HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-29 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa, -l~ ...... lll!l .................................................................. ~., .......... ., ............................................ ~i!l!llllll!lllllll ..... , .. 1111~ . ' • lle(!jls ·:V~Unt;, . -'M'tlehine -. -:.-----":7 --' -• -·-=-' _.., -- ---~: --~ -= I ' --· .. As She Awaits Kidney &aniJplQ~t ~Ollll • • ' --· -·--- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 29, 1969 VOL. fl. NO. ..... samoNs. .. PAGlS Reagan Calls Co11nty Area Of Disaster Gov. Ronald Reagan Tuesday declar.d Oranse County a state disaster area and Sent' 8 telegram.rt«> President Nixon requesting that be also ~lare the county a dJsaJter ar,_ ~ ·w\Ui 15 other Calilorni' ~es .. Everelt illl2zird, J.iet ol planning and operatiom in the California Disaster Of. rice In. Sacramento, said the governor acted immediately oo request of the Orange County Board ol SUperviJ!on. Supervlsorl v.re' ~ Tuesday that *'-n1M.4i1~~$ul!<fay ~ .. 'Wlllil"'f!f' .-.. In the ~ty. . •. "A -nht Tue>d,;ye°"" ralied Sean um mare dam.111 w _ be caoaed In tbt IOJkoahd areu of the caunty: · 1be disaster area designation will pave the way fer immediate actiOn in repair;, ing damq:e to-" roads, utillties and brldjes. The county departments may begin wc:rt wjthout advertising for bids. Stale and possibly-federal funds also will be avaDab~ to rel>ulld f98ds and olh<r pmJlc .,...lls, Ofnciala: of the county and its cities, lnclqd!ni water ,districts, will iteml7.e thett lo3es for the State Disaster Office In LosAngl!les Tlwrsday. Prado Dam on the Santa Ana River at the county lltle was credited with saving the coanty,trom much addiUonal flood damage by flood Control Engineer H. George Osborne. He told supervisors that the dam checked inflow at 73,000 ~bic feet per second, not far below the all·thne disastrous flood of 1938 when a 100,000 cfs now was recorded. That ltorm battered the county with (See DAMA.GE, Page Z) 74·1' r-s I' Jet Jockey ' Ul'llT_.... Lotte ... Von Biornssen,, 25, Stock~ holm, Swe<ten1 usually files around world as purs~r for Pan American World Xirways. Next month, however, she'll trade purser's hat for jockey cap tD ride in horse race in Australia where female jockeys are welcome. Male jockeys in U.S. refuse to · accept idea of riding against women. Guess What? 50% Chance Of More Rain Thursday 1 Southern Californians, lulled by the promise of sunny skies after a pair of devastating rainstorms, looked wearily out their windows Tuesday afternoon to find that "it was doing it again.•• More than a quarter ~ of. rain, dumped violenUy...,. wtthin . an hour, -assaulted the Orange Coast as the sun lihone benevolenUy bi tbe distance. And that's not all"' cautioned the U.S. Weather Bureau today. There'• a 60 pucent chance of more wet stuff 11iurs-- day afternoon. Tuesday's abbreviated storm brought with tt dmlng hail and bursts of llgbtn- ing, which struck four airborne planes. AU proceeded to their desUnalloi!s and landed l&ftly. Tbtre rere no Injuries. In N"'ll9rfBeacit•lh: ,_. eucal,Y11l1ls treil ·ten' •Jct1.nL 1t1 .Ult faging mns. br~ the-toW . " ..... dUtroyed 1\d»toni Thief? . . . ' '·, I , ~~,e~···SaysNo ~10.'t neat it buddy; I'm not the pb-·1i1q11r:• • Laaum Beocb man WU told early this morning. Joseph J. Co1eman, 1 writer of 1063 Clenneyre St., told police he went to see who was knoctla& at hls neighbor's door and found 1 mq. Coleman wuo't reassured by the man '1 conum:ol He discovered a piece of molding t.otm from hi.I own front door and phoned polJce, \ • in the past week to more than 100. There wu, however, no Oooding or major accidents reported. The latest batch of rain yas eveo1y distributed along the Orange Coast. Costa Mesa recorded .35 inches, Huntington Beach, .30, Fountain Vafley .28, Laguna Beach .25 and Newport Beadl JS. Tuesday's storm was a cold one from the north, bringing lllOW down to the 4,000-foot level. In the hard hit, Santa Barbara area, the Snow line dropped to 2,000 feet. The Weather Bureau said Tbunday'11 storm should follow the same ~ as Tuesday's, but said It wu toO early to predict whether it would produce similar thunder >nd lightning. • Total ilatewide damage froln ·the rain epidemic which J>egan ·Jan. 18 ii now estimated at $118 million. The <lath toll from the ""rm• wu, placed at 96. . - Tuesday Gov. Rooald ~toured the damaaed areas and urged Iba l'!'h'ate sect.or of. the economy to lp!K' ~ tlOn thrwgh fund drlv& ''Theft is an act.ua1· llmlt to wf>.at the government can do, .00 tldl 11 a rea1 tragedy," Reagan aid. MW ...... Wlftr,• .3S S.1t .a .n I... S.tl .1$ f.ti 4.1' .JI 10.N 5.'7 . ,. t.•• s.11 • JI lD.'6 S.'1 .Jt 11.M 5.6' .n t.05 .i.n .:n t.~ s.n . 2' •·• 4.n .14 1).ft ,.,, .'1 lttA I.II ..2' ... .11 • 11 ,,.. l.Jt hr! (""""'9 ,,...,. ··- . ' , ' , / >·· * . t •• --- '. .A. ~ ·"' ' -. , •... • .A.. - )-(" ·~ D(A p.-, "u ig~ ·I~ Oijr Talks ' -.. Mideast Tension ---ea . . . -~- Iraq Trying More Suspects For 'Espionage' Girl" 17" Clings to Life By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL United Nations peace envoy Gunnar V. Jarring began Big Four talks today on a solution to the middle east crisis by conferring in New York for 45 minutes with U.S. Ambassador Charles W. Yost. As they met, tensions rose sharply in the Mideast. New spy trials were reported under way in Iraq despite worldwide protests and wantings that the hangings of nine Jews Monday could lead to Israeli reprisals and the possibility of a new conflict in the Middle East. The Syrian Foreign Ministry announced in Damascus that a Syrian diplomat was shot and wounded today in Baghdti.d by-an· Iraqi Intelligence agent In an incident that added. tbe threat o( strife among 1.he ·Arabs '° U!e' limmering crisis. Jarring bu tried for a year to brlng peace to the Middle Eut. He hmched Tuesday, with 8ecretaty General U Thant shortly after Thant said only-Blg Four ~= ~ a.vert another war in the Jarilni expects to confer later .with the ll!VO)'l lr<iq) the Soviet Unloo, Jlrilaln and · .Fronce wblch has proposed Big Four ldloa. M"""°" has end_oned the F)'Oncll call, Britain has Indicated cau-IP}lrO\'ll and !he Unn.d States has ml pUbliCl1 llAled Ill poaltlon. DIPlomatl< !'!lf<to aald YOll could nol ClarlfJ ~ policy on the Middle '~ . until lftl!L }!realclall N I x·o n dii .. , 0: the 1181* Satunllf Wtiii the Nallooiol ~ counclL illxiil' mef to\tl,J ' With de eauncll and 11._ •as· riiliWd ~~ed tho· Ml6!lO' Ealt. -"""""'ts ClOlltlnued: A_ "'I"" mWOquo ~I 1.~em aal4 an ~I ooldl..-watl ldlltd ae aootber aerioualy1 woood<id lodaJ 'when tllolr -al!utk' • tnlae -the -line -ol the Dead Sea. In Jeruakm a U'"9 bomb waa-mnoved hlnnlelaly fro'!'l Mar the citJ'I only J ewizh shop In tiia 014 walled city. _ The Foreign Ministry iaenUO<il the wounded diplomat ., Abdel Karim Sab- bagh, polltical lltacht af the Syrian Embaaq Ill the Iraqi cipllll. 11 aald1 he waa lbot wlllle rtdin( In a car ttu.ugh (Seo MIDEAST, I'll' II ' Hopes to Become County's First Kidney Transplant By TOM BARLEY Of tM Dallr ,I ... Stiff A gently humming dlalyti1 machine is the only thing that stands between 17-year-old Susan .Mane aod death. The blonde Villa Park High School girl was hooked up to the costly device for 10 hours Tuesday -10 hours in which her infected blood was cleansed of the bacteria which today Is inevitably returning to the forriier star athlete'• poisoned &)lit.em.- Susan undergoes lhe palnless but ex- hawling day-long treatment twice a week at Palm Harbor Hospital, Garden Grove. She has t.o U her almost useless kidneys are lo get the-mechanical aid that will keep the Orange girl alive. But &i..... went Into the bospltal's dialysis room with new hope Tuesday -the hope that .f!:he wm shortly become Orange C-ounty'1 fltst. kidney transplant. And while &is,D's blood supply was being rejuvenated by the miracle of dialysis, a caufpa.ign dedicated to the raising of $40,000 was_ launched in the old Orange County CourthoWie. And every penoy will be needed for the cosily transplant surgery. · Dr. Donald Martin, chief of the University of California, at Irvine's urology dlvisilm, has agreed to perform the operaUOn. All being wed, Susan will enter the operaUng room · at Orange County Medical CenW; in about two months' time. ' But those .two months will cost her parents at least $6,tOO. Suaan'a 10-bour ·youth Confesses -"Mass One-ma.nBurglary Wave By ARTil\Jll R. VINSEL Of ""· D'ltr ...... tltfl' A L<me Woll burglar. who ·talked ·!ut -when caUlhl•by bla sympathetic vlctim& . -: and ~nt their "'!'net ·. ruter on ',..ke, teeii,ge buddies -ts 'held toclar,. ; alttt tonlesslng II Ccista· MeU cr!mi!' alone. betel:tive Capt. Ed· Glasgow-said !lie 17-year-old boy slnlct th/ooihoul Ora_pge COWlly In almost dally f<r8¥' over .. Ill" ~ lhretl months, comml!tlng' _.. o( 1o6i '!!th dlortless ~·Se. 'llie' r.liiier Colla ' MOia.1UlP Scbool stvdnt'a llobln Hoo<Htyl! 5'enture ·1n 'crlaie ' ..tied Monday; irD!m OetadlvJ Ari Cllurluu picked lllm up al f ' rii<n<(-. hl>me for ~uesllbnlng. , • A prior juvenile offender ""·'.I~ 'lhe d...,Ojllloo ol a boy the(t 111&1*<11 be rellll1Y &pilled 001 • tale ol what 11JUll be_ ... ol the -notablo ""r8)ary llPl'W In OrlJlp County blltory. ' 1 I' 11<1· session with the machine that prfse"es ber life costs them $800. Salesman Leoilacd Mazze bas p.it every Penny he owned and a lot more that· he could borrow lnto the·costly treatment of his daughter. "I don't care about that," he-said Tuesday, "but I am ~plY/ ,. gratef'ul . ~at these efforts are DelD8' made for SUsan. I haven't a hope of raising $40,oo> myself." Spearheading the campaign are the Kidney Found81ion of Orange COUnty and Temple Beth Sholom of . Orange Coonty. Tbe Kidney Foundation has undertaken to handle the liilue typing choce3 Iha! will praface the transplanlln( of a beallhy kidney Into SuaaJt'a body. Tl}e kjdney wJll come frorn1 a bodt (See TRAN!IPLAN'I'., Pqe I) Orang!! WUill.M' Quot b . tfie ,1 weatherman. \ ••There's a .50tPUCent•cliance of isolated. brief i sl\0Wer1 for Thursday." T.bil after a temp. erature drop to 53 along the coast. INSID.E, 'l'.OP&Y "You A~ would trv ,1 • bloodr m•l')itl' , in £onOoii if EliglaM mode 11011 1'tgiltft: 01 • . , an clieB • etJtr7f fear," clofml '•' . Briliaher who lloa\to _IJQ,11 II"\ Paa• I. -. ==' ..J _.,._ ... .......,. n . --. -. ......... ' J::.':"'""' ~n , .. <•• • -" AM~ M =-: ""'*-: ~ • i:; !' :;t-1.~ : ~,.,..,,,... . ---!!.!!!'-~ ;:;,;;,.;;:; .. -~ ·-. . ..,. ..... . .. --.. I \ l~· .. -----~-~-----......._..__ .... __ --··-__ ..._~~~·~· ~-~~_..L.. _________ ......... __________ _!!f:_ _______ _:: ____ .... . -·-..,., 1 I ... ....,, 2'. JM . • r-- edS Down 3 More Co'{>ters; Tet Truce Eyed ' ISAJGON (UPI) -CoommunlJt gn>lllld fh clowned three more Anierlcao bllleoplen ln South Vietnam, m!Utuy == llld lodoY. 'l!1e Viet CGOI they would obo<rve I truce ... the '!'ti boUday next month ml ~ Alllea Slld they had the propooal •"lnder conaideration." -'Ille ......... "' the~ bnilghl .U.S. 1ircralt ~ s1oce I.be oew yw Ji> 31. t.lilltuy llOOl"CU said the 1 ..... Jttt• heavy in ligb&. ol lhe limited extent of figblina aillce the first ol the year. ' Communis1 fOl"Cel have improved ID- * * * Hanoi Accuses :U.S. of Raids . North of DMZ PARIS {UPI) -North Vietnam ac- cused tbe United Statu today ol a~ llicklng target. just north of the ~mWtarlzed zone lo Vietnam, and allied en~ upregsed lean Hanoi would C.miilly ,.ject American plans to ~ the zone to ill ODCO neutral ..,. Radio Hanoi broadcast a foreign E. try atatement which said two .852 hen lliruck •lmany places" just nortb the D~ OD Swldoy, .Pn!viowlt llaDol. ;Charged Ba nldl Oii 11Jaralay 8l1d n;. f"y; tbe U.S. Sia¥ Departmenl 11111 ~ hntagoa -tbe charges. ~-Toby -filJ«I the ~ed raids moat. oerloat a¢b of war by the ~'"!l<:IJ!S'' aplmt North Vietnam since bomhl!!Jl .hlll .... declared Une · •~qo;-ll "1led the alleged raids "tb!lhtleu crimi" aDd said the-U.S. ..nimenl would bibeld ,..ponsllile, .lloif fhe Conununiit charges would eel llie Paris ~ 1'fS. not •known alliodoolflclall.JaY.OI' .au Immediato Jlc"'""''!''VI tbe • .jlOlllbUlll:'of restorlllg 9PJ.:a'.tbe best WO)' fll scalo cloWD , ~ . llUdl bai been coil , to ~ 'bat'..:hu not rejected it. v !Iii cilfic:Iali iW Ibey 1.;;.o, ,. rorniM ·l'O]OCUoo il-Tliind•i'• oesiiion. • U.S. and South VJetnamese negotiators meanwhil'e ccrnpleted what they called • "fleslble" stategy designed to JftVOlll de.adloet ln Thunday'a second Vletnam pitace meeting with the Communists. Allied diplomatic quarters said they were ready to discuss any problem the Viet Cong or North Vielnamttt might bring up around the round coo!erence .table in the old Hotel Majestic. The U.S. and South Vietnamese delegates indicated they hoped the Com· munilta: would agree to discuss military matter• fin:t, such as the reest.abli&hment of the demilitarized zone between Nortb and South Vietnam. From Page J MIDEAST ••. the Baghdad otreeta and that Syria had strongly protested the lncldenl The reported shooting emphasized the division within the Arab' Baathlst (Arab renaissance) party, the most cohesive poUUeal party in the Arab . world. Rivalries in the pany centenng on elements backing or opposing Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser have led to a seriea or politlcal convulsiom: 1n both Syria and Ira:t. The new tens.ion between Syria and Iraq coincided with Jtart of the new "spy l.riala" in Baghdad. Reports in Cairo said those on trial were "im- perialists" but Israeli officials said earner 60 to 6S Jews faced immediate trial on esplooage charges. "lmperiallst.s" could refer to any force seeking lo overthrow the Iraqi govern· ment of Premier Ahmed Hassan A1·Bakr ln the naUon that tw seen nothing but poUtical turmoil since the monarchy was overthrown in July. H151, and King Faisal ll was slaln. Pope Paul VJ warned today the hang- ing of 14 persons in Iraq "can perioosly exasperate the very delicate situation'' in the Middle Ea>!. I ' DAILY PILOT N•wpert IMdl H•arM,IM le•ll L....-..... ........,......, ·--' CAUIOINfA ~Gt: COASf PIJM..llMLllG CQllll'AN'I' Roli1rt N. W••' p~,;~t ..-.ii Publl~r J•\' It. C11rl1y \>(I l"ftliftft'I -G""' .. Ml,,.ttf n ...... ic ..... u ··-lkoMll A. M••p~i~• -·""" ,,..., P111I Nl11"' "fWfllllfl9 DI•""<*" (•11 M, .. , 11' WHI ..... St.1tl Nf"·-t &tt<~ 1'11 Ntol IU,... .... le¥tlf L.._ l1toell: ,,, ~I A-.....,...,.'°" ktotlll .. Siii '""" tla.lrcrall defenses around l ti e I r ltroogbolds ln SOuth Vietnam and have moved an entire blttaUou of aotialrtraJ'l -.... the Cambodian -rqi.., --cl Salgoo; tho .,.,,... oald. The Cmununlll Vlei Cong aonounced la a radio broadcast monitored ln Salgon they would oblate a Tet. or Lanar New Year, holiday ceasefire Feb. 15-22. Last year during Te~ the Communi!l>o called a truce, then launched their big- gest offensive ol the war agallllt South Vietnamese dtie&. A South Vleinlmao ~eam.ou uld that "because ol the lut Tet oUenslve'' Jt waa "too soon" to l.llDOUDCe the Umt and date for a Tit ctaadllo thla J08T. Be said any CIUdlrt "trlll not lilt long ll there la -.. Vice Praldent Nguyen C'ao Ky of South Vietnam uld le Parla Monday 111a ......-m!Pl docluo.a 11..-4&-hour truce. He sald any new Com- munist offensive woqld be crushed with "heavy losses.,. Spokesmen uid one cl the hell_. was shot dcwu TuOlday wblle 11'"11 rkannalssance oupport ror American 111- laalrymen who killed lt COmmunl&t lrool'9 they encircled 10 m1les ,..thnst "SalfM. A~ was downed lt mil•• aouthwe.t ol the nortbern city of Da Nang In th< same area where South Vlotoameae troope nported tJlling 19 Red lrool'9 'l'UeadOI'. ~ uld the other chopper ,... shot clo1l'n Monday in the Meton1 Delta about ~ miles southwest of SaJ.gon. '""'" crewmeo aboanl the helicopt.n were wounded. 'l'btre bate been 2S American bellcopter1 1bot dqwn l1nce the first of the year. Another elchl fi>ed-wlng alreraft have been loll. About !GO Communist -·~"" a !loath Vto-airborne ballallcln outpost !It miles northwm of Saigon Tuesday, mllltuy spol:eamen 1 • I d , followlnc up a mortar banage with a ground amult. 11le pa nmr.nt d:liera repulsed the attack klillng ti Communilu while sustalning "light" cuuatuea. American infantrymen opera.Ung with Navy rlttr patrol bo&tl uncovtred a lhne-too Communl&t weapom cadll ti miles southwest cl Saigon 'l'budq. 1pokeamen aald. tt wu tbt Slat suPft7 foomd In 1 tw .. moutb-long Anny-No')' river patrol openllon. U.S. cOIDlllUdm inappod a 111,.i aaaaull 10 mne. southwe.t of Sala<D today aplnll a Conu!>W>lst unlt encirelld in ....... " riot ........... 'l1't llalitUla started Moaday and 1pokeamen s!1d the resistance of the COmmwdat aoldltrs bad greatly decUned. The Red unit WU beUeved to have cont.alned aboat 100 meo origlnally. Third Case Pending Chancellor to Explain Firing of 2 UC{ Profs Chancellor Danlel Cl, Aldrlch Jr. 1NI to go btfore UC lrvine ltudentl tGday l!lld explain why he la flrtna two )'OWi( asaiJlaol prdouor1 ol Englllh. Aldrich made known Illa decl!lon Tuea- day to go ak>ng with recommended dtamlual ol Dr. Stephen A. Shapiro, 28, and Donald F. Brannan, 30. Then be called a meeting for today to uplain lo the campus why be did it The case tl a third as.si.stant professor, Dr. Geor(e W. Kell, of 1be history department. still ls under review. Studenl5 and facµlty have been waiting A1drich'1 declsJon for two months since the tbrtt uslltant profs faced with termination publicly defended themselvea winning CODJlderable campm: support. th• E!lili!h lllparlrn•nl inaioUoli11 syate!n while at the same ttme '*la& studenta to review that syllem. Bramwl -blrld IJndar. mdnnlty rogulaJ1ooa .nqulrlng 'bl "' ~ a doctoral degree wtlhlD two ,_., lie did not. Brannan has said his flrini is justified, although be crillclzes the promotion system. Kent, because be was higher up thtl ladder than Shapiro or Brannan and in line for tenure, is being glven the benefit of mort extensive review. Since his department recommendation wu given, his case b.u been reviewed by an oul!ide group of history professor• and is now being considered by the Academic Senate's Budget Committee. Kent has charged personal bias on the part or History Chaimwl Henry Meyer is behind the rt.cO""D""D1alioo !0< hiJ dismisoal. lJp There, Looking Down A1drlch'1 remarta today were not ex- pected to end the mailer. A group of 35 proleuors,_ ID p-adQ.ie llqdenta and seven ataff member& caillng themaelves the New Unlvenity Conference wu scheduled to hold a prep conference lmmedlatoly foUowlng the cbancellor'a comment&. Lagunan Guilty In Jail Escape ~rm nmo.1:1 from Sallla Ana River (foreground) _ eoijiael With surf oil rfver jetty in this aerial view. D""Pite cOol temperatures and debris·lilled water, surlm Imm HUDtington Beach and Newport Beach were oat in force Tuetday and today al river moulh, which lies between two cities. Muddy waler at this and other popular Orange Coast surfing spots didn't aeem to deter'wave riders. ISSUE STATEMENT Pilot CommuniCarnival From Page 1 DAMAGE ... They were prepared to issue 1 atal.e- ment calling far a moral«ium on all dismiaaals unUI serious questiOl'.ll about the faculty promoUon system cu be an.swered. Specifically, they want to know what criteria were used by senior English and history professors to evaluate their junior colleagues' teachlng perfonnance, and whether Shapiro, Brannon and Kent wen: given enough time to demonstrate ISCbolarly competence. A Laguna Beach man wbo joined 10 other inmates a year ago in 1 auccessfuJ mass escape from the old Orange County Jail v;as found guilty on esca~ chatie& Tuesday. ' Opens in Mesa Thursday $40 million damage and cost 45 li\'es. Osborne said damage to flood control channels was estimated at $1.4 million and thal outflow from Prado Dam, in- creased by U.S. Army Engineers, coold do $L3 millioo damage to Santa Ana River embankments. Superior C'ourt Judge William C. Spein ordered Paul Gilbtrt Diaz, also known ilS Da\·id Baker, 24, of 1834 Woodland Road, to return to his court Feb. 17 for sentencing. Diaz faces a possible prison term of up to 15 years on that count and another charge to which be earlier pleaded guilty -possession ol marijuana. Telephone company representatlvea and DAILY PILOT staff members be- came "roustabout.!" today as they began setting up CommuniCarnival at South Coast Plau.. The carnival of communlcation.s will open a three.day stand al lhl regional shopping center at I p.m. Thursday. It will be open from 1 to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday and 1 to I p.m. on Saturday. 'Ibe "carnival" centers . around two main elements. One Is Pacific Telephone Co.'s "giveaway in the round,'' a circu- lar stage from which operators will make a presentation every 30 minutes climaxed with the giveaway of a free long distance phone call to anywhere in the continental United States. Other major elemenb of the show wtll be a DAILY PILOT exhibit custom- mAde for CommuniCarnival and telling the story of how the DAILY Pllm nproduces ffiiil..stock market quotations each day as a~result of a "1%-minuie miracle." The dlspl~ will tie in with a phone company demonstration of Oatupeed machines which "talk" to each other coast to coast at the rate of I,050 wordl per minute. Other reader features of the DAILY PILOT also will be emphasized in the exhibit. Twenty prizes will be given away at the DA.IL Y PILOT exhibit. Winners need not be present for lhe drawing at approx· imately 6 p.m. Saturday to win them. Elmer J. Osterman, county fire warden, who became c:blef of disaster services during the weekend emergency. said the Josses in the mountain canyons might reach $1.8 million, not including road damage. County Road Chief A. S. Koch said five county roads were sUll closed Tues. day. They were Modjeska Can)'on, Rose Canyon, Culver Road at San Diego Wash, Black Star Canyon Road and Trabuco Canyon. Koch said tltree contractors had been hired to repair an estimated Sll0,000 damage to roadways. He said 100 trees fell on roads in the mowitain canyons. "In the eve.at these bulc questions are not answered, the chancellor must share reapomlh1llty lot the CODJequeuce> of atuden.t protuts that might occur," the.w.mentreadl. A atudenl group opp>slng the firings Is the Ad Hoc Committee f o r Reinstatement Dave Haaketl, one oC the leaden, aald 100 atudents met Mon- day nlght and decided to continue negotiation m.tead of demonstrating. The committeo also hu called for a moratorium on flrlnp:. Diaz: was cue ol 11 mm who greaud. their bodies and slid to fre.edom \l'la a ventilator abaft. He waa recaptured in ArfJ.ona two month! later. The LafUDa man wu awaitlng trial on the marljuana charges when he ~scaped. un1 ... Aldrich 1s persuaded otherwt..e. B . • R . R Brannao's contract will erpire In June Ml31D ejeCts 088 and Shapiro'& in June, 1970. Kent is r.commendedtwdlamissalmJune,1970. Laos Step Up Charges PLANS TO APPEAL Shapiro said today he plans an appeal LONDON (AP)-Britain today rejected to the Faculty Senate Committee on Soviet charges that the AmeriCIDI are From Page 1 Auto Plaut Closes -Privilege, Tenure and Ac.de 111 l c stepping up flgbtiug in Laos. 'Ille British Freedom. blamed North Vietnam. TRANSPLANT .. that will not be Identified until the transplant operation ha! been comp1"ted. There is, says Kidney Foundation director Ileen Ready, "no shortage of donors. We have a Ust or many people who have Indicated in their wills that they wish their vital organs lo be used for otben. "The only thing that collld prevent our using such an organ ti the evidence of any previously existina dllease," she said. "U the dead peno11 had ever suffereil from any kidney inrecUon then we woWd have to decline the donaUon." And ' Mrs. Ready hopes that her organization will 900l1 be able to rectify what abe de9crlbes as "'tbe horrible aituatkn" ln Susan'!' caM -the fact that the ailing girl was limiWid to 'dlalyai.J machinO be<a""' the only such O<juiPo ment was beld by a prlv1te hotplt.al "We hope to raise '30,000 that will buy four sucb machines for use In pJblic hospitals," Ible, said. ''With this equip- ment and the know how 111PPlled by the UCI School of Medlclhe we r;hould be able to cater for the kidney transplants of. the Juture." Heading th< drive for the flJlld# that will finance Susan''a operetion b a Hollywood stunt man who hopes the name of the show he warts for won't be COMlrueit aa a summation of bis dol1u-ralslng drive. Negr& 1thJete Lee Duncan dou most ol' the agony action for star Gre1 Morria of ••MJasSon: Impossible." He re a d of Suwl'• dUemma in a newipaper and brui>ediotoly offered ID raise the Jl0,000 needed for the vital llII'irJ'Y· 14' many or th< higl>Dyl111 ltthnlqueo he ondereoes for the clOlk and dagger television serle•, Duncan la oir to a flytna start -he has 11.000 pledied from Kt.or John Wayne and a furt.00' $2,000 from other cootrtbuton wllh his cam-onlf in Ila Wancy. •-We·U mate I~" grinned Duncan. "I've never m1aed a stunt ytt and thh Is one -I I Intend to pill off lo111 before Ibey alart the ........ Duncan Rid pop gn>JJll and ..,. tertainment 1llrl b.ave promised lb ·~ pear at the Anaheim Convention Centct on Ftb. 1& for a Mow ln ald of whnt Dunc111 blll1 u "The Big Forty." And several community and Villa Park High DETROIT (UPI) -The assembly line Academic ~eedom ia one or the issuea 1be move came in a fonnaJ ttpl.y to at Ford 1'.fotor Company's Dearborn he plans to raise, he sald. He claims the Soviet govt.rnment, following a assembly plant will be shut down for his dismisaa1 was precipitated by his School projects will further swell the three days In February because of invitaUon lo Black Panther Eldrldie statement by Forelp. Mlnlster Andrtl kitty for the popular senior, he said. overproduction of cars, a move similar Cleaver to teach aeulons of bis cla.5!. A. Gromyko calling on the United States Leonard Mazie walked to a press room to one announced Monday by Chrysler He contends Olancellor Aki.rich has to quit intervening in the Laotian kin&:· window as Tuesday's press c<1nference , .::Corp~;:· ============bee=n;:c;:au::gh::::l m;:· ;:a;:co=ntr;:a;:d;:lcli;:';:on=up'=ho;:l;:din;:' =g=d;:o;:m=on=V;:l;:.W=m;:';:s ;:w;:e;:st;:em=;:na;:n;:k;;. = broke up. Then he suddenly turned to 11 this writer, eyea mi.sty and said huskily: "You know, Susan's going to make It." From Page J THEFTS .•. towns, the boy told tnvestlgaton, he would park a car, borrowed from a buddy, l.J'I a quiet residential area, con- centrating on apartment complexes. Knocking to determine U anyooe was home, lbe a.mat.ear burglar would then try the front door, ru.r door or sliding glass p1tio entryway to see if he c<1uld get lnto Ute house. "He cenetall)r fOllDd one open." 11id capt. G.ta.sgow, ••A, nrely had to break in." · Occasfnoalty, tbe youth uplained, he had lo hunt for an unlocked window. "IJ• W~ld almost always look for call), g~g 81 ttUle u tlO, or sometimM up to $200," the captaln ex- plaln<d, adding that ono Costa Meu Job netted only $1 out of eight apartment units. "Sometimes he would take cameras and that type of thing and dispoae of them for cash at 5wap meets," Capt. Glasgow said. Money ran througb the six·foot., 145 pouM burglar's fingen like "ater, pOUC!: said, and -for a time -he found dollus just as plenUl\l.I as rlh>drops Jn the past two weeU. ''He got rid of it as fast as be got I"" C.pl Glasgow sald, spendlng much of the mone.y on friends who&c cars he borrowed for hil att.r«:bool bwll•ry lDlln. "U 1 friend neet!ed 1 Ur<, I'd buy him a Ure.'' dtlectJves quoted the Stnta Ana youth •s &Aylna. ~ QueslionJna ol !rlends who benentted by hi• wild generoalty Is continuing t<>- d1y, but c.oata. Mesa lnveaUgaton have JO far not cooferrtd with pollct In other clUes 11bout clearing up u n 1 o J v e d burglarle."I. an O OMEGA CONVENIENT TERMS 8ANKAMERICA~D MASTER CHAR6E ' I ~in her :Qeart on Valentine's Day 0 OMEGA -... ~ .............. .... J. C. J./umpkri.11d 'J11w11lr- 11n NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA l2 YEARS IN THE s;.ME LOCATION PHONE 541°HOI f ( I \ I ~ f I I • • Bon~&ington Beaeh . VOL 62, NO. 25, 4 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES .....,.oun Wet Thursday Guess What? 50% Chance of Rain Southern Californians, lulled by the promise of sunny skies alter a pair of devastating rainstorms, looked wearily out thelr windows Tuesday afternoon to find that "it was doing it agaln." More than a quarter lnCh of rain, dumped violently within an hour, assaulted the Orange Coast as the sun shone benevolenUy in the distance. And that's not an. cautioned the U.S. Weather Bmeau today. There's a 50 Admiral Says Pueblo Guns :Were Useless percent chance of more wet stuff Thurs- day afternoon. Tuesday's abbreviated stonn brought with it driving hail and bursts of light· ning, whlch struck four airborne planes. All proceeded to lbeir destinations and landed safely. There were no inJuriel. In Newport Beach, six more ebcalyptus trees fe.ll victim to the ra;tng ralM bringing lhe Iola! ol tr.es deatroyod COltlo MeM* N.--rt Betdl L..a-IN<fl ·--FCM,1111•11'1 V•ll.,. Weslml......,. SHI te.dl L191m1 L1J1u111 W11rld lrv!n1 Renell llllu,,_ Nl1111el Arwthelm Gird~ Grov1 $.on Clemen11• S1nl1 An.1 *-C:Oll• ""'"" -San frl)fTl Jlfl. 1. ,. .,.., ..... Leif,,, .» t.71 ... .fl t.14 Lfl .1S t.05 4..1' ..lD 10." LO .11 l.N !.12 .» 10,K S.•1 .JO lG.116 S.'1 .ll f.11$ '·"' .:ri t.» s.n .JS t.QS ... ,, ,J, U .9' S.tl .21 12.l• J.10 .2' I.ff .27 .... '·'' 5.12 cie.._,. fltVf'9 .. _ in the past week to more than 100. CORONADO (AP) -'1be admiral who There was, however, no flooding or major had operailooal control of the inlelli· accldenta reported. genca slUp Pueblo .aid Wedoeoday Its The lltest balcb ol rain yaa evenly two .5kaliber machineguns "did nol distributed aloog the Or~e eo..i. Costa appear &q me to provide it a signitlcaot Mesa rectrded · .35 1nches, Buattngton defense capability." . Beach, .30, Fountain Vall~y JB, Lgana _Rtar Adm. Frank . L. Jolmaoo, tom· Bead> .z and N,ewport Bo,ai:ll .i!. mander ol Naval FOrcef Japan when Tuesd'ay'• st«m wu a cold one from the Pueblo and her 83 men were cap-the .... ..+i. i....i .. ...i.... d to the tund, ..... aald he bad ~,...SU -.... -........ ll10W .... bis direct commOncl ·wttll 40 pro--·~•loot 1nal. In tloa bard bit Santa vide emergency supporl Barbara area. the snow U. dtCJppelt "J was not in favor ol anninl the to 1,000 feet. AGtRs (the Navy's deslgnatiaa for the 1be Wea~ Bureau aaid 'lbandQ''1 Pueblo-type intelligence ship)," JohMcn storm ~ follow ~ same pattern tcl4 1 Navy court of. inquiry. ''We had' f: Tu~)' s, but saM:t it was too early suceessfUlly carried out 16 mfllions In . predict whether it would product unarmed status and I COl1!idend Ibis similar Unmder and llgbtning. a aood basis for continuing tbl!I typo Total ata~lde damap from the rain of mission unarmed. ep~emic which began Jan. II ts now estimated at $138 mlllion. The death GUNS PROVOCATIVE toll from the stonrui was pbced at "I did oonsld<t 1hey (lhe """) might 96. well be provocat!Ve ••• I was concerned Tuesday Gov. Ronald Rtagu laared about the reaction to thi! armed status the damaged areas and mged the private , •• and the addition of two .51'.k:alibers sector of. the economy to spur reconstruc- did not appear to me to provide a Uoo through luod drives. ' significant defense capability." "There is an actual limit to what Johnson was the first witness after the government can do, and this is several days of closed hearings for a real tragedy," Reagan said. testimony about classified matte~~-.. Johnson said he was aware of cena1n communlcation difficulties" U.S. in- ttlligence ships ~ having with his headquarters in Japan. He aafd moun- tains on the islands of Japan made ii difficult to link radio frequencies. Q. Capt. William Newsomen, ~1 for the court: "Did you conslder thi.!I criUcal!" A. JohMon: "I did not consider it critical .. , There was no Instance that at any time this created a critical pro- blem in the cperations." The Pueblo's skipper, Cmdr. U~yd M. Bucher has said he was wor;1ed about problems with this commu~l~~ons link.up and. had "no confidence in 1t. GIVE ASSISTANCE To support intelligence m i s s I on s . Jobnson said he "requested that the FHth Air F~ provide aircraft assistance, a special alert cf aircraft on the runways, and that the ~mmander o[ the Seventh Fleet aSSlgn me a destroyer to remain about 30 miles diltance from the AGERS over the --· JolnllOll '8id the Air FOl<I ~ Teen Trio Plead Guilty to Drug Possession Rap Three teen-agers arrested and charged with possession of marijuana following a raid on a Los Alamitol houle have pleaded guilty to the d!arges in We-.i.ter Municipal Court. Douglas Keith Hagee aod llollald Louis Dewitt, both 18, and both of 10'/U Chestnut Sl have been ordertd to appe.ar in Superior Court Feb. 7 for sent.enclng. Diana Marie Kaeding, also 18, cf the Los Alamitos address was crdered to return to municipal court Feb. 19 for probation bearing and sentencing. Juvenile Court action la pendlna against two minon who wtre rnpt up In the same raid. A 16-1'V-old JOUlh WU charged with poaesalon ol mari- juana and a 15-year-old male com.parrlon ill aocmed ol _in, a awltchblade knHe, resisting arrest and being in 1 place where marijuana was used. EDltlON ORANG& couNT-f; cAUPORNIA . . OAIL Y l'ILOT l'tlotlllt ty Y., p..,_ MODJESKA CANYON RESIDENT; ISOLATED B"I' FLOODING, EVACUATEO • IN .BASKET Bridge Brought by Mairlnes ~·• Too Short .to Spin Torrent, So Wor1<1r1 Improvise Parents Chide School Board Over 2 Issues JJ TERllY OOVILLE DI ... Dtltr Pll1t It .. More than 'IO parenll came ~pared to allacl: tho ' lluntiaflon -alF School Distri~ Jloard. ol Trustees on two lrUlll Tueada;;nil!>I- .... opeo lht ~ In the Dwyer School library, Baard President Roger Anderaon looked It the crowd aDd aa.id, t•1t•1 unti!ual .to look oat and see so many smlling·fACt1." The prtinary batllefront 'concerned lhe diotrlct'a propc>sal to nritch sixth grade students fnto the tntermedlate schools wilh the 7th Ind Ith grades. School Superintendeol S.A. "Al" Mol· !ett explalned that the district felt lho 1Wilch might be tho best melhod to ease the ·distrfct's overcrowded classrooms next year. Several parents then stepped forward lo prot..t the ~I. Their primary oppoSiUon was that Ith grade students need Ibo stabilizing effect of elementary school. Most parents felt tt would not be a good idea to throw. the young 6th craders in with the older 7th and 8th grade students. Moffett pointed out that the alternative wu to build temporary cly.sroonis, which the dis1rlct did nol feel would be as educationally adequate for the youngsters. He added that the transfer was "still only a propoaa.1," and the district was "still listening to sugge.,Uons fron; the parents. n Board memben agreed that fw1her meetings on the subject should be held in order to be&r all views from the parents. The second batUeground was the (See PARENTS, Pa1< ll NEW·YORK (>\P)--'llle 11oet market closed mixed toaay as Wall strM con- tinued ttl wald>-and-wait •aUltude. (See qootatiom, Pages !!-:ts). Gainl -umbered 1ooaes but the Dow Jones Industrtal average wu off allghUy in late trading. I . MARINES ARRIVE WITH ' BRIDGE · FOR· MODJESKA All.EA By Land, By Air and Through· A· S.. of Mud New Spy Trials Hamper V.N. Mideast Peace Try By UNITED PREM INTEllNATIONAL United Nattona peace emay Gunnar V. Jarring hegan Big Faur lalb today on a aolutioo to lhe middle wt crlsi• lhe special alert, bu\ in at I-oae mstance for at least ooe intelligence mission off Shanghai the Seventh Fleet did not provide the destroyer I uked for. Woman Seriously Burned in Blaze Girl!' 17 !' Clings to Life J. Huntlng1no Beach WOUWI IUl!tnd Uni Ind ....,..i degre< boml ..,.. ID ,,.....t of tho -d. .... bod!' -her bathrobe caught .., On! earlJ lhl> ~-Neal, 40, of 310 151h St.. Apt. 7 was rushed to Huntington ln-~unlty Hospital st 7:40 a.m. todti,Y by fire department rtSCUe unit An unidentified neighbor e1tlngu1shed the names on Mrs. Neal's robe, \hen called pallet and rrre ofCicials ror emergency aid. . . Early today she was still 1n the emergency room ol the holpital. Hospllal o!fldals '8id aho ·would be admitted after tmeraeney treatment wu finished, ea... of the fire b.u no1 yet beeo detennlned. Hopes .to Become County's First Kidney Transplant By TOM llAlllZY Of -o.IJlt ,.. .. " ...,ii, JnmmilnC ...,. machine 11 the only lhlnl that -botlleea 17-yelll'<>ld su..n ~ ud ~ The bloode Villa Pm lll&ll . School girf w .. hooked up to Ibo COllly deYlce !or IO boon · Tueaday -It boars In which her infttted blood WIJ' t:l.tmed of the bact.eria wbkh today la liltvttably retwning to lbe former star athlete '• poisoned system. Susan unduloes the palnlest but ClC· ha~ day-loo(! -tm<ot twice a week at Pabn Harbor Hospital, Garden G""'•· She baa to H ber a.._ -kldDoya are to 1et ·the mnchanlcal aJd diat will kttp the OrlDI• "" a11 ... But SUWI went Into the boopltal'a • ' " --------- . ' ~·!· ~~·- ... -· Governor. UrgesN~on To Do Same· ' '· . Gov. Rooald Reagan Tueoday doclared Orange County a 1tate dbuter area· and sent a telegram to Pres.idea& NJxm; requesting that be also declare tbe COUDIT. a master area alOO.J wilh n .U...: Calilornta counties. --· Everett Blluard, chief of plan¢ng and opetati.ons In the Calilornia Dil&lter Of· fice in. Sacramento, said tbe aovernm= acted Jmmed!Bi.Jy on requ$ .I! the Oraoge Counly Board o! ~ · · SupervlJon were told Tu~·thal the nJoe.day rainltorm that ...W did .an eallmaled 110 miJllilll · in lhe COUblf, 1 A -rli!!.l'l!a!laY_-'"-,.,.._ .... lhat ...... damage would be - in the aolkoUed piountain areaa ol the countyi · . The dWiter area c!eolcnatlon will p,ave the way !er immediate actiop In repair- ing damage to roac¥, utlliliea aod bridges. The county de~ . mar. begin work wllhout advertialnl ·1or blda, · State and poalbly federal !uoda al.- will be available to rebuild roada and other public wocU. Offidals of the county aod Ila citie1,: Including. water ~lrlcta, ·wJJI · tt.imllo their ~.., l<r the Sllte ~ ~ In Loo AnaeJea 'l1uaadaJ. ' ' ' ;pra.ro D&nHin• !qt• Santa , """'' Jllvw • the county line w• cn\flted ,wlllt .• aaving the county !rem ....._ addJtJonal fiood damage by Flood Contr1i ....,._ IL Qeine·Oaborae. ·He told~ lbat llit-dam checked 1nllow al n,ooo eulllc 'lie! 1*r .aeociod, nOI lu:' lleJ9or lhe alMlma dlwtroul flood ol lill Wbno I 100,IGO da Jlow wu ,recorded. Thal · storu1 battered the county with $40 mlUJon d-g• and cost 4$ Jh:es. Osborne said -... le Oond ""'1rol channell wu elllmatecl at IU mllUoo and lhat outflow from PndO Dim, ta:. creased by U.S. Anny. Engbwn, eoW4 cl6 II.I mlJlloo damage to Santo Ana River embankments. Elmer J. Osterman, C011Dty fire warden, wbo becAmo chJaf of· diaallel: aervief.I during the weekend emergeQcy", aald the louu In the ,mountain -might reach $1.1 m.iWOD, not:·lncloding road damage. . :- 2 Armed BanditS'. Rob Food Store Two armec1· bandits walbd · Into a Weatmlmter lood atore .Tueoday. a1gbt aod uUd !or a pact o! clpreUel and all the money ln·the cub rq1aw., · ·AubNy ~ Liggett, a. clerk In the Stop aod Go market, l4f1 We8tnl&ialer Ave.; said the paJr left wtth '250 of &be store's money. · Liggett told poU.:. cme man apJl!')IChed him witb a small mni"'80tama.Ue ptstol. asked lor a pack ol clpnttes then aaid ••give me everytbing in the register." 1.iggett then said ht wu told to wait In the back of the -!or ten minulel or he wou1d ba aboC Police have no duea u to bow the pair ldl the-. they reported. Oru1e ' ' 1 j J I r ! 1. 1 • I , I' I \ Reds * * * Hanoi Accuses ·U.S. of Raids North of DMZ PARIS (UPI) -North Vi.tpam I C· cused the United States today of at· jacking largela jll!I """°' ol the ·~-IOllO ln Vlebuun, and ollied' . ;itlldal& apraoed !oars Hanoi ,...,Id · :Jormally reject American plans to ~ the zone. to its once neutral ji.tu1. -i: llldlo Hanoi broadcast ~ foreign : ~ ~ment whlch said two B52 -llombers struck "moey plllces" just north ,& ~ DMZ'oo ~. Prevlously Hanoi . ~ ml raldl .. 'llwndly and Fri· . ~: the U.S.. Sia .. Deportmenl and Ibo 'Peollgnn denied Jhe charges. t Todl:f m.oi ~ the alleged raids <'1111 lli!lll l<lloua acts ol war by the, . ~· aplml North Vietnam oJnce .. jlle ~I ball wu declared three. :~·~Il called the alleged raids ; ;. .. _ crln!e" and 1a1<f'UM! U.S.' -~woold be held ~ble. .r. lloY· m,~un!sl chargu .~ . ll!flcl ll>o aria !alb WU not blown : red Offtclall faYO!' an brunediate • llCIJMlon of the posslbWty of restoring· ·II>!! lime u the bell way to ocale down. . ll>e -lllnol baa been cool to tho -1 but baa not reJlcled H. TocJaY the -uld they feared a formal rojectlon 11 Tburedly'1 oesmon. U.S. and Sooth Vletzwneoe negoliltors meanwhile _,_ what they caDed a "fle:lible" statea designed to prevent deodlock In Tlmrwdly'1 oecond Vlebwn peoc1 meeting with the Cammunlats. Allied diplomatic quarters Aid they ...... ready to -an:r pn>bkm the Vlei Cong er North VI_.,_ mlghl brln( up around the rouDd eooleronce llble In the old Hold Majeotic. 1llo U .ii. I D d Sooth Vietnamese delqatts lndl<at.d they hoped the Com- IDllDim woold -to -mllitory matter• first, IUCh u the ....toblllhment of the demllltarl2ed zone between North and Sooth Vietnam. From Page I PARENTS •.• Pelenon Scbool11 Conummfcate to Edoea .. program lnvolvtng paronla and "8ebers In eveolnjJ dlleuB!l.... · Several paronla attended the board meeting beeluoe they thoogbt trumes planned to take 1ct1<11 against the volun- tory pregram. 'lbe board, however, explained that It was neutral on tbe subject and was not plann.lng any acUon on the program. 'Ibe Communicate to F.ducate idea I~ a voluntary program held in the evenings whereby parents and teachers who ao desire may &it down and talk with each other. Robert Landi, principal of Petmon School, aplained that everything WU done on a voluntlry bulo and the goal of the program was limply for .. all of ua to get together and wort for the t:ida." P..,vlaully, ........ hid charged lhlt the pn>gram wu really "llellllUvlty training'' but aD of the porents pnoent lllnJngly denied lh1I and defended It .. blgJlly benellclal DAllV PllOT O•AHGI CO.UT l'Ulll»llN'O t0Ml'ANY l•lt.rt N. 'Wttl 1"1'......,._. .. ..,,tlolr J.i• a. c •• 1 • .,-Vk.t P'fft..,.. .... Gftw•el M,,...,, '"•""'' k··~il ..... nt••• A. M,.,,1.;~, ~··i->.l~ ... 'W .•••• , Willl1111 "''' AJIOCl.lll HYfllH>tlOll ltKll E .. ..,. c1rv e11tw H•llltl ...... IHt•Offtw JOt Ith Sfr••f U1ili~t Al4r1n1 P.O. lt1 7t0, tJ,41 ---..,, ........ " le1t11: tt1 1 Wt1I lllbt'll I W ..... 11" (ol!f Mt .. ! »0 Wt1I 1 11 JITftl -•·I••~ lar A!nfrX,.. Jn. :::;.:·.;, =....i 11.=1eo ~ ""Jlal.,..; . ' A~ wat downed 19 mllt1 IOUIJIWetl of the northern city of Da Nani In tbe aame area wbe...P! South Vietnamese troops reported tilling: 29 Red troops Tuesday. Spatesmen said the other chopper WU ahot d9wn Mooday ln the Mekong Delta about as miles southwest of Saigon. 'Ibreo crewmen abqard the helicopters were wounded. 'Jhere have been 23 Ametlc.IA ~ .w -.... uio 11!.i " tl!o ,_. ~ 111111 IJnd"'1nl -111 .. been *-About 500 C<mmuntst tn>opo a-a Sooth vi. ........ airborne bottallon outpest &4 miles norlllwe.t of SaJcoo , Tuulay, mtlitory 1pokesmen •a Id, h>llowlng up • mortar banal• with • &round uaau!L The govtmment aoldJers ropulaed the attock kllUng ZI Communbts while IUltatning "light" cuuattlea. American Wanlrymen eperatlng wllh Navy river patrol boata uncovered a three-loo Communill wllpool taci>e ZI -::..::: II~ lf;e' loond Jn a w .. month-leng rlver patrol operaUon. U.S. eommanders mapped llllUll 10 mllea llOUtbwut toda,y agaJolf. Communist imll ln a region of rice paddles. stvted Monday and apokesmen resistance of the Communist hid greatly declliied. The Red believed to have eontallled a men erlginally. Nixon Consider Nuclear Treaty WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pn!sldent Nixon and his National Security Council (NSC) today threshed out the question of whether now ls 3;''approprlate" time lo press for te ratificaUon "Of a treaty to bar the s read or nuclear weapons. The nuclear non-proW aUon treaty was the only announced sub}ef;t 9n the agenda but the Whlte HOU!e dld not rule out possible NSC discussion of the growing tens.ion in the Middle East criais and other foreign problems. White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler was asked by reporters, "How would you characterize the Prement's attitude toward developments in the Mideast?" "I would not wut to characterize It," Ziegler replied • To further quesUom Ziegler referred report.rs to si... Deaprtment pro- nouncements on the situation. conference Saturday to R:ro In Middle East crisis. J3,ut fas events kept the problem on of the new President's list of fi policy priorJties. While the council wu meethJI State Department officials emp that the new administraUon di regard itself as being bound b principles laJd down by the Job ministration on the "Middle East. From Page 1 MIDEAST ... discusses the issues Saturday with Natlonal Security council. NiJon today with the council and it reported they d1scuMed the Middle llp There, Looking Down Secretary of Sia .. William P. Rogers expressed "deep concern" Tuesd-r over execution 1n Iraq of 14 alleged spies -Including nine Jews. Border incidents continued. A munique in Jerusalem aaid an soldier was killed an another serl wounded today when their car s a mine near the cease-fir! llne of the Dead Sea. In Jerusalem a bomb was removed harmlessly from the city's only Jewish shop in the walled city. Storm nmoH lrem Santa Ana River (foreground) collides wilb 111111 .oU river jetty Jn this aerial view. Despite cool temperatures and debrJs-filled water, •urfers lrem Huntington Beach and Newport Beach were out in force Tu.eaday and today at river mouth, which lies between two clUes. Muddy water at this and other popular Orange Coast surfing spots didn't seem to deter wave riders. Although It was not on the agenda either, the NSC presumably also discuas- ed a possible response to a Viet Cong announcement of a week-long Vietnam ceasefire during the Tet holidays. The regular NaUonal Security Co u n c i I members are Nixon, Secretary of Stat'e Rogers, Defense Sccre1ary Melvin R. Laird, Vice PresJdent Spiro T. Agnew and the Office of Emergency Planning Director George Llneeln. But olber top adviserl were also present at .the White House session. Beach Trnstees Pare Meeting To 36 Minutes It teet lrtut.el ol llmltlngton Belch Union High School Jllll SI minutes to zip through a DDIHXIOlrovenlll, normal .U. ogendl Tuesday Dllhl at WJn. tenburg High School -began the -· al 7:44 p.m. after ~ Rlcllard Wlljon ar· rived "'" to join 'l'rulloea John Bentley and ffl1mond Sebmltt. Dr. JO!epb Rlbal had already net111ed Jhe board be would not be present and ~ Matthew Weyum dldn~ mab It Tuesday. WllsoD nplatn.d that bec111ee of the belvy nlm the car be began with 1t Illa Watmlnmr liomo had to be replaced on the way by another Cl!' wblcb would keep operating In Jhe wow. Once at the meeting -.....tied with the m:Hement of ogroelnlJ to dele" all mol<r llarage •tails lnim the automotive laboratory room of the new Edison lllgb Sebool, thUJ 11vlng the laxpayen ...,. $3,~. It seems that the emphaai.s In automotive training these daya ls on tune-up and irruble lhootlng end Jess on overbauJ of motors. TrU!lees adjourned at 8:20 p.m. during a bea'Y downp<m of rain ootslde the small sclleel en Golden W .. t Street. Pilot CommuniCarnival Ope"flS in.Mesa Thursday Telephone company ?'eJftiR!lllUves 100 DAILY PILOT st.a.ff members be-came ''roultabouts" today u Ibey began lettin.< up Communlcarn!val at Sooth Cout Plaza. The cam!va1 of c:ommunleallool will open a three-day stand at the regional &bopping center at 1 p.m. Thursday. It will be open lrom I lo 9 p.m. Thundly and Frldly and I to I p.m. OD Salilrday. The "carntval" centen around two main elements. One is Pacific Telephone Co.'1 "giveaway in the round," a circu- lar stage from which operators will Hun.,tin. gton Boys make • pr ... n1au,. every 31) minu ... cllmu:ed wtth the giveaway of a free long distance phone call to anywhere in the continental United Siates. Following the council meeting, Nixon had a di" with Sena" Jelden on Capitol Hill for lunch and conversation -much as he did Monday on tbe House side. La .. r In the ar .. rnoee. be planned to visit the State Department for a meeting with Rogen and bP top atdeo. Nixon has scheduled a full-blown policy Golf Course Due Further Study Sought f 01' sv Other major elements of the show will be a DAILY PILOT exhibit custom· made for CommuniCarnival and telling A plan for a three-par golf coune Little League the story ol how the DAU..Y Pilm on the land prese.nUy med by the reproduces fiDat steek market quotlUons Amerlenn Utile League In Westminster each day as a result of a "12-minuie nigb Boys -n the ogeo of I and 12 miracle." caused the City Council Tuadly . t Jiving In the orea boonded by Beach The dioplly will tie Jn with a phone to loss the prepooed $4.%7 million bond Boulevard. tbe Santa Ana River. Adams eompany demonstration of Dataspeed issue proposal. back at the administrative Avenue and tbe ocean tn Huntington machines which "talk" to each other st.ail for further C011!lideration. Beach are Invited to sign up this week· coast to coast at the rate of 1,050 words Dick Whittenberg, president of end for the SUn View LitUe League. per minute. American LlUle League, objected to The Foreign Minlslry tdentlfled wounded diplomat as Abdel Karim bagh, political attache at the S Embassy in the Iraqi capital. It he was shot while riding in a car the Baghdad streets and lhll Syria slro!lgly protest.d the Jncidenl The n!port.d shoottng emphasized division within the Arab Baatbiat ( renaissance) party, the most co poUUcal party to the Arab Rivalries in the parfy cent.ring elements backing or opposing Egyp President Gamal Abdel Nasser have 1 to a aeries of political eonvulJjona both Syria and Iraq. The new tension between Syria a Iraq CO;inclded. with start of the "spy trials" Jn Baghdad. Reports Cairo said those on trial were "I pcrialists" but Israeli officials earlier 60 to 65 Jews faced Imme trial on espionage charges. "Imperialists" could refer to any r seeking to overthrow the Iraqi cov ment of Premier Ahmed Hassan Al- in the nation that has seen no but political turmoil !Ince the monarc was overthrown In July, 1958, and · Faisal D Wal slain. Pope Paul VI warned today lhe Ing of lf persons In Iraq "can perious exasperate the very delicate situati in the Middle East. Regi.!tration will be at Le Bard School Other reader features cf "the D.All.. Y locating the course next to Westmin.$er from nooo to z p.m. th!> we<kend end PILOT also will he emphasiud In the High Scheel where the boys Jn Illa league Bob Hope Respondin oo Feb. a and 9. Boys must have a exhibit. play ball. parent with them and have proof er Twenty prizes will be given away at National Llttle League President Jack HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Doctors aa birthdate. the DAILY PILOT exhibit. Winners need Seymour, however, urged the council comedian Bob Hope has respond Also regi!tering this weekend Is the not be present for the drawing at approx· to go ahead with calling an election satisfactorily to treatment to chec Oceanview Pony League. Boys 13 and imately 6 p.m. Saturday to win them. to ra1se funds for the golf course. hemorrhaging in his left eye. II con register Saturdly lrom 9 a.m. io J;==='=::i:===='======================='===='==== 4. p.m.. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Pony.COit Field at Los Patos Drive and Bolsa Chica Street. RegistraUon fee is $15 and boys must have a birth certificate. From Page I • TRANSPLANT •• that will not be ldentifieci until the tra"'1!lanl operation has ~n completed. Tbett la. aays Kidney FoundaUon director. Ileen Ready, t•no shortage of dooors. We have a list of many people who hive lndkatld Jn their wW. that they -their "1111 orgllllll to be used for othen. "The only thing tho! could rreveot Store w Pay For Black Yule? A Huntington Beaoh lamlly'1 block Cbrlstm,u micy cost Bullock's, Pasadena, mor-. than 110,000 II the family wins !betr laWIUIL '11\al'• the amount o! dam.age that .. apJedlng Christmu eordl• oll•gedly lnflk1fd <II their home It 1M01 0wnneJ Lane, eiatm Vlnc<nl B. and Mllrjorie B. Rub In 1 Super1or Court eomplalnl The action lilts Fedenot.d lleputmenl S-Inc .. conln>llen of Jhe BuJleek'I cbain, u defendants. The !Who "'" that they booghl the -candle Oft Dee. 23, lllM and lit lt on that d1t.e. In • lot Jess thin S4 houri, the candle "emitted IJ"!llt •nd copkw qua.nUUa of smoke and aoot and the Cindie holder lrlciured ... !llmogt to the """"' and lumllhJnp b let 11 $1,taL And the RtJbl point out, In cJaJmJng lurther dam.,.. ol '1IOO. that theY had to leave their home for 30 dlyL our using such an organ is the evidence of any previously eilsting disease," she saJd. "ll the dead person had ever suifered from any kidney infection then we would have to decline the donation." And Mn. Ready bopes that her crganlution wiB IOOD be able lo recU!y what abe d..mbes u "the borrlb" situation" In Susan's case -the ract that_1bLJjllng girl was limited to dialysis machine because tbe only such equip- ment was held by 1 private bospll.11. "We hope to raJse $30,000 that win buy four such machines for use in public hospitals," she said. ''Wilh this equip- ment and the know how supplied by the UCI School of Medl clne we should be able to cater for the kidney traMpluts of the future." Headlng the drive for the funds that will flnAnce SUaan's operation b a Hollywood stunt min who bopel the name of the ahow be worts f<r wcn't be construed u a aummatlcm ol bl.1 dollar-ral!l.ng drive. Negro athlete Lee Duncan dou molt of the agony ecUon for star Greg Monis of "MWlon : lmpoulble." He r c lJ d of Susan's dllemma in a newspaper and lmmeclialdy offered to raise the '40.000 ne«led foe the vllll IUfJUY. Ukt m1111 of the blgb-llyilli techniques he tmdergon: for the cloak and dauer tele'i'Ulon series, Duncan Is off lo 1 flyl111 •llrt -be baa lt,000 pledged from actor John Wayne and a further $1,000 from other coatributor1 wJth his campaign only in Its ln!ancy. • On y, I t• • D The lrue preclou1neu ol a en 1ne s ay ... eoOmegawotoh•t1,. , • h love that II upreun. Say 1t wit Eve.,0mog1wtt<h undergoes muhlpi. an O OMEGA ·--...10- tlmetcteplng dependabMlt)'. You e11n bl sure the 0meg1 rou gtve or ,ecelvlll this V1lenllne'1 pay wHI become a proud Uletl!M potleMlon. -- Thi gift ol an Om9ga walch wllr b9 nimemberad •YllY minute, every hour. •very day. Combining ,.,.. beauty and aqcur1cy, each Omega wt.ch niftectl the aupertii design end techna1 sklll1 ol hftnestSwlM orartwMn. s.. ciur _ ... _ "'"'--tllto ... flOOD. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERJCARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. ..J/ump/,,,.ie~ 'Jeweler ' 182! NEWPORT AYE., COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION f on Valentine's l>ay 0 OMEGA PHONE 141-1401 • I Thea~r Notes f • ; , <.:F antasticks,' 'Biogtaphy' f!p~ning By TOM Tll\JS ~ .. O.tllY ..... ·~ one of the mo1t, .successful "pocket lized" muaicall ol the sixties lakes the llage of Long Beach'• Fonun XI Theater thla ·weekend, while the Santa ·Ana Community Players open Wtd-, January 29, 1969 DAILY PJ(OT rV WEEKJi ells it Li ~e It'll .be . ' 21· " theJr pniductloo of an English dr1wln1 room ·comedy, CAIL Y f"ILOT $left ~ '"Best in Support " Patty Neederroan accepts the DAILY PILOT's Dis· · ··· tinguisbed Performance Award as best suppo rting ·:'.actress in Orange County community theater for ·' 1968 from entertainment editor Tom Titus. The ·~,Laguna Beach actress was honored (or her per- • • 1:,,formance in "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs" ~ ~-·at the Costa ~1esa Civic Playhouse. :,~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- (!:::'Picnic' Cast Listed . ". I ;·:By Fullerton Group ' . .-. I .~ .\ The Fullerton Footlighters ' ·1.~have announced the cast !or I· :~.their next production. William i ·r."~nge's "Picnic," which will f open Feb. 21 for a three- ·~eelcend r1q1. ; Burt \Varner, a veteran ; Jl erf o rmer witti th t Westminster .Communi t y Theater, will take the lead role of the drifter, H31. Mary Lynn Shea iS cast as the beautiful Madge, while Sandy Edgerton will play , her tcen- aged sister Millie. CornPleting the • Fullerton cast are Henry Saari, Diana Bass, Harriet Dasher. Jan Duncan, William J. Feeney, Carol Mooney and Janice Lewinson. The romantiC drama '\viii be presented at the Muckenthaler -Center, 119 Bueo'a Vista Drive, Fullerton, on Fridays , and Saturdays through March 8. L e e Hollenbeck, who staged "Night of the Iguana" for the Footlighters la:i' season, is directing. ... Ireland Theater Bans DPlay on Hammarskjold £} DUBLIN, Jreland (AP) - · ~.tfrle ·Abbey Theater has re- ~:cted a play which contends .}Fat Dag Hammarskjold ac- quiesced in the murder or _.fr.emier Patrice Lumurnba. fl -The play,'' Mu r de rou s ""J\ngels," is by Dr. Conor Cruise O'Brien, an Irishman ~ho w a s Hammarskjold's t epr esentative in the Congo's atanga Province a f t e r Lumumba was murdered there. The play deals with the death of Lumumba and other events ln tbe Congo prior to Hammarskjold's death in a plane crash in September 1961. Phil O'Kelly, the Abbey Theater's general manager, said the play "was not found suitable. One reason was that it required a number or Negro actors." Crossword Puzzle ACROSS .J Kin1d1 of ...... " •J Young Mlm al 9 The afore· :t_ Slid ~Thal land ~ king 15 Accessory seed c'ovtrln9 16 "That's what 2 words 17--and -..1; Eve '18 -· ~:._ Exprtss ! 'J Fr. r..r: novellst -Zil Htrolc ~\..narratives 2, Ore~nlan ,.~ or British .. Col umbl1n ~Magician's ·' word 26 Was bias· , Phtmous 27 Essential ''" 29 Mr. Came)' 30 Mist!!': Yiddish 31 Munl tlcenct 37 Skin blemish 38 Quick as 2 wo1ds 39 Do certain nttdlewcrk •O Stimulalt 41 Unas piraled consonant 42 English novellst: 2 words 44 Three: It. 45 Malt animal 411 Chlnlc 47 -gra ss 49 Change 53 N.Y. wattr way : 2 words 57 U.A.R. penlnsul1 58 Engllsh coins 59 John, in Wales 61 Fix 112 5. Amer. Indians 61 Capture 64 Being: Sp. 115 Clothing mad e cf ribb t'd fabric 611 Kf llt'd 67 St«ling : Abbr. DOWN 1129/69 7 Units of 37 Mort prlnllng fr rqu tntly 8 Insect killer than not: 9 O•flect 2 words 10 Rlvtr of 40 Bel's n111e FrMCt 42 Cc ftt 115111111 bean mountain C3 Go•I pocl 45 Cessation 12 Fork part from 13 Rlvrr lo activity lht Baltlc 47 Ten 21 Bird 48 Qutbtc polltfclan: 50 Conc emln!l 23 C1n. un iversity I lnlonn1I 51 "La 25 Gold: Sp.. Pl ume dt I Hold flrmly 28 Bistros ma-" 2 Hlohwry 30 Kind of defeat 52 Duck pafrol 31 If not 53 Ua/estlc devlct 32 Part of 54 Wtsltrn 3 Iii en ta I reiire-"to be" U .s. city smtatlon 31 Ontario city 55 Encreased: 4 Pwt. to 34 Pitcher· Abbr. a city of 35 Part cf a -56 Champlaln, Syria golf ccurst t .g, 5 Summit 311 John, In 60 --· ti Lin t'd up ' ScoUand Brunswick The muslcat b "The Fan- wtlcti,'' a lighthearted look 1 at young love: and parental pressure which rewrote at· tendanCe recOrds boUt in its off Broad'!•Y debut -and Its recent Los Angeles engage- ment. The comedy is "Biography,'' a tale of a modern sophisticate and the two men in her Ille. ~ Corbin is directing for the Santa Ana theater. Ruth Gabler, an award win- ner last season for-her performance in "Barefoot in the Park," takl):s the leading role of Marion Frou d e . Playing opposite her are Lee Howington as Richard Kurt and William Carden as Sen, Leander Nolan. Al.,L Dltva.lll nAI'* -. At ''II' ' .... GM. ... 12 flat -A ,n-.1.\~~,.,r, PAULO ·---.. ...... 1t.0...111endltl ,.., Allwlht t . H.wanl V. IH111•v1 "THE CHAltGll OF THIE LIGMT a111.:..t.OI" e Ctllw Sttvt Mc:C-11 "'TH! THOMAS CltOWM ONN Af 7:11 SHOIT SUIJICTI 71ao fUTU~I l:to Others in the Santa Ana cast are Betty McClure, Bud· dy Fort, Robert Solis, Gail Chudacoff and H o w a rd Glasser. The play run s Fridays and Saturday s through Feb. IS at the Players Theater. 1020 W. 8th St.. Santa Ana, with tickets available by calling 541-2188. Al"l".iJI" e Ct1or ---'Ill • • • A Huntington Beach actor and actress, Dan Terry and Carol Greenberg, play the young lovers in Forum Xi's "Fanlasticks," also ()pening Friday for a four-weekend run. Completing the cast'' are Ray .Raymond, Ron Brody, Dante O'Eramo, Philip Richards, Vince Trani and Lynn Bourne. Eddy Ceres is directing the musical comedy. "The Fantasticks," which includes the 'popular tunes "Try to Remember'' and "]'°'" Fiix$ouTH coasT COUil PLAZA THEATRE COflPORAJIOll 'San Dle&o Fl'ffWaJ at Bristol • 546-2712 2 PERF. ON SATURDAY AT 12:30. 2:30 SUNDAY ONLY AT 12:30 ALL SEATS SOc GRAND REOPENING • • • DINING ROOM Costa Mesa Golf & C.C. FEBRUARY 14·15·16 VALUE DINING TUISDAT thni SUNDAY-l:JO • 10 P.M. SUNDAY BRUNCH CHAMPA6Nl IUFFIT 1701 Gi>lf Course Dr. Behind F1irvlew Hospltal 11 :JO • J :JO P.M. Co1t1 Mes• 540-7200 j ·~~· ALSO· lt1C0111'"9 ...... 1"1r A4~1hl Now YO.. c,n llnlt\I II In En<Gllthl "A MAN AND A WOMAN" ll:hC!ldl Fl~ml1>11 e COLOll e "IUN FOi TOUI WIP:l" t11e-rnesa T, 3~· . · F ·','.-,~ . .:-w A ~~,·21nf...,,_ nts NEV/PORT J\ND HARBOR IN (OS rA ~AESA lELEPHONE 541•1552 FOi INFORMATION HELD OVER ANOTHER HAPPY WEEK "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRIGHT This is a picture of the . perfect. emb~lerl Peter Ustinov. Maggie Smith Karl Malden "Hot Mllllons" AIM AIM Chrl1tlM '9ffllre l elt N-h•rf -~=two FIRST RUN SLEEPER_S __ In. s11 • ., Stem 1 P.M. Contl11111i11 S.t, •IMI 51111. fro111 2 P.M. Tr1vor Htw1r1' V•r1111• R.d'!'"' -ALSO PLAYING- "ATTACK,ED ON !RON COAST"' with lr11d ''i'''' ShoW Tu ... , Fob. 4 Ono Night Only .,,""ll'IOCf'' ~TION PICT~ 1"'341!.~ STEREO SENSATIONI The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Isl and. Newport Beach '"'::r:!Sf ~bi No. 1-The Daily Pilot AT THE ENTRANC! TO LIDO ISLE Pilotte 6n.uso -ALSO- Micha.l TODD's Al\6' 'f1illi. ~1'1iB I ~ " · c.m11n.u T!CHHICOlO"' 1011n nmr ..... " ... ,. .......... ~ •r.•~Y AW•'~1 mwirr ••• wn _ 1.-. S••• Stcrts 6:45 Cont. s~11. fro'" J p.111. Positively Ends , Tuesday-Held Over THEMO•T BB.KUTJPUL LOVE 8TORY EVER! lhhl•I• ... !Muncommon~ ______ ........ , " ' A BEAUTIFUL FILM"-n,. N•w Yoritot :'!.c GRAND PRIZE WINNER ~1""""c.,...::....:.: J 9,66 CANNES ALM FESTIVAL "FROGMEN" -AH 5em. ~ . SPECIAL SATURDAY P.T.A. MATtNlli-12'311 ---·----·--·-- ' , , ,I ,, DAI. y "1.0T LEGAL NO'l1CE LEGAL NOTICE -· fO,,ICIAl, IE"All JOVat GrlY Not!wY PllblloC1l~l1 l'tlftclilOll otflc:t Jn Or-CWnty MY Commlstlcfl Eulrn Mlrdl u. '"' CH) (3) ENAED ELECT .. OMl(S, INC .. •1 w. '"" s1 .. 1. ec.att Mtu, C1llfomC.. WITNE$S lh Ill"" t!tlo l lo1 d•v 9' J•rlllVf'· lNt. ENAEO ELECTll.Ot.ilC1. INC. B,. J•me F. °"'"' ...... 1c1rn1 !ly $,,.. Twlld'ltll S1cm1ry/Tr._.,. ATAT1! 01" CALll"ORNIA COUNTY OF OltAHGE )u Oii """ 11•1 t11Y vt J1~uv,, A.O. ,,.., bffrort PM, • NOl•rr Pullllc In •"" fer M id eo...nty .,... lhlhl, __,.I,, "-""' JAMES I". DEANE '"" IUE rwrrt:Ht:l.L. k-to "" to bl "'-""'9ldMt • " d StcAl.,.,fTrMtUrw, ·-~· .i "" ~1111'1 ""' ~ * wfffll11 .....,,,,,,.flt 1r1 Wlttf d "" ~flan tlMrtilt ... ,.,,,..,,, Ind de t1•1•• to""' l!\tl Wdl ~""' .._,,..,. Ml w ..... IOPrK'IAL SE4LJ -""" ...... ~~ Pr!MIP91 Qflkll '" °''""' OiMliY My CorNnlt&lofl Eu1-~ '"""" IAMot.n ... •ot•• -&.-tll ..._,. WflA ·--,. ---"' ""' l htt ............ ~*'' , ... ,t .......... Or...., eo..t o.ll, P11ft. ;.,,,,.., 29 ... ~ J. IL lt, -...... The Or1119e Coast's Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE ---' ....... 642-4321 Jhett's Only--One .. Y Otlr Money's Worth \ Sewing Surge Beats Boom of '50s By SYLVIA POllTER For Anna.Marie'• 17th bJ:rth.. da,y 1 couple of wteb •10, her mother onfered a prUenl of 1 new wardrobe: afternoon d~. dinner dress, pants 8uil, shirt, sweater, all to be selected by her at the store of he.r cholce. I was tucked tnto a corner chair U1 my friend's living roon1 when Me annou~ed the genaous present and I turned eagerly to see her daughter's responst. "Thanks, Mom," said she. .. but do me a favor, huh? Out.side of the !W~ter, use all the money you expect to spend on the clothes t.o buy me the materials Wtead. I'll make. what ( want. Yoo buy the fabrics becaU!t y o u always spend more than J would. Thanks." "BUT ANNA·MARIE, tt's your birthday," protest~ my friend. "I want you to use your time studing, not sewing for your present."' ••Mom, please do like I aay,'' LEGAL NO'l1CE Pllol, 156""6' Who Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'? was the answer. "I'll come out with much better cloO!es than I would buy 1n any store and l'll end up with a lot more to wear too." In the silenct that followed, J told mysell "Wow! If Anna· !\!arle is at all typical, the saga of home sewing has soared f:tr beyond what It was when l spotted and reported the comeback at Its start years ago. Better chec.lt." SO, I HAVE checked ond it's "wow" Indeed. -Between 42 and 44 ml!Uon women and girls are now in- volved In making apparel 11 home. About 8S percent or all teen-ag_e girls sew more than 82 million items a year. -In 1968, it's estimaled that more than 600 million pieces of apparel -not in- cluding home furnishings - were .sewn at home. This is one-third or all the dresses, coals, suit.., slips and blouses produced in factories. Since 1950, the nwnber of garments sewn at home bas risen by 5tl percent. -SINGER calcult,.. U..... are more I.ban 32 nUWon sew- ing machilles In home use with 2 million ne" machloes being added each year. More than 55 percent of the machine ow11ers are und~r the age or «). -Retail fabric sales -a direct rellectJon of home sew- ing, of course -are slal.ed to hit $2 billion t.hl3 year, up $200 millior over 18. In addition, more than $400 million in salex will be generated in the sale of sew- ing notions such as thread, buttons, rippers and pln1. As many as 17,000 outlets now sell fabrics. -Pattern sales also are heading for a new peak at $225 million in 1969 with abollt 22,000 ouUel.9· selling the pat· terns at an average price of 68 cents each. ENOUGH. The centuries-old home sewing story has been completely rewritten in our land in recent years. The boom knows oo boundaries - Ct<>SW all lncom< Covell (An- na-Marte'1 family is wealthy), all age catlgories, aU regions, au color and tthnlc groups. Why? Thia must be mucb more than another d~U­ yourself offshoot, and It ls. Actually, UM o'ver-the-counter fabrics buslnels decUncd dur- ing the do-it·yourself "era ol lhe. early '50s. Anna-Marie hit two of the key point.; herself, She can save as much as 50 cents oul oI every $1 spent on clothes by making the apparel herse.U. And if she is at all competent, she can gel far superior workmanship. What's more, both these foctors are likely to beCO!llt more im~ port.ant tn coming years. Labor and other production costs are zooming -oa lop of the rising costs on the fabrics and notions themselves. And in our tight labor markel, a significant improvement in workmanship seems an idle dream. ANOTHER FACTOR is that home sewing has turned from ' , ... L•-I a "squan" lo an 'in" r'1!:' tlvtty. When I cbeektid, J found J!C1 Jiii thal the percentAge of sewers -.miiu:·~ 8JUO"" adult women I "n<nvt~"'~1111 .» ... AJ ., ... Is close lo the as ~ (~ l ... among teenagers., with :J:)t" c.;_ sewing in order t.o ttproduce :~ 1J1 at acceptable cost the creation 1o.. 1~1e1 of a hlghatyle de 1 i I n e r . Alcef\AAI ~·~, MeanwhUen the tlme Jag ~ 11t1 <:,.. betnvlrtua.llyellmlnated ""t. between high style ready-to-~ wear and Ute patterns. ..,.."' : · Still another factor is the .., 11 ;ll a '"'-"·-. tr 1A w y UJOC" pa...,g u cornparues A ;.o 1 ,., • are aggre&!ively educating A ~ youngsters in home sewing. A .111 Simplicity alonl!,.for Instance, tfjiJ. will reach more than 5 million ~ :;!,. school girls, I million 4-H Club ~~ i members and countless adults ...,,:i:..1r '{., ·~ with a steady flow or free t:i~~ \ aids this year. A::: a C•~ J:: A final not~: although only !~",:, ~~' 17, Anna-Marie worked hard"'"•"" 1 . .0 for the Democrats last fall . !:ir0~~' ·~ Sald she as she le rt the room : !~Ci,: t~ "You wouldn 't have been !~o&!i,:V~, surprised if llumphrey had !~11...:'·r~ been elected. Mrs, Humphrey A Erik• 1.so1 makes almost all her own!~~· Pl~ clothes!" :m: ,:Jo Ml HOIO .tt 1 ........ ..,., ............ .,..,.., ..... ..,,.,.1.....,..lnvst t.10 Huntington Harbour OVER THE COUNTER ~~Flf 1~ Am Mo!Ofl AmH~tc11 2 Am t.i~ I Am Phcll .6l<i ARnrcfl .:lie "'" St11 1 Am Siil!> 11'1 " Smft JI ~o Am•o"''' 10 NASO Li1ting1 for Tu•1d1y, J anuary 28, 1969 Helm Taken by Taguei-,_-,.-.~ ----*-..... -,--... --.-·-·· ...... ~. ·~·. Pl"lul .. nil fo(iu.t nTlll w m1111t111P. ITll rkHwll • Clmmluil!I. r,1 AmS.Ofr ln.70 Am Sid I AmS•lf al4 1~ A"' SttorU •& A !><Jg1r 1 611 Elmer Tague is taking over as top-man at the J~untington Harbour Corp. m a r i n a development in Huntington Beach, oUiciats of Christiana Oil Co., developers of the pr~ ject, announced today. Don Byrnes, former vice president of sales, has been moved up to the number two position in Huntington Harbour Corp. as the com- pany's head of operations. Christiana board chaU'man Jules Berman announced that Tague has bttn appointed vice president in charge or opera- tions and Byrnes will report directly to llim. Tague also will retain his title as treasurer of Chris- tiana. In his new position he succeeds Christiana Pre.5ident Martin Fenton who wil! direct hil execuUve ac t ivit ies towar d s Christiana's ac· quisition programs. Tague has been a member of Christiana since June, 1967. Previously he was with the Tavares Companies or La Jolla for nearly ten years. The executive realignment is a reflection of Christiana 's largest expansion in history according to Berman. lnclud· ed in lhat expansion was purchase of an I.800 acre slle in San Diego which will be developed tbls year as a total planned community project, TAKES NO. 1 SPOT Christian•'' T•gue NEW VllRK ·IAPl Colon Sir :11111 31'4 HurM p lfU 151'> Pl\1111>1 G lU\~ ~s ~~i.si.,::.?2·~ -TN totlo<Jolno bid !mmor 6$11> 61Vi H~an :u JI Pf\olo~ Inc 2$ 26 Jim T• r •1~ Incl l lke<I <111011· om Cle1r ]J•;, ll !!)ell Toy l"lih 311 PIC1 Pd• R-o I Am TOO 1 90 1ran1,, JUPPli.d I)~ om G11 U \'r is Ill( Proo 11•.1• 17-11. Pl•O NG 22 tt'l':I ........ ww~, ·1~ 11111 1'111.-r AlltCICI-omw Tel )I 31 1110 G•W 1""' '1'4 Plllktrtn ~· ot9'" AWWSpf (25 t_llon of S.CUrllln omp A 1 1'i/o l11fr1red 19 10 Planr HG 241Ao 24Y, "W n•f'f 1'15 °"lira, 111<:.. ,,.. mplr Ind SO .U 111t9k Wsh lJV. 11\lo Pl Cltlle ,.,._ """ Am ZltM: . riot 1cl1111I fflllUC· ~P Miil 10 12 1111 MIU 2SY.o 26\':o Porltr HI( 3'1>,1, ls:\11 Ametlk 11 11ont bill ..,,.. rft>-lomr I 1:t.1. 111 Nclf 19 20 Pl'ft"fon o t'hclO Amf11ctnc IO rtfffli.1tvr, 1111.,. on II.act n ll 1111 Svs :nv. lJ'll Pro Golf 21 11Vl AMK Cp Jo duler Pf' cell 11 ol on Como 12"4 ll Int Sys flf :Xl\l•V. j" !ibS. NH ~ ll AMI( Cp WI 11111rc.dm1!9l't' 3 tontr1ld lO\'o 11 1111 T-1-Alo sYt 115 NM 27\'o :Ml AMP llK 4 l>l'l'I .. 111 wflldl ,..,.._ -L 22 n lntnt 5tt 2 P HC1rv 16\.':o 0 Amoex coia Malrltitt COlllO rc1mptn ll'h 3"\li lollies Inc; 3' ll\li Pull1$n. 11 32V. 3314 Am11M 2,"11 Mv1 tJe.t.n Pl/r· rou Ce l2 Jli j• SIUIH ll(A P,,rtpe.t f t'Wo Am .. lll'IC 1t dlllsed fnl<ed) Ill' l'\lldl R• 1'¥> 1~' dK FL 7\lo IV. Pvrltv Sh' l 4V. 16 A"'concl 1'.50 Miid (W.,J. f~-Ylftl C lt 211V. Jat.C1Ul11 C 14 15'h POw C.110 111M'o 11'1. Alld'IHG "1:t11 OHier l'!'llrllttt ::J:I' C 11\6 11 Jim Wit 31 >f Putnl..,. ll"li 11¥> And c11r 1'.10 ~ ~ho o.I! ... 1S " J~ 11V. !.:IW. II.Id °"""' .. .. ~ .. aim. ou1 !toe div. Pr1C.S D1111 Y Md 17'lll 11'4 J,,_rg M -Ml'> Rlll!bl El ~ lMI. APCGOll L~ • l'ICll Ll\C:lude 0111 Dtstll :u 'l5 Jiffy Fell ~ ,..., ll•vcl'lm "" :M A<IUI Chim .1'111111 -rt.UP, OIVI! Fd t• 14 .. Kl lMI' $1 62 ,3 11.IYmd CP '5of 3$ Afch0.11 1,60 markdown or r;am. DIV Mir 2t :JO !lllff pf 21V. 22'4 ll«QO Eci 7'11 n ArlzPubSvc I m1s1lo11, Olmr Ind I~ 17l/o 1tv1r 212 2:20 m1u Cr 31\IJ ..a At llm os '10 Ml c~r 17 1t Oelu~t Ch .0 '3 enm & T 1' :/l'li. Rltly S!k 11\la 211\11 Armco Sit 's Acrn. E ls 16 Dllh[ AP1t ' ~ I<• lwood 1• 71 ROICIW !It SI 59 Annwt 1 60 Ao;m1 VRf 4l> .cl Ott~ TIY ?% 2~ l(e1,1f & E 21V. 29'1o llot>tol11 M 31r 3S A""r Ill ·, 7f A01m II.us !'9'4 JOV. Oet C1nT lt l fl/o keves Fib 2lVo 2• RO'<' Cfll• 1214 ll Arm Ck l ~ A FHOIP 30 31 ~ ln!Br 221:. 2l KtYsl Cu '-\'I.I 41 R°"'Ou P IS\lo M\/o ArmC-pl3 75· AG F0041 ~ 6' 01 .... Crv 301'> 31\4 KtYll PC 121Ji 13'A. ll.1111 Slov 39V. 41 AitmR ti li.o Air (...:I ll ll"" Olveti• 11\lo 18 Kl119 El 16'1• 17~0 !:dlltr 11"" tJV. Aro ~lll'P ·90 Alrl)rn FQI 19 \9~ Oot:ut1I lO 3'I kll'IQ II.id 2JV. 24\IJ lur11 Alr 2~ 26'tl . · Aleo Sid U "• lol\.':o Dolly Mad 39V, SOV. ll;lng5g1 Pr lllo l1'~ cem 1"51 ?61n V V. Alvoft Ind ! Allco LO ITVr l!'h OowJones 112 115 Kl'>IO Vogl :r2V. l3'1J mn!1111El12\'. 1 '41111<!011 1.10 AJll!O Btv 10111 1 \t 0oYlf OB :1111i 2'V. kore ltl'> 20 c1 CO<l1r\ 39 00 A.~•1 0D!1 . .0 Alll!O P~ 11 11 Drew Nan 'j U':. LMI(:• 31 31 c Como 11\o 1\1 ,,., rrw AllO Aoro 1 W, Oun lr10 ' '3V. L...llllOI I" I~ l!Pii I Ind 11\lo 11'.4 Ano 0G I XI Allie<! £<1 12\ls 131~ Dunkin O ,.,_, ~ L...llnt 'Nd 14\lo lll'o coif IM 51\~ 60 Alo<IS!>; I.~ A!Pn Geo ll 261'1 Ourl•lll'f )31'1 15 t:rs Ind ll 14 (OPS H 301'> ;!1\lo AnaTre" ·-Am Old V. 3'V. g W G JV. IOV. 11'1 Ca-I ...:. 1V. S<.rlPIO A 1\.\1, 11 AIMKlnv 1.• AmEI Lft 15\!o 16~ can Lib •1 ~ Ltisur"-G 6t n !:irlt Ill 1p,i, ltllo Alchii.an 1.40 Am E•l'r 70 70V. ~b SU 2Sl'o 21"" LeYift Tit 20 ll 00 lne 26 21 AICllll "' .so Am Furn !Da 1~ IOuc Sv1 UV. l V. Le'fl'lf BF ~ llo 11 Cm1 41V. "21'> Ar!CiYEf 1.:JO Am GrH• ~o ,, I Paso Et 14\IJ 1m Lib E"'lilll 2'lt'I 25\IJ Sl<!uov•ll ....... AU RICl'I l.IO Am Hfrll lS 16 I Nllt 2:M ll Liiiy 77 )II'! vfn UlJ Si 55 1111.ldltd w! Am lnMO 5l It ltc!CllY 7J\IJ O':i l.ObllW 1 1\.'i !Oil J ]1\/o :Jt\lt AllRdl pU,7$ A MIMI 1111;, I lfrom11 llV. J.,Y, Lott Cindy lt 15 NII "41 51 Am Pio. 2l'M 2' Ei: C1p 35 3t LYfl(ll C 41 .U t_ H 7b\.fo 77'4 All Rldl OI I AmSt Gob f t'h E c sv1 9 10 MllcroOt R :u ~11 F 1nto tm A11Rldl pf wl AmSI G pf jl 15 E: 01111 o'3 "5 Ma.I G I! ..... ! PIP 2d 21 Allis Ch .IO lie sa·id. Anello• C11 1\lo j' 11 Mo011I 11~ l~ ~or.le 11 1~ N G 1~ 1m All•• c.-. Allllelllll' 691• 0\4 moS 0 I :tWJ 16\IJ Ml RllY ~ 1~ Wf. lN 111/o Allis Cp ¢ Other executive changes ln-~~1'}1 filh 1:"" :rric", 11.' 1r.l: 1~ ~'='A ,t°,J? I 'E::iE G~• ~ ~ ~~';:'~:! -~ """Hr' ~1V. """" E<1ultv OJI 21 2' Mllrlon L 54 W I v 1'V. 20YI AU1Sl>lcil' 6iii elude the appoinbnent of E. Art ~ 11v. 11"" I'" Ttcfl 2.S\4 » M Brower 311'1 YI ~ 1m 2014 Autcmtn irw:1 Arl"O# Sj 57 1terlln •1~ ll'ili MO ShloO 30\IJ ~ 13\lt 14 Avco CJ> 120 C. Mowe.r as head or Chris-~°t 11o1 ~·4 i,m F~~e<;,0• li~ \J :!:~ ~c 31~ ~ R10tst ~h. n.,. ::~ l>flr.0·'°:n l. • I d d ve\opment Au•t lit 1' 24'1' f"HC1 ..,, u 60 MCQUIV :w :» -Screw 3l\.lo 315V. Avnet nc ·'° 1ana S a 0 e AU1o Fire 30 :r2 F11!1 lln 7~~ TV! Medic H 3J Jli llftH f.IS 3" 3' AYOll PO 1'60 operations. Mower hu been :~:.;!1 1}1,, 1~ ~~"%..111 1~"'1li M:=r C•P 1~'C. ~~ ~~.~ ~ ff~ ft~ · AVM CP 17•. 11\lt FdfkK Co lat 113 Mldllx m ._ SullOI FOi I~ 1~ ll1bd; w 1 l6 vice president and general Atltc Oil ln'I II'~ FU Ml~ 2S~ 2Po MIO-I GT ,1 :n SJ.Ibo FO \JV. 15"' B1krOllT "&11 Babbit! nv, 20\lo Fii RrPCp 1ov. liRO Miii ROY ~s B j•moa~ 173 177 Bill GE 1·60 manager 0( Lake Arrowhead 1111ro At 7.1\lo 14\io Fst 5'1\Bus 1G\'I 111'> MF." Gas :M 'iii 1119er 11 30 Ba1Gp1a ii so B~~er ..... 17~. 11\lt FM we,IF 614 , .... M SS •VIG 2'"" I.:. t·-11 ••Ii< Sll'4 Ba!I (; pf t• Oevelopmen' Corporalion lhe B11 Paint JOV. 1~ Fll1hl Sal 1~ 29' MO 11.ocl'I t>.O. 10"" 11lw Fr 1~ 16\o Ba1W1Punt 60 B~""lck 12VI 2J\IJ FooOF 0111 6~ 7 Mo111n R 37V> 31\IJ j•Ylot w 61 l''" ll•noP pl; llavllss ~ 101 FOil C.rnt :M'ili 2S'6 Monm Pk U'I' 16V. I• Am5ul lt I BarbOll l 10! past seven years. B•oc .,,., 3S J.ji Fotl>du" 6 6'lit ~ po ll iJ:v. Th1rm Ak 11!4 11 81n:1 CR · 75 llelllen Mr 21\4 'l'1 Fr1n(fld 12~ lS • Moo", S lJ'llo """ Thrrt Dn11 ss SI.I'> llatlc inc '10 Dale Robinson , executive e.1~ 1$1e 1•t1o H'ili Fr1n1c1 c1 1511o M Motdl M 1m 16"1\ r111env n111 3'1'4 e111c DI iso llrlm Ind 16¥.t 111'1 Fir.It! Eloc tt\iio \I> Motor Club 15'4 UIAI tlln 16\!o 16'ti Riffs M'9. · tant to Tague has been lle•1n H ll lt\'I 1<r1nt Mnt " 1 Nln'"ll c J711t J11.t rans Cit 6"" 71'1 eath Ind aSSIS ' Betz [Al) 49 50 Fr!ll;\ Rtv 11~ I~ N (hmu:l'I ~ ~14 r11\S GN 21 21\lo 111111 Ind of S designated head of Chris-Bev 61\ter ~\Ii 45 1<1111v"" 10 10'/i Nit G&O ··~ 101.lt. Tr1nsp M lS'li. 16\11 Bairscfllb to lllllul>f W 11,,_ ln':i Garllntl :'O 21 Na'! SKRe ll:W. 11\IJ Trlco Pd #a"" 3.IV, Bixtrlib '11 Blrtchr "" 10 Al•(lfllcs ... ..... N JHatG 27\lt v.... llf;lon co u 15"1. BNrin~ , tiana's accounting operations. Bird s... .s1 54 ~sue uv. 1M1i NE"9 GE ''"' n"' j•tc111r fl'h e1v111cc• 'so Bl1c1< His !914 .. 0ev1c .. ' 6'lit Nlcl'lltn F 411'/s "2 Unit.; " t7 llHI Fdt 1.1? 00 PS WE G 0 OFE I ' ~Jo :m Ji~ ;r~~if.': J~ ~~ E:t.~ •• fo'.: llS tl:-1:1,~~ ~:::, lffii::~ 1i ' . ~f~: rl: l: 11~,~~b f ffe ~i:~1 11: iE ~!0~~:~il11~ l~f:?L! Brown Ar 11 111 Gr1P11 on 1•YI 2!YI NwPub S11 H"" 2S\li U ~'n.t 50 51 BllfllhCo 1.60 Brush B.,. 36 J6" e;,.p11 cl 100 103 Nuclt R•ll «> Up PtnP 111'11i 29Vi Benell• 1.60 llucktye l0\4 31!/o GIW11ll 111 J.4\li lSIA. Olllo W11 '4 lS\lt Utah COM -461'> .l!,, 11.nOI~ Df J C:11 Wit SvlJ 231'1 Grft'n Mt 11*-lt\!o OD! Sc•~ 11511t Ul1ll Shld t\lt ..-ll_,Fl11 1.60 WHO EXPECTED ALL THIS RAIN ". ~::::.'.:. M 1, 'H &~r~z .. " ,11 .~ gr1:ri, ~~ ~~ :::.;•i:, lo'(;~~ •1:::i' .:ll:ll r Cannon 11 7 GJ"O¥t Pr. ll'h l?'tl Over1 NA ••llt SS'Ao Vltrv Am J111> 38\IJ ffll!Y•I Cao t ntA J<Wo J V. Grwllt rnn 34\/J J.6 Ol<Y Cl! Ulll 17\11 V WOOdWd 17¥.t 231'> Bt!!!IUtt Jn Caoll So.., 2:M ,, (;u••d Ch '"" 10 .... P•bSI Br 'JV.. t1v. W.ad,11 ll67 69 BerktY Pl'IO Exces s Inventory l s Piling Up so .. . FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY1 BEGINNING' TODAY - 1. REG. $1850 NOW .ONLY 2. REG, $895 NOW ONLY CALL NOW HUGE 200 SQ. FT. ROOM ADDITION l11ch1dl ... : "'-' e hnnlh • 11 .. f'ri11n C•111pffftfy W.....,. Pr...t W•lle e C111t1n1 Slob1 Plus: Complete Insulated Roof '1195°0 DELUXE ROOM SIZE PATIO h1cl11dh11: Pllrltl • r.n.tlf'I e llH Prt nh •INSULATIO ROOP• Plus: Complete Screen in FULL PRICE '595°0 ~~~~E PAY JUST $3.50 PER WEEK 546-9973 OR 894-4441 CALIFORNIA PATIO SUPPLY Now World 's larg~st Manufacturer PAY NOTHING TILL JUNE! SEE DISPLAY MODEL 7691 WESTMINSTER AVE .. WESTMI NST ER CHI ?•Ch '~ lll't Guidi Tell 4" s Pie Autms 3\IJ W10W'lll p lJ\!J lS II~ (M• Carlt Bl 151111~ Gvll 1"1 l:W. l•V. Pac r1F•El .&.I W Rt10, 15\\o 16 II . Sri 1,60 ~ •• NGas lJ\.':o 11~ GYtoavnt IS ""' P1nat.ol '!'"' " W1tlll H lf1,lo lt'.11 !I Tflr ... 60 11' VI PS 1ll'I :UV. H1m Cooc :11 ,.iqo Pl\OWY 011 1 v. 14!.4 WISll NG 21'1) 111'1 BleckOll: 1.29 nm L"'" """ 22111 Hl<'lll VOii .,.,.. !"" P1uier, p """ 11 Wit Trmt lJ\11 14\11 Bllu L.utt 1 CMS Ulil 19 20 Htnovrr 5 " l PtWI. 16 11111 Wtbll R•• 16\'J 11\/o 81\tl Btl! 1.50 Chrl'll S 1-M U1 Htvtn tnd l \11 !"' P D!~LlCI 11>,1, IJ'ili WetOI"' 15V. 16\lt llolltllt I'" ~llrlll pf Ill 1U Hrllo Air l!'h I .... Pl E"lllll 1.-""' Wflllrtll M '°"".:) Bwing .10 !11<1el ''°' lOV. Htru·-.tn I" 41 0 P1 G&W )t ll W1ln Mtg.e 1;'o Olli Bo!ICtt .Ub llll U!A ?IV. :11" Holm EP 9J 105 PEC. l•r•tt 11\IJ 11V. Wit" SalH 26 27 lloolstC p!J..tO 1111 UIB 2114 21\1, Hoo.w Jl1" l11' Pttrleu T 11 """ Wl'IQ Wflls lN ll'AI lond Sir. 1 ~ltyff Pd l•V. lS'M Houil f lt ~ 51' ' Iii.I W•WI '"" Wll\llblVO •s " a-Miii 1.» -----------· -·-~ l1vtn Cp 6._ 71'1 Hull !lay JjYlc2SV. Ptlrlt St ••VI ISV. Wist PL 24\IJ 1•1Jto BorvW1r 1.!S IJnll>r'I O ?•~ ~ HuO PP A \lo 37\lt p,tro!I .. .,., '™ WkNI E~ 8'h N Bomi1nP .M Cl-411 ., Huool Git 1• 17 PllRO!I ol 11 11 WylndCI 17'111 21'~ Bns Edis 'tot C01rme11 E 9 f~ H\OQOI PO 71 75 Phil Svb 2l'Ao 1" P1n:l E!..e t f\11 aost __ Mt Cp BottMtCO pt -wa;;;.•ue ea• -Wl1 Mutual Funds A @;t:M g~...,'W'A1r'io l rl1osSt j • rid My 1.10 R~..t!,M~ • .:'i1 !lwvti• Pl .. r Bkl'llnUG l.IJ !lrowtt Ca -11,,,...11 Ca pt '"iXi'+"•~ :QI! 1 IB""" Sh1'11 1 BwnSlloe 1.50 J 1•. lt CnlrY C111 IS.S4 16.to t11vtSI Gr0111> Ph!le 15.77 17.lt Bru..,wicll NEW YORK {API '"'"'" w 1.21 f,06 MUI 11.U 11.11 PllQd m !111 n .n Buck'llflt 1.10 -TM tal-1119 QU. 6-V"9h M 01.56 11.56 ~lccl< 12 1111 ! Piiot f _ ... 10.J:I Bu<YE• l.:'O ~~~1i.:."f':::.o:r. R!.C:~.~ l'1:'1l a.~1~ ~.~c~IY ;,~ l~·g; ~~: H.;: ll:~ !~ ~~~~ s lllon pl S«:ur!lfft p;i!!\ Tr , I 10. nv ll.~111 6 2' •.H Pl1n l~v IS.tt 11.U 0uo9 I · Otlltfl, Inc. ~ ~v Sl'll" (.00 •. 11~! 1!.ll'}'l,n Prlc. TR 25.lt25.l9 eu1f"F" ·"', ;;::..-1cn ~--:r1lft •~:r...,.h 111 1l:~ 1l:fi1 i't;:::nl 1&:fl ~J~ ~~:v1on1 1 ~:~ l}:~ Bu1crv1,~~ could ....,, bee" ''·*' 16. 1 ntln n .11 n .11 Purl!•n 11.n 13.21 luM ·~ .. r:r:~~i1~:~.11ht ~~r.~ ,•r:1s' 'l·" r:,ta'le"~~~l.SI p~':rr' Fu~"·~ l~rrf..,,"",.i:Io !~ !, .. Grwrtl H , 1 .'1 C1111 II! 21.9' 11... Geo<11 16.6l 11.16 y,.,..y · Abrr~ 'll Income J. I.~ Cui B4 ID.U\'·"" Gr111 11.9014.10 urr"WG 1. ... ,,..1.ers · 111~11 Sot<l•I l,,t•17.42 Cu• kl t.4t j ·51 i11COm ,.ffl0.19 B0~~Unvs~ Afllll•ITd !"' .,.01 ' S1'Ql:.1< 16.&J 11,:rt Cus IQ '{! .:Ill lnVHI .77 f.$8 ~· ... AH A...., "f SJ !'Ott"11 11.ll 1176 Cui!' 12. f&.IO Vl1!1 1 .M 15.17 AlpM 1 :;51~:u ~rt! 1 .-o 11.7• s;us t 2. i11• Rto Ttdt .... ':ff'*' '°' 60 ~~ ·!I ~·ft ,~~1':e 11J:..!~~~1 C~ H ;:ff : =::...~ 1~:::1t!. ~1 Flnanf AITI lfl 1t"291):14 ClllliY 11 .llU.IO Pollt!o •. 2' . Sdout.'9f' 11.5l:IO.,, 111111'°:' ·7'! A ·~ g 11 avll Giii %1.lS t•.• ICnldo.l:> t .6' S<.\ldlllr t.1Fnch: mirfl~ .~-~ 1'" , • 11 :n 1MW 11.11 1L)1 l(i,ldt Git! 1j·" \" !"' '"" 11.1111.ts ...... ""'sp 1,10 Am Mui 10 lj u Yer.I 111 10.?. 11.'1 Lrld"9'1 1 .21 l. oecl d .U .ll,36 "" Brw ... Am NGW J J "et .>:lllOI' 'lt. 30,:U LP: Ilse!! ll.57 2t.g 1111 1&.5' 16.5-1 II tac l AmPH U ..... in 1lr1<1 15. 01t,11 llblrl'r !,,, t. Com SI 11.t1ll.tt dn lllac, 1~j Atdlor ~· FrmllMul ll.14 11.1• Lilt Sii! _ff j· orv 16.U U.(1 1na &ii C•o 10;, 11.SO l"t!CI Grltl 'j-7117,'ll LUe Inv .•I . EQull 4.n 5.1' •niereoc 1 Gr'#lll 117$1&.16 Fltl C•P 1 5'U.1i ll..a t,:1310.2'1 Inv t .2'10.IC • 1 Inv 10:1, 11.11 Fld FYncl 11.U lt.t4 Lootnll S1~1oo!s FOi~ • "'" ll.l7 l2.JO :nr~ lo"° Fd LIIV I' j• jU Flo Trrw:l H .&S ll.14 Cll'lftd .Q.U G.1• !>KS lt.31 ?l.jl 'Zt.Oii S Anoc:le!O ·' .n F n.1te:l11 P""'rm: C10U ll.6013.~ 11m1 17.•t IJ. 1 :gPlt l u AMI Houohlan: F:'""~ i·" t.... My! 16.•I 16, 1 !!II II 10.00 10.f~ '11T& T i• Fu...:r A f•!':I 10,'3 nO'U~I .If 6.01 M1"hht J·s t. W ln""I 10," 11.:U ltDldl i '° Fund. I n 112' P!COM .lJ t .11 M8n "'"" 1 . , •.• , • l"Y U .?57.tO Bn'lt Cp' 1 ~Tqc~ t11 "31 !'' lnGlll l~i..i 11." MIU Ctll 11. '!·" rFrm e.111 •. ., '·"' "" :.., 1j S<.J CD 1:0 :11 11 lnSI~ ,1g.:UIJ.l' ~I Tr 1 . I .tt llM SI 54.llOSS.llO arrG1t j.)21 Bf-t ,11 ·ij &. Myll'L 11 H lj . .S Ml~\ 10.M 1t1om1n Fos: ¥1tfW . .0. Blut II.id 14.ffll. F NI! lt1 ,M Ml"'-rs 27,2i!7.23 ,.Ill Ind S.'317.tl -JI . &o!tOJI" l-«I 'f, I' Ce• u ..... 11 McOon II U 7 V Elduc t .1110.11 •it Pl Al u eot• s"' 11·• 11 F 11 Fo l'll.ll .. MlllA M\rt ,,i I~ i... 1.u 1.• nec-r " l!Ollltn .d I'· 1 fll Gr!> •.II ·~ -. <o \~· 1 . 3 St 11 Rot f,,.n!lt: Mllwlriv llrOIO SI ILQ lj1 FnO L f I:~ I Mclol!'t'·1 II rn· 21.?J12j> t1•rTr 1,7' !ullOC~ 16,JJ J • I FOUnd91'1 t.1S 10. #oOrl-fy : nll 16.IJ l•. I ...,.;., G Fd 10~ 11 4 Four.oi 13,,.. •.t l Grwtll ll. 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'1.5-1 -.0 ~Fd C1~ 1..11 t U ,1, • orw•11 !ff ••I >ltd;• -i•ll $1~ !Oflll.n .. 1 '"' ... ,..,..-l'l"'t.J 1""""" ' : ,.,. " "'M II" I ~ ...,, " • ' • ,, "' "i! ff• ;;;.;;; '\'' • omSI '" .fl t 10 1-iur"'" _,. , Nl'I W"'I '·JI .I lllCOfll I 1,H llMll>:t ~ _,,. "' If r..rim .1' '· N_., JD :11.Jt Sp! $11 10. 11.IO _,, '• CH"" ILN!1tt IG1h t•I 1. """" l\M\1ff"'•"'•SUOI•" ,,, ....... rv 1 ,O'K(ll'T1 1.a1,n 111"' ·" s.2 "'-tfor ~nJO •llO•bl io 4111.• ..... , .. '"v .. 1 ID t •mo Cit 10Mlt5H!"f0Wlo:L 11~116 41'1td &.11 6 ... '1edl• Mal sroo. 10, 'l·a mD Giit 'j .. e'~ I I •7 ., tnof>t t 10 1·"1 Mm•ln ... lwt111 Atll I ft nc Fnd 1•. I U ottl" II ,11 llll,., 3"6' .lt 1e "'1111 t o j·!f j· "' l'al 1. t.~ "llDh 10 11 11u N11111 '~ ll.~ u a """V~' ,,.. :L,, 1 °': ·!.! :=i"r..., 11· 11•:; ~": 1; c 1: z~~~ 111, ltH ""-°"lo.; omo ~d II tJ 11 U MJl•l' • IVmS U It I Nrl! Ind It t'~ · ems"' Un1vir, fn\81< '11< ~!'I'll• I 1.itll Yf\.1¥111 ""i.-"11 13 jj IO" , ,'"s..!'1• cf!.f'.OrO 110ij'• ln .. C1>.\ 111111.ff ~~"' •M I0,.111"1'.l•M l'O 71~1 II ,r -111'1 l)llO 'iJ nv Guld 10.lSf!' PrnnS'I t6t •&tw1,.,,11td 11t.5.11 !>IM•'•"•'•"• Of'"'11Po\'11J 61 11Vl~(ll( llJO . l'tJ MYI 'n'~ll /t Oll\{o;ofl 110 1",... on~ Ir< 11 )S li ".._I !toe• 1 U 1 ) A 1' 1 tului Nori!\ t iJ 7t Ill ~'1)( I ·A· a.• ... , 1.-..1 Hid L ... 0. O.· -e- t -W edneMlay's . Oosing Prices -I Complete New I • • \ __ ... __ - York Stock Exchange List . ' 1 .... 1 l!ll• '* c• o.. .... ... IH) OAILY Pl~T JI# , .. , .... L#QltCM, w• , lillf I I Men in Service Kaller, a five-year old male German Shepherd, presented to the U.S. Air Foree by fteb. ble L Slal>ble, 2857 Ellesme1', Costa Mesa, b !el'Vlng with the U!rd Security Police Squadron, Pleilcu AB, Viet-nam. The dog bas been assigned for .action in VJetnam for the past IO months. He serves with Airman 1.C. James Rec. tor of. Jacbooville, Fla . . . Airman Thnodiy C. Bryant, aon of Mr. and ~frs. Charles S. Bryant of 1919 Kaual Place, Costa Mesa, will remain at Sheppard AFB, where l>e has just graduated rrom the Air Force Technical school, for further training. The airman, a medical services specialist, is a graduate ol Costa Mesa High School and attended t b e UnivertityofC a I i f ornJ a, Irvine and Los Angeles. . Maj. Bernard C. JoDCS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Jones cf SlO Ave. East San Juan, San Clemente, air operations officer at Hickam A F B , Hawaii, has helped bis unit earn the U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. The 61st Wing has won lhe award five times. II has more than 8 0 0, 0 O O accident-free flying hours during the past 13 years. I n terior Communications Electrician Fireman Appren. Aadtony F. Roe, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roe of 552 Temple Hills, Laguna Beach is serving abou:d the guided ~ile frigate USS William V. Pratt, deployed tn the Mediterranean as flagship for Commander, Destroyer Squadron eight. Lt. Richard E. Leonard Jr., 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leonard or 2 4 O Sherwood Place, Costa Mesa, has been assigned to the Americal Division's 1 z 3rd Aviation Battalion near Qiu Lai, Vietnam. The lieutenant is an aviator. Pvt. IC. Terry Pit. Noah, 19, son of Mrs. Mae Hunter of 571 JoaM St., Costa Mesa, has been assigned to the 11th Amored Calvary Regiment, Vietnam. Pvt. t.C. Gary T. Hatlderlin, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoelderlin of 2518 Lehigh Plaoe, Costa Mesa has been usigned to the lst Logistical Command near Long Binh, I Vietnam, u a clerk-typist. .Ainnan Mlchae L Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Morpn of 3142 Sharon Lane, Costa Mesa, completed ba!le training at Lackland AFB, Tes.. He will remain at Lackland for training as • security policeman. Ainnan Jon A. Longerbone, son of Mrs. Martha L. Longerbone of 1597 Redlands Place, Cosla l\1esa has been assigned to Keesler AFB. Miss. for training in the com- munications field. The airman attended UCLA be.fore en- tering the service. Airman Larry W. l.aley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Les1Q, of 1062 Bonita St., Tustin, compleled b a s i c training at Lackland AFB, Tex. and has been assigned to Chanute AFB , Ill. for training in metalworking. The airman is a 1967 graduate of Tustin H i g h School. Fire C o n t r o I Technician Seaman Rebert L K.ronqalsl., USN, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Larry L Kronquisl al 121 Wavt St., Laguna Beach. has hem •board tbe g u i d e d mJaile light cruiser USS Providence, returned to San Diego, after 1 two year deployment in Vietnam. Rlcbard E. Cr1ne, ABE.AA, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Crane of 940 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, has been U$igned to advanced technical IC:hool in New Jersey. cnne will be instructed 1n arrating gear and t h e -,WL He served aboard the llllS Randolph, Ill aircrlll ~' naw In Boston tor c1ecc»1111dllionl.ng, MW completion al the -. ... upects lo be npaUftl to an aircraft ear· rler el Qoomel PoinL Rhode llbnd. kl F.tlc 0. Mlilmberi. son ol \fr. aod Mrs. Clarence Malmber'I o1. t:U1 Tahili Cir· c1o, 11un11n&140 lleJ>ch. >n ....... ~ IPld•lllt, bas been 111"""41 lo Andnn AFB, Md. 'lllo ..... JI I .,U.ale at llualinlllDa Bed lligh School. • e UJL11'11St .. c:...M..a Sii 1C...-,C.. .... e 11141 ...... A,.,•Lt .. 8aJ I nlO ;;I 1e.tw ..... ..... etu1a11-••• .. 1Mi1• 0r.,,c....,...._ .... .,..,. ............... .....,St .••• c.. ...... ..... e 1Jtl4 Map 11 It.•,...,_,._.. c.tw, ................ . • .._., ....... .._ llM .......... lt IJ' sC...,H• ... w ... e JJH ........ ""4 ....... ,,,,,t I c..tw. C:... Mw e J1111 ..................... ....., ..... • ,am ... I' ......... Is ......... c.-. ......... • 6117Wwl ! , ................. I 71 •.,,,,,..,,....a.,-• ... ,.., ......... ...,.. • . · ijsi Excedrin SJ . . . . Tampons ... ,, " ..... ,.,., 45c·Kotex 3:s1 iaiierfes0 12;:.1 1;-;:·curaa·2 :si pa -pa 'I Crew or Dress · '2" Y1lue1 Dela 391 ea. Jumlio Ceramic 29c each Child's Reg.$7.77 4. Shelf Mugs or · Bowls Pl5cware Men's Socks . . .. Training Pants etal Bookcase •He.W · s1 •IMi--~ S:SJ s5· 6:SJ -lorl 36 x '* :I: SC-. .,. 6•$3 , •-T-.W-. ..... ...._,_...... ... . •a-...-..rw ... ... Gold 1mtu fift.. ,,..,,, 0 .... ts. ,.;," ln'I $J.OO I ·tlbr• ish fnmcs cotn- s..,. 74c -plimmt colored •Al . .. '~" drrnnttdanmic= bake cl coamcl scratch. ftte 1 aizt 1 i t1 10-13 N..,, «fuo WJ< plali<-. .All ... Lmrious -of "" -: ~. *--• .. IUJIUr 7C,,'1'owb fot llMlpi. alid « #ld.ftL Stutdr. 'Qob "'iif:!:t.-... -rigid. aff-t:o-Wcmble •• , all steel cm-Doabl~ dia-. ~ tsiple lhicX aotdt,. 100" ~ mt, iut 1od ""' ltrddt. oy1oa. or a ~ ~' yeaa. JW «, ~ °""'" "' ;opo!or -"" -'IVl>1'<. A..a.,Io. JOI -'-... clcol&mlil--...... · • WlllznE • AYOC&do cnbs. · -·--""" ' ~le Val, Ladles' Bikini Briefs ... a.3:n .... 47, I Tl lue aM 11mbr0Jdtr•d trim oo nyloa Kmte briefs. Ia 7 lOftJr coJorr. Sr.Al Y1Iael Storage Chests SJ _, ...... Girls' -·MinrRl&- Panty Tights 2:s3 691 ea. Women's Cotton Print.Aprons lllJ t tM MYti Jlc Cl~ acb in Ill IUIOrt• Q !i~ bill ""1 a>bb!"" 2 F $) ilDe!lt U colon IDcl ~ °''"""'-I 98l. Value Pendcmts and Key Clioins • .,, ... _,a. J'mdl &1onduDoo.,. 2 F $) Jlaldlnts. l.tmbt wool a DOTdtr key lirlls. O ~nc kq cbaim. I -' ........... 45 RPJw Records ~~r::!'' 1o:s1 Sell for 191 • lhodrodooftilla, _"_ Mm.ic foe 4!ftrJ' ~ French and Hall• $1,98 Sunglasses N"' •,...,;,.tool" top la&-$) ioo stm&lmfs with glas:i lemd and .optical hinges. S&tt '98c . . ,..,. sp• Value Pack of 2 Exteuloa Cords . '; *sifia.lti• ~ . ~. Ac1 .. Prllt Pant Tops s300 Reg. 59'.Chocolate .. DollJ l1di1on , Mint Patties .., ....... 1k =~::=:& 2: $) --. Reg. 69'.Assorted lacllei_Bn .... Two 'f J!11t1...... .., ... -$1.or . . ~~ Bur 1-1 .~ PrlM ~ s .. ~..,,8&;::.: o ~~'i.'J.'; ~ 111.-$1 ~~~·~ 3 '$) ..... spec 1 -... ,_... I ,. ..................... ~ •. tt .................. .. Women's Apache Tie and Slide Ring New la.Won Apache Tic in assorted nottl- tr prim. Sm 62c """'' 67c · •t"Valuel24ll40" Braided Throw Rugs llraideil llCl.ttU nis, tt-•mihl• far ~ w"' $)39 a easy we. li a: darlc Jlltlt.cnl ,, it ftlti~ ends. WuhahlC". 98:. V11Iue Carter's Typewriter Ribbons <:ma. X·hrt typin& 2· $) n'bbomiaau'!'f~ 0F all popa1er mri•!)'5 11<o7 >.Sow '6<1 I •1 47 VaL Papennate w/Free 49' Flair Pen free. Matklaa_ Pm ............. ., ... pee llate ..,. .. "11 t pm. SaTt 79C on thi• useful duo. 68' $1 49 Val. Decorator Waste Baskets Design '\V~ made oi hi impxt -ia A....to, $) Gold, Hat.p Pink IUki 'White. &wl -... Holda .. ...... •1~9 VaL Decorator Bowl Bnish & Holder !no& Hold er ... dotl.., $1 matchia•.womhabt Maka m attactltt wt. 4J,69 .. Plasffc 18 Inch TY Floor Cvshions .• .,. 4 ..... ,.,, )fie ot lll&tdl tbeM double '-.fllW 4'$5 c:ushloaiL 0.-.. o 4...i,. Gol4 . ,;,a ........... I 1.,4 ....... ..,."' Fi• •fl l>omehol.t 4 F $1 J>UC"Olaton. M a I: c 1 O thtt pmrcr cup. R $1.16 Value Pk. of 4 Prlntl.d Dish Clotlls Reg. 98' .. 72lll7'' Poly li•ed Draperies __ .,,. 2 $) .,.,.~ -.,. -.. o' Buy 2 put lllll1 me '*-• 291 ea. Protedo Toilet Dioclorinr k~~::Ji~ 5:st '"'I• I~. $27" G.E. Solll State AM/FM Cleek Radlu -·-·-.......... ...... ., ..... _, .. _ -- 436-> 49:._ Cutex . Lipstick or Nail Polish ::-: Cholc9 4· . : SI -"' ..• c.-°"'9 lllmd: ..a r....i b Neil ...... lawlr .., IPliD&' ~-•.w.•1 '2" ·Val.Comltlntion Bottle and Syringe - allabt lrr111l111 •f $2 .48a:m-$1 IWUoobct __ ... ~·~~ .. 79' ... Curlty-Pk. ol 275 Cotioa Balls ...... _ ... ~t:.i.: ~ 2 '$) -dMblilletio.. . 0 ....W Doller J)q I pciciet . ,,I. •· -. . 98! 1""9 .'n'.Glow. 2 oz. lath Oil · 'Clllmp Chat' lx10'' Framed Piffvres ?=':iC:~ sac flGIUll!&. Pa 11 co J OJ' prm. ill WUiaar: color. Distillers Cboice 86 Proof Bourllon 59' ea. Value! Dvr9 liquid Solder ..,, ..... ..,.n. 0-lroa liqu~ 3 F $1 •.ol.der foJ IDCl:ai, O bquid dommuru er ftqoid blbbt-rf I JOU thoJct le9. •i.49 Super T!llet,._wl Plunger '·:2!fi~i::: $) -""'..... ' ~ . ' . . ·-. Sl.31 to $1.11 Awocado Color -Enamel ' Cookware SQt.........S Scui:e Pa-. $) Doohl<-' :z pc. San Paa. Set &ad. Vmd- "'pot. Sl.311 lo SI • Aluminum Cookwire P•ra.•la· s1 tori •. C:OW.. dm. 79hed Cake Pa ns. ...,,.,... ,... Kettles, Bake a Rtwt Pam IJll! Cake Pw wit& ·°""'- 891-Value lanolin Plus Shampoos . ... 3'$1 •nd,... O $1.67 I I Big 4Mi oz. tubo cocnnut oil, l:fandniff or qg ~shampoo and -- $12.95 Val, Kaz Bentron Vaporizer F .......... ~sa ·~~*arrfJl)o • 9ith l plloo-~. lO•IJ J1r.-. ........,uJ._...i. Reg. 79t le9. Sl.59 *l"(onhK ·Rq. •111 91'1i:eck Reg. Spt Usterlne Pe,t .. cre ... e · Groom · 1,-11· ., ••• Antiseptic Prep. "H" Cold ...... 11111101 Rinse & Clean Lotion c,psules ••• llttte P•d: .t 10 Fooniai11 EDITIOt-1 VOL. 62, NO. 25, 4 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES ~ount Wet Thursday Guess What?_50% Chance of Rain Southern Californians, lulled by the promise of aunny l!lkies after a pair ()f devastating rainstorms, looked wearily out their windows Tuesday afternoon to find that "it was doing it again." More than a quarter inch of rain, dumped violently within an hour, assaulted the Orange Coast as the sun shone benevolently in the distance. And that's not all, cauUoned the U.S. Weather Bureau today. There's a 50 Admiral Says Pueblo Guns Were Useless CORONADO (AP) -The admiral who had operational cooUoI of tho iotelli· gence ship Pueblo said Wednesday its two .5Ckaliber machlneguns "did not appear to me to provide it a significant defen.se capability." Rear Adm. Frank L. Johnson, com-- mander of Naval Forces Japan 'when the Puebto and her 83 men were cap. tured, also said be bad no forces under his dinCt eommand with which to pre> vide emerlency support. ' "I was not in favor of .,-ming the AGERS (tho Navy's deslgnallon !or the Pueblo-type intelligence ship)," Johnson told 1 NaVJ court of !nqulcy. "We bad successfully-carried out 16 mllUons tn unarmed status and I corialdered this a good basjs for continuing this type of misiion unarmed. GUNS PROVOCATIVE •1 did consider they (the guns) mlgbl wtD be provocative ••• I was concerned about the reaction to this amed status ••• and the addition of two .so.calibers did not appear. to me to provide a 51.gnificant defense capability." Johnson was the fll'St witness after several days of closed bearings for testimony about classified matters. Johnsoo said he was aware of "~in communication difficulties" U.S. 1n· telligence ships were having with hill headquarters in Japan. He said moun- tains on tbe islands of Japan. made it difflcu1t to link radio frequencies. Q, Capl. William Newsomen •. coun~ for the" court: 11Did you corwder thiS critical?" A. J~hnson: "I did not consider It critical ... There was no ins~a!lce that at any Ume this created a critical pro- blem in the operations." The Pueblo's skipper, Cmdr. U~yd M. Bucher has said . be was womed about problems with this communJcaUCllS link-up and, had "no confidence" in it. GIVE ASSISTANCE To support intelligence m l s s I o n s , JohnSon said, he "requested. that the Fifth Air Foret provide a i r c r a f t asalatance, 8 special alert of aircraft on the runways, aod that the ~ommander of the Seventh Fleet assign me a destroyer to remain about 30 miles distance from the AGERS over +the boriron. ti • pereent chance of mort wet stuff Thurs· day afternoon. Tuesday's abbreviated storm brought with it driving hail and bursts of llght- ning, which struck four airborne planes. AU proceeded to their destinations and landed safely. There were no injuries. In Newport Beach, six more eucalyptus trees fell victim to the raging rains, · bringing the total Ot trees destroyed 'lo? COit• Mes.• H9-t BtKl'I lllOIMI ae.dl H,..,11....-,, s..ui Fount1fn V•ll•r Wntrnln1ttr Sff~ Bffd'I Laiiul\9 Lel1ur1 War:d ltv!ne 1t1nc;:t1 Lagl.IM Hlautl A,..helm G1nlm Gro""I $.i• Clemenf1• Santi A.111 o......<;os11 Maa Miii s.n from JM. l. It llr. ,__ List.,,., .l5 s.11 M .21 l.M 5'1 .u f .G5 ~1t .• 10," 5.,7 .11 '··'' .s.n .XI 10.9' 5.47 • .30 10.K 5.47 .2$ t .OS 4.19 .l2 t.U .s.n .25 t .o.J 4.1' .1.t 1J." 5.'3 .21 12.ll $.10 .u .... .17 .21 '·" $.71 C~ flt\H'9 M&Mlll in the past week to more than 100. There was, however, no flooding or major accidents reported. The latest batch of rain yas evenly distributed along the Orange Coast. Costa Mesa recorded ·.35 inches, Hui'ltington Beach, .30, Fountain Valley .28, Laguna Beach .2$ and Newport Bea1:b .23. Tuesday'• at.qrm wu a cold one rrom tt.e north, bringing mow down to the 4,QOO.foot level In the hard bit Santa Barba!:• area, the -Une ......._, to Z.llllll:feeL --·r,,- 'lbe Weather Bureau, l8icl Tilurldlt,'• storm abould foClow the 11m. ,.tleln aJ Tuesday's, but said it wu I.lo early to predJct whether it would 'JfOduct similar lhuoder and ligbbliDg. Total statewide damage trom the rain epidemic whlch began Jan. 111 ls now estimated at $1311 million. The dtath toll from the storms was placed at 96. Tuesday Gov. Ronald Reagan toured the damaged areas and urged the private sector of the economy to spur reconrtruc. lion through fund drives. "There is an actual limit to what the government can do, and this is a real tragedy." 1teagan said. Teen Trio Plead Guilty to Drug Possession Rap ' Three teen-agers arrested and charged with possession of marijuana following a raid on 1 Los Alamitoa home have pleaded guilty to the charges in We-mteT Municipal CourL Dooglal Keith Hagee and Donald Louis Dewitt, both 11, and both of 10742 Chestnut St. have been ordered to appear in Superior Court F'eb. 7 for sentencing. Diana Marie Kaeding, also 18, of· the Los Alamitos address was ordered to return to municipal court Feb. 19 for probation bearing and sentencing. Juvenile Court action is pending against two minors who were swept up in the same raid. A 16-yelNlld youth was charged with posseulao of mlJ'i.. juana and a 15-year~d male companion it accused of possessing a switchblade knife, resilling ,,..... and being In a place where marijumla waa bled. O~NGE COUNTY, CAtll'ORNIA WEDNESQAY, JANUARY 1•, '1969 •\ •\ .. Y llo* D'1 lM l'IYM MOOJESKA CANYON' RESIOENT, ISOLATED BY FLOODING, EVACUATED, IN 'BASKET Bridge Braught by M•rine1 WAI Too Short .to Spen Torrent, So Workers Improvise Parents ChUle School Board Over 2 Issues B7TEllilY~ .... .,.., ... ...., More than 70 parents CaDft.,J>l'tpared to ,11act the Hunlinsfi!! J9ach City $Chi>ol Dl!trlct Boan!.,,. Tiualees on tw~ f~nls TuQd,y nljbl., · To open Uit meeting In tho Dwyer School llbratJ, Board Prealdeill Roger Anderson looked at the crowd and said, "It's unusual to look out ~~ .ao many smiling facts." ':"" • ' The primary battlefront CO!IOO'lled the district's proposal to switch sixth grade students into the intermediate schools with the 7th and 8th grades. \ School Superintendent S.A. "Al" Mof- fett -explained that the district rett the switch might be the best method to ease the district's over crow ded classrooms next year. Several parents then stepped rorward lo protest the proposal. Their prtmary oppos.ition was that 6th grade students need the stabili.zing effect of elementary school. Most parents felt It would not be 1 good idea to throw the young 6th graders in with the older 7th and 8th gfade students. Moffett pointed out that the alternative was to build temporary clJsgrooms, which the district did not feel would be as educationally adequate for the youngsters. He added that the transfer was "still only a proposal," and the district was "still listening to suggestions from the parents.'' Board members agreed that further meetings on the subject _shouJd be: held in order t"o hear all views from the parents. The second battleground was the (See PARENTS, Page Z) Sto~k Market~· NEW YORK (Af') -'lbe stock market closed· mixed today as Wall Street con· tinned tts watclHnd--wait attitude. (See quotati<Jns, Pages 2U3), Galol -ombtred losses but'the Dow Jones.Inttustrial average wu off lllghUy in late trading. -. ~·---·:r,....··-..'"'"'."'!. MARINES ARRIVE WITH BRIDGE· FOR MODJESKA AREA By Lend, By Al• •nd Through A SH of Mud New Spy Trials Hamper U.N. Mideast Peace Try By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL United NaUf\M peace envoy Gunnar V. Jarring began Big Four talks today on a aolutJon to the middle eaat crisis by conferring in New York for '5 minutes with U.S. Ambassador Chari" W. Yoo!. As they met, tension.s rose aharply in. tho Mldeasl Johnson said lbe Air ·Force provuled the special alert, but In at leest ooe Instance for at least one lntielllgence mission off Shanghai the Seventh Fleet did not provide the destroyer I Wed lo<. Woman Seriously Burned in Blaze Girl, 17, Clings to Life New spy trials were reported undtr way in Iraq despite worldwide protests and warnings that the hangings of nine Jews Monday • coutd Jeed to taraell reprisals and the possibility of a new conflict in the Middle East. A Huntington Beach woman suffered first and second degr<e burnl -'° per«nt of the front of her body -.i her bathrobe caught on fire t1r'1 this Jn0!1ling. ,Sylvia Neal, 40, of 310 llth st, Apt. T was rushed to Huntington lo- ttrcommunity Hospital at 7:40 a.m. today by fire department rescue unit. . An unldenllfied neighbor extingw.shed the names on Mrs. Neal's robe. then called Police and fire oUJcials for emergency aid. Early today, she was ~ill In. ~he e(nergency room o1. the hospital. Hospital officials said she would be admitted Iller emergency trtabnenl waa !lniahed. Cauoe of the 1in bu not ,.& be<ll det.rmlned. Hopes to Become County's First Kidney Transplant By TOM BARLEY Of ...... ., ...... """ A 1enlly bummlni dlalyals macblne Is the oo11 thing that lllllldl -..,. 17·,.aM!d Susan Mazzo ml dol\ft. The blonde Villa. Put Blib Sdloo1 air! was hooked up to the C<llll1 dmct for 10 hours Tuesday -10 houri In which her infected blood wu cleamed of lhe bacteria which Loday ii Inevitably returning to the former star athlete'• poisoned gy11em. Susan undergoes the painltsa but ex· haustlng day·loog treatment twice a week at Palm Harbor Hospital, Ganleo Gnwe, sne bu to u her almoll uielea lddoeya art to aet the J11ecblnlcal aid ·diat Will ltetp the OrlJlll air! a1he. • But SUAn went Into the boopita1"1 ' 1' di.a1Jli1 room 1rith new hope 'Tuesday -the hope dial die will aborlly·become ~JIUP·Colmlf'• flnl kidney tramplanl Alid.--wti:Ue•SUsln'I blood tupp1)r WU' bilrir .... _ .... by Ille· mlrlcle-•of ~~;~ dedletleil ,to tl>e nlil1lc of f!D,llO WU lallllCbod In ' tho old· •°""'6 ~IJ" ·Courthouse. Ahd eyer, penny wm be """1ed for the ~ 'tran1planl ouraery. Dr. Donald Marilu, chltf of the University of California at lrvlne'a urology division, tw: ~ to perform the operation. AU bettl-:wen. Susan •ill enter the operaUng -loom at Oranie County Mediul Ceolfl' •. ln aboul t,.. monthl' Umo. Bal -two moriliJ wln ! coot her poreala al lelll le.41111. Su.wi's 11>-l\our ·~ session with the machine that preserves her Hie coots them 111111. Salesman Leonird MasU .bas l'"t every petUl1 be owned : and a lbt ...... -that . be -borrow tato the costly ~bnenl d ' biJ 1daugh!N. "!' don•t cm ab!>ul · thar," tie said Tuesday, •wt I em deeP1¥ grate(ul . il)at thtse' e«cirta are being made for S'31an. I baveti't a hope Q[ raising '40,000 my&eU." Spurbeadliu! the campailJI are u.O KJdney toundauon of Qrange Count7 and Temple Beth Sholom of O&:ange County. Tlie Kidney FoundaUoo has undertaktn to handle the tlaaue typin.g chorea that will pnface the tr..,pllllling of a ~!thy lddoey Into SU1U'1 boc!Y, Thi lddne)' wlli come ir.m. a' .body (Seo TRANSPLANT, P ... I) The Syrian Foreign Ministry min~ In Damascus that a . Syrian diplomat was shot and wotmded· tQday in BUfldad by an Iraqi lntelligmce qent in ID incident that added the threat d llrilo among the Arabs to the-.,·crisiJ. Jarring M. tried' ror 1 year to• brll!g _. to the Mlddlf Eut; lie<-~ With ~·IWtral UNnt >horl'1' atler'Tliaol!nllf/""11 1111·"""' edMnn:ould atett •aooltie!< ._., .,1 the MlddJe &!l:Bl ' I '. • ' Jarring expe<ts · u. coo( er i.t,r . wltli the envoys from. the Sovid U!)liln, Bi1Wri Ind Franca which hu' ~ ,Bli Four acUon. Moscow hU ~~,Ule FrenCh cal~ Brltaln ' hu, ~led cauUO!ll af!proval and. the' t/nltcOd. Slites baJ not p,iblic!y llajed Ila~ . ' Diplomatic ........, aolil . '(Oii c:ould ~ ~. ·~ P>~"'°N'ff.l: (S.0 MIDEAST, I' ... l) • l' I )' • • ' ,, Stoelu :r£N CENTS· rea Governor Urges Nixon To Do Same Gov. Ronald Reagan Tue!day declared' Orange County a atate .diluter area and sent a telegram to President' NiJon requesting that he also declare the comity' a disaster area along with 1$ other California counties. Everett Blizzard, chief ot' pllftllinl and, operation! In the California Diluter Ofa fice in Sacramep.to, said the governor acted inqnediately on request 6f the Orange County Board of Superilaors. Supervisors were told Tutsdaixn:; the nine-day rainstorm that ended did an ostlmaled 110 million damage in the county. · A new rain Tuesday afternoon ralsed' fears that more damage woqkl be caused in the soil-soaked mountalil areu of the county. The di!aster area designation wUJ pave the way for immediate acUon in repair~ iil.g damage to roadi. utllities a.od bridges. The county departmenlll . mQ ll!!gln work without ildvertisiiig 'for blda. · State and ,possibly fecjeral fuodl ·alto will be , avatfable, to rebuild roada: aD4 other pu11lic worts. . , OfficialJ of the county and ita cltielj Including waler dilltlcta, will llemiJo their loses for the State Disaster. Office in Los Angeles Thursday. Prado. Dam on the ·Santa Ana Jtiver at the cpunty lino wu credflfl! with saving the county lrbm mU'cb addlllona! Oood damage by Flood Control -..., II. Geor1e Osborne. Re told 111pervi1Qr• ei.t tilt dam checked tnnow at 71,000 Cllble" feet per second, not fu boWw llM'.JU;lh1lo disalllouJ Rood of Jlijs ..ilen a 100,000 c1; llOw waa noorded. Thlll · at«m bittered the COU11ty with '40 mlillon danl81' and cost IS Uveo. Osborne aald damage to Rood control channels was estlmated at $1.4 mf1llon and that outflow from Prado Dam, ~ creased by U.S. Army Engineers, coul4 do $1.3 million damage to Santa .Ana River embankments. Elmer J. Osterman, county fire warden, who became chief of diluter services during the weekend emergency, said the !oases In ,the mowilain canyons might ,...ch IL! million, not lncllldlng i'O&d damage. 2 Armed Bandi~i R:oh Food Store Two armed· bandits walked Into a Westminster food store Tuesday J!lght and1 asked for a pack of cigarettes and all ihe money In the cash r<ilJler, Aubrey Dale Liggett, a clerk ln the Stop and Go market, 8441 Westmlnttar Ave., said · the pair Wt with 12511 of the store'• .mgney. Uggett told police ooe man IPl'l'Olched him with a small ~Ue pjetol. asked for a pack of . cigarettes then said "give me everything ln the register." ' Liggett then aaid be WU told to Walt fn the back of the store for ten minute! or he would be lbot. Police have ·no clues as to bow the pair left the scene, they reported. Orange Weatller Q u o th the we1thmnan. "'!'hre'1 a 50 percent chance of isolated. brid' showers tor Thursday." TbJs after a temp. erature drop to 53 along the coast. . .. . • l I - Reds Down 3 More Copter·s; Tet Truce Eyed $.ll~I) -Qmm>!mlll ......... el .... :I J::.,,~ spokOUMll aald today. The Viet Coog IUUlOlJntfld lhey would observe a truce dwtn& the Tel holiday nut month and Ille Alllel aald lhey bad the proposal "'under consideration.'" '!be downing pf the hellcopten broogbt U.S. aircraft loa.ses aince the new year to 31. Military oourcea wd the m.e. ...... hoaVJ lo IJillt ol the llmlled extent • fi&bllnc JlJico the flrll ol the year, Commlllllll lan:eo bl" Improved an- * * * Hanoi Accuses U.S. o~ Raids North of DMZ PARIS (UPI) -North Vietnam ac- cused the United States today ot at.. tacking largela just north pf the demilltar1zed :rme In Vietnam, and allied offidab apresaed fears Hanoi would ~rmally rtject American plans to testore the zone to jts once neutr&l ltatus. • Radio Hamll broadwl a. foreip ll1inlatTy ltatemeot wblcb aald two &Z bmnben llruck ''many places" JU!! DO(th ol the DMz on Suilday. Previously Hanoi charged mi raids on 'l'bursday l!ld Fri- day;. the ·u.s. Stale Departmeol aod the i'Wag<>D denied the cbarges. 1'day Hanoi caUecl the allepd nlcla ''the .moot. ll«loua Ilda ol war by the AmortcaM': against North V'1<lnlm dnc:< the 'bombing bait WIS declared lhr<e ~ ·~ It caJl<d the all*.d nlda .... shamerea ctlme,. and &aid the U.S. govemmeot would be held ttspom!ble. -!be eommun1a1 char('! woold affect the Parla Wb WIS nol tnQwn but &rued Otticlals favor an Immediate dlarusaloo of the poasiblUty pf mtoring' .tfio ~ u the bell way to "21• dowo : the <OOllicl. Haool bu been cool to the J"OPOSll • bat hu. bot .r<Jected ti. Today the olllclala aid Ibey fe.vod a formal njecll.., al Tllllnday'• ....ioo. U.S. and South Vtcbwnele negollators meanw!ille completed what Ibey caJled a "flexible" ~gy desigDed to prevent deadlock lo Thursday's second Vietnam peace meeting with the Communlata. Allied dlplomaUc quarters aald Ibey were ready to dlr<:tw aoy problem the Viel Coog or North Vietnamese might bring up around the round conference table In the old Hold Majestic. · The U.S. a n d South V1etnamese delegates lodlcated they boped the Com- JDUPl!la woold -to dlr<:tw mllltary matter• first, IUCh u the r<tltabllahment pf the demWlarizod - between North and South Yletnaro. From Page J PARENTS •.. Peterson School's Communicate t o Educate program Involving parent& aod tudlml In evening dlacusoioos. Several parents attended the board meettn& becau>e they lhocibt trustees planned to take action against the volun- tary program. The board, however, explained that it wa1 neutral on tbe subjed and was not plamlng aoy lldloo on the program. The Communicate to Educate idea Is .... 1un1ary program held In the evenlngl whereby parents and teacben wbo so desire may Bit down and talk with each other. Roborl Landi, principal pf Peter...> School, ezplatned that everything wu done on a voluntary buts and the goal of the program was simply for "all of us to get together and wort for the kids." Prevtoosly, so-bad charged that the ~ WU r<aUy "senalUvlty training' but all ol the parents preoenl l!lrongly denied thla and defended II aa blghly benellcW. OAllV PllOl OllA/rl'E CO.UT PU•LISHING tOM,ANY ••~•rt N. w,,, '11•\cleftl •nd "'1tlll"°'"' J•ck .. c •• i.y Vk• ,micletot .,.. Gfllffel Ml,..,.,, n. ••••••• ,;i ·-n ..... , A. M1,,liin• ~ ....... .A.llit•f W. l•t•1 Witli1M l"M ·-~i. Hllltl .......... Edl!W (1ly 1:111 ... H11fC ... 1-'0ffle9 JOt Ith Strt•t .... iliftf AJJr•HI P.O •••• no. tJ~I O!W~ Ht'llrM'f ~•<~; 1111 ""'"' ... ...,. 9Clll/......,ll (Mlt Mti.t; iJi11 We" ••Y ltrwl u.-....... 1m ~a- CA1t.Y "llOf. wl-"I ..... It~ ~ ....... ~ ............ ...., •9Ullf """' "" i. _,.,. MIOi.. ... l ...... 9Mtllro. .... _, kK.11. c: .. i. -I.a. "-'~ .. .c,, -,_i•• v111n. ·~ .i"' • rreot!MI l'd'ltiM. Or-C•d ............ cu'''""' .,.,,""' .i-. -. ... m1 ....,. at!txlo •"""~ *-""" hKti. .... :ul W.s1 ,.., "•Ml, ""''"' MeN. ,...,._. 1714J '4J .... lt Pt.• w-.~ C41 M .. 1111 ~ .• ,..,. .. ,. c..t'ltf!I, 1..a. er...... c-1 ftWl>t1111tt ~. '-,,...., tllflfL .... ..,.,_ tlflWltl -~r ., •""'"I....... ,,.,.... ~ lllf ,..,NI>(.,. wr111w1 ..Ciel .....,, ... . ~-"""'"· ~ dlM _,,...••Ill ti ............ .,.. Cal• Mu.•. (•1if9' .. 1• SvMCrlll•IM " c9'Mfr uJS .._1•1•1 '".,,,11 n• .... 111w1 """~ '"""911""" 11.n ~ . tlaln:nft -..-t • 1 Ir ~Id• la -Yl ... ud .... mo an tllllro 11111111o11 ol oadalNtft -IDlo Ille ~-· -"81oo -"' goo, the """""' said. Tbe Qlmmunlll Vlet Coog announced tn a ndlo troadcut monitored In Saigon they would ob.w"ve a Tet, or Lunar New Year, boUdQ ceuelire Feb. 15--22. Last year during Te~ the Communi8la caJled a truce, U... launched their big- gest offensive of the war aga!Qll' South Vletnamete cltlu. A&ldltVWno._ ......... ald that "blcilUll ti tM lat Tit Qfflallve11 n 'llV ''* -· 1a -111o 11mo ud dalo fer a T4t .,....,!rt tlila year. He aid 1111 .....nr. "will DOI laJI 1..,.11·t11ere la ...... Vice Pretldeot · Nguytn Cao Ky of South Vlttnam aatd In Paris Monday his government might declare a 14 or 43-hour truce. He aald any new Corn. munist offenalve woutd be crushed with ''heavy losses.'" Spokeomen said ooe of the beliDopten w.u abot down oru.:!ly while Oying recollPalalAPcl 111pport for Amttlcao In- fantrymen wbo kl.Did. lt Oommllftl.d ttoopo they eoclrded 10 mDea touthwelt of Salgoo. Anotbu wu dowotd 19 m 11 e 1 80Utllwtlt of the oortbem cll)o of Da Nang Jn lhe ume area wberi South Vietnam.,. troops r<porio<I kl1llng 19 Red troops Tuesday. Spokesmen said the ol.ber chopper was shot down Monday in the Mekong Delta about 85 miles southwest of Saigon. Three crewmen aboard the helicopters were wounded. Tblre lllve been 23 mDea IOl!llnrUt " 3llpo Topod•y' ~ ao1o1. II ,. 1M 1111 -ly found ln a two-monlb-long Ahny-Navy riv..-patrol _.u ... U.S. eommaade.n mapped a final assault 10 miles southwest cf Saigon today against a Communlal uolt eooln:led tn a r.gion pf rice paddles. Tile flll!tlng ltarted Monday and spokesmen Aid the resistance of the Communbt I01dlert ,bad gmUy decllned. Tbe Red IIDlt - believed to have eonta1ned about 100 .... orlg1nally. Nixon Considers Nuclear Treaty Up There, Looki1ag Down Stonn runoff from Sanla Ana River (foreground) collides with Suri off river jetty in this aerial view. Despite coot temperatures and debris-filled water. 5urfers from Huntington Beach and Newport Beach were out in force Tuesday and today at river mouth, which lies between two cities. Muddy water at this and other popular Orange Coast surfing .spots didn't seem to deter wave riders. Beach Trustees Pare Meeting To 36 Minutes It toot lrusteel Pl Huotloglm Beach Unloo !Ilgb School jl!ll !8 minutes to zip through a non<ont:ovtrllal, normal size agenda Tumcla:Y night at Wln- tenburg High School. 'l'nlstees began lhe -1oo at 7:« . p.m. after ~ Richard W1laon ar· rived late to join Trust.ea John Bentley and Raymond Sdlmltl Dr. Jooepb Rlbai bad already notllled the board be wuuid not be preseol and TnJllee Mallhew Weyukt:r '""''make It Tueeday. Wlllon ezplalned lhal becauae pf the beaoy rains the ear be begao with at hia Wnlmlnller home bad to be r<placed on the way by llDDlber car wblcb would teep operattna la the water. ~ al the meotlnl -wrestled with the =llemml of agreeJna to delete all mot« llorqo llalll from the automothe laboraklrJ room of the new &lbon lll&h School, thus aavlng the Wpoyml ..,.. IS,952. It ...,.. that the emphalla In automotive training these days It on tune-up aod il'ouble lhooUog and !"' on overhaul of mot.on. Trustees adjourned at !:20 p.m. during a btavy downpoar of rain outajde the small school on Golden West Street. Pilot CommuniCarnival Opens in Mesa Thursday Telephone com.pany representatives and DAD.. Y PILOT staff members be· came "rtlUStaboul!" today as they began ll!ttinJ: up CornmuniCarnival at South Coast Plaza. 111e carnival of communications will Huritington Boys Sought for SV . Little League Boys between the ages of 8 and 12 living in the area bounded by Beach Boulevard, the Santa Ana River, Adams Avenue and the ocean In Huntington Beach are Invited to sign up this week· end for the Sun View Little League. Registrstioo will be at Le Bani School fram noon to 2 p.m. this weekend and on Feb. a and I. Boys must have a parent with them and have proof of btrlhdale. Alao re8"terinl thla weekend la the Octanview Pony League. Boy111 13 and 14 can register Saturday from I Lm.. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 10 1..m. to 2 p.m. at the Pony-Colt Fteld at Lo! Patos Drive and Bolaa Chica street. Registration fee ts $15 and ho}'! must have a birth certificate. open a thfee.day stand at the regional sborping center at 1 p.m. Thursday. It w!I be open from 1 to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday and I lo & p.m. PP Sat\!rdly. The "candv\J." centers around two main elements. One Is Pacific Telephone Co.'s "giveaway in the round," a circu- lar stage from which operaton will make a preseotalion every 30 minutes Climaxed with the giveaway of a free long distance phone call to anywhere in the continental United St:ates. other major element! of the shaw will be a DAILY PILOT exhibit custom- made for CommunlCarnival and telling the story of how the DAILY PILOT reproduces final stock market quotations each day as a re!ult of a "12-minute miracle.'' The display wi.JJ lie in with a phone company demonstraUon of Data.speed machine! which "talk" to u.ch other coast to coast at the rate of 1,060 words per minute. Other reader features of the DAIL V PILOT also will be emphasized in the uhib\L Twenty prizes will be given away at the DAILY PILOT exhibit. Winntn oeed not be present for the drawing at approx- imately S p.m. Saturday to win them. From Page J TRANSPLANT •• that wW not be identified until the tranaplant operalloo bu been """pleted. On WASHINGTON {UPI) -President Nixon and hi! National Security Council (NSC) today threshed out the question of whether now ta the "appropriate" time to prtss tor Senate raUficaUon ~f a treaty to bar the spread of nuclear weapons. The 11uclear non-proliferation treaty was the only announced subject on the agenda but the White House did not ruJe out f*Sible NSC discussion of the growing tension Jn the Middle East crisis and other foreJgn problems. White Hou.. press aecretary Ronald Zlegler was asked by nporters, "How would you ebaracterize the President's attitude toward developments in. the MJdeast?" "I would not want to characterize It," Ziegler replied. To further quest.tons Zlegler referred reporters to State Deaprtment pro- noancementa on the situation. Secretary pf Stole William P. Rotiors e%J)reSled "deep concern" Tuesday over ei:ecution in Iraq of 14 alleged spies -including nine Jews. • Although It was not on the a,genda either, the NSC presumably also discuss· ed a possible response to a Viet Cong annoanceme:nt of a week-long Vietnam ceasefire durtng the Tet holidays. Tile regular National Security C o u n c I J memben: are Nixon, Secretary of State Rogers, Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird, Vice Prei;ldent Spiro T. Agnew and the Office of Emergency Planning Director George Lincoln. But other top advbers were also present at the White House sesaion. Following the council meeting, Nixon had a date with Senate lf.aders on Capitol Hill for lunch and ronverM.tion -much as be did Monday on the House side. Later In the afternoon, be plumed to visit the Slate Department for a meeUog with Rogers and his top aides. Nli:on bu scheduled a full-blown policy Golf Course Due Further Study A plan for a three-par goll course on the land presenUy used by the American Little Leque In Westmlnste.r caused the City Council To<sday night to toos the propooed IU7 mlllloo bond issue proposal back at the admlnlstraUve staff for further consideration. Dick Whittenberg. president o f American LlUle League, objected to locailng the courwe nut to Westminster High School where the boys in bis league play ball. Natimal LiWe 1eag1!e Presldant Jack Seymour, however 1 urged the councll to go ahead with calling an election to raise fumll for the golf cwrse. conference Saturday to zero In on the Middle East crisis. But fast-moving events kept the problem on the top of the new Presjdent's 1ist of fore.iga policy priorities. Wh1le the councll was meetin,g today, State Department officials emphuized. that the new administraUon did not regard itsell as being bound by the principles laid down by the Johnson ad· ministration on the Middle East From Page J MIDEAST •.. dlscussea lhe Issues Saturday with the National Security council Ni.J:on met today with the council and it wu reported they diJcussed the Middle East. .. Border incidents continued. A com- munique in Jerusalem said an Israeli soldier was killed an another urtoualy wounded today when their car struck a mine near the cease-fire line south of the Dead Sea. In JerusaJem a time bomb was removed harmlessly from near the city's only Jewish shop in the old walled city. . The Foreign Mlnistry ldenlified the wounded diplomat as Abdel Karim Sab- bagh, political atlache at the Syrtao Embas.!y in the Iraqi capital lt uld he was shot while riding in a car through the Baghdad slreets and that Syria bad slrongly protested the inciclent The r~ shooUng emphaahJ:d the division iUlln the Arab Baathist (Arab renaissan ) party, the moat cohealve political y in the Arab warkl. Rivalries in the party centering on elements backing or oppo&ng Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser have Jed to a aeries of political convulaiona ln both Syria and Iraq. The new ten.51on between Syria and Iraq coincided with start of the new "spy trials" In Baghdad. Repartg Jn Cairo said those on trial were "im· perialista" but Israeli officials aald earlier 60 to 65 Jews faced immediate trial on espionage charges. "Imperialists" could refer to any forct seeking to overthrow the Iraqi govrm- meot of Premier Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr in the nation that has seen nothing but poliUcaJ turmoil since the monarchy was overthrown tn July, 1958, and Kini Faisal II was slain. Pope Paul VI warned today the hang- ing of 14 persons in. Iraq "can periou.sly exasperate the very delicate situation" In the Mlddle East. Bob Hope Responding HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Docton say comedlao Bob Hope hu responded satl.slactorlly to treatm.nt to check hemorrhaging in his left eye. There LI, says Kidney FoundaUon director neen Ready, "no shortage of donors. We have a list of many people who u .. lndlcated tn their wlllo that Ibey wllh their •llai orgaru to be Died for othen. our using roch an organ Is the evidence of any previoll1ly existing diaase," ahe &aid. ••u the dud penon bad ever suffered from any kidney infec.tion then we would have to decline the donat.ion." And Mrs. Rudy hoP" that her organ.i..zaUon will toan be able to rectify wbat she describes IS "the horrible sltuaUon'" ln Susan's case -the fact that the ailing girl WU limited to dlal)'llS machine because the only such equip. ment was held by a private hospital. \ / I t' • D The '"" proo..._ ol va en'.;? s ay ... .,o,...owatOhllthe , . h IOve that II expreues. Y It WI t •""''"'"' ... wato• undervoee mu{llple an A ,.,.,.,...._ ~ 1' ctieckt to -.r. ~in ..,.her ..1.,~eart on Valentine's :Oay "The only thine that could provent Store to Pay For Black Yule? A Huntlnglon Beach family's black Ouiltmu may cost Bullock'a, Pasadena, more than 110,000 if the famll)o wins tbeJr lawsuit. 'Ibat'• the amount of daznait thst .. uptodJnl Cu-lataw candle aliep!ly jnllk1ed PP their home at UlllOJ Qiamiel 1-, claim V-.t B. l!ld Morjorto B. Roh In a SUperlor Court ....-mL The actioo lltlo Federated lle!>ariment Storel Ille., conlroilen ol the llu!loclt'• cbatn, u delendanla. The -ltate that they bought the ~ caodle oo Dec. 23, lllel! and ltt lt on that date. In • lot less than 24 hours, the candle "tml&ied grtat and coplou• quanUUeo ol omoke and IOOI and the candle bolder lnictur<d." llemage to the home l!ld lumlablngs II Id al II.Ill. And the -point out, In clabnlng further dtllllagel of !600. lhal they had lo tea .. the~ bomo foe )0 da)'I. •·we hope to raise ~.ooo that win bu.y four such machines for use In public hospitals," she said. ''Wltb this equip- ment and the know how supplied by the UCI School of Medi cine we should be able to cat.er for the kidney transplant! of the future." Heading the drive far the funds that wU.I flnanct: Susan's operaUon is a Hollywood -t man who bopea the name of tbe show be worts for won 't be ~ u a summation of JUa dolla.r-r · drln. Negro a ne Lee 1:Ulean does moct of the l(On1 1cUon for star Grtg Morris of "Mission: Impassible." hf r c :id of Susan's d11emma In a MWIJMlper Md lmm<cliately Offmd lo ntse the '40,000 n~ for the vlt.al surgery. Lik> many pf the hJih-flylng ieclmlqu" he undergoes for the cloak and dagger television aeries, Duncan is off to a flying start -be bu ll,000 pledgod from actor John Wayne and a further $2.000 from other contributors wllh his campaign only In ha inffpcy. OMEGA .,:::r,::. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR6E You C•n be IUl'9 the Omto• )'OU give or rec•MI thl1 Valentine'• Day wlll*<>mea proud flt.time ........... Thi tlft of an 01M01 wtlcf'I wm be l'tfNfftbered ....., mlnut .. .wry hOut, ~ 4-1. Coll'lblnlnO riirt beauty and llOCUl'K)', Mah OIMQ• watch tttleCUi the MIP9~ dMIQn 8l'ld litehnloal akRlt of hflMltSw"9 cnfllmtn. SM mir ~CClhdkWI ol Olnlgl. '[R ., ..... "9ft100D. J. C. J./ump~ 'Jeweler 112! NEWPORT AYE. COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION 0 OMEGA PHONE J4t.J40t • iY 4 I# 'iJ\Wl 4 :ti J: :JfXf J t -:;; Laguna Beaeh- EDITION * VOt:. 62, NO. 25, 4 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES _..OUll _,,_, ----- MARINES ARRIVE WITH BRIDGE FDR MODJESKA AREA By Land, By Air and Through A Sta of Mud ltJore Bain Thursday --tts Not 'ffif'lJugh Yet, Weather Bureau Warns Southern Californians, lulled by the promise of sunny skies after a pair of devastaUng rainstorms, 1ooked wearily out their windows Tuesday afternoon to find that "it was doing it again." More than a quarter inch of rain, dumped violently within an hour, assaulted the Orange Coast as the sun shone benevolenUy in the distance. And that's not all, cautioned the U.S. c .... Mn&" NNJIOn 9eKh Lloll!M ... di Hunll111ten Beach "-1'9111 Vet..., W1Jfll'llMNr S.11 BMd'I L91VN1 l1h.urt World Irvine llll!dl Lnl.INI Nkl...el Antlllltn G1rde11 Grov~ s ... ci.ment1• S1nl1 AN •-Coll• ~ 1od $1n f...m Jin. I. t4 ~r. SN-Lasl yr, .u 5 71 ·" .n 1.a.1 s.t1 .1s 9.1» ~.,, • JO 10.'6 S.61 .n 9.94 s.n .JO 10.96 S.61 .JO 10.96 5.•1 .lS 9.0S ~-19 .32 t.ll j,\12 .1S 9.0! 4 19 ,14 11_., S.9J .n n .u s.10 .26 I.ff .11 .ll '·'' 5.1'1 Cltmtnlt lltlur1 ''''°" Weather Bureau today. There's a SO percent chance of more wet stuff Thur&o day afternoon. Tuesday's abbreviated storm brought with It driving hail and bursts of light· ning. which struck four airborne planes. All inceeded to lhe.ir destinations and landed safely. There were no injuries. In Newport Beach, six more eucalyptus trees feli victim to the r aging rains. brin&ing the total of trees destroyed In the past week to more than 100. There was, however, no flooding or major accidents reported. The latest batch of rain was evenly distributed along the Orange Coast. Costa Mesa recorded .35 inches, Huntington Beach, .30, Fountain Valley .2.8, Laguna Beach .25 and Newport Beach .23. Tuesday's storm was a cold one from the north, bringing snow down to th e 4,000-foot level. In the hard hit Santa Barbara area, the snow line dropped to 2,000 feet The Weather Bureau said Thursday's storm should follow the same pattern as Tuesday's, but said it was too early lo predict. whether it would produce similar thunder and lightning. Total statewide damage from the rain epidemic which began Jan, 18 is now estimated al . $138 million. The death toll from the storms was placed at 96. Tuesday Gov. Ronald Reagan toured the damaged areas and urged the private sector of the economy to !put rCC{)nstruc- tion through fund drives. "There is an actual limit to what the government can do, and this is a real tragedy,'' Reagan said. South County Y Planning Series of Foreign Tours The South Orange County Y Council will enter the realm of inte rnational affair! as a result or its meeting Tues - day night. Included ln discussions were a pro- postd six-week tour through European aod Communist countries during the summer and a mercy trip to the strife- ridden nation oC Blafra on the African coost. PrMldtnt Rob Kronrnan told the teens, 40 itrang in the city council chambers, that plannJng ts under way foc a Eur~ pean trip to be staged next summer. Be nld that a representative of the program, initialed by the Newport Harbor-Cmta Mesa Unified School Ois- 1rlct. will speak at the oext Y meeting Tuesday, Feb. 4. More details ~ill. be available then, and all teens are 1nv1ted to attend. Teens also proposed a collection of food and medicine for the starving nation of Blafra. Members exprt.SSed a concern over &he nation, which. after breaking aWJJ from the African country ol Ni- ( seria, has been cut off from rood and medicine. The Y Council will spearhead a drive in the near future to acquire food and medicine for the country. In other action, the council : -Agreed to judge and supervise a sandcastle building contest on Main Beach to be held March 1. Tiie "'1181 lt in conjunction with the Wlnttr P'ativaL -Planned for a third Mblitt.ftJ week· • eDd March 15 and 18. 0.-et 40 teem returning from a similar weektnd Jut Sunday reported it was a mccess and expressed a desire to hold another. -Tentatively scheduled a 1treet dance for March I. also in conjunction with the Winter Festival. The dance, to be held on Forest Avenue, needs Chy Coun- cil approval. -Planned for a second ski trip to Mammoth between March 28 and 31. Reservations may be made at the YMCA, 91 Forest Ave. The first trip, held over Christmas vacation. attracted 37 south Orange County teens. ) * ORANGE COUNTY'j CAUFORNIA IL '°' ........ IW .... ,.,.. MODJESKA CANYON RESIDENT, ISOLATED BY FLOODING, EVACUATED IN BASKET Bridge Brought by Marines Was Too Short to Span Torrent, So Workers Improvise DAILY PILOT lllH,.... MAIN ROAD INTO BUCOLIC MODJESKA CANYON AREA OFo.ORANGE COUNTY A WASHOUT White Line (foreground) Indicates· Where Center of ROid UMCf To a. Shucks, Kansans Can't Tee Off on Our Hailstones "When was the last time it hailed In Laguna Beach, Ray?" "Yesterday," said Ray Fisher helpfully .. Jostph Sweany. city public worb di- rector, Was talking to his administrative assistant while a reporter atood by. "Bef0f'1! that," Sweany said. Fisher wasn't sure. Sweany, a one-time Kansan, wasn't much impressed Dy the hall linct it wasn't goll-ball size. However, the icy clatter' accompanied by claps of thunder, wind and rain impressed housewives and busiQesamen who had not lived In Kansas.. It wu of brief duration and apparently did no damage. Bill Shields, owner of Laguna Beach Hardware, ~ Forest Avt.., was more Impressed by the ibort intense afternoon rains. They measured one quart.er inch on hla roof rain gauge. Shields also recalled In years past when Laguna Wit covt.red with anoW. Laguna Help Asked In Blood Shortage Lagunam can help relieve 1 crltlcal shortage in county blood supplies when the Red CrOM Bloodmobile comes to town Monday at tbe Community Presbyterian Church, 415 Forest Ave. It will ht. at the church from 2:'6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pro8pective donors may make appointments tor giving blood by calling the service center' at 41H-6SS7. Appointments are not nece111ry', howeve:'. i ' • No Support Available Admiral Says Pueblo's Two Guns .Were Useless CORONA!)') (AP) -The admiral who had operatlol)al control of the intelll--. gence ship Pueblo said Wednesday Its lwo .5()-caliber machlnegwu "did not appear to me to provide it a si.gnlflcant defense capabUity." Rear Adm. Frank L. Johnson, com- mander of Naval Forct1 Japan when the Pueblo and her 83 men were cap- tured, also said he bad no forces under his direct command with whJcb to ~ vide emergency support. "I was not ln favor of arming the AGERS (lhe Navy's designation for the Pueblo-type intelligence ship)," Johnson told a Navy· court of inquiry. "We had successhilly carried out 18 missions in unarmed status and I con&idered this a good basis for · conUnuing thll type of mission unanned. '"I did cmslder lhey (the .1\1111) mlcbl well be pl'(lvocative 1 •• I wu eoncemed aboul lhe readlon to lblJ armed status •.. '"' the addition ol two .»<:aIJben, did DOI -to ""' to ..... a• aignlllwtl.....,.. capabiliCJ>.". Johnson .... lhe flnl wllne!s alter: . Stock Jffwkeu ' NEW YORK (AP) -The 1tock market closed mized today as Walt Street., con- Unued Ill watci>-and-wall at~., (Se .. quotations,. Pages 22-tJ:). Galnt OUlnumbend Iouet 6ul the Dow Jones Industrial average wu off allgbtly : In late trading. several days of clOled bearinp for testimony about clwHlecl matterl' Johmon said be wu awarf: of "cert'.aln communJcaUon difficulties'' U.S. in- l<illgence 1bipo were having wllb NI headquarten in Japan. He l&Jd ll'IOOl't- ~s on the ialands of Japan made it dlllicull lo lint radio frequencies. Capo Talk Set By Pediatrician N.Y. Stoekl JEN CENTS rea Governor Urges Nixon To Do Same Gov. Ronald Reagan Tue9day declared Orange County a state disuter arta and sent a telegram to President Mxon requesting that be al.9o declare the county a disaster area along with 1$ other California counties. Everett Blilzard. chief ol plannlng and operations in the Callfomia Disuter Of· flee in Sacramento, said the governor acted immediately on request of the Orange County Board of Supervilott. Supervhort wen told Tue.day lhat the nine-<lay rain!torm tbal ended Sunday did an .,tlmated 110 million damage in the county. A new rain Tuesday afternoon ralsed fears that more damage would be cauaed in the soil-soaked mounLaln areu of the county. . Tbe diaaster area designation will pave the w~ for immediate acUon in repair· Ing damage to roads, uUlllie1 and bridges. Tbe county departmenll may begin wori: •itlM>ut advertising for bids. State mid possjbly federal fund! also will be avatfable to rebuild roads and other public woru. Offlclals of the county and Its cities, Including water diltricts, will itemlze thelr lotes for lhe Stata ·Diaaster Offlco ill Loi Aaples Tttundaf. Prado· Dom on the Santa Ana Blv<r al lhe county line wu credited with 1avlng the eoonty from much addlUmal flood damage by Flood Control Engineer H. George Ooborne, He told IUporvltln tbal lhe dam checked inflow at "IS,000 cubic fed per second, not far below Iha ail-Olne dill8lrouJ flood of 1931 wh<a a 100,000 eubic feet per second Dow Wat recorded. . That llorm batl8ed lhe county with l40 million damage and cosl 45 liv ... Otborne tald rlBntage to fiood control clwmela wu esUmated at tl.4 million and that outflow from Prado Dam, in- creased by U.S. Army Engineers, could do $1.S million damage to Santa Ana ruver embankments. Elmer .J. Osterman, county fire warden, who became chief of dlsaster services durlna the weekend emergency. said the losses in the mountain canyons migbl reach 11.a mlllloo, nol Including road damage. County Road Chief A. S. Koch said five county re.ads were still closed Tue&- day, They were Modjeska Canyon, Rose Canyon, CUlver Road at San Die.go Waah, Blad< Star Canyon Road and Trabuco Canyon • Koch said three contractcrs had been hired to repair an eotlmaled $110,000 damage to roadways. He said 100 U:tes fell on roadl ln the mountain canyons. Lagunan Returns To ·Bare Trunk Prof"'°r Henry Fagin, 11149 Suntel Ridge, Laguoa Beach. rebirned to his car during a tbopplng upedltion al Boal Canyoo Tuesday and found lhe lrunk was bare. Police tald lhe parking lot thief bad used a duplicate key, Missing from the small fore.lgn car were a Ure, rlm and two hubcaps. Orange Ceut Weadler Q u o t b the weatherman. "There's a 50 percent chance of i110lated, brief showers for Thursday."· Thia after a temp. erature drop to 53 along the coasL JNSmE TODAY "YOU A mt'rieatu: wovld crv bloodV murd<r i?I Loftdon If llngi<md mad< Vo• rtl/flUr GI ms a.Uc-n eoerv ~tar,,. clafma Brilllh<r wlM>-ilOl lo do fl ....... Peg< B. -. "-. ~ ~ c....... ,,, --. -. .... ,. .... .llftrl...... " ,...... IWJ 'h Cl" • ~....,, : --. .............. f' . • .,....--'------- : .t DI.II. Y "LOT L School Sets . Screening ~-Of Movies , ..I: Two Lasuna Beach Unified School ..,.J>iruic:l trustffs will have a four-hour :~¢vate screening oI four fUma on Orange !~tounty Film Library's restricted Uat, )t WU decided Tuuday nlitJl ~.; Dr. Anthony Orlandella, joined by Lor· ,..,ry Taylor, lnlllted on seelng" the c:on- .. ;troYenl.al fllms on communism before ·' -1ivlng approval for their use In the ·-bigb school. ~~. The films had been approved by the county board eight years ago. but year I a l e r the county 0 ttoeged" on responsl billly for them and said It would be up lo the individual school boards, according to Dr. William Ullom, d.btrict guperintendenl. Dr. Ullom said some persons main- tained the films teach commu.'llsm rather ~-than teaching about iL • During a prevlOW1 meeting board mem- • be.rs were 1aked to approve the filnu, -'"Iron D.trtain Lands," "The Face of Red :. ·China," "Nightmare in Red" and ''Russia." Puzzled, they asked to hear --.a capsule report on the tilmt by high I'. .6Cbool teacher Ron rum wbo Wa.!1 . responSible for ordering them. • During thl• report Tuuday night Ro!! told trustffs there was "nothing bad" about any of the Iii.ma. "They are not • -teaching communlmn. They are more , .. or lesa historical pictures and I thought ·· ·an the most part they were exceptional · "'?old movies.'' ··> Rois ' said ooe of th• beat films, ~"''Nightmare in Red," deals with the Bolshevik revoluUon. and probably should ,.,be shown to the "more m a tu r e au- ·C-.diences" in the high school. He aaid r.1hat In the film they line up the prison.era and shoot them into deep treDcbea wbile ·. cameraa zuo in at a horrifyingly close •, Tange. 1 "You're relying on ua to do the thing ·: for you. You asked me to recommend ·•: ~hem and I say flley're ok&y,11 the .~ 1.eacber told OrlandeUa. ··... "Certalnly we wouldn't have to review these fllml if they were about the -.American Revoludon. But these aeem •.-to be real bot potatoes. I dlmt like ·.'having to approve them, but H they put the burden Otl my BhoaJden. I want ·: to uy I have seen them," Dr. Orlandella said. , • He and Taylor were the only trustees who erprwed tnlmll Ill IOeing th• filma. ' El Toro Flier Succumbs to Crash Injuries Death today caught up with a Tustln fller who almost miraculously survived the cra!h of a Marine Carpi F4 Phantom jet 10 days ago by ejecUng 1n 1 ral.n;storm over the Cleveland National Forest. Lt. Edmund A. Klmell.a, 14, of l'lllll Altadena Drive, dled at 10 fl.m. in 'Balboa Naval Hosplta.l, San Diego, after hls condlUon stead.Uy deterl~ated due to internal m)lll1es. The youn1 radar officer wu tept alive Jn the final stages by a resplrat.or and bloockle.anaing: kidney macblne. ac- cording to El Toro Marlne-Co.rps Air Sladon spokesmen. Kina<lla balled out of hi! crtppted fighter~bomber on Jan. 19, ahorUy befcre it alammed into a mountain peak, kllllng the pilot, Maj. Otarles "Chili" Rodgers, M, of 549 Mountain &ad, La<una Bead!. Lt. Kinsella lay in a drlzzling rain nearly 24 hours before hellcopter searcher~ found his crumpled form, while ?-.laj. Rodgers' body was found three days later In the jet wreckage, 20 miles 5oulh of the base. The lieutenant leaves his w 1 f e Kathleen, a twr>-year-old aon and a nlne- monlh-old daughter. DAILY PILOT OIAMGI COill.T ·,u1i,:1110MG' CO¥,.AM'r a.~.rt M. w.,, ....... WtM •nll l"ublllhtf' Tlio..i•• K••~il .. * 1'\o1"1tl A. Mtrplii1" Moo ........ E ~ll« Ille.Ii•'' P. Noll Pttl Ni11111 L•-kocll • A .... •tll .... CllY l!:•lt•r Olr!'<• i..,. ...... OfllM 2JI ft•••• ,..,, Mo1n111 A441•u: t.o. ••• '''-t16tl --(Ml• Mt-NI .Slit W"I 1•¥ .I ..... .,._.,. ~= :1111 w"' ..... touiw.r• Hllfll"""'" lktdll .IOf Jiii $1tt1t OAll.'I" •1~0T, •1111 .... ldi .. _...., ._ ,.._."'9H It .wtt-Mlht tft911 ._, ...,._.,...._.11._ ... L_~ ,......., ._,,_ "''' ....... Nl•ll••• .... Miii ,_.. •• "''"'· ...... . ~ ""'""" °'-,_, ~..,,.... c-...,. "'""u,.. -· .,, ot nil ..., ltlbaot 11....i Mwwt I~ ..... UI WIU l tW .. ,Mt, C•t• ~. T...,..._. 1114, 4f4-f4U ~ hpt, MZ ... JJI ~IOM. 1tll, °'"'" C-1 ................... . ~..., .......... _. ...... .....,. ...... ..,.....1,1 ., .....,.,...._..,,. ..... ::~:r.·--.. ................. ...... Ytl91'1f-. ..... _,_ ••lf ti ,......,. ~ .... •• -... Ctfltill'"lt . ~ ........... Wt"'' •1.n -"'"' ""'-u u.• _..,., l'lltllftY ........ ,......, II 11 ....,"""' DAILY PILOT Ntff ttrlMt FREE LONG DISTANCE CALLS IN THE ROUND ''Commun&Camlval'' Startt Thursday at Plaza Pilot CommuniCarnival Opens ·m Mesa Thursday Telephone company repre!entatives and DAILY PILOT staff members be· came "roust.abouts" today u llley began Rttlng up CommunlClrnlval at South Coan Plaza, '!be camlval of communlcaUona will open a thr<e-day ltlnd at tba regional shopping center al I p.m. 'nwreday. ft will be open from I to I p.m. ThundAy and Friday and I to I p.m. on Sarurday. The "carnlval" cmten around two main element&. One la Paclltc Telephone Co.'s "glveawa, in the. round," a ciJ'cu. Jar stage fnlm wblch oporaton wlll make a presentation every 30 mbiutel climued with the glvuway d. a free long distance !lhone call to anywhere In the c:ontlnental United Sl'.ltea. Other major elements of the show will be a DAILY PILOT exhibit custom· made for Communi.Carnlval and telling the atory of how lhe DAILY PILOT reproduces f1na1 stock market quotattnna each dav 11 a ...Wt ol a "12-mlmn< mtracle.r' The dl!play will tie Ill with a phone company demonstraUoo. of DatUpeed machlnel which "talk" to each alhtr cout to coast at the rate of 1,050 words per minute. Other reader featur" of the DAILY PILOT also will be emphufud Ill tba ezhtbtL Twenly prise! will be p... • ..., at tba DAILY PILOT Wrlblt. Winners need not be pmm for the drawing at appru· lmately I p.m. Saturday to wlo them. Third Cue Pending Chancellor to Explain Firing of 2 UCI Profs Cb1DCf)lor Dante.I G. AJdrich Jr. waa to go before UC Jrvtna idllllenta today and uplafo why be la 11rtn1 hro YOllDll ...i.tant prolesson of En&lllh. Aldrich made tnown bis d<clslan Til ... day to go aloq with ncommended dismls!al of Dr. Stepben A. Shapiro, 28, and Donald F. BrlMan, 30. Then he called a meeUnl (or today to explain to the campus why he did it. The case of a third assistant professor, Dr. George W. Kent, of the history department, still h under review. Students and faculty have been wilting Aldrich's decision for two montha since the three W.istant profs faced with terminaUcm JJOblicly defended them.5elves winnlng conalderable campus support. Aldrtch'a remarU today were not ex· pected to end the matter, A group of 35 professors, 30 graduate student& and seven staff memben caUing themselves the New UDlvenlty Conferenct waa scheduled to hold a pren conference Immediately followin& the chancellor 's comments. They were prepared lo lS1Ue a state- ment calling for a moratortum on all dirmisi1J1 untU RriOUJ que8ilona aboul the f1culty promoUon system can be answered. SPo<iDCl!l1, they Wlllt to tnow what criteria were used by senior Engllsh and bl.story profeason to evaluate their junior colleagues' teaching performance, and whether Sbaplro, Brannon and Kent were given enough tbne to demonstrate scholarly competence. "In the e.vent these basic quesUons are not answered, the chancellor mullt share responalblllty for the consequences of student protests that mlght occur," the 51.atement reads. A student group opposing the firings is the Ad Hoc Commitlte f o r RelnsLatement. Dave Haatett, one of the leaders. said 100 students met Mon- day night and decided to continue negoUaUon instead of demonstrating. The committee also bu called for a moratorium on flrlng11. Unless Aldrich Is persuaded otherwise, BraMan's contract will expire in June and Shapiro's In June, 1970. Kent is recommended for dismlsail ln June, 1970. Shapiro said today he plans an appeal to the Faculty Senate Committee on Privilege., Tenure and A c a d e m i c Freedom. Academic freedom h one of the issues he plans to raise, be aald. He clalms bia d1lml&lal was preclpiLated by his invitation to Black Panther Ekttidge Cle.aver to Wieh telliom of hls class. Sex Class Okayed Only 1 Trustee Protests Course Capistrano school trustee H11rcort Bun -haded by an 1udltnce atudded wlth dissenters -cut the only no vote qalnll • 1tl educ1tlon class for 90phomoru and tenton Tuuday night. The I to I decialon by lh• Capistrano Unllied School D~lrlct boon! opena the way for the voluntary Family Ufe pro- gmn al 10th and Uth srade te .. 11. Na one ln the aw:tlenct waa wiahy- "'aby In 1111 opinions. '"llDe that were for It weni adamantly for II and thoos that ware qatnat It ...-. ad.,...Uy aptnal 1~" aald Sam A. Cbfcu, district diroctor of ~culwn. 1lle Family 1Jf1 claues are dutped to bettor prepan --fO< their .,.... Ing-out of •dole1eenc1 durtn1 high lthool and for urumptlon of adull rolu afW graduation. The Joth grade count teacha health factors, the pbylloloo or adulthood, dangers ot. venerul dlseue and ethical daUng standards; while the 12th irade c.lau Involves marital adj ustment, child growth and care and ftmlly m o n e y management Opponents ol the voluntary elaalel - they are not required currlculum for district IWdenta -bated t be 1 r argm:nenta on the tradlUon&l role ol horn• and chur<h In teach1ni P'llllily Life. School officia1I noted that RvtraJ persons who attacked the pt'OITlm fues. day did not Identify themselves and were subeoquently determined not lvtD to be nsldsn!I Ill the dfJtrlct. "For the ntOlt part." Chfcu saJd. "thOM •ho spoke could be clused u conctrnfld parent.I -aome who were agalnat the proaram are alto rupportera of !ti. 1ehooh1." IBM Leasing, Approved Computer System Sla~ foF '.f hurston School ' Lqlllll s-11 --Tueodlty . ellbt appmtd a conlract to lwe fln, !bit llChedu1\nl. «1ulpm"'t f""1I lrtterna· Uooal BuaIMU Macblnu (!BM) for Thurston Intermediate SChool. Tbe computer tystem, conslsting of three machlnea, will be· lused from IBM for f600 monthly usJns the 70 per· cent atudent dl.scount rate. -!hero will .be a moillh delay . due to tho facl the dlatrlct lw to od....uaa t!ie1r l!Jtent to leue the «1ul1> -~ board nitmben altb entered lnm a 90-day agreement with IBM so they could irut.all eqWpment immediately. While board npproval for the needed Laguna CofC Plans Study On Parking "Downtown parking I.& euenLlllly for cuotomers, merchant Gordon Strachan tnfd Lquna chamber dlrectora Tuudly. However, be said a survey Is being made 11to see what we can do tO alleviate parking problem1 for employers and employes." Strachan, cbaJrman of the Downtown BU!lneu Alloclallon (DBA). rtlerred to clrculalloo of a~ uktng how long fndfvtdua!I park, on wbat days, bow close to work, where and the amount they would be willing to pay for an lllfined IP"C<. The DBA In December succmfully Jolibled f0< city enforcemenl of the time llmlt on metered parking to pul a stop to meter feeding, a custom of .mony downtown employe1 and bualnessmen. Strachan aald the effort t.o get employer and employe cars off the downtown slreets was successful. He said several of his customers bad never seen 10 Jl1ll1f parking spota and were very happy !!Ith IL Harry Lawrence, chamber preaident, said every parking spoce annually is worth $!0,000'""" business to it! area. Somebody .Likes Weather., Campus Site Studkrs "Good news for duckl," you aay when II n!nL But who ta rain and wmd sood..,.. for! Anlwer: employes of James A. Jloberls Aaoclltel, who, quite literally, have a field day when lt rains « blows. The Jrvtne lndUJtrtal Complex firm cumnUy ti doing a climaUc study of Saddlebact C.Ollege'a permanent campus site. Roberti employea say they got a 30- year rain pndlcllon during the last wetk. They ~ It ahouldnt rain that hard mare than once every 38 yean. Now they'H looking abead to analh<r ,...!her tasl fer the collqe site. A vacuum 1ltuaUon ls developing, they say, that ahould bring Santa Ana winds within the wed:. ''They're r:lgbt," says Saddle back Trustee Ham Vogel. "As an old timer in the area I can smell it." We.ll, it'• ju.at more good news for the cllmaUc studiers. And more bad news far plain folks and ducks. On new machi.ntry ·hu betn obtained, Tburaton'a probl.ns an not yet dYwl. .MminlaLratora lltll have to worry 1t19ut what to do with the earlier l)'Jtem <opplled by McBee S)rstams, a dlvlA!on ol Utton Industries. Tbt board oo Jan. 14 acted to rescind the Mclee contract because ol dlf· flcutuu tnvolvtd in performance. .:ta haven't bw'd from McBee: We a letter and got no answer, Now W• have to figure OOI what to do wbh !hair «1ulpment," reported Wick Lobo. counsel.or at Thurston. He aald be nlada several phone calls to the company, but got nowhere. ''They acted Ute they didn't know what l was lalkin• about,'' be recalled. ['!; Wllltam Ullom, ouperin!Bndent of lchOiii. oalA!'the dlalrlcl has talked with tbe c:Obq_ty counsel who feels they are in a posltkin to negotiate with the com- pany and haVt the equipment removed . "I feel we havt given them every opportunity t.o perform and t h 1 y haven\" said trustee William Wllconn. an attorney. Dr. NwmlD siowne. boanf pruidlln~ auggested a Jetttr be atnt to McBee ltatlng that this was the sceond letter, and if they don't remove the equipment immediately, it will be in the driveway. {r {r{r *** Laguna Plans Institutes For Teaching Evaluators An Institute to teach evaluators how to evaluate -or how to use commercial evaluators -hopefully will be sponsored by Loguna Beach Unllied School Dlltrtct, Owen Tait, ualstant · dlatrtct superJn. tendent, told truateea: Tuesday night. Tait ei:plained the U.S. Office of EducaUon, not aatUQed with evaluation of federal projecta pr!viou.aly 111bmltted, decided to set up a aerles of lnaUtutu. The district hopes to spoMOr such an institute with funds from the office of educaUon. They ln tum will aub- contract all the wort to General Systems Incorporated which had e.,. a I u ate d Thurston Intermediate School two years ago. Tait said about 1$ project directors from Caillomia would parUclpate in the workshop whlcb ii scheduled f o r someUme early in March. The dlatrlct would probably make ~ after paying General Systems, Talt said. In other bulllneu Tuesday night, trustees: -Approved a policy 1 tat em en t guaranteeing free or reduced price meals to needy chlldern and setting up guldellne1 for the program. Dr. William Ullom, d.l!trlct auperlntendent, old in the past tba district has had just a few children who qualified under the * * * Counselor Sought For Youngsters In School Area Laguna Beach Unified School District hopes t.o employ a lull-Ume counselor who would work mainly with children and kindergarten and fll'lt grade, Dr. William Ullom, district 11uperlntendent, told school trustees Tuesday nUtht. Dr. Ullom 11aid the distri ct would apply to the Slate Department of Education for $8,000 to hire David Hagen, a teacher at Aliso School, to work as a counselor-ln- tem while taking evening coursea at Calilornia State College at Fullerton. "The main lhJng the counselor will do is mate 11ure the children are placed appropriately," Owen Tait, auistant 111perintendent, said of the program which he named, "Operation Good Start." "If we had this program before we might have been able to reduce problems in junior high school and high school," aaid Dr. Ullom. "It mainly will look al their capacity for JearnJng and diagnose their problems." program. -Agreed to apply for lt;ll6 In federal funds for achool llbrary resources. -Heard a report on the reJocaUon of a bus stop on Forest Avenue which lw ignited protest& from motorists ctted by police for not stopping for school bualnes. -Readopted a Civil Defense plan in whlch suitable school facllitlea would be used aa emergency mass care shelters in Ume of disaster or major emergencies not caused by war. -Congratulated Ray Lawson, director of operations for the dl!tr:lct, who l'tCt!Dtly received an Area Merit Award from the California School Employae'• Association. Lagunan Guilty In Jail Es«;ape A Laguna Beach man who joJned 10 other Inmates a year ago In a succeaaful mass escape from the old Orange Counly Jail was found guilty on escape charges Tuesday. Superior Court Judge William C. Speirs ordered Paul Gilbert Diaz, also known as David Baker, 24, of 1834 Woodland Road, t.o return to his court Feb. 17 for sentencing. Dia z fa ces a possible prison term of up to 15 years on that count and another charge to whlcb he earner pleaded guilty -possession of marijuana. Diaz was one of 11 men who greased thelr bodies and slid to freedom via a ventilator shaft. He was recaptured in Arizona two months later. The Laguna man was awaJUng trial on the marijuana charges when he escaped. Britain ReJects Russ Laos Step Up Charges LONtioN (AP)-Brltaln today rejected Soviet chargea that the Americans are itepping up fighting Ill Laos. The Brttlall blamed North Vietnam. 'lbe move came in a formal reply to µit Soviet government. following a 1tatement by Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko calling on the United Staie• t.q quit intervening in the Laotian king- dom on '.7leinam's western fla nk. \ / I •. • D The true prtcloulMll of va en 1ne s ay ... 1"0meg1wotchblh< . . h k>V't that It expres1.._ Say If Wll '"'" omeo••"" undergoes multiple min an n OMEGA ,., Hr. 141( ~ .. ,.ii,,. tollll gold ~. MlldllJll gol~ l llMlll ..._ ...... 111• for Hl111: Cl'I--..._, s!Oll-•flell. ....._ "-~., .. "'°"""· """' ... .-.!. .NI~ 111•"'4VW.M7.ao CONVfNIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE \ quality-control checks to UIUN tlmtkMplng -Illy . You can be sure the Omega YoU QIV'lt or receive th ls Valentlnt'1 pey wl11beoomea proud llfetlme -""'· her :Qeart Thi gift of In <>meoa Witch wrn bt remember.ct 9Ytry minute, every hour, ewiry day.COmblnlng rare t>Muty Ind .CC:Uf'KY, NCh Omrlgl Wlteh Nn.ctl the 1upert» dttlgn Ind teotlnlGll eklll• cl U'll flneel SWIM 0111fllmen. S.. our complele coUectlon °'""-_...._ $68 to OWf S1000. J. C. ..J/umphrie6 '}t1welr till NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA 21 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION on Valentine's l>ay , 0 OMEGA 1•1C,.ne•or.,,n.ae1111 14'1d bo•C.1'1 •1\Cfo, ~ ltotl9d .,,.!ti PHONE 541-3401 "'' 11 I I I 11 ' • I llp There, Looking Down Storm runoff from Santa Ana River (foreground) collides with surf oU river jetty in this aerial view. Despite cool temperatures and debris-filled water, i;u.rfers !rom Huntington Beach and Newport Beach were out in force Tuesday and today at river mouth, which lies between two cities. Muddy water at this and other popular Orange Coast surfing spots didn't seem to deter wave riders. Congress May Inquire On Pueblo WASHINGTON (UPl) -The possibili- ty Congress might make Its own Inquiry into the capture of tbe USS Pueblo grew today, along with the suggestion that higher-up officials In the Pentagon might be called to account for the affair. Sen. John Stennis (0-Miss.) said his Armed Services Committee wants all the witnesses cu rrently being summoned by the Naval Court of Inquiry to be available when the Na.vy is through with them. He said he asked Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird to make s.ure they are available if the committee decides it wants to make an inquiry. He also said his committee would be able to investigate more phases of the incident than the Navy investigation can cover. lie said other Defense Department officials share responsibility for the decisions involved in the capture of the ship. "Not until the full facts are known about a11 the relevant circumstan«s that existed, and events which took place before, during and after the seizure of the Pueblo, will it be possible to ascertain the reasons the ship was lost end take Protective measures against another incident," Stennis said. Toma by Boy White, pyramidal office build- ing, 55 stories high and topped by 240-foot spire, will join San F'rancisco skyline in 1972, ac· cording to plans announced by Transamerica Corp. Jt11 l ,® foot height will make it city's lrillest building. 133 Judges Subpoenaed In Sirhan Defense Tactic LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Subpoenas and questionnaires were handed to all 13.1 Los Angeles Superior Court judges today as counsel for Sirhan B. Sirhan sought to end his trial for the as.sassina- Reds Accuse V.S. of Hits North of DMZ PARIS (UPI) -North Vietnam ac· cused the United States today of at- tacking targets just north of the demilitarized zone in Vietnam. and allied officials expressed fears Hanoi would formally reject American plans to reitore the zone to its once neutral status. Radio Hanoi braadcast a foreign ministry statement whlcll said two 852 bombers struck "many places" just north of the DMZ on Sunday. Previously Hanoi charged B52 raids on Thursday and Fri- day ; the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon denied the charges. Today Hanoi called the alleged raids "the most serious acts or war by the Americans" against North Vietnam since the bombing halt was declared three months ago. It called the alleged raids a "shameless crime" and said the U.S. government would be held responsible. How the Communist charges would affect the Paris ta1ks was not known but allied. officials favor an immediate discussion of the possibility of restoring the zone as the best way to scale down the conflict. Hanoi has been cool to the proposal but has not rejected it. Today the officials said they feared a forma1 rejection at Thursday's session. Clinging ti on of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Defense counsels seek to quash the Indictment of Sirhan on grounds the grand jury which handed it down wrui unconstitutional. The questionnaire asked the judges whether they ever picked any Mexican· Americans, Negroes or Oriental jurors and to name their grand jury norrii nees for the years 1962 and 1968. It asked also whether they attached any importance to ethnic or racial background in their selections 0 r panelists or whether they excluded such persons for ethnic or racial background. It was not e1pected the judges would appear in court if satisfactory answers to the questionnaire were furnished. The m o v e to subpoena the judges followed a meeting Tuesday between defense and prosecuting attorneys, the defendant and Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker. Each or the county's SupUior Court judges nominates two persons annually for the grand jury alld the final panel of 23 jurors is chosen by lot from the nominations. It was speculated that because of the judges involvement with the grand jury selection process, they were summoned to bolster the defense's contention that the panel which indicated Sirhan was not constitutional. Chief defense lawyer Grant" B. Cooper wntended the indictment should be quashed because the gr~nd jury did not include members of minority groups and therefore was not truly represen· tative of the people. An appeal on the same grounds in another Los Angeles felony case was rejected by the California Supreme Court and Judge Walker was expected to do the same. Cooper said last week It could take a full day for defense arguments on the motion. to Life Girl Awaits Kidney Transplant By TOM BARLEY or 11.-D1l1Y Piiot 1111! A gently humming dialysis machine ls the only thing that stands between 17·year-0ld Susa n Mazze and death. The blonde Villa Park •Ugh School girl was hooked up to the costly device for 10 hours Tuesday -10 hours in which her infected blood was cleansed of the bacteria which today is inevitably returning to the former star athlete's poisoned system. Susan undergoes the painless but ex· hausting day -long treatment twice a week at Palm Harbor Hospital, Garden Grove. She has to if her almost usel ess kidneys are to get the mtchanical aid that will keep the Orange girl alive. But Susan went Into the hospital 's dialysi!!1 room with new hope Tuesday -the hope that she will shortly become Orange County 's first kidney transplant. And while Susan's blood supply was being rejuvenated by the miracle of dialysis, a campaign dedicated to the raising of $40,000 was launched in the old Orange County Courthouse. And every penny will be needed for the costly transplant surgery. Dr. Donald Martin, chief of the University of California al Irvine 's urology division, has agreed to perform the operation. All being well, Susan will enter the operating room 1t Orange County Med ical Center in about two months' time. But those two months will cost her parents al I.tut $6,400. Susan's 10..hour session with the machine that preserves her Ille costa lhun $800. Salesman Leonard Mazze has put every penny he owned and a Jot more that he could borrow into the costly treatment or hls daughter. "J don't care about that," he said Tuesday. "but I am deeply grateful that these ertorta are being made for Susan. I haven't a hopt of ra1iin1 "4(1,000 myselr." Spearheading the campaign are the Kidney Foundation or Orange County and Temple Beth Sholom of Orange County. The Kidney Foundation has undertaken to handle the tissue typing chores that will preface the transplanUng of a healthy kidney into Susan's body. The kidney will come from a body that will not be identified until the transplant operation has been completed. There ls, says Kidney Foundation director Ileen Ready, "no &bortage of donors. We have a list of many people who have indicated in their will! that they wish their vital organs to be used for olbers. "The only thing that could prevent our using such an organ is lbe evidence of any previously existing disease," she said. "If the dead person had ever suffered from any kidney tnrecuon then we would have to decline the donation." And Mrs. Ready hopes that her organitaUon will soon be able to reetify what she describe11 as "the horrible siluaUon" In Susan's case -the fact that the ailing girl was limited to dialysit machine because the only' sucb equip- ment was held by a private hospital. "We hope to raise $30,000 that will buy four such machines for use in public hospitals," she said. "With this equip- ment and the know how supplied by the UC! School of Medk.ine we ahould be able to cater for the kidney transplants of the future." !:leading the drive for the funds that wtn finance Suun's operaUon Is 1 Hollywood stunt man who hopes the name of the show he works for won't be construed as a summation of hla dollar·ra.lsing drive. Negro alhlete Lee Duncan does m011t of the agony action for star Greg Morrla of "Mission: Impossible." He re 1 d of Susan's dilemma In a newspaper 1nd immediately offered to raise the $40,00G needed for the vital aurgery. • (L l OAll. Y PILOT :; Reds Down 3 Copters Cong Plan Tet Truce; Allies ConsUkring It SAIGON (UPI) -Commlllli1t around fire downed lhtte more American helicopters In Sooth Vl<tnam, military spokamen said today, 'Ille Viet Coog announced they would oblerve a t.ruct d.rlng the Tet bollday neJ! month and the Allies said they bad the• proposal "under corWderation. '' Tbe downing of the hellcoptets brought U.S. aircralt ~ aioce the new year to 31. MlUtary sources said the losses ...,. heavy In ligbl of !he llmlted utenl ol fighting since !he first ol the year. &mm.unist forces have improved ID· tialrcraft defenses around t h e I r strongholds in South Vietnam and have moved an entire bauallon of anUlircraft gunners into the cambod.lan border Teen Trio Plead Guilty to Drug Possession Rap Three teen-agers arrested and ebar,00 with pollSeSSJon of µiarljuana following a raid on 1 Los Alamitos home have pleaded gu.Uty to the charges in Westmlnster Mimlcipal Court. Douglas Keith Hagee and Oona1d Louis IlewiU, both II, and both of 10742 Chestnut St. have been ordered to appear in Superior Court Feb. 7 for sentencing. Diana Marie Kaeding, also 18, of the Los Alamitos address was ordered to return to municipal court Feb. 19 for probation hearing and sentencing. Juvenile Court action is pending against two minors who were swept up in the seme raid. A l~year-0ld youth was charged with possession of marl· juana and a JS-year-old male companion is acrused of possessing a switchblade knife, UllisUng arrest and being In a place where marijuana was used. Auto Plant Closes DETROIT (UPI) -The assembly line at Ford Motor Company's Dearborn assembly plant will be shut down for three days in February because of overproduction or cars, a move similar to one announced Monday by Chrysler Corp. region northwest or Saigon, the sourcta uJd. The Communist Viet Cong announced In a radlo broadcast monitored in Saigon they would observe a Tel, or Lunar "ew Year,, hallday ceasefire Feb. 15-ZZ. Last year during Tet, the Communllla called a truce, then launched their big~ gest oUenalve of the war agllnst South Vietnamete cities. A South Vietnamese spokesman said that "beclUJC ol the laat Ttt offensive" It wu "too soon" to announce the Ume and date fot a Tel ceasefire this year. He llld llij' ceasefire "will not last long if Ulere ii one." Vice Pre.&l.dent Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam aald in Paris Monday UPIT.......,. Jet Jockey Lotte von Bromssen, 25, Stock· holm, Sweden, usually flies around world as purser for Pan American World Airways. Next month, however, she'll trade purser's hat for jockey cap to ride in horse race in Australia where female jockeys are welcome. Male jockeys in U.S. refuse to accept idea of riding against women. Saturda ! Illa government mlflll decltre a M tl' 13-bour truce. ""· uld "JU' -c.m. munbt offtrWve would be cruahed wltb "be&'7 loaea." Spotumen lllkl one ol the hellcoptm WU lbol down TUOlday While fl7tnc reconna.lsaaoce 111ppcrt for American In.. fantrymen who tilled II Communilt troops they encircled 10 miles aoulbwest Of Sai(OD. Another WU downed 11 m 11 e I southwesl ol the northern clty r4 In. Nang in the same area where South Vietnamese troopo ,.ported tlllln1 2t Red troop& TUOlday. Spol:emnen uid the other chopper WU Ibo! clown MondlJ In the Mekong Delta about 1$ mileo southwest of saJ1on. Persistent Flag Defies County's Lowering Efforts It looked like lwo Jima ln reverae on top of the new county courthouse Tuesday. And red faced maintenance men tn.. t.rocluced onlookers to a lot of new wordl as Old Glory defied their eflortl ta haul her down for the """""' day ,,,,,_ ning. She was snapping away merrily today, bravely flutte:rin1 by the Dawn'• Eltly, Light (well , say, 9 a.m. anyway). Shi'• been doing the star spangled bit now for three days in a row but It loots as If her high flying days (or rather nights) are numbered. · Maintenance mer. today were plannbl• to bring a Oagpole palnler to the 11..tor] building to bring the r<hellloul Starl .aod Slrlpes to heel A succesafoo Of mllhaps -pounded by an Inexperienced crew led to tht U-bour fluttering Of th~ Dag, Brand new ropes hive IJ'Olltn to tht extent that they have jalnmed In the puilo)'I and tho dllcovery Monclas' tbal harne&! snapa for the new equlpmenl were missing dJdn't help much. A pretty 1lcll: F1ag crew bu bee.a muttering aome rtther novel pledge! in the presence of Old Glory after aeveral roof top ooatlnp. 11But we'll fix her tod11," • malD tenance foreman commentlld. 1'11m •• , Flag will coma clown tGoJPt, Ju11 )'111 eee." The s100,000 Charles H. Strub Stakes! This is one of the big ones. A 1%-mile amt.est for oome of the world's champion four-ye&N>ld thoroughbreds. Like Dark Mimge, Nodooble, Dewan, Poleu- and the surprising Ca\>lllDOle. It's also the fiJBt in the fabuJoUB Santa Anita Cballenge Cup Series. Dm't miss the l<ticn. Saturday at Santa Anita in neuby Amldia. ~···*f@»~~-11 .... • I ncm daily T19day tluu S.twday. Poot time' 12:30, Clllldnm andor 16 fnlewlth a-L Phone: ~7-2171 cr !181·7401 . I , /} Reagan to 'Bend Red ' Tape' for Relief n11rs ros ~ l~ _. lht O.ltr Pi ... Se.ff> .Seaford College, a boys' school in twortb, England. operated by a utch or England clergyman, is plying for a license to operate -bar. The headmaster, the Rev. arl•• Johnson, said the student ~d be able to buy beer and wine "but not spirits." Other members of the staff said the students would benefit by learning how to run a J:i§r and how to behave in one. • • s;c I m••s• .,, ··.. Flood water.t carried this bos!y to tltt maternity ward. A ' cow being swept down the · /loo<kd Santa Clara River was f'optd and pulled ashore. Then , · ft1rs. Billy Harvey, owner of River Stables trt Oxnard, Calif., i · ted the cow to one of ht:r horse , •·stalls where it gave birth to two ' calves. • • •• M:r1.. 81111• Cavey, 88, was not er about haVing her perfect iving r~rd broken by a Cincin· "ti officer whO ticketed her for ving 78 mileS per hour in a 40 zone. She said P•trolm•n . ph L. JonN, who gave Mrs. veY be,r first ticket in 54 years driving, was "such a nice police- · ~.·· • The new Metroliner of the Penn Cen\'al Railroad between Wash· inglon a/id New York shatters not only speed records but also· win- dbws of the slower trains it passes. 'The railrOOd said . the superspeed tmin sucked five win,dow.s from a cimmuter train as the two passed n~pr Chester, Pa. No injuries were reported. • ; I ' :! • - 'SNO WEATHER EVEN FOR SNO..CAT Rescue V.t.lcle Bogs Down in ,Sle rr• Snow Job NoS. 9., IO of Year Five Negroes Divert 2 Airliners to Cuba MIAMI (UPI) -Five youthlul Negroes commandeered two airlines and forced them to 0,. to CUba Tuesday in the nlnlh mi. loth hljaoklnp .o( the year and the third double.header piracy this month. Two men, described as "college graduate types.'~ hijacked a National AirliMI jet flying (ram Loi Angeles to Miami 11lth 32 penons, and 1botll 12 hours liter three men, ·~armg typical hippie dress," took command o( a Philadelphia·to-Mlaml Eastern Air lJnes plane with ll3'per60NI aboard. Police today Identified the two men who hijacked the NaUooal AirUne1 DOI 'jet as· Byron V. Booth and Clinton R. Smith, both eacapeea from the Clllfornia Institute' for Men at Chino. Police uld Booth and Smith, both 24, eacaped from the prlaon Monday while serving terms for first degree. robbery. They used the names of R. Ba.nka and A. Matteraon when ~Y boarded the plane in Los Anaeles. AuthorlUea said the two men, armed with a gun and an explosive device, took over the plane moments after it departed New Orle~ on the last leg of a Lo.! Angeles to Miami fllghL bed me by the ann and started waving a gun around. He kicked open the coc~t door and held a gun to my neck and told the crew he wanted to go tQ Havana." • Stewardess Victoria Sikorski was busy in the forward food servlng section of 'National'• fUght 64 preparing a... ~clc for ber ~ pmengers wh!:n she s~tnly became vet; .uncomfortable -she had a .31J..ealiber revolver stuck in her ribs. ''Suddenly. a man tapped me on the shoulder and put a gun in my back and said, 'Havana'," the 22·year-old stewardess Jaid , "l said i had to get the key for the cockpit and he said 'You belter hurry up,• " Miss Sikorski recalled. The rest was more or les1 standard procedure ln the ninth hijacking or 1961 as Capt. James G. Brown turned the supu OC8 jet toward Havana's Jose Maril Airport. Lost Savings Bonds Getting Top Priol"ity SACRAMENTO (UPI) -After 1 "'°' dlJ· fK!.llndlnl trip In whlcb be 1lOlhed throo&h loot.detp mud 1n114< 1 Car!>lDlez!a home, Gov. Ronald 8-vo,wecl today to .. _ the rod ~· , • !or vl<Umol or OiWorn!a'• devwilnc floods. ,,. \. . ~ He 11"' ursed the pi;vato c:Wzeo -' • Without "If ,.,...., Aote imp<tul '"'' to Id (n •· ~ 1plr!t mi help hil ndc1>bGr rtbuDcl. • • •. "Somewhere .. ,,.,,.... to baVO loll th1' • good nellhl>ar oplr!I,"-~ Jlld ,,_, ' di.)'. ''Tiieoe people won'\ ut ior 'bj!lp but It seems to me t1me for' DtOP]e 1 • to kind Of get IO!lethor I flood -nlld drive. "Once upon a time when the barn burned, we used to have a barn buDdtnj: party and erect It," he recalled. "l don~ thlnk the~'• anything wrong with a utUe nel&bborllne:u." The gGVemol' and • group of atfte I olfidalt O.W down th< c.ntral Valley 1n a chartered DC9 Tuesday to view flood damage from nearly two wee.ks of record rainfall. They stopped to meet with regional officials at Fresno, Santa Barbara and Burbank. The trip had a two--fold purpose or allowing the state chief executive to see flood damage first hand and to let local officials know what .state and federal facilities were available to help them. The most dramatic moment of the trip came at the small Santa Barbara county hamlet of Carpinteria where a Friday night deluge brought ~ud·SOake.d flood waters down from the mountains. Reagan bused to a subdivision where an enUre street had been covered with mud and water stood during the height of the flood at thr~ feet inside the homes. He visited the. borne or construction worker Alex Mendez, who was working shoeless with his panls leg rolled up to clean mud from his house. The mud was a foot d~p. Neighbors wer:e helping • "This is what I mean by the private sector helping," a grim·faced Reaga~ said. "By golly, it's got to be done. There is a limit . to . what government can do. This is a tragedy." He told Father Francis Roughan, a Catholic priest whose parish is in the ~rea, that "Private, good neighbor help 1s what we need." The father said a federal reclamation project planned for lb,: area would have prevented. the ~.~'Maybe it's easier to call Washington ·now," Reagan said. The governor disclosed he had received ~ teleph?ne call Monday night from Pres· ident Nixon pledging the full facilities of Ule federal govermnent to he.Ip flood relief. Nlxon already had released $3 mHUon for nine devastated counties. ln ,a.ddltion, the $le legislature is considering a bill to release $5.4 million in !tate funds lo help restore local public facilities. _,., :,At. Burbank. Los Angelfs County Supervisor Ernest, 'Debbs suggested a new one-cent gasoline surtax to aid Southern California. 'But Reagan said it did not appear to be needed. Aliked what he had learned with the trip, Reagan said: "I don't know if you can just watch or read and really get the impact of these lhings. "I'm going to demand that we apply common sense to make the red tape more flexible," he said. "We're not breaking the law: we're just bending the red tape a little." Consumer Prices Rise 4:7 Percent • : "In Gennany, as in many other ~untries, it is quite acceptable to spend an entire night sipping one or maybe two drinks. Courage to approach a German girt, with the language barrier, should come !rom proper dress. actions and self confidence: it doesn't come ftQ.m an over consumption of be;er or alcohol :" So goes one it:tml in a booklet Issued to Gl's in West ~cmiany for military exercilts. The National crew and pusengen returned separately later Tuesday, and the Eastern crew flew the big oc..g to Miami this morning. The Eastern passengers were to be returned later today. lmmediat.e authorization of :;pecial services for owners of U.S. Savings Bonds in Southern Calllorrtia disaster areas was announced today effective through Feb. 15. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Consumer prices nxse 4.7 percent in 1168, the sharp- est increase of any year since the Korean War years of 1950·51, the government reported today. An increase o( two-tenths or 1 pe rcent in the December index over November pushed the consurne.r price index to 123.7 of the 1957.59 base period, the Labor Department reported. -. Both of the hijackings began w h e n stewardesses were surprised in the galley by gunmen. An National stewardess was preparing lunch wben approached, and an Eastern stewardess was mixing dr!n:U. "One of the men came up and asked me for a drink," said Eastern steward.QI Roberta Truppman of Miami. "He grab- Special banljllng will be given clailns tor relief on account of lost, stolen or destroyed Savings Bonds. Under this treatment, the six months waiting period for the issuance of duplicate securities will be waived. Prtferential handling will be given to claims for destroyed or lost or stolen Treasury securities in registered form. Winter Grips All of U.S. Dripping West Joined by Freezing Midwest, East Callfonda Tem.e,..1urn cllf!I!""'"' coM lc.!1v •• Mr.In over 5-ou!Mrn Ctllll'.>rllll clo>e•O'(I. T-• wer,. 1 l•W 11tciw."' 1r1111nd fll't .-nt1lnt encl wlnclt WOl!fl •u••v. LO& A-In Ind .. 1c1n11v Wll lllr • '"'"" fll't (l\1ne1 of r•ln droDDlflf le 10 H~ent l'OdlV Ind lon19M, boJ1 ctlmbl"9 111ln la SO peKt•U Ttoun• 'da'I'. Tiie•• ...,.., 1uttv wind•· ' Sen... ""-"'' lllf'lll•V 1nd orPdlclf'(! t.111" IO<llV l..clvdM• L-8e1clt ~· • 11. s1nt1 Mo<ok • 60-S7. iaurti.nll .. n. ~Ml Wlh"" 17•11. P1l...O.~ •i.•l. l"•v· , .,.,!di 4!0. P1IM ~•lftlt 61-6C. .... 1<,,.,~ld "·"· San 0...,,1 S .. SI, S.nt1 l1rti.r1 56·~· SOUTHElll:M CJ.LIFOllM\,t.-C...,111- tf'9tlle claudl....u .,.1,., ecc1ti...I ..,.,...._ -WH..,.S.v !tor-fl Tll\11"11My. Gu.tv wlnft. (l!'l!ll'U"d ecol. LOS ANCELES AMO VICINITY-C-llfier•~ clctllclilWH win. tcer .... I ,._.,. w--.. !ltl'IUlll ~ 0vtW ......,.. C""'l'"""" (illll, lAill ..... """"'" fl191rt -· u. ... ,,,_ .............. .. tit.till '""'9b1Jltv !t ~ ""* -"" 81111 w""'"cr'" n1...,1. COtolTAL "'MO INTEll:MliDIATE VALlE'Y'S -c.ont""'tble cleufl- wntl ~i-1 ...._.,.. '*"""""'" ~ Tltvl"llllV Gu1tv .tfldll. C- llowef CODI. UW' w..,....,., tillM JJ .. 'f.HllflW..,_..,.d._#. MOUNTAlll UE•I -CIOUCI" wlM ocufllllMI ,.._., """"'"""' "''""" nwrMIV. ~ ltWI ).!iOll lttl Ill ~ ... fMI tn 11111111. Gutt'/ .,.1..a.. COlll llwtf cHI • INT••tOlt ANO OE,EIT 1£GIOHS _..,.,..,.... clol.ldf, will! «t••lon•I aftow· -~ TIN!'ldlV G111!" wlNH. CanflllWf Qllt. L-~IV "lffll » 19 If \l9lf' .. tl1y1, lS IO (! ,_, Yll"'9. Hitill '#..,..d6V <ill Ill ~ U~f VII.,., jf ......... VllltVI ' C.astal MOSrlY c:i..r 1$GIV, tOel'lllV caNtr. ..,.. Cl>l"<• .. ....... ,,..,_" .,, tleull• IMt* "' "" 1Ylflln.t1. l ... ,,... lolt/I ~-... YfflefCt'l'I ~1tvrn r 1 " 1 I d ~ I ltltlo -•J ta I """' -<Q, lM wtW tem"'r•lv"' wn SS dftr.t1. WSDM•tOAT l"lftfllr<t 1''''"·11 • tKortif ltl"" l ,.U 1.m. J.S TNUIUDAY l"lnf low ••.• •••.• 11' .. Im. t 1 P'lnf hltlt ............. I OCt1m.S • S«orNI """' ........ , •.. 'u ....... . $tond ~11!1 ............. t ,QI. •.m. '--' ,...... ltlM'I 1:" • m. t~) ts 1.m. 11111 ll:i.tl t·S) 1.m ... ,. S 16 p II'\, • • I• MILD) 11.S. S"'"'"ary A "''""" ............ 11~d••••tM -""'' loll _, ...... ...,..., ...... ~ "" • fft ll -.. ·-1111-lvrMncK ,,... It-. JllKlflC Hfrllowel1 t"to Ille lld<IH. tou!Mt'ft 1"1111'11 1Nll Grt•I ll«n. T,..ve~ •1,,..ftff lot l •f"ll"' "'""" •flll k~ ICCVl"lll.rloN ~ _... r.-i _...,. Morfl'I C..1"11!""' ""'9 "-Mot"'9t1I. -'!lllt lt'V lllrlnlt 11'8 "" ••• ,, .. Ollll"""•· l(IWOI •""" Ml-rl, ••111 or crrtolt .... -•llttl .c:r-1 "" ttfllr•I Mini....,. V1llt? te lM .._. Gf'ffl l 1kft. ,,,.,,.. Wf!11, wbrll"I ....,..e-r1•vr" ,_1.....i nMl~l••tfll In "" ""'""'" "''"-Of !flt ll:l!dlt1 1Nt Piii"' 1f'(I ltffv" ,._ loll Ul11t, W-lnl l l'O "" mcr.ml•l~1 Of cotor1do A~ low Mf~ko. Tt!tttper11lurrs H'911 l-""1;, ·-" " .... _ ~ " All1flll " " ·" .... irntltN " " ... • •• ,. ' ... ...... " " <>-" " -~ (lfl(lnl\1ll .. .. 1,6, C1~!and " " ... 0e ...... " " Oft Mo!l\e. " .. ...... " " •• Evreli.1 " " "' "'°" Wetlh n .. "' ·-~ " " "' ....... " ., ' ·-· .. .. ........ " ~ ... "-"'"'* (ltv u ,. ·" ll' VH•t " ,. "' lot •-..... " .. "' Mle"'I -~Kh n .. MllWl~tt " ,, .. -" • n •• fll-Or~nt • .. M-von • ,, ·" ...... " " "' ........ • ' . .. .. _ ··""'' .. ,. ·" .,,llWMf>l• ,. ,, ,n p,_,,. • " .,~~ ,. • • ........ " " ... ·-· "'' ' ' " ll:M lklfl' ~ " ... ·-" " " "''""""" • ,. 51. Liii,. " " " SlltlWI u " ,n ... ·-" .. "' ... fltr1t1Cl"o u .. "' S1nt1 ''""'' • " "' 5~ttle ,, " •• -·~ " ' ... Tl'ltrm1l .. n ..... •• ,,, .... ,llf' " " .. I This meant it took $12.37 last month to purthase the same goods and services lh1t SIO bought about 10 years ago. The department's Bureau of Labor SlatlsUcs said the price level rose 4. 7 percent between Deeembtr, 19&7, to December, 1968. Howevu, the average rate of increase for 1968 was smaller -4J ptrce.nt -beacuse of month to month variables. Prices in December rose two-tenths of t percent, primarily as a result of incrused food and housing costs. The two-tenths of one percent increase. was one of the smallest one-month rises of 1968, but normally consumer prices don·t rise at all in December. The most significant indicator in the report was preliminary estimates that wholesale prices in January. 1969, are showing their largest increase since February, 1966. The last year prices rose even close to 4 percent. s l n c e the Korean War period, was in 1956 when the i n d e x rose 3.S percent and in 1966 when it cllmbed 3.3 percent. In November the index rose 4.8 percent above the level for Novembtt, 1967. Labor Department officials predicted tarlter that the rise for 1968 would be "sll;:hUy more than 4 perctnt." Thehna Ritter Listed In Critical Condition NEW YORK (UPI) -Comedienne Thelma Rllttr remained on the critical ll~t 11t Quttns General Hospital toda y although doctors reported she appea red to be recovering from a bu.rt attack The &8-year-old actress. whose wis('· cracking roles won her four Academy Awa rd nominations. was taken to the hosp ital Monday night lrom her f'orcst llllls home. Ul'I Tlitllllf .. GOV. REAGAN, WEARING BOOTS, INSPECTS FLOOD DAMAGE Talks Wlth Alex Mendez: of Carpinteri• on O•m•g• to Home Storm '"Got A way' J<'orecwter's Job Unpredictable LOS ANGELES (UPI). -In ancient China, farroers prayed for favorable weather in front of Buddha's statue. If they didn 't (el ii, they pelted the statue with rocks. The U.S. Weather ~Los Ange.Jes wasn't exadty-{~,lng __ bl~med today for the worst slorm In · 30 y'ears. -b1,1t was being reproached for not forecasting it. On Saturday, Jan. 18, the bureau 's forecast for Los Angeles was "late morn· ing cloudiness with parlly sunny af· te.rnoons today and Sunday." That was the very day a tropical storm swept in from the Pacific. It rained in torrents for the next nine days, sending creeks over their banks and houses . sliding down l~ sid.es of mountains. Tuesday's prediction was ' "variable clouds ..• chance of brief showers near !he mountains." Instead the Southland v;as belted· with thunderstorms and lightning. "How could it happen, .. people v.·ailed accusingly, "with all those weather .satellites, computers and radar sets?'' ''Jl is probably harder to predict ex- treme weather in Southern California than anywhere else in the United States," says Dr. William Bonner, assistant pro- lessor of meteorology at UCLA. Forecasters say it's still easy for large storms lo build up in the PaciDc Ocean without being detecl.ed. There is little travel acros11 the octan south of the California-Hawaii route. There are no observation stations, and almost no ships to send back reports. Hence the Weather Bureau has little data from this region to feed into its compute.rs. But how about those expensive weather satellites that take pictures of the clouds? "The satellite picture we geL every day shows the pattern of the clouds and the cover," says George Kalstrom, chief forecaster at the bureau's Los Angeles office. "But it does not give us an Idea of the intensity of the storm." Kalstrom said that on Jan. 18 his staf( was trapped between its pressure map, which sho'o1-'ed a storm area in lhe Pacific, and its computer output. v;hich did not indicate rain. The staff decided to go with the computer • He noted that Southern CallfonUa has a type of weather called Meditemmean, which means dry, and added : "It does rain here, and rain hard." Berkeley tu Call Police • To Quell Disturbances BERKELEY {AP) -Use of oH-earn- pus police to hetp quell disturbances at the University of California is planned by Chancellor Roger W. Heyns. "We will augment campus security personnel with lhe forces necessary to provide protection," he said rruesday night. Blockage o[ the main UaricrofLA venue entrance to the campus Tuesday "ex· hiblted a callous disregard for the rigtib; and frttdoms for gtudents. fa culty and staff memberS"," he said. "Furthermore. this actton was in v.lolation of campus regulatlol}S." . He relerred to a noon demonstration in which members of the Third Wot;ld Liberation Front and a number of sup- porters ltnktd arm1 and. forced incomi{lg students lo detour around Sather Gate. Some trlPd lo forct lheir way throu8h the lines, however, and there were a humber of scuffles . The disturbance ended w~ 20 pollctJnen arrived and dispersed the plckettrs. Elsewhere. 1tvtral classes w' re disrupted and othrr 5tudents were haras9ed . After a l<1r 1as canister was thrown Hijack Reward Set NEW YORK fAP) -A $60,000 reward for inrormallon leading to the arrt ~t snd conviction or 11rllne hljarkers who return to the Unitrd States will be offerrd by the airlines lndulllry, Floyd 0. Hall, chalnnan and pre11ident of Easltrn >.tr Lines, announced today. through the door of a mathtmaUca clau: five atudents were treated for eyt ir: ritalions. The 150 studtnls in the room v.·ere evacuated. .. ~eyns . d.~lared disciplinary action will be 1n1t1ated against those students who violated university regulations." . The rul~. hi;: said, "specifically stale 1nterfer~nce _with enl~ancea to buHdtna:s a~ un1vers1ty funchons or activities, d.ist.u_r~ances of offices, classes and study facllit1es and harm to property are ......... hibited." !"' ~ AFf, Trustees Meet in Secret SAN FRANCISCO IUPl) -A handful oi pi ckt.ts demoMtraled at Sa:i Francisco Stalt Co~le~e today as strlkln'g teacher.9 met 3&111n 1n secret session with a com- mittee of college trustees. The teachers, represented by the American Federation of Teachers hivi been .oo strike since Jan. 5 for deMaoot th~l 1nclude walle and working condi tloq btneftt! as wrll u implemtntatloo ul minority denlands for a black studits program. TI1e leacher.~ h11\'t remalntd on strike despite a court ruling that the walkout was illegal Stud~nl !llrlke le.aelrr~ have lilnnounct"d pla!YS Irr a "ma~ confront11Uon" "''llh police 011 1he campus Thursdny. I , I I • Wtdntldq, Ja""'Y 29, 1969 DA!L'I' PflOT If Latin America r ' • Irish Protestant Nixon Asks Rocky Leaders AiTested • . I I ' < .· To Head Mission WASHINGTON (AP) -New Yod: Gov. Nebon A. Rocbfeller, passed over for a pla<e m the Nixon Cabinet, ~ been aWd b7 hb former presidentla.I rival to head a fact-finding mission to Lalin America. Czechs Take Smrkovsky From Post • PRAGUE (UPI) Czechoslovakia's new national parliament today formally removed popular reformer Josef i;rnrkovsky from bis post as parliamentary chairman, the tlatioo's second highest of- fice . . The action was taken by a vote of delegates but was not expected to renew the month-long unrest that started when it became apparent Smrkovsky· wouJd be forced to leave the job. Smrkovsky endorsed Peter Colotka, the man who will succeed him, as a means of quieting public criticism. Smrll:ovsky was not present when the parliament con- vened. He had been admitted to a hospital for surgery to correct an inflammation of the left upper jaw, the news agen- cy CTK reported. Pr was quiet with no rbances connected ealh of student Jan , I, who burned himself In protest against a Soviet-imposed curtailment of freedoms in Czechoslovakia. The Wb1to HOUS< conllnned Tuesda1 nldll that Rockefeller bad been contacted on the subject In recent days. But -""'"'tary Ronald L. Zlesler said no firm dedslm bas been made yel on wbetbu even to send such a mission. Rocltefdler, whose family has extensive intext!tS .. tn Latin ~ and worked on some <:l. the area's problems in the admlnlslraUon o f Franklin D. Rooo<vel~ said he was ''seriously con. alderklg'' the offer. "We have budgetary dif· 6cu1ties and other problems in°* state," Rockefeller said. "We mllat appraise the rt· quest aild we I 1b my responslbllity In the 1tate." Diplomatic soon:es said Nbc- Oll bad doclded u .s . policy Iowan! Latin America needed • .. thorough re-eumlna.Uon'' In the light ol a -toward military dldatonblps. Three have liken over in 1lle past fcm mootba -in Peru, Brull and Panama. Ganison Subpoenas Connallys NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Dist. Atty. Jim Garrllon ls reachlnl for forqter Tau Gov. John B. Connally, wbo sat three feet 1n front of Jolm F. Kennedy and WU wounOed in the same gunfire burst that killed the President, as a climactic witness in clinching his case of alleged conspiracy in the auasslnatlon in Dallas. Garrison iuued subpoenas Tue.day for both Connally and his wife, who accompanied her husband in Kennedy's limousine into Dallas' Dealey Plaza. where KeMedy was slaln on Nov. 22, 1963. The subpoenas were returnable Feb. 17, which could mean the state is .eek· ing the Connally• aa windup witnesses in the Cay L. Shaw trial. ne subpoenas, to be served in Houston, said the Connally!' le!Umony "will establl.sb that shots were fll'ed into the ~idential limousine from more than one direction, pursuant to a coo.spiracy formulated by the defendant and others." Fight on Filibuster Continues Tradition WHITE HOUSE MEETING -Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, Maine; GOP Senate leader Everett M. Dirk· sen, President NiJ:on and House leader Gerald Ford and other Republican Congressional leaders met in - Crime Plans Revealed U~I Till,,..... the Cabinet Room of the White Hense for two hours Tuesday, They emerged from the conference urging a crash program to curb crime, particularly in the District of Columbia. Nixon Wants More Judges Tricia Nixon Given Position WASlilNGTON (UPI) - The United States Capitol Jiistorical Society which pr1>-WASHINGTON (UPI) -reacted strongly Tuesday to citizens of the District of Col-motes the history of the President Nixon, who pro-the president's statement. umbia," he told the House. Capitol building through books mised in his campaign that Rep. George W. Andrews Rep. Paul G. Ro~ers (I). p.nd pamphlets, has given a he would launch a vigorous (0-Ala.), called for deploy· Fla.), called for action on a Job to Tricia Nixon, the attack. qainst crime, intend! ment of two U.S. Marine com-bill he introduced to enlarge President's daughter . to ask Congresa for more pat)ies to help the city's J,200 the city's courts and modify Miss Nilon, 22, money and approval of 67 new policemen Patrol Washington bait procedures. "What we represent her father at the federal judgeships , including streets. "As I see it, it's the need in Washington is a blitz society's meetings and func· BELFAST, Norlhem Ireland (UPI) -Police today amsted Northern Ireland's two most militant Proi.stant leader•, lhe Rev. Ian Paialey and Maj. Ronald Bunting, and shuttled them off Jn police can: to serve thre&month jail sen- tences. Paisley was aurrounded by police and served a wartaD& for arrest as he wu lea•ing Ulster Hospital. He bad been undergolng treatment for a hand severely gashed by broken glau Tuesday when police tried to arrest him al his home. A crowd of cheering sup- porters waved him off. Some leaped Into their cars Md .followed him to Belfas t Prison. Earlier today, police burst Into the home of Maj. Ronald Bunting and took Paisley's fellow m 111 t a n t Protestant leader off to the same prison . A police statement said of· ficers were refused entry to Bunting'a home at Dundonald and had to force an entry to make the arrest. Paisley, BunUng's fellow militant In continuing unresl six for lhe District of Col-only hope for the law .abiding on crime," he decl~red. lions as an unpaid volunteer . umbiL ,_cc::;_;::.;::..;.."'-..:CC.::.C...:=.:CC::~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Senale· Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen and House GOP Leader_ Gerald J\. Ford revealed the President's plans Tuesday After meeting with him on Capitol Hill. Dirksen said the Nixon ad- ministration would "ask for supplemental f u n d • for whatever it takes to carry out this war on crime" and Ford said the president wants to make Washington a "showcase of what can be done" to combat the nation's rising crime rate. Although n e i lb er con· gressional leader specified bow much money would be needed, both .. id the lunds would be ilsed lo improve court procedure with a n emphasis on bail nform and expanded prosecuUon staffs. As they spoke, District of Columbia police reported a 23.2 percent increase in crime here last November over the same month in t 967. Rob- berleii, up 107.3 percent , represented a significant part of the higher rate. 4 ·PLY NYLON CORD YOUR CHOICE $ ' ~ ctubel bet""8 Cathollciil and Pnllatanta In Nortbonl lr<laod, bitterly d"""1llOlil police for r "'mmhtq m·· .. llWllloc'• home to make lh1I morning'• arrest. '"!'be police .mUll have 1• . mad to behave in auch ~a way," llld PalaSey. Bunting, who calla bhmett commandanl of the LoyJI Citizens of Ulster, WU lflb. tenced Monday by Annaih Magistrates to three months lmprlaonment for taking M"t in an unlawful assembly dti- lng recent CatboUc-Prott:stail clashes. . . " , HEW AssistaDi WASIDNGTON (UPl:j Agnes Waldron, professi social worker ind cam researcher for President N' on, will become • ~ assistant for welfare in department of hea.Hh, tlon and welfare. .~ Miss Waldron, G, from Ni!f Canaan, Conn.. wW adrill HEW on trends and ~ lhlnking In wellare. • POWERRIL RSK PllEMIER BATTERY ·$300 0 ,FF OUl llMIR;Aa SEWNGPllCI 3 DAYS ONLY SHOCIAND ~ SllCl.Al . ........ J MJSOM.n J0.88 ·-·-!7, ............. --- • .. .. ' ' ' . .. NU:on said Monday at his first news conference as presi- dent that he had asked Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell to recommend immediate steps to reduce crime across the nation and particularly in WASHINGTON (UPI} -country in which, for such Washington, where he said Sen. Henry Clay, an ambitious a length ol time, so much walking at night can be a EXPERT-BRAKE OYERllAlft. dignity and decorum of debate "very serious problem." Whig, led the first fight had beeb maintainM." Several c o n g r e s s m e n against the Senate filibuster F u 1 b r i g h t , s e n a t e - in 1841. He lost, and his sue-Republican leader Everett M. cessors have been fighting and Dirksen and Sen. Barry M. BRIGHT losing the same battle ever Goldwater, (R-Ariz.), praised Th• DAILY PILOT rn•\•1 it1 the filibuster as an imtltuUon n••• co••t•g• lit ht, ti9ht •ntl since .. d sists tod uru·que to the Senate and ~i9ht. R••d r••• horn•fow111 Their ream per ay. ..g~ .... Ual •-Its dlgnily and ,~•R 11.ity •"' •nioy th• "It we would ever get a ~· w .. w ... three-fifths rule, that woold 1 .~p~restiJ!;;·;·~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~==:~~::I be the eD<i -that would be the end of all this nonsense we go through year after year," Sen. John 0. Pastore (D-R.l.), told the Senate Tues- day. A few minute s later, Pastore's efforts we.re as dead as Clay's. The Senate muslered 50 votes for a mo- tion to stop debate, but 42 Senators voted no. Two-th.irds, or 62, were required for vlc- IOry. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield said be might try to refer the proposed change in the debate ruleii to the Rules Committee. He was askeri whether this or any other maneuver could achieve success this yuar. "I'm doubtful," Mansfield replied, ''very doubtful." The proposed change would enable three-fifths -I 0 Senators at the moat -of I.hose voting to stop debate, a handrul fewer than the two- lhirds -17 at the mlM!t - required now. "The Sen ate hasn't got anything else to do," Sen. J, William Fulbright, (D-Ark.) observed after Pastore and assistant Senate m a j o r I t y leader Edward J.f. Kennedy, ([).Mus.). caJJed !or an end ~-k J. to the Uuff.w .. k talkathon IO cw ... against the rules change. J• • • d-~ -1l (/( coml itc, Fulbriallt's point was that It WK. QUI ::,,•·r~li111r. !' :;-1,: ~ MUTUAL SAVINGS Senate. A 'ND !.OAH AaeOCIATION s.n. John C. Calhoun of 28'57 Cost Coell HtrtnnY • c:o-a Doi lllr, C.111. 92625 South Carolina, who led the: Te~ 6715·5010 Congress which beat Clay in -.,. • ,... \IHI, said: 31,1.w.auoo...,•NUIUi\.CAUf.11111 "There never had been •I ~~~~~!!!!!~!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!~~ txxty in this or any other'. ... A~ prka phoo Frdl1>1l I •ci~ T1., WJiil-ftl $~.00 ~Jor~ [Kit FISK CUSTOM 360 fULL WlT • TVIRllS • NYLON COID ao MONTH 8UAUNTll OUI flUT UNI Tiii • \NY SiZE 1.ISTED! • $ , 1n '" pr1oe1""" ,...,_. tw. Ta WIM:nlllh: SZ.00 Win £afl . ....... ....... .,_ ..... .. ---_ ......... "-..... -__ ............... . 1-··~w~......,.,,.,.._,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.., PUMIER SPORTS SPECIAL :;:r __ ..,.,.._ _____ ...... -----~-.. _ _.... .... _ .. ....... 44c J&UinCM~ IJ OUf\ICU .. YOUR CHOICE rvL1 4ol\Y • IVllUll •. NnOtl' COl9 AIY SIZE LISTED ·y$15 P(Us 1 J. m .fi. lMfA<"' .... ..-plM ,,, ..... ·-.... ,. {!& •• ~ ?11. ll' _,_ -t .. l.llOt ~ • WlllLIA&AICI ·~-.,..__. .... ~~ .. _ ................ :-~ ... .. _._ .. ....._. __.., ____ _ ..-..-----. ......,....,,,, ___ ...., __ .,. .... .-......, .. ___ ... --------.............. -.... ____ ..._ ... _ -.--..... ....... ... ...................... _ .............. -.. _ --....---flmt.•--· ........ ---------.. __ ...... - •I m•m&a .Wiiit"-•aa. ....... WESTMINSTER 15440 HACH II.YD. BUENA PARK sns UNCOUI A'IL AtYaloyYlew BUENA PARK 5J01 RACH ILYll. At Lallwloi. COSTA MESA Z2110 HAU01 K.YD. ,.,.._ At Mchd•" 892-2088 826-5800 523-3040 541-2082 I ,_ ........... .._ l. ... cyllllllr' ---.......... ~ a.,....... ... '™ ea• .. ,.._ ~ ...... ,...~ l\'l,_ ... .,....IAll -.. ................ ....... ... ............. ... .. ~,... ...... . .......... _ .... , ............. --:~2511 NISllll.f Mtl!C.. ~11ACI PIAYll :':A:"'.':-" 4997 --~-=--... IO--·-SPECIAl IUY ON 4 11ACI STDIOTAPIS --tMTSarar •••• ~--no AM Ill 1'1 .. Tlt& ~JU:.., SANTA AHA 1400 ...... Atlltoeol ~7121 , · . • ·. I ---~ i I DAILY PILOT EDITOiiiAL PAGE I . ""' " .... .. Flexihi·lity for Surfers I<· ~ ·r: ··~ r The surf's up In Laguna Beach Council chambers. SUrflng Vice Mayor Joaeph O'Sullivan is "locked- In" on Ill attempt to liberaliU! the city's stringent surf- ing cootroLs which apply from June I to Oct. I. f Beach area property owners, mosUy along Gaviota Street. are opposed, in varying degress, to more surf~ Ing time and space. Surf en, of course, favor the proposal. This set the stage for a good old town hall tug of war last week. The debate ranged from explanaUon of &urfing conditions (including a definition of a goofy· footed surfer) to protests of property owners that they can'l renl high-priced beach properties if surfers force oul swimmers. O'Sullivan maintains lhat current restrictions are unfairly forcing youth to drive to other areas to surf. The law now keeps surfers out of their designated areas between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. O'Sullivan points out that the character of surfers has changed since 1960. The sport has cleaned ilaelf up. This is true. Today's surfers a re not win~swigging psychopalhs. They are people, mostly young and ath- letic, who are dedicated to a sport. As a group they're probably not much different from skiers or water polo d!lthusiasts. Area surfers have a problem. \Vithin the last year they have lost three surfing areas -Salt Creek, Dana Point and Doheny. The problem will get worse as ur- banization spreads. Perhaps, as one, lady suggested. the surfers and property owners should try to get their heads together and. work 04t their dillerent.:es. Certainly an informaUon exchange would be help- hat Every evolqtion A.lfout. Monday, Nov. 19, 1968, on the of City Hall, hundreds of Them punches with the police. What v.·e They doing at City Hall? 'I'bey w leaving a court hearing on charges fil qainst Them during an earlier d nstraiion. • IC'!~ maUer o[ fact, Their leader -WhG the ·day before had announced a civil disobedience Campaign -defied the court and refused to appear lifi answer bis summons. THE CHARGE BEING hCMd In City Hall that day resulted from clashes with the police a month earlier, when hun- dreds of Them took Lo the streets Lo protest alleged "dlscrimination" in bou&- ing, job opportunities, aM voUng rlgh~ .. After the hearing about 400 "civll rights" supporters carried Their leaders on Their lhoulders to City Hall Ac- a:irdlng to witnesses, "wben t h e demoru;trators began marching up the building's steps, police shut the gates in front of them. M the. marchers tried to force t.helr way out, scuffles and fist fighlS broke out." SO OS DEPRESSINGLY familiar, d It it? The same words and phrues ave become so accustomed to - onstralion," "civil disobedienct," rirolnation,'' "howing," "job op- nil les," and "voting rights.'' ~this time there is a difference. t country was not the United States, lhtrn Ireland. f!tity was not Chic.ago or Cleveland. bu ondeny. the protesters, o( course. were Dear Gloomy Gus: --. - The .New York Civil Llbertita Un- ion bu e:ent a fund·ralling letter to "Fellow New Yorkers,'' the first sentences of which go: "The cam- paign for 'Law and Order' is gatb· ering impetwi. To meet tt hea~. join the Civil Liberties Union now." Is anyone out there inter· ested in an American Civil Re- sponsibilities Union? ~-H. ni. ....... "'*" .........,. ......... ~ ""'9 tf n.. _,. .. r. liMtl .,...._.'"'-" .... ~ ....... white lri!h Roman Catholics. Doing encUy what our Amerlc.an black• are doing, and for much the same reuons., MAKIJ'iG AN UNHOLY fuss for a holy cause. Disturbing the peace -as only the Irish, God bless them. know how to disturb the peace -for a peace based on injustice i.s a bitter mockery of the word. Asking for what every man has a right to ask -a decent place to live, a fair crack at a job. a vote that counts&! much as any olher man"s. Alling tG be judged as individuals, not as part ol an abstract, faceless mass -not as Roman. Catholics in a nominally Protestant 1..'0llnti"y, but as men, with the same loves and fears, the same needs and hopes. the same rights and responsibilities. IF THE LAW WON'T provide µiose ba.llic thlnga, the law mum be changed. If the law won't b8 changed legally. it will be cbangtd extra-legally. That was what the American Revolution was about. 'Jbat is . what every revolution -&ood and bad alike -is about. Morality a>me.a before law. If any ruling group acce;pled this, there would be no demonstration1, no scuffies, no collflicls, no revoluUon. ~ostly Radio ·Network . t ~NGTON -Latest multi·mlllion dolif project for Sooth Vietnam is the C\':l~lon of a natJonwide radio network. . ! io cost betwetn $10420 million in lgn·ald !ww:b) ess tb1I unaMOUnced plan ls junked by the incoming Nimn Administratkm, tht Agency for lnt«naUonal Dl!velop- ment (that adminblterl foreign aid) pro- poses ta build at lea.t four powerful rotations that woukl gtve an or South Vietnam modem radio COYtrage. The stallons 'ate lo be 1tra1e1lca lly lncated in the four major South Vietnam cities -Saigon. Da Nang. Qui Nhon aod Nha Trang. Still to be named is the head of the costly project. THE Nt:TWORK IS to bt complrled '"1thin 18 month s -provided a new J;rge-ecale Commrmlst affen11ive d<>e.'n"t wreak hAvoc. That's what happened last Vi!ar when the Reds' surprise Tel assault destroyed or huvi1y damaged so?M st.II· Uons al a network then brelng developed . It was to consllt of 12 statlons, of \\1Uch 9 were already In OJM"ratloft . .\fltt lhe communlsll were finally routed, U.S. ofncioll .--xamined the widmakfnl and decided to ICr&p the 12-«Ution cortCtpt for a nttwork of fouf hJgh-powertd 'lll· lioM. A major conikltration of this change wa1 4!!n:liuring more eecurlty while it lbe same time f!leulng maximum """"'"· Under the AID plan. the MW network would hive two ch11n~ll -one mililary, ooe dvtllan. The former would ~ under US. cont.ml i1nd Mlely for military pur~. The civilian channel would be run by the Saigon government, and not subject to th4!! U.S. in any ~ay. AN AID OFFICIAL., ae:ktd if lhis might not open the way for the network. built with Amtrlcan fund s, being used agaln!t the U.S., readily admitted that possibili- ty. "Yes, that could happen," he 51ld. ''It has In other countries, so it could happen In South Vietnam. Biting the hand that befriend! you is a quite com- mon trait." AID authorities .say the mulli-mUllon dollar radio projeet is favored by the State and Defense Departments de.spite the risk s involved. It Is clalmM they approve tht !Iva-channel network as neeessary for improved military com· munic1Uons and to enable the South Vietnamese government to betltr re•ch lM masses of people. THIS SPRING. a pc>\m'ful ""' Voice o( America r1dio 1taUon will ga Into operaUon at Tinar11 In the PhUlpplnea.. ll la C011J111 lf7 million lo hulld • .,111 hive ten 250,000.,..Att ttan1tr'lltters and will broadcast to all of Soolheaet Al':ia, Rtd Chin• and reach deep Into ctnlral and eutttn Rus.1fa. Bec:IUN of lta: clear and powerful slenal, the CommunistJ: will find It more di!Dcull to Jam tne.e broadcMtl. (_ By Robert S. Allen And John A. Q(lld1mltll lul to each side In undentandlng the othu'a problem and viewpoint O'Su!Hvlll's propcised chanae• lo 1uzt1nc controls are generally soµod. They would lmoct a month off the reslrlction period, do ·awll)' with the period that 1w:tus must leave the water and broedeo the area where surf· Ing ls allowed. " . Lileguardl could dealanate within the allowed area just how much yardage waa to be surfed on a ilvon day. Thi• fieilblllty 1s good provided the lifeguard top echelon trulkes a l9ll el!ort to see that the area Ls var- ied. The idea ahould be to lhift the s!Uf sector so that It falls In !toot of different propertlH at different Umes. Th• language of the propooal• will need to be clarified also, but thLs la a mechanical chore for the city attor- ney. Friends of Dog Owners The Laguna Beach Fire Department went Ii> the dogs again last week but then it happens once each year. The Laguna Beach Lions Club and the Southern Cal- ifornia Veterinary Association team up to provide in· noculation against dreaded rabies. Dog owners may buy licenses at the same time. It's a real community service. The Lions and veteri- ranians deserve a hand for their hard work. And, o! course the Fire Department, which provides the facili- ties -and the cleanup! Reader Comna.ents on Student Views 'For Programs _They Offer Poses' -. To the Editor: Relative to the views expreued by many student.a of UCI as reported In the Los Angeles Times Jan. 19, m1y a few views of mine be expressed? The over-all reaction I had was that mO!t of these students were quite full of themselves, that they felt that, left in the.ir hands, this world wouJd be a much better place. Possibly so, but since most of them ranged from 18 to 24 years I would prefer to have them gain a little experience before I buy their "solutions," upon whlcb none of them seem to agree. ~ TOWARD tRE close af the Times article the writer made a to.do about t.hese students having grade point averages of 3.S or better. So what? .. There is many an odd fellow that bas a 4.0 average. In fact , I can remember observing upon my initiation into Phi Beta Kappa many fellow initiates who struclt me as being singularly lacking in common sense and affected in bthavior. This affectation, frequent among the young, is enhanced theae days by professors teaching social "sciences" and the permluiveness of the present crop of weak-kneed ad- ministrators. THE HUMAN ANIMAL hasn't changed much in the last millenium or so, and certainly nol much in the last 200 years; and it is time bleeding heart reporters and those quoted students and professors, a.s wtll as· achoo! and college ad- ministrators, politicians, etc., become aware of this fact ·and deal effectively with breach of school regulations and breaking of the law. The general public is fed up. EVERY GENERATION that comes up has its own grievance•, and many of lhem are well founded. But when some or our contemporary a d o I e s c e n t s (including "teachers") take to flaunting ''by any means necessary," and such slogans, it is raising the black flag af anarchy, not rebuilding, not reform, not rebellion. nor even revolution. And It does not matter whether the groups be SDS, BSU, black, v.·hlte, brO\vn, green, purple, or whatever. FOR SOLtrrlONS they substitute slogans; (or programs they oner poses. They show littlt tolerance, m 11 ch tactlessness. They violate laws and lhen demand amnesty ! They think the y are the chosen few who are forward looking. Nurtured by ivory tower academicl1ns, et al., \hey know little of history, hence how do they know whelhfr they are facing forwards or backwards? They are about as mature in their demands for an ideal world right now as those infanta who went of! to the Cru1adt& and not too far from home perished , a continent away from the Holy Lsnd. RICHARD W. LOVllLAND ~--B11 George ---, Dear George: I hate parlies at which adults nl•:r &tupld games. likt cMrtdes an so on. Do you know any adult game which can be played whtn all this foollgb.oess starts at a party -some game I might en)o1? HOPEFUL Dear Hopeful : Yes. "Adult tlopacotcb." The mlnulr tomebody s u g g e s t 1 char11de11, hop right out the door to the neartsl lounge and !ip some Scotch. I've used It ror year11. f5':nd yoor problem1 t.o Grorgc for Instant Solutions.) Lettert from readtra are welcomt. Normall11 writers· should convty their message in 300 words or ltss. The right to condeme Lettera to fjt space or elimi11ate libel is reserved. AU lttters must i1iclude rignature and mailing address, but 11amts may be withheld on rtquest if 1ufficitnt tta- a:on is apparent. OCC'• Denied of SDS To the Editor: In regard to your recent editorial, "Sensible Action at OCC," I wish to comment that it came as no surprise. If any neW3paper were to condone the actions of the Orange Coast College Inter-Club Council in denying the Student& for a Democratic Society (SOS) a chance to become a part of the campus organization, I wo4ld certainly have expected it from the DAILY PILOT. Your whole argument seems to center around what SOS has done on other campuses in tht country. A lypical reac· lion of your newspaper, If you don 't know what it is, call it Communist or Communistic. TUE FIRST LINE of your editorial seems to state lhe same reasoning that a member of the ICC gave, when asked why he was against the SDS, "Not many people know it, but there will soon be a bond elect ion, if people in the community find lhat we have let SOS on can1pus they will certainly not symp<.thize with the stude nls at Coast." The SOS at OCC, despite the ac· cusalions of l\1ommy (Mrs. Miric) Howes. ha s met all the rules set forth by the ICC In order to become a club. One of the basic rights guarante~ in the Constitution is ont of innocence until proven guilty. THE SOS AT OCC may not be any more subversive than perhaps the LOS !Latter Day Saints) or Newman Club, both of which are members of Lhe ICC. I don't necessarily agree with lhe ideas of the SDS !'IOr would I join the organization, but they, like any other indivkJual or group of individuals, have the rigtit to form a group on campus. The majority in any society certainly does not have to cater to the whims of any minority group. but the things for whkh our fortfa thers fought lnclw:l· td that the rights of any minority be respected. As you can see, I too can tear at the patriotic atrlnp In )'04.lr heart. l rem1ln respectfully your~. ao OCC student. ADRIMN F. JACOBS f'ront Pa11e New• To the Editor: It m~y Interest you lD know I .lm thoroughJy dilguated •ilh )"OUr paper. You hive conUnuod to play up tt1esc 'l'Mna-for-ChrUA IO much ll is sickening. Tf this Is whit )'OU call front page news, then ill I can s., ls you must bt dlpiJ11! pretty deep Into the batTel. I have no taste for such people that v.•ill conllnut to mock the religion or others ind disrupt th~ir se.rvk:a. If lhey wish to attend church lben let them come. they will be more than welcome. but to dlsrupL the worship of others Is disgraceful . SIJ'iCE TITE disrupting of our 1r:rviCf'i is illegal I don't see how you can take thle: stand for them. I have found that you have one of your reporter& following them night and day playing upon every incident that occurs. I am sorry to say that I feel I will have to cancel my subscription to your paper. t even doubt that you will ha've enough backbone to print this letter. NAME WITHHELD Child Abu•e Problems To the Editor: Again. we are Investigating t b e desperate child abuse problems, and are faced with the usual frustrations of in- vestlgation and prosecution in these heartrending crimes. Howevu, there are methods of pr even· lion, and if only one child were not mutilated as a result, they should be put into immediate action. \Ve must prevent unwanted children! We are beginning to see the value of set educa· lion for our school children. WE MUST Al.SO reactl those un1n· rormed adults whose olliy informational contact may be television. We must provide, in addition to widespread in- forgiatlon, the actual methods and sefvices of contraception and sterilization as desired. We must legalite abortion. Thert can be no justification for allowing an unwanted child to be born, so he can be mutilated and murdered af· terwards. GERTRUDE FARBER RldlH!J "" Brothers To the Editor : In his inauguralion speech, Richard Nixon remarked , "riding this earth as brothers," \Vhich is so descriptive of that "little blue ball" spinning around in endlesa space -certainly we should be brothers. The thought came to me that too many of us ;ust ''go aloog for the rjde.'' • MRS. LILLIAN W. RILEY Surf11111 In Laguna To the Editor: Joe O'Sullivan's plea to the City Coun- cil for more surfing areaa: is really ridiculous. As any seaaoned surfer knows, Laguna rarely offers ideal surfing oon· ditlons and experJenced surfers usually are wining Lo travel !or many miles in an atltmpt to find the perfect spot. We beach people had to aacriflce OW' volleyball courts In order to provide TTlQre beach space for the muJUtudes of summu picnickers who have moved in on our formerly uncrowded beaches. The same with surfers. They will simply have to move south (or lo HawaU) in order to enable small children, families and swimmers to fully enjoy the advantagts of our beaches. MANY AMATEURS and youngsters without experienct congregate to surf tit Laguna, adding h•iardoua conditioM. tn addition. they take up much needed space, slnce m1n1 of tbtm park their panel true.ks and other despicable looking conveyarices for several days ln one spot, letting up these trucks 111s ttm- PGl'lf'Y camping .sites. 1'1any years ago, one surfer evtn bied lo break up and remove one of the scenic rock! which was In the path of his ride. Thia: acUvtty WIS, !Ortuootely. stopped by the property awner overlook- ing what he t~rmt.d was "turtle rock " and which he considered a scenic landm:>rk. LAGUNA JS IDEAL fot 1"GCk climbln~. marine life up.loration and swlmming or diving. To lit the surfers move in on the most popuJar of Laguna's tourist beaches is as bad as letting the hippies sit all over its streets end sidewalks, which has rapidly helped destroy our image or Laguna as being a sophisticated art colony, phoLographer's paradise and a scenic swimming resort. I really feel that Mr. O'Sullivan should concentrate his efforls toward developing more recreational and park areas for the youngsters or Laguna and en- couraging some of the older kids Lo go back to lfaighl A.!ihbury where they came from. RONNIE HARLEN (An old beach girl) Issue• In the Open To the Editor : On behalf or the South Orange County Youth Council, I would Uke lo express our appreciation of the erlilorial, "Pop Concert Question," in your Jan. 24 issue. It is very pleasing to know that we have a friend who is willing to put issues out in the open for us. Thank s, we appreciate it much. Best wishes to you and your staff in the future. ROD KRONMAl'I Presldent Qi1otes Rep. Wilbur D. !\tills ( D • A r k • I , chairman, House Ways and J\teaus Com· mlttee, on receiving annual award for distlnguisbtd public service from Tax Foundatioo, l.oc. -"The increase in federal government expenditures from $135 billion in fiscal 1966 to an estimated $192·195 billion by fiscal 1970 defies sound reason and judgment and is a con· tributing factor to the deficit in the U.S. balance of payments. We need hard.nosed expendilure control to holrl the budget in th e coming year well under $200 billion and to keer ex· penditures from absorbing the revenue increase generated by rising income levels." • Brad \Vllllams in "Plum Lines"' lo Oberlin, Ohio, Ntws Tribune -''The ultimate iri put-downs: 'He's so bad that when he calls Dial-A-Prayer lh<!y hang up.' ·· Same columnilil: "The water in our street was knee deep," bragged a 19-year-old a~ter one recent dO\vnpour overwhelmed the city's storm sewers. "Well," huffed an older resident, "lhal didn't get any girls' dresses wet, did it! " ··Commedy & Comment1" In Goshen, lnd.. New1 -"What with mini.skirts. bare midriffs, bikinis and peek-a·boo blouses, it's getting so you can hardly look a woman in the eye anymore:." --~--- \Vednesday, January 29, 1969 TM tditorlal µage or illt Datly Pilot 1reks to i'ltform and a:tim- ulatf rtod1r1 bu prtscnttnu tltu MtDlpo:ptr'• opinion.t and com- mentarv °" topics of intcta:i and Jignfficr:ntu, by providing a forum for tM t%prtssi01t of our rtadcrs' op1nion.t. and b11 pnsrnting thf dt1Jcr.~t vitw- poiftts of fn/ormed ob.ttrv1rr.1 and .rpokrtmen 011 topic• of th1 dog. Robert N. \\"e~d. Publi!lh(l r I I I I Ne,vport Barlaor I / EDITl·ON ,, ' // VOL:. 62, NO. 25, 4 SECTIONS, 60 PA:!,. ORAN6E COUNTY, C>J.lloRNIA Cltg Tree Loss: 108 Guess What? 50% Chance of Rain Southern Califomi111a, lulled by the promise of sunny skies after a pair of devastating rainstorms, looked wearily out their windows Tuesday afternoon to find that "it was doing it again." Mort than a quarter inch of rain, dumped violenUy within an hour, assaUlted the Orange Coast U the aun shone benevolently in tha dlllance. And that'• not all, cauUooed tha U.S. .. Weather Bureau today. There's a SO percent cbance of. more wet stuff Thurs- day afternoon. Tuesday's abbreviated storm brou1ht with it driving bail and bunts of light· ning, which struck four airborne plane.s. All proceeded to their destinatiODI and landed safely. There were no lnjurill. In NewpOrl Beach, m more eucalJptul tree. fell victim lo the raging rains, bringing tha total ol trees destn>yed in lbe past. week to more than 100. There was, however, no flooding or major ae<;ideols iepo/led. Pueblo Guns Worthless, Admiral Says The Jal.est batch of rain was tvenly distributed along the Orange Coul. Coot& Mesa recorded .JS mche:s, · HunUnaton Beach, .30, Foontain Valley .a, Lquna Beaeh .25 and Newport Beach .23. . . • ,. ll Y P OT ....,_ '--PIYllt MODJESICA CANYON RESIDENT, ISOLA·TE D·B'i' FLOODING, EVACUATED IN BASKET· Bridge· Brought by Marlnt1 W11 Too Short to Span Torrertt, So Workers Improvise CORONADO (AP)-The admlrll who bad opentlonal control ol. the lnWlJ. g-ahlp Pueblo said Wednesd1y Its !fl .so.caubu --"did llO( appqr to mo to provide it a significant defeme capability." Rear Adm. Frank L. Johnson. CODI· tnander of Naval Forces Japan when the Pueblo and her 83 men were eap- tured, llso llid be bid no forces under his direct command with which to pro- vide emergency support. "I was not in favor of arming the AGERS (!he Navy's deslgnaUoo llr the Pue!Jlo.type lni.Jllgenct1 ahlp)," Jolmaoa told • Na1J' <OUrt of Inquiry. "If• had IUCC8ssfull1 carried out 11 mJwdmt in UIWllled otatua and I ~ this a good bull for continuing this typo of mlasloo UIWllled. •1 did eooalder !hey (tha guna) mi,bt trell be provocaUve ••• I WM eoactrned abool tho reaction to lhil lll1lled otatua • • , and the additioo of two .-Ubm did not appear to me to provide a signUicant defense capability." Johnson was the tU'tlt witness ikfter several days of closed hearings for teslimony about classified matten. Johnson said he was awart of "oeriain communication d1fflcullies" U.S. in· telligence ships were having with hls headquarters in Japan. He sa.Mi moun- tains on the Islands .of Japan made it difficult to lint radio frequencies. Some of. the testimony went like this: Q. CapL William Newsomen, counsel for the court: "Did you consider this critical?" A. Johnlon: "l did not consider it criUcal • • • 1bere was no lnstance that at any time this created a critical pro- blem in the operations." The Pueblo's skipper, Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher has said he waa W01Tied about problems with this communications link-up and, bad "no confidence" in it. Body Washed Ashore in NB A body was reoorted washed ashore lhlo aftemooo in Newport Beach at the encl of 11th Street oo Uie peninsula beachfronL II WU teJltatively beU.Ved to be that of. Bill Ditdmer, 15, who· WU }mt Moo- day in a trip in a rubber nn down the Santa Ana River . tlfeguards, however, were unable to " n1ake any positive ideritificatian. Tuesday's storm wu a cold one from the north, bringing SQOW down to the 4,000..foot level In the hard hit Santa Barbara area, the snow line dropped to 2,000 feet. The Weather Bureau Aid Tburlday'1 storm shoWd follow the ume patlml as '1'1esdlJ"1, bol alld II wu too early to predld wlletber it wmild produce simlllr -and llgbtnlng. Missing Suspect Delays Higbie Smuggling Trial The trial DI Balboa bland attorney Richard A. Higbie Oft marijuana SMU(· gling cOMpiracy charges has been postponed unill April I, it 111as teamed today. The trial In lederll court had been slated for Feb. 4, but failure o( authorities .to locate a ''principal suspect." in the cue made the delay necessary, IOUl'Ctl said. Higbie, Raymond DIOiel Teder of Orange IJ1d tha mi.ulng IUspecl, Lyle Paul German. were named in a federal Grand Jury indictment 1ut December. They 'Were accused of conspiring to transport a ton and one-half of marijuana by air from Guadalajara, Mu:., to Palm Springs. • Higbie baa denled any wroqdoing 111d members ol. bla family hive aprtSled confidence that "everytb!ng will turn out all rigbl "' German, wbooe age la unknown, baa been -by f-.I -.. ol mUing a purchllo ol tbe marljuua in Me:alco. He b belleved to be somewhere aouth of the border. A bilarn upect ol the cue II that wben the p!IJle landed at ·Palnl $iirlilp. its lo1d turned out to be alfllft, IOI marljllana, ......U.C to federil qenta. 'l'lley alleged Mezican a1dholllltl bad •prematurely" C<llflacated' the marijuana in Mexico and replaced It with the alfalfa. Trustees Strauss, Blanpied to Seek Return to Board Incumbents Lloyd Bllnpl¢. Jr. and Donald Strausa, both ftpr~ .areaa ol.. N.,.~ Beach, ·l>Jve · IJ*. papers of ~.,. (or Nt1'POfl,M• Uolfled 8chool Dlslrld'1 April IS trume el'eclloo. The other two incmnbenb whose terms expire, Costa Meaa arta trustees Mn. Elizabeth Lilly 8"" Rjld~k MacMJlllan, have not )ltl rt.a1te4;fi. iJit.eDUons. Tbey and any to one ol the four 1eatl Feb. 20 to file with fbe County · Olllce. Blanpled r<Jftl'llll Coruia de! Illar, Eulbluff, Irvine ,_.,,..., o1!1f Beacon Bay. StraUBS repi-11 Wtll Newport, Balboa, Lido 1J1e, 8afhoa Island IJ1d Ba,_.. . Bllnpied, 45 years old, fl an attorney. lie wu appointed to fbe boon! in 11166 to .eompltte the remainder of-Q<mal Dun- cu'a term when Duncan JpOVed from the area. H• la • put preoident ol. Marinen S c: b o o 1 Parent-Faculty Organization (PFO). llla wile, Orrill&, Is a kin- dergarU!n teacoo In Laguna Beacll. Childreo Carol and John are both bonor students at Orona de1 Mar High. The family lives at 2232 Alta Vll&a Drive, Eastblulf. StraUS81 52. is an executive with Beckman Ioatnunentl. He wu elected to the unl!.ied school d.1strlct board in 11165 after oervlllg three yean on the Newport Elemeotary board. He waa twice presldent of the elemenilry board and has been president of the unl!ied board one tenn. Strauu, his wife, Dorothy, and aon, Duncan, a student at Newport Elemen· tary, Uve at 101 Via Venezia, Lido l.lle. Son Gordon attends St.anlord and daughter Nancy attends UC Santa Barbara. Blanpied says be b: running for reelec- tion because be ii interested in continuity ol lchool programs. Strauu aaid be is ~ with ~ ~of Ille booaln&. and alao -ii . lido. -... trealmeftt .<l --n. u · ll)lavldualt IJ1d toPlnc wlflr)be'di111 problem. Tbere Is no -for ftilllg candltlaey papera. HOftVll', i:.indidatea may file a otal<Jno:nt of'quallflcaUon for dlatribu· tion wtlh ballob, wblch, In the Newport· Meaa 'Diatrid, will eo1t $4t7. . Neither Blu.pled nor Strauu bafe done so. ·'65 Crisis Haunts City U.S. Delays Erosion Repayment; County .lmpati.ent -~ , I By JEROME F. COIUNS '!be ad•ili'""lfnt of 1llO -na ,Al>~""""""'·fbe Clty-Oxmdl• er .. ....,.,.."'" buod on iba 4lhHbDod" 1bal the liil,l-ublf eouaty IUPll"1M"li to·ammdr An '""ton crlsls DI the put lw eome -.=,:wart -wlildl coll 1111 c:lty tll'O' .,. ... ieoi tn .U.W ~ l\ie clt1 fll9il· hact to haunt Newport Beach cily ol· •nl "17,000 ~-be Jnehld. Sepe, I, 1•, tn~imOO-the-7, ' r1c1.1a. ed In an upcGll1ing -of the_.._ 11ta ameodment.' DaW.. hopes; ..;11· It's because the federal government uing Federal Bue& Ermfon Control ll'Ve the city Ume to prqa federal bu been too ~ow aboot paying back Project. •.-dlnl tn Clt7 Har!>«'Cool' -ror the money, includiDjJ u.. the city IJ1d the coonty for emergency dinator Ceorfe no-. ell)"• $21'1,000 npendlture. sand hlul etpel)djtures in Oectmber, Federal relmburtement, b o w e v e r , It may tab IOlne P.!""hlg. ''The Army 11165. basn't yet mat.nallled. Corpa of Ell&lne<n," explained Dawea With Wtst Newport's beachfront faclna And tht cotmly now wanla Jt.a money "bu Informally assured us that we wtii total devaotalioo tbat month from an back. be rtlmbunecl for enrythlnc, but the Dllllaql>t o1 belYJ turf and hl(ll tldea, The ctty might hava to dip Into Corpa alio 11ys that the adual f'1lldl the city IJ1d the eounty entered into mllllicipal colltn tn como ap -IL mlpt not be nallal>la lhtll lf71 or .,. agmment calllns for a 117,151 ad-•n -• Aid ~ ."!Ml dlo 1m. • """" from tllo county for beach County Audit« Is faclq boolLtlJinl IJ1d Comldlmen haYe Instructed Dawes to r<plalllbmlol operatiooa. audltlnc problems that roqllfn aolutJon. • 11111 El\OSION, .... II ,, \ ' • .,. ' . . I MARINES ARRIVE WITH •BRIDGE FOR MODJESKA)AREA By Land, By Air •nd Throug)v A SN•ol M1l4· Thi.rd Case Pending Chancellor to Explain , Firing of 2 UCI Profs, Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. wall to go before UC Irvine students today and explain why he is firing two youn& usistant prat'elSors of En&llsb. Aldrich made known his decision Tues- day to go along with recommended dlsmlalal of Dr. Slepben A. ·Shapiro, 21, and Donald F. Br&Man, 30. Then he called a meeilllg for.today to explahl to tha campua wby be did IL The 'cUe of'a lhird assrstant profesaor, Dr~ I Gtkirge' w. Kent,. of !tJl& hlifirJ ~epartment, still i, µoder r~lew.. ' ·~ti and faculty;have,b!ell wa)llhg 'Aldllch;• declllon for tw.o·moirtba llnce lbe· U..O · ualitint 1Ji!'ofi'fllC<if>W!UI tmninat!llli i!ubllcly d.f•nd<d·tlleinseWtl wlnnllll coomderable campua l!llPporl. Aldrlcb'1. reinark11today l'ere no~,.. peeled lb .end I& ftlatltt. A IJl'OOp aJ 36 profellOrJ..:10 graduate lludenll IJ1d seven st.1fr membera1 ct1llng tbemletmi the New Univers1ty Conference 'TU acbedulid lo bo)d a pr.,.· -~ lmmedlalely foUowin& ·th' chat\c<ll<*"• commen11.~ . Tbey wer .. preparecl'lo lalUe a' sla.t .. 111<111 ellllnf f« a mora""1mll on •all dlamtsaJs unW ·wklUI. quest1ft alilut tii1, ~Ill' promotion syste!n . can be ..... enc1. •· ' .. Speclllcally, Ibey want to tnow what criteria were used by aenlor Enalllh and bi!tory prGfessors to evaluata their junior collea,ues' teachiog ·perf«ma.nCe, and whether Shapiro, BrslUIOllJand:Xent were given enough time to demonstrate scholarly competence. "In 'the event ·these bWc queetiom are not answered, the cbancellor1 mult share responaiblllty for the COllltQllOllc:m of studenl. pr<te>ta that· rnJilll'. occur,• UlestalemollM'<act . A atud>n~ group, ~al'th~J flrlnp la ·the , Ad ,'lloc', Cciniiilltie~. '_'J,or Reinatalement~· . J?av• · .. one . of the' Jeadars; ..... ..... .. If'! . da "'. riiaht i ~ .. • -~~: • . 'ot1all0n ~·~ . ,,,. ~., • . -•·-••• ·can • cormnu.tee . ,....,.. _,,~J . ,..:, . ~~ U1ott,lorl"'\'t"!'.·'~1.•;_._,v~· >.' '" 1 Unleu ,.(~6 ~ ~ , BranM!I'• -will• Uf!f1° lli°;J1 and ~Daplro~ lii~.rupe,1 ~,,,:'1 ~ 14 ~,.. ·= Shapiro .. id toilar,be; . ' to •the FICUlty 8eD1te ,~lioO;con PriYillce,: Tenure apd: kc • d·a JD I ,. f'teedalBti I ' J • I t I Aalilelllic'-Ja.•!ol Illa -he pie ..,......,..1-1M!l Ill.-his dlftllisal wu prql-. .,. 'lf11 <!-! .. ~,~~~. I I ---~- • N.Y. Steeks •• TE"I CENTS • rea Governor. Urges Nixon To Do Same Gov. Ronald Rea&ait Tuisday df/c1ared Orange County a state d1autet area and sent a telegram to Prt.sldent Nizoa requesting th.at be also declare the caunty a disaster area along with 15 other CalUornfa countle.s. Everell Bllazard, chief of pllJlftlng and operaUooa In the Calllornla -llf. flee in Sacramento, uld the governor ' acted lnmtedlately on request of the Oraoge Comity Board ol Super'l!aort. Supervioor1 were . told Tut,icfff tliat the Dine-day ralmtorm that ended ~ did an ..iimaled flO million itmnqa In the county. • · A new rain Tue.sday ~ ralled lean that lllCft damage woolil be .....i In tha aoll...Ued mountain ..... 'ol the county. The dlla!ter area designation wUl pave the way for Immediate aclloo lq• repair- ing damac• . to !OadJ; utilllloa and bridges. 'Ille COllllly depar-· 111>,Y, : begin work without ldverUalng for bide. . 814111 and possibly federll fundJ aiao will bt av,allable to rebuild roadl and other publlc worb. Ofllclala of the county and Ill c:itir.I, lncludiog water diJtrlcts, will 11..U.. their -·fir the Slate.Dimler Offlcl. In Loi All(tles Thurada7. . Prado Dim on the Santa 'Ana. River at the COU11ty line wu credilld with aavlq fbe couuty from much additionll fl~ dulqe by Flood Control Engineer II. Gtoqtllobornt. Be told aupervllon that the ""' c:t*ted Inflow al 11,1111 Cllhle lei par ~ lat -the aJl.fbu -of IJ#-•• 1oq,ooo:C!$lc feel per ....oil fiow - recorded, 'ftlat it.ml haltered u.. COWlly with $IO mllllon/llm&i• and coll 45 U- '9'bonl!e aald d~o.to noot-tro1 channels was u\llllaled at II.I mllltoll . and lbat outflow from ~do Dun, II> creuecl by U.S. Army Englneer1,C01114 <ll IU mll1loo damage to Sant. Ana BJver embantmtnt.s. . Elmer J. Osterman, county firt wanten, who became clIJel of dlaaater. ervlces dtning the weekend emergency..:. said the Iossea In the mountain _ ... · might reach 11.1 nllllloo, not lncludinc road damage. • County . Iload Ollef A. s. Koch ·aaid five county roadl were sWl closed Tue»- day •. Tbey .were Modjwil Canyon, Bose ~ a.Iv"' Road at San Diego Waab, ljlack Star Caiiyon . Road IJ1d Trabuco' Canyon. ~,t' toaair~ee aricoo::Ci!.i hadlll01; damage to roadwffa. He aaid lllO·:treea· fell · on• rOlda in the; mountain canyons. " ' " 0r..,., ' ' Weadter ' Q u o t h the weatherman, ~·There'• a ~·~nt chance of isolated, brief 1howen for ThuradaY.'' Thia after a leml>' er1ture drop' to 53 llonf the coast. JNSmE TODA'I "You Atlllf'l<:ana ID01lld C1!1 blooclr m•nln i• Loodo!I II Eloololld made J01I r<l1iiifr .. cm .U... ...,.;,, JllGT." c!Oimf llri!UMr,IDllD llu to .do-II ·Jun. pdgti·(' " ! ', ,'. ; 1'. I ! - r I • • ~~~~-~--§--~--~ .. ~-~~====~~-----~----~~----~~~ ~--• - ~Z:_;:DAli:=l:.l'tl=O:.T ____ M __ w.t_...;......,,=:.'-'-m,.,., zt, 1'169 Landing Wits Easier ,fLLrw Leaving Be<Jcb, Pif:ce 6)' P~e ::: U IMlnl usSer to belly land an ~ c a beach lban to laU It off allmrudl. llld the tbear1 la beln( 1'fO"" In West Newport today. ~ A salvage crew of al lea1t seven· .Jiersons started struggling with lhe dilc~ . :td small plane thal waa brougl>t don oo Ila be1tY oo the -DOif Or..,. ·A•,.... llld wm ocean Fr<ot 'J'Ueada1 ·.-morulq. -. nm. !ar, the alvage ~ baa :proven less successful then Ult landlng. Frank Johnson, a, a mechanic at 0... Cl!lmlJ Alrpml. -.. the plul wllen ~ pilot Bob lloW!l<y, 49, of Whlttlor, ~ H down, avoiding a colllslon coane wtth a lifeguard jeep carrying two mtn. Johnsoo sta.rt.ed the sal1h.ge operation this morning at 7:30, summoning a trailer, w1ncb and an A-frame apparatul thet will ~· have to be ttplac<d with stroager equlp-L Ellorts to nloe .the plane to allow ......bly o! the landln& .... !ailed thi.t mornlng. Jobo!on aaJd be baa bad permhsioo ... "!or once to bring the thbta oat without . taking the wlnp oil. We nope to tow · the plane lntoct without putltog It oo a trailer if we cap only brlrig it up to the road." At ... point the A !rame slipped and dropped the plane's tall onto a metal rail, dimagkig the 'rudder. RelaUvtly speaklhg, Johman aald, the plane appearad mprlllngly tolact -It oet don. lt.s propeller was benl and the un- dercarriage scarred. No one was hurt. CofC to Break Traditwn UCIFIRINGS • • • As Top Honors Await 2 · -Tbe Newport l!Mbor Chamber or c.m- ineree wUl break with tradition Thursday night at Its annual WtalJaUon and "Man Of the Year" banquet. Tbm wlD be two booortt•. * * * ::Stevens, Others . Okayed as New ;Chamber Officers · · ~ Stevens, 38, vice president llld general manager ol the Balboa Bay :; Club, bat be<a confirm.¢ u U8t pno~ dent ol the Newport Harbor Chamber -·"nffilnimo:e_. offlcl.Ns annoanced todlY· . Be wilf iio ~fllie clWntii!i'T :..tan. 30 "Man of the Year" banquet al the Balboa Bay Chib. , Jack Barnett, manager of the chamber, ';Jao armoonced ratiflcaUoo by the :·rbamber membership of the rest of .. ,Ille o!llcm !or the year. Tbey are ''George Wood!vrd, fint vice lft8ldeot; . pwi.. CUrrey, -vice president; :Jl.P Mynatt, truaurer. llld Barnet, ·~·· ,, Fred -will be lki o! the chamber'• Commodore'• c~ tor the ~ year. Several new dlncton alao _ ..... -by the chamber. Board Endorses School Bond Vote 1be aecuUve board of the Harbor Area Coordinating C O U D C 11 has unanimously end or I e d NewportrMeu. Unllled Scbool lllslrlct'a llU mlDJon bond l!aue to be volod c Feb. 11. Council Pmldent Georte Tucker 111Jd a prime concern of tbe ortmrllaUon js assuring an ueeDmt future for clti!eal d tomorrow. "School rooms are badly needed for oor yoana people," be aald. The bond l!aue would prmd< 411 portable ~ to etimlnale d'"1ble seatons next fall and permanent ICbool coostructlon to keep up with enrollment inaUaes over the next four years. Britain Rejects Russ Laos Step Up Charges LONDON (AP)-Brltaln today rejeclod Soviet charges that the Amertcam are otepp!ng up flgllting in Laos. The Britlah blamed North VleUiam. The move came in a formal reply to the Somt govmunent, lolJowlnli a statement by Fore!gn Minhl« Andrei A Gnimylm callJng on the Unllad Stain to quit llll<mmfnl fn the Loollan king- dom on •'lemlm'• western nlnk. DAILY PILOT O•Att<>I COAST "-'1Ll.Si.411tG COMl'ANY IMtri H. w,,, '"""""" .... ,"""1tlltr Jae• I. C.rley Y9cl "-'*"' ... °""" .. .,.""", n ••• , .. ,..,, ·-n •••• A. u ... , .. '"' _,_ J,,,,,.. F, C.lliRt '•ul Ni11t" ..,._.....,. ....... It. .... (llv t.•11er Dlrftlllr ... .,.,. ..... Offke lJll w.11 1.111 •• le11l1••r• M1ili"1 AJ'••n: P.O. I•• 1171, ,l,iJ o ........... C11tl1 .WO .. : l)f Wtt! a.v St,,...1 1.. ....... IMcjlo; '" f~ ·-~ ... "' -* Vr"" DAILY PILDT lltft Pllltt FREE LONG DISTANCE CALLS IN THE ROUND ' ''CommuniCernlvali' Sterta Thurtdey et Plaui Piwt CommuniCarnival Opens in Mesa Thursday Telephone company l'tJl'tselllatives and DAILY PILOT staff members be- came "rwstabouts" today as they be1an settlna up CommunlCamlval at South Coast Plaia. 1be cam.Iva! of ccmmanlcaUons will threMly atond at the regional cealer at I p.m. 'lbursday. 11 ,open !rom I to t p.m. 'I'lnlnday and Friday llld I to I p.m. oo Sarunlay. Tbe '-iearnh'IJtl ct.nten •round two main .-_ One Is Pld!'ic Telephone Co.'• "alvt.aWaJ ta the round.'' a drru- lar llqo !rom wllldl -•ton will mab a prmeritatton nfff1 30 minutes clillMUIM with the g!vuway o! a !ree lool cllatanoe phone call to anywbera lo Ibo --!Dental Unllad SUt... Olher major e1ementa ol the lhow will bo a DAILY PILOT esblblt cuatom- nuide !or CommWllCaroi•al aod WUng tho 11«7 al bn the DAILY PILOT ~ lfnaJ aock mart.I quotaUon< 11cb. daY • a rmult ol a .. 1).mlnut.e mlrlde.r. The dlaplay will lie In wllh a phone • company demonstralion of Dalaspttd machines which "talk" to each other CO&.!it to coast at the rate of 1,050 words per minute. Other ruder features of lhe DAILY PILOT also will be omphamed in the uhlbiL Twenty prizes will be given away at the DAILY PILOT Hhlbll Winners need not be ptt.leJ1t for the drawing at approx- imately a p.m. Saturday to wlo them. Absentee Ballot Deadline on Feb. 4 Perat:lns wlshlng to vote by absentee ballot ln tht Feb. 11 Newport-Meu Unified School District hood eleeUon must write for a ballot by Feb. 4. The voter'• 1lgnat.ure, address, and ruaon for not btlnc able to make u to the poU. should be malled to Electlona Otnce, Orange Counly SupL o1 Schools, 1104 W. 8th St., Santa An1. '. From Page 1 EROSION ..• chect with Congressjonal ~tatives to see if they can u:ert some tnfluence. The city's Immediate concern is the Impact the federal delay cou1d have on next year'• municipal tax rate. U the city has to pay off the county, it would Involve a sum equivalent to what is generated by three cent,, on the ta.x rate, now •t.225. The $217,00> spent by t~ city in the emergency three years ago already has been paid for by local taxpayers. When -ilnd if -the city is reimbursed for Uiat u:pend.iture, It will go into the general hmd, city aide! said. On \ / I t' • D Th• tru• prtclousneaa ot YO en 1ne s oy ... anOm•oawatcllo!IMo Salt Creek Road Action Called Legal Newport Executive At Prayer Meeting NewpOrt Beach busineM exeeuUve Joseph Preininger flew to Washington, D. C., today to attend President Ni:J:on'1 Prayer Breakfast Thursday. Preininger was invited to lhe. affair along with his si.rter, Mrs. Henry Kaiser Jr. " • S . . h IOve that It expresaee. Oy Jt Wit E"ryOmogawlteh undergoes multlple on 0 qua!~ ~in ...,.her --.~eart on Valentine's Day ( chtekl to 811Ure OMEGA ..:=~ CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE You CUI be IUl"I the Omega you otv. or recelw th II Valentlne'1 Day will become• proud llfellm• PQSMhion, The gift of an Omeoa watch wm be remembered .very minute, awiry hour, l'Yfll')' day. Combining rere beauty and .ceuracy, each Omega watch relleetl tht supert:I du9't and \echnltal •killl ol .... --c:ran.m.n. See our -··"•'''°" .. ~-­-to owr fl ooo. J. C. _)Jutnp/,rieJ {jeweler I Ill NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION 0 OMEGA 1«)'Wll••-'"'""' ------- ·.PHONE Ml-3401 "" _l .. --.. ---. Wcd11tld1Y, Jamwy 2'1. 1%9 , 1.at1n Amertc. ·-Irish Protestant N~xonAsksHocky To Head Mi-ssion Leaders Arrested WASHINGTON (AP) -New York Gov. N'el.on A. Rockefeller, passed over fer a place In the NWin cabinet, bu been asked l>Y his former pruidentlal rival to head a facl.flndlng mission lo Latin America. Czechs Take Smrkovsky ·from Post PRAGUE (UPI) C:ecbosJovakia's new national parliament today formally rmKWed popular reform.er Jane! Smrknvsky from his post u porliamentarY dlairman, ------the natiiit"'I seconifhijliest of- fiet. · The action was taken by a vote of delegates but was not expected to renew the month-long unrest that started when Jt became apparent Smrkovsky would be forced t.G t.ave the job. Smrkovsky endorsed Peter Cololka, the man who will 111cceed him, as a means of qliieting public criticism.. Smrkovsky was not present when the parliament con~ vened. He had been admitted ta a hospital for surgery to correct an inflammation of the left upper jaw, the news agen- cy CTK reported: Prague wrui quiet with no new disturbances connected with the death of student Jan Palach, 21. who b u r n e d himself in protest agairu:t a Soviet-imposed curtailment of freedoms ln Czechoslovakia. The White House confirmed 'l\les<fU nigh\ that Rockefeller "htd tieeo ~nlacted on the iubjeol In recent days. But news secretary Ronald L. 1.1ej1t1: . said . nn firm declslOD, bu been made yet on w~even to send such ·-Roclrefellor. whose family h8s Olemive tnteresls In Latfft ~ and worked on some of the area'• problems in the-adJninistratiim o f Franklin. D. Roosevelt, said he Was ••seriously con- siderfug" the offer. "' "·We have budgetary dlf- ficuWes and other problems in tle state," Rockefeller said. "Jle 4JlUSl appraise the re- quest and weigh ·my risponslbWty Jn the state." Diplomatic swrc:es said Nix- on hac£· decided U.S. policy toward ~tin America needed • ''tb(woagb re-eumlnalioa ,, In tho IJiht of a tr.nd toward military dldalonhlps. WHITE HOUSE MEETING -Sen. Margaret Chase Smilh,,Maine; GOP Senate leader Everett M. Dirk· sen, President Nixon and House leader Gerald Ford and other Republican Congressional leaders met in, Crime Plans Revealed • , UPI Telffllo .. the Cabinet Room of the White House for two hours Tuesday. 'Ibey .emerged from the conference urging a crash program to curb crime, particularly in the District of Columbia. . ·Three-have tlbn over in the pUt four -th• -in Peru, Brazil and Panama. Garrison Subpoenas Connallys Nixon Wants More Judges Tricia Nixon Given Position WASHINGTON (UPI) - The United States Capitol Historical Society which pro- WASHlNGl'ON (UPI) -reacted strongly Tuesday to citizem of the District of Col-motes the history of the President ·Nixon. who pro-the president's statement. umbia," he told the Rouse. Capitol building through books mi.std 1 in his campaign that Rep. George W. Andrews Rep. Paul G. Rogers (I). and pamphlets, has given a he ,would launch a vigorous (D-Ala.), called for deploy-Fla.), called for action on a job to Tricia Nixon, the attack a&ainst crime, intends me1;1t of two U.S. Marine com· bill be introdUced to enlarge President's daughter. to Uk Congress fOr mote panles to help the city's 3,200 the city's courts and modify Miss Nixon, 22, w 111 money and approval of 87 new policemen_ patrol Washiogton ball procedures. "What we represent Der (alber at the federal judgeships, including streets. "A$ i _ see it, it's the need 1n Washington la a blitz society's meetings and rune.. NEW ORLEANS (UPI) : s1J. for the District of Col.-onJy hope for_ the law abiding on crime," he <lecland. tions as an lflpaid volunteer. Dist Ally. Jim Garrllon g umbta. • --'--"--~---~------------------- reachlng for !..-Texas Seoate Republican Leader J3oy. __ ,!Mu. B. ~1-~_ .EYtttll.M.lliWen<.llDll1..11t!!""l-------·----------sat three feet in front o · ,,01w GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford F. Kennedy and was wounded revealed lhe President's plaru in the same gunfire bunt that Tuesday after meeting with killed !J1e . Presi~ent,. as. a him on Capitol Hill. climactic "1tness tn chnchmg Dirksen said the Nixon ad- his ca.$e of a~leg~ ~iracy rilinistration would "a&k for in the ~~mat10n m Dallas. supplemental f u n d s for Gamson tSSUed subpoenas whatever it takes to carry ~ay for both Conna~y and out this war on crime" and his wife, w~ accompanied~ Ford said the president wants husband m Ke n n e d y s to mak w .... i.; ... .+.... 8 llmoU!ine into Dallas' Dealey ., e ...... ....,. ...... PI where KeMedy was showcase of what can be sl~ Nov. 22, 1963. d~e" ~ combat the nation's The s u b Poe n a 1 were TISUlg crune rate:. returnable Feb. 17, which Ait.J;toogh n e it be r .con- could mean the state is seek· gress1onal leader specified ing the Connally• as windup bQW much money would be witnesses ln the ctay L. Shaw needed, both said ~ funds trial. would be used to ~mprove BELFAST. Northern Ireland (UPI) -Ponce today arrested Northern Ireland's two most militant Protestant 1eader11, the Rev. Ian Paisley and Maj. Ronald Bunting. and abuttJed them off in police car1 to senie three-month j~I sen-- tences. Paisley was awTO~ by police and served a warrant for arrest as he wu leaving Ulster HO!pltal. He had been undergoing treatment for a hand severely gashed by broken glass Tuesday when police tried to arrest him at his home. A crowd of cheering sup. porters waved him off. Some leaped into their cars and followed him to Be If a .st Prisqn. Earlier today, police bui:st into the home of Maj. Ronald Bunting and took Paisley's fellow mil It ant Protestant leader off to the same prison. A police statement said of· ficers were refused entry to Bunting's home at Dundonald and had ta force an entry to make the arrest. Paisley, Bunting's fellow militant In continuing unrest The sut>poenas, to be served court procedure with an in Houston said the Connallys' emphasis on bail l'f:form and testimony ~'will establish that expanQed prosecution staffs. shot!: were fired into the As they spoke, District or presidential limousine from Columbia police reported a more than one direction, 23.2 percent increase in crime pursuant to a COMpiracy here last November over the fonnulated by the defendant aame month in 1967. Rob- and others.'' beries, up 107.3 percent, represented a significant part 4 •PLY NYLON CORD YOUR CHOICE ol:lhe higher rate. . Fight on Filibust,er $ .. Continues Tradition '. . ml clahel bot,..;,, CatholfOI. and ' l'r<lttJtonts In Northen\ Ireland, bttt.rly d"10U11Ce4 piOUce for u~ In" t4 Bunllna:''· home to make tbi morning'• arrest. ~ "The police must have l'I" mad to' behave in such , i way," said Palaley. '' Bunting, who calls himBell commandant nl L'le Loyal Citizens of Ulater, WU SQ. tenceil Monday by Annaib. Magistrates lo three monll!s imprisonment fne taking wt In an Wllawful assembly d~· ing recent Catbollc-Proteitant clashes. ... HEW Assistant WASHINGTON (UPI) .. - Agnes Waldron. profess~ social worker and cam · researcher for President N • on, will become a spec assistant for welfare in ~ department nf health, educt lion and weUire. " Miss Waldron, 0. lrom New Canaan, COnn., will adviie HEW on trends and _. thinklng In welfare. ! POWERFUL FISK PREMIER BATTERY ·s300 · . .. OFF OUR REQ.ULAlt ' SflLIMGPl~ 3 DAYS ONLY SHOCK• Al)GIWJirt SPECIAi;. mmo >MTS ..... J0.88 --- ,, ·; ' J , ! . . ,, i ' ' I • • i I • WASHINGTON (UPI) -country in which, for 1uch Sen. Henry Clay, an ambitious a length of time, so much Nixon said Monday at his fitst nen conference as presi· dent that he had med Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell lo recommend Immediate steps to reduce crime across the nation , and particularly in Washington, where he said walking at night can be a "very serious problem." EXPERT BRAKE OVERHAUL dignity and dl?corum of debate \Vhig, Jed the first fight had been maintained.,, against the Senate filibuster F u 1 b r l g h t , s e n a t e in 1841. He lost, and his sue-Republican leader Everett M. cessors have been fighting and Dirksen and Sen. Barry M. losing the same battle ever Goldwater, (R-Ariz.), praised since. the filibuster as an institution Their dream persists today. unique to the Senate and Several congressmen BRIGHT T'h• DAILY PILOT ,,,,kes it1 "'""' «ivertt• light, tight tnd liright. R••d yo11r ho"1ttow• Mitio11 cleily tml tnjoy the ·-"It we would ever get a essential to its dignity and three-fillhs rule, that would r!-~·;·g;e;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~==~~~:::=~1 be the end -that would be the end of all this nonsense we go lhrough year after year," Sen. John 0. Pastore (0.R.J.), told the Senate Tues- day. A few minutes later, Pastore's efforts were as dead as Clay's. The Senate mustered 50 votes for a mo- tion to stop debate, but 42 Senators voted no. Two-lbirds, or 62, were required for vie· lory. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield said he mlght try lo refer the proposed change In the debate ru1es to the RuJes Committee. He was askeQ whether this or any other maneuver could achieve success this year. "Y'm doubtful," Mansfield replied, "very doubtful." The proposed change would enable three-fifths -6 0 Senators at the most -of those voting to stop debate, a handful fewer than the two- thirds -a at the most - required now. "'lbe Senate hasn't got anything else lo do,'' Sen. J. Willlam Fulbright, (0.Ark.) observed alter Pastore and assistant senate m a j or I t y leade< Edwanl M. Kennedy, (0-Mass. ), called for an end QdAu ~ J _.,. to the t.hrtt-Week talkathon ---1 IO WJ Rgai nst the rules change. J• •• zt-J.f arecmtt,Mc, Fulbright's point was th<t it \UI. is early h. th< session •nd MUTUAL SAVINGS few bills art before the Senate. "''"o ~oAN A•aoc1•Tfo"' Sen. John C. Calhoun of 2867 E•st Coast Highway• C..... Del Mir, Clfrf. 92625 Sooth Carolina, who led the Ttltphont 175·5010 Congress which beat Clay in _.,..,_. 1841 . said : lliLlllUllMO•••~.£ALff,ttt• ''There never had bttn •<I ~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!~~~~ body In this or any o\her1• FISK CUSTOM 360 fULL ...,.,y • TUllUll • NYLON COID ao MONTH fMIAIANTll OUI nlST UNI Tiii • ._ ........ -.....~ ............ ._..... .. ___ ..,_ ....... ---""'"-"'-.. -··--"-' \NY SIZE 1.ISTED! $ YOUR CHOla PREMIER SPORTS SPECIAL PULL...._,.• IVllUll •.N'YlON COii Alf SIZE LISTED . T$15 1M IUl(ll' A.II .... ,_:; ..... ,. ·~ 'Hit it !;:._ -· .. 'h:ll.ICM E.m llllllf•mt.......,. .,_ .......... _, ..... .. ........,._ •. t+ ... _ _ ............... -__ ................... .. =--~--.-­-...... --. ...... ......... ----_ _.,_..,.,...... .. _.,_,,..._... .._...---..-.... ...,_ .. __ -••?' .... = ' _...., ........ ..-.. -....... _____ _..._ .. ............. _.. ... ......... -.. _.. ....--...... ..... . ~ .............. .. _ .. ~ ....... -------..----------_ .. ___ _ --.................. • ..... 44c l un CWl."f 15 OUNCU WI WES1MINSTER 15440 iU.CH Ii.VD. BUENA PARK S8t5 LlllCOUI AVI. ,.,,...,_ BUENA PARK SJOI llACH ILVD. COSTA MESA 2200 llAllOl ILVD. At Mcl1ld11 892-2088 126-5800 Atlallwloi. 52J.30(t0 At -548-2082 , ........... .... 1.,...Cyl .......... ...... ........... .,...... I. T--_. ,_. *I .. ... ._ ........ ,... .......... ~=----~,,,. L._.._...~ ....... ~ ... -.. ,. .......... ,.... .. ............ ___ ·----~~25" SPECIAL IUY ON 4 11ACX SlllEOTAPIS --, .. ,...,, SANTA ANA 1400 IDl- At ....... 546-7823 ) (BAD.Y PIW'I' EDlTO~ :•AGE I I " ' I c -' . Another Route Hangup ., ·' ... ... C!t · ~. On Feb. 18, officials of the california Diviskm of Hl&hways will conduct the first public bearing ever on U:le routing of the Newport Freeway. Ju When the route was adopted by the Callfornla Hi&h- way Commission 24 years ago, there was no beartnc. That was the procedure in those days. r,. '' I: I ! I: And ii probably made UtUe dltUrence. In 11144, there was only one obvious alignment -rlght down Newport Boulevard, through all those vacant fields all the way to the busy little seaport tO"Nn of Newport Beach. Since then, of course, those vacant fields have bf!.. come a thriving, growing city -Costa Mesa -and the· little seeport town isn't so little anymore. " l! " I: i ' ' '; As a consequence of this growth, Newport Boule- vard is now the main local arterial link between the two Harbor Area cities. Some persons fear that replac.. in&' it with a freeway will make travel between the two cities extremely difficult. . : " The city of Newport Beach, which initiated reopen· ing of the route question, is clearly on record favoring an aJigrunent west of Superior Avenu~. It has no partic- ular preference on a precise route, just so Newport BouJevard is left alone. . f i Much of the "Newport portion" of the proposed re- alignment of the route passes through county territory. Realignment of Coastal Freeway route is not an ele- ment in the current discussions. Costa Mesa's posit.ion, however, is less clear. The reason is that our neighbors have a whole handful of alternative routes from which to .c~oose. Two of these cut through largely residential areas. At the heart of Costa Mesa's difficulties remains the apparently still-unsolved problem of how to handle· the tremendous volume of traffic funneling into the Har- bor Boolevard·Newport Boulevard triangle, and how to provide adequate flow. The route decision could involve millions in that city's budget for surface streets. Between now and Feb. 18, Costa Mesa councilmen will presumably some to a conclusion on at least a ten· hat Every Dea r ~olu_tion. __ . _ _ Gloomy _ A bout t The New York ~=~:berit .. un- Monday, Nov. 19, 1968, on the of City Hall, hundreds of Them punches with the poll~. What w. They doing at City Hall? They wf ving a court hearing on charg~ fil against Them during an earlier d nstraW>n. a matter or fact, Tbtlr leader -th< day befor. had announced 1t. c1VU disobedience campaign -defied the coort and refused to appear r answer his summons. \ Tia: CHARGE BEING heard In City llall that day resulted. from clashes with the police a month earlier, when hun- dreds of Them took to the street& to protest alleged "discrimination" in hous- ing. job opportuniUes, and voting rights. After · the hearing about 400 "civil right&'' supporters carried Their leaders on Their shoulders to City Hall Ac- cordina: to witnesses, "when t h,e demOMtrators began marching up the building's steps, police shut the a:ates In fnint of Ulem. As the marchers tried to force their way out, scufflell and fit1t fights broke out." SO}JNDS DEPRESSINGLY familiar, d 't It? The same words and phrasea V.'e ave become so accustomed to - ''d onstration," "civil disobedience," "d · !nation," "housing," "job op- po ties," and "voting rights." ly this time there is a difference. 1 country was not the United Stales, bu Northern lr@land. e city was not Chicago or Cleveland, bu6:00:donden-y. T the proteaters, oC course, wtre ,. "' ton has sent a fund-raising leUer to "Fellow New Yorkers," the first sentences of which go: "The cam- paign for 'Law and Order' la gath· ering impetus. To meet it head-on, join the Civil Libert.iea Union now." Is anyone out there inter- ested In an American Civil Re- &pooslbilltles Union? -C:. H. T... kltvn rtftlcft ....._. ...._ 1111 ---111' .._ .. ,,.. -.. -. s... ,... ... ,.... .. ~' ..... Dallf ,. ..... White Irish Roman Catholics. Doing e1acUy what our American blacks are doing, and for much the 'same reasor· MAKING 'AN UNROLY fuss for a holy cause. Disturbing the peace -as only the Irish. GOO bless them, know how to disturb the peace -for a peace based on injustice is a bitter mockery of the word. Asking for what every man has a right to ask -a decent place to live, a fair craci at a job. a vote that counts as much as any other man's. ~· ~ be judged as individual11, ma a1 part ' of an abstract, faceless mass -ftcil as Roman Catholics in a nominally Pro(esla.nt Country, but all men, with the same loveS' and , fears. the sarM needs and hopes, the same rights and responsibllil.ieJ. IF THE LAW WON'T provide those basic things, the law must. be chanted. tf the law won't 'be changed legally, it will be cba:nistd .extra.legally. That was what the ·Afuerican Revolution was about. That ls wb;i,t every revolution -good and bad alike -is about. Morality cornea before Jaw. If any ruling group accepted this, there woulri be no demonstraUons, no &CUffies, no confiicts, no revoluUon. ~Costly Radio Network ~ lf6sH!NGTON -L31..t mulll·miliion do!~ project for South yie~am !11 ~6 ~clion of a nalioow1de radio netWork. • E., to cost Mtwetn -$1G-C> million In · aid ftmd1 . w thil ~ plan ls junked hy the incoming Nixon Administration, thl' A&ency for tntematlonal ~e~ ment (that administers foreign aid ) pro- roses to build at least four powe.rt'ul !ilatioM that would give alJ of South \'1ttnam modem rad.lo coverage. The statiOOJ ate to be strategically located in the four major South Vietnam rities -Saigon, Da Nang. Qui Nhon and Nha TrAng. Still to be named is the hciiid of the costly project. TRE NETWORK IS to be tompleted within 18 months -provided • new l1ra:e-ecale Communllt offensive doesn't wrtak havoc. That's what happened Ifft year when the. Rectii• surprise Tet assault destroyed or hre1vtly damaged !Ome wta- Uona of a netwcrk then being dtveloped. lt WIS to c:imlll nf 12 5tatiom, of which t were 11rtady In operation. After Ille C«!un11Qi$U..,. flnally routed, U.S. omda!J "'611111nod the undtrtakin1 and decided I<> ICnP th< 12-statl<>n concept ror a lldwork ol lour hlah-powe...t ota-u..,,. A major -ldtr•Uoo ol tilts chins• wu ensurinl"" tnl:n 1ea1rity while 1t tbe ~ tlml!i gtttina: maximum -l1bdlr the AID plan, lhe new net.work W'OUld hnve two channela-one mitltary, ane civilian. The formtr would be under U.S. control and 50lely for mllll.lry I purposes. The civlllan channel woold be run by the Saigon govemme:at, and not subject to the U.S. in any way. AN Am OFFICIAL,.askod if th~ might not open the way for-the network. built with Amelican funds, bttng used against the U.S., rtadily admitted that posslbili· ty . "Yes, that could happen ," ht said. "'fl has in other countries, so it could h•ppen in Sou!h Vietnam. Biting the hand that befriends you is a quite com· mon trait." ~m authorities say the multi-million dollsr radio projttt is favored by the State and Defense Dtpa.rtmcnts dtsp\te lhe risks involved. Jt is tlalmed thfy approve the tw~hannel network as neces.sary for Improved military COtt'I· munk:IUona lilnd to enable the South VJetntime$1! go-remment to better reach the rtUlDH of people. THUi SPRING a powerful new VolC't ot Amtrlca radio staUon will 50 Into operaLlcn at Tinang in the Philippines. ft Is costing $21 million to build, .,.,·ill have ten 250.000-watt transmitters and will broadCllt to all ol Southtut Aila. Rfd China and reach dttp into cent1'11 and eastern Rus&la. BecaUH of ii~ clear and powerful ~ignaJ, tM CornmuniitS will find II more difficult to jam th~ broadcast.I.. By Robtrt s. Anea And Jol:l.n A. Goldsmith I taUve preference. Much of Newport'• plinn!ni for the future mUJl await aetUement of the l11ue, one way or the other. Until Coata Me11 coancilmen reach a dec!.s!on, there ls little lhllir Newport ~ch colleasues can do, except to play tile walUnJ1eme. fn the meantime, its another freeway route hang· up. Kindergarten . Dilemma Kid• d .. erve the best. Newport-Mesa school lrus· tees will buy thal But ta1payers need a break. TrUJtffs aren't for· i:etUng that. The toughest job for a school board member Ls re- conciling these two coDJiderations each year as budget time comes around. Usually there are assessed tax base increases or new state aid funds to buy some educational improve.. ments. Never as much as tru.stees \vould like, but al· most always -it seems-some. 'I.'his year, Newport-Mesa board members fear they may have to take a step backward. The new, three-hour kindergarttn day may have to be cut back to two and one-half hours as in years past. A $347,000 deficit resulting from a withdrawn, now- you-see-it now-you-don't offer by the state Legislature to underwrite the longer kindergarten day puts board members in a spot. They are told the kindergarten extension is a god- send for readying youngsters who would have trouble learning to read, but it appears they can't afford it. The state backed out of the plan. The program has been highly promising. Educators and parents alike are hoping some way can be found to keep it in operation. • N Header Coniments on Student Views -'For ~rog~ams They Offer -Poses'· To the Editor: Relative to the views expressed by many students of UCI as reported in the Los Angeles Times Jan. 19, JD8Y a few views <lf mine be expressed? The over-all reaction l had was that most of tbese studenla •were quite full of themselves, that they felt that, left in their hands, this ·world would be a much better place. Possibly ao, bot since most of them ranged frorn 18 to 34 years I would prefer to have them gain a little experience before _I buy their "aolulion.s," upon which none Ol them seem to agree. TOWARD THE close of the Times article the wrilet made a to~o about these students having grade point averages of 3.S or better. So Whfl? There is many an odd fellow that .has a 4.0 average. Jn fact, I can remember observing upon my initiation into . Phi Beta Kappa many renow initiates who struck me as being singularly lacking in common . sense and affected in behavior. This affectation, frequent among the young, is enhanced these days by professors teaching social "sciences'' and the permiss.ivenese: of the present crop ot weak-kneed ad· ministrators. TIIE HUMAN ANlrt1AL hasn't changed much in the · 1ast millenlum or so. and ~rtainly not much in the last 200 years; .and ll is time bleeding heart reporters and those quoted students and professors, as well as school and rollege ad- ministrators, pollilcians, etc., become aware of this fact and deal effectively with breach of school regulations and breaking of the law. The general public is fed up. EVERY GENERATION that romes up has it! own grievances, and many of them are well founded. But when some of our contemporary ado I e scents (including "teachers") lake to naunUng ''by any means neceuary," and such slogans. it is raising the black flag of anarchy, not rebuilding, not reform, not rebellion, nor even revolution. And it does nol matter whether the groups be SOS, BSU, black, y,·hite, brown, green, purple, or whatever. FOR SOLUTIONS they substitute slogans : for programs they offtr posts. They show litlle tolerance, m u c h tactlessness. They violate Jaws and then demand amnesty! They think they are 1he chosen few who are forward looking. Nurtured by ivnry tower academici ans. et al.. they know little of history, hence how do they know whether they arc facing forwards or backwards? Thl'y are about a~ mature in their demands for an ideal world ri1bt nnw as lhose infan1' who went off to the Crusades and not too far from home ptrished. a continent away from the Holy Land . RICHARD W. LOVELAND ~--B" Geerge De•r Ctorae: I hate parties at which adult5 play 1tupld gaml'S, like charldM and IO on. Do'you know any adult game "''hlch can be played wMn 111! thil! foollshnMI starts at a party -~me game I mi&ht enjoy? HOPEFUL Dear Jlopeful: Yes. "Adult Hopacotch." The minull' somebody a: u I & e s t s charadts. hop r~ht out the door kl the ntarest Jounge and sip some Scotch. I',., used it ror years. (Send your proble.1111 to Georic for ln$lant SoluUoru.) Letters from readcr.s are welcome. Normally writer.s 1hould convey thtir message in 300 words or less. The right to CO?ldeme letttra to /it $pe1Ce 01' eliminate libel is re11eroed. All letttrs must include stonature and malling addres.t, but names may be wfthhtld on request if sufficitttt rea· son i.s cpJ'(trent OCC'• De nial o f SDS To lbe Editor: In regard to your recent editorial, "Sensible Act.ion at OCC," I wish to comment that it came as no surprise. If any newspaper were to condone the actlona of the Orange Coast College Inter.Club Council in denying the Student& for a Democratic Society (SOS) a chance to become a part of the campus organization, I would certainly have e1pected it from the DAILY PILOT. Your whole arrument seems lo center around what SOS ·has done on other campuses in the rountry. A typical reac· lion or your newspaper, if you don't know what it is, call It Communist or ~ommunistic. THE FIRST UNE of your editorial seems to state tbe same reasoning that a member of the ICC gave, when a:sked \1-'hy he was against 11\e SOS. "Not many people know It, but there will soon be a bond election, if people in the community find that we have let SOS on campus they will certainly nol symp<:.lhize "'ith the students at Coast." The SOS al OCC, despite the ac· cusations of Mommy (Mrs. Marie) llo"·es, has met all the rules set forth by the ICC in order to become a club. One of the basic rig hts guaranteed in the Constitution is one of innocence until proven guilty. THE SOS AT OCC may not be. any more subversive than perhaps the LOS tLatter Dsy Saints) or Newman Club, both of which are members of the ICC. 1 dOfl 't nectssarily aaree with the ldeu of the SOS nor would I join the organization, but they, like any other individual or group of individuals, have 1h!. right to form a group on cempus. The majority in any society cetainly does not have to cater to the '«hims of any minority group. but the things for which our forefalher1 fought includ· ed that t.be rights of any minority be respected. As you can set, I too can tear at tht patriotic Winas In your hesrt. 1 rtmaln rupectfully your11. an OCC student. ADRIAAN F. JACOBS l'rOllt Page News To the Editor: It may 1 lni,rest )'Oil to knW' I am lhoroogbl1 dlsl\lltod "1111 your paper. You have oontJnued to play up these Teens-for-Ouitt 90 much lt ts slcbnin)'.:. lf lhl!I Is what yoo call front p1ge news. 1 hen all J <::•n say is you must be digging preuy dttp Into the him!. 1 havt no taste for such peoplt lh11l will ronlinut to mock the rellglon or <llhers and disrupt lheir serviCU.. If they wish to attend chun-h then let them come, they "''ill be more than wtlcome, but to disrupt lhe worship of o&.hers ls disgraceful. SINCE THE disrupting of our service• Is llle;al l don't see how you can take this stand for them. 1 have found that you have one of your reporters following tbem night and day playing upon every incident that occurs. I am sorry lo say that I feel I will have to cancel my subscription to your paper. l even doubt that you will have enough backbone to print this letter. NAME WITIIllELD Child Abuse J>reblena• To the Editor: Again we are investigating th e desperate child abuse problems, and are faced with the usual frustrations of in- vestigation and prosecution in these heartrending crimes. However, there are methods of preven- tion, and if only one child were not mutilated as a result, they should be put into immediate action. We must prevent unwanted children! We are beginning to l'!ee lhe value of sex educa- tion for our achoo! children. WE l\IUST Al.60 reach those unin· formed adallll whose on1y informational contact may be television. We must provide, in addition to widespread in· formal.ion. the actual methods and services of contraception and sterilitation as desired. We must legalize abortion. Thert can be no justification for allowing an unwanted chlld lo be born, so he can be mutilated and murdered af· terwards. GERTRUDE FARBER R iding cu Brother• To the Editor. Jn his inauguration speech, Richard Ni~on remarked, "riding this earth as brothers." which is so descriptive or that "little blue ball" spinning around in endless space -certainly we should be brothers. The thought came to me that too many of us just "go along for lhe ride." MRS. LILLIAN W. RILEY Kindergarte n Problem To the Editor: t re sd the very Interesting article (J40. 2:3) about our kindergarten problem In the Costa Mes•-Newport Beach Schools. One thina: not covered wu &he situation wtth the teachera -that 11, the kindergarten ttlchen themselvu. This new year of slnale claues has been a godsend to them, because the double clallfs created work and hour! that you could hardly believe. I am sure if you were to interview some Bes t, Worst Lovlnitoa, N. rt1., Leader: " • , . the CJvU Service CommltsiOn has been alternately pralaed and damned . 'nle best that can be said of It U that it ha:i: takeo partisao pollUOJ out of hlrtn1 federal employes. The worst that can b< 50ld for Jt t• that -w!tll ill brood protecUons ror 11rorkers -It has become 1 haven for lhe lnefflc-lent and unproductlve ·• Richmond, \'a .• Reurlco Btrtld: "Try as we may we cannot retoncile the fact that thl!i fMeral eovernment is slyly 1ne•klng Into our 5acred churches. A aroup Cl{ church leaders 11tated that fedl!iral grants to ('hurch schools were permlssable although they despise federal '1Jd: You tell us tbe dlflenoce bttwl!ien a 'grant' .tcd 'aid. other than the spelling.·· of them, you would discover what 1 am talking about. AS AN EXAJ\1PLE, I believe a class is made up of about 30 youngsters of live years of age. Even though ~ class is whal would seem a short period to lhe outsider (three hours) I would guess the average teacher spends another si:r hours each day getting ready for that class, plus immeasurable time on "'ee.keads. U she is to do the kind of job that parents would like to have done. 1 have reared three children through the school system here, both grammar and high school, and to me this area has a\\\1ays offered the best; and I think that is what peoplt here expect. IF THE TEACHERS are walloped again next year with two classes, or 60 five-year-old children a day, you can see that evea overlooking the stress on the teachers, the quality has to go down. It has been said by many people who know, that ttie real formulallve stage in a child's life is the kindergarten period. JOHN BAKER ' Quotes Rep. \\'ilbur D. ~fills ( 0 · A r k . l , thalrman, House Ways ·aod J\feans Com~ mlttet, 011: recel\1ng an nual award for fli11Jnguisbed public service from Ta:r Foundation, Joe. -"The increase In federal government expenditures from $135 billion in fiscal 1966 to an estimated $192-195 billion by fiscal 1970 defies sound reason and judgment and is a con· tributing laetor to the dericit in lh l'! U.S. balance of pa ymen ts. We nee<l hardnosed expenditure control to hold the budget in the coming yea r well under $200 billion and to keep ex· . penditures from absvrbing the rtvenu1 • Increase generated by rising income levels." Brad Williams In "Plum Unts'' In Oberlh1, Ohio, Nt1'·s Tribune -"The ultimate in put-downs: 'He's M bad that when he calls Dial·A·Prayer they hang up.' " Same colum11:1tt: ''The water in oor street was knee deep," braggtd a lf.year-old after one recent downpour overwhelmed the cily's storm sewers. "Wtll," huffed an older IWlident, ·"that dkfn 't get any girls' dresses wtt, did it!" ''Commedy & Comments'' In GMbtn, bHI., News -"What with mini-skirts. bare midriffs, bikinis and peek-a-boo blouses. it'l'l gelling so you cen hardl y look a woman in the eye anymore." --~--Wedn esday, January 29, 1969 TM editorial page of the DatlLt PUot 1eek1 to inform end sum. Klotc rtodcra by pre.renting thil nnaspcper'1 opinfont and com- nwntary on topics of interest 011.d l'lgnfliconct, by prooirfing o . for&o'lt for !ht tzprts.riott of our rtndtr.r· opftrion..r, and by pre.ttnt1na lh• dlvtrst view- pol"u of informed obst:rvtr1 end spoktlmt'n on. topfc.t of th.t d4g. Robert N. Weed , Pubiishor £osia Mesa EDll'ION VOL 62, NO. 25, 4 Sbl;TIONS, 60 PA6ES ·WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2t, '.li6t JEN CENTS • • • Robin Hood Burglar Admits .61 Mes·a Thefts By ARTRIJR IL VjNSEL Of ._ ONIY 1'1111 lfeff A loae ...U burglar wbo lalked last when cauabt by hil sympathetic victims -W &pent their money faster on broke, teenage buddies -is held today, ~ conlesa.inl 81 Cosla Mesa crimes alone. Deleotiv• CapL F.d Glasgo.w said the 17·)'W'Gld boy otruct lbrOU&boul Orange Comlty in almost dally forays over the ~ --. commJWns """"' of Jobi wllh ef!or1lell -'Ille former Colla ~ llJlh School slwlenl '• Robin HooH17le adveoturt In crime ended Monday, wbeil Detective Art courteau picked him up st a friend'• home for queailoning. A prliir juvenile ollender wbo fit tbe description ol. a boy theft stllpeet, be readily IJllDed out a tale of what must be one of Iha moot notable bur(lary apreea In Oruge Counfy li1story. Based .. 1111 revelalicm to Colla"M• ~oun Wet Tlaursday Guess What? 50% Chance of Rain Solthern Cllllornhms, lulled by tbe premile of IUMY skies after a pair of. clevu:taUng ralnatorms, looied wearily out their windows TUeaday afternoon to fbld ihal •tt WU doing It again." More lball a quarter locb of rain, Wmped vloleotly wilhln an bour, 1•11iltHt the Orange Coad as the sun ,_ benevolenUy in the distance. .IJllf thal't nol all. caulinned the U.S. Woolj>er jlurtau today, There's a so pert1111t cliance of more wet stuff Thurs· ' · Pueblo Guns ' ' W orth'less, , Admiral Says CORONADO (AP) -Tbe admiral wllo had operatlonal -ol the lnlelU. geoce ship Pneblo said Wednesday its two .»callber machineguns "did not appear to me to provide it a significant defense capabillty." Rear Adm. Frank L. Johnson, com- mander of Nava1 Forces Japan when the Pueblo 'and her 13 men were cap- tured, also aaJd he had no fon:es under bi> direct command wllh which to pro- vide emer1eoc:J' IUIJPOrt. · .. , ...... In. b.vor or arming the AGERS (~deslgnaUoo for lhe ~ , ship)," Johnson to1C ' N~'J' ol Inquiry. "We bad sUccasrany catried out 16 missions in unarmed ltatua and I considered this 1 good basl1 for continuing Ulis type of mission unarmed. "! did eooalder they (the guns) might well be provocative ••• t was concerned ..Jlbout the reaction to this armed status ..• and the addition of .two .50-calibers did not appear to me to provide a 1ignlficant defense capability." JMMon was the first witness after several days of closed hearings for Wdm<lry about claaifled matten. Jolmion said be was aware of "certain commun1caUon dlffieulUes" U.S. in- teDI&~ lhlps were having with his lleldquarters In Ja-He aald lllOlll>' tabll on the lsluxls of Japan made It dll!lcllll to link radio frequencies. Board Endorses School Bond Vote The executive board of the Harbor Area Coordinating C o u n e 11 has unanimou11y endorsed Newport-M~a Uq.lfled School Dis~icl"I $15.1 mllllon bctllS issue to be voted oo Feb. 11. CGmlcll Prtsldent George Tuclcer nid a prtme concern ol the organlaation ts usurlng an acellent futarl for cltbeu d tomorrow. "School rooms are 1*IJy needtd let our JOW11 people," be aald. The bond 1-would provide 40 portable clusroomJ: to eliminate double -nut fall and permanent llCbool construction to keep up with enrollment inc:reasel over the next four years. Rarick Censured WABHINGTON (AP) -Hou se Democrat.I •oted today to strip Rep. Johll IL Rarick, (J).LL), ol bla corn- mlt!N tenlortty becauae he openly sup- partod tile lndq>mdent pretfdenUal <8"' dldacy ol Georte C. Wallace lul year. day afternoon. Tuesdsy's abbrevtated atonn brooiht wilh it driving hall and bunls of Ugbt· ning, whk::h ltruck fOUI' airborne plane:ll. All proceeded to their deatlnaU..., and landed '8fely, Then! """no bljuries. In Newport Boacb, ala more .eucalyptus trees fell vtotlm to tbe raging rains, b~ the total of trees demoyed in the past week to more than 100. There was, however, no tJooding w major accidents reprted. 'l1W latest l>atd> of rain -•""'1 distributed along the Onnge Coast. Colla M!sa recorded .35 inchel, Huntington Beach, .30, Fountain V alloy .21, Lag1lllA Beach .2> and Newport Beach .23. • TuadoYI l1ol'm WU a COid 00. frn the oorth, brlnllnll -down It ille 4,0llO'tool JeveL In the bard bll ~ Barl>ara area, tht lllOW line "'dr-opped-' to 2,000 feel The Weather Bureau aald Tbunday'* stonn should follow the same pattem U Tuesday's, but said It WU loo early to predld whether it wnuld pocfuce slmllar -and lightning. M Ill'. leltM LU yr. Cott• Ma.-.» J.11 Ml ~rt e.wi .2i 1.w "" L"\111• ... ell .U t.05 41' H1111t1nvtoa -...m .lO 1t.M s.67 Founl1lft V1HtY .tt ,_,. .5.n Westn'llll•IW ,JO 1t.K 1.6, ~I 8Mc11 .30 lt.K ~67 U.11111 l.alw .. World .15 1.05 ~.7' lrvt111 Rltl'ld'I .22 f.J.5 J.n UouM Nllllvel .U f.05 t.1' ""'~'"' .2' u.n J.n G•..,., Gro,,. .JJ U.J4 J,lt Sen C~•nl•' .26 l.6' .27 Senti Ana .21 t.t4 !.7' •-co.11 Mall ""' S.11 ClmMl'lft flfire --trwn J.tt'I. I. Freeway Meeting In Police Facility, Not Civic Center Tonight's study session of city and state officials on the Newport Freeway will be in the second floor conference chamber at the Colla Mesa Police Facili- ty, at 99 Fair Drive. Normally, atudy ....ions are held In Civic Center officea at 7T 1'air Drive. but Wedneadays the Oranp eoonty Municipal Court's corrod1on ldlool for traffic violators occop1., the chambers. Tbe meeting tonlgbt la primarily f0< the city council, planning commlalon, city staff e.xecuUve.s and the preu, but no one will be excluded from bearing the freeway questions explored. The meeting start! at 7:30 p.m. During the se.sslon, Dlrbict Seven Assistant Engineer Bill Hashlmolo, of the Stale Division of JU&hwaya, will be questioned about what each of four route propoeals may spell for the city. Questioning will be llmited to dty oUiciala presenL Tbe Newport Floeway WU dellpatad In ltM u.-foO... the nia1a of what la pi<IOlllb, Newport s,.dmr\f. but the ,_ --llnllly r_.i by ' agreemem of Cojlta M• aod Newport Beach. Some downtown uu byllnepmen Rtrongty object to the Idea of lotlnr existing Newport Bnulevw u an 111- tercity tralflc C'lery, but oth<n lite lhe route picked 34 ytan ap. The state win bold a public hwinl Feb. 11 at the Orange C o u n t '1 Fairgrounds, srior to handhw the route quesUon back-to the Sitte Hlebw•Y Corn- m!aaloo for final -· Colla Mesa dly olficiall -wbo-bav• taken no atand ol roconl on wbere the)' believe llmlle II ahould be built - ani expocted to make lh<lr prdarence known IOOfl. •• lnve&lpl<n. lawmen hi N..,mt Btacb, llwlthliton lleach, w-. Santa Ana and Tultla '11111· doubtlma -to talk to him about other cuos. 1\ol•pIMI• of dollln are estimated to bavt been taken In bi> ilmole daylillit burglarl., aince last N....,,ber, nearly all of H In wit or mdlJ,y aaleable loot. "We r,covered virtuaDy DOH ol. it~" Capt. Glagow aald tod1y In allllClUDClng tbe amst of tbe nnldentllled boy and a condou.lna lavtstlpllon lnlo Ill& free. wheellnr operaUon. "One ol tbe more lnttrtstlnii . polnls la lhat tbis boy tells US be WU cal!l)lt seve'.ral Umes and talked his Wl.1 out of the jam," aald Capt. Gla'iOW. ·~ people never even reported the incldtllta, .. added tbe detective cldd. During burgltry toun of c<ntral county towns, the boy told lnveatlgaton, he would park a car, bcrrowed from a buddy, in -I quiet reatdentiaJ. arta, c:oD- -.. ...... --pleza. lnockinl to dlllimlne U -WU 1-the ......... burglar would - try the flwll doer, nu door or 111dln& 1Iaa1 pallo tnlrywaJ to "' U ba coWil gel Into the bouae. . .. He general)J found one open,., aa1d Capt. Glaq:ow, 1'He rarely bad to break in." Ocwlonally, tbe youth aplalned, he had lo buJll for an unlocJcecl ..-... "He would almost always loot for culi, aottinc u llttJe u tlll, ., --up to ..... the eaptaln ... plaloed, sddlnc lhal ... Cotla 11 ... job netted Clllly 111 out of elgbl apart.. menl unlla. ..Sometimes be would take cameras and lhat type of thin& and di!poso ol them lot cash at nap meets." CapL Glaagow uill. • Money ran IMoogh the tJx.foot, HS pound burglar'• fingers Jlke nter, J011ce (Bee 11IEl' 111, Pap 1). Governor . ' -Urges Nixon~ To Do Same ~ 1J9v. Ronald Reagan Tuesday deci.te<f. Orange County a state disuter are& and sent a telegram. to President Nixon: requeslinr.lhat be aJao doclare tbe eounty: a dlaaater area ·al°"' wllh IS other: c;aJllomla cwnues. Ev.,.ett BlllZard, chief of pla!q!Jnc &nit opefatloos In the CaJJfornla ~·Of~ flee In' Sa<rarnento,. uld the-pernor. acted lnµntlllately 911 l'O'l'l"'t ol lh• Oruct C.WV Bo'fll of Bupervilon. flla~~~i=~ ~Alli!!!!.,. ".--di!!!' • i'otbe:. . . ' ... .... niti ;u..ilay ~ raised f"4b: lhat /!!ore damage would ba caU!ed ' ...... l!lit.. . mountalil areu of ;;. .:.: ; ~-ii.a 11111-- c::;:;:___ -~~:.*"G~· ::t~:"K: to If . ' . • ·'1>'1 Highway Aides ~eueP~ndmg . . --. . Sigh With Relief As Freeway Opens Chancellor to Explain Jubilant officials of the st.ate Division of Highways today Uctecl off tho minutes ju!t prior to opening of the new and last San Diego Freeway segment to Firing of 2 UCI Profs all north and southboond traffic. Clwicellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. WU A spoke!man for 'Ilistrlcl Seven . ol to p before UC lrvlno. atudenls today the state agency aald ' -and 'ezplaln why ba la flrfng two """" motor!sts would begin. Bifog tbe U mile ua!Jtant .prof.-a ol EaglWL :section ·•bout-noon, ·while IOUthbound Aldrich made known his decldon TDM- drivers would be unleashed Om! bout da to al ~lh -"'·• Jater; · 1 10 oag ,,-, recmnmaa111111 Heavy rains ln rec:tnt weeks have dhm1aal ol Dr. ~tephen A. Sha~, caused continual delays in final work 28, -,and Donald r. Brannan, 30, '""1· on the freeway, mostly In changing •!Jn be called a meetlnt for todf1 lo ilplajn dierc:Uons'and distances, as well 11 final to the campW:·w\y be dJd It.-· · cleanup work. Tbe cue of a third ualatant professor, Opening of the ta.st link between COsla Dr. Geora:e W. Kent, of the b1ltor7 Mesa and the El Toro area provides ,department, sUD 11 under review. a through route for motorists between Students and faculty have been waiting U.S. 101 at the U.S. 405 cutoff in Encino, Aldrlch'• decllloo for two months 1ince aoutb to the U.S. 5 Ue-in sgain. lhe three ualslant profs fac<d with Hlgltway aperls aay the throoglt link terminilUon publl<ly defended themlelvea will take a heavy volume of traffic w~ COlllida'ltH campus llUppOl"L off the Santa Ana FreeWay. .Aldrkh11 mnats toda7 were not ez. '!'bf' !'ldenlng JOI>'--· El 7oro pec!"!f to ead lbe -· A ll"'QI ol and San Juan Caplatraiio la ''.Gpeited 35 Jrii-.~ .,Mule atude¢*-and to be completed by early.April: H'llil otali IDGb<rs ca1lbC -lbe ljn' Ulfvenfty Q1nt.r.nce WU achidUW t. bold a prea«:cllfere1ice lmmedlatel1 lollowlng tbt cbancellor'a ~." NEW VORK (AP)--Tbe .tock ""'°kel closed, rniJe.d today u Wall Street con- tinued If.I· wat.c:b-and·wait attitude.· (Set quotaUO.., Pages 22-11). . Gains oulnJlmbered losse1 but' the.Dow Jones Industrial average wu off 11l£btly in late trading. They we.ra i:re~ to .~ a) atate.-. ment calling for 1~ moratorium . on all dlamiual1 until ser(oua' qbestlonS · ibout the faculty promoUon system can be answtred. SpecilkalJ,y .. tbey want to know what criteria were UJed by lt:llior Eqllilb and bi.tory.~ to avalusla lbelr jW'l.lor eol1eaguea 1bwhinr•perfonDanct, and -Shapiro, Bralllion and' Kent -•·liven enough -to demomtrtta "11olarly onmpetence. •·1n. the event theae bu1c .queJtlonl are . not-1111Wered, the cb&nceDot: mut lhare rupollllbWty lorthe-conaeqllGl<U of •lludelll proWls lhal mlgbt •• ,,,,..,. the 'llllllment read.. • A allldent aroup opposln1 Iha llrlnl• Is Iha Ad Hoc Committee I o r Relnltatem.nL Dave Haakett, one of the leaders, old 100 lluolenls m<t Mon- day nlibt and deddecl to conUnue "'iotlltlon inltead of d-atlng. 'Ille commlllee alto baa called for a mc:ntortum on firingt. .. Unleu Aldrich la•ponuaded otherwise, -· .. -will ap!re_-ln.JUJIO ml Shapiro'• la· • .ru... · 1tio. Kent la rNMmmfed far dltml'MJ. J:i' June, 1'10. Shaph:o aald lodty;be pl.a ... -' lo the 'Faculty -CGtmnltlee-on Privilege, -ad .\c,demlc Freedom. Aca<jemic fNedoqi la·• <>I tbe laauat be plans to ralie, hO said'. He claims hil dllriiiual .... precipitated by h11 invitation to Black Panther Eldrldae Cleaver to teach aaslona of hla. clµs. He oaateudl Cltabctllor ·Aldrich has (Bee UC! FIBINGI, •Pip II Flights of Fancy for $25 Air Califo'f'.nia Begins Flat~rate Weekend Experiment . . ' Ao experimental -am' · aDowlbc such tour pacbp olfued West Coul joked today. . tr.avelers to 111 Air CaDfornla thnlogbout air travelers. Air CaUIG<Oia'• 'l)i..i.; ·-.., "1th the wee.tend for t flat $15 fan waa · tbe PUC WU llOI all a bed al l'Olft, announced by the company today, follow· Tbs ~Ian allows -ngm lo fly u howam, u PIClf\c Solltnest. Alithiel Ing atate appn>val Tuesday. llW11 ,lrlpa an u m&1Y Air Can!ornia fllad-a l"<lll>l>lalnt ·~ lbe Ono&• Weekendl Unlimited is the name of l'Olltat u ho plaasea ~ a coofirme<I Cow/I)'~ line wllh prlce,l!ea!Joi. . the new toori1C_ ramo. a_,,td by the raerntio111 bula, betweea mldntgltl Spakamtn fCO" lbe,rml alrline·~eil Publk: UUIJU .. c..Umialiln for Feb. t Frkll,y and $:JO p.m. Sunday, Air Calllbrnla 11, 1111111. Ftl>. II;· Ii I tbratJ1f> AprU JO, to determine bow ...,. Tile fan '°" tllto operatloD st ~ tmal atieata a IO percul dltcounl to C0181Ul li i11'1 be. CouRl1 .\]rporl and --~,other M Induct W-Unllmltad. fUgbl. ·ln- Tbt annilunctmtnl by ·AlrC&lifornla Calilvmlaba111t!t1111........ ttaodof 1...,_1t!pt-~ ' mamtlnf vice president Dudley r, "Ybtt can lll<rallr 111 wllh •• unU1 'Ille . PVC '11111 llald I Peb. I lleorlnJ Mlller nld the hmoHtlon II lhe flnt :roo cdllape6, • OM cdmpal!1 ...-... ao lbe -~ · •I ' >' " baair.clrt..,,:: ad-., !Or~ stalo and potaibly federal lunda alM will be avallabl• to rebuild roads aod other public -ks. Olllol8la ·of tile county and Ill dtl.., lncladfJli :Wiler dlstrlcta, will ltemfle thelr-loaea for the-Slalo-DliUt<r..Ol!!Cit In Loi Angolea Tblll'lday. . Prado Dam on tbe Santa Ana River al the county line waa credited-wJQI aavlng the eounty from much addlllonal flood damqe by Flood Control Engineer IL Gear&eOsbome. ·He told supervjaora that •tM dam checlced ·Inflow al 73,00ll cubic-feet per aecood, not far below the aJI.-dlJastroos Dood of 111311 whe!J • 100,..-amlc feet per aecood..flow wai reeorded: Tbat storm battered . tbe county wllfi .(See DAMAGE, l'afe I) . Body Washed . . . Ashore in NB A body WU reported waahed ubore lhls afternooo In Newport Beach at. the end of 18th Street on the peninsula beacl>lronL It wu tentaUvely believed to ba that of Bill I>i!clmer1 111 who was lost Moit- day In a trip in a rubber raft down the Santa Ana River. Lifeguards. however, wers 1D1able to mu. "111 P<*lttve ldtnlllkatlon. lt'eadler Q u o t b the weatherman. "There's a 50 percent chance of isolated, brief . showers for Tbunday." Thia after a temp. eralW'e drop to SS along the ooalL INSmE TODAY "!' ott A111<rlcon< tDould err bfoocf' murdtr hi London if E'ngfalld mada llO• ,.g11,.,. .. cm oUn tocrv ftar,,. clalml Brltis,,,,. t0ho ll4r I<> do f< ""'· )>age '· =.. , =.-*1: c,__,. u --. -. ::..:.-r ,; -.... ,..,. "" . -n AM~ )I -. ,.... ....... ,. I ' ·C:::.."'" J JMtw.a .... • --.. °""91 ~ I I "' . ..,,.,.. -J... I II I ......... -.... s;,.,. , .. ~. ~..:=-·-· ~ -" -. ... WMlt 11 --.. ' ' ---• DA ILY .. ILOT 51_., PMlll .Ft·•· ...... J DAMAGE ~ •• • ... ""..nu... dlmlp ud COii 411-~ aid d ..... "' ll9W ..... ... _.. __ "~··..mi: "' ·~ :t""-~~.J~ ...... Elmer J . Ottemlao, county Ori warden, who became dllef ef ci\auttr -durinl !he -tend -.....,., said the looaes In !he lllOWl!aln ""'Yon& might reach $1,S mllllon, not lncludtnc road d~e. . County Road Chief A. s. ~ aald five countf-road& were .UU cJORd Tue. day. Tbey were ModJeah Canyon, Rose Canyon, Culver Road at San Diego Wuh, Black Star Canyon Road and Trabuco Canyon. Kocb said lhree contractora bad been hired to repair an estimated 1110,000 damage to r~ays. He said 100 trees fell oo roadl ill the mountain canyons. Missing Suspect Delays Higbie Smuggling Trial .. WORKERS STRUGGLE TO REMOVE BEACHED PLANE Setting Crippled Craft Down Was Less Difficult The trial of Balboa 11~ attorney Richard A. Higbie on marijuana mug· gllng conspltaey charges has been postponed until AprU 8, it was learned today. The trial in federal court had bttn slaled for Feb. 4, but failure of authorities to locate a • • p r i n c j p a I auspeet" In the cue made the det11 necessary, sources uld. . ·. :t.andlng Was Easler ~ Higbie, Raymond Daniel Teeter ol Oranse and the mla1llng auap«t, Lyle Paul German, wen named in a fedd'al · Grand Jury lndlctmienl Jut December. '!'bey were • ..-al complrlnJ to transport I loll ud on&llalf al lllll'ljulna by olr from Gllldllajara, MeL, to Pllm Spr!ngl. ·~~. ::: Plane Leaving Beach . -·.· One Piece at a Time HJP!e baa deoled ""' Wl'DIJldolq llllC! membara ol hi> f~ have apr<ssed confklen<e !hat ''t!'erylhlnl ylll tum -, . -: . It seems easier to belly land an --! Airplane on a beach than .to take it ~~u atterwanll, u11 the theory 1s being '·'Proven In West Newport today. •: A lalvage emir of at least seven ,,.,...,. alarted •!niggling wilh !he ditclr 1•-ed ,mnaIJ plane that was btought down • an ttl belly on the. aand near Orange· ·.Avenue and Weal ,Ocean Front Tuesday .01flornlng. 'I'buS far, the 'aaJVage ofieraUon has ""lJroveL less succesdul'tben tbe landing. Frank Johnson, i2... a mecllanic at Orange County Airport, was In the p1ane when veteran pilot Bob Downey, 49, of Whlttier, brought it down, avoidlng a collision course with a lifeguard jeep carrying two men. Johnson started lbe salvage operation this morning at 7:30, swnmonlng a trailer, winch and an A·fr&fl'.le apparatus that will probably have to be l'eplaced Man, 72, Struck By Car in Mesa, Slightly Injured An elderly New Yorker wintering In Costa Mesa was injured Tuesday when struck by a car that rolled forward aft.er if!: dri ver stopped for pedestrians at an intersection. James V. Santangelo, 72, of Mallopac, N.Y. was trealed at Costa Mesa ).1emorial Hospital for A knee Injury after the accident at Newport Boulevard and Fairview Road . Police said motorist Gregory A. Park, 21, of 1131 'h Broden Drive, Anaheim, was headed north on Fairview Road and had stopped !or Sanlangelo and his wife wben the rar lurched abeAd. The Santangelos had just left their motel rWdence at 2080 Newport Blvd., on an errand whe.n the accident occurred.. DAILY PILOI OIUHGE co ... 11 PIJSL111tlN(O COMl'ANV R•Mrt H. w,,4 fffttdent 1...:1 l'~D!!""r J•ck l. CY rley \flee P'resldtnl ll'ld G•Mr .. MeMttr Th•'"'' K11•il Ef;lw n.,,.,, A, Myrp~;,., ~""1"" Ellllel' r • .,1 Niu•• "4¥1"'11~ 0.rtC"'°' c .... w... omc. JJO Weit l1y Str11f lrJ1ili"t A44•1n: ,,0 . ••-ll•O, 9161• °""' ....... N-1 k-.C"' 7)1 I Wt•t ••lllN ....... .,.,.. L•-DtKI>' 711 F.,.,, ,.,,.,,.,.. tlUfltlftllOfl klUI. »I ~lh lltHI with stronger equipment. · Efforta to raise the plane to allow assembly of the landing gear fall«I lhil morning. Jobnaon uld ba baa bad permission "for on<:e to bring !he lhlng out wilhout taking !he wings off. We hope to tow the plane fntacl wifhout patting ft OD a traller if we can onJy bring it up to the road." At one point the A frame slipped and dropped ~the plane'• tail onto a metal rail, damaging the radder. out all right."' . German, whole age ls unblown, bu been ICCU!ed by foderal 1ulhorlllea ol making I purchue ol !he lllll'ljulna in Malco. · He !& believed to be somewhere south of the border. A bi%lm l8pect ol !he cue II !hat when the plane landed al Palm Sprtnp, lt.s load turned out to be llfalla, not marljuaJll, · •ccordlni to federal -II. Tbey alleged Merlcan autborl~ea had "prema&urely" confiscated the marijuana In Merlco and replaced It wllh the alfalfa. . DA.l\.Y PILOT Ii.ff ..... FREI! LONG DISTANCE CALLS IN THE ROUND ''CommuniCamlv•I'' Starts Thursd.y at Plau Pilot CommuniCarnival Opens in Mesa Thursday Telephone company representatives and DAILY PILOT staff memben be- came ''rou.rtaboutl" today 11 1hey began setting up CommunlCamlvat at Soulh Coast Plsia. 1be carnival Of eorrununlcatlons will open • three-day atand at the regional &bopi>lnl center at 1 p.m. Thursday. It wilf be open from 1 to • p.m. Thunday ard Friday and I to I p.m. on SaCUr<Uy. 'Ibo "carnival" '"'1ltn lnlWld two main <lemenll. One II Pacific Telephone Q>. '• "glvuny ln the round,'' a cfrru. Jar stqe from whkb operaton will mate a preaentatkm every • mlDuU. clJmued with the alve1way ol a free 1..,, dllllnce phone call to anywhere In tho ~ United Sfltes. Other major elemenl.5 of the show wiJI be a DAILY PILOT uhibll custom· made for CommuoiCamlval and telllnR: the story of how !he DAJLY PILOT reproduces nnal slotl market quotaUons eAch day u 1 result <lf a "12-m.intne miracle." The dbplay wUI Ue In with a phono company demonltrltJon of Dat.upeed machines which "talk" to each other coast to coast at the rite of 1,050 words per minute. Other ruder features of tht DAILY PILOT 11!0 will be 1111pl\Qlud to !he exhibit. Twenty prizes wlII be: Clvtn away at !he DAJL Y PILOT exb!bll. Wlmlen need not be preMnt ror the drtwinc at 1ppro1· lmately I p.m. Saturday to w1n them. PILO'f,llllft,..... MARINES A~IVE WITH BRIDGE 'FOR MODJESKA AREA By Lal\I, By Air and Through A Sea of Mud New Spy Trials Hamper U.N. Mideast Peace Try BJ llN1TED PREllll INTERNATIONAL United NaUom: peace envoy Gunnar V. Jurlng began Blg Four Wb today OD a soJulicn lo the middle east crisis by cooferrlng In New York for '5 minutes wllh U.S. Amba""dor Clarlea W. Yoot. Aa they met, ien!IClll rose iharply in !he Mid...t. New spy trial.I were rtported under way in Iraq despite worldwide protests and warnlnga !hat the barglnga Of nine J..,,. Monday could Ie1d to Israeli repriaall ,and the ~Ulty ol a new <Ollfllct In Iha llldcl!e Eaat. . Tbe ~yrlsn,F<nlsn Minlslry llllllOOllCed In Dam ....... 11111 I Syriln diplomat waa lbot llllC! .......ied 1oc1oJ In BagMIMI by on Iraqi IntaIUc..,.. ageol In an lndclenl 11111 ldded the lhreal ol llrlle IDIOl!l the Anbo to the llmmertng crisis. Jurlng bu trifd for 1 year to bring peace to the Middle Eaat. He lunched 'l'ue3day with Secretary General U Tbant lbortly 'afltt Tbant uld only Big Four actions could avert another war in the Middle East. Jarring expects to confer later wilh the envoys from the Soviet Union, Britain and France which bu proposed Big Four action. Moscow has endorsed the Frtncb call, Britain has indicated C8llU0111 approval and the United States ha., not publicly stat~ its position. Diplomatic IOUl'Ce! said Yost could not clarlfy U.S. policy on the Middle E83t until after President N I :r on Appointees Approved WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate completed approval of President Nis:on 's first team at the Pentagon today by confirming former Gov. John lL Chafee of Rhode Island as secretary of the Navy and Dr. Robert C. Seamans Jr. u secretary of the Air Force. On discusses the Issues Saturday with the National Security councl1. Nixon met today with the cooncil and it was reported they d~eussed the J.!J:iddle East. Border incidents continued. A com· munique In Jerusalem said an Israeli soldier was killed an another seriously wounded today when their car struck a mine near the cease-fire line south of the Dead Sea. In Jerusalem a Ume bomb waa removed hannlessly from near the clty'1 only Jewish shop in the old walled city. The Foreign Ministry Identified the wounded diplomat as Abdel Karim Salr bagh, political attacbe at the Syrian Embassy in the Iraqi capitat It la.id he was shot while riding in a car through the Bag)!dad stttet.s and that Syria had slrollgly protested !he lncldenl The reported shooting emphasized the division within the Arab Baathist (Arab renaissance) party, the most cobe!ive political party in the Arab world. Rivalries in the party centering on elements backing or opposing Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser have led to a series of political convulsions in both Syria and Iraq. The new ten.sioo between Syria and Iraq coincided with start. of the new "spy trials" in Baghdad. Reports in Cairo said th~ on trial were "im· perialists" but Israeli officials said earlier 60 to 65 Jews faced immediate trial on espionage charges. "Imperialists" could refer to any force seeking to overthrow the Iraqi govern- ment of Premier Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr in the naLion that has seen nothing but political tunnoil since the monarchy wu overthrown in July, 1958, and Ki ng Faisal II was slain. Pope Paul VI warned today the hang· ing of 14 persons in Iraq "can periously exasperate the very delicate situation" in the ltfiddle East. \ / j t• • D The 1ru1 preclousnese ol YC en lne S Cy ... ooOmogowolohlotho THEFTS ••• said, ud -fOr 1 Ume -he foand dollars just as pltnUful u raindrops in the put two weekl. "Ht got rid ol. It as fut aa be 1ot I Cljl&. ~said, ~ -b fbt -... frialdl CUI be bonond ,.. his after«hool burglll')' tours. "il a trtttid needed a Ure, I'd buy him a tlfe," detectives quoted ihe Santa An1·y0ulll as pying. ' Qneattonlni ol friendl wbo benefilted by hia wild ~ty 11 eontinuing ~ day, but Costa ¥esa investigators have to far not conferred wUh police in cl.bu ~ities. about clearing up 11 D so I v e d bur1Jlaries. · "'We wl!I flle petitions with ju•enlle authorities on U\l'te local burglaries and a forgery charge, as the result ()f the cashing of nine ~Wien checks," Capt. Glasgow said today. Tbe youth, aw~ting his hearing at Orange COUnty Juvenile Hall, will also be charged wtth violaUon. of probation :rtemming from earlier trouble lrith the law. An average of about three burglaries per day has been noted on the Costa Mesa police dally log in recent months, generally shooting up over weekend perlods. "'Yes, I think lt will," Capt. Glasgow replied when asked if the arrest ()f the Lone Wolf teenager Monday will likely be reflected oo the steady rate of burglary reports. He said the boy visited spots all over C.O.Sta Mesa. choosing no particular neighborhood over any other In his on&- man crime wave. Fro1n Page 1 UCI FIRINGS ••• been caught in a contradiction upholding lhe English Department promotional system while at the same time Askinr students to review that system. Brannan was hired under unlvtrSity regulations requiring hi to complete a doctoral degree within two years. He did not. Brannan has sald his firing ls justified, although he criticizes the promotion system. . Kent, because he was higher up the ladder than Shapiro or Brannan and in line f()r tenure, Is being given the benefit or more extensive review. Since his department recommendatl()n waa given, his case ba! been reviewed by an outside group of history professors and is now being considered by the Academic Senate's Budget Committee. Kent has charged personal bias on the part of History Chairman Henry Meyer is behind the reecimmendation for bis dismWal. Britain Rejects Russ Laos Step Up Charges LONDON (AP)-Bntain today rejected Soviet charges that the Americans are stepping up fighting in Laos. The British blamed North Vieinam, nie move came in a formal reply to the Soviet government, following a statement by Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko calling on the United St.ales to quit intervening in the Laotian king· dom . ~ '!ietnam's western flank. Absentee Ballot. Deadline on Feb. 4 Persons wishing to vote by absentee ballOt in the Feb. 11 Newport.Mesa Unified School District bond eleclion ·must write for a ballot by Feb. 4. 11he voter's signature, addrw, and reason for not being able to make It to the polls should be mailed to Elections 'Office, Orange County Supt. of Schools, 1104 W. ~th St., Santa Ana. I S . . h k>ve that It expreuu. ay 1t wit ... ,.,em.,.w11oh underQOU mulllple quallty<ontrot an O OMEGA ~in hher ..m... i:_eart on Valentine's Day '•~WK .... -~ .... ....., --~~ tllllld br..-...... 110 ,_...,aw .. ••""" ••llld•.---... , ........ . ..-....~~ ... . ~~-... CONYlNIENT TER MS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE checkt to .aure tll'l'llk•ping depend&blllty. You cen be sure tha Omega you ow. or rece,... thla Vc1Mline's p.y wlll become a proud 111et1m1 po1 .... 1on. Tht affl of an Omeg• w.tch wn1 btl rem•rnbered ..,.ry mlnut•. rter; hour, every day, Combining ,..,. be•uty and accu,..cy. •ach Omeg1 w-1ch refktetl tti. superb dn~ and \IChnk:al slcUll of lhe flnNt SWIM cran.men. a.. OUt cotnpl•tf ooUtctlon of Omtga ntc,_, SIOtoowr S1000. J. C. fiump/u.i1u 'r}11w11fer 1821 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA ' 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION 0 OMEGA 141: )'91low « wfllllD tdl!W told ..,_, .. """'· ~I~~ .. PHONE 141-140 I "" • I I I I • a ~ • • d e • I y • • n y n s d •• "' lo • ei " g· " "' ,. nd ll ns ~. ! I I • • ' ' Latin America Nixon Asks Rocky To Head Mi.ssion WASHINGTON (AP) -11.,. The While llouae c:onlinnod Yort Gov. Nellon A. Tue141in!Pltha1Roctelelltr • ·bad --.. the Rocktf~ler, pUll(f ovtr for , subjed in reomt days. a 'pi.al In Iha Nlion Cabiftet, But ,,.,... ...,.1ory Ronald '-been asked bJ his lonner L. Zlfglef -said DO firm ~lal rival to head . a decllloa.. lw# been made yet !~.finding missliln to Lalin Oii w_llltber eve11 to send such ·-America. Rolbleller, -family Czechs Take !Utt atemlve hl1era&l ,. m. IAtla America and -ad on some <i. tbe aru'1 probltml in Qie administration o I Franttla D. 8-vdl. said be was ••seriously coo- 'afderln(' the offer. "We have budgetary dif. !k:ulllea and other probleml i1'I the state," Roc:keleller said. "We must appraise the re-qµest : and weigh my respomlbiJ!IJ' In the ital•." Diplmnatlc soun:ea said Nl1- on bad <klcled U.S. policy toward Lalin Am~­• "~ re.eumtnatton" In the lllbt ol a tnnd toward mllltary dldatonblpo. , 'Ilq'ee ba"'1 tUtn over in the pa>t lout --in Pero, 8razD and Panama. WHITE HOUSE MEETING -Sen .. Margaret Chase Smith; Maine; GOP Senate leader Everett M. Dirk· sen, President Nl%on and House leader Gerald Ford and other· Republican Congressional leaders met in C:rlm.e Plans Revealed UP'IT•~ the Cabinet Room of the White Hou se for two .hour& Tuesday. They emerged from the conference urging a crash program to curb crime, particularly in the District of Columbia. Tricia Nixon Given Position DAn. Y Pll.CIT 1' hish Protestant Leaders '.Arrested l · BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPJ)-PoU<;e loday amtted Northern Ireland's two molt mlUlfnt Proteatant leaden, the Rev, Ian Paisley aud Maj • Ronald Bunting, and ahuttled . them off in police car1 to serve lhrff.month Jail Sen- tences. Paisley was surrounded by police and served a warrant • (or arrat as he was leaving Ulster Hospital. He bad been undergoing trtatment rw a hand severely gashed by broken glass Tuesday wben police tried to arrest him at his home. A crowd of cheering sup- porters waved him off. Some and-llol-Catholb and l'rolell.... In Nort11119 Ireland, bltterl1 dmoi•~ police for .. snuhlnc In" t9 Buutln&'• -to mu• thil mamlq'• arral • • "The pollco l1lllJI have I• mad t6 bfhift In auch; a w1y;" u1d PailJey. '- BunUng, who calla hlmaell commandant of tile Loyal Citiz.eDs of Ulster. WU .... tenced Monda7 b7 Anna&ll Maglstrata to -IDOllt)Je lmpriaomn<nt far tak1nJ port in an unlawful asaembly dur- inl recent Catbollc-Protataht clashes. Jeape:d into their cars and HEW A • ta1'i\I followed him lo B e If a s t 8818 - Prison. Ea<ller today, police burst WASHING TON (UPI) - Into the home of Maj. Ronald ,Agnes Waldron, profeuioiltl Bunting and took Paisley's social worker aod cama fellow m i 11 t a n t Protestant researcher for Pl'Waent. • leader off to the same prison. on, will become a A police statement said of. assistant for welfare In flcers were refused entry to departlnent of health. educl- Buntlng's home at Dundona1d lion and welfare. ~ and had to force an' entry Miss Waldron, a. from N• to make the arrest. Canaan, Ca:m., will advMe Paisley, B.llDting's fellow HEW on trends and ~ WASHINGTON (UPI) -,-=m=il=lta=n=t=in=co=nt=ln=u=ln=g=u=ore=!l==thlntinc=;;;i;;;;;ln welfare.. , Smikovsky . .-From Post Garrison Subpoenas Connallys Nixon .Wants More Judges The United States Capitol Historical Society which pro-WASHINGTON (UPI) -reacted slrongly Tuesday to citizens of the District of Col· motes the history of the President ·Nixoo, who pro-the presidenrs statement umbla," he told the House. Capitol building through books mised In bis campaign that Rep. Gtorge W. AndreW! Rep. Paul G. Ro~ (0-and pamphlets, has given a he would launch a vigorous (D-Ala.), called for deploy-Fla.), called for action on a job to Tricia Ni.Ion, the attack qain.st crime, intends ment of two U.S. Marine com-bill he introduced to enlarge President's daughter. PRAGUE (UPI) C1ecboelovakla's new national parliament today formally removed popular reformer JoMI Smrtov&ky from bis pool .. parJWnenlory cbairm:an, .il'le nation's second highest of· lice . The action was taken by a vote of delegates but was not expected lo renew the month-long unrest that started when tt became apparent Smrkovsky would be forced to leave the job. Smrkovsky endorsed Peter Colotka, the man who will succeed him, as a means of quieting public criticism. Smrkovsky wu not present when the parliament con- vened. He bad been admitted to a hospital for surgery to correct an inflammation of the left upper jaw, the news agen- cy CTK ttported. Prague was quiet with no new disturbances connected with the death of student Jan Palach, 21, who burned himself tn protest against a Soviet-imposed curtailment of freedoms In Czechoslovakia. NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Dist. Atty. Jim G-Is reaching for former Tei:u Gov. Jobn B. ConntllY. Who sat three feet In !root of Johii F. Kennedy and was-1"0\lhded in the same gunfire b.Jrlf. that killed the President, as a climactic witness in clinching his case ci a11eged conspiracy in the assassination in Dallas. Cirri.son issued subpoenas Tuesday for both Connally and bis wife,.who acc<lmpanied her Jwsba.nd In Kennedy'• limousine into Dallas' Dealey Plaza, wbere Kennedy was slatn on Nov. 21, 19". The subpoena• wue returnable Feb. 17, which could mean the state II aeek· ing the Connall)'J as windup witnesteS in the Clay L. ShlJr trial. 'Ille subpoenas, to be served in Houstcm, Aid the Connallys' testimony "will eatablish that shots were fired into the presldentlal limousine from more than one direction, pursuant to a conspiracy formulated by the defendant and others." Fight on Filibuster Continues Tradition to ask Con,graa for more panles to help the dty's 3,200 the city's courts and modify Misa Nixon, %2, w 111 money and approval of 67 new policemen patrol Washington bail procedures. "What we represent her lather at the federal judgeships. including streets. "As I see !t, it's the need in Washington is a blitz society's meetings and f\mc- six for the District of Col~ only hope for the law abiding on crime,'' be declared. tions a.s an unpaid volunteer. umhia. ...:CCO:..C:.:!C:....::;:....::;:...:::.::.c::.:::::!<--C....;._.:;...:._~~~~~~~~~--''--~~~-'- Sena.te Republican Leader .Everett M. Dirksen and House GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford reve8led l.liePre&lclent's j>Jiins -- Tuesday after meeting wilb him on Capitol Hill. Dirksen said the Nixon ad- ministrat.lon would "ask for supplemental r u n d .s for whatever it takes to carry out this war on crime" and Ford said t.he president wants to mile Washington a "showcase of what can be done" to combat the nation's rising crime rate. Although n e i t b e r con- gressional leader specilied bow much money would be needed. both said the funds would be ilSed to improve court procedure with a n emphasis on ball nform and expanded prosecution staffs. M. they spoke, Districl of Columbia police reported a 23.2 percent increase in crime here last November over the same month in 1967. Rob- beries, up 107.3 percent, represented a significant part of the higher rate. 4-PLY IYLOI CORD YOUR CHOICE $ POWERRIL RSK PREMER IATIERY s3oo Of.F oua llMVL.Aa . SF! I 11• PRICE 3 DAYS ONLY SHOCK MD AllGNMBn SPEC~ --t MYS Clf!ll1" ro •. ae =: ~ -:::" .. :1 ' ---WASIUNGTON (UPI) -country in which, for such Se.n. Henry Clay, an ambitious a length of time, so much Whig, led the first fig· ht dignity and decorum of debate Nixon said Monday at his first news conference as presi- dent that he had asked Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell to recommend Immediate steps to reduce crime across the nation and particularly in Wuhington, where he said walking at night can be a "very serious problem." EXPERT BRAKE OVERHAUL Several congressmen had been maintained." against the Senate filibll!ter F u 1 b r i g h t • s e n a t e -:--..,======== in 1841. He lost, and his suc-Republican leader Everett M. cessors have been fighting and Dirksen and Sen. Barry M. BRIGHT losing the same battle ever Goldwater, CR-Ariz.), praised fh• DAILY 'ILOT m•k•1 It• Since. the filibuster 11 an institution "'w• c1v•r•9• li9ht, ti9ht 11'14 tit Se t nd bri9ht. R11d yowt horn1tow11 Their dream persists today. unique to e na e • ,.,,.11,, ,,.,~ ,,, ,,,.,, tho "It we would ever get a essential to its dignity and ,._.._ '' three-fifths rule, that would 1 .~pr~..U~g;e; ••••••• ;;~~~=~~=:::=-be the en<i -that would be the end of all this nonsense we 10 through year after year," Sen. John O. Pastore (IHI.I.), told the Senate Tu ... day. A few minutes later, Pastore'& efforts were u dead as Clay's. 'The S e n a t e mustered 50 votes for a mo- tion to stop debate, but 42 Senators voted no. Tw~. or 62, were requlnd for vic- tory. Senate DemocraUc leader Mite Mansfield said he might try to refer the propoeod change in the debate rules to the Rulea Committee. He was 1sked whether Uli! or any other maneuver could achieve success this year. "I'm doubtful," Mansfield replied, "very doubUul." The proposed change would enable three-fifths -I 0 Senators at the most -of those voling to stop debate, a. handful fewer than the two- thin:ls -t7 at the most - rcqulttd now. "The Senate hasn't got anything else to do," Sen. J. William Fulbright, (0.Ark.) oboervod after Putore and aMt!tant Senate m a J or i t 1 leader Edwanf M. Kemiody. (D-Masa.), called for an end lldAU ft J _ to the three-woek talkathoo --, IO CID .. • ag1lnst the rules change. j·.,,. · -II ,.,. com& C.C, Fuibrltht's point was that tt WK. W'-"' ;: .. ..,~fu.11• .1:: :': •J:: MUTUAL SAVINGS senate. A 'ND 1o.OAH A••oe••T•oN Sen. John C. Calhoun of 2867 East coist HlthWQ" • C-0... Del Mlf, C.lif. 92625 South Caroltn&., who led the Tt5tphont 675·5010 Congress which beet Clay in -.,. ...... 1141. uid: ltt1.-....k'fl.•~.w11.t11• "There never hid been a I ~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!~~ body in this or l'ny other' .. ... Ab pricn p511.• Frclt~I ~ 1rr.t ft' WWl:mll• S~.00 More fm"lt FISK CUSTOM 360 PUC.L ....,.,T • TUllUll • lfTION CORD aD MOMIN •UAIANfll OUI fllST LINI Tlltl 1 ......... ~_ ....... _.., _ .. ,..._.......,.., __ .._....._ ,.,; .......... -.... --.... -· .... ··--- \NY SIZE 1JSTED! $ ~ .. ' PREMIER SPORTS SPECIAL •ULL .... LT• TUlllnl •.llY\ON COl9 AIY SIZE LISTED -~-$15 ~: . _.,. Nl.ll(tt" All ..... ,a. ......... ~~ ~.! -~ ...... ,. .... .,_ ...._.. ......... --~-_._ ...... ~-,...._ .............. .. =--.......... --'"" . -"""-"' .. '" .......... ---... -_,., .... .-Ito .. .. ___ .,~. ............ -......-_....._., __ -.................. _..... ..... _ ..... _. .... _......... ................ -.. .-.. ... ...w ... .. .. ., ................ .. ... ....... _ .. _ -........... _.. .. .. .............. .., ... .. -.,=--au.as ... -._......,... ..... .............. _ ..... _ ... __ --" ...... --- Oil MISEI ""'m 44' l MfS Ofllll~ 11 OUllllC"ES .. _,. .. WESlMINSTER 1 M4D llACH ILVD. At Md'•dd11 BUENA PARK 5115 ~IHCOLN AVE. AIY...,Ylw IUENA PARK 5301 RACH Ill.VD. At Laltwt1f• COSTA MESA llfll...,._ Ill.YD. ,.,_ 892·2088 826-5800 SU.3040 548-2082 1 .......... ... 1 .... ~ .. lilllllll9lf .... , ........... I. T..-.~IW 5 ff ... -..................... .................. "" . ... .. ,~ .... ...... ... ............. ... -.. Rlll7 ........... ....... _ .... ... ........ --~i\2511 1-llACI PlAYll .._MCI ,.,_,741J/1¥J JM'nOMn ·7•• 114"? .. =~ to....-ws IRM SPE(IAL IUY ON 4 llACI SI iiilO TAPU --,.,._ .... <:-. ... ~,.. A.11 'Crnl .. ,._ __ .. _ ...... .,,. .. SANTA ANA 1400 ...... ,.,_ 546-7123 ·' .. " .- .. 1: I I I ' • ,_, _ • ·• : ' " " . ' !l I -• [ DMLY pJiOt EDITORIAL PAGE I _ l(indergarten Dilemma Kid& deaarve the best. Newport.Me&a school tru&· tees will buy lbal But tupayers ntt<l a break. Trustees aren't lor- felliog thal The toughest job for a school board member is re. conciling these two considerations each year as budget time comes around. Usually there are assessed tax ba.se increases or new state aid funds to buy some educational improva. ments. Never a' much as trustees would like, but al- m06t always -it seems -some. This year, Newport·f\.1esa board members fear they rnay have to t~e a step backward. The new, three-hour kindergarten day may have to be cut back to two and one.half hours as in years past. A $347,000 deficit resulting from a withdrawn, now- you-see-it now·you--Oon 't oiler by the state Legislature to underwrite the longer kindergarten day puts board members in a spot. They are told the kindergarten extension is a god· send for readying youngsters who would have trouble Jearning to read, but it appears they can't afford it. The state backed out of the plan. The program has been highly promising. Educator!! and parents alike are hoping some way can be found to keep it in operation. Guilt by Association? It is no disgrace to be poor, but it's damned incon· venient. There is more truth than poetry in this old gag po5t· card line. Especially when you're poor in a city where tho .~verage family's eflec~ve annual buying income is $Ia,37S and going up. Unfortunately, many in the average bracket tend to equata poverty among their neighbors as tinged with •omt1.bil1a more oUO!lli,va lllaD lou&h luck or rtal job &ldll• and training. A blick man 111arvin& ID Blafra can upect sympathy becauaa he la dillel'tQl But It 11 mora dl1l!cult to re,.,lve the fact that someone who watclle1 Laugh-In and &hops at the Safeway may al&O accept welfare aid. Soma residents of an olcl bou•ln& development on Vicloria Street lo Co<ta Mesa were remtodtd of Ibis fact receoUy durtni City Council dlscuS5iona on how lo force the propert7 owner lo clear his land. Owner Paul Gardner was abaent due lo nu cooyale- sceoce but the cooocil nonetheleu cr!Uctzed bis proper· ty and tenants In bcilb specWc, le&itlmate tenna and al· so some emotional generalities. ..It's the class of people he attract.a,'' said one mem· Iler. Uoderslandably upset when Ibey learned what tran· Bpired, several people whose incomes Je&d them to rent Gardner's $70 monthly cottages reacted. They s a i d Ibey are not hippies and lawbreakers. They did not deny hippies live on the property, or that far too many police cases were generated there in a one-year span. They just denied being among those responsible. They. said they are not of poor character. Just poor. . Nothing concrete was accomplished since the hear· 1ng was continued until Feb. 3, and no one benefited from the discourse. Instead, school children whose mothers rent at the address in question suffered :some hurt feelings, whUe the element warranting criticism probably couldn't and de>esn't care less. The incident can serve tc remind us how easy it is t~ slip into attitudes of economic or materialist preju· dice. An artist for an underground newspaper made the point in a r«ent drawing. "You ain't got anything," a ra~ged liWe white boy Is telling a ragged li!Ue black boy, '!o you're no good." (Cl Reader Comments on Student Views r ha~ Every evolution About " Dear ~~~mf-fl .'For Programs They Offer Poses' Monday, Nov. 19, 1968, on the ol City Hall, hundreds of Them punches with the police. What They doing at City Hall? They leaving a court hearing on charaes against Them dW'ing an earlli!r 'rl>oliiratian.. . a m~ of fact, Their leader lhe day before hod onllOUlleed a civil disobedience campaign -defied the coort and refused to •ppear to answer his summons. • '\. THE CHARGE BE1NG heard in City llall that day resulted from clashes with the. police a month earlier, when. bun-· ....-dred:s of Them took to lhe 11treeb to protest alleged "discrimination" in bou~ ing. job opportunities, and voling right!. After the bearlng aboul. 400 "civil rights" supporters carried Their leaden on Their shoulders to City HalL Ac· cordin1 to witneMes. "when t h e demonstrators began marthirlg up the building's sleps, police ~ut . the gates in front of them. As Ult marthers tried to forte lheir way oUt, scufnes and list fights brok'e ouf ... SOUNDS DBPRESSINGLY familial", tloe i it? 'fbt ume words and phruta ve become 50 accustomed to - onstratian," "civil disobedience,'' imination,11 "housing," "job op- lies," and "voting rights." y this·Ume thtre is a difference. country was not the United States, orthern Ireland. city was not Chicago or Cleveland, donderry. 1he protesters, of course. were Concratulatlons to Orange Coast Collqe's Student Council! It's time someone had nerve to uy NO to the stude.ntl wanting a chapter of the aubversive Students for a DemocraUc Society. -M. R. Tllft ...... ......Cit ........... 'II...., llft •• , ... ...,. ....... ""' IMMffllllltr ...... ,... "" """' .... Ill, o-. Ddr , .... white lrilh Roman Catholics. Dolnc ODClly wlult our blacks are doing, and for eame reas<>M. Amoricon much the MAKING AN lJNHOLY fuss for a hol). cause. DW.urbing the peace -as only the Irish, God bless lhtm, know how to ·disturb the peace -for a puce based on -injustice is a bitter mockery of the word. Asking for what every man has 1 right lo ask - a decent place to live, a fair crack al a job, a vote that count& as much as any other man's. Asking lo be judged as individuala, nol as· part. of an abstract, faceleas mass -not u Roman Catholics in a nominally Protestant country, but as men, with the same lov.es and furs, the same needa and hopes, the same righ~ and responsibilities. IF THE LAW WON'T provide thOle basic things, the law must be changed. If the ·1aw won't be, changed legally, it will be chanaed extra-legally. That was what the American RevoluUon was about. 'Ibat is what every revolution -good and bad alike -is about Morality comes be.fort law. If any ruling group aectpled £his, there would be no demon.straUons, no scutfles, DO conflicts, no revo\uUon. ICostly Radio Network \~NGroN -Lateist multi-million doll project for South Vietnam is the con · lion ol a nationwide radio net k. . "tr,' to cost between $10-$?J) million in f .aid "funds. . u · tNI unannoonc«I plan Is Junked hy the' incoming Nixon Administration, lh• Agency for Jntanationa! O.velop- ment (that admlna.tr' tore I in aid) pro- poses to build at least four -powerful ,.tationa that would glw all of Soul.h \'ielnam modem rad.Jo coverage. The 1t1tioOI 1re , to be strategically lnrated in the (our thajor South Vietn11m ('il\es -Saigon. Da Nang. Qul Nhon and f'lh11 Trang. Still lo be named Is I.ht hrad nf the costly projctt. TllE NETWORll: IS lo he completed within 18 months -fll'O\'ldtd 1 new large-!lelle Communist offensive ~m't wrt:itk hevoe. That's what happened Jut vea r when the Reds' MfT'J)rise Tet auult dc11troyed or heavily dam1ged some sla· Uona of a network then being developed. Tl WU to C!'OOl'lit of U IUtims, o( "-hlrh I we~ l1rwdr in operation. After the Communim :'f'1't ftnally routed, U.S. olficl•lo ,.....mlii<d lh< undma'ldnc •nd de<Jided lo ll<l'IP the lktollon conc:epl lor a network ol four hi1h-powtred Iii· Lions. A major consideration of this change "•s ensuring more AeC:llrlty while at the wne Lime tetUnc maximum coverage. Undtr the Am plan, the new network weuJd hive two channell -one mUitary, one dvllb1n . The former would be under U.S. control And !iolely for millt•rr purposes. The civilian chJnnel would be run by the Saigon govemmtnt. and not subject to the U.S. in any way. AN AID omCJAL, ~l<td II tbis might not open the way for thl network, built with American fun.ta, betrig a1ed again~l the U.S., readllJ admitted that posslbili· ty. . "Yes. that could happen," ht. said . ''It has in othtr countries. so it could happen in South Vietnam. Biting the hand thAt berriends you is a quite com· mon trait" AtO authorities say the multi-million dollar radio project Is favortd by the Slate and Ocftnse Departments de!pite the rislu lnvol~. ft ii claimed Oley approve the two-ch11nnet net1"0rk as necessary for improved military eom· munlcaUons and lo enable the South Vletnamest govtmmenl to better reach the masRS of people. nus SPRING a powerful new Voice of Amtrlca radio stlUon will co Into operation al Tlnanc In tht Phlllpplnts. It Is coetina m million to build, will have ten 260.000..wau transmitters and will bro.deist to all of SOulheast A!la , Red Oaina and reach detp into cenlral and tuttm fb.dai1. BecaUH: of Its cltar amt powtrful i!!lgnal, the Communlst5 will find tt more clillialli ta Jam Illes< broadcHll. 8yllobertS. Alltn And Job A. Goldomltb To the Editor: Relative lo the viewa elJlrtaaed by many students of UCI as reported in the Los Angeles Times Jan. 19, may a few views of mine be expreMed? The over-all reaction l had was that most of these students were quite full of themselve1, that they felt that, left in their hands, this world would be a much better place. Possibly ICI, but since most of them ranged from 18 to 24 years I would prefer to have -them gain a IIWe experience before I buy their "aoluUons," upon which none o! them seem to agree.. TOWARD TRE close of the Timt& article the writer made a to-do about these student. having grade point averages of 3.3 or better. So what? There is many an odd fellow that bu .a 4.0 average. lo fact. I can remember observing upon my initiation into Phi Beta Kappa many fel'iow initiates who struck me as being singularly lacking in common sense and affected in behavior. This affectalion, frequent among the young, is enhanced lheae days by professors teachin1 aocial "sciences'' and the permissivenw of the ~sent crop of weak-kneed ad- ministrators. THE HUMAN ANIMAL hasn't changed much in the last millenium or 80, and certAinly not much in the last 200 years; and il is time bleeding heart reporters and those quoted sludents and professors, as well as school and college ad- ministrators, politicians, etc., become aware of this fact and deal effectively with breach of school regulations and breaking of the law. The general public is fed up. EVERY GENERA Tl ON that comes up has ita own grievances, and many of them are well founded. But when some or our contemporary ado I e scents (including "teachers") take to flaunting "by any means necessary," and such slogans, it is raising the black flag of anarchy, not rebuilding, not reform, not rebellion, nor even revolution . And il does not matter whether the groups be SOS. BSU, black, white, brown, green, purple , or whatever. FOR SOLUTIONS lhey :oi;ub&litute slogans: for programs they offer poses. Thty show little tolerance, m u c h tactlessness. They violate laws and then demand amnt!ty ! They think they are the chOfien few who are forwant looking. Nurtured by Ivory tower academicians. et al., they know Utt le of history. hence how do they know wbelhtr they are facing forward~ or ba ckwards? They are about as mature in their riemands for an idea l \\'orld right naw as lhose infants who went off to the Crusades and not too far front home perish~. a continent away from the ltoly Land. RICHARD W. LOVELAND OCC'• Denial of SPS To lht Editor: . In regard to your recent edilori11l, "Sensible AcUon 11l OCC," I wish to comment that It came as no surprise. If Any newspaper were to condone the arUorui of the Orange Coast Colle~e fnter.Club Council in denying the Studentt for a DtmocratJc Society (S'OSl a chance to become a part of the By Geo,..e CON f'I DENT! AL TO on. NORMAN VINCENT P E A L E Well, just try to look on lbe brlJht side. LettCTI from readers are welcome. NormoU11 u»ittr• 1hould convey their mtssage in 300 word.! OT less. The riQht to CO'/'ldeme letters to fit space 01 elimino.tt libtl i& reserved. Ail letttrs must include tio-nature and ~ling addre ss, bvt namts may be toithhcJd on rcqut.ft if iuffieient rea- son U tlppm'mt. campus oraanization, I would ctriainJy bavt expected it from the DAILY PILOT. Your whole argument &eem.11 to center around what SOS has done on other Clmpu!e! in Ole country. A typical reac· tion of your newspaper, if you don't know what it is, call it Communist or Communistic . THE FIRST LINE of your editorial seenu la able the same reagonina that a member of the ICC gave, when asked why he wu .aa:ainst the SOS, ''Not many people know it, but there will soon be a bond election, if people in the community find that we have Jet SOS on campus they will certainly not sympt.thir.e with the: students al Coast." The SOS at OCC, despite the ac· cusatlons or Mommy (f\irs. Marie) Howes, has met all the rules set forlh by the ICC In order to become a club. One of the · basic rights guaranteed in the Constitution is one of innoctnce unW proven guilty. THE SOS AT OCC may not be any more subvtrsive than perha ps the LOS (Latter Day Saints) or Ne"'man Club, both of which are men1bers of the ICC. I don 't necessarily agree with the ideas of the SOS nor \\'OU!d 1 join the organb:allon. but they, like any other individual or group of individuals. have the right to form a group on campus. The majority in any society certainly does nol have to cater to the whims of any minority group, but the things for which our forerathers fought Jnclud· ed that the rights of any minority be respected. Aa you can set, 1 too can tear at the patriotic strtngs in your heart. I rtmain respectfully yours, an OCC tiludent. ADRIAAN F. JACOBS Front Paae New• To the Editor: It m.ay interest you to know I :1n1 thoroughly disgusted with your paper. You have continued to pl;ay up these TeenSefor..Chrlst so much it is sickening. lf this Is what you e11! front page news, then all I can say Is you must be digging pretty deep into the barrtl. I ha\•e no taste for such people that will continue to mock the religion of others and disrupt Ulelr services. Tf they wish to 11.tttnd chw'ch then let them come. they will be more than welcome, but lo disrupt the worship of oUlerio; is dlqnicetuJ. SINCE THI diarupUng of our !ervlc:ts is illegal 1 don't Me t,ow you can 111kc this 11t1nd for them. J have. found tf'lat you ha.,.e one of your rtporter~ following them nl1hl and day playing upon every lncldtnl that ~curs. t 1m sorry to s1y lh111 I feel I will have to caner.I my sub3ctiplion to your paper, I even doubt lhat you will ht\'e enough backbone to print this letter. NAME wm1HELD Child Abuse Problem• To the Editor: Again we are investigating th e desperate child abuse problems, and are faced with the usual frustrations of in· vtstigation and prosecution in these heartrending crimes. Howevtr, there are method s of preven· tion, and if only one child were not mutilated as a result, they should be put into immediate action. We must prevent unwanted children! We are beginning to see the value of sex educa· tion for our school children. WE MUST ALSO reach . those unin· formed adults whose only informational contact may be television. We must provide, in addition to widtspread in· formatioo, the aclual methods and services of contraception and sterilization a1 desired. We must legalize abortion . There can be no justification for allowing an unwanted child· to be born, so he can be mutilated and murdered af· terwards. GERTRUDE FARBER Riding as Brother• To the Editor: In his inauguration speech, Richard Nixon remarked, "riding this earth as brothers." which is so descriptive of that "little blue ball" spinning around in endless: space -certainly \\'e should be brothers. The lhou1hl came to me that too many of us just "go along for the ride." MRS . LILLIAN W. RILEY Kindergarten Problem To the Editor; 1 read the very Interesting article (Jan. 21) about our kindergarten problem in the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach Schools. One thing not covered was the situation with the teachers -that is, the kindergarten tea chers themse.lves . This new year of sinale classes has bef:n a godsend to them. because the double classes created \\'ork and hours that you could hardly believe. I am sure if you were to interview some of them. you would discover what t am talking about. AS AN EXAl\IPLE, t believe a class Is made up of about ~ younpten of five years of age. Even though the claM Is what would seem a 1hort pe.riod to the ouls:ider (three houni) I would guess the avera1e teacher apmda another 1lx hoW'S earh day gettJng ready for that class, plus immeasurable time on 1A'eekends, If she is to do the kind of job that parents would like to hive done. I have reared three children throua:h the school sy-1tem hert:, both grammar and high school, and lo me this ana hu always offered the belt, and I think that ls what people here upecl. IF THE TEACHEllS al'< wallopod again next year with two clauel', or 60 five-year-old children a dl.Y, you can see that e:ven overlookln& the stress on the te.c:htni, the quality his to 10 down. ll bu been said by many pt-op!~ wtto know, that the real formulaUve 11tagt In a chi.Id's lire is tM klnder11rten pr.rind. JOHN BAKER Free"""ll Bearing To the Editor: P.1•Y I sh'onfly UTlf all concerned re&denb nf Colla Mua lo attend the public hcarlna at 10 a.m. Tuf'Jiday. Feb. ' 18, in the Junior Exhibits Building of the Orange County Fairgrounds. At this hearing the five possible routes for the Newport Freeway will be di scussed and this is the proper lime for all interested partits to have their say -or forever hold their peace! AS A f\1Eltt8ER of the board of direc. tors of Sen. Randolph Collier's stalewid• freeway committee, l take a dim view of changing freeway routes once they have been adopted. The proper time to "souncl off" and have ~is at the hearings t.hat arc always held before the route is adopted. Onc.e it is adopted that is where it should slay -unless definite information is 6rought forward that something had been sup. pressed or facts heretofore unknown art uncovered. IT COSTS THE taxpayers many tens of thousands of dollars to ha\'e a new hearing. and unless there is a reason for it, it is a waste o( lime, money and effort on the part of the state of Californ ia and the local city involved. So I urge all residents \vho will have their homes taken by the freeway route.'! to come forward and find out the re.al reason why it should be this way. They have a right, and will be heard, as long as they have something new to add to the testimony already given. SO CHECK IT all out, not only from the standpoint of the money involved, but from the angle of how many homes are going to be removed. Then add it all togethtr and choose the route that will cost the least. involve the smalle£t number of homes, affect the smallest number of fa milies and children. and be of the greatest good to the entire city -not just a selfish few. AND DON'T listen lo the nonsense. that a freeway splits a city in half. 1''acls and figures compiled for the past 10 years show that it is quite the opposite -a freeway will tend to unite a city by eliminating the traffic C1>ngeslion ori the surface roads that lend to pose a hazard and split it in hal f right now. A perfect example is downlOwn Costa ~fesa as it is today. GEORGE r KARCHER Helicopter Need To the Editor . If the Costa Mesa porice chief really Is living seriou~ consideration toward lhe purchase or helicoplers fl)r Jaw en. forcement purposes, tind has the funds available, then the tax rate is much hiaher than necessary! I be:lievr: lhat Newport Beach need~ a submarine patrol for law enforcement purpo!'!es, through Upper B11y, just a~ badly as we necrl helicopter~ in Costa Mesa. 'y A_ YOUNG ----Wednesday, January 29, 1969 Thi' editorial 1.11111« of the DaU11 Piiot reckt to inform 4nd atim.. utau rtadtr1 b11 pttlt!nling tins ne101papct"1 optnlons and com- ntetttary on top!c.s of inttrest aud 1fgnittcance, bt1 providing a fo"'m for lhf! crprcssfon of our readers' optn f11nJ, and by prcstn!ino the dfv•rst vie~ poiflla ot informtd obsn"VtfJ and 1pokesmtn on topic• of tht da~. Robert N. \\ieed. Publisher , I I s r • d it IS s, - " BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••. ~ In the Wind A bill lo allow high school dis· tricts to charge students for park·. ing on campus has been introduced in the state legislature by Assem· blyrnan John Briggs (R-Fullerton) aod the idea has some great pos~ sibilities. I wandered up by Huntington Beach High School this morning aboul. 7:30 a.'m. and wa's a:rnazed ~t the number and quality of cars '1.eiog driven to school by the youngsters. With all the money it costs to build schools and to provi de space for those cars to be parked, a few bucks e8.ch semester from every car owner could help out a bit. * Brigg's bill would apply only to high school students and not to those in colleges wher;e parking fees are now charged. If the fee were imposed it might help cul down some of the congestion on Main Street. Trouble is that if the kid is able to weedle -permission to· use the family car to go to school, or to buy one bimsell, he'll have no problem weedling the money out of 01' Dad. Well, ·1•m sure the idea will never 'be pbpUlar with parents who could end up paying lo' the parking, once when the scbools.~re pur· chased and then each year through parking fees. * The poet-laureate of Dwyer ln· termediate School is Cheryl Suth· erland who tt.irned out two winners to take the $10 first prize money in a recent contest at the school. One of her winning efforts be- gins, "We wind the clock of life then we live. Each second's a day each minute a year, one hour a lifetime. "When it strikes one we are a young child, our life is a happy one and the world seems a t peace. When it strikes three we are in our t~ns and the life that once was so gay soon becomes a world of troubles. . ''When the clock strikes six we are .very much grown and for the first time we· actually participate in mankind's destruction. uWben it strikes nine our life seems a short one and it is not until then that we ask ourselves what we have done for mankind ..• for when it strikes twelve it will be too late for questions.'' Wo!"'1day, Jan\llrf 2'. 1969 (SI DAILY PILOT 3 Water , Crisis:. Too Much or Too Little SACRAMENTO (AP) -Calilornla 1ws t>:een, plagued with two water problems aU th(ough its colorful history -either too .tnl!!'h pl l\.,~r too UJUe. .. , 'l'he st.pry lhjt past tw9 weeks, in dlSaliiroUS CloodS, WAS too nNCh. Nine days of torrential rain touched ~very corner o( tbe state, froD\ f.he traditionally wet North Coast to ,the desert Gf Imperial County! Damage-and death tolls mounted, especially in the. usbally thirsty sGuth. ' A growi,ng system of dams, re.servoln . aod o~ flood conln>l lacllities )ept -llle tolls !rom climbiD& blgber. The U.S. Aml1'Corps o! Englneers 'daimed today its flood control operations staved off a potential $1.2 billiGn in damage in Soulbem CalifGrnia and up to '33 millton in the rim1.h. Before the waters recede fully, st.ate (l.(ficials are taking a fresb look at the protectlCln afforded by existing n~ con- trol dams and~reservoirs. There are major needs in the south, said William R. Gianelli, director o( the State Water Resources Department, in an interview. ''l don't th.ink there La any ~ ln Its full flood control capacity. troJ Center In Sacramento, the two levels dumped on Callfornla. 0t how much about It. The problem ii . ooe . of "lt saved our neck," aaid Oroville of gov~nt cooperate in controlling passed Prou&b U'8 flood control &at.ts economics. If it happens only once every Mayor Conrad Weisker · "It sure helped tbe storaae and release of flood waters of I.be state'• majof dam.I. ~ '-ears, It's hard •~ 1'ustily a ,1 .... 1e-us a lot arilund here. It my hive L.....m ma)OI'· -•-s. ·-~•-• ~ "' .... 111.ved your neck in Sacramento • • . uv io::BU•lNI" But Miller 111d, t•1t•1 a m~y purpose nood control feature." We ran water over the ,PWwaj'. It Les Hood, Army Corps information large amount." • Gianelli said the OOOding "requires was a sight to see. You can't· believe Jbllicer, said the coordination was "like Miller and his eoUeques mu.st (1' · a re-evaluation of au the !"Ojects in lhat dam lilied up the way It has," a huge orchestration" designed to keep to "l«!ODd sueu'' a .wnn in dele~ sUcb terms as SpUtWay capacity of dams Welsker saJd. river flows as low u possible while how much water can be relealed add a,.J·daio safety." · Before Oroville, lbe normally pea<elul ..Wolng -age space in the l't!!lel'Voirs how much atorage capodlJ llhould bt Of the existing facilllles, .he a<lded. Feather River periodicall)' went on a ii> ease of further stonnJ. maint.a.lned. · ; "all of them did perlo~ ma&Dillcenilr-" llood ramPal!e •. threatening towM and At one point tll!s past Sunday, the "'!!le dilllculty la Ulat moot mervolri Ironically, a uutjor fl9'?d preveolfon farms downstream, particularly in the Fealbtr was poortng Water btto Oroville are multipurpose. The MSeal 1ituatiop fa~ty in Northe.rn caJ,lforlda w~ m:aJn. Marysville-Yuba City area. Its flrst·test Reservoir at 91,eoo ell.hie feet per second, would bt to have a coosen1Uon rt.serVotf . moth. Oroville Dam. keystone of the came in HIM when, partly completed", 4qUAl 1o nearly 690,000 gallolls per se--always full, a power reaervoir alwa1t '"2-7$ billion state Water Project. The Oroville was used to cut signilieanUy cond. Simultaneously, flood control of. full and a fiood control reservoir aJwaya. project is designed primarily to pipe the+ !low of the Feather_. T -· f~ AU~ed $1@ second-feet to now empty." . surplus Northern California water to lbe Still uncompleted dams and reservoirs out the spillway. A number of Southern California South -under normal conditio'lS -in the St.ate Water Project in Southern "We were able to bold to this relatively reservoirs are strictly for flood control for lndustriaJ, municipal and agricultural Calif~ WCluld have ~helped prevent low fl~~of S5,'to> because there was and are empty most of the time, Milltr use. Soulbern,callfornla traditionatty bas · some damage in that are&/Glanelli said. ~uatetlJiod C$lb'OI. apaCo available," said. They did -their job well. But tbefe belen~rt o! water to Serve 'Its ~wing-. ·~u we bad Cast.lie tiam:"Blld Reservotr ~ -~ V.:~ 'Miller~ dl1et flood weren't enough. • popt~dation. , · ~ ~~-COlbplete'd, It WOUid have tattn a pretty fareCISUr,'!ir lht~~ · . Miller descrlbtd another probleta~ But , like~, most multipurpose d*1\S,, , good fl~w out of the santa ·ctara River," &Ir~ In' 1he .,,.. ·doable ~ ~lgu~e "Dams require-reservC1ir .siteS. Maay Or~fe)'las a Uood i:Ontrol·f'Gle whl.ell:· lie added. . was~ sent~ to maintain streams down there are IG sfeep ta i1 :cllz::iCted by . the. Corps of Englpeers~· The Santa Clara caused bea,.vy damage Oood ~age room. · &Gme of tl)ose mountain areas that the ~cated lesS than a year ag1>, Cirovillt Jn parts of Ventura Cowrty~ No one la wiJling lo ~n· try tG ideal or desirable resenoir .ai.tes are wlls used for the «r:st tlrne last Tue.'Jday Through the State Federll Flood Coo-atimate bow much water the storm not available.'' · -'-'---'---'--'--.......... ~~~-'--~~===-~~~~~ Suzie's Departure Delayed By TOM BARLEY Of IM Dat!J" Pli.t Steff Childrens Hospital physicians have shelved indefinitely the question or Suz.ie's discharge from hospital and ad- mitted that the two-year-old Vietnamese child's recovery from open heart surgery is being hampered by a "severe 4tfec· tion in the area of the incision." But, surgeons insisted, •jthere is nothing to be alarmed about." One member or the team that successfully cq_mpleted five-bour surgery on Nguyen Thi Th.onh Pttuong commented that it "Was -not uplmClwn for heart surm patients to contract"Such infections.", ~ 'Child is completely 'irolated· in her third noor toom. But, a hosp!tal spokesman commen~. "she is eating well, is quite alert and, so far as we can see, in no way really inconvenienced hy the infection." Doctors refuse tG comment Cir. the possibility that Suz.ie has contracted a staph (staphylococeus) lnlectk.a. Staph germs defy au hospital antiseptic pro- cedures and are. a fhqueii\ caule of infections in patients wbo bavi' reeenUy undergone surgery, Sal er Organ Transplants Suzie had been scheduled to leave the hospital last Tuesday. Dr. Albert GOO, a member or the facillty~s medi'cal staff, has promised tG allow the child tG convalesce at his Orange home in th.e company of her mother and in.. terpreter before making the 8,000.rru1e jburney to her Da Nang home. But that must ·wait, doctGrs agreed Frida.y A wide range on antibiotics is being used in the doctors' bid tG' cJear- up an infection that has compelled tbetn to reopen the long ugly incision carved in the child's abdomen. ._ Hinted in New' Research PASADENA (AP) -Experiments pro- mising safer organ transplant -and possibly opening the way to use Clf lower animals' hearts and kidneys in humans -were reported today by a research physician. The test involves anti-lymphocyte serum ALS, one of the newer substances that suppress the body's natural defenses against invasion by foreign · material. Such substances are vital in transplant operations. ·· Dr. Eugene M. Lance of Cornell University Medical Cenler said mice treated with A.LS showed long-term ac- ceptance or skin grafts from rats, guinea pigs and even humans. "Since skin is one of the most difficult tissues to transplant, it probably would be even easier to transplant internal organs with this method," he said. "And, since these skin grafts were between animals or entirely different species, there is no apparent reason why organs from chimpanzees and ba· boons cannot be transplanted ewntually into humans, thus relieving the shortage of human spare parts." Lance spoke at the midwinter Con- ference of Immunoligists, a group of scientists c o n c e r n e d with the mechanisms by whiCh the body makes itself immune to disease. He elaborated on his studies at a news conference. One of the chief immunity metjlanisms is the productiqn or ,antibodies, which al.tack invading .. substances.. such.. as bacteria. The Same antibodies also attack transplanted organs, .however, and their production must be 1uppressed if the transplant is to succeed. . , This -can be done bf r;adiationt certa.in chemicals and anti-lymphocyte serum. RadiatiC1n often is harmful. Th e chemicals often have side:-effects. Antj. lymphocyte serum, so called because it attacks the lymphocytes in the blood which make antibodies, seems promising because it has no known harmful con- sequences. Belly Landing~ Le Thi Lanh, Suzie's attractive mother. maintains her vigil at the bed.side of the child she brought from war·tom South V i e t n a m. She was said to be "calm, perfectly confident and in full accord with all the hospital is doing for her child." Suzje came to Orange County last Nov. 27. Her flight here was arranged by a U.S. Navy doctor who noted the child's rapidJy deteriorating heart con- dition ~hile examining V i e t n 1 me a e children at the Da Nang base. Flotsani and Jetsani ·~ DAILY PILOT ...... W Lei,.,. .. Assorted debris washed ashore during recent storm lines beach ai : Newport Beach resident walks his dog near Santa Ana River jetty _· (background ). Storm debris along entire Orange Coast Is attracting ' . many a sharp-eyed beachcomber hoping to uncover a valuable Item,. or two, or just a handsome piece of driftwood. Saturday·! At Santa Anita! The s100,ooo Plane Misses Jeep, Ditches' on Beach, in Newport Charles H. Strub Stakes! Quick thinking. skill and "a little luck'' were credited Tuesday with averting tragedy when a light plane and a Ji!eguard jeep narrowly missed a collision as the plane safely ditched on a stretch CIC sand in West Newport Beach. The light plane, being checked out by a pilot and mechanic out of Orange County airport, made "a perfect belly landing" on the beach at Orange Avenue. Neither the twG lifeguards nor the two occupants in the aircraft were in· jured in the 10 a.m. mishap. · Pilot of the ~e was Bob Downey , 49, of Whittier, whG was flying with Frank Johnson, 47, a mechanic at Orange County Airport. The plane, which Jost fue l flow C1ver 'the surf line, was only slightly damaged . The fJ!eguardS, Capt. Buddy Belsbe, 34, and Logan Lockabey, 32, were on a routine patrol in a lifeguard jeep, they said, when they spotted the plane heading for them on a collision course. The jeep was traveling south on the beach. "\Ve saw the thing heading toward us, and as it came in we swerved to miss it," Lockabey said. "At the closest point I would say it missed us by about '15 feet." Belshe said, ''It seemed almost as if you could have touched the wing as it passed by." Llfeguard Lockabey is the son of DAI~ LY PILOT Boating Editor Al Lockabey. Both lifeguards praised the pilot. saying, "He did a superb job of bringing that thing In." The craft, a Myers 0200, was being • checked prior to a flight to the East when Downey said, "The motor just stopped. and we triecl everyUUng to get it going again. It stan'ed up !or a sec- ond, then just qu it altogether. "Frank said we were going too fast, so I dropped the naps and slowed the thing down, then we hit the beach at about 70 miles per hour," he said. "It was an awfully smooth landing," Johnson interjected, as he stared at the white craft. "It wasn't like the jarring, bone cra~ng crunch that I expected." He described Downey ~s "a veteran pilot. He's been flying since 1947." The plane is II years old. As for its exlraction from the beach the mechanic commented, "That's a damned good question. We haven't c'ttid· ed how to get il home yet." OAlt. Y rtt.OT lll'ff ...... FLIERS AND LIFEGUARDS DISCUSS BELLY LANDING AT NEWPORT'S ORANGE AVENUE BEACH A Outttion Rtmtlntd Tuesday Morning : "How Do We Get It Out of Here?" ' ' 'This is one al the big ones. A 111-mils conta;t for 80IDO of the world's champion fOlll'year-old thorougbbreda. Like Dark Mirage, Nodoable,·Dewan, Poleax- and the surprising Cavamore. It's also the fust in the fabulous Santa Anita Challenge Cup Series. Don't miss the action. Satnrday at Santa Anita in nearby Attadia. 11 1 . j j I I ,, " • • r; d • ~ • TI ti d £ r • c d b b • !1 d • .. I t t d c ' b t ti n I • ' I• ( I l • I • ) ' I l ' ' I I Reagan to 'Bend Red Tape' fo~·,Relief ··l ... \.·;. ,1 .- 8ACRAMEN'l'O (UPI) -Allfr a ..,.. day [act-finding lrlp to wblcb be.aloshed througb !oat-deep mud lntide a Clrplnteria bome, Gov. Ronald ~ rl/l~'""lJ'!'"~;'tii,',~··':J:i>,!~·J'(')· .. ·~.:-> 1,. •• : ,,..·.,,·i>-l..~~ .... ..,.ll!!~"' vowed today to "~ ~ n4 .: .,, · for vlctlmJ 41 ·-• diVi · .... ~ ""&.....!.. '' •;:>. ~· " "" . _, ~ii.i:a11o . "t;!te d~.,.;· ~ wiUiJut SR)'. , · ' 'liDtM'-'.' ,' ~' lo lb ', imlil ") ;!' Jitl . "1 ·~ ;.~t ,'. ·,'it • .... ~ ..... ~ Pllll lttlf) .... • <#' " •• -• . • Y.'J • "seaford C6llege; a boys' school in tltltwortb/England, operated by a · !:!finn:h of England clergyman, is ._lying for a licen5e to operate :r.· Tue headm .. ter, the I!.••· . ·=.. . ' .·~•·c::..11' art ~;tt '· -· b -~.· . ,,.~ ;t; khMl'~et .......... . . -'./. "'4 f &-..-.. ..,-.• Vt!, , I ~·k. • . ., '-·~ ~ ~ •• ~{...... . ... ~ ,"Pote upon , a liihei~ •l..t-·• ~ we used to have a barn btiuGm1 piity Ind erect it." be recalled. "I don't think there'a anythiq wrong with a Uttle ndghborliness." • The governor and a group of state . · rlos. ~o/>nson, ~acd the. student ·J!!l!Uld be able w buy beer and wine ~~-t not spirits." Other members ~lbe >tall -said tbe · 3ludents would bi!ile!it by learning how to run a bar and how to behave in one. -. : · djlclall flew down Ille Central ~) to • chartered DCt ~ lo~'.•' flood docqage !roqi·_., t"°" ,.....,, · • ).~--~ ~-· Flood •waters carried thil bossy to (he matle.,.nity ward. A -~Cow being swtpt down the odtd Santa Clara River was TOped and pUlied aiho.,.e. Th.en ' rs.' ·BiUi/ Harr::i"ey, owntr of iWT Siable1 tn Oxnard, Calif., : ~~d the Cow to ont of her horse 1 • stalls where lt pour bfrth to two . Jlalvts. . . . . .. --:... 2 Airliners to Cuba ,. • ,, U~I TI ......... of recerd rainfall. They stopped to meet ~ , with regional officials at Fresno, Santa Barbara and Burbank. The trip had a lwo·fold purpose of allOwing• the sta~, chief executive to see flood damage ftrst band and to let local officials know what st.ate and federal facilities were available to he.Ip them • ~e most drama~c . rnaJJU!lt' _of :o the trip came at the small Santa Barbara coonty hamlet of Carpintetia where a Fricily night deluge brouA)t;niucl-50aked ncm waters 'down from lilt ilountaiit. .._, Reagan bused to a subdivision wfiere an entire street had been covered with mud and water stood during the hei_ght of the flood at three feet imide the homes . He visited the home of construction worker A1u Mendez., who was working shoelees with his pants leg · rolled up to clean mud from hi! house. The mud was a foot deep. Neighbors were helping. "This is what I mean by tbe ,private sector helping," a grim-faced Reaga';J said. "By golly, it's got to be done. There is a limit to what government can do. nus is a tragedy ... He told J"alher ·Francis Roughen, a Cathollo .. priest w~ parlsli is in the ~rea, that "Private, gbod neighbor help 1s what we need." The father said a federal reclamation project planned for the area would have prevented the flood . "Maybe it's easier to call Washington. now," Reagan said. GOV. REAGAN, WEARING BOOTS, INSPECTS FLOOD DAMAGE Talks Wi!h Alex Mendez of Carpinteria on Dam11ge to Home . . . . . . • 'I;'h~ ga-.ern.or ~ he had received . . M1AMl '(UPI) -Five youthful Negroes bed mt by the arm and &tarted wavl.ng ~telephone call M~nd«y night from Pr~· Storm "'Got Away' , ~eered two alrl.lDtl and forced a' gun arotiDd He kicll:ed open the coclpit ident NIJon pledgJOI ·the full faciliues · them' to fly tQ Cuba · Tueaday ln the . •· . of the federal government to help flood f'orecaster's Job Unpredictable ·ritnth and· lOlb hljackln of'·the ar d~r and. ~d a , gun to my neck and . reUel. Nll:on already had released $3 i i trid 4&~ third doublehea~ p~acy ~ii told tbe ctew 1le wanted to go to . m!Uion for ntrie deva(b,ted counties. 1:05 ·ANGELES ·(UPl) _:in a,icient . says Dr. William Bonner, assistant pro- Ch1na , farmers prayed. -Jor !avoratd.e.. lessor of 111~teoJolo£)' at UCLA. ...::. · · Havana.'\-=add!ti-tb~t I ·-• t · _ , ... ·,_ . ,• , -· _ . __ _ _ .. ... .,.., e e eg1:ua ure 1s ~~:.·r-it';k~,a. as •~g!--;~•dW~ s~:~~lmaJ.~· btll ' lease,$6.4 ollllion. graduate types " hijac\:ed a National lrf'the fofwfrd lobd servufg sectJQr,-C~ s . . Ip restore local • Airlines jet nfing fram Los Angeles National's flight M preparing a snack . wblilr ftbl~ · ~ 'Weathtt in• fron t ~ :Budd.ba':&, ~ 1··· .-. Foreeftfitet!>&&J it'"lill 1:1asy 'or large If 1hey _dldn1L get 1L; they; ·pclltd .the · ~torffi&'. to build up• in :the-Pacilio Ocean . -lt"fiamf with ~ perSO;rul, and about • for per 25 easse.ugers when sbe .auddtoly ..A~. ~; ~ Angelu County . 6m:'1ilet'·'1lll .. 1JD<11, Y'lo<nlrir .-be~~,~~~~.:-,!I!!·~ Superv!s<>l:' .. P;mlbbs "!&&e!led a statue W"!th rocks. Without being detected. There is littla The U'.S. Weather Bureau in Los trave) ,~C(CIS$ f·lh.e ocean soutb·" of the .. Ange~ wasn't e13Ctly bt!_~ng· &la.mod . , :Califor~Haw~i: Toute. T~re .are no todat ~or me w_or~ "St.orm'.".m ·»-.years:"·" observation stahomo :and:AJmQst no ships --bl.It: .waS_"be~ reproa~' for 'J11Jl·· .to send back re!SQrts. · :.· .; .... · t)'l1i<al )iipplt .dreia.'I , look COOJlllt!itd • -~ -~~-'10'.°"'.'ll'~~~ e ~ lo : aid of a Pbiladelphl-Eotern ~ ''S\lddeqll'-~ tap"ped w .oitihe '. ~,;Crll! ,But :It<agao said Lines plane with 113 persons aboard. shoulder ~ put a gun in my back · I( &4.oot Xppear tD needed. · Police today identified the two men and said, ·~~vana'," the 22-year-old .Ast_ed. w~ he ~~ .. leame,d with th.e who hijacked the NaUonal Airlines DCB stewardess said. l(ip, Reagan s,a.1?.~ I don t know if forecasllng' it. · · ,. ·Hence the Weathe11-Bureau has little On SB;turday, Jan . (8; lhe bureau 's' data fr.om thls region to feed into it.I forecast for Los Angeles was "fate morn· computers. jet u Byron v. Booth and Clinton R. "I sald l bad to get the key for Y~ cafl, ju~ ~at.dl' . ..,._ r~ad .and really Smith, both escapeea: from the California the cockpJ.L .and he said 'You better get the impact of theie things. ing Cloudiness with pattlr, sunn'y af· · But how _about those" expensiVe weather ternoons today and Sunday . satellites that take pictures of the clouds? ·lostitute for Men at Chino. hurry up,' "Miss Siltorski recalled. '"I'~ g~· to dCinand that we apply Pollce said Booth and Smith both The rest 'Was more or leM standard common senfe to make the red tape That was the ve ry day a tropical "Th I · · · storm swept in from the Pacific . It e sate hte picture we get every · . . , Jo&, escaped from the iaoo. Monda proc~ure In the ninth hijacking of 1969 more _ fiexibJe," he said. "We're not a:~~ W'!61/--r.~°':ilt c 1 los ,. . Wtu1e serving terms 1: flrjt ,.~ . as C&J:t. Jame& G. Brown turned the breaking the law ; we're just bending rained in torrents for the next nine day shows th7, pattern of the clouds days, . sending creeks over their banks . an~ the coyer. says G.corge Ka!strom. and houses sliding down Uie ·sid e's of . chief. foreepste.r at the ,bureaµ s Los '"-'·'-. 1 .er.· ""hg 1.0!:~e .. _ -w..-They uaed ... n•-'-R ·_ super lXJ: jet toward Havana's Jose the red tape 1 little." . S1lO'l!l mt 1cs. or ~ e trs~ · .... ,~f " ... •~s· un: ~ · Marti i"1--..+ • iJ: 19 ttearj,_ schools closed dotDll iJI' · ~ and A. Matterson 1'he?i' they ¥ l"" '· -:!. ., 1 mountains. Angel~s office. :·But .it does nol give Tuesday's prediction ,vas "Yariab!c us '.1° idea of th: 1ntens1ty of the storm." $tle~,.,.,\ta.sh., Qeco.~e .of severe fioai'ited ~ plan_e .tn Loi Angeles. ID sto1'.17\S. But liid< ara.·1 mind,,,.. .:..Aillllorities satd Ille lwo men. armed Constim_· Pr Prices .9 inches oi '"°"' _ afkl IMll' w1uaJa aun and an exp1os1vo ..dovlc~. Lost Savings Bonds r obably sre.looking tonaorr:l to mm; .took over the plane momen~ ~ 1t . . • • clouds •.. chance of brief shol'Vers near Kalslrom . said that on Jan. 13 his the mountains." In stead the Southland staff was_ trapped between its pressure was belled with thunderstorms and map. w~i_ch show~ a storm area in ru .IOng as ;t kltp• """""""" depl!<ed New OrlelllU OD th~ lU\.lea .. Gettmg Top Priority Rise 4.'1 Percent t of.,<meratiOn. of l!I Los A~geles to Miami Ofght . Jigbtn1ng. · the_ Pac!flc, an~ ~ts co01puter output. "Hin1 could it happen,'' people v.·ai!ed wh1~h did: not _indicate rain. The staff accusingly, "with all those weather decid ed to go with the computer. . • The Natiozial uew and pueengera ,, ,. . , returned separately later ~ay,1 and In ~~~ny, ~.s m many other the Eastern crew new the big DC3 ntries; 1t is quite acceptable to to Miami this morning. The Eastern enci:..an entire night sipping one passengers were to be returned later may~ t'Wo drinks. Courage to today. roa.<:lt. a "Qj?rman gi rl. with the Both of the hijacking~ be~an when guage-bar,tter,. should come stewardesses were SurQrlSed tn the galley TT\-P~f dreis-s,..actions and self by gun.men. An National stewardess was nflde · . it doesn't come from preparu~. lunch whe~ approacht:~., and 0 e • ' • 'pt• · ! be' an Eas\ir-n stewardeu was ru1sing v p>niuru lO{I .o . er .. ~ drinks. • · cohol :~.So . goes Oll? ~tern 1n "One of. the men came up· and asl(ed l~!!:~-i;s:i:~. \.0 _G~ s tn. West .. me far a drink ," said Eastern attwarde$s . ~, ~or military txerc1ses. ·"' Roberta :rruppman of Miami. "He ira~ Immediate autborizaUon of special terVlcft ·for owners of U.S. Savings Bonda in Southern California dis11ster artu wu announced today effective through Feb. lS. Special handling will be given claims for relief on account of lost, stolen or destroyed Savings Bonds. Under this treatment, the slx mooths waiting period for the issuance of duplicate securities will be waived. · Preferential handling \Vlll be given to claims for destroyed or lost or stolen Treasury securities in registered form. l °l'l''•J • ........ . Winter.~~~.t~~"ps .. ~11 of U.S. fl! .i··.~~ ... r .... . ~ ., D , "'" ~~ • • , ... J i ;...')."ii: W'_~t Joine'!-~y Fr.~eiing M~s~ East , ~' ~.i.i · .,.(VIEWOfl~SaWIMMl(~f'OR(CASTTOJ:11A.ll.lST l·lO·M • l'nnperaturrs . ~~·~ •todlY f'."if"IQ-., ltltl! l-,,_, .. w .. · ... ~ C.Ulorni. tll lfl( .. ~' fQUING~o ~10 .... ,. l RAH~ =~ S2 3' . i'.l'fe_""" """" • flW °"'"""'l"I "' • "-.;._ · Q~ "faff\ • Afltnlt ~ 11 ~mlf!d h m t1\jri Ind-.....·-·· • 'f • I 1-Yt::.o'••01.1t ._!!111 IO;~ld il : .11 ,m~'·_ .... ......;..,. -· 11 1 .. .,1 •• ,.11 • ,r . n 1111.. ,. s ·:; 'i.,~~,•":f f;i;,:.1~..!'!:,._1•~ t\;-SN~~· z . t"'::. ~s 11 . ~ .. ., •nd ,";n~ •. but fAtl \I :.,, ~:S:.-'r.: .;:;" . ·::;:::: ~,. ,... Cllw:MMll !! : ·"° llfll:tlta-• ...,. "o " ~"' :fll11•.. • \. \ · : ... :·: -::::. ~:-· c~ u 31 1 !! ;;... "".:-.~.,.::;' ,-;::"'!;.,""' ,,. ..,;.,"'.\. I , ·:;, · "·i" j . t'-·Y ,., · j.SOlO ....,, u n ;.t~ ,..., 1nc1~: t• a..:11 .._ co\o f!lllZING ~ _ ~S g:;,:1-!; ;_: \0 .... , ..... -........ -...... . I ~~~ ~ .... , . ....... ., ,. " 1. -.i111001 2'-3t "ll!Jno"' ~. "''¥· ~-w . 'j ···•n•~" · ,~w°'"' 11 ,, 10 AIM .............. So,..._1 61-'C, S.· • ,,_ n l 71 .,.11eld ... ~IM'"'*"' $._M, $1nlt , , 1-+tltfll .11 ..J "'-•I ~ • • ,. -11 . ..ie.-.~ <OQl H-'11'-10 H souittH-... cAb:"blfO--ett1t1lll· 1~1 •1it .. ,lrof1t•ll® ~ Kovstan ,, ., ~ 1'11111 ote11ic:..11 ~· • , e •I I•• k1n1o11 Cl"' 3J 1t ::; t<r W~t~ coel Tl!\ll"ld..,.. Ml'-b) L11 V-1 Sl :M .11 1 w , . LOI A""lts 51 ii ,ll LOI 4ft81l.!!'l ~Ito VICINITY--'\ M\9"'1 ·-~ n .. -~rfllt'~...:~=I .-~· v.s. s......... =~..:=It ;: :: .:: .coat l-w..,,. ~ -"°"" 111..,ur (Oletr, " ....,...IY "' wlWMd lfl(ltfMnt N"' 0.1""' 11 6! 1-0tti w..,,,.,.i:,., .... Clilllk\ Iii Mt ........ ,. or clMI· -"'-'" lltf .,.1 If 'h nallcifl ~Y. H.-. y..,, H ?l 01 lt.i ••"'rt""! W..._ ... ti t11ot ............ loOtr't Iii.ti a&/Mld h' 1 !nW Of .. -·--·-O'" Ottlt"" •1 J1 II 0 l,Nl"::'~~"'ll/t,TI' • • .. ""tllitlCH fnlln Ille P'KlfkN;;....:;t ~ )6 1 t i AL. ...... ~.._ • Y~n ~,.. , • II I • ti loll• "'-•ect:lel. -""'"' Pi.llM •"" •••o llteto... 0 ,. 71 .....,. 'llllllMldl.,_. fNM I hlltll d &2 " • Ww d 4. TJtt GH9f Ulhl. ::::..~le 7t 2J .9' :-"· •w•.,.._ c-......, ..,,_.Mt -'5 ......... ~ ~.,,._ fw trMJI"' P'I~ ~ : .H •. ~-=~:-i: ;;"" ,, S""7 ,....., Titles ~IH ....,, -~""~: ~!'¥' t~ '; r. AIM AJl:l!Ali -CIWO¥ wllll _. WlllHl•SOit,'I" Into lie Nor11!9ul, wflllt lcY fftnle •M ltvft ,,. '' .ti .ca1loNI ._,, W-llllY l'l•t111.i-1 ltv l>lf ,_,ft f1I Okltl\tl'N. I-11'111 ·-Jll lt .M Tlluncfrl'. _ti-It* UIO !Mt '" Finl '°"' .. ··· 1·u it.m. 0.1 MlnCIVft, s..--11 jl " .,..,.._ ..,. w Ill ......... """ wlndt. Sl<t!I!( ""9' · · • • •· .... f iG •·111• l.J ••Ill • •wtt _. ~'""' ICrCU 11. lovll '' H .7• ~ ~.!'..!1,.. ltf•tl TllUaSoAY 11!t Cflll•tl MIM..... 11'" '9 IM S.!11'111 o » .11 IHTl"ltfOW.'l'lll'IV.... IOIONI "r11 109 ........ 1.1 .... II:• 1.rn. J., ,.._.. Orut ~ka. S.11 OltM ii t11 .01 -v ......... ~~I ,1111... Fl-.! kltf'I ............ 7:llO •• , .. ,.. '•rlfllr -• Ill~ """"''tu'"' "'" Frt..Clk• .u • .11 "" fllrllltlll n.undii. i)u,ty w1'1d1 S«.Ol'ld ._ ;.,., •••••••• 2:'4 ,.m. "·' ,.,...,. t~ltfllr1ttd 11'1 llw l'Ot'tllt•n S..~t• t1n11r1 }a. •I .fl ~ -..... ~., nltM IK<I"" ~!Ill : ............ f :M 11.m. J.6 Mf'tioo.t"' .... OCll: .... ...., P'll lrll Ir.cl '-".. ,, lS .n • N • llflftfi' 'iil'ltii\, ....... ,_, ,_.,,. -I'll! U!.,_, ~11'41 1M ,.,..,.. 11 .s .GT .,.1..,,...H)lll ...... Y•flJJOll111>t• -11 .... 1:tt• ... • khJ!tJ I "'-IN _,11ln1flC.itrl4o11'111 Nl"W T11t,,...t l j .f1 Mllr"ft. • "" iow-r y1flfvt. s"" lltltft •·» '·"'· .. ,. I •" ~.m. Mexkt. W11111 ... 1on JJ JJ " WASHING1'91': ·(~Pl) -Consumer priees·n::. 4.7 peic~t in 1968, the sharp- est Increase of toJ yur sil)ce the Korean War years al ,1950-$1, the government satellites, computers and radar sets?" He noted that Southern Ca lifornia has "'It is probably harder to p!ledict ex· a type of weather called Mediterranean. treme weather in Southern California which means dry, and added : reported today. thai'I anywhere else in the United States.'' ··11 daet rain here, and rain hard." An increase of two-tenl.M of 1 percent In tbe December i~ex over Novf!mber pushed the consumer price index to 123.7 ·of the 1957·59'· base period, the Labor Department rt!~rted. This meant it toot $12.37 last month. Berkeley tu. Call Police • to purchase the same,good.s a~i&v!C'es ~-· • · ·· • • ',.. ... that SIO bought about' IO years·-ligo. T Q ,l_l n . ~ b The department's · Bureau·· or Labor 0 ue istur· ·ances SlaUstics !told the price level rose 1.7 • • , , ; •• • , . ;,.> . .. . ". percent between December, )9671': le ""' Decembtt 1961. •. · ~ .. • '.. Howevef; the aver~e rate ,ot.li;Crease &ERKELEY ~CAP.-• .-·u~ ol off.CSftl.. for 1968 WRS .smaller -4.2 J!lert'eM plfli-police (O 'beJp 'quell db'tlirf>eftcts -beacuse or month ,to montri varll!lbles. at .lhe Univusily of Caliku:nia is pl iinned Prices in Decem~r rose. two-tenth!l bY Chan td)Qr. Rogel \V: .H~~ of 1 percent, prim •ily as -A resuU.·~l "."We pi,ll .)UgmeAl 4:alrlpus setUrity lh~ough the door of a mat hematics class, fliJe students were treated for eye ir· ritatioos. The 150 studenl8 in the room \\'em eYacuat~. increased food and -housing co.sts::'l'be.· pimonnet· Wt& 1ht "forees-necessary to lw&-tentl:l! ol one percent mer~ wa.s provide protection," he s&id Tueld~. .~~yns . d.~lared distlplinary action one. of tbe 5111llest·oae-modh rises of night -· wdl be 1n1liated against lhose students 19&8, but normally cclmiumerj>rices don't B~kal~ ol the itfaln Bind'O~enue . ~:violated university regu1aUons." rl.se at all in Decemtitr. entrance ti the -c8wfi)uS'-Tiielrdat "ex\.~ . 'l'be rules, 'lie said, "specifically state The mo.st slgnifict11t lndicitor bi the hlblted , c:'~ far u.flliht6 ij4e,rfe~nce .wllb entraqces to buildings report was prellmloary estimates that and rret:do!N ff,i;-, ~.~ ~ 300 .uruvers1ty functiom •or activities wholesale prices in Januar), 1969. are 11taff meJJ'.)btl'I,"' be~," ' · dl~c_r~ances of .offices, classes and studY !'!howing their largest inc:J;tase since th1a actiOrt 'lfBS in ".~. Of · t&til1tn?s and harm to property are pro- February, l!le6. . n!gulation,.• ". ·;.--; .,-~.r.!., t.·. i•ledF'f• . " '.· The last YW' prltu roac:even ctose He tttetted .. ttt ~"'nocnf1~~0nilf " ·· Co 4 "'"""i;; 1 rice Ille Korean War · ln wh!cl> m<mbel"l+oi' Ille· th!~ Wo period, WU ln·'-¥.M wheo Ille i • d • x !JberatlGI! ~"""~bi!e99I ,,. Ti·ustees ,... U ~, in ~ wl>en ll porters linked ar)N end~ · · climbed u ~ • atiidenlU~t,l!O.toW-lrOlind S~IM:;.(IJ I tnNo~d•dndexroseupercenl s.,..-11,<'<I !o"loroe~tll!tuah M • ·Se above tbe left! fqrli"""mbet, t961; tl~ unes:m.....e., w .u.o-.i-.wcrt> a · eet Ill cret J.abor llepNUncrf olflcialo ~lcled nwnher of 1CUU1to. • " •• ~ ear~ei: that the Tbe for t.isea .. 1'tMJkl. ~ d~ P,tci .when "~ 1:>AN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A handful be aha;htly mwt tban 4 percent. polK."tmen mt~ ~··~ ~ qf pickets demoristraJed Bl San Francisco f~ . ~ketm. ~ ·, ..::. .... ~ ..... J _ • S'.lte CoU~e today M llriklng teachers Th lm Ritt ·L• ted ~~i_,~~-,,~i(f,\ ~~I again in secret siusion wllh 1 com-e 8 er .. I S dUITTl}l\GY .... ~Mi:iM · w '\ aiUee. of ctinege lru>lees heu.wd . '\_.. . ;,... t-• r • . -:! • •'l'be tNcljers. repre1ented by tht Iii' Cn"\i~...1 Coddition >'.·-.AJ1"d. 1"' &" c>mst<r •·as tlwiii ~ican Fede,.lion'1>1 Teachers. h1v1 . • .... ~ ~ .t. · • • _ . tteen oa strike aihct ~an. 8 for "dtmandt Th~ :i:K ... =-;.~~~:i .Dija~.,Rew8'-d: S~t elllat ~~Ju~ '"::11 ~l~ri~:u: l!Jt at QuMnt Ges\en.I U*1tal t~ • ily dem«ndil for a black studie9 although doctors riooried 6 1ppdr.d ' NEl\'t'(QRll, (AP),-\ ll0.000 ''""d am. · lo be tee0vtring lnim 1 heatt attack. for 1;,,orm,(fon Wdiiis ' l6 luwi ilrrest ~· T e teachers have remained on strike 1'lf! U.year..old actrt8' wbo4e wl~ ~ind cort1'1Clklin •of aJrllne.·hl}ackm who ..qe:11pite ~ court ruling that the walk oul cracktng Niles won her faur Academy retur11lo1M Ut!.Ucd S~te6 w1U-tt o(ftred t ns !Hrr:1 1 • Award nominations, wes taken lo the by tl'I' ~~lfle'-iDdWllzY. Flovd D Hall, ~· .S~tHft1r .~.tlke l<'qders have announced hospital Monday night frora~hP.r Fores1 chalrl]l•A •~4 p~tdon,t of Eastern Air ans fr-a "ma:ss confrontation" witll lf\lls hom e. ..i:."' ·-.:_ ';""~ tnfto"ricM totl1y, Uct oo 1hc CMlpus Thursday . ' ........ t • ' ' l, I, • Smtkovsky From Post PRAGUE (UPI) Fight or.t Filibuster Continues Tradition . ' l ., \'ltdntld,!!, Jin,.r(i!J'6r . . _ : --..,-lllff' · •· ~i-ki~li p;~t~~ ~ · ,... . : t: 'Leaders · . ' " .,. BELF~. Northern 1r.f.nd· ..;r~~~~1~. (UPI)-Pollcetoday~ -~"'fl!·}i·~ Northern Ireland's two lllOll..· ·\r"IUd•. ~· ~ milllanl Proteslant lead ...... pOllct I• •_,i!"!J Ill! I , 4he Rev..lln Paisley ~Mal-~ "'-clol_.,.,',_ Ronald Bunting, and ll>Ullled m<rllh>C'.1 am.t. : Ji thent! off. bt police wr IO' ..,,.. polke mull; llaYt ~ serve thre~month Jail -. mad to bebaV6 · tn IUCb • tencu:, way," IJJd Plllley. 1 .• Pal!l~ was surrounded' 6y Bunllng, who Wis ~ · poli<;e and served a wan:ant ~ el tho ll!P1 for meat as he was leavhir c111,.,,._ ol , ~. ,wu?fl!I" , ui.ler HQ>pltal. He ha'd .bee>! I~ Moncla1 , by Az# . 11}l<!er&1'btg trealment !or a Mailslralel 'to u,;..i. ....,,. ·~ -seve"1y gll!hed liY linprjJcirun~ lac ~ lir-gla" Tuesday when in . .m' un!&W!ul· ....mlJIJ:* .,.. 'pij!ICe"lrled to arresl him at Ing .-..m·eathollb-l'nlleiM his home. clashes. 'J . , A: ·Crowd of cheering Sllpa· '" .... ~, '9rfers waved him off. So_mt; ... ..~ , ~ped Into their cars ana "" :::......L..'"' .(OQOwed him to Belfast HEW A.Sistiilil: n .K.PUSE MEE'flNG -Sen. Margaret Chase Sini · Jd'aine; GOP,SeQate 1.eader Everett M. Dirk- se!'> tllll,JjiliOll.and House leader Gerald.Ford ana olller"R"!1'1Dlk:an COngressional leaders met· in ... UPI Te~·-"Pfiso the Cabinfit Room of lh6 Whr)e !J.bW!e f_ar l\o.-l!OllN • Ear"uer today, police bursi Tuesday. 1'.hef _emerged ~1!1 tti' ~erence ~gtug Into the home of Maf Ronald a .era.sh progrBB\ 1!? curl> cnme, ·part1cularly in ·the. Bunting and took Paisley's D1stnct ot €olumbta. fellow mi Ii tan t Protestant . leader off to the same prison. , . :.: t ' ' .. · ' ~lam Revealed • f .:~ . • ' , . •'I"' w iX6u~:1. ants More Judges Given Position A police statement u.ld of· fieers were refused entry to BunUog's home at Dundonald and bad to force an entry- \0 make lhe arrest. Paisley, Bunting's fellow mllilant in continufu~ urirt;st • . '.' . .. . pOWElfUL . ASK:-~··: ~~ ·. IA~Y: '. .: .-·3•·0,F .. .. BRIGHT ' ·, .. 4 ·PLY llYLOll CORD YOUR CHOICE . . ' $ . •'' "" pricts pllK .,..,,I fACb~ TIU Wlli!nr.ilb S!.00 ).fol1 Eecl1 FISK CUSTOM . 360 .. . fULL ..._y • TVllUll.• 'irnLON COID ~O MONnl GUAIANtll ' • on fllltt UNI Tiit'•' . ' -. ............... ,. . ..., . ' ,, .... ...,,,.. ............... _.._ ....... ..... ......_ .................... -.. --.-..... - . \NV Sl.ZE $ . 1.ISTED! PREMIER SPORTS. SPECIAL Mi ..... " • tu1n11t' •. NnOM con ... UY SIZE 'LISTED ·~!"~$·15 " ~=· . , ...... ,. .CVS,,, • . -..~IL , ' "'''"" .. -.... - . ,. ,...... I~ -.lt , .... -· --.. ·•.U:e..tM &~ • -IAIMCI --.. _ .................. .. ..,._ .......... . _..,._ ......... -~ .. -~ ......... -...--.~·-~--·-... . . ---•""--_ ........ -.,.... .......... ......--.. ~__... .......... ...... -.. ~· _... ...... --.- ~-"'-.. -................. __, ,.;. -.. ~ :-.::-: ,,, ... -.. .. .. .. ..,. ... ....,....-. .. .. ..,-............. __.I .,,.........,., ...... . ........ ............... .. _.,..__ 5i55i1 -.. ------~---.. --.......-.... ~ - I . " WES1MINSltR 15440~HaVDJ BUENA PARK sen LIMCOUI AYL AtYallry ¥low l~ENA PAIK 1101 llACH II.YD. At ~"'iff11 mi:zoaa 126-5800 At ...... k .. 523-3040 OUltlUUt.n -~:, .... ~ 3 DAYS 'Olft.T '!(" • -' • ,91ioat Aili· ' : .~Mii"'''.: '. ~ Sl'IGM ' . "· l. .,.._ ,., ro:ie .::.~ ' .. UP~T BRA E OYERlllUI.· . 'o .... _ 44' l OATiOM~ '' OUHC£5 ' -......... ! ............... ' Z.Mlw~-...... a. i.:-..:.=..::rr 0 .. : ....... t • 4 .......... ~ :::"--~. ,, ·-=·" -> .. .._ .• '"'. lllilb. • ""' '-hill,.......... . ,.:-=.-:.=:.: .. . Iii. Pl1ll r . :ts"M'Y-' '. ' ""'llis . . . ' SANTA '~· HM ••I••· "'"""" sa.*3 . . < " · . . ' ' ' fl ·, G 1 j j ( ,, u w ~ fl d· • u a H ti d t ri • 0 d b b • fl d " .. " p b b d c • b b u n p • \ r • I • ) ( I I • -T -'--- i-1 ' ...... ,., "' • I•• l ~. " ' . , '.-,. , I I' :i ! ; " . " ,, . ' I' I: .. ' \ ' -. ' ' [~AILY PW)T ~ITO~ PAGE I I 9 u c I , Miller's Changed Siyle • ' • Lautnl leoderslllp ill the HunUn&14n Beach City Rall ha• been • creat conlrlbutor to the city being tar behind tbe times t..say, but the vacuum 1uma to be fllJlng. City Admb!l•ltalbr lloyl~ llQ!er has been •.everely crlUcblecl in Ille! past for 'ltinalftg back on municipal Issues, but hlJ recent stands Indicate a change In style. tie aeema reedy to propose bold new proarams and carry them 1Wl!Uy to completion. Miller hu oot had much encouraaement to be .tronc ill his po1lbon as top mao in city hall. In fact for yean a •trong stand would have placed M ~II e r among th,l .uneinployed and he knew It Fortunately for the tuture bealtb·of the city, times change. Tbe concept of carelalter. goyemment Is no !oncer valld ill tbt i:lty. Mme.r's lint outing in his new role wu lut•week before tbe city Mid-Beach Developme11t Committee where he came out str'ol!gly for a c12Wntown civk: cen- ter. Ho did this · _, __ -llle.omajority ot lhe City Council h8i favored a location near HunUn&ton.Beacb • High 'ScboiJ. In ~ .. audience: w;e., two o!Jbe .council· :. men who uve been .oppo1ed'tb~_ walerlitiill tiff. ·~ 1111 str6ng mod drew aiS;Iallie from lbll ~. many of whom had never seen Miller 1tand firm for an,ytblng, least of all for somelltlng opposed by a ma- jority of tbe council. , Taking th .. e strqng stands and.pledging to f,O ahead wltb the develOpmeiit planl even 'tb6ugb they mar be controversial Is politically dangerous and alter h1' 10 years in the city •• adminlstraior, :ftllller knows it, Yet he is the professional in govemmenl The coun· _. cilmen are the amateun. So lori'g as l\llller is wllllDt to assume that role be shoq)d ncelv~ encouragement. HuntlngtOn )letcih can no, longer afford less than lM belt lnii\i lbe..toP ID!ltl In ~'ban II ll ls'·IO catch np with the progress of Orange COiiDtj' and assilme its role Ol a top city in a topcountr. ,. · 'lb4re ~:~ Coalro'fe~;niwt be foced ~m~hl-"1~ IO.lbt.J>?lllloa.i c~•• 1/1 .. ~1s~o1~·tbec.~ .a;~·~ . · If inlti¥cted ~-ao1oo by .~~ ;;~ .. " · • • . , meni.nµer deoervu"~~ ; .... ~~-J;,; i. :"'. . \ .. i tbe llrcq lead~tli·¢ti.IM!IU~ . • .,..II'''."""'"':>'('). • 1•· .,.. ' .,. " .1' ' t ~ • Man, \f:-0jn~ o{. · Y~ ·. ~ : ,. . . . """:\ -, Chambtr of eominetc'e Oflldt11· . . nlpt pamod Huntlnaton Beach ·Realtor llollf 6lltU .. , .. clpt111r of tbe cham,ber'• annual "Oldllaodlnl athcn A'i'1rd." •• ,,, IJurini ~ ·aaine prosnm, Ille 15th Ull1lal Installa- tion booquet, Ille Wlllllfll'I 4l~on Of ~ chiynber ~ J.o!ll·lmn... d.Y.lc leJtder Nn._ Mamie s.itw as Woman a( the Year.'' Slate• flas been presldmt of the board of l'tlaltors twice aod;'currently Is servtnc bis third tet'lll-.He b'u , also aerveq u •tale vice preslde11t of the realtor's af. IOClation. J • He baa been president of tbe chamber pJl!I 11rvod as a director for 1everaJ. years; A member'ol the city planning commlssion, his record of civic achievement is long. Mri. Sellzer has a long history of actlvi\l In many .civic orcanizations. She 1s • chartlr memlllr Of the women'a dlvi11ion of the chamber and is c:Onstdered a dedlcated worker for the betterment of th• community lhroUJb the ch1mber and Huntln&IA>D Beach Women's Club. Both o( thue outstanding citizens have served their community well. No doubt they'll 110 rtpt en doln& so In the yean to come. Ill hat ~Evt:,Jy. ' ' -" • ' ., • • , ' • • , • • evolution About . ~ear - Gl<romy Gus: - 'For Progtal!ls~.They Offer Poses'· .. ' Mcmday, Nov. J9, IMS, on the ol 11111, bundrods ol 1bem ~:Ji.eo! with the police. What the NII' Y...i< Cl.ti ·Ubertl" Un- ion bas sent a fulld.rWl"l leller to "F.ellow New Yorkers," the flrat lt!DtmQes of which go: ''The cam- palin for 'Law and Onler' ls plJ>. erlllg lmpelwl. To meet It head..., join the Civil Ubei'tles Unlen now." I.I anyone aQt. there inter· est..r in .. Amerkan Civil n. spomlbllltles Union? -C. H. · .......... .....,.. ........... .. lllllt ..... ,......, ..... .... !"' ..., .......... -·- doing at City HID! They were 1'8ving a court. h~ on_ cNraes filed against T!lem d~All. earlier • demonstration. ' ' .. ~ • ~: : • • .,.i ;. A> a matter ol !act, Their leader white Irllli Romll Catholics. To the Editor: . llela~c the view• ........ by 1l\lllY -II GI UCI u Nported in the Loi Aqeleo Timm Jan. 11, may a few Yiewl ol mlae bi UJlll IUld? Tiie ov•..U -1 bad ,... that most of --II ,.... qulll 11111 ., -... that Ibey fell Iha~ left In their hlndl, thla -Id wwld be e lllllCh belta' plae<. P..U.ly IO, but lince moot GI them rll1fed !""" II to :II ,.., I .....ud prefer to hi•• them 1a1n. a, Uttle aperi-bol,,. I buy thelr,".lw," upon wllldl - ol them Hta>·fo - -who the da,y before bad announ<ed • Doll!I ent\!. what OW' American TOWARD TBE dole o1 the Times a civil diaobedieooe campalp -~ ~ are rr.·· and lot much the mlclt the .W'.l1C« .made • tCMlo abeut the court and refused to app<tar to t 1ep ..... -~ .:havlotl pdl pelnl_ answer his IUDUDO(l3. ~ • . averqa Ol a:s or better. So •bit? . MAKING AN llNBOLY full fw a holy Then Is mony an odd fellow that hu TBE..ft!BGE BEING heard io City cause. Diaturblng the puce -as only a 4.0 aver1ge. In fact, I can rtmember Hall tlfrit day mulled from clashea with the Irish, God blOll thun, know how observing upon 1111 Initiation into Phi the police a month earlier, when bun-to dlsturb the puce -fer a peace Beta Kappa many fellow WU.tu who dreds of Them took to the etreeLI to based on injustice la a bitter mocker)' . struck me u btinc alJ11U]ar1y t.cklnr protest alleged 41dllcrimiDltion" ln boos-of the word. in conunon 1tme and affected in ing, job opportunlUt1, .Md voting rflhls. Alling !or what every mU hl1 • behlvlor. This lllectatlon. frequent After the ~ '"""11 400 "civil ript to uk -a decent place to Uve, amoos the young. Is enhlllCOd lhes• rights" supportm Carried Their leaden a fair crack at a Job, a vote that days by profeuors tucblns IOcial on Their alllJderl to CitJ Hall. Ac-counts II much Ilk any other man'L "lclencts" and the pmnlulveneu of cord! to -..., "when I h • A>k_if'i ·.to be ludie<I as lndlVldulll, the pnsent crop ol ww-lmeed 1d· de aton began marching W the not u · }>art el'. an abatract, flCtllla • mtnlstraton buil · s t!l<(ll, police shut the-p~lel. mass -Oo! II Roman Catbolldl la ' · In ol them. A> the marcllen e DOGlioal\f Proteltant COUl!lry, bot 18 THE llUMAN ANIMAL baso't chonpd tG thelr w•y out., acuIOes · ll'MA 1rlUI , 1be u.me loves and lean. -in the Ia.st millenlum er to, ud fis gbU broke out." tht ianif:Diedl and hopes, the lllDe ~ty not much in the tut~ yun; ri&hll 1114 mpooslblllties. uil. "11' time ble<dlng heart reporters UNDS DEPRFASINGLY ramiliar, · aiicf~ quoted students and professon,, d •tit? The aame words and phrases IF THE LAW WON'f .. prol'ide ~ ... ,well u: tchool and colleec.•d· "'·e tw.ve become so accustomed to -baaic tbln&s, ~ law IDl:ilt bt cbabJed.. :~ polltld M• i.A""....1· ,, U ·•-la . 'I be i.. .. -...... '-•lly ·, • all!, .,,,..., me "d tratloo," "civil d~~1ene<,. ""' .., won •-.. -...-• . , .,, _ of this fact and dee! effectlv•IY "d ·nation," "hou!i111,". "Job 01" It, wlU be cbanaed •ltrHlgalljl. 'lllat with bretcb ol llCbool refulttlOl\I and po Ues," and ''VOtlrtg rtghta." wu what the American ReVGluUon wu' 6rtakiac-of the law. The 1eneral publle ~his t1me tMrt ls a difference. aticait. 'J1iat ls whit every revolutlM 11 114 up. untry was not the United States, ~~ f<,od and bad alike -is about. rn Ireland. ,. ~ MOrality cornea before law. If uy ty wai not Chtcago or Cleveland, ruUna group accepted this, there would oadtrry. • ~ be no demonatr1Uon1, no aculfle1, no Jl'ottllera, ol ;cour&e. wtre.. coofltcts, no moluUoo. ~· " ,. ., : :f,&~ly Radio Network ~2-2'~·~ to10i1 mu!U-milllcla do~ ilOalh VlltDam ii the' - constn11:tlocf. 4 • nalloal'lde nidJo, ' ~twork. '· . : Jt fJ to COit ,,..etn $1°"4IO m1D1oa In foreign aid (midi. ' • byu:"' i!:,,':;n~t:i:l= the Agency fer ;t:.Uonal Develop- ment (that ~.fwelp aid) pro. poses to bo1ld 'I( four powerful •tatiOlll that give all o1 S...th Vietnam modern radio coverage. The otaUool are to be .1trategleally located in the four major SOuth Vietnam cltles -Sai,oo, Do Nang, Qui Nhon and Nha Tran&· sun to be named i' the head of the -1y project. TOE NEl'WOllK 1B to be compleled within II IDllGtba -provided • new larp«ile C.ornmunl8t offerfllve doem't wreak hlVOO. 'J'bal'I what h1ppened 1ut .. ~ -n..-·i;liannel lrould be . nm Ii)( Ji\tllilfti'ftittm11mt, and not ~ 1rllie u:t: !i!'IDJ' w1y • AN AID OFFICIAL, amd H this mllht not open the w13 for the Mlwork, built with American l\mdl, bolnC med •l•ln•l the u.s:. r<adi1y •<lmlHed that poulblU- ty. "Yes, that could hlppf:n/' he 11id. "It haa in other countr1e1, '° tt could happ<n In South -Vietnam. 11\Unc the hand that befriend& you 11 a qulte com- mon tnJt." ·~y Gl!!NEMTION that comes •P h11 lb o1vn sritvancte1, and many ol. them are: well founded. But whtrt some or our contemporary ado 1tacent1 (includiftl "teacbtn") take to nauntlna .. tly any means necuury," 111d IUCh ' sh:IJ~ it is ralJ1n1 the black n11 qi enlrchy, not rebuildlnf, nol reform, not rtbtllion, nor evtn revolution. And · tt dots not matter whether the lfO'ips be IDS, BSU, bl1ck, white,_,., rreeo, purple, or whatever. FOR SOLUTIONS tbty aubetitute slogans ; for programs tbeJ ollu poses. Tbty ahow liUle toltranct, m u ch tact!....,_, They violate laws and thtri ....... lllUIOlly! They tlllnk they ... the ch-few -ore forward leoktnC. Nurtured by Ivory tower ~ et al., Ibey know little ol hilllll')', 1*100 how do they -wllethtr tltty are facln& forwards or ltackwards1 They are about a1 mature ln tht!r demands for an \deal W1M"id rttM new 11 -inlllltl irbo ""11 1111 IO the Cru1111.. and,,. -too ,.. frcol · hotll• pert1bed, a COftllbtnt l'ffl'/ ""'" tlte Holy Land. • · , lllClpJtll W. LOVELAND ' --•. ·~ .... --~. Diii' Georp: . . ,. ... , . "'· Ltltn1 from -....... -. N.....Uv tOrilm ll&olld cono11111Mw m.11a:o1 in JOO toordl or l1u. The rifht to ctmdl1111 llltfr1 to fit spoce or eliminate UNI i.t ranwd. AU lcttna fl\Md iaclude tfOMta:re and mMlinQ cddre11, ht 1111M1 '"411 be toffMcfd ·lift ftQll<st 11 ntfi<Uftt ''"' -ii •pporml. . ~f'· ·~w ., ~ To tlle EdltOr> • la l'lpnl. to your recent miitorial, "Sens.lltle AcUen. at OCC," I 111'iah to corruntnt that It came u no surprise. U ny ntw•PIPtr were to dondone the ICU""' ol the Or1111a Cout Collete lnter-Clllb Council In denyinc tho Slu4et>Ia r., a DlmocraUc Society (S!JSI a chanee to become a part of the ·-arpnlzatltn, 1 would certainly llavt espectod tt from the DAILY PILOT. Your whole arsuintnt teems to' ctnter around wNt SOS bu done ()ft <tlhtr csmpuses In the C90!Jllry. A typical re1c- Uon of your news\tlpfr t U you don't know wllat It 11, call It Communist or CommunllUc. lndivldull « f!OUP ol lndlvldu1ll, hsv• the rltht to form a eroup on campus. Tbe maJorlty In 1ny IOciety cerlllnly does not have to cater to the whbm ol 1ny mln«lty fl11'JP, but the lhln1s lot which OW' loref1thera loqbt Includ- ed that the rlah1' ol any mlnrrlty be respected. ~ you can ate, 1 too tan tear at the patrJotic 1trtn11 in yoar heart. I rtma.in rta:pectfuUy yours, an OCC nudent ADIUMN r. JACOBS • contact may be ttlevi.&ion. We must provide, in addiUon lo wi.deSpread in~ formation, the aCtua1 methods and services of contra~lon and stetilliatlon as desired. We mu!t le~allze abortion. Thm can be no justification for ailtwing an unWante.d child to be bcirn, so he can be mutilated and mutdered af· terwanb. GERTRUDE FARB ER . Riding as Bro(hn• · .. ·· ·TeibeEditoi': -'· : ,,,., .;-,.; l'Ht.t Pqe · iveie• :· 1 · :1n 'hi• 1naiigiitaudi! -,~ii. "!Ucltlll't! Ntxon remarked, "riding this earttl 81! To the Editor: It may lnttrut you to tnow I am lhoroofhly di1flllled with your }lllper. You have conUnutd to play Li these TttnHor-<lltist 110 much it ill i ng. Jl th!J II what Y'"' call front ·1 p01e news, then -all I can 11y Is you must be diQ!n1 pntty deep lnlO the bane!.· I have no .taste for IJllCh 1Je0ple "that will conUnut to mock the religion of othtn and disrupt their services. If they wlah to attend church then let them come, they will be more than weltome, but to disrupt the won11lp of ~ lJ dlsiraceful. SINCJI THE diarupLin1 of our Btrvict1 is Wei'! I don't see how )'OU can take this s&and for them. I have found that you haft Ont ol your reporters following them niaht and day playln& upon every incident that occura . I am aorry to say that I feel l will Mve to caftCtl my aubscrlpUon to your paper. 1 even doubl that you will have enoqh backbone l4' print thil letter. NAME W!THHELD ·brdhtn," whim ........ deaoriptive ol. that ".little blue ball" spinning around \ in endJess space -certainly we should 1 be brothers. The thought came to me • that too many of u~ ~·along ' for the ride." ; 1 • i~ ' ~ : Ml!S.,L(LLJAN RILEY i .:-, .. f Police lncldetd• To the Editor : The terrible misfortune of the arrest • of two inn~t people on a murder charge prompts me to question our security here in the sancUty of suDurbia. The murder affair is sad enough - but •hat about the day-bHiay ad- ministration of police work in Huntington Beach? , Rectntly I found children digging cave.~ blto the aand banks around the pond at Golden West and Talbert Terrified at the prospect of a cave-in which might trap the chlldren, I called the Huntington Beach po\lct. A young. immaculately dressed officer promptly responded. THE FOIST UNI o1 your edllori1l aeema to Ill.le the Mlftl rusontna that • mtmMr Of tht ICC pvt, when asked "by lie WU apfnst the SOS, "Not many people know It, but tbtte will soon be • llond election, u people in the community find that wt ftave lei C1allll Af>N p' bl WHEN I TOW him ol II>• dangor, SOS on cam~• they wlD ctrta&1:.t not •~ ·rt' ema his repi,1iw.as to this eUecfr: "ThaL's sympathize with the studentt at ." Tt the Editor: · private ~Jlf'OPerty. The ·~-r doesn't 11>e SOS at OCC, dUplte lhe ac-Allin we are InveaUoUna t he·-· cooper9:ti° wl-th us, so.,.-e-don't cooperate cusauons of M6mnty (Mt1. Marie} dupualt child abuse probllms, and are !'f with Ji,tih. If anything happens, then Howea, has met all tht rules Ill forth faced "'Ith the usull lnlsfraUon{ li JD... . ..:.. the P¥tnts can sue." I ;tlinted out by the IOC in order to become a club. vestlption and proseartion in tbese that my involvement was only as an One of the bulc rllbts iua.rantetd heartrending crimes. interested citizen, but that tragedy was ' in the ConsUtuUon is one of inriectnce However, there are mtlhoda of preven· imminent. The officer 's reply y,•as cold ly 1 uatll proven auutY· .. Uoa. and if only qoe .chi1d" •re M courteous and amounted _!O: .''So, what?" ~ TR llllS AT OCC 1MY not be t11y .-lull\'Ol'llVe than petbaps the LlJ6 (Ltlllr o.y SalJlts) or Newmoo Club, bOCh of whtcb are mtmbtts ol lbe 1CC. I · doo\ -ully qree with the ,l!ftp ol the IDS nor would I Jotn tho .... lp!\sn. bot they, Ute Ill)' oth<r mut111ljil 11 a r...it. Ul<y .sliouli', tie· I a!l)1nol preJUdJlnl iiiiltl"Hc6,.They }lllt 1.-. immedi#l• -W. mwt may ~ ~ l model l?I0jll'\ cer-preftnt· unwant.s childrdl }Ve lfe bidly (be mvrtler affaif':and rperiences bePllnfoto 111 '1111 value lll)l;r ldu&. su91l ••my owq'must iJl!lld 1 !ntttwsled , Uon for our school cblldrm. citiuns to inquire about the nature of ju.slice in our city and more particularly WE MUST ALSO reach UlOSt unin-about the nature of the police, who formed a4ultl wblee only laformaUGllll ~,supposedly .the. first Jine of defense ,, p•,; : . *8inl\.,. onlf l~Uce, ~ut also man's \ • ~ ftiift!ftet to belnlibnia,.e: Unjust .Two-thirds . Rule, THI 'fttlRD.OEGREE grilUng of Upeetl, tbe indifference toward children l.q peril, the shooting or unarmed suspects -surely this syndrome of incidents lhOuld move citizens to Inquire about lfunun,ton Beach's thin blue line. the ltltt'I archaic Jn reqairlnS I tat- thlrdJ volt .•• • • ~ W. ROSS wtNTER0\\'0 J.W-year wh<ll Ille Red&' IUrpril< Tel ... ult 't I <f<ot...,..i .. btfvllY c1amogec1 ..... 11a- tionl ti a -tha1 being deve1a9ed. AID au&boritles 113 the mulU-mUUon dollar radio project 11 l1vortd by the State and. l>efen1t Dtpa.rtmentJ despite the nm Involved. It Ill claimed they appme the tWO<hanMI ne1w.n u .-ry lo< improved mlllllry ocrn-m-ond to rible the South Vietnlmele 1ovemmcnt to bttter .nlltb l Ila" pertlel at wbldl adul" pl1y stupid 11mu, llt• donrlts •nd IO 00. Do )'OU "-.lllJ a4U1t l•mt wllkh can be pl~ wllen all thll foollsboeu ltlrls 11 a party --1amo l mlPt enJo11 AMIN TO TIIAT. 1!lt -rul6 oo local -laues II a 11111 cenlllry enct\lllatioa I'! Ille llate comtltuUon. n .... adoptld beclu" 111 -r1q1 _ prepert)I was held by a comperative few who did not want the eomman folk IO bUthel)o encumber their propt> I)' with bot4 dtMI. Tiie plctuN hu chsnied with toda1'a -.-•-lblp. · Wednesday, January 29, 1969 111< e4itona1 ._. •t 111c QoUr Pilot·"'"' to ""''"" """ -u1cU ttadn1 bv prtHnting thit ' l ' I I • ' I the -"' people. It -to -ol 12 Illa"-ol which f ,.... lhadr In operation. Aflfr the C-_. Onllly routed, U.S. 'l'Jll8 SPRING a PoWetful new Vole< ollldall ~ thelllldertatln( and ol ~ radio -will F Into doddell to -Ille tktltlon <Vldit -operaUoil at Tlnanc In the Phlltpplnes. frr a tlll•art ol faur hlgi>powmd It&-Jt, II ...UU $17 ial-lo blllld, wlll llonl. • 1*ve tm-·w,oo&-tt tnnsmm... and A major ~on ol tbb chan,(e . wlU -to •II o1 SoullleMI All>, .,11 ensmint'' m«W IOC<J11ty while •t l!al QJaa aod nach deep Into centnl the -M1De time "pttlng maximum and Ustem .RuulL coverqe. Beeau• of ltt clear and powtrful Uod..-the AID pW>. the new network at.,,.i, the Communlals wlll find 11 more "°""haft t .. dlelak-one military, dJfflcult to jam tl!m b,..dc1111. oM clvlllan. 1be formff' woukt be undtr Br Rtbtrt S. Ant• V.S. control and oolely for mlUtary And Job A. Gfld•mldi I llOPUUL °'" Hopeful ' YH. "A<l•k llGplcOtcll." Tbe minute IOIMbody I a 11. I t I cllarsdu, hop rtlht out the doOr IO the ntarut lolmlO Ind llp oome Scotch. I've ....S 11 for years. (Bend your pnlbkms to G<ot&• for lnsllnl SOM!ool.) ' l'IJUIAn TRI MOIT strttttw part ol the ,.it ii "' -Iha! If local ~ I-""'ultff 0011' a .tmple majority, u pttYatt1 with '1111 bOnd """""1U.... • """"t o1 the ua .. ---Id havt be<1I ·--· Sey1 Dr. Gorin G. Gotdoo, CTA -mcutlvt, "'!lit will GI the major!()' to approve IChool booda hu bttn thwarted by , a mlnority due to Tiie Ool!ltftutlall -Commlsalon -'I In Febnllry to -the third phue GI 111 -IL 'l'lle. -tw..rhlnll rul• lurks In tbal part ol tile ConsUtullon to be studied. Tho COlllJll!lllon ahould .-111 and IUbltltulo the fairer 1lmpl• maJorlCJ~ I au,,_.,.._, __... opinions and ..... 11111114'11 on topfa of lntor<ll "*" lril/ftl/fcon«, btl providtna o ,.,,... for llM '*"-•1 o•r nad1rr' opfnfon1. and bu Pf1lft~ft0 tht dtvrr1r vi~ """"' ., ""'.,...,. _,...,.,. Clftd ipolu1m111 on topic• of th1 cfar. Robert N. Weed. Publisher • • ' • CHEC ··-··· qP • Governor ...+-£lash~ - Over T~;·· ey BRING LITTLE MONEY ANC LOTS OF COURAGE to our • SALE CONTINUES THRU THIS WEEKEND' . . . . .-; ' . .: . Orcl:NG'E -COUNTY SHOPS ONLY 33 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH '. 2500 & NUTWOOD-FULL~R:tON Across the Str~et fro;.,, Cal State Fullerton QUEENIE Sal~~ge Be'gins LOS ANGEJLES (VPI) - A salvage crew today began elfort.s tq, raise the svnletn taiJ ,seclioo of a Sc'1!dinav\en airlines lk:s which · crashed in {he Pacllic Jan. 13. · The research submarine "Deep Quest" atta'Ched a nylon, un. to the tall coae . tuesda; ~ a sitlvage, vea&el . s· ov<i!,10 ~U~ ID ,raise · · .~ . Ins1a~ the tall , is fllil\l rec(>rdet, w~on-talns \ft!:ard •• tbe. 11. d· " ~.,f!onl "eopo~e.I\ •• .., , ':"• lj~ l'ole ID~ Ange~ . . ' '. By PhR lnlerlandl Cong Flag '' ... ' At Stanfo'rd STANFORD (UPI)-:..:'A Ii~ ~red v"r 'Cong nag ;-rippled : in the .bteete for tnttre than · · an llout Tuesday Oft .the\ :post off it~ ttag · pole at Stanford Uni\teriity •. ~ red and blue standard, Ylitb a yellow star tn the center, wa"s ·hoisted by members of the · students "for a Democratic Society (SOS) but not before an angry woman ripped il fn half.- The SOS · i11.cident was• a reacUon io an. announcement by the ' Stanford Research Instltute that lt had extended an existing program inTolvint ' g~inmeat operat.iona· am . viliage 11ecurity In Thailand .. DAILY PILOT 7 AF i,anncltes Another ICBM OVIRWEIGHn REDUCE UNDER MEDICAL SUPER'llSION WITHOUT "PILLS." ' ' w .. D. AWRT, M.D. 1827 WESTCLIFF DR. NEWPoRT BEACH PHONE: ~I FOR SPRING ·REMODELING DRAWING EVERY DAY FOR $10 GIFT . CERTIFICATE No Purchase Necessary 40% .TO .·,80% OFF . , . \ - -ALL D~f.~~MENTS . : .'· .. S~le .Thursday'thru Sunday OPEN FRI. & SAT. NIGHT 'til 9 p.m: • • ofej (Jaminj 490 So. CCl!ISt Hwy. LAGUNA BEACH-494·7446 " - GOLDEN WEST AIRLINES -.. J..'l ~W ~s b-'t•i t~,.,oon~ ·' !A. ' :1•1iJ R 'I\ "-1 ''"~11' does more than fly you to the airport·on time.~~!~~ MUCH MORE .. ~Wert A;,~.., olr..t 2' llig~~ doily be,_ Orongo County Ai<port ond Lao Angel .. """mot:...I Ai•port ... ,,,.,._, connecti"G limes wilh mojor oir;nU •• ~ ond m .. 7°" '°""" """°"..,..,,..;,, """'°"· .pblo 19.-iw; ... ng1oo:r-job. Fr.ght lime to tht cMi'pott 1 20 mitwtls w.c1o_.,-. ./~'I.I MU ·c. ~~1h . '\JJQi q •"It Ji_nJ • JJI ~ . ·.el :'I: ~:nt) ··.~I 'X'rl ... ·_ "'1l -. """· -"""'I •1ih;t- • ... , .... JV • •!fr . ...... . . ' -. ------ 1 J j •I II " " II di 8 ti d " fl d " .. .. p b b d < • b b u n p • ' • I • ) < l J l l l ' I • • • 1 for11te : Recora :·. :rz MOR1'JAJUES lie! Har OR MCfl Jd•• Ml I-UH • 1111:U BROADWAY : JIORTUAIY ii Br•lwl.J, C..ata Meta "T uum . • lD!°.!!.:='6 ; Mollar1 :· 17111--• • HndqloeBn .. ; SCS-77TJ ;. PACIFIC VIEW ;1 MEMORIAL PARK ;c. .. tery e MtriUrY . Qlapd p. Pacllle View Dr1ve Hliwport -· Calllonda :· '"'me .. . . Americans Don't Have to Register • Ill Britain! Editor's Note: Writfr Bar'811 U on unrecmutrue:t· cd Bnlllh.,. who 1141 lived '" tht U.S. stncc 1961. A rcridc11t of Santo AM, 1tt um It.ii home on hk otten T'tgiltrotfon1 card a.r Rtczd. Ina, BtrkJhitt, Engtcnd. By TOM BARLEY OI' .. °""' ,,... ll•lt SANTA ANA -To m~ poll oUlco cle"5 llley 'r• tl1e "January people." 1\rouJhoul thli month µi<V ha'1e been 61:dlng to • pOtt otlldo ~ .. _., And !Mir nwMen-~"'iiswned t1otid ui.\>roportlom Ulll weoll .liih a registration deadline ol Jao. 31 loomlng omlnously. They ask. often in ha1Ung and Imperfect Engli!h. for a small, white card th4J;t, to some of them, is a treasured document, a Conn which muat be carefully scrullnit.ed and equaUy carefully completed. Clerks wll1 often have to 1UISlft the fonn..ftller, many times, that all ls in order. There ~ Giber reacllom. ill• ti"( al ~ J11J11 whose criJpty-•-.ited" Ellglhh with its broad vowels betrayed him to . be .a l!<itoo . haUing from one of northern En1J41!11'• niaocl <DUDllea. Hill Clfdl Were -flun&: can- temptuoasly on the co.inter belore an astonished clerk. "Bloody nnllance," be snap- ped. "Every year we have lo complet. these blB!led lhlng1 juA-11> aalb!y aom• bird-bn.lned bureaucrat that we're atill here." Angry or anxious, trite or truculent. they all -with few es.ceptiOM -fill out the forms. For many of them in- sist -and it may well be true -that ~ freedom and lhdr """'-may depend on that ~feW minutes spent on a January day in lhe post olflc:e. For they are alieM. And Orange County, it is estimated, is home to 50,~ of the green card holders. lt ia also estimated that the vast majorlty ·of those registering Utls month wilt become citizens of the United States. Many of those who register UliJ week b a v e alrudy enrolled tn cltiun&hlp classes and will hope. to recite lhdt flnt pledge of aUepance in ceremonies later this year. They would be crazy if they didn·~ aays Mrs. Willi Bohm of Costa Me8a. Mn. Bohm left her native Finland fib: years ago to join her sister and brother-in-law in the Orange Coast com- monJty. Widowed in 1900 when her hwband, a F.JDftilh border guard, wu illho("in a frontier skirmish with Rus$ian troops. she came looking for what she describes aa "that securi- ty that we will never have in my homeland." The Uny nation maintains precarious peace with ill land- hlmlfY nt13'>bor lo lht wt. And It was a peace that was bought just afUr World War II, Mrs. Bohm recalla, with the C5Sion to Ru111ia of fertile Finnish land in the eastern provlnces. 111 could live then when my husband was allve," Mrs. Bohm said, wlSUully. "But not after that. And when I hid only lived here for a few weeks I decided that I must become a UNled Stales citizen. Thi& ii fretdom and I wanl a fuD share of It." A fervent "Amen" was voic- ed by Horst Setler of Newport Beach, a former D a n z i g pOUceman who joined six other Eut Germans in a do- f' I ' ;i ' ~.aU-dl.• bid Iii lirtach Iha Berlin IYl"'ll' aliona m only loo '¥', an tlllWarrinted lmpo&IUon. think Uiey're about lo change welt be lbat a 111111 coul4 ::.:.~'b.t~?ilo~~ Mii "' loul to take out dtlW18hlp "Au I want to add la this,•· It. And the penally for non-be denied clllunsblp but w-.. .,u... ~ "Oo or diti" proved to be papen,'' P'alrweather -sail commented' Fairwetithtr wltll; regiJtratloD ls aharply defined allowed to remain 1n this ••AJl we ~v• to A.'I ri.;\l an apt de8cripUon. E 1 ~ l "Alter alJ, our own counlry a twlnkle, "try maklng lbo:se -a hefty flne or a jall tenn." country u an alien." now," he added. "ii tO wan German police oonchllantly bu long been a haven for tbouJ&nda of AmetlclW in But th05e penalties, he con-Vi'hat ac:Uon was taken thole alie111 who h1Vte1 !brow the bulld-rtddied bod· B "·'· '·t J ~ lo pl· 'to ... _, dies of. three of Hant'• com-refugees and Britain's gates r1....w n!g~ er every anuary ceded, are rarely tnforced. agaln& aUenil who penistenUy ""' r-• panklnl into manw-. carts and bavt alweys been open to the and you'd hear them acream-And deportation, the ultimate refused to rePter dd. wbo today. M a ntle. motti pwecuted. ing bloody murder right here penalty for the alien, is continued to Uve ln th.la coon-thlQ ba1f of the llltld aUos trundled them to within a few "BuL we'l'tl here becauac we in BaJboa." usually only carried out In try? leave 1t unW the lUt week yards of where Honl'1 party ,...._ •-nd •--"-ba lo ,. ....... .. and West Gennao border want to contlnue to aee our t.1..: argumen1..1 pro a c;;on cues wu1::re cr.ucum ve been "It all depends," be said ... ...,. guards stpod seething but ch11d."'1 and arandclilldren in were obviowily nothing new Involved In criml.nal pro-cautiously. ';There would be Whlcb means that samt powulesa.. our decllnln& yean,:• the to a weary immlgratlon of· sec:ution. a full Inquiry, of course. I'm 25,000 Orana•~Countiml l'llve ! .'lt>rst lla•'WU. acars that "1)'11>1 Fairweather quleUy fleer In Los Angeles. "Even al that," be said, sure that the dlatrlct director WIUI Friday lo tel out that JJJ .. ~~ ,CfQ'Y for ~ rest lidded. "Yes, I think thla an-11We bear them every year," ttu all depends upoo the crime (George K. RoHnberg of the ,rten card and tUI· in thtt ol "u" 11~a 1 r<ioull of llllal ftllalratlon thlq ls·~t" so14, "Buf reptrallon t. cqmmlltedand thotW>sequent NaturlllAIJoo Sonice)"woUld llbltt lonn. or~ ii* fr fear.fllltid ntght,+-°'-er __ ll>_•_._anc1 __ 1_-...;;~-·1_1_u_\:;-,..•-f_edu_al_l_•w_an_d_w_•_d_o_,<(_t _v_er~d1£_1_o_f_lhe __ <011rt. __ 11_mi_:y_N_•_tu_ra_u_sat1o_•_s.r.tco __ >_·~'---d..,--Or-w_bal_!~----ii lreedddt ."I am jl'oOd of'" , , them," he 'lays slQiply. "I '"'-* achieved freedom anCf t now have only ont wl!h." All being well, thlt wish should be fulfilled by Aug. za. the seventh anniversary of Horst's break through the Berlin Wall, when he becomes It citizen ol the United Stares. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Satunfar There 's allOlhtt side to the coio, though. The propontnll of that argument may not be u wmerous but they're no less vocal than those who feet that citizenship spell& lt<llrity and lht final shedding of fear and oppreMion that drove them fNm an old order to a new World. Penneys New Polyester Cord-Fiber Glass Belted Tn! Mn. Judith Hust of Costa Meta thirW: that a I i e n registration is an ..abominable, disgraceful in- tnalon into the private lives into a section of the com- munity th.at should be ensured immunity from this kind of snooplng. ''I'm British," the very British Mrs. Hurst said, "and I don't intend to be anything else, Of course, once you say that, you get all the cranks on the phone telling you to go home and why are you here then and all that rot. "I love America," ~1rs. Hursl said, "or why would ~ be here with my family today? But can't I have the privilege that many Americans in my native Lon- don enjoy -the pleasure of working and living in a friend- ly land without the annual pressures of alien reglstra- tion?" Mrs. Hurst and h er engineer husband -who refuses to become involved in the controveny -have four children, two of whom were born in Orange County. "That's fine by w," Mrs. Hurat saia. "It may well be that our other two children will opt for American cftizenship when they beCome or age. And, again, that's fine. "But we get a liUle sick of this attitude held by many Americans that all foreigners come over here afire with an eagerness to take out citizenship," Mrs. Hurst said. "It's cost me what could have become firm fr iendships in some instances. But I couldn't care le~. I'm not going to have people ramming this citizenship stuff down my gullet." No less heated were George and Allee Fairweather who came to Orange County from booming, raucous Blackpool - the AtlanUc Clty of Great Bri· taln -to live out tbtlr retire- ment years in close proximity to their son and daughter both of whom married ln the United States. "It's very nict here," said Fairftather, former pro- prietor of a private hotel on Blackpool's ocean front. "But it's nothing to write home about, you know." "I can undentand that OPl!N SUNDAYS tlitllnll\ 'SOUllM'.,. INCllAHS MlllAOI • 1 PLY P'OlYISTll COID oms OUATll SlllNGTW • WIDH rl:IAD PUTS MOU IUllll ON fKI toAI FOi STIONGIH OllP • 700· 13 white tubeless plus 1.86 fed. tax and old tire 5111 Price 69S.14 28.95 7J5.14 30.95 n5-14 32.95 82S.14 34.95 8.5S.14 36.95 118.s.14 38.95 ns.1s 32.95 815/825-15 34.9! 845/855-15 36.9! 9()0.15 38.9! FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE AGAINST Tll:EAO WEAROUT Ta: 1.90 2.11 2.36 2M 2.dl .. 2.16 2~ 2.61 2Y/ 2.77 JI your tire we•rs out durin1 tht first hllf of tht IUlfMI• period, return it with your l\lll"lnlff certiflate and """"" wUI replace~ tire with• new tir•, d'llrain1)'Oii10% 1lta thin the currtnt sellin& price includin& Fectem Uclta T11; If your ti rt wears out during th• !econd half, you PIJ' 2J"-"'9 th111 the current sellinc price includinc ftder11I btiw Ta GUARANTEE AGAINST FAllURE If we ~place t!M tire durtnt·the fl'ffoftP/•ORm1nt period, tMrt is no chlrat; if ~ rept1ee the ti~ .after t~ f,..replKefMf\t P•riod, yau pay !50% or 25% less than the eunent sellint priee of the tire includina F9denrl Excise Tax. COMMERCIAL US£ This p,.nt11 i1 wid where Piii~ ti rm'" uted en tNdll. used for bush•s. or driven Mr 30,000 rnll• In OM jltr, H.;.'s now your 1u1rt'1'H 111intt f1lluN 1l'lltb: ~ Entin ru1r1r1r.t ,.,,_, . __ ,. __ 41...,. Fno• rtJltt•ment ,.,io>ll -------.1-21'"""' INCOME TAX 50"llo lft """' --· _ __J ........... 2a-,. .,, plrief _1114...,... a.-..... ,. ...... ................... ,... .......... ....... .,.._,... ... .... IOTll flJllUl AND sun s The raciest look on wheels, 'El Tigre' I mag type wheels! ........ ,.........,. lllXr ....... lMs ,,_., ... -=''I UP COSTA MESA, 1175 Harbor Blvd., 642-4940 NEWPORT BEACH, 410 W. CoHt Hwy., 642·7142 CORONA dol MAR, 2435 E. Coo1t Hwy., 675.0362 W-' 0.,, t....., ..... I Sit,. S.. f .. -..J ,_.. ' ......_,, Y1p1t T• ............ 0--Jtol Offkft --NO APPOINTMl!NT NECESSARY -- NEWPORT BEACH Fashion Island " ' ', ' I 1-piece cast afuminurA wheel and rim, satin finished - section, flts all cars with dite brakes, 14" sizes. 34.75ea. Pay ca little m $5 por ~ HUNTINGTON BEACH Hunti .._~~~~--~--~-~~~-~~-~~---~-~--~--~-r~~~~~-~~~J • • I , I ' • .. ' • t I • ' . OPEN·S THURSDAY! . ' ,. . .. , .. '• ~ \~4 ~·· ' ' . ,. • . . · A ~carAiva.l -of .Communications Presented Jointly by the ""' .. c .. , . -' _...,4" .,,.,, ' ~-e· , ... ·• >. •' . • ... -DAILY PILOT and PACIFIC TELEPHONE COMPANY . . ~AN~ 30-31, FE~::l:~OPEN 1-9 P.M. THURS. & FR~, 1-6 ·P.M. SAT. . . ' -.. · 2(hC00NT 'EM-20 PRIZES YOU CAN WIN ·• ' .. ' " ... (NONE WORTH LESS THAN $24.JO) ... ' . ... a ..;SNARES <!'ORO MOTOR CO. STOCK l•pp•o<. SIOJ valuo! ~ f"rnish•d by Aeronutronlc Oivi1ion1 Philco-Ford Corp., New· pert a.at ... . ' I~. Sj-iARES BRIDGFORD FOODS CORP. STOCK la~p••'-$100 -'-_v._1~~-t f~ni.~e~ _py Crutte~en .l...S:~:! _!_nc:, _Newport_!.••~_ ":"' s ·oc.1torok9n. · -,. • YJur· own page in the DAILY PILOT I commercial value, $074.24 !, Get your name in the pt1per or say;oomething nice e1bout your 1pou1e, your club, your church ••. You're the editor. • PRIVATE TOUR of 20th Century Fox Studio for winner •nd immediate f•mily 'includes "lunch with stirs") furnished by TV WEEK. 16 • VQLUME Univers:ty World Reference Encyciopedia 1$150 __, r!_!~il value) f_urrrished bt_family ~eekly. --2 ·VOLUME .New Webster Oiction•rY-oft.he Eng'li1h len9u•9• -- 1$25 retail value I furnished by Family Weekly, 2 •VOLUME Hiitori•of Mankind 1$20 retail value} furni$hed by Family Weekly. . e UNIVERSAL STANDARD ATLAS OF THE WORLD 1$15 ••f•il value) furniihed by Family Weekly. ~ BONUS F,.e DAILY PILOT classified "want ai:ls" (each· worth $24.30) to winners of each of eight prizes above. e 12 more pri1e..-.each winner gets 4 free "want 1CI" up to I 0 lines to run 6 days in the DAILY PILOT (each valued al $24.30). • FREI PHONE CltUs will be given away by Pacific Telephone ComJMl'IY or••• •ting "in the to11nd" et South Coast Ple:ra's Carousel Court. Winnert wil be · selected approxilhately every lO minutes throughout the three-day show. You•g• 1ter1 will get fpe l'CommuniCarnival " ballons and can rid• free on the Cl't• ousel, too. ... . • ' ALL FREE FUN . ··--. - GAMES PRIZES • DAil Y Pll.Ol'• 1ta . . I)· . ·} • ., . •• ' ' . .. • .. •• ; ' ., '. • . • • ' . , . ' • ' ' • .. , ... ,,. '.:: ' ~ •'' . .. • .. ., -·-' ·• ,f'l . .. . " , . • • ' ' " • '< ' • \ ~ ! ,, -... ,,, . ' It's All Happe~g at Carousel ,Court . - on the . '' ~ .. ' ' Hf.STESSES at "how we do it" exhibit presented by the DAILY PILOT wUI be airtlrfi sfelwerdess students from Orange Coast Colle9e. Th•l, wOI explein to visitor1 display rnatarial wh ich tells the "12-minuta miracle ' oflthe daily final stocks rerort plus other fe1tures of the DAILY PILOT ind w'l!_hel p-~om:nuniC1rniva goers sign up for prit es . ... ·-· J.. Mall at 5oatb f oast ?laza. BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO ltl!eWAY, COSTA 'ME$A .. 'I ' J I • t • • l d I ~ I I t • ~ r ' ' d I I I f < ' t I I < ' t I r I ' I • I • I • ' I J "' I ~o·a-st Area Men • Ill Service on Duty Around World .. • whose molher, Mn. Allee Huddleston llvn al 861 W. WI.boa, Co.ta Mesa. Cl!~ llkMrd B. Har..ey, u$MC, ""' o/ Mn. Helen B. Harvey of 1~ W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach participated In lhe Pruid ... tial 1111118W'al l'lrlde .. part o/ the U.S. Marlne c./po Ceremonial Ba&t.11100. Nkltoltl. USCG, 1 on of Mr. and Mra. Robert Ci. Nicholl of 19391 Cindy Laot, HW> tington Beach, gradu•fed from !he Co8st Guard Training and Supply Center, Alameda. PvL l.C. Kennedil D. Hysell Jr. 20, son of Mrs. Faye Mootgomery o! 9341 Lltchlield St., Huntington Beach, has been a.salgned to Company C. as a macbtne gunner. lie wu awarded the Combat ~tcyman'1 , Badie.· near Pleiku, Vietnam In hoilo< of heroic action in combat The rront·Une :soldier's father Uves at Zz.tl Maple St., Costa Mt!a. Stama.n Lany C. Adams. I lit Ba!talloo ol the 4th lnlan- Seaman Appren. -p._, lrJ' DiYllioo'• lfth Infantry USN, son ol Robert L. Mams of 61>1 Retbtrford Drive, Hun- tington Beach, b usilJl'd ... tbe guided missile cruber USS Providence. For action in Vietnam the crew •as award· . ... r. \ .·• .u.-um '· .... ' FUil SALOH Grat ~ .. t11NU.I mink! All aJe pciadl Bou .•.••••••••.....•.•..•.•••••••••••....• 2t.OO hll-alcin. natutd; mink Ina ....••.•.•••..••• , • . 44.00 = .;i;,; ·~· fu; -~~~· ::::::·~:::: ::::: ::lli:: Stolitt with double lur collars ...•••••••• ~· •.. • •• JH.00 Jackets with wtdd.iog: rins collars •••••••.••.•.•• Jtt.00 DresigDcn' Res , , ~. , , , , ..........•..• , ....• , .155.00 Kb:o doable fur collars ...•••......•••..• 555.00 1~· moUu (Of.lt: ••••••••••••••• 666.00 mink full.Jqth COi.Ci ••••• , •••••• , , , 777 .00 Par producu llhr1ld IO shm.r comu:ry ol otigin oi im· pomdiun. COAT AND SUIT SHOP SPECIAL PURCHASE! J-PC. LISAIELLA KNIT SUITS 44.00 R J. 60.00 IO 70.00 ... a.Jucs CbooR from ID o;:citin1 pip of aibgfe bttultd, dou- ble i.-..i ml aoliP" 1171<1 in 100% wool dooble-w -lmpomd Ired ll<mg Koo, hf u..b<Ua io til llft' ~cckn. Sim 8 to 16. . DIESS SHOP _ HALF-SIZE DRESSES 15.99 , • reg. 28.00 co 46.00 A bWoo. cd.ltctioa of dtt.s in wool kniu, silk pcinu, ~ lc6ib aM nsy-ure Amda ttiacm.te jerxy. \llof llvtrrio~ 1nltl in balf.aizes. Group of wdl-made drwes, iodudina +pi«r knia,·12 ~ 10 20\1, reg. ~.00 to 76.00 ......... , 21.tt,. 46.ff FllDOUl m&ke ha.lf-size'dtt'l$tS in wool. and wool jacquud -..·eavq, ud novtity IC.tote kniu, reg. 50.00 to 70.00 u .tt .. u .tt Bdttr dresses and costumt1 for half sizes; 121h to 22 ¥.!, ... ~DO oo 80.00 .................. 17.tt to 4'.tt MISSES' DRESSES 19.99 ttg. 36.00 to 56.00 .A -."olleaioa .of dr~ for rown or mvel in euy-can ' pd~ atMl wool kalt and ocher fine fa.brio. Many 1tykl and many colon. Misses sir.ts. I.arsc col.Jection of btnu drmr3 in many fabrics, indud- ¥1& ai'"-fivc stylcs~.m.ilscs' siza. .lq. 40.00 "' 70.00 ................ 23.tt .. Jt.tt . . . " ACCESSORY SHOP FASHION SWlA TERS '·" · reg. 13.00 ro 17.00 · Wam wonckn· ro lift in and cnjor. W&!ha.blt Orklnl ! M:rJiic « wool o.rd.ip.n and pulkrttt .,-Se. ja whi~ ..d fubioa cokn. Si~ 36 to 42. •, .. YOUJ(• 'CAD~lD S~OP JliNIOI. l'El'lll DUSSI$ 12.9' 'JUNIOR PEA COAT REDUCED! 21.00 reg. 28.00 San a wboppia' 7.00 Oft a.lJ.wool Melton pacoat in camel-brown or f}tf. Junior sizq ' to 15. SHOE SALON IUFFUMS' GREAT SHOE SALE 1/J OFF DRESS SHOES ................... 1.97 lo 2l.'7 Reg. 14.00 to 36.00, Best .ttltct.ion ner in fine dres3 shoes from .51.lcb famous rnakcn ~ Andrew GeUer, De LiJO Dtbs, Joyce aOO rouir others. Hurry in for best xlectioo. in the .ttylCl ind colors you -·ant! CASUAL SHOES . . . . . ... l .t7 to 14.97 llcg. 14.00 co 23.00. S~in&ing fO\Ull fuhioo1, fine .,,.alkin.-; 1hoeJ frotn Caperio, /um.Iii and ~n. HOSIERY A.;iloo'5 panty bose, made lot Buffums' alone i.o off whhe, wnd., c:hili (brown), grey, navy oc black. Short, medium, modium n.11, !all, "'8· l.00 .............. 2.6' "' 2/5." A~ booi<Tr in off whil<, am<J, dilli, grey °' .. .,. 8~ 10 short, 8\.7-11 medium« 9~·11 ta.11, ug. l.65 ....... . 1.29 "' l /J.SO GLOVES . ·~"')' gu.n.;:s ut w&3hahle, double-woven cotron are P.K. se..,,·n. Oloose 4-butroa or tionie, h.tiq or tailored 5tylts in sizts 6·8.ttg. 3.00-3.50 ..........••••........ 2.19 HANDBAGS FASHION-STYLED HANDBAGS lECi. 11 ." TO 40.", NOW l / l OFF 6.97 to 25.97 Clmic shipes, pouches and swaggers., eavclopes. 1otc1 and shouldtt strap styles • , . C'ttf1 a.ilond, and ahtr·five lwidbap Ue included in dili sdta.ioo. And, yoo an ~ lhYa all, Set1XI leathrr, alligator or nirtk·ptt· 1emed alf, pumt, rapesa1"<Mtttd. 1tnw novdties, failles, beaded t..gs or pluria with • lnchtr look. ' COSTUME JEWELRY COSTUME JEWELRY 1/2 PRICE Designers' col.leaioa ac mnarkablt ••ings.! Oot-of-1· kind pins, ~ eurings, bnaim. P1bulcm fuhion collea:ioa to brigb1tn you.r wudrobe, help fOU sparkle. FOUNDATIONS Very famous make bru and girdles, now sptcia.lly prictd, l/l ro 1/2 off, Bras. ttg. 4.00 10 9.00 .... ,,.,., ........ 1.tt te 5.tt OO:C for a smOOlh line unckr every fashion. White, black: Girdles, reg. 6.00 IO 17.50 ...... , ..... 3.4' ,. 10.9' Rn.I sli1>bn by Youtbcn11-0wmfit. Adjusu in back likt • rtgulu bra ro usurt perfect fit. Two gumeacs in or yrllow, ttB· 7.)0 ........ , •• ,,., •.• ,,,., .. , .4.H LINGERIE AND ROBES VASSARETTE GOWNS, REG. 10.00 5.99 Fttt--flowi.Q& cotlwiting aowm witli Jumrioni on:rbys of oylon <hi/foo. °"""' "l"" bin<, ,.uo.. orbcr putt! colon in pttitt, small, medium and Wge sl1ll:$. 5hilc JOWDI of oyloo uicot in ml.DJ' $C)'lts wtth 1Ke, tmbrotd· <"CJ' trim. s,M.J. ......................... ' ........ l.fl Nylon tticoc alipa fm:n famoul ma.k« wich It.et tti[J).\ appli· quet Slui uid 'V'tt11" lengths in 5iJd 32 to 40 ....... l .H ~.. oi a7loo tricoc ftoal a famous ma.kct. D::c-p ha: html. appliqucd I.a uUn on lhon: or avenge idl,gdu. White, ".~ ~Ja,,S,M.;_, ,._. "._2._59 •. 2/5.00, >:5' "! 2/7.00 °""""" ol toJx. ml ~"' .. .. . I / l to 1/2 off . ' J.eg. 17.00 IO 23.00 dressa In amt tnd Jci:t-livt ttylts. l'rroritr !tfks fr<lla rtJ'llltr aock ia WI.Cud i.i.;c, ml rolon. RAIN WEAR ., < ., NEWPORT CENTER • ·.~ I ~l1a.l l--.u~11.1..:io1:! Wft·Wftthu coats that shine 111 )I.Orm)! F"""'-TJini io ""' 8 to I 8, "'i I too oo 20.00 .... 10. ff n FASHION ISLAND • 644-2200 • ' " ed lhe Navy Unit mendlllan Medal for ~. Con> by the U.S. Seventh Pleel. lhelr Durir'I operations 1 e y e r a l i ~ of the fOttll;J .... Stor<keeper Sj!aman Ap- pttn. s..,.,,?11):' Cook, USN. llOfl ol. Ji.tr. and Mrs. Jellrey A. Cook or 408 Bucknell Road, Costa Mesa, has been as.s.lgned WlCOVtrec4 many coat1lning medical su p plies and docum~1 s. •bile f l ( t e e n enemy troopl were destroyed and ovu too enemy detained. In the amphibious transport Stamln J.C. 11molloy M. dock USS Duluth in Vietnam. Swedland, soa of Mr. and Deployed in 0 p er a 11 o n Mta. 'lbomas Sweetland of 0 Vallant Hunt" the lh.ip was' '1135 lfis Place, ec.ta Mesa, ~ part ol operation> lalllld>ed ha been usigned lo 1 lbip " COSMETICS Sav_e importantly on thcst bc:aury a.ids from Revlon: ln~t1: Spa_y Mist, MCt-•·ya.t special, li.m.ited cimr. , .1.50 ~ _Moutuu: Lorion for hands. aod body. Lumrious. ~W!I& fngrant. ~·J'UI special, l.95 ftlue ... 1.ts Sil.iwc pnx«tive lotion for baods and body in an rur·to-usc bo~~ich fli1>1op spout, 12 ouna:s, 2.,0 n.Jue ...... ,. 1.50 SuMfze Aqua.marine Shampoo, cwtom fonnulactd for all 'Yi"' ¥ boU.. 2.lO nlu< ........................... 1.21 Enn-p,ot.e(t1ve formnl&, .Ami-Pmpin.nc and Dtodonn.t,. 4.00 ~ut , ••..•......• ' .... ' ...••..........• ··-· .•• 3.00 H111~ ~~Dry~ dry deodcnnt spray, 2.00 u.lue.,, .1.50 Special ~la, Oean and Clear rime-off cleansing Jor:ioa., ~.00 value .•... ·-· .......... _,, ..•... , ..... , ..•• , .• 2.00 Frances Otnner 1.fulti-llyer Moisrurizer, ttg. 8.,0 , ..... S.00 MAJA IY MYRUGIA MIST 3.50 with fret. band np Spdi's mo:sl bewitdUng fragance, faYOrtd 1be wmld. Oftr, M1ja Colop spn.y misr: OOfl with a bu oE inim.j • 11hle Mlj1 IOlp, luxuri0ut oliTe oil eI.Wr for your skin. Ouistian Dior 2-0L cologne widi atomixt in Miss Dior, D' . . <-w IOOSSlmO, ~ , •..• , .• , , ••••• : • , •••• , , . ,_,, .3.50 B.J~o· Colq Craq> S..~. '·~ "'"flaion.-.cm" •!<!! ~ilh f"ld.aam..f..,.,,... •ilil '1klli. id<s!JOI""' .ltin "'111. Pul«t lot .if·oni okiio-licoLty. Ddiatd°f tlnttd, frap.oc in to5t, pi.at, la•mdat, booqu« or lerncn 'fttbem. Boz of 12 ~' siJt ban, re&-·3.00 .... Mw l ltol:es 1.00 ...... ;. :, ,. ........ ' JOHN ROBERT POWERS COSMETICS Privlle~, acrually makes yoor skin teem younger. U11t nightly, f'& 10.00 .... , ....... , ............. 6.00 Eye Lift 'Czum, and Bedtime lktl.ty Set, a light film applied before tttiting m hdp you look lllCl"e glowin1 in tbt morning. 12.,0 value ... , • , ............ 7.50 Oeans.ing F&eial, Skin Balance lotion aod Quick F'um Set, all aeattd to keep your rompla:ion. rrg. 13.50, I .SO Duo of spec::ials from Ba.Ima.in! Toilet waccr i.o 1ruactive spray mU< honk" !,jiH e.!m>in, 1.G-... l .SO; Rtpliquc hf R>ptud. 1~-oz. .. ··,·;· ············ ............... ' .. ·-J.00 Sandia Artesia.ti >.toi.sturt Cream or Lotion-utt the aam u night, the .lotion in tht daytime. Ste yoor skin met IO thiJ greaseless btauty boost. Specially prictd 1t ...• -· .•••••• 6.00 HOUBIGANT FRAGRANT SPECIALS i.a bmous Chantilly or Quclque Fltur1 Chl.ncilly liquM skin sacbet/pa.rt'Wll xt. ttg. 6.00 •. l .00 Qudque Pltun hand aod bod.y loi:ion, ttg. 5.00 .•• l.50 Chantillrdeockiwu.,ttg.ljO •...........•... _1 .00 , , Special! 2-<ll. site$ of spray cologae by Ma.red Jlodw at ~ special pric.es; . Fmunt---t. dasaic,Jcm1 tht f1~i1e ol cht JOpbisticate .•. l .10 Madame RodJ,u.....;tbe Qt"Wtst" ••• , ••••••••••••••••• 3.11 M:owadtt-the fi.ne.1t. cmttd in frma for 1he mm ... 1.00 YEAR-END SPECIAL! EAU DE TOILETT! "Y" MIST lllOM YVES SAINT .U.URENT ,..,, S.00 For tbt ll!SI. time! A spu:ial acrod coota.intr aattd for this limi!M time offa. What a woadetful way t0 JC! acqoa.inttd with this great ftapocL >.fillor's Eau de Crepe de Chine in an elegUic p.leaf bottle .,.ith aet060I spn.y. hrf«t a.nnnr for linle tilts. 2-ot. sist, 1tg. 5.50 .................... '' ............... ' .. l.00 ~ .~~~'. -~~~~ .T. ~~~~-~~.~ .~ .. 6~. ~,~ Ariza. "Bti,lht EynM rt• drops. ttg. 1.2,, ....•.••. ··-· .II POLYDERM SKIN IEAUTY Ttrttmcnt produm ~ imo..~ 'VUf "W'fXDID't .kin. Now, for •limited tm.. u important sa.-.mp. NomWUi"& 0......., Cium. "'~ l.lO ......... 1.71 Noona!Uing Skin Foahmcr, "'~ L7l ........... 1.00 N.....u.i"& Cnsm, ~ 4.00 .................. 2.IO g,.., 1Wmtt of Wind Soog, Gold<a Aurumn, ~ o< Bdavtd from Priocr M1tmabell~ snootbes, idttns, silktns. Spm.Jly l"'haol wi<li f,,. dispcoxr pomp ........•. J.IO AJbuo pttfumtd bath oil capsuks, the piJI for cht fnpndy lwu1iful buh. By Prince Marcbibt.Ui, 40.C.psult b:ix ... 2.IO ltl(J.opfuto ju .......... : •......... _ ........... 4.00 MONDAY, lltURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 operallllg al! !he coial o/ VJd. ...... The s-.man 11 a ll'aduate o/ Coroaa de! Mar High Schoo~ Hb wife, Gail, also lives in Costa Mesa. Spt\::. 5. Jact E. Boyll Jr., 20, $00 of Mn. Tay F. Johnston ol 40S ~nwood Dr .. Colt& Me.18, bas been assigned lo Fl. Sll~ Okla. A clerk~yplst, Spec. Boyd is a graduate of Newport Harbor Hlgb Sct>ool and •I· tended Oranie Col>& Cotiq< before enterinJ the auvioe. Midshipman Woody · M. Rubino, son of Mr. and lira. >'ran.I< Rubino ol 3ll37 Coollda• A\le,, Coeta Mesa was a participant in the Pmldentlal lnauaural Parade in Washinjtoo D.C. His was one o/ !III componlts ,.lecttd from the midlhlpmen from the Naval Academy. HELENA lUllNmlN ULTRA FEMININP Sl'ICIALS ElUJ •omaA bu nur riShc to led. youlljd' mm·Ae ~ iL Ultra Femio.int8 belpa ~that look! . . , . krogatic hormone cm.m with ~. « emol- lient moisturizing tll'l.uls.ion: !.00 ftlun., ...•••. 5.0I Hand locion. 3.50 nlui: ....................... 2.0I CARON SPRAY SPECIAL ,. ... 4.00 Fkun de R.oca.ille, Bc.llodgia, Nuit de Nod. In a most tky.nt fluud crysWlino bottlt. Satng<haKd a>logol ' fotmnla hu special b.stio& power. Ideal tn"fd .m. DOROTHY GRAY SKIN CARE AIDS Cello!"' Hormoae Crnm, 1tg. 6.00 J,50 Skin Cllt cl.U!ic at 11-.ings. Complm c:omplWon ttt"lt· mmt for a softtr, mshtt I~ U yoothfu! be.i.cy. . • . ".Doable Take" Up!ricks rr1-115 n. ........ ; .... , .J/1.21 H~ band aeun, reg. 2.,0 .....•....... , •. ,._'.l .11 Moiabt"Weg"haftdcrdift, tq. 2:50•., .1;, 1.,:...., .c•i·; .. 111.H Ory'skia 1orioc tpec:iJ.I. reg. 2.00 ..•....•• 1 ••••• 1 ·'· .• :1.11 Dry skin kxion, t!g. 3.50 ..... ·" ........ 1 • , , • , , , ••• 1.75 SAUi WIND AND WU.THU IY TUSSYI lotion, reg. 2.00 ...•..•.••. ·-· ............. ll.OI reg. 4.00 .•.....•.•..•••. , .....•..• J..OI HUJ<f Cram, reg. 2,00 , ._, ..... ,., .........• 1.25 Ha.nd. Oum. incroduetory rube . , ..... , .....•• 1.00 ARDEN HAND LOTIO!I, IODY CRUM Huod Locioo, "8· 4.lO .. . . . .. · .. .. ).OI Soothe any winay cbappinJ, add the ft11gtnet of ~hx Gnu, June Gm.a.ium or Memoitt Cherie baod. kitiori. .nooth yew body with body unm.. ANNUAL u.Lll DESUT FLOWU IEAVTY AIDS So-°'7 Ctcom Dtodonru ................. '.so !<>Dry Aao"'1 '1"'1 ........................ l .21 NCT from Sbu.ltOCl at ooce-a-ye:u: a.-ings! So-Orf ,deo- don.ma a.od wi-penpin.ncs are lightly nnttd. li:-.u hum doming. • """ Bmxy &th ............................ I .21 Ltmary bf tbt apful ar .. -.i.np. Nnr bt:aury ~ &am Shukon ~ dtem a.ad la.'ttl • 6tliace aroma dm 1asai lot hoors. Two JCllCIWI liXL ' SAYE ONM!All ON MAX FAc!l'Ol SKIN.CARE AIDS ,\(ti .. -· 6-oo., "lo l.00 . .. . . .. • • ... 2.H Aori-12-..,_ J.lO~ ............ , ... !./'I Moitturiiing a....m, 0..... OL, "1 3.l0 .... 1)1 Moi.Kwt ~ Nip 7 l.7 oc. ,.~ tOO .. 1.IO . i J SPRA YGRANCE 'COLOGMI DE ·c:caDAY 2.25 u .... Tou;oon Moi, fll'rl(, ~OD ••. uio ol mOlt bdcmd f~ in 1n enmnc:in.g lf>'IY dispemrr. • DlltER DAYS 10:00 TILL S:lf ,. , __ l .. . .-Co~s{' A:rea Men iQ. Service • i • OliC -. Duty AiQtjtid' W oi-Id ... on • ' ' "'·~·' i stAnoNlri . P..-.......... ~-................. ,,., .11 i:luiws a..u """' --. lo 'lri4< --"'" l.IJO.IOIJO boo ............... ··•·• ...... ·•·· .IN.ff • C"riew• lift wnpo ia fill -.. ftlllr, .... .lH.00 . , , , . · , 21n .. 1.10 0.-lload lift .m-r ..... j9 .. i.oo . '·-.H·J.4' -..-y ...i .............. i;pnr.;pr, Good .............. m1-...... 2/1.lt1..t2/2.0I ~=.:~~~.~~-~~."":~ ~• 0""1 si-ia --".nm....,,;.,_,,.,,... Whit."'"""" phil; -J'llow .. -Club ... -... L\10, .It; Elmlopct, .... j9 ................ ' .... 41 ~ -doubk Im_... 96 .. -~ whi!<· '¥--tt~ 2.19 ......................... 1.79 )(jal pi-famts ia Iii"' ot pi IWsh. Toiland, filigft ..; """°"box 117a ia UIOl10I .... flom :i"a3" IO 11 '\d4', ,. .. ............................ lM .. 1At . ' w..w;., !macioo ny el ,.i;...i pi .. r1o1m.. finim. .Jl4..,14" ...... --pod loci: for ....... ,. ·"'"" ... ml .....u.. reg. )JO ....... ' ......... '. ,I.It --........ -nil """"' In poydlodolic ~---em .. , .. -"C1" ~ c1 ' -...... 11 .. an, ... \.inb, ~ "-... ""';"." .,.1.~ ' i..-_ lfPO'l•n-baclir. ... p.a.-ar--<-1~ ... bop <111 ml~ riQ, iilool.loof '!""!* ' wididtlt.,.;,i. ... piMbc-. .... 2.00 ........... 1.tt , • • ,. INFAN'IS' SHOP . ' • · _GllLS' SHOP. JIANI JY W1AHGLD el 1---~\.~.~-~-~.~\~.:. ':.J. .. 11 ' ua:an 'AND JllMIU.S • ""' ....,. ... ~ -.... o..,;c ....... .-w. .,. -.. ooliil -ld..i "" • 1 .. 14, !'I-7.oll • ll.00 ............ J.tN." .-, -t In Spoc, 4. G<r<loo T. Ndllon, atrial <iimblt • a jet pilot S. oon ol Mr. and !In. wllb -~ •. Tiit GGnloo A. Nellaeo ol · 1115 medll ••Ftelontl ·lbe ...,. Rulb Liiie, NewpOrl Beach, ~ldloo of 10 air lltlba ...:i..linlt hu been wJaned lo the 4th tho ....Q ta ..U.. . ' 1nfanlrJ DIYllioo our Pltlkll, 'Vietnam. ' mand, n. ON. ,,,. IGldler -•• r.c. -'11111llilo o. s. ......., ·tit na Slllwo II an.,_ ct1t1111111-Md--. -o1 llr. m I-. Ciiio ...... '* .._ ~ ' -~i-llarrY Md••lll>lln "' ..r&lllll ........... ..... Atrmatf .....r-o. 1-llu. ' 11111· McKlDley Clre It, T&lir ~ • t 1tCUr11,J 100 of Mt. and Mn. Blro1d ,...,...,.,..., bM ~ wlp pa"otmtn ttl r. LH11ma • o1 HllZ Liv· tol •Da Nq APB, Y1dum. -•" incstcn. Tlallo, 11t1 been ,.. _ a .,-ta o1 -u.a. ·Combtl "4'1 r EDI. Mdt.a D, ......_a. -of lit .• Jin, ~' Pvt. -R. IAIPlor, It, Gatllld ol 1• Ha~ Ploco.. ""' ol Mr. and Mn, HW)' Neaport -., bai· *ii R. Lou.W ol 111 and Et., ,......, lo lbe r 111 b t Newpll't Baacb, bu 11ten Pr-optrollon Sebool, u111J*1 lo the U.S. Army Pfmacola, Fla. Combo! Dev.lopmeoU <Jon>. 11111....i lo -ol w-111&11 Scbotl, .... .._ ~ l.C. Nliirt MooiereJ r .. ·trilblnl • • -Goldenwd J a a I or It. -. -1111r. ad Jh, 1-QI ............ 0oDtco -. mteriol Ibo ~ DD -.f lllt .-0, Tbollnnu ........... -· Dl1n.·ll•·-.11-- " Sanllqo lll&lt' &:boo! and -at --· -Alt, VletMni. atltlM!ed Qiajllllll Collfae, Alnn111 Mle'MI I. lllerpa '1111 --ll a - belon entertnil ...... me.. ... ol Mr. ad !In. Cllaii.. -- . '-,m ' ' ' . .. ' ' . ! r-• unu SHAVER SHOP SOUD COLO&, PEUUNllNT.Pa: ~AMAS ia pop.. lu i.... .... ~ lcoa leg "Tic.,,,. ,,..,....,, ll!li comm lMnd Dr'Ttt needa ·i.roaiq. J.inle SbaTU ... 4i to 7, ttl-4,00 .......................... , ........... 1.H - PILll ':]ACXJrr cl Ollao( _,. ftJloo wldt ,jppond ,_ Mod; .,;po .. -Gnoi -sa..." .. 7, .... 12.00 ......... , ........................... " STOU FOR IOYS OUlt OWN CUST UNDDWIAlt FOlt IOYS BMEP w;dt doabk -dubc ~ fly lrcot. Of s... ... ~ wh; .. -""""" .... 1-12, ... l/2.l~ J/2.00 .... 14,. 18, rq. l/2.7l ............. , ........ J/U5 UNDEMHIJ.T ;,, ,.,w.r ofi«t • ....._ cmr...t.· 111ic. Of s..fot~ whttc aiaiti<.I CPtt<ia. 1-12, tt11-l/2.7l J/UI ,;.., 14 io 18, reg. 3/l.00 .... , ................ J/2.lt PAJ~,f<>< li\!r, '. ao•'! Oft<I ~Blend el 6l!li Ila· ..... peljiica; ''" """"' "' ...-i ooliil colon. loo& ..... lon&loi""" .... * .. 16, 1¢ l .OO .. .-....... J.tt KNIT SHD.T widt ""own~ lobd bor modi...,.-. """' -la -lllipn and .,i;ds, C:C..plady ..... . ... w.-.-.m ....... 11 .... l.lO " .......... l.9t BUIXY 1I05I _., .,.; ..,nty C... lol>d. ~I """" ml 0..-oaySc blood ia --,To f• ._ l!i·l~ ..,_ UJO '"'!ir'j[IM'iilf"'6/4.lt To fom 10.ll, r.g. lll . .'~ ........... '.-: .. 6/1.H IOYS' UNI STITCH CAltDl6AN llOUCIDI '·" ""9.00 Made just like dad's b tq1 lUlrd hie tha'fUI. PopWt: bdl-•-1171< ia ...w.m..1rUblhle Odon9 oayllc lilllc lri&ic:b. SiJtl 8 ID 12. !im 1_4 .. 20, ... 11.00 ................... ,J," CHILDUN'S SHOIS SAVI! GIR1S' SCHOOL SHOIS 6.11 ..,u~ • .,..,,11.00 Dmsy-kding T_, ii llDO!y-!' for -ml play. Neu io ftd. ar lilkX with flot-rfpplld. iuhblr Oe. s .... ·~·z. .... 10.00 •••.•••.••• , ......... .... STORE FOi ,MEN OUI OWN CltlS1' 91/AUT'Y IN MIN'S FINI l'UIHISHJIGS PAJAllAS U. papuilt....., 1171L ---blood ol ~ pclJt*ti ..d.cocoo ia • wkle .... ·°' ~ ~on. s;.. A, Ii, C, D, "lo 6.00 .............. 4.H or 1/t.00 UNDl!l.SHIJ.TS U. papalu rib-bit cl corDbol-. Nyloo -....... nd. r..n-""""' ~ II, L. Jl, .. l/l.00 Now bluced ............................. i/i.Oe JIOXll SH01TS "dxa Wec 1 L•h wkb • wub+wttt liai& WW. ml """"" ---........ SO. lO "'"-_,. 1.1l "'4 ........... , .... ., .6/UI lli-"'11< Odoo9 "'Ilic .... la ooliil colon. alb 117ic wldt -.... -...wlilc.-* dryolitc. i.oa-ia ._I~., ll."lo l.lO. ... ., ........ I.It or >II.Ii ----·-...i llJloo w...i io ........... mod>ill< -W. Ia Wodi. -.. .u...""'. ,,.,, ,...1.io. ' .. ' · 1.ltorl/UI o.......;au rii..i. .,...., ~..,,.(.,;a"""" blood •--. .. ...u.,,..1.00 ..... 1.norl/4.H ...... -....... _c1_.....,_ ft&. 3JO.U.IO •• ~ il!!.!!! J..!J ~! !.! •••• 1.7' • , , ... • FAMl.flAMI SPOIT COATS Pk.ids, i:htck. and: did co&on iA •pom coaa and bWen. Wool. n.crone p:>lycsca lad wool bltnds in rwo end l-buttoa rtylin~ . rtg. sole rq. · .. l0.00 opo<a """ 4J.OO 111.00 rpom """ - ll.00 """" ..... -lll.00 rpom oow 1'&.00 65.00 ...... .,,.., 14.00 lll.00 --111.00 7l.OO "'°"' """ 6J.OO 14'.00....,.""" lU.00 90.00....,.""" 7&.00 lllJJOopo<acoao IJUI 110.00 llpcxts Olltl tl.00 llGHST SALE OF THI YWI ENlllE STOCK OF MIN'S SUITS Taiknd for thr: maa ol dixrinii"'ria& 1Utt bJ lllCh rlOI n>ilin u lfidtty-Fmmoo, S..m Biodl. -Sttm. and aur OYft ~ labtl. h ·O and l·buttm models wich cmttr or aide-vent JrJ'lin& in fioest t..br~ ol mlllt. ttg. .. 1~5 .00 Nits •.•• 1Jl.00 B5.00 Mu •.•• 7J.OO 165.00 1Uit1 •••• 140.to 89.9l """ .... 17.00 18l.OO rulu .... 157.00 110.00 Mii[J •••• M.00 t9S.OO aui.ts •••• 16'.00 11,.00 alitl ,,,, tt.00 200.00 IOhl ,,,,1Jl.OI 12'.00 auit1 •••• 1DUO 210.00 .Wtt •••• 1IO.OI 13,.00 111it1 •••• 11uo. 21,.00 '°"' .... 1n.11 . 14l.OO rulm ., .. lll.00 ' l2l.OO .Uo .. .;1- llO.OO rulu ... , 1-24).00 .Uu .... 2- ENTIRE STOCK llDUCID! MEN'S Dl!SS SLACKS Sift IDOM7 oow, •ft nm more wbtn you &or nro ptin! We'w redaocd all OW' Rgular -.it llodc in .U woo1........i.. 2·ply warp tkdr. Plo;ds ml d>«b, bop-.a ... ..., heir loop, ab-~d. aod ........ full top podtet mod•ls. ~ lllo reg. .. 20,00 tb<b $1' or J/Ql !l.00 rlarh12' • 2/117 22.9l -$11. 21'JS 37.50 -$JO" 2/119 2l.9l -. UI or 2/$41 ~.oo rlodit SU or 2/$61 27.9l o1orb $U or 2/$41 42.lO olorb UI or 2/SH l0.00 -us • 2/$49 (l.00 tiacb IU "2/171 IOO'Yo OILON LINK STITCH SWIATllt 11.n . ~ 17.00 Fnorhe cluoic ard;p. la machiae wuhoble 100!5 Orioat' ocryli< liolt rdtd.. a.--ia -- wuud d>lon, -· s..., s. M, L. XI. 1 oo•.-OILON UNI STITCH SHllT 5.99 Thlft lKJm:Nl plecktt ii populu link llidt Otloa9 KrTLk tblrt ia b&M.omt fol ~ •Rift. la a wide telectlo11 ol _,,,.,. •>lon.'SU. S, M, L, ZL V AISITY SHOP MOC11'11~1U KNn SHIRTS 1.n rtg. 12.00 1009' OtSMI acqlic with a luzuq k:d. Jtt compieuly machlae wubl.ble1 ~ la. blor. tmcnJd. 111'111 ptprilta .. -All with rbon - Oncs+yeu ••jap oo. .U our adh:iaW .WU. lpOnt ;.dtca and ..-~ ft0m • fl .. "'" cl all ..... ........i, Doaca9 poly.-and wool bland fob<k1 ....... .... did c.olcn a.ad pt.ttum. Cc:imc in Mr for bes ttltttioo! ~~~ :s-;: ~~.~.~ .f~.~.i.\'t P&mOUS make loa,R slttl'td Bao·loD lhittJ ol. nylon With runlmed; .. ~ IJ.00 " .... ' .... " ...... ' ..... 1." suns Ourentir•--X ... .. ... .. 60.0Q.<Sl,OO ..... 49.IO 19.50-9l.00 ..... 7'.• 69.lO.Jl.00 .. .. ..... 100.00 .......... 19.00 79J0.8l.00 ' .... 61.00 lll.00 ... " " "tt.00 \ 125.00 • " ..... 119.IO 5'0ITS COATS Our entire .b:k, ""'Pl fer blaarn 19$~.00 ..... 11.ff ll.N .00 ..... 4'.IO 4'.00.lO.OO .... ,Jl.00 ucao.r ... u.tladt 1791-20.00 ...... lUO !O.oo .. ., ....... - 2l.OO .. "" ' .. "lt.IO l lJO ..... "" .. 17.IO 27.lO ........... JIM I Miits SHOES LONG wlNG 'Ill' .. OGUI ,,," ni. 2'.oo . . ' Jtn""l' ..i. ..i.. ia ..... .._ ~ ........ ...... Empticmal -"""' ......... .ed. -m..u.rourd>obclbiodtabron. •. IUCKLI S'llAP·iiii •OOT . . "·" .... '.ll.00 • Yow1 1.l·••i114' leit tt. klllk of,.,._ ~w:-fll!l· at.I block .,...1...i..r wkb plWI ..._ .i· ...... J.mp.llea'1 .. 8t011. . ' . ' Sl.YllWAIE :-· '.~ .. ' HlllLOOM STRUNG SALi! SAVI JOtt. s. .. "' ""linl pl-, °Cr-. ..... ~ ...... lor .., ----*"'"" .... -Semimonm1, y-i-. ~ lflfrll • --HoU, bekned -., - - . --· PAUL ltlVlll IOWU • Jipr .... "' '117 .... Wllcow, ~ ., - narl<aJ su ... Co. ~ bbie, -~ -......,. ... ,,7,1,9"0..: "'°six, q. 7.'Jll f o'll-. ... •o f;• • ... ~v-., •••••.IM ,. II.It,~ 8.50 ............................... ~ 6" .. RI-11.00 •• ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• , T li.w; rq. llJO • ,, • ·••••••• •••••• ··•• ••• ·I: ....... "" 15.00 •••• •·•••• ••••••••••••••• 1 ,. ... ""17JO ••••••••••• , •• , ••••••.•• ~1111 10"' al.It. ft&. 40.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ l'M'" lilt. na. 60.DO . : •.••••••••• : •••••••• 41.11 COMMUNITY sTAlll.ISS. M.Aca:-. I.ti • 8.9l ' .. . 6-pia ...r: ... loci1rda l Id.,.,._ - onc1 -""k. --1o -v .... 1 .. ; ..., lnat', c..amra•, ll'OldiN', w ....... ~ ., OfteMla SilwttmitbL 'l '. r ...... dontl ..i.i...-... " .n.pr 0.. &. 10 (lo.-POJtj = ~ "'9·-. =-..... A~·C ~!it-Stroca • 1 .. dq. 25·pc. 1ec b 4 .••.•••••.. '··••• .. ref , .. II~ Old r....i ......... ,,.;.w be ~ bofon -"' for ...._ 19'9 detmry: Pill ia .. ado! .. ,.. --llllwe ia ........ !ccrlial ti!.... . ' . • : . '.. ., lAILI UNiNS , , ... ' . mur 9'1111-.u..iri,I clodl. 1-'Oliit. .i.lil""' rtni ft9dblh CISl'WOlk, A pnabl. ewt.IM,~.-.ia wlrll 1"""1 air ,..,.. rlat, ,.._ 4.00 ...... • .... • .. 2.ft iu1r .;,,, ..,. '.\» J.f? $1108" .~ '" _. obloq .. '""' .... o.w ...... ~ ... 7,00 .. "...... . 70" ......... 7.IJO .... CUSTOM TAii.i PADS ao4 tDMdll>a -• ...... a.o1 .. " PJlOIYll• --...,,. wTdt .... = .. fibd .u.yl. Wcio4 ....... .-diaarol !alt ...... . ,,_ meuuriaa lltfb .. t. ••••••• • ••.•••• u ' 1 j I CALAIS alMdodt lly l'llip... b 6i" Doo~1 r, 11• ,.;m1 ... r.,..;,, .1r11 ,......_._ 11n- .... -........ la'-' ~ Soll4 -rill nwdiiq .. botdlw. ..,. . .. '- lOitlO",~l.00 "·"".. '°"'°'· ... uo . """ ~m .. ...,, · w-.,.11.-ot.tt • I .... lt." t1t1r· ....... •» 6hlor .woe,.. · .,. us· ....... tt .. ~ 16.00 .... u .tt " · • " •. WMIL _,,,._,. oaWoclodi lly Cllll.'Hioi·p,;., ................ -·..-c.1.,c1a,.,.,..._ SolJd mlon. ....... onb widt "'~ &!aft, -alf. fritlpl. ,2112·, rea. ,.00 .....•..........••••.. .-.L" lbJO", .... 7.00 .. :l.tt .. -. ... 11.IO '·" -...... 11,00 • ..... 6l<W-...i. 6ait10:r, ..,.12.00 ''" .,. 14.0li. .. ol1tt Napldiil. ... UJO , Ill •IWI UNlll PliMo*. "1 Jiilaaz ml Cdil.rtli',.. fllr dta flar dma -Vtt..ty.d. 7' ··-._;,, ollft, ,,....11'!4,,.... wdll ... ':iicJl' oiw, .. '°°''" 8' , I '. l!m'o..,..·,.oa7:" .... ,,.00 .... 11'" -· • ibii,.. .... • tl.00 .... 12.tt ,. u.oo .. .,,,., 60slOS: ..._ .. It ........ Uo , . <M , .. ., 1t.oo .... 11.... • ' '.. Woodtr 1-....,.,.., 1tt pt.mi c~ ..,,.,.oal.,,11., '"'" on .,.., alife.' 06olo frool I 'olllt ...., el ..._ "• lJS .•••..•••••.••• • • • ••• •••••••········" • • 11 F .llHIDM IUllD • • 11<14DAY, nnJRSOAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL Sell' I ' ~~=----:.-------.~-===::==-===--_.,.,~~~~.._,----~-~----~~~ ·, .... . .., •• ~ ~ ' _, W ...,'.;]:. llC~" I ' .... Wtd"°"", J.-, 2'11 1969 ' • Pl , ). ritATO·,••ucE T J~hirts & Briefs · I . . . ......... 100% combed cotton, fully, cot for superior 1:0nlfort and ta wear biitter and look like new longer. Guaran\eed maclline wasllable. ~ ,, ! • l•Jf Slzu Mei's Sizes ' ' . ·~59:~~. 69~a." .. -i:Jipe ·Tobacco ~- . -.:rcW1m, 11111c IW1., ·~· •Spray, Steam & Dry Iron I · lilllt 25 s1iom bl~ !Ulepialt, allows 9 9· 8 · . deep penitia1ing steam ... "wa_tllirill-• · · ..,,. tolls wlleturs time to ref1~ f.!Z • • ·2.:slice roaster · W/9 positioo slide ·COftlnll anj ~nged 9 98 • aumlrtnr, om higl! tQatsl-~~ !ickel dnmeplal!d, ,_,_ Jlll"is.· T· 11 • · • 4 to 8 Cup -Percolator •.• ,W/oljustabl1 lm.setect0t. Chflime-1 0 . 88 p_l•ted copper body w/stainlesa steel ~~ see-tllru glass bubbler. P-11 • . • Electdc Can Opener . Vpens "I ;.;;;;:M '* · .. ;fingertip 8' 88 · , amtrol pierces CSA , •• magnet hits ' • ~d. Handj con1 storage. ' #!C-11 • -e Portable Mixer V,,,,,titity at J'1I' finger-tip ••• ~I~ medi1m1 or ~w. Sets down on 1 0 88 heel rest like m iroL Bctlchailo 6-~ conlset. 11-41 • ... •• .. t . ' . ' • •' • !t .. ' • ,,-:-..,j,.:. Whipper-Snapper: Do IOO's of tritis · -it Iii~ -flies -spins •• , dis· ~ like magic! 87c '89( !i~tampax'' TAMPONS • Regular, S.per & Juniol 1.U lu of 41'1 . · 1 ~09 ... , WOODLAND~HILLS 23·35j MUUtOllA~V' DRIVE ... . . • BIG DA~ . ~Thurs., ,Jan. 30th Through .~qnday, Feb. 2nd National Brands ..LOW Prices ;·"PLUS .-..·-·---· SpefJft/s at the PHOTO DEPT. histaiilatic Al 24-R CAMEU DUJ111 -No1!1ing1o set · .••• instnt dnlp looli1g. -12 88 . film, fllsilcube. ·batle!ies, wrist mo. ....... l11.1U5 • · •ctotk Radio · AM/Si Iii . Slifl :,;;·rnst;nt s01md wlti AatoinltiC W1ke'-to-Music· 1·2 ·s·a ·featin. Mitt ·flOSt cabinel · , . · .. . .... . .. -~13 • "Poftile laPe·ReCwtier , ' . . . . . . ... . . ' 2 speed recorder, featuring !4Jlo-39 95 mat1c klvel control • , • Gives you up _to twtJ hoUJs recordi~gpmt;_. #21 2 • Men'$ & Ladies Wallets·· • Colo!M ityles •ilk hand crafted quality, U.ing ~ fin'ost lea-lier ao6 Olli!< ~git fashioned materi!ls. II(. U5 ""' 7.51 1.88 3.88 WTMANKODAK Color , Film - . lla4act lor x ••• Cboice of ex • 99c , 1_21J;ex 610arex126 cartiidge · . Wi~ 11 exposures. ' IL e Flashcubes llJ · •ilHCHU" with iutomaUc signal dol 119 , . -~ . Boxoq ••• for 12 f~s~ shots.• • . · Reel. & Cao srr Portable Radio aide -Powertul 111" 'speaker. Carrying case & 9 "It b.ltterr included. List~ridt Anacin I ANTISEPTIC . l.11 t• oz. Si11 "6•9,.. ... "" . ' ' , . ' "II •ru -",wlU i/lr"" .. ·""" l!ose wit b full flow l"'J brass coupUngs. ,;j, i:1; 1 "~ 98 .. · . TABLETS 1.33 100'1 l DI lloaUty l.11111 •.• By lrtilts sue~ as -Perry Como. Dean Martin, frank .Siniln, Gle~C.= · ... 1.49 -. •• '! --.. • MEN Clloestl ~iol po;~.,, Hew"" ~flltti tallries· • 1n JU~ • . . ' '· ;. .... ·-.. PILOT..ADVERTISER-7 WldM<da)'. J""""~· 1'16• . ;.. _,,., ., • • . , ... " , !l!'RT 4 to 8 CUP &offee Maker ~QI~! .. IUJ ' r lADlES'~ C!19ose from "Bandana" long sleeve blouse 4f 100.% cotton with button f<Qlll or. faperej,long 2 9e· sleeve ~I011Ses in 1ss't · colorful pririts. ·32 t1 38 • • · ' '' "C . " , LADIES' _ ~Prl ~ Stretd·cnttln, ny~·n bl1.1e denim and soli-colors "wa n-· 1 I , "'"'" .. ·• nevel ll>n' 2 79 • 1 permaneftt presr iii llzes I ti 11 • 11. Feeding Dish • "11•1t1 TIPJH" -3 com- . ' ~ partm"1t & tray with dortb~ 1 29 . ·. "er-suction base. Includes "eat- ,tly" for'< lftd """· • @ Toilet Trainer DuraiJle plastic seat with built· ·in deflector pnd safety rim for 49c added sllj)pOl'b. White aod colors. • "Sit-n-Sip". "Tommee.Ti,pee•i · IOTTU SlllW '-~u;~ ... Allows baby to .rink Sintll< or doo· 'from lol!le at any ble liaoll• 'liiit• 39c 69c JOHNSON _& JOHNSON rLAmR·s ''Cocktail'' · PfANliTS liibtly Si)tol -V!cuum Packed il4 11. - Cn11" 50 llll·H 1.00 C Z 1z. Size ' ' ISACH HUNnNGTQN llACH ~•= a, ,HUNTINGT~N, au~~.~: . .:. , ' ' . ' ... . ~· Wo!llftd'1, Jlmwy. 'Z'I, 1'16• 9" Ringlets (Set of 4) 71188·· ' ! : .. . ~ t,. .• .. ' ~ .... ·-. . . . ' ' " " . . .. . ~ . ..., '""""' ;, '~ -·1;0·~- 'i'" ·~ :i.. It. "' • ~ • OA .... " 'li " ' . . . -. ' l . \! I I • ( l t \ DEBUT -Glenn Campbell, above, premieres hi& weekly entertainment variety show tonight at 7:30 on Channel 2. Guest stars on the "Glenn Campbell Good.time.Hour'' include Pat.P.,.ulsen, the Smothers Brothers, Bobbie Gentry and· John Hartford. TEl,EVISION VIEWS Eric Hoff er -Airs Views By CYNTHIA loWRY • - NEW YORK (AP) -Eric H-r came into our homes for a second visit Tuesday night -full of ideas, of love for simple people, of scorn for what he calls intellectuals and bursting with vitality and excitement about the wo~ld around him. AS IN HIS previous TV conversation, Holier was talking 'vilh Eric Sevareid. But conversa~ion with the ebullient, sell-educated San Francisco dockworker turned philosopher consists mostly of tossing a queGfQll-·and. thf!ift •leaning back to h&ar the ensuing torrent of words -good words, wise words, words that show a lot of thinking went into m~. . Seated co1nfortably in his San Francisco 'home, Hoffer ranged in his discussion from big wbjects to small, He slashed away at bis critics, scorned the pretentious, told stories, swore like an Infantry· man -8nd nobody blipped one salty word from the tape. Some Hofferisms: "FAME MEANS to be known by people who don't know you. Now, bow in the hell are you going to get ex Cited about that? "Any time somebody comes around and tells me that he bas to go to the top of a mountain to think, I feel like tellin~him, brolber, ~u'd bet1er sit right where you are. You ain't eot nothing to think about." "To me, an intellectual is a man of some edu- cation wbt) considers him~ a,JPember ol. the edu· cated elite with the 'GOO.given 'rlght to direct af· fairs •.• Ee can be .highly educated like Toynbee or like Schlesinger. And lie can be illiterate like Lee Oswald -, Lee Oswald read one book Das Kapital, and he became an intellectual ••• Hitler was an in· telle&lal, too." HOFFER HAD nothing but scorn for Sen. Eugene T. McCarthy. Sevareid told h.im that Mc· Carthy he~ said he didn't think Hoffer was much of a philosopher and he had nothing but affection and admiration for Lyndon B. Johnson who invited him to the White House after the first broadcast. The 67·year~d retired longshoreman suggested that rebellious youth be handled by giving them a college and letting them run it or even giving them a state -he suggested Nevada. He dismissed sug- gestions he was a racist with the same casual im· patience with which he brushed aside the finding of me Kemef 1lw,ort -"the only w;iy the Negro is going to aclileve somettril1g Is by Negroes aceom- plishing something together on their own. All that we outsiders can do for the Negro is wish them well and give mOney." · There was more -much more -crowded into the hour. Altogether it was a breathless, high· ly stimulating 60 minutes whether one agreed or disagreed With the man. ~ARLIE!t NBC had a rather slow 1noving special showing the adventures and mishaps of the David Humphrey! polar expedition of last yea r when the Australian explorer tried in vain to reach the North Pole during the long winter night. It was a tale of bitter cold and physical suffer- ing. The viewer's principal reward was some dramatic color shots of the Arctic iceiand. lt de- feated the efforts of narrators and film editors to make the .adventure seem more than a purposele ss journey beset by frustrations and physical hardship. Detanis the Menace , ~1·"' /• . GORDO I THINK 1llERfS A DEMAND FOR VOUR EIUIEP.CllAN~? By Tom K. Ryan llJ !DIE SIDJLD l5E WITHOCJr A COFFIN CEllAA CllEST, A SllROUD TAlll.ECIDTH,ANDA HEADSTONE . llOOI\ STOP! By Gus Arriola By Mell " W ED Nf~DAY .... • "' .. -IC) (IO) *" °"'!: --I ·--tC) llO) - -!Cl (IO) , ... »"'· ~ lrwl11 Cont', T.,- Afdn, tMI lOflJ' ,,,,. 11*1- U TIIE SIX O'ctOCK MOVIE * CLIFTON WEB-''THE REMARKABLE MISTER PENNYPACKEll" -Color1 ...... -IC) ...... ....... llr. """' • --(C) (--4y) '5t-OltOll Wtflb, Dor-. i llldiulrt. °"'"" ~"" I ... !Cl (IOJ ... IC) 130) ..... .., (XI') "'Panto. .. ..... ~ .., .. • }'Ol'lll SCN'*" llaf'• _,., tdwtntur• 111 larCll'toM, S..l"-tm--. 11 &i.N 11811\M -[C) ,,,. .. -. • .. (CJ [60) CD,.,." a....._" .. [C) (IO) lfll Mw• IN TIM' ••• , (30) .:lfiiOllff Mlttn. • Mlrioft Mllt'Wll tllkl lbM llOl'Mll' llMN....,.t llMI poilltl 9UI: ""* .. ltf'lld'I ltl• f1111· Uy dolllt. GI Cll 111Ill118 -1C1 U RICHFIELD PRESENTS 1~•m 11 -,_. *LOS ANGELES LAKERS IHlff: I- VS. S. D. ROCKETS • "'°'""' '""'· eu .... --.., cc1 m ..... (q (lO) 'l2:H t!l W. 1Wk 'MlllW .. fliJ DI .... W• li¥1 I• (C) (30) Or.t. N •'fh1 Slfn Wltthln." A kllk 11 l:•1 D ... (C)---rn1n'1 u• If IN ll'IOflllOUS "1'ftl' ~-t ..., I" tM "'"' llfttl • upllClltiotl tJI ftlll .. 1• tll (t) tlow tn. .. l'llf' "'91ibly lit .. ltf'OJld '!lftldll 50 ltlialoft ,.,._ l:1S B ~ -nie ..._ , .... ..,...... ....... (.._.) ,._T._ Wrwit. Mii T H UR \04Y DAYTIME MOVIES l:to D (t) """ ,_, ~ l•.t· Ifft) '5f....ht WIJl'I, T•o1111t Crlia. l:ll 8 "h .,... T-a Mu'" (cem 1111) ..._.,,. Wnt. 11:110-r ......... w.W" (4nl· IM) '45-fftdril ~' Slllp ... """'· --' U:IO CD '1H ,_ ... c.n.a." ( .... flll) '47~-"""· ..... , .. ..,... 1'1011-. -·-'S3-MD ..... 1111 Cl~ >:JOO"•Lll~•-·1- ·s>-~.......,..-.. ... .... C:llBICI -.., """t-·11__,.-. ..... D JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS D NEWSPAPERS Outlity ,ri,,tin9 1H D•P•~1\tl• 5,,.,.;r., for m.r• th•• I 9v•tltr •' 1 C111fu,y. JJ11 WftT IAUOA llYD. NIWl'OIT IUCH l .. .. ---------...... -------------,...-------------·---- ' . ~. I • t I I • • • • ' • • • ~· ~ • • • L lo -;, •• • ~ • • .. .. • ~ •• .. . • . ... . . .. • . .. " • . " . . .. ,..._ -· ... . • ·• v .... •. ' ... . . . • ~~ . . .. . .., -.,. ···-"". .... . .. . .. . .. ... t9 ..... ~ .. .. .. ••• .•.. -· • .. . ... .. . .... .. .. ·•· • . -. . -~. :ti q . ..i.41 ... ·- Ill . ; • ... Cl ... .. •• • ,.t, .. . .. ~, ... A•'• 1 ... . ... . .... .. -· ,,, . ,. . .' . . • • • • • . ·r" .. ... .. •• • .. .. .. " • .. .. .. •I .. .. .. " • f' .. .. .. • • @ •· -• -· ' .. • . ' . -.... •• . ... • . :· . . . • ... ,.., .. . ... ~ .,. . • . . "• .. ... •• ... ... .. •• . -. . • . ' ' ' . . • . . • . . ' • I • • •• • • ' - ' , .. • ~ Co m-m-u n i-C a r n iv a I SPECIALS FAMOUS BRANDS SPORT COATS CLEARANCE SALE 20% TO 70% OFF THE PREP SHOP SOUTH COAST PLAZA LOWER L(VEL Com m_u _n i Car n_i v a I SPECIALS CALIFORiN1A GROWN ROSE PLAITS . . :·: GRADE 11/2 ALL COtORs· -1 Includes Climbers and Tta Rose 1i111• 1.19 1969 DAILY AIDS •••. 77 .. 1.19 .. 99c WOOLWORTHS SOUTH COAST PLAZA !UPPER & LOWER LEVELi CommuniCarnival SPEC I ALS DRESSES MISSES AND JR. SIZES REG. TO •1000 30.00 THE WEt ~,SEAL SOUTH COAST PLAZA., UPP£R LEVEL OMMUNI I.HURi., FRI., SAT. I I Wtdnnday, ~ 29, 1%9 aza SERVED WITH A FRENCH FLAIR The Home of the fiflel Tower Burger LE PETIT CAFE ., SOUTH qpAST PLAZA Lower Levei.:..Next To Carousel Com ~~-" i Car~ i ~~I SP,ECIALS ., ' WOMEN'S SALt ·SHO·ES • ,/ , -!I I • CASUAi. DRESS " .. . s19r · s291 AND ) TH~M McAN I SOUf H COAST PLAZA ' II ! !UPPER LEVELi i I. . CommuniCarnival SPECIALS rosT COMPLETE SELECTIONS •/ FOR YOUR VALENTINE ~ GIFTS FOR YOUR SWEETHEART AT VALENTINES ~ALLMARK STATIONERS i SOUTH COAST PLAZA LOWER LEVEL ARN IV AL , JAN~ 30th, 31st, ~. Commun i·C a r n iv a I SP E C·I A .L.S DELICIOUS . . SESAMI STIX , 2 PKGS. ·99¢ These Are Re«Jularly 98c ' HICKORY FARMS of OHIO SOUTH COAST PLAZA • -LOWER LEVEL - CommuniCarnival SPECIALS CANVAS FOOTWEAR · · Values 5.00 to 7 .00 SJ29 JOYCE SHOE TREE SOUTH COAST PLAZA "UPPER LEVEL" Commun i Carn i val SPECIALS .. "WHER E THE ACTION IS" .. DIG OUR GROOVY SALE ENTIRE STOCK OF ~ WINTER AND HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE R~~~~D 25% TO 60% HUBBUB SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~WER Jy,L PEC 'llL .S FEB. Isl ·. DAILY PILOT :JS J ' ' I l I ! I • . l•IW'- ' •' ') ~ ' J ? '· " ' I Wtdltlesdlr, Jc11wy 29, l1J6t CommuniCarnival SPECIALS GENE'S sophisticated fashions upper level South Coast Plaza DRESSES Reg. $20 to $90 A 9reat selection of famous name brands from our regu- lar stock. Knits and wools cas- uals, party dresses and cos- tumes, in misses and junior price sizes. GENE'S SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL CommuniCarnival SPECIALS FASHION JEWELRY HANDBAGS·· GLOVES S~ VE 1/4. TO 1/2 ·1l1 I • CLUTCH BAGS NOW ••• $149 Rec.1. 3.00 to 6.00 CHIC ACCESSORIES SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL CommuniCarnival SPECIALS -LEEDS- Semi Annual Cj)uali Craft SHOE SALE DRESS STYLES Were 8.99·9.99 299 CASUALS 199 ., NOW LEEDS SHOES SOUTH COAST PLAZA · OPPER LEVEL OM·MUNI --THURS., FRI., SAT. Co,mmun Carnival SPE 11ALS LIGHTWEIGHT TERR WRAP R JUMBO 45" x 72'' BEACH TOW S Reg. 8.00 500 650 ---+----TERRY BRA TOP and SHORTS White Only 400 Re9. 6,0D e BANKAMERICARD ELASTICIZED TUBE TOPS te, Sollds, Strf,.-1 1 so l z.so MASTER CHARGE THE HOUSE TERRY I EAST WING LOWER C OUSEL MALL . SOUTH COA5;. PLAZA 546°206 ' CommuniCa,nival SPECIA S YOUR CHOI E!! \ CANTREC E PANTY H SE DEMI TOE IN NEW FALt: C ORS OPAQUr·· PANTY HOSE""' COM~ IN 20 COL .• s· . 1 ~ 0MESA ' PANTY OSE .' ',.· ' ' ' ALBERTS HOS RY SOUTH COAST PL ZA UPPER LEVEL CommuniCarniv I SPECIALS I SINGER DISCOU T TOUCH .. AND stw ". ~· ' MACHINES 1 60 00 ~~OISCOU~S I •1~j In Some c .. :~~s I SING~R-~E~~NG_ CENTE~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA ,, UPPER LEVEL . ' .~·ARN 1-V A .. ! · IAN. ·30th, 31st,.· ' ) - CommunlCdrnlval SPE 'CIALS ' . 'MONTAGS ' 100 SHEnS '. SO DECORAJED ENVELOPES : SOUTH COAST DRUG SOUTH COAST PLAZA -LOWER LEVEL - CommuniCarnival SPECIALS 3 DAY SHOE SALE DRESS . ~.EELS :118~ ~ . 2 for 21°0 .Jo:. .... ~ .... ' ~\ h ,,. ·-"'lf I ~. CASUALS 680 FIELDS SHOES SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL Commud'iCarnival SPECIALS NAME BllAND DRESSES • 511 _ 711, ·.12aa :· · VALUES TO $40.00 ' . .. ·'' SKIRTS .:~ s5aa MARLENE•S SOUTH COAST P~AZ~ UPPER., LEVE.L PECIALS • FIL -lat • · - ' ' .I ' ~ '· ' ' ~ '. . ' -~ I ·' ' ' ! ' . ' I l ' ........ ________________________________________________ __., • I .. ) • C • m • 1nic·ar1I11 a I SPECIALS c;,. ... ,,.,--= ONLY 500~ < ONLY 25000 To tho girl who •now1 what she w1nll but not whore lo find it. Mitch your style with our m•ny distlnctivo designs. JEWELS by JOSEPH SOUTH COAST PLAZA LO)YER LEVEL CommuniCarni11al SPECIALS "SPINNER IN" \ 1 1qRo~ !A~~; .. . 10 Gram C -i BALL __ ..• , ' •••• 1.40 THI <t KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA ' -LOWER LEVEL - Comm11niCorni11al SPECIALS ' " GENE'S sophisticated felhions I upper level, South Coast Pl•za SWEATERS ' REG. $9 TO $11 Pistol wools ond wo1h1bles 5 o~onll 1r.p-on1 and luscious, white bull<y orion C.rdi91n1. ·· EA. GENE~S SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPa LEVEL OMMUN .I THURS., FRI., SAT. Comm1•ICar1l11al SPECIALS LOST WEIGHT? • COMPLETE ALTERATIOO FOR MEN AND WOMEN let our master tailors recut or r1- cfe1l9n the 1tyl• or 1i1• of y~ur 1•rme11t to toCJay'• slim loeli:. You wlll l:ie cl•l19htecf with our com~ plete !'nocf•rnl11tlon1 at popul1r price•! • Custom Clothln, • Expert Rew111ing •• House of . Tailoring SOUTH . COAST PLAZA -LOWER LEVEL - Com m.1 n IC a r •I 11 a I SPECIALS WERE NOW $1H 00 KNIT PULLOVERS . .. 2i5 $12.H JHOft IL.1111 2 i 500 SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 WASH ANI WI.I.I 2i1'° SLACJ<§ $7.00 HA.NI IN'1' rTA.UA.H 2000 V Neck Sweaters $JI.GO WOOL a IUNH $14.00 ... '7 ... $10 DRESS SLACKS $JD.DD TIADmONAI. $41.00 •• '30t!55 SUITS $75.00 HA.,.,.IAL SH:qi~ $JD.OD to '22,!35 SPORT C TS $50.00 RAY WILSON'S Me11'1 Shop SOUTH COAST PLAZA -LOWER LEVEL - Comm11nlCarnl11ol SPECIALS TAI~~ of WOOL and OR1LON SWEATERS Small-Mecl.-Lanie Rl~TO •1000 23.00 THI ' 1WET SEAL SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL ARNIVAL JAN. 30th, 3111, .. ' * ·- CommuniCarnl11al SPECIALS 45 ·PIECE SET Service for 8 APOLLO -WARE MELA MAC~ Complete 1ervic• for I 1t1inl•11 fr11 cups encl full IO·inch dinner pl1t11, colored "'1tchln9 1cc111ori11. Choo•• from l lovely p1tt1rn1: Ro11 lud, Blue, lilly or Princess. -( 59 9 !G. 14.99 WEISFIELDS JEWELERS SOUTH "COAST PLAZA "UPPER LEVEL" CommuniCarnivol SPECIALS OUR FAMOUS •. BRANDS OF FALL IRegulor Stocki ' • Dresses • Slacks Reduced • Bermu~s • Suits • Sweaters • Coals 1 l • Tops • Shoes 72 • Skirts • Accessories , or more. South Coast Plaza Upper Level 540-2257 CommuniCorni11ol SPECIALS CHOOSE FROM OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ROBES LOOK AT THE PRICE TAG AND TAKE 1/2 OFF SABRINA SHOPS SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL PECIALS FEL 111 .,.· DAILY PllOT_'JlJJi • '/ -r l I --------------• -··----~ ... .._~~-~--=20'"-'-'--'·~"=·A0<-'27'•='7'-"'""'"'"'°H"=l::C"'"'"":t-a=---:c·=-·-::.;:-c_:•~· --"--' L' ='---"'-'" ''-'-• ~~-'-' ~~~' .'._~··~-~ • • ~-_.'._ .. -._ t, _ ~ ~ t.. • ~ t-::."":o-.r.:.t ......... I i I r I DAILY PILOT WtdMSC!ay, January 2', 1%i) Rams Beef Up With Re ~eiyers LOS ANGELES IAl'I -Th< Los Angeles Rams' 196! training camp may become the sctne of a ferocious pre.season <.-ooflicl -the batUe of the receivers. The National F'ootball League club picked up two of the best in the <.'Ollegi· ate raili Tuesday in the NFL-AFL com· moo drarl -Southern California's Bob Klein and Notre Danie's Jim Seymour. But Los Angeles ' top choice was a running back -'big Larry Smith of F'lorida. Even he Is capable of hauling In the passes. The sptedy halfback I.! a formtr rlanker AU were grabbed up by the Rams in the dr<&ft's first round. ln addition to its own first round pick, Lo5 Angeles llad two others, the result of sending Gary Bebao. lo Washinjlon and BIU Munsoo to Detroit. .;.. In other draft selecUOfl.\, the Rams Chose John Zook. Kansu' All-American defensive end in the fourth ' round; Pit Curran. a linebacker from Lakeland, Wis., in the sixlh round, and Gene LUNC H TIM E -Golden \Vest College center Dave Prather sticks out his big right arm to block layup attempt by Citrus' Ti1n !\1eza. Al 6-9, Prather didn't even have to leave the floor fort this block on Meza, ffl.Wkina. I dtfeoaive beet fr l·m Nebraska, in the seventh. Rounding out the Rams cbolcts is A. Z. Drones, a tack.le from West Texu Slate, ~ in a sinh-rotlnd trade with the Allfnla Fal..... t Kliol•, ... loloot-4, ~ .li&hl eod3· <a111ht ZS posses la< 117 yat)ll two 1<>udxlowJis for~ Cal Ip 1161. '. AccordilJi lo USC'S ~. he'1 IOI (he "hands of a basketball player," not unusual since be played the game In high school ~Jld with the Trojans' frahn)U IQllld., ~·1.•beeti ~ al 4,9 In the 40. ·, Seymour ls · even speedier at 4.1. The H , llll pounder ''"'&ht SS pasgea f0< 7ll yum and lour l!!Ud>;loWlll u the '11111 .... '"' tbt lrill Iii 1111. He l'l!'> oel -_. al• Nilu 1,)0mo; bauli" lo 131 -IA!<; :r,111 tlnla tlld " -smhlt is a Zit paoindor. 1lM "1 - hu run the 100 in 1.1. According to Ram Coleh George ~llen, ·"Smitb 11 the fellow we really wanted. We DAILY l'ILOT ,...... W l.-l'IYM \vho stand s a foot shorter at 5-9. Golden West turned back Citrus, 81- 74, and are now faced with big weekend games . with · Mt.1 SAC a1\(I Fullerton. I , ' • ... Pirates Suffer Third Straight Defeat, 100-87 This Is Justice ? Laker's Win; Judge , Jury, Executioner: Co~ntS Key ' f ALTA LOMA -Visiting Orange Coast College lost its third straight Eastern Con!erence basketball game here Tues- fiay night. dropping a 100·87 decisi-On to ChaHey College. The Pirates. who have now lost four out of their last fi ve conference games, stayed wilh the Panthers for 37 minutes, bul then faltered down the stretch. Orange Coast was only down by three points. 8}.3Z, \\then Chaffey exploded behind Bob Beam and Caesar Garcia to break open the game. Beam popped in a pair of jumpers and then Garcia made a pair of steals to key Chaffey's fast break and the l'anthers were off on a 15-fi blitz that buried the Pirates. Orange Coast only Jed once, r.arly In the ga me. and hung close to Chaffey Jn the ope ning ha1f mainly on the shooting of Phil Jordan. 'Mic big forn•ard. who led the Bue attack with 19 points, scored 17 in the first 20 minutes. Four other Pirates wound up in double figures -Rich Stickelmaier ~ 15). f.1ike Flaherty (14.), Tim Salyer (131 and Jim Kindelon (II), Scoring honors 1venl to Bcatn , ~·ho collected 32 points on I l held goals and 10 free throws . O••"" c.111 un , .. J•tobu·n JD"ll ... Slkko•m1~r Sii'"' IClnde'ion f'lll'ltrty Mc(...-Un );1rctorov• ' ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ·'· ,, Cl'l•tlt~ fltcll " It It I• • 1'1000 0 • • 1' C.I«•• I 0 !I IS ll><>m•• I 1 lO l J LI•"' l 0 1 11 Gl<>l'lk• • 1 14 HB•N lO • Ci>Pul• 0 J J BN'm l1 10 .l7 HIC~I I l 11 Tolol1 lt 1J 11 lo!th JI 71 100 H1tllh•• ICOf•. ("-11•¥ •I. Or•<1Vf {Cl\I •l CIF Bod y Plays Them All ~; 0:~t~!, ~~~~8•1 .. Judge, jury and executioner. That's the triple role efficiently acted out by lhe CIF executive committee that slapped down Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor High School with penallies for alleged violations oC regula- tions governing the C a 1 i f o r n i a Inlerscholaslic Federation ( C I F ) Southern Section . Whether the accused were guilty or innocent is not of primary concern here. What is in focus is the swift, unjust way of handling the cases, whi ch the CIF body calls juslice. Neither of the accused was brought WHI TE WAS H ... _, ...•.•.•.... to the hearing lo hear charges and accusations being thrown abOut. Instead. CIF commissioner J . Kenneth Fagans, a resident of Balboa Island, presented his evidence and the wheels went in motion. The executive c.:orntnitter fell the evidence was solid enough to find the schools guilty. But. before notifying either sc hool or the futdings , giving them a chance to appeal, lhr victims \.\'trc led to the CIF ga!IO\.\'S, had thr CIF' noose put around lheir nticks and then hanged, according to CIF 1ustice. Lou Joseph, Jim Faul or Rev. Thomas Kiefer or their summary form of justice. Spaulding is the principal of Buena Park High School, who has served 13 years on the executive commjltee. His term is up this June. But un· fortunately he's ooe of two Orange c.oun- ty nominees to nn the vacaney whlcb will be created when his time expires. Hopefully the other man -Ferren Chr~· n of Westminster lllgh -will be bal led into Spaulding's position. T t y,·ould be a major stride toward getting some democracy when our schools get involved "'ith the CIF. And what a welcome change that \YOuld be for all concerned~ A round the Bea& Tht best prep basketball team in Orange County is unquestionably HQ. tingl<MI Beach HIP. But the Oilers will probably never get the chance to move from sttODd lo first place in the ratings because undefealt!d Garden Grove plays hi lht ~tkkey '-louse Garden Gn>ve Leapt · and will not lose in regular se1&on play. H11nting1on, tw•timc coonty champion, lost lo Garden Grove, 56-ff. 11 early season before the Olien coe on 11 bow good Let \Valters ts. Wltb Walters in there, the 0Uer1 would bury Garden Grove. If the rains keep up. Anaheim Stadium may becQme the world·s largest ouldoof swimming pool. Laker coach Bill van Breda Kolff , believes slender 7-foot center Mel Counl!I may be the k.ey to his team's chances of winning the National Basketball Association liUe. Tonight the Lakers take on the San Diego Rockets, 22--30 in the Western DivbJclll of the NBA. Van Bredl Kolff praised the former Oregon State All·American foUowing a IZ&-118 victory 'l'Ue8day night at h<ime over the 01.fcago Bulls. The coach, in praising Counts, is taking his three super· stars for granted. The trio of Jerry West, Wilt Cham- berlain and Elgin Baylor SCQred 81 of the 12$ Laker points in the Tuesday victory -Los Angeles' 20th in 24. hotne games this seuon. "Mel has been shooting extremely well for the last hrc:t weeks," the coach said. "As long as he takes hill time when he's shootiig, I think he will con· tinue to shoot well.'' Big Mel had 15 points in the Laker triumph. -tr CHICAGO LOS ANOILIS • ' T e P T llot,...IM.11 ' .. It 1!11ylor 11 2.J 3' ·-· " ~ 2' Cl'llrnbtrltin I •11 M H• .. ir. " •• 14 C-b l 1·1 15 SIOI~ • ,, 11 ErldclOIO 1 1·1 15 W1thlntlo" • ,., 1f W.11 I 12-U X Clem..,. ' N n c,.wfofd 1 M 2 ,..._,, ' .. w,1u ' » 4 Et•n llH1 1 H• ....... 1ns t O.t t Ho-win 5 1.J 11 Tot•I• 4t »l< 111 To!1ls 50 u.,n 121 (1'11Ct90 ll 7t ,, 21-ll• Lm A!lll•ltt I! 12 .U a -125 Foulfd Qlj! -NOM. Tc!•I !oul• -Chltft9t 21, L• .e.""'" n .t.t1tn<11nte -l~.121 • • Ill Pro Draft f0< all three ol them -Smith, S.,,mcli and Klein. They doo'I have to cu!<) the load -and yel they 'll be .a to help ua to aome uttnt lhlJ year. •. \ ~ "And I.ht rea.son they'll help us Dllfl,• 1 Allen said, "is that all three al thaL. , are coming out of top college ~ 1 pellllon." • . Thi Rim coach aho praised than "' ~ "bi& tarattc. Clll llllJ ~e .all excellllll;; rectlvm. 1 don' mwi ·toad recelven ~ - J mean eictUent '' 1 ... Chirt£se . At SiJcal wtten Southern CiJllomla Colleg( basbtball coach Bob Reid agreed" to play the touring Republic of 'Cltiaa bastetbaJI ttam recently, the last thing he o pecttd to e& CQUJ\ter was a hetgHt disadvan- tage. But that's how it 'Will be tonight at the Co:fta Mesa sch<xll'!!I gym when the Chinese!. cagen !!IQU&re off ac;ainst Reid's vanguards at a. TwO of China's ·forwards stand M and center <lien Wei tower!!! 6-7. Slt of the 1$-man , ~ team stand 6-3 or higher.~ The Vanguards relum from a tbrtt-pme road t:ri> in Northern Caillornia for tonight's tipoff. The Asian contingent hat been playing Canadian, U.S. and Mat.can teams since mid-December. "We lbauilll -the Chinese team wouldn't lla.Vt ·many players over six feet but now we' learn that they have three men taller than our bigcellt boy ao we•n really have to fight for the rebounds,'" Reid said. Bulldo,gs' Home Edge Too Much f 01· UCI, 83-6~~ By EARL GUSTn:Y OI .. D9ltr PUii Std FRESNO -UCI's buketball team has a cleare.r undentanding today of. v.•hy Fresno Slate bas lost only one game in the past four seasons on its home court.· Most coac:bu consider even a good basketball oUici1l merely tht best of a craven lol But ·in their San Joaquin V1 lley tOCCIUfttlr ·hert Tueaday eventag, the Ante1ter1 drew rock bottom in Art Stone and Everett Smith. That pair 1ssJ1ted Fresno lo a runaway . .... d .. . u -l _..,,,., ecwon, putting CI tn • position of having to win practically all itJ re-. maining games in ortler to seeure .t ~-se_ason NCAA colle1e division playoff 1nv1taUon. UCI is 12-6 Joing into. Saturday nighl'• Crawford Hall matcb with Cal Slate (Fullerton). Jn all fairness, the officiating wu horrendous. "Please don't write down al I micht say after the game," commented UO coach Dick Davis llJ balftiml when the Anteaters were down, 4.J-33. ' . GIRL GETS RIDE, WI NS AT NASSAU If our courts followed the CIF 's ide;i of democracy, two Orange Counllans recently arraigned on a murder charge might have been execuled before it could later turn out they were innocent. Surely. any one accused of something Illegal, immoral or unethical should be present when his case is being heard. Too. that eliminates chanre for the ar· cuser to stack thr test1mon~. Rustlers· Get by Owls, 81-7 4 Davis was furious rilid way through tbe second half when forward Jeff CWl- ntngham was knockef to the floor ,. hard on a layup It• didn1 look like. He'd gel op for 1 fttk. He dld, with • knot "' th< bad ol bit h<ad. Five minutes later a· Fr.no Slate ~aintenance man wu on the floor, mop- ping up a wet spot and the officiall• didn't stop the - NASSAU, Bahamas I AP) -Pert. pig- tailed Barbara Joe Rubin broke the sex barrier Tuesday by raciQa: ap.iD5t. Baba· ll'lian malr JOCieys at NllMltl'S ffobtty Horse Hall -and woo the nee. The 19-year-0\d former exercise girl had failed in attempts to race in Fb'ida wt>en Jockeys boyrotted her scheduled race artcr she obtained • jockey's license The 109-pound girl nder won by thret 1engths aboard Fly Away and brought her blliC:kers $2.90, $2 45 and $1.20. l Admittedly, the CIP erecutivr com· mittee is abou~ as low in stature as any admini!trative echelon you rou\cl hope to find. But democracy start.~ at the lowem lev el. Wbeo one group can get away with snuffinR out justice. as the CIF etec:\ltlvr committee has. it's a danger sign to the way of life we 've fought a numbrr of wars to preserve. We: don't need Dick Spaulding, Art Hobson. Steve Milelich. Claud Hardesty. By JOEL SCHWARZ 01 m. 0. .. 1'1111 Slat! Dick Stricklin was afraid his Golden \\'est basketball team m!tht be caught lookJ.ni: ahead to Saturday nigbt'1 gamci wllh Fullerton and the RusUers nearly were Tuesday night u they a.lipped JJ,' winless Citrus, 81·7•, at Orange Coast College Tht \.rin enabltd Golden West to ktep pact "'i th confcrenct leader f'ulltrtc:tn, 1<1•hich rn1shed Rio Hc:tndo Tuesday nighL, 8Hi9, to up il!!I 11eunn mark to 8-0. The Ru!llers, who trail the J{ornel! by two games, are now 6·2. \ Golden \Vesl, with the exception of the opening five minutes of ,.ctien, played erratic bMteu.u, tuminr the bill! over 13 times on a variety of miltakea. Only • good sllootiog tlJllCh from the fkK>r -M percent fot the game - Cllnll' equally poor beJl.MndliD,I and 110me (int dfllenaive wort by Brian Ambrotich prevuited the Rustlers from beln& embarrassed by the Owta:. After racing to a 1:>6 lead in leJlll than nve minutes of pll.J, G<tten Well had a struggle on its han& tbe rest of the Wl)'. Chaffey managed to even the 11core at one point in the first hall at 30-$0 and Goldeo Wllit cClJ led 11J a 1'uUI, J&.3S, at intmn111kla Mll1tln topped thO Rtatlm with 20. Cl9rw (Nl -..w ,_ , __ ....... -·-"" Mc'"' .. ., .. " 11 I J Ill I J I 11 I I I lf J t I tt J ' J 1 I t f 4 t I l t e t I f " "11 ,, ·--"'· ... -... "' -l ''" ---I I It """"' ,,,,. Mlltlr J 1 2 11 ~ .,,, (.,....... Ill.$ ~ I I e I ~·"*' I t I I Kerft tll t H1rdl"9 J t J I 1'1yNtr 0 ~ I 0 ,...... • • ., " ti lkst "7 di:ii ~ Divis was too daz~ to-• ,..._.,...,.,, ... "' " J l ' ' --.... ...... ...... :.'1~ '"''"" - ' t ' " 1 1 ' 3 I j 11 t ' ' s f t I ti! I 1 • t ) 1 0 • UC,,..,,...(,.. ... ,, "' Qllwll ....... _ t I J \I -'I '• Hie~ .... ~ J J 11 s.bln1 I J J lf .... "'. ,,,, "11rlf•, 011) Mn<! 11 11 ~ti It 1 I Gll~lr111>lch 1 1 I 6 rtch Otlt """ '''; "-"kl• I I I Tclolt :'I )1 l'G U TGl•h h 11 H 1111· 'l•lmlM tar-· rrf"l!'le Si.It •I, UC trvl"" ~ . . I ~ I! .. I~ 1 .. ,;I I • • L l 1 ! , . • ' l . < ' • ·' J Hi he~ 96' o)f o I od °' w ad h ... " il'd Tl m• ca ~o~ hai oc ) he Ti l!ld "· t, ' • , • ' ' -,, f' ·, ~ ·I I . >j , " • ' • !' Jo ' ii • .. DAILY l'ILOl JC l\'s Up ·set of the Year? ' I •• ~ars Rip Colony, 59-37 •I" o.t.IL Y l'tlof• .-, "'' O'~ LIKE THE MATADORS DO IT -Marina Hi gh's ki'~k ~1osicr (23) 1nakcs like ;i matador during Tuesday basketball action \\'it.h \Vestern. Sidestep- ping is Gle11n Nygard. Marina players in the back- ground are Buddy l\'Ioen (21) and Kipp Baird {431'. . . . ',: : :· ,., _ .. ,.::: " _ .': Vikes Go Cold, ·~ . i ~~q;W:fli:t ~,(lg~~-·:.r~~!!J:ey .. :·: W es~~fillJN.a~~ ~ iln Spe~·ial R unoff Vote ~~~~~p:~~~:~1~ _'l ; School's basketball confines resday ~1"1s ·Hall rclf'a~l'tl l!u.• names or s1doration had bcfn gi\'cn the creden tials afternoon. he vSiX athle tes who :ire honored ff1r nf Ver.a Caslavska or C7.echOSlovllkia, And it \V3S coach Lute Olson of the 96f Helms 1'rophy '1\l'H rds. These gn \Yho \YOn three J!old medals in gym-host Vikings who was doing the shaking n~~ to 'ani.'.ltrur nthletes. There ;:Irr naslics. including the all-around. as he Watched his quintet suffer through 10 jicPeilters. An ath lrtr n1uk es it once Other 'Europeans who were given con-an incredible cold fourlh quaslter on ndi no longer is eligible. ~idoratlon includctl David Hemcry or its way to a 61.sJ deieat at the hands OCr Vole V•as taken in Dcrrmbrr. C:rcat Britain. 48 I in lhe 400 meter of Western. \~f ,Qiscussed th,c. t:ip cantlidates from hurdles; \'ik.l.or Saoeyev. USSR. 51-0:V, in acll or the S.ix r.ontincnts in rletall. the triple jump. hen: voted by raisc.d hands. ThC'rc n·cr<' Janis tusis, USSR.· 91·er 300 f~t in f~ rtlnoffs 'brl\1 Ccn athlet es ''·hn hJrl th e javelin: Vladimir Gplubnichiy, USSR, i£"ct;I or '"·ere rlpsc 1 l\C first \1n1e around v:ho repeated hiS ~960 ( R.opic) v~lory T~c ,touAtiest nut (i) crack was North in !he 2!(000 rril'lcrs 1\ralk, and· Viorica 1n!P'ica. r-.-Jy ov.·n thought v.·as-that Bob Viscopoleanu, Rl.Jmania, world-record rat"iOn should hare hccn a shoo-in. long .fin.np of n..41 :i. 1o~Ver, lhc first \'o\c shJwed decathlon f.iatr'to Woldc of Lthiopia won th<' h<*lpion Bill Toon1ey of Lacuna Beach ,11rard for Africa . flavlng ;;u~ecded ·o •sc that a runoff .,,,a~ railed 1\bcbc Biki!a as marathon champion a~ I ~1c1•e the rinal vole was 4-.J, Beamon wrn :i.~ lt.iking 1he silV£'r ffiedal at 10.0011 hr ' nnrr. rn rtcrs. l\tp Kr1no. hest of the African Those among us who vntrd for Rra1nnn runnrr~. v.·nn the a,.,. a rd in l!Ki5 and i;1d \1•hat \IC cn11s1dcrcd to be J::O'Od e::.ndd .'net re):>cat. Un.do!fbtc<{l~t -K~il11 '\ • ' ' , , j "' tlf tr<¥'"' "''"ct trr,i~c i"~ , ! 'II , ~ r'l1r Au'stralia 'it"~ ci()s(!' elween *".,...•******•**" f.l 1chacl Wenden and Ralph Doubell, bott1 ······********* !.TILES 1':l9>n~ Decatl'llon C'h81nr1on!I and lt.t'!r · rt•4'rf!s come and go. • l311L Bob Bl'amon's !ung·Jl11np rrf Or(l r •~•i is liable to ouUast the 20th cnthty. It was th!! grcAlesl single crformance in the hl'slorv of any i.wt. urttrer. Beamon had i:4"t ·R world indoor l'Ortl and was undefe<Jll'fl 1n major orrt~litim for !!68. · ·· · TfifY w111 ·be t11lk111g abu111 n<:anw11 ntfltld.<f fanlaslic 29-2l : For n1anv yr:ir~. 1ilny generations' after IJ'oomty ls fotgot· 11,rlp! I nr A11stralia . Doubrll won the 800 meters in 1.44"1 at flfe.xico Cii, ~s time eqtrnl . ~ei!Y C~1~~!ii~1<fc~1. ~~~Jnf ~~~ the 100 and 200 meters freestyle in th e Olympics and setting a \\'Orld r('('ord ·of 52.2 in the JOO. nccision to \Ve!'lden' For-South A·m't~rlca th<' winner V.'a~ i'\cl~n Prudencio or Br31:il, second place ;it ~ in the triple jump .. The Asian ;iv.ard WC'nt to the gymnntlcs all-around lhampion, Sav.ae Katch of Japan. ' . West i n 133-12 7 •' f\11-Star Vic tor y· \Vhen Sc:oU Division hil a bucket for ·the Vikings to make it 48-48 with 5:32 to go in the Sunset League test it marked the last time a field gof'.I would be registered for the Yikes. From that point the host schopl missed ils Iiist II attempts from the fleld y,·hile \Vestern was igniting with seven free throws and two field goals to win it easily. Olson of the fallen Viking5 ,-apped his team's efforL'i from the free lhrow line. ")Ve mi.liscd live limes ~n the fir st shot of one-and-one situation~ and made only one. That's just like .throwing the ball out of bounds." he sa:id,, The Vi.kcs were in foul ll'ouble gain to some degree. Buddy Moen went out on five personals with. 7:28 to go and Dick Ivie and Rick Mosier were sadcBed with four fouls throughout the most of the second half. It had appeared for a while in he third period that the Yikes were going to pull oU an upset of the Pioneers. OJson's clew had run ~p a seven-poin t margin 11t the hair and !eemed to have things fairly under control even midway thrdugh the fourth period. MttlM Ull WtJltr~ Ill\ M-'er .. 1•19 • lefrd ... ·~· 01vlit.n~ fntll~ ..... . '!ft• ... I I ":: ,, " ... 19 S I • II 0'1Cttte 5 I ' 11 EdW•rO• l .1 1 7 ·Gtlt 5 0 1 10 P•ltt0> 2 ,, ' ' lftlltt!• 1 0 I l Hfllrd ii 11 II ll D••I• 09bor"' ··-'"'' .,,,,. '• °"~~~. ~ f ~''" I• It •f 19 ' • s • • ' , u I 0 I 0 I 1 • { ? s 1 t ' 1 1 u I 0 f 1 . ' ' • ' • 1 1217 lt'1 ., 11-$.Z It; 11-41' • ,Surging ' \Vestminster ~on its fourth game in its last five outings Tuesday with a 71-&3 decision over the Santa Ana Saints in a Sunset League ba sketball duel at S"\l)a Ana. tlhe ~ons, who currently hold fourth plaCe in. the Sunset circuit, played slop- pily at certain Urnes, but trailed orlly once, 4-3, early in the game. Balanced Kvrlng turned the trick for Westminster With Randy Combs leading the way With 21 points, followed by Dan Br~rick (18) and Jeff Powers ( 16). .Combs, who has come on impressively in the last few games, according to coach Ben Taylor, cashed in on nine fielp. goals and three charity tosses for his game. total . The senior forward also carried his load on the boards shagging 12 rebounds, \Yhile adding four assists. Once again Broderick was the tower W11tml1ur1r Pll S1nt• An1 (U) l•od~tic­ <~M Powe" Smel\Wood Oelh W•ll•Ce Ber11 HOo11•n TD!tls ,, ",,"' ' 0 0 11 ' l 7 11 ~ I 2 1• , • 1 • l I I 7 0 I I I I 0 S 2 0 0 ' 0 l•rt AH111lo C.11•11• ~· DrtW Slttlt G•lber! 11 17 U 'll Tot•li Sc•rt bY O~lrllri WtJ!mi"''~' Zl ~ ll $inlt -'"t 10 XI U I• ft •I l!o ! l I !2 J 0 ) 10 IOOJXI ) l J IJ 0 0 l 0 > I ' , , ' 2r tll•l 11.-11 lt4J Irvine Lead ers Duel Tonight In CdM Gy111 The championship of the Irvine Leagu(! may be at lll.ake tonight when Magnoila High School's mightly Sentinels invade Corona de! Mar for a 7 o'clock basketball crucial. Costa Mesa. on a fh·e-game losing str~ak including three in Irvine action, is at Loara , a physical quintet that has compiled a 9-9 overall record in- cluding two straight wins in loop play Bg3inst Estancia and Fou ntain Valley. Tipoff is at 7. , Coach Ernie \Vh eeler's Sentinels. rank- ed third in Orange Countv and se1•enth in the AAA section of the CIF, are favored l'l make the Sea Kings of Corona their 10th victim in tbe last 11 oulings . Another night 11amc in the Irvine League has Costa Mesa at Loara. Estan- cia and Fountain Valley played this afternoon. Magnolia has already beaten the Sea Kl:1gs once this year by 10 points in non-league action. Corona del Mar, however, has shown itself capable of staying with anyone after narrow losses to Con1pton. Long Beach Poly, Garden Grove, Muir and Magnolia. The Sea KJngs" overall 12-7 record is deceptive. J\iagnolia's I~ mark is, however, also deceiving. The Sents were at one time 6-5 overall and much o( the eredll for the lackluster star1 is atlributed to . ,veral cases of lihgeting flu on tht . tquad, A ••orkt trophy that' fallf'l'I t:i honor carton woold ha9c been tikl' Mf' !1'111\ d':fio plt1ee ·on 1t for Bobhv .ronr". 1Jl<lrJ'i1den. Helen \\'ill!:. Jesse 01ven-t r Paavo Nurmi. A.iJllitr tooshir. 1\·;i~ 1·:uropt" ~kier · an.IG:laijde Kil~ nf Pr11nt·c. 1vho won rtlt4gold medai~ ift the Olvrriic Wlntrr ;:imcs ;it C:rcnfl blc, wasitbt..w1flner. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) -The Wesl All-Stlrs. ~Tlind ll., scorlg punch ot Dall;# Jol1n Beas!(!¥ aQjl New Orl~s1 Ausli}f t1led) Robbi'5, htld\ff aHfrOn1· la sl-q uarter comeback Tuesday night lo 1lefea! thC' East All-Slars 133-127 in the ~ccond annual American Baskeiball AssOclatiori All -Star game. The ·wfu t>nithled \fest coach Al('x llanntml fir Oakland to bf'e<1me th~ first coach to lead teams lo victory ll't 11ll-"Sler i;:arnc~ nf bolh lhe Na\ional Ba~kctbatl AssociaUoa andJ.he ABA . ucr · Drowns BDt· onty alter ,.uy careful ·!Xln· 1 .. ~ "''"'"'' •«• J JD.,., l J~·· ·-P~ll!tl""' Oev• \¥1'lT • I' T t I • J 10 Ht!tlt);• I ).l 1• ~- f e.o 1• °"""'' .... • ' ' • • ' • u °""" .. r • J 'I II t••""' 6 • \~ II ltoott~ I I l I II ttt.1"'" J l n~ t I,.,,,. O >"Q~tower ! • • f ilf"~'""''"' 1 $ . .....,,.,, .. , 2 1 l r~~~ ' 11...,..... 1 3 \ Wiiii"''" I J•c\•oo> i 1 1 J ' ' J i u ; l 1t 1 .. ,, )J N t-10 lt o~ ' t , ' 11 ,. ' 1·1 • ,., fl " , l n"I' 0 ;i( 4t tJJ W••t 1'ot~'• •1 J't.•~ UT ,. ' -· I ' JI l• )I )j Ill l) )I )) it lJI Wt1t l J-. !;11•, '· J UCJ swept •YVY eveol !..-which ii had el\l.cie.<> u the Anleaters drowned Sa n Di;ego S".le' 74-14, Tuesd~ alternooo in a dual 1wiln meet staged al tbe winoers' pool. 1 Coach Al J:rrin's hosts yielded only two victori~ ,to San Diego Stale - In dlvlog COl\'~UOD. other UJ,an 1U...t, It was a domination by the Anttat~n. Rich Eaton wa11 • double winner in tho individual evenls, copping the 200 b\Jllerfly and the 500 freestyle, with cl<X"klngs of 2: IOJI and S 18.0 for the ~x-Marina lligh star Hank Thayer. Chris Hasir;ett and Jim Cooper had lndtviduaJ seuonal bests for the vk:tora. The conquest left Irwin's forces _at 2-2 for lbe young aeuon, having losl to USC and UCLA Jnd owning an earlier Yictory over UC Davil. UCI wUI lravel to the University of Californl•, Santa Barbara, this weekend -weather permittina:. The Anteatera are scheduled for com· petlUon In the Gold Coast lnvlt11itional Friday .and Saturday. However , lrwln lndlcatea th1t he'll drop out of the event if 11torms continue in tht (f>uthlaod. , -,a .--37 5:56 to go ln the third period. The Sailors responded with a fantastic spurt of 16 points before the end of the quarter while holding A n a h e I m acorelea and for all intents and pur· poses It wu all over. But-that didn't slow coach Oave Wax· man's crew up any. The Tars continue<l the onshµ1gbt until finally tbe tally reach- ed 65-31 with 3:02 Je!t in the game. Waunan, elated with the upset victory. said afterwards, "It has t.o be our best win of the season. I've been waiting for this all year long. Maybe we 'll be all right now in the seeond round." In the insane last five minutes or the third periOd, Lee Haven and Paul Holmes were 'the big guns, hitting evuything lhey fired al lhe basket. The Sailor mentor s.ln&:led out Bo Grif- fith, a· 6-2 center who started bis first game and did a greal job. Griffith was highly lnstrumenlal In the conlainment of Anaheim's dangerous 6-S Dan Simpson in the 1-2-2 zone defense. Simpson was held lo a mere sb: point.a for the game while Griffith was neUing 12 tallies along with Haven 's dozen. Dan Lindstedt also tallied 12 while Holmes was leading the balanced attac~ wl\h lj. Anaheim was i~ cold from the floor, tanking only 16 of 78 shots for 20.5 percent. H•W" M•llnQlf Llnth!tOI Ho!"''' Tth!l ... , OrlHMI Tntti. AMlleJlll f),I ""•'• I f • t 2.1 J • .t O I • . I f J JI 1 ' , ' 1 l f'-* 0 ,1) .. • '"t 0 0 • ' 0 16 Jll27 Westminster Five o[ strength on the backboards for the Lions After a d11appoinling eight re- bounds in the fir st ha\£, the lanky junior picked ,off 11 caroms to cotit.r:q'l ·the boardi 1n the secood half. It appeared WesLminster wou,ld run away ·and hide in the first tiuarter, out!Coring the much s:mt]ler Saints 13-0 in a four-minute stretch and taking a 23-LO lead .• However, Santa Ana pulled within five, 43-38 in ' the e.arly portion of the third staru.a, ustna a tough man-lo-man press. ··'Mley're quick, so that press bo1hered us a bit for a •hne." stated l.ion ·ment.or Taylor "But after we setlled down a(ld worked for the good sbots, we did much better because 1ve had a little more height.'' Santa Ana shot 38 percent for the game com!)ared to fhe Lions 42 percent. The free throw was a determining factor as the Saints could manage Only a dismal nine free throws compared to Westminster's tot.al of 17. Santa Ana had four men in double figures, but it Wa.!!n'~ t;nough.· Malcolm Curtis lead the parade wflh 2tl i,>O.!nta, backed up by Chris May · (13), Gary Lara (12) and Pane!i ~ualo (10). ~ . ,. ~ 12·36 Ove r Cold Foe • Huntington 's Express Roll s Th1·ougl1 Vall ey By"OLENN WHITE Of "" 0.11, l'lltl Sltll Sometime . probably in 19i0 or 1971. Huntlnglon Beach High School may lose a league basketball game. In the meantime, however, the forecast is for conlinued stormy seas for the rest of the Sunset League as the Oilers conUnue to mop up the hardwoods with whomever they go up against. Tuesday afternoon, for example. they hagged win No. 34 on the unbroken chain or lcaguc victories as they. manhandled Santa Ana Valley, 72-36, at the latter's gym. Coach Elmer Combs played reserves !he entire fourth period and had little lo be nervous about after a close first quarter when Huntington ('()UJd only nurse its way into a 14-10 lead. Arter that. Valley's Falcons went woefully cold. makin g 13 percent of their shots from the floor (6 for 46). In fact, lil the last I :28 of the game I.hr Falcons were potting 9 percent r r om the field. lluntington was doing considerably bet- ter, nailing 50 percent or its field goals in the decisive second and third quarters. However, the Orange and Black founrl the free throw line anything but a gift as the winner canned 12 of 32 tries 137.5 percent ). The tuming point came when Combs moved All-CIF veteran Roy MlUer un- derneath in the second frame arid Miller responded with four quick baskets. Hun- tington upped its lead lo 28-15 and settled for a 34-17 bulge al intermission. Then the Oilers nailed the last Hl point.s of the third quarter to own a 59·24 bulge and their seyenth loop \Vin . . . of the 69 campaign . :\1iller was high scorer 1Yith 18 whilr Mike Contreras picked up 13 and Ll'~ \Vallers nailed JO. Contreras was laggc1I y,•ith three fouls in lhc first quarter bul managed to avoid any more personals before retiring from hostilities late in the third period. HunllntlOf' 1111 1111.11 .. ' l 0 10 .I J l 11 I l 1 II • , 1 ' l 1 • 1 1 0 l ' l I 1 .I 0 0 1 0 0 0 ' ; l l i JOll l611 Sit. V•l!ey C3'J Conlr~r1s Mollrr Wh•tfl•'d Nlch013 ~ •• 1 Wlsr w.1~rr •hrrlnoto" J1<~1cn To!1I• Thome• Fl@!<h(oc Sh•!!•c Sl=rr•"" y~~ Ktvtl M•11•t• LOHI "' Wtlltr H•lt T(ll~I• ~~or• bf Outrl1r• !luMl"ll!Ol'I f\<'A<h 14 111 15 St>1la A>1• V&llt• 10 1 1 ft II 1>1 I" ? l , , , ! 7 s 0 l 1 ' 7 l t , 0 0 4 0 , , . ' , . 0 ' ' 0 l I 1 0 1 0 l , 0 0 2 10 l,11 3' 1:.-n 17-M Ba sl{etball Standings SUNSET LEAGUE" Hu,..tlnoton 8e•<" Antl'li'lnl W••ler" WtllmlMTtr M1 r!n• N•w-t H••bo• S•nlt An1 V•ll!Y S.nt• """ w ' , ' ' , . , . , , ' , ' , ' I Tuftd..,'1 leer•• HewPOrt k•rt>o• Jt, Anl~elm JI H1111ll,.,. .. ., 8t.U. 72, SA V1lltV 3' wurmln•ltt n. 5tnll ""' il wnrt"' "· _,r,.. n ~rMll.Yt 0•-• H""""'""' audl " WtstmlM!•• Mlrlnt 11 AMhtlm SA V1lltY 11 H.,._.t Hlrbar Slnt1 A"' 11 W"te•" 0Alt011'1 OllOVE llAOUIE G1r0flt>Grooot ll1ncho Altml'OI Stnl!..,. hlH Grtlldt L• Ot.olnll Pttlll<t w ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' " ... "' "' •• .. ·~ •• ,,. " "' '" '" '" "' ,. .. •I .. w ,,. "" "' "' '" .. '" "' •w ., "' "' 74-24 UC ,,.,,.,.. 041 UO UC ll!I OltM lOll rntelltl' ,,. ... -I. 9oWI tNml OitllUfllllf'f loot FrM -!. OIWll CUCll t Sll't!H IS01 1 '"'°"" 1101 Tl,,.~ u·n.o. '°° l•M -1 Ftnnet (UCI) 1. ff'l'lmllf'IOfl (UCI! J Wtth tSCJ. """ 1 :n.o J.O ""' -1 T~1vtr cu-crl 1. F1t11111 rucn l s111n~"' (SO\. Tl"'" '21.1 10t ..._ -, t4.l11tll (IJ(I) 1. 09wlll IUCll J. o.,.. (Mn 1'!-2;1t,J ..o"'f:'I 11 !Nitti -t l(r11t (JO). Na tl!C.OllO 07:.1 ... U "'fltll -1 l(flll !JOI N• llKtl'l4I « l"ll•O. 1'flO fly -L E1-. !UCll 7 ,,...,.,~ lUCll J V-~ls CSOl Ti""" l:IO.,, !Ge """ -1. '•Uolcf IUCll 7 l'tr•M !UCIJ l. Slt!trl ISO!. Tlmt 111 100 bee--1/ Otkf IUCI) l ErT'mtr tOI! lUC.U J S ... ltr !SO! lmt J J ,.O )00 l•et -1 !'fM!ll (UCll J O!IOft !UCll J, Yrr't11 (SD\ l lme SJ l.0, ?GO bffll -1 C.Olll'fr (UCI\ 7 Govt (SCI J \.4N (UCll f l""' 2,il.1 t)O ,...,. ••111 -! UCI (T~tYft, F"'g"'' l'•llOHL I"'-"°"'· l\..,. J JI 0 ... '·• • • Tul.,.IJ't Set,..• G•rd•n Gro•-11, 8CIH Gt•flCI• '8 ll11><h0 Alamlto• ••· Stn!lavo )t ll Ouln!I 1s. PK•lic• 14 Fr;d1J'1 g.,.,,, Sont18to 11 llo1'• G••n<lf Pi>elllte •I G1•0•n Grovt Rlnd'lo Al1"'1!01 11 L~ Ov•nlo l'llEEWit.l' Lill.GUI' . ' ' . ~u"n• Hills """".ell' ' I ' Lt Htb•• 11.,..n• Pttk low•lt s ......... . FuHtr10'I ., , fvtM1r•1 k or•I oc~~t1.c11 1<, s .... ,,,,. 611 L• Hab•• fO, LDWf'll " !<11• ID, Fulltttnn U Sii""' Hills ll), llutf'a Por!o JI l'rllllV'S 011"'' .\u""V ~lilt 81 Ktf'M<IV S.v~nn• •I ll~nt P•rk Fullutoro t1 L• H11>tt lo""'!! II f rO'I' Oii.it.NG! lEit.OUE , ' ' ' • W L lo:altll1 s...ia~i..~~ 8fl • lj> il.!lm•!Do E Oort!lo v~••ndt sonor~ LO. it."'lll'OS , ' ' ~ ~ , • • l • • • l ' ' " •71 ., ... "I m "' "' .. " "' .. , m ., "' '" ... '" .. Ml ::r Ml .,. .., "' ~· Et " "' "' ~, ·~ •• ., ., ·~ " ~· •• "' '" "' "' "' "' .. "' i m MO "' ~· "' ~-_ ..... - I I --:,._ T \ • ---.._ ----------- --- - Wtdntsdar, January 29. 1%9 \ Boat ' • lloom Pi~ks Up i • Winter Exhibits Indicate Sales Clim.bing ·- NEw YORK (UPI) -Tho! "As a et¥ral rule, the~ Mexico abrimper to be mass boaters to turn to ~ boating boom, which bas coo-spect for a yacht in the produced in fiber &lus from It also believes IJa,a In Unued wilh only occaslooal in-$100,000 bracket doesn't have a mokl The c<ll'l\piny believes out in compellUGQ4 t b terruptlou for two decades, to think about the cash ouUay. lh4t aborta.ges of good wood aluminum and becOmll apparently will pick up a llttle lf he likes the boat, he buys and ,ot skilled ' boatwrights almost universal boat bultaln& speed in 19&9. it. Jt's that almple." sooner--er .later ~•ill force material. ~ That aeems to be lhe con--Yet, Hatteras and other senaus of the e1.hl b iting makers of luxury boat1 manufacturers at this year's agreed, the buyers of fl00,000 m.Jdwintet: boat shows. , craft are not usually among Businesll at the Qllcago , the nation.'.• "big rich." The ShoW was reported as "big rich," if they buy a boilt fabuloOs, and aales etecutivea, at, all, may spend much rpore gathered for lbe National and have it custom. built. But Show at New York's Coliseum. .lbey are very prooe to charter Jan. 25--Feb. 2, said pre-show boats with crews at rates of orders from dealers were blg-· ts,OOO ~ month ·and up from ger than a year ago. the less wealthy folk who buy According to the Natlonal big yachts as status symbols. DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less! • COMPUTI LINI AWAIU.IU e 'JflDI OVALi -SUll'll. .... IMIUM -"°'"Yim• ·uo11.1. •"'"-" -"'"o ,..,...,. -CAMP•• M'ICIALS -a ALL 11.ZI TtUC:IC Tltll. , • IANUMEllCAID MAltll CHAdl • I . BERG'S DEL TA TIR£S . ' . 141E.17tli St .• Costa Mesa· 645-2010 '\~tion of Engine and Hosler sald the typical buyer Boat Manufacturers., whicll of a $100,IKXI yacht ls pro-"ll•••••••oii_..m••'•'••'•"'••,.•'•••••lllliilll sponsors the New York Show, sperous but middle bracketll IN PRODUCT ION -Principals of threC' firn1:-; in- spect mold of first production fi berglass catani:iran to be produced by \\'. D. Schock Co. of Santa Ana. Schock has been eommissioned by TV actor Ilud dy Ebsen to n1 ass produce hi s 35-foot Polynesian ('on- cept. first ol \\'hi ch ls to be launched next su1n1 ncr. Phol• 111 N<ltl I Kkne• 1:-mm left ar.e Seymour P..aut, project engineer; Rudy Choy; Alfred Kun1ulae and \Varren Seaman , designers ol the cat: Ebsep:; president 9f·Polynesian 1 r·oncept , In c. and Bill Scbock, presiOent·of th1f \V. i). Schock Co. total boat and engine bu!iness businessman, often living far at retail in 1968 was about from the shore. He's nearly $3.15 billion up $50 million alWays tmanclally self·made. from 1967. The association Holller concurs in the idea thinks there will be another that ttils is going to be a gain this year but declined big sales year. "Here it is to say how much. only the end of January and Tbe number of boats in use my comJ>B:ny already has in America increased in 1968 dealer orders for more than to 8.44 million from 8.275 two.thirds as many craft as mHllon the previous year. we can turn out in 1969," The most amazing thing be said. about the business is the Hatteras, which had saleai flourishing condition of the of $12.t million last year, was luxury yacht market. In all acquired by North American the shows, the proportion of Rockwell during Uie year. The yachts, both sailing a n d %3 North Carolinians who put power, selling for $20,000 to up $10,000 each to found the around $100,000 is bigger than company ten years ago gol ever. over $300,IKXI each In North "It's easier to sell a $100,000 American Rockwell stock for boat than a $20,000 boat lbese their holdings. Facts Belie Myths on Accide11 ts Cat vs. Sing·le Hull; It's Figlit to Finisli Boat Show Atte11dance Tops 1968 days," said W.A. Hosler, Hatteras makes only larger director of marketing for Hat-fiberglass power yachts. It is teras Yachts of High Point, now experimenting with the N.C., a subsidiS:ry of Nor:th workboat business, building a American Rockwell Corp. protolfpe. of a large GuU of Papyrus Boat Going To C ross_A tlantic By AL\10/11 LOC KAREY 01 11\e 03il, Piiot S!•lr Since the days or Ulysses, ''\Vhercas tl1ere 1irescntly 'Seararers have attracted more exists. worldwide, an tx- than their share or myths. pand ing controversy o v e r Modern boat owners are no which is the faster ~:idhoat exception. -a catam:ir:in or sin;;l~·-hull- One or the most persistent ed cr<'lft -I. Christian Elist•n. myths of recent vin tage goes !:.ome!ime:. kno\\'n ;is 011c!dv something like this: ~bsen, the sl•agoing h11lh1ll):. With millions of Americans 0 iv n e r -s k I P P e r ot the laking to the water for the catarmaran p o 1 y n rff, ia n first time each year. the ('oncept, do ch:i!lt'nd-P;;t number of boating accldenl'> Doug::n. tna~l1•r of l ht· has increased proportionately. renowned 12-nu:\er Co!1in1hla. lo a tn:il of spt'l'd in a stries The fact" belie the myth. of ratt•s !o be h ld 111 Boat in~ safely experts from Ca lifor nia 11·;1ters 1/J d1·1crn11n1· the U.S. Coast Guard on down note that the nuinber of ::'#:=:':h:;:':':b'=f:ns:·':':':':':s.:":'':':' = boating accidents r ..: ma i n s rather static despite the fact that the pleasure hoal rleet has grown from 3.500.000 in 1950 to more than 8,000,000 in 1968. In some ye;irs there have been sig ni f i ca n t decreases in the acci dent rate. For example. the roa~t Guard reported an across !111• board decrease in all t_rpes of boating accidents in 1967 The reason for th r remarkable record" Expert s say it is due primarily lo a nat ionwide i>ffnrt to keep boating safe. All segments of pleasure boating ha'"e playe d an important piirl in the cam- paign -including s oc h volunteer organizations as the USPS, the Co;ist Guard Aux· iliary, yacht and boat ('\ubs. the boat ing public and the industrv. SafetY afloat Ix-gin~ l'>i1h a safe boat. This ls \~hrre tt1e industry makes i1s mo!it irn- ......... ... - por!ont c-o ntr ibu!ion. Yt'Dr~ before the hoatin·~ hou111 g111 under \v:1y the 1 n rt u s t r ~ ei:tablisbed an cnginrcrill~ :H!d stand11rds prograno to u1\ur1 that buats hning built 11ould operate s:if,.11· :.nd s;d i~fa(· torily. One ot !ht> n1n~! obi 11111· res ults of thest' efforts is the OBC !Outhoard B1Ja\>ni; Cluh > capaC"1ty plate attached to out- board boats to indicalc !:.ale horscpo1\·er and loa1l cap;1c1L1. Since the prn~r:un 11· a ' launrhecl in 1!1~11 inure thau a million c:1ra..:"1l}' platt's h;11t been ;;ttache1l tu boat hulls b1· n1anl!facturrrs. ·r-.1ore recently. OBC's parL'n! nrganizallon. the Bo a Li n g I n rl u !>t r r A~~0cia1i11n, ~in nounccd a tnor•· ;.in1h11 iou~ 1>rograni. It's (':died BIA 13n;il Si1fc1.v \'P rtifir:Jt11111. \Vith th1~ 111odrst ;in~ worcJ'y chall enge, Buddy Ebsen of Ba lboa Yacht Club. a form er single-hulle r re c ent I y con· 1 erted to eat.am aranism, has laid the ground 11·ork tor n1aybe Jt should be seawork l for a vac lft race that mav he belier than watchin g a blarle uf grass grn"'· l)ougan of Bahia Corin- thian YC is expected to give his reply to Ebsen's challenge at a soggy press conference ;1\ till' at:!Or"s hnme Satu1day 11n H.ithoa Jsl;ind. OC1ug;i n·s Colurnbia 11as ru n· rll'r-up 111 thr 1~67 tn;Vs Ill dL'tPrn1in1' 11 h1l'h American 12- l'lf'ler 111Juld defend t h e A1nrrica·~ Cup. She 1vali he:1te n in \hf• li na l trials by l11lrcpid. In ;1 1norc :;criotis vein, l'.hscn ~aid hi> wou ld propose 1Jl:1t th" r<>i·r he sailed in ni lfl 2[1 knot \\'ITidS Which 111111ld he L11r tu b(1!h bo:ils. "'! \\'Ollld guess 11!:1! Colun1- li1a 11ould br·;.1t us un the bea1~ In 11·ea!hf'r. h11t \1r ('outr! 111 l'rh;111 I h~r on 1hc rl':ll'ht-s and n1ns,"· he s;ud. Polynesian Concrpt i" a 35- f<iot cat:imar11n dPs1cned by Choy, St>aman :inti l\un1alac of Nt>11 port BcaC'h. Tch craft 11as second to fin1!>h in Ja~l .\'t•;ir"s r11uh1hull Tr:inspacifir ~·at"11t r;1cr to l!r 110111!11 and 1r;~~ 11ir• 111 era II 1·orrccled time Wl!'Hl('f Ehst'n hus ret·1·ntly con1- n1i~~1uncd \\'. 0. Schock Co. of S;inta Ana tu prrd11c-c other hnats from the ~;1n1c mold. The11 11.i!l be marketed bv 1 ·h~t·n·s l'oly11csian Concepi. 111· Despite foul v1eather, at- tendance •at the Southern California Boat Show is C"on- siderably higher than lasl OSLO (AP) Thor West Indies." I year. according to Ed Nichols Heyerdahl. who floated In 1947, Heyerdahl and five of the sponsoring Southern a",ross the Pacific 011 a raft, other men croiled the South I C l·r · •1 · Ass · 1· Pacific from Peru to a 1 orn1a l• arme oc1a ion. s"'d today he and .,·, com· I qJ " Polynesia to prove t h a t Ni('hols said lasl Saturday, nJ.nions will try to cross the du r i n g the height of the """' Polynesian culture could have storm, was the lowest al-AIJantic in a papyrus boat originated in South America. tendance and that wa.s only modeled on those of the an-Now, he said, he \li'ants to si x percent less than Uie se· cicn t Egyptians. find out whether Central cond daf last" year. -Sunday's The Oslo newspaper Aften· American cu lture could have d . ,,, po!Jtl'n published a copyrighted originated in the l\tediter- atten a.nee was some .,.. per-interflew \vith the ex.Plom ranean. He said I.be pyramids cent higher than th e san1e day a year 3 .,0 and Monday's in wbich he said the party in 1'.1exico could indicate this, " would set out from Morocco "but first I must prove that rro1vd als.o toppeq ~1~ previous to1vard the end of May. '[be the people living in the year. destination will be So'Ulh Mediterranean area ~hWd the The show at the Pan Pacific Amtrica. •·s ome w h e "r e means to cross the. AtlantiC" Auditorium in Lo~ Ange les between the Amazon and the at that time." ends next Sunda,v. p.•;;o;;;;;;;;;;,_;;;;;;;;;,_,_,_;;;;;;;;o;;;;,_,_,_,_;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;IJ Virtually every type of l\'ater craft conceivable is on l displa~' at lhe Boat. Shnw, plus booths featuring clcc- 1 1ron1cs and olhC'r boat ac· cessorics. This year's sho1.1•1 is so me 25 percf'nt larger than last yea r's exhibition. A greater number of sailboats or all sizes are on, display. partly because of the cancellation of the all sa ilboat show previously held in Long Beach . I A idc Na111ecl I WASHINGTON ·(UPI ! _I Fornier Rep. George D . Han sen, (R-ldaho). has be.en nan1ed deputy under secretary llf agriculture for t'Oll· gre ssional relations. Test drive a car for two years? If~ Al Ex-ecut1ve Car Leasing you ,...-can test drive ;;iny new 1969 -~-----car -for two yea rs -without buying it! Take your pick of the "hot"' 69.5! Grand Prix ... Riviera .. Charger ... you name it. Executive Car leasing has them all .. from Cadillacs to compacts! Only Executive offers you the unique "1deal" lease that's like a 2-year te5t dnve ... ONl Y BEITER! Because you get the profit if the car market i5 up at lea5e end. Or jf the market is down, }'11U just say '"thanks for the ride" -and walk away without any obligation! Remember -you don't need a trade-in. But ti you have one. Executi11e will give you the highest price for it ... so you start your 2-year test drive with extra cash in your pocket! Call Ex-ecutive today for the full 5tory. EX E:CUTIVE CAR LEASING COMPANY ® 2202 East J st Street, So nta Ana Califo1·11 ia Le gislat111·c i11 Actio11 '"s~h;.~~•Y Kl 7-3011 1" oL~•4~5~1" i v The .1.noc•1t...i P1 tn Tu.'41J. J•n. ll oroc••"'' In C• • •n a •mr~" ·~ on l·•f>•n rr n 8 Gr'•'f'K< 0 n, An. '"" 1 ... ,,,.,..,.t"• .,,.1, Ml'••<•,,...,.,,. •. ocan !Awma~l!'r. Frt•hman A•'fmb'V• m•n Aloo P. G1rn1 of LO• AM~'l'S• ou11S I > Yk t Cl\f•""'" of th• r'"' U•~n Alfft"S '"° l-lou1•n<> (0"1mrll"f:. lOY<n~ h• " CNW<''C"<I h" ~<>1>1>1nlm•t>! .... , 1n 1Jt•••hovoM " l HE Sf,,.~Tf Const>tut1D"•I ""'•"~''"•I Gov l!tftnan '"'"'"' t.om " d~Y· !Ot>Q llvlt>o •n""''""" lnu• ,,f !IO<~­ ""Ck•n •"~S (l'f (•h'<'"'" •"0 ·ov• 'I "'"" I Qr~•I Ir&<"~•' lntrOllucHI T•• -E<•mt•• I • .., '"' •~f'l)()<"! rl <>wl•· • • ~.l).:C) of A•'•"n<I' ..r • urr1,• "In•.,~, <>l<lY•'<I w'Oaw D' , " HarmPr, i::,. '·'.t1lr Bllh !r"··~•tCd " ~l. •. THE .l.S!EM!IL'I' Poller -o ·~. ,,,,, Jn ,, , Bill• lntrodu('fcl c loM ~<Id '' l•n• •., tO!ol> '"' Ctll11•1 -M•-e1 •I 1 m"dr<'w•,1·1c• hv "''IC•••·'~ 1Ali<f! ,,. ~ '"" d•sm1n..., •ludenh e"° r,.c~I•• •"0 ''''"r01 '''" -·r" .,,. "''h « m!'<'llb<'tl to entor ,11 t• con•o• ,,, <•"""'''" , ,,r..i n,.1 ll ~'"''· 1t•lt ynlv•'i!IY (AmPV>N Ir-om w~1c~ $8 I" 1'.('<lv. " D·H .... !hOI'"" ~Y -•t db<h•rol'd to< """ ¥••• Crf!dlt _ ~~~''"'' "'"""" "" .. ,;, ,. wl!h0<1t ""rttl•n (or\\r<t! !rom •dm1n"· t ~n ot "'' ''"' • f <l tr11'on Offlcl1l1; .I.II 716 W•-~llflC b<' ,. 1t ~• r ·~ , ~ 1 R 5oolh Gft• '~(ur' anv I•'" 1 r• 1, lrl'I•»• MlllH It • m1<1Mmr•· c, .. d l·•••t• l•·•t ,.,, ~t _. !1> ••meln 011 llf<>l'f'f!y Of •n•11'f'< .,.,,,." <h••q~• ,.,, ''""·' H'"''' 1tt•r ""'"' d•rP<•NI ro I••"' k ncwl~dill!: "' co·•·--11 " b¥ 1t>f' ""',...' ~ ~'' 1 11en!; All l'>I m•n•n ~Lon~ ~ ,,. J,., I 0 " kl\lbl•'""' R-Co•ln•· Nurwrlc• F••n ..... ,,. )\I" -Au!TIOl"llPI ~IM;:tiOI' o1 ,.,.,.,., no~o•.:il t D~v " N, "" 1 ... 1r.itd lurw Ill! l rt!M coun1,. •u-1- "1 ~·••I ,.,.,1 rt•oiou1 PrQ•n 10- ''""' r•Q11·••mrn1 tor otl1•1n1nQ ·• ' ... rr\ •n I (hold r?n s er,,. • '!l "' H••rn•·r T•• t ••mo•, ''""' ""'°""' I•• • ' ·r r'>hl r •Ch""I 1ll<><>O•I ll>n ''"1 •, 'J '" ""'"···o .v~l""lo"" ot a rl • ""'""' ~< <'' oldt• or "" .,.,,..,rl,..,."<I widow ()( an• He ti>"· -· 1>n """'""~I of ~cs 8; ~II "1 HnmU'• """'""'•"' lnc'ud•1 ,...,,11:~ und•1 ',1 l!~ l~ICh•f\" llet.r•mt'Pf' Sv"""' ,.. .• ~ n •~•~•t• u"°"' l""l•lrt111r1' Rr t ••men! 5v~!tm UPD!I ,,...mbl•'• oP ' CB 1~. T•~lr D·Wffi <>1>;nJ fillo"s nart1c1,..n1 1n ~la•t T•1<hor• 11•1•••m•nt Sv$•tm who he1 "''"'<1'"""' rnn1r;nu11nn• to ••~•Po•I• ~11 <"""' 11\.t!IOn• UDO" rftnt••I ~~ 190, T~al• TUll•OIO ~M<:lt ~' 1~3! S'll'• C~I I••• ••u•••·•· ·t~•··n~ .,,11~ l~t 191(,.11 "''~~m·c •• >Mii ~1 luillof1 t""' ,.,.. '"'"",.,. n ... nr~•"''"I •!uG•mi "' "°' •~~n '100 P•• Yftr •nd lhA! tu• ., ~·· -. ' ••d n< '""'''"d to• no! "'°" '''"" ·••~n ~no 0¥~•1! ""'''"t rt n AB I•,' ~'~~··~•on " Vt h•<ly -M•krs ol 1 m"~•mr•nor •o mocOtv or •It~• • mo11>r YtMcl1 I to m~~· II "°' c1>ntoo-,., 10 t"""•At •••nv s~ncl••d•"' ••••~ •t<1Ul~..,.1,. Sii 19j Dollt, 0-Glrd•ne. Fw ..... 11 -lf,.,lt• IO Sl.541 IA• 1moun• ol !u.,..rtl '"'"""" to De •1.-en or1'1· f"hCf in OI Ymt'l'll of Cll ... tn 1taln11 ~ Ck'<::f'Oenl'• t1l11'l; Sii 1911, Bellenson. 0-BPW•lv i.<11!1. l"ollylion -Me~.,. It 1 ml14>.m•• no• lo put •nv ~umen wn"•• Into na• •<>~bl• wtlrn tram 1ny Ytllltl .,_,f<I O< 'i•d lo 1 ~. SllP Of W'!'llrl •~U1<>1>rd w11~ IOll11 facllfli•• 1•1Tl1bio '~' ""'IO<l1 on "'-vti .. 11 SB 1'9. D•norlson, O·Loo An~. Rnotutlon' lfltn.iuctll lndll" L .. ld -R~t1 1tw ledftr1 I a1>•••11m•nt 10 "'"'°'' ltod 11110 b• n lo c111r~r11l1 lndlu11; "' 11> '""• lf\rM •nu,.~•nn1 t>•l'Clls' at 1111d; lJR ~ 0 ...... ,,,1. O·Uis .1.-11'1 1no11n Siu._ -V•lll'• 1n1Htuho"1 O! n qh•r f'dllUll<'>ll to l'lllblllll COUtl ., •nd •C ... l.ctl P!"llKh In !h~ All!Ot"Y ""° cultU•• 01 .l.merk1n INl!l~J; SCR JI , Qym•ll• ...,....1-.or"'! o .. trlc!• '" .i•rt·'"'"' P'" • 111, • 1 • • • • • • • • "°"'IDn ••ht•r !!\In lrD'l't rou"'' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • ••' • •••••••It NOW THRU FEB. 2-IN AN AHEIM w1rlh M luooc:lel Oo<ttiCI• •B OK<) • (r1nd1lll. R Sii' JI!'• • Diwil...--Aylt>.,. ,,., lo<"'' C!< (l'IJ,._ I !..---"I !O rl!'lht" Pr-rfY , • ~Ir°"" .. h"'~-If\•" 1rH l•~-• l!f<"lll'f'd I dlMllP• -b¥ lllt 90" • •mor H O•m-'' ln t•l;O'll d NAOI; : AB SS. .!N<Dotlt kl p.0111. • •nolvflN 111""""'" , .._."' -11-h 51fte oilb ()( • E~lc ClPof)rtQ!tl•v or Ir, •uCtP~IDf'" _,.;-, to 1tudv •oroou~ •n•loowl'IV • • • • • • , Weo~·· r, ..... 1 f.tf111 F·,,,~,1 Wi11 n1" M Conf1nu11u1 Sh11w:11'l l>A•ny F1•lur• Oi1pl•y1 ol fi1~ir111 T1<~1,, C1..,pin'l. G11n1. R•1o•h . l/1c1tion1 ~,.,1,,/µ,.,,,,1 SPORTS & VACATION SH.OW ... 41" • J,, ,,,,,,/ RECREATIONAi VEHICLE SHOl' .. I See by Today's Want Ads e PILGRIM'S PROGRESS: Or, go gyp8)' jaunting In this 10' x 5{)' Mayllower trailer, complete w I t h skirt, garden shed. and awnings. e MT/ST. If you know what this stands for, you can qualify for a great job with a Secretarial Service part time, almost al your convenience. (For the un- initiated, it is a special, memory bank typewriter). • Furnish Y o u r Floater! Musts !or the all-out u.fi. or: a Ray Jefferson 500 Depth Meter, stlll new, $85; Apelco Direction Find- er. model DFR-40, $85; port11ble generator, $125; portable electric range, $15 . • • all in excellent r t.'Onditlon. LUNCH AT MR •. STEAK HOT SANDWICHES: BIG DADDY STEAK SAN S•rv1d on • Fr1nch roll with Fr1r9'h f<i 11. THE "DUKE" BURGER I /] lb. d•1>pp1d 1irloin, Fr1nch fri11. THE "DUKE" BURGER WITH CHEESE S1v• •• •bo~• with m1!t1d Am1rictn ch•••• t1>ppin9. ROAST BEEF ON A BUN Slk1d thin for 11111. Fr111ch fri11. CRAZY DOG Fool lonq h1>t d1>q, Coney hl1nd 1•uc•, pol1!0 chip1. CONTINENTAL l1rq1 h1mbur91r on !"fl , fill1d with Swiu ch•111 i nd mu1hrooms. Fr111ch l1i11. COLD SANDWICHES: ITALIAN HOAGIE Che111, bal1>9n•, 11l1mi, h1rrt, l1>m1!011 •nd l1Huc1 on I roll. Pot1!0 d1ip1. MR STEAK CLUB DELIGHT Combin1tion h1con, l1ltuc•, tom1lo, cold c~icl1n o n to11!1d br1ad. Pol1lo chip1 or <Dl t 1l1w. 1.10 .99 1.04 1.10 .90 1.20 1.25 1.30 The following sand1vicl1es are srrucd ivith pickles and choice of pota/ri ('hips or cole slaw . eACON , LEITUCE, TOMATO . SLICED COLD CHICK"' ·····-,q5 .85 GRILLED CHEESE .... ·······-··-···.so HAM & AMERICAN CHEESE ...•.. _ ··--··-,q5 COLD ROAST BEEF .. ··················· ,q5 TUNA SALAD .75 SOUP OF THE DAY (cup) .20 CHILI .50 Soyp or chili 111•1d wilh ''''~'' b11k•t • \\'care also serving our famous line of USDA CHOICE STEAK DINNERS and many other dinner specials at 1ny tin1e of day. De11•rt menu, too. AMtRICA s FAVORITE fAM/LY nr"'AllR·\'U I • • I r I --------~--------------. Theater Notes 'Fan tastick$' 'Biou· ' . ~' ,phy'. Opening DA& Y PILOT s.t.n ....... By TOM TIT\IS Of tflt DllUW '"" Ii.If One of lhe most SUC<:esslul "pockel sized" muskala of the ab.des likes the s&age of Long Beach'• Forum Xl Theater this ,...kend, while the Sanla Ana Community Ph~yen open their production of an E0&lish drawing room comedy. 'I1le. musical is •"Ille Fan· tJstickS," a lighthearted look at young love and parental pressure which rewrote at· tendance records both in its off Broadway debut and its ~nt Los Angeles engage- ment. '11le comedy is "Biography," a tale of a modern sophislicat.e and the two men µi her life. Ross Corbin i.s directing for the Santa ·Ana theater. • • • e Best in Support Ruth Gabler, an award win· net last season for • her performance in "Barefoot in Ult Park." takes the leading role of Marion Froude . Playing opposite her are Lee Howington as Richard Kurt and William Carden as Sen. Leander Nolan. ! Patty Neederman accepts the DAILY PlLOT's Dis- ? • tinguished Performance Award as btst supporting 1 .actress in Orange County community theater for ,. .. · 1968 from entertainment editor Tom Titus. The ! · ·Laguna Beach actress was honored for her per- : formance in "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs" ! .. ·,at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhoui •· Others in the Santa Ana cast are Betty McClure, Bud- dy Fort, Robert Solis, Gail ... . . . ' . .-Chudacoff and H o w a r d ; · .. "'Picnic' Cast Listed Glasser. The play run s Fridays and Saturday s through Feb. 15 at the Players Theater, 1020 W. 8th St., Santa Ana, with tickets available by calling 541-2188. Fullerton Group • • • .. ' :. , The Fullerton Foollighters :. . .have announced the cast for J -their next production , William : ,~ .. Inge's "Picnic," which will i ._,.,open Feb. 21 for a three- : weekend run. .. -~-Burt Warner, a veteran i p erformer with the ' Westminster Com munity Theater, will take the lead role of the drifter, Hal. Mary Lynn Shea is cast as the beautiful Mad~e. while Sandy Edgerton will play her teen· aged sister Millie. Completing· the Fullerton cast are . Henry Saari, Diana A Huntington Beach actor Bass, Harriet Dasher, Jan and actress, Dan Terry and Carol Greenberg, play the Duncan, William J. Feeney, young lovers in Forum Xi's Carol Mooney and Janice "Fantasticks." also opening Lewinson. -Friday for a four.weekend The romantic drama will run . be p r e s e n t e d at the Completing the cast are Ray Muckenthaler Center, I I 9 Raymond , Ron Brody, Dante Buena Vista Drive, Fullerton. D'Eramo, Philip Richards, on Fridays and Saturdays Vlnce Trani and Lynn Bourne. throagh March 8. L e e Eddr Ceres is directing the Hollenbeck, who staged "Night musical comedy. of the .Iguana" for the . "The Fantasticks," which Footlighters last season, is includes the popular tunes direcUng. "Try to Remembe r'' and Ireland Theater Bans West Street. 1be for ruervaliom b ''"~· ...... ,,.. .. ~ ,.,, -· L tv.Jlt1z :'l" ,.,, ' .... ~ ,.AM•9'"'AW.-" .... .. ..,.~ ....... Piii" 'With O•lior1h K•rr·01vhl Nlv•ft c ... tt ..... Sat . .-s.1. ..... 1:41 ALSO Tir. ...... !ti !Mir l.lftll Miii "YIUOW SUIMAllHr" ecoLo•e "llOT"' "HIQ.Hl OF THE Ll¥1HG DIAD" war::· .. • '47-3511 •-Nitti l'or ACIYltfl Johft Alhl•Y e COLOR e "lllDU OF ILOOD" Chtll'IOPhlor ~ e COLOR e "ILOOD fll ND" • DAILY PILOT 2J TV WEEK Tells it Li ke It'll be Held Over 5th & Final Wee•! IT JS ~tfE ·ITSllF ••. IAW. IEAUTY IN ALI. llS AWAKENING! ~ - AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Phone 673-8350 ' nPlay on Hammarskjold DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) -~_Ae Abbey Theater has re- ;eeted a play which contends that Dag Hammarskjold ac- :\ulesced in the murder of "Pr!m.ier Patrice Lumumba. Lumumba was mu r dered there. Th~ pl,ay 4e;lls witb the death ·of Lumurtiba and other events in the Congo prior t o Hammarskjold's death ln a plane, ,era.sh in September 1961. 2 PERF. ON SATURDAY AT 12:30. 2:30 SUNDAY ONLY AT 12:30 ... "PAPER LION" 1 .. .-h" olo< :: Urulf'd ~1 t.st• ._ ........... , ... AClijl111 I! N-YQ.U an MloY It In Enolllhl "A MAH AND A WOMAH'" ,111'10nd1 Frernlno e COL.OR e 'IUN fOI YOUI WIFI" I The play,'' Murderou s ;~ngels," is by Dr. Con~r ,..Cruise O'Brien, an Irishman who was Hammarskjold's ~<representative in the Congo's , .l\atanga Province a r t e r Phil O'Kelly, the Abbey Theater's general manage.i:, said the play "was not fou·nd suitable. One reason was that it required a number of Negro actors." . ' ~ . .. Crossword Puzzle AC ROSS l Kind of grating ,-I Young .f. .. 1mal :.9 Tht afore· said lJ Tt11lland il ting ~Accessory s.eed covering 16 "That's what w --!": 2 word s 17--and ... )8-· .. ' Express l, F1. ·:~ novellst 2.0 Heroic ',~ narrallves 22 01toonian ··or British Columbl1n 2.4 Magician's word ~Was bias· ehemous µEssential • p•rt 2! Mr. C1mey 30 Mister: Yiddtsh 33 Munificence 37 Skin bltmlsh 38 Quick as ·-· 40 Stimulate 41 Unasplrated consonant ~2 Engllsh novelist: 2 words 4C Thre e: It. 45 Malt animal 46 Chink 47-grass 49 Chmtge 53 N.Y. wattrwly: 2 words 57 U.A.R. p_~insula 58 Englfsh coins 59 John, in Wales bl Fix !iZ 5. Amer. Indians t.3 Caplure t.4 Bting: Sp. t.5 Clothing madt of "' rlbb!d fabric bb l(jflfd 67 StttHng: Abbr. DOWN 7 Units of 37 Uort printing frtquf!'ltly 8 Insect killtt than not: 9 Deflt<:l 2 words 10 Rlvtr of 40 Boy's na111e Fr111ct 42 Coffee 11 Small bean mounta in 4 3 Goal pool 45 Cessation 12 Fork parl from 13 Rl•tr to ilctlvlty the 811tic 47 Ten 21 Bird 48 Qutbec 2) Can. university I politician : 50 Cooctmlng lnfonnal 51 "L• 25 Gold: Sp. Plum e dr l Hold fir111ly 28 Bistros mi-" 2 HI ah way 30 Kind of defeat 52 Duck pa{rol 31 If not 53 M•Jestic device JZ Part of 54 Western J Mental repre· "to be" U.S. city stntltlon 3) Ontario city 55 Encre1std: , 4 Pert. to 34 Pitcher Abbr. I a clly of 35 P1rt of a 56 Champlain, Syria jolf course e.g . 5 Summit 36 ohn in 60 •·• ti Lined up Scotf1nd Brunswick t ALL SEA TS SOc GRAND REOPBflNG • • • DIHIJIG ROOM Costa Mesa Golf & C.C. FEBRUARY 14· 15· 16 VALUE DINING TUESOAT thr• SUNDAY-5:30 • 10 P.M. SUNDAY BRUNCH ··~·················· tlze-rnesa --., . 1 ·•1:· _.,, • t I'< I.'\' t \;: 1,r,·1 1" nt tJ[l/JPO Rf AN D HARRl1R IN COST A MlSA lUIPHONE 541·1552 FOR INFORMATION HELD OVER ANOTHER HAPPY WEEK This is a picture of the "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DA\110 NIVEN ">. . perfect .,. embezzler! ,:c;;....,....;:r; __ Peter Ustinov. Maggie Smith Karl Malden .. Hot Miiiions" AIM AIM CHAMP AGN I! I UFFfT 11 :JO • Z:30 P.M. Cllrlstl• h rr•re l ob Newh•rt 1701 Golf Course Dr. 'Costa Mes• ---TWO FIRST RUN SLEEP-ERS-- lfttw·=~ ... the Ul'ICOllMl'IOh rnoirie1 ......... ______ ~ w.9QI • MN111i. CXIT4 llfl#o. """"' , .. )101 ,j ' Positively Ends Tuesday·Htld Over I THEMO•T aTORY EVERr 8 h' d f J H I••· SNw Stett1 1 P.M. t in I rview otpital 540-7200 Co1"h11e1i11 S•t. •114 S11•. '"'"' 2 P.M. 1~~~~~~-=~~~====~~~~~=:=!1 I I ---'WILUAM Clllll -.LRIOFI . > :.• STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Ol'ange ~aunty Music RADIO KbCM 103.1 FM , .. 1'tm · From Fas Ion Island, Newport Beach .. Tr•vor Ho'Wltd v ........ -··,~··· -.ALSO PLATING- "ATTACKED ON IRON COAST" 'With u;yd lriclt•• . Show Tues., Fob. 4 Ono Nig ht Only -.,.,e,._1 MOTION PICTURr •.=;:tM.1~ .,.,.,.,,,,. I lf91:r:e;:4bi .. ,.,.,...... --\COi.Of!""~ l,llrllWOAl'ITIITt , ....... --1 No. I-The Da ily Pilot ] "A B EAUTIFUL FILM"-Th• N•w Yorktt GRAND PRIZE WINNER 1966 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL ""''" ~) Ol'flt"11 AMAN ANdAWOMAN •f\•"O.IQlltlltOI • •IAllWICUl·l{Ll.dlll'tiltlllm'I Glvrllliwl'llllll u 110111L.n1 on OC/r0f'1'0Wlfl ·cunT easrwooo r!2-i .~'COOGan'S· BLUff" ~ IN COLD"•A U N IV8R8AL ... C"t'\19'. "FROGMEN'~ -All Stats SOc SPEC IAL SATURDAY P.T.A. MATINIE -12!20 '----------------~~boo;;;;-,~--~-.-.-.-•·•-+ • •·-er.+ a •••·6ri3)dft ·&> o.. ,I ~.2 DAil Y PILOT LEGAL NO'MCE LEGAL NOTICE ··-ct:•Tll'ICl.TE OP' •Vll .. 1!11 ,ICTITIOUI RAM• (Sl T1w ~ -.. CMtlf'!' N II Cfllld11elt.. • tM.IMH "' U~1 11.iter ""'· A. co111 "'-"· c111torni., .....o.r -flclltlo<n firm ........ Ill 0,t.RY OT· TA MAINTEN ... NCE 1tld llltl Nici llm> .. mri>oi>Hd "' fhe frol-lr'f9 --· .,.._ ...,... lft NII Mid Plllal IM r11!. d....C. " ....... ~, Garv 0t11, 120 Blktt. ~. A. cosi. Mnt, C.Hlon!ll o.i.. DK.. 2'· 1961. G1rr Otl• Stile cf C.ltlo"'lt, Ori ...... Cou11!'111 Oii 0.C.. U, 1ffl, tJl.fon mt , I NollrJ Putillc 111 1116 tor 11ld S11!e, 1>1r-ll'f IDl'e•rMI G•r'I' Ont k110w11 to me to bf .,,. "''"°" 'llhoH 111me r, wbM:rlbtd 10 tile wl~l11 11111rvme111 tncl 1tk110Wi.clu· Rd lie •~ecuh!d Tiit 11me. !OFFICIAi. SE.A.LI MARY HENRY Holtry Publlc.C•!llomi. Prlncloll Olfk• In Or1 ... 1 Coull!Y Wtdntsdl1, J.111.1111)' 29, 1969 Y011r Money's Worth By SYLVIA PORTER For AMl·Marie's 17th birth· day a couple of wetkl ago, her mother oaftred .a present of a new wardrobe : afternoon dress, dinner dress, pants suit, shirt, sweater, all to be 1elected by her at the store of her choice. I was tucked into a corner chair in my frlt:nd's Uving room when sbe announced the generous presrnt and I turned eagerly to see her daugbter's response. "'Ibanks, Mom." sa!d she, "but do me a favor, huh! Outside of the sweattt, use all the money you expect to spend on the clothes to btJy me the materials instead. I'll make what l want. You buy the fabrics because you always spend more than I would. Thanks." HBUT ANNA-PifARIE. it's your birthday," protested my friend. "1 want you to use your time studing, not sewing for your present." "Mom, please do like I say,'' LEGAL NOTICE wu the •nswer. "111 come out with much bfllter clothes than I would buy in any store and J'll end ap with a lot an ore to wear too.'' fn the sUeoce th;1t foUowed, l told my1o1elf "Wow! II Anna· Marie ia at all typical, the saga of home sewing has soared far beyond what it was when I spotted and reported the: comeback at Its mart years ago. Better cbeck." SO, I llA VE cltecked and It 's "wow" indffd. -Between a and 44 million women and girl.I are now in· volved in making apparel at home. About 35 percent of all teen-age a:irls sew more than 82 million items a year. -ln 1968, it's estimated thal more than 600 million pieces of apparel -not in· eluding home furnishings - were sewn at home. This is one-third of all the dresses, coals, suit!, slips and blouses produced in factories. Since 1950, the number or garments sewn al home has risen by Mr C-IHiofl Eu1re1 Nov, '" ltn su,1:•101: cou•T OP' THE STATE Publlllled Ortn•I C&all Otltv PtlDI, 01' CALl,OttNIA J111u1ry 22. 2'. Febfllll"/' 1. J], J'Mt l'OR THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE 22"°" Nt. A•t2MI ----------~---jNOTICE OP' HEAlllNO 01' l'l!TITtON LEGAL N~CE P'OR l'ROSATE 01' Wit.I. AND 'OR VII LEnE•s TESTAMENTARY E1!1h! of ETHEL KALL RIU.RO, l"·n.MS 0Kea1e<:1. CERTtl'tC.-.TE OF SUllHESS NOTICE IS HERESY Cil\IEN Thtl FICTITIOUS NAME UNtTEO STATES NATIONAL BANK IWI• Huritington Harbour Helm Taken by Tague Tht undt™'lltd ~ t~lty II<: k tllo<:t llf:rtln 1 Pfill\oll tor P•""41•• of tvt>d\Klllle 1 Dutlnt51 ti 2~ E. COHl wlll and tor Lnuu•« ot Ltllf1'1 HW'f., Coron• del M1r,"c111tom11. undef Tu11m1>11t1r'I' lo Petltlofter. rll'ltAnct lllt llcTll!ol;• flrm ...,,.,... of PIUHT..()..MAT to whid! II mtdfc for further p1rtlcult"' -~" wld t!rm 11 coml'OO<fd of IM ""'' ftw lirM tncl Plltt of htarl"51 "" tot1owl110 ~. ..._. n1rne In ~ s-mt hi• -.. .et for Fet>rwrv full Ind Pleet ol fKl<I~ .. IS fllllows: U, 196t, II t :SO 1.m .. In ~· aiurlnlom JERRY F GO\llN, )O+-mfl Sl,, of D"""'rtm~I Ho. l of stld cou•I, H-1 BNdi. 11 1llO WKI Elthll'I S!"'rt, bi ff\e Dit..:I J111111ry 14. 1'6' Clf'!' of Sen" ,._,.., C111forn11 JERRY F. GO\llM 011..:1 J1nua,.., 11. net Si.tt of C1lllornl1, Or8110t County: W. E. ST JOHN Of! J1111,11ry ll, Ifft. belart me. I COl.lnlY Clelil -'3ottrv Publlc In t llCI tor 11111 Slt1e. t>t'f· OUftYEA. CARPENTER •IMI 81RNES '' -red JERllY F G-OVIN. BY Em11! J. Sch"' Jr. aon1 ., • "' o.wr or1 ... known IO "" .. bl the pen.on N .. POrt kid!. c.M,., .. 1. wMM n1m1 11 1\lblcrlbed lo ll'>t within Toi: 1110 4-'2·tMt ln•ltW!'ltllf llld .0-.-ll!O'llH Pit nK~ ,t.Jtenll'fl ..., l"wtlHIMI' th• wma. Publi.rwd O•lr>Ot Co.11 Olll'f IOFFFC1Al SEAL) Jtn. ~. JO, •nd Feb. S, 1'6t JOlftll\ E, D1~I• Nollry Publlc.C•l!larr1l1 Prlncl'Pl l OHie. 111 Or-Coo.ml¥ LEGAL NOTICE • M'f C0nwnlHIDrl bfifl'ft ,-mtS J-'1, lt10 CE•TIFICATE OF •USl .. ES!I Pilot, 156-119 PubUP\ed 0••1111• Coa1t D•ll'f PHO!. l"ICTITIOU$ NAME J1rw1ry IS, tt. 1' tnd Febru.el"f S, TM u"""rs!11oe<1 dM$ t>trtllY 11111 •~• ' \:::'"' 67~• i• conducll"ll I butlntn ti •UO N1WPCr1 -C~ter Or. E11!, NewPOrt Beach. LEGAL NOTICE C1ll10ml1. uodtr tl'le lldlllovs tl•m nt me -' .... ------------1111 MEDICAL OICT.-.TION SERVICE 1nd \ l"·J"lUO Iha! uld llrm 11 tomPO•td OI 1i>e CEITIFIC,t.TE OP' COll'ORATION!I FO• lollowln11 ~rwn, wholt n"me 111 lull TRANI.ACTION OF 8UllNE55 UNDEI. 11'111 Pl•Ce ol ''''"''"'I• •• follows; FICTITIOUS NAME BAii.BAii.A ANN BISHOP, 1010\ THE UNOERSIGHEO CORPORATIONS Harbor Lsi. Ln., Hun1in91on B•ICh, ~•ch "" hefetrv certify 11111 tr.... are C1llrorni1 condvcll"' • bulllll'H loUled 11 Ill Diie<! Janutrv 71, ltff Well 1111'1 '''"''· COii• Met.I, C•Ulom••· BAll._BAllA ANN BISHOP ullder "" tldlllooa tlrm 111mt of YEISER STiie of C11ffor11la, Ora,,.. Counr.., LABORATOWIES, LTD ...... ""' said 011 J•11u1ry 71. 196', t>efOl"f m~ .• firm 11 tom1KP1ff1 gt tile foUowll\9 aw· No!anr Publlc In Ind tor u ld Sith!. Po<lllortl. -ptlll(lpal "llcH o1 Pe."lon,,llY IPDtlfe<I BARBARA AN~ buslntu lie 11 tollows. l!ISHOP kno-10 me ht bl the Dt•lll~ II) YEISER LAllOR.-.TORIES, INC., wholt Mme II 1ubicrlbed to !ht Wllho11 N I Well \Ill\ Shetl, CM!• Mesi, l111!rumen1 tlld .cknowllodllHI tl\f e~· C1llf01"nl1. ecu!ed l1w ume. WITNESS lh hltld IM1 1Jrd .S.v of !OFFICIAL SEA.Ll J111u.erv, IN,. JOMPh E. DIVI! YEISER LAl!OltATORIE.S, INC, N011r'f Pubflc·C•lllotnlt Bv Jtck Y11ser PrJllCWI Olflct In Pr"IOenl Oren111 CounlY Bv PU Y~!!.ff MY Commlulol'I E•Plrtl S.Cret1nr/Trt1w"r J ul>!! 21, 1710 .STATE Of CALIFORNIA Publill'led Ort119e Coa11 01lly PILcl, COUNTY OF ORANGE /H J1nu1rv 1t and Ftbru1ry 5, 12, It, On thl1 23n:I div of January, A.O. JN' ll'·ot ,%'/. befOl"t me, 1 Hof••'>' Puti11c In end fo• uld County 11111 Stile, ptorsone!lv 1P1>t1red JACK YEISER Ind P.IT YEISER. ~llOWll lo mt lo bl Pr<tll· •cnt 1116 ~•et1r't'/TrN1urer, "',,e<:- tlvtlY, ct !he co•para!lon tn•I ex~~uled the wl~l11 ln11tument on behalf of lh! (OfPO<'lllon fl>fftln n1med, • n d •dlnowl«:t11fll to mt. l~•I such COP•urarlOI' e~ec~te<I ""' .. ~ IOFFICl ... L sE.-.LI JOYtt Grl'f Who (an Read Just One 'Peanuts'! • Not1rv Publlc.C11\f'llrnl1 Prl11el1>tl Oll!ct In Orll!Je Covn!Y M'f CommlHlol'I ExpiN!t M1rcll !l, INt U) DEANE ELECTRONIC!, INC., di We•I 1111'1 Sl•etl. c ... ,. ,,,.,..,,,, C1tllolllll . OOPS, WE GOOFED! WITNESS II• '1tnd 11'111 '11! ,,..v ol J1n111ry, lHt. DEANE ELECTRONICS, INC. BY ..... C. Pt111e P .... IOfl\I BY llrTV Dtllll' S.C"'l•r'l'/Tl"f'ISurer STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF OJI.ANGE Isl On 11111 2111 dtv ol J111u1ry, A.O. lKf, belvn! mt, t N011ry Publk In •nd tor ukl Coun!V 11111 Sl11t", 1>en.ontll'f •oot1rt'CI IEN C. DEANE •!Id LARRY DEANE, lo.no..,, to me l'1 ~ !ht Prtl~tnl and Secretlrv/Trt11111r1r. •HPeCll'fflv, ot •~• con>orl!Lon thll e•Kuled ll'lt within ln1lr\lmtnf 1>11 bolhalf ol ll>t torPG<ll\011 111er1111 111med, end 1t;11.nowltckted lo mt thtl MKfl c1>1>ror11ion ••IKU9'11 lht ··-· !OFFICIAL !£ALI Jovct G•IV Nol1rv Publk-Cllltornl1 Prlncll>tt otlla In 0r11111• co..,,,,.,. My Comml11lon E•Plrts M•rcfl 2S. Ifft (31 E.NAEO ELECTRONICS, INC .• Ul W11t Ulll Slrttt. Cotlt Mt_,,., Ct ll-11. WITNESS Ill hind ll'o\~ 'hi dlY ol J1nutr1, Tttt EN.A.ED ELECTRONICS. INC. 8y J-F. DHnt P<t,klelll 8¥ S"" Twltcl>tll Secnt1ry/T"''....,..... LTATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY 01' ORANGE l•• On 11111 71•1 dtt af J1-r"'I', A.O. 1tat, befort mt. • Nol•rv PUOlk 111 •'Ill for w k! COlllllY •nd Shift, __..tlY •-Ad JAMES F. DEANE •I'd SUE TwlTCHELL know11 ta ,,... ta bfo TM PrnloMnt •" d SKt'wl•nrlT~n-r. ~•P«"l'IY'fl'f, "' ""' ~rlllon th•I ••-cut.II ,.,.. wi~ln ln1"'11'1Wnt .., bth1!1 ..,. t~• a.--11\nn flw•eln t11nwd, •rid ~-!Hlffd '° ..... tt.11 lucll ~·•ion <'XtCUNd 1111 Mmt. (OFFICIAL $EAtl JOY« G11t Ntlt1rr Publlc-C1llfon1l1 PrtnclHI onic. 1n o,,.,.., Ct111n!1 M1 Commlu!on E.tl"lrtl M•f"Ch U, lffO "'"°'"'"a ... •OSe• ·-kite llt ...... ,. Wiii c..t""' ti" 1 .. A-.. "" Ill"' I.ti ....... Ct~ ..... ,., T-)Ml1 1".,e.ntNd Orlnfe CMd Olll'f PUcot. J-ry 1' lrld f' .......... rv &. It If, ,.., llMf ' The Or•n9• C:O.tt't Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE E'iiiii There's Only One WHO EXPECTED ALL THIS RAIN? Excess Inventory 1:1 Piling Up so .. . FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY BEGINNING TODAY - 1. REG. $1850 NOW.ONLY 2. REG. $895 NOW ONLY CALL NOW HUGE 200 SQ. FT. ROOM ADDITION l11cl14111,: l'l•RJ e hnwhs • lh11 Pf'tntt c."'"'-"'r WM'Mr PT..t Wol'lt • C.MMt Slall• Plus: Complete Insulated Roof 51195°0 DELUXE ROOM SIZE PATIO l1dNl11t: "'-• r.n.tlh e .... P't'lat11 •INSUL.Am lOOP• Plus: Complete Screen in FULL PRICE 5595°0 ~~~~E PAY JUST $3.50 PER WEEK 546-9973 OR 894 4441 CALIFORNIA PATIO SUPPLY Now World's Largest Monufacturer PAY .NOTHING TILL JUNE! SEE DISPLAY MODEL • 769) WESTMINSTER AVE., WESTMINSTER 11 ••ldll w .. 1 .t ''""' OVER THE COUNTER Mutual Funds ,, . "' .. ·• •• .. ~ •• . \. " ,• .. & "' ... ;~ •• ·~ \'" .. . , l~ '• .. ~ • '• •• ... h •• ' .. •• ,. ... ~ ,, • •• • ... •• " •• ' ,. .. • ~ " ·~· ••• ~ '" ., .. " ..• .. "' .. .. .. .. "• ,, " .. • •• " •• -~~ " .. •• ' ... '· ... .. .. .. .. " :t •• ' .. " .. •• " .. " ~ " •• " •• " " .. .. .. ' ' • ... " ~ " a .. .. " " .. " •• •• ... •• " .. " ~ . ' . '. ·'' ' ' • Tuesday'!i Cl~s~ DAIL'/ r-ilflf Prices -Complete List '· Pvt. IC. Terry l\t Noah, 19, son of Mrs. Mae Hltnter of 571 Joann St., Costa Mesa, has been assigned to the 11th Amortd Calvary Regiment, Vietnam. Pvt. J.C. G~ T. Botldtr1in, 20, so1i orMr~ aild Mrs. Arthur Hoelderlin of 2518 Lehigh Place, Costa Mesa has been assigqed to the 1st UigisticaJ Command near Long Blnh, Vietnam, as a c~rk-typist. Aban l\Hch't L. M.org~, aorr of Mr. and ''.?\frs. Charles H. ~Morgan of! 3142 Sharon Lane, Costa M•a. completed baslc tra~· · ;· at Lackla#id AFB, Tex 1 ~! will rent'ain at Lacki le\' tralnin& ~ a security &licdman. ·: , rl·-l';b+ , -Jl!lt A. Longerjiope, son1 • Mr.s. '1 Martha ~­ LoQg~ne pr ,1597 Redlantls Plate -~~.Mesa has beeo ass fu t'. •eesler AF13, Miu ttlfitlqg in the eoih-~;d • .-~f· ~~irmea: terijig:lbe~ :f;;, ' ""' an "' W. Lnley, soo~ Mr. ·en Mrs. Harry K. it,.estey, tl.1062 Bonita St., Tu#f_n, cmnplfted b a s i c tratning at La;ckland AFB, Tei and has been assigned to a~<;;:anute he, Ill. for tr . i in mer or king. 'Ibe airman is a 1967 grM:luate of slin H i g h Scljpol. • ~ . ,. -r .. e Con l r)D I Techni;kn s..lnan Rol>tf\ I. Kronqilt, us!l, aoo of "1'· and Pirs. • 1. Krofquist of z121 St., La~a Beach,~s aboard r,e g u i d le 1~· ,c_ruiser · ldenc eyimed to '&In ~~en;,! j1 two ye" d<tT'•~'?'tnam. ane, ABE A, us • 'ion of • and ~. R .• ~ane o( 940 W. lath St. ~ Mesa, has been to advanced technkal , New Jersey. . <hDt 11" i"'tructed· In anhtlna · and 1J. e · ca L "edard ~ h,ana~art caf!er• ,_ Boston for nl °" , .. WfdMSdly, Jan1Hu7 29, 1969 Girls' 'Mini Rib ;~ ~antf :. Tights 2:s3 J'ull P•n ty with wida elastic wUst fot en& fort. 100% riik>n seam. less mini· rib design. Sizies 1·3, U, 7·10 and 12·14. 694 ea. Women's Cotton 'Print .Aprons 1., I •"' ..,. Jlc B;h, holf ~ O>bbiu· 2 F $) ette a.ch u& an usort. 0 mcnt of coJoo and dcsip. C.Olada.st. It 98!. Value Pendants · .j md Key Chains , ..• .,, , ....... ,6c l'oE.J_1:!J.":I 2 f $) t~........ 0 """"'i.""""' ~ · 'l"Value!24x40" Braided Throw "°9s llnidecl utter ru,gs. ft .. ""ibt• "' ~ ""' $139 -41: easy ate. Li.drt a: dad: =-ii~~-ftiAacd . . · 98:0 J alue Cartet''''. Ty,,writer l!lbbons c.-U..,.,.;., 2· F $) ~=.1·0 .. ~ .. ~~I ',' I .... ~19t Ustttlne latidptic e 17H4_....W a a.St.•T .............. C-. ....... Y .... • ............. _ ..... ..,.. ........ ,, .. , Ciitw, ........ , ..... e JJOI H9Mf .... ...._ l*i1ppl a C.., C..... ..._ ., 11111 ~...,. •• ' H1 .. nur1r ....._ , " 45RPM Records ~~r.n:!'' 1o~s1 Sill for 89e I Hundttds of ritli!S, btmdiois bl a.ttistl. l-fusic lot evttt l:iUtt. French and Italia $],98 Sunglasses N"' "-"'look" top fuh. $1 ioa sq lasses withgliss lmxs and optia.1 hinges. S&Tt 98c a pair. . •1 50 Value Padc of 2 EKtensloa Cords Reg. 594.Chocolate - Dally ladlsart . Mint Patties .., .... ..,.11c PWI t-lb. boz of 2 F $) ::t·~= 0 --I Reg. 69'.lssorteil Ladles' Hair lrushes T.o 'f mtu111on S., J .... ..,. $1.07 Cords,. UL ~ Ftmeh Te s1~ Bean p....i, ;,.., '"1· DI-$1 T"" ,.d pmr.,.;~ 3 F $) or. Buy fltJfl .C: ........._... al Btmhes. :Bl:.:: 0 this spacial low r.--•l.•~.' Jaw · I -·~ ...... ___ ..,.. •1 :49 VaL Decorator Bowl Brush & Holder ' .. - •t.16 Value Pk. of 4 Prl1tt.d Dlsh Cloths Reg~ 98' .. 72d7'' Po~P,Je~ Draeeri~s -•. ,,. . •r'·""" ... ,.,,,. 2 '$1 1la1 2 l*t -Jaft 0 96<. I 37!. Flour Satk 30I36" D~To"91s · ........ '4~'-$1 Henr, -Im.W...... 0 ....... .;'~ -··- : ..... i-::.s::::-=-,..~~~ ........... ·~ e ffl!1 ,...., ..... •Ct ¢ Aft; tw•u 11 "•" ~ .,._ -;) .. _R.eg. $' .77 · 4 Shelf etal~Bookcase . : ' MJ.~ '$5' Gold I.mtei fin-' isb fttma <:Om--"''"" b> .. d """" scrstcla .. free shel•es.. Sturdy, .... ~ ...,:....iimhle ••• .n ""1 """ .1ttuction. w~ Or A.ocado coloJs. ' )(odd-0&.l . . 49:. Cutex . Lipstick or Nail Polish 1.,.4 ., Your Choice 4· s· 1 .... 0 MY•'" I c.-ioB Col'"' t,;p,.;d: ""1 FR>md ]12 NW Polish ill. lonl1 mw spring ~ '"°" "' ""' Mk! SJ" ·VaLCombiaa.tion Bottle and Syringe - •ll&bt lrr•p l•rs •f $2 .49c:Dm-$1 liillltioa. bot . ..__ ,bottle and IJrinse •. SliAht lar~ in no _, Uf«t semoc. ~ •• 794 ... C.,.ily·Plc. of 275 Cotten Balls ,.,., ... sm ... ~~~-··2F$1 111eS .rbuod the boue. . 0 ·--· DoJ.lor .,,,, • • I ' ' I since. . 98' Bathi .'n'.Glow ·; 2 OL 11 ... h Oil . ' ~ t itll tlf,1 • !:!'a~= 49c llOJOG"llkia. 'Chimp Chat' Ix 1 O" Frame-d · Pictures .~=::=aa paaees.: l'ull colar C -1~•-il: killim Ollor. ' . ' . • · ·"slil'~' Choice · 86 'Proof Bourbon ~':t. . 3 ~ $975 $3.'9 t 1. I Stock uP 1Pd•1 dwfN thit limi ted time ale. Malllrlall di"ltllled bo6:rbon. Sl.39 II SI. Aluminum Cookware .. ,..,~· $1 <to r s, eo-. d"'> To ~:d Cate Pad.6 Whiodll>I Too Kettles, Bah . a: Rout .... ...ic.i..-- ,Coom. s12.1s .. v11.1az Beft1,ron VafYl.tize r lW,pori:rerJa.. ~··$a "Wdifier -.rith 1 '..Uoo copuiir, lO·U hr. n.- f l.'ljlatimion.U.Lapprond. ' . 98' Brel .. c ..... -. 11 .... .. I " • .. • ----------------~-· ----~ -. -·--~ ~~----------~-----------------.... .. a~t . ...,,,. • .c .... ~ ;,. 'i\c"UING Y\)Ui(~po~l ~G c~.r:-Pa~_pfate~ :""1<\ other fotellif1iiltlhg'materiaB Will be"coiillnoJ!. .place when ~king;;ip a cool -electronic oven, and '•)\he only type~,~~. :which can't be used are Ibo ~ ... . ~ , .. traditional metal o~~s. Mrs. . l Heifli-~·bome economist at lb~ Sj>Jllhel'\l calitornla Edison Co., }IWltington Bea~ jjejiareS ~veno:frfed bacon on a paper plate for ~•).Muri Fullmer. : ., Chicken A • In Every ·Pot J.\1iny of what are con- sidered gourmet dishes today, had their origins in old world peasant specialties. One e1- By NANCY rtfC INTYRE DEAR NANCY' I have a "'onderful husband, two beauti- ful children, an Iri.sh terrier and a Jewish mother·in·law. M ma comes to fl.sit ua every )'ur for a "w.e~", that lasts , . lrft&,: ~ruliry to ~:Wften tfifi inows melt "'h in.the Bro.,.. I aJ. "'iii . ways lltSY ,for an ' · ~ early sPrlng, My .ntQthef·in·law ls th~.,'lf~J4'-1 leading authority. Name It and~~·u Lell you how to _t;\lrt it, cook il; i.ve jt., spank it or love H: Mose of lhe & rttumor her along, (acfuaJJy t like hee /but there is one issue between us tht ,'ti6. op my "Irish." .. She .~ that I',m starving Harry ·with ~ crazy health foods, and that he lookS Peeked and emaciated. It's taken me all these years to get Harry into good shape after the years mama haa stuffed him with three helpings or rich Jewish food. Of course my husband sWI yearns for chopped chicken liver, gefilte fish, lox, and so forth, but l've;trained him to eat sensibly and scienti!iCally. The world's leadin,S' authority will be arriVlng shortly. Majbe she'll listen to you on the necessJty rm a strict, discipli· ned dlel HARRY'~ IRISH ROSE DEAR ffilSH ROSE: Tile only way to handle a thorny 1 problem b with kid gloves -not boxing gloves. A Jewish mama is no different than any mama except 1 Jewish mama worries better. Your molher·in·lay may be as hardheaded 81 a balel, but I SWI~ • •. •'.·ii. " ample Is Beef Bourguignon, a melhod of preparing beef in provincial France. Pieces of beef are stewed • with onions, b'acon drippings , mushroom1j wine and a number of aeason.lnp and spices. Usually, this . classic • dish, wltb Its long ln~redient list and preparation time, is reserved ooJy for special oc- casions. ally-.. ' / ------------------------------===-=-------------------------------------~-----__ ...:.. ______ -- I I, ' I • • I • I l ... DAil Y PILOT ---4 . . . . . . . . . . • 'Exceed-drin' He~dache No. 3: .. Being Told We're Too Young DEAR ANN LANDEHS: r.iy girl and l are both in high school. We are very )uuch in love. Last week Sarah learned 'She is pregnant. Yeslerday \l'e told our ·~rents "'' ~·ant to gel married. ~ . .-1.!y rolks say ll's all right with them . .,16arab's parents say no. They want her ... -19 go to her aunt's in Wisconsin and "hnve the baby, then put it up for adop- tion. (We live in a small town, Ann, •i nd she couldn't ra« people unless she .. as married.) • 1 Sarah is a quiet person. She respects • ~er parents a lot and now she feels .'1f:~ tnust do as thev sav. \\'hat IS your opinion'.' -PARE.NT T.ROUBLE DEAR TROUBLE: llow old art you? llow old Is Sarah'.' Wollld you quit high school? Can )'Ou 1upport s wtre and tbJld? My advice Is lo sit dowo with yOW' clergyman. He kno'!l·a you and, your girl and b n t h sets of pareot1. Hli judgment would be belier than mine. (And helter than yours, lOo.) DEAR ANN LANDEHS: Four years ago I married a man my parents never liked. My dad always said Brian lacked ambition . Wt night Brian came home and an- nounced he llad quit his job al the supermarket. (Conflict with the boss.) The job lasted six months -the longest he has stayed with anything since we married. We have two small children and I can't go to work lo help pay the bills the way I used lo. Brian says the reason he has employ- ment troubles is that he has never of olbrr molben copy her. tP.S. I loye oatmeal, and l eat It eveD wbea I dot't Uve &ol) had a job equal to hls brains and abUity. J can't understand, Ann, with all the propserity ~. bow II happens that 11 capable man never seems to get tba opporlunily. can you explain this! -BRIAN'S WIFE year ~ old problem. She ls my mother. l aro 11. My m.otber coplea my planu teachi:r. A few ~ 110 m1 ptaoo teadier't Utile Cirl clldn'.I,> wl,lli. lo ~al her oatmeal IO she ,• 11' ~ '1111> • Too llWlY c:ouplt1 10.irom m1trlmony laundry chute. Her ..,. ... .to aalinony. Don~ 111 your marrl•&• DEAR WIP~: '1'1lero'1 pleal7 ol op- po"""1ty ....._TH--•-don't reoophe lt ii becaUMl It II dilgu.lt- td u hrcl work. around and mado: JaO!ha' · bowli ;\.:., , s.~ I oatmeal. What Illa dido~ .. 1 ·t, '!"" be1aro It 1•11 ola!l<d· ·~ or breakfast llhe bad to ait for lUnch: , 'Jr-"1F Landeri' ·booklet, "Marriage -What Now when I don't • waot. '9 , ,qe:) Eipect:" Send your requast to, AM 10111elblng 11\Y m<>lbtr .. y1, "AU Landen. In cm al this newspaper OflCl!ll' · Brlu's blabWlJ to stick wltlt • Jett Is a sip ,ol lmmalarlty. lie """'"lo plant some seeds of ltoDelt la'bor, water l!leOl ,...,...iy wJ1ll penplraUoo ud llld< .....a 1<m1 eMu&h lo ... wbt comes 11.J. you11 -It at tile ·DUI Jll"al • • Jiis 50 cenll io coin ond a !oar. etamped. ..,,. ei1001b, there 11 lo. "11...idreaaed envelope. Whal do you tblnt about a mother Ann Landen· wW be sJad to htlp who copil!:I lbe plaQo, teacher? -yoti wlth your jlroblems. Send them COPYCAT'S liOll to bu In care o1 tba D.ULY PIU71\ DEAR SON: I W J'lOU' ..... leacW enClosing a .. ~ .. ddreued, 1lomped h11 a wuderfal klu 'Mil. I lttpe lob en~elope. • DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1 have a 3f. !!;: Home Ec;:onomics Major '• Leads Drama.tic Efforts By JEAN 'COX ot the o.ltr Plltl 11-'f Irma Nof.ztger doesn't have much lo aay -not If she's asked about the joys of clean- ing house. But aai her aboul the thester and the former home ecooomica major is a vuitable encyclopedia. She also speap knowledgeably about parent-teacher assocla- tiQM (She was president of one), libraries, art and raising children. Mrs. Nofziger, the manage.r- director of Laguna Playhouse, began her career typically enough as a home economlcs major at New York Universi- ty. While there, the coed strayed from her domestic endeavors into a more glamorous \\'Otld as nn ap- prentice in th e Group 1'heatcr and summer stock. After leaving college she found both a job as a secret.Ary for the Saturday Evening Post and her hus- band, Ed, a rising cartoonist who worked for the magazine. Mrs. Nofzlger's need for cultural involvement was not Jong quelled by raising a fami- ly of three young!lers. The No!zigers, longing lo leave the big city for a more rural setting, moved to a small town near Jones Beach. ~;/ ~ y. ~-.., . WELL-ll:EPT sEc;RET -Who 'will win an award at the Fdth I Annual l\wlllds , arld InstallatimtJJ>i' Orange Coun)y Association ; for Retarded Childr9n?·Holding the answer is the treasure chest ·and unlocking the secret will be Mrs. Jack Nelson or Newport ;:;;.,-..:·~~ ·aURALSEITING ~ ·_ • _.:_tt ~ ~ l. ·· Twl 'Mtiftf ~·as r u r a I Beach (left) but not until Friday, Jan. 31 in ~e Elks LOOg8 ill' enough ..=_··roo rural tor Mrs. iapta &)I< ~elj>il)g keep the secret are (left to nght) Mrs, ~!d. "' Mof3lll" w ~;o commentoo, Lindbert bf ~untington Beach and Mrs. Paul Wtlson d. -~COata; r ~ •inie~Culttital. center of the playhouse in linportant capacities such as stagt manager, president a n d member of the board of dlrec- tors and three yeara ago ac· cepted lhe full-time paying job of manager-director. musicals dr&\\' the largest numbers to the playhouse . .. We can't do them too often, ~ause they are more ex- pensive, but we try to stage one every summer," she said. • i • . FROM GRAPE TO GLASS -A win .. tasting party ts being planned by parents from Hill Top J'.jurs~1y School as the group's principal fundMraislng projecl for the year, and pouring samples of the variety of Wines Interested In n1a1ntr1 111 1n~ uist.fng high standard s of CIJIUIUon are parent~ of ehfldrtn altending the 1!11! T<JI Nunery SChool. Their 1oaior ,....._.,,,,.. and means projl!:<'~ 11,·ill · be a wine-ta.sting p11rty 11/.:1 1, : place between 7:30 ~nd fl :·11 :,.J .m. F'rldl}'. Feb. 7, In Lh11 ~1lbOll Pavilion. In oddition to rflprtstn· tr.tiycs rrom 11rca winerie:s I Offered wllo will host arlft pour tin assortment ar wines, s:in•rles or cheeses and bread wili be served. Additional in!orrr.s tion n1ay be c>btalned h/ calling ~fr.11 Jon Methlan , MO-~ The non profit , 11 ere n I - rooperall\le cor?J!'llti•JO 1 ~ lol'atcd in the CO.Illa '.\1c~a t.;nitarian Church. ft Is liccn"- cd by the Slate Dep:irtml•nl of Socia! Welfare and Is a Mesa. r town wts the fire house?" Also successful have been the Neil Simon comedies, although Mrs. Nofzlgei"admits candidly, "I am getUne -pretty tired of him.'' wines to be served arc (left to right ) Mrs. Jon f\1ehtlan , ~1rs. Edgar Bolton and f\1r s. Gerald LeLesch. for Sampling membt:r or the 0. 1;•1., ... Co•1'1ty Co un ci l of l'nr enl Part1cipallon Nu1 ~ ... ,., Sch'Ylls. Child ren ~'ho ·.1 ill he tv•o year!! old by Dec I 111.iy ~ rnrolled in the lwo "''~·':Iv morning session~ Thi' t1111r- yc11r-0 lds allcnd !.ir ·c 1n ... 1- 1ngs each w('rk 14 i1 h :.11 1" 1•ll- n1ent limited to ~.) 1 ~i.1,,rpn per l(roup. J-"11 e 111oltu 1~ 1n addi tion to Mrs Sar;i ~., u11 a profess1:mal teacher, a:ll·nd each session. Each mother i::ttr111.ls a monthly meeting arid 'llU1'l complete an iost111ction course geared to the develnpn1r.1t of p~f'"hool childn>n :tn1 t~ en- r·~ ··~ .... rnrnt of n1dcre"'ll:!1·,cr, hr · h y rcfatlonshlps and c1·1 ~· expre.'lsi.1:-i. F:.t.1ers at1r11Ued !n 01'('11 house and wit nes'!'l'li 11 typ1~ 11! school day last 'laturo,:i,1· Awards, Officers ' Presented The Orange County Associa- tion for Retarded Otildren will take part in their Fifth Annual Awards and InrtallaUoo Din- ner next Friday. The event wJII take place in the Elk's Lodge in Santa Ana. A no host cocktail hour will be staged from 8:30 to 7:SO p.m. preceding dinner. Every y e a r outstanding volunteer workers throughout Orange County and within the assoclallon are saluted for their many endeavors on 1 behalf of retarded children. Awards will be presented to these , workers during the dinner. Heading the gmup of·com- mittee workers is Mrs. Jack Nelaon of Newport Beach, chairman for the coming eveot. Assisting her will be the Mme1. David Karl, pro- gram; Orin Bowers, Arnold Llndbert. decorations: Vincent Tock. reservations : Phi I Tozer, publicity ; 11 a r o I d Langhan, Jay Tr ea n er, hostess : J.D. Littlejohn, Rene Guns and Ernest Huenemeyez\ awards. Oliver Olsen, new president of Uie organization, invites the public to the event. Reserva- tions can be obtained by call- in,irthe OCARC office at 5'41· 4458. Bus Trip Told Assistance L e a g u e or Laguna Beach has scheduled a bus trip to the Ports of Call Village which will include luncheon aboard the SS Pr incess Louise: Tuesday, Feb. )1 Tickets, which include the price of luncheon. are $5.75 per person, and the bus will lt"8\'I! Boal Canyon Shopping Center at 10 a.m. Mrs. Jaycees Hunlington Beach ti.1 r ~ Jaycees meet the scCQnrl Mun· day or the month at II p.m. Location lnronnatlon may be rr.crived by calling ~1rs., ~1 1chae l Broo~, 53&--i021 ' To ma'ke matters worse, to the Nofrlgers' dismay, the to>1'n functioned lvilhout a public library. This situation w a s in· tolerable to Mrs. Nofziger. She and a friend rolled up their sleeves, and working against "pposition, established the town's very first public library -in the fire house, of course. Ed, who wa.s a native Californian, often brought his family for visits here, and during one trip in 1951, they decided oot to return. The decision was New York's Joss and Laguna Beach's aain, for since then they have resided in the Art Colony. The family looked up the playhouse. Soon, Ed, with another newcomer. Phi 1 lnterlandl , read for a play and got his first part. Since then the family has been in· volVed in one way or another. Although Mrs. Nofziger ad- mits, that liie most people she has been bitten by the acting bug, she has con· centrated her efforts to work behind the scenes. BEHIND-THE.SCENES "J have more Lalent in lh8l direcl!Oll. There are so many people who are better at ac- ting." she said modestly. She has served t h e Her advice to aspiring young thespians is lo learn a skill other than acting. "They've got to have some way lo earn a living while walling to get their big break," she explained. "There are 200 applicants for every job that becomes available i n professional theater and televis.ion." Mrs. Nofziger speaks trom experience, ror many Is the lime she and her husband in- vited a talented but broke actor over to di Mer. A problem she laments when planning the playholise season is that there are not enough parts for women, although lhey equal if not out- number the men in desire to perform. Casting is not dilficult, as there are plenty of talented people in the area. ..U we have any problems at all, it would be finding young ·romantic leads. They hav.e a way of d.iaappearing afit.r one play. Tbey want to .i:r'Y .the bii time and if they get a chance at a small lilt~ part they have le> join a urJJon. The.n we can't use them here, even though they doai Jjnd another Job. MUSICALS POPULAR According to the manager, Soutli Pacific Cruise Mrs. Nofziger r~ently at· tended a· performance of "Hair" and enjoyed it tremen· dously, although she feels it probably would be too con- troversial for Orange County. Mrs. Nohiger said they do get some reaction from more controversial plays, although it is not "great." "We might iet a half-dozen call! and a few letters when we get away from what they caU family theater. But on the other hand, when we do ramlly type things, we get letters from people who say, 'we could have: seen that on televlsion.' " Reacting to that situation, Mrs. No!ll.ger pointed lo a quote. by a drama critic which sHe liked so much, she had it printed in a ·program under a aectlon beaded '1 Wish I'd •Said That." 1'te quote reads; "A theater lhat please s everybc>dy II not only in- consequential but 'useless." Mrs. No!Jlcer ' is looking forward to next 1 September when LagunaC omm unity Players preaent the first play in the new Llguna-Moulton Playhouse, now under con- strucUon. On a S.1-<lay Pacific cruise aboard the SS Presidenl Cleveland are Mr. and Mrs. \Vil liam A. Thompson of Balboa Island. Ports or call include 1-lonolulu , Papeete. Pago PfigO, Auck.land. Singapore. 1-Iong,Kong and Guam. ' )' I, .. '1 " •I • I . I c II b I b • II ' II • 1 I ' Henry Morgan's Line • Strictly Conversation ,. "I eiped that you u:pect that 1 am flOlng lb be outrageous., and ~ou·re golng to be disappointed," celebrlly llenry Morgan warned a crowd attending the · Laguna Beach Assistance League's first Town Hall Series last Monday morning. Morgan,, a New Y or k persooality and f o r m e r participant on "What's My Line" TV series, mon! or less lived up to his pror;pise and didn't really outrage anyone. However he did manage lo keep his audience of 800 women chuckling with a free wheeling conversation i n which he answered questions posed verbally and on slips of paper. A master conversationalist with a casual air and ready wit, be was called on to com- ment on everything from politics to the theater. Among the topics which he responded to lightly were: NEW THEATER -111 saw 'Hair' in New York and it was a disaster. The people in it-are not talented or good looking. I didn't understand what they were sayi ng , because, they didn't speak English, except for a few short words. The best part of the show was when six or seven o( these -er -people had a nude tahlfau. The lights go around v.-slowly. It hits them in a vw-y funny way. All you can do is feel sorry for them. They are so in- adequate.'' LOS ANGEL~ -'~. hor- rible ptece. Miles and iniles of scruffy litUe buildinis wwi lots of wires hanging ,over them."• MARJUAGE -"I was mar- ried onte a Jong time ago. It didn't \vork out. We agreed to dis31"ee as Jong as I sup- ported her for the rest of my lile. As a matter of fact. that's why I'm here." HIS EXPERIENCE 0 N "THE DATING GAME" .- The young lady and I were se nt to Tokyo with a chaperone, which really was flattering, I suppose. She turn- ed out to be a nut and the chaperone was worse. Wh at I did was let the two girls go orr together and 1 went on to Hong Kong." NIXON FAMILY IMAGE - "I don't see much excitement , but it looks solid. ~1rs. Nixo n FIRST CELEBRITY Henry Morgan is a very qulct lady. I don't know that she's ever said anything." TRANSPARENT F ASHJONS -··very few women look good in see-through lhings. But if you don't like women who dress that way, don't invite· them to your house." ''LAUGH IN" -"I have only seen it all the way through once. In an hour they had one pretty good joke. It's just a new way or telling old jokes. And r do inean old jokes, and some of them are in the strangest taste." ''WHAT'S MY LINE'' - "I've been on that show for 15 years. In the last two years, I made inore' than the presi- dent of the Unit'ed .states ... That was before they 'gave the raise." REAGAN'S INFLUENCE ON SETIUNG COLLEGE PROBLEMS -"I didn't know he had settled any college problems." Later, during a gathering in The Towers, Morgan again was called on to comment on a few subjects posed by luncheon guests . Among these were : ELIZABETH TAYLOR - "She simply is a fat, vulgar broad." Morgan was lhe first of five personalities who will be brought to Laguna Beach for the series. All tickets have been sold. Now! One 8x10 and Six Wallet-size Portraits of Your Child 4 88 ALL FOR ONLY ... Hurry in now for the most speefOCUfor portrait event iri town! You 'II get on Ix 10 for you to keep, Cl'ld J.11: wul~t-siz• to share with fondly and Mend~ A lovely portrait of your cho1d is • worm aNf wonted gift for f0riu1y birthdays. Rememb« ••. you con chore-it ot Penney's! J'ULltl10M O•~n~·i.I• Crn•,., '"" ooor, 111-~:lAJ HUM1lNGtotf II.ACM ~""11"9tllf' Ctnltr )"4111-. tU-1111 NIJW,.Olt llACM f'lhlotl 111"-' ""' tloot ....... 23!1 --~----·· . ·--------~------------------------...., DAILY PILOT %7 Horoscope Libra: Stiess Career, Recognition's Due THURSDAY JANUARY 30 By SYDNE'( OMAllR ARIES (March 21·Aptil 19), Not Y'ise lo press iasues where standing, property, security are concerned. Be flelible. TAURUS (April 20-May 20)' Take special care with \frilten messages. Ideas change. So do attitudes. Don't Ue yourself to losing cause. Confusion ex· Im in connectlOI\ with pro- mises made to reJaUves. GDUNI (May ~1.June 20): Study TAURUS messaae . Money conditions are not stable. Your jud.grl\enl apt to be colored by emoUor:. Know thla and waft for add!Uonal information. Doing so could prevent loss. CANCER (June !I-July %2): Cycle conOnues high -bul be wary of one who is overly confident. Accent on family, home '"d property. Kry Is diplomacy. LEO tJuly 2.1-Aug. 12), Avoid tendency toward self· deceptJnn. Face facts. Hiding, postpot\lng does no good. Realize Utis and be fortllrlght. VIRGO (Aug. 2.1-Sept. 12): ..Be self-reliant. F'rienW may mean well btlt lack ass!!ts, credentials. Aid comes when yo u take first steps toward self-help. Your own e.11:perience comes to fore. Be confident. UBRA (Sepl 2.1-0ct. 12): You have chante td capitallu on unique ablUUa. Stns& on career, personality, pJbllclty. recognition due. See beyond immediate indicatiol\3. SCORPIO {Oct 23-Nov. 21): Some opposition Is healthy - boomerangs in your favor. Accent original approach. Lead the way. Some behind lhe scenes may be envious. SAGITI'ARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Obtain hint .from SCORPIO message. Y o u r asset! need special protection. Day featu~s payments, col· lections. Overcome lendency lo brood . CAPRlCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Che<:k promises made to mate, partner. One close to you ls apt to be supersensitive today. Find waya of pleaslne loved one. The more you give of yourselr, lhe more you rective. AQ UARJVS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You may have been neglectin& e:xerci&t, ~I well-being. Today correct i£a! ' sHuaUon. t.~k diet and medical instructions. Catcb•up on routine tasks. Then )1>0 benefit. ' ' PlSC~ (Feb. 19-March •>: Don't play with emot.ional Ore. Roman~ is highlighted. Sweet talk is fine -but you have to fact yourself in momilli. ExerciK restraint. ) ' ' ., ' ~. ,. s ~· . ,. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! ' ·-·! Penneys Annual Fur Ca.rava·n ~ JAN 29 to FEB 5 Now's the perfect time to chOose an elegant fur ot al!onish· ingly low Penney prices! luxurious natural mink , dramatic blue fox , sleek broadtail lamb , all worked into stoles and ja~ts of incredible beauty.~ine skins, glowing with rich color, handled with the superb craftsmanship Penneys is fa . mous for, give them enduring elegance. Come early, while this exquisite collection is at its bett. A Natural mink stoles ................................. , • $269 I Natural mink" suit stot.1 , .... , .... , ~ •.. , , •. , •.•..• , .• , . $ 199 C Natural mink boa 4 •• ~ • • ••••• , • , •• , ••••••••••••• , • , • $ 30 D Natural mink jac1cet •••...•..•.. , ••.....•....•••.•.•. $397 \ I let-out natural mink stoles with double fu r collars , . , ... 1 , , -$357 P let-out natural mink jackets .....•..... , ..........•...• $629 G Natural bluo fox: stoltn: • , •• , , • , ..... , •.....••....... , $ 69 MORE EXCITING FUR VAWESI (NOT SHOWN) Dyod broodtoil processed lomb jackets ., .•••.•.•..•• , •..... $217 Natural mink stoles with double fur collars • , ....... , • , •. , , , .$349 Full-length natural mink coats .,,,, •• , .. ,, ...• ,.,,, .••••• $1,095 All'"'" lcib.le ... te thew cou11try M erltll'. NO MONEY DOWN ... USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN • NEWPORT BEACH -Fashion Island I' r . ·-·l· :· .•. .• ·'. :! .• ' . • ' .. • • •• • . ~ • . \ I I --'---------------~----------------~ --------- I I I I r I --___ ..... _______ . -.. ~ ·~ .. ' ... .,_ , -. ·-' . • --~--' ' '•, ·'· . . DAILY PILOT . Pr ioie:~ts " ' ~ ' ,. .. . . I .. . a.m. tomorrow. in the St1inta , .. Counc1l 1n~ting Monday,' Ana Ellis Club. The Mmes'. Feb. 3, in Ensign School.' Rabert So~n .. Jam e.s Mn. J.lfl F<¥1~,,Pl':fi$ten1 .. Schafer .. John Clark, and Willard Reece, prlaclP'\1 BE:roard PauJ '<ind 0 f. \\'llliam C uTI n in g·ti a!Jl, superinteodeot of I h'e Newport·Mesa 'Un Ifie d School Dis•triet , wiU represent Harbor. 'Couocil. Unit prtsidenta 1utd prin; cipals are' invlted ·lo attend R !'ifrs. Demti1 Miller President M~riners PFO COMING UP: Board meeting Robert E. Anderson at 9 a.m. Tuesday. Feb. ,..,,:. President. 4, 'In the nll!llipurpou room ~M~G· ~: Meeting pt7.JO . . Paper drive from a to tonight. Dr Stuart Wilson, 9:'6·a;m. Saturday, Fek;.8. :-tlwCal psychologist_ w ! ! I · ~ -1spealt ... Parents roffee .at College Pk PTA ' 9,30 -a.m . ned Fciday at 1 school. . Mn. Burleigh Bursbtm President Mesa Verde PTA !\trs. Jame! !\fangV.! President ~ COMING UP: Special meeting to discuss bond election ~ middle school at 7:30 p.in. tqniorro~ ... S.Weat and tee sf'lir'i sale endl next F'?ida'.y ... Board -tin«. at ·9o:Jq 'i.a. .a.rp. TuesditY, . Feb. 4,' in ia' the home of the president. ";.REPORTS : Film strips for COMING UP: Board m 141.t 9;30 •. m .. Tuesday, , 4, in the home of : !RiCbard Gibbs. Monte Vista PTA \ ft.Ir!. David Goodsell \! · Projects on Top of the World " '" ·.Presidio 'Pitches In' .at Banquet .. ~ . ' '. . .. ·:~ ~t needing .a "big pitCh' 'to convince tbe:m .~.go to Uie Fath~r..sbn _na~eba~L .. Jlanquet are (left to right) Plµ! Kilmer J·r., Kilmer,. ard Bryan .KUmer, Pre· , ·. -iidio's event will tak~ place Monday;.Feb. 10 at ·6.:30 p.m. ii) M~vde Davis .' ,~&chool. Guest speakei-during tbe spaghetti d.iri.ner will be Cl)':de Wright, I~ft , ltended pitcher for th~ California Angels. · .. '. ·•. ", .... •. . .:Programs ' Varied Units Mark ·Meetings < • ;, . 'FY Council Mrs. Ronald Murphy President '(tlMING UP : A.me r.i ca. n· ,. Heritage will 'be theme 'bf ; . ·superintendent Parent Coun- ·iri1 meeUng at t :,30 a.in. ~ .. Wednesday, Feb. S, in Lamb ~;~ool ••. Valentine's ~ay , \J theme of a OOOJ'\ luncheon .. :. ~Friday, Feb. 7, in Peek's , · · Family Colonial Terrace · :: Room. Tickets 8re' •1 and ~:·may be oblained fl'ohl. unit FV Hiqh PTA . M("S. WWiam Malflllt ·. President • · · i ' . ' . ' . CO~ING UP: The -T_1!ree·_ ~s · Rules. ·Rights: a ·n d Respolisibilities will be discussed by.a pMel 'at urQt meeting at 7 :~ ·p.m. Tues- day, Feb. 4, in room 3(11. An bor\orary )1fe mem- bership will be awarded artd social bour will t~Jl~ ttle • meeting. • Founders D a y Commlltet are the .Mmes. Fran~ Sc~tt. K e n ,h. e t h Martt, William Creed and Eugette' Shuster, • ing will be p.resen41tion of an honorary IUe mem- bership ·to a desehring iri.- dlvidual or the community for outstaildiiig Service to ' children" and the community. Tamura PTO Mrs . .Lowell Brink . Pre'sit1ent co~11NG UP: Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. tom·orrow, in the home of Mrs. Lowell Brink. REPORTS : DPT and small~ Immunization for kindergarteq, first and fifth grader~ wel:e given Utls mor!lfog. . Wardlow PTG Mrs. Georae ;'flfedl.a1 Pr.esident. the special reading machine were purchased from PT A funds for the. school. , President Hosting a 2 p.m. workshop to help teachers with simple projects is Top o! the COMING UP: Leo PoliU, World PTA Friday, Feb. 7 in the priinary wing. Prior to the event a film en- author and lecturer will titled "The Pleasure is Mutual" will be seen at 12 :30. The film deals \\'ith speak to the students iOD story-telling an,d u~e of the library. Looking forward to the workshop and it~ ~:~~~lh!ndsc=t~~ ~!~s~~e (1eff"to.fi ghtl :ri1rs. John Hust\\•ick, f\1rs. Paul I-lance and Cheryl . . 9:15 a.rn. Monday, Feb. '3\i , · ~.j "1 Pte ·~pur~. , . ,,;~, ..... .-.•. ,..; '· A IJ •• 1-f"· '. . ':" "•·" vjsu>f«W men!. I , ;, . )ro I , ' r. ," 'I ~"".T , . ; ·•! ,., -1 are REPORTS: Serving on the · ~ .. honorary life -metll>erslUp CM High PTA Mrs. Omer Isner President REPORTS: Serving on the nominaUng committee are the Mmes. ' Carl Rotman, Henry Schepans, V j c t o r Nov.ender, Richard Oliver and Paul Foster, and Ftank Lopes •.. Mrs. Rotman was appoirited to> chair a n Information on Drugs Com- mittee. Davis PTA !'i1rs. Ronald Lacldc President COMING tJl>: Founders Day meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day, Feb. 4. Program will honor past pre,s id en ts. honorary life members and this years recipient. Jim Goy and band will provide the entertainment. El Morro PTA 1 !\frs. Bruce Clarke President COMING UP: Coffee at 9: 30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, in lhe cafetoriwn. Mrs. W.D. Whitaker Will speak on Founders day. Filrri ar\d story telling wUI b e presented by students. 'I committee are Mrsf,James Moor, chairman: "Mrs . Goodsell, Mrs. Turner and Don Hout, principal. Newport Hh PT A Mrs. Elgie Armour President COMING UP: Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 11, h.es been postponed until Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 7:30 p.m. REPORTS : Mrs. Mii.x E. Harthcock was ratified as second vice president and publicity chairman due to the resignation of Mrs. Wentworth Scown . Our Lady Queen . Of Angels Aux. Mn. John Park President COMING UP: Members and guests are invited to attend a to'ur and luncheon Tues- day, Feb. 3, a.t L.ewry's Food Center. Los Angeles. Gharte.red buses will leave school at 9: 15 a.m. and return at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $4; reservation may be made by mailing check to Mrs. Paul McClary, 2622 Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Proceeds will be used for Mrs. Nigel ·Bailey President COMING UP : Book" fair and lecture on children's books by Dr. Hilda McCartney at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. Books will be av.eilable for pur- chase through Saturday, Feb. I, in the multipurpose room Mrs. Ronald Nichols and committee are in charge. Pomona PTA l\1rs. Roman Scheidel Mrs. Robert Miller Presidents COt.fING UP: Board meeting at 7 p.m. Monday. Feb. 4, in the teachers' lounge. At- tending the Fourth District meeting tomorrow are Mrs. Roman Scheidel. M r s . Rotlert Pauley and Clarence Nedom. principal. REPORTS : Mrs. t.1 a r v i n Goforth was elected roo1n mother chairman after the resignation of Mrs. Curtis Cowan. Presidio PT A /Hrs. James Ramey President COl\11NG UP : Members a1- tending Fourth 0 i s l r i t t meeting tomorrow are the Mmes. Yale Burnett. Phillip Kilmer,' Julian Cimbaluk and James Ramey . Father·son Spaghetti Din- ner at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. Clyde Wright, lefl handed , piU:lber for the Angels baseball team, will present the program. t.1rs. Kilmer at 546-1396 may be called !or fur the r in- formation . REPORTS : Trophy winners in the paper dri ve were Bryan Kilmer, Ricky Nichols and Tommy King. Classrooms receiving $5 awards were l\trs. Edward Heidbrlnk, kindergarten and Ken l\1olcn, first grade ... Serving on the nominating com- iniltce are lhe M m e s , ltichard Schlesinger, Rod Olsen, Jon S. McKibben, Don Bush and Bert Field. Rea PTA ,\Irs. Keith Kellogg President flEPORTS: 223 parents and students were served at the spaghe\ti dinner. Dave Stowe and Reid Bushong. coaches introduced a n d assisted John Lowry , Estan- cia High coach in presenting football trophies to Roy But· tling and Mike Taft, B team;~ Harlan and Hank Moore, A team. Certificates were presented to tean1 members: . .Honorary lile committee met yesterday. Those serving are Mrs. Vern illollan. ~Ir. and Mrs. Jack Richard son, Mrs. Robert Sankey. Mrs. Keith Kellogg and Windell Rice, principal. St. John Aux. l\lrs. Robert Reid President C0il11NG L'P : Trnd ing stam r and coupon co!10ctinn in all classroon1s next Friday ..• J\1eetin g at 8 p.m. Thurs- day, Feb. 13. REPORTS: Special projer·I committee meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Joseph Parrino. chairman ... !\'lrs. Reno Pierotti, Ii b r ;i r i a n reports a':ldlt lonal Title 2 bool1s have been receiver:! and are available for usr. · Victoria PTA l\1rs. Fred \\lood\\Orlh President REPORT: Chairmen rallficd at lhe January board meeting were Mrs. Jame:> Glenn, noon playground du- ty; Mrs. \Villiam Peterson, curriculum lab; P.frs. Fred Jones, honorary IH~ inembership. Sea Sirens TOPS Sea Sirens meet in Killybrooke School, C o s l ;1 Mesa, every Wednesday, at 7 p.m . , : 'presidents or school office, ,· ,. reports Mrs. W i 1.1 i.a m ... ·.~ 'Ko w a I es k i , g c n er a I REPORTS: Board members viewed a fllm strip "Effec'ts or Narcotics on Unborn Babies, '1 1prei;eh1ed by Mrs. '\l'ai:ice ~rlngton, htarcli, of bimes cit.airman tor Foon·. tain ·valley. . COMING UP: Boy Scout "'. •• chairman. . ,'ftEPOR'J'S : A representative "· ~jrom the Garden Grore .. School District discussed the : ".: phooo-cardio scan machine • ~·10 unit preaidents at • ~: ~oundtable meeting, and in· , ~. suranct policies covering : · each school were discut;setl . ~y Dr. Charles WOOdfin ·;:-· •. , Organizational n1eeting , ·• •. ,of Gisler School 1o1·as hosted ·, .. :~ .. )ly Lamb School al thr ,.. "l'district office. I •. ,~, J. -~·--~~ ~'OeMille PTA ..... ,, .. ' • • .:_:" Mra. Robert Wh.ltcsjdc • : • " President r {i)MJNG UP : Unil meeting ' : '":"~and Talent Show &t 7 p.m . rld17, Jan. 31, 1n thr muJUpurpose room. ' , .... \AcDowell PTO ~trs. Jimmie Browo Pr.es1dent . COMING UP; ~ard meeting .et 7:XI p.m. :ruesday,.Ftb. 18. on sehooJ .stage. · REPORTS: P.arents' and Stiff participated Jn McOoWel~ L ~Ilg b,l~. Refresh!ll<llt! followed tht perf<_Wmance. Meadow Vw PT A Mri. J1y Smltlri !!resident COMING UP; Founders Day ·Dime·a-dip dinner at 7 p.m. Tuesday,_ fell. "4~ In tbe cafetorium. Menu · "" i 11 feature hot di.she's, salads. rolls, des'WU, coffet and millr ·-red -·b)' PTA members. tlJOillg,ht Of even· r Troop ·318 will lead the flag s.il\jte at unit meetJnt Mon· day,·Feb. 3. Winners of the AmeriCan Heritage' Essay Contest, "Today'$ Youth - Tomorrow's Backbone of America" will be presented awards. Fifth throu11h eighth graders ptirticipated in the contest sponsored by the PTG. HEPO,RTS : Third parent in- fofmaU(!n meeting, Talk School with James Macon, bu.Uding educational leader. took 'ptace In lhc )mrne or Mrs. F~an Coa.ne ... Mrs. Walter Pigage has completed the parent block µr6gr&nt .•. Pl'O purchas· ed a. coffee urn and five tablecloths · (or teachers' room . . . : l/nlt is again !!pon50ring the Cub -and Boy Seoul! a\ Wardlo'if School .. ' Wardlow Responding 'to 'Soft Sell' PracticeS" Pre.~~tlft' .~alesmen~ Not at Wardlow School where student coun- cil is selling hamburgers al ooon to earn money to buy shrubs and trees to beautify the school. Responding to the soft sell praC· , ·' ' ticcs of Debbie \Vhan and Chris Jarrelt is James f\ilacon . Grades 1-4: will be buyin g on Tuesdays \\'hile grades 5-8 \\'tll be purchas- ing the han1bu rgers on Thursdays. , ~·---~------- -----------------------·-----------~ -----......-.... - Books Stacking Up ai Tamura School',, r· .; i ;<[I ., ,. -.' Wtdntsd01, "f""Y 29, 1~ DAILY ~!LOT !f. ""f ( 4 • LEGAL NO'l'(CB f 1 NOTICi=' q ..._,, ,,,_ .,, UN~ MNK. P'lltlllflft' Vt. inTifl'tuTS w •utntftl c•ttl,tuT• OP' •UtUllU ·~,:\nl TMOMU cox. KATHL••N cox. 00~· 'ICTn..ut MA.Ma •tcTtTIOUI ,.AM. • 1 -xx IM1141..,.. oer.,•r 1 ~ Tiit "'*'MtllM • ~ ftlW we 'TM llllllnltMrd .,.. ortll¥ 1,... b C_., Mo1rtor c.uit, C..-Mt. 1"* ~-a M.._ .. UM IWtrlw ..-..Ctllle e 111t1tSne1t .t -HaRoor TO 1liilllMt A, Ca( Ml ~ M. ll._..,., C:... M& Cfllfttillt, ~ IMI.. CO.II ""-• C:..11..,.,...., !~f ~· CUI ., • IM fldt,.... fll'm ,.._ fil HAil~ tlle fkttfllill fl~ ...,.,.. d I! & 8 V. .,_ MfWt ...... "'f Gl-..1 llpl.U:lt IUHK ... lllllt . Miii nm\. ,AllU.Ttx ... 111et MW llrll'I Ill>, t.Oll'l-1:~ ---........... "" "" " ........... "" .................. ., ... flD"""'"' --. ..._,_. °'""" COUf'llY ._., ... Qlillft, Ml .. ...... _.., lit f\111: tlWI lltecel ef -In ,full Md 14-Ill ~ ft1i __.... h -.. .:;r," ........ ,,...,... .,. • fotlon! ~ le .. fiDL .... , • 11'4 to•~· A. C.. af1111 ICtttlMn -, MLl9oll W. d ..,._,. MllM ,,,_.,, e\ll!LVN LUILLA Ef11CK.0!'4f A.'* M. c.. .._. w ,.,_. ~ • · ,~ Dft-t. ......,, ...ai. r. ''"' 11 .. °"'• Maii. ea11t • ..., H• W•l'-' ihwf, (.,.tr MeM. Cal .... , DtMd Ju!Mfl' J, 1M C1Mforlolla. I~ 1t11 wtfl\ ........ art O•IW ~ 11, l9ll t!VELVM lUl!LlA l!l:IC~lf !IOI clllllled Wllllllo! ..... fl Mllf'dl Ml• W. Ma'!' "99' tf C.Hfornl1, OtlllM Coun1Y1 14., 1Hf. tt.· atu!Yff' ~ Olliitrt • ... ,..,. "'""' •v a,. .l•-l'Y 1, lHt, Ml.,.. mt. 1 R..._ wlll M ""'°" tt 1flll ....... ltat. fl QI...,.., 0.-~: Hoj-P'ilbllc In Ind far Mid $11f9, ..,tltltd'c,urt. Ol'I ~ Jt', ,,., ...,_ ""'' ....-llY *'""'" IVELVN LUIU.4 T.Jlltl .... ,., ,wlllk "' ... fiDr •id ...... El:ICKJON k.-fro me .. M fhl 'llfllw.i ~ COftt o.llY "'°'' ,.,_,., ..... ,.. Alllbl W. ,..., Ind ..,_ 'llfloN 1191119 1-wl/Kl'... fcJ ,l•-rr n. 2t ...., ,.....,..,,. S. ~,, ._,..,_ JlltN "'*' ._ 19 -Ille W'lthrn 1111trvmtflf •lld .o.-i.o.e11 1Hf 1)Mf 1'IJ ... 1tle .-.. ....... JlllNf •rt ft tl(KVftd "'9 •Mfl'll, ""--------------l..-.1btcl "•ltll Wll!llfl fllt"1111*'1t Md Merv K. ...,.,.,. LEGAL NOftCE ='i';,'t':tl').,........ fM -· NotirY ,lllllle<l!llor11I• •-• < -Prl11&'P9I Otl'ke In ......,. "" · Or-CounlY ......, Net.,., 'Wik. Mr CcwNnlMkll'i Eulrn Ct•TJ~TT.:Uf' =rlh •. ~,:,.,.,~ ..,...,... ,wblll:;· t:.= C~tt Dell1 tllo.',: "" ltr.dtt'al.... ... ~"' lie b Mua'#ITL MVltWIU • lllM•t.. J-rv .. IS. 22, "· nrot v .... COlllM:l"'9 a •!Mu It .... e, ~"'=' ''""' (Ont HI_,, C.--.1 'Mr, C11'!fot!llt, ,........ ._., Clllflnle llllf#I' lhl flctlt'-flf'm "'INI of IXOTLC l"WDllfled Or111tt C.Ut O.f" Piiot, •"'"::::::::::-::,.-:;:::;::i:;C::::-:'.: lllfE\" AQUJJtlVM tnd ,tt..t ..... flnn J-IY 1. U, 22 tt IW tMf ttOTIC• .IP ..... it -A. Jt ........ of Ille fellfWI"' IN'Wft, ' • - -- lo ""h •'11111 o•·-of rlllftnee NOTICE lS, Mllt0'(, fllV ... ...... .......... NOTICE ""' CllY COilfindl ·-•• • • , .. ..,, ~~ ...... ,., ....... ~:."$ .CllffVd l.. Kt1fT. 1'1P ll1ymond, ~-... :.. I -. · -Cllfil ""'°'' C1Llfeml•. ...__... .. · -ot• J-rY tl. 1Nt. c .. _.. C:tllft>mt., ........ ~ Cllffonl L «r.tt allTIP.KATt Ofl •tnlJIUI 1Jf 1111 Jlou,-" \I t:• flt ·'"·• Stt9' of C•lllwn1i, Or•llH C-f1': · 'KTITlcM.11 MA.Ma ff flit U~ ~ .,,.... flw' I CM J•n~ry 11, lNt, btf-. rn1. • ~~~ f":%. Tun:: o..tnbln In the (tfr, H911, tlh Hot_,,. Putollc 111 illd lot" .. 111 Sl•tt. S2f UlllYtnl~ Pit ~ c.m..,. O I am.t. S.I lfld'I, (tlffaMll. ~"" _._..., _.,. Cll"°"' L. K••fT ,....,_, ~ ~ntwni. -r ;:e •*-for • !Olnt f'Ublk ~ • lo k-Iii' ..,. to bf .,_ PH-Whost ., • ., bit Miii bV lhl COUllCll illld ..... "''"' Is wi.crltMld to tl'lf Wlfl'lln Ill-fldlllellll fln'l<I llltM fl AtTlltO PIUJ<tT 9f eot11lftr !tie -•I tNf 1d111Sotlon .,,,,,,...,.. •'11111 K•Mwlecl9tll "' 9llteultocl .... 11\ft Mkl fir'" 11 com-.cf of of tht ........ R~ , .. II 1119 llml fM fedowl111 IJfrS-~ lltrl'I .. Ill fi1w lhl 111 ...... n:lflt • ..._..~ ~I. (OFFICIAL SE ... l) f\lll ..... •!ta ot n.ldtna .,. ~ "" ,\ffncY wm ~ ... ~ Ol'rn•h v Ult flll\owl : ~I.ct It lfl•• rornt ~nc . 1\441rlflt Notory ,iibnc<tllfoml• Owleflt "· Ol'ld M.1111111'1 W, llu1k...,, !tit COUftdl •llMIWI •no .-J\ ll!e I Offln In 301l MO<lnhlll Vltw, L..-.MCPI, tll'llllOMd lt'°""tolllnent Pllfl. ~ C.Hfarnll, The """-llf ttit lolnt Plllhc °fiJirlrl9 JI# ._ ..... I! t D1i.cl J•11111ry 1, lNf, II to contlde•· -~- MMdl 1m" "' '" Dwitht H. lvlkltl' l Tho 11:Mtvelol'mtnl Plll'I .GMrlltred .,.nlMd orM,. C.tt D•I'-' ,not, ai.i. ofM&~~~ t!.:: COYlllY' tw ·it. ~. which •lln • .....-. JIUry tt. if ft l"ellnla'l"f ·t.' 12. l>tl J.,.U..fY if !Mt ~ ·,._ tllt lllldlr'l•kl1111 Ill !lie "11:1IKt..:.B.NMr ·-· llM.I No' ._ • • • •t•tt .,.. 1oc.111 11 .. , •nil .....-roes ·''°'"'---------··-·· bry ,,lll)lk:. m 9nd fllr Mid Stffl, fDr 11ucf1 at11Vlllt$ II K<l\ilttO.... of .. ,_ • .., lll(IUl'td Dwlll'll H. .... !.:'' ~ LEGAL NOTllCE Mlri.rn w. 11110.., ~ ,. ,.,.. 11) 1111111 111 !'" ... ~ ••o1ect; \lrt• If bl * ~ _..... """* 1,.. ~ lllrweh netoll•tloft. ftniM11I .in, i-'----•~-~----1., ... !he wlllllft l(llllrUlfllnf 11111 o• otller m~aMI dlll'IOlll ' lite ~., dtn&JW....., ..,. ~ .,_,..11011, comh'\ICllOll of Im• CIATl,lCATI O,•\vllNlll 1oF,te~·IEAll lllf'Mml, :r=.!' ,;111111~1::. l\!Jts; . Pktltltllt ~ ,Jlltftl E. OIWff: '"' _,. ... -nl Tho UllCIOnltntocl C1Mi ttrlttv N II ,...,,. .,\Mlc-C•l!fomt. l>tfl ., ... , H conMI.... e bulllllU 11 )IOO Eldell. 'rtlc!NI Ofllo. In J. The •-rt of ths A Books are stacking up at Tamura School and. will continue ~do.so if the PTO Book Drive is successful. Checking out new amvhls are students (left to right) fatti Donovan, ·Karen Sisler-tiid Sandra Sisler while teacher, Will Rogers, who ~s co-chairman of the cq.l.ve-with Richard Campbell, hopes more will c(lme in before J<:eb. · 1. The drive will supplement the reading material in the librarj>. °'Pl. n, COiie Mn11, C1Jlr0m11, "vnlltr Orent1 C-IY the ,,_ed tl-....laf>Ment P lt'lt flciLllllA 11"" 111mt Of It • .£. ·M, Ccftwnlblon EX11fr11 3. The rtJOrts Inf ,t,J>,L!Alo!CE tlEP"l"I 1M1 thtt Mid JUM 21, 1tJll' of the Cllv , .. 11nl11t Comm! Oii fl'"' II (Oll'lfl0..-1 " ""' flllowllll --. rlltltbhed Or-CO..I Diii' ,lJol, lhl llfCIPOM'd ll~l-nl j ~ Ill,.,. In fvlL Ml •lice.., '"""""' Jt!IWtY .. 1S. 2t. "· 1"9 , .... , .&. An lt\lldltl!CI Ind lftt lo~ ll 11 Joi-.: tlld q1lMt flit 1cklpllol\ tht ll:kftfflf AvtutM StmutlnOn. ta · · f.EGAL NOTICE Redlt\leloptnenl Pl111. .. ' l!lcltll, Apt, IL c.te•,._., Cttlfwllla 41 Jiit lbGvfo llllH 111,, ~:L Ind Olttocl J•nvM'Y 11 lM , , •. ___ Pll"9 •111' .... Ill "'9Glll hiWllll' lnY Rklllrd'.I. S.m11tlU011 · .._,. oblKll0111 to tl'l9 P~ Redrtltaiiifnlt"t STATE OF C4Ll,Olt.MlA. ' C:lla\'Wfle.lTI OI' tUSIMISI Plln, or who dtnY ttle u1.-ol ' -~flldlllitYI Pl,_ N-bllftll In IM P•CPOHd ~I.rt _>rea. 'PIANOS • ORGANS Changes . 1n ·Society ' FAMOUS &RANDS COMPETITIVE PRICES we'll meet all ORANG! COU.NTV; THF' U,MOl!llSIGJ<tl!O "-"""by or ·to !he '""Mr!IY of 111f"iif 1111 On JM1u1ry "' 1Nt, klarO ""' 1 "9rtltv '11Mt "" 11 (l)llducll1111 • prt1111,., pf!v proceecllnos, m1v _....,,..'°'' Nollrv Pv\lllc 111 •nd lo• wltl 11119, bllr;l(lffl er lfl Stfllelw1Y. CCIII Miii, 1119 Aeel\Q' •nil t11e CllVllCll el'd ,-how ,...sanellY ''""'" 'Rlch1r11 Aut1u1M 4,llfornl1. IJnlltl" !tit flcttll""' nrm "'mtl .. ..-whv the prOl>OSld 11':;,."'iif""' S.~llail!l>,llNMI tio '"' to bl !tit Dil·SWAHIOMl!llG PRINTING 11111 tlllt ji".;i{thould Ml be .cloPled ,., Women By JODY HURST DI 1111 Diiiy ,llot 51111 "Women are unfree. "They are un!ree because or a cultural nature and their assumption that they don't have as much freedom as the woman n,e11t to them." Freedom is essential in achieving your social poten· tial, stated Mrs. Evalyn Di Domenico during UCI's ei- tension series, Dimensions of Rumfn Potential. L a s t Friday's meeUng was the third in a series of 10 three· hour lecture and workshop sessions. "The desire for freedom is inherent in all of us. There is much love in mankind ••• much fatigue ••• much terror and rage. Those women are freC who are not tripped up." \\'omen today have many nev.--found freedoms. Changes in the societal role have given them larger scope to explore areas outside the home. higher education and cultural ac· tivities. OPPORTUNITIES Society offers women much more opportunity to avail themselves in a variety of roles not available to their 1nothers and grandmothers. As her pioneer sisters of yesterday opened many doors for her, today's woman may make a great conlribuUon to the. world of tomorrow in terms of her released power.ful potential form ea n in gf u I human relationships and coqi- municatlon. "But Jong ago." according to Mrs. Di Domenico, "women had a fear of natural forces and were incapable of dealing with their own lives. We are no closer to understanding Breaking F'ree RENT A PIANO No time limit! No· obligation to buy ... credit if you do, CAREFULLY RECONDITIONED OSED PIANOS ~. ~, ·""""" Is 1ut>Krlbecl to Ur•·""" 11 COf"POltocl o1 ii. 1o11ow1n11 · AL:.•,.., trm1 not .,.,..-'ttian "°""' mo ..whl11~t ...-Kil.llOWIMMd ....,_, wt.I' Nm. Jn full ·•ncl ~ ''*""'" ut tor 1-rfft9 Ill ~lfM.••-· of ..nl•llC• Is it IOllQM. .... It:-' § "t11t pr'llPOMd .. IOlfldtl ":!!.-c,-~,.,., aertJ Mtltilev. •14 l. Thtnl SI...,, •• _, fl~ ln wrl!lll§ 1:".':!:.'.•" -··· c ,,. " ·""'' Ma. C.Jl(orn!1. "(1*'11: • tttfwlntnt .,,,. ... ""' W ,....., t · 1 r~ 'WlTNl!SI '"" lltnd tllli '.W Ry .f JO "'6 P-" R~ w Prl11C:lell on1e1 In ~. 1t'lt ' """ _._ or or11nluollor> On"" CounlY • • .. , "11!1 °hlontt bl hellnl WUI bl •lflwdtd .., .My Cornml11lon EXPlrn STATE OF' CALIJ'Qllf'll4 to ._ Mtrd. At tr. 1 that we are respoosjble broader and more meaningful Nw., 11.·1m · ~ COVNJY 011 ... ~NIJe. 1 u ,,,. -'• 111111 _.., to r I th . commun1'ca"on. AN KR u· M' 5 ,ubll$11fd °"'"" Coalf D•llv "'""· ON i Hll .. ,..., ot"Jii.-rv. 4,D. ''"'"-•II written.,. ertil or curse ves an we were . u NEW USED J'""'''"' n. • •1111 'lbN•l"f' s. 12. ,,.,, .,..._ fht. MtOfl Ii. c1m(IOI. to"" .,...... ••••lorNMJr!" I the t Our fear today D R bert S D 'd the 1"' nwt • Mofarv l'Wbc In •rid fllr lhti Mid TN .,,_..., fll'*"'lcllin'lent n pas. • r. o • av1 son, 2064 S. MAIN -SANTA ANA e 546-4800 LEGAL. NOTICE COl.ll'llY •• Sltta. rttkn~ t11tre1n. d~"' ewr.er P.rt1t111111on.. .Rut. however, is or the other program coordinator, and bis 701 S. HARBOR ..-. FULLERTON e 871-4326 ~rui.n.d lflCI _.,., ,.fSCIM11y 1,. 111e 41tnCY ••• -• 111e person." contln· ued to share · _,.. 11rv1 Mlktlev ~ to '"' ror 1111bllt ll'ISMC'ffon 11o1n rn group ' . 11 YIAl.I IN ~ANTA A'4A SUPil•IO• ceUllT °' TKa .. bit tll• Pll1'11ft ""--II tulltcrlb-" ..... (llY cien: ti\ .,,. The guest lecturer is a personal experiences whichl'~!!~~!!~~!!~~!!~~!!~~!!~~!!~~!!~~I TMI sTAT•·D' CA&..1PO•NIA IN ANO 1111 1o ttit within lmtrvrnent, •net ,,.. 111 ltl• Dfflc• ef .,.. · [ 'd . ,ro• THt COl»ITY OP o•AllGll! 1ckriowlldttocl 19 -tNt I'll 1lltcllftd 1111 Cl1V Hill, ~1 1111 s social worker at . the Los sharpened their sens~ o I en-MOTICI ·o, Mla11-. °' P1Tn10H ltll Ml'N. '""'' c11!forn11, to7"°· . A I Co t G a I "ty POii AUTMOlllTY TO MOOIPY CO.. IM WITNISS WHEREOF, I htw 1'lie bolil'Hl1fles of IM nge es un Y en er .-'"~·------------------------------------! TllACTLIAL 4urtMINT tllAlll her1un1o wt my hlllcl .,., 1fThi:td m' 1.1wr1r11111 ltdev•loPIMrlt P Hospital and a s s o c i a t e NI. A·lllM ott:lc .. , 1111 tllfl e11r •rMI vur In thl1 •• 1o1111w1: I h I "I I f In ,.... Mett.r of lhe C011Hn11tontilp C1r1lflc.1hl fll'll •bove,wrlll1". ""'""lrlt •I the mos! counse or at t e nsu u e 0 of I.OBERT LESLIE SAllNESON, •llo 10FFICl4l SiALl "!'Inf of Tr1CI No, 1tl Therapeutl·c Psychology She 1uw-l!I ROBERT l:. 941.NESON, •Ito M1bl1 A. C•ll'IOM n0r111w1tter1Y 110l11t •Ito 1111 • tllllWf\ ,,; It L. B41tMESOM, Co11i.trv11ff, Nol•'Y PvblloC1llfornl1 Htltrlv h,.. ef "•tlfk: COilllt ' has had a. Jong car~ 'I S HOT!Cl IS Hlltl!IV GtVEN tMI Or1n111 CounlY (100 !Ml 111 Width, •• a psychiatric social worker TM s111k 01 ctn1orn11. N•f1or>11 41socl•· Mv Cllll'llTlfhloll Ex.Ire. t81d TrlCt No. 11111: """" , t!Qi, hM fl1811 Mr1l11 1 Petitt.of! for Oct, 21, 1'10 llone Mid IMl'1rlY 11119 te 1" arter attending the University 4111hOrLIY "' Modl'Y Contt'lictutl ,..,.. ,ubnihtll °''"" Co.ft Dallv P11o1, 11on w1111 "" ~ ,,. of Nevada and UCLA' where ,.,.,.. ~1111 .,_rty -" 1'r' 11\e Jim.try 1. 15• 22• tt, 1"' 7Wf ., ""',MlllhlrtY tint °' "" (ons1rv1forshl1. dlJcrltied 11 ftllowl! ""' I• lhoW'I! • Mid Trtd she earned her mastfrs ~e-Those c1ru111 prllfo!1" wntt 1M LEG4'L N011CE 111111e1 IOVll!w•ter"' 111 o c11 111t>urte111ncu. 1l1u111d In N-r1 to tMI l'lln! ot lrlltlrttc1ioli gree. 1 ll11cll. COIHllY ., O•-· s,... ., IUP••KI• COllltT OP TN• IT4TI llOlllh)r1r rl9111 ~ WtJ' u .. C1llforn11, 111d 1!1(11'1 111rtl~ul•rlY Oii CALU'DltHIA Strttt, to 1'*' hi Wklftl. STUDIES DISC\JSSED lletcr lbed 11 folk!Wsi. 11>-wlt: llOlt TNI COUNTY o,i Ol:AN•I wnterlY •111111 of ww 11111 She diSCU8Sed the studies £ $1ortt L .... M. 1# ll:Ly1nlde A~fflu~. ... MS* CO.tt Hltl'fir•l'· 100 fMI ' M1rlnl!r1 C111ter, N~'1 9Hth, IUMMONS (II llloW!I Oii ll:ecor.I of SU of Erik H, Erikson. author or & C•lltornll, ~ H "M1rl1Mr1 9ollle CLll"TOff 1. SMITH, 1111 k-n 1, l'tMlnc:e IOUtttwnttrlY· r "Chi!"~ and ·Society" $1\0p", c. s. W ITH, , .. "'""· 1111. J, ,, TEll:ltY IOV!lltr .... o ... ., Flfllll Sir 0 UUUUUI • ll*tnu 19 whl(h 11 rl'llff lot fllrfl'llr in.d ANOl:EW •. TERltY, llllsblNI ind f!IOlf -tert>t· comer ef "He believes that we must PlrflCllllrt. llld ll\lt "" lltn• ~ •1•<• wlftf \llCTOlt T!llRY lftd DOll:OTHY •• lllowrl Oii 4-.0rt d d th I of Nirlt11 !tit Mtne hll lleOfl Ml l.. TEltllY hUltleNI Ind Witt/ OICAlt G .... 1•1 ~ -~ un erstan e roots rom lot' J1nu1rv 31. '"'· If f ;JO •.tn. G. TAYLOk .... JAJ<tE DOE TAYLOR. "" llQl,lltnl!uh:rtf' llM f/f ... which we grew," she read. p E c I L ;~ :-M~:U'=t' ,0: ~"~"!:fllt~:; ;~AcW:.;.,.., "Jom:rr~;swiN~:11L !r: :, toM~ ~~ :'h!..1' Erikson has developed a A "'"'' rn tM c11y If S.nt• ""'· J"Nli DOE SW4NNElt, hutblnct .,,., I•• 1PloWft on uld CoTI!orllte, wllti Oe,t,N J TH,t,TCHElt 1!'1d M.1.ltlON Jllenct 110UthiM11rhl If! I df lln• scale in terms of achieving ' • , ' . 0111t11: J111111rY"" 1Ht. J. TH•TCHER. l'llllb9n<1 and .,..11., JOHN to 111e "'°'' wesrerlY corMr Jfll Lot t '[ Th f'~ •·st W. E. 3T JOHH, F. THOM•SON 11111 LOIS 1. THOMPSON, 2, lloc:k 206 If m111 of St1~tan lf\d ma ur1 y . e ""'" ~ we COlllllY Clfrt: ~utMlld...,, wife/ GLADYS c HAllll:IS· Lolll!ln'S Flrtl "ddltlOll '° 114,, Clly, have as infants is to develop ROSl!lnoH. NOWlll: a .... tlLAND HEltBfltT GLENN PllfSTON i wld corner btlllll"" the' ~·•te•l1 trust. ..··-•, we must ~l .. tl-lrl ortw, 1ff9r'lll IUiRlliltT c. PRESTON; DOROTHY r~M DI W~Y llM DI EIKlrlt AY!n~e .:><;1.Vlir.\ M• ... rf SllCll, 1 I JAN1Cf AVANT$1 MARJORIE FERN North •1 sllOwn "" Sl1d mlOI thine• deveJoP initiative •Or gi\le WSy '\"" A~=-llldfw t:'.~oalf Dilly Pllol, WHITACl:!1 FllANK G. HEOltlCK tl'ld :r:~:i"'9~~ :...n,u~l~y ~lt!!~~~ to guilt and, third , we. must Now' $10 o .pe.r via.it for ~OU when you J111U•t'V .,. n. "· IHJ nut~~~~~~ 'Mt:~' .. O,,"';os~:r.:,1111.J.~ :1~1. ,: !II 111le,,Wton Wiit\ !lie ~";'ter!Y be industrious and nOt inferior, LEG" NOTI..... 110N1 STELL4 11•11:1tON1 HELEN rlthl of wav 11"' 0' ••v 10\IJ•Yird, b 4&.I ".,. ELLIOTT/ EUGENE E, FO"O; MIN· IO Itel In wldt~I !hence :10U!lhle1t1rly According to Erikson, trust, e } MfttF )ft & fnend. • , . and, !-------------Nl!SOT" OIL COMPANY, 1 Cillfornll 1Jo11t i.tld ita1Nr!Y rlt~t of WIY tint • .,. [' d ' dn~-Js 3 e ,4D61 ' CO~lllOll/ tfOW"RO IHUG ... RT Incl Incl Ill f(!Ulllwts!frlv 1rolofoJlflon lo 1n1 1a JVe an m u.noa;, P'" Cll:TIPIC.\Ta °" •USIMlilS J,t,NE OOE $HUG41ll', hl1 wife, II "" 110r1he1Jt.rtv rlvht of Wft,o 1ln1 parent in a healthy child. only $1.00 per vi1it for YOUr friend Plctll!IW 'I"" N•IM rn1n!~1 ESTEi: MAROWJTZ· J O of Electric °'Vl!IWI S<Mim 11 showro THE UNDl!l:SIGNEO don hereby LONG: SOUTH P"RK P1te'ss '1ttc.'. 011 Tt•cl NO. 1; 111ente swlfitiilerly "During p U be rt Y and ctrllfY lt\11 I'll I• tondudl"' •n Electro-1 COfllOrtllonl C 0 ORDINATE 0 1long 511<1 no•the~•!erlv rlQhl ot Wl'I' adolescence, the role is iden· Re1nember, regard1ess of the Jength of time needed, in each and every~. you will op11ea1 11utlr1H1., 11112 Gr1..,1HI L11M. EQUIPMENT, 1 canrornl• cc..,0,,110n; 11,,. cl EIKtrlc "ve11u• Scwtll "' lh• be equ···" to pay ONL~ 'I()() ,.... · •1 • ood I t 3 d I Hunllf>l!IOI\ 9t1ch, C.tlfornl1, uncltr fht THE Tl!XAS COMPANY, 1 tcrPOl'illoni scutne11tertv bClctndll"J' of Mid Tr1(t tity versus role delusion. In r lreu , ... ~ . t''"r \'ISi ••. Oner' or Del: ays any. 11"111001 firm .... ,,,. of AMl!.ltlCAN HUii OIL COMPANV OF CALIFORNI"· No. 1; """"' MIVlll-lerlY ·~Hill th d 'ii b r ELECTll:O-OPTIC COMil'AMV •net 11111 W"LTEI. J SCOTT •llll JANE ooE IOIJ""•'l!r!'I' b<!o.irlllerv kl ... In· o er wor s you WI e • ~•Id 11rm 1, com110lld of lhO 1011ow1,., KOTT, hlJ w1ft, 11 m•rrlech OWEN terwc11011 of' the M1utl'lf11t•rlv "''" saying, 'l know what I am RESULTS GUARANTE. E. D • • • Mr1011, w1>os1 n1mt1 111 lull tnll pcl•ce I! JACKSON 11111 JANE DOE JACKSON kltl11trcn cf Ille tolllllWe.lffhl line ' (fi '\'('lllllg of r11ldtf\ct It •• follow., fo.wll: hlS w111, If mirrl~J SCOTT·JACKSoN ot l!htclrlc ,t,v1NJe S<>ulh •• lhow11 versUS What Others expect Of 81tr1 Marlin S'1Hel, 1111) Greenlt.t OIL PltODUCl!ltS, • p1rln1r1h1": Oii H!d Tr1d No. 1: lll1nct me.' Wh~n _you become a Line, H1m1111111on se1c~, c1111orn11. UNITED ST4TES OF AMEl:ICAI VE"• nor1ttwe1terlv ''°"' wld 11•0'-td lln• WITNESS mv hll'lll on lhl1 Uth dtY L !"OTTS. Extclllr!X t11 lh• E1t11e to IM nortli111tertv corntr of Lot young adult it will be intimacy ot J1nu1rv, 1'4'· of !1SW1N1 H. Jlcklm\, 11se Mown 51. Srock IGS oil M•• of 11" Cltv' · I 1· nd · For the fint time, as a snaMa} offer, the world's leading Figu-Control Syatem, ••rrv Ml•lln,So!Htl •• E. H. JK1111"' <1tauut111 c. e. ftlence wHh1"1v "'°"' '"' nortlll!rrv versus ISO a ion, a In r--, • ., ST•TE OF C4LIFORNI" MEF.KSl ST ... TE OF C4Lll'OltNl•1 U11e .,, ulll Lot "· lllGck 101 ot adulthood it will be gencratlvi· (26 locations in California) make an offer that means 1h price ... for 3 days only. couNTY oF ORANGE i 1s 11e1:T F. .'kM"Nus. «i111t 11ut1M11 Ml• 01 11 • ., c11Y1 111111<• w•t~riv t. "E 'k ON THIS lJlh d1y of J1nu11'Y. A.O. It MUTll~L . rll:"OtT llURF.AU; F, •lollt ll>e 110rlt.ertv line of lthl L~I ty versus stagna ion, r1 son ""· "'°'' ""• JO"l'ce M. Annef\bl•e, "· •URKfTT •nil JANE DOE •u1t11:ETT, 5t w 111e •••' rl;ht of _, 11~• \\•rites. Thia extremely low price of $1.00 per visit includes the use of all~'alized • Not1rv Pu1111t Jn ind 1or 1h• s•1d h11 w1h, 11 1"1vrr.ch THE COLWEU ot Fttth s1'"1; then"' ""11'1Y 1~ COllnlY •nd $1ete, rtlltt!nt '""'''"· llWIY COMPAJ<tY, I C11llo"'I• corpar1llon; • 11!rect 11... '° ""' 1101'11Mt1tertv Following the lecture the au· reducing machines, .includin• Gloria Marshall's patented Circ-La-a tic. Per-eomm1111.,.. .,,, ,_,n, Pert01111w ,,. tELMOHT SAVINGS 4NO Lo" N urner of L~r f.5, sroct 1~ ~~1'1"10" • ,.,,_, 81rrv M1rll11 S.IHtl known lo AJSOCt"TION 1 ait'116r•tlllll Fllt5T arid Loll\l1ns $e(Oncl .l.ddlllei'l>to BtY dience broke into discussion sonat instruct.ion included. '"' i. " "" P9f'M!I who1t 111me •MERICAM TiTLE IH$Ult•NCE ANO c1tv1 !Nrlct -s1er1r •ton.""'"°"""'" groups of 20. Participants COD· i. wblc•ltMHI te ,.,. within 1"strum1nt. Tl!U'T COM,...,NY, • c0f'IMH"1!10r11 ltOY Iv 11"' g! ::1~ t~ ~· 1~!:. ~i:~~ tinued to explore their re.la-~ ict110WlllCiled t. ,.,, "'" hi txecllfed ClllAWFOllO '"" Lou Is E: w. ;::n.er fired line kl ,thi nort~l••!Y t . h. Ith the Gloria. Marshall'& didn'i "just happen" to become the world's leading figure iN11':itNESS wHEREOF, 1 ~•n ~"1~.~~0·N~~~;t..,~l'Hl8~~~' s~i~~~ corner of Lot n of Tr1et ,~ '"· IODS lps W 0 r women C S J d h h.01' htrtunlo sl!f l'IY hind ind 11fl~ell mY SUMMEl:Sr "· L. 9ALLAR01 UNITEO Mid tor111r belnJ I 111>lnt In r:~• and examine possibilities for ontrol ystem, .• quick, gafe resu ts ma e it t al way. At Gloria Man 8,.1 8, ouicl•• ..,11 the div 1nc1 Y9•r 111 1M1 sT..,TE$ CltEOIT BUREAU, INc., H, ""'"":•Iv rhtM ., wiv line of ~ 1 you'll lose more inches and pounds for Jess money than through any other C•rtlftcete ft",'·""'• written. F. scHULTZ '"' J,t,NI!: oo! scHuLn. ~z;;.~;11tn111of111"':'1~'~1.!lllf: ~: (0FFIC1,t,L S .. L h!S wlft, If l~VI EtlNl!IT G. TOMS ti<lerly c.ornet o1 Loi I ot 181<1 Progiam. ~ M~.,t:.,.ber• !~1 J~~ .. G~o~,~~i':~ON lll!nc1w1~eAN~ ~ct .!;;,.,"i:1 t:"'~ W.:..'~tv t.'!,'°"~ Slt9' ~ C1nlornl1 DOE WILLISTON, ~II Wife, II 1nv1 lo 11'11 mot! ..orl!\&rhl ~rner of 1116 d , PrlM1111I Olf1C41 111 S. S. WOLD 1nol J"NI! DOE WOLD. Lot 11 ~ 1ool"""'ttrtv 1kwlt !ht ./ Lose poun 5 and inches: from hips, 0,• ..... COIJl'ttY h!1 wllf, II m1rrltd1 W. IC. COMP,t,NY. rMWlhvtestertv line cf s.td L1f .;I "'11'.f My c.nmllflon eic-1rtt 1 corPOr1tlorl: l:ICHFIELO PETROLEUM Ill IG\/lhwtittrlv prolonglllOfl to 11, •st th'gh• tu m d nn• A .......... lJ, lfrtf COll•t'IR ... TfON OF I': AL IF 0 II: NI A I lntf!rndlorl wllll !he IG\/lllfrl'r tint W81 I 1 ..,, m Yt 30 8 "• .. Publlll'ted °',:"'!.,~lbr Otllv 5PI~ f'll:AMK $. GUTHRIE 1nd BESS L. ot c.,.rril """',,..l 1f1111u norll\Wflfl!rlv J•rNl,Y n. Ylrl iiwt GUTkRIE, h111bat'ld .,.., wHt; MARI• •IOllO wld line Incl I~ !IOt1'owttfl•IV ./ Special machines are designed to banish every correctable figure fault. ./ Results come quickly without pill!, drugs, strenuous exercise or starva- tion diet •• ;Effortlessly, pomtds aild jnches , "1411 awaY,:' • ../ No dis~obillg. "fl e Free child care. ' ' '• Ca ll today for your special courtesy visit, wh~(e .you (llcfYi~y use the spe· cial machines ~ntl ·'where) you have GLORIA MARSHALL s1y1: ''Tell U8 the dress site you want to w,lll', and we wllt tell you bow m1ny vblts It wllJ take and f\IU•ntte ~'1 wrltlnrl)t>i!~ou wilt' . re1ch ~ 'lri;'#•ct.. 1ffl L4 .. KAM' J. C, OAl:l'i ind VIOLA orolnnoallon lo thl lntef'lf!:llorl llf !~e LEGAL NOTICE V, OAltEl CORA FOltO, • -: usrirlY UM of Flrtl 51"'911 IT'lellOI f'IUMllLE OIL .,t,NO ll:•f'ININ;. COM· SOl/ll'IWWltrl'I' •IOllt Yid 111141 •llO 111 l---====------IP4NV, I cerwttton, ITAHOAl.0 OIL tolllh-ter!V iiro1ofltillon t.. 411e most '·dm COMP"NY OP CALIFOllMl,t,r HEMLOCK IG\/~•hl tel"fl!'r of Parttl S 11 ~ ' ......... OIL COM .. ANY1 • <"O-Hrf~•rt~~I J. on AM,.euors MN 9ook 4 ,... 111 c;llTI11CAT• °' COll,Oll:ATIOM J. •4Kl!lt -J"Nf DOE l.,t,ICl!ll. lllel'IU Mtfhw1'11erlY 11o1>11 1 ~" DOIM• •un••• vtfo•• ,ICTITIOUI his wl'9, If 1•11rrltd1 GEOflGE U.HTOlt IOll!tlW.SltrlY 11M rif ••Id il'llUI ' ""M• llld J4MI ooe C4NTOlt. Ills ""'" "' "" •• ,,,,.,,, rlt'ht of WIY II~• 'Tf4! UHOIAllONED' COlll'ORATIOJ<t 1f rnan1H1 WIL\.IA.M 4. BUTTRAM o1 &In <;.brf'-I ll:IVl!r Ch.lnMlj ""'*"<:• llDft ,__ ~ 1Mt'lt ff cONfudlnt 111d LOU I!. fl!TTll:AM, ~utlllll'lf •1'111 nor!NirlV 1lont i.t\d 11stertv: h1141 to 1 llllltfl!lt 111d tlr\ICIVl•I coiulrvellon Wlft1 WlLLl4M A, 9VTTll:4M. Tru1ltt1 tb lnterw<l!ort w!lll tht "°i1tt-ttrl'I' 1n •-r•I (Olllract111t tmlllfll ti Unfoll CM..,l:LEI "· MtlCf.NZllE 11111 JAJ<te I!,,. ol Ille :ao loot dl'!P jof 11no1 ... ,. S11111n, Norlh Towtr SUll1 «)0.7, 001• M<OCFN'.'I", II)-wll•, ti "''""ltdl ot 1111 C1tY ef LOI ""'''"' Otlltrlm"'t °'""'*• C:.lllot>!ll n&M, vncler tile lie· T. \., ltHOOESi OllVltl \I, ING\?1 of W•I.,. 1nd P'1Wer; l~o11c1 tltlow tlrrn 111me of OFFICE IUILOINC 1:08ERT E. !NGI! tN(';E l!EALT'V llOl'ltllllltrl'f •lent ••Id norttwrl"I' llM SERVICES CONTRACTORS 1M tl'lel lhl CO., I p1rtnerthl1: JOHN tt, M"lt10N, tl'ld !ti Jrololletllen II) ~ lllter"MCt!Ort ..,,..., Mid cortOrlllOn .... lie prlnc;l111I 04VE WILSON 11111 A. (.. MARION, " I n... .. •• u .. ""'" -l:JO IHI 'lllC<l If NI-11 n tollowt: It Tl"Ullfts ~ ll>e JOHN H, M411:10N MVll\Wtdtrlv. 1'1'11:1$Ur~ 11 '1thl of HOISCIN ·TOTHILL·HUCHIEI, INC., T•UST1 VEllHO!<I J, Ct.INE 111d H,t,ZEL w1v. 100 1tt! I" WICllh In --~ UnlCill llllk kutrt. N6N~ T-, LOUISE CL INI, hllU!llld •• w!llJ 001!$ Oii ltfCOtll of Su,.,.., lt-SlllJ ll\lllCI """"" *'· 0r1,..., c:1111orn11 ""'· ONI! lbl'OUI~ ".'nY• lnctva11111, °"',.. to11111M1t1r!Y iron. •Id P1r•lltf llM Det.il: ~lrl 10, 1Ht llentl. lo 1"' ltlndlo Lei Altl"l\l!OI ........,.rv (COR;. llAL) THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF 1111e· """°" r>Ort11ea1tel'h1 •W. Mid H01soH.TOTHILL CALIFORNI" II thi .,,.,.,. ......... dlfe,.. ~rv llllt '° Ill 1nltnletbl Wlfrl HUOHl!Si JM. .,.,., "" IOll!tl-hlrtv "9ht et, -or OE C HUOttel YIN lrt dtrt(IM te _,, In en Pstlfl< Electric c_,.-11v r19ht .i ... .,. ~ kh.tt Ktlon WW,Jrtf •t•lfttl 'f'OV " ltM •1111¥1 UOO fHI 111 wldtlll: lhiflce '*"""wttll• .. 'l1 SE.,t,JtL! TOTHILL Mll'litll pltlnltff If! !tit "'-~ Cwrt Iv •Ion!! MN sov"'-h:r!f •ltM of ., ""' Sltitt ef Cellfomll for "" c-tv WIV 111111 "' "" com-~ --· f!·1T,-.. N~~r I ef Orlflft. Ind te --lhe C-111111 llNI of LOt AM1!ft CGUlll'V .... ONMlll' •'"'' " " 1 ... 111 Wlll'llll W •n lhe HNIC• (eunlV •I ~ Oii Hid ~d C:OUNT't Oft OlllANOE I " lfl .,_ ef thlt ~ II _.,..., ef SWV*'f lMll1 1Mn« _,.......,..,. PARTY PRETTY eleGtnlnici F.acial Contouri.includad,, in your courtes>: visit. No charge or , so ab8olut.e ~ltivt are we ~hat you wJU obtain y ear objettlv•. that, 1,s 11tattd in our 1u&r1ntee. will even Jet you have FREE or CHAii.GE ANY AND ALL Y,,UllTH!:R VlSTrs. until ,,._ do re&ch your ~' lfi~tlv• ••· 11uran~ u,ieft; . :llack 'l'P our G uarlinlte oo.-:. Oii 11111 lOlfit dn tll Jt11111ry, 1 .... wtlhl11 .,. Olllnl'I ti Ol'IN•" .,, wtlhlf\ ,.,,,. "'"' tOAltllV 11n1, lo~ "' lrlo blfor• -· I Nlf91Y 'ut>llc Ill •nd t11Jrfr Mn JI .........., ,.......,., tNI tt.-lton w1fh lhe M\ltf'l'rr rltl\t 0/ for Miiii Q4illlft' .... Slti.I. H"llMllY ""' Mt ntlfflM that ,,.,..., ¥W ..... Wl'I' nnt of 1111'11 HlehwlY .......... ..,..,_ JOI (, HUOHfl; ..... ALVIN .... -N-t i t~ ....,lf'ld. lt.e Oii R-.1 .i SV,,_ 1).1'1 lhlllcl St!Altl.E fO'TWft.L ~ te mt1 to Plll!Otlff Wfll ._ ludtmlfll fW •~ IOl/thi1tv •kwllr wld •**"°'"° rm. lo ._ n. p,...w.nt llld S.Crt1•1Y·Tr111Urff 1'll!'lft' .,, dllMtft .,,...,.... IJt the !tit 1n1erwttlon of !tit "°'"*-lfflY of "" corMAllM !Ml .. llCl/tell ""' C!Ofl'llffltfll, ., .,.,,,.. -c.!racl. _,. ol 4*Milltn ,ln::tll I#. 61 ... wHhh't 1rlllTYrM!lt .., Wl.llf ti the cw-• wllt -"' 1'IJ !tit CoVrl for tny •1 ~ llOf"lflM1i.r1y lllflt r.eld walnut endstentng 18Jt and pepperrnrn set. Peppermll1 fealures pineapple finial, The set, $29.5q. Cut crystal salad bowl with silwl"ptated rim and servers. Ours a Jone. The set. $10. $ilverplated sauce set lnclf.ldetboM, tray and ladJt. The stl, $8. Your Cl!1r9• ,l.cco~nt .... lco,,.,_l•n•All'l•ric.ercl M•1ter ~•'9•· ••• SLAVICK'S Jtweltr• Sil'I09 1 91 7 18 F1shion l1l•11d Newport 8•1c~·-644..lllO 0-Mell., l'"r1. _,II tiM '""'' . ' ,. obli.,.llon • '· · -W •1 f I • I , "'911-11 lllfltlft ~ .... ~ -""" """' .......... "' ""cenwlll'lll, ~"'"' lln• lo ... ,...,.,.,.." !!Cl to tt\t IMrl llldl corw•lloll ll'UCV!ed W. I . IT JQHM 11116 tf •antl'l6 Lot Allml'Ol.I ~ lhO ..,.,... 01ur1tY (II~ ..... Cllrlc f'I0'1'tlw9lllr1' '""" Mid lt...cllt llM WITNIU 11'1'1' ~1111 .... 1111~ tf 1M ~ Cciurl to 111 lnfrr'SK'llon wllll Mid . .,..,... ICl'PtCt4l ll!•ll' fl 11\f 1t1tt fl (1!fflntt llllu!ld•rv nr.t ef l• "-Jiii.i~ ,,_, M., .. ,l'llt fir W. ClMttr .. Ot-.. •nd Ortflll C-1Y1 ~ _....ffflo NOii,., l"lilbUC.C..lllWlllt Ott• P•111ry 21, l"6t l'I' alorlt 1116 ~ ~ h l"rlnt)Pll OtftCI 111 ,., A, •• Kl.1011! tt ltl ~-"""" llle ~ OrilllM ewi.tr llA•OIA AND MOflTO" lliolill'idll"f' b .. tfll CltY .. tt'I MY COllVll1 .. lillll lltPlru IONtl M. tulCI lfldl aa W-"' .. 1YMt N1'. Jllfr 9, ltff ••LA •• \. ...... 1 , .... , l!'IMICt -llfl¥ ltioi'il(i Mid •""""' ..... ...,.,.. ,,, 11'6 .... '*""" livl"'" -lhtrl"I' """".,.., .. 1111 ..,,,.... ... ,..,.., ...... lll!tll ...... tomft .. .UW.\Klrl '"'""" *· '°''"" u~• ._ ..,_ u......., c.....,. •14 JI : ~ ..., ...... ....,. *" "" Collfrll T .... , 111111'1 >et T .. 1 ftlJ) at-Jltl ... ferlY II"' of Ml9 Nrttl le h or.... ~ .... ,...,...,. ... ...,.,, '"" "°"'' of -.111111,... Mllthtd °''"" Coat1 0.11., '11ol, ,..,......., H1111t1Mtlll Stldl C.111' ..........., On,.. CO.ti 0t1" f>llot, J...,., It. 12. • •flt fff!wrv t. !lilt. JI_,., IA .. " Niii fl'tenill'Y J•"""" 12. 2' °"' .. ...,,.,., '° lt. .,., ff-#S. ltft " ..... ,... 1 l1*"' ---~-----·-·-·---------------------------------------- --. ....,_..,.._..,,..,... .... ~ ..... ! .-_.. • 1'. "' f T !I 1 I 1 f r f t • • I • # • • 1-I . . . . .. .. . . . - \. . • nels Honor ' Young ~opte · Moel Ille 'Autbon. j ~ ....,,, Writlea· an a Tbe lnvltallcio ls belo& ... llolldq '.... l\'llJl!la& .... Wlclecl'"fi> ail l'oUntilil Vlllei .,,_ -•· ~ .......... by -of Ibo =:ta~~ ,• LlllnrJ for _ t p.m. frldo, llocil.ing .......;: wUl be J'!:_1~ . _.i, ~ Wolls,. lla!lltl~- w...,. of Ibo~ w•"I• Dou, :r-a I . . . • lnJ *tat wUl reco!X!' -• ~llebOroh -.. ~ ,miili1·.lilW Qdl" ,,., i..11<.• 'sia,. ~•"-•--·• In •• ..;.:.. Diiiu a.Dow, K Orwll:, ~.......-.. ~ •-Tina Wllb, Sean D ck, Join ~ .Ille !'fllen,. their p&ren1I Dom.t and JUay Lewts. and cmifeo1 juqa wl~ lie ' Olb'ir -will be booQrecl &IJ'S1" Jeonne a.voir, Silale w-. Tbe u . .... .. _ ull, 'l!oml l'le141. lalie lluj> . er~ ve n•-.. CO?"" .1er.~~aielb Lufabamm•. i..t Wll open to all F~ Grq Scott, P11111ela Joegor, Valley cblldrtn !nm tJndlr. G"U Antin; Cheryl Pelefl, .,• ' . Weddings, Troths 'i) ,, . . • 6t.4id/1nes ' ·Pilots ' .. , "· , To help fill req~D\flltl on both wed· din& and en&•t!'Jll,ODt ltot101,for1111.are avail· i. i~. ill all of the DAILY l'II.oT offices. PUrtber questlona will be anfWWOCI by. So¢al N-1Wf memben'el ~811 or 404-9480. To avoid dlaippolnlmon~ pnilpectlvo brjdea ore n.minded to have thOll' wedding 1torlea with black 111!1\v~ glossy pboto-rilii to the DAILY rU»1 Society Deport· meill prior to or within one week after tho wedding. J • ~ ~ Fqr en1agement ' Pfouncements it Is ~ suggOl!ed that the atom :Illa• accoinpanied by a black and white glosly p I c I u re, be 1ubmltted early. If th, betrothal announce- ment and wedding dil4 Ire lix weekl or 1 ... apart, only the wedding photo will bo ac- cepted. . ='~~=~=-= groups for poetry, iiiid en. Candi Co~ Woody , Woodyll'll, Jenny 'Walker, , ~ 1 l . j j ·': ~ . : ,,_ , • Sbelly Seymour, Jeff Clark , .. "' ,. • . -.: a... -and Kathy Good..U.. '--------···.i';.;Jioiii·-..,..;,,liijl .. · · ~Jseas ;.... , , • ti • , : ~mjt ~~r~ ~ \y;om~n' 'On the -:~un' '.f ~ertormer ~earai, · 'cQpiing T rjcks Tbe ,,...,. .... ""' of -1~·1'!''' .. / -. ·"' -; ,lbe~~·1oVeneai_..,\~-,.on nu~. 'Company:~.s~s of the League, Orange Countx Unit, .... ail¢ an.!\"1iclr: meaii.,program. ·-.·~ :~ii" will ~ place. ~ SaLe~.!Y wlll be offered during an eight· Topics to be ihduded will . at I:-p.m. in , .. e ..wie k . ""'· t be use of portable W Id Cl b•-· · La ' ·wee course sponsored by .uw or U uuuse Jn guna ~•'boliances kitchen orgwlza· Hills. Col~en Woat .E•enine College tfoG, thr1lty shoctcul cooking, .Hostes&t$ will be Mrs. Jto-chirin~,~ sp}iltg se\;1i·. p~ahead meals from t~ n1e Goss, Mias Grace Roes, T a 1 re r e d for ltig freezer and easy entcrtainingj Miss Florence Crolier._ Miss homemakers and w or t a: · Keo CUnie and :r.Jlas Mar(vet women. claasea will Physicians Welcomed Ar~a pbysiclaqs' will be guest& ol honor at a cocktail party hosted by Ille ad- minilt.ratlon and .1taff ol the Newport Convi lea cent Hospital. The event will . take place ·Friday,• Jan. 31 from 5 to 9 p.rnl in the new facility which 'L!I scheduled to open in February. OOTPRINTS OF HISTORY -A French historian once said that historical rtifacts are the tracks or footprints of history. Examining some arti!acls that e part of America 's heritage are (left to right) the Mmes. C. E. Stovall Jr., O\Yard Key and John Hopwood. Displays \vill be set up in area libraries in servance of American History Month by the Col. William Cabell chapter of MooE~·-~· betwheeThurn 8:d30 ·~ '~~ao ...... pl.1h. Mrs . Jaycees n .......... mment io Dining eac 1 ay · m w-= J:A1 son Room One wiU be provided Co. '.s Electric Llvlng Center, by Mi!s Betty Roadman, Huntlngton Beach. The firr;t monodmnat.iat. She has cl,us will run from Feb. Z participated in reclt.all, con-throu&h March 27, with a se- certs, stage and in movies. co!ld .aeasion beg.inning ApriJ Huntington Beach M r s . Jaycees meet the second Mon· day of the month at 8 p.m. Location information may be received by calling Mrs. Michael Broob, 5.16-7022. The Doctor's Dance Barnt will provide music under the direction of Dr. Robert L. Duey. The preview of the new hospital will be hosted by John A. Williams, administrator and Mrs. Glenn B. Allen, assistant administrator, a!lsisttd by Mrs. H. J. Bryant, RN, difector of nurses. e Daug ters of the American R.ev9lution. . ' ' -. -,. . . She appeared in the long-run 10. stace production of I Re&iatratlon, now ta.kin& R em e m b e r ·Mama with place, will continue until P'ri· Cbariotte Greenwood. day, Feb. 14, v a can c J e 1 '• Honors Court Stella The League ia compoeed of permJtting, and additional in- women who havt served formation may be obtained Members of Court Stella overseas with a government-' by contactin1 the evenm, col-Maria 1448, Catholic Daughters spansored agency durhig a le~ tsz..7711. of America meet each second time or national ·emergency. Ccnduelinl the classes will and fourth Mondiy at • p.m. Any WOlOID with this kind be Mrs. Carol Heim:, home • in SL Joachim's parish hall, of &ervict is invited to become economi8t for the Edl.lol , Costa Mesa. Hos1e4Ses for the evening will be Mrs. Edward Wright, Mrs. Fred Jones, Mrs. Arthur Walker, Mrs. Glen WoCxl· mansce, Mrs. G e 0 t I e McFarland, Mrs. T h e o McWilliams, Mrs. M y r t I e Scherick and Mrs. Henry Holt. • ' t " . . . ' \ [ .A ·-, . . .. -·1 . ' ' ' . -~ mer1ca s Past February has been pro- claimed American History Month by three area cities. C. E. Stovall Jr., H·a r o J d Wickersham, Howard K e y and MacLeod. Mrs. Robert A. Speed has petitioned the mayors or New- a member. lnfonnalion can be obtained from Mn. Alama Akeroyd at 532=-4521. port Beach, Costa ?ltesa and s d Sh'• ·o Hfountain Valley lO ;s.,..e_,l/>e , eas an 1ps raw.n 1 pniclama~ilb ·... ~ " ' -• ~lit ·~ • , • ' • '\. ' • "•'\-i't' • ' .._ Mrs. S · 11!: chairmap ol ' . · · ho · ~the Amefican HiMory ·Month . ~s. ~rt~ .c1a1r, w Canada an~ ~r~c~. , Committee for Col. William spec1ah.z.e:s iJCpamtings of ma-The -pul)lic is llMted to a1- JULIE WISE To Marry et rot ha/ · eveafed t Party uring a party giv~n b~· . and Mr s. William \'~ise J.luntington Beach they an- nced the engagement of ir daughter. Julie Ann Whe avid Williams. son of Mr. Mrs. Mark Willia.ms,~ •l untington Beach.; · ' ttending \Vere members of families and friends of betrothe<.1 co uple. he brid e-to-be is a gradua\e Huntington Beach High t and now attends ~ton's Medical Co llege , ta Ana. l'r riance. also a llBHS duatc. is a sophomore at den West College. LOCAL olhtf 1'tw1p•ptr t1tl1 you , •••ry d•y, •bout wh1t•1 q q 011 ;~ tht Gre1f1r Or1~91 t th•11 th• DAILY PILOT. Cabell chapter of the Daugh-rine! and slilps, will be the tend the meeting IDd dcmoo- t~s of the Ameri.can ~volu-guest of the Huntington Beach stration. There 1' no charge, ti_on. The c_ommitlee is de-Art League at 7:30 p.m. Wed· and any donations will benefit signed to stimulate a deeper . . understanding of American nesday. Feb. 5, in Lake Park ~e art scholarship, accord· history and encourages the Clubhouse,. . 1ng lo Mrs. Tom Neeld, pres- study of the subject in all The La~n.a Beach resident ldent. grades in school. Each year, was . bor~ in 'Canada and has an essay contest for fifth, ~t~d1ed 1n ltta!IY fam.~s art- sixth, seventh and eighth 1st s. sch0<_>ls 1n add.1t10~ to graders is conducted. Hero-studies w1~h 1 l. J. S~Cl!l of ines of the Revolutionary war Beverly Hilla! Cecelia Hickl, is the theme for the school Burbank, ~ Earl Danleh, essays and winners are ac-Laguna. •· . knowledged with certificates. The seascape she will de_m· . . . onstrate during the meet.Ing Prmts .of a patno~1c n~ture \viii be donated to the league and pert1~en~ m~ter1~I "'.'11 be for ils art ~olanhip fund . Featured 1n six. hb~ar1es 10 tl!e r-.tany of htr marines and area. Of special interest will ships hang tn private co!Jec- be the 13 star flag owned by lions throughout the U.S. DAR member, Alrs. Donald · r-.1acLeod and loaned to Mar- iners Library for this exhibit. A collection of early clothing, eye glasses and fans will be among the items on display. The latter have been loaned by Mrs. Catherine Bates of Western Sh~res chaP.ler •.. DAR. Dance Club The fint third and fifth Fridays ~ each mo n t h members of: Lace 'n Ltat.btr Square Dance Club meet at 8 p.m. in the Recreation Center, Huntington Beach. Further information may be obtained by calling Mn. Juan Dillon at 53$-.801!. In keeping wjtb Anw.rican History M~th. the ·Cabell chapter will present the New· port Beach and Costa Mesa li braries with copies of "The DAR Patriot's Jndex." The b"ook 's lists the names and set-vi~ of an revolutionary ancestors in the files of the Regisl rar Gtneral, National Society. DAR. Semi-Annual QualiCraft Assi!lt1ng Mrs. Speed arc the MmC3. Mernice Bowles, Sea Siren• TOPS Sea Sirens tneel in Killybrooke School, Cost a Mesa. every· Wedoesday al 7 .)l.m. I ' 8 R.99-9.98 DRESS STYLES CUSTOM MADE {!REPLACE SCREENS 99 ' ¥ , INSIDE AND CORNER MOUNTS Comj>l1te line of Firepl•ce Acceuorie1 E WEEK DELIVERY Complete Line 'Gas Flame lo9s nta Ana 2202 S. MAIN Tent and Awtri11 Co. 545-0491 SANTA AHA CASUALS NOW l.99 Such 1xc1ptiol'IOI sovings 9iv1 you remarkable foshion volues Oft your fovorit. OvoliCroh bfond. Sfin lots of .xciting sty*. from ,.gulor stodt. 5a. lo fit most fl'\lef)'Onl, though nol 1vtry "?''-in 1Y«J 1itt. Ntwperf lt•ch Ct1!t M•t• M11~flt19lt11 l•1th . .~l . ~-.. ... ! '1 ., " i ~ • . WHQLESALER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC le make ...., I•• 1'69 ;....,.;., ROW, ROLL EflDS inven*J-. MVlt dete wt ell 1t61 pt1t· hctm cor 9ze to ,...,. siae. f91'M oM 1pfflill rvni ef ell 111uo,fttltt er carplit. an41 -over 500 R 1 m n • n ts. BRING tH YOUR RdOM SIZES t':: 1.89 ~ ONE WEEK SPECIAL • Bro.wn & White 100% Syntbetic Twaed Good for Rantol1 or Aportments. Never SHn AnywheN at Thil Low, tow Price. COM,1111-INClUDING ,AD INSfAll.t.llON 3.49~~- NYLON c..,_,;.i tr* "'9· Miff fw hNYy tnfflc 1r111. Htny j .. blt ivtt iltdl. lt<I & ~IKk, Wue & ,,...., .,..,,., twH•, .. 11 "'"j· RIG. PlKI 6.tl CLOll OUT 5'1Cl.t.l 3.39 -<Al'" OMIT- SPKIAL ROU. EllDS »TO IO IQ. YAllDS Kt4ela, Myllftl, Acril1n1, WtolL AH clftn. VllUIS 10 14.95 FROM 2.87 ~: Y•• lft•lt ctme 1u1J fer thltt. Titey wen't list. '1nt Ctll'll, flrtf 9ftll KOBEL SHAG a,,, ,,.. ~ thfdi:. v •, 1 plu1h Maft ftr the MOdtr• fMIRy. Lffk• Iii• wtel, fttl• like WMI, WNrl lilt1 nyl111. Clum Mttw thu any oth11 . SOl.D AT l!ADIMG STOHS FOR 10.9S '"IQ. YAID OUR l'l!Cl 6.95 ~ IMSTAWD INCluiiNG PAD ' C1prllo1 Gol• Label HllYJ clvty wpet with cloy. ~1. ivte Met. ··-ul h;gh llW petttna. ltd. bl111, ,,. .. udl, ""· w.nu~eff white. SllN Al Olllll flOllS FOR US ,H SQ. YAllD OUR n1cr 4.29 :: -CAllPn ONLY- PLEASE PHONE FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 HOUH DARY 9 TO 1,311 . SAT. t TO S SUN. 1110 4 NO MONIY DOWN AND UP TO 36 MOS. TO -;tAY AORILAN SHAG """' 2· tftlck, Do.,, rich ....,., """' fw "''"' ,..... ef """ & Wiii'. ln~ut Gold, Smit-Gol4, ••••• ll~. 1D.9S ClOSI OUT sn<ll~ NOW 5,49 ~: CAl"T OllLY IYLOll StiA8 v.,., !Ith! twbtt<I, ..... "" .,. .. , .... Mldelw!M .... wltli """' .. 111c. o ....... Only, A-"-· !OU> AT lUDING SIOUI IOI 7.tS 'H YAllD OUI PltCI 3.92 ~~: L & J ENT~RPIJ1$E$ 'NC. ORAlllE ODUllTY'S WIEST WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE 2416 s. MAIN SANTA ANA. ONI ~~.:-0 ' ' -Phone 549.3349 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J _ _'..'·~·:•;~'"11'~·'~'"~''--~'''-"'-'_c_._ .. _,_,_,,_ .. __ "_""_•_••-''-'_c_._._,._'~ ' • • \ ---------------------------------~~~-~~~,--~ .. . . ,, . ., ,..............~ THE Fl.Ats ABE UP j • - Ot'li'1 Imported cheeses att separated and srouJ>l!d together according to COW'l-- tries ••. They are labf!Jl!Cf, too • • Denmark with lU! Camembert .• But(lflte hails from Belgium _ •• Feta from Greece •.• Genuine Edel4, v.·eiM from \Ve!t Germany • , • Goat O>etse lrom Nor- way . • . It Aas a carmet ftavor : . . O} Coone Eng- lat.i. i8 famous for Prime Blue-Stilton, wllidl ma.Ices a delicious dressing made in the way you wouJd do a Roquefort ••. Genui,~ Grat· ed Romano from Italy made with sheep's milk. • . Very good, very sharp, extra old mack Dtamond Cheddar from Canada ••• and or COW'k Edam from Holland . • , Swljzerland produces the Fondue• and ~s , • , ~the C&membert, Brie, BOii.bet and Grape cheese ..• a cheese spread w i r Ii · gra~ seeds all over • • •. • Also •Baby lld'WISttt and Goat{, Cheesi in vacuum sealed' caru: ••• YO\,I cu eat your way all over Europe on cracm. CANDY CANS Wft'll Pl'.:RSONJ.UTY Think like a coUtt ean with a canister lid •.. Th• d~ign a old fashioned choc- olate brown and yello1v on white ••• with a hone and bUUY ettt'ct and W:e paper doily look ••• But iNdde are Mille (J)ocoJ.ate Pu.nut But;. ter Drops, or Peanut Ous- tera . • .or Oki Fuhioned Chocolate Drops .•• The~ att called Tris Anne and an put up by Tlwrman's In Pennsylvania. These cans gtt to me. You could do a whole kitchen around them. RµllE NEWS For thost who .haven't fOQ11d an olivt big enouah to suit I.hem yet .•• try on Reese spectal super coloasal cannonballs for size ••• Here's a ripe black beauty that will take 2 toothpicla: to hold it up. Old Fuhiollt'd Tomat& Preserves by Reese , . . a rtll'e find . The~ are thost wb;; • likie their tomatoes wltti "ll:tl on ·tbem,. Quite ~ O.wr to spice u)1 £n&Wh muttins or toast. PORK FROM IOWA IDTS THE SCENE What makes Richanf1 Sllwr Platttt Pork more puL. sat~ than other people ·a p;x"k ••• F1rtt ol an it com~ from Maaon City, Iowa and York, Nebraska alXl is .. com fed .•. What a flavor • · •. Pink pork is Youn;. tt huni had a chance to pt too fat, then it i• lovina!Y trimmed to perfection 1 o ; ju.1t the rlaht amount of tat for Oavor • • • Our porken are all hand picked and pe:r- llOf18.lly stlected tor ut waY back there • _ • For inalancJ a per90n in the know U1~ "I'll take that one and that there Ont for Rief>. I ant's." Try a center cut rack of pork which ls t h e Pr1rnt rib ol pork, Rout it ttndrrly and servt It wit b tome ol the Deli's bulk •P' ,plesauce. Would you llke a pork len- dertoln stuUed with ws.ter cbeltnuts and a dash ol gin. irer • . • or • double thick_ pork chop bappUy pocketed with dried prunes and a,pri- cots, They putt up w h e n 'yO(i oOOk 1tlem • . . or deli· cioul parsley drHsina: • . . Excltlna" flavor ~·itch this WMJmld b: the K>Neel IO a• ' sa\Klt on the country 1lyte spuy ribs ... Richard 's, tht 1>toPJe sttn. of Newpott Beach , •. Whrre the geleo- Uon ol C.ndlelight Meat• wW flow lhtlr way to y o a r hetrt. ·• ------.... ...--.... ......--~-.....-........ w .. -----·-·-·-·-·-··-~ -.....---~·-......-----~ --- ---~ Wtdntsdlf, January 2q, 1%9 DAILY PILOT :U PHONE 673.0360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 30, 31, FEB. I st 'fr~,; PK //'".ii2 I ' "'\.~~~ I . "' I MJB . ' ' COFFEE M.J.B.' • COFFEE M.J.B. COFFEE KNU DSEN La Bon BUTTER SEGO INSTANT MIX I LB. I LI. 1.98 1 LI. 79( DIET FOOD 4 PK. 59' CHOCOLATE DRINK MIX NESTLES QUIK I LI. 39c GREEN GIANT SALE GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN 12 ... 5 '" $1 GREEN GIANT ' GOLDEN CREAM CORN,., 5 ,,, $1 GREEN GIANT FRENCH SLICED GREEN BEANS JOI 5 lw $1 GREEN GIANT KITCHEN SLICED GREEN BEANS JOI 5 '" $1 GREEN GIANT PEAS WITH ONIONS JO! 4 lo• $1 SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS I LI. 33¢ NUCOA MARGARINE 1 lb. 4 ... $1 KAL KAN PET STEW l"'/1 oz. 5 for $1 KAL KAN BURGER ROUNDS ""' 5 $1 OL ... KAL KAN CHICKEN ROUNDS IS'/, 5 $1 ''· ,,, KLEENEX 200 ct FACIAL TISSUE · 4 10~ $1 . KLEENEX .. • ,.~ ·' · , DESIGNER TOWELS ~~' 3 '~9c :~ ··-i ' . ,, ·~ !!;: Zi\l'll M' @JJtMPAI J-1: . ·--(~--~ STOUFFERS CHICKEN & NOODLES 11•/1 ••. 69c STOUFFERS BEEF STEW 10 ft. 69c Organ Serene de For Your Pleosure ~y Bernice Fay -···· LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE WE THINK SHOPPING OUGHT TO BE FUN! So we: make it fun , with more varieties of food, u1ual 11nd exotic, to fire your imeginetion! You're surrounded by deli9h·t1 - shin iniJ floors, the play of water in the fountein, plu sh red c.erpet in the lobby, soft lights, music •nd smiling service. We +Hink this is lots more fun then impersonal self-service end bare fixtures. So -HAVE FUN! J~{:~! : t?J/LMfi;. j RltHA~ SIL VER PLA'fl'Elt PORK SALE EASTERN GRAIN ~ED PbRKERS l'ENOE\l:LOIN ENO Pork Loin ·Roast CENtER CUT THE WORLDS SWEETEST · TEXAS RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT 10 FOR s1 LARGE.SIZE, COMPACT TENO~R TASTY ARTICHOKES 5 FOR ~ FINE FOR EATING, SWEET FANCY, cALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 6 LBS. s1 FRESH, BROWN V~RIETY ST~~ TYPE MUSHROOMS 4 CUPS $1 f!JJt&~ WIND'SOR <;ASTLE SCOTCH 12,o>. ORANGE MARMALADE WINDSOR CASTLE THICK CUT 12,0,, ORANGE MARMALADE 3 ,., $1 RICHARD'S 8" CHEESE PIZZA 43' RICHARD 'S FINEST APPLESAUCE 1 ... 35c VIENNA PURE BEEF KNOCKWURsr · 12,0 •. 69' l]tusmoie 7Ji11ner /or Xiu! STOUFFERS . R~k .. oJ~· .~or.k CENTER cur RIB ROAST 7~B 8~B. 69~s Yo u can have o different meal evt'lry nishl of the nion th ... already cooJuid .•. ju'sC loke it home i:f serve. I\ golnxy of fresh vegelob!es find aelolin snlrrdit. lool So on o day when the. ~ky is falling, IHI u~ worry rrboul your dinner! I : ROAST BEEF HASH 11 1/2 ••• 89c STOUFFERS CREAMED CHIPPED BEEF 11 ••. 89c C&W PETIT PEAS 10 oz. 4 for $1 C&W w;th WATER CHESTNUTS PEA PODS '" 39¢ C&W FRENCH CUT GREEN BEANS . ' ••. 4 ... $1 RICHARD 'S (FAMILY PACK) ICE CREAM •;, GAL. 69' RICH'S CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS 10 ••. 39c 39c RICH'S BAVARIAN CREAM PUFFS 11 ••. 32 variclies of home-baked brud c.omt from our own ovem ... and dtisaU lik• Germiln ChocoLat, Cake, Fruit Pan Dowdy, frnh.llrawbary pit, plus a wholt MTIY of F~nch pastrin ... we low lo h:mpt yorv! FRESl!I ' ' ,Legs · of Pork WHOLE OR HALF F.R,ESH . SPARERIBS PERFECT WINTER DINNER OENTER CUT PORK· CHOPS LEAN PIN K PORK THI.CK . ·LOIN CHOPS .,, PERFECT FOR BAKING FRESH ·.SIDE PORK SLICED FRESH BACON 69~B . 8~e . 9rB. 69~e. RICHARD'S 100 % PURE PORK SAUSAGE · 'RICHARD'S · " 59Cu. Fresh Pork H~ks . PIGS FEET' ' 49c ... 39c". 29¢LI. Leon Ground Beef 49Cu. PIGS ·T~ILS 'R,eady-to-(Jo II'om 0111' 'Delicatessen ~a Kahlua Candy I Ui. Container Reg. 1.50 NOW 95' VIETNAM GIFT PACKS 4.95 -9.95 @?tweJt ~- 25% OFF ALL MEXICAN IMPORTS ' . ' 1 TREE.S OF LIFE STUFFED' THICK .1 • St 1; rh W•ter Chestnut Or•s1in9 TIN LANTERNS I PORK CROPS . 1.49u. Pork Tenqerloin 1.49u. . AND MORE , 89 COUNTRY STYLE MARINATfD Tedk; Stylo ' ~ ... /J~. At,,,.t //,AA fl. , .. ,. C SPARERIBS :::'~ ,98cLI. CHICKEN LEGS 89cu. •• t.~-c:rUff:4, WJ:el'V P' LIGHT AND SPICY DANISH TEA CAKE HONEY AND BROWN SUGAR STICKY BUNS I 79C U.S;O.A. "PRIME" BEEF , 1 • • 1 ~~();£f,lt ~ , . I ARMY BREAD 41c * " PRIZE oRAw1NGs FRIDAY, FEB. 1. 14, 21 · , POUND CAKE ,, 7.91 . ·; , ' 7 ••• • , • i . s1GN-U~6~o~:B~E;.T~RTING t ... , ·~· ,, ·r • ), •' ens? Rf iJ11ET\t #&FsJc As?!O auzrz*sU: nu &J\i-.:PYAs"h nls1:r enc: Ob•una :ozn;p 22:n1t 'fJRU •22nv nsrntr1¥•M2 anM?J'f !¥! "£~ MARKET HOME & GIFT.SHOP LIDO YACH'T 'SHOP FLOWER SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. 9·6 • OPEN DAILY 9·6 OPEN DA ILY 9,6 SAT. 9.5 DAILY 8:10.6,,SAT. l :JO,S • • " -.. ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' . I ' ' I I I -' -.,.., ..... ,...; ...... .. . . ' . ' . . • t • I , -• •• IJ DAILY PILOT W1dntld11, Jon..., 29, 1969 • Yemen Women Strive for Emancipat ton, ·r oo ~ Bi.b 1·n Tucker Club Dances, Leade rs To ld·· '1 .AllD\JWTIF EL MA V IWIAA, y..,.. (AP) -Tbe tlrlt woman doctor i n Yemen's b i :s t o r y will ataduate from tairo tlnivtraity later lhis year. !'11" ;., Zeinab Mohammed Sb:ayuil, 2.1, who is studying :"'!'!'. a scholarship granted by the Egyptian government. Zeinab was born and got bet early education in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where her father operated a money- cbanger's booth. In IMO, she left for Cairo to go to high ldlool. While a re\•olution was under way in her country. Zeinab obtained a General Certilicate of Education and joined the faculty of medicine. Ac~g to her parents, Zeinab's motives for becoming a doctor we.re simple. "My coontry needs doctors mo~ than anything else. So J am waiting for the day v.tien I graduate and can help my peopl~ and encourage other women to follow suit." Zeinab's graduation as a doctor, while seemingly an iQ. iignificant event, n\arks lhe rapid strides towards eman- cipation taken by Yemen womanhood in the years since the Republican revolution of 1!16%. Much still has to be done. But the first, the most difficult ateps, have been taken . Unde r t h e forme r monarchy, it was considered shameful and 'Cl.egrading for girls to go to school. They were supposed to stay at borne, veiled from sight to ew:ryone but their husbands. fathers or broLbers. Now a small group of Yemeni girls have thrown off the veil, if a trifle hesitantly, and go to school and aspire to become nurses, Nouria Hameed, 16. now stu- dying to becotne: a nurse, said "in the begi.Ming: I wa! ashamed to unveil myself' in the presence ol a man. "I was afraill-be might rape me, for · l fetl' u if I wu GAYLE RIDDERS April &rid• Marriage In Whittier Scheduled 'Ibe engagement of Gayle Marie Ridders and Ronald Lee Wussick was announced dur· ing a surprise dinner party In M a r m a c ' s restaurant. Downey. Miss Ridders is the daughter oI Mr. and Mn. S. T. Ridders of Westminster and h e r fiance'!I parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Wwisick ol Whit· tier. The couple revealed that they will marry on April 2S, in SL Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church in Whittier. The futun bride Is a &raduate of Westminster High School and atlended Golden West and Orange Coast col· leges. The bened.ict-elect is an alumnus of Sierra High School and enrolled at Fullerton Junior College. He w i 11 graduate in June from Rio Hondo C.Otlege, Whittier and is serving in the Marine Corps Air R<oecves. Rebekah·. lodge Triple Link Club of Mesa RebeUh Lodge lw meeUngs Ill< fourth M°"'4Y ot I p.m. In vm.001 Joc8itons. Mrs. Deuglu Morpn 'at 541938 may ~ called ror additional Jgformation. Wa ist Watcher• TOPS Walsl Wot chers lllll!l"Dblt every Thursday tlt 1 f.JB.. Ill Circle View School, ffMlltGn Beadl. ' naked," she added. ''because ht i$ old and is The spirit of chaQie among whether they are young or make him feel protected. William Greenwood 0 r miltet. • Now she has u n veiled unlikely to provoke protests young girll Wll!I best ex· old. "For when one of our glrls Fullerton has been named New board members are !he herself iind walks in public from the girls' pa.rents.'' pressed by ooe JJ.year~ld who The reason is that ttte people sleeps in the same room with Messrs. and Mmes. Harvey in a skirt aod blouse. "Today Besides ttte first woman is lnteres}ed ln medicine. of any given ana llillally a guest, the guest ls immune president of lhe Bib 'n Tucker Pease of Balboa J s I and I'm not afraid or men. They doctor, five otttcr girls study "I hope to go abroad and belong to the same tribe and from attack, robbery o t Club, a group wllich draws Weirick. Continuing b oa rd are good and treat me like in colleges abroad. lnadd.itio11, study medicine," she said. '11 work and live together, and harm," a tribal chief from members for dining and dan-membeNJ include the Messrs. my brother." 29 unveiled girls became .don't want to be like my therefore they trust each the east explained. cihg from San Clemente to and Mmes. Elsmore . \Vhatever 1he feelings of the nurses after studying at the mother and sisters -a man 's other. But the guest shouldn't get Long Beacll. Greenwood. Fon Hallett, Carl girls, the ir conservative Sa.naa Nurses School. plaything." Strict tribal cOOes prescribe any wrong ideas, he added. Other officers a 5 5 i 5 t \ n g Kobbins, John Adams and parents are taking no chances. Six more nurses w i 11 In contrast with other coon-swift retribution for anyone "Our vlrgins all carry sharp Greenwood are Ed w a rd Wronka. One of tbe instructors at the graduate in the twin capital tries, where emancipation breaking the traditional course curved knives, and Uthe guest wronka or Newport Beach, Sponsors for dinner dances school is a 53-year-old Russian of Taiz in December. and 12 usually comes first to the of society, its habits and its tries to kiss her or make vice president, and Mrs. Ron during 1969 will be the Messrs. called Doctor Konnisov, who others from the nurses scnool t•ities and then spreads to the mores. love lo her, he can be SllNI Hazlett of Newport Beach, and Mmes. Harvey Peaae, is attached to the Russian in the Red ,Sea port of countryside, the opposite is In the eastern 'province of thal she will behead him," treasurer. March l; Adams, April 12; aid mission. Jtodeidah. true in Yemen. Yemen, emancipation is car· the chief added. Mrs. Harold Elsmore of Kobbine, June 14; Wronka, An official of the \Vorld The total is impressive when Jn the Yemeni COUlltryside, ritd. to extremes. A visiting "A tribal girl knows how.· Laguna Beach wu ,appointed Sept. 27 : and Weirick, Dec. Health Oril:anilation, which one bears in mind that the and especially in the Tehaman gueit In fhe area of a tribe to protect her virginity and . c::b.IUrman, and Mr. and Mrs. 13. Each couple will choose runs the sCJM»I for nurses, first school for girls was open~ lowlands bordering the sea, there is dlfered 1a teenage tpe honor of tier tribe," ~ John Welriclt of South l.a&\lla another couple from the mem- sald Konnisov 'was pickedC..:ed":.'.in~Sa'.'.n~aa'.'..:::on;:lYc_:i•:_.:1::963:·:_ _ _,!g~ir~ls,ene~ver~co::'.'.:":'.'.Cth:'.'.e:'.ir~fa~ce.s::;:,_, _:v.::ir.!!gin:::..:'9!....!~:::;.!..::'.1. [.!rooc::'.'.m'.'....'.a:'.'.Dd::_.::c:on:::;c.::lud~ed~. -----~-=w.::lll~e<>c'..::'.'.h.::•i:.r .:•C!pu:::bl:::i":::·1:cy~ <dn:::·_.:ber=•h:oip'-to::...:'°"=SJlO="'°":.::...:•c.d.:;an<-'--e. ) U.S.D.A. CHOICE I .... . •. MATJAll 11.DE lllllOI ST&l llEIF CHUC STEA WEU TRIMMED TENDER BUDE ClfTS LB. RIB ROAST BONELESS STEAKS ~11.0fN Tl'TOP ROUND Clmf OR FAMR. Y STEAKS --IOllUS STAMP SPEOALS! • I 100 !!2~!2!~-?T~~ IOH'ftfSS U..$.0 .A. CHOICfCtfl.IOWAC°"' STl"!t 79( CHUCK STEAi. + 1001lUECl·ll,Sl.t.M1'5 . .'....... .. aQf'IEUSS LEAN MfATT 79( CHUCK IOAST ""'"~'-·""""········· .. &ONE LESS WASlf Fl ff CEN TEI CUTS 98( . I RIB STEAKS "..."ii~.~~•rurs _ ,. 98' STEWING BEEF u s~~6.c. -----LI. 89' BREAKFAST STEAKS ~"s,;:'~-.!..._ "s1 2.• PORTERHOUSE or T-BONEcf~."$1 19 as: a: ROUND STEAK + 100 t !U( ci-n, STAMPS ...... '.. II>, tONflESS Sffll.OIN l "'. I UW, lOf' ot BOTTOM JtOUNO 98( ROLLED ROASTS ,'"'""''""'~"······ .. NO .... Cl3. l'tfClS Ol C>t&l!lS 59( IEST of tlie FRYEI • ..., k"' '"' ,,_ •. .. ma]ifiilr DtfWJ.mst1t ~~.~! !!! .. ~~~~DS _ ,.;:.g:,~,, 2CJ< ~!!~N~!ou~!E.!!0-,, OL nG ~~~~ 6tc OSCAR MA YR BOLOCillA ~'.:'I.':~, _____ 69' CALLO DRY SALAME ____ ,~~.:o 39' '°'"c 79' ALL •EATFIAll(S O$CM JM.'l"ff it:.. SMOKIE LINKS OKMi..:._1tr110171' SPE11CER mAK •.s.o.A.cHO><• s11• ft TENOR, WASTEFREE -l8. CROSS RIB ROAST ~~'tioo :,... ... 98' YANKEf POJ ROAST = ~,.79' SIRLOIN STEAK u..1~~ --~ "sll' ~!~~~~~~~-~~sr ·_ n. s111 BEEF SHORT RIBS 6°' fNGll.5!1 CUI··-··-----··· .. ·-tl. ;:I . ~t~~.!~~-~ ·---.. age !~r~!~!A~~ .._ 91c ····-··79' 9TOMATO• DELMONTE I CUT ~El BEAIS I I CREAM CORI I CATSUP i PEACHES ............ I I SWEET PEAS I I SllC!Dli. HAlvtS Ci REEi IEAIS ::"" I Del Monte, 14 OL bot~. I N0.21/i CAN I I $ I $1 I SPl~at I I I SAUERKRAUT I I l OB.MOl<TIMO.l CAH I for I for / I • •5·for1 • > I I DEtM~ I DEL MONTE I DEL MONTI I FRUIT I fOMATO l PllEAPPLE JUla I I 460Z.CAN I COCKTAIL I SAUCE : TOMATO JUla I I '60Z.CAH I I : SLICED BEETS I NO.lOl CAN I IOLCAIC -NO.JPlCAH I it2:1 I I ~r1 I • Qi§i• DAllT SPECIALS I I I I for ICE CREAM ~=.m 59' HAUUWll. CRISCO SHOllTE•NG ' FRYER PART-5 UGS, 1lflGHS OR BREAST ma_y&iir Frozt1t Food 1 ~~~~~i}~_IC_E___ _ 4~ 89' '!/_!U,E_BRE~~----3 ~~49< !~.!!!J!!!'.!!!.\!~~---li $1 !~~.~o~"~-~~_T-~T0_!5-__ 2i 35' mmiFair LiqtU>f' KAROFF VODKA s3?,! '3~! ''I~!, ~Lg~1,~~E·~·-----$l'9 SCOTCK '''o""' $~9 $499 JOt<i'W"f .w.:<AIJ( -flO ~ fl'""! QVAn IOYIL OCCASIOI Gil . s3s• 90'111.Xlf -----·~ DRY W1•a llO\'MOCt'.ASION 1 Oot.UO!ol s 12, 9..llGUICl1'. OIAIUS. Ol.ANfl."""" ~ lltWiNWI;... MIMllHf. WO ikmo Y!N llOllt AIDERCRDMED J LI. CAN ····----···---·--·-·-·····---·············· __ 19' EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON COTTAGE CHEESE 29< Ml "~ft) •T 1k PllT lfJlJJ\ll 1f WI llJ iY> Van de Kamps SPECIALS Tltm.~ 1....., 30.r,.,. 2 IT'S MUmH WEEK! -··--33c lllCN .. ---~•I ~:'.1 ...... ,...,33c ll1iL lllflils ... ,... • • 33c ~~ L11f ....... " •. 3Jc \l HIJWUJHJ HJJ\JJ !!!s!~!-~c!JE___ . . .............. 35c ~!!!!!Cl(CHEE~---. . ...... 59c DELICIOUS APPLES LBS. l!!A!'90R~"!!l .. l ................. ·-· 35c ~~T~A_Y~_CA_DO_s __ 4 r' 1 !~~:1 .l~:.~!~~!!N ............................. 6 7 ' .. , ...... JtfSt4 "'"' N<tl ~ OOCt SPllACK,TVlllPS,HETS, 10¢ MUSTAID,COlLAIDS, SWISS CHAID EACH CUP CUSTll O COOKIES ... 65' " 65' ·--·31'1 ·--·-··· 3111 ~UN~>Nf I It 6 \> Ol. ····-----·· HYDROI COOKIES W~>l""f I It 7 0, ·-···--··· I U TE NCHILADAS KAlllY'llf(' OI [HffSt ..•. ILI TT ACO·ETTES "'""'---· ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THURS. JAllUARY 30th thrv WED., FEBRUARY 5th MAYFAIR MARKn -175 EAST 17TH snm. CO$TA MESA 203D W. 1st Str .. t, S•nt• An• f l t2 WHtmlnstitr, 6-rden Oro¥• ' ~~!!l!!~.3 1 2 9c !!.~~.,!!~_3 ! 25c 1 ~I ' DAILY PILOT 1Jj'._l 'Soul' Stars qf . Eooking Ma ke a 'Wail' of a Goo d , Dinner ' Glamorous ~ 7067 ~~2 · ~· Drtls up separates, at-home pantaw!th fabuloua tops. F8ilious AfahaniJfa vest or -liiero. Trim with em- broidfl')', sequihr, marabou, fur. !Pattern 7087: transler. P!lnl<!!I pattern S (llH2); M (1'"11); L (111-211), Stale she. nr.rv CENT$ (coins) for each pattern -add 15 centa for elcb pattem for first-claaa maWq aod special handling; othertJ'ise thlrd<lass delivery will tJte three weeks or more. Sendlo Allee Brooks The DAI· LY PJ!:O'l'• 105 Netdlecralt Dept · Box 1µ, O_ld Cbe!B<a SUI~, New Yart, N.Y.1'1611. Print ,' N•me, ~ Zip, Pa .. N•mflel', Giant, MW 1111 Jl'l...u.cnll C.lallJ - over '~ d..tlibs lo choose, threeifree patterns printed in-side.~ 50 cents now. NI!$! "50 INSTANT G~" -la\\WOUJ l&Shlooa, taya, decorator acct.UOriea. Mak _It today, give 11 - rowl d<aJ for all O<CUlons. ~ IN Jlfty Rap" to knit, Weave, sew, boot. 50 ... ol U Prize AlaJIW. 50 Barpial ~ l lw 11.:f~ 50 cmll. -·-patlenll I« II IUl'tfb qullta. so-..' ·--' ' #Nl!§llmSAllSA.GE :: • --namTBBIUl.i:...n: -... SMOllDPOllCDS..:. .. 91' Cllle8'.Ult'1D.... ' MiildBl&SIUIS &a. MA ...... , .... :-.... 59' =-69~ ...... . Dllm• 0 ... ...., ____ ,,. ............. k I--····/ ....,. ... ....,. __ ...,.,,. _, ...... ...., ___ . TopRoinSteab "::o:'1:! Porttmne ..::::::. .. •u: l1pSlrlOiaSltab .::.•.1: t . PIUSBURY CAKE MIXES --~ llUIQt atOtaAir. ,, ,,. IB>l>M..-. Hf. Wll1I .. 'llllDW lllOSll«JS • .1/$1 ' • ' • f , ' I HEN 39 TURKEYS ~ Boneless Clmclc ~"= nr. I Rolledlout.::-'-• Freshleeflrltbt ':at' RANGEJUIC SllllSlllll IU11 florido'1 ,_ . ' DmRGENT BLUE CHEE ' ,,. JO ·••' ' . ,,,,., .. u • • 1 ~ ,,. "'it ''" " . '" .,, :(11() '"' :1tg ••• ·hi~ .,. 1Jil "A 11.S .... '"' · hn• I•• ~ 11·tu ill . ; l~~ '" -. ITLA ~ ~'nu JeneY111aitl Butler oa: ... ~CTll. 79' Faiiey :Fanns Pears ~~~..,. . khill!ng Gf9und Pepper'1t~39' Keystone-'.Mushroo111J~.a~25c •. ~ring Ice Cream ~ 75c ij Seneca •~Juice 32 ~ . D ·~ A ~&rJf!J BAKEQY lRE.1 11 CHERRY PIES fmli :::::.ons69C .rar ~ Ml.Siii . "' ..... ma 55 COCAKE ':' ' SAVE WITH VOHS SUM ~ ... ., '" j • ' save 26~ I Sllced MHll I Coflatl Cheese I Comed IMI• ' ......... ~ 't hwww MtCtr/•..,. --31SI ..,.. • ._ 31' ..................... 45c Mk•Mmlilr......... -• ,,.,. o.n,." a.. ...., ,,__,lam. SS. )!}@illfJ I . :0RI 'EATtlR'I ....... o...r..-.. ....... ..__ ,.!Tc JN:S.&IEANSLWt HlllllOS. IE£Ot.MJT L9ft .... flaw nu...-0 ................. __,._ .. $14'1' Ofobt... •••••-... .:.. Jii d I 2 ;I' 'til ~· ,.1 ... , ,, "' \,. .... [ , . .,f. ,,, r IOR ari~ u! 111"'Q I I'\ 1\r,t I Saladl>reaing 1 -...... ............. . ,,. I Golden Com I Coif. I Baby food 1 --...,..,. --.. ·--"--.... 1 ,,__ ... _ --·---'°'· --30. ._a....,..,-.--a ---22 ?!J.Olll.....: .... 6"" -I"'-....,. ~-. ... -. •• IUIL,.. • ....,.,er_. . · •... .__ .. _,,.. ..... ~-= o· m .. a. ...... -.... 27c' Oli=-t.All.... ,. ;;z:tz::e: 7 r =~-:-U r ........ w. ........... ._..! .......... .0..-....WT .a. .. ___ .. I './ ...... am.. ............ __ 41c f kt ,..,.,. ""!!' ............... .-......... Ot ......,_ ... T_ ... a....... .. •, ,' T :I ~(ji -I. "Qa!lll for Todly'1 0 , da ·a lroolditl ff-&! •---•· Uvl11". II pallttoL 50 ctntl, J J 1 'A ftll .. ve., atlf, """""°" __,, 5922 EdlllfJ9!' An., at Sprlllfdal•, Huntlntton leaclt 17950 r.1;9no1Ja, "°""'"" v.w.j,~ ' ' ' -----··~ _....__~-~· ., I I I . ... , . 34 OAILY PILOT WNnnday, J111uary 2', 11)6~ ' / I ; .. di/ ~, .. {' l • 1flr, DIC 1f ~ll:E !SlS.. ' .• W·HITE ~~ FRONT lb. ' ~- Uf,'L/LA1 E .'iSf,'\ WHrn GRIENLAND 4nc FROllT HALIBUT FILLETS··-"71b PllfSHOllCKlN t ' 35c aNT1R.CUT I 4ftd· CUT UP FRYERS ... . · lb BEEF SHANKS ................. 7u'> ALLUM~A~LBFRANKS ... 59' . PORKCHOPS .... ' 49~ ' COUNTRY MANOR l'IClllC HAM ..... <:AN •• , Sl.98 NEW ZEALAND 69' • BDtll6N1 ~=.oR:tmos1tAM1 ~:~~·---49' LEG 'O LAMB _............... 111 . - ij • NO IACKS, NECKS .Q.11 GIBLETS 45c LUER 'h LB. 4 ~ $1 BESToFTHEFRYER ........ lb LINKSAUSAGE ............... R . .. BONELESSaOD 93c LUERQU_Al1Tf1-t». 59' SHOULDER ROAST. lb SLICED BACO.N .. -........ . WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DllY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS ' f'ROZf:.\ FOOD ." llUTIEAMllKOR BUCICWHEAT 39c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKES ..... flUSSEffiS 12 OZ.. , s~ s 1 HAS,H BR(>WN POTATOES ........ • MORTOltS 20 OZ. 0,,.,ERS 3gc MACARONI & CHEESE ....... .. SPRINGFIELD BLEND. QT. 3b s 1 ORANGE JUICE ............. , R SPRINGFl.RD 303 CAN . 7b s1 APPLESAUCE ... ··········· R SPRINGFIELD WHQt.E KERNEL OR 6b s 1 CREAM CORN 30JCAN •. ,, R 111 OZ PKG 55c GENO'S CHEESE PIZZA ....... . . 110Z.,.KG. 75c GENO'S SAUSAGE PIZZA ........... .. 190Z.PKG. 75c GENO'S PEPPERONI PIZZA ......... . SPRINGFIELD SLICED 1 %-FLAT 5b s 1 PINEAPPLE _..... • SPlllNGFIRD 303 CAN 6b.S'1 SWEET PEAS ..... . .. ..... R IOUNTY 16-0I. CAN 4 F $1 PUDDINGS ~'~~6~s ............ ~ DRYDOGFOODS·LB.IAG 59c VETS NUGGETS ............. . 'rr ·11JTE FR01VT'S .f<'.4R1W FRESH FRUITS .41\'D Jl E'GETABLES ARDEN COTTAGE CHEESE PINT .... 33' ARDEN OLEOMARGARINE 1 LB, --5151 U.S. NO. 1 BAKING SIZE RUSSET POTATOES . 10 POUND 49c CELLO BAG T ) ' 1 LB. · CARROTS FRES H. CELLO 10' TEND ER..... . . BA G , ' GRAPES SWEET RED EM PE ROR .. LB.1 t SQUASH THI CK-M<AT BANANA .... LB . 5< ' ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS, THUR .. JAN. ~h THRU WEDNESDAY, FEB. llh llll H,U~OR llVD. \ MOft.THIUSAT .• IO:OOAM.1ot:lO,,M. 1• S~NDAY, 111ot A.M. TO &:JI P.M. COSTA MESA IRISTOI. AND PAULAlllNO MON.TI9UfltOAT.11:JOA.M tot·)OP .A."' SAT\MDAY, 9:10 A.M.10 t :JOP.M. IUlfDAT, t :ll A..M. TO &:JI P.M. -··~-·-··-··-··--.. . ...... . ' 1 lb. loaf . Reg. 27c ·Sochi-Pop · . . ' . , 'Low Calorie . LIKE ' • MAXWELL HOUSE · . . COFFEE • : .+NTHQNY'S-2 lb. batjif" .. ELBO MA ARONI . ISTARCH :. 22 oz. Aerosol Can -., )1 BOBY SET-Jumbo 17 oz. can-Regular 69c "--'· --.• -" 39c • 49c BIZ . Pre-Soak-GiantSize Large Fresh Grade AA 49c~~ " HAIR SPRAY PROFESSIONAL FORMULA '----~" ---r.1/ _____________ _,,C\ • /./ ~ i k • • liit•B4:·1:•X•l 1i11-• ' FRESH PRODUCE ' SWEET NAVEL . ORANGES 10LBS.ggc .,· . iTALtAN SQUASH 19~ i ·------------. i· LONG GREEN 3 F 29" . CU.CUMBERS . ~ ,.;, PILLSBURY-Big 4V. oi. box SPRINKLE SWEET Reg . 49c SUNSHINE -1 lb. Box GRAHAM CRACKERS AJAX -Big 20.0L Aerosol C1n WINDOW CLEANER ANACONDA ALUMINUM FiOIL 39c ROSARITA e MEXICAN DINNER 39" e BEEF ENCHILADA I' DINNERS e CHEESE ENCHILADA . e COMBINATION PLATE · EA. DOWNEYFLAKE WAFFLES . KOLO KIST STEAKS MCP --6-oz. cans ORANGE JUICE Big 12 .. 1. Pkg. Homem•de Si1e Regul1r 39c Basf1il 10 2 -01. . STEAKS . ' ' &~OR s1 .. USDA CHOICE Eastern Grain Fed Young 'N' Tender Morrell Yorkshire USDA Choice Boneless CHUCK · .. STEAKS . • c • • lb " ' . ' .1 J.i.SDA Choice . BEEF SHORT RIBS. . ' £astern Gr~in Fed ttUTT PART Hf'M Northern SMOKED BEEF SLICED .. ' .. HAMS 5~t~K LIVER BACON Hock c Bone c c ReRIOYed lb lb lb USDA Choice Round Bone USDA Choice Boneless 39 · IE~~ \ 69c· BEEF 89c f, ·~·~· lb RuAST lb BRISKET :::..·· ~ . .. '· SHOULDER CLOD ·.BEEF ~OAST / ' Prices Effective: Th11ndily tllru Sunday Jan. 3 • Feb. 2 ( Prlc.. . to lfOCll oe hood. c lb USDA Choice 59 c ~IB " Bar M Western. style ' I 89 c BULK 49c. . lb ROAST · lb .WIENERS · .. · .ib · · 1------------------. Jar M \.\:•stern Style ~SDA Choice .: WE GIVE Fl,(ET 59 c 'KNACk· . 59c PENN • BLUE CHIP ' HALIBUT ·' 1• WURST .y lb SAUSAGE . ~ ------... --·----~ ---------~-------------~--- ' STAMPS 19th Ind PllCl1lll1 7f0 W, Chipmig I ' -------________ ..J I I J I I I ------.------- \ .. LINDA WITT Engaged Wedding Planned For May \, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Will of Upland have a{lflOUnced. the engagement of lheir daughter, Linda Witt t.o C h a r-I e s Dougl#ls of Newport Beach, son of Mr. and Mrs. lloy Douglas of Santa Ana. The bride-ta.be is a graduate of 'Chaffey High School and Chaffer College and is a stu- dent at California S t a t .e College at Long Beach. Her fiance is a graduate of Garden Grove High Scbool and the University o f California, Berkeley. He~:d19 graduate .·";;~~LB ~ .n. ... _. ~-,-~~"-• '•'tifl•~ n_r,'"' Hi ' l. , -~g will lak;~· May.,M1'> Christ Churcti by , the Sei, j\'eWport Beach. . , ' - ARLENE GREEN Future Bride Open House Setting ' ' ' For Troth . -An. o~ri house W'i'S the set- tin&. for ~,surprise engage- me.Jit .part) anoouncing the betrqthill o/ Arlene Marie Green · ot ~Anaheijn an~ ~Tho-Hosoleld •I south i.oguna\ More than '1 frimb and relatives of the prospective bride and bridtgroom ft?e imdted. Hlptighting the party was the toast given the couple by lhe tirldMlifl's wicle, Wally~o!O\;ge. The ~ <I. • Irma Green · d.· Shta is : l!J'-oj ~ Hlgb Sdlool and ( College:. ' · \I . , Hei: ftanct. son of M l\Ose · Marie . H...ield of u ,fll Laguna. is an a . '6t LagUna, ,Beach Ri~4 1 I, OCO ,.. ·attended ' b e Uol~'Of AtiJOiltl. ' 'OJ(;duplo havl; ' J-•·w ttieir , n SL ~•'l>ilheQ!fl;Q,; .1¥. Or.. > ,.,, • • f) ' 1 " I' ' .-I )·1.:f i~ , HB Auxiliary Twice a monlh Uie Ladles AU%illary to HunUnston .Beacj> Ve!MllW of Forelp 'W111t, PGol 73U meet at I p.m. '0>4 finl l'rldar or lhe month ~­,1111wr 'in .Odd FelloWI ~: tor ~ l>u•h!"" ml!<lllng aJld t11e Ullnl Friday they !Oclalllo in ytrjp locations. Further lnCohliilloo may he rectfved br ~g Mrs. lllcmlM ,. 136-ll!O. , ' .. • ·-' . ' • ~~ .. .J1\.....-~-· --.. ··~·--.,,;.ob . ""'. ' -___. __,-·~ • • • ' '! " i' ' ·! • AIPhaleta's Man n.B1u1 · )>-·1. ,. '·t I' ;! , ,s•· ~- /' <1 ' .. \ . . ' . ' '· GREAT FOR SNACKS OR LUNCHES 12.0U!q 2'!tC . BLACK FIG SNAX PACKAGE .J • PIPPIN 'APPLES 4~i57c . " • :" ~ ~ ~ .... J: " ' ' ' 'IEUCIOUS:~ (RED Of! GOtDENl ' •ROMU \I', •PIPPINS \ • SPARTANS ~\ l. ' ' ' ' • "' ' ., . ' , . ;, •I l ,Alpft8 ~ ·•'I l ' . I l .• -1 • ·"' t ' ., <' I ·t. .... '\"... ~-\, . ' .:· -!-l ' < ' "' 'J '• : > : Jika'illf ~ _, . 3sc 3t . !leLWOlm:•30!CA?t ' R. ' 24 '' . ' -~~T PE.AS .• ( 25C , f!.c Del llllt1 'Zicchlnl '2$C jic " &Rili i'i:lis~· ,· 33c 28' ".\@ ' DD. M011TE • .. .wom1" 23, ,1"-i &REEll I · . 29c ~ .. ·.·~ . ' 1>EL MONT!' • 303 CAif Liil IEllS · De:' " -- • ' 1 I i j • ' THESE PROOUCE PRICES_ EITTCTIVE THURSDAY through WEDNESDA~ JANUARY 30 , ouib FEBR1!ARY 5 roTAL OISCOUHTS EVIA' Ot: I • 1 ·~ -rJ\ 141 :~:#• '''f )' ~ ... IMRG...,. -'• · '""'l"' I ) . . ' • ...-..--------·---'\"-" :ii6~SIZE ·~ -ThrlitU~uld DET£RG£1T 69c 581 ------------------ NEW(. GIAN? Stz! PACKAGE ~\· ~i -·,· ;-.. _ _, ' -~---r--------------· \ .' ,.. ,_ ·~ . ' ' ' " ' ; < XJNCJ.Sl'l.E:: PACKAGt i&JIX '~ ( MflNDlJ,· .... DETEIRJtr· ., INCLUDES 2X orr _ SAVE 30c WlTH '1111$ COIJ'Oll • ONE ONLY ¥fN} SllI PACKMlE ! INCL 30c OFF . 1'1DE $102 JETEIGilJ\ . . , ·) ~> OUUllCE~ COUPOll ll.12 ( · .i• SOME ! CHMGE $U7 ~ .. J 1·; ~Cotll*I i.nrtr •Adults~· ,.,_:l . ' TOTt L QISCOU HTS E't'ER J CAJ " ' ·-------------- flEGUl.M SIZE CAM AJAX CLEANSER INCLlltlfS Sc orr ------------------Jl OUNCE PACICAGC FINISH DISHWASHER DETERGEIT mcLUDES '"' orr i2c 551 ----------------. ' ' 3Z OUHCt !om.& ¥£~~ . lftTUID: ••. I '' ' --. 85c 63' l ' 1NC1UDEB 20c: orr ., ""':"'-·---------------~--· ·auA.RT BOTnX 1.UX LIQllJD DETlRGEllT 85c 831 -----------------....... ~ ' ' , GWa .am PACU.Ol 1. 1-. • ' . ·COLD POW R LAUNDRY .. DEIERGENt INCLUDES 1c OFT ·~lie 69' ---------~~--------- PRICES ~FECTIVE IN ALL ALPHA BETA MARKETS ,. ' ,. TOTAL OI SCOUlrilTS . f V l 'l~ OA Y . ·------------ I.I, WOJU! FBEE • IONUI aomz 29lf.t TOTAL OUNCES LAYORIS MOIJTHW~ a ind GARG~ f.45 •I l6 ~ ' ----------------\I 1££ClllUT Bll'f FOOD :I •STR.\lHED JUICES IOc 1 Cf 11 •JUNIOR MBY FOOD !Sc 141 \ ··------------29 OUNCE SJZE • THCL, lie -Ofl' DISHWASHER ALL Q!TERGEIT 43c 351 . .-·' 79c 751 ,; •, .,J.·J' I .. . ~ ·----------------~~ ' XING SID • ~HCL JSo OFF .DOYE UQUID D£TERGE'T \ 68c 85' . .-...;..... __________ .:.. ' ' ' ' JUMllO Sm: PACUO'E lDYllcm -.. • I ' .. 2.19 s211 . ,, ~ ·~ ---~-. . { : <.,E). ~ · IAGGIEsi-·~ .... · .. FOODWiii . f BAGS I .lo.or,. 19c 14r.- - ' ' 'w • '*'"-.:.r~!!l'!l!f II U.M. SAT. *'I ~4'Jto'f ~.M. ' ' . ' ' . ·-~~ -~ -. . ... --• --- , .-_,;: ·-·-~ ~· ........ ..... ............. -.. . . ~ • -~ ~ ~ ,... .. - . lPil llibn this page'.' , , • ... ~ •• .. • • ' 1 . . ~j ' ; :,., • • ' I I I • ' . . I I ' • ' .. .. . . •. ' . · ·~, .. fti~~'.fl!Dalllt.~..11-...... lf ..................... .. T:lT AL DISCOUNTS £'1'<R I OAT ·· .... -. .. '" .~ 12 OUNCE P~CMSE BEEF BACON 1-Ul. R<lL 1£EF SAUSAGE ' :1· IU'fll B£lX mean· illrf eEEr · U.S. GO'IERNMOO INS!'ECTED TENOER • JUICY • FlAVOR-AGED . . ' \ \ -~lfbK 88~ .EULL CUT · 11ru«lilluT .,. BLADE ilfi' If~~ IEEF SHORT .RIIS T·IOI£ STEAKS 1011£LESS l•IDIE ROAST 39r. I oUNCE PACKAGE 37~ IEEF SlUS&BE LINKS · .. • • • TOl Al 01!.COIJNT '· fVfl\l UAY -OIAHT IED PACDO~ Giii Df.TERIElt IOfril[ M.l'tlA lt:TA ITOllfl OISCOUffT """' "'" . \ lie '191 - -__ _._....__ .......... , . ._ ·--------' . I OIAllT2S ~iier: PACUGE(;B) BIZ . )iii( PRE1~~1c 67~ ,.. ...... --------·--"'"----· . .. ' ) ; '' .. T!)T~l Cl \f:il;/ofT) f Vt ;-i 1 fl~ 't' '· .,,. I I ('~ CfAlf \ "AflUWIJ J'l OUHCt !O'm.E 68' SU~T UMIHI JUICt Pc -.. @&'°o'rE"o •er. "t~fJll t:M\•ON·FAT • .l~i~O!· llV. 77' \.~ftT IMST!lll -·Ill' ' Ll'HJllE D£CORAfOR NS!!C"PIAllTS'l lt0WERS AT ~noli.t'' OlSCOUHT Pl!IC6 .wlOl: ' rm TJiU. 4 v.vnmP • DEDORATOR 5" •!.!~Tl . VAj.IJU TO fll.~ Jlw:1t.. 2 fl{f TALL t Ill. II.II ' 2" . DlOOUTOft :fLllTI 'NAlfT VAA ICllU • R•t. I°" 5' • PU.ITIO FLOWERS u IUIJECT TO ITOCK O!C IWID 1 0l~L i!',~OlJJ-tl~ [~l f.) llAV ..... LOMA lJNDA. • D.UU:: • FOIL EKVELOPES UIVY QUiit 23c 18' -----· !i LI IAO tkllULITlD 58' 1111> SUI~· 59c ~.. ,. ,•,·t!• ··i.t.:~' ·------......... -· ' ' : .,~ ... ' ..... , . 110 IHE!T ROLL• ASST. COLOftl &,DEOOIATCa 3"' • SCOTT PIPf.R-TOWf.U 35c "T .,. : • ~ 1: .. ··m"~~ .. ~-:~=~:. .pr-· P,~LMOLIYE' I ·LIQUID 'DETERGENT -lll<Olf -. STUFff.I• · · 6.i OUYf.S '" \, 75i · ;z· ' . _.._ _____ , __ . ii BICI~ 1' FOOT •ou. .KLIJM:-Dlt.IM FOIL :Ml,OLDS 31c 304 !'Y,1:f.=. .. , • ...; ' . . GOODWll'S • • I 1110111 29c 27 ------- w~.--29, 1969 TO'AL [; ~colJ~TS f'ff~l OAT • " ' . • .. , !:!_~: ~-OUNCE BAO 39, ·..,.n Pf.IS '" v•c ciilm' 'Pizza·""'· ssc 631 It.OZ. • iAUSAOE OR PEPPEllOMI ltr Jiii DOWNrYf1.AU • PllO'lf:N • 11 C:. FREICH TOAST 39c 361 siiiA "~u "iiitl&s"'" u.c~••'· .·J • • f .. ,. '. ' .. I • " I ' ' !•I ' ' I •• . •• -~ Lli'.SLIE'•HEOEWA~D llO~ \ ,. t' June Day Sel~cted · ' ' I """• l"t 1· \ J st. Andl'ew's Pre~an Church, Newport" ~"Ill be the ~u'!I f9' th ·Juno H nup!i,Ls llnk!ng le . HegtWald and Davl4 RoberioonJr. . Family lt)elliQ«a; ""'~ ap- prised of the news during a diru\er party given : in . the .Balboa ' home "' IJlO -· elect'• pareoil, 111.r. IJl!l,b'f!I. Lany K. HegewaJd. Miss. Hegewald II a lfaduate ol Newport , ~ High &boo! and ~-ed· °'""" Coast Colleg<, Her fiance, son of Mr. and w.. : David -of Corona dei--• 1' • lfllduate of ~ canada High . Schoof and altended OCC • CONNIE ~EREll!A · ' To Wtd' i ., , Mesa Rites Planned ' --· ··~'<lf ... F-,;t .,,.,, ·-~"'. ·1 u . J J \).&_]~~-• , :\~~-:~· ·(r'~i · !•--! ,~, -·1 28 ii· ~~·-~:. -;,. :~ Connie Sue Poretra anil Bon· aid E. Mannloi. , · . Parents ,ol. the betrothed are Mr. and Mrs.· Albert Ptr~ eira of Cotta Meu and th• Rev. and Mn. 0. L. Mannlni ol ~J,Jolonte. -, , , 'nie-. engagemenl. WU re- veal~d during parties In the coople's ,pare'I!'' hom"•JSl!f" cial guest wal Mn. ·lllaade Psirtck· of Eubank, Ky .• the brld1grobiq-.Jecl'1, C r ~ o.d· mothfU'. Miss Pereira, a ~OS: .r1,t ll•wi>ort Harbor llli!I 5cl>!0', .on enrou at prau,te CO.it College. nex\ yeer ~ .entir the stewanle!s J>rl>grall1. ,Hor fiance is an alll?DIWS o( :EI Moote High Scbool and' II st.- liooed with the U.S. Naty In Lone ~ch. -· . . . Stewardess ' . Oraduatlnf trom•canu- n1111ta1 Alrllllet ~I u Miss Barilel'a Gm~ ' daughter ot Mr. and , M1s. l!~ey <lr:ee.n. ol Cdsta ·Meaa. BUect t~ t,o.. Anntu, ._M 11· •· Green attendil4 u~q• Et Collect '"d JJ a; ualt ol Kalv De! gh School. I ,, I I I ------------.-~...:.:.-~~------..-------...... 1. • 1 I X ' Dfll,Y NI.OT , Flattering ' I ' • • " t-i': J • .. •. 1' • • ' • f .~ 11T .. i ... 11f r.;t' ... I S. the finl to sew, own • " the shape of fashion to ctnltl f It's a beauty whlrllnC lrol!I • pltals up to a small waist, ; filkd bodice, band ~ I Printed PaUem 1111 . NEW f Mlsael' Sizes I, 10, 12, 14, i' U. SiU ll (bust 34) ~ ,: 311 yards »-Inch fabric. I SIXTir·FIVE CBlml I n ~ coins for each pattern -add i JS cents for each pattern for finl-cl ... malling and lj)<clal 1 han<jling; otherwise thlrd<:JUI ~• • dtllvery will take three weeb or mere. Send to Mlriu Ma1ttn, the DAILY PILOT, I' 4jZ, Pattem Dept., m Wiii t lltll Sl, New Yort, N.Y. IOOIL Print NAME, Al). DRl!llll w1111 ZIP, llDZ and .. 5'l'YU NUMllEll. . . Sptbic Sald-ofl! M<ft-. • y-euy..... lly!OI ·In ;' S~ Pattern :' Cii.Jol. Free pattem coupon. :50cep11. !· Nd !NJTANT SBW1NG ·.-_ ...... ,.. ..... ?! ..,, lt'todlJ. wt1r tt fnllr. nw. 0... Ml pl-Oo11 fL Scientists Searching Sources Historically, milk baa betn one of the fint choi<ea of scienllall when seeking tho oource <t. nutrients milainl • -atated diets. """ the late ltlh Century, , the alltence of what we now · know ai vitM1lt41 W a I ~led by a Germon ruem'dm who dl9c:omed ihtt rilloe dying <I malnu1rl· tJon on a <Het of carbohydrate, protein, fat and mioerall, could be aa...i by lruh milk. Early In the 20lh Century, wtule scienUsts were seekln& to perfect a aynlheUc milk, they -.rad riboflavin, a vI1im1n that Is v It a II y neoeaaary to body cbemlatry. It bal alnce -louad that abOut ball of the dally ,.. qulrement of this vitamin can be obtained from the mill< and dairy looU used to main- tain • balanced dieL Other llllkkols wenUal to good health and found ·-danUy iJt milk and dairy pro- ducts are hllli quality pro- teinl and vttal m1nerw auc11 u calcium for good strong bc>nes and. teeth, pboapbo1111, m-and-.The litter la known to be Involved in the formation ol bell1oglobin. Get Fresh With Ham ------------------. ':.,. ·'•. .n .. -• •.~ • .. •"..• ... . .... --.•,,-'~""-.-· ' ' . .. ..,_ ... -..... ~ .-'.~·· ·-· -. .......... ,• Inexpensive, Nutritional Dish Offering Flavor Strvin& a hot casserole oc- casionaUy can he a boon to you homemakers on a n economy 1pree after the holldayr. Frozen mh:ed vegetables. frankfurters and c 1 n-n e d cheese soup are the bu,rt1 portion of the cllah. Lendtng much needed texture and flavor conlrast is a crispy border of bran flakes tossed In melted butter or margarine. cereals are nutritional bargain5, &oo • FRANK VBGETABLB B!ltE 1 can ( tl ouuce) Qeddar ~-1 pactqt (10 oOJ><e) fro7.on .aUxed Vttttables, cooktd and draJnec1 I pound lranklurters, sllced II CllP sbredded Cboddat clieeae l/J cup mill< "" CllP finely cboPl>'!f onion i teupoons prepared mus!Md 1 cup bran fiakea 2 1abl .. poo111 butkr or margarine, melted Comb(ne flioat 7 lpgrectlents; mh. Pour lnlo ahallow 1 \\- quart .-. Bake to ml)derate oven <l'lt. degrees F) 15 mlcutes. Combine bran flakes and butter or maraarine: toss llghlly. Sprblkle over top oC hot mix· ltqt, ... •arowtd, ecta• of custnlle u deaJtt:d. Return to oven until bot and bubbly around eQes, about S minutes. YJeld: I gener<>w1 servlng8. Gravy Spiced canned beef gravy gives bttf burgera a spicy awaken- ing. I Ill lilll.,_gln, combine I can (llW• ouocj.) bee! gravy, I tablespoons Chopped celery, I tablespoon d>opped parsley, I bay leaf, I dove garlic, chop- ped, aod lO teaspoon leaf thyme. " COok .... medlWll heat about 20 mlcutes to bleod flavors. Stir now and then. Serve over broiled or barbecued bambaraers. Cauliflower Called Upon Prosaic cauJi!lower can be an excJUng compan1 vegetable. Wben-havlng a celebraUon dinner bl/ill ~ bated ham ... eMcten,. prep~ a eutetolt of caulillowerels eauc<d w)lll a tom•lo curry~ S.lore baking, spriokle bu~ ler and curry seasollld corn flakes around edge Of tbe dish. Cereals such as cqm Oakes u. tieellenl for ~ use iJt rectpeo becaQIO they are ioezpenllve, convinient, add flavor and texture. CUIL'!UED CAUUFIAlWER, CORN FLAKE TOPPING 6 cups raw cauHfiowerels, about 1 II pound3 llo1llni water , II teaa(IO!>ll ult '>lcup~Gl!lOn 3 labl"-poons "l>utter or marprtne l Lablespoon Dour l can (8 OWlce) tomato aauce t labi.-lemoo juice 1\1 teaapooaa C1lrTY powder, or to fute 1 \S CUP.8. coni (lakes, cJ'Ulb.. eel sllgh,tly Cook caullflower pieces until almoat tender (about I mlnutes) in a 1mall amount of boiling salted water. Drain. Spread in a shallow 1 ~ quart baklng dish. Saute onion WlW sof~ Jn 2 1ab1-ol butter or mara1rlne. Blend in flour. Add toinlto -r.m ... juica, and l twpoon tun'1 Powder; cook unur thickened. Pour over cauli!lower. Melt remaining 1 tablespoon buUer or margarine. Stir in corn flakes and temalnlng II teaspoon curry powder. Sprinkle around <..edgM of casserole. Heat tn :~oderate oven ( 375 degrees JI.) U · to LI mbtuta. Yield: fserVinp. ... somebody has to pay for thDsa extnn you ._;... a• a so-called "FR!E" bonus ••• 'the only way quality grocerioa, procia all!! moall din be aold at low dlacouftt pticas ia to do away with oxpons;.. a1Gmpa and games! Whether \'OU know it or not.,~ YOU DO PAY FOR ALL THOSE •EXTRAS" LIKE STAMPS .A.ND ,GAMES IN THE .FORM OF ·HIGHER PRJCESJ Ludcy beliem that •lamf" ~ to the 'Poat Olfica ... not as an· . add'~ianal .,q,..,.. item on )'Our ,,ocery list! GBIBER'S WY fOOD::::"~ll· T -BONE STEAK GDBER'.s JUNIOR FOOD:::......i5• ,.... $11' ,_._,, •. - :-'"T". • ' • ; • " ' llMOVID llt. MOOILAC fOllMULA_...:.""......:25• ...,_.,. ------ HIUS BROS. comu:::69° . OHJ(I( ROAST....... 45.:. HIUS BROS. comw:~JI*'. STANDING RIB ROAST--.. 89.:. HIUS BROS; COffll:::'.:.11" .---·------..... HIUS IROS. INSTAHT '1" ----UPTON INSTAHT TEA--'lu ... /Jf&yt.·--.. HEN TURKEYS TOUN•, TINDll 3 9 C U.l,D.A. OIADI A•••••• lb • ·.-------~RSTDAY ' RHAMUMP;:..RO--lS·-:,T,_..~ .............. 4791 .. ~ rER ............ . CHERRY PIE nwNG :::'.::! 59"" FRUIT COCITAIL::...-38' GUPURlllT ::'...----29' DOU PINEAPPU ::::..... 24' GLORIETTA.PIAOIS=.._29• sromY APPUSAUCE--._21· WAGNERDRINIS -•m--·49• M.Wt-.... Lna...-- PRUllE JUKi :::."'"'..__. _ __-41• OllUIEAllSr::"'" cJI' ... K6J&yf.-.... D£LMONTE CUT GREEN BEANS. 16.0UNCECAN :Lo GRml GIANT CORH:::0......,,...23' BIT O HOMEY PW .... ,. 19' SlllLUE BEANS:=:. ...;.._27' NlW POTATOES:="'"--14' PW & CARROTS :::r~-·--...23' HUNT'S TOMATOIS ::':.\."J.. . .....,.22' CL.AMATO JUla :::.~----.25' YIGETAILE JUla ::::"..:.'' 37' COlllD am::::-:. · ... --.53' ... ~&rt-...... CAll'OlllllA GIR SALADOLMS UllY'S HASH:=:._ ........ _.47' (JJNATION TUNA =-::._,,_.29' SNOW'S MlltCID a.AMS-. ... 34• ,;;;;,;;:;::;__42' --37' RIB STEAK •hJl ..... .:....c_. 89 c .................................. lb. Sliced Bacl!ll Ysb~I-. , ... C....11'"9 ~~~55c !~~ ~=.~.~.'.~,!' _ _J7c ~"t~,1~!!':..~~~.~.!..~~·---63c . ~.~~!~°.~ ............... 68' ~~~~~.r.t.!~~°.~ ............ 68< This 11 only a partial li1tin9 of tho top 11uality meat it1m1 thtt .,.. ''tllablt at low tli1count prfc11 at lacky. ... ~&tf.--. DOW CLEANER FOR BA TH ROOMS 17·0UNCECAN El&o ,,ll!ISJ.llOlD-.• ~. '. WY SCOTT FAOAL=:-........ 27' MODlSS NAPKINS ~;.,._39• COlORTEX NAPKINS ::er':.__ 9' LUCKY Towus ,~.-........ _21• GW WRAP :::'.":.'. ......................... 31' TIDl DETERGENT .. ~ ...... -.... -... .79' IVORY FWllS.~~--.... 34' OXYDOL DmRGEHT---.. 79' . JOYUQUID~ .. -........... -58' MR. QIAN CLEANER:::".~.-· 66' WAAYTOIUT SOAPMft-......... 15' LUCXY CUANSER .................. -.. .10' DUPOtfr SPONGES :::'.-.-... 33' llZ LAUNDRY AID ~.:.. ... 65' /DOK IORKEY BUYS "lltlftr ................... _ ....... .....,.,........ ...... :_ .. .., ............................ _ ----.............. ... ............... , .... ............. Ill mtTNt U.Nf,11 • _' -·-~-·------- !!~~~A!!l!.E!~lo~29~ ~~~~rA~~!.,~t., 38~ ~ ~· 8 ROUND STEAK c . . . . ~ ....... ftrT"'4 ... u ... c .. wc.t............. .. . . RIB ROAST ~~~::~ 19c . . ·~ The A.ri1'9cm.t .. l IM1b .. ,,_,,, •• ,........... • ~~~~~ .. ~~.~.~ ............ 43 ~ CROSS RIB ROAST ..... ~~·!~1!5 .... 79,t PORTERHOUSE° snAK. !'~';S.·~-:1~. $H~ SKINLESS LINKS ...... ::~.!:~~ ..... .29• BONELESS STEWING BEEF ........ 79,t. CUT-UP FRESH FRYERS auc11• ..... 33,i.. BONELESS ROUND STEAK •••••••• 88,t. OUrLOW ~Price! LUCKY ALL MEAT FRANKS Tht finest Quality IH•H You Ca• 1., Allywh1re POTATOES 10-:~.:i 49c . ... JtU5111' YA•llTTIN A NICI llLICTION Of 11n1 ........ -•• u.s. NO.~ o•ADI ~· •·K4t'&rf . • C.H.B. BRAND GSTRAA HCRIAMSPCRACRACIEISCllRS~_:.-.. ~67: STRAWBERRY JAM !!.~Xm.!.~!.!!!D :::-::::3s· 20·0UNC£ JAR RAISIN BREAD :::r".:'...._ ... _.J3• . Ul . <I' MARSHMAUOWS :::u:. "".25• CAKE MIX==-... _ .. , ___ 35• MJ.I. RICl:::.':' .41' ~ POP CORN :a~::~_._29• OGARETTES :-:;:.-,i:.~--'2'4 THOROFED ::!&...._ .. __ 23• PUSS-N-BOOTS ?.:::."o.~~~-15•. 1W KAH DOG FOOD :::r'.:'. .. _.23' FRISKIES MW -·-·-··---·'2" ~ ···~'&tf.-....., PINEAPPLE-GRAPURlllT DEL MONn DRINK -i6·0UNCE CAN . 2-mcouNTROlts 0 ................................... 11""•-" _ ... "' .. ..._ ............ ...._ .... ~-.... , ... ~. w~Van de Kamps.-. AN ounTAND!NG VAllITT OF fllSH IAllllT GOODS · (AYMITUKl'YSTWDI 111 llJllllll Ill llJllll •111111.,. 4"7° , ~ . LOW OISCOUNl PRICES ON HOUSEWARES r, BEAUTY AIDS FORIMOST BUTnR :~~79' KRAFT VELVEOA =rl:'._98• JUICI IL.END ::;::::.:~~-..... _69' MARGARINE ~r.~.:.~ 2ac 't-•..... K6J&r~--. 4V:::T ................ ,,.._, UCKITY-SPUTS BURRY'S COOKIES 16V2·0UHCE aox 45c FAMILY SIZE TUBE GlEEM l{~~~m-:::.~~77c CONCINflATI SHAMPOO ........................ 11.,w ........................ , .. ""' ....... " ........... i ...... --· $ 17 /1'""11 !~~ASH 92 C EXaDRIN TABLETS l. -. .-.. int in . >rt . w « "" "" ,., "'· on in \I r . of 1• to '· ! • • • -- Huntington Beach -8911 Adams Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. -- U.S.D.A. CHOICE -FULL · CUT BEEF -BONE IN .. l • 'MONARCH BOOK. MATCHES . .. 1oc HEINZ TOMATO 10~ SOUP ... .10 ... ... 1oc 1oc NAP°l<INs .... 1 JIFFY CORN BREAD MIX ......... . GLAD PLASTIC STRAWS . • M.Ja.lcobi=FEE. :~~ 69c 4POUND BAG EXTRA FANCY RED DELICIOUS GERBER'S STRAINED Baby Food 10c MORTON'S PLAIN OR IODIZED° SALT ··· 10c 26 oz. • ' \ • W~,.lan""7 29, 1%9 DAILY PILOT> ft Fo untain Va lley -16042 MagnoRa Huntington Beach -15511 So. EClwards Laguna Beach -700 So. Coast Hwy. . BONE IN RUMP ROAST HOFFMAN CANNED :Ra• . Allors ...... , ·~• fAVlt You MONfy • DA IVQy . Y, 1. DAYS A Wf!J( •• • •• IVHy ITEM DIS ; COUNTED lllU • · ·y f• PLUS ' . OU STiil RICflVE atu1 ·· ~/llP STAJ.Uls ON . lVfly P'llRCHASE. THA T'S At. -TSON'$ llG OOU DIAl BlE " • • IT"S UKE A RAISE IN "-Y . YOU WHEN SHOp AT THf couarEous 4ilERJ'i. . :.-" SON'S fOOO CINT • • • FAST CHECK OU~ ,, .. , 98 ',,: ··----' '·'i· . •ii • • ~~ ·' .... r, PRICES . '. c· lb. 5-lb. tin ' .. ' GOOD 7 FULL DAYS JAN. 29 THRU Fl:B. 4 ilou"N"o''sTEAK .. lb. 89~ i:R'Y:iNG':cH1cKEN .. lb.s9c &on•I••• 98,.. Dnumtic:b I ~hs Joined 49• TOP ROUND STEAK lb. '" FR°f.ING1CHICKEN .. " " .. C0U010B"E'"'sd0T,;E"A' K .. . ,,.98C u.r.·-· -65C FRESH· CLAMS ........ lb. Leia,. '°"~1 .... cwbes 79e hn~nla Style 59c BEEF STEW .. lb SMOKED SAUSAGE lb • SPARERiss 49c ""L'i' ED0B1ACONJoh• 56C •...•........ lb. ~ c ....... Lb .. . . . . ' • ; AMERICAN BEAUTY HUNT'S DOUBLE LUCK CUT SPRINGFIELD ELBOW Macaroni 10c 12 oz. SliK BATH : TISSUE 10c 6SO's TOMATO SAUCE 10c 8 oz. JIFFY CAKE MIX 10c Wne6 & ofl'luor6 Flti•<:hrnonn l Prtftrrtd 1 Q86 Bourbon 'h ••"•• King.bury Wilcon1in 89C Beer , _ 12.01. con• .. GREEN · , Scouring BEANS Cleanser 10c 10c 303 14 oz. APPLE TIMEil<~' '~ SPRINGFIELD APGLE 6 VARlmES SA CE BEANS ioc ' 10c a or. 300 Chot9ou ll:tnt 179 Chan:ipagne ... "' 8 lncti -Well Filled from Jopan, D1llciou1 . . . . 99C Plum Wine •rr Am";'°' 59c Ruby Port . . . "' Gral\1'• S~n4fasl 1549 Scotch • ,,. •:d, , . . . /i gal. Alb9mon-. 10 ProGf Vodka .... Each Albtrtson'1 10 Proef Gin 2?8 ... fifth .· ... ~ AT STORES WITH IN-STORE BAKERIES oHL Y - • ,., .. ,. ~ ' NO. 1 WHITT ROSE NO, 1 YELLOW 3 Potatoes .. Sib. Onions ... ~~~ 19( 100 Count ll:oyol c .•• , l O"' As .. . " 1 O'c f~~~ s· A' LE :"GALLO SALAMI , k L SLICED · Mr. SltclD ...... CHUI ' . - , SUPER SELECT SLICl~G CUCUMBERS CRISP -TALL STALK CELERY ~:~~ .DOWNY ""' 45c • ' CINCH 2M>L 73c .. '• ,. BIZ . , ptrin . . .. 5t;;; Laces lOC Kites 1oc Sturdy Lorge loll 1 QC Kite Twine - GIANT sriE° ' ENTER "S NUGGLY BEAR" SWEEPSTAKES - 66' ' -------------------------~----~~--~ 39c 69' 89• B I Amorl<on ,,.,. 5·...: 0 09 na Thidi or Thin, 14-oi , 'YC ICE CREAM Como!~• 46 -• rm1 .. u •• 'h •••. c. Mozzarella t,11~· .~~~~-. 79c .. ,...., .. Wtllttler 11"4. ' I. BREA I ANAHEIM J BUENA PARK f~'l'!fr• 0 '.!7' 7Jtl ' '°' ..... ''"'· ~~ -----"' , 1--"' ,_ ....... nt• otpt • . " ' ;; . C_ .. ' I r I I • -~·---~ ....... lff OAIL Y PILOT Wtdtia4q, .i.o..,, 29. 1969 . . Delicious Way to Shape Up Diets 'Mushroom' as Fashion Flattens The minl-fikirt is on ils way out, according to the latest fashion news, and is being replaced by the full-length pant:i suil lor the Wiie1. Pants will, in ta~ be w o r n throughout ~ da:Y. and t:ven ing, some a.. restrained · as a banker's., others, for cocktail wear, of stuff as frivolous as gold lace. Obviously, this new book will demand the trimmest hips and t Oat midriff. Since miUions of American Women are just Et t u, Br ute? a bit overweight, a few wee.ks of shaping up had better precede the shopping spree. Calorie counting is the tealistit approach to weight Joss. Koow the Hat ol mustn't- toucb foods which are high in fats and carbohydrates. Memorize a llit of low calorie foods. Elercise more as you eat less. Many perfectly delicious foods are low calorie. One or the best of them is mushrooms, fresh, canned or frozen. A pound of mushroorm contains about 90 calories in contrast with some I 2 O O calories for a pound of ham· burger. Because of the i r "meaty" texture they are high in satiety value, giving a sense of having eaten well. The nutrilioll<'Onscious v.'ill be glad to know t h a t mushrooms are a relatively good source of protein, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin and n i a c i n , Moreover, they are low in sodium which makes them suitable in the restricted diets for those with heart or kidney diseases or llypertension. Raw mushrooms make in· triguing nibbling, just as they are. For the weight-watcher , mushrooms may be simmered in broth, herbed or spiced water or a seasoned vegetable juice. To solve the problem of what to eat. here are low calorie casserole dishes with the navorful t:runch 0 f SALAD BOWL FILLED WI TH TEMPTING GOODNESS Gourmets Hail Caesar Sa lad , A pcdect c«nplement for an.r menu b the all-lime lav<rllt, COOlar Salad. 0.EUJ\ BAI.AD I prjlc """" ~I 111 l'l&lp oll\r9 or \'egetah1<· all I --1 liNd loebq lettuce 2 cups Herb Sea1011 c d CroutoOJ J tablespoon! olive o r vegetable oil I * l<aJpOOll ult 11 lu!pOOll pepper ¥, teaspoon dry mustard I tablespoon Worcestershh .. ..,. 14 cup grated Parmesan theese or crumbled Blue cheese I egg, codclled I minute Z..J tablespoon! lemon juice l 2-ouDce can anchovy llllei.<, drained (optional) Place garlic In the l/3 cup olive oil; cover and refriger· ate I hour. Wash ereens; drain and dry thoroughly. Tear into medium size piece~ in ln.r,i!e bowl. Chill thoroughly, about I hour. Heat the Z tablespoons oli\'(' oil in lrypan. Add Croutons, cook over moderate heat, sti rring genlly until lightly browned and oil is absorbrd. Set aside. Remove ~arlic from chilled oil ; add sail. peppt'r , mustard and \Vorcestcrshire sauce. Sprinkle chilled grttns with rhet"se. Pou r seasoned nil over lettuce. tossing gently until they gli.c;lrn. Add egg and lemon juice; toss lightly unti l egg disappears. S p r i n k I e toasted croutoM over salad: toss a~ain. serve immediately in chilled salad bo1vls; garnish wiU1 rolled anchovies, Yield : 8·10 scr1 ingii ( mushrooms. LOW CALORIE MUSHROOM- BEEF ROULAOE ;, , poond fresh mushrooms or I can (8 ounces) mushroom slema a n d pieces and I can (3 to 4 ounces) sliced mushrooms 1,~ cup finely chopped onion in cup finely chopped celery 1/3 cup grated carrot I t.ablespoon c h o p p e d parsley I tablespoon lemon juice J,j teaspoon poultry season- ing 11h teaspoons salt 1;, teaspoon ground black pepper 211i pounds (8 individual) lean minute steaks I can (8 ounces) tomato sauce Finely chop lh: pound or the fresh mushrooms (makes 21Jr. cups) or drain 8 ounce can of mushrooms; place in a skillet. Slice remaining fresh mushrooms or drain can of sliced mushrooms; set aside. Add to mushrooms in sk.iUel onion, celery, carrot. parsley, lemon juice, poultry season· ing, 'h teaspoon or the salt and 14 teaspoon of the black pepper. Cover tightly and cook over medium heat, stirring OC· casionally, until vegetables are tender, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle steaks w i t h re- maining l teaspoon salt and 14 teaspoon black pepper. Place heaping tablespoon of cooked mushroom mixture on each steak. Roll up and fasten with toothpick or tie with string. • Place under preheated broiler and broil, turning to brown on all sides; arrange in casserole. Pour juice from broiler pan and tomato sauce over meat. Stir in reserved 1,~ pound sliced f r e s h mushrooms or canned sliced mushrooms. Cover casserole and bake in a preheated moderate oven (350 F.) 11h: to 2 hours or until meat is tender. Yield : 8 portions; 288 calories per portion J\IUSltROOl\1 AND SHRThtP ORIENTAL I pound fresh mushrooms. or 2 cans l6 to 8 ounces each) sliced mushrooms I tablespoon salad oil, butter or margarine 2 medium onions, sliced I clove garlic. finely minced J pound peeled and deveined shrimp 2 cups sliced celery J green pepper, sliced l can CS ounres) water chestnuli, drained and slired 11'1 teaspoons salt \, teaspoon grou nd black pepper I cup hot bouillon 4 teaspoons soy sauct Rin.se, pat dry and slice (resh mushrooms (makes 5 cups) or drain canoed mushrooms. He at oil in a large skillet Add mushrooms, onions and garlic and saute fnr S inutes. Add remainlng 1ngr nts and bring to boil· ing poi . Reduce heat and simmer to IS mlnutea or u n t i I v tables are crlsp- tendcr, Se e Immediately with steam Ice, if desired. Yield : 4 portio ; 209 calories per portion. , Brancly Scotch / fartan Royal import!d 86 Proof • Yow CI 1 loto~f .. Sfan . 1000 Bayside D~Newport Beach 24 Monar ch Bay Plaza-South Laguna I I -·-----·------------------------------------------------- ~~:SJ:l@l:(!W~ l:l;.l Glass umlllers : : ~ Nylon - ~.:l ~~!~~~y ~ ~/.ii r'P"' Or """-cw n;s "" Pm! f'., Miracle Whip ........ ~- Pure Honey _ ........ , . ~ , I /;~ , )i>i ~~~~~.._, BUDGET SAVER PRICES! ~ \\ pairs · ;J.; Coffee Slender-way FROZEN FOOD BUYS! :~.':."...-2 .... $117 ~:.•;.;:.. ,. 5 .... $100 :.-:.::.~ · ... ~~r:.~.:... .... Grape Juice i~:·E:~:~ Gala Paper Napkins ~ .ia; 35' French Fries ~i~-L~ Shredded Wheat ~~.~. ':•~· 31' Cream Of Wheat :.:."=.. ·:·~· 47' Canned Beer ll:'.o::.. 6 '!:'79' . ' iPrune Juice i=...i: '"" '"" 47' .... :Fruit Cocktail ~:rs;:. """· 25' ... ·chunk Tuna ~r:ti:.~ ··;.:· 29' 'Kat Nip·Cat Food =~:-4 2 '.:~ 29' Wisk Liquid ~~':!':.::, :.~: 75' ·Instant Rice ::,~ =~ ·.~~· 69' Dry Spaghetti r:,i::; =' ~~ 49' ' Tomato Catsup ~~,· ~!i:,~ 22' ; Jell-well Gelatin ~:::~ !;~ 9' Bel·air Quality Frozen Foods Bel·air Bagged Vegetables • U111u :..-=: •. C.liflenr ..... ,l,f. • ........ • IHM ~=-• lrusnls Sprowts ~ """........ 1loJ ................ e1:, ''c~ 2 9c • Goldao Con .... & c.nts , ... Will....... lwm ~tr.Ill • Grttn P• A.&' .......... '"' 2•59' ,,.1.. ,ts. .. So h-'hl T.... ,...., ... ,,... .. ....... w-. ...... SAFEWAY EXTRA VALUES Frox11 CHttalnll • Orange.filleapple •Grape • Punch • Orange White Flour =.-5 ~ Tomatoes :.-:~·"" ·::-25' EXTRA VALUES bit .... c "" 2 27 .. iw-put , -.~--0---, ~ --. I ~~-Halves ; · .!!~ghetti 1 TM ... f~I H~ 52( ' ~ .,.,., l-or-18( f Oii MdSlrlt, ... I ClttrM S..t! -- ed -. E991 = ! :.c:;' '= SS' '---'S ·:::,:-: 621 Cut-Up Fryers ;::.;: lgTop Sirloin Steak ~~.~~~ thdt "" •• s 149 Sa!tway Fully A;ed & Trirmltd •• ......... fUly CGDllld --· 69' -.. Do .. qH Ca1Mll H• =:' I:. ... Pork Steaks Porterhouse 5-.. $)39 1~::~.;i:.~::-... 1 •• 69c Beef Roasts :=. .. 79< Cit Grainf~ Port 11 Veal Chops Beef Steaks ==. .. 79< "' 6tc Frankfurters ~:.. 59< ~Cllls-ldul r-. PIMl1oilll'll or PllHl)'itc. l1• & Merty Additional Meat Manager 's l rolures.' Leg of Lamb Delila ==--.. 191 s~.rt •• = .. • =~'= =-.. 89c Frier Litka :;:: 191 Ox1eeltai~~ "":. 41'" ,,, ... ,.~,,-•• Saasaie r:-.=::;211 ...... Boneless Ham i::··.:: .. '1" Lunch Meats Smoked Picnics ~'::'... 'i::' ,_ • .. · 459'9, ?. ?!7 ~~ 35c Piece Bacon ~~~ Gourmet Shrimp =·~ .. '1.. Sliced Bacon F h Sh • ...... Siltl'W: 99' :=-==-...... &°'=== ... · ... st res nmp ,.,,_,.._ " ·--~-....... out . RAIN(HICKS GUAllANT_!( YOU ll Gff SA,fWAY SPICIAU' ~, SAFEWAY , ........ ::.i:w Cd .. C.loryl: = .. 19' Lettwcl !i"..:"' 2 .... 25• c .... .-.n =.. .... 2,., 29' ., ... :=.... • 1r c.rm ~or,:-l .::. w ! ----~·~· _____ .... 211 E. 17th SI., Costa Mesa 1000 Bayside Dr .. Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Pl111, So. Laguna 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach Santa Ana Freeway al la Paz, Mission Viejo fllnlew Ave & Wiison SI. ' ---------------------..--------------·-----------------------------------~-·-------~ I • • • ' ' .. s ' • f •• '· • ~ ·' ·I • ' ' ' "\ .. ~ •• .,..,, .......... .,,_1 ....... "' .• .............. ...... ol .. , .. ; "'· -~ \ Los Angeles Market 'Peppered' With Fresh Vegetable Ttwi Lat Anteles terminal helped to build Uic City of should oot be loo surprising will keep peppers fresh for amounl of vitambJ C ls 57 % can wattr sharp drusing and warm Drain water from-hominy. i marbt handles the widest the Angtls into 1ts present lo have 1AS Angeles a leadirig 'about two weeks. mg and 5,000 l.U. of. Vitamin ¥.. cup shredded c~dar rolls. · Layer half green chlUes o• auortment ol chili peppers day sWtus a:1 lhe second suppliu of Uie Capsiciuun a.a.. C&lilornla prod~ o.v e r A. cheese or 1 t Ices of GOLDEN 1tOM1NY AN D bottom ol dish. Add bom.htf both fresh and Cried, year largest megaJopolis of tbe na· nu1m1 family. five and a.tialf tons of the EASV GREEN cu IL l GREEN CHllJltS and fest of chilles on top. round, out&lde or Milexic_o City. tion. Over one m i 11 ion The words chili pepped r and chili pepper varieUes. CWEROLE American cheese Mix ruiH.ley, onion, sour The Southern Cal ornia area Mexican • American families pepper are use in-The red and green chili JM!P-Spread por~ In lhe bottom 1 l>oonce can whole golden r-- ls a metal for many pa· live in the Los Angeles area terchangeably but the words pers are an ei:cellent so1u·t:e~ 1 i pound ground fresh pork of a shallow cuserole (l \'.i hominy cream and chili Powder tionalliitl that consider a today. Families from Central t:hLli pepper may be used to of vitamin C. One medium 1-: cup diced onion quart). Put under broiler to 1 4+()llllce can whole green togelher and pour over variety If peppers MCtSSarY <1nd South America have im-indicate a hot-flavored varie· pod, equivalent to 3y, ounces •& cup diced celery brown. Drain otf fat. Add rest chilies vegetables. Top with grated for their' diet and taste. migrated into the area and 1y. raw, provides: over 200 mg 34 cup spoon·size shredded of ingredienl.3 In layers as '~cup chQpped parsley cheese. Bake In a 350 degree The families ol New Spain in lbe last five years a heavy All chili varieties are ireen of vitamin C. AU the green wheat listed. Top with cheese. Bake 1/4 cup chopped onion F. oven for 30 minutes. Makes considered chill peppers an innux o( Cuban and Puerto and turn various shades of and red varieties, ex:cep., th e 14 teaspoon salt in 375 degrees F. oven, un· 1,1,i cup sour cream 4 servings. important vegetable lo plant Rican families, who also enjoy red as they mature, green bell pepper. are an ex-I 4-ounce can diced green covered, for 30 minutes. Cover 111.ih: teaspoon chi.Ii powder Se rve with sausage links. in the famDy garden for a variety of pepper 1n their 1'he best ho Id l n g tem-cellent source of Yitamin A, chilies when cheese starts to brown. a-4 cup grated cheddar cornmeal bread or mufnns · flavoring their beef and beans diet, have jouneyed to this pcralure for fresh pepper pods ranging from 2,1.00 to 11.000 1 (10'-At ounce) can cream Makes S..7 servings. Serve with cheese and tossed green salad with long before Father Junipero semi-tropical area. Thus it is a low 40 degrees F. This J.U. The daily re<'Ommended of chickeo soup tossed salad greens and a Grease a I.quart casserolc. __ ruc.·1_a_rnl_vi_n•..::gc.ar_d_r_ess_· ,_.n;;..g._ Serra left Mexico to begin ----'.-·---------------===~;;;;~~~~~iii!~i~i!!'j~~~~-;~:==----'-----his famous sni1sionar y crusade. • The following · 2CXI · years, when lhe boundaries o f Cali fomla were ouUioed out of lhe lerritory c.allecl-'N e w Spain. 11 bequeathed l o Soulbern California ma n y descendants of tbe Melican· Spanish families. They have Cross Current ------ 9072 SIZES TOY,.20}1 Slimming cross currents are crcaled when slot seaming in· tersec:ts princess Ii h a p i n g . Smart enough te go it alone without a roat come spring. Printed Pattern 9a'IZ: NEW Hall Shel IOlf.z, 12'h, 14 1/z, 161f.:, 181/z, 20"1. Size 14 1f2 (bust 37) takes 2 yards 45-in. SIXTY.f'IVE CENTS in coins for each pattern -add IS cents for each pattern for first-elass mailing and special handling: otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or mote. Send to Marian Martin, the DAILY PILOT, 442, Pattern Dept., 232 \Vest 18th St., New York. N.Y. 10011. Print NAME. Al). DRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Spring Send-off! More-fresh , young, easy-sew styles in Spring-Summer P a I I e r n Catalog. Free pattern coupon. 50""11s. Ne w INSTANT SEWING Book -shows you how to sew jt today, wear n tomor· row. Over 500 pictures... Only II. Dieters Can Eat Dessert Smee the holidays are over, can dieting be far behind. lo paraphrase a well known quote, is the altilude of a large segment of our popula- tion. Liquid diet foods have bealme a slaple in many homes for occa.5iooal as well as consi.slent usage. Here hi a ne" approach to the dessert problem for today 's diet- walcher. ·Two new desserts. Toffee Glace' and Vanilla Frost, easily made end easy on lhe calorie count, have lhe added advantage or being a meal in a dish. if so desired. TOFFEE GLACE' This makes one 267 calorie servine ol frosty goodness. Combine one IIHxlnct can Englilb To/lee liquid diet food wilh 1 tablespoon loastt<'I cocoouL Freeie in ice tray unlll almoat flrm in center. Put Into blender and blend ta ~· lhkkneas. Top with addliGall &oast.ed coconut, JI. d..tted. VANILLA FROST For each %25 calorie serving, but until frolhy one 10-ounct:! CM chllJOO vanill& crem~ lla-'f IJqilld diet food with N teaspoon cinnamon and 1 • teupoon mnce. Pour into frosted .... IJS.OA.~U.mb 0-B~ Chop5 ••• "98' USO.A. Ci.ct lomb(3~ lb1. Avgl Shoulder Roast •• ,,53• ~LICfO £ TIED, Lii. Sk Yoi.ig Tom Jurkrv Drvmsticks ...... " 29' USDA fuoJ~J.fro/f'~rol'"9 Chickens ........ ,, 49' fletichmoflll't Soh M . . I" AJ< GF'glnne ••••• ,c1"-!:\ U!l(le 9lo\"1 Convrrttd • R• '"' 56' ice ••••••••• I I Pig (;.bhoutr~ Hot Sauce •••••• ',?! 10' lo Roio • Vtrithu Spo~i S '"'"' 45' auces....... 1111. Mor1'.tt llolMI Vanilla ........ :.?,'. 69 ' IJ 5 DA. ChOi~ l~ llllllld SHI llGtlrltu Spencer Steak."" $1" \JS D.A. (h~ Tendefvy P,,ond llttf Rib Steak ....... " 98' U S O A. Choice T ~ay Brorod ~I Cube Steak ..... ~· SJ" USDA. (hOIU Te<\dtroy Brand ll!'tf (hopped ond (ubfd Minit Steaks •••• co 98' USDA. Ch0iu lomb Shoulder Chops .... 95' Armo1,. Stor Mini Curt l '1 0 Sliced Bacan ..... ,' 59' 01.cor Mllyr:r Gr t vrr Ouoloty 1 b Sliced Bacon ... ,/, 69' l.~r Ouol.ty S~onlt~I link Sausage ... 4 :.::.SJ HG<T!'fl All Meet l \ b Wieners ........ ~. 55' Mc:Cay ~lictd 3 0 Pastrami ....... ~: 49' CM'Jlfd llttl. s•c Turtll Meck fro~ Vtol. llreo&d v~ orllunr:rtd Beef Steaks .... · "89' llutttn • I ro1ffl Fried Halibut . .'~~' 85' Seo Pl)~ Frozfn Breockd Fish Sticks •..•• '.:'; 43' l•·Ol,PKC.,75ci 200l P(C.,$1 .01 Mrs Pouf1 frottn ~ch lh"11 F. h c k "0'53 ' 1s a es ••••• PliQ. ~o ?ok Frotr<> 11..o<iPd 11 O Shrimp ••••.••.. ,.; 89' l60l P~G .Sl.l7;J~Ol P(G Sl.l• Yo u mu't be completely satisJied wifh any Market Bosket produce you buy or your item will be replaced or your money refunded. LB. BAG LBS. BONUS DISCOUNT SPECIAL C~NTRAL AMER ICAN BANANAS * LB. EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE 7REES~l..NATUR.At UHSWfITEHtD Grapefruit Juice ~;; TlNDEll YUl~MEA.r Banana Squash J9c Jilmabies ~ 5 c Mushrooms S(h1llon9 O Black Pepper ... ~.; 39' ( ornol!Ofl a Vorieht5 lfl\lorrt B kf t "' ''69' rea as ...... • !orde!I'• C "0 '· 75' remora •.••••• Jor Bo~(iftlf'tf" ~0 Toil-Les ....... ~: 85' l !'t RtQulor N k. "• • 10· ap ins....... bO (OHO() Vodka ......... ,"' 16" ·~oun1 Rovn! S Ytor ~d Bourbon .•.... .,,,,. $4 .. !~ llngodocin Scotch .......... o. $4" W<K"On"" Gold lnbll B J2 ''°''J" eef • • • • • • • • Co~\ °"' ~,19 Col 6' 0' 57' ' a. . . . . . eus ~~g\.! Mork fl 8o1ktl l'roct!S!°d Amtr'(on, Prm•tnto or Swr~~ Sliced Cheese •• '.:',' 41• l 2-0L Pl:G. AMIRI(~. Stt; P>ll~bury Rtfr191roltd H""'llrv Joe~ Cinnamon Rolls' 'c::· 37<, Mu•~er Ros~ll Sloced ltoh1rol Swiss Cheese •• ~.· 43' Wll1!t Clowr Edam Cheese •• ,' ~~'99' ~ lldn9trc11td 811tlt!11\~~ ... ~ulor B• 't '°' 9• ISCUI S ••••••••• cr11. • - SOl'"fW Dtodoron1 Secret ........• ~~~ 87' Movllwiolis~ Scope .......... 1 ~1?' s11s 8 How C(ll>OJh s..,..~ Pertuss . '"·"' 97" 1n..... 8•1 ~Rt<J .... 0tSlll'DI'"""' Toothpaste ... .'~~· 831 Sonotorv ltOC>~""' lleciuior cw Suw Mocless ........ ''.',"75' FAMOUS FOR DEEP-CUT DISCOUNT PRICES! COl'YltlGlil 1969 MA~(fl ~AS(rf J<:1~vn•y ;,•y • NEWPORT BEACH-JIOO tolhoo lt•d." "" S•. 1150 lr•l11• A••· I W•,fcliff rl111r I fl COS T A MESA-!;:!,""'"• • '· ' , • 1 • . ) ' " I ilny. , .. -top. sour !tr "r •led gree akes Ulk:!i, fnns · with ~ • " ~· '• ' l ' , . ,) • • I asyP.udding ( bb ( k LJ . I F • k~~~:~: a . age oo ery: n1versa avor1te ~ packa&ed VanllJa..pudd..lq:. All around lhe world, cab. that's been modrmi'ted to · t..:ook ~ . cup of the rice bagc is a prime favorite wilh make It lighter and livelier. u label directs. Prepare I folks who know good food . Cabbage and Apples -Ger· (S ounce) pack~ge of lhe puct. The cabbage patch has its man Style, combines the best d1ilg a1 la bel directs, but use place in lhe lH.eralurc and or boµi worlds, the old and 1 cup each of water a.nd un-folklore o/. many nations. the new. djluled evapfjrated milk 1n-Dan' h R . · h There's a nippy sweet 'n' stead of fresh milk. Add 1:: 18 ' ussian, p 0 1 1 5 ' sour flavor to this nl-Odern ' r II•· 1 1 Chlne~. Cannan .•. all these ea.spoon o van 1411 ex rac , nationalities have contributed version of a typical Gertnan 1 teaspoon of ground n1acc their bit to cabbage cookery. dish. Because il isn 't cooked and 1 (8 ounce) can of crushed Your cookbook may include a as long as old·world Cabbage pJneapple, drained. variety ot recipes for cole· and Apples, lhis dish ia better Stir In rice. Serve waml or slaw, sauerkraut. stuffed cab--lllllriUQDally. cold with sprinkling of mace bage leaves or casseroles. To-Overcooking, you k n o w , on top. Makes 6 servings. day let's try a German dish takes away important vitamins and nutrlenl.S. It dulls colors, too; so our modern recipe bas lresber col- ors, mort attracliye on your table. Half a cu p of red wine 1•incgar helps keep the cab- bage red and crisp, and delicious sour cream adds wonderfully tangy flavor . Plan to serve lhis appetizing vegetable salad when cabbage and apples are plent ifu l anytime you have ribs, pork roast or spicy sausage. Light, yet hearty, it's a quick vegetable salad for family meals. CABBAGE AND APPLES GERMAN STYLE 2 tablespoons butter 1/3 cup ftnely chopped onion 2 table!pOO?ls sugar 6 cups shredded red cabbage Vs cup red wine vinegar 2 teaspoons salt l cup peeled, diced red apple (approximately 1 large a~ pie) 2 Lablespoons sugar 1 ~ cups dairy aour cream Apple allcel (optional) In a tarae skillet melt but- ter; aaute onion with l table- spoons: 1upr five minuta. Stir in cabbage, vinegar and uJt. Cover and Bilnmer 10 milftltes. Add apple arxl 2 tablespoma sugar. Cover and cook about 5 minutes. Transfer to heated platter; spoon sour cream over center or cabbage . Garnish with apple slices, if desired. Makes 1-,10 servings. -AT DEEP-CUl DISCOUNT PR.ICES! ® ...,~. . ' • •ot a7c ecret~ •••• ~ Movn!loy<i!SY-Oi<I Bourbon ••• '!"".$4 69 ~8''9"<1oG" $ Market Basket Discounts Prices on Quality Products. No Games, u,.,,1. g,,,,',co ... errd R• ~·0'56< . ice •••••.• ~~". •'l.OL 12< c;..i,i.,, .... , Hot Sauce ••• ·;.t 1 Q< tcR.,..,4 Vo•~io•SP"9-...i l ,, l S '"0·45c auces ••••• :n~ v,,.,<.o...., SlOl Pork & Beans ;·~39< ayonnaise • F~58< 12.-.c. uncheon Meat .53< 1 -WA ..... .i>.1 Co• hili .con Came • 79" MARKET BASKET U.S.D.A. GRADE AA 55c EXTRA IARGE EGGS, DOI ••••••••••••• Scotch ••••• ~·. 499 w,.._,.,. Gold Lolool $ B 12•·0· 169 eer • • • • c:~Ns 6"0 '57< ans. BONUS DISCOUNT SPECIAL . ~..J,;,,,,,,,,,,,,.lr;~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C-11111 N1w Y11r no Yolr or th hosier "4111 " ;;~1Mei;. :::;asc · ~ ....... ,..... •lCI. 85 p Suey •. :-·: " l>"9 CI•<>*"'-JC·' 29 odles •.•• -~~ c· ~ l 1 CIT 53( y Sauce ••• :. °""''""" ~4.o.t 79c Dreft ••.•.• ':~. °'""Of""I t--, ,....... 32 oz Ivory Snow •• ~<. 79c °' ........ Do«<-... ~ Cascade. i~~ 69< ••••• --Downy. "°' 79c ,,, •••••• YDA No Stamps, No Costly ''Extras''. Most srore~ claim lo hav• low prices. But on what -on a handful of items, or 1nf.-iar produda? Nat Morbt Bc~kef. We discount prices oil through the store•. And Guarantff sotisfoction or yovt monty back on fN«y purchase. True, you give up games ond stomps lo shop at Morket Bosket. But yoi geif bafVl'iq ond qvolity always, every doy. See for yours.elf. ZEST .. ,. 2oc ,., LIQUID PLUMR I • QI, ITL 79c WI All!t: 'llAllD TO ACCl•T lfoly C•0<l.fl ~"9<1 F<>04 Cake Mix •• :~55c' ll;MClN CH•(fOf.I, 11.oz. J5c o;.. o.iivtt ~ fruit Cocktai1·~25' *BONUS DISCOUNT SPEOALS-'"' .............. w~ . ..._....,. "''°""'l"""""' 1.--,ot.1 .... •-=n.=x MONIY ORDllS MM.DAT a&lllTWDT ---BAGGIES ""'· OF 75 99c ICll ... BLACK PEPPER 1:_0l. <•• 39c ' _,, U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS IN LOI ANOILll COUNn ••Oln GTOH BEACH _,,.,"''"' 1 • HUNTIN Wn1'1 hK""' e SANTA At-M-~:!.'A~' >. e FOUNTAIN V Alf-LEY-'.!'~" . . DAILY PILOT l.- Merry Medley ChoOlt a merry medley (lf colon to d~ate towel•, clothl, apnw, mata. Euy! Eye-catching tall , of the roo1ter 11 mullkolor 1trlps of. binding. Rest, quick $-to- Inch ..-.Utdl. Pattern 1420: four I t 10" matif1. nnv CENTS (COil\I) for each ~ttern -add IS ctots for eaCb pattern for first-clas.s malllq and 1pecial handling ; othlrwtle third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks the DAI· LY PILOT, 105, NeedlecrJft Dept.. Box 113, Old Chelsea station, New York, N.Y.10011. Print Name, Addre11, Zip, Pattare Number. Giant, new IMI Noedloor.it ca11lo1 - over 200 deaJgna: to choose. Three free patterftl . printed inside. Send 50 centa: now. NEW! "50 INSTANT GIFTS" -robulouJ fashions. toys, decorator accessories. Make it today, glte it tomor· row! Ideal for all octaslons. 50 cents. ••11 Jiffy Rllp" to knit, crochet, weave, 1ew. hoot. 50 cents. Book of 11 Prise Arpa..1. 50 c e n t 1 . llll'pin! Qvlll Bolk I hH 18 beauUf~ patttma. 50 ctntl. M....,. Qod~ -I -pal· terns for 12 wperb quilta. 50 centa. Boo-. a.. "Qt&lb for Toclly11 Uttos." 15 patterns. 50 cents. Maple Flavors Butter A jar of maple butter really la somethlna: special, NY home economlsta: for the Dliry Council of C&llfornla. Keep ii bandy In the refrigerator ready for wing Oil bot blJClllta, 101111, pan· cakes, waffles or other hot breads. And, a11 though that's not enouah, try :iprudina it on graham crackers or plain cookita for a between meal an.act for the childttn ..• and as the butter for cin· namon tout ... well that's something else. Simply whJp II cup (11Uck) llOft butter with 1 cup maple syrup until mixture rtltmbles whipped cream. Relri1erate in IJthtly covend jar. UDI· 111111D11ood I Curry, Broil Fruit There's no sticky pin to clean when you make curried frflh apple rh:!&a to serve wi\h bam, pork,~ or poultry. Waah, core 1.nd cut S lar1e bakln& 1pplq. Into l>-hlc:h • thick rinp; place them on roll uMJ u U-fer broiler rack. ~ Blend Ill !lupdont ol curry powder Jlllo I II~ ol bultot"'ti-diorprtoe, melted. Brulb 1ppiel with curry but- ter : broil 4 to 5 minute.; turn rings, bruah with CGrTy butter and oprlMJo with mix· ture ol I llblOlpooo of -n "'I" Ud II teupoon ol 11lt. Broll I mlDutel ,..... or unlll 1pplel ... -Ind llahtlf browned. MU.. • WVIJl&t. Appeteazers llNU"llltilllrilill 10 ..,.. cut bite alze plece:i and mar-. lnaW ln vlneP;!, salad oil ind . brown aupr1 aa:ewtr Clllf°"" nla rtpe ollve:i. steak and •llrlmp on kebab. Htat over an\IU blbacbl and aerve. l --. -·----~---------..... ·-·~-~-~---~·-----------------~-----------------~~~ --~---------~---...... -~. -- .f • 44 DAILY PILOT ~--. .. _,P.¢~~ ~ e1s saowslAS V AS/=~ ~ ""' ~~s~~AT~~!~1:!rN£! INFR~'A!R1'!!~P~! . '"ICLUDES EVERYTHING -FOR RESERVATIONS DIAL DIRECT 800 / 648-6881 RIDEEM BONUS BLUE CHIP STAMP COUPONS 3·A, B, C, D FOR 375 BONUS STAMPS!!! FROZEN FOODS CAONATION 59' PllCH PIWTS •• ,, .•.• 1.lb. Plit. CAkNATION 59' COD f lLLm •••.•••••• 1.lb. l'k9. c;.kNATION 91' fllH PcilTtONS •••.•• 2.11:.. l'k9. , MRS. PAUL'S 65' CLAM THINS ••••••• 12-01. Pk9. MRS. l'AUL'S 4fc PISH THINS ••• , •••• 12-01. Pkt. c MRS. PAUL'S 89' l SHllMP THINS ••••• 12-01. l'k9. LB. ::.'noN .... 57~ CIHIER 98C SLICU.... ... lb ::~ ...... 57~ MRS. FklOAY'S 7- GOUIMIT SHllMP ••• l-01. l'lt9. .,, FOUR FISHERMEN 59' PISH STICU ••••• , 14.01. Pk9. TUOEK-MECK . 59' YUL DIUMSTIC KS ••• 12-01. Pk9. HONEYSUCKLE SLICED 1 " TUIKIY w/GIAYY ••• 21-01. Pk9. SEAFOOD SPECIALS FANCY NORTHERN WH IT E ~:' ....... 79~ FR.ESH flUETS 79c OCUN PflCH .•• , . . . . . . • . . • • . lb. FRESH 79' PACIFIC OYSTl•S •.• 10-01. J1r lncliv. Fro11n !For S11loocl Coc~l1il 1l 179 COOKED SHllMI' •••••••• , • • • • • • • lb. US ::b.A. "Choice "Steer /Jee/ CLUB STEAK c LB. NEW YORK : SPENCER : RIB ROAST • : SMALL 98' : END .. • $1 9~. ; $1 6 ?. Rii sTR0AST ..... 89~ LIVER AND BACON F.RE\H SLICED YOUNG ''!J/ Jt~ Jn S ea!Jon ... Jt~ .Jn :J/iri/timarlf" DELICATESSEN SPECIALS MEDIUM SHARP -WISCONSIN CHEDDAR ·CHEESE BE·EF 49c LIVER...... lb FLORIDA -INDIAN RIVER LARGE WHITE GR YORKSHIRE PE FRUIT c SLICED I-LB. 49c BACON.:K~ .. U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" CALIFORNIA GROWN 12.14-LBS. OVEN READY-FROZEN YOUNG HEN TURKEYS .......... 39~ s 00 F.OR JANE ANDERSON-I b-OZ. JARS SALAD D!.~SSINGS :~o~~ Ts~~~-0:~ ...... "' . o, ... , .. -. 49!a · R.OQUEFORT-16·0?. JAR 7,c OL' VIRGINI A-ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF BOLOGNA .. ':;~; 49 o cono SALAMI • • • • .. c JERSEYMAIO--FRUIT BLENDED OR FRUIT ON THE BOTTOM DOWNYFLAKE-KING SIZE 10-CT. PKG. 3 5' YOGURT 5 •-OL s 1 oo WAFFLES . . . .............. .. •••••••CUPS MCP-FROZEN BtEND ORANGE DRINK ••••• 2 ~-1~~-33' --:1Je£ey -W~ife & Co/or!J -----. BATHROOM . TISSUE s 2·PLY 2·ROLL PKGS. VETS' -REGULAR, CHICKEN , VARIETY 00 LIQUOR DEPT. SPECIALS GRAMZEE OLD CARAVAN BOURBON s449 QUARTS SUNDER LAND DRY GIN s399 QUAUS SCOTS MIST SCOTCH LARGE 2'/2 TINS -YELLOW CLING PEACHES $ 00 FOR · lllS -LAl6E 4M>Z. TINS c GRAPEFRUIT .IUICE •••••••• 39 QUAIL -GRAPE JELLY, APRICOT-PINEAPPLE, OR ~ DOG ·1414 v...oz. $100 FOOD... i~~i STRAWBERRY 3 14.o z. $100 $ 99 JARS 4 QUAUS PRESERVES ••••••••• PRI CES EFFECTIVE THURS . thru SUN., JAN. 30, 3 I, FEB. I, 2 ' 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 13922 BROOKHURST, GAl?"F-t.I GR OV E 5858 W('RNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH • 1308 W. EDI NG ER. SANTA ANA / . -... -...._____ . • • • • • , • • • • • • I, 0 •• •• • - c fA • W!THOIT CO\IPOI • r;,.nJOnlv• SflTU llDS. l.,H,./ lr,...koj.IJl .• .f[l.5 OHi CCM'ON NtCllSTOMU FRENCH'$ BLACKPEPMR 1, OONloiASIOl'4·0Z. SIZE WrrM THiltM.IAIUCOlf'OI· r_,,ionlyM IT•mltOt C....d 11 t'l!.li of '11.Jt..FCI.$ OHi COlJPON ,._OJSTOMd FARMER JOHN EASTERN SHi~~~~:~~fs l MEATLOAF '·< •' I':. I /' -:~ , "'ES!t CROUND • • 4gc If ADY TO <:00!9 : LB. C · SEASONED , ' ·. ROqNn st1AK ~l' BONE-IN / ,,,,,~ • 'U,$.D.A. CHOlcE OR 1 t.J, · llif '("STATERIROS. 'If . , QRTIFllD i!UF • . LB -RCJUND STEAK oo•rnss ···--· u 89' ORANGi •·juicE ....... 6 6.0Z 51 SJRAWBE.RRIES . J ,o.oz 51 LBS. CAllB.A FAN.,~fOLID GREEN !!EADS . LB. U.IGE FA.NC'!' SWEET - . GRAPEFRUIT ·--·-8 ,':;, 59< Ult Y PILOT 4§ U.IGf IXTU FANCY Qf111H .. J. BELL PEP"RS ............... .o&9< · ·;; l.ARGEFUSHTENDl!ICRt5' ) 3 , 'l(~! . n NO S 59' Gll((N ljl,t,NT 33c CHEESE PIZZA >.--•• ., MEDIUM PEAS -·.,.._ ~Nl:.JSl l_ 4 '1 /NWTUll,,.UC( 311c ORANGE 'UfCE .-. 6-0l. SPINAPH G~(fN GIAN1-1o.dZ. t). nlTQll r~fNO<' 01 33' flllOS (YE 55' GREEN BEANS ~"fl~-COOL WHIP --ouA~r '~~fNG1•NT' 33c "'~n~tY• age ~~~~~ ... ~~N ___ 10 oz. ~!~~p FRUITS --11-oi. c' NIBLETS CORN •••. ""' 33' HASH BROWNS ~ 2 ,,.,,. 39 . . ~I U(f0'1N fl 27c flf•sr .. MANN9 ·411c MARGARINE "" ... _ "' SOFT MARGARINE ... u . ,. WITH TtUS V•lUAll[ COUPOI 4ROLLS$ I . . KLEENEX JUMBO TOWELS ~ONARR0J5 ............. 1 -~•.PKGs 2 9' • G TENDn arSP·GlluN • CUCUMBERS ..... _~ 2 9' : J/11111 '• T11111u1IH I n/,,, .. : TOMlTOliUCE l•-or ))• S 1oe 't TOMllTO ,lST£ 21.or.))' 11.or ll' .10ll0 '-'Cl TOMIT0£1 USOITEDGot.bn IDE11111EI W1THOt1T \ • COUPON fA. ) h ; , ' 2 lOCl 49' I 111 )J• c;.od Onl_ro1 IT•TCl llDS. Wod. w~' nf ~II. 11-f"El i Ofd COUllON I'll CUITOMR STEWED TOMJTOll )Oil)' It/I )7' . WHITE UNA i~:=:::r~"" ...• ,39' SLICEDPOTATOES ~'t,,, 2c.,31' AMIRICAN CHEESE WESSON Oil i~;;~~~o b'; 39' ~69' CHlll BEANS ~'tv•r ....... ,,. <'" 25' ' STAn111os Sl.ICID .' SAU ;,llCIS IFRCJIVI 7 FILI. •AY 1111115. tin WEDS. JD: JOllt.fll. SIL I 1' ' ~MORTON$ALT ir.:~,%'. ,.od3' COLDWATIR 66' 34c 59c 79c Wo~10 .... R·1...,, .,.. sllltf •-oz. 12.oL u .oz. '" Cit "~lON(';(,AA.tN 100l ,~-OIAlGt.&NfNG. -. ,, ' ' ., . I ... WllT LntCOU4 • .,.,.Mii"'' ••u IDIN ... AVll.1 11utn...b.flliN 1ucN w. Wllf llll:OAOWAY, ANAHl1M ~lt ,. ......... ~ua,'lrM1n1•• 11M HIWl"()flT •OULIVA•O. COST~U. 1• IMt COLLINS_. OfU.NGI,_ 1'7 WIST '"" IT•llt, (OffA it: .... WOT , .... "lllT M'9TA -· Im WllfMIHSTll AYO .. WltlM 1• ..... 111\HtR tflllt. lo\llTA AfilA "91 '" W AVINUI, •AIOIM .. OVI I• ' • .. Wttlntsday, Jan111t1 29, 1%9 MANY GUISES. l ~ .• ~ Ne aps Pampering ' . ------~· . . . ~ Vic~. Ny[JUll" COUfH&·COLD SYRUP ~-~-.~ 93c ..... ' BAYE·R ASPIRIN ,··sa ltoHlo C of 100 $1 .49 SIZE -DEODORANT (Incl. Price off lobel)7 ,4 RIGHT GUARD ;:: c •• • U.S.D.A. Ct1(11CE IEEf STEAKS BONELESS CHUCK u.s.D.A. INSPlnED CHICKEN FRYER PARTS U.S.O.A.. CHOICE lt:Ef-IONfUSS LONDON BROIL SiRLOifi·°ilP STEAK Nature's Best · SELF> tibU~INp FLOOR W "1. .,, .... 79 c,VE<:/'. WHOLE LIGSs· !~tr-.;.$, OR ;,;,..r~~; 0: THIGHS U.S.O.A. CHOICr:'t!f.F-IOHflUS !!!~~!~~,CUBES Ed.ible Bouquet 'J1le cauliflower ~ust still loog, for ' )ts Med1terrane~ home, for it prefeni to grow near large bodies of water where naturally cool condi- tions prevail, such as the Pa- cific Coast and Long Island. This exacting member of the cabbage family is less tolerant of adverse soil and climactic conditions than any of its near relatives. Lovers of cauliflower consider all this pampering quite worthwhile, for-it produces one of nature's prettiest, most delicious edible bouquets. "Cabbage nower," its lit'- eraJ translation from the Latin, (caulls meaning cab- bage a n d . Doris meaning flower) consists or snow-white clusters of tiny flowerets . The separated flowerels are a fa- vorite on the hors d'oeuvrcs tray. Dunk them in cheese or onion dip, or serve them mar- inated as an antipasto. Cauliflower lends itself to many flavor combinations. Try it wUh a white sauce del- icately seasoned wilh dill. A cheese sauce poured over the whole head just before serv- is delicious. Or sprinkle sliced flowerets wilh fine bread crumbs and sauie in butter. A cauliflower's fioe.ness of quality is indicated by the white or cream-white of its center, or curd, and by its fl.rm compactness. Because cauliflower is so quick and easy to cook, there is dan· ger of overcooking. The delicate texture, flavor and color of this vegetable may be best retained If the followiog cooking method is used: Run an inch or water Into .a saucepaa,, Add a tea- spoon of salt ai!I possibly a teaswan of fresh lemon juice to keep the "curd" white. Then bring to boil. Add rlowerets and cook f i \' e minutes without a lid, then cover and cook another 7 to 10 mir)utes, or until just "crisp-t'ender" when tried with a fork. A whole head should cook for an additional S minutes covered, but in any case. try udt.rcook1ng cauliIJoy,·er if your prevk>us cooking method hasn't been too successlul. Another success hint: don't It.art cauliflower too far in advance. of the meal. for it can overcook while it's being kept warm. ute ill cabbage cousins it's low in calories. . only a dainty ~ calories per cup of cauliflower. Although low in calorles, a cup or cooked cauliflower pwvldes close to the dally recommend ed allowance of vita1nin C and usieful amounlJ: or o t h e r vitamins aod minerals. FRESH CAULIFOWER AS· TIPASTO I 1mall head fresh ... unower 1 lresh green pepper. cut inCo strips lk inch wide 1h cup fresh carrots, cut Into II Inch pl= 1h cup 1liced fre~ mush· .....,. 1h cup wine vinegar 1,7: dip .olive, oil l/• cup fresh lemon juice ~~ cup water 11, tablespoons sugar \I teaspoon salt YI teaspoon basil leaves, crumbled Break cauliflower i n I o rlowerets and slice. Add with remaining ingredients to large skillet and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, S minutes. Cool and refrigerate overnight. Drain before serving. Yield: 6 an- tipasto servings. FRESH CAULIFLOWER WITll TOMATO-CURRY SAUCE 2 t~blespoons diced fresh anion 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 teaspoons curry powder 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups diced fresh tomatoes 3 tablespoons water ;t teaspoon salt 1/s teaspoon ground black pepper I medium-sized h e a d cauliflowe r, cooked Saute onion in butter until limp and transparent. Blend in curry powder. Cook ~2 minute, stirring constantly . Stir in flour. Add diced tomatoes and water. Cook un· til tomat.oes have softened and mixture is of medium thicknesa. i\dd salt and black pepper. Ml1 well IUld pour over head of coaked cauliflower. Yield:.6 servings. BRAISED CAUUFLO\\>ER ~~ pound link sausage I medium-sized head fre sh cauliflower 1 ~ cup boiling water I teaspoon salt 118 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley Brown sausage on all sides In heavy skillet. Remove sausage and drain off fat, reserving 2 tablespoons. Break caullflower into flowerets and cut into 1,l Inch slices. Plact in skillet with the 2 tables- poons sausage fat. water, sail and black pepper. Covet. Cook only until crisp-tender. about S to 6 minutes. Serve with cooked sausage links . Garnish with parsley. Yield: 6 serv- ings. It's Always Sundae Season The seuon or the sundae al1o1•ays is upon u1 and with it such good idea1 as Olis one from the home. economists £or the Dairy Council or calilornla. They fodnd ii to be a teenage delight. A ER.WAX '" ' . WOMEN'S STRAW PURSES Newest ;~~~! '$239 C~AD4,!5.•.W~· Speclal R·;~~~;· BLENDED ·· ·'' CANADIAN WHISKY Light In ltody Dellcato h1 flayor COLLECTOR'S BOnLES BEAM'S CHOICE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON Eoch dittin,ti~e Collecfort• 8ott1e of th ii prime bourbon feolurtt a reproduction of o fomoui Ameriton painting by a noted Amer ican ortitt. WHILE THEY LAST! •The American Gothic •On the Trail • Indian Maiden •Buffalo Hunt • The Kentuckian • Tha Sc6ut • Whistler'1 Mother • Hauling in the 4t.65 ill N~t 'l.J Fifth CHICKS CASHED & American Express Money Orders SOLDHIRI Snes Time! "°"' K• .. Sne Steps! P111 All Your Bills with 'iThe Safe Money" YOUR BIZ COUPON PRE·SOAK LAUNDRY MAY BE A WINNER FORMULA 1n Proc11r Ii G.mbl1't BIZ 5HD6'1iT BEA!t 5WEEPS'l'All.E5 25<0L 79 c ... -...., "" .... 1. pkg. Ac;aJ(U~TUll VEAL STEAKS FRESH KIST Tomato Juice FRE.SH MIST-CHUNK. Light Meat Tuna FOOD GIANT Evaporated Milk FRESH KIST .,ryit Cocktail . " l-ll:LY-ASSORTED COLORS Spa Facial Tissue CHICKEN fLAVORED . Chic~•· Cat Food DELICATESSEPi S?ECIALS FOOD GIANT WISCONSiN 4 jombo •1 46-01. cons ' 4 ... v:S CO nl • 7 5 toll COl'll toll 303 cons 4 pkgs. of 200 6-01. cans 8 , __ , . MIL~ CHIDD.AR XLN:t MEX•C:AI FOODS DINNERS! • Me11.ican • Beel Tota 4 1 • Beef Ench iloda J • Cheese Enchilodo •ro " CREAMY " 79· C . CHEESE .... • 1000 Gl.t.Nr SALAD DRESSING TREESWEi1 Orange Jule 4 "o• $J' cans . . 1 ' ENTREE.S : • Beef Ench il ada 3· 'I • Cheese Enthilodo .J, • T aca·l'lfl'I • RfOj Pl '000 GIANT -SUClO ALL MEAT BOLOGNA BLEU CHEESE 011: 59c pin! 1000 ISLAND jor fOOO GIANT -0£lUXl SU(fO WISCONSIN-l ·Ol. 'KG AMERICAN CHOSE 45 c • MAtlllCHIWITJ: MATZOS • AMIRICAN IALn111s 3 "·"$1 • DllT THUii (Un1alto .. l "'" , ..... pkg. 69c I 2°0J:. CAN ... COH[f -All Glll .,DS PLANTERS PEANUTS BAH.U:!OOM -fAMll Y i._Ac FOL GER'S LIBBY 'S PICKLES SCOTT 4" 1 ·lb. con .............. 69c COCKTAIL TISSUE '" 21b con ......... SI 37 6!~L 39 c IJ,~oz 69' Fresh Cuke Slices c22 01 l 49c J.fh ain . " 99 Fresh Whole Dills (ql.'Dril 49c PAPI.II OECORA.1£0 OR CO INSIANI Fresh Whole Sweers c22 01 l 69c SCOTT 1001 1or 11 39 SPANISH (1 JYl·Ol am) 6JC • TOWELS ,. ~i cup tUced lruh celery l,i cup 1llced 1tuUed green oltvt1 Drizzle some of that good California hooey over scoops of chocolate chip H:e cream; then sprinkle each sundae with approldmately Vt teaspoon In· stanl coffee. 2300 Barbor Blv d . at \l'llson St., Barbor Shopping Center, C os ta ltlesa I ' ( • -.;::__.:_.:'..,'._' ~-"-""'""".JJ..J --:_·_; _,,.• '-' ~ J .r --Jo ..J:..;.I ~~ _ _, _ _.a._.-/. --~·..._:;. •·-' '--·L~-·. ,;. '• .' .•:t' '" " • II " I l • " mt · It. C41 D$ :RS~ 4 .. 0 J '; ~-' ES : 3.~" REOi Pl VEi1 Jule .$Ji t •• 49' £0 ORCO I • !' ~··· . LARGm LOtk , " · .. poa"1. -CHOP:S . ' . 7 • ' I J i • WILIO•'I. CRll ... ITI '• , . SLICID. BACON' 69it. ,. .... 99c TYIO• COR•llH GAME HINS : ·.t~ , .. ...... · 5 9c · pk9. . •··"29c P~ll- l'n·lb. $179 pkg. U.S.D.A. 'A' GIADl .1 f~ISH 11'.IST -MANOMIN ORANG II 4 ...... $1 / Clllll N.15H KIST • llOaK'&alANS 3· ...... $1 ,I 'g,. . . . ,S.,.li'\l' CkfOLE SHRIM~ CURRY SHlllMI' ORIENTAL TUNA HAWAIIAN TUN.A. .A.LA KING UCCA'S ITALIAN FOODI • BEEF RAVIOLI (J1.·o") ............. 45< •CHEESE RAVIOLI (11 -oz.) ......... 55c • MUSHROOM SAUCE (7-oz.) ...... 27c • MVSH ROOM SAUCE (14"01.) ..... 41< • MfHE!T RO NE SCilUt'(' 5-o ~-,,.. .. 27< ~ -,~ • TORfELllNI (10-oz.r. ... : .... ,-. ... 75c RIDGP••• yrH11~·.·~­ a1uy 3 ' 5·5c' ' TO I-lb. eAKI 1~ fUSH 11'.llT -ASSORllO PRUIT DRINKS #M l'fUlNS-wwou/ TOMATOll. " AllOtllD RAl'OIS-lllCI. '1c Off SWOHl/jG CHALLENGE ROYAi. ·2:;35C SCHILLING 1 ~ .... 21 c G£lATIN · CHILI MIX "'• DRY MILK 12-qt.$109 2l·ql $] 99 SMOOTH Olt CRUHCHY -1 kt. jol' CH£RRY PETER PAN 6lc COMSTOj:K 21~ 65c pkg. pl<g. PEANUT SUITER PIE FILLING "" . I 4 '!;~· $1 4 """'s1· COlll • INCL /IC Off . fil':=~25 c All=. PlllSB ~y ·~63 c FLOUR \ 79.;· 24-••· ~.::;· pkg. I ''•J !\.' ••• . .. .· .: t .. ' ' " 2300 Ha rbor , Blv d. at Wll sQ,~ St., Harbor ~hopping CenW,:., Costa Mesa • ' ~ ' ,: ' .·-- I Season ·-: Accents . .. Gourmet .Foods If '19 follows the pattern of prevloll.s ·yean, t h e mlchylnter months will be a ,....., ol em.rlaiDln& with llw! aecent oo good food!. Now ll U)e ti.m'e fqr gourmet · dlahea -ll10IO ,lh8t -l!lne mu&hrooms, ·spices and wine · with such wonderful tt'sult!. I quart 1;blcken broth I small bay leaf 4 wbole cloves 2 --sail . v. leupoon baoil !u•l!I Vt tuspoon &tCJUDcl white pepper • .. ~ cup dry .white table wtne 1 pound mediunwllrTtWt1h m"••-m• -' 11'1o"" ii lo -a·1i.-·tfui.1 "i!liole mushrooms , ' 1 1 Vogurt·Muatard s&uce• Toasted ~ame Seeds• Terlyakl·sauce• This compatlbte :'1iio bas i)ecome 11 statUI symbol in the food world. It also bas special meaning here tn the West, since . lhele "Three fl.fU!li:eteer1'' of the food world are produced locally. California Is the nation's se-For eaay 11lclt\g, arrange cond largeat m u s hr 0 0 m chicken breasts In lln•le layer grower; the targelt domestic on nat baklng ,pan. Place in aource of spiels, herbs and freezer about ~ hour ·DI' just vegetable. seaaonl_, ~and .the untll 1urf~ is ~y ~n. J est wtne ~. Remove from fr:~=cut arg , . .,.!"-'uc r~on. chicken ia . lhlo.. ie A recipe that· comb es all •• 111rff bu lmm<dle~ pr .. Uge 1lrlp1. Boll llriPI fqr wy - a very desirable quality skewetlng. for a party dl!h. MeanwtiPe, sbmn~. broth Fondae' ii whD.111 happening with bay .. Mat, Clovet: .ult, at partles all over tbe country basil leaves-and wblte ~r these days, so It's no coin-about 15.mlnutet. Strain' broth c i d e n c e that spice, ~ add wine. Bring to bolling mushrooms and wine add their · 111 !ondue pot. collectlve •j1amour to a new TO cook, spear a iolled type of fortdue. Tbis one, like chicken strip ~ a ~oom 111 famous ancestor, c}leese on fondue ffi!IJ! plaCf Ip: boll· fondue, utilizes a common Ing broth 1~. ~nut.es or coolilng pol. Gue!ls take turns ju.I unUI dllckliif !• cooked oook1ill !Moir own food -a through. Slrve Ille Qv.. bite or two at a Ume. Obvious-sauces below: ,u dips. Yield : IY a fondue· IUJl!><' ia a very · 4 to a,pod&Oiii. ' friendly ilnd of plr\y. ' , ' ..... ·'lllls fondue for '89 UHi ·" YOGUJ\T .. Mv o1AJlD UUCE chJcten breuta, cut In lbipa,. Blend ·J,.1 ttasPooo each then threaded on •er• wttb , powdered m u • t a r d and mUlhrooml. Chicken 1fOiii; : 1111"!"1 salt Into I container flavored wllh herbi. spice 11114 ' (l')WICft) low ht yopt. wine II the cookl!ll Uqlild. . .' TOASTED SESAMJ!: .._.,.,,, D1pplng sauces may enhance. · · 9.s:...,.,.. e&cti -dellclous bite. Mustard. Placl a single layer of flavored yogurt addl plquat · sesame seeda on a baking flavor with few · calorlel. lhee<. Tout In a preheated Touted Miame 'Medi atve a moderate oven (350 degrees nice cnm<h. A apfe)I "'1fakl t F.) 1$ mJnula1 unUI light uuce adds zest. • brown. · · ""1 · Uke the arflinal cheese Ion-TERIY .\Kl SAUCE due. The mushroom<hicken Heat to· bolllnl 'n "Clip caii- fondue calla for a glass of ....... bou'll · 'l tabl wlDe 11 the accothpaniment •R:U 1 on,"' espoons·soy _ a dry white wine IUCh sauce, I -tablespoona act. lemon juice, dry lberrY 'and u a Rleallna or Sluteme. hObey, ""'"' tellpoori~ llfllc Tbe ..,,,. 1ounnel \eam -powder, IO tes-. l""nd dntsbtoonfl,'berbl,irplcel: and alru(er. Sen-e warm or cbld. wine -combine ln many . . other~ Iha' may spark • S P ICY MARINATED party menus 1n the en· MUSHROOMS tertalnlng seuon ahead. Rinse pat dry and trb!i I Conllder s~ Marlnateil p()WKf irem muahroocnl 1 10 Muahroom1 u an .b,ora t•L '--..._· , .. ~·--.. ~. 1 d'otuvrelo~PlllYlllUI n ~-w ~-. le DI ~-•be!Dn! dlnn~ •ilde. Or uli I caa. (I to Or aerve the mlllhrooDf' in-I ounces each) w ~ o 1 e lettuce ·cups fn ·place ti a mllshrooms. dinner salad. A iplced spinach Combine 1 cup wa~r (or aalld..wlll acc:eot •1mldwinter liquid lroin ca.aned meal In style. Jta )'oeurt mushroom•), 3 c b Jc Ir;, n !!roaU.,, ......,.1 w I I h fia-bouillon cubes. I tn"'\Ud and curry , i ' ta~ """' .... Ii ..,...1a11y 1ood In a menu . !..·--I pptild cw- thll centers ll"OW>Cfl'WI btel, lander and .........i sa1~ v. rout lamb, or evf!!l ham-, •• .,,.... uc11 prllc pnPder, bur~Uy llclla!Utl Cfllll)bled ~ ·J •• y • .,s ' fi.an odJPW!on ol lllo .lradi· ~--,and I .., Ilona! 1chnllief made with veal. lta esceDent Oevor and Simm• JI ml•de1 Add ._...,.recommend u '"' L~ ant\ otmmer $ llw!~ dllh DI u _Informal ·;in.=.,.~~ btil 11 . .Upper.. lherry and salld oil 1otl I MtllllllOOM ClllCkEN· FON· tablespoon ,.Nlcy l'h k 11 . · OUK Cover and ref r l1er1te 4 to s half chicken breasta. oveml&ht. Serve u reUsh or boned and skinned 1'1-d· Yl<ld : About I plnl • -- ------------_ ____.._...__~---------------~~ -------------~ ---------------~ ------- ' ' • .,.---..,..-.......-~~~<'.,, f' F IO f * f' f' W, • ..,. -. i -,-,-,,...,-..,-..--~ •. ~------------------------------~ -~.--n;~"" sa-Q ; . ~ .-'Red Hot" Frozen-Dinners .. ' ,_ . M:A..a 1 o• . -. ~ CGU!St 59• UI .on s 1nners .. , ......... 1 ..... :............ .. cttm 70Ur family's favorite varieties ••• they're IO aatiefyinr I R11 . it . Di ·~ ·-·"' .· 39·· r a nners .. ;, .... :; .. : .. :.:·:............. .. 'or Ch-' Enchilada; Ci>l!lblnation Plate or Mexican Dinner! ~ , }\.... . ( . ''Din .. 59• ong s ners ............................ :..... .. · Who, l>,ul Slol!ffer'1, could think of ho JV to make 1p1nach •o inviting! Parsl~Jed ·,·pQtaJoes ................. 3 ... $1 From SeabroQk Fann!. Roady to heaf !'i lake to the table. 9-0Z. pkr. ' Chinese·,. a .Pods .............. ., ....... ate thinr'ditfennt"! ••• C a.,J ;'.~ ... 7~-pq. . . ' -' , CIUcUn ChovSney,.Shrimp Chop Suer, Ea Foo Younr •• 12 oz.1izel "" . . . . "Red Hot" Grocery Values ·='II ' SiiJsatlimal ' . 5li: i ........... !!':~.:·.~.... 7- Tht amu:ln1 d~inl power of enzyme action! Save on riant 1Izt. Grape ·Juice •••••• SIX OUNCE ••••••••.••• Ivory Soap.................................... 4 ... 25' . \Velch'1 ••• the people who rea.lly know rrapes ! P.-aize ban •.. so pure, so kind '4 :roar-1Qnl fi: 1 t.L 4 dish • s• 1n~:M1.,..or w .............. ,~ Sa;;l'He on bia' 83 .oz. pacUce--•• , and haft sparklinr di1heo ! Scotties Facial Ji5.Slle$._ ....... 4 ... s1 :whl1lt or eolora ••• 200 ct.~ ..• tor bir 1nweo I Orange Juice .... s~ OUNCE ........... . Sunkjat ••• Califomi&.,.I flnest'I 12 oz. can •.• 39e Lemonade M!Mllt MAIO ................ .. A favorite drink With tht amall fry aet, any time! Meat Specials fro1n the Butcher Shop! . ':' 1, • ' .r' "' tf lalllb . WtdMl411, .I.In...., 29, 1969 11-PILOT:AOVlltTISiiR . . ' "Red Hot" Frozen Fruits SI• ..... st· ..... • 4-~ s·1 ICcu , ~IJf,uelTfeS.: ...... ,........ 1 . i -·. Kern's• •• 10 oz. pai:D~e -•••. ~ive ,.qth .• ~un~ cak~ and i,.-~I P. I Ch k .. . · 4··~·s1 1neapp e un s ..... :................ , :-. ·-- • $' for :' I , ... " U.S.D.A. Choice ••• an4 freth •.•~ can bet Here's the q11alltt 1ou ·ti.· l>'d lnom El IW>chg, 1"'!~ lor •aluel Frtah •• • from Montana! .\ ~· '\ ..... Romaine . Lettuce ................................. ·m:.· Crl11,-leav~s : •• so t.Dder .-:: io co'fo~'tui'in :f S&Jad • ; • iuid tftjoy~ · •. i'ine Liquor! Delicateatn Speciall! B ·t.he ww..s.-··-·~ ...... '3.99 H ~ _ff 11Uil5J- A • iiolh blend ••• quart bottle , •• 4.99 SDced lbloina ........................... · 6'1' Rath'•, •• 1 pound pacblo •.• All Beef or All Meat! lllder's Scotch ...... ~.~ ....... '12.49 Sliced American ................... · ...... ~r ' ' " \•\~ • l •I \ ~ ~1 ... Canots~~ .... ~.:., ...... : ........ 2 .. 1'5• Gard~~ fresh ••. ln_ l PWJ!d plio packa~ . ' .. HUll11N&-T11N HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St •, . -' . . • NEW~qtI:8~~~7 N?"PQrl:_~l!!'!~~~-·;a!!f!LI!!-P~:·!~~~~ff.-ViJlage Ce~ter) Also-coriVenieritl}Tf¢callill sfo7es 1ff'Arciitfl8,-Pssadena and South Pasadena ' . .__._ __________ .._. ___ ........ ;i,;.; ......... -.. .... ~·-...a.M;:>iii~.,"'"' • .;;,--.:;·;;;--c.;· .. •:..•u_:..,..:.;, o • ..:_~-:....~:, ___!:_;. ~·-':;-.:• ~• _' I ': .' ;I:. =~ 'I : :, ; -:. : ; " .' • . . -_,_, ~=--;·· . ~ ' I • Special purchase! Boys' better mock tu .. knit·~ GOSTA MESA .. . . . .... '· , r •! • .... . --.. -... -·f ' -· ;_ NiWRORT.. i~N · ~ ' ' :.. .. :· :. . ~; . : r.•.'jt J f=e~.......... .. ' f. . ' . J t I i r ~ • . -- ,, I , . I ~· COSTA .MESA -(Herbor Shoppfftf"~) ti.----·· .. -····· ~-···-··--.. ... · . . ·' '·. • I ._ j :- • \. •..: t f"•. t t .. . \ HUNTINGTON • I . ... - BEACH (Hun&gl«A\ Center) .. -- y Through Satu~ay . . .. • • NEWPORT BEACH -··' ·' .. ---·-· ·-...... -· ......... ···-··· ........... ,. ... ---······--····--···---------·_. ...... - . ;-, • 'I " L ......... L.. ·i. ' • ' '' r ., i1•:1.4 "" .. ••.. ,,:~ 'lt1 )' _.,,,1 ,•l"..n' .;-'-;> •J.1"1:101.•l';fl'' • • . . -. • run pnces ••• _ conON KNIT IUYI IACK·ZAP TUITf.l.TOP The "turtl." wfna In the ....... 9Wllt et ,.. ... Sleek. oH combed cotton lnNrlodc bit ftnlehee flnt In....,, Int In~ • ..,..., out In front at thit .,...,_ p 1cM4 lp9dll ...-. Turtleneck t. ""°°"' bed zlpp1r to keep thfngl ......,. WW.., bfue, Wea, pinfc and moire. Mias•• tfna small, medklm, lorge. , 2fo~ • { .l!\IJtiN·PREST• SPECtALI STRAIGHT 11G PANTS ~ of leggy, ....... ,.... et ........... ,... ,.,. Pl"llt JOl>'ester ............ _._ ..... --.. ··•Iv. IR 'em,.._.., In 'em,.,.....,._.,_., ... .,._tonk.._ of~lightblw,,....,.a.y, ... .,."9wn.~-... aide zipped, ond1trofiht-thapedfor,_fwctkM111ee-..lto 11. 299 Jlt, CANVAS PANTS WITH llO-TIME SAYINGS ~)'OU "" ... forww) Great .eton CGIMll,.... ..... for the funlor .. f9A cN MW .. J., ~ f'w f-.r budoet1. Wlct.ffap,H ltotton OtMI .. ,,...., •ntour wal1t • NOhm, ::-v-'-r•»t•~a.99 $i ... 5 .. 1S cosrrA 'MESA' -I· HU timTON BEACH ·. NEW RT . BE>:CR I .L.,.j~~~~ ~L .. -nnn __ ...._.__,,~~-~~---r-----••uo • a= .. ~~L .. ___ ,. 1 l ~-------------------~ , .. \ I 4 ' ft · ' · All. Nn'1•Y Stores O~~Every Night Monday Through Satu~ AL!t8'J!~1'f I ~ • neve~1rons for .boys! Boys' wash 'n wear poplin iacket . ·-., The ".very.,.,,eorl' jOcbt oi this You~~ low price! Oacrort9 polyester and cotton popftn washes In a whiz and ne.da little or no Ironing! UgM. weight enough to W9Cll' always, ~ tible c:olkr to wear 2-ways. 2 -tt pockets ••. pock.t the tcMngsl 5;," I ',. 11 3.88 IUTIONDOWN SPORT SHIRTS lutton-down hie cool and butt~up these b")'1l Penn-Prest pofyeat.r and cotton blend1 apln pffJld1 ond eofldt through the washer and ctry.r with MVer on Ironing needed. 3-button collar, bock pleot ond tapered toils. Sizes6tol81.88 PLAID ROUND LEG JEANS Bronco bargains to lasso right nowl Penn-Pr .. t Kodel• poly.ster and cotton means you never, ewr iron th.ff golf oping jeans ... and how they gol Prancin' pffJids with round t.g Western styfing ... sove buckaroos ot this special p<ice! 6to18 reeulor• or 6 to 16 slims. 2. 99 Best-dressed in Penn·-Prest® for.} girls-on-the-go Spring-a-ding styles at budget-ringing price.I N.vu- lron polyeater and cotton dresa-upe for big 'n Httle sist.rs. 3 to 6X4n check Into" Spring with a drep of the woist1ine and dainty ·9)'et.t-beodlng trim. The 7 to l-4 Ht atrlpH ·Up .and toket o •mocking for 1ehoal-to-porty ,,,..ttineu. ,ep-up post.t., perky lowp';": .... s4 ,. ... Girls' Penn Preste lace-graced blouses ladylike frills that go roueh 'n tumble In the wo.her ond ~ ..... : nMd ·no ftfMtlQ eYW, not ......, the rufffeel Sprlng-ie.t way )o ~p. easiest woy to cl~up ot thls Wff P'enbey pric:el Frothy wN .... Siae17te1' ~ CUFFED TOP GIRLS' "SOXI NYLON STUTCtt COSTA MESA • HUNTINGTON BEACH .... -· . NEWPbRT BEACH (~ashion klancl) . ,,,--. . . . - :. f COSTA MESA .. ~r. Shoppi"? .. ~n~) ! ·.·.--. ;:.~:.: •• --!-. .':.! ............ _ •• ":" .. . l . . '" , •. "1. ... t .. : ... ' " • , . .. .f .... I ::.. .... : ~.: . ' .. ,. -,,. c---~--i-~~iso· IL r,, hie shim, SIHI n to 4 1~19 ~pe~I · Purc:has~t · · lodd et . e~ ,, .. t·~,r beddY,-buYs . for ·t~~ · evvest · arrivals! , What nket _,CO!fle for the youngelf """"'*' ef the fomUy than tNa tharming Todclet"""' ... ~ acae- aorletl '"""~ aUa .. ~ ~ finished wfth either 'WW,. or G¥0C0Clo enamel. Quaflty craftM wfth double drop .W. ond low poeition lprtng that odjuatt at the touch of a to..~ rclllll.~ balls, 2-lnch plastic coaatwl for~!>'· A fvJt ebc·ytar size ... o real Penney-low p1ee. • "' 2CJ.88~:. Fl•rol prif\t crib mott,... hot a 70.COU ~ unit wfth cotton ~....-.d lhal lnlulatlon. Smooth tuft. less construction, v~ted bptdw.. "-*Mll9Clw,f CIO'IW. 1 1<t66 florol prtnt crib ltum,... for~· prot.c:tloft. Pour Mdlon bctx edg. ~tructlon ofj 11\ inch polywethane foam, 8 lncbn high. Efoetlc map '*9· 3 • 33 tr I .. HUNTl~GTON 'B~CH --NEWPORT BEACH • ~ (Huntington Center) '. .. . .. . . . ' .. ' (F•shion hl.nclf ,i • ~ , ' • J l ' . .................. :: ·-~·., .............. . ............ ··--········ ..... .. ··-·· .. . ·.~'::-::;··"· ·.~·:"'::.·:i :.-.,;~:··~ ~· ..... : ·.; ~------------------------------------------~- • COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) ' • I . -:'\, ~1 ~.~ J .. -- ,.,' ... ! ... ~ ... FantCiSi-ic ~··r~ductions! Outstanding -selection of Fashion MC.nor~ -~ draperies: . """' .,..o;... -50 Inches wide• ... r . .. ·-75 inc·h•• wlcle• .......................... ~ .. ·····················!~ J.,. fOO inchet wlcfe• ................................. , ............. ~10 -~ ... .. . ~ lrighten your eutlook (what9Ver the lia• of your wf~) end etlf.Y- the.. super tavinta during Penneys •-'tina Spr.ing lolgalft Day.. Co ... tloft Include. "*'1 of eur finest quollty foahfon Manor9 de opwtes In "'1"' cw., rkhly ~ lobric., aome .._ .. J*f. All mochl,. wathable .•• Many wftft o ~.-Rn Penn-Preat9 flnlah. ~uny I" nott OMI ..t.ct hanc&. eome twwedl or rkhlt colot.d brocade patterns to hfobllght ony defior. Remem~-s..tnge are youn ~ ~ la1t1 t , . .. . '!'. •0r ....... 11.11 ..... 45 .. , 549, tr •"4 k ' fenglh while 1tectt. .... .. HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT iBEACH ~ (Huntington Center) . '\. - (Fashion Island) ..... ~~-~~.;-:~.~\-.-.. -.-.. ~-~------.~.~,-.-----.-.-.--.----------,-.-----,-.-.---TO:~==·-=-=,==-:-=:=.~.--.----.... ------------------~ ... -------=----------------'------------ ---·------ ·, -- .. ·:... ·, ~ ... PAff!S, IEG. 4.29, NOW -, ~ · ... .-,>Oft: '~ ~ . SHIMS, IEG. 3 .. 98, NOW· · u4 ~•:., u: ~~·: ,,. .. ~.;:,._ ~, ""' . , ... ··""' I • ,,,._,;:-~ .... -. : ~ ... ~. . ~. "" ~."' .. TOUGH ••• _,. ... ~(cetNft tw1• . IAIY CAll ... tt..(,,.~~ • W-11...... . .. • - ITAY NIAi AlWAYt ••• octudtly -"it elj wif~t. ... .to, Mell through your •cffft dQy. • ..; ~' ~ . ; .. c • v .: Trvtt lig Mt#. to keep yw ~ foed.., 1h9 lob· ~.Ya ea1 ~tw/ cotton twin llhlrt hot French hnt, long 1toy-tucbcl tolft and tW9 fMincly button flop pocbta. , ..... ef heavier I~ oa. poiy..ter/cotten tWtlf, have qutdHtry pocbtfng -waltttMN. loth .,. ,..,.,.... whh sou R ....... ChooN from vot-cty.d khold, llW '"'1 er wfllte, T~ wlu., even 9t PenM)'I evwyday low pric.a ••• now prlc.d jo aave you men. !ut hurry. , • special low prlcea In effect through Saturday only! \ ' : .. . .... . . . . ~ ' .. ... COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH ., I' .. _.,_. ___ ....... ,, .. ... • ... ·-~ . .. .111' -.. 'Is , ~ J ,. ... ~ .. .,~ ~·; --r:· .. , ... - . .... t'6' ~"' . ,_ ... . -.. .. ...... - -· NEWPORT BEACH {Harbor ~hopping C~nt8!) (t:f unti"Clt~!'. Ce~~J ................. : • ·. .· . . . J.F•s.hJ!~ . hte~). . .: M ....... ~ •• t . . ~ ... _ •... ""-1'1,..,-....... ----.... '~--........... ---..... ----.-.--------------------~--------------------··-~ ...... -----... ----...... ------. ... ~--...... _. ~~·~I .. ;. . .. .... , '- ,. ' . \ . .. I I I I ' I I 1 l l ' .... . •- SAVE · $79 ... our 17" d9rlt sp.tnWI ... finish oM W9" trim eofL kiln clrlM hcirCl- wood fraele, skirt finished with 1CGIJoped edge over contrcvtl"Sl ~der. Oracle 1. Reg.:: '320 P-, •• llttle •• $13 per month " ,; .-.l ., --... . SA VE $69 Oft our 91" traditi••I looM p;&; low bHk eof• with kiln dried harcfwOod frame, no-sag spring construction, lfreu poi~ , double doweledl Grade E. R•g.:~: ·'280 Pay u 1tHt. •• 11 .50 pet month Jt SAVE $69 Oft our 103" biscuit tuftff mod- ern style tuxedo sol• with buttQn_tufted back and seat of pofyurethane foam, all fabrics stain rwpe~fent. Grade C. Marshall spring tintt. • '· ';r,. .. • Reg=· ~'280 ; I -rf'J M ...... u T1 .IO pet month , . . . , .. • S.v. $69 on .;, f•ntaatic 90" mOcl9m _,. wltf\ 11.-, clean lines and smart button turt.d - back, upho"'-red to your order. Grode I . Reg. Sa69 ·'116 NOVI -< Pa'/ at lfttle •• 9.SOper "'°"'h . ' S.v• $95 on our 101'' Early Amerkain an- tom sof• with rnapie finished expQMd wood, kiln dried ~rdwood fra.,..ond button tufted badt. ~A. Reg. $47'· 1384 NOW . Pay•• llttte H $11 per IMntta NO MONEY DOWN ••• USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT-l»LAN NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (fashion Island) (Huntington Center) :~T -~.-.. ,-,-,-, .. -.. -:.-~-~-=:-•1-~--.-~ .. -~-.. -.. -.~-.-.. --... -.~-.. -.. -:·-~-.~~-:.-·.-:·-~-:.-.-.-.~-~--.-.. -:-~.·-.~-:-.. -.--.-.-.--.. -.-~.-.. --.. -~----.. -.-.. -.. -~.--.--------------.-._J,. •• ,. . . . .. ) "\ . .. .._!.:,. ...... $: .. .., ~ ..... ~ .,,. •lit ~·...L: d~ning set reduced . time. only! Now la "1 time to buy Old World charr!t+ln.owr b9utiful R $ 79 9 dark pecan ·veneer• over· hardWood w ith dtstinctive eg. . . w rought Iron hardware ... 6<Y' -china breakfront, 42 x 66'~ . - treatle'table with an 18'' leaf, 4 high back side-c-,bol end NOW '699 2 arm chairs w ith bl!ck vinyl seats. Pay 11 llttfe 11 24.25 per month Our 8 piece Spani1 dining group h•• e~hlilg but a high Rrk•I, Reg. $551 -Now·'•SOO ,. Pay H l#tfe. a• 17.75 per 'rMNl9h Dark 1ntlqve finish' walnut china breakfront, trestle table with 3 leaves, 4 high back aide chairs and 2 arm chairs thet w ill make dining the occ~tl~n It should bel PllCIS INCLUOI DEUVllY IN LOCAL AUA • , , NO DOWN PAYMENT .•• USI PINNIYI T1MI PAYMENT PLAN NEWPORT BEACH . HUNTU~GTON BEACH .. . . . ......... . . . . . (f~~ion _Isl~~) ..... _ ..... (Huntinfton Center) . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . -.. . ...... . • ..... ( ~ 1 I I ' . "\ 19 -·-~-· =-.-"'--: --~' _·_ -•_;' ---i. J.. v• ...-..... ---....... , All PMtney Stores Open Every NlgM Monclcly Tllroueh latw a., ._ .... ___ ,~· fl1·11t1ri . tilr.......__... TDDAVI 4 pc. Spanish beclroo.m group reduced for a limited tilne! Spanish style group of carefully d istressed dark Old World finished pecan veneers with unusual wrought iron hard- ware, indudes a 7 drawer triple dresser bose, a 28 x 49'' mirror, a 5 drawer chest and •twin or full headboard with a frame ..• Old World charm that 9Tve1 bedtime stories a happy ending! NIGHT TAILE IEG. $80, NOW 969 . . ~ .;-T ._..,.,. "• l ·,r· . :.: !'" ~ Reg. $499 ~ NOW 5436 P1y •• little •• 17 .50 ,_, month ... ,.., 2i • 4 pc. s,,.,ftish be~~ 9(0up .·. 4' pC. Med'iterranean bedroom group reduced for • Ii~. time only! reduced f'!r a limited time onlyl Reg. $69a· Now ·1p3 · a~. $339 Now 29750 • "' I I • ., Pay •• little 20.7~ pw ....ef1 -·.. Pay •• ~ittle •• $12 per month This ~rmln9 •oup fnclOI. ~ triple dresser, landscape Oak veneers ~r selMtecl hardwoods delicately dia-mirr.or~ 3 cite~~ chest with 2 trays and 1 sheff, • tressed, this charming group Includes: a triple dresser, a full •tz. headboatd. All flntshed In dark pecan veneers v.,tlcal mirror, • 5 drawer chest and a full atze head- over selected hardwoods. board. All dr4-wers are dove-tailed, dust-proofed •nd _ C'tAfer-guided.' -~•GttT . A!~~ RE~, $75, ~ow 165 NlGHT .T~BLE REG. $160, NOW s 3 N<? MONEY=~O~N :..::·USE PENN,£Y'S .T!ME PAYMENT PLAN ) l N~W~.RT . BEACH ··~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 •• (Fa~ .. IMnd). · (Huntington Center) ~:?!~======:-:-::=-=======~:"::~~~~~~":":":'~:":":":~~=--------~----......... illl!llll ........ ____ ~··~·~-·~·1'' •I • ~-··----------...-----·-----·--·.-.--··········-·······-· ··- • l --~-------------------------~--.......... .. t n·· ""' " -.. -------All. Penney Stores Open Every Night Mondav Through Saturday .'• ·these Pennc:r-C.ltt•·pc;wer ·: NBWPORT : BEACH . (Ful.ion 111'.incfJ ' .. ' .... ell · ·redu_ced ·1 ~:·"::. ., ~ HUNTINGTON · BEACH ; ·; ffU..tlngfon Ciiifwl .. • • • ............ 4 ............................................................... --........ . I "j I 1 I I ~-l .1 ·.....-- I I ,_ l . 1. \ .. 1.. '"- u ~ f • • r • "' --.. . . . ·:~n·· Penney . ..,_.op." Ivery Night MMtclay Thro"9'1·tatVrclily Spri·ng . gain ~rest• .. · · leteviiion: ivcilue.sl - C. Ughtwelght, t">rtable all-channel U1111 TYi .,...,.,,....... •.. ~ 79.95 ys! ·' ..._tmftUnl"'\RT •m::Aru ,......._. ,• • ' I •• ·~l;i "~ • ~'\mtff • HUNTINGTON BEACH JMthtlM' C•itte.1 · ' .. ~. , .. ,.,. -•I ·.•.' • '. "."•; ~~.,........, ............ •~1 ' ~ • • • r -W • • • • • ~~-~-=;.=;:;;~----------.---·------------- .. .. •,. t.~ 4 • . ' .: "4 • k · ' l ' ( , . , , . .. . " . • • ·t ;. •' ; ,I;- A ~ • I - .. ~ ...... ---. -.. -·----...-~----------~-----,,..-r---~-~-~--...---------~---~---~--------------------~ "LOT-ADVElltTISlllt-lt -· :t!i , ~ ' . ' . ' \ : . r ,. ,. ( ' , 'Hal Sa11¥91'1 '• llll!!lil _b\lsk re•·f~~­ frQm lohDSQD & ~n. ~ • • "~ ,.t • .. :.;t ~t..~ t,· f~J, You can-• monoy -Y leatf"t· . ¥"!' ~ .c(1en Je.t.,~i a!\rt!fili lie- , low !bit.average coif'of owning a car. 'lllla,il ma,de ~le 1?,1.11,>.e W;t' ti>les , • at wJdcl> · "~ ci11 ~ r •1"1' ·~piUll • .volulll" . dls<ounti, ,th11. 1111\!fal. /lo ec<JDiJmks •of •!Wt 1ype 'o~~. When leasing, you pay only for Ibo services ·as yO'I ,recei.VJ them. . ' . ~1"!.i1!11),..,4...; ~~~· Oil .pl. y~\IJi*•lfli"~~; .... b,<>.1 1 hem>m• ord.eal. of shopping !qr yt>ur new car and disposing of your used car is eliminated when•you lease . .· from us •... i •• .>·:.: · t~1 .-;~ ·: ' .. .. " '. No C·1 1 h lnvnfrmint Ii required. People who buy their cars ~ for ( their transportation over th~'?'J llli i ' cycle: When feasliig, you paf only ror the services as you receive the~. This ... J, •' frees the capital you would have invested In car owner· ship for income producing _gpporwmt.ies. • • ' lj .• ( ~ • ' Leasing 1intPllfl .. your tix riCordl. Allowable tax de· duct:hmK are easily computed and documented. on lease cars. Many oMiershlp costs which are often overlooked an .autorhaticilly intjQded 'tn yodr tleiluctloiis. ~ ' . . PREE /MINTINANCI" .. ~ I . ' . \ • • ' , l"IJl'l, ~ ~--~r:.. .. " ' . ' -C•·t • l , •·. ·' J ! ; ; c: t1 '!' .• • '"t..;, .... J,) ]' . '·) ., ' ,...,_ ~ !. .... We offer you a Maintenance Coupon Book 'Which covers everything from . tune·ups and ~ c.~•ng~ ·at recom· mended intervala to tlie_ .replaCemeM~ of windshield wiper blades and taillight bUJhs. All you do is take your car to any aUthorize:d Lincoln-Mercury Dealer anywhe~e in the country, hand him your coupon and .sign the re· pair order • • • no. lUM • :, , no red tape. And we can extend . tiie .tun nt"w , car warranty on Linc0ln;Mercury products up to 60,000 miles. HERE. ARE BUT A FEW OF, Ti,ij;, MANY FINE TRADE· INS AT JOHNSON & SON ,·.,·:·,~•?•, ·~·.·?·,·~•Tl•.~.~·.·~·~•T•. ~-.Jth~' l·,-,4•tin-~·~·,i·, ~-.~!·~""!. ~;~·,,·,·,--0"~:1.".~,,~.·bl• .. -fi·o.""lw/b"tk. ¥inyi -~ •. ~.~~~· R1~1'l~~. ~is"'.","dl";,~, · roof. fl.illy lux, •quipt. inc. tilt llrn9. whl., .tereo l•p• •y1t., fwll I, drl¥•n ~ly 11,INIO 'rfii :1rnlli•c: lioeiiii!fifO, ·WR:2~7 · ~ '\: ' ' : There are many ~lease plans to· ch~ fr,oin ..... •••t, P/W, A1¥1·fM, .1wto, \l'P·· 1ir cond., pwr. door lock14 •tc, On• own, rn•lnt, lik• new. 'l.il1nc1 of n•w cir W1rr•nty, WAT· '" '67 CONTINENTAL ... .•. ~ 4 .. r. Se•fo•IT).l ll"JI· li11., drk. 1¥y told Int., lt. lwy 9old l1nd•I roof. Fully I••• Otflllpt. inc. tilt 1rn9 whl., 1t•r•• t1}1• •y1t., f11lt pwr,, I owner, il•1vf. m1int. TRK42"4 ' ' .. . I ", ~3895 ;., l'>-"" ..... '66 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE Stri•lnt 1utu111n r11H•f rni1t fini1h wilh.rn1tchh19 h1t.rior & bl1ck fop. A1 you would ••p•ct 1uto, tr1n1, 1!.1dlo "'°l•f9r•o f1p• l'fl• 1m 1uto. ternp. 1it cond., 1uto, tpe•d control, P'S, Pl, ' w1y •••t, P/W, •tc. C1r•fully m•int. 2•,oqo 1ctu1I ini. SQL220. . $J4.95 . '67 TORONADO . ' I011u11l. Gr•cl1n 9old fin. w/1•tin blk. Int. D•I. cp•., full pwr., f•c. •it cond. I own., Ii•• new. Show1 f11tidio111 c•r•.; Stock Nwrnber 4244 ' '$3195 .. :i ~t·'·~· 'l':.. >'· ~" ,,. ... ~11(-~ ' ·:. ,':j~ :;\(;.~~ '"4,.,.j'· ~'I ~ .. ! ·:r.· . ., :E . ·:~ ... !:) .0r·· :: l?f.i9 Continentals, tirfiolns; · Mercurys ' and Cougars are waiting for you ••• today ••. at Johnson and Son, I' . ' $3095 '."I~ . . .. . .. . , t:'l-::Jf;· )\): 167 .MERCURY · Co,\_.t,pm. •I•. •••· Si•k•i •~ti• •"· ''" i•I. •· tr• ~on., PS, Pl, ck. f1c.i;lti..wtt..w..r•ck. du•I •I II 'r"' cer rnwtt ••• to WUlllJUZ'f.llH717 ':o' \~: $2795:1 :·~·\. ··67 COUGAR M1cl. illu1 .m1t1,lic fin , w/mtch. Int, 1, fr1n1., 11.lH, P'S, te. V•ry. cl•1n, Lie. UOAf19 ' ;._;. \ --· ... aa JWIOl kYD. $229·5:.,· \IT' "· .. ' . ('"' • ·I~· . ··" M .;.~ ~ .. ~ / ' • great cars, greal'p~, great terms -and great!peop~e ,., lo 'hoy from!· ' . .. ' . N .. •;' ~~·.P c"i""' 0 j , ' , ' . ' •) . ,c .,, _,. ... ,,... ... ) -• •.L .. • •. ft. ' • .. i .&1 •\. " .. ~ .. ..,.,. " ' ~ ... , 1 • • I p -. i "· ,} . .... -. I , <•' , ' ' . ., .. ' . -.• ... ...... . • ' , t '· J -. t ••• r. ... ~ ... , ··-·'" ' ...... ~ . , ' . ' , ,. .~ ... .. f. I ' " •. J~~ :\. ;. .. ' . ' ' -..... ,. . t .. . --"'" •• ·~"· • " .. ~ '•. ' , !~ •• ' ' ... •1: • . ' .< ., <, • 1 !~tl(:'U.#1), ·1• •• ::.nt~:;.4 l•'<'; --r.· f· I ·' I ' '1 t\1 \ ~. \ t ~ ·-1-, .,..,. •1· .. ' ·"'· !' • • .:{ .;•! .• ~ ... l_'(, .• • -----------. ------ ----- ' ·j ; a£ t t 15 t as a a ; a; a; 2 a a a a a; a a 2 a a a a a a a ; a ea; a a a a : z a a a a : a a a a ; c cc c a c : a : a ry a so a a u a • ... ---· . • HOuSES FOR SALi! ~ 'HOUSIS _.aa SALE HOUSES FOt1 SALE . HOUSU lea SALii HOUSH FOa U.LI ,.., 1000 G-· : lOao GtMral ' 1000 GtMr•I 1000Genoral 1000 ~~~iiiiiiiiil~~~~--~ 161h I Tuotl n -Cotla Mosa Excellent location, near schools, $boP.Pi!Jf and beach Onl)' t few lefl Bny now while In· tens! rates are OnlY - -- 7% wllh 20% down -71h% with 111"~ Dn. no 2nd -no points -29 yn on 1M.11nce ... . ''l •• 1.u.A., 'tl.'ii.! OPPORTUNITY Exclu1lva Agonl Jim SI.;... P· a.' palmer jn~~H'P..c!~JI-*87.500. is ~n unheard Of price for this 4 ... · · · • OOPS!! heclitiv• View Home RANCHO LA CUESTA at BrQOkburst & Al· Spanlih .. dNlp -11"fkllni ~L 4 lilt, I ba, Jania tn HUAtlngton Beach. We thought we lush lancbqp).ng, ~,llOO. · had all our new homes 10ld ' bilt one of our 1007 .l>OIP.!lln 'torr. '"'"" Tornce buyen bu IJOen transferred & we m1111 sell ' · ~ dol Mor . this home immediate!y. Thia San ~el OPEN WID. & THUii. 1 • 4130 Dll>del is a .... utiful 2 llloey home featunng: · • 4 bedroo11>1, 3 bathr!)O!llS, formal dlnlng Wm. Whiten, Rtaltor "'°"" family room with a ml flreplaee, elec- .. ' 2" ""'rlno,' a.111N hltfld \r1C buil~tn kttdien, hmlrloua green shag 6l5-ml' Ppoil 'Iii •·lftioy Nltht' cirpell throughout. The outside includes ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll!!!IJi'•!!i'ilz" :~-i··=-==~1 .. -root-lo eoncrete driveway. GraClOUS ' )!Ying for qoly $31,800 with 10% down. Im· :JtilnL "«bll!•J' 'mediate ocl:upancy. Dall 968-2929 or 968- ' ' H:,:O:::;U::S;::IS:;..:.;FO""R""SA~~ Goiwtl 1000 1100 Home + 112 Acre · 3377 VIA UDO· ·-;~·1..... bdrm up, 2 bdrm lower, leuebold lluplex 'Tract Ph· s.IG-5153 From L.A. ~II MA 5-8034 ... _ ~-~$,•Jlll..,.aD.d.. butl! .. ,· • ' ,, . .,, DiV«U<I awner must~ .. ~:ooo~ down. . NOWI · Pa'~-'lfllat Js 0 J.338 any day from 10 to 6. • , J. SIUCO ,._j 1 , • •-'• di., .. . . 11~1rc1tr. ''lb• .....,... ~Q wlL\ ifl1LD A vALur. :=.::;~EU=;:: · $1175 DOWN THE ".RIST RIGHT" Nestled on a1JnOlt "' aCrt In primt locatloli. Jm~ to fuld this .. pared al amulnl low 'Pir 1 ( e with home on it. An for $19,950. P~lllD H-.OP $1>8 ,_. ...,,. ..ub '11% YOUllt QM)ICl•Ott.;~ flrw"CkW ava11ab1e to all. VA owned. Vacant 3 BR YOUR , I.Of* . 1-m ""' -· de-homo. all nowt.Y painted. i ''ESTATE SALl'' home for any Iantlly, •rfng"' especially if you Jlke a t'~ SPPRR~G G ,. ' ' ' john macnab Corner duplex -% bdrm oath, upper furn. rouii'.iiEDROOil, lW.~ aDd view of Channel, lower fenced patio -,...,... -,_ -+ dbl. garage, ohopptn&, Qcean & park alep.t with Bil ~ kilebm. away. $37,500 is a marketable va1ue for tti1s · Beautiful peneDnw, carpetl pro~y. Fee simple. '"'a~t J ~-~~ty t.cbed prqe, J batU. cam-Pymnta of $157/mo pays all. an tStber a~ area. plete chain nnlmd flendlg. 1' frlCtd yard, Good Joe. • ... iJB,500 po Jmrryl ,OrtJ::/ $11,950. rnalutt, well kept neJa:b. J:. REALTY :.""':1 ;ithoo=~ I "anuflin<" ' ' . '. BEACON BAY f. -A ptl•ate commWlily AT TUMIMDOUS ( I rlh & c SAVINfiS TO ;YOU 0 eswo ' o. J' \I : • \\ I I I I I ~!"I:\ \H \\ Srn.E wrs, friendly 2629 Harbor mvd., C.M. M\ghbon I: I o t I of charm. Mulivc 24xl6' OWNER BAILING OUT II beach, pier, Dorat ,\; lemia court: 1 Duplex. 4-2 Bed- rooms, SS'l.500: AUD a:irgle famUy 2 ii: den or l Bed- nxma. ODe of the finest .. r I: built bcOel. in ~ Bay -S59.SOO at we d consid- er }etl!ing this fine propert)'. Oell• W appointmenL {7141 642-8235 881 DoYer Drive, Suite 101 Macco R:ralty C.O. Bld&'. Newport Beach Ii I~ . BlACH INCOME I; 5 loll t9 the beach. O~cr • , Spa.rllh, architecture . sur· ; • ~ by modem. 3 units I ' in """' of a fa" llltin1:. OWner l8YI &e Ii or tf'ade lot 1: inoome. $52,000 '. ' 1· 1 ll!f'Port It r· Victoria . ~ 646-1111 • Open Daily . 219 Jasmine, CdM ~r Wint11 lo -trade for . omaJJ.-"' Bli,, "°ff.' .H" 3 BR 2 bath Mme la just -4 houses trorn beach. Large " ·r living room + family room ~. with fqoeplacc, dlnin& area, ~ huge lc:itchen with all the built-ins, aervice porch, dble pra&e OQ alley + storage. This property has 1ar&t new ..: loan w~ can be auWnect. J Var.ant. rutr. &l&J928 or w.01as , *LACHENtiffER SECLUDED EASTSIDE ::: 8l!drootm, 2 batM in a quiet non-tnillic mttt - cosy tiYing room with tirick nttplace, kitchtn ~-all electric built-ins -• dandy bu,y at S26,900 with 10% down. Owner will consider 1 tJ:8de for ~ or -4 units. REAL ESTATERS ~ 646-7171 -· W,2313 and dn.pes thnl-out. Corner J. 1ot. """"' .,..,., •tacl>ed "SAN CLEMENTE VIEW LOT' garqe and easy accea from -- . sideatrttt torear)'8ld. 'l1lil Need a change of'_.Pate! R-1, best location) ...,..-.-,. ('Jevi!l lo't. NOir' go]f'CGIU'M.and .tndustJy ~ EASl'SIDE OOSTA 1IESA -t'l-,500. with,... name it terms. ~~= ~~~ o\•[A\1"'4~UL NEWPORT Joachim Catholic Oiurch , . .,j W LI $ . and l'aroebla1 school so% ., . • · n T '' bn ~ and can .be!V- surned. Owner will cany a 2nd T.D. for qUalifitd buyer. F1JLL PRICE ONLY $29,lXIJ -SU,BMlT YOUR OFFERS 2211 t1111t ~ . Perfect family home in best area 3 bdrm. 2 bath, deligbtfUl kitchen opens up to lanai & Patio are;.. Di¢ng r!X>m & plush living !'OOm compliment» t h I~ well matnlained home. $43,500 -fint Ume lbted for sale REDClllEI · R E A L T y Eve...g~Call 'Sl&-i!a7 • 2025 W. BalbQa Blvd., Newport Beach Well done 1hroughoUt! Quality carpets & drap.. cs, tasteful decor & Jarge kit "Uke nl!W'' condition. Owners mov· ing to Portola. Only $36,900 •' ' . '' ... ..,, .. ,. , .. , ... 1 .,,.,. ,,,11, Rentals -673-3663 S1IH -67UllOO Four Bedrooms • $19,500 Move Into this large ,arnily home toda;y. Close to lho~ ping, acbools and churches. Just put on the market. this one won't lut. $15.1 per month includes taxe& and in- sunnce. ONLY S100 DOWN , tiOtal cash requjred ! I . Low closina: cod to financial- ly quallliied buyer. 2 BR. prlnie Eastside location. 116 x143' lot room for expansion & additional unit with vaJi. ance. Don't miss this one! Terms offered subject to bank approvaJ & CRV. $21 ,500 Low prices 1 are uaured. er, tralned or tloo by Stanco'ai:#s-.- ana: many f of· trx. p!rience 1Jl. out- at.andlq: value Jnlo i)om,eL CHOOSE . FaOM OUI DbllONS, mUS: EL!YATIONS Stanco otters m&ny home dealj:ns includln& Con-temporary, Randi, Medi· tffl'MeM, Split-level .I: Colonial. PLANS CAN BE VARIED TO surr YOUR NEEDS FinanclnJ AvaJlable • CALL 5S7.Q310 Open 7 Daya 10666 Weatmhuiter Ave, Garden Grove Balanced Pbwer Hornet EAST SIDE COSTA MESA NEWPORT HGTS. AREA ALL THIS. AND R2 $25.SOO Ommbw l bl!droom or 2 bedroom &: den. 1% battia. f!ftplaoe, carpets "' drapes, built-in & forced air beat. Thia Mil landscaped home call be fowxl on a hure ru lot wttb a Vt.I')' lari:e ferc- ed heck )'Ud, with mom for a boat, Qmptr, or b¢Jd a mrta1 unit! It bu a pavtd alley entra"N" f.or ui;v a~ cess. Loeatlcn ii jdft a1JDut 546-5990 pt'rlect,.114-obl):a.tQ Newport Nawport pade achool,'anft only 211llos to tle'W (ity padl:. Eaa1 17th Charm Galore ""3 WESJWFF DRIVE •t ""'' and w .. tcltll """' 646-T711 Open Eve1. Vidoria ping and two other IChoo1a 4 + Family Room 1 within walldl>s dllbnc<. For MESA DEL MAR AREA OF CAMEO SHORES 646-1111 ,.pili>lm•nt ID"'· writ>' OOSTA MESA. Plush fomial Remarkably beautilW Private Party entry. Large living n:x>m Ocean View Home I :::=:c::::==:=z==:==i;= ""' P6Jl with brick fireplace, Sliding with '4 Spacious Bedrooms I 1 Dailv Pilot gtais doors leads bi ' tree family rm &. ttreplace Exclusiv-I -'--=c..:=--- fonn i-"'-"L<rg."talntly pool wilh fountain 2 BR DUPlll room with beams. Mathers fonnal pool Side dlnlttr nn Just Offered d~am ~tcMn 'with' bullt·inl over 3400 sq ft o1. 1\IXUl'Y o.armtni: Cape Cod. 3 BR. plus dl.Sh~1 e at l n g Owner moving -ha.a priced ba••· •-·•·-counter. '4 fa-n .. ~ms.' , , '---, lo -" at .,.,.. r.Mo CODY. den, 2 •u•, un::..-"'• ... .,,...,, uwn .,.. •--covered patio, copper phnnb-1'~antastj'c master witb pri-Call Jim C.Obb ing. Freshly decorated. Ex· vale l>atb. 1· Res 613-1864 E Qt.Sb C. oellent WestcliU valUI! •••••• FORESr sd-'31< N, IN ...................... $42,SOO M_,i ,.Maker! 10% down -Income $920 mo. 8 -2 Bedroom hollSeS EasWde O:ilta Mesa 119.SOO Ag!. 642-1545 Mary Loo Marion .......... Cohlweli, ...... & Co. tm •· C.I lltlllwn ....._.. .... C..ffwllllt Kl NNl .,.__ Larae SOO 1q ft wtlll with en- closed pragea ii: 1D eii:O!l- Jent corWlitkrrn. Corner Joca • tion near .schoob A ahop- ptng. °""'' ...... $24,000 •. - PERl=<ON J~ " .. ~.·r ~,. • * 64:Z.1n1 Anytime* lovely Model Home 10 uN1rs GOOd a,,.'i,.A~!.N'!,.._ 3 BR . "A" Frame unusuai • bedroom bom• ~y IVAN WElLS on 3 lots. Adjacmt 10 Ocean-_all panel den, 1% ha. all Modern Beach Home, 3 BR, with large patio~ pool Va· ---·-SPLIT ·LEVEL 1904 Harbor Blvd. ~Sa.ya, "Bring Offer." Laree 1.amlly room with expos· Meaa Verde pool home. ~ I I I \ J " CM. '" '. 642.m ..t be.m.d VAULTED n....n Eves. 1003 Baker, C. M. M&S440 CEILINGS, m a s a i v e $2S,950. Money Wkl. CAl.L ~ AL &.ACK 511-1151 (open Th Wishes raL!ed hearth fueplaee, eve1) Herl~ Real .Estate u ... :~ ..... -ON THE BEACH :;:: = =-~ ;,t. BY OWNER' .,__ 3 BR are important tD )'\ii look Exduaive Orlna CaN bmne • kltchi!n with buill·lns. l~ Ba. Crp!S, drpl, bltn this over.'~ COnvtnknt' to Je81 U'OWld: livirw ~ beat breakfut tabl!', detach-Alh Kil; ind rtlric & Newport He 11 ht• pde Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba. ed double prage. EZ dshwhr. Lrg 1aO:f rd on quiet schoo4 and all lh:lppiJic. 2 priced tn RD tut at · $69,500 access for boat or trail-st. $Z.500. M2-3ll63 or Nkl to new ~ Only By appt onb' er slo~. we could go ~""::'..:--Ml='=~~.,--,-I 125,SOO; and all -"pl"'" CORBIN-MARTIN on • on. Wall< to w .. 1. BY OWNER. N""' -. ~a:~~ ...,J REAL TORS cllU Plaza ShoppifW lt 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pleuant •tiled drapea, double prq;e, con-3036 E. Coat Hwy, CdM ALL SCHOOLS. Excel-area. Frplc, natl wood bltn aete drive, 1arse ftbM 675-1662 ~~~~vaga~~ ~~firLK~.·~ badr: )'al'd on 50Kl30 IT. M $23,400 Prine ClllJr 546-Gl LOT. ~ ta not to much $26,99$. Can be seen • ~ aw.Bablie in this part of Mela Verde anytime. BY OWNER -J;;;a;; 3 Br. eaatilde C.M. HUl'I)'. OWN· VETERANS TAKE NOTE! • , , 2 et. Natural wood bl.In ER. 642-4980. No down peymi!nt on sharp • COA n kitchen; utility po rc h ; =:..:;::..::7::--:::--· I 3 I: f.amily room, Dike Ii: & crpta, drps. CIOse to BChlJ Vlew-Vlew-Vlft Colepove home. Walkinf WALLA.Cl & ahf'g. $25,500. ~ Newer 3 bedroom bome on distance to major shopping. ' REAL TORS ._ lined •U..t with a llwTy now! --.. 54166,.4141-M.a Verde 1110 view of ocean. Mutft bed- room with prl.vat. t..tb A ~ 546·SllO (0,... lh'lnlftll) DELIGHTFUL 3 BR 2 ba dreealq room. P'alol Verrlf! (Mlrtin91'11 thllbtl ll========I &. lam. Auume 5%% loaD tlreplace. l'antu6c built in WGE REALTY I• or T By owner. 5-4S-U70. kt!cbon. -.....,. room JS00""""1 """'""' Corona de! Mar wtth •ncloaed coart yaro.1 .. ~ ... ~ ...... ~~,.. I ...__rt a..ch 1200 UDdu $35,llXl. Just reduced $1200 DUPLEX -Excellent loca· ·-~-""'r ' East.side 2 BR + den or din-lion. near shopping & post INOOME 3 BR. 2 BA. • ..ring"' ing room, dble garagfl on of.t~. 2 bdrm.lbomotil Id~-~ Sundeck. Liv, Din Rm. .,.. SPRING alley. Now only 122.1l0. tum. ,.,... ,. • ~· Pallo. ',I Blk th ocean • ._. d1S &: baths, covered lanai, Bay, bltn kit. Cor. lot 15th .-... REALTY e dbl latlll!. LOW PRICED 'Balboa. Rear Apt. rent'fd. ' ··-"an.,etf1t1!!" ER IE at $31,500. Must Mill by ~. Prine. '!Ill;!! Harbor Blvd. CM. CL.EVE\.AND "C" THOMAS, Rt1ltor only. m-sm · ' , 224 W. O:IUt Hwy. 548-55.ZT 5Qd25 fT Deeided View Lot ' 'X' Wal Newport Bdt Eve. 545-0&U Conlemllfll'VY. ~ SfP.ne, · 141 Jln11dwl y 645-Gltl · ,...., -1p...P,... SuJW,1, ! ~ : Eilis. 642-145) 646-45"1 ....,,.... •• .....__ tor 2 .,. 3 poople. """"""" 123 50tt .... W · Coota MH• 1100 patl~ 149,..,, 20'ltl Clil1 __ ._ OCEANVliW NAME YOUR T ERM s. Drt ... N•wport s .. oh. Home & Bu1IM11 Loe. 2 BR. 2 Ba. 1 block Owner desperate. Trade or FOR Sale; $1fl,OOO, a n Excellent 1 or aocountl.nt, to beach, $29,500 sell. Now v a c a n t . Im· ~t. attn.cliff t BR beauQ' salon. antlquel. etc. George Wllll•mson maculate 3 BR pool home. trlr ii: cabana w/MW apt&: Home includes .-BR 2 baths, Realtor Immediate poueMflon. Ask· thruout. Re.fri&: A new stove. double gara,ee •••••• $23.500 813-4350 Evea. 61J.l!i6t inl $29,500. CALL Ml).-1151 Prlv belch Ir: club facllltiea. GENOO REALTY &G4G2 {open eves) He:ttqe Bu.I 6'6-2516 or 548-6210 628 W. 19th Street, C.M. QUICKER Y U cu..t.. Estate DAILY PILOJ" WAHi' ADS 5%% LOAN 'IHE QtJlCKER ~SEIL 'Whii. -b! ---BRING REsULTS! faymenll n.u mo. lncludea all •i.....-..... ioua Uv. nn., 1%. BA. tarp fenced yatd. Neu ICboola ' So. Coast Plua.. Jmmedi.. ate poaseuion. MARTIN R.E. Duplex $24, 950 Eubdde Costa Mesa. Bard· wood floors & double ear ____ (, bdrms e. c'.1 l, . Extra 1up ldtchen area lri 1 unit. Welt.McC1rd .. , Rltrs. 1810 Neq,ort mvd., C.M. 548-1729 Ewa. 6H-(JSU with ''Forever View". Pro-fl'l'lf1t. $155,((111. bit-ins. cpt:s lhruout. FHA l ba. A sl~ $l5.500 cant. ., ~c:.~~~c=~~ ~ Balboa Reel Estate Co. !:!s5!T~ payable $156 incl. 3 BR Rental ..•• ms mo. Amold & Freud BIG BONUS ROOM fam. rm. "L" shaped pool 100 E. Balboa Blwd., Balboa T I I ". $23 300 C1ywoocl Re1lty 388 E. 17th St., C.M. f · Bed!:•ciru~ 2 l».tha maim ROY J. WARD CO. j~~~:;':'m.41~~40-=~~:l~MIZ~:':IO:J·'..'/k~·r~!<'.':~::TY:_,.:S...-~~ 54a.1290 Realtors 646.1'155 the perfect family homt', ™' Santtqo Dr. ~1550 J SON R lty tt.106 w .. 1 eout H;';-~· N~-~B·: I '.~~~~~~~ llo<tric bW!t·"'"' dlsbwu!> v Excitingly Dlfloronll DAVID ea 4 Bodrm + F1mlJY1'1n MOST !MPRESSIVEf "· -....,..., .. dn>- $23,5001 Country Club Vlll11 $22,500 11 MESA Vl!llDE • $25,950 od. AD lhb pi .. 1 looc3o ,.. King sil.ed bedrooms + den, Beautiful 2 BR 1% ba, cpts/ 2 baths. Enchantfrv ftreplact. ar: ~7~rp ~100.l L~,.!548, Kine si22d bedrooms, 2 bath& b-a room plumbed for 'lt."el 2 bath&. ldated rear livirw drpa, bit-ins, washer, dryer. Brick patio with cu BBQ. f1'dltaae ·Formal dining room. Scree~ bar or bath. None better , room~~ an·~·--• A.ski...,. $29,850. ...___ ldt-'-·n built • in lront.ge. ExOOJent financ. ed in porch. Newly .,.mted. a t S3l.i50 in new uta. """"'.,.,_ .u ... ........-·• u1..:&1n "'"" t-. Call for lnfom\11tion. ...,. •• .,.....,A~"· iy landlCi.ped yard, Deltght-Rltr. 2750Harbor1B, CM ~. ~n .r.. dlshwuher. "'Pete Barrett Realty Sprinklen. Fruit trees. l\..c.tMo .o;.o;>• ·~ • ., patio. Built-•-.., ...... 1...... ~ Ews. 5t6-38Sl .,.,. 1120 540-1120 646-nn 541-2313 .,,.. u~ .,.,. ·-....., 1605 Westclill Dr, NB~ H TARB LL 2955 Harbor O!ARGE m TARBELL 2955 Harbor TARBE!L .2955 arbor Whl,. _.,, IOOOGonoral 1000Genora1 lOOOGoMral IOOOGenaral 1000 • " ' .. HµNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE-842-4455 • J61Z ldl1tet MUJrll==~i'YU Opel J\Wiwp SOLD YOUI HOME ? ' N~ something liirr'pr'!' Mil)!:-' thia MUST SEE! 4 Master sb.e btdrooni "''~th vanlb' nook. 3 Dalba. Huie hm!l.Y ~ with .... u to wall tl~lace. Fonnel din· ~C: .room. Electric built Ins. New catpns lind drapes throu L Assume 10\v J'l:lfrr., .5V." loan and $3.000 will land.la. CI no money down. um! • lllDl'S DEUGHT Corseous 3 bedroom home wt th ankle dttp. ~tln1 th~_hout. €oo brick ~ Double Gt.ta~ HU£e lot for the JOdJ, fUU Price Sli,l:m. GI no cu.h do'"!-f l!IQ .¥Cf month include. all. \9hy Rent1'· CllDIT A ft0ZLIM7 -I UY LllCI! IENT7 Sh&Jil 3 btdroonl pB.d. A1ntost brand ~ anltM dttP ~tine. ... bt.li-11 dt9JllM. Molim ldedN!e-;with re.frlnr9.tor! Doublfl ~t! Wbtte Brlc't P'tnl1*C"e! ~ &':!u ~ 1.o fit your budgt't. 122,900 t\111 priee. GI ~ DOWN. $Ul0 llNI for Quick S&)e. $138 l.)Cr month Includes An on this s:orieous 3 ~room je\l.·f'l. t"e.turinl formal d!Nni ~? Gracious llvtni room v.-lth brick llreplece. Lux· vrlOUI Cll'Jll~ drapes.. Askin£ $19,000. 11!"'.1 ±. -·-~--l ~-'--~------------~ NOW IS ntE JIME TO-BUY . . "' - NEWPORT BEACH OFRCE 646-7711 2043 W01tcllff Dr. at lmna . , Im IUT IN IACI IA T LOTS OF LOT Build Yot1f' own l>oYer Shorcia &>tam home In ff'I! ab_ple 1-114. ~ lot natlt'd ftmon« beautlfUI estates on qia~t private stree:t. llorn• ooukl tw.w·bMutlfUI vltw of Catalin& and OCllP on U.. West. and mountalnl on Ute bit. IAflf'lt lot In the lrnmedi&tit .... PS.900. ~ . - ' THE ONE TO SE~ IS FROM WALllR & LEE .. ' I as,gx MESA OFFICE US:mi 27'1;~ ILYD: 0,-lnol!OJI 'Ill t P.lol. CLOSE 1 OM MODll. HOMI \\'Ith an tbe ~ )'tlllf CHOICE OF CARPF:TS, all electric built.Im In SUPER l..Aft.GE , 4 spedoua bl!drooma. 2 Kbc Size ... U. lnd l'ABU· LOUS SEPARA.1'E J'AM!l.'t ROOM and mut.1~ fi~place on BJG BIG 180 foot dfiep lot N£A'R 111E' ~CR. SUmblt AU. o~. NO DOWN PAYMENT TO ~-~O!: $39,950 or 1. 1. 4 mD100111 -2 IA TH -IMMIDIA Tl POSSISSION to Vets wt.th no down s-,yment. <1r IBA tel'ml. Thie; rorvous DEAN!ll HOME with all tltttrlc bullt-lm. cozy br1ck TlREPL.ACl, PWSH SHAG CARJlf;TS 6 DRAPES thf'Olllhout MUST BE SOLD NOW! Loeated on quiet 11.rttt ln EXCEl.r LENT AJteA. 3· B1odts to shoppjftR and nellr parochiaJ achool Thia lnunacu.late ~ II ~ at A LOW. LOW $23,5()1). LOVI llAM CEIUNCU 77 -THEN ASSUME $164 PU MONTH PQmenb on tbiJ SPRAWLING RANCH style homes~ by Juab TROPT· CAL landloapl""'° and VERY PRIVATE back ysrd. lts ape.cious lMnr room pzing upon lcmlJ pa& bouts ~ BRXX J'IREPLACE. BMutttuJ· shat csrppb, adoriJ the entire borrw ucept lb! 2 be.U. and all BUR.T-IN KITCHEN. St-parate t.rrn.,. ITY ROOM. U YolJ'"' a VET or nlA buy4!T come 1n NOW• HOW UOUT $11.IOO -NO DOWN VITS . or onl1 S600 down to otheT buyen for 3 8edroomt a_ncf 1 Bath home oft tuv 130 fool dH,p lot on QUll.T STREET aod on!y 4 bJockl from school ComDlele with CARPETS ii: DRAPES. Tht'l"!' Just am't many left at thlt: p1Act. 1.l(ig aq • feet with plenty of ROOM TO BtmJ) on In the heart o! Oranafi Cowity. Tot.I Pl,Ymtnll of ONLY $1'8 PER 1'10NTll!! • - . -· • - . • • . . . = -· -.• --·. ---• ---• ft --.. -.. • .. ......... -------~---- _. '" ' , j . 1 ,. 3629 "" = Ne,.1 ....,...,. '& t • • Bo> choi~ , .... Avai lf:8.5( I lo: ~ UDI <Pit .a 11,, °""" 3BR "' 156.0 ID Near """ •m . .,; I ~01 ·(>WI Ill\~ ~ ·, l In-ht 9 ... n""' . fi 3 B Boll ""' will •B x l ""' ""• I Nov EA! NE Chae ""' fire bui! Thi: oan lot "' I a b "" all• ,,,. per gra to> ''" pif'll wit: ... - Pri• 'b • I ... c Noo ..... : Un 31 '' l a ~- [ I I Wtdnesdiy, .1.lnuart ft, tM DMtY Pf\.OT 51 HOUSES FOR SAl.f HOUSES fOR .... L. ~vSIS POit $ALE HOUSliS FOR SJILE UHTALS ., RENTALS AENTALS --in ........ ifi:ri.,rc,:'f 1Air.T .. Er-----. ........ A"L°"EST~A;.,'1.;.:,=-l!;fl Gtnerol 1000..-. . llllJI ''°"'" ' 1211'"""'~ , ,~ ''\:'"~ .., Aota. furn! ...... __:: ll"H.fa. 'Unfurnl-· ~~11 Genorol 1111'111 lllii llill ~I ·~ ,~"'~ ...._.,....._, 4400 E~ ruff 52~ f-;+.·;.11y 6000 R111<hoo 6150 "For ·i ' · 114" ~NR~ ~~a.< 11 ·· ; ':l.:.:._~~ "'"· -'VC:!:.."1~~~ Prisligi'loc.\o1 22~~l~!f'i~J.:",;;lli tfones· or Dots? ... •Are -offeriDI for .&ale:•their .. Wu'4 m I02 Kno:<villeJ ~ U.B. 1'r ..... ..,_ JaltQ fl. ldtcheMJ, .,,,;.., ol C..ta I Amil, dooe-ln to.-,.,.., Id ....... ·~ sln~e It 1plU • level a It t .._._m c..t.. -. 4100 • • BR .. i11 b<. Ai>l ..,,;i.., ~'..'!!..""'~ 151,000. 0N~ "' to ""' hons l ....,. ~ EL OM·~. • .......,..-1 8J..OcK fr'otn ocea.n. 1 I ._. ........ , •11.111" QWTl@f'. •<q BR. Qklotr frame home, b&m lffutlful . -· drapts. carp!ts, wcit i.r. • old. ~--pl •• , .. '• 'Vn'ftOiJUONG • 2 BR apes., beated pool priv. ba.lconl•; dbl. aano: )'e&n ....... &ol t'«I' 4 11A. acre pennaMl!t pu. bll·lna. rec UIQl:J\. 1~ oU ldtcb. Dilbwalher, dbl equipped. mo.ooo -o" ly ture. f'ult ~ 145.000. J'or music. Aat. ~4 O\/fl\, pool, Cbnvenlent to $40,000 down. TOI ooNkltt-turtlw lnlonnaUoo. pleaiw 1 Bl!OROOM beach i.>uu:. i.boP'&·, ac:boola "-recru-ed. HURRY! WalJ.y McC.oJ' all: ~lenn Thoml*JO with ~ .. People" . · (and their:;,Boah 1-- lkc:lvshr• Unda Isl• These mOdel hom•I ore mognl!lcenll)'. 111>- l!"lnU!d with the very finest ot carpets- • • 'ctttpo6 -wal)papers; phis every mO\lel It -profes!!lonllly landsc1ped, ~.walkways. . , lo~~ prevail, one with •wlmp'ff'l pool Av&Jl Feb lit. tl'l& Mo. t.fun. RI!;)' '421487, $6.ClJJ evu. Eckhoff & At.Mc., Inc. 0-I ··-· Bftutl!UI .,._2'1811 .... ~ •• : • ONlll"·'31S MONTK ~~ .~~~A". ' .... . · 'l'ricitcl from $98,000 .. • These bomes are placect '•n qt111el.\arte Ii vtey prlffte lots that may be either le .. ..i or JIUl:C~ with • grant deed to full land ownershl~. ,,J'~.:......Ad~·t=.:."" .. c ..... L~ 135 AMIGOS WAY ,··wi. Ell ~-• '41-21ll, --~ -~ " ... _._ UnL·-•.s .. -...1 Ne--t a..m '1 tlmu crou. Owner ~s ss.cr•• .1 eann .. • Bdrms ~~·· ~... --..-• ..... ,.,.., 1u 6-. Good I ~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Ol'BN HOUSE SATl.IRD"Y .,, sblio~Y ,,OJ· IOS llnd1 Isle Drive, Newpo11 a.fCh •Conte........, C..tom Go I S000 Mfr. Apt. t coodltlon. No chll ... n ex· p ·-• Pnip "''' -5250 cellent lnoom• hiltrry. ()nl,y Resort roperty ~ : ~~ -i>~4Mbrook VEN DOME Coron• •1 Mir ,:5~~6 Ltt P.lr. LMne ~~ u~I !~ • tr Pool I: ~rapy balh 1nconv !moe1tmcn1 Dept ale.epa &. 541}-7730 e AetM<Y nv>mlb""""" ..... • • -;..e;,. ..... • .,•!. 54"1K.11 • S!)own &y oppolntment •• 80YD REALTY Follow tho signs to TURTLE ROCK HILLS, 3629 E. Coatt Hwy., CdM ' - 675.5930 I mile East ol the University of cautornla at Irvine, just off the intersection of Campw Drive & Gutver Drive. 1245 Tele, 833-1102 For Further Information ~Njjl:iij·.,.-_.·ij11~B--· .~,, ;iijljjlOOjjj Irv I no Terr ... ~ • Do You Need • L•&¥no ·l'lfauol 1101 Cot11 -. a1~ • Siuma Bath u•UU1t.CULATE _.-~.,! ..., • ..,._.,.... !MMED. OCCUPANCY 161/1°/o e Outside Gu .8BQI ADULT .l FAMILY NET RttURN e Encl l&ralff Ir: ltOra&e SECTIONS AVAILABLE ON TEN AC1U3 f'ull)" oceupil!d 4 plut'I Ill CENTER ot nw.-n _ bl!ru·eai CIOM to Shopping, Park 1 &: 2 BR. Fin 41 mi.turn center of Huntfncton ~· s.,y I: Fonl/liarbor A New. • Spack>ua 3 Br's. :J Ba Frplcs I Prl I Patios I 6'n% financ~. for fUrtber port e 2 8edrooml Pools. T~ -ContDt'I Bk· details. call Bill Goodall. 2CO' Panor!M, CAI 64UG10 e Si.vim Pool, PuVil'ffn tst. 9 hole P'ut.VGrEaL. 9tJl.'1Ql6, qent. ----'-'----'-' • Frpl., lndivllndry rac'IA 900 SP9. ~ CdM 6tl-26ll Mount. lo Doool1 6210 5 A NR Hemet Xlnt Ww. 280I)' el. Wtr, pine. $5500 $55 dn. &.n-mD 1-10 a.m. qt. Eltche._, IL E. 62JO 1iw>E feSf...~··:4 decorated: ~ -· {jis. · t f~' . a 4 BR House 1 DELUX£ 3 ilr. ' ea.: '"" ~.ira'.!.R, • =~"T:'. """" SE~ LARK 1145 Jlnshelm Ave. <MacArthur.;, Qwt Hwyl 'T' MOTEJ. COSTA MESA 642-:!8'4 . MON&Y MAKER $00,000 -ExKUli~s tane W~ have two -4 BR houses in exdil4iVt; 1.)in~rch Ba.y; fenced yard. ~vail. Feb. 1. re ty with poo}s. lrv1nt Ten-ace loYel7 boein v.ew; auto. 309 Broadway. (hl..ner/Bkr. FOR SALE OR LEASE 3 ?rtodem 1 BR Apta $14" .o ~IDE C.M. 8 unitt 1 ot1 % Acre -Located BR ea. Excellenl rental.B. bet..'ffn Dallas I: F t . \vith e..xcellent financing. water softener & elec. gar. .:613-<5::..=17;..;.;eve:.;;•~·=,.----WE!kl Y RATES Ch I a--• Sl50 mO. Available almost lnbome Sts> mo. $511.SOO .Wll:1htr !l'exaa. Wan\ track GRA.M R cw'~ '"'N....,... HA lty · EeaCh or La Jolla -'Write Near Post Odee, NB 64&-24.14 Palmer • BoX 13273 -Ft. :?~14 Vista Del Or'O ' N(!v,opo11 ~o:tch Salisbury Realty <loon: 1 Y'· ,,.w. 1.\9,,,... RENT 2301 Newport Blvd,. CM 315 Morine Ave. with 6%7' -· O.roer Ill & LEASE/OPTION • 646-7441 • anne "'"' immed. Dan V, Franklin, Penthou" Aph. rutr. 673-2222 ~ per mo. to reliable par-2'"°'B"R_ne_w_,....,~~.~ •• --tle11 on I y. ~t Salisbury • . rai.o:u, crpll, Reltltor, 6T3-6900 drp8, uhla pd, 1ar. Jmmed Balboo Isle. 673-6900 .,._.198 3 BR aho • BR born•. 1170 $25-Wk. U-p • • &:: $250/mo. Bia-. 54()..6631 · -Wot11J, Texas. -======I SO RARE O..EAN 4 BR hou --..-1 e Studio & Bach apli1. Dana Point 1730 se, 6......... e Incl Ut.lls 1:, Phone se-1-. .. Corona del Mar 1250 location. $225/month. Al'ail • l\fald &orvi""" -.TV av··~ -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;1 OPEN , DAILY 12 t .. 3 Feb. 1. 546-5113 e New CaJ'e i°'Bar ~ • 3 bdmla. den. 2 bllths, pool, -Income Property 15 x 35. $35.000. 2S2Sl Main-Me-. Verde 3110 2376 Ne\i'J)OJ'I: s1w. 548-9755 • Bayviciv l_-~·~r. ;i baths. South of Hwy sail Dr. ro-2823 ... ,.,.., CHATEAU La POINTE 2 BR I pl 1 BR Re al. flSjflno. \Valtt p!lid. " ..... Lo\•e.ly rurn 2 BR apts. otr- choii;e end location -lowe11t Kime us nt 3 B0 A"oJI FF•" 1;:,L ltaae.-bold ever. $216 / yr. Walk to an shops. S45.900 • RENTALS ·~ • sq...1fti,..·" street P1'>idn&'. carportll. tltd AvaYabie in June (cun-enlly easy terms. H.uses Furnished pool. Adults, no pet.II. $150 1t!.50C!). Orange Coast Property N ~ .... &.. -""'OO l9U POMONA . AVE., C.M. $45 50 332 llitarguerite, CdM m Rental1 to Share 2005 !#J!0.-1 c., ~' 2 BR. New furll; 1!9ts, drps. '· 1 . --YOUNG. \Vorking lady •Nill 3 BR, l !; bl\Ul condOminium ~ eeilbt&~ blt-tns, pool. Bluffs Pla.z8.; $260·mo. Avail ftl.Nltl. $1$. 2272 f.!apl.e St. "I! yoo want the Bluffs, a Lido Isle 1351 share l BR bHev. apt now. 644-ll33. Eve 644-0505 6C2-4807; 540-5586 ~View -and a 1-atory too11 ~~~~ii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-1 w/f.ittpl " many dbc . la " 3 th.ii one;'.a: for~" , ·11 features., Cd~t. \vith 1 a m e. B · ATIR BR apt., 2 ba .. 6"\4-1133 Ewes. 644-0505 Lido Bayfro!'f' 644-4049 a;: 1 pn1. $22.); 2 BR. 1 bath. Fenced v.·/,v carp .. d<.ps., attr. yd. I~ Real sharp 3 Bdnn & den SfUDIO Apt., Costa 1'.lesa, yard; g:ar.. \V/w, bllns. 548-34SJ; 540-0154; &MXi922 Iii Pier &:. Slip, sandy beach mature \\!Oman btl ~:> & Broker SM-6980 1 BR. htd pool, no pets or .~'. .'MOVING LIDO Rs~~·~Y, INC. ~· re~~~~t·=~.n~i 3 dr:s; 211~bilts~~· ~~'. 1 -~-'"~'i:'~,.~~~· s_~_. _.i&.=_u_tll_pd_ .. _tB0_ 1 fE8RUARY 1st 3400 Via Lido 67~ ~G"'P,c',:,'~· ~-~~---Yearly. $200 hto. m.soss e NASS!.U PAU.1S • to: 1\55 Via Lldo, Suite 205 ANOTI-IER stralghl young l li: 2 BR. -Pool LIDO BUll.DING -above Excellent Locatla" nian 24-32 looking for Kanle Caron• del Mer 3250 11'7 E. 22nd St. 64~5 · @lue Dolphin :R.eslll.urant) on Lido • 35' lot with a 3 10 share honie in Nwpo11 -NE\V 1 BR ;Adulb:: only. ·R. C. GREER, Realty Bdrm, 2 bath, delightful pa. Shores AfL 6 p.m. ti42-4623 LOVELY 3 BR, bit-Ins, Encl pr. $150 . ~to-mo. ..., • 673-9300 lio, nced11 some pain etc, _Stan. carpets, drapes!. $175 mo. 2221) El.den. ~12al. ·":==:zzz-Ask. s4-500 yrty. NewPort seach Rlty. I• ~ ~ ;:i, • Et.iPLOYED \\'Oman to 67'°,,..t64:l ., · · BUVT. lp. 2 ~-1% ha. . i R. · GREER, Realty share pleasant ho n1 e "stiidla, p)oJ.,priv. pa.lib. $185 11,·yview Condominium 3416 Via Lido 673-!flOO w/sarnr-. $5a P.for.'th. NEAR new 3 ildrm, 2 bath, 23108antaAna &li-2933 ~-,,........ Rehigerator &; stove in. Owner ...,,.,i,.,.,. ba•k to LA. 1 .,._,,~ ~1· cl""~ 'Bo•u •·-ulll ••;d ......... ... Bay ront Duplexes .......... S300 mo. yrly. "' , .. 'Ao '-"'"·• • ...-• 3 BR, 21Ai BA, drpd & crptd. Sl05,CXXl . 2.three BR's \VANT lady to ahatt my Sall&bury Rlty. 613-6900 SlO:i Mo.; 1·2 adults, 1 pet 6~ '/q Transferable loan. $115,000 _ 3 BR "-T'\vo BR's home, 2 kids OK, 3 BR -'==='=~===='I O.K. ~2241 Aft. 5 P?ll ·· al the Blufls .=~'°"~='-~--1 occupancy. Mr. F o r n e y , SlU; 1 BR., \V/V-1, drape::;, Realtor. 540-3862 . 12 UNIT APT MOTEL Rent by Day, Week or Month rederor. Child 0.Ii. Broker 534-6980 , LGE. 2 Br .. bay vie\v: Trade $50,000 equity for !rpl., c pt.s, drpi, bJtns. ca11h, units, house or ! ----~--I $195 Yrly. 673-69Q.I Box SC6 SWlSet Beach Costa Mesi SlOO !========::. P~ (2lll 67M72l v.·k-ends (TI4) 673-5335 -Huntington ... ch $400 I"'"""""""""""""""' Excdl~t. park . like sur- roundinJs ,.,. adults """"' EXCLUSIVE in& peaoe 4i 1lU1et. • H 0001m1nau,. Tonants ON• T E·BEACH 1, 2 I: 3 BDRM. APJ'S. 2 I. 3 Bedroom Apt1. POOL. NO OilLDREi'i Lu.xury livin& to please the MARTINl9UE ""t dl<CrimlnatiJW. No~ GARDEN APTS. ..anabte at tsth • Santa .... c >1. The Huntingt11n \VANTED to Buy: Dupl~x to I plex. Laguna to San Cl.e- mente area. Wrilt Daily J>i. lot Box M-800. llu1lne11 Property 6050 M-2one Mission Viejo nr. Autooetlcs, 2.-100 Acres. leue or build to 11uil Alao Cmne proputy. 83l5178 Call !ilrs. HendttSOl'I 646-551'.'.' 1m Santa Ana. Apt 113. c.~t. ... P11cific rm I ,•;.;;•.;;sl;,;;Ml;,;;S;,,,R;;;.•::.:";.;11.:..1 __:6060~ NEW GARDEN AP.TS. ~ CORON~ dd Nu .... .,. 1 & 2 BR. f.lodern kitchen w/ 1ll '·· • Shop in bill)' I o c at io n. • V1..'f:an Ave., ll. bea J'!Ul&'t' & oven, dishwasher, (7l4) 536-l4S7 Former uty shop moved etc. EncloMld g:ar. Olympic '"'!'"'!"~""'""'""'""'""'""'•I to larger quarte rs. size pool. B-8-Que &: laundry 'VACAN)" ,immed pollae!itikln Rei..sona.ble rent. C a 11 tac. Elec I water pd. From 2 BR 2 baths, w / .., Hutchesn, 714: 838-GSll StlS ~ up. Adul ts only. carpeting, draperle1, built-SMALL Reuonably rtriced 241 \Vil»0n, C.?.1. 642-0401 iM & nfrig. $140/mo. Sttft Buildinp in busy MOVING FEB. 3rd TRADEWlNDS RLTY. Cc:i-ona del Mar location. Larre 2 BR. w/prage SllS. S4Ui0ll ~12 5.16-a:l65 Call Hutchens. 714: 138--6511 \Vater paid. Disposal Near Wint Privacy? Newl SHOPS school. ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN Nr. Newport Pier 2176 Pl11.centia. Apt. C S12i' mo {$142 Fuml car-.e Rltr. 67:;...o860 • 636-4120 • 20" -l'lth. 5.16-1319 673-1784 $56,CXXI Owner 644-2370 ,1·ith :f'in>olaces in C.~~ o!'°24mon11. & L9th Huntington leach 3.(00 Walker Realty :~'""~'-· "'~-~--.,.-..,----' ----·--~port Beach 3:r:6 Vi.a Li.Jo 1.o~.·""5200 1 \\'ILL sh:irr hon1t 11/nuoui·e FREE RENTAL BOOK 4200 -LUXURloUs-2 sn::-1·~ b.i .• "! & ;; Er •. , 2 baths, priv. \·r~\~. ele;:.1nUy furni"hctl, 1111 rk<' .• o:pL~. drp.~. Li.I·:.' p.1110; heated pool. IDEAL. FAP.IILY llOMl:: j lady. $100. rno. \'icinily Dr"O)l in wU Bro1Yl!C firf'•·1ace. ".~ira!r, ii' o lie·'-;. k BLOG. SO x 100, in heart of downtown Costa i\1esa. 5'3-3401 548-3270 Eves. .,. -"-' ·11.. j.nll10. pint' 11 .. '<'!'i: inti. 962-8llil-i R. E. Wentod \\'ANTED to Buy. Home o( at least 2200 sq tt. 4 BR. La· guna to San Clemente arta . Sllbstantial down, prlnc onl,y. Call~i'6. llUSINES~ anti FINANCIAL lu1. Opportvnlti• 'J!O Candy Supply Route (Part or Full Time) Exce:llent income for k w hrs. "'·eekly work (days or ...... -and ...,.... OW money from coin opel'o- ated ditpensers in ~ Mesa and 1Ul"l'OUDClbW uu. No selling. (HandlH name brand candy and arackil $1650 cash reqUired. For per. sonaJ interview in Costa Mesa: Send name, addreal and phone number t.o: "ROUTE DEPARTMENT'' P.O. Box 3846 Anaheim, Calif. 928£B FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Beaulilul renewed Lamm,.. 28 wuhus, ll dr)'ttl. 20 lb. \\'Uher. $18,000 yr. arou inc. Find out bow euy it ta to own! Coin·O·Matic: Near f.1anner's Park. 3 Br. • Ne\Vport Beath. ti-12-2:>1:!. 3 Bedroom. 2 .Balh. Double extra Is;. 20' x 2(1' fao1ily Hlfntington Beach 1400 WILLS"·-N.B. "'-··se , . .;tt' Gafa&e. Lovely iearpeb l:. rm, 13, ba. Ex. oond. f°l.'TM.'· ,....,"' <a'U' '' dra H _ _. f k:i.1- f!d. patio. Spac. kileh .. bk $1o6o-MovE.1N-,~ther \\'O~ girl 21).25 R:~1e:b:~~ s~ ;: 1 bath; \Vll..!her/dl'ier, Splil ~ar, nr. bus. $1.W Adull5. Office Rental 6070 level. sm. 54&-23St after 120 E. Mth. C.i\r. Sanle Ane 5620 Equipment, Inc. 6 p.m. LAGll.,& a•ACH 2334% W. Vo!ooe"' 2 BR. unlurn. Spht·leve1 -· • li • :.."".C~~ ,.. · P'Ull rton '114 525-78l31 P'OT'r-h, .11ep. dble gar. ~ $..,elecll'ic ,buill'-ifl ~e yrs~'' Wimo .• ~!158,~ib·l~;.·1· n,. lee \ O'WN~ lJS:m t~.12 -•..ovan.~~ 1.i.11.t."l :.~·~~·;;hart. tg:ai.rl\ -i; ~th'LA.~~flj!m1 · &tatieauy(lOfltro1.1edFAbeilt,•apt. 3 bdnn$ 2 ba, laf1lC _., fi'~luiive Lit.ting· , r.ftunmer fan .. ~ 'O:impJetily ~t. $6.1'"'~s.; OCEANFRONT l B R, patio, l't'·ta., 'cpts. g, drpt1·. \:ERY .-C!ettn 2 & .. 2 811~ Nr, oR41tloMcf e. : utilitil:it pcL AdWts. \Vinter hid. pool; 2 enti\ne&. Snt. GardC!!_'j\pf!:. Pr;:v p:.1tio." •\•ON YURD'>AVBNUE llli ldonth.GT;..JlZI children. ll.30 viii pd ""61. ""'*'liro" '14o.152'i ' °'"" ....,.. ,..-tn WORKING PARTNER oc:eANFR.ONT 3 BR. Frple, &12-1174 1978 Map~ c.r.1. · ae1ve1t ofllc• buHdlnc a: l in besJ. Bay area--:ul-<le-n.c. fci:tced I.: iarw;iscaped. Dou-ROOM mate needed, young Garden atrit'"'l our belt ble garage with boat door. female school t e a c he r . boor plan. ' 6464414 Quiet street near shopping Balboa ltiland. 675-6846 gar. Avail Feb 7-June 7. , . Lagun• leech 5705 prime location tn downtown Active, with SlS,CKXI cash, to Reas! 6i'l-404l 2 BR 1 '~ ba, bit-ms, \\'fw Laiuna Beach. Air condi-participate in large chain 3 BR. small fncd yd. U40 cpta/drps, a:ar, util nn. 100 CLIFF DRIVE lioned, carpeted, beautiful operation bein&' e.1tabll.lhed 7682 ~Inger 842-4455" OT".Jij0-5140 ~ ~; J I: school&. ll61/rno. includ-24 YR Id mal h I Dtlt• lnl £st•t~ i fft:: '1m teacher :.nu to s~a: a~. J _ __ _ W3t~.~··· nrbl.'hNBarea.962-4514 , 3 BR \Vatertronl No. 62 T; _ __II"_ 1 NICE girl desire::; same yrly. Lease. 3 Child. OK WINTER Rental, 1 bdrm, Near all. $150/mo. No pet::;. LUXURY FURN/UN.FURN paneled parUtionlng. Two in So. Cal. Prior experience Nr. Beach Blv It Slater util paid, no pets, adults 540-7894 or 642-8335 Yearly l..eaR. 11: 2 &inns. entranc:ea: Frontqe on not necessary, will train sin. 17654 Van Buren 842-1823 only $65. M9-353l AVOCADO 11.oyal; 2 lg. Br.. steps to Sbo~ Ir: Sbopa Fortlt A'ff'., ftar lead• to cere party. Startine salary 3 BDR?-.1, 2 Ba, $165. Mo. a.lboa 4300 ~d drps; pool, N~ar. No Oceanvie• from every Apt. MW1clp.a.I thp~ lot.. ne': . S2XI Wk. ht Yr. incom4 839-l558 after 3 pm or "--'-------'-...:.: c ftn or peu. ice area from $150 mo up. lease per mon apac& lhouJd e x c f' e d $3(1,(l(I). a4Z-830Ci Ask for Glen. a..EAN Bachelor Apts. nr. sbopplnt;. 642-8042 49'-2449 and chain available 1or $S. 827-5370 (10.S PMI lbba 0 0 --f-RE£ RENT to •hare Co•ta Mo,. Apt. Ba Cove!'!. ~ 6 • D 0 · $60. 642-3694 aft 4. Preler trade for ac~age or will conside1· o~r. ~?T71 2 BR, ~ t ·Ip! -boun owwerll>c ==-c=--..,...-! Allutllincl$75up 5•un ap .. , cpts, REAL ESTATE .terVI afu.bl for $10 SMALL GfOOl!l"Y 1tor• 2 beaut. 2 BR Duplexes, 4 Cost• Mis• 2100 Lquna"Niguel 3707 315 E. Balboa Blvd. drps, bltos, pa~o, ~I. General All :01:. ~ ~ ($125,000' ~r. -~ * BAY VIEW 'to Fee lot la' x 195' y.•/ plans. $34,900. 0,..Tier 548-7249, 548-4201 GREAT BUY Beaut. 4 Bdrm, 2~ Ba, ~ pool. $53,000. 64&-8676 I.:;~:..;.,;;:.;=.. __ _;_;.; BALBOA 673-994:> Adlli, no pets. $14.'i. 546-;:il63 I mgr abouJd c1ttr $10,000 yrs. young, live in 1 rent the 3 BDR.llil, ,,,..,'.rm, 2'~ ba, R f I W _ _. ,._ te tphon.e. -..;.___, olher. Better hun-y! l'h_BR. nope.ts. adu11s.only. frplc. patio7'8rate. bit-ins. OC'EAN FRONT DUPLEX 2 Br.; 30 4 en e1 ant-5.,."" DAILY PILOT $12,otrl! eo.t $5,COI for 1K1 R. D. SLATES, Rltr. ~~;Partially lurnishc<I. CrRU • ~; $225 mo. 1 EURtllSU>lncl ·• s'1•B•R7,,!2li Broas ~w-ay kms, ..... ~ ~., at,.,ter WANTED: 4 bedroom or 3 222 FORESJ' AVENUE :~ ~fn'-~~ .;!15·~ 847-3519 Eve, 962-73691°"'~"~======== Phbne Lona: Beach GA uJCJ . ....,.,. • ,....., ...,~. BR with den. Rentar take LAGUNA BEACH 0·:&;&00";::::::::-~ .,-, 2-8056 l BR garden apt, utilitJes. .owr peJ'lneDts. ~797 491-9466 · ' ~--. 5 BR/2 Yn New Newport Buch 22001..:.='-------Lido Isle 4351 Quiet. Matutt adult.. R.,.,. alt" 5 PM or -9 E ecutl TY Take advantage or low 6%.% NEARLY new 2 bclnn. 2 RENTALS $130. 2633 Orange, C.J\1. PP.1. Desperate! x ve BEAU SALON ! . iaterest while it lasts •. ~b-ba, turn. Bayt:ront home for ¥•· Furn11hed CMrml~ 2 Story LGE. Untum. bacl}. _~It-in EMPLOYED Lady tltC'1I 1 Office Eita.bllahed, f Units. ~I Newport Height• 1210 mlt down, (onnal d1n1ng, lease. $350. Boat slip avail. S,P.dqlJr' l BTf. ~ bl;, frplc, nngf', .cpts, ~. ~S5Z4 BR unfurn Apt, bed Bea, approx 700 sq !t. ln Laguna location. Beat~ EAST SIDE COSI'A MF..sA cpts/drps, slate entry, lots 536-3743 G.neral 4000 pabo: 2 car Patfdni:. Avail. 9§ Ml!s\on Dr.,.Al1t,. A-1 to $110; Carport or caraac new Build~ by Orange. ment Xlnt Olf'ntele. ; NE\VPORT HCTS. AREA ~RAb~HkAR.ceR~'~y BCE,:CA-CH°'.c'-'H~O~U~SE~2~B=R-.. -.-,-,. RENT 975/mo abort lain or $350/ NICE 2 Br -~lo apt, near nee. ~ all/5 p.m. County Airport. Available 494-9972 Eves. 6'16111 ALL Tms AND R2 847-8531 Eves. 541-2442 Furnished. Y~arly S160 per mo yrly Jeue. Adulta only. OCC. 984 El Camioo, C.h1. e 1-ANDlORDS • lmmedialely, $325 mo. Loeal OR.ANGE nn nra ' $25.~ .c...=--.,.==:....:.:...;:.:.=1 mo. 548-2667 3 Room1 Furniture Ask for Mrs. GmMlcy , $145. 962-5050. Avail Feh. I. FREE RENTAL 51:.'RVICE 67>413tl Bkr. Sa-'""" ·~ .·~At""' r o' Ch . 3 ~· ' WOW' ="'~=;.c;.-----$25 Month Pete B1rr•tt Realty s•••" Olli .... ,. Ld ~w-~ ann1ng u:uroom or • RENTALS 642-5200 2 BR., l'<S bit., dishwshr, Broker ~ ·~ oe: 1..,ta.,..,, e delicatnsen $14,500. CALL bedroom &: den. 1% bath::;, 2 story pool home, huge sep-Houlft Unfurni1~ FU1L OPnUN TO BUY cpfs: gar .. Nr. Pomona & 2 OR 3 'BR. unfurn. h~. {n.'lut'BllC'I!, ~1utual fund, AL BµCK SW-115J Copeni firr.plart, c11.rpe.ts & drspes, arate (amily room, top qual-t----(Rf'lrigerators A\11.ilable) ---------191.h. Adults, Sl:l5. 548.fi357 2 car gar. $150 mo. C.i\I. Contractor, Distributor. ews) Heritage Real £state built-in & forced air heat. 1 b . G 1 3000 •o(•·a lslin' ••ss <2l!) 6 ......... ,. Ulil, air -conditioned. ty ca-ts. Besl uy m to"" enera No •-·•to a.. D -1lil -N"' • OCC '--g-2 B' area r.rv.i·"' c~'G This well lanllscaped home .,.~ ..._ · ..... ·· ._..,__._.,...,_.;.:I 1:.o1>n ' ....... " • • · furniture included, $70 mo. ..,, 1u, MAR.RlED: Will can be found oD·a huge R2 al $31.500-Only $5300 down -H.F.li.C. 3 BR. pra::e •Pt. 'Avail. 2 BA. Blln~. cprt~. d1'P::1. lOOCJ.1500 SQ M'. Indu~trial 100~ Brookhurst St. I-LB. sell business ln C.M. ror lot v.'ith a very large tenc· &: assume FHA loan. YEARL y ·RENTALS Furniture Rental• Feb. tnru Jane 14fu. $UO S1fl> J>l!r mo. 54G-033G bldg for Flberglllfl Boats. 540-2.129 Sit))) compl•tf! Pr t c e . ed back yard.' with room tor Paul JanM Re~lty NOW AVAILABLE 517 \V, 19th, C.M. 548-34!1 mo. plua util. No student.'!, 2 BDRf.1, 2 bath.~. drape~. C.:i\I. or NB area. a.t§..-0655 * ·-M-od--.-m-Offi--c-es 540-2Hl6 alt 5 pm wkdays~ a boat, ~ bulld a MJ-1266 Eves. 536 ~24 LidCI S 'BR ••.• ~ .•....... $390 1.561 W. Lnc1n, Anhm T14-2apo ctrildttn or pebl. 6'7'".>-2&40 crpta. blt-in!I, encl gar. ---l'=~="yti=·m='o.-w~'""'..;cc..· ~=-:i:i ~~',fw :a;:. AJSUME 51A% LOAN ~:-M~ ,.!~·~s· S450 HOLWAY PL&ZA ~' Pi\1. Adlts $135. 54&-5038 Room1 for Rent 5995 -5;~~"." :;:~ .:.e= B~ Xl~i::si;!~· :i~ cesti. Location is jU9t aboat 1 ........... 4 •·• 0 .,. . ._ 2 BR .~~····.= ........... S'll) ~~Spa~~: H In h ··--.,---~--81·ech 5200 L'~G/.trp't•'",tn" baBR.ktt'p"n1~ service, central location. i~ due to ill health. perfll."ct, 1\i ~to Newport ~5"' .,,,,,.rooms. . •u 'WINTER RENTALS He::a~ pool. Ample pZ"ldrl: unt gton leac ~ ,._ ... r-.-' · v. ·· ~. c. Robert Nattreu Realtor 642-8316 grade school. and only 2 blks schools & Shopping. ay•(LA~LE NOW No cbll .. -R "'o ,..i-. College or workin~ airlll. 730 E 17th Slrttt I~==-==-----'lao Reposao 'on "" "' D '"'"''"'~ l.11 1 B" •to'U• •-· •-· UfPER DupJex, 2 Br. $160; f.1eu. Verde. '"" """1 ~ .. , · .~1Ao~ NEED $4500 to 1tart .....: to new city park. Ea&I: 17th "' UI s From S165 . S300 196.; Pomona, CM ~ ...... ,... llUllU::. ........... 1 "ft· 1,ue. Adulb, !'Kl pets. .............., UJll~;;:t•~";,; ... ~=~..,,,;~;;;;~~:; duction; 14' sat I b 0. t-.-J 1 street and WestcliU shop. 'HAFFDAL RE.ALTY trom bYch. tor 2 AdullJ!. See b)' app't. only. CO'ITAGE l Rm· Bt. Back NE\VPORl' CMC CENTER ping and two other schools 8740 WIUTler 84!-4400 • RED CARPET • $DO: l-Bdnn., pool Golf, pool, 111.una. Sp Z)4 Miu While m-9150 Bay. Pry, quiet Refrli only. C>Uicea aulta.ble tor eorn. :~ ~ ~-~ within walk1.llc distance. For 4 BR. 3 Ba. Condo. 5%,. NB~ r: ~· :.,.~ Paclfi.c Cst Whlte elqihantB! Dlme-e·lil'lo!c Util pd. $65. 646-56m. m.erclal. )tfedical, Dental. appointmll."nt to aee, write: int Cpt&, drpl5, bltns. Patio. REALTY ====-=====·:.======""'====...!..==::==:=:=:=::;,=:;: ROOl\I &: be.th, pvt entr, nr AiM:Ond .• l3)1tl, elntator WANTED: Oft-Sale ~ Private Party pri.,.cy. Ownft'. 962.-n.2 Ill offitts to 811."t'Vf! )'OUI O Co •600() l'.•u•fv 4 -an '"°" La 1 u n a From $70 license lot Oranle' Coant1' 1 Box PiJ.I -'202J'W. BalbGa 8)\id., N.B. -~·~~""'""'·'-·~·;n1J~~·==c~':·::·:::-'2a-~ogo~·:-~==·=·=·:;::600:·::0:r~·;!!!!:::C:o~unty 4600 ~ «M-1.23& alter~ 50..5032 OR 615-2464 92.: ™ Daily rt Founttin V•lleJ..,.._1_4_10. 1 !!"'"-,oit' l?'fOOO"'"'.""'-"'"'..,.,j• ~ 11 ,, ..: • • ·" . RObt.r \Vith ;dVate bath in l OOP.tAIEltC. -aoo ~ ft. M'OMy . ~ tMn 6riJ Yc...:O.:....u.. •.'.l' "ft .........,,:;_ ~ =r. 22!1 , • · ,. , C.1111 '0 ,S\.,.:. ,( _ /) 'C-W°Q.• «un<Jhglonlleh home. su. 1 JNDusr. • !00 ,.. ft. -= -~'- I tlnililn T1tA~Rm Fr" Rent1I s.~1c. ~ l""U l").. q, P<r\:J "·eeWiy.~.f'Yf'!I. , • •:ruo • RETlft~·(ouf'l,,1 , t Prime )ielghtl i'tta.. l _BR, 4, BR 2 0 _.. _ .._ l.o home o~'?"f' and tencww. ,.., . 1 r-.. .c. -• ~ On 1.t II .• ba. "'"" 1&<.Rwn""' Rm ·• ~ ··-·.L··~· ~ Sol••• Siriipte Scrombfed W'~Pu.li~f<>r•Chucklo N'f'T ..... ,, priv. room .• ___ _,;..____ ,.. -'~'--can .,.. I l kitchen Dl:n'ni nn 3 car fpl. ~n1 con4. 41hi 71 old. . tf · bath. phone, in nice home. lndUltrlat ltntel 6090 'ihoi:.-:--·- .... oll 1,_ ~' uon 5%~ FHA can bt asmd. , .·(!---.. "·••<> 01' •h• r -$65 P.tontb. 6UJ!it8 '"' -..,.G,..RA' H'A' M~~-·"""' Appr's $25,IXMJ. 962-1452 -~·~!fib~ wor~ b• ._. N'PI' Bch M--J, wan!housel ~ low to form four ~mple words: I Room & Board 5996 451).1,000 tq, fl tt con-RNI E1tate LHftl 6MI Near N.e. ~I Qk. 64&.' ~4 Orante County 1600 2790 Harbcir Wvd. I ,, ;.-; tntcton. Reu. owner (213) HOME Lo•u• . I ~~~~!!'!!~~~;,.1;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1:545-~"~94~9~1,..~0po~~·~""!."~'~"~" 'N 0 c HE s I ) .' ROOJ\I I. Board, lndry, pr. 941~ "'fW ~ "': ---H B N hOme nave 901' flnandils at .,..1 I Univenity PM"k 1237 Cowan Relghts ~:_~·--BR.. l\J h II . I I I' I r ~m·p. ~ 11::W. wa1k ~ ~ ft .. w:--.. wd ,•,: tnmnl. a.ck -~ h W~JUIU\&M:, W/'A'! rot.lee.. . . - --. ' " h ·~ w-· ·--, ---._ 2nd TD , BRAND NEW Cor Sirrine & Over Ill children OR. • 0 ut:ac · _. ~ ~ yard. 1855 Lqu.111. Cpyon .. $ettj;"M~-Co. l& I 1 full acrr "·Ith tftinendous Srok(!r 534-6980 I GARE W I 5999 Rd. <TI4J G4-Ml66 or (n4) 336 £ ... i1\h SL •. 1 VJLLAG,E II VieWB ! Gradin& all done! > MllC. Rentals ~i'Gfll 3 8~N~:~~=lftf. O>rnplete set IUXUJY home Coste Mesa JlOO ' I I j5 1: I ., ~ · WANT To rtnl gan.p tn ~N=O:.W.:::LEASIN:_ __ G-__ N_ew_M-_1 ::!"m.7865 = S3.W300 plans Lncl for $19,!rlll ! . . --. . r Balboa. Area of Bay Island lndu1rrial ll50 ~ I t . 1n4) C::~:t ~ D!:r~wTE~~' 1;'~~~~ I l y KIM I '· __ ...._ ___ ..,,,_,..I or 6th&: Bay. m-4680 SlSS/mo. Apnt 6C2-1C85 Hild@ptd ReaJty O>. lion or ~II lhi!1 " RR :? I I Ii I Senior citizen's comment: $35,000 lit TD • nv OWNER e 159· Sooth Oranet. F.acoMkJo bath h:>rne. Good c."Ontlltlon, • • • • ''Time may htlCll all wovndi: Income Property 6000 Loh 6100 on ~ OJmmttdal lllill. ~ '~~~t!'.'Z~~::~ L~guna Beach 17~ j~~~:N*~~~ ' ~ID::l:M::'W=~=.=l==::~,~~~!· doesn't do much 10•/o RETURN ~CRI~~ 1~ 165~~ ~~~~~£': ,_ ) H-t Reel ·• 0 ~-·~ .., ~.~ .. 1.:.~. NET NET NET -"'· Salton Sea, S3Sf10 money "°'' ..... = '1 ~lin $$.000. cash. Pbonll Hend-.an 5..-.*el1 t'vtS ..... Qt! j' j j j j' .._,,._ UWl.AM ~......--ror catt b-.e lncomc -I '"'·" -....... 100". ..___ t1al proDtabllt llee--,,..._ lnco";:. Un~lll-• ~"""=-"~~~~---a,. fllllno "" tht •llllnt \lt'Ol'd 'uu .,...... · ,. ............. fttm l -wltlo 1 .. _ •c • _ _ • _ yov dMlop "°"' •tP No. 3 Mlow. f\ott-', Ill le&lll."d with l to ~'?W!I' ~18C.1 ,.. l..oc'. on OctanQdoa ot Hwy. ~E l BR. 2 BA homt 13 yean to expiraUon. Tax DIST COW'91! d. owner, 1"" dlf. ~ = ::,::.::~!. l~t.~I~ n!::C~, •: ~R~lt :-'~11~ ~·tr.~ • w1~m r r r. F r r ]' I' I ='~:~ ::~. ::·~ N'pt Bf'ac~1!~ SA!-J-&'15 count. mas _!, to f'tnd il with• want ad! ltQ(ll. at:neral cleanup. PO· rm w/frpl c, Fnctl ynl. 2 A j formation on lhll or other 20% DISCOUNTi! f lJNl!S. You can .-~ .. W~t~~ ~~~ ~U~ ~:te!~. ~ S2'J mo, , V ;c.;; UTTEIS I I I J I , I I J ,!i;~~ncJ~~ ~~~~ 8~ n. rn=tttmJ; 'i: ~~ d"! ~! ':::::: ,..... ~ prmnia a ISQ, Dial ~~--·~ 2 BR. S1M mo. 210 \V. \Vil· ...... ......_......,...... Jncon1e lnVftlnlent Dtpt. au.tflitd ~. Sa•• Ott:an 'Vlotw tot Llfla '-" JIEALTY • ..._1 JOn.. ,,tn, f Pfft.t.f'M3l5 1t ·~ a _.A. • ........,. ... A.. ,,, p9!j , ~l llllN'7 Uzlll '~ &Mii et.di. Call 0wntt ' , ---------""'' c..-•t. ._.,.,M ·"·'"" _ .~ SCIOllM•L&J3 ~nSWElS· llf CU!SIFf1.rlTION •. ,00 · SO& ii"i'6 ·i:.w _... or.mo ·' Mo"9-T.D.'o 6MS 1240 lack Bay ------------·-·· -------------------~--. ·-. --·-----~-- ---------------------.... ,.----------..~......-~--·- • . . . TEAMWORK produces each day's ill-new .nA.n.v PD.m. Often special- ists like Thomas Fortune (leU), whose beat is education, work with a staf£ photographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both in words and pictures. 'The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to jllustrate the varied story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local stories we wrote. Not even us. I ' . . '" . ' ;,;) ' ' ' .. • M_'.14,;. -. CREATIVITY helps advertisers tell their slories and sell their goods in the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford (center) of display advertising department discusses with layout artist Suzie Gunderson and DAILY PILOT Staff Artist Bob Noyes an ad which will be ready to appear in the newspaper only hours after Noyes puts final toucbea on artwork and It is approved by the advertiser, a local re- tail merchant I QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal plates used to reproduce pictures) into page forms as the day's product begins to take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only~ one oI a platoon of printers who "build'' lhe news pages under preSsure of deadlines, work· ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available inlonnation in each edition during 1hc d<1y. DELIVERY of the newuper i11 a spetd event, too. Conveyor belll carry the papers through the mailroom where they are. aulomatically tit.cl in bundles of SO and tossed to ~·ailing' cl(culi\fon-.district managers (like 'Blaine. Roberts, mown here. right) wtio" 11peed them \'ia • 40-vthlcle fleet to carriers for delivery. MailrOom fotemah Gt!orge Arauz (left ) and his crew can move 20.000 newspapers an hour. • • • • '· ,! VOLUME is the word at the_~)'. Desk, DAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus 'lbackground) and other copyreaders every day sifts, checks and edits piore wire r:eports from worldwide news services than the average weekly news magazine pµJ>. llshes. Edl19rs scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 24 h?W's. Speed, born of. experi~e, tielpi. them keep it all fresh, too.· THE \VOROS are ready. ~1arjorie Jackson feeds them into a $2.5,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine for automatically setting type at ,high speed. The machines can set type at ~e rate of 6,000 li~ per h?ur. ' . . MACIIlN~ hasten the processes of prep8ring plates for printing the pages of the newspaper: Herc, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and ·Ed· ward Quinn operate a-casting machine which molds curved plates to fit onto high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of lype metal which is used, melted down ;ind used ag~iq in the continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day . '-~;~~~·.!:; ~ MOOEJtN equipment hel~ the acrounting depa~nt keqi up vrdlh the "today'' pace at the DAO..Y ~11.01· Even as the day 's newspaper is being sped to its readefs, Bonnie Oiauvin ~gins leedlng figurC3 into a computronic bookkeeping..tnachine that helps keep track of billings for <ids and subscriptions. The madune. forerunner of a braee"'J computers soon to be added, handles S,000 accounts 1 month. /: ' . . ·• " \ } . .. ,~,,. ~:~1 RAPID commuliication is lhe name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey and ber crew of "ad.visors" hantlle 1,000 transactions a· week by phone, resulting in publication of S,000 classified ads -words which help people buy, •Hll, rent or I ease ••. even find losl OOgs. ~any or the. I?AILY PILOT'S 100 phone lines are plugged in here, the clas.sified advert1s1og de- l'artment, home of "Want Ads" and Dirne-A·Lines. . ' ' .. ,..,. ~ ~ '"" ·1''. ~·· \O'i !J.il'fi; ., '., "~·'Pi If'-~· ,Jt.f ,, .,;(1f PICTU~, too, get the benefit of skilled, efficient handling by master craftsmen who re·photograph them and then transfer the images to t sensitized metal plates wh.ich arc used to reproduce the photos as read· crs will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really close look at a negative wh.ich will be used to etch the image on the melal plate. ' " FINISHED PRODUCT is cheeked by Ehvoocl Anderson, press crew chief, even as high-11peed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour completing the day's run on ptess units which represent a.n investment of $3.5 million. Elevcn·man press crew will feed into these machines the cquiva1e'nt of a roll of paper nnc page wide and 110,000 miles long in printing the DAILY PILOT thi\ year. .--.. AIMOST before the ink i.s dry, the ·product of ow-blisy day ia tossed def\lJ"on your lawn or porch by one. of Our 7'J new~bo)'S who are important linU in ~e chain of people it take.s to bring you today's news and Jeatw-e.s today 1n the DAILY PILOT. And as our young independent merchants, like John Melton here, make their deliveries. we 're tearing up tor another busy day -all I,CO> ot us. The •Now" Newspaper for All The Communities . . Of The Growing Orange Coast ·---. -. ~ .... ~ ... -.... - \ /I ----------... ----------------... -.. -.. -...... ---------------------------.. --·-------------------~ .. nu: F Mor -,, ' - Dial 1 I ' ' llU>IN ES5tnd Al~"UUNCEMENT) ANNOUNCEMENTS ~--,~-,~-,~-,~-,~!~!!~:!_:~~~!!_ Wo!-,........., 2'1, l 'lf.! DAllY PILOT 53 • FINANCIAL ond NOTICES ond NOTICIS I* l(RVICI DIRECTORY jOBS 1111.,LOYM T JO~> 6 '-""~<UYMtNl JOBS I PL Mo"-T.D.'1 63.u l'ovnd (ftM Ailll MOO Loot _:;:;;_640_l·I PIP,OrNfttl.. Job Wontocl, Mon 7000 H.lp Wantocl, Mon 7100 H<tl• Wan-Mon 7200 J!•l"!lnt. mo 10"4 DIScc:SUNT FOUND: Rt et keys, vfc. toST: GreJ , white male · PRIV4TE duty male DUfW * TQP EARNINGS * S5500'btTDAt$91roo 1'fe~r 1 1: Wllaorl, Colla cat.k1111'9lr,bWlaUf Vie. ~.wall cov1rln1 SoutbOoastatu.Rdl, • , .. Incl 8'10 3 yr doe day. Mega. Call A tdtntlty. 16th Pl. ol SilM281 ~ .. kit. I: baU.. * •• * SI.let Ocean View Lot, 64~ -.-_ Male Sil••• ... ,_ Mat~ '-labor. EIL R ....... tatf OPPORTUNnYI La<una Beach 'P:dt " -UM... ~tic Helo 7035 t,.. --•n YI CAREER Call Ownrr 491.1210 FOVND: Man'• ra.incoat. ~ ~!. J_• ~ C.M. B&BYSlTI'ER . Reliable, f.'X· N od d 1" 1 Optnlne for 1199r ... lve Joto leldays fastest srowtn1 vie. ?i.1qnolia • Adami ...,......,.., 4 p.m. ~need. WeeJala.ys. Age •·4k-I once man wftft excellent fu-proftakn..Mutllll Fund ala Mo .. , Wint"' 63 .cn atta, Hunl 8'ach-Call It LOST ,bW1""1 at Viata eo~ 9 • .., Houlekeepcr1t Cooks, .Maida. " ...... No pPUience ..-...-.. -fodentif)'. 9il-T313 ping eent;;: C..M. R.e;; ~ to t )'Un. ~Top •'l&'f91 tura _...1ncament We tn1a. fllD ~~~~ $30 000 MALE bl 548-8'1<:; AD ... pold. Clll pooslbinttu. Mlltwl Fund A~'-- , , k. cat with callco 1 ========= e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE u-.._..-. lit. 71> »n «llllly-Wk intf.'mt 1>PQl1, vie. Edfn&tt 4 Spr-1 · JOB. Xlnt wori<. ma. he Miu Abby, 548-11U6 Must Be Inc. l 1ec' G08f: due date + pre h\cdale. 89'1'-70ST Per10.,1f1 6405 ~ est. JIM. • .., -Hl-3?'9 Al9o tee jobl N t Ir ..1111... "' Npt 8. 1803 W..tCU.U IG.6'22 -· ~-·· ·~~·· ----'-=I Wh 1d I w t? WL-•d ...... -ARGUS"'GeNCIES •• --to"" S.A. ·~· N. B--..• ............... or ....,.,..,...., NEC'KLA.GE -ofO\Pf nt . LICENSED I y an ,_ 1y1 ¥¥Ii• lNTER ot J:xt. PAJNTING, 186t C NewlfQrt Blvd., Co.¥. ~hlntervlew A appointment .u.usn..ttn AHJolQl,INcEMENTS 1"ori<tt Ba.<ket, H.11. Call S!>irttual readinc•. ,.,,1._.. SPEC AL CLASSIFICATION POR lMMED. SERVICE. Local Geo ~Mr . ...,... ...,.. •i.i "OT.ICES & ld•"1U>. ~ ., a11 ""'.11tn.1'0 s. El NATURAL ~RN SWAPPERS .rot:J11JE ..._ !111-1£21 "' All<n ll>land ,._ 539,1106 • (GOr. • •• $ 11•-~ Emplo,............. '. . GREY ¥i"n+. llmrt_ tait, vie. Ca.mino ~al. San Oen1e.nte. pee I -.. PA.PER K#fOlNG 106-B E. 16th; ~ 54'l..o395 or 646-7300 F'!i!M (FNO l'dsJ 6400 HamDJrin l "'-· m9136. lD .... • 10 PM 5 Lina - 5 timeo -5" bucb P=<; H.8. --B89 ~GE a-L.i...1 ltULIS -AO MUST IHClUOf • .f t ChlJJeae ~ Cbetrfvl FEMALE Sbcptmd Pup. Ap. ~ ' ~ $6. 1-Wlltf .,. ...... .,.... I-Mitt "" _.. .. ,,... Permanenl. !!:qJuieDclld' LINE . M\l,S,f BE la OR OVER ,,,_..,mo.GI": Ple~-klen. BLK. lone h&lml cat, cviUe. Eudltlye ~ )-YOUll: ..... .,.,""......... ...... ..... ., ............ Vl!:T'SBobded p,1.1.' ttn1 ..... Eut ·~. ,M_ :r.:r-I' ,_ , •.. ~ I .... ·-·-~· "' • ~OTHIMO fOlt U.ti -nAOI$ i:>Nt.YI ---........ Vk Cedarglen F.V. very n ... ..,, \NJ... l\ ea.a DNIR> .... p want PHONE 642 "71 'Free at, Uc. bw. Small MECHANIC e APPLY IN PERSON e Qg,_9'Jll'lll Ve~ area. ~ 14'1-'lll "'"' ~ .... -• "~" ..-. A i -~ To Ploce Your Trad .... 1 Poradllf Ad. 1,;-~:-ru·...,~....,.i."'"'. ec-r'o;.;..'' ~ gone"' 7100 PART tabby cat v.·ith i'ed Sn.VER Chann lft.oeleL Vk • Selecth-e Singles • P AINTINO~ IDttr.Ctmior S119clc Shop f# 9 flea collar vie. Elden and apt complex, Harlxr BJvd. \Vhll.t lyt)I'! of companion are * \YANTh"D * Trade 1'1 tt Performer out· State Ile. -loaded. Free FACTORY HELP Santa 156bel. 646-7349 after Call A ldentU,y, 5'1).6109 you seckifJ11·ClU View prop Dowr Shores. board, Cftberslaa> for full estimates &U-4238 Trainees & trm:pmeooed - a P.M. FEM. Siamese cat _ 6 ""ks. 642-967S N4x>n ~to 8 PM approx 3 M aq. It. Prefer or part PQYnMebt on ca111tt. skilled: Aaemblen. Punch GM experience neeeuary. Apply: . SMll & Coast Hwy .• CdM ~SAW MAN Vic. Five Hatlxn Dr. H.B. ALCOHOLLU.i AnonymouS trade home Dover Dr + 1 ! drape1, lalldlcQlrW fenc-Plaaterlng,' ltep1lr 6880 ~ ()per, Turret Lathe, Identify. 968:3'15 ~· ... ~:!" ~ wrMite to * &12-5641 * irw at ! ! ~ .it 1 pm • PATS Plut~ • all L~1'11Nl ~ Call ALLEN Okllmobu.c.diDac experienced production cabinet shop. blander Motor Homee Inc. 815E.W-St. ...,., ADa Dia.I 6U.567I lor RESULTS No Matter What It Is .. M• r • ....P.--"t -· • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT .l WANT I •• AD! DIAL DIRECT t642-5678 r CHARGE IT! · · ~ ""51• esa. VIEW lot, Mesa Verde Gott Want Laguna Be&eb. prop. Type1. !\Te .ttmate. Call ARGUS AGENCIES J AM llO longer responsible Course Fairway, all cleat. HAVE 6 acrn W" J 2 BR 5'0-6825 1869 C N wport m c 1or any debts other than Trade for Industrial, com-house, Fallbroot, '49.500.1========::. e vd., .M. 1l!iO So. Cout -Laatma Beach * 81'M ...... -.. ....,.. my own. Dennis Ferrington mercial, unlll, or!!? Exclustw area, near Plumbing . 6190 Mln191r T r•lnMt * &12-4Tt5 * schools. churches. $'7669 Have cllentl who will train Announc•ments 6410 ~latw:I. ..... to 316 • .-.. San Oemente ,.............,. 2 PWMBING 24 hr. arrv. career minded~ in Fin. Auto Mechanic -.... ~... -r-Work Uc •--ance Inl, factory Sa1,e1i, BU!)' Toyota shop in HUnt $200. Pel' acre. Wa~t: Rous-stores • 2 loll. 2 olAeet 2 iWU'· ·• 1••1nu .; eau 'Mr~ ~~-Beach needs Import line e INSTRtJCroRS -Full ot/ucl part time. Neat ap- peuance. MUBt be able to meet and deal wttb the -aood ...... APPlY in penon, HoJJday Healtb Spa, 2300 Harblr .Blvd., C.M. . • Ski* es, apti, rommerc!.il or!"!' Apts -Will ta1m' TD'• or remodel. repair, rooter...... ARGU• AGIN' c·· ' mechanic. W1U. tra.in man Alergies · n problems? Myers •ibt:14er ~ .. MaD otf· _sn~-oo-===~==-,. with aood dommk: expert. Agfn& too fast? Make an ap. * S73-6756 * er. Call_ 494-3262 PLUMBING REPAJR 186!'.l-..c;:,._Newpart Blvd., C.M. I pointment '''Ith Jovelineu by[;-;::'."C'-i-.;c:;c::.::;,=~~ N job 1 --~" =~ ence or a penn. job with contacl.ini Vanda Beauty Have CommerclaJ-Medleal '58 M.ttcury Wi&on ° 00 •11.,... W ~ieit-moothly guarantee, paid hol· Counselor. She'• "The Best Bldg. free & clear, Sl00,00> Clean, for yard work, • 642-3128 • Help In ' fMn 7200 klays, paid in.sun.nee, paid Frieoo 0 Fa,-, .. ., had", Trade all or part equity. hide-a-bed, honda or ! MEN w •-" (2) .... ...+ ·~--vacation, 5 day week. can ... • Good trans..,...•tlon. Remodal., Repair, 6940 an._ ' ..,.... Ulll<', ...... SIT ~u * i7S-S.195 * \Yant: Ht1•9eS, aptll, land Call e~ to average 2 hrs. daily for 1 ;;;-;;;;;';;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NITE Sli!P'T •Molders ATTENTION or??? A1yers, m.6756 ====~~=~1IF You need remodellnr, early momi.n&; newspaper Ii EX-NAVYMEN ~AT Wanted. Have equity TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2~ ba. painting or ftpah, Call delivery to homes in Maintenance Man • Assemb.lcn e Foremen Apply in Pcrsun 1n Pasa. apls of $16 000 & Beaut appt'd. Priv. pa&. DidL SG-1197 Newport Be a ch, $200. a:_nhe~ut ~ o-ld sea-bag $21,CKKI. RW.i~tic pri~. gd. pool, clme lo ba.J. VaL !=========o average per mo. Muat have a P ou a call&'. area priced at land val. $32,0l'Jt low dn. tr T.D., Roofing 6950 late model ca" and be ~Ive your o.ld uniforms <Off. Spe~able. 675-5001 eves. Car or ? Owner 646--8654 dependable. Call LA Timel 1cers & EnlistedJ to the Sea-I""~--'-'=..:,:.;:;... Palm ~ ~-•. ,,,_ ROOFING REPAIR. 6'2-4800 ·~ Scouts. Need blues. v.•ltites, 6 Unita pl us cash for lahd -....,...a .. ~ ...... ,.., 1 sea-bags etc 64z.s769 f.1oteJ • or more Un Its. beaut grounds, heated pool, 111 eak too· snulll.I • FINIS' HED . " ' · Hazel Fortin, Realty Co. JOM, trade 20M equity· for •968-2362* ~ 1703 Weotclill o,. good •lol °'loll In Laguoo'I--------CARPENTERS Funenl1 6412 "'"5000 548-0390 ""~ 0elalb call .,..,,.. s-1119 6960 e PLUMBERS 2 Bedroom house with lire-Oear R-2 Dana Pol n t WESTMINSTER plare. 2 Btmwm Apt plw; View loL Trad• tor ""°m' • ---lslando• Motor Homa lnc. guezt room. Submit 11eason-property • Corona del Mar • Special on Heml IKl6 E. Wuhlncton St. MEMORIAL PARK ,. Trust Deo!•. H""'i Fo~ N•wport Btacl>Olola M<sa. * 64M446 *' Santa Ana Mortuary & Cernotery tin Co. &USXX!, 54S--0390 Corbin-Martin 675-1662 Alteratlont-642-5845 YOUNG Man • full or part Compltt• fvnerals Have bear wheel a!Jinment Ocean view, 2 ac~ lm-Neat. accum.te, 70 yn. eXp. time, mature, able to work from $245 machine, like new. C 0 st proved. M-1 mne, incl. ap-•.._--------with aduJt youth leaden. In $4200 Will -• 1 d ·~ ooo L or out of college, with in· Cemetery lob · u..aue or n prox. ._,, nunery i.nv. TILE, C.r1mlc 6974 terest In youth P~.m. from $150 pymt on inoome property Value $65,000; for local in-·1--'-.:......;;.=:.:...-.:C.:...: ····-·· Includes Endowment Care or ! 549-20'4 come. 646--1675, 675-1898 eve. * Verne, the Tile Man * Contact YMCA 494-9431 for f;:\'6)'fhina iD one buutilul 2% acrH Roumond. Near HAVE!+ acres nr carou. Cult. .work. lrultall &. repairs. 1-•~••~1. ______ _ place means lea cost. A.V. Frwy ;mo. value. Will 9e1 'Ibtr, aw, at $1.511 ICI· fL, No JOb too amalL Plaster SEMI·retired dre.ltsman lor No traffic problems. trade for Jeep, Truck, Boat. clear xoned for 1C6 apt&. patcJ:t. LeaJdng 1 h ow e r part to fUll time drafting 14801 Beacb, westmtnster r .o. or '!' 1. Want tncome prop. Broker, repazr. M7-1957/846--<W6 in North Hunlin&ton Beach, 531-1125 193-2411 Broker, ~ Mr. Irwin, '4&-9661.', SPA;NlSff 'f.ILE FLOORS 84.2-4488 Entries -patios, custom WOOL PRE5SER • P7time, -----* * * Auto Trinsport ~ Sf:RVICI: DIRECTORY YOUNG woman by Slater & Beach need!IJ ride 10 Carpentering 6590 Douglas, L.B. 7:30 to 4 pm. 842-2874 CARPENTRY NEED Early morning ride ?.fiNOR REPAIRS. No Job to G.W.C. from Beach &: Too Small Cabinet in gar- Yorktown. From Feb. 3rd ages & 0 t b e r cabinets. "'1-536-9651 54>lll"'-U ;;;puwu ltaw * * * wort. Reuonable. 4~ in QiP.f. ---------!675-0310 or 548-n97 SCKYlt..lc. OIW.tl.:i OllY Upholstery 6990 HARDWARE Stock Man H. W. Wright Co. Gardonlng 6690 CZ Y K O SK I ' s a.i.stom 12£ Rochester, Costa f.1esa -Upholstery. Europe-11.n BUSl~ -~-..-•-m ANTHONY'S C r a f t 1 m a n 1 b I p 100% m ... ,..,.r .. ce Garden Service Financing. Furn. ~ts & ~~ = p~ 646.1941 auto's. 6C2-1454. 18 31 monE"y, time I: dlort. LooJa BUDGET LANDSCAPING Newport mvd., C.M. DOW!! I Prune ••• Plant .. , Prepare Monthl,y Main~nanot Exp. Hortl<ul_, lor Plastics facto"". Elec-MacGregor Yacht C.Orp. •J 1665 Babcock trical. mechanical, a om e Costa Mesa p:iolin&. 01ance lot atlvance-megt. CASHIER -Drive ln Dairy * 549-3343 * Includes some 1lllln&. Must be ext.rcmely health1 and lJ.7,000 PLUS REGULAR reliable. . CASH BONUS fo r man ovtt MILK PALACE «> in Beach Cities area. . 840 W. ·1tth Sf.·· Tai<t "'°" auto lrlpe m ro& Costo Mose 6'2-6125 tact C'Ultomen. Air Mail B. MAN to wort t/titne in u~ D, Crawford, Pm:., Panther Baul Rentals yard Muat Oiemical Co., Inc., Box 52., be neat ·in appeannc:e A Fort Worth, Texu 76101. ba.'o'.e neat handwriting. Ap- FULL & P&rt time help Pb' .~ NeYlpOl"f. Blvd.. wanted. Top wages, chance C.M., . fur advanct!menl FRY oook, yotmg man <$q>. METRO CAR WASH wbo des!Ns p oaltl'o n 2950 Harbor Blvd CM. W/!UbDT. Eor intrvw.'• Ml'. PERM. PART TIME COOK. Sdbierhold. Mlsttt 'Steak, non-&mker. Prevlois in-22157 Falrvi~w CM. ~ slitutlonal exper belpful but WANTED Qean cut college not nee. Call 546-122l student with own car tor EXPF;R. Ftbrellu m e n , pait time evening ~ ('hopper operator, Bonders, work. 500 W. Coast Hwy. Molders; 3120 So. Kilson ELECTRON I C Part Dr., Santa Ana. 540-4439 aalesman. H. W .Wright c.o. FUU. TIME Service Station 1770 Newport Blvd., C.M. man with mechanical abill· BUS boy & kitche n helper ty. Apply 1697 Placentia, part time. The Blue Beet. C.M. fi7l..9904 TAILORS, Fitten and For-~TRAIN==E=E-.~FUIJ~-tl-... -.~an. mans. Apply Silverwood•, around general factory help. No. 45 Fuhion Isle, N.B. Apply 1916 Placentia, C.M. ~ERVICE DIRECTORY =~ 2!72. IL o. B _•_b~y._i_tt_ln~g ___ 6~5~50;j----~--- AL'S Ganicniog ,Service ~wn m&.inlenant"e, garden. mg & clean ups. 64&-3629 USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID A·l 24 HOUR child care, 7 days Carpentry, any 1i:ze job! wk. 50c hr per child. 2 Call Gonion 847-6745 adult . sitters, one there at MASTER carpenter, $f per all times. All meals in-hour. Remoddlng:. Repairs. HEATING I Air Cord. Serv duded, fenced backyard, 642-&119 or s.is.3900 a: repair aleo Wa&ber I: supervised play. Overnight dryer rePatr. 24 br serv. ~~ children Wt'loome, Cement, Concrete 6600 M2-7%n or 847~ ,..._,. HAULING. OeuNp Jll%'8,lf:I, BABYSJT'TtNG my home * mNl..Nll J ~ wcrlt. Bonded odd jobe ~tc. Frtt eat. Jtm days. Xlnt care! Ages 1~ &: Licensed. Conc:ttte sawing 5'8-,5325. anytime DAILY PILOT WANT AD ORDER BLAN:K to 4. Nr White Front CM. PhiWp9 Cement. M3--Q80 545-0973 ec.."l.J8l'OM PATIOS. CHJLD Care my home; concrete flllwin& I: removal weekday:tl only: close to State Llc. • 842-J.010 Harbor '1: Adams, C.M. CEMfXl' wi::rk. bO Jett> too 549--0126 small, reu;>nable. F r e e BABYSITTING in your home ezfuh. H. ·stufllclt. 548-8615 by the v.~k. You furnish e BEST 'lN O:>NCRETE the transportation. 642-1407 Walks, pool declcs, noors, CHILD care, my home vie Pata Phobe MU514 Brookhunt/Yorktown H.B. 'J'hor)ic CODO'l!te, no job Days/eve 962-8452 to amall. Free Htlmates. !-ND REA..:H rHE ORANGE COAST'S BIGGEST MARKET Hou ling 0730 CLEAN J,.ota, prages etc. Tree l'ftDO'IM, dump. !!ktp·l-~~~~~~~~---~~~-~~~-~~-~~----~~~~~~1 backhoe, fiJI, &'.rad e . I !i6U745 S SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE UNi-NO AD LESS THAN 3 UNES TRIM, hedp, tniea. Gen. clean-up, name it! I baut.1----,---,---r---r----.----.---~------- reuonable. &U-403J LITE Haulinr &; cleanup. ' • 1 ... TIMU TIMD TIMU TilllS ' Reuonable. Any area. Call 642-2657 BABYSJTI1NG my home, e 648-1234 e week daya, have 3 yr old CONCRETE -work, aD tyffl. LIGHT HAULING daua:hter. C.M. area. 549-2158 Pool decks I. CUBtom. call 545-5490 $4.50 $6.10 $10.65 $15.90 $5.10 $1.21 $13.10 $20.10 DEPENDABLE day care.r::S<S--=1324======= l====:c:=== Pref. ""klY care ol 2-4 yrs.I· Housec:J.anl .. "tl.!!-_..:6::.73:::5"----1--·1----1·----l-----l---- Llc. Hrbr/ Baker. 546-1539 ContrKton 6620 ... $6.00 $9.76 $15.55 $24.30 YOUNG mother wants lo REMODELING, Additions; babysit in her home. Ile. I: irwJred. Los Padml: * APT. CLEANING * Fut I thorough 642-81.64 WilLlAMS a....., s...v. --· 642-0447 Const. Brick, Mnonry, etc. 497-1665 ar .f94.4151 eves _lncomo ___ T_•_• __ _,.;6_7-'40~1 6560 Addi&r. * Remodeline BE A Satiltled Oient with - ______ .;:;.c Fred H. Gerwiclt, Llc. Barria Tax Service. tth yr. BUILD, Rmw>del, Repair G7J...60ll * 56-21'10 locally. Avail ll moa. 3117 Brlclc, bloct, co n crete, Roo•ev.e l t . Way, CM. crpntry, bO job too small. C1rpet Cleaning '625 "Mack" 540-mt Lie Contr. 962-6945 '======== CARPET • Furn ·•···;-* 'l':'H YEAR * -: • . -.--,;..; A·l ~0 Clf'J*'ttrint 6S90 for 1 day se:rvice Ii quality HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. v.'Ol1c, Cll.ll Sterling for QUALITY Repain -Altera· bri&bblal! ~ t!ft/wkeM by appt. 5t5-8820 tions -New OC>l'llt by how' NO Glmicll Belt e"Xpe11 qit PROFESSIONAL or Contract. 6f6..J.M2 A fun1 clng. at .lowest EDUCATORS REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS i:rices. ~ 141-m.7 TAX SERVICE PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 'ubllth fot •••••••••• doy1, bet lnnlnt •••• , •• ,, .,,,,, •••••••••• ••••••• Clt111flc•tlffl ••••• , , , , , , •• , •• , , • , , , •••• , • , • , •• , , , , • , , •• , , , , • , • , , , . ... . ........................................................ . AU,... ..... -. •• •••• •• •• •• ,, •••••••• •• •• ,, •• •••••••• •• •· ··•· ··• Off., ••• , • , •••• ~., •• , •• , , , , , , • ,, .. Plto110 • ••., •••• , , •• •• •• •• •• ,. • CASINE"I'S. Any me job. WALL 'ro WALL ' Carpet • 968-3403 . 26)'1'1. exper. 548-6713 C l e a.alas It ••P •rt SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE -.. •••• upholltmy ~64&<3780 Your b •me. ReUonable. NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD CARl"£'T 4'~ ·cJeaD. Eves. Norman Mani 56Cl2I ins. -I< npalr. Clll lNOOME Tam -G~ c.ri-t. MU656 your borne, I01'lf[ loml cc:m- blntd. 115. - Go..i.N"' - MOWJNG, -odd jobo and l!Ot rNMng. -CUT I: ed&t lawn com.pl service. Uc. 546-5:161 eves ........... Cut A: Edp Lewn Main~. Ucemed ~2310 aft 4 e HOME SER.VlCE • FEDERAL A SfATE sn.- Gordon ,N. W1rNn, PA 18th yea.·. Awt. 615--3345 1r .... 1,. 6755 JAPANDE Gardener . IRONING lSc pc. You BriDK Complete S e r v I c e . Ex· ~ ~ Ml-6361. _...... Rdlal>lt. &42-<llS Land JAPAN'i:SE Gudenlnc, Pro! ocopl.. '6110 Maint. Land• c •PI n 1 SPRINi(LIU Cleanup. 63719151 ' Sod Lawr..,_ Uc I: BcD1ed YARD Cleanup . Trff * 60..:m * aervlce, new I • w n s , miltMERdAL A reili&Tldll .,t:nklen, rvtotlJL &t&--68t8 GudefttrW" A: J..andlcapblc, F'or Dl1lJ Pilot Want Adi. Joe OJITal 96l-4764 Dtal 50-5l7I for M'.SULTS Whtitl ~tsl ObnrNoltne BUSINESS REPLY MAIL ""' a.. ,..,.. ... fl, Ced• ..... C.l'nle Oron9• Coast DAILY PILOT '· o. IOll 1560 Colta Ma., C.llf. 926.26 C(ouifW~. TO Pl6WU COST Put only ono word 1111 ooc~ 1poco 1b0Yo. l11ch1do your -eddro11 Of phono n1mbor. tho cott of your o4 t1 ot tho 011d 11f tho Uno on which tli. l1tt word of yo..-H 11 Writ. .."" ,., ... t l.00 ...... if , •• .loti,.. 010 ef DA ILY PILOf lu t0rvlco -.Hti IMll..f' ,... p11! .. "" " " ' 1 ! • • • ' • • .. ... • ---------------"""""------~~-· n DAll.Y I'll.Of w-. ......., 29• lM DISI F ij~~~!!!!~!!!! ii~~~~~ a IM .. -Ml-JOU a IMl't.O-ms a IEWl.OYMINT MUCHANDll! POii MEICHAH •Ull ~ · • " JO•• • • :::. ' -• ..., ' "' '_,..' 1• SA Li AHD TIAOI SAL! ANO TIAOI ... , -··' MER~"":"!OlliE FOR SALE AND TltAOE . MEiCHAND1'8 POI SALE AND MIAOI ........ w~ -1200 A11M~ w-noo Holto w..,,.. I ;';•=•;;;';""';;;•·;w;-;,;;;;:i~JOO~-~r.=•:;•;••;·~·;w;;-;;;;;;;1~500;';; 8000 ,.. .. 1 """'"' 11~ Tolovl•lon l20S ,_,. _,_, -. w-7400 Pu11-a IOOOPumlturo on v•• _ ------+ IUYEll TO $600 NEW SALON RENT TV •10 DOIIDIArt' OPENINGS Knowl«llc ol ,.....,_ MAJOR ~ ~f_ ~~ J THEY'RE HERE I r.t I .~! !!,f>O'l!--·.,> ...... ~. t~plU11conctntN.ttd CAUFORNlA BANK •-Hiia C-t..L ~·~ •.-.u e auaboyi cxperlmce ln purchulnc t1 -...,lllMI ...,...n.... New Gultnr.n PaotmUtr USED 1Vr $25 1 up. Rep&in e Room So". Woltera ~ ,:_ ~:"'~ ~~ ':1': :..:: LllSUll WOllLO MedltemiMa ~ ~~.~.~ ~a.°'oi. ~im""' kt usbt o t t Ice r, •"'°' Now Ttklnt A,,Ucltlofta fer1 I In Used Hammond-. Thoma&. Trilh 1:EW'P.OIT cu1torner eon ta cl e HAlltDRISIEU leutht MMluff!chtrer"a 'A Slwwioom amp waratur Macnavox. Klnf. 1210 -_,..,,, ... ply tn penoo only to wamn Deni. Pennanmt c are e r ~ e MANICURIST , Al,....,... ..... I .,.... ...._ ~ man 1tartina: at •••••• s 395 Hl°FI & Stereo Poroon nol Agsncy portunlty tor q u •II II• d • Ri CI PTK>NliT 8 WoOd carved arm divan, Jg. man 1 c!Wr • Allo Lnile s""'"' e ,... Sclld ataln NEWl'ORTEll INN uar Je.tnbotte Road Newport 8Hch 8.13 Dowr Or., N.8. peraon.. S•l,f)' coin. or love aeat 5 Pc Octagon dark.~ din set New Amaicu made planol 4 spd, 4 speakl!r aud~ .....ato m....,.te wtth aliillty •nil No Following Neoe&>ary w/blact or avocado framed chairs, 8 Pt BR · irom .................. $ 5!0 .,...,. In nlnut camole. Youn' Min Tr1vtl I .. 14 .,...,..._.., Cootact W. G. Must Be Experienced .. t 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, IC mirror, ?-ELECTRIC Left on lay away. P.., l'reaaalJ. ._ CODll\\od•o, ~~atlve headboard In Spam111 baJanoe ot 1111 ca.ob or low NEED tline bo)'I to travel 48 1tates and retum. Tran. port&tioa lum\ahed. $300 per month to 1tart, must be able to kl.ve immedialeJ¥. See Mr. Huacher, Jamaica Inn Hotel, 2101 E. O:lut Hwy., CdM. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. RN-LYN 7400 • 117 ·2162 • oak design With matchillg box rprll!p, malo-ORGAN pymnu.w ... -. S!S-1'89 Newport c.n1 .. 8'anclt · treas & frame. ASSOC IA TES ··-8'<urlty hdllc Nat'L Banli • lterno Sold Individually Hobby Supplies -11:&'.A Ne .. _..... C.tnter Dv Htf, W_,_. Hile W...... 333 E. 17th, Costa Mea 3 to 11 I 11 to 7 Shilts N'w Convalescent holpltal to open ind wtoek in Febo nwy. -·-· ·1 ~•·-' f ~ 7400 Shep A--loforo yw buy -USI 6'6-«03 PROFtTABLEN•wHobby A~=:-G~RLS . ...;W;..;•;;;in"..,.;;..---7'-400-"' W-, ~ YALU~ $l09S.9S -FULL PRICI $52'.tS tin back ol Paocake HOUl<l '.,. ,69 Aral<n • Rotirfta. APPLY 1.N PER.SON 393 Hospital Rd., N.B. {Acro!I from Hoq HOlp.l omce COMBINAnOM; s.r, Bar or terms 11 tow •• $4.66 per w.k dial en•> 543-2141 Mn. ll •• 24 · w t Maida 6 Go Go Danoen. No Down-Use Our Store Charge Plln ONCE-A-YEAR Mac'• t.linl worm FannL N•tiona! '°""'"' needs 11" es ern Top ...... $1-!0 "' No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Valuea lnoldo ALL FLOOll MODELS n.e F... Bam. 22 49 YOW'IS ladltt. J"rff: to trawl at.art. Ph. far mt. 56-8983 Conn e Wurlitzer e Knabe N wport Blvd CM ...., coast and mldWftt ,. SASSY LASSY, 2"'1 llarbm-, APPROVED FURNITURE PIANOS ond ORGANS ' · MESSENGER for DISPATCH DEPT. Aullf•nt CASHIER Prefer aome Brokerage experience. APl>bi in puo- ton: Mn. Hadland GOODllODY & CO. 290 S. Coost Hwy ..rt .. -u with cha-...... G I CM -.,...;'."Must bo .,=;,; ' . . 2159 HARBOll, COSTA MESA "OnMl-oKlnd" Sporting Goo41 1500 ... neat Hilb ocl>ool ..... Ir SNA~ == 12 Yeara same locatlo~ame ownoro YOUro~i.'o~ GREEK SURFBOARD :":.:~bu= WE "'.!•=-::::.!"' ~ s:!~ ~·:_. ~ ~~op E:RL YI ", .. "MA~c:dlent. $60. Young man. r;l!Jlle, driwr·• l.icl'lla", ti. Thru wUh ser- vice obllp.tlons. Opportun- ity for advancement. Com· pany benefits. ae:o paid while in tra1niJ:w. S4a.~ Fine Ouiltmaa Tra~ins Woel<ty .......... $100 plm. -~ $388 ••-Frinp boodlts. For Intor-SJlll ll~Ui "°"' Mon, Wom. 7500 from Mlscoll1noou1 - Set Mr. Rieb l·3 P~I Laguna Buch --.W"°AITRESSES P/time. Exp, '1'ltt 21. Ooaed Sunda,y &: Holidays. view '" Mr. HutcMr. J.. ~U * No down • Easy t'nna: ma.lea Inn Hot'l, 2101 E. JOB$ A tMPLOY Ml!N 1 e Delivery e DAILY PILOT 330 \Vest Bay, Colt& Mesa STUCCO WIRE MEN Woric in C.olumbua, Ohlo I lndianapollc. lnd. pUll:lng wire on by the roll. Furnish own too25. Will pay $15, pe.r roll. Wire over board. No line wire or paper. Write, Milton Lewin, 6129 Qtlna.. berry, ColwnbUt, Ohio. 43213 EXP'O Mechanic wl m tools. Plenty ol work. OiU'a Auto Repair. 1147 Anaheim Aw., CM Apply in Penoo KRAMERS COLONIAL KITOIEN 5U W. 19th St Costa Meaa eo...1 u..,., CdM. Poro""' Com· p OprS DAY BUS BOY Fum11u,. sooo Gould Music comp•ny w'Jcome. • • · SchoolM'natructJon 7600 Fum1ture returned from di> 204.5 N. Main, Santa Ana 3 (Six 01ys A WHk) -model bomu. So. ol Freeway, ;,1--0681 FRIDAY -JAN hi ' · ~~tSon. Mon & Fri 'til 9 Sun lZ-5 7:30 P.M. WINDY'S AUCTION RN's-LYN's CAN YOU QUALIFY? Aides For abort tmn jobs st.artlna th1J week. Apply lmmed. WAmu:rsa Studio Offer Spanish . Modi-.•" Y•m•"" NEW FURNITURE nn.i RD FURNRURE Plonos & 0~1n1 •rom """""'''"" & moo•t · • hom,s. 20 Beautllul Bed· (bperloncoclJ Need someone to usllt in m,y bw:inl!sa, 2 hn per day' 5 days Y.-k. SGS per wk. For penonaJ interview call Mrs. f.tWer, S4U252 between 2 Sunlile Coloni1I liit•• ill!. ConY1lescent Hosp. _-:::. 1784 w :.:.in RfUllDI E. llE IS I E. c.,,, Hlghw1y Newport looch & Contest 1144 ~.:t·;~ CM cO::tm M;:i~ = :'s~~y ~~~~tru~~ Have a $2.. bill? It'• worth 2 Wed., Set • Stm. 'tll' 1839 N•wport Blvd, CM Room set. 1 ?ilartinsvllle private INSonal The luclcy CONTEMPORARY, perfect 646-0Z71 pecan Dining Room set y,•lth one wlna •ix more free! coDditlo.n! Curved kdionll•;c=rrn;;;n-,,:;;;;;;;;;;-V.:I china cabinet, 60 Lovely os Don't have one'!' WW ac-(COit $850) $250 or bell o1.'HAMMOND. Slelnway Ya. chairs, dinettes, cocktail ta. cept two ailver doilan. C:all fer; h>ola:a•, end table, maha • rll!W' le used pianos bJ,s, credenzas, de I k I, ·~ • COOK • fo r Nunlng Home Experienced Apply at New Ownenhlp & MaJto -Santa Ana, Ph. 541).(1325 egement. Tep 1tartln1 -Colta Mesa. 2100 Harbor Pay. All Shlftt. An equol opportun;ty today tor details. double doors· upbol cbain· of all makes. Belt buyJ in cheats, lamps, gun cabinets, * DRIVERS * Unr'que Sludt'os d@eOlatcf' ~P5; bedruo~ So. earn. ri&bt here. pictures. min'oni, mattreas- . No 11:--1-•a ttl; single bod ; do .. ; bJ2 SOIMIDT MUSIC CO.. "• TV'~ and SterooL R•· * 139-0440 employer -.... '""'••-..... w. 19th St. •••· , .. ,_... rn•nv 'Items. ~ N. hlain, frilera,ton:, itoves, washers .,.... ~;:;...,_ ............ -v Santa Ana and •--and ?.t UC 11, Necac.&arv! Costa Mesa 646-Wl '""""""'"' ..... ~.;> MISS EXEC AGfllCY L1gun1 Be•ch Nur ilnt Homo. 494-I07S Foo P1ld e 2 ND COOK e e COMMERCIAL e TELLE II Exec ~tary • • · · • • to S56l Must ha.ve IOOd experience Personnel Sect)' •••• to $563 with IOUP • aaucea. Worldna Payroll Ok (split) •• to S560 houn Mon. thru Fri. S to Sales Sect'l:tary ····•••· $500 4:30. Call Mnt Penninelon. P.R. Secretary • • • •• • • • SS00 8.\1-0!00 Ext 2036. Acctg C erk (tplil) •• to$500 SE WI NG MACHI NE Keypunch '•·" •··•·•··· S49t OPERATORS. Expel. top General OUice • • .... to $494 atitcher ot sportswear. Ap. UNITEO CALIFORNIA BANK 4525 McArthur Blvd. Newport Beach RecpVPBX ····• ....... $4'15 ply; JAY·MAR CORP, zm -5'cty ...... l4'0 s oak, Santa Ana 8 "' 5411-4424 Qanp Order Qlc: (apl..lt) $400 3 ·PM Girt Fri (1plltJ , ••••••• $400 -'-"=""""""'=..-.v-Equal opportunity employer Unique Opporlunlly Mall Girl .............. $375 Exp. GIRL FRIDAY P.T. Typilt fsplll) •••. $%.hr tor Head off1ce Q eaning Bus-for Appllcant P1y1 Fe• 1ness. Afust know bkkp'g I: Exeruttve Sedy •••• to $500 gen'l otfice procedur& Girl Friday • , , • , ••• , • to $500 Houn: flexible. N'w of1ice by Receptionist ••• , •• , • to $450 O.C. airport. Apply 5f1-5883 Secretary ••••••.•.•.• to $425 ;;';;"';;·.,Gourl=="';;;,---,,-., Escrow Traintt .••• to S350 EXPERIENCED or w i 11 EXEC SECRETARY A/P/Cierl< ............ 1325 tn.ln. DryclunlngJJaundry Must hive good appe•r· anc•, exceUent typing & 1horth•nd 1kllla. Ple1H appfy In per10n. UNION BANK P.T. Secretary •••••••• $3.br attendant. Home like at· mosphere, Balboa Isl. Xlnt (10 w. Cout llia;hway pay, gd hrl., Comm 1. 2743 E. Coa1t Hlghwoy Caron. d•I Mir Equal opportunity employer Newport Beach 648-3939 774--2380 '•°"'au"'C"'K'°"Pl"'E°"S"°SE'°R""•· Secretaril!&, many •• to S520 Experienced in 11portswear. OMV .................. to$475 ApP!y INSURANCE GIRL Med front & back •.••• to$450 JAY·MAR, INC. Med Tramcriber ........ $435 2907 So. Oak, Santa Ana Part time to handle Fll-e & Home OWnera for a "'"e.11 known Savinp and Lo&n. Excdlent workilll' cnndl- tiona. Call 645-2fi00 Typists, many ...... lo $410 IS to 3 P M) Auto Ca.shier • •• • · ·••• • • .$400 I "200""'°"IN"CO;;n;ME;;;;;l;-;Eam=,--w:::bil;:;;. e General OUice .......... $400 you team to be 1 Vanda PBX/Typist ............ $368 Beauty CouNtlor. ..The Trnee Underwril.er • ••• tc$346 Beat Friend 11. Face Ever Trainee Typists ......... $346 Trainee Steno •••••••. , •• $333 Trnee Nune1 Aldn ..••• $303 Trntt Dental Aul ...... $303 A~ET AGENCY Colla Meu 437 w. 19th ..,_.,,, Garden Grove 12291 Harbor mvd 638-fillO COLUMBIA Employment Agency 8kkpr (atveral . , • , , , lo $525 Penionnel Sec ....... • $520 Hospital Cook •••••••••• $500 Dental Front Ole .... to $450 Oerk Typist (M"v) •• to $433 MedicaJ Assist •••.•• $400uP Genenl Ofc Tmtt •••• $320 Cake Decorator ...... $3.hr Tronic Assemblers to $2.SOhr NW"St Aides .... : ....• $2.hr Factory Trainees-··· $1.75hr F<.fANY MORE JOBS MULTIPLE LISnNG 1858 Newport. Ol 642.SW 1223 S. Bristol, SA 546-8560 100 S. Anah, Anah 77«491 e KEYPUNCH e OPERATORS Experienced Alpha i Num. Long term aul1nmenta, days. Loni Buch area. Free --KELLY SERVICES INC. 230 E. 3rd Street Long Bea.ch, Calif. <2131 aum F.qlllll or.fl0r1unity ~:>layer ~nel 0f'rlt • . . • • • $500 Exp'd. &:roUP lnt., ~: • mature. s. Santi Ana mfl. (fore). lec'ty, l gir1 ofc ...••.. S5IXl Nr. f·aMioo Ia. Lt. ahthnd or transcriber. (ltt peJdl J. R. Pie>rte Auoc. Apney • 1115 N"':port, C.M. 64J..6Tl0 .,_..~~~ ltocopl/Typlst .... .,. phone. ""'' .,,,. l;w. to $3&0. Ftt paid, ello f~ jobg. APEX Ernploynv:nt ~ 11'13 Harbor Blvd. (.\i block South 0( 19th) 1o.t& M4'• ~ Sho"' Co,_ G1l1 ~ ..... G<I nldlt1t, """'" ~ OOloo """""' 1foOypmob Opon, Mod. l clelrtil.J ..ta. RNa • Nu™s •-cau °""'· S<1-7196 .UGUS AOINCllS • C Newpuot Blvd .... c.M. \ OR ., 615-6195 VIKKl'S Costa Mesa la look- ing tor a:harp, dependable bannakl. Full or part time. Apply ln pel'IOn, wkda.YS ID- 6. 1791~ Newport Blvd. PERSONABLE, AmblUoua pera?n 21..fO for aec-Offlce po1ltion in lrg: apt complex. Exe: admln & sec skills req'd. Varied duties & hn. Some wknda req'd. Call Mon-Sat ONLY 645--0.SSG BABYSITTER • Housekeep.. er, actiw )UI' ok1 baby boy. COOKS HELPER Permanent, Northern H.B. Private School, North Jlunt. area. 893--7445 aft 6 PM. tnpm Beach Houn 9:30 'dJ !\JATURE, reliabll" we.man 2:00, 5 days a week. c.atl warrt@d care 5 yr old girl, Mr Welch 847-265.S, 9-J ~·tek· ll-4 wkdya. Rei. req. S a I _._..,,.'=•onl;;y.-·====- .,,.n. IIB Write Dally Pilot COUNTER. GIRL Box P-801.. Must have &:rill experience er LADIES 18 to 60 show Sarah cubing experience. Work· Coventry spring & a 11 Ing hours Mon thru Fri 8 season jewelry faab.icna, to 4:30. Call !\frs Pennina- absolutely no investment, ton. 833-0000 Ext 2036. wo "'In. 1147·1567 * WAITRESSES * SAWYER HOlo.IE needs Experi,nced only. J."'ull time. m1ture womien for Apply in ptl'SOII bet. 9 am houaekeeping, p r a c t i c a I Ir. Ii pm, # 16 Fashion Itland, nursing. 646-6716. 2 6 1 9 Newport Beach. Orange Av. C.!\I. TEACHER wanta babyaitter PART-TIME EVES from I to u pm, m11.i1t Phone from our oUioe on Bal--have own tran.,. 549-4369 boa Ille. &-9 P.!\t alte:r 3. Call: 6T;>-f57D For Info. ~LAD==IBS;-,-lo-do-,-,-houle--w=·o"rk""In PHONE SOlJCITING Ii.nett of Newport Homes. No e.xperience neceuary. For lnlenoiew call Leta. Holiday Health Spa 2300 638-4177 liarbor, Costa P..!esa ·u'"o"u"'sEK=EEP=;;;E;;;R.;;-:•-:xc:p"•"•:-.. llOUSEKEEPER • Li~ in. refer. req. Live-in. f.1ull 1.folherlea homt. N. B. like childn!n. ~ Aft. area. 2 chldrn ~ 14 It 6 16. Pret u/40. 5.11-14j(I H'~O~U~SEK="E"EP=ER.="--,10-,-0,-ne WANTED Part time Bkkpr. lady, full time, live in. Pvt. Secretary to work al her rm. and bath. 5'16-6S.99 convenience tn my home CASHIER. CU Wuh. Full In Corona del Mar. 673-2525 time or part tlme. OPERATORS Blint stitch • Call 83&-6111 hand tinishe:n ~ Garment EXP'D. Operaton for factory exper. 642-2666 N.8. ettsse~. Top pay. 8 6 S EXP. v...Jtrezs, over 21. Thfl F\ylng BuUer. 3.lOt Newport Blvd., N.B. 67l-0077 RELIABLE babysitter. my borne, call after .f. * ~~71£,6 • llARMAIDS; Mavmck. 1728 Ne1'-'p011 Blv .. C.M- Apply bet S: 30 PM CHILD eve • lite tw>uln'Cl'k. momlnp. NeY.,,ort Shins. Re.la. 5C8-6405 afl S pm. Mold. l.quna Reef Motel, Production Pl , NB 646-0.108 \V AITRESSES needed. food & cockta!h. The Blue Beel 613-1!0)4 QUAI.JFIEO Int. Dec. for busy new location, N .8. MS-!Ml9 or "4--0631 RN'a a.nd LVN 's lluntl.Qrton 9eaeb area.. 841"'1611 GIRL FRJDAY, 1•n office v.·ortt. Lota1 TV 1tore. f!5.1451i 30fa S. Cout Hwy C OMPANTON houSf'kl.'fiper * 4•3Xl5 * k I.rim.lftl World. Ls.gun.a DENTAL Amstant for widow. 6G-28JJ orlhodanli.l tn .If~ YT/ST Operator, nites I: Bench. Call 962-llZI (II" week~nth:, N'lrt Ume. BUSIES!' -" towft. The DAILY P1lDI Oualfted NCtl~ Stn ,...,, time ' cfbi,. ... DOW!!! S2Ji0 per hr. 675-2464 e BOOKKEEPER e Pl.rt Umr. full cha.rp. Good ..a.,.. c.r1 673-2930 OIARGE )'CIUf Wi nt ad now. *Keypunch* Operator to openale IBM Keypunch and 'Yerifitr. Pnfer one year experienc. Requlre1 hlCh deirte al accaracy. Good frinle benefits plus prollt -plan. r MASTBI SPECIALMS CO. 1640 Monrovl• Av•. Cott• MeN 642-2427 An equaJ. opportunity employer Rll's ... ICU .......... 'cl::-&~ Qu&ilty King-Siu .... WT DAYS ' I I MUCH MORE!!' driving ""°"'· Apply 1---::::--:-:----boall1Uul quilted ma-• OOME BROWSE AROUND! YELLOW CAB CO. sci!.':. :•&:1::.0s apllt loundatloo, bll-In Hlgl>o• '""' .,. romlng -WINDY'S AUCTION 186 E. 16th St HAS A GUARANTEED frame. Never used. $9&. but we are still discounting ea.ta Mna CURRICULUM FOR Worth $250. lo.6536 all pianos &: organs in the IM M E DI AT E 1-~ SUCCESS•. lut days of the gl'l!at Mov· Jam . ..._._, 'b-·te 1n°""u:::. Office Equipment 1011 in&: Sale. It will cos t you WIUill ~ 833 Dov•r Dr., N.8. ----_, s • b 2075% Newport Blvd. Behind Tony's Bldg. Mall's. Costa Mesa • 646-8686 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 tlng to n Beach area, 646-0153 PROFESSIONAL ;:.,ne:,.to W4Jt. hop "' u,y ~~~ :::i:s ~wif;, IJfetlme Glft, typewrltiDa'. DRAFTING TAILE wARD·S BALDWIN SI'UD10·1"'s"c~R"A""M~~L!!E~T~S~: m exp n e c e, 1 a r y, in. O!.Udn!n, grandclilldttn, or New 31x42", adjU1tB to atand-180=='=N=•=w='po=rt=. =C=-'='·="™"===:I • vestment required. Apply )'OW'8elll Individually tu. inz I e Ye L "ARROYO", nu Camp Ave Canop toted DUk:oat 10 1enont m'ta.l ~. IOlld bauwood. T•levf1ion 8205 ANSWERS • h,..1 ... llCbool. 173 Dd Mar e1ectrorrlcally bonded, land-•--------- Park between 11 am • l ..,!'... ' ed smooth. Strona: steel Wt-• ANNUAL pm Mo~ tbru Fr:lda)'. _CM_,_5484859 ___ ~---Ing arct. tilta to any ana:Ie. Chosen -Wai'r -Milky - Re•I Est•te S1le1 M"RCHANDISE FOii sso or belt oUer 536-04aZ Mildew -WRINKLES Man & Women SALE AND TRADE · · -SALE Senior citizen's conun,nt: ~ a.pin. OUice # -----·--HouMhold Goodi I020 "Time ~ heal all wounds • - --"-b'· f F llu ----------I , but it IUl'e doesn't do much licensed men ~v;m;n. ;:. _•_m ___ r_o _______ KIRBY Va c u.um. Recon-Color TVs & Stereos for WRINKLEs:· ata.nt income & trainlnc· f11r SPANISH FURNITURE ditioned Gu.an.nt~ Like 23" 1ifotorola, wal cabinet, 1-~=====~- Gardner. s pr in 1 Realty, RE Tu RN E Ii FROM new wiattachmenta. F .P. rq. $650, special ..... $495 PROFESSIONAL 541)..4824 MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS $35 87 ~mo 638-2247 23" Zenith '69 model DRAFTING TABLE TO 80%. Spaniah quilted · • • reg. $579, special······ $469 New 31x42", adjust! to stand- AVON aof.a&loveseat.Joaklivin&; G•r•-Sale I022 Zenith stereo, low boy 6 ing 1,ve l. "ARROYo·•, WANT a nice vacation this room tables, 2 llvinl room --~~------• 1peaken, pecan finilih. metal edge, solid ba.sawood, year? Start tc earn for 11 tam pa 6 Spu:i.sll pairt!inr. MOVING SALE! rea:. $379, special ••••• $249 electronically bondtd, sand· today. We'll tell you how El J'tulclente JN n a:•lf e PoMr mower $35. Hand r.iany otMr TV's & Stereos ed unooth. Strong steel tilt· AVON can help. Territory bedroom suite. oak trtj)le mov;er $5. J-Cora1 flreakl.e to choo~ from. 1ng llrc&, tilts to any anrle. open! Call 540-7041 or dre111et • mirror, kfnt cbra $15 ea. Whlt.e euy STEVENS TV $50. er bcftt oUer. 536-0012. 546-5341 headboard, 2 commodn, chr $20. Green vlnyl lthr •... ~••roPLE. N t kingsize mattreu & box chr & foot stool $35. Twn 1953 Newport Bl•·d CARPET WAREHOUSE lm-·"l•to •-nln•s ~ e • ' 2 ·~ All · -•-n E·• rn.u ,... • .......1 Du to iprings, boudoir lamps, beds A: aprinp ~ .el Costa 1.lesa 54g.3493 Remnanl•2•..,.-Ro uus for experlencH RN'1, ::; ~~· e 6 piece Spanish 1V't"Ouaht good cond. ~2675 ThoUl&ftds of yards to choose full time •nd part Holtd•y Httlth Sp1 iron cUnina aet. Only $467. GARAGE Sa.le: Sat ht. Sun from! Some at Cwit &: Below. time. Wiii tr1ln ln•x· needs u.lespeop~. We train, fro. dawn &: $4.50 weekly, 2nd. 10 am. to 6 pm. 8252 FREE TO YOU Hn: 8:304 p.m. Mon.Fri., perlenced. All 1hlft1 no exp. nee. Apply in pet'-sell aeparateJ,y. Euy credit Malley Dr., Huntington Bell. Sat 10..2 p.m. av•ll•ble. Exc•llent I01I. 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. HAMILTON FURNITURE GARAGE sale Sat A: Sun ORGANIC Fertilizer, aged 1753 S. Ritchey, Santa Ana ,_ ~ flt 5948 Westminlter Ave. , • • bone manure combined 541-SOn emp .... ,.t -n• I. LAMINATORS needed for w---•-~•-.,.. ••• ., • .:i.n.. Jan 18tb &: 19th. 5891 . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~! Qu1ULL1o1.1::r • .,.,........,.. ~ Edmords Circle H.B with wood shavmga. Good C•ll Nuralng Offic• production parts, m ex· 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sal ' ' mulch. 833-5332 or 546-4931 17 CU It f r e e z e r , perlence needed ·'lrill train. 10 a..m.. to 6 p.m., Sun. llOO betw S ol s r.too thru Kln&~Lawn r.tower, Kin&· Martin Luther $1.&5 to S2.30. Call Tri·O. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Applf•ntn Fri. un 0.Lawn Edger, Vaculawn .. Hospital , 1it1:;· 547-0700. Aft 6, Mr. MORE CASH • SPECIAL PURCHASE • BEAtrr AKC male sab5e I: 35 mm Voitlander camera, , .,.,.~T ESTATE. Shouldn't Retrlgeraton:,aut o m a tlc wht Collie to qualified 1 ntw 4' neon Ught. 1 Anaheim ~ PAID FOR washer&: other major lP-home, tncd area, rood clarinet w/cue, also Argus 722.1200 Ext. 272 )'OU be seWna; the bottnt pliances from model homes y, .. tcbdog, love-s chldm. SOO ~'!.tt Projector & acree n. am Hunfnilton Beach! F r .• SG-1201 after 6. VllI ... Roal,,. .... 962-44TI u DI ure at '"'tuttc dl1axmb! No ..,., .. ,.,_ 1129 ·===~--~ COUNSELOR or 546-8103 Do1o1'll. We lll!rVice. See at ocx:; _ Male BI ck I: hit HIDE-A-BED newr used. Colored TV'1, Pl1nos FOSI'ER'S bt 5 . 'h a ...,. wndle, $100. 3 bdrm sets. klnr. PERSONNEL UNLIMITED Eanlh-potm-II A I 1TI85 -~~ -v -n-. a ~ s, appy, ... e y, full •. twln sizes. o• oofa ,.... App •ncn, nt qua '°,........,, ....... ,. .... , .....,, looks Iik Snoop loves ... " Needed for Coat& Mea. o~ tial part or fuO ti.me.Na.-1 Piece or (So. of Warner) 968-1234 children ~2819 y, & love seat. Den furniture, flee, to join experienced pro. tlona1 Orpnizatlon. CaD Mr · coUee le end tables. OcCM feuional employment agen-Klineat83J.-0362afttr6 pm. Houseful! ~TERtorhea~~~si;SPAYED female Boxer; all chain. Many other item.11. cy. Agsrea&lve, rood on FULL Time cook, wage vacc. Good famlly dog. 2M8 r.tu.st sell evecything! Only phone, have an interest in Is Our Specl•ltyl rentkal._ .. ~ after 5 or E. Coast Highway Corona 2 months old. All f.Tedit· working wtth people. Sales o~n, ~~=campus. 636-3620 wee euua. del Mar, 9 to 5 y,ry reas. 714: 87!>-1592 be.c)tzround helpful but not 'M'°'A"'N'°'A°"G;;ERo;;-::,.::qu::lttd""'"°"1or::.,-;l3, 24 HOUR. SERVICE REFRIGERATOR, I a r I e TO VERY &ood home w/ POOL nert.ua.ry. BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS Forst.free. Bottoryt freew'3 . older children. Beaut 8 mo.11 PREMIER 1 BR Adult units with pool. Brus~ chrome. S S. 0 1 d Puppy, h s b r kn Pertonnel Anency &C-llnO FACTORY seconds, genuine 642--3550 536-685S 1130 TABLES • oil~ walnut tables, larie Ex 45S E. 17th Street A-ntloo, Men & aelectlon of cocktail, lamp MAYTAG WASHER. • STRIPED Ginger cat, male. Costa Mesa 646-0031 •· cdlent condition. $50. N c ·"· B • Rll or LYN NEEDED FULL TIME Apply Sunlit• Newport Harbor Conv•l•ac•nt Hotpit1I 646-7764 SEAMSTRESS Must be experlenctd work.in&: with naUpb.yde bolt cum. ions. Apply 'tn person Joha119'n I Cbrl$tensen 898 W. 16th, N.B. Corner al t.fonrovia & 16th SAL£SGlftL.-Exp. o n I y , ladln w ar, pxl uJary 5 day wk., 1'rt. or Sat. only, Mr1. Kuntin 10055 Adams Aw., 11.t Brookhunt EXPERIENCED D e n ta I Aaista.nt tor 11&rt timt work. Write Daily Pilot Box p 3ll. MESSENGER doctor's office, pickup, mite. otfice assist· antt. P.fust have car. 319 3rd St., t..ar. Sch., "* SECRETARY * Shor thand &r typin1 l'ICC't'isary, some telephone. 40 hr. v."ttk. Call g.u....u63 HO USEKEEPER.Own 1'00m, 1V. 2 achool qt chlldl'l'n, tuU duties, 1 o m e E~ll1h prelcrred. 5'8-#t7 OVR. Counter Serv, 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM.. Yard'• Cotf"' Bar. 673-4186 Corona del Mar FULL Tinto --6 child care. ~f. s.la.r1 oPlll vk. C.M. ~--3681 W __ -· 7550 It end tabl«. Priced to sell * 646-l45& * ame h11.111e rown needs New $late $695 val Now $295 fut. Far below wholesale good home. Call alt 6 p.m. 23 Models to choose from $59 "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" price. KENNY BROWN Kenmore pa ~r. llke 675--4235 1/31 up. 213: 692-4167, 69'2·2101 W• C1n Find TIM Furniture, l\flg. ill E. 16th new. Late modd, $S5. TERRIER type male dog. f1ELD Transmitter I: 2 Right Spot For You St., C.M. MS-7815 • MT-8115 • All shots. Loves children. Rtte:lveni Ansaphone ad· "lt'1 Not Luck" HIDE-A·BED newr Wied. Kenmore automatic waahu, l male long hair l,S Siamese ding machine, d r a f i 1 n &: "lt'1 Know Haw'' $100. 3 bdrm aeta, Jtin&, excdlent condition. S3S. cat. 64Z--8762 1131 machi ne • tab I e, FEMALE DIVISlON full &: tv.i n •!us. I' sofa e M7..m.5 e ADORABLE lg. shagy doc. Duplicator, % ton truck, Sec. Travel '" ........ • $650 A love 11eat. Dl!n furniture, Refrltert•tGr $50. male, nda. acres & aau, conl'!ttte aw. Very reas! Bookkeeper .•..•......• $675 coHee A: end table:s. Occu • 536-6858 * In ~'hlch to p I a y . M6-0013, 59l-1838 Teller .............. to $400 chain. f.tany other Items. 5t8-5265 1/lO LOST OUR LEASE r.iedleal Ole. , , , ....... $400 Kua I aell ewl')'thlnr! Only --------:-::~ l<SMALL=:;;--== .. :;-;:he=.:-:=::-: E Gen. OUice ............ $350 2 months old. All ~fed1t· Antiques 1110 10 mix Id ag1, puppy, verything I o es! Beds, Credit Ouk •••••• 1tart $321 Very ms. 714: 87t)...1592 Ex~ont~ o~ $hots. spreads, furniture, lamps. Dental Front omc. .... S500 DESIGNER'S SOFA-PRIVATE puty haa old h'I me Ml ..... with &: much mon! Reasonable! T ll 1'00 nlltol, ""'"tlnp, &laaa, and C I dn!n. -41~ 1/30 455 N. Newport. NB 646-3265 e e.r • • · ·" • '· • • •• • • • •• .. a.JSTOM bullt 3 pc 9l!lrtional hand _..,I t d chlna. !lied. lteeept .• , • , •••• to $400 with built in planter I in-P a n ' 4 YR OLD ped. Dachshund, KIRBY Vacwm dea.ntt & MALE OtvlSJON 968--2488 m, aJtm!d. Good adlt or attad:lmtntB. Ckigtnally 50ld Time KH'ptr ••••.••.•• $40'1 ~ ~t' ~;e: VASr stock Amer 6 Eur older chlld peL S46-8589 for over $300. Take over s.Ieam.an •••••••••• to $800 or separa~. rn xhlt cond. furn A clocks. La r ry after 2 P.M. 1/31 small pymnts or $49.60 cash. Mal.nt Trnee • •••• • • • to $554 Orta:lnal COit ~· Sell tor Morgan AntiqueL 2 4 2 I (TWO) 7 monlh old cats • Credit d(1>1. 535-72S9 Ship• R.ec:. Tm ....... $3411 $28$. or mab Ofter. 64&-8469 Newport BJvd., C. ?it brother and a.later. Raised ENGLISH Dk. Oak 9 pc. ~=te·~·~····· $4.00hr NEAR new lJv Rm couch, =~r·if~3= bo~ :ni~; 3h b8r '!f°~ Janitor ............ $2.25 hr chr, 3 tabk-1, 2 la.ms-$150. S.Wint Mlthlnet 1120 · :"·he 1 1110 :!;:n6"1 "K Obi BR 1tt <!Omn1, 2 nlte BLACK female cat. ~i po.... r, x n . Q'ft-P1ant J!:nrlnetr • • • • . • • • "" ER. rll-aa: Driver ................. $626 •lands. dbl dre.-r $125. 1.968SING .. i ·=Siamese. 4 months . LARGE, L<iwdlspl~tabl.ea: "\Ve hlw many l'OOd jobs Rtbll G.E. RdJ1& $75. oma.tic, com.-wf 546-4811 l/ll peg bo&.rcls. theatrical light .iuna tor you·• Tlibltt I: 4 chn SUI. 2 mo t'Ol\!IOlf:. ~ man 4 TERRIER PllPA-iq l.ixturn. Misc item 1 . -·~FREE old bike S:1J. 536-4681. leaving atta. Will sacrifice halftd blonde-Just darf 1 ~7322 aft 5 p.m, ~.u:. lor $39 9T cuh or aau.me • ing. ;;;;:;:i;;';~=-;:-=;:-,;;.,-SOME FEE e SELLING e $4-."ii ~-Button holes, blind !14&-2147 l/JJ WATER be1ter 20 11lt $.ll. MERCHAUTf l!CXJSETI.JL OF hems, overcutl etc. No at-PEEK•-poo, 3 moa old. Rood for mWltt home or nl' FURNmIRE tach nttcled. ~aler OK't black 6 tan. Real cute doe! rental. 642-3526 after 5 or PERSOlllB. • 842-18!11 • guaranter. Call 525--8616 u 8-6419 11l) ~·~· .. 7•~·~ .. ~·=~~--~ 3J4.1 Wntcllfl Drtw TR&5'?'1..E C>Urlna r 0 0 m 1967 SINGDt w/oabhv:t, 1 flfOS. .. Daisy" dog. ma.le ~N1TE Luggare (2 ~•. pecan. Oriental rup. doea t'Wt')'thi:nc wttboot 11• 548-4286 Belgfi tarp cues) Llkt new Comu ~th~ lrvtne Tape nKVCdtt. E&ect. Mirr tacl\. SJ6.li6 Fun pc1oc: or t~ $40 b" both. 536-8184 Ne-.-port Bnch type'WriWt. 968-2S44 Sl.fiO wt. Guuantltd. Call \'NG b11ck Bl.IMY -.·/hutch. ELEC ~r. llomellte XLU omc.. tn all ol * COMPLETE Hv rm 1et: 523--0915 Yl1( male zrey c.I. hfebrtm. chain saw, Oiild·s XJ..15. Orangt County dnt cond: tn Ollvt 1111 1-397.QlSl anythne. 1129 ~ after !fl:JJ 66n10 pd. IGM573 Muslcollntl. 112S MAL!:. '*" Codm-, put BEAUT., _._ 1 Ir I' I RESTAURANT BEAUT Llvln& Rm So!L Poodle. 7 moo. 54S-373I1 I/3Il -.U. I and boy's ?.fanapr Tmenr, Coota, ConvertJble to full a bed. AMPE~ Gmdni 1 Amp. DALMA11AN. frl,ndl)', clothetdw.2t1.192--tltl Soul~ abarp Wal~ _XInt __ rond __ ._<75-.1839____ $100. Fender Bauman Afl!P. pmty. Aft. 6 ~ l/ll SURFBOARD. 9' 6,. x 2114", • (food " eocha.U). Top S250. Electr1c Bui s.:iO. 3i lbl w/ C&lT')'lnc rsck. pm,y, XJnt &oc. c. 11 PtlD. =:,.~.:r, si;:.:. 536-391 t lS YOUR AD m CLASS!· Best oner. 8Q..:l248 SO.i796 i'OC' an i d to MU &tOWlcf GUITAR. It Amplifier $45. FIEDt 8omeane ..tll be BALBOA Bay Club mem- AltGUS AGENCIES Ibo eloclt. dloi 1Q.M11. Will 1 ... d, kr bu• """"· -1br It. Dlol ..um i.-. REASONAB!Z1 1860 C Newrort 81vd., C.M. &48-6.')3Saff,r5PM for quick, etfld"1 ruulta. (ll &2'7-78'1U 1 -----------~~----------~~--------~~--~----~----n -------•--• n -• • •• - --ANT1I ""b rov. -~ (IU!b ., ll&WI oppl Kl Remo ..... ..... Qu .... ... .... ' IiWc ... ...... Mair = Misc -• Furr Colo Ct We I plo& TV'• tooil TOP Moc! 50 TC con< PET -~ BAS! !roo quif Cha 642- WiR mat AK< FE!< 4•,; WIR AK< han BEA 6 I sell •UN 1 n; Hor ~ WM ''I' In·• or• -' Tit> ... -1; RA> T'I p a •• Tiu ... ... an( Lal IT I D• II Cw a• pl> roi Ml 54! Sil -u;• nu "' Qu 54: LIC cc bh 114' LlI .. VA. ne Po 41' ... H< .. .. Mo 1 l M l3 F I .. "' xi .. ·iii " .. ~ Al 1'11 JI( SJ • ~ 3 I ii I • 8 -. ·-.1. •. ElCHANblSE #01 . SALi AND TllADI Mlscoll._... NGO AlmQUES (Bu"""" lllocl<, ice box, trunks, elc.) JiOMl!: FUa.Ns (reJri&, Jltove, love •t. couch. etc.) annm (Mlftl to turs.) Boob, dI» u. palntl,.s. Movine lo Hawaii, call Q.n6l for appt. DJrnD FABRICS "'FOR SALE Rmmanta, 14ItJP]es & Mill a. Sat. Onbt ·1 a.rn. to 2 p.m. 929 Baker, Cc1ta Meq. Quality lGng·SUe Bed, beautitul qUllted mattreu. 1pllt fowidation, bit-in frame. Never used. $98. Worth !250. 842iii16 UPHOJ.SI'ER]J.(G -rm.so. 2 pc. (European craftsmen) Free HI, del, pickup, 215 Main. HB "Berny" ""6405 Mloc.W1nted 1610 •WANTED• Furniture • Appliances Color TVs e Pf1nos ETC, Cash in 1/J hour 541-4531 WANTED We need quality (no junk pleue). Furniture, color TV'1, stereos, appliances, tools and otfiCe equipment. TOP CASH IN 30 1.1inutes! 5.ll-1112 * 893-C65S WANTED: LADIES starter aolf clubs, bag & cart "4S-5402 Mlchlnery, etc. 8700 50 TON Hydraulic jack, good condition. 5115-5490 alter 5:00. PETS and LIVESTOCK Motor Homes '2J5 9275 Motorcyclu 9300 • HONDA • MINI 811(,ES '''' 'to' Ol '65' * $239 * HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 IEACH ILVD. HW. 3t 12 lllodrt So. 6. 6roY1 Fwy.) '67 Honda 305 Scrambler Xlnt conditlon. ~ ,......,. "':--~~-,--~88_25 1,;;;;"""';-;;i-;T.--;T;-;,,,;;::: ~ 1966 YAMAHA YA..-6. 125cc. BASENJI • Bark1ess dogs $250 or Best Ofier! 11J8 from Africa. Odor I es s , England Ave. Ha. 536-1742 quiet, short hair. A.KC '68 HONDA 160 Champs. Terms av a i 1. SCRAMBLER. Jiie .ew. 642-4350 aft 6. $325. SJ&..2233 WIRE Fox Terrier pups, '61 HONDA 50 males: champion quality, S60 * 962-2m5 AKC. 64Ul988 I======= FEMALE German Shepherd 4'Ai Mo. AKC. All shots. * 675-5397 * WIRE fox terrier puppie&, AKC, lhotB, &mall, easy to handle, $75. SJ0..2780 BEAUT. Great DanP, 1'"11.wn. 6 moi;., female $25. Y..1ust sell 96Z--0901 H.B. MIN Silver Poodles. 1 female Tr1il1r, Tr1v1f 9425 1966 16' HI·l:DW Travel Tr a 11 tr w/accessories. ~2495 aftl!;T 5 p.m. NORnlWESI' COACH '68. 16', like new! Cost $1595, sell Sll95. 847-581l! aft 4 pm. Trucks 9500 I ma!•. 8 w"'. $45. 545-0118 *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* * TRUCKS * H_•~""--,-----•-83_0 they Are /Ill Hore P,.t WANTED·: Uorse w u-ff,nt11tic Dl1'°.u,nf>.. 1 ~~J:=·~ v t'"' iD1-ri· '. rR'Ar..sP<>iTATiot. ~ · sEAci=fcrtr Bolts & Y 1chts 9000 • '. .. DODGE-: · ·~ : 1::::::.:..:::...;...;.;._.:. ___ 116555 Beach Blvd., (H"-'Y· 3$) l~ FT, Custom F1am~o . 540-2660 Racer. Blue and gold. Huntington Beach Trailer &: boat ~ly '63 Gl\1C 2T 4000. Cal> pa inted. New whit" chassis. Ps/b. $8 50 . n au g ah Y d " · Upholst~ry ServiBoft 506 Jlit Sl. NB. Three 16% hp Champion 673-Ql'20 engines. C.omplete w i t h ·-===07,-::::-;;;;-=::;-meveral fuel tanks, atttring '6::. FORD ~~ ton PU. Excel., and controls. See at 28m heavy duty, n1ust sell. Mov· Lafayette, Nl!;WpOl'I: Beach. lng to Alaska.-545--0733 17 Fl'. Performer. Islander Deluxe model (all tlberala ss) oo.tboar Custom snap cklwn cover. Bl& wheel tilt trailer. $700 pOOne &12-4980 after 7 pm. FOR SKIPPER OR BOAT MAINTENANCE C A L L 548-3561 S1llbolh 9010 '62 CHEV. ~S Ion pick-up; R&.H, hvy. springa & til'H; call alt. 5 PM f9.l-U.51 '56 FORD pick.up, 6 cyl., o'drlve, good tires: best of· fer over $200. 962-4670 '47 Ford ~!ii T P.U. \VI '53 V-8 eng. $200. 642-3279 1964 1S T P/U, FORD. S850 * 842-6486 * 16' \VINDf.-IILL. F i n e s t material & finttingll. 90% Jeeps comp!. Finish v.·ork req. i 1 '-g;.;:.:· -'-'-W-/_IV_l-NC_l_l. __ C_o_m_p Qu ick sale ~ make oUer. rebuiH in '68. New teblt 9510 543-(1861 eng. Soft top &: drs. Front LIDO 14, No. 192'l with hubs, tires, exhawit, clutch, cow.r, trailer, N<rth sailll; brb, pnts & plup. paint. blue • ·white. Llkl!: new. All oils & greases Ouslled Bf7-5356 & replaced. Only driven LIDO it. &ood cond., must about 400 mi aince. Org aell! Mooring avail. $675. owner City of L.A. $1350. 642-2649 or 548-8438 842-4356 ' VAR.ALAY Snipe $6'50, brand BRONCO 196&-V-8, •\VD. new, Mmt Sell. 636-3950 Cu11t tnt, roll bar. Sp 1,;;;:=:=======~ I rruspl!;nsion, CB rartio. 1100 9020 tirrs It rims, 675-5287 art 6 pm. Power Cruisers 47• HlJJ.J,.. new gas & wnter lank( reblt. Chry. V-8 Heml ~· w/oo hrs. See oft or 14lh St., N'pt 8ch. -DODGE '5.1. 4 WHEEL DRIVE ambulanet!. Runs good. ie;. OR 3-304:; Imported Autos e Spot Ca.sh f« Imports WI!: pay more t<r -.oy import r egardless of year, makl!: or condition. 1ry us before • you aeil. ELMORE MCYI'ORS, 1S:n1 Beach mvd. I Wl!;Sbnln~er.~. • BMW • Bl\.1\V + T & M J\IOTORS Garden Grove Bid at Beach 534·'2284 or (1 l 892-5551 CORTINA '68 CORTINA dlx, R &: ll, • 11 .0CKJ mi under warr, $200 • below book. Xlnl, o n e (l\Vnt'r. 644-(1141 • TAKES! DISCOUNTED • J1ctuport Jl111ports AS MUCH AS • 3100 W. tout Hwy. Newport Beach • GC-9400 544-1764 • Authorhed MG Dealer DATSUN ·$199 • e '68 MG-BGT • DOWN •• '65 MG Midg" -make e DOT e DATSUN AUTHORIZED DEALER • • oUer ,.,. Tu 9"' Uceme •• • private party 644-0iTl •Appretd Crdlt. GMAC I or a.11• fl1tCNMl11t. • l'EUGEOT • •1-~~~~~-- All Models Fr. $1770 ullmia IMPORTS OYOTA-VOLVO 1966 Harbor, CM. &1&930.1 TOYQTA llEAD0\JllRTERS ELMORE 15300 Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr ...... 119'-3322 TRIUMPH '63 TR 4, extras, exceUent $1250 • 675-3124 • VOLKSWAGEN '66 VW DELUXE 4 Spd, dlr, aunrool. Own- ed by }·I I t '" 'ole lurly from San Clemente. llas had lovillg care. Cream ~·hite body • never been !ouched! It alian beige int; $85 dels, pym11to $39.00 mo. UOH645. CaU Jim after 11 AM, 494-9T13 or ~ '63 V.\V. Esug, competition yellow, 3 n10. new Ures, chrome whls. reblt eng by prof. with 6 mo iuar. now 7 wk3 old. New transaxel Xlnt buy at ;800. 494-0477 CASH FOR OLD VW'S NEWPORTER MOTORS HUNTINGTON : POOLE'S FINE USED CARS • '61 Peu9eot 2005 1i.,1>or "''"· • 404 Sedan. I-Jere U a ~al 54&-5294 548-Sill • milage getter, •with room to '63 VW Van, Co r v a Ir BEACH • spa.re, Must tte thlll one for ~-140 hp, large tires. New and Used Cars • '66 TORONADO • $395 camper, m dents, gd cond. Complete Service & Parts 1F1i ll pow•,, f1 clory t i,, low • Lie. PLNG.58 673-7826 18835 8EACH BLVD. • .n .. , •. "'""" • JOHNSON & SON Musr SELL '62 vw m"'l 842-778 I -540-0442 $3295 • ,-• •59 VW Picl< Up im-1 Llncoln-Ml!:rcury , .... Ju1t 3 mil11 So. S•fl Oi,90 inediately, bot~ exc cond '.' • .,, '1•01 1 f1.,.. minul•I • • 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 '""-• milk.I!: oiler. o;>'tQ-'1790 North of Ad1 m1 I '61 IUICK Skylcwk • REPOSSESSION H.T. Cp•. Automoti,, r•d·· PORSCHE WEU.. Kept '65 VW Convt. '69 DATSUN f>ICKUP l io, httt•r, pow•t 1tll•ting, _ . Musi see lo believe! 4 Spd, \VS\V, dlr, sky blue lf1,lory ,;, IFXC9491 • POR. '63 S. Blue w/blk: l--=-"'~>_7._411---.,,-. with matching int. 3.{XX) • $1195 • ctir. whls; log lites-Nardi ·i;:_ VW reblt engine. Good Actual tnile1>, under,ta(:tory • • whl. Xlnt ~-i.aT~,O. tires, radio,· good shape . . warr. 185 .&mh-Oels mt lake · '548--7823 , . w,o Cash'r~128 alt 6 · Uack, prefer, foreign. WiU • '64 RIVIERA • 1967 PORSCHE: 912. '&I vw eua':Xlnl cond. \V'k tine prvt prty, LB 05501!, lll1dio, h•tl1r, t ofo., Ps,• 6.00J mi guarn. All extras! days 9-S Pf\f 545-7·100 Aft 494-9713, 545-0034 •Pa, pw1r w!ndow1, 1ir • Call 67>5530 or 5'6-1919 6 &: .,rk end1 873-7790 1968 DATSUN Station \Vagon. cond., l own11, loc1I cir.• ,.0 RSCl!E l600 N • !HCT2701 O)G PO ' super. vw 1300 eng., trans. e\v Au to. lrans., push button • $1995 • Silver , ~lk. inter., xlnt cond. p9.inl, ttree, radio. '69 Tags, radio. Must sell $2,195. Ph. M h r "''2928 fl50 ~· ~"' 839-335.l • l!;C an1cs re . U't.r • ..........,.,,, • '63 PORSCHE S, xlnt corxf, '68 VW 1 passenger bl.ls, new DKW .. 65 OLDS Dynamic aa• all new equip. Best oiler. In Jftfle. 11.COO + miles • • 494-3237 after G AM/FM. &15-2.'HS 4 Dr. H.T. RIH, 1Mlo., PS, DKW •.•ir cond. IMOYl461 •.-RENAULT '65 \tW Bus. Top shape. $ 595 Clean! Good tires. Prv par-2 Dr H.rutop. R"''' good & 1 ty. '1425. 548-7473 • •••• • Real Sharp. .,... RENAULT Dauphine, 1370· • '62 MIRr Mooter.,.• '1"' "'""·' ,.. to •P. VOLVO NEWPORTER MOTORS • ,.. preci•t•. Low mil ..... $500. ------A•••••"•· ol• '"'·· pow· 960-2872 ••r 1lt1rin9. IGEXl•O) ••1===='"====== I VOLVO! 2ro; 11u00r 81''· • $695 • SUBARU "°'~' 543-3S11 All Models Fr. $2695 -~ • •1------~~ ENGLISH FORD •'-,6-5 -0 -L0-5-C-ut-I•-.,-. 1969 SUBARU 11111111 L1...:1 •H.T. Cp•. RlH, ,.1, .. PS,• from $1297; 66 MPG WU UUIO i ir cot1d. 1'6Pll6l • Coomplete forelgzi <!4r service IHPQRTS English Ford : $1595 • Kosta Kustom Kal'J roroT•·•o••o a---------· l!llO Harbor Blvd. 646-5484 1966· Harbor, C.M. &is.!J303 Complete sales -~rvlce 100 ?If PH, 32 ml per gal. l"ull five pass. sport.I styling. CORTINA * Delu)le 2 Door * $1883 Immediate Deliv"ry Over 50 2 doors, 4 doors. GTs, 'tnllon ">agons In 1tock. Fully automatic or 4 speed. TOP TRADE FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR THEODORE Robins ford 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 64UJ010 • '65 BUICK Skyluk • NOW'S THE * New Volvos * .H.T. Cp•. RIH, 111t1., PS,. GET A P·window1, •Ir cen4. BETTER DEAL :" 0ns'"1695 : TIME FOR Herb Friedlander • • 13T:i0 Beach Blvd. (.Hwy 39) • c SH 2 blkl So. G.G. Fwy. :A~t!1~1~.·~o~.~ ••• QUICK A m.MJ ~~· I r1dio, h11t1r. IRIA67•1 • AntlquH, Clafttcs 9615 • $795 : THROUGH A ·~~"g!.~~~FE~ • 67 OLD'S Sta. w .... DAILY PILOT .... 7S65 •Autotr11lic, •ir cond, p. • Autos Wanted st11rlng l Drt1r11. IVCL·. : 0 "'s3195 • WANT AD ~,:,,~ • • 'IDP $ BUYER •'66 DODGE Monoco : 642•5&78 . BILL 18B81~ :~~TA • <4 Dr. H.T. R&H, •wto., ff. Beteta. Ph: 1474555 9700 •PS, •ir cOfld. rTPU03JI •'i-========="1=;::;;::=====:: ~35 lmoor!M A-96001mpor!M Autos 9600 • $1995 il~~~~~~;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;ii Ml~r~1~ .. ~1qu~1~p.:-;;;;-;~;::;1,r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 • ~I[ I RAY J-lillll 0.plh •••••••••• ~"'t N~.:un::.ct":~ n~~MF.11 : JAGUAR • flnder, Model DFR-40, ;ss. U~L:JU~ HEADQUARftllf 1 Ho""• E No. ill.JOO port. • I UU • ............. ws. 1 ""''10 ELMORE MOTORS llComplele Sele•. Serv-• port elec range, $15. All •ice •nd P•rt1 Depart·• xtnt cond. Phono! alt" 6 15300 IE4CH ILYll. WISTllJNSTEI lf4-JJ22 •menl for JAGUARS. • ""'~ 4'V: ~ s.. Th• bcltl•t • '67 MC CUlJ.IXll outbo&rd • lt6t J1911r T-4ty • ~~start<r. 2 0 )9••••··· Aire mt 9100 \96C CESSNA rll ccm.mwter. 900 hn. Tr. """· -Moblle H-9200 SALE « part\al-tnu:lf' for vac<1otion trlr .• Mt. or desert lot; '55. 3T Glider. Slp5. 3; set up ln iadult par1[. $1800 Cuti. 547 .. lCi, 9'5 MAYF1..0WER • 58, 10'~'. l BR. • w n ln 11. 1klrt. pnJen lbed. 1162-ocJ& ar -SOCK rr TO 'E.'d ! l1R\ fi111nclnt ,.,,;J,bl1 o~ a.tnk ~pp•o••I of crt~Ut. ' f.REE • FREE las Veqas Vacalion 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster 894-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS • 234 L 17111 ST. : • • 548-7765• • • Mon.Fri 1:30 •m • • to9pm • Saturday 1:30 am • to 6 pm I Sundays 10 am to 6 pm • fj),oo& BUICK TU( ll.llC ~ C::O~NI ~ COSTA MESA So We Try Harder .For YQu .. 41/J 0/o IANK FINANCING O.A.C. - 1966 1.t.tr1i4 Harbor HPORTS CM YOT~.0..Yo646-9303 Wed~, ,,.,_., 29, 1969 GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP SPEC&ALS Great ~•cka11e aavtnge on Gal•ile 500 2-Door •of .4·Door Ha.rd!op or Sport .. Roof models equip* \Jlllth: • Piulld Vln)ol loll .. IOI' I ...,., 6.,. l.4ola.og • Whff! C....11 • Whi\9 Side.-tll 11111 I DlivMI ~ ...... 8'°"' Slltt"1q _... • toe! M•!/IQ1 on A1r Condl!10n1ng, l<n1ed Olltk ar>O ~..f'6 IOOl FAIRLANE HARDTOP SPECIALS Neat uv11"1• on this nimbi• intermediate! Falrltnt 2-0oor Ha10-1op equipped with: • Whit• S1duw1ll Tl••• • Oelu11 W~•el Co••'* .. 01111 R1oln; llllrro•1 • T• eu-. • W1IH11- W•ll tlfp<ollng • Wl!lt V ....... Rocf.Y!l<I--~-' ~USTANG HARDTOP SPECIAL!:; Now! The year's best buy on .-.mer1ca'a tavorUe aporty earl ChOOM 2-0bor Hardtop or SportaRool w!lh u.cllif>G exlrU Ilka:' • Efl Wnlte Sldlllf11! Tlret • -I to•or1 • Dtr1I RKiflll' Mirror• 1 l1p1 Su1pf •Hood S•~~ ENGLISH FORD CLEARANCE! Ortn91 Counly'1 11,9111 inv1nlory Now DISCOUNTED TO · CLEAR! Factory ClearancJ! SHElBY GT COBRAS ! 01!uk~ l Door i 4 Door S1d•n1, GT 2 Door I 4 Door S1dtn1, Slt tion w •. 9on•, In your choic• of 4 1p1td or •11lomalic lr1n1mi11 ion1. Tht '69'1 1r1 'omin9. Al'ld 11 Orl"IJ' C0Mnty•1 only 1ulhorired Sk1lby Co0 br• dialer, -1r4' coop1r1ting dirt ,!• ly with th, f1ctory lo clttl'I th1 l11t of th1 '61'1 ti th, t r•1!11t di1eo11nh we '•• ,.,er orf111d on Amtrict '1 nMm· b•r one high p•rfotmtn'' c1!1 GT 350's-SOO's-500 KR's 4 SPEEDS-AUTO. TRANS.- CONVERTIBLES SAVE TODAY! . ORANGE COUNTY'S . -.-. VOLUME FORD DEALER TWO ACRES .OF USED OARS TO CH<;>Cl~E FROM TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS N;,.,.. 1w•r19in9 15 ,.,. per -tk thtl ctn b• re t11/1d 1! whol111l1 lo fh1 pMblic. lit•! fh• d11l1rs o" lh111 old•t ~'."·,: SAVE! J THUNDERBIRD SALE 1 to ,hoo11 from. J: door i nd -4 door mod1l1, H1rdiop1 ind L1nd1MI. All with 1ir condilionin9 i nd full pow1r. Som1 with ll•r•o t1p11. '6~ lhru '67 Mod•I•. '65 THUNDERBIRD Full powcf, f1,tory •it, IHPCl93) 20 '1. down or Irids. $1595 FULL PRICE $61 PU JO MONTHS '66 FORD 7 LITRE . S P111tn91r Ht1dlop, l iq '"tin•, e11t1m•lic. .It condilioninft pow•r 1t•trin 9. (SVX- 66Z ). 20%. down or lr1d1, llMI loo~ "i'1 $2235. $1595 FULL PRICE $48 PEI l6 MONTHI '61 FORD F3SO Cib I Cht11i1. 16851711 . 20'1. dow n o f lr1d1. $695 FULL PllCE $29 PER 2' MONTHS '64 CHEVROLET MALIBU WAGON R1d!o, h••t•r, pow•r tf•1ril\g. IOMJ 791). 20 % down or frtd1. $795 fULL PllCI $29 POI JO MONT~S '65 SUNBEAM ALPINE Rt,!n9 11d ..,/b11ck top & inl11ior wir1 wh11l1. lVZUl51 ). 20"1· down •t htdt. $1095 FULL PRICE $38 PU JO MONTHS '64 MERC. WAGONlOPASS. Coto"y P•tli. Full pow1r, 1ir. !JZY 7)1 ). 20 '4 down "i' lr•d1. $1095 PULLPRICE $38 PER JO MONTHS '6• CHEVROLET SEDAN Lotd1d. Ait '°"ditlonif19. IOXD .9.95) 20% dow~ or h•d•. $695 FULL PllCE $29 PlR 24 MONTNI -'61 CORVETTE HARDTOP W~ile wilh b1u1 h1t1riot. (GON 06)1. 20 '4 down Ot lr•d1, $1095 Putl PllCI ~7 PU " MONTHS '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Door T•riltop. V-1, 1ulo1r1tlic, r1dio, ht•l•r. pow11 d1•rinq. llCFZ9t31. 20'%. or ft1d1, $895 •ULL ,.ICI $30 Pll JO MONTHS '65 THUNDERBIRD Full pow1r, f1,lory,•ir. rHPClf)) 20 7, d11wn 01 tr1d•. $1595 · PULL PRICI $61 PH JO MOfllllS . '64 FORD SAU: I 11 To Choo•e From I 2 Ori, 4 Ort., S1d1n1, HtNttpl, CO!l¥trtlbl-. W•1•n1, 1om1 w/t'll t p. etrn9. , ElCAMPLE: · '64 GALAXIE)iOO 4 DO_OR . v.1, t11!1m•tlt. fully et1u l11p1d. tTWll: .f)ll. lS'4 down or lrtd1. $695 PULL PllCI . $l3 Pll JO MONTHS , . , 167 AMBA$SADOR·990 H.T. low "'ll••r· f'11ll ,.w'1r, .1, fonOifl•11l111\lOP' 41ll. 2ot d.-n er tr11cla. $11195 PULL PllCI ' • M9 ... " MONlMI, ' Open Sun. 10 am lo 6 pm hr Your Shopping Convenience I i ! • ! a ffeS SO$$ 3 2 $ 3 ii 4 I a I sac szz.<44 ;szc ; seEQqz.:+.,Ji'ti7>151 • ,=,t.t,'t•"'._.,;:; ·;.r~-1·i. SI ~Y r1Lor wt11 .. ldlJ, .i.. .. ,, a.,.,.. r~"""°"'MIATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 'fRANSPORTATION '"•N<PnRTATION TRANSPORTATION •KANSPQRTATION TRANSPORTATION-- -tlOONowC.ra 9100NIWC¥f tlOC) fjow C.ro ,.ffOONow Cora '* N"'l.Cti-.9'00Now Coro 9tOO -CAn..... . 91C111Naw Cora 9IOO CADILLAC t~r Nl~ETEtN 5:1xTY-NIN1E XII .. ~J!~trz~:~7,;~jr : ., , JANUARY SALE. .1 JANUARY SALE 1964 CADILLAC 4 Doot h.N .. , flnh"N ht loyal• lh1• ext•rior with fl\&fchln9 blu& ci.ith h1hrlor, H•1 111 tti. popular Cedlllac pow•r a11i1h irie1u4ln9 powar llaarin9, power br1ka1, powar window•, AM-FM radio, c111i1• control and in11ch, 11111ch mora. IVHUl•ll SALE 51444 PRICE 1963 CADILLAC Tha popular Sada~ DeVilla finhhad In amina white axt.Nor with con• tr;11tl1t9 blue cloth a11d laathar l11tarlor. H11 alt Iha popular C1 .. iU~c pow• 1r ai1hh icludin9 1taarin9, braka1, widow,, •••*• AM-FM radio ancf Codm••• fom•" •::~£''' ~'11'1''~~::1E 1967 CADILLAC Thi1 lovely Covpt De Villi h11 all power ••1irit. inc.l1i1clin9 power lleerin9, Dr1ka1, window1, s11t and C.dlllac:'• fa111.01U· fadory a ir can· ditionin'll, 1tar10 AM·fM, till whael, twllitht Hnl., rr.m:i1u11 · Oo,,l:it• Eoglo ,;,., loo•::~"$3999~::::£ IVAXllOI On Display and Ready for Delivery Today! . QRDER .YbU~J96.i?·GAPILLAC NOW! . LEASE DffiECT • FAST DELlVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION ' ·~· OF lATEi MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLAC$'·'.I" OR~~GE COUNTY 1965 BUICK Wildcet. A lov1fy 1ptnhh iilver exterior witlt ..cl .tnyl lnt•rlor •"4 'pow•t 1taarln9, P'"''' br1k11, power 11<1h, power wh1dw5, AM.FM radio, tilt 1taarin9 whael, aulom1tic tran1mi11io11, aulof'1'11iic tt'u11k lid r1la11a, wire whtal cover• end of cour11 f1cfory air condilionin9, fRRYl761 ,, SALE ,$1888 PRICE 1'966 THUNDERBIRD Tha •party 2 door h~rdtop 11 fully aquipped wtth pow1r da1rin9, power brak11, powar window1, power 1a1I and Ford'1 f1mou1 feclory 1lr con· dltio11i1i9. A.9'111tlful .11tin silvar arlarior with bl1d•: vinyl i11t1rior. M111I b1 111n l driven to f11lly tppraciatal IRTUJ191 . SALE $2222 PRICE 1965 THUNDERBIRD l1nd111 herdtop. A b1111liful 11pphir1 blue T.Bird with the whit• l1nd111 roof, all titi.yl Interior. Full poww tcf\liprn'ant inti. power br1~e1, pow1r 1taari1>9, power windowt, powar 1•11 end factory eir conditionin9. An 011htandin11 cir 1t 011ht1nJin9 ·,~¥in91. IMPP-1211 SA:~·51666 PRICE 1967 BROUGHAM 1966 BUICK Custom LaS1bra 4 Door h1rdtop. Sp1rkling teel l:ilu1 with m1tdiin9 l11hir• iOf'. fad...,. air conditlo11in'11, aulo111atic tra11•1'1i11lo11. pow•r Jfaarl119, power bra••a. radio, ha1lar, ale, Tnily a fina•e•t-obila th1t m111t D1 .... '" '"~' .. s~::''$2222' ::~::" 1963 EL DQRADO ~=J'OJ Fle1twood !rough1m. Mtja1tic rag1I silver with bl1clc padded top 1nd bl1ck tapastry t 11d la1thar Interior. All powar includi11'!1 d1arin'11 br1k11, windows, v1nt windowt, .tru11lc lid ralaeae. S!1r•o r•dio, tilt and t1la1cafic ste1rin9 wha1I pl111 f•cfory 1ir conditionin'il· IUKV-239) SALE $ 4555 PRICE 1966 CHEVROLET A lo1~tif111 Capric1 •i1lion wa9on. lovely a1plna white ••l•rior with 1imul1tad wood p1nalin9, all tad .,.;nyl lnlariOt". F11lly 1q1i1lppad with jlOwor ••••ri"" 1.-•r -.,,•a•, pawor till 91!0 window1, clim1ta control 1ir co""' dltionint. a1lomatlc tT1n1mi11lo11, pr111\iu111 tires •nd much mor1. This ii • local I ownar, 24,000 milt aulomobila th1t h •luolvte!y ••qui1ila. IV6.f0211 SALE PRICED 1967 CADILLAC OaViJl1 c:onv1rtibl1. la1Jtiful C1m10 Daiga with matching lop i nd 11athar int1rior, Thi• low mila•9• ctr i1 1•c1pfion11fy aquippad with f.1clory .1ir conditionin9, pow1r 1!11rin9, pow1r br•••-. powtr 111h, power wi11dow11 tilt ind tala1copic wh.a1l, AM·FM r1dio. IXSP6921 SALE $3999 PRICE 196S TRIUMPH Gren Turitimo coupe. Thi1 lor aly littla l11tbac• het 4 tp••d lr1n1mi1tio11, wira whaal1 tnd 11 ab1ol•t•fY lika br1nd naw with only 9,000 rnila1. Sturi• nin9 1unbur1t yellow •rlarior with blac• all •inyl interior, loc1I I own1r avtomoDHa Jhowl ouht1ndin9 c<1rt by pt1•iou1 own1r. Taki it for 1 thort driva tl'ld yow'll fill in lova with it. IWVP4001 SALE $2999 PRICE . Th1 avar r.pJle• El Dor1do. Flniihad in liaroqua 9old ,;tth hait;1• p1ddad' r.of eftd told 1/llarior. Tilt wfi~f, ~war da1rin9, powar bra~a1, powar window1, power 1a1t, pow•r vent windows, pow1r froil•,lld tel••••, St1rao AM-FM R.tdio, a11d many mor1 luxury powar fa1iur11 Including Codillo .. fi<f•'Y ,;, '"':"•i.644'4· 1Vll3'71 . E-1967 Sedan De Ville This loYely S1d1n D1Vi1l1 h11 111 popul•I pow1r 1ui1h lncludin9 powar .+1tri119, powar b11~tt, pow1t window1, power 1111 ind C1dillac'• f1mou1 fectory 1ir co11ditionin9. Th.ii be111tif11I a11to· mobile hat baan vary c.e1afully driv1" 1nd 1how1 only the fina1I of c•r• by it's pr1viou1 ownars. (44451 . ' ' . , I . SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY ond SUNDAY SALE PRICES ,EFFECTIVE..THROUGH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1969 1965 CADILLAC Tha pop11l1r 11d1n OeVilJ1. Flni1li1d in !1roq11• 'ilold ••farior ~th mile~ ln9 gold 111#.ar •nd cloth intarior. H11 111 tha popular C1dlll1c lu•Ufl' fa<1Nra1 includin9 power 1ta11in9, power br1k11, pow1r windowt, pow1r •••h. 1i9n1l 11akin9 radio and of coursa C1dill1c factory 1ir conditioning. 171221 . SALE $2666 PRICE 1962 CADILLAC Coupa OaVilta. Tlii• m1j11fic t11••do bl1dr C1dill.1c with while le1ihtt interior h11 almo11 111 of Iha dalv•• f11t11r11 th1t C1dill1c is l1mou1 far i11cludin9 pow11 1fa1rin'il, pow1r br1~11, power 11111 •nd powtr windows, Al10 ha1 Cadillac Factory air conditioning. You m111t driya thi1 ona. IJRH5]2) SALE $888 PRICE Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area ; FJ:EEWAY non • FAOM AHYWMPI !i IN OUNGf COONTl i 1 Mill SOUTM OF SAN DIEGO FWY. ON HAUOI ll Vl. CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 Autos W•nted 97CO Autot Wanted 1=.;;;;...------WE PAY ••• 9700 Used C•n 990CI Ulldd Ca,. 9900 Used Cars 9900 u...i Cars 9900 COUGAR 9900 u...i c.,. Used Ca,. 9900 CASH for U9ed cars & trucks just call us for tree: ttrttmate. GROlH CHEYROlfT A.sk for Sales Mana;er 182'11 Beach Blvd. Hunmvton Beach Kl~ Wl1.L pay cuh for )'OUf Rambler, AMX • Javelin, American, ~~I. and Am· ~-Top dollar any ..u.. ~ 64UI023 WEPAYWH ~YaW CONNELL CHIYlot.0 :zm!i* . Colla -548-Ull WID ·llf Tom VA a r • Ponotie .,., ... -Palf ... tr .... CID J1aJt* 673-1190 ' > "ANT To buy Pontiac Star Chitf Safari station wagon Will pay cash pleue phone Bob ...,,..... Jr. ~2500 Auto Leasing 9810 BUICK '62 BUICK o:inwrtlble mu.st sell -moving to Hawe.II. C'.ootl running cond, $450. 673-4144 CADILLAC CHEVROLET '65 Chevrolet SS Impala Sport Coupe. A beau· lllul gold metalic finish with saddle bucket seats. 45.000 actual miles. Factory a i 1· conditioning. F'ull price I ALL MAKES 1968 CADIUAC 5'<1~ $1695 I CXlMPETE'l'IVE PRICES ·WO.. )3.flllO b\I. """"· Llo. NPA 468 CHEVROLET '66 CHEVEl.LE super Sport. '68 COUGAR 396 V-3 eng1ne, 4 spd. trans., Lime with black padded top. bucket sr.ati;. Immaculate Loaded 11.nd air conditioning. throughout. 532-4063 $2950, M. Stotts 842-5581, '62 IMPALA 4 door, low Eves. 962.7006 mileage, original owner. • 642-4n5 .. CONTINENTAL 1967 COUGAR XR7. Pis, air-cond. Wide ovals. Disc -100% fiQc. "4>--0lm Cort fox.Auto L .. 11nv w/blue iol. Fully equip, JOHNSON & SON "''w. eo..t !fllh""1' $5395. PrlV)IC. ,,.,i,:. ·so. , ~l>Mereunr , ,~ •67 mN'M,.,;~·ful ]ODGE N•wport 8'acll' 64U4IO 016S .JJl'i, u.-. Blvd. ~ !1J;O "':<:!•-·--1 :j.. Uaacl.'C.rs 9900' .. --"---- TRANSPORIA TION WSW Credit prab&fn'!T SH u. for ........ """""'; .............. eMy terms. We decJde on YoUf' credit. can or co~ In today. 540-43'2 ILUI CHIP AUTO SALIS 2145 Harbor,_ .0.1& M.., W~ PAY <.ASH FOR YOUR CAR PAID FOR OR NOTI C~MARO '68 CAMARO, po\1-er fitl'I.,_ trakes. air. OWntr roa:ic .... ""'· £1315; - CHMOLET '65 Chevell 300 Seda.n. 6 cyl. eronomlcal transportatlan with automa- tic tra.nmnisslon .l air condl- Uonfnc. A tmilk famlJ.y or 8l!l0)1'(f <:al' buy. Uc. REHlll $995 JOHNSON & SON BUICK Llno>ll>;lf....,,,. oo Harbor mw. 6<J.'llio 'ti3 BUICK Wlldcat 4 Dr. !i' CAMINO. Origthal pwr. steer. & hrlcs., eood. • LqcaJ car. Stick ~. $T15. 6T5·2492:_ • IM:rl6::el ~ -::'::'==-=-.,---.:.--~-pwr, &11",' 51.ereo • Se• 'Si:. POLAtlA 4-door, big V-8, control, -Landa~ fa ct. auto, .full power, AM/r~M. '56 CHEV. l-Dr .. 283, 4 ,;pd.: Hunt Unkage: pogitractton: new paint & Inter. 4 Track stereo: good tttts. Best of. fer! 549-0438 Evt'!'. 1964 lllPALA 2 DR.. Fae air, ps, pb. U1!KI or besl otter. 549-1838 aft 5 pm. 'M CHEV. Built 28..1; 4lJ roar end; 3 ~ .. $250, Call: Tom scs.~ main~ $3475. 499-4002 New Uc. $825. 646-4650 CORVAIR !:ALCON 1--~· NfWWTlf MOTORS CORVAIR ?t10l11,!l 1961. $150., N~ slight work. Good paint 6*-6745 '62 MONfA, R & 11. 4 spd. 2186 H1rbor atvd. C.ood tire8. $375. Afttor 6 Cotti Meta PM. 546-6468 "62 Falcon Wagon __ QGNt16 ................ $3'9 CORVETTE 642-4666 ~ -'64 SPRINT F'Alo:ln. 4 Spcl. '62 CORVETTE Xlnt cond. Blk lni.rtor S950. Black beauty, bl11ck bucket 548-1719 befon 5.. Aft S. seats. plush int; cllr. Car 642.(1822 uk for Bill. has had ('JCC'epllonally cood care. SIOO Clish dcls. will PORD nnc prvtpcty, Pymn~ S4441'1--------- rno. ~ 223. cau 494-9773 19&5 FORD Country Squire or ~· Wagon. Loeded! Xlnt. StlKQ ·~ CORVETTE conv, lnt'l 675-3210 °'" 673-Il"ni bl~ u new, tl'lg owner. 'G3 Ford Country Squire AM-FM. autom, pwr s Waaoa, loaded. Xln FORD MERCURY OLDSMOBILE '66 For:cl '62 Mercury 'GI OLos s1arrire cortvert. ""''" """ 4 barrel 404. COUNTRY SQUTRE ,WAG-COLONY PAKK Sl'ATION $275. 962-2005 ON. This lmmacu.lale1 10 WAGON. Factory air, power ========= PLYMOUTH pass wagon is in a beautiful steering, pov>er brakes, auto- desert bieg<", equipped \Vith matic lransn1issio11, radio, factory air, disc pawer brak-heater, overhauled engine'. es, power steering. auroma· This wagon has been drop-1968 PL Yf\.lOUTH Roadrun- tic trans, rad1o, beater, Llc. ped for winter pricing to ner. Sharp. only $2'259, Priv SUX770. Buy now at Winter $895 prty. 636-J8.12 aft 5:30 PM priccs & aaye. Full price Lie. PJM59'l '57 PLYMOUTH, push but· JOHNl8k &''SON JOH!!,~~ ... ~ON =~=,:='·"""='mo=.'°~"'"="'=""=· ="'=-wl Ll"""""~ IOU""''" BIV<I. '""111511 RAMBLER 1941 Harbor Blvd.· &l2-7ffi0 roRo..., c...n1ry Squire 10 MU!iTANG NEwramr MOT"nr pusena'tl' Station Wagon. I---------UU I U: V1U Factory air, full power, 390 1.961 MUSTANG. Aqua & engine., All 1JeLun e:ttru. White vinyl. Wide tirci;., ext. 2186 H1rbor Blvd. Beautlf'Ullime gold and kn-. Decor, auto trans.. 1-owncr. Costa Meu me.culale. ~1ust 5ell? siS95 quick. salr? 6'75-14S3 ·03 Rambler OTU229 •. S399 . 65 MUSl'ANG l'OllV. V-8; 642-4666 f>nvate Party. 846-0045 auto., mag5. xlnl cond. '59 RAMBLER • dr .. stick, '63 Fm! XL ITT, bucket $1600, 6Th-5847 Eves. 8 cyL, R&H ; good trans. l'Jellls, white ext. fact air, '66 OONVERT. V-8. rt!d StZ>. 61""3-6983 eve/wkends. .... $.'5 ,... de!&. i'ymnl wtwhlto ...,, auto.. R&H. NEWCASTLE MOTORS W mo. 545-0634 pwr. steer. $1600. 644-228.$ 63 FORD FaJcon Wagon.!=======..:=.:::. Auto. lrMS. New w/w ""'· OLDSMOBILE 2186 H1rbor Blvd. RIH, Xlnt cond. $795.1 ____ Costa Mtu 642-<124 NB ... ,ymrnv '61 T-Bird64\~ .... S49!I SALE -1966 Fairlane Squire Uft UUll I Sia Wag . VS. pl• '"10 SALES o\ SERVICE f·BIRD ~ -· ' "' ... l OlDSMOBllf 54 FORD V.fl 2850 Harbor Blvd. ~am "5t OfEVY Statk>n wagon, J'OR. Sale l!l66 &idc R.Mml 2 dr, stick dlift. new bat· x\nl mm. lri mileege, pvt fer)', cood tlrN. 675-2250 -·-SOCK IT 1'0 "Eld! DAILY PlLOI' WANT A.t>S Bro.NG RESULTS! 'lh El CAMINO 4 11pd, 321 cu tn , paid, chnn rim&. R/H, Nw tn. 64).-0SJS l brakee. elec wi S12SO. * 6 ntw I~. Im ma cu J, t t&J FORD Galaxje ........ ' --===-==,,-,=c--'\ Riff. $495. Xlnt cond, Auto. 4 dr. Good tires. Q)sta Mea 1 __ Ru_ns_-'~-·-----54().9640 Uatd Clra &f0.8881 w For Dally POot want Ada. ntE QUICKER rou CALJ... 1964 T-BIRD. Uke new n pwr, I owner. 64s..&:u. ·2249 Harbor Blvd, C.M. IS YOUR AO IN a..A.Ssl· FlED! -will .. lockinl' for tt. Dia! 642.&i7l ---------· Ol.ARGE your wan! ad now. SOCK IT TO 'EM! tltt»tc. so-.-mt OW &lU678 nrE QtnCKER YOU SELL , __ ....,; ____ _ ' • r • ' _.._ ____ ·---~~--~--~--------. ---. . ----. -. ----. / -. ., ' ' • I ' -. I • ' I ' Wolnt"'!.• J"''f'! H, 1"9 • . ..R -DAILY PllJIT Y lYr ~ ·i . NIWPOll 2 DOOl HARDTOP IMMIDIATI DIUVIRY C'f:DGfClaJI• FUU PllCI BELVEDERE , ....... _,....,. ---......... .... •'"'1. """" ........ w ......... _..,. ___ , ·-·. -................ .,..1. -. llUlMl!HllSI. c· ' -;j' . -PAt.TOllY UST-1¥"1 IMM!DIATI D!llVUY $177 DN. .WHDNIW'.. I ~ -- BELVEDERE WAGOH $59 MO. .. VOLUME SILL18G -.. MEANS VOLUME SAVINGS ROADRUNNER HEADQUARTERS . . FIVE ACRES OF NEW CARS TO CHOOSE FROM USID LOW LOW MllES. YQColll7 . ~MEJllAn ·qUM~Y ... . . ' -.. ,,.-.,,. -.1~,. I ROlDRUllER 'HElDODIHERS ·fOI . 4~GE . CouNTY II. ' --1,6. • • ---·-'WHY ·~y: MORE ; ' .. $80 dn • .1 $80 mo. /(Jj.·· .. WHY PAY MORE PLUS TAX • llCENil - m~~:.:~~·~·~-'A ~!11J$~ *·!?.3 • m:~~~;;,;~~:NO• ~t~ll $!l * ~~~ =~~~;:.·~~c:' ~l~'~>~fo.'~•~i•r• "'" ~:,'.~~,~,~c~~ .. ~~"~b·· ~1L~r? S:. * ~ $16 Down & $16 Monthlr $677 ""' T.•x & l ie. $23 o .... & $23 Monthly $377 Pl"' T~x & lie. $13 Down & $13 Monthlr ~;~~l~~S\~~:. •••· ~! ~ll s:. * ~· ~:~'.~~;~~~~l •• !~, !~~~! m '61 Chev. Wag. A11to., R&H, (OWY 611) $577 "'"Ta• $177 Plu. To• '67 Rambler . . s13n $46 * $46 & Lie. & Lie, $277 ~ .. ,., l Lie. $19 Down & $19 Monthly • FULL PllCI ·~ -----'63 CHEV. \ltlllltll. AT -ll·H -ONX l'N ''' : " · , "~ -"\!' h~PRICE DH. MO. ~. · . " m'8 ·llJIR. Fury $1377 $46 * $46 $277 "i\~~x $377 Plua Tax & Lie. '""'*". !-..,_ ++>T. ~. r..,.lo, .,...er,. l!O'fOI!' 1tltfi,., f.c!O!} •lr1 1'1')11 ~I , $677 Pluo Tax GOt.0 •EAL ,..... Mo ·s o L o FtCIO<V ,,,. cor.d .. _... ""'"·· 1uto., U PIKE DN. · $13 Down & $13 Monlhlr & Lie. $23 Down & $23 Monthly I.Ii, Ovttt•ndino v ....... !UU'-""l FU '8& v.w. t c..-. belle. """"'· • _.... Xll.nt. I $877 Plua Tax & lk. $29 Monthlr $29 Down & '83 TRIUMPH 11 ....... 11..H -4 •• QM)( 1'10 $377 ~u.lax ~&Uc-. SOLD '63 JaguarMK.X 5ed. S.lootl 3.L AT., R·H, PS, P.wln., 1!ereo, WIW, ION04't) $1377 '" * '" 011. Mo. FULL PRICE '86 SIMCA 1000 SON. lt.H -Ftoc!. f.u9. TllC .-. $477 Plua Tax & Lie. SOLD '83 v.w. lfet 21:1. H -4 •· ltW~ "' $477 Plua Tax & Uc. $16 Dow11· & $16 Monthly '82 SUNBEAM ll.H -4 IPll. OVX SU $277 Plua Tax & Uc. SOLD Any used Cor Willi Gold s .. 1 "" 100°/o GUARANTEE GOOD FOi 100 DA~s OR •,ooo MIUS WfflCHEVEI tOMES FIRST At no cost lo you -Parts or labor on motor, transmls.sion ind rtar end. This uel states in writing that LN Wh ite guarantees the motor, fr1nsmission and rtar end 100% 191 in5t def«ts for 100 d.y\ or 4,000 miles, whichever comes first afttr purchase. ·, l'rl!'I-10. Y.t, It-If -JU ... '83 DODGE 091.Af-lt.ft.-P',•r. IBJll' .. • • . ~ •• ;: 11 •• •• ,. ~ " t· :: .. " ~: -. •• t: .. • . i'. ~ •• " .. •• 5: ,, :1 " :f 1: . 1' ') .. , . . -· 1 "'•·-···--·---e::. • ... ""It l a l -.. .:.:.1 ·' t :f'l . -~----=··----.. .... -.... -. -= .. .. ' 1 ' t I E • I ' ' . ' .J~a ~~.w~ort.car that ha.~ taken th'e country 'by storm. Thi• car, 'SeHiT · No. 223379Lb0 I 078, i• ready for you todayf Bea~ti{ul verdoro g re e II wit~\ matching interior. Automatic transmis- sion, pu•h-button radio and heater, de- luxe wheel discs, wide oval tires, so~- . ray gl111, head 1'estraints. '2977 .,~~' .. ~:~~: ..... $287' ""1 tiliiNkf _. ., .... r1t11 .. ~,WSW, ficl#fJ 1ir, villyl · t.;. CTIT4J61 , ' ' ' • .,rltliSIRD· ~ ' ' '$2 7"7 7 • VI •ntill•, :. t~64 t~1mi1· ''.'"• rodio 1114 h .. flr, r..i line . -. ' ' tir11, ' . I .~ ' . ·--. .. ·- ' ' •. . ; • , . .. -~ ' • ( PILOT-ADVIRTISll~ .. ·rm .... PONTIAt=61tAND ··PRIX · e~4~tif~·'tm,~lite G'ree~,~funy:~q~ippel with air ~onditioning, fr··~ n t wheel. d1$1!'bra s, '400 cu'bk inc~ en91ne (350 h.p. that isl. shoulder harness, head- retts, ht . ~en winclslii&ld anten'na ,' remote control outside mirfor, push . butt9n, radio andcall the ·standard , deluxe Grand P,rix accessorie1. Seri a I Number 276579Pl9908 ... 0~··~·:' THE.RI-Ji OF ;~L CARS ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE,'~ TAX. :i . 'I~' r ~·-~ . • Beautiful Wa ~ick Blue "With matching blu& ·interior. b.~ylinder engine, decor group, pu•h button radio, heater, tinted windshield, head re.traints, white side walls. Serial No. 23537- 9Z600644. ,. , , i.. • ....... 'f<r.> •• ,· ·I ' ' • ... ·~.~.~~. ~·.~:~: .... $ 3 5 7 7 1r 1t1erin9, r1clio. h11!1r, red lln1 tir11, 1t1r10 tip•. I YNG-· J ·~~.~;~~~~~~.~,:~. :: .. ,.'. $ 3 2 7 7 h11t1r, Rid lin1 tir11, c:1mp•t 1h1tl, 15,175 mil11. ISSllOA ) 2171 R1lly II wh11l1, ' ' 6! o~.~ •. ~~'~ $2·6 7 7 pow•t •lt1tin11 (•i.riit;..: r•dio, . · , .~ .~ , h11l•r, WSW, •inyl top, f•t• tory 1ir, IS,74i mil••-IVGX· 5)]) I •6~,.~~.~~~~Lf"'•••"" $29' ·"7· ··7-- pewtr 1t.1r1n9 I br1kt1, r1d10, , fi1tl1r, WSW, f1clory 1ir. IUOC971 I • • ,... ' ..l· -;-.., ,,. • '6~.~~~~VI, ,.1 .. ,o;,. $] 5 7 7 ""·· '"'"· .......... ,,,, - w1w, 1,716 "'ilt1, ytllow'wilh • lil1c• wiftyl lop. !TTfl9L F1c- ltry 1ir. \. > '65 CHEVROLET lmp1l1 1 dr, H.T. Vl, power· ,.,.-..,;9We, r1dio, h11!1~, !Whit• wtll1, 26,]45 mil11, ftclory 1ir. IPEZ92 0i . • . ' .:~~~~~'~'~'.······" $1·7· 7·· 7 tom.lie, powtr 1!1tr1n11, r1d101 .. •••••• whit• 1id1 ..... n tir••· i1Ui2 mitn,.J,U9."(l ... 6Vl ....... ...,..,.. ~;.;;;..\-t .= oir condition!~, 1il•tt w/bltcl1: lnterlof, ;(S;l~2ll , I • ' ------~--___.__.. ________ _ •• ... .... $ ' :1 • r ~ . . •• r \ ] I : - • ... Ill ). ' t ft .. p B '/' ( J l