HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-• • • • • . . . ~----~ ...... --~--------.... ------~~------.. '. ~ - ; .P&ir Held • ID Christmas ' -.. t: . • pe ol Huntington Girl . . . .· DAILY PILOT WEDNESDAY AFTSINOON, JANUARY 22, ll9't. I .. voe.. ....... .., ...... ,.... ~- " • r1 e O· s ' ' .. .. .,. . .;.:: ·-; ' , County Tor-slain?-- Ful/;e.rwn Dad Held in Baby~s Death ' Si8nll Sweeps 10 to Deaths; One Survives SANTA PAmA (UPI) -Ten pmons fleeing • torrenlW ralnstonn · 1n rugged mountain eountr, were ntpt from a rescue baDdozer "one by one" when jt stalled in a swollen creek. A11Ulorities said all of them, including !ix children, were presume(f 'drowned. The Ventura County Sheriff'• o(fice lint learned ol Ille tragedy la~ Tuesday from the sole survivor who was picked ap by a helicopter .near the raging Sespe Creek In the LOo Padra Nallonal Forest. 'l1>e dead Included llix . youths from •. Canoga· Part, and a irian wbo took them for an outing ln the forest lut FriUy jual bef.r.. a ler!.. al vlo!tnl r.ainstorms bit the 1tate. The three other victims wire members or a aean:h party wblcb waa bringing them out of the lonely area Monday Diglll aboot 35 mlles-wtb ol here. 'l1>e . llllVlvor •• 8-Ecbnley; · 28, a boulefatber at lJve Oak IChool In the Oji! Valley, wbo mel the boyl · al a~"" Salunlay. He lnvli,I lb<m to. t.a.~ o lbelte ·In hll camper , lrud; when ralo llarled.to !all . ·'. ''l1>e "bciya, rllll(lliic In age from 1~ to IS, and their leader, Robert Samples, broke tnlo a cabin at the campgrounds Sunday allenloon with !;ckenloy to ·watt out the lllorm. -~CRNffNTO ttOMEO'NNER Pllj..LS ROWBOA:r UP TO-UC:X<PORCH AS ·CAR1'ROV£S uUtUS Meanwblle,, tbl necue~ out !or Ille ,arp on a NI¥)' boo-.-....! 1roin a 5oabeo tralnlillt camp al -V~ ID the nallouJ !cnat. ./. -;Flood ·W ..... 1......rate.GenlM Hlghwoy Section ef·C.pllat:NNtltW..,...,...Alrport 'l1>e lbrie ..-. ruChet! the cabin ~~~-1,.~JNld..~ 1 • N ~ • percb!d on· the· bObd' .. ,.. reoom. the group iet out ror dvllfialton . . Disaster lltrOcli:, when they a""1npled to-Id 'Ule-·s..pe met,-. .-··to ~-lea\ df;eJIJ,, 1bfee daya ol ~' · lhll began .. rly Salunlay aft9llOOn .-nd • ·continued, almO&I '.wttbaul .1n1em1p11on, • • .lhroogh.~. The storm plllbed -I raln!i!I toWa, wbkb 1891 "FB!ay lleod 11 much .. r-i.--1as1 ,_. .. llluia. up to.act ilcyaid -laliullllqiL Ooll' Newport---~ ... rainfall 'lbao at 'a ~Vf period "We were oat• the~ IDll got to the middle ol tllo cnet", Eckerlle)' ,.id •. ''!!Iii 'the -.... ' (See IKllun:R, Pqe I) I•ye.,._ "' -· l ., . Tiie aoplelt" .... ol ~Count, ............... _.. wu Aoabeiln, which a-nurly • • , . ·· five 1ncbe1 o1 ralft OV<l' lbl weekend, · Ol>AITI~ ICINE . <See· RAIN, rap •> ·x~ Mor'•. wi.. i• u.t Ol'lid Schmidt, 20 moothJ,,.clled Tues- day al I a.m. ID 'Chll-Hoopllal: Los Anaelea. where "" · under care al~ ~ from l.i ~ cP munJtr,lfilopitat ' . . Hit ....... ~ .. ~-~ !='r l:• """"'"""'"" .... tlit (.allr ............ ...,. .. Strike at St.ate Colleges Flops (}$_ Clnsse$ Go On 8,AN F!IANCISCO (AP) -A on.<!ay otr!te caJJel by· a lead>erl' union In an olfort to dlwpl Callfamla'1 llalewlde eol!<IO •)'Item appeared ........ lo have falfed. I • _...,-, The American federalioo ol Teaoi>era, clalmlng about 2,000 members among the 11,000 lnllnlctor1 In lhe 11 atale college1, had" called !or plckelfna al 13 campuau. At several, no pickets appe~. and at numerous othm anly a half~ozen allowed up. Clalsa, and In many caltl final ... aminationl, went on u wual. for mo,t of the 125,000 students 1n the nation's Jar{elt college syatem. Al San Joae State, whuo II leachen have been told that they automaUcaDy, resigoed !or having been on llrike alnce Jan. a, about so lmlructon and lludent l)'Jllpatbizell marched. 'There WU I limilar tmaJ1 turnout al San Franclaeo stale, whero the AFT went on ann,Jaa. .. . A Sacramento State union Juder . ' • • • ct~lmed'1ltendance ;wu oil, but a eoJteio spok~s: , said there were, no problemlf The oo&<1ay c1amo1111ra11on .. wu e8Ded In IUj)porl • o! the San J...,. a1r1br1,, who In turn had al(uck to IUpport -at San Frartclseo State. · '!be, demanded pay Iner....,, •bluer voice lfi ldminlstration. and a minorttles 1tudJes program, · · Addi~, at Berkeley, the Un£venl.. ly o! Callfomla's ~-pus. the uDi!ll called a ~ llrlke In l)'Jllpalhf, with ~ ltUdtnt demands, It, too, apped to h_ave illlhl e!lect. with ·u · atbnaied 100 student.a and teachers ~ at the , nwnerot11 ell" lnncei to !bi 27 ,aoo.stiJolent campu1. The atate college Sislein is ,.parale from th> Unlverslly o! Catilomla l)'llem and ~ latter, except for Berbley. bl --In llrite actlon. Dl8BVPTIONS 'Ille AFT alril:e agalnsl the ..Uece mtem. called tut Friday, .. the late.& ID a chain el ......... 1ba1 began last Nov.'·t• 0n-:111at•da10 Negro and odie mlwll)f . .....,.. ·-k al San rruca;,r State ·COlleii denMdlng a ' (lleO rou.EGES,·,... •> " " C.... I I , .... t' UPITe.._... LEVEE BREAK FORCJ;S 2ilO OUT OF HOMES Sherm1n lsl•nd on S.Cr1manto River OCC's Student t;ouncil ·w on~t Hear SDS Appeal Orange Coast College's student council --vofed t:Z to -4 Tueadly not to ConaJcler an appeal of students wishing to form a 5'udenb for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter on campus. lt was the second tum down in a week for the SDS peUUoners. They lost earlier in a 23 to 6 vote by the lnter.0.ub Council on the O>sta. Mesa campua. Five proponents ol SOS sought to reverse the earlier denial. But their appeal was short lived when three- fcmthl o1 the student council members voted not to consider il · Steve Kaufman, zpokesman for the SOS group, Jl""<!lt.d I peUilon be said waa algned by m sbxlml& (Daytime enrolbnent b 1.mo sbxlenta.) The ptl!Uon Aid the 11&nen do ..i necessarily I h a r • the 'riewa of SDS, but they believe the group lhoold have a right to form a camp.is club. In the latest issue of Liberation News, campus underground newspaper of the SOS group, student Bany Weinberg -wrote:· --- ''The JC.C (Inter-Club Council) hu no rlght to decide for you, the students. These self-righteous hypocrites a r e against anything that threatens their role u the pawns for the administration, for their 9arentl and for a aoclety that moulhs democracy bo;t pr a c t I c e 1 fascism." The would-be SDS organiurs may con- tinue to cln:ulate pe.tiUom tryinl: to obtain a general campus elecU.on on the queat!oo. Or they DlllY appeal to Dean o! Student AeUvltles Joaeph Kroll, who hu Aid "the goal of sos is to dlll'IJlll the edacatkna1 JrOCeA, If Colltge Preddent Robert Moore, ar the junlcr colkf• -!loml of TruaWa. Kaufme ra!gited .. president of the Inter-Club Council following the SDS vote. s~hool Situation By THE ABSOCIATED PRF.81 ~tid-morning teacben' atrlke lltuatlon at California colleges: . San Jose State -About 50 pickets: noon rally planned u usual; qwet. Sao ~ State -Filly or fewer pickets; quiel SacramentO state -Union claims up to hall of f1cully honorlnJ amall plckel linea but admlnlstrailoo says morning attendance appears normal. • Unlvenity GI c.llicrnta -About 100 pickets but claaaes normal. Fresno Stole -No .atrike l>ul sympathizers aay Ibey are gnlna to Sao Jooe. San Diego Slate -A!totli 40 Ptckets dlslrlbute-Hterature promblnf no disruption of eumtnatlona but calllng one-clay ~ !Pf Feb. 10, c.t Stale al Hayward -HanO!ul ol pickets; daaRs ~ Sonoma Slate -F'"" 9lcl:eta; clwes normal. Humboldt State -No pickeb; college calls atrike "a diam.a! failure."' Sao Fernando Valley -No plckeb; all normal. Long 8eacll State ..., Small lnfonnatlooll picket line. ... . California State at Los Angelea -Strike called off due to tnsufncient infonnaUon" from San Jose. Cal Poly at Pomona ..:_ Six pickett:; union· asb student• not to Join the line. ' gul A••I I. II Fullerton -No picket&· union voted to "meet re ar _..gmnen .... Chico State -No plcteia; administration saya all "quiet u a mouse." Stanlalau1 State, San Bernardino, Dominguez Hllll, Cal Poly at San Luis -No strike. Cal State in Kem County -No &trike; new acbool not yet opened. DAILY PILOT From P .. e J N"'f'"flMc• H• ............ COLLEGES •.• ........... ......,....,. c ......... CAUfOINIA Ol:AKG~ COAit r ut1.ISHING C~AN'f' • JteHrt N. W11I n.,,, •• 1e, • .,;1 (di .... r~ ...... A. u.,,~;"' ............. f.<lllol' ,,,, """'" ... -.111.1 .. o ...... """" Cool• MaM: m w11t ••r s1 .. 11 Newp9rt 11«11" ml .... ftl a.lbM lovllw"' LI-•Nefl: 172 l'-1 A- twrll""IOl'I k"'11> lit 5111 Si'F'Nt broader, mere autooomoua mlnoritie.s study program. On Jan. C the AFT local at San Fra~ cisco State called Jtl own atrlke, aakina improved pay and teaching ~Uons and speclfyJng suppart for the studtnt demands. Then on Jan. a, the AFT 1oca1 at San J~ State Collqe, SO miles to the south, struck to show support for the SF State tu.chers and to prw: their own demanda: for recognlUon and Improvements. The San Jose strike had limited effect unUl lut week when collta:e president Robert Clark announced lhal under the law 21 of the &triking teachtn werti coosldered to have a1tomlllcally restp. ed becauae they ...,.. aboeot fi .. tiayL Today'a .trite WU callod Jut Friday to IQPllOrl tbeae IL Jury Weighs Verdict For LA Councilman LDS ANGELES (AP) -The brlbery trial of Qty Councilman Thomu D. Shtpard la: now in the b&nda of I HVln• man. five-woman jury. =b accused ol occepUna brlbu In (or favorable votea on JOnlng 1pplle1llona. lie testlllod ht alwa,ys voted because of hi.I cooaclence, never for money. - p ·•·1 ..• -.- :RAJ':N .••• ... -.. Ill ........ tolal to ... -.. -Grove 1'u a tlooe -with '.2l lncbea. The nlm took a heavy toll. Fourteen drownlncs and mare than a ICOl'e of Clb' ...,..,._ &Mt'l'r, eo.1• Mell Uf .. ,. .... t='::: ~ :: :-J" !D """'--9MCfl J..1' .. ,. j.fl ,._. """' 1-'4 S.7' 1.1• ~ .... ..,, 1.11 SMI .... , LJI .. 11 J.11 ....,,.. ~ ...,. .... .,, '-• ........ ·~-· ~ "" 5.41 .......,,. H-~ W 4.JI ~ .. -...:. .... J,ff --........... .. 1.21 ..... SM C..... :t.# a.a t .kn!li Mi -LU 4.7' I.NI !riffle dulha in Southern Call!omla were blamed on the storm. • • Nixon Aide Hints 10% Tax May Go ·' WASHINGTON (AP) -Presldtol Nlr· on's budget dlrector blnted today that Nixon -if be can trim tpendJna plans far enough -mlfbt back away from support of esteoding tbt 10 percent income t.u SU!'ChJrge. Tbe Weather Bureau had good news fodl1, -... a-1a11 lhaf•-·~ major raimtonn beaded for t h e Sntdhlan:t WU halted by l high prtJSUre point oil the cout. He did so toqowtng a tbrff.hour Cabinet meeting, which came alter the swearing in of II of Nixon's Cabinet members. . Budcet. ~.Bober!_ T. ~~d newsmen he has a mandate from N. "to keep the budget under strict cootri•• and will look, program by progr~. at the budget President Jobmon 8'11>- miltod earlier thb month for the wtJ year beginning July 1. All over Southern Californla, 1trteta ...... ~ -toppled, power -1~ "W~j homeaJn. undated with water mid ·cm Nmttt The Automobile Club ol Southern Calllonn. reported lhat since the atorm bit Saturday, a record of 6 ,000 calls iv"ei'!t receJved.' Mo8c of the cal.len com- plalued -,.,. wouldn1 .tart. * * * From Page J DISASTER ••• too deep and it ro&e up over all of u. and we went one by one. We were all getting numb from the cold and just altpped aw..,:~ Ecloenloy said ht went under the stormy sarface of. the crttk twice and ttruck a rock with h1I back as he was aweptclowmtream. "The nest thing 1 remember 1 was lying in a pool and I crawled up on the bant. I wasn't sure whether I was dead or alive." Globe Girdling Pilot Returns For 66th Year ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) -Mu Conrad, who at the ... ol U atlemptod lo Oy a light plane around the world over both poles and failed, landed back in SL Louil Tueaday on bis 16th blrlhday. Conrad WU 20 minutes urly in at· riving. Conrad ten SL Louis Nov. 1, continued ...th over the North Pole mid then south to Greellll!id, Iceland, Plris, Cuabllnca, the ,_, Cout, Buenos Aini, the -Up GI Qlle mid, eveoluaJli', Adelaide illud ID the AntardJc. He landed Dec. U In Adelaide and hla next atop would have been Byrd St.aUon, 250 miles abort of the South Pole. "Six Umea I got ready. Then each time the weather folded up on me " Conrad said. ''There were only tw~ more week& ol their summer and the chances of 1elllni &ood weather were leu and Jess." "If I got to Lbe pole, there was a rnn of 9,000 mllea over the Paclllc to fly over," he aaid. "I could eod up there, too." Conrad aald he feU an obligation to bis !unlly ...i to hb aponsors, Oiark ""1 Sky Prints Corp., not to lake ID undue risk. Fl'Otll P .. e J ATIACK. •.. she ls now In safe cult.ody. The girl. whose name was withheld by authcrlUts, said the wandered Into the te<n Ngbt club Ctriltmu Day while Jootlng [or I glrllrlend. A Chrblmas party Involving about eo persons was in progress, she aid, and before ahe could lelve 1he said her assallants grabbed her Ind It was too late. She said she was forced to 11.lbmlt becauite they threatened to kill htr if the dkl not. H!ckey and Buell are currently held In Huntington Buch City Jall, where pollct ldenUllod •l leul one ol them as a member of the outlaw DevU'1 Dbclplea~11D1· INNOCENT ••• parents had diacu11ed the "" with deteetivea. The Gully hoy 1ald LutjWIJ punued hlm in a car u he rode a mini-bike oo nunl lalrgrounds property ""1 twice uuulted him befcire tatlng the vehicle away. YOWll Guffy went tu police alter the lncldent mid niturnod to the "'1l< with an ofDcer, who advised LutjWll be must return the bite, locked up in a !alrgrounds building. s.......i dly ollldab wl-the .ttuaU<m from the nurby Civic Center ...i Pollet Fadllt)', ._ them Pollce Cbief -li<lh. The trla1 ID which Judie J)ingan cleand Lutjeans ol the uaault 1od bat· tery charl• bad been delayod 1tveral lhnea by -- Pope Lauds Czechs VATICAN CITY (AP): -Pope Paul VJ pral!!ed the c.odloalavab today for their "clvilbed" re1ction to the Soviet occupaUon. He m.st no menUon ol Jan Palach, the youth who set htmlell on fire to protest the OCCUl)IUon. I UPIT•~ WORKMEN TRY TO FILL GAP IN RIVER LEVEE Sherman Island Near S.cramanto Threatened Sa.fety Officials Urge ·simplified Pilots' TUl;~s • WASHINGTON (UPI} -Government ia!ety invesUgatora, noting that four airliners had crashed during landings within a single month, advised the na- tion's airlines today to streamline pilot duU8' at the time of descent. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) urged the Federal Avia· tion Adminiatralion and the airline in- dustry to cutback or eliminate any "non- eaaential" crew functions during the final minutes before touchdown. NTSB chairman Joseph J. O'Connell Jr. also recammended that the c~pilot, or pilot not actually controlling the alr<raft, c!oU oat the plane's altitude! in llX>-foot measurementa during the last 1,000-feet of approach. O'Coonell aald there alao should be a reqnlrement that I.be crew report its alUtude So the alt trafflc coritrollen durlq the landing approach mid that "one pilot maintain continuous vigilance of flight in£truments" until a positive visual reference is sighted. Most airlines already use these pr~ cedures in varying fonns. O'Connell also suggested developing an altitude warning system that could be set up outside the aircraft, such as a high intensity visual red warning light projected slighUy below the normal ap- proach angle for the plane. The rash of landing approach accident! Included the Dec. 2• crash of an Allegheny Airlines plane at Bradford, Pa., which tlllect20 persons and a second Allegheny crash Jan. 6 at Bradford, killing 11 Other.!. A North CenlraJ airliner crashed In Cbican Dec. 71, ldllln( 71 penoos, and a Scmllnavlan 1.lrllner went down at Los .AnieI8' Jan. 13, killing 16. "We hope to get I~ down ," sald Ma:J},. referring to the Johnson-prepare~ ,.,. ding blueprint which envis.ioned a bUdfeC surplus of $3.4 billion. r: BACKS JOHNSON In response to questions, M~ acknowledged that budget cull -,ii deep enough -might make It un- necessary to extend at least part ;pr the JO percent surcharge past its sch~14 eel JUDO 3$ ·-dale. But •ho empbasir.ed · th8t under p r e a e n t circumstances Nixon stands by hls sup. port of Johnson's call to Congress for a one-year e.xtension of the full amount of the tax. After the marathon Cabinet meeting, Nixon arinounced through Pre.a ae.cretary Ronald L. Ziegler th.at career ezpert Philip S. (Sam} Hughes wiU remain in his post a& deputy director of the Budget Bureau. Hughes, who has been a Budget Bureau employe since 1949 has been deputy director since March 1966. A native of Clµcago .. be b ~, ., · Chief luaUce Earl W1rr011 • ministered the oath indjvlduaDy to ; 11 department heads at an ~ a.m., tio.n.ally_ televised _ceteDli>JlX_Jn the E __ Room of the While House. Also taking the oath because they w·ill sit in on cabinet meetings wete Budget Director Mayo and Charles W. Yost, ambassador to the United Natlonll. The 12th Cabinet appointee, Republican Gov. Walter J. H!ckel of Alaska, d1d not participate. His nomlnaUon as aec:retary of the interior bu hit at least a momentary mag in the Senate where some members question his de· voUon to the cause of conservation. CONSULT NOTES Perhaps because of the early hour, Warren had some · Ual dlfficully remembering the oath, forced at one point to comult wrl Jt wu when former Ah ... ~ .. tb Gov. John A. Volpe 1tood before Warren to formally become aeaetary 0 r tramportalioll lhat Nlmn, epparmtly without thinking, ralaod bis own rtpl hand and then rather sheepJ1hl7 wlUxlrew it. ${Wlvmes. CLOSES THE DOORS FOR·EVER IN CORONA DEL MAR ! Days Left SALE ENDS SATURDAY! I LADIES' WEAR I LADIES' SUITS CANTRECE HOSIERY SLEEPWEAR ........ • • . s2s3s4 s10 • s17 2 FOR149 ' SWEATERS ............ s2 .,.s3 BLOUSES .................. s22 ... :31' SHiRTS ....... -····--· 300 ~amaica Shorts ...... •· . 1 DRESSES• SHIFTS sJ.s2 I SPORT COATS DRESS SLACKS MEN'S WEAR l KNIT SHIRTS ....... s2.s3.s4 · SWEATERS ......... ~3.s5.s.10 . SPORT SHIRTS .. s3.$4.'s, DRESS SHIRTS ........ s3.s4 No-Iron PANTS ....... ~3.s4 SOCKS ................ 3 ... s2.oo 3321 E. COAST HIGHWAY e CORONA DEL MAR , I ·-------. -- ., ,. ii J n ii r • 't d n • i, • ~ " • t , I I ' t • t • , t I . - I ., iington eh EO.l·IION YOL. 62, NO. :19, 4 SlCTIONS, 54 PA&ES · 19-eollege Strike Try Huge Flop SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A ooM>y ltrlke caned by • teacbl:rs' mUon in an eilart to diuupt Calilomla's llalewide : ly1Wn •ppemd today to have 'Ibo American Fedmlloll <l Teacben, d.imJn1 about 2,000 memhtrl among ~ 11,000 lnllrudon in tho It 1tate ccilleg.,, hid ailed !or picketing •I JSc:om ....... Al -....... ~ .. pickets --. and al lllllll«OUI otbtrl Ollly a ball-dozen obowed up. C!Ultl, and in many CUel final U• •minaUom, went on u uaual fmo most <l IN m,010 lllnd"lla in Ute nation's larlelll ..ne1e oyotem. Al Sm Joot stale, where 21 teadien ..... -told lbat they outomatically Hllped for bavlnc i-.,. lllrile oince J.., I, about !!O lnmudonl and -I --morched. There was a similar small turnout •I San Francisco SW., whm the AFT went on strike Jan. I. A Sacramento Stat.t unlm ·leader dAlmed •tt.ndiiio! WU off, 11111 a <Ollege ~-'!'~-~W .. !'O~· - Tito DDO<lay -WU called Ill support o! lbt 8aD J-ltri1ren, .,,. .. _bad_ to oupport - al 8111 Fnoel9co State. ThO)' d<m1Nled P111 lncraues, •bigger volco In admhtllllratlon, and a minorities -.. _ _.... Additiooally, at Berkeley, the Univtrsi~ ty" Callfomia'• main .... _ lbe union alled a on&<lay strike In l)'lllllOlhy Jrll1t minority--.. I~ loo, 1ppemd 1o have slight tllecl, wWI an. ntjmltecf lOlt ttudeota and toedterl pooled 1t Ute -.... ~toU.'7~~ . 1lti~ ... eon... ... " •. ... !lto~--1(-. ... lbt ~. ~ !or • is --la itrlkl idloit. lJllllWPTIOHll fto.&n.-....-......... ~. called Jut Fridq, Ii tile -In I chain of dlit llptiollll lllal btpn lut Nov. I. On lbat date Negro and othel' minority lludenla -at San Franct.eo Sla\e Collep -·-• broader. mOte autc:inamom mJnQritits otudypntll'BJll. On Jan. I the AFT local al .San Fr ... ti-State called' Ill own ltrike, aUiltg lm)ll09ed pay and leacbinl -... IJ>OCllYlnl oupport for the student demands. Tbtn on Jan. a, the AFT loCll. at San Joot State College, !!O mileo to the -· -to -oupport for the p StalAI teacltn and to proos tholl' own dmwtds lot ncognltim and tmprovementa. ,,,. San J ... llrik• bad limited tlfect anti1 Wt weelr wbat colfqe preoldenl ltobat Clark announeed lhat under the Jaw 21 ol Ibo llrltiJll teaclton ...,. COllild<nd to bave aut<matically mll!> eel b<eaUIO lheY were aboelll five dlJI. Todly'• atrike wa1 caDed. lut Friday to mpporl -21. Huntington Man Killed as CaT Skids, Crashes Ge<qo.MlllolYic " Buntl..ion --llllled aaty today when bl ...., -.. ,;.. b!a car u k -out o!-"' .. Saa lllelO Freeway. )IIaomc, A ol 11111 Cutio Drive, bad jall --Iba ,,_., at 7111 -"'f'P In L"'ll -and -llead<d eouth when lbt lrapdy ~ ~ 1o lnfflllpling Cdf<nla BllJnray Patrol olllc:en. -Loo Alamltea Baolnard, the auto Wint Into A 1broadaldl ltld ml WU tbaD bit by anotllet •"'"-car. MDJcevlo WU ejected frun 1111 - "" .... dud ... -al Loo .IJamltor a-al llolpllal. Tho ~ O>onty C«oolr'• Office Aid be 111 mlvod by bla wtie, Blanrbe, Beach Chamber Installs Monday no __.. .... llat'm! .lilllQull el Iba llilltltJPn Beadl Cbambor ol Qanmeloa II MaodaJ bepmlng at ,,. p.m. al lbi Sl!erat<ll>lkacb lnll. fjew olllc<n an C.E. "Bill" Woodl, ....-. c. -Carllon, lint -_Jljaldent; Ptle Horton, l«Glld vice pl"tlldent; WlWam S. P e t t r 1 o n • -......... . ln!Ortn11ian an dlllner Uctell llllJ be -bJ callilll the cbambor ~ al-I. ----~-~ ..... • ,...-""" ...... WORKMEN TRY TO PILL GAP IN ·RIVER LJ!VEE ~rm•n lsl•nd Ne•r Sacramento Threatened UPIT ....... LEVEE BREAK FORCES 200 OUT OF HOMES ShenMn Island on Siicram.ento River Meet on Harbor District . Deciswn Set by Cities • • N.Y. sierJi•· ' ' I 0 Swept to Death Survivor Tell.s Swollen Creek Tragedy SANTA PAULA (Ul'tJ -Ten penona fleeinl I lotr<ntial rdJstorm la rugged mountain country were swept from a resme bulldozu "cme by one" wbl!:n it ltalled in a swollen. aeek, Authorities Aid oil ol them, Including six cblldnm, were prelQmed drowned. The Ventura ~-· office lint --" Iba late 'l'UHday from U!e lole "'"""' w WM pleted up by a belkopler near U!e rqtog Sespe er.et In the Loo PadNI Natlonal - The dead -"" )'<Ollba from . Canoga Park. and a man who took them for an outing in the forest last Friday JUll btlore a IOries ol vlclent rlllnltorttll bit the lllale. The -otbar -....... memben ol • -party wltldt .... brinlllll them out '.ll the loMfy uu Moodly ni&ht about IS mileo -ill o1 lier<. 111e......-wuSeot1 .EcDnley, 21., a botwfatber at l.J.ve Oat ICbool In the Ojai Vllley, who met "tbe hoy1 at a eampg:round on Saturday. He invited them to t • k • shelter In bis. tamper * * *' -SunnycD~ Ahead Says Weatherman Calif-from one llld ol tl!a lllate to the other dried oil loday an.r - dlJS ol nvagln( nfn, lluoyed by tbe weatherman's promill of fair 1kiel and IUllDJ ,cat4lll\lltl tlllU U!e resl " Iba,,,...,. . ! : . ' Gov. RariaJa "8'apft declared I llatw · ol ---bl Calilnla ,..,..,., to 111e ,... er ., _ .. w....,.. __ ...,._...el_pa .... Or . --._ Ult.,,. c .... ,..,.... ·a.u ,,,. &.1t ~== t.:: :~ -~ Hllllflnt"°"' Snell J.lf '-" 5.lJ FeUnt1ln Vil• 2..U: 1.7' J.lt Weltmlnrt.r l.1' t.n I.If SHI Inch l.lt .. ,. J.17 U.Ul'lll Ulauni •Worlf UJ J.2t' ·u.; ll"fllle •tlldl 1 • ., ,._,. 1.4 L•-Ni.u.t SM t.17 •.ll AMfltlm •.f.C &.• J.2' G1"'9n G~ US 7.22 U11 S.11 CIMMn" t" S.11 f "'"'' ...,,. w ..,. .... t'o flee their llomu oa a ICOl'I ol rivJl'I ............. A1onJ the Orutp Coast, mopp!nc up operatioos be( .. •altr a liege.GI rafnfall that began early Salunlay attemooo and cootinued, almoll without hitemtpllon, throo&h 'l'Ueldly. The storm puohed coutal ralnlall totall, which last Friday llleod u much 11 foor lnchel"beblnd Wt year'• flguru, up to and beyond -tabulattons. Only Newport Beach now bat nccrded Jeu rainfall than at a compara.Uve period last year. The topielt area ol Orange County was Anabe1m, which ablorbed nearly five lnchel of rain over ~ weekend, booollng Ill ........ total 1o 8. .. Inches. Garden Grove wa1 a close aecond with 7.ZZ inches. The ralm took a heavy toll. Fourteen drownlnp and more than. a 1COre of trafllc clealhl In 8outhem Callfomla were bllllllod on the lllotm. The Wul.ber Bureau bad 1ood news today, however. ll ttp<r1ed that a fourth major .-... headed fat t b • Soufbland WU boltod by a blp -point off the eout. All over Somhua Callfornia. streets ,.,,. 6:i aw toppled, JIOl!Or ttoes felled, _ .... triqerod, ~ Jn. UDdated --and WI~. 1be Automollfle Club ol Soulbern California roported !bat llnce Ille lllotm hit Sa~, a neon! ol 41.000 callr ...,.. """1vea. Moot·ol tbe ealltta'-' plained their can _, llW1. I . ' .. ~••1~ ~;-·/): ............ ,. ..: .. , ". •. . . . . -~ ... . --·:::e.at.fllllela ' ! •.o . ....:v.tiw&: • • • • . MM.I:• =-· ··~~=:.: •' • -'•:'.'.'• .. DISASTIR SCENE 'X' Marks WheN 10 lost truck wbat rain llartod to fa!L Tho bo)'I, ranilol In ap rr-16 to lJ, and tbelr leader r Robert S.mpW., -· toto I eabin ti the caDlplJ'Gllllda Suuday aftemooo with Ecl!enley to wolt out the ltonn. Meanwhile, the rescue team set out for the area on a Navy bulldozer bor~ No Apartments rowed flwlt a 5eabeo tnbilo& - at Rooe Valley In the oatienal - The three --the eal!in early Monday nlab~ F.tlmle7 i!ald. Wlllt the cblldren . perc)!ed on the hood . and fenders, the group Rt out for dvlllllilon. Diluter lltntck. wbat they mt.qW to ford,;tba s'eipa croet, -la •libt feet·cfeep bi tbree dlJI "'rain. ' "We were rldlnl GUt on the caterplllar. and lol 1o tbe middle of Iba _ cnet, • ~ i!ald. "l!UI the water ·- loo deep and It -up ..... .n el us and we went one by one. We '"" .n gdtlDg uwnb from the cold and ju.I llippod awoy." Eckersley · Aid he went mler th! lllotmy -" Iba ---and llrUel! a ·ne1r 'wllb bll baclr u l!o WU .... -'!'Ille -tblnl I remember J ,,.. lying In a pool and I erawlod ap on the bank. I wasn't wre whether I .- dead or alive." Beach Residents Win Battle on Zone Change . ' . Sub Waits for OK in Dive -- To Find Jet Tail Wreckage LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An er· perlmental aubmarlne wUh underwater cameru today awaited clearanoe for a dive into the sea off Loi Angeles to photograph th1 tall section of a Scan- dinavian Alrlint1 Systema jetliner. The submarine ''Deep Quest". alrody has localed and photograpbod one ludfnc goer o1 U!e SAS plane tbat cnallld Ian. 13 wbile approaching Loa Angelet lnternatlooal Alrport. Fifteen ol the 45 pmone aboml were ldlleci. 1be "Deep Queal," devaloped by l.ockbeed MIJotlea and Spaeo Co. as • .-projtcl. found tbe lutdlng gear and other Items from the SAS plmie Monday. Lockbeed perlOlll!el 11eu... the 1111> marine'• IODl.I' allo located the mlAtnc tall oectlon ol the SAS plane, although tt was not aeen. The jet broke In two puU at lhe time ol U!e cruh.. Tiie forwtnl portion bu i-reco•nd. The IUbmartne WU ldlod Tuealay by m~cal trutbles. Federal lnveitliators are amloul to -the tall of the 'J!I™ .,..._ 1t hoOaod an eJectronlo f1l&bl .-.!er -1o the lnveetlptton ol U!e ..,. cldenL Four bedlll were reeoverod alter Iba· accident. It .. believed ..... ol' the mll8lnti 11 mey bo eutombed In the toll IOCllan. M-bllo. the Cout G,uard tOnntnated Ill ..a IUfth for bodl .. ani1 -1n1m Iba uottod . Alr1k>et ~=~·=s=~· ACGalt=k ' ~· ~--J ·~·'-.i·to ' Cold v-.a.. CllJD ! - Pope Lands. Czeclu , . . VATICAN cm' (AP) -Popa Paul Vl praleod the ~--for their ••ctvilbed'' nldldl t•~-.,~ dcci>patJon.. U.mado ..a rt a 'IOI' ol 1111 l'alacll, the ~outb -1111-Cll f!ra'!A>J!l'WI Iba otaipatll& •. ' patrol the coastline to -H any I! the ..... ckap WU wasblnJ u1Jore. All 31 penone •boml lbe Unltod jot lost their Uvea. NEW YORK (UPI) -~ lm1tod In tbe bell perfomtJll"" el ' lbe - In moderately active trl<lfnl lo!lo;r. (llaa quotaU-p-»n), Recent be.-io, -.. Ibo -ol peace In Vietnam and • -' !run the Federal 81121 te loll'd Cblt factaria operoted at lncreuod ca!*'ll1 la U!e fourtb quarUr " 1111 .... -much of the Incentive. Orui• c: .... Weatlier Sunny "'11 are·bero qalp, tl!o wealhennao• beaml, wllb claar dte1 and mld.eo tempar- forecasl lot Tlmnday. It'll ba ... to •. _._ furt!Mr - INSmE• TODA.Y Th< C011o-Jl11t1 Cil>la. PfOll. "°"'' Gpllll · "-.... prodooclln uu. -lcncf, tolll!o flN olfln tltcalon alo!lil u..·~ ~ . Corlllotw .• lltW, Jl®f4!111, ~ ~'PdO•''Js.I -" =:-.. ~ -... ,_ . -. --M ==,... 1: .. ,.,, .... ·----. :.•.1•,. :: -. ...... u.... -. =-....': --.. ..__, .. f:ti " -. --=-= -" -. -. ---· .. • • I I t r I I ' -• :t DAll.Y PllOT • tot. B~tt~. :·~~o 1 . J· .. -Y !llley Counci~n £la$1j t)t'~r .S:~ , : · • ..,,,. dam-· loose," declarod c..m. cllJ!WI Doillld .,.,.. ... Tu<oday u the . -'l'lllel' 'Qty Cow>cll "1Plod I• """"1 battle..., 1o1.-. lt beCln wlth QilmcllmtD John Harper and Ed-Just opposing an --t to a city onlinance whleb wolild !""" devtlopan to -a _..,,,,, ... ponnll lnllead .r a. ·-to build -on 1o1J mia1ltr Illa T,ll!O equate ttet.. ' The amendment's backers letl it would tighten the city's control o v er developments oo lots smaller than the citystaiilard. Oppooeots feel ft wfJI bendil .. ... but developora. HMper lint challena<d the amendment dwing the public hearing OD il He Wed U the Ugbt ·restrtd!W· lmpooed on the JRDall.Jot developerl <Olllda't u wtll· be placed on all propo1ed developments. Plumlnr Dlrtdor Stan Mansfield • ~ )1111 ·~ -.J. ·~ ..... .... . fflqOr !Illa -~ .. ,.,..iii .... of the ..,.....m:.,,, .nio•lil ~~ ....,.'thrr · Harper Ihm ·~ the wtsdom liiod• Iha -space Idea; wbor< U of Ol4abllsb! .. a pollq'--'C, <llllJ -_ waa 1.., ~ __ type of d<wlo[>m<l>l when ft could be 'l'llen Fr<aeau, who ;LI bieo illent applied to all. to that paln~made bts atatemenl about "I ~ we"!' a<ttlns J>oued down the clam In a rulllod •ol<e : told In ~ • bi cbarg<d. ~lien we'1<c the l"llllcl~ ·1-a ahrl1• '°''"lored redadlic oar Ill: lbtl u moch u SS IeyMl!" al ~ tative., w DOW I I flnd per«al Iron -the pabllc baa ._ . ,,,,..U'CUI~ the JOI< of u .-~ to Uke and e:i:Pa<t.• ' · io the light 'iiJllQfe who· wut IO *r. After no one came forth to apeak with the aacred four-lob-per-acre policy.' on lhe amendment in public hearing, "I think we need a well-rounded com- Juat voiced hJa criticism. munlty -not only the 1"""'1 7)t:IJ .. Many of the IC'6om wt are taking square.fool Jots -but.alao five lots tmtgbt 11'9 lnRef:klatrJ in Pltl1re.'' Just to an.acre," ht CODUnued.. · aid, ''flnt bJ docreulnc the .size ol , "i·c:an even enTl!loo -. heaven forbid lots, then by plUlng added rutrlcUo"' -apartments." Fregeau added. oo the d..,.._,_ the coot of which When the amelldment finally came will be puoed on oi the jlllbllc." up fer tta flnl readln& .Harper and Maj>or ~ Scbwenllleier replied, Juat oppooed It Scbwerdtl•aer. "'aeau ''We "":• not changed the 1tandazd and Councilman J""'Ph Coun-e1u voted Jot die. ~ wo're not fordl>C aoyone to P8'!' ·lt on to ill -..! nadlni to do ..,,ui111c.• II the nut councll D1eetJn&. * * * TRIES COMEBACK Pitcher Mayo,. LIVING NEARBY Ex-Mete Mamie Lee's New Pii~h -- Nixon, Aide Hints 10% -Tax May G~ ' WASHINGTON (AP) -PrWdent NII· on's budget director hinted today that N lion -il be CID trim JpendlnJ plw far enough -mtibt btct any from support of extending the 10 percent income Lax surcharge. He did so following a three-hour Cabinet meeting..,. which came aft.et Uie swearing in of ll of Nixon's Cabinet members. Budget Director Robert T. Mayo told newsmen be has a mandate (?'J)Dl Nlion 1'to keep the budget under 5trlct control" and will look, program by program, at the. budget President Johnlon sub- mitted earlier this month for the flacal year beginning Julr 1. Night Class Cluilwnged · Coitneil Eyes Mamw's Ex Now Land Mogul .. We hope to get l~ down," said M.,o, r:ferring to the Johnson-prepared llpl!n- dmg blueprint which envisioned a budget surplus of $3.4 billion. In response to questions. Mayo acknowledged that budget cub -If deep enough -might make it un- neeessary to extend at least part of the 10 percent surcharge past its schedul· ed June 30 ezpiratlon date. But he emphasized that under p re 1 e n t circumstances Nixon stands by his sup- port of Johnson's call to Congress for a one-year extension of the full amount of the tax. . At Huntingwn School Reinstating Study Session Lee Mey<n, who &lined mn faooe as Iha -. bridegroom of Mamie Van Doren than u a pitcher, la now a Newport Beach land mogul. loinc &o make a tomebact u a player.'1 He'a 1olng to join, he said, the Kamas aty Royall in the 1pr1ng. The Royall, a 11porb--mincled newsman advised bis colleague1, la not a basketball team. It la one of the American League's new apanaion teams. They a r e desperat e for pitchers, catchers, in-- fieldel'S-<IDYbody. AJJ evtnina discussion group at Peter- son School in IOl'tht•st Hua1lncton Beach baa been challellfed u ........ tivity trainin&" and school offlcltl1 IA di!cUsSlng the paoslbllity of wl!Mrn· Ing aoy offlclal recognilion of the classes. __ .... Mrs. Libby Kagan, of &Zl5 Pau&loU6- lon Drive, said lhat for the put year and a ball ahe and her bUJband have been attending what she called "parent ~_grou)l!" at Peterson Schoot. "The giii!s orlhe!<! -· -if"it-u possible io label them, have been to bridge the gap of communicaUon be- tween home and sdlool in rel.ilon to our children.." Huntington Beach City School District Supt. Al MoffeU oald IOOay that , the board of ,,,_ baa dloimoed the .. ~., aod \bl meettnp. are "up for discmllon It tbe D9l trustee lelllan." Next trustee meeUng is at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at district headquarters, 735 !Ith 8'., in Iha old cafeteria building at ~ ~ tabn no movt1 one way or another. Some of the ICbool board ...,,. ben think tbw: cillcitM\m cluw lfe aenolllvlty training and are ...-ned about the principal and tw:ben ~ ICbool time to -~ on the cluHo, ald ~olfell. ¥n. Aid thal abClul 40 ,..,. lllel pole In Wftk)y - -Oii a ·--!Jmlved too, abe said, "are aboot D teadlen, school princlpall and Iha dJltrlct pl)'· cbolOllSl-.. ll aeema that 1everal parent. In aome way dllappruved of thls and nollfled the ocbool"board and..,,.. .. find the board thrutming to end theae nlld groups u well u falling to r°""""" their needs in a growing eommimlty." "We feel "" tnllre bcosebold bas J?OWD in ntaturlly u a mr.ct result of ~ metttnp and we foresee our children growing up a.s better adult cilizens because of 1 mutuaJ under- etm:liag cf.. tbe ~esllbllshment.' " Mn. KaPn said, and tt WU -ed by SUpt. l\loffet~ ·that some of the teachen have asked to meet with tbt IUperintendent OD Friday to "air 1beir grievances." "The tw:ben who have partlclpalaf In tbi!: dbcu85'on gnmp are lbaut ready to wall< ... t of --o( the board'• action," Mn. Kagan said. Supl Mollett oald that "I don't really know 111bat ~y wanL" . Mn. Kagan oald the teacben are not being paid for aUendtng the dllcusslcm, · but clllmed wt "we do want olllCW recognition from the school diJtrict.. · People who do not want to parUclpate in the ~om: do not have lo attend." She pointed out that Iha ocbool 00.. not bavt a pemit-te.ocher group and that the dilcusalON wett belu:n Oft!1 II a mens to open communlcation between teachen and partnt.. DAlll PllDI OllAMC.t COA,1' P\JSLISHING COM,AN't ••\i.•rf N. °W••i p,.,IOl,.I """" 'ubllttoer J•i• 11t. c .. ,1 • ., \'kt ,n."51!..t •NI ~"'rtl M-"r Tll•111•• k .... ;1 ·-lh•111•• A. M ... 11hi11• MllM'tl!\1 E•itw Al\i.1rl w. ••••• wan.,.. 1'••' .., .. cc••!t Hvl>I~ ltKI\ £0119r City E.irw HMtlltffM-....OMM Jtt Jtli Sh11t M1il+..t M'1•111 1.0. I•• 1tl. •lMI o ... -. f<l-t ..._II~ 21tl Wf'lf ,,.._ ....,.._.. C..!f MtM; ))I Wttl k'rlffftf l ............. I m ,_. """""' Olll\.T ,.ILOT, ... ..._., II ~ ... ................... ltlltotf, Mlh UUf'I S-0 *'"'_... ...... u.-....... ...._, .... c.-. -.... ...,... .... .. ~ -f'-41ill VI...,, •*" """' • fC....... _.,.... Or-C ... t ,..,.., ........ C-.W '°"""" _....,,, err •I ml ...... IA!.. """" *""'*' •HCll. .... ,. .............. C...i• ~ ... f fll' I 171•1 6,J ... JJ1 "-We• I 1•• C... 14 ... Ut Oa:tn:a• .W1•'41 .. 1 6Q.M71 CM'rfllM,, ,.., Or..... (MJI ,..,....... ~.NI -111flt1. .....,,,_ .-.w ---.. -''-""" ....... lfil ............ , "" ... _ ...u.i .... llllM ... _ _....._. ...... ~ ................... ..... _,. c.a-. ...... (.11~1•. tuMc:•i..tllol ... c..tlttt ..... _....,., "" -u Q.JI -"""' _....,,. ..,...11111111, 11.n -"""• A newsletter sent out by Rep. Robe.rt Burke (1\-Huntingtoll Beach) alao sUrred the coatroveny. Burke dbcu.ssed por- nography, "' education and ,.nsJUvity train.Ing as ''three cootroversial pJ'Ob. Jenu:," but made no direct reference t'o the Pete.non School groups. Some ol the parents felt that Burke wu becoming involved in the local matter, but Burke denied Wednesday that be wu involved in 1J)e Lvue. Beach Police Arrest Man On Pornography A Huntington Beach man who allegedly accused another of liking boys lnstead of girlJ in connecUon with a stag movie lncldent wu lllTf.lted Tuesday on two charges, lncladlng pornography. Alston M. Boyd, 3Z, ol 111272 Delaw.,. Sl, WU booted Into city jall alter ln- veJtfptorw elalmed they llelJed two oul~ ...,. l1ID cl -plduru, including Bix ~stag rum.. lnveatlptors UTated the llUIJ>OCt at hJa heme. alter rec<Jving a complaint from Bethel Ethridge, of 7131 Yukon Drive, who uld be wu the victim of several olfenaes at Boyd'a bands. Boyd wu booted on ~cion of poaeealon ol obacene literature, and assault with a deadly weapon, !lemm.lng from a threat allegedly made to Ethridge. 'Ille bb:am cue originated in a Beach Boulevard tavern, according to pblice reporbl, where Ethridge aafd Mr. and Mrs. Boyd approached innOCf.DUy enough. Ethridge told investigators the Boyds said their chlJdren attmled the same IChool u bis young-. and, after a abort converuUon, the trio left together. 'Ibey went to the Ethridge home. Boyd then beaan to .fleer the con- ·venation . around to 1t.q movies, the victim llld, and volurlteered to go home and get some, at whlCb lime Ethridge went with him. Retuming to the Y uton Drive home with the nl&ht'1 potential ente.rta1nmwt, Ethridge said, Boyd opened up a mltca" fQ[J otfllma, then _,,ed dismayed. "I brought. the wrong one," be quoted Boyd u eying, and added that the man suddenly pulled a .22 caliber automaUc pistol and ahoved It against bh ribs. "You're a homo," he quoted Boyd aJ aaylnt, "admit or I'll blow you up." An elusive Nnport Beach land mogul. Wb<n the heated debates cooled down In addlUon to that, the youthful ..,. at Tuesday's Founlain Valley City Cow> trepreneur (be'• new only D) i. planning cil meeting, the poestbWty of re-to hit the horsehide trall again. establt.hlng council study ...mens. was lie'• been out of a bueball job 1ince brought up. Mardi, 1188, when be quit the Sao Councilrnan Donald Fregeau urged the :Tu:.?,lanta becauae of "pt!:rlOnal rejuvenaUon of the dormant 11tudy He left the Giants almoat. a year sess.ions to clear up .an apparent to the daJ after he bad announced his ~ ~ rommnntcalioo among the retirement as 1 pftcber to .. deYote my counctlmen. time \o my family " Rel£r:tin&.Jo \!>'-~ lo\s batl!eo_ ..Meyeu, wbo _,;u_dJv~..bJ. the Fregeau said much ci what lW voluptuous Mias VaD Doren one month transpired" tonight Wl3 totally un· ago, recently toot out a baalDUS liCenae necessary.nAbert Scbwenltf noted at rjewport City Hall for Meyers Mayor .iw eier Development, Inc. thal the hour-and-a-half sesalon wu the That's whett the elusiveness comes longest he could remember in the put In. two years. The business located In the Chart He pointed out that the ltudy aeaJoo HOUJe reslaur~t building at 1600 W. was the place for "Such debates u Coast Highway, bu no telephone. took place tonight." "He works out of his home," said All councilme.n agreed to re-eslablish a Chart Houae employe. "When he came the study le!llons, to be held oo lhe in for oWce space he didn't give us Monday pr~ each regular City a buslneu phone number." Council meeliq. And bis home phone number ls Two Held, Eight Sought in Mass Rape of Girl, 16 unllsled. "All we know," 1aid the employe, ••iJ that be lives on Weat Ocean Front aomewbere In Newport." Meyera, however, when be can be readied, II TO!uble enough. He held a preu cmilettnce Tueaday In hif.Meym llovel_.i. Inc., olflce. ''Lee Meyers." Meytn umounced, ''is Meyen. who at the age of 17 signed a '30,000 bonua contract with the Chicago Cubs and· waa later released, blamed hla troublea in the put on bad publicity. _ When be left the Cubs thert were ttporls ilUit . be WUD't freUlng about lt bee~ be Would IOOD inherit $2 mlillon-f'iOOi lili-giiiwfralbu-;-paul S. Meyers of Fresno, owner of McCaJl's Magazine. The youth's father tater said there was no $2 million. "The story jusl got out of hand," dad erplained. '.'Listen." said. Meyen1 "I've just been misunderstood m the past." He said his baseball troubles began shortly after he married Miss Van Doren, who now Jives at the Balboa Bay Club, a few blocks downcout from Meyers Develop- ment, Inc. "When I said I was married to Mamie I got sent by the Cubs to a team in Lodi, California. "la that fair? ls that right!" Meyeis blamed it all on petty Jealousies. "I mean here was a kid drlvlmr: to the ball park in XKEa and Bentleys and atsylng In pentboom," ha ..id. "Well, K just sot to be too • much. ,1bey treat.eel me louay." After the marathon Cabinet meeting, Nixon announced through press :secretary Ronald L. Ziegler that career expert Philip S. (Sam) Hughes will remain io his post as deputy director ol the Budget Bureau. Hughes, who has been a Budge\ Bureau employe since 1949 has been deputy director since March 1966. A native of Chicago, he is 51. Chief Jmtice Earl W 1 r re rt ad- mini,stered the oath individually to the Il department heads.. at-an a a.m., na.-- tionally televised ceremony in the East Room of the White House. Al!iO taking the oath because they will sit in on cabinet meetings were Budget Direclo?' Mayo and Charles W. Yost, ambassador to the United Nations. From Page 1 HARBOR ... • lralizalion of control within each juris- diction as ea:pressed in the League report, it nuist also assume the pos!Uon that in view ol the regional nature of Newport Harbor the county has an obligation to make an equitable conlfi. bution toward the financing of these regional services ln lhe same manner as It ftnances the cost of nglonal parks." A pair of su!peels are in cuatody today, charged wllh the Chriltmu Day maas rape of a 16-year-old girl, by Devil's Disciples motorcycle c I u b members, at a Huntington Beach teen recreation spot. Eight more aurpecta are being 10Ugbt in connection with tbe case, which allegedly occurred at the hana:out at Third Street and PacUJc: Coast Hlghway. """~~ CLOSES THE DOORS FOREVER IN CORONA DEL MAR! Booked on IUIPlcloo of both forcible and atatutory rape are Jasper O. Hkkey, 2Q, of rn W. Wllaon Sl, Costa Meaa, and Peter Buell, 22, of El Monte. Dttec\ive Carl ,Vldano .aald the vl.cilm finally told ci bu ordeal to author1Ues .at Orange County Juvenile Hall Monday, whert she 'NU lodged u a runaway. lnvestigatora oald abe baa been on her own about two months, drlftina .around the loose social strata of the youthful element which f r e q u e D t 1 downtown Huntin&l<n Beach. The victim said she never reported the npe becauae ahe wu threatened with death, but related the ordeal alnce she is now in aafe custody. The girt, whose name w11 withheld by autboriUu, sald &be wandered into the teen night club Chrlltnw O., while looking for a girlfrlend. Days Left SALE ENDS SATURDAY! I LADES' WEAR I SLEEPWEAR! ........ s2.13.s4 ,SWEATERS' ......... ~. s2-'3 BLOUSES· .................. ~ _s3 '.Jamaica Shorts ...... 2 ... s11 LADIES' SUITS S]Q.S]7 CAN11tECE HOSIERY 2 roa149 siiiilis ·---········· ······-·····-· 300 Beach Plays W aitingGame In Trailer Park Protest DRES_SES. • ,SHIFrS s,1.$2 A move which btgan u a Dl8!1Jve protest against the poeslbWty of a traller park at the soutbeut comer of Heil Avenue and Springdale Stnet ln Hun· tington Beach turned Into a two-month long walllnl game Tu~y night when lhe plannetr continued the matter unUI Mm:b ti. More tban 100 persons, representing some 2,200 who had s.lgned petitions In oppoaltlen to the trailer part propoaat of the A.Ibby ConstrucUon Co .. had come to flcht for a park for chlldttn at Iha location. Before the argumenll could get under way, lllcbanl Harlow of the Planning Department told the commlsaton that the "atsll .-mmendl the bwtnl! be coollnued to allow time far Ute master plm ol park• to be rt•lewed." That muter plan vrestnllY calls for a park on the 10.91 acres in questton, but Harlow potnt'4 out that "lhll pro- perty w11 offered fOf' 11Je to tht city ht Septembtr at "hich time the Recru· Uon and Paris Commlaion Informed I.be owntr lhlt the commlulon "'s no lqet lntlftattd 111 &be Plrctl for a neighborhood park.. Harlow ~ that the city w11 trying to obtain land adjacent to a nearby elementary ICbool and that the site In queatloo "migbt no tqer be considered a master planned pari: site." In add.it.ion, Harlow 11ald the com- mission should have .1011 reports and a gradlnJ plan before conalderlni the matter further. Arguing aaatnst thl.s poslUon was Com· missioner J{enry Dub who aaid that "we should decide ..methtr ft nnt ~ trailer park at this site or not - that's the queatJon before tll, not COO· slderatton ot a park." The ' larp audlence applauded the remark, sbowinJI: their opposition to a trailer parll: lo ihe 11.nile family reaiden- Ual area. "This is an atta of $40.000 bomes and we don't want a tra1let park in the mlddle of thts Ona dev.lopmen~" &ald Duke. Commluioner Ray Mlllu oald that he belteTed "It very lmpoNnt to aet the aolt roporlA. He (the property owner) >houldn1 juat loae bb land becauae there are homes around IL'' The ReereaUon and Parka commlaJon b ocbeduled to cOlllld<r tho upclallnll of lht ma1ttr plt1n of Parka, Open Solice. School and Recreation at Ill Feb. tt meeU111, held oo the third WadneJdoy rather thllll the usual aeeond because of Lincoln'• birthday on Feb. 12. Sl'ORT COATS DRESS SLACKS MEN'S WEAR I KNIT SHIRTS ....... s2.$3.$4 .SWEATERS· ......... s3.$5.$10 SPORT SHlfllS .. 13-14-$5 DRESS SHIRTS ........ s3.s4 1No·lron PANTS ....... ~3.$4 SOCKS ................ 3 ... ~.00 3321 E. COAST HIGHWAY e CORONA DEL MAR I I I I • • I .I I .I l - • " • Founiai.n · Valley • ~DII·IOM N.Y. Steeb . VOL. 62, NO. 19, 4 SECTIONS1 ~ PAGES ORANGE COUNT'(, CAtlFORNIA . . 19-college Strike Try Huge Flop I 0 Swept to Death Survivor Tel~ Swollen Creek Tragedy SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Gn&<lay lllrike called by a leadlen' Wli<n In an effort ln dilrupt Ca!Hornla's 111.ttewlde = syatem appea(ed today to have The American Federation of Teachers, claiming about 2,000 members among the 1~000 lnatructorl In the 19 Ill.tie collqel, bad called IOI' pictettni at Ucampwoes. Al oeveral, no plcteta appeared, and al numerous otben only a baH-dozen atxnredap. Clauel, and In many cases final ex- aminations. went on as usual for most of the 125,000 1tudenb in the nation '• largest collea:e system. Al San Jooe Slate, where I& teachers have been told that they automaUcally ralped , .. bavtnc been ... -.me. Jaa. t, about 50 imlruclcn and student sympalhim'I man:hecL There was a limilar small turDOUt at San Francisco State, when the AFT lt'ent on strike Jan. •· A Sacramento State union leader claimed attendance was~. but. a college SANTA PAULA (Ul'IJ -Ten penons Oeelng a tommllal ralmlnrm In rugged mountain country were swept from a rescue bUlldozer '«One by' one" when it stalled in a swollen creek. Authoriliea said all ol them, including six children, ·were presumed drowned. 1be Ventur' County Sheriff's offiee lint learned ol the tragedy Lala Tueaday from the sole survivor who wu picked up by a belicopter JleU Ibo raging Sespe Creet In the Loa Padrea National F~ The dead lntbled m JOU1bo 1rom Caaoga Part, and a man wbo took them for an ouUnc in the fore.rt last Friday just before 1 series of violent rainstonns bit the Rate. The three other victims were members of a search party wbicb was bringing: them out of the lonely area Monday night about 35 mlleJ north of here. The. survivor .... Scott F.climley, 28. a boulefaUter at Live Oak acbool in the Ojai Valley, who met the boya at a campground on Saturday. He invited them to t a t e shelter in his camper DISASTER SCENE 'X' Martes wt.. ... 10 Loat truck when rain started to fall. The boys, ranging 1n age from 10 lo U, and their leader, llDbert Sampl.., broke into a cabin at the campgrounds Swlday afternoon with Eckonley ln wall out the storm. Meanwhlle, the rescue team set out tor the arta on a Navy bulldozer bor- No Apartments rowed lrom a Seabee lralalna amp at Hooe Valley In the aatlonal ltnol. The U... rescuers rea<!ied Iba oabln early Monday llight, Ecienley aald. W1f11 the clilldren perched on the hood aiid fenders, the group let out for clvlllu.tlon. Disaster ltruck when they attempted ln lord the Sespa creeir, • ow.U... to eight feet deep by ttir.o daya of rain. -·we were riding out on the c~ and cot ta Ibo middle o! Iba creek,. Eckersl~y said. "but the water tru too deep aad it roae up over all ol us and we went one by one. We were au getting numb from the cold and just .Upped away.'' F.clteraley said he went under the stormy IUJ'face of the Cittt twice and -·a rock with hil bacll 11 be ,.... lllreplclownatttam. '"l'be nm lhlog I -her I wu lying in a pool aad I crawled up on the ban11:. I wasn't sure wbetber I wu dead or alive." ,. . . opot.smaa aaid tbera --~problema. ~--waeealled­ ln IU(Jport of Iba San Jot1 atriten, wbe In -bad lfrucli to IUJlporl those al San Fraaci.co state. u .. ,, ....... WORKM!iN ;TRY TO FILL GAP IN· RIVER LEVEE ShtrrMn' lsl•nd NHr Sacr•n1ento ThAatened Sunny Days Ahead Says Weatherman Beach Residents Win 'llJey •enumded pay Increase&, a bigger voice in administration., and a minorities atudies program. Additionally, at Berkeley, the Universi- ty of California's main camp.11, the union called a one-day strike in sympathy with minority ltudent.demand& Battle on Zone Change I~ too; appeared ln have Slight effect, with an estimated 100 ltudentl and taacbers posted at the baIDerOUJ en- lrances to the 17,-t -- TllO slate eGiJege ·~·!!·-­from Iba Unlvonlty al CallfoiiBa sy!lem and the· tatter, ei:cept for Berkeley, is unin•olved tn strike action. JJllllWPTIONS '!'he AFr strike qaiasl the co1l<&t system. called 1aat Frida)', II the lolelt in • chain ol tlisruptionl 11>a1rli0pa laat Nov. I. On that -llefrv and olhet minority atudeai. -al San Francllco State College d~ a broader, more autonomous minorl~ ./ study program. Oo. Jan. e the AFT local at San Fran- dlco stale called Its own lllrike, uldn&. Improved pay and teaching conditions and apecllying support la< the studeat demaad& ~ Califomlans from one end of the at.ate to the othe< dried • oft lodar alter four daya <i ravaglnc rain,. buoyed by the weatherman'• promioe of lair 11dea and sunny eoodiUona tllrougb the mt of Ute.week;· · • ., · -· 'Go•. llonali! ~=pt a stale or emerieney in Tuelday in the w.U ol · Iba, ":'£ ~. majlX' storm wblcll tlifold .,._ ..... ,.......,.y,. J..U S.1' tr.ti 1.0' ..,. "" UI f.t1 U6 111 6.1$ S.# 1.U J,7' J.11 .... I.JS "' 1.11 •.1s s.n t.U f.n 4.J6 1.lt A.ft SA tM s.n ... ,., 4.U 1.-'6 i.it w 7.22 4M ,_,. 117 • "' .. ,. &.le to flee their homes on a score of riven and streama. A ~ppy crowd of Huntington Beach residents who taid they preferred b!Pway-relaled -(Q..t) ZOUinc ""'1 Io tbelr boima U..O apartmeata W'"1 lheif point =. aiPt. . Ptannmi CcD me int.era UDllliJnousl,y Wmed dOwn a -ehanp requut by jlJe Wllllam 1-~ .... ,~-Jf'~~ :f'.:Plleadl Boulevant; Olnndalnn bad . hilnl lm&tlJ1 ......... -the ............. who al """ point Tu&day nlgl!I agreed that they would .rather live nut door to a used car lot than an apartment developmenl Tli'1 heard the developer plead for a combinaUon of commerclal and apartmenll. Arguments of homeowntr repre...,. taUve Dan Rltbnan appeared ln sway the eommlellonen the l'llOlt 11 be deacribed the pouiblllty of mlled traffic from apmtmenll aJtd e om mt r 1 la l davelopmeola. driving throoah'lha llnlW lamilY mldmllal tracts to the e'!'l- "'lbell' ltil' la --.· Aid oDm!gtoa OWnmm .. Robert · l..a.. Later the CM1mi..lm anlend a aluol1 bito Iha poalblllty <i ,dosing - Driv•·la lf<ler. to prevent DJl>ed -. • Tbe ... bad potirted oul thal ... .,,..,,,...... ___ ... "'llOllalid Drift db ... ilc&Qpa ...... ""'!dol •-llelle,va\I," . AltboucJI plannen tiimed """" Iha 1'CIU8!. tho epjlllc:ant bao to u,. 1n which to appeal to the Clly <lo<mclL Unleaa Ibo counoll cbanpl Ille -Jor. the ma will remain· lli&lnn1 nlioted commercial. '"!'bit .,..,,. a motel could ... -rlgb1 there," reminded Bull, ..... . motela ero I pennlUed ... In Ibo com-riiercial IOOL' , Then on Jan. 8, the AFT local at San Jose State College, so miles to the south, struck to show support for the SF State teachen aad ln preaa their own demands for 7ecognition and Improvements. Along the Orange Coast, mopptnc up operationa began after a aiea:e of rainfall that beian early Saturday afternoon and continued, almost without tnterruption, through Tueslay. Suh Waits for OK in Di):e The San Jost strike bad limited effect unUI last week when college pmldeot Robert Clark announced that ·under the law ZS of the striking teachon were considered to have aut.omatlcally resign- ed becauae they were absent five days. Today's lllrika WU ealled last Friday lo support lbae I& Huntington Man Killed as Car Skids, Crashes °""'" MlllceYle of J!mrtlnglon -waa killed eort,y today when he - thrown from biJ CU' 8J ft Piddtd out ol cootrol m San Diego Freeway, Mllicevic. 53 of 5701 CUtle Drlve, had just driven onto the freeway at 7th Street ramp In Loo( Beacb aad was beaded 10Uth when the traged:J ~ accantlng ln lnvtatipllng calllornia lligbway Palrol olllcen. llur L'1a Allmltoo Boulovanl, the auto went lnln a broadside akid and' .... then hit by -oouthbound car, Milleevic w .. ejected from hil vellldo. He wn dead on arrival at Lo! A1am1tol General HOBPllal Thi Oranc-County O:ftna''1 Of!ice aid lie ii IU'V!ftd by hll wile, Blanche. Beach Chamber Installs Monday The annual lnatallatlon benquel ol the Huntington Beach Chambtr of Conunertt 11 lllondaf beginning at 1:30 p.m. al tbe~IM. New ofDcera are C.E. 1'Bill" Woodl, presideot; c. WllDam Carlson, Om -~; Pm Horton, second -fnSkteol; WUllam S. Peter 1 on, -· lnfonmtion 1111 dinner tickets may be obtained bJ, call.llll the cbamber -alflC.llll. I The storm pushed coastal rainfa11 totaJll, which Jut Friday stood IS much as four inches behind last yur'1 figures, up to and beyond thole tabulaUon11. Only Newport Beach now baa recorded le1111 rainfaH than at a comparelJve period ToFindJetTail Wreckage LEVEE BREAK FO~CES 200 OUT OF HOMES Sherman Island on Sacramento River UPIT~ Meet on Harbor District Decision Set by Cities l~e:Utesi are.a of Orange County LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An ex· was Anaheim. which ablorbed nearly perimental submarine with underwater nve Inches of rain over the weekend, cameras today awaited. clearance for boosting tt.s teuon'1 total to 8.46 inchea. a dive into the sea off Loi Angeles Garden Grove wu a close JtCOnd w\Lh to photograph the tail section of a Scaft- 7.22 inches. dinavlan Alrlfnes Systans jetliner. '11\e rains took • heavy toll. Fourteen The submarine "Deep Quest" already drownlnp and more than a IOOl'e of trollle deaths In 8outbem Ca!Hornla were h83 located aad photographed one lalldlng blamed on the storm. gear of the SAS plane that craabed Jan. The We.ather Bureau had good news 13 while approaching Los Angeles today, however. IL rep<rled that a fourth lnlernatlonal Airport. Fifteen <i the 45 major ralnskmn . beaded fOI"' t h e persons aboard were tilled. Southland ..,~ baited by a big!> preau"' The "Deep Queot," dev~ by point off the coast. Lockheed !llulles ml 8pa<e Co. .. All over Southern Calirornia. 1treet11 a research project, found the landing were Oooded, treu toppled, power nn.. gear aad olher Item• from the SAS felled, '"""'1ld .. triggered, bomea in-plane Monday. undated With witer ind corr otamd. Loc:kl....i per-1 !Jdieve U.. .,b- The Automobile Club of Southern marlne'I IOD8J' al.lo located the mlaslbg CaJllornla reported that lllnce the storm tail aectlon of the SAS plane, although A spee1al meeting -of the Orange . submhled • special statement Udlll hit Saturday~ a rtcord of 49,000 aJls It wu not teen. 11le jet broke in two County League o1 Cltlea will .1Je held that 'the coots o[ --.be were -ivea. llloat ol Ibo caJ1en com-paria at the Ume of the crash. Tbe J1111. 30 ln dilCllJI ........... dlaolutlon •hared bY· the county !Ol' llewport plained thelJ' can wouldn, llart. forwanl portion bu been recovered. ,..,._ -The IUbmarine WU Idled 'l'oelday by ol lhe Orange County·Hll1>ol' llUtrict. The dty.-meintalns tha~ll wmade a mechanlcal troublea. League President Ma,or Deal E •• tolal>l1wesbaent'of$S,317,4ll:ln·the·har· Mrs. F..: .. hholz Federal lnvesliga!Orl are ... 1 ... to Shull Jr. of La Habra called the meet4 • bor and district since l93t 1t ·atMestthlt .a .ac recover the tail of thl plane betauae ing In Frledemam Hal!r Orange~ at 7 during the same, period the dl!trict tpent It housed an electronic fUght recorder p.m. IUOl,599 In capital Jm~, In ursd .-lial lo the lnveatlpUon of tho ac- The Harbor Dlsb1cl diuoluUon was Newport Harbor, Rit .... Th ay cldtlll •l'(l"lVed by the leqae In JWdi. 1961, It further 111.tteo that In the 'lat al• "° Four bodlea were r<eovered after Iba wblch ,..ks lo establish an lntegnted 1""o the district has levied lf.lllJJI Socially -•-t Hunlln. ~-Beach accldenl It II bellefed oome of the COWlty depat\meDI with a iqlonal .,,.. ID .._ wllbln the city ol Newport ,,.~.. •--•-'-II be entombed in the cepl !or ftcAatiooll ac:t!v1t1et Including Belch and "l""t Olilr$5tl,111 'ln·caJiltal motron Margard FrlahholJ died Monday ~ may "C:;,=.::!n.W:.:··been uked ~t!Jl:ainlairul that IS percent.or : .. Hoag Me....W Hoopltal Sbo ••• Meaawhlle. the Coast Guard ta -noolutiom for dlaoluUon-ol Ibo people lhat ..... tbe.cllf'••beacha Lalll ·rites will be , bald at: 2 p.m. terinlnated lta .... ~u-•.!.°' Jl:'1" the diS!rtc'I aad ·Dille application .ln are lrom other Orange ;Countti'dlfesl Thuroday atSL James Epi.copal OnJn;h ·and 1 delril from ""' ••-nes the Local M.ency .Formation C<mvn•"' and that Ill percent oi.tbe' boati.'ln 'de1 ·In N._i·Jlelah,, 1 • ·jot Uiat'cr¥be!I In ~ cicean 'Saturday lion (IAJl'C) a::i•npllBh~la~ -are owned by 00...~.... --II;•-""'°''°' !IUI'-,"'f ~==~~:f\n'tber =b;er...., r... rutir wtthr; .~~:.:_...·· i'I . r~~":IY J:.~i: ·oeri!NJ~ .~.~~ ... .j,, LAPC In -IY ,lolatth. dutlea if..tlle distrld>:irldla.i. . l ~ . . · . . . · . Cout --~·~ To date Ibo citJCOW>Clla.<i LI Habra, • wb1c11 C&ll4be:,.<ljalrld~ ., ,..., -.-+Ill!=· . · , ·,,. , , . ., .. • Tullil, sani:a .Ana' and ;y~I Linda !lriio;.al• • · • · ..,.. ._,.,, · • ha .. ·.adopted •tbo ·Telllulloioi aoc1 ,the' !leWp<irt~: .w · I ; •.e.n.t=:; ... TI""-~ ........ · · ; "n."m'.e' y•_:.:-di _,..1,._, __ • other cities have them under consld--·notpl'O'llde fill" . '~ l ·""'l ---1 .....,., ""'°""' r-cr ~ .LlllU '"l'eCllll eratlon. of&ett!QC nwtmJel ~~Clthel','foon~ Pabifll: Anft, 1K4..., ..... ~; ' r ' , ~ \ Several c«mcllmen bava requested "'*"..._M._._ · r .,~,,,_,_.,..,°"'t.!:PD · '\I.\~ Cl1't W'i);--j'apa·P""1 additional Information aad d!ICusalon -~=' > 1£. • -· -,of ·VI iniiell'Ibt~ 1oda1' lor and 1111 for thll -tllat tbe-1al 'l1le udor. • • .~: . • · · 1: ·., i • 'tb<ir ','_'_ ID ·U. lo¥lol mee11nc haa been called, Sl!ulJ aald. llewport Beach h .. lt '.' . · '11111 be al lilltW ~ Ho-• _ ..,..,.., Tile CIU' ol llewport llwh bas taken ophlea M Iocal .~t~;;lj'.1 . '1il~ 1 t... ~Ie&~lbolllt!I . Palacb. Iha JOUlh 'Ille eat 'im.11.., noatandootlw ...... ...u.n,bulhaa fllla~ .,',.;loio:Jll·~· '' ' lll'etapr«d!U.OC<Upalm " ! I patrol the coa•lllne la ,.. If any IC the wr.ckage wu washing uhore. AD 3S P"'OM aboard Iba Untied . lei .Jost their lives. NEW YORK (UPI) -Stocb - In the best performance ol Iba wedl In moderalel,y acUve trading today. <So<i ~u..,., Pages 20-11). &cent bearlenlnc new. an the ....,. of peace In Vlelnam Iii<! • report Irani the Federal -.e Board .... t lad«tel -ated at mcr...ed capaaty In tboi fourth qlllrfer ol 1961 provided mudj of !be Incenllve. . Weadler Sunny da)oa ............. llll • weatherman beams, with clear 11de1 ud ml~ tempenllut.o fonJcut f,. 'lbundq. It'll be up I .. • degres' -Inland. INSmt: TODA'l" Thf c,,,14 M•ia . Cil1fc Plal/" , .. ,, ... ·-flt ...... l"'odllClto!o tllla ID<tk<tld, tohlk fiH ot~ . thtatera.olong Ute ~·cooat . eootfn..r, ll\ri1',~, ~,,._ . .. ·a i ·• .lj<l~.)1. g • •• 1 ....... .. ~ ~ ==" 'ff -. --" --.. --. _., ,,,.. -_, --" -. --. -. ~0.-tt -ll' -' ...... ....... --.. --,., PTA t1 , --., --.... -.... ----.. -. -. ........... I • . . • :\I ~1 rll.OT • -··Lot · Battle ' . ' nl~ Councilmen C.lm.h , Ov.er ~~ ..-.... ; -· ' . ~ : "Tbodam brokt-."dedmd CoUI>-, '~ ~ -IOI~·--~ lll!ii' llltlio :rlol& ~)Ill L _ . .,. ....... Qodlld TroittU Tuelda)' .. the W llii liriiiidiiltol. , ·, m0•e.l.to1"1imnllir~-lhet F-1n ValJoY City Counc:U engaged Uuper lben ifu<stloned the wl>ilem liked the open space ides, l'bero U '.!Ji a idormY 1>1tl!oom'lol shes. of eotablbbll!C a policy IOC' only ..,. w" leu ~ • . It began wllh COUncUmeo John Huper type of deve1-<flt when n could be Thcu Fregeau, wbO bad been lllent and Ednrd JUJI opposing an amml-. applied to all to that poi!>~ mad• blJ statement about iaent to a cily ordJJl8llCO whl~ would "I think ,...,.. &etilnl bogged down the dam and In a rullled votce told IOC'CO cfeve1-s ID ...i: a ,COlidl1lonal In detalll, •. ho. charged. "Here .we·,. . the council. "I llave ahr•YI ~ered uae permit loltel.d of ·• -to reducing our lot sius as much u » myleJI a comervaUve, but now I !Ind bullcl homes oo lots maUer Ihm 7 )I» -t from what the publk bu com• lllJSell CAii in the role al an ultra·llberal •iqU-'!eel · · to Ilk• and f!Jpecl" in lht ligbt ol thc>se who Wint.. to stay : The amendment's backers feel it would After no one came forth to 1peak with the sacred four-lots-per-1cn policy." Clgbteo the clty's cmtrol over on the amendment in public htaring, "I think we need a welkounded com· dev$pmenla on loll smaller than tho Just voiced bis critiei&m. munity -not on!y the Bacred: 7).l)O city Standard. ''Many of the ldlons we are taking 11qwu-Hoot lot.! -but alJo five lot.! Opponent.I ·reel It will benefit no one tonight are tnflatlonary, in nature," Just to an acre," be COQdoued. but-developera. !lid, 0 firlt by decrusing the afR of "l can even e:nYiaion -beayeo forbi<\ .. Hlrper first challenged the amendment lots, then by putting added restrictions -apartments." Fregeau added. .during the public bearing on il He on the developer, the cost of which When the amendment finally came :iated' If tbO Ugbt tt1lrlctlons llnpooed will be papejl.oo to the pu~lic." up for its IJrJI ·rt0din8 Harper and -Go the omall·lot d .. eiopen couldni u Mayor Robert Schwerdtleger replied, JUJI oppo1ed IL Scbwvdtlqer, Frqeau ...U 1bt ,placed on aU propoud ''We !\ave not changed the al.!ndard andCooncllmanJoeephCoumgelvoted ..Sewlopm<nl.!. lot 11.te and ••~• not f(l'ciilg enyooe to pus it nn to Its .oecond rw!1nl : : Plamllng lllr<ctor Stan Mansfield to do any1hln&. • ' al the nexl'CQWlCfl.l)lldlnjj. * * * Council Eyes ·Night Class Challenged Reinstating Study Session At Huntingwn School An evening cliscu3Slm group al Pete-"° School iJI llOUlbealt H1lJltlDiton Beach bu been challenged .. ''ttnli- tivity training'• and .school offlclal• are discu3Slng the possibWty of whbdrJW· Ing any olll¢al recogn!Uon of the dil!ses. Mn. Libby Kagao, of 8215 Penning· ton Drive, said that for the past year and a ball lbe and bet husband have been attending wliil she called ''pamlt discU5sion groups" at Peterson ~~· -"The go&IS or these groups,~ if 1t is possible t'o label them., have been to bridge the gap ol commUDication be- tween home and school iJI re!ailoll to our children." Huntington Beach City School Di>lrict Supt. Al Moffett said today that the board or (nJatees bal dlsCuased th• "~" and tho meetlnp .,.. ''ut> lot disctPim't at the nei:l t:ruJtee aesllOD." Next trustee meeting is at 7:~ p.m. Tuesday al district headquarters, 735 Hlh s~. iJI the old caleterta building at Dwyer School .. We hlve tWn no movu: one way tit another. &me of the llchool board mem-bm thlnt thete dlacullloo cluiee .,. -111vil1 lnlning and are coocemed -t tho prlnclpa1 and l<acbtrl . IChoo1 lime to ..... t nn the c11':::§ ' Mrs. Aid that -40 fllll-laid ~ofletl. ru.. in _, _.,. srouP' on a -balls. llm>Jved too. ahe said. ••are about 21 teecbln, ~~pall and Ibo dlltrlct pl)'· "It lleeD'll that .everal oareats 1n some -disalJlll'OVeci of tbfs and -the ldlonl 'board and ........ find the I • board tbrealenlng to end lholo vtlld groupo1 ae weU ae !ailing to recognlre their needs lni a-~ conmnmlty." "We ~ our eatlre bouaebold baa "°"" la maturit;r u • -....wt cJ these. rrieettngs and we foresee <NI' chlldml growing up as bett.r adult dtizena because of a mutual under- atandlog. of the 'eatal)lishmtnL' " ' Mrs. Kagan A.id, and it ..,... aefirmed by SUpl. Mollett. !hat IOllle , of tlfe teacheri bave -eked to med · with the euperintendent on Friday to "air their grievances." "The teachers who have particl.piled In this dlicusslon l!li>UI> m -.t ,...c1y t'n "8fk out of o<hooJ beeaUMI .al the hoe.rd'• action," Mn. Kagll"l said. Supt. Moffett sa.id that "I don't really know whet they want." Mrs. Kagan said the teachera: are not being paid for atten<!lng the discnulon!. but claimed !hat ''we do -f Oflloill recolilllltlon from the school dJltricl Peop1e who do not want to participate in the dlscuukms do not have io attend." She pointed Cllll that the llCbool does not have a parent-teacher group and thal Iha dis<:uMions """ ~ only as a mean1 to open communlcatim between teachers and pa.rents. OAllV PllOT (lll!AWGl CO,t,ST PUlllSHIMO (()M,~N't R•b•rt M. °W••' l"n1ide<lt 1"4 l'~b!i......,. J1clt R. C•ilty Vkt l'rnkknt 1...i Gt....,al ~llfftr llri•111•t K11¥il .... n ... , A. Mvr,,,,i111 ~ ... ; ..... Alb1•t w. ••••• wa1;,,.. lt•d A•><'<,f!t """'""-"°" &tKll tUllOr Clly f .. tw """ .......... Offta )09 &tll , .... . a.f•Ui•t Allilr1111 P.O.••• 7'0, •ZMf -0-... _. -....:11: nn _, .. ..,. 1ov....,_. '"'' Mtwt »O Wul ley Strftt I ' A newsletter sent out by Rep. Robert BnrS. (R·Uuntlngton Beach) also stirred the controversy. Burke discussed pol'- nograpby, sex educaUon and sensitivity training u "three controversial prob- Jems," but made no direct reference t'o the Peterson School groups. Some of the parents felt that Burke was becoming involved in the local mailer, but BurS. denied Wednesday that he was involvi!d 1D the issue. Beaclr, Police Arrest Man On Pornography A Huntington Beach man who allegedly 1CCW1ed another of liking boys irutead of airll in connection with a stag movie tncldent was arrested Tuesday on two charg.es, lncluding pornography. Alston M. Boyd, 32, of 18272 Delaware St., .... booked Info city jaU alter ln- veollgatorl clalDled they sei%ed two iruit· -fuD "' -plctur .. , Including all pornosrophfc llal flhns. Invelllgatorl arrested the ,..pect al bla home, after -.lvlng a COD>plalnl lrolll Bethel Ethridge, ,of 1631 Yukon Drive, who said be was the victim ()f several offenses ,at Boyd'a ~. Boyd •11 booked on zulplclon of poaaemon of obscene literature, and assault with a deadly weapon. stemming from a threat allegedly made lo Etbrlclge. 'The ·b'.l.iarre case orlginaled ln a Beach Boulevard tavern, according to police reports, where Ethridge said Mr. and Mrs. Boyd approached innocently enough. Ethridge told investigators the Boyds said their "children attended the wne school u his youngsters and, after a short conversation, the trio left together. They went to the Ethridge home. Boyd then began to &teer the C<in· vers&Uon around to &lag movie!, the victim said. ~nd volunteered to go home and get some, at which time Ethridge went with him. Returnina: to the Yukon Drive home with the night's potential entertalnment, Ethridge said, Boyd opened up a suitcase . full or filml, !hen seemed dismayed. ''I brooght the wrong one," be quoted Boyd as eaylng, and added that the man suddenly pulled 1 .22 caliber automaUc pistol and shoved it against hi.I ribs. "You're a homo," he quoted Boyd as saying, "11.dmit or I'll blow you up." When the healed debates cooled down at Tuesday's Foontain VaUey Clty Cow>- cil meeting, the possibility of re· establishing council liludy ""'ons was brought up. Councilman Donald Fregeau urged the rejuvenation (lf the dormant study sessions to clear up an apparent breakdown of communication among the councilmen." • - Relerring to the small lot.! batUe, Fregeau said .. much of wl;lat ha! transpired tonight was ~tally un- necessary." Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger noted that the boar-and-a-half RSSlon was the longest he could remember in the past two years. He pointed out thal the tlludy ....ion was the place for "Such debates as took place tonight." All councilmen agreed to re-establlsh the study 6t8Slons, to be held on the Monday preceding each regular City CouncU m .. Ung. Two Held, Eight Sought in Mass Rape of Girl, 16 A pair or ·BUSPfC:ts are in custody today, charged with the Chrlatmaa Day mass rape of a 1S.year~Jd girl, by Devil's Disciples motorcycle c I u b members, at a Huntington Beach teen recreation spot. Eight more SUJpecls are being 10Ugbt in connection with the case, which allegedly occurred at the hangout at Third Street and Pacific Coast Highway. Booked on IU!p!clon of bolh forcible and statutory rape are Jasper 0. Hickey, 20, of m W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa, and Peter Buell, 22, of El Monte. DetectiVe Call Vidano said the victim finally told of her ordW to authorities at Orange County Juvenile Hall Monday, where she was lodged as a runaway. Jnve.ciUgators said she has been on her own about two months, drUting around the loose social strata of the youthful element wblch f re q u e n t s downtown Huntington Beach. The victim said she never reported the rape because lhe wu threatened with death, but related the ordeal aince she ta now in safe custody. The girl, whose name w11 withheld by authprities, aaJd she wandered into the teen night club Chrisbnas Day while looking for a girlfriend. BeachPlays Waiting Game In Trailer Park Protest A move whlch began as a maaslve protest aa:al.n!t the possl.billty of a trailer park at the southeast corner ()f Heil Avenue and Springdale Street ln Hun- tington Belch tumed Into a twcrmonth long walilq: game Tuesday night when the planrlers continued the matter until March 18, Mort than 100 pen:on1, representing aome 2,Q who had algned petitions In opposlllon to the !railer park proposal o( &he Ashby ConstrucU.on Co., had come to ftaht for a park for children at the locaUon. More the arKUmenta cou!d get under way, Richard Harlow of the Platmlng Deparlment told the comm!sllon that the "•tall recommends the hwin8 be coatlnued to tllow time for the moater plan of perks to be reviewed." That muter plan f,ll"eBel'lUY calls (or a park on the 10.91 acres in qutstion, but RNlow pointed out. I.hat '"thi.s pro- perty wu offered for a.le to the city In S.ptomber et •hlch time the RA!cre•· tlon and Parka CommllS!on Informed the owner that the commialon wu no '°"'" Int.rested In the parcel let • neighborhood park. Harlow ai>lalned that the city w-11 trying to obtiln land adjacent to 1 nearby elementary IChool and that the site in qoestJon "mtght no Ionaer be consider!d a muter planned part aife." In addition, Harlow said the com· mission should hive soil reports and a grad.Ing plan before considering the malter further . Arguing against thia JlO!lltion was Com· missioner Henry Duke who aald that "we shou1d decide whether we want a trailer park at this site or not - that's the question before U.S. not con- slderaUon of a park." The large audience applauded the rr.mark. showing their oppo1iUon to a trailer park In the 11ngle lunlly nllden- tial area. '!ftis is an ma of $40.000 homes and" we don't want a trailer park in the. mlddle d thi1 fine development."' said Dukt.. CommWloner Rly Miller said that It< believed "it very Important to get tho sou reporta. He (tho propeity owner) shouldn't juat lolt hll land because there are homes ll't'Mld lt 1• ne Rocrtation. and Pa.rU commission Is !'ICheduled to contlder the updating of tht master plan of Parks, Open SPICt. School and Recreation at Ill Feb. J9 meeUng, held on !he lhlnl Wednttday rather than the UIUal 9eCOnd because of Lincoln's birthday on Feb. 12. - TRIES COMEBACK Pitcher Meyara • LIVING NEARllY Ex-Mat• M.1m1• Mamie's Ex Now La;nd Mogul ' Lee Meyers, who gained more fame going to make a comeback as a player. •1 as the teenage bridegroom of MamJe He's going to join, he said, the Kansas Van Doren than as a pitcher, ls now CJty Royall in the spring. a Newport Beach land mogul The Royall, a ~ded newsman An eluaive Newport Beach land mogul. advised his colleagues, Ls not a basketball In addition to that. the youthful en-team. It Ls one of the American League's tnpreneur (he's now only 22) is planning . new expansion teams. They a r e to bit the horsehide trail again. desperat e fer pitchers, catchers, in- He'a been out of a baseball job since flelders-anybo(ly. March, 1963, when he quit the San Meyers, who at the age of 17 signed Francisco Giants because of .. personal a $30,000 bonwi contract with the Chicago differences." He left the Giants almost a year ~ and waa later released. blamed to the day after be bad announced bis bis troublea: in the put on bad publi_clty. retirement as a pitcbe: to '~'devote niy When he left the_~ there were time to my family." reports that be wlii:>.'t fretting ibout Meyen, who was-divorced. by the __ it ~~ I!~ would soon inherit $2 voluptuowi Miss Van Doren one month million .from bis graii°"dI&ther:-·Pauf s. ago, recenUy took out a business licenre Meye~ of Fresno, owner of McCall's at Newport City Hall for Meyers Magar.me. The youth's father later said Development, Inc. there was no '2 million. "The story just That's where the elusiveness comes got out of hand," dad explained. in. '.'Listen," said Meyers, "I've just been The business, located in the Chart misunderstood in the past." He said House restaurant building at 1600 w. bis baseball troubles began shortly after Coast Highway, bu.no telepbone. he married Miss Van Doren, who now ''He works out of his home," said lives at the Balboa Bay Club, a few a Chart House employe. "When he came blocks downcoast from Meyers Develop- in for office space he didn't give us ment, Inc. a business phone number." "When I said I was married to Mamie And bis home phone number ls I got sent by the Cubs to a team unlisted. in Lodi, Caillornia. . "All we know," said the employe, "Is that fair? la that right?" "ii that he livea on West Ocean Front Meyers blamed it all on petty Mmewhere in Newport" jealousies. Meyers, however, when he can be "I mean here was a kid driving to reached, is voluble enough. the ball park ln XKEs and BenUeys He held a pre:aa c+ruerence Tuesday and 11taylng in penthouses," !t said. In bla,Mey<n Dtveloplnen~ Inc., <jlfie.. "Well, It jilst got to be ~ much. ''Lee Meyers," Meyers amKIUDCM. .. is They treated me lousy.0 Nixon.Aide I Hints 10% Tax May Go • WASlllNGTON (AP) -President Nix- on's budget director hinted today &bat Nixon -ii he can trim spending plans far enough -might back awlY from support of utendlng the 10 percent income tu surcharge. He did so following a three-hour Cabinet meeUni, which came after the swearing in 0£ 11 of Nixon's ~bln~t members. Budget Director Robert T. Mayo told newsmen be bas a mandate from Nixon "to keep the budget under strict control'' and will look, program by program, at the budget President Johnson sub· mitted earlier tbls month for the fiscal year beginning JuJr 1. "We hope to get l~ down," said Mayo, r~ferring t~ the Johnson-prepared 11pen· ding blueprtnt which envisioned a budget surplus of $.1.4 billion. Jn response to questions, MayG acknowledged that budget cuts -if deep enough -might make it un- necessary to extend at least part ()f the 10 percent surcharge past II.II schedul· ed June 30 expiration date. But he emphasir.ed that under p r e s e n t circumstances Nixon stand! by hi! sup- port of Johnson's call to Congress for a one-year extension of the full amount of the tax. After the marathon Cabinet meeting Nixon announced through press secretarY Ronald L. Ziegler that career expert Philip S. (Sam) Hughes will remain. in his post as deputy direct.or of the Budget Bureau. Hughes, who has been a Budget Bureau employe since 1949 has been deputy director gince March 1966. A native of Chicago, he is 51. Chief Justioe Earl W arr e n ad- ministered the oath individually to the 11 department head!' at~ a11< 8 -a.m:-, na- tionally televised ceremony in the Ea:st Room of the White House. Also taking the oatb because they will sit in on cabinet meetlngs were Budget Director Mayo and Charles W. Yost, ambassador to the United Natio111. From Page 1 HARBOR .•. tralizalion of control w!Utin each juris· diction as expressed in the ~e report, it mun also assume the position that in view of the regional nature of Newport Harbor the county ha! an. obligation to make an equitable contri- bution toward the financing of these regional BerVices in the same manner as it finances the cost of reglonal parks." CLOSES THE DOORS FOR·EVER IN CORONA DEL MAR! ""'-"~WI~ Days Left LADIES' WEAR I SLEEPWEAR: .. -..... $2.$3.s4 ,SWEAT,ERS' ............ 52 _,s3 SALE ENDS SATURDAY! LADIES' SUITS ~o.~1 C:ANTRECE HOSIERY 2 FOR149 BLOUS·Es· sz s3 LADY GANT QO .................. ... SHIRTS 3 '.Jamaica Shorts ...... 2 .... s11 ..... · ....... ·· ...... DRES .. SES •SHIFTS 5,l·SZ Sl'OltT COATS MEN'S WEAR I KNIT SHIRTS ....... ~2.s3.s4 SWEATERS ......... !3.s5.s_10 SPORT SHIRTS .:s3.s4-s5 · DR,ESS SHIRTS ........ s3.s4 No-Iron PANTS ....... ~3.s4 SOCKS ................ 3 ,.. 52.00 3321 E. COAST HIGHWAY e CORONA DEL MAR I _;a..;L I I I I I I 1 ' Laguna Beaelt N.Y. I eo·r110N VOL 6%, NO. '19, 4 SECTIONS, 54 PAGES It's Shot Ti111e "TALLY HO' VISITS THE DOCTOR FOR SHOT Megan Mcintyre, ~agl• Wait Their Turn OAILYi PU.O'I ....... llJ •kMN Mii 'DO I HAVE TO HAVE A RABIES SHOT?' JH1ie, with Own1r Art R11l1y, Tri11 to Beg Off Ari! That Burt 100 Laguna Doggies Get· Rabies Shots 11 may have amarled a bit but Laguna lleacb dog8 today are better eanlnes lor 11. Men than 100 clop, large and amall, frisky and fearful, were lnooilated against rabl,. TueadaY nlgbl al the elty fin baD. There were no dog Hgbf.t or undue drama .. the pradleed hands ol the veterinarians -quickly aod gently while....,.. empothhed. The few minor lncld-hid been Lagnnan's Note Tips Off Burglar A mte on the doer may have,. been added -llv• to tho burglar ol • LICUJlaBeadlresldenco. Police said the note from student, lileven -~ 20, of 1'115 OU SI., said that be would return Monday. WbeD be 4ld •·po!1ablt·....n piQOr, two speakers Ud .ven record aibuml we~ gone. The klM was $165. eleaned up wly lhil·monliilg•'bf\flmn•n with mops and' broom!. More thao lOO · dog8 """ proeosaed through tbe elinlc a year before. The rain aod lad thlt .ctop need nbl" proteellao· Diily once .In two years pro- bably """°'"'led loo thulump. Dog1 were alle D-durlns the eighth annual ellnie c:o<pOlllOred by the Laguna Bellcb Llona Club and the Southern ~-ve1«1nary Aaoc:la· tioo. Velerinarlalll "'1o donated their. time were doctor1 Robert C. McOlrd, ·G.R. Eftbq, M. w. Lor• aod E. Douiia• ,,_._ Ga1lery Owners, Artists Unit Meets The iAC11110 Bad> ArllJll aod Gallery °"""" --ttm baa -• general membenbip meetJnr 'Mooday Wgbt to elect Ove aew -diredon. The me<ilng will begt. al I p.m. with a polluelt dinner at the home of aulptor Edmoad 'Van D i,: C Bluebird Canyon Drive. A buaineu ,....,. will begin at 7::1:1 p.m. ORANGE COUNTY;· CAUFOllNI Lagun-a Surf Debate OM Foe Call.s Surfers, 'Bums, Dropouts .. ' • • • It may be' a lively ses&km in Laguna Beach couneil chambers loolgbt wben eouncllmen aludy proposed eulng of surfing relrldfoot proposed by Vlee ftfayw .Joeeph O'Sullivan. Loot<1me surllng foe, Vern Taadmer, a Laguna Beallor, ii gathering for= in oppoo1t1nn 1o the suaeslad --ehangel. "Naturally wen highly lndillll8lll about It." said Ta 1 c b n er. i1He'a ( o'Sulllv .. ) Jual trying 1o pleue bit COMUtuents. He came ID on a IOl't ol I mrfen' pllnt'. • I "We feel like we ahraya ban that they~e trying lo pick awtq at l1 until there'• no ordinance whaWJewr." O'Sullivan'• proposal would whittle aboot _ one mootll . off the . period of restricted surfiq, now Juoe 1 to Oct. I. lie !avora June ti lo 'Sept. 15. He also favon ellminltlon al the time restrtcUoo ia tbe area& deaignatlld for llll'llq. 'lbe aurfert now must atop 3Ul'ting In designated areas between 11 a.m. aod 5 p.m. dur!og the restriction period uni ... lifeguards rule otbenri.. because bad -« water baa kept vlrtuaDy aU awfmmen off the beach. The vtco .,.,..., proposal> would also add several buJKlred feet tO areu where surfing )J allowed. He baa asked that the area between Cress Street and St. Ann'a Drive-and the area -.en Vlclor Hug~ Point and the stairway below Jaamlno - be deslgnalod .. surfing ...... O'SulliHn argues lbaMllO ycds lm'I much beach to gfff t/lfer 16 _.,,,, out ol the city's U miles of eout. Tuclmer qolllft!s with' the !lpu, ho)l¥ever, conf.eDdJnt ma7be a mile oc a liWe more of \he beach ii uaable Cor. swimming. ~ · Taschner said the economf' tA the town reTolves around ~ .rentals fer (See 8l1llFING, Pqe I) Swollen Creek Sweeps IQ . . To Deaths in Rescue Try Survivor Tells Story Of Tragedy SANTA PAULA (UPT) -Ten persons fleeing a torrential rainstorm in rugged .rnouht.ain eoUntry ·were swept from a reecue bulldozer. "me by one" when lt·ltalled in a swollen aeek. 'Antborities said "11 of-lncluc!I~ Iii dilldren, ..... --...... The Ventura County Sberifrs office DISASTER SCENE 'X' Mlrb Where II Loit !!nl learned of the'lragedr Ille-~ froru the sole survivor wlio was picked up by a helicopter near the nglog Sespo Creek in the Los Padres Natiooa1 FOl'elL The dead Included ob: "1tha from Canoga Part, arxl a man who took them for an outing in the forest lut Friday Just before a series o1 viola rainslonna hit the state. The three other victima were members of a search party w~ was bnngliig them out of the lonely area M0Dda7 night about 36 miles mrtb of here. .. • r·· ,· __, -~~ILYPILOT ..... ·llJ'U.,_ LAGUNA HIGH QUARTERBACK SUPERVISES ALGEBRA 'CHALK TACK~FOR-StXTH~Gfb\DERS ; St.-t TMCher·St.vo Wiabow1kl With Pupll1 Lisa Gal.,, Davkl'DoBenodll Period . of Filing For Trustees Seats Under Way Qunrwrback :(U :La:g.uTUi ' ' ' • • I Calls Algeb·ra .. Signqls ., The survivor. wu Scott Eckersley, %.&, a housefather at Live Oak school in the Ojal Valley, who met tile boys at a campground on Saturday. He hlvtted tbelU lo I a k t lhtlter ha bit camper lruclc when ro1n started lo WL Papen . ol candklacy for the biennial trustae eledlon ol Laguna Beach Unified School . District may be taken out and filed until Feb, 20. · By JACK CHAPPELL Of ... Dll)f ..... ltaff Steve Wleibowsld, Laguna Beach High School quarterback. ls calling 10me new signals today -teaching algebra t. A1iao Elemen,tary School students. __ roll, tljowlng movlea·or-~.ltio:tjmi_ out to recess. Some have worked Wldi the student government. The boys, ranghig In age from 10 to 13, aod their leader, Robert Sampleo, broke into a cabin at the campground.! Sundq aflel1IOOl1 witb ~lo watt out the llorm. M..-U., the rescue team IOI out ftl" thl -area en a Navy haDdoar bor-- nJWed from a Seabee tralollll camp al llole Valley In the utlnnal·laral. Bieycl.e Accident Victim Files Suit A Laguna Beach woman baa filed a claJm for 13111.tOO with the Oraoae Coonty Boord ol 8apervtlon foe Injuries lllllerad In a blqcle llCCldmt Ocl IO, i-. ltaJbi.eo Lerwill, 2IO lllgbland -· alleget Ille WU riding a bieycJe -on the wett tide ol Pacif1c <:-i lllglnrtq wbea the fmll wlleel ol tile b1cycle -I lbroulh a metal llonn draJn .,.i., Uuowtnc lier to the - ment. She Aid Ille --and Internal lajorla Supm'•loio. -lbe c1a!m and mornd tt to the eoon1y - Dr. Norman Browne, ~ president, today wu fint to file bia papen. There are three seats up on the· five member board, that held by Browne, a deotiJI, aod those held by attorney Wllllam Wllco1en and realtor Robert Turner. '!be election will be held April 15 with •JflJr'OXlma&ely '10,eoo p e r·a on s ,.lllf«'ed· lo vcite Jn, lhe ·district. The deadline for r.ptering lo vote iJ Fob. :io. Papers may be taken 11111 at the olfiee ol the dlstrld auperlntendeo~ 550 Blu- monl st., Lqona Beacb. They lhould be filed with the <ounly Superlntendeot ol School> In Santa Ana. If handed In loeally they will be !«Warded lo Santa Ana. Dr. Wllltam Ullom, Laguna IUperin- t.ndenl, Aid c:andldate< have tile option ol filing • -ol quallllcailons. llowever, H they .-to do t1J11 the eoit )J 1131. The statement -nol be more thao 150 wmta. Dr. Browne loday alJo released the ........ ol applieanll to the lnlalet poot. tlnn v.cated by Don Tobin. Dr. Anlhx!y Orlaodella baa been -to flD, the teat. · lln. G. ~ MU-M. 00-~11. a..,..."""·....,, NEW Y0RJC (UPI) _. S1oeb lunlad . Her!JOrt. f-. Joh1" ~ I~ u... belt ~ cf .1M ,,..1 ~(."C!.fJ:Y: t.~-.fi In rnocleraiely lctive trading 1Daa7,-(Seo SIJ'f!n, £.::~ H. ~"¥. quollUooa, Pa(el »11). -. Mn. Mar~ A.·DeLlillc&. · , , ' · He b one -of 13 Laguna High. seniors helping out wtth elementary stud'2!ts lo dis<over -tber tlley might like teaching as a carHr. An early anSwer , was provided. for ooe youth who d1Vpped 11111 ol the sludent teaehlng ,,...... -.,.,1n,, '"The llUle ones IUJ'e .do e 1. p e c t a lot of their teacher." Bui Wlezbowskl evidenlly enjoys 11. "He eslabllshod lllSbmt ra-' with bis lludenla," aid:Allle Pilnclpal Lyle Proo ctor. "In a matter d. a few dayr ht taught them.the ruil-of alge~ra." Be!idea letting Wlabowlkl and the olbers find ool ll they•mlghi lib leaehlng or IOlllethlng related lib IOdal work, the program II bede!lllng the elementary llbidents. Wlelbowskl la leldllng elementary lludeoll Who Wlft rocketed •lo ' high llChool ablllty In math by ao tnnovallve opprooeh ol leacber . VlllD McKean. Wleibowakl la dolilt wllatMcKean _, time lo do --the advaneed studenlllnalgebrL , • Other -I leaeben m wa<klntl -the -~ ln8lead ,of the aceeleraled. •"i'bo ~ ~Is have ,,,.,, ..., belpllll In -1:.t\;r.; tllm 1et· -r.et wet. doing .Odiial' loitcbblir,"· uya 111.tw,d ~. "' ""'1'P. o('ilio ill>< ·~t : pn>Cl'llll. r Tbe' aJda alaO 'l11ilp.CIUI -Ti/ry lea bY'sradlni<papa.; WfSir ~ .. ~ ~. ~ --~· The aeoior aludenls in the prugrmii, new this 1ear, apmd1 an bDur • dl1, al the elemenlory ocllool. Time spent Is In addiU9n lo a ' full . hlsh acboal elaaa bid aod the llludenll must provide their own traiaspottdlmi, sa1d Hollister. ' \ ~ l l ,. .. ~ DAllY f'IUIT c City Wo 't ~ack ·son ' New Lib rary Si t·e llJ JACK c:BAPPELL . ._ .. ___ . > -~ ' • ·-die~ ,.,,._.._ -wett to loot at sit.ti fat a new Laguna tiblary, lhq wml be lacldnC Information ot clditn ~ wbt.11 \be1 coosi~er poall>le espwloo., Ille ..-facllily. The Cttluna Town Plannln& ASlocla- Uoo (Cl'PA) plans oo pnwldllli planning COIJUll)aion<n, meednr'M.00.,, and cl· ty ""'"""'""" meeU., Feb. ·I, with * * * CI'P A Viewing New Proposal I On Green Belt A poalble link .. p between~ Town Planning ASloclaU~A) and a naUonaJ consertalion group for the purdwe of green belt territory around Laguna -aPlorecl al Tuesday night'• annual meeting of the CI'PA. Alllance with the Nature Conserveney group would give the local agency the me&OJ of purclwing real property, Dick Padgbam, cbalnnao of the Gn<nbell Trull aaicL (A greenbelt la a porUoo of land kepi fn a park-like stale &WTOuoding or in- termingled with urban development.) "Everybody says they're in favor cf greenbelts," Padgbam u.Jd. However, just being in favor tm•t enough, be said .. Wbat do we do to get them?" be wed. 11Few people are willing to give land away. The problem is where do we aquln the funds lo purclJaae ru1 pro- perty," Padgham sai~ The an5Wer would be to form a project Cirimlttee of~llii-W-ature Oillen'tDCt, an cqaolaaUcm recently given II million by the F«<I Foundatlon for lt.s conser- vaUon work. Tbt.s llnl: would bring the naUonal group'• negnllal<n, and -Into pla1. in dllCUalonl with local land ........ prlmorflJ tbe Irvine ComJl&DJ' and the M...itmRanch. Jn olh<r acllon members ti the CTPA all!lmOd tbreo -dlr<Cl«I, Jeff Mlllor, Barbara -and Fred Lug lo llD ,nc:andea and dl1CUased plans l<r a gnala qoestkJpDare on Mure Lquna deftlopmail. Fund Allotment Changes Sought . By Saddleback Saddleback College Supt. Fred II. Brem<r wlD c<mfer wllh four olh<r Jllldar college __..la In a atrateo medlnc Sunday In -The topic wlD be I Jeglalaltfe llJ!l<Dll. men1 lo cMl>ge the slate Junior CoJlfce ~ Ad .. dlllrld wealth wlD oo1 be the (llllj> meuire fer dlltrlbuling •tale aid. $ad41~ and two other di!lrlcla lo be n»reaentecl 9£ · tlle mat.egy huddle did not receive fa ' share of a $65'iDUllod statewide junior college bond U.... pap-, ed last June. Saddleback had hoped for $2 mlilion In assistance. The five superinlendeots will eek to wort out a new dlstrlbu.Uoo formula ' they can present to their 'respective legialators. JC undoubtedly will be one that makes provialon for new junior colleges wh.ere the e,nrollmerll tnltlally is low, mating the district seem .rich in assessed wealth per student. The other superintendent.'! will be from Butte, Santa Clarita, Fremont-Newark and San Lula Oblapo junior college dlllrlcla. DAILY PILOT Clu.NGI! COAST PUll!SHIMG COMl".t.1>4'1" a.i,,,, ,.., w.,, 1",..1\dtnl end ~llt>v J.,~ •. c •• 1,., Via l"rtslClt<ll ll'IO Gt""'"' ......,.., Tl.011111 Ke11il i:OilOf' n.,,..,, A. M1r,hi111 M.9-int IEOll"" 1.;''°''' P, Nill P1111 Nin,ft l•..,,.. 8t1<h • Aifw•H•+~ Cl!., IElllOt Olr«torr i..,. ....... Oflk• 111 fo•11f Ate. M1 \li11t A44•1t11 P.O. hr. 66l. tJ6St OtMr OHh .. ( .. JI Mt..t• ut Wttl ... Slrwt Ne_,, •-~: :1111 wn1 .. ~ .... ...,,,,, l1v1>1....-""'°'' • Stll Slt"ftt • • • -liootloj d'""iblog hlllory .,. -flf llio ~lflo at Park -O' >@4L :J l _,-..11 ....... pill!ldf ......... -=· ~ tW ami>e DaltlclpaUID u the .. la -did m ihe Dcenslog matter, or the Cb.amber of Commerce did with tbe hlpp1-matter," James Dilley, auociaUon president said. "The library L! an essential issue with os," Dilley sa.ld Tuesday at the citizen's ...00.Uon meeUng. Ul't T ........ WORKMEN TRY TO FILL GAP IN RIVER LEV EE Sh•rman Island N•ar Sacram•nto Th r11t1ned Sunny S kies Promised After Torr en tia l Rain CllifWnilll8 from me ml ol the stale lo the other dried oil today alter lour ~ ti ranpg rain, buoyed by the .weatherman'• promlae of fair skies and llWllll' ooodltloos tlJrough the rest ol the week. Gov. Ronald Reagan declared a state of emergency ln California Tuesday in the wlle of the w.iter'a first major storm wblcb forced h1mdreds of persons "" COii• Me. ---...,,..,_ HIJl'ltl"""'" Bffdl 1".,,.,.ln V•llw w.trl>ll'llt9r Sell SeKI! l"Uf\e LllM.I .. World lnri.. llt•nth '--sUM N'9urll ........ G.nllt! G.,.vto s... ,.........,. Sant• AM ·->.M ··~ ,,, ,,. ·~ l,11 l.\I >.M "" >.M 4.t4 . , .. '·" ·~ .... LDf Yr, ,,,, $.10 •.2' S.tl S.l7 •.H '·7S S.37 5,7, S.10 £.15 S.J7 6 I~ S.J1 s n ~.u •. 91 5.01 s.n ~.111 t."6 S.?9 1/l'J •M 3 17 0 5.16 5 IG to Dee their homes on a score of rivers and streams. Along the Orange Ccast, mopping up operations began after a :siege of rainfall that began early Saturday aflernoon and continued, almost without interruption, lhrouilb Tuelday. · 'Ille storm pushed coastal rainrall totals, which Jest Friday stood as much as foor inches behind ta.st year's figures, up to and beyond those tabulations. Only Newport Beach new hu reccrdcd less Legion Praises H ayakawa Action. A resolution commending Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, acting president cf San Fran· dJCo Stale Ccllege, and demanding the dlanlual cf rebellious students and firing cf dissident facullJ has been adopted UDIDimouslJ by Laguna B e a c b ' s American Legion Post 222. Coples of the re1olution passed last week were aent to Dr. Hayakawa and to Gov. Ronald Reagan by the American Legion pocl Dr. Hayakawa was praised for "mak· tng full UR of lhe lawful means at hll di.posaal ln keeping lbe college open. "His courage and determination are biahIY commendable and shoold be foDoWed by other college administrators faced with similar problems," the resolu· llm llaled. Jury Weighs Verdict For LA Councilman L05 ANGELES !AP) -Th< bdbery lttaJ of City Councilman Thornu 0. Shepard Is now ln the: hands of a seV!:n· man, five-woman jury. Shepard I! accused of accrptJng bribes In exchange for favorable votes on zoning applications. lie testified be alw~ voted because oI his cofl3Cieoce, never for ..-y. rainfaD than at 1 comparative period last year. The aoggiest area of Orange County was Anaheim, which absorbed nearJy five inchea of rain over the weekend, boosUng lt.s ......,., Iota! lo 8.te inches. Garden Grove wu a dose second with 7.22 lnches. The rains took a heavy ton. Fourteen drownings and more than a score of traffic deaths in Soutbem California were blamed on the storm. The Weather Bureau had good news loday, however. It reported that a fourth major rainstorm headed for t b e Southland was halted by a high pressure point off the coast. All over 'Southern California, streets were flooded, trees toppled, power lines felled, mudslides triggered, homes in- undated with water and cars slalred. The Automobile Club of Southern California reported that s~ the stonn hit Saturday, a record of 49,000 callJ were received. ?\tost cf the callers com- plained their cars wouldn't starl Capo P lanners Approve Complex San J uan Capistrano planning com- missioners Tuesday gave final approval to an eight-acre, 132-space mobile home complex for'rtlired adults. The Alipai Road development Is scheduled for completion by summer. Planners had given tentative approval to the plan at n previous meeting. However, several ccnditions remained to be worked out. Planners, on advice o! the city al· torney, declined to become involved in a request by Bruce Winton, operator of the San Juan CapJnrano Airport, near the trailer park, lo bave developer Ld Miller sign a statement saying ha v.·ouldn'l protest aircraft noise. Players Listed For 'Brigadoon' The cast for Laguna Beach High School's producUon of "Brigadoon" was announced today. The romanUc musJca1 will run from March 20 to 22 at the school auditorium. The story of a magical 18th century Scottish village which reappears ever, 100 years will feature John Cllamberlaln as a young American who falls in love with a Tillage girt played by Fiona J\lacLaren. . 1iterlltt Magnus, Renee DuMouche.l, Nick Enright. Mike Stodd•rd end Glen Daniels complete the casL Five b11llet numben will be performtd In the production. Slagt ael!I are being built by the school art departmcnL Tbt band and chorus will also perfonn • ftn!illp. Ht tillll moml>m of the CTPA lhai .. I ""1111-wtll Ula ._1Mpt ·~·Mdliam "'*""" Iba . -......... Ibey' dlani iu; .. ---•-er everylhlng. "Much tnfotm.atloo wu overlooked," DILiey UJd. '!We're alaiined and inl@I in preaslng to the fullest the central site." Plans for the library call for expansion to 6,000 square feet or 8,000 square feel Tb< ulltl!Ji •inlclure u 2,lllO ' aquare feet In area. 1'!le -......... ,..... ........ ud .-H,Glt.,.W-pa-. Pndlclloos Im lhal by ltaO, the C00""1 branch will aerve 40,000 people, Clifford Cave, branch librarian aaid. other sites considered poulble loca. lions by the Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall (DMJM) consultants were by order of preference the pipe yard of the Laguna Beach County Waler District, Third Street near City Ha!L four loll -Ibo ·"' Jatd"oo lh• -.. ldde ti 'l1Un! -""' 'adlool property at Blamont Steffi and Park Avenue. The pipe yard was the consultant'• flrst choice. They cited advantages cf civie center pro%irnjty, and down l.own location. However, they admitted that beth availability and cost of the property were u.oknown. Saddlehack Plans Campus First School Will Accommodate 10,000 Stud.ents . 5addleback College trustees in a .special meeting this weelr told their architect to plan their flt'St campus for about 10,000 students, because wheo enrollment goea much above that they will bulld a second campus. • They said a decision on location for the second campua ptobably will be made in three to fiV'e year'!!. However, it was noted that 40 percent of students now atter11ifn1 Saddleback live 15 ·miles away to''l'u!tin. The tfecislon oo the mulli-<:ampus coo. eept was made to give dJrectJm to the an:biteclural firm o! Ramberg aod Lowrey, which 11 planning the first permanent campus at Mission Viejo. From Page 1 SURFING ... which owners get as much as $350 weekly in the summer. But the renters, he said, want to swim . .. No bathing beach is safe when there is one board out: there," he aaid. "They come-sailing in about :ll miles per-bow".'' "I just can't see why lhe city dads want to encourage this type thing rather than hold the line and make a decent town of it." Taschner maintained that althouJdi lo- cal surfers have never been "too Dad," liberallzaUon of the surfing controls will attract "all the bums and dropoub" from other areas. He said that originally be had worked to get surfing thrown out o[ Laguna Beach entirely. Draft End Pushed W AS!llNGTON (UPI) -A blparfuan group of senators joined today in co- spcmsoring a bill to end the military draft aod W.bstitute an all·vnhmteer, pro- fess.ionaJ army. Monday -IOI the Jiu limit of the MlJalon Viejo campus at 7,lOO to ll,OOD lnll<!me lludelJt.s. Trul1ees alao ""'"'1"1 the target d1le for completion d. lint permanent bulldinp on the ldlaslm Viejo Ille from faU of lflO to spring of 197l, two years aw1,1. Tbe extension la to give archltecl! time to wcrk with the inltrucUonal staff on unique educational facllltl ... Tnime llam Vogel opposed the time en.aaion. Relocalal>le buildinp al the temporary site will be moved thi5 summer to the permanent site. As a consequence, trustm decided that BUJDmer ldlool, if held, will be held somewhere ebe, pollll>ly at an area hlgll ocbooL Students will be surveyed to see lf there ii enough lnter..t to hold 11111Ul1er IChool, board member• decided. In another acUoo, trurtees. emploYed two consultants to atudJ. the permanent campus site. LeRDy, Crandall and Associates, of Los Angeles, will conduct soil tesl!I at a cost not to excff11 $3,500. Also James A. JWberts Asllociale!, ol Irvine Industrial Comp!u, will study fog and wind condiUona for best place- ment of campWI bulldinp fcr not more lhao $3,650. In uplalning the need for a climaUc cooditiom study, architect Robert Low- ery cited the problems encoontered by San Francisco Giants baseball team at Candlestick Park. Meet on Harbor District Decision Set by Citi es A 1peclal meeliDg of the Oram<• C"OWlty Liaiue--OI cm·.s-ir!D liO held Jan. 30 lo cllscum propooed dlssolution cf the Orange County Harbor Dt,trict. League President Mayor Deal F.. Shull Jr. of La Habra called the meet- ing in Friedemann Hall, Orange, at 7 p.m. The Harbor District dissolu tion was approved by the league in March, 196&, which seeks to esiablisb an integrated county department with a reg1onal con- ~pt for recreational actlvities including park!, beaches and harbors. County city counclls bave been uked to adopt resolutions for dissolution cf the distrlc( and make application to the Local Agency Formation CoJru:nb. sion (LAFC) to accomplish Uilii purpose. CiUes were asked to adopt the reso- lutions by February for filing with the LAFC in early Man:h. To dale the city counclla ti La Habra, TulUn, Santa Ana and Yorba Linda have adopted the resolutions and the otlier ciUes have them under consia- eration. Several councllmen have requested additionaJ information and discussion and it is for this purpose that the special meeting has been called, Shull said. The city ol. Newport Beach has taken no stand on the league action, but has: :submitted a special statement asking that the costs of harbor :services be shared by the county for Newport Harbor. The city maintains that tt bas made a total investment of '2,387, 486 in the har- bor and district al.nee 1934. It states that during the llUDO period the district spent $2,2.01;599 in capital improvements in Newport Harbor. It further states that in the Jut six years, the district has levied $1,039,918 m Lues witbin the city cf Newport Beach aod 'l'""t ooly $511,575 in capital improvemenu. CLOSES THE DOORS FOREVER IN CORONA DEL MAR! ~~ Days Left ' SALE ENDS SATURDAY! LADIES' WEAR I SLEEPWEAR1 ........ s2.s3.s4 LADIES' SUITS '10. 517 CANTRECE HOSIERY 2 FOR149 SWEAY.ERS ............ '2 -'3 BLOUSES .................. '2 _.s3 SLADHT •IR.,NTTS 300 J . Sh rt 2 '11 ---·-········-····· .. ··· ama1ca o s ...... .. DRESSES• .SHIFTS 'i1·'2 5'0RT COATS '15. $25 DRESS SLACKS SJ0..$]2.$1 MEH'S WEAR I ...___ KNIT SHIRTS ....... ~2-$3·'4 SWEATERS ......... '3·'5·'.10 SPORT SHIRTS .. '3-'4-$5 DRESS SHIRTS ........ '3·'4 ·. No-Iron PANTS ....... ~3-'4 SOCKS ................ 3 ... '2.00 3321 E. CciAST HIGHWAY • CORON A DEL MAR • f#tadlng Trim Eyed Nixon May Junk 10 Percent Tax WASHINGTON {AP) -President Nix· on'• budget director hinted today tbat Nl.J.on -if he can trim spending plans far enough -might back. away from Streamlining Of Pilot's Duties Urged W ASHlNGTON (UPI) -Government safety investigators, noting that four airliner& had crashed during landings within a single month, advised the na- tion's airlines today to streamline pilot duties at the time or descent. Tbe National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) urged the Federal Avia- tion Administration and the airline in- dustry to cutback or eliminate any "~n­ essential" crew functions during the final minutes before touchdown. NTSB chairman Jmeph J_ O'Connell Jr also recommended that the C1>-pilot, or· pilot not actuaUy controlling the aircraft. call out the plane's altitudes in 100-foot measurements during the last J,000.feet of approach. support of ext.ending lhe 10 percent income tax aurcharae. He did ao following a thre&-hour Cabinet meeting, which came after the swearing in of JI of NiIM'1 Cabinet members. Budget Director Robert T. Mayo told newsmen be bas a mandate from Nii.on "to keep the budget under strlct control" and will look. program by program, at the budget President Johnson sub- mitted earlief\tbia: month for the fiscal year beginning\ July t. "We hope to get i! down," said Mayo, referring to the Jobnson·pttpared spen- ding blueprint which envisiootd a budget surplus of $3.4 billion. In response to questions, Mayo acknowledged that budget cuts -if deep enough -might make it un-. neces.sary· to ertend at least part of the 10 percent surcharge past its schedul- ed June 30 ezpiration date. But he emphasii.ed that under pr e s e n t circumstances Nii.on stands by hia sup- port of Johnson's call to Congre!.! for a one-year atension of lhe full amount of the tax. , Capitol Clea1i Vp .. (LI Lee's New Pit~h ~ Marni.e's Ex N<mJ Land Mogul Lee NC!!)'era. who 1ained more fame u the ~ brldqroom ol Mamie Van Deren ttml u a pitcher. ii DOW a Newport lleocb land·_..i. An eluJ!ve Newport Beach land mocut In addltfoa to thl~ the ,...Wul en- --(he't ,_ oaly II) It plllnin& to hit the boneblde trail qaln. 'Be'• been out ol a ba>eball job lln<e Mardi, llllf. •hen he qull tbe San Francboo Gluta llocauae ol ")l<nOl>al ~ .. Be left the Clants almost .• year to the day altor he had ......-bis ...ur.ment u a pitcher to "devote my time to m:r family." Meyen, who WU di-by the voluptuous Mill Van Doren one month ago, recently toot out a buain• license at Newport City Hall for Meyers DPrelopmen~ hie. Tbat'a where the elUilivenes.a comes In . The bualneu, located 1n tbe Cwt House restaurant building at 19» W. Cout lllgbway, baa uo telephooe. "He worta out of hia home," laid a Chart House employe. ''When be came in for office apace he dido 't live w: a business phone nwnber. '' And hia home pboae number is unlisted. "All we know," sa..id the employe. "'is that be lives on West Octan Front somewhere in Newport." Meyers, however, when he can be reached, .is voluble enough. He held a pma conference Tuelday In his Meyers Development, Inc., office. "Lee Meyers~" Meyen announced, ''is going io make • comeback u a player." He's golng to join, be said, the Kansas City Royals in the spring. TRIES COMEBACK Pitcher Meyera Altbough Miss Van Doren, D, tald at divorce pm..-eedings that she .bid to Co under a doctor'• care and lose weight because of her dl.u~ with her young husband, Meyen Insisted.:; O'Connell said there also should be a requirement that the crew report its altitude to the air traffic controllers during the landing approach aod that "one pilot maintain continuous vigilance of flight Instruments" until a positive visual reference is sighted. After the marathon Cabinet meeting, Nixon announced through press aecretary Ronald L. Ziegler that career expert Philip S. (Sam) Hughes will remain in hi! post a.s deputy director of the Budget Bureau. Hughes, wbo has been a Budget Bureau employe since 1949 has been deputy director since March 1966. A native of Chicago, he i.s 51. Technicians, working in shadow of Capitol Building,. rem?ve some ot miles of cable which sent television pictures of Nuon inaugural across globe. \Vith inauguration now history, workmen are in process of. restoring Capitol Plaza to its normal state. The Royall, a sports-minded newsman advised his colleagues, ia not a basketball team. It is one of the American League's new expansion teams. They a r e desperat e for pitchen, catchers, io- fielders-anybody. "The trouble with Mamie and mt, really, is tbaL we were just two 1ep1r1te per30llBliU°". She bad ber We; I bad mine. But it WU a grea11% ye.an." The young man aaid hi.a new In- vestments include sizeable acreage in the Dana Point are.a . With the new barber, tblngs are r>ally loinc to boom tbere, be said. i Most airlines already use these pro- cedures in varying forms. O'Connell also suggested developing an altitude warning system that could be set up outside the aircraft. such as a high Intensity visua l red warning light projected slightly below the normal ap- proach angle for the plane. The rash of landing approach at'Cidents included the Dec. 24 crash of an Allegheny Airlines plane at Bradford, Pa., which killed 20 persons and a second Allegheny crash Jan. 6 at Bradford, killing I I others. A North Central airliner crashed in Chicago Dec. 'll, killing 27 persona, and a Scandinavian airliner went down at Los Angeles Jan. 13, tilllng 16. Chief Justice Earl W a r re n ad· ministered the oath individually to the 11 department heads at an 8 a.m., na· tionally televised ceremony in the East Room of the White House. ATso taking -the oath because they will sit in on cabinet meetings were Budget Director Mayo and Charles W. Yost, ambassador to the United Nations. The 12th Cabinet appointee, Republican Gov. Walter J. Hickel of A1aska, did not participate. His nomination as secretary of the interior haa hit at least a momentary snag in the Senate where some members quution his de- votion to the cause of conservation. Perhaps because of the early hour, Warren had some lniUal difficulty remembering the oath, being forctd at one point to collfilllt written notes. Assessment Hearing Set; May Cost Anaheim Plenty A hearing on Orange County's $2.3 million possessory interest assessment against the Golden West Baseball Co., owner of the California Angels, is scheduled Thursday before a county Assessment Appeals Board. The assessment could cost Anaheim residents $231,108 in taxes on Anaheim Stadium, according to City Attorney Joseph Geisler, because, under an agree- ment between the city and the baseball club, the city must pay any property Gives Innocent Plea NEW YORK (UPI) -Roy M. Cohn, attorney and financier, pleaded innocent Monday to federal bribery, extortion and blackmail charges and was released without bond. ~ging Foravard tax bill aa!JeMed against the stadium. ' County Assessor Andrew J. Hlnsha'W says property tuea must be paid . O!J the municipal !tadium under his defuu· tion of possessory interest -"the e1· elusive use ol. tax-exempt governmental property by a private individual. group, or company. However, the City cl Anaheim argues that Hinshaw's definition should not apply to the Angela becaure the ball club uses the stadium on1y part of the year. Anaheim already baa pa.id S20e,171 In pos.sessory interest Wes under protest in order to cover the Angela' use of the 43,400-seat stadium. The matter could wind up before the state Board of Equalir.ation. Hinshaw has cited state Jaws providing that, if a city i.s a party to a possesaory interest t.a:r dispute, the argument must be ct1.r· ried to the higher authority. ( t o memben: o( 199th Light Infantry Brigade balUe mud and water they cross st.ream in recent Vietnam fighting near ~n Loe. A! \Var continues, full acale peace talks are scheduled to begm Saturday 1n Paris (see story page 4). OCC's Student Council . Meyers, who at the age of 17 aigned a $30,000 bonus contract with the Chicago Cubs.. and was lat.I reiell<d, blamed bis troobles In tbe past on bad publidty; When he left the Cuba there wtrt reports that he wasn't fretting about it because .he would soon -inherit $2 milllon from hia grandfather, Paul S. Meyers of IUsno, owner of McCall's Magazine. The youth's lather later aaid there was no 12 million. 1'The story just got out of hand," dad e1:plained. Wbat if hil ful ball and curve dao'.I develop in aprtng training? ''Then I'll ju!! COllie back to all this," be aaid from behind hla desk at the helm of Meyen Development, Inc. Won't Hear SDS Appeal "Not bad for someone who's only 22, th!" Orange Coast COiiege's student council voted 12 to 4 Tuesday not to consider an appeal of students wishing to form a Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) chapter on campua. rt was the second turn down in a week for the SOS petitioners. They lost earlier in a 23 to S vote by the Inter-Club Council on the Costa Mesa campus. Five proponents of SDS sought ~o revent the earlier denial. But thetr appeal was short lived w be n three- fourtha of the student council members voted not to consider it. Steve Kaufman. spokesman for the SOS group, presented a petition he ~aid waa signed by 293 students. (Daytime enroDment hi f,200 students.) The petition said the signers do not necessarily s b a re the vi~ of SOS, but they believe the group should have a right to form a campus club. In the latest issue of Liberation News, campus underground newspaper of the SOS group, student Barry Weinber&' '"''" ''Tbe ICC (Inter.Club Council) has no right to decide for you, the students. These self-righteous hypocrites a r .• again.st anything that threatens their role aa the paWlll for the adminiatraUon, Fullerton Dad Held as Baby Di.es of Injuries A Fullerton factory roreman who rush- ed hJ.s dying baby boy to a hospital early Tuesday for a. futil~ rendezvous with the family physician 1s held today on suspicion of the tot's murder .. Victor R. Schmidt. 22, of 1619 P1cadilly Way Fullerton was arrested Tuesday nigbi after detedives probed his possible role in the fatal injuries. David Schmidt., 20 months, died Tues- day at 8 1.m. in Childrem HOBpltal. Los Angeles, where was ~der care after trander from La Mirada Com- munity Hospital. ma parents took him to the La Mlrada hospital about I :30 a.m. Tue.sday after asking the family physician to meet them there. The doctor examined the baby and called police. Huntington Man Killed as Ca.r Skids, Crashes George Milicevic 0( Huntington Beach "'as killed early today when he was thrown from bi.a car 81 tt skidded oot of control on San Diego Freewa;. Milkevic, 53 ol 5~1 Cutle Drive, IMI c.uty Traffic 1 .. 11 Deatll Toll 13 had just driven onto the frttway at 7th Street ramp in Long Beach and was beaded llOUth when the tragedy O<alrT'ed, """""1ing to investigating California Highway Patrol officers. Near Los Alamitos Boulevard, the auto went into a broadside .skid and was then hit by another 110uthbound car. Mllicevic was ejected from hit vehicle. He wu dead on arrival at Los Alamllol Grneral H()ff)ital. for their parents and for a society that mouths democracy but p r a c t i c e s fascism ." The would-be SOS organize.rs may con- tinue to circulate petitions trying to obtain a general campus election on the question. Or they may appeal to Dean of Student Activities Joseph Kroll, who has said "the goal of SOO ls to disrupt the educational process," College President Robert Moore, or the junior college district Board of Trustees. Kaufman resigned as president of the Inter-c'lub Council following the SOS vote. "Liste~," said Meyers, "I've Just been misunderstood in the past." He aaid hia baseball troubles began shortly after he married Miss Van Doren, who now llvea at the Balboa Bay Club, a few blocks downcoaat from Meyers Develo~ ment, Inc. "When I said I waa married lo Mamie 1 got sent by the Cubs to a team in Lodi, CalHornia . "la that fair? la that f'i&hl?" Meyers blamed it all on petty jealousies. "I mean here waa a kid driving to the ball park In XKEt and Benlleya and staying in penthouaer," he aaid. "Well, it ju!! got to be too much. They treated me lousy." FINAL 4 DAYS of OUR SHOE CLEARANCE Sale Shoes Reduced Even lower LADIES SHOES DELISO DEBS Furs, Jewelry Taken in Theft 'Burglm: made oft with u ntftnetect 11,300 in fun and jewelry !ram tbe rtlldenoe of an 1partmtnt b • • I• manqer In Newport IJeoch 'l'uoodlW aftemoon. Cora E. Dutton ol D11 ~ Drift, told polioe Tbunday eveainl thll lier home bad been ...--tlllt altemoon. The tbieve1 bnlte open a tlldlnr II.us door and toot a beaver eoa4 two mink atoles and ..Ven rlnp, reporll MM. • 1111111111 LIFE STRIDE & COVER GIRL $900 $600 FLORSHEIM BASS ROBLEE Re9uler to i 11.00 FLA TS & CASUALS ...... ,u.oo VALUES TO $29.00 $200 TO $soo $soo TO $1900 oumANDING SELEC110NS •• GOOD SIZES Please, AD Sales Final No Exchanges or Refunds • STARTS WEDNESDAY 1052 lmn• Newport leach WESTCUFF l'I UA 54a.1614 u..~~ •..• ----·-·------ --·-------· ,. ...... -~-' .. ,~,, ··-· We4 tiiNr,....., a:a,, lM. (~ .., .... o.ltr ... ..,., , Since the start of a dial-a-poem otlon in New York, another Ess with a similar telephone her has received scores of ~p.hJi!!e calls. One peeved awitch- bOard operator, after answering a number of calls from people want- ing to hear the day'• poem, re- 1ponded to a young caller: "Bah, bah, black sheep, have you any wool! Yessir, yessir three bags full." Then she bung up. A moment liter, the young man called again and asked, .. Can't you do any bet· \q than that?" • Many Cldcago policemen re· ported hearing distress call$ thf':I/ hadn't a ghost of a chance i:J/ amtotting thil week. TM calls came from Louisville, K11., Philadelphia, Pa., and ma.nu other citU1. Poll.ct communfca.- tion! said atmoipherlc condf.. tions caused radio 1ignal1 to "bounce" over hundred. of m.ile1. • An ·effort to beautify downtown K~y West, Fla. was turned over to i1 group of hippies who started by painting a dozen trash can1 in P•Y· Rhl!ilelic patterna. Chamber of ~!""'e'!'~ _J>resldent _called _the painted eyes, suns, trees. anif swirls of brilliant color "Idiotic painting that looks like it has been done by some elementary school child." • Familiar Faces I Pre<ident Richard M. N'uon and his wile, Pat, J>8" a portrait of former President Dwight Eisenhower as they go upstair1 to the White Howe living quarters. Mr. Nixon retreated to.the ~rtvacy of the living quart.era after spending several hours in his office on his first full day as Pre5idenl 3rd Czech Tries Suicide, Called Crank by Ministry ... ------ PRAGUE (UPI) A t b I rd Crecboolovak youth tried to burn blmaeH to death today at Freedom Square ln Brno DeJt to a memorial in honor of the martyred J1n Palach, lh• Ministry of Interior announced . The youth, Miroslav Malink'a, Z2, a locksmlth, was !aid to be ln good con- dition in Hyeb! Hospital with U pe~t of bis .body burned. Studenla fjlrrning .an hon« IUB"l on !he "11111'1! bod quickly eJ:tmiujabed the names ahortly after mldnigllt. Studen~ offlclal1 al !he unloo of Czech student.! in Prague aa.ld they did not believe that Malinka or Josef Hlavaty, 25, another worker who attempted suicide by fire in Pilsen Monday, were membtn o£ an alleged rlna of 15 "humin tortbet" mentioned In Palach'• auldde note. once every tl;ee .days to Pf.Otest "the Rulaian invasion and curtailment of refotm1. Palach set blm5elf afire lut Thursday. Students 1Said both Malinka and lDavaty were "pathological cranks" with essen- tially penonal and not poliUcal moUves. 'lb• rnlnlBtry of Interior deocrihed both as criminal!!: who had attempted suicide previOW1ly. Tbe !Statement could not be indepenil<nlly confirmed. Ac:Contloi to Prague Jladio, the minlltr)' elld police gum!• bav• been llrengthened al all squares and olher pl1cea Jn Prague where persons might be likely lo r<peat Palach'a fiery deed. . Pll"!'JI, a 11;1:'-old Chari,. Unl•eral· • '!' 11:...,.. that rnemben of tho IUlclde pact would IWlllce themaelves Student aourcea 1aid a girl, rumored to have been the poUUcal .. human torch No. 2" mentioned Jn Palach'1 note, WU qu..Uoned by plllnclotbel police for lhree houri this week. Police decided oho had no coonedion with aey ucriflclal pact. Htr<'I j/le long and 1ilorl of lhl fnougwil lutbrltiu -ot lea.st a far .. the foa"'°" c:irtldl aou. T/14 .. ,,,. ing 1klr& ltxgthl wra ctriMnt a1 Mr>. Mamie Ell..,.._ (c.,.l<r) and Mrs. Jo~n P. Jlfil<!>cU, 1111fc ~ 1114 A-Gcne....r.ngnole, (nahl in rtcc~ l~MJ greeted Mtor1 at a rec:eption fur dis!tnguilhcd ladW ot th< Notionol Goll<rv of Ari. • Three 11m .. in lesa than a month Della Memorial HOSJ>IW in Colo- rado listed Mr. and Mrs. Jemes Edwards as parent& of a newborn child. And there was no mistake. Mr. and Mrs. J1me1 Edwards Jr. of Delta had a baby daughter Dec. 23. Then on Jan. 13, Mr. •ncl Mr1. J•m•1 Edw1rd1 of Paonia bad a soo. Thrte days later, another Mr. •nd Mrs. J•m•s Edwerda Jr. of Delta also had a daughter. The three Edwards are nof related. 3 V.S. Jets Slwt Down By Reds Over S. Vietnam SAIGON (UPJ) -Communis t groundfire downed three U.S. Air Force F 100 Superaabre jeUi In South Vietnam, military spolc......, uld todoy. Off the northern coot an American Navy patrol boat !Slashed throulh a flotllla of sampans and 1Sank 45 of the vesseta.. T1lt spotumln 1ald one of the Supenabre pOota waa tilled but the other two parachuted to safety. The first jet was lhot down Mond1y near Quang Ngal city In South Vietnam'• northern quarter. The other two fell Tuesday 12 miles eut of Saigon and 14 miles northeast of the capital. Near Katum In Tay Ninh Provlnee about 15 miles from the Cambodian border Tuesday, troops of the U.S. tst Air Cavalry Division seized more than 30 tons of Commurust arma in a huge bunker complex. It wag one of I.he largest weapons finds of the war. The 5Upplies were stacked in 15 bunkers and included recoilless riflea, mortarl, rocket grenades, small arms ammunlUon and uplosives, spokesmen 1ald. The lone Navy patrol boat Ul!ied Its five machlnegun1 in its attack on a neet of 125 Communht sampans it caught in a restricted area goutheast of the northern coastal town of Ho! An. At least lll Communists were killed and 24 ot.hers captured by the "swift" boat'• lix·rnan crew, spokesmen said. The Americana reported no casualUes. Those boa.Ui that were not sunk scattered. Communist gunners firtd at least 15 large rocket.! into lhe Da Nang air base today. Casualties were described as "light" and no U.S. planes were damaged, an announctment said. Well, New England Fair But Wet W eatlier Drenching Most of the U.S. Colifornls k•Hotrld show'lrl nlurned t. loutll- '"' C1lffomi. 10c11y 1fl•r """r din fl/I 1lorm• 11tlwd brle!,., Tvetd1y 1!1t,... -· n. •• ,.., ''°""' ..... , ·~"'"'"""' t. tiff bY T1'o.tnd1y. ""ll>tr1 Wll ltttt. ...,,_.11un ™"" !Oday. LOI A"991ft e•-lefte~ 1c1tt1 ..... .,__ lodlY ""'lcil ....... hi r"'1!1n ... l11lo IN 1119111. ""11'19 U.S. Wttll'ler Str AMI PfWlilldlll IM lltM _,141 ~ Hl11Y c:kludY ""'lll!t wmt f91r -!Mr T""rtd•Y· To!ln'1 Civic (lfl,.r 111911 ...... M 11111 tlll prldlctM low t'onl9111 ... D . lot A-\H COU<li.d llfl Mtrly """" ~ er .. ...:11>1t11i.. c111r1 .... ""' ''""" """"' "' "-' ,,.. ,.I_ lo!1I ,. ~ ""~ 101.'i "'<i'M'i ., _I,... .. • _.....1 flf 1.11 . .Slt!lnno In ... ""91 l•"'-,.. ''" '"h lrrH -thin U ~ wll!lt llntr lolllt lft ll'lllM 1t1Uons.. Tiie ......... -··'" ""..... ..,,., ·~ ""' fOllll. TM l lr Po!k/tkloo t<•'ll•O'I Ol1lrlct '""'""" "" •mot "" "" l • ......... ... 111. ...,.,.. •I'll dtH<1I _.... ....... ...... dou~~. w\"' Kl""" ,,_.. = '"'"' wlnoils.. Mllllt 11 Ille -·· "" "" .0. lftd .. --•lv•t Wtt JI. 1"'"' ~ ,.. -'"" ,....,., 1n lllt llOI ""'lit "- llllJW .... "' ... '°"" llllf JI. -......... _. --dwf't' .,..~_,,,_...,.,., ......... " ....... ""' k!w .... ""' -_...,..... ... , ....... . .,..._ 1118 Twt111" tl'ld ''"°'' hll!K fldrr lflc.IWW: .__ S..ch ....... .... •• ""'*t "'"'""'""' ,., .... bellk ...... Ml. WI'-(}-IS, "''""'•II ..., ... R"'-"'t U..f, ,.,1,,, ler!n,. "*9""'n. Bllbmltlll 11 .... l tn Olo .......... 11111 lenfl 11'11111 tHa. c-w Melftr tJeultf .,,,, __, tctlYl1Y "'~ """**· ~-~ -"'""· 11 M 10 -.11. TM1r1 hi"" .. "' •. 't't119rdeV't ...,..,,.1\trft f I Rt I !fl lf'Mft 1 Mlh fl/I ti ... 1 ""' 11 Q. IPl!lflll l'lnlPfnl~ ,,....,. -Ill .. .!Ill. Thi .. !tr ........ tw. ... D.f ... ·-Sun, Moon. 1'We1 WIDMllOA't' ~ 111"' . , ni.o '·"'· '·' a-Ml few ' l lll ........ l.J TMURIDA't' ... .,, hltl'I ••••• ••••• ·~ti 1 ..... 4..7 "I"! .,.. .•....•...•..•• J(OI 1.111, 1.1 $9(lOfld 1'11th ••••••.. , .• 11:G p.m. J.1 5«0N1 i.w ••....•. t :• .,,.._I.I M.-l!Nt t rn 1.111."" ll~fl' '·"" 1111'! "' .. t :J1 '·"'· .... J ilt ."'· '"'' •. "'"" '""' o. .... J111, lJ Hll. J: ftb. 11 ftb, 11 11.S. Su1n111G"lf ---llW ·~ -·., .... CWnt'n' to61y, klb brt -lflft cenllnuM '""" ..... _,,..,. ....... "' .... Dl«llfl" Wiit! .... ..., -tPlltt.,._ Into "" --.ni l"lllN. ,,_ McNt "' - -flll Ill O"-• Mont. R11ft ._Md Clllfwnlt '"" 11>t """'-' wtlh llehl .,_ In lht , .. dlk Mstl!Mtl. l!IUll Mrty Pw <vftrld !llfml II !hp _,.. _...... ., .... ,..,....,. ,.,... ..... °"" C.tl '° ...... l•~.. I"" 11111 IM~"""' ,.._I... fffl ~I lr .... 1 .... -"'"*' ..._ Ntlwllk1 ''""• .... . ...... In .. W11<'111t111, ,,, di•~ Ol'I ""' \llrt!llll (11111 tdeM "' M'I ..._, II tit!'" lrom h C:1n1ll1•111 1(1 MIN ltl'ld ,..,,, ltllt. '""''ltd 111 tr.. 10</lllt r" lil:lltll.1t1 911111 H-lr-.11111&. A11<IM!r1" .. 11 ... 1. 1 11 .... rdl: '""' ·~ ... ""'" Clncln,,.111 Cllll'tltllll "'"-0.1 Mol"" De1ro l! Eurelo1 l<ort Wortl! ·~~ Ht ..... H-111111 H""''°" K1""' (lly lt1 "-· lltl ... _ ... Ml1mt l11dl MllwMN M"'-•!11 Nirw Or!Q"' N ... 't'Ott; Oekllflll ........ "I" llob"' ~lltOtlPhlt -· ,_.,. "orl!ll'ld llto"I Cl!y fll'll I N" .... S..cr""'"'" St. l 1111l1 llllMI 5111 DllH Stll Prlll(ftco klllt 11'1>1•• ..... s-1ne T""'mt l W1'1111!1tori MIPll i._. ,...., 1f ,. .11 11 II "If • • .et 11 n .•t " " lf JI .et ... . " " " » " ~ ~ • J7 .et " ,. ~' so ·" ,] ·• .JI 11 J7 " " '° J7 ..,, '° ... .11 ~ 51 .11 n ~ .It 3' ..,, ,. 11 .ot " u ... ~ " .5f 4t .d :ID ,. .01 " ~ ... Jll ll ,,. 1' !JO .7' Q D .en " " 11 ' ·" JI )f .N fS H ... "° o .M . .. Jt ,, •• " 51 .ft loll •. OJ ~ Ji ·" l l 7J fr ,, ' II !7 ·°' d " .» --(-, ~ Pueblo Outgunned Senseless to Resist, Bucher Tells Navy Court CORONADO, Calli. (UPI) -Crndr. Uoyd M. Bucher of the Pueblo thougbt Jt was "senseless" to try to man two machine guns when IUfrOUnded by four Communlat torpedc> boata, two warships with cannons and two MIG jetl clrcling overhead. There waa no help ~In algbi. er to he npected although he had flashed a radio alann that abou1d have gone to the top military command and to the White House. TodaJ he waa telling the ftvHdrnlral eaurt jolt how bis ahlp .... captund on Jan. IS, 1168. Rear Adm. Ednn! E. Grimm, com- mander of naval training, U.S. PacUic Fleet, San Diego, grimaced as Bucher aa1d be did not uncover or man the two mach1oe guns on the deck. Mesaages of distress were transmitted throughout the Ignominy ol surrender, Bucher revealed. Rear Adm. Frank L. Johnson, at the Ume commander of U.S. Naval Forces, Japan, ta expected to teatl.fy after Bucher and be asked why there was no aerial or other response for a period of three or four boura. It was a setUng m a d e familiar to many Americans through the play and mavie, "The Calne Mutiny,'' as Buche.r gave his narrative of the event.! leading up to the loss of the Pueblo. His story cBZTied him Tuesday up to the time he was trying to stean1 away in a "dignified manner" only tG have the Communist submarine chaser open up a salvo of 1hella which wounded him and twe other men on the flying bridge. Bucher was eating lunch below deck about noon when a North Korean sub chager approached the Pueblo 16 miles orf the port of Wonsan. It wu tbe forerunner of a task foree that wu to grow to two aubclwer1, four torpedo boata and two WG flghter plane1. On demand from the subcbuer, Bucher identified h.Ls vessel u American. Three torpedo boats quick.Jy joined the sub-- chaser, and Bucher was told to beave to. He replled by Das algnala that be waa 1n lntematl<mal waters. The Pueblo allpper llill lhooabt It was a routine case of Communi&t bar· assment. But at 12:51 p.m. be notified his superiors in Japan what was going orr, and g a v e the mee.sage a priority of "critical." That made it eligible for White House auenUon. Bucher said he dilcus&ed acutWng the vessel with biJ engineera. but wu ad· vised It could not be done quickly. The temperature was alm95t freeiing, and Bucher decided It would mean death in a matter of minutes for any of his crewmen who jumped Into the water. As his Tuesday testimony ended, Bucher stated under quesUoning that the Pueblo's rubber life rafts could have acrommodated 90 men. The gession en<f· ed before he could be asked his vleWI on. using them. A fourth torpedo boat jointd the North Korean force, and two figbter planes appeared overhead. Hoping to confuse the Korean,,, Bucher said, he first signaled that he intended to stay in his pos!Uon. Meanwhile he got the Pueblo under way and theo began trying to ease slowly out of lbe area. He signaled the Knans tba1 be Intended to depart. 1'1e torpedo boata and the aubCbaser followed him, and a second IUbcbasu appeared. Again the Koreans signaled they would fire unless I.he Pueblo sur· rendered. .. I was completely and hopeleu)y outgunned," Bucher· saJd. ·~·were too many of them and too many guns. To send a man up to our machine gwis would have meant certain death for him. The gun coven were frmen and could not. be easily removed. I felt there was no point in aenaeleul7 lellding people lo their death&" U.S. Launches Solar Station CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) - A solar observatory rocketed Into space today lo study the sun during a period of maximum flare activity and to help warn astronauts on the moon of perilous radiation llorms. The utellite, 0005, rode aloft in the nose of a Utree-stage Delta rocket, aim· ing for an orbit . 351) mile! abovt the earth, where ita: sensors can peer at the uelhlng mn ·from above the distorting blanket ol the atmoopillft.. A 1pokuman· for the Natlonat Aeronautics and Space AdmJuilt:raUon reported early phases of the fll.gbt went vuy smoothly after the Delli. blued into the sky. The satellite Is the fifth In a Nries of Orbiting Solar Oboervalorim launclled by the lp8Cfl agency. GOLD -EN WEST ----- AIRLINES does more than fly you to the airport on time. MUCH MORE Golden West Airlines offers 24 flights daily belWeen Orange County Airport and Los Angeles International Airport ••• shortest connecling times with mojor airlines ••. and flies you to the airport on time via comfort· able 19-passenger twin-engine T-jets. Flight time lo the airport: 20 minutes We do much more. Call Golden Wd, we do the rest. Man your flight resemllions. Write yp your Qllllo plete trip ticlcet. AD yau do is tum up at Orange County Airport a few minutes early to get your luggage tagged through. Save time, avoid frffWa1 and parl<ing ten- sions. One call ta your travel agent or Golden West does it all. Serving Orange, Rivanide and Y•ntvra Countin GOLDEN WEST AIRLINES Orongt Counl)' Airport 1714)540-7010 • R!veriide County Airport Vl~ 687~10 • Oxnard/Vent'<ll'O Airport~ 486-1211. /, ! I I ' t ' I I ' I ' t ' I I I I I I I •• New Book Says McCarthy, RFK in White House Deal • Moscow Sdlutes Spacemen Deni Soldier Tommies Out of Work W ASlllNGTON (UPI) - Stn. Eu,ene J. McCarthy made a short-lived "deal" · with.Sen. Robert F. Kenuecty, aimed at puttlnc McCarthy bi tho White n ..... thla yur and Kennedy the.. in 11112, McCarthy is quoted as saying In a book publllbed today. Both Mc:Clrthy and Kennedy ........... deoled lbe n!))Orl. Tbe ftporl alh:ges that keo- nedy promised McCulby be would oot run for t b e DemocraUc nomination last year, and McCarthy In tum promllOd lull aupport for Keo- nedy In 1172, regardte!s ol whether McCarthy w a !!I elected pmldent io lta. The book, "Divided They Slaod," WU written by Lon- don Daily E%press newsmen worttng in the United States. McCarthy'• comments allegedly were made while be was vacationing in France after be lost the presidential ' nomination to farmer vice )>l'e!!lident Hubert H. H~ piny. ML'Carthf wu not avaDable for comment. But a spobsm•n dtnled the report. and 11.ld the men "oever" entoied Into ~ part of lbe alleged lwHlded pact. A !!lpotelman fer S e n . Edward M. Kennedy ( 0. Mus.) 1n whole office the two men allegedly met to form the agreement, con- firmed that a meeting took place. But the sp(lkesman said u happened two days alter the New Hampshire primary, not two days before the primary ~ lbe book alleges. The llpC)Wman &aid -Kennedy already bad d«id<d to run. The McCarthy spot.sman also said McCarthy made a point of saying, several times, during bb campaign that he was interested· in serving only one term if elected. The book also alleges that New York Gov. Nel!!lop Rockefeller called on Presi· dent Nixon election night, but Nixon refused to "' him. It quotel ~tereller u saying, "J wtll understand lhat M't. NiXon ls busy." McCarthy II quoted In the book ao oaying he believed a united front of war crlUes and -di8el1Chanted with old-atyle politics could gain the nominaUon -but It would have to be either Kennedy · or McCarthy because the JftRDCB of both men in the race would IO apllntet the front u to throw the nomina· tlon bact to then president Lyndon B. John.wn o r Humphr<y. The book quotes McCarthy u telllng Kennedy : "I think I have a chance, but I must have a clear run. ~~d /1 ' You can have il all in 1972. 1.~~-_.--._.-.-.__1-u. ___ .;,;.;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ___ 1 I pledge my support for that, but in return l want you to ___ .:_"W~ant~:_:c~P~"O~ot~lll~-~~~bo~-~-~~··~;.~,•:___ __ leave it to me ln 1968. Will you give me that clear run'?" Tbe book quoted McCarthy as saying Kennedy then told him: "I tell you what I am telling e\o"eryone. I shall not run. You can count on that." Then Kennedy decided to run. "From that moment whatever chance I had was written off," McCarthy is quoted. "l knew it the day he announced. The game was over for me and for him. Jt could not be either of us .. McCarthy is also Quoted a.s concluding: "It is enigmatic to reflect how one decision can alter so many lhings. Had Bob Ken- nedy stuck to hi5 word, not only would he almost certainly be alive today but most pro- bably be would have emerged a!!I president of the United Soviet Paper Says Egypt Facing Economic Failure Ir UftllM ,,... lnlw'MliwMI The Soviet Communist party newspaper Pravda said today Egypt was experiencing "cer· tain failure" in the economic field. It> hinted a quick pollUcal solution lo the Middle East crlsis would benefit the Arab slates. "Peaceful conditions are necessary Cor the country to move forward," the Moscow newspaper saJd in a com· mentary. tinued economic losses of the Cairo regime. "In the process of con- struction of a new life, cer~ lain failures and separate lost battles are possible," Pravda .said, "but the whole trend of the struggle of Arab people!!! against imperialist& allowa us to predict its final outcome -lhi!!I struggle will end In victory." Jn Tel Aviv today, Israeli mll!tary spokesmen &aid Arab guerrillas striking into Israel- territory were armed with comm uni 1 t Chinese-made MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Union'• new9'· wee horoeo, lbe foor .......,.u11 ol So)""" 4 and So~ I, Dew to ,.iolrJ M....,. tocritr for a rouslq public welcome' and bonoro from lbe <OW1lry'1 leaden. ' Vladimir SbataJor; BoriJ Volynov, Yevgeny IQinmov and. Aluel Yellleyev ,. .. gmna~tloaaloutdoar airport noeptlon and -paradia.deaplte lbe blli'r cold ol 11 de8)'f!OI below..... .. __ .,.. ___________ _ They were awarded the ~er of Lenin and made Gold star Heroes of the Soviet Union, lbe C011Dtry'1 blgbeat booora bi an indoor KmnJin ceremony. Citlzms bundled in fur caps and heavy overcoats stamped their feet and chemd from tempJrary grandstandr, while the four men marched fmm their IJyushin airliner on a red carpet to a aland crowded with dignitaries and the cot- monauta• families. • 'Ibey were embraced and kissed by Communist party General Secretary Leonid I. Bttzhnev aiTd President Nikolai V. Podgorny. Overhead a squadron of MIG fighters roared past and the music of a nearby military band wu punctuated by the salvoes of a Zl-gun salute. Surgeons in Canada Halt Heart Switches •ru....,...._1.,...,._. Surgeoo1 In Canada, «111- eerned that the rlak from re- jecUon In heart transplant operations may outweigh the benefit!, have called a halt until more II known about the body'1 natural Ii I b t against foreign organs. But other pioneer trauplant aurgeona around the world 1ald they do not intend to ceaae the operationa and IDMe knowledge raulted f r o m every one done. The heart tr81l!!lplant team at Mootre.al's Heart Institute declared the moratorium and h"Jlital director Dr. Paul David Mooday aald a It y transplant.I undertaken wWl the rtljetUon pnlCCSI b mON fully undent.oocl, under "the --and problems that fact us now/' would be Immoral. .,, Dr. Plme ~ ...... ol. tba -·· aiqleal team. baa pined lltllo .,... patlly ...... ......... who COOllder Ibo~ tbata]t. bopefarllOllle- ... tab a1r01J1 ucepdoe lo the lrutltute nlllnl Iha ~ que.stloa in IUCh a way,• Dkl Dr. n..... Najall, w he performed Cbicqo'a GOit' ..,. c"""1 lranoplant laat month. "All a ptl'IOll bu to do il be II troob!td morally la to loot opllnil&tlcallJ Ill "- lralllplat pau.m. who .. living." -Stiles in l!n2." Diplomatic observers I n Moscow said the commentary gave evidence of growing Soviet -uneasines.s about con· iutomailc rifles. - Missing from the cenmony was Premier Alexei N • Kosygin, whose place was taken on the stand by First Deputy Premier D m I try Polyansky. Kosygin wu ol- ficlally reported to be on vaca~ tion, but the fad. that be would skip such a popular public event gave some support to reports he is ill. Bui the boycott, lruligated 'llllrty.nJne " tile 111 warld'a burl lrllll)llanl ,.. ticnb: are all•e, and doet«I .around lbe -Id aald ~ Ibey were DOI nm<'laflt ~ mora-toriam • .._. _lranop).lnt ""1"7-njecllon ar no rejection. Ul"ITtlt ...... RAPID.FIRE OATH TAKING Reineck• Becomu Lieutenant Governor '' . , __ Oii.,,.. Reinecke Takes Oath In Time for Meeting SACRAllENTO (AP) - Rapid.lire action at Gov. Reagan'!!! request sent former Congressman Ed Reinecke to work today as California'• new lieutenant governor. It toot les!!! than a hour Tuesday after Reinecke and Reagan arrived back i n California on s e p a r a t e airplanes for the 45-year-old studio CJty Republican to sign his oath ol office. Asked by ~wamen a t S a c r a mento Metropolitan Airport il be bad been re- quested by the governor to take office officially aa soon a!!I possible, Reinecke said, "He e:ipreued that desire." ~ The reason was so that Rclnecl:e coUld attend today's State College Board of Trustees meeting in Sacra- _, mento with Reagan. If the state'• new No. 2 official had waited unUl hill fonnel swearing-in ceremony -planned for the Capitol Rotunda at 4:30 p.m. Thurs- day, he would not have been the of:ficlal lieutenant iovemor and thus couldn't have voted at today's trustees meeting. Reagan arrived at the Sacramento Municipal Airport about the as.me Ume l!!I Tuesday, just a rew days after slarting his third term as con- greSfilnan from the 2 7 t h district, a sprawling area stretching from San Fernando Valley suburbs to sparsely populated eastern Kem Coun- ty. "I feel very good. It's going to be an exciting job. I'm glad to be back in California.•· He said ihat while he enjoyed the legislative br.anch, "you're not on the main line, a.s you are in an administrative job." Reinecke, who becomes the 39th lieutenant governor , replaces Robert H. Finch, now secretary of heaHh, education and welfare in President Nix:- on's cabinet. The timing of Reinecke's. of- ficial office-taking was unusual. Reagan had to wait until he returned to California before signing Reineck.e's of4 ficial appointment p a p e r 1 , which he did upon landing. Those wfre then rushed to the Capitol, where Reinecke al 5:11 p.m. put hi!!I name to the official oath. Only newsmen and a few gubernatorial a.ides wilneMed the brief cttemony, and ques· tions were noL permitted by Reagan aides. Reioecte 11ew 1n to the c11y•1 ~========.I other airport. with M ra • Reagan on the same plane -returtn1 from lbe prulden- tJal inaugural festivities in w •shlnctoo· Relnecl;e....,.edhlsHowe seat a few houri earlier on LOCAl No ottl•r 111..,.paptr hll1 yMI 191or•, every 41y, •llotrt wh•f'• ttift9 tft ift th• 9r1•f1r Or•nt• Co1st thin the DAILY •ILOT. Puttlnc yo• first, kHPI us first. '69 Impa]a eu.-Caupa We've found a way to make ChevTOlet. an even better buy than other can in their field. And out of their field \Ve've been able to drop the prioe of aeveral Pxtr8!1. Not cat.and-dos atraa, but UKMe you'd like to hove. An automatic transmission cost1 you less, whether it'1 Powerglide or our 3-speed Turbo Hydra- matic. The oost of addin1 a lar1er VS la les11. Tb• coet d new advaoced-deeisn power clisc bn.u. baa ._. cul pnctically In ball. And .. bu the -of beod -wbich ""' .... ft..,.d bito the hue prioe d. the car u 1tandud equiixnenL So for the '69 Impala llhown ebove with a big :JOO.hp VB, Turbo Hydra-medc, power dioc brekee, whitewall tinwand wh&el coven. tbeprioeil s101.oo• leu than it WU in 1968. (Thoee whitewalll even ooat you a little Iese than they did Jut ymr. And the 300-bp VB ooot. $40 1 ... than ii uaed to coot to edd a VB wit.II mly 276 hp.) In •69 you set a bettw ride with Imp.la. tod. A helter Allio Ventilation oy-. !lolid -•,...,i nila" built btlo 1ha door. A 1oct for tba lp!tfm, •teorini wheel and ahift 1 ..... ollered aal7 b7 Chev- rolet in ill fteld. · 'The value ,_ up. 'The prico -down. You know, H .,.. -the .......w.a, .... d never lhow up for ~ Showdown. · . ~. . . ....... -·-'""· -..., . ... ll ,."'-, ..._.,,.. ,...,. •• ... &111111........,..., __ ,,,,,,_ .............. Value Showdown: I less thaq I yearS Impala wdhcompa le equipment. l I ! • • i •• joAILY PIWT EDITORIAL PAGE I • Unfortunate ·Timing Lagnnans have lred!tionally rupporttd their school cmtrlot. In early 11166 Ibey passed with ·better than the _....,., two-thirds majority a general obligation bond lsrue of $3,490,000 for new schools. The schools are in use oow atop the bllJs overlook· Ing Laguna -Thurston lnlermedtate School lllld Top of Ille World Elementary School. Jllllj)Vative !n use, Ibey have won praise from edu- cators for their progressive design to accommodate new teaching techniqu~s and Ideas. 'Ibey oeem to phy• &ically document the area's desire for top. quality edu- cation. The electorate of the school district will be asked to pass on April 15 another kind of financial assistance. They will be asked to pass on a two-year override of SS cents. , It will bring tile potential tax for operation of gram· mar and high schools to slightly more than $3.09 per $100 assessed valuation. This .means about $58 more annually to the owner of a bou.e appraised at $40.000. School officials have assured the district that they won't use all the override if it Isn't needed . Tbw far Ibey have spoken in generai terms about how the fundt would b8 used. Even though this tax measure requires only a majority vote for passage, it would seem at this point that the. schools will have a real selling job to put the propos1t1on over. The election falls at a bad time. Many Lagunans will be agonizing over income tax and property tax payments. Add to this the prediction of one trustee that Public Due For Surprises On Vietnam WASIIlNGTON -The public has go~ ten sueh a simplified idea of a "cease· fire.. and pWl'Olll of Vietnam tbal ii ls in lilr """"' surpr!Bes, U DOI ahocka, • about U,. Jrue nature of tbe rettJOment. to be IOllgbl there by tho Nixon Admlnlltr.UOU. The lllib' tl\ld ·of oul<ome which <1111 have 1111 mean.tog at all will be a settlement wbk:h win guarantee the •tabllll1 or tbe fOllire Soulheasl Alia area, at least for • 'period . of years. Otherwise $100 blDlon and 3 0. 0 0 0 American Uves will have gone down the draln as 1 palnt!ess waste, and President Nhon glvea no more algn of accepUng tbal ootcome than Ex·Pr .. i· dentJolloaoa. ' IL woold 'be :-, historic Irony u at tills i-and 11tu an this aaony lbe W.00 ..m ahould falter and what could be gained by patience and nsolutlon ahould be lost through aome desire to placate American pubUc opi· trlon. 'lhia 1JOJld be contraey to Nb:oo'1 record on Southeast. Asia and all of Asia. dating back 15 or 20 yian and It is · tnconceivable that be would repudiate lt. THERE IS NO 81GN of faltering will (In Nixon'• part 'and. it must be concluded t.hat the Johnson advisers are right when they judge that Ni.J:on will follcw the policies Johnson would have full(lwed. The WI)' la not euy. Nm1h Vietnam will have to be forced to the et>nclusioo it doea DOI desire, a pulk>ut of Ila 100,000 troops not on1y from South Viet- nam, but from Laos and CambOOia as well and the acceptance of an in- ternati(lnal monitoring system to make sure they get oot and stay ool Nor is this to be monitored by S(lme com· mission made up of P(lland, India, Canada or (lther parties who do not have a vital C(lncern. An Asian settlement 5Upervised by As ians is sol!ght, n(lt an Asian settlement supervised by far away or Communist-0rlented countries whose statesmen have so sent.enlioualy blacken· ed lhe name of America throughout this very difficult period. ALONG THE WAY toward such an agreement there may be some harrowing evenl-:. Johnson's nationaJ security ad· visers, Walt Whitman Rostow i n particu1ar, have for weeks been rei;tive over the possibility that Red China may By George --- Dear George: Why d(I sports-car drivers zi p around Uke they do? ls th\i; com· pensati(ln f(lr 11n inferiority com• plex? BIG.CAR OWNER Dear BCO: Actually, everything is a com· pensat.ion for an inferiority ~ plex for everybody. Jl(lwever, thole 1ittle cars aren't going that much fut.er. nicy just look that way. Anyhow, it's not the car that counts -it's lhe beret the driver wears. Most foreign cars are purct\llsed slmplJ as A reason to wear those funny hats. (Ge«g_e will solve your problem pradtcally instantaneously, allow· lJ\g for h1I UIUll proc:ril,'jUnaUon, of ........ ) ~,,..., 'h's 111111l!ltlnt abnt ''Kt talks tlut larud 1,000 years!' , .. try to ~ odvantqe of the oDCllll1lng 10ttlement by making a land grab of !Is ..... In northern Looi -just to remind all nations that Mao's CbititBe Peoples Republic remains the great fOl'Ci! in Asia.1 China la not thought to be ildtlng for a big war, oor Ui China wllllng to accept the idea that a settlement ~f Asian problems can be forced upon it. Another harrowing event C<>uld be the resumpUon of (lffensive operaUons by what is left of the North Vietnamese-Viet Cong military coalition, oow largely North Vietnamese. Intelllgence sources report the build-up (If another attack related to the opening of the Nixon Administraticn. JOHNSON ORDERED G<n. Creighton Abrams, commander in Vietnam, to place maximum mi!itary pmgure on tbe North Vtetnameae during the peaco tal.lol and following tbe bombing halt. Abrams has done "° and it is assumed that Niion w01 order bfm to et>ntlnue. H the same thing happens 11 during the Tet offensive and the offr.nalve last August the CommuDlsl for<es are going to auff'er grievously, and It 1111 the general conclusion here that they cannot take it much longer. Obsernn with a high degree or skep. tlctsm have returned from Vietnam con- vinced this time that the Communists have accepted an the damage they can bear, and that they are moving alowly and stubbomty t(I end the war. The Hanoi government is d(ling what it would do if a central decision had been made to end the war. IT AAS REPAIRED structures and facilities which certaioly would promptly be destroyed again il the war returned to its f()l1Jler scale. Hanoi is entering int(I agreements with Sweden and other countries for post·war aid, and is negotiating trade arrangements which could only be based on the C(lnditions of peace. What is called for now is public pa. lience and resolution so that there can be a better chance lo:r the Nixoo Administration to proceed in a hard· headed way toward a 1tgnWcant let· tlement coming a.a cloae aa possible to assuring durable Scutheast Aaian stability. And if that happens thf! war will nct have been a waste. The Nixon Administration sh(lu]d be given at least a year to wind up this incident ln history in a construcUve fashion. Poignant "Flotdll(at.'' published by the Iowa Publlo Service Company, has aiked: "When does the fOVCl'Tmlent get Jts money! In poignant terms, a New Hampshire housewife answered. the question in a teuer to Senator Norri• Cotton, who uJd her words were 'more meantnl{ul than any speech I've hewd ID tbe senate.' Faced with rising taxes, increastng Costi of ltvtng, and with children approaching college age, she bad this to say: •Where does lhe government get !Lo; money? From the vacations we could never take, the movies Yi't never saw, the restaurant dinners we never ate, the clcthe1 we never bought . and the savings we h:iven'l got.' " usused valuation will take a big jump. There'• alao the fact that Laguna has the highed per student cost of any unlfied distrtct in Orange County. It didn't seem to be very good public relations re- cently when a teacher npnsentative pushing for an even greater override told !he boerd: "Let'a not talk rlgbt or wrong. 1 'm sure some of these people would rather have us teaching under a tree." .Tbunlon and Top of the World are a far cry from teaching under lreea and teachers got a pretty sizeable salary hike last year. School offlciels will n'9<1 to spell out specificaUy why they need the money, how much for this and for that, to sell Ibis override. Idea f 01· More Parking Th• Feotival of Aris board, at the suggest.ion of Helen Keeley, director, has asked the city to look into the eott and feasibility of covering a drainage channel nearby to produce some additional precious parking .spaces. She estimated the project C011ld produce 40 more spaces ~ it. becomes a reality. Certainly witb: festival crowds and the new play· howe going in next door, every parking space will be needed. Perhaps the city could look further up the ditch, near the bus tenninaJ , and see U additional parking could not be created also for general municipal pur· poties in the same manner. (l) .MA..Jt.:i:i:1~ ''BASICALLY, l'M A MAHOUT, NOT A MtJ!.fSK1NN£R. •. J Nixot1 Has Troublesome Personnel Problems Who Will Fill Lower Echelon Jobs? ·WASHINGTON -Prelldenb Richard M. Nixon is launching his ne1l ad· ministration witli a couple of troublesome personnel problems which could take a little time to reS(llve. One pr(lblem is the selecti(ln of qualified individuals to serve in sub-cabinet j(lbs. The other involves the replacement of Democratic incumbents in politically ap- pointive jobs down the administration chain. SiJ: weeks ago, when NiJon aides were oollclting job recommendations from many nonpartl!:an aources, including in- dividuals listed in Who's Who, ·It was said lhat Nixon would draw bis top administrators quickly from a large pool of well qualWed manpower. Those ltatements appear to have been over-cp- limhrt.ic. The problem ill clear at the level of assistant secretaries ln g(lvernment departmenta and their top deputies. The NiJ:on "team" ill now taking the field with a Dock of vacancies in these high ecllei(IJUI, NIXON AIDES are n(lw explaining that Cabinet n1embers in the new ad · ministration are mC1ving slowly and deliberately to assure selection of top officials wbo can work harmoniously with their associates. There is a little hiore to it than that, however. Like all of his immediate predecessors ·Ni.Ion is having some trouble find.log the right man for each of Ui.e important jOO., which he must fill. That large pool of qualified manpower is not quite what it appeared tc be in the election's joyous aftermath. . 1 Top Republicans now admit privately that some of the lawyers, bankers and busines.<1men who were enthuaiastically "available" in late November had second thoughts when the job ofiered was not in the Cabinet but a somewhat anonymous post a step or two down in the! gcvernment hierarchy. PATRONAGE -In the -ruiiil iDaJySis-; the more troublesome problem f(lt Ni.J:(ln cculd be the filling of oon.civil service jobs a coup!e of echelons down fr(lm the sub-cabinet. Involved is the question of top-level federa l patronage. Some Republican politicians and would- be job h(llders, with their party taking et>alrol of govern ment for only the second time in 36 years, want Nixon and his aides to move aggressively in taking ()Ver positions which are not protected by civil service. Many (If them think President Eisenhower was not aggressive enough when he took over in 1953. "The Kennedy people did it right,'' recalls an Eisenhower Administration job bolder. "When I got to work on the day after inauguration, t was told I had my choice of rcsigining or being fired. I resigned, of course." Veteran GOf leaders itl Congress are among these urging a sweep-out policy by Nix(ln and his top aides. They thlnk. th~ GOP llhoUld act to couoter th' Ion& years OUJemOCtlltiC J:jlntrol ~l.J!liicb even Ute civil service rotla became, in lhelr view, full of Democrats. NIXON'S recruiting experta a re reported concentrating on lesa than a thousand top joba -administrators, con· sultants, personal aides and the like -which are i'dentified as subject to political appointment. Actually, however, there are about 4,000 such jobs on a listing C<>mplled fer Congress in what used to be called the "Green Book." (It now has a buff cover.) Some -GOP professicµals would like to see the Nixon Administrati(ln assign some political appointee in each depart- ment to see that those political j(lb&. wht-n available, are filled by Republicans recommended by the National Committee or GOP offices (ID Capitol Hlll. That, a few old·timers recall, is how it wa5 handled under the old master. Franklin D. Roosevelt. By Robert S. Allen and John A. Goldsmith Relief-Destroyer of Human Spirit "The lessons of bl&tory • • • show conclusively ••• that eonUnued depend- ence on relief induces a spiritual and mo r a 1 disintegration fundamenlally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief • • • is le administer a naret>tic, a subtle destroyer of the bwnan spirit • • . .. History's lessons are just as plain now as they were in 1935 when Franklin D. Roosevelt thus warned "of welfarlsm's effects in his State of the Union message. Yet many well·meanlng Americans large· Iy ign(lre those lessons n(IW, just as Mr. Roosevelt himself did later on. CONFRONTED BY ihe failures of the ex.isling welfare system, nearly everyone would like to supplement it or replace it with something else. Three of the pr(lposals -all very much alive a!i a new admlnistrali(ln nears office - were discussed in a recent speec h by Roger A. Freeman, seni(lr staff member of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. , One (If these is the guaranteed annual income. ''T(I guarantee everyone an 11de- quate income," n(lleS Mr. Freeman, "ap- pears t(I be the most direct and simple methcd to eod poverty; also, when we study It more clc.sely, potentially the most destrucUve." If everyone's inccme were raised to the federal "poverty" level (If $3,335, for a four-persoo no11farm family, the immediate cost to the government would be $11 billion. That's a large sum, ctr· Dear Gloomy Gus: Most dove& 1tart their diatribe by saying, "The U.S. doesn't bfl(lng in South VJdnam." Th e y never say anything about the Russian11, Chine~ or North Vietnamese CcmmuniBt aggrcuors there. Yet. as we v;ould pull out they woold move in. -H.B.M. "''' "''""" """" .....,.,. .,... --·••l!f ,.,... .. .... -·-· ..... rwr Ml ...... i. ....... , 0..,.. 0.lh' •It.I. tainly, but by itseli it just as surely is one that the nation et>uld afford. A MAJOR PROBLEM nonetheless is that such a program could not help but have massive effect -on people and on the economy. It isn't necessary to believe that Americans are r.atura!ly indolent to think that a great many persons, offered $3,335 a year for doing nothing, would take it in preference to a job paying $3,000 to $4,000 or so. Some people who quit their jobs to lake the guaranteed inet>me might justify the action for themselves at least, by saying it was only temporary while they looked for something better. But the Cost of the guara..'ltee would climb very quickly; Mr. Freeman thinks it would be several times $11 billion. "Entire occupations," predicts Mr. Freeman, "would be wiped out overnight. A large part of the labor force (If several states -particularly in the South -would immediately retire and ino~t agricultural employment would end ." Moreover, wage scales at medium and higher levels would be thr(lwn int(I chaos. Even if the money supply remained unchanged, a reduced supply of goods and services would generate explosive inflation. A SECOND proposal is the family allowance, which would pay every family -rich (It poor -a specified sum for each child. At $25 per child per month, wh ich is hardly adequate to sup. port true poverty families, the national cost would be $21.5 billion a year. i'Why should child aJl(lwances go to all families, rich and poor alike," asks l\tr. Jo"'reeman, "v.·hen only one American family in ten is now held to be poor? The reason glven by the plan 's advocates is simple : So that the poor would not feel singled out and stigmatized as relief recipients. ~1oreover , . • n(lnpoor fa milies ... v.•ould then feel that they have a stake in the program and would rally to its support." · Assuming the nonpoor would in fact act that v.·ay, it is at best a questionable tactic to construct a welfare program so th at it will bribe voters l(I support it. In a country where populat:i(ID pressures are already a problem, furthermore it would be strange strategy for the government t(I subsidize still There's Hope in Talking To tile Editor: As a newC<>mer lo Orange County fro1n Pa los Vrrdes, and as a high school teacher in the Huntington Beach Union H..igh School Dlllrict, allow me to con· gratulate your staff on your eoveraRr. of the Dorsey student vblt to Orange County, particularly Jean Cox's piece in your Jan. 14 edilions. Ir more whites llke Miss Cox speak out, the black students will be twick to talk again, and as ](Ing as we can still talk toeether, there is hope. VIVIAN Lt HALL IHll!!Jrate f'a<•111ty To lhe Editor: Aft er readinR ol Dorsey Hl~h's vi~lt to Harbor High, the Ui(lught that kttl'5 con1ing 10 me is h(lw unforH1nate if l~"~" l<ttm 'ff0f'1 .,.. -· NomltllY ~ thould CO•Wtv 111•1~ m-In 3'30 "'°""' er !tu. Tlt9 r l;M lo (Ol'lcle!I" 1"11!ri .. tit -(· .,. .. Jm). "'le libel 11 r•-..rved. All ""9" ft'llld 'llocl\;o09 S'9fljllurt •nd rn~lll~~ Mid~ bllf -l'l'\ef 1:19 wUfth11d Otl r1<1111u If 1ufflCltflt ,_ ii -..nint. 1s that our childten cannot discuss race rrlati(ltls directly with Nearo claamatu and teachers. Althoufth it is unrealisUc to espect much integralion (If our nelghborhOods in the near future, the integration of our school !acuity is another matter. Thi~ \VOuld be a reachable goal and one which J would like to set pursued. NANCY SJ..1NNER greater pressure. LIKE F AMil. Y allowances, a third proposal -the negative inet>me tai -also is aimed partly at erasing the "stigma" of relief. It would use t.he- ex.isting lax machinery; if individuals earned less than a specified aJD(lunt the government would pay them, instead of the reverse. WeUare could be made less demeaning, however, by reasonable revision (If existing methods; it doesn't necessarily require an entirtly new system. Re vision would seem a sensible way to proceed in any case, since most of the advocates of various income-sup. port plans do nct see them as replacements for ex.isling usstan~ bu t as supplements to it. THE PRESENT setup is in such sorry shape that any reform will take time, perhaps a great deal. of it. The direction, though, should be clear; it has been stated (lften but never adet)uately pur11ued. Society has an obligation to care for its citizens who cannot care for themselves. For (lthers the (IVerrlding aJm should be to provide an opportunity tc work, n(lt an (lpportunity to avoid it. In olher words, the goal must be rehabilitation rather than relief. Too many of the current income·support schemes would (Inly destroy initiative which, in the end, means the destruction of the human spi rit. The Wall Strfft Joumnl ------Wednesday, January 22, 1969 Tho tdilorlal ""°' of lh< Dallf Pilot ••Ml to inform and J:tiftt.. ulaU nodnJ br presenting thll ....._,-., optn!o!U and - tntntarw °" Coples of fnttrtlt Oftd rigfd/i<Gft«. by proo<d<na o "'""" 1.. the •'!"'fuioft ., our ttadns' opinions, and br pt'tJ:ftttnO tltt dtocr'' t1if1oo polfttr of mf.,,..d obi..,,,,. Oftd ipob ..... on topic1 of CM dov • Robert N. Weed, Publi sher " L WLY,M'I' .J7 There .Is a New · Trend • Ill Education for Engineers g;~~ ~1:mm1~~~ :~.!,EER~ORNER••11~w: .:';6!:; ~~;:~:.:·.:,~i:-~ =::=~ a~i~ <OIJece. Howt 'Ibo bolll for . --t&lred In_.,........ Nor1hwuteni u., Purdue U, ;:. ~.liS :.= tZ ~1fu Theory Now Influence to": IN,:~= q S<:Booi".;";-.=,., aie ~·.!'~~~':;: s;w..,. varloua fieldl throu&)I clus atudlea 11 general u ooulble. Jeadm, ...i-tlll ldloola FOa llOIUll INl!'OllllA. " -=-.~"Uj work, worl<-<luclJ' Jl'1"1'.llDI, lntereall, 1ptltudes ml bob-In mtthanlcal ong!neerlng. If u long 11 ()OllSlble. why paint an: -1N111ute TION. 'Ibero.,. pleulJ ol oCI> 1!!...~It..: ~ parWlrne and • ..,.,.,. )Ort u· biel ate comJdered; for ln-be'1 alwa,y1 liked chemistry yourself into a 1WTOW comer of TechilologJ, ClllfCl11ia f!f' aatDem ICbooll too. r• 1 •~ ...,.,. peritnce, and couneeUng with ltanoe, if he lli• to rtpair sets, be mq be cut oot to prematurely! Aho, It'• ea.al.er Institute of Tech no Io I y, lilt, lncludbc ertteria 10'! A. _ Tben'• 1 new tlodr-=bla=p=oleu=oan::=-::ml=-:de::•::a&::.;Hil::':__c;;.arc.:••c...be.=.may.....:.....:be:....:.in..:ter.st=ed=-=be:....:.• =-==cal=----=· =· -'I'-1 ....:le:...• .:.tr=ansf=er::....:from=-=engin=emn=:!.'-=Came=Kle-=M::eU::oa:....:U::.•...:Geor=lla:::.....:lbould=:.;lmow==· =-=d:.:»:.;c:on::::ntl:..:lo:_==::_---- ol ..,,_ l!lO'lnC up !be > lllde nile ol """""' todl)' -the lllGnt _, odac•ted ,ndulte.11 .. oaly been wltbin tho put clecode tllll the "'"1"'••!1Inen1 la e er l n 1 educatkn bu l1Jltebed IWQ """' prlCtloal tedmolO(Y and low'"11eaeral 1beary. WHY SO? There are a -1>er of &ood ......., for !be moclem u-,..rientod •~: (I) Tiie esplolloo cl oclmtlllc mo..ledge -eDl1neen a!mply must have a broad foundatloo In bull: ocllaco lo OIO tllil mo..ledge c«rectly. (%) Teclmclogy Will conttaue lo chance npldly, -· theorJ II fir i... likely lo become oblo1ele. ( 3 ) "Kai Kan" DOG FOOD QlWI Psb •SW,.,_ -•-lhlSllw "Dow'' ,,, .. _a..., --Ill "1is'1ic ••• -· .... 11 a. Ill Flavihist P-A "Dash'' Faliric Solte11r RINSE ~ MUDiN-Clu1, "•~w ,111111111 111 JUf lltcl11 1M .... II 1..U. "1111 .. lllt&r II att JUf lldl. "Freez'n Stor" co11TA111m lloel Is allriol lnll • --11o1 •-·-f(t511• itnrai:• • mrillf31or • frlem'. llost Gllblrius .. frost •~lte llody ~ com: kt inarted c®ll. Head & Shoulders SHAMPOO ·----t•U11.Mo "Crullflullckj' "lavoris'' MOUIAWAIH and OAHU ...... __ w ....... ........ lm" Altbougb mtwt • n I in e er s IPICiallze In 1 opeolflc broach cl the proleuloa, much of Ibo baa1c lmowladge lo com· man to most areu o t engineering and • p p 11 • d eclence. Students I ho u Id beocme hml!lar with the geaeral nature cl mglneering u well u With its Yarious braacb<O, bee...,. (a) aot only doe. a broad knowled&e make it easier to change jobs, but (b) it also makes it easier to communicate with CPnlzod!tllll "Flavihist" ClllR SYlllP STUICIJ- WHISKEY umcrr 11111C11 IOUUOll "Crlalllllllclf co-wort.n. ""I• r .... r.. "° I _..IA ftrLllf-TIS!y GENERAL STUDIES AT "'lastoliol•all .... llloll4d FIRST, Al an lacruaing _,...,.,.. --· number of scboola, the first ".!':'!ft:gestUUll .:-.. J1111L ID6Jf.olds. ::::::,:~~ :iii~l.98--: (:1 119 -studenll: JP•tJi. p by sic I, ===="=--========·IL==·=:: ctmloQy,_IOC!tl lll:!<oceo.Jll< -bumanttiee and English In ad- dition. there are opportumUes lo uplore !ho various dlscipli· ne&. Sped~ltatkll comes du- riq tho lul two yoan, or at Uleo IJ'l4llla level M I fu. -develoome<at cl this trend, tt'a iikeJy that many schools will oomeday ellmiaate the specific appllcation content ol undergraduate curricula, awarding a four-yea r -~· . "" . ...... 11 ·~""Z ,' ""'-~ . '.-~•''! ,_ .. ~ .. "Old Smy bi" • ""111111111 WHISKEY ..".W11fs1 'zll'.' _ VODKA ..... "Hiram Walker'' VODKA ...... ., .......... WHISKEY .. ,_.~..._ VODKA "PM" = WHISKEY bacbelcr'I dqree~Ji':enl • n g 1Deering. ! lion would then come during the flftb year, leading to a mut.er'I degree I D 8 partlcallr tlod ol mglneering. THE MOMBNT OF DEClllON. However ..........,. aloo( tho llae, lbe . BRIGHT l~~V~ SALE Here's WaY. To Acquire A Diploma Or'lllge Cols! College and Golden West College are of. luing counes which will allow -all lo complete • high IChoo( diploma. -II 1lv1ng In lbe Hun-linltm Beach High School Dlltrlcl can get plaaaing help by calling 536-933~ ertension 38. Stud-in the Newport· M ... Uallled School Dlltrlct should call ~'IS. Tiie 0CC aad GWC eveaing colleges charge a $5 let fc:r each class. Students supply their own boob aad supplle& Spring offerinp are IS follows, with the IChool at wblcb tbt course ts pven in .,.,..._, Civics (GWC). Wedll<ld•YI T to 10 p.m., Communications Bulldlllg Room 107; CiviCI (()CC), Tbundoyl 7 lo 10 p.m. -· High School Room :m. D<velopmealal Re ad 1 n I (OCC), MondaYI 7 lo 10 p.m. E1taacla Room m ; Dev~opmental Reading (GWC), Wednesdays 7 lo 10 p.m. Marino High Room 133. English first 1 e m e 1 t e r (OCC), Tuead•!'I 7 to 10 p.m. Estoncia High Room :m; Eag1lab (GWC), Tl!undays 7 lo IC plll. lhriaa HIP ltoom U1 EngJilll oecoad eemoster (OCC), Mmda!'I 7 lo 10 p.m. Ellaacla Room :1%5; Eng1lah -1<mester (GWC), TbeodaYI 7 lo 11 p.m. Marino 111P ltoom UL Genen1 Math, five lfJCilon1: MmiaJ 7 lo 10 p.m. OCC Ubonl Arts No. 6; MoodaJ 7 lo 10 p.m. GWC Math Room lll; TueldoYI 7 lo Ill itm. occ Sdence Room • : W-11'1 7 lo 11 p.m. GWC -No. :ttll; TbunclaJI ' lo 11 p.m. Eslmlda Room 7JL PllJllcal Sci"°"" (GWC), Tueod01·1'runday 7 lo 10 p.m. Math No. m (leclurNAh). P1ycholo1y (GWC) 'l\JeOdl1I 7 lo IO p.m. lhriaa lllPRaom-u.s. R1IW)' (OCC), W-11'1 7 lo 10 itm. Estancia ltoom llS; U.S. lllltoq (GWC), 'f1lundl1I T lo IO p.m. Math No. UL Rq1ltralloD ii -.. ,. -' • Storage Chest 'folll\llnilll--nmtoo>d-tnlo .. ... 'S.g.fittllC -. j 88 strip llald'c. 1 . outDRnrs 1.ts ,. s.ts Story Books loi<.colrfltUll_ticlll_ ... hiJ , .... -QlllhO SSC a...Q-llalwtlSdea -plo-oliln. A 11o.aaoa'Sweef n Lovely' "llnticell1" ~ CAllllON ~s:f\A1_3.39 DOUBLE SIZE 4 39 FITT£D • fUT ... • ~"_2:2.49 CMIOI While Sheets "llelllicell1" ~ CAllllON TWIN SIZE 2 89 flTTED II FLU... I DOUBLE SIZE 3 49 FlTTED Ir FUT... • Ptlln WIS 2 ' 1 69 42131'" --: • -sheared Velour Son, all -· 1'nJ will ~ flllpiln °"""htllil-_ ... f'I"- Lill -llCE 11'111. 11111. Cl.Ill 1,. t• 111. Kc lfl. CIC 1.49 age 39c "Parisi•" Towels flanl __ .. _ .. .. tot..,._ .. _All_ ... frllPI .. UTI FICE TIWD. CUTI 111-1• lfl.CIC 1.49 3gc Wash Cloths for TROUT & CHANNEL CAT ~ -••• 12'12" u o1..n, llqest Stocki19 l1 History :'*.:1~ ~!t": 77c ~--"304" 111D11waru ;:==~-==· ==~' .. ="'=' =i ~!!i~!~..ff£El_ .... 9 ·98 ..atti. wid! Jmte *1( • ..350 )Os. 6-11. , ~· Jet..1"111$ SE" Wil .... _,. ~ ..... ....... -I ,..ildM -!'ia 1.69 • Cllesl F~ Bat Sal• Eggs :r:'l:r~= snc i.:i":":'..; 3nc flL.llr ii-111.Jrr ii- 119-P• aw. TAii "Geritol" -•11.llrll- I llfl.., ...... laliY ......., 9 ""°N ,. .. ,...lllolideolls. I~ IL llioil. a Jallllb 2.49 . 2.49 II PllCIS PllYIJl. WI. Jllj tin Jiii. 211' TIOWIT llnlO SPllAT o,.tULtt 11 •.a.-111opaw..- NIWPORT IUCH ~'!J~~a!: HUNTINGTON llACH :~..:!' HUNTINGTON IUCH .=.,~ ---.! ..i11111..,... .... r...,..u.. .. , 4.98 Cll't s1.,1 Tab "Samiau" •• _.., -"'""' et I;' ........ ................. ·- tJSin 99c -·- "Lysol" IPllT-Bm! ••• 111- W. • ••• l..tas -111---. --'"* 1111 -l!flc ... .. , .. °"- "Lysol" 111111--····· -plaltic oq,.. 3gc ---a. ..,.. lfl. 4" SIJI WUMVlll Sauce Pans 11S14 --101/2" Grilldle .,,_. ........ -..... ::=-,;:-... ~329 --. --' . Brailer Set · 4i '"" 14111111" .. -8SC ............... -mt- • ' VOYAGE -Hll Royal lllgbness, Prince Philip, above, narrates ''Voyage to· Enchanted Isles" to- night in color at 7:30 cm Channel 2. The photo. grapblc essay fOCUJeo cm the -Galapagos Islands in tho Pacific. Prince Phlllp bas taken an inteest in the 81'ejl becaUJe of bll actlvlUes bl wildlife preser- vation: TELEVISJON VU:1fS 'Julia's' Hints Easy to Take By CYNTillA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -Had William Shakespeare beet an>UDd 350 years later, knocking out material for what is known ss "'lbe media," it is very probable that bis line about "sermons in stones" would have rolled out of hiJ electric typewriter as "sermoos in situation comedies." By order--OI th8 ~~ code, the:lesSOll that ''Crime doesn't pay" is implicit in every program . jnwlvln{ g'OOkl '!!1'I Ill• la'!,.'!'here also &eems U> be fiome unwritten role about packing a neat little lesson in everyday living in among the laughs of ,our people-next-door comedies. ' On a single night -Tuesday -viewers learn- : ed painlessly from "Julia" that pride mwt never be confused with seif,rlghteoumess, and, 30 minutes , later. ·~e Dorl.1 Day show'' was a demonstration aboot lnterlering pennis. ALL THINGS considered, NBC'1 ''Julia" and ·ita helpful blDts are COOJiderably easier to take ihan CBS'• bomlliu wrapped around the person •of Miss Day. For one thing, the former is a wittier, :more urbane half hour which, while hardly a real· laUc portrait o! the borne and offi~e life of a reg- Utered nune, still bu plenty of spirit and that .elusive quality called charm. . Miu Day can handle broad comedy with the ·belt of 1hem -she llUTVived several undignified ·blocll In the seat of her tailored •lacks and was lllonlugbly llil.....i with raw eggs in the most re- cellt outing. But the series Is beset by the kind of :bucolie, tired stories that were predictable as · far 'back as '''Ibe Donna Reed Show." It is further af. O-by a loud and misbegotten laugh track. ONE OF THE great plusu of "Julia" is, of -course, ils furthrigbt handling of Negn>white rela- ·tionsbips. In the Tuesday night show, the attractive ·character played by Diahann Carroll encountered. ·a toncby, militant football star obviously on the lookout fur sUghta and put-downs. At the climax, Jnlia ...,.d the young man off, of course, and chang- ed bll life. • • Somehow Miss Carroll'1 winning ways and the .persuuive writing pennit what could he pretty eticky ltuff to come off nicely. "Julia0 week in and week out, rema.ii!;s a bright new series that reallY deserved its niche among the top 20 shows. · CBS HOPES to provide yoUng audiences the oame type of entertainment treats that its "Play- Jiouse" bas given adults. The network plans to start ~ ''C'aildren'a Playhouse" with one or two specials -on Saturday mornings during the 1969--70 season, 'l_1le shows wlJl.consist of original scripts or adapta· tions ol' -· and acconling to tho programming "'Vice president Michael Dann, the network will ;spend between $200,000 and $300,000 for each pro- ,dudion. The network does not expect to make money on Jts uplift effort, but the annooncement ·comes at a time wllen the Saturday morning achedules of car- toomo have beet under heavy critical fire. - PERKINS JUDGE PARKER .. _ ~,6'1F'l M-N PIP~ mve~ llMJ' 10 SEE b~ GOO!, ACEl- 'r'{X,J MUS!ll. HAD A BAD NIGHTATTHE GAME TABLES! MUTI AND JEFF GORDO ---·--..... -nlERE AR£ ONCI CEl<TAINTIMES IN SCHOOL\',\.\EN TEACHER SAYS WE DON'T AAVE1'0 FCA.!J:IW 1\lAT RULE! MISS PEACH ';Oii llOYS LOOK A "'5<HfACE ! MOW -'1\:)11 COMI! 'ID SCHOOL WITH PIRTY l'AC5S MP Sl.DPf"t CLO'THIN5 rt.? ---... ,___· --- OH-·- WHEN'S "T'AAT? By Ku Bald By Al Smith .=::.:::.. .a ·--- By Gus Arriola L•c ... -IQ (to) • • • • ' •• • • fC> (30t ·-- -tel<"" ~ .............. -.- " SIX O'CLOCK MOYII-C a .. ..--t<1· ti .......... r.r II (Olt) ._.._ MUM, ht IOOM, MIMI Dltll, IMI• ..... DllWtcl llO> ·-tQ l!<9 ., ..... _ ........ • DiM'tilt .... Dllllll ,.. rt lill .............. O.. l'riallic 111111 Jwnllt ,..... • [ldh. .,_._ """" -t<I &:•lllKmC 11 •'91 (t) (60) mv.,... • • ..... " .. .. (Q (IO> m.._ .. ,_....., t30> "Clothllll h ....... Uuite Bodi:· "'" -'°"" tilMIJ llpa; •bout ttrltdlilc JDUf doChllll dollar. EllDE!l-t<1 U KRAFT MUSIC HALL * BOBBY DARIN, BUDDY RICH, MARTHA REEVES !BiQP~·~"": ~" ....... ~ 0.rill ii ..... cu.e: .. l lldctJ Rich, Lnr1 ltJ'llO _. Mirth.I ...... ·-111 ·• .... ""' 11111 ...... D illHIJ 111 arc w-..., iliwii: (0 ,,,_ "*' '(llmtdrl '64-llny l.M, Ille ... tiMnUI Wyu, Piii ~ ,... u... Mii tilt Mltll " • MICCllllfll mmdia' his pl'Qduc:tiotl lftlUP .. In Gll- l(ICIWll " _.. IMoi 1 a . A ~ bOf' ii .... ,,... tD !Ml tr .......... d .... bookllll • y ..... Ill .... -la IQ llOl 7:11!!!,IB~CIS - -(t) ( W1 Clolkitt. m .... ~ raq ;Jes tct (60) el IJtril J bril!M a-· ., ...., !Cl <lOl ·-tll (JOI ""'Lai?i1--IC) "Ill .,_ ... _ .. Li• ~ "' 111• (JO) ..,... ._ Dia.• A ""'* ,.... ., .... ,llwll tll*'ll WllM far ... *" ... hlrU· . u., fklll ,,.... .... "' their tlllll .............. bell• el iliQI lM ....., .. ~ ........... ~ ... ..... • ,.. "* 11111111& a-(t) <JOI "" •-1111-.. GIJ ..... M ..... .,,.... ... ™ I 11m fCt "''lt.Qflll--·fl (Oll 7:JI • .. ., .. Dr.-. . "•net' Konct.. s... Tllilk I'.'-ft DftWI D HRH Prince Philip ii --* your r:011I cuide on a Ii Q Cll,f ,.., ·-(<) \i. SclMd T11. • A frDnMr VOYAGE TO THE ctllfnl9 .. D1WW ._ lllJI klM • ENCHANTED ISLES Titif:. ti Nq9llt I ........ fMr ttwt ........ ._ ..... M11 -~11111•' I .... ................. ( " ..... aphic _, .. Dm-A (Oii tht lncndMt C1i1f111111 ~ a--l>OI ..,.,... ii IJllll ., NIH "1 ""~ ............... Q) "'I -IQ ~ ... ""' ltvdlll ......... .,.. f'ndllltine: ...... 1nlnwl llf• ..,..ithit tlMI 51111111111. m-"'(30! 13,~r.llile1f01P ti IUD locltlll it ... htific OcM• ·--118-.. " &llldar. Dia'* Dir· wl11 ..... Ml ftnt ...... d• .. 1~•a_ .. _ .... th• ltltarl " Mlim. hm --. __ . ., __ R~Mldlll.._ l!I ~(I) ... -(t) <"" ·-tll"" "Wt ;,_. If Saarni a.lo" W1llll • oil frillll. •1111111 " ~~-~--rubbllJ II ~ Thi YJrplil11 • llllt • Ill .m " ... t1••·~ ........ ltb: ...... 111 lllllr-"' ...... ..... ...-..-9tM lll•l ........... ._ ___ ---11"' 8 El De Ill-tll ...... _IQ (IOJ u~m,••r• ,, •• , •. a--( ...,_flt W1k.M· m""""'"tcl Oo.,. W1kuldl. t11 t111M1 dlitf, llld ·---·-... If hil brafll CON IO Seim. ti trNt ott. ... b -""' (m)'ltlry) '?i~ ,.,,.._ .,. .............. Iott ... QlHIJ&l- ttlel'I *""" Mldtlll Anln runts. a•-s-tci..., 1t:J08M1Nc ,.__ ....-<,,. c...-~ ~,..,... C.1· 1111) '54 -,... Ford, ln*idl: ""· ... Dir& er..mn. llari9 &r--. «D Trwll • C I QUICl• (C) (30) lit 9Cll1111--tll Ma&k:ilR JIM 1111 ,.rfonM wh. ~---~ ..-. s.i. ....... --. ....,-( ... D tnl <Diii"" -t11 llD ._ ..... ('°) m,,_..., • u. ""fl! ......... •tioe m n s...i: .. L•m-(Q (lO) ·-·-•:• ~ m Act.a 11IMh: .. ~ovr • • Jttp." 8 "The Good Guys" Comedy * HIT OF THE SEASON! I :• II .. .,., ""' , ........ (d111111) '57-ltcblrt ~ .... ...... QD-~> 81119 ....... fq (JO) Ruftn pstD11ot.ttnaMsttlllrJll'ilt Bert ....,. ...... for hil .... tt. ... ...,, ~ .. 0 Cl••••'-....... .._ CEO m-'"'-°"IQ ;;~ -• -Ct) (30) l;Jl1.~.:--:..;i1 .:-.:: Am .W-l\llllL 0... I Dlt.• THURSDA"' i.-D ....._ l• ..... <•11111> '44--JoM "rfieW. a-..... U:JtlD..-.. - -'52-AMc a--. .... ,. .. (-·--· DAmME MOVIES z:te e ._., fie :lllM-. ..._. ,.,.,. (,._,, 'R-licMN Cllrl- t!JI D.,... .... "*" (411,.t.-,> '54 ... ,,.. CJllL -£tnrl L ...... JIM f«· J:ll D.. I .................. . -~·-... -......... _ .... I_ ....... .,,,. (-.,._..,, •41 -tu""" llt«Hith, PllMtl AIM ....._, _.. Ur-. Trwor Coddml. "'-"' • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS O••liff Prt•N11t Pi D•11•"4•~ s.,,..;~• ,., fflOn tfl.11 • Q.&rf.r .... C.11h1ry. Utl wm IAUOA 11.U. NIWPOft HAC:H .. - I I I I I I 1 r • • • ,.,. I IWl.Y Ml.If .. Orange Cot1nt11 Sgmplaony ' QJilJ d OPBllNG SPECW Cellist Highlights Chapman Concert Comin9 January 25 Family K'eekly I SAVE · ,;ltUINT r111s .AD $1 , AND ltlCEIVE $1:00 O~f DN ANY DltDllt What Every Family Needs-a Hideaway from Life's Pressures By A. B. GUTHRIE, Jr. This Pulitzer Prize-winning aulhor suggesh a retreat where you may find peace and fulfill- ment in this crowded, jangling world. ALSO • SHE HATES HOLLYWOOD -Profile of S.nta Btrttr, •n Australl•n bHuty who doesn't mind biting tho hond Jhat feoda her • CHOPPER COPPERS -A hlgh:flytng r9p.rt on experimental helicopter police work In Lakewood end other C11fforni1 cities • DESIGN FOR '69-Words and pictures toll tho story of current furniture styles, most popul1r wooda and lat"t upholstery fabrics All Coming Saturday in the I DAILY PILOT I n&~ By TOM BARLEY Of .. 0.llY PIW Slllt lt may IOWld a mile clilrupectful to term c.w.t Mu7 Loulle Z<yen's tuJng , ol holy orden u a Jou to muaie but we write 10lely u a muaic critic who had the good fortune Saturday nlgbt to bear !hit gilled aolobl perfonn Luigi JlOccl>erlnl'• Cooctrto for Vlolincello. Let .. hope that Slater Mui'• pedormance wUb 'the Orange Count,.-S 1 m p b o n y Orchestra at Chapman College will not be ber WI suc1i tem- porary ablndollment "-the cloistered life. 'l1liB talented member of the Immaculate !kart ol Mary m.ugbt to tlUs beautifuJ concerto a ~~ lion and lntel'Jfttailoa which tiwed much to a sympathetic orchestra under the baton of cllncto< Daniel LewiL BoccherlDI Rives 111 ii brief, al1radi•• allegro the biJhllgbt ot wblcb is a final slow -· with arpea1al and chord.I ttiat enabled our toloist to ulll!re her arUmy to the lull 'lbe lovely largo that follows ts 1be epitome of quiet sereni- ty with ita subdued crescen- Auditions Slated for New Revue .JANllARll'SA~E 110 RATRER Fl6ffT 1llAN MK~ A···· " ' nmm J\EAGERS s1K.E,,,_, < LAnwooDaMTU.1cl ••• MiNltl AKAHmlCENID.' I • DWIJI lASTlAND CINTU, Wnl c.... ID ,_,,., FASHION fSLJ.ND • .....,.,. ..... _.....,!'4 BAIUWG!:IDCARD MAm'Ell CBAJlCE' BROADYAY OURCE ( ........ -°"", • nigh ruined by the scuffling, muttering and lnllJrlailng clat- t<rlng and ~ ill those .ignoraml wbo expect k> be seated while the orchestra's playing, I $3.00 Olt OVIR. GENERAL YEN'S CHIMUS RPTAutAHT' 1•ANM1Annue c... ..... .. ... 14f.ttJ7 STEREO SENSATIONI The colorful sound of Orange County Music RAE;>IO KOCM 103,1 f;M ~ ~- From Fashion-Island, Newport Beach · · WESTMINSTD 15)54 --. IK·Mart C-ot Me""1d .. J .893-7546 C.,.,T ... A11atwY.-; • Fint Quality only ••• no 'sreconds' or dist,...f Job lots. • !Jwoys better .. -&' fosttw sel'Yke fronli our 1 l'A'JIO-. • Guoron ... s on· both -our fine carpeting' ond ex-1 peft lnstal lotion. IO UllT.15 <IAlG6 • J0.6G.90 DAY AUGIS -.__) ~=~~--...-..,....----____________________ .:::::... ______ . I I . l • '· l -..... "!'"-..,,, ... -:~ . ·~-..-. .. • It o.111.Y PILOT IHI U.S. Industries Sets Buy NEW YORlt (UPI) -U.S. --. Inc., ,,.. qrood • lo bay ,,.,.,._ - !oc., o1 F.,.tt.ville, N.C., !or • UDdetermlned amoant ti. -lo be pold .... tllo nut fl\19 yun. Tbomuon mak• d(l(ft llDd o & b e r mil'""" and bas .....W ales ol about 'll mlllJoo, WouldPSA ~YD!' ilown1n San Francisco? • Sure. For$13.50 m>Flgllllt•... ... _,._. .. Callcnlll.. .... -.,, °'*' ...... .... -l..lJMli9I ..... Clll !CM' ~ aQ1!11'11. ot PSA GI _.. ~ JDa donm 9UJ. The Men'from'Merrlll Lynch Invite seasoned lnvestorsr to a speclal forum on technlcal'.market analysis ..... - . : Here's a special program that's not for beginners. We want to meet with seasoned, experienced Investors who would like to learn more about technical analysis. This session will include: • Tec:hnlc:al onaly1l1-d1flnltltn and UNI. • Chcnttnt1 In penpedtni tbar chartt; polnt...,ncl-flgur• chart1J relative •trenath charts, etc:J. • Technical thHri11 of market odion tthe 1pealath1 cyd.-i odd..Jot onaty .. sis; tM lmportone. of morket bread.th, •kJ. • Tlmlnt of pwehmn ond 10111. • tnd111try1roup behoviot ond the 1.nt.- grcrtloo el fundam9fttol1. If you want to learn more about tech- ,Jllcal analysis, come to our: T-lcal Marl .. """""' Fonnn w1dae1dq ., .. 11tt. ,, • ..., 2t lo ... CRpper •-of n• lo-loy Club !Ul W. C_, H...,., Newport 1 .. ch lllGrtillt OI 7:30 PM MP Uke to eff•rwi7 Th•re's no c:herg•, of c:oun•, but spec:• Is fimlt•d. So •ith ... ~•II Mrs. W•ll•r •* 547-7272 or m1il in +h• coupon below . I Addl<IO'-~~~~~~~~~~~ . i Qty&,...._ ________ _,,,,_ __ .I --~~~~~~~~-•• • • ':1!,· 9 MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE. FENNER & SMITH INC 1001 NORTH BROADWAY, SANTA ANA 92702 T•l•phone: 547-7272 • : • : For tM ~c of inut1Wra our offict £$ OJ)t7' dollr 7 a.m.·5 p.m. 011d Sat11rda11s 9 a.m.·12 t100tt. ... YOW' Money's Worth I -A- Rich Kids Need Help, Too By S\'LVIA PORTER "My husband'• tncome Is "20,000 I year, IO We wiU bettr eee a nlcktl of colltie acbolanhlp mooey for .., of our four children, alt,bougb every one ol them lJ In tllo lop llftb ol lbeir clul. We estimate that It will COit an LEGAL NOTICE ....... c•1tTIPICAT9 011" •usu1111 ---Tiie ~Ill<* dllff ctr1ltY ... II CIOflductlftl • bull-.. 28 £Idell, Apt. 12, Cad1 MeW. Ctllfornt.. unHr trle nct11r-firm "'"" of It • IE ...,.,.llAHCE IUiPAlllS ..., lllat uld llfllft It ~ of ttlt followlnt --. ""--In fllU Wiii "19« of r•ldilina II u ""°"": It~ All9Ulfus Sam~ 2olCWI Eldlill.. ..,_ U, C:.11 MIMI, C1lllOl'11ito Dellcl ~ 21. "'' aldwnf A. s.,_tuDn STATE Of' CAlt!'OltNIA ORANG• COVMTY: On J_,i !1, Ifft, btfol9 rne. 1 MoflFY ,.~le lft l rMf for "8lof Sl1l1, --11¥' ..,....,..., llkh1rd AU•1nhll lemveluOfl "-kl -,,, bi' the --..... -h MJbtolM<I to "" wltt!lll /'N~ 1nd Kknowleclllecl P,.~llW-tOll'ldal S..I) ...... -.. Ntlll.,., P'vbUe • C1llfofnl1 "11tic:INI onic.. 111 Of-C..h' My CommlMlorl E•plrn Moot, t4. Im "llllll"'8d 0renet C:..t D•ll'I' Pilot, Jl-'7 II. :tt .. l'ltbru1ry 5, 11, '"' nut LEGAL NOTICE ' INVESTMENT COURSE Conducl•d by IDWAlD McNARY Allied Member New York Stock Exchan1e FM WUllL T SISSIONS ICond•nied from Mr. McN1ry'1 current 12 w11lc cours• •t U.C.l.A.I w .... ...., ""-· -2:30-4 :30 p.m. Jaouary 2t. February S. IZ· 1'·26 Island House, Fashion Island Newport B11ch (Compllmentaiy Mmiulonl EDWARD McNARY, G1n1r1I Pertner 0 . H. Bl1ir I Comp1ny Member N~ York Stock Exchana;t · New York and Loi Anieles AWJ"°"°"' ju.it' t.oll ar~Ut. MUTUAL SAVINGS ....... \.OAN AeeOCIATtON 211S7 f.111 caost Hiaf>woy • ConNlo Doi MM, Cliff. 92625 To-675·5010 Wlilomcl•• ...... JI' t. totOIMO II.ft. • ,.MOftu, CA\ tr. 91 \M Tueaday-Frillay 11130 am• 2a30 pm 1045 BAYSIDI DRIVE , . • I • • • • • • 675-0200 • • I I Prices -Complete New W...._,, ,,....,., 22, IM (H) DAllV I'll.OT IJ York Stock .Exchange List I U DAILY '11.0T Wtdntsd~. Janury 22, 196' LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC• p.intf 11•1 UHK>ff IANK. Plalftttlf Vt. C'lllTIPtCAT• O" aUJIMIQI tHOMAI COX. KATHt EEH COX. DOll!:S Pt«ITMWI HAMii I -XIC lrdWlft, o.r--111, Of-n. ......,.'91*1 -.. arilh' i,,. • ~ c-tY .,._. CIDiuft. QM Mo. lmtf Mtllll • ...,ll,.... et l90W lroallhuraf, .I, ••• ~ ... -·- Theater Notes Mesa Playhouse Opens 'Generation' By TOM TlnJS ot ._ O.llY Pl• IU.H TO TlwlNI A. COii etld 11.lltl ..... M. HIMlllWlorl l.-cfl, Ct.1111M'1116. ""* tlw C.11: lldtt• "'"' -., ....,,~ c.. Yw .,. .......,,. flOftflld ht GI._, ti~ Ct., _. INI .. lolll flntl II 11....,_, 11...rw. --...S W IN ~ fll n,. ..rlowlnt .,_, .,... 0r.,.. '-'"' '-"" c.irt. ,.., 111 -111 11.1n .,_. itlMlf "' '"*-Pla•.._ ...... ls N'"'11 Simon's Iii. _...tlool "-""" tif '*'7 ... Mlollt• 11 •• fol..,_.: ,............, CU ..,. 1o ~ .-1 co..: •fld K11111Nn MtNlll .-,, Hurld\, m2 H•nwt une. comedY "The Star Spana:led M. Coit. w1111oe, .-u ~ lddnN P16Utill1, c.111. Girl" .. -•er ••-.,~•00 J -ltlf W1tll<:e ~""'· COl!ti ~. D.t ... ~ .. INL "GtoeraUon," a new plity WAI WCI uu.~u ... C•lllol'fti9, lft '"" _, wld ~ •~ ........... A. Mur'ldl n.-• gi·ves a good g•••• over Kent Jolmlon.. ..., tlellntd wlltllft 31 .woys of "*-"' lt•i. of C.°""'11' Or-CwnlT: u-~ 1t. lHt, -11:.cetl'W lwrell\o GI~ CM Otc. • tfllll. ~ .,.,.. I ,..,,,., to both aidl!:S of the pro\letblal Toni. Shearer pJays tht ui1e :,.O:-r,::"'~~ '° .._, to it.. ·~ :=,: :=..,: ~111 "~t';· :=-1~ gap. takes the stage of lbe ~le with Joel Tropper and P\1111~ O<-•,,.. c..~ c.u, 1t111t, me ,. " ew _._ .,_ MJM Costa Mesa Civic Playhoulie Randall Cobb completing the J•_. n. it ..-c1 Flltlnlolry s. ,,, 11 tubtcrlbliiil ,. ~ ... 1111111 ~ .... 1_ -·~. --·-"-·~·-gJe. The show 1Ht 111.., ..w ~ 1111 &JUCWMd ""' -WU1 "'"""" rv1uauwu w-...u Of'FICtAt. SEAL The William Goodhart com.. play• througb Salurday at the M,9ry I(, ...,,,.,. 1..-·--,., __ "'°"'"' Pvbnc. c.11tom11i edy deal& •·lth an up.Ught pllynou-, Sit V"Cl::Jll Ave .• NOTtC• °" PU•LIC MU.•• ... -·1 ~=-~ lft father whose practlced cool Lquna Beach. with reMrVao- ffOTICE 1$ HElll!•V GIVEN .... "'' c:.mmltlkln ,...... Is treated •• ••• acld ·-·t tioos available at tM-8081. -CJty (Ouftdl ol ... CllY of SMI W LUC M;.;> IHd\. C•11tor11l1. Mii t111 11:~1 "°"· 2" im hen "-d ""'I and bl .. i... * * '* .A~ of "" City of SHI e"9dl. PublliMd o,.,,.. C-t Dtll't P iiot, w llMJ a'"&U er Pi-> c.11,_,i., .,...,.. Mt ,..,.,., 20. 1Mt, J.,_,.,. 1• 1. is. tt. ,,., 221U11 son.in-law attempt to do their 11mnda1 "The lncrtdible .t ""' ,_ ol s:• ci'clo(l. •·"'·• own thing -in this cue, Ref1n1 ol. Good v 1 .... Ubu" con- •• -'"""· •fld ~ "" CWllCll LEGAL N011Clt ... ~ c~ 111 '"" Cltl' Kell. 2111 "" -----------I deliver their ha.by by the do-it-Llnuea UI eq:agement at Sou.lb $tr.et, SHI I N<fl. C1t11Qntl9, •t "" P..a:H11 -II '"od. Coast }len...t und the pi.c;. • • lolllt pilbuc ,,..,,,. to cl•TI"tc:ATI 011 •us1M1a yours~ me~u _.. •Ol"/ er "" ~ b• IN c;oui.cn •ncl thl A~ P1CT1T1ou' tu.MS Guest director for "Genera~ dlrecUoo of Ron Tbronlon, ;;; ~~ ~=~· . .=....~= ~~::,,.";"., "':: ~ ti on" i5 Marthe Ila Randall. who alJo authored the 1CripL ,.,,. ""' ••-1'roftl .. _.....,._. ..... i.ci. af\Ocl.. ee.t. ~ c.11tomi., undl• whose last full length pro-for the mu:aleal satire. Thi Atl!OCY wll ""'lkt "" ~ lfll ftctll~ ftMI -of I! a IE ""'*' 11 .n.r '°'"' Pllblk llMri.. FAllt.ATEX •nc1 ,..., ,.14 t1m1 ,, com-ducUon, "Mister Roberts,'' Roger Parker and Carat "'• COOM>C11 ._....... •NI ,...'-...,. "°'" o1 ttw 1o11ow1,. ""r'IOll, ..._ alsa was mounted at tht! Civic JCref ...... take the major roleJ, .~ RldMot~I Plolll. -Jn full •nd jt19(:1o .. ntio.nc:. ~ LEGAL NOTICE • ' r • •, I u:Jt1·1z ;-~ . ... ~-­"HOISi la 'l1lo CHI\' FLANNEL SUIT" ' plu1 "WINNll 'IHI POO" c. ....... s.r.&S.. ltl.,. -----....... ALSO ""PAPER LION" ' , I• • .1,,, --liu11! 11 1o I• ,I OPIN AT 7:11 SHOIT SUIJIClS 7:JO KATUal l iOO -Oft• Showlnt Only- HELD OVER 4TH WEEK! The ..,.._ o1 "" 1o1n1 Plltllk .,.""'-i. •• ta11owt: Playhouse. A veteran Orange MESA DIRECTOR supported by Stevl!: de Franct!, II "' -I~•: EVELYN LU£UA ll!:lllCICIOM, at County ctr -" U J•~ Pa•·• end ••-in '· lllt 11-. ....... ,1 p1111 $UIWl\lttN E, ittti st .. C•I• Met. c.nt. a ess, ~ue recen Y ~-., IA,;.U Oi.uo;K• 111=::;;i:=:::::::=====::;ll tw 1111 ,._.,, w111c11 plln P~ Dtlwd J•llUll'T 1. 1Hf played the lead in the Laguna M•rthlll• Rand•ll multiple rolea at the Third! 1119' Llnclerf••I,. ol ltl1 pteltcl ""°"" l!VELYN LUELLA ElllCICSON • Stlll n.. Gre ... lt Dow I• TOWlll ~ef6.M:.Mt..,Awar41 1191, 1nc1 toair iaw. •lld _111 .. sr.i.. o1 C•lltornri, °""'• Coullf'I: Playhouse's "The Uon in Step Theater, 1827 Newport f ...,. wc11 .,;11.11111 .,. .cqut1111on of °" J•nu.l'Y 1. '"'· w-m.. • Wlnter" and appeared last fourth appearance 1n the past Blvd., Cast& Meaa. The box ttr i.ncl '" ,,,. ---ptO[ld -Hol•.., Pul>tlc "' •lld ~ wk! Sl•l1, Cla h I office number Is u•1•••. rttnlUlll M9Ql1.n.... .,.,,_ domain.. pet"&CIMJfy .,...,.... £Vt:LYM LUELLA season In " udia" an t e six Costa Mesa pays. U'IV" .MM °" 111t1tt -1 Mmot1t1on. 11i.. ERICKION knoWn "' "'' "' i:-n.. Costa Mesa stage. Friday's opening night 1-* * * Tl"'TD f>rl~N1•ll001. condl'Udlon ol prolect Im---..,_ Nll'lfi 1-tubxrlt..cl M 1.3 ut ------- ,..--ni. •ncl ,......,,.,,,,. t.eit1tt•1 t1111 wltllln IM!twnent 111C ~lt48tct Heading the cast are a pair reserved for the playhouse's At the Westmin!ter Cam-~ "'" -mur ~·' <1i-1tt.... °' i.nd lft "-~ "" co:1a1tti11 lhl -· f d . Bob Ir • ·---' tl 11 h 1,,.~___..,.--,::;;;:;:~,:-=•~-::.!-::0~-~~··:.:~11 proltcf 1A•1 •fld -NrtklNtlon. _,.,. ic. i...n,.,. o awar wumers -Pa ons IUlb\,!\;.La on, w munity Theater, Doris Allen11 n.!" ~ "T"-:.!':"' ~ 91 ~~'1:;11~i!,•':""• Engman. best actor of the public performances scheduled takes over the Iuding female IT IS LIFE ITSELF ••• RAW BEAUTY IN AU ITS AWAKENING! ~'° .. T~,1,~1.,!7!. ~ ?.'",.,,!_~1.',!!. ,.,.-1966-67 Costa Mesa season for for Saturday and nm Friday role in Ayn Rand'• "The Night i~ P~ 11:..wn'~nt Pl•"· N'ov.'U"ifn:...... g.. "Harvey," and Francy Walsh, and Saturday. The playhouse of January 18th" for thi! ._ >iu ..,ldenao -' '"1111\oftY tor P11bl11111c1 <lf'-c-1 o.11Y Piiot, best actreu of 1967.Q in is located in the Community eekend' -'onnances Frl incl •e1ln1t 111e ~tlon fllf thl J911111,.,. 1. \J, tt. 2', 1-:a.., W S t""•• • Rede¥e~t Pi.on. Laguna for "Slow Dance oo Center auditorium on tht! day and Saturday. Sa 11 y At -•bo.,.. •••ltd d•Y, hour, •NI LEGAL N011CE the Killing Ground." Orange County F•1..,,....ounds, Cr I •· ••-~•·· t'b e 1111.a 1nY ...i 1U .,.,...,.._ Pl•¥1"9 •ft'l''------,-=:o,------I au50 OW ey !a w.i...., ..... o111ttt1oN to 111t p._.i Re<1..,.1aP1ntntr Marc Caldwell makes his and Ucket.!1 may be ordered courtroom drama. Piii\. or wllit deft¥ tl>e ul11'1nce ol P..u211 d b the belli . b allln '" r -J-M 111i.ii1 "' ttw P,_. ""''.ct .,... c1•T1P1CAT• oit •u11N11s. e ut as re ous SOD-ln-y c g wl!: .......,"° esa other major rolea are being .. -· "ICTITIOUI lilAMI I .•• p ul c 1 d 11 Re u Depart t I -· .., "° HM reeu•r1tt ot •nY "' ""' --.. ------i....,. ._ e«tlh' 11e 11 aw, Wlw a a we crea on men a OolT' played by James E. Smith, 1rlor prDCMdlns11. ..,..,. _.r lltfoA '""' .,.._. 111e Apncy •nd 111e c0Ufld1 .1111 .,_ c:onc1uc11,,. • t>w"-9 11 P. o. 110ll playing t be wisecracking 5303. Ron Fllian, Joe Swain, Ann a111e w11 ... ll'lt Pr-..:! RMlrfflOIHMftt 101'-eo.11o ,,.,..., C•lltoml1, under ll'lt o"-'-tric1·en. Completing the * * * Flltan, John Moran end •-·Id Pl•" lhould not bt Rololecl. lktlttOlll firm ... me of ~t UOl.C ACY At '"' 11m. ,,. i.1w lhlfl ttw Mur E111fllftr1111 •net ni.1 uld fl"" 11 -cast are Bab McCaa and Ed Back on stage tonight for Malnaa. The theater la located l,_..ld Ml ...,. htlrlr\9, MIY ""'°" -" OI Ille Hlllowl"9 ...,.-. wtlOH I "'-.,_ I fin I " I '" La o11ittti,,. to ll'lt ~ 11....,..__,. -lft tuu •ncl Pi.c. • ...,..,.._ Little, the atter mar.Wg ~ ts a wee .. · a we guna at Westmlru:ter Avenue and Plolft n'llY file lft wr1n111 wllll !Ill II•• lollawr.: Gold W I Sir I · lb city Cllrtc • •t•terMm ot 111, ollltctloN 01111•• Elllt Kiin.brink. ~ w. 11'111 en es ee tn e to 1111 P•...-ed R.S...•~t Pl1ft. ~lwdeo.~ ,. 1,.. We1tmiuter Center, W I th :'l'~Uorbl! ~5":11 ~i:: D•nlll E. w.••nk O'Casey Play Mix' ture reservatians available at 893-lo bt 11e1n1 At thl ~Id "°"' sr.i. -' c.1itomi.. 0r._ Covnt'i': 5«3 II ..... 11 -._ ~--nc1 On DK. JO. lfM, toefoft ..,., I Hot.ry • tlw munc "' •u .-r 1 Public In •!'Id IOI' $11d Jim, -IONlllY * if * NU IJPOll •H wrltlwft Ind or•I obldom -••Ill P911lel Elli• H•nllwlnt lulow!i 1o tt1tt pl'OPCJtlll Redl! .... 1o1tm""t Piaft. .., me to .,. 1t1t PW10n ....i.-""me "'The Best Man" enters Its The P~ 11_.,.loPrMnt Plln .rid 11 IVtilalllld f9 ll'lt wllhlll lrlltNIMl\t Of R ali F t third ··•end I ••· H C>wllef' "'rtlc""tlon llllln Moilllfd "' 9nd ~ledt.cl lie ~ -.. ,,,. e sm an as· y w~ a loll'I:; UD-1idN:dlr" ... ~ .... -""""' ... -Oft f[le •nd -OfFICl#it. leAL • ' tmpm Bead& Playhoue, with •a Sb'Hrnlod -1 ... tor Plllllk 1-1Soll llolll I• Ille efPlc9 ._,., K. 14-rY Jlboad "" 11111 CltJ ci.rr 1n 1111 Cftol HeH. "'°'•l'Y Pu1t11c. c.111M111 Don es and Joseph Carr ALSO PLAYING ~ - AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE , .... 673-8350 ""' "' tM affi('9 Df flll AllfllCV ., f ' off ,.. -l.1 .. .1_0 .... "'* city H•1r. 201 1111 '"'"'· s..1 ~=-~: 111 By WILLIAM Gf!>V~B. ___lla.rry eastwic.k.._ptnanna____!._CUll. __ . ~-a · ~U<'.'1t---:c:="•".-f.ottcl.--ht-·---t11-..--.~;; '"dl....c.IDtom1tJ01«L-.--~ 1 -M'lrC*NfliUJM.Uliltii -NEW 'YO-RK (AP) -Sean that mystical spirit with pran-scenes battle for the presiden-"BARBARELLA" The llo!Hldlrlft of ~ -"' Nov !~ Jt1J •1ftl'fro111 lledeveloPrnenl ProllCI ... Pvblltl'llCI • 0,..,... co.st n.t"" ltllol O'Casey's "Cock-a-Doodle-cing feathered mimlcry and •• ':':ii!.'1119 ., n.. mo!lt ~..,,., J11>1Hrv 1. 1. u. 22. "'' ,,....; Dandy'' reached Broadway a discreet dignity, without 110lnt o1 Tr.ct Ho. 1117• Hid LEG .. NOTICE Monday nlgbl, offering evideo-which the entire charade could ~lwty POkll Ibo btlllf Oii *'t tu.. "'".,."' ",. "' P.cllk cout Hltt!Wt'l'l-----==c-----1 ce both or why he liked it tumble into absurdity. !!: T~ :0. ~ ,:,:_ "=-':: c•ATIPiul."*: •usu111.. best and why is took 20 years The other principals for the •kll"lr 11111 •••fltrlY 11 ... to tta 1ni.,.._ 1t1cT1T1ou1 MAM• to get here. most part explore tbi1 ec-11on Wllll .,. -"'-"'rfY P1"0lonl1t1on n. undi'1klnld dOtl c.rfff'y .,. ,, he h tr• . I ta .u 91 ttie -"'*'" uiw o1 Mltrvlst9 A,,. oon11uc11,. • ~ •t •m Sliltol'I Written w n e was ti9, cen 1c piece o s gecrai~ -<• ..,_. .,, wld T..ct No. 111111 """ w .. tm1Nt.r, c.11fom11, vndtr 1t1t the play serves as a sardonic with energy that has yet to 1MnDt IOVlflw .. twl't !ft • dl.-.ct llM llclltlow firm lllfM fllf Volt.J .. u. f ll 111 "'-' "°1"' of 1ni.rwdlon "' 1111 u. s. A. •not 11111 .. 111 firm b C'Onll>Olld valedictory to the poetic be used fu y into ensemble 10U1t1er1Y rl•hl o1 ••• 11"" "' Fltth of till follOWlnt ,.,._, wt1o11 n•rnt1 Dubliner's 1 tea d fast im-grac<. :lir..f, • feet [fl W'ldlll, •pd "" ~.:.:!'. 9tlCI •llot ... l'Qldfnl» Iii .. __ ,,. 119111 "' .,, 11 .... "' Pldflc. P.i.r ,. Ho11•11. ,121 1ut1o11 A patience with prevalent Irish Sydney Walker, Mofiat'11 pal ~kl:•,·_!.':"' "::i,.:, .::V: w..miinnff., c.11r. '*1. w,, reaction and the dominance in stubborn c o D for m i t y ; ,.._ MJU"'-iertr' • .._ ••Id D•'" '*"""bref •· 1.... af Catholici!m. Richard Woods, priesthood'• HUllwrlY line "' Flflll Sit.., to !tit p.iir T · Hoe•n h. · b lb II k d Elli moll _ltrlY corMr "' Pirc.el , s11i. ot C.lltomi., Dr•111t Coun!Y: In t is staging y e ca ous lpo esrnan; an s " lhlrfwn on Auftsor'I MloP BM °"' o-m11tr 30• '"'-illef-,,.,., • Association of P r o d u c l n g Rabb, rag-tag bundle of vaga-'3 -1a1 I*"-llllttlll.t.,.IY 111Dn1 Hot1ry l'llOllc Ill ~ for uld Still, !Mt· fM ~"' an. of .. 1d P1ra1 Mll'llllY -rtct "•"" T. HotM kllowll Artists, a company always on bood 1ncaatation, con.tribute :i '°.-~ .. ~~ ~""W' ;:9'~ l: ~~i.: :"h'':i~:= the lookout for fresh theatrical strongly to the play's lwmor '" .,_.. on .. 1c1 .....__.. MN>ll 11111 .ctnowtWN 111 eaailld 1111 ....... challenge, the strange com-and meaning, ~ =~!ft e:n!~ ~':. OFFlcl~r!".t'-H_., pos!te of realistic parody and 0 'Ca 11 e y, w Ith a ,_ elodr. "' o1 ,,.... "' Stlftlllll •NI N_,,. Pl.lblk: • C•llflW!ll• Jdealistic fantasy comes oU taleidoecopic approach fllck-Le111111ft'• Fir-st AddltlrM lilt e.tY Clfy, Pr1ndHI Dlfta '" .. id _."", 1191111 on iM l'IOrlllff11ern 0t•n111 County with steadily interesting forte. lng from broad laughter to '"'"' o1 •• , une of Ekldrlc A~-... MY commi.i it11t EX111'" Jack O'Brien and Donald lyric abstraction and twi.t1 ..... Nor'lll •• .,_ Oii uld mtol !Mnc1 Nov. 2•, lf12 ..,....,'6 IOll1"ffstwlY •lorllt u ld "°"""'1er"' PubHllMd or111111 C011t Dall'I 1"11ot, Moffat have c<11laboraled in in narrative, bas giveo AP A 11n1 _, 1i. ..il!M!ntt•IY ""'"""'11cw1 J•,...,., 1• " is. n. '"' 22tMI the direction, with the latter quite a test. Right now ti to n. l"lwnlc!lon wllll the NdtrlY OTICE 11.nt o1 w•• llM o1 .,, aou11v1rd, LEGAL N doubling u: ane of the chief seems a w or k in progress, !°._'"'..'id ':!,~!.,., ~~:, ~.":'~[!1 --,-,-,-,-,-,0-,-.. -,-,-T-0-,-T-,-,--1 aid fogies, bound to the end with each 1 u b s e q u e n t •fld n. l(lllfhwnterl'I' •"'1«19•"°" to sTAT• o" c.&L1P01tN1A POlt by tradJtion and superstition perfonnance during t be ::;-e~ti':-n.u :.,..,..::: THI cou::!".: .. ::, OMHG• against the symbolic chan. repertory run prom I 1 i D g on TACt Ho. 1: "-ce tool'-1t.r1J MOTica op 11u.111N11 OI" l"ITITION ticleer of freedom. further audience rewards. •lone Hid 111>111'1N1lerlY r!.~t of Wtl' POii PllOIATI 0" WILL AND "01t, __________________________ 1 Htw el' Elldrlc A._..nu. Soult! tD lhl LITTllll TISTAMINTAllY' 1 sou!Mffl'l'l'IV bolll'IClllY of .. Id Tr1d &11,_ llf LLEW&L YN HUGHES. Mo. 1; ~ souttltrmht'l'l' •loM Mid DKett,N. _,.,....,.m lloundlrv '° !Ill I~ NOTICE IS MEllE•V GIVEN Th.II l...,.,;tlon all it.. ..un-1i.rtt pro-Elllnor G, Folle!T h11 filed lllre!n '°""''Ion 11f tl'll IOll!tl-t.rh' llne • petltlon far protoetl ol Wiii •nd o1 Eltc::lrlc .-,'l'tl'llHI Soult! •• lhowft fol' IU4.l..C. of Lottl9r1 T .. llll*lllr'I> on u ld Tr•ct No. 1; tllitnc:I to P•I""-•• ...,.,.l'ftCI to wllldl L• Crossword Puzzle ._ttrwnt.,.ty •tor. u kl Pftllot'ltfd une m!MM for turltltr .,.rtlcvllrs. •nd lhl1 'CROSS to t1>e ~t™"'r (Of'f'M 111 Lot IM flmoo ....:I ""<:' of hllrln9 IN I'\ 51, llod lOS ot MIP of hY Clty1 Nml lllt ti.en Ml ..... Ftllnl1ry 7, ~ -•lerl'l' •Ions 1111 norlht!'I¥ INt, 11 ''"' e.111 .. 1r1 !tit cour1.--n l City of 1111e 11f pkl Lot 51, Blod 105 of Ill 0....rtTMftt No. 3 of Hid oourt, E M.9• ot Ill' (llY/ 111...c-wesltr"" II 10lll W•I li.lfll'llh Slrttl, !ft t!lt • r"e'l .. ltOS •loM 1111 lll>r'lllerh' nn1 of Hid Lot City "' Slntt AN. C•!ltami.. ' _. ~ IN ta11 rleht o1 .... , UM o.i..i J1ftu.1Y u. 1-concem "' Fifth StrH11 lhtnot wnlerlY In w. E. IT JOHN, 10 Footprlnl • dJrecl 11 ... '° -northe•tlerh' WILLIAM ~°':'o1 Cllltl. 14 Cert1ll\ corMr ol Loi '5, llldl HM (If St9nlon · •rid Loth11n'1 s.<'ONI Addltloft to e.., sw11w M11mw ns. Asians Crty1 llleflcll wnterh' 11on1t !hi""""-· •...,._LIU,,_... 15 Fltlltf la ,.,. """' ot u ld Let U "' tM ~t ,......, C.lfwall tlltl U A R c:.on'I« of Hid Lot ~I "-'ftlft,<IY Tit (fUI 4fM6U • • • 1n • dlr.ct une to -rmn-sttrtr A__, illlr P.im.-16 Glfe an corntr o1 Lo! 11 of TrK't No. "'· Publllhtd 0r.,... eo.1t O•llY Pllot. •ccount ol .aid t'O""' m1,,. • l'Olnl In "" J•INI,.,. IS. 16. 22, lNt n-M 17 C•rcf game 0011fflerl'l' n.ttt ot w1v 11ne of Mlo•!n1 LEG u NOTICE 18 S II f•" I Drive r ltllnct norlllw.1!trh' •lon!t Wld nLO U ..,, c: OOllfhe.rl'l' •lullt o1 ••• 11 .. 1o !!M!l-------------1 2 words t1rler1Y r;Dnttt" "' LO'! 1 ot wld P-nn> 20 Business T••d No. '"' !l'lena '"'"'''"' •lone caaT1,u:AT• o" a1111111n1 •bbrevlalion !tit 110rttl ... IY" line ol wld Lot , "k!llloVI ,.,_ KUM to !tit rno1t roorthl!rlY t'O<Tlff' of Wld THE UNDEll:SIGNED don lwrebf 21 ApplJ Lot Ii lhenu! 10U!h-.ll•rh' ''°"' 11w certify lhll 11e • ootlductllll' • ..,1n11,,. gre•se nor111-1..-1Y" 11ne o1 1111d t.ot 1 1N1 11u11neu ., 1u aroHW••· c..t1 lrMM. 2) Beetle 111 IOll1'hwnlerl>' PfH>ne•'1°" lo th C:.lltomll, _. lhl ndli-firm ftlm• ln .... Mctlon with "" IOU!MI'"" n ... ot SWAHSON-8Ell:G PRINTING .... 11111 'enu!> of C911tr•I Av11111e1 "-a ,.,,....,_,....., u ld "'"' I• com~ of IM 1o1-1111 24 est ore ....... ••kl 11 .... .,.. lh norttt-stlr"" --. ~ n•me ln tun '"°' -.c. s1111ple 46 llakt!> h•PPY 49 Slight~ blunt 50 Seod • -pay•!flt 51 Rub out 52 Distortion ol thl!: ttutb 55 011 ot-: Yo111 Kippar 58 Rust 60 Silent 61 Alexudtt"s: nlcknut 62 Sy111pto• of slckne's 63 Moved wl• rapidity 64 Correct Var. 65 Refrigerant oow• 'l'esterd~s hzzl• Sol'ttCI: · • 11-H1ute lZ llcfwJ:s• ,,,, 13 Fold la cloth lnZ/H 41 Rash sp9td 4Z D.c:rnse '""''""' 2 words 43 Supply With JUns 45 ThlcUtss Beach Sets 'Barefoot' Auditions Tryout. for the Ne.ii Simon comedy "Barefoot in the Park" will be held Sunday and Monday by the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Directing the new show will bt D1vtd Maiville, currently appearing in the playhouse's production of "The B e 1 t Man.11 Maiville, a newcomer to Huntington Beach, hi a drama teachtr In Puadena. Four men and two women are required for the cast of the play. The readiDJ1 will be held at 3 p .m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Monday. "Barefoot in the Park" will open March 21 for a fiv~ weekend run at the playhouse, 2110 Main St., Huntingtcm Beach. OPEN 6:45 --·-.... e&:••• WIC* .,..._ . ·-.,. ...... -c--.. ---. MY Tlllfl9 11 P••IW. .. "THI IMPOSlllLI TIA.IS" e COLDlll e Ptlff Usftl'lllV • COi.OJi. • "HOT MIWONI" Dr-• 11111 SUlllHMI "l•nArk ln • COLOtll. ''THI HIART IS A LONELY HUNTll'" Sh-rt G111111er' e COLO• e ,,.HI TITGON fACTOl .. -·~ -• 147.JHJ II-~ ""' Mvlhl J•M Folld• • COLOlt • "IAllAULLA• sun Conn..-... • COLOll • "'SHALAIO" l'l'Ctllln91llon lo IM lnlitrH<tloll o1 ""' of ~•kltntl II 11 tollowi, t.wll: 26 Clolhin9 _,,.,,., llM (If FINI Streeti llltrot;'I &tryl Ml..,,,..,, ''' I!.. Thllil II,.., 21 Th'• slice 19 Tall shW'P· pointed .... 1 Opt'!'• 22 Hisser's ...11 ------.. , Norftll• -~--""HllfflY •lone Wld llN Ind Ill SIMI An1, C.lltoml•. "' ~1ltrlY orolon!ttllon to "-most WITNll!:S$ mY hind 11111 Jr• .. , cit 01 bacon -.rlhlrlY comer "' P••«t 5 a M'Mlwll J1ft111ry, '""· 30 L1lssez et1 "-"""' M•1:1 l oot n Hiit 111 aervl Mllalwy tl'ltMe JIOrlhwtt~ •io-. ttl1 STATE OF' CALIPOll:N!A ..ilh-tmv u ... <If wkl Plrul J COUNTY OF Olt.ANCiE ) M 31 Gobbled In) flt !Ill HIW'IY r1l'tll ol _, ",,. ON tHIS )rd de!' o1 Jt-N, A,D. )Z ''llr, -~1' "' Sift G1brlel Rlwr Ctl8N'l•l1 lllellc:t 1Nt, ~ mt, MIWI .... c.-. '' .. _you _,,,.....,. •long ukl t&lll11Y 11111 "' • Not1ry Plltlll!; "' .... tor thol Wld • 111 lftlffffctlon ..,Ill'! tf!t norttw<ntltl'll< Coun!'I' •Ml st•i.. rftld1119 ll'lef'tlft, ctulY Sutt ? • 11M <If *'t 1'00 foot llrlP ol l•NI t'Ol'l'll'rllll'°"*' •fld ,_,,., ,...._,,.,,. ·~ 31 Flat• tit IM City of L"l All9flf.s. o.Pll"hMlll _,_ llf'J1 M,9ion.y lu>OWn tt -t>ottolltd ol W1ter end Poweri tlle"c t to tie till,..~ wflOM n1rnt11• .ublcrl• •tSStl ~~l't •111119 wlcl l!Ol1tler"' ""' td fa tM wlllllfl ln1!rvmflll, _,,., •rid 111 itn1111nt1!1o<1 to "" lnten«tlo.o •~-' t. ""' 11111 ,,. ••ecut.d 38 ll'lert "' • llM 1><1r111e1 wl!h •nd 1:111 IHI the Hmt. EugltOt is: ICIUlllw.11.,ly, rnHIUrM •I rlttll ol IN WITH£$$ WHl!!llEOF, I ti..,. Abbt ....... 2Ga fHI In wldll'I (II illoWI' llltl'OJ\lllto ltl n'l'l' 1111111 Incl l'f'rblll 11'1'1' • tl'I llWOl"d tit S...,.,,.y 1°'501: lllitnc9 olflcl91 M•i it.. f.ly •I'd 'ffilr lft thfl 3' 11 lybt -"'"'~ •lont u ld 01r111e1 lint eertlflaoi. tlrst •!low wrllhn. 4Z lestrrn tD ""' Rtndlo LOJ Allmltoo btulld1rv (0,.F IC1AL IEALI U S clly llMI lhenc. rtftrttle11trrly •lonto 111d MAl:Mli A. C•m-• ' IMvrid•rv nn11 ..., 111 '"'trwcflon wlll'I Not1rv P111111c.ca111<1l'fll• 44 U.S. authot' t1w _,..,_.terlY r1•ht of w1y ot Or•"'• COunty 45 F11r soun:e Plcifk Eletlflc CotnP9nw rlel'll ol w1 y My Commluklll f1plr .. htf'Olne re::.!t#. 2 Golf club 2S P 3 Pl!:nnsylvlft11 26 Gnzllt city Jal'ld 4 lnsKt 27 -de n.ip 5 Oanl$h Z8 Do agrtclll\- compoS« ur1I wort ' New Yort 29 lntt1'11tea's chan•cter river 7 Having lO ·C1>111pel necessll')' JZ NKesslan power JJ WeajtCln: I Fot111er Colloq. Frenclt 34 Pu1h 11019 coln 35 Sp•nlsb , V1rlety ptO'tlnC• of color 37 Uncovered 10 stl lp 40 Felttrtd UCllll fMt In ..,ldlhll lllence norlllwft!T<'-Oct. 2t, ltJD ) ' ' 11 •lone Mid IOl,llhwn!Wrly ,,_ht ol ~ubll11itd °""" COlll 0.llT Piiot, w1v 11~ f9 tlw cemft'IOI\ bouncl•rv J1nutrv I. 15. 2!, :rt.,_ 22-ff '"-l-+-1--4-~ l!M of Lot .Anoelrf (Olmty •nd Ot•.,...l---.,.,=C7':c-o===o----I r,. c"""" ., ,,..,_ "" u1c1 RKOl'd LEG•• NOTICE "' Survn 10.501 ll>en<'ll norllle11ttrl'r, -------------1 1,,,4-4--4-4---•IDnl uld t'OlHl!v 111111 to 11'1 1 ... .-tenld'IOfl wlltl ll'lt NllttlY rlehl ol p.mJ4 •IY II.,. llf Stele Hl1hw1Y ..._ "'°'*"" ClltTl,IC&T• 011 •Ulllillll -A:.atrd et Survev 1).7111 lhtnc:t l'ICTITIOUI MAMI _,.,....,,,. elclnl uld ent1rly l!nt to TM 1111111.-1,,... .,_ e«tlfY lt1tY lr'I flM' flltt rwcflon el the ~i.,.ty conc111ctl119 • 11111'-•I Sllttw Nllfl'I ..... _, I/if ...,__,, l"t'l:tl No. 4 161> 120 Unl'ffr-111'1' Plllu, UIO C."*'111 Orlw, .. , ~ norl!M!11terly 11ont uld ""'-' kedl, C•llf'lf'fll•, -IM ......,_,.,,., lint fo it.. boundirv flctlllwl llnti .,...,. d "AITllO PlllNT"' lfne "' ll:•lld>cl lM Al1mlllll1 lllefln' Incl !Mt wld """' " Clln--' ol --""'"'l'lrh' 1tonv .. lei ll:tnc:l'lo Hn1 lht to1-1.,. .....,,._ wllDW 119"'" In to rtt l"i.r.tctiof, Wltl'I uld -tull •fld it"<:• fll rw!OlllC9 ,,... •• ......... lll'lt of LOI "-191 (Ovn!y f'ollow'I: .... Or-Couflt¥; lhln!;f nor!MUIM'-Owloll'lt "· ...t 1111ri-w ..... a;iw. ly ...... Mid -..... nillTY II.,. )OSI Mol.W•I" View, L-"' ~ .. fft I~ wllll 11101 norltll<"ty C..1"""'11, lioulldllf'I' 11.,. ot t1>e CJf"l' of $111 Oiled J•nlltll'V ), 1 .... 8.-cft •• .,.,.,_ Oft .. ~ T••d Ne Owr.M H. aulllft' 1"': llllnc9 "'llrl't' •IDnl u lcl ~lrll1!l W. •ulkll>' ~ .......,....,. la ,..., flOl'fllft1t Sl•l'I ti C.tttomJI, Clttlllt' C-'r. _._. _, "--1 P1.,,.I No. 4).1'°' CM J-ry J. INt, btlore ""' • 1'1 tt..not ~Nifty 1'°"' 11w NGlll'Y l'vl>!lc: In •NI fOt .. Id $1111, """""" niot ol Aid HrctJ 19 1tw ... _11°1' .......... Owlehf H. •nd tl'\ftl ltO!flt I/if ""''""Int. Mlflolfll W. aulliln' tinown to int to P""""*' Or1111t1 COl•t O•liy Piiot, bt llw _._ _.,. lllf'Mt •A wtllcrffll. J•""*" :12. 9 Md Febfwt'f S. 11. "II lo *'t Wl!lllft ln1.,_. 9'1111 lW 11 .... .a-lilC!Hd ""91 PtwlM flW-. (Of'FK:IAL IE.AL) Kids Like to Ark Andy ' . Jot-" E. blvll Hottrv lt .. Hc<•llfo!'lll• ltrlflel(ilel Ofl'IQ In Ori""' C-ty #• C'"""'IMlell E>.!tl,... """' JI, 'mt l'\lbflll\M Of"-Cl>l1f 0tl1Y l"llirf, J.,,111.., L 1J. !I, H, I K• , ... , " " flshln1 • llE8llUJI IOI DAYlll m vusels ,. · lnfot111I ..r 47 Cess1uoe: PB& 41 Act , tlli, 4; ~i:'.11. llWllJ.KMmf'llllltiDl ·C.br,Dtluael steuboat •-------SIU J1cll Loni e COLOll: e '"COUNTllflrT llWI .. d1vtloO•at 1':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::!;~~~~~~~~~~~~11 51 l'artofbodrJr 5) ldt1: ··~·················· Cab. 1:ttwi 54 Swiss cff.J 5' ., ..... In Chin• 57 L1rge deft' St Oty: Co.b. r- " t1 1) tl1ernesa . . ' • I • ' \ r I ~ ' -t ., ''' 'J • .'.I'' ~1 l\NO 11,\l.'HUt.: IN 1..0)IA. fv',£Sf• llllPHONI 541-1552 FOR INFORMATION HILO OVER ANOTHER HAPPY WEEK "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN I This is • picture of th• "perfect embenlerl Peter ~~Iloov;;w,."'!Maggle Snth KIWIMalden "Hot Mllll0'1•" .... ..... Clriltl• ~ .... ~ --~fwO FIRST RUN SLEEPERS ....... ....,,. 1 ..... Cuti•-s.t ........ ,,.. 1 r.w. • He'sa llttle worried abotII his future. THE f RibUATE ,,_ ANNE BANCRDFT-DUmN HOFFMAN ALSO David Niven -Debor1h Kerr "PRUDENCE AND THE PILL" l-...!;.!j ....... ,.-....... 1iUiidiiD _ ...,,_ 2"2L HELD OVER-5th WEEK WINNER OF THE NEW YORK CRITICS ..,.. AWARD FOR BEST --•·mllfl PICTURE AND BEST ACTOR -ALAN ARKIN t:: ~~ ··~: ~and from this man who oould not speak 1 or hear, the &itl heard many things. 'l::«boloolo<'e'Rom"""""'ll>o&·i;e...c:Am -----e-... -.-.--........... . uuny !>!.Him~ J~mo ,(oh .. tn l •"•r• "'·"'"' J im•-r o. \.,•.•n~.•h~<·•" HELD OYER 5th AND FINAL WEEK S,.Chl s.. .... , P.T.A. M..._ ,....._ •t.t"-All s..t. 10.-TJ:JO • " ' I • • • Newport Bar.her ~ ...... ' VOL 62, NO. ;19, o4 SECTIONS, 54 'A6ES ORANGE COtlmY, CAllFOttNrA JEN~ • Kindergarten· Qay Too Long--...and Expen·siv.e~ 19-college Strik~Try . Huge Flop · liN'· l"RANCISCO (.If')--A -•ne<lay ltrike called by a ·teachers• uidc:irr tn ~ e;ffort to disrupt California'• lti.tewide ~ IO)')l""1· _.,... 1oc1q to have fJjJed. --• __ 1be American Jrederatioa ·oi ,.......,..., dWlng abOat 2,llOO mem1Jert -.g Iii• 11,000 !nlttucton In the It ltota c:oll<g.,, had ..Ued for plcllttJn« at u campuaea. At Rveral. no pickets appeared,*and at 11umeroU1 others only a baU~ llhowed 'up. Classes, and in many cues final u:. aminatiom, went on u usual for most ol the· 1%5,000 students in the nation's lrqesl eollege system. Al Su Jose Stale; wbtft 21 IA!ocben haft beoa told that tl!el' automatically ""'8ned f<w ......,, ...... -- Jan. .. -• -aDd atudeol sympathizm marched. 'niere was a aimilat small ... i at San FrlJlciJco State, whm 111' M'I' wtnl on atrlte Jan. f. A Sacramento State union 1eadtt claimed attnwtance was off, but a college spokesman said Ulert were no problems. Tbt one.day demonstration wu called in support of the San Jose strtters, who ill tum had struck to 8UppO<I -at San Frallci8CO State. ,,,.,. dem"""" pay mcr.ues, a biger (loo 001.LBGEll, Pip 21 • Smuggling Trial Date Scheduled A Loo Aogdes Federal Court judgt Tllelday aet Morch 11 u tho trial date for a Newport Beach man aceused. el smuggling marijuana . from Mexico into the United states. Judge Albert Lee Stephem reduced bail to ,1,000 fer Wesley Gonion Plink•, 20, GI. W4 W. Oce.anfrout. He aet the Mine tdal date and identical ball for 1'1111 Wllltams Wthrle Sr., 45. of Anaheim Ami Gilbert Zaman, 11, d.. Garden Gre\'e. Tbe trio was aJTeSted by U.S. Customs agents at Chino Airport Jut Dec. t. Fidenl om..... lalc1 tho lhtto mtn bid ill pc>UD<ls of unprocwed marijuana ffioed at $25,000 ttowed any in their lipt plane. Acenta said Plink• and Wtbrl• new tile plane to the airport where they wtra met by 1.amora in a rented van. $210,000, H fa causing !he, dlatrlcl lo run a '347 .ooo budget defioll School offlctals expected lo obtain Ille olher $137,000 u profit from the state lot Wtallin1 the p-ogram. Propq.vd state fundlng fannulu were the incenUve that caused Newpart-Mesa ~. to adopt the program. But leaialattn at the last moment,. after tile -•distbict budget ...... adopled, out !he _..,, ''Ttiex "beld 1a~·carrot .. eul on ·• ltid:, MIL'tPR.OT' .......... BEACHCOMBERS WATCH FOR STORM'S FLOTSAM Surf Swaps Assorted Dobr,11 for <:hvnlcs. of SW Bea~h Bonanza ~ .· Waves Wash Up Combers' Treasure I By JOHN VALTERZA e r-o 1 ion ot sand was most °' ,,.. o.ny PUii ''"' prevalent. scores of treasu~ seekers The sea oil Newport Beach has taken peered over the ledge of eroding sand its toll ol. aand during um week's heavy for hours, spotting and scrainbling for surf and record rains, but, somewhat coins lost by batbers in the sand. like a huge, briny pBCk ra.l, it has . The wave action, somewhat like a left a lot. too. sluice box, uncovered an estimated $50 Balbin, obviously scarce lately, would Tuesday In corroded, but nevertheless probably etne at the 4-to 6--foot-high ne@:otiable coins. while some of the .!fa's shelf Jett on eroded bea ches, but the . bea"chcomben are: jubilant at their take. bounty Tuesday morning s pa r k e d The aea coughed up piles ot garbage, pleasure, other deb~is stemmed from seaweed and other unusuable debris, but tragedy. hidden among it were some reel gems. Scattered among debris on the CorOM Near the Newport Beach pier, where (See DEBRJS, Pq:e Z) then toot ll .away,'' said Trultee Mn. Martao lltrpoon, Aaioclate-Supt. Norman Loats arped fer r<r.ftti<ln of the program om scbool year.''He aloo ul<ed lo add anolhtr lO mlnuta to tho three-bour klndergarteo day which would coat no more, be aatd, becauso no add!Uonal teachers woold have to be hired. • .._ Howerer, Jf the ,dlltrlet dou, revert to twice+day 1~ tta:km it will save szm,oro nut year. 'I'ht .S$ teachers could be reasslpod to other pea to fill the mua1 vacanc:iu. Boan! members lndkated !hoy pro- bably wlll IO 1llat route tt ICXDe savtop .... , """"" SupL Wllllam Cunnlnaham. who was suppaoed .to recommend cutbacks In cur- rent Jl'Ol'lllll In «der to balance the budgtl, begged off II tho boanl meeting. He said Ila lladn't had time lo-come up -niCmmtendatlnno beCauoe be is luJl7 oa:upied wltb the lmpmllng 10 Swept to Death Survivor Tells -Swolfun Creek Tragedy SANTA PAULA (UPI) -Ttn penons fleeing a t~iitial rainstorm in ruUed 1nountain country were awept trom a rescue bulldozer "one by ont" when it sLalled•m a•nollen creel!:. . Authorlll<s sili! all lif tlieril. tiiCrUifini .si:r. cbildrea,._.. Jl""DDed Jx•hitiilid The Ventura County Sheriff'• office first learned of the tragedy late TUe!day from, the sole survivor who wu picked up by a helicopter near the raging J)espe Creek in the Lo8 Padres National Forest. The dead included 11:1 youths frOm Canoga Park, and a man who took them for an outing In the forest Jut Friday just before 1 serlea ol. violent raJnstorma bit the state. The three other vlctbna were members of a search party wbleb Wlf brlnglilg lltem '!Ill ol tho b>el1 -Monday night aboot 15 mileo ..nil.of ·~ . The -..... ~ l!cbllleJ, 21, a -tber ., llwe OU ......., In 'tbl OJ11 ·v.,,r wtio· ilol tllr );;1 al I tamPlf'll!D\l OO Saturdlii• °&1lrrll.ed ' • . ' ! { • • '' Sunny Da}rs Ahead Says· Weatherman Califopilans lrom -...i of tile - to the· other dried Ill todq --days of rtvqlog ralo, ~eel by the weatherman's pnudee of. fair akies and sunny condftions through the rat of the week. Gov. Rooald Reagan dtclared a otale CifY ...,_ ,_. Wit Yr. CO&I• M.e 2.54 S.7fi .f.11 ~ =· . 2,41 4.H S.fl . '·" J.t1 •.• 1tua11ne• Bffdt J.-11 .. ,5 J.J7 "°"'""111 ~.uw 2.S4 .s.7fi s.10 Wnlmlflstitr ). Tl f.1S S.JJ s..i a.di l.11 f.75 "' L...,,.. Ltlll.rr• World 2.65 J.71 •.1' .......... ••lldl 1.111 4fl J.Q LHIHll Nlluel lAS J.27 41' Melle"" 4.94 1.4' J.1' G.,... Grwe us 1.n .... Sin ClerM!'ltw '·" J.17 I S.1111 Anll 1..W S.JI 1.10 ol emergency in California Tuesday in the wake of the WJDter's first major stonn which forced hundreds of persons t'o flee their hemes on 1 score of riven and streams. Along the Orqe Coast. moppine up operationa began after a siege of ralnfan that beian.wly_Saturday alterooon and conUouecl, almolt without lnterruptlllll, lhrough Tuesilay. The 1torm · pushed coutal rainfall (See RAIN, Pqe J) DISASTER SCENE 'X' Merkt Whtr• 10 Lo.t A 1peclal . -tln~-_ ot the CJrloio Cowily Leaau• " ~-·will' 11a lleld Jan. 30·to -proplllOd -of the Oral!P eountx' IWf>or D1sirlct. League ~dinl ·a,... Dtaf E. ShuD Jr. lif ti trap,. c!.Ded the 'meet- ing In l'r1edemaon llallJ Or1111e, II 7 p.m. .... The Harbor Dlstrllit dluolutlon was approved by the leque In March, 1181, whlcb see.ks to establish 1n lntegnted counly department with a r<gional ..,.. cept for recrutlooal llC!lvltles Including pafks, beaches and harbors. Coonty city councils have been uted lo adopt resolutions for dluoluUoo of the district and make appllcaUon to the Local Aleocy ·Formation Comm1J. s1 .. (I.AFC) lo accampllsh this purpooe. Clliea were ubd to adopt the reso- lutions by Ftbruuy for flllo( with th• I.AFC In early MsrclL To elate the city councils of La Rabr1, Tustto, Santa Ana and Yllfba Linda have adopted the ~lutlons and the other cities have them under conslcf.. eration. I \ Lido Isle Home Hit h.y BIB7£; Damage $10,000 Several councilmen have requested addiUonal infonn1Uon and dlKuaiarl and lLls,for this purpooe 1llat tho 1ptelal meetlng hu been called, Shull said. The city .of Newport Beach has taku no stand on the ltque adlllll, but ·has aubmhled a lpecl.ll statement asking thll tho -of harbor -be shared by the county for Ntwporl Harbor. • MlLY PILOT,_....,. alOIMll k ...... STORM RUNOFF SPREADS OVER NORMALLY DRY SANTA ANA RIVER BED View T..,1rol 0.0.n ,_ Ma"'s A._,o ........ P"'vldes Unf"'"lll"' Sfthl ' I ' FllJllel roared through the UJlllalra bedroom of a Lido Isle home Tburadl}' nlghl. causing ao tlllmaled •10,000 damage . Newport Beach firemen said no one wu injured hl 'lhe 7:45 p.m. blm at !he home of Charles Htndrlcaoo. t11 Pima.Lido. Hendricbon. who was alone In the hOUJe at the time, rushed lo a neighbor'• home to report the lb'•. Whon four fU'e units arri~!1._ the u~ ~ ..... cOoij>I;. • .,,-irl- 1 toMd Jft" flames. ·' ·~-r~~~~ ·IO!d.' S_tructufal' dlClllP 'Jliu' let ii l!l,000. !l'lrtmen sO!d 1~ f$,dlt 'Iii. 1 conteoti wu-W. ,•. "· ~. . Cl!Jle'of tlle-bi--1i0t-lmm.aii1t11 ddennlned. \ • . . NEW Ym!k~' 7 l\lncb tumed In lhe ~· • ance of ' the wtd< in moderately active tradin& today. (See quolaUOOI, P11t1 •ii). I /• 11te city ma.hrtalns that !l ball m1de a total Inv-of 12,J17,tall hi the hlr- bot and dlstrict llnoe:tm It -that during tho """' ptriod the district ~t '2,201.591 In' caPjlal lmprov_emtnts li1 ·Newport Rarl>or. It further states that in the Jut" 1it years, the district bu levied. ,l,031,lll Orui• Ce•• • --. . • l ' DiJlY Pll.OT N '· . {' '~ ·Back ~·for"· ' . . ' . \. ' CONSULTS ON ATOMS U~I Chomlal Rowlo nd UCI Chemistry Prof Get.s AEC Pos t in Austria School .. Situation I By THE ASllOCIATED PRESS ' M.id-mornlng ~ strike situation at California colleges: · San JOle S£1te -A:bcat SO pk.keta; noon rally planned aa 111Ual; quiel · 'San Ft~ Stale -Fifty ,.. fewer plckela; quiet. Sacramento State -Union claima up to half of faculty honoring small picket. lines but admjnlstrailoo a~ morning attendance appears normal. · .Uoiv,O<>llY ol. Call!Ol)lla ..., ,\bout 11111 plcteta but cllSSel normal . J 'Fr't'll~ Stale -No ~ l>"t sympalhlzen say f!''Y are M lo San .... ' sai, l>l.ego State -About 4o j>ick'ets distribute literature promising no disruption of exa.rhtnatlons but cal1ibg one-day strike for Feb. 10. Cal. State :at 'Hayward -.. Band!ul ol plci:eb; classes normal. Soopma Slate·-Foor plcteta; cluaes normal. . Humbqldt State -No picket&,; ~ege calls .•trike "a dismal failure." San Fernando Valley· -No pfckets; all normal . Long Beach State -s~ tnlormational picket line. Cali(ornia State al Loi Ange)e.!l -Strike called off due to "insufficient information" from San Jou. ' · Cal Poly at Pomona ..:.. Six Jlckeb"; union ask& student not to join the line. Fullerton -No picket.; union voted to 11meet regular asalgnments." Chico State -No pickets; adminlstratlon uys an "quiet as a mowi:e." Stanislaus State, San Bernardino, Dominguez fills, CaJ Poly at San Luis -No !trike. Cal State in Kern County -No strike; new school not yet opened. DAILY PILOT OIANGE CO.UT l"UILISMIHG COA\P' .. Jrt"f' ll1l.1rt N. w,,, f'rHiot"I •nd P'1,1fMl'h~r J,~\. I. Cyrft'f Vk.t P'n~><M~I .,.a~ .. M<Hlttt• . Th•,.•• K11vil •~aw 11.t,,.•t A. M111r,liin1 -..-... l•ll• Je••~• F. Colfint '•YI Ni'''" ,,..._, lt4'Ch .. ,,.,.u,.,,. Cit~ 1!:•,t., Dl•rclw Jrltwi-t ·a..di OHIJ:• 2211 W11t l1tl11• t1vl•"'" Meitl11t .Aolol•11u P.O. 1.:. lt7S, '266t o ............ (1r1tt M•t•: :di W"I It" l!t ... t l t-llK ... JJI 1'9'1'11 olyt- f+ .... 1111911111 It~: .... "" ,,_, ·-r DA1\.V PILOT, •tlll wllldo It~ H """-·"""'· . -·-......... .... -lft --... 11 ......... ~ ._,.., He-1 k tc!O. Cottt ~... Ml.M'I_... .. "'C~ .... '-''"' VtlW~ ...... wlll'I I ' ......... Nlilao\. 0-t-CNll ...... ~ (.-"" -u ... -·~t1 ••• ti "" ..... .. lbaot ...... ~ .... _.. ,_... .... ,. 'llltaf ..... )lto.t, (O\lt lrMw. , ... ,.,,.. t714) 64l-4U1 Ct...lffH AMtfW•t H J4'11 c--r... "'" Ot·~--(tt.i ,,,_..,...., ~ IQ ,.,.,., 11,,.14',, .u .... rt"""-~ "''""'" .. .....,.11,_.. ...... ... -.. -tllll(H wlllotlll _.., -~ " ,...,..w., -·· ._. '·'--......... , "'-"' ... .... c.9 Mt .. , j:t lM'f"'l• W.W.rt.tltll W ._....,.; .. .n -·M~I b¥ mt~ '1 tf _. ... mlllttl'T •11i..111-ti ,, ....,,'""'· F rom P age 1 COLLEGES .•. voict!! In adminiltraUon, and 1 minorities studies program. AdditionalJy, at Berkeley, the Untversl· ty of CalHomla's main campus, the unlon called a one-day strike in sympathy wllh mlnorilY sludent demuda. It. too, 1ppeared to have slight effect, with an eatimated 100 students ind teachers posted at the numeroua en- trances to Ule 27,000-student camp.11!. The date college syate.m 11 aeparale from th! Unlvenlty of CalUomla aystem and the latter. except for Berkeley, is uninvolved in strike action. The lrFT 1trtke •&ainit the collqe system, called lut Friday, is tht latest In a chain of disrupllooJ that beaan las! N... I. On t!lot dot. Ne.,. and other minority &tuden'b struck •t San Francilco Sll.te College ~ a broader, more autonomous mlnorfUu ll1id1 pnllflm. On Jm. I the APT local at San Fr& cllCO St.alt called Ill mm lltrlke, utin1 Improved pay and teachl111 condlllona and ope<lfyllllf rupport for the lludent demondi. Then on Jan. 8, tht APT 10Clr1 at San Jose State CoDege. 50 mile. lo the aouth, llruck to sho1' support for tbe SF Slate leacilera and lo pms thelr own demands for fflCOllllUon ind lmprovemenla. Today'• atrite waa caDed 1111 1'rlday to IUpport thele •• • the pennlt was recommended for denial by the city ~lllllllinl commlulon that the exlllin1 frame structun holdlna one sign mlabt be uaed lo D10UDI the second. P.l&nrlera expedtd a who)e_ new billboard bale would be lnml'<d. Tues tn tbe i.ncrtaalqly valtiable Harbor Ara are skyrocketing, Kingry pointed out, and the oew bUlboard would brlnl< lbe laDdowntt u __. IS,CIOO yearly lo belp balaoco lbe IDcnue. Tbe permit bu a _,.,. Ille limit and lbe billboardl will !>&lurally come down when tho property _la cv111.tually deve!Qeed. Open House Set For Cable TV In Ne:wport Area Newton Mino1J, fonner chairman of the Federal Communications Coaunlaslon and other . dignitaries are npected at the open house for the inauguraUon of the Newport Beach C&blevi&lon System Thursday evening. Mlnow, now a board member of FCB Cablevision, which owns !he Newport cable TV service, and the flnn'a presi· dent, Louis E. Scott, will be featured in a news canlerence at the event. The open house and conference will begin at 5 p.m. at Cablevision ofrlces and studios, 2624 W. Pacific Coast Highway. The cable 11ervlct, which ultimately will provide 20 channels of full«1lor home television rece.ptlcm, \Vlll include several channels ori&inating locally, In- cluding 1 new newa servlce, weather, lime and temperature 1 e r v i c e , spokesmen said. From Page I DEBRIS ••. del Mar Beach aeveral hypodermic syr· lngea -many of them of the maktshif eyedropper variety used by nareoUcs vi,olators -lay among the 11rbage and the kelp. Rudders from sunken or damaged boats, biU of wood with layen of varied colors and other bits of nautical equip- ment from wrecka allo wuhed up on ""'"'· But all was not traJiC. One beachcomber discover!d a Urrff.. foot tube wllh caps on uch end with U. S. Navy and data stenciled on the 3ide. The device ii an erpenaive Navy sonar target, and the flndtt wfU rece:Jve a reward for the recovery. Colledorl of seuld1 decorator llema abo land wall. A lorp halch cover, In f1ahlon lheH dl.)'1 u coffH tlble material, lasted• short tlmt on abore. Pol• of banckmootbed J u m b e r decorated wllh J•pa-chanctera .... floated up and were collecled quietly. By the afternoon the beachea had betn picked cltan of anythlnc of value. While llfe1111arda and b<•ch troslon 1peclallsta wait with anr1tty for the next at«m. the btachcomben can w1'9 lhtlr booty dry OU~ Thty'll wait •pxlously, too. \ From Page I ·SCHOOL •.. nevt'r chlzl&ing or 1ubtractlng, bolher1 me," she said. "l ~ ~e look at ll u lmprovemea&. .. Wd Qmnl..,,... "Wbltiling Dy the board would not be as necelaary er as drastic later if the staff did some of it flrst," she uld> Loats said principals and teachers feel the lengthened kindergarten day ii one of the most significant improvements in education the di!lriet hu made. He said it is bf:lleved, but not immediately proveable, that reading readiness pays great dividends. . ."I think it ii one of the best In- vestments we can make," he said. "But we won 't know until the kids reach the third =where you can begin lo identify poleoUal drop oul.!." Board m tended to agree with him, but wanted to see 10me cub made somewhere else before they would go along with the kindergarten plan qain. Draft Enil Pushed CLOSES THE DOORS FOR·EVER IN CORONA DEL MAR! ~~~ Days Left SALE ENDS SATURDAY! LADIES' WEAR I SLEEPWEAR'-........ 52-53-54 SWEATERS ............ 52 ... 53 BLOUSES ................. 52 ... '3 Jamaica Shorts ...... 2 ... '11 DRESSES. SHIF_TS 5,1-'2 LADIES' SUITS s10.~7 CANTRE CE HOSIERY 2 FOR149 sifiills __ ...................... 3°0 I MEN'S WEAR l • KNIT 'SHIRTS ....... ~2.s3.s4 ~---~=...;==.-SWEATERS ......... ~3.s5.s,10 SPORT COATS SPORT SHIRTS .. s3.s4-sS DRESS SHIRTS ···-···s3.s4 No-Iron PANTS ....... ~3.•4 SOCKS ................ 3 ... SZ.00 3321 E. COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR I New Bqok Says McCarthy, RFK in White House Deal · WASHINGTON (UPI) - 15tn. Eu&Wie J. McCarthy , IDtde a ~lived "dell'' wllh Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, aimed al putting McCarthy in the While House this year ' a~ Kennedy there in 197%, McClrthy is quoted as saying in a book pubJished today. .BOtb. McCarthy and Kennedy · 1pobomen denied lhe report. ·. 'me nport aJlegtB that Ken- . nedy pn>mised McCarthy be would not run for t h e Democrallc nomlnalioo last year, and McCarthy in lurn (>l'OIIll!ed run oupport tor Ken- nedy in 1'72, regardless of whether McCarthy w a s elected president ln 1961. Th.e book. "Divided They Stand,'' was written by Lon- don Daily Erpress neWBmen working in the United States. ·McCarthy's comments allegedly were made while he. wu vacationing In France --after he loot the presidential nominaUon to former vice · president Hubert H. Hum- pbn7. McCar111J: -not avalloble for eommtpt. But a ~ -the ~part, amt llld tho mea .. never'' enter<ct Into elUier 11<rt or the allegod 1,..aled ~· A spotelman for S e n • EdwU<I IL Kennedy (0. Mass.) ht wboee office lhe two men allegedly met to fonn the agreement, con- firmed Iha! a meeting tool< place. Bui the "IJClbsman aald ft bappeoed two daya after the New Hampshire primary, not two daya before lhe primary u the boi>k alleg.,.. 1be spotesman aald Robert Kennedy ~dy had d<clded to run. The McCarthy spokesman ' alJo said McCarthy made a point of saying, several tlmes, during his campaign that he was interested in serving only one term U elfieled. The book also alleges that New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller called on Presi- dent Nixon election night, but Nisoa ...tUJed to ... him. n quolel lloctefeller u saying, ., well uodentand that Mr. Nixon II busy." McCarthy Is quoted In lhe book u aaylng he believed a united front of war criUcs and thooe dlsencbanted wllh old-tt,yle politics could gain the nomlnation -but it would have to be either Kennedy or McCarthy because the ,._,.. ol both men In the race would IO splinter the front q tn throw the nomina- tion back to then president Lyndon B. Johnson o r Humphrey. , The book quotes McCarthy as telling Keonedy: "I thhlk I have a chance, but I must have a clear run. ~~d /I ' You can have it all in 1972. •-~--'._.....-._.-,___1_-u. ___ ;,;.;;;o;;=--.---I pledge my support for that, but in return I want you to ____ "W~o~m::_~eue~~of~hl~ccapo~~~r...~. ~·~-~~-~'"~::·•:_ __ leave it to me in 1968. Will you give me that clear run?'' The book quoted McCarthy as saying Kemedy then told him: "I tell you what J am telling everyone. I shall not run. You can coont on that." Then Kennedy decided to Soviet Paper Says Egypt Facing Economic Failure run : "From that moment '' un11w11 ..,.. ............. , whatever chance 1 had wa s The Soviet Communist party written off," McCarthy is newspaper Pravda said today quoted. "I knew It the day ·Egypt wu experiencing "cer· he announced . The game was tain failure" in the ecooomic over for me ~ for him. field. Jt hinted a quick pollUcal It ~Id not be either of us &0lution to the Middle East McCarthy is also quoted u crisis wouJd bentfit the Arab concluding: &t.ates. "It is enigmatic to renect "Peaceful conditions are bow one decision can alter necessary for the country to so many things. Had Bob Ken-move forward," the Moscow nedy stuck to his word. not newspaper said In a com- only would he almosl ce rtainly ·menlary. be alive today but most pr~ Diplomatic observers I n bably he would have emerged Moscow-said the commentary tinued economic l<>MeS of the Cairo regime. "Jn the prree!S of coo- strucUon of a new life, cer- . lain !ailurell and separate Jost battles are possible," Pravda said, "but the whole trend of lhe struggle of Arab peoples against imperlafu:ts allows us to predict its final outcmne -this struggle win end in victory." Moscow Saluies · Spa~men MQSCOW (.IP) -no ' Soviet un1on;, --· ."""""' Ibo failr -all ol 5oyul • ·ml Soyus ·s. "" to wlnliJ M-lodl1' l<l' I l'OUllng public welcoine and bonorJ from the eOuntry11 leaden. . . Vladimir Shalalov,, Borll· Voly!>OV, · YOVJtoy -and Alosel Yellleytt _. . Bent SQldier Tommies Out of Work .llftn a lndlllonol - airport .-plJoa and -parade d.,Plle lhe bitter eold ollldweelbelow..... .. ________________ , .,,,_,. were awU<led the Ord<r ol Lenin and made Gold Siar Heroa ol lhe Sovlel Union, lhe counlry'1 bilheat honors In an indoor Xremlln .....,,.ony, CltizeJI> bwxlled Jn lur capo and heavy overcoat& ltamped their feel and cheered !nm lemporary grandstands, while the four men marched from lhelr llyuBbln at.liner oo a red carpel to a lland crowded with dignitaries and the eo&- monauta' familie1. They were embraced and kissed by Communlot party General Secretary Leonid I. BrezhneVand Pre1tdent Nikolai V. Podgorny. Overhead I squadron ol MIG fighters roared past and lhe musk of a nearby mllllar}' band was puncluated by lhe salvoes ol a 21..gun Alute. Surgeons in Canada Halt Heart Switches ,,. """" ,,,_ , ..... 11111111 by Dr. Pierre Gttlldln. hll4 S\lfgOOOS In Canada, "°"' ol the lnslllala's ..,.i..t . -lhat lhe rlal< lrom .. jectlon In heart tramplonl team, bas 'pined llllle llJlll- pall\y -..... -""" operations may oulwelib 111• conoider lllo aperallm lbe ..i, beneflla, bave called a hall unUJ more 'ts known about hope ·for IOftll peracma. lhe body's natural II I h I '1 lake lW>I escepl]m to agalnsl forel4'1 organs. the ln!lllule nlslng the moral But other pioneer transplant question l.u aucb a way," llld surgeons around the world Dr. Husan Najafl, w )lo aald lheJ do not Intend to performed Chicago'• ..i,...,. cease the operatlona ud m«e cesdul ._ ..... 1._. laat mcmDL knowledge rauJted from .. -.-.... evf!rf me done. .. All a peraon bu tO do The heart lramplant lwn u be lo -monn, .. al Monlreal 's Heart tnstilnle to loot O(llimllllcall; at lllaoa. declared lhe moratorium and Iramplllll pa-. wbo .,. hoopltal director Dr. Paul living." David Monday 1aid a n y Tblrty-nlne ol the I O I. transplanta undertaken until wc:rld.'1 heart tramplanl ~ the n:jectim proceu is more tientl a.re •alive, ad tlodor9 fully understood, under "lhe around lhe world aald Tuada.J tame ~ijona and problems lhey wq nol· -1derinl.-a that face 111-now/' would be mer-a tor.tam en -.t .. _.u.,..111~'dent_aLthc--1.lniied_.gave evideoce _of --irowing States in tm." Soviet uneasiness about con- Jn Tel Aviv today, Israeli military spokesmen said Arab guerrillu striking lnto Israel tenitory were armed with C:O..DUIUUl.l a.lCbinese=made au1omaUc rifles. MWtng from the t"eJ"emonJ was Premier Alexei N • Kosygin, whose place was taken on the llaDd by First Deputy Prenier D m It r y Polyansky. Kosygin wu of· ficlally reported to be Oil VICI• tion, but tbe fact that hi would l!lktp such ·a popular wblic event ·™me support to reports he lo ii[ 1iruf't liO)'tOll>~-~~nJecl!on- ... . ' . ' UPIT....,... RAPlo.FIRE OATH TAKING Reineck• a.com. Lieutenant Governor • Reinecke Takes Oath 111 Time for Meeting SACRAMENTO CAP) - Rapidfire ad.ion at Gov. Reagan's request sent former Congressman Ed Reinecke to work today as CaWomia'z new lieutenant governor. It took less than a hour TUesday after Reinecke and Reagan arrived back in '' California on separate ·airplanes for tbe ~year-old Studio City Republican to sign his oath ol office. · ASked by newsmen a t S a c r a mento Metropolitan Allport if he had been re- quested by the governor to take oftke officially as soon as Po11slble, Reinecke laid, .. He es:pressed that desire." The reason wu so .that Reinecke could attend today's stlite College Board o f Trustees meeting in Sacra- mento with Reagan. If the state's new No. 2 official had waited until bis formal swearing·in ceremony -planned for the Capitol Rottmda at 4:30 p.m. Thurs-- day, he would not haff: been the ollJdaJ lleutenanl govemor and thua couJdn't have voted ol today's trustees meeting. Reapn ani•ed at the Sacramento Municipal Airport a.bout tbe same time a1 Tuesday, just a few days after starting his third term as con- gressman from the 2 7 th district, a sprawling -area :stretching from San Fernando Valley suburbs to sparsely populated eastern Kern Coun- ty. "I feel very good. It's going to be an exciting job. I'm glad to be back in California." He satd th.at while ht enjoyed the legislative branch, "you're not on the main line, u you Jte in an administrative job." Reinecke, who becomes the 39tb lieutenant g o v e r n o r , replaces Robert H. Finch, now secretary of health, eduoatioa and welfare in President Nil· on's cabin,et. The timing of Reinec.ke's or- ficial or f ice· taking was unusual. Reagan had to wait until he returned to California belore signing Reinecke's or- ficial appointment p a p e r s , which he dld upon landing. Those were then rushed to the Capitol. where Reioecie at 5:11 p.m. put his name to the official oath. Only newsmen and a few gubernatorial aides witnfµed the brief ceremony, and ques- tions 1 were not permitted by Reagan aides. ReJnecke flew in to the city's ;::;;:========::;! other airport, wilh M r I • Reagan on the ame plane -relorln& lrom the presiden- tiol lnalJIUl'ol festivities In Wuhlngtoo. Reinecke mllJled bis House eeat a few houri earlier on LOCA[ w ........ fl•Wlp.,., •• u • .,.. m•r•, •••ry 4•y, •""'* wh•ft fOil'lf •fl !ft ffit ,, ...... Or•ftf• C.•d tft*" th• DAIL T PILOT, l'ullfnl JH first, k-UI first. '69 Impol1 Culom Coupo We've found a way to make Chevroleta an even heller buy than other cars In their field. And out of their .field. We've been eble to drop the price or aeveral extras. Not cat.and-dog mtra1, but those you'd like to have. An &utomalic tranamiBl!lion coata you le1111. whether ifa Powerglide or our 3-speed Turbo Hydra- matic. TM cut of addini a larger VS IB leu. The 006t of new advanced-deaiin powt!t disc bralum bu been cul practic:ally In hall. And so bas the -or 1-1 ...trainto, whldl are now ftruroc! Into the hue price of the car u 1tandanl equipment. So for the '69 Impala lhown above with a bi1 300-hp VB, Turbo Hydra-matic, power di11e brakee, "hitewall tirea and wheel covers, the prioeia $101 .00• ]coa than it WU in 1968. (Tiloee whitewalla even ooet you a little leae than they did Jut yMr. And the 300-bp VS ooltl $40 leM than it uaed to OC9t to add a V8 with only 275 hp.) In 'al 10U pt a heller rida with Impala, too. A ' better Altm Vllltilation ayat.m. 8o11i1 ol.et "l\Wd ra1..-bililt Into lh• door. A JocJr far' tilt ((Ditton. ,_.,, wheel Ind obllt ...... ol!end onlJ bJ Chiv· rolet in its fteJd. The value loel up. 'Ibe price comes down. You know, ii we were the onmpetition, we'd never ahow up for the Showdown. Value owdown: . ' less · thaq I yearS Impala With CC!D1pa . le · equipment. I I l ' - a ,.-{DAILY PROT EDffORIAL PAGE I • Deci·sio·n Is Right One • • Newport Beach Is finally ••l'O«I In on a site for a new civic center and cultural complex. 'lbe. City ~ouncil's aoUon laJl week, resolving to proc~ wlt.h the development at Newport Ceiiter, came aa no great s~rue. All the •lu4lea of 'the paat two , ~s -by professional consultanta,,citiuns' commit.. tees and various councU subcommittees -pointed to it. The conclusion of each of these investigative pro. cesses wu the same: Newport Center holds overwhelm· ing advantages over any other site con.ldered, including the present 20-year-old City Hall property. More could be built for less at Newport Center, everyone agreed. Apart from that, there I& the centrality and conve~nce of location. in terms of tomorrow's needs, if not today's. The overriding consideration, of course, has been --and is-the economic advantages of locating at New· port Center. At one time, early in the investigative process, the net fmancial advantage to the city of mov· Ing, as opposed to rebuilding on the peninsula, was peg· ged at $1,069,000. 'The final analysis reduced that ad· vantage to $670,000, including about $250,000 in cheaper construction costs. But even with the reduction in the net financial ad· vantage, what remained was sufficiently impressive to councilmen to warrant their unanimous vote of com- mitment to the Newport Center site. The unanimous vote required councilmen repre- senting the peninsula areas to exhibit an extra mea· sure of responsibility, since they bad to place the Jong· range benefits to the city above personal feelings and pertlaps some short-term political advantage in voting to move the center of government. Municipal lawmakers also acted wisely throughout i;ite selection studies by. considering as separate matters the requirements of city government and the require. ment.s o! the <."Ounty colll1' system The advantages of Public Due • Newport Cent.r to the city Utus in no way d~d upon possfble r•location of the local court district lacllltles at Newport Center. If the eotmty does choose to accept Newport's proposal to •bare the acreage, it would only make tho City CoundJ'a final site aelecllon an even more lortui- t°"' decision. Use More Mobile Units Harbor Area youngsters interested in space explor· ation are being given a unique opportwiity to l e a r n about it first hand with an lmaCJnat!ve traveling show. The Newport-Mesa schools have put 1nto operation a traveling van with mO<\els of all American • p ace vehicles, staffed it with a teacher who is' an expert on such matters, and sent it around from school to sCbool to give $tudents lectures and demon1trations on space flights. . The project was planned and developed by the dlS· trict's staff as a pilot project and thus is financed com~ pletely with federal funds. Judging by initial reaction, it certainly is a success locally. The district just might have f o u n d itself a fine plan -for something more than a traveling space show. Jt would seem practical that many types of ex4 hibits and programs .could' be placfd in mobile units and taken from school to school -particularly pro- grams that wovJd not qualify for a full course in teach· ing. In this manner. classes at all schools could receive specialized instructions without the expense of estab- lishing a full curriculum throughout the entire school district Certainly, the experiment is working well in its first trial. ' N ~~·~ 'BASICALLY, l'M A MAHOVT, NOT A MlJLESK!Nt-l&R. • ' Nixota Has Troublesome Personnel Problems Who Will .Fill Lower Echelon Jobs? For Surprises On Vietnam -------( ¥=n:,!_+----~WASll!NGTON-.--EresidonLR!clllDl.­ M. Nixon i11 launching his new ad- ministration with a couple of troublesome personnel problems which could take a little time to resolve. _11LJ.et..&QYernmenLhierarcby, u,. GOP should act tiu:mm"1".Jl>Ll!i!!& yeara of Democratic control during wb1ch even the civil service roll! became, in their view, full of Democrats. W ASRINGTON -The public has got· ten sueb a simplified idea of a "cease- fire" and pu1kiuJ. of. Vietnam that it is in f~ IOID8 BUrPrlses, 1f not shocks. about the true nature of the setuement to be IOUglll there by the Naon AdminiltraUon. The onlf kind ol oulcome which can have any meanln&, at all will be a setllement which will gumntee the stability of the entire Southeast A&ia area. at Jeut for • period of years. Otherwillo f!OO bllllon and 3 0, 0 0 0 American lives will bave gone down lbe drain as a po1tiless wute, and President Nixon gives no more sign of accepting that outcome than Ex·Presi· dent JOOn.iio. It would be supreme: bistoric irony tr at this J.-~ after all this agony the Nixon will ehould [alter and what coold be gained by palienco and resoluUon ahould be lo6t throuih some desill to placate American public op!· nion. 'Ibis would be contrary to Nls:on's record on· Southeast Asia and an of Asia, dating back 15 0t :Ill yean and n is inconceivable tbat he would repudiate iL · THERE 18 NO 61GN of !altering will on Nixca'1 part and It must be concluded that the J-advlaen are right when they iudao that Nixon will follow the policies JGbnlon would have followed. The Wl.J II not easy. North Vietnam will have to be for«:cl to the conclusion it does not desitt, a pull~t of it& 100,000 troops not only from Soulh Viet· nam, but from Laos and Cambodia as well and the acceptance of an in· ternational monitoring system to make Ill.ITT! they get out and slay out. Nor is this to be monitored by some com· mission made up of Poland, India, Canada or other parties who do not have a vital concern. An Asian settlement tupervised by Asians ls sought, not an Asian settlement supervi&ed by far away or Communist-orieoted countries whose atatesrnen have so Hntel!tiously blacken- ed the name of America throughout this very difficult period. ALONG THE WAY toward such an agreement there may be some harrowing events. Johnson's national security ad- visers, Walt Whitman Rostow i n particular, have for weeks been restive over the possibility that Red China n1ay By George Dear George : Why do sports-car drivers .r.ip around like they do? Is thi8 com· pensation for an inferiority com· ple1? BIG.CAR OWNER Dear BCO : Actuall y, evrrything is a com- peTisation for an inferiority ~ plex tor everybody. lloy,·ever, thole little cars aren't going that much fBster. They j ust look that way. Anyhow, it's not the car that counts -il'ts the IM:rel the driver We:ll'S. MOtit fort:lign cars are purchased &lmply as a reason to wear those funny hat>. (George will solve your problem prac:tJcaUy i.ru;tanUUleoul!I)', illow· Ina for hil U&Ual procra!tinaUon, of COUl'l4") Wi"·ci"" ~1t'1 sa11tething about peace talks that l1ated 1,000 1ears!' try lo talt~ advantege ol the oncoming settlemeDt by making a land grab of ·its own In northern Laos -jUBt to remind all nations that Mao'• Cbineae Peoples Republic remains the erut force in Asia. China is not thought to be ild'rlng for a big war, nor is ChJna willing to accept the idea that a settlement ol. Asian problema' can be forced upon ft. Another harrowing event could be the resumption of offellSive operations by wbat is left of the North Vietnamese-Viet Cong military coalition, now largely North Vietnamese. Intelligence ·sources rePort the build-up of anolher attack related to the opening of the Nixon Administration. ' JOHNSON ORDERED Gen. Crelihton Abram!, commander In Vietnam, to place mulmum mll11ary presmre on the North Vletnam.se during the peace taJU and following the boniblng halt Abrams has done so and it is assumed that Nixon will order him to oontlnue. U the same thing happens u during tbe Tel ofCensive and the offensive last August the Communist forces are going to suffer grievously, and it ls the general conclusion here that they cannot take it much longer. Observers .with a high degree of skei> ticism have re.turned from Vietnam con· vinced this time that lhe Communists have accepted all the damage they can bear, and that lhey are moving slowly and stubbornly to end the war. The 1-lanoi government is doing what it would do if a central decision had been made to end the war. IT RAS REPAIRED slruclures and facilities which certainly would promptly be destroyed again if the war returned to its former sc.ale. Hanoi is entering into agreements with Sweden and other countries for post-war aid, and is negotiating trade arrangements which could only be based on the conditions of peace. \Vhat is called for now is public pa· lience and resolution so that there can be a b;eUet ch&{ll;e for the Nixon Administration to proceed in a hard· headed way 'toward a algnlflcant set- tlement coming as e]ose u possible to assuring durable Southeast Asian stahillty. And if that happens the war ·will not have bttn a waste. The Nixon Administration should be given at least a year to wind up tblt incident in history in a construcUve fashiao. Poignant "Floodlll)~" publisbocl by the Iowa Public Service Company, bas 11ked : "Where does the government get its money? In poignant terms, a New llampsl\i,re hOUliewife answered U1e question in. a letter to Senator Norril Cotton. who said her words were 'more me.anind\ll tbal I.DJ speech I've beard In t&e Senate.' Faced with rising taxes, Increasing costs of lh1ng, and with children approachi.rlg college age, she had this to say: 'Wbere does the government ~t-Its money-? From the v1catJ ons we could never take, the movies we never saw, Ule n.ataurant dinners we never ate, the clotbe1 ,... never bought, and the savings we bO.\ltn't goL' " One problem is the selection of qualified lndividuals to serve in sub-cabinet jobs. The other involves the replacement of Democratic incumbents in politically ap- pointive jobs down the administration c11ain. Sil weeks ago, when Ni.Jon aides were soliciting job recommendations from D)any nonpartisae sources, including in- dividuals listed in Who's Who, it WU 11aid tbat Nll<m would draw his top adminl81ralol'I quickly from a large pool ol well quallf1ed manpower. Those statements appear to have been over-op- tlmistic. The problem ¥ clear at the level of assistant eecretarles tn government departments and their top deputies. The Nixon °team" lll now taking the field with a flock of vacancies in tbese high echelons. • NIXON AIDES a.re now es:plaining that Cabinet members in the new ad- ministration are moving slowly and deliberately to assure selection of top officials who cao work harmoniously with their associates. There is a little more to it than that, however. Like all of his immediate predecessors Nlxon is having some trouble finding the right man for each of the imPortant jobs which he must fill. That large pool of qualllied manpower ii oot qu!te what it appeared to be in the election's joyous a!tormath. Top Republicans now admit privately that tome of the lawyers, bankers and businessmen who were enthusiastically "available" in late November had second thoughts when the job offered was not in the Cabinet but a somewhat anonymous post a step or two down Boat Owners vs. To the Editor: Progreu beglnJ with a dream but transforming two :miles of ocean beach into a marioa is more llie a nightmare. The proposal appears to be .founded in a real need for more boat moorage. Cqtalnly, S,800 large boat owners will favor the idea, but what about the 50,000 people who enjoy unpolluted open beach for swimming, body surfing and board surfing almost every day through our summer season? Even· tbe'marina-favOr· ing yachtsmen would Jose something - this sell-same area is the one they use so frequently for their racing. SO FAR, EXCEPT for Councilmen Macinnis and Rogers, little has been heard in opposition to constructing a marina to make the Genoa Bay develop- ment commercially feasible. Let it be known that [, too, am vehemently op- posed to convertlng my front yard into an oily wasteland. Th'e desecration would be complete if part of the breakwater were developed into an offshore airport. THE PROMOTER'S arguments ap· pear, at first glan(e, to be valirl. Look at just one:: Are erosion COfltrol measures really useless dfort. doomed lo failure? We ocean front property ownrrs don't think !JO. I have spent literally hundttds of hours and my own dollars over the last several years protecUng my property from the ocean's onslauatit. 1bose steel groins may not be aestheUcallJ ap- Dear Gloomy Gus: Why does Newport Beach hire efllden~ comteous and helpful refuse collectcn,and ARROGANT, ANTAGONISTIC and INEPT dog· catchers? -R.A.O. ""' ,.._. ft'ftMll ....... ..... ... ---·"' """' ff .. ... .... ,. .... ,... "" """ . ~ ... ..., ....... l'119,. frcm rMCttrt ,,. WM<mM. NOrt!llll'I' wrlttri 1llOl/ld eonllft' tl'llllr m"'"" Ill IOO Mtdf or Ina. TIMI rklht to ~ i.tt.ri to tit '"° or •llml-.,.-11~ II ,.. .. rnd. All .. "'°' m~I lllc:lude 1'9Mtv... Wld ,...H!mt otdlf-. but Mmtl ffWll be wllhMld on r9'\ltll If tufflclsnl ,_ 1il IHIH/11111. pealing, but no sand had to be hauled jn during this erosion season. The beach is available to all who care to enjoy iL KENNETH E. WATKINS •1Uarh1a? NOi' To the Editor: The people v.•ho wish to make a marina at West Newport are a1cin to the current ilk of land developers who provide a golf course as an inducement to the sale of their houses. They assume, quit e arbitrarily, that every prospecti ve homeowner 1s, or would be, a golfer. There must be thousands of individuals who couldn't care less about golf. In the past few yelfll, too much of our area has been developed to appeal to the boating set. THERE ARE MANY people y,·ho like to relax and exercise. on the beach and enjoy an unobstructed view of the conttantly changing beauties or the OC'tan. Thert are so few areas such u this left, let's not take any away. Possibly. a breakwater may have some advantages, but a marina -NO! We should leave a spot for Mr. Average ClUzen of Orange County to enjoy. NORA R. WARREN Stop Co1Ut Freeavny To tbe Edik>r : One of ~ dt31table features of beach living ii the absence of freeway noise. Having lived for yearg within lhret· fourth.' of " mile of a freeway, we now particularly appreciate living away from the pervading and constant roar al traffic noise eher&etr:rliitlc {l f freewa ys. The planned Coast Freeway will end our comparative quietude within a few years. All the low coast 11reas not separated by high ltlnd m8.$! will suffer. PATRONAGE -In the final analysis, the more troublesome problem for Nixon could be the filling of non-civil service jobs a couple of echelons down from 1he sub-eabinet. Involved is the question of top-level federal patronage. Some Republican politicians and would- be job holders, with their party taking control of government for only the second time in 36 years, want Nixon and his aides to move aggressively in taking over poaitioos which are not protected by civil service. Many of lhem th~nk President Eisenhower was not aggreSSive enough wheo he took over in 1953. "The Kennedy people did it right,'' recalls an Eisenhower Administration job holder. "When I got to work on the day after inauguration, I was told l had my choice of resigining or being fired. [·resigned, of course." Veteran GOP leaders in Congress are amoog those urging a sweep-0ut pol!cy by Nixon and his top aides. They think NIXON'S recruiting es:pertl a re reported concentrating on less than a thousand top jobs -administrators, con- Sl.lltants, personal aides and the like -which are i'dentified as subject lo political appointment. Actually, however. there are about 4,000 such jobs on a listing compiled for Congress in what used to be called the "Green Book." (lt now has a buff cover.) Some GOP professionals would like to see the Nixon Administration assign some political appointee in each depart- ment to see that those political jobs. when available, an filled by Republican~ recommended by the National Committee or GOP offices on Capitol Hill. That. a few old-timers recall, is bow it wa1 handled under the vld master, Franklln D. Roosevelt By Robert S. AUen and John A. Goldsmith the Beachgoers In particular, the bay area, the islands and the penln!ula will be enveloped ·by the objectionable rushing noise. TO PRESERVE the beauty of an area against the press of civilization is dif· ficult. Whether the state can be stopped from building this freeway probably depends on the city of Newport Beach . The people of San Francisco were able to stop construction of a freeway whose need was less important than the blight that woula result. · Is this freeway essential when lt parallels the Coast Highway and two other freeways -the San Diego and the Santa Ana? If the state deems it so. it v:ould be desirable to limit the speed to no more than 45 mph. through this area and also to plan the roadway as straight and level as possible. PAUL and MARGARET RYCKOFF Tlae Dorse11 \llslt To the Editor: As a newcomer tG Orange County (rom Palos Verdes, and as a high school teacher in the Huntington Beach Union High School District, allow me to con- gratulate your staff on your coverage of the Dorsey student visit to Orange County, particularly Jean Cox 's piece in your Jan. 14 editions. If more whites like Miss Cox speak out. the black students will be back to talk again, and as long as we can st ill talk together, there ii; hope. VIVIAN H. HALL l11tegro1e .f'ac11lt11 'To the Editor ; After reading of DoNJey High's visit to· Harbor Hlsh. th• thOugl!t that t- comi ng to me is bow unfortunate it is that our children cannot dtsaw race relations direcUy with Nepo clas.smatel and teachers. Although it is unre1U:rtk to e.iped. much integration of our nelghborhooda in the near future, the lntegratlon of our school raculty Is another matter. This would be 11 reachable pa) and one which l would like to ltt pursufd. NANCY SKINNER Greatest Problem To the Editor ; .. It y,·as with a great deal 0£ pleasure and renewed hope that we have read the accounts in the DAILY PILOT of the student·to-studenl discussions on race relations between Dorsey High and Har- bor High students. We hope that this program will be continued and expand- ed . We also hope that our son John. a junior, and our daughter, Ann, a fresh- man at Harbor High, will be included. We recognize the human rights issue as this country's greatest problem. It was created by the white man and it must be solved by the white man. The problem cannot be solved until at- titudes are changed and this program is the first step in that direction, WE \\'ANT TO commend Mrs. Jean Fouts ano Mr. James Newkirk for con- ceiving the idea and having ,the courage of their convictions \() implement iL Principal Charle'l Godshall should al.50 be commended for supporting the teachers. Our special thanks to Supt. \Vllllam Cunningham for allowing it to happen. The white people of this nation must race the fact that they are either a part of the PROBLF.M or a part of the SOLUTION. In our eyes, educators are a part of the SOLUTION. JACK A. SClllllMER MARILYN J. SCHIRMER -----Wednesday, Janu•ry 22, 191111 'l1lc edllonal pog• Of lht DaBJ l'Uol u11<1·to lftforna mid llfllo. tllaU rtqdcn •w "'"••Una 11111 ....._..., opiniom mid .,.,,.. .....tmv' oa lopia of inttrul mtd rianlfidm<t, by prooidtna • f"""11 flW 1111 e:r;prwlon ~ our ttadlrr'"' opfnion.s, and br prtJm.ting CM dft'fr.te tMw- potnu oJ "'l"""'d ob.lm><rl a>MI '"°"''"""' on topb o/ 1111 cloy. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I '' r --::: ' -II., If .. . ,· . _.,__,==-,~cc---~---..,..,, ------....--- • Tela~9 l'lwal : • vol:. f,t. NO. J9, 4 S~ONS, 54-P.46ES . . ~E COUNTY, C~l'OANIA WEDNESDAY, :JA_NUARY 22, '1969 19~llege Strike Try Huge Flop SAN. ~Cisto (~) .- A oO.,day ilriit Caoect ,by: a teachm' union 'In ' an-Ql't lo disrllPt.eailforoia's statewiide .' ~ 'ayltem I~ today to have lalled. 1lle American Federation of .T~ cl~ about 2,000 memberll · - the 11,000' Instructors In tbe' 19 atai. =...~ 'called for · picketing at Al · ievoral, no pickell appeared, and at -Gthert ooly a ball-dozen abowedup. Claasel.,and In -casea final H•· amtnatloaa, went on as usual for most of. &be 125,000 students in the nation'• largest c:ollege system. At San Jose State. where 21 teachers have Ileen told that they automatically ralpd !OT having been en atrike 'slnce , Jan. I, about.SO instructors and student l)'l!lpatbi:ers marched. There WM a gjmilar unalJ turnout at San nanciac.o·State, where tbe·APT ftlllonlltlblan.S. , · A Sacramento Slall union leader --wuelf,bui~­ llJIOkesman said'tbere"'"' .. problem& The one-day -wu ~ in support of the San Joae strikers. -In -had struck lo support those at Sin Francisco State. ' They demanded pay increases, a bigger voice in '8dministrati00t and a minorities ~am. Mldlllonally, al Berkeley, the Univ""- ly of Calllmda'1 main eampus, lhe union called · a one-0.ay strike in sympathy witb Jlllnority student demands. 14 loo. appeared lo bavt sllgbt effect, -0. atimated 100 stud,.11 and ~' ~ et-11!1 .. 11111"""1" en--1o:U.'tl,eae.etudont campus. The state eollq:1 wystem is separate from the Univenlty .,. Callf9mia .,,tern and' the latter, excett.lor Jerblit, la _ .. __ , Tiil •AJT strike againll lbe eolleie system, can.d laat Friday, Is the latest In a cbain of disruptions lhal began 1aat •Nov. S. On that date Negro and -mloorlly stud-· struck at San Flll!dlco State College -andlng I hruder, more autonomous minorities sludy ptOlfam. 0a Jan. 1 Ille AFT local al Sao Jl'ran- daco Slate called its .... strike, aUin& Improved pay and teac:hinf ccmelllfom and spedlying suppcri for the otudent -- Mesa Council Won't Re-hear Sauna Bath Case Refuaing to rehear the case ci a sauna batb bouie where sex was allegedly for sile. lhe Cosll.-Mesa Citf COOncil ruled.-tbat ·the owner'& presence would !lave oo tmpacl on lhelr dental declaioo. -D JI. Bailey, who bad operated lbe Em. Sauna, -Newporl Blvd .. milled a Jan. I bearing on a conditionaJ UBe permit allowing him to continue "'---He llid by letter that be was 'n route from Gardena when he got caught In fOf. Balley -whose wile and two maslMUN!I pleaded no contest, or technJcd guilt, to prostitution in· volvtmeut at the aauna -didn't hear -,uphold lhelr pmious refusal to W Mm conduct advertised busi~ Monday. U. came late again. ' Vl"IT ....... WORKMEN TRY TO Fill GAP IN RIVER LEVEE Sherman l1lend Near Sacramento Thr11f1ned Sunny Skies Promised Aitier -T orre.ntial , Rain , • caDlornlm from ..,. 'CJld ol-lhe atate lo ,the Other d11ed off toilliJ ilter four days of ravaem( rain, boo~ by the weatherman's JX'OD).ise of fair skies and swmy cooditions through the rest ... or the· week. Gov. J\(l]ald Beagan dec1attd a state Mwlll' S-Lui Yr, I.Sol J.76 5.10 2.0 •.M S.tl '"' &.f7 •.36 ].!. 6.7$ 5,31 2.S4 5.16 5.1. .S.11 6.7' 53' l.11 6.7$ S.:17 1.'5 5.U •.» 1.n '-ti 1..a 2.65 5.f7 .... ..•. ..• "' 3.ts 7.~ .... '·" U1 • 2.5ol J.M 1.10 of emergency in CaliforDia Tuesday in the wate of-the-1'1nter'• ·first major :storm which forced h111idftds of -pet&ons to flee their homes on a score of rivers and streams. AJoog ·tbe Orange Coast, mopping up ope.raUc:m began after a siege of rainfall that began early Saturday afternoon and continued, .almOst without intsruption, through Tuciaday. ' The storm pushed coastal rainfall totals. which Jut Friday stood as · muCh .,. four 1nchea l>ehind last year's figures, up,to·llld beyond those tabulatioris.'Ohly Newpmt Beach' now has recorded less rainfall than at a comparative . period last year. The oosgiest area of Oraege County ' . NEW YORK (UPI) -Stocks lumed In the •best' performance of the .week in ~ actift trading today.-(See quolltiina,>Paga-IH!), was Anabe!m. wbidJ absOrbed ·nearly five 1ncbet of Niu ·ewer tbt weekend. boosting its e8!Ql.•1•1c1a1·-1o US Inches. Garden Grove Wu a · close aecond with 7.22 inches. The raim-took .a-heavy . toll •. Fourteen drownings and more than a BCCre of traffic deaths,in Southern California~ blamed on the storm. 'lbe· Weather Bureau bad good news today, bowever.-lt npcwted that a.fomth major rainll«in headed fm-I b e Southland ..... baited by • b!P. preliuno poinl off lhe coast. All over Southern California, streets were flooded, ,trees loppltd, I''"'" lines felled, mudslides • Uiftered, bomeso •ift- wMlated -iWatet.and can slalllld. The Alilomobile Club of · SOiJlhern Callfornja repon.d 1bat ·Ciba lhe llor1n hil ·Saturday, a recerd of ll;fl)O calls were received . Most of 1he ciiien com- plained their cars wouldn't start. Bayside Drive Closed by Work ·Heavily traveled Bayside . Drive will be closed for. coostruotion starthJi next ~~oJ1C)ay, Newporl Beach ·city aides ao- nounced today. It will , bo blockaded bo\ween Ille 11arbor lllland Drive• and ibe Balboa Yaclitllasin.. ' Motorists, ...,..,ally U-who use ·the road to ·avoid heavy E. Coat Highway traffic, wi11 have to get !o and from wort along other routes' fOr aboul'IO daya,,city ol!iclala said. The constructioo~wort involves repav· . log, a project lhal' bad. ---delaytd several days'by·strikeo and .....,.,~ DAft.T PILOT ....... l'AMlllAR COSTA MUA ADDRISSllS ... WAIT FATE UNDIR CLOUDY MUNICIPAL SKllS Vlctwla -Shocb .,.. laadrin Heedoch .. 216 and • to C-.Clbnan ) • ' . 10 Swept to Death Survivor Telh Swollen Creek Tragedy SANTA PAULA (UPI) -Ten per80l1I Deelog a torrential rainstorm In rogged mountain country were nept from a r9CUe buildozer . "one by one" when it stalled in a swollen creek. Authorities laid all ol them, Including six ehlldru, were pmwned dnrOned. The Ventara County Sheriff's elfice flnl -of "" tragedy lata Tuelday from lhe aele IUfYiwr who .WM pieted up by a belleopter neu Ibo tlllnl Sellpe Creek in the L<t Padrtl Nollooal Forul. The dead ·~ ab< youths from Canoga Part, ~ a man who look them for an outing In the -laat Friday jusl before ·a aeries of ·violent ralnstorma bit lhe elate. Thi thn!e otbe:r victims were members or a eareh party which wu brlngiog them out ot the lonely ana Monday night ahciut 35 mllea north of hero. 'lbe aurvivor was ScoU Eckersley. "8, a bousefatber at Uve Oak ICbool In the Ojai' Vllley, who mel the boys at a campground on Saturday. He.invited ···~ ~;;~#~: . . . . . . . •.,!!.t• •.!!!:!!• "··.~·... • • • ; - -·:::9a•M.._lll ' a,o . ...::~.n·:. • • Mfl.18 " =-· , .. :.:·: .. • .. -·:,:··· .. ' DISASTER SCl!NI 'X' Marks Where 10 Lost them lo ta k e shelter In bla camper truck when rJln llarted lo fall. . The· boys, ranging In age from 10 to 13, and lbe~ leader, Robert Samples, broke ~to a cabin at the campgrounds Sunday cifterooon witb Ecur>Iey to wait out the storm. Meanwhile, the rescue team set out for the atta on ·a Na~· bulldozer bor· rowed from a ·Seahee ··~ camjl at Rose Valley in the national fcnst. The three rescuers reached the cabin euly Monday lllgh~-Eckenley aaid. Wiii the children perclJed ... Ibo -aml fenders, lhe group set oul for clv!Hutlon, lJlaaater struck when ~ Ille~. to ford lbe Sespe met, -... eight feet deep by three days of rain. · "We were riding oul on lhe ~ and IOI 1o Ille middle of 11to ,cniet.~­ Eckeraley said. "But the water wd: too deep and ·11 rooe up over all GI UI and we went ~ by one. We ~ all felting numb from the mid jual allpped away." . I ~-aaid he wenl under Ujf stormy llllrlaco of lhe met twice aml atruck a rock wllh his back u he ,,._ swept dowllltream. i "The nell thing I remember I w• lylog in a pool and I crawled ·up Giii the bank. I WUD't' IUl'8' whether l ·.Wat dead or all~." Kinderg~ten's~_Netglihors Annoyea -------~-- Longer Day Sick Mechanic Will$ Causing Deficit By TIIOMAB, POllTIJNE Of' .. .., , .. .,.., The _i....,. -'"""'1 day ..... by Newport.Mell ICboola tblo year inay bo '°"' ••&Y . irllb -':JUI'' -... :,mlf • . . ~-~ .. ""' ~~,._ iliy 'tllijl "' .,...fji ~-, .. ""' ~ .!&Y lbeJ ~7-,..,.,, 10 fer IOill ~ P"l!Olll agAln. v' I ' ' Tl1jl' J~ klliclerprlen lludentt are recelvlnl lllrOe !loin al ,---.. Jn. stead ot·21Ai ·11· hi ·~-,.... .. 1Te gain the extra ball hour r dlslrlcl h&d to hire 3S addltimll ldnderprteo teachert at a cast of $110,000. Each tac:her iJ mpalllJblo !or one dasa·dllly·undir lbe exl4ndod.-.m; formeri, a IMcber lalJ&hl In al lbt th-sea!Cllll each day. ~rai:ln&l 'c1uwt-jliicnt -for the -...-ptOlfam 111one IS 1210,000,' tt la .. _, lhe tillricl lo nm a '317,IQ budget delldl. - ofllclall apected lo obllln lbe ' other $iJT,G001 u P1fJ11t from · 11te llate for inatailbtC •. P'Jl'ODI· -~abate fanc!lnl'b1Dulal-. the -·· tbal tail.ii ·Newport.Ii--lo adopt lbt procram. Bui legttlaton al lhe laat IDClllel~ aller lhe ochool district budfel wu ·adopted, tu!thel'OR'am. "They held a carrot out m a lticlt, then toot it away,"-aaid Trustee Jrlr&. Marian Bergeaon. Aaoclate Supt Norman Loata fl'CUecl for retention of the proiram.rnt IChool year. He also asked lo add onolher 20 minutes lo lbe three-hour ltlnderprten day which .....iii -no ....., be laid, because no add!Han1J teacher• would bave to be hired. However, if tile district dou revert to twice-a-day J~ lellionll It will save lllO'l,11111 neat ,.ar. Tbe SS teacben could bo reasaigned lo other grades to fill the usual vacapcies. Board membera Indicated they pro- bably wID· go that route if IOIM llvinga aren't found: Supt. MWam ~. who wu 111pposed to-ftCOIDDlend c:utbKb in ~ rent progrllllS in Older to balance the !See SCHOOL, Plfe II OK for At-Home Garage. , . Winner!ls. ·Loser: . ' Prank Haunts 20-Year-Old A IWllnwen party prank hu. come back to baunl a Newport Beach Y,- IS days later, but he Is the -.puted, hlnda-<lcnm wlnoer oC the conlell oul of which tt grew. John B. Johnslon, 20, of Uf fltb Sl, .... 'booted inlo Colla -Cily Jail Tuelday on 1W1picion ot JIOllRSlim of stolen pn>ptrty. The preperty,'ISO worlh, COlllllted al lwo Pollc:O Veblcles Only llgna,. mi.1111 lnlm the V-Way ~ to the Calta Maaa Polk< Facility !crnearlf three months. Newport Beach Police Olllcer Jll!IOll Jacobs wu ruabUtg to an ac:ddent. tcene laat Satuzdsy, he said when be fllmpaed • youtb cmylng •. city llfD Into • t7tb ltt..t apartment. Returning Monday wUh a partner, or .. fleer Jamos Bradley, tile ~ terv!ewed Jolmaoo atioul Ibo Veblclea Only stsns lliuncl bis dwelling. • Jacobi IDd Bradley lllo .I~ signs•ln lhe apartment, where users would be advised to tbese · d!UOlll and ,....iationll; -WroocWay, -Yield, " • ! -Danger, Beacb Clooed. Do Not§]Ellie. Costa M--Km--smilh Willer Si1vel' Jr. were '""'*''la· cae and said they obtained a Ila <Sea PRANK, P ... II I 'City Council Plans Move Against 'Hippie Houses' • Weadaer StlllllY days ore -again, lh._ wealhennae beams, wilb clear - 11kie1 and mid.eG tempe?atorea rorecut for Thunday. It'll bo up to 11 degreea lurtbor Inland. A lemporary truco has l!emi called in an ll-year war a~ a rwrmhMkle rolal dlatrld ao lhe lliHlrlcken --can join lbt . Coeta Maaa Cliy Couoc:il al Ille --table, No mote tbao In,..... wUl beano. .ect. holrever. ior a beulnC oo ~ declaration of an a!l•ll"I b!P, ..._ ·al 1111 and '211 Vlclorla SL • a publlc -nqulrlas -.ctJon. . o.nect by Paul Gardner, oC llllS ~ ll)'brook 1-Colla M-lho colorful 11YetHJnlt pr 1 m l 111 pnenied lb aeparate poUce rep:llU between October, llle'I and October 11111, acoordhlc to city figurtl. • "Thia 11 limply lbt I~ oC tancml aUractad to lhla pr...,lj>,' said Deputy Bulldln( INpecltJr Dean Dorrll u ho made • pruonlatioo lo lho city COUDCil Mor<lay. "I 1QJo7 rldlq a 1... 1111i111 w11b ,, INSmE TODA'l' Tiie Coaf<I Mcaa Ciofc· Pllllf ' ~ .... .,,.., Ila !1C!O produellon ' WI "'"'"'""' 1011ik. floe Gfll«r lllcatcnr CllonQ IM °'-Coor! --t1i<ir P'Oflt•ma. Stt -Enkrtalmnn~ POii• :ZS. ·--:: ' =-::: -._ " ·-. --.. -" -·~·~-~--. = .... -... --.. -.. ·=-.......... --.. =· ll --... -.: .,, m-: .,... ....... =-.... ""' ==·~ -.. --. --... I .. ---------__ ..__ ... ___ __ -------~. • ' z DAD.Y I'll.OT c ' ---· J)btlll'bltlfJ Peue? • • • " From Page l SCHOOL •.. CONSUL TS ON ATOMS UCI CIMmlat Rowlond VCI Chemistry Prof Geu AEC Post in Arutria · Profesaor F. Sherwood R o w l a n d , cbalrmln of cbemls1ry 1t UC Irvine, d~ Mond11 to spend m mcmths ~· consultant to the Intm11tlooal Atomic E~ Coinmi!sloii In Vlennl, Auatril. 'ilie <ommissioo, dlrecled by the United NaUon,s, investigates · peaceful U&e! of a,tomic energy. -With. Dr. Rowland ore his family and • friend of -of his two children. 'J1le family include.s his wife, Joann. daug1!ter, IDgtld. 15, and son. Jdlrey, 13,4 The chi1dmi trlends Ire Hayden l'lltlps, daug1!ter of Referee In -~-A.---it-Pbelps;-and-Peil) Adams, SOii of UCI EngJilh Deparlmml ~ Huard Mama. All Uve in Newport Beach. 'l1le chlldml will attend the American School in Vienna. Dr. Rowland will be on sabbatical leave unUl July 15. He also plana: to write a book during his sojourn. Dr. Don L. Bunker, profes80r of chemlltry, becomea acllng ·d>alrman of the cl!mlllrJ 'departmtnt. '.fbrough Dr. Rawland's effort. a 'I'RlGA Mart I nuclear ructor soon wlil be .Installed In the baa<ment of t!iO 'UCl· l'llYllca,l'Scleom Bulldlnl. II will be tl>e" llnt -In the Jrotld to bO andet'6e direction of a de(IUljnent ol chemlllry. It will be ...... for bol atilm dlolillltry -- $ I I ·Billboard · Sent • • Back to~···· srttdy A plan to erect a billboard on the Co!ta Meaa-Newport Beach border - described by'one olficfal as a disturber of the public'• visual peace -bu aone baclt to !he.drawing bolrda. Just what Pacific OUldoor Advertising Co., had in mind for the aouthwest comer of Newport Boulevard aad In- duslrial Way wasn't completely un· dentood initially. The eo.ia M ... City COuncll Monday agr<ed to bav. the projecl referred back to the Planning Commission for ad- ditional study, despite Newport Beach's obJedlons. From Page l GARAGE ••• Acting Newport Beach Pl&Mln& Dftte. tor Darrin Groth uld In a letter urging denial of 1 condlUonal use permit for the slruc-that enough la almply eoough. Ee described blllboardJ -subtly r<fpr- red to Monday as a 1C~foot city bulletin by the applicant finn -as disturbing the public's visual peace. Gr<llh said his city ·opposes the new billboard which . wDI late IOUth illto Newport Beach territory aod charged that such signs are belng pennitted with blatant abuse in California 1 e•peclallt In Orang< Coonty. · "A! •loquenlly u Mr. Priat.cao read, that Jetter lllill soundl bad," OOl!>Dlented J. A. .Kingry, Pacillc Oubloo!'Adverjlalnc Co., spokesman, after the clt7 clert linisbed Groth'• I~. Kingry went on to es:plaln that the slgnablres were by rtnters, not tax· new proposed blllboard would merely cover the rear of an exiat1ng billboard paying landowners.. at 1001 Newport Bl•d., which would St. Clair at that point read Dr. seem an tmpnrvement over the bare Hansen's letter, but it seemed to change backside. no one'• mind. He said that he hu learned alnce' Deprived of his life's work, Van the permit wia recommended for dtnlll Heematerck would probably die soon, by the city plaruilng commNIOn that Dr. Hansen said. the existing frame structure holdlng one "Mr. St Clair, I think you arc loo sign might be used to mount the RCODd. much in favor of tbis," said another Planner• expected a whole new Germ.an immigrant, Mrs. Adoll T. billboard base would be involved. Scbn1ttter, .of 2067 Wallace Ave., who Tues in the increuingl.1' valuable had earlier 'Yoiced objection. Harbor Area are skyrocketing, Kingry 0tlPIT ......... MINI-SUB DEEP QUEST FINDS SAS WRECKAGE A Quest for Answers on Oce1n'1 FIOor • budget, begged of! at th• board meeUne. Re aaid he hadn"t had tltne to come up wltb recommendations beeauae U la lljll1 ~ wl!ll tao hQplndlng ................... ,, ~1'~-i.Nll• ~ : °Board m!mber Donald Strauss voiced hia unhapplnf'JllB, saying as far as he ts coocemed lindinl waya to cul back hu been the top priority llem for the last six month!. Trustee Mrs. Elizabeth Lilly criticized Loats for recommendlng a fSOO.a in- crease in educaUonal programs for next school year. - "The philosophy oI always increasing, never changing or subtracting, bothers me." she said. "I think we look at it as improvement. .. said Cunningham. "Whittling by the board would not be u necessary or as drutie lat1r if the stall did some of it first, '1 the said. Loats said principals and teachers feel the lengthened kindergarten day is one of the m08t significant µnprovements in educaUon the district hill made. He said it is believed, but not immediately proveable, that reading readiness pays great dividends. .. I think it is one of the best ln4 vestments we can make," be said. "But we won't know until the kids reach the third grade where you can begin to identify the poteriUal drop ouUi." Board members tended to agree with him, but wanted to see some cuta made somewhere else before they would go along with the kindergarten plan again. Earlier, Mrs. Van Heemskerct urged pointed out, and the new bfilboard would s h w • f 01{ • D • councllmen to understand the couple's bring the landowner an additional SZ,000 u a1ts or m Ive M p t Off. problem and dented that ber ,em1.1nva!id yearly to belp balance the tnmase. I esa OS Ice Biafra Peace Terms: Renounce Revolt husband ever nms cars up and down The permtt. has a one-year life limit the -to 1es1 ·-· •nd the blllboanls will naturally com• Gets Phony Coins ~ !!:.! ~d~~~:w.0~~~~0;:'." th•_property is .... 1ua11y ~_;l'Q... F'1JJ d .kt T ai1 W reck~g_e __ ~ _!!!.il)g_ ~,.0!!!1c~11ado::;:,___ Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson finally venuon 01 copper..meuu &ma.lpmllle .S. noted that he has be.en a staunch sup-F • d . coins has victimiieQ the Costa Mesa porter of conditional"'° permi~regulated airgroun 8 LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An ex· It was not seen. lbe jet broke in two Poot Office of 15.2&, police !lid today. home occnpatlona, but felt a line must perirnentaJ 1ubmarlne with underwater parts at the time of the crash. The '.J'he cuJprit dumped 23 copper 1lugs be drawn aomewbere. cameras today awaited clearance for forward porUon has been n:covered. w1th leaded .center holes into a coin- "1 think I've divorced myself from H d Q d . . change machine ln a ~f-service postal the emotion here, and I just can't see ea eare a dive into the sea off Los Angeles The s~bmarme was idled Tuesday by facility at 2300 Harbor Blvd., according mechan!Ca: as a home occupation," he ta photograph the tail seclion o( a Scan· mechan1cal troubles. to Assistant Postmaster Marvin K. said. 0£ As uJ ,.. dinavian Airlines Systems jetliner. .-Federal investigators are anxious to Gibson. Wilson and Councilman George A. sa t The submarine "Deep Quest" already v 1ecover the tail of the plane because Officer Ted Wilson listed the case Tucker voted against the permit, but h 1 .A.1 it housed an electronic flight recorder as misuse of a slot machine but it it carried anyway. as ocalQI and ph<itographed one ~anding essential to the investigation of the ac-is probably a federal offense as .;ell ~---"-•• no•-• that the permit's gear of the SAS plane that cra.5hed Jan. cident. \,AJllW;Wll~ l.C\I The general manager of the Orange 3 h" life 11 just one year before it must 1 w ue approaching Los Angeles Four bodies were recovered after the agaJn be renewed; and that Van County Fairgnnmds was Judged innocent International Airport. Fifteen of the 45 accidenL It is believed some of the Heemakerd: ls required to meet 13 of assault and battery on a 16-)'t8Nllt1 persons aboard •ere killed. rnissin& 11 may be entombed in the ll!pulall«m deslped ·io avoid IDJlOYing boy Tl1eoday,' al bis trial In Harbor The "Deep Qtieat." developed by tall secUon. nel&bbors. District Judicial Court. Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. as Meanwhile. the Coast G u a r d a research project, found the landing terminated its sea seardrfor bodies Alfred LutJeans. 43, of 1.D32 Bayberry gear and other items from the SAS and debris from the United Airlines Mesa Jaycees f;o Nauie 'Man of Year' Friday Way, Irvine, WU found not &Uil\1 by plOM Monday. jet lhal,\crasbed In the ocean Satunlay Judge Donald Dungan. Lockheed peraoonel ·believe the 1Ub-near the t!Cellt! of the SAS tragedy. The defendant had been free on bis marine'• aonar also located the mi6sing A Coast Guard spokesman said further own recognizance lince the incident la.st tall secUon of the SAS plane, although searching wou1d be pointless. Augu~ which arew out of a trespU8ing offeMe on the atate-owned fairgrounds property. ' Randy L. Guffy1 16, of .144 Brookline Drive, Costa Mella, brought the charge against Lut)eana, after he and hia parents had discussed the case wilh cletectives. LAGOS, Nigeria (UPI) -Tbere can ,J:ie ~,cease-fire in the Nigerian civil war until :Biafra renoances secession. Nigeria's army chief of staff, Brig . Hassan Katsina, said today. ''Mloev<r be ... he'll lland lall Friday. -Ill<! ~ Met!& Junior Oiamber of Co11ni1•n:.-J1ands .tts.~ ol The Year his Ellbd> AJlllll1 DilllngWahed Service Award: . , . , The J_,_ ore cm>bln1ng their lpllDli' ~· Niaht IOlllvlty Ill the 1 J>11L ....,.., it: lbe Colla Mesa Goll and Cooinll')' Club. • • Guest -1i;er at the banquet .,W be Jimmy Mi:Nalh of tho california Angel> baJeball orpni1,aljon. ' Judgts mmt make ll>elr Man ol Thi Year selt.cUon 'from llDClll·MVflD ~ in.... •poosored bf Hubor Area dllbs, scboohl and organltatlons. Potential Mu of the Yur lnd·tbeir sponsors are: ~ -Olympic hammer thrower F.d Burke, Orange Coast College. . -Ballalla>. Cl>id Ron Coleman, Coo!I MeA Fire DepartmenL . . -Ron cra11. Coo!I Mesa LlomrCfllb. -William. A. Slark. Orange Coa!I Collt(e. -&Uy Puluki, Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. ·-.lolm W, Spring, Servi<:a far the BIJnd, !Jlc, . " • D~llY Pll OI I CllA".Gl COAU t"UtLWUNG COMPANY . • Jl•Nrt H. Wteil P;n\ffoll W1c1 "'*!,,.,_, J1tlr: a. c.11 • ., v~ "t$lft"' Mil c;,...,. M11111'"' 1~'"''' K ..... a ld•kll' lho..,11 A. M<1rph;,., ~e•llor '••' Nhttot Ad-tl1!11t Oil'Hhlr C:.... ..... Offt«i )JO W11t ltf Sht•f M1ill11t A4cl•111: P.O •••• 1s•o. t?&t• Ntw .... IHclo? :1111 W•f .. --~ ~ l>ff<I'>: '11 "~' ...... _ H11111~ tMC!i: Jilt JJfl I"-' - . -William R. Smith, Boys Club of the Harbor Area. Judges inclwie a panel of ·well-~own Harbor Art.a social and civic leaders; ..,..,roing to Jaycee publicity chairman Den G .. per. 4 Students Fined 'For Ballot Box Stuffing at OCC Four Orange Coa5l College studen~ were asked to publicly apologize, fined $S each Ind placed on jm>bation alt., they pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges of stufilng the ballot bo1 in last week's campus election. Penalties were tmp»ed by the student judJcW board, wbicb also called a repeat tleetfm for Feb. It and 20. The four students were identified as Bob Nuttman, Linda O'Brien, George Newland and Greg Davidson. A fifth accuMd student, Dave Muse, did not appear beforo the ludlclal boan! Tue3day. The ballot gtuffing charges rtfer to the atudenla ming both fall and oprlng ldentlflcaUon cards to vote twice. 'lbe studenta were ordered to 1Ubmit lettert of. apology for approval of the judicial board, the letters then to be sent to the college newspaper, The Barnacle, for publication, . They were fined '8 each to partially defroy the cos! ol the electJcn and plactd on probation for the rtst of their time at OCC. The judicial board said any further infraction of college regulaliom by the defendants would result in im· mediate 1U1pe.najon. Earlier, the election had been tn- vaUdated because of the ballot stuffing and because one candidate's name was left oU the ballot and polling places ..m clooed early. Frot11 P .. e 1 . PRANK •.. from Johnaton. ••we Del a cont.est to '" who could iet the bluest. ti&n." the suspect "'M quoted a1 u.ylng. "The object was tG He who would take the bigger risk," added tbe un· dilputed wirmer, who wu due for ar- raignment . be.fort Judie J .E.T. ''Ned" Rutter In Harbor Dtotrlct JudlcJal Court today. Police •aid they anUdpated lhal the felon:' oue ml&hi be nduood lo peUy !hell wider the drcum•~· The Guffy boy eaid Lutjeans pursued him in a car u he rode a mini-bike on vacant fairgrounds proptrty and twice assaulted him before taking the vehicle away. Young Gully went to police alter the incident and returned to \be acene with an offiter, ttho adVlsed Lutjeans he must return .Ute bil;.e, kicked up in a !alrgrow>da building. Several city officials witnessed the situaUon frtm the nearby Civic Center and Police Facility, among them Police Chief Roger NeLh. The trial in whlch Judge Dungan cleared Lutjeans or the assault and bat· tery charge• bad been delayed several time& by continuance. From Page l HOUSES •.. Dorris told councibnen the varioua recorded offenses involved 25 juveniles. Some of those taken into CU!tody wen girls on1y 13 yeara old. Dorris aald that the owner bas been suffering from a five-week Hong Kone flu bout and u a rault. bu requested a two-week delay of hia case Monday, alnce his illness bu turned Into laryngitis. He said he would be unable to discuss the matter Monday. At Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley's sug- gestion. councilmen put a flat, two-week limit on any further delay in talking out a soluUon to the dilapidated units oppsite the new Costa Mella Memorial Hospital. On the market for years with no takera, the: property is Gardner's only source of income. J))rrls told councllmen. "We've only been afler him for It years on this,'' said Vice Mayor Robert M. Wll90n. Rents on tht property an an uMpedfled low fii\D'O and about IO to 2& people, "'8111 of them following the hippie lifHtyle, make temporary or permanent -there. H'J'he ft.pre variea from nlcht to nlg!rt," DorTll uld. Evtntually, If Gardner cannol 10lvt the problem, the cue cwld go tnto civil court for adjudlcaUon and the city mll!ht be told to deatroy the f'T'ml,.• and bfil the owner. Draft End Pushed WASHING TON (UPI) -A blperli11n rroup or unaton joined today In co-- aponsortng a bill to end the mllltary draft and tubsUt.ute an .U..wluntetr. pro- fusions1 1rmy. 1 \ ...iLJ.~~~ CLOSES THE DOORS FOR,EVER IN CORONA DEL MAR! Days Left SALE 1 fNDS SATURDAY! I LADIES' WEAR I SLEEPWEAR ........ s2.s3.s4 LADIES' SUITS ~0.$11 CANT1lECE HOSIERY 2 -149 SWEAT,ERS ............ s2-s3 BLOUS'ES .................. '2 -$3 SH GIRA)O'TS 300 ~amaica Shorts ...... 2 ,.'11 ------.............. _ DRESSES •.SHIFTS s.1 ·'2 SPORT COATS DRESS SLACKS $1()-$12.$1 MEN'S WEAR KNIT SHIRTS ....... ~2.s3.s4 . ' .SWEATERS ......... !3.ss.sJo SPORT SHIRTS .. '3·'4-'5 . ' DRESS SHIRTS ........ s3.s4 No-Iron PANTS ....... ~3.•4 SOCKS ................ 3 , .. '2.00 3321 E. COAST .HIGHWAY • CORONA DIL MAR • l I • •I I ~ I LI • I l I ' . • New Book Says McCarthy, ( OAZD Moscow S~utes ' Deni ldier RFKin White House Deal . . .. '\ .. Tommie& Out ol Work • Spacemen ' ' •;'• ' UP'IT• ......... RAPIO.FIRE .OATH TAKING lteinKk• 'Becomts Lieutenant Governor Reinecke Takes Oath ·,In Time for Meeting SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tuesday, jll!t a £ew days after Rapldfire action at G<iv. starting his third term as ~ Reagan'• request sent former gressman from the 27th district, a sprawling area .~ Congressman Ed Reinecke to &tretehing from San Fernando WtK'k today aa california's new Valley IUburt>J to sparsely lieutenant governor. populated eastern Kern Cowl- Jt toot Jess than a hour ty. Tuesday after Reirlecke and "J feel very good. It's coing Reagan arrived back i n to be an exciting job. l1m -, aallforn1a on 1 e p a r a t e glad to be back in California." ~ airplanes for the U-year~ld He &a.id that while be enjoyed · Studio City Republican to sign the legislative branch, "you're bil oath ol office. not on the main line, as yoo Asked by newmien a t are in an admini!trative job." S a c r a mento Metropolitan Reinecke, wbo becomea the Airport if he had been re-39th lieutenant go v er no r , quested by the governor to replaces Robert H. Finch, now tate office officially as soon RCretary of health, education as poulble, Reinecke aaid, and welfare in President Nil- "He apreued that dllire." on's cabiiiet. 'nle reuon wu ., that The tiniing ol. Reinecke's of- Reinecke could attend today's ficial off 1 c e • ta k I n I was State Collegt Boe.rd o f unusual. Trmteea meeting in Sacra-Reagan had to wait unbl mento with Reagan. he returned to California If the state's new No. 2 before signing ReWcke's of- dfklal bad waited until his ficiaJ appointment p a p er 1 , lonnal rwwlng-ln cemnooy which he dld upon landing. -planned for the C&pilnl Tbo5e were then rushed to Rotunda 1t 4:30 p.m. 1'hur.J... the Capitol, where Reinecke day, be would not have hem at 1:11 p.m. put bis name the ollldal lieutenant pemor to the olllclal oath. Only and Ihm couldn't have voted n e " s me n and a few 1t today'a tn1ltftl meeting. gubernatorial aides witnessed Reagan arrived at the the brief ceremony, and quea- Sacramento Municipal Airport lioos were not permitted by about the woe time •• Reagan aides. 11t1necn 11ew 1n to t11e c11y•,, ;=;:;;::;'======~I etl>tt aJrport. with M r 1 • Reagan on the aame plane -niturlnc !nJm the preslden- Ual tnaupral festivities in WublnCtoo- Rclnecke resigned his H- 1e1t a few houri earlier on LOCA~ N• •tli•r 11tw1ptptr ftll1 191 111ort, tHry d..,, tbout whtt'1 tol11t 011 111 the 9rotftto Ore111e Coed tfri•~ the DAILY PILO. htll•r , .. nnt, "-11 nm. •m 1mpa1a Custom Coupo We'Y• found a W1J to mah O>evroleta an even better buy than -..... In lbelr lh!ld. And out of their ~e.ld. We've been able to drop the price ol. eeveral eztraa. Not cat-and-Oor atnu, but thoee you'd like to have. An automatic tranemjesion cost.I you Iese, whether it'• Powerrlide or our 3-.peed Turbo Hydra· ma tic. Tho mot of oddina a 1,,,.,., V8 t. '-· 'lbe cost of. new advanced-Oeeicn power disc bn>k• hu 1-> rut practlcalJ:r In baJI. And ., hu the coat of head reatrainta. which are now flrured into the lw;e price of the car u 1tandard. equipment. So ,for the '69 Impala abown above with a bi1 30().bp VS, Turbo Hydra-matic, power dillC brakt!ll, whiwall tirel and wheel ooven, the prioe ia $101.oo• Je1111 tMft ft WU in 1968. (1hoeewhitewalla even cost you it little Jeg than they did lut year. And the 300-hp V8 moll $4ll I- than it med to COit-to add a VS with ooly 275 hp.) In ·m ,,,. pt a bett.s rida wilb Impola. too. A '. belt« .\lira Vmlllallon 01111mL 8oUd -•.,..,i raii." built Into the door. A loci< loo Ibo !Joition, 1t.min1 wheel and llhill lever, al!<rid cialy by 0...- rolet In ill field. The value l'M!I up. The price mm11 down. You know, if ,.. were the cUnpeQticn. we'd never thaw up for the Showdown. Value Showdown: less yearS Impala with comparable equipment • • • ' • • • ' . . J ... • { DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE j I ~elicopters for . Mesa? I A wttk ago lodl)', you mlgbt have notlcod a llllla ldlvlty In the air If yoo live In tho general cenlral area ot Co61a .Mesa. Tliat helicopter buzzing arolll\d up there waa part Of a dayloag domon•lration to Coda ,Mesa city ~clals and to the eo.ta M••• Police Department desl1110<! lo tell how weful two of the a.ircraft mlgbt be to the city''s law cnforcemeot program. '!be clly'• police depertm"1t 'is deep Into a study ol th• demonstration and Into many other aspecto ol the bOl!copter program. A& ol now, Police Cblef Roger Neth bu not made a recommendation to the Cily Coun- cil and to lb• city manager, but judging llllm his pr .. viously expressed enthusiasms for helicopters, It is like- ly he will recommend that the city purchase two ol them. 'fbe studies haven't been completed, of course, so an ol the eo<t details and manning requirements aren't figured out. But one thing is certain: a helicopter opera· tion. -even a minimum two-helicopter operation -is aeyttilng but cheep. The use of helicopters by police agencies got its widest endorsemenl alter the cily ol Lakewood put air petrols into use and announced some atartling reduc- tions in that city's crim,e rate. The Lakewood Police Department generated .tory alter story of apprehen- ding crim,inals, rescuing lives and preventing crime by aerial patrols. Those stories are so well known that there is an inclination to endorse helicopters unequivo-- cally. It Isn't quite that easy. In the first place, helicop- ters are noisy and not all citizens are enthusiastic about having a loud, annoying buzz over their heads at any hour of the day and night. Further, not all citizens are enthuaiastic about having anyone -police officer or no -~ring into their previously private back yards. paUO. alld swimming pools. Public Due For Surprises • TJn-Vietnam WASHINGTON -The public bas gut. ten such a simplified idea ot a "cease. fino" llld pilkut of Vletlllm Iba il Is In fir -...,.U.S. ti JlOI ...._ about Iha tnJO ""IU!< of Ille aeWemont to be IOUPt Ihm by Ille NIJOn Mminll!nllmL The ~!;Ind et ""''""' whld! can have 11111 _.. at all '11111 be a eetUemeat wbidl: ·wm guarantee the otabillty " Ibo --Asia """· at -l<r "& petod " JW'I. otberwile $1111 bllUoll llDll, U , 0 D D American llva will have IOll" down the drlill .. • palnlleU ....... and President Nim> gives no more aign of accel>llDI that outcome than Ex·Pre&I· dent Jolm.::io. It wonld be _.... hlatorlc Irony If at thla jundare al>d alter all thla agony Ille lll;llm will lbould falter and wbat CGuld be plned bys and resolutloa. lhould be Jolt 10m.e desire to placate American op~ nlon. 'l1>la wwld be COlljnrJ to Nino'• rec:onl on Soutbeut Mia · and all of AJ!a, dllhic back 16 at ll yom and It if inoooce1vabla Ulat be would repudiate II. TIIERB 18 NO SIGN of fa!Wlna w1I1 on Nh:oo'1 pert m:i lt most be cooc1uded that the Johlllon odvlserl .,. rlibl wben they iudi• thal Nlxoo will follow the policies Jolmlon would have followed. 1be WIJ ia not easy. North Vlelnlm will have to be fcroed to the moclu!ion it does not desire, a pull«it of its 100,IXKI troops not only from South Viet- nam, but from Laos and Cambodia as well and ffie acceptance of ao in-- temaUonal monitoring system lo mike sure they get out and stay oul Nor ii this to be monitored by some com· mission made up of Poland, Iodia, Canada or other parties who do nol bave a vital concern. An A$ian selUement gupervised by Asians is sought, not an Aliazl settlement supervised by far away or Communist-0rfented eountriea whose 8tatesmen have so sentenUoualy blacken· ed the name of America throughout this very difficult period. ALONG THE WAY toward such an tareement there may be some harrowing events. JohMOo's national security ad· vlMrs. Walt \Vhitman Ro.slow i n particular, have for weeks been restive over the po65ibility that Red China may .---By Geo1'9e ---1 Dear George : Why do Eiporis-ear dri ve.rs zip around like they do? ls this <..'Om- penution for an inferiority com- ple1! BIG.CAR OWNER Dear BCO: Actually, everything is a com-· penaatioo for an inferiority com-- plifli for everybody. li01'->tver, lhoee 11We can aren't going lhat much foter. They just look tit.I way. Anyhow, It'• DO& tht car that count.s -h.'1 tht beret th! drivrr wears. Most fCfti.gn can are purchased simply 11 1 reuon l.o "'ear those fuimy ...... (Citlorp will 1oh1t j'Ol.D" prnbltm practicl)Jy Inst.anti~)'. allow· In& for his UIUll proc:rutlnation, of --.) ' 'It's IOlllllhlll( lbOlll PHct talks thsl lasted 1,000 7ean!' try to lake ldvantop of the oncoming .. -by ..-. • land ..... b " Ill own lo -Looi -just to remind all naUonl that Mao'• tb.lneee P<opleo Republk remallll lhe put force in Asia. China Is not thought to be ltdllng fOl' a bJg war, nor i.. alina wtnlnc lo accept Ibo Idea that a settlemect of Asian problems can be forced up0n it. Another harrowing event could be the resumption of offensive operations by what is left of the North Viet.namese-Vtet Cong military coalition, now largely North Vietnamese. Intelligence sources report tbe build-up of another attack related to the opening of the Nixon Administration. JOHNSON ORDERED Gm. Creighton Abrams, commander In Vietnam, to place mulmwn mlllWy prealllie on the North VI.-during the peaoe tsJb and following the bombing bait. Abr&m1 baJ done IO Ind It ia UIU!Ded that Nixon wlll order him. to continue. II the same thing ha_., u during the Tet oUenslve aOO the offeMlve last August the Communist lo""" an going to suffer grievously, and It Is lhe general cOOchWon here that they CBIUIOI lake it much longer. Observers with a high degree of skep.. ticism have returned from Vietnam con- vinced thiJ time that the Communists havt accepted all the damage they can bear, and that they are moving alowly and stubbornly to end the war~ The Hanoi govemrnent Hi doing what it would do if a central decision had been made to eod the war. IT HAS REPAIRED structures and facilities whlch certainly would prompUy be deitroyed again it the war returned to its former iscale. Hanoi is entering into agreements with Sweden and other countries for post.war aid, and il'I negofiating trade arrangements which · could only be based on the conditions Clf peace. What is called for now is public pa· tience and resolution 80 that there can ~ a better C!buce fer the Nllon Adminlstratloll to .J'ocoed In a bard· headed way tO\lf a 1lg:nlficant set- tlement coming aa dose u poujble to assuring durable Southeast Asian ::;Uibility. And If that happens the war will not have been a waste. The Nixon Administration should be given at least a year to wind up thll Incident In hisl.ory in a constructive fasblon . Poignant •FloodJliM, • publlshad bJ tho Iowa Publl:C SlrvSce Company, bas uked: "Wbenl dou the pvemmont get Its money? In t>Olinant t.enns, a New l lampsbJre 6ouffwi!t answered the question ID a J,Uer to Senator N~rrl1 Cotton, who said htr words were "more meaningful than 1"1 speech l"ve heard lD the Senate.' Faced wltb rising tues. lncreuln& com of living, .1.nd with children approacblna: colJege age, 5he had th is to 1ay: 'Where does tile government get its moriey? From the vacations we could never tak!, the movle1 we never 1aw, tbe rettauran& dinner• we uever ate, the ck>itbel we qiever bought. and tbe aavinO we beven't got.' " And, contrary to a eeneral understanding, even two helicopters l\'Oll't provide around-tho-clock avafulPillty. Jn !act, the maintenance requirements are such that tbe dly, after buylijg two aircraft, would bave only on• hellcoplar alfbornelor !Ive or six hours daily on a reg- ular basis. And .then, oI courae, there i!I the cost. Purchase of two helicopters and traln!Jlg ol three pilots would cost upward of ~.000 the first year, it is estimated. The price would go down considerably after that initial year, but tt is not the equivalent of buying two or three more patrol cars and putUng them on the streets. Also, maintenance and repair on helicopters is a relatively cosily factor. I Does the city need helicopters? We have some doubt that the crime rate in Cotta Mesa ia: sufficient to warrant auch a major investment. Certainly helicopters are good investments in some communities with special problems -Industrial areas with blgh burglary rates, remote areas that require visual patrol, communities where wilderness or water makes rescue operations a regular order of business. It ts possible, too, that Cosla Mesa could work out joint use of helicopter patrols with other nearby govern· mental agencies. Huntington Beach, for example, al· ready is purchasing two machines and perhaps the two cities could work out some mutu,ally agreeable use ar· rangement. Whether Costa Mesa has enough use for the ,helJ· copter prbgram is the question under study. We'll with- hold a conclusion until Chief Neth'• report ls made, but at this point the program does not yet rate a whole· hearted endorsement. The key question is whether helicopters would be a good dollars and cents investment for the city, not a venture into public relations with a new gadget. IC) ~ ... ~r-:. . ''BASICAllY1 l'M A MAHOUT, NDT A MVLES KINNf R.' Nixon Has Troublesome P e r s otinel P r oblems Who Will Fill Lower .Ech~lon Jobs? WASHINGTON -President Richard "°1. NiJ:on is launching his new ad4 ministration with a couple of troublesome personnel problems which could take a little time to resolve. One problem is the selec tion of qualilled Individuals to serve in .sub-cabinet jobs. The other involves the replacement of Democratic incumbents in politically ap- poi]ltive jobs down the admini!tration chain. Sb: weeks ago, when Ni.Ion aides wert aollclUng job recommendaUons from many nonpartisan sources, including in. dlvldu.aJJ 11.sted in Who's Who, it was said that Nixon would draw his top adminlatrators quickly from a large pool of well qua.lilied manpower. Tboee atatements appear to have been over-op- timlortic. The problem la clear al the level of msistant secretaries in government rlepartmentl and their top deputies. The Nixon "team" ii now taking the field with a flock of vacancies in these high echelons. NIXON AIDES are now erplaining that Cabinet members in the new ad. ministration are m('lving slowly and deliberately to amire selecUon of top C1ffici.aJa who can work harmoniously with their associates. 'lb~ is 1 litUe more to it than that, however. Like all of bia immediate predecessors Nixon is having some trouble fiodlng the right man for each of the important jobs which he must fill. That large pool of qualified manpower is not quite what it appeared to be in the election's joyous altennalh. Top Republicans now admit privately that some of the lawyers, bankers and businesmien who were enthusiastically "available" in late November had second thoughts when the job offered was not in the Cabinet but a somewhat anonymOWI post a step or two down· In the government hierarchy. PATRONAGE -In the final analys"i.s, the more troublesome problem for Nixon could be lhe filling of non.civil service jobs a couple of echelons down from the sub-cabinet. Involved is the question of top-level federal patronage. Some Republican politicians aod would- be job holders, \vith their party taking control of government for only tbe second time in 36 years, want Nixon and bi.I aides to move aggressively in taking over positions which are not protected by civil service. Many of them tbink Prtsident Elseohower was not aggressive enough when he took over in 1953. "The Kennedy pe<>ple did it right," recalls an Eisenhower Administration job holder. "When I got lo work on ttiP. day after inauguration, I was told l had my choice or resigining or being rired. 1 resigned, of course." Veteran GOP leaders in Congress are among those urging a sweep-out policy by Nilon and his top aides. They think · the GOP should act to counter the Jona: yean of Democratic control during which even the civil service rtills became, in their view, full of Democrai!. NIXON'S recruiting e.1perts a r 1 reported concentrating on less than a lhousand lop jobs -admlniatraton, con- sultants, -peraonal aides and the like -wblch are Identified as subject to political appointment. Actually, bowever, there are about 4,000 such jobs on a lisUng compiled for Congress in what used to be called the "Green Book." {It now haa a buff cover.) Some GOP profesalonals -W like to see the Nixon Admlnistration aulgn some political appointee in each depart· ment to :see th.at those political jobl. when available, are filled by Republicans recommended by the National Committee or GOP offices on Capitol Hill That, a few old-timers recall, is how it was handled under the vld master, Franklin O. Roosevelt. By Robert S. Allen aod Jolla A. Goldlm.lth Relief-Destroyer of Human Spirit ''The 1essct11 of history • • • ahow conclusively ••• that continued depencf.. ence on relief Induces a spiritual and mo r a I distntegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief • . · . is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ••• " Hiltory'1 les.soiu are just as plain now u they were in 1935 when Franklin D. Roosevelt thus warned of wel!ari.sm's effects in his State of the Union message. Yet many well·meanlng Americans large. ly Ignore those lessons now , just as Mr. Roosevelt hlmaelf did later on. CONFRONTED BY the failures of the exi:!tlng welfare system, nearly everyone would like to supplement it or replace it with something else. Three of the proposals -all very much alive as a new admlnlstration near• office - were discussed in a recent speech by Roger A. Freeman, senior staff member of the Hoover Instituti on at Stanford University. One of these is the guaranteed annual income. "To guarantee everyone an ade· quate income." notes Mr. Freeman, "ap. pears to be the most direct and simple method to end poverty; also, when we study it more closely, potenUally the JD<Mlt destructive." If everyone'• Income ,were raised to the federal "poverty" level of $3,335. for a fOW"·person nourann famll,y, the immediate cost ln the gove.mment would be $11 bllllon. That's a large 1um, cer· Dear Gloomy Gus: Seems like only yMmfay fair· view Road wu widened and paVfld, yet llrudy the pavement is full ol teeth-Jarring holefl. -W. W \Y. tainly, but by itself it just as surely ia one that the nation could afford. A ~IAJOR PROBLEM nonetheless Is that such a program could not help but have massive effect -on people and on the economy. It Isn't necessary to believe that Americans are naturally indolent to think that a great many persons, offered $3,335 a year for doing nothing, would take it in preference to a job paying $3,000 to $4.000 or so, Some pe<>ple who quil their jobs to take the guaranteed income might justify the action for themselves at least, by saying it was on1y temporary while they looked for something better. But the cosl of the guarantee would climb very quickly; h1r. Freeman thinks it would be several times $11 billion. "Entire occupations." predicts hir. Freeman, "would be wiped out overnight. A large part of U1e labor force ot several states -particularly in the South -would immediately retire and most agrk:ultural employment would end." Moreover, wage scales at medium and higher levels would be thrown into chaos. Even if the money supply remained unchanged, a reduced supply of goods and services would generate explosive inflation. A SECOND proposal is U1e family allowance, which "·ould pay every family -rich or poor - a specified sum for each child. At $25 per child per month, which is hardly adequate to sup- port true poverty families, the natlonal cost would be $21.5 billion a year. "Why should child allowancei; go to all families, rich and poor alike," asks Mr. Freeman, "when only one American family in ten is now held to be poor! 'The reason given by the plan's advocates Is simple: So that the poor would not feel singled out and stigmalized as relief recipients. Moreover . . . nonpoor fam ilies ... would then feel that they have a stake in the program and would ra Hy to its support.'' AssumMlg the nonpoor would in fact act that way, it is at best a questionable tactic to construct a v.-elfare program so thal il will bribe voters to support it. In a country where population pressures are already a problem. furthermore 1l would be strange strategy for the government to subsidize !!till P rogram l s First Step To the Editor : lt was ~·rlh a i;reat deal or pleasure and rene~·ed hope that we bave read the accounts In the DAILY PlLOT of the student-to-student discuulons on race relations between Do~ Hlgb and Har· bor Hiah students. lfe hope that this program will be conUnued and expand· ed. We 11lso hope that our son John. R junior, and our d11t1ghl<!:r . Ann. a fresh· man at Harbor HJgh, will be included. We recogntn the hum&n righls issue as this countr)''a greate~ problem. ll was created by the white man and It must be solved by the white man. The proble1n cannot be: 90IVf'd until at· Htudes are changtd and thl! program is the first step In that dlrccllon. WE WANT TO commend 1'-1rs. Jran Fouts and ~1r. Jamel'i Newkirk for C'OTI· C'civing lhe idfta and having the couraji(e <>f th eir coovictions to implement it let"'"' t""" ,.._,., ,_,. -lilllnMlf¥ ........ ~hould tot!V•l' tf>elr ~ Ill M _. Of -.. Tile rlt~I te ~' ltftl!n .. flt ~ If ttlftlJ. n~t• l!boil It r•iervf'd. AH ~ 9'llllt -.... •lwne111,. •Pld m•ll11111 Mid-. bl.If -,.,.., IM w~hhtt<I "" ~..Wilt JI 1\rf1l(IW>t ,..,_ Ii ~ Principal Charles Godshall should a.lso be commenderi for supporting the lcncheri'I. Our !lpecia] thanQ to Supt. William Cunningham !or aUowlng It to happen. The ~·ltite people of thla naUon mU&t rn cc the fact that they ire either 1 p:1rt of tht PROBLEM or a part of lhe SOLUTION. Jn our eyes, educatcn are 11 ~rt of the SOLtrrlON. JACK A. SCHIRMER MARlLYN J. SCHIRMER greater pressure. LIKE F MULY allowances, a 1hird proposal -the negative income tax -also is aimed partly at eruing the ''stigma" of relief. It would use lhfl existing tax machinery; U individuals earned less than a specified amount the government would pay them, instead of the reverse. Welfare could be made less demeaning, however, by reasonable revision of existing methods; it doesn't necessarily require an entirtly ne1' 5ystem. Revision wou1d seem a sensible way to proceed in any case, since most of the advocates o( various income_.snp- port plans do not see them as replacements for existing a£SStance but as supplements to It. THE PRESENT setup is in such sorry shape that any reform will take lime, perhaps a great deai of it. T~ dirtttion, though, should be clear; it has been stated often but never adequately pursued. Society has an obllgaUon to care for its citizens who cannot care for them.selves. For others the overriding aim should be to provide an opportunity to work, not an opportunity to avoid it. ln other words, the goal must be rehabilitation rather than relief. Too many of the current income-wpport schemes W<1Uld only destroy iniU.Uve which, in lhe end, means the destruction of the human spirit. TIN WaU S&reet Joi.anal -----Wednesday, January %l, 11181 7'7lo cdlloriol pogo of IM Daflr l'Uol ttlb to Inf°"" ond 1Cfn>. 1llatl tt0dlt1 b11 pres•ntino '11.tt ne"'POJ)rr'• o;rinion..t end ~ .,..larrl °" topic. of mt<rul onc1 rignlf'lamc" bv prooidmg • forum for Ille <zpr<•rion Of o1'r na:dcn' opfnfan.t. and br prerftdno tM dM!rrt n.. poltlU Of nt/Oml<fl Obi.,..,. •"4 IJ>OM,,,,.,. on topic. of Ille dov. &bert N. Wied, Pabli•her \ BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• In the Wind The good State o( California isn't the only entity that has been str.ug- gling to revise a wordy constitu- tion. _ Members of the student govern- ment at Fountain Valley High School have just finished cutting their bulky student constitution from 18 pages to six. And about 91 percent of the stu- dent body has voted to accept the Jess complicated docwnent. The stream-lined student constitution was developed under the leade~­ ship Of Student Body Vice Presi- dent Rex Fowler. The job began just last October. Maybe our state lawmakers cou1d Jeam something about speedy ac- tion in revising constitutions from those energetic students at Foun- tain Valley High. * The Huntington Beac.h Jun.ior Chamber of commerce IS Iooklll;g ·for the 1969 winner o! the gro!JP s annual distinguished s e r v l c e award. . k Nomination papers can be pie - ed up from Jerry Coley, 15081 Capetown Lane. . Nominees (male or female, it matters not) must be between. the ages of 21 and 35, must have lived in Huqtington Beach tor at least a year, must be U.S. cif:ixens and muSt ·i:Jave made some kind o! out· standing contribution to the corn· munity. . The winner will be announced in late February. * Speaking of awards, two top of- ficials of the McDonnell Douglas Corporation in Huntington Beach have been honored by the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration (NASA). In recent ceremonies at the M a n n e d Spacecraft Center in Houston, Tex., James S. McDon· neU and Charles R. Able received NASA's Public Service Award in recognition of the flawless perlor· mance during the Apollo 8 lunar flight of the S.IVB stage of the Sa· turn 5 launch vehicle. The award is given to those "whose meritorious contributions have produced tangible results which immeasurably influence, expediate or clarify manufac· luring techniques, scientific pro- gress, work methods, of other ef- forts related to the accomplish- ment of the mission of NASA." * Westminster City Administrator Robert Hundley is another recent award winner. He was given a one-year service pin by city coun- cilmen at last week's council ses· liion. After tile presentation, Mayor D ere k Mc\.Vhinney remarked: 4'Congratulations Bob, not many of of our city administrators la st that loog." Bail to _(;hiefs 3 Former Presidents Alive Today WASll.INGTON· (AP) ~ For only the seoond lime line• 1885 the United Sta~ ha.s three living formerpnsidents. 'They are Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Lyndon B. Johnsoo. In 1961, when John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, tbere were also three. Herbert Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower. Before Kennedy's inaugural, the last time three form.&r presi· dents were living was when Grover Cleveland took: ottice in 1885. It was during the year following Abraham Lincoln's 1861 in· auguration the nation could count the most living former presidents -five. ' Hearing Slnted Feb.18 On Freeway Alignment By JEROME F. COLIJNS Of IM Delh' Pllitt ,.H A public bearing on a new alignment for the final stretch of the Newport Freeway as lt heads toward the sea will be held Feb, 18 at the Orange County Fairgrounds, the state Division <lf Highways announced today. The session will start at 10 a.m. and is expected to last throughout the day. lt will be held in lhe Fairgrounds' Junior Exhibit Building. At issue isn't whether the adopted route shciuld be r.hanged, but where the new alignment should be. Both the Newport Beach and the Costa Mesa city councils are already on record favoring a new route somewhere we st of the present alignment. adopted 24 years ago. Memorial Hospital in • maze ol £rttway ramps. Divis.ion af Highways officials noted today that four alternate routes will be dl8CU8Sed at the Feb. l& hearing, which will be held belore Division engineers. One roughly parallels N e w po r t Boulevard south to 17th St.reel, where it swings west of Superior Avenue. A second lies just west of Newport Boulevard and then moves d o w n Superior. Two ethers are located several blocks west of Newport and Superior, cutting through largely residential areas. Between n6w and Feb. 18, Costa Mesa city councilmen must agree on one of the alternate routes through their city. In discussiom to date, Costa Mesa officials have indicated no unanimity on the subject. In Newport, the situation is entirely differeaL "All we're concerned about," said (SI DAll:V '11.0T 3 DAILY PILOT ,__ tr ht O'o-.a Storm Clouds Over Huntington Beach Solitary stroller pauses on sand near Huntington Beach Pier to contemplate view of sun as it breaks through rain clouds before dropping behind Cata· Jina Island. Although wintry scene may seem bleak by Orange Coast standards, it is far cry from fri· gid panoramas now being endured elsewhere in the nation by those who live in less temperate climate zones. Lynda, Luci:· Free at Last The CaWornia Highway Commission last November indicated agreement with tht two cities by formally reopening the rGLLl:b41Wtion. ~ '~-• • Mayor Doreen Marshall, "is to get the • :r:1~:~d~?'ed west ••d •JI j/~-Ioh ;~~in Daugliters _Tell Tale oi _B.iM veLWhit e...H_ouse_ The presentToute·ls-ruperimposed over Newport Boulevard from Bay Street in Costa Mesa to the adopted Pacific Coast Freeway route near the Arches Overpass in Newport. · . Both cities would like to see Newport Boulevard left open as a local ·arterial. If it is replaced by the freeway, it would wipe out much of Costa Mesa 's downtown area and would entrap Hoag She pointed out that Newport coun- cilmen are unanimously in favor or an AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI) -Happy, teary They said they won't soon forget that alignment just west of Superior. and giggling with the glee of half-grown world. "There is nothing we can say about girls, the Johnson daughters. aged 2l "Daddy isn't the President anymore where the route should go in Costa artff 24 and both mothers, swapped gossip but he 'll always be called Mr. Pre!ident,'' Mesa. That's lheir problem." Tuesday about "our beloved White said Luci, the dark·haired molher of A Division of Highways spokesmar:i House.'• IS-month-old Lyn Nugent, Johnson's first emphasized that _no final determination tt was the first day of their Jives grandchild. on the rout~ will be made at next that Luci Nugent and Lynda Bird Robb, Lynda , mother of an infant daughter. month's beanng. daughtera of fonner President Lyndon Lucinda, said she and her sister will B. Johnson, spent u private cit.i.u:ns. be "In limbo" until their husbands return tale that she convinced Tricia Nixon, 22-yea r-old daugher er President Nixon, that the "solciriwn" on the third fioor. cf the White House was best for courting. Lynda said both Robb and Nugent proposed in the room, "but on different couches." "I've never been to the grocery store from Vietnam. alone without the secret servlct!:," said Both Marine Maj. Charles S. Robb Luci, the youngest. and Airman 1, C. Patrick J. Nugent Expulsions Not Answer Lynda said she and Luci decided lG sleep in the seven-foot bed in the Lincoln bedroom on their last night in the White House. "We wanted lo see if Lincoln's ghost really existed,• Luci laid with a laugh. "We didn't see any ahost but there was an awful lot or noise around." Teen-ageDrug Use Grows Despite Get Tough Policy GROSSMONT (AP) -Gro,.mont High School District trustees two yean ago decided to get tough with student narcotics users by upelling them. More than 150 student,, have been expelled fer alleged involvement with marijuana and dangerous drugs. But the problem continues to grow, despite one of the hardest stands against juvenile Popular Number SEA'M'LE (AP) -Friends of a Cap- ital Hill woman wondered why they al- ways got a busy signal when they tried to telephone her. They got the answer when it was discovered that a new Seat- tle University student directory lists her telephoae number as the ooe for the 86 women residents or Marian Hall. U"IT ......... drug cffenden of any school district of comparable size In Califcrnia. Dr. Austin Sellery, superintendent of the 17.00IHtudent district, predicts that the expuJsioo figure will rise to nearly 300 by the eod of this acbool year. Expulsicns have increased since the first students were diami.ased for the 1966-67 scllool year. The figure jumped to 7t In 1967.Q and there ha ve been 71 so far this year. "When we Interviewed these students, we would ast them , 'Why did you do it? Didn't you know the policy?' And they would say, 'Yeah, I knew the policy,'" Sellery said. "The students report that they don't feel expulsion is a major deterrent - that it just makes them more cautious. "I would say abOut 25 percent of the students are invclved with drug.a. Probably we catch about five out of 100 -so the major share of the usera are on our campuses undetected -or at least not caught." Because the expulsion policy has net reduced the drug problem, the board of trustees Is seeking other possible solu ticns. "The board is allowing about as much latitude for e.xplcring other programs as administrators need," he said, "and has drawn very few limits <ln what It woukl attempt to do in terms cf improving the tyslem -even to the point <lf psychotherapy groups or com- munication groups OI' parent-study groups or student study groups. You name it and they are exploring its possibilities." Sellery said the pollcf\s simple, calling for expulsion or any student involved with narcolia: oo or <lff campus. "It doesn't matter whether you were convicted or not. This bas been contested in the past. that we do net have adequate evidence based upon civil law. And 1'9 have been able to prove that we are not held to these n1les of evidence. "The board, therefore, makes its own determinaticn of the student's guilt without waiUng for civil act.ion. In fact, the board d<leln't make any effort to get the dvil action if It has occurred prior to the board's meeting,'" he aaid. Ex-McCarthy Aide Gives Innocent Plea • NEW YORK (UPI) -Roy M. Cohn, "It's like being born again," she said are serving in Southeast Alia. about being away from the public "I'm in suspended animalion,'1 said spotlight. "FOi' the first time I'll be Luci. 'I'm not cut out to be a mother living my own life." Both of the girls. and • father all at once." She said whose father turned over hi.I job to she plans to stay in her Auslin home President Richard M. Nb:on Monday, unUI her husband comes home. Lynda were born tn Wuhlngton. They have will stay at the LBJ Ranch wJth her known oftly their father's world cf parents. polltiai. Heading the gossip Jist was Lynda's FINAL 4 DAYS of OUR SHOE CLEARANCE Sale Shoes Reduced Even Lower Both Johnsen daught.ers apologized fOl' once calling the White House a "great white zoo" and "a prison." "Good heavens, yes, we'U mi• Jt,'' said Lynda. "It ns our beloved White House." • 1llllllll1 . ' ' ; .. ,. L~4:t'.~J LADIES DELISO DEBS SHO ES MEN'S SHOES LIFE STRIDE & COVER GIRL s900 5600 FLATS & CASUALS R ..... $1 6.00 FLORSHEIM BASS ROBLEE VALUES TO $2 9.00 s200 TO s500 1•500 TO •19,00 OUTSTANDING SELECTIONS , • GOOD SIZES STARTS WEDNESDAY On th e A uction Block attorney and financier, pleaded ~ Monday to federaJ bribery, extortion and blackmail charges and was released without bond. Please, All Sales Final 105 2 Irvine Newport leach WESTCUFF PLAZA 548 -8684 Karen Woods-Forney examines "La Peregrina'' -lhe wandering pearl of history-which will be sold at auction Thursday in New York.. Discovered in Panama more than 400 years ago, pear-shaped pearl weighing 203.84 grains was worn by Mary I "Bloody Mary" of Eng· land and later by Spanish royalty. It passed to the Booapartes and then to EngHsh Marquess o( Abe.n:orn. Cohn, who cnce served u chief coonseJ to Sen . Joseph McCarthy'• Senate in-- vesUgalions subcommittee, renewed his accusation that the charges were the result of a "vendetta" against him b1 U.S. Attorney Robut M. Morgentbau. No Exchanges or Refu1ids I • ~ L _ •• ' . «'-Mill " ... C»llr ..... $ftlffl ;.since the start of a dial-a-poem jfomotion in New York, another tfsiness with a similar telephone *umber has received scores of Weph\>D• calls. One peeved switch· b08.rd operator, aft.er answering a number of calls from people want· ing to bear the dlty's poem, re- aponded to a young . caller: "Bab, bah, black sheep, have you any \vool? . Yessir, yessir three bags full." Then she hung up. A moment !)lier, the young man called again and asked, "Can't you do any bet· t.er than that?" • Many Chicago policemen re· ported 1iearing distress caUs t~.ey hadn't a ghost of a chance of answeri11g this week. The call.s came from Louisville, Ky., Fhiladtlphia, Pa., Cllld many other cities. Police commul'lica· tions said atmospheric condi· tiom caused radio signals to "bounce" over hundreds of miles. .Fanailiar .Faces President Richard r..t. Nixon and hh; \Vife, Pat, pass a portrait o( former President Dwight Eisenhower as they go upstair~ to the White House living quarters. Mr. Nixon retrea~ to. the ~nvacy ~f the living quarters after spending several ho.urs m his office on his first full day as President. 3rd Czech Tries Suicide, An effort to beautify downtown Key West, Fla. was turned over to ~group of hippies who started by Call d Crank h M" • t vamnng • dozen trash cans in psy-e _ y 1 DIS ry chedelic patterns. Chamber of Conifuerar-preSidellt --called-the ------... _ -----------------· --... · ---- pa~ted eye~, suns, tre~~-. a~d PRAGUE (UPI) A th Ir d once eVttY three days to protest the sw_ir.J~ of brilliant . col?r idiotic Czechoslovak youth tried to burn hJmself Russ.Ian Invasion and curtailment or Jl3lntmg that looks ltke It has been to death today at Freedom Square in reforms. Palach set himseU afire last done by some elementary school Brno next to a memorial in honor Thursday. child." of the martyred Jan Palach, the Ministry Students said both Malinka and Hlavaty e of Interior announctd. were "pathological cranks" with essen· The youth, Miroslav Malinka, 22, a tially personal and not political moUves. Her-c.1s 'tht ~ And shore of the lna¥f~r4 festivities ,-at lta.tt GI faf' a..!l the· fu~·circWt ooes. 'XM vcrrtr ing akirt lnagth.s .wtre · tlii4ent a.t lifrs. Mamie Ei.1eM0wff'·(cen.tef'J m.u\, /tfrs. John P.· Mttchtll, wife of the Attomq GeneraMUsignatt, (right in f'll!!cq>tltm li~) gret:itd ·Witorl cf a reci:pi:ion · for distinguished radiea at thl! National Gallery of Art. • Three Uroes in less than a .month Delta Memorial Hospital ill Colo- rado listed Mr. and Mrs • .James Edwards as parents of a newborn child. And there w~s no mistake. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards Jr. of Della had a baby daughter Dec. 23. Then on Jan. 13, Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of Paonia had a .son. Three days later, another Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards Jr. of Delta also had a daughter. The three Edwards are not related. locksmith, was said to be in good con· The minJstry of interior deacrlbed _both dition in Hyebs Hospital with 12 percent aa criminals who had attempted IWCide of his body burned. students forming previously. The 1t.at.ement could not be an honor guard on the square had quickly independently confirmed. UtingQished. tbe ·names shortly after According to Prague Radio, the nJidnight. . ministry said potlce guards hav~ been Student offk:iala at the union of Czech strengthened at all 1quarea and other !ludents, in fraaue said thty dkl not places in Prague where per10ns mi&ht believe that Malinka or Jooef !Ilavaty, be likely lo repeal Palach'a fiery deed. 25, another worker who attempted auk:ide Student 80Ul'Ct:S said a girl, rumored by fire in Pilsen Monday, were members to have been tbe political .. httman torch of an alltgtd'riq of Ii "human lard>ea" No. 2" mention!d In Paladt'1-. wu menuooeci'ln l!ala<!l'uulddo note. questioned : by ~ .~. for Palacb, a 21·yUNld Charl.S Unlver•i· lhr.. hours this. wt4, Police decided ly ttndenl, wrote tllal memben o! the she bad no cmntdlon With any ~clal suicide pact would sacrifice themaelve.s pact. · 3 U.S. Jets Shot Down By Reds Over S. Vietnam SAJGON (UPI) -Communist groundfire downed three U.S. Air Force F 100 Supirsabre jet.! in South Vietnam, military spi>kt.!man said today. Off the northern cmst an Amerl~n Navy patrol ooat slashed throogh a notma of sampans and sank fS of the vtsselll. The spokesman said oae of the Supersabre pilots was killed but the other two parachuted to safety. The first jet was shot down Monday near Quang Ngal city in South Vietnam's norlbem quarter. The other two fell Tuesday 92 miles east of Saigon and 14 miles northeut of the capital. Near Katmn ln Tay Ninh Province about 15 miles from the cambodian bon:ler Tuesday, troops o( the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division seized more than 30 tons of Communist anns in a huge bunker complex . It was one of the largest weapons finds of the war. The supplies were stacked in 11 bunkers and iocluded recoilless rillea, mortars, rocket grenades, sman arnu: ammun!Uon and explosives, spokesmen nld. 11le ICM Navy patrol boat used Ila five machineguns in its attack on a fleet ol 125 Communist sampans it caught in a rtllrlcted area southeast of tl}e northern coastal town of Roi An. At least 10 Communists were killed and 24 other• captured by the "swift" boat'1 alx-man crew, spokesmen said. The Amflricanl reported no casualties. Thoae boata that were not sunk scattered. Communist gunners fired at least 15 large rocket.! into the Da Nang air base today. Casua!Uea were described as "light" and no U.S. planes were damaged, an announcement said. Well, New England Fair But Wet Weather Drenching Most of the U.S. California ~tt..red AhllMll'I relurntd lo So1uh- .,,.,, C•llfom!• tvc11y 111•• lour <11vs fl/ •"'""' lif!ed brlt'llV "fU.tdlY •ll&r- fl(ll)ll. Tiie t1tl!ll 1lorm W•I f~....Cli!'d to, llrt by Thun.d1v. "fhP•• Wl l llllNP 9ernoentur"t ~'"" lo•loY. Lot An;ell's fn>e•lenced sc1ltered ~ tad1v wr.tct. wen fl> C01<tl111" 1111& ..,.. "i.111. Tti. U.S. W••IMr eu- l"HU Pl'Nldftl !toe dl'lts ll'O\lld bKOl'f\f P•rllv 'lwdV t0fl1"'1 wlltl f1lr wt1ll11" Tl>vndl"f, Tod•Y'• Civic (l!fltllr hit~ Wn. &.I arid lhl Prtdlcte'd IOw totllll'>t ... , s2. Lot A""IH COUlllM 1111 "flrlV M~ tndln ai preoc:ltoll1tl011 c1urr.,. ttw:: '""'"' .. ,...,, fOo bo&tl llle !let-'°'" hi """" "'-" 101'1 lr.clltl •• COl'!'P9-t to • Mrnvl rt1 '·'°· St1llOM 1" lM> $11111 11"",.. l"f• r"hNPred "'°,. tlwtfl 1$ lr!d't9 w11t! len"r tolll1 111 lllllnCI 1l1tl0!\t. n.. ,,_. «Nr1ttd .,......, 1vrl lloft9 Ille cot••· TM A}t Pom,tlklrl COll!r&I Ol•!r!Ct ~ rio smot Ill ""' Lit A!IMMll ....... 111(11t• •llCI ~ reoorhld VII' t1blt c1oudlrWI• wlll'I ~lltrld 1111ow> .... lllf .vtly whta. Hlftta 11 IM ""°'"'"""' Ill flle 4oOt Inf tlw ... NPr ...,_.tun •• Jt. 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J.7 *,,,,.. low f1!0 '·"'· 1 1 ~ .. ,... f l?."' '"' 1t ·11 ""'· 1.... 1u,.. .,,, •"' 1411 J:u ""'· irrnt a. P11ll L111 0. lff• ..1111. " , .. t f .tl. 1• ,.b ... U.S. Summary W•I wt1thf,r dr111<"" mo.r o1 TM _,,., ,.,. Swb rtro MtlJ'ltT COllll"\ltd 1rom M'Wr no,,h_ ltedl.11!1 to "'9 Dlkof.1 Wl!ll Mt"" ..,_ ll'llft!M l"I& !tis -"""" Pt. .... , 1'911r ll'ICllft d MW -19!1 In Gii_, MOnl, 11:1111 <!a-.c! C1lllwJll1 n ti.. Sollt"-1 wtlll 11"'! ,,_ In h P't· c•rtt "°"""""· L-..t ,,....., ,_ -.w _, « "" ~ "'"°"' flf 1111 c.,,.,hT lrom "'-Oulr (Oflll ,. °""' l •tlt '"' lnM tllt .-,_ltctlltM. l'rtellnof r•I" br-M lrt V1ilfl" w1r"ll'lft !rot!! Ntbrlsltl Kl"ell 10..1 ll'd ffllo WIK~n, A Cll11U""""" tft 1'llf v1,..1n11 tO)I" IJ!kftCI 111 Wl'1 offeo:! 111 11111\ Ire... t~~ Cl •OllNll )<I Mtr~ltl!ld 1'11, llkle• '""'lltd In 11\e t<>llltltrft ll:otkles 1Jtf H"" Et>tltfltl. ' AllCMrtH A! .. nt1 lll•-rdt. ..... IOllQ!I Chic""' Cl11el-t1 Cl-"!"1111 DenYTr 0.1 M&ln" OefroH E11f"Oll;1 F o•I Wot111 ·~~ ·-Honolulu ._ .... 1C1n111 City l11 v .... lo1 "'""In Ml•P"!ll A~th Mllw1!Aet "''""""°'II Htw 0 •1to1n1 H~w Yott o.i..i."" """"" PIM •9'1tt 1'11119<14'!11ftlt "'*nit ,_ ... ........ •••Id (lty "" 911111' ·-'"""'""' ''· lfUll S.llMI Sen trltn Sin 'r•Ml1t11 )lnlt f1111Nrt $M t•ll Sl!Olo1,... ,....,., W1i.111.,.11111 M~ W. Prte. I• '' .IS '7 d Tr ' • .02 M .tt .,t l• 11 3' " ·" .. " 51 Jt " ~ " ~t ., ~ .. !t ·°' n ,. 6! 511 .tt .J ·• .JI " " n " ICI 71 Tr llO A .It tl SI .It " ~ 3' J• Tr !6 16 .Dt u. ~'I ... . " St 12 .a 30 H .ti 51 '° .Jt " " ·" 111 JO .Jt .. " ... " n ,, . . .... ST " .U 0 U M '° " .:w .. " St ti .M "' $1 .n .\f " ·" ., ,,. .11 JI l'i fr " ' n '' .r. a M ... Pueblo Outgunned Senseless to Resist, Bu.cher Tells Navy Court CORONADO, Calli. (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher of the Pueblo tboughl it wu "senaelesa" to try to man two machlne guns when OU1l'Ollllded by lour Commun!JI torpedo boata, two wsrshlpo with cannon.a: and two MIG jela circling overhead. There ~·as no help in sight or to he expected although he had Dashed a radio alann that lhould have gone to the top military command and to the White House. Toclly he waa telling the five-admiral court just. bow his ship was captured on Jan. 23, 1968. Rear Adm. Edward E. Grimm, com- tnan4et of naval training, U.S. Paciric Fleet, San Diego, grimaced as Bucher said he did not uncover or man the two machine guns on the deck. Messages of distress were transmitted throughout the ignominy of surrender, Bucher revealed. Rear Adm. Frank L. Johnson, at the t1me commander of U.S. Naval Forces, Japan, is expected to testily alter Bucher and be asked why there was: no aerial or other response for a period or three or four hours . It was a settfng m a d e familiar to many Americans through the play and movie, "The Caine Mutiny,'' as Bucher gave his narrative or the events leading up to the loss of the Pueblo. His story carried him Tuesday up to the time he wu trying to stean1 away in a "dignlfied manner" only to have the CommunJst submarine chaser open· up a salvo of shells which wounded him and two other men on the flying bridge. Bucher was eating lunch below deck about noon when a North Korean aub chuer approached the Pueblo II miles off !he Port of Wonsan. It WU !he forerunner of a task force that was to grow to two aubchasers, four torpedo bosts and lwo MIG fighter plant1. On demand from the subcbaser, Bucher idenUfied his vessel as American. '11tree torpedo boats quickly joined the sub- chaser, and Bucher wu told to heave to. He replied by Dag signals that he was in lntemaUonal waters. The Pueblo lkipper aUU thought it wu a routine case of Communiai bar· assment But at 12:52 p.m. he notified his superiors in Japan what was going on, and gave the message a priority of "critical." That made it eligible for Whlte House attention. Bucher said he discussed scuttling the vessel with his engineers, but was ad· vised it could not be done quickly. The temperature was almost freezing, and Bucher decided it would mean death in a matter of minutes for any o{ his crewmen who jumped into the water. As his Tuesday testimony ended, Bucher stated under questioning that the Pueblo's rubber life rafts could have accommodated 90 men. The session end- ed before he could be asked his views on using then1. · A fourth torpedo ho.at joined ttie North Korean force, and tWo fighter planes appeared overhead. · Hoping to confuse the Korean!', Bucher said, he first signaled 1hat be intended to stay in his position. Meanwhile he got the Pueblo under way and then began trying to ease slowly, out. of the area. He signaled the Korean& that he Intended to depart. The torpedo boat:i and the subchaser followed him, and a second subchaser appeared. Again the Koreans signaled they would fire unlesa: the Pueblo 1ur· rendered. "I was completely and hopeless!y outgunned," Bucher said. "Tbere were too many of them and too many guns. To send a man up lo our machine guns would have meant certain dealh for him. The gun covers were froien and could not be easily removed. I felt there was no point in aenst:lessly sending people to their deaths.•• U.S. Launches Solar Station CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -A solar observatory rocketed into apace today to study the sun during a period or maximum flare activity and to help warn astronau~ on the moon of perilous radiation storms. The satellite, OS05, rode aloft in the nose of a three·stage Delta rocket, aim· ing for an orbit 350 miles abo'>;e the earth, where its sensors can pee.r at the seething sun· from above the distorting blanke~ of the atmosphere. A spokesman for the . National Aeronautics and Space Administr:ation reported early phases of the fllgbt went very smoothly after the Delta blued ·into the sky. The satellite Is the fifth ln a series or Orbiting Solar Observatories·Jaunched by the space agency. _GQLD _EN WESI __ AIRLINES does more than ffyyou to the airport on time. MUCH MORE Golden Wt!$! Airlines offers 24 flights daily ~n Orange County Afrport and Los Angeles ,International Airport ••• shortest connecting times with majorairlines ••• and flies you to the airport on time via comfort- oble 19-passenger twin-engine T-jets. Flight time_ Ip the airport: 20 minutes We do much more. Coll Golden West, wo do tho mt. Malce your flight reseriations. Wrife up your com- plete trip)iclcet. AR you do is turn up at Orange County Airport a few minutes early to get your luggage lagged through. Save time, avoid freeway and parking ten· sions. One call to your travel agent or Golden West does it all • Serving Orange, Rlv.nlclo and Ventura Counttes GOLDEN WEST AIRLINES O«ingt County Airport 171.fj 5-40-7010 • Riveriidt Covnty Airpotl (71.4) 687..010 • O>nord/Vtn luro Airport {fl)S) 486-1'211 ' ' ·-. • er er ed It· lly ,.. )!. ne ,th en I dy A ce od •IP us he m· he at he al on mt ed • ·- JIAJtY PILOT I New Book ~ays McCarthy, Moscow Salutes Spacemen • Rent Soldier RFI( • in White House Deal Tommies Out of Work WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy made a short-lived "deal" -with Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, aimed at putting McCarthy In the White House this year and Kennedy there in 1972, Ml'Carthy is quoted as saying in a book published today. Both McCarthy and Kennedy spoiesm.en denied the report. The rtport alleges that Ken· ne<iy promised McCarthy be would not run for t b e Democratic nomination last year, a11d McCarthy ln turn promised full support for Ken- nedy in 1972, regard1es.ct o( whelher McCarthy w a s elected president in 1968. The book, "Divided They Stand." was written by Lon- do11 Daily Express newsmen working in the United Stales. McCarthy's comments allegedly were made while be was vacationing in France after he lost the presidential nomination to former vice president Hubert H. Hum- pl>rey, McCarthy .wu DX available for comment. But a apc>k_.. deoled the report, and Aid tbe men "never" 'enlmd Into tJlber part of the alleged two-llded poet. A spobsman for S e n • Edward M. J(ennedy !D- Mass.) in whose office the two men llttced1Y met to form the agreement, con- firmed that I -'ing took place. But the "P"'o'm'M said u .happened two clays alter the New Hampshire primary, not two days before the primary as the book alleges. The Spokesman said Robert Kennedy already bad decided to run. The McCarthy spokesman also said McCarthy made a point of saying, several time&. during his campaign that he was interested in serving only one tenn if elected. The book: also alleges that New Yor): Gov. Nelson Rockefeller called on Presi- dent Nixon election .night, but UPITtlt_.. ' RAPID-FIRE OATH TAKING Refnecke Becomti Lleuten1nt Governor Reinecke Takes Oath In Tinie for Meeting SACRAMENTO (AP) Rapldfire action at Gov. Reagan's request sent former Congressman Ed Reinecke to work today as California's new 1ieutenant governor. lt took less than a hour Tuesday after Reinecke and Reagan arrived back i n California on s e p a r a t e airplanes for the 45-year--0ld SUK:lio City Republican to sign his oath or office. Asked by JV?wsmcn a t Sae r a mento Metropolitan Airport if he had been re- quested by the governor to take office officially as soon as possible. Reinecke said, "He expressed that desire." The reason was so that Reinecke could attend today 's State College Board o f Trustees meeting in Sacra- mento with Reagan. rr the state's new No. 2 official had waited until his formal swearing-in ceremony -planned for the Capitol Rotunda at 4:30 p.m. Thurs- day, he would not have been the official lieutenant governor and thus couldn't have voted at today's trustees meeting. Reagan arrived at the Sacramento Municipal Airport about the same time as Tuesday, jwt a rew days after starting his third tenn as con· greMinan from the 2 7 t h district, a sprawling area stretching from San Fernando Valley suburbs to sparsely populated eastern Kern Coun· ty. "I feel very good. It's going lo be an exciting job. I'm glad to be back in California." He said that while he enjoyed the legislative bran:ch, "you're not oo the main line, as you are in an administrative job." Reinecke, who becomes the 39th lieutenaDt governor , replaces Robert H. Finch, now secretary of health, education and welfare in President Nix- on's cabinet. The timing of Relnecke's of- ficial off 1 c e-t a k Ing was unusual. Reagan had to wait until he returned to Calllornia before signing Reinecke's of· ficial appolntment. p a p e r s , which he did upon landing. Those were then rushed to the Capitol, where Reinecke at 5:11 p.m. put his name to the official oath. Only newsmen and a few gubernatorial aides wltn_essed the brief ceremony, and ques- tions were not permitted by Reagan aides. Reinecke flew in to the city's r==========:;I other airport, with M r s . Reagan on the same plane -returlng from the preslden· tial inaugural festivitJea in Washington. Reinecke resigned his House seat a few boun earlier on LOCAl N• offi•, ., .... ,.,., f•ll• ,... ,.,.,., • .,.,,. 4•y. •b.ltt wh•f• t•lttt •n 111 th• 9'•.t.r Or•n9• C.•st tft•.n fh• DAILY PILOT, Nixon refused to see him. II quotes Rockefeller as saying, "I ,veil understand that Mr. Nixon ii busy." McCarthy is quoted ln the boot as saying he believed a united front of war crltlca 'ancJ -dlaenchanled with old-atyle politics could gain the namiDatlon -but It would have to be either· Kennedy or McCarthy · becaue the presence of both men in the race would IO splinter the front as to throw the nomina- tion back to then president Lyndon :S. Johnson o r Humphrey. The OOok quotes McCarthy as telling Kennedy : "! think I have a chance, MOliCOW (AP) -The , Soviet Unlon'1 new<S1 apace ber-ou, the four Co1D10M11ta. of Soyus ' and Soyus I, flew to Wintry M08COW today ftJr a rouaihg public welcome and· hanora from the country'• leaden. LONDOH (UPIJ -Brtlaln II aoon 'lo lllrt a ''not I IOldlll'" plan to lfve Idle "-oomewq to do, Illa pvenment aald. Pr!vale partts will be able· to hire a -for a dQ ~• weft or evm 1 month to do 'UJ of the toUow:tnt: -Help GUI In dllaator.,... °"..,... m.apucfol. -Wort In cooatructioo and dea!olltlaa 11111 - JP'Cla!lzed' fields. ' · -prive apeclal lranaport unltJ. Brlllah Del,... MJnlater o..lJa HW., WI Illa_.. la being made becauae mall)' Brttlalt troopa w-1•1 back to Britain followJnc withdrawals -btip -lleoley-wanta to llop potenUal boredom and allO ta help poy for the upkeep ol the army. A ~ teallel Pl',. em.,..,... luD delalll and polnto GUI the trvopa ore DOI .. _, labor" and - be U8ed H there la a unlan «111fllct. The cost ol "renUog" a IOktler WU not dieckwed. Vladlmlr Shaulov, Boris Volynov, Yevgeny Khrunov and Alexei Y ellieyev were given I tradltJooa] outdoor airport ~ and atreet parade. despJte the bitter cold ol 11 degrees below zero. •-----------------· They were awarded the but I must have a clear run. ~~d /1 ' You can have it all in 1'12. •-~---~-----1_-u. ___ .;.;.;;.;;;;°"';;;;;;.., __ ~ 1 pledge my support for that, Order of Lenin and made Gold Star Heroes of the Soviet Union, the country's blgbut booors in an indoor Kremlin cermK>ny. Surgeons in Canada Halt Heart Switches but in return I want you to -Wont cue ol hiocatw lW.,.. -.a.• C1tbena bundled in fur cap.1 and heavy overcoats It.amped Jeave it to me ln 1!168. Will --------------------- you give me that clear run?'' their feet and cheered from •• Utlltllll ~ ...._.,_. The book quoted McCarthy as sayillg Kennedy then told him : · "I tell you what J am telling everyone. I shall not run. You can count on that." Then Kennedy decided to temporary grandstands, while Suraeoo1 in Canada, con. the four men marched from their Ilyushin airliner on a cerned that tl;le risk from re.. red carpet to a stand crowded Jectlon In heart transplant with dlgnHaries and the cos-operaUons may outweigh the monauts' famHies. benefits, have called a bait Soviet Paper Says Egyp,t Facing ~conomic Failure They were embraced and untu more 11 known about kissed by Communist party the body's natural f I c b t tinued eco~ losses of the General Secretary Leonid I. against foreign organs. by Dr. Plemi GrGodln, - ol the lnatitote's ~ team, bu gained utUe 1ym. - pathy among IUl'pOIUI who consider the operaUoo tbt only hope f<r llOlllO - "I take alrong ncepOon to the lnstltute raiJJq the moral question ln auch a way,• Aki Dr. Hulan Najali, "b o perionned Cblcago'a anlJ"""' cersful transplam last mm.th. run. "From that m o m e n t whatever chance I had was written off," McCarthy is quoted. 1·1 ltoew it the day be aMounced. The game was over for me and for him. J l could not be either of us .. It \111llM ,.,._ l111WM!IMll The Soviet Commwiist party newspaper Pravda said today Egypt was experiencing "cer- tain failure" in the economic field. It hinted a quick politJcal solution to the Middle East McCarthy ii also quoted. ar crisis would benefit the Arab concluding: states. "It is enigmatic to reflect "Peaei!ful conditions are how one decision can alter necessary for the country to ao many thinp. Had Bob Keo-rgove forward," the Moscow ~oedY stui:t to -his won!. not .. wspaper said to a com- only would he almost certainly mentary. · be-...alive-1oday....buL.most.....pro,--Diplomatk obiervers--1 n- bably he would have emerged Moscow said the commentary as president or the United gave evidence of growing States in im." Soviet uneasiness about con- Gairo regime. Brtthnev and P r e s i d e n t But other pionff:l' transplant "In the process of con-Nikolai V. Podgocny. surgeons around lhe world struction of a new life, cer-Overhead a squadron o{ MIG aaid they do not intend to fighters roared past and the cease the operations and more tain failures and separate lost mu.sic of a nearby military knowledge resulted fr 0 m battles are possible," Pravda band was punctuated by the every one dooe. ' said, "but the whole trend salvoes of a 21-gun salute. The heart transplant team of the struggle of Arab peoples Missing from the ceremony at Montreal's Heart Inst!tute against imperlallsls allows us was Premier Alexei N • declared the moratorium and to predict its final outcome Kosygin, whose place was hospital director Dr. Paul -this struggle will end in ta.ken on the stand by Flrst David Monday said a n y victory." Deputy Premier D mi tr Y transplants undertaken until In Tel Aviv tiKi-r, lsfaell Polyansky. Kosygin wu ·ol· the njecUon proces1 is mare military 1pokesmen uii! Arab fk1a11y reported to be on vaca-fully understood, under "the suerrillas... striking_ into .Israel_tiQn,..bJ!ttheJag that he ~I!_ same ~tions ~__P!'~le_ms territpry were armed with skip such a popWar pUb11c tfiif1ace us now,''WOUial:ii communist Chinese-made event gave some support to immoral. · automatic rifles. reports he is ill. But the boycott, instigated "All a person has to do I! he la troubled morally la to look optlm1stlcalJy at U- tra115plant patlenta who '"' llvlng." Thirty-nine ol the 10 I -ld'a heart lnnspJanl pa. um. are all"f!',._ ml -. 8""llld the World iiJd._y they were not mlSidertni a moratQrfuiifti1~­tr1111plant ..q..., _ nJeet!oo or no rejection. l'lrlllnl JOU flBI, Qaps DI first. '69 Impala Custom Coupo We've found a way to mai:e Chevrolet.a an even better buy than other cars in their field. And out of their field. We've been able to drop the price of aevera.1 c1.tras. Not cat-and-doe ~ but thole yau'd like to have. An automatic tr•namiuion coal• you leu, whether it'a Poweralide ar our 3-tpeed Turbo Hydra- matic. The coet of adclinf a lar1er VS i1 IEl'IB. The COit of new advanced-desisn power disc brateo bu been cut pnotically In hall. And oo baa the -ol head ...traJnta, whkh .,. now ftgurod into the base price ol the car u 1tandard. equipment. So for the '69 Impala shown above with a bia 300-hp VS, Turbo Hydra-matic, power cli8C bmka1, whitewall tine and trheelcovetai the prioe:ia $101.00' lem than it WU in 1968. (Thole whitewall.I even coet you a little lea1 than they did bat year. And the 300-hp VS ooau $40 1 ... than It -to -to add I V8 with mly 276 hp.) In '69 you 1et a better ride with Impala. too. A hetttt Aatro Vmlllatt... -llolid otoe1 •...,,i rail>" built Into the door. A Joct for th• iplitlon, 1teerina -...i llhllt lover, o11...i oaJ:r bJ Chev· rolel in !ta fteld. The vaJue IOl!I up, 'Ibe price C01M11 down. You know, if we were the cxapetftion, we'd never llK>W up for the Showdown. Value Showdown: I I Q !DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I Bot h Me a sure·s: Yes Voters ln the Huntington Beach Ci ty School District mull decide Feb. 2S the Cata of a $*.75 million building boocl issue and a slight tax increase measure which would result In a total tax rate of Jl.50 per JIOO assess- ed valuattoa over three years. Positive votes are needed on both measures If the dlatrJct is to continue the present level of service to the 'itudents and to the public. For nearly all of its more than 60 years the district has been known as a "rich" one because Of a relaUvely low number of children and a high assessed va1uation ;ier child. Now Lbe assessed valuation per child has dropped because a g.reat influx of young famWes bas jammed the exis ting schools and forced constntcUon of more. IL has been necessary for lhe·dislrict tO sollcil state aid for the first time in its history. Voters authorized the state build ing loans, but to 'use the program the di~ trict must be bonded to 5 percent of its -assess¢ valua· ti on. This means the dis trict must be authorized to sell up lo '4-75 million in bonds to cantjnue the building prcgram. Approval means no substantial increase in the tax rate in the foreseeable future. District officials see a maximum increase the first year of not more than 2 cents per $100 assessed valua- tion. The tax rate presenUy is $1.35. If the voters do not approve the tax increase measure, the tax rate falls to 90 cents on JuJy 1, thus halting all but the barest of educational programs. Approval means that taxes ·would go up at 5 cents per year until the $1 .50 rate was attained in three years:. If the district is to be criticized at all for its use of the tax dollars over the years it might be because of its very conservative a_pproach to the educational pro- gram and to building schools. The money it now asks is to continue the conserva· live program. None is asked for frills and all is despenilely needed. Voters can do themselves and their cblldren a service on Feb. 2S by conUnuliig flOallCI&! aupport for their elementary schools. The City Salary Hassle Councllmen In HunUng(l)n Beach mny have put themselves Into a financial jam by granting a s~bstanl· Jal raise to Vince Moorhouse, director of the Harbors, Beaches and now Development Department when It appeared he was ready to leave city employ for prlv· ale 'Industry. The balance of salary ratios is on a razor'1 edge as is the patience of a man who finds out that aomeone else ls rn~ing more money for an equivalent position. Following Moorbouse's ral.se, the council indicated it would not entertain more r~uests unW after seeing the results cf a salary study new in progress. A report on that study is due April 1. That there are serious problems and feelings came up almost immediately when City Alty. Don BonJa ask· ed the council for an executive session to discuss sal· aries and touched oU a wordy batUe in pubJic. It is questionable whether there was any legal basis for a closed session to discuss the salary rate of a per· son yet to be hired. Actual purpose of the session was for the attorney to put up a figQt for his crew in th e legaJ department, it appears. ApparenUy the council refused ~o increase salaries except to allow a hi&her range for the attorney the city is trying to hire. Yet1 it Jis apparent th at salary prob- lems are there. The salary problems have not been improved by closed door discussions of reorganizations and salary adjustments. The whole salary mess leaves citizens wondering if the council has any real grasp of the bad situation created by adjusting the salary of just one per· son. (5) ~..;;::,..~ -''BASJCALLY1 l'M A MAHOUT, NOT A MVLESKINNfR.' P ublic Due ~., Nixo•i Has Troublesome Personnel PrQbl.ems -~ -.. . "' . .. '" ~ ,. :.: , For Surpris es ~ ' Who Will Fill Lower Echelon Jobs? ----i---On -¥ i-etna-m- I WASHINGTON -The public has got· ttn such a simplified idea of a "cease· fire" and pull-out of Vietnam that it is in for 9llpt surprises, if not shocks, about the true nature of the settlement to be llOO&ht Iller< by tbe NW>n Adminlatra!¥Jn. The o:nJy kind of out«nne wbich can have aby meaning at all will be a utUement which wlD guarantee the stability ol the entire Southeast Asia area, at least for a period of years. Olherwlse $100 billion aod 3 o , o o o American lives wlll have gone down the drain u a pointless waste, and ~resident Nixon gives no more sign of accepting that outcome than Ex-Ptesi· dent JolwOn. • It would be iupreme hi!Jtoric Irony lf at WI Juncture and after all this · agony the. Nixon will should falter and what ""1id be gained by patience and resolution .houlcl be bt through some desire to placate Amuican public opi· nion. This would be' cootr1ry to Nixon's record on Soutbeut A!Ja and all of A~a. dating back ti br IO yeais and it is lncoltc!ivablt that be would repudiate It. THERE IS NO SIGN of faltering will on Nixon'• part and it must be concluded that the Jobnaon advben are right when they judge that NiJon will follow the policies Johnson WOllld have followed. The way ii nol easy. North Vietnam will have to be forced to the conclusion It does not de sire , a pull-0ut of Its 100,000 troops not on!~ from .South Viel· nam, but from Laos and Cambodia as well and the acceptance of an in· ternational mon1tor1ng system to make sure they get out and stay out. Nor is this to be monitored by so1nc com· mission made up of Poland, India, Canada or other parties who do not have a vital concern. An Asian setllement 1upervised by Asians is sought, not an Asian se ttlement supertbed by far away or Communist-oriented countries whose statesmen have so sententiously blacken· ed the name of America throughout this very difficult period. ALONG TIJE WAY toward such an agreement then.-may be some harrowing evenls. Johnson 's national security ad· visers, Walt Whitman Rostow in particular, have for weeks been resli\'e (Iver the possibility that Jled China may ~--B11 George Dear George : Wh y do sports-cair drivers tip .around like they do? ls this com· pensatioo for an inferiority ('(Im· plex? BIG.CAR 0\VNER Dear BCO: Actually, rverything iii a com- pensaUon for an inferiority Com- plex for everybody. ilowevcr, thole little car& aren·t going that much fasltt. They just look 1h11t way. Anyhow, It's not the car lhal count.s -ll'& the bent lhe driver wears. Mott foreign cars are purcha sed simply u a reason to ~·wr those fwmy ball. (Gforp will tolve your problem Jndically Jnstant.antously, al!o'.I'· Ins for hb usual procrastination, ol _....) • W,.c~"' 'It's something 1bout ,eac1 talks that l111Jd 1,000 years!' . lzy to lake· advantage of the O!l<Olll!ng settlement' by making a land grab of its own · in northern Laoa -just to remind all nations lhat Mao's Chinese Peoples Republic remains the great forte in Asia. China ii nol thought to be llchlng fOf' a big war, nor b China willing to accept tbe idea that a &etUement of Asian problems caa be forced upon it. Another harrowing event could be the resum ption of offensive operations by what ls left of the North Vietnamese-Viet Cong military coalition, now largely NOrJ.h Vietnamese. Intelligence source! report the build.up of another attack related to . the c~g of the Nil on Administration. · JOHNSON ORDERED Gen. Creighton Abrams, eommander In Vietnam, to place maximum military pressure on the North Vietnamese durtng the peace 'taJka aud following lhe bombing hall A\>rams has done so and it isi assumed that Nixon will order blm to continue. U the. same thing happens u during the Tet offensive and the offensive last August the C4mmunist forces are going to suffer grlevoug]y, and It il the general conclusion here that they canoat take it much longer. Observers with a high degree of skep. licism have returned from Vietnam con· vinced this time that the Communists ha\'e accepted an the damage they can bear, and that !hey are moving slowly and stubbornly -to end the war. The llanoi government ls doing what It would do if a central decision had been made to end the war. IT llAS REPAJRED structures and facilities which certainl y would prampUy be destroyed again if the war returned to its former scale. Hanoi is entering into agreemenls with $\\·eden and other countries for post-war aid, and is negotiating trade arrangemenl.J which could only be based on the conditions of peace. \Vhal is called for no1t is public pe · tience and resolution so that there can be a beUer ch&Dce for the Nb:on Administration to ' proceed ln a hard· headed way toward a signlOcant set· l lcroent' coming as close as J>OSllblc lo as!iu ring durable Southeast Asian stability. And if that happens the war ~·ill not have been a waste. The Nixon Administration shouJd be given at le.ast a year to wind up this incident ln history in a oonstrucllve fuhloo . Poignant °Floodll&bt," publie:hed by the Jo~a Public Service Co mpany, has asked · ''Where doe s the government get lt!I money? ln poignant terms. a New ~lampshire housewife answered. the question In a lttll:r to Senator Norris Cotten, who r;aid ht<r words were '1no~ meaningful than aoy speech J've heard In the Sen.ate.' Faced with rising taxes. Increasing cosU: of living, and with children approaching college age, she had this to say: 'Wbfre does the govern ment get iL~ money? From U1e vacalions we cou!d never take, the n1ovies we never 5aw, the re1t.auran& dinner& we ntver alt, the clothes we never bought. and the savings we h:iven't got.' " ·--------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON -President Richard M. Nixon is launching his new ad· minislration with a couple of troublesome personnel problems which could take a little time to resolve. One problem is the selection of qualified individuals to serve in sutreabinet jobs. The other involves the replacement of Democratic incumbents in politically ap- pointive jobs down the administration chain. Six weeks ago, when Nixon aides were soliciting job recommendations from many nonpartisan sources, including in- dividuals listed in Who's Who, it wu said that Nixon woold draw bis top administrators quickly from a large pool of well qualified manpower. Those statements appear. to have been over-cp- timlstic. The problem is clear at the level of assistant secretaries in government departments and their top deputies. The Nixon "team" is now taking the field with a flock of vacancies in these high echelons. NIXON AIDES are now explaining that Cabinet members in the new ad· ministration are . moving slowly and deliberately to assure selection of top ollicial! who can work barniooiously with their as.soc.lates. There ii a littJe. more to ll than thal, boftVer. , Like all of bis immediate predeceuors NW>n is having 1!0111e trouble finding the right man for each or lhe import.ant jobs which he must fill. That large pool of qualilled manpower la nol·gulte what it appeared to be in the election's joyoua aftermath. , Top Republicans now admit privately that some o( the lawyers, bankers and businessmen 'Yho were enthusiastically "available" in la.te November had second thoughts when the job offered wu not in the Cabinet but a somewhat anonymauJ post a 1tep or two down In the government hierarchy. PATRONAGE -In the final analysis, the more troublesome problem for Nllon · could be the filling of non-dvtt service jobs a couple of echelons down from the sub-cabinet. Involved is the Question af top-level federal patronage. Some Republican politicians and would- be job holders, with their partj taking control of government for only the second tlme i.n 36 years, want Nixon and his aidea to move aggressively in taking over positions which are not protected by civil service. Many ol them think President Eisenhower was not aggressive e.oough when be tock over in 1953. "The Kennedy people did it right.'' recall! an Eisenhower Administration job holder. "When I got to work on the day after . inauguration, 1 was told I had my choice of resigining or being Dred. I resigned , of course." Veteran GOP leaders in Congress are among those urging a sweep-out policy by Nilon and his top aides. They think Utt GOP should act to counter the Ion;: yeart Of DemocraUc control during whlcb even the civil service rolla became, in their view, full of 'Democrats. NIXON-'8 recruiting experb a r e reported concentrating on leas than a thousand top Jobi -admlniltraton, ..,.. sultant.s, persona] aides and the like -which are identified as subject to political appointment. Actually, however, there are about 4,000 such jobs on a listing compiled for Congrus in what used to be called the "Green Book." (It now has a buff cover.) Some GOP prof..,ionals weuld like to see the Nixon Administration aulgn some political appointee in each depart.. ment to see that those pollUcal job.!. when available, are filled by Republicans recommended by the National Committee or GOP offices on Capitol •Iii!. That, a few old-timers recall, is how it was handled under the old master, Franklin 0. Roosevelt . By Robert S. Allen and Jobn A. Gold1m.I~ Relief--Destro_yer of Human Spirit "The lessons cf history . . • show cooclwively ••• that continued depend- ence m relief Induces a spiritual and m o r a 1 di.!integraUon fundamentally destructive to the national !iber. To dole out relief • . • ls to admini.!ler a narcotic, a 11.1btle destroyer cf the human spirit. . • • " Histo,.Y•s lessons are jU!t as plain now a1 they were in 1935 when Franklin D. Roosevelt thus "'arned or welfari.sm's effects in his Stale oI the Union meSS41ge. Yet many well-meaniDg Americans large- ly ignore those lesaons now, just as Mr. Roosevelt himself did later on. CONFRONTED BY the failures of the existing welfare system, nearly everyone would like to supplement it or replace it with something else. Thn!c of the proposal! -all very much alive as a new administrati9n nears office - were discussed in a reant speech by Roger A. Freeman. senior staff member of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. One of these is lhe guaranteed annual income. "To guarantee ewryone an ade· quate income," notes Mr. Freeman, "ap- pears to be the most direct and simple method to end poverty; also. when we study ii more closely, potenUally the most destructive." 1! everyone's income were rali;ed to the federal "poverty" level of $3,335, for a four-person non!arm family, \he immediate cost to the government \r;ould be $11 billion. That's a large sum, cer· Dear Gloomy Gus: M°"t doves It.art their dlalribt bJ ,.ying. "The U.S. docsn 'l belon1 in South Vietnam." T h e 1 never say anythln1 about the Russians, Chlnest or North Vietnamese Communi$t aggressors there. Yet, as we woold pull out they would move ln. , -11. B. M. t~!I t.tlvni nil!tl•U• ,._", "'-Mt -.cn ... 111 hM ti ""' _ • ...,. ....., '9W •I -.. oi_, OllL OAilY f'lltt. ,, talnlf, but by ltaetf it just as surely js 'one Uiat the naUon couJd afford. A MAJOR PROBLEM nonetheless ls that such a program could not help but have massive effect -en people and on the economy. It isn't neceii&ry lo belleve th!t Americans are naturally indolent t.o think that a great many persons, cffered $3.335 a year for doing nothing, would take it in preference lo a job paying $3,000 to $4,000 or so. Some people who quit their jobs to take the guaranteed income might justify the action for themsclves at least, by saying it was only temporary while they looked for something better. But the cost of the guarantee would climb very quickly; Mr. Freeman thinks it would be several limes $11 billion. "'Entire occupations," predicts Pi-fr. Freeman, "would be wiped out overnight. A large part of the labor force of ,uveral states -particularly in the South -wouJd immediately retire and mos t agrlrultural employment would end.'' Mcreover, wage scales al medium and higher levels would be thrown into chaos. Even if the money supply remained unchanged, a reduced supply of goods and seni.ces would generate ei:plosiv e inflaUon. A SECOND propo!ial is the family allowance , which would pay every family -rich or poor -a speciOed sum for each child. At $25 per child per month, which is hardly adequate to sup- port true poverty families, the national cost would be $21.S billion a year. "Why should child allowances go to all families, rich and poor allke.," a·sks Mr. Freeman, "when onJy one American family in ten is now held to be poor? The reason given by the plan1s advocates is simple: Sc that the poor would not feel singled out and stigmalit.ed as relief recipients. Morecver . • • non.poor famili es . . . would then reel that they have a slake in the progr1m and wouJd rally to its support." Assuming the nonpoor would In fact act that way, it is at best a qutsUonable tactic to construct a welfare pfogram sc that it will bribe voters to support it. In a country where population pressures are alteady a problem, furthermore it would be strange strategy for the government to subsidize still There's Hop e in Talking To lhe Editor: As a newcomer to Orange County fro1n Palos Verdes, and as a hJgb school teacher In the HuntJ.ngton Beach Union ltlgh School Oiltrkt, allow me to con· gratulste your lt&fl on your coverage of lhe Dorsey t;tudent visit to Orenge C.OUnty, particularly Jean Cox's pieee lo your Jan. 14 ediUons. If more whites Uke Miss cax spc:ik ou.l, the bllCk students will be back 'lo talk again, and as IOflg as we can still talk together, there i11 hope. VIVIAN R. HALL l 111egrnle f'n <'Hll !J To the Editor: After reading of Dorsey Jllgh's 'is1l to lfa.rbor JllgJ!, the th()Qgbt that keep~ Nrning lo me Is how uhlortunate it lttkrt '"""' rHdt ..... ...on.. "'""'-"" .,,...... '"°""' ~~ no.+• .._... llt ... _.. ... -. Tr.. rlthl lo ..-..... 111ttws M flt t1*1t • .il!Joi. "•1• m~ 11 r~. "" i.tt.n .....,.,. 111ttir11t •lt,,.llt .. ll<ld rn•ll"" ..idrttl. M ---.. flfllllwld .,. ._,." !I lllfflcM -It _..... is that our children c.tnnOt dllcusa nte relations dlrtttly wftb Negro claamata: and teachers. Although 1t is unreallltJc to aped n1uch lntegrallon or our neiabborhooda in the near rutull!:, the Integration ol our school faculty ~ another matter. This w°'1ld ~ a reachable p1 and one which J would Uke to Set pur1UC!d. NANCY SKINNER • greater pressure. LIKE FAMILY allowance1, a third proposal -the negative income tax -also is aimed partly at erasing tha ••stigma" of relief. It would use · the existing tax machinery; if lndlvidual1 earned less than a specified amount the government would pay them, instead of the reverse. Welfare could be made less demeaning, however, by reasonable reVision of existing method!; it doem't necessarily require an entirely new system. Revision would seern • sensible way to proceed in any case, since most of the advocates of various inrome-sup- port plans do not see them a~ replacements for exisUng assstance but as supplements to it . THE PRESENT setup Is in such sorry ahape that any reform will lake time, perhaps a great deal of iL The direction, though, should be clear; it has been stated often but never adequately pursued, Soclely has an obligation to cart for its citizens who cannot care fer lbemselves. For others the Overriding aim mould be to provide an opportunity to work. not an opportunity to avoid il In other wonb, the goal muat bt rehabilitation rather than re.lief. Too many of the current income-support schemes would only destroy initiative which, in the end, means th11 dulruction cf the hwnan spirit. Tbe Wall Siled J0111111i --iW- IV edn es day, January 22, !Ml 'l'1lc cdllorlal -of IM Doi!r PiLo& lftb to Inform and 1tfnt.. tilalc -b~ Jl'Cl'11ting ~ MIDIPCIJ)er'I optnionl and com: """""' ... topla ., ill! ...... """ ~. f>J pn>Wjlftg • ,_,,. for .... •.,,,-..uloo ., "'" -op!..,,.,, and br pra1•tifto i1'f' dfotT1e .,,.... point. of m/.,,..d ~ end IPOM"""' .. topjcs a/ IM daJI. Robert N. Weed, Publisher '-·· ., -... . .. JI ---~-----~~~-~--~~~-~~~~~~~-~~-~------~-- r I • • ' ) • I • ) ' • • I I [ ' • I t I , , ' 1 , t • ' I ' I ' ' I ' , ' CHECKING . . •UP• Girls Called Diana Grow Little Wild Schmitz OKs Sale OfSclwols SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Sen. Joltn G. Scbmlts (II> 'l'ultln), ~y -u1e ol the at.ale's hlahtr education system 1o priv1te inwa&s u one "IY to slop campus disturbances. The Omnp County legislator n!emd to a report . •1 UL BOYD' be: ·"M -.. you canno1 by And«w l.olll, director or Homeowners AM INJ'ORMtl> a kmg loud keep anything fn:rh' a woman, 11eoeral servicel, that the recording of any mu s i c you love her." st.a~ had an offer from Airport Suit Trial Ends pertanned by that energ_elic private interests to p.1rdtale poup kDown as the Back CUSTOMP SERVICE: Q. the statelunlvenlty and state ' Porch Majority will rid the "I" 11111 dll>l Dow wbal to college sysleml. Tbe money, ' area of sparrows .•. "A WIFE make of ~)' wife arid our Lolli said, woo.Id come from should do well to thank God son.,Sbe'• qdite a good4ootm, a ll'OUP of insurance firms : her husband hall faulls. A hU!-woman with some extremely and was "no problem." band without faults is a modern ideas. The boy is 21, Schmill proposed sale of the SANTA MONICA (UPI) - dangerous observer." So said an art student. 'Ibis Christmas campuses to private buyers, A I aw s u It in which Gilbert White. quite r:ighlly he gave me an oD painting who irulead of leasing the homeowners near S 1 n t • A STUDY SHOWS of bis inotber. It looks natural schools bac• to '"e -•-•-~en move the most enough, and J guess U'1 JlftUy would lease• them u~ crtbe"; Monica Airport s o u I h t cargo when the temperature good wort. but it pres,nts · wtvate instttuim with a milliorui of dollan in damages ts about M de~ F. • .IT her recJ,ining oo -a couch in stipulation they must be Uled on grounds jet airtraft reduc· JS GENERALLY known of lhe mde, and I doo't like for educational pll'J)(IHJ. ed the value m their property girla called Diana, says our it. W'e have been fairly ' •,Tb e mu1U-billion-doll1r has been taken under 1ub- Name Game man, that they permissive in the bay's up-windfall of the .~ pay· miss.ion by a judge. start to get a littl.e wild again bringing, but I bdie:ve there ment. would be uaed to reduce In matters of romance al are lmlits. What I'm getilnl the burden of the COit or The ed1y triaJ ended Tues-~· the age of 45 THE L ls "e proudly day, and Su .... rlor Court Judge •uuu• · • · a , my wu government on the callfornia ,.-MATRIMONIAL STATISTI· declares, not just to me but ............ yer, while only a Ben Koening said his decision ~ • ~ •-g rybody thal al -t-will be 1nnounced later. ....._._ 11.Y ""~en are amon to eve • 00 sever rtl1Uv8ly small patt of the Some 232 homeowners U-bulbands Jeut apt lo lftemooos last autumn In the --~ -·"-y of funds for be di\l'Orced · terests of art ....... actual1 ,..._.... ~ brought the Euit against the • m ~ Y higher education could meet city of Santa Monica and il:l "'NAME the world'• all-time posed for"tbe paintjng. ls thll the needs of the truly deserv· airport. Charging that the jet~ . . acceptable behavior t be I e m' 1 sludents now subald~d •• bli · " greatest piano player," directs d ,, A Not -t were 1 pu c nwaance, a subscriber. All I tnow is ays? · m my nee by out so-called 'free tul on' they claimed that fumes and the h1ghest paid wu Jgnace of the wooc:h. it lm't, mister. coUege education," Schmitz: vibrations lowered property Paderewlki. He made about When we paint pictures of said. values and created personal $5 mi J 1 ion. Incidentally, our motben around belt, we· He said these ·state f4JKis injuries. Paderewski was a fair poker don't even want them to take s~d be atveit stUdents as The complaints arose follow· player. He really went for off their gl!S.1es. scholanhlpe: or loans to log the clty'a decision to al19w the game. One night while WHAT'S YOUR preferred permit them to attend the executive type jets to use the allclng cheese for a sandwich, midnight snack? 1 can go for college of their choice. airport starting in July, 1!166. ht cut a finger on his right a glm of buttennilk and a hand. Standing nearby, his can of. s,ardlnes with some . p,,,... 'Jtt....._ 8i • ~A. • .. ,..I ~~~"°"'f ™'; :::'ti!·~=' :!"t~ UJQ1muntvarl1\vm think you'll be able to play. -larmilk~-Jad-_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ --A~e:renti-i-n a p p e d , . ..__ th b 1 · I .. ,. .... o.i .. 1.. 1 deal with tienls 1.11::\;ause e ac era n >JQ.......,-. ,, can it produces "large amounts my left hand. or lively healthful intestinal IS COMING SOON · AS TO THE WORLD'S fauna," but I try not to think fastest infantrymen, they are about that. This comes toli===================:I the Chinese. Said soldiers only mind because a man of average about 125 pounds science now states one glass each. Their full packs weigh of buttermilk is the best sleep fiO pounds. Nonetheless, a inducer. He doesn't mention military expert claims Chinese the sartlines. An oversight colurima can move on foot maybe. quicker than any .•. BOW DO YOU KNOW when you're in love? That question just came up again. Amwers differ greaUy in this matt.er. But the opinion of that fam.OUJ Fmtchmu Paul Geraldy lbould not be overlooked. Said Your quetUoos and com· menta are wtlcome and will be ased wbeniver poulble in "Checking up." Addren m.u ta L.M. Boyd, la .... o! ... Dally Pht, 8o'I 1175, New- pori Btacli 11113. Passengers Uninjured In 200 Foot Plunge LA JOLLA (AP) -Forty pu1engen and the driver escaped injury when a Greyhound bus plunged down a ZOO.foot embankment oH the Inlerstate 5 freeway. Police said the northbound bus, which had picked up its load of passengers at the Mex- ican border, went oH the freeway Tuelday near the Sor· rento Valley Bridge when it swerved to avoid a car which cut in iront of it. The car had changed lanes to avoid a three-car accident which had blocked two lanes of the freeway. St1etch your fashion dollars with Penneys stretch panty hose 1.69 hmlil9 ........... ,. ··-cf,,_, ho.aw • ........ 111 .. _ ... ,.... ......... __ ......,a-. __ ._ .. ___ _ ....... .._-....... _u.<.n. COSTA MESA HUHTIN&TOH ll4CH HIWPO-T llACH Kt"*' l'fl.n!IJltfllllo c:..i.. ' """letl hi."'11 ......... ( ....... LUNCH AT MR. STEAK HOT SANDWICHES: BIG DADDY STEAK SAN S•rY•d e11 • Fr•11ch reU with f,111clt fri11 . THE "DUKE" BURGER 1/3 lb. ch1pp1d 1irloi111 Fr111th lri11. THE "DUKE",lr\JRGER WITH CHIESE S1¥1 11 1b1¥1 with "''It'd Am1rica11 ch1111 toppi119, ROAST llEEF ON A BUN Sllc1d ttlin for 111!1. FT111ch fri11 . CRAZY DOG Fool 11119 hot 1!109, Co111y lil111d 1111c• pof1lo chipt. CONTINENTAL L.r91 h1111Du1111r 111 ry1, fi l11d wltft Swiu ch1111 ind m1uhr11mt. French fri11. COLD SANDWICHES: ITALIAN HOAGIE Ch111e, bol19111, 1•l•ml. llit111, to1111fo11 111d lettuce 011 • roll. Pot1!1 chip1. MR STEAK CLUB DELIGHT Combi111ti111 b1co11, l1ttuc1. 101111+0, cold chic.111 011 to11!1d br11d. Pol1lo chip1 or c&lt 1l1w, 1.10 .99 1.04 1.10 .90 1.20 1.25 1.30 The folLOIDing sandwichts art .ttrvtd with picklts and choict of potato chip& or colt slaw. BACON, LEITUCE, TOMATO .. . ..... ,,5 SLICED COLD CHICKEN _ .... -........ -· .. ·--.85 GRILLED CHEESE .......... -·-····· ... • .. --... 50 HAM & AMERICAN . CHEESE .......... -........ -,,5 COLD ROAST BEEF ------..... --... -.... --,,5 TUNA SALAD .. --··---.. ·-.. -... --. ·-.. 75 SOUP OF THE DAY (cup] .20 CHILI .50 We are alao serving our ramoll! line of USDA CHOICE STEAK DINN!RS and many other dinner specials at •ny time o! day. DtSHrt menu, too. OPEN 11 AM to 9 PM 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA .MESA All Penney Stores Open Every Night Moncloy Thl'Mtlh So1ut•r· THRU SATURDAY ONLY! u E • Our own G·aymode® Cantrecti stretch hosiery event I • Reg. 3 prs. 2. 95 NOW 3 prs. 2.34· Elegant, 1-woaring C<111t1-" hooiery ,..._. buys at 1'9gUlar price, now rlduc«f fot a thort time only! Thor• iln'I a girl in tho ~ who dootn't know about tho flawlooo c..n-fit and llattwy, tho soft, -flnish colon-......... lon-and la>hiOft hues 1hat "'-a log at hi boot and mob tho -of " """""' look. n.y,.. -- Gaymode• brand, so you k-Y"" ..... ,, flod finr qualjty onywhtnl ChooM froM plllM • mosh kM ., regular « --stylos. · si- A.-1-CO ...... you porfect fol, lO"""" -ty, flod your ..... """ go wild with"""""" ... ~ .. last your.."""""' cind """""'' -1 • COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH IH•rbor Shopping Cenferl (F•1hion ltl-..ndl '. ·, " ' ' l - [!&£3 • DAILY PILOT WtdntsdaJ, Jan11ary 22, l96t Ne Mlraeles Due BJttlng B•nquet Circuit ' ., Mitcl,iell Planning Muskie to Try Out Tactic of Nixon •• Hard Crime Figh-t WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. By taidnc ~ NilM rout<, "But JI that b true, I may that lo thla bulineu 1"" bave F.dm~ Muskie, UfUng a page Muskie baa d e f f n I t e I y even regret having run for to go where the fates take from. NiJ.on handboo~ determined to mab.tbe ban-vke , prc.sidmt," bt ~. you..,.. as locg~ you make , WASHINGTON (UPI) -Al· 1 ty. Geo. John N. Mitchell has i--ombed to (Jght crime "on 1Q floota." !ncludinJ b y woukl nin the Department of Justice dif(erently f r 0 m fonner Atty. Gen. Ramley Clark, ind Mltchell replled: poUl\Cal camfalinlng, -~ tfrebit his nlein plat· "But I cloll't tblnk ilb. I tblnk progros."' olf today CN\ I meaWl>d-•-I ====:;=::=::=============; potatoes baoquet blitz he fonn, inst<ad ol 11\0 5<1)81< Ir thlnU CO\lld IHd to the While Ooor. And he bu llOllle "I believe ~ can point out one difference -the 'extent HOlllO lo J.m. , . mlagivinp. S---"""· to the Democratic "I have decided to poatpone ~-for the moment at least COlllmuni·C.rn\'181 IS COMING SOON ·.~and po ssible ~g of ball procedure. But he says he '¥ill be surpris- ed if the crime rites drop immediately. lo which electronic surveillance may be Wied, parUcularly ln or 11QIzed 1:...,...·1 crbne." • party fa.itbfu.J in Dallas and ltrellgthening n11 position in Fort Worth are the first stops . the Seriale," bt said. "In time on a tour thal by Match wiU ·I may regTetithat I put aside have lal:en him to 12 states ·-~·"-to d · with time Out'.tor prestige-an. Vt<t--0 """' a vance m ·building visits to Japan and 1~the~·~sen.~te~1':__.:.' ____ .!::==:::;::=======;======'===;:::==' Encland· I ' And two of Mltcbell's newly appoin&ed uaistant attorneys general 11y the Nixon ad- ministration would provide •·vigorous enforcement" of ao- Ulrult and"Civll rtgbls laws. Mitchell, the New Yori bond laW)'t!:r who managed Presi- dent Nixon's campaign, Tues- day held his first news con- ference since appointment to announce his stall and talk about law enforcement. Law and order was one o( Nixon's key campaign themes, and he repeatedly cited rising crime rates. A week ago a member of the Senate Judiciary com- mittee asked MilcheU how he Tuesdly MitcheU told the newsmea he personally would approve any wire taps or f. ;;;> other forms of electronic surveillance. He said he would !l make sure nothing la done !l,· In any surveillance ''lo invade the privacy of those not l....::::::·~'~S£...!:..~~;?;;:~;:,l2!~ directly involved." ''I wouldt be very much--------------------- surprised if the crime rate dropped Im mediately," Mitchell told questioners. But he said a drop would occur if bail procedures were made stricter. Senators Giving Up On Filibuster Fight The Maine Democrat and defeated 1988 vice presidential caodl4ate aays, of coorse, that he hasn't decided at this early slage wbelber to seek his parly's presidential nomina- tion in 1972. But he admits lntettst in the . idea and readily _;u:Jpiowledies thal he'll be testlng the winds and stashing away IOUs Crom Jo ca I Democrats as be ranges from coaat to cout. "That is what Niu>n did so much ol -aDd so well -during the years the Republicans were out of of- fice," Mmkie told an fn.- He referred to suspects who easily gain release on bail and subsequently are arrested for other crimes. WASHJNGTON (AP) under the existing rule re-terviewer. Leaders of the Senate an-quiring a two-thirds majority "Whether there will be a tifilibuste~ forces have given of senators voting. personal payoff fof me, a19 Legislature in Action up, for this Congress at least, . he there wall for hint, I don't efforts to ease the rule\ re-_ Church said he and ot r know. But I think the eHort quiring a two-thirds vote~aders in the fight for a is worthwhile," be added. limit debate. tighter a.ntifilibuster r u I e 1 Muskie sees bis role as Sen. Frank Church; D-ldaho, Sens. Philip A. Hart, [).Mich., ' opening a dialogue between 41 azazia;:au"l•rtra,..,,..·~ said in an interview that he Jacob K. Javits, and James local Democrats and the na· 1 ' ~~~~.~ 2~,.. "~ .. :;.,::~· Lowers rnlnlmum -and several allies will not push B. Pearson R-Kan. had tional organization and giving l"om1er c-"""""'n f:d Rtl~e far m.uodatorv part1c1ioa1k>n c1 ,.,.,.. ra~•~r ·~ drive started when agreed on this course. ' party !orkers "the feeling beawMs C..IHwn1a•1 11eu1<en1nt _,... t11iv ~tardtd clllldren In SPKlll .....,_ • 1-1rc u11: that th••• eff<rtl are ........._1 .. _ """" by 1ltn11111 1111 oeth of oltict ,_ cation pr1111r•mt trom • to '' Al 213. Coogress convened Jan. 3 to ln view of the vote over-..... ·~....,~ :;~:m~ llb afflclal swea•ln•ln V•uS::I:~!>~ ~°:ft unemPkll'" substitute a three-fifths vote riding .Humphrey's ruling, he ed by the national leadership," T!>e ... miblyman ''""' Watts, Dem-lural lobar ..... Prlltlibil1 nrk:ul-to end filibusters. said. they are wllllng to accept Who Can nead Just «r•t ll!Oll Rtlpll, ~ln1 I -movt lural W•Ot from belllfl ute<f In com-f t•• Co th t the I\ 10 deceMranze big.city scllol>I dl1trlch P<.Jtlnt u ... mplo'fmen1 ocm""n11t1on Defenders of the present or ulS ngreu a . -no.. plan wlllcll touched off llrill unit'! <l•lm1nl It I C1llfor11l1 r11J. Stiffer -"e, Jed by •-·thern debate cannot be halted by I in New Yorio CH•. dent '' time he flies: A• 21" vi.,.. 1 UJ ~ l •• _ •~- TM• ASSl!MtLY . '"' R·•••.-.. Dem 0 c r a·ts, have been ess w.ian a tw\rUJUUit ma. One 'Peanuti'I FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hours: 9:30 -.m. to 9:,30 p.m.; Sit. 10 1.m. to 6, p.m. C-tttvti.llal AITMl1idineub LI ..... -Deleles autllorl'ty ol 11>-f•li"'••->-• · •~i.; J·Ority t•lrtllklcff du51,11r Wt'fl1re cornm1,.1or1 to n. 1 111Pu;nng agatnSt .....,ng up,~-'---'~·---------------------------------~ ( It•-" -Ellml,..tt1 ll>t ~!<-mll\lnw111...~for -.-encl----ttJ....-nm--amendment1--' fri(lilfflifit' IOW,_-, 1Pff~ ol th• mlnon; Al 106, Kt!Clll,im, R-P11<> -r•-!"'a""' AuembtY; 11111 _.in1~1 01 PUbOc Roblf'•. hall debate by a three-fifths lnllrudlail ,al 1•4\'ltlo mmiti.rs of W1"1 -Prowldel lh11 11a.-IOl'er • "I f th No"• ff>e un!Wn!IY el C.llfamla llMrO flll tn Calilor!ll• llla11 ... , 1111 lmP'-maJOTI Y 0 ()Se Vv.,..'6• All P.enney Stores 'c;>pen Eo.<ery Night Monday Through Saturday R-" Mii ~ twms of 111""'"1· 1"5 t11111 the teWAI "'rnlml.lm -; Last Thursday the Senate .. --1 ''°"-•ACA AO-•o-··m 11 .... ...,, .,.,.. ....wr.o:-~ ·-;.-. 111tr1MM1 voted 51 to 47 to close oot u:=:: ;-~::..,."": ~t~ ~ mft:':"~~1thw E:::tio!°'";! :;:;; the debate on the motion to ·~ "11b -111t111tlom; ACA 12. and rnek• ·-·~ti.:w. °" •"'°' consider the three-fifths pro-... llr. lem1 of lllllher eduallorl In Ctllfornla ' I Th. JS I h rt llllk ....,_. •nd au111ori1n 11mi.ooo for cammlltff posa . lS was VO es 8 0 A"""mq -Prlllllb.ltl !Jll'ltr11l"lt e~1>ense11 ACR 21. MONIOllll. R·TrKY. of a two-thirds ma)00rity H.nl t!I ' school district from bu1· TKI: s•No\TI! • ~ '"' , .,..11 to ad!Jl'\le lnt~•atlon 11111 1n1r..wa• But Hubert H. Humphrey, :'.1!':' ;"1::',d1.':~:i1""n1.'"w;:, toi'~~m-bvAu~lt~=~i ·~ who as the then vice president !llld.. ~"' G•~· ~!11 we111re t(lf 111r0-to-1111ce chH· was presiding officer ruled •• -fte<1ulrn ceMUic1Uon .,. ttod a~n to be t1rr'ed out tiv 1n., llc~ed h I · I ' · · tilM ..... In te'lllUfll\11 before emPIOI'• adOPl\on lffl\CYI !>I 1.-, 0YIT\lltY, I). l at On Y 8 SJJllp e ma]Orlty rntnl Md 11 fwo.n1r l111trv1l1 lhtre· lcrs Anllf!ln. W3S necessary to CU\ off the 1lter 11 Ir"' from l'l!berrulo1l1, het>.. S1lar!ff -lncrnse1 annual u11t'V 11111 11111 "11rereel dl.ea1e ; Al :n1, of ru11re coun1.,. auditor from 110.1co debate. But the Senate refused w~~=·,..,. _ t.em coordlria11cin ot ~ '~O:i-~'·~.:=·: S:~ 53 to 45 to llUsta.in Humphrey's f'ne<llll n'lanl1l'loii ~kn cl 111i. lo 111.IOCl,i $1 1l5, Wlo'f, ~. ruling. OeNrtnwnft •1111 h Comm\i!llty; Al 5do9ok -.. lrmlls .... Pl'elldilnf rl . m . 1.enterTNn. lt·Lt c1nlda. • u""""' '°"'°' dwrk1'• ll09nl e1 Humphrey's ruling was bas- R-11 -~1re1 011e11 !l'IRllnt'I Kuc111on, '" fl1ri1c11: wllll •·-or ed on the claim that at the d Un!Wnlt'f d C.llfOrnla ~II e11-""'°'" ""'°'"· to -on • fllll..flmt not when can11de•"" 1PP01ntmen1s, aoe1r11 ...,~ bllllrd ,. fl• 1111 start of a DtW Conifeu the :::::::.-':~ ·~,1~,S:: r:l'ii:''':r': u~.z:.= ~1·1:rnc:::!"'~lt!Otllt ""'" Senate has a Ct>NJtitutional t1or111 securliv, 11onc>rs, ,1111 11111 ""' .u.,. c1 "°' 1tt1 """ 10 .,..,~ 111 right to adopt new rules of ..,rv.aoe allll 11le of 111w:slmtfll'i1 All .,,1...., lo• .,... ...... ConYldtd ol ttrt1ln --..! b · I · flt, &a•'"· c•i<n8 w111i.. 1.......i w1"' , 11ni1rrn; prui.:1::'.lure y a stmp e ma1or· c.n.... -P'rCl'l'lcltt for IU-""lon 51 ll1. Wl!dworfl\, D-K1wl"°""· ity to!' -twm IH -•ltir ol 1tldl!mlc Htmt -All~ luUlr.te ol r>e.. • • • -1°""' •l'ld 1tuc1ent1 conwlcted of 1 birth ctMJflcaht wne11 person 1111 "'""' Church now says this issue crlnw on 11a11 CfllleM oroperty du•· cll•llVffl bv' court ore11r1 sa IH, lie~ will not be raised with the IM • 1taht of ttMrvtnc:'f; Al m . lenlOl'I, 0-6"1',,lw Hlll1. "•''"' 1t-s.1in.._ 1t .. o1u11en 1111r..ivce11 new vice president, Spiro T. Qrdfll:"1t .... -Prollltllb 1ta!t col· R1clal -Alli-1 Ille P'ftlOenl •rod A tl!M '9<00!!1Kon vi stvMnl 11111 l1cullv CO(lg,...s to require -••I •-lei gnew. or1art1Qnom. PtOWidlr4 1U"<l1 "' o!M• ro conwu and -otl•lt! . wllll kiclt Instead Church said a se-"''"ll1llont _, OIKrlm!1111e 11\d school district b!!>fore br•fl91ne 111• ' . ' keep .ecm 11 .... ~1at ~' 111d a.. 1u1t •••;n11 11\e dl11r ict 111q 1n1 racial cond attempt will be made ~1" wc11 ''"°'"' •no tiwuv 11••1n-0,',',',','•,,'."'1'°"' sJR 5. Rkh•rc1ton, R· next week to cut o[f the debate llatlon1 u• cl 1t1i. c.on.. l1tltl!ie1: An Plftn•y 51.,.. Open E...,. Niafit Moftffy '"'-~ Setvrdaf ~n'ne~J JANUARY AJ.JNAYS FIRST U:UAUTV ~ ,,,.f..'!' .. JBara'llCe . .-- ' ~ l "' .. .,,. (. • !/' Easy livWI', ..,., lcMn' short slee¥ed shifts, priced for clearance! Buy several! Orig. $5 NOW $2.99 ,,, .... ,...,.., ,__._.. ...... ,...,. .. __,.. ,_, ................... _... "'""-'""" .......... uw. .;.,. Oris. '6 ... NOW---·· t3,44 ij 'c ST>; MESA NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH : _ >:t1rbor shopP1n9 Cantar F.11hion lsl.1nd Huntin9ton Canter -- Tremendous buy prep boy's Penn Prest• slacks! 2.99 PolY"'ter/n:t)'Oll w.nd ,_... -ct. . to ""' kw MWdt --···"""' -hnint···.pr.... rww. ......._.,., 12-20. Girl's seamleas nylon tights now specially priced! •1 luy hw _... ..... lot el hlr ovtffls. . a-frotlil .....,.., .,.,, ..... .ux. 7.10, 12-1.4. ·1'· Women's costume jewelry at huge savings now! Orig. 'I NOW 4 ,.,s1 Boy'• and girl's service Washable whhe canvas and dl'HI shoe savings! oxfords-women's slusl __ ....... _,._ YOUll CHOICI 2,4141 • Leait-"""_,.,,. • ~ -...,_ • ln.lllwd IMlf. -• ...._ type ~ • C~iol'I .......-..a..-_......._• "Mell r..,,. _..~ • ,,..,_..._ W.-"'• .. ,...... "' ........ Ghf1-W111.lm m ~ bey't .,_, lhi<+I ltyl--. ...-. ""' .. c'-'! ...._.U•techlotl .. cl_.,_ pricn Mwf Orit-'6 4.18 Orig. '4 2.22 °"I· 2.49 1.22 NOW NOW NOW w....-.. _.... ....... Gilt'•-9M_.'9 Meti'• """°"" •""9 1hrm ..,. .... "'"""-..,._ '"'"" ei-.,_ '"""' deof9MI pricff Mwi Orig. '4 2.44 Orig. '3 1.22 Orig. 3.91 l.9t NOW NOW NOW w-.t'•-'" lkiftl"' Okt'•---•• S....•-'•"'-i11 ..... .i-.-... ... '""'*' ... ,. ~ ~ --" _. ft.tt! Orig .•• 3.44 Orlf. '3 1.22 Orlf. 1.99 4.81 NOW NOW NOW COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH (Hubor Shopping C1nter) (Huntington Center) JANUARY ft~--ENNEY ~HAAGE ACCOUNT TODAY I SPECIAL BUYS! Girl's dresses Penn Prest for easy care! 7·14 3.99 3.61( 2.99 Now, ~ hmirp ~ doyi, h tht "-to autfit ... for ... ,.... .... Mfloal ,.... "'°"' 0 ~ °' ,_ ,...... ..... • 'WI """--' 0-. "-~ ltyltt hf Med....., ,_.,... ~ ... ..,... .. ..,._ff..h-roo-.:lto lrW NEWPORT BEACH (F1>hion Island) u have I lake rnake al l .. .. .. ,. ._,. Things t.o Delp Heredity l~sue In Loss of Hair By Pelu J. Slelacnib, MD Dw Dr. St.~: My aon la too aenai~lve to write you about his lou of hair. He Is dellnit<ly getting bald. r ,tell 'hlni Ko takes .ner his .. ' DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE cians a n d dermato101lstl qree tllat loss of hllr a!tu • pregnancy li not .an mwsual (though not common) phe_nom,enon. However, It ts nice to b ow that lull regrowth af hatr can be. e:rpected in a number or monlhs. .C father and there is really nothing anyone can do about it. Do you 1gree? -Mrs. K. .-. ... ... For Mrs. R.: Sometimes hormonal changes produce hair lo6a. IA a cue .ua yours I would &ugiest consultaUon with your gynecologist. He may decide to prescribe hormone replacement meedlc· ·-Some limes a lazy thyro\a Dear Dr. Steincrohn: ~1y hair has started falling out 0 few months after l had my ·:~ baby. ls there any connection ? ·~· -Mn. T. .• .. .. ,• .~. may contribute to dry hair a!1d hllr loss. Therefore, teals for !bYrold .effitfency may be in order. In ~ome c8se6·, I have pated Comiderable 1ril-• prof~ent hi Patients who ,lj>ok tbyrold extract. ·~ Dear Dr. Sfeincrohn: 1 am .•~ 1n my menopaust. Jn three :?,. months I have lost at least ,• -50 perceat of my hair. 'ls ;!:,. there anythlnj: to be done? ·:.it -Mn. R. BUT IN ALL cases of )Wr loss l beli~ve It ·is advisable to have the opinion ef a dennatologist, too. He may find that you ha ve been ovcnising a stiff , nylon hair brush or malling your hair brittle by rollers or bleaches. Dear ' Dr. Steincrohn: ~1y hair has been CQmlng out In !:-:. bunches in dlfferent parts of ,•.~ my scalp. Is there any spec.ill ~;~ treatment? -Mr. N. •> ..... -· MEDICALETl'ES (Repli"' to readers): :t.. COMMENT. In lheae four ;~ ~. short notes we find common ~:.. complaints for hair loss. ;,;: Perhaps J can help by amwer- •• . ing lhem one at a time. ~:· For Mrs. K.: Perhaps you For Mr. N.: What you describe appears to be a c.on- dlilon we call atopecia areata. SomeUmet it oceurs after sever Illness; But n'lPSt often lb cause is unknown. For spectfic dUlgnoo:;ls, better see your skin specialist. ~-are right. Heredity is an im· ;;.r portant factor jn baldness. As 1""' 1 we cannot change heredity,, ;.._; lomet1mil we can help by , ~ modem methods to neutralize ---bel~ wheft""tlle cannot-ac-- tually stop it. I doubt that message of the scalp or use <lf hormone creams or other advertised producls wiU help. FOR ~-H.: It is tru e I.hat post-viral cnughs often hang on ~ a few wee.ks. But ·as yoti 1aj yort have ~ ' buying cough. medlclnes f!>r .some mooths mw,_withou relief. I think it might M better to make certain that your cough is still due to the preceding virus Infection and to noth ing else. Virus is unjustly blamed for maay SYf!'ploms that hang on. But people who are ex- ceedingly sensitive to baldness can now resort to hairpieces. Although expensive, they are (lften more effective than money speat <ln massags and other speci!l promised cures -which. in the end, cost 8.!I much. lr----------,1 LOCAL No ·oth•r '"""'Jl•p•r +.lls Y'"' rnor•, •vtry cl1y, •bollf wli11'1 t oi"t •" 111 th• tr••f..,. Om1• Co1.t than th• OAllY PllO . IF HE is a good candidate for i1. perhaps .a competent dermatologist may help by performing multiple h a i r - grafts. For Mrs. T.: Most obstetri-1----------'1 &u..~t FINE DIAMONDS REDUCED! CLEARANCE! SAVE 203 A.. IRIDAL SET-SOiitaire in dramatic 141( gold Mttlng. Orig. 112.50 Now Only 90.00 I . BRIDAL SET-7 dlamonds,.39ct. TVr, 141Cgold mounting o,;,. 295.00 Now Only 2U.OO C. BRIDAL SET-Sparkling diamonds, lowly dealgn of 14K'. g.,,Jd Orig. 61.50 Now Only 54.00 El. MA.N's Rlt-{G-&laling diamond!" 14k gald tatln o.;0• 101.50 Now Only 11 .20 lllwtolls:ss ..,,... •fOfAl WflGlfl' CHAii.Gi 11 AT YOUR PINNrt'S FINI JEWIUI'( Df PAUMINF s,..dtnt"'t 111 ""-O' ,-, ._..._...._w..., -' ..... ~ Full•rton Huntington Be•ch Newport Be•ch Or..,ft!llt (•"1~r H\l'rrll.,.,,,,.,. (•nl•• l'A•~!ofl !•!And t4artlllr 11 Or•"t!l'lor... l!dlnttt 11 S.n Dir"'° F....,. MacAtt"'1t 1t JIK, Clf. mi'Y. WtdMsdq, January 22, lM • • DAIL V I'll.OT 't' ' .. • -•. AU Penney Stores Open Ewry Night Monday Through Saturcl~ • •· . • THRU ·sAT. ONLYI •. I ' I ' I ... • UB•VCIUA ENNEV " CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY I Save-40.95 on a Penncrest®·'70!t ligbtwei1'1t sewi-ng machine i • ·. . • • Sews slrQj;lit, zig.zag, d~corative sti~ ~rd or reverse ••• so easycfo aperrml 3 paslhOn needle. • Built-in decaralive d~gn selector. ' • [)qes profeslional blfnd stttch hemming. • Makes j)erfect buttonholu to your desired length . • Attractive blue, white enamel finish. SAVE 20.95 SAVE '40 NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) Reg. ·119.951 NOWl5139 P.ay as llt+le as $7 per month ......... , .. Penncrest ® '24' zig-zag sewing machine .with insertible cams Reg.109.95 NO.W 589 Pay as little as $~ per month •-24 Jnsertible cams, attractive blue, wltite enamel finish. • Sews straight, zlg-zcig, forward and reverse. • DoeS professional blind stitcri hemming . • . New serpentine stitch gives elastic stitching !Or stnldi · fabrics and jersey 4 push button reverse sewing. • Easy to operdte 3 position needle. ltitth length. contn>I. Penncrest '14', zig.zag sewing.1 machine with built•in cams I Orig. 139.95 Now99.95 Pay as little as 5.50 per month • Sews straight, zig-zag, decoralive stitch u, forwa rd and reverse , •. so easy to operalel • Simple dial for precise stitth length control. • Built-in buttonholer. • Push button instant reverse MWing, blue/white enamel. HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) I / . .. • 1 • I I f AWARD WINNER -Santa Ana's Alice L. Bush accepts state_wide Good~ill Worker of tbe Year Award from Governor Ronald Reagan dunng ceremorues in Sacramento atended by Assembly Speaker Robert T. Monagan and Robert E. Howard, director of rehabilitation for state Health and Welfare Agen cy (!rom left). n • .,..,...,.,~, .. ,.. ... ..,.._,...,..,.. For The Record ....,~,.. .... .., ......................... .,.,..iUJ..,,.. ...... ~""~~~""7 .. ,.. .. a•: .... •,.,. Meetings DEATH NOTICES HARPER "'°.,., ir. H1"'9f". 6161 Ml!lbourM Drive. H1.1nl"9lon BNCl'L. s ....... 1-by wife, Glori• I .: ..,..,., Flot'd F. Jr. Incl Mlrt. 1. H1rpirr: dlUtltll.,., M1rllvM1 tilt..". Mr1. L....:llle Tlllett1 bftlrtier. J. W. H1noe<. ~icel. Thundlv, ~:» PM, Pllt'I<; l'lmily Colonl1I Fu,..,..11 H~. FRISllllOl..Z Mlrvoir.i Frltl!MIL Ill? MHlc (lrc:i., 1-iunflMtun Bnch. 5.,,..,1V1H1 ""' "'11--lllnd. Cly'dt; lOI\, Mld\HI; 41vtfltfr, P1trid1 Alll'll br111'11er. JCll'lll £11,._1 1l1h1r, NonN L. lrwl!'-. Member ol A$1lot111<R L~V\11 rA Hunfl ... lon lllndl. &ervlcn. ThuAMv. a PM, st. Jamn EplK-1 Churdl. NIWPCll'T lllNdl. In~!, 11111.-Mf'mol"1"1 ~1rt1.. Smttf\1 MOrti.I...,, D!r«l- BALTZ MORTUARIES COTOn.a del Mar OR S.MSt Celli Men l\U l:WI BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llt Broadway, Cotta MeA LI S-34D DILDAY BROTHERS Bantlngto• Valley MortaarJ 1'1911 Beaclt Blvd. Huttncto• Beach IC-7'171 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAR& C<metery e MorlurT Cbpel WI Plldfle View Dmo NeWport Be.0. Olllforoil &#:mt PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME '1St1 Bolll A:t'e. WHlmlHter ll9UUS SlllTll'S llORTIJARY 1%1 Mllll SI. BeellllllO• llesd LE M53I 1'EftCUFt MOimJAJIY 41!1 i:.. im st, ~ -•• fat EUii t :2J 1.m., flre lrtveltlN!lon, )t12 Kl~ t :'2 1.m., mMlell 11d, IOfl Ell11 1:11 11.m., • ..., l"MCVe, Sl,1 Siu.on t :16 p.m., ar flnt, l!lrookl!Ur•I 1nd Ad1••11 1:'D p.m .. srructure tlr11, 10Cl2 Eyde -Mou Tou~ ,,. canduc'9d Moftd.tn 1nd Frlda'rS fol' tdlool d1 ..... "' llflfl gt.ell leYel 9l!d llbav9 ,,, othlt" - v1nlPI'-el 11 lust 1'hlf -~ ... ,1. lnlt,..ltd lf"ll<llt'I n'IY c111 Mr. D1.1c11n-11.k:lo, ~1. Ex!. 2n. Now! One 8x10 and Six Wallet-size Portraits of Your Child 4 88 ALL FOR ONLY ... Hvny in -for tho mott ipOda<ular ~ -Ill townl You'll got.., 8x10 for yco to k.ep, and ala wallet"'iiz• to ahare with fomt11 Gld friends. A lcnoly .,..iroit 11 your child J1 o worm and wonted gift for fomity birthdays. hmembw ••• you eon charoe It at Penney'1I ,.uu.aal'Ofll Dt ....... 111' c...i,.. loMI """"· 111..00 MUlllTINGTOJI •IACM Hllntl"""'°" Cmffl" 1r1c1 "-·mm MIWl"O•T l•ACM 1'11tllen hl1nl ,,., "°°'· ...... l1ll California's Worker Of the Year Countian 4 SACRAMEN'IO -Orang< ' County's Goodwill Wlll'ller ol the Year is Ca Ii for n i a • s Worker ol the Yep. , Alice L. Bus!i, 58, Santa }.na, woo the slate UUe rece.nUy in competition with repreaentatives of the 10 olber dine Goodwill woner in In CalHornla. Gov, Ronald Re.a g • n personally presented M r 1 • :Oush with the winner's plaque and reviewed her record of overcoming serious handicaps Public Lectures Slated On the Art of Politics the UC! Deputmtnl ol Enf> lbh and ComparaU,. Liter• ture and the Progam In ,\merican Studla. Cowley will ·~ Jan. 21 oo the subject ' Lile and LI~ erature in tbe 1930s." Uterary editor of ''The New Republic'' for more than a decade. Cow- ley wrote .. Exile'•) Return,'' ''The Literary Situation," and "The FaulknU-Cowley File." , ( The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it lo You' All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Penney's special deluxe if;O. scale-road-ra·ce-set Orig. 25.S~ow 1·9 .88 P1y u little • $5 per manth • Over 29 running feet of !rock, triple tier climb • · 72" x 36" layout, model motoring cars with hi-speed motors • U.L. listed 20 volt power pock, 2 model motoring controllers Play professional pool at home with our 81 pool table Orig.'269 NOW$209 P1y 11 littlo 11 $9 por month • Uni-structure steel frame, all-wool billiard cloth • Walnut grain finish, 4 log levelers • 2 cues, official size balls, all needed accessories 7' foremost pool table Orig. 259 Now'199 Deluxe Teflon spray steam and dry iron savings! Orig.15.9~ow 11.99 • 29 venls, Teflon• coated aluminum ooleplate • Atomized spray, Select.a.Guide fabric guide • A Penney's exclusive by Penncrwt • Chandler Harper aluminum stlaft~lpc. golf set Orig. 149N9~w 119.99 Pay n lillle n $6 per niOnth • Set includes: 3 woods, (1-3-4) 8 irons (2 tl!rough 9) • Lighter aluminum shafts give added dislance, accuracy! • Pros report a swffter 'feel' in going through ball 11 pc. professional Glass Flite golf sets! Orig. 129.99 NOW P1y 11 little n 5.50 per -th '98 • Set of 3 woods (1, 3 and 4), 8 irons (2 through 9) • Black fiberglas wonder shaft endorsed by Gary Player • Laminated wood heads, heavy nickel chrome plated irons 'Flexible Scandia' adiustable tripod lamp Orig. 9.99 NOW 7.88 • Venatile, functional, ad justable, portable - • on innovation! -. Chrome plotod ''"' levs, onamol finished -1 shado o Colon. Bled, eoflM, cr¥omdo "' rod NO MONIT DOWN ••• USI PINNIT'S TIMI PAYMINT PLAN NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH Fashion lsl•nd Huntinqton Center -\ • I . . . . II Lil-,.,., li " •C ::Ow- m," and e.'' · I , • e ZiJ L 17 .. St,. C.... w-SM"&.1 C:.., C.... W-. e 17904 ......... St. • ,_........_Ylf~ c. ... , ......... Y.tley COast Men In Service e 1114Z ....... A ... •..... lea.-.. ~·•PPlllll c..m ..... 9'"9 e 1Hc• •...,.,•IL H ....... ...._. t•••PI .. c:...tiH, ........ k•. e fHI a .. 10A ... 1t•11W • Oise~ c......,..-. .... .... e f4M W ..... -1 ...... St.~""9t ctr.itw, s.t. AH \ e ZJOO HZ'Mf ~-H_.., S~,, ... C..f'lr, C..... w ... I ZI 1JI IMdl llM • .r Art.•t• H11tlilfl'• lellClil Air Force Sat. nontas J. McCabe, son of Mr. and Mrs . Btrnard J. MCCabe, of 32Ltl Loi Amigo&. San J U I D CaplaU--bu been oelected to participate in an e1· perimental fo1 -1eedin1 mission. Sgt. McCabe, will b c (lperating from Ramsteln Air Base in Germany. There, as an aircraft mechanic assigntd to the 53rd" Wdlttitt Recui- 1naissance &qudron, be will · aupport the ewcise. Using WC-UO Hercules aircraft, the !um members will work at low level cold-fog dissipation. Information gathered from the mission is expected to be valuable in contr ol of fog at airporll. C_pl. Jolluy Lawson, USMC, son of Mrs. Ernest W. Fields of 7811-B Bartoo, Huntington Beach, is serving with the Marine Wing COmmunicaUon Squadron One, a unit of the · Finl Marine Aircraft Wing, Danang air base~ Vietnam. Airman t.C. R1111ell £, Post. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Post of .1615 Cll!tvlew Ave., Seal Btach. hu bee.a assigned to Wie.!lbaden AB, Germany. The airman. a medical records specialist. is a ,11:raduate of Marina High School, 1965. Radioman Seaman l\oben C. Colwell, son of Mrs. Alice Colwell of 21, Raleigh St., Costa Mesa, is serving aboard the destroyer USS Arnold J. Tsbell, off the coast of South Vietnam. _ P\'L l .C--AtR'k-N. Holt,- USl\fC, of 27a E. 17lh St., Costa Mesa, is serving with Headquarters a n d M a I n • tenance SQuadron 12, Marlne Aircraft ' Group 12, F i r s t 1tfarine Aircraft Wing, Chu Lai Airfield, Chu Lai, Vietnam. Lt. Cmdr. Leslie R. Tracy, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Tracy of 903 W. 17th St., Costa Mesa, has been assigned to a Coastal Surveillance Center, Vietnan. Pvt. t. C. Joseph C. PhUllp&, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Phillips cf 340 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa, ha' been assigned to the 25th Infantry, ' Division, U.S. Army, Vldnam. · Lt. Robert D. Hater, son of Mrs. Evelyn Hunter of 2216 Fiesta, Newport Beach , has been assigned to Mather AFB, for navigator training. _.. Lt.. Kyle w. Rensle.r. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rensler, 16444 Bolsa Chica Roa! Huntington Beach, hu been assigned to Laredo AFB, Tex., for pilot training. Cpf, E. D, Brigp, USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Briggs of 296$ Jacaranda, Costa Mesa, is serving with the First Marine Aircraft Wing, Marine attack Squadron-233 of M a r I n e Aircraft Group-12 In Vietnam Pvt. t.C. Robert J . "1acDonakt, USMC, son of Mrs. Daniel J. Watrous of 2401 Holly Lane, Newport Beach. is serving with the Supply Battalion, a unit of Marine Force Logistic Com· mane!, Vietnam. Airman Doa1lu N. Spenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marwoocl N. Spencer o( 6331 Reubens Dr.. Huntingt.oo Beach hu been graduated from a U.S. Air Force techrUca1 school at Sheppard AFB, Tex. He is a graduate of Marina High School. --SIL Rldlard Colby, aoo of ~trs. Beverly Richards of 16&32 Irby Lane, Huntington Beach, a helicopter mechanic, has been asaiptd to a unil of the TacUcal Air Command, lncllan Springs Air Force Aux· illary Field, Nev. Capt. Robert T. Grable, son of Mr. and Mn. Howard D. Grable of 336 C.mino-; San Clemente, has been assigned to Pleiku AB, Vietnitn. The Captain. a forward air controller lJ a member cf the PacUic Air Forces. SgL. Wllllua A. Bl•ck, aon of 1\-fr. and Mn. James F. Black of 1500S Arla Ottle, Huntington Beach. has been .,.;gned to LoU AFB, Aris. The sergeant a craduate o.f Marina Hf&h. SChool, ii an a.Jr annameat mechlnlc and 11 member of the Tactlcal Air Command, He prev\oosly served at Phu Cat AB, Viet- nam. Spec. 4. Anlhoay L • WbiUock, 11, son of Mrs. Mae S. WastialAllD, 1570 Corrlandtr Drive, Co!ta Mesa, ls serving \\'ilh the 3rd Armored Di vision 111 \rachd-vehkle driver. -' 6 hr 17• Va"'91 J,eaoler lal·lan Deodorant MPS CHUNK STYU •ar Soap Dog food 6 ....... 57' 1111 ftr 5'=1 00 P..t .t'\,-M 1t11 T,,. 79' Mallory Trw1111ater ... ,.,... 58' ,... ., 11 c.e... a..tc ' 69' Sewing Thread '~Q( 2 ~49c 4.98 All Weather ~~__, llDDDJl.OUTDDDR 21180" G~~ilp!' Rugs ,...,.u; •. ..u.~ s3•• ••• 27x60 &dt -J'll!l!lltt! Will withstaod.111 w.tes. -Reg •. $10.88 M•tal Foot Locker crwnel . finish. i.thtt mn. ~ c-.. . •o.1"'16" -I with bol<ol $6" dies! Pafa.t for. ntotint $ 49 Ch I D lllllldotha'"'!",'""'!-!""'!!dU!io,'""'!"'-~-·--t; .. ;;;";; .. ~~ ,_:.i;..=. -=-co • • Fruit of the Loom '1 29 D •st Fumiture Throws . ...: Fl . an • • • • • • . .....,.!" """"'"" -c:2··· ta:.tioo. with nm tli.P f6nm ~ bdlail lkown, pm Cf aoM!t ·M-.. w.si.. $s•s 7h10tla. •.... ~ ...•.••••.• s6" Home & Office Storage Files Supcr..tmiith c:ocnotlll a.· s4•1 ""· -..... ·~ .. ,, , ··· ..... ni mtta.I lilAd!es. 2 ddftn 'In .-.i with""' r... ... ~ . 6Mlk--TOO'"" ... .u.i. -..... BltUSHSe e e !I Bradley's Deluxe Blended Whiskey Ptmr GAUOH $299 ..... ,,,,. ...... of lSO •• $1:31 ...... , .. ,, -of US •• $1J't ..... ~ .... -79' Yltaliilii 1r/lren ..... -~···--1111 w/1-Tlilplu • Ylt. D ""'€!!>•· ·1•a Super rot1i17, :.e..,_ • , $1.tt ~,..,., 100'• ChlwaDll Ylla•IH ... ·1r-....... Vitamin C 49~ 100111 ltttlt If 100 •$1.4thttleef I Of.ISO MQ. -ttc •$1.tl "'""., li!O-IOO MG •• $1,tl $4M Mattel Googlies _y..,a..,. ::::r $1" ·- Sperl ., ll1t91 Pony Cigarillos Box of SO e-..,.,...$) fll(ct ':.e-:. 17! u.,: fllllhr. ' $29'5 Value 4' Record Cabinet ''W•f•lil' flaldiH W1lnut~ finiah, JOlid slid-22 iq doors • .Q'.' loa..r. 19 .. hiJfi,· · , ... .i..: . ' Reg.*1.29 Pack of 500 Filler Paper ww..c..,.a.i. 96c Full ram ol l'hx l t" filkr JMpcr. Staodard 1ilt'. _.,___.. 37f n.1 hilt ....... . ----33' St111 lill~Hk ..... " ..... "' 11 57' Shel ProlH1111 ..... -C--IW' -89-1 Rln1 llnCm ..... . $2.59 Flat Metal Lunch Kits t2MtJ*PY .. G1•mce s.te el Brfu Plpn a-.... .,$149 ~.!!\'!: ., ...... ~ .... I Regular s13u General Eledric Clock Radio ... '!:l.. ..... ~ 11" auicllloaff ll<i&O colo<. ' $3"-I $4" Ust Price Maltr laltol 12" L.P. onaural Albums ~~ -~s:.~·~;atl~ 1~:ct $157 Boys, VoL 2•-"Jfadcal My.1tery ToU'r," BeaUe1- Dean Martin & BeaUer. Donbl• ,,, ... 00• $)47 .,., in Red, .Blue oe Plaid colon. Cllild'a Wai ' b) u. Qub. ic>ft imole and rub- ~ ,.... bet aolt. .••ii•• u .......... ·-"121~ -------------------.J..--~--- ..•. . Wtdl!fldl1, J&n"''Y 22, 1%9 DAILY ,llOT JI . • 1:su1: ...._ .... St • ., w ... .i..--w..-... c..tw ..... ....,. • 6117 Wftt......,., hW-Wett, Wet1sii ... I 11961 Yellst Ylew., a.,-AM. 141fllll ,._, ......... . - .... , .. .... , Hair Da Protector Pillow C•vers Door Butler Plastic Mat ~Ply 4-oz. skein $3.00 Value! Petal Tempencl Steel Glu1 .$alad Set Screw Drlwon . 1."J..~~~= *1" ~--~-N.=! JQC i$1V.29;o-;¥{;;ai.:1uo:i1~1h;;:,..;:;nn;;;.,.;:---1 · $3.98 Value! lnolaor lnsalatotl Snak Jars Clothtl ~ 1""1otol to bop fool ..id 61 C Al.,.._ wi1ll ..,.17"" $2" ind crisp for hoan. of W,U.,: IJld. lolh o:m-_ Unlvol'ICll G.E. ' • $1.29 Fire King 1!12 Qt, Cowend Cu11rol1 Cookood"""<li&~ ,,. a41eecl .,amt belt D-tcl Cut Crystal Hostesswan 2~'300 Hi 111• 'l'wo 'J'laS<ma. Rottny ower Lawn Mower $J2.80 H111d Mixer -···-ISftM > ..,.r 6-P -1. ,,,-- Sanclao Cups :t:2i19- s2.00Yaluel Cameoilns . ' :::--~97 • ..... .wr..i.... C -loolt ... • . • I . ' ' ' • • I ! .. I I I l I . . ' . I I J \ 1 I • .. f t r \ J I DAILY P.l\.OT. Wf'dnttd.,, Ja~~l[1 U..1'6'1 f . . ' ' . ' ' . ' . ) 12·PC. QUEEN-SIZE.ENSEMBLE I FAMou~ _M~KER I s99 . THE FAMOUS MAK6R QUEEN Box Spring and Mattress-Pt.US-A • QUffft Sjze f.ramt, foam Mattress Pad, Pe r c •I• Fitted Sheet, Pertt~ T°" Sheet, Orlon Blanket, (2) Bolster Pillows and (2) Pillow Cases. 1 .. 1 .... t1"4·mm QUBN.SW .GUIL'llD. SPUAD INCWDll> liUMIO .'iMIS GIAND OPINING SAUi BEDDING SPECIALS GIAllD Oftllll•I SPKIAl.I TRUNDLE RISER , ..... .,. ...... Siu •5aa B FllJIES •••••• JwfllSluVhtJI~ '3" W•DBOARDS ••••• -...; ' - - - .. -. - ' . , I I 9·PIECE CORNER UNIT FAMOUS MAKER: "' for Y!Xlt t xlr1 ovtrnighl gve5ls or 1 comfortablt grouping for your den. Choitl of colors tnd &ovtn. Set includes ('2) QuiltM Sp mds, (2) 8oliters. (l) loK Springs, (2) Mtllmstt ind Il l Corntr T t blt. •18995 COMl'UTI •·•IECI GlOUtl-. . GRAND OPENING SPfCIAU . . ONLY THE MATIRESS KING OFFERS THIS EXCLUSIVE UNCONDITIONAL IWRITIENI GUARANTEE! IVllY l'laCllAll of I Ml-11141 lo1 SfVlot -.. -DIJIOIW. ... WllTT!ll '--· ............. ""••d ..... ..., ........ of ·Ni ........ IUY: Wlfff CQNllDfNCE ot '"' MATI•ss ICINGI -·----- ' THE. MATTRESS . KING GROWS AGAIN . FAMOUS MAKER Celebrating the opening of our New MONTCLAIR STORE ill the fabulous Moatclalr Plaza. CRUD OPElllG SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT All FIVE STORES! 95 llllE'S WllAT rou en ... ° KING SIZE IOX S/'RIHGs ° KING SIZE llU,.._ ° FOAM MA,.,...:.~...,S 0 'ERCAIE mnD PAD • PERCAIE TOP s.::n : ~Rlllfj ~ .. ·121~.::ws COMPttm Pl~ Bonua1 •s HOUIS if.OUR PURCHASI! 11168 KING SIZE VECVET TUFTED HEADBOARD; and CUSTOM.QUILTED SPR£AD·. ......... Mot-r hill. • .,... M•, ............. . Reg; '300 5139 ....... 01'1,,,,.. ll'laAU TWIN SIZE s499~ MATIRESS& CGMMI •RAND on1?1• BOX SPRING umAU ALL STORES OP.EH· DAILY 'TIL 9"• · ~utl>A YS 111-6 ANAHEIM COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH ORANGE 621 N. IUCUD 270 EAST 17th ST. #93 HUNIUllTON CINI& 2tO N. TUSTIN AVL Pit 4-6660 M24U7 lt24US 633 ... 742 .. hl:IW C..... '-"'"t 111111 ti""""' .... l"'li\lrW ...................... lllld -••M...wi ............. ... ....... ~, ........ ' -- ----------------~ ---- • .. ' . \ '· . , Songle-ade.r~ Add ·n.at· ~ ,_ t . r "' .: , By EARii GUSTKEY 01 #Ml DtllY i"lltt Staff ~lost of her fellow students at Orange Coa3t <;ollege wouldn't Pl,jnk of Clnd,y Scbannacb u ·being ' the bard-nosed type. .yter all, she was the schooJ1a homecoptlng queen last !all. ' ' Orange Coast eveey day for wortools. Those at Coast In a pod!tlon to most appreciate such lhln&s aay Mias Scharm8';h'1 group ii tbe belt evu to hit tbe college. "I don't think I've ever been &l'Qlllld on their tnint cl4Gnr .. , ~ •i' 'think we blvo' the b .. t MlJ> -" c.. --~ Iii the . Ea.tern eon. to It the tum .-!we! lelecrama 1.0-." he 111'1· bel...., --~~· ' i · '"l'llO' pul in 10 million boun for Tbe OOC ' . • · pootOd i!plrlt us, lltlllng basketball acbedule pencil.I l!g111 In the locker room oftet ex· and organizing rallleo. Heck, tlloir hauatinJ football pr.;:t:icts and halftlme lhowt a.re IO great we're DAILY Pllln' J3 Extra Toneh 11111e1 they're alwayt waltJnr for UI In tilt ~king Joi. late al night." MlJ> Sclw'maCh .,.. ber n,. ..,. worten • "'"" lrllJl!lformed -leild< Ing into a presllp PoOldoo al Cout. '"l'he tryouts ..., hel,d eacb 1pring and you go to clJ.njcs where you 're coached bl' the prevlous IO!llleadlnll' "°"'·'.' Cindy eJ:plalns. • IChool and on Balboa Il!aed to btlp • ~· of! ll1e bill." ~ .. , Mia ~,, ~ tdab ICbool In llr!waukee and WU d<I ghlOJ to find a qgl~ad .. ·~am al occ: But u OCC'a 1-d songJeader, Misl Schannacb is ell bu§iness -serious • IJ'lUP ol gals who tried bafder to l<e<p up the 1plrll and loyalty aa these girls did tut aeuon," aay1 football coach Dick TUclter. pr.....ied a roD ol -led ...dy .video , lapin& .lbem In addltlGo I\ the to each player al ~ gam11 lbemlelves. FoUowint: bot weaUw' ,1'ottouta, the .. At baJftlrae of our Fullertotr same. " UWben our gr_oup WU votec( Jn lut- aprlng we cooldn't agree an what · kind ol unllorma to wear to go with both football and basketball so we bou8hl one ael for each sport •. "Where I wenl'I'> high ocboo~ lhe only IOllgleadera ~ saw were on ~ four-year c<il!egelevel. 'Oley dnly 1Mi4 cbeerleaderi .la lllgh ICbool" •• U 1he OOC iongleoder reglmeniaUM Cildy ~ boa-ln1.tall9!d'· beco .... fradiUonal,. IOOgleaden ca$ business. - Last summer, for u.ample, she bad the other five songl~ -Dale Dixon. Pat Domecq, Nalley .Lanen, Bev Givens and Cheryl Bruce out of lhe sack at 6 a.m. and at • .. Before our big Merton game, for Instance, Ibey got the home ad- dresses of all the playera •and went to their -all lhrough the nighl and pul 'BEAT FULLERTON' dgns football team laund watermelon;cold I 11>1 a telegram from tlleln ao4 drlnkll .and let ""am on the aervlng I rud It to the guys In the )ociF table afterward. room. ll gave us qutte a lift: I'd Bob Wetzel, the . basketball <Oacll, never-seen anything llkll lhat. b siJni¥rly biiprUsed. "Whes} we come home from iway Australian T en'!-fe Classk Laver, /. Emerson · Collide; ' Rosewall, :.Gonzales Up _set BRISBANE, Australia (APl -Spanish tennis profess!onal Andres Gimeno upset Australian stir Ken Rosewall 7-5, 6-1, 6-4 in the men's singles third , round (If the Australian Nationa!E at Milton Stadium today. Storm rains ~delayed start of play four hours and more rain appeared likely tonight when Corona del Mar's Rod La"9"er meets Newport Beach's Roy Emerson under the lights in -another third-round matcli. - Winners of the third round go into the quarter-finals:-" Ing ease. He played ...u througboul and only in the closing ..1tages -did Gonzales appear capable of turning the tables. • Long-haired South African Ray Moore was eased out of the tournament ..,.by Australian John Newcombe, 6-1, M, ~3. while Fred Stolle of Australia sidelined fellow countryman Allan StoDei M, M, 6-2. Tony Jl,oche, Australia, defeated Mal Andel'son, Australia; 8-6,-&:3, M and Ray Ruffels, Australia, de!eated Thomas LefuS, RiiSsia, 6-2; &-l,.6-3. - In the women's singles quarter-final. of Britair. reached the semifinals with a 6-3, S-1 victory over Australian Lesley Hunt. A crowd of about 1,000 wu di.sip. pointed at the lueklesr Rosewall, who was well below torm wblle Glmeno was af his best. Ro8ewall's service wu erratic and his usually brillianl crow>d •trow lei him down badly. Glmeno's big service and ~ ·voi!,Ylllg m.ide Rosewill look ·al t!li!ea like a club player. "This wound up costing us about . '80 each so we bold bake sales at dldates mij have to tlllnk ~· ' After alJ, (I a.m."IUtnlDer'i WOtkoub "really taldng 11 Rrloosly. ' Australian Davis Cup player Bill Bowrey produced the secood upset of the day when he eliminated veteran professional Pancho ·Gonzales of Los Angeles in another third-round match. Mirgaret Court of Australia dusted Rosie caaats of San Francisco aa she did bl the final of tpe New South Wales tiUe play at Sydney Sunday. Mn. Court today won 6-4, 6-1. Ann Haydon.Jones Glmeno had tilt advantage-trmn ,damp · courta .which kepi his service low. Bolh ' played in spike~. RosewaU18 farm was so bad that soqie spectators Walked out on the game and one called out for the Australian to · '"iiven 'up ... INSPl~TIONAL CREW -Orange Coast Col- lege's soogleeders are developing a reputation as the best :such group ever at QCC. Here they warm up the atmosphere at a Pirate basketball Bowrey won 6-3, 6.0, 11-9 with surpri.s- Be's ata Angel Now Orange Coast area product Bill Voss sights up with an Angel bat after general manager Dick Walsh in· troduced him to the press Tuesday. The Angels obtained the Npport Hart>or High and Orange Coast College iiraddllle fropi the While Sox In a trade for pitcher Sammy Elllt. · " West's 44 . Puts Him . 7th On NBA List . ' . DE:l'ROIT ;(l)P,I) -·'l'he Loo Angeles Laktn, alter oPefting 4belr !our--Oay "'ad trip wlili a UZ..105 victory over Milwaukee, ta~ the rested Detroit Pistons tonight . While the Plstom were ldJe 'I'Ue9day night, the Laktn, behind Jerry. Wesl's 4f.point performance, outplayed the, Na- tional Basketball Association expansion Bucks before a record Milwaukee crowd of t,182. The Lakers wtre forced lo batUe the Buck! most of the way as Jon McGlockJln kept Milwaukee in contention with 33 points. Los Angeles finally moved to their winning 17-point margin In the closing minutes. Wert has . reached one milestone In bia NBA career and figures to achieve .another by the end of the current se.!Son. The 6-l former Wesl Vlrglnla Star's 44 points increued his career BCClf'ing total to·IS,273 poinla. That total makes West the No. 7 scorer . tn NBA bi.story and the third highest-scoring guard in league history. The only guards who rank ahead of him are Oscar -Robertson of the Cin- clmiau Royals and retired Boston Ctltics 1tar Bob Cousy. West will pasg Cousy if he averages 2t'"+pointa: a game for the remainder of the season. The other . players who have 1a1red · m«e career polnta than West are all big men -Wilt Chamberlain, Bob Pettl~ Dolph Schay .. and Elgin Baylor. . Baylor ~ 22 points Tuesday rughl and Mel Counta added 2IS for the Lakers. LOI ANOILel MllW.WKee 0 I' T e I' T 9•M" ' ' U tt CN-11 1 O.t 1( Chl""*"lli11 I 0-1 4 lmlwY J i.s , t C-1'f; 11 U 2' McGlodi:lln 1) 7,7 J:J ll.rkklOtl J 1·2 11 Robl!llllll ' 1-1 lt Wnl 15 1•1• 4' lmlltt A N t Cr•wfcll"d I M I CUlll'llntl\MI I 1·2 J f.9111 ' i.J 11 Httul 5 M 11 1-iawlllM I 0-0 I H~11 1 1M1 I """" I 0-0 ! RDltltn 1 N · 2 Tot1i. • 2Wl 122 Tot1ll 4A 11-70 105 LM .,,_1" )1 1' l:2 J:l -172 M!lw•ultM :W U 2t 21 -W Fto.rltd GIA -MlJ\nlA! ... MDI. Toti! Mil -la AMII ... 1~ Mlhll'MM 2t. • Ill Midseason Form Casey Already Stengel Goes Home, Loses Round WiJh Nurses GLENDALl'h(AP) -'l'he doctor gave mail every day. But Mr. Slli>id II .NiiJ,i' ilirt•or Wti.i:.•. caoet emed had a winning ,."""' yet he wijl have strict order& The news' conference was such a wonderful man. Amazing," aatd any doubts U lo' till pbJ'Bltal And vtrbal ~I year, ~lng be'H win mote = to lasl 15 n)inutes. No more: Elaine Beers, the bo&pilal's public rela· shape. . base=!: ~~~:'J. fO:~utck . Thirty ffi.iDu1e.t 'r''"\ by anll: the ,old Uon1 direc\ot', • lnterviewen liked relaUvtly 1 ... ques-oil the bl,I apd ht'• ,. ·food , ~r boy still was going st.ronJ. It ~ Steng~ wOO belle$ hill 71 yearw, un-~ The 1UIAft 1 w11 tlnaP1e. Casey for _our yOUDg . ~I · play~ • • .; ..and, bospitaJ attaches a Uttle more than ort1l derwent recoot l\lrgecy for daaft of ~ t ·&ive qyone much , Ume to Uk those Ne-* Yort Mets, iirriftc. Get persuasion to ' ehd it and get bbn out a perforated ulcer. While nevtr in -1oul a qU!:llton.. lt wu • S&engtleie. at , ill ~ klu 1 . • · of the room. condllioa, he wu placed In the lntellll•o ~. ' · . ""~:to 'the d<"' baetball! .Well, Casey Stengel. it may be reported care ward because of hil qe. TMs· An! utQrtlve with the Ne. York if 1 1w11 ~n' which 1 dJit · rw today, is back in excellent heaJth. wu a galling. lituatlon. bueball Meta:, the elub'1 Ont L.IDlrllpr many ftlll It woold depend on the He al'° was back in his bandaome N...., inlisled be appear al Ibis ,,..., 10 y..,. -pol1lom ol Caaey'1 leniUU', IJpo'of ball"Club I had tE condlllon home In Glendale. galbering In gown and -· Ciaey ,.ldom interrupled·remarkll lm>ovltd Ille GI lbO pliyln" field U the wet up T!':e switchboard at Glendale Memoriaf argued. H~ wanted to don ttreet dotbel. team. , in San Rtlmc\llCO and t wu bard at J-f03pita1 and tt8 mail room can rest "People will get the idea I'm sick "The Mell never had 1 Hall of Fame Dodger Stadium ... " easier. If 1 go down tbere in my nightgown," player UDW I got Tf)m Sta••· Selftl' Casey ii bac.t in midseaaon. form and "Calls, calls and a huge bundle ol said caaey. 1be nunea woo ouL la a fine pltcbet whkb U be bMn't the •uon basn'l even started. Sports In Brief., Mighty Oakla~d ( 35-4) Invades Spt]rts A,rena LOS ANGELES -Tho los Ah;tje! Stars will try to set a personal record • for lbemlelves ,tonlghl and keep lhe lnvadlng Oakland Oakll lrom ,.lling one of their own. week!. "I wanted to play on the Well Coast and Stanford is a great academic school," Vataha said. . Spare ReallJIU .The Stars,. holding down fourth place 1n the American Bisket'1all AssoclaUon's NEW YPRK-Harland "Swede" Svare , western dJvifllon, will l?e aee&g their resigned . TuesdaYJ as chief defensive first victory of ,the season agalnst the coach of-the NefN York Giant8 to look high-flying {35-4) Oaks. into other possibilities in pro fOotbaII. Oakland .stands ready to tie the prQ-Svare, 37, fonner head coach of the fesslonal baakttball, record ol 17 con-, Loo Angeles Rans and lormer Giant secuUve victories. Remarkably the Oaks' llnebatker.· bas.been an assistant under have won the last nine in their string coach Allie Sherman for the last two of 11 without the aervicts of star forward . seasons. Riek Barry, who II sidelined wllb a ·~to .the Glu/11' amrouncement Jm~ lnjmy. . of the \riolgnallon, Svaro• "'"" to "in- M l SL"-vesUgate olb<r posslbilllles '.ln pro fool-11 r narp ball." , . KIMBERLEY, South Africa -Karen Mulr, South Africa 's world record back.stroke swimmer, turned in the fastest time ever for the women's 44().. yards indJviduat medley Tuesday night with a clocking of 5:21.2 in the Gri· qualand West Region swimming cham- pionships. MiSI MUir wotked out at UC Irvine la.rt summer. It bettered the world record of 5:25.1 set by Mary-Ellen Olcese or-the United States in 1965. . Bo~mb Bat.a CRICAGO -Stu Holcomb, public rela· tlons director and a vice-president of the Chicago White Sox, reeuperated in Mercy Hospftal Tuesday from a' bemia operaUon. Holcomb, former Purdue football coach a n d ' NorthWestern atbletlc director, entered the boqpital.for a roUUne clfeckup · Frfda1. He underwent.surgery Monday. , MONTREAL. -They say gelling a Ile II llb kissing Y"" alsler-nlce, but not very. exciting. But Scotty Bowman, coach of the NatJonal. Hockey· League's, West Division AU-Stars, •am't , com- plaining abolit his leam's :1-3 deadlock agahisl tilt power·laden East In the 22nd .annual AD-Star Game Tuesday night. Thar• because the West wasn't sup. Plied to get a victory or a tie in this ptne. Bowman's team was made lip' ol the Crelln of the expansionist diYfsloa. wbo, in real life are tbe cutoffs GI the older East lllvial<>n. · J!µt the Weil scrambled all night tong, lelf'fO.. moll' ol !be game, and finally galbed· tilt tie on a goal by Mlllnetota't Claude LarOle In the final u.r.e miuu1 .. or play. . ' . . ..,~ .... ,.St_, .... Randy valall4(,' all-Eastern Conference· recelver for · Golden Well College Ian aeUOn, aaid Tuuday he wUJ enroll at Stanford In M~ . Valaha bad been embroUed In· a fletto· recru!tlQg tug-of-war between .st.nford and Oklahoma !or Ibo pul aevval OCC's Hi11iard Does It Again To Rustlers ' BiJJ Dan Hilliard C8Dle througb wllb a pin in the final bout of the evening Tuesday to bring_Orang~_ ~ College wresU.,.s lrom behll\d ,a.a band Golden West •· 21-20 defeat~ ' · Tbe wJ,n, by iiimard 'fRS ·a duplicate of last Yeiu"'s 10C::C: 'lt'lb over Golden Wesl, when Hllliai.I come lhroogh wllh the ·1"• · In !be laal malch: to pull ft out. The score l8lt 'yW WU M-21. OCC wjll-bool Riverside .• ~81 •I 7:30 p.m. in the OCC Gym while Golden Wesl ~ Santa Ana;. 1a1De dq, same bo\t.f~ · Wllh ·OCC lralling In the match I~ and needing a pin to pull It ou~ 11111lard _made· short wort of Mike Jonea to plct up five poln_ta an~ the match victory. ' Altel'>OOC too-a I>& lead when Mll<e ChrisUan won at 115 on• forfeit. Golden Wesl built-up a qulck lead. BlO llarriJ decisioned Allan Jones at 123, 6-s. Oui1 Pellit decisioned. OCC'1 Bob Lyle al 130, 5-1. Kallltjl Nerio of GWC pinned Steve Barton.al 137. Al 146, 1lWC'1 Bob Glenie<: declsloned ~ ... Randle, ..... .Wllb occ, lralling ln the malch 14-5, Art Brookll atarted the Bucs on IM loq 1rall back by decblonlng Mitch Valbuena, W. · M:1~~7';1, !imr~ = at 187,,declsloned rony 11orpe1; J-1. The Dues' big men then ~ throwOI with three-ltr~i wtna to take 1t. Pot Mi:Cormlc~, al 171, pinned itlcll Dlpoyce, T\le ~ then road OCC U. GWC 20. • -. ,. Ralph · Croa, bl:c•a converted wale' polo goalie al tu, -s .... Shelton and It wa1 0CC II, GWC •· IUlllard lben p hfo five poblll and tilt Buca too1I IL • . -- J4 DAILY PILOT' DAILY t'ILOT Pllt"'., lkMrtl KM!lltr HAIR-RAISING PLAY-Laguna Beach High's Steve uation with an Orange defender during Tuesday Klosterman (24) appears to be going through a hair~ Crestview League action. Looking on for Laguna is raising moment as be tries to avert a jump ball 1Sit~ Mike Hefty (15). Orange won, 43-40. -~-=-~~~~~~~~~-=---=~~~~~~~'--- Hlrseh to Wisconsin? New Rams Rift Reveals Allen-Hirsch Squabble As I was saying when interrupted, there were two sides to the front-office explosion that shocked the Los Angeles Rams. First reported in this space <ln Dec. 18, the story was not picked up by radio and TV sportscasters other than to ridicule "a Hollywood sports writer" as being fantastically out of his mind. New developments were reported by Bob Oatea in the Times a day later; the lid blew off wit.bin a few hours after that when Dan Reeves fired Allen via an 8 .. m. telephone call. Reeves came out ot. that move looking (:; . 1 . , ~ ..... s;i~~· ... . In Sports ****'*"******** MAXWllL.L nu.as like a villain. tht tind audiences hiss off the atage. Given loyal wpport by his pll)'ert. Allen became the big hero when be foogbt back to save his job. The I a.m. call had come u a big shoclt to Alle.n. It would not have surpris- ed him j{ be read the right new11paper.1 inlteld ol. bWl& so involved with a CMUnuou.I rendition or "Maresedoates and Doesedoaten .•• Reeves' mailbag must have come u a sboek as big as the one Allen had received at I a.m. The count wa.111 lllOHMWbrre around 9,800 to 2 against the t1rtng owner and In favor ol tht fired coach. And' so Reeves took Allen back on the wne turns as Allen had been work~ !ng under. Or 110 I.hey 1ay. The only announced dJf!ere:nce was that lnlttad of ICdq esch other maybe olx times in three ae110t11, Reeves and Allen henceforth will sit down Md talk at lust once a week. One of lhe points on Reeves' gide in the hassle was that he had never been able to contad Allen. Georgie Boy parried. with the remark he had never been able to locate Reeves. Everybody else has been able to do so. Allen '.l'aklng fJver Dan contended that George bad taken the club right out tif the hands of the owner and bad run It as If be bad bougbt U. Reeves happens to like to have some thing to 1ay about hi1 own baU club, whkh 11 aho hia bobby. Run· nlng the Ram• from a fronWfflce polnt of view baa been Reeves' whole life. He never bu lnterfered with a coach as to bow the coach waa to run the team -whether at trallllng camp, in game preparation or an actual game JtaeU. But r am told by those on the Inside that Allen tn11lsted on running the front of(lce as well as the team ltseU. He fired one of tht team's medical 1taff. He w•nted to hive Elroy Hirsch fired ae: Rctvet' 1peclal uslltut -and I undentud that be 1Ull does. He wants to clean out the entJrt business ortice, from manager Bill John on don through the ticket department and the pubUc relatlou.publlcUy peraoa- nd. Reasoou for Firing All of these desires or demands on Allen's part were among the reasons Reeves had for the fi ring. He wants to nm the franchise, not turn all manage- ment over to a coach -any coach, not even to the best coach the club hu ever had. Under the circumstances, when Dan rehired George, swallowing his pride as he did eo, he stood 10 feeL tall. Who really won out? I think we 'JI know the answer to that when \\'e find out whether Crazyleg11 Hirsch retains hla Job or move11 elsewhere. Already Hirsch has been listening, hard, to an offer from his Alma Mammy, \Vlscon.sln, to replace Ivy Williamson as dlnctor of athletics in Madlm. Laguna Falls Prey to Cates, Orange, 43-40 The strong outside shooting of Kim Cates of Orange High School brought the Panthers from behind to nail Lagwia Beach Tuesday afternoon, .tJ-tO, in a Crestview League basketball encounter ilt the losers' gym. Laguna, which had led most of the game, fell prey to Cates' hot hand in the fourth period along with some timely free throw shooting. The loss knocks the Artists of coach Gary Norton into 11. tie with the Panthers at the bottom of the ladder -with l-4 league marks. And, it's the second game in a row that Laguna has been set back with a narrow margin of defeat. Friday the Artists were nlpped by Tustin, 42-40. Orange, after going through the thlrd period without a single attempt from the gratis stripe, hit five straight in the decisive fourlh quarter to take the advantage. That and the clutch outsidr shooting o{ cates turned the tide in favor or coach Walt Hamer's crew. The clincher came with 2:06 to go when Cates sank a 2G-footer to make it 39-38. Laguna defenders had hands on the ball, but Cates pushed it in anyway. Arter that the Pant.hers made four gratis shots to salt it away as Laguna was forced to commH fouls to regain posses.sion. Cates wa:oi high for the game with 23 while Mike Hefty and Brian Jonu led the Laguna cause with 14 and 13. Laguna Beach WM cold from the floor,, sinking only 11 of 43 shots for 25.5 percent. Hefty was handicapped for most of the test with foul trouble -picking up hi:oi third with 1:03 spend in the second period. ·-~ It'!('"'""", ''"''• W••IN>w:~I ,~. '11'<•1>1.t• l o••t1 Triton C~mehack Sputters.,: • ·Foothill Bags 57-50 Win Christensen's Injury Wrecks San Clemente By ROGER CAllLBON Of "" o.llY ·-.... A de1J>01ate rally in tbe cloolni minutes fell short Tireoday night for San Clemente High School'• upeel-mlnded Tritons u loop-leading Foothill came away with a 57.SO basketball decision at the Knights' court. Eric Christensen, Orange County's leading scorer with a 25.7 per game average, was held to 16 by the Foothill defense and an aggra'('at.ed bact injury sustained midway through tbe flrot quarter. The injury hobbled tbe flashy guard to the extent that he was unable to conUnue effective defense and limited his scoring output considerably. It wu • tough O'eatview League vic- tory for the lplde:feated (5-0) leaders. They didn't take the lead unUI 35 C•ISTVllW LIAOUI Foothill $an c1_.... VIiii P1r't Mlulon Vlelo Tu1tin w I. ,.,. ..... 5Gm24t ~l79S•t 322"2" Et Mode"" LlllUn& ISffCll .,,,_ J 2 231 2Sf 2 1 m 2n 2 l JO! 1'1 142U2'° 142.1)21D ,...,.,,_ VIile P•rll: U, El Modena •1 Oro,,.. a, L...-Bffdl .o Foortilll SI, Sin C,.,.,_., JO Mlulon \lltlo 1t T111tln !~ 11nlll Mollday) ...... .,,. ~ TUlllln 11 San C""1enle LlllUM 8Ud\ 11 M.lnlOn Vlelo seconds remained in the half -and then held on to the advantage the rest of tbe way. The KnJgbla wcrUd tbe spread to U points early in the fourlh quarter belore-coacb John Baker.'11 fast-breaking . Trilolia came to wltbln two. Cbrist<naeo narrowed the margin to 51-49 with 2:29 to go OI) a ,steal and subsequent layup but the rally was halted at that point as the hosb pecked away with accurate free throw shooting to put the game out of reach. To compound the problems for San Clemente, the Tritons were cold from the field and ragged on the attack, commiWng 23 twnover11. Baker'• qolntet hit only Ill of 58 ohots for 35.7 percent. Baker credited tile Injury to Christemen with stopping his guard's ability to drive and play defl?n.lle, but added, "we just made too many mistakes." Def'enslvely, the invaders seemed up to it. Tom Gaulden clid en u:OOJent job on Footblll'a ICOl'ing lelder, Bill Boyd. Boyd wu checked with 13 points before fouling wt with 5:21 rtm•lntng in the !ourtll period. lDs 13 led a balanced attack that had f-Knights In double figures. The Knights didn't hit mw:h bett<r !rom the field, 19 of 50 for 38 percent. Defeat drops San Clemente to a 3-2 league mark and a full two games off the pace of Foothlll. The Tritons return to action Friday night for a home qagement with Tustin. su ca.n.r.-,.c:i1,., PMthll fill!'" !•11·-~lfl! • !<wtt s:1::,1n 1 l j l J~:tt,,, ~elPr i f 1 T Edw•~I c~,11i.nte11 • ' a lt Htutn Larnbtr"dl • 1 S l:t Toltl1 T ot•l1 2D I~ S\, .. .,.._ ~i'~-; ~~ ' s s l! .. l' J l 11 ' . . 0 ... :t 1t 1, '' 51 s.., C._.... IJ IJ I 16 -JD f'aotllll 11 11 lJ lS -JI Hardy Honored For Grid Efforts Marc Hardy won the coveted "Gaucho of the Year" award at Saddlebact College's fast football banquet Tuesday night at the Revere House in Tustin. Hardy doubled u: • receiver and quarterback for Saddleback last aeuon. Rod Graves won the outstanding of· fensive back award and Paul Cox wu designated the team'• best defen.sJve back. The offensive lineman award went to Jeff Virden and the defenalve lineman honor to Tony ChJcas. Linebacker Dave Goodwin waa named the team'• most improved player • Jim Yunt was named most in· spiraUonal. College Basketball DAILY PILOT PllOtO .., ltldlatd KMllW TWO FOR TRITONS -Eric Christensen (22) of San Clemente goes up for two points during Tuesday's Crestview League biggie with Foothill. Christensen scored 16 despite an injury. Mate Sal Lombardi (10) had 13. Seen for Foothill is Rick Edwards (15). Area JC Stats Saddleback's Noon \_ Widens Scoring. Lead The 1968-69 basketball season, now at the hallway mart, certainly Isn't deslin· ed to be remembered for its high scoring junior college players. Only Saddleback College's Bill Noon, who bu led Orange Coast area jayce.e scorers since the opening week of the season, ia carrying an average of more than 15 pointa a game. Noon's average dropped almost 'half • * * * Sea11on scoring statistics : • PG t'T TP' 'Ill NOOll, SJC \l 102 :St ~ 9,11n Arnbrollth, GWC " " '° '°' 01.,. Pr1th<lor, GWC " " " 1'1 Mtrc Hird'/, SJC " n 21 111 Phll Jordli:i. OCC " " ,, 177 Mil ICl)'d, SJC " .. 32 160 11-,Jt<et>Mn. OCC .. "' lf lU ...... nr. MUii!', GWC .. 5t 31 Ul Mllc.1 Fltllert'I'. OCC .. 53 u lSD J lm Kindt-.,, OCC " "' '° ,.., Jttnd'f Lawr..-.a. SJC " " ~ '" Ollie Merlin. GWC .. ... '3 1J1 M!kt McC1rttn, OCC " (Q .u 115 llldi Stkktlmtler. OCC .. c ~ "' Atnd1 OI'°"', GWC . .. on '" $~Vt T~rlf'll, OCC " " " ·~ Merl< C1ml>bo:ll, GWC " 0 " '" Alltn JI.obi-GWC .. M ~ .. Illich HtnlOl'tlW. OCC .. " " .. M!kt Sht1hJY, GWC ' n" .. IUck Mt<"rlll, S.JC " ,. " n c:....,. s'""""' SJC " ,. ' .. 01¥9 Htrdl,..., GWC " ,. • ~ C1v1 Ptvn,_r, GWC " " • " Jtll Strwnl, OCC " " • n P1u1 Korctll<. owe " " " ~ ~""i:· occ • " ' " lmt St r, OCC " " • " Milt WI"'-"· SJC .. " ' " i'" l rllt. SJC • • ' u r.; ,toll,_, GWC • • ' " fl de thlton, SJC • ' ' " ll:"c:;..'OC;cS.Jc • • • • ' ' • ' loti ~hlnntrhOrft, occ • ' • ' M,iirk 1111n1, SJC ' ' • ' a point ln the last 10 days to 19.5, but he managed to widen his lead over bis closest pursuers -Brian Ambrozich and Dave Prather of Golden West Bolh men slipped under the lS..poin t mark for the season with 14.9 averages, but Ambrozich is now second in tot.al poinls after Prather missed one game with the flu. Mark Hardy of Saddleback moved ahead of Orange Coast'! Phil Jordan into the No. 4 spot with a 13.9 average. Jordan is fifth with 11.ti points a game. NOW IT'S OCC FOR T AMIYASU Fonner Marina High quarterback Mike Tamiyasu, alter playing a season of frosh football at Oregon State last fall, says he will enroll at Orange Coast College. Tamiyasu had been undecided between OCC and Golden West. As a prep, he was a two-year starter for Marina, gaining All-Orange Coast area recognition both years. Tamiyasu thus becomes the logical successor to departing Coast quarterback Paul Le- moine. Gauchos Open Hectic Slate By JOEL SCllWAllZ b ot ttle 0.lfY Plllt ltlfl By Saturday nlaht coach Roy Stevens of Saddlebaci coUep figurta to have a groop of preUy tired basketball playm on his bando and. hopefully, at least a couple of vtctoriel under hill bell The Gauchot begin four hectic days of buketball tonJght which will ,.. them play four games, three of them on the road. Soddleback playa hoot to GroMmont College at Miulon Viejo High School At 8 o'clock this evening and then hill!: the road for gamea with the UC Irvine Frosh, the UC San Diego Fro1lf and Southwtst College. Groamont, SaddJebaek's op po n e n t tonight, comes north with a ti-9 record as compared to the Gauchos' 4-9 mark. "They're one of the f aatest teams we11 play lhis season and they have a pod balanced scortna attack," Stevens tald. "Their five 1ilarten1 all are averaging at least JO polnlll: 1 game so we won 't be able to gang up defensively on one or two guys. "However, if we plav well we can make a good game out of tl '' Stevens has four playLrs himself whe are llC(l'ing in double figures to throw at Grossmont. Guard BUI Noon leads the Gauchos with a 19.5 average, followed by center Man: Hanly (13.1) and forwardo Randt Lawrence OU) and Hill Boyd ttl.3). Guard Rick Merrill will round wt the Gauclw> Startin& five . --.,._ ...... '--·-------------------·--· _ __,._ ____ -------·--• -----------·-------------- L • ... • t I t .5. ver jch >int :es. ital me ved lan '" lle of all, ast "'" ier asl "" to Le- ' I '"' ·ho ... IOI :u d7 rut \ ( Qo~tRg llllll rnold Palmer ----------- ....... , , . ' ' , I I I PRE-PIAN YOUR GOLFING APPROACH The golfer should deYelop the type of thinking ttiot allows o pool ployer to pion future ~ots in odvonce. EYtry time you sftp up too full Jhot, determine w*• you wont your boll to finish if you should miss .the shot In th, illustration we see o golfer hitting down the foifWO<f, let's assume that you' ore this golfer ond that )'OU hove a tendency to slice shots. If you ore wise, you will aim to the left side of the fairway {solld lin&}. Even if the boll slices, you wil l still hove a shat. to the green, However, if you aim for the pin and slice (dotted line), you will be in trouble , Recilize your shotmoki~-: ea k ness and mtriimize its advene effect by looking aheod for best position for your next shot, • e -IMJ\. -.,.., ... Rams In Tourney Rains Wash Out Area Golf Action Rain has always been con- sidered a precious commodity lo most Southern CaUiornians. But don't try lo sell the Orange Cost area golf and country club managers that line. Rain, and plenly of it, knocked out the Orange Coast area's ac lion almost entirely with only competition at Cos· ta Mesa Golf and Country Club and Rancho San Joaquin prevailing. Cos ta JtJ.,10 Three Los Angeles Rams who competed in the recent Pro Bowl football game will be on hand at the Coury's Sport.5 Invitational g o I f tournament Monday at Costa Mes a Country Club. McMullin secretary. Treasurtt is Yvonne Jones. Karla Allen was named most improved player of the year in 1968 at the recent fall tournament a w a r d s presentation. She also took class by low gross honors while A n n Sullivan was taking the low net division. Class A low gross was won by Gracia Johnson and Betty Hitney took low net honors . Jtleodowlark womens club action at Meadowlark in the first round or the annual Meadows vs Larks tourney ended with Larks leading the . Meadows by e.ight strokes -76-68 after 13 holes. The event has three rounds to be played. Rancho SJ more Fountain Valley's Bru c e Gossett, David ( D e a c o n ) Jones and Tom Mack com· prise the Rams' contingent. Gossett's 20-yard field goal John Kelly and Paul Runge proved the difference in the swept to the 35-hole scotch \VeA's tG-7 victory Sunday. twosome title at Rancho San Qfher early entries are USC Joaquin Saturday with a two- rootball coach John McKay, round total of 12.1 in men's Kenny Washington of UCLA club play. fame, Dodger announ cer Jerry Second place was t I e d Doggett. Ben Wilson of Green between Mort Davis and Bay and USC and Bill Nelsen Wayne Wilson and Hal Smith Mexicans Reap $$ Recovery MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico's 1988 Olympic gamea, criticlzed by some Mexicans as toQ costly for a developing country, actually are bringing a large return on a relatively small investment, a major bank rtported Monday. National Bank ol Mexico aays the economy of Mexico received an almost '60 million boost as a direct consequence of lhe world sports ex· lravaganza la.st October. Mex· ico's unrecoverable net in· vestment, the bank reports , was less lhllll $10~. "Flnal figures will be in lhe red but not as much as some observen have guess- ed," the bank said. The review eJlimated that 85,000 foreigners visited Mex· ie-0 between Oct. I and Oct. 15, with 80 percent of them arriving in Mexico City by air. It was estimated they spent at least $24M during their slay. The Games were held Ocl. 12-27. The bank estimates total Olympic expenditures to have been $153.2M II said 192.4.!M of this will be recovered through the sale of real estate -such as sale of apartments used in the Olympic Village -and $51.'111-1 can be written off as investment in new sports facilities for Mexico City's population of more than 7 million persons. That · leaves $9,lJOS,000 that is not recoverable. "This dOes not signify a great fiscal outlay in view of the benefits to be obtained," the bank said. "The cost of construction wa s reasonable," the bank said. "Seventy-five percent of required buildings were already in exislenct so onJy other indispensable structures had to be added in 1964-68. New structures will serve to fill the sports needs of Mui.co City." "In 1964, the Olympic games in Japan cost $2.96 billion , or 18 times more than in :fi.fexico in 11168," the report said. Employment by the Olympic Organizing Committee reach- ed a peak of about 22,000 persons during the games but sales or emblems and tickets, advertising fees and radio. television rights helped offset much of the salary costs. The inllow of currency to ?.iexico was broken do ... n into $IS.3M f o r international travel, $13.2M for commerce, $10.SM for food, $9.3M for lodging, $5.2M for miscellaneous and $4.9M for amusements. "The multiplier effect of such inflow increased the general income $192M, the bank said. of the Cleveland Browns. and R. C. Boucher at 129. The tourney i.!l open to the -~jiijjijjjjiiiijiijjjjiijjjiiijiijjjiijijjjiiijiijjijjijjjiijiijjjj public with entry forms " available at Costa Mesa Coun- try Club. Low net honors were copped by A. V. Jones Jr. and Lyle Graham Saturday in the an· nual scotch best ball of twosome tourney at Costa Mesa Gol f and Country Club. The pair teamed to score a 62\'i to defeat the runnersup by four and a half strokes. Second place in men's club compeUton was shared by the teams of Bob Darnell and Serg Stashuk and Jim Barnes and Dick Hitzeman wilh 67s. Another tie for third existtd \Vilh Gil Rettew and Norm Patrick and Andrew Soart!l and Bob Walters at 67~~- Tied at 68 were the teams of Stan Brown and Durward Cartwright and Skip Stillion and John Hacker. Jerry Warde and B 111 Assmus followed with n while three duos were tied at HIA:. Those were Rollin Montroy and Herman NellJ, Aimo Palonen and Wayne Cole and Bob Fenton and Gene Van Dssk . Fred Kell and Joe Costello rollowed with 70. \Vomen 's club action tn a cross country event was won by Hazel Webster·s 88-~76 <32) in the first night Friday. Sttond was Vl Hoskins at 96-1~ C:U\\). Second flilht honors went. to Shirley Cununaro (104- 30--7~) followed by Mulnc AsmiUJ (111-31-80). ~tarioo Voss, with a 119- ~. took the third lllght with Elise Stipes' 112-32-80 (33) and Nina Danielson's 120- ~ (35Y,) followlng , UfUHG B.,ad• Ne.,. om~rs were elect~ lo the women's club of the Laguna Bw:h Ceunlrt Club. Eleeled presldent w a 11 Gracia Johnson wlUt Margaret Watermt1n vice president. Thelma Toomey was namfd tournament chalnnan and lbp BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141 E. 17th snm-COSTo\ MES,\ ' IOppeslt9 ._.., llt l oy• FULL 4 PLY DELTA SUPREME 110 TUBELESS WHITEW 4LL IACKfD IY ltOAD HAZARD ~UARANTlE for life of tho trojji d, pro·rofod 011 froid w11r of 1ch11I 1olli11' price 111d 11ot 011 • flc.titlo111 li1t pric t. sm 65().13 700.13 735.14 700.14 775.14 750.1 4 125-14 IOQ.14 155.14 150.1 4 115-1 4 900-14 PllCI 13.44 14.54 15.48 16.26 17.29 18.42 19.97 SID PltlCI 670.15 15.62 775.15 710.15 16.67 11 5.15 760. I 5 17.97 845-15 885·15 19.87 900.15 915.15 20.66 120.15 I J<c ... TIJ: ·-""'"' ti.ti to UAI Pt• ll'rt m ffi DELTA TIRES 141 L 17th St., Costa Mesa Phono •• : 645-2010 (Opposite Bob's Big Boy) ""'""...._ -------~------ Wes tminster Success Story May Never Reacl1 Its End Somehow you get lhe feeling WestminJter High School's domination of cross country wlll never end. Coach Jack Hedges' forces are the reign- ing champ.loos of the Suruiet League and hold a streak of 49 straight duel meet victories over the past si.I. years. Scheduled to leave Westminster via grad· uation are three seniors rrom this jugger- , ........... ,,~ ROGER CARLSON ***••••••••**** naut which leaves six juniors and a sopht>- more to carry on. The most valuable runner of 1961 is in· eluded among the returnees. Now, add an undefeated junior varaity team full of freshmen, so phomores and one junior. That contingent chalked up five perfect IS. 50 scores en route to its 8-0 record Jn 1963. U that isn't enough, HedgeJ can alwa}" caU on his sophomore-freshman team that went undefeated. Six 15-50 wins highlighted the S.O dual meet ucord. Jt appears the streak of 49 is sm all apples compared to the future for Westminster. Basketball notes: Orange IDgb: scored 51 di.tee ti.met in 1uccesslon in Creatview League action. The Panthen Jolt them all. \Yord from Corona del Mar : Rick Nixon, a sophomore who wrestles on the junior varsity at 130 is a nephew ol President Richard M. NiJ:on. Candidates -..ho don't make tbe crade la Cos&a Mesa Hlgb Scliool'a vacancy for var. ity football coach are advlltd co look to- ward Weste rn Higb ln AnabeJtn followln1 the resignation ol Nick Ugledcb, former HunUngton Beach High School grid boat. There Is a varsity wre&tllng coach epe• las at Orange High. How 's this for a jinx-breaker? When Magnolia High deleal<d Rancho Alamito.> recenUy in basketball, ~72. it marked the first time m the seven-year history lhat the Sentinels -..ere able to beat Rancho in any varsity sport. Ernie Wheeler's crew led by as many a.s 17 before nearly running out of gas. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT WHEEL BALANCE UffTIMI GU.uo\llT& MUFFURS s300 Off 4-WHIB.S • SSC Off C., W"'91ift _,_... ,.WHm 88' ... -., AUTO-ROOR MATS RICI. TO$tl.f7 3ss 3 DAYS ONI. YI £Alli 20 ' JO lttlllll Olt TIANS. T 'PAalllfT '1M'L:. fULL WEIGHT PIOW"f •r '\.U. JllAI:. TWIN PllONT w TWIN MUV'I' DUTT DtP'lnAllT Ml> l.!A& orA~l11 • nu. TO• Qlf.. ...,_ M .... CIUALIT'I' PltOK? •r OU. Oil LUlltlCATtoM Of' P'AS_.... • .......... CAil$ a UeKT Tln.ICXS. WESTMINS'IB BUENA PARK 1 M40 H ACH ILYD. 5'1S UltCOl.H o\YI. At M~ Ar Yalloy Ylew 892-2088 826-5800 0.. .... ~ °':.-= --Seliat Price..._ ..... smtf~PES REG. *117 297 3DAYIOlllLY1 (}1090 .TAPE CAIRTAll ••o. '2A1 1ss 3 DAYS 0111. YI BUENA PAIK 5l01 llACff ayp_ At UNi•r 523-3040 I DAllY PILOT J5 Pro Cage R es ults ~ At Exec:utJYe Car Le11lnr )'0111 1 can test drive 1n1 new 196g e1r._ for t'Ml years-without buylnc Jtl Take you r pick cf th• "hot" 69'&1 Grind Prix ••• Riviera , ••• Cha rier ••• you name ft. Executive Car Leaslne has t hem 111 ••• from Cadillacs to compacts! Only Execlltlvel offers you the unique'-'l deal" Lease that'& like a 2-year testl driwi , •• ONLY BITTER! 8ecau1t1 you &et the profit If the• ca r marllet is up at lease end. Or if th• market Is down , yo11 just aa~ "~inks tor the ride'' -and walk .away without 1 any oblipt1onl Remember -you don't need a trade-in.1 But.If you have one, Executive will eive you the highest price • for it .•• so you start your 2-year test drive with extfa cash I In your pocket! C.11 Executive tod1yfor the full story. I EXF!CU'l'IVE® CJ\R LEASING COMPANY 2202 E1st 1st Street, Sant• An• In Tho Volloy Kl 7 3011 In Loo Anl-ST W220 • OL 44000 ONE LOW PRICE! OIL CHANGE AND LUBE .. .. *•""'-c... ......... s1aa ··- ' RATCllEI' JACKl RlO.SU7' 2ff 3 Do\ VI 0111. YI ' _ _, ___ •i&l•nr,..c••-n.rf-. A I , Ms ltt • ..... ~ ...... JIJOOO COSTA MESA 2ZOO HI.-&VII. AtW.. 548-2082 ,_ WHEEL IEARING PACIC ,._ 88' -"PIESTOllE OIL·lllSER __ .,,.. 49' • ... " o.Jl9 ....................... ,..... ... _ ....... ......., ..,._ ... 41:'* SANTA ANA 1400 IDIHGa .......... 546-7823 • • l I! I • :' 18 DAILY I'll.OT • by Deke Start Your Engines! Hou/gate Here'• bow to get Into auto racing: Hire U employees. Sign four drivers. Get Len Terry to design, a car and John Surtees to test ll Send in 3n entry for Dayt.ooa and Sebring, and plan to run three other circuits. Hali a million dollan later, you have the job done. That's U you 're James Garner, the actor and motion picture producer. -Garner has just unveiled his tncredible plan to take American racing by storm. He owns a total of 11 racing machines. Including five he is having his own team build from scralcl>. It all started four years ago when be was cast in the role that helped to popularize open wbeel road racing, "Grand Prix." There was a time ln Hollywood when the fUn loving gentry burned up all its dough in carousing and wenching, in lhe expansive manner of John Barrymore or tbe swashbuckling image of Errol Flynn. Today Hollywood's leading vice appears to be supporting its racing habiL Gamer, however, shouldn't be cast in the rote of a profligate, drunkenly bestowing greenbacks on hero drlven. Like other _big name filin idols these days, be Js only pa.rt auto racing hobbyist and the rest -· He started out a couple al years ago by fonnlng a small companf called American International Racing. Placed In charge of the dally operation ~as an ex.Shelby ,American press agent, Don Rabbitt. (Shelby once told me Don has a brother named Peter, so help me.) In the beginning AIR rtelded a two-car team of Lola coupes in the Daytona, Sebring and LeMans lODg distance races. The two coupeS, completely rebuilt. are stllJ assets <4 the company. They'll race again a week from now at Daytona. What's new with the Garner racing venlure ls a $250,000 program .to build and race five Formula A road racing machines, a couple of four-wheel-Orive Ford Broncos (Gamer drives one .him8elf) 1n desert ·races and two Group 7 sports cars lo tackle the Can-Am circuiL • Tbe prototype Formula A car was tested last weekend jn England by Surtees. It is said in look like a lntus wedge.shaped ·Indy car from the front and a conventional cigar-shaped grand ;priJ: racer from the rear. r' Tbe designer, T~. was the architect for Colin Chapman's Tevolutionary lntus Ford !or Indianapolis In 1963 and later ;for the Dan Gurney Eagles. Terry is currently the Frank ;J.Ioyd Wright or the car-building iet. - --- : Why did Gamer pick the relatively obscure Formula A : road racing circuit over the USAC championship trail? Big Future Predicted . ''The way Formula A loob to DJ," Garner said, ''it • wru bt one of tbe two big aerie• of racta in the future. : One. wlll be the Cm.Am cittult, wltll lta big engine . sports ·can:. The other will be form.ala can. • "They are alt.ogether dlffaint tlDdJ of racing, lild the dlfference.1. are dramatic •. The championship trail 11 more lucrative thu Formula A now, bat we tbJnk It may not always be. •• ''11lere were other fadan that went Into oar ded&lon. .Jl'lnt, we are .SCCA 5portl car people. .We caa nm on tracb 'we already know. And in USAO racing, tbe best drtv~ mJgbt DOC be available to us!' Lead driver for the Garau teem will be Scooter Pabict, wbo la well bOWD to sports car eatJuntam but Is certaJnJy no matdl ht a popalarUy poll II ,... Utt Bobby UlllU ud Mario Andreltl. "We tldU: Scooter la one of tlle put 'steepen' In ractq: In tbe wllole world. If yMI loot at bis reconl, it II 1Dlbellevable. "The problem U, be P1UB111 n11t1 ta .lmlll engbte cl.ulf:I, and bi"er can take Ute checkend flag. Be almost llway1 wtn.a hil class," Gamer said. " ConseqoriUy, Scooter Isn't u wtll ban u ume drive.rs we think he ea.a beat In an equal car.'' At Daytona ud Sebring Patrtct wlJI teom wllb ID<lher · u.ndenatfld fportl car veteran, Ed Leslie, while • BeeGDd car will be co-driven by two younger, fut rlda& •tan, Lodlar Mo&lchenbacher and Dave Jordu. AD are Californians. Similar to Space Aeh~t• -How did Gamer get booked? ••u I hadn't sat in the race car while making 'Grand Pris:,' I wouldn't have got myself so involved," be said. "I said to myseU, 'This is il 'Ibis is reality.' "You know, mechanics are super people. What they do ts very similar to what our space scientists do to put men in orbit around the moon. "Imagine the )lressure on you U yoo know that lf you goof up on something today, maybe two or three weeks from now some driver will get killed. To survive pressure like that It takes a certain kind of supennan. That's what I mean alx>ut reality. Always before you is the thought that death is real, juSt like life." Garner's Jove for racing bas started to Infect his family. •His 11-year-old daughter Gl Gi has a minibike, which she ··hot-dogs around on in Brentwood. "The bike had a governor on it until she folllld out how to take it oil,'' Gamer admitted, with a bit of a smile. Three Top Drit>ers Who are the top three drivers on lhe NASCAR Grand NaUonal stock car circuit? Bobby Allison was asked to exclude himself and name them. He only got to two. "Richard Petty ls the best all-around driver there ls," Allison said. ''He is completely in control of his whole operation, and that means that the fact his cars slay together must be 'credited to his management as well as to the way be drives. He bas the best record, and be is the toughest to get around. "'Then I have to name Cale Yarborough. He doesn't run as many ·races, but It doesn't matter what be runs -auper speedway or dirt track -he's just as tough. .. Cale bas a great talent Of course, the Wood brothers (bil crew) work perfect with him, because they like to do the thinking for their driver. but nobody bas the sense to do the right thing at the right time like Cale does." After that, Allison said1 the talent drops Into another class. \.. He lumped together David Pearson, Lee Roy Yarbrough, •Buddy Baker, Bobby Isaac and James Hylton as being about equal In ability. ~SOfT SELL SAM ''11! WlftJ mr /Ill f,WE .. '{Jff(:lf!VA14TRY.11 • Area Prep, Wrestling Summaries SWIMFEST AT NBTC Pro Hockey 1.:.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= .. =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= .. =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= •• =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= .. =.=,=.=.=. S d. : OPENS FRIDAY-JAN. 24-IN ANAHEIM ': An AAU "C" !Jlvitational swimrnlng meet open to aU zones ta scheduled !or the Newport Beach TennlJ Club tan mgS : FRU FUh.1119 T•c:kt. I S•n1atlo11al H19h 01 .. , l11t. I M1ny F1••111, Dilpl•Y• of 1: • or Fi1hln9 Tripi to All Spo119' pl111 othar 'Ch•l'llpion' fid1in9 T•ckla, Campln9, • NAT!~~A!iv~:.:.•·u• ! kid5 16·161 011 Ja11. 24 S••t• l Wafer Ach •f 4 I I pm Gvnl, R1sortf, Vac•fiont : Paclllu 111,vrurL. ci-" _ with races getting under ' " -we1tner (Pl -. AllhbroO!l way Saturday at 8:30 a.m. SCH IM . 1~1°t 571/"~-fSCI •lnnld cni1c1,..,, Entries were to be in the 15~~' s7n Mellk• IPI 111nnai1 "*" hands of swim officials no 11 -W•rrlall tPI p!llf'Md Ca~ 1sc 1 s:1s later than today IJO -Ellr1kh !Pl dee. Vin Z.ndt • ~ "'.!. K~r ISC) Pinned Total cost is $2 per team 141~~,!,(.~ IK) dee. Maltoft and is open to all swimmers '°"'°" M011lr•1I T_.10 Chlc;ago Deln:i!I New Yorll SI. Louis O.kl•r><I Los Antelo!1 PhlladelPl'lla Ptmt>ur11h MIMesola WLTl"tl.O"OA 26 • ' ., "' Ill 2i 12 1 51 HI 119 20 12 10 !O 12' 112 n11 >., 160 115 21 ,, 1 ., 1 .. 132 l2 11 • 4 120 JU 11111155 11611 16 2• 4 » Ill 1 ... 1$ 20 ' ll6 ft 111 11 13 H » 9S US 111 28 1 '' 115 ISi ' 29 1 25 IOI 155 LOCAL ::1:4 ~A.ndar-(SCI •tnntd P•ll'f•r in the SPAAAU who have '",V. -Span11 !Pl dK. ..-.. n 1969 AAU cards and who No oth1r l'llWJP•P'r te lll yo1,1 • • • • • • • • • • SEE THE • itu1.4..-' SPORTS & ~ llOTOll .,... ........ i«I VACATION SHOW ~c..... .,u. .411...,J RECREATIONAL TllAWLTMILDI ~ ~ VEHICLE SHOW (s(l'1 1·t have not broken the "C" more, ewery d•y, abowt what's 161 -S.9'1' !SCI dee. Psll'fw · ' G 0 tP~+J _Jm~an~d~an1;:__r:•:r_:e:acb'.:__e:•:e:nt~~·~··~,,~·~'~;.~t:,~·~N~·~··~·~··~·~··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (J:) f'•N•rlkllu (PJ pinned Braun entered. Coast then the DAILY PILOT. isgb ¥,.=:.o911s~:1:tlf =ttl SM! C~11lf7ID' .. Kitka II -5"ncar tP) pfMCd Rvltl ISCll 1:31 1pt-Mt11ka 1Pl WOii W farlell '\". -Otltad llo (Pl lllnntd Hur1<M fw 1.:..52 W.t.r !Pl die. Robbins 151,l.1 ~Greenb«ll tPI dee. McKlftl:J. ISCll +1 All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Thrqugh Saturday I llti -~& !SCI Ote:, Iff111dc IP,>,,'".!_ Piper (SCI dK. ll•rr (Pl; ~ .. -lta"'8Lber !Pl bY tortelT 151 -Gof.IN•I (P) ~lll!d 8edoli. (SCl! :ll •16& -Golleo !SCI dee:. M..,•no (PJ; t-0 17' -Barton {'f') dee. P1ulwt1 fs:i~ !:! MM!dall ISCl draW tMoroo1 IPM, l_:!. SNl'Ols (SC) 1111'1 b'1 forltlt ,_ N-' HarllW 151) (I) kll• A11e 9t -Currlt INHI plnnad PKkll•m (5.Ah 1:56 106 -Schldr; HOO die. Ftledmen {SAh 111-0 lli-McMu!len (SA) dee. k1oan.itl (MHJ1 I~ lll -819!iJOft {SA) pinned JaccbMrl O<tHl; ,,15 1JCI - G .. vet CNHl plnl\ICI Worl'll•ck (SAl; 3:31 l:U -Hfrptl INHI pinned Harmon (SAl1 J;'lt 141 -Hammer•• (NHJ pinned llrownlt'llll f5.Al1 ''53: 14 -II. Curry (MHJ pinned SMPord (5.All 3:55 ID -J. Curriy (NH) plnnad Brocltelf (s,.t.1' ;42 161 -Or• INH) pinned Saam ($Ah 1:51 111 -O\lft:.1fl !NH} pln11ad tfoc.ktt1mlrtl (5.All ,,30 196 -Mlrtln (NHI WOl'I W fl)r1tlt HV -Heorrlng (NH) _, by forfeit ,a.,.1ar Venttf ""'""" M..-W C2'1 (1J) ,_.. AMI 9f -.Joh...on ("H) dK. R1r (SA); ,. 106 --Andtl'lQ!L H~l'O dK. F~ bur11 (!Ah .. 1 llS -BlrdliU (SA) pinned YablonskV (NHll :olO 113 -Wood (NH) cleC:. G•rcla (SA)/ 5-" 1311 -SL Clair HOO draw Ct!Nln ISAJ; 2·1 136 -Clllrte !SA) die. Ev•nt {NH)J ._1 1'1 -Blumk• (NH) 11lnned Ooer11'19 (U..l1 1:52 14 -Anfoll (SAi pinned R11m1•r (NHJJ 2;5' 151 -P•rklf" (NHI cite. Mer (SA}; ., 161 -Moecl INHI won by lurttlt 111 -Rlllhlrlbv•11,r (NH! WOii try fwftll It' -Sd11et1r (NHl won by lurlt!I HV-G•telr !NH) won by forlelt Vanity > °''"" 1411 on s.11 ClanMnta ~brcok (SCI clK. k lh>.alr!ck IO/CJ.irwltt COi pinned M•IClll ISCli 3;541 llS.-Roblnsan (01 plnn.d Wllk1!t$0n lSf~~ 10) plnried Cer.Off (SCl; 1:30 13G-8•n11indt (SC) plnllld O!FlllPPO 1~W_..tiefer !SCI, plr.ned LYM (~~..:J:.,....11 (0) dee. Htrn11ldez <5fl..~esttra"11 IPI clK. .Ander1«1 tSCl' 114-J 157-Sedilwlftl 10) ~ litumtnn l5fJ1 :ltitrtllll (Ol &c. Sa!llf (SCI ; .. ,1'1--0lllmflll (0) pinned 8r•Wn (S~::C,. (Ol dee. Ollmol'lt (SCl ; 1't.v-W1!1«11 (0) p!l!l'lld Ramero lSCll l:SS Junillf V1nltr . Oren .. ()1) (ill Sal'I C...,_le 91-Ruth (SCI cl!'f'W Mertln (Ol; !·~°'--Sylvl• fO) won b'I' larltlt HS.-Wll1ett (0) won by k>r!elt 123-RYtl'I (OJ dee. B. Slll'lnblt (SC); '4»-McKanile (SC) -bY deftult tU-LOPft (SCJ dee. Walker (0);•1 101-Ptper (SC) plnMd R,,_ (Oll l:~llevanos (()) won by fortell J:51-Sllndholt (OJ pinned Gawkier ( l~~!'flan IOI dee. Glloo (SCl; 4~11--llrown (01 de<:. P.aulson {SC); .. \t~lldd.., (SC) WOii by forfeit HV-(>. St&l!'lbll tSC) d~. San Roman {Ol1 1·1. Basketball Standings ....,,, St. A11tt>ony St. P•VI MeM Dt-1 B~ .vnet PIUJ X HBPonyLoop Signup Set Signups for the Oceanview Pony-Colt youth baseball pro- gram wtll be held t h e weekends or Jan. ~26 and Feb. 1·2 at Pony Field in Huntington Beach. The summer baseban pro- gram is fOT Huntington and F'ouniain Valley boys 13 UBEVDUR EN NEV CHARGE ACCOUNT For the racey look ••• 'El Tigre' mag wheels 14'~;6"4 14" x 7" for 5139 with center hubs and lug nuts. • 1 pc. cast aluminum wheel and rim • Satin finished center section • Fits disc brakes on all cars TD DAVI E -RE · 18 MONTH GUARANTEE WITH 9 MONTH FREE REPLACEMENT 9.88 plus Fed. Tax Black Tubeless SIZE 650-13 735-14 11.88 SIZE 775-14 775-15 Whitewalls only $2 12.88 SIZE 825-14 815-15 Whitewalls only $2 13.88 SIZE 855-14 FED. TAX 31c 35c plus Fed. Tax FED. TAX 37c 37c more plus Fed. Tax FED. TAX 39• 39c more plus Fed. Tax FED. TAX 40c 845-15 4oc Whitewalls only '2 more AF/X steel dish wheels for a sporty look! 4 for 79.88 • Our Foremost slotted style • Good looking -see them now! • Smashing in chrome platel through 18. Slgnup times will r------;-:--=:-=--:-:--:-:-:-:---:-----------------------------------• be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays II and IOa.m. in%p.m.Sundays. NEW P 0 RT BE A ( H HUNTINGTON BEACH Pony Field is located at the end of Bolsa Chica Road lu Huntington Beach. (Fashion Island) (Huntington Center) " . • '" • 1: • • • • , . • • • • • I I 9 . • • . . • t • ' - ($) DAU.Y PUT J7 There Is a New Trend • Ill Education ·for Engineers R:."':":--= ~ ""': :::.: ..:C;;A:;:R;:iE;iE~R~Cr.;O;=:R:t-N:.;E::;R;.:;..;;.,;:.; ... ;;.; ... :.; .... =-t-=.:. ~.~;·~~:: ::!1::ct~°:~lce~": =:.~ ~~-;"111": a:,:::....1~ durtac tbl·ftnt two ,an of r--. .. _ __, be waa11. matb«leata CO\G"ltWWk r. Wubln&tm U •. (Mo.) 1 f'lthst.,HwYD. N. ~11117.. ""l:). ~Bow?,,., bQlo !0< ,...,_, Narthwllt<nl U. Purdllo U., Mkf0<"0mlcllla,_,.to :::."ll:""'l':.r. ~ ru. -11 u •• 111, Theory Now Influence WllllN IN oouBT, 11·1 belt qu1r..i 1n~ u. ct Clllfonlo. u. ct ll1lllola, Finl DesrtO 1n EnP•loc." • .. -dependent oo 1111 apooure to · to teep your ~g BCHOOIA A doleo ct the U al M!-i, &M Ra>DeJ..,., ~ "!:;..~ 'f }I S:,:~~~'t'"' ,::i:,, 1111 varlOUI fields through class llbldies u general u possible, ltadlng ~ scllools FOR MOllB INFORMAo-~~: lr'li. "tll ~ c~ work. wort4*uclr JRCl'MU, interests, aptitudes aod bob-1n mechanical engineering. If u long as possible. Why paint are: Massachusetts lllJtitute TION. 'lbere ar. plenty of'Oth-~;2$ =:;;;: _ lfldtnff~d ~eel a•mrw jot> el· -bier are COlllldered; for i~ be'• always liked chemislry yourself into 1 narrow comer of Teclm.01oC7, C&lifornia er o.oellmt ICbooll tC0. For a -.,,,... • ... ,,._ perleoce. and coun.sellna with stance, if be Hiles to ftpair seta, be may be cut out to prematurely'! Also, it's easier lnatltute of T t ch no Io I y, l1it, biclrvt!nc c:rfta1a you A. -Tbert'i a new klndi....::his:_' !pr:=ct::;:.....,:::::_:ud:=_::de:-~Hla~_:carr,:=!~be~m.a~~:_be~l~nW:·~eo'.!:ted~~be~a_:c~be~m:ic~.,1~..,!ll:nee~r'.:. . .!11'......:to~lr~•n:af~er'....'.'.:from~.'.".englneering~~· ~~CarneiJb-~~M~elJ.oa~.'.'.U:!.• ~Georg~~ia~ahauld~~-~·~llOD(~~·::ants~~to~~~~~~="'dll=:'e_:-:::_ ct enpv« moving up the aUde l'1llt ct ....... today -Ibo more lroadly edlJCated IUldnale. 11'• Ollly been wllh1n e.. pall docoile lllat the emph11l1fn.ta1laeer In e educatian bu nltcbed tway from Jll'..Ucal tecbnoloa aO<I toward general tlleory. WHY SO? There are a number ol good ......, fer the moderu theory-oriented approach : (1) The up!Olloa ol llCieotlflc blowJedae -...,.,..,.. limply must have a broad foundalfon ID bulc ldenee to ue tllla knowledge correcUy. (1) Technology wlD cmtinue to change rapidly, while theory II far leu likely to bec<ime oboolete. ( s ) Although most en1ioeers tptcl,Ute in I ipedf}C branch ct tho prolessloo, mod> of Ibo bulc knowledge la com- mon to m<8t areu o f q!neering and a pp I led science. Student.I 1 h o u I d becoole familiar with the general nature of eoglneering u wen as with tta various branches, because (a) not only does i broad knowledge make it euier to change job>, but (b) fl abo makeo it eulor to communlc1t1 with co-wcabis. GENERAL STUDIES AT FIRST. At .au fDmaslq number of Sl:boola, the lint two~ years are pretty . much the same for all engineering ltudentl: math, p b 1' 11 C I , cemistry, a>clal lclmces, the biunm:ilt:iN and En&Jllh In ad- ditlou, thm .... oppoi tunllteo to apl«e Ibo -cfildpli. NL SJ:wdllir.atkn comes du- ring tbt lJ!t two years, or at thee graduate levet As a fu. turo dev~t ol this trend, it's likely thal many schools will >omeday eliminate the spedflc applicatioa c:ooteut ct andergraduato curricula, awarding a foor .. year bachelor'• degree in general a n g ineering. Speclalizatlon would then come daring the ~ear, leadinl to a I degree In a portfailar -ct ..,.m..rlng. THE MOMENT OF DBClllON. However aomewben alq the line, the Here's Way To Acquire A Diploma llnD(e Coast C.llege and Golden West College are of- fering CUU'HI which will allow llludentl to completo a hlgb tcboolcllploma. -II living In the Hun- tinctm lleach High School DRict cau get planning help by calling ~l, extension 36. Sioo...11 ID the Newport. M.,. Unified School District abruld call 64&-3475. Tbo 0CC and GWC evening eoUea:es cbar1e a '5 fee for each clas11. Students supply their own boota and aupplles. Spring of£erlngs are as £0110w11, with the school at which the coune la &ivtn In parentbeoea: Civic:a (GWC), Wodneodayg T to 10 p.m .• CommunlcaUom Building Room Ul'I; Clvlca (OCC), '.illunda!'I 7 to 10 p.m. ElllDcla High School Room 115. Developmental R e a d I n g (OCC), Mondaya 7 to 10 p.m. E1tancla Room 221; Developmental R e a d l n g CGWC), Wednesdays 7 to 10 p.m. Marina High Room 133. Engll!h lint 1 e m e 1 t e r (00:), Tueodays T to 10 p.m. Estancia High Room 225; EDgllsh (GWC), Thurldaya 7 to 10 p.m. Marina High Room us. Eng11811 --(OCC), Mondaya 7 to ID p.m. Eolanda Room 115; En&Jish aecood oem..tor (GWC), Tue9c1aY1 7 to ID p.m. Marlrul Hlgb Room !JI. General Math, nn ...ticoa: _.,, 7 to 10 p.m. occ Ll"b<ral Art1 No. I: Maoday 7 to 10 p.m. GWC Malh Room Ill; 'l\leldlfl 7 to 10 p.m. OCC Science Room 4 ; Wedneftdaya 7 to 10 p.m. GWG Jtudr.-No. D: TburldaJI 7 to 10 p.m. E<tancla Room 731. PhJllcal Sdenco (GWCI, 'lllelilaY-Thurlday 7 ID 10 p.m. Math No. Sii (l«:lln-Lob). P1ycbolo17 (GWC) TutsdaYt 7 lo JO p.m.. Marin.I ll1gb Room m-m. u.s. Hllllory ( 0 CC ) , WodneodllYI 7 to It p.m. Eltlnda Room Dli U.S. ~ (GWC), 'nmndllJi I \ to 10 p.m. llalh !In. Ill. /. ~ la und« way. .;. 11Kal Kan'' DOG FOOD Qk .. ,....1 .... 1orpr ..... Qldll & "'St• "Dow'' ..._a_. --•time.:. ........ """ u-.c. 59c Flavihist P'."A (Pn'114 .. le ... . .__.........,,_ ~ .. • .:. .11 ·~ ~r,. ~ ~~i''I I' I~ .. . . w.PatrOll ''Dash'' . DmRGENT Faliric Soft- RINSE .. Slftlr, fllffilr. 0 5 1 1111. • Storage Cllest """'--• .,i..i _.,. ... 1 88 loi. i:!,...fiWla -. ,.., . CNIUIRIN'S 1.tS lo 11.tS Story Books liirl!,colalfJlin_,...._ ••• hiy Tales -Qilihll's 8t -k:s-llallltl-_,....,_ .. Head & shoulclen ''lavoris'' MOUTHWAIH and GAIGU .... ., __ SHAMPOO ·---l•UIL?lla lll6 .. ,... .. PUSHllUnON "Mennen'' Q AWDiM-Clu1, Htrltss 1lutic lor 111 ,.. litcMI , .. INluelNlll 1111s. •llfi '1 llllc•" b Alt ,. .. nffs. . "Freez'n Stor" coNTAINEis DOUBLE Sill 4 39 FJmD W FUT... o ~""'2i2.49 0-IROll White Sheets "Mntlc1lll" Q WIMDtl !WIN SIZE 2 89 mtm er FUT ... • DOUBl.I SIZE 3 49 nmo 11 FLAT... • :i=~.2:1.69 • 14 IL R1n• Ctllal11r • 12 IL S~1rt.Clllai .. • li IL $~Uri Cnlli• 1,1111 11111 lDWU 111111. •• ,. !JI • .,. ... 1.49 age FACE ClOTI ..~ 4le 39c "Parisienne" Towels Floral --"'11 •'lnot col- "' 1lllt fioll It Ila -Ill - 1ri1h """" llds. Uri FACE ?Dill IUITI • .,. ,.. 111-4IC 1.49 39c IWIO lDWIL 111-Ill age l "Cherokee" eCheese-Egg Rigs fl ESH WATll ' ..... Wllsll" -areea coit, ROid llds- SPUllUIG IOOS ... 'ooeegllookilmiddle-tJt6it43c Tllbllar Glass. 2.,:, 5 ~ .... DI batba.. tied°" 111)11) '°'""' -· !;pt l!'oLCIDcelfl2JIU14/16 II "Lysol" SPIA!-••. ~ls­via • ll¥ironnwit ..... -Iii--.... sgc . _,,,_IOll __ .... ... , .. "Lysol" llllll IOI!. QDlll ••• llllll ii =·~"i!C':a; = 39c los. l!IC Sbt Wash Cloths for TROUT & CHANNEL CAT " wllOll ••• 1Zll2" ,., ~ """ llqest Stoclihig 111 Histtry ;Usll l-8· 8 Monofilament Line 91 :====::::::; "lltt u .. • -II lll. 79c I ~"; Sinkersims-~~:J,___..:_-.. "Pro" Toothb111Shes """ ioos -• -77c "304" Ill Mll~ allln" _ ,_ .. CllCIA lllltllll FUSI lllU r===-:· ==~"'=''=' =i ~!!l~!!~JlE1,.,.,.. 9 98 -~l\:';G~~~'i~iic'i:""2o13BASSc Sp1'n Cast ~":" .. ~ -:i...-4~gge'11n" SPUT SHOT Sinkers ill Amtld ... Q\ICn. o "•Up -""""· ... OUTFIT • .,. .. I • !~~~rn .. L~!! === ==========~: ~s· pUstic trittl • 314 lldl w. FiYill: Lil!. --wide ... --~ yes."' • -· 1.39 ~~&~ IU 4,98 aiuse flsli Bait Sal• Ew "CtWlltgtt"--· &SC -s1001ull" -age ~ " "'" -Sool ... ""' 'U'· ltt.m ~ILJW In.Poor Ila? TAU ) "GeritDI" l..iu\ la.1 lraa lolic I !..~:?:'=~ 11 az. U.14. .. , .. ,lb 2.49 . 2.49 .!. II PllCU PllYllL JAIL ~ 11n JAIL 2lll lllGllllT llmP SUMI.IT NEWPORT BUCH ~':.!~! HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON .EACH ........... & 14lnfW BEACH,=.:, -·-·-·-·-·~· t:al't Sleep? T1k1 "Sominex" •• _..,"'-"'"'"' " --... " """' ---........ IJl1ft 98C ._._.. •• WEAReMR Sauce Pans 11sR-3 "Tlflf1" Ct1U111 ••• !d111los•llllqao~ trDllld calor CO'fW llld Ciiio .. ---d .......... llost " ... jely lllOlll bis. 111ttS1t1 za.lin 1&11a 5.88 6.aa 7 .88 WUlml ' 10''2" Griddle IOMllW' Olllll( 'liia-8' 9;=....3.29 --Broiler Set ., Lqo lb!lsl\I" ... " BBC ... Cllllllll'aellol ••• ,..,...., ... . . ------------------------------------------------~------' l . } w~ . .i....,, 22, iw.• VOYAGE -His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, above, narrates "Voyage to Enchanted Isles" to- night in color at 7:30 on Channel 2. 'The photo- graphic essay fOCUJee on the Galapagos Islands In the Pacific. Prince Pbllip llal taken an Interest In the area because of.Ilia act!Yltlee In wilclllfe preser· vation. TELEVISl8N VIEWS 'Julia's' Hints Easy to Take By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -Bad W!Iliam Shakespeare been around 350 years later, knocking out material for what is known as "The media," it is very prol>ahlil Illa& hil.lll>a ·-·"sernioQs i!I llooes" -Ud have rolled out of Ilia electric typewriter as -''1ermoo1-1n .situation comedies.'' _ · By onler of the television (Ode, the le6son that "Crime doesn't pay" is implicit in every program involving crooks and the law. There also seems to be some unwritten ruJe about packing a neat little lessou in everyday ,Jiving in among the laughs of our people-next-door comedies. On a single night -Tuesday -viewen learn- ied painles&ly from "Julia" that pride must never be Confused with •elf·rlgbleou!ness, and, 30 mlnutes later, 1'Tbe Doris Day show ... wu a demonstration .about Interfering parents. ALL THINGS considered, NBC's "Julia" and jts helpful hints are C<lllSiderably easier to lake ~ CBS's homilies wrapped around the ·person 1'f Miss Day. For One thing} the former ts a wittier, inore w1>ane hall hour which, while hardly a real· istic portrait of tho home and ollice life of a reg· btered nune, otln ha• plenty of spiri~ and that 'elusive quality called charm. , Miu Day can handle broed comedy with the ·best of them -she survived several Wldlgnlfied knoclts In the aeat of her tailored slacks and was '2>otooi!blY sffil'lll'Od with raw eggs in the most re- .cent outing. But the aeries Is beset by the kind of 4>Ucolic, tired stories that were predictable as far back as 1"The Donna Reed Show." It iS further af. flicted by a loud and misbegotten laugh track. . ONE OF THE great pluses of "Julia" is, of ·cours~. its forthright handling of Negro.white rela· ,liOniblpl. In the Tuesday night' show, the attractive ¢arecter played by Diahann carrou encountered .a touchy, militant football star obviously on the lookout for sllghta and puMowns. At the climax, :;Julia read the young man off, of course, and chang- .IJCI his life. : Somehow Miss Carroll'! winning ways and the 'persuasive writing permit what could be pretty itlck7 stufi to come off nicely. "Julia" week in and week ouly remains a bright new series that teally deserved Its niche among the top 20 shows. CBS HOPES to provide young audiences the same type of entertainment treats that its "Play· house'' baa given adults. The network plans to start la ''qiildren'a Playhouse'' with one or two specials Im Saturday mornings during the 1969-70 season. ttbe shows will consist of original scripts or adapta- liODI of books end according to the programming Vice president Michael Dann, the network will jlpeod between $200,000 and $300,000 for each pro- puc;tion. ' . : 'The network does not expect to mate money on uplil! effort, but the announcement comes at a e when the Satunlay marnmg schedules ol car- lioonl have been under heavy critical fire. i ' Dennis the Menace TUMBLEWEEDS Mun AND JEFF w+lEN I WENT 11'.l SCHOOL WE ALWl</5 STA~ED 'Cl.ASS BY PAAY\NGI GORDO MISS PEACH IS'TllAT llOWYOU PASSED YO~ TESTS? AIN'T YOU +1EARD ABOIJT 'T~E ISUPREME COIJIUS !WUNG WlllCM !!ANS PRAYERS IN SCHOOL? "RIERE ARE ~y CE!l:TAIN 'TIMES lr<I SCllOOL WllEN TEAOllER SAYS WE DON'T HAVE TO · FOU.OW~AT 11.UL.E! VOtl 90Y5 LOOK A 015GlfACE! HOW -VOt1 C<Mo\I! "ID SCHOOL WITH OfllTY l'AC&S J\HO SLOPPY C10'THIN5 C'.? • ----. ::. -. ~.: ... ··-· -···· -.... ·;::~ ., ~ OH··· \ By . Tom K; Ryan By Al Smith <-.•---··-..,_..,.._ By Gus Arriola By MeR i l 1-Z.l. Ji ' i..,.i..... ..... "'="'="'=~"""'l""'=-"""'~~--,,,,,,,...,...s;;::5::.___,,....c~~J!1'1!!!£..'.Jl1 ·-------------- - WEOJ,ESDA l ... ..--JC!.,, .... c.w .... ...-,. II (Oft) ~ ....... llhmll. ht looM. ..,,.. Dehl. Ditllt .... CiJ I .. tel (.., m-te1 (30) ID"""-l!OI""""" In °"'*"" ...... ~ loob .r lift llu:hJ ;Mt iMttlttM Triulk tM.a...k ...... •EMtll. .,_ .. _ 111 lllUI -tel l:JO D ._ I 1 ulw CC> (60) 12-.... -.... (Cl (60) . m.-.. .. , .. ...., <30J "ClatM!c lhl r11111r.· 1.,t11i• Ioctl· ..... .111111 ......, tip& lbaut amtcflll( )'DUI ~ifll ltoll1r. eimm-CCI J:OOll!llllllll - -tel (30) jj,llii """'"" D ..,., Mr I.Mt? (C) (30) m-CCI<"> m_ ........ (lO) ..._ tt.' nia.• A ...... tor till ..., ... llrid' .................. .................. • ~ tllllr flll'lllia r m W'illllltlilll GD Tr-« C•--{C) 7:31 B HRH Prince Philip is * your royal cuidt on 1 VOYAGE TO THE ENCHANTED ISLES 81111111 • -..... JC! (liO)..,,._ ........ " -"' ... ~-"'. llllffJ ............ 'I.., • "" -" _llo_ . ·--A i-. Colo ....... 5tt.-·-......... -·-........ 1 .... ..... . .. w ...... tll llil' ' l .. , -' llll ........ " .,,._., .... 'OVilintiOtL.. Mii' ,~.._. ----·..,... ,·· ·- Ill KRAFT MUSIC ' llAl.L * BQlllll ~N, .UDDY R~H, MARTHA REEVES .... 00 ......... "1 t&O)"!J'SouMI " ......... MbJ Darill ~ lialt. --.. tacldil Rich, lnn --.. •1rt111 -. •-te1•*'-~111 .. -. 22\ll't:'~ "'t.=:i ''4---Jtryy ....... I• 11111. K.nl11 WJl'ln, P'lll Klfril. .... l.n. An• th dlllttl ti• 111 M ... ill. hil prvdl # ! ...... M ... ~lll ... Wt1-.Alllll· ..., ............ ~ tr ............. " .. ._ ..... -m-•-.. AUO> ...... , 4 .... (60} .,,,,..,_ •JtR!llm--tel 1!111 Oinr Nii Ull Olltll• .. su.- ,«:W " .. -~ wfl• tlMJ w priclfm ...... ii tlle6r ..... ti h c:21Ht ....... _. ..i: . .._ m-te1 c:q.,. _. m-·-·-- ·--(!lj .., _ -ta ""' "'" ... , -fl!-T• (30) m .... ..,... . __ .,._, ... .E ... __ _ R . ...._,......_,. -·-111"" SIM•·---• Wiik• .a w • .. _.. fl 111r m. .......... ,.._......_ -~ ...... 1iMm11 ..... .,. ~~ ......... _l'!',11 ~~(30) .. U:lllD ... """.... , .. , .... ·~ • ......,y flnl) 'S7--wil!llR l....... Dwf)lf tlm.-ttl• MOil ""'1ner lflf 11111 HicM\1'11. 11~ ptA•ICllOI .t N '"" ei-·- 1:0011_ ... _ .... _ (drl~ '57~ ....... ..., B "The Good GU)"I" CorMd7 *HIT OF THE ·SEASON! ..... oa-1<1 •""-.... (Cl (30) -..... , ., --&ti &Oii to • llt " ..... "' sur,rbl 11trt .-• -... 1s tlil blrthdlf CD,_ .. a.1111 1111 fQ .,,. "-9"t """ ,.,_ " . ...... ._ l:JOID• ... -.: .,. Nl 0. o• • • -<Q <JO> Uk'" ...r,,..., ~ ..... "'lit' Mt WI,_ ,_.., 0.. I Oil."' THlJR':i0h" • 1 .. 0 ...... l• ""*"' (...., '44--.loll11 GarfW4, 0-. ....... __ ,,_ __ _ 'SZ-k luhl-. ......... -)-- DAmME MOVIES Z:OOID-... ---.,.,. (......,, 'Sz. "' ... Cerl· l:JID""" __ _,,,.. ..,....,.,,.. -(fmtl .. hllMll.,,... hf· UIO"M11 R _.. ~ ... ..... ·~-... -......... -..... (-............. _, •-lfll· '41 -..... Mndltll. P ' ._ """'-lllllMI ""-frfl!DI' ........ - ' • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Qnllty l'rhltl119 •lltf O.,..IMl•W. ~1 .. ,., ~ tll•• • Q •• , • ., •' • Cetlt.ry. PILOT PRINTING u11 war ·~·au. HIWPOU IUClt " --• ., .. • .. ti .. .. • .. .. .. .. ... .. -· ... s = ... .. ~~ , .. ... ·~ .. .... .. • ) ... ... .. .. ... tel ... •• -.... .. , = • .. - .... "" ' . • -.. ... .., *I" .. ""' ~· llll· - • Conii09 January 25 F~y~e.{dy What Every Family Needs-a-Hideaway from Life's Pressures BJ A. B. GUTllKIE, Jr. Tiiis Pufitut Prlu-wi .. ing aatfior 11199osts . a retreat where .,,,,, lllGy find peace and fulfill· ment in this crowded, jangling world. ALSO e SHE HATES HoLL YWOOi> ·-Prof ii. of S..t• Btrger, 1n Au1tr1ll1n beauty who CIG.n't mind bitinv-tlie hlond th•I fMCft-hff~ e CHOPPEll. COPPERS -A. high-flying report on experimental hellcopt.r police work in Lak9WON and other C11ifornl1 cities • DESIGN FOR '69-Words and pictures tell the story of current furnitur'e styles, moat popua.r woods and l1test1 upholstery fabrics · All Coming Saturday. i.11 the I DAILY PILOT J ~ 6RAllD OPBllll6 SPECW Orange C..nt" s,mphonfl • I SAVE . . ' ·, $1: , 1 PllUINT TJl/S.Al> • ....AHO. lll~llYE AJ.Jlll,QfF • : ON ANT .ORDlll Concert C~llist Highlights Chapman By TOM BARLEY Of IM Dally ...... SMff Lew~ made no mistakes nigh ruined by the ~flin& I .. _ · '' p :oo OR OVlll. ' with that brilliant, triumphant muttering and bd\Jriating clat· final movement. drawing ex-tering and bll\&lni , of those GENEMt: YEN'S ~:;[;~~!~~±~ :?.~~::.~~i:t;~:~~; . ~~.;:~~~=u:: : , '+ Jt may' &OUnd • a mite disrespectful to term cellist Mary LouUe 1;\yen's taJdng of holy orders as a loss to music but we write aolely as a music critic who had the good fortune Saturday night , to bear tl>il gilled soloist perform Luigi l!occberlnl 'I Concerto for VJollnceUo. Let us hope that Sister Mary's pufor;manct wifb• the Orange Coont,y Sy mp bony Orchestra at Chapman College will not be tier lUt such tem- porary abaDdanmrot al. the cloi>tered life. Thia talented member d. tbe Immaculate Heart ol lolary bnlUlbt to this beautiful concerto a perce~ Uon and Interpretation· which owed mlEh to a !)'DU)athetie orcheatr1 uoder the baton of director Imllel Lewis. cellent tonal color from .his ignorarni wbp eipect to 1 be I ~ Jleethoven1s pen when ·he far completion: .of tbe work created this happy symphony.,-J·~~~;d~~~~=·:_~~~~~OOOO~g~·U~NTmlLm'llJ~~l~Y~17~,~l?~Ht~~~~i We , have a soft . spot for !:r!':y~t's simply com. ~i!l!Jlit!J:JIJUIJR1J?1 ._ lhe tastefully renovated Chap. - man College auditorium bu! ' \#. Bocclaerlni gives us a bfiet, attracilYe •llegro the blgblight of Wbtil is a final slow passage, with arpeggios and cborde tbat enabled our soloist to utDift her artistry to the full. I Tl)e ~y'ety largo that follow.s is the -epitome of quiet sereni- ty with its subdued crescen- Auditions Slated for New Revue we have to quieUy coricede lhiat il .is not the· ideal local · for an airing of Beethoven's Eighth or any other warts does and !inat t r 1-n q u 11 of that dimension. cadence. It lakes us• into the ·It ls a superb arena for finale, a flowing movement the presentation of choraJ and .with a pleasine theme and, chambefl mu.sic but its near its end, a virtuistlc burst" 1coustics, we thought again of chortling and demanding Saturday night, leave much finer that found fllll expression to be desired in t h e in the, safe hands Of Sister performance of m a j o r Mary. orchestral works. At that,· it.s A pleasant concerto this , 1r limited confines are sU11 far rather light in tei:ture, and super,or to the airy, "Bald by no meam beyond the con-Mountain" echoes we used to siderable capabilities of our experience when. the orchestra competent soloist. played in the A n a h e i m Beethoven's Symphony No. Convention center. 8, that blithe airing or And, while we're on the bonhomie that so encliants our topic of · bygone days, Jet us concert audiences, provided add that this orchestra is· no o u r post-intermission en-longer recognizable as the tertainment and" there was lit-struggling' ensemble we once tie fault to find with conductor knew and which was..µie reci· Lewis' brisk interpretation. plent of sc.me cutting reviews It is a famillar and ever from us. There-has been a popular work that gets into vast improvement since Mr. its stride with a spirited and Lewis took the baton aOO it dynamic opening statement was richly evident in this ana a seconclary them that latest concert. borders on the melodic. The A final note on late comers ~nd . m o v e m e n t , a and the apparent docility Siqgers, dancus, actors and. distinctive~ lively al_l~gretto, is · dlsplayed towards them by muslclana Ile~ beinc ~t but a· brief traruntion to a direclot Lewis and all con· for a new musical comedy third 'rffOvement •that• can be-· neeted with> tbes~concerts:- to •· ~In or ,..n .. -rn hailed as the hallmark of Let there be a rule established .. -onge~v• with a scheduled next ""Beethoven-~-. qulet;-a.bnost · ..::.. ·MW -that -1a1e--arrivals --- wttk. demure approach to its theme, will not be seated untii ·com· Tryouts for the sh 0 w , gra~~ally rising by way. of pletion of the first work on "Gaslight Revue," will be . a. brief cresendo into a fervent the program. . ' " 4 l I STEREO SEN.SATION! -~ • The coiorful sound·ot •. - -Oranae Cpunty Music • -RADIO--KoeM 1omM-r. ·----' --- From Fashion Island; Newport Beach held Sunday, Monday and finale that brought to our ears The opening work 0 n Tuesday at Billie Jo's Dance_1som1. jjejjs~pjjlendiiiiiljjdjjhojjm=jiiw~orl<~. ~:;T,~S~al~u~rd;:a=y·~s~p~ro~· g~ra~m~w~a~s ~w~el~I ~1 ~~~~~~~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;:::;:~::;;;:"~~~;, Studio, 9612 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. The ~o,,, in t~e Garden Square Shopping Center; Auditions for actors will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, with dancers called for 8:30 p.m. Monday . Singers IDd musicians will be beard Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. Further information may ht: obtained by calling 539-3347 .or 147~. in&~ . IANIJAll~jSA:~E, . ' _ .. - nmmMEAGERS llAftUIUBICARD ••• MlNltl :MASnll CBAllcE ~ C8lllL #? t t «I ""'31 BROADWAY CHARGE IASTIAND cana. w..t eo• 1111.1141 <A t .. 9'we 0.b) FASHICIMraAND.Msu.-1 ..... _.,.....tU " • Carpet TCllWrl off.ers J'O'I o chbke of J <btinctn. styles Grid 39 tweed « IOHd thodes ..• kncurloul nylon pil11 diag1 IO b.outlful to l/w with and vet, 90 eosy to core for, These Gr9 derve ond pk.WI, certain to enhance the decor of Ol""f Interior. You holl"efl't _,, ott the wonderful ~bifit1e1 In 9hog until you've ~"1 the ~!ll(:tion ot Corpiet Town! · --COSTA MESA · 5Z4 W. ltllt St. ( Cor11tr off Harbor I 642-4305 WISTMINmR 15354 -IHti. fK·Mart C-• M.-•I 893·7'546 C...,.. T.,.. Aa111• Yett! , • Fint Qupllty O<lly • , • nc> 'll'CCl'1dl' ordJ$treswd Job . lots. .• Always -.. locfion & fast• MtVlce-froM atJr' . hl!go W"""°"'"· ·~-... *""'' fll\e .corpet1J19 oncl ••· pert 11\stallotion, ~1/lrc,~ ' I i I .. I I • ··i , 1 II U DAILY l'l\.O'I IS) U.S. lndustri~ Sets Buy Your Money's Worth NEW YORK (UPI) -U.S. i--. Ille., bas ~ to buy-llldulttlos, lie., of 1"IJ<lloYIU<, N.C., for: IUJck to be paid ..., the Gut Ove ,an.. 'l'bon11D!i mobs doon ml O I h er mil.....t 1114 ha• ....W Illes ot 11bout 111 miWon . Rich Kills Need Help, Too • , .. ' • ' • " ' • •' • • . ~ • . " ,, . . . • ' > . ,. -• ;, , .· , "'· ~ • . • , . • • • . , ' ' ,. --... . . • ' .. . ·' •• • • .. • • .. • i-. r ·' ~- . ~ • . -. . "' .. ---" Sure. For$13.50 .., FlgM'il .... ~-? ..... .. CellkmiL ........ .., °'* ...... M-~a1r--.c.1,._.._.. .,.. or PSA ... w'I pail JOI de• CU). The Men from·Merrlll Lynch Invite seasoned Investors to a speclal forum on technical ma.,ket analysis Here's a special program that's not for beginners. We want to meet with seasoned, experierced Investors who would like ID learn more about technical analysis. This session will include: • Tec .. nlcel analysis-definition olHI -· • ~ hi ponpedlvo lbor chcnts; p•l•t-0H .. fl9ure charts; ralorlwa ......,....d<.,,.,otcJ. ~ • TMllnkal theories of ......., octlon I .... spamlcatl•• cydr, ad• W anoty.. lls;IM ___ of _ot_, etcJ • • 1'IMm9 .. ,...i..... ..... ""''· • IAllMtry1reup behcrwlOf and .... int•· patlM ti fwndo111entol1 . If you· want to learn more about tech . nlcal analysis. come ID our: T-IAI -It AlolJlft ,.._ W1•11&11"J • .-.,. J••_, 2' lolltoCR_l_oflM .... ...,Cl. 1221 W. C-Hwy. Newpoot a-h •l•lloi .t 7:30 PM _, Uka to attencl? lhere'i no char9a, of coune, bu• s,.c• ls limited. So either uU Mrs. Walltr at 547·7272 or mail in .,,, coupon below . By SYLVL\ PORTEI\ "My twsbaod'.s income ts Ul,000 a year, so wt will never aee a nickel ol. College ICholarahip money for any of OW' four children, allltoujb every one of. them ii in the top lllth "" their clasa. w. estimate that it wUJ cost an LEGAL NO'l'ICE ...,,,,. CI•Tl,ICAT• 0, IUSIHEIS ,ldttleut ...... Tiit ~ "-certtty lie I 1X11M1uct1r9 • tMlneu et MOO E....,, A.t>t, 1i. c.11 Mesa. ea111om1 .. u- ""' ftct1flow flt'Ytl -°' • & I! Al"l'llANCE AEl'AIRS ...., t!Mot Ml.i ,.,.,. If ~ ., ""' ....... .,. _..,. ...... -In fuU •ncl l'IKe el rulfenc• II •• rot-.: ltlc;Nrd Allllllllln Sam11e._, 2ol00 Elditn. .-..t. 12. Co$t• Mew, Ctlllwni. DaNCI .....,_.,. 71, lNt •MMl'd A. S.-'-STATE Of" CM.!FOANIA OllAHGI: COONTY1 On -'-Y Jt. 1NI, beforw -· 1 Melt•.., "64C lft Ind for Mkl .Sl•lt, -llY ..... ,.. Alo:Mrt! Alltl/Slllf s.tnwts.t b-.1 to me ta b9 IN ...... ..._ -.. tubtc7111ed '° """ wllfrlill ININl'llnl allll Kknowlld9ecl ... tlleOltlld .. -· <Olftclll a..n Mary IC. Hmv"t' Hot..., l"ubnc • c.Mtoml• PrlnclNI Ol'flct In .,,_'""" M"I' C-lulon f!xplrfl Nov. 74 1'1'.I ll'uMbll9d 0......, C-t O.llY Pllol, .,,._,, IL 2f Mid FlbttHU'"I' S. 12, .,., llMt LEGAL N011CE average of 44,-a year to said eacll to college by the time ,they all ruch collt1• age. 1'hb will mean a tdt.aJ ouUay of $61.200 during' a perlod of only :stven years.'.• These are exctrpta from a letter I _,,Uy r<ceived. I quote it beelu$e I know a aimllar tale Could be told . by millions rl. other families from coul to coast. While. only 7 pertent of. our colleee lludlllts come from famillq lo the bottom quarter of our nation's income sCale, lbe tk)'rocteting cost of -a college educatkln i! a towering bUrJer to ch11qren of families in lbe middle to upper-midd.1e m.. come bracket too. My cor· "'6pOl!deot'1 pUght ii not uni· que. THUS, IT JS extremely beart.ning that r....,..ble proposall are now .being made to help children of the finan- cially comfOrtable as well as low-income families. Here's a rundown ot proposals -in- cluding several made last month by the Carnegie Com- mission in Higher Education -which wjll highlight the trends for you : -Creation el a national student 1oan bank from which any college student in any family income brllcket could borrow up to $2,500 a year. M you pay off your home mortgage over a period, so the student could pay off his college loan over :K)..40 years, in the form of a percentage of his poat-graduaUon income . Graduates movin& quickly into good-paYinl jobs would be able to "buy out" with interest any time they wished. ~ -A drastically expanded program cf "educatianal ap. portunity grants" !or otudents LEGAL NOTICR INVESTMENT COURSE Conducted by EDWARD McNAl'r Allied Member Nrw York Stock Exchange FIVE WIEK1. 'r SESSIONS . ICond•ns.d from Mr. McNary'• curr.nt 12 wt•k course at U.C.LA.) WodlnM7 Alt•--2:3M:30 p.m. Ja<•Y Zf· fob--r S..12·1'·2' Island House, Fashion Island N•wport Beach (Complimentary Admission ~ EDWARD McNARY. General Partner 0. H. Blair & Company Member New York Stock ~hange New York and L09 Angeles "~----·--------·-----... --------·-··-~ -:SI •J: ••• •. ,1 J ,. •' ' • • • ,, ..... _.. ............... tt fo-t v-· TMltttic•I M•r•.t AHlph hn111, WM-M.,, .... ,,., 2'. i• N•w,.,t '''''-· """''--------------~ ~'---------------OQo & _ .. ____________ ~Z l p __ _ 9 M•ARILL LYNCH, Pl•RCE, "ENNER & SMITH INC 1001 NORTH 11,ROADWAY, SANTA "NA '2702 'Tolopii,.., r.47-7271 for tho _..._ of -•tor• °"' offict II OI><" dcilfl 1 a.M.l.I p.M. ad Sah1rdaus 9 a.m.·12 uon.. ·~~~~~~~ •. ..,,. ~todo ... )wt t.o.Le orC6rll& CM, MUTUAL SAVINGS A 'NCI LOlo"' A••OCIA.T"IOfol 21M17 bat eee.t Hlghwoy • Conln1 Doi llw, Cll~. 92625 T1-675·SOIO ........ ._ ~Ii r. DOMIO k¥D. • P11$1«11A.. C#.W. t11e Tuesclay-Frlclay 11130 mn • 2t30 pm 1045 BAYSIDE DRIVE • • • • • • 67$·0200 . • I • • • t • ' • • • • ' • ~ a :'it ... :11: ... "' "' ... "' ... ·~ ... ... ... . , .. ' Tu~ay's Closing Cl&.) ... l.M01119Qe.r-----------1 -.. Prices - .. . . .. \ DAJl.Y PIUT C.Omplete List I l U DAILY PILOT LEGAL N011CE Kids Uke to Ask Andy LEGAL NODCE " '° Theater No~ ... Mesa Playhouse Opens 'Generation' By TOM TIT\lS OI *' bllltr , ... lttlf "Genoratl.o," a .. ., pl~ lhat ,tves a good gotng over lo both aides of the proverbltl g1p, takea lhe stage or tbe Costa Mesa Civic Playboult this weekend. The Wil.llam GOOdhart com- edy deall wJth an up.tight· father whose practiced cool fs treated to the acid tut when his dauahter and blppJe son-in-law attempt to do their own thing -Jn thlJ cue, deliver tbeir baby by the ~it· yourseU method. Guest director for "Genera-- tion" is Marthella Randall, whose last full length pro- ducUon, ''Mister Roberta/' also was mounted at the Civic Pla7hou!e. A veteran Orange County actress, she recently played thr: lead in the Laguna Playhouse's "The Lion in Winter" and appeared last season in ''Claudia" on the Costa Mesa stage. Heading the cast are a pair o( award winners -Bob Engman, best actor of the 1966-67 Costa Mesa season for ''Harvey;• and Francy Walsh, be.st actress of 191'7-61 in Laguna for "Slow Dance on the Killing Ground." Mare Caldwell mates his debut as the rebellious son·in- Iaw, with Paul Caldwell playing t h e wisecracking obstetrician. Completing the cast are Bob McCaa and Ed LltUe, the latter making bis MESA DIRECTOR Mortholl• R•nd•ll fourth appearance In the past si:I: Costa Mesa plays. Friday's openlog night b reserved for the playhouse's Patrons Association, w J th public performances scheduled for Saturday and nut Friday and Saturday. 1be playhouse is located in the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Fairground•, and tickets may be ordered by calling the Costa Meaa RecruUoo Department at au- 530.1. * * * Back on stage tonight for its final week at lbe Laguna O'Casey Play Mixture Of Realjsm, .f anl!lsy Crossword 4fi lll1krs ... ,, 4' Sllght~ blurtr 50 Send • •• , ... t S1 Rub out Sl 0 lst.ortlort of lflr tnth 55 DIY of-: Yom Klppw 58 Rust 60 Siient til Alexandet's nlckn•e •2 sirapto. of s ckness Puzzle Ytstefdar,"s Pm:lt Solnd: · l'la1boule la Ntll S1-'1 comec11 "The Star SPllJllled Girl" undf1' the dln<llon <l Kent Johmon. Toni Shear"' plays the Utle role wtth Joel T?oppe and lland>U Cobb complollne tho romauUc trtan1le. The abow pl•Yt u.roo,11 Saturday at Ille pllfboute, 319 Cleean A•e., Logwia Beach, with merva- tlonl available at -1. * * * Tbundu "The lncndible Rt.Ip ol. Good Kins Ubu" coo-- tlnlieJ it.I encagement at South Caul Repertory und<r the cUrectlan of Ron:J:n, who alJo authored acript for tbe mn•lcal aa · • Roeu Parker and Carol Kretzer take the major roles, sapporled by Steve de France, JtrTy P•lell and othon 'Jnr;::;r:=~::::====;ll mu1Up1e roles at the Thirdl I Slep Theaw, IBZ'I Newport • t Blvd., Colla Mesa. The boz ........ office number ii 546-1363. ••• " * * * TIEATEI At the Westminster Com· ~ ••f lllfT COIJ1 ..... ~v ',••·~iiiiiiii::;;~ ... ~-=·~:-:..:-=."·~-:::·:·~11 munily '!'beater, Doris JJJen1, takea over the leading female role In Aya ll&nd'• "The Night of January l&th" for this weekend's performances Fri- day and Saturday. Sa 11 y Crowley Is directing t b e courtrocm drama. Other major roles are being played by Jam,. E. Smith, Ron Fillan, Joe Swain, Ann FUUD. John Moran and Arvid Malnaa. The theater is located at Westminster Avenue and Golden We:it Street in the Westminster Center, w It b reservations available at ~ 5«3. '* * * "The But .Man'' enterl Its third wet.tend at the Hun- tington Beacl1 Play~J>i!b Don· Rhoades and !osep Carr facing off in a behind·tbe- scenea battle for the prealdtn- 1 Beach Sets 'Barefoot' Auditions Tryouts for the Neil Simon comedy "Barefoot in the Park" will be held Sunday and Monday by the Hunlingtoo Beach Playhouse. Directing the new abow wlD be David Maiville, curmilly appearing in the piaybOU!e's production of '"The B e s t Man!' Maiville, a newccmer to Huntington Beach, ii a drama t..i:ber In Pasadena. Four men and two women are required for the cast of the play. The readings will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Monday. "BareCoot in the Part" wru open March 21 for a five- weekend nm at the playhouse, 2110 Mlln St., HunUl!gton Beach. ··--c...---Rg I lmary$ Bllbv ·,...;.... JotJnC111au1111 1ldwocclb" .... ....,_,.,,. -·~-lcr ..... ~l-·- ALSO PLAYING J•n• Fond1 in ''BARBARELLA'' ""' Tllln1 ,, f'IUl!Jle In "THI IMPOSSllLI YI.A.IS" • COLOR e '•!er U1lloov e Cot.OR e "HOT MILLIONS" Dram• 1tla S-•I A11n Arll.ln e COLOR e "T'HI HUIT IS A LONILT HUNTlr J11'1t FOl'ld1 e COl..011: e "IAllAllLU. .. 5e1n COllM!''f e COLOR • "SHALAKO" llWIU!~ bl Moved •IGI rapidity 11-ffaute 1 z I idwts""' cu, 1/21/H _.l Rish splld _.Z Dtcruse ----,.._nm I T!:~~I~ =•~::. 64 CorrK\: Var. fi5 RrlllfetlDt OOH 13 Fold la clotll 19 Till di.,_ ... -peak l Opera 22 N1SS«'1 heroine rt=:u!'*· 2. Golf club 25 P .3 Ptnn51l.anl1 2• G kit city land 4 Insect tf-de ~ 5 D1nlsb 21 Do agrtclll- tMpoHt' ural watt ' New Yott 2' lnttf'latta'r ch111eter rlvtr 7 HI Ying .30 •COltpf'I ntetSSlf'J 32. Ntcessllles power JJ lelpc:I\: 8 FONnrr Collctq, Frtncll l 4 Push afoog coin JS Spanish , Var1111 ,,.lt'flnc• of color 17 Uncovffff 10 Slllp 40 fettered r.duallr. wolds "~~. 45Tlllctness llOSION SllW"'"R -c-·--- Wiit -~------- ''THI IOSTON STUNGLll" Mldleel C1!ne e COLOR e "DIADfAU." ,.,, •• , ~ t. Hl ·WAY 39 -,. •• -.~. -!!"'!'" ·--u ~:.,~• IOU WI UJll llEll vnstfs ,. I 47Cts11UC .. · lnfoMll 41 Act .• _,,, '""·""'1llllltlllt ·Cob~~, .. 49 Plants I• steubott -------SIU ·---...,.......,,.., """rli>n lr1nclo e Cot.Oii e "TH! NIGHT Of THI POLLOWIN• DAY" J~lt Lon:I e COLOR e "COUHTllRIT llWl'" ...... , ... ootll::;====~~~~~~~~~~~ll n 1'1rt ,, llodJ If SJ ldta: Cab.tor. 54 Swls1 c9tJ 56 ., ..... In Clllll1 57L"'Vt-S9 Dry: C•ft. ,_ tl1ernesa ' • r , 1 f"\ :, ' ' Ii• ·.~ .'.111 .. '! /,N. t·: ~·!}{JI\' IN c-1~rA f,lf')J', llUPHONI 541-1552 FOi INFOIMATIOH HELD OVER ANOTHER HAPPY WEEK "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN I This is a picture of the "-perfect embenlerl Piiier UstilOv. Maggie smttl KMMaklen HHot Mllllona .. •• '' r-.. i.; ·- / Uj/t-,,l ~ lltl u ... ,....., .. "HOISE lo Tiie GUY FLANNEL SUIT" ,Ju, "WINNIE flt! POO" c:..ttu... s.t •• s-. 1 :JO,• """ 6:41 ,., .. ._ ..... ,.,.._ - ALSO .. PAPER LION"" l,.r)""t"''" -_ llo>i"•! l• I· I onH AT 7:11 SHOil SULllCTS 7:JI fL\TUU 1100 -On• Showi119 Onlr-- HELD OVER 4TH WEEK! Still n. ......,, Skw I• T•wa l ThiB is lle$min. He's a little worried aboul his future. IT JS LIFl ITSELF , •• RAW BEAUTY IN AU ITS AWAKENING! AT THE E!'ITRANCE TO LIDO ISLE l'JioH 67J-8J50 THE GiiiJTIATE ANNE BANCROFT ..,DUSTIN HOFFMAN ALSO D1vld Niven -Debor1h Kerr "PRUDENCE AND THE PILL" l~;.!J •-.r· ........... ... 1~ l'OllllO!\!lj ...., •• HELD OVER-5th WEEK WINNER OF THE NEW YORK CRITICS -· AWARD FOR BEST ~--··181111 PICTURE AND BEST ACTOR -ALAN ARKIN AM A~ a.t.1W ,.,,... l•lt N..,._. .m: ........ ._. .......... UIL4ml Ull .. rwo FIRST RUN SLEEPERS _____ _ '"· Shew ,......,. 7 r.M. ..., s.t. ~ S... "'"' I P.M. ... ~~~----~-~~-~-----~---------------~ S,..... ~ P.T.A. M~ ..._..._ ....,._.. S... 10c-12:JO • • I f Beat The Summer Rush! TIAOI NII YOUI DOUOttlOY POOl HOW l'OI nu,y WJM.J-IH 'OOI Swimming Pool SA LE llAllT ll11Mt.D. POOL-'S1369 llCTANGUW 3 TO I FT. Diii • COMl'UTl\Y INSTAUID INCLUDES' fl!\ £ii\."'1"1111' ~..rll"ll l;;. I Y-.,,.._,,. NO ELECTRIC I I COMBINATION POOL & POOL TABLE SALE 100/o OFF of TOTAL! AMF POOL TAILE ~-V1"'9 519CJOO I I 23 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM BRUNSWICK $495 $45ftA Billiard Tabl1-Priced from I. .. I. UV 100% FINANCING BUI T1bl1 T1nnl1 TIJ ., IYlll• . WllT WftlT""' 0 ! L U--X ·e-8 LA TE: TAILCS 111d FFIEE ln1Uill1tlonl Ill& IT NOWJ Llfttlmt a .... ,. llllMd. Slate Pool Table$ WE TAKE TIA.DES SfCARD POOl 328 -;,l. M~I~...!. ORA1'J· ;-£ ' ~;_, i · OPEN 7 DAY$-11.00TO 7,00 SUNDAYS lHIO TO 6.00 CAU NOW 532·1992 W-..,, JMUll'f 22, 1'169 DAILY '1LOT J1 2'--..ter Countians Take Off To Islands Stern-drive Craft Popularity Soaring By E. LEE PAYlll!l Oi' ... Dltlr ..... ,...., Popularlt1 ol lbe oltm drive boat -someUmes called In- board-outboard -conUnuea to soar, according to the Boating Industry Association. BIA said sales of the I-0 craft went from virtually zero In 190 In 38,000 unlll Jul year and may top tbt 11,000 mark th1t 1ear. 111 chief 1ppeal lo boalmen appears to be the com.bJnadon of outboard maneuverability wllh Inboard en1tae performance and economy. Had enoulb of winter'• cold and raln1 Wouldn't you rather be •boanl your .... h-lool llCbooolr lO a IUMJ troplcal port ~ h1 the mojelllc pua ol tile ..,. tlve vq].CIOOH of three M- llooaT 1bat II whtro 11-y...- old Bob P1yne o1 Balboa llland 11 beadinc. C,oq,muniC.rllillal IS COMING SOON ::;.. .... .;..,J::.-""'""" ... --'""'"""-.;." DAILY ,ILOT ...... f>MI• CHARTING COURSE -Bob Payne .. Mark Delwiche and Robert Johnson (from left) plot next. leg of two-year, 3,500-mile cruise from Caribbean to New· port Harbor aboard ~masted schooner, Goldfield. While semq u dd ol· ll<et aboard a G-Line fnl&hter OD the S 0 U t b . American run, Payne and fellow Merchant Marlne or. fleer F.d Engemann, %1, of Garden Grove became in- terested in the Goldfield, a l~foot, two-masted llCbooDer that can1ed coconut. from San Andrei Island. hi the Cartbbean to Cartegena, Col· '""hla. They mode ae ofter to the 1hlp'1 Colombian owner which , to thelr surprise_ wu accepted. Payne, 11and sin~ everyone Fonseca. This 4{1.mile long, Second Engineering O[flcul~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ had his sextant, we had 1i1: nearly landlock ed gulf is Mark Delwiche 22, of Davis, navigators. We took a dally bordered by Nicaragua, Hon-Calif., came along a s average." duras and El Salvidor. Here, engineer, not for the Goldfield F An SAJLEll After untoadinr 120 tons of cocom1ts and dill:posl.ng of 3l Alter a two monlh layover surrounded on every side by which a! yet has no engine, r 1 t 1 1 n d nu mer 0 us on the palm.fringed, coral the maje.'!tic peeks or smoking but for the used 1961 station cockroaches, the two new ship sands of San Andre!, they volcanoes rising from the edge wagon that Payne bought to owners found that they had set out on the shake-down of the guU, the Goldfield Set· transport all their equipment acquired one ol the fastest cruise, the 220 mile crossing tied in for a few months of back to El Salvador. sailers ln the cartbbean. Buill to the Panama Canal. 'nloogh rest and repair while Bob ~L\DE READY ln 1933 ln the Grand Cayman each of the nilors bad worked Payne flew back to Newport As soon as the new hands blanda, .she and her sleet merchantmen from Calcutta to buy supplies and recruit join the rest of the crew the to Cur DOI h d a new crew for the nei:t leg alllen had dominated ~ acao. one a any aboard the Goldfield, the ship ter--island trade for t w o experience under sail. of the v~yage. will be made ready for her 1eoeraUons unW hurricanes, "We discovered so11e basic SIGNED ON next voyage, the 800 miles careleu handling and com· differences b e t wr. e n a Chief Radio and Electronics between La Union a n d petiUon from the internal freighter and a sail boat, but Officer Robert Johnson, 31, Acapulco, with a wide detour combu&Uon engine took their the passage was relatively just in oU the ammunition around lhe stormy Gulf of toll. uneventfr11", recalls Payne. run to Vietnam, was signed Tehuantepec. 'I1>e Goldfield was the last A Guatemalan . shrirnper _on as radio o~tQ.r.1 ~vld_ed_ !!@b Payne and E d ...urviVGr·-of her-breed-a~d,-towed ~ Go-mif10 througli he brouifilltla own equlpment. ~nge~ann have brought .the when not loaded down with the Panama Canal to Balboa He plans to have station Goldfteld a -thousand miles coconuts, she aalled like a where three of the crew Jelt K1MLl-l on the air from El from the Caribbean in the dream. Though gaff rigged to 10 back to work. Salvador by February l. last six mbnths. Another 2,500 now, she had originally car-miles will bring them to ried top masts and eight work· THREE LEFT Newport Harbor and, at the ing sails. That left only Payne. Boals Head rate they are going, they Engemann, Bob Hall ol San should anive aomeUme l n 4 CLASSMATES Francisco and Henny Penny, 1970. lf it were you, would A call 'I; bj Payne and the ship's cat, aboard the LA you be in any hurry? Engemarm for crew members Goldfield. With one voyage For Big brought rOur fofmer California already under their belt!, they Maritime Academy felt ready to tackle the aoo. clW1111les, •II licensed ,.. mile trip from Panama to Boat Show cood offlcen ln the United El Salvador. States Merchant Marine. Tbey After 18 days of dead caJms now had alJ: officers and no alternating with raglng storms crewmen. Who would do the born in Costa Rica 'a Gulf of work? Papagayo, they finally an- "We used the captain-for-a-chored safely · at La Union, day .,.tem," izplaln'ecl· El Salvador In the Gulf of I See b~ Today's Want Ads • When You Care Eoough. • To serve the very best, serve It on a beautlful col· lection of din1n&: furniture, Thia Romweber 11tt lnclud· ff • table and g chain. The table la of burled WU.. nut with tuk inlay, .et on a pedesW. The oval shape is 1lx foot k>ng, bu.t can be extended to a lenath of ten 1eit Thil elegant set qlnally 90ld for $2800, but owner hi sacrilldnc-for $950. , olJN it now! e Rainy D a y Probleru? Roo!in& rtpair Huort. no leak too 1mall! ReUOD- able. • Don't foraet to submit your Dime a Line &di tJe.. fore 3 PM Frkla.Y! Boals of all forms and descriptions are beginning to arrive in Loll Angeles from across the country and across the sea -and by just about every means except water as the opening date approaches (or the 13th annual Southern California Boat Show at the Pan Pacific Audltorlwn. There will be more than 400 boats Ip this 11how which opens Fri4ay and continues t-gh Feb. 2 -Including the Iargest boat ever displayed In the ahow, the largest boat ever to be displayed afloat on land, and the first boats ever shown from Great Bri- tain . WHOLESALE.I elearanee month at Fashion Island,, NeUJPort Cente1· Firtt Aatt to arrive was the 56-foot Car riCraft Catamaran Cruiser, a luxury power craft which will be the biggest ever exhibited at the Los Angeles show. Soon to arrive is the ~foot Cata-Cruiser, an octan going houseboat which will be displayed afloat in a special 70.-foot long tank to be con- structed at the Pan Pacific. Britain's first participation In the West Coast show will include It boats from England and ScoUand's I ea d 1 n g designers and manufacturers in a special elhlblt area 1ponsored by the British Board of Trade. The show baa expanded to 200,000 1quare feet of exhibits. Boets are arriving by truck, tra.iler and train from virtually every major manufacturer in the U.S. 5 Rescued From Boat MALIBU (AP) -The Coast Guard Tuesday rescued five crewmen who abandoned the 112-foot work boat Rigger One l~ tioun before it capsized Jn heavy seu off Malibu. A Coast Guard cutter was unable to tow the Rigger to safety. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC To mab reem fo1 1969 lncomlnr lnv.ntory wt mwtt cloee out oll 1961 pot· 19rn• •ncf .,.cial rvn1 tf oll qu•llrit1 91 co,,.1. ACRILAN ACRILAN SHAG Tip Sh11r1ll SeroR "tttMI, HtlYJ r• lillt~ one Inell thick. Gold, bl111 Dtop, n•h "'1fl modt ftr m1ny y1an of bt1uty I w11r. 9111n1 grttn, btl91 I mtrtlnl. Anfiqut Golll, Sunfloww Gold, THIS 5 A CLOSE OUT. kl11t . llG. 14.ll SQ. TAID IEG. lo.tS CLOS! OUT SPICIAl NOW 5,85 ~~: NOW 5,49 :g: CAIPIT ONLY CAIPIT OffL Y NYLON SHAG DUPONT 601 II Vtty tltht twbtN, ht1t ut, Thli 11 t 1111 Llbtl 501 N nylon yn. Made for ttlt 1r11 with htny trtffk. Ont c*r only, ''""' """- 111.0. fw lltt htlYJ trtffic 1n11. Ml"Y colon tt dtoHt """· SOID AT WOl!IG IT 0 II S SllN AT OTKll STOW FOi US Pll THO INST. FOi 7.45 Pll YAID OUI Piia 5,84 ~: OUI PllQ 4,75 ~: lrott1llH lritlll41fl1 Htl•y f11111 ,1dfl"t CAIPIT DNLY BRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES - EXTRA SPECIAL "ONE WEEK ONLY" ROUS, ROU ENDS GIW! 4Ylf 700 Rt1nMNltl. Frotn car U. ,. room a.. ::: 1'' ;l' . KODEL SHA& Ovw tM Inell thick. Y 1 r y plush ""4t for tht MMn famny. lotks Hk• wool, f11l1 Ilk• wool, wean llkt """" Cl11n1 btttw than ';'li tthtr. SOID AT lWIHG S DllS FOi US HI SQ. TAlt OUI PllQ 4, 90 :. CAIPIT ONLY SPECIAL ROlL EIDS IO TO IO IQ. YAIDS Koftls, Nyloru, AcrileM, Wtob. All colon. YAlUIS TO 14.IS flOM 2.87 IQ, YD. '"Mitt ttllt....., ftr Him. TIMy _., lad. Fht COllll, Flnt 9lhl PLEASE PHONE FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 58 wonderful stores now clearing The Rigger One belonged to Global Marine Inc., and had taken aboard anchors from lbe Global drillin& vesoel Ow One when It began sink· 1ng. Tbe aitter Venterous came to the rtSCUt. 1000 SO. YDS. Of IXTli HIAVf rtu1!1 1POIYISTll SHAO OYll ONI INCH THICK. MADI TO OM YOU MANY YIAIS 01 llAUTY & WLU. ONI COlOI ONLY OllClAN OUY~ THIS YW~ NIWIST COLOI. 6 95 ~ COMPLETE INSTAWD HOUIS DA~ Y t TO I.JO SAT. t TO S SUN. 11TO4 top quality men:hlndlae during this traditional clearance month. Convenient parklng ••• Courteous Sll\'ice. FASHION :,J ISLAND lfBWPOaT OllllTma .wr.afl•wwl • ,.. H_., ..... ...,' 1--NO MONIY DOWN AND Ul' TO J6 MOS, TO rAY L & J ENTERPRISES INC. GRINIE OOUllTY'S LAR8EST WHOLESALE WAREllDUSE 2406 s. MAIN SANTA ANA ONJ ~:.:-Of -Phone 549.3349 - ·+ ----·---------·---------------------------------- • I ---=-~ . . . :t!I OAlLY PILOT Wtdnesday, Janu•ry 22, 196~ LEGAL NOflCE LEGAL NOTICE Ancient Romans Losing Their Heft!ls ...,__-YAR.DAGl SALE!--. ' ... . ~ ROME (AP) -A lot of ancie,nt consuls, 1 e a al ors, th le v e 1 ~ ()(ID-left starillnR-he~d!ess. They ancinot Romans have been warriors and oraton. . ml!slontd ID IOIPPIJ . antique do no! looi partlculorly oot losing lbelt heads. NotJJlueb can bl> done about statue frqmeab ID a elm-ol place that.,,..,, Tile city's superintendent or IL '!be statuea an IOA!ltftd destine market. Bui one 8omt neW1paper, antiqames reports that II old along miles ol -lks ~ SOme beads eveotually .,. II M..,.g.,.., e..,...,...i some ,lllirble slillue• in city parks parks and ID odd ooolol and recovered in and ......i fun for Ille lvjure. bave been dtcapllated sioce corners of ancient Rome Rome, decoratlna mod e t n "U Wt keeps up." the (1162. , whleb in uocaurded at Dlcht. . villu, 'Ille besl lrwJPIMDll and -per Aid. "'llle time The big VUla Borgboie Put Aulboritiet doubt U Jhe moot ol the beado probably wlll come ,... when there UP TO 1/3 OFF! FINAL WEEKI!! a l•"de4 w •• 1, a l'olyatftr D•11iil1 Kilil•' e Y-1..ft e S.tlille tr.4:~" a .a 111,•nf 1n•,. -stlect f~l.rtc•I &anlcAmoriaRI Muttr cu '" ... th FABRIC CENTER 4U E. 17th St. 111 1rv1.,._c .. 11 - In lhf Creotvle,w C.ni.r • 646-4544 in the centtt of Romt Jost bebeadlog is .the work d.' van. fl.Dd their way Into tbl bands won't be a penooaae iD Rome heads of a satyr. two Hermes dala or even souvenir hunt.en. of coDecton abroad. -at least tn marble -with iistiiiaiiituiii'"iii·iiiii•ndiiiiiaiiiiibiiiaJiiif iiiaiiidozeniiiiiiiiiiii'I'her btlleve ft'• dono by 'llle. beheaded .-.,. a head 00 bls~sboo~~·ldon.~~,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGAL NOTICI;: .. ..., CERTll"ICATIE 01" llUSINll!SS FICTITIOUS HAMii! v-e und•rS!gNd dDe$ ~lfy r... Is • ... m:n ' aifti:luctln; • bln.IN'U at lSl»-B E. CE•TIFICATI OF e\,ISIMfSS c,,.11 Hlw1v, C~ dtl M.lr, Callfoml1, FldltloVI Flpn H1nw. under Ille 1!ctltloo1 !!rm MIN of EXOTIC ~ l/noXl'$1Uned doell Mt"m ~rtl,., R(EF AQUARIUM """ '""' wld firm tn.t p,_ 11 eofldvctll'll 11 Fn*nuf•cturor'• 11 c.omPOsl!d of the tollowlr>11 s>erM>n, ~ep~l1tlve buslMSi 11 •n lndlYlduel wlw:>ff name In lull 1r>d Pl.&Cf! of re1ldenca 11 J0.11 si>1r1l1W Drive, Hunl!1>11ton Beath, Is 11 follows: C1tlforni.. under tlw fldll~ firm na~ C!lllcrd L Krill, ll'Ot Raymond, of RAMTROL COMPANY, and that said Costa MUI. Caflfornil. firm fl QlmPQWd of 1he tonowlng per10cn, 0110<! J1n111rv ~1. 1%?. whoM name In tvll 1ne1 pLaa of resldeflal Cll!lord L. l(rafl la 11 lolk1W1. Jl>Wll; State of Calltcrnla, Or1nv1 Count\": Mld!Ml F: "R1ml111L 51).11 Ssl•rlllw On J1nuatY 21, l!Nf, before me. • f Of'IYe, ~ Bild!. GtUfOrllla. Nol11V Pi!DI!< In UICI for 111d ..Stll1, Wl1-s m, .NllCI lhl• 26th div ol Pl!TS<>nlllV 1-.erld Clifford L, ICrall • Oeamber, IN*.· ~t>Own lo l'M 10 be ti.-i>erion whose 1 Mldlffl F. R1mlre1 · n.me ls •llbscrlbed to the wl1hln 1,.. !*'~ S'TATE Qf<-(Al:IFORNIA~ 'lrij~nd· 1t~lt69fld-he--e.iw.! COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ss. the .$o1me Oii tlJLll 2'11'1 d1y cf Oec.mber, A. {OFFICIAL SEAL) • Not1rv Publle In 1tnd for .aid COl.lll!Y Nollrv Pubnc.Calllorni1 J O. 11161, be!ore Inf', the v..aers/onr<I, Onneh V. U!t i -.>CS Sl1te, rnktJ.., lllel'tln, .,IV corn· Prlndpal Offla ln 1 { m lL'!lloned and IVllOl'TI.. ""'IOl'llllr'•-•.-.d Oranve CDUnfJ' ~\ Mlchael F-1t1Wtilre1, 11-n fD me la • MY Commlulon EIUllres i be Ille ~ wfloMi Mmf' b k>mcrlbed Maret! 11, 19n _ - I lo ltle Wlfflln lnstnwnrnl, 1...:r .ctcnOwledli-P11blls/'lr<I Oranot C1Hsl 01lly Pilol, _ eel ro ..,., llwlt !'4,exl!'allecl the Mime. J1.,u1ry 22. ?t and Ffllruarv s, n, -~ In WJffteu 'M'lereol', t hi.,,.. hem.into 1• 1074' ~ wt mv h.9f!d llNI affixed nW offki11 Hal tti. div 1iid" veer In 11111 certHlcate LEGAL NOTICE fl"'"' 11>ov1 wrltl..i. . • ($EAL) SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 'fl DCMld C. ~lmbrr. THE STATE 01' CALIFORNIA IH AND I~. Notary Pub lo<: -C.lllornlt POil THE COUNTY OP OllANGE PrlnclPal Office, NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION Le. Anoelrs County ll"OR AUTHORITY TO MOOIFY CON· ~ \ Dellald C. Kimber, Atty. TRACTUAL AGREEMENT (LEASE) 6lt S<tultl Sprlnl No. A·WlM } Lts AltMlu, C11if, tllllt In the M911•r cf tM Cons.ervalorsfllp n51-0C of ROBERT LEst..IE &ARNESON, also Publ!lhed OranOfl Co.HI Oal!~ Pll!lt, knowfl IS ROBERT L BARNESON, also J1...,1rv l, 8, IS, 7L 1969 ~ knowr. as R. L BARNESON, Cor1$ervalee. l ' ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE,_. 11111 LEGAL NOTICE T~ ..,nk OI CaUfornla, Nlflonal Aslocla------------~~0111on, 111$ flied hertln a Pt!l!lon for 15UPl!RIOR COURT OF THI! ST,t,~ A1111>orllV '° Modify Contrsclual "8r-OF CALIFORNIA ....,,, conorrnlnv pr®«fy -ned by The FOR THE COUNTY OP OllANGI! Clln>ffValorthl1>, dHcrlbed as lallOWI: Hi. H~ Thalia certain prem!HS with the SUMMOf\15 •1>1>urtu1ances, tllualed rn N-rt CLIFTON $. SMITH, also known a' Boach, CounlV cl Orantt, Stalo cf c. s.. !>MITH, Pl1lt1liff, vs, J.P. TERRY CallfornJa, a!ld more 1>artlcularly Ind ANOREW 8. TERRY, twlband 111d aescrlbed ., follOWS.-lo>W!I: t wiM: VICTOR TERRY and DOROTHY Storet L arid M, ld Rlverilde Avot1u•, \ L TERRY, husballd and Wilt; OSCAR Mlirlne" Cenler, Ntwl>Or1 BH<.11, G TAYLOR and JANE DOE TAYLOR, Ca!llarnla, known If "Mariners &ottlol t hls wife, It m11rrled1 EV E L Y H Sllol>". I BRACHMAN· JOHN L SWANNER and R'1erence to ....,,,di b made for further \ JANE DOE' SWANNl.::'R. h11Shllld ind Part1culart. and lh•t "" time and 111ace Wife· OE,t,N J TH,t,TCHER and MARION cl httarl"ll the Slime II.et be&n set J THATCHER hustw'"d ind wlft· JOHN Ill!' Jat1uarv 31, lNf, 11 9:'.ICI a.rn. Fe THOMPSON and LOIS I THOMPSON Ill lhe courtl'tlOnl of Department ND, · . . ' 3. of tald C<M.lrt, 11 JtlO West Eighth 11111balld and w•"': GLADYS C. HARRIS; $~! Jn Iha Citv el S.nll Al\f , HERBERT GLeNN PREST 0 N ; c.onta~la ' I HERBERT G. PRESTON! DOROTHY Oa~· JBnu•ry 20 190' JANICE AVANTS: MARJOlllE FERN . w e ,; •o,·· WHITACRE1 FRANK G. HEOR•CK and cO....t.-Cte~k ' RON; STELLA BARRON1 HELE~ ~ SH<;h, C11lt-rnla ' , I N,t,OINE L. H~ORIC, husband ftf\d w1M; ROBERTSON, HOWSER a GARLAND DONALD HENRY FOSTER; RAY 8,t,R. 4UI C..mpllf Oriv• ELLIOTTJ EUGENE E. FORD; MtH-AfllrM'f's,.,. P.tlli-r ;; • HESOTA OIL COMPANY, • C1tllamla Publllhl!G Orantt Co.1! OallV Piiot, f' corpor11!on; HOWARD SHUGART ind J...uarv 21, 22. ?t, 19'9 11,--69 " JANE OOE SHUGART, his w~ 111--------------1 , married; ESTER. MAROWITl; J. 0 . LEGAL NOTICE ( L0"1G; SOVTH PARIC PRESS INC., • ccr-por1llon1 COOROt NATEOl--------------1 ~ \ EQUIPMENT, ' Calllornla CCfl>Qrallon; P ):t:22S >:J 9 THE TEXAS COMPANY. 1 corpor1!kln; BAR nn ~ I HUB OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA: CERTIFICATE 01'" I USIHESS WALTER J. SCOTT and JANE OOE FICTITIOU$ FlllM NAME · j SCOTT. M' wife, II tnl!Tlr<I; OWEN Tht Undersl11Md don hereby cerlllv ·" E. J,t,CICSON 111d JANE DOE J,t,CICSON, 1111! ho Is condudlng a busll'>ISS (as , \ l!ll wife 11 married· SCOTT·J,fr,CICSON In lndlvlduall al :115 Wnl Tlllrd Street, : OIL PR6DUCERS, 1 'pa rt 11 fr th I p ; S.11la ,lr,Ni, Callfllrnla, un<l<!r ~ llctlllou~ W° ~ UNITED STATE!> OF AMERIC,lr,t VEii.A l!rm t1ame Of M.ULTl·SAFE CO. and l L. POTT$, E~ecutrl• al fl!e Eslale Illa! .akl f!rm " c:oml><>M!d of lh• r cl Edward H Jackton also iv.own klllowl"9 per10n. whose .,,...,.. In lull ~ , 81 E, H. Ji~luan. dec°eased: c. E. and. Place al retldenc:e I' IS lol111W'I. 1 MEEICS; $TATE OF CALIFOll.NIAt fo.wil : . ~ BERT F, ~ANUS. ODlno buslnen Arlhvr N. HtW'I, ]6J(I~ Vl1 V1tlcrl1, ' IS MUTUAL CRFOIT BURFAU: F. P1lol Verdn Penlnsulft, C1Hfornla. ! \ A. llURICETT and JANE DOE 8URICETT. Daltd Oeambtr 21, lf6*. : hll wile. 11 marr!e!CI; THE COLWELL S'fATE A0~u~~.F~:;:A ) t COMPANY, a C~1Tlor"l1 ccrporatlcm: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I BELMONT SAVINGS ANO L 0 AN ,,.. U. 'I. ' ASSOCIATION. 1 corporation: FIRST vn December 27, 1968, beto ... rne. ~ AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE ANO II Notary Public In 11\d tor Mid C11vn!v I , TllUST COMPANY, a eor11oratlon; ROY llld Slate, peroonally IPPt!lted Arthur ,;;,I I CRAWFORO nd L 0 U I S E W N. Htw1 know" to me lo ~ !lie ~ \ CllAWFORO l>u~~nd ind wll~· SFCURI; ~"10n -whoH name 1, substrlbrd to I TY FIRST 'NATIONAL BANiii GllACE IN wllllln Instrument, Ind ackr10wled~ed , j SUMMERS: R. L BALLARO; UNITEO to me ltlat ho execvltd the s.&me. STATES CREOIT BUREAU. INC.: H. w11 ... en my hand •rid .eal. ,• F. SCHULTZ alld JANE OOE !>CHVLTZ, OFFICl~'ioi~:~LH4I" hi• wife, ll anv; ERNEST G. TOM_S N'llll'Y f.ubll' -Calttorn!i I' and JANE DOE TOMS, Ills WI!~. ti Prlhc:11>al Ottlce In 1ny: GEORGE WILLISTON Ind JANE Cout1tv ()I Ora1111f \ OOE WILLISTON. 1!!1 Wl~. II ~nv : MY Commlulon Ex1>lrH $, s. WOLD end JANE DOE WOLD, A .... U, 1tn Ill• w!fe, !f m11rrlf!d; W. IC_ COMPANY, YOUNG, PRIMMER & t!IWS, Attys. • cor1><1•1tlO<'l1 RICHFIELD PETROLEUM SIS Wttl T~I,,. s1 ... t Cl'IRl'ORATION CIF c AL IF 0 RN I A ; Saft!• Aq C1llt.rnla ft1'11 FR,t,NIC S. GUTHRIE and BESS l. Pub!lsfled Or"a1111t COo!sl Dallr Piiot GUTHRIE, husb11nd and w!~: MARIA Jenuary I t, 15, 21 !Hf nf4"'8 J LAPHAM; J . C. OARE and VIOLAl---'--'c_; _ _;;;c' ------- V. DARE; CORA FOllO, • WIOOw; LEG" NOTICE HIJMllLE OIL ,t,NO RFF!NtNr. CCIM· rw.t PANY. I ccrporallon, STAND,t,RO OIL l-----~.,-,.--,-------1 COMPANY OF CALIFORNl,lr,; HEMLOCK P·.= >, OIL COMPANY, I ~~r!n,rilllo; J. llA ·UIS , J 6Al(ER and JANE DOE B,t,ICER, CERTllllCATE" Ofl, COltPORATIOl'I , h if wit~. If married; GEORGE CANTOt: DOI NG ' I UllNISS UHDE• ,ICTITIOU$ Mid JANE DOE CANTOR:, h!i w~; NAM• If married; WILLIAM A. BUTTRAM THE UNDEJISIGNEO CORPORATION ' and LOU E. BUTTRAM, ll~nd and clilfll hllrebv certffr tllll It la concluctll'l!I wl~l WILLIAM A. BUTTR.l.M, Trush•~1 I buijd[nt 11'd strvctvral Qlnl!N(flon C-MARLES P. McKENZIE and J,t,NE Ill tenti..el contrlCll,.,. bonlnew al Union DOE MclCF.N71E, Ill• wlf•. If m1rrled1 Bllllc $Ciuare, Nortfl T-5'.tlle .eoo.1, T, l. RHOOE$; OLIVEt: V, INGE1 Or11111t, Gtlllomla f?UI, under" tit@ l!c· ROBERT E. INGE; INGE REALTY llllous l!rm nlllM of OFFICE BUILOING CO , 1 1>1"'-shl1>1 JOHN H, MARION, SERVICES CONTRACTORS Incl 11\11 Ille DAVE WILSON Incl A. c. MARION, "'"''cf said CCrJl(lrallon 1nd ltJ prlncl~I 1n Tru\t~ for 1tw JOHN H. MARI~ pl&ce of buslnest II at f(ltklws: TRUST : VERNON J. CLINE arid H,t,ZEL tfOBSON·TOTHILL·HUGHES, INC .. LOUISE CLINE. ll~lld 1nd wlfe1 OOES Unlcwl B"'* 54!u1... North To-..r, ONE l~rou!i~ FIFTY, lncklllw ~ Sul!e .t00-7, Ot1 ..... Ca!lfomla 1166'. da!1lt. Oa!ed: J-1ry 10, 1 .... THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF (CORP, SEALI CALIFORNIA Ill lf\e ebovt nllmf!d d@'fe11-HOBSON·TOTH1LL -danb: HUG.HES, Inc. You ••r dll?de!d to -•r In 1t1 JOE c HUGHES acllCll'I broupM 111lnsl 'l'OU llr Ille 1bove Prftlc!ifit ...,,...., olalnllrl lft JM SUHriof Ccurl ALVIN f!:AllLt! TOTHILL ot tht s111e a1 c1utorn11 for" "'-coun!Y s.cr.i....,..r ... ,.,,.1, ol °''""' •fld lo 1n5...-11111 Comolllnl ST,t,TE OF CAllFOllMt" t"9reln wltlllft ten dlYS lfler lht t eniolce COUNTY OF OflAMGE J ti on vou ol fll!t Sommon1. If ~rWil wttlllto 1f1e (ovflty ol Or"-, or wltllln Oii tni. IOlll day ol J_ry, lNJ, tfll(fy 'lllV' If ~ el-~, -lle!Ot9 me, a Nollr'f' P11bllt ill I~ ~ ire !'Wl!ll~ !~ti vnte» l'OU appear lw llald C-IV -Statt, Pfl"SOl'll tf and .. -. '" .i:.,.,, tl'GUlre!CI, lfle ........ JOE c. HUGttes. and ALVIN ~ntlff will ttlrt ludtlntnl tor -SEAltL~ TOTHILL ~ ti) "'"' lo _., or 111mll0ft ~...:red 1" "'' ta. "'-P,...~ "Ind s.cr.tarv·Tl'MW'W cornol&lN, " arl1l1111 Ul>Of\ ct1r11ract, ol "" _,ior1tlt11 flllt Ptculld 1M w wlll -"" fG !ht Cour1 lor anv within lmffU~I on bellalf of the «>I" dlltr ,_,i.f nem~-•ft ttw com1>lalnt. 1111r1tl0fl ltlet'el" named, and 1dl110W~ W. E. ST JOHN Id to mt !Nil ludl ~atlofl utcVttd C«lllfJ' Clfr1t ltnd Clolr1t !NI M'""· o1 !lie Sul>erlo• Cwrt WITNESS ,.,., 1!1nd 11'111 seal ef 1tM Slt't o1 Ctlllorn11 tOfFICIAL SEALI fl.W 1t11 Coufltv of Ot1ntf -'-' M. Gllf"nfl Otltolil F~r'f' 1L IW.. Neil•r... Put>lic.ca~lfttftla •r A. E. ICREGER Prlec: .. I Office: In •lfMA AND MORTON OrtnH C-IY _,,.,. H •LAKI: M~ c-luloll E•1>l<"n all.A .: LU.OSI July 2t. 1Hf ttlf f'Kllk: Mlilhllal l lllktl'"' I....., R.._ ~ ,r, lit .. lhCfll' ~ A...,_, {'• ............... C.JlllM!ll "'U U"ltll ..... 1411.,.. Tth fNI ..-n:n C1<11ll'M T-. lvlll Jtl: )1'" A"'""" flw ,_,llfff' !>a""' """'""'' t2UI tt~ f'lltl.,,._ HllM"1'11on ll<>t(~ 0111~ Pvbl!tl'lld °"'"'' COid 0111¥ Pllol, !'ADI, Jll'lilAtY 1S., ti. '9 tnd F~b•ul•Y J-tl'Y IS. 112. l't lrd Febr\lll'Y J. ~ 1,.., ..... IHf ..... $1SO,OOODD ~~~~\\ ' ·~!!:!, SALE STARTS THUR. JAN. 23rd 10 A.M. SHARP FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED -INFANTS- F.AMOUS MAKE Stretch Suits (GIFT BOXED) In Limited Quantities $24.! 4.10 FAMOUS MAKE 2-PIECE Knit Suits (GIFT BOXED ) CRIB -. ALL '0 Req. $1.10 88" I . SHEETS TOYS 30 ~· I r~sitiiirs 77'~9· .. 1, ~ Reg. to $2 INFAN T GIRLS DRE'SSES Reg. 4.99 to 8.99 DIAPER SETS ••Maus'~ .... VALUES FROM $4 to $9 98¢ $199 ·288 National Brands COATS "t sll'• Va l. 4.99 \)\' 't0 to 15.99 FAMOUS MAKE Sleepers Val. to $4 INFANTS SNOOZY SETS Rtg. 2.99 Coveralls Reg. 3.99 50 311 GENUINE l>ISCOUNTS on FAMOUS-BRAND ITEMS Can't Mention The Famous Brands ·• • • But You'll , Know The Label e Savings As Never Before e Every• thing Must Go e . All From Our Own Firs+ Qual· ity Regular Stock :--............................ ~":''-1 Wi SIU THI MOST· USPICTID HAMH IN CHILDREN'S WU.l · WE'LL . BE CLOSED WED~ JAN. 22nd To Prepare for This Event I I • Carter's • Nan•tte • Health-Tex • Levis .............. .,. ...................... .:..J e Biiiy Iha Kid •Don Mooro SQlaY .;No LAY·AWAYS NO PUNCH BONUS CARDS NO HOtDS-. NO GIFT WRAP :':ALI; "SALES FINAL"- • Cindere ll1 • Kate Greenway • flob Roy • May Knitting ·-GIR.LS--BOYS -:VELOUR CAPRIS ·famous Bratid> V1L 4,99 ·Stretch ' Tops T-Shirts V2·PRICE Val. From $4.99. 11 .99 CA PRIS SETS Re«J. $5.99 • $9.99 I I. 99' Coats 1/2·PRICE 98'UP s2aa s311 CASUAL COATSY2 P.rlce SUITS Y2 Slres 4·14 Price SPORT Y2 COATS Price SID 4·14 SPORT $133 SHIRTS •••. $2.tt SIZE 4•14 V-NECK SWEATERS SID'S 1--14 ll:G. $4.99 . ' TODDLER'S SUITS YAL. .. SJ.JO-SIJ.00 BLOUSES Coveralls Rtg. 2.99 89C SKIRTS Val. 3.99 • 7.99 Sizes 2-14 CAPRIS BELL BOTTOM CAPRIS I bf. 3.50 REG . 3.99 98C ALL 98~p FURNITURE VELOUR 20 BLOUSES bf. 4.99 $1.99 SWEAT SHIRTS oOFF EVERY ITEM IN TH E STORE REDUCED BY AT LEAST ••• 2300 HARBOit BLVD. -HARBOR CENTER Charg• Accounts and BankAmvlcards of Coun• ' . .. ii ,. . • • . ' • Canned Sa .lmo-n Won't 'Put I You • the Re.d ~ ' • • ' ' . \ ' By OOROTUY WENCK ' -.... ~ty "-).ftiMt , Whal'• pint. LI found in a can, ls IOw Ill c:akll1" but high In food value, • and right ·'!QW ii especlaliY. pltnUful j and -~ a iood buy! If\ you gutaed lllnk l8lmon, you'n on the l'ight track.. . ...,l"'!" ...... peak ........... ,_ fM" 7-.... lllo chWD ..._ WU the ........ tlaee lllf. Pink dl01· are two dilfereat ll1ndJ " """' ..._ faUd alOliJ .. ~ Coas~ !Mii !ii -both -<a¥ plaL Thnja ~ 1P'C'tes Of PacWc Cout _,.,,,,. .,. sliver, kJDc and aocke7e. ~~i'now. specles are prliOd accor<!lng io· lhe depth of color el the meat ranilni from ~ lhroogh pinb, .Uver1, tings to IOCleyet, Tbe datk red sockeye salmon costs the most, since it's coosidered most desirable. But the lesa eq>enSlve, Ugbter ~ have just as much food value and ~ou'll fjnd their Davor ls ucellent too. Tb< llgbter salmons also "" lower lo fal. ' . ' . Home News and Views GOOD BUY Pound Clftl of pink salmon are being featured for 19 to 79 ·~ti. Since this is ooe whole pound C( food·, it ls trulf ; ·a good buy. EVerything In the can Is !di~le Jnclndlng Ille skin and. boqes. , ' The bones are a rich -ol·c;alcll!m so ,bl~ "them ln-ra-than throw them out! Proc<ssing bas .. -them oo they won'I make y01tcho1'e. Salmon and other k(lldl ol' fish are reCemmendtd for people wlto are coa· cemed abolil conllOlllng blood dlolestenl level be<:a.,. the lat GI ft.. Is more polyoosatarated thaa dJal ti melll. Three ounces of pink ulmoo contain only 120 calories, and provide bigb qUali· ty P'OlefD plus vitamiruJ and minerals. A serving :.'u ls" from che can with a wedge of lemon would make an ideal ~for a weight watcher's lunch. VAJUATIONS There are many, many other wa.)ls to use aalmon that are qu1ck tp. make and delicious to eat. · Bow about a salmooburger? Flak~ s8lmon 8¢ mix with beaten egg, bread crumbs, minced oniop, lemon juice and other seasonings. Shape into patties and fry; then serve in buttered, toasted ham· burger buns. Or serve the plain patties with a sauce sucb -as creamed peas. The sabnonburger recipe makes a good baked &abnon loaf too. At Home i'n the Kitchen And ho'! about having • eUAce et 1,.U. la dttre uy way lo remove UlJ.1 pace fl.'Om tuna Wad aod taaa colorT 1andwlcbt1 by 11a1A1 -.imon iN&elll!'c-~L Chlorine bleach may take the color Jun 1ubstU11&e salmon ta ylUI' fafflfte out of your white sheetl, but a better tuna recipe. method would be to use commercial For the dipping eet, add naked aatmon color remover. Tb1Js is the product you to sour cream or cottqe cheese and use when )'OU want to take the color onion dip and serve with cracker.. out of something before you dye it. Salmon is great in an IOrtl of You'll find Jt aold along with packaged casseroles where other ingrecllents such fabric unts and dyes. as rice, macaroni, or bread mun.bl · help to stretch it to serve more people. Q. I have a friend wbo u1t1 nw If you're a B:OUffle maker, .why not . mUk. She clalm1 It iJ m111cll more try ~·our hand at sabnon souffle letVed autrfUOu · tbaa ffliewized ml l t. with a side dish 'of "cheese or mushroom parUealarty beca1&1e die •at • f sauce (made ~ith canned soiip). pa1tearbaUoa deatroya J1.Uamla C. 11 T'ne one pound can of salmon contains thtt true? " approximately 1'!• C\11"1 and w!Jl yield A. 'lllls ls a typical eqmple GI Ille about four servings in an "unstietched" way food faddists twl!t factl to aubstan- reripe. I~ will serve · six to eight in tlate their claima -they m1X. a little a casserole or salad having many other truth with a lot ol fiction. ingredients. It ia true that vitamtn C ii ~ QUESTIONS wE ARE ASKED Q. I accldeataUy wa1hed IOme new dart brot11•;; sock& along with. my white slteetl and now &he tlteets ~ fall of bron ·by beat when food Is ·cooked ·•· long Ume. But milk of 1ll1Y l1lnd -ravf' or pasteurized -b&s practicall)' · no vitamin c to begin with, .. there ls no point in W-Orry\ag about · whether • ; paateurlsallon d.,troyt II. • Puteurlzatlon itoa not afteot the var..: of the Important nulrltnls In mlft -: ulclum, protein and rlboDavfn -aocl ~'" the milk far aafer becauoe l~ deltroya ~ baclerll that eould be, pmenL TiJere -ls no nutrlllonal: ruson '"' uslJ>( raw l!lllk aod IDIJlJ'• h<alth reaoona f<r not using IL ! Q;. We bavo aewnl _.... -S: la..., backJanl ...! ., ... ., Ile frult ~off ... naolt 'tl ...... . -·~ .. too...., .... ... ta Ml l1oie!o 1MJ tf'1ll; II -•f, ·.'"'J!,of ,... .. -. • • A; Wbole "' lflced ovocadol do not -wdL Freqlng -down tho'. cell 1ltrudure end ....U. In, a ~ tmutt. '!'be fruit also. dar-llllllP-' pell%lngly """' -.. The one way you can freer.e avocados! soocessfully Is to puree them ~ "1ll them with either lemon Julee -I tab! ... •JlC!OllS per quart of puree -or ucol1>lc. acld -I' teaspoon per quart of --to keep II from ·darkening. Homema·ker Doesn't 'Pan' Cooking By JUDY truRST Of the Dally Pilot Slaff The assistant principal of lJ'!""13lri V.Uey Higb Scbool, 'Cl!lforo lj'. Hepburn, takes a l8C:k lwicb to school almost .every daj,. His pejlte wife Phyll~ is an, excellent cook who can tum a sack lunch into a IOUflllel·specialty. :Even the people at Pillsbury think abe ls .super .. Phyllis is a finalist in thtir nationwide a&ke-off Contest. She is vying with 100 women from all over the United States. She·J'tPresents 23 from Cal!foi'illa, 19 from Southern California and Is one of five from Orange County. Seated comfortably in· her Immaculate living·room, Mrs. Hepblµ'n claimed, "I've never eiilefed a· contest before and, of course, haven't w o n anything. If it weren't for my husband clipping out the entry blank coupon, I wouldn't be as nervous and excited as I am now.'• IMP~Gtnll So far she has been presented with a nil.xer, .elec- tric range, $100 an'\j an ex- pense paid ·trip to '·AU:lnta, c,., the. scene of the bake-<iff F~b. 9-ll. ' II she wins the title, she will be $25,ooo richer. ••rwO Of the rfcipes I sent were turned d'OWri. They were Gooey Cin8Jiunon Twists and I Pecan Fingers. The o n e I Pilbbury selected is in the ! refrigerated category and was ! whipped up at the last minute. My· husband and other adults enjoy it but the children (Kellie, S. and David, 4) don't," she laughed. "I didn't tell my husband I entered the contest until the day the check arrived." SCllOOL VS. COOKING Phyllis, I trim, sandy blonde, enjoys cooking in her ' modern and· airy kitchen. "I Unusual Trio For the 'kids (and groovy moms) : Put slices of fresh California Bartlett pears (ripe and icy-cold), peanut butter and potato chips ( t) between slices of oatmeal bread. never had time to take an interest in cooking when I was going to school or work- iog. Then, I would cook easy µiings like steak and chops. "Newlyweds usually don't have much money and shoUld buy and prepare economical meals. A few home economics courses would help and by all · means buy a good cookbook." For the single person she suggests they make the easy to pre"pare items. "However, you will pay dearly for them." For those with large families, ·the Newport Beach homemaker suggested mothers buy kinds of food which can be made into left- overs. This way she is cook- ing two meals at once and saving steps. Having a freezer wou1d definitely be a great advantage.•• FORMER TEA~RER Tbe fonner t.,memattng teacher instructed two sum- mers ago at Huntington Beach High School. She earned "" BA from Wbituer College "1lll did gra'duatt work a t California State College at Los Angeles. "I bad my first child about the same time I receiv- ed my masters. Then I reUrtld." She insists she is not especially ·creative in the· kitchen. "I pick things which appeal to the family but' often cater to the children. They don't like mii:ed casseroles," she pointed out. "I plan my menu around store specials and what is in the freezer. I coot a variety of fresh and frazen vegetables and we are all fond of Mex- ican food. Also, no one here likes leftovers." Mrs. Hepburn remembers that her mother was a good cook. "She and I coot dif- ferently now. Mother comes from the farm where dishes are old-fashioned but good and hardy, We never ate lamb," she recalled, "because we liv- ed in the beef COUDtry. And, today I'm more interested in foreign dishes." HUSBAND IN KITCHEN Her husband likes marinated and b a r b e c u ed meats. "He's a good cook, but doesn't do lt often. He has lots of ability but it's easier for me." Signs of . the . Zodiac Mrs. Hepburn Jeends about three to four hours daily in the kitchen. She" bakes her own bread. Even sour dough bread which has to sit out for 36 hours. "Cooking is a relaxer for me. It's a means of satisfac- tion. I always enjoy serving food to company and don't like eating alone," she con- fided. For those who don't find cooking attractive P h y 11 i s said, uForget it. lt won't be such a torture· if you use con· venience items." Forecast: Fun for All 'Ibe signs or the "Zodiac are signs of the times. You see them everywhere these days. And what a perfect setting they make fur a birthday celebration! Take advantage or Uds cosmic crau and ·have a horoscope petty tor .the next blrihdoy '"';:J0Ur ~ . • Set up a ,bll'UJd11 bar with -the food and the decor•· tlons following the astrological tbeme. Hav'e lunar sandwiches, starry cupcakes and soup in I big tureen with tbe birthday party'• IOdiac sign. lt't wonderful, U yoo have one ready·madt, like a fish tureen for Pisce1; but you can make 1 beauty yourseU with a stralght .. lded ke!Ue or ~le covered in cotored foll. Just putt on a paper fish or a ram for Aries, or a bull for Tautu1. Evttybody serves h~lf et a birthday bar, which makes for comfortable guests and a relaxed hostess. The sandwiches and cakes can be as simple or eJaborate as you care to make lhem. The soup should be a sensation. You'll find it so easy to make a really spectacular soup, you'U think you, too. were born under a lucky star. AU you need ls IOme canned condensed soup, a few erlras and a simple recipe. Chili beef soup, blended with bisque of tomato, on\on and mexicom, and garnished with shredded cheese is ·a heavenly bowlful, astrologically 1peatlng. Chicken and stars aoup, an appropriate beginnln&. with ham, mushrooms and watercress: added, is equally delicious. , PISCES BffiTRDAY PARTY SOUP I V. cup chopped oolon 1 tablelpOOO butter o r margarine I can I 11 Ollnti!~) condensed chili beef soop -- I can (11 ouncea) condensed bisque of torrul!to soup 2 soup Cans water 1 cup cooked me.xicorn Shredded mild p r o c e s s cheese ·Cook onion in butter until tender. Blend in soups and water; add ·corn. Heat; stir now and then. Garnish with cheese. Makes 4 to 6 sirvings. LUCKY STAR C11ICKEN SOUP i; cup dJopped cooked barn 1 cart f3' . ounce.a) sliced mushrooms, drained.· 2 tablespoohs butter· or mar print I cal> ·UPI> OU11Ces) con- deMed chicken· ind &tars IOUP l soup can water v. cup snipped watertress leaves Brown ham and mu1llroom1 In butter; add remaining ln- gtedlenta. lh!11t: 1tir now and then. Make• 2 to I servings. A RECIPE WORTH $25,000 Mrs. Clifford W, Hepburn For those who like to make easy recipes she offers one of her husban~'s.lavorites. CARROT CAKE 2 cups silted flour l teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspootlll cinnamon l lh teaspoons soda 2 C\lPS sugar l 1h Cups salad oil 4 eggs 2 teaspoons· vanilla 2 cups· finely grated carrots (blender is faster) Home Fires Burning %: cup. nuts . 8 ounces crushed pineapple, drained Sift the first 6 ingredients. Then add the oil. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well. Add vanilla, chopped nuts and pineapple. Stir in carrots. BabatS50ina9xl2 x 'i pan for fi to 50 minutes. By NANCY McINTYRE Of IM 01ltJ ,1191 Shift DEAR NANc'/: My husband and I have eight boys, and in a few weeks I'm going to the hospital to have another baby. 'Whenever I'm away lile runs fairly smoothly at home except for one prob- lem. My husband can't stand my baby- sitter's .CCJ9king. I can't blame him. She cooks Ii k e a little old Jady in tennis shoes, which jhe is. However, }'ou'd think by now my husband would be a great cook, but he's sUII as helpless as an infant in the kitchen. He can barely figure out the buttons, d1als a n d lights on oUr elec- tric stove, although he's a·computer en- gineer. TlflS time I'm de- termined that he learns to cook a few simple thinP for himself -if it's only a matter of opening a few cans. Even a chimp can use a can opener. I'd appre- ciate It if you could give me several recipes for shelf dinners. He under- stands the term "bring to a boil." But don't throw anything too complicated at him. BIG MAMA. - DEAR BIG MAMA:_ I'd say your hus·. band was -more iotert:sted in putting to- gether 1 bueball team than developing his culinary 1tlllt. U it's taken eight ba· hies to teach b1ni bow to boil water, it's going to tab ll10lher ~ght to teach him how to boil water without burning tt. How far are you prepared to go? Better not c6nfrorlt him with. anything as complicated as a can opener or a re:- cipe. What you need is my Helpless Husband's SUrvivaf Menu of a wefik's supply of frozen dinners which, will tide him over until you get home. ID. tact. this menu is practical for any leave of absence whether you're going home •to mother or toddling off to a class reunion. The next best thing to home-cooked dinners are frozen , bome<00ked dinners which need only be popped in the o v e n and heated. (I'm presumirig be knows how to tum on the oven.) Stock your freezer with an assortment of any ol the following robust. disbeS which 1Den like 6est: Turkey Tetrazzini, Macroni and Cheese, Beef Stew, Short Ribs el Beef, Meatloaf, Welsh Rarebit and Clilll Beans. Here's a recipe for Maverick Chili which is as traditionally Texan and character- ful as the family for which it was named. While this: lusty chili was created before freezers, it Joses none of its twangy fla- vor in the freezing process. Heat ~ cup olive oil in a six-quart pot. Add 3 pounds of Jean beef cut into 1i2 inch pieces. Use a good quality meat, tbis chili deserves it. Sear meat over hlgb flame until lighUy browned,•stining coo-' stantly. Add 1 quart water. Cover and simmer 11'2 to 2 hours. Add 6 cloves of chopped garlic, l"ii teaspoon ortgano, a table- spoons chill powder. {ll you like your chili a Uttle less hot, reduce amount of powder.) Now add 1 teaspoon red pep- per 3 tablespoons paprika, 3 tablespoons salt' and 2 medium-slttd cans of drained kidney beans. Simmer another 30 min- utea. For the frosting, b e a t logellter in a rarge mlling bowl, I cube of butter, I a. ounce package cream &eese, I teaapoon vanilla and I-pound box powdered sugar. (..,..,. _________________ ..., _________ ,., . ' Appetites Satisfied' As scientific reseatcb -con-. tinues to clarify the role of milk products as a necessary: component of the dally diet. parents are aetting an in- creasingly good family e1- ample in the use of dairy products as an integral part of total nutritive intake. The increase in knowledge gained over the years and disseminated by achools, the medical profession, pr e s 1 .. radio and TV, of the need for balanced animal and' vegetable foodl for economy,.. appetite •weal and nutritional value iJ paying off. California homemakm, , .. eumple, who are in the natfi.. Uooal .,.1ng of thlngs are in- creulng the 11110 of dairy foods b\ their l•mllles' dlels. Blot Spots STARGAZERS CONSULT ZODIAC FOR PARTY SIGNS Spots. OD 0 lelt bot ol\U can be remoytd b1 ruhblnt -ll&htlr wllll • .. ... blott.r. ; ) ' : ' ' I I I 1 -----·-· - .. • WHERE WILL IT GO? -.Jick Phillips explains the complwties of the stock market to Mrs. E4Niullivan (left), whose husband ii manager of the new Auter mobile Clab of SoQUieru California office in Huntington Beach. : Don't' Sit on · Assets, 'Stock Up' on Money By JODEAN aAmN~ °'-"" Ql!r ,..., sr.,._ a b:lnt you migbl. have to movers," and be pointed out plead with them IA>-givLlt-that-boaUng,-alone, baa IJ>.- to you. U you want to buy • creased 200 percenL Comparir:w lbe atock market m pact, you dan1t uk He feels too many people to an altracuve mbllstirted the merchant 'pleue n1IJ I pay' their bllll but forget to girl climbing a flight ol stain buy it from you.' " pay them wblle Ibey C9•Unue wbUe ........ with a yo-yo, l'rolpectlve inveatan must lo dream ol thlnp they'd like ....,.... have faith In the omall to do In the future. silveNWred J1ck. Phillipe: a· ecoomny ol American ~ "Today ls the most i.m- plalned the ups and downs duitry, and the ability to bang portant lime In our life," he of the canplu w or 1 d of on. Citint a persooa1 eumple, emphaaiud, 'rand 1"'e should .,.. finance to members and Phillipe: indicated a market plan for our money to main- .. · guests of the W o m e n ' s low period oo the chart. tain itself. ch During that time he bor-"After awhile our earning .. Divi!ion, Huntington Bea rowed money from the bank power slows up, but the yeam- Cbamber of Commerce. using hil securities .as col-inf power is sUll there. U Using a dwt iUmtrating lateral and went to Tahiti far an Individual makes up his the ""'""'"" gmrtb of the a year. When be returned the mind lo Invest, be abould do _ natlueal iro<Iocl and the market bad rllen lllffldently it rlgilt now." ~-• .,~-11nce lo eoab1e him lo repay the ECONOMY s1A>ck market I -',.~ct bank .... from the lnc:reaaed "'•-•••'•• 19311, the ...-nt ~·' ••-..::::• Oii bis securities ----. W&/ VS peace --••er of Divenllled PlaJ>. -........ economy, Pbilllpa wed Ille , :~lion pointed out •bUe bis prlneipal remained comparlaou of a bullet and ~ th.t a1oce 1880 every time intact. an autom.oblle. A bullet, shot the marhl went down, the DIVERSIFICATION into the air, ls unrecoverable. market abo came back up. p h i 11 I ip 8 f a v a r s A car, when ready for the "So'wbat ve: yoo aoJng to diveniflcatlon of lnvestm~ts. junk pile, can be melted down, · witdl ~ the pi er itbe yo-wblcb be uplained by ll)'in&, the metal recovered and reus- YO'?'''~ Quipped. ·# "Why buy ooe atore when you ed. For this reuoa he believes ' can buy a fifth or a tenth an end to the war Jn VJetnam CBANqB CONCEP'l'1 ~ .. · . of nerything oa the street?'' would ~t the economy. · ·Soeakinl on w_.1 llole · AnUclpaUng a future four-Pbllllpo alao suggemed that '·m.tiblp'stOck M•ritt. be dly wart weet. prolpeCtlve homeowners not pay on their ~ stier9'tl Ulat too maqwonten inftlton should es am i De principal after prlnctpal and 1'!dq ait' <ii their -and .._.uoo stocU and com-lnter..i """°"" e q u a I . pif atarve to <lealh. He pan!es be termed "people Inter..i -the price It costs , _.,.._. tbliuld chan8e lo buy money -II tu<lednc- 1,....,. en11ro· .,...,.pt ol .-y. lible wbUe pdnclpal Is not, ..--M'ly lo M • J and the bouae could provide • ,._,. la •.~·-LJS/CQ collateral for lnvestmeets. be ...t Ute any other corn-modlty," he stresJed, "but if> · The Dlveraified Planning Y-· •ant lo ,._ mooey tmn _ Corporalioo wtD be conducting .,.. ~ ~ a aeries of free aeminan, . Program open lo the public, following the openlni of their new office Marriage In the Boardwalk Sbopping Center, HunUngton HMbour, .. -Announced ?!!:~~cal~ -mooth. ) ' gram, engaged by t h e • Christ Lulben.D Church in Newport Harbor S en i o r ~ Costa Mesa wu the setting Citizem, Is being offered fer .. frJt the -marrilge of Patricia. the public's enjoyment at 7:30 Jo Wilken and Warren Carl· m Sat·~ y Jan -ton RusSell. . p. . w.ua , . -. For the double ring mom-The Five Bostow Sllten and 1ng ceremcm.ies the bride se-Otto will · perform in the 11ct1c1 a abort brown velvet clubbOuse at 15th Street and dtea with white lace adorn-Irvine Avenue, New Port lmt the neckline and tleeves. Beach. . Jms Pbyllls Ann Russell, 1be aurqation plays a tbe beneaict,1 sister, was •ariety of mUllc OD muy dif- iliald of. booor and Jamet 1 .... t lnltrumeDtl. Selectloos M1chael llappeny WU be.U Include potku, 1'alba, folJt -• . tunea, -tunes, """'"" p ~ bride. daughter ol Mr. and bymna. . JJDd Mn.• Calvin Wilkers ol -~ bu _ __. Cost.t 11 ... 'II a graduate ol •-..,,.p DI a...--'11 !ttanc!a litgh Scboo1 Her I TV, In Melodytand and baa INlband. ~ at, llr .. and Mn. · perlonnOd In nine different Warren Rusaell o1 Tlutin. is atata. an alumnu,, d.. Foothill High Further information 1 s School avallable by calling Mrs. 'Ibe newlyweds honeymoon-Aaron ChriJtenlen, proaram ed at Bil Bear. cbalrman al 17W17t. NOBLE GRAND Mr1. Renie Zuidema Associates Univm!ly Galley -.,ta wtD pn!vlew the u~ ezhlbiUon enUUed Tony Delap: The Lui Fl .. YWI (1163- 18) .. S!Jndl.y, J111. •. Invilalloea have been mailed lo dlrec. ton ol prom1Qent muaeums and galleries tbrougbout California aa well as to area A.uodalel and friendl aaldnl them lo the rec<ptlon in the UCI Ari Galley. The -.0, me of UCl'1 distinguished utlsts In residence, 11 an lnltmallooally lmown llgure In the contemporary mov .. melll lo geometric tculpture. His plecet are part ol coIIecticm in the Museum ol Modern Ari in New York, Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. Ille San Francitco Museum of Art, the Tate Gallery ol London and many olhen. Amoog the many group uhibiUons in which he has been represented was the "Sculpture of the 60s" at the Los Angeles County Museum or Art. Dr. Alan Solomon. chairman of the Art Department of UCI and director of its gallery said, "He b a true originator and an innovator in the con- temporary sttuation, one of the ftrst to e.itend the new boundaries of abstract sculpture." ,Preview Art ~ ol the Board of Governors ol Univenlty Gallery Aaaoclata wbo atall the gallery -g .-it1om II Mn. Tbom.u Wllder. 'Ibe vice chairman iJ Mrs. William J alms and membership cbalrman II Mn. Rod Lippold. Mrs. Karel Burleigh and Mn. Nelle Duggan tuperVlle gallery atalllng. UNDER THE SPELL -Soeming to be under the spell of "The Sorcerer," a piece of sculpture by Tony Delap are (left lo right) Mrs. Eric Durand, the artist, and Mrs. William Jahns. Delap will be honored al a reception hosted by University Gallery Associates. before an exhibition of his work opens ID the UC[ Gallery. .• .. • San Juan Capistrano Woman's Club.._ ,. ---~----·--·· --~ ----~.l--• Auction, Potluck Dinner on Club Menu · SURPRISE MENU - A potluck dinner, combined with a white elephant sale, insures that Family Night festivities planned by Woman's c_Iub of San Juan Capistrano will be full of surpnses. Mrs . Geoffrey Mansell, program chairman, ltiis her dish inspect¢ by Mrs. MyrUe Simpkin (left) while Mrs. Stephen Hobart (right) waits her turn. Rebekahs, Odd Fellows LODGE LEADER Rani• Zuic11ma Leaders Take Off ice A joinl inslallaUon placed in offi~ leaders of Odd Fellows Lodge 29 and Pl1esa Rebekah Lodge 402. The new slate of officers for the Odd Fellow• Lodge were installed by District Deputy Grand Ma..ter Robert Runnells and Mar&bal Carlton Nelson. Heading the Odd Fellows will be Ranie 7.uidmla, noble grand; Wealey Jones, vice grand; Harry Seeley , secretary; Albert D l i: o n , trea.surer; David Orr, Junior past nobel grand; Gerald Porch, warden; W i 1 Ila m White, conductor; A 1 fr e d Leberg, chaplain; Bob Zuidema, inside guardian, and Thomas Keller, outside guar- dian. Other officers will ./be Kenneth Knapp, D o u g I a s hforgan, Ed \VWcut and Harry Brown. Rebekahs were inslalled by the district deputy president, Mrs. Jack Brundage and Marshal, Mrs. Dona Odum. They are the Mmes. Ranie Zuidema, noble grand; Knapp, vice grand; Lebe rg . secretary; Dixon, financia l 'secretary; Nina Lolmough, treasurer; Allee Dobbeck, junior past noble grand; Alice Beeker, warden; Glenn Bray. conductor; Iva Coe, chaplain : Kenneth ~fcAllister, musician ; Reginald Gitsham, co Io r bearer; Opal ,Goodger, inside guardian, and Willcut, outside guardian. Other officers will be the Mmes. Nellie Kisling, Morgan, 'Gladys Bird, Jones, Orr, Agatha Sondra, Nora Morgan, Olive Jackson, Hattie Lupton, Tinta Small and Seeley. Each month on the last Fri- day a fish dinner will take place and the third Thursday, a luncheon and card party will be scheduled. A puUuck dinner and w1>ite elephant aucUon aw a 1 t members of the Woman'• Cltib of San Juan Capi!trano and their families nut S1turday night in the San Ju 1 n Capistrano Wo~an's Clubhouse. Family Night will belln 1t 1:30 p.m. and Donald Rebeck wtD take the part of auc- tioneer for the evening. Mrs. Ole Hanson is Jn charge of the aucUon, whllt Mrs. John Given iJI making arrangements for the dlrmer. Clubwomen, who meet for a luncheon the third Tul!ldly, of every mouth at 12:30 p.m. in their clubhouse, gathered yesterday for a taJk on Estate Planning by William Keller of Mission Viejo. Luncheon boslesle! for tile meeting were chaired by Mn . Myron Smith. r Upcoming activities planned for the group, u n de r leadership of Mrr. KtlUt Hutchens, include 1 Swallows Day Breakfast which will be co-sponsored by the San Juan Capistrano Rotary Club in the clubhouse at 8:30 a.m. March 15. Sections in the group lnclude canasta players who meet at 12 :30 p.m. the second Thurs· day of every month; the Bridge Section which meets at 12 : 30 p.m. the fourth Tues· day of every month, and the arts and crafts group whk::h meets I p.m. the second Tues- day of every month. Philanthropic projects for the year include hemming towels for South Coast Com~ munity Hospital, provldfnt dlt· ty bags to be distributed by the American Red Crms to soldiers in Vietnam, and col· lecting discarded eye classes lo be dj!tributed by Orurch World Se_rvlce ln lndl1. In addition the club supports American FieJd Ser v Ice ; Cervantes, a service club In San Clemente High School, and a PT A project at the hlgb ochool. Wife Plays Hot Potato With Checkbook and Loses Nothing DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 hope every married couple wllo ......, about money wUI read thiJ. Far more YtK'I than I cai< lo admit, 1 bandied the family "' f1oanca. Ray 11ve me his cbllcL I. In turn, .... bJm an aUowanca. I paid (be bi1h: lhd ns 1111,...i to have a Utile Jtft over. t Ray worked out a budpl wblcb mede "'ao provisi<111 for tnl1IUoo or emerp:n- , de1. t found H nearly lnlpoulble lo meet oor oblJptions. Fer J18r1 we've · ~ living f....,. l\aDd to mouth. . Wbmmr I tried lo talk to Ray about ...... ended up in an •cw•.t.. ' A law lnOlllhl aco avtr)'lhlnc piled • tn cm me. Illy aaw a pelt due. not.lee the dairy and llt lnte me Uke l ANN LANDERS ril 1 maniac. I caJmJy banded him the checkbook and lald, "l'vt otrualed with thJ.I for 10 yean. Now 1" twxUe the -·" Ha hemmed and hawed, but I wouldn1 pve U •todl. Sixty da)'I later Ray hudod tho checkbook back and Nld, "I lael llko a heel. Please !aft over tho dough again, -r· 1 ....,, ..,,... bow ,..·v· managed al these yean." \ So. Ann, wben me feels that the other 11 a porr manqer, auuest that lhty twitch places. I'm 1lad we did. -TRIED AND PROVEN DEAR T AND P: So am I. WHa people Jun .. lln ta lwmony my maU II a lot IIPRr. 1'uU for wrtUag. DEAR ANN LANDERS: l llll 20 years old and very much in love with 1 girl I who will be 15 in a few months. 1 know you will uy she Is too young for me, but you are wrong. This girt is more mature than any of the 18-year- okis l have dated. She also is fully developed. Every place we go ohe gets SCn>ed liquor IDd nobody asks to see her ID ca.rd. Her folks don't like me because I am in unlr~. Thia means we have to see each other on the sneak. rm just about btoh rmUng cars. I'm gs>ing overseas in a rew weeks and I'm wonied sick that aomeone will move In on me. Thia 11 the real UWig and I wan t her lo wait. Please, Ann, help me. I don·t want to Jose her. -MOOSE DEAR MOOSE: Sht may be "fu.lly denloptd," but It ls 1Ull tt -and thllt's toe duned tendtr for a boy zo. U 1he'1 lody sbt·u lose YOU. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 wa.s thinking ol bt(ying my boyfriend a very nice sweater for hls birthday. When I told my girllriend she said, ''Ann Landers s~s it im't tn good taste lo buy a boy clothea:. That's his mother 's job." Did you actually say that? I can hardly believe it! What should a girl buy for her bo,Yfriend if she wants to spend m4n than 53? -WINNIPEG DEAR PEG: Yt1, I uld It and I mean& IL rr yoa want to spend tnorr th an $3: I you can buy ~m a '5 boot, er t1ro 13 .-.cord allmDt, or a 17 waDot, ar 1n SI pair of IWl&laues, or • • dim .. t, or a 'ti ~ II _..ii. The list is endleu. Drinking m11 be "in" to the lddl you run wtth -but Jt can put 10U "out" for keeps. Yau ean. coal It .. stay popular. Read "&ow and ' Tou -For Teenagers Only." Send • e.tts in' coin and a loog, self.addrtllld, stamped envelope wllh your requ.t. Ann Landers will be pd to belp you with yoor problema. Send tblm to her in care of the DAILY PIIDr, enclosing 1 se.Jl-addrtued, stamped envelope. I . • .. l ' ... DAILY "l.OT : fT, • :,::1 Rarent-Teacher I " Busier Than Groups • Ever • • , FY Co ~cil . " ,Mrs:,.~ Morphy' I ~eakleflt I COMJl«l UP: Each ochool In · ~J"oontaln Valle~ Scliool D...-ld llrlll bavo tl&ht ' volunteer mothera htlp .,.1th Imm.uni 1a t lo n agafmt dipbtliuia, wbooping CO<Jlh, te~m and ama llpox ... S.W•!e.11111~ Jan. 1'.-t Lm, Tamura ~ t:l& a.DJ.. 1ldcl>oweU'{ Wedntlday. F1lb. I, t LID. An!valos and I .,._' ,',.,I I ' • 9:45 a.m. Bllsl@inl; MOlldqy, Feb. 24, 9 •.m. Niebla• lftd t :45 a.m. Fulton; Friday, March 7, 9 ,.m. Fountaln Valley and .9;_45. a, ip • ""-' w~. May.7, 9 a.m,.Lamb 1fM! 9:45 a.m. Giller. Boos PTA Mrs: Alfrtct Brtekeu ' ~!dent COMING UP : ·Social Nighl Dimer fram, 5 t,a 7 p.m. 'Iboisday,. Jan.' 30, in ' the mulll-r®m. Tickels, 11 .!Gr ldulla and chilm<n 50 , cents will· 10 on sale Monday, Jan. 27. ' ; ~' ~ Pprenis Giving of' Their Time FV Ele. PTO Mn. William Dwan President REP ORTS: Refreshments. chaperones and financial assistance were provided by PTO for eighth grade daJ>Ce. • • • Unit donated a live tree for the playgr<llfnd •.• Mrs. Walti:r '(ate, health and safr:ty chairman,' Nkeiv· •eit sped.al comme~atiqn for Vision Ser~ Program in ~~~t'ain a!Jey School ,, Fulton P.TO · Mn. Gerald Hlx President COMING UP: The Mulli· Media Resource Center - Whal It Is and How It Fune· lions is topic of unit meeting at 7:30 e.m. tomorrow. Special achievement awards will be presented to students . . • January'• Parent In- fonnation Serles o n the Library Center will begin Monday, Jan. 'l7 w J th Heraldry Court tract; Tues- day, Jan. 21, Cardinal and ftlue Jay; Wednesday, Jan. 29, Four Seasona; Thuraday, Jan. 30, Stratford, and Fri- day, Jan. 31 , Villa Monterey. REPORTS: S h eryl Catherman, daughter of Air Force Maj. and M r s . Eugene Catherman a n d Vickie Hir. daughter .of Mr. Parents with children in Harper School' are staffing the Learning Center. Offering to help Fred Griffith get orientated is Mrs. Joint Hicl<ey. Mrs. Richard carter is chairman of the program where 2~ moth· ers work each week. Mrs. Dene Reed is the co- ordinating teacher in the center which serves 330 children in ·grljdes one through three. _ 1 ' :Units Detail Dinners;. Drives •lfidltor"1 ' Nllle: I Pltl tk!wllld !o CMll MeM. NIWll<lfl Biid! ~ .. l~ llffdi J>l•.-il·-ehe• ""''" .. t~ wlU ...-r IR "'-J!:'ILY PIL r ~---:, ~Mi!:~ ,,;:~,~ , ~-rn1llln1 or dellverlnq 000¥ 1"" •Mtw. Gll'W lml!b1 '°'2 Cenfllll Plft:i1, Hew.on 9H<;n. "~ l e.m . • f11ffY~tl\lbll<Stton W.o..adey.) ... ; Galifor.nio PT A ~_; Mn. WJJUam Steplteuot : ' ' Prtddent 9 1.m. to 5 p.rn. Saturd&y, Jan. 25, in the-Barbor S>ap- ping Center. Proceeds will be used to purtba.s'e re£ereoce books for , the library •.. Sweat shirt sale will continue until \Ved- nesday, Ju. 29. Mrs. Robert Vincik ll.E}'oRTS: Members voted to , present $500 to the school fclr the purchase o( eduCa--Pruldeat tiOnaJ equipment William E. • COMING UP: Volunteers are . Hamilton, principal, and needed for ~ Mothers faculty members will select 11-farch of ·Dimes. F o r ;the items. £lift!'er information ca I I chairman, Mrs. Harold Hohl at ~ or Mrs. Robert Beevers at 543-8841. · Conyon PT A Mn. Denni.a Miller Presldeqt COMING UP: Paper drive from I to 9:30 a.m. Satur- day, Feb. a, at school. . College Pk. PT A Mn. Barle.igll Bunhem Pruldent COMING UP: Book sale from· Mariners PFO Robe.rt E. Alldersoo President COMING UP: Board meet.ing at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow • , . General meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29. Mrs. Wilton Gale, vice presi· dent, will introduce Dr. • ; 8'a.leoric Books Piscussion. Group • Stuart Wilson, c 11ni10a1 psychologist, who win speak on Psychological and Social Dilemmas of Contemporary Youth and Their Pafents. Newport Ele . PT A ~ti. Joh9 •Scapple Pre1icleot COMING UP : Olympic Night is theme of the Father·son dinner at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, in the American Legion Hall. Program will be provided by Ed Burke, Olympic hammer thrower, aod a songrest by Bob Ru- bien and Dave Farrell. Reservations may be made at school by next Friday. Mrs. Bob Stewart is in charge .•. Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the cafeterja. Newport Hts. PTA • Mr1. Elgie Annollr Pfesldut REPORTS : Students from • lltuden).s who enjoy · reading may join· in 'Balearic School'!' Junior Great Books cJ.j!CU!sion. group for filth and sixth graders. C<>-1eading the Jroup is Mrs. Gor- don L. Cllnnon (center) and Mrs . Joseph Napoli. ParticipaUng In the program · are (left to right) Ka~ Olson and Deirdre Matthews. • t third through si:rth grades participated in a bicycle rodeo last week. . .Fire prevention program wll!I presented to the £ifth grade students last Tburs'day ••. Book trading took place for two days in tbe students' papef back store. Mrs. Roderick W~ler was in charge. Poularino PTA Mn. Mget Balley Piesldnt COMING UP: Second lecture of a three-part series will' take place at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, In the malUpurpose room. Mrs. Sttwt MacFarland, special reading i.MtructOr, w 11 l tipeak on children's reading problems and bow t b e, parents can help .•. Book fair will take place after the lecture on Thursday. Jan. 30 and will continue . r .. three days. REPORTS : Mrs. Marve I Carlson, Mrs. Spencer Rush and Mrs. Douglas Rainger cooduct.ed an · open court method oC learning and r~pg. Reo PTA ' . Mn. Kelli! Kellogg Prelldeot COMING UP: Spaghetti din· ner at I tonight , in the multipurpose room. P e'p squad will entertain and football awards will be presented. Tickets may be pllrchased at the door, $1.25 adults and 75 ctnts for students ... Mrs. John Clark will conduct a nominating committee meeting at 3 p.m. tomorrow, at the school. St. John Au x. Mrs. Robert Reid Prtslde•l ... COMING UP' Board meetiDg at a p.m. Mooday, Jan. S7 ..• Paper drive will lab place in February . REPORTS: Attending the Community Int erfait h meeting at Fashion Island were the Mmes. John Hartl, George Johnson, Herman Sche l strate, Robef1. McCormish, Robert ReMI 1 and Mrs. Cerald Hix, ae- c:ompanied by tt\elr ~ighlh. grade teacher, Richard Han- na and vice president or the Superintendent Parent · Council, Mrs. O o u g I a s , Meyers, returned t o d a y after attending the In- auguration, Governor's Re- ception and reception for the \/let president. Writing to Sen. George Murphy for an invitation to the ln- auguratlon was a class ~ ject and when the lnvitation . , was received, the class voted the girls lo represent the class. Harper PTA Airs. Charle1 Llpot President REPORTS : Elected to serve on the nominating com~ mittee are the Mmes. Glen Scoble, James Dick, Eric Forester, Sherry Thomas and Thomas Mulcahy. A sla te or o£ficers will be presented at the February meeting . . • Membership · voted to sponsor a Block Parent Program. Lake View PFG Mrs. 0. K. Beller President COMING UP : Rummage sale from JO a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, in Odd Fellows Ha11, 226 Main St., llimlingtoo Beach. Proceeds will be used for project of the year . , • Von's Clul> Party in. March, in Pte1' Family 'Colonial Terrace ru:~~~·;~ ·~1J;..~ck or Delicious Dinrier ' for a Dime~· the Huntington Beach Police ':'mner for 10 cents? Schroeder PTA 1·s sponsor;•g J't Di to Department spoke and t" 5 . , :t_~ • ..,. a 1 ney· .~r rDO"?W presented a film 0 n ~m to 7 p.m~ and cost runs 10 cents a dip. ~dy to sampJe the Swedish narcotica al unit meeting. _ ritUll>alls, hol.qs, potatoes,-cake and beveri__ge to be offer!d'by Toti Beth M ., y· PT. A' Wlllotvare (letl to ngbi) Mn. Terry Wilson ltid Mrs. 'Robert Norton. eaaow 1ew .,. '· · . ft!f!. Jay .fun.Ith ___ -~~~ President COMING UP: Board meetfnf -nlonth.f>roceeds from fund- COMING UP : Father-son at 9:30 a.m. Fridaf, Feb. · raislng projects were used Night at 7 p.m. Tuesday, 7, in the home of Mrs. Mike for the 3G-by-30 cement area J an. 28, in the auditorium. Empting, vnnfh c6alnnan for this equipment. Bobby Knoop, second ~-baseman for the Angels, will •.. Chairmen for the annual present lhe inside tract on fashion show in April are the Angels 1969. A baseball the Mmes. Empting, Allen din~r of hotdogs. salad, Jones, Wallace Short and dessert, coffee and punch Richard Wilhelm. Decora- will· b;e served. . itons are under the direction REPORTS: Pablo Navarro-of Mrs. Gene lansiti. HaeaSaler, American Field REPORTS: Mrs. Bobby Service student from San-Palmer was approved as tiago. Chile and 1 senior new parent e d u c a t i o n at Marina High School, chainnan ... A committee spoke at unit meeting. visited the MaryAnn Fostig Refreshments were under School in Culver City ror the direcUon of Mrs. H. D. further study on the percep- Springdale PTA Mn. Gary Wlhon President · COMING UP: Film tilled "'11le Horileless · Child" will be prt.Sented at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28. Richard Hitt, a representaUve from Oraage County Department or Social Welfare, will speak on the Foster Parent pro- gram. M~ of third graders will host Elster, hospitality chainnan. tu al development equip.. Tamura PTO Nieblas PTO ment. Phase One of lhe •' Mr1. Richard Wilhelm President pe r ceptual · development \ equipment at Nieblas will be ready the end of this .. ' Mrs. Lowell BriDk Preaident REPORTS : No unit meeting Adams PTA Assi~ts Tf!a.chers at' Workshops this monlh •.• NewspaPtjts will be neflted for paptr drive in February • • • Lowell Brink baa bee9 :11- poi.nted newsette ~ Wardlow PTG Mn. Gewge Meehan President REPORTS: Sludenls donated 30 ba~'of food lo Operatim Merry Cbristmaa • • , Children and adults at Fairview State H o s p i t a 1 were recipients of 10 boles of toys (rom the school Sea Sirens TOPS Sea Sirens meet in Killybrooke School, Co s t a Mesa, every \\'.ednesday at 7 p:m. I , Trumbull (at left). Taking.a 'peek at,their work 11 Laurie Parker. D~rector ot the workshop' is Mr1. Vera Dell Anderson. A1embers of Adams PTA are ,assisting teachers .at Uie Curriculum Mate.riaJs Workshop by making teaching aids. Mrs. David .P.utnrun (at right) is chairman and is being &.rsisted by Mrs. Ward ~~"'---~~~~~~~.,.--~~~~~~ and JO&eph Parrino. Mrs. John Nolan was a member of the panel. • .Ac- compa nying the e i g b. t h grade studenLs on a n oceanography field ttiP were the Mmes. Victor Clarke, Reno Pierohi, W i 11 i am Cooley and Ulus Thornton. Sweet Adelines HarborUles Chapter, SweeJ Adellnes convene every Mon- day al 8 p.m. for tnedunas in College Park School, CMta Me~. Mrs. Pat Par4n, 540- d will atiswer questions reg•rdlng Ult choral group. I . •' • I Speakers Hold ' Key ·to . Success . Enthu.~m -Key 10 Stic-1n11a»m, ~ WUI ~ Cltlb • .,.u... wdl "" ' ces.!' -will be the theme of Mn. Howard JCl4lfSt Garden Rena 4c11a1s t. ~ lhe, new president ol Las 01* G-'l'.oiitlmstrm Clllb; _ -In ~ who ' ~tmistress Club of llun-and guest speaker will M Jack . , ma . tingtoo Beach. Mrs. Gary . Hall. past , preiideni of th• In~ 'I' ~ U. Giles will take ornce during HUnun,ton BMCb J u-•.i.o r ~ UaibiAc ~ a dinner meeting al ''.'3 ·Cbamber of '~ and !lhll> for peticjtW.ikilll t o n I g b t , I n F r a n c o 1 1 a meml>er of tbf csPetters'· · vbit• MY mtJltiri&s of th!t{ restauran't. Bttreau. ? , qn tbe , 51C011t • U.:. AlllO 10 lie Installed durlniJ Chairman 'l'lioln!ed lncluclt . W~ of _, the semiannual ceremony wlll tht Mmes. Clareoct Hefr Tbe meetJ.rias ~ n&ail'lt he Mrs. William Vellutini, Orst driekJon, publldty: !'-au I T:!f j/.m. bi:U,..liNl:liij" vice president ; Mn. Rolll) Bronson, educptioh; ··R;Grf 40Ulp lmd Loan ,·· · · · Weil, second vice presld•n•; Nelson, '"'91!11•11\Y; Calvln lllintlnitoo Beich. Dian r Miu Joya Sexton. secretary, Olcotl, ~HamenWj1111· .Al!IOI rmrvatltmo t!l'iY be mat\c anll Mrs. Harold Herman!, K~ried\-. 1Nbl1Cl'l)at\ol\s1-tnd 'cil~ 'Mrs.• o11'ol~' : l!\>111uttr. Ph111lp Blnincton, hl$tt>rtan." 11 111t. · · . . ~ I l ' i • • l I i ' I . I I . I ~I f,~ I ' W.Y---- ' J • . . . •-' ·Women: Do Not Blame Fate for Your Shape 17 JIJDY IWUI' ... ..., ........ ,._ an -Ina lllGl9 -,---· .IJdda In jDlid. Blldall an llrW. -an• tllrouab-Awn of lllllr llpao, -~Woo to laalna .... ....... ·[ • • '1111· .,_.,, cl thlnp lO ......... -clllcuned by Dr. Robert S. D1Yld1on, -"' UCl'I ,_ •l;t'l'Na'CllUl'll entitled l)bNMlmw tn Human Poten-llal.. • • . Dr. DIYldlm ''ftlCIMd" Iha n11.-, -lo7 ... bllJlll I • , Ibo body'I reaction to ilDoltGDal blockizl( ... lb• nha ..... "' body 01111fY. ,,..,.. have I -,reat ...volr GI llrangth • • . ·~ -often 11 • =·~In emer11J1\'Y ·xarr Whltehoule. • bod7 IDUVemdl thanpllt In a.nta Expansion · .. To Benefit Monica, wwu wllb ~ .. the -Illa wllltl bar cllOnJI to IDDVI lM W"1 tha1 Walil 'jo ud, to ...,...,. · tbalpleMa • •· bvJna 1111na. ,"She wlllll ~ to raall7 lier ywt 1*11.' Dr. Dl-uld. "In her clllltl U.. II Hldon> a vvbal eu1w1at.• • Dr. lllna llelye bu olhar vlewa. Selye, who 1 e lm· preulve ~ II lllted In 11Wb011 Who ln Amerlcli'' pnintl · out that ltftu II Iha rate of nar and tear ., Ibo body. "True qe depends Gii the amount o! -not Oii cbronoloeJcal II• . · . one orpn jull -out and lhll allactl· the mt of the bqdjl, Tbe DOI way ln._t _ ia to lhllt lnlorutl. To cut doWll .. -wUI cut down on your Mini·" Dr. Davldaon pointed out ' that the bocfr per<elv• tbJnaa Wblcb an not always "· "U• bypDolll a touch cl . a pencil can lit to Iha. pattent like that or a 11o1 coa1. And the body wm ..... form a bolt or -..111 -Iha poncll touchooL 11Hyp:wllll can bt Ult4 to modify .behavior. It la -..... llllltbotlc In minor and major -.u. ... Dantlltl .... inf bypOo.ja have said thal Ibey can IJlltruct the paUenl not to bltad." Followl.na the lecture the 1u- dWDC1 brolit Into groups ol Ill. Dr. Davldlon's group con- llnued to eap1on their wliat memorlll, emotlonal hap. peolnp .... h1pple'1t mocnenll. ' . Jdrt. E't first memories were of loatltness." fear and eventually Isolation. S b e remembered her mother uld once In anaer, .. You art not my da\lllfterl 11 and then· punllhed IMr severely. "I wu Iha younpat or lour and Ibo otbert were alw1y1 crltlcaJ ot me. t wu alwaya ICll'ld or balnf ldclrad out or my home. "MJ family WU VI r y ffiiJlGul but my -.. ol Chtln Wert 'Dcll't do th1I ot doa't do thll' My parenll decided I would be. a teacher even though I. refuaed. In my Jut yur or colleft I had I breakdown," lbe I I I d nervoutly. tt ho been m1ny year1 •lnct Mn. E. WU • youn1 lirl •.. it bu been It yell'I 1lnce she hae .,.. hor oldtll slater • • . yean 1ince , her hulband deserted ber and a iq Ume !Ince die haa - her daughter. But the'• a real. trou~ who oougbt the aid cl poychol.,i1t1 and pe:ychiatrlltl b\lt l«md ulvaUon In ' rellalon and teachin& sk:k chlldren. Alan haVIOI to seek pro-re .. lonal help to keep ber marrl111 Intact W. Mn. P. • ' "In therapy I ltlrlad leellnf llte • --ad Ill•. ·11art>dtoh1V1-mt111Jna. We 1"CO"Olled a!W a yur and II\)' hlppllot JllOllllDtl have i.o wt 1rowln1 IOCetber. qlln. Im llndJna ,,.. and inae frlendl:, allo." Accordlq 10 Ibo ll r1 I memoriN ol Mn. 11'., oho and her lather had a llfelt tlmt. "We U.tened to pollce calll and il !hare WU • fire In the nelghborhooci ... wollld follow the fire truck. "I remember about my parents artUinl over mone7, however. TodaY I doa'I -..... lllYllll wftll lllOlll)'. and my hlllliand P<l'I all thl bllll. I don't lvtn mow lww much be maka," the aaid to . the 1muem1Dt or thole circled """'4har. In contrut, Mn. D. had pmntl who didn't _,. to cart much about ~. 11M7 ....-infhllDcl came from tllchen. I am Jewllh lMlt wlDt to Catbollc achooll unlll I wu U when my llfandpmntl ettPPed In. I -the ..... and today I bellen I Im _. tolerant of other relii!Olll· "Altboqb I had plll !eel· ings when I w11 pn:p&nt, my happlett moment WU when wt Md lll1 dauabtV to con.,e io live. I never had an adllcatlon ml alwaya loolc up to an educated pmon. 'IJ:r .. "' the -perlOlll to Mrs. o., aa Mr1. D., did not ieel atltlao ovv Iha birth o1 bar Drat chlld. "U tool< ... da)'I to .111. uaad to the idea that I wu a mother. It doun't come all ol 1 audden , • , tt tool< tlft>e to reallse It WU mine." Jn compuilon there were two other motben ln the l'OUP who waited 1 combinad H )'Uri !or thalr Drat chlld. Deplores Too Much Glamour Pat Wears Thrifty Attitudes The expansion program will benefit from a fund-raising -pWmed bY the North HuntJncton Beach Nunery 8cbool at noon tomorrow. Jn the Pllk'1 JID!lly -Room, 71111 Bolsa Ave .• , By JOY MILLEB to do aomeUtln1 for myaelf," home for her father and two Tbe family stlll likes her • We1tmiruter. . Provided liy the ho me economlst from an a r e a ·market, ticket& !or the thr ... count lunchloa will be 11.zs, with all prooeedt aolng toward the bulldllll fund . In charge of Ucklt 1ales .ts Mn. Gerald Ridout, 1ttwurer "of the rturury ld>ool, ad:Mr1. Alan Grim dlllnnlJl or tho luncheoo. -For addlUonal lnfarmatloo she. ,.., lit Cllled at 14111'1. : In operaUoa a yur and a alf, the acbool recently J>urchued 1 buHdln1 and has eased a parcel of land ac- cord.in& lo Mrs. Stan Hettinga, •president of the or1anization. Voters Bid To~Coffee . Pro11ot101 polltlcAl _.u,mty throalli In-. lo r m e d partlclpatlon In ~ la Iha '1-Je ol -·Y..,.,ancllhlnon-""!~--..... lutlon · 11 open all ........ "' '{Ol)q ii•· • Tile ftva lmltl In Huntinfton MRS. VIKTOR BUYVID January lrlde Carol Freelin Becomes Bride M Ri •··d M N'MA-•he 11)11, lhe may have 10me brotben on a small ranch meat loaf, but she apparently n. c~ · ..u.HI says mo. 1ttµg1a about ruiltin& . in ArtuiL w o u I d 1 i k e a m o rt die 1111 alwaya trie4 _.._ l~llii 111p .. lo move a pi.. ' When bar -waa vlct aopllllllcatecl.kllcllan lmqe. . her bell, but lbe deplores or fllrnllure llenall or to whip . prelldent dle'told '19p0ritn' .An Idell NIJon r.mlly meal, hat-die -calll-"loo--<nuch 111t a bol Iron lor._a qulclL...!'Ooao~I bcJutbl •---llht-hu-llld; . emphasis on glamour i n toucb-up on • drt11. cookllook and tried to preplte "a tenderloin euy to prepare, politics In recent yean." The Wbllo Hooae itHll Pit 1G1Dethlo( now llJd dl!!erent 45 minutes ; pulled potatoes, ••-bell 1 .. P1 .... th Nllon re1ardl almoet 1'1th every Dllbt. Jt luted one fresh peu, iucchlnl 1 n d ~ evea n we-.... e awe. "lt'a 1'.lltortcal and w-1. a.ncfl had no eu1tomer1. tomatoel -Dick Ilk.ea that 1ame 1ood IU!t or coat over -.. and over aaaln ln public, pie-beautiful and belonp to the It wu back to meat lolf.11 -and fruit popoven." lw'n of ber dolnl lhl• very people. L wouldn't tamper wltb1l;;:==================;I lhlnf recenuy moved Norman u.~r~' ~ti, 11aa aaid •be Mr. lest 'One Hour' c'i!"J::':'lr" Norell, dean of American contldln bene. lf 1 -...1 .coot, dealgoera, to comment Ip-·-""--d Another ' . provlnaly, "She'a p u 111 n I She atarltd complllna a nclpe """'"' luhlGo In Ha proper panpec-Ille wbeo die Wal IS, alter NIW $TORE ttve: A Finl Lady lhould not her mathar died 'ind die tool< be ID enthrallad with' fuhton ovar the tut of mdlns • Ullt the hu to wear aome- thinf dlttmnt every day." Mn. Nixon ls a practical, aenalble, thrifty womari,. tak· inC pride In belns coniideitd prtmarUy a home.maker. She llkea to prden, and 1he has called benelf "old maidlsh" about bepln& a house spoUess and evarylhln& in its place. In Iha White H-the new Finl Lady Will havt a large and uperlenced atall to cope with keepln& tt Udy. She'li · balldle the workm wltli' ber Ulull friendly e!flcltllC)', but, 1inct Ille dotlll't Ub people to wilt on her "It II tuier Not Jull A H1lr·O.-. lut Super~ Stylln9 ,, BRIGHT Th• DAILY ,ILOT '"•••• ftt lltWt Clt"1"et.11t:• /ight, ti91tf •riil l.ri9h't, l•ad yo11r heme. tew11 ~ditie11 daily anl!I enjoy fflo 11ow1. JANUARY 294t I. COAST HWY. 11 .IRIS ... 675-3306 Hours: 7. a.m. to 7 p.m. MONDAY ·THlU IATUlOAY c~ LARGE AND HALF-SIZE an lnvltlni pl'OIJllCtlve •iii;~· to -a· coffee at 10 · !Om= i!,,°:i =: Mr. and Mrt. Robert F. GUI Freelin. Pat Juqblutb. -Jr. ot Colll Meaa have The Me11 Verde Counlry ; Arri arta women tnteeatid disclosed the marrl11e of her Club w11 the aetlln& for the .1n lurninc more about the dauahter, C&rol Ann Frtelln recepUon at.tended by 200 ·laque llld Ill f'llll and ac-to Vilrtor Raymond Buyvld, !rlend1 and r e I at I v e 1 . MALLIE'S ~\DRESSES .W. .,. lnvlttd to attend ion fl Mr1. J«ne Fedelu ol. AulJUn& "ere Miu Lou1H . =.-:.::. :i:r: Santa Monica. Goldlmlth ol Stinton and Mrl. llGllll llllormatlao. Durlnl the afterooon nup-Richard Strom ol Slntl Ana '.club Launches ·Card Parties " Nuts 'n Nibbles AU.endln& meeunas every at 10 a.m. art lien ol Fountain Valley Null to Nibbles TOPS Club. women have selected the tloa Center In Hun- ~ Beach !or their ..-.. plec<. MrL Tom spine al ltMllt Will .. ._ 'q .......... Iha-. tlal1 the couple e1cbaqed at the peat book. w""""" rinl• and vowa before Tbe w I y w a d 11on~ t~ Gerald McNlllty. Set· n 1 1 .,. moooed In San Francllco and Una for the rlt11 wu St. Palm Sprtnc1 before mU1n& Joachim'• Catholic Church ln their flrat'bome In TuaUn. Costa Meu. PEDICURES AND MANICURES 1'he bride telected an em· The new Mr1. Buyvld la ptre llyle lloor lqtb 1nwn • llflduai. ol Santa Fe HIJh MALLIE'S of cbanUlly lice with a School, Sanlo Fa Spriqa, and -•"-• In II 1ttendinc Calllorula Stitt "'llopod neclllnt -~-eou.,. 1t t.oq Beach. Her BEAUTY SALON -pearil. Her Clthadrll h.Ulband II .. alumnUI or ••• D L IM lenath veil WU . borderacf In • "" lace and Wal held by a tiara LD,ol1 lllP School and lo HI ..... S.-• cl lace Ind pearll. Sha curled enrolled It .the Unlvenlty of ceat. ... a caocadlnf bouquet ol whit•'· =~Solltharn~~~C~llll:;ornt1.~~==~~~~~~~~~ rOIU ... atephanotll. fr M1troo cl hooor Wal Mn. WWlam F. riollin of c.ta M-.She dobned an l!llpire atyle lloor ltllllh N)'al red chflloa and nb 1own with matching bead piece of red tulle and pearls. Drused identically were Mllt ·N~aramcn of San-ta Ft S 11 M1u Barbara Pia-cl Beach Ind Mra. Arnold Abeu of Santa Ana. Asked to s\IM u best man w1111fdmdClark.A>IUmlng .-j!ullee wn Gecqt lll/1'ld. William Emenoon and If voura ii 1 girl Jutrt like thl gi~ that morriod d11r old Did, 1h111 lov1 a c1meo. Pin with di1monds, rubiea and ornerald, S75. Ring wtth di•mondl. ees. Y•• ~•rt• A11 .. 1tt W•l••l'rl• -t11111A~t,lttri, .,,. ..... o.,.,.. .... __ 11~ AllKRUM'I \d1• !064 I. MAiif:;. SANtA AHA e 146'1IOO 7tJ S. ~ .., PULLIR'IOll e 171-412' 11 -IN IANTA AllA / SLAVICK'S J--.S1no11 ,.,, I& F11hien l1l1n4' N1wport h1eh-M4-IJIO --..... ,,. • ..,. t 1• ·~· '" ___ s1z1s. ___ ..., 12%-26% • 11.20 I LI nAllTS THURSDAY, JANUARY JJ, t:JO A.M. EVEIY WINTER DRESS IN STOCK MARKED DOWN TO CLEAR l/4 TO l/3 OFF!! REGULAR $15 AND UPI --RIDUCm TO CUAR ---. ODDI & IHDS • SPORnWEAR • ROIES 1105 Newport, Cost1 Me11 ..v. ..... ""' ., 1 lffl StfMt•• HOUllt t ill •·•· "" l :Jt , .... friffy 1111' ' • SKIRTS SHOP AIMU40t•t ..... lhll. ....... r ~. l ..... -·~ __ ..... __ ..................................... ________________ ......... ________________ ~~~~~------ ' . . . IOllP'N-'DU WAD llPUD-·~ Ill'• Some foUta IQ' tht nl~~ -..,,,, --lb IDWl '* ..... let'• ... ..... ·.Lah-eradl!ta maJdllrwtlbtlltblc .... from ,.,._ "1 -........ _but_ ""' of thlln padlqtd· ... .. -.. ~ 1111tsrw • _...,,, . • an 'la~ Jcrp, ! ~:1~ -~ bl\'!I """' -it(.'_oi _ ~ brtU ·llllDI "" • • • • !dlllllothlrtbeblc~ wttb ....... slid pop lll!ril wxtlr ... -· Tlif1 would bl lllnP11 ......... U I dunktr 1n ~ """'-...... amola • . • -lanl(!• them, melt cbeta en tblat, t110>wttb C1'WDtd obtc1111('1Jt -· .... -;ti; eat them plain. 'lblt ite bUod dill> .. """'" """' neu, )"! tllty wilt,' 111!!11 cr!Jp slid delJcto!fl• .. montbl. Btr~­ YoU ""' DtbbJlnr ,.. .... ,..,, and' ,...·u -~· !niol.UIOl'llol thJnp to do Labwlh. It "" "'1< ....... ,.,., .... not br1J1C In I ooiipfe tof -bey lt -lt)t<I, and hive l'OUl'Ml-•""!f er eattnc ldatldl:" ftY ON .I. KIJW 10VP -l'Oll~--- ~ HCl'l!t inlrtdStnt 1ib Kubro Soupo lo llld le 1.0 love ... Eacll llavW lo ..... and -... -""' a.re richer and tutier .tlily do not contain an)' anlnud tats, 1upr, •t.archet or .aoar. and oontatn oai, 1/3 !ht ~ orill of ftlUJU' IO\IPI. !kW• this 1or • D111tierioua ... cl tlavon. •• Roma MbAttzU.a • • .Bariey MUlbroom • : . -Sour c.bbqe ••• Old -World Vttetable and GNen Split Pea ••• Each II ""- coble and dl!Jlht!ul • , • 1'nnen in 2 eont&inera in each Jll.fkattt 10 you can W hl1f at. a: tllae u jou with. Add 2 CUpt ol Wat.tr for each half to brew ap a bl&" pint. DB. DAVID ORU AND 1VIFE DOROTHY BA.:n: DOOD fl' ••• Come up with a truly excellent line of Manaarilt Style Frozen Chintte l'oddl: . • . Tbe Chua' SlWirhll Re11&ura.nt on liollyw~ Boulevard lnltant1y became famous when lt optned in -1963. Last year Dr. Chu cen- ~red all hil 1ntere1t1 in fretlllla hll f.amoul entrffB. You'U llJct the euy to pre.. pare fllvor-eealed, boll· in the ... ""'° of prepuatllm ••• The Won Ton .sotqt ... a meal all In l tM:}f , • , The Oilck.tri 01ow Mein. Otlck- en Almond with a little lflf>. arate packqe or choJlped almond1 to JPrlnkle on top, and Fried Rice with Pork, rive you a compt,et. dirtber. Sweet Sour Sauce to ro deli· cloUJ!y over llict1 of pork or lhrlmp. The lood Doctor's b&ckaroundll..._ ... Tht toad Doctor'• back- ground is lnterttttrw . , . He WU bofft tn . J'oochow. ~ttet the "'&r he araduated trom tht Uniwt'llty ct Pl!nn- sylvllJlla whe~ be atudiid public health, obtained 'his Muteni on Blcttr1oJ.01Y at Oreaon Medical School. then to USC to •Wd.Y Food tech- nol0ty, then trullftJftd to Ua.A for PHD 1n lummo Bio O!emll1ry. Nm """· he .... wtllbedried~ looda. RAVE NOTICE l"&OM ELWllLL l'A&MI or the W-RUIDllti and M"""-a 0...0.. -EIWaU ........... l'im Billi .,. tMtr. newest bin d' oeuvre 1D Jbe· slunorouir beat and m.-. on the tnd ola--··· 1'1111 11a111 ao · 'lroo m.. cbent, mYlbnorm,ud ">' -and 111 ~ &mlctd 1n I bot .. W., l.UllOJ<lll ll'OUGI: mm tbe Wuttm cm,. .. ~ ... ~ all--·-bnatbt out • .......,.. tat -... •:•••11p1111 . ol ~...,. .... al- ..... bl bpi "''ilt>ara .. cripm. ~p-- and mtlona ·~ from .... rob, .-,, cabbta<, ---··--Koep -and fl<li .. • -· --""" Wt .llW .. -na-.,.,. llult.Koep -·---IDd-.'l'lilo .. -a. hlll lnatbe oat lo ""-~tblt ..-...., r\t>t•. v...,i,.. blta don't netd lo llaw tblf ... Jntere~. ,. / RJCHAIU>'1 ••. Tht ~ N StoN ••• whim >"N'll allln llnd tht New ... NoWL ------------------------------. -------- _ .... . . ......... ..' ..... ,\ I ,q HAND sae.cTED FRUITS AND ... · ' , / I' , .. , • '" I : (....... \ . . , · EGETAILES FOR PERFECT MVOR. : \ '.• ' ...... \ \. ! \·~ I. ~ l ... / \\ ' ........................... '\ ~ . ,1 FltESH, LARGE-SIZE 1. . SWEEt "ROYAL" HA,WAllAN ~ -··. PIMEAPPLf ·4r.EA. • GARDEN-FRESH . TENDER, HEALTHFUL ITALIAM SQUASH 25~8. I THE BEST FOR' JUICE THIN SKINNED, "SWEEr' VARIETY ORANGES 10 LBS. $1 FINE' FOR SALADS, PLUMP,: RED-RIPE, CHERRY TOMATOES 25~SK'T. ~~fe~ MORE VARIETY FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE, WITH 9000 ITEMS, SOME YOU CAN'T FIND :ANYWHERE ELSE. ~Ell ·Housr- COffEE I LB. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE NABISCO IDEAL 10l4·01. Chocolate Peanut Bars ARDEN AA BUTTER PILLSBURY 67' I LL 1J3 47c I LI. 79c CAKE MIXES~·~· s;.. 29' _ .. ZEE .. 4.Pk. · BATHROOM TISSUE 3 ,.. '1 S&W SALE S&W MEDIUM SWEET PEAS ... 5 ,.. '1 S&W , SLICED BEE'FS · ... 5 '"'11 S&W Whole Kernel Corn ... 5 .. 11 S&W CREAM CORN JOI 5 ,.. 11 S&W SECTIONS GRAPEFRUIT JOI 4 for '1, S&W OVEN BAKED BEANS ..... 3 ,. 11 S&W CUT GREEN BEANS JO• 5 ,. 11 S&W STEWED TOMATOES 303 5 '0 • '1 $&W RED KIDNEY BEANS JOo 7 ,.. 11 S&W PITTED ~UMIO RIPE OLIVES Jot 39c PET SKIMMED MILK T.n 9 ,.. 9:9c @:ewet ..!..'I~-· ·~ ~ BEAUTIFUL Carnations ALL COLORS . ,. . ........ ~ .. , . ' I r • ......... . . ~ : -- . \ ····" i -----------------:: • • ·· ....... · Or91n · · s.,..,.d. For Yo,.. PI011uro LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TD LIDO ISLE by Bemico Fay . YOU ALWAYS Wl11f •AT RICHARD'S, BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU'RE GETTING UNRIVALED QUALITY. .THE FINEST PRODUCTS ARE Al WAYS THE REAL BARGAINS! AND THAT ALMOST FORGOTTEN IDEAL, INDIVIDUAL SERVICE, STILL FLOURISHES 'AT RICHARD'S. WHATEVER YOUR SPECIAt: NEEDS, WE TRY TO SERVE THEM. ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU'RE REALLY LOOKING FOR? ~ori~.~,,. YOU WON'T BELIEVE ALL THE SPECIAL .FROZEN FOODS! Birds Eye Sale BIRDS EYE Onion Rings , ••. 19c BIRDS EYE Potato Puffs , "· 5 .,. s1 BIRDS EYE • French Fries , "· 8 ,. 51 JIRPS EYE FRENCH Green Beans, .. 5.,.sl BIRDS EYE I0.01. Mixed Vegetables 5 ,.. "l J.~OJi.1-~ c;i~ ' HOME BAKED BREADS & PASTRIES, BAKED fRESH DAILY RIGHT HERE. STRUESEL TOPPING French Apple Pie 89c DELICIOUS POT A TO ROLLS 6 ,., 29c NO SHORTENING, PRESERVATIVES or REFINED SUGAR ADDED Buck Wheat N' HONEY BREAD -. 41c Boysenberry Danish 15' Minute Maid Sale MINUTE MAID Tangerine Juice , ••. 5 ,., 11 MINUTE MAID JUICE Orange- Grapefruit , ... 5 ,. 11 VAN do KAMPS Macaroni & Cheese ,, .. 3 ,:. 51 CERTl-FRESH FISH & CHIPS ,. .. 49c ·ORANGE JULIUS . BARS , ""·' 49c '!J(~HttJal/«. @. ~ rfieulJIUl/ef4;Jet,? WHATEVER THE · OCCASION, IF YOU'RE STUMPED FOR A-GIFT, OR JUST DON'T HA VE TIME TO. SHOP -CALL OUR PERSONA~ SHOPPER, GERTIE. 67~ 98'LL SPENCER Steak or Roast 1.79'LL LEAN ENGLISH STYLE r Short Ribs 35~ LEAN Ground Beef 49'LL FANCY FRESH Frying Rabbits 7~~ BAR-M WESTERN STYLE BACON REGULAR or THICK SLICED 69'LL BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST CHICKEN AlA KIEV-'· . l.M.14. 1>e•P fry S min. Pl1c• on cookie 9.+ and -•-r~~·f\1 ... 'b•lt• in oven )50" for ·25 min. '.,. -_ ·: i· .. 0 f TENDER BEEF Stullod with ChHl,ul Dr.n!i~ .ii BEEF ROULADES ,_ ~ i2f u. SEASONED JUST RIGHT SALISBURY STEAKS, 89cu. PACKED IN FOIL PAN OVEN-READY Marinated Meat Balls 89cu. WE HA VE 23 DIFFERENTi SUCCULENT . TREATS AVAILABLE TO YOU IN OUR' CANDLELIGHT MEA 1 SECTION. WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE SELEC- TION OF EXOTIC SEA FOOD PLUS U.S.D.A. "PRIME BEEF." A DAZZLING SELECTION OF EXOTIC & GOURMET FOODS FROM AROUND THE WOR\:D. ' ' REESE PORTUGUESE fin olive o~) SARDINES • ~(* '1 \I. TJN KRAFT COLBY Cheese Horns I LI. 89' BAR-M PRESH Liver Sausage St IMPORTED FINN CRISP Thin Rye Bread • 01. 39' O~CAR MAYER Smokie Links 12 oz. 69' ·&MDJJiluu!w . -HOT, AND DELICIOUS MAIN DISH VEGETABLES, SAU,DS, M~ TS.. "'.....< Al( READY TO TAKE HOME AND EAT!. .. -... .. - HARD .TO .flND I BEE & BEE ' Cocktail .· Sticks I LI. 2,59 ·· r • •' ..-.. ~ 'fZ.~ MA~K~ HOME & GIFT SHOP UDO YACHT SHOP FLOWER SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPA~R 1 '•·-OLeAHERS • F&lllllLIJ&S:U ZEAULhWJJSSIQS!l!ULSSSUF 2. •r1111ME 'I·1 " ••1 ····h1n1·21 n1 · 117 Ill I .. I •• , r·. -,-•• Jt·ii ..I •• --av . ., .,.a cu • U Uta •• .a.u •• Q duo £ J so u • n LW nus _ ' . ()PEN DAILY'·'· ~UN. '·6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY '-6:00, SAT .. 9.5:00 OPEN DAILY 9.& DAIL'f l :l0.6, SAT. 1:10.1 • • • .,.. tr •· ---·· ---,... -. ......-. I I j •I } I! I I f l ' l l ' I l I .• ,PIMl.Y PMT Wtdntsd11, JanutrJ 22. 1969 Produce Supplies .Bount·if~. Vitamins. '1111 nlWJ, liJllllnl months l!IOUld be fmb fruits and lo Infections. Deep green oiid are bnccoU, l!Msels spniuts >(Jlnach, tomllOeS or tomalO lf't ldmalaton. 'Itey actinle .,..fetlblea becaule they pr~ yellow vegetables such as the a a 4.. green pepper. A f a I r juice. «ll' QPIUte to want a nrlety Vide a good share of the A golden yellow wlmer aquuh source h: allo available from Aft.er ha .... -11 • .,...1 of~ foodJ fer lie= and C vitamin! which are ob-flesh, carrots, ..._Ii, sweot you "" ..---lllt llo4t fllilt !Ill Iii lalned fr<m food. · pola'°"' are good sourres o1 raw cabbqe, <Glllrdl, Ule, good qualllJ v e 1e11bIe1, Illa. Villmlna A and c l"1P In ,11amin A. kohlrabi, JDlllllnl gr ••• I' -lO .... &hem cozy llfP' ., Ult Jiit IJI foodl litplng your resJstanc. high Good sources of ~· C potatoeo and -pallloei, Ulllll had or. Treat your family.to. hom.etnade goodness! ·ordBread fresh from. your oven aaum.a ••• texture .•• flavor still about 19¢ per loaf in your grocers freezer Fill your home with the wonderful aroma of warm, fresh-baked bread. It's so easy !md economical the Bridgford way-no mix, no mess! Just home-baked flavor and texture you .won't find in packaged bread. Slice it thick for sandwiches beyond compare! There are doi.ens of other tempting home-baked treats you can create with Bridgford Bread Ready· Dough. Easy recipes are on every package. Buy Bridgford Bread. You'll · be known by the bread you bake! ••• Write to us for ... FREE ••. RECIPE FOLDER OF MANY VARIEfIES OF HOME BAKED BREAD Sen~ self-:-addressed stamped, envelope to Bee Beyer, Bridgford Foo4s Corp., 1308 N. Patt Street, Anaheim, Calif. 92801 1 . I .. ..; ....... . . ~. thrU ~Jan. 23 ltrll 26 Prices lffective In uconn<l satowiy; '••"' ~~~a.~. $699 . . ~_!tisk~ys7a9 i°'end..i-«I proof 011\on Dry Gin $699 Half Ste-" E"'"' Gallon o.y-80 ''°"' 1ourbons99a Hill ~~ht: Prool 8allon Vodka ~ f111h $31 ' G• $3'' Dry 1n :r:.: Flflh . Bourbon~d ?;:$4'' 11 1000 Bayside Dr.-.Newport Beach 24 Monardt Bay Plaza-South Lag1111a 1 -....--------------------------~-----· , -.. '; I -. . • ------------------------------·----- Delight. FRUITS ... .,._.,.......~ .... _.,.... fnll Cldlll $ ---. . -- HJlonH01e ...., ........... I "::"Shirts · Mllw•M•111ti.w. ir= .. 2t ·-~ ... $Jff Shampoo ......... , , ...... C&HSugar . • ........... Clolliir Dll. . "';-... 29' ...... -s~sac L .. ' .·· . . . rne Milk T• c.'tllJ A fnr c....-i Mft. lllul ftr ~ Dlft•.,......, ·Tomato Jaice FREE ' ~~::-· • 11W. laft ~ ~~T-*'L Eltr1 .... ,. £m1 ~ • • • C P• IW<irlrml ream 1es ~T..., Fruit Cocktlli Ill llDllll ~Cl! N Fruit Pies ~~I Bel-air Vegetables ,_,,.,.......,~ ...... t«.•lrMMll ..... ......... ,.,......, .... fkli :" . . . . JUST THE TOP GOVERNMENT GRADES 4 ... '1 00 . ADDITIONAL MEAT FEATURES Fryer BreaSts 14-Legged Fryers =..nti~-"-69° ~re.:,~ I. 59c ... _ lfml C!tl'll ilaly 2·Breastecl Frye~~ .. Ste Best Of Fryer ~=-... Ste Midget Turkey =...-.. 4te Cl EllNING & WllXINC Klear Floor Wu ~::!:" ... -=. ........ ft3t .............. .. lug Shgepoo =::. '!:' 11" DlllRY DELICATESSEN Cottage Cheese FllRM FRESH EGGS/ LOW PRICES OF COURSE! Tomato Soup T-H-BI•• 10' Made Fnim Plull'!l Gallloa Fmh lrh«. Red Ripe Tonaloes cu IU"nex_ Tissues:~ .. oi:.29-, ' CL---!-• ---~ -n,w.uamMr" Hi·C Drinks =r- Y·B Cocktail~.::­ Pork and Beans;:.';':;' Mushro,ms :::!"..'* Dennison's Chili =. Hormel Spami::=-:.• Instant Coffee =..'"':.. ' Peanut Butte•:=- Mayonnaise~=.. . I. l , ". -. can Boneless Roas -lop Sirloin1- =~...,-· 6ftc '·"-·""·-.. 7 - ...,_o.-s1st USAA. Cllcb letf • ,... loll-·T••-.. lmnltltiw Cal « Rrcl'.. ""' 29' fnw. CIMar L11t ~4 ••rtu ·~ ..,,., .... GllllRIOll Rolls 4 ":!:: •1 • FRESH BllKED BUYS Fresh Diet Bread ___ ,.., Oranges'~;]'.~!~ 8 .: 99c Tangerines s1;;;..~" 5 ... $1 .. Clloa.eAQM 11111 Boneless Steak lunch Meat ::39' --..... -1,..r--. Fftmldurten == '"'53' ....... ,.-... 1$11ctd lacon :·::-.:-··-St ... ,.,... , ..... .... -...... 1::11• J ...... Pork Chops .. 19• .. &9· Additional Meat Manager's Features/ Pork Steaks ~ Veal Shoulder Chops Yeal Drumsticks =-.::-..... Pre-Cooked Fiiiets ~':" . Pre-Cooked Fllhstfcks .. 69' .. 69' ..89' .. 79* .. 59* ......... _..__ =~:!'::.. ·::~ 29' SllFEWllY EXT/ill VALUES . Grapefruit -:.:.--·a~ St Anjoli Pean ~~-.. 25' largeAvocados-· ~ "' •1~ Russet Potatoes :!:~ 5 ~ 59' Pippin Apples :::r.... 4~ 69' ....... :::-" ......... "8: ~ ... '::,'lt' WWI llhi ·= IJ ,_. i == t:;TJf . 1 Beach S.nla Ana Freeway ill La Pill, Mission Viejo f 1lrvlew AYe & Wiison SI. I ,. I I j I • • l I ' I 1' •' I ' ; ' I I l I I 1 ·------~ --. ----=-r-- ~ •~ft ~YPllOT • .... . . . , . ' . " I ADVQTISED PllCES UfECTIVE 7DAYS JAN. 23 JAN. 29 WHITE FRONT ' WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DAY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS PIWIUllY CAKE MIX ASSTD. FlAVORS~-- CAi.-msH Cl1T GREEN BEANS_ FDR$ • ' I ~ 303 $ NS EXTRA FANCY GREEN HEADS ~LETTUCE SOLID : HEADS GARDEN FRESH ( BRISTOL AND PAULARINO, COSTA MESA MAQk(f HO UQS MO N Tt-.Qu rg 1 l 1 JI) .... M •g 9 J O p M SAT 9 JO A M to 9 JO p M • sur-.i 11 ,')Q A M fO 7·30 p M • RAVEL ~~~~ ORA ft Ci ES A CARON · FROZf,'.\ f'OOlJ.-.; f)f,'L/CATE.'isr: \ CHEEsE0 SPREAD _ 3~ $1 ja RATH CEDAR FARMS PICNICS H1.CAN __ '2.31 ,. HORMEL ALL MEAT WIENERS noz. _ 49' LB. FRESH GREEN SLICING. CUCUMBERS ' ...... 2~ 29' SINCE 1919 . WHITE FRONT GARDDI FRESH TINDER BROCCOLI ................. La.19< ~- L ____ ..:=.-~------------------------------------· -~ . ·- I • • Wtdntsda!, January 22, 1969 Fried Ve§etables Won't Fritt~r A way ~ime ~~ l'f~.._,\,, _ Of .C<llUH ·ih. deoj>lat fry· I twpoom salt ~. ~-pepper and onll!ll unUI all are lrl<d. Serve u atlr 1n tlle~lloo!. salt and brown. tt., --·GUI with a :& rr.och call them Ing laka ttme. U you'n new I!. teupooo wblte pepper powder. our In Ille carnmeal. a main coum foe lunch with cayenne. Adfl the mllk ; cook > 2. uae ll11all ,abarp klllfe alotted·-• 4mer1cim eaU thlm al thll luk, you mey want lo II!. te._. oolon PoWdgt Add the ""' and in!It ; beat Cheese Sauce, or u an 09-and OU.: CQoslenUy over 10 separate the aullllowa ii> L U tbe .. I,.,.. lrltten · • ' i-,..an p1eeeo test roor mettle b)' cuttlru< I <Ups earlched wbl&e'<Onl-lllltil amoolll. moderately low ' heat until to fiowueta .:. the)' lhould -iemd a llO appelber· \~ _,,,__ 11 h l1ila recipe In hill thellnl m..i ~ .... vq•tab1 1'" Into ~1 't!\: s":~U:. :":: lblcbned ·om ~bbly. Off bequlte-11. mad. fa:G11111. waal to ' ' ...,...,, · 1 ·' "-· ·--• • -aad "' • ew ~ • ~ ·•---'bea' ~·-~ • .:... ·•-·· unUJ 3. 11'• a' --' •~ to ··~ _._... P8llU1 wUll lllt hleit~lrutlcllppedinlo -u~. ieupamlll: in 'holcleepfat (!71\dqreu), ~""'!"or IJ ael"llDp metie.t.-M';;;;i-rebeat thecttmneJ'b;°u;-eachu:;.'; ;r..;-tlley ectll!i. ..,t ol tbe ~,;!1~ Q)~~ '%,~for deep-lat =;:wn~~in = uan =·SAUCE ~~ J.~=:~":c~ l':f~tdir.:'an1tbetM•1:~ ~;.....,..-ch«aa '. -·'-·Ila lmedluin (about 1--') 0-.Sauce;Hdostred'. onli a few mlnuteo fare.ch V.cuPbatterarm•Harine the.._••rtcta·doubleboiler lbe '-'••time, the batter -m-lnay be-'u an ac- ', ' ' their .,...""'"". •• _~'c ......,.. Pare eggplant; cut Into batch; do not crowd frylnf Y• cup Dour -• ""',... "'"'" m--~_. Jir, tha lrltten ~ • eqplanmedl t ( bout I -'"") atri-about S •-·•·· •-• and kettle or tempttallD'e of fat " teupoon ··•t over direct beat and lben keep will bt quite tblck and you ,............ _,... ~~ by addln& cornmeal. • firm :.,.a tomatotf"' ~ ~ iDcb wide. Su;' ;;.toes will be reduced. Dash o! .. Y~ pepper ~":;,. over hot (not m:: lJ: i;:!.th = "!p = =.,~ u;v..::, -.:..; ~ ~ vegetable fritters are J small bead (about I medium-thick. S e par at e Drain on brown paper or 2 cups milk ror m a n i p u 11 tin I the alao be uMd • a cUp wben "~In jllll auch a batter, pound) caullDower ca u 11 ti ow• r Into amaII on several thickneutl of ~ cup (I> pound) grated RECIPE NOTES vegetable• In an4. -~-the lbrv are aemct U. a mack. • lbe1 come out o1 the 1 cup um1lted ,.gu1ar flour n.......tl. paper toweling. Keep batter-sharp cheddar chee3e I. P119· the eggplant only batter and the tr,m, · FOfio.r lbe db...,. on the (atlr well lo urate,belore, In a medium mWng bowl fried vegetables warm 1n a In a I-quart saucepan ovtr a '"' minutes before It is s. When ma)1 bita ..., ~ tum!qr'l!W 1100J> into de!=~ crunchy __ m_euur_Ing_,_>~. ____ lhorougbly_~_llil' __ toe.;..e_lber __ the~----pan~-_m_a_1ow __ ov_en_l_ow_bea~~-me_1t_the-'--bu-lt_er.;..; _1o_be_11Sed_,.;_so_1t_w_o_n'_t _1urn __ a_ccumu1a __ te_ln_the-:-lry'-Jnc-"-'· ~;..._;..•.,,-'J~!',;-\--·-;i,.--- r: ;~ , ·Striped Set • ',, ~ l ,,, I~,; 7001 . ' . ' ' • Stripe up the bands -tbls ~Wnc Rt ii outatandlag ~·,1port1, cold days. 1:: Jlfly-kllll helmet and mitten : Rt IS euy enough for begin-, ners -done on two needles. J!se scraps for slripel. Pat- ;~: .i,e. S, 14, L lDcl. i: ' . : CllNTS (-) ,., .1 patttm -add 15 cents I~ pattern fot'flnt-dua and spec1'J, bucfl!og; . tllhc<wiae lhird·dua 4ellvery Will UR three wetb or more. !lend lo Alice Broob the DAl- l:J'I' PILOT, 1115 Needlecraft 'Dept.. Box 1831 Old Chelsea ~lion, New York. N.Y.10011. Print Name, Ad<lms, Zip, PaUen N-. Glanl, new 1"9 Neediecrafl Catalog - over . 200 designs lo choose, I fret pallmls primed inside. Send:·so cent8 now. NEW! "50 INSTANT GIF.TS" -labuloos !asbionJ, toys., decorator accessories. Mate it today, give it t.omor. row! Ideal for all occasiom. · 141 centa. ,. ~11 Jiffy Rap" to knit, ttoebet, weave, sew, hook. so ..m.. B'e o k 0£ U Prise Afghans. 50 cents. Bargain! Quill Book I hu Jf beautiful patterns. 50 ctatl. ~am Quill Book z - pelt.ms for 12 aiperb quills. 50 cents. Book 3 ... Qulltl hr Today's ti...,.. IS patterns. 50 centa. 8qked Ham . - Souped Up •oc Sunday dinner bake a Wu: with a robust oniony ~ made easily with canned ,..sensed onion soup and cur· rllll jelly. The llUll'Yeloua dllppinga from the ham make ,h,scrperb sauce to serve with lie meat. '11* rest of your Sunday menu includes peu a n d ~ battered noodl., with J><IPP): &eedJ and coleslaw. ·• ONION-CUl\RANT ' GLAZED BAM l ·le I pound (COOk·bef- ' eaUng) ham l oan ( 10¥1 ouocea) con- , denaed onion IOUP It ~ currant jelly 'I Say leaf ~cup water "°" llJm; place on rack In shallow' baking pan. Roa..t al 325 dqrtel F. !ar Ill boars. Meanwbfle. in 1111Ctpan. combine l<lqp. jelly and bay. ~ut; &t1r ... and then. Rout him ll 1"" 1....,., butl."otl with .OOp m lzture oo. culonally. Remove ham from pan. POur oil lat ; ldd water lo driP,inp. Heat; stir now and thee. tiervt with ham. MU.a 6 wvlnp. t. • SWIFl'S IABY MEATS--25' HI-MEAT DDllERS =.. 18' ,MEAT M DINNERS =--20• SIMllAC UQUID :=_-.. 27' MAXWIU HOUSE COFFEE ,...__ 69' ·-1., -1" -' -~ YUIAll COFREr..'<-73' YUIANCOFFD:::'-fl" YUIAJl llSTAllT ::." . 'I" 1IA ...... 48• 1· ' .. , •• '.kiy~f.w.--. ';.· MAXWmHOUSI t 1 INSTANI' COFFEE (10-0UHCE 4ff JAR .... FRUIT COCKTAIL~ 25' DR MONtt PEAOIES =• '29• DOUPINEAPPll= 25' MOTT'S FRUIT TREATS-..... 35' APRICOTS ::."'...,..... 29c PW HALVES:!':"' 33' MOTT'S APPLE JUla _..._ 37' PINEAPPU Jura :::.""" . 27' . ~ ' .... ~4'Bifi.--. \ HERSHEY'S INSTAllT CHOCOLAn 73°· GRUN GIANT P£AS ,_... 23' MASHm POTATOES :-._57• NllLDS CORM -2i' CUT GREIN IWIS ::::..:__ 16• ll&M IAllD IWIS--39• HQVEST DAY SPlllAot--15' HUNT'S TOMATO JUra--.32' ···~'&ff.--. lllflTY MOOlll amsnw 24-0UNCE CAN &•70 COTIAGI OlllSE :::"' 58• FORIMOST IU1TEll :::"""--..:. 79' ~EJUra:-83' ••• It's true ••• e .. rylledy. 1't•lk1" dl1couat ••• bu.t, LUCKY PllACTICI WHAT THIY 1'PRIACH". LUCKY DISCOUNTS IYIRY rilPAITMINT• ••• fronl t'• fro1he1t prffuco ••• top qu•llty "hRdff" mHt1 ••• to thof••••1 lt1W"tl9roc•ri•1 you ca• tlepencl 011 -tllHoant pric~ to•••• yo11 h11nctr.ct1 ef doll•n perY941r ••• ltut,don't take ••r word for it ••• check It ~ut yovnelf, -UBBY'S rut BEETS....: ell~ - ASPARAGUS SPEA,llS :::::L.43• UBIY'S COllNID IEU-..._59" CARNATION TUNA,:-35'- STAR-KIST TUNA::-.._ 31' CARY'S MAPll SYRUP ..... n._87' PWiUT 8UTTIR =.• 91• rt.• .... ~~·--. \/::F l'OWDEID DRMDmRGENT 49-0UNCE ~OX . .,...TOMATO SADa::..."='-22' BOUILLON CUBES~.. 22' AU'O DOG FOOD :::...~-29' ,It· RICI MIXES:.:..-=.~ 33' . . . OGARll lb :-:INITAG~--'2" ... COFFEEMA11 :::::-99~ ~· .... ~'&fr.-... ~ NABISCO TOASTmES 10-0UNCE BOX aea APPL£ PIES i::•• 6,.- GINO'S CHllSE PIZZA -. ....... .JS• S11WYEGOABllS::=:: 49' LOISTIR YAKS =r:-$p• SOLERllETS~ .. -61' UPSIDE DOWNCAU:.::::.: ... ..72' UMONADE ='IC" --23' _ORANGEJUla:O-25' ORANGE Jura:= 51• AWAKE DRINX::."1:.l 35' SWANSON MEAT PIES ... --25' MAWOlil & OlllSE :=."-38' ur-lVan de Kamps•• All OU1TIAllDlllG VAllITT OF flUH llAICHY GOODS "'' llOITllGIY l1'0llU 111.111111111••· -·- RmlOLDS WRAP= 30' OROllD'S NAPlllNS:=...._53• SCOTTJOWW....,.-32' LADY SCOT'f TISSUE :::'o.•• 25' LUCKY FAOAL TISSUE-.-21' TOP JOI QEANER = ........ -66' PERSONAL IYORY:=.,..-..:_21• LAVA SOAP• 13' IVORY SOAP-11' . ..... ""' ........................... ""'. ....................................... ""-........... ....,. ... LUCKY IONDID MUrs ••• GUAUNrrro fOR ANO ffNOl/lNHS ... COMPARITHILOW PllCfSI .. 9!!~1!:..~9.!S~~'.".-: ~t i RIB ROAST STANDINGLARGIEHD \ z9c.· ' . . ' . THE ARlnOCRAT OF.All ROASTS............................................ '; . Ila. "t i FRESH FRYERS WHOLE BODY U.S.D.A. GRADE A CHICKENS ••••••••••••••• , ................................. . 1MAU. • nAllDlll · RIB ROAST •••• 89.i: <alDCIJ • OIUCX ROAST .45~ ROUND STEAK ' CENTIRCUT Dillaous PAllFlllD TO A GOIDill HUE .. .MM-GOOD .. ~ ...... """""". ... . GROUND BEEF ,,.,h,Loa• 43 c RIB STU.It .............. ' · :..'; ·• •a. r.ndar • • lb. T-BONE S11Alt •• !':!~."'11~ Ourl.OW~Pri:c!. CROSS RIB ROAST ... ~ .. 79.\. PORTERHOUSl ....... :~0.i1~. LUCKY ALL MUS :r FRESH PICNIC SHOUlDIR ... 45 .... CUT-UP FRYERS ...... ~ ••• 33:..1' FRANK UNK SAUSAGE ... ~:'.l." ... 85' UNK SAUSAGE.. ~-=:.-··.29·' . , I-POUND PACKAGE ·-39• . .... 49c !f!M ~~·~·-· .. ·-.. -· ... -..... ~Mt. Jw 53c ~ ~~~!?~ ......... .u .. ,.,_45c ... ~fkt/.-· -..... wnOl's GRAPE JELLY HAM --~·~ '1" ••••••• -Qlfll ••••• ... ~' ··~°BPf!·--. DElMONtl STEWED TOMA TOES 16·0UNCE CAN Sliced Bacon I WCIY IUDUAll ClllTlllUCll ' 55c a a c;t ~~~~=-c.'!."_ .......... -57< WllSON, HORMR ot RATH 63• IUCltu.toll-1 "9•"---- • SWIFT PREMIUM BACON · 68• ENJOY WCKT'S QUAUW PIODUCI... sua11.,..n•""'"----·--- THI flNIST FIUITSAJID Yl81TAIUSMOTK-R 11· HTUll CAN PIOOUCl,.,AJID Lolli OSCAR MAYE IACON 68• IVOTDAY DISCOUNT PltCIDI unw IUCD ,,,_,..._ __ _ BANANAS ~CHIQUITA BRAND Cntnl .hieric•'• fl•nt Qnflty ,,,, .. 11,. 10~. U.S. NO. 1 GRADE RUSS£T POTATOES 10POUND49 CIUO C .... THIN SllaD BACON 85• OK.Ui•m-1 ...... ~ I ~~~!,~ACON ___ , __ 1~89" . .. ~'&ft.-.... ASSQR11D ZEE NAPKINS 60 COUNT PKG • ':LiC>'° . . . ".:;:it!.1" LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUTY AIDS ,, . • ' I I ( 1 ) ! 1 I ~; .~ ' ~ • ' • ' J I I I l " • ' ,• AT TY WAY TO STICK TO A DIET lo,· I f ,, ... ·~ cipe . Rated . . , . , /. lgh --on --tisi--- • l lnvitt iour family and friend!J to dine in royal style by ~inl Bak~ Loin Pork Cllops filled ~ a zesty ~and frultAresllng. ,. . '·BAKED~ PORK CHOPS 1 ;, cup~ celery 2 tabl s minced ooion 2 table . · butter or margar l pack Sfl~ crackers I cup di~. unpartd apple ~'• cup.<ieedleu raisins \~ ~n sage Salt Duh .of pepper 4 -I loin pork chops, I inch thick with pocket Horoscope J., cup apple juict Cook celery and onion in one tablespoon butter or margarine until t e n d e r . Crumble saltines coarsely and combine with apple, raisin!, sage, ;; teaspoon salt and a dash of pepper. Fill chops with stuffing. Season \\'ith salt aocl pepper; brown slowly on both sides in remaining tablespoon of butter or margarine. Place in a 2 quart casserole; pour juice over chops. Cover and bake at 350 degrees, I% hours or until tender. Garnish witb spiced crab apples a 11 d parsl')y, if· dei;ited. Recipe serves 4 to 6. . f ries : Take Charge, Avoid Being Arrogant TH URSDAY JANU AR Y 23 By SYDNEY OmRR "The wise man controls his <!Winy . . . Astrology points the.way.." .AJUES (f\tarch 21-April 19): Male or partner may appear extravagant. Take hold of relns. Direct affairs without being arrogant. Take charge! Your cycle is h\gh. Your judg- ment apt to 'be correct. Be independent. TAURUS (April l!>-May 20 )o You get boost which helps break roadbkk:k. There re- main certain limitations. But outlook br:lgbl.ens-You con- tinue with concern over filJllily harmony. Yet, recent ad- ju.sun.nt is pr•mistn&· GEMINI (May St.June 20)o Your busilless income fftds attention. Study A R I E S messaae. Don't be fooled by one who appean to know all answe~. Key is your awn perception. See persons, situa- tions as·they actually exist. CANCER (June 21.July U )o Be tenslttve. to needs. su~­ gesU(ms ol parent or one 1n aut.bority. Necessary that you prove iood ,lnte nfions . Otherwlle, room at t o p becomeS ~row -you are "I~· IJndemand. I LEO (July U-A111. 21): ~ lunar aupect Loclay coln- cldtS-•Uh favorablei newt from a d'wiiilee. Y.ou receivt -!loo. con >-yo.Jr -Pt l lift. -.·di ""' ... writlnp. ..... (el --· ........ moe <Auf. IS&Pt· 211 : """" ..... -olllln .... co,ctmod -'lie _..un. You have tGrne ctennl~ Ide». Bui lodaJ It Is ..... to 'lei ... , d1t.er er~ vllwl in oi••!lde IDUoef. Wat l , ,..,,.... Gola~' UlllU (slpl. %1-0ct . .)I): l\eYlof ~lie ...... ~ ll'O wltll the p!ople 'iil!O ,...,.. your v~ Jl'ollOw tllrollp. lltlJ ii!>PI' I put upcritn«. Doll"t ., "pig in poke." Be confident -loyal to princlples. SCOl\PIO (Oct. 13-Nov. 11): People who depend upon you make known their needs. Ele- ment of corifusion is obvious. Be versatU~-Yoo no longer are afraid. Unknown beco~ bright with light. Step forward \\'ith cOnfidence. SAGITTAR IUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Cultivate hobby, creative activities. You can break through restrictions. Now is time to seek change -plan to travel and welcome variety. You have luck when it comes to speculating. CAPRICORN (Dec. %2-Jan. l!I): Practical affairs dominate. Surprise in financial area highlighli day. Pro- motion or business opportunity ill indicated. Study available in- formation. Be familiar with regulations. AQUARIUS (Jan. :ZO..Feb. II ): Be gracious host . Welcome visitors. R e a I i z e neighbor or relative wants to confide problem. If sym- palhelic -you gain. Stress family barmooy. Cement rela· tionsbtp,. PISCF.S (Feb. 19-March 20): Priority should be given in· cbme potential Be perceptive. Read between the noes-study fine print. Element of decep- tion exists. Find oot the wlay of events. Then act ac· cordingJy. IF TQDAV IS YO UR DIR111DA Y you possess in- lellectu,al curto,,ity. You are attractive to oppoi!te ses:. Voor cllarm radlat.s -but noc tveryone understands your pl, motlvn. Some rtstric- Uom we in effect -but. with per sisntence, you overcome them. GENEllAL TENDENCIES: Cycle hip 1 ... ARIES, TAURUS, GEM~!. Speclfl word to SCORPIO o one wlio doubted you -II c:onllclent " your '111111.Y. ,, -'""" .... .-. -'**~'· flit tr\rllo -.beut ......,.....,, """" 50 un'1 fO Ol'Nltt ~·• lt>t O"ILV f'ilO" ... »• ,.i.Cj (t111t11 $t111on, rotw Y«t. • y. I\ llRilF 1•Y STARCH ts .••. 47c 111• - ~,,~~!) . ' 4-0l. Sllf 43c S1.00 Sh .. ..:.s ...... f~-Aili...W. Tec•..tlc ltmtl Refill -Jus-t--WonclerfUl-- HAIR SPRAY REGULA.R. .Ott H~RD-fO..HOlD 13-oz. 1i1• C•MJICI•• will. 11111-t ~tity, kigti.t ,rifttl IMtMM otod -1 6 YEARS OLD -·86 l"ROOf DOUBLE SPIQ!lGS STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON DOUBLE. ~ SPIUXGS .... . . . ..... a ""'" .. ";; Oi1till -\ . _..t•ft' ,c:!"'li. . · "' b0n1•• · K!.:0-Tl"t ot"°• llRAU,Ul. Ill. ·-~ '11"111~1(1 ~· ~.:.:..~-~-.;_.., p\t1ill...., FIFTH FULL ClUART •••• •S.38 I YEARS OLO -IMPORTEO ALEX THOMPSQN YINT.t.Gf OATlO-lM'°"T!O DE RUGlf SCOTCH WHISKY POUILLY;:~E FRENCH E ·1~ CHICKS CASHID & ' ' Alllerican Express Money Orders soa.a .. 1 1 SciYes Time! S11Ye Steps! l'oy All Your Bills wit' ''Tiie Safe Money" Wlllt CHICORY DRY 'CAT FOOD LUZIANNE Ll:rTlE FRISKIES COFFIE H1h orlW 55c "' ,_ ,,, l ~b. 69 ' .... 95 c ... con ·-.... .. SWIFT'S-&ROWN 'N SrlVl u.s.D.A. INSPICTID CHICKI• PORK SAUSAGI -.~i .... 6 .... FRYER PARTS BEEF BACON ~-·:;~ 7 BtEF SAUSAGI · -;::: 5 ;';(oy':s PASTRAM.~J ~ a'EEF0 LIVER . 6 ! WHOLE LIGS , ---·--oa-. -- THIGHS DEL MONTE Apricot Nectar ROYAL ANNE OR,DARIC SWEET Libby's Cherries CONT ADINA .Whole Tomatoes I. 3 t=•1i con• \ 3 toll ,.. 303 ~./ .... 4 ...• . ,y, cont G';;.pefruit Juice ~::~'. 43) · it iie;1A-'i'a11 Dog Foocl 5 ;;;~~ . DELICATESSEN SPECIALS IAAMfl JOHN -SUC.lO co no SALAMI OI: All MEAT BOLOGNA >·••· 29· c pk9. FARMER JOHN FRANKS. ALL MIA1 fAtMEI: JOHN COOK ID SLICID HAM D,-JnVAU!Y SLICID SWISS CH.ISE GOUll.N ClfMf: -AS$0Uf0 FLAY-ID YOGURTS c 1 ·lb. pkg. ~: 59' , .. ,, 39'. p~ •. 5 .... •1· "" Hunt's Tomato Sauce fll:fSH CHltllD SAHDWl(H GLAD BAGS • WITH NIUSHll:OOMS • WlTM (Hu.sf FRO:t:€ STOUFFER8 • CHlCK[f.& f. NOODLfS · l. • BEEf STEW "•·. 75,c p•g. • ROA.ST BEff HASH • CREAMED CHIP •Eff .. "•· 95c pkg. I MAAGAll:l"'Nl SOFT CHIFFQN • WITH OHIOfilS • WtTH JO.IMTO 5M.1Cl 2 !;~31 ' VITA PAKT ORANGE JUICE 4t:r. 69 c ::a33 c li\o 55 c fl Cc c;QIJp(ln 111 eoch pli:9 l 2300 DarboJi :Blvd. nt Wlls°' St., Barbor ~ .. opplng Center~ C o sta Meu • • • --.. --4 * ~------'------~-..... ----'-----------------------------·-------- ' , . CctlrriiD•BEEF ~ ' ~ :t:€N FOOD SPECIALS us •). • • ' :ff • • FRIEZER QUEEN · AL1. VARlinlS MEAT ENTREES .. -. ' "St;.t.;., $1·39 . """' ... .. ' : !:!:~,!1~~ : 2.1 ... I • Sa,lilb\IP'f "'9k ,.... ' • Meal i...t· • • • ROLL,!ID CROSS RIB BONELESS ROAST · l:ffU:5HING DltMl( pl~• 6 l .. L 69C R.C. COLA ,,,..., •·1• cof'Fil:'MAll ~ 49c iiiF'i11w ·:.· 55c . ;PAGHl'nl SAUCE !~L 25~: -. ' ' . • • , · ''SUCID FARMER .JOHN BACON . . . :.~Ste ' PUSH ··· COOKED CRABS 2 te 21fi•llla. ---'".i!f:,• si.lciiiG LEMONS .2 ~ 2fl· !o~~1:r:c•. iiiccoL1 19.:. · ':~: . "'.... iiusffi·ooM• 3fc l 1 il. PICTSWllT YIGnABLIS s tt ..=::.·53c.1 ::~:;k 29c 2-lls. !'-,.... ' .... . • • l O.Or:, .·~·~ pkg. ' . , 2300 Harbor .1Blvd. at WllsoJJ St., Harbor 'hopping Center , Costa · Mesa • " . . . ~I luxurious ' • Knit this luxuriowl Jacket (of cool daya -you can wear il ail year 'mind! · • ' Giamoroul. ll&ht, wann I "Mink" mohair Jacket knitted ,in one plecd, frofn ~eCk Clown) erupt 11<>Par. Palte\'n .1!p5; sizes llHl: 36-88 Included. -.~ • , ' Pqncakes ' I Topped FIPTY .CENTS (coins) for eacti 'pattertl -add 1$ cent.a for each pattern for ftrst~laSI mailltur lllld '1j>eclal handling ; • It hu becoono • nll-lnown othenrlw thlnklus dell""I' ~ fact lhll dairy w!O lake three weeks or ~ "'1r Co-Mm · and fnllli '" Send .. Ai!Cf Brvob, the DAI• )l"lclm'17 •.• ·, aobealllble LY· PILOT, 105 .NOedlecnft \ollll. Hire 1tomo -1st. Dept., Bo< 111, 'Old. ObelSea -~ l'lalcopo I« a stallOI), New York,, Ill Y•'' Jire«MI -'l"l will lOOU>'i>rlnl N-• A4clreR, ~ ; lllllldby. • Zlp,P_N_r. ;I>ra.oae .imolf -(Ill piaJJj:ae,w-Ull N~ .,-;..-pineapple; ca1a10c -...... 11111·d~ ~ i-. ~ eomb1no lo ~. 3 ltt.e ,,.tt..,. ~·-I cup(~ pint) ptln™ Inside. Send lO i:<nll itMry "I"' c:rutn, ..,.i ..,.. ..... larislJ!pf«toodlr,~- NEW! "IO . t N.S TANT 't.IO:OL , G1n'S" -t11:!tJl0011•shi.ons, toys, decon.19t' accessories. Make 11 today, &1vo 11 ,.,,, .. ,;.. Spinach Treat row I )deal Ii>< oil. occul0nt. , , lO cenl8. . • i'Drit -......._ llletd "11 Jiiiy llqa'' . lo knll, !lt•k ~ ~ aocbet, weaVe,'1Mw, t¥iok. 50 bl~e, ebeelll .J aod a' #.W.l'-4 cenbr. · · • • · ~ dro~~ Boot or 11 Piiie Af&Uu. · d;Hillitf\Jf ....... iilid ,;,. I lO cenla. llFrotr. • ! 1 \, I I \ I ' I I I I f I , ) i I H DAILY~ I ., . . . . ~ .. . ' . . . . . NOW FDTUllNO 5.fl.IOHTS DAILY FROM ONTARIO AIRPORT 11tOH~no1n11AJ&-.ir ~o· . gruvr:~ --101'lt r1,'n1111.1111 W[§[§~c [3~.@)o. @ ano•TH(RITIOnU•llH llTll-ll.tTI 111 l l#E ..... ~-~--...., ... _... ....... JtTfl81' ...... ,_ . . .. . ":.-.,;:....,,.,....._,. __ ~· .. ~.- Voul' l:t'V It V.. fMnOCM.tn.ntilr SIR FRANCIS DRAKE HOT ET, lMlllllil ......... ,,... llST MlllTD ..., ,_ t11MUllAl1 WUif, CNlll TOft. -....oton .. MIL,,. .. U• emHltOHMIWILC... .. (t.iil•...,_ M) OOCl 011111 WlCTICiUll ITUUTI IOOI YOU'LL DRIVE A BRANO ~T VALCAR-TifE.W<ST'SFI~ RENT-A.OARSERVICt , IT=~. i. DAYS • 2. NIGHTS ~£'-=.;.~.=1::· WITH Tltl!.VAWE PRICE AST fllll AllfOl:towva'f 6 ..c:IM ' Youuw.-.10u.rau.cs AuomDIU¥00S 5 s1 YOGURT CHALUNGI ·-· ·~:.~. SH~EDDED CHEDDAR..o,.57' MJB COFFEE c:iu.11111tL01uc(1 .t cgc CHEESE SPREAD -., ... ~ 69 M:G • 11t1miuia"-t\ t 39' 1 ll. c BISCUln rt:.tof:~~u-t«. cAN· !.\-!!1':l'CH".E'a'"E1L .... 3" IW.. "-J.U.CAN ___ Jt,)1 M#'JllOt ~..U.UH ---Sl.ff tftc 10.0l. .. ITANT -Sl,Jt TAii!~! El •""II If I ---· ' U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 6th & 7th RIBS c LB. 1st thru 5th RIB .... 79fb USDAOtOIC'IOISTAnlltOS.CltTIFllDB!!F 79 C RIB STEAK ........................................ LB. HAM ~I HOCKS! . DELICIOUS nNOEISMoqll 39!. CHUCK 1 ROAST USDA CHOla Oii 39!. 1 BEEF@ LIVER TENDER-·· 49!. CANNED PICNIC , PATRICKCUDAHT $199 COOKED SHOULDll J LI • . SfAT.ERtBROS. ~ CHOCOlATE I COFFEE :_ ........... ...:.1-1.B.CAN OU IK ................................ !·LB.CAN FAVORITIOFYOUNG&OLD FARM CREST-2 FIG BARS.-............ LB.PKG. e jo0LL0YTIME 4 POP CORN __ lB.BAG CARNATIONASST.Fl.AVOllS l CHICKEN NOODLE WITH MEAT INSTANT BREAKFAST_.~~~: e LIPTON SOUP MIX .......... $ 2-PAK • ·CARTON ROYAL CROWN CQLA_611-0Z.63' MARGARINE :\~8~~AN•S u.39' KRISPY CRACKERS 1~~,g~_35' NABISCO OREO COOKIES--HI. 49' OYSTER CRACKERS ;A,l'~~g, ___ 21' SEGO DIET FOODS INSTANT ~·AK 59' MIRACLE WHIP '"" ... -·-.. °' 55' GRANTS FARMSYRUP __ .,.oz.69' CHUNK TUNA f:U~~'l..'J~30' TOMATOJUICE u,..,_....,,37' SANDWICH BAGS01Ao _co't?NT33' FRUIT COCKTAIL ~".f~,~rn'cAL "''25' OVEN CLEANER ~~r._,.,,,98' a.oz 79' WATER SOFTENER Wil~'--•'.61' DELSEYTISSUE ~~ro,, _~~25' BRILLO SOAP PADS _ .,. o,,,4gc K2R SPOT LIFTER ... -~oz 11" ,.oz98' WESSON OIL ···-·-·-.2'-0z48' FRENCH DRESSING '""" -•·oz 29' INSTANT FELS 01'.Al-.... oi.69' 1000 ISLAND ~~rs.... ..oz 39' PERFORM STARCH ~'~·""oz39' FRUIT COCKTAIL oott -.~27' MARGARINE ~~n~ ___ .... Ho.29' 2 PEARs coc•o· ,. CAN 4"" c••45' PRlllRVIS 9c rHEWALK.-·~·sucEo ,-liALvEs ~:~~:-.t.w. 11-01 CATFOOD z53c UTTURmk•S MIB TEA BAGS otAL--" 1' _. ......... """" ... LETTUCE * FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHOS FINISH lJ.OLDUL 57' DETERGENT ..... _ BORDENS 69' CREMORA .... 16-oz. BATHROOM 69' CLEANER _~~~ DASH GIANTSIIE.DIAL 59c DETERGENT .... PKG. LARGE FANCY CRISP HEADS SAVE 15' COUPON FOR .... -"" ... ll(UO':.... 2 3 3 c APPLES •ANCY ---·-·--.. ---'"· 9c X.FANC'UID EMPP<>I 2 2 GRAPES _ ..... · · ...... 25c u.s. NO. uwuuaoWN 3 . ONIONS _ .... '"'"'''~"••••M,. .... -• ' LARGE X-fANCY D'Aruou... ftc u.s.NO.•llllls .... YIT 19' PEARS __ u.17 YAM --·'"· PILLSBURY CAKE MIX 1 Sc OFF ON PURCHASE OF ANY FLAVOR PILLSBURY LA YER CAKE Good Onlv a1 ST A nR BROS. Good WO.kof JAN. 23-29 ON! COUPON PIR CUSTOMD KING SIZE 99 e TIDEXK Wmt TH1$COIJPOM Cood Only., ST A nR IROS. Good 11' .. k of JAN. ll-19 UMIT ONE COUPON PR CllSTOMR UYER MENNEN CREST WIRINS DEODORANT SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7. DAYS THURS. thru WEDS. JAN 23rd-29th riw,.~J:~E r.·:~~ ........ 29· i;g; s 12s X.lC. --69 HG 11 49 1Unot1 J~.L':~: .. ~··;·~·.a .... 11m~ 1.7S.OL-~ --. , )ta. W•ST LIH(OLN, AHAHllM •1 IOIN•ll: A\1'1 .• HUNTINOTON II.ACM UM WllT ll:OADWAY, ANAHl!IM 14111 MINIS AVIHUI, WHITTlllt t1• NIWl'OllT I OUl.l\IAltO, (OITA MllA llM l.A&T COLLINI OltA NOI l'tT WIST UWI ITll!ll!T, COSTA MlSA 1H:l Wl"IT 11'111 ITllllf, SANTA AHA IW WllTMIHITll II.VO~ WtSTMO"STl!I: M)I IDIHGl!lt ITllllT, 1.ANTA •NA -CHUMAN AVl!NUL IAl:DIH 0110\11 1 r I --------~-----------~- r .. ,, ....... ' .. ............ 1.-..... . ,, ..-~~Hunt~ln-gto_n_llffc~.;;-li-~8'=91"'"1 ~Adams • I Col'OM ·def Mar-l049·CHSt Hwy. Costa Mesa-535 W. 19tli Fountain Valley -16042 Magnolia LIGHT MILi>,' CURE w-. J...., 22.1969 Hlllltl"9f0n h-15511 Laguna lead! -700 So. ~ , .. " c 1111' " ~ .\Yr '• With tount p ..., Chip Stw lb • ffoFFMAN or Shank Half or Whole f ARMER Jotnt ................... " • ' . I htt Penfo111 Swfft'• P,.nlunt . Ham : ... : ,, ... 59c Scsusage,b. Nu 49c c.t.ter Cut Sllu1 Honnel IM Label, lettennald, Liam 98c Fanner John If: ... c.1 ·,;,o; ·.. lb. Bacon ...... lb. 56c (~rk Chops ... 79c o~ • .,..~, •~ 0u.11.., :~"" """ c.t Bacon ........... lb. 69c 1R1b . Steak lb. 89c °""'Ma~· u.,, · SJ."~·1.b 33c Sausag, .......... 69c • 1,,;,1~ 1,.Nc~ s. ib. · Ha Ii but ~1;::1~~,,, .... 1b. 49c END CUT PORK CHOPS 49»;: :Steak ...... ' I~. 1.59 Oysters w .... m '. 10-.... 89c 1 tJ' ' • -.. :J.. ' ' ~ · -' r.:· -· -.... • -. · aNTER 1CUT RIB ~·-ffo:Z --,,_~·~ FIESTA BEE~-~tfPE SAbE-----PORK-· f~Uilulf 'Moid 22 Orange Juice • "· C Mlnur. Maki Orange Juice u •L 44c llrth ff9 with c,. • .,. Sauce ONIONS I .... 3/1 llrd1 lye Tlny T1nd1r PEAS II'" 4/1 lhdt ly. 'MMl1 Grftn BEANS •m·4/I -.w. a.., MraM v.,1i.bl11, Cit .r SrkM JEANS I ... 5/1 J's.,. IM Pound • I CAKE ' u 0" 79' · ~n•'• cftff .. PIZZA ·· · .. ··1'"'·2/1 Gino's r.,peronl/Sau1ag1 flZZA . II ... 69' JlcttwHt SHtwlng i VEGETABLES u "· 46' Al,HrtMn'• 1,.-l Gal. l.und let CREAM • • • 69c Shampoe and ltinM Shontex .... "' 2 /98c Coup Dita Formula 44 ....... 78c 100 Tablets Excedrin .. , .... "'' 99c f1h41. Auorttd Colen: Coffee Mugs , ... 6 /1. C ff CO•h o• 76 0 89 Pll .. n .. 119, tic C ' . - C kt 'I Doi Moolo 22 oc GI fNil ..... " .... , c J • Doi Moolo 29 UIC8 Plnec:rppl1 , ......• 4k&. C Drinks 0'' "°"!" '1'"••1• 29c Grapt1fru1t • , , , , • 46-oi. D Foci ••••••• 5/11 09 0 Varletl11, I 5-oL J • ••I Ma•to 29 u1ce '•"'°'' .......... 46-oL c Klear ;:::~".'~ ....... "'"°'· 1.39 romatoes °'' .... ,. 25c 303 .........•. Din·ners :~~~ :1~~~1 ..... 5 / ... Prune Juice .. , "°'" 42c Q\iart , • , ••• Coffee '°'••n, '""· "" 69' 1 99 2-lb. 1.,7 .....• ~b. • DEL MONTE DEL MONTE CLING Vegetables PEACHES Cut leans, Pus, Com 2 ,5c 5:•1 2~ 303 PALMOLIVE 7c OFF GIANT LIQUID Cold Power Detergent Detergent 2:•1 66c 22 OL LETTUCE fRESH 2~29c SOLID I HEADS cAiiA017 lli. DEL MONTE TOMATO CATSUP 2-Sc 20 oz. 3 LB. TIN CRISCO Shortening 76c DUTCH .\PPLI CHOPS 69•. DEL · MONTE CHUNK TUNA 4:•1 ~·· 1 LB. CUBED Fleischmann Margarine 36c · • . i.: . a·A···N·GES .o .. ' 0 'sWllT .JUICY . c NAVELs :-FULL ' •• . . Of 'JUICE • ••• • • • SWHI 1 ANGELOS Jjnno• .. -~-a FRAN . ! .... · AIMrfcan ln1~ MEATS \\ii'" .. ,,.,, sw..1 .. • CHEESE ,.". Paw..,., .... / Ilk Bl~UIT ... :. Kt.ft JeG, Miki, htra CHEESE ...... Kroft Swlu · CHEESE ...... ~ kNft hrp CHEESE ..... .,_,_ LINKS ... i .. ,, w • ' \' .. • : ..•. 49.' .. -2~' ~ HL39• ,, ....... a• ' .. ~ 89~ .... 9&•: ' 109· I . "" .. ,,,_ 69• " • PRICES GOOD JAN. 22 thru 28 I IRIA , ,,_:'..!!'9\.,.1 '°" IM IMI, =.:: 't>-lftl .DREn GIANT 79e JOY 22.0L a3e THRILL 22.0Z. sac GAIN GIANT 79e IVORY ~rl· 1ae TOP JOB COMET .. OIANT 66C 22-l>L 25• I ' I I I I I I I I ! ' I t ! , ' i 1 I I I I . I ' ' I , I I l 1 • l .l • 1 J l ~ ., i I I ' • . . . ' . I • .lrresistl !, Moms-fo.lhd Need Milk :Mothers Needn't Always Wrinkle Brow Over Fever . j llOUletbinl coold be wrong. dearee norm. ll ii gencraD1 ~ fever can be frtmd at a klw -usually '11 degre11 u wtll u foe. Jt'1 the body' I · or I bit lower -during the urly womm1 l)'lt<m. ll Is early morning boon. 'lbJa ii rareb' dangerOUI. And, It Is becauae the dn:ulatloo of our allo one cond!Uoo that can blood !lows down wblle we ahriolt always be relieved. aleep. By late afternoon or ~ body'• lemperature ls early eveniftg, wJth the day's not comtanL During any 24-acUvity, it may go up to about hour period, It bu ,...,.! 9U de,,.... upo and downs from the 9U The body's beating l)'llem II very similar lo that In a)'!Wn of pipes. \Ike l houle, yoor own home. The body, too, the body ii !Dlulatod. The like a furnace, bums fuel in•ll•'ka is + lfJ'et of fat wblch, ID this case, la food .lW>dir the Ula: that ls burned prlm"1l1 In · 'lbt· body Ukewlle bu a muscle timle. Thi! generated 0~al" tt 11 b:ated ln heat is lhen d i 1 t r 1 b u t e d the bypotbalamus, a part of through a vut ne1 ..... t (If ·the brain. 'lbJa thermostat blood veuels in the same way goes into tmmedlate action the furnace's beat Js sent oat,. once there'• an infeeUon or through the hooae through a ootbreat (If dlaeue. Babies Nld youna: cblldren ailmerita, sud 11 appendicilis, tend lo gel V"1 !llgb l<m· that oftAoo poduce ool)' low peraturu from only llligllt io-fevers. fectiona. A c bi 1 d • 1 tem· As a rule, ~ J<IUI' child 's temperature goe, over 103 de-perature e111 aboot up to lot lftel you should aummon the degree& fer a few boura with doctor. A fever ol lOS degrees just a 1lmple "" throeL Tb1lo or more usually leads to ex• la mainly, becauae the ce.ssive loss of water. known thermostat "tn' the chJ.Jd is not aS dehydrallon. It iJ lmpor· fully developed. Conversely, lint' that the water Jost at there an a number «. 1;tf1ouS this dme be replaced. . ' '\ .- s •• YOU SAVE MORE ON YOUR TOTAL FOOD COSTS AT VONS ••• AND YOU GET BLUE 011P SFAMPS TOO! QEEF COUPON DOU I LE aLUE CHIP STAMPS with this cou- pon Ort.. the totel AIJlJ)unL of eny purch11e exclud- ing liquor, tobecco end fluid m. i I k ptoduct1, I Coupon pet customer. Coupon 'ii o o d Thund1y thru Sun., J1nu1ry 16•.fo J1nu1ry 19. I CHUCK ROAST ::=49c y..,, '"""' II. l1111tu a.ck •• 19:0 • ..... cw ... tr. STAR KIST CHUNK TUNA ,;M~ o N s LIQUID BLEACH All Purpose ©•V£ e DISINFECTS II •SANmllS 4C •DEOOC*IES GAi. pl.ASTIC BTL. Rich in Polyunaaturola 3~ v;:-\siii\ CAii ~ BUQUO DINNERS ADorfo<f "°nM ~ 11.Ql.-~ RIB OR BONQESS FAMILY STEAKS lb. Boneless Round = 98~ TopRoundSteaks : 'I~ ChuckSteaks =.::-49~ . loin End Roast :::.. 59=- leg 0' Pork :: !':'." n-. mn•-··•a. 59t 29' LEAN.WTERN RIB HALF lb. SLICED BACON Beef Sausage ~.:o..-' COinedlief ~~. 79~ -Tavem Ham·---· •f" - .... llolU 11.9 I&, .... u. ~~ 59° Siltar I Rollltow I bpert's FriH I FrW I G-• s.-. r"" r..i. slkb ....._ llltll Solo lilrfl shri., HJ.PKG.. -98~ .... 49~ ,_ 39' :::::-791 :::::-831 ~ -'1· =~.:'!.&f " ... I-Ch. .w.. l-0& ..... u.c.. .... l>OE. .... "'°" .... ~ DELICATESEN SLIM PRICES •• , •• PLUS MONTEIEY. JAC VONS.MADE IN WISCONSIN ' ~= $AVE "':;. ZJc /6. Borden's Yogurt I V1111na Fnnb I Vons rnchlladas = :"' ,,_ 4~8-==-Oft":. 75• .: ,.:.i °=' 3 :t 'I DO "KA'llOll,Mlr.a. 1. 7 ~u«.,..;;. . &l.'11(1o$111 Deep Rock Bottle Water 5 35c Stewed Tomatoes c:;.• 2:29' Bernstein Dressing ~~.F-s 3:$1 Vons Premium Coffee il~'.:::}i 59c Dole Fruit Cocktail ~~· 25c Thoro Fed Dog Food ..i~~; .. 5: $J t ti S PRODUCE "JANUARY WHITE" SALEI PLUS Cau6flower ..Ti:.. 19!. White Onions·:: 10t Fresh Cabbage =-6t t/1' T•ll c..,.. &Sal It! WHITE GRAPEFRUIT """' ~~ JOc \llTAMtf c EA. c...,..-.... ............ _ --~ ... - Frozen VEGOABLES =~~-:::. 4·•1 • MDllD VIOITAIUI ; 9, IQ-OZ. fl(C,. • ., Dlltuwttll.CrtUISllce ~ 111 vv~~ JOHNSTON PIES !!'!_.At:!~ ......... 6t GOLDEN WAFRES ~A" SS' MACARONI l CHEESE~ 23' MACARONI l CHEESE:'"-31' ~(!1f;Jill HEAlTH & BEAUTY AIOI TEK room 11uSH 23c ~S:HAm Sn1 ffl BUFFERIN .-.. -···-··-~ n' RAP SHAVE ~..:.:z=--. 71' ioii' l'fi''' 58' F.AMD.Y 512!. REGIJl).R • • A I CREST TOOTHPASTE I z= Deg ..,.Food -1 I OlMM.IN0..6'0ff 83 ~ ........... 29' ~ .. 3t29• ff.."7r.'.' .... 751 5?22 Edinger Av,., at Springdale, Huntlnc.rton leach 17950 iMagnolia, Fountain VaDey 1 " • • u. D-CATERING : CAL FAME-6-0Z. TINS ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS • ORANGE HALF GAL. CTNS. : CREAM .......... 59~ ! JUICE ......... 4 ,,. 89' SwaMon :J.l'Ozen i TV DINNERS . BEEF, CRICKEN, "TURkEY~EXICAl'l;-5WISS smr.· ·- CHOPPED SIRLOIN, ITALIAN . MRS. FRIDAY'S 1.Q.f. -7--. ft• 89' SHlJMP ••••••••• , •• , ··•••••• • CA•NATION -, ..... 1'11. 991 PISH mcu ... . ... . ....•••.• • SHURE-TENDA-14 'If. 89' CHICllN PlllD 111A ... ,., ,, , , • KOLD-KJST-1•--8 ·-STIAIS ••••••·•••••••• ~ ~ BREAJa' AST SPttlAL MORREl.l'S YORKSHIRE c LI. DAii. y I'll.OT SI) T·BONE OR CLUB s 07 LB. · . . l·LB. · .BARBARA ANN "VERI BESr' WHITE or WHEAT 2 5c SLICED BREAD .... L~~F •. BLUE BONNET -REGULAR-INCL. 2c OFF ' ·2 5c MARGARINE ....... ~ .... · WASHINGTON EXTltA FANCY 19' : PACKED IY CAt..AUrT -U.S. NO. I .. U. 19C D'ANIOU PEARS ............ a: SPANISH ONIONS ~ IA$ ' AL~ GRINDS' -HILLS· BROS. COFFEE LARGE 24-0Z. BOTTLE WESSON OIL • WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY GOLDEN 4 •1 ;DELICIOUS APPLES... us. . ' :Jaciaf :JiJ6ue6 -UJhife-Color6 ...... u::~EPr ...... . 200 cr.-2·PLY PKOS. $ 00 JOR KARASOV VODKA '2~! SCOTS MIST-4-YR. OLD DELUXE SCOTCH ..... '4.59 FIFTHS HILL RIVER-BLENDED 39c I-LB. 63C TIN :JJeAcale33en 'f1>epl S,ecia~ TENDER I: JUICY -OL' VIRGINIA FRA 12..0Z. PKG. c C KRAFT-l'Hll.ADELPHIA i OL' VIR&INIA-IEEF, HAM, TURKEY c a5ouRa9o9.N ~::: ... '.~~ ..... 3 S'l ~':~~ ........ ~ .. _ ...... 3·3' .QUARTS CRHREESE.SPRED ••• 99c PALMOLIVE-GREEN LARGE 22-0Z . . \'91QUID • • ~DETERGENT ••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., JAN. 23, 24, 25, 26 - 270'J HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA • 13922 BROdKHUR~T. _GA~DEN GROVE • 5858 WARNER: HUNTINGTON BEACH 1308 W. EDINGIR, SANTA ANA ·•1 I I --··-· ........ _____ . ---... --·-..-·------··-------·-··----·--""--"--··--· ... ~ .. ,. ....... --.... ---.... ------·-· .. ------·------·-·-=·---·-===---------=·------· I 1 " i "' • i • I I ' I l • " ' I I I ! I l -------~·---,..-----.---~~.........------.. -.. --------I t ' -.. ---·--·--·-·· -. --------.;.__~--~......;;.;.,..,.....-....;.;.;.;;;:::;o ____ ~...-;......, VALUABLE . COUPON GHIRARDELLl'S -6, oz. BAGS. . -_ CHOCOLATE ; .. CHIPS STYLE HAIR SPRAY YOUl CHoia -3 ~ $1 ' OF YAlllTllS ; R Fonnmt Box of · 6 SNOW 39' BALLS . . Whll• !hoy 1111-Llmitod Supply '. ' ' PEPSI COLA- ::v~::; . BIG % QUART BOTIW ' . USDA · Choice · T-BONE ' STEAKS --. •' ~ . s-1e FRESH PRODUCE GOLDEN RIPE 'BANANAS ' ' . QD llPE CHERRY TC)MATQfS '. fttlQC M1AnD IMUNA ~SQUASH . . . . . . . . . . ' . w ·: 1. • - FOREMOST GRADE AA BUTTER One ' Pound ' ' . . ' :BUTTERFINIER1l:~"~~':h LIQUOR DEPT. KEEflRS MIXES --12-oz. No-deposit . Bottles · • Cj)uinine Water • Club Soda 6 ~ 69" • Bitter Lemon • Ginger Ale Reg. 6/89c . R , ,. ' . ' ' GRAND SCOT ~~~~~~D~HISKY ISLAND INN . FROZEN MIXES ' ' 6 OZ. CANS e D•411M ·-• Miii 1111 . _..,,,._ • lull qt. s4&9 BIG 1 lb. ·Can WlTH 'THIS COUPON . And $.5.00 Minimum PurdHue ; l J.,,it on• c•n p"ilr caupo!l---on• co11pon p•• t11dom•r. Alco- holic 81v1r•9•• "•ncf Frith Fluid 01iry Prod11ch bd11d1d {ro111 MJ11hn11111 P111ch1 11 by L.w -Void eff•r S111ul1y, J11111•!r 2•~-1f6t. · · --·"'" - Butternut COFFEE .1 lb. can USDA Choice -Boneless Easte,m Grain Fed Eastern Grain Fed PORK SPARERIB TOP -· SIRLOIN STEAKS $ 49. USDA Choice PORTERHOUSE $12! STEAKS Bar M Western Style Boneless-Whole or Half $119 Hldcory Smoked TAVERN 'HAM LI. Bar M Western Style SLICED 69C BACON IULI STYLI lb Fresh Dressed-Whole or Cut·up FRYING 79 RABBITS ~ a SHOULDER ' . :ROAST ·PORK Small Size : c c lb. lb. USDA Choice kr M W....,,. Style fruJ. U.ar 39~ SAUSAGE c• .. • ,.,,, SIRLOIN. TIP 98~ 01r 0-Co1111try Style; 3:s1 . !STEAKS PORK SAUSAGE ""'--$298 BURGER PATTIES~~~- Alft 10 llL M•-Delle Cheese ..•• 59c Eastern Grain Fed PIZZA Pepperoni .. 69c PORK 69~ Prlc-.. Effective: STEAKS ~.:,: Thursday thru Sunday Jan. 23, 24, 25, 26 Prlcos ,.b)tct to stock oo hattd. Bar M Western Style SLICED 49c BOLOGNA AU .... , lb Eastern Grain Fed ROLLED PORK ROAST 79 c ·;~i¥~tA lb PLACENTIA IY,.. WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placenfla 710 W. Chapman • t' I ·-~----~---"""'---~~:....:::..'--------·-------· ·--'----·----·----~------· •------------- I ' ' ' I " ' " I I l I I I -ltUMG ..... , •• 11~ . ..-. ..... -::"" *.'* r ........... RiJ.'&.aips:~ &9' ;;rs,c;.,~egc . T ........ ,...,.,__,_ 53c ......... ~ _,_ D'Jc Opten ••••• 7~ .,..- ~'l"':"--l:Cc . ~ lrhp ••. ·~ ""- I ' ----------------------------- ' •• s-P .. -MV....._ jl!r; Entrtes •••• • lA'H lfU- ""w~ ,.oz. !>ec . II • • • • • "'°· .J\1-......,.,_""vw...."""' '109 SUDDln ••••• ;: suC•>-TwmtOl4VT.t1At .,...,_ 7ec Cliiese Pina '';ill; ;.r SAUSAG:f Ot P'ffftlONI. Ut ___ ..,_ 10c MlltPlts ..• •~ G.'" .,,..._,.,._ 31c Potatoes •••• l;ll: Ii...,. f-.. Ml.M Vog. w'°"°1i &..... v;t.iii~~::~ 36' --·-10c Grape Juice • ~ a· ~&-..~--Fruit Plis .. ~33c CHEll'r •• . •NEWPORT IEACH_,,,.,,_m;;...u ..... 1110 '"""'A.._ (W'elfdtff "-1 • FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~-:!';" I I e HUNTIN e SANTA ANA4!!!.'-:"' • 'OAll '.f'., l'IU'.; f}- ' , ..... -. 4 st' n ..... ~ ••• ·=··· ;-••'• ·1 .. ,..... ..... n ·•-.... ,;:.-----· , 5.,_w ,.... .•. . ...... ............ .,._._,.. -~,--­.......... lfGU.AI. HAii). lO-ltCU> OI UN$CINllD HAii ~~ AQU~Nn !MI. CAN 5 . tl hDTIAT•C&llT .-S ., I i • l I ' !j ~ ; ·! j I ) ' • • .I 11 I I I I I • • • • ,. El Rari~~o pulls out all the stops! ~antastic buys from:one end of 6ur_garden fresh Garden Patch to the other! Cheap? The pnce, yes ... the quality; no! The produce is the finest! Don't miss El Rancho's·.first annual Midwinter ... ~ . . . I • ' ' ' J • • . . . < .. l ., . . . ~ ~ .. . - , ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ) T I Ruby Red variety • , . from · exas -._ Pink meat that's SYleet and juicy I 1 and delirht!ull Delicioua broiled! I Get enough •. at this special price! Firm and ripe! They .. 11 cut up into picture pretty glices for· sand. wiches or ulad.s • • , and taste every bit » gtiod ~ they look! I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ~ lt.a1ian Squash ••• fresh! .. , with I C I I . they will be tender and delicious! tender rinds, your guarantee that J/J. I Here's value you'll appreciate!' -. t J/J. Green Onions ................... bun. 5c : ~ I " Sunkist Oranges .............. 8 lbs. s1 I . Fresh Broccoli ......................... 19:. : Ripe, s'veet Navel variety •.• serve a fresh citrus sala.d this weekend! J Garden fresh .•• just zesty enough to offer the flavor you prefer! I Tender .stalks with fil'!l) tight head! .•• you'll enjoy every ounce! ·. ~!et~~ ~!~!~!k·~:~~:-.·::;~~:~~n~~~!c! I ~! cr~~~!!~~~o:;·~~·:~·~~;;·~:lu~· sc : I I Banana Squash ......................... s~ Golden meat that's so delicious dotted with butter and baked! , ~· AriJou · Pears ..................... 2 Bis. 35c 1 Crisp · Celery .................... : ........ 15~ 1 I Generous-sized · &talks ••• aerve celery ; 10 mAny delicious ways! I Green Beans............................ ..19~ P'irm a.rid t1avorful •.. watch the family enjoy eating them autot hand I Garden fresh .•• so firm they'll snap ••• yet cook up .so tenderly! . I . . I ---------------------------------------------Check these Grocery Bargains! · .·. ' I Ketchup H.em.1 14:07: ~1e: .19' 1 • S&~·:laked Beans ............ 3 .$1 Plump New England Btyle .• ZS.Oz. carui~ Save 17c Kraft . JBQ Sauce .................. 39' • Re~t.r or Hickory ••• save Sc on 18-ounce size! Instant Potatoes ............... 4 "'$1 Hunft!Y Jack ••• f>..oi. •.. save Sc on each pkg.! Tea Bags ................................. 39' Pacbae of 48 ••• Springfield .•• you save lOc! Kleenex · Facial Tissue ...... 4 "'$1 Packai'ea of 200 twin ply sheets ••• aave 16c on 4 ! Kleenex Towels ...... : ................ 29' Jumbo roU11 ••• de'.corated .•• you save 6c per roll I M.D. Tissue ............ , ............ 3 "'$1 Package of 4 rolla.,. YoU aave 17c on three! f t Tabby Cat' food ~.: ............. & ... $1 All flavors ..• 6\4-ot. cani ••. save 4c per can! • Maxwell House Coffee ........ 67~ Two-pound can $1.38 ••• three-pound can ft.93 -Delicateuen Specials VJn de KIQIP Dresslngs ..... 3 "'$1 lOOO'hland, Louie, &&food or Tart..r Sauce. 8--0z. CJ.ks of Cheese . : .............. 69~ Mont.on, lack or Mild Cheddar, •• by the piece ! . .-.~ M~yer -~ ........... 59' ri\, . all !Wi..,..M<pquild peckap. ~ Llnh ... ~,: ... u.oz. ........... 65' OoCat "*'1~ .. ~ -· willl • .uu.-.. • .. ii ~ v B. "k . 39'· 1squ1c .................................. .. Big 40-ounce package! .•• you save tOc! Royal Gelatin ................... 12 "'$1 For salads, desserta.,, all flavorr;. Save 16c on 12! Chicken Pies .......................... 39' Van de Kam p's .• , 10l/2-ounce:5 big. Save 6c each! Creamed Chipped Beef ........ 89' Stouffer's ••. great on touted Engli~ muffins. Swanson Italian Dinner ....... 49' Lasagne, me.at sauce plua vegetable, fruit, tortoni. Swanson Mexican Dinner ...... 49' Enchilada, Tamale, Beans, Rice and dessert! Swanson Chinese Dinner ..... 49'· Aiake it international nigh~ ... and have fun! Swanson German Dinner ...... 49' Sauerbraten, Spaetzlt and all the trimmings! Royal Host Ice Cream ........... 69' Caterinr quality ••• ¥2-gal. round ••• aave 16cJ Fine Liquors ·Pinot Chardonnay ...... filll •••••• '16? White Burgundy, Annand Roux. Serve wi~ pork! El Rancho's Scotch .... ~ .... '5.79 Bottled in Scotland for El Rancho ••• 86 proof l El Rancho Vodka ...... filll ...... $3.-69 Blend& '° l!lllOOtlily ••• 80 proof ••• quart $4.59. Four Roses ............ fifth ............ '5.19 Blonded whuker. ••. a brand yo• know I Qt. i&.39 • Pork Sales . too! PORK LOIN R·oast LOIN END 59~ !Whole or Rib Half •••... 69c lb.) The &MWef'. ~o a bud~et wise prayer •• , flavorful tempting qualit.¥ that offers dining delight two ways • •. u a del1c1ous r~t. or, we'll slice the roast into lean Wty chops-at this price. Loin eqd, 3-lb. average. Center Cut Pork Roast ••••• 89~ Cut from fresh, lean, midwestern grain-fed pork •.. to offer you incomparable satisfaction! I Breaded Pork Cutlets •••••• 89~· Ready to cook and' serve! Lean tender pork, generously coated with seasoned breading! Spare Ribs ... f'~~.~~~ .... 69~ Lean and meaty ••• sen.re 'em barbecue style! Sausage ...... ~TILllN.s~LE ....... 89~ True continental flavor ••• seasoning is the secret! Swordfish Steak • • • • •••• 89~ Always welcome on the menu .,. serve it broiled or baked •.. and don't forget the tartar sauce! Jan . !J, 24, 25, t6. No Jtak1 to dealerJt! I Pmes in effect Thur1. thru. Sttn. Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HAllBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastblilff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently /Qcated storps in Arcadia; Pasadena and South Pasadena I ,. -------------. ------ Wfdntsd11, January 22, 1%9 DAILY l'!La1' 1g _ • ! Lives T oucnea ov tne Unknown , Increasing Numbers Reachi·ng T award the 'T wili ht ·zone' • ' By JEAN cox explained lhe opeaker, "I thouahta -film. from f lo 7 who rem~ mented. Norton related. r, °' "" w.11r l'11t1 •Mtt would· II)' tt occun durtnli Tbt camera was a Polaroid preyloul Uvu in other cltlef '.' Astroprojections seems a "They put e.1ectroda on J!er "I btt one out of every some sort of aelf·hypnosi.8. She and ita Jens waa covered with and areas. Uttle wild, but it is another head and aat her to aleep two of you here hilve ex· saw a huge black cloud ovtt black cloth. The man, who One young boy In India, area they are finding worthy by hy~'rbty then k perienced some kind 0 f the White House which kept had to be drunk durln&, the MJss Norton said, claimed be of concern~" she continued, an ,.......,. wltb a eerltA psychlcll phenomena," Miss getting bigger and bigger. experiment, wu •l>le lo pul Uved tn aootber village and "ll oceun wben a perooo, llUllllli,. 11!1' JI In ' Joyce\fn(Norton told an au· "Aler the vision. ohe· •t, his lbougbta on lhe film -de>crlbed lhe envlronmen~ Weep or in an hypnotic state, tll1'loPI ·•i · dlence <f . 125 womea at a t.mpted to get tn touch wilb tn th1I cue a picture of .lbe borne and ~mberl of hia is able lo project a ~ WW ~b !··-·'-authorities around the p,..;. Unlverolty ol 1ljqlnla'9 rotUD-llmllY tn am::t,. detail. transf!:ent form of himllll ~ Rlyera ~n. d but h • d and ~-1n·~ Upoo -'-•'·", all ~·-"· -'--w -." ' ~ ent, er claim was met a WOn.1.11 pr ..w. on an ~~ i,n:wug ~ ... -Durinf a talk on Psychical with laughter." adltray before him. were loond ~ate. ·~ POWERS EXHmlTED. -~•'''"II!~ Pbeoon\epa and flllrlll<lllOfl' Miss Nl!rton • amued 'lhe REINCARNATION "The cblld """led IO iO Dflril!r an • experlmenl at ''ia tlia Perceptlm 5he ald·'!jle Oeld, group 'll'ilb her account .of an Studies llao !lave '-1 made lo hll old vlllq• l!lmMI!· and Untrerilty ol Ca.I I Io r n I a,.: 19 il'1*l known al pata~oa. bu exper_lment In wblch a petlOn tn lbe field ol rtinCamallon w!IM be ~,lbere,.be ri!..,. llaYll, a 15' ym-old ~ .,....,..,. :~~u~:"~!":.1~•ctuaJJy_..:...._~ans1_e_·,_~.c__h_i•_·an11....__"""_doc_tor_1_ound_cblldren~--1o-1eav_~~_,_Jllbs __ ~_ortat~.~...,.~·-eabllll~~·tod-lbese __ ......,.::....,.__:.'~l'Uf.~<·.~·~ .. p:.'..:;.;;""'11*~~..:; braced by leading · pby&lcllls and sclentiBt.. , Parapsychology delves Into IUCh mystifying topics as precogn!Uon, t e l e p a t h y , a 1 t roprojecUon, levitations and even reincarnaUon. One of the most dramatic phenomena ts precogn!Uon in which a penon ii able to predict occurances hi the tutu re, Precognition ap. parentl1 occurs frequently durinCclnam& SEES OWN DEATH The opeaker lllOl1lloned that President JliijWD, .iionJy be.fore h!s UaustnaUon, bad a dream in which be fonaw his own death. Afterwards, at a White House gatbe"ring to celebrate news of General Lee'I sur- rtnder, the President seemed morose Cid after prodding, related his dream to the sroup. Among those present wu Ward Hill Lamon, U.S . Marshal for the District of Columbia, who recorded Lin- coln's words. Ward JDll Lamon, U, S . Marabal lot the-District of Cofumbla. wbo ,_-.jed L1J>o coin's -"""'11, __ _ According to this report, the president said be fell into a clrtam about 10 night. before, fn whicb there seemed to be a deathlike stlllnea. ••I btard subdued IObl, u U a number of people -'were weeping;, l thoulht l left my bed ~nd wandered downslaln." lbe praldent ,..portedly said. • ''There the lilence wu broken by the ume plUlul tobbing, but lbe mOllnlttl were Invisible. I went from room to room. No llVin& peraon WU in lfahl, but lbe 1ame mournful eoundl of diJtrelm met me as I posed ai°'11.'' He aid be cooldn' find the moumera and continued to travel around the White House until he finally arrived in the East Room. '"There I met with a sicken· tng aurprise. Before me was a cataf~que on which rested a corpse Jn funeral vestment.. Around Jt were stationed soldiers who were acting as suards; and there was a throng of people, some gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping plUfully. ' "Who ta dead tn lbe White House?" I demanded of one cf the soldiers. "The President." was hls answer. "He , WU ktlled by 1n assau!n.'' ' Thia drum. Aid Misa Norton, took place six Wttks before Lincoln's usassinaUon. PRECOGNlTIVE ABllJTIES Anotb<r highly publiclud person w It h precognlttve abllitles 11 Jean Dixon of Washington, D.C., who clalma to have known about Ken- nedy's assaS1inaUon before it happened. "EvidenUY abe has 30lrte type of villona ·which occurs In clear aru such as glass," INSTANT BREAKFAST :.,;J 53c AADElfl,A.ltASSOfmORAVORS ~· -- EVAPORATED MILK 7i S1 USDA . GRADE I A FRESH FRYERS WHOLE BODY CUT UP MEIS : ____ .. 33'· SWANSON T. Y. DINNERS lfGULAltSIZ!; Mllm', IEEf, OllCXfN, MEXK:AN,.SWISSsnA.l. OtOPPID SIRlOIC --- MAYFAIR BLEACH ::' ONtGAU.Qil...;.....:;~-~--...-.,,...~--' ' ~,!!SCO OREO'S ~ 45c ~.ru!,NERS ~ .. 5i$t DOG FOOD,..,...,.. •. ~ Sl Tl!(MIO.RJ),DllC,HM,Mal,IMI-Ul' LISTERINE · $109 oo.t~ a~ HOFFMAN SMOKED HAM fUUTtoOUO BUTT POllT10N IB. 59c -S1W11C HAI.I' OLD FASHIONED SLAB BACON ,i SWUTSMOKEClllE------ TURKEY GUDE A HINDQUARTERS U.S.D.Jr..GIADIA~QUAUTT -- FRESH FRYING '.: CHICKEN PARTS UGS, THIGHS Ol lllllASTS --···"- --~-_,-ma]ifair fruits& v~ LB, 'Bone Up' On Calcium Containers LETTUCE SHORT RIBS 3 9ii OF BEEF ""'EM HAW AllAN S1Yl.E -I b Calcium la the most abun- dant and ctrta1nly one of the m°"t important minerals iii lbe body. It reprosent. 111 lo 2 pen\Ol!l<>I lbe body welihl 'll'ilb • ·p0rc.nt of this con- tained In the bones and teeth. In ldcltlon to the major !unctloo of ealdam which ls to proricje -&lb ,,.. _the bones and teeth, lbe remalntnc I pereeot of lbe totll body ca1cium pruent in the soft Ussues per1orma many vital functto,.;. ii nqulred for normal · nerfe trllllmfJllon, rtflllfallon ol the beattheat, and 11'-Ual hilhe dotlinf of blood and malolaidlni nonnal --Nlallolllblp In the blocxl u ft0 u aldlllf other bedllJ -· CapS'Steok rm fnlb muabroom caps w1lla. dlOlll1ld ahiloockneltod buUtr-brUd crumb mlrlure; bike 1b<Mlt I roinutea in a 400-degree oven. 1'ln..S..llo.Da =~....., .... fts.ef4 •••• :::~:.:~, 33c Baun 1111 LNf ...... -st .. .., .... . SOUDHEADS >ALL GREEN GARDEN FRESH LlRGE, CRISP EAai CUCUMBERS ~:~_Ji29' ,, •' --·-·-·-· -STEWlllG 89,i BEEF """""'"' CHU""5 °" •m """l!SS u~.D.A. OtOICf e I b BONUS STAMP SPECIAL ,, ' . . '• ,. . • • . a~Itymany "'°°1tn have aftd uae unmow~ lngly, according lo I h o ~· ,"All example ls ~ ' i1w bow wbo will ~u~·;;i... lbe phon• r · ' I' she' 4;Ja. -m· ta an•lnstruclor ol par •t UCLA. • fl(f'f '1edical hyp- notlit !!Ill .-be< of the Americlill pjjyalc8J1 Researcb Society •. , I "' MIRACl-E WHIP QUARTJ~ --~ . ' . . ---ma]iliir t;aquq. WUTPOR1' .. B> WHISKEY .s339 s3t9 • flFJH QUART !.f.!w!!fLS,!<EY ;!3st • .!8'~ VODKA :" s-n.t . ~OYALOCCASIOflll!t""°°'_:._fPIM .. -• BEER '"'" ...... "'"""'"""'11.J.-COLOllADO, UOHT CNf' UJ DT FUUUUOfl4 a.a . ' $LI.CED .. ':"" • stc· BACON ~= I 1 ll. PACXAG! ~!!._._ GRIEILAID 4"= ~~L!~~--7.fb ' ' - \ I . I .. I • • .......................... ..-. ................................. ~~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~·~-~~~~=~-~-,~-~-~-~·~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~-~~--~~~~~~~~ • , I I < ' i~ • ' ' ' 1, ' .,, l r • I •·. ! ' . , I 1 • l • • . • • ~ • ' I .. • • • • ' • t • . ' ·'At Alp~a .. _ you.alwa~lei the finastQiiaii~ · ..· · iO Mrythinq~--'' ... lilus .. i • .· .· .. ~· • i. ~v '.)1 • • ' ' .. ·. "a!n:ta· ·:~··~··re·:·· Ii · ·· 1DL · . ' ' .. • • : . • ' • :\1) ~ ' ,, . , i. • ·" I : ·, .t· • • .i ft • _;,... 1: , r: ! ; • , .. ~···..-...... . . . ....... • ., I "" ~. . " ·. ~ 1 ,. .• t . ~ . l . total discount savin like Ike .sg •. 27* on this page:' . • I ............... -..... .............. ~ .................. tf_• ..... k*llWIN ....... Your All'HA BETA ~ lluldmr (lfle Man In tho Rid ,ljron) ProudlJ Off111 DUTCHBK'S Pl!DB MIATI -11 YOU'l.I. •I -TO •YI • D~llll PA"'lll • 1¥111.!lY l SATllf.ACTIOll lllMM!UD • U.t GO'llRNMOO IMsro:tm ~ Bllf 1 , • NEW CROP • FR.ESH FROllN ' ; fil.UMI' A><p TINDER llU~K WAii "'9AIRTEJtOA• · i.: ARMOUR PEERLUS 11 ".iil:::' NORBEST ROASTRIT£ JO.UNG HEN IDUHS EASTtRN QUALITY ECONOMICAL • 1.t.B. ROLL ~,,._DUBUQUE PURE PORK SAUSAGE ~=~~~•RAVOA9i~ BRISKET ll. CUBUQUE'S • EASTERN • REG. SLICED ' IOWA MAID 49c BACON 1u. •~ 2-1.& PKG. • THICK SLICED "' .... loll. PACKAGE• 5LIClD 571 ' t4W Jft••raefoa uco• uie111• nm I-LI. PACKAGE• SLICED 68 1 : aiCIPl I llCAft IATlft IACO• -6sc.AR MAYER • LINK SA.USAGt ~· .. ~s w:u UTTkf ·FftlUI I-LI, l'KG. 78 1 I ·:J.1111.11 . OSCAR IM,YtR • 12..0Z. PKG. ' ... ""1C" 69 1 L ' . : llOJlll't•~s .. . -. . . BEEF FRITTERS @8Tu.. !llllA'l!Ell ir&lr' · ~ MEAT LO'AF 59~ W'IJRESK 9.0Z."""' SOLE FILLETS 11•-111TT£1t SAuct @59c All'HA BETA lmDll !Im BEl'f U.S. GOVERNMENT INSP[CTRJ , TENDER • JUICY • Fl.\VO!!.,\GE' ROUND STEAK -~ FUl.L CUT CHUCK ROAST 49~ BLADE CUT BEEP 39~ SHORT RIBS T·BONE •1i: STlAKS llONEUSS 98~ RUMP ROAST '1iiiS\ ET ;,,CD !IJEGTIVE THUl<SD.\Y ~ ..... WIDN!SDAY, JAll\JAll 23 ...... 29 • TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVER'!' DAY ll*t Al.'91A IETA iTOIB OllCOUlfT CHM'6: n1cE Fis HODORAllT is• SJ H . ' illU'1sulPli6= ssc 541 8-0UJfCJ: IOtJU I.QI "' ~ r::JCj;'\ COtn'tSSA • llLAO:: Oil llllOW!f li-"'-11_ ~WK !llGIC u.'l'J.,. JI' 991 991 971 T<W'lN PAct""• ErrRA-KOLe ~llDllUS Conditioner 1" S.1-0Z. SPMT GAH • DEOOORAlfT lRRID EXTRA.ORY 111 -• .. , ( \, ~ TOTA L DISCOU NTS EVERY DAY 3-0Z. PA~<lP!!~CED• J1IOZINv· llcCOT P&mm 5k • MeCOT • CORNED IEl7 .. <~.CO. n:a. • -•IUCID ..... llAlllllA IWI 8c 9111' lllPRI IUI • MILD • wmcatatil CNEDDAI "' '" .,.. CHUSC VJ.Wt ••• I \ • IJW. COIHE . l5c @ >E<J. & DRIP • l.U. CAR 67# 2-11. CA)f •REG., DJIIP l.25 I.II @ Hunt'• • 111z Con • U~ Mii WNOL£ APRICOTS 3lc IN' . ' ' ICRAF7 • 1S-Ol. fll i . MARSHllAUIW 27# · Cllllll ~4,lc · @ffi'Jo'i'UDi ::c;."'!.1. w I ~=."~ccu.;.. .COIFIE ' , Ile ff' . 2-1..B. • RtG .. at·EU:Cl'.1AI I.Jr 3-LB. • REGULAR 2.05 I •• 14-ot. • REO. OR LEMON 1111 rl,EDIE ~. , 1,31 .• . • ii.wAX . 1.11a-. "'-~-OI.. c"J.H •"WUTIWI .. al WI CAf'fOOD lie 1 ~ @ SPRAY Ovt!J CLEAlf!ll. Jlc Mf WY OFF 1-oz. sm U&t 16-0Z.. llZE l.2S ., 2 ROU PM;!; •.4-m> COLO- "''' JOIL£T TISSUl 2JC Ml' I lftdl '-' 1n...-1'1ll1" Plants 51,3 ,91 $297 ••. OO@ff@ffOO@O STORE HOURS• MOH. tlwl fRl-10 A.M. to 9 P.M. SAT. o>d Slllt.-10 4M. to 7 P J,O. TOT AL DISC OUNT S E'JERY OA Y 10111t IUffA ICTA ITOl£S 1113COUNT CIWIGE l'RIC[ MINUTE MA!D • ntotEN • &.OZ. CAN ORAllGE JUICE 27c 12 OUNCE ~ S3o llnllml ·16:~GAL•P"AU1LTPAI. ICE'OIU• ... VAUit 26C "' 59' ~-9'-PACUOE • S.-' 631 au DD Iii IEEF :. .69c " ' s'UC'Eli ifaiai&""' Pl069c .59' wirfinnu' .. C!ll. 79' lllll IUI • 12 IXCR 11.U.J •1 C CHEESE PIZZA • Wlllt Pl"J'PDONJ • U-UIC3 11.U. '"'111.lf VAL FRESH • T-HIN SKIN JUICE ORANGES PER L8 ....... THIN-SKIN • LARGE SIZE Better Produce tit Dl$COUN1 PRICES! RUBY RjD_... .... -GRAPtiFRUIT EACH ..... : ... : COAC!IEl.IA VAilll'S AllfST TAllGELOS SWEET & JUICY • LARGE SIZE IAYELOWGES AlPHR BETA . LUNCH BOX RAISlllS 10~31i' THESE PR~ PRICES EmCTIVE T~RSDAY thru WEDlfESDAY, JANUARY 2J tbN ·29 @;'ii~DN~~ 2lc 16- ~'6Wcf'~~llc l4# ""CAN 23# HUNTS PORtt & IEAllS 25c lt'IJ~ lllW POTATD£S lie I Bf '·al.Bu. ~·ME· WlllTroPC'.':..mJ.OW11c 111<1 Im ·~· U' ~ ;ru"uisCAJI PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL ALPHA anA MARKm TOTAL DI SCOUNTS EVERY DAY COST" MESA-241 IE-17tlt St. HUNTINGTON BEACH-9045 Atl•"'9 HUNTINGTON BEACH-11611 N, Mein St. FOUNTAIN V"'LLEY-1930 W•mer LAGUN4-30m S. Coast HlwllY ~::...., .. __ ....... -..,g .... ~ .. ·" .. · '•llj,'il,lt ,i;,i;,.< ......... •++.Id ... _ ...... ._ ____ ~----··--..:.;..;. • ...;....;:..__ • .:.·..:·:...;:....;.· .:;··_!•_;·:...:..· ,;_· .:· _::-.:.:·:....:.· .:' .:..: ... ·.:: ~-= -_-:~ --·---•• • . l -------------• la-l'ILOT-ADVERTISEI! _w_tdn_.,_sdar--"-'' ,,......,-+-'-'-'22-",-'l__:96'lc_ ____ ..:_D..:_AJl..__V_,~ • ' ' MON -TEGO FOUll DOOR SEDAN ,.,. •2·6--86' __ _ • • ~TARTING PillC! ' .... _________ .. .... ... . .· -;- ' -/ . ,, '. ·-·I" ., .. ,. , ... ' -BlJY BETfER, BUY NOW,-B(JY .THEGREATLINCOLN/MERCOO: . -. . . -. ~ / / . JOHN"?N AND SON ••.. GREAT CARS, GREAT SELECYIQNi GREAT_ PR~ES .AND :GREAT PE~PLE TO DO_ BUSINES,Swmii!. , , , , •//" . ··-... . .. , • ' ,' . "CO.NTIN.EN·TAL - ' !'~~i ~°" ~16041 -.- i ... ' ~. CONTINENTAL TRADES '67 CONTINENTAL 4 Dr. SEDAN ~~.-::i~~~.;i:~·i.~d::",~~:.· .. :u: :: $ 399 5 •II th• lux11ry c:lr-1ppointm•11ft, PS, l'I, • . 6 w•y se•t, l'/W, AM-FM, •11to. t•mp. •ir c:ond., pwr. do.or locks, •le. On• ••n. m1lnf. lik• new: •• , ...... f n•w ' -, c.1r w1rr1nfy. WATI04 '67 CONUNENTAL HT COUPE c:;:~:;'.:.:~:.'. ~:;!!t:~.:a:,-;r:~~ $ 3 89 5 cond .. PS, PB,,J.lfl, & w•y pwr. 1•1l. 8e1ulif11lly m•int, ltl111.:. ef new c•• , w•rr1nty. lXTlll , '66' CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE •' """;"" Hlvm• """ mot fi,;,~ with $ 349 5 m1tchint int.rior I: llleclc t.p. As y111 • w1111d 1xp1ct 111to. tr11u, R1,i1 w/ • 1t1r10 t1p1 1y1t.rn, 111t1. t1n1p. 1ir c.ond., 111!0. 1p11d coniTol, PS, Pl, ' w1y 111+, P/W, etc. .. C1r1fully "''int, 2•,000 1ctu1I "';, S9l2J:O. '66 CONTINENTAi: 4 Dr. SEDAN s;;,., .;,, r.,;,, .;t1t . ..,,..,.;,...,., • $3 295 l1t1,11 ro1f. ·All ffi1 · fnrltlry 1pp1int- mei1ts. PS,' n,. PW, 6 W.y •fft, RIH, eir c1n4. P1~~c-tpM41 conh-11, etc. j•,ooo .. cfllel · .. ilft.. RUl997 . ,. __ ... __ . ' -t _,.' ' ". ' -- ., . . ' 'I ' . ALL PRICES -INDICAttD' ARE PLUS UC. & TAX l AND lfERE' ARE BUT A :FEW>OF OUR PREMIUM TRA~.ES. MERCURY TltyES . '67 .MERCURY_ COLO.NY ..P..ARK · ... St1, W•t· Arctic wllite with 11111 '''"'' lnt1ri.,., E1t11i11,.M wifll ••· ' te, trn~ RAH. tilt 1hleri~ wi.e.I, rs, Pl. ' ... ., , ..... r 111t, '•n•t•· rick, lfc. Sol' ,._-I ""lcetl lly Johll111t I S111, TM'El72. 5111 Priceul $299.5 . . '67 MERCURY Colony P11~ • i-111. d1. w9n. Strkn<J 1rctic wht. pld int., •· tr1n1., RIH. 1ir cen., PS, Pl, cir. fie:. Jr' 1•1t, 11191. r1clc, 41111 •ct. t1il91t1, I own. cit, Mnt "' t1 •ppr1ci1t1. Uc. UIH717 $2795 '67 COUG~R c.l••n •. Uc. UDRll' Med,"'"• ml't•11ic fi11. w/...tct.. $2295 ;,1., o. '""·• RIH, PS. ''" Vo" . - '67 MERCURY Monter1y •·O•or Hordtei-, Aa:l-c 101' flfl. w/matclt, Hilt •· ""''"" ltlH, '5,. ,., fie. eir·c"4. lie, TUVJit. $2095 '65 MERCURY-MONT£REY •OSO "lr1~11w1y", Ate.tic ,.,hit• $1895 .;,, .,,;,. ~~ ,; ....... ''"' .. -. . ' . f1ct. *q11ippff pl111 1ete. tr.n1.0 RlH, PS.. Pl. f•dwy oir nlMf .. •ff 1w111r. l~lot. 1"4lfl.fi. Y:JE-412., OTHER . MAKES ·. ~68 MUSTANG 2-0oor H1r.ltop. lhi9ht t11rq, 1xl. w/11'11tchin9 int, Fully fu-. 1qvlpt.' 1. tr1ri1., UH, 'PS, etc •. A+tr1'c. I 1conom. VCKl77. $2295 ' _ '_65 C.HEVROLET St., Wt"· lmp1l1. l 1r"'ud1 blue $13-95 ~••Ilk i;,, w/b ... ,;,,;. ;,,., •· . ." . • . tr11n., RIH, PS, Pl, fie:. 1ir. Show• •irc•L c1r1. lie. WFT9.12 '64 BUICK WILDCAJ < d.. H.T. o.;,, nt. •/.,<dlo ;,,_, $_1, 09;5, ' fully pwr, 1q1ipl., feet. 1ir, tllt 1t. .... hi, 1 r11J ll11y. PCU71 '67 PLYMOUTH FURY tll 2 dr. H.T. l•••f. A.lee 90W, w/ ll!lo: .• •lpyl_1phoL,t. FulJy .ffC,_.,.,1_,.t._. 11110., RIH, PS, Pl, fee, -1r0 1- . 111L TrHttf lly •It· -· 11 .. • 077 = .~1995 - .. :1tr -, . l~l!E [ffi@:OJJ [ffiY/ D @:@i!JJ@ ·/A\;ffii, ,_ •• 1 • - ' 2626 HARBOR BOULEV.4•Q-, COS'fA MESA . -· • . . . . . . ~ . '. . . ; ' . , "' t• I .. .. I r I 1 -~ j l ' l 1· j ' I ~~-----__,.._...,.. _____ ._.,,...._._..... _______ ....., ....... _. __ ~-~--~~~·~ .. ---. -. " ' .. ' • i HOU.SES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000Gener1I 1000Generel 1000 DAISY FRESH FOR SPRING Most Fabulous Location on California Coast OPEN HOUSE· SAT & SUN 103 end 105 Lindo 1ole DrlY9, NB Luxurious new Homes on Unda We Piers Slips, protected pallos Homes of rare beauty -from $98,000 up Shown Dy appL l&th & Tustin -Cost• Mes• Excellent location, near 5Cboo\&, "sbapping and beach Onl,y a few left. Buy now whfie·in· terest rates are only -- - 7% with 20~. down -71h o/. with 10°/o On. no 2nd -no points -29 yrs on balance BOYD REALTY 3629 .E. CoHI Hwy CdM Exclusiv• Agent Dola Benish Charn1ing 3 bcdroon1, 2 bath ho1ne. Lovely (•arpeting, wpod paneling, shutters, used brick firepla~ Plus inoome apartment. Ask- ing $51.500. ixd,!Mtiverar.ea..-"11 >4:·"" , ... ,. ... ~ .. , .. · 675·5930 p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIOO Are Y•m 1 .... ~;nn Think Small--.,.. ·, -""'.' ....... ,. -1;1m.1its ";s, '' Trect Ph: 540-5183 From L.A. Call MA 5·8034 . " ·~ ' COMMERCIAL ~SLEEPER ·, ·.for 1llt U111que! """"' 2 .,._ ..., • • ST smE oosrA MES• home on the EaslJl.ide with NEWPORT HGTS. AREA Strategically located in Lafayette Square \\'ith 2 'income ''junkers,'' both rented. $30,· 000. Ztf~ed c.2. EXCELLENT TERMS. 4 UNITS BALBOA ' First ti!ll'e Usled.-'. <steps to<!.otll Bt:<Beaclt> \Ve are very J¥OUd. to ·oiler tail ~~ · property. Alw~s rented summer & winter. $61,500 is lhe price-we have the key. SOM~THING FOR EVERYONE LOOK BEHIND TIIE TREES payments less tti;an rent. AIL TlllS AND R2 and you'll be pleased with Sl.26 per month with 6~% $25 500 this well constnicted, well financlng available to all. Charming 3 bedroom or 2 planned three bedroom two Lar&e R-2 lot, double de-bedroom & den. l % both!, bath home with dining room tached ~e .• 2 batbx. com-fireplace, carpets & drapes, L~ -.most~. ~·!f.#n ~UJ, ,P!~te chain link~~/encl_nl! .. bui).t..in A: !Greed alt .beat. 'tiii!ft:R' TWO car ga~ • $19;!49 ao 'fnrrrY! This well landscaped home ._ ... -_, ... I fol!sworlhy· ',. Co. oan "' """" 00 a h••:o R2 pad for boat and trailer &tor-lot with a very large fcnc- age. Extra large covered 1904 Harbor B~d. ed back yard, with room for patio, block waU fencing CM. 642.n7 a boat, camper, or build a and beautiful la.adscaplni. rentaJ unit! It has a paved AN EXCEPI'IONAL BUY Open Eves. alley entrance for easy ae- AT ONLY $28,500. Let us cess. Local.Ion is j1.Lo;;t about arrange the terms. FREE perfect. 1~ blks to Newport WHAT A BUY Outstanding 3 BR 2 bath home wiH1 beautiful Palos Verde i;:tone trim, Palos Verde stone f.ire-pla~ lie pirll!Iled watl'ed "• living room. Has GI Joan \vi!h Sl l-t Jl("r month payments. Full priC<" $22,TJ(l. JC-. COATS ' ~WA~ACE REALTORS -546-4141- (()pen Evenings) Beautiful Baya,est. Formal dining roon1_, 3 Brs., family robm , 2 Palos Verde stone fire· places. Landsciped for easy care. Loads of charm through<>ut. Poot sized yard. Asking $59,500. Your terms. Widowed owner needs to move. Would you like to know what your homl! iA worth '? Call for !ree appraiaal grade school, and only 2 bib to new city park, East 17th street and W~lcli.U shop- ping and two olher schoo11 within walking di.stance. For ~~~~~~~~~~ ••"°"""'"'to"'· wn•" LOOKING FOR A Newport "'"" Party WORKSHOP? at Box Pfil2 Dailv Pilot-Prillle area makes. Ibis 3 Victoria R E A L T y 646-Ull Bay h ·1ohn mac:nab s ores Bayview 2025 w. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beac:h ENORMOUS VIEW l ===u=k==N===ls:,i;;~:'~~u~,;e::~ Rentals -673-3663 Sales -675-6000 -For thoel! who c.an afford e eW rm, mast<'r suilc and Guett MONEY MAKERS NEWPGRT near B c.a c b. some ocean vie11o•. :l UNtrS. :Z, 2 BRs &: guest apt, Dbl i::ar. U4,500. EASTSIDE C.!'ol . 1 hon1r s on comer lot, 2 Bit & 3 BR Livr in orw, rent onr. $32,!tiO Last of the the best 4 Bedrooms, den 4 BR. 3 ba, Fam mt. mod rm. Luxury carpell!, drapes, and family nn, 4 baths. Ov· beach hom~. new carpets, wet bar and nice patio -• tt 6,00l sq tt. Large pool. A · t V t hom $1= 000 drapes, pain aca.n · . , ....... , ........ _ .. , $76,!'illl magnificent I!, '"'' ' ready to go, $35,500 terms. ~lrs. l!arvry .. l Snuall. SPUder.\ , Ne\1;port Jleighls ~-area and Whistle Clean ~ clast' to ('verything: East (714) 642·8235 17th St. and Westclill sboi; 881 Dover Drive, SUite 101 3 BR, 2 ha, mod beach home, ... pl"!:, all "hooffi aod th< Maro> R,.lty Co. Bldg. $25,500 · """'· ( Id II Ba k & ( Shown by appoinbDeoL oew Costa Mesa park. 3 Newport ~ach Caywood Realty 548-1290 0 We , ft er O. !~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I -06 IV ~---I' NB 2100 E. C<Mltl Hlglrwty large bedruomS or 2 and a ""' • .........,.t ~wy, ~ s...a.. Ctll!ornl• convertabte den, 1%. baths, Kl NlSI Olt s-HOI forced air beating and a VA -Men Verde EASI'SIDE c.M.& wwW l ·BR ~ ~tctien. No down at all to veterans. ea. Exce .1't1t!llJ.•. -' 'Diep~lOtliWi•'ac-see lhil Qlll'kl.1zw clean 2 Units Eashide 2· BR w:h. J1npiacO, bord- wood noon, douNe prage. Like new ••.•..•... $25,500. 2 BR DUPLEX come $660 9.500 cess with room W an ~ home with new Cll1'peting & rome writ or extra parking. lots of extras. 1-Iurry now • You smaJl spenders, irs don't be 90rry you didn't call Home & Business (.1 only $25,500, US (alter it's sold). FH.A Excellent 1 or acoountanl, C I rlh & CO terms OK also. Only $25,750 beauty W on. antiques, etc. 904 H bo Bl d (nurcillemlthflllht) double prnge ••••.• $23,500 LlLrge 900 sq ft unit!! with en- closed garage& &; in l!XCCl- lent condition. Comer loca· tion near schools &. shop- ping. Owner asking $24,000 0 85W0 Y ' ~ 546-5380 Home lnclooes 'BR 2 """"· 1 •r r v · OLLEGE REALTY GENOO REALTY 64>4422 5 BED~OOMS • CM. 642.7777 llOO AdomutH""",tM. 628 w. I.9th SO..t, C.M. P.::l o~;>;.~;~i!,~"'::::~,:; I • ... :s~;~;~0::n~~~·:·WN:!·:::--···1·n;•.r.;;i11P.n I ~~f1~"' $~!:_9~ 0061ffil'PW horn~. a'* 10 sOOpping, wood Doors &: double car * 642-1771 Anytime * school!! a# piurches. Juat YC'S, that's all to OY.'n !his garage separating units (21~~~~~~~~~~ put on ~ .. rkct, this one well cond. 3 Br. home, Nr. HOMESITE bd_rms I!. ch)._ Extra_ lariel Rent •-·ters · •--t .st"' nth all 5Chools. J\lonthly payml. '-' '--1 t -\0>1ln t ..., .,.. per n\O 11.1tj:u•;.u area U\ um • Reposs: 3 BR $18,450, SThO includes , ; ~s and insur-S157, Incl. princ., int.. ta.'Ces 80x100 fl Joi in prime l\1esa Wells-McC1rdle, Rltrs. dn .• 157/mo. pays all. ana·. I & insur .. Only $lB.4:lO. can Verde neighborhood. LB.st 1810 Newport Blvd., c.r.1. ~ bedroom & bath 1e.mlly home an excellent value - Hardwood floors & plaster lntl!rior -Double garage with l!xtra letxal workshtlp plus a double covered car- port with alley access - $l6,500. 646-7171 546-2313 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY - •THE~EAL :ESTATERS SUB-LEASE attractive 4 and family room Mesa del Mar. Feb. 1 to &pt. 1 or possibly long('r, $250 including gar- dener. ' HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gener.I 1000Genorol 1000 EAST SIDE COSTA t.1ESA NEWPORT HGTS. AREA ALL THIS AND R2 1 $25,500 ';Char1ning 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & d~n. U * baths, fireplace, carpets & drapes, built· ins & forced air heat This well landscaped ,home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a very large fenced back yard, with room for a boat, cam~ or build a rental unlt! Jt has a paved alley entrance for easy access. Loca· tion is just about perfect, l Y.a blks to Ne"" port grade school, and only 2 blks to new city park. East 17th street and \Vestclill shopping and two other schools within walking dis- tance. For appoilllmcmt to see, write: -""· ' ' . P.(lyate l'!frtY Box P6T2 Daily Pilot 3 UNITS C-2 BLDG. th .. tt: • ,..... old' full price $21,500. Owner "'ill carry 1st TD Cf~ 7111. 'i:, in- terest. Newport •• Vl~oria .. 646-8811 Cotta Mesa 1100 View-Yiew-View Newer 3 bedroon1 home on t~ lined stref.'t \Vith a vie"' o[ ocean. J\las!er bed- rooin with private bath & dres.o;;ing room. Palos Verde Urepla.ce.. Fan.Wtic built in kitchen, cozy family room ,V]th enclosed court yard. Under $35,000. "ring" II, II Ali HOUSES FOR SAL E Newport !fgts. 1210 EAs1' SIDE COST A h1ESA NEWPORT HGTS. AREA N1.L Tl!IS AN D R2 $'5,500 Charn)lng 3 bedroom or 2 bedro(Ul1. & den. l~ baths, firepl~"" CaJllCL'> & drapes. bullt·ip & lorccd air he11!. This we.II landscaped hon1e can bt foUl'Il on a huge R2 lot w\f:h a very large feoc- rd ~ yard, 11o•ith room for a bo&l, caxnper, or build a rcnta.i unit! 11 l\as a paved alley entran<.-e for cM.")' ac- (.'t!SS. Location is just about perfect. 11" blks to Newport i;t-ade school, and only 2 blk..' 10 new c.:ity park. J<:e..st 17th street and Wcstclill tibop- .,~ and two olher achoo!~ within ""'alking distance. For appoint.went to sec, write: Pf:jvate Party 'Jk>x P6l2 yally Pilot Newport Shores 1220 NEWPORT SHORES 3 Bd. 2 Ba. $27,'llll Paul Stuart RE. 61~!110 -49-i-3949 University Park 1237 BY OWNER 3 BR., 21~ BA. fam rm. llas Everything! Prittd to Sell! 8.".J..-Olot.. Lido Isle 1351 l!\sPRING ....... REALTY BUILD NOW! ~· "anytime" Beaut irreg shaped vacant 6 BIDROOMS Potential rest home. Single slory on large lot. Huge fam- ily room 'with"11replace + dinina area. Bit -ins. FA heat. sood Costa Mesa area, 1 block to shopping. Only $26,Sat. Good terms. Rltr. 646-3928 or 642-0185 *LACHENMYER 514% LOAN ~ H bo Bl d C.M cor. lot. AlAl plans incl _.., tlr .r v ., -~-room wr pool. Advantage i\lANY year.; ago a young set-back lines, $40,000 man CUIT1cd his charn1ing R. c. GREER,-Realty bride into this beautiful 3 3416 Via' Lido 673-9300 BR home. That era has 1 z===::zz:::::\ gone & with 3 children later Ii is now seeking a new villa. Baytront Duplexes SlOO,<XXI • 2-tttrcc BR"s $115,000. 3 BR & Two BR's with Fircolarc" Walker Realty A true masterpiece. marble entry, n1arble fireplace, walnut panelled otfice, ter- razzo patlo, fishpond & waterfall. Beautifully landscaped. $26,250. l336 Via Lido GT":>-5200 PaymentA S141 mo. includes 1169 Augusta St. 7°;0 INT. 16°;;-DOWN- all. 4 Large bedroms, 11pac-I ~""'==~545-ie-9~11~6C,,,,.-.,~ Charming • Compact. 3 DR. 1ous Liv, rm,. 1% BA, large BY OWNER -E-side 3 Br. 1%. BA. Frplc. large sunny fenced yard_ Near schools ,2 Ba. Natural \\'OOd bltn patios. 1-lodrm kitchen. 43' &: So. Coa5t Plaza. Jm~i-kitchen; utility po r ch; lot. $41,500. Owne r \\"ill 2 BR, 2 Ba, 1 block to beach, $2!1,&00 George Wiiiiamson Realtor 67'3~.15(1 F:\•es. 67~-1 !'>&1 10 UNITS on 3 lflls. Adja«nt to Ocean- front. S155,000. Balboa Real Estate Co. 700 f'.:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa £734140 crpts, drps. Oose to schls finance. 675-2643 &. shp'g. $25,500. 548-0244 ===~=====­ ll\IMACULATE 3 BR, or 2 & den. erpts, drps, Jg yard. blk fence. $21.500 or lake over :rt-IA Joan. $139 mo. ........ Mesa Verde 1110 Newport Beach 1200 ---Walk to Beach Newer ulll-a sharp 3 Be<lrm 2 baths • Cozy living room \\'ilh WClOd burning fireplace wall ~ wall carpeting • huge dble garage k patio. EZ terms at $26,950. Hunti119ton Be1ch 1400 WOW! 2 story pool home, huge SC'p- arate family room, lop qUal· ity carpets. Best buy in town at $31.500 -Only $5300 down & a.'1sumc FHA loan. Paul Jones Realty 847-1266 Eves. a:lG-7121 Huntington Hills Take over 5% '70 loan. J!ard- 'vood flooMi, large 3 BR. 13x18 tam, rm, new paint in & out. 8'1\ GI fir F'llA. BRASHEAR REAL TY /W7-85.il Eveo;;. 96S-117ll Invest & Retire or j1.Lo;;I sit be.ck & enjoy lhis immaculate 2 &· den home "ilh RA ZONING near goll l'OUl'SC. for showmg. flf a vanishing bret'<I. Call 548-7729 Eves. 644-0084 4 BR 2 bath. s.25,150. ~9j(J )iiC" for drtans. AL L ELi:CTRIC HOME dn .• $198/mo. pays an. Money Maker! 10•,; down -Inron1e S9'20 mo. I:::::::::::::::::::::::; R • 2 Bedroom houses Eastside Costa Mesa $79,500 HAFFDAL REAL TY 87-10 \Varner, F"V 81\z..110:: $22,0001 Probate: Submil bids.::: BRs, 3 bedroonu. 2 baths. Relrig-l ~" baths, Sl6,500-tem1s. rralor, dishwasher, luxury Bob Olson ReaHor 546-5..';M 1093 Balrer, C.M. Rare Opportunity ca.rpe~ ~ dra~s. Only 2 ANXIOUS SELLER ,. ~T-n('w. \\alk -Jn pantry. 1 ~~,. ''"'"" roo••• & Jamlly OUTSTANDING Eastside 1 BR. hdwrl "oors. .. ............. •M-& carpl!1cd lhroughout on 50x MG-l7'20 room with fireplace divider Baycrest 4 bdrm home with 120· lot. $15,900. TARBELL 2955 Harbor opening into bolh roon1s. lovely pool Patio with BBQ $22,500 View from 'vithin of delight· &. poolside wet bar. 3 ,..ar NE\VPORT HEIGHTS. N('al ful garden & pool. 3 h<lnns. garage. Minimum l' arr clean 2 BR home large lot, O\\·ner "·ill lea~c/rlption. BIG JONUS ROOM Mililn Bldrs, Inc. Builders or Agt. 642-7::>4.1 tft 11.fedallion 26..?9 Harbor Blvrl., C.l\f. Homes Exclusive Listing PRICE REDUCED 675-343-1 in Oest Bay area ru!-d~-sar. 4 IlR Provincial hon1e, bll-1,. ... ,...,. ... ,..,,.,,,...,....,, I Garden atriL ·1, Ollr bC'sl in kitchen, fircplacr. Reduc---Chinnel-Rl;f--ll oor plnn. fi·lG-4414 ed 10 S56.~i00. Penthou1e Apt. Orange Coast Property For Sale or Lease at $!!50 l12 ~!argueri11'..'. CdM 673-85!i0 per mo. to reliable p~rtics Dtlt• !ltd Estett 4 Hcdrooml, 2 ha1hs tuakcs 1hc. pcrlcct Ja1111ly home, electric bullt-ln.~. dishwnsh· rr, fully t.'8l]Jelccl and drap- rd, All th.ii; plus a 2Q:(3() ex- tra roorn .plumbed for '~·et bar or balf!. None lxoHl'r al S.'\2.950 In MW 11rr11 . yard. Price drastiC"al!y eu1 close to shopping. Pete Barrett Realty for quick sale. DAVIDSON Realty 1605 Wes!clirf Dr, NB 642-~200 MESA VERDE $25,954! * BAY VIE\V Fee lot 85' Arnold & Freud LBJ F.xc1ting 3 ml.room. 2 bath. x 195' w/ plans. $34.900. on I y. Chester Sal1Sliury, Realtor. 673-6900 DRIVE BY 16632 Jlhonc Lane, Sol Vista. Fl-lA Joan 5:1.i';'" i\ BR 2 ba, bit-ins, cp!s/drps, frplcc. lnsuJalc-d. sh a k " roof. walled yard. Pcrfecl C<Jnd. Va.cant Prier S2j,000, 0\vf"H!r 837-5178 nr X17-.'l880 FOR sale anrl/01· lease superb, l'US\om 3 bdrm. 2 ha & den. Muny ex1ras. xlnt location !o S<"hools A· shopping 111 II A. Call 536-4698 alter ;, & \vcck- <'nds. :188 E 17th St.. C.M. 143 Broadway 645-0181 Rltr. 2750 Harbor 18, CI'll IklighUul ram i \ y room. Costa Mesa 1100 Owner 54S-7249, 548-4207 R·alto"" . r"· '""'~ Eves. 642-8453 646-4579 ~16-5400 Eves. 642-0951 Built-ins. Large :;crecned & DISTRESS SALE/LEASE $17,250 -OWNER. " '" ~,,......, bo L 1 B k B J 1 t ssed · · f : BR 1-'4 ba. blt-1n~. rrple, •""""""""""""-""""~l -$23 950-J-r Estal-• Best Buy in Bal 1 ove y ac ay 1we g a in patio or year cozy 2 BR hom• -·-N"•" Ny,.·pt. Bch .•. 1 Br. 2 Ba. dbl-gar ,,_ .,,,,,,, .. , Or Co de! t.1 ' -• 'd Duplex nr Bay, 2-2 BR's Elegant new 4. bdr111 :1 bath round l'njoymen!. 5'1(}.1720 port f{eights, Cu'l~de S.ic Frpl. Bltns; 1~ blk. each. ' · °"" l• ' • Va,.~~Viel'i' ~l Pride Of Olvncnhlp iMI e F'tlm +extra.-;, low price wilhpanoranue\•ie1v.$7J,!XXJ TARBELL 2955 Harbor strer-I. la""e R·"· Joi ''''" 1'.1akt>offer. 0111ner. a.18-&31.i Par il te Sand.". 5t6-23<Y.I .... & oul. 2 halhs. l\1astcr si7.-11 1 ,. 11 • ., l>'Ji" -r J USl WISJJ !or sorne= 714 Poppy t'<I bcdroonis. Fonnal dining Ul.500. -e.\C<' en inanl·inc ava · DAILY PILllr uIME-A-room lor renlal Unit, Sl9,900. GREAT BO_Y__ thing lfl furnish your hom!! J1·an Smith R.eali.1r room. F.::11:CT'llf'nt af('a. E. II. r.1irh.ael, Realtor Roy J. Ward Co. UNES. You ca.n use t.Mm Graham Realty Bc.•aut. 4 Bdm1, 2·~ &. lge .... find great buys in to- 646-3255 540-1720 507 E. Balboo. Bl. 61H880 1842 Santiago Dr. 6-JG.1550 for just pennle:i a day. Dial Near N.B. Posl Ofc. 64&-2414 pool. $53,500. 646-S676 day's Classilied Ads- o,\U.Y PIL.Or WANT ADS! TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~::SOC~N=tT=TV~'='°'='~'~~~Ol;:A:RG:::E¥you;;:'=w~"~t~•~d~'~o~w~.-;;642::·:561:;'=====;~;o=' ~=:::~~~~~~~~D~ia~l~64Z-56~~7~8~1oc~;RES~~U~L~T=S~==~O~lA~R~GgB~· ~IT~!~== 1000 G1neral 1000 Gen.ral 1000 General 1000 Gener1I .., 1000 General 1000 General 546-23 31 ' 646-7171 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO .I.UY NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE--646-7711 COSTA MESA 7682 EcfinqH 2043 Westcliff Dr. at lnlM Open Evenings 2790 HARI00R:::l:::L'."V'."D'.". -------O'"peo""''-E;;.•;.;•"n·;;;1"95 'tll t P.M. GROWING FAMILT ! ! l{ete'1 11. i:nrgeous. 4 bedroorn home. $harp throua:houl. Gre•t ~ nrar ~i·hool~ 1'hd shoppinl!" Quick accus to San Ditgo .rreewe.y. ~"~me IMv intcrett lo11n tit 5114 -;. ;Jnd fl'Y only SJ6~ per month. includes all. Thls 1.!i 11. 9UIET COUNTRT IN NEWPORT llACH HOW MANT 5 IEDROOMS J BATHS Cliff Haven IS offering you o~ of the few pool homes in this dcsirabl<' area. µ~~~~t alfl YOU find in choi_ce COSTA !\IESA )ora tion with spacious s~;PAHATE DUFFERS DELIG.HT ! WhY get un at JJa\4.'n tfl play around!! \Valker It Ltt has 11.n ldral 4 brdroo1n ho!fle n tfx-third Tr'f' or Jl,fritd O\v Lark Golt Coun". Vacant and reedy for your fami l) Pricrd to nmtch )nur ~nrt' •. -In the mid 30'~1 ASSUME LOW INTEREST VA LOAN . . Try 1195 Totol J),,"n nn this JlT'ctl 4 btdroom \VJlh 2 &ilhs. l>ttp Pil~ rarprhn:,:, &-apn. hu.rr ri1l -rl•·-"1ir· 1n1 Anyont'! can qu1.llfy. Ttltal pe.yrMnt $170. Why Rf"nt ! This pool was built by an executive of Anthon,y Pool!! for hl'I <ll\fl use. JfcatOO ELECTRI" l'.CR0080','L·TM!""Nslvc f1rc>place-, BIG, BIG kitchen and dining-roo111 \\'ilh all and filtered with extra decking set on a hotnc> slz.e lot Brand new carpets and BEOROO -&Dd dlshw&sher'? Gor~i..-ius carpt>t.s Rnd hrl~ht HUGF; drapes. Two queen i;lzed baths. wUh mastrr drf'!Ullng room havlnsz tre.m~ndol.is !\f$ wlth CLOSETS GALORE. 2 luxury bath"' up a nd do"·n. drnn aa c!Oliets. Fireplace set in maminoth living room \\"Ith slidini;: gl.o.6s doors leadtnt: 8 modl'l l'lnd profl'S.Slon11!l y lands1·nr){'d. FORCED TO SELL ninkf' ttHs ~car·~ OUT- ffl flOO I area. One of a kind. $34.950 O\VNEI! ANXIOU S STA NDIJIJG BUY. Submit V.A 110 do1''Tl fir FHA trrnu: to this tov. ~ .. .,.,,, 9·i0 I.A.CK IAY MANSION nffeMT\lf. . . · · .... .,.. .. ,, .. 5 Bedrooms 3 ba.lhs. Dream home bullt for a disrrlmlnatins: l'X•'f"U1h'C" nnd hi"' $18.,tS~ TOTAL PRICE-NO DOWN ms -$142 PER MONTH dMervinc family. ~light!ul decor. l..An":e hvtnt:: room, hug!' fam ily room. Lnnd-:'fC'"", t~is 2 bedroom hon1(' on lari:r Int ha11 T0 TAL paymc>nts of ~142 per mnnlh IC&ped with an eyt> IOW1!1nh beauty And l"flJY m11.int~nancf'. Locetrd on quiet rul-1nclud1nJt taxrs. Ctlmplr!C' v.1th CARPETS A~I> DRAPF.S 11.nd l:ARD\VOQf) de-uc street. If you can afford a $36,<XX} DrC'am lfomc, you'd brtler St'C this F'L\IORS. It e~1'.'n boft,111 lari:C' COVEBED PATI0 , and dog run. F'.H A tr rms toda.y. GI NO 00\VN!!I Subrnit your smaller home on our i::-uarant~ sale plan. 11.Vflilll..bl~ \11th only S600 DO\\''.\'. ' MODERN SPANISH SU.UTT MUA VERDE -4 BEDROOMS -ASSUME $160 PER MONTH f1nest in gracious living Rnd l'nlrrlAinin'=· Ullra ru't(lm 4 brdroom. :\bath, \\ilh This lmmaet1ll'lle '1. hcdroom homc lfX'll tt.'d on choice ~lrf't't ho.1lils OVEHSTZED huf,!e Ct'!llt:r&l fireplace-and C11.thrdral l"!"ilin.'l". lAr'lt" n1mpu9 l'\'IOm \\..\th her. Strl"IVl LOT, luith lt1nds<-!llp1n!!' l!lnd QUIBT n"iid1h(lrhood. Drai11'ff and v.·ith LOVELY CAR· lhruout. Many bonus rratuM"8 Sooh i~ln.'ll ff'l.1 re.'tidrnlhtl arf'A. O'\nr r ~8.'~ stl1"' PETS. a rozy FIRF:Pl..ACE adnrn~ IA.<ll•fut liv1 n1: room urr liir~r kltchr n t1 nd J.Ull pMce S4R.500. S111Jmil your sn1altrr htlmf' on our guaranl~ sale 1den. FAl'\flLY DI NING HOOi'\!. II \\'nn'1 ta..~l Jon~. SPEOALLY ...,1th d ~ LO\V ;,\~. EXECUTIVE MANSION int r"'~' I011n $147 PAYMENT ! 3.200 sqWltt re-et a t gracious. country i.:rnttrmen livina:. _. largr bl'droom~. :\hath~. ASSUME 5¥,0/e INTEREST -$14,000 TOTAL PRICE ! ! ! Jnclucks all on W~t •n:.: lo"'1n 11nyonr c·an Ullum• without qualifyins;. No l)()v.n GI . family .....,_, din.in .. room and den. plus hugr. ~reludC'd lot with mammoth s,1 1n1. Th 7 Id ·~ T 1 1.ow Dawn FHA. f !'Hlunni:: ,1 Kini;: SU:r Bedroonu. l Uururlous Baths, htodcrn '"""'" ·oe 1s year n . one ..,.,,ronn\ ""n llnu~e boo<ts 11 I f:LECTl:lr-Rl'ILT-l N sl!"fi _"'f,·ln• Hu~vtni.: rooin v.ilh romsntJc Cirepl•tt. fktop pUa (',IJ1)Ctina-Double ming pool and plenty of room lcft ov('r for croquet, be.dmlnton, or '>'1hlll hnv•• savrr Kltchtn. nylnn r11rpr1~. l11 r,::e '"'llrnotn in nr"a )\'f.A R TllE BEACJI 11.nd G"':'..;.-.·-·JJ .,,..,_25() you? You \\•Ill like lhe F..aslern F'!Avnr of arrhitrC'tUT"'. the lo\\·erlng {]'('("!I that pro· ~honpinq. No n111intrn11N" lAnrl~c11p1n11: Anrl F:Z\"C'l.OSF:D PATIO. n .. ~1 (If all TOTAL --· ru -v\de that "'r.outry f~Ung" as \\'f'll A.~ pMv11cy f\nd lle-clu~ion. This rx('('plional PAY?o.IENTSof$89pcrn1nnlhlNCLUDES EVE:RYTllTNG'" ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llll'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~l~horn:•~~~o~nland~~y~oo~uuO~W~N~lo~t:h•~ci:ly~o:f~N~o~woo:r~t:llca~:c~h~,a~od~"~'~"':"'"~Jy~<:uod~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llll ...... llll~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :;_• LM value at only $52,000. Submit your am&ller home on our guarantee We plan. .. 1 .n::c_ & LH :=:: THE ONE TO SEE IS FROM WALKER & LEE ••"' ...... __ ,,~'...; .. ~·~·'-"-~-~-•. ,;.;·1n1t1m111J••F'lll'~Mlioii0.:.',.1ili· •• ~ ..... ·.,,..,i;i..'J'U&.J+LO¥;...:;t.,,IUJll..l•.;.;;,J:::.i• ... t;;:...;: .... ~··~·-JJ:...!.f.1L.;;~-;'~::.:...:·:.:~.::J([..;•~·'....:!·:.:-...:•~·:......:~ .:....:.. __ ~---~-.,,.-••• . .. • . . . ..... ,, ,.,,., __ ....,. ___ ._. . ' Wtdnesday, .bn\111'7 22, l96tf HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS ii&NTALS RENTALS RENTALS REAL !STATI REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS DAILY '1';;J,7 Fountain Valley 1410 Houan Unfurnished Apia. FurnloMcl Aplo. Furnlahod Apia. Unfurnw...t General Genenl ,_.;;•c.nd:...:.N:.;O;,.;T..:.IC=.E::;s;_ __ 1-~~--~~-1-~~~~~-1·~~~--,.~~1~7":":-:"::""-:-:-:-::::·· Lffger 3 or 5 BRI C..ta Mou 3100 Costa Mou 4100 Huntington BH~h 4400 Eut Bluff 5242 Gwtt H-59H ~rielustrial Rentel 6090 Found (froo Athl 6400 SERVICE DIRE Y Bobysltting 6550 Bil 3 BR l!< .. lb with ... L£ASE/OPl'ION ' BR. 2 ----·----• •• . I lahed """"" """"' -· ...... $2)1) month. Ni.:. • 1NTROl1UaNG . i u·,RI'!,~!'.?~ UN· Presligf locatton WANTED• Eldyt1 am-* corl-ur.~A * converted to l or rnott ttskknilal 8!'N. lmmtd1att • 'lh / ;/) 1 ~""'"~ bulatory lady •ttea1rn room .111 l'IU bedroonu: & bath, Gas built· ~--·'An. Ca.11 ="" _ •• .,.. • I bedrooni, 2 ha.th' etucllo, in felt .bame or ~v. homt; ~-~-a • -6."'•a ...... 1 ~--"-1 ...... to 5 For leue, deluxe 18e8 911, ft M""· V'•Jo El ~-in ranae & oven, dish\Vll.Jh. (ope" eva) Htri• ....... Real .ac;., • ....,. """""'""""' ~ • no 2u ba A ""'""'• J,llalOO '"' or ..... v ·~ -· ~-11 • town A ..... , .. i-. • un.., 711 ' pt. .... ..,.c., e-a To 11= 131 -A"·· er, c•-ts, dr•-. water Est.at~ rvui a .__ ... ,. .,__ t t bar .. ,., ' '"· .-......., u\:i--...., ......... ~ Cow!b''• Bet.utifuJ •totts theater restauranbl, -~·· carpe II, \W ' 5 PM aotttner, l.arge rear yard. -...=-E-3-.~.-1-8-.-~--·-· '"··'t "·"-•-' ' priv, balconies: dbl. i·--Haa 2 ul ul ,. "u~ <>no ....,...., ,n':..':'.tomnv":.~'or._ -~~ from $130. 7701 Ellls, Apt off Id'"•'-...... ._.., __ .._,-d-bl• patiOI!, q et c -ue· i.Q bc11t ~a; near Westclilf '-"IJ 11.uu UJJ.1ui-n. "" ... ...,..,,......,,- aac street. FHA approvf!d Plua A-schla. Lrl tam stnstes -1 Bdnn • 2 Bdrrns 0 • 842-u>3 or call owner oven, pool Colr.'i!Jlient to at $32,450 IO h\ll'l'Y • wW rm w/frplc. Fncd yrd, 2 e Contemporary OJatom 642-283S ahop'a:., Khoob It recrtt· coriaider your smaller borne car pr. Lease $ZJO mo., Deaip 1 BLOCK from ooea.n. 1 A tlon. In trad•. watu pd. 833--02X • Luxurious cameo. • BR apto., "'""" pool • ONLY P25 MONTri I Tmft RENT •Bttbblinc-& brook blt·1"', ""'room.-135 AMIGOS WAY "\6ml~-& LEASE/OPTION e '2' Pool" lbenlpy b.th music. Atll-536-#lf Newport Beech -3 BR alao 4 BR home>. $170 •• ~~tyBaniom/blllianhlb ,..,,.._~ Mfr. Apt. 9 a: $25GI Bkr 540-6631 --Aph. tln'fvm!dttd L B h 1705 mo. . • Putti"( ,....n 1_•_,9_""_1 __ •_•< ____ CLEAN 4 BR l>Owle, good e· Outaick Gu BBQs Genwil 5000 Coron• del Mir 5150 THE location. $225/month. Avail e EbCL pragea & storsp I iii!iiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiii Feb. L S4G-5ll3 CENTER ot town -between 11 SEA GYPSY , BR. 2 s•m Bay"""&Ford!Harl>or& N•w· VEN DOME •¥ FOR THOSE WHO HAVE Built-ins. Lrg tncd yard ~ KNOWN THE SEA, AND $190 mo. 646-0333 200" Parsons, CM 642-8610 Il\IMACU" .ATE A.PJ'S! W'f• HAVE FAU.EN UNDER SEA LARK IMMED. OCCUPANCY HER MAGIC SPELL. tllil Newport 'i'e•ch 3200 ~ ADULT & FAMILY ON TEN ACRECJ charming "SeaSlde'' home 'T" MOTEL SECTIONS AVAll..ABLE 1 k 2 BR. Furn &: Unfum could be the lullflllment of B/B CIOH to Shopping Pirk Frplca I Prl I Patios I desire. Thi! older natic WEEKLY RATES e Spe.cious 3 Br's. 2 Ba Pools. Tennis • Contnrl Bk- stylcd home, very near the 1'0\VNllOUSE 2301 Ntwport Blvd., CM e 2 Bedrooms fat 9 bolt Putt/G~. beach, has been completely 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath e "'6-7445 e e SWlm Pool, PuVerttn 900 Sea Lant, OiM 644-2611 re11tored. DETAILED ARCH-2 Car Carports e Frpl, Inclivllndry ftc'b (MacArthur nr, Coast HWY) ITECTURE W/EXTERIOR $200/M'"th $25 Wk. Up h• OF S TUC CO, WOOD Pools-AdultsOnly! e studlo&:Bachapts. 1145 Ana 1m Ave. ~BR. (ar furn.) Fireplace PLANK, CEDAR SHAKE Bay & Beach • Incl Utils & Phone serv. COSfA MESA 642-28:24 Near an. $155 mo. 6'15-3153 ROOFLINES, WEATHER-Realty, Inc. e Maid Service -TV avail FOR SALE OR LEASE =al~te~'=S~P·,-m.;.·~---~ ED BY TJ.lE SALT AIR OF 90l Dover Drive Suit2 221 e New Cale & Bar (hanntl R .. f CLOSE To beach 3 BR., THE SEA. ~2000 Eves. SfS.'966 2376 Newport Blvd. 54&-9755 Penthou .. Apt. carpets. drapes, at 01~ e, CHATEAU L• POINTE S550 per nio. to reliable par-ttrflg, gar. $165 646--01.!l Anliquatt"!<l old fashioned par>· 3 BR 1 lf.i bath condominium !or type liv. rm., WITH BIG shills Plaza. $ai0 mo. Avail BAY WINDOW AFFORDS now. 644-U33. Evt 644-0005 AN EXCELLENT VIEW OF Bkr. Love1y tum. 2 BR apts. OU· tie,. only. Chet Salisbury 2 BR Apt w/gar street parking, carports. Htd Realtor. 673-6900 Mr. Forney Agt. a40-3862 l .... 941 .POAdM"'o"N'•"°•v"'E"· c''M50 $145; 2 BR., 1 ba. 4-plex. ·• · · Bltns., w-w, children O.K. Huntington INch 5400 Gr•cious Adult Living Broker ~ I;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;; Mloc. ltentals 5999 LARGE 1in&1e ~-Alley entruce. 161 E. 19th. CM -........ l'roporfy 6000 FOR THE CAREFUL IN- VESTOR. fully leued store le om~ bldg on major highway In Orange Cnty of· fered I« aale w/ttUOnable turns to qualifted buyer, Showa good return, approx 10 yn old, xlnt ('(111St Call Agent evea or wk.ends at 835-7570. HOME & INCOME by OWN· ER 10.2 BO. l Y.. ba. apts. &. 4 Bel. 2 ba. ree:. 3 Yr. old. Pool. 2310 Santa Ana, CM ~1393 Business Property 6050 For sale a sleeper, 4COO sq ft bldg double street frootage, City ot Orange, Xlnt tor user or fix it up&: lease. $35,CIOO Owner's Agerit. 538-1723 1% ACRES. C zone. M.ission Viejo • Laguna Niguel area. Less than Sl aq ft. 837-5178 Now lf'aaing new industrif!.1 bldg. 1350 .sq ft, oltke & rest room. $155/mo. R. Nattfta RJtr. &42.1485 >--OR Rent; M-1. 100'.l sq. ft. Good location tot I~ dlllltrial aale1. 6'T w. 171b St. Calta Mesa. OWncr'• lcl! 673.-1927 ml SQ ft warehouse &: office + 6(Q) 11q rt paved & fenced )'lll'd. l85S Laguna Canyon Rd. (114) 494-8066 or (714) S4t>-7'll0 NEW M·1. 000 sq. ft. f10 mo. 2S« Randolph, CM. Call oollect 213: ~ Lots 6100 DISTRESS SALE N'pt. Beach lot. 548-8315 Ranches 6150 Hones or Dogs? 2 Acrw, close-in to Fwy., set up to nise horses &: dogs. 4 BR. older tram(' house, barn & I li acre permanent pas.- ture. Full price $45,000. For further inlonnation, ple8.8C cflll: Glenn Thompson with Ecldioff & Assoc., Inc. 1811 W. Chapnian Ave.. Orange, Calif. 541·2&11. Eves-wknds 53So6727 Resort Property 620S THE OCEAN. New w/w l~=--,-~---­ carpeting extending thru the 2. BR plus den, new crpts. halls & bedrooms. custom· unmac, 2 car gar. adults 1 Bdrm., w/w carpets, drai> I========== es, balcony patio. Costa Mesa 5100 EXCLUSIVE FOR RENT }'urn Mamouth 6060 8usineu Rental WILL baeyllt, M1 -. Bl.ACK • white pupizy wilh Jl'tnced yard. My 31 montb ... ,_ k-11--· .. _.Ce old dauahWr nMda a c::cm-"""c .........,,.., vie n1.• nter, ... lu , ""t 1 __ , •" l..ttguna Beach. 494--M n, "1"I' WC!l:D ...... .,. TAN&: wtilfe malt! cal, found In Mesa Verde ania. Call 545-4M6 after 6 It. weekends BLK. lifi grown female kitten. Amber collar vie. Universi- ty Olds. 546-5572, MALE silver Grey PoodJt!o vie Pomona Ave, School Call 5'8.-7920 f.o identify. SM. Fem. Pomeranian dog. B et ween Adam s & ~urst. 962-6746 Lott 6401 gftft-.rred. Days. Ne a.r lla.rbor Shopping c.entrr. E:<pt'Tienced. ~1395 BABYSITIING in my horlie. La.r&:e fenced back yafd, One child. $1 hr or $25 a week. A Mothe-r with a- perie-Dl.Y.. 549-(1674 BABYSITTING My home. EapulontOd. Cieao ...... Jlot luncbel! 1: llllpS. VIC!ilrl(y or llarhor le Baker~ BABYstn'ING my bon'le, t child, 1~ yn, <r over. Pl wk. WWioc Sehl. 2 blb. 64$-1132 LOST Jail 20th in vicinity ot Heinz-Kaiser s ch o o I ' WJU.. babysit in my home by the week. Any age group black Labrador female (log. welcome. Costa. Mesa area. Choker chain & flea t'Ollar around neck. Under Vets 1 .,-......,.=-""=-~~-­ care. Name ••TI s a••. *Sl2: WK. Lovely home Reward. 548.-0521 needs i;ome UWe com- panions for my 2 yr aid. Lots o1' fun~ 968-1384 TOY, block Poodle, weighs S lbs. Male, answers to Pep.. pi . Tag with Mile High DEPENDABLE day care. Rabies, Boulder, C.Olorado. Pref. wkly care of 2.4 yni. Call 847-7237 Lie. ltrbr/ Baktr. 546-1539 BLACK Fem Poodle puppy BABYSlTI'ING My bomt". 6 mo., Vic of Caesar's Plaza· Re8.80llable. College Prk on Balsa Chico & Warner, area. tocq ~1!8) H.B. Reward. 5 9 2 - 5 3 1 4 BABYSITTING, my home, Eves. 638-8029 Costa Mesa area. Tender, WST. small grey &. white I ='°'°'"'='"o:•"=~-·=---'~­cat. female, vie Edwanls BABYSIT-Pre schl, exp & Talbert, flea color, ·lamily mother w/babysit days at pet. 842-7623 my home. HB area. 962-0239 FEMALE P/Pom, lite tan WILL babysit IN YOUR & v.•ht. Ans to Ginger. HOME any hour U.25 hr.; Vic Silverado Ca n yon. 24 hr. rates. MS-4389 """"' ized draperies thru-out. only, $235· 548-l290 Bkr. BEACH House 6 doors to SPACIOUS KITCHEN \V/ Ocean. ~ BR. patio, gar, ATIACHED BREAKFAST yrly $160 mo. Bk:r. 675-4130 AREA & BILT-IN CHINA , HUTCH. THIS WELL CON· We1tchff 3230 MESA EAST APTS , 1;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.j ON-THE-BEACH CORONA del Mar Beauty Mountain Condominium BLACK & gold German 145 E. 18th, C.M. 642-3474 Excellent, part • like IUl'-2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. Shop in busy location. s.ll'eps 8. 54~2730 Shepherd. Male w/choke 2 B.R. New furn, cpts, drps. roundings fot' .adulta riquir.. Luxury living to please i..be Fonner beauty shop moved e FOR Rent Furn. Mam-chain. Friendly. Good Beam ceiling, bit-ins, pool ing peace It quiet. most diacrimlnatil:lg. NIN' to larger quarter s. moth Mtn. Condo. poo1 & reward. 64~2198, 497-1512 Brick, l&sonry, .re. 6560 BUil.D, Remodel, Repair Brick, block, c oncrete, crpntry, oo job too small. Lie Contr. 962-6945 Adults. $150. 2272 Maple St. Dfscrlminative Tenants available at Reasonable rent. C a 11 sauna, sleeps 8. 540-2730 LOST: Siamese Sealpolnt STRUCTED OLDER HOME 3 BR., dining rm., ti.mily HAS BEEN COMPLETELY rm.; 2 Ba., new cpts.; close REDECORATED INSIDE to schools & shopping. Fncd. AND OUT. lf11 ottered at yd. water & gardener paid. the very low price of Lse. $350 Month. ~ 642-4807; 540-5566 1, 2 & 3 BDRM. API'S. lh H I Hutchens, 714.: 838-6511 Mount. & Desert 6210 female kitten, 9 mos old. EASI'SIDE. Quiet: 2 Br. POOL. NO CHILDREN e uni ftglf.'n DRESS lhop or etc, com· Vic. Baker I C.oolidge. CM tlec. blttts. patio. Adu1f5 on-MARTINl9UE plett-ly turn Is he d & 5 A NR Hemet. Xlnt view. 540-95&4 Carpentering 6590 ly. 361-B Ogle, 642-1298 Pacific ~ decorated. Newport Shores 2800' el. Wtr, gamf'. $5.500 RED Sean Stingray Bike 1-~---~----1 $26;500 FULL PRICE S.lboo 3300 ATI'R. 3 BR apt, 2 ba., GARDEN Am. Center, $100. monl h. $55dn. 633-77108-lOa.m. a.gt. w/wht seat Vic Christ CARPENTRY w/w carp., drps., attr. yd,. lBth A Santa Ana. c..M. l:c.641=-3945=-,,.,,..,-=-c-, BUSINE:,S •nd ~~ Plam:nc1 Fri eve. 4 BDRMS. with boat slip;· 2 baths, fncd. yd. w/bbq. $425 Month. 529-SlOO 548-l48l; 540-015_4; ~22 C.a1mll ~ H--A U3-C -7U Ocean-Ave., H.D. SMALL Reasonably priced FINANCIAL ~O~~t ~:: e NASSAU PALMS e ~~~-l7ta1'ii~iipti'°'i'i:'~·M,..01~~~(~11;,;4;.) ,;!i36-;,;,;l~'87;;,,.., ... i Store Buildings in busy REWARD. Weimerauner ages le 0 t be r cabinets. TERMS ARE OPEN TO OFFER! 1 & 2 BR. -Pool Corona del Mar location. Bus. Opportunities 6300 dog, med. s.ize brown, Jan. 54.5-8175, if no answer leave 177 E. 22nd St 642-3645 NEW GARDEN APTS. VACANT immed possession Call Hutchens, n4: 838-6511 ·-18, Victoria Beach, Laguna. msg at 646-2.172. H. O. MISSION REAL TY Huntln9ton BHch 3400 985 So. Coast Hwy., Lagunal---'------ BEAUT. lge. 2 Br. l 1h:. ba. 1 & 2 BR. Modem J:titchen w/ 3 BR 2 baths, w / w 6 DOUBLE stall garages Candy Supply Route Box P -702 Daily Pilot Andenion studio. pool, adults. $18.5 range & oven. dishwasher, carpeli!li", drai)eries, b.u.lt-and/or car lot for lease. (Part or Full Time I LOST 1/14/69 Silver grey Pho"" C1l<J 494-0731 FREE RENTAL BOOK 2310 Santa Ana 645--2933 e~c. EIX:losed gar. Olympic ins &: rebig. ;l.40/mo. l.Llw rent. 1980 Harbor Blvd. Excellent income for few Female Poodle vie Jacaran. size pool. B-&Que &: laundry Tradewinds Rlty. hrs. weekly work (days or da & Toucan F.V. Reward. Drop Jn & Browse Loguna Ni9uel 1707 w lk & l DELUXE , "'· , Ba.; •"'" a er ee fess. lndscpd. & decorated; 7682 Edinger in exclusive Monarch Bay; 842-4455 Open Eves. 54()..5140 lovely ocean view; auto. CO?\olFORTABLE Old house water softener & elec. gar. plUll 2 rm cotta~. Lge doors: 1 yr. new. $59,SOO. grounds. 19311 Beach mvd. with 6%. % loan. 0\\11er (1) 49&-39'19 4.99-4198 4 BDRM, 2 ba, ne\V crpts, Capistrano Beach 1725 Sl85. ?.1o. or will lease w/option to buy. 673-7178. 4200 2 BR, 1 block to beach S135 mo winter rent.al. Newport Beach Realty. 67S-1642 2 Bedroom, oceanfront $150 Till June 2.5 962-5056 STEPS To bch, mod 2 Br, frplc, bit-ins, adults, no pets $195. ,.,.,, 642-3490 Octan. Front Hom~ 4 BR 3 BA $75,000 Westminster 3612 Corona det M.r 4250 Jack Ingallsll ~~~~~ e PRIVACY e SMALL Bach. apt.: 1 adlt. Geo. Narbe , .-.-....;18~ wqlk to bch. & shop•·, ""• 34182 Doheny Park Road New, large 2 bdrm. with gar-Ulil 'd 67 2J ~ Opp. Thrifty Drug Store age. $130. Fenced yard with • PAl · 3-25 OH T I 49fr2455 patio. Water paid. . e . 14.125 SO. OLIVE Duplexn For Sole 1975 e 636-4120 e DUPLEX RENTALS NEW Apto. Fun\i1hed Deluxe Gold Medallion Du· plex. Z.Spacious 3 BR. Units Gener.sl 4000 w/View of OC('an It Bay, 7% 1--------- RENT Financing, gt-eat terms. 1707 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Call .... .,.. 3 Rooms Furniture RENTALS Houset Furnished Rentals to Share 2005 $25 Month FULL OPnON TO BUY (Re.trigeraton Available) No deposit o.a.c. H.F.R.C. MALE roommates 10 r Furniture Rentals B•lboa 4300 CT.EAN Bachelor Apts.. All ul:il incl $75 Up 315 E, Balboa Blvd. BALBOA 673-994j Lido Isle 4351 Charming.-2 Story Spacious 3 BR 2 ba, lrplc, patio, 2 car parking.· Avail. short tenn or yrly lease. Adulta only. Ask for Mrs. Gnwky Pete Barrett Realty 642-5200 Belboo blend 4355 ----- Newport luxu'?' 4 BR. home 517 w. 19th, C.M. 548-3481 on Canal Private club & 1568 \V. l.ltcln. Anhm 7?4-2800 pool. Inlo at ~ Oubhousel--c===~~=-­ NB. 67":>-4205 HOLIDAY PLAZA 3 BR. garage apt. Avail. WORKING girl to share furn DELUXE, Spaciow 1-~. Feb. thru June 14th. $110 Univmity Park home w/ Furn. apt. $135 P lua util. mo. plus util. No students, D 546-092S e es Heated pool. Ample parking children or pets. 675-2840 same. ays • v · No children-No pets After 4 PM. fac. Elec & water pd. From 842-5011 842-50l2 536-8065 C.M. 646-S4S4 eves.) refilling and collect-~2-1.224 eves/wkend!. S135 mo up. Adults only. STORE OR OFFICE ing money from coin oper·, ~=-------241 Wilson, C.M. 642-5401 $l2S & $150; 2 & 3 BR. HUNTINGTON BEACH ated dispensers In Orange LOST: t.;rey-green young G · Ad I . apts. Newly decor., cpts. In Center on Beach Blvd. County and surrounding pamJt; vie. Harbor Sehl., rac1ous u t L1Ylng & drps. 81.tns. Refrig. avail. 847~ area. No selling. (Handles Fountain Valley 96i-3024 2 BR, ·1~ bath, w/w carpets, 2 Children OK. Nr. Beach --;,.,,.-..,,,=o--~..--,-...., I --• d ...,_ •--:-• ta' Bl BLDG'" , 50X100, '" he--o! name bnuiu candy an 1 YR. Male Pug. Lite brwn ••n:p....,.., 1p...... s 1.ttase vd. &: Main, close tc ... ...,, , _ _. and downtown Costa Mesa snacks), $1650 cash requU-.:u. wlblk face. F1ea collar. Vic pool. schools & shoppiJle. 8'17...gg()S 54S-340l 548-3270 E For personal interview in Lindberg Sehl CM. 646-3569 Mesa East Apt. l -BEDROOM API'. pn·,at• : ves. o Cou"ty Se·" "am" 145 E range " : "" " ... , MALE white toy poodlo. . 18th 642-3474 patio, frpic, bit-ins:. garage, SHOPS address and phol"l(' number Vicinity Elden & Cecil Pl. 2 BR unturn, refrigerator, c:rpts & drpl!, $125. mo. Nr. Newport Pier to · bit-in stove, redecorated, 847-76IJ wk-ends or aft 6. Rltr. 673-0860 . TRANS.\VESTERN CM. 548-338'l new crpts, drps, $130. 568 Want Privacy? New! DJSTRIBUTING CO. WHITE Cat, gray on head, Wilson St., C.M. 545--0760 ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN Office Rent1I 6070 $90 N. AZUSA AVE. crooked tuil. Please rel. 840 NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba. Twnhse. $127 mo <$142 Furn) pragt LAGUNA BEACH COVINA, CALI F. OOTll Glcnneyre, Lag Bch BJtM, crpts, drps, incl gar. 202 -14th. 53&-1319 '73-1784 Air Conditioned Investment Capital REBECCA Lodge Pin "60", Oub hse A: pool. 5404179 aJt 2 BR Duplex, private yard. ON FORES"/ AVENUE WANTED Vic Methodist Chw-ch C.M. 4 Sat or all day Sun. Patio, eo~•-, •--• National Sales/Marketing or-Reward. 548-1859 -..--'-" ..... P".. ¥ spaces ava.fiable in 2 BR. Pv patio, bltns. Newly pool. nas. 842-1540 newest ct.flee bui\dina at ganization has exceptiOM.I GLASSES, Man's, tri-focal, dee. Cosed gar + park'g. 2 • 3 BR 2 baths . prime location fn downtown earning opportunity avail-vie K·Mart. 4 9 4 -8 2 9 5 . I'~ mo Adult .. 1., ·• • pnv. able for individual with REWARD~ c'::' .,,,..,. · s a • ..,.. patio: heated pool. Laguna Beach. Air coodi-._............., 962-8994 timed. carpeted, beautiful Venture Ca.pilal. Thorough wsr 5 mo old Doberman, NICE 2 Br studio apt, near paneled partitioning. Two lest marketing in the 11tate red. Vic. Buchru'd & Adams, OCC. 98t El Camino, C.M. S1nta An1 5620 l!lltra.Dcet: Frontage on of Calif. we have acquired a RB Reward. 962-4116 $145. 962-5050. Avail Febl"'=""°='----'= F<rest Ave., rear leads to product with sound invest· 1. VERY Clean 2 Br. 2 Ba. Muncipal parkin&; lots. $50 ment potential. Med. S fig· 2 BR, grdn apt. fpJ, cpts, Ganlen . Apts. Pnr pt.tic>. per month for IP6ce. Del!k ~"!~t.~;u $2500 Invest. drps, bltns, patio, pool. Pool. Nice area. 546-1525 and chairs available for ss. Adlts, ~pets. fl.45• 546-Sl.63 L-auna Be•ch 5705 =• av~:le ~1i1o~ Quiet 2 BR. Duplex AD tru.,__ -•.a t 304 Broadway. 1125. 100 CLIFF DRIVE u -•~ 6 "1' Call telepilone. aft ~ 531-828'2 LUXURY FURN/UNFURN DAil..Y Pll.oT LIKE NEW 2 Br., new cpts., Yearly Lease. 1 • 2 Bdnna. 222 FOREST AVENUE drps:, blt·ins, carport; no steps to Shore &: Shops LAGUNA BEACH pets; adull<1 $125. 548--6769 Oceanview from every Apt. 494-9'66 2 BR. t I from $150 mo up. lease ap .. c ean; new cpt. Drapes. built·inll. Inquire $2449 155~A Corl&Mu, CM REAL ESTA Tio 2 BDRM unturn. pool. closel--'G.;;e.;.n•:;r.;;•,;.I ____ _ to shopping. $125. 3lJ E . Rentils W t-...1 17th Pl, C.M. &12-8499 •n -5990 Ocean & Bay Views OFFICES FOR RENT Will divide to suite tenant. FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Beautiful renewed Laundry. 23 washers, 11 dryers, 20 lb. washer. $18.000 yr. gross inc. Find out how easy it is to own! Coin·O·Matic: Equipment, Inc. 2334%. W. Valeoci.a Personals 64-05 -----WED. SINGLES DATE NIGHT Food 112 Price 7 to 9 FRI. SINGLES The Gold Tones & Elaine SATURDAY Sensational New Orche!itra DANCERS CORNER 1438% N. Ma.in at Edinger SANTA ANA 542·0000 833-1531 1965 Pomona, CM 642-58581 :o==~,--,-.,.~~-* YNG male 24 would like II'"·, 1 BR., pool, --~rt. WINTER Rental, duplex 1 N B • h 5200 EASTERN exec., MDSMoker .,., ~.,.... BD d t-...1 2 ti. ewport eac w/oocbi l dren/pets . rm. w I bath or share., Olli Available now! '" en, .. .,....., pa os, • RED CARPET • REALTY Fullerton 714: 525-7833 FOR SALE. LONG BEACH, 1440 Santa Fe. Potential main cross street of town. Have Cafe 133 seating capacity) now lcast'd + .l bedroom apt. + 2 bedroom home + asphalt parl$ing area. S55.000. complete • Do not disturb tenants. For in- formation call Jean Van Der Borden, J ean Smith Rt!altor. 714: 646-3255 LICENSED Spiritual readings, advice on all matters. 180 S. El Camino Real, San Oemente. 492·9136. 10 AM -10 PM e Selective Singles • What type of companion are 645.-1791 a.It 3· 30 pm or 'bet Nr. So. Bay. $150 mo. {no UPPER Du 1 2 B Sl60 Desires approx 4/S mos · Broker 534--6980 studentl!I) Island R 1 t y p ex, r. ; comfortable, well appointed 1,,:clO:,•::.m.c,,=----~ 673-1200 1 yr. lease. AduJts, no pet£. tum ~, BR heh t EMPLOYED t $115: l BR. available now! =========~ See by app't. only. 2 ap, (30 offices to setvf' youl 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 6'3-3663 woman ° Baby 0 K Miss White 772-9150 Laguna/Newport Call 8- share pleasant h 0 me s~ker 5.34-6980 Huntington Beach 4400 ·-=-=-.,,...,,,--.,.--0-.,,--I 4:30. 714: 54!>-7171 Mrs. * Modern Offices w/same. $50 Month . ' _ 2 BR, 2 Ba, crptll &: drps Kogon 54&-«172 days. Costa Mesa 4100 1 BR. Mobile home. Across n7_5 on yrly lease. Carport.f,E=Mc'P:CLJJ~Y~ED=-La-dy-,_.-~,-1 Single or suites. Air cond. WILL share home w/mature from beach. 1 or 2 Adults. Cail 642-5567 eve. BR untum Apt, beach area, itioning, parking, secretarial lady. $100. mo. Vicinity BACHELOR Apt for singk: Golt, pool, sauna. Sp 234 IS YOUR AD Illl CLASSl· to $110. Carport o• 1•-•e aervice, central location. til ~-.~ 21462 p ili' "·t • --C. Robert Nattress Realtor Newport Beach. 642-2812. lady. $60. Month incl u · s. u1u•wuuu, ac c ....., FIED! Someme w1D be nee. 642-0086 aft/5 p.m. 230 E, 171h Street BEAUTY SALON you seeking? Call 642-9676 Noon to 8 PM ALCOHOL\(;) Anonymous Phone 542-7217 or write to P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. MASSAGE, Special. $6. Executive Salon •847~• Announcements 6410 1 NICE girl desires same 325 E. 19th St, C .. M. Hwy HB. ~ looking tor ft. Dial 142-5678 e LANDLORDS /t Costa Mesa 642_1485 Established. 6 Units, finest to share coma Mesa Apt. FURNISHED Single Apt. UTILITIES PAID for quick, efficient ttSUlts. FREE RENTAL SERVICE OFFICE SPACE Laguna location. Best equip. ALLEY WEST $60. 642-3694 a11 4. Util pd. 1 working adult 2 Bdrm!. furn. Htd. pool DAILY Pn.ot OlME-A· Broker SJ4.6982 men!. ANNOUNCES Condom.,n,·um 2950 $75. Z74 E. 19th St .. C.M. 802 Knox• "!~·291A4pt .o. H.B. LlNES-You can uae themr.1~8~0"'RM~~bouse-"""".,.=---.~pt, :::, al:V~· :~ ~~~, ,'~°'~--99~T2~~..,"".,B..,· ,.-..,~9 I Lunches •---------·1NEW 1 BR. Adults only.'--=--=-=--for just penniee a day. Dial · r: Monday thru Saturday 1· , -642•5678 Easts1de Costa Mesa, must S25 mo. Parking. 300 N. DRIVE IN with terrific ~~~~e. f~~· 1~alecn:!. ~I Elg:~. ~~125n;~to-mo. For ~~ant Ada. =CHARGE===-,....--wtmt--ad~oow-.1 ~a.sonable. G • 6-4 214 ~= S.:~:4' NB. Fartl ~~~rt ae~c;o!:a. M~ ~':rr.115~,:~; w/piRno, rec. rm, SIS wk.1====='======~=========-S==:====.-=::1;BA~Yi'-:..,::->be::a:;chfron:;:;;::;1-;:...,,.=. NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER 646-3255 Bicyc e Brunch l·,...;,.;;..;;"'8::.:. ______ l_Ge_n_•r_o:l===;:;:,4000==Ge=ne:r:o:l=~==4000==Ge=n•:::•:;•:;:1 ='."""---;.:.:.:._I yearly leue in Newpcrt OWCH suitable for Com-WANTEE>: Off-Sale liquor from 10 AM Duplex•• Furn. 2975 ' , Balboa areL 673-1007 merdal, Mfdical. I>i8ntal. license 1or Onmge County se;~ ~1• FURN 2 Br, 1% Ba. Apt. (if';Q-Q !'\-,., f -J)~ ~Q.e 1 RM prace or guest hou8e AlNmld.f.ro'i:i~lftVator Call: 642-8139 Steak A Eggl. A·l C.,,,.ntcy, .,,,;. "'" Jobi Call Gordon 847-i74S REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS, Any me job. 25 yrs. exper. 5'8-6713 Carpentry Work Wanted. fi4.2.iso5 MASTER carpenter, $4 per hour. Remodeling • Repairs . 642--6409 or 536-3900 Cement, Concrete 6600 * CONCRETE work. Bonded & Licensed. Concrete sawing Phillips Cement. 548-63111 •CUSTOM PATIOS. concrete sawing &: rernovel State Lie. e 842-1010 CEMENT work, oo job too small, reasonable. F re e estim. H. Stunick. 548-8615 e BEST IN CONCREI'E Walka, pool decb, lloon, Patios. Phone 642-8514 Thoryk Concrete, no job to amall. Free estimatea. e 646-UM e CONCRETE """'1<. ali ...... Pool decks le custom. Call 540-1324 Contractors 6620 Additions * Remodelilll Fred H. Gerwlck. Lie. 673-m4l * 549-21.'lU Car.,.t Cleaning 6625 CARPET & Furn. cleaniq;; for 1 day service &: quality work, call Sterling for brightness! 642-8520 NO Gimics! Best expert cpl & furn clng. at lowest prlce8. 546-1486, 646-2717 WALL TO W Al.J.. Carpet C l eaning &: expert upholstery cleMing. 646-3780 CARPET & furniture clean. ing, laying & repair. Call Girouard Carpet. 642-8656 Drafting Service 6637 Maps; Geological or Civll rrom surveya, etc. Tech. Illust. -Writing 675-6874. P.O. 374, CdM Eledrlcal 6640 FLAG Electric, gen'I eJeo. tridan&. O>mc'' r • • • ' Ma.Int Sm joba w e le . 51>-IO<S • many extras. $160. 54s..3704 iJ~ l..""U ~}. (b <J• V wl bath, up to $60. Si~e 5Ct.5Cl32 OR 615--2464 lnvftt, W1nted 6315 2100 W. Oceanfront «613-7350 SolwoSimpltScnimblcdW...iPuu.ltforoChw:kl< ""'k'<giri.642-6730a!IS•30 Newpot't "'""' G rd I ••"" WANT Bach apt, gg1e work-1 O'.)MMEKC. -300 Sq. ft. RETIRED Marketing Expert (acr"Olll> from Pier & l--•-•_n_n_g,_ ___ ....,_....,.1 t<t:NTAL) ORearmng., Sttten ·of the (/ lnr girl ~$90. Phone 1 INDUST. -800 'Ill· fl. OOred with goll will help Dory 1!1eet) ANTHONY'S Houses Unfurnllhed fcur ICf'CHnlii.d WOtdt ti.. ...,.... 'r~ • 64~79 aft 6:30 • G4&-2l30 • yuu with )'()Ur problew. VlKKJ 'S Party Time Friday G•rd•n S.rvie9 •. ~-n•••I 3000 ""c H,. A'°""N'u"'',tlllir>i. won:i .. 1 , ~ •. ' 1 ~· 1· I 2 oR a BR. un1urn. 1u.~. omCES: :J; JOO + sq. tt . 549-2507 J8llu.a.ry 24th 1 PM w . 646-1948 • -"--~--~--·y'' ·-2 car gar. $150 mo. .....al. Call 61'3-4830 Money to L011n 6320 • ·-·· BUDGET l.ANDSCAPINC Fr• Rental StrviC'lt 'rP: area. G73-0140 Hwy, CdM. : on \<Ip. Come checlt: our Prune ••. Pb.rit .,. ~ to home owneni and tervu1b. I' lz r I I . ~ -:-_(, SI'UDJO or BachtkJr pt. util Commerci•I 60l5 RETIRED COUPLE prices. 1791~ Ne" port Monthly Maintenencw • - ------paJd tor Wf;y w/chlld. Max I iiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1Ha11 mone)' to lerwt Oii ht le Blvd., C.M. Exp. Horticulturist , . l ~ $65. 496-3842. It 2nd mortaages. can AL'S Gf.nk.>nin&: service CH I KT ~ I ~ ·7 · " Broker 547-1333 Funer1la 6412 Lawn m~nance. pntrm. mo u""'°' Blvd. ' I I I I I '~ ~.;'V" :::.:•0:::,.5:: Major OHlce Bldg. Roo1 E••••• Loans 6340 WESTMINSTER ,~!:;' ~:;;,.,.~...., 545·'1•1 Opeotlll9PM -• 11_. on BoJ I& I<ll. in CorooadelMu HOME LOANS MEMORIAL PARK Maint. La,dacopl•I RENT w/option. N. Tustin s A I 0 s I -rec/rm Ind.; $55 Mo. up; Finest quali~ ~~~ Jlave 90% !!..~.lng at 1,~,"% U-rtu a c ..... aeanup. 637-6951 areal 3 BR, 2 BA. lam. At knt IOl'T'leOOe hos ••· ~·Ith meals $1?i. 615-J61l Completel,y air .. .,,,,,.......,...,., lntemsl ..... '""' our . mu ary eme •• ry JAP~ Ga rden er. P r 1190 Adu!,_ I I I j' , plalrlt'CI why some golfe(1 uae Eltvators -•mple park Inc Pt'ORTilm &-2nd TD tenna. Complete funeralt r.-.. •ete sf: r vi c, , -. ~f. :i1:E:ve ' .,.. _ . carts lntt.:id of mddies. The LARGE &om w/pr':.:at2 excellent rtnW record Sattler Mi;gage Co. Inc. from $245 ;;~. R.eUa.ble. &e-C; .----------.,,reoson Is simple: aJrh -·.. bath Ir ~. aundeck. Room for exp6fllion 336 lit.h SL Ce~ry loto ~., • ~~' ·wn St70: 3 BR. 2 be.. lncd. yd., IJ ENT IC • $G8 mo Beach aru, 642-8598 •'2M coo •••21~ ••• ~1 ...... • ~· ...., t-\c., wlw: chlldrtn OK. -1 .. ~... · ,..." W .:::::.,· U'U"" '' ........_., from $1$0 Maintenance. Lictn.d.. ~k<!r 534-69lKI t--ilr.'-rl-.. 1-.1 .. ,-..rrl G ~::: i:--.... d!:~~ ~c;! ROOM~ boAtd for l'DUI only~ &I rn. 0-W.O.. l."Vts. 673-1'8&t 642-1157 Includes Endowment care ~2310 I.ft ' $175; 4 BR.. 2 ba. fncd. -• -• -YoU.,.. ,,_step No. 3 below. ~~tfl 'llfft~~ar fl MorftltU, T.D.'t 6S45 -~~: :u1°1 C\11' & edge l•wn oampl yd. w/w. Children &: pets ~ ',~.'.,Nt.».W•EDI' I' i ,. I' I' I' Ii r I No~rnc -blew. lflfVioe. Lie. 5tS-&lSl ftft OK. Bmlo" ,,,._ "" .,, Room & Board 5996 200-' OISCOUNT r• • -- 'ANY n.txXI 2nd TD al $20 mo. ind ~~ Beacb. wesun:_:n ========"I Coot• Mela 3100 I\!'.!: I j j j' • I j I I I LOVELY"'""'" olce locatlon REALTORS 10% aU du. 1n 2 yn. On General Som-6612 -:rn;:r _ . . . . _ . . . tn FGWrtatn Valley. Prefer 673-4400 Oc8J1 vi~ tni. lAIUM l'!":'!~"""""""""""'""'""I 2 BR... l~.. ba.: ALSO 3 , nice ~mployed lAdY. Worth Beach. Pl.A.CE 1'001 wam. &a. wben HAULING. Cleanup ia.nals. ~,';Q :;~,,,~& t%'.'t'~' SCJAM·LETS ANSWERS i'it'CLASSIFICATION 9000 -~1M Into. 9'8-27'1 all lfblte El""'8n"' ean Ownc~-1210 ::m ... = M:~Y ~ ~ "" ""' ---~---~~----~--------~-------. -------~------~-----A-----------------------...... ----= • ' " ' '. I I I 1 • --. -----.. ' . . -.. j • • • • • • . . . . . . ' , . . . . . . . -· . .. . . ' • l .. , All 1,000 · of U·s Had a Busy Day Toda y W e created and delivered another fresh editwn of The DAILY ·PILO T . . TEAMWORK produce.!! each day's all-new DAILY PILOT. Often speciaJ· ists like Thomas Fortune (left), who6e beat is education, work with a ~ltaff phctographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both in words •,, -~And pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to illustrate the ·~..i:o:v.arled story of Orange C~l life. Nobody ~nows how many Jocal stories .. ~we wrote. Not even u.s. ' . , .. ,,.~. ~ ., __ ~ ~·-• _,.,. " _;. A : '.'.'.CREATIVITY helps advertisers tell· their stories and sell their goods in : .. : the affluent market served by the DAILY PILCYf. Gordon Crawford \ ,., (center) of display advertising department discusses with layout arlist J ,-•·.&We Gunderson and DAlLY PILOT Staff Artist Bob Noyes an ad which l~ ;_ will be ready lo appear in the newspaper only hours after Noyes puU 3:':f!nal touches on artwork and it Is approved by the advertiser, a local re- .. · WI merchanL ,. " •• -.J ~ ~~., . • ' . . • • t ;; . • ' • ' ,. ;QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal pl ates used . r lo reproduce pictures) into page forms as the day's product begins to ~ take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a platoon of printers who .. bulld" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work· ~·tng against the clock lo bring readers the latest available information in : -each edit.ion during the day. ,, DELIVERY of the newsaper ts a speed event, too. Conveyor belts carry the papen through the mailroom where they art automatically Ued in 1tJundlel o( 50 and tossed to wa.iUng circulation district. mans.gen (like 1 Blaine Roberts, ahown here, right) who speed them via • 41).vehlcle · fleet to Uniers for delivery. M.ailroom foreman George AraUJ (left) i .. and his crew can move 2:0,000 newspaper! an hour. ·~ VOLUME is the word at the Copy Desk. DAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Tilua (background) and other ccpyreadel'I every day sill!, checks and edits more wire reports from worldwide news servtets than the average week]y news mag8%1ne pub- lishes. Editors 8CID enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 24 hours. Speed, born of experience, heJps them keep Jt all ~esh, too. THE WORDS are ready. Maijorie Jackson feeds them into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as It reads characters at the rate of 1.000 a second and punches a new tape which will actlvate another machine for automatically setting type at high speed. The machines can set type at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour. ' l'r1ACHINE! hasten the processes of preparing plates for printing the pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground} and Ed· ward Quinn operate a casting machine which molds curved plates to fit onto high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal which Ls used, melted down and used again in the continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day. MODERN tqUipment helps the aCC<lWlting department keep up with the "today" pace at the DAU.Y PILOT. Even as the day's ne~·spapu is being sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figure~ into a c:omputronlc bookkeeping machine that helps keep track at billings for ads and sublcrlptl:ons. The machine, foterunner of a brace of computers IOOn to be added, handles 5,<m accounts a month. • _, ' ""n· . pt:'" ' . . • -·"' RAPID communication is the name of the game. Supervisor .Juanita Frey and her crew cf ''ad-visors" handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone, resulting In publication or 5,000 ·classified ads -words which help people buy, sell, rent er I ease •• , even find lost dogs. Many of lhe DAILY PILOT'S 150 phone lines art plugged in here, the classified ·advertising de- partmenJ, home of "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines . PICTURES, too, get lhe benefit of skilled, efficient handling by master crafl3men who re-photograph them and then transfer tbe images to a sensiUzed meta1 plates which are used to reproduce the photos as read· ers will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a re;:illy close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image on the metal plate. FINISHED PRODUCT Is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chler, even as high-speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour completing the day's run on press units which represent an inveslment of $3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew will feed into these machines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles Jong in printing the DAILY PILOT this year. 10ST bclore the ink IS dry, the product of our busy day is tossed 9eftly on your lawn or porch by one or our 700 newspaperboy1 who are lrnportant links In the chain of people it takes to bring you today•1 newa ~ feature." .todar in the DAILY PILOT. And as oor young independent ~bants. like John Melton her!. make their deliveries, we 'rt rearing up foe aootber bwy dl)' -all 1,000 of us. rJhe •Now ~ Newspaper for All The Com.._unities Of The Growing Orange Coast -·-.. 1. \ •. , 4 ' .._ ________________________________ .... __ ._. ........... """ ............. '-' ........ ___ ... ,J,, J...-. ... ,I. 4 A I •• • ·---.. _._ • • _._ .. .._ .......... ---.. -.. ·--~----------- ~ I I • ~ I I I ' ---·-·---------------~----------------------~----..--~-----...----~-~-----·----c_-,.,,,.'=<',....L' .~s!IR~V!!l~CE~Dl~R~l~ito~--~llt~·j·~::~-~a~-·-···· '!!t~·····~11···-~;~-'!~ JOIS & IMl'LOYMIHT J-.:0;;:1;;;.5 .;i"-'•:;;.M;:.P;;;.LO;.;Y:.:;M.:::E.:::NT.:..1.============~~~~~~~~~~~!:! -· S.rvlCll ' 6612 * Job Wonted, Llcly 7020 Holp Wontocl, Mon 7200 Holp Wonted, i,lon 72DO'iolo W1nted, M.., 7200 Holp W•nhd, Mo,, ·721.0 ......... --1101 EIEATlNO Is Atr Cond. Scr.v I: repalr, a.llO Wubft I dryer ~. :H hr l!m'. 80-TZ3'7 or 847""568:1 Houllng CLEAN Lota. IVl&tl Me. Tree l'ftDO'o'a1, dump, Q:lp 1*:khoe. fill, c ra d •·· o;ul45 'CRIM. hedge, ~ Gtn. dean-Gp,, Ila.me. ill I haul, n!ll&Onable. 64~ LIGHT Hauling, 545-6490 * API'. CLEANING * Fast ' thoroug!I. &t2.a16C WILl..lAMS Cleaning Serv. Income Tu 6740 LADY Requitts job u travel comp an Ion, bouae~r' nursing experienCe er cpe.n to offf!n, call S36-5rf Domootlc Hllp 7035 Needed •t oncel --""""" -°""-Top w...,., All ... paid. Call Electronics Jechnici1ns w. need lateWati>t indMd- uall with a IOlkl fuwdl.tlcn In buk: electronic theory tor cballel1Cinc job ln the eloctronica oompooecita field. Shoul haftt completed' mll-1"'>' obllga!loo& Plea.Je apply 1n pcnion lo! HUGHES ~EJE«;16BIY NEW YEAR.... Eledronit £> ... : .. ~~~~ ..... . Etw~Stc ......... . E ' ~~~ .,, .. _, .... OLD RVT? ng1neers ~~~:::: 5 Gen!Nl Offtat ·····~ ... Wli,L 11169 be a Mto Utar of brfoltt,proml.tlt for . Orcuil d~ wbO cu Rtc:pVPBX .......... , tm · lnltls!O ___ ... _ ··········.e \IOU ••• OT tDill it jU$t mtan tl d&angr of calm. dari? Ptrh&p.s uou'rt modnatelv nuxtuful i1t JOUf' \Dorie, but if uou feel' dis,Cti,/action with onu pha.se of .11our progress, pltaU f'tod on. IF you are a r~ent ccillege graduate whose future is' blocked because of the nature of hi:!e work or the size of the organization vlee Udlled tecbnl.ci•• ~ Glrl1nt (qU:tl .. , ......... 1rlc COllltrcicdoa and aWcii tt MaQ Girl •••••••.•••• J. -duria& "'' -P.T. """"' (..,rit) •••• ••• .,.,,,... -with • ' ''°:C"" p~,.. npidly ~ -dJvil. ,..JI~ ··•· "t&llO ""-....... ~ ........ ···s I ' F.C.~ .. ,, • ..,. ••.•..• Work la in a~le-of·the4rt EX19C &eefttaty •••••• tG hl&h pPftl' aectronkt ~ Gld.J'ridq •••••••••• ID '500 tem.1, FUil ~lion and ~ad;ia: ..... M50up top eotnpe:Nation. ~ ....... M ••••• ~ BE A Satimed Client with llar:M ln,Mea Vmle S·BR Hanis Tax Service. 9th yr. + .tamUy~ l "-baths. WANT locally, Avail. U mos. lll7 local Units. F.qutty $8,0XL Roosevelt Way, CM. Agmf/ewner . Trade 11 tt Puionner out· board. (fiberila.u) for full ar J.>8rl ~nt on carpet, dnlpes, fandscaping, feoo. ing Ot' ! ! M2-4980 aft 7 pm Malibu area, 1 acre, hfil. slcte retreat, runnina: creek, )&}c: trees. approx 100' rd Cront, 3 mi to ocean. Trade for hou8e. T.D. or ? 847·5.178 CUstom built 26' cabin crui.5- 11'!!', aolkt mahogany hU:I, fµlhr eqWpped, $2500. Trade, lrlr, camper. truck ot ? of seJne value. 548-39'J7 . Bronze, trostleu 16 cu ft. Z door, late model Sears relrlg. Tnlde for white one Df equal value w/right hand !loor. 833-2948 P.M. MiSI Abby1 548-71'!16 Also fee jobl ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 C Newport mvd., CM. Geo~ Allen Byla,nd A&eDey Employer Pays Fee 100-B E. 16th. SA 547-0395 :hinese live-bu. Qleerfu.l ~nnanenl. Experienced NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superlor Av~. OR LEAR JET lec/ljt,e lllrtbd' ·-···. IC33 E'.8Cnnf Tnlee ...... tD - P.T. Secretary •••••••• 8Jir ''Mack,. 546-2971 66Zl9 Newport Booch, C1llf, a man now selling who feels his work ls not suffidently challenging or that it does not of· fer adequate income or advancement·possibi- lities or requires too much travel * Tl'H YEAR * HAVE STANLEY COU- A-1 Sl"ENO PONS 'l'O TRADE FOR Far F.ast Agency 64U'103 HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. BLUE OR GREEN STAMP ew/wkend by appt. 56-8820 BOOKS. -Agonci11, Mon 7100 Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 1· F I E· D ORANGE COAST'S Laa:e ~Big Bear area, f • lit ft: lob, value $lof,UXI Trado-$9,00> eqµl!y for .... ert home-or-local lot or ! ..._ rr Giimiille Boat a: trailer 1'5 hp lllterceptor, Eaton drlW, used 6 tilnH. like lltW. Trade for 22' tniler, 3 br house Gr ? 54S-0248 Good VW Kamb!. '&5 w/1500 eng!ne. 3&, 700 ml For Porsche, Karman Ghia or VW Bug of like ftlue. .... ,,., GE Electric Ootbea Dry~ er, like new thru'(Alt. 'Vill trade for GU Oothe11 Dryer in lJke o::mltion. Call ..._ CONT1NENTM.. ~·. dT, air cond 1964 Conv Sedan. ·-·-_.,... ... ..... Ori& ""'$10,500. Tnf load eq, ~in h9e. KI 5-5000. '66 Scad · A · Bout camp in& trailer, sleeps 2 + cabana, UeetB 4. StGve, link, icc- bolt. Trade for 8' cabover campel', 545-2106 aft 4.. What do you haw: 10 tracW ?. List tt here -in ~ °"""'>'• ....... read fnd. ""' poof -and ...... deal. * * * Deluu Villa 53 J\I, F I C. W ANI' wmrfront ho m e: Arrowhead h<>me, W A NT Orange Co. property or boat. Davis Rlty. 642--7000 3 BR 1 ~ ha. Monticello Condo, cpts/d~. bit-Im, 2 pools, $39XI equity. Trade far 3 or 4 BR home, TDs, car or ? Owr./Agt. 546-6580 Have level building lot near BIG BEAR CITY, CAIH'., $1500 free & clear. FOR rood used car:- "8-0419 Palm Desert Cond. furn, beaut grounds, heated pool, 30 M, trade 20 M equity for &ood lot or bits in area. De· lafU can m.ZJU. Have 6 units; want 1mall house Carta Mesa or Hunt.. ln&ton Beach area. Wilker • Lee, Mr. Uvine se-9451 * ·* * -----------SERVICI: DIRECTORY Income Tix 6740 SERVICE DIRECTORY RemodeL, Repair. 6940 INCDME Tans Jftpared IF You need . remodelq, pa home. liq form com-painting or repairs. Call _blned...,,-:$15.'=-=,.;IM"='3122'=~~· I Did<. 642-1197 e HOME iiER\iici!! e J'EDERAL .I: STATE 6950 5.11.-=======: ROOFING All lypeo, .... LendscaPing 6110 rst. do own work no hi ;;;.:;==:::::,,_ _ __;:.:.;.:I o'bead, lie, boOOed. 84T-1l3& SPRINKLERS & soa IAwns. Lie A: Bonded *-* Roofing 6950 cmomu::w. .. ftlldeotial ROOFING REPAIR, ,.. _ _.___ ,. _ __. __ ,_ no ~ loo amall! ~~ .. --· •968--~ looCmnl..,__ ?-===;-=:~== PoperMngfng Sowl'!! 6HG P'oloting "50 Altortti--"!USU ?if!l!lt. accurate. 20 yn. exp. VINYL wall .. c o.,. e r I n g • ....:__.w_ apedallst • kit. .. baths. ... a~05:.AJ.bfttJona Material & labor. Est. Special on Hema ·JOBS GALORE \VORK IN THE AREA YOU CHOOSE Fee P1id Draftsman • •. . • • • . .. . to 9K Buyer Trainee , , • . . . lo 7K Accountant •..••••••• to 12K Detail Man •••••••• , • to lOK Mrk11 Analyst • • • • • • to 1 tK Cl>emist, Orpnic ... , to 16K Mgmt Trainee • , •..• to 12K Chemical Sales • • • • . . to 24K Finance Tmee • . . • mo $450 casulty Adj ...... to S700 + Also FM Jobs Call Andy, 548-T796 ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 c Newport m\·d., C.M. Manager Tr1intes Have clieDta who will train career minded &rad& in Fin- ance, Ina. Fad:ol')', Sales. Call Mr ADderson. MS-7796 ARGUS AGENCIES • 1869 C. Newport .BlW .• C.M. Holp Wonted, Min 7200 Draftsmen Minimum three yc.ani ex~ perience pre.ferred in amall eltttro • mech. de- vises. Must be capabl• of producing dt!tail dra W• """ -tooling, checking. STACO, INC. 1139 Bokor St. Cost• Mesi 549-3041 An equal opportunity employer s.1 .. Representative Opening for •pressive man with excellent fU:o ture & advancement poalbllttla. TOP EARNINGS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE OFFICER $6844831 per mo. Written test Jan. 29, 1969, 6::1> P.M. Excellent oppor- tunity for men seekiqt ca· reers in law enforcement with progressive, profession- al department. .ReqWres U.S. Citirenshlp; hi school grad; min. 21 yn.: max. 30 w/o experience, up to 36 with vcperience: min. 5'0'', 150 lbs., 20130 vision uncor- rected. Contact Pel'IJOnnel Office, Cily Hall, 3300 New- port Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif. 9a&60 TI4 613-003 F ASlllON ISLAND NEWPORT BEA Cl I Hi s Position open fw FULL TlMF. NURSERY HELP iD out gan;ien ahop Outstanding benefits. Prev-_ .,._ _ APPLY IN PERSON MOil· • Fri. lD am to 5 pm J, C. Penney Co. 24 F11hion lsl1nd Newport Beac.h, C11if. An Equal Opportunity Employer * * * CARPENTER HELPER $523-$636 per mo. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OR a junior executive, school teacher, engineer~ business owner, acrountant or \awyer who be· lieves he has the ability to earn more TllEN investigate this opportunity to qualify for tbe highest recognized level of selling to business and profesfilonal groups. Our Aptitude Analy- sis System will determine your chances for success in our Field. If you qualify we will pay you an attractive salary while you leam the business and gain experience under su- per.vision. Your income pr06peCts will be well into five figll!'eS. Phone 542·5623, Ext. 321 Or writ• brief p1rtlcular1 to Box M-655, Daily Pilot SHIPPING CLERK Two year:< expcrienC(", to pack and ship by truck, rail and air. MUHi haw good knowledge of all shipping and mailing rale• SALESMAN· WANTED FOR SPORTING GOODS Immediate opening in our Col!ta Meaa store foc an ex- periencOO sporting goods aalesman. Permanent posi· tlon, good' salary, company benctits. Excellent opportun- ity for advancement. Apply in per.;on to store mgr. WlliTE FRONT STORE 3Cl38 Bristol st., C.M, Senior Technician Minimum fa u r ye&ra electronics experience, TV repair not acceptable. Troublf' shooting and aim. pie circuit design. MASRI SPEOAltlfS CO. 1640 Mlnrovll AYO. Cost•· Mew-· '642-2427 An equal opPOrtWlity employer * COUNSELING No experience needed Prolelllonal trainin&: pro- 1ram to karn. FUNERAL & CEMETERY COUNSELING FOR AN INTERVIEW CALL 644-02!2 * HOTEL BELLMAN e CON$TRUCTUSii e Bltkpr, thru T/B •••••• $S20 AcctL pyble./cost •••• • Bu;yer, Aaa'L , •••• ••••; \f50 Exec. Sec'ty, legal •••• $525 J.R. ............... _ -~CM. - Help 'IY•ntod w.,,,.n ,, 7400 HU~INGTON SEA CUFF ~~cw. . . . NEEDS FIRST a.ASS, A1'11tA~ · TIVE COCKTAIL WAIT· RESS. Eqierlence a m111t Able to w e a r mh:d skirt ph!'l''tl. Ttls>'PllYi P4.t vac., o<I. -c!a>s, 1 hoapftal&atioli. ~ brs..... ' 3000 P11rio A.._ Huntington ... ch 5Mat6 ~ ·. TO OPERATE Burrougba acco u n t l'n g machine, general. olfioe work, lite t,yping, filing etc. Paid hosp &: vac'a. Exper. preferred, Apply in person; 188 E. 17th. SUite 1-C, Q:Bta Mesa. EXPERIENCED eouater lady, Mill!lion C I e a n e r 1 • Murlands IDvd.. Miaion V~Jo. Safeway Sboppna M4SnR SPECIALJIS CO. DAY "'"'"· 830-1245 alter~,· ~CE ABOOLUT£. 830-0313. ~ I LY NECESSARY. APPLY !;;;;--,===-=---""' • IN PERSON ONLY. 2ND INOOME! Earn .ut 1640 Monrovio Avo. DISHWASHER ""' leam 10 be a V~ Cost• Mo11 NEWPORTER INN Beao1y ~. "'l:lle 642-2427 ll07 Jambctee Road Beat FrleM ·a Face Bm" Exttllent cpportwtity !or 6 DA y WEEK Newport lk'ach Had" m11n with minimum of one An equal opportunity 5f7·1'MS OR. 6'154116 year t!xperience in shop employer RfUBtll £, I tc MAN to "worlc p/time iJrl OOMBINAl'ION. Sharp Bu work or ren!ftl mai.nte-Pt W: Haul Rentals yard. MllSt Jibid9, &: Go Go Dra:naD. Must Be :;=e ~ ~ =~ 151 E. Co.st Hlghwiy be neat tn appearance Ac Top wages $3~:: "° ':t i!t= & ~:~~ FtUng deadline January 24, NEWCPOITRYT OBFEACH Newport -h1ch haplyve ;;,t ~tingBI .. "J'-~ ~ :i ::!I can .. _ "D........ test January Z1 1969 F * ewport ""'·• C M ' • iO': ' ....... ~-· ... , • · or C.M. . • ' 539·l l06 :=.••=\""~u<711ce4). FIREMAN * SERV. Sia-•""· Comm + * SO~DERERS it or 6'46-7300 Milllnwm 0 , 'II: PAPER HANGING T .............. ~ .......... ,City Hall. 3300 Newport $651-fl.791 per mo. IMMEDIATE QPENINGS sal.Tom SbarpUnkm.Serl. mo ., CllPl!l' .. 1n PAINTING ILE, Cer•mlc 6974 • Blvd., Newport Bea.ch, Calil. ....,. Zlll E cat. Hwy. C.DM.. cable I: barneu qsembty. 615-3043 • Verne, the Tile Man* MAlllftlllllr( u"""'n.>"·..-====~~1 Written test Sat., Jan. 25, • Busboys OR 3-J320 ~~1~D4Uni~ 847-1659 • &f6.6446 * G Cun. work. Install"-· ftllnAft\ HONES!', stable young man ·-8"" .a ... ""··-II t • Room t1.-rv. W1it•-~"' w,.. p AINTIN , Inter.~ ""re~ .J,,;IQJ• :.,., n..JN· """"'"" 1!11 ca· -• • 541>4951 State lie. bonded. ~ No . job too small. Pluttt for Grocery deliveries & reer opportunities with pro-A.gene In, WMMn 7300 :' • estimates sa-am patch. ~ •how• r General MaiDtenance man. •tocking. Training &: benefit greu.ive, professional de-Experience necusary, APP.lY -COLLEGE « high • INT _ ~. ·-""""""" ~. 811-15571846-0206 Must have experience in opportunities, partment. Require! U.S. Cit· in person only to Warren Pl for hluae work'•- JOB. ..,._JC.A~""'.::.!. ~~ .....,.n a ""'C TILE FLOORS Ground Maintenance. Apply in person it.enship, hi acMol irad; Dent% Secretaries, many • • • ,,tQIS(ll are, Dally or J tbnel ... ~ .._.,~.~ :u""" '-"d\AIW. Mr. Adams min. 21 yrs., max 30 w/o DMV .................. to$4'75 ly. Approx hn 4 IDT jilb. est. JIM.. KM8B9. GtG-3749 Entries • patba. custom l(M Cont Super M1rket vcperienceo up ta 35 with NEWPORTER INN Med. frnt I.: back •••• lo$450 5CS-0'1!li Aft 'l PM. 1 VET'S Bonded Pa i 11 t l n a:. work. Reas, 49&6201. 3l47 E. r.oast Hwy, CdM @'Xperience; min. 5'7", 140 1107 Jamboree Road AutoCuhier • ' ••••••..•• $400 Free est, lie, ins. Small JOBS & EMPLOYMENT e INSTRUCTORS _ Full lbs., 20/30 vision uncorrect· Newport Beach , General OH!ce •••••••• toH» * EXP'D. TELL&l jobs weloome. "2-0427 2727 C•mpus Drive /and part . ed. Contact Pel'!IOnnel or-1-----'-:..:..=.==--'--Receptionbt ............. $375 For Savings and L0an. tn INTER or Ext. PAINTING, Job Wanted, Men 7000 'Irvine, C11if, ~arance. M:iebe N:~e a~ fice, Oty Hall, 3300 New· e YOUNG MEN e File Clerk ••••••••••••••• $.110 ML Phone ~O tor IMMED. SERVICE. Local EXPERIENCED In Sal... 833.2500, Mr. Coaley meet and deal with tbe port IDvd., Newport Beach, Traioing in sales &: office ~U~ist :·······~~ Eqapp!i ........_,_;"" ,.1A_ rel FREE est. MS-1671 public, good figure. Apply Ca. 92660 TI4 6'73-663l management. Future for • .. ....,. LaM;NT!ter •· ·~ op.,..., ..... ...,. em_.,,.""' 1======== =m>ent & M=han. PRODUCTION lo .....,., Holiday Hoallh good men. H.S. grad. Some Trai""'stem ........ ••.$333 PART-TIME EVES Pl •• t.rl·-, R•~o·r 6880 New in area: will Spa, 2300 Harbor Bl·"'., college prefemd. Must be Trnee Med Asst ••• .••••• $315 Pbone from our otftoe 00 SU. I d ... ~ ... vel. .,,.,_ (n4) ..,_,,., PLANNER •u CAREER Tmee Dental Aat SlXI boa r.i. g. p • c .M. neac puncmal and amblti-Tmee N Aide· -• • • _ '-" •_,_ .¥. , ea 1ng • PAT S _,...... • oil 2 YOUNG men want """' Exporieoced Ill plann ... ol ARCHITECTURAL OPPORTUNITY! ""'· Car """· Start Ml lo Trntt -~~~~ ··-··:::::: Coll: •"ll>«>111 ,... - TypeL Free estimate. CID on Yacht. up.; SkiPPl!f', printed circuit boards. ENGINEER S600 mo. salary plus CO. ••<q ' .•••••• _... PORTRAIT Colorirt wanted. 540-6825 EJwr, Deck Hand. ~ Thorou&b knowledge of all Join to41J1S fastelt growing benefits. ALI-SET AGENCY Top quality work ~: In Marketplace PCB _..,. includi11g ISLANDER !"'Of-Mutual Fund ,.1., APPLY 9:31} 'ti!""°" Cnsla Meoa joor homo. ' 8etitt Im· l ;.,P;;;lu...;m,;;bl.;;ng=---...;6190"-"' .lob WMt~ Lldy 7020 multila)'er b., a rd a, Xlnt MOTOR HOMES INC. No epertenCe neeelllll')'-Wt'd.·Thurs.·Ftl. 437 w. Lt}th mediateJy, &l5-G342 growth opportunitiea. Phone, BM E Washington St We train • tun or part time LIDO DISTRIBUI'ORS 642-6752 PHONE SOlJCJTINQ t f PLUMBING 24 hr. terv. CHILD car a, bousekeeplng, MULTA CIRCUITS pet'llOflo' Santa Ana. Calif. ' Mutu1J Fund Advisors, 12732 Garden Gl"O\le m, G.G. Garden Grove No experience ,..,...,..,. Or Work ....,., Lie., lnour.; ._ -lady. Local "'1 depC lo< appC 879-4360 Inc. • (""" • 122SI H-~ m-~ a .u.... h-~'lh •--remodel,,~. rootrr ..... --='~-"==~-~~ Ext. 265. CAMPER &: Motor Home ~ B. 1603 Weetcliff 6CZ-64Zl """ .... LOA ..... ._..,,. ~ .... -$31~ F1.n.J.. Tbne houaekeeplnc. bu11del'I &: assemblers flr S.A. 1212 N Broadwaf 638-6150 Harbor, a.ta Mesa , • PWMBING REP.Am E:1:pe r t e a t ed. ow n STUCCO WIRE MEN all phases. Mutt be ex-5C7.im :--;-r------,=•ISECRETARY, 2 -..a ·ia Automob•iles No job too ..wt --!M3-<Cll8 Work m Columbw<, Ohio • -& bave own tool& MUST BE 18 OR OVER Bookk-r . • • . • $4U _._ H.B. law ofllee, teoJ • 6G-3l2S • Indlanapolk. Ind. pulttqi Qmlad ar <all Rkk ot 21JS YOUNG "EN Local ·-will "'°'" --rd, """1 » Im 1--SOCK__::,...:::=.:::ro=-.::..--Need. ~-·n&Joer wtre on by the roll. Furnillh CM;yon Dr., Costa Meu. M • APPLY IN PERSON • fee far lblrp gilt wttb ~ No. M 153...Daib' PUot. IT 'EM! n.s. ,...~ ..... Id! owo t-Will pay $15. ... 6"-'758 OVER 20 ...... BABYSITl'ER. ..,.~ roll. WU. over boanl. No CARPENTER w/exp. In oil ·-~-~-0 r-~---··th a Snack Shop 1#1 9 Clllms Steno ...• $313 ......... ooly. - : line Wire at paper .. Write, hues of 1 d 1 1 ........... ,.. -· ~""''" .. .,~..., Workin modern officB o1 11. ~fer, Balboa. Milton Lewin, 6129 OW.• P re 11 e n 1 a quality pie shop Will train ......., E. Coast Hwy., CdM nationwide .finn. No short· aft 4. ' , bmy, O:ilwnbul. Oblo. C3213 remodeling ~tSendMbnef • for lll!'Ven !Uy 1'.IPeration. six MODEL .l Plug bullden in hand needed. n _ll'.& l'JTill'G -·~ _ "'"'i..10 • resume It rt!:"" o: asoo day 11ehedule. Many benefits. flbe I &: wood wtth T I .. .,.._~ .,,...,.-.. :~· ...,.,..., .,....,s sn:ttT NIETAL Orp. P. C. Bor368.. BalOO. Apply 9 a.m. tog p.m. (See rga.'I q-p yp Its , .................... ·.,,* <Moo-Wed-i'rl) 4---jjft7 MECHANICS Wand Bob) at: in boats .1 campen. Jibt Hert if! a chanct fnr bright hn per dq ~' ~. (Precision) Must be a~ lo ruu. have own tool&. eorMct • berinnen to start their OJ· (Mesa veftk. ~). sm:.111:i A: part timf! help Vi's Pi• Cottana call RI<* ati :n~ '"'-----r fabrlcate parts complete 1~ T _.__ .~ .........., ... , ...... · DA uvs~-... wan"""" op ·wages. ..,...,.,., m E. 16th. c.o.ta MH&. Dr. a.ta Mesa. f0.4158 • ll-"-ue • ....,...... •• '"""' ! frOm b~ts. Contact for actvmcement. --t , t.Ju~ tram. 1: :I) to ~---T K.ANS ICOM METRO CAR WASH AUTO MECHANIC SERV. STA. ATI'ENDIJrrfT Pl1ctment A .. ncy 'dl1t a 'P!"'k ~ Sill w. 18th SI., C.M. ""'Harl>or Bl"' CM. New oar dealen!rlp '-'• 3 FUJI ...... Id-saJ plus 5-42 w. 1911151 .. C.M. ...... fl -~u- PART time evn·I-SP.turdQW tint clam~ for ex· beneffts. ~t, ~ 6461131 BABYSITl'ER NfZDD> •'Plumbers . """""' ~ • Mechanic!, prefer with weldU. experience. lllander Motor Homes Inc. ' 306 Ev WasbJngtDn St. Santa Ana BOATS Nl!W' a>mpany nHds ex pttrt oil .,...., """-Top -job with bright future. P'n!d1E. Moure llOt5 Gould St. Arfueton, CaUL o~ 9-71l11 - WANTED: Mature, 21·28 yn. of qe; neat. marncd, a:oo<I car. salary, comm.. 1a1 1lbN&nct. Will train while eamtrw. OU!: a AM1 10 AM 60-.m2 young man tD he.Ip me In p&ndq-M!J;'Vll'e dept, Top ~ 21.. None other need e KEYPUNCH e JJ Noun to 1 PM T1\Y ~. Call Oran pay A: Co. beoefitl. Apply in ipply. See Clyde. DJ OPERATORS SU-1009 Chari ,..,. ,.,..,_~ ..__ ... _ -. Newport Blvd. C.M. 90n. oou-.,_, "'"''""""n ..,_,.-.. ,HOLIDAY Alpha neumerk:al. Lons HOUSFXEEPER, fiw.tl· 2-5 pm. SALES&: SERVICE NEWSPAPER de Ii very term L'!Stgmnellt:ti. da,yL woman aklac, band.lea~: L~SED C.OUcctor, part 19S9llart>or.<:MtaMt.-. Saturd"f l Sunday.IEarly Lone Beldl area. Fr•e noll.rtirw,S25Wk.~ ume mature man tem-A.M. Truett re q u re d • paril:lqf ' ' TAILORS. Fitter• A 546.o:rt KE LLY SERVICES INC. nn.L Ttme Dent.I Ala'\., porvy. Apply in penon at Formana apply' Silwnmod& no ap nee. Stnd .l"rlUlQe Anima.I She.lier . 2 0 6 1 2 No. •"' t:'l...1.--.. I i. N B ' SERVICE man 5G46 yrs to Z30 E. !rd 8bet to ....._n .. Piiot Br:ac 11 !iJ Laguna Canyon Rd. Laa 8 . ~ • .. ,_ ' ' . . _... equ'1>t "' field. , l.Gqi ~) ,.?.!!!; -;., ud LVN'o 1 LIQUOR clerk retall, tx· WOOL P!!ESSER • P/-. SteadY Ill. ad -ty --·" --_, 411 Costa In CdM. P. o, llol lf/314, -..._ Equal .-It>.......... ............ ~ ...,. M.,. .,.._ Pho.,. ~ rrn<-Ol!O "' 548-719'1 GARI1ENER. -.t. Flexo-Wrltln . • PART TIME .....i"". 40 hr ..to -inu-i .....i tor .... ->WI>, -· """ II, ' llARDWARE Steck Man JI. W. Wright Co. 1218 Rochelter. Cof!IA MeM Weelwnd4. S&l&r)r + comm. eom. betwef'tl 61. 8 PM pt\dm:ted..SUO.,_ (tioJte _.. t&c!R B'dt R.E. SALESMAN -1rfor tJchl ....,._ l8Mll4 ......_ Esoor,. -1!01 dsl..t. J>Nt -$1.'15l .,..,..i:;•~UG'l~U,__.t<>:.6;..:;.P"'"-'-' -I EXPER. ,_,m-.gi.. 111 ,. ,. ti> Y® M COUDe). Hl-3ll1I llABYSff'tit h Yoo:r Ad in our clualfiedt 'P ELECT R 0 Ml C part O!oppcr cp1ratm', 9ondcrt, T1'e 'Newport ,.,...,.., Mlaioa 131..l'm Somf'Me will be klokin1 kw u"'7;m8n. H. W .Wrilfit Co. Moldt'n; 3a,Jl So. K1Jot Tempet•ry AIM¥Y II Dial 642-51m rrto Nf'wpot1 Blvd., C.M. Dr .. Santa A"8. 54()..4439 a3 bowr Or., -N ••. - I I t i, ' , I I ' ;, i1 ' l i 'i l I I r . - If .DAILY PltO'T Wedntldq, J-r 22. 191.9 ...-a Mll'\.OYMINI JOii & IMPLOYMIJIT J01S & ~LOYMINT MlltCHANDISI FOii MElCllANDISI FOii M!lCHANDlSI FOlt Ml lCllANDISI "'"!-. -·;Ii . fOll .TUN:.:.aT~·· --· Jollo Mon. w ..... 7IOO _;SA=L:::l..:AN=D:...:.Tl:::-&::;.C:.:l:.......:SAL:=::~l:_AN=D TllADI SALE AND TIADI SALi AND TlADI SALi AND TIADI Pumltvro toaofumllvro aooo Appn-1100 Ml,..11_ l600Ml...n-l600 S.lllloob 9010 SJ :BLACKBJ'ONE EI I I LDlO If No. 1611) wtth trallu 7400 __ ..... Holfl W- 1~·1i.~~.:_~7400~ w- ~lWmKS FOi WOMEll'S D£PJ, . .....,. ... _ .. _ "" ..... Tll IROADWAY -llWPORT No: .n Coartl or hlbion Newport Cenbr ........ -'"""" ··- ADVlllTISING RH's .. IW lmnlodl•I• , oponlnl• for .. porleneod llN o. full lllllO end pot! 11-Wiii !Ttln li\o•· ' portencod. Ail ohlfto 1v1ll.W.. Exnllent -plopt loonoflb. C1ll Nunln, Offlce Martin Luther Ho1pitel, Anaheim 722.1200 Ext. 2n W•nled •• , . · Office Penonnel We Won't Promis e You· the ·world !:win tbo 'We haw office on 3 O>ntintnll lut •.. All roodo do load lo Westen Girt Put thoae otnce 1kllls to ...... ""'""'· thxlle-loeal temporary jobll will put S$$ in your pockets! Jobs aft available for most office skills . 1l 'Ill no,,.. """'Jail :.:.u:i.: SI MAJOlt Ji!FGR$.. 11 110 PINANCE CO.'S, ~ • ....,., N«tl> 9lla. $1.125. Spanlall '-po. 111-ms MNKS HA.VE CONT~CTBI JO SILL MO~l\~11Ml===a===~"I Mlldlterrantan KENMORE A• 10 m at I e THAii 2'50.jlOO WOllTM bp NIW a Ulll> l'UltN.. ,._r Crul_,, 9020 · • w.-. ..,.,._ -"°" Al'l'l.IANCIS, COLOll TV'S STIUOS a lGCrS·1--------1 Bought Manuf1cturor'1 '61 Showroom S1mpleo $1S. &rr..rus OP GllOUl'S, INJIMILIS, ili TO•I SOLD AT fl' HUU.. new su • w•t" .,, __ ,......, __ ,,' >lntl util . a I PUILICAUCTION. . , ' •W>D. ttb!L a.ry. v..a 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man'a chair q 1 0 ~ llemi ena. wtm hn. See or love seal 5 Pc Octagon dork oak din sot , loo """"· 2 Roll -;;;;t: llUY TODAY ~ SAVI TODAY, -Git '\'.ODAY ·oll ot J<th SL, N'pt Bch. w/black or avocado framed chalra; 8 Pc BR 2 <l>o1>pin& blodoo. 2 ~ 100'5 of HOUSIHOLD JTEMS To CHOOSE FROM 1,963-3452;:::.;=~--~- set. 9-dr Mr. & Mn, dresser, If mirror 2 ...._ 2im Newport Blvtl.. 28' FIG c.J_.., J!>proA <91DDlodl'8, ,decorative beadboord In Sponl.b Coot& "-~ JAM. u p bl•,,,,. •,A t• ow--xlnl .....i. ,,..,.. oak design with matching bolt spr!np mat.-vASr •todl Amer • Eur ~!~Ir . U . 1... MUC IOft ""lllhlnl. tamll7 eroJa1ng. tress & frame. ' tum 6 docb. La r ry ' • · $.U.<m. 6Q-8llO lllmo Sold lndlvldu1lly ,._. An-201 OPEN DAILY TO T/jl PUll.IC 't 'A.M.·9 P'.M. S d Ski•--~ -•o Shop Around -lloforo you buy -USI N...,,... Blvtl .. c. "'-. l~P~!'~:!::::~.!!-~·!..•!!-~I VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 -We In.tie you to villt UI early, loOk, uk qu.... '65 15\1' ~c aid boat or t,rma ., low II $4.66 per week Sewl"J MacblnH -1120 tionJ, .. we Hll quickly. we.have new, near w'tra Mere.. bl& whL trlr. No Dowt>-Use Our Store Char" Pion · JSf1 BINGER --~th new, Uoed a. Antiques. 70 New ll• nn couch· Xlnt ....s. t,1195. 96M656 No Fancy Fn)nt -BUT Quality Valu .. Inside """"1t .....i.. Ill.IS or es .. coucl>dtalr, love oeats, sectionall, bid .. Aaaume, 12 ..,...,.... ot a-bedi. ~1 fabrics & designs. 15 Din l'llll, Morino Equip. 90'5 APPROVED FURNITURE 11as mo. Due to .,....,. span, Meditt, maliog a. maple. 25 Bdrm sets, 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA actloo -npor Bu--.. 35 dlnetleo, name brands, all rtyles. 80 Box 12 Years same location-same ~wners ~ bems.1 OW'l'CUtl etc. -!prg & mattr, new &: uaed, all sires. '61 MC CUI.LOCH outboard .,.,, hp. El<dric -· $23.S. 495-6261 nea. COME IN TODAY ~ D 11 •• /2. " a taeb nuded. 15 CI TV' N •. Y 7-7 ~·Guarantee OK. Call 526-661& o or 1, ear new, npos. ~Sunday IG.5 150 Near new & used applionces. Refrig's, Boat Slip Moorl"9 9036 ' t 541-9660 MUllcol lnot. 1125 washers, dryen, stoves, freezen, hl~lns. split.-SAIL boat mooring 1<>r ...,, Secretary/ Hit position DJ -_f!!. =~~=~=~~~~~~~RAMIREZ FWn<ftoo •tar front dbl• door refrig. P!anoa, desks, bar & W/ maximum 7 n beam. for ,,.,,, Madrid 1961 A :;,.. stools, r,1ctures, lamps. All styleo end & co!· Art .,,...,.. lookkeeper •• _,,,...,."J;:tt., -Anaheim, '™ W. Uncoln 10115 & iEMP'LOYMENT F mu•• odl! ·-0 tt.,, fee tab es. Occ chairs,. small applla.nces Lge l~A"'lr:::c.:ra::k=:...--9-1-00-1 -Santa Ana, Ph. 540-ffi25 urnlture IOOO ~Z29 selection of wood carnngs from overseas. J. C. PENNEY (l). FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -C.OSta Mei;a. 2700 Harbor &gen J Me & ' • Rulent ft)OCC!ldul experience An equal opportunity c es, n SPANISll'F UR N 1 Tu RE STEREO tape recorder, Sony We Fln1nce with good credlt-.lso Malter (f\1r9• Prl. Pilot Course lllpentllt .. , top level pttitrrtd. Competative wa&-employn' Women 7550 R E T u RN EI> F Ro M SOO wltb m1e1 A apeaken. $'15 dn, $2(1.16 mo. MoontJ (IOlltlon r.r oharp t1k• .., °"-bonellt!o Jn. ''SERVING.-ro. R 39 YEARS" MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS Flnt $115 takes. 548-6473 A-OK COMMISSION GAWRY Ah'craJI Solu. F lll Pudo CharM tlrl. Mwt hive ~~Y-JN~N iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I TO 80%. Spanish quilted Oran&e C 0 11 n t Y Airpmt ....,fi. k I L Arr '"" ..-~ We C1n Find The llOla" kive seat, 3 oak Ii·"-Pl1nos & Or11n1 1130 7722 G1rtlen Grove llvd. 549-2866 ar 546--1610 ..... Ion! I 11 I Inc ""' • .... 10 am .. 5 pm REAL EST A TE Right si:;:• For You room .... 2 li·•-.... ·-"' Block Wool of llNch lllvd .. off OG Prwy. 9200 ttlwlhand: handle 1111 ~H. ·-room ONCE.A-YEAR Mobil H llltbll: 111111 Undo SALESMEN "11'1 ol Luck" Jampo • Spanish painting • o omoo H.: ·~u 111Zro. (714l J. (. Penney Co. bwHtigat• the Unique op-';!;,'MALE• KnoDwlVHow" :.'::'"''"~.; n ••••• ~~ :\'.~~~~~! MlocolllMOUI l600 Mio<. Wonhd HIO BAY HARBOR ~10 portunities with Newport's .. -., ~-••••••• ISl ••• 0 •• N ·~ ~-...... m &sui ..:.~. trikiplong PIANOS encl ORGANS -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -------24 F•thion l1l1nd Wtfst srowin&: profeuional _._ i" ·-= ......, ............. U.Ll.l-i'-'l-' On -w A N T E D Moblle Homu Show * An equal opportunity marll:e~ organization, Rra-Bookkeeper •.... , •.. , .. $500 headboard, 2 mrnmodes, ' e1lf·aKlnd" * AUl"l'INI * 1 , 1969 lit & 12 \VIDE SALE . WAIESES employer idential/Cmnmereial Teller .•.•.••••••... to $400 kingsiz.e mattreu J: box YOUR CHOICE \.llVn 40 tt _ 60 ft 1; 6' tt.. PROPERTIES WEST Medlcal Ote ........... WAI , ........ 2 °"""""' lampe, to 100/o off W• _,, quality '"' jw>k I OR 2 BEDROOMJ! • SIAPOOD • llDTAUllANT ADVEllTISING 1028 Hl.Y'ISde Drive Gen. Ottice •••••••••.•• S350 g plece Spanish MOUght SHOP EARL YI Frk11y • Jin. 24 please). J'Umitift. c o I o r & Low As Newport Beach Credit Cert: ...... start $321 ~ ddinina: .._•;.._ 50 0nJy $'67. Fine <llriatmu Trade-ins 7:30 P .M. 1V'1, stereoa. applianca:, $1196 Down -$69.01 Pa' Mo. m.mo Dental Front omce .... $500 ...... own • ....,. weekly, fro NEW & USED FURNrruRE tools and otfitt equtpment. Ud tax. lie., deL and aet-up 1 .. ..il!!li~i!!!!!!I!!• MALE DMSION odl 1<paratey. Eu> ....ill m $388 Bedroom ..... dinlng room 1'lP CASH IN 30 Minutes! and 3 ,...,. """"°"· Secretary/ • NURSES AIDES • Tlmo -..r .......... $407 HAMIL1'lN fllRNl'nJRE No down e Eu> te""" "'" -"· d•w. roUee 531-1212 * .,,._ 1125 Bal= St., at"""°" 3 PM to 1l PM Conltruction (cable ins. ~ 5St8 Watmlnster A ., e . , e Delivery e tables. dre11en. dinettes, e WANTED e , Costa Mesa 714 540-9479 B kk and ee) .................... $J90 Wut:mbwter. 8K--U34 daily Gould Music Comp1ny mattreaea. lamp1, pictures, SEE ~ Du.al Wide Re.cl- !•!I. c-t HTfhwoy 00 eeper lJ PM,to7 AM Sl>ip ~Ree. Tm. ...... i:iti ID a.m. to l p.m., S&t. 2015 N. Main, Sanb -TV's, -china eabl-Furnlluro. Applltncoo llD6 Pan -can Puo- REUIEll L llE 1"" Ne-rt le.ch __ Internal Aodl.tor •••• tn $1000 10 a.m. " 6 p.rn., &m. So. or Freeway, 5t7.()68L nets, crede'nzu. dtvam, Color TVs e Pl1n0t mount, nue and Gmerai -~ * ORDERLY Disaaaembler .•.... to $488 llp.m.ID5 p.m. Mon A: Fri 'til9SUnl2·5 ch~!!, M~lhum uprript pi-ETC. mobile homes now at -1---....:;.----1 ::ci~.~r!'.';., !:~: · 1 ~d.i!'.M -"W• ::" .. ~:::.'2'.. MORE-CASH-WT DAYS 111 :.::.:..":~ ~::':;. Cash 1.n 112 hour Dual Wide Sales EXPERIENCED ch•roe tlrL Must hive Convalescent Centtt SOME FREE en;, Zenith color TV a.nd 541.:CS3f Qiaoman r.roblle RoiheSTne. excellent 1 k i 11 s incl. 466 Fl.aphip SOME FEE PAID FOR H.Ja:ber prices are comiriC _ new drapes and MUCH PETS 1~ LIVESTOCK 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. IM11llmont -·-~·nd h--'le II N rt B< h 00-8044 Mt:nruANTS Furn"1ture but ... are •till-·-MORE! . 531-1571 CrMlt (Jerk .,._-,r19 ; -te ewpo ac Ul'l.l1 all pianol 1; orpns in 'tt: COME BROWSE AROUND! CC.1!!!~1-----~1:!12~0~1~~~~:::='=~~1 bkkH: llllllnv. Under IMMEDI ATE opo•i•g last..,.. at""""'' M"· WINDY'S AUCTION 8";··-•E, Aby, •tud ·-.Motor Homoo 9215 UHmO CALIFOltNIA 3S. ·tall 11ai11or1. (7141 Janitorial Route 1n Hun-pfnrftllllR Colored TV'o, Plonoo Ina ...,. ~ .. ~ _ IANK 642-itlO tin&: t on Beach area, IUU"IVI Appll1ncn, Antiques • It . will cost )"Oil Siame1e Aby, Persian It CX>RTEZ-You won't bel~ PART nme Ji&ht bOusekttp-eua,rant.Hd income $600 + ' 1 Piece or =:t:to QJ.t, Shop '-buy 2m;5'1' Newport Blvd. Russian Blue k i t te n 1 , its a '66 -low ml!eqe 222 ~ •• Avenue '--. meuengrr duty tor ~Mo.farhwlbandA:wife, :nt.11.oWb~~ Houseful! WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Behind Tony'1 ~.Mat'lA. S46-88SS -lac air cond -pvt pty ---.,~ no up nece 11 a·r y, in-.,, v......,., 1801 N c.otta Mesa * ~ or:lg owner. 547-2133 ~~.5~6 Medlcalll !ll~m-3·!1Jt;;: \feJUDent ~ Apply CornerN 17~ !a lrYin&h. ewport, C.M. 642-8484 OPEN DAn..Y 9 to 4 n..... 1125 8 x 35 SPARTONE'ITE, •·-~· __ ,._ car. : IUU • • '1343 Camp Ave, Canoga ewpo.-~ Ql<ac Is Our Speci1ftyl Y1m1h1 ~ Ad 1 k Cl ~ ...... F.qull Ol+*bidll'1 emJ'lloytr Monday tbru Friday. $1.SO Parlr betnen U 'am l 1 Officet in all or 636-3620 Pi1nos & Org1n1 LO\V Prices for Quick Sale! ADORABLE white Samoyed u t p ar • e a n ' hr. pllll pa ~ benditL pm Mond&Y thru Fridt,y. Oranre County 24 HOUR SERVICE See them now at Lep than 1 yr old! Dani1b puppies. AKC, show It pet reasonable. MS-231! . LVN's 11 "7 • ~ui::E::'.'"••;_ * DRIVERS * .....mo _ swrn oN DUTY 1 oAYs Coast Music =.,•~ ~ ;:_ !!:: =~· .:"" .. ~.:;:=,.11,Moto="r""cy"'c'-'1 .. :=-. __ .:..93::;00:.:1 care. lift in or ou.t. 2 small School"'Jnstrvction 7600 NEAR new Liv Rm couch, 1139 Newport Blvd, CM 962.-2536 ··-~ J ... " •"' No Experience ch>', 3 t•b'"· 2 '""'"' 1150. 646-0271 $25. Lo.. .... $50. Mubl• -=:,...--.,,-..--=~I • HONDA • N4!W convalucent hospital. ldledu1ed to open end or Jaa. Al'Pt1 1n penon.. m Barpltal Rd. ~ Ne.- part 6: Roapital Rd. N .B. ~, _,_ N I The Newpor t Obi BR !ll!l comp!, 2 n.ite lo Danl!!h end tables $15 Great Dane Puppin AKC rm, beaut new home, happy ec•ssary. School of Business stands, dbl dreuer $125. HAMM==o'-ND~.--~--~y~ •. ·' &: $25. Codrtall tbl $15. Drop ftg. Champi6nship bl'ftd- lamli, .. """"Wlr"""' oll M""' haw clo&n Cxllfoml& HAS A Gu···~n Re~t G.E. R<trig 115. maha-.,.. & U&ed pU.0 1'"1 tbl SID. °"'" ol lna.91! .. Uh!U PM MINI BIKES $100 mo. Mea V er d e clrlv1nc m:ord. Appl,y An.A>~·~ T bl &: hrs S drawen Sl5 • $25. Twn .~~ 50J.09lll YELLOW CAii CO. CURRICULUM FOR a • 4 c 10. 2 mo of all makes. Best buy!! hi beds comp -I: •'IC K' ~aa:t '~ Germ an SUCCESS! old bike $30. 536-4681 So. Call!. ri&ht here. .... -me lhrt hair Pointer Pups for I,,, 'fD' OR ., •• NM~~ No l86 c::~ 1t1:u.St. 133 Dover Dr., N.8 . TUTORING El Toro en-SO:lMIDT MUSIC CO., ~ co;pl :~~~ ,;:ale:::;'-"115~each=c:tll>-093l=.::::.:-~ * $239 * Atn'OMorrvE S erv ice experienoe neceaaey. Ap-646-0153 virons. Math, P h ysics, 1901 N. Main, Patio furn. Conn Caprice 2 TOY Tmien, Male AKC, HERB FRIEDLANDER CUldier 'fritb ~ in plf in pe?WDD ~rienced I.iletime Gitt, typewriting. Chem, Biology. Engll!!h. Santa Ana Orpn $395. Lamps, pl<> female not Both $50. fadDr7' claimL Good typist. BOB'S llG IOY or pilldren, EfUldcblldren, or Grades 6-12 by e x p e r HAMMOND Spinet w / perc. tutti 49&-3667 549-1314 I 3710 IEACH ILVD. HW. n '°°'-at CllltDmer contact. 15t E 17th st. Un-experiencetl younell! Individually tu-teacher. &49-2708 mahopny flniah, xlnt cond. . WEIMARANER Pupa C 12 llot~• So, 6. 6rO'llo fwy.I J~ I: Son. Lincoln eo.b. Mesa toi'td OWcoat 10 lessons Quailty Kini-Size Bed, 1 :rroo. 545-295! CARPET WAREHOUSE I weekl, $75. 5t2-4033: :e; '67 Honda 305 Scrambler l&lqlry. A• k for Mr!. UVt bel fl) • COOK • typina: .ctx>ol. 173 Del f.1ar, beautifUI quilted mattrea,. Remnant.2nd1-Roll Ends 6 or weekend& Xlnt condition. $400 Bnnt at ~ ~ ~ ~ APPLY CM, 54W859 .iiplit foundation. bit-in Television 1205 Thousand• of yards ID cllOOle TRANSPORTATION !149--4038 Exp. Gill FlllDAY ,_ • t ~ 1 to Newport Horloor MERCHANDISE FOR ,,.,.,,Nov., uoed, 193. RENT TV $10 Imm! SomoatCootAB<low. T T tr Hild dftce Qeanlns 8--1S yn. Muat speak Ez:l&lisb Conv1lescent Hospit1I SALE AND TRADE Worth $250. 842-6536 No Deposit _ Free Delivery Hrll: 1:30-4 p.m. Mon-Fri., lo.ta & Y1chtt 9000 riller, rnel 9425 U... Mud know blip's A A drift. Salary ope l'I. 646-7764 -?oi'lAPLE bdnn set. Maple 534-0471 ·or '172-9UO Sat 10-2 p.m. -TENT TRAILER sm1 = N Pl:; CM-llJ'lldQ' cw l'light • Full or P1rt Time eF ~;um;;llv;;;ro;;;;;;;;;;;IOOO;;;;; hu.tch. Dresser, night •land. USED 'IV• $2S I: up. Repajn 1753 s. ru:ey, Santa Ana FREE! Very ~. custom built, ~ airport.e~ llS.o7ll SECiu:rARY needed immed Salary + comm. + bonus. ~ rnllC. furn. 2018 Pomona. in shop or bctme. mi t-5071 lesic loltlnt1 Cl11M1 deeps four adults. Ice bo:ir, llr Peny 1-U am. b' M'f', Acc. SH 'lO to vacation .. holiday pay, IF you krmv ,the best -CM Har1xr Bl, CM. ~1612 OUeml ID Public b)' pxtable head, new tittt:, • llO wpm. typms SO. Att "-holp. In!!. Pleasant v.'Ork. Th en yo u know KING-She matt., box sprp. FRIDAY IS B1lbN Power Squffron completely encloled sip.on TRAINEES MD sroomect. qe 2).38. No ace limit. Apply at ROM WEBER . This CU.tom -made, ortboPedic, HI.fl l Stereo 1210 YARDAGE DAY •• , Startin&' 1 PM Mon. Jan. 1l alde tent. Lleensed for 1961. 1-Cutter • Start $315 to $«l0. PHONE THE BROADWAY beautHul dinini room set Like new $85. 645-2933 In Coit.I :r.tesa at Newport Harbor Yacht Excellent condition. Movirc 1-Sew bNt curt1ina 5'1>270bttS.O pm. Sewint Mlchlne Dept. includes table &-8 chrs. STEREX> • lS68 Solid state, New 11eleciion, fantastic pJ'io. Cub 120 W. Bs,y Aw., New--must saa1flce at $450. 22-35.. Apply ln Pttmtt. BABYSI'lTER Needed full Fuhlon Island, .The magnificent ova I Office Equipment IOl 1 4 spd. 4 speaker audio es every Friday 10 AM at: p>rt Beach. NO ADVANCE 6T5-S789 p.fter I P .M. J'*-1 A. Chrilteftlt.n time ~ 5 days wk. Newport Bea.ch pedestal table is made from IBM Ex tl M d I C systtm in walnut console. INTERNATIONAL REGISI'R.ATION NECES-Ei66)g• Ill-LOW Travel • W 11th st. N.B u~ru Prk or ~-'• burled Walrnrt & hlUI Teak .ecu ve o e -Left on 1-y away. Pay YARDAGE SARY, ENROLL AT a.ASS Tr at le r . w/a--~·L Qrmr cl Monrovia I: it;th &;;~.;. (Jrvine)£""'1',y Rnl Est1te Siles , inlays. 6' lo11r w/wt lea°'("!• typewr:i~r. stand A: chair balance of fl9 cub or law tr.:.O Harbor mvd. M6-M2J or 673-18$ for more ~2495 afttt 5 p.";;;:aau..: "-• I. Wome• •··t be xt--•ed to 10• ~~~~-Price S 3 O O · """'"b.w--~··-. "'° ---~-In! BQUSl!:KEEPER. Llw bt home ar youn $30 ft. nwi n ·""' can e ci""' • ~ ........... ...,.,...,....., ~·-._w. Nesa o. '67 17 Fl' Arlstocrat T.T. --In,_.._ 133-1149 E>pandln& apJn. Otfi"" # Wu bought at """'"',.. WILLlAMSON SI•"" 100 POOL SCRAM LETS SI • not ' childftn. 11A. • S1i\. Mud • W~ES. Wlll train, ~ce=~n ~~n. : ~: ~r =: ~i:eho:W.lo~~ watt A M I F M. Gar. . -~iT'ot ~ 5:;,:c. fl395. drtvL Prel AP Ii tD 45.. fall rtt pat time. Muat be atant income a: trainin&· Mr ·Wlllina-to sacrifice tor $950. I :'=="·~84=7~-=1659;:•===1 ;~~Mngu~I ~anyt!~· ~~~•,;~~~~~~-==· =... TABLES ANSWERS Sal open. 50-UOl ext. 215 18, attn.ctlw with bubblinr Gardner. S p rtns Realty, Plea5ecall1~ I'. . Trucks ..,_, --"" •"""· pononallty. THE ZOO, 234< 541>4824 ..,.~~~~~~"" 1 .G'.'.1':r.:'1g:'.o:-S;..:1~l•'-::--:--:-".I02~2 l:H:,::o:::b:,::b!.y.:!S::'.upe!p~l~loa~~·:400~ WELL Groomed woman !o< Eu< Coat Hwy at .~CA~SH=IE=RS~----DECORATOR L Newalalo$691;v'1Now$295 Paunch -Thlck-B.,,o-*SPORTSMENSVAN* ~ oppcrtunib' with McArthur. CdM CAR.AGE aale, Sat l Sun, A PROFITABLE New Hobby 23 Models to ebooee from $59 Inject -CAN'T COUNT * TRUCKS * Jew:llnc c:osmetlc Co. Flex wOMAN 'WANTED far motel : =AN FURNITURE Jan '18th J: 00. 5891 for .'69 Anglers 1: Retiree .. up. 213: 69i-067, 692-2101 At tut 10meone bu ex-They Are All Here At bra. No eanv&S1ins. Far v'tlrk, live in. Gd with APPLY IN PERSON Unusually ~ pieces beirw Edmond• Citclt:, H.B. dial <n4) 548-2742. Mrs. HIDE-A-BED never used. plained why IOIM &"0Uera use F1nt1stlc Discounts Appt c::all S15-{l8($ public. DANA MAR IN A FOX THEATER sold by owner. Shown by Mac's Mini. Worm Famn. $100 3 Bedroom eetz kin& carta instead or oaddlu. The fULL TIME STAPF INN. 3(111 Cost Hwy. Dana 3410 s. Bristol appointment only, Q o e en ApplltnCN 1100 The FNd &.m. 2 % 4 9 full.• twin mes. 8· Ml~ reason is iimple: carts R-':ady for bnmedlate t.ADIES S,A Point. (n4) C96-13XI Costa :P.fesa Ann IOfa. white brocade, 16 CU n. Uprtght Deep Newport Blvd, CM i. l<M! aeat. Den furniture, CAN'T COUNT. delivery &ALBOA IA¥ CLUB INJECTION M. 0 L DI NG e SAL&SPEOPLE. Neat, marble top coffee table, end !'t;..ez~~.!:11.~ Perfect cond. Sporting Goods ISOO =I: u:~ t= ~ FREE BEACH CITY U2l w. o:.at Hwy., N.B. open.tan « trainesa. for _...,. .. ----·-t tables, lampL Rare AudU· -~ .. ....,, .. ._ ll111'c ·--11 Cl DODGE ~ Ert m day lhift. Apply 8:30 to 11""'"' ap ...... !'-"· uuc 0 bon P i cture!!. Whirtpoo1 "MAUI" C'l..-n-.-:i Must tell ewrytbin&! Only -ng '"" • new expa.n1ion Wuhor • •--Cold~t ~ ... £...., .. " b Y 2 monthe old. All Medltt. OFFERED TO PUBLIC 16555 n.,-• Bl"d., (H~. 39) • WAITRISSIS • p.m. Holldoy Hoolth Spa K _,~. ·~ FREE TO YOU G...,~ 1' &", ...., aood BY = ~ • .,;... .., _.._ .~~-...... ..____ 350 w. IBth. a.ta Mesa rro.ttree refrigerator, 14'. O'RG.ooC-F,;;n;;;,'-;;;;Ji~""~""~"~·-~~-~~·~~~··-~=-I iv~...,~~";:uo:na:bl=•~· ;':_:.14: H . -·-~--..,._....,.,. ,.. needs u.1espeople. We train, M'-·J it all •-xi I _, ...., _, ~ gro..1592 unt1ngton Be1eh H"•"·~--•---· w-."ritn at rountail'I VII-W A NTED L I v e -o ll t no exp, nee. AppJ.y ir1 per--..: ems, "' n ro .. u. ORGANIC FertlllJer, qed Power Squedran ,, ....... ..,__. ~ ,.,._ mwnt, lit dul rut-housekeeper. .on. 2JtX1 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 549-4268. bor-.e manure axnbl.ned Mlseel .. neoua 1600 GRAND CPENING Startin& 1.ton., Jan. 27, 1 PM lll8l METRO International unnt. i nn Baoolilll'lt. COOK PRIME FACTOR. Employment Counselor KING SIZE BR. set, 13 Pc with w.'OOd shavings. Good Mon 1121/69 Mudan F()UD-at HuntilJilon Beach High V~ delivery truck. 6 cyl., 1iJUiiir:t:pJ:R... LiVe ln. 11$-1100 HomeMedlt. Same .u pictured in mulch. 8Jl.63D or 54S-mJ. KIRBY Vac:uwn cleaner A: da,tion 'l'hrlft Shop. 9':30-1:00 School H.B. fl.ll' mnd. Priced to »ell. ('I TUe fn1l chu1e S E CR ETARY-bookkM mqwne, Jan 19-69 betw 8 A: S :P.fon ttiru attachment.. OrilinalJ,y sold. Mon, Wed, Fri. Bene.titirw Fo~ further info call Call _.) ._ ,;, 8 1 1 .......... per Male or female for bu.BY L.A. timea, pqe 3. Plus Fri. 1/31 kc' OVtt $DI. Take over children w\lh lnrninC di> 142•1227 or 14,2350 9 to 5 p.m. 67H360 :I dlldn. qes 4 yr • • 111 e, •-apptarance, qmcy. Prder experience mattrta:. box 1prina:1, mnall pymntl • $49.611 cmh. abilities. U'71 Parle Ave., ir mo. Reb. lrtlne _..., ill' small c.up., LQuna but will train. Call frame, 2 lamps, wall pie-M~ Ger. Shep. I: Qedlt dept. 535--'1289 C.M. Near Harbor I: l9th. 1• fT, OlRom Flamlnco ·~ TON PU, I cyl, std ...-Bnch. ef.ITtrf Mr. Anderson 541-7796 ture. Used under 2 moL Weunanner 1 moa. all -,,-.,,,...o~~~=-~ 642-7850 R:&eer. BJ.oe and ao1d. ' eu&. c:ab, PI•• = -bJn•,.,......... Yotba needs soots. Vey aftectionate, Quality Kina-size Bed. .::;~==-===-aportsman top $ 1 A 5 o w-"_,, sttfl!r, part ' ""u~~v DOES an AVON Represen-Must aacrlfice entire set &U-6585 before S p.m. l/l3 bea11tttu1 quilted mattttss, IAlllTD\ FABRICS Tr&ils' I: boat freshly 673-2587 • . Moo.. Wed. le nun.: 2 babyaitttt from 1:(1).4:00. tative call 00 you! We may $650. 60·1~ aft 6 pm. da}. split foundation, blt·ln Mii IUI pa In t ed . New whih! eves, 8Cllool4p bo1f, 1 il'lfant. Near l'OmOM Sch. IG-'7908 need meione t ly PUPPIES, father Gaman frame N .. -.. -n a u I a h y d e . Upholst6" '52 OIEV % Ton Pickup. -bOl'llll Back n-U'eL IO n Your . Shepherd, mother Labrador ' ever ..-.,.. -· ...,.Olt s•LE .,,,... I&\; bp <lwnpl IOOCI cond'f E ~'Ii• ~ i::l~~·t,~• o:;, ~hbomood.Noobligation. HIDE-a-bedneverused.$100. Retriever. Call after 5. Worth$250.~ Remnani:: aam;a Ir MiJ1 lftlinea. Complete w-1:: 6 PM$250.1~2l;e~ alter JIOllSDCEEPER A dlU4 jKtioba I: ll&ht labfl4l-35CT SfO-'f()tJ or 546-G341 ! ~ ~ta·a· ~fa 'u: GQ...3570 1f2.C WHIRLPOOL ps refriJ, Mela Sat OnJ, I a.m. t.o 2 leVel'8l f\1•1 tuib. fteerina: frost free, $100. Mapel ~ 929 Bak ,,__._ and C!Clltnila. See at 28l'.M!I Ct"1pors 9520 an. """*'* roam A t.tll. SAJ...DGIRL. B&lcery; mom-REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't love seat. Den fumil\ll't, BLACK Coc:lt-a-sm JNPP1 ' \f\I' rm set, w/6 chi's l p.ni. er,.....,. .. Me... IAll>'e'tte. N-Beach. , _ __,_;.... ____ .;;:;::1 T.V. 51' dq a WMk. peno. t,... 1 All 1111 2 PM. Balboa you be -1llnr thr hotteit coffee A: end tables. Occu. 3 catl., l male, 2 female. buffet. $15. 60-mJ \\'Al.NUT BR aet, box-.... .,....~ -A JU! WICStlun. ... bland. ~ ln!li Huntnlafon Buch' chain. Many other ittma. Matter of Ille A dffth to ,;:;;;:;_,;;;;;_:~=,=-/sprgs, f I rm quilted matt. lT rr. Perfannt:r. klaJ'lder CAMPO CUAIANCI Jlo. leol'J:l2 ..... a--~'te bK'-'&· Villapl.tea1Eltate96l-<Mn 2M~t_~tbsll overyth(ngold. All M' ed<l>iylll &'flOd home. 5§8..8321 ~o~ .... G .:_'!!~~n'} bookcue headboard. 2 Cel11:re mod e l (all of It •• l1 Do'•'•· Fo~t z t un.uliJ.U."-~ ""' 546-ll03 ....... SPAYED fmale Bon:r all ...... \ ....... v ~<Alllll: d ~ nlahl land 2 flbe r 1la 11) outbou Wi11J .. Sc•h,,.•11 1 11J~olJ. • spe r e ac• Mr llornt; HB ara. 1-t:30 « Very reuonable. 714 : e ; Free .et, ~ pickup, 215 I ra\1i • s: OJltom map down eover. 11111• '"°'•'• •t I ft lbWWW. Call ~ lilln-f'lt. $1) .._ tS2-&4 HAIR 1tY,listl wanted aome 8'10-1592 \lace. Good familJ dog. 2!M8 Main. HB ''Berny'' 53&'6405 amps 9 drawer dreuer Bir wbH1 tilt trailer. $100 * 116 DISCOUNTS * W i'1.1r 11 A S PM ts M0'111ER'S Helpfr; IJ'tt In. toUotrina pnfernd, ~ E. Out Hi&hn7 Corona • ..1..1._ wfti-mtrror, ""° cond, phone~ attn' AR , aa •. t"Ww. _ -, ~-~~ No ·"'-x.lnt locale. 515-3385" Fumltun returned trom di9-de! Mar,! to 5 StlvTnllr Reduclnti fl50 tot&( IQ-8883 1 pm. S. 6t -'•'• 111•• ht ro . .......... ~ _..... -......... .., ... studios. model hornea. IF You ~---·--·· ··-"d Mlchlne -•u. N c~ roR SKIPPER OR _.,_.T c .... .m. $ 011 our Tn1ck-S8.UIPQO GDU.. Part tinle expcw*ilJl req,IQ..a74 GER.MAN TN~. p a rt ~toncanoellalioo. ...,...... anun&1 ~ * 548-4753 11'* eW ruinntaft MAlN'J'ENANCE cilL ''"l'°r ,.,lct t. t:r l:arllidM lbop. ~ PAR'l' time. ~ for time. SmJJl ,nvam Khool. Spanish I: Medltrn'l.Dean etc '°:r aivt a rood homr to H TaLt. Saw 5a-3S6l J.t-11 ft. Mo41l1, Ch111ie lilllW cant mwtD'~ .... -. ,.-..... 8tKb-m.aui RD FURNITURE 1 our 12 cats or llitwna. OLlDAY Hnltb Spa liPflS .::=======•! MM•I•, s.1 , c.1111111 ., .._,, _....,. eM7S .._..,_ 541H133 be.Ion! 3 PM ~ membtnhtp. tor t'M>, ap-* U.INCH * -U11rh,, An C.1111p11r Acci t- liiuJiiliiiiii.if' ...... OPERATOltS iiblt ltitch ~, Men a 1144 Newport lfwl ... CM DOMINO Dal1Ull ' Queen prox. I me.. NJ. 96l-tlll • $175.(D • I ,s.=11;;;boo="=----.:..'°::.'c:0:1 ••rl•• 1. s ... l II -8 om.. -.,.;_. hlnd Jkllltm'I _ Garmen; .:!!_~ -~ 7550 evt.rJ nicbt til ~ ~L Must haw tstablllh-PEMCO Aquartum 11 pl. Private Jl'arty -531-1317 SNOWllltO #371 1 1;-,:.!7"C::~i~11 ~ B Wed., .S.t A Sun. tiJ g Pd Salt Wa\tt Aquarium. w/lluorescent lights. M ' W ...__. AD -.'Odd. Dacron WI. f:x". tlunati lft.rrALS o•-. ..t .... -... tactDr7 ....... -N, • ltlSTAUllANT •'J6..:ll70 1123 !162.J329Call9-5 IOC:. In-ff!O ..n.nt eondttlon. -to UU'll"Ul QI! A ...... -)1..111. Da1tr p p.r,.,p; ba.bytttter, m,y Man., Tmtn, C 0 0 k a. FACTORY ltCOnda. pnuine l'lol· -· _,. afttr 4 _ ._ Cbeta. ·"'·-WaJtret• oUed . walnut tables. ~ 1 MO. olcf, female, Sheep SfERm tA.pe ftCOl'del , SoTI)' BUYlNG Sil!M OW. 1.0% Sall A~! $250. 673-3690 or S,..W .,_ ....._ ..... ~~~1,~}-~::::I -. ~~-* '" ,~ ... ~_.,., Top aelectlon of cocktail, lamp dol plu1 2 female puppM•. SOO with mld • apeaktn. over fact. OoUan _ $1.70. 549487 ,._ ,...,.._ r.Myl • ..-_... JUUU Qilll;A._, a: end tabliea. Prlcfd to IMIP Lnvn ~. 831-191i16 l/'23 Flnt 1115 takm. 5'3-6413 SllVtt nldcel1 $!.50 roll. SNOWBIRD And tn.i.la', new THEODORE ~ l . C. l:lll•fll,. ... 8Aiii1 iilA b' pt 5. h. P9Y, Xlpl: loc. Call Bemle, fut. Far btlow wholnak-1..CREY l wht kitty 1.Cny SURFBOARD 9' I" x 21'rio" COSTA COINS 111 W. lttb ..0. paint. nmish. ,......., ms ~··••f't lifl&rr\ J .. l1!1S'Plll. ·~~ui AGINCllS ppc.. Kenny Brown kltten.Bothlonahair.Gootl J.j lbs W/ ~na raclc'. St .. C.M.-.1.a 8325 * 5iC6-l1G1 Rob"1ns f d ~ CIL ....... .... ............. -.ms l8 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Furniture, Mf&. lll E. 16th Mii p!U. Call m-o250 1/~ Beat offer. 142-3241 • \VANT ED * VARALAY Snipe $Cll).Jlfud or ,.iiiil"&' illffii M.\nntt: 8UJ' llttilr, wt. ad St., C.M. M&.7m FEM. Bawl Hound, i mm;. POR Sale Newport 8nC"h ONt SJ~ BOWL AND Dt'ff, Mimt StU. ~ 20&0' HAl lOll; ILVD. 'N A Jlll't ti.mt. .,., n'l1 hclmt, 1 dllldml. OL\RG.! JO'lr' Wint now. nm; QUlaa:R YOU CA.LL., Wf1 ed. with chUdttr Tennlt Cub F s mt 1 J CHAIR.. A1Mo8I f1'1Dtrtoru r. .Da.117 Pilot Want Ada. COSTA Ml1A -lflir;at lltd., 01 !i!!'J DAll.Y PILOT WANT ADS! THE QUJCKER YOU SD.L 51.1-3921 <Mt. ~ 112-4 >.ttmblirshlp, $6), 54M632. \\'hill! tf;:pj;l;trJ DhntJ+llnt 1*1 M2.56J1 tor R.&SULTS '41 ... 11 i' l r , ~ r 1...:.:==.=-=;.::.::;::1==..:=:::....:::....::::~=::i•...,,!!!!!!!!!11 ........ _ 9500 _______________________ _.__ _____ ~~~- ---' ...... --- -------. . • • . . .nOQUI "9ffliM 9°lW fRANSPORfATION Imported Aut.S 9600 Wl<IMsda:t, January 22, 1969 DAILY t!LOT 11'1•,fl TRANSPORTATION Now Can 9IOONew C.n 9100Now Co,. 9100 ' :• 9600 A~~;.;;.,;-;w~.~.1ec1~.;.;.;;~9~7;00;li~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!l .j TRANSPORTATION T~SPORTATION U QIEVY Vtn, 28,000 ml. $500. • Etw rww xlnt. Must aelL !509 !:. Occanfro n t """°"' 613-1'84 Dune Buggl•• 9525 '66 Dune Buny $1599 °li1~~ ~.,JI. S4t·Oltl-67J.t 1 f0 1t70 HAllOI IL't'D. COSTA MESA VW Floor pan. Y•ith disc brakfs, 10" chrome wheels w/12/SS Indy,, VW motor &: ~ tiber&:lass bodies, metal flake. Reasonable. 496-3767 CHARTREUSE Dunebuggy, black top, black upholstery, &Ide curtains. Reasonable, 19&-3767 Imported Autos 9600 e Spot Cash for Imports We pay more for any import rea:ardless of year, make or condltion. 1 ry us btfore yoo sell. ELMORE MOl'ORS, 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminrtu. 894-3322. ALFA ROMEO '67 ALPHA "2600", Hardtop Coupe. 5 speed. FM. Lie TUU533. , $2499 Oii1@,sa- °'"-14f.QJOJ-473·1 lf0 lt70 HAllOll ILYD. COS.T"-MlSA.~- TOYOTA '69 TOYOTA! lmr.or"~~ Auto• VOLICSWAGEN '68 VW Faatba.ck, ne.i.r new; lilbt blue, blk. vinyl Inter. ~-• DID .tou : Alf Mod;t~ '65 ~ c,:.n;.;;'·•$1150, : KN.OW : ~ IMPORTS VOLVO ·THAT YOU· .. OYOTA-VOLVO VOLVO! • • 1966 Jia,rbor, C.M. 64&0003 • CAN BE • ~~:~~•= All' Models fr, $2695 DRIVING : :--~~::..::': .:~: fiecut lfmi4 a er. radiO, w. walls. Set. l-io. A BRAND • ,.,.,. • $1695 IMPORTS NEW : BILL MAXEY 1966 Harbor, C.M, '46-9303 : !TlQIYl§ITIA! * Ne~E~~lvos * 1969 • 11881 BEACH BLVD. BETTER DEAL • POOLE BUICK • Hunt. Beach a.47-8.555 Herb Friedlander 1965 MERCEDES Diesel, • • 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on 8ch 13T';i0 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39) new paint, blut w/tan int. for a LI"'-a a '67 TOYOTA Landcruiser. 4 '1 blks So. G.G. f\1'y. Mu.st see to eipprec. Orig • • w h I drive p I ck up, 893-7~ 5'.l7-GS24 ow~r 12000. 642-1644 ": s2444 . w I camp". E" "' ! --·-----·- MG • 839-2677 Antiques,. Classics 961 S lu PH 1936 Ford grille $15, 2 rear MG 8 • TR M doors, complete with glass • YOU CAN' • $10 ea. One l'J'Ont end. com-• '64 TR Spitfire: new paint, plcte with A-frame & 16" Sal••, Service, Parts Complete new MG inventory See Ute new Austin Amel'ica Here Now! J1rtuport 31111ports 3100 W. toast Hwy. Newport Beach G42-9'W5 54().1764 • • clutch & radials. Days: wheels. ideal to make a • • 833-1000; Eves. 642-5057 trailer \vith $20. V.W. bus • ---S9-TR·3~2S--ser ts about 6' long. $25 for 11 673-2637 3 of them. Call 536-8lli H.B. '61 Red A-tercedes Conv. 220 •· • VOLKSWAGEN SE Cla,.ic. BEST OFFER. • I 49'1-7565 -• BUICK I • _63_V __ -w-. _B_"<_• _oo_m_pe_Li--t-io-n MODEL T FORD Expttss 8 I yellow, 3 mo, new tires, lruck, unrestored. $295. 381 0 SPECIAL • chrome whls, reblt eng by E. 16th St. C.M. 548-5986 prof. with 6 mo guar. oow • • 7 wks old. New transaxel Autoa Wanted 9100 2 DOO·R 1 xint buy ,, $800. 4M-04n SEDAN • V\v ·~ Sedan, beige, R/H, WE PAY ... Authoriud MG Dealer I * New MG* GET A BETTER DEAL HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 Bcc:c ll tll•r;I CHwt J91 2 bl~' So G.G. Fwy. S9J.7566 S~7·632( foc:tory Ord~ N11rnbef 22121 1 w/\V. Top cond, clean & CASH sharp. Prv prty $ 9 5 O . • 673-1553 ' • l964 VW Sedan-Sunroof, $150. • xlnt cond, new paint, bat· 1 tery, brakes. shocks. DOWN _,73--6194 __ ·~~-- • • '65 VW, low-mileage; good I.or used can & trucltt just call us for free esti1nate. GROTH CHEVROLET CORTINA LATE '67 r.tG r.Iidget; load- '68 CORTINA dlx. R & H, ed; 15,000 Mi. Called to servioe. $250 and take over 11,000 mi under warr, $200 paymts. Karl. 968-5217 ~ow book. Xlnt, one 1 ~-~-----­o~. 644--0141 '53 MG TD, completely re- •r111 Tu 011cl Lic.tttM 0111 tires, excellent condition. l,t,pprovo4 Crfflt. GMACI $UOO. 549-2819 lor la111i Fl11a11cl119. • '64 VW Squareback Stuuoor. 1 1 Good oond. $900. Ask for Salrs Manager 18211 Beach Blvd. J1unlington Beach KI "'331 DATSUN conditioned. $1400. Eves after 6, 546-5259 • • 494.7213 POOLE'S FINE USED CARS • 1 '62 VW Bus $68.5. 642-"2487, Hamilton & Meyer St., • I Costa l\1esa 1954 MG, model TF, a '68 BUICK • '60 vw Camper with Covair '67 DATSUN good cond. $87~1. •Grin Sport. Auto .• 1ir engine. S1000 or best oiler. Blg Sedan. Near new! One *714 -837-~9* cond., PS, PB. IWXE561l • 67".r-1270 owner, Excellent condition. 1959 220.S 4 DR hick sed-red • $3395 •'I, ·66~~VW~. -B~lu-e-. -,~lk-i~ot. OwnM by little 'ale man lea!ber int. Low mi's. l • Chrome rims. $.1300. from Laguna. 4 Spd, dlr, ta· m11ner. Xlnt cond. 644--2677 a • 548-2863 dio, heater, automatic, fawn '63 BUICK Skylark •" ~~=~-~-~-• . '62 VW Sunroof; l~wner, WILL pay cash for your Rambler, AMX • Javelin, American, Rebel. and Am· ba~dor. Top dollar any make. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbcir Blvd. Cogta M~ 546-1200 IMPORTS WANI'EO 0...,.. Cowtlea TOP I BUYER BILL MAXJn "l'OYOTA 18881 Beach mvd. H. Beach. Pb. 841-8555 9110 Auto lt11fng ~--- ./ ALL .MAKES I COMPETETIVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto Le11in9 224 W. C.out Highway Newport Beach 642-8440 u .. d c.... 9900 .. ------ TRANSPORTATION CAR SALE Credit problem?' See w: for instant delivery, low prices, easy terms. We decide on your credit. Call (If come in today. 540-43'2 BLUE CHIP AUTO SALES 2145 Harbor, Colst.a Mesa WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR PAID FOR OR NOT! BUICK '63 BUICK WUdcat 4 Dr. pWT. steer. & brks., good cond. $775. 675-2492; €75-2677 '59 BUICK INVICTA Blue 4 dr, hdtp. P .S., P.B. Orig o·,.,·oer $175, 642-1979 '59 BUIQ{ Hdtop. very &OQd cond. R&H. eiuto., p\\lr. brb &: s!~r.: $250. 646-9023 CADILLAC ----62 SEDAN DeVille. Im- maculate! Air .Cone!. Power Steering, brakes, s~ats & windows. A Bargain at S1100. 548-0008 1968 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville. 13,000 mi. White w/bluc int. Fully equip. $5495 Private party. 549--0165 1963 COUPE De Ville. Fami- ly car. Fuli power. Air. $1250. 673!-4396 CHEVROLET green ext., plush black OPEL H.T. Cp1. Autornohc, r1d·a d' t 'h u1 leather bucket seats. $75 •io, h11t1r, power st1erin9, ~;r rcCt!~e~~5; · STATION Wagon '65 BeJ Cash <leis, will fine prvt 1968 OPEL Kadette Sta \Yag. •f1ctory 1ir (fXC9-49 1 • ires. · Aire, Power S&B, new tires, prty. 4!}4.9773 or 545.()634 13,000 miles. AM-FM, w/v.·. • $1195 • '64 VW Xnlt cond $795 Your Volkswa.gtn or Porsche good cond. $1295. 838-7141 Yellov.• w/black interior. 0 o 962-2Z73 or 962-0538 A pay top dollars. Paid for '63 CHEV. 11; lady's car or not. Call Ralph $1750. Call 842-1359 • • For De.ily Pilot Want Ads. 673_1190 S495. 2191 Harbor Blvd., '63 Opel Kadette Rallye '64 RIVIERA Dial 642-5678 Costa Mesa. 548-5300 ENGLISH FORD English Ford 10,000 miles $1895 •Radio, h11t1r, 1ulo., PS.•J-========='-"=========~====-====o- e &46-9292 e •PB, power windowi, 1i•• New Cars 9800New C1rs 9800New Cars Complete sales· &ervlct! 100 MPH, 32 mi. per gal. Full five p3Sli. sports st1ling. c O nd ' ' 1 0 wn • f ' I 0 c 11 c 1 ' . I jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, ---·--·--·--•tHCT270J •11 PORSCHE • $1995 • CORTINA * Delux• 2 Door * $1883 Immediate Delivery Over 50 2 doors, 4 doors. GTs. station wagons in stock. F\Jlly automatic or 4 speed. TOP TRA.DE FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR THEODORE Robins Ford 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642-0010 ---. . '67 PORSCHE 912. Like new: $4400. Call 675-5333 or •'65 OLDS Dynamic: as• ~>-5530 • • 4 Or. H.T. R&H, 1uto., PS, '64 C. Xlnt Cond. clean, ••i• cond. IMOYl46J • ~:,,:;·,,1~~· $3000 : $1595 : '58 PORSCHE speedster. 62 S 90 eng. Gd cond. Pvt ply, 673-3267 • '62 MERC. Monterey: •Autom•tie, 1ir cond., pow· '63 PORSCHE S, xlnt cond, ••r 1l11rin9. llD-EX59 0) • all new equip. Best offer. • $695 0 494--3237 after 6 • I===-===="'------SUBARU • '65 OLDS c~1... • •H.T. Cpe. R&H, 11110., PS,• 1969 SUBARU ••ir cond. IPGPl861 • from $1297; 66 MPG 0 $1595 • Complete foreign car service FERRARI Kosta Kustom Kars 10-.-5-B-U-IC-K-Sk_l_k • , __________ 1 1980 Harbor Blvd. 646-5484 • 6 Y,•r • 1-.H.T. Cpe. RIH, •uto., PS •• FERRARI P.window1, eir cond. Newport Imports Ltd. Or-TOYOTA •!PDY2491 • ""' Cou"1y'• oru, autboc-• $1695 • lzed dealer. TOYOTA • • SALES -SERVICE • fARTS 3100 \V. Coast J-hvy. llF:Al1QI IARTEHS • '64 BUICK Skylerk • Newport Beach ELMORE •Autornetic, power '*••ri119,• 642-9«6 540-1764 ••1dio, heet•r. IRIA.6791 • Autborl•od MG De~"' o $795 0 DON'T JUST WJSH tt 90~ 1531'.0 Beach Blvd., Wltmrlstr •--------· \hlna to turnlah your home Phone 894-3322 .... !Ind gn!at bU}'I .. , .. --,,N~o=w"'·==sc-=TH=E=--• 67 OLD'S Sta.-Wog .• day's Qas&fted Adi-•Automatic, 1ir cond., P-• TIME FOR •'*•••i119 I hr•••'· fVCl· • It'• s .. cn ...,. tlm« e1g-"'UICK CASH '"' ............... .,., See tbl .... •• $3195 •• DAILY PILOT Oa...iliod THROUGH A , 9ldloD NOW! • • DAILY PILOT WANT ADS DAILY PILOT • '66 DODGE Monaco 0 G ft~"TS WANT AD -4 Or. H.T. R&H, •uto., BRIN ~ua.. ! •PS. eir cond, cTPUOJ2J • lmoortod Autot 96001mport.d Autos • 9600 • $199.s • • • [i~[j~i]~ ELMORE MOTORS· 15300 HACH ILVD. Wl!STMINSTU lt4-JJJZ FREE-FREE Las Ve11as Vacation 3 DA ~~RI. i:~GHTS Ne Purclii11• Nece111ry 15300 Beach Blvd. Westnrmster 894-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS .......... : JAGUAR : • HEADQUARTERS • •Complete S•l•1 . Serv·• •ic• and P•rts Oep•rt·• •ment fot JAGUARS. • 8 See Th• &citint • lt6t Je9u1r Tod1r )•••••••= ' : 234 E. 171h Sl. : • 548·7765• • Mon-Fr:f 1:30 •m • • • • • • to 9 pJn • I S•turd1y B:30 am I to6pm • Sundoyo 10 om • to' pm • ----~-_.__ ____ _ HOLIDAY RAMBLER CQMPARE•SAVE SAVE SAVE • NEW '68 JAVELIN 127"'' NEW '69 RAMBUR Full 111• compact. More room -Seats 6, 128 horsepower, b cyl.-more varoom $2043 + Tn l Lt<. $2386 + Ten: & Uc. SMALL PRICE BIG WINDOWS • BIG ENGINES • BIG SPACE NEW '69 REBEL $2436 + Ta & U•. 1171112 REBEL "THE PEOPLES CAR~' NEW 1969 4 Dr. AMBASSADOR SEDAN . '6J PALCON s595 '11-do•r '-"'"· •ulo"'•*i' trenl· 1t1i11lon, redlo ••' h••l•f· lie. IJG912 s32a6 + Ta & Uc. .,, CHm n t'.AMIMO $2388 Wit1! .. 11·cont1!111d <4t'•r cempet. Compl.te 1etup Lie. SUYll2 1969 HARBOR BLVD ... SALES AND SERVICE COSTA MESA PHOll 6'2-6023 HARD-TO-BEAT -Hardtop Specials. GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP SPECIALS Great packtge .. Vlngt on Gala•I• 500 2·Door tnd 4-0oor Hardtop or Spottt.o Aool models equipped w1th: • Pleol.cl Vllly! 1111.rn.r • 8odY 5,<111 Mola"'D • Wt>.tl Olo..,• • wnne Sk! ... •11 T~" • Delu•• R1m-8'""" Ste .. w.11 -• CODI ••~ong• on AW Condl!>Onk'lt, tinted 11•u.lfMIV-l'1100I FAIRLANE HARDTOP SPECIALS Nott aa\llngs on th!1 nimbi• inlermedlatel Falrlene 2·000f Hard-- lop equipped with: • W~ll• Sldowlll Tlr•• • Ool••• W~••I C1>v111 • 0•11 Rtclng Ml,.O•• • Ttpe Slrll>I • W .. 1.~ Woll Cl•!>ttlftll • With V•nyl Roof, Y°"' M ..... n "'Ort! MUSTANG HARDTOP SPEC!Ats Now! Theyear'1 beet buy on Amerlca'a favorite 1por1y caiol Choose 2-Door Hardtop or Sporn.Roof with exciting extrae IU~e: · • IE?t While fldow1U Ttr11 • wi-1 eo .. 11 • 0u11 ~ M!uor1 • T1p1 Stripe • Hood '"'' ENGLISH FORD Factory Clearance! CLEARANCE! SHElBY GT COBRAS I • Oren91 County'• l1r91d ln~111!ory Now DISCOUNTED TO CLEAR! . Jhe '69'1 •r• cernin9. And •• Or1n9• Co11nfy'1 only ,1uiliori1N Shell:.y Co• bre de~l1r, w• 111 coop•c•tin9 cli,.ct. ly with th.,, f1clory to cl••n the r ••• of th• '6l't •t tl!1 9r11te1t di1counh we've ever offered on Amerke't nurn• her one hi9h p1rform•nce earl DeluJ• 2 Do or I <4 Door S•d•n1, GT 2 Door I -4 Door S•den1, Stefion w,. 9on1, in your choiee of -4 •P••d •• eulo'"etie tr1111'"f11ion1. SAVE TODAY! GT 350's-500's-500 KR's 4 SPEEDS-AUTO. TRANS~ CONVERTIBLES TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS Now 1vere9in9 15 cart p•r week th1t cen b9 r•feilecl el wh o!111le to the public. le1f the d1el1r1 on th11e older clrlo SA YE ! ! THUN.DERBIRD SALE 7 to choo10 frol'fl. 2 door end 4 door model,, H1rdtop1 end l1ndeu1. Ali with •ir condili onin9 111d fwll power. So"'• with ll1r10 t•p•1. '•4 th•u '67 Model1.. '65 THUNDERBIRD full power, f1,fory 1ir. IHPC19J) 20 Y, dow n or lr1de. $1695 FULL POICI $63 PIR JO MONTHS '66 FORD 7 LITRE Ii Pe11en91r Herdtop. l ig engine, 1utom1tic, eir conditioning, power 1te1ring. ISVX· 662 !. 20% down or tr1de, llue look P'ic1 $2235. $1595 FULL POICI $48 Pll H MOKTHS '61 FORD F350 C1h l Che11i1. (6851711. 20% clown• r tr1de . $695 FULL PRICI $29 PH 24 MONTHS '64 CHEVROLET MALIBU WAGON R1dio. he111t1r, power d••rin9. lOMJ 7fl ). 20 1. down or tr•d•. $795 FULL PRtCI $29 PIR 30 MONTHS '65 SUNBEAM ALPINE Recin9 rid w/bl1ck top I i11t1rior wire wheelt. IVZUl51l. 20"1. clown or tredo. $1095 PULL PRICI $38 PIR JO MONTHS '64 MERC. WAGON 10 PASS. Colony Perk. Full pow1,, eir. (JZY 711 I. 20 % down or tr1de, $1095 FULLPOICI $38 PIUO MONTHS '63 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL full pow1r, eir conditionin9. ffTU700) 20% down •r tr1d1. $1195 FULL PRtCI $44 PIR JO MONTHS '64 BUICK RIVIERA fu11J:ower, IMd1d. Air conditionin9, (lt1Rl77) 201. down or tr1d1, ~ 1395 FULL PRICI $49 PU JO MOKTHS '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Door Te,dtop. v.a, e11forn•tic, r1dio, he1ter, ,....,., tfeefin9. OCfZt l J). 20% low11 •r .,., •. $895 PULL PRICI $30 PIR lO MONTHS '62 CHEVROLET 9 PASSENGER tel Air W~on. Fully 04tulppocl. (QUDllll. 20% down•• treclo, $59ll FULL PRIC:I $25 PIR 24 MONTHS '64 FORD SALE ( 13 To Choose From) 2 Ori, <4 Ort., Soden&, H1rcltop1, Conv1f!ihl1" We9•n1, ••'"• w/1lr & p, 1trllf. EXAMPLE: '64 GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR v.a, evtornetlc, fully eq11Jpped, ITWll: 4lll. 25'1:. clown or trld1, $695 FULL PRICI $23 Pll JO MOKTHI '67 AMBASSADOR 990 H. T. low rnlle190, full p-•r. eir concliti oni n9. CUEX 4JJ). 20 '1:. clo"" Of' +r1il•· $1895 FULL PRICI $49 Nl H MOHTHS . Open Sun. f O 11m to 6 pm For Your Shopping Convenience -! j ' l I I . ' , :· a : J I \ l ' ; • I l I' f ' ' I " 1 Ii I ' . I '! l ' I j ' t • l f I -- h .. ,. .: '· ., ,_ j: • .. '• l• t: ;: I• ·-., .. • • , • •• • .. ~: • • " • i-" r .. •• .. i· " • l. :· r . .: • • • • • r. • .. • '· • •• •• • ·-• • .. • ·-:i • . •• •• ·-• ·-• •• • • . . • .. ·-• • • • •• •• .. ·: :-. • . • • • • -· ... --.. 51 DArlY PILOT WtdMsd.IJ, JiftUWY 22. 196, -;;·· ... ·-,.·-:,:-;;-;,:",;-~·-;;·;,• ;.,--;;·.;-;;.··:.:·--.:.·-.·,;·ii-r.·.;;··r.·~.,.;.i-ii'fi'r"Pi"ii"iiiKr·" .,.,.1<rATiON TRANSPO RTATION TRANsPORTATlON TllAN!PORTATlON TI ANSPOITATlON TRANSPORTATION TIWISPORTATION TiANSPORilliOH TilANSPORTATIOli CADILLAC £0~ NINETEEN 1 SIXTY-NINE I • 'JANUARY SALE 1964 CADILLAC -4 Door h•rdto,. fi"hh.,C i11 R.oy1l1 llu D oxl1rior with . ..,,f_chin9. blu1 clolh i11t11ior. Ho• ell tho popul1r C1ditlo1c power li111l1 1ndud1n9 power 1to1rin9, powor br1k11, powor windows, AM-FM r1dio, ,,ui11 cor1lrol 111d 111uch, much mor1, IVHUHll SALE s1444 PRICE 1963 CADILLAC Th1 popul1r Std111 o.v111. fi11ith1d ill 1rmin• whil1 •xl1tior with COii• lr11lin9 bluo cloth t nd l11tlt.r intorior. H11 atl tho popul1r C1dill1c pow- 1 r 111i1h iclucling •l••ring, br•ke1, wi4ow., 1••1, AM-FM r•dio i nd C1dill•c'1 f•mou1 f•clory •ir conditioning. ( RRG499 I SAU s1111 PRICE 1966 CONTINENTAL l11utiful S•nd l•it• with bl.dt ¥inyl top ond flt!I l1,wth1r i~t•rior. Thi1 stunning 1ulomobil• i1 eompl.l•ly •q~ipp-4 with •II tho popul•r pow1r •quipmont including pow1r window., pow•r 1••1, AM fM r•dio •NI f1c- tory 1ir conditioning. Thi1 1;er i1 •b1olu+.ly 9or9•ou1 ond mu1t be dri¥en 10 '•folly '"'"~::E151 'i'J.777 PRICE 1966 BUICK C•1tor11 loS1b11 4 Door h1rdt1p. Sporlrling io•I Liu• with n1otchin9 intor- lor •. f1dory oir conditioitl11.g. 111to"'•tjc h•n•mi11ioo, powor 1l11iint. p-•r br1ke1, r1dio, "e•t.,, otc, Truly ·e fin• 1ulomobil1 th1! mull be uion ind driv•n lo •pprociet_!! ib" fill!_ ¥1l1,111_ ISIW499 I SALE $2222 PRICE 1964 RIVIERA A 1lunnin g powder blue 1utomobil 1 with blue ¥inyl inl1rior lo m•fch. H11 111 pow1r inch1din0J power il••ring, pow•r br1k1t, power windowt, r•dio 1114 lio1!1r, ••hJmtlic tr1nur1i11ion, wliit• Md• w•ll tir11 ind cu1lom in· t1rior. Thi1 c•r h11 only 41,000 111il11. Mu1t i11 this on•. {NIY1961 SALE PRICED 1967 CADILLAC DtVlll1 convortiblo. l ooutiful Comeo b1i91 with m1!chin9 top .~ l11thor lnt.rior. Thii low mil••P c•r i• q copffot10Uy 1quippo4 wiflt f•etory •ir "*itionin9, power 1to1ring, power br1ko1, power •••h, powor wlndow1, l ilt i nd t1!11copic wlt11I, AM·fM r•dio. IXSP6921 SALE s4222 PRICE 1967 CONTINENTAL A l>1 1ulilu1 turquo!,, 4 door with f11rq11oi11 f111I l11th1r interior. All th1 popul•r pow1r 111ilf1 including power st11ring, br•k11, wln dow1, 11•h, f•ctory olr c0<1dilionin9. lhi1 cir ii 1btolutoly f•nt•tlic in1id1 I out •rid !111! w•ilin9 for th•! p••ticul1r buyor. tTSM771 I. SALE s3333 PRICE .............. • ' nnw.t.Y a.ost <1 flOM ANYYfllW tN ORANGI CCNJNTl 1 1 MllE SOUTH Of SAN DflSO FWY • -ON HAUOI IL VD • ~ Ma~terJ>iece from .... ... The Master Craftsmeh On Display and Ready for Delivery Today! ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW! LEASE DIRECT e FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1968 ~DORADO l!iij;if=~ The •••• popul•r El Dor1do. Fini1h1d in b1roqu1 gold witlt beige p•dd1d reof i nd ')old int1riot. Tilt wh•1I, power lle1rin9, power br1k•1, powtt window•, power 111t, power v1nt windo""1, power h unk lfd rele111, Sl1r10 AM -FM Rodio, •nd m•ny more luxur., power fo1turo1 !ncluding C1d!ll1c f•clory 1ir conditionin9. 81lt1r ')•I h1r1 fifll on thi1 81111ty. lVTL3671 56444 •+~·~ 1967 { 1 \ICE J P Coupe De Ville Thit lov•ly Cou p1 0 1 Ville h•1 111 powff 111i1h ln<1uding powor 1lo1rin9, brei...1, window1, 111! •nd C.dlll•c'1 f•moin f1ctory oir 1ottd'ltio1dr19, 1t1ro1 Alr.t-FM, tilt whoo1, twilight 11111!., Prom. him Do"bl1 btl• tlr11, l11utlfllf l1c1lly lllrivon, llno 1uto1111llll1. !VAX710l SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN . 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thrv FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY and SUNDAY SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1969 . . • .- JAN U-A RY .~ SALE . 1965 BUICK W11dc1t. A lov•l'r 1p1nilli lllvot ht.rior with rod vinyl int11iOI' '"d power 1kor1nt. power br1l11, pow1r 101h, power windw1, AM-~M r•dlo, tJl l 1t.1rint wheel, 1utorn1tic tr•n1mi11ion, 1utorn•lic trunk lid r1l1•11, wirl who1I cov1r1 •nd 1f couf11 f•clory •ir <onditioning. (RRYJ741 SALE $1888 PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD ' Thi 1porty 2 door h1rdtop 11 fully 1q11ipp1d with powor 1fooring, pow1r brok11, power window1, power 11•! •nd Ford'1 f•rnc:1111 f1ctory •ir cDn• dlllanin'J. A lo•utifvl ••tin sllv1r ••torior witloi bl1ck .. inyl interior. Mui! be teen I drlwol' to fully •pproci1t1! IRTUlJ9/. SALE $2222 PRICE 1965 THUNDERBIRD l1nd1u hordlop. A b••uflful 11pphir1 bl111 T-l ird with t~• whit• l1nd1u roof, •II .. inyl interior. ,_.II power 1quip1111nt incl. pow1r br•k•1, pow1r 1t1•ri11g, pow1r windows, powtr s11t •nd f•clory •ir condilionin9. An ouht•ndin9 <•r 11 ouhl1ndin$11..-ing1. IMPP121 I SALE 1666 PRICE . ' 1967 BROUGHAM Fl11twood lrou9h1m. M1j1tlie rogol 1i1wor witft bl•ck p1dd1d top •nd bl•ck t•p11try •nd l••thor lnt•rior. All power incl..din9 •*••rint lar1k11., wtM --. ..nt window1., tnu1k lld ,.,_.~ Sttir••'r.teflo, tilt •n4 t~ .. coplc tfMtint wftnl phn f•cforr •lr·c:Olfclltle.Nng., -{Ul'Y-2ff,) SALE s4555 PRIC~ 1965 CADILLAC Th• populor 11d1n 01Vill1. Fini1hed in B1roqu1 gold 111le1ior with milch· ing 9old lo•th1r •nd cloth Interior. H•1 111 lhe popul1r C1dill1c lu11ury fe1ll1rt1 ln<ludlnt power il1trin9, power br1k11, power window1, pow•r ••oh, 1i9nol 111kin1 11dio •nd of course C•dill1c f1ctory 1ir conditioning, 171221 SALE $2666 PRICE 1962 CADILLAC Covp1 01Vill1. Thi1 moj11tie lu.1:1do bl•ek C•dil11e wlfli white lo1tlt1r interior h11 1lrno11 111 of th• d1lu111 f••furos tlt1t Codill•c i1 f•111ou1 for including pow•r 1t11ring, powtr br1k11, powor 11eh •nd pow1r window1. Al10 ho1 C•dill1c F1clory 1ir conditioning. You mud 4rivo thi1 on1, IJRHBl21 SALE PRICE 1967 OLDSMOBILE 9 p•11•n9or eustom Villi Cr11i1er 1!1lion w19011 fully 1quipp1d with. power 1t11rln9, pow1 r br1ke1, powtr windows, eutorn•fi< tr1nio111i11ion, r1dio •nd h11lor, f1 ctory oir conditioning, 1irnvl•t1d wood p1n1lling, 11'1 1b1olut.ly 9org10111, 1i11t1 go14 1rl•rior wi~ m1tclilng vinyl lnt•rl or. SALE PRICED Your Factory Authoriz:ed Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor. Area ·NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 • • • ·1~;;;.:'-'-'-0~-~~~1 ~-~-----1---~-----9900 Used (!;,. 9900 • . MERCURY MUSTANG '65 MUSTANG Cpe. Bucket seat, automatk tram., ndk>. beafft'. Ve-a clean. Low miles. OWPC1 $1095 GUARANTY CHEVROLET SAL~ ~-SERVICE OOllMOBlll PONTIAC PONTIAC '6S PONTIAC GTO Local car. Low mill's. Owned · by . little "ole lady in C..pla- tra.no. Plush blue bucket sea.tJ, blue ext, white top. V-8. auto, dlr, pwr stttrirv. win! wheel covera. $85 Cash dels, will tine prvt prt;y. 494-9773 or 545-0034 . '59 PONTIAC Sta.. We.& Good tires, new b a t t : Transp. car. ht $125 takes ll 678 C'.OYemOr. 548-G5f9 RAMBLER RAMBLER 1962, 2 d r claa:sic., 5 cyl stick, gd transportation, $200, 6Gll68 '""' T·llRD 1961 nREBIRD «XI fad air '64 T-BIRO, very good conJ. PwtJ...?8' cu«t trim New Full power, air, Sl.l!reo tape. Rod• -"""' mil... Whole-........ .,.,.. Mt v ...... c ..... Paint lllOO. -........ • St&--13&4 ·~ l96t T.SlRD. Uke new n =.u~s=im='"·-......_-.-~--m-1 pwr. 1 otmer. ~ 22c3 town. n. OA.Il..Y PU.OI Hartxr Blvd, C.M. Omifted lll!Cti(9.. $11" '60 T-BIRD, xl11t cmid..- m:meJ, U.. • dforl. ... mllllY extra.11-$395 "°"'!!! ! •Call: 9ll8-32!W) e ------·-------- . -· :~~ P~-~!!~!. ~~•l•r. ·$.8 7 7 bucUt •••ts, console, white woll1. IHHX5411 .. $29,DOWN & $29 MONTHLY Totol ..... + T • L • :6!. ~d:~1A~t~mot;c, r1d;o, $9 7 7 'I he•ter, p. steer., p. br11t11 , p. windows . I OLE 243 I · $3~ Down & $33 M~y Tot91 Price + T & L ;~~'..~!~d~~~~~~~;: $6 7· 7 fa ctory air. 'IVF8677J $23 DOWN & $23 MONTHLY Torell Price + T & L 4 BLOCKS SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FREEWAY \f 10U :~!~~;!.Bp~!~e~~r,~$1 0 7 7 auto., R&H. Buy of the week. IVZZ-7091 $36 Down & $36 Monthly Tot1I Prfc• + T & L :~~ .~~~;! · .. 'd~~~.!~.$1 0 7 7 p. steering, whitew1l11. lS~- 2421 $36 Down & $36 Monthty Total Price + T & L '66 PL YM Sp Fury R•dio, heater, power 1teerinq, automatic, power brakes. ISVU-6501 $43 Down & $43 M~nthly '65 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill '65 CHEVROLET lt1-Air Seda~. VI, a11 to111atic, r1dio, ha1!ar, whita 1id1 Wtll1. 11s'6695Sl IS269 1 . $26 DOWN & $26 MONTHLY 5777 Total Prke + TI L '65 - VOLKSWAGEN l . . ~ .D9<JR l!:alio,J htalo•1 i 1p1ed. Xl?-779. I ·.$2l~1ll. $29 MO. .. $877 -----...,~~-- :PLY.MOUTH 'CHRYSLER .IM~ERIAL I '66.:·FORD COUNTRY SEDAN I 0 p•1u1119•;.·v1, •wte\, 11edio, hoalo r, p-ar •hoori119, whlt•wall•. ISVF 2961 $43 DOWN & $43 MONTHLY iv...-n"' e119CI •r:.: 1pprovlld ced ' - IJled c..r t' f\n1nc;• Ch•,.' 540•8910 NOW matic , r•dio •nd heater. FOR FAST TRADE-IN QUOTE! . ;~~~.~~.~~~·~ea : ~'~:$1"311 W;nd. INHK-8671 $46 Down & $46 Monthly Tot~I Price + T & L ' I IRVJ-4101 . $36 Down & $36 Monthly Tot•I Price + T & L '66 PLYMOUTH Belvedere I, V-8, 1utomatie', r1° dio, heater. !VZP709J $26 Down & 26 Monthly Tot1I Price + T & L :6~. ~.~~!~y ~;, ~:wer$13 7 7. lfeer, 1uto., R&H, full vinyl int, IOGY-6661 $46 Down & $46 MOftthly T :!!,;Pi~.~!. ~de~q.e!~$13 7 7 w/f1ctory eir, PS, Auto., R&H. ITVK-7011 ot•I Price + T & L :!72 ~~.~.!.~~~. aufo·$1J7·7 matic, power steering, radio end heeter. 1.ULY-1161 . ·- $46 Down & $46 Monthly -Tot•I Prke + T & L $46 Down & $46 Monthly Tot•I Price + T & L '65 MUSTANG HT · Coupe. Power lteerin9, auto· matic, radio, heater. A re1I buy. IPCR-1151 $8,77 $29 Down I. $29 Monthly Tot~( Price + T & L :~,!o.~.~ ! .. ~.~!!. ""'·$1 ·37 7 auto., R&H, Out1tandinq value. IUUS-844 1 $46 Down & $46 Monthly Tot•I Pria + T & L ' PLYMOUTH CHRYSUR IMPERIAL HUNTINGTON BEACH OPEN DAILY & SUN. 'TIL 11 PM .. ___ ....... - I I ,( I • I 'I ·I' '' 'I I 1 ' I · I :::5',,_DAl_LY_•_n._or ___ ._'-:..,. ___ w-'_"""-_,-"'-', """"'.:;,~,v..;:::::..c1::"":9. ' ' ' B·REAK AWAY NOW U.NLESS YOU'VE . GOT SOMETHl'.NG AGAINST SAVING A BUCK! • '•. . :'t • • THE INCOMPARABLE PON11AC G-RAND PRIX - . .. Majestic Lib•rty Blu• coup• is fully •quipp•d with Cordova top, turbo-hydramatic transmission, posh button radio, r••r s•at sp•ak•r, pow•r st•.,in9, pow- •r disc brak•s, pow., windows, air conditionin9, · white side wall tir•s, d•lux• sut b.lts, h•adr•sh, ~ visor mirror, soft-ray 9lass, front floor mats, remote control olrisid• mirror, hidd•n windshi•ld ant•nna, 400 cub ic inch en9in• llSO hp , that isl, and.nth• st•ndard d•lux• Grand Prix accetsori•s. Numb•r 276579P11271S 54577 • • ' . . • ALL PRICiS INDICATED IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ~RE, OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE & TAX. I r Npf. 2 tit, H.T. VI, •••-•tic:, rHI., M•fer, p•••• .t1•ri119, w1w, 1,716 1t1il", yellew with bl•d: vl"YI +.p. ITIIJ,). f•c· +.ry •it, '68 CHEVROLET • 'El C•min o l'l S.S. Vt 4 1pe•d, 'ower P.1rir.t, r•tlie, h••*••· Aecl Lin• tir•s, c•mp•r 1h•ll, ll,t7i 111ile1, 151110AI Canvertilile. VI, 4 tp .. d, power .+.erll'lf, rt1tlle, 1'Hff.r, rid line tir•s,. •f•t•• t•pe. IYN5'2171 l1I~ II wh .. lt. '67 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 2 Door h•rtlfop. VI, •1i1folfl1tic, _,_., 1 .. erl119 I ..,1k•1, r•· di., h••ter, WSW, Yi"YI top, f1ctery 1ir. 11,745 11111•1. IV6X- 5J]I '65 CHEVROLET '66 MUSTANG llfl,.1•. 4 ,,, H.T. VI, p-!")li~•. r~la, he•J•r, ¥1'.,hif• w1ll1, 6 c:ylil!fer. 4 •P.--'• .1•li•, h11t.r, white w•ll1, 20,271 .,.;i,,, 26,745 lflir ••• r.ctory •Ir. fPEI,201 IX'EIOl•I 51677 51677 '67 FIAT 1500 '67 OLDSMOBILE ... dater. 4 s,...1.-rMi .. ltooter,.,.., wat; M.d: t., eH h1-Vitt• Cr.IMr. VI. 11i1to11M1ti•, ,_.,, .+Mri111 I ..,_k••• ........ t...ier, 21,J,7 111il•t.. (TRl69l) ....... , WSW, f1e+.ty 1ir. CUDC,711 51477 52977 '67 FIREBIRD 400 VI •119i111 4 1r1d ~•111mit1ieri, r•di• •11d he•f•r, retl lt11• fir••· '64 PONTIAC G.T.0. Canvertilile, VI, hydt•lfleflc:, peww sturi119, redie •"' h-+- •r. white 1ide well tit••· IPAL211 I '65 CHEVROLET 1"",.11 SS. Vt, ••t.-.tlc., ,_ .... ri119, re&li..t.r, WSW, v'i11yt +.-,. 26,475 "'ii"' (NOYllll ' IACH AND EVERY "CARVEl.eARl-CAR" HAS,OUR TOCW. 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