ca r be4 $2.50. a.mm:s Hamper $1. lutra lamp $5. Doz uaed drill 842-6021 Volk:nntgn radio $1"-U. 3 I!• dim!!~ 1et S5. 5 Part Time Waltfftl ft!d lamp $S, hanging lboe motors. u.ndus, eome nt«I ' METAL dllplay rackl $1D volt car radio $10, office pleOI! dlnetll!! ·wt SID. 13 Experience pttferTed in ItaJ.. holder $3. eood fire 8Cr'tl!n repain:, all for $15. 642-8472 each, 2 end tables $5. .8¥f!ti. • x 8 'Hardboard ian food. Work evea. Call 38 x 38 $15, Shelton ltrolle:r $10 l t t machlnel: A. 8. dicta.phone, SL*> abeet. 3 lheti. 4 x after 2 pm. MI 64929 or ap-dreuea la~ $3 • $5, vet'Y OVAL Maple tabk $20 4 aold vacuum • p a or m Thennotax, Kodak copier 8' plywoo!t flnilhtd Wlrltl' ply in person good all wool eoe.bl for lady naup.hyde chain $5 eaeb. rocker $10, radio $3. dor $25 each. Rmd Ford VILLA ROMA SS each. OR 3-f668, 310 54fi...9872 bed $2, ping-pong table $.5, Fa1rlane tire and rim $8. ~ side $2 sheet. 646-5463. * HOTEL BELLMAN 4 dinette chain $2, weight 847-11'07 -Eut Walnut. Colt.a. UNITED CALIFORNIA 445 N. Newport Blvd. Femleaf Cornna del Mar. COUCH Makes Into bed S15 llftlng 1et $12. 962-1868 Mesa. NOW HIRING PERMANENT ·WORK. NO El(!'., NEC II'\ SOME DEPl'S. AS WE HA VE A TRAINING PROGRAM FOR YO\[N.G MEN 184!;. TOP WAGES PROFtf a3JARING P ,L A.N FOff.41m.LIFIED MEN. BANK Newport Beach DINING Set 42" red and Chair to match S 10 CHILD'S schOol deak, eood ELECTRIC train set $4, AMMO==~ ... ~Cal~--~-~ ... -1 EXPERIENCE ABSOLtrl'E· Auto S.rvlc:e ::ue, 14" till whlte fonniea Leatherette euy chair S5 condition $8. 536-8296 =~ra~t'U," !!; ~ of so for $4.SO. ~ • LY NECESSARY, APPLY 222 o_,. Awnue -Malclling bullet $25. Chair 15. C.Uee table $3 .-pen $12. 982-87<0 JN PERSON ONLY. L1guno Beach Cashl•r • bloe gnen cbsln ll5. End tables $2. o......r 115. SCRAM lr'TS HQLl.YWOOD Bed -. START WORK IMMEDIATELY CALL FOR. APPOINTMENT SAT., MON., & TUES. 494-6546 D .1 sa.I Shipmate bed -with t'DJl.ttreq C.Omplete aingle bed $10. • ~ 19" .SLIMLINE T.V. $5, RCA $2.50 Maple cofffe table NEWPORTER INN Equal opportunity empl~r . BJ Y e~ ~M: war. 72 x 30 $25. 548---0Ufi 1m Rogers Pl., Apt beh~ ANSWERS -radlo-pbcmo $10. H•oover $1'.50· Ski poles and lld $8. ranty repair erz. u • t ,,J'UT'l'"C"' .., _ _. •. _.. t 1 Coeta Mesa. Telephone office upt"ieht vacuum tr, tape No. 22 IU!l S15. Truck trailer 110'1-Jamboree ·Rcad --s·c AND A N ·Kvt-A N -or -have recent-experience.-· '~""-'"'-~ ......... _p.a._. 0 -~lot · -~ --recorder${. ·847-'1017' --hitch $5: Potty cbatr 'llld Newport Beath German cleaning lady 1 day 642..?098 loveseat and 2 arm chairs, ~ f.eederl $3.50. 210% Cedl PR. 4-7253 YOUNG FRY COOK OR KITCHEN TRAINEE e COOK e MUSf BE 18 OR OVER. e APPLY JN PERSON e per week. Must have ro pads, all 3 fOf' $10. E1ec-PINK Laundry hamper $2.50 Lod&er -Uphe.Jd -H.ybrld ELECTRIC guitar almott references CdM&rea. HOUSEKEEPER Irle deep fryer, like new Loungechalrf1Samllradlo -Reckon-stymie-Jump-new sz;, New VllJra.Soniea rp~''=·~c.M=.=-~-- OR S-6519' f II Tl D Sh"ft fl.50 Latte heavy duty $2. Enamel. sott turqoui.8': er -HE SKIPPED $20. 962..6321 RA'ITAN Furn l t ur et u me -1Y 1 tarpulin $5. Pale erey.geen and beige 75c -$1. Gl.aM Two women were IOlllP-U " TV $1'1 Ha.nd-operated Wrouaht l:"!ft traines. wtU OOMBINATION, Sharp Bar it~n~ wall to wall carpeting, very a.lad bowl and servers $2. lng: Sa1d one: "What I aay record ~. hew $11. niade. ·· 2 cha!n. 1 ~ Maids I: Go Go Danctn. <:onvalelceat H,._.,ilal large $20 Roay-brown wall CarvinC aet $3. Books, ts. give a man enou&h rope Small tron ;s. Electric table, 1 narrow low ~ Top waets $3.00...$3.50 'to ~.. to wall carpetin&", wool Jm.. fabric, t1awen 25c • $L and he'U bane himR1L" $10 &eta. ~ •tart. Ph. for inL S4s.9983 1897'l Delaware st. HunL Bch port 12 14. $20. Lido Saturday 642-5334 ''Oh, I don't qree, .. Mid frying pan, new $14. Small ==·=~.,,---,-..,......,. Pemtanent, Flil1 time job. Oiance for advancement APPLY IN PERSON SASSY 1.1.$Y, 2001 Harbor, ~CED Sew I n I 6'13-516S x • SATURD 'y l the other. "I pve mY hWI-~ !!°81 ~~•~'! ~ DJNING ~-~ndt :to Machine Operators. Few . A 0 to 5. 23" band ellOUlh rope and HE VlUl>C.1.--OClUIC --~ew 100"' $3). e: ~ $15 Small Snac:k Shop '.#' 9 ,_c._M_. ----~~ ,,...,.,.. being aocepted. KODAK &nm_,..,...,...., Packard BeD TV, good ,,... SKIPPED.. fire.proof melal .,..,. 17, ,.,.....,.,... $211 New bobby 3446 E. Coast Hwy., CdM WANTED: babysitter wkday 2907 s. Oak, s. A. 'l':J0.3 :30. new SZ,. Binoculars 211 x ditkm $15 3 speed tteOt'd • 49'-G>O items ~ Qdtar JU. BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th St. morning& for infant; my ·===='==-,.~~ 50, $15. Skin dMni' outfit, ~layer · $6 Lawn mower $3 48x'8 INQI ~ Plateglass $1. 2 WF AS $20 each. S.18" stoo]J:~ each. 2 eor· OFFICE SUPPLY home; It. b o u a e k e e p ' g HOUSEKEEPER. I i v e • I n 1~--k Pol 1 -•i-" 50 .,,._.. Wa~ ..,.,_, • ...1 motor ho lll!w, LUQ, mu , apear gun e amp, ...... ""' .,... ~u.... ..-~ .... .,. • Naugah)'de recl1nlna cha.tr ner deslal $S ea.Cb. r IOfa Sales Univ. Prk. area 833-0431 Aft motherless me. Newport $25. Window fan. 3 speed quilted bedspread and dult like new for fiah pond or $20. 2 itufted ebairs $S each. $25. Laundry tub· $5. ~ 12:30 ;,:~e: =~ ::.~:16• $25. 14" drill motor fr. Seat nitfLe $4. Paperback book& ~~ .~_:_ TDC15c 35MMh. Set end tablea wltb coffee Annfwnary Lane, NB Ra.pidly npanding Office HOUSEKEEPER, ch i l d belts Sl set 2-12 volt car $1Dc each. Big B 0 y ._..,. con.......,.... UC table $15. Refri&ttatm' $20. M6-615.l SUpplier in Harbor Area, care, live-in, t\l Jove 2 small RELIABLE b a by a I t t e r radios $5 each. Mechanl.c.s rottsserle and smoker ex-Carry cue $2. Day and 2 twin beds $15 each. Head-55 and 56 Ford puts: Coll Colsta Mesa nHds Younc mu for outaide happy boys ages 2 &: -4; wanted, my home, part time tools sqc -$5. 847-.3461 cellent cond1ton $15. Child'• nite wall beater $5.. Goll board $.5 each. 2 large'' 5llc Tall pipe lOc , ... rim Joameyman mtth&nic, ex· sales. Experience preierred, lowly rm. S dayg wk. Mesa days. Nr Wllaon & Republic, BRASS Wa~ pump $3.l2" chitterobe ~12. Kl t c he n practice drtvin& mat $l. dreuer sets $1S ea.ch. 21 and ..,_ n u. ..,. .. mau ~ MECHANIC perieneed Forelin or .00.. :.;: train. Call Mr. West Verde. 54G-0010: 54&-651B C.M. 642-1569. Cl'e!cellt wrench $2.50 set utensils and dishes Sc--$2. Coll bar $1. 2 -2x:-4'x2" TV $25. Heath FM tuner .... "" ., ... ""' iN .... ~ mestic. One of the oldest NEEDED: Espert e n c e HOUSEMAID. 4 dayg/wk, 8 of -4 swivel cutoni $1 833-1491. 411-4 Seton Road. thick plana $1 each. 494-m $15. Lamp. $5. 523 Bernard $1. 212-4 College, C.M.. Fore~i car~~ .... ~part. HONESI', stable yoong man Seamstress. Call 497-U1.S, hn/day, $2 hr. Particular. Craftsman wood plane $3.50 CUniveraity Parle:) GARBAGE Dl!poler, 1n sink St. C.M. SUnda)r only, nooll POOL Table $2S. U 8-03fl. men n '"''-" u.o. Flat for Grocery ?ellverie• &: between 11 6 5 PM tar Do an b o use work. Sears wall thennolltat. new 1965 V8 Chevy heads no en.hr $25. 891-6145 until dark. ' DANISH walnut dinette rate &: wammty work $8.00 &toclr:ing . .,._, .. i_ &: benefit an 1n•·-"ew. Lo. .... .,_., .., ••• _ .. -............. ___ JI h. ~-• -•-• •• au·~ hour bued ......... ,. l.Q •• ae ... re:ncea. ~.6 .,,, wacu. .,.. ~-.u.u1au I eac ....uum amu~.,.... 11;11 2> GALLON aquarium with srtJDIO couch. new 1 y chain, 2 wttb arms $1fl :%. Ex~~t ~ J;. opport:J:sin pel'f0!1 BAKERY salesgirl, no pbme SALESLADY For jtwelr)' saw $5. Camplna diabes and and JftSN'e plate S5 6 cyl. aceetlllOrlel, it&nd, IJ.ah. $Z. covered p]. Twin boJ: each. ~16'1 dltionl.Muathaveownhalkl Mr Adams calls. l'ltervlews at store, J . c. Humphries, flatware $1 tJlt box. New truckblock$20Bellhoo:alnc 494-3859 sprtnp -aad·a.ttrell $15. 'IWlN Bed, complete $10 •-•· ~" M v JI' C 5 · F1orence n.i-. 819 19tb Jeweler, 1823 Newport 1/J/W and 30/w motor oll .. $10 Carburetor and '63 CXlRVAJR u--_ .. Car luaaage canier $8. Double ma--and ~ -94-· .....,,.. r. ""e "¥· 01st UJMr Market 5, c M .':::"Mr_, 'Knlah" 50c .-11...... · manll°'4!1 •"" 5C8-.fl8C2 _._.._ ""'"" 'u"""'" ~ • 9771 Or ... -·· ... = • mw .• c.M. ·~ · ..,. •-· ,.... "°" -· •--~ 4 ~ -~~-::'!'.. desk dWr Is. --.... ,_ • ~ ~ ;~· ~7 E. Coast Hwy, CdM • . . taine Mini. bike clutch $3. WI' _..... "t""'" ---..wo ...., ~.......,... -YOUNG .MEN e INSTRUCTORS • Full SHAMPOO GIRL. Part time WOMAN to care· tor Pollo r. 2 nbbltx 'J5c eedo. School Bucloet ,..,. $20. 646-611117 5lM$1I OVER ,20-or/and part time. Neat ap-for Ell:clusive Shop. Must lady. No smoking, live in =~ ~ ~!: type dtsk '3.SO 5f6..8693 PETERSON hish cbalz is., DlNING table arid 6 cbi!n RED Schwinn Bantam 21" pearance. Must be able to have Calif. coametologl.at or out. Mon thru Fri. $200 ed mediclnP. cabinet $2. Halt after 12· Car seat $2. 66-19:38 $25. 3 bar stools $3 each. · Bicycle'. $3) Sunbeam Tank looking for a future with a meet and deal ,with the license. 642~ mo. HB. 962-M2T lawn mowtr $2.50 Bamboo AtrroHAnC Wuher, Vtt'J 765 DM Cortina SJci1 bin-S4o.o398 n.cuum. $25. Turquot•e quality pie ahop, Will train public, rood figure. Apply BABYSfITER wanted in my EXPERIENCED Operators lty rod with reel and line good condition $25. Gu dlnp and poles $25. 9: GAS I' ELF.CTRlC n:frlaerator ban11n1-lamp $5. lee cMst for seven day operation, Rix ln pen!On, Holiday Health home from 1:30 to 5:30 PM. wanted for dreues. Top $10 Fanned bathroom mtf.. ~F· vtndry ~-oondl1 1~ US. 548-8945 S2'i 613-5629 :12::·.:~=..:=--~~d day schedule. Many benefit!. Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., 6 days a week Laguna Belt Pay. 863 Produetioo PL. NB. ror .$1.50 Quiet awUehe• 40c .,.... e er ,......... or ~J. QUAIJTY bedroom lu.mttUre RENAULT Parts, under '10 Apply 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (See C.M. area. 644-m before 11 AM. 646-0308 each. Switch plug combo Ford $.5. 2 new Open House ' • 14 !:!!:' deep dl901'hva!Spl~ tn ...-.. condition· Chffi $25. .....__ 13 G'--• ., ..,. ~ Bob) t lOc each 50, ~enalon __. llgM. Rellty .._ $2 earb. ner W111:1::1 covers, ue, •""'"' · ~11 ,_ -"'",t._,.. a : ARCHITECTURAL J\.10TEL MAIDS GENERAL Ofc/Otder desk "'A' U.ll~ 84'1-6115 ""'"" r newr used $1 each, 1 1et Dresser and tnilTor $l5. $4 Radio $8. 545-44'15 or Vi's Pie Cottage ENGINEER Full & pert time. 0v 2L ..... -/ 1 $3. Aqua metal canilter eet r ~-G T M Nlaht atancis $3:1. Cbildcraft .. ~ .. _..7 191 E 16 h "'-· • ... .... W1:" w p ea.s. $2.50 BB ~·· ".50 s~· BOAT -Swl-~· ~u t 0 ..... cqi;ar . . qs, newr ~J. • t , ~ta Mesa 1961 Newport mvd .. CM tel voice, far c 0 mm. •-· .,.. .,._ •-.,.w i-• e used $9 each, 1 • 1964 Dodge crib and firm mattrus $25. -~==~.,...-,-,....,.,..._I CAMPER &: Motor Home ISLANDER LJVE..IN houaekeeper for blueprint shop ~373 lube 50e can. 150' fish tape lllJ1 SJ.5. '4 traclt tapea $2.50 Dart, radio. good condition, 2001 J{lghland N.B..54S-4185 MAN'S Ski pant., white~· builders & auembJers for MOTOR HOMES INC. elderly oourle; mature PHONE SOlJCITING ~ Joann St., C.M. each. 54~2058 translatorlitd$16.50 RAILROAD Centennial ·::: t!!, ';5~ ~ :.:::: all ph.aus. Muat be ex. 800 E. \Vashington St. woman pref. 642."60 No experience necessary. % TON cba.ln hoi.t $25. 4-15" 531-5360 spikes, nickel allver pla.ted ski palca., med. $15, 4 .. 10 perlenced & have own tools. Santa Ana, Calif. SALESLADY• Part time, HolJday Health Spa 2300 Q U ARTZ Su n I am p Ford rUna $3 ttcb. ~700 21" 'TV runs good $2.5. Stan-$2.50. 646-4384 llngle ahot 1\111 $31 and .22 Contact or call Rick at 2135 TAILORS, Fitters Ir: :ronnll1lll dsys. K.F.C., 693 So. est Harbor O>lta Mesa (Hanovia) $10 Heat lamp, x 15 truek tirtt $4 each (not dard typewriter and table BLUE Ot!p stamp boob for r1f1t 115 67>1334 Canyon Dr., Costa Mesa. apply Silverwooda, No. ~ Hwy La'"'"" Beach HOU"..:,..~~ Id excellent eondltion ~ Head much tread, eood bodies} works OK, $25. 6f6-.1525 ale. H·-. 13 a book. m -· •-• N • ,..--~,,..,...nunn a · halter traction ll!t, new flO 546-2847 -·.r MAHOGANY" map:aiJ1e nck .,.._,,.'° Fashion .a.aat, .B. HOUSEKEEPER, live· in; Live ln 5 days wk. $250 Ccmmode chair on cutus. BOYS IO lllff(I bicycle $25. 1 SADDLEBACK trunk JlO, HJ..4384 $20 Hand booked q 4 I Help Wlnted Men 7200Help W1nf9d Men 7200 perm. 1 child: prlv. rm., ba.. mo. CdM areL 6'l3..o9l51 new $25. Dilpl.ay 1belve1 Boys 24" btcycle, new t.lrn, 1 w:ldltback trunk $5. Olelt CAPE Cod pattem stuswal'I 6 m. Antlqoe milk elm 1~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;•::;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•::;:;;;;;;~1~Sal.~~ope~n-dN~'p~tiBch.~~~7,i~4 Houaekeeper, live-In, on cuten, white 68'' tall, newly pa.lnted. excellent ol drawers $5. Chrmne 25ceach. WbitetaUptureen dlab$5Sllverplaledo;rette II OPERATORS Blind stitch-$25. per wk. shelves 22" deep $2S. Larre condlton Sal. nt Cl1brfllo dinette chain: !50c each. $2. Oblong cuahSon $2:. holder $3 21 piece Tai 'Wl.lt hand finiAhel'l-Oarment W> 962-7682 band chair, Dl!edl: roverinl St., C.M. 5'8-280.l ~ ~ .~·~=--!~-~ .. ndutcholdav:._n $10 Antique PIM cmlp)te PRODUCTION Immediate openillCJS MACHINIST Must be able to set up and operate engine lathe and milling machines, machining oI large and small magnesium and aluminum cas tings. Requires several years experience. Must be availabkl for possible second shill work. SfffO METAL MECHANK Recent ext)erience in aira-aft, mla!ile or re- lalod fields. Must be accustomed to close tolerance work and have knowfedge of min· lmum bend radii and bend allowances. De- velop and,f'yout platform templates. SHED MOAL ASSEMBURS Assemble missile alrframe and componenls using fold oet rivets and various other 1 ... tener techniques. Requiru experience arid alillty to use power band tool& and nad blueprlnls. · PWllC & FllERGW FABRICATORS Layout and fabricate plastic and flberglw parts from planning abeels and print$. l'•r- form hand layout, operate curing ovens, pautoclavt\IS or vacuu.m steam panels. RI> quires basic knowledge 01 reslns and loams, and their metboda of appllcaUon. Appt,y In pen1on Mlullo Sy1t11N DM1fon AH1nlk Reudl CllPORATIOll tory exper. 64.2-21566 N.B. HOUSEKEEPER. li in S5 .. 545-2529 .,... q .... ........... ~.... m .,,.. $15 Sake .et $5. 8 Dorothy Yeo : 21" TV, runs food $25. Stan-$2 each. Box fpring lramel KHc:hen item.a Zic. Vues .,...__ Pllmer ciaaea $1&. HAIRDRESSER woman alone, handicapped; 1958 FORD Fabiane 4 door, dal'd typewriter and table, $2. 545-5490, afttt 5 PM $25. each. ('nrvllment set $2. M;:i679 ColHUre• de Femme, 17U4 1» lifting, S25 Wk. 60-2232 u is, .eood. tirta:, new bat· works OK $25. Manual ado GLASS top coffee table 36.. &M-2863 ==~~-,..,.,-=-= Beach Blvd.. H.B. 342.1115 FULL Time Dental A&a't • tery S2.5. 54().-3431 dln:J machine $18. ~1525 Sii • $8. 2 • ts" R.C.A. 1.0 GALLON aquarium com-ROUND Maple table $25. Sbc BABYSITTER oo exp nee. Sl!"nd reaume REFRIGERATOR. Will also SOFA And love seat $25. Portable T.V. •$25 • $1.5. 12" plt~ with ftlh S 1 ?i • cha.tr& $10 tach. ~ Mls.aion Vl.tjo. 837.Jm to Dally Pilot Box M 552 work " uprl(ht frttr.er, each. Electrte manile $15. GE. portable' T.V. $15. Barbecue like new aplt and oolldltlon. Sti-22.f.O Part time help, over 21 MANICURISl' was $45 Reduced fOr th1a Blondfl lall $2!). Shutters SOc Sunbeam hair dryer ST. 4.l motrir $12. Electrle warmer GAS range, apt, sla JZS, 54$..9863 CoilfUres de Femme, 17U4 ad $25. ~ 545--8808 Automatic Reo::ird player $2. Elec!rlc fWll! boxel 5 Oean. MS-&82 , 'l'llF-~S~UN,:;:.;N:;EV,;,=lli:;=-o~'E'=TS~..,-1 Beach Blvd, H.B. 84)..WS TltAILER 2 wheels $5. 3 3 SPEED man's bike with ST. Dfah muter link fauetl for $5. 'Clotbts 2Se to $5. (X)MPOST 35c ac. Antique Cla.ulfied's adlon power. RN's and LVN'a hardwood pe.l]tt.a, wood rack $25. SmaL: sidem.Jk $12. Clock radk> "R.C.A. $8. Tall Palm leaf p1utlc plant nqe $25. Andreu 1ri1 2 For an ad to 11111 around Huntington Beach art&. frames $4. Snow chains $5 bike a . 6f6..36a1 3 T.V. atandl small S2 • 1 $3. car whip antnena SS. for st. 548-3627 ..... ~ 847...ssn Set of Falcon hubcap. $4.. $4. Kt'nmore tank vacuum Car window cooler $l. the cl<'Ck, dlaJ .,._..,.,,.,, --~~=""-,;__-~"I Wuhinf machine $2. Door SEARS 2 man rubber rail $6. !Awn mower $3. Wool I Leather lace bootJ, u ' 9 SPANISH Antique finilh ~ PL&CE )'OID' ..at ad w1le?P MAIO, £xper, O'Vl!l' 30, 6 checkl $5. 282 Del Mar with oan and pump, wed rug 1 feet 4'' by T feet $4. Metal ki~n cat! S2. Ina: table $25.. Center kia1 tbly &N 1ooldne -D.ut.T da/wk. Pftl't time. $1. 75 br. Ave., C.M. 548-5123 6 Umea $25. "6-3341 2" and pad $11 U• toll•t Airline ruttar, real nice $15. $25. t match!nl chal:n $25 ll;PILOT~~~d~owtfled~~=612-Sm:::=::::::-==2l=I.agu~="'=Bch===.I UNFINISHED Fumlture 4 2 CASU:R slicks mounted 111at SL S910~ Owuiel Pl. Laiben hatchet $L ,575 Vio-each. 3 Spaniab WfOOlht II "ou "°"'t ae It; aell It ""'" a elcadf"'11 ad. It's easyl ,._ 642·5678 dOor student desk $20 1 dr. on 6;ti" wide Ctwvy wbee1t N.B. S?S-1603 torla. or. Apt E tron IWll laDlJI. $15 fach. llilprle cbttt 125. 5 dr. 125 each. 5'&-(1362 ° r HIGH-lntenalty d8k lamp BABY fumltme: Playpen, 1 new room dMdm .18 chest Pl Slk!lne door 868-3614 $3. Bru1 Loe Bubt $1. meeh With DIW' pad $U. t.11.th. 6'fS.«IM r.abtuet $10 All an btrcb LARGE WOOdM doll cradle Eltttrtc knife $1 Sta1nJeu Stroll@f Sf, cai-bed $7. l.lu11t.Tl'E aet, eouc:h alld venttr and haw formtca $3. lAl'P round chlld'I table Ca.nt.mr ll!t $2.50. Sliver Cosco Jump ew.t $6. Web cblUr~ $25 for all threl. 3Xl tops.2 dr knOtt;y pine corn-CchrOm•) " ltallan ~ Grit¥ Fa Fur Stole p). chair $1$. All tn ~ con-~ PL 54&-'1991 model $! 30.s Klll¥brooke t&bht llm"P $5. Brand new Baby 8Cale $!. Set al (4) dition. 64&-6a1 MRTA.Bl.E •wlrw macblrw Lane, C.M. 511Mm!1 · Lad> &mbsam 1bawr IS. new -Hub Cope SI WHEEL doal< !IL 830-2961 po IOU -Fl sjg.1'l8J BEDROOM Sot, v.1111&, ---each. "'S.ble r!t~ "'61M9)7 , IDG!f -wing -'11 u:..1bet!lis, 2 Dolo"'tl': 0_::~ Sci>= ~~: = $2. G.E. Pol'lable Sightly URdandl8 !\Ol!llldtnjec!DrUI ~ ~ ... -firm, 26" bicycles -· "" ndJo $S. Electric Goll Boll O>evy -.. ""' ~TR.\lLER==,....,,-,....,,,.,..,,...-...,$15.:::-1 ~ a_ Turquolle cupte, cludlne 3 Jpffd. t..rce returner 1$2. Cut C1la 11 SD. 64&-a84l 2S4 Brbtdn)', CM. 13 > II $25. lronlte manclo pedal COr rxm IS. 54Q.'l847 PleCo purich "°"' ... $5. TIRES. --12 • ORIGINAL oil poi11Ungx $5 $20. 54W28t FIUGJDW ~"'°'· ~ bo"'1 llll • 1911 $8. -11 681 ~ ID $25. Sbn g x 10 ID IN Car only l wttk. •:n IOOd condJUOn OJ 148--3312 $2 CM 2' ii~ l.and,c ape1, cro or Ftttbtrd ttU' end FLOOR Furnace $15 1Jprlchl 195a NASH ~tnmen (U TWO 2'" boy'• bUIN. tie• ~ anct surre&1ltt. ....., $25. &U-ISJS ,_..,. S10 Bla<IJ....,... 111 Bttl -t $25. UV. Bait co11'11t eonil!tloo $25 each. 531-ml ..... H -.~ U •--pump, ntW "'' ,,... Otl' -=...,..:l:'-.-,7:'°":'=-:=:I ••vVE SIO. MMM2 ~ ~ ~ -• 30x:!O $20. llOoOrO Mape (S) OPEN -" JiittrW b Pl< • .., --$11JIO ~?~.~: L~o.:.,~Yai1t1S.z"~ r-:"m.SU:: ~ ~om:='a;r~ ::...,.~.,':.: dft-7-U, 12 ID 15, ~1114Z54 -22.HIW -·5 U.Ntw ........ -115. F~CM ' Gamn 'l5c 8oooter 13. DAILY P1lDI' Dlii£A' p,m. ....,. JJabf -13. S.bJ ciar I~ lalU Wni' 1$ - 50-l'Jl.3. 2211 A n ah e Im , UNiS Toa can at lbem u ~ tramtt Sl tactL ... t S1 'hmls nci.c flO. St.bi •tn:llllr l4JO Tia cart C.M. for )"' --I dq. Dial Sid -lll:t new, xbo 11aJr -$111. 'J'tplwdlor 12-1 -IC-- 8 IR D S -Z.bn fliiCilii: -_ 711 • tli 1$. l'Mllll, tel IJO, --l2i. 151 0. ll0-2JI!. 11111 ilUoll. Wblle at ""'1 $1.14 -. 1'HJ: SUN IGM2I lllm to . Domll ~ ...... 81, -GI' ' A Dtv, ol Tilo S~hlnno Corp. 51&-149'1 ~. -,._.. OW. tllNt:t -a..,. NO mari41' ...,, a Ji, ,.. Jbili ,.. ••-• • iii An equll op unity empldyu SKI -..,. s excellent h 11 Ill lo 1111 ......, -Id. tbsD Ill -• -..n I with • DAIL'I 1WL'I PllOl'"Mr Alli! ,._ ...... ...,..., • ...,.,;,,,_;,,,;B!!!!! .... •~-"'""""""""""""'""'""""""""" __ ..,...,2..::co:::n41::::-:::..:11::;.50.::.,:m.81163::::;::::._ Ibo -dial '4N111. ~ lo b -dlll PILOl'W.ANT ADii MMlll .IOtllf_...._ _____ 1 • -• .lloNrJll.lM -LQTfMIO 111 CHANDIS. POil MDCKAHDISI l'Oll MllCMAHDISI FOil MbCHAHDISI l'OI MIRCHAHDISI FOR RAH$l'ORTATION TRANSl'ORTATION IALI AND TIADI SALi AND TRADC SALi AND TIADI SALi AND TRADE SALi AND TRADE •-~ l y--~~ 9000 Aln:r•fl 91 .. ,~·~ .. ~· ~·~"·~·J"e ...... ~!"!·~ 1 ___ -·· Kn,. 74G1I · ,.,,.,... 'lllOOl'umlhwe llDOO A,pll1nas · 1100 JIIliW l 0rw-1130 Mloceli-8600 -Prf, Piiot Coul'll 1o-==;:....,..._..:..;,;..; ~ 7 K J T/ESl1NGKOUSE """"'8 -~ • ......,... . Y• ANTIQIJE °""' -$JOO. ' EOG ~RIOR 31• ~ ~ 7" :=. t.c.nNMSTm. SHEET METAL ;;tlf'1 Spanllh '-.~ ~-~...,. :;o:;;,,:._•:~'t =~""'!.,~~ ~ :.:·==~ =;-;._~~ AJrpar< :=r = ~~=s ..... Mecitwfalllml "I = !:.:....---:=: ~= m. :;::'".-. "":.i.':'.: EOG HARBOR 43' MobUe Homn 9200 I hi u--vf·~--~ .,. ••-··-•---'-135. -• Ulll N. -lable 135. L 1 k,. • •,. -1-n GM doll. GEN,,.. 'L 191 mon -•vrwl -.......... oom .....,,.... S&nla --" $llt(). Bednxwn At Pu Padllc: Boel Sl>nw. BAY HARBOR Ha ,..it1on '"""' , MT----~ ~ IU dr>tt $25. UPRIGHT "'---lo, 4 dno,.... 1lS .. -for MACHl"IST 8 Wood carved arm divan, 1'· Dllll S .chair Wolbllt ru ..._,. $20. GE blut wl12> benc.195. -mtooelli-Items TROJAN Mobllo Ho,,,.1 Show • ,,_!_. or love ... t ' Pc Octo1on dart oalt din set _,,, a &e-28611 ' MT-3081 In ..,... Cnme taR • '&9 • 25' I "" Su Skllll 1169 10 • u WIDE SAIZ -_._ (Nlctrr .SHJJTl w/bl&ck or avocado framed chain; 8 P.c BR Look! .in i.l.m.town Lane _ SEAVOYMl!:R oo n. m ft• 64 n. -"'"'"""' _.... IOL ~ Mr. & ~-c1r ...... lg mirror, 2 -'!.... ...!.!.!.! Tolovltlon l20& CM. 1!oloollcello Comptoxj "'~;,,.. ~ ... im plo.I· 1 OR , BEDROOMS ::.·~!'ft'"~ MAC;~~"=HOP ~~:\:; ~T'J:~~~d~pr%:r::::~ VI ANTIQUES RENT TV $10 "°""' ,.;;,,. e.U!P -.. &<>! $1l!6 -~ ~~ Por Mo. ·~.~iq•nPL'!""!N' ~u " ire.. & frame · ' SHOW AND SALi ~ ~ •-••-HID&A.JIED novu """'· * OsED * Incl. tax, Uc., d•l. and,...., ~ " rL~· (DAY SHIFrJ I . Sold lndl I' II Ja......,. U. 17• U. 19 "0 --O· ._ -·~'Y $100. 3 llodnx>m ""' ldna, and 3 ,..,.. -· ' ~ Fri 10 am ti11 5 pm tems 11 """' 'I 1'burlt nt. .8a't 1-10 PM 53+0iltt or m.suo full &: twin am.. a· eofa CHRIS CRAFT 1425 Baker st.. at Harbor i J. C. Penney Co. WIRE ION DER Shof> Around -lloforo you buy -USI sw>day lU PM USED 1Vo $i\" pp. Repaln lo love .. al Den fl1mlt1•., ROAMER eo.u. M,.. '114 MIJ.9470 VALUE $1095:95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 1-8'adl Mlllllclpe! Audi-u. .... ar homo. 2027 coU" A ond tablos. Occu '6.1-30' Alum hull, twin E U..~ ....i. <SWlNG StpJ'T) .. ' . or terms 11 low •• $4.66 per week toriwn. t.orw Beacb Blvd. • Harber m.. or. ~1612 chaln. M&J\Y othtr items. 180 l'IP au..ir enc 2 kw een. ~ p Para-,,..,0. · No ·Down-Use Our Store Charge Plan Ocean Aw. Mmt 11ell evtt)lth1ne! Only ratUo. auto pllot depth mowit. e .and Gme:ra1 • 24 fnhlon 11111141 . """"'"'-"""" .,..,.,... Ml.... No Fa.no;y Front -BUT Quality V1lnes Inside PRIVATE oollection, WUb HI.fl & ,_ 1210. ' monthe oltl. All Medltt. eoun<fer. ~. X1nt mobll• --at ELEC11l0NIC """ • p1.-..._ 1'ttWIY STEIU!:O • 1961 Solld sta1., ~"'......,.bl.. '"' condition. 0n1y 111•000 Dual Wide Sales &c.c EUB. LYOPERS typo lampa, Froach • apcl, • ... -audio TRIMARAN TP-35 OiapmaoMobiloHom'81o~ St,no °""'"""""' ,... alert lodl- Wfuol lo ..... "' -..... ~tA smaD mf&. co. Mud: haw -.,. Cenc!olaMe. Ct'}'•ta!. doclfs . ·-·m 1n walnut c:an&ol•. * AUCTION * '68 Pt ·-·--· •~ 520 N H bor s A. (SWING SUFI') &: many unusual Hedi. ..., .. _ wr \ICll>&• .. .,... • ar , • 63S-"543J Anaheim Left on lay away. Pa,y II you wl.U aell or buy aux, alp 9, 2 heads, elec 531-1571 .~-~-~~·~-'-',.,.,.'-I balaDce ot S79 cuh or low aive Windy a try. relrlg, aterl!O, n.dio phone I---='-=::....:---I f Ice boxea, 2 Ron tops, pynuitl.Warebouse. ~7289 Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. roller reefing main &-jib. 24x'3 2 BR. l~ Ba. Alumn W d • B awning, porch. skirting f A S TRACK Stereo Cat in y s Auction am Uke new cond. Xlnt survey. Lndacpd. Ranch 0 • Hun. --typlnc-.. wll!inr .. do -of ..... Good ..,_...... Collins Radio ·Co. Tape Player. $13(1 TeMa. Behind TOIJ)''s Bldg. ~fat'l A Buy at $l9,500 tington adult prk. Call Ne\IU Wied. Must atll! ISO. 2075"' Newport, CM 646-8686 EGG HARBOR 37" 96~2 or ask for Angie. * 540-4<31 * TV. Zenith COOllOie, maple, ExpreM, fly bridge, aen. TRAILER &: Cabana 1 or Wll.LIAMOON Stereo. 100 21" $65; FrfffA!r 15 cu. tt.. Loaded, like new. Exeep. 2 bdrm. Xlnt lhruout Phone 'pooolblll""-watt AM IF M. Gar. ., ___ , al '" 000 tro&tles.s Coldlpot, like new uuiwai V ~ • ...,.., OR 3-2908 Staco, Ilic. 1139 Baker st. Costa Meu 1'262$ Tr.. Nowport School of Buslnet1 HAS A GUARANTEED CURRICULUM FOR SUCCESS! Quality King&. Bod, b@autltul quilted ma~u. split foundation. blt·in frame, Never used. $98. changer. See to appreciate. ..,'111. Bar knoll ;_ J CalJ anytime 548-1+17 ........ : ' Y p ..... , EGG HARBOR 1 BR. 29 x 8'. Good cond. S•wlng M!ch~nu 8120 °""'--~===="""= ui>hol. &toOlil $65; boys . YACHT SALES Toilet &. shower. $700 cub. ,....., 332' W. Worner S•nt• An. Worth $250. 842-6536 C1m.ra1 & Equip. 8300 winter jacket a:. 14116, 2540 Shtlttt Wand Dr. See wknds SZT-5186 ·~-•-~t ~~1 •. ~~ ... ~ reversible, $12. 833-2044 San Diego n4: 223-70051 ,;;:==:====~I wauN ........... • • ..,_., •• .,.. BINOLTA SRT -101.. Brand CLOTHING I .. _, H 9215 .,,..,..i_.;i,. .mptoyer All applications reviewed on merit 'Wflb no biu ~ nrd Race. Color, Creed or Sox. 833 Dov•r Dr., N.B. 646-0153 service man forces repo. near y n e w • mu or omn nw, never wed. Fl.4 lens, T""' •~ Iadloa •----1.,.!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!1~;;;;:;';;;:-".::-:::;-;:;:=:I Touch-o-maHc, auto zfa:·:r:ag, • u.i~,1~ canyifV cue, $250. Saw auits, capria, • k i rt 1 , FREE! CORTEZ-You won't ~ MERCHANDISE FOR- SALE AND TRADE Ansa-phone tor aaie. Like new. $250. • 347-1659 . button holea. blind bema I: $'15. 646--0480 sweaten. Excd condition. ill a '66 -low mileage overcuta etc, No attach =========I 64.._2853 Bl•lc Bolting Cl1sse1 rae &ir cood -pvt pt.)' • needed. $37.85 Cub °" u-Sportlnt Good• ·asoo ouered to Public by 1 ;:•"":· ~owne;:;;::;':· ;:":'-=2133=== I .ume U.10 mo. Gaar still HOPE OiEST. Girl going Bilbo. Power Squadron1• HoUHhold Goods 1020 good. C.all 526-flS SCUBA Out1lt, complete; aw&,1 to ICbool will sell my Starting 7 PM Mon. Jan. 13 MotorcycfH Fuml""'9 8000 ADVERTISING ------~--9300 Secretary/ Bookkeeper id[ MATE SAW MEN SPANISH F u ·R NIT URE SINGER Sewin& Machine purcbued lD 1968. Make of-Sl?5 hope chest. like new, at Newport Harbor Yacht RET·URNEO FROM GOING eut, lots of almost atnJght sewer In nice !er,6'13-8821 $50 CUh. can Mary Qub720W.BayAve.,New· • HONDA • new, VttJ r ea a on ab I e cabinet $35. ,..A., ,,.,.... "MA. UI" eo .. ....._ _ _. by 673-9388 after 6 PM port Beach. NO ADVANCE MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS ..,.._,. ._........,..,." furniture. Fro&t frte cop-Greek. r 8", ttry lood REGISTRATION NECES. Invntlp" the Unttiue op-:.::;;;,;.~oak~: portonottlril,115.Almhl· Muilctllntl. 1125 rondltion,$00.536--0402 Mlsc.Wented 1610 SARY,ENROLLATCLASS MINI BIKES ~Uet with Newport'• ., ti/stereo. Wuher, dryer still -'"-'-'--'-';.;... __ ....;..;.1 646-8422 °" 673-1S55 for more RaspoMfble, top 11v•I tutest ll'OWinc profeutonal room tables, 2 living room ln warr. Lamps. humidifier, BASS Guitar, caat &: amp. VOIT 1pear eun $22.50; * WANTED * info lt•t 'tO' Ollt ,65, -•11on for ··-like· mark•"--·•-tfon, Re.. lunpa a -pa;nting. ·1 f __ ,, -· XI t nd ~= ' s~-Tlltall alumlmnn tripod $25. ONE SHAMPOO BOWL ANO =::.·--:;:=..----I * $239 * P.""9" ''"' ... ,. ........ ._.. El Pftaldente k In&: size "ter or ,,,,......, e .,.,....... n co "'......,. ... uog Both new. 5f0-5633 IR ~ Full ) FREE ...... glrl. Must h1v• identiaV<bmmttdal . lo Conn Caprice Organ, child's guitar w/vibrato + amp'-====-====: CHA • ( erton ox'-!lent • k 1111 Incl. PROPERTIES WEST =;" ,:"1"~. ~ ~!do. etc. Many ofh<n. $60 67>-2529 '· 8600 W A N-J .E D BHlc Boiling CIHHI HERB FRIEDLANDER eMrfhaNI; handl• llt• 11121 "Ba11ide Drive headboard, 2 commodea. =·=......,.,==· ===== SI'EREO ta~ l"eCCll'der, Sony Mlscell•MOUI OFl'EREO"TO PUBLIC 11750 IEACH ILVD. HW. ,, WdlPI• bllll"fo Under Newport Bea.ch kinplze mattttu A box 500 with mica I: apeaken. FRIDAY tS Wi! need quality ci>o junk BY 12 1tock1 So. 6 . Gto~• fwy.I 15. -c~n Barblr1. (714) lll•l!IJl!l!lll!67Ml30!!iJ!ii!i!!!!J!l!l!~J 1prinp. 2 boudoir tamps. :G=1=r1:::'.9::'e::S::1::le'-:::-"".~I02,..,..~2 ~=ru.=·=' l=lBS=tam=:·;,;$48..6<=::="=.. ~RPAGt: QA"--•.. pleaseJ. Fumi&wl!, c 01 o-r Hpunt~n11~ton'idB11~h . ~5 Suiuki-type- ••2 -10 U SE~AIAES e 6 p)ece Spanilh -wrought · ----Tn ,._._ M•.. 1V", stereos, appliances, ower u ron "-tor Bike .. -~~~·~==-;;;= • N R • D 1--di-·-.. t Only .. M. FROSTFREE" w .. tingoo... Pi & 0 1130 -w s·-~--M -7 PM -'' ·1y PM 11 PM '""' .... ,. .....,, Olde '"" rgen1 New selection, fantastic J>Mo-tools and office equipment. ..... .... '6 on., an, •v, . Llk• New! J()IN· an excluah'e 90ron . 3 to $20 down &: $4 50 weekly cross top refrlg. $45. r . --es ... ,....., Frid•• 10 AM at·. TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes! at Huntington Beach High ~.~i:.· ~t ~e~~!! 11 pr:: 7 AM sell aeparately. Easy credit'. ~~~.of d~weno~ '01~! • PIANO & ORGAN • '"iNfERNAnoNAL 5.11-121% * 893-0Ci55 School, H.B. $99 ..,.,..._ ,.,_ Facial HAMILTON FURN1TI/RE H 13 19" GE CLEARANCE YARDAGE e WANTED e Fo< furth" Into""! * 546-9360 * :'BeeUI) ma• 5948 Westminster Ave • , oover vacuum · Every Instrument prlced 842°1227 or 846-2350 - Sauna." Jan. only. ~-ORDERLY W•"'""""' ll94-44J4 dally ponablo 1V l4S. Oupoting lo"" Now! 2150n~~. M',..Blvd. Furniture e Appll1ncn 47• KETCH-'67 TRIUMPH iira. a few dbtr .. opps open t AM to 3 PM 10 a .m. to. 9 p.m., Sat. 50c yd. Completl! dble beds NO REASONABLE OFFER '-<1111• C I TV • T 00 C 500 C.C Xlnt cond .b matuni "''Olll.en. For Park Udo 10 to 6 . Sun. $15 each. Couches SS & $10. o or I e P11n01 Built 1925, aleeps 7. NEW -1 . . ._...,t. 675-6195 Convalescent ~ttt a.m. p.m., KHcMn cabinet with REFUSED! POOL ETC. dlesd, sails, eli!ctronics, lile Low mileagt, $825. Prt. ply. l.!-~·.:::;;;;:;.,,,..-=oldl..:lnl .,. Flaphlp 12 p.m. 1o 5 p.m. '""1waabtt !20. AM/FM Somo typical mmploso Cash in l/J hour """-bow & stern pulpits 1n • S!l-8387 • il_.ID!:,T_!~_m lPM. N"'POl'f. Bea.ch 6f.UOM MORE ·cASH table model radio $10. I.eater Spinet·····•••·• $3$ TABLES 1965 900 Mile cruise under 1967 SUZUKI, model TC 250, lo~:;-;~ IMMEDIATE openinr; Smlth·Coronaportable ~urli~,t!Prov ••••• :: 54l-iSll paw~r.$22,500Flnn. 250CC;6speed:highpipes, :ntsht to ,7:30 shift or mid-JaJUtorial Route in H~ PAID FOR typewriter $15. Rattan 4 pc ~mont G~ :::::::: $595 New slate $695 n1 Now $295 BUYINi:ceSil~ins :: DAVID L. FRASER new~ tir: at& :'°ck. $250 'llf&ht to 7:"30 abHt. Apply tlnrton Beach area, F • living nn iet $25. Rocking WurlltzerGrand •••••••• frn6 23Modellltochoose.from$59 over · · · Call: Quick Avery firm. 56 t pm. ·~:30 to f ~ income $600 + 11rn1ture chair $8. CoHee &. end Hammond Organ •••••• $265 up. 713: 692-U67, 692-2101 Silver nickels $3.SO roll. M2f Via Oporto NB. '68 HONDA 175 SCR.AMBER "l50 W. 18th, Costa Meaa per Mo. for husband&: wife, .. tables $1 to $4.. Antique Thomas 2 Man. Organ •• $295 COSfA COINS 837 W. 19th 673-5252 * 494-J91s· Eveg. EXCELLENT CONDITION. UVE in "-Ip --"ed. 1or no exp n e c e 11 a r y, in-Color•d TV't, Pl1n01 ITUWlive carved-legs dining Wurlltzel" Organ , , , , • • $495 lf'Ulfta\ fABRJCS St., C.M. 646-l 445 $5600 • 673-5928 * ·~ ·-A 1 I I -m lablo ·~ I··;d• RnlllUI PETS nd LIVESTOCK •--n.. .....,,..., vestment required. PP Y Appl 1ncff, Ant que• '"" _.. ,..,... Many More To OlOOSe From • '68 llonda 160 Scrambler, 1n0therle51 .....,.,...,, J~.. rw~ outside doors • ., each. Boxes 28' F/G AUX SLOOP I -'"'-n. 6 to '1343 Csnop Aw • .....,"'Ilia 1 Pl.c. or .. • NO DOWN PAYMENT • .-FOR SALE like ne"' s•= ~ 6. CUlllU"' ••·-11·'" Parle be~ ll am I 1 of dishes & pans $1 ea. e NO PAYMT TI~ MARCJ{ Cats 1820 28" CAL 28 race •••• $10,500 * 536-xin "'; 13 yrs. Mw;t lpn.k ""'..,_... ~....... Houseful! "= Supeno' '· CM Remnants., aamples " Prllll 36' SLOOP load~ 112500 ~~~-~~~,,.-• drlw. Salal'J o Pen· pm Monday thru. •• .._.. ........... 646-9l8e Sun. 12-6 Dally to Fri. to 9 ends Sat Only 8 a.m. to 2 ~ESE, Aby, s~ ser. 40' BOUNTY y/G :: $17:500 HONDA Scrambler 250. New ~day or night. * DRIVERS * It Our S1>9cl1ltyl GARAGE SALE: Sat " SUn Coast Music p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. Stamese Aby, ~i.ari &: 43' DIESEL c:rua •••• Slf,500 trans. Xlnl running I< look· B~ ii Good! Jamaica No hBarfence 636-3620 11-3, Irvine Terr ace. 1839 Newport Blvd., CM HUfltAN H&U' lDon:2e wiglet. RuS1Sian Blue kt t tens, 63' DSL crus ofier •• s+t,950 ing cond. $295. 646-5&:i0 IJul Hottl needl 1 tr 2 man r-24 HOUR SERVICE Bathinette, patio furniture, 646..()271 new never worn $10. AJso 5t6-3853 e PACIFJC ~ACHT SALESe HONDA Late '66; low mi., :makia. full or pmrt ttme. Necessmy! BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS studio bed set. 2 office I--.,--~~~.,--Human Ha 1 r Red· n-ll25 3446 Via Oporto total reblt. eng.; new o'size , Apply' In ptrTIMlo 2101 E. Malt hive clan Cal1fomia booke&RI, Orgasonlc organ. J1nuery Spec:f1l1 dish-Brown long 1all (full =="' N~rt 673-1570 Urea: make offer 875-3226 Coaat Hwy, CdM Or caD drivfnc ftCOl'd, Apply =;st~~.~t, ci:: Odd's .it ends. 1418 San-FLOOR MODELS ONL y cap). Paid $120, sell fer ADORABLE white Samoy 1... IT, Custom fiamineo •r.o BMW R-69; saddle begs, for app't. YELLOW CAB CO. 2-18" ext leaves, cus pads tanella TelT8.ce, 673-5723 SA VE 10°/o $25. MM537 aft 6 p.m. puppies. AKC, abow &: pet Racer. Blne and gold. !airing· $450. 1969 Regis, S!:CRETARY needed immed 18S E. llitb St. $285. 10' Sofa, Eggshl:!ll, LAliBRETIA mottr acooter. PIANOS encl ORGANS FISH Tank, 25 gal, pump. qua.Illy, male &: female 7 'frailer & bOat freahly paid. Can: Paul 494-5887 tor AiJv. Age. SH "M fD _,==°'"='"=M,,. ... .,,..=,.,.,c 1 quilted, like new $190. eus filler, lite, heater A weeks, see to appreciate. pa Int ed. New wbite1.=========-I 9> wpm, typln& l50. Att· • 9 SALESPEOPLE. Neat, aWa: coffee tble, pedestal :~ :':dor~~i-F~'. Conn • Wurlitzer •''Knabe artiliclal plant:ll, $100. new, 96z..2536 n au i ah Yd e -Upbolstecy Trailtr Tr1vtl 9425 i "Well croomed· ap 21)..38. eood &Jtl>earance. Due to hue, 72x42" $135. Ohle bed Ing board, swim steps. tape Also Olrilltmu Trade-irul sell price $50. 644-1307, uk PtiRE bred Samoyed, gentle ~ ~ hp Own~ion).:.:.::.:;=• .:..:.:,='--'--~ $375 to $«!0. PHONE new ~on .et, nlte stands, 9 drawer recorder &: 3 lavatories. Kohler A: Olue Sp piano $383 for Sandy rood "-'8.tch dog heavy engines. Complete w 1 t b KEN SKILL 69 .....• $1499 '115--270 bet 9-5 pm. H II'-H Ith S dresser desk. headboard S .... ......:. KIRBY Vacuum cleaner It: t k :5 ks ~d ·~ 11everal fuel tanks. steering New 15' Standard fully Ho.~ER. Uve in o IHIJ •• .,-• • 20121 Imperial Cove Ln, H. tarr, at,...io .......... ....,.. s oc . wee • -· and controls. See at 2808 ,.uipd. Loaded with extras.. v~• --~--~pl• Wo -In, mlnor; S"""1"'h Style $175. B ~1'l71 Haddorf --·!• $577 attachment&. n.1 ... h ... 11 .. sold ""° ~-mother'leu home in Laguna. ~ ....o.......... · ..... 64Z--7'181 _..... · :>VV ""'""' ••••••• .... 06 .. _,.,, ~ Lafayette. Newport Beach. N<> pmts for 6 mo. or $38 J children. 1% &: 31,ii. :Pifusl no exp. nee. Apply tn per--·==-~_,--.,....-==• COMPLETE set golf clubs Organ-Plano combo •••• $695 for over $300. Take over WEIMARANER AKC. Xlnt tota1 dn. pmt & $38 mo. , ftrlve. Prel age 25 to 6. 90n. 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. HIDE-a-bed never used p.oo. right hand's, men's. Ml!c Olkkertng co111Dle •••• S74S =tp:. S.:.::S60 cub. 1how, field or pet. Cham-S1llbo1ts 9010 O.A.C. Authorized dealer •Sal open. 549-1101 ext. 2"15 GERMAN Teacher, part 3 Bedroom sets. king. full J'ishlng po]ea 1: reels. Air Bald\1.in spinet organ ·• S477 pion line, 3 moe old, female, fo1 Avion, Layton and Tercy , days/ $-62!t8 wk ends. time. small private school. il twin slua. 8' Sofa & compressor. Camera. Hand Hammond M·lll • • only $865 NYLON Carpellng 50 sq. shots. 540-4.431 21' VIKING Sloop.· SAUCY u·ailers. WELL Groomed woman for 673-8610 love , teat. Den furniture, tools &: Misc items. 3069 WurUtU!l" 4070 •••• only S: Ya rd•• good con d GREAT Dane, 9 mo, female, virtually reblt in Aug. Rick Baldino's -... 1ty wltb coffee &: end tables. Occa&. Ceylon Rd !Mesa Vel'de) CoGonn C.ld pMrlce,lwalC. Save S mue--green tweed. $150 incl housebroken, we 11 man. FOl7Tler fleet champ, 2 ~ts Mobile Wo rld ~!~~:& .... ~. :no: •-ncl .. , Men & chain. Many other items. CM Sat&: Sun. u ua c Dmp1ny Goodyear cushion air pad. nered, Beautilu1. $S5. or sails, exl~s, Possible 19432 Beach Bl.. H.B. 962_1377 ;'°No-~. For WorMn 7550 :1':i~:t!! ~ing~~~ ~5 ::·F~~~= 64&-:,ty King-817.e Bed, 83.9-1746 ~~lera:~s~de_:!~ 436 s. Harbor Bl., SA 531.t77G 1 ApPt call 6'15-M09 "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" Very reaaonable. 714: !!'~g:t:~: ~.. Mon &: Fri 'tll 9 Sun 12-5 beautUul quilted mat~ss, DACHSHUND Puppies, loksng $1700. w/tenns to ttsponsi· CA!\W 1 1NG trlr 4x4x2. ~a-~ ·FULL TIME STAFF W• Cen Find TM rrn-1592 makes into bed $4S. Other NEW YEAR'S SP~ split foundation, blt·in hair, mtnia~. 8 wee , ble pty. Sho'vn by appt ~roo Eca, 1 vu 1 10 1 _p. uuuu115 LADIES SPA Furniture returned from dis-household ltems. In Used frame-. Never used. $98. AKC. 213-430-4154 644-1304 tires. qu P w ites. $ g LIOA BAY CLUB Riti:, Sk~ t°:cJ,ou pia,-studk>I, model homes. 442 Swethmor• Ln. HA1.™0ND ORGANS Worth $250. 842-6536 BASSET pedigreed male, 2 SNOWBIRD #371 °~ be&t oucr. 7t4: 53G-1~ W. Coot Hwy., N.B. decoraton cancellation. Cotll u--· RT-2 C.Oneert Model •· $1895 IO KEY add'·· -·c••-"'· yrs old. tan &: while, iood All wood. Dacron sail. Ex· 13 ARISTOCRAT Lo Liner, "It's Know How'' •· ,._ c • w·th ~ $1150 '"• ..... ,....,..,. •u. t..1 .. 54S-22ll Ext. 780 SpMlah I: Mediterranean e.... -.J 1 1pea11o:r • •• • Ro al St ndard Typewrjt with children. 962-3024 cellent condlHon, Ready to copper re .. 16, stove, queen • WAITRESSES e FEMALE DMSION RD FURNITURE MAUNA LOA YMCA M-101 Deluxe Spinet .. J].005 s;J. U~e":ood portab~~'. DOBERMAN p 1 n s c be r Sall Away! $250. 673-3690 or size bed. bunk, cabana, ¥fll appllcl.tiom now,~ ~r ::·::::::.:·.: = 1144 Newport Blvd., CM ~~ j!_~thsal:. 1~~· 1~ ~ ~=~ i::f:::t '"':: $20. All rerondltloned. 340 champ pedigree, must sell. 548-9487 chem toilet $895. 492-0057 ~ at FDW'ltain V -Sales •• , . , • , , •••••••••• ~ evP.tJ night tn 9 to s. 231 Colton. Newport open M~n &:. Fri ~s. Broadway, C. M. 54&-6494 20 FT Sloop. many extras. '67 Shasta 21' &elf kY"• newest, lst dau res!.· Medical Ofc. ......... • $400 Wed., Sat It: Sun. 'til & Shotel. 646-9839. Bar&ains HAMMOND TWEED Carpet $35. New Great Dane Puppies AKC $850. Easy terms. Tom Cat contained, Canopy • .arant. tn:n Broobunt Gen. Office • ··•·•·•·•·• $350 MAPLE dl.nelte table A: f ~galo5:,'.;i;"';:.' =,,.-==:::-= In CORONA DEL MAR rubber pad S3S. Garage reg. Championship breed--~~ 2614 New P 0 rt · 64&40?9 WOMAN to can for aeml·ln-Mllid Trainee• • •••••• • $303 cha.In $3J. MabolMY a1tp PATIO Sale: Recliner, VW 2854 E. Cout Hwy., 673-8930 cabinets $2D. Lamb jacket ing. 541-6128 aft 6 PM '67 17 FT Aristocrat T.T. ftlid woman. ll&bt duties Dental Front OUlce •••• $500 tbl $5, 2 magh end· tables lug rack, glasa, bottles. WJ DAYS f f J $30. 64z..31M 6 BASSET hound puppl.es, SNO,VBJRD No. 274_. p.&rtly Sleeps -4, not &/c. $095. 'Ill nl&ht 10 PM to T AM. MAlE DIVISION $:5 ea. Marble top coffee ml!c. Sat le. Sun ~ 2013 REDWOOD Patio Furn• 7 weeks old $60 ea. ?28 restored. Ex~!Mlnes, trlr 968-1704 &l'ler 5:30 ~~hour. Balboa =e:r(~bj;·~:·tz!: tllble $25. Call aft 3 p.m. Miramar Dr., Balboa. glkler refrli, air cond, rn'in Wave {re1rJ,'1..aguna Beach inr!. $300. Call Ill 528-6049 :la' TRAILER w/bath. Make •~o"""""" u1.1o..r eel .................... $390 646-6189 67S-5258 ~~~p!eces: ~~.; bed, •mall Items, last AFGHAN, Female. AKC. L2I4oo34 2_~·11 2 yr neBov.·. Nno1. oiler. * -l~I ~·£ '"'..:>• -_...... • Ship I: Rtt. Tm. ...... Ut6 9' BLUE rcylon sota. $85. ANTIQUE dl'easer. chest, all pianos & o-na: in the chance! 642-871.0. Xlnt pet. Champ line. 18 ru race. w o o~..-.. ., * med office, Laauna area. $1000 Studio couch, $35. * roll-a· hall 963 ss ·•-BE UTIFUL I · mos. 1100. 675--0954 Rd trlr $1350. 54&-3225 eve. · ._..___._ not ....,. State age Internal AOOitor •••• to -Utt, misc. 1 last days of the grea.t Mov-A bond w 1 g · T ks 9500 Aw;:i emt~M.10i.. Dally Dli&151!mbler •.•••• to $488 way bed, $25. Port. beer Impala, 2111Descan1 o. ing Sale. Tt will cost you French, hand tied, orig. cost RARE Sealyham Terrier, 14' FIBERGLAS Ding-Kat _!!!t .. Poot Carpenter .......... to $520 tapper ttbi1 &-9· bar. Bluffs. money to v.·alt. Shop&: buy $295. Will sell for $15. white. house broken, loves Great day aallor, Trailer *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* HOUSEKEEPER I:: child "We havt many &ood jobs 549-3612 GARDEN equip., p w r _ now at: 546--7817 aft 5:30, kids. 11 mo. $55. 839/1746. &: new sails. $250. 646-MOS * TRUCKS * care, private room " Mth, w~~ f~" l~~~Y Ta~!~~= mower; (IO\\"tt tools le. ~~~S:;.r>~. = M~~~G--~, ~ ::; IRISH Setter Pups. • shots. Power CrulMrl 9020 They Ar~ All Hert At f.V. 5% dQ' a -.eek. pmn. SOME FEE • .::...,.,.. ·-·--· $150. T All hou8ehold turn. '" Mile:. ~.. ..-AKC, show or f I e Id. F1nt1shc Discounts job. pt.kl vu:ado(l. pn M~•·NJs -~·-, ,~ ..... =~"'=~-~-,...,-ELEGANT. old 5' 5" Grand Uenu. SOf Avocado Ave., * 522-2173. 28' FIG Californian Express .. MD-9212 c un.nA Down Sola. $3)0. 644-l6?9 GARAGE Sale; mfa. chain, Piano, Queen Ann legs. CdM. REGISI'ERED G e r m an cruiser -xlnt cond. Loaded -lmtrvctor fn Charm TWIN bdnn' aet. Refrla: • lamps, bike. mens eolf beautltul1y hand can'l!d It: UPHOlSI'ER.lNG -$79.50.' 2 short hair Pointer Pupa for for fishing. family cruising. Ready for lmmediat• delivery .\ Modeltrw « modeliQI PERSOlllB.. I! r o s a top freezer. clubs I: etc. 16051 Ballantine refinished. SUOO. Ms-.5673 pc. (European craftsmen) A.le, $75 each 642--0933 m.mn KJ.-.Dl> ~ nee6ecl. EYBt Mtleellaineous f u r n i tu re Ln., Hunt Bead! SC2-:UO UPRlGHT PIANO =· ~ .~?~15 AKC Registered m1SH SET· PRICE REDUCED! BEACH CITY DODGE ,.,tekiendl. CaD 9824135 2)13 WmtdW Drive 54&-6'58 MJSCELLANEOUS A maple UOO. TERS, 1 weeks old, Weblyn 25• Meridian. libergl.u iillidi. tAIWi Reef iiOteC Lobby ottk:e HANDOOME 1arp brown liv. room furn. 3 2 T 3) ___ .:L=l.: .. :.:"=!18:::..___ NEW complete Stroll-A-Chair line. 646-1738 cruh,er. XInt Cl:Jn<I. F'ully 16555 Beach Blvd., <Hwy. 39) -S. Ooat Rw1 ~ 17th A-ltvfne MupJ\yde redlner, new Colorado Lane, C.M. Bet. BR AND new Gulbransen baby tum. let . + crib It: I .;========I toad«t. Owner-6f6.9739 54Q..2660 * ..... + Newport BMch :poo. 2 I: 5 p.m. S.t It: &in. PrenUere Orp.n. Sellini mattreu. Newr uaed. $1'15. Horsa l830 l2' GRAND Banks dlesel Huntington Beach omoes ht an ef 60.rnt SAT • SUN. Bucket .eats, $3000. Prv prt)I, 60-7787 JJ8 36th St., NB 673-0583 6 YR A.Q.H.A. Mae. Prof Cruller. fu.lly equipped incl '67 % TON PU, 8 cyl, •Id On,. 0>unt.Y NEWLY Uph:rla. furniture; IUl'fbouds. typewriter, wet St1uffer RM'uclng tmd for lntenn rider. WM'• radar. 67]...&?5 4-7 PM traM, cus. cab, p /a, .... ,,,. oow. hide ••• bod&. chain. ""'""''· 548-0910 FREE TO YOU Meehl no -$15. Sta"" 1.q ca.,oo Rd. ""' ,..,...,._, 1op, "" o;. (OOl(, mtl• or f'lml.. atttlonala. 328l O:ikrado GARAGE Sale starts l"rid&y, * 548-4753 • ror N~ncy. Spte6-=S1d Boats 9030 673-2587 ews. ' Fr,'~~~ IA.De. er.ta Mesa. January 17th. for one week. O~ANl~Fe~= 1 'P~E~M~co~~.,-qu-arlu~-m~77:--:pl.,;. TRANSPORTATION 'Qi, 151n' CLASSIC ,lri boat '6r9 Dodgr Pickup, 8' bed. All rntaursnt btlpl KING-Siu bed .l bn: IJ>l'll· 881 Vktorla, CmbrMe11a with wood s.havinp. Good w/ftUOtt8Cenl lights. w/fBJ Mere., blc wtil. trlr. Ch·erloads • $400. e COOK e Call Bmlie, tm-7'196 CUllOm • made, orthopedic, GARAGE Ale, Sat I: SUn, mulch. 83J.S332 or S46-4931 962-3329 Call 9-5 Boah & Y1chh 9000 Xlnt cond. $ill5. 963-4656 e SJt-l-fj(}e • Like new $lm. ~ J ·~· • ~..... ""''" '"-~ FORD AP'PLY ARGUS AOENCIE~ an ...,.,. iJ\11. "'°"" h!:tw I 4 5 Mon thru 26 GAL ahow aquarium with 17 1T Pufonner Islander '" 1; Ton Pick Up ~-l~CN-Bl...t C.M 2 PROVINClAL &rm cbaif'S> F.dmonda Circle, H.B. Frl. 1131 st.and, larp DynaDo filter Col u· ,, mod.el tall Bo.tSJlpMoorl"" 9036 4 ~peed i;lcp !tide RJJI. N-H1 ... r -·-~· r·· • ~c.. ~ ... ~···~. u•' :=:=:::==::o=== ··• ., 1 c• ----•~--...:.. t ......... , I 00 """" ~ .....--... , ~I-SPAYED female ber; all & fi~h. $45. 348--01'18 f b I ) thou -"-';';':i;"""'"C.-M~61:::':::'::":.' ~,I ....,....... • ......n r._.... a •~L--"•lns~·-1·~ er.ch-E:itceUerit. ~ Af'llllncu 1100 Good 1 1 dog 2948 2 .,EW 111 -.. .._..___ I era a•• OU SAlL boftt moorlna for rent.;,.-CORV · 646.7764 OKnUVf ''"li'W""' ...,., __ \/&CC. ami Y • 1• you uo;u ma .... ~ custom map down CO\'tt, w/ maximum 7 It beam. "" AN Truck. xtalt •-•---·-OAK ·.BUnk Of" twin bl!ds. MAGIC Q,ef double ~ E. Co&a:t Hlghwq Corona 1 week ol.d, $30 ttch. Bl& whttl. Ult tr'&iltt. $100 Agt. &n....6MJ cond. 1600 or make oner. a.at Etfah _,.. l.u.citM: GUt. v....-··--mattrn1N 6 1-llPfinC'I, bullt-ln flf\if w/ rodilerie. del Msr, 9 to 5 • 673-1610 * phone SO..-after T pm. 646-9866 Mllr&-\'hi-a f ~ -.:=:::-::. per!ed cand. $50: ~7961 Won on TV lhow, will 1D MO. male, O:lclcer. Beq)e SLIDING i1ut dr lo', heavy USED 13' fish.lrw run...bout Bcwit Stor191 9048 UW'.O lntertv11UonaJ p u. np.rnqr ._m. Obb ::I '2.oa.t 10 .,__ OifPPENDALE mFA Sacrlflce! Choke of cakn. mtx@d, All lhots • lilht tan. quality $:51.ts.. stueo amp. w/S!Ai hp JohrDon I: trailer", Jow mtle.!1, SJ:Al • • --::... :-.::.,. t · ~ echool. 17) Dtl ... °'9ft'ld __ .. _aiDc ~ iood-W-1&10 aft :Ii pm. 546-811. Alt. • PM 1113 dual 70, $35. G-n'1 S350. New • med sabota, BOAT STORAGE * 673-4333 * ~-I FT G'~-o~ ... -··•• m~ ~ bl ..__ -Schock Boall, S.UorJIO'll'('t~ .. -2J'Feno-u•"'y -·~~~· ~ timlll A ~ ...-. · .._ It ... ~ ""= ""Til<.I P'll>" SLATE top Pool ta C ~~,,,. ed yard. Newport ~l """'' nv .. .,.,,..uo vL r~ IJrl•& i'iiiiliUNG !J Taro .,. BROWN IM.-ndl.oer wllh amall -I -plN. ,_ to aood homo. 3\l>dl\O, IDJ. Homo bu -11 "'" i~~ PO-~-~ v1nm. Malh, P b7 •I Cl• .it, wry IOOd. concti&I ahelf. ClMn. $35. Ml-lllil m..8561 llXI w/4 llOOll.. $95. 897..eat FOR SKIPPER OR BOAT on .. ..,,,.:-: t:.~ • • • ·~•v••itlZ.o":t ria-. ~ --MAJNTEllAN~ CALL ' diaoove<odlaO..lll..t •~. ~ -l!r -a..., ~. »>ti... -14' PhDco -MALE Gennan Shophml, l tm:RE0 !al><""""""'· So.., -leODChh<! -a.. • ~ ._.._.-. Onillll: WJ bf e :r p • r TKt QUJCKDl :?OU cu.t... clean, IOt>d condition. S50 )'Mt old. To Rood blme 500 1'fth mlcl A wpnkara. Ma-al Crill AnthoirQ<'• 'l"llrn bed! to "auam.. ~Ii.' . ....... --nm QUICKER TOO SELL Acme Juicer S30. ~1?91 w/ trs yrd. 646-2191 1/20 Finl $1!5 takes. 543-Mil ow 60-6'11 b Rmn..TS 839-22111 DOrtunlHes"' N01n Wom. 7500 ' -·--------- ' TllANll'OllTATIDN tlOO TllANIPOITATION'...;_ TllAHSl'Oln'ATIOlt lmpertod AU!,,. Hoo Aftfl-, c1~..i111 9611 ' Toyo' & 1940 1'otd ()oopl Dtlaxt • 'llf OIE¥Y. %. ton U'Uck wire Jlolldoy c.o. Camper. -.OOO'Orlt· mL.Auto. trana. ..,,.._ ..... ._ _ _,_ __ I'll$ air/ Split rlm1; twit. Mercec:IM lent 230 S.L. i cab. Mil. intt't'COm: many White ~ "lblldt triter., ~trU. U.595. ~ll90 auto tram, AMJn( $bort . RnnyEST Coach 11., Wave rad.lb, po~. 1tter. i.o. ____ .. __ , ... IOI '*"'1 ••· holli 4 Portehe61 su-r90 ' TOYOTA b<ml,'l)Qlllm .... hl(b ...... ~ ~·-~ -1'19-. 12.$ to l Glealliina red coupe w, -..... • pi.tton, '»'•need •-4'I Inter. FuD.y equip. Ddpo JIEAnQt) TERI .-r '. .. jloor, 191! 'QodP V.a, .. ..U. -" rtllecU -•tillP, trafll, balloon titts, flculOul car« by -Prnioul a1l beavy duey equip. No owner. :~c1e""--~:Wffy NOf: ELMORE ·:Stb!:::"E!~ ·: snP L53CO --"-..... bucket ...... Un!od J2rlllllL1t I 3111 1pu1 I ~· • Phlftt ~ I pleiclj:lus, Cb.ron\e wiOOow • hme-, bl& nibbei' 1n rear. ~ ()fier refused. ~ _ .. Dun• Buggies * PlJNE Buggy. Partially coQtpleted. $675 f i r m • 646-0698 aft 5 4 wknds. ·--- J?rtupo 11 Jl1npor1 s ---Call BID : UP TO A : TllUMPH =: ~ -S&t ""'"'1lw 31~.~C..:.'Ji.Y,Y• • BRAND • '59 T!_-!_,$525 • 64U4lll 5t»1M ··~-lloct c•n. 11..i1 9620 Authoriitd MG Deaier · •1-========1-------- '64 i'ORSCHE C. deep blacl< • NEW·. • VOLKSWAGEN 71 T·IUlSl'R. ""' I~, • "Yettie efW. bi Hot Rod laoquer w/blk int, new eng, • 'St VW Maculne· Best ()ff er . tnms. clutch. press. plate, I 9 9 I Radlo ·.:net heater. HM8&3 chr whoe1';, D"nlop SP'•, • 1. 6 • .. ,5 ======== Bursch exhau.st. am/fin, ..,. a W -9700 stereo, ski rack, stonf! • I .. utoe I -.....,. .... l'bia.., • BUl~K 1 ·-!· ~ 1blowt#Y .... ...,. $3400 • . " LUUU Wlft lly tirm. · Owner may aocept 1 lr'lde or fin. resp. party, se9ss 494--umi I 'I, . TOTOTA-YOL'YO Porech1 66 912 Coupo • . • IJl6 Harbor, C.M. ~ Ooe with f opetd. Both tee L ,.now, 3 mo. ,_ -· IMPORTS. WANT.Q> 2 io choo8e. One with S speed. ·~· •63 v.w. Bug, cornp;!1'..on eqvip. w/ all Porsche acce_s-1 Chrome wMs. ttbit q by ~ ~ $Qries and both are IQ!nt tn .....---~ 1 prof. with g mo par. now TOP t BUYER every detail. • 1 wla: old. New trane.uel. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA J1rtuport Jllnports Vt, eMtomotl<, pow• di Xlnt bu,y at $800. 4&6-0417 U8S1 Beach Blvd. 1 1t11ri119. r•dio, h11t1r, d•·• Vw .64 Sedan bejp RJH H. Btach. Pll. "7--3$6 luxe wh11I ,,,,.,,, h11d I To 'nd c1' •' • rn. lr11h ind m111y, m111v• w w. P co ' ee.n · lJl4MI (In 9900 •mo rol 9ZJOllll I sharp. Prv prty $950.I---'---,-- . 673-1553 3100 W. Coast Hwy. '" o swagen • lmmed11te Delivery• =..;.c, .. ~V~lk~---GROTH Nowport "'""" • $199 • Lo mlleaae. Porfect con-642-9-l.Oj 54().1764 1 • diOon fnmarted A~tot 9600 1964, l!lg, a"uto, leather, Authorized MG Dealer I I 675-0S47 Eve1. :..:.;x;.;. . A J\.1 I F M , ab a o 1 u t e I y ,67 PORSCHE gu targa, DOWN • '68 vw Sedan, be~ color, CHEVROLET e Spot Cash tar lmportl flawleaa, perfect mech cond. black, xlnt cond. $5900. 8 magi, itereo. bf!aders, Iota WE'VE GOT THE MOST We pay more Sor e.ny import $"?.95. &W-09&3 Oay:t, 833-6643, Eve s· •l'ln Tn •N u~ .. • ot extra.s. 675-.2214 before BEAUTIFUL TRUCKS IN rep,rdless of year, make 494--0331 tt g 30 8 3 or condition. 'lry us before M~ · a : •AJtP'ffff CrHlt. IMAC · ORANSE COUNTY yoo sell ELMORE _____ ,. ___ Portcfse 67 912 Coupe .... laill flnonclllf. • '61 VW, xlnt coDd.. Good MOl.:>RS, 15300 ll<•cb Bl'd. MG · I J Ila ( engine, R/H, 4 track •l•rte. '66 CAPRICE Bahama. yellow l'we w -······· 545-(1)33 tltS,30. SPORT SEDAN W~11ter. 894-3322. black inter., AM I FM, • ~~~=is~t'~:• JAGUAR •1:nw~Am~~=:: ~~.~n~:~a:5:iri: 4LFA ROMEO '67 ALPHA "2600''. I!udtop Coupe. 5 BP¥d· FA1. L1o 'J'UU533. $249' °It,©; . o~,4~ .S4f-OJOJ-67.J.11 t0 1970 HAllOR ILYD. COSTA MUA . '66 Alph1 V1IOC.-- >&s>ee4, AM I FM, heater, Webel"l!l •. $16il5 fl. t11t Lemi6 IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO. ~ Harbor, C.M. 61 ALFA RomC'O Sprint Coupe Xlnt cond. New paint., ~1ust sell! €7:>-3334 AUSTIN HEALEY '68 AUSTIN America; 4,000 Mi., under ~·arranty. $1,735. 548--0178 '66 AUSTIN Hedey, 300), red w/blakc interior, priv/pty, $2,50lt. 837-2757 CORTINA "68 CORTINA dlx, R & H. ll,000 mi ut'Kler warr, $200 below book. Xlnt, o n e owner. 644--0141 '61 CORTINA GT, R&H. f apd, Excel cond. $12&1. Pvt pty. 962--5703 anytime except ,$at. DATSUN '67 DATSUN Bia" Sedan. Near new! One owner. Excellent condition. Owned by little 'ole man from Laguna. 4 Spd, dlr, ra· dio, healer, auto, fawn green ext., plush black leather bucket seab. $15 Cuh dels. will tine prvt prty. 49f.9773 or 545-0634 FERRARI FERRARI Newport ImportB Ud. Qr.. anre County's only autbor- iud df'a!er. SALES . SERVICE • PARTS 3100 W. Coat HW)'. Newoort Be•eh &C2-9ID5 . 5.W.176C Authorized MG Dealer FIAT * NEW FIAT * AUTOMAHC 'll~J ,1·1~ DOWN . OAl, • '>·l•" ~A '" 1 ,.,.,~1~ .. 1;', ~ \>i< ~ : I; /... l'f l,lf"I HFRR FPIEDtANl)£R ~l>t~ r-~·~'' (,.~.,. nr.~ JAGUAR '59 JAGUAR 3.4 Llttt sedan: ;iuto .. red lthr., w1re whls. rm. Xlnt eond. 838-85&1 KARMANN GHIA '58 Karmann Ghia ' ' $495 fifOll LllDU IMPORTS TOfOfA-YOLYO ,u . l!lf Kafbor, C.M. .646-9303 DAILY PJLO'P WANT ADS? Salq, S.rvic:e, P1rt1 Complete new MG inventory See the· new Austin America Here Now! J]flUjJLll I 1!111µorts 3l00 W. (.Qallt H'l'i)'. Newport Beach W.!Ht<i "°' "61 Authorized 11G Dealer MGB 65 Rd1tr. Ruby red w/black buckf'I seat intr., wire wheels, ra- dio, etc. BeautilUl condition in every detail .,.·., ........ • HEADQUARnnr • otlor. 6™010 D'1 M<>otell. tertor. YCl.555. • IUU • '65 VW, low mlleqe, good OK USED CAR J1rtuport 31111p0 rt 5 •Compl•t• Sales • Serv-• tires excdlent condition. $1999 iee ind Part$_ Oap•rt-. su.o0. 5'9-2819 •m•nt forJAGUAR>. '62 vw Bus 1685. f4R1111, '65'-DODGE • See The• Eirclti1111 • Hamilton & Meyaf St., • 1969 J•9u1r Tod1y , • Costa Mesa 4 DOOJt 3100 W. Coo" Hwy, ····<&··· V-8, aoto., power.ote•rl••· Newport Beach 8J w' _ • '68 VW Sed. Bllkt AM/FM, air cond .. shows exception• 642.9~0Ci . 540-1764 • SPECIAL 8 ~mats, &: headers. Ask-al care .. Authorized l\1G _De~• TODAY ONLY • 1ng $1150. ~..flf7 Aft. 5 GOOD VALUE USED CAR • • '68 VW conv, yellow, R/H $l Q99 RENAULT '62 MERC. • llhrette uph, XLNT cond· --~----• St.950/best offer. 6TM568 --;-:-,--=;:--:-:-=-- 1958 RENAUCT °'"phine. • MONTEREY • '60 vw Camper wllh C<watr '66 BEL AIR Reblt eng. New!;:: 5~· •"' door. ••cllo t11d h••t•r.• enatne. $1000 or best ()!fer. V .. 9, powercllde. p ()we r New l ire s • L1..VOOmJc.... •uto11u1tic tr•nunl,11011,. ~mo I~&. air cond., fur. Good trans, car. $125. • pow1r 1te•ri119 .. eir condi· VW _,,,A . b I'll e Quolse wt th matching fn. 546-{1513 aft~ PM •tioni119. (6tx6901 • '65 • •&UJU• c '~n-terlor, 1ood value. RNA· '63 RENAULT CaraveU.. • $·69·· 5 • wheela, NV !Itta, lo -267. Good cond. Two mps. One • clean. $875. 113-65&5 GOOD VALUE USED CAR t .o;,wner~=· j"=550"'·-="""=2006==;.I• • '16 vw. Blue, bll< tat. $1399 1 • • . Chrome rims. $1300. " SUBARU • • .... ""' '64 l"PALA 3100 W. Coast nwy. • • '68 vw Fastback. near new; M J~rlll fllll ( 31111po1 I~ 64U4-05 Nowport ll<~h 1969 SUBARU • l!iht bluo, b1k. vtnyl Inter. . ·;:,thorUed Mi: ~~764 lh>m $1297; 66 MPG • · , • Call' 64f.-0256 ==:':::':':'::::=:!::==:= _Com,plete fortfgn car service • '67 IUICK Rivi .. • '60 VW Sunroot Ora OWM'J'. Kosta Kustom Kars • flllt pow•r, f•ctory •ir, low A?d·FM. W/w. Xlnt coDd. 198G Harbor mVd. 646-5484 lmll••t•· ITHIS211 • $685 Prv prty. 642-:2049 'DOOR V-8, PowqHde, __ po• wr 1lffrln1, air, IJ)Jf'klinC blue in color •. UJC-489. GOOD VALUE, USED CAR :====::==:::=:;==I• $3995 • 1968 vw B11g, 11700 ' ,'. SUNBEAM • • 4,000 ml warranty '65 'FORD _ • . • call 89Ull86 $999 1'67 SUNBEAM Alpine. M"'t 'U IUICK Sltylarti • '16 VW, radio, 111nroo!. Good CUSTOM 500 .aacrifice! $1725. 673-9214 •H.T. Cp•. A11tom•tic, rid. condition. Seal Stach. 213: V-8, auto.,_ power •teering. wknds or alt 4:30 pm. •io, he1l•r, pow•r 1t•1rin9,• 4»-1914 NRB·983. Wffkend Special. ·~-·-·-•f•ctory .•ir fFXCt491 • • '60 VW. $475 e GOOD VALUE USED CAR TOYOTA • $ 1 295 • XLNT MECH. COND. ~-::::-:::::::::-::--111--..::...'._;':.......~-· ·~' -$1099 '69 TOYOTA! • '64 RIVIERA • '64 vw $4'5 '65 FAIRLANE 500 '63 MG Midget-42,000 mi. • R1dio, he•l•r, •ulo .. PS,. e Phone ~ e 4 -J>OOR good rond. Must aell l.., All Model1 Fr. $1770 Pl, powor ..,1rtdow1, •ir• '57 VW $400. 0 2/1. $81Xl. 546-6458 .,,, If lltll lll,,: 1 :~;.:ib'2~0~w11er, lot•/ c•r. • 6'l3-8726 rc,-;y :fr~~~·va'r:; '62 MG midget. Xlnt cond. ~I. UUIG • $1995 • '6$ VWe ~~ .. n7~~t.,.$11S0 ~tdt~~~~b Priool for quick SS.If' $850. 1. PORTS ~ ..... extru and priced low low Call 549-1758 aft -4:30 PM M • • '64 VW Xnlt cond $795 for q uick sate. PES-87:3. '53 MG TD, completely re-OYOTA•VOLVO r65 OLDS Dynamic 88• 962-221"3 ()t 96'l-0538 GOOD VALUE USED CAJI: conditioned. $1400. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 •4 Or. H.T. RIH. 1ut1., PS,• '65 VW $1199 Evell a.11.'er 6• 546-5259 Toyota '69 Executive demon· ••ir co11d. IMOYl461 • Sunroof. radio & heater. 1951 MG, mod•! TF, •lrator. Thb d"P bl1>0 co.'·• $1495 • $1195 '63 CADILLAC good cond, $875. ()Ila 2 dr. ha1 only 1015 mil-fJ L • •714 • 837-5589* es, fu11yequipped incl. heal·• • fllll 81tt:1 4 DOOR · --er. radio, w. walls. Ser. No. • '66 TEMPEST • UUI. UllWI P·Steering, auto., beautiful PORSCHE 303696 •1 h • Satin Sllvtr exlfrtor wtlh · e $1695 •H.T. Co~p•. Ria 0· 1'.1''· IMPORTS matching interior. ShCIWI ---------.... 1om1heo, pow•r 1t••rtng.. loving care by former own- '58 PORSCHE •peed'1er. 62 BILL MAXEY • "v""' • TOYOTA.YOLYO er. SBk·299 . ;ty90,;_;'j;,, Gd cond. Pvt • $ 1695 • !9i6 Ha-. C.M. 641>9300 GOOD VALUE USED CAR ·~~ 91f~ "':; IT!§IY(OiTIA! • '65 OLDS cu11u1 : VOLVO $1199 67$-5530 11881 llEACH BLVD. H.T. c, .. UH,., .... PS.. OI '65 BEL AIR '84 c Xlnt ,.._A .. i....... Hunt. Stach 847-1555 •air co11d. ('6r1ttl YOlY • ~.11 · ·' . ~M'-lmlN.QfCoaslHwy.enBch• $1795 • ·-=·or~·. $1'X8. NEW CAR ARRIVED! • • All Mo4ltl1 fr. UBS :~~t power BUSl!'.81 Haw 1968 Toyota HT. White • • l.flDia GOOD V"'~ us-~•• . -'" wl black mterior. 4 ~. '65 BUICK Skylork • " • ~~ -~ -., Tho DAILY PllDI ·~ • Miii $ 0Usl1lecl 9eCtiC'IDo !&'fl ndio. Lo miles. $1750. O&ya: H.T. c, •. R&H, •ilt•., PS, Mii• 1199 money, time A effort. &.oals ~1141, Eves. 968-3J9D •P·wi11dow1, •Ir cond. 8 . ""'' !! '67 'roYOT A LandCl'Ulaer. 4 • IPOYl49I • llf'ORTS '66 FO RO rt·•---·· whl drl" Plck"P·• $1795 • CUSTOM!iOO lest ilekcliou eYlt'f S. tbs w I cam Per.Ext r & s ! • 1991 Harbor, C.M. MS-9303 V-8. e,qto., t>OWtT ateertnr, DAILY PILOT Claalfled 83>-2677 '64 IUICK Sk..._k • * N V I * olr. RTH-3:17. Low, low liPdJoD NOW! Dial &12-5678 for R&lJLTB • '~ ew 0 YOS sa.les Pfk:t. ' =="."°:=:==-::=,z=;::=;:::;:::;;:;:,;:: .Autorn1tfc, pew•, st••n11••• GET A COOD VALUE USED CAI\ ltnp0rtelf Autos 600 r•dlo, h11t•'· fRIA67tl • ER DEAL . ' Im~ Aut.. ~: $995 • H:J,TTFrledland•r $1399 iJEE[_:)ara • • l3'IS/) s..cb Bl...S. (}IWJ Sil Groth Chevrolet bebewt tn ' • · • '67 IUICK Sltylorl< • 2 bib So. G.G. Fwy. Ille lntllvtcluol. Br1nr '""' '· I ,a Spol't eo11pe , R&H. •ll'f .. , 893-'1966 5.17.ea2f tndlvtdual tftnlpcir~Uoa 8 ,$ oi r co11d ITUZln J • ?t* problems to UI. ' ~ * '88 V()hJO lt1-1 • ELMO' RE MOTOU • $2195 • Shilt 11,..io mL NO DOWN PAYMENT . • $21100/of!u. f9l..2lt3 P.ROILEMS H.ERE 11300 lllACH ILYD. WISTMINl'lllt H4-Jlll ••H -.1 M-• fflC ALL YOU NIED IS lo11l flftOnci"t 1 ... 01111111 en ii•ak •pprO't"tf •f c,.4it. NIE-FREE us V~~PS Vac1ff11n 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHtS FOi TWO 15300 Belch Blvd,' Westminster "'·3112 OPEN 7 DAYS • 4 o,, H.T. HH, -.. • !f!!! Cira , • , YOUR 600D CREDIT • PS, 1lr c•nd. t1'PUOJ2) 8 'S1 DA'J'SµN lltO ci.. • $2191 .......... mini --• «100 actual mtln. bet'1et 11a-------than new at consl~l• • 'l' E 17th ST • dltcotlnt. Wlllla1'lt OMlSl • 4 • , • • LO+U~ Elite ·6£ &ood ~ • 548•7765 • will accept hett ofiet, • Mon-Pr! 8130 om • • ~ • I'· to ' pm • Antlqu11, c1 ... 1.. ff 1 s • S1turd1y 8:30 om • • to 6 pm • 1136 Ford arlllt flt, J rear deora, ~ wllll -• Sundoyi-1:30 om • 110 ••· One !root ft10I .,... GROTH CHEVROLET ~8211 leech Blvd. HUNTINGTON IEACH 847·68l9 .545-8863 ·to. 6 pm • pl•le with A·frimo A 16'' wtietls. ideal tn mat• a OP!N 1 DAYSi ~ "I'll, 8 P.M. • -with sio. v.w. -..... 1blat I' ..... 125 for .~• -.~l>"'CK"""i'i'"TO='EM=!- S at,'!*!· Call i!f;l4ll II:!'-llXX IT 'IO 1:M1 r.r ~ "'::r."" -. 110CK IT TO 'l:MI' ' 10 ' .... " l 'Dt. IDANI YOUR CHOICE $205114 INCt.UOIS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ANO WHt)'I WALl.I ---------~---~--..-- 10 ...... ~ ... YOUR CHOICE $2187 15 INCLUDU Rt\LLY tQUIPM~NT Pl.US IALLY Sllll't 8 lrAncitl ·-YOUR CHOICE . $232? INC\.UDU-AUTOMATIC , TAANS"'41SSION AND WHIT! W~Lµ: NEW 19.69 FALCON 2 DOOi, llDAN s2121 . ".~ :,. -' NEW 1969 MUST ANG l 2 DOOi HARDTOP s2399 ""'· • u.. NEW 1969 T-BIRD 2 DOOi HARDTOP '3998"··· • ti<. ORDER TOUR CHOICE TODAY! FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE OF SKELBY' COBRAS! .GT-350/GT~SOO The '691 Art Coming! ASORANGI COUNTY'S ONLY IHILBY AMlllCAN DIALIR, WI All COOPIRAllNG WITH IHI FACTORY TO CUAI Till !AST OF IHI '61'1 Al . DISCOUNTS NIVll llFOll OlflR!a OH AMERICA'S NUMIP·l HIGH l'llFORMAHCI CARI CHICK TODAY! . TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS N-eftrltint 11 c"1~ 11•r '#91~ th•t, ''" ~e t•f•ll1d •f wh'Ol•11le, f• th. puW... • ' lo1t tftt l•1le~ •n tti1s1 .111., c•r1. SA VI I I . ' THUNDERBIRD SALE . 7 •• chooa1 ft•m. 2 lloer •nd f 4 ~oor 01l'l'Od1l1, H•1dt•p• •114 L1J1d11.11 . ..,II with •Ir condltlo11i111 •11d f11U po.,...r, Sorn. with lf•r•o ~,,.,. '6'4 t~ru '67 Mod1l1, . . . EXAMPLE: '67 T·BIRD LANDAU .. ' ,,, · Jl:•4lo, h••f•r, 1t•r•e hip•, tilt wh1•I, flftom11tl~. p•wer tt1efl119°W1l•1-wtnf..,......\ , •Ir cond., f•ctory w•rre11ty . 1m_Olll. 2.0~ ll•wl'I or tr•f•. . ·- $2895 FULL PllCI . $78 "" ,; MONTHI '66 FORD' 7 LiTRE '"· .:;; , I '••••nter H•rdtop. li9 1n9in•, •~fo111•tic, •ir condltio11lnf, p'oW•r 1t••1i"f· ISVX· 662). 20% d•Wll or tr•d•, llve loolt ptlco $22J5. , $1595 PUU PllCI $48 Pll H MONTHI '61 FORD 1'350 C•b I Ch•11J1. 1911171). 20% dctwrt or ir1d•. $695 FULL PllCI ' $29 PH 24 MONTl!I '64 CHEVROLfT MALIBU WAGON Retl lo, he.ttf, pow•r 1!1•rin9. IOMJ 791 L 201. dow11 Ir tr•ll•, $795 FULL PllCI $29 PU IO MOll!HI , '65 SUNBEAM ALPINE Jl.•11119 rti w/bltelc t•r I fnt•rler wit• wh11b. IVZUl51 l. 20'/. II-rt •r ft•d•. $1095 PUU PltCI $38 Pll 3~ MONT HI '64 MERC. WAGON 10 PASS. C•l•rtY "•'"·~II powtr, 1lr. (J%Y 7Jll, 20% llown •fl-Id•, $1095 PULLPllCI $38 "llDllOHTHS . •U llUICK RiVIElli hft ,._,, l••il1d. Air c•ntllti•11lllf, l'RIR1771 20% ll•Wll., ...... $1395 FUU. n1c1 , $49·P11 H 'llONTHI '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA . . 2 c.., Tt'4to,_ v.1, •utorn•t1c, r•tll1, h••••r, ,...,_. .t"rl119. ttefl9111. 20'l fowt1 or tr14e. · $895 FULL PllCI '$30 HI IO MONTHS '6f~HEVROLi!T 9 PASllNGER l•I Air W•9111. F11lly •quipped. tQflO,tSJ, 20 % d-n •' tr•d•· $595 FVLL PllCI $25 Pll 24 MONTltt . '64 llORD SALE 11 3 To Choot• From ) 2 Ott. 4 Ott., S•ll•llt, Hordtopt, C.1.,.er+illl"\ W•1•111. lfl'll• w/•lr I ,, tinlf. EXAMPLE: '64 GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR. V·I, nt.fll.tt .. f11lly 94111ip,.4. !TWA 41JJ.11~ 4tn • tr .. o. $695. ;.,u P11Ct , $23 m ft MOHTMI '67 AMllAS5ADOR 990 H. T. L.w Md ..... fvU'~, •ir ro.wftlNlftt, tUEX 4))1. JOI. iewt1 M trotl•• $1895 PVU. PllCI ' . $49 m H MOllllll Opea lun. 10 1m lo 6 pm ~r Your Shopping Com.ince £ I: ' J ~ .• • . ~ , • ; • • • ~ % , .· :: .. . . :· ·: ,, I ,. ' I ' '· I i ' I • ' i ' • • • , .. ~-.~ I NO ' I OREDIT I ' PROILDS I ~ ...... , -·-·---·-------:- ORAHGE COUNTY'S NO •. 1 TRANSPORTATION CENTE.R ' 9 . TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS • EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEEN · BANK~UPT • EVEN IF YOU HAD A REPOSSESSION • EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW IN AREA •EVEN IF ,YOU HAVE NO CREQIT •DIVORCED •PAY DAY PAYMENTS • E·Z BUDGET TERMS • NO RED • TA'E NOW 2ND LOCATIQN 901 -.. Y,. FIRST STREET, SANTA . ANA ,--~ # WE ~ I CARRY 1 I OUR OWN ' ~ CONTRACT I ~--' ~··••••••••••••••••• r••••••••••••••••••• I JUST A SAMPLE OF SPECIALS AT OUR LOT IN COSTA MESA I . JUST A SAMPLE Of SPECIALS AT OUR LOT IN SANT A ANA I I ,.·:,~..!,~~~-~.~::..~~~".., .,·~~~~E~!~.!.:'~:~:,., I I '56 CADILLAC Cpe. De Ville ,.,.·~:.F?,~~ "" I 1 1 $199 $19 $19 $199 $19 $.19 I 1 1 ""·"·'··'$'4·'·',k'"'"·''·''·'·"""" . $99 $10 $10 I raTAl r1t1cr rorAL TOTAl TOTAl PltlCE TOTAL rorAL I I 101.t.L ra1cE ·r 1orAL PRICE rorAL TOTAL I + TAX .. LIC. (>N. l'YMT. MO. PYMT, + TAX .. LIC. ON. PYMT. MO. PYMT. + lox" Lie. + TM .. UC. DN. PVMT. MO. PYMT. I ---,6-3_S_T-UD_EB_A_KE_R_4_D_r_---l ----,6-2_C_H-EV-.-N-o_va_ll ___ I I '60 PONTIAC Catalina '62 CORVAnt St1tion Wigon I : s299 '""' ·silHVT .• , s28 s·299· ··'·iii"" ·528 • 1 s 199'· ·~ ~5·19 ... , s 19 s 199·· "$1'9"' s, 0 1,Al9 11 TOTAi. PRICE TOT.A.I. TOTAL TOTA.I. PRICE TOTAL TOTAi. I TOTAL PRICE TOTAL TOTAL TOT.A.I. PfllCf TOTAL I + TAX • LK. "" l'fMT. MO. ""'· + TAX • LK. ON. F'fMT. MO. F'fMT. I I + TAX • llC. "'" "'MT. MO. ""'· + TAX • llC. ON. "MT MO. F'fMT. I I '6!r~~~·,L~l_!ir '62 DODGE Dart I I H.:~~-L~-~~;u~~~a., '62 FA~;~1~,112 Door I I $299 $28 $28 ...... -.... -........ ,,.. I I $299 $28 $28 $199 $19 $19 I I '.,."';;.'!'c~c. ,;,01:;.,_ .~01,--;MT. s399 rcirf;.~·t~z I I '.,."';;,.':'c~c. D~o·~~T. .~~':;MT. '..."':.:x':'C.~c ,;,or~~T M~~·.~~" I I '62 THUNDDBIRD · '63 MERCURY (omet I I '6t THUNDERBIRD '63 FORD· G1luie 500 I : $599 ·~~;;;" $~5~99··:~:~:~:~E~' ; : s499••J:~::,':::C:' ;399•T~:~~~~~~,E : 1..-•:::. • • • • • ••• .; ; ~' •• 1 = ••••• ~·~;~. • ••• .-----,,-.... OPEN 1 DAYs"A .. w"EEAilc"y9A~M.-1'0"'· 1;· 1P .M.rryf()i"'!f oU'R .. coNVENIENci "+" s 9900 Used Cars 9900 .----1969 CORVETIES~~ LARGEST SELECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY BUICK CA MARO "68 RrYIERA,_ PIS, P/B, 167 Camaro Air Cond. P/seat_ & v.·1ndO\.\"S, vinyl Super sport model ·w/ every top, air cond. Beaut car. concievable ex-Ira. Included Priv party. $4:150. 673-3751 are custom interior, padded '63 BUICK Wildcat 4 Dr. top, auto trans, full pmver. pwr. steer. I: brks., good fold down rear seal, etc. oond. $775. 6 7 5 -2 4 9 2 ; 20,000 local miles and still 67f>..2671 under factory .... ·artanty. CHEVROLET ' • CONVERTIBLES .. • HARDJOPS • FASTBACKS • COUPES ~ 300 H.P., 350 H.P. & ~00 H.P. ~ CHOICE OF COLORS ~ CHOICE OF MODELS ~ CHOICE OF EQUIPMENT CHEVY TRUCK CENTER . '69 CHEVY l/4 TON , SUBURBAN -CARRYALL T1rb. Hydremelie. )50 ee. ent ine, power 1t1.,.in9, 1""¥~ br•k•&. 9.so.1• tit-es, ell liiMY)' tltity e41Yipt., c:u1to111 interi or, •le. Su. t-11 ... JO. -tl 000 ':k~ .... .• . F . . "'69 CHM 108 VAN V.... Fvlly f•et.ry eq1ipll'1d lnel1di119 -ll'f e1tre1, Ser. No. 1109. IMM EDIATE DWYIEllY." -( $2595 ••ll n1c1 '69 CHEVY 1/2 TON 8' FLEETSIDE Fully f•elory equipped in· e!udint '"•ny •rlr11. Ser, No. 052 2. FREE·FREE·FREE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 50 GALLONS OF GAS ' WITH PURCHASE OF ANY NEW CAR OR TRUCK ON PRESENTATIOH OF THIS ADV. ATTHE TIME OF PURCHASE ~61'S AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS HERE IS Y6UR CHANCE TO BUY .A 1948 CHEVROL,Fr AND SAVE YOURSELF HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS •DEMONSTRATORS • EXECUT,IVE CARS e IMPALAS e CAPRICES e WAGON e· CORVAIRS e CAMAROS zm HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ·-.,.,. 546-1200 u ...... 546-1203 • for used car.1 & trucks just call us for tree estimate. GROTH CHEVROl.ET Ask for Sales Manaicr 18211 Beach Bl\.'d, J[untington Beach KI 9-3331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa !1-fes.a 546-1200 Auto leasing 9810 TRAMSPORTATIOll CAR SAU CN>dlt proble.m ! See u~ for trutant delivery. low pri«S, !"ll~Y terms. \Ve d('(':ide on your credit. Call or come tn today. 541Mlt2 ILUI CHIP AUTO SAW 21'5 Harbor, Costa Mesa WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR PAID FO}I QR NOTI Jl.fECHANICS Special! Beautiful '62 Buick. Ideal 2nd family car when fixed. 642-9427 "59 BUICK INVJCTA Blue 4 dr, hdtp. P.S., P.B. Ori:;: O\Vllet $175. 642-1979 CADILLAC NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD ·- Sho\YrOOm condition. J1rtuport 31111p 0 rt s 1967 EL Camino. 4 .i;peed special suspension • 396: Black, personal 1:ar, new lires. 1st class cond. $2050. 675--2'126. ... EL CAMINO ....... "" CHRYSLER cu In posi, cttrm . rims, --------1 R&H, new titt&. 642--0513 '61 NEW Yorker 4 Dr. hdtp. 1961 Olniy, $300. Black; new tires; P"'J', Good Trans. Perf. cond. Best oH &f6-.1568, an s PM. 536-4&44 PLACE JUDI" #UI .. Wh@N ;;,,....--Ol=R"'v"'sL"'ER"'""""-N~. w fh@J are ~ -DA.U.T Yorker. Good cond. P/s, PIL01' cla.tl'ltd! M2-5671 P/b. air. t!lc. U75. 648-7645 I I) I ' ntANll'OITATION -TUHIPOllTATION -TUHIPOllTATIOM TIANIPOllTATION T "·ttiO NewC•rs ,MOQff..,Coa. MOO ........ • 4 CAaiiLAC~Q~ NINEl'EE,N :sIXT¥ • J' ' .. ~ NINE -• ' " . - •" J ·ANU~RY .~ SALE t\ '.ft·· J ·' .. 1966 BUICK . dn.teflll l.tSlriN 4 D .. r \1Nlt1,. S111 rllri11t t1tl lriJ111 Wfth M1tchi11t 111~ 1;):~F1c.t1ry 1lr· c1111Uthnl119, 1uto1111tlc tr1111111l1tt~. ,..,..,, lf1ttblf, , ... , ~,1k11, r111ia, httl1r, 1tc. Trvly 1 f!111 lt1h11111lill4 th1t ll'nnt ~· 11~ 1114 41rlvtll t1 "'''1cl1tt ih 11111 ,.,1u1f ISIW4ttl ' SALE s2222 PRICE . : f1 1964 CADILLAC . 'nl'• m11t 111111il1r en,. 01Vltl1 fini1h•J In· Nll1 f'''" wit Ji .whit• Jlltl• 4t( +t~ •11t1 111111~11111 whlt1 l11thtr·int1rlor. Aht1l11t1ly l11cl14 111tltullA9 'j11w1r 11Mr1119.br1 .. 1t-Wltul1w1.111t·vl11t win41w1°ln111k litl r1t1 ... , 111t1. • ntffl1.t,' AM-FM •rt41t 1MI much rnor1 phu f11t1ry 1it co1ulltl111h1t• IJTE1921 SALE $1999 PRICE . , .. 1967 CADILLAC · DtVlllt c11111ertlble. le11tlf1I C1111ff ~ with 1111tellT111 t1, 1114 le1th1r t11t.rlor. Thi• l•w mll11,. e1r 11 1ictptfoe1lty 9ill•l,,H with f1d1ty 1lr ceUlll•llillf, ,._.,, 1+.eri111, ~wtr .W-1\ib, ,owtr ...... pew•r wi11d1w1, tilt tMI t1l1K1itic wktl, AM·fM rdl\11;-. IXS,lt21 ; __ __:_:S:::AL:_E _:_$ 4!.!!'2!!2~2!!:::· ~!:.:C::.:.1; ..:.,;..-.·..:,:_· .;:::_ ... __:_· • 1967 CON11NENTAL A llM11tlf11I +..rq110!11 • .lter wlfft hr4Wel1e f11ll l11t"r i~.,l•r. ;.,11 th1 ,.p11l1t ,...,, 1111-h lncludl111 pow1r thttlllf, bt1k11. wl"4-1;,M1h, f11t1ry 1lr c11141Ho11l111. Th/1 ctr it ••••l•ft!y f1nt11tlc i111ld1 I .., ell' ju1t r •llJ111 for tfi•t p1rtlc~l1:r ll11yer. IT~M1r1 /. 1 -~ :, . . • ~'~~LE s3333 ~RICI . . CORY.AIR 61 CorvgJr Auto. No. LR.G893 $199 NI Prlee TenM Anilallle U.S. Itf1n 515 E. lit. Santa Atla -- • • -- ' 'l FlllWAT C10H HOM...,,,_. I IN OIANtl COlltm I 1 MIU SOVTll Of ... DtHOm. ON IWIOa ILVD. • . • A Masterpiece from ... , .. The Master Craftsmen . ' On Display and Ready for Delivery Toclayl ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW I . LEASE DIRECT • FAST DElJVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION .OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1968 EL DORADQTh• •••r pop11l1r £1 Dor1do. Fi11lih1ill 111 b1requ1 ttld with bti9t ptddtd roof 111d 9014 l11t1rlor. Tilt wh11I, powtr 1to1rin9, pewff .. ,1.11, plwtr wl1141w1, pew1r 111!, power vent wl11d1w1, $ 6444 powtr tr1111k lid r1l~t11 ind m111y 111or1 lu111ry powtr f11f\lr11 i11du4i119 C1dlll1c f1clory t lr conditio11i119. l1tt1r 91! htrt fi,.t 011 thl1 l1111ty, IVTLJ6"7) ~ . " Stv1111l119 ltroqu• phi erlOflot with ••••rt cleth 1114 l11tfl1t i11 .. rler. f.lfy equl,pN with 111 tho Ct4111tc ,,.,, f11tur11 l11c1vdlllf ,.w1r 1fooli111, power brtk11, ,_,, Mlf, ,.w., wl11d•w1 '"' f1tlety 1W c1ndliionl111. AM·fM rtd'lo 111d crui11 c111tt1I 1110. <•J7~ I . '68 Coupe De VIiie $4999 I 4,c-I . SAW DEPARTMENT OPEN ,, 8ll0 A.Mi .to 9lOO P.M. MONDAY th"! FRIDAY ' , '9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY ond SUNDAY SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, lt69 . ·-• ' " J~NUAR:Y . . . " . SALE· ' 1966 CADILLAC Pop11l1r D1Yl1l1 conffftl\le fl11IMM 111 lntt,,u• 1....._..,.W with W11li: tep 1nd lil1ck l11th1r l11terlff. Fully ;1wN ~ul•"4 ~lot f1.u.ty 1lr tll'l4ltl111l11ft AW1Ail r1411 1114 111111y 1tMr C1dlll1c 1u1uetl11 l11clucflrtt 1l1ctrl1 wl~ ... A M1t. A ,.ti •11111 ISOV91 JI 'SALi ~888 PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD , fh, ''''tt' l-4eor h1Jto, ft klty 9q11l'''' wlfli pow1r 1te1riaf, ,_... .,,••••• 'Owtf' wlncl-1, pew1r ttO:t tl'ld f.,d'1 f11110111 ftct..., 1lr 1011• · 'IHonl111. A a11ut1'1il 11tl11 dJ•1t. 11ritrlot wlfh •l•ck •i11yl htt.rf1t. MM1t k 11111 I lllrrv111 to fully 1pprt1ltttJ I lTUJi!I, $ SALE 2222 PRICE ----19_6_5_T_H-UN_D_ER-Bl_R_D ___ ., LllH1u .,,..,,,, A M11tlf11I 11pphiro lil11e T-111' with th1 whih 11...Wf teof, in Ylnyl l11t1r1 .... "" powor 1qulp111111t ilicl. ,.w" 1tr1n... ,_., I 1ker'l11f, ,.Wit wl11d1W1t power Mtt tfWI f1cfory t ir ..Ylti1o11lltf. A11 11i1hto114lllf .. , 1t out•t111illln$ •••lnt•· IM,,111 I SALE 1666 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC fl1t!wood l routhtll'I. M1jHflc ,.,,1 1il•1r wlth llltck p1ddH top 111cf bl1ck t1p11try 1H. lotthor l11t1rf.,, AU ,..,, l1111kl41119 1t11rlftt br1k11, wlndow1, ••¥ wiMew .. tfu11k 1fl rfl1111. SttHo 11410. tilt tn4 tol11copic 1t11rin9 wh otl ,hu feet.,, 11f'91ri41tl111ln9. fUKV-2391 SALE $4666 PRICE 1965 CADILLA<; Thi ••11111, 114011 DtYlllo. fl11i1h1d 111 .. roq•• 9old 1riorTw with 1111tch· 1111 t•HI l11thtf tMI ·cl1th i11t1rlor. H1 ... 1ll-tfte· ,,,.,11r-CMIJ!fc IW11ury 1 fe1+..re1 lncl11illln1.pow1r li11rin9, powtr brt~• .. pow1r wh1 ..... , ,_,, , 101h, 1l1n•l 10•• 9 rtdio t n4 of co•tM Ce4ill•• f1c.fory tit ce.Wlttonln9. . (7122) SALE ' ~666 PRICE 1962 CADILLAC C.up1 D1vtll1. Thr1 m•T••tlo tv11~0 •t•cli: Cl4tll1c With whit. f••thr l11t1rl1r h11 1IMO'tl •II 1f tho d1lu111 f11tu,.1 thot C•dlll11 11 fo11t"' fff lncludl~I ,.W.f 1t1trl111, p~r tlr••• .. power ..... tM ,.wtr wlllcf~ Al10 h11 C.411110 Fido.., elr ce11dlt1111ln9. Yeu 111u1t 4r1Yo thit --. fJllHIJ21 C1prlc1 C11111 f111fthtd 111 ~rlnt ermln• whfft with ~lick •ll'l'ff rMt •n4 lil1ck Oroc1d1 cloril I _ · , f1111y ~1dp,.d with 127 VI en9i11" 1vto1111fic tro111rnl11!011, pewtt t ... rln1, ,owor ., ..... , ,._,. 111h. ,_,, tr wi11d'ow,, rtcllo tnd h11t-., You wo11'f Mllrt'1 thit, llvt it 011ly htl '4,000 1clvtl INll lllU1s e,.cf .• 11 4 t:t •n• -n•r 1utorne1Mlo. · · SALE· PRICEl>t , . i• Your Factory:Authorizecl Cadlllu.Dealer Serving The Orange C .. st Ha"9r~rea BABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 , _1)111111011 .il111pu1 I'.· ( SHELBY 'IT GT 350, 4 S Xlnt cond. SJJ)O, Prlv ' Pvty. IC-3413 TollRD ' l . ' i j ' ; ' I j .-: •• ·~· :: . , •• •. ~ . . • • .. -' • " • ; . i ... • • ;. ~ I :< .; • . •• • .; ., .. • . •• :. .. ' ·. ' ' ' ' ' . l Nll.Y 1111.0T ... 1969 DART SWINGP.S BRAND 'N~W 2-DqOR HAllDFOir •=D 196'9 DODGE "WESTERN SPORTS SPECIAL" NEW 2-DOOR HARDTOP COUPE Fully equlpped .includinq \linyt roof, wsw tires, full wheel discs remote control mirror, sports strg. w!leOI, c.rpcts, dlx. w!leel cavers, et~ CMtr. #U23A9f129179) O,oic:e of colors. fully fac/O(y eq~i ped with • AR vinyl liiie!io;, • Padded da•h • Hoat~ • Defroster. Motor '#LL23A9E206496, LL23A9EITI561. . . :: I $68 $68 '2288 TOTAL DOWH TOTAL MOllTllLY PAYMINT PAYMENT TOTAL PRICE t,1.: • IMMEDIAR DELIVOY '69 POlARA 2·DOOR H4RDTQP. '·· l.AJIGIST 'SIUCTfON ·OF OWGBS To Choo11 From In So. C1lll. . . ., Fully equipp'•d With power steering ,, power brak•s, autotri•ti' tr.•••· llAND NEW 2•DOOR HARDTOP COUPE . mission, vir1yl roof, radio, heifer, tint1d 9l1ss, d1luxe wheel cov1rs, TOTAL DOWN TOTAL MOtmflY PAYMENT PAYMENT · wsw tires, buck1t se1ts, full vinyl interior, 1l1ctric clock, bumper guerds full factory equipped including e 318 V..S engiAt • Heater • Defroster etc. I front & reir}, hideaway headli,hh, nylon carpeting, full ,,.ac:in9 in-Motor #Dl23F90175810. ' i 1 0 LEA L $71 · '2688 .. :t~ii4 ~1<.s8?~~~·,L;;jp·· ~-.. I ! ' .TOTAL DOWN TOTAL MONTHLY. . TOTAL PRICE t.:::.. Tor.!'i>owNTOTAL MONTHLY £1f8 PAYMIHT PAY.MINT • IMMEDIAn DELIVERY PAYMENT PAYMiNT' -,_. .......... .._.,~ .... M .. _M_ .......... ,,. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TOTAL PRIC_E t ~- IMMllHAn DWVllY ON All.AOYRTtsm WSINO Nim TO OlDll·HllO . . ' '67 MUftAM .. K.T • .,.., tm11r1lr,Mw.~ ,........,.,..,, ""4111,t.,_ (TGM1a J $1688-:'.: $s7:::: s57~. t+ TAI 6 UC. . "i"1. , nMt. . , . $1088 ~::.' $~·~ s31w~\. + W't llC. -"111• · -"MT • -. ~· .. ,. ---·· '65 OLDI CUTLASS ; 2..., M1f'hp. '42, Viftl'"C:, ~~~ 1klrlnt. l!uckt! 111~1. 510' 88· = s 6~ s3·,6~i:.i. +TAX &U:. nMT. . nMT. . . . '65 ·PONTIAC oiiiiD PRIX 'M THUNDftllllD :2~DR. H .. T. 'ldtrf Air CONDITIONING, tvt-!lt ttw., r.die • htottr, full -r. , • ( .. r, No. 4YW1119$Vj $1088 TOTA& s3·-s3L~· +::'tic. = U"'Piil~' $988 Tot•• S3J'"" $33""' ' rttlCI DOWI MTMll, +TAX• LI(. nMT. nMT. '66 PLYMOUTH FURY II "f..., ...,.., """"9.. ~ 111111r; 1ut-'fc tr-.. CSV'r261) '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP sga·a "'"' S·'!t3m" s33··"' r+-:~uc. '-a =:. 'R:.\~· l'MIJ,..,., ...+PPM. l'Wi9 nl Wttt;llii:bf Miil, •i171 llll11\1I'. (WWlt3) s888· ~::~ s2· ft!!:.t s29:.i:.i. +TAX & llC. FMT. PYMT. '66 MERCURY COMO '66 DODGE DART 2·•r. 4...,...i. llN!tr. !Pf0019) $788 '°'" $26'"" $26""' NKI OOWtt ' ... lllTMLY • :+TAX & UC. PIMT. . nMf. • $988 =· $33:::ti s33~11ot\. +TAX l llC, PYllT. • nMT. '64 VOLKSWAGEN ' • . .MPtH. i.mr-...:-~n sass ~::.· s29= $29::0\\. +TAX • UC. mD. ITMT. $688 TOTA& s23,;,Al $23'°"' • 1.\-:'!~uc. . J::r. .. ~:r~· '61 CHIYROUT IMPAUl '64 YOl.lll)YAOIN 2•. Mte. ,,_ """'· <mlOnl . . . . s688 Wit.' s2-3= · s23:."i.\i. +TA.JI & l lC. n'fiJf mt. tltrll• v ... llllt ·'""""·UM, •.s.. .... lltOXOo\SI s7ga ~:t.' s26:r.:.t $~6:.W.\. +TA.ll &l1C. , , ~· "' 1'1'Mf, '66 YW 2.aiOOll '65 DODGI DART 4·5-f. V' .. "ri "'~ """-· (SHiii. s7aa :r.: s2c~ ~26~1'..tt +TAX&. ll(. U!'lr• nMT. s51arEi~~1c. s19m~: ·~·5.19=~· '65 CHIYlllt-lliJAM '64 DODGI DART .270 ., ....... eutwtlclnr1 lllllfl....,..,.......,,..,....im.tK'11111 s7aa = s2· &.mil . $uw:r1 . +m a~ . ~ -• ,1 '63 PONTIAC eaAJiD.NlX . ·'61 R•UUR CLASSIC SDN. 'A:.CHIYIL&I MALllU CPI. v.a. tll#Mtil trw., ....,.,, hdlf'/' 11r eeM.. ""'· "'"""' ww, ~ ~ - $1088 ..... $36""' 536m" ' 'N.ttl OOWlll -.,.,. + w. LIC. ' nMt. nMT. '65 PONTIAC CATAUNA HARDTOP Air.._, •"'9. I~ l&H. P.S., -. IP.110'.dl $988 :~. s33:::.'i $33~~:.\\. + T.U & l lC. nMT. '7MT. ' .. '66 DODGE DART GT Hud!o, (-with 11110. lr1111., rKl1, hu ru , wr.. wlll}'l lrtttr .. bttttl 1h. {lUllCll s9 8 · ,.,.. $33'"" s33, ""' ,.Kl 001111 ~ MT!l\.f, , +TAX • tlC. nMT. . ntn. , '65 DODGI POI.ARA HARpTOP,. 0111. \I .. W/1"'10l'T t!r, "°'"'ti-.,"'!"'..!!-11110, Ir-., 1114, WIW llrt .. whffl ~'\YW~l61) ' $888 ~::~ s29::~ $291."'\. + TA.JI 'uc. mn. .~. '65 •LYMOUTH ·IAULUTl';COUPI ' . v" D!l. :z«, "-"'*"' 'llfth wr..yr lllicbt'"" rK!e. Mlttr. lk. "(WIAml s7a'8 TOTA• $26'°"' $4'6m" + :!~uc. i;m. , • ='t~· ' . ' '64 CQMl't QUIND "8DTOP. COUPI h 1111'1 'lllltl rt41t. lltlltr, Mtl'll'fl ~ltfltr, 4111. mPtl\.-tl,..,~.(ISflG5)' s5aa :::;· $19::~ s1· ft~\. . +TAX a uc. , n•t ! 7 n•t. . . . '62 YOLKJWAGIN 2.-r, ....... llwt.r. {TlllQ52) $588 . :::·· s19:r: s19~i::\. +TAX & \IC. nflT. , · nn. •60 YOWWAOIN PICKUP . ..... tlt,'f•1""-t-.P.l..P.W .. P.S,.f'.~~ ......... -~-.(OCl51I) Allio. Ir.,,.._ bl, W/$fW, •Nm'" , (IOUl7) s5ga ::: s19:::.'.t s•9:i·k s51a .~~ "9= s19~~\. $488· = $16= + ,,.. 'uc. ""'· I ~ , + w: a uc. · 1 PTMT. mu. + w a uc. n11t. -. . ' .$16.w.tt ""'· lCAIS. INCWllf-TAX ' LICENSE ANO .P!IW<C!. ~~ 0>.1 36.MONIHS ON ~F'tO,Vll> IW« QEDIT. . : ~-........, ... -------. -... i I l ----- • . . ··2188 . TOTAL Pitel t?i:.. · IMMEDIAR ·DIUYElliY • I 1 . · DAI LY Pl LOT ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA r---------~----................. ..., ..... .,_._. ............................ _____ , ________ ~--~~~~~----· ~ Ask Them YourseU 'OR Da. Fa.NllEa YON Ba.Alllf, ~UJHll'I .. .., " ... l.d.11icel ,... .... ,.,,, --le ,,..,.,. c.11•el .. .-.. i..-e• ........ aM.,,..,...,. •"*'8 •••rt L. BllY• wa• • Onlr time aad money ltaDd la the way of the routine uee of naclea.r power for both rocket propalsioa and for the op- er&boa of epacecraft. Tbe technology of anclear propakioe for rocbb bu beea establi1bed ia the joint AEC·NASA proj: ect. a.ad we eerioualr expect that nuclear power will be ca..t ext.mai1dy ia tbe Dear future. nM BD Sl/UW AN ...,.. ................. ,. hd ...,. eHr a. .._ •P-,...,.,i ... ,...., .....,,_ ~:.ii '· •• a.w..... .4..,.., .-r ..... • EM1 Pre.iey WU paid the hi&he-t l&lary-a total of SS0.000 for three tel«> •iaion appearance1. POa DONlf .4 OOUCUS •I U.e •stt1erty Hil/biJJUl• I i.e.,. ,_ •"' ,_, ....., ..... ~ ........... ....,,. JH1•••••· r, •• ,_., •. SlalrWy C.,...,..., ~ .. ,....,., r ...... • Yee. After wllming the titJee of Miu Batoo Rouge and Miu New Orleans. I went to New York. where I wu extremely fortunate to appear on "'Tbe Perry Como Sbow" and "'The SteYe Allen Show." 'Oa rlUl.411 K. B.U.ST, .,..Jie A... ""· Milani S~tcriwre r .. 1aean1 ,._, ,., ...... .... wu..10s~~ ....-. rut ..rt of Ma- ,_..,.._ 4o ........... _...,,, ....,_,_,,,.... lllh Bop~ ,_., Bu..S. D. • Attitude ia a better word than CU.po.i· tioA. From the -t a make ia born. ib attitude ia. let me alone and I woo 't botbeT you. Violate that ra.le, aad you beaer wat.cb oat I l'Oa 1au J. aorul', w.c-, u .s. S«ret SaWtt I• •n. l""'lmeUae «•• .-, 0...-. dill ....... Seerei !l.reb prolec- .... ,-a.r .. lee .4afler· ..., DnU.. wb, N. D. • No. Under die law. Mn. Onulia ia no lcmpr elJaible. 'Oa DR. •.41l1K BINIUCRS, -'"'°"*' Me&:.!. A...a.i• ""' .... ,. ....... ...... ., ................. . .. .,,. ...,__,,,.._ ,.,.,., R.~B,,,...,.._r._. • The dilld'1 ees ia determiDed the llDOIDellt tbe ea cell and tbe cperm cell aaite. It ii a completely random match with the male cbro.oeome d.ictatia1 tbe child's eeL At preeent. ft know of no way 1ex determiaatioD caa be coatrolled. Siace the potentiality of dew:lopmart of •ex c:haract.eristi iJITolva hormone COD· trol, it may be .,..able M>me day by means of limw tlaerapy to haft tbe ea cell eurt some type of regulatory in· 4ueace OD •pera cJaromoeomea, 'oa. au•us SQIVLZ, ~ ,,,.,. .,..,..,. tlee ,_,.._.,. •I ,,.. wrwden "' "r ... ....-... ,.,.,_,~ .,,.,.,...,~r .... • Becaue .. Peanull" ii a comic ltrip about children. It ia dteir 1toty, told by them ia their OWll way. It is simply th.at 1pecial chilclrea•1 world ia which adulll do -not ha"' a part. 'OR. TOii SMOf'BBRS o/ .. TJ.e SMOl/ten Brt1tAen S,._ .. 0. ,... aM ,.., WocAer Did ....... ..a ...... .,__..""',.a.Mah, ... dae, ..... e Yn. We are interested-but not neces- urily in a comedy and not neceuarily together. POR llA..ltW rROM.4S o/ .. TMI cur r .. laeanf tMI Jlulo u . ............. , .. ,..., .. ,.., ,..., ..... , "'" _., LdH&, w•eU, .... • My real name ia Margaret, but when I wu •err ....0. I couldn't pt'ODOUllCe iL It came out •Muto:" and that's what my family bepn calJjq me. ,OK rAUL R.4RY£'t', IYlllM MM~r ... ,, Uy .. ,.., ,,,... .,... ,.. .._,,,_.., """,,,_ ...,.rW"' ,...,. ., ....... ,,.... ,.., NC> ~----.....,,.. rW ... ....,..,,__.._ n .... r, .. .... ., .... ,,, .... e From. penonal recollection, I think the longest marriqe recorded ia 82 yun, but it would be an impoeeibility to eearch our voluminous &let lo si~ you the name of thia ooaple. WHAT~ WORLD! Suilaae Nal99 Violinht and MUlk- .. MdOf \'ehudl Menuhin trawls 10 months a rear1 and '"' wife Diana has worked out o spedol paddng P"9'G"'· '1 always lilt In coM.w what cride Y eltucli Menultin and wife pt with whaf-coat, dress, and OC· ceaories,'' she tay1, "ond I dreu ac·. awdingly. I U.,, that list;10 when we return to a c:Mtoln city next year, I won't tum "P In uoctty the ....,. dothM. "'" iumpw (shown in picture) is a hand-wowen wool from Penia. Hand-wcwen fabrics don't crush. When trcrYefing between worm and cool cli- mates. I Ute knit coats becautie they easily fit in a suitane." How to Enfoy a Painti"I Make 101M resotutions before 'f04I 90 to a museum. suggests Ross Parmenter, in "The Awakened Eye." 1) Look only at a limited number of pic:turel; 2) allow enough time for the painting to woric on you and you on it; 3) nune ..,.,.., little sprout of curioli1y prompted by the pkture; .C) search yow memory for similar paintings and for recollections of how obfects depicted appear to you in reality; 5) buy yow favorites from the rmneum'1 post-cord counter. ......... lectwarcl Slonley Ar nold, an ''idea man"' wfto runs a mil hon.doalar enterpriae thinking up out ., ... PfOO'O• for giant --- tionl, dalms to be a cf.ompion oth ~nd he is. "At 13, I wm the • broad l""'I*' 1n the a ..... lond system," he IOYa. II so I padieed iu Ing bodcword unfit I could te¥e10I feet." He eat the gym to hold a contes1. The IOp oth hurled themselws bod., tust a indwl and fell ftat. &el~-eixoedeil Stanley to be e¥en worse. lnsteod, h tchool hod a new tpOr1I 9¥8nt-CINI the wortd'• fint c::haMpion boc:itwlltd broad fumper. How .. Fu ........ ........ , ..,, .... vf M-~ a Deal," l'oiles funda for Catholic, Prof estant,'Jewish, and enhcellaneou1 char flies ond poMeS on hil tedwMq..-"Y con use Intimidation, but thb Is dHRcu to do, and I don't l•e ft. E:rnotiona appeal worb with a group but not an indMdual. My best method b per son-to-penon, though you can both tale and friend. I write to I know, lhowing how life hen bee good to us. eoying we now haw a w of showing our gratitude. And I try appeal to common sense-lite tax duc:tiom." One Doe'• Ufe This dog is a blade-and-ta Rough Griffon Bruxellois,. named Olmr. ..,..,_ L DAYIDOW Pt 'km' WTOllW~ WMm c....,,. a..-c......i he'1 a celebrity (in London films and tv), fa ...td him cwenae bonn. too big to CXll'rf m less bury. His mistreu took a roller skate a mode a "bone wagon" for fMm 10 he drag home his ovenil'.e goodies. 11 it worth it Arf, soys Oscar . J4....,yll,lHI _, ""~··a.. .... -QUI Mex ITAN 11--.;.,, U#tlr W. PAOI 1"0MPIOM A.....ua,.. Di~ llAltul N. TllNQUI A~ D&wfw MRAMI DI PIOFr 1'N4 UU- A..acu IUJNn: ................ n--~,IW~Y..,y.._...1 .... J. °"' rt h • ..... e..t. JOllPll I. .,...,0 &em-a AtlreriUl .. 11...,.r all1&l L •Ami w..c-A.'~ 11--.w ~, 011w.: .. , a-1 a•• A-. -..t,M.T.ltell © HM, MMAT w.lY, INC. All ...... _. You .. llwHld to lllH ,_ ~ Of COIWnts lbout _, tftide or ldwtftts 1• 1 lrt u.t ....., In fnlfy WeektJ. Your letter witt rtCl!M 1 prompt lftSWltt'. Wrftt to Semc. Editor, f...., .....,, 641 Ltamp.-..., New YOft, IL Y. 10022. St .. , be to .................. . .. . ...,_...,._... --. Discover the secrets of gift decorating! WH~CH IS THE 50t DISCARD Bellne It or not -they're . . . WHICH IS THE $50.00 KEEPSAKE? the Sime coffee pot! Gift decontifll ldded $49.50 to the .... And you can do the SlfAe wittt hundnds of articles riltrt In your own llome! ~ aait. •I IN sfftm. ._ .... leftenpa If 1•to11•JNl• .............. .. , c:JeaRd $2SO.OO I• month-md }.didn't even leaft the bowel" -Lota Pm.LIO, Lolllllllwa "Wanted you to tnow bow Yef7 plealed I baft been with your coune. Alld I didn't bow bow to bold a brush in the besirmina." -Loum Dan. C"1JJontlo ............. ... .,,.,,.,. -::er llecl .. .., ..... --wffll lift dlcontlq. You can create beautiful gifts like these e¥en if you've never painted before . (-ind m1k1 up to 150 1 W••k nlling your giftl, ii you thtJOn.) . IF YOU CAN MAICE 1HIK 3 llltPlE I MAGINE! Just a little paint ... 3 simple CUPIDS and BOWS ... BIRDS brush strokes ... and you can tum trash and BU1TEltFLJES •.. come alive into treasures, junk-pile discards into glam-under your brush u if by mqic! " _,... STMMCD ••• lOU CAN MASTEi THE llCllETS fW 9T Df.COM11M orous gifts-even if you've never held a Earn while JOU IMrn at holM brush before. In your hands a battered old Even as a beginner you may ftnd C'Oftee pot now becomes a :work of art : · · friends, decorators. even sift abopl •.rusted tea kettle changes mto a chummg eaaerty biddina for your UDQ11W ~ gift planter . . . a for~ camel-!>ack ' of-a-kind creatiom-aometimel ofterin1 trunk becomes a beautiful hand-punmd $10, $JS, even $20 for om. Soon after ~chest. startina, Mra. Eileen Baer of Hot Sprinp, Today the Decorative Arts Institute is helping thouaaoda of men and women create beautiful decorator pieces at home. You, too, will be 1hrilled to discoftf you can aeate lovely trasura -even if you can't draw a stra.iaht line. Mrs. Ruth Miner of Lubbock. Texas writes: "l never bad a brush in my hand before but after the fint 2 lessom I have sold to our largest depart- ment store!" What's the secret? The discovery that with 3 simple brush strokes (the same strokes used to apply lipstick), you can decorate f« fun or prollt, as you choose. Quickly and easily you'll see exquisite ROSFS and FLOWERS ... FRUIT ... Arkansas wrote: "I know my work im't real great yet, but my things are beiaa grabbed before they're dryr' Go on enelqale.,...,,. huntltl Everywhere you loot -attics, buementa, barns, sheds, junk-shops. second-band stotes-you'U ftnd "treaa~i.o-lbe-rough" -awaitin1 only a few strokes to turn them into stunning objects of art. Friends may beg you to create lovely band-painted dec- orator pieces for their homes, too. "My friends and neighbors," says Mn. Marilyn Belford of Tulsa, Oklahoma, "have kept me busy painting milk cam and recipe bous, and J"ve done two trunb. What a happy whirl I'm in!" And within days from now you, too, can be in a happy whirl en- joyina the fun. the excitement, and if you wish, the pro8ta of decoratinasifts at home. 1!n1oJ 15-cleJ EulNMtlon FREE The complete Courie is ~ to you at once. Yes, you set everythlna in one bis shipment ... 42-piece docontor's kit-87 patterns ..; 24 leuons -all the paint•, brushes, and decorating supplies you need -and much, much morel Yet the entire Coune is youn for only $39.SO complete, plua shipp1os. if deliahted witb.J"RE.E trial ftnt. Even this small amount may be paid in easy imtallments of only SS a month. This has to be the bigat value of its kind in America when you consider that you're FUina many of the basic materiala oft'ered in the nationally advertised Advanced Course which sold for much more. FREE IFYOU ACT NOWI ITo\111 Z1P ----- 5aft SJ.'4>. l!edo• $39,j() mow • ~ P9Jinnt ...S ft py all ~Ill dlu'lel. Your ~ beet U not deUalltN wl&b l~ namlutklel M-M ------------------~ I t I . .,._ .. -.... J\ young GI who has not· seen his wife in 14 months-and never hos seen his inf ant son-finds a few brief days of peace and love in Reunion in Hawaii SOLDIERS ftADi:rtONALLY live from leave t.o leave, and thoee Americans serving in Vietnam are no ueeption. Unlike warriors of the put, though, many Gia are able t.o leave combat for a brief reunion with their wives in one of the world's moet romantic rendezvoua--Honolulu. Each month, thousands fly from Saigon, while, almost simultaneously, their wives journey westward &el'Ol8 the Paciftc., long journeys for an all-too-.short second honeymoon. That waa the cue of Sgt. Larry -and Cathy Thomuon of Danville, ID. He is a eombat correepondent for the Army (and former sta1r member of the Danville Com-mercial-Ne10a). He bad not seen hia wife in 1.t months-and bad never seen his eon lay, six Sit. Lo"" ·r~ U. lat onaW. i•t•f'11i•to ·.,,•for• lo1lg-ow•ie.d i.-... _ .. months old. Here is their bittBsweet joumal from the time they left for their meeting at the airport until war again aeparat.ed them. + • ~. JQ, ad ~ ~ at B""'*"-a"7orl; ~of vs.e..u. GI• -4 tOiiiu tNtt ~ eae1111...t.. Sa,1&.H.-., u parl of tie GI fflfftil• ~-~ad c.tlr ,..._, •• "Bot00iio• w•mor'' •t Waiiiti B-.ol. t'k.,.,..,. foall.-. for_. .,..,. .. tMflklt&'b i•t...W.. llr. -4 Jin. 18" Ccartn" •r good-llf• to do•glur otld gratld•ot1 •• rowt• to B°"°'"'• to wu.t l .. 'bcau au fatlln". -------~~~~~~~~=-----~-~.....--.-----. . -~ ........__ .. ···-·.. . --... ----·---.. . .. .. . ... --·-------· Look what Plymouth's up to now: I ,, I I GREAT! Specially-Equipped Plymouths. GREAT! Special Prices. Now at your Plymouth Dealer'L I J I I I I I TeU. Hom to Make Money Writing Short Paragraphs Chitago Man Rtwah a Short Cut to Authorship DhclH" lfttl1 b.wt1 -8e ~ wWclt ................... pe14 ........ . tl•ff ••r• per WN4 tlt•ft , ....... . ,.., .. ·-·-............... _, .•. ... _ ...................... .... ..... _..,_wywlllt•lf ...... ... .......,y ..... ••1 ................. .. ~ yearaaod years A relatively few Shut-ins, boUlewivel. folbwhoarere-r people have had 8 "comer" Oil one tired OD small incomee, even employed of the rDOlt profitable authors' market& men and women who like to uae idle ever known. They've been going hours in a coostructive way-ell types quietly along aelling thousands and are making money on abort paragraphs. thousands of contributions. None of ·Mr. Barrett does not teach you to them bas bad to be trained 8\Jthon. write. He &hon you "'"°' to write. NOi¥! of them bas been "big name" what /MM to put it in. and wlloM lo writ.en. Yet. in hundreds of caaes they ""d it to. He shows you a simple have been paid from five to ten times method foe fdlint Nd! by the hun- Jia much per word as was earned by dreda. He &iva you a list of more than falDOIJI authors. 200 llUlfatilNt whoee edit.on are laiok- The auccetlfu.I men and women in this ing foe this kind of material and who field had such a good thing that they will buy from beginners. In other kept it pretty well to tbermelves. Mr. words, he tr.aches you a method. an Demon Barrett ns one of tbeae peo-angle, a plan for starting to write for pie. For years be enjoyed a steady money right away. inccme-made enough money in spare JF you would like to aee your writing time to pay l'or a fme farm near Chicago. in print and get pajd for it-just Finally, Mr. Barrett decided to let seod your name on coupon to Mr. othen in on the eecret. Since then he Barrett. He will eend full information baa shown a number of other men and about bis plan of ooaching by return womm bow to write foe mooey. He mail-post.age prepaid. He makes no baa not bad to give them any le.oos charge for this infonnatioo. And, no in writing. He has not asked them to salesman will call on you. You decide, go through any king cou.rae of study at home, whethec you'd like to try his or pnctice. In fact. most of his pro-plan. U the idea of ~ting paid for tig& have started mailing contribu-writing abort paragraphs appesls to tiona to mapzinea within two weeks you write to Mr. Barrett for tbi~ aft.et" starting with his plan. information. Mr. Barrett says that the only skill No telling where it milbt lead. Such required it that the beairmer be able a small start may even open oppor- to write a sentence in plain English. tunities fcw real autbonh.ip. And. ainoe Almost anyone with a grade achool it can't Cl08t you anything more than a educationan write well enough to fol-5' stamp, you11 certainly want to get low Mr. Barrett' a plan, becauae the all the facts. Pleaae address ooupoo cootributions you will send to mag-below to Mr. Benson Barrett. uines are almo8t never more than one 6216 N . Clark Street. Dept. S'18.JL abort paragraph in lmith. Chicago, Winois &>626. r-------------------------~--, BENSON BARRETT 1216 N. Oarll SCreet Deft. 376-1' ewa,o, mi.cu eKZ6 Pleae mid me, free and without obl.iptioo, the full ltory of your unique a.ch- ile method. lhowinc how I can writie to tell rilht away, bow you fumilh names and .sdnws ot editcn who buy from beaiuuen and tell me bow I can start ..twnktq llWlUICripta the 6nt week. I u:odentand that eftl'Ydllnl you aend me will come poetpaid and that no aJcwnan will all. Addrea...._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- City -5tate 7Jp l----------------------------- Family~/ JGftttlJ,f1/ 1~, 1969 How the Po-we A man steps forward, takes a simple oath and peaceably and quietly assumes •tJ the most awesome office in the world A MAN STEPS FORWARD, raises his hand, and takes an awesome oath: "I, . . . . . . . . , do solemnly swear that I will preserve, protect, and defend the CA>nstitution of the United States of America, eo help me God." And in that aimple moment ~ enormous powen of the America PnMiidency pau peecefully. quietly, and irrevocably from one Chief Execu- tive to another. With aome national &Tumbling, yes. for no Preetdent«ect ever pleaaea everyone. But not yet, despite the strain.a and streue. of thia tormented century, with armies, civil warJp. or national upheaval. Two thinp ride u~ tbi1 ceremony, plaJneet, yet moet awe-inspiri of all in the American ~stem. The ftrat ia 180 yeara of history in which only once, and that more than 100 years ago, ha.a the ceremony been the harbinger of civil turmoil. The aecond ia the living proof of the atrena1h and durability of the democratic syatem of the Unit.eel States. perhaps the &TUteat experiment in government ever devised by men. On that bleak March day in 1861 when Abraham Lincoln stood before the Capitol, the oath-taking meant war with a South already rising. Never before and never since bu it been the signal for anything other than a cloeill&' of ranb, a netoration of campaign-4ivided national unity behind the man freely cboeen by hia fellow citizens in a free election. Isolated incident.a have occutted, an OC1CUional example of poor sporta.- mamhip or deliberate divisiveness bu been noted, but the OVetWbelming attitude of the citisen.ry bu been that the ceremony is a rededication for all Americans to the idea la of their country. And ao it has been. Today, a ""91' ...... ,this peaceful transfer of the world's ~ executive power baa a aigni.Acance for all mankind far beyond what it baa for AmericaDa alone. In the preaent era. it ia imperative for this coun that the power should pau peaceably from Lyndon Johnson to Ri;rh11twf• Nixon. It i.a equal})? imperative for all thoee nations and races which, fo ~ood or ill, are influenced and directly affected by whAt is done in tb grut ~ablic of tbe West. It i1 a reaftlnnation to them-and to us-that tbe great uperimen in aelf-~nt still survives, and survives in ba.aic 8'ood health. An tbia despite all tboee well-orpnir.ed and well-publicised examplea of rio and di.uent which lately have marred the American story and even ti eome cauae to believe that it might be entering ita declining chapters There have been timee--.aod there may be again-when such turbulen d.i.ltractiona have taken the eyes of America and the world away from tb steady underlyina' ltrenatba of the country. There have been daya nia'hta when it baa aeemed that tbe nation wu being put to the toTCh an would not recover from the agonies infticted upon it by it.a willtul an wayward children. At_. -• 111ts,, it bu been eaay to conoeive of a time when all t structures of an orderly, peaceful, and progreaive aociety would destroyed; when all certainties and all stabllitiea would be cancellied ou in a futile bunt of "proteat" without program, and "diaseJat" withou constructive alternative. Yet the campaipa were held, the election came the victor wu ~ claimed. And tomorrow, epeaking the simple, time-worn words, he wi~ receive from bi.I predeceuor the wiUlnl' gift of the enormoua powers of the American Prelidency. And the nation will go on. That it abould be ao, in thia ap of the '"'acreamin~ mindJea," is perhaps the major American miracle. Not tbe economic &Towth, not the worldwide commitment to freedom, not the familiar and almolt unap- pNCiated liberties of the individual. but just this fantaatic fact of awe- ' some traJW Thf ably Amer almos aocial cans thi.s i the ri ing tJ whose to ua Tbj oft~ is upc tice, i placer Amer nativ• Inst.a judrn their Fran) tog et I Ne, is no 1 tari in tht briq minor fulor countr viciou .... est IJ tainin in the tional senae en tin ta nee. force will o out tJ rruml .,. ................ ~~~~~----------~:---------:------~-~--·-~----------..... of the Presidency Is Passed On By ALLEN DRURY ,,,.,,,,,_., ......... c-t." ~ ., ............ ....__ ... ,,,._... some power, quietly yet pQeitively tranaf erred. The event bishllabta what is prol>- ably the fundamental strength of America-the by-now automatic and almoet instinctive acceptance of tbe social contract under which Ameri- cana lln toptber. the feelina that this ia not only the nec_.•ry but the right way to do thinp. the feel- ing that it la "the Americai. way;' whose violation would brine diaaater to ua alt Thi.a habit of automatic acceptance of the majority deciaion. bated u it ia upon nearly two centuries of prac- tice, ia not the act of eheeplike com- placency which some critics of the American 1J9tem-includiq aome native critlc&-pro.feu to eee in it. Instead, it la the shrewdly practical judrment of a people who early in their history realised that. in Ben Franklin's wonla. they muat "han1 together or ban1 aeparately." Never baa this been truer than it is now, when America is the No. 1 target of hostile forces eleewbere i n the world. whoee nurjor aim ia to brin1 her down-and when a noiay. minority of her own citizem, f orcet- ful or iporant of the hiatory of their country. lend tbemaelves eagerly and viciously to the task. Dema cracy, .. a MDM the stronc- est system ever conceived for main- taini q the ri•hta of the individual in the face of the neceuities of ~ tional covernment. ia also in another sense the weakest, for it rests almost entirely upon this habit of accep- tance. In the lut analysia. no armed force can bold It tosetber. On.17 the will of the people can do that. With- out their 1upport. it crumb~nd crumbles fMt. Undermine the habit of support and you destroy the sya- tem; and in fairly abort order, a.a the livee of nationa l'O· Thi.a, euentiall1, ia what thoee who would undermine it in America have 80UCht to do in the put f"' months and years. They have eou1ht to con- vinee the American people that they no lonpr can believe in their 8J'8tem and. therefore. no lonpr can believe in themaelves. The •..-• bu run that the aystem doee not pnmde the oppor- tunity for all which it purport.a to do; that it 00. not automatically suarantee all of ita citisem the best education, the beet job. the beat houae, the best car-with no work to pt theae thlnp; that it doee not automatically ruarantee that all of ita citizens will have llki111 and re- spect for one anotber-rq:anllea of whether, u individuala, they are worthy of IWns and l"fJllpect ; thd it ia not aome automatic Utopia pro- vidinr pie in the lkJ' and the US\U'- ance that all of ita citisena will be declared otncially perfect-whether they are or not. And that because it does not au- tomatically do these thlnl'• because a rood education, a 1ood job, a •ood Jif e, and the decent respect of one'• felloft mu.t atill be earned b1 pa. tient, laborioua, and honest endeavor -theee diesentera feel that it aeme-- bow bu failed ita citlsen.a and ia no lonaer wortby of their aupport. Such bu run the aqument. eo it still rune, and will continue to nm. in all probability, for quite eome time. Tboee who ma.t loudly con- demn umateriall~c America., damn it became it doee automatieally pro- vide them with the most material- istic of rewards. Tbey complain like spoiled infanta, and because thq an Joud and evil ud intimidatln., they have been able to persuade or friabten a certain number of their fellow Americana into a lack of faith in the euential eoodneaa and ultimate ftlua of our democnq to all the people. Ca nlkt•• d wlthovt check. tllia ~ eeu could de9tro, ln a relatively abort period that steady faith ln d• mocracy which in the ftnaJ redton- in• la ita only real atrenstb. Thia ii what the wncken deliberatety have set out to do. Tbq will continue their dforta, for they are u peniltent u they are evil. With some. they have alread1 auc:ceeded. inevitably they will with more. But they will not auceeed with the majority, nor wiU they eucceed in overturni~ the American democra- cy u Joni u it continues to pro- vide the reuonable e>pportunitJ and, above all, the reuonable penonal liberties that nuonabJe men bft4 a richt to apeet from it-end u Ion• .. most Americana bell... in it u inltinctlve}y u they do. The else of the wreck.en' taak, if they continue in it. ia meuured in the simple oatb-takiq that will oc- cur tomorrow. · In a free vote in which aome 70,000.000 Americana cast tbefr ballota, the deciaion wu Our lnoupral eo.. O.r tofln' ie c llaeiroel ~t o/ Ute Fint F..,,.ilw: Prwianwi.t RiGA- •"' II. N~ l i• wife Pot, au ._,._ ten J.JN (14/t) .U TriM (HJ&f~). Mr. Niztn& C.U.. o~ toMofT'ow. rendered. It wu not an offi whelm- . ina deciaion, and for a good while it wu not a clear-cut one. But in due coune the l"fJllult emersed. Neither durins the Ions houn of the vot. count, nor later, dld any reaponaible eltlse11 aarwbere ill tbe countrr auneat that 11.r. Nixon had not been fairly elected or that h!a vietol'J abould be coni.ted with foree in faYOr of llr. Humphre,y or that the 111tem had failed le> work or that it should be overturned and 1omethin1 elae be put it it• place. Cloee thoup the ve{dict wu, it waa iutantly, and for all practical purpoeee, unanlmoualy accepted. ThoH out on the frin.. who had been abouting ao loudly and M> loq that the American democney wu a fraud were 1llenced by the almple majesty of ita free, uncontrolW- and uncontrollab~iaicm. ......... atep9 fOrwvd. raiHI Ilia hand, BWean to .. pr.er", protect, and def end" UM. Conatitution, and. implicitly. tbe nation and Its system of rovernment and the enonnoua power of tbe people'• united will puaea Into hit hands. It ia still the American miracle. The quiet certainty of It.a acceptance is an act of faith to ....-t that thoee eick eoula who challenp it, while tbej may auceeed for a while yet in fri1hteniD1 the decent. cannot in the loq ruq achieve their empty and destructive roal in any lutin1 way. The wei1ht of blatory, the weiaht of democney ia arainat them. • 7 l l I 'I ,j I I I I I I I f • , -----------·---_--·--~·~--------~~~~~~ -··-• .r=...•-·-• ~· • ·-™ Wherever 1969 leads you, this is the most beautiful way to go. Almost any occasion becomes the occa- sion when you arrive in a Cadillac, motoring's finest expression of e~. 11le compelling. new beauty of the 1969 cadlllac holds the promise of spirited performance, a promise fulfilled by cadlllae'sgreat+72V-8. You will discover new Ideas In convenience and comfort throughout this magnlftoent automobile, as exemplified by a unique "control center lnstrument panel and cadlllac's exclusive Dual comfort front seat that ls available on most of the eleven models. When you drive this brilliant new automobile at your authortzed cadlllac dealer's, we believe you'll agree that, what- ever your destination. there ls no flner way to enjoy ~e Journey. ~~· IJ I p] pi Tl "I "I p) er fr. jc :u cc r• D F ft F it k b 0 a a J INTll.TAINMINT Life with My Zany Father- Danny Kaye By DENA KA YE I w AS DRll18ING to ~ out, and I asked Daddy to please, if the phone rang, take an accurate mes- sage for once and not just ten me that "someone called.,, -Jwrt then the phone rans. Jly father picked it up and asked who waa ca Dinar. Then be aaked, "What's your blood t;ne1" "Have you bad any cbiklbood dieeuee ?" "le thil an emersency or a eocial call?'' After a f ruitleaa attempt at settiq the phone away from him. I aettled back and enjoyed the interroption. I hoped my friend on the other end of the line was en- joyiq it, too. That's the way life ia in the uny, unpredictable home of Danny Kaye -my father. life II nenr dull there became Daddy ie aa much a comedian at home aa be is on the stat'e. And be combines this ecnedy talent with a total hm>Jvement in what- ever he doe&-!.particularly cookin&' and flying, his two pet hobblte. Take, for eumple, bis penchant for cooki.q, a bobby that hu led him on the road to diaaater more than once. One day Daddy suddenb' l'ol a tremendoo11 yen for French sourdough bread, for exampM. He ftew to San Francisco to an excluaive French restaurant for the recipe. Getting it, be ftew beck home and raced into the kitchen, where be spent boon bakiq the bread. When I asked him how it turned out, be simply said, "Watch.'' He banred a loaf of the bread bn the kiteben table and chipped it-not the brea.c:I. the table. And all he did waa JauJ'b,. D•IWY• .......... in food, fonip food e.speciaDy, 1tarted when be wu J"OUDI', travelinl' all over the world with a abow called "La. Vic Psru." While other mem- bers of the cut went ahoppiJll', Daddy waa aeekins out ot.eure native restaurants, trying to communicate with waiten in bia now-lamoua pantomime. In a renaurant in China. Daddy recalll trybJs to order chicken by ftappinl' bia arma around and malting clucking IOUDda. The waiter nodded kno1'iqly and returned aome time later with two ena. That probabl1 ac- counts for Daddy's reluctance for ma1dns omelet.a even toct.f. Besides bia hobbite, Daddy also ia total- ly involYed with him family. I know I've learned J1W17 import.ant leuom from him. The year I made my hi1h..ecbool drill team. for instance. I practiced struttin1 around the boUtle, and Daddy would 1trut rt1ht after me, doiq wild imitations of my routines. It wu hia way. of telliq me not to &'et a swelled bead and not to take my- self too aeriouely. Daddy started me on an allowance very younc--and at a nickel a week. I remem-- ber m•klq a piteh for a raiae by tellinl him my room wu -t and clean. He aaid, "Fine. I'll raiM JOUI' allowance not be- caoae of that-after all, if it'a filthy, you hue to live in it--but becawie you deserve it." It waa my flrst lealon in valuee- what'a important and what's not. Daddy'1 way always bu been tot.ch by eJownm. and jokiq. but the leucm la there. No matter bow far apart we are ,.o- gnpbicalJy-.nd Dadc:IT• work takee him to far-oil pJaee. 10meti~we are aa close u tM DllU'e8t phone. Last apriJas, while making a moYie in France, Daddy called and uked Mam and me if we woold like to have dinner in hil favorite Chinese reetaunnt. "Yiq'1 Thing."~· bil pet name for our kitchen. We aaid 7e1, an4 sure enoul'h he ftew in that even.in• for dinner. Like I aald. he'a unpredlctab1e. But tbat'a the way lite ii when your father ia Danny Ka,y&-Ud J wouldn't want it any other way. • Fa.Ur W....,,,1....,..11,1H1 ' WILL YOU SMOKE MY IEW 1111 OF PIPE 30 Days at my Rislc? All I want ia your name so I can write and tell you why I'm willing to send you my pipe for 30 days smoking without a cent of riak on your part. .. ar E. A. Caf_, M.J DIW pipe W not a DIW model, not a..., .tyi., not a DIW .-.., not an impacn-t ca old style pi.-. It ia the ... pipe in the world to me an MliNly ,.. prila- cipl1 for JiYin1 a11adul~rated pleume io pipe amokera. l'w bee a pipe 9IDOker for 80 ,...,.. ahrQ'll lookins far the ideal pipe-buyias all tba diee~ntiq pdpta. ad ... 6ndq a ..... IOtitaiy pipe &hat woalcl amob hom after how, da7 af~r day, without~ bite, or eladp. With comiilerable ~ I tt. cided to wwt out IOlmihins far m,..lf. After molltM of eirperi- mentiQI and 8CJOl9 ol ~ meta. ...,w...q. abnaet by llCCi- Yoa mlsht upect all ttm to re- quire a complicat.ecl mechanical pdpt. but .... )'OQ .. ii. the mc:wt surpriliq thiq will be that l'n dom all tbit ia a pipe that Joob lib~ ~the~ CGDYm- tiona) pip-. n. dam. I c:oUl make for tbit )Jl'bdple iD tobecc:o enjoymmt .,. • lp9Ctacular that DO pipe---wwldbalin'e thmn. So, m.c. "..-. ia Winia1." I Ulo IQ "vnokinc ii ooe~iaciq" ud I waa& to ...t JOU cm Ca197 Pipe to llDOb 30 da,Ja at my rilk. At the end ol U.U an., if you ue willinc to sift 1lp ., .. ea.., Pipe, limply m.k it to bitl-and re- tm:n it to me-the trial bM cmt you nothinc. deat. I diawvaacl bo'lr to ~ Plew eend me your name to- foar ,._t mtmal law to siw me day. n.. coupon or a pmtal card n..,-thina I wanted in a pipe. It will clo. I'D emd you at.ohrt.elJ .JI!.._ •• -.n-·-•"--L:--~ .. " &.-..... trial 111.ua•·-----v ----.-~m;ycotnpW. · o«.-eoyou From the &at pd it llldmd cool caa decide ftW yowwelf wbfths or -it mnoked mild. It enolrecl rilbt not IDl' pi~ frilDds an dOW"D to the 1ut bit of ie>bacco ricbt wt-th97 •J tba CaN7 Pipe without bi.~. It nner baa to be ii the ,._.t.t anc>kiq in..Doa ''Nned." AND it"'"' has to be eYel' patmt.d. s.d yam name deellMI Yet it ia ~ Dztpo.-and mailins llCldnm to me today. lible for pw llhad,. to rw:h yoar-IY am pipe...-.. to anatbw, I'll tonpe. beca._ my hmmtion 6-paarana-you the aurprill ol J'OIU' mpatm tbe &'00 •• It lomtst life, Jl'rw. Writ.: E. A. ean,. ...... ... 1128 • J ......... ctll••· II. .... E. A. c:un, 1121 llrr1,.w.-., Dlfl..let, a.., .. W4I Plea. ..u fact. dout the Cuey Pipe .,.&ap prepaid. After nediDI I wm cledde ti I wut to Uy it for ao l>.78 at YOUR R18K. 8"17· dabrc J'OQ 8Wl •tr.. No •'ssmen •to c:aD. i I ,r~~---.~--------..._.._,_.__....,_.._,~--_...a __ ._._... __ .._ __ . __ ._,. ____ ~--~~--~ -------- .......... ~~· I . ~I I ,_.,..fl(( ceteru......_.,,......_ I I • 11,.. ~ 1119"'11"'•• tor tali I ---· 111r. I I ~ --~on~•• I 1....._. I I,.... · Mi 11ii I --_________ .. ( 01nforf ~hoP\ FOR TH[ HARD TO flT fm Uftm CATM.111 Wide dokt of C9Mfott mtnlt _, ~ -.. • lttt lltWtlt ...,... Sim ~12. w.s M.M-fRE l'nctd ,,.. $7 .tS. Alto wo.ltrtvt Mltct6M "'MEit ... TID$.. OfessJ or...._ -... , ...... dip. ,.... ...., llllltt• ~ ... tllrH. Cll1r1t1 ., ... 4. Mtr. &,fas, Diltr1, Tcwdl, Mlst9t eurae. u.M:ard ......... ...., .. ......... I ~Shoe ...... Ntl I ...... ,.. ....... ,.... .. ,., .... , I I ""':' ... FllU .. coa. C19tar. I I --CPI-o<l••I I I I ,....... I. ·~ ..... •I L:-----------..J When You Order By Mail From Family Weekly •.• ......................... ...,. "' .......... " .......... -...... "' ...... .., .......... , . ...... ,..., ........... ,... . ., ................. ,.. .nte: Slntcit ......... ,...., ....,, 641 ........ ~ ... ~ l .Y. 10022. "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved .,.. ftr th1111•s wh ''"'"' lltnilJ All aatioenPinnt that really workaf Solve• underarm problem. for many who bad dHpaired of effective belp. MUehum An&l-Per.plrant bes-underanm abdutely dry for thomanda o1 sraterul u.en. with comnlete •entleneu to normal s{D and clothiq. Thia unu.ual formula from a trust.- worihy 56-year-old labontory i• 1uaraateed to .. ti•fy or dealer will refund eurcha .. =..s:,m~::=:t .. 1:. 9Dlnnt.. Liquid OI' cream.$3.00, ~1. aappl.y.AvailaW. at your favorite dnaa or toiletry count.er. 1'NOll NOi•• AGE SPOTS* 'H0TO CIEDtTS flo.-2: AIC; cas. MIC. ,op 71 Wide World. ~ 171 H. Arwtstreftt hbena. No Nagging BdacheleMsa Good Night's Sleep FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK nv@nienoo ·' • I~ MELA.NIE DE PllOIT Food Editor 8 The appe~ JI.ha illu•traled un the rigbl onJy look aa lf they require time aad effort. A(!t•ally. convenlieaee food. greatly •impllfy their preparation. The ~rltet or· der a.elude. ...eJa Item• u paek.apd pre- cooked ri~ canned aoap and v....,les.. eake mix. lnuat puddln1. paekqed ulacl dreMlng~reat helpen in mailbag a bearty meal euy I or yoa~ Soup Kettle Supper ~ lh. •littd H<Oll, c•t ia pieeee J nlP9 diff4 cook~ .... I can (HYa oa.) coade....t beef brotla Z c•pe water I ~ n .. ,.ckqed prHOebd rift 1 eaa (17 oa.) whole ken.el eon I cua (1 llt.) ~ beau t ea• (1 lb.) to•at.oa I to 2 teaapoou salt % teupoo.~Pft" I tablnpoon .. elJ cltoppe4 panle1 t. Fry bacon in a kettle or Dutch oven until crisp. Remove bacon and drain on absorbent paper. %. Pour oft' all but 2 tablespoons of the drippinp. Fry ham in the hot bacon drippings in kettle until sligbtJy browned. 3.. Add bacon and remaining ingredient.a except parsley. Brinr to boiling, cover and remove from heat; let stand 5 min. 4. Sprinkle rice mixture with panley and serve. AbDHt 8 •~irtgs Coffee-Glazed Chocolate1 Ring 1 Ilks. Geraaa'• chocolate cake ais I plls. (4Y, ea.) cheeolate-1Hore4 iaataat ,.Wl•tr I np wat~r 4 etfP (abo•t 1 c•p) 1. Put ingredient.a into a larse mixan1 bowl. Beat at low speed until just moist.. en'ed. JncreHe gpeed to medium and beat 8 min .• i«:rapin1r down sidea of bowl oc- casionally. i. Meanwhile. line the bottom of a l~in. tubed pan with heavy paper. Tum batter into paper-lined pan and spread evenly to edges. 3.. Bake at 360°F. about 50 min. or until a cake tester comea out clean when in- serted in cake. 4. Set cake in pan right side up on wire rack and cool 16 min. Remove from pan and cool completely on rack. 5. Spread Instant Coffee Glaze over top of cake (see photo). Otte IO·in. tubed ealu Instant Colree Glaze: Disso\ve 1 tea- spoon Instant coffee in 8 tablespoons wa- ter in a bowl. Add 2 cups sifted coafec- tionen' aurar and a few 1Tains ult; stir until smooth. If glaze is too thin, add more sugar until of deaired consistency. 2,:, ctlp II~ Boney Salad Dressing Thilf sweet-tart drusing accen.tN4le1 tlte xic,rf tan1111 /fat1or of eitra fnlita. % cup rider •iaepr Z t.altlespoou ••ter 1 "'•. prlic-t .. ored uJad· •resaia« •is ff c•p ula4 or cookinc oil S to 4 tablespoou hoae1 Mix vinegar and water in a cruet or jar with a tight-fitting cover. Add aalad-dreu- ing mix. cover, and shake well. Add oil, cover, and shake. Add honey. Shake be- fore using. Abot1t 114 etc,_ Nla.d tlrcuiflg ConvnieMCe f<>Oth an part of 1oecp kett~ ntpper, Iron.er salad druaitag, clwc- nlatt ri1'1/, 4ftd iataftl ~o6e. gl.ut. ~ t I ... FAMolis BIA/IDS GO ~rn®a~~~~ FREE 96·PAGE COLOR CATALOC Pl •MIROW ........ •.MllTZBI . •• •IUWTI'M • L.oemoR F08 •WIDON TUftTLIMICll8 QO KlllG·SIZll The nation'• oldest and laraa& specialist in apparel and footwear for aao and bis men brinp you America's peat.est scJeo. tion of pcrfcct-8ttin1 clothes. Cbooee from a amart new-eason array of McGREGOR Scobct Sport Shirts and ActiocW~kds. JANTZEN Sweaten ... ARROW Dec- too Penna-Iron Dress and Sport Shirta. Banlom and Knits ... MANHATTAN Ma.Prat SbiJ1a ••• LONDON FOG AD-Weather C.O... ... WELDON ~ wear and Robel. Plus Sweaacrs. Slacks. Swaaabirts. u~ and many other uduliYe KING-SIZE item.t .•• speci•Jly dcsiped wilb bodiea 4" loqer, aleew:s to 38", necb to 22lf ... alacb witb loaaer iJ11e11ms, N,ber rite, waists to 6'1'. 200 ueQ..llZI IHOE9 1•11 MME'! CbOOle from tbc world'• largest selection few aaD and bis men! All the style bits of the 101100: Hush Puppia. Codam by DuPont, Bates Floaters, Acme Boob. Club Dam Boots ... Jo.fen, brogues, oxfords, al.ip-cms. casn•ls, aneakcn. IVUYTHING COMES WITH THE FMIOUS KJNG.8IZE GUARANl'&: -You aut be compiddy utisArd Both Bcfon and Aller Weariq," C#r·~~~~~~~~~~~~~­... .__~~~~----~ Z•·~~~~ .. _________________________________ ... WMa people &agree widl me., My •YpWMlll'• Dot m1 ... I pa111 dteir .....t n,lat te lte &....._.., WIM, ... wrr• ~ S.....a.d ,;.,.,..,.. QUIPS AND QUOTES The hotel doorman waa tl"Jing without mueh 1ucceaa to hail a taxi to take a peet to the air- port. The peat wu settlna very agitated. "I mmt 'tat.eh that plane," he said. "It can't leave without me." "Don't worry," the doorman tried to comfort him. '"That air- line hardly ever leaves on time." "That's a relief," the rueat sighed. "It's my fint job with them. I'm the copilot." -Al Roberti Middle aoe ia VJ>Oft rov toAn yov realize that tile (lap between you GM tile generation oh«Jd of yow luu almo.t cliaappeared, ht tlw 041> behueft Vo*' OU t~ on-- eratioa beltiftd row luu orowtt iftto aft abyH. --Jeatt David1ort "No wonder Jeanne l'eta straight A 'b in French," said one teen- ager to another. "Her parents are Parisians, and they speak French at home." "Then I ought to get an A in geometry," complained the other. "My parents are squares, and they talk in Cil"Cles." -Berm AU>rigl&t Tiu-. 1ar tluJt 100Mat1' 1 WOt"k ii JUHr tlMN, ht '°"'' oiru tl&ixk thq't1e dmte it all 'When thft'JI 1weep dO'tOfll th. oille. -Patricia, Thoma.a RaUtta11 cl&ildrn ea• be • _. art if you how 10/uwe to dnno the 11... -DO'll Bnutc A panhandler appl'OM'bed a man on the street and said, "Jliater, could you give a cripple « quarter tor bus fare?" "All risht," said the man. liv- ing the beggar a ckiee look, "but how are you crippled!" "Financially." -IAM Oli11olaoM• •t c.tera, Et c.t.ra She DeYer o•en her oplaiea Wlthowa &nt earefally weigltiag it, Bui daea ahe like. wla•t alae'a •ld 80 .... She lleepe .. ying it aad saying it. -E,.... Le. Claiay A man who bad just bought a four-eeater airplane invited a friend to join him and hil wife on bis initial digbt. When they were airbome, the owner turned to hi.a friend, beaming, "What I like moet about traveling this way," he said, "is the absolute sen.ae of fftedom I feel. No worry about jaywalkers, no tr.me lights, no tra.mc tie-upe. And beat of all," he added with a smile, "no backaeat drivina!' Suddenly his wife, sitting in the rear and peering out the window, shrieked, "John! Look out for those big bird.a !'L-DorotUtl Knt Now keep trim and attractive ... by ''COMPUTER''! • Dial the body you wantlor ALL these sports! o strenuous exercise or boring calisthenics I imply set dial and close your eyes to •program" your body in as little s 6 minutes a day ... for: FREE BOOKLET SHOWS HOW IN EXTRAORDINARY PHOTOGRAPHS I ......... ----•11•111 ..... elll • ..... "" Now-lhanb to a day (oo biger than a camera) "computeriad .. minde called the MUL11..sPORTER. JOU can DOW hope to achieft the tJad of ldift. Yiaoroua body odla' men eG'Y ..• and ocher meo'a women mre at. And you c.n belin '"*'PPina into" &bis perfect body-NOT after' boun, months, eYCD years of weariJolne aen:ite -but in the inc:redibty short ''J>rolrammed imcnal" of just 6 minutea a day! ua d1M t"-lJ toJca IO llwtw/ MULTI-SPORTER. ii yir1ual1J a bro.tul,..,., in11mt/o#f. But m .iuat • few abort moatbs, ita revolutiocwy princiille of "CO~ CONDmON1NG" bu been ~, odoptff by pro/uRoMI ciltldal la &ct. at you rad the. words, memben ol the a.d- in& Cemn iD the National FoocbaU l.equo'a WetlUD Dmlioa an miq-and pniliq - the revol11tioa.uy princ:iplo bellind MULTI- SPORT'Bll foe the_,. iDcnldi>le 1C1iaa al un- brotm ~ la receot pidiron bisloryl Boaera, Wl'Clltlen, judo ud brale imttudon, bocby and IOCCU falpl are allo ~ OD the baodwapm. And doma it FAST-to keep their rinla from SCtiaa the .. eqe"J A..._._. _ _. • ..._..._. ... ? Yee -it .. a r.ctl Tbat'a wby pr~ but .ab- ides .ate IO ucikid libout the c:omputerimd MUL11..sl'OllTElt. For ew:n aa it coadidom their boclics -" --""""""'· ~ tdlt/on:a tlw b.rw/fdol aedoa o/ llw ,,,on tltdl II tl&riT IJwlJ1too4J Toe7 -• ~ ~ IO will yoa BWD .. you belin to aliaa, trim. atreqtben and tishten )'OUr body. you wiD-ia the Mme imlaDt, witb llO Utnl time or cftort nprnclod-alao be lmproriaa ,our .... in TENNIS ... GOLP .•. BOWUNG .. . TRACX ..• BASEBALL .•• BOXING •.. SOCQUl ... JUDO •.. SWIMMING -or _, lpOrt JOU wiab to "'ptc)pam" into the amaDnl MUL11-SPOR.TE1l. .. _.._._ ......... ~-...... ,. ... . A built-in THBl\MALl!YB actually ~ wiw, llOrea ~ ebo4ll 70flT 11'0-rca -.o1Ntbll:7 ... aacdy u ~ c:ompot.er Wiw Md llora iafonnatiao iD iD OWD data bmbl Yee. MUL11.$POlt.TEll actually ~ fllfll "/~ INlclc" tbe bnauitJ of )'our piorfonunce.. Not paUiaa CDOUlb ., 1be 11IBllMAL-8YB -09 die buia of atored da&a IJMit applies Ge17 to JOU -wilJ _., IO. l'uUiQa IOO "'*" lat Tbe reaaarbbie TIIEJl-MAL EYB will alert you in tbat Qle tool It. __._, MULTI.sl'OllTBJl ril be "'pro. snmmed" to 70W htly .. "*' "°'111 ""'11 So follow MUL11.s:POR11Ul to die letlel' Md JOU c:.aot mate • -...u. ..,__ CHt-,,,.,,,,. "' "°' ....... ~. nta900KLST ........ 11 n 'a -~·tis r So incredMe ia tbe aeries ol ~ la your F1tEB BOOK1.2T ... l'Ofl ""'"' ltOI H--u.w ,,..,,. ~ dwy ""'· """-· «tlMI ,,,... 1rqlvl Not drawinp or~" bol actual pbolosrapb9 which ba.-e beat .....-S Ya.lid, fuJty lepJ ~ by the U.S. Gownt- meat ud 17 odaer Ulioal iDcludins o..t Britain. Pnmce IDd Germa.ay! Yoo will allo read our utoundifta paarantec: We _,. JOU must ldualJy SEB tbD dir.ef9ae 9CC1sd.J be able to '#rl/y die nsulta with .... ...,. IN JUST TWO SHORT WBBltS OR YOU OONT PAY A PBNNYI Haw cu we make JUCb a '" 1 J5iq Pl'Ollllle? 8ecaa.-rmilta .... bued Oil «Wnrifoc ""°'' Not lull with profeuioDa1 atblea-bat &llo witb -jl:llt lib """ ha u little aa 6 min11tea a da7 MULTI· SPOlt'JlUl ii ...... to make ai.. - lb'Oqer', harder. more ~ md .,.. powefful in ......,. ..,. llle7-llld tWr ..... -SR .. gnWwt and overjoJwd a& diia a-s&t. Wby eat Mtcaith yound.n Tab 19-Int ..... dft 1'cp ~ die trim .... Mlndhoe bodJ '°"..at. Al tbe ftl1 ~-.. ..._ MUL11- SPORT'Bll ii aD aboot. Seed few ,aar FaBB 800IC.LBT DOW. Tltnw u "° """-"'-No Mlewme will call No Gile wi1I ..... ,_. Md the coapoD toda.1 • 11Ull1-UOWIER helpt~to: .... ••l•tll.. ...... • :.:=r--. ............. .. .,.... . ............... _ ......... Ull It ........ ... ......,.•r..t......., .................... ............ = ..,_...,.... ...................... ..... .,.... .......... ... . ... ...., ..... ..................... •n tllrCIM, .. llerfq ........ Cl.~ .. ....... _... T ... lt ........ World-Wide.....,_. ........... ....... ... -~~*···· .... ,......_....,.. ~ ,_., _,...... "' Ml:"8dll ... --........... ,,... .............. .,..~--- .,..., ...... Ulllll --°' .............. ........ Ml ttl ~·I ........ a s 0 trftll -rt .r.-.. ,...... ......... .... ........... ., ..... of ..... _.. ... wUe." G J ... r .L. Oftfl" • 0 S llr.J.W. r FREE BOOKLET-• 1 I llUL11•NllW. ~, ~PW-tOJ I ..... .,... ...... .... Y ......... Y-'la.19 I I v._,,.. PllD ,,...... • •*41 I MUL'lt..ootiBa ...... a& -.1 I ..................... .... ... ~ tr. ... _.... (Ao-I I ... ,..,..,..,,, NOi' ........ . .._,_.......,... -• ..... ...., I I ltlcr 0 ? .., 91117 -.) TlllN II ........... .,..., . ......_ ... .,I I -·---- 1 Nw "---:.a I:--.. LC-..: Home detlwty ~,-Id. Wnt.-..-W offs. --OMMGMCE eottroMTIOH, lMI ~2 ~-----------------------------~L ~- L ,., f 9,, I No netd tD pmlHlp tvtr~ausf EAl-le*S -. ..._ flt 111111 Ind stly up wWt they Soft. elastic tabs stretch ower ends of wpiecea. lnrisiltt. rrt .a SUstic ,,.. GET'40 CASH wittlkMIJend ~,,.,. Gt9Ce s.11 end ,..., ... . ..,_ WWWt-•W --------&.Ill ___ ..... t:"ctt'•'C': -=-=:n ... -~ ==;;:g: lf~~t:ut Si._ ....... ---··--·"---. __ .._....,.,... ......... .................. _ .. ___ _ -la l'.Am ·--...._,_ ,.... ......... .,.v.._~ .. _ .. ~.,-..... t.·c: c.:UG!. ni.n.'T..r:;Z:: ~ ....... ........... -....... ·---......... ______ ......,. __ =.'=' =.:. -...... -=-.....,~...., ----.. -·~·-._ ...... -----~·---·-n.i.· ......... _,... r _ .......... _ ... ~1'0MY1-;-a ............................ - 1 ...... ..-~-------· I :.C.'::...-~•,.e .. o:_-..;-z I , ._.-. . I I I I I ,...,, .... dlikhn.) Do not .... wHlt lndtctiwt, ..... Plds or olMt ilaprldical dlwica aat .-to tliniutl ..,.._ n 2 Ml 0ntJ ....... ,.._. EM-Um n Plr•klll tD ~ ,..._ fraa ...., sadlnc. ~ 1 pelr, 2 Plif1 $1.00, bf rttln Mlil postplid. No C.0.0.'a. INDANftTI Dona1 PnMlllCts, De,e. FWl. 200 W. 57 St., N.Y. 10019 :-:_-.-::c ......................... !pll!I_ ................ ~~;;;;;,;;~ Free Kennedy --· ..... -~..:...-.. "":.-i= _,_ .. __ ,._ ---...... -~ ... .... ..,_ •• ,.,.,..c.. ... .... ____ _ .................. _.. ..... !Mn..-.°"" .... 1.--.Nl llG:n = &::.i=.~.1::..."-:-::;:'--=-..: .:-"'":;.. It ---= ~ °' stampa · . .:::~..:-::lley, .... " •:s:a~ ==--~~=.:=;...~-:.: ::a • .::~r:l ___ ·------~ =--=-~==i:=:.-.... "" ..... ..... ol ,,._ ....................... llr.&.-QSUJ', Toco, .,,, I ,-,._ ." ~-:1 PhlUppln.e1, , OolaDbla. ..... : tilJOQnforUM ukln• t Pl11• 1 c oonaroar111a · ' = . .,,~;, ~} I I '• ' " "• :Jf! nAmp oolleC!• ··---·--·!'::J -T..&A.& _.... catalas. n UAI. Jnmdnd& ol •-1'8Ds W mak.e JOW' bobbJ mGn •-T•, •......,,..... -._ .,..._ wllll .. ..,_ Jolabl• .hat emad aame.. llddl9e ............. °'1edtr ... , ....... :::.=- &Dd au; oode to Ll'11 .... ~!'.!> ~ ~ =:-..... ~~ ......... ..:. OoaaPIUll, Dept. n-1. La• ... •-· .... -·--1'. B. OIMl ---.. ...,,. .................. . ....................... ________ --1 le ... -.,.. ............. If,... .. -------------Ill ........... -.w. .......... _., lOO STYLES FOR WIDE f=EET ....... Mlln ··--...... u ....... c.-... .......... .... r..aly fll. , ....... -...... I Ut h ~ ....... ... .10llCOCll .......... .....,_ _ .... ..._ .. ....., ....... ._. ...... ._....... ..... "' s-4 ..., $1.00 .... ~ .... , ........ .....,.....,, .. PM ._ i• e•i.to 1.-.., --">· t.. ... ....,.._..,.........._. ..... ......... I 7 ° M C..,.11111.,a.l.Nt .• .............. .......... ~ 1' V -SL-41¥T Bl.BJ' '47011 Pl..,ood leisd or le11 ~ ,..,e• tle /tl{Z '°'4Ul of "*1' tAGttru. 6-14" for gr-.Ur- Tut BU """'fort. 1 tJ4jut-- tJbk IHiglata. Fiu titlCUr "'4ttreu, folda flat 101an bed u ...uuk. Ttoi• me, 111.98; dotlble, 114.98 ppd. BitteT Skq, Dqt. FW-1, Nesoh~e, NJ. <J11J14. E•lllWIDBll tlae Greed Seal of tk U1"U4 Statu t1at flatu beei to 1181. Kit Au f obrie, ato111ped dHig•, '°"'• Crnod•edk, mtnre- tiou "'" deeoratWe gold ft7tial& f '1'01M. 1 r ita tlia. A prov4 gift! 11.96 ''"' 6tH poltagCJ. Creacefal Houe, Dept. FW, !6 So. ltla Aw., ltlt. Veneott, N. Y .10561. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE ZIP.SNIP automatically dispemee, cut.9 standard rolls of plutic wrap, foil, wu paper. Encloeed rotary blade sniJ>8, bolds in place till you remove. Battery operated, cordleaa, uae on wall or sbeli. 17% x 4 % x 4 ". '85.96 ppd. Robert Mfg., Dept. FW, 80 Winchester St., Newton, Mus. 02161. II •\ .I -- TUE YEARS OJT your appearance in S min- utes ! Couvert makes wrinkles, crow's feet, frown lines virtually disappear. Skin seema smooth, fresh. natural looking all day and night! Imperfections minimized to point of invisibility. One ftacon bas covering make- up, the other a camouflager. Choose tight, medium, tan, sun tan. S-month supply, $li Jon James, Dept. FW-1, 41 E. Oak St.,Chicaro,m 60611. ELECl'RIC PAINT RDIOVEB takes off up to 12 layen of old paint as well ~ re- moving old walJpaper -and so easily! Yoo can use on flat. curved or irreplar surfaces. Safe, parta replaced free of charge. fl2.98 ppd. Larch, Dept. FW-1, P.O. Box 770, Times Square Station, New York, N. Y. 10036. BUY TWO PAIRS of famous-name shoes at a great value! Polymeric shoe is gnat; won't scuff, never needs a shine. Black or olive brown oxford, or black loafers. Specify sise. 2 pain at $13.96 or f8.60 each pair. Ppd. Jay Norris, Dept. P99, 31 Danae Ave., Freeport, N. Y. 11520. l' LIVE PET si:ABORS~ of yoor own! Raise these Jittle charmers in a jar or bowl. Educational for the children and !un for the whole family. Live delivery guaranteed. Delightful! ~ each ppd; or $1.90 for papa. mama, and two babies. Florida Seahonee, Dept. B-10, P. 0 . Box SOO, Miami Beach, Fla: 33189. r....._. SJt,o,,_, ,,_..,..NM'--....... I/~ ..... -...... ,,,,, •• --...°"'-Pe-..... ,,.,.,_ Almost every good cook has one special recipe for which she is ''famous'' Now you can get a whole book of recipes like these free- many of them blue-ribbon priz~-winners at state and county fairs I N NSULY llftaY C80WD you'll ind one really stand- out cook and, around her, you will ~always Ind a circle ol ecstatic friends clamormr few one Clet· tain wonderful diah. A special-requ.t cake. perbap., that always .U. int at the 8Chool bazaar ... a mem- onible caaerole that tramfonm a dinner party into a penonal triumph ... an abeolutely bauntinc niliah tbat take. top bonon at the mile or county fair. Now we have collected ave YOlume. ol jmt mch recipe:J and we invite you to keep any one of theee boob free ewn if you decide you don't want to own the com- plete ..t. Ordinarily. tempting recipes like the9e are not found in print. On the (lODtfary, they are u.loudy kept "in the family" -banded down from mother to dauchter. divulpd only to .... friend9, MJCDetimN repMted fran memory rather than written down. Bat bec•me tlMllfJ rec:ipe9 are 10 sr-t ... becm.., they truly Npi!llnl the brilliant best in American oookinc. we decided to collect and prwrve the CrNJD ol them in an authentic. ciompft!hemive oollectioD.. We contlded womm'• poops all O¥er the country and impnmed CID t:bem the importuce ol .aviq and .._ring tb.e ~" recipes. We liPOke to prden dut. and junior lequ-. penumded dl8ID to collect tbe rare redpee of tbeil' memben and tbeiJ' rePma. We talUd to home «"<'D'm'ista and Mbd for thoee mpedal recipe. which they, • career coob, lane 1 el cW to me in their own homer We appMled to ...,.... ol a6len' .n.. for the sr-t recipe9 they'd collected when livina al U.S. military pG9b tbroach· oat the U . 8 . and all aver the world. Allioptber, we oalleded a rich and varied lie tzw. my of more tbu 100,000 ol U... recipea. a.n.bed '"family" recipm. complete with "wret lQPeCli- mt" ... reci.,.. broqht owr by eMt1en and immipanta.or brousbt Mm from trawl to di9tant Landa. Fnorite ncipM ham tbe ltitcbem ol .,..anon' mamione in IMD7 ol the 50 lltate&. -Uawrittea" red,-dictated by unMteNd c::ulinary ~of anot.ber .... Blue-ribbon NCipe9 booond apba and api.n at state and cou.aty fain and other aac:h compedlime ID lhori. a D9WJl'-belore con.ctm al .. orisinal" ..... from ril:bt 9Cl'cm the whole ... ......, ol AJDa'ica. From tbia 9bu.ndance. we lnally made a llelection of the rwt out.tandiq entrim in 6ve ~riee: Meet, C..nrola, Veptables, S-IMe, and Dmnta. Fift full volumee in all ... over 4,000 incomparable recipes ... almolll 2.000 ..,_ of fi'auoriut Recipa of AJtNrico. And -=h recipe proudly Uped by the out· stand.inc home cook who ba9 te.ted her recipe may timee in ~ own kit.cben and ill caddeat that her clirectiom will gift you perfect ftl9Ulta. lmt imqine your family'• delicht when you 9W'· prille t.bmn with a .teeminc Cludea, Tola a"'1 Ollioft Cawrok, bri&ht with pimento and peprib. b--.. with ma~loualy mm,led fta¥on ... and a frqrant loaf ol hot, hommutde He~ Bread to 10 with It. Or just heu their criee ol cleliPt if you foUow that with a Stale Fair C~·Appk-Nul Pi.e! Or iJnaline the thrill ol treating your hedanled bridle dub to ~ ill a Pid Cloutl lllil4 8""tt C11LC ,.,.,._. (the .ecret ol that elmiw 8awr ia frala .trawberria and a liberal l8Cinc ol Coint..u) ... or~ up a famil¥ picnic with Pauuy~ omUo DUkl& Red &ct Ea• and a G..ae Wllal 8olad which will lmw them both 11..mni and ravine. - Or jut few fun. imaaine .......eri.nc tbe pennaial .. What'• for 11UppeT'?"' with: Spirariltcwrra .•. Ola Boy Farm Boy ... Bllb6k aMI SqweaA •.. and Fed Ma11'• Mi«ry for ct-mt! Y ou1l 8ncl all theee c:leUsMil and moN in tb.e unique oookboob. bricht in their 8p1Mh-wl«aln resjetent checbd calico OOYen. There are ..,.a.I MC· tioOI onpme, maniac,~. prnisb.iac, hr....t INlkina, bich..altitude coobey ......... ~ biJla and how·tm OD tUinc tbe boledom oat al dai17" cookinc ... full.pap full-G>lor illu.tratiom al bow WIXMlerful many ol theM cr-t redpee will look after you've pNIJIU9Cl tbaa.. We'reeo mre you11 love theee boob that we want'° eend tbml to you for&. eumin.etion. We hope. ut- urally, that once you'voe Mm U... remarkable boob. med thml in )IOQ.r own kitchm for 10 daY8t you will want to keep than all. But if not.jmt.i.ct the one you lib bmit and bep it' anyway M a lift for eumininc the ..t. Return the nllt and owe nothiq. Ott.rwiM. you may keep them all for jult $4.96, pl\18 .,_.,.and huwDinc, then $USO a month for two more mondw un- til you've paid a total ol S13.t6 plm po9tqe and ban· d.liq. That'• 8bout 3 recipee per 11, which we think ia a pretty IOOd bupin in any woman'• ~ r-----------~-----------~----------, Mall Thtl Coapoa Wlthotd Money To &•mtne 5-Volw Set Thea keep any one wlame ablolulely &. reprdlne ol whether you decide to bep md hay the otha foar N#UIW-----------------------------------------A.,,.._ ______________________________________ __ Clly~---------------------------------------- &eu-------------------liflJ~-----P,._. ________ _ ~~--~~~11!?._.J •&I 5 di a SEXY MONEY? RELIGION? What.Do You Really Think About? By ALAN D. HAAS J UST WHAT do you think about ID08t often T And how does your thinking differ from others of dif- ferent ages? Psycholotry Profeuor Paul Cameron ot. Wayne State Uniwnity bu tested the thinking patterns of childftll, t.een.qen (particularly collegians). adults, and IT8ftdparenta. In the finrt real study of the generation pp, Cameron broke down hia test groups accordin« to age and, in eerta.i1J instances, according to sex. Here are some of hia intereating findinp : Do JOU think of others rather than youneff? Ao::onlinl" to Cameron's flndinp, if you are an adult (over 21) or a child (under · 12), you will be thinlciJtg of you.rself about 70 percent of the time. Yet our coJiece..ase youth posts the opposite figures, thin.kill&' of themselves only 30 percent of the time and of others 70 percent of the time. Do you often think of...., Here the college 1tudenta have a wide lead; they are apt to be thinking of eex some 20 peftellt of the time, while the 1ub. ject occupies the tbougbta of children and adults only 6 peroent of the time and old people (over 59) not at all One interestinr 1ideligbt ia that penona young, old, or in between tend to think of the opposite aex about twice u frequently a.s their own. Fathera think more often about their dau•bt.en, mothers about their IOlla. What de the .... :alto.... think ,,, .... .....,.., Younpten up to the age of 10 tend to think about adults ; teeo-agen tend to think of penons in their own age ATOUP; the elderly apend most of their thinking time on the JOU .... such u their crand- children. "No one aeems to think about the elderly--includinr the elderly," Cameron pointaout. How often clo you think ., ......... thlnp? Some indication of the reason for the generation •ap ia revealed by the atatis- tice in this ca~. AcoordiDI' to Cam- eron'• research. adults think about material thinp (the car, houae, morta'-..e. and, above all. mol18J') eome "6 percent of the time. On tbe other hand, eoUese students think about mat.erial thinp only 8 percent of the time. A. previously pointed out, their main concern i• the welfare of others, ac- tively partidpatilll' in civil-~bta demon- atrationa, and peace movements, for example. Cameron feela that it parents could ret their mind.a off the material world, they could "set in tune" with their younpters. College students, too, apend three times aa much thou1ht on problem-eolving and m.alrilll' value judgment.a as adulta do, and twice as much aa cblldren-furtber indi- cation of the ever-preeent pneration .rap. How ofMa do you think of Nligioet? Surprisingly, collea-e student.a think of relirion about 8 percent of their tbinkins time aa compared to a 1caDt l-t.o-3 percent for all other aae poupe. Thia thinki~ could be positive or necattve, however, with thought.a ranging from "I• there a God l" to "Doea tMi minilt.er beat bia wife?" Stu-• dent.a think about relirion about half u often u they think about sex. wt.at • you think '°" .... patt. pNu nt, and fvtvre? Thia ii the one area where the generation gap narrow1. Oldsten. .dulta. and teen - apn think about the preeent 70 percent of the time; younpten between 60 and 66 percent. Adults think of the future rourhly 20 percent of the time, teen-.gen 16 per- cent, and children 26 percent. All qe rroupe tend to think of the put only 10 peJWDt of their tbinkina time, euept the collep ap, where the fipre jumps to 15 percent. Cameron'• reeearch ma.r be useful to an- al78ta and tberapi.atl u a quick measure of aberrant behavior. It mq be belpf ol to you, too. in undentancling the paention pp in today'• IOCiety. • HEDGE OF RED ROSES ... .., ... , .............. • .._. w f1J .,_...., ta rrt it c ........ _ .. ~ ...... --..., ................. ..,. .. ...... ,....._ ...... ,.... .. ......... ...,, ...... ....... .......... _ ............ ... ..... 0 ............. ., .... ...._.._...., ___ __ ..... 4IJllddJ ..... ....., -.... ........................... ~ .......... ,..,_ ............. ,.. .,,...,r'll ...... ,.._ .... _ ....... ,.. ...... ,..... trr u• •rm lea.,.• Jail•• *" ...,.... ,.·n .... • ......_ ._. ................ c.-....., ... •• ,w ....... ....., ...... ............................ , ... .......... ., ........ ........ ........... d!M9 ....... ..... .. ....... .,,..~. • • n m• 11 aa • . .,. .......................... "' • ,... _. • I:' nu -. ......._ • Clllll'tl1 tr fl ,_ ....._ .... lfbl. ................ ID> . ..., • UVIM fDtC(. • . ..,.. • :-- cm lfATl ZI, Here'11\e Way ToCubAR•ptare WOMEN SUFFa WITH llADDEI lntTATION Cotn.mon kJdM)' or Bladder lrTlta- Uoftl den twlce al mall)' women u IDtft. often eaotna ie.-mu and nervouanlla rrom fnqueot. bvrntn1. U.ebll\S urtnaUOIL SIC:ondarlly, )'0\& IM.)' a-ateep an4 Jt.ne ~. B&cltache. and feel old.!!,,_!!l'M, d~ p~. In such C&MS, ~·::uEX \laU· ally brtnp relLtjnc comfort by curl>- ln« pnna In arlcl UTlne, ln4 eulnc peln. CetCYSTEXatdnlcstata today. '\ I '" ·~ The First All-Label, No-Obligation Discount Record Service to Offer All These Advantages .P/ua a unique ext,• bonus... . SELECT ANY RECORD OF YOUR CHOICE-FREE Now ... a record-buying service that has all the advantages you've been looking for-Records Unlimited! It gives you big discounts on all rec- ords, oil labels -with no minimum purchase f'equftd. And you buy OD credit with at-home shopping coovenienoel What's more, you get your 8rst record ff'ee for joining risdrt nowl No other service, club or mediod of buying records offers all this without obUgatfon of any lcmdJ No obliptions -No limitations H you buy records regularly-5, 7 or 12 a year -you probably like to make your selectiom from a variety of Jaf>els. And you don't want the com- mitment to buy a specifled number of records. What you do want are the most generous dis- counts that can be offered OD eoery OM of the records you buyl You get all these advantages only with Records Unlimited! - Discounts up to 75% Though you have no obligation to buy any records, every record you do buy will have a big discount ... generally 33~ % Off the manufac. hirers' suggested list price (see the chart). if JOU join now and p11 tl9e madat lifetime elVOlllMnt f• You can choose~ 12" long-playing record of any label available fa the Unit'eCl state... In .t0me cases we are abJe to oiler discouuts up to 75%1 And remember, Records Unlimtted is the only all-JabeJ service that leb you charge your records! Free Buyinc Guides You will learn about these special saving.1 reg- ularly-through your free copies-of the Record! Unlfmited ooying guide, which will carry list- UI G D ISCOUNTS O N ALL LABELS See~ourseHI ........... ... u.t Prlcei m•nu $1.79t $1.98 ...... Sl.19 2.49 thfOUlh 2.78. . . . . . 1.16 3.49 through 3.78. . . . . . 2.33 3.79 throuah 3.98 ...... 2.49 4.79 through 4.98 ...... 3.ot 5. 79 thrO\llh 5.98. . . . . . 3.79 6.79 throuctt 6.98. . . . . . 4.49 (c.n.ID...,._~,_..-'*..._> Spec .... 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You1l also re- ceive a copy of the current Records Unlimited buying guide, listing hundreds of records avail- able to members at special discount prices. NoU: Since stereo records ~now be played on lnOOllural ( regular high-ty) phonographs ... and ~ no men than monaural records ... all of your records will be eent ID stereo. •reconls ... 1n11t•ll HllnMMtr,tfMllane ·------------------~ Records Unlimited Box 500, Humooy, Indiana 47853 rm enclnans my ti.ISO U/dflfw fllll'00meat fee. P1eue tend me thit record -free: · Title ..•......•.........•..•.••..••••. Label ........••...•••.•....•......•..• CatalosNo .....•••..................... Abo .nd me a copy ol the cummt Records Unlhnited buym, ,wde. J aodenb.Dd th.I -rollmeut IDcJudm DO obljption to puchue any recuda at uy time, but I can order the nicords I want at Records Unlimited dbcoont prices and dw-p them to my llClOOUDt. Print Name ...........................•..••. Addreu .•........•..•......••......•.. City ............•.........•....•.•.... Zip State ...........•.•.••.•... Code •••.... 616-a/ft L------------------• 0119 ._.. ~ llU·ISl/911 _ L.t'a Draw a Dalplllll Br A"" O.fli4.otc The dolphin does A aweeping leap- MIMnOne From a ftve-lettel' word for what you call the smartest student in your claaa, take away the first letter and get something that's always wet. (See AU10er Bo%) ..... with ... Pelly Br ROM Kre&. See if you can ftnd two dop, a airl. and a ioat. He's hirh in the air, Then beck down deep . • Y .. -·It (Stt AM10er Box) Hlde-a·N ..... l. Hidaen in this sentence i1 what Wubinston, D. C., ii to this country: They tried to cap it all by wi.nninl' the boat racet too. 2. Hidden in this sentence ia the name of Waahinston'a most important buildinr: The Inca pit, old and caved-in aa it was, attracted the attention of the student.. (Ste Auwer Box) ....... ,,. What trade must every Preeident of the United States have? (Stt AU10er Bo:r) ·.aalpm -ia111qw::> :11f11.L •w ao>Pnl 'tociJdWO (Z ! IWlJdw:> (t_...N ...... H "UJ1U-VJWltl :.a.I() llllllJJ( ·eon -o--aon •as : ll HnN no A THE AMAZING BINOCULAR• EYE GLASSES • THAT GIVE YOU SUPER POWER VISIONI Enioy DOUBLE the pleasure from T.V., Movies, Sports, this MAGNA-VISION way ••• Now-... thoM 81G clo1..up1 all day long without fatlguel .. ,.._ ...... m-•1t• ... ~wms. :._1111111i.n :-..:-...-:: .. -.::..-:.: ~·" .. .,·~.....:-'= _. ._ ......... _. ... -....._ T.Y ...... ..,.U .... , .......... ---.. .. ·-· a.pa -..all 1Y .._ .........,.,._ .. .,.......... .... ..... ~., ... -ft.an................. . ....... tnlJ ..,,.... te .......... .. ,_ ....... ..._.,. 'I "-1 ...._ ._. 1-T......_. m.oaun -.,., .. 1w ......... ...... • ......_ DllW' ....... • r.v. ................ nca. ......... ~ ..................... . .,....._ ,.,.. ....... tw -tor........ -. a. --:.r"," a,_ 9:.1 ~----11111.-te W e-a: ~::... ~~ .... Yw - --..._ tor ... ,_." te I ........... 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Cl*llt ttr Ctlp _.•II tM _,.. ..._ lw ._. -1111111 ......... u ........ , .......... 12, a. wtlllollt "* .. :.,.,.,:r,~ ~ ~· =-= F~-=:~a .=. Yw _,, ._. lllCI -1111r1 Mil n. ......... ,._ ..... ,. llt ..... Nin .. ,. .... ,.. .... -,,., ..., --•• _., .. en.1te ..,U. ....._ • T.Y. ...... Yw NRfMt lllN ... It Olt 11riC1 It -..ct aft ...... u.. ............... ...,. .. ""'M1Ml--wwt..t ~ llltice.. ,.... ,..... .... ....., ...... .,... ~.,,.... ..... .. -- .......... ut ..... •• I ......,.,..,....,... ,.._. ... ............. ........... ...... ~ . ........-.1 .. ....,.,. .. inctlcl!""l,_U..______ ---....... © 1• llJ FOSTER·TRENT INC., Dept 924-A. !!!!!l'"':J:r-1'.:= 369 Post Road, Larchmont. N.Y. 10538 ~i r---------······-------------····• 1Fo8te~~T~eia. t: : J69 Polt aoacl, D .... ft4-~ L•ch•ont, N. Y. 105H I I ..... --. ---TR--.. dllcllM I I -·-1•NDr-.-..._..-.. ..._ I ...... ff Mt SOl1' ~ tor_, ....._ 1 f'l1llt ...... __________ ...,: I ;:.:-n:_-:::a ,.:!.-:..C. • ..._., I I o sm • tar t.a ..._ add ne _... c:ost> *"" t I -mu SAV'llm SfttW.S -Io ._.. 1WI tor_,, U7 ""' ,..._. CltJ : I B = r.,.. ":..,-..:\:~ .... &Code I ----------------------·------····· -----~-----------------------................................ .. ~~illllllill&lrd~--~. iJharJte Brown wlth all his nteiidS lnalutlBdlnllJui'g/4slfREE to ~your llttlB boyorgJrl what lfJ281Jtll.m books Cllll be. '1100 worth of books FREE for your chlldl FAMILY WEEKLY OIDUCAIO -• I -"' " r J\ tE'S DETACH AND MAIL POST-CARD BELOW ... NO STAMP NEEDED • r--------------------------- Parents· Magazine's READ ALOUD AND EASY READING PROGRAM~ o.pt. vs P.O. Box 161, Bergenfield, New Jersey 07621 Please enroll the chlld n1med below 11 1 member. In 1ccord1nce with your offer, pleue send FREE IS 1n enrollment &lft, the four books "Charll• Brown'• All·Slara," ''Tht Cookie Tr11r" "Open Your Eyu" 1nd "Old 81.ek Witch" worth $13.00. Also send the book "Min Suzy ' 11 the first Pro1r1m selection, bllllne me the membership price of only Sl.59 (Instead of the reeuler $3.50 price) plus a small m1llln1 charee. If not thorouehly pleased, I m1y return 111 the boo~s within 10 days and owe nothln&. Otherwise, you will send 1 new book u ch month 1! the ume price. I m1y cancel membership any time after the child has received lour monthly selections. BoyO Child'• Name ••••.•..••...•••••••••••••.•.•...•..........••...• Aae ..•..... Glrl O (Pl.LUI PllNT) Addreu •.••.••.............••••••••••.•.•..•..•..•.•..••••••••........•.•.•••. City a Zip Sllt1 ••••.•.•...••.•......•••.•••.••.•......••••...•.•••••. COde .....•..•..••.• ID ~G I® eginniJ19 Readers ----------.. :o, MAIL THIS COUPON • ,.,...._._.ft teY07W ~~::::c .."..,.. ............. Slenature of • Nil _.. • .. lr'lll Parent or Donor ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :-i:=rnfltel•i ::..u: 2: ,ro:~= ~~':17~~1t1': h~:~::ric. R28-C : t=' ::"' ..J. *I/:',: i -:-"\.·--... _ ... __ _ : =~· ................. <;.:am·.-;·· .. ·····""·······= B I "'*"'· .................................................... . : =-~ ......................................... ~ ......... . I....,. .. I ,.... .................................................... . c-... ertllls ............. c.i.. ...... .__........... fd9'C ~----------------------· COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF JAN. 18 • JAN. 24 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH ILVD •• HUNTINGTON BEACH ORANGE COUN·TY'S FASTEST GROWING OFFERS YOU YEAREND !t.I' l"~\I~ ANNIVERSARY SALE OVER 3000 CARS AND TRUCKS SOLD IN JUST 11 MONTHS IRAND NEW 1,,;·· • • • ·taii10E11111 53988* ,ULL ,.ICI llHIDIA11 DILIYUY TAX & LICENSI at c.1.0. •V va. Cni~tle;. ~ ake-'lr.>. pewer clK t>reaa, ,,_,. wn1111rion svsi.m. eu!O!Nllc Nf1!"'9 .,.._. nMw, tllctrlC Ckr.:k. AM redto, flllflt bMdl -b wit hr.In rwts a. tront hHd ,..,.,..lnts. •II vlllYI trim a. llHdlne, fll._, ~Md. ciourt.y llllhb • .:-ix.. trunk, 111n111an. mu • Mii trw llllfl'S. fl onf "'""'"' tnd otf'IW 1191':1. bedl~ ..... end MCIUCfl'iltl tum l leNls. ~let• .. u ... retrKt•bl• "MM!t91lt Clllot'I, -ficalre ,_,u, llcYfea drM lodl"'9 SYStem. rnnott control mlrr.ir, bodv-flllly lllaultte • IO'..ind a»iettd. fuil wtMt c:ivers. toW llt'Ofllt ti,._ S«. No. 9Jl3N177a. '99 DOWN •124.45 . TOTAL 'AYMINT J<, MONTHS ON A,,.OVID aANK CREDIT New 1'69 Torino GT New 1969 . Cobra -~~J 2 Dr. Hdtwt. • -SPORTROOF Fastback IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Tcl~~wn $2788* $85.95 '"°' Only 3' Mon"'9 Full Price+ Tex l Lie ':.~ 428 CIO l.V enelne, kur 1P<Cd <cl<st llffr rtli>l manu-al 1r<1nsmlnlon. ut: ·• llHVV duly suspension lr~I. heavy duly shOdts ltnd N>rln,s, extra larve statllltt< tar, st.tvoertG ~•r shedU. F7Cxl~ wldt ov•I ~II~ w/s/w II~. 6" w:de rlm .. : ~~•s ..n hub ceps, hOCd scco;i, e>1Pllltd hood lo~ pins, front erct rur ca,,,.:1, sr>eeial "Ctle:r•'' leltflllflc•• ion end SPedal dlromt lrlm. vtnf· leit •Ide P"-ser. No. 9R46Ql2UIO IRAND ~~LAU. NEW CORTINA SI 718 NICI Dl!LUXE SEDAN ,..,. Tea & Lk. '99 TOTAL ll9UlllD DOWN PAYMINT ON ANY . NEW CAR Olt NEW TRUCK ON APPROVED CREDIT ' AT Wilson Ford 5 YEAR Olt 50,890 MILE WARRANTY FROM FORD JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH ILVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALES DEPT. ' .... te 10 , ... 1 .,.,. SERVICE OPEN THs. tltr• F-rl., I 0.111. to 5 P·'"· Mo:t., I a.111. to 9 p.a . 592-5511 I J J ) SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 10:00 1J fB (j) NHL Hockey (C) Toronto Maple Leak "5. Boston Bruins at Boston. Dan Kelly and Bill Mazer commentate. 10:55 D fill CI) NBA Basketball (C) San Francisco Warriors vs. Phila· delphia 76ers at Philadelphia. 11:00 O 9@) Afl All-Star Game (C) The Eastern 01v1s1on all-stars play the Western D1v1sion all·stars at the Gator Bowl, Jackson- ville, Fla. 1:00 O Sports Special (C) "Always Another Wave." Part I. Eddie Albert narrates program covering the history of surfing from ancient Hawaii to today's w1peout fanatics. Also shown is film footage of surfing compet1t1ons and the world's best surfing shores. 2:30 m @ 00 Kaiser Open Golf (C) The final rounds of the $125.- 000 Kaiser International Open Golf Tournament are telecast live from the Silverado Country Club near Napa, California. Competitors include Lee Trevino, Arnold Palmer, Billy Casper, George Archer and defending champion Kermit Zarley. Bill Welsh 1s anchorman for KTTV. 5:00 O The Killy Style (C) Ski show with host Jean-Claude Killy. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 6:00 O Kings Hockey (C) L.A. Kings vs. New York Rangers. 8:30 O Boxing (C) Bobby Rodriguez and Leo De Fiero are matched m a lO·round featherweight bout. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 6:05 O Lakers Basketball: L,A. Lakers vs. Atlanta Hawks at the Alexander Memorial Coliseum In Atlanta, Georgia. Chick Hearn reports. 9:00 O (i1) (}) I $,fol\ I The French American Challenge Cup (C) In this new concept in amateur ski racing, two of the world's foremost ski racing powers, France and the U.S., compete side by side (track-meet style) on Little Nell Mountain, Aspen, Colo. Each nation's top five men and top five women skiers make up the teams in the two-day slalom and giant slalom compe- tition. The competitors Include France's Isabelle Mir, Florence Steurer, Annie Famose, Guy Perillat. Alain Penz. and America's Billy Kidd, Kiki Cutter, Judy Nagle, Rick Chaffee and Spider Sabich. Cameras also look into Aspen's night life and some of skiing's "beautiful people" in their most attractive and unusual ski clothes. Commentators are U.S. Alpine ski team national director Bob Beattie and Emmy Award·winning Jim McKay. 11:00 O UCLA Basketball (C) UCLA vs. Northwestern, taped earlier at Chicago Stadium. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 12:00 O High School Basketball Game of the Week (C) 1:30 fJ Pro Bowlers' Tour (C) The $60,000 Showboat Invitational, hve from Las Vegas, Nevada. Keith Jackson and Billy Welu commentate. 2:30 i) CBS Golf Classic (C) The first quarter-finals of the $225,000 classic are played at the Firestone Club in Akron, Ohio. O @ 00 Pacific 8 BaskeU,.11 (C) The University of Washing· ton Huskies meet the Washington State Cougars m Pullman. 3:00 0 @ (I) Bing Crosby Pro-Am Golf Tournament (C) The third round of the $150,000 28th Annual Bing Crosby National Pro· Amateur Golf Tournament is telecast hve from the beautiful 6,747-yard, par-72 Pebble Beach course bordenng Monterey Bay. Arnold Palmer, Billy Casper, Jack Nicklaus and Lee Tre· vino are expected to compete with defending champion Johnny Pott. There are 168 pros and 168 top amateurs playjng in four·man teams. Bing Crosby is host and chief commentator. ID Basketball (C) Utah vs. Arizona. 4:30 O Santa Anita Race (C) The $30,000 San Marcos Handicap at 1114 mile for 4-year·olds and up. 5:00 O @ CJ) Shell's Wonderful Wortd of Golf (C) Doug Sanders, Charles Sifford and Dave Thomas meet at the Singapore Island Country Club, Singapore. O Championship Bowling (C) Butch Gearhard and Norman Meyers vs. Tim Harahan and Tommy Tuttle. 0 (fi) Cl) ABC's Wide Wortd of Sports (C) 5:30 O Celebrity Billiards (C) Phyllis Diller guests. GARY COOPER RICHARD WIDMARK Garden of Evil 11:15 PM Saturday In Color (P> CHANNEL LISTINGS Information for these losa Is furnished by the television stations. TV WE[l( la not reS9(>nslble for last-minute changff In procram llatlnp. B KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles O KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles 8 KABC (ABC) Los Angeles D KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles m KTIV (Ind.) Los Angeles ID KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles fl) KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles fl!) KCET (NET) Los Angeles €E KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs CE> KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs Cil KL YD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield 00 KERO (NBC) Cable Bakersfield Cl) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield @ KL YD (ABC) Bakersfield 9 KERO (NBC) Bakersfield Qt KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing indicates it is a paid adver· tlsement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF In Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF In Bakersfield. SIGN OHS CTEST PATIERNS) Ctwnnel 2~:48 AM Sunday. 6:oe AM Mond•y throu1h Friday. 7:18 AM S•turday. Ch•nnel 4--7:00 AM Sund1y, 6:00 AM Monday throu1h Friday. 7:00 AM Saturday. CNinnel 7--f>rocrammlnJ starts et 8:30 on Sunday. 7:00 AM Monday throuati Friday and :30 AM on Saturday. This m•1azlna la published ~! this n-•P9per by lV WID. • dlvlalon of Grtmn "'1ntlna . •nd •Jlfl Co.. Inc., edltot1al and produc-tion offices, P.O. Box 11.90 •1 Glendale. Calif. Address advertlaln1 lnqulrl• to the display advertlaln1 a111>9rtment of this newspaper. I Page 4 - TONY CURTIS THE MIDNIGHT STORY First time on Los Angeles television Tonight at 11:15 PM CBSS2 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 18. l~g SATURDAY JANUARY 18 EVENING DtaJ CIJ m• Ci.st •nd Ml\ MuJr (Cf{30) "A Pala in the Neck." Captain Greaa is blamed for tn accident causlna his n-.>htw to bt. come bedridden at Gull Cottaae. 0 @ Cf) Q) ltwreoa Wtllt (C) (60) I lill Aacltf1en SMw (C) (30) Altplas Adams 9:00 Qi Ci) Hoplt'I tltrota (C) (30) &·oos The 811 Nm CC) (60) Hogan worts with the attractive · . ""' '6' ~ Huntley·Brlnkltt (C) daughter o! a German aeneral In ltil I..!!!.! ~ an effort to photoaraph top secret (30) (30) The enemy plans designed to prolona 0 &rand Ole Opry (C) the war throuah oraanized auerri111 Glaser Brothers guest operations. · M Boss City (C) (60) ""~ t:n W Id P I Th. Invaders (C) (60) 0 ~ l:l:.I 0 ' "'" ere Movie: •'Jnal Riln" (drama) &·301 MBC Newservice (C) <30) 'SS-James Franciacus, Diane Baker • Melody RJndl (C) (60) David Janice Rule, Leslie Nielsen. ' ouston and Jimmy Wakely guest. ID Stoneman Family Sbow (C) (30) I Suspense Theatre (C) (60) EI) Critique (C) (30) John Daty I Love LutJ (30) hosts. laurci Nyro guests. Playin& the Guitar .(30) (R) €f1 Nocbes T1Pltias Entertainment Specials 9:30 B 9 (j) htticNt Jlllldlon (C) Girt From UNCLE (C) (30) When Postmaster Sam Drucker 7:00 IJ 9 Ci) CBS Evenin& Nm (C) learns the Hooterville post oHice is (30) Roger Mudd. eoing to be dosed down, It still D MSC Survey (C) (30) Bob up an angry Uncle Joe Carson who Wriaht hosts. , decides to see his coneres.sman in 0 Ce.th Valley Dars (C) (30) 'The Washington. Saae Hen." A spunky woman out· 0 @(I) G) Hollywood PaJ1c. wits two bumbling outlaw~ who (C) (60) commandeer her home while h~r I News (C) (30) husband is away. Lew Brown. Collin Emest Tubb Show (C) (30) Wilco~ Home guest. • u Tormenta m Spotlight Special (C) (60.> Abbe 10:00 ~(!)Mannix (C) (60) Lane, Noel Harrison and comic Ben· The Westerner (30) ~Hill guest. • Movie: (C) "Mondo Cane" (doc. Wonders of the World (C) (30,~ umentary) '63-Narrated by Stelario ' he Greeks Had a Wor~ for It. Sibaldi. The linkers visit the island of News (C) (30) i konos. Cal's Corral (C) (30) : NET Journal (C) (60) (R) : NET Playhouse (C) (60) (R) · Eaitometro . Box de Mexico 7:30 IJ ~ ® Jaclie Gleason (C) (60) 10:30 The World Tomonow (C) (30) 0 ~ 00 ID Adam·l2 (C) (30) Rosey Grier (C) (30) "Grand Theft, Horse?" Malloy and Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) Reed round up a homesick Texan Counby·Westem Show (C) (30) who has "borrowed" a horse from Hollywood ud tile Stars a riding stable, and then engage 11:00 0 0 ID Q) News (C) in a high·speed cha~ after a pair UClA Basbtball (C) UCLA bat· of gunmen. ties the Houston Cougars from the 1J Movie: ''Tbe Heiress" (drama) Pauley Pavilion. '49-0livia de Havilland, Montgom· @ Movie: "All Throup the Nipt" ~ Clift (mystery) '42-Humphrey Bogart, u (i1) CV m The Datine 61me Judith Anderson. • (C) (30) Jim Lange hosts. 11"15 I) Fabulous 52 Movie: "The Mid· 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "Untamed" . night Story" (mystery) '57-Tony (drama) 'SS-Tyron~ Power, Susan Curtis. Gilbert Roland. A San Fran· Hayward, Richard Egan. cisco policeman sets out to avenae m Bill Burrud's Wonderful the murder of a clergyman. * WORLD OF WOMEN 0 GARY COOPER, RICHARD *WIDMARK-IN COLOR! ID World of Women (C) (30) @m Estelares Madero "GARDEN OF EVIL" 8:00 0 ~ 00 m Get Smart (C) (30) 0 Movie: (C) ''Sarden of Evil" "Tequila Mockingbird." Agent 99 (drama) ·~ary. Cooper, Susan turns flamenco dancer and Max H~yward, Richard W1dmartt, Cameron poses as a sleazy doctor as they Mitchell, Hugh Marlowe. try to track down a -valuable gem 11:30 0 ID Tonight. ~how (C) cache in Mexico. @m Tutro fam1har 0 @ @ EE) The Newlywed Game 11:50 0 Movie: (C) ''Walk lntD Htll'' (C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. (drama) '57-Chips Rafferty. m ABA Basketball (C) (2. hr) L~s 12:30 1J Movie: "Lost Horizon" (drama) Angeles Stars vs. the lnd1anapohs '37-Ronald Colman Jane Wyatt. Pacers in ln~iana. Chuck Benedict m 77 Sunset Strip ' calls the action. .. .. @ Cinema Saturdar. "Road to the &J American West (C) (30) Sk11ng Big House " the American West." (R) 1.00 ..:. M · .' "Flyi Missile" (dra· @)NET Festival (60) (R) • ~ • OVle. ng • 8:30 tJ ~ (j) My Tlwee Soni (C) (30) ~~ 5l~lenn Ford, Viveca Lind· Chip staggers the Douglas family 0 ·News (C) by becoming "engaged" to pretty Debbie Hunter (Angela Cartwright). 1:15 0 Adventuru of the Seaspray (C) However when Chip and his fiancee 1:30 m All·Nigtlt Show: "My Dream Is are left 'arone to care for the trip· Yours." "Once a Thief," and "Knock· lets, they change their minds. out." • • • NO BUFFALOI But there are quail and Cottontails and the prettiest purple mountains ever! And skies are never cloudy all day! CONSIDER THIS: 1. A 45 mne r-. lake of ct.., ..._.Illy W.. ... l11dM wftlt ••• .. i:tu• 11 lftfpen ntJtl.p••• catfhll, ,... 2 .. I II • DWI flll rfw• ........ 2. 125 ...... of .......... 1ect.d1d cent. ., •• fer c ......... cul ........ ., ............... readtes of perfect skf1llt water. l . 10 ml•lltes (by boat) frOlll fwMd ltak .... lp '-d,wWdt _, cGI ,.,.._ Uttle......, C..,.. ef tt.e Colcwodo." See tt.e • ., ...... .,,..." • pie,_.. wtll .... ef • "&.o.t Ate'' ..._ Cit ....... $16,500 BRAND NIW 2 Bedroom, 1 'h bath home oft I OOx I 20' tot. Built-ins, fireplace, fenced and J,.n~caped. VIEW OF LAKE. THIS IS HAVASU NORTH ESTATES T1te wery llOl'ttaet'll Hd of FAMED HAVASU LAU .. .,.. ... Co1o11•1 --tt.wuu, -.I • tt.e C:AU .. FORNIA SHORE. nwb tt.e loc""-of tlte •ly l...t ef lt"s kW •t 1Wil1 fer ..... ,...c•••· ESTATi SIZED LOTS-UP TO 100 FEET FIONTAGl-$3500 to $4200 WIDE PAVED STIEITS-EUCTllC POWll-WATll TITLI POLICY AND DEEDS SERVICE TO EACH PARCEL SMALL DOW..-ASY TERMS By Appointment Only -Ask for E. J. Neve or Jack Bale HAVASU NORTH ESTATES 1860 B, NEWPORT BLVD., CM -BROKER 642-49M Res. (714) 838-1650 hl•5 - 7. GREAT MOT1ai1 PICTURES NIGHTS A WEEK ON MILLION $ MOVIE * 7:30 PM SU NDAY SEA CHASE COLOR JOHN WAYNE /LANA TURNER t.dvtnture and romJnce on an outlaw ~hip 7:30 PM MONDAY ANDEL BABY GEORGE HAMIL TON E vanv.el1st falls 1n love with a mule 7:30 PM TUESDAY BEST OF ENEMIES COLOR I DAVID NIVEN Satire on ro1ntlessness of o11Jr from BUTH sides point of view 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY RUN FOR COVER COLOR I JAMES CAGNEY Ex con teaches love to a wuman Jnd courage to J hoy 111 the Old West 7:30 PM THUR SDAY THE LAST MILE MICKEY ROONEY Attrmpted break from ileath row ends in de.1th the hard wJy 7:30 PM FRrDAY CARNIVAL STORY COLOR ANNE BAXTER /STEVE COCHRAN Ac!vrl'ture drama 1n a GcrmJn Carnival 7:30 PM SATURDAY TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR COLOR CORNH WILDE/FAY WRAY :.clvrnturc ir1 18th Century MJy.tn 1 r rnpln of [;J iternala KHJ·TV 9 SUNDAY JANUARY 19 MORNING All stations reserve the rl,ht to change program- ming without advance no- tice. 6:15 m Tbt Christophtfl 6:30 m Tht Bible Answtn 6:50 8 Give Us This D11/N11n (C) 7:00 8 Tom and Jeny (C) m Sunday Funnies (C) 7:30 I Aqua111an (C) Mormon Tabtrnaclt Choir (C) Rtbtls With • Cause (C} • Day of Discovery 7:45 &l The Christophers 8:00 I) 9 00 Lamp Unto My Fett (C) Activities of the more than 100 worldwide youth parttelpants at- tending the fourth assembly of the World Council of Churches in Upp- sala, Sweden are examined m The Christophtrs (C) Cathedral of Tomonow (C) Challen1es Davey end Goliath (C) Wonderama (C) Allen Revival Hour (C) t ~Video Digest (C) 6 llod Is tht Answer (C) 1 1ntan1 Soble los Hl}OI · Farm Report (C) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JANUARY II, 1969 S.F W1rrt0t1 vs at Phltadtlphla Phlladllphla 76en Island of St. Pltnt, tht lut frtndl pouesslon In Nor1h America. 11:00 o ID m m AfL Alt-Star ea .. (l) The hist PfQfuslonals from tht Aft East and tht Aft West com· pete at the Gator Bowl, J1ek.Jon· ville, Fla. I HotHllu,.rs' Quldt (C) Movie: "T1lt ft111fddea Street" ama) '49 -Maureen O'Hara, Dana Andrews. ID Cluwell In tilt Ho• (C) 11:30 D Movie: "Honi 1on1 Affair" (drama) '58-Jack Kelly. AFlrRNOON U :OO 0 ~llnctr Rtpeft (C)/hafn1 Parade m lntttll11nt Parent Oi) Cine an Su Casa 12:30 I) Movie: (C) "Prisoners of tllt Casblh" (adventure) '53-Cesar Ro· mero, Gloria Grahame. IJ Gent Autry &l TV Worship of tM Wed (C) 1:00 IJ Movit: "Dear Ruth" (drama) '47 -Joan Caulfield, William Holden. 0 @ (1) fl) Dirtctions (C) "Ne· pal." A look at the ancient kingdom and an examination of the influence of religion in the ltves of the Ne- palese. B Sports Sptd•I (C) "Always An· other Wave.'' Part I Films of surf· ing competrtlon and footage of the world's best surfing shores. Eddie Albert narrates. ReviVal Fires (C) I Combat @ (I) fl) Dbcovery (C) "A Corner of France." An examination of the way of life on the lonely e W'dlla• r. luclltJ sai.. (C) Tht Rev. Muhammad All, dripped of his huvywel&hl crown end fac- ln1 a fivt-yur l•il term for drtft evasion, auasts. Q) Voice of CalHtJ (C) 2:001 Face tlM Nltlon (C) · m Meet Ute Presa (C) IJNes Coftftrtnce (C) 111 AHKll Roller Der11f (C) Cil SundlJ Twin 8111: "Domino Kid" and "Stop, Look and laufh." I (i) Alm Future (C) "Japan." E'.ilp na mt Mtrv llr1ffln (C) Z:30 8 Cl«U and llle Nwa (C) D ON CAMPUS * "THE YOUNG NIXON" from WHITTIER COLLEGE 0 On Campus (C) "The Youna Nlion." A reminiscence by three of the President-elect's former teach- ers at Whittier Colleae. Their re· llections on the youn1 Nixon are a solid, personal perspective on our new President. 0 Movie: (C) "Thunder Over Hn. Ill'' (adventure) '57-Richard Den· ning, Beverly Garland. fJ Million $ Movlt: "Kidnapped" (classic) '48-Roddy McOowall, Dan O'Hertihy. m 9 00 Kaiw Open GoH (C) Final rounds of the $125,000 inter- national tournament at the Sliver- ado Country Club in Napa, Cali· lornia. m Future • Ptolile 8:30 I Qi) 00 loot Up and Uvt (C) fl) The Bt1U11 (C) ---------------------- • Movie: "Petrified Forest" (dra- ma) '36 -Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis. i Kathryn Kuhlman (C) Cil Ministerial Alliance Escutia lMEX (C) The Answer (C) 9:00 I) Camera ThrH (C) D My Favorite Sermon (C) Or. Forres1 Weir, General Secretary of the Council of Churches, auests. Day of Discovery (C) fl) Linus tllt Uonht1rted (C) CountJy Musk (C) t ~ A. A. Allen 6 .1 Believe In Miracles (C) • anedadn (C) • New Testament end Man 9:30 I Steps to l11rnln1 (C) • Agriculture USA (C) Movit: "Desert Pursuit" (ad- venture) '52 -Wayne Morris Vir- ginia Gr~ ' 0 @ W fl) King Kong (C) m This Is the Life 10:00 I)~ 00 NHL Hodley (C) Toron· to Maple Leafs vs. Boston Bruins at Boston. Dan Kelly and Btll Mazer commentate. I Youth and Police (C) @ CI) fl) Bullwinkle (C) Movie: ''Tiie Mart of Zorro" (adventure) '40 -Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell. I Robin Hood 00 Faith for Tod11 (C) Dttru del Muro feature (C} "Winas to France." 10:30 I fl) 00 m Guidtlint (C) @ (1) fl) Issues and Answers C) &l faith for TodaJ (C) 10:55 0 @ Cil fl) NIA Bllltttball (C)I TROY DONAHUE CONNIE STEVENS Palm Springs Weekend 5:00 PM Sunday In Color (!> 1 l :OOR ll Mldd Jacq~ !.: Wiid• I ~ 3:30 I zer, Ocea Am et auesl 5:00 ~_! F : I • T \ . \ • 1 I ' ' I I I ( : I , I • . . with 0 1 end' Conr Pow1 ~· Rm I 5:301) Our< phi I• Our; R roor Frar D "Sp a c buf I (R) II 6:000 (C) I (C) v1at jud1 Ma: Rici .,~I at -l D (30 Ma pe~ wh1 ltor l:OO a l...Wer /Outsldw (C) "Black Middle Clau Dilemma." Truman J.cques ltNtS as host. n ....i.: ....... lalldlt of~ r.mt" (tdventure) '46 -Corne! Wllde, Anita Louise. I T1l• of the Golden Wiil HoMJ Wttt U.S. Navy flla1 3:30 ltlltf (C) Dr. Andren Rechnlt- ur, Direetor of Oc:un Sciences· Ocean Syitems Operations at North Americ1n Rockwell Corporation, auests. 0 Mov'-: "lM'O Houf' (dr1ma) ·~-Dana Andrews, Linda Darnell. f11ture Fiim : R&D Review (R) • Tbe Oakotu 4:00 Yltwpolnt (C) • Yenllna Sobre los HIJos • The Dakotas 4:30 Newsmuera (C) Hen Confertnce (C) • News (C) Man From UNCU (C) Bronco (i) I Dream of J11nnle (C) : ilittf'O&tn' Nei&hbortloocl Musica 'I P'1llbr11 • Mdloover and Ule Colonel 5:00 NeWI (C) Clete Roberts. • $tie_. Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts. The Kllly Style (C) Ski show with host Jean·Claude Killy. O MoYie: (C) "Palm Sprinp Week· end" (romance) '63-Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens. Ty Hardin. Stefanie Powers. O CounlJ} Carouael (C) (i1) CV Seven Arts Thutrt: "The Rest Is Silence " I @ first Baptist Cllurch What's New? Toros Rat P1trol Run for Your life (C) 5:30 I) ~ Ci) KNIT R•rts (C) "The Durants " Candid conversation with philosopher·hlstor~n Will and Ariel Durant. (R) 0 m frank McGee (C) O Polka P1rade (C) Jack Fina, La· roon Holt. Julie Hand, Walter Ekard, Frank Marocco are featured, fJ Sllippy, the luab Klnproo (C) "Sports Car Rally." Skippy rescues a crashed sports·car driver in the b11sh. 11 love Lucy McHalt's NIY'J The World We "live In (C) (30) (R) EVENING 6:00 0 @ @ m G.E. Coll111 Bowl (C) (30) I The Rat Pabol (C) (30) Pay Cards (C) (30) I s,rc1AL I Miss Wallin! Bikini ( ) (60) Girls in mini-skirts, abbre· vialed sarongs and bikinis are judged by Gary Owens. Miss Pamela Mason, Larry Stewart and Allen Rich. Jerry Dexter is emcee. I Gospel of Christ Black Perspective (30) (R) Man From UNClE (C) 6:30 Ralph Story (C) (30) A look at the "man of a thousand faces" -lon Chan~ 0 ~ @ m Wild Kinadom (C) (30) "Sea Lion Number Seven." Marlin Perkins joins a ta&&ing ex· pedition headed for a Pacific Island where each year thousands of sea lions go to breed D Jobe la1J (C) (90) Clnnel Quinn. Juan S.rrano. Mo111 Am· ltlfdlm, leon Bibb, Tommi Jim• and Tht Shondella, and Cucho Vlere autst. 11 S,, (C) {60) HUii (C) (30) M1rq"' Z2 Tiit Freid CW (30) 1;00 1J a Cil Lme <C> cJo> Ll$sJe finds Bruno, the crued Cennan Shepherd K·9 war do&. 1nd m1kes an effort to save his 111t from the rancheri~· ue. O @ mH-* f'kla (C) (30) 'The Jun. 1 ldventure " While aeek· Ina help for Tom. who his bten poisoned by a tunale plant, Huell 1nd Becky .,, captured by slave traders. 0 @ rn m Land of tlat Qlms (C) (60) •'flle Bounty Hunter," Steve and Mark draa a atant aun back to their hiding place es re- w1rd·seekln1 1ianb comb the woods for the Elrthlinp. m Trutti or ConMque1cea (C) (30) m Pauport to Trani (C) (30) "Bullet Train of Japan." Hal Sew· yer rides the world's fastest train past paaodas and q11aint Oriental villaaes in Japan. I Specul1tlon (60) (R) Dom~ Herdez ANNIVEf(SARY SHOW-Known as "The Man of a Thou- sand Faas,'' Lon Chaney Sr. is examined from a drOuent angle by Ralph Story as Ralph Story's lot Angeles enters its si.xth consecutive year on KNXT. Sunday aJ 6:30 PM. lrt color on Channel 2. TV SERVICE DAYS -NIGHTS -SUNDAY CALL 646-7500 !::· SNCIALIZING IN COl.Ol TV 21 YIAU QUALITY SIRVICI BAY CENTER TV ( ,.,. ... rfy •·b • o .... ) 2052 NEWPORT ILVD.., COSTA MESA 7:30 Qj (JJ Gentte Ben (C) (30) Tom and Boomhauer set off after a swampman suspected of disrupt. ing the construction of 1 hi1hw1y in the Everalades. Conc:luslon of a two.part stO'I._starrin1 Alfred Ryder. 0 123 @ W Walt Disne, (C) (60) ''Those Calloways " Part II of three parts. When his father Is incapaci- tated with a broken leg, YQun1 Bucky Calloway sets out to trap for furs1------------------------- to support his family. Brian Keith, and Kaye throw the hospital staff in the story of an attractive but Vera Miles, Brandon de Wilde, Wal· Into a dither as they await the troubled career girt who solicits ttlt ter Brennan ~nd Ed Wynn star. birth of Suzie's baby. help of lonftime friend Professor ~Million $ Movie: (C) "Se• I Tltt SkJ Sltow (C) (30) Woodruff, only to involve him In 1 " ( d t ) •55 Joh World To11orrvw grim murder case. ue a ven ure -n 9:00 ,.... f9' ._ ...... _ 1.,. ... _ (C) Bf!" Wayne, Lana Turner. ~ l.J!.J _...,. ,,.....,,. IWI (C) (30) m Merv C:rlffln (C) (90) ( ) Ray Chartes and Jackie Mason le: (C) ''The Prldt 1nd tii. (D The Challenain& Su (C) (30) guest. Passion" (adventure) '57 -Clry "A Trilogy ot the Sea." The octo· 0@ CI) m Bon1nz1 (C) (60) Grant. Frank Sinatra, Sophia Loren. pus, the male sea herse and a ~~.:Wharton and the Lesser m LIKE CONTROVERSY? ~"hi!'ii~u~l:t:~e featured. B<m(])EEAIC SlandlJ Mowit: * WATCH LABOR REPORT! 8:00 I)~ ~Ed Sullinn (C) (80) 'lfbi 9irty Cat" (drama) '6~ m Joe D.Siln's labor Report (C) J hn D d G p .... _tt Henry Fonda, Robert Ryan. Vittorio (30) 0 "' son an ary u....., Gassman. !'our inter-related episodes fE DIVid Suullnd (C) (2 hr) "Is and The Union Gap. on the efforts of allied counter· the Pepsi Generation Goin& to Potr' 0 ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) warfare elements to neutralize the I CarTOutel M11.ic.1no * T·BIRDS vs. NEW YORK inroads made on our positions by 10:30 Suc:c.us Stoty (C) (30) O Roller Games (C) (2 hr) L.A. am nts of an opposing power. I lfmel I From Whlttitr to the T·Birds vs. New Yori Bombers. Jlnuary W'IUI The Kin& F1111llJ llite House (C) (60) Biographical 0 FORD MOTO ( ) (60) The Kina family has a account of the political career of R COMPANY musical romp at Mammoth Moun-President-elect Richard M. Nixon. * presents THE FBI tain. Jack Cole narrates. 0 @ 00 m The FBI (C) (60) m Public Servlct (C) (30) "Which I Public Service (C) ''A life in the Balance." Blood at Way, Youna Ladyr· Discussion of 11:00 0 ID 00 m News (C) the scene of the kidnappin& of Ed careers in accountina for women. Clttltdrel of Tomorrow (C) Janson causes Erskine to open an EE Peter Gunn ~ m m News }C) immediate search for the abductors 9:30 I NIWI (C) (30) Larry Burrell. Pvbllc Strvlct N'nn before the ransom is paid. James World of Youth (C) 11:15 ovlt: (C) "Torell Soni'' (dra· Caan. Murray Hamilton. Julie Som· SundlJ Look/Manion forum ma) '53-Joan Crawford, Gig Young. mars, Quentin Dean, Jennifer West : USA Pottry (30) "Anne Sexton." CD Trut Adventure (C) (30) "Jun· guest. • La TonDtnll ale Patrol." (D Wanderlust (C) (30) "Austrian 10:00 I) Qt Cl) Mlaion: hnpoaible (C) 11:30 I) Movie: (C) "Count ThrH ind Summer." (60) The IMF must end the mur· Pray" (western) 'SS-Joanne Wood· EE The flsller Family derous career of a bacteriologist ward, Van Heflin. Ell) PBL (C) (90) A grand pre·ln· wor1lin1 for the enemy. who has 0 Movie: (C) "Muri1&t, Italian augural gala musical program from succeeded in developing a mutant Style" (comedy) ·~phia Loren, Washinaton. D.C.. featurin1 the strain of a deadly bacteria that Marcello Mastroianni. Mormon Tabernacle Choir of Salt could be used as a practical bat· m Naked City Lake City and the National Sym· tlefield weapon. (Rescheduled from m Movie: "G·M1n" (adventure) '35 phony Orchestra of Washington. Dec. 22) -James Cagney, Lloyd Nolan. el Cuatro Evas Pare un Adam 0 fU (1) m MJ Friend Tony (C) @ @ lnsl&ht (C) 8:30 0 @@ m Motllera-in-Law (C) {ro) "Voices." Julie Adams, Leslie 12:00 0 future/World Of Youtll (C) (30) "And Baby Makes Four." Eve Parrish and Lloyd Bochner auest m n Sunllt Strip Paae 1 1000 BEAUTIFUL , STICK-ON WELS $1.00 ...... , • Moy be used on envelopes os retum oddress lobels. Also very hondy os identificotion I obels for morking personol items such os books, records, photos, etc. Lobels stick on gloss ond moy be used for morking home conned food items. An lobels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quolity white gummed poper ond pocked in reusoble magic seol top container. r---------------, I I I I I I I I I I Rll 111 thla co11po11, cllp e11cl mall wl~ $1 .00 to: 'ilot Prl11+..91 label Div., low 1175, Newport lt1ch, Cellf. '2HJ ---------------···--·-·······--------------------······ ................................... ____________________ _ ·······················~·-··········----------·-······-· lo 111ro to 1110 your ZJp Cocf• ' I I I I I I , __ _ L . ----' PILOT PRINTING P11e 8 _________ _._.._._ FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE Fiii SET OF PACKAGE MAILIN6 LABELS. Te -' THE DAILY PILOT, TV WDJ(. JN4UAlfY 11. lflfi9 REGULAR DAYTIME p MONDAY thru '.'OPN1~1. NBC'a The Motfltrs.ln law (Thu,. dry), and f'llp WUton (Friday). The lhow is IW'tmPted on Mondry for the IMUIUllltion. tlMUIUIATION DAY IMfr. S.. ~~ ....... ....., 20. Nib • .... I:,-;-!._ (C) 1UntiOtt ti ...,.. M. Nllon 11 ttio _, ... Pmldtflt tf Ille United Suta 10:30 Cl) Dkl Van o,tt Sllew Al1 networb (lad •anr local stationa) Cl) m HolfJROd Squares wtll cany tbo full 41(1 twnts. u_. Peter Marshell hosts. Int I rlldkal *"at In pnllfl111Mfn£ (17) (}) G,) Did Cavitt ('C) TY wm .._ not have u.. IPIC:e tD rro. tM lnSide Out ('C) u.t au tbo Mfttl, nor do tbo net· Robin Hood Wfb ltwo auct ti-flK tbo actiwi-11:00 it~ lAIW of Uft (C) tit1. All procq••ln1 bolow II f« ~ ! JeopardJ (C) ,......, .... 1111ndl1. ..... ...... Ro•i .:~c/c, "' tbo Mat .... folloin: CBS-11:25 I . CIS ..... (C) Waltlr Cron•tt., Ropt Mudd, Eric ll:30 s..rc:ti f1tr TOllOrrw '"" S.W.r9"1 and ltat1'J huoMr, AIC-'"' fr111• Rarnolda. Howard K. s..;u. and 6 m ~ luta (C) Biii WllU.• H. ~ NIC -Ci.et Cullen hosts. D LI ... ..._ I favoritl StMy (C) L.-H.....a., _ _;_a_nd __ n_ou_ .. _n_...,_. -----111:45 News (Cl 6:10 ci. us nis Dar/Nns <C> l1:55 9 @m NBC ..... CC> ':JO S11nriae StlllSt• (C) Ediation Elduina• (C) TNdler ln·Strvice AFT r RNOON Eduutloul fMturts 12:00 fJ Boutique (C) Whitney Bia~ and Ttdlakal Com• steve Dunne host. 1:00 OdJIMJ ic> 11 o oo m Hiclcltft F.cu <C> eit (1) 6E Todar Sllow (C) 0 Cartoons (C); Ceolkil1 With Cor. u1h Downs hosts. ris, ~) Wednesday. Momln1'1 at 7 (C) 8@ Cl) al Btwftchtd Mr. Wbllbone (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies, Felli tllt Cat (C) Monday only. Commoditr Report fJ Tttnp0 (C) Roy Elwell and Bob 7:15 StoQ Martet Dornan host. 7:30 C8S ..... (C) Joseph Senti. Im Ntw1 (C) Momln1 Meditation Offiu of the 'rtlidtnt Tbt Aintltones (C) I Andy Griffith Adventurts of llumbr (C) 12:30 ~ Al die World Tuma (C) 1:00 QI Ci) Capt.in lanproo (C) 6 m DaJs of OIH lJvel Ith BobKeeshan. i a nald Carey stars. 811 labpltttr F•Ulw lnowa hit Wlndltll·M"'°"'Y S9'ow (C) @ (f) &l fullftf You 5'ould RoQet Robin Hood (C) Ask [C) Lloyd Thaxton hosts. 8:.25 Com•unity Bulletin Board (C) I Movie: See Daytime Movies. 1:30 c.rtMn1 (C) Dillin& for Dollars (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Technical Comer Adwentiua of Cu•bJ (C) 12:55 @ (]) tJ) Clllldten'1 Doctor l:AS i Yldoo Direst (C) ( ) Tuesday:'fhursday. 9:00 (]) Tbt Luer Show (C) 1:00 fJ 9 (i) love la • M1111 Spltn· @ m Snip Judptirt (C) dored Tlllft&f Ltave It to Buvtf I 0 (i) • Tbt Dodon (C) • The Real Md:o11 Tiie Cin rs JKl La lannt (C) @ (}) &) Dfum Hoa. (C) ltocty and His fritttds (C) Mike Darow hosts. (]) W..,_ Webfoot (C) Commodity Report/S1ocl Martet (j) Ann Cutchtf Show, Friday 1:30 ~ Ci) 11lt C11di111 lJpt (C) only. @Ci) er;, AMth• Wortd (C) 9:zs I I~ m Nae Ntft cc> Dobie ",,. t:30 Btver1J H111bl111es cm rn m Lat'• M•e a 0.11 6 m Concentration (C) Monty Hall host!. Bob layton hosts. Wortd Adventurt, (C) Monday, I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Wednesday, Friday; Travel Wltfl Marshal Dillon Don and Bettina, (C) Tuesday and Panorama (C) Thursday. Educational Futum 2:00 fJ Cit (j) Secret Stenn (C) (}) Jact La Lanne (C) 11 @ Ci) m You Don't s.,. (C) 10:00 fJ AndJ Griffith (C) Tom Kennedy hosts. II a Cl) m Personality (C) Larry B Love That Bob Blyden hosts. Joan Fontaine, God-(fl) (]) al Newtrwtd G111t (C) frey Cambridge and Peggy Cass Bob Eubanks hosts. auest this week. They attempt to (!)Movie: See Daytime Movies. auess the inner personalities of 2:30 fJ ~ Ci) Tiit Edi' of Nlpt (C) Phyllis Diller (Tuesday), Robert fl @Ci) m Mltdl Game (C) Vaughn (Wednesday), Eve Arden of Gene Rayburn hosb. fthel Merman and Nlpsey OF.U. Aroulld die O @CI> ~;:Jim Dl< ~.Q. r~ (i) Mat • Mitlnllf 3:15 • News C 3:30 Ludy hosts. • Mike D Divora @00 Movie: My Fav Hobo IC (i)Dial •:OO Mr. [.( Movies, Thi ome a ~~ •:30 Movlo: Please • News (l GH'it Bozo's Aunt BE on the I June rhyme: ated only witt But there's And if you do~ Bavier, who'~ Mayberry RF1 romance in ti story (final se; CBS at 9 PM "Gracious," own voice , from that of " tainly HOPE • spond romanti It would be 1 the morale of to turn in our same time W• vote!!" It's true, Fr. Bee Taylor b since she was Andy Griffith t "But she's a That's what I and men too, ma.king the e1l and intriguing way J think." The object fections in the culine, attracti which Aunt B ROQRAMS ru FRIDAY nd Nlpsey Russ.II 1uest. El F'athlr ...... hit; eo..1 nund Utt Wortd, (C) Wednesday. FJ cm Cl) m Dltln1 .... (C) Im Tl~1hosts. · 6 mNICNewa(C) ~ Unklettlr Sbow (C) · I. . (C) Dennis Jam~ hosts. w.t,WIJ PalTol '«1. ~~n:•= Hospital (C) (i) Matinee: Don Rodewald : flitinet: Don Wilson. • News (C) Ted Meyen. Lucky Pair (C) Geoff Edwards osts. Mike Dou.etu (C) Divofct Court (C) @Cl)(£) One Lift To Uvt (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. My favorite Martian (C) Hobo Kelly (C) Ci) D11lin1 for Dollen MovJe Mr. Ed; Movlt: See Daytime ~ovies, Thursday only. om. and Hlrri.t @ (3) ti» Dark Shadows (C) Pay "lards (C) Art James hosts. Movie: See Daytime Movies. Pluse Don't Elt th• Daisies (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. lileorp Put.n1m News (C) Bozo's Bia Top Sbow (C) ln-Sdlool Proerua•lnt-«CU Qanntl 21 offtra air ti• fw tlle la Anpla C1tJ ud Cowrt,r S-... for dllldrlft's ln·sdlePt prooamaiq. 11 adcfltion, Ult llatioCI broldcalb ht· strvlct pnl&Jlllll for ~ ...... vaiu art sdltdultd as follows: Monday 8:30 AM-Z:lO Tutld17 10:20 All-J:30 WednadlJ 9-.AS All-3:30 Thursday 9:45 All"":lO Friday 10:00 All·Z:lO it Bee Finds Love the High Sea e rhymes wilh moon. Love and romance are generally associ- >nly with the very young. there's no law that the plus-40 set can't fall ill Jove too. f you don't believe it, Frances :, who's ·"Aunt Bee" on erry RFD has· a very serious ice in the current two-part (final segment airs Monday, it 9 PM). ·acious," says Frances whose voice. is indistinguishable that of "Aunl Bee's," "I cer- HOPE older people can re· romantically to each other! uld be a terrible thing for orale of the world if we had n in our emotions about the time we got the right to . true, Frances concedes, that 'aylor has been MISS Bee she was first created on the Griffith show nine years ago, she's always bad hopes. what keeps all women- 1en too, for that matter- g the effort to be attractive 1triguing. Al least that's the think." HAPPY HOUSEK££PER-SM'1 Franu1 Bavier, lHtttr known "" Aunt Btt, rtsidtnt R.F.D., who takt1 a Caribbtan critl.st and finds romance. object of Aunt Bee's af· ls in the show is very mas· , attractive Will Geer who plays the captain Aunt Bee takes a Caribbean cruise. of the ship on ~ CLOSE -UP -'.,(- RONA BARRETf TELLS ALL . . . Rona bas defied the odda-told her adversaries to go jump in lbe lakrr-and has found true happiness in reportmg the turmoil of the Hollywood scene on Channel ~·s Eyewitness News, Monday-Friday at 11 :00 PM. An era was ebbing when Louella Parsons died and journallstically the final epitaph was placed when lbe other Queen of the Holly- wood gossip columnists, Hedda Hopper, wrote -3~ for the last time a few years back. Rona Barrell is about the only person left in the world who really does cover the Hollywood scene as did Hedda and Louella. Pity, but it's a dying art. The many and constant queries, however, have left it plainly clear thal America -as does the world-wants a re- port on the intricate and personal things that surround the stars of Hollywood. The glamour, the intrigue and the flamboyance associated with Hollywood and its beautiful peo- ple basking in richness and fame, have mesmerized the world for . years and years. Rona Barrell was Rona Barrrtr with Bill Bonds one such who dreamed of becom· !ng pa~ of the most publi_cized place on Earth. Today she does live ~n the c11y of her ~reams m a small house with a big view overlook· mg the Sunset Strap and Los Angeles. On a clear day that is. The fairytale illusions may not be as beautiful as she once dreamed them to be! but she is talking to the stars, going to their homes, covering premieres, and has become a name in her own right. Let's reflect a moment to find out how the devil a Rona Barrett gol on television in the first place. A couple of daring fellows in the program department al KABC-T V decided 10 give her a try. Her first appearances were greeted by both station personnel and \he public alike, with the feeling that Channel 7 had thrown a wolfess at the lambs. Bui finally the public made their choice. Rona would stay. . Wb~re does this brash young lady come off trying to follow the gigantic footsteps of the former queens of Hollywood? It's simple. She's done-her homework. Rona has had her own byline as a H ollywood reporter for Motion Pictur_e . magazine for years. She started her career at the age of 13 organizing fan clubs for singer Eddie Fisher. She then moved into the publicity and record promotion department of an agency which eventually led to other agencies working with such talents as Sieve Lawrence, Lena Horne, Dorothy Dandridge, Vic Damone and Tony BennelL She also wrole a column thal went to thousands of disc jockeys, newspapers and radio stations. Today her fan magazine readership is· estimated at 2,500,000 every month. Rona employs a Girl Friday. a legman in Hollywood and one in Europe, and of course the telephone company. She spends hours each day on the phone and her.bill is astronomical. She'll call any- one,, anywhere in the world to verify a slory. She gets her lips on stora~s fro~ any number of sources-head-waiters, prop men, studio public relations people, stage hands, studio mail boys, the stars them- selves ... and the stars' best friends, who usually supply the juiciest gems. Rona's day s(arts with a call to her contact in Europe to get the latest on the Jet Set and foreign motion picture productions. She then drives to the ABC studios in Hollywood where she tracks down her local stories on the phone. She tapes her other city shows early in the evening for them to be fed to the eastern cities due to the time difference. She then returns home to don her hippy beads, her Gem· riech frock, or her sable stole depending on her agenda for lhe ev_ening. Her evenings might include a trip to The Factory, a Kirk Douglas lawn party, or lhe Academy Awards presenlation. She goes anywhere there are pretty people with newsy tidbits. Rona Barrell is part of the new scene and she tells it like it is. Pa1• 9 - MONDAY rVEN I NG T1lil Mnlnts proan••llll Is .._ JANUARY 20 ltd to dl•p witbeut notice thlt tit For morning and afternoon ,,__u.. __ Pr_mi __ .. _• __ 1 _111_841_au_ratloft __ . ___ , listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to chance programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 D "Q..,.. ftr MIA II.,.. (dre- ma) '41-Martha Scott, Wlllla.m Gu1an. 10:00 D .. A Comht1 Out hf1J'' (com· eay) '62-Jamea Robertson Justice, Leslie Phllllps. U:OO D (C) "'Ql9 Vldb" (llltdlWltr) 'Il-Robert Taytor, Dlbonh Kerr. 12:JO m "Se Lo111 It tllt r.il" (mya- tery) '51-Jun Simmons. "A a.111t for Jot1' (tnystery) '55-Ceorie Raft. 2:00 m "Crow Hollow" (mystery) '52- Donald Housti>n, Natash1 Parry. J:30 fJ ""-111 c.pern (mystery) '57 -Rory Calhoun, Mary Costa. 4:JO fJ "Tll• Good Hu!Mf M111" (com· edy) 'SO-Jack Carson, Lola AJ. brilht. MANY RIVERS TO CROSS "Tbe Si1 O'Cl1ck M1Jil" M..ay ii Ctl1r H (j) ,_.10 6:00 fJ TIM lif News (C) (60) Jerry Dun!:. • • HuntSey-lriftkley (C) (30) 8 AJltfl SM (C) (90) Nan- cy Ames, Howard Storm and Ross Hunter auest D Sil O'Clod Mowlt: (C) "MaltJ llJYers To Cross" (western) 'SS-- Robert Taylor, Eleanor Parker. 11 Spy (C) (60) Batlllan (C} (30) Merv Crffflft (C) ~. New? (30) "Adventures in Dinoland." Fim in a series with Muri Deusin1 as he looks at life In the Cambrian period, 600 mll· llon years ago. I Deatino la GlorJ. KPL.M News (C) 6:30 MIC N.....mc. (C) (60) v.,. to tilt lotto• of Utt SU~) (60) 6 Huntie,.Brinkloy (C) i! la, Too., Is America (30) "land of El Dorado." The history, land, people-and Industrial devel- opment of Columbia are examined itucher Ramiro Garcia. i leverlJ HillbiUios (C) News (C) 7:00 ~ CBS Ennln1 Ntn (C) ( ) Walter Cronkite. fJ Wllat's My Lint? (C) (30) Alan Alda, Soupy Sales and Meredith MacRee guest. m Puswonl (C) (30) Ar'lene Fran-Cfs and Skitch Henderson guest. ~ (6) Monday Movir. "A Gather- ing Of Eagles." Rock Hudson, Rod llor star. : Linn Abitrtl (30) • Ceur'a World · Trvtlt or Consoquenca (C) 7:30 f1i(j)8unSlllOkt (C) (60) Steve Forrest plays Mannon, a rulh · less. fast-draw 1unman who shoots Festus. The marshal is out of town, and with his deputy 1ravely wound· ed, the gunman helps himself to free food. drink and lodgin1. 0 8' I SJicaj I lnaqantion '69 (?) (30) A review of the outstand· in& events and ceremonies in to- day's inauguration of Pruident Richard M. Nixon. Frank McGee is anchorman. B lost In Space (C) (60) @ (j) EE n.. Aftfl.-S (C) (60) "The lnterro1ators." A num- ber of secret contacts are systema· tically eliminated after several key a1ents return from their "mysteri· oos" holidays.. steed, Tara and "Mother" attempt to unravel the mystery that becomes even ITlOfe clouded when the a1ent~ swear that their sudden disappearances were merely holidays and further swear that they have not divul1ed any information that could have led to the elimination of their secret con· tacts. Rhonda larker and Christe>- pher Lee auest. 0 Mini. $ Mwlo: .. Anrtl laby" (drama) '61 -Georee Hamilton, Merttdes McCambrid1e, Joan Blon· dell. m T...U. If Coao111111cea (C) (30) Poslna u a hiPC>i•. a man playa a toke on his unsuspect1n1 wife. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 18, 1969 FASTEST NEWS INTHEWEST Bill Bonds takes command of a team that hustles ... with Stu Nahan and Carl George out in front of fast-breaking news and features ... Jim Healy is one jump ahead in sports ... Rona Barrett, first to put HollywOOd's private secrets on public rec· ord. Our field reporters and cameramen give you an eyewitness view of what's happening now. they check ~_with you daily KABC·TV 4:30 & 11:00 P.DL 8 I P'eny .. ..," (60) C..ndoll dt la Rm (30) Un All&tl tn ti f•io 1:00 m Rowan l Miltht laup-hi {60) Hours after his lnauaura· tJon as President, Richard M. Nixon is seen on the show for the ucond time. Nancy Sinatra also 1uests. I Hml (C) (30) ' l"c~ Nixon t11a11pratioll ( ) ( hr) 11hli1hts of the day's ceremonies. NET news correspond- ents will discuss the new adminis· tration's future. 61) Comlcos ' Canclonea 1:30 1J ~ (j) Here's Lucy (C) (30) Lucy decides to go on strike and picket when Uncle Harry refuses to live her a raise. FUruRE SOCIETY DEPICTED 0 Golden Vora1• (C) (30) "All -Jullt Christie (1n a dual rok) and Around Africa." Oalutr Werner star In .. Fahttnbdt 0 @ @Ef) Perton Place (C) 451," a f1111tuy about a future (30) Psychologk:al test\ Indicate toc~ty In wlakb all books are Rod "' d bl b t h' · burned and radina '5 a c.-rlme, on ne, s ou s a ou 1s marnage; NBC'• Tue11day N"-.. • al tht' Movies Ell receives an invitation to sample ._ Ma00ie's cider·, Dr. Miles gi""s Lew 11 9 PM. Werner portnys • fift. ... "' man Ulianed to bum books, and an ultimatum regardin1 his future. Miu Chrilde (1n dlls pktun) Is a m Donald O'Connor (C) (90) Bish· Kboolttaebtt wbo clans bim to op J~un" A. Pike, Nina Foch, Skilts qu.adon the iwtborily ol dae aaate. I Hende~n. Frenkie Randall and Thelma Houston guest Phyllis Newman guests.. I Beat @l) The Grat War *(30) "Compul· TY M!'!:c.'!"~~ <30> sion." The time is Septembtf, 1915, 9:00 9 (jJ Mart>mY RfD (C) (30) The. Allies launch areat attacks • hipboard Romance " Conclusion against the Western Wall to break Aunt Bee and her c;uise-ship cap: the deadlock. Highlights of the tain (Will Geer) make weddinr Battles of Champaane and Loos. plans. Goober, Howard and Em· Italy ~nters the war. mett check out the captain to make @m Oidta Robacla sure he's not just a roving sailor 10:30 0 Mov~: (C) ."Prfn~ of Plarm" playing fast and loose with Aunt (drama) 55-Richard Burton, John Bee. But, as the wedding rehearsal Derek. Raymond Massey. proceeds, Aunt Bee interrupts it &J News (~) (30) .. with a sudden plea for postpone· fE lnnonttons (30) Rotary 0y. ment of the ceremony. namics." Or. Brenne"!~n takes a D Qj @ m NIC Mondar Movie: look at t~e new faci!1ty to t~ (Cj "Billie" (comedy) '65 _ Patty the dy~~m1cs of rotating machin· Duke, Charles Lane, Jim Backus, ery. Onainally de~e.loJl4!d for spa~ Warren Berlinger. The story of a a1e uses, the .tac1hty 1s no~ avail· 15-year-old airl whose athletlc a~le for testing commercial en· prowess causes problems in her gines. personal life. I Detras del Muro 0 Htre Come tht Stars (C) (60) 11:00 0 fJ ~ &) News (C) Laurence Ha~ey _is auest of honor ~'8t ~~cod!CI b (C) Rod .,_ . at a "roast' grven by Mor1ana . 11 u ~r King, Harve Presnell, France Nuyen, ling hosts: • Liberace, Henny Backus and Edona &J,.Movle. ~· &irl Fro111 Manhat· Romney. tan (drama) 48--0orothy Lamour, 0 @CV m Tiit Outcasts (C) Geor e Montaomery. (60) "The Alligator King." Jemal 13 00 News (C) David comes to the support of Hui· • 8 · News betta Mekko, Creek Indian chief 11.30 . E rA The lnaurural BaU who has killed a white man who ( ) CB~ Ne~ covers the lnauaural tricked him into signing away Balls grven 1n honor of the new much of the tribe's land Paul Man· President. tee guests. 0 ~ @ m I $Jl(IXL I The In· &J Run fot' Your Lift (C) (60) aupral Ball (C) live coverare from @ri) LA Bruja Meldlta WashinKton, 0.C., of the lnauaural • Nil . Balls in honor of President Richard 9.3011 l<f.:!I Ci) Fe~lly Aff11r (~) (3p) M. Nixon at the Washington Hilton, W~~n Uncle Bill faces a financial the Sheraton Park Hotel, and at cns1s that ti?uld break up the fam· the Smithsonian Institution. Hugh llY •. the children take emergency Downs and Barbara Walters report. 1ction to earn money. 0 Movie: "Flesll and tht Spur" 0 N"!' (C) (30) Ted Meye!l. (western) '56 -John Asar. Marla @ri) Revisb Musical Enalish. 10:00 II~ (j) Carol Barnett (C) (60) I@ CV m Joey Blallop (C) Perry Como and comedian nm I Love Luq Conwi guest. 12:00 n Sunset strip 8 News (C) (60) 12:30 • Movie: "Terror In tht H1unted 00 &) The Bi& Valley (C) use" (horror) 'SS-Gerald Mohr, (60) "Joshua Watson." Nick is Cathy O'Donnell. goaded into making a loog-shot I Action Tlttttrt: "Sofia." $5,000 bet that the Barkley ranch 1:00 · Spukin1 Freely (C) can beat its lonilime rival, the Com11111nity Bulletln Board (C) Morton Ranch, in an upcoming News (C) rodeo. Lou Rawls 1uests. 1:15 Movie: "The Whitt Squaw" 0 Manllal Dillon (30) (western) '56 -David Brian, Mey Q) That Show (C) (30) "Teeth." Wynn. Electronics He•thklt Ml· 11 A Depth Sounder S.n1ltive, Accurat., & o.p.ndable s79•1 • -'« ...... , ,....... " 1 ....... wlallb w1t11 .,._ ~ e ttNCMI ._ .. ltl ktl .. M1'f MltMI• e S.lllllMI alMrWllM drnlt ... Mt ........... ........ -----. Self ceat1l•N w .._ MltNY -M IW .._. CNUIRl11ce. S--. It .... c:lmHt ....... -~ • ···~ -•• 111<11m ......... .. ..., ...... ew eNY -.. S.fety and Convenience for the Y•chtsman .... ''Fun" Aid lor thei Fl1herm•n HHthklt ~rlne R•dio Dlr.ctlon Finder For S•'-Sure Offshore Navlg•tlon • u.. ye~ • Mar ... , .. ~ hM' ... ,. llN<i .. .,..,._,.. .. YIMllN • UM It , '*' ....... ~! lll ... llte eon AM• rMlt, W fW nMllltwtlle lllt MariM <MaMll • ca,,.,.. .. _,c_ .. _ AM_. MarlN ........._ ..... A.11-inuldw clralltyy ,.. .....,.._ Mitty, ... Uh .......... ...., ..... e .... , ' I.._, • ...,.~.....,,_.. tll#l'r e I"'-" " •wH _ .... Wllll f1ldW\' Hitt 1111411 ............. .. eM'' '-..,_.,... __.. .... , llldutM, Accurate Offshof.. Navlgatl~ l'9ct1Mk ..... , .... ,,,,,, ••• ..._ °' II• l~lq Wtltl Clrcolta Tlllet An '-"· ~ ........ ...., ..... • CNlllAI all Mti.rtatt • IMlrllC• tlM1 CW Mf~"I 1' '**'"' elK• ...le l'-M • ...... ..Ill« .... vr ... •IYN t'lftMCfWI • 0Mretet • Hf• eeeaem1cat ,......_. . Mt· tene$ Clllt MCllMIN) PIR,lc:T 'oa ANV VOU .... TI• WNO WANTS TO llCPl.O'I THI MVITlltlll CW 8UCTtl0..tCJ. COftt•lfli c1rtoon-lll"1trate-:1 llflnclalHM o4 o.-tttlQll end 1IM111t. -twcttnkel lntlrucllons fOt blllldlnt tf dltfennt pl'olc~t• . . • COdt tlelllef, ~ar alum, Pllbllc lddYna avsttm. f •cllf· ferc.it ti:.analltor rtdlos. etcctrof\lc timer, TV allancef', cteetrlc ...,., mtiron~. code tr-rnltttt', ~ic. transmitter. ttelhtr, "'"'°'"" eudle 119'111 lnlectot, C#edlr • ~ •· •rlfltd ,.....,.., Soldtt1e•· ......... tyM ~ llOltd .....,,O:y, --Call bot ~ l'C""..<•tedt'( for bulldllll' «av· orlt• proltcta. <>Pt.r•• Oft ,_ MM C·tlu flaU!tleM tlJ~ (net In- cluded). M•es •n ldHI 91ft .., anv vc:Jftllter "' bh1hclllY, CtirlatmN or Ill' 41duetloft time. Hear N•ws BrolldcHt1 Of~ From Forelp Countra.. ••• Be The First To Know With .-HMihkl~ Short· wive R9dio FREE Send fw Our Huge C.talog It's FrM to 'YH fof tt. Alkitlt· HEATHKIT® 1ucno•1e c11n111 -~tll lt\.l ll". To rHc:h HH ... klt l!l1ctro11lc C111t1r taka Hart.er llvd. to hit Av•. 1ut 011 Ball a few 1h1rt blodts to JJO Ea•t lell or take Saitta Ana FrHway to H1rbvr llvd., Hetbor llvd, to lall, a few 1h9't blvc:h 111d you're har1 SAUS & l'AIU HEATHKIT 776·9420 no IAST IAU.. ANAHllM SllVICI 776·942J ..... 11 TUESDAY JANUARY 21 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 8:30 O "Too Younr To Kiss" (romance) '51-June Allyson, Van Johnson. 9:30 O "Too Late for Tt1n" (drama) '49-llzabeth Scott, Dan Duryea. 10:00 B "All This and Heaven, Too" (drama) '40-Bette Davis, Charles Boyer. 12:30 m "Snowbound" (drama) '47 -Rebert Newton. "T1tt S1rlftJll" (drama) '46-0rson Welles. 2:00 m "TIM Hostap" (adventure) '57 -Ron Randellr Mary Parker. 3:30 B (C) "The ao, ind the Pirates'' (adventure) '60-Charles Herbert, Susan Gordon. 4:30 fJ (C) "Bontb at Ten: Ten" (dra· ma) '67-George Montgomery. EVEN INC. 6:00 fJ The Bl& Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. R m HuntJey-lrfnU., (C) (30) Stne Alltn Sltow (C) (90) Ste· phen Chena. Dr. Marshall Ho, Pro- fessor Tsun-Yuen and Jayne Mead· OWS guest. 0 Six O'Clodl Movie: "Joaf"lltJ tD the Center of Ult Earttl" Part I (sci·fi) '59 -Pat Boone, James Mason, Arlene Dahl, Diane Baker. In Jules Verne's astounding tale of the world beneath the Earth, a pro- fessor and his family set out to probe mysteries alone the 3963 miles to the Earth's center, battling 1i1antic prehlstOf'ic reptiles, sailing the sunless Sea of Saknussem and finding the famed lost city of At· lantls. .. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 18, 1969 THE DOODLETOWN PIPERS IN "AN AMERICAN HOLIDAY" THE SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF AMERICA IN MA IESTIC COLOR BACKDROPS DATING BACK TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TUESDAY 9:00 PM· COLOR·KTLA 4 11 Spy (C) (60) Batman (C) (30) Cl) Merv 'riffin (C) What's New? (30) "Adventures ------------------------- In Dinoland." The Devonian Age Ell) Tiie French Cltlf (30) Julia 1:00 m HazeJ (C) (30) (379 million years ago) is explored. Child prepares a chop dinner In Ell) Wor1d Prns (C) (60) @I) Otstlno la Qlorla half an hour. @ll Premier Orfton Qo-'o m llPl.M News (C) I (j) The Good Guys (C) 6 30 I KNBC N 1-(C) (60) Islands In the Sun l:30 II~ (j) Red Skelton (C) (60) : ' ewucv.-Truth or Consequences (C) Carol Lawrence and Lou Rawls Voya11 to tllt Bottom of the ru~ aem "adi"ddl'""""per .. & Sea ~ (60) 7:30 II 9 (1) La1t1:.r (C} (60) Guest ...... ,... "'""' .,... eit 00 Huntfey·BrlnllftJ (C) Stefanie t>owers plays a winsome comes bodyguard to Hefen of Troy, fill Rudin& W'Jth Your Qlld (30) Irish lass who cons Scott Lancer which leads to a comecfic caper "Teaching the Non-English-Speaklna Into believing her conniving father Inside a wooden horse when Helen Child." Marion Marshall offers sug-realty 4s an innocent' down-on-his-r Is kidnaped front her creaklna hu. gestions for parents of non-English· luck farmer and thereby inflicts a band Menelaus by Trojan warrior speaking children to help them wave of thievery on the local co11n· ~~ '6' ~Jut•-(C) (JO) "Dan· prepare the child for school. tryslde. Jonathan Harris guests as ...-"1t!I l!!.I ~ .. I~ McHale's Navy the father, who charms the gullible cer in the Dark." Julia 1$ asked ft:\ News (C) Scott sufficiently to earn the lease by a fellow employee from person-. w at 60 acres of Lancer land before nel fo help their company hire a 7:00 fJ CBS Evenina News (C) \30) the neighborhood becomes aware of famed but reluctant football hero. Walter Cronkite. his larcenous tendencies.. The pressure is on Astrospace Pet'· ! Wllat'1 My Uno? (C) (30) 0 QJ @ m JtfTJ Ltwls (C) (60) sonnel man Rank Kimball to outbid Password (C) (30) The Wiere Brothers, Rich Little, and several other companies for the @ Amtrlca! (C) Raymond Burr guest. Jerry opens prestige hiring of pro-football" star the show sinaing "Red, Red Rob· Dave Boyd, and when Boyd plays in," and follows with a comedy skit it cool, the personnel man-whose in which he demonstrates a "per· superiors are all rabid pro-arid fans feet," bullet· proof vest. Jerry and -turns desperately to Julia IOI' Raymond Burr participate in a skit help. Morris Erby, Fred Willlalll!OO about the problems of two strangers are featured. .IOURNEYTO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH Jame• Maaon Pat Boone and Arlene Dahl atar on •1The Six O'Clock Movie". In Color Tuesday, Part I. Wednesday, Part II. ~ Pa1e 12 forced to share the same table in IJ Bruins In Adloa (C) (30) a crowded restaurant. Rick Little @@ aJ It T1kt1 a Diet (C) does impressions of Gov. Nelson (60) "The Artist ls for Framing." Rockefeller, Gov. Ronald Reagan. Swiss police inspector Berman Sen. Everett Dirksen, Hubert Hum· (guest Paul Henreid) arrests Alex- phrey and formef President Lyndon ander Mundy for the perpetration Johnson. He also reports a space of a series of jewel robberies. Gia shot in which he takes the roles of Scala plays Angel. astronauts Ed Sullivan, Jackie Ghtas-m Donald O'Connor (C) (90) Joe on, Joey Bishop and George Bums. Flynn, Ed Begley, Marilyn Max- 11 lost in ~ace (C) (60) well, Melody Patterson, LorM Fra- @ CV W Mod Squid (C) (60) zier and Sebastian Cabot guest. "Flight five Doesn't Answer." Capt. ID Beat the Odds (C) (30) Greer and the two boys face death In a forced plane crash. They are assigned to transport Tony Landon, an ailing syndicate king-pin, from prison to the state capital for testi· mony before the governor, and the pilot is forced to crash-land the plane by a member of the mob. D Million $ Movie: (C) "But of Enemies" (comedy) '62 -David Niven, Michael Wilding. Satire on the pointlessness of war is told from the points of view of two men, both disgusted by warfare and on opposite sides. They are alike in many ways. m T~ or Consequences (C) (30) Three TV producers give clues to contestants. who try to match the men to the shows they produce. I Perry Mason (60) C.ncion de la Raza (30) Un Aniel en el fanp * DOODLETOWN PIPERS Special at 9PM tonite! (5) 9:00 0 fa @ m NBC TuudaJ Movie: (t} "fahrenlleit 451" (drama) '66 -Julie Christie, Oskar Werner. Story of a future society in which all books are burned and reeding is a crime. T~ title of the film Is the temperature at which paper bums. Werner portrays a fireman whose job is to bum books, not extinguish flames. He is introduced to the j~s of reading and knowl· edge by a probationary sdloolteach· er, and together they escape to a freer wortd when he is ordered to destroy his own home. D DOOOLETOWN PIPERS * take you on a thrilling hour of song you'll NEVER forget . . . filmed in great American outdoor locales! O Showcase 5 (C) (60) The Ooo· dletown Pipers star In a proaram entitled "An American Holiday." 9: I 1 10 - 1C 1 1 1 g 1) .s .. '· If n .. If I• d I• I I. ·. d • ,, ~ e .s I( n :) .. n t· fl a • :- I• 1: 6 r. h ' n r n it d I· I· a 0 ~ t .! I· n .. Staaln& patriotic numbers In such ioc.tions as Soc:ltty Hill In Phil•· delphU., the Cotl(ress Room ol In· dependence Hall, and on an old stlltna ship, the Doodletowners will tlka vitw«S by storm. m ba ,., y..,, Lift (C) (60) f1l) NET ftltlYll (80) "Cinema of the Absurd." Problems 1re attacked in Mtlric. non-reellstic ter~ ~ Lu Htf ... ttas Vlnnct 9:30 QI (j) Doris 0., (C) (30) A t uahtful lift from Leroy, an an- tique chlmina clock, almost causes Doris to succumb IQ complete physical exhaustion. U EXCELLENT POLICE * ACTION MELODRAMA 0 @ CI) Q} NYPD (C) (30) "The Rflht Watch." Junnt Alexander pfaYJ Maule in a story about • health-food addict suspected of kill· in& a man because he was eatin& "contaminated" food. I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Hoy 10:00 9 Cl) 60 Mlnufill (C) (60) S News' Maauin&-of·lht-A.ir fea- turina Harry Reasoner and Mike Wlilace 11 on-the-air editor&. -om """ <c> (60> U @ (]) m Thaf1 Lift (C) (60) "A Cold Is Nothing To Sneeze at." Aanes Moorehead, Phil Harris and Rodney D1n1erfield auest when Bobby is felled by the flu bu1. fJ Marsllal Diiion (30) m Tllat Stlow (C) (30) "Make-Up." Selma Diamond aues1s. fl!) Biid! Plf19tdivt (30) A panel of local journalists talk with a mayoralty candidate about the up· comin& campai1n. I Didl1 Robida 10:30 Movie: (C) "Vloltllt Saturd1(' ( ama) 'SS-Victor Mature, Rich· ard Egan. The story of a day In a small town's life when an out-of· town trio of hoodlums rob the local bank and shatter the indulaent com· munlty with a cataclysm of violence. News (C) (30) : R1111n News Confertttee (30) · Dttra def lhiro 11:00 o m m """ cc> Alfred Hltdlcoc:t LU.rs' C'ub (C) Movie: "S1111rt Clrla Don't elk" (mystery) '48-Vlrainia Mayo, Bruce Bennett. 11:15; ~ ~ ~C~IWI (C) 11:30 IJ Movit: (C) "Run of ttie Arrow" (adventure) '56-Rod Stelaer, Brian Keith. A Southerner, embittered by the loss of the Civil Wu. aoes west to join the Sioux to continue fight· I~ against the Union. Movie: .. Flyln1 Deuces" (com· i) '39-Uurel & Hardy. @ (}) m Jot1 11ataop <C> I Love Lucy 11:45 123 00 m Tonlpt Show (C) lZ.-00 ff Sunaet Strip 12.:20 Movie: .. SUntlld•, tltlll" (ad- venture) '59-Keith Andes. 12:30 ~ Actioa Thtlbe: "Spits of tht Air." 1:00 f) Mowlt: "Roel. P'rdtJ lab(' (teenafe rotk-romance) '57 -Sil Mineo, John Saxon, Lu1n1 Patten. I ONews (C) COmaunltJ lutltth1 loud (C) From tftt Inside Ovt (C) 1:30 All.fflpt Sllow: "Kansas City Confldenti1I," "The Letter" and "The Wyomina Kid." Ttvee ABC-TV stars, Joey Bishop, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. and Philip Abbott, have been honored recently for patriotic and public service. Bishop, latest honoree, was presented with a Depart· ment of Defense Certificate of Appreciation on his late- night show for patriotic ci- vilian service. He recently spent two weeks entertaining troops rn Vietnam. Zimbalist, star of The FBI series, received a Depart- ment of the Army Certificate of Appreciation for narrating an Army Reserve film. The presentation was made by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Wil · fiam C. Westmoreland. Look· ing on were J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI chief; Efrem Zimba· list Sr., retired head of the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, and Efrem Ill, an Army lieutenant stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. Abbott, also starring in The FBI, received his public service plaque at Walla Walla, Wash ., at the Blue Mountain Council, Boy Scouts of Amer- ica Adult Leaders' Confer- ence. Abbott was · cited for his citizenship contribution through his portrayal of an FBI official in the ABC-TV Sunday night series. • • • The quartet of British stars who headlined "Male of the Species," the "Prudential's On Stage" special, donated their full salaries to charity. Sir Laurence Olivier, host· narrator of the Alun Owen trilogy, and performers Sean Connery, Michael Caine and Paul Scofield pledged their wages to England's Theatri· cal Charity Council. The money is to be allocated primarily for the rebuilding of Denville Hall, the home for old actors and actresses out· side London. • • • An Invitation From ·Prince Philip "These ~markable islands could become one of the most fas- cinating attractions to the growing number of people all over the wQdd who are interested in natural history. But see for yourself and listen to the ~traordinary story of these islands since they were first seen by man only just over four hundred years ago." This is the on-camera invi· tatioo extended by HRH Prince Philip of Great Britain to American television viewers to watch a photographic essay on one of the most unusuaJ places in the world-the incredible Galapagos Islands. This in- depth entertainment documen- tary, narrated in part by Prinoe Philip, airs as a one-hour color special, titled Voyage to the Enchanted lsles, Wednesday at 7:30 PM on CBS.. In on-screen and .voicc~ver comments, Prince Philip, who has visifed the Galapagos and taken a great personal interest in their preservation, narrates the history of the islands. He also describes their unique wildlife and the remarkable juxtaposition of tropical vol- canic Java and extremely cold HRH l'rince Phlllp oJ Gnat Britain i.1 the narrator for parll o/ "Yoy41e to tlte Enchanttd Illes," a Jictorlal 'uay on the incndibu worl of the Galapa101 /sland1, to bt broadca.1r In color Wtdne.rdO)I on CBS. water that pennits ftamingos and penguins to survive side by side. The Galapagos, the 3,()()()..square-mile group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean 600 miles west of Ecuador, literally exploded out of the bed of the Pacific as a series of volcanoes between one and three million years ago. Wind and weather have done little since then to modify their shape, and oo many of the islands the blue-black Java looks almost freshly cooled, still unweathered and razor sharp. Aside from their strange and fascinating animaJ life, the GaJa- pagos have supplied a significant footnote to the history of man- kind through the writings of Charles Darwin. The area was ex- plored in 1835 by Darwin, then a 22-year-old naturalist, and what he observed there became the basis for his theory of evolution, published 30 years later in '"The Origin of Species." Today, more than a century later, the Galapagos are relatively unchanged from the time o ( Darwin's visit. Voyage to the Enchanted Isles, in depicting the species of crea· tures that live there, details the features of their adaptation to their environment and the characteristics which gave Darwin bis first major clues to the nature of man's evolution. "ll seemi. to me," Prince Philip says on the broadcast, "that there are three things about the Galapagos which give them a very special importance. In the first place, there are many unique and interesting creatures living on the islands which are found nowhere else in the world. Secondly, it was the remarkable and unusual features of the animal population which prompted Darwin's com- prehensive theory of evolution. "Thirdly, and the thing that struck me most forcibly, is the incredible, even touching tameness of the animals there. They are fearless of man because apparently the instinct of fear takes many thousands of years to develop. It's to be hoped that in this one small comer of the earth the creatures of these enchanted islands need never develop the instinct of fear at all." WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day 's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:30 Q (C) "Wlnp of tllt Hnl" (ad- venture) '53 -Van Heflin, Julie Adams. 9:JO 0 "The Devil and Mia Jona" (fantasy) '41-Jean Arthur, Charles Coburn. 10:00 a .. ,._, Lit lo" (mystery) '62 -Richard Todd. Peter Sellers. 12:30 m "P~ (dr!ma) ~56-Vtn Heflin. ''Tlmetlbtt" (drama) 15&- Mark Stevens. 2:00 Q) "Touatint Cun In To...,.._e" (Western) '58-Georae Montaomery. 3:30 O "Invasion of tlat Body Snitdl· trl'' (scl·fi) '5&-Kevln McCarthy, Dana Wynter. 4:30 f) (C) "Hell lelow Zero" (adven· ture) '54-Alan Ladd, Joan Tetzel. [VfNING 6:0011 Tiit 11,c ...., <C> <60> Jeny Dun~. § @ID Huntlq.lrin.S., (C) (30) stMle Allen SMw (C) (90) Pat rrlnaton. Janet Lawson. Bob Smith auest. 0 Six O'Qoct Movie: (C) .. Jou""J to Ult C.ter of tlte Elrttt" Pa rt II (act-fl) '59-Jemes Maaon. Pat 800111. Arlene Dahl, Dl•n• 8ak11. 11 Spy (C) (60) lat.nan (C) (30) Merv 8rfffln (C) ~t's ,...1 (30) "Adventures in Oinol1nd." Muri Oeusina looks at life development durina the Triassic and Jurassic periods on Earth. I Delltno la Qloria KPlM News (C) &:30 MIC NIWMfYlce (C) (60) Voyaae to the Bottom of the ~ (60) Huntlly·lrlnklty (C) I Ofl for Your Meney (30) "Clothinr the Family." Louise Bock· man aives some timely tips about stretchll\I your clothinc dofllf. Cij (j) Mdfalt'a 1bVJ mmmNews cc> 7:oO ID 9 (]) tis &enlna N... (C) 10) Walter Cronkite. Wht's My line? (C) (30) Paawont (C) (30) @ Yott A.tbcl fw It Ma~n1 Ille Most of Mltllftty (30) "Now Hear This." A teacher for the detf and hard-of-hearina talks with Marion Marshall and rives advice for hearing-loss victims and their families. "We had so HOMEOWNERS - many monthly BORROW $500to $10,000 ~s:a~~m~~:s~~ OR MORE -BY PHONE! color TV, appli· h1m•nb H IO* H ances, and $7.50 monthly•! other bills that No payments for & months! I got behind in And no balloon payments! At the payments on our home, Union, only $7.50 per month• 1nd was afraid we'd lose it. on each $500 borrowed in· "Then my wife went to the hos-eludes both principal and in· pitlil, and more expenses piled terest-r~pays your loan in full! up. I was so worrlod I couldn't Caah In 24 hours. on request. sleep, but thank goodness I with good title. And you are told my troubles to our Church eligible whether your home is Minister. paid for or not. Your under- "He advised me to calr Union standing Union loan counselor Home Loans-and right on the can approve your loan riaht on phone they arr1nged a $3,500 the phone, and arrange for you loan that paid off all our bills to make no payments for 6 and saved our home -with months. So call Union today- cash left over!" · and get out of debt! u LM K A-rd G ·L~n matum 111 I.I( yun. Shorter a ..,, • . ., um en rove IOllrtt t.rm '°'"' •v•ll•blt. In GARDEN GROVE call Mr. Miles ....... 539-2122 In LOS ANGELES call Mr. Ralston ...... DU S-4141 ,...14 7:30 fJ * THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 18, 1969 U':' Wandtr'lust &) Trutta Of C.l\NClutna1 (C) U KRAFT MUSIC HALL * BOBBY DARIN, BUDDY RICH, MARTHA REEVES HRH Prince Philip is D @@ m Kra" MUSk Hall (C) your royal guide on a (60) "Sound of the '60's.'' Bobby VOYAGE TO THE Darin is host. Guests are Buddy ENCHANTED ISLES Rich, Laura Nyro and Marthe IJ I lflC!AL I 11ae End\lntecl Isles ;:Mulng (C) (60) Dick Lane (C) (60) A photoaraphic essay on calls the action. the incredible Galaparos Islands, 2 (fi') @ m ABC WeltnttclaJ narrated In part by HRH Prince ( Philip of Great Britain. The show ovie: (C) ''Tltt Petsy" comedy) studies the stranae and f1scin1tina '64-Jerry Lewis, Ina Balin. Keenan anlmal life inhabiting the Galapagos. Wynn, Phil Harris, Peter LOfre. After 1 3,000-square·mlle iroup of islands the death of a successful comedian, l~tad in the Pacific Ocean 600 hi$ production group seeks an un· mile,s west of Ecuador. Charles Dar· known to mofd into a st.ir. A bell-boy Is chosen and proves to be win derived his first major clues to tremendous fiasco until he is the nature of evolution from his booked with Ed Sullivan. studies there. D 0 @ Th• Vlrifnlan (C) (90) I Run for Y0411' Ufe (C) (60) "Last Grave at Socorro Creek." Newa in PeBPtdivt (C) (60) When an old friend. accused of Sylvl• 1 Enrique robbery is lynched, The Virainian 9:30 fJ ~ Ci) Green Acns (C) (30) takes on a detective's role to ferret Oliver and Lisa Doualas are sus- out the auitty partiu. Steve Ihnat. peded of being jewel thieves when Lonny Chapman, Ellen McRae and they find priceless gems in their Kevin Cou(hlin aueit. boxas of inexpeniive breakfast ee- l.AA hi SplCI (C) (60) real. @CV&> Heu Come the fJ News (C) (30~ Tad Meyers. (C). (60) "Wives.. tor W -. @I) l1111p1~ Musicales _ . ~ ,. do." Wakando, an Indian chief, and 10:00 f) ~(!)Hawaii Flve-0 (C) (60) some of his braves come to Seattle '1he Face of the Draaon." Nancy to trade otter skins for women and Kovack, Soon Taik Oh, and David are aniered when Jason Bolt turns Opatoshu guest them clown. Michael Ansara guests. 0 @@ m Tht Outsider (C) fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Run for (60) ''The Old School Tie." A former Cow9f" (western) '55-James Cag-ce:lmate of David Ross pays him a ney, John Dtrek. visit to request a long-owed favor m Trutll or Con1equencu (C) (30) that could land Ross behind bars Maaician Kuda Bux performs while again. Aldo Ray guests. blindfolded. I m News (C) (60) Ctndon de la Raza (30) Tbat Sllo1' (C) (30) Joel Grey (i) DAI Movie guests. I Ptny Muon (60) • Marslltl Dillon (30) Un Anp en el F1np @il Gut.en Tt1 (30) 1:00 m Hmt (C) (30) U) Dich1 Robida @il The World We live In (C) (30) 10:30 fJ Movit: .. It Happened in Broad ''Questions or nme." A study of Dlfll&flt" (mystery) '60 -Heinz tim.-the lll0$t familiar and least Ruhemann, Michel Simon. understood phenomenon of our ii) News (C) (30) lives. fEl Art l Artis1s (30) "Black on ti) Milft:ola Mus.ical White.'' A look at the works of art· 1:30 ists lnte<estad in inter-racial themes. fJ "The Good Guys" Comedy U> Detras del Muro * HIT OF THE SEASON! U:oolp.JJHfti!.Newa (C) II Tiie 8ood Guys (C) (30) Rufu9 Uaf1' Club (C) f08$ to a lot of trouble to surprise Movlr. "five Sttpa to Dlneet" B~rt with a toupee for his birthday (mystery) '57-Sterllnr Hayden. and then Bert flaUy refuses to @ cIJ ~ @ News (C) wear IL Qj(i)mNews IJ Win With the Stara (C) (30) 11.30 f) Movie· "H Desi,.,. (d _ Arte Johnson iuests. • . • uman r.., ~ U (fij CI) (iE Peyton Plice (C) ma) 54 -~lenn Ford, Brodeflck (30) Jeff accuses Carolyn of avoid· Crawford. Glona G~ahame. in& him; Lew tells Joanne he is 0 @ ~ fP Toni(tlt .. •• (C) &olnr to marry Vickie; Norman tells ~ Movie. Bladt ride (mystery) Rodney that Betty is the cause of 56-John Ireland, Derek Bond. his relapse. u @ CV m )ffY Bishop (C) m Donald O'Connor (C) (90) Colin m I love Lucy Bailey, Lou Alexander. Della Reese, 12:00 m 77 sunset Strip Suaar Ray Robi~SOfl, David Hous. 12:15 fJ Movie: "The Penuadtt'' (west· ton and Annemane Huste guest. ern) '57-William Talman. Darryl G) leat the Oddi (C) (30) Hickman . ~ ~ 8.!at (30) "Man's. Rise to 12:30 G) Action Tlllatre: "Four in a Civ1hzet1on. Peter Farb discusses kep ... the American Indian. 1:00 IJ Movie: "No Time To Be Youn(' I.I> S.nrbas (drama) '57-Robert Vaughn, Roger 9:00 fJ BMrty Hiiibiiiies (t) (30) Roy S~ith. Clerk pays a return visit in a two· IQ N.ws (C) part episode. As Cousin Roy Halsey, Community Bulletin Board (C) he sinp and tries tD have his act From the Inside Out (C) reprewnted by Jethro Bodine's new 1:30 All·Nilttt Show: "ln ·This Our Hollywood apncy, J. B. Enterprises. life," "Big House. USA" and "Each Inc. Dawn I Die." ) , , I , ) ~ " e s r ) , j r • r s j z n .. k •I a f ) r h LEWIS School OCAAAZ=-' 7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite L495 Hollywood, California 90028 Please mail me the free 48 page book and other material showing how you train people for the hoepitality industry. I underatand there ia no coet, no obligation. Thank you. • NAME-------------- PHONE ------AGE _____ _ ADDRESS------------- CITY--------ZIP __ _ Ye1r-Rou1d acllion _·wi111 avl ... 11•-11111 wn111 m111r 11111111i111 ---- U you have an open mind aboutyourfuture;il ~~::~':::::::~~ .. ~ .... ~~~~~ you're in a position, Ol" would like to be in a position to pull up stakes, move to another city -perhaps a small town, or a beach city, or a mountain or lake resort -you ought to look into opportunities opening up in the hospitality industry: hotel and motel managers, social directors on cruise ships and resorts, etc. Your age doesn't matter. Returning eervioeman? or reedy for semi-retirement?. there's a need for men and women of all agee. 1be work is intereeting. No lay-offs. Your age will never count against you. A decent salary, and often a free apartment for you and your husband or wife. And you're always meeting new people. You have to learn bow, of COW'8e, but that's fairly easy with the streamlined oourae developed by Lewis Hotel-Motel School. who have been training and placing hotel, motel and resort managers for over 50 years. Sending fOI' this book is the first step. It tells bow you can learn at home on records (like talking it over with a friend); about the famous Lewis nationwide placement service that helps you aelect the size of job you want to tackle -a poeh resort complex, a litUe mountain lodge or streamside cabins, or eomething in between -and where: in the U.S . (including Hawaii), Canada or even in another country. Look through the book -youra to keep free, whether you enroll with Lewis or not -and then decide whether you want to take the next step toward what could be a year-round vacation with pe.y for you. The book ia l'J't4ikd to you. Pm:&2057 LEWIS School A Dlvlalon of CarHr Academy/Approved for Ve1erana, H.E.W. programs I I I THE DAILY PlLOT, TV WEEK. JANUARY 18, 1969 My wife Virginia and J are opposed to the zoo concept My pro-pam is against the cag- mg of any animal if by so doing it is deprived of its right to a natural expression of lif c. Only a free animal is fulfill- ing its purpose. I believe we should create game preserves for animals in all coun- tries large enough to al- locate areas and support them, but these areas must be great enough in size to support a bal- anced variety of ani- mals in order that they live with a purpose. The real reasons for having zoos, for sen- tencing animals to im- prisonment for life, have been invalidated by progress mainly- there wore oo airplanes to take us to see ani- mals in their natural state when zoos were conceived and photog- 'My Program Is Against A CRUSADER AGAINST ZOOS, BUJ Traver1 1tof1 in rite documenlory, "The UoM An Frtt." The Caging Of Any Animal' By BILL TRAVERS raphy then was in its infancy and unsatisfactory. We can all, particula.rly our children, learn much more from watching a good documentary film on television or the cinema about a particular species of animal than we can by observing a frus- trated animal behind bars. Most people go to zoos out of curiosity, not really to learn. Ask any one of the public who has just been to a zoo what he has really learned apart from the fact that an animal has skin and bones and fur and walks and eats. Even those who study animals in zoos often learn the wrong things, because environmental change can also change a personality and be- havior pattern-that is what small amount there is to observe. Travel to the game parks, to Africa and to the other reserves of the world is now comparatively easy and the cost would be reduced if more people were to visit them. lo fact it could cost little more than the average person spends on his yearly vacation and is infinitely more rewarding. Travel should, in my opinion, be arranged for this purpose on an international basis as wild life preservation and con- servancy is an international problem. It should be arranged between governments and be govcrnrncnt-subsidiz.ed for adults and children. The understanding of wild life and incidentally, the other inhabitants of the world, is just as vital as many things the governments of countries arc at present subsidizing-museums. libraries, art galleries, ballet. etc. These subsidies would help the emerging African nations and who knows, perhaps from seeing how other species behave and by studying the structure of their societies, their activities and behaviour, we ourselves might learn better to cope with the problems of life and of this world. We might learn how to gel on with each other, for we arc after all only an extended form of animal-predators who became most dominant in the world through our ability to use weapons. I don't think we can have "instant" game parks and "instant" animals except on television. It will always be necessary to travel if we wish to see and understand what arc now thought to be by many people some of the treasures of the world. Humaru live in cities in conditions not fit for animals and in which animals cannot happily sur- vive. Only l't'lativcly few people go oo photographic safaris, but I was full of hope when I saw a bus loaded with delightful African school children being driven around Maoyara National Park (Kenya) observing elephants, lions, gu.elles, birds and trees for their nature studies. Why is the wild life vanishing? Mao's conceit that the world was created for him alone and his areecf for land. If we all really valued our vanishing wild life, it would not be vanishing. I have never found observing wild lif c particularly dangerous-wild animals arc extremely tolerant of man-- much more so than he is of them. (Bill Travers and Iris actress-wife, Virginia McKenna, are stars of NBC's The Lions Are Free sp«ial airing Thursday at 7:30 PM.) p._e 11 THURSDAY JANUARY 23 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:30 fJ "TIN Class Web" (mystery) '54 -Edward G. Robinson, John for· i he. 9:30 "On Our Mmy Way" (comedy) • 8 -Burgess Meredith, Paulette Goddard. 10:00 D "Between Two Worlds" (drama) '44-John Garfield, Eleanor Parter. 12:30 m "Uvtndtr HUI Mob" (comedy) '52 -Alec Guinness. "M1rt Caln" (myst.ry) '48--&lc Portm1n. 2:00 m ~"' S.iUI vs. Scotland Yanl" (mystery) '52-,,Rlchard tad- son, Greta Gynt. 3:30 fJ "Maucrt River" (western) '49 -Guy Madison. Rory Calhoua. 4:00 tJ "Tht KIJ" (drama) '58-Wil· liam Holden, Sophia Loren. Trevor Howard. EVENING 6:00 tJ lltt Blf Ntws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 @E HunUty·Brinklef (C) (30) 0 RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS VS. NEW YORK RANGERS 0 Kinp Hockey (C) (2 hr 20 min) Jiggs McDonald calls the ac· tion between the LA. Kings and New York. fJ Six O'Clodr Movie: (C) "Hofiday for lovers" (romance) '59-Clifton Webb, Jane Wyman, Jill SI. John, Carol Lynley. 11 5n (C) (60) latm1n (C) (30) CV Merv liritfin (C) Whars New? (30) "Adventures in Dinoland." Mur1 Oeusln& dis- cusses reptiles that flew during the Cretaceous period on Earttl, 130 million years a&o. I Destino 11 Gloria KPl.M News (C) 6:30 KNBC Newsertice (C) (60) Yoy11t to Ute Bottom of tM Sea~) (60) ~ (!) Huntley·Brinkley (C) fE Wonderlul World of Cbildrtn (30) Emma Jiminez discusses ways to increase the awarene5' and cre- ativity of pre-school children. I! Mdtli.'s N.y ........ (C} 7:00 ~ cas &tnina News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Whafs My lint? (C) (30) Passwoi d (C) (30) @ Hip Ind Wild (C} Ptaylnf Ule Guitar (30) "Cou~ ReYiew II." Instructor Frederick Noad reviews the important points of the advanced auitar course. He aives advice on further study. @E Trut Advtnturt 7: 4 f• •) e t) r. 1) " d I 9 I· If s '.O C· Id ., Kl n. " $- le 10 !ft rs • C) se ck tb -fe Q) nvtll or Cleinleq-CC) reen O'Sullivan, Jim Hutton, Jene 7:30 B 9 (() Tiie ~ •llCI • (C) Wyatt Hllarioua complleationl dis- (30) When Duffy loHS ab hundr.d rupt the lives of 1 middlt-•&ed cou dollars In 1 pool aame, h1 otters pie wtlen they learn they are to be- the winner a free cruise In Heu of com~rents •rain. cull, even thouah the Amsterdam fJ ( (I) fl!) That Girt (C) (30) Queen is In port for repairs. The ''The rrinp." Don's Valentine &ift problem Is how to keep the pusen· to Ann Marie Is 1 pair of diamond ftr In his stlteroom for the entire eurinp that prove to be as worrl· "cruise" so he won't know the 10me u they are atitterlna. ahlp hasn't left port. Henry Corden m Run for Yow Lite (C) (60) l!!_ub. fil) Jm Cal4lll (30) Woody H11· U ~ @ El':) i IHc@: I Tiit l..IOM man 1Uests. Art free (C) (60) A documentary Im EJ Mundo Esta Loco that depicts . the retum of Biii 9:30 D ta (6) m Dr11net (C) (30) Travers to Kenya for a reunion "B oJ>.~R-27." Friday and Gan· with the famous lions let loose In non h1ndle a variety of calls. in· the 1966 "Born Free" movie. The cludlna an attempted 111lcide, an special shows the ulmals' adjust· olflcer shot In a robbery 1nd a ment to their tree life. Vir(inia Mc· desperate alert to the city about an Kenna also stars. expected tidal wave. The ~ have O @(])al Uetlest Girt In Town their day on the business office (C) (30) "l Little Advice Goes a desk. Lona Way." Tlmmy temporarily O (jj)(I) a> Jounwr to Ille Un· takes over the lonely hearts column known (C) (60) "The Killing Bot· of a local newspaper as a publicity tle." Roddy McDowell stars as the stunt, end the advice "she" alves younaer brother of a wealthy family breaks up a marriaae. wtlo, with his wife, plot1 to kill his fJ Million $ Movie: "Tiie Ult older brother in order to aain the MiW° (dra~) '59--Mickey Rooney, family Inheritance.. Alan Bruce, Clifford David. I News <C> (30) Ted Meyers. m Tnrtll or CollMCIU9ncitS (C) (30) WllM•stH Tn Review (C) (30) ~ mothttl •nd thei' ~In lO:Clt • B@m Dun Martin (C) participate In a bell·rinfinr contest. ( ) Dan Dattey, Gloria l;.orlna and m hrlJ Muon (60) Paul Lynde auest. m C:.ndon • ,. •au (30) Im ,..., (C) (60) @I) Un Anitt en el fanao • Mlrshal Diiion (30) 1:00 fJ ~ Cil Jonathan Wint.rs (C) That Show (C) (30) "Shoplift· (60) Audrey Meadows, Soupy Sales. i_!!i-" Maureen Stapleton guests. Bobby Van and The Kina Cousins W n...tre Beat (30) The Stage 1uest. Society Theatre presents acenes 0 @(])a> Tiie flylna Nun (C) from "Bakke's Night of Fame." Host (30) "A Star Is Reborn," A mcwle Hal Marienthal comments on the star who is rescued by airborne Sis· play and talks with director John ter Bertrille decides to become a Ferzacca and actors John Hardina. nun. Patricia Barry guests. Len Lemr and Bill Zuckert. EE) NET 11ayMus.e (60) "Silent 10:30 T.H.E. Cit (C) (30) G) Hazel (C) (30) ~Dlch1 Robida Son(." A prize·winnin11. non·dialorue • Movir. "Oliver Twist" (classic) teleplay by Hugh Leonard and ttte ' lee Guinness. Anthony New· late Frank O'Connor. The drama le . concerns a young postulant In a News (C) (30) Trappist monastefy wtlo dlSCOYef'S (]) Pmport to Tmtf (C) that even monks have th&ir little : Sacnmento nte (30) wttaknesses. Tony Selby, Leo Mc· o.traa dtl Muro Cabe, Miio O'Shea and Jack Mac· Twlllpt Zone Cowran star. 11:00 0 0 @I) a> "'" (C) @!) ftlldano! (C) Atfl'9d Hitdlcod 1:20 8 Klnp W~up (C) Um' Club (C) 8:30 • QJ@ @E lronaldt (C) (60) Movie: "'Invisible Stripes" (d111· "Why the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge ma) '39-Humphrey Borart. Wllllam Club Met on Thursday." lroMide is Holden, Geor~ Raft. embarrassed by an elderly aunt who I (]) @ N..s (C) ' bta>mes an amate11r dftective when Cil m ... a card·playlna friend disappears. 11:30 Movie: (C) "ValltJ of tbt Jessie R~ce Landis and Arthur nil" (adventure) '54 -Robert O'Connell auest Taytor, Eltanor Parktf'. 11 Bozlna (C) (90) Dick Enbera R 0 @ m Tonlpt SMw (C) and Mickey Davies are ringside for Movie: "tom tt tM Siddle" the 10-round featherweiaht bout (western) '54-leif Erickson. Don· between Bobby Rodriauez and Leo aid Woods. De Fiero. ~@ Cl) Q) JotJ Bllelop (C) ID @ (]) fl!) a..t1dMd (C) (30) I 1Me LllCJ ''One Touch of Midas." Samantha's 12:00 77 Sunttt strip anniversary rift from Darrin in· 12:30 • Movie: "tlrPne& [19'' (homw) furlates Endora Who arranres a sud· • Jacquu Berrerac. Merry An· den spell of wealth to proYe hM ders. point that with a llttte money, Q) Action Thtltrr. "lady From Darrin will run amuck. Lisbon." m Donald O'Connor (C) (90) Marty 1:0010 Men (C) lnaels. Jean-Paul Vlgnon, Sue Ane C..•11nlty Baflttln Boltd (C) Lanadon, Roter C. Carmel and fro• tM Inside Out (C) Chel:tea Brown auest. 1:15 Movtr. ""-'r• Hoflmn" (ad· m Belt tM Odds (C) (30) venture) '55 -John Ireland, Biii g) Musiea J E*e!IH M USArt Williams. 9:00 R 9 Cl) CBS Tllmdq Mom: 1:30 m All-Nlaflt Shor. 'Tht Two Mra. (f) ''Nevw Too Lat." (comedy) '65 Carrolls," "Nlatitmare," and "Blues -Paul Ford, Connie Stevens. Mau· In the Nlaht." if you want smaller hips try this! NO Wl!IQHT LOSS I "Hippy"? Try RelaxrA.cizor. It's the modern way to reduce size of hips, waist, thighs - used by many women the world over. You use it while you REST, read or watch TV ... at home! There's no effort! No weight loss! IT'S A FACTI • Many adult women Jack good rr1uscle tone because they don't get enough exercise. Relax-A- cizor gives effortless, concen- trated exercise to :such figure areas as hips, waistlines, thighs and abdomens. Regular use causes these areas to reduce in size measurably to the extent these muscles lack tone because of insufficient ex- ercise. And the less the muscle tone, the greater the degree of siu reduction. PHONE NOWI Oleander 5-8000 Olympia 2-2550 • FREE! Find out how to re- duce size of hips, waist, abdo- men and thighs while you rest. ~~~~ at home. Send coupon for your free copy of "Your Figure" by Burton Skiles. No coat. No ob· ligation. ©1968 -Relall-A~lsor Toll ,,.., lEnllh S297 FREE! •••••• RelaxAcizor ...... . ... Moll Now/ ~,-. \ \:j!] rra mu Wrlt1 IDdty for FHI fully llhiat11ttd color broc/lurt. ''YOlll nsvre" by lurtOll S'1 I"· llclu·A·cinr, Deft. U ·Ol·08 980 No. La CltlMIA 11111.,.nl Lts Mttle, CAiif. 90054 Pltm send FREE, "Y041f f lflU•" by 8urton Skilll. Tells hO!f women over la rtc1uc1 1111 of ltipt, w11st, 11>domtn tlld tlllshs. No eort. HO obllpllon. 0 MRS. 0 MISS QMR. HAM~------------- AODA(S....._ ___________ _ CITV _______ STAJ....._ ___ _ ZIP PHOH1t.---------O I 1111 under 11. O I 1111 over 1'. 6s.l7 .4C 14·01·08 90119 •••••• FREEi MAIL NOW! •••••• ,,.,. 17 Diane Joins DaJ Diane Linkletter, Art's pert, green eyed teenage daughter, jumped into showbiz with both feet in the last few months, signing contracts with both CBS, as a regular on her Dad's The Linkletter Show, (Mon.-Fri., 3 PM) where she appears as a roving Hollywood re- porter; and also signed with ABC Ra- dio, to do her own show as a general assignment reporter. Diane, who brings a harvest of dim- ples to the television cameras, has al- ways been interested in the theater. At University High School in Beverly Hills, and later at USC, she studied drama, and has had special theatrical training from Estelle Harmon, well knowh Holly- wood dramatic coach, attended the Columbia Actor's Work Show at Colum- bia Studios, and now is studying with the Jo Anne Meredith Repertory Group in Hollywood. During the summer of 1967, Diane worked in the chorus of "Carousel," "Okla- --homa," and .!.!fake-Me Along;" ·in the Salt Lake Musical Theater, picking up a world of backstage lore by handling all of the novice odd jobs--painting flats, playing un- derstudy, and even sewing costumes. After the summer series, Diane toured European military bases with her Dad, doing a dance and comedy routine they had prepared together. "Although Dad never en- couraged me to go into the theater ... or show business," she says, "it was during this tour, where we played before so many people, and he saw how much I loved performing ... that he realized at last that showbiz was for me." The Lions Are Free Bill Travers and his wife, actress Virginia McKenna, star in the NBC color special "The Lions Are Free," Thursday at 7:30 PM, which depicts the life in their natural habitat of the lions seen in the popular 1966 mo- tion picture "Born Free." The hour-long documentary is a vivid account of the return of Trav- ers to Kenya for a visit with the fa. mous pride of lions, now full-grown, after an absence of two years. His wife, unable to accompany him as she takes care of their infant son and three other children in England, is kept informed of Bill's progress by mail as he sets out to investigate the adaptation of the lions to life in the wild. As he travels along the Kenyan countryside, unsure of his reception by the lions, Travers and his camera crew are able to capture new and unusual views of the African wildlife. The special was produced by James Hill and Bill Travers. a- id n- " s e I• FACTORY NOW SY'LVANIA STEREO COSTS LESS! BUY NOW-SAVE' UP TO •100 • • Sylvania's priceless stere·:> features include: Finest cabinetry (authentically designed, solidly built, and superbly finished) e Garrard and Dual Automatic Turntables e "Bravissimo" sealed Air Suspension ·speaker system • Wide dispersion sound for greater stereo eff.ct • Completely transistorized compon•nts • Superior FM Stereo sensitivity and nlectivity e Sm·~th weighted flywheel tuning • Velvet touch contr:ol pa!1•l1 • Com- pensated loudness control e Individual cut/boost bass and treble controls • Tape and extra speeker iacks. SC279P Rich Mediterranean design. Deeply carved pilasters and frame pan- els. Wood grille lattice. Garrard Custom Professional Automatic T urntahle. 50 Watt (EIA) amplifier. FM Stereo/FM/ AM tuner with d'Arsonval tuning meter. SC259P Majestic Mediterranean design of physically distressed Pecan veneers and select wood solids. Antiqued hard- ware. Garrard Custom Professional Automatic T urntoble 50 Wait (EIAJ amplifier, FM Stereo/FM/ AM tuner with d'Arsonval tuning meter. 5695 SAVE $100 SC3 ~ SW-Distinctivtl Contemporary con- sole from Sylvania's Maestro Collection, Cabinet ·:sf oiled Walnut vencars an.d se- lect w·:Jod solids with deeoly carved qrille frames and recene·d credenu ba,e. Push buttcn control center. Dual 1015 Automatic turntable. Powerful 200 Watt IEIA) amplifier a"d FM Stereo/ FM/ AM Tuner, all solitl state. SAVE $3Q SC256P A mosterpiece of Mediter· ronean design in hand distressed Pecan veneers ond select wood solids. Gorrord Custom Deluxe T urntoble. Full 30 Wott (EIA) omplifier, FM Stereo/FM/ AM tuner all solid state. DAVIS-BROWN 21 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE IN THE HARBOR AREA OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 PM SATURDAYS TILL 6 PM 411EAST17TH STREET. COSTA MESA 646-1684 Pqe 19 .. FRIDAY JANUARY 24 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:30 D "It Happens Every Tllarsdaf' (drama) '53-Loretta Youna. John Forsythe. ~JO U "Scandal In Paris" (drama) '46 ~eorre Senders, Signe Hasso. 10:00 e ...... lor of Hearts" (romance) '58-HardJ Kniaer. Sylvia Syms. 12:30 m ''TM Naked Maia" (drama) '59 -Ava Gardner. Anthony Franciosa. 2:00 6) "Inner Sandu111" (horror) '48 -Mary Beth Hughes, Lee Patterson. f VfNING &:oo B The Bf& Ntwa (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. D m Huntl.,·Brtnklty (C) (30) IJ RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES LAKERS VS. ATLANTA HAWKS Q Labri Wana-up (C) D SD O'Clock MMl9: (C) "Sim~ Mle" (adventure) '53--flock Hud-son, Anthony Quinn, Barbara Hale. fJ I Sn (C) (60) m ~an (C) (30) Ci1) Cl) MtfY Critfin (C) ED Wll.at'a New? (30) "Adventures in Dinoland." Mur1 Deusinf con- cludes a wrvey of life development on Earth with a look at the period from 70 million years aao to 500, • 000 years aro. @m Dutino la Glorla m KPlM flea (C) 6:05 IJ labfs IHMtball (2 ltr 15 min) Chidt Heam calls the action be- twMn the Los Angeles Lakers and the Atlanta Hawks from the Alexan- der Memorial Coliseum In AUanta, Geot'(ia. 3:30 e "'Charlie Chan in• LAlndon" (mystery) '34-Wamer Oland, Ray 6:30 0 llNBC Newsenice (C) (60) Miiiand. ID VOfl&• bl the lottom of tile 4:30 B (C) "Ride a Croc*ICI Trail" (western) '58-Audie Murphy, Wal- ter Matthau, Joanna Moo~. Sea (C) (60) @ @ HunUtJ-lrinlltJ (C) EID The Ablllrd Arts (30) "Our NJ. THE DAILY PILOT, TV W£E(, JANUARY 18, 1969 surd Ruponae." Dr. Clarence San· delln, CaJ State Los An1eles En&fish professor, compares the elite artists with the state of the pof)Ular arts. fi9) Ci) llcHalt'a N1VJ etma>Ntwa (C) 7:00 6 a (j) cas U.ln& ..... (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ Wt&at'a My Ua.? (C) (30) m hu.onl (C) <3o> U (}) Cinema Showeue (C) "Wild and Innocent" @) Makfn1 tM Moat of MaturltJ (30) "Adventures In Sefvice." The Peace Corps and VISTA offer tenlor citizens the opportunity to serve abroad or at home. m AJIMritan West alTrdor~(C) 7:30 B 9 Ci) The W'lid, W'lld Welt (C) (60) James West's bizarre behavior convinces his cohorts that he has bea>me another victim of the mlnd- conditionina practiced by the pow. efful RAVEN Qrl&nlzatJon and their worst fears are realized when he shoots and apparently kills the Mexican ambassador to the United States in the second part of this two-parter. 0 m Hip Chapamf (C) (60) ''The Last Hundred Miles." John Cannon fights a crooked freight line and endangers his ranch. D@ CID m Operation: Enter· tain...t (C) (60) Western star Dale Robertson hosts from Shep- pard Air Fon:e Bue, Wichita F1llt, Texas.. Guests on the bill ere Jane Morpn, David Frye, Johnny.Cash, June Cadet' 1nd The Tenne:me Three. Mitzi McCall Ind Ctiartle Brill, and The Spice Recq. fJ lllllioft $ llowie: (C) "Canalval Sllrf" (adventure) '54--Anne Bax· ter, steve Cochran. m Trd or Consequence1 (C) (30) Husbands end wives particlpate in a question-and-answer stunt ID Ptny Muon (60) m Candon de la Ru.I (30) @I) Un Ana91 an el Fanp 1:00 m Haul (C) (30) ED Rllnbow Q..t (60) Johnny Cash and June Carter iuest. @I) Noelle de Eltrtno l:20 II Lam Wrap.up (C) l:30 6 9 CIJ Gomer Pyle (C) (30) Sit. Carter tells Gomer he should many Lou Ann Instead of re-enlist· inc. The Serftanl ptRUadtt his &irtfriend Bunny to help with his tcfleme--un1!1 she starts maklna plans of her own. 0 lil@ m N11mt of tM &amt CC) (9<>) "The lntomparable Connie Walker." Jeff and Peaa invest1r1te charaes apinst the Nerro mayor of a lerre city. Ivan Dillon and Dina Merrill au est a Across tile Sewn Stu (C) (30) D @ @ m Felony Squad (C) (30) "Blind Terror." Sam and Jim try to stop a blind Vietnam war PLAYBOY AFTER DARK ... PREMIERE Dan Rowan and Dick Martin drop in to partake of the delights of one of Hugh Hefner's swinging parties and present their host with their famous "Fickle Finger of Fate Award," on Playboy After Dark, premiering Friday evening, at 9 PM on KTI..A 5. Hefner, in tum, awards the popular comedy team with a special "bunny ear and tail trophy," naming the duo "the biggest thieves of the year" for their new Laugh-In Magazine with its typically Playboy "centerfold" photo. Among other party guests contributing to the non-stop enter- t.aiament are bright young comic Stu Gilliam, sultry songstress Cathy Carlson, popular singer-composer Paul Hampton and the top gospel-singing group around, The aara Ward Singers. Following the double-award ceremonies, Hefner asks Cathy to sing and she obliges with a moody rendition of "You Could End the World" and "Hurts So Bad." While Rowan and Martin clown things up around the pool table, their host finds young singer and composer Paul Hampton, who obliges bis host with an original song, "I'm lo Love With A Bunny at the Playboy aub,'' followed by a more serious, "Some- body, Someone, Something ... Hefner, seating himself across from Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, in front of the liviogroom fireplace, attempts to engage the clowning duo in a more serious conversation. Impossible as it may seem at times, the twosome do become somewhat serious as they talk about censorship in television, their yean in the business and those thing., they hold most important as aware citizens and human beings. Winding up the gala evening, The Clara Ward Singers lead a rip-roaring, foot-stomping, finger-snapping ppel meeting as they bring the entire ~blage to their feet with "His Eye Is On the Sparrow," "Dry Bones" and "Down By the Riverside." 1 169 Its, 1ne sh, ree 11• tal IX· 0) In )) Id t· is ls 11 1e ie :e If a k :e e lr It a y e veteran and his buddies from takina 0 @Cl) m Judd fw tlle ... the law into their own hands after ten. (C) (60) "The Poisoned Tree." the veteran's wife Is killed by The outcome of Judd's defense cl a hoodlums. wealthy youna air1 on a robbery ID Donald O'Connor (C) (90) Skiles charge hinps on privileged Inform•· & Henderson,· The Sherman Broth· tion. Nancy Wickwire, Melissa Mur- ers and Hal Frazier ruest. phy and Lonny Chapman ruest.. I!) Beat the Odds (C) (30) B Marshal Dillon (3Q) ~ i) ~ (jJ CBS Friday Movie: (C) ID That 5aaow (C) (30) "Growin1 "Clrt Happ(' (musical) 'SS-Elvis Old and Lookin1 Young." Joe Gara. Presley, Shelley Fabares. Gary Cros· &iola auests. by, Nita Talbot. The leader of a 8i) R&D Review (30) "Oil From the musical combo is hired by 1 Chi· Deep Ocean." With oil reserves on cago nightclub owner to keep a land and Immediately offshore di·· protective eye on !lis daughter while minlstilng, it will soon be necessary she vacations in Fort Lauderdale. to tap pools under the deep ocean. D ROWAN & MARTIN join et Dkha Robld.~ * the debut of PLAYBOY l0:30 ~ Movlt: <C> Sarvhlrl" (drama) AFTER DARK! It's a ·~11el Patrick. vonne Mitchell. m I lflc!AC I Chllfdllll-Tlle Man swingin' party with non-{30) Documentary on Sir Winston stop entertainment! Churchill that traces his life from " PREMIERE Pl ....,... After D ... childhood to death. a, .... , a.. @E Detras def Muro ( ) (60) Dan Rowan and Dick Mar· tin drop in to partake of the de-11:001J 0 0 @I)&) N ... (C) lights of one of Hugh Hefner's IJ UCLA Bastetball (C) (2 • hr) swinging parties. Among other guests UClA vs. Northwestern from Chicago contributing to the non-stop enter· Stadium. talnment are Stu Gilliam, Cathy m liars' etub (C) Carlson, Paul Hampton and The ft:'ll F tu (C) Clara Ward Singers. u:1 et ,.. o @@m 1v1c1xc1 T h e ~CIJ@@News (C) French-American Ch1llenee Cup (C) a (I) News (60) A special on the first head·to-11:15 I!) Movie: "The Warriors" (melo- head competition in this country drama) 'Ss-Errol Flynn, Joanne Dru. be~ee~ two of the world's foremost 11-30 8 Movie· "Dr Jftyfl and Mr ski racing powers, France and the • , • ; • United States. Normally, skiers race Hyd~ (classic) 41-Spencer Tracy, the clock, but this meet, they will lngnd Bergman. race each other, side by side. Jim 0@@ 8D Tonl&ftt Show (C) McKay and Bob Beattie, U.S. Al· fJ@ Cil aJ Joey Blsllop (C) pine Ski Team National Director, m 1 love lacy commentate from Aspen, Colorado. ID Run for Your life {C) (60) lZ:OO m n Sunset Strip . .. 12:20 B Movie: "Underworld Story" ~ Spe~ulabo~ (60) ~ Conversa· (mystery) '50 -Dan Duryea, Gate tion With Clifton Fad1man." One Storm ot the most sophisticated, u1bane · spokesmen for the "command 1en· 12:30 I!) Action Theatre: "Mutiny of the eration" gives his opinions on mat-Elsinore." jers ranging from old friends to new morality. 9:30 6 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 10:00 0 @ @ 8D Stu Trek (C) (60) "That Which Survives." Stranded on a hostile and barren planet, Captain Kirk and Or. McCoy face starvation and a mysterious female enemy as the Enterprise is hurtled 1,000 light years away. Lee Meriwether guests. 1J m News (C) (60) 1 :00 0 0 News (C) IJ Movie: (C) "Yellow Fin" (drama) 'SI-Wayne Morris, Adrian Booth. m From the Inside Out (C) 1:15 8 Movie: "last Train From Bom· bay" (adventure) '52 -Jon Hall, Christine Larson. 1:30 m All·Ni&ftt Show: "To the Victor," "Dispatch From Reuters," and "The Ambassador's Daughter." HUGH HEFNER HOSTS ROWAN & MARTl·N * IN A SWINGIN' PENTHOUSE PARTY WITH STU GILLIAM AND THE ClARA WARD SINGERS! PlAYMATES GAlOREI 11~& 'Tlltt'T a1f fer tla1rk TONIGHT 9 PM • COLOR An American Holiday They have heart, rhythm, grace, dairy-fann freshnes,,. They're alive and exciting. They've taken audiences by storm wherever they've appeared, and they will take you, when The Doodletown Pipers perform on KTLA's Showcase S, Tuesday evening, at 9:00 PM with a very special patriotic program entitled, "An American Holiday." The Doodletowners sing "Impossible Dream" in the Congress Room of Philadelphi_a's historic Independence Hall. Moments later, there's an original novelty number, "Uncle Ben." Tlte Doodletown l'iperi, intunationally acclaimed Jinglng group, atar in their first J~cial, "An American Holiday," airlllg T1N1day, on KTLA, Channel 5 at 9:()() PM. At authentic Society Hall in a quaint colonial section of Phila- delphia, the Doodletowners stage a block party and do a very appealing specialty number, "You've Got To Be Taught." 1be scene is an actual playground with children in the act. Against backgrounds that date back to the American Revolu- tion, The Doodletowners sing "Where Have All the Flowers Gone," "Stout-Hearted Men," "Yankee Doodle," "Dancing in the Streets" and even a rock-and-roll medley. On an old sailing ship that was built in the late 1700's, they sing and dance through traditional sea cbanties including "Ocean Blue," "Goodbye My Lover," "Shenandoah," "A Capital Ship," "Goin' Home" and "He's Gone Away." Fot. the finale, on a \)ier overlooking the Delaware River and with the imposing BenJamin Franklin cable suspension bridge framing the background, The Doodletowners put a catch in your throat with "America the Beautiful" and "Th.is Land Is Your Land." It's great listening and great viewing. Really the sort of show you want to sec again the minute it's over. It's "An American Holiday" featuring The Doodletown Pipers. Paae21 'DOWN ON THE FARM' Dan Block.er--0f NBC Bonanza fame-takes on an off-beat role in Down on the Farm, a one-hour NBC special, Saturday at 7: 30 PM. With Blocker as storyteller, Down on the Farm combines a warm and nostalgic look at a bygone America with an eye-opening glimpse into the future. Donald B. Hyatt was the executive producer. Robert Garthwaite produced and directed the program. Joseph Caldwell wrote 1hc script, and Robert Russell Bennett composed and conducled the original orchesiral score Mr. Hyatt described the pro- gram as "a salute to the unique character of the American farmer and the historic role be has played in the shaping of our country. One hundred years ago we were a nation of farm- ers with 94 percent of us living on lhe farm. It was the farm family with its independent way of life that gives us our 'grass roots.' "Now only six per cent of Americans live on the farm and even that figure is dwindling every day. Because of this, each farmer is taking on tremendous importaoce as an individual, and our very future 1s tied to his:• Mr. Garthwaite emphasized the tac1 that the program is basically a story of people, not statistics. Viewers will meet in it many men and women of the soil as well as young peo- A ""'am1 a11J nostalgic look at a by-pie who will be farmers of the 1011t America is comhintd with an science-oriented future. tyt-0~11i11g glimpu into tht /uturt v· h h . 111 0 0 ,..11 011 tht Farm. . 1ewers see . ow mec an!za- tlon and growing use of scien- tific methods have increased produclivity of 1he land a thousand- fold. creating a new rural aristocracy of businessmen-farmers. They also note the adverse effects of this mechaniza1ion. which is forcing the less efficient operators off the land and into the cities al the rate of some 7 ,000 families a month. The enormous changes of life on the farm are reflecled in the color and dazzle of today"s stale and country fairs where Go-Go girls now compele for attention with 4-H boys and lheir prize calves, and where the farm horse is becoming a curiosity. A sequence on the farm of the future sh0'4tS it as a complele pushbutton operation with the farmer including elec1ron1cs among his necessary skills. • "It is predicted." Mr. Garthwaite said , "that in less than 25 years the farm will be so computerized and mechanized that the farmer and his unique character will have vanished from the Amer ican scene. In Down on the Farm we try to capture and preserve this herirage on film. meeting the people of lhe farm country and sharing their life and their thoughts." ~M'JWWMVWWVCUP & SAYE ~WIVMVi ~ TV & APPUANCI SOVla .. , 9 ... Hle4 s.me. Mftl : °"""' .......... ..., MONHT--Pa~-Ol .... IDAaU SRVICI MONDAY tlw'9 NIDAY, f·t SATUIDAY, t4 CAU: t61·1U4 14 ... HH FOSTER TV & APPLIANCES 17111 ........... ,._....._ y.n.y CNnt t e •ntCOJ ~X8X5M1 GOOD UNTIL FU. 28, 1969 \WW~ THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI(, JANUARY 18, 1969 ~Movies ol tile Wee~ I SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 9:00 fJ @ CI) "The Dirty 6-me." This film from the Franco-London Films, Inc., stars Henry Fonda, Robert Ryan, and Vittorio Gass- man. Also released under the titles "The Secret Agents" and "File 7n ," the film is a series of inter-related episodes about the efforts of allied counter-warfare elements to neutralize the inroads made on our positions by agents of an opposing power. The film is 91 minutes long, and was released in 1965. MONDAY, JANUARY 20 9:00 O 19 00 (C) "Biiiie." Patty Duke has the title role in the com· edy about a 15-year·old girl whose athletic prowess causes problems in her personal life. Billie Carol (Miss Duke) can outrun, outjump, and outvault any opponent m her high school, and is put on the boys' track team by the coach (Charles Lane) to stir up some healthy rivalry. The publicity surround· ing Billie's activities has an adverse effect on her father (Jim Backus), who is running for mayor in their suburban town, and who has been an outspoken critic of competition between the sexes. Equally serious are the difficulties Billie runs into with her boyfriend, Mike (Warren Berlinger). who is no match for Billie on the athletic field. Billy De Wolfe and Richard Deacon are also featured In the 1965 United Artists release, produced and directed by Don W~is. Ronald Alexander ·adapted the screenplay from his play, "Time Out for Ginger." TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 9:00 D 19 00 (C) "F•renhelt 451.'' This excellent 1967 Universal film stars Julie Christie (in a dual role) and Oskar Werner in a drama about a future society in which all books are burned and reading is a crime. Francois Truffaut directed the release, which is based on the novel by Ray Bradbury. Truttaut and Jean-Louis Richard wrote the screenplay and Lewis M. Allen was the producer. Werner portrays Montag, a state-employed fireman who performs his book-destroying job with efficiency -for the firemen of the State set fire to reading material, they don't put out fires. His wife, Linda (Miss Christie), spends her days glued t o the wall-screen TV that churns out the daily propaganda about how good life is in the State. A probationary teacher, Clarissa (also played by Miss Christie), whom Montag meets on the monorail, plants the first seeds of doubt and curiosity in Montag's mind, and he begins to steal books, which he reads secretly in the night. Montag's conflict between state loyalty and personal liberty reaches a climax when his wife informs on him, and he is sent to raid his own home. The title of the film is perived from the temperature at which paper burns. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22 9;00 fJ @ CI) (C) "The Patsy." The 1964 Paramount release stars Jerry Lewis, Ina Balin, Keenan Wynn, Phil Harris and Peter Lorre. After the death of a successful comedian, his production group seeks an unknown to mold into a star. A bellboy is chosen and proves to be a fiasco until he is booked with Ed Sullivan. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 9:00 D @ 00 (C) "A Hole In the Head." Frank Sinatra, Edward G. Robinson, Eleanor Parker and Carolyn Jones star in the 1959 United Artists release that was produced and directed by Frank Capra from a screenplay by Arnold Schulman. Tony Manetta, a spendthrift widower, is faced with the bleak prospect of trying to raise his son, Ally (Eddie Hodges). in the hurly-burly atmosphere of Miami Beach. The irresponsible antics of his madcap girlfriend only add to the problem. Faced with pros· pect of losing his fleabag hotel, Tony calls on his older brother, Mario, for help. Mano and his wife, Sophie (Thelma Ritter). arrive in town and immediately decide that Tony would be better off settled down in a stable marriage--specifically to their widowed friend, Mrs. Rogers. The movie introduced the song "High Hopes," which won the Best Song Oscar for Jimmy Van Heusen and Sammy Cahn. 11:15 1) ''The Long Gray Line." Based on "Bringing Up the Brass" by Marty Maher and Nardi Reeder Campion, this 1955 Colum· bia picture directed by John Ford tells the story of Maher's life at West Point. The Irish immigrant came to West Point as a waiter and ended up as the assistant athletic director. Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara star. 1969 1don ass· and :>out the wer. Om· 1ses can ool, rles ind· Jim 1Wn, een into itch 1ard I Se, 1ted rs al · in ned 1se, tnd lien fed ncy ial ld~ ~ily ary tag tnd ich ate 1ife ·he ich ct rs ter ion is Ed G. 59 nk ta, of rly 1is >S· er, r), be to he ny s" n· ·'s as 1e ... ~,£-~ I"'" Teatr. • I :t:.c se..!C> lllbadlJ ... ..... ~ ·~ ¥:3.cr. a~ l.t:301 a (j) ..... ., Q..t (C) • Captain's Panidt•." ~ZtH HolldaJ" (dra· Ill,....,_ ma) '49 -William hndlX., Hoa 10:008~ (J) '1111 Aldllt ._ (C) Carmichael. (J) OJ 1MrMJ tt tilt te. D @ (]) m ...,,_,., (C) Tom· tlr a.. Ed (C) my lJOyce and Bobby Hart sue 6:50 fJ Qlft Us Tiiis Dq/lhws (C) fJ Morit: "Olbw lnddallt" (dra· m Opinion: Walllltl'9ft (C) 1:00 •8 JulW. SU•• MUltr (C) ma) '43--Henry Fonda, Dana An· ID 11• Rtbboo n.tre: ''The Iron m Mr. Willlbone (C) ;w:atllrn fw lMlll Sheri~'( 7:l01Sunrlse SttMsttr (C) tl)l.al Estrella r Ull8d l:001HIP~ld-:r1c1'; (C) . ::rn~ 11a'!°~':t of Matu.-10:30 I tB (J) lltlua/Supenwa <C> F•t.. <C> vFour Reuons "V ·uoomu .. 1<C> JEn" · • Speart.tlds In Eduution (C) Movie:~ Ta•:rwf' (fan· • ..O.: ...... fatlaom•Deep" 7:45 ID Saencl Hu:t (C) taay) '~ichard Carbon, C. Aub· (!ct ture) '48-l.on Chaney. SATURDAY JANUARY 25 MORN INC~ 6 m Soper 6 (C) (HJ m &.l Fantutk Fa• (C) (drama) '60-Slr Alec Guinness, John &) Caper (C) fit iJblt ~ Miiis. CDS.tile USA s.110acmmm 11q ~ py._ A'ii iiit T .... IMllt (C) The $150.· 000 mite.fl is televlled from Pebble a..ctl, Callfomla. I llaUlblll (C) Utlh va. Arizona. Dllllne II 81oria q..t for Adwttttln l:lO I ,. """ ... .,... s~55fJlfwl <C> 4:00 IJ lhwle: (C) "'Jank Force" (ad· venture) '58 -Victor Mature. Kiptl"IW hport W•&M Trala ~C) .... 4:JO Slltl Aaltl Race (C) Tiie o........ .. n (C) F•t.e (C) "To Catch 1 Rhino." .,... Ll•lta 1:0011 ~ Qo-Co Coplltrs (C) i Smith. m Mowlr. (C) "'l'IMI ot Q1erJ" • 1111M, tltt Wltltt Uon (C) CIMlandia fl) Didaa Robida Taltl of Wills farp .. '11:0019C6l&m ...,.._ ~--EJ)Arwd Ftraa Hlatilltlltl (C) · S:OOD~ Fe:aa ='~-~ Smmlar Mlti11tt: Norman PttefMarthall hosts. • ~Ci) m I _,,.. Conquest" and "Naked Gun." ~(])ft\ 1 f ._ J 1:301 s (J) '1111 LAM .. .,. (C) Wtrld otaoff (C) Dou& Sandtra, 1·30 fJ 9 ,(j) a B 'llP "'Ill 0 • SaturiflJ Ootblt F.mn "Dor Cha:1es SlffonS and Dave Thomas • iiOu up un111/Road Rin-Eat Do&.'' ind ''lllt IOlle:s." meet 1t the Slnppore Island Coun-~ r (C) Award 111..n: "Rebel In Town." D Ef) rr. Bowltn' TMr (C) Keith i Club, Slnppore, I r.~ ~-'=.Cit (C) 11:30 II (j) ...... Herailelda (C) J1cbon and Biiiy Welu commen· c.a._,....., ..... , (C) (i1J (1) Ei) 8ullivtr (C) ' @ ID Untlllld Wortd (C) tate on the $60,000 Showboat In· ~ (I) CB AIC'a Wide W"1d of liiiwli: ~ ~ (ad· . r!!:_ vttatlonal metdl ffom Lu Vepa. ti (C) venture) '60-Mlchel Auclair Emma It (ti) l1J &,) ~ lln•ia.. Nevadl. ,_.... (C) n~,:· • Mowit: "TM R....,. et , fruk .OO '1111 ""' Sodltf i~) .. Fdof.Socar Re Ii 'It ' 2· I ............. (R) I~ kMEX (C) Jutes" (western) '4'o-ffenry <Fon· u~ronet Tfltatre. Amazon S:JO Ralpll sttrr (C) (R) 9':00 D 9 Ci) m l'ttntstones (C) di, Gene Tlemty. • Holiday II ~ lllllarda (C) Phyllis U Movie: ''Tiie 49tra" (western) · Z:JOI CBS hit Cl-* (C) DITler iuesb. '54-Wllliam Elliott. Virginie Grey. 9 00 hdflc a lasbtban (C) D All-Merican ~ Sllow CC> I (i1) mm Spicier Men (C) I •lhmiton University vs. W1shin1· GI Men ,,.. UNCl£ (C) Jacl LI unne (C) 1Z.1IO 8 Qt (j) Amini (C) ton State Couprs. G) McHale'a NtVJ Slpbrusll Tlltatrt D ,....,. (C) "Fabulous Feds." O S1rl• T•I• fJ!) ,.._ In .... p.,,....rspedlwt __ (C) (R) &fudlo Rlltlp A look at AmtriCll) "raps" GI Qllls m ..... <C> THE CROSBY BEHIND 'THE CROSBY' There's •another Crosby at "'lbe Crosby." The other Crosby is Bing's brother, Larry. Larry has been the man behind the scenes at the famous Bing Crosby National Pro-Ama- teur Golf Tournament since the· Classic started in 1937. BING A'ND TOURNEY QUEEN-Bin• Cro1- b1 and Cheryl FlllvT, queen o/ IM 281/a """""' Bin, Crosby lro·Am 1'oumom1n1 llJl~Or on AlfC's coverap of tlu «ld>rity•filld .wnt. When ABC covers the 28th Crosby (Jan. 25-26) Bing joins the experts calling all the colorful action but Larry will be working with the tournament committee to make sure the oldest and most complicated pro-amateur runs property. "It's a challenge, I guess," the quiet spok- en Larry notes, "but rve been doing it so long that what's work to many is sort of routine to me ... Larry recalls that the first Crosby held in 1937 at Rancho Santa Fe near San Diego was washed out one day by rain and that weather has been a big factor almost every year. "Bing initially invited about SO of his friends from show business," Larry recalls. "but applications poured in from everyone so he raised the list to 140 and then to 156. Total purse was $3,000, amateur entry fees $3.00 and if we had any profits, they went to youth charities." Among the amateurs were Henry McCle- more and Grantland RJce, .. Mystery Man" John Montague, Johnny De Paelo, M. 1. Luxford, John Dawson, Gregory La Cava, Bruce Cabot, Bill Frawley, Dick Arlen, An· dy Clyde, Alan Hale and Bob Burns. A young pro named Sam Snead won. "This year our purse is up to $ J S0,000. most of it put up by the television sponsor, the 3M Company. We'll have 168 amateu.n and 168 pros each playina on Spyatass Hill, Cypreu Point and Pebble Beach councs." Larry hastens to explain that although he sort of rides herd on the over-all situation, that more than 300 residents of the Greater Moote~y Peninsula area donate their time and efforts to make the tournament a sue> cess. .. TREMENDOUS .SAVINGS ON NEW FACTORY -GUARANTEED MODELS! HURRY! FIRST COME, FIRST S·ER VED! . SOME NEW, SOME DEMONSTRATORS, SOMI ONE-OF-A-KIND! HURRY! ••• OPEN N ITES AND SUNDAYS! HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES1 * TAPE RECORDatS SONY • TC· I 04 .......................................... ·-······--· ...................... ·-···-········-····---·········· REG. SALE 109.SO 79.00 * RECORD CHANGE-RS GARRARD WITH DIAMOND STYLUS .......................................... _ .......................... . 39.50 23.00 * FM RECIEVERS FISHER 550·1 ..................................................................................................................... . 419.95 299.00 *SPEAKERS ALTIC LANSING VALINCIA SYSTIM ................................................................. . 333.00 199.93 * CARTRIDGES SHURE M-751 ILLIPTICAL DIAMOND ................................................................. . 39.95 24.97 *CAR TAPE PLAYIRS RANGER 4 & I TRACK ....................................................................................................... . 89.95 49.00 * RECORDS COLUMBIA N1w1 "•LooD, sw1AT a TIAar AUUM ...................................... . 4.79 2.67 SPICIAL CLOSl-OUT IACIC ••• v-... to I. ti ........................................ 87c to 1. t7 * TAPES ~~~~ •• 1 GROUP 4.95 ................... _ .. ______ ......................................................................... , ................. . 3.39 * Hf-Ff CABINETS BARZILAY 61/2PT MIDITllltANIAN ....................................... ·-........................... 540.00 299.00 OTHll 6-FOOT STIUO CAii Nm . . . frolll .. ............ .................................. 15t.OO SALE ENDS IANUARY 21 d, 1969 atlantic 111usic 445 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! OPEN NITES & SUNDAYS sundays 12 • 5 saturdays 9-6 da ily 12-9 p.m. cl osed wednes days