HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-30 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa----------.. ...... ... ----...... .......... ' .. r1 ac :S - ' • • ·•. '. Fornier CIA .Master spy ... ·1 • ,, ' • • • AlleD ~BAlle8 'Dies at '1:J -=-. . . . '" ' ./ . Riv~r ; .Jl:fowlling Victim Fqµrid I .. • r • :. 'riz!M< 'r ''?d• /' j I' • t ·•/ '.i·l ~ ·'... I f'' .I'.',! · · e • : · : ' fa ~ .·1 . • · ' "' '-~ • • ' · • . . ' ! '! . ! ! ~, .. ', ~[. ' i 1 , • I • • , • • :·-2 ·,tt11i-.cties:~·'W.iti r ~-. ' Preserve st•rls ~ \ . ·.J ·~ ' f:x·CIA Chief, Dies at 75 . ,. . I ' J l .,. ' • River Drowning Victim Body Found at· Newport Tb< body al Bill DI-, II, Santa Ana, clad ·llllJ In •· pair al blll< jeans, wulled ........ al Ne.port Beoch W~ afternoon 11 JDlla from a ...,all an the Santa AN JUver where ]le •cbVWued. llltl<lllW !ell !ram ~ mall yellow -.nft two doYI --u he and --,--~la the ·~·rifer at lbe Orangcwood A= loANMm. port. JI rt P IA ~ Walker, l'lll Baelt-s 2 • W. Balboa Blvd .. wu walking at the beaCll near the lllh Street end when obe uw the body floatlDll r,.,. clown aboal II feet oul Al the ume time Roberl Tloken,. ll07 E. Balboa Bl<d.,-WU Joulnl In Ille area aad -.Ibo body.J. PollCe Aid Tseken Jtm1pod 1ato-the fq watu aad palled !he Ml"•. body to abare. Lfloluardt ud pollce _, (loo llODY, P• I)• : . ) J. ' • . ' .. ' ' ' • • - ' ·-. . ! ... ..._ ~ ... . . . ...... -. --· __ , __ ,! : ... '. ' -----__ . ---~-~ ' ---- ' ' - ....... :i=-· :::....J. --- ' . . -.. • -. ,_ ' -J, ·• '· .I ! t , /f I . . -. . ;;. .. , : ,.... ·: ' ' . . . , . . ' ' '1 1('•2• • . t ----:-:-___ _, ! I • • • I I I I DAil y PILOT s ... P»r• ,. ... i UCI FIRING •. ... . '. l -... ~--..... -· lddanldp tlll CID tnrblftl ... Bo llicl, "EnrJ man ot lludml I -................. ..... ~·..;":': i/s "' ··:·"-. ,._.,. 'I f Ill • ; qi.:. ..... ..,...· ... __ Olr~dBr....., .. ' ........ _ ..,..._ .. II "I Clatla_ct .... tbe'-, 1 ..._._.. ..... aal Jio ... ,,, .... relP' ..... ,. ~ .. -=~'~•,'!'I<' :r~--~ \ -~-·---...... -~ ltepor! DeaW Israel Ac·cused Of Iraqi Raids nine d I.bem 1twa, m cbqea !boy &plod lot larael. wMdri ..... .t''lll-l1t I " t 5 L SJ • .._ - Today Baghdad Radio said -hradl plau" attacked the 10,lllO to 20,IOO lnql tJooi11 stationed In Jordan -the m-day Arab-lar..U war In 1117 11114 Chai tl1e plaue WU -clown 1n flame. Jordtll aald • IJraen a1ra-a11 Ylolated Jordanian air space hi two aeparate incidents and were "repeDed." ::..:= :'11':..;~1=• l>sbl<jo Allltdn -d>allmg..i by A I , ... Pr-ii ~ Gear .. F. Beil« who .... Eriglish-r.cuJty did Id - !ftjadlcos become lmolved. He dabned lhq recwmieoded apinsl Sblpiro .......... be Is .. oddball and lhq dkfn't Ute him." IMPAR'IUL EXFEKn Reiter said Shapiro's cue should have ._, rm.wed by lmportial, -... perts In Ilia field. Aldricb --that the unlvenlty bu tried th.t ..,,eedure over the ye.an and time and again a Jetter comes bact aaklng, "What ""' )'Oil lumlng to 111 lot! 'lbla ii lliDJ'. Yoo baye the boot-lo,....,..,... ftlilllU ..... ___ _ his.....__ --lo lmporUally ... .-iloWt. "l_d ___ ,,_ In print -.......... he aid. -I 1117 ~ diilr tDt.r..i.. 11!! 11111 .... • lleld ii noilJ ... ~ .,..'Qo Bev lllcl be cma!lbs Dt<nlure ml poydlolocy. and also '""'oloa, 1nlhropology, evolutlooary theory and Manlmn to lntegrato hil -ledge. His view, he <IXltendJ, ..... Dicta -the depa.-.-cone.pt heW --l!:lgllsh .. -~ Jll '.I ... .. dll!lnllt In Iba! hi-Ind-...... Ill}~ """" .. bins .. ....,i.te • -.i.--i..,.... Be hU not. , l,flllD JIEVIB1r . ,_cw.al. tldrd ,7 I 1Ml n ..... -..... !cJL. \"!t'Drftr ..,,_, by bis -..... ' . Geotp "· Kent, 40, "' the bilt«y r.cuJty. llliil ii under review. Be ii entitled to ldditional review ....,,,.. he ii higher up the ladder than Shapiro or BraJman and Is In line for tenure. SeYeral dissident studeuls apob at the -me<ting, Including ,.,,,,., -body president Mk:bul Krlllnan, who.....,.,.._ lbat -... being -J!b • ping -ball from .... _,, .. -trying .. find out where the power Ues. -Greg Hoffman said tt'1 sort ct a ~ buttou game -"Who bu tbt power?" ~Aid.be bls-tt·a dtlli ....... bol lhe -faculty DJf'l'ftben who call tbl ahots because for the chancellor' to overrule them would came •·an '°"' ~ disruption." -Bill Winlfield uJd -· ha.. DO -but to pmll because lhq llaft DO authority within the ll)'slem. But graduate lludent Jeff Tbompooo uJd tho mollvt ct the mill-In seam to .. be &o brine the lhJdrntl in con- frmlatlm witb tbe adminiltraUcn. "'I don, -that Is the mood "' most "' Ille _.., .. be said. Adjutant Killed In Plane Crash MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) --lln'a a.ljutant general, hil wife and m -men wen kllled W-•Y ulght w be a ID Air Natknal Ga• rd tanker plam crashed while atlemJ>linl au In otNmeol landlnl In beaV)' i.e. SeYm milltuy per iCmnel. al9o w e r e lajund when Ille KCl'1 came down In au open field 1 mile abort of tbe nmw•y .. Gen. Ml!dle1I Flel4- Maj. Gen. Ralph oi-, '5, the adju- tant aeeraJ., WU retum1nc fnlm ID ar my IChool en civil dl!orden a1 Fcrt Gor doll, GL Bil wile, Ruth, boarded t b e lligll& al it., West, Fla. DAILY PILOT .....,_. ..... Hiliil01: .. cc .._. --_,..., --.,,.....,..... n ...... ic."il uw n..., A. M•rp.lil11• ~f.iw •••• Ni .... _ ... --CMAt -.1 = _.., ..., "'"' ......_. "9cc*t JtU """* .. ._. ..._. """'""' ..._..: m ,._.. "-..... , ... ......, .. .._ Laird Slates On-the-Spot V~tnam Trip 'lbe. broadeuta were repeated but with oo esplanatlcn ct lhe dllcrepanclea. 'lbere wu apeculaUon ln aome quarters Israel bad begun retaliation atrikea against Iraq despite Dayan'• speech to u audience of labor youth in Jerusalem Wedneaday night. The Israeli army issued a fonnal lta~ ment saying it "categorically denie. lily tnowledge of an Air Force raid against the Iraqi expeditionary force bued in Jordan.'' A spokesman sa.id the Baghdad report wu "a lot of hot air." DAILY ,,LOT Sh:fl ..... UC! CHANCELLOR ALDRICH (AT ROSTRUM) TELLS CROWD WHY HE UPHELD FIRINGS Politics Had Nothing To Do With It; Personality Was Not• Prlm•ry Conskleration W.AllllNG'!ON' (lJPJ) -Ddeme Secre1arJ Malrin IL Laird uJd today be piano .... -lo -lot an Cll-tbHpat m, ?Nd ti. U. .... Israeli military olficl ab: said an Israeli soldier IWlbalhlng along the Suez Canal wu wounded by a single shot today and thal Inel did not return &be Dre. Informed IOQrOtS said Israel WU mare ccocernel! with a reported buUdup ol Al 1'1tak Arab commandot along the tootbeutern borders of Lebanaa. IDd uJd thll wu 1 likely trouble spot. UPI ecrrapandent Ellav Si.moo toured mllllery ...., around Tel Aviv today and aid be aaw no evidence whatever cl unmua1 mllitary or air .:th1tiet Cll thiJ day which the Jews were observing as a day of public fasting and prayer in memory of the nine Jew11 banged Mooday. Jn bll flnt mn conftrmea u defame From Page 1 No Progress ~eported RANCHES. • • secretary, Lain! aald he plam to mate lhe trip "ln the not too distant future ... ill general, be told reporlen, be lblnkl the ~ rnlllWJ lltuallon la lm- pn>rillc ~ he said there bad Ileen Simon said the belief in Israel .WU Iba! Baghdad Radio broadcasl the ,_. to allr up uger ._ Iraqlo aeaDI the Jen and to coft!' up the politicaJ turmGll that lw wracUd Iraq lot -yean, tocluding reported 1Dtlgovernmea& ploU. ' After Long Paris Parley year's $2 mill ion to $600,000. increued mcmmmt of NGl1b ~ -Rancho lifiuloa Viejo: An a.saeu-name:. fwces dnqtl LIGI tclnrd the ment cut from $3.2 million this year ~ 1 PARIS (UPl)-American and Commu· nist negotiators said they made no ··progress today in a tough seven and a haH hour bargaining session of the Paris Vletnam talks. Communist representatives said flatl y, "No progress could be accomplished today. Nothing lw: been achieved be-- cause of the American position." U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge called at the session for a '\\'ithdrawal ol both American and Communist troops from South Vietnam and · suggested restoration of the demilitarized zone (DMZ) as the opening step to"·ards peace. "'The othe r side did not agree with our proposals," Lodge said afte r the meeting. ''l am sorry I have to say it ••. il.'s too bad'' The atmosphere at the old Majestic Hotel meeting site was pessimistic a~ the four delegations -the North and South Vietnamese, the United Sta tes and ~ines~n~~ the building in their Dpt they planoed to rneel again next 'nwrsday morning. Today was the sec- md "' the upanded lalk!. Tran Buu Kiem, the chief Viet Cong negotiate.-, laid, '"Mle Americans sought to reverse the rtlea and claim we are the lggft:SSOrs. It is tbe Americans, however, who are commiiling barbarous crimes." "No progress C(lu!d be accomplished today," Ki em told journalists with a frov.·n. Xuan Thuy, the chief North Vietnam, ese negotiator. said. "Today nothing has been achie\·ed because of the American position. \\'e have constantly been reject· ing allegatio~ put forwa rd by the Amer, icans." Fro1T1 Page 1 HODY. • • to $1.1 million with taxes reduced from Lllrd abo aald he hu ardend • -ooo to -ooo ea•'*"e rmew ti. tbe • blllioa. defw ~. -·. James E. We«t, president of Ratlcbo budle& ml deftme P.. wl*b tbl Mission Vi,ejo aaid the p J a n n la I Democrdc ~ tamld O¥er department 's estimate was far great.er to him. Tbe nvtew wDl tncWe the than hU and said he would not be status of the Sentinel utfblD!sflc missile surprised -and would not protest _ system, be said. a $2 million assessment for 1969-70. Laird aald the United states bas an A steady parade of witnesses told opportunity ln tbe "not too distant their story to supervisors with surpria-future" to It.art taJka with the Soviet ingly most in favor of the preserve Union Oil limitation ol both offen&l ve status despite its tax impact on other aod defensive nuclear weapona. He set county properties. DO tpnelable, bowever. "Agriculture demandl li ttle in public ~ lllo aanounced that be ha pbc. The banging ol the II men 111 loloa&ry brought condemnation from many aa- tJ0111 of. the world -the United States. Brltaln, France and from Pope Paul VJ and United Natioos Secretary General U Thant. MM! of these bad asked Iraq not to carry out µte executions. Front Page J SEWAGE ... services," W.J. Williams, vice president ed bis deputy, David Packard, Jn charge for agriculture for the Irvme Complny cl. Jootln& into the whole matter of ae\\·age discharge stretch from the moatJi pointed out the USS Pueblo 4111 behalf ol lhe Defense ol the Santa Ana River south to Newport Speaking for the preserves were department. Laird Aid thb: would include pjer and DOl"th along H1mtington State representatives of the Orange County studying the amount of protection given Park Beach. Farm Bureau, Rancho Viejo Woman's brtelllgmce lhipl, seeing that righta of The: quarantine at those beaches Jll1>- summoned. Club, Mission Viejo Homeowner 1 ~ are protected and looking ln"blb all surfing, rwimrolng "and any The body washed up almost three Association and the Citizmt' Town Pia-bito the whole questkn ol the future type of body coot.act sport ln oceu rrJles Crom the mou lh o( the Santa ning AaoclaUcm ol Laguna Beach. role cl. bttelll&mce ahips all with a waters," Dr. Pbllp empha.siad. Ana River. ()ppooenbl, largely acbool dlltrictl, ~ view to inlm1na: that DO repetition of RJverskSe autbcritie1 said it wm take Dischner was on the floating adventure eluded Michael Collins, president of the the Pueblo inddent oc:cura. possibly 1 week to repair the main with his older brother., Robert, and Saddleback Jun.iOl' Colle'e D l 1tr1 et Laird, ubcl about President NIJ:on'1 line damage. friends Randy Jloward, 18, an d Cra ig Board; Kenneth Cm-, aty ll'Wlqer ol me of th& term "IUfBclency" Mcmday Newport AalJtant Qty Mana1er Park, 17, ""'hen the accident occurred. San Clemente; Ralph Gates, superin-as the United 8ta$el' aim la DUClear James DeCbJlne ordered beach bar· The other three made it safely to the tendent of the San Joaquin School armament, l8kl lllfficlency wu Just ricadts up this morning. He pointed edge of the fast moving river after District; Charles Walbnan of El T<n another word for supericrity. out that only the shoreline north of. the the group went over a rive·foot waterfall and Don Danner assistant superintendent "It Lt 1 question <i aemantics," he pJer is affected by the swimming ban. no one in the pa rty knew was there. of the Orange Unified School Dl!trlct. 11a.id. "'The harbor is no problem," be aid. Young Dischner, however, disappeared J,..===============================:;;::;:;;::;~:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;=, in the muddy, debris-filled river water. JI. J. (Jarrell~ 121~ Semi -.A.nnuaf .._-:;;:J.urnilure Safe/ MANY SOFAS AND . CHAIRS ON SALE IN YOUR CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR •• I SOFAS· Reg. $400.00 SAlf PRKB> $299.00 OIAIRS ·Reg. $135.00 TO $219.00 SAU PRICED $99.00 TO $149.00 Al.L HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE -CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR ON SAU-20% OFF ConamuniCarnival Crew Yovr fawrltc flltcrior dcllgMr will b< ham to aafltrow .. , Orange Coast College Bte\vardess students invi te everyone to •·come to the carousel" at South Coast Plaza '''here DAILY PILOT·Pacific Telephone Co. CommuniCarnival began three-Oay stand today. The carnival of comm1tnications, oUering frC"e long distance phone calls, caroasel .rides and Jong list of olher pribes, \rill be open today and Friday from 1 p.m. «> 9 p.m. and from l p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. On DAILY PfLOT show "crew" are ste.,.•ardesscs (from left) Georgine Joos, 19, Orange; 1\-1-argie Woodley, 18, and Donna Ashton. 18, both or Costa i1csn. ); l • J H.J.GARREfT fURNfJURE PROFJ;SSIONAL INTERIOR DESl6NERS .... ) I 2215 HARBOR BlVD. COSTA MESA, CAllF. 646-0275 "4~0276 \ Ii ] I ' Boniington Beaeh EDITION • • • N'.T. Ste±• VOL 62, NO. 26, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1969 Beach Bo·n d to Support Ambitious Park Plan •An ambiUous program to supply Hun- tington Beach residents with parts of all sizes and locations would be financed by a proposed $6 million bond issue -and a .tax increase whlch already bas been levied by the City Council. Income aver the next 10 years to the park. program bas been estimated at $11.87 million. Spending for parks operation was listed at M.62 million and capital outlay, $5.%4 m.lllion. * * * City Seeks $6 Million Park Bonds By WILLIAM REED or t111 D .. lsl l'llltt Slaff A 1peclal elect.ion on a $6 million part bond proposal in Huntington Beach was called for June 3 by the City Council in a special session Wednesday night. The $6 million proposiUon almost ex· • act1y matches the one which failed to garner the needed two-thirds yes vote in the November General Election. That propositlon received a 62 percent yes vote and despite failing to pass was revived by city officials who feel sure this time the voters will approve the measure. A resolution calling the election and selling the figure at $6 million w"as ordered during a special joint meeting of the Recreation and Parks Commission. the Planning Commission and the City Council. Attending the meeting were represen- tatives of several groups interested in parks, Including some who might oppose the central city park concept for variout ......... The re!olutien was 1t rare joint resolu- tion ol the tbreo &overollli bodiel and declared that "publie need and necessity reqnire the Wuaoot of general obligation hoods In the amount of $6 million." . The proposition will go to the voters on June 3, a day which park commisaion researchers say is the best for holding park elections. The t~th.irds affinnativ• vote is need- ed and U the hoods are approved, cost of repayment could lead to a tai: increase to the average homeowner of about $9 yearly. A large central tity park and a system of about 43 nelgbborbood parks and seven or eight community parks would be provided by the CO!}lbination of bond runds and tu·subdlvisioo fee levies. OfJC Considers Higher Tax Levy Versus New B~nd Bond Issue versus higher tax levy was discussed once again by Orange Coast Junior College District trustees Wednesday night who once again reached no decision. The topic of discussion at nearly every board meeting aince a $7.25 million bond issue failed la!t September was given o~ver-qulckly treatment by t b e board. Supt. Norman Wat.Dl presented some new data which ahoW' proposed con- struction on the Orange Coast. and Golden West campuses nest school year would require a tai: rate increase ot 21 cents or passage ol a bond issue. The increase over the present rate of 57 ceots per $100 of assessed valuation would drop to 18 cents the following year, to only seven cents the ye.at after that and hold at about that level for the predictable fulw'e, Wabon said. The big jump the first two years would be needed to allow the district to catch up with heavy enrollment ln· creases in recent years when two over- ride tries and a bonil election have failed. A bond issue, with repayment spread over IO years, Watson said, would cost taxpayers between three cents and seven cents per year. He said a tbrert-omt bood rate would take care ol. dlstrict building needs for thm? yean and Ule seven«nt rate for nine years. Trustees were told lbe bood Wue. would cost considerably more In tbe long run although save the heavy ta1 bite the next two years tmder a pay-u- yoo-go plan. lnterest on a U.4 million bond issue to meet building needs for three years woukl cost U.I m.UUon, Business Manager Corre.Dan 'lbompeon said, 1be decision will have to be l'Mlle before July 1, when the budget for nert school year is adopt.lid and when a new law aJlowing board members to Increase t.ues without vote of tbe people -Into o!!ocl Thal IUI mllllon bu beeo earmarked for: ' -Aqulaltlon and c1eve1_.n1 program for 43 nol.!bborhood paru totalling IO acres. -Development ol ZS ol the anallor parks, two community parka, (Edi.f(>o and Bolsa Chica bigb school sites), CXlPt' munity ctnten on those two parks. -Development of some of the Southern California Edlsoo Co. power Ii n e easements and purcba.se ol aame t.qulJ>- menL The bond .,...Y wwld qe used to buy five new comm u n l\t y parks totalling 73 aeres and a central city part totalling 136 aores. Thirly~wo neighborhood paru would be completely developed u wonld a1x communlty Fks. The central city part would be partlaJlJ' developed. Uoder the present taHubdlvlslon fee program, the city proposes to buy lites Cot parks al Glfll View, COllep View, Sun View, Newland, Ptteraon.1 Lilt View, Bushard, Spring View, (all ICbools and all high priority). Other sh'es llNd u blil> priority aro 11 the southeast comer of Hamll&on Avenue and Buahanl Street, norlheasl ol Blllhud Street and Indianapolis Avenue, IOUtbeast ol Bushard Sa.et and Indianapolis Avenue, Harbour Vle'w School. Medium prlorU,y sites are near Hun- Ungtoa Barbow""at Edinger Aven.ue, a OAIL'I" f'ILOT tMff '""' NEWPORT AUTHORITIES DISCUSS NEXT MOVE AFTER FINDING YOUTH'S CORPSE Body af River Drowning Victim 11111 Dischner Wished Alhoro $Guth of Newport Plor City's Bea~h .Q~.Q:r;antine.9 . Raw Sew.age Affects BQtk"g~~ri~n, ·N~por~ .. . lly .IEROMll F. CQLUNS Of -~ ,., ...... !law ,...age dumped Into \he Santa Ana IUver today forced a quarantine of beaches 1n West Newport and Hun· lington Beach. Orange County Health Officer Dr. J. hlbits aJ1 sarfiJlg. ~•lnmdnl "and any type ol body -.ct •port in -waten," Dr. Philpemphaaiied. Riverside authorities aid it will take possibly a week to repair the main line damage. Newport Aulllant city M•n•far James Dea:t.aine otdered bea.ch baz-.r, ricades up tJlil morning. · He pointed out that only the shoreline north. of the pier is affected by the swimmhig ban. "The harbor ii no problem," be 88.id. R. Philp said the beacbet would remain closed for at least one week, perbapa two. Controversial Era The sewage effluent, estimated at 10 million gallon! a day, is pourifl& into the river from Riverside. That city'• main sewer line was washed out SabJr... day nl&ht by raging Oonda. Dr. PhUp explained there was no con· taminalion problem earlier in the week because of the heavy river nmoff and subsequent high dilution cf the sewage. "Concentrations of it are now develop- ing," he said. Master Spy AllenDulles, 75, Ex-CIA Chief Dies. A similar situation in San Juan Capistrano today compelled closure ·o{ Doheny State Park beach. Sections o£ se'l1{er lines in the Ml.asion City have bunt, contaminating San Juan Creek. Dr. Philp said. Damage there will take about three days to repair, be estimated. Beach areas affected by the Riverside sewage discharge stretch from the mouth ol the Santa Ana River south to Newport Pier and north almlg HunUngtoa. State Park Beach. Tbe quarantine at U-beacbea pro- Vall.ey's Juarez Improvements Finally Begin By TEllltY COVIl.LE Of ... Dlll9 ...... Sf9ff Graundbttaiing ceremonies were held Wednesday on a $111S,OOO water, sewer and street Improvement project In the Juarez Colony section of Fountain Valley, City c:ooucllmen, joined by Miss FOlll> tain VaJley, Ellen Evans, braved a chilly wind to view 'the iniUal etlcrls on a project tho city hopes will bring the area up to standard. Juarez Colony is one of the oldest neigbborhoods in Fountain Valley. It has a stong LaUn flavor with street names such u "Calle lndependencla" and "Calle Madero." But unUI now the residents " the area, most from 1 LaUn ethnic background, have bad to pul up with septic tanks and strtt4. full o f cbuckboles. WASHINGTON (AP) -Allen W. Dullel, America's mastefl 1py who steered I he Central Jnlell!gence Agency through nine years of controversial in- temaliooal intrlllle. died late Wednesday. He WU 75. Dulles, appointed CIA chief in 19[)3 by former President Dwight D • Eisenhower, reUred to private life in 1961 following the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba -wruch with an earlier U2 plane incident was one of several con- troversial matters involving the in· telligence agency under his command. The White House denied at the time that the invasion fiasco, organized to a large degree by the CIA, wu the reason for Dulles' retirement, saying his plans were known well in advance of that. Since quilting government service, Dulles wrote four boob, tbe Craft of Intelligence published in 1953, The Secret Surrender in 1966 and Great True Spy Stories last year. A fourth, Great Spy Storie! from Fie· lion, will be releaaed in June. Dulla bepn formal spy work during World ~war n as a member of the Office of Slrat<IPc s.mces. the CIA '1 predeceuor. Eilenbower appointed him CIA deputy di.rector in 1161 and director two years later. Fonner Prelidenl John F. Kennedy, during -admlnbtntlon the Bay of Plg1 oa:umd, rotained Dullea In Ills l:ZZ,tJOO.a·year post when he took offiao. Dulles lat.er wu a member of lbe Wat· no Commis&ion that invest.Waled Ken- nedy'• ......mailon and c:ftluded the President was killed by one man, L e g Harvey Oswald. DisL At\y. Jim Gurbon ol New (Ste DUIJ,.D, Pase 4) Lui October tho F°'"'taia. V11l<:Y City ~:,11,!.·~~~~r~_.',qn~~.,' INDEED tbe oew city boJl·_,piU. , ·' l!E~ Mont. (AP) -Monialla'1 i I A three-fold ,,lan was adopted whereby wea~orecuten got an anon~ the city, rrsldenta "-Juuu Colony and postcar which reads: "Sin: J ~ the HOU&iDI and Urbao Development you be intertlted II\ knowltlc that Bu,.a~ (HUD) will lharo tho COiis of I have j oled thneleo):il 'Jlo!tly Installing water and ...,.., lin<a and cloudy' {TGm 1 !root _.:• '- (See .IUAQ:Z, Pip II ·~· ) •-e r - DEAD AT 75 Allen Dulles .,_ 2. Agencies Give Damages Loans Pel'IOlll seeking loans 1t advantageous Interest ral'es to repalr Donel damaged property .have t•o agencies they may .apply to llCQl>'dlng to Wally Fox, Oranp County Cl.U Del'""' director. · , 'Ille agenclea pe: · t1Je Small Bl\lm..jl Adminbtration, 149 S: ~, UM Angeles, tel•pboile 113-411-; •nll Fanqen Home Admlnlatr1Uon, Jtl§ University Ave.. Riverside, tele~ 71Ha&-933J. Frut said the Red Croll WU abo giving aid In the way ol food.and cillthlng to Oood damage IUffertn, ' Huntington Beach Ccnpey-owned she, Robtnwood Scbool llid Olk View ScbooL Low priority sites lnclodlni thr<o .,... ed by tho B11nlinllon Beach CO. (In a future devel-enl); lilutbwost ol Warner Avenue and Golden West Street. W..tmoot School, oortbeut ol Newland Street and lndianlpolia and thr<o lites owned by the Bolaa Corporatiom {future tract). OU)er low ' y sites lnclude north- east of Avenue and Beacb Rah Boy's Body • Washes Up Onto Beach .. The body ol Bill Dlocbnor, II, Sant.a AQA. clad only in • pair ol blue Jeana, wllhed uhore at Newport Beach Wedneoday a!temooo u mllea from a waterfall· on the Slllta Ana River wbut ht chow.a. Agreement Near On Land Price . Of Civic Center An o,,..,...t oa tho price· ol the land for a new lllmtiogton Buch dvlc center m8.f be bnmlbent fODowing .~ Uon by the City Councll•Wecfnesday nJght ofr a price range for the . 14 acres on Main street. ' Councilmen agreed to on llJIOWll to be paid to ......... maJnly tho llanllogloa Beach Co. Councllmen did not announce. the range. The price range, however, ts un- derstood to be aomewbete between s:iao.ooo and 1315,000 for tho pal'Cd ....., Main Street from llulltiniton Buch lllgll School. N egoUatlOM are contbtulng and a final dollar amount for the puce.I. ii upected to be annoonced 11 the meetln( ol tho touncll on Mondly. Negotlati1111 could be ooly., ICldemle exercise, however, becaua et tbe same meeting the council will bo Wed to reconsider itl declaloo to place the ~ posed II million -Ii the hlll> school location. COunclimln """" Kou!-bu pro-posed placing the caiter on tho Inland edge ol Pacllle Cout ffigllwoy between 5th street and Lake Street above a parting kit development by the Parting Autlatty. Dr. Klobnan maintains . that the dly rou1d aave about ·t«I0,000 o1 · the IQ· pay;,,, mooey by Jeutnc llr rillU onr tho pr_.i m1miclpal pmtna lot. Four coondlmm. Jf!tfJ M1tnoy, Jed< c:r-, Donald D. SllloleY . ml . M110F Alvin M. COen have "-*"" tho hllh 8Chool site, but -ed.• o1 them dedde to -hll lit -Iii'· Koulm1n, Ted Bartiltl· anti OeOrto Mc:Cracl:en Monday: locatl<n 'ol . tfot ........ could bt ~·. ' . • . Cf\1 AAmh-11<>J'Jo'·•111<'r, I ~ 'G>lf "lltljtp' ......... .,,,,,.. lOid -!lie -'rOceotli'l llill .t il ·w'lltl!ic'"' I Jalii! ................ with tbe c:ouolJ which cociiil ,_ ., • -~ flllllldllc tho .... .... and~ ~·Lt .,..,, ..... .. .. ~ cledde" for ......... tho loealbl} ' ' NEW VORK (AP) -Slmcth In .... blue cbJpi boosted avenga but tbl llock market doted mbed today. TrldJni wu ldive. (5ee quota,_, Pagu:D-13). Weadter We"rt In tbe &riP ol a eald front. the weathennall USS crilplr. 11lal muna lalr Uleo wllb ..._.. tum dr"l>Pinl Into the -.. . alonl tho cout and u low .. . ~ overnJPL JNSmB 'l'GaAY llilllMJ nallladoll -flodlcola lhql UN ,.,,_.,. blooo elf~ bfllNS_Moc.,.,.....,. Cucllollowt!a -,.... lail Ccnnanr. ~ 7. ..,_ M ~ .1' !ff· 4 ;~'! ·--1t -.::··: . :::.'C ,._ . ., :..:~ . I B: ·---•' ----.,;:;:::; .... ~ •• t '""' c..I . .. ,,...,. • -II ...... '1 4 ·~· , .......... .. • -. ' r • . ....... ~ ~--~'-"* :-. . r • • < l • ! • ~ • • l • • • • 2 DAILY PILOT H J,tmrt .Denied Israel United Preas JntmtaUonal Baghdad Radio said seven llri.ell planet· bombed Iraqi troops staUoned i. Jqrdaa todoy. brae! flatly denied the ·report and <ibservers in Tel Aviv u.ld Baghdad radio obviously spread the word to cover up events in Iraq. Only Wednesday nlgbt lltaell Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said Israel must do everything posslble to save the 2,500 Jews !till living In Iraq and apparently ruled out any reprisal raid! for the banging of nine Jews on Monday. Dayan said furthei; bials of innocent Jews were being conducted in Iraq now despite worldwide furor against the ti:· eeution of 14 men in Baghdad Monday, nine of them Jews, on· charges they spied for Israel. Today Baghdad Radio said seven Israeli planes atlacked the 10,000 to 20,000 Iraqi troops station'ed in Jordan s.ince the six-day Arab-Israeli war in 1967 and that one plane was shot down In flame. Jordan said siI Israeli aircraft violated Jordanian air space in two From Page 1 PARKS • • • View, Lake View (all schools), at the southeast area of Garfield Avenue and Magnolia Street and large sections of the Edison easemenls. Development of all but 23 or the sit.es WQuld await passage of tile bond issue. Bond money would purchase com- munity park sites at Marina and Htm· tington Beach, Bolsa Chica, Edison and Yorktown high schools in addition to the central part at Talbert Avenue and Golden West Street. separate incidents and were "repelled." The broadcuta were repeated but with no explanalim of the. dif'repancles. There WIJ apeculaUoJttn IOmt quarters Israel bad • begun relallatlaa llril<u against Iraq despite Dayan'• speech to an audience of labor youth in Jerusalem Wedne!doy night. The lsraell army Issued a formal state. ment saying it "categorically deniea any knowledge of an. Alt Force rAld against the Iraqi uped!Uonary force based In Jordan.'' A spokesman sald the Baghdad report wu ''a lot of bot air.'' Israeli mllltary officials said an Israeli soldier suobathlng along the S~ez canal waa wounded by a elng1e ebot today and that lirael did not retum the fire. Informed sources said Israel was more concerned with a reported buildup of Al Fatah Arab commandos along the southeastern borders of Lebanon and said this was a likely trouble spot. UPI correspondent Eliav Simon toured military area1 around Tel Aviv today and said he saw no evidence whatever of unusual military or air activities on this day which the Jews were observing as a day of public fasting and prayer in memory of the nine Jews hanged Monday. Simon said the belief in Israel was that Baghdad Radio broadcast the report to stir· up anger among Iraqis against the Jews and to cover up the political turmoil that has wracked Iraq for many years, including reported antigovernment plots. The hanging of the 14 men on Monday brought condemnation from many na· tions of the world -the United States, Britain, France and from Pope Paul VI and United Nations Secretary General U Thant. Most of these had asked Iraq not to carry out the executions. . D41L Y 'ILOT St9ff PMN CITY SUPPORT -City councilmen and Ellen Evans, Miss Fountain Valley, showed up Wednesday to lend moral support to new water ~ewer B?d ~treet improvement project in city's Colonia Juarez. View: 1n.g pro1ect s start are (from left} Mayor Robert D. Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor Donald V. Fregeau, Councilmen Edward E. Just and Joseph Courreges and Miss Evans. DAILY PILOT ()Jlo\HGE (Oo\$T l'UILl5HING COMPAHY Robe r! N. We•d r ri.i<ltnl •"" P"Olitt.er J•c~ R. C~·l•y Via Prtl«l<'n1 •no ~"f•al Mi"'9" Tho,..11 11: ••• a EOl!CN' Tho"'•' A. Murl'h;n• N.an1tl"t Elllltl' /llb•r* W. l1te1 w;11;,,,.. R••~ HunloMlcn fl••t~ (lly ~••tor Hw11'111 ... • htcli Offfct lOt 5th Streit M1ili~t A~cl••UI ,,o, ••• 1t0, t1641 """' Offk .. tl-1 lo1th, '111 WtU l•lbtlf flovlorvf"I (O\tf "4-io.: l>O W"I l•v S• .... I t__.... •••rh· 1n F~11 •vff'.,.. OAl\.V PILOl, "'"' .,.~;<fl It com&I ..... tN! ......... "''"' ' .... ~ .. -............ , """' ~.., lfl -···" ~i!O .. I "'' l .. UOI &ff(ll, ,.._, .,.,.., c..... l.M... .......11 ... loll 9ot-" -loun11o11 Vlllt~. 1:-"''"' a t~lll H ot....,, 0'•-(tall Publi.11...,. Co"""'"' •""""t 'llft h A" 11 '111 w..i 81tbN IM. ,._.,._, B•At~, ..... DO WW • .., '""°'· Ct>11 M#U T1l1ft1 .. 17141 '"J·41JI ft..*"""'''"' Ctll •4•·1111 QI I lll!M Ahttttilat 642· J6 71 C-•tlth'. ,,.., 0•1091 c ... , '"'*'"'""' c-.... "'"' ••• ,,~ ........ ,,.,_ ri'l""ll -II• "' Hvor•·-"" "'"''" ....., Ill '•"*"" ............. 1 .... ,1.1 "'"' .. '"" ol (-ltfil -· ~ dMI ........ Ni.ti 11 Ht-rl l1tdl -Cc.ii. -... ta1,1 ..... , •. Su!t«:•l9!1 ....... Qoffkr 11.H """'"'!¥. b\' ...,.,, 11 )I ,.,.,,!!ll'rl l'!IN!ltl' tlttfltlll~ 11.h "'"""'""· -------J .. :._ From Page 1 JUAREZ ... repairing the anUquated streelll. The clty's share of the cost ls $71,fOO. Property owners 1n Juarez Colony will pay $68,000 while HUD will put up $49,800. Colony residents have already begun their own campaign lo repaint, rebuild and refurnish their homes. The city expects to finish the sewer. water and street project by May I. The project was lnlUated nearly three yean ago by residents the.nuelves wbo expressed a desire to cleanup and fit-up lheifl area. Juarez C<tlony once fUVed as home base for migrant Mexldn farm laborers who !'Orked the area's crops. Many liked whit they saw in Fountain Valley and stayed. The Colony was the first actual tract of houses bullt ln the area. It WU developed around l!l23 . Presently there are slightly more than 100 Individual property owners of the 138 lots in the section. About 400 pe.rsow of all ages live ln the Colony. RecenUy a group of young ruldenll of Colony Juarei got together and formed the Brown Culture Society, a seU·help organization. Led by James Luna, a young American Indian. their goal Is to first belp their own brothers by Improving condiliona and estahllshing a community fee.Ung among residents or the Colony. l I f l --- • DAILY PILOT Slaff l'lltlt ~lesa Youth Released In Rape Case One of four suspects arrested following the alleged rape of a 16-year-old .girl a• a HWltington Beach teenage rugbt spot was released Wednesday on the arounds of Jack of evidence. Freed in Westminster Municipal Court was Jasper Oliver Hickey, 2(), o! m w. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. Hickey was accused of being one of 10 men who raped a runaway Anaheim girl during a Christmas party at the Syndicate 30001 Pacific Coast Highway near Main Street. Scheduled for court arraignment Feb. S is Peter Buell, 22, El Monte. I-le is accused ot contributing to the delin· quency of a minor. A 17-year-old Anaheim youth arrested following the incident has been released to the custody of his parents by juvenile court authorities. He is awaiting a Juvenile Hall hearing. Also awaiting court action is Robert Lewis Souza, arrested last week in Fairhaven, Mass. UCI CHANCELLOR ALDRICH (AT ROSTRUM) TELLS CROWD WHY HE UPHELD FIRINGS 'Polltlca Had Nothing To Do With It; Personality. Was Not • Primary Consideration' GWC Sets Oass In Englisl1 for Foreign Born Aldric·h By moMAIJ FORTUNE 01 llM D.alJ 'll•t St.rt Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. told 800 UC Irvine students Wednesday that he had made his own lovesUgaUon and satisfied blmseli that two young Englisb professors should be fired. Following bis eiplanation for the fir· Inga of Dr. Stephen A. Shapiro, 28, and Donald F. Brannon, 30, about 250 studenls marched over to English depart· ment offices for a short.lived mill-in. The number of student! standing In a hallway and questioning professors in their offices dwindled rapidly. But a few of the most aroused students pledged to continue their efforts for reinstatement wiUt mill-ins again today and Friday. Aldrich explained to the stud~nt gather- ing how he personall*ecked with eight English faculty mem , four of them assistant professors hout tenure, and came to his own conclusion Shapiro and Brannon sbou1d be dismissed. Heavy weight was given to teaching, he sald, as well as the other criteria on published research and c<lmmunity :service. The chancellor told the students, who covered the Gateway Plaza steps and filled balconies of adjacent buildings, that he recalls ''specifically six instances, this year, of promotion, advancement and, in one case, retention, based primarily not on great service or scholarship but on leaching." He Aid, "Every man or student 1 Owner Wins War Of Nerves With Bandit An armed robber fled empty-handed Wednesday night after losing a war of nerves with the proprietor of the Warner-Buch Market, Huntington Beach. James W. Brandt told police that a man entered the store, 8031 Warner Ave., a( !:If p.m. Wednesday and looked around, apparently to see U there were any shoppers. Brandl said the man then approached him al the counter and pulled a blue steeJ revolver saying, "All right, let's have it" "Let's not," Brandt replied, as he began to walk out from behind the counter. 'lbe robber then stuttered, "You'd bet- ter stop -stop or I'll shoot." "Go ahead and shoot," Brandt said, as be eonUnued out the door. Brandt told police the man stood there for a minute then ran out the door, around the comer and left on a motorcycle -empty-~ed. Huntington Man's Plea Rejected A Hlmtiogton Beach man's plea th.et he la not physic.ft"" capable of serving a reeently impose~ix months jail term has been rejected in Los Angeles Federal Court. But Judge William Gray granted Jamu F. Dilg, 8381 lndianapoli3 St .. a stay of uecution unW Friday to allow the amateur radio operator to raise fund.II ror the filing Df an appeal bond. Dilg was c<lnvlcted of contempt of court aft.er he defied a court order which prohibit.ed hie operation of an amateur radlD station. Federal officers said Ol.Ig was ordered to discontinue use of the staUon last May 14 alter Huntington Beach police complained that the "ham" operator's bro11dcasts were interfering w i t h television reception In the area. Backs 2 Firings talked to or wtio wrote to me bad "I have criUclzed these men's work occasion t'o comment on teaching. lo print and In public," he said. "What "Faculty arrive at their estimate of I say threatens their interest." a colleague's leaching through lnfoqn>I He said this field Is really In· comment of students," he said. "There terdiaciplinary. He said be combines haa been time (for Shapiro and Brannon) literature and psychology, and also to demonstrate their competence in teaching. On the basis of this the faculty sociology, anthropology, evolutionary agreed not to recommend their reap-theory and Marxism to Integrate his pointment." kitowledge. His view, he contends, con- He said politics had nothing to do flicts with the departmentalized concept with the decisions and that personality, held by senior English professors. which could not be totally eliminated, Brannan's case is different in that did not in any way, shape or fashion he was hired under university regulations becom~ a primary c<lnsiderat1on. requiring him to complete a doctoral Aldr1cH was challenged by Assistant degree wiUtin two years. He has not. Professor of P~ys.ics Georg~ F. Reiter The case of a third assistant professor who said Engliah faculty did Jet their / recommended for dismissal by his prejudices become involved. He claimed department, Dr. George W. Kent 40 they recommended against Shapiro of the history faculty, still is ~nde; "because he is an oddball and they review. He is entitled to additional review didn't like blm." because he is higher up the ladder Reiler said Shapiro's case should have than Shapiro or Brannan and is in line been reviewed by impartial, outside ex-for tenure. perts ~ his field. Several dissident students spoke at Aldr~ch answered that the uo.1versity the outdoor meeting, lncluding former has b'!ed that proc~ure over the years student body president Michael Krisman, and time and agam a letter comes who complained that students are being back asking, "What are you turning bounced like a ping pong ball from to us for? ~is is silly. You have the one authority to another trying to find best scholars 1n your system." out where the power lies. It is Shapiro's own contention that Student Greg Hoffman said it's sort his colleagues are not able to impartially of a button, button game -"Who has evaluate his work. the power?" .JI. J. . ' Recognizing the large M e :r I e a n • American population in Huntington Beach, Golden West College will offer classes in English for the foreign born at three locations in the city and one in Fountain Valley beginning Monday. The reading class is a review of fun- damentals of reading and study skills to enable students to progress toward occupational and educaUonal goals. It will be taught at Marina High School, room 133, Wednesdays from 7-10 p.m. Interested persons should register at the first class meeting, Feb. 5. English for the foreign born will be taught at the beginning and intermediate levels. Three beginning classes will be offered, one meeting Mondays and Wednesdays, 1 to 9 p.m. at Golden West: the secoiid meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7·9 p.m. at Holy Family Mission, Fountain Valley; and the third meeting Tuesday~ and Thursdays, 7.9 p.m. at Huntington Beach High School. All three sections will deal with begin4 ning reading, writing, spelling, con4 versatiol\ diction and e l e m e n ta r y vocabulary bui!dlng. The intermediate level class will meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 7.9 p.m. at Marina High School. The class will con4 centrate on improving conversation and correct word usage. Quake in Philippines MANILA (UPI) - A slrong earthquake rocked portions of the central and southern Philippines today. It shook buildings and knocked out power brieny Jn the city of Davao on the island of Mindanao. (}arreffj 12th Semi -Annual --:;;;:~urnifure Sale/ MANY SOFAS AND CHAIRS ON SALE IN YOUR CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR ••. SOFAS-Reg. $400.00 SAIE PRIUD $299.00 OIAIRS-Reg. $135.00 TO $219.00 SALE PRKID $99;00 TO $149.00 Your /a!/Oritc inUrior dmgnsr will b< 00ppy lo am.t ¥O•, •• H.J.GARl\Eff fURNffURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,.. u .. , T1lws. I l'rf. 1, ... , 2215 HARBOR BL VD. COSTA MESA , CALIF. 6'46·0275 6'46-0276 ' Ii J )i JANUARY JO drttl .,,, 11111 .... Mrfthlltl CllMI -It ..... "" .......... ffMOr ..... . ·--(C) llO) ......... (C) C10I ····-(C) .... ~~ ... "l'.~"r.': t11l) '51 -OitlMUI ~· hill ,, •• "' ·~ -(C) (IO) ,.,,., ~~ "':' ·-""::I Oiftlflr. ,...., .. tt. ,..., ...... .......... , (Q ()II) ., b ... " .. ,..... ..... ·-·-(Q(tll).... ""'--"'-·-Clfll Met. The Tllftttl. " T-Wlllu.' NMnr l,.•unt~ Pit Karl\nattll •I'll Priltt _, "-w Yett DnlM otttra H"'t M•dln tum. lllttlt -... ....... llftf. • llJI (I) • "" .. (C) (!O) e THE SIX O'ClOCK MOVIE ·11,,. ill"' ........ ••-" * "Genetti• khln'' -Pert I !!,.~":' ~ ":"'~~ OMAR SHARIF -COLORI "",. -•" -'* ,_ .. D•"""'*_tc>_ llliill" hrt 1 -(~) ~, 1111111, .... ..,._ Jt111t1 M11011. .. -. •• "' (C) (IO) ·-tel (!O) • ...,. w (30) ''Wllft Dt ii ht ltT" Wllt1a111 Smhll II ttltl ..W. ,_ • 10Uf II 111 Ortaon 1 ""' -·-·· ... ·--(Cl 1!11 D w 11 a wicll (C) t&Ol I!-··-..... 1 (C) llO) I .... "' , .. ....., (30) 411 CIJ., •• ·-"' I I ' (> :, l DAmfllt MOVIES t:tt• (C) "'fllldllt'" (•d,t111lwr1) '51 ............ (C) (IO) ............ .... (C) ..... '*" <•r11111) 'Il--Olc:lr HOfllllfllt, ,,..,,.,.. ftrmw. a 1111 Cll •"" ,..., <CJ 1 ... -'"" - -(llflllfll 11 -L•~rtfltt Htl'l'IJ', J11lle "'"ii. lUI • ......, ..... (d••it> ,. - Grtet!'J ht&. Otlt11 W•lllt. f, .......... ,_ ,_, ... -JUll• VlilctM. rr.11• NNr9tn. ,, .... .._. -(-4titnrtr Wlntttt. Jo4I Mdlttt. '11-Mkily AtrenflJ, 1"'1 HtcMlt. ,, ....... -.. -(*11M) ''"•""'"' ....... , .. .., .. , __ "'" ,_ _ '40-Jld: '""· ,,., Allt~. ta.It. • JOB PRINTING o PUBLICATIONS t NEWS~APERS 011e ll~ l'rl11llft t 1114 o.,.114e!ille St,..\1• f., 111•r• th•11 • Q11trt.r .f • C.11hry. 111 I Witt IAUOA ILYI. "IWPOIT IU.CH • "' ~- ---- DR. KILDAU l'ERKINS TUMILEWEEDS THE SALE BEGINS SIOO\.V, WIMBLE ... I WANT YOU10 WASH UP AND DON YOUR BEST CLOTHES! MUTT AND JEFF WHY, MO™lll, YOU LOOK GORDO MISS l'IACH LIKI MISS AMER.IC.Al Olf OF THESE W.¥5 YOll'lfE .a!Me TO H l(MQWN A!i A COlltlOMWTC:: .• THl!i 16 fMOllZ •• M •. HOICE ! By Cliarles M. Schulz I~ • lfCAIJ9l l 'NI SCAJl:f.D ~TIFf 'THl<T YOU'LL WRITf M!! OFfll, 1'*1"5 WH'f.1.1 I'M A VO\AN IN LOV~ WITH A MAH AHO l DON'T llf=ALLY' KNOW HOW ™T MM •Ill• AtOUT Ml! ly John Mlle1 By Harold Le Doux ' • . J 'l'Oll PIDttT T1U. 11'.l ¥0illt NAME, IMIPIN.,. !VEN THOU&H VOtf 'ltE ioHAllN6 MY TA ! WMtH nl!¥ IOWNo\ ~ MVSTEA1C ~ THE SEIMC::E tS L0115V HEll:I ! f r By Ferd Johnson ly Tom K. Ryan .. .. ~ ..... , so~"LL _,._.,__ HN -mc~ABEITTP 'FfT~. PRICE! •• ly Gn Arriola JIM A COCIC A·OOOOl!/.J~ {)005! TM ATS NOT TRUE. SHIPMATES -Larry Storch, lell, and Billy J)e Wolfe star on 11The Queen and I" tonight in color al 7:30 on Channel 2. Crew members of the age-- ing ocean liner try to get the first officer, promoted so he won't be able to interfere with their money making schemes . TELEVlSION VIEWS Glen Campbell Goo<l Hour By CYNTHIA LOWRY , NEW YORK {AP )-lf llle quallly o! il• come<ly material can ever match the quality of its musk, the new "Glen Campbell Ooodtlme llour" will be one of Ute most attractive variety programs in tde- vislon. The premiere show of lhe CBS series open~ \Vith a hefty serving of song by Campbell, of course, and along came Bobbie Gentry sod John Hartfortl. Before th e 60 minutes had gone by they had coye_r- ed most of the numbers that made their reputations and then some. • THE SMOTHERS Brothers were there -logi- cally since they are not only the producers of t,be new series but It was from their summer repll!ltie-- ment series th at Campbell's career took off. . Campbell's attractive singing style and skill on the guitar are especially easy to take. Miss Gentry with her husky, true voice and John HarUorO., whose sensitive. pensive face illuminates the s~d lyrics of his ballads are Interesting to watch and hear. ·. The studio audience -or maybe it was a lau1h track -screamed wlldly at the comedy. However, tt did seem that there mu&t have been a better wa.y to amuse the audience than to dre11 Tom Smothers in a cowboy suit and put him astride a real live hippopotamus which he .treated like a horse. 0f""a better way to handle a monologue than to dre1s Pat Paul1en in an open-fronted shirt, put a guitar tn his hands and make him relid an over-blown and almoat desperate piece about the history ol the f6lk song, IUT AS LONG as Campbell and hla muslcil friend• arc promiently and actively in the p~ gram, it will be a good choice for Wed.ne1day nights during the rest of the season. The appearance of the Smothers Brothers on Campbell'• 1how illustrate1 one of the curlou1 con- victions of producers who book guest stars on tele-- vlsion shows. For some reason, they believe un· animously that it is a real treat lor viewers to see singers and comedians who have weekly net- work series of their own as guests on other sln1ers and comedians weekly 11eries. This we encounter Carol Burnett in a Lucy episode. and after awhile there's Lucy on Carol'6 show. Ot TOm and Dickie Smothers show up on ''Laugh-in ." ANO PRETTY SOON Dan Rowan and Di.ik :r.1artin return the visit. The truth is, it's not much of a treat. and besides. it is bound to lead. to over- exposure or a special sort. : Another TV tustom which has long since staled Is the bu1iness or having stars wJth a show comiRg up appearing on an assortment 0£ programs on the same network for the sole purpose of plugging their project. The game shows and the early morning artd late evening conversation shows are widely us~ for this purpose. It 11eem1 that st leaat twice a week Johnny cU., son must struggle with some perCormer awklvardty attempting to sell some TV product. Eydie Gorme \VBS UJe mosl recent Car11on guest with TV plugs on her mind , but she was better than most becau:re she could at least sing e song or two . Too much of the time. the guest has little of interest to co4- trtbule -neither quick wit nor a good anecdote - and the viewer suffers right along with Carson. Dei11ais the Menat!e • -' " • " I. ------------.. ' • DAILY PILOT .Your Money's Worth • • .. Welcome to the People's Capitalism 111 SYLVIA PORTER .,. We ~ rapidly ~roaching a oew high style people 's capitalism in Americ1, in "'bich you actually wlll be in the disadvantaged lower half of c:t1r adults if you arc nOt an invtstor ln stocks .. : For the. New York Stock Exchange reported Wednes- .dly that the nation's share· •owner p<>pulallon has soar· ed pa&l 26,400,000 .•• up ~almost 2,500,000 in tile past J2 monlh!i alone, up almost .1,500,000 just since 1965 and ·uA.an awesomt four.fold from ·the 6,500,000 reported in the first NYSE Census of :Stockholders in 1952. • ALL THE FIGURES are- cye·popping and of enormous meaning both to you. as an individual, and us, as a nation. To illust rate: The proportion of our Lota\· population now owning stocks has nearly doubled ln 10 years from 7 percent in 1959 to l J percent and the proportion among adults is at a rec~rd ·one out of five. Tbe net rise ·in the past year has been JO percent and in the past three years it ha s been seven times the perc.::ntage incrcas(• .in our general population. 1'he shareholders population is now rising al a net of 1,600.· : 000 . a year against 1,000,000 earlier in this decade. Almost ooe·third of today's stock.ho!. -clerS live in comntunities with a population or under 25,000: ,California leads New York as the number one shareov:ner i<tate: women shareowncrs ·stilt slightly outnun1ber men : Jlawaii is showing the fasteS! ·rate of sha reowner growlh . ENOUGH of the figures. \Vhat do they mean'! And what :are some not·so-0bvious ex· planations for the ri se and iL-. recent acceleration'! The upsurge suggests lhe • degree to which you and /-;' • • • ~ ·f -r are now attaching our flnan· c:u1 l well·bel.ng to the well· being of Ameri ca's cot· porations. No longer are we content to prosper via our paychecks, promotions and perquisites. We al!W want to .share directly i11 U1e profits of 11.meric:in business via ownerShip of stocks. 11 reveals lhe extent to which we are fleeing from the U.S. dollar and into stocks in the hope that the prices of our stocles will climb as the buying power of our dollars declines. We are in. l"reaslngly reluctant to sit with cash or its equivalent (U.S. savings bonds and other fixed· income securities) while the more sophisticated among us ltnd hedgl's against inflation in stocks, real estate, land, art, commodities. etc . fT DRAMATIZES the stock promotion job which has been done by mutual f u n d salesmen, the spreading popularity of ~mploye stock ownership plans and the grow· ing acceptance u( stock gifts lo children. or the 2.500,000 ne1v stockholders in 1968, an estimate is more than a half· rnillion came in th r o u g h mutual funds. !l's likely that al 1e<Jst 15 to 20 percent of ne11· stockholders are coming in through the company they work Ior. The nutnber of minors who own stocks has at least tripled since ·65. And of coursr. I h c stockholder popula t ion upsurge mirrors the t'eneral population explosion in the n1iddle·hlgher income ranges. ir s a spectacular slotk 1narket story indeed, but 1t is frightening too : for ii shouts that Wall Street is no1vhere near solving the problems o[ whal·lo..<Jo-wilh·the·smal l in· vestor and the paper~·ork jam resulting from his trading. PERHAPS an ansv,,er for .\ l tile small investor does Ht ln "institutionaliiing'' himself by investing through mutual fund shares. Or perhaps WaJJ Street can tlnd answers in revolutionizing t h e coin· "isslon schedule lo scprate small. low·trad.ing acc..'<>unts; or in more brokerage tll71lS: or more computers; or more NAMED VICE PREXY Clifford Wesdorf 5 Promotecl By Cal Fed Two California .Federal Sav. · 111gs branch managers and three other area men have been advanced In corporale rank. Clifford M. \Vesdorf, manager of the Costa Mesa branch. is now a vice presi· dent. as is Lakewood branch manager Fred D. Jensen. L . Roland Harsch, manager of the Anaheim-East branch, has become an assistant vice president, along \vith John A. Dawson, construction· remcxlcling department head. and Steve A. Etchison, who is head of th<' Costa Mesa Joan department. \Vesdorf began his career with the savings firm in 1957, as a loan service supervisor. In 1962 he was appointed cor· porate assistant secret.ary and branch manager in Costa Mesa, and in 1964 he was advanced lo assistant vice president. He is active in Costa f\fesa Chamber of Commeree, Lions Club, and in local charity fund organizations; and is a foun· ding officer of Costa ~fesa Golf and Country Club. SP Profit Hits Peak FLIGHTS EVERY HOUR SAN FRANCISCO IUPI\ - Southern Pacific l1as reported a record net profit 111 1968 or $107.6 million. . . CALL 63&·4071 c!e,!,,';!. CRBLE .--•.COMMUTER RIRLINESv The fi g ur e, representing $3.96 per share. 1vas an in· crease over 1967 net 1nco1nc which was $90.3 million. •THE CONNECTION YOU"Vl BEEN WAITING FOR.' The company said tota l revenues from its railway operation for the year were $982.6 million. Non·rail inconie- from trucking, pipeline and other operations and from in· terest and rents totaled $655 million before taxes. • .. .. ... ___ ·-- I' 1•11 lb llo .. 11. Wll•t• o• Col••· 8 \t c" In\(, Ono l !dt f ~ * * SPEEDY PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT! l egol, lulin-.s fotms, Directorie1. 1 lx l7 Stock• Brochures• M•nu• • * NCR paper, Print your bu1in1s1 fotm1 Program,. on (CJtbonleil stock In 1•tt of 2.3-e.5 part rainbow colon. far yavr ~---· * Complete art dept. service. layoul l pasteup art work. * * l inotype & Voritype 1ervice ovoiloble. 'ick up & dnlivery 1ervice, --·-· SPEEDY COPY CENTERS "PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT" 1886 HARBOR BLVD. (Corner Costa Mesa 19th St. I 645-0040 selective research, etc., etc. Whatever the answers, OlWI warning I think emerges clearly: tither Wall Street will nod ways to provide these growing mllUons of us with appropriate service or it wiJI risk a political uproar and perhaps stultefying govern- ment Tegulations. Finance Briefs SAN FRANCW:O (UPI) - \Vestern Airlines has agreed lo buy three 747 superjet airlines from Boeing Co. of Seattle, plus five 707·300C lntercontine'fttal jets and four 727·200S. Total cost for the- 12-plane order will be about $150 million. LEXINGTON, Mass. (UPI) -Raylheon Co., has obtained a $10.5 million increment of a $28.5 million air force con· tract to develop two prototype radar approach co n I r o I systems. CHICAGO (UPI) -Stan· dard Alliance Industrles, Inc., has suspended indefinitely negotiations to buy Wood Bros. Manuiacturing Co. of Oregon. Ill., a maker of farm equipmenl. No reason was given. Contine11tal Buys More Boeings Sure. For$1 00:> nights a week conneci Northem and Southent earaor- l'M. More than_,,, other 81r11ne NI jets. Lowest air Cares. Not to put down San Francisco ln1ema- ljonal. BUT -to many Peninsula points. ' San Jose alrpof1 b: closer, easier, and -e<~;,,...J~""' the crowd Msrfl found it yel. PSA gives you a lift. • ---------... I ,.. _T_h,,_ld_•_r_, J_an_""Y __ 30_, _l 'l&l __ ~CH_>~ ___ D_>J_LV PILOT f:J Thursday's Closing Prices -Complete New York Stock Exchange List List I I I I I ~ ., ., ~ I ;. •• ; ' • r • I • t • . • • • • • ' . • • • • • I I . • • • . . • • • l • . •' • . ' Always at Sears Wheel Balance Including Weights S2 Per Wheel BAITERY GUARANTEE Pree rcpleccmcnr 'Vith· in 90 days of pure hue 1f ba~ry proves dcfcc:1ive. Af~r 90 days, 111•e repl1cc the batrery, if defrcrive, and charge you only for rhe pttiod o( Olll'ncrsh ip, ~ on rhe reRUlar price, less rradc-in at 1he rime o( recurn, pron.1ed O'P'Ct number of months cl guarantee. • • • SatiSfaction Guarant,eed· or Your Money ~Back! ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee . 1'read Lire c~•r*ntee J' . mi~ A~inst: All failures of the titt rnulcing: .. '"." •. ~ (~ hazards or defects in material or ~ !.~-~;.;~' i-~1.lhe life of the original tread. wh 'f.l.~\f;il IY.ot!1te:P~i r nail .Punc1ure~ I I OD charg~:· ~ ~6.;{Jry,,1n .ex~l?ge for the tire, re• place u chaf8il}ff ~~E~ !Opo~\o.n9f cu..mn1 r~~Jar . 1elling price p.lu'~e'd 'Exci~~T:u: rh11,t' represents tr~ used.Tre~J ' :'i.~Out .G·U~rant~e Guaranleed Againfl l: Tread .Wett-OUto::: . : t'or liow l..on1t: The number of mootlls SJ>t'Cified~­ Wba1 Seani \1-'ill l>o: In exchange for the tire, replKe ir, charging the rurrenr rt'gular selling price plus Fed· era! Excise Tax less 1he following allow;i.nce. hlonlh~ t:naranle!'<I Allowance 12 10 24 27 10 39 Every Scars Tirr l'urc ha~,. Includ e~: FREE All ·•·•· Tire ~lo.untini; FREE All ·"" 'fire Rolation Every 5,000 A1ile5 FREE Chock of ,, our Wheel Alip::nment Nationwide Guaranteed Sears Allstate Batteries 12-Month Guarantee Filo Most 6·Volt Caro 18-Month Guarantee Fito Many 12-Volt Caro 99 No. 54 Wi1h Trade-In 99 No. 39 With Trade.Jn Sears Has a Battery for Every Car, Every Budget! FREE Teoting! No Obligation! 6.50xl3 Tubeless Blackwall Pins 1.81 F.E.T. And 0111 Tirr i\'O .\10.\1-:\' J)O\\ .\\\'hen 'You Ruy "t"our .\utQ11101i1t: ~rrd~ lll ~rllr~ on Credit SIZE Trade.in •·f'tl. ~x. SIZE Trade-in 1:ec1. Ex. l'rice Tax l'rice Tax Tubeless Blackwalls · Tubefe · s Whitewall s 6.50xl3 9.77 1.81 6.50xl3 12~ 1.81 7.35xl4 11.77 2.06 7.35xl4 14.77 2.06 7.75xl4 12.77 2.19 7.75xl4 15.77 2.19 8.25xl4 15.77 2.35 8.25xl4 18.77 2.35 7.75xl5 12.77 2.21 8.55xl4 21.77 2.56 7.75xl5 15.77 2.21 A'ailablc al Scars STEEL CORD RADIAL TIRES Ask Your Allstate Tire Salr;;man Ahotil Th em! Better Fabric Seat Covers e Woven fabric fi eat covers feature vinyl eide panels for long-lasti ng wear e Choose red, blue, green or black • Outstanding value at this Sears lo\\· . low price! ,-------------------------------------------------, IUINA P .... K TA 8-4400, 52t-4530 El MONTE GI 3·3911 LONG llEAOi HE 5-0121 'PICO WE 8-4262 SA>ITA F£ Sl'RINGS 944-8011 1 UP<AND 985-1927 I CANOGAP ..... 340-066t . GlENDAlE Of 5.1004, Ci 4-46it OlYMPIClSOTOAN 9.5211 POMONA ED 2·11'5, NA 9-516t , YU 6·6751 SANTA MONICA EX 4-6711 VAllrtPO 3-846t, 984-2220 I • • I CXllMrTON NE 6.2581, NE 2·576t HOLLYWOOD HO 9-5941 ORANGE 637·2100 SANTA ANA Kl 7.3371 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 540-3333 ... MONT Pl 9-191 t I COVINA 966-0611 INGLEWOOO OR 8-252 1 • PASAD<NA MU 1·3211, EL 5-42t t TORRANCE 5'2-1511 '----------------------· ----------~----------' Sears "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your MoneyBack" II.A.~ lODUCX AND CO. Shop 6 Nighh Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. • '· ~, j. ] I tin all by ha I th• ,, op an ( ] P' w. in ., g• in Y• w. " th SE "' ol lb c ta I' ti rt u d• ,.. I> .. n p. .. 0 le y 0 0 p r. l ' ' ( ' [ I i ( I r ' l I r, I I " J • - • Founiain • Valley r..i~s.._. , .N.Y. S~e r.DJJION ' . voe. 62, NO. 26, 4 SECTIONS, <44 PA6ES ORANGE COtnfTY,_ ~ Beach BOn d ·to Support Ambitious Park PlaB An ambitious program to supply Hun- tington 8tacb realdeats wlth ptrb of all sizes and locationa would be financed by a propooed "' mll1ion hood Issue -and a tax lncre.aae wblch alrtady ba• been levied by the Cily Council Income over the next 10 yean to tba park. program has been estlmaled at $1J.rr million. s~ for park.! operation was llsted at $6.112 million and capital outlay, $5.24 million. * * * City Seeks $6 Million Park Bonds By WILLIAM REED OfltM~,~Ss-tf A 1pecial election on a $& million park bond proposal in Huntington Beach was called for June! by the City Council in a special session Wedneaday night. The $6 million propo.:dlicm almost ex- actly matches the ooe which failed to garner the needed twMblrds yes vote ili the November General Election. That proposition received a a percent yes vote and despite falling to pass waa: revived by city officials who feel sure this time the voters will approve the measure. A resolution calling the election and setting the figure at $6 million was ordered during a special joint meeting ell the Recreation and Parks Commission. Iba Plannmg Commission and the City Council Attendinl the moetiiJI Wt!' lept- taliveo Ill """"'"' --In parD, lnclodlnc -yba mlgbl -the central cily part _,.pi for •lrioos rellSOlll. 'l1lt mo!ullon .... a .... joint -Uon of the three g......m, bodlea and declared that "public noed and -ly niquire the issuance "' ....,.., nbll1at1on bonds in the amount of $1 mlllloo." The proposition will go to the voters on June 3, a day whJch park cornml.aion researchers say is the best for holding park elect.ions. The tw<>-thirds affirmaUve vote is need· ed and if the bonds are approved, cost of repayment could lead to a tu increas'.e to the average homeowner of about $t yearly. A large cenlral city park and a system of about '3 neighborhood parts and seven or eight community parks would be provided by the cornbln1Uon of bond funds and tu·subdivisioo fee levies. OCJC Considers Higher Tax Levy Versus New Bond Bond issue versus higher tu levy was discussed once again by Orange Coast Junior College District trustees Wednesday night who once again reached no decision. The topic of di scussion at nearly every board meeting since a $7 .25 million bond issue faJled last September was given ooce-0ver-quickl1 lreatment by t h e board. Supt. Norman Wat.Ion presented IOlnt new data which show propoeed eon- struction on the Orange Coast and Golden West campuses next school year would require a las: rate increase ol 21 centl or passage of a bond issue. The increase over the present rate or 57 centl per $100 d. asstssed valuaUon would drop to 11 centl the (oUowing year, to only seven centl the yur after that and hold at about that level for the predictable future, Watson aaid. The big jump the first two years would be needed to aDow the district to catch up witb heavy enrollment in· crease.'i in recent years when two over· ride tries and a bond 'ltct.ioo hive failed. A band i8!1.le, wKh repayment spread over 20 years, WallOll said, would COil t.axpaycn: between ~ eenta and aeven cents per year. He said a tbree<eni bond rate would take CIJ"e ol diltrict building needl for thr<e y,.. ud the aevm«nt rate for nine ytan.. Trustees were tolcl the bond luue would coot consid<rablJ min In the long run although uve the heavy Lu bite the next two yun under a pay...,. you-go plan. Interest on a M.4 mllllon bond Wue to meet builrtinJ needs ror three years would CQIJ( $2.I ml1UOn. Business Manager Cof'Tellao ThompMID said. The decl&ion will have to be made before Ju lf 1, when lhe budget for nclt !!Choo year ii '®pied and when 11 new law allowln& board rqernbtn to lnc:rt•IM! \al.Cl wlthoul v~ of lhe people goes lnlo effect. • . - 'Illal !UI mlllloo bu been eannarbd for: --Aqullitloa and devekll'm<nt prvaram for II nelglllQbood part, lolalllng IO •ores.. . -lloftlopment of IS Ill the llmlller parts, two community parks, (Edflon and &la Qlica blp ~ 1ltea), com- munlly centen on tboaa two parkl. -Development Ill...,. Ill the Southem California Edison Co. pow er 11 n e euementa and purcbaae Ill amne equil" ment. • - Tbe bond monoy -be ued lo blQ' ftYe new c o ip m u n I t y parts • lolalllng n · acrea ~ a cen!raf city part lolalllng DI ....._ Tblrly.two nelgbborbood' parks would be cunplelely developed u would ,tix clllllmllllily parts. Tbe ceolral cily part would be par1laUy deftloped. Under the pr...m tax..ubdivisldn !ff program, the cilY propooea lo buy a!Ja, for parks al Glen Vin, COiiege VJ.,,, ~View, Newland. Ptlonoo. Lark '\'l!W, BulbanJ, Sprlna Vlew, (all 1C119o!J and an .bJcb Pl'klrlb). Other sites-.. ~ ... at ::==~:: Simi and lndlanapolll .l ..... , .... - "' Buabard Slreel ud lndluapolls Avenue, Harbour View l!cbo<>L , Med!ID!l-priority 1ltes are near Hun- lingtoa Harbour at F.dinger Avenue, a . . ' ' DAIL.T "!LOT ltd P11911 NEWPORT AUTHORITIES DISCUSS NEXT MOVE AFTER FINDING YOUTH'S CORPSE Body al Rlvar Drownl119 Victim 8111 Di1c-Washed Ashore South al Newport Plor Raft Tragedy Boy's Body ,- Washes Up -. . . Onto Beach · ... The body ol Bill Dllchner, II, S..la Ana, clad only In • pair of blna jtaD1, washed Uhore al Newport Beach Wednelday aljtmoon 11 mllel from a waterfall on the Santa Ana River where he drownp!. ' Dllchner fell from a ....n ',.UV. "'8• or· the fut movil>i rim lllli the.ll"UP w'1)1 ov« a n .. 1oo1 watrrfall DO one iii the party bew WU 1bel'el Yom11 Dtachn<r, bawever, cilia_.. In the muddy, llebrlHlllod rlvtr nla'. ; * * * -raft two dayl Qfller u be .... C. ' ' B h Qu , . . d·. --JOU,_.lloallltr ..... flood ~tis 1ty s· eac ·. -· , . arantine ·· -f~~·gg·ii< t·-·+!' ~· · w.. Blvd., ....,. ·= ~ a • . ' -Ibo -. ,' Raw Sewage Affects Both Huntington, Newpo· rt •bOut~;=t~a. .. 'm·: w'"~ .,, ' By JEROME F. COUJNS Of ... """ f't• ... " Raw sewage dumped Into the Sant.a Ana River today forced a quarantine Df beaches in West Newport and Hun- tington Beach. Orange County Health Officer Dr. J. hibill all surfing. awimmlng "and any type of body contact sport in ocean waters,'' Dr. Philp emphasized. Riverside authoriUes said it will take possibly a week to repair the main line damage. Newport Assistant City M a n a g e r James DeCha,ine otdered beach bar· rl cades up this morning. He pointed out that only.the shoreline north of the pier Is affec\ed by the swimming ban. "The harbor ls no problem," he said. R. Philp said the beaches would remain closed for at least one week, perhaps two. Controversial Era The aewage effluent, estimated at 10 million gallons a day, ii pouring into the river from Riverside. '111at city's main sewer line wu washed out Satur- day Dlgbt by raging floods. Master Spy AllenD,ulles, Dr. Philp e:rplained there was no con- tamination i:roblera earlier in the week because of the heavy river runoff and sub.sequent high dilution of the sewage. "Concentrations of it ar' now develop- ing," he said. 75, Ex-CIA Chief Dies A slmllar situation in San Juan Capistrano today compelled closure of . Doheny State Part beach. Sections cf sewer lines in lhe Mission City hav' burst. cootamlnating 8an Juan Creek, Dr. Philp said. Damage there will take about three days to repair, he e!Umated. Beach areu affected by the Riverside sewage diacharge stretch from the mouth of the Santa Ana River soutlt lo Newport Pier and nortll alODI Huntlngtoo State Park Beach. Tbe quarantine 1l thole beaches pro- Valley's Juarez Improvements Finally Begin WASHINGTON (AP) -Allen W. Dulles, America's ma.'!ter SPi' who steem:t th e Central Intelligence Agency through nine years of cOntro-.eralat in- ternaUonal intrigue, died late Wednesday. He was 75. Dulles, appointed CIA chief in 1953 by former President Dwight D . Elsenbowtr, reUred to private life in 1961 following tbe Bay of Pip invasion of Cuba -which with an earlier U2 plane incident was one ot' several con- trovenial matters involving the in· telllgence agency under his command. The White House denied at the time that the invasion · fiasco, organized to a large degree by tbe CIA, wu the reason for Du.lles' retirement, saying his plans were known well in advance of Uiat. Since quitting government service, Dulles wrote four boob, the Craft of Iotelligence publilhed In 11111, Tb< Secret Surrender in ltl6 and Great True Spy Stories lut year. By TERRY COVU..LE A fourth. Great Spy Stories from Fie-°' 1119 .,.,..,. ,,. 1htl' tion, will be rtleased tn June. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held Dulles began formal spy wort during Wednesday on a $1116,000 water, sewer Wofld War U as a member of the and street improvement project in the Of6ce of Strategic Servlcel, the CIA 'a Juarez Colony section of Fountain Valley. predecessor. Eilenbower appointed him City councilmen, joined by Miu F<>WJ.o CIA deputy director l:n 1951 and director tain Valley. Ellen Evam, braved a chilly two yeart later. wind to view the initial e(forta on a Fonner PrWdent John F. Kennedy, project the city hopes will brine the during wboae admlnlsttatioo the: Bay -·1'11 lo standard. o1 Pip oCcumd, rttali1ed Dull" In Ju'arel .cdlc>o><-Ji 4l' ,yt< Iii<, ~ ~-~lt..., "plisl-wben he took neljhl>llrhaads ln•Flillllln Va11t1,11~ I '· , . . · · ' a lloog Latin Oavor with lllrfft naDiel ""''-~•....me( of'lhe War-1 such u "Colle lndependencla" ud nn ~lllat-Inv<lllg•led l!en- "Calle Madero." nootf• m-.&lllllhn. and c:ancluded the But until oow !he reslclenll ol the Pr-,,.. ,iliJed bl' one ·m..,.L u uu, JMS1 '""" a Latin ethnic Harvey Onalil. bacqround have bad to put up wt th Dist. Ally. Jim Gan)m , ol Ntt llOJlllc tanh and 111reet1 full o I (lliit'Dl?l=' ha< ·o· chuctboles. Lui October the Fountain VaDqClly Council finally approved • plan to Im· prove the ma which II m!ble from the new clly hall complu. A three-fold plan wu adopted wbtreby the city, "'1denta ol Juam Colon1 and the Houttnc and Urban Develotnnent Bureau (HUD) wtll aban the COiii of lnstalllQI wattt and .ewer lines and IS.. JUAllEZ. Pall I) 'CLOUDY,' INDEED HELENA. Moot. (AP) -Montana's weather lorecut.er• got. an anonymous post<ard which reacla : "Sirs: I thoogbt you would be lnter¢ed In Imowln& that I have .11111 a!tov.W lhrM I.et of 'partly cloucl)" !ranl mJ fJmt otepe." DEAD AT 75 Allen Dulles ...... At the -time -'lleleo, • oman E. '9alboa Blvd., wu Jolllnl In Ibo . aru and AW the body. Police aald Tieken jumped lnlo Ibo Icy waler' and pulled the , boy'• body· to ahore. lJfelUlfd.1 and police wert summoned. The body wubed up almost t.brH rr Jiu from the mouth of the Santa Ana Rh"er. Diachner Wll oo the 11oo11n1 "'"°ture with. ltla older brotber, Rol>er1, and frU!ncls !\Indy Howard, II, ud CtaJc Park, 17, when the l(X'ideat oeemsed.. Tiie -throe -· It MftlY 16 Iba Agreement Near On Land Price Of Civic Center An agreement on the price Ill the land for a new Hantlngtcin Buch cMc center may be imminent following 1dop- ijon by the Cily Council Wednelday night of a price range for the 14· acres on Main Street. Councllmt1l alJ'ffd to an ti1lOWll lo be paid lo ...,,.,.., mllnl1 the llunllnston Beach Co. COuncilmen did not announce the range. 'The price range, however, la qn.. dentood to be aomewbere betwttn 13611.000 and $316,000 for tba parcel ..,;,.. Main Slreel from Hll!ltJn&lon ~ch lllab Scilool. NecotiaUons are cootlmdnf and a ftna1 dollar amoont for the pu<el II tipecWd lo be announced ' at Iba -. "' Iba <OllllCll on Monday. Negotlatlonl coWd be oolJ an acadanlc exe~. however, bfJcauae . •t the l9me meeting the council wtD be uted to ,,_,,_ !ta declalnn lo place iba ~ .....,i 18 million center · at the< ltlgh school location. · .Couocllman Heru:y Kaufman.bu pn>- Poaed ·p1acln1 the ........ die Inland edge of Pacific Cout l!lglnroy between !th Street and Late slrael above a parking lot development bf' the Parldng AlltborilJI " Dr. Kaufman maintalna that Iba dly <Ollld' uve -•lllO,Olf .... , tba IP· _...,,.,,,,. "'1iao1if ,* ,Jllllb -' the ~-liol ,..l;tdflO&. ' • 'Fciar'Cilllicll!""I. JonJ •llaialr,•JOclt ,G.-,, ,Dllllll<f ID: ~..i.t ·, ICa1<r' Alvin M. °"" .llM ,l>Qet"llw IOlctt -..... but ...-i•..,, .... "' -'**' lol ............. , ._ Dr. K#lfrila~ '"" ·-loiI • Goiirp' McCrtcktn Moodly, '):D.Uii.• ,af. 'tiil .....,. •• ,.n,. ....._ , , Ci!)-Admlnlslnl« Dnyll M I 11 tr, ~.. !Mt' "tllql ,... ""Ifni ri*.• lald t1111 'couridf ......il)i'tbat ha la Willlt ..,.. a Jolnl -,,.........i with the cottlllf which coWd l'tllill fn • mean& ol llll>llClni the -·ciftter Ind that evu,tldnl 11 "So" u. aoon uc:oancllmmdecidefor1Urtoolhl !Oc1tlon. Thi· clotliod body ol a blonde - In bet IOI wultecj up In fiood debris nn tho Newport Beach lborellno nur !ht S..la Ada Rtft< jetty lhll ......... Hen WU Iba eecoDd body to -· to lbore in Newport In die pul :II boars: • N,lwport Defoct!YI stJI. Ken .,,..._ aid the ....... "llai ~ - lb 1lle -. but I -~ -Uk4 Ille bal been -too Jq, ---to pteUmlury all!dnadoo." Tbe -........... foJmd bf a diy' -darlnC dOIJril !nm Iba -wfth .• ll;Jplooder, ' . Al I p.nl. WednM!oy --mJlel IOllth, near the Newport Pllr, the body Ill BID Dl&:lmer, wbo lbowued In a raft mfsliap ... Iba Banta ""' River, wubed uboro near !Rb Stnel Beach. • Tbe woma1l's body, clad In i ' brlcltl prlnl dress, .... -at the fool "' • alx.foot-lllgh -"' twlp, ...... and other debrll brougbl out In -by the river. _ Tiie diJcOVll')' WU leu than 100 fffl soutlt of the jelly. Thiel<, """· ~ water ond debris ta llUl tumbllnr lnlo the sea from ·tbe river's mouth. 11 wu not ImmedltlU!ly !mown II the body came to sea from the river. NEW YORK !AP) -Stlecth In ant blue chi Pl bOo.ted . averages but tbe 1tock mar\<l clo•ed mhted today. TradJh( ,,.. active. (Seo quotatlooO, Pages :a.IS). Oraage ·~ ... ---. ~· ... ·-~·-······~··~ ... ---.--· - % DAil Y PR.OT H R~Denied ' . Israel. Accu·sed· ' . ' . 'Of Iraqi R~fds .: . United Pra1 bternadollal Baghdad Radio aa1d MVen Israeli pluel bombed Iraqi troops ltaU- ln J°""'" todl1· Israel flaUy denied 1111 roport 111M1 obsemn In Tel Aviv uid Baghdad radio obviously spread the word to cover up events in Iraq. <JDlr>Wedneadoy nJaht llraell Defen.. Mlnilter Moobe Dayan said llrael IDUll do everything pouible to oavt the l,IOO Jen .IUll Uvlng ID Iraq and appannUy ruled ool any reprilal ralda for the hanging ol nlne Jm on Monday. Doyan said lurtber trials of bmooent Jews ""• being coodPCled In Iraq now daplte worldwide furor againlt the ex· ..uUoa of If men In Baghded Mouday, nine of t.beID Jews, on charges they spied for larael. Today Baghdad Radio said seven Israeli planes attacked the 10,000 to 20,000 Iraqi troops stationed in Jordan since the &ix-day Arab-Israeli war in 1967 al)d that one plane was shot down ln flame. Jordan said &ix Israeli aircraft violated Jordaniiln . alr space in two Front Page l PARKS ... View, Lake View (all schools), at the southeast area of Garfield Avenue and Magnolia Street aDd large sections of the Edison euements. Development of all but 23 of the sites would await passage of the bond issue. Bond rnone,• would purchase com· munity park lites at Marina and Hw- llngton Beacli, Bolla Chica, ~ 8lld Yorkton blgh sdlools )n actawoa to the central ·sart at Talbert A venue and Golden Weil Stnet. separate lncidenta and were "repelled." The broadcuts were repeated but with noupl1n1Uon ol the~ Tbei'e WU opeculaUon In IOIDl qllll'f.trl llrael bed begun retaliallm • olrtkeo egaln&t Iraq daplte Dayan'• gi-J> to an audience of labor youth in Jenmlem Wadneoday nlghL Tlll llraell army lasved a formal - melll aaylng It "cateecrtcallY def>lta .1111 tnowlqe of an ~ Force ·raid apinst' the Iraqi espedltlonarJ lorai bue•f In J crd8n." A spokeamln aak1 the Bqlldad report WU "a Jot of bot alr." ' Israeli military officlah: ea1d an Ilraell soldier S\lllbaijllng along the Sue& Canal WU wounded by a Bingle ahot today and that I..rael did not return Iha fire. Wonned sources said Israel was more concerned with a reported buildup ol A1 Fatab Arab cmnmandqs along .the southeastern bordets of Lebanon and said this wu a likely trouble spot · UPI correspondent EUav Simon toured military areu arOund Tel Aviv today and said he' iaw no evidence whatever (Jf unusual military or air activities on this day which the Jews were observing as a. day of public fasUng ·and prayer in memory of the nine Jews haiiged Monday. Simon said the belief in Israel was that Baghdad Radio broadcast the report to stir up anger among Iraqis against Jbe .Jews and to cover up the political tunnoll !hal baa wracked Iraq for many yean.1Dcludlng reported antlgovernment pioU. The hanging of the 14. men on Monday brought condemnation from many na- tions of the world -the United States, Britajn, France and from Pope Paul VI and Untied Natlnnl Secrelary Geoeral U Thanl MoR of theae bad ul:ed Iraq n·ot to carry out the uecutlona. • , DAIL V PILOT hlft ,..,. CITY SUPPORT -City counolmen and Ellen Evans Miss Fountain Valley, &bowed up Wednesday to lend moral suppori to new water sewer and street improvement proje<:t in city's Colonia Juarez View: ing project's start are (from left) Mayor Robert D. Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor Donald V. Fregeau, Councllmen Edward E. Just and Joseph Courreg .. and Miss Evans. OAllY PllOI OltAMGI CO.Ut .. UaLIP!IMG (OMl'ANV' lob•rt N. WtuJ l'tU~lll •"" P~bU.,_,. J•cl• a. c~,1 • ., vie. , ... lde!\1 -G<'M•ll MloMtfr The"''' Ki•~il .... ThaMt' A. M11•plil~• Mt ... 11,. E•I• Albert W. ltlt' Will!'"' l11d ,i.._i.11 Hvr>ll ... ion 8•..;11. Ecloltr City '-'°lor Htllfl ..... • INC!rri Offtce Jot 101 Str11t M1ifl11t A,jf1111: P.O. a,, 7tO, t?&-'I -"""" ....... '1 IMt~: nil W"t It~ twlfyt•• COlll MfMH ))0 w,,, l1v '""'' l_...,...1tn.,_.,._ e.r.n.v Pit.OT, wlllo weldll lac~"" .....,._'"-'I -*!....., ...,. u•cnot S.... • .., Ill _ .. •"""" .... l..-s..o.. ...,_, ...... (Wit Mnll • ....,~ 9"!Kll -F-ltill Ytllty, 1:.. wllll e ·~9'0'\ll N lll1111, Or-( .. II f'Ylll"""llt9 '-..->flti"I 1141~" tro ti n11 Wnl t•ltto.I ~ ... ~ ............ '"'°" ..... ,.. Wttl II.., ....... ( .. II 111.o ... , ........ t7141 '41""41:11 "-' .......... Ctlll , .... 1111 Ct aelnM M•llalet Ml-1671 ""11tM. ,.... °' ... " ,.... """'' ..... ~ .... -,,,,,,,, lllllP•••-llllWW MttW ., .-1'-t!t lll•till _, too ,__ •11-1 W>f(iotl -19\tNIM .,, ..... 11i111_, _... c .......... .-i. ti N_.t lt..:111 .,.. c.:111 Mt ... u'""~'-· .._""'"'"" " 1.arrlo:• 11,1S -lfl1¥1 b\< -II U.JI "*llllffl 111111"'1' ClnflNllOl'll, II.IS ._.iNr. From Pagel JUAREZ ... repalrlnc the antiquated stroeta. The city'a share of the coat ts 173,400. Prop& ty owners In Juares Co1ony will pay 188.000 while HUD wtn put up Hl,llOO. Colony raldenb bne already begun their own campaign to ropaln~ rebuild and refurnlJb their homes. The city npedl to llnlah the aewer, water and atreet project by May I. The project wu ln!Ualed nearly three yean: qo by residents tbemlelves who expreased a desire to cleanup and fb:-up thelr ...... Juares Colony once eervtd •• home bue for mlgnnt Mman farm labnr<n who worked tbe area'• crop1. Many liked what !boy aaw In Fountain ValleJ and ltayed. Tile ColooJ WU the Ont actual tract of -built tn the are&. It WU developed around 19:23. . Presently I.here are sligbUy more Ulan 100 lndMdual pniperty owners of the 138 lots in the aecUon. About IOO peraona of aD l(tl Uva in the Cokilly. Becent1J a ll""'P ol Y0011J ftlldentl ol Cok>nJ Juara got lotl•ther and formed the Bnnm CUiture Society, a 1tU-belp ... ,an11at1nn. Led by Jamu Luna, a YOWi( American Indian, their goo! Is to Uni help their .... -by tmprovlog coodlUona and estabilablog a community leelin& among resldenil of the CoioW· l\lesa Youth Released . . In Rape Case One of four suspe<il amsted followlng the alleged rape of a l~year-old girl at a Huntington Beach teenage night rpot wu released Wedneeday on the arounds of lack of evidence. Freed In Westminster Municipal Court was Jasper Oliver llickey, 20, <lf 871 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. Hickey was accused of being one of 1/J men who raped a runaway Anaheim girl during a Christma.!I party at the Syndicate 3000, Pacific Coast Highway near Main Street. Scheduled for court arraignment Feb. 5 1J Peter Buell, 22, EI Mante. He is accused of contributing to the delin· quency of a minor. A 11.year-Old Anaheim youth arrested following the incident has been released to the custody of his parents by juvenile court authoriUes. He is awaiting a Juvenile Hall hearing. Also awaiting court action Is Robert Lewis Souza , arrested last week in Fairhaven, Mass. • a.4. DAn.Y PILOT ..... """ UCI CHANCELLOR ALDRICH !AT ROSTRUM) TEtU CROWD WHY HE UPHELD FIRINGS 'Polltlct Had Nolhl"ll To Do With It; Paroonallty W11' Not a Primary Con1ldor1tlon' GWC Sets Oass In English for Foreign Born Aldrich By THOMAS FOimJNB Of .. ..,,.....,, Cllancellnr Daniel G. Aldrlcb Jr. told lllO UC Irvine atudtotl1 WednesdlJ !hal ~~ = own lnvestlgaUon and !hal two young EoglJah pro eason abould be ~ Following his explaneUon for the fir. fngs of Dr. Stephen A. Shapiro, 28, and Dona1d F. Brannon, 30, about 250 students marched over to Engllsb depart· meat offices for a abort-lived mill-in. The number of studenla standing In a hallway and questioning professors in their offices dwindled rapidly. But a few of the most aroused students pledged to OOll1lnue ,1beJr efforts for relnstatemenl with mill.W egaln today and Friday. Aldrich explained to the stud¢ gather· log how he penO!lally cbecbd with eigbt Eogllsb faculty ~;; lour of them 8'Ststanl proleJSOl'I without lenuft, Ind came to his own conclusion Shapiro and Brannon should be dismissed. Heavy weight W81 gimi to teaching, he Wd, as well as the other criteria on publiabed research and community e:ervice. The chancellor told the students, who coveffll the Gateway Plaza steps and filled balconies of adjacent buildings, that be recalls "specifically six instances, this year, of promotion, advancement and, ln one case, retention, based primarily not <ln great service or scholarshlp but (In teaching." He lald, "Every man or studeot I Owner Wins War Of Nerves With Bandit An armed robber fled empty-handed Wednesday night alter loolng a war of nerves with the proprietor of the Warner-Beach Market. Hunt In Ito n Beach. Jamee W. llralldt told police that a man entered the aton, a1 Warner A.,.., a( 8:14 p.m. W~ and looked around, apparentJy to set! there were any sboppen. Brandt said the mu then approached him at the counter and PUiled a blue steel revolver aaying, "Ail rJght, let'• have ll" "Let's not,11 Brandl replled, u he began to walk out from behind the counter. 1be robber then stuttered, ''You'd bet· tu atop -stop at I'll aboot" "Go ahead and lhoot." Brandt aald, u be contlnued out the doer. Brandt told police the man otood there for a minute theo ran ool the door, around 1111 comer and left on a mot«eycle -empty-banded. Huntington Man's Plea Rejected A Huntlugtcio Beach man's plu. that he ls not physica"11 capable of serving a recently impose~ months jail term bas been rojected In Loa Angeles Federal Court. But Judge WlDlam Gray granted Jome1 F. Diig, 1181 lndlanapolil St., • stay of aec:utlon m1W Fr1daJ to allow the 11111teu:r radio operator to ra18e funds !or the llllng of ao appeal bond. Dilg wu convicte:f of conlempt of court after be defied a court onler which ,nblblt.ed bis operaUon ol an amateur rldlo st&Uon. _ Federal officers laid DiJa was ordered' to d.llcontinut UM of the ltatiOD lot May H after Hunllngtoo Beach pollco complained that tbfl "bam'1 open.kiri broadcasta wtrt lntulerlng w l t b televtsion rec:tption If &he area. Backs 2 talked to w W!lo wrote to me had occutc:m t:o ccmment on teaching. "Faculty arrive al their estlmote of a coneaauo'• 1wb1ng tbraugb 1n1orma1 comment al ltudents,11 be aald. ''There baa been time Cf« Shapiro and Brannon) to demo-ate their competence In teacblog. On the buis of this the faculty agreed not to recommend tbe1r reap- pointment." He laid polltlca had nothing to do with the dedaiona and that personality, which could not be totally eliminated, did not in any way, shape or fashion become a primary conaideraUon. Aldrich WU challenged by Assistant Prole110• of Ph"1ct George F. Reiter wbo laid Eoglisb faculty did lei their prejudices become involved. He claimed they recommended against Shapiro "because be is an oddball and they didn't like him." Reiter aakl Shapiro'• case should have been reviewed by impartial, outside ex- perts In his field. Aldrich answered that the unJversity bas tried that procedure over the years and time and again a letter comes back asking, "What are you turning to us for! 'I1lls ls silly. You have the best scholars in your system." It is Shapiro's own contention tbat his colleagues are not able to impartially evaluate hll work. Firings ''I have crltldzed these men'• work In print and In public,. ht said. "What I say threatens tbelr tnteresl'' He said this field Is really ln- terdlldpllnary. He laid be comblnea Dterature and psycbology, and also aocialogy, anthropology,. evolutionary theory and Marxism to Integrate his knowledge. His view, he contends, con- flicts with the departmentalized concept held by senior English professors. Brannan'• case is different in that he was hired under university regulations requiring him to complete a doctoral dqree wit.bin two years. He has not. The case of a third wlstant ~ofesaor recommended for dlsrnWal by his department, Dr. George W. Kent, 40, of the history faculty, still Is under review. He la entitled to additiooal review because he ia higher up the ladder than Shapiro Of' Brannan and is in line tor tenure. Several dissident students spoke at the outdoor meeting, Including former student body president Michael Krisman, who complained that students are being bounced like a ping pong ball from one authority to another trying to find out where the power lies. Student Greg Hoffman aald It's sort of a button, button game -"Who has the power!'" Recognizing the large M e x t ea n • American population in H u n t i n g to n Beach, Golden West College will offer classes in English for the foreign born at three locations in the city and (IOe in Foontain Valley beginning Monday. The reading class ill a review of fun. damentals ol reading and study skills to enable !tudents to progress toward occupational and educational goals. It will be taught at Marina mgb School, room 13.1, Wednesdays from 7-10 p.m.. Interested persons should register at the first claM meeting, Feb. 5. English for the foreign born will be taught at the beginning and intennediate levels. Three beginning classes will be offered, <lne meet.lng Mondays and Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m. at Golden West; the second meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. at Holy Family Mission, Fountain Valley; and the third meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7.9 p.m. at Huntington Beach High School. All three sections will deal with begin- ning reading, writing, spelling, con- versation, diction and e I e m e n ta r y vocabulary building. The intermediate level class win meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. at Marina High School. The class will con- centrate on improving conversation and correct word usage. Quake in Philippines MANILA (UPI) -A strong earthquake rocked portions of lhe central and southern Philippines today. It shook buildings and knocked out power briefly in the city of Davao on the lsland of Mindanao. JI. J. (Jarrell~ ' PROFESSIONAL ll(TEktOR DESIGNERS . ' • I "12th Semi -Annual ._-:;;:::J.urnilure Safe/ 1 MANY SOFAS AND CHAIRS ON SALE IN YOUR CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR ••• SOFAS· Reg. $400.00 SAlE PRKB> $299.00 O!AIRS-Reg. $135.00 TO $219.00 SAU PltlCB> $99.00 TO $149.00 ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE -CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR ON SALE-20% OFF 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. "4(>.02 75 "4!>-0276 ' \IC ] '" !ti an th• COi I Bo ac on , ' .... ] J Y< to B le Di c I' • h: I' B b: h ,, d y n p ii a d 0 d n , J j I • I t } t I I ( I t I t • l I ( I - • Lag11na ' Uee.~b f EOLTION Today'• Phlal N.Y. Stoeks voe. 62. NO. 26, 4 SECTIONS, 44 P~6ES, JEN CENTS • ., ~ -....... Irvine, I . nanches Pre:serve.d By JACK BROBACK ot .. D9ltJ ,.. llatt Irvine and M1sslon Viejo ranchel today are enjoying new qricultural preserve statU1 whlcb could mean tu reductions amounting to fU million per yur for the two 11prawllng Orange County ranch companie.s. Preserve status waa granted by the Board of Supervisora Wedne.Mlay to 58,000 acres of ~ land and S2,M4 acres on Rancho Mission Viejo. WO Salt Creek Reopening Asked Again By RICHARD P. NALL Of tlle O.lfY f'I ... SIMI "& a professional planner, what do .f(IU think? Should the public have access to the public tidelands?" The question today was put to Stuarl Balley, assistant directot ol planning for Orange Comity. '"'e context was county .abandoment of Salt Creek Road to the Lapua Niguel Corporation for private use lld the possibility thal public acceu be made .t condition on future tract map filing by the corporation. "I think the public should bave access periodically to the Udelands," 1aid Bailey. He noled tidelands are owned by the public oceanward of the mean high tide line. Bailey qualified hls opinion with the comment, "I don't think every sub- division shOuld provide public access. "For one thing, if you have access, you have to have parking." Bailey said planning commissioners did not require street and dedication to give public access when Laguna Nlgael ftled its last tract map about two weeks ago. He referred lo the Niguel ~ dev~eot ol about 500 lots just south ol Salt Creek. He aaid p I a n n l 11 g commissionen discussed the development but did not make public access a ronditlon of the (See TIDELANDS, P11e Z) Allen Dulles, Master Spy, CIA Director, Dies WASHINGTON (AP) -Allen W. Dullea, America'• master spy who tteered t h e Central Intelligence Ageg:y tbrough nine yeara of cootrovenlal tn- teroational Intrigue, died lat. Wednesday, He Wll 75. Dulles, appointed CIA chief in 1953 by ronner Pre!idenl Dwight n·. Etsenhower, retired to private life in 1961 following the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba -whlch with an earlier U2 plane incident was one of several con- troversial matters involving tt:? in· lelligence agency under hls rommand. The White House denied at the time that the invasion fiasco, organized to a large degree by the CIA. was I.he rtason for Dulles' retirement, saYing hls plans w~ known well in advance of that Since quitUng government service, Dulles wrote four boolal, the Craft ol Int.Jllgtn« pobllabed In llU, The - Smrmder In 19!1 and Gml Trilt Spy Slorlea last year. A 1-. Gnat Spy Star!OI lrom f'lo. Uon, w111 bo ..i.ued In June. ' Dulles began lonnal 11!1)' wort diirfng World war n aa • member of the Office of Strategi< s.r.icea, the CIA"s predeceuor. Eisenhower appointed him CIA deputy director in 1951 and director two years later. Former President John F. Kennedy. during whose admin!Ktration the Bay or Pigs occurred, retalned Dulles in his $%2,000-a-year post when he. toot office. Dulles later was a member ol lhe War· ren CommWion that inve!tlgated Ken- nedy's assassination and concluded the President wu tilled by one man. L e e Harver Oonld. DIJI. AllJ. Jim Gorrlaon GI. N"' (SOI DI U.fl!I, Pagt l) ' ~... ~·!. Irvine action came on a 3 to t vote wilh supervisors David L. Baker and Robert w. Battin~- Only Baker voted agalnJI the approved Miasion Viejo preserve. Approval of tbe preservM came after the board delibtnted llld beard m.,.. than"""""" ol testlmooy. Formal .,,..ments detallirtg bouo- daria of tho preaerve1 llld listing forbid- den and permitted uses for the land will be before the board for final ap- proval Feb. 11. One modllicaUon of the preserve ·~ plications was made with the deletion ol 1,500 "°"' of the Oood-<trlcten s.n. Uago Water ·District from the Irvine _... •. Norman Fltm1pJn1; water di.strict board presldeot. told 111~ th• dbtrict faced m.ooo . In 1lood repafn and could not stand a tu reduction. Tu reductions for the two giant land owners were estimated at $1.f million • 0 1es as e DAILY PILOT It.ff l"Mf9 Raft Victim AndWontai1 Discovered The clothed body of a blonde woman in her 20s washed up In Dood dtbria on the Newport Beac;b shoreline near the Santa Ana River jelly thil mc:nina. Hera was the leCODd bodJ to wuh to ohore In Newport In ll>e . pul SI boon. • Newport Detectlft -~· . laid the woman "hll· in the -bot tt 4'esn' ~ llU- oM ~'""'·~~ ~·tli-to~· .. 1lle dead woman IOU -by • city W'"-~.~ -iM beach wtth I I~. At I · p.qi.· Wl\llJeldaY 81-tine miles IOllth, ..or 1116 N...t.orl Pier, the bod)' ol Biil llllclin<!r, whl> drownecl in a raft mlshaP an the Santa Ana River, washed uhore near 18th Strut Beach. The woman's body, clod In a bright print dress, w111 discovered at the foot of a six4oot-hl1h mound of• twjp, roob and other debris brought 0111 to sea by the river. BILL SHIELDS CHECKS HIS RAIN GAUGE 'I 'lhougllt This Would Bo a Dry YHr' The discovery wu less than 100 feet south of the jetty. Thick, soupy; muddy water and debril u alfll tumblln1 Into the sea from the rivtr11 mouth. 11 wu not bnmedlately known H the body came to the sea from tbe rl•er. The remains of raft viC'Um Dlaebner, lS, floated ashore 11 miles from • wll'tr- faD on the river where .be drowned. . Measuring Rain Lagunan Does It the Simple Way Dischner fell from a nnall yellow rubber raft two days earlier u be and three other youths were floating ln the rain-swollen river 1t the Orangewood Avenue bridge in Anaheim. Newport resident Trudy Walker, 1721 W. Balboa Blvd., was walking at the beach near the 16th Street end when ahe aaw the body floating face down about 15 feet ouL By JACK CHAPPELL Of tlM Daflr ..... ,,.,. For ~3 years, the rain that has fallen on Lagmta Beach has been caughl, measured and recorded by Bill Shleltls and his late father, Frank Shields. 1be Jong skinny rain gauge on the roof of Shields' building Is an institution in its GWD, II is Bill'• front window rain <hart llld the calls that flood his hardware store'• lines after a rakl. "Evll)'llmo It nln5, JU11 -need a .....tary to answer all the phooo calls,., Shl.eldl u1d. Shiellb' record ol rainfall began In tna, the year after Frank Shields came to Laguna Beach and built the Forest ·Avenue store. His father started measuring the precipitation as a hobby, Bill said. The hobby soon grew to be a clamoring mistress that demands that the gauge be checked at a a.m. whenever rain ha.a fallen, even U the rain conUnue..s to fall whl1e checking. "You've got to be coosistent," Shields admonished. Otbenrise, be laid, the flpres aren't accurate. Tt cbect the bauge, Bill takes 1 ladder from the~ store and carries it about 50 feet 1o the building'!: corner and 1See RAIN, Pace Z) Al the nme time Robert Tieken, 507 E. Balboa Blvd., waa jogiJng Jn the area and saw the body. Police said Tieken Jumped into the Icy water and pulled the boy'I body to lhore. Uleguardl and police were summoned. The body wulled up almoot thrff rrJles from the mouth . of the Santa Ana River. . Diachner wu on the Ooallnc adventure with. hll older brvlher, Robert, llld frlendJ Randy Howard. 11, llld Craig Park, 17, when the accident occurred. Override Critic Resigns Teacher Pratley 'Frustrated With School Financing Fred Pratley, 38, finally reached Jbat point fl dUninllhing returns when, ln bls words, the level fl frustraUon1 out. nllll1l>e-ed the ...... ants ol teaching. So, be resigned in his rourth year II I teacher, three at Laguna Beed:I mp School -aecepled the r<Slgnatioll with little fanfare Tuesday nighl Two weekl earlier, Pratley had criticized them for not asking for more than a 51--<:ent override in the April 15 election. "It bMK>oved you people to make long· term plans a long tlroe ago. We can'L go from year to · Yeaf." h.! said 6t the time. " PraUey wa11 not talking about teacher salaries, he said todaf, but about educa- tional program, "facllitle,,, libraries, You name it." "That (salary) stigma keeps hanging on us," he said. "It's not the aalary, none of ua 11 in It fer that. It's the trumatliiYol not being able to do what could be done with the tldi." , ·Pratleysaldbo'stlredof..tngf!nance He Aid tt wu nlce 'lhat they painted control educltloo. "Ille .,....,...tlon 11 the hip ldlool bat said ..,. Prlntlpal mmpletely about meDIJi never about Robert Reeves bid uid a half m1DJon a better education. They aay we can't :1:,n ,,;r. needed .. just to brtna it aH«d It, dial -t -.·t solve Prattq aald, •51 eeota woo1d raise evei,th!Dg bot It Wlltld bo beautiful about 1 UJ1 mlllloo, lf they .,. tt to try (with mGIM!)'I.. all; ~ ...... obvloml1 they're ......... Ailed U be tboqht Ille dlatrlct coo-to do whit tho now prboolpal ,.....,. lf!'taUve fiscl1ty u Orange Countj ,oes. mended."' the earth -teacher said. "I think Ho bad prlt.a lar the tnnovaU... - they're reflecting the stand pat feeling gram at Ttau:aton !H!medtJrJ Scm>ol of education. We could all teach but tddetl, "then. the kids oanM! ntfDwn: __, under a tree tt we)• ·¢od to I& hlgb , ~ and juat -at· enough but we're equipment oriented." tht four walJ:I."' • · He said equipment ii needed •nd A lormtr encl-in, l*>i.ataf with particular types of bulldirtp for mOOern • cmsulttna firm for I WI ·t year1, · teachini commenting, ''the tk1I ca.n't PraOe,111~11cf. "Ilhougbt teaclil~.would ask questlon1 U they don 't have lhe be fnore kaDy rri'ltdlJil than resource." juit makj 1 bbcJ." ' · · "'There'• an awlul loL o1 ..,.lled "1tt1•1'•. r;apUon fro iir!~ valuation In thla '°l"':W~-": . il..,;ch Hllil'SdlOOrtdoa ~~r.r.M· ~d, :"!~It;~ I i1 l!:~~J'.f .... ~.:i~l faclllUes W0!1ld be~-thaL , lfJ - .s ' Rain and CMlnch . ' ~ prvperlle.9, • Ajpiculture demand> lltUe In pobllc servlca," W.J. Willi&mJ, vic:e prealdent for agriculture for the Irvine Corii1>anJ painted DUL , Spellkil!g for Ute preaa,.. • .,. represenlatives GI.· the Orange County Farm Bureau, Rantbo Viejo Womall'I Club, Million Vl8jo Homeowner• As3ociation and the CltiJens' Town PJM. (lee ·Plll!Sl!ll\'118, Pqo 11 The ram. came and came and came, Then came a ~t of wlnd and down came eucal.l'lllu• tree on ha?leis.. aging auto that sits Ilk• • swatlod fly-In eucalyptus lrov• near 4guna•s ~oodlBlld Drive. 1969 Pageant to Mark State's 200th Birthday . Two . well-equipped groups of so Idlers and Franciscan misaionarles left · Baja £alifomia · in· 1769 to c.olonlze Alla California according to the wishe& of King Charles Ill of Spain. As California. celebrates 111 200th blrth- day th1a yur, so will Laguna 's famed Pageant of 'the Mastera. · tim. WUllamn., · produqer ol the art ·~ .b """~ ·aeartblnl io.r. • work "' ataluary i. depict .the ev<iif durtnc· the Pageant's tb·Wffk run ·Uils' iummer. · ·, WUUameon said tHt . living , picture might depict Fray Junlpero 5.erra, ,wbo raised the crou at San Dieto de Alcala. first in the chain of mJssfona, or Gaspar de Portola who rommanded the military detachm,nt.s. Both arrived In San Diego in July Garage Gutted In $6,000 Fire A 1(000 fire cutted I -, belna: uaed U I --V tltll Jll(imlns at 1111 '"'"""" SI., '-. Buch. FlmOc llllect the ... -.. ......,,n, to JoM '1llomplGl\ U I total lw. . No C1M wu lnJul:ed In tho t:IO a.m. bl&ze. 11owe9er, Ur'tmen wa m.ny or Ille lrlfeles In the imge .... -oyed. eon1ea1a lncUled sport1111 ·oqat-t.> ~l appllancea. Nld 1 & r-. Le • "'""""°" beloolin&. to Tboii)poon. a teiirl!f Marloe Corps of~. · · ~ beftove the blue atarted in · I trutr barrel . Ritter Still .. Crltic&l NEW .YOll!C <fol') -<\tJttU Tllelma' Ritter rtmllried in erltli:af_· "'"'4lllclt\ to-c\t1=e, Cl<nel'll . llOffllil.' TltO • ~ nallliJcktn with. ·-Monday. ' • ·~l of 1769. They were part of two overland parties from the little Baja California Mission Velicata, 250 miles 11outh of San Diego. Wl!Uamson said the art work: or works chosen will probably bo located on the hillside above Irvine Bowl's natural amphitheater. Stock M•rkeu NEW YQRK (AP) -Streotth in llOllll blue. chips, boosted averages but the atock market closed nPxed today. Trading was acti1'e, (See quotations, Pages !2-23). Orange Weather We're In the cr!P of a cold froo~ the weatherman IAY• crlaP11· That means fair 1k:kia with tempera. -dropping Into the middle I0'1 lloea:'ihe cwt and u law u IO d-overrilthl JNSmE-TODA.Y Milil4TJI tvaluaHon indl<ol<s that the hammer bZot.o dcU01T1d bv flit So11i<t bloc 'nadom Oll €z«llosloooki4 CGflll ,,.... Boo< 1:,,:,,.mv. P•!IC 1: -" _"""1... ,. (•......... 11 • c1a11• 1141 _...,....,. a ....... . _ .................. (......,.. • OIWltY ,. ..,.. ....... 1• ..,,,,.. ....,.... n ......... "*"' ...... "''' . ..,.. ..... ... ..... . ""' •lllWl•I: I rt • I ... W .., PlltMCt »u ,......_. II "" ""' 14 Ttllltlr't • ....... lt ....... •' ~ •: ......... ... '\ ' I. •• -- I 1, I DA!l.Y PILOT L .County Asks .Viejo Land ,. J ·For Library NocoUatklaa .... unoor -..y roe the purcba9e of Mla&lon Vlejo land for eo& otnidlcn ol a county ~ library, !lorry -hold coaul1 -ald 1i¥11:f. 'l'bo 10,000-tquar<-fool library w1llch oould 'liouse ~.ooo books would COit about ~.000 to PJ,000. ConstrucUan oould begin sometim• In tbe <OUlllJ'• -fiacal.,.., ~ In June, Rawe aid. Tbe llbrery II to be locat..i on Mlali<la Viejo'• Chrlsanta Drive in tbe hnstne1,1 diaU'lel It will be one of the two regknal 1-!quart<n 11111 will ..,.. the ..... !run Fom>tala Valley ""db. 'l'bo other rq!OOll libmJ for the nor1ll c:oanty 11 lo Gonlen Grove &lld due r.r completlOn In mld-111111. '!'be ttgkiaal l1bmy -~ • larger c:olleclion of general books and maintain a greater number of reference worts than branch Ubrarles. '!'be ryllem of dMding tbe county up into lbe two regions with the two lotl• llbrarles wu developed to mah rn•xtmqm use of the county colled1on. Rowe aid. Ptna111 anahle to gel a ceiµln - at one of the branches, of which there are 25 in the county, could request the volume be sent from the bead- quarlen U dlltance er transporlalloa pooed a pniblem. Otllerw1!e.. Ron aid. palm>I oould go to the big libnrlee -'l'bo ..-.. re!eieoco-l>ooli eoJ. leclloal held at the rq!OOl!a woalcl ... drallate, heald. 'l'bo rqlonal l1bmy lo -Viejo -abo ..... u tbal -ty'• lrlDell until development I be re •111Hzted a &eparate UDiL Negotlatlom for the Jl'OPiitJ are ez. pOlkl a problom. otllenrlle, -Aid, No deslp bu beeo cholen 1'1-Selectloa ol the an:hllecl &lld coolracton II 11111 ill the futm<. he added. Frot11 r.,e. J TIDELANDS ••• ' !rid -fll1llg. " Bane, aid the caanty -had pat- -lbe deftlopmenl .. tbal Ille main streel lo the IUbdlflll• WU of proper width 11111 -.. thal ft oould ..,.. u a public otroet U purdia...i for tbe public. Balley aid about half ol Orange 'Comi- ty'• 0-llllie coutllne II pabllcly owned and the other half Is jlrivaldy O'llllnd. He noted that there are jlrinle -la, "' public 1ce<a, In tbl areu ol Three Arch Bay, Mooarob Bay, Emerald Bay, Laguolla, Bay -and -Bay. Bane, abo rec:alled tbal a blD wbldi would hive required 1 e a 1 b o r e deve!DPID!Dll to Ii•• pabUc a"""" to tbe lldelaoda falltd lo pall the -1u1 -ol Ille lqlalature. c.o.ml} 11JPetV11on have beeo oritlclzed for their March abaodonment of the Jut eection of Salt Creek Road without benefit ef a planniDI commlssloa opinion. The planning commlaaloa bad COO- sidered earlier ablndoDment of other road portloos lo 19!0 &lld 19'1. The road, originally the root. of Coast Hlghway, wu turned over to the county In 1933. Deoplt. the crittcllm, County Coonse! Adrian Kuyper bu held tbal the counl} abandonment was valid. The opinion wu requested by Alton E. Allen, fifth district supervisor from Laguna Beach, after the conbvva sy WU touched off at a December beariq al lhe Asaembly Subcomn:rltttt on Beaches and Conservation held in Newport Beach. It baa alao been IJUil!ested thaL In ntum for lbandoolng the road to a private coocern, the county should have received tome new r1ghta ar benefits for Ille public, lllOI> u -..ud w:ess to the tldelaJld area below mean higb tide lloe, aboot mid-beach at Salt er.et. DA llY PILOT CU.NOi COl'Sf PUtllSHINQ C0M'"AN'f leS..rf N. WeeJ ""''*"' .......... 1...., .J•d L C•rl11 \lict ~ ..... kMf .. ,,.,......,, lh•••t 1e .... ;1 ··~ n,..,,, A.. M1rplo,in• Mt ........ iifllOI' ~itlr.1'4 P, N1Q Peil Nit11n L-lffcfl • AdWl'Tllol"" City ffllOI Olf'tc'- 1-..... 0f .... 211 hr•t• An. .,,..;u~, M4••U• P.O .... m tJUJ --c.-~; ,. W9U ..., "'-' H-9 -..ai! '711 ..,., .. _ .......,.. ~111N01 •• ....... 041\.V 'ILOf • .tll'I ""ldl lo~ .... ....._...,_ It fUIJll-.t Hin tw.t .._. ..., "' -·~ •tt• .., l ..... "'-"' ~ k9'11. C•lf ""4'te.. ..,._ ..... lllP•ll tfOll '°""" .. V11tty ....... Ill I ~ N i/WW. O<-(-f ,._.,...... C1'."'N~ •""""O l'i•n•• ,,.. .t nn w~tt ...... ll-4~ ... _. •.o. ..... '-JI ..,. ... ·~. ''"' "'"'· , ...... 1114• .. , .. ,"' Qa t rt.. hpt, 641 ... JJI c--. , .... 0r-,_ .. ,._.. ....... ,.. .. ~. ._ -•*"1-· ,._w,.._ ...,... __ . ,,,.....,._.. ....... Ml9 ill '""WK"' ""11..u! .-"91 ,... .......... """' ..... -· ...., .... __ , ...... ,,_. ..... ... C.---· C. Ille<!>!&, MIM;........ W .,...... iR.Jl .....,.., .., ,,..u u.• ......,, ....,, ........ ti.JS _......_ CommuniCarnival Crew <>range Cout College stewardess students invite everyone to "come to the c:Arollllel" al South Coall Plaza where DAILY PILOT-Pacific Telephone Co. Commun!Camlval began thiee-<lay stand today. The carnival of commuDication1, offering free long· distance phone calls, caromel rides and long 1111 of other pribes, will be open today and Friday from 1 p.m. to 9 p,m, and from I p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. On DA.aY PILOT show "crew" are stewardesse,\ (from left) Georgine JOO&, 19, Orange; Margie Woodley, 18, and Donna Ashton, 18, both of Costa Mesa. No Progress Reported After Long. Paris Parley PARIS (UPl)-Amerlcaa and Comrnu. ollt negotlaton Aid they made no -today In a tou~ ..... and • ball hour bargaln!n& BeSSioo ol the Paris Vletnam talka. CommuDlst repr""'1taliVU said flatly, "No prosrea oould be llCCOlllpllahed today. Ncllllnl bu heon aobteved be- c:&UM ol the American position." U.S. Ambusaclor Henry Cabol Lodge called at the seaoloo for-...wlthdrawal ol bolb ·American &lld Commonbl Lroops !run Sootll Vietnam and . IUUe!tod restoration of the demlli1arlzed zone (DMZ) u the opening otep towards ~ other &Ide did not agree with Capo Attorney, School Official Join JC Contest Caplstraoo Beach attorney Ronald S. steeimall 11111 local school board member Mrs. Jo AnD Doudna. of San Clemente, wlD run against Patrick J. Backus for a seat on the Saddleback Jun1or College District board. Backus, a counselor at Marina High School 1n Huntington Beach, bas not yet filed for reelection but has said be irltenda to. He Ls a resldent of Dana PoinL '!'be eledion wfll be held April 15, with the ... t held by Haoa Vogel, ol Tustin, also up renewal. Vogel &aY! he bu not yeL decided whelher he will nm again IDd no one trom the Turttn area bu filed . Steelman, :ll!lll2 Vista de! M a r , Capistrano Beach, Is 1 former deJXrty COU11ty c:ounsel who baodled school legal alfain, and a past prestdenL of Capistrano Beach Community Assocla- Uoo. Mn. Doudna, a housewlfe, a! U4 Calle del Pacifico, San Clemente., cumnUy serves on the Capistrano Unified School District board. Backus, 36, of 3SSll2 Bremerton St., Dana PcAAl, defea\ed five oppanenta for bi& seat in 1987 elecUon of the original Saddlebect board. Bridge Traffic Only One Lane Traffic on the Oood d • m a r e d MocArthur Boulevard lrllee wtD be open one lane each way Friday, unleu 1l rains in the meantime. J . w. P'ranklln, auperlnttndent or the state DJvfajoo of Hlghw&ya, Orange Coun-- ty office, said Cf'eW'I will stripe eoouah pavement on the damJged bridge to allow traffic acrosa. At tbt same Ume part ol Ull boWevonl damaged ..... the bridge will be repalnd. P'ull ...,,.,. should be -within a -. Frllllklln ald. 'l'bo bridle WU put DOI of aervtce bf n-. flood wat<t al the llel&l1t ol tut Saturday'& ncnn. ' cur proposals, 11 Lodge said after the meeting. 111 am sorry I have to say It • .. ifl top bad." The atmosphere al the old Majestic Hotel meeting site was pessimistic as the four delegations -the North and Soolh Vletllam,.., the Unlled Slates and the Viet Cong-left the building iD their limousine&. But they planned to meet again next Thursday mornillg. Today was the aec· ond of the exPanded talks. Tran Buu Kiem, the chief Viet Cong negoUator, aid, "The Americans w.ig!IL to reverse the roles and claim we are the ~· It is the Americans, however, who are commhling barbarous crimes." "No progress could be accompll.!hed today,"-Klem told journalists with a rrowo. Mesan in Kidnap Pleads Guilty To lesser Count A Costa Mesa man accused \of assaulting and kldnaping a Laguna Beach polireman'a wife pleaded guilty Wed· tne!day to reduced charges. Marvin E. Alexander, 29, of 2700 Peterson Way, filed a guilty plea to amended charges of assault with a dead- ly weapon. He will be arraigned on the revised count Feb. 7 in Superior Court. Alexander could be jailed for up lo 10 years on the new charges. Alexander was ace~ of abducting Mrs. Dl.ane Camr, 26, from her hmne at S33 Victoria St., Costa Mesa, early Jan. 4. It wu alleged that be then look Mrs. Carter to bis home where he attacked her. Alexander held off offict!:rs at gunpoint for nearly one hour before submltUng to arrest. Office.n u.ld that be struck Mn. Carter, the wife of Laguna Beach police officer KeMeth Carter, with the barrel of the gun and choked a neighbor who had been staying with the olllcer'• wUe. Youth Arrested On Drug Charge An !&-year-old youth who r.ported!Y offered to ldaa .. on-duty Lq\JM Beach police olnc:er lat. Wednelday wu j1Ued on suspicion of being under tht influence ol drup. Kenneth Alfred Blumm, who listed 1 loc:al addrOos of 400 N. COUL Hig1Iway. uni( # 8, wa.i arrested by Offlct:r Dave Cleland at 10 :15 p.m. Wednesd1y. Cleland reported that u he sat In the black and white pol1tt car parted ill the alJe,1 between Forest and Ooea.n 1vt- nues, Blumm approached the car and made an obscene atat.emtnt reganfin& enlorcemmit of LSD law&. Cleland Aid he lbeo got oul of tile squad car and """"t..i the youth'• ldenltllcaUoo. Miu lllOh ll<OfanUy. the JS.yuro()ld aald hf-wr1nted to k1M the officer, Cleland sa.id. . ·~ .. . LAGUNA TEEN CORNER '1T()ti4~ -. ' • ' . . DMlirrER BIIEU 11111 weekend llllUll paru.., a aena!Uvll,y -end alaep and other finer tblop In life for -~teem. But for a dedtcat«I bunch ol guys In Ille Lappa --and --POii, U -.it three free daya to help the community. 1'er "vacation" began Saturday when tbey pumped waler out of three Laguna balalients. (Member ScoU Byington said the fire departmeot also pumped out Olli). Neat stop WU Laguna Canyan, Wider tbnl feet ol wat<t. 1belr first job WU lo dear debria oul ol the draloaga plpa. Alao on tbe apnda were sandbagging a home, dlf'e(> tin& traffic aroond the bairpln aD befcre the police arrived, ohovellnJ mud olf the _.,,. &lld pulllq four can out ol the mud. Alt.Ir a few boon lleep Saturda;J ntgb~ they relmoed to the c:&llJ'lll Sunday for more mlllkbovtllng and drain-clean- Ing. LATER SUNDAY, post members show· ed up at the fatal auto crub on Coast HJ&hw•J at El Morro. The California From Page J PRESERVES. • • Ding Association of Laguna Beach. Oppooenla, largely llCbool dtllricts, in· eluded Michael Collins, pruldent ol the Saddlebld: Junior College D II tr Io t Board: K<oneth carr. cll} manager of San Ckmale: Ralph Gatea, supertn. t..denl of the San J oaquln Sc:bool Dlalrk:t: Chari., Walbnan of El Toro and Don Danner uslatant superintendent of tile Orange Unified School District. Mort asked the supervisors ftnd some way io apread the Increased tu burdeil COUDtywjde. . Supenfaor Baker voted ap1Mt both _.. argulo& that they Included rnucb DIJD1Jr0dudfve bruah land "that Is pmerved tmyvray by Ila very nature.• He llfled that oo)f prodllclnl orcllanl and row crop !ands be Included. Sapervlaor Battin voled agalnJt the Irvine pr-.e but changed hi> voi. ca the Mla3!on Viejo acreage. Craftsmen Make Plans For Winter Festival Laguna· Beach aaflamen an dusting oft their wam lo pnoparalkln r.r the Laguna Craft Guild's show at the clty'a Winter Fe1Uval, Feb. 21 through March 2. Tbe Guild, which Is made op ol artlsta and craftmien Jiving or working in the Laguna area,. plana a lo.day eYeOt at tbe F..UVal Ground.!. Over fifty members will elhlbit. Hlglnray Patrol "'1lllilleBdoi tlie AFS students Nick Enright 11111 Diano ...,,. ol Ille flrlll mi the .... fer Baralt haven't been speaking to full their fine work in bandJfnc the tngetb audiences when uked Lo address clubs. Thea from i o:io p.m. Maodq 11111~ They'll be Lalkioi 'to the PTA Moody, early 'l\Jeeday ~. the 1"1ot WU '-Feb. I ill the b1lh -eaf.i.rla, at tht ·Santa ADI River, ~ in 7:30. oXne out and llstM. They desene the aeardl for a 11-,........ wbo waa :fOIJr 111pport, and I'll guarani.. It'll rwept away In the torrents. be an Intriguing event listening to them The Post's past bJstory incllldes rolling deecrlbe their home countries. hoaea for tbe Utt department, spendJng THE Y COUNCIL and high school four da11 saod bagging at El MCITO eoiiponsorlng a fund drive for Susan Trailer Part durlnr the higb tidea early M""" a Villa Part High School student in September, IDd cqanlzine a 50-mlle wbo Win undergo a Wesavtng· kidney hike and a sublequent luncheon. transplant in a couple of month!. Cost Th1a: post of 15 blcb IChool atudents ol the operation os $40,000. Contributions hu put in literaDJ buoditdJ of man may be 1ent to "11le Susan Mazze Fund,'" houra aervtng the ll'Ul<r !.a&1llla area. being handled by Laguna Federal 6av· Tbe8e fellows don't uk far front p1p ings and Loan, 222 Ocean Ave, publlclLy: u a ""'11 few ~ lmow TllE. WORD'S OUT that high llObool they even afat. Bui tlley're arumd when t.acber Fred PraUey will quit at the you yell for bllp. end of the school year. He sa111 he'• Tbey're Laguna )'<lllth. And" Laguna disturbed by the oc:hool d I• tr I o L ' I should take pride In them. philooopby. To quote aD editorial ap- ONE WAY FOR adults to take pride pearing in the school paper last year, in lheir youth is to turn out when asking wby there are so many re1lgna~ students addral the community at dJf-lions, "Do happy people leave happy ferent funcUons. The word'& around that environments?" " Israel Denies Bombing Iraqi Units in Jordan UaltodP!w- Balhdad Radio Aid ...... Israeli planes bombed lniql ~-In Jordan today. llrul denied the report &lld oi-v... lo Am aald Bag1xiad .-ol!vloully aproad Ille word to cover op event& lo lniq. Ooly Wednesday nlcht llraell Defense Mlnllter Moobe Dayan aid llrul must do everytblnr posllble to aa~a the l,IOO then cllmhl to the roof. 'l'hero, be cliecka the pllmomel<r wUb a broo%e cllpattct. Althoog!I Ille ~1· rain• -• lot of ink Jn the ~. the season's volume doelni atact up with records ol the paat, acoonllnl to the Shields' cllar1. ' It ahowa tbal Laiun&'• wettest year WU IMO wben 29.29 inches of rain fell. Tb&.,drlest wu 1980 with only 4.79 inches. --~I.II tncbes on the town far a eeuoa total to date of 1.05 fncbea. Lut year's total was I.II loc:hes. BID noted tbal lo the two brief thunder lhowera Tu<lday, men than a quarter of an Inch of rain wu collected in tbe funnekbaped gac!Jet. Meaaormenla up to 1J daya ago allowed only 1.53 loc:hes. •And I thought tt wu goJni to be a mil dry .,..,, • Aid Shields. Jews sttll living In Iraq and apparently ruled out any reprisal raids for the banging of nine Jews on Monday, Dayan said further trials of innocent Jews were being conducted in Iraq now despite worldwide furor against the a. ecution of 14 men in Baghdad Monday, nine of lhem Jews, on charges they spied for Israel. Today Baghdad Radio said seven Israeli planes 8ttacked the. 10,000 to 20,000 Iraqi troo ps stationed in Jordan since the sis:-day Aral>-Jsraeli war in 1967 and that one plane was shot down in flame. Jordan aald m Israeli aircraft violated Jordanian air space in two separate incidents and were "repelled." The broadcasts were repeated but wUJi no explanation ol the discrepancies. There was s:peculalion in some quarters Israel had begun retaliation strikea against Iraq despite Dayan's speech to an audience or labor youth in Jerusalem Wednesday nlgbt. The l!ra~ Ju·my issued a formal stai.- ment saying It "categorically deni9 any knowledge of an Air Force raid against the Iraqi uped!Uooary force based in Jordan." A spokesman said the Baghdad report was ''a lot of bot air.'" Israeli military officials said an IsraeU soldier sunbathing along the Suez Canal was woanded by a single shot today and that Israel did not return the fire. Informed IOlll'C'e3 aaid Israel was more concerned with a reported buildup of Al Fatah Arab commaodos along the 90Uthe.astern borders ol Lebanon and said this was a likely trouble spot. JJ. J. 9arrell~ 121~ Semi -Annual ~-=Jurnilure Sa'6/ MANY SOFAS AND CHAIRS ON SALE IN YOUR CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR ••• SOFAS· Reg. $400.00 SAlf PRKB> $299.00 OIAIRS ·Reg. $135.00 TO $219.00 SALE PRIOD $99.00 TO $149.00 ALL HIRITAGE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE -CHOICE OF FAIRIC AND COLOR ON SALE-20% OFF Your fODOritc -dai..., toiU be hoppr to IWilt l'O• ••• H.J .. GAR~Eff fURNflllRE PROF!SSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 2215 HARIOR ILVO • COSTA MESA, CALIF . ~275 M~27• l 1 ' . ' I ' I ..---------------------------------.._ ........ __ _,,,.,_ ______________ ~..,..-~.,....,....~.,........,~~~,,..,,.,~ " ' • DAILY PILOT S!1tf,.,,.,. UCI CHANC LLOR ALDRICH {AT ROSTRUM) TELLS CROWD WHY HE UPHELD FIRINGS 'Politics Had Nothing To Do With It; Personelity W11 Not a Primary Consideration' Aldrich By THOMAS FORTUNE ot t11t Olltt 1'11111 Iliff Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. told 800 UC Irvine students Wednesday thal he bad made his own investigation and satisfied himself that two young English prolessors should be fired. * * * Backs 2 Following his ezplanation for the fir- ings of Dr. Stephen A. Shapiro, 28, and Donald F. Braniion, SO, about 250 students marched over to English depart· ment offices for a short-lived mill-in. The number of students standing in a hallway and questioning professors * * * 'Community Service' Controversial to Prof He Invited Eldridge Cleaver, Dr. Timothy Leary, Robert ,SCheer and the San Francisco Mime Troupe to appear on the UC lrvine campus. He sponsored the campus Students for a Democratic Society {SDS), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Guer- rilla Theater. He founded the UCI chapter of New Universitt Conference, an organization of young professors who see trouble with the system. Not one to sell himself short, . fired UCI Assistant Professor of English Stephen A. Shapiro lists these as some of his "community service" credentials, Community service, along with teaching and published research, ls one of the criteria for evaluating a pro- fessor's performance. In a Jelter appealing his firing, Dr. Shapiro, 28-year-old Laguna Beach resi- dent, 15et forth his qualification!, in- cluding what he has done for the com- munity. He contends that the review committee of senior English professors took a nar- row view of community service. •·After C'xcluding me from service on departmental committees for the past two years the department defined itself as the community and saw me as outside it," he wrote. His compliant is that all the aforemen- tioned e-0mmunity service didn'f seem to count. Get Out Your Long Johns-It's Getti1ig Colder A cold snap hit California today. with freezing temperatures in many areas. Even nippier weather was expected Fri· day. Showers. too. were on the menu. Motorists were warned lo bc"•are of ice on streets and hi~hways in Soulhern California, "'here lowland temperatures below 3l are a rarity. Along the Orange Co.11st, the mercury dipped into the middle 50's, wilh a high of 55 predicted for Thursday follow- ing an overnlgbl low of 40. Fcncasters still looked for scattered showers t.onigbl Freeting or near-frttzing readings ·~ reported in the San Fernando, San Gabriel and Antelope valleys. The Los Angeles monllng minimum was 40. Tbe Friday low was predicted to be 31. It Wa.!I 32 this morning in nearby Burbank. It was 36 al San Francisco Airport, 3.'I al Hamilton Field near San Francisco, -to at San Jose. 43 al Oakland. 38 al Sacramento. 33 al Bakersfield . The forecas called for light showers this arternoon tonight in Central and Southern C.111lfo ·ia. with snow in moun- tains, Meanwh.ilr, e cleanup rrom la st week'• 11to au~ nooding continued, with half the state's 58 counties clmlffed as dlsasteT area'!. I OAILT PILOT Slat! l"Mt. CITES COMMUNITY SERVICE UCI Firtibrand Sheplro Sanity He,aring In Execution Murder Delayed A sanity hearing for a Sanla Ana youth accused 0£ the Elsinore e1ecution murder of a Hayward man seeking to set up an $800 nattotfcs purchase has been continued at the request of psychiatrisls. Rowland J. Berry, 20. of 734 Toland Sl., is due to appear before Judge Robert E. Dauber in Riverside County Superior Court again Feb. 5, as a result of the delay granted Wednesday. Berry has pleaded innocent by reason or insanity in the case, for wh.ich a second Orange County resident, Timothy Herron, 19, of li012 Anthony SI., Garden Grove. is also under indictment. They are suspected or shooting Kent D. Davis. 21, early lasl April near Elsinore, a crime uncovered eight months later when three Costa Mesa rabbit bunters stumbled ooto his bones. Berry ~ &ebeduled for trial on AJWll 14, wtille Herron Is due in court agaln Feb. 21, for a hearing on • motion to dismiss the murder charge against him. Both men are held without bail. 'CLOUDY.' INDEED HELENA, ~lont. (AP) -Montana·§ weather forecasters got an anonymou11 post.card which read s: "Sirs : I thought you would be interested in knowing that I have just shoveled three feet of 'partly cloudy' from my front 1teps." Firings in their offices dwindled rapidly. But a few of the most aroused students pledged to continue their efforts for reinstatement with mill-ins again today and Friday. Aldrich explained to the student gather- ing how he pcrsonall1 checked with eight English facully members, four of them assistant professors without tenure, and came to his own conclusion Shapiro and Brannon should be dismissed. Heavy weight was given to teaching, he said, as well as the other criteria on published researth and community service. The chancellor told the students., who covered the Gateway Plaza steps and filled balconies of adjacent buildings, that he recalls "specifically s.ix instances, this year, of promotion. advancement and, in one case, retention, based primarily not on great service or scholarship but on teaching." He said, "Every man or student I talked to or wtio wrote to me had occasion io comment on teaching. "Faculty arrive at their estimate of a colleague's teaching through informal comment of students," he said. "There has been time (for Shapiro and Brannon) to demonstrate their competence in teaching. On the basis of this the faculty agreed not to recommend their reair pointment." He said politics had nothing lo do with the d~isions and that personality, which could not be totally eliminated. did not in any way, shape or fashion become a primary consideration. Aldrich was challenged by Assistant Professor of Physics George F. Reiter who said English faC'Ulty did let their prej11dices become involved. He claimed they recommended against Shapiro "because he is an oddball and they didn't like rum." Reiter said Shapiro's case should have been reviewed by impartial, outside ex- pcrls in his field . Aldrich answered that the university has tried that procedure over the years and time and again a letter comes back asking, "What are you turning to us tor? This is silly. You have the best scholars in your system." It IS' Shapiro's own contention that his colleagues art .1ot able to impartially evaluate his work. "I have criticized these men's work in print and in public," he said. "What I say threatens their interest." He said this field is really in- terdisciplinary. He said he combines literature and psychology, and also sociology, anthropology, evolutionary theory and Marxism to integrate his knowledge. His view, he contends, CQn· flicts with the departmentalized concept held by senior ~gllsh professors. Brannsn's case is different in th.at ~ wis hired under university regulations requiring him to CQmplete a doctoral degree within two years. 11e has not. The case or a third assistant professor recommended for dismissal by his department. Dr. George W. Kent, 40, of the history faculty, still is under review. He is entitled to additional review because he is higher up lhe ladder than Shapiro or Brannan and is in line for tenure. Several di.Mident students spoke at the outdoor meeting. includ.1ng former. student body president Mk!hael Krisman, who complained that students are being bounced like a ping pong ball frnm one authority to another trying to find out where the power lies. Sludenl Greg Hoffman said it's sort or a button. butt9n game -"Who has the pov.•er?" Krisman said he has concluded it 's not the chanceUor but I.he senior faculty members who call the shots because for the chancellor to overrule them would cause "all sorts or disruption." Studenl Bill Wingfield said 1tudenl1 have nr> choice but to push becaoi;e they have no authority within the syatt!m. • nurtdaY, J1nuory 30, 1'169 !Ll DAILY PILOT ~ Defense Secretary Plans Trip to Vietnam WASHINGTON (UPI) -De!we Secretary Melvin R. Lalnt uld today be plans to go soon to Vietnam ' for an on-the-spot uaesament ol the war. In his first news conference as defense ...,,..iary, Lain! said be plans to make the trip .,in the not too dlMan\ future.11 In general, he told reporWI, be tblnU the Vietnam mllltary -tm la· hn- provlns althouah he uld lhtt• had been inc:reue:d movement of North Vitt· nam.,. lor<es throu&b LIOI towan! the IOUth. '--· Lain! olao &aid he hu onlmod a c«nploto r<vlew ol Ille llO bllllon del- blldget and def-plans which the DemocraUc adrnlnlltraUon turned over to him. The review wW lncble the ltlWI ol the Sentlnel anUballlltlc mlaalle Sj'llem, be ult!. Lain! said the United Staie. has an gpportunlty In the "not ... -fu\Ure" to •lart lalt1 wUb the Soviet Unleo on limitation ol both ollenal" and delenalve nuclear weapons. He oel no iimetable, however. Brides, w:in a honeymoon trip to the BaJ11tma1 Register during Buffums' ifridal Show \\'crlnC'sd.a:v, February 5th at 7:30 J).m. on the Lo9ter 1.J!""el of' the Newpcwt 1be tr ycx1're the lucky coople to win our Bahama Hmeymom ~JOO will Jet1K111lef fo. Miami and oo I<> yoor vacation dootlnailat in jUAt a few homo TI& Natiaaal Airlinea ond .....iba, You'll lint a cbeam hcaeymom.,. -de.Yo ...i ab nlPto In th~ Emonld llMdl ~9-Mf!Ws, dmnon.,. included. Inw!ni will be held Wodneadq, F•irw112th. Bo ...,. ,.. nicioter durinc tho._. Pl>Olll 11:c ,_-, 64+2200, the Biidal&oka or tho Bridal GIAJlociq. u umS' I Newport Center 11 Fasbim Island • 644-2200 • .... Thins., Fil. llt.00 till 9:30 Oller days llt.00 lilt 5:31 l \ --- .... -------~~~--~~---·----------~--------~-----------~-· 4 IWl.Y I'll.OT ·spy Ship K~eps 70 Mile·s Off China· Puebl,o Siswr Skipper Testifies, Refuses to Pass Judgment on Bucher ~ ......... ,.....,.,., , S.,,. •ncl Mrs. Strom Thurmond have joined the jog~ set, run· oing up to two miles daily to keep trim. Mn. Thurmond, the fonner Nancy Moore, 22-who was Miu South Carolina in l~ays her hU&bend, who is 66, outrun• her. ''l try to keep up with him. but I can't qWte do so .•. not yet," she !8)'.S. ' • .., Another canipv.s har cloud. •~ Georgia CoUtge ot Coch-- nm 1hut it.I doo11 but not for fl4 npected rtOlom. Tht com.-tu wU pump brolie and '"'" iW!fl 011 HCaftd and third floon tJI dormitom1 were without Kioter. Ckisies should resume }><%! W<.elc. , • Law enforcement comes to a halt in Puebla, Muico, a city o! 250,000 when paper supplies run out. AJsislaDI district attorneys said they have not drawn up any iadicbn.W for 10 deys, and traffic pallce have not given out any tick· eti for 10 deys, because their pa-per supplies are exhausted, and they cannot get any more. • Nevada Slate Prison Warden CORONADO (UPI) -Tile atlpper of the USS Poeblo'1 ollter lnlelJl&tnce llolp, Tho Binner, WU teotlfylng ll1d Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher'• dvillln attorney asked hlm: "Aller whit bu hlppeoed, do you aometlmel fool 11111 U-but far the grace of God, p I, -I ... Pete Buchert" LI. Cmdr. Qwlea Cllrl<, Who look The Buner ...-.J\J on many m1111... off the -Communllt, Norih Korun enclRusdln coutl befm Nixon Sends ' Astronaut To Europe WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixoo today c:ammJssloned Col. Fnnlt Bornwl, the commander of the Apollo 8 lunar !Ugh~ to make a goodwill trip to Western Europe. The Preslden~ meeting at the White House with Bannan and the otbtr two aatroQauta Who made the epic trip around the moon and back at Cbristmutlme, said he hoped Borman'• trip would demonstrate "America's desl.re ·to work with all peoples on this earth 1n the high adventun of exploring spac<." Nixon will boot a White House dlnntr tonight for Borman, so Air Fon:e officer, and Navy C8pL Jaroes A. Lovell. Air Force Ll Col William E: Anders and their wives. Nixon a~ with the three astronauts betort report.en lbartly before noon to announce an eight-nation trip f« Borman. Borman'• wUe, SUSIII, and two aon1 Frederick, 17, arxl Edwin, 15. will accompany him. They are scheduled to leave Sunday and return on Feb. 20. the Pueblo WU <lplund, ,wOuJd not --the queotlon, ' .CIJrk cltlr1', did nol·wtih lo ..... personal Jud_,! on the ,.,,.....Id Dueber one way or the other. Clark'• loll"""1y Weclnelday con· eluded _.,., dramaUc <!17. In whlch the commander of N1Yal Forces opera11ng flun J1po11 "'!l'IW. there were lllither NavJ lblpo ..,.. ~ iior Air r .... craft In a Pollllon lo l"'fM lo the ald of tbe_Pueblo In time - It WU aflaoleci oU the coul of North Korea. The belr1ng todoy ,,.,,1 Into claeed sesa!Qll With LI. Stephen 11art1s. an ln- tdHgeooe omc.r aboord the Pueblo who h ad a ~lrtually autooomolc command, u oi>e ol lhe acheduled wllneufl. Aller tod01'• """"' the heiring will be r-...i unUI Mooday because Bucher WU AJd lo be esbius1ed and the court ltsejhnowed under In p1perwort. Rear Adm. Frank L. JobMon ••id hla alalf con~cted the Sth Air Fon:e and WU told ii would be IWO IJoun more before planea could reach the ocene. The alrcraft carrier En-wu 8()1) mile& away and her pfalles · out of range. The tre•ty with Japan forbade sending lllld-bued p!lllOI. Jobnlon said be bad mad• ar- rangements for a.ssillance for the Pueblo to be "on ca.IL" Vice Adm. Harold G. Bowen, Jr., pml~ dent of the Uve-admiral Court of Inquiry Ul"I T11t,M11 Carl Hocker said a convicted Jr:iller who clalms to be f81ting to protest to capital punishment has been eating on the sly. Hock.er said Jaek R•lnsberger, on death row for 10 years, was examined by a pbysi· cian who said Rainsberger bad been eating. Rainsberger started the fast Jan. 6 and has not 1Q6t a pound since the first week of fa1t- The Bormans' agenda calla for visits tc> Britain, · France, Belgium, t be Netherlands, West Germany, Italy, Spaln and Portugal. POLICE STAND ALTERNATELY FACING CAMPUS AND TOWARD AT SATHER GATE, BERKELEY Th•y Took Up Position After Ordering 300 Plck1t1 Blocking Entrance Out of Way ing ended. · • Thwarted in her attempt to become the first female ;ockey in the U.S. by a boycott" of nlai.e jockeys at Tropicnl Parle in Miami, Fta., Barbara .Rubin s~owed them all she can win against men.. Here Bahamian horse race fans congratulate Barbara after she won a' five furlong sprint at a Nassai' track by three lengths. • A Canadian building contractor celebrated his 93rd birthday by tp.ing out a license to marry bis 71-year-old !iances who he met at a Smior Citizens party. Eusebe J. Fo1'y of Mont.real speaks only French and Mrs. Mary Ginsburg speaks only English. They will marry Feb. 8. • The fire department of Hales Corners, Wis., a Milwaukee suburb has ordered a yellow fire truck. "Red may be traditional, but yel- low ls easier to see," said Capt. Oon•ld Rosenbautr. Lovell and Anden cauld DOI go aJonl, It was explained, because they are backup crewmen for the Apollo Jl flight later thl> year and will be In ir.;.Jng. Apollo 11 ill planned IS the hlJtorlc moon·landlng fllght. Nlxon met with the astronaut• after atitnd!ng the annnal pnsldentlal prayer broak!ul at a hole!. H• told Z,000 penons there that he Is confldent bis ad· ministration can meet the challenges faclllg it "because we are sustained and Inspired by the Pf'YOl'8 ol li1ll1lons of people." Crash Prohers Fail to Locate Flight Recorder LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An 18-inch Jong: box which could tell investigators why a Scandinavian Altlines DCa crashed in the Pacific is not in the plane's sunken tall 11ection . It wae believed until today lhe flight recorder which logged changes in course aDd altitude of the jetliner was in the tall cone which sank immediately after the crash Jan. 13. But examination ot video tapes taken by the research submarine Deep Quest revealed no sign of the :'!!mall box in the bulk on the ocean bottom. A spokesman for the N a t I o n a 1 Tranaportation Safety Board which is investigating the craab said it was believ- ed t.he flight recorder was somewhere in the vicinity of the tall but it could take some time to locate it. Weather conditions permitting, the Deep Quest was to search the ocean noor for the box today. Bigger Protests Threatened for SF State tollege SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Only a ' banclful of l'!ckots mirdied in front of strlke-be3et San Francl!Co State College today. Dissidents had threatened a bigger-tha.Hver demonstration. Authorities at the same time took a firmer line against disruptions. Handbills distributed Wednesday asked high BChool students -who get out of schoOt at noon today as their first semeSter ends -to come to the campus to demonstrate their support for the student strike, wh.ich began No. 6. P a r t of the tougher rule came from Judge Edward F. O'Day of Superior Court. Acting in response to a suit filed by 22 students and nine faculty members, he issued a temporary restraining order against "unlawfully marching, demonstraUng or massing" anywhere on campus. The judge said striking students must limit pickets to five for each campus entrance, keep a five-foot distance between plcketll, and confine picketing to the perimeter of the 18,000.student campus. O'Day also ordered that demonstrators not distract classroom work wilh their customary abouts of "Shut it down." Dr. S. t. Hayakawa, who became acting college president Nov. 26, announced that any student arrested or cited for viola· lion of campus rules a second time v.·ould be suspended. More Rain This Evening? Montana Cold Front Dips Havre Mercury to 44 Beloiv Callfortd• Tetnperalurei Hl'lll L•• l'T1c. JI U Berkeley Strikers Risk New Clash With Police BERKELEY (AP) -Student strikers, demanding a convocation for today and Friday to consider Th.ird World Libera- tion Front demands, risked another clash today wilh wtside police on the Universi· ty of California campus. Unlveisity officials called in about 70 Highway. Patrol Officers and Alameda County deputy sheriffs Wednesday to clear demonstrators clogging Sather Gate, a main universlty' entrance. There was no violence and no arrests were made. although a few fistfights had occurred earlier as pickets blocked the campwi entrance. Around 1,000 held a rally in which resolutions were passed d~manding cancellation of all classes so that a two-day ·coovocation could be field. If granted, stu~ents, faculty.· and ad· minlstra:Uon wpuld engage in two days of considering Third World demands for an autonomous school of minority studies, wlth expanded admi!sions and academic aid for minority students. If the convocation is not ordered, the striking students resolved to resume picketing today. Their strike in suppart of the Third World demands entered its second week Wednesday. Earlier this week, Chancellor Roger W. Heyns warned he was prepared to summon off-campus police to quell violence and enforce campus regulations. Blocking publlc entrances such as Sather Gate violated regulations, he said, and showed "callous disregard of the rights and freedoms for students, faculty and staff members." Heyns' own efforts to start an Afro- Amerlcan Studies Department suffered an apparent setback, however. when its organizing chairman, David Blackwell, resigned. The only Negro who is a full professor on tbe !acuity here, Blackwell resigned without comment Monday. A Negro group within the Third World Liberation Front bad refused to support hi& or1aniz. ing committee becall!e it had no student representative. Sirhan Trial Judge Hears Jury 'Prejudice' Stand LOS ANGELES (AP) -'The j u d g e ln Sirhan Blshara Sirhan's murder trial has agreed to hear arguments and testimony in a defense claim that the grand jury which indicted Sirhan was not representaUve. Edward Schultz, showed the jurors were richer. older and better educated than the average resident of Los Angeles County. Schultz said most of the jurors live in high income areas, are over 45 years old, live in homes worth more than $25,000, are college-educated and make more than $10,000 annually. TMre W•s ln<"Ntl"9 cloud•r.tU -r ~ ... C11lforftl1. todll' I S I mlld storm '"'"' movod IMo thw .,.... A f"" !lo!!! •l'u1w11n. mostll' owr Jn. ..._1,1.,,. ~re t•oe<ctld durl,.. tM !•"' .nermon. Tlw ,,.,.,, WI• IX~ffd tn m""• t!" <lurl"" I~ "l•hl wfltl fllr -Iller Pf'i!dicll!d' for Fri(jfy, .o.1t.uq.,.rou1 AllCllOl'I .. All1~hl 81ke.,l~kt l!l!t ... lt'Ck ISOIH ~ " " " " " Grant B. Cooper, Sirhan's defense at· torney, said he will try to prove the county grand jury was racially and <'Conomlcally unbalanced. As his first wilne5S Wedn~day, he called a Universi· ty of Southern California professor who ·~ said he found this to be true. The prosecution objected to the use of a 1960 Census in the comparison and Schultz was ordered to revise his figures to use more recent populations. Tl\~1 -~ OU•t'f Wl"'!lt tt.,,,.,,l\ol1! "'-d•~ •"" ...._,•lvrtt "°"'""""' o" lf'O cool 1klr_ Tod1Y't lllfll 11 L-. A,.. .. l<!>t Civic Centef' Wtt S5. '*""'t two llevrte. ,....., Wodnl ... IY'I rTllXI-. Toro'9111'J !QW WllS f1(PKfed lio lie Jf. Tiie Los Anoeln 8••1~ .,., !roe fll ...... Scw0M 1111~ '-<91ura Wtd...,tdl V ...., .....tl<!..i' ~'9ht. 1\1111, lllciuc19 ~ IHdl .W.5', Sa""'° Mor!~ U.'6. eu,.. .. ,.. S1-5$. M1. wn-u.». P•lf'llcl~lt "'4. ltl~llN n-fl, P11111 Sllrli.t ... .0.. llkf'raf~ "-!O. $t11 Oltft Ji.ST, ....,.. 81rtMo., JI.Sol, lOI ANGllfS ANO VICIN!TY-0..r"'9 1otll9hl lnll f1lr Fr111tv. WlflOv It tlmol I ... uinl""""9 ctlOI, Lew !0-lilisflt a. Hit!! FMNY V . (Jlont• flf ~ .... '"'"' II'!!\ """tnlri•, 10 M f• '12:' Frld9y. t°o.uTAL ANO INfEltMEDIATE yi.u.ns -.._ .,.._.,, 111r..1, lfll• <•...... """~ •JOIJ l•lr C91!t~ Coel Wl)ll tVUl' , ft!NI, Hlth U to J1. lOwt ~,,.,, •. ,~HTAIN AllE.t..S-F~w ..,_" ,..,., .-riv ""'""'· s-ttuni.... ..... to MIG fftt, W""'y -c- fllwM """· flff'tfU(Mt AND DfS(RT ltEGIOHl -C--tofllfllt. I'll• ,.,_.,.,..,, WI""" ... .,,..... Ql84. Hiffll JS 10 ti ..,_,. .......... oMI ,_, ... ,..,,.. L ........ 11••-, .... . ................. \ Coastal 1'111 wlfti "••lctblo cleud,,,_, 11\rouQ~· Giii .._. <lfY wlll'I a..i>ct flf t'91'11 ~ tr\ f!ll1 ....,.1'"', Wlrldl v1ri.'°1t' 10 ~ 16 ..,,,.,fl, TOd•'f'• 111111, Ao1 ~ 60. Ytshl•dolY• ~r.IU,.. r111t•d '""" 1 h'9tl d D lo 1 IN (II 2', 1"111111 tlnl_,..lwot rl .... Wh U Ml J5. '"'-Wllfff ........ "''• ... Jt,f ... ·-S••· M-. l'Uu TttuflSDAY 1ol<*Nf ,_ • • ..... , • t;ll tt.m. IA llCOl'od fli911 • • , , , t:tl 11.m. U ... !DAY' ''"' loow ••• 1 :I• I .Ill, J 4 l'"lnf llltll •.•. 7:ll 1.m. ,_. ,,,,... II'-2.U I .IOI. htl J:I) 1 "'· ... ..... t r.st I.I'll, Stft l :fl 1,m. ... .... . Utt .. .._ "'"'' .. l'dL le rtto, I' F~. » V.S. SNtnmary 5-W'll flllll!O !Ntr I Wick l ffl of Ille ,.,uori toc11y, 1-rten(!!.,,. tf'Ol'l'I tl\f f'Hlr!c ~Of'tPt .... l~IO Ille -lft· -ltcd;i.t. ~·""' II.cl '° ~ "' ·-Oii flll .rll.ll'ld. Wl\111 ,...,,. hfd ·~ ... -· 0Wtfli911f rTlllll"'°'" """1>1r1!Q"" ,._.., ft"'9 n 11 ..... Hit, T1~ .. 10 64 --"'9 11 Hot'"", ~I. ...... fho -'-" 11 Wit tlfftl"' •• flf toulfl •• COll!rtl ClllfQl'Yll1, fMl'I .. , Ctlftlfl'lvl"' lloelll"' tll-"'Oul IOl'flell1 of 1i-. Ml#l<NU wllh ~· •"Cl ""'""•oflowo"f • wie.r,,. 11o11t 1 COkl 1rom ••foitnd..,. '""" Tttll hi '-' Mf<fl!Mn. ,.,...,. 1111 rll~ IWK!wf I._ 1111 llOl'1M111 GrMI 1..111;"' .,... ,,,. ,._ '"'"""' •••':tt. I . --------------- ,M ... C~lc110 C•llC!n"'!I Clewliftd ...... [)f,, M~l,...1 o.i .. 11 l!'u.,.1 Fort Wtr1~ •m~ ..,,_ HOl'IOIYl\I ,_ ... ICtn .. 1 Cltv l 1• Vt••• lot A!IMll!I Ml•ml •filtll Ml!~ MIM!ftl'llltlt NllW Or1t1M N•W York 0•-1• ... ...... Pt» ltObll!t l'hllMtllll\Jt f'"°"11!• Plntby .... ~ P~i.,.., R•t>ld' City lttd 811/ff ·-$.otll!"ltnlt> SI. L<l\fll S.11"'6 S..n oi ... ~ Sin ''•"<'llCll Slftl• •••h•I ~·'"' ,..,.. ..... TMrm1I Wai~l .. !00" I t ) .] .1) " " ?T '' . " " " g .. " " . " " ••• ... ·" JO 10 .06 n •l .OJ " l6 .7' .. '' Tr . " ·10 .JO j,& 31 lr n " .&1 ., l t ,)j . " 11 ,, . .. H )4 .O' H 11 ?t ti U Tt ;.t Jl ,1S .. ~· ·" 1• 1 ,], . ~ 1' ll .OS " ~ JI •1 ,)I tt 1• ·'' I ·ll U SS _t, • n " 3' .ti . " •• • . " ,, q 11 " " ,, n .n II I ,1' ., ,, -11 ll ,U ' A study of the 1968 erand jury which indicted Sirhan in the murder of Sen. Robert F, Kennedy, said Prof. lklbert Exhaust Blamed For Blast, Fire On Enterprise WASHINGTON I AP) -Tht Navy h" tentatively decided the hot exhaust from an aircraft starter cart touched off an explo.o;ion that led to fiery dis.st.er aboard the tircraft carrier Enterprise. lt Indicated Wednesday that more stringMit destrictions ha\11l been issued on how close jet starter cart.a can be placed to ammunlUon and alrtran. "lndlcaUons •rt that the eithaust from the car m11y have caused thfl overheating and explo3ion of • Zuni nx:kel All8cke<! to the wing ol an airplane," the N11vy said . Lynn 0. Compton, chief deputy district attorney, said two Negroes, an Arab and several Mexican-Americans were nominated for the jury. Of 13.'l judges asked to fill out forms telling how they nominate grand juries, several asked H they could take the stand. Compton, objecting to the motion to throw out the indictment, said evtn the defense concedes that Sirhan fired the shot which killed Kennedy in the New York Senator's moment o{ victory after Ca llrornia 's Democratic presldentJal primary last June. Superior Court Judge llerbert V. \Yalker overruled Compton'!i objection. He denied another motJon that testimony regarding the number of Negrots and ~1e1ican-Amerlcans on grand juries would be irrelevant since Sirhan, a 24· year-old Jordanian, is Caucasian. "One class is equal to another," said the judge. The present 11)'11lem belna: challenged allows each county Judi'-to nominate two persons for grand jury duty. The final 23 memht:rs are chosen by lot. lnvesU1alin8 the lo'3 of the Pueblo, snapped: "II ii aomewbat misleading Iha! you had forcea on c•ll. The fact ls lt wu proVfd we did not have wlatance on caJI." Rear Adm. Manball 'White joined In the blast at Johnlon. .. We bad a contingflncy plan lo uae forcu that did no.lµJ.st," he said. Jal!Mon said lie oka)'<d sending the Pueblo out virtually unarmed ll1d will> no chance of getting aid because he thought it was "highly improbable that she would be attacked and partJcularly fantasUc that she would be captured. , ..lf you were a betting: man, the odds on that bappenlng that you could get from a bookmaker would be fanf.astlc and even a man as rich u Howard Hughes could not pay off," Jobnlon said. Bucher shook Johnson's hand warmly at the conclusJon of testlmony by his fonner superior officer. He looked glum and depressed, however, when Clark told of encounters: with the Russians: and Chinese in which the Banner blithely sailed away. Clark said be had never been fired upon but that if he had been attacked il would have been his reaction to "fight to the last." Clark said, however, that would be a decision relating to1circumst.ances. Clark said he felt the Pueblo should never have been armed with two .50- caliber machine guns which were com· pletely inadequate. "That is like asking whal size pocket knife should I carry when walking down a street as protection against robber& with guns." Clark said that since the Pueblo's capture he had taken the Banner out on three missions but never gone closer than 70 miles to Communist shores . DULLES ... f'rotn Page 1 Orleans, who disputes the comniission's conclusion, had attempted to subpoena the former CIA chief in his investigation of an alleged conspiracy based in New Orleans to murder. Kennedy. One of Dulles' last official governmtnt jobs was to survey the tense racial situation in Mississippi for former Presi· dent Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. DULLES BROTHER Dulles, who looked more like a grandfatherly schoolmaster t h a n the director of a global espionage network, was, a brother of the late Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Prior to his appointment as CIA head, Dulles served two years as deputy direc- tor. A CIA spokesman said his death about 11 p.m. EST Wednesday resulted from complicatioll5 following an attack of the flu and pneumonia. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Clover Todd Dulles; a son, AJlen Macy Dulles of Washington; two daughters, Mrs. Clover Dulles Johnson of New York City and Mrs. Joan Buresch of Zurich, Switzerland: and three sisters, retired diplomat Eleanor Lansing Dulles of Washington, Mrs. Margaret Edwards of Rye, N.Y., and Mrs. Nataline Seymour of New Hartford, N.Y. Born Allen Welsh Dulles in Watertown, N.Y., on April 7, 1893, he earned his degree at Princeton University and enter· red the U.S. diplomatic service in 1918 as secretary of the U.S. legation in Vienna, Austria. JOINED PEACE TALKS The following year he was transfeTred to Bern, Switzerland and then in 1911 joined the American Commission lo Negotiate Peace in Paris. Dulles rose steadily in the diplomatic ranks but resigned in 1932 to enter private law practice in New York City. His first formal connection with in· telligence work came during World War JI when he served with the Office of Strategic Services, the CIA's predecessor. For his war service, he won the U.S. Medal for Merit and the Medal of Freedom as well as awards from several other nations including France, Belgium and Italy. Eisenhower appointed him ClA deputy director in 1951. During his long career, Dulles never was shot at or the target of a kidnap plot, to his kno\vledge. Prior to his retirement eight years ago, speculation over his future had boiled up after the U2 spy plane incident or May l, 1960. It developed the CJA sent the plane. piloted by Gary Francis Powers. on a mission over Russia, where it was shot down, just 15 days before Eisenhower was to have held a summit meeting with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. SPY PLANE AFFAIR Khrushchev broke off the meeting In a display of indignation afttr it wa1 revealed there had been a whole seriet of spy plane nights over his country. After the C\Jban invasion disaster at the Bay of Piga in April 1961, the CTA was accused ol faulty inte!Ugenct work and there was talk or a drastic shakeup. Spokesmen for the ageney denied the chara:es and Kennedy set up a special board headed by retired C'.en. Maxwell 0 . Taylor to inveaUt:ate the entire intelligence setup . There wtre report.J thtn Dulles might be replaced by Taylor, by Atty. C"..tn. Robert F. KeMtdy or pf!rh11ps by Car. .l ames M. Gavin, then ambawdor to France. D.111.es' &UCCMSOr eventually turntrd out to bt.-Rirhard lfelm11, who still remains CIA chief. The CIA ls so secret that iLs budget, n1nnl°' to seve.ral hundred mllUOt1 dollars a year. i! concealed ln a varitty of other npproprlations -----'--- i \ I • t I I t I 1 c ' I t ' I , j -.. ' ' " ., f ' NeWport · Barbor EDITION VOt:. 62, NO. 26, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, t:A(IPOtt~IA JHO.RSDAY; .J,ANUARY· 30", '1969 JEN CENTS Jr vine, Mission Viejo Ranches Pr~eserved By JACK BROBACK Of .... Dallr ...... lleff Irvine ~ came on a 3 lo 2 vote wilh llUj)t1'Vbtln David L. Baker and Robert w. BaWn oppoaed. proval Feb. 18. per )'Ur . hqloftlnr lo llG-'111 Wlor year. to $1.1 mlllJoa 'wtlh tues reduced from .-.ooo to '9!,0IO. COW1ty ,proporiles. "Ap1ouhure demaodl liWe in public services," W.J. Wllllams, vice preRlent f0< qrlculbn for lhe Irvine Company Irvine and Mission Viejo ranches today are enjoying new agricultural preserYe slatus ~ could mean tu redu.elk:N amounting to $1.1 million per year tor the two !prawUni Orange County ranch companle!. Preserve llatus was granted by the Board of Supervisors Wednesday to 56,000 ac:r~ of Irvine land and 32,944 acres on Rancho Mission Viejo. Only Baker voted qainst the approved ~ Viejo praerve. Approval of lhe preservel came after the board deliberated and beard more lhan aiJ: boon of l<!!llmooy. Formal agn<meou detailing boun- daries of the preserves and lisUng forbid- den and-~ permitted uaes for the land will be before the board for final ap- One modification of the preserve ap- plications wu made with the deletion of 6,500 acres of the Oood-stricken San-- liage> Water Diatrict frcm the Irvine preserve. Norman Flemming, water district board president, told supervisors the district factd $73,000 in fiood repaln and could not stanrl a tax reduction. Tax reductions for the two giant laod owners were estimated at $1.6 million Finn Ul'aamonl flcurea wW DOI 1lo avallable unUhfter March I but oWmlol deputm..,1-...... the ta. eh:l of Wed-.,y"a ac11aD to be: -lntoa8-ll:Alluseumenlcul from ~ mlI1l<io lhll yur to !'I.I mJJ1IGn resultln,r lo tu reductlOlll from Olis year:• $1 mllliQn to !al0.000. --Mlaalaa VleJa: An -meot cut from IU mll1foo lhll year hmea !l. Weal, pr<lldeol of Jlaocho MlalClll Viejo aald lhe p I an n ln r departmenra atm.ata wu far p'eat..- thln hll ...i aald be '""'1d noe· be aurprlaed. -ud '""'1d not prot4tt - l $1 mllllOn -lot llG-70, A l\eadJ parade ol wi1oeaaea told their ltD!y ·to .,perv11on wllh irurpr!&-inllY moot to favor of lhe praerve statu de>plte lu tu Impact oo olher painted out. v Speatlng for the preaerves WUI ,._-~ .. of lh• °'"""' Coooly Farm 8un!au. . Rancbo Viejo Woman' Club, Mlalon Viejo Ho m e own e 1 Aaaoclalloo ud Iha Cltii=' Town Plan- • WO 0 1es " Here Co11aes More Water Cement pipelines lie along Jamboree Road where they'll be buried. in $15,000 Jrvine Co. project aimed at bringing water to industrial complex between Ford and San Joaquin Roads. Pipes are 16 inches wide and, once installed, are expected to speed up leasing of sites to light Industry. · Mas~er Spy Allen Dulles, Former CIA Director, Dies WASHINGTON CAP) -Allen W. Oullu, Americ1's master spy who steered l h e Cenlra1 lntelllgencf: Agency through oihe years of controversial in- ternational intrigue, died late Wednesday. He was 7~. Dulles appointed CIA chief In 1953 by f~er President Dwight 0 . EiJmbower, retired to private. life . in 1911 following the Bay of Pigs 1nva1non of Cuba -which with an earlier U1 plane incident was o~e ol several ~n· troveraial matters involving lhe m- telligenct agency under hl'I command. The }Vhlte House denied at ~ Ume lbat the invuion fiasco, organized to a l1rge degree by the CIA. was the ruJOTl for Dulles' retirement, saylrtg bls plan& were known well iD advance ol U..l Since quitting aovernment lel'Vlce. Dulles wrote fOW' boob. the Crafl o( Jnt<lligeoce publlshed in !!Ill, The Secret SUrrtndtt ln 19M and Great True Spy &tortes last year. A foorth, Great S~ Stories from Fic- tion wt11 be Tt.le&Aed 1n June. ~Jes began formal spy wCl1t during World War It 111 a membet of the Office of Strategic Services, the CIA's predecessor. Eisenhower appoint.at him CIA deputy direct.or In 19$1 and dirfClor ty.io ytars tater. Fonner President .John F. Kennedy, during whose admlnl11traUon the Bay of Pip occurred, ,..tamed DullOI In DEAD AT 75 Anen Oull11 .. _ his $22,000.a-~ar post when ht took orfict. Dulles later was a member of the War- ren Commission that investigated Ken- nedy's assassination and concluded the President was killed by one man, L e e Harvey Oswald . I Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison of New (See DULL&, Pa1e 41 Raft Victim And Woman Discovered The clothed body of a blonde woman In her 20s washed up in flood debris on the Newport. Beach shoreline near the Santa Ana River jetty this morning. 1-fers was the second body lo wash to shore in Newport. in the past 24 hours. Newport Detective Sgt. Ken Thorni:-on ~d the woman ''.has de~tely bfen in.,lhe ·-~· d ~l ,eoem like she bu been dead too ll>og, aca>rdlnl to prflimioary examination." The dead woman was found by 1 city workman. clearing dt.bris from the beach wltll a lldploader. At 1 p.m. Wednesday almost three miles south,· nu.r the Newport Pier, the body of. Bill Dischner, who drowned in a raft mishap on .the Santa Ana River, washed ashore near 16th Street Beach. The woman's body , clad in a bright print dress, was discovered at the foot <>f a six-foot-high mound or twigs, roots and other ·debris brought out to sea by the river. The discovery was less than 100 feet south of the jetty. Thiclt, soupy, muddy water and debris is still tumbling Into the sea from the rive.r's mouth. It was not immediately known tr lhe body came to lbe sea from the river. The remains of raft victim Dischner, 16, floated ashore 12 miles from a water· fall on the river where he drowned. Dischner fell from a small yellow rubber raft two days earlier as he and (See BODIES, Page l ) * * * Massive Oeanup Awaits Newport Aloi;ig Shoreline A 21h·mile stretch of Newport Beach shoreline today poses a massive cleanup problem in the wake of recent stonns. Tons of debris, washed down the Santa Ana River., lay along the beac:hfront. The barricade of litter includes whole telephone poles, pieces of mountain cabins and thousands of bamboo lihoolli. uprooted from the river's edge as flood waters raged down to the sea from the mountains. City GeneraJ Service Direct.or Jake Myndene said It may take anywhtre from two weeks to a D)ODlh to haul it all away. "We've asked the county for the use of jail trusUes to help us out," he 1aid, but added glumly, "I'm not too confident we'll get them, because they've g<>t plenty to do elsewhere." Wednelday, city crem carted away '• dozen truckloads of the mangled junk. whlch are in great piles near the mouth ol the river and in smaller amounts Jwt. north of.the Newport Pier. Beachcombers, too, hauled away logs and driftwood.. , _ "IW~'g JOme 'gr.eat fiftwood lbert ," . .,<ii!d'~. "but people had belier till "c:aiMul. . ''There m.ighi also be snakes," he aaid. Myndene eiplained that 10me trttlers had been found among debrl! similarly deposited on beaches in Ventura County. "We bavelt't ,come across any, yet," he said. "&t i0tn4 eoll1d 6ave been swept down tht river •Ions with everything e!ae." .. Although the rain• ttave ceastd. the onslaught on the beachfroot ma:r con· tinue. "We'll probably. get some more of the stuff when they open up the Prado Dam 1toraae area,'' Mynd•M said. ce I ' es.a PRESJlllVES, Paro I} as e ore City's Beach Quarantin·ed ' . Raw Sewage Affects Both· Huntington, Newv6rt By JEROME F. COLLINS Df t11t Dal" 'lltlf ll•lf Raw sewqe dumped into the Santa Ana River today forced a quarantine o{ beaches in West Newport and Hun- tington Beach. Oraoge County Heallh Officer Dr. J. R. Pfllip said the beaches would remiin closed for at leut one week, perhaps two. The sewage effluent, estimated at 10 3 More Arrested million gallon.a 1 day, Ja pourin1 Into the river from Rlverlkie., That. city'• main 1ewer llne wu wa.sbed out Saha- day night by roalng Oood1. Dr. Philp ut>latiied thert was no con- i.mj.Da.Uoo problem earlier in ~ week because of. the heavy river runoff and subsequP.nt high dilution of the HWa&e: · "Concentr1tioru of Jt are Dow develop.. lng," he sald. A almUar 1ituatlon in San Juan Newport Platinum Plot SuspectP"leads ln~ce~t · Charles Telford, !15, • Newport Beach yacht dweller arrested last December 17 in connectioD with a platinum fraud 8Chemt, pleaded lnnooent Wednesday in U.S. District Court. . Tellord was arrested by 1 FBI agents In a Balboa Island alley after being named in a tederal grand jury in- dictment. He ia charged with helping lurt paten~ tial customera to Sao Dle10 whert they were ' shown· two bars of metal · which suspects called platinum. The customers then were told they could buy the platinum at fer be1ow market prices. The victims never saw any platinum, autboritiea said, but thole who took the halt paid more than IOQ0,000. Aaslstant U.S. Attorney Phillip Johnson who ts proaecuttog lhe case, aald Wecfoeo. day that· ttu.e more peraooa bad been amtlad for trylne lhe ·tdllme ·about two weeks ago in S&rr DielO· ""l'bei' ·-lhe """"' ledlniques," •be salll, "'two bsl ·of pl"*1 plllimlm· ud · ' . NEW VORK (AP) ~Stmlilh lo some bllMI cJUpe: boolted averaaea but the stock marbt cloHd rrih.ed t.odiy. Trading 1w• ·1ctive •. (see 'quot.athD.. Pages U.13). . · . •· , Gains and 1-a wort cloit ll> iqllll on the New Yot~ 8toclt Eill:hl!nge •1111•• popul1r averqes rose, tOme of them due to recoveries by key 1toci1 whlch hava baen down .....,ti)'. , \i an arrana:ement for payment btfon delivery," JohMOn said no date for Telford'• trial haa: been set thm far. Tellord was llvtog aboard lhO 1100,000 yacht "Just Another Deal"Twhen ar- mted. The vessel wu docked at the Balboa Bay Club. Bank Robbery Suspect Nabbed A s115pttt In the $2,000 tobberr of lhe Oraoge County Airport br1nch of Newport Nat!qpaJ Bank wu· i.rruted Wedneaday in,_ota Ana by police .oil a tip from .lhe Flt!. At lbe same time, one of hll allq<d partnen In lhe holdup WU -ed t010 yiin·lii ftileral ptloon. .i _ Tbe rob:!. occurred m<re man one 'fev go, on ID-111. 1• .1 • Santa ·Ana l>ollc:o had bOea' llllomted · ~t Jooque bu(IUI', ;n, ~·"'"Ced -wtlh· PartJdpitlJIC in lbe'-. milht be hi 8-ntit Ani. . ' . ~ · W1yoe Jl'l!ld .'llld ·T(llllam Wealherl1 apot1'<! him ,.11ec1 lru parted car ill a ahoppilll -• He offend .. ....iataro:e. . Jarn•'l\ llobnel. -. of s .. ta Ana, until Wtdne&day .· the onit one ol • """'""IAlcf; lrlO tp' cuatod1 , waaiaonlanced to 20 r.-~ • us -Court ju<l'e . a Loo Anlf<lel. 1 Nnport Buch detectfva od lbe 1'BI OIJllund Holmaa thrae weeu -Iha robber)'. • ·~ Copjltrlno today co;tpell..i clolw:a of Doheny Stale Park/ beach. SectiCllll of sewer llDa in tht Miuion City hive bont, cootamlnatlni Slll · Juan c:reet. Dr. PjlJlp aald. ' . ' ~·Ihm wW tab abGlll ·lhrff days to repair, be.est.Uqated. Beach .,.. affected by Iha Blvinlde sewage discjlaige ~from lhe JD!'llh of lhe Santa Ana River -to Newport (See SEWAGE, Pqe I) Bridge Traffic Only One Lane 1 Traffic on the flood d a m a I e d MacArthur Boulevard bridge will be open one Jan~ each way Friday, unl1111 it rainl in the meadtime. J. W. Frankl)n,. auperjnteodeot of lhe alata Dlv!Jloo o! llilhwaya, Oraol• Coun- ty office, said .,... -..W llrfpo enough pavement on lbe damqed lc'Iqe to allow traffic ac:rt1U. At the aame time part .of lbe boulevard d>mlged near lbe bridge w1Il be repaired. Full aervlce should be -wllhln I week, Franklin aid. Oraage Weadler we· ... in lhe crfp of • cold troo~ lhe weatherman oaya crisply. TUI ll1Wll fair . aldaa with temper. lures droppin( Into lhe mlddle 11'1 along lhe cout lJ1d II-low U 40 c1e....., oveml&hL INSmE TODAY lllUtary ...z..-iftdicof<t lhal SM ,..,,,,,_ bi-ct.u..rtd bV . lb Sii<Mt . bloc tlOlioi.. °" CUcllollooakl4 _. from IGlt Getmmov.Paae7. =-;; ......... = c......... ,. .. =,.. . e-ia t1 ........ """' ... ~ ..... c..tr' ,. .... ...... 11 -~ """ ti .,,.,.,.... 11 ..... ...... 1•1s ......... ,.. ... ....,,. -.a .....,, ,... • ..... Mlllllll 11-Q ,..... llNI ,......... " ,.,.. c• '' ""-""' • ........ 1• ....,.., _i ~;\;...!• I tJ f ... ..... ~ ' I (· ~~~-;;;;;;;;;;;:::::-:_:::::::.=:::-_:.:.:.:.:_=~=-===::::;::.. ____ ..:::,::.:.;;:;;:;:...: ______________ :._ ______ .. ··--•• .. t DAILY moT N -· ...._, JO, 1969 'Robin Ilood,f 17,: .Adm: it~ Scores. of Thefts Firm Picked For Survey Of City Needs A Loq lkad>llwd reaeoteh !Inn will be hired by the City or Newport Beach to conduct a poll of citizens on community deaire.s for the ruture. Newport city councilmen have author- ized a contracl willl Oplnlon Rese&rcli · of Cllllonda for a """'Y .. c:Olll about $4.$)0. Tbo ~on for the conlrld cemr from Newport Tomorrow G e n e r a ' OWrman John Maaiab. City Manager Harvey Hurlburt and City Councilmru Robert Sbellon endorsed the propooal. -told tho COWICi1 tbal ol Ill the media amlderod for tho IU?V•Y, the praf1Fm1J oplnlon firm coold ae· .._plllh tho job fu1at and at the leoaleaot. Ila Aid help """' UC lnlna would tab loo IOll.I 11and. be much men ti· ~· Speakers Ready To Campaign For School Bonds Spaahn on behalf of tho Feb. 11 Newporl.Maa Ullllled Scliool Dla1rfcl bond -llllJJ are IVaflahll to "'"1ce clul>a and dm IJ'lllllll In tho IWbor Ana, tho Cllfllnl BoM C«nmltlee ... llOUllC9dtoda1· Tba Ill.I mlJlloa bcD1 lllU1 II to parcbaJa • oorllbla -to dmlnate doubfe lm'MI nut fall aDd to bafld and upand -to taop up wtlb t......i.c amollmOnl the -four years. Arrangem'"t for opea11 .. can be mad• by lelephmln( the l!Cbool dletrlct office at MHISOO. Members of the Cilllens Bo!ld Com· miU. apeaken bureau Include: Joho Macnab, N'"°" IWl>or roal· tor and put prllltlent of Newport Harbor C b am b e r of Commerce; Jack Hammett, president of Costa Meu Chamber of Commerce and member ol the Coeta ~a plaonin& commiWoa; A. Vtnc..t J....-.. Newport Beach businessman and presi· dent of Hoag Me.mortal_ Hospital. Allo, Hancock "BUI" Blnninl:, Newport Buch p-opezty manapent 1 n d devoJoimenl aacuUYI and pmtdenl of Newport Beacb United Fund; Tad Ad~~ Coruia de! Mar commerdal and II> dUllrlal plannln1 COlllllllut; Dr. 'll>omH Alble7, Newport lkach -c ooa- llU!lanl, and Robert WMd, publlaber of Iba DAILY PILOT, cbalrmaD of tho spaq.ra bonau. Nixon Urges Policy Opponents to Speak WABlllNC7l'ON (AP) -Pr<sident Na· on bu told oome 700 official! charged with camfnl out bla ftnlp polley lbat lhtra II pleolJ ol """' In bla "Fonrmf Taptblr'' tcfmlnlartr1tkll for any diasen- tin1 views they may bold. I D ~ll Y PllOI OIAHOE C:04ST "'11.l&MIHI COMPAN'f' •·Mt• ... w ••• Jteli a. ~•Y Yk1 l'mllMllf •1111 Gft!tor.i ~-· lh'"''' r •• ,;1 .... lh'"''' A. M111pht11t M6n .... Mlter J,,,..,, F. Ctlli11t P11I f\li•a•n N•-' lfttll .1i"-'lt'"9 Clly E1a... Olnclw Nt ......... Offk- IJll W11I 11\Mt l111l1.,1rtl Mtlll11 A44n1t1 P.O. lei 1111. t266J --, ... M1..-1 IM '#tit .. , .._, l"""' hK": nt ,,..,, """-.......... ..,. .... L .. JUI j""'I ' ------------~ I . • .., l I • ' '. • .. • f . -lllGl91Uf11ri111117, 1111 " It,.. . !¥.'!,Oltlnlt• ltldld. ' , .. ol Ille 11111 -wtddi .... • .'l'!lf' ... Colll<V. ..... tboulallU "' !lo4llrli. .. la ... ,. .............. = -,,.... ... "" ....,.. ~ ~\\iii Is • Gl.Orllllt I I authertt!ea by the .tdt:m& -' " _,.-Wl!la td __, .. ., --. w11 "I'm IOlnl to 1tJ to 111 a tolal, queotloned Wedneaday by HunUngton panly out of my own curiosity," aa.ld Beach detectives. Costa Mes.a Det.eedve Art Courteau, who Three investigators a.u1ined to the picked up the Santa Ana youth for ques-case now expect to clear up many unsolv- !ioning ~' ed burglar! .. in the -dty .. • "He adi!ill1od laking about 14,00o lblt "'lilt . , be lmowl ol In Co.ta r.l,.. , and lbe Orttne• ....,; .-, ·-1U., by the lllll amount will be far bl -ol lanaba ail"4bol ;r>alb la W_•,.,r, CommunlCarnlval Crew Oran11 Cout Collega 11teward111 1tudenll Invite everyone lo "come to the carousel" at South Coast Plaza where DAJLY PILOT·Paciltc Telephone Co. CommunlCamlval bqaa lbnKay, alelld today. The carnlval of communicatloru, ottering me long dialellce phone calls, caroueel rides and long list of other pribes, will be open today and Friday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. On DAILY PILOT show "crew" are stewardesses (from left) Georgine Joos, 19, Orange; Margie Woodley, 18, and Do1U1a Ashton, 18, beth of Costa Mesa. OCC Board's Quandary: llnte ""-'• 'nl!Ja• Colla MIN Police --~.... .·· WlUlll1 -· ..... _ ..... .......... fut u he COl4ll .-tJ ti -wtl 19>Vered, following !lJI --~·Courtoaa .. "'°""17 •. ·111 -t much ol ii Oii -who<e can be boJTowed for almolWaUy after 8Chool forays Into quiet, opartment house nel~boodt ol·lba ......,, pollce said. Occatlllllllly, be wu caught In the act ""'" -Ot """"°"'1er return. Id lrotD W«k and school, but manqed f'rom Page l PRESERVES ••. nine .u-1euon o1 Lquna Beach. Opponenll, lar1ely IChool cll>ldcti, In- cluded Micbad ColllDI, pruld'"t of lbe Saddleback Junia< Coll•I• D ii t r I c I Board; Keonelb Carr, dty IDllllPI' Of ' San Clementi; Ralpb Gai4a, tuperf .. tendent of the San Joaquin School District; Chari~ Waltman of El Toro and Don Dawle.r assistant superintendent of the Or ... t Unllied School District. MOil aalted the superviws lied JOme w11 to lll\fe&d lbe lncnued tu burden COUDl7Wfde. • Supermor Baker voted qoWt both prmrv<1 arguing that they Included much non·productive brush land "that is preserved anyway by its very nature." He urged that only producinc orchard and row crop luda be included. Supervllor Battin voted agalnat the Irvine preserve bat changed his vote on the Mission Viejo acreage. Frot11 p .. ., I SEWAGE ••. Pier IJld north aloog Hantln(loe 81114 Park Beach. The qu~anllne at ll!ooe beach11 pro. hiblll Iii surfln(, P'immlng "and MY type of body contact 1port In ocean waten," Dr. Philp emph.uized. Riverllde aut.horJtie1 Mid it will take po11lbly a week to repair the ma.in line dt.mage. Newport Anlltant City Man acer James OCChaint: ordered !Jtacb: bar- rictd11 up lhla momlng. He pointed out lblt only the lhorel1ne north of the pier la: lfrectld by tht nrimmlnr bao. "The harbar II no problem," he Ald. U.S. Rocket Launches Canadian Satellite VANDENBERG Am FORCE BASE !AP) -A ClnadilO 11tellite. desiped to explore the ionosphere, has been hurl- ed inlo earth CJll>il by a U.S. bOllor nick· et. !Jil I, Canada'• third -Ille!· lite, WU launcbed Wedoe1d17 nl(bt and this morning was reported ortitt1a1 IV• ery 'IO minutoa. to talk bil way out ol the Jam KVeral . ..__ ' . .......,, .~ ' L-"-• ' D2'2 'Na QapteM. • ....._CDM Mesa wlln the ..,, Tutlday u hrWI!> titled varioua erbne 110t11ea. Aid many tallied wlln earlier comptalnt.1; Ito! oUitrt came aa a surprlae. One uoreported burgalry tovohed lbdt of an t'ltrtmely heavy tl\llal beer kl&. jammod with :MIO, IO-<enl rolll o1,...ue.. Cour1tau llld. 'Ille boy limply rolled 11 n•1 to bla waiting car. DAILY Pl\.01' Aefll ....._ APPOINTID TO COMMISSION Parks' Pulaski Architect Piclred For Newport Parks Committee Rolly Pululd, M-year-old architect aod father ol lb", hu been named to tht Newport. Beach ParU, Beaches and RecrtaUon Commluian, M13or DQreen Maraball IJlllOllllcod today. He aucceedl Mn. Marton McDooald, who quit Iba para board two weata ago to work u actmlnlltraUve aalltant to ~ John Brflp (JI. Fulleftoo), Pu!9ild, 100 Miramar Drlvt, Balboa, 1' a sradual4 ol Newport Harbor Hl1b School and use, whm he wnld blJ degrea In archltectun. Ha hu been a rllideol ol N1wport most ol h1a llft and baa been acUve in the Pop Warner t.otball prt)ll'am thrOUlboul ()rep County' ' Pu1aa1t1 wW '""' out Iba ~oder of ""'· McDonald'• lour-)'UI' term. which uplrel June IO, and will lben be J'Hppointed, "'lbfJ cue ii corlalnly ooe In 10,000 tt.I 1'111 M •-:I J1j Ooullll•· -~ J11.._ d!lllOll¥1 with Ca~. chief of lbe detective bureau, said "Wedoaday lbe boy •iJnP.IY ~ to determine U bil potonllaf viclfml were home and very often rqund an unlocked door. He la upeci.d to lace a l>earmi .. three burgWy ..... and one lllolln check forgery ofkmll beloN Oralilt CotmlY Juvenile Cooirl aalhorllks.cm P'rl- da.Y • Courteau uld. CityMayS~ I West Newp6rt Oil Operator Newporl Beach city councihnen wtll huddle behind closed doors Morw:iay to dJscuss possible litigation a g a I n s t operators of a West Newport oll ftekl. The firm of G.E. Kadane 6 Sons, wboll rigs ·at• la county territory just outlide lbe dly Umlll, I.! •uspacled of unauthorlled slant drllllng Into cll7 ltr· ril«y. The city charter prohibits the drining of oi.I anywhere within lhe city limits. with the exception of those operations under way prior to adoption of the charter. Councilmen, according to M a y o r Donen M.ltlball, will con&der a report by COOIUllinl enclneer M. Dudley HUJl>u. wbo WU hlrod by lbe ci17 Ill{ October to probe the poeslble charter violation. City MIJllller Harvey L. Hurll>urt Aid HUll>ea' study Included dlacuulODI wllh repr-iauvu ol lbe oU firm. '1'1117 provided the city COOIUllllll with enclnaerlnl and aeoJoilcal data Oii tho autem area of the fle!d, where tho a1aot drtlUng II llle(edly taidnc Dface. ''Mr. Hqbea bu aflo workiid my closely oo lhla miller wtln Iba dty attorney, documenting u much ln- form1Uon u poa.ible in order that a proper determlnaUon can be made 11 to bow the city should pursue ii further,• llld Hurlburt. City Altoniey Tully Seymour wW ad· vile councllmen at Monday'• uecutive -ol varloua COll1'HI of acOon, bued on Huches' ftnctlnp, wb1cb have not beeo made publlc. u • violation fJ lllebillhed, and tho db< ... a lqal 1'1111d7, It could lnvolvo IWnc of • .mildemtanor -plllnl qalnll 11'.adane, ot a dvil action to =..tho firm from continued tltol City llOU1Cll allo lndlcaled lblt the lllue mlibt poesibly bl raolved through 11neSot11Uon.11 Madrid U to Reopen MADRID (AP) -'lbt Unlvenl\y of Madrid, cioted lut Thlll'lclay becaUH ol continuing student outbu1'111, wW reopeo parlitlly Saturday. Tax Hike or Bond Vote? JJ. J. 9arrell~ Bood luul VVl\ll hlgbor tu levy waa tlilcupod OllCO qaln by Or11n11 Cout Jtmlllr College OIJlrlct lrullea Wednesday rUght who onct a1a1n ruched no decision. The topic of discussion at nearly every board meeting since a $7.25 million bond issue failed last September was given once-<>ver~uickly treatment by l h e board. Supt. Norman Watson presented some ne" data which lhow propoaed con· structlon on the Orange Coast and Golden West campuses next school year would require a lax rate Increase of 21 «.nts or passage of a bond issue. The incrtue over lbe present rate of 57 cent.I per 1100 of aaOlled valuation woold drop to Ill cents the lollowtng year, to only seven cents the ye·ar after that and bold at about that level for the predictable future, Wataon. llid. The big jump lbe first two years -' Fl'Ollt P.,e I BODIES ... three other youths were float.Ing in the rain-swollen rlvtr 1l the Oran1ewood Avenue brtd«e ln Anaheim. Newport r<tldent Trudy Walker, l'IJl w. Balboa Blvd., was walkiq at thl beach near the 16th Street end when ahe aaw the bod7 float.iol face down about 11 feet out. At tbl ume Ume Robert Ttetan, &07 E .. Balboa Blvd., Wll J•Uing In Int area and saw the body. Poli<t uid Tialten jumptd Into lne ley waler and pulled tho boy'• body to &h«e. Ufquanla IJld pollct '"" .....-. The body wuhed up tlmoll throa rrJlal from Iba moulb of tho Santa Alla Rlvw. D1ac1.-wu cm tho OotlJnl advlllllllr1 wlln hl1 older bn>lhu, Robert, and frlall fll"!Y ,llowmf, II, and Cflif Park, IT, WDIO · lbe acddtnt occumd. Ritter Still Critical Nil:W YORK (AP) -Actrua 'lllalma !Ult.Ir rllll&lned In criUcal condlUon to- d17 al ~ Otnorel Hotpital. The ~ cmnedlenne WM ltricktn with a heart 1ttaa MondaY. I would bl needed to allow the d~lrlct to catcll up wltb heavy enrollmaDt in- Cl'U.lll in recent years when two ovu- rlde tries and a bond election have r.ued. . A J>ond issue, with repayment spread over 20 years, Watson said, would cost taxpayen between three ceta and seven cenla per year. Re sald a thfee.cent bond rate would take care of d1strict buUdlng needs for three year1 and the seven.eent rate for nine yeara. Trust.eel were told the bond Issue would cost considerably more in the long run although save the heavy lax bite tbt nezt two years under a pay-as- you-p plan. Interest on a ft.• milli on hood iSllHI to meet buUdlna needa for three years would COit $2.15 million, Business Manager Correllan Thompson said. The declllon will have to be made before Julf 1, when the budget for ne:rt achoo year i1 adopted and when a new Jaw a.Uowtn.1 board members to increase laies without vota of the people 1oe1 into effect. Freeway Talks Lead Nowhere UleraUy llandlnl behind 11n lnvlaibl1 prolr<:llv1 ebllld ol pn>tocol and pn> cedure, a pair ol htgbw17 uperll Wedneod17 went U..U1h a (rllllnl by Costa Mesa city oUlcials on the Newport Freeway questiOll. Repeated etrorta to draw a potantial rnul4 pnferaco out ol either ~ rrom tht !1114 Dtvllioo or Hlghway1' llistrict Seven olllco fllled. DlllP _.. •• William It. Hahl- ~ elmml u •bl• • --· u widely knowa Ian J'ranciloo Stat.a College Pnaldool [)r. 8. L HaJabwa. as he picked apart questlona before 1n- swertng. 1111 partner rat Int tludy mHUng In tht Coote M... PoUca F1cW1Y .auditorium, Allirtant Dlltrict ltnglneer Jamu G. Beil, a trlllic flow 1xpart, did ju.!lt as well. NMhin1 new In lht WIY of lacll tmtrt· Id, bot 1 IOOd ravtew ol "'1own factora In flnal oefeotlon ol a llouta II tr.away rout. U..U(b Ceola Miii to Nnrporl Besch came out of tbl lbart MUlan.. I 21~ Semi -Annual ~-::;;:Jurnilure Safe/ ' MANY SOFAS AND CHAIRS ON SALE IN YOUR CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR ••• SOFAS· Reg. $400.00 SAlf P11KED $299.00 OIAIRS ·Reg. $135.00 TO $219.00 SAlf PRICID $99.00 TO $149.00 M.L HIRfTAOE U,..OLSTllUiD PURNITURE -CHOJCI Of PAIRIC AHD COl.Olt ON S.W-20% Off H.J.GARREfT fURNf{URE PRO~SIONAL INTHIOR DHIGNIRS °"'" -.. -' ..... -2215 HARBOR IL VD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0Z71 646-0176 ' I ,, I 1 I v "' st " lb cc Bo ac .. I l : ol I Jo "" ba •ir da Sa Sa I": th• .. pa go ca l Ba Sa .. I sk an fr< u ... da ey ch .. bl 1 ' ni: r. Vi I "~ ... ca I ca nl fn .... co fl'; OU m• ' (;osta Mesa 'EDITION voe. 62, NO. 26, " SECTIONS, "" PAGES lrvi·ne, Br JACK BROBACK Of .. Dllllr ..... ,, ... Irvine afl;d Minion Viejo ranchta today are enjQying new lgicultural 'pl'tlel'Ve status w!Ucb could mean 1tu reduc1i<m amounting to II.I milliOJL per year for the two IPf•'rliDg Orange County ranch companies. Prtaerve status was granted by tht Board 0£ Suptrviaors Wedne!dBJ to 56,000 acres rJ. Irvine land and 32,944 ac:res on RaDcho Mission Viejo. I"lne •ction 'came on a 3 to 2 vote with supend.sorl David L. Baker and Robert w, Battln'opposed. Only Baler vcitect agtirult the approved -vieio, preserve. . Approval ol the. ]lre""es ~-after the board deliberated and heard more than m bOun 9' tertlmony, ' Formal ' ignemenb de~ bcJon. dllries ol 1he proserv ... and li!tizui forbid· den · and peanltted uses £or !lie land will be before lhe board for finaJ ap. DAILY PM.OT ........... BACKWARDS, 81\CKWAADS .RUNS TIME IN ~TS FLIGHT JHnita ·Lo a.... RNCtl with Hamot, Not :Frlght . Co~koo (;lo~k Rain Sends Timepiece R eeling Back By ARTllUll 11. VINSEL Of .. --.... S'9ft' lpne !""Pie won't give you the lime o1 uy. Redheaded Costa Mesa art student Jaan.Jta Le Beau would Jove to, but lltt has a schizophrenic clock which hal been running away from reality 11ince the height of a cloudburst five days ago. The bizarre occurrence of 5 p.m. last Saturday in the Le Beau home at 2711/: Santa.Isabel Ave., even has some spooky. psychic overtones it you choose lo adopt that vi~t. Juanita -who has had at least two e1periences common in the realm of parapsychoJogical phenomena -doesn't go for that explanailon in thL9 mysteriou8 C8'e. Husband Eugene, due on duty at the Bayside Inn, Newport Btach, at 6 p.m. Saturday, call!d to ask bis wtfe the exact timt while getting ready for work. Oulside, rain poured from the &loomy skies and it was a horrible hour for any human to consider venturtnc away from the hearth. IJGHTER, DRIER "Ifs about five, but I sure wish lt was earllei:.,'' Juanita replied, since the daylight hours wm lighter and drter. "Suddenly -not quite lrulting ber eyes -Mrs. Le Beau imbb:, she wat· ched as the little $3.98 e1edric clock's ......i ~and lullted, then be(lln movinr in reverse. .. Backwml, run backward, 0 Thne in thy fligbt" is, after all, a nice line. but it's ridiculous \o expect any such thing outside the poet's free-wheeling vi!.lon. "It was really weird," says Juanita. ''We see Time's flll'l'ow1 on another brow," to plraie a line from poet Edward Young, whose own time ran out in 1765, and time's antics' were definitely fur· rowing Mrs. Le Beau's brow by that stage. It was getting close to 4:45, going on 4:30, a highly confused hour, lo say the least. "My husband thougbl I wu kidding whea J told him the clock was all of a 1udden running backwards," she ftC&lled. "He nJd: 'That's aJI right. Let 1t do tts own thing.' " OIECKED CLOCK Le Beau then checked the lngr~m brand dock. which is so encased in its plastic lbell that it woukt have to be bro!< .. open to rill K with • gtmmiclt, and ~ wife's tile WU COTTect. 'nle .... _ cloct .... since -#: b~ 1111 -nelihborbood cllildreAand~,oooeof whom ean.olltr any rzplanatloo. "Rmrmnmm.~ bQmuned an electrical _ engineer, "mOlt.1meruting." "He aakt be wauld really like to have it for more intensive e1amination," said Mrs. Le Beau, "but It's my only clock and I wouldn 't want to part with it -especially now." . "'Here," ahe .saJd during an interview (Seo CLOCK, ·P•go I) No Progress .Report,ed After Long Paris Parle y PARIS (UPl)-American and OJqimu- nill ntgotlaton said they rude no progress today In • twali ...... md • half bour b1rgaining seUloo "-lbe Paris Vietnam &alb. Communist repreeentatives said natly, ''No progress could be acmmpltsbed today. Nothing has been achieved bf-. caµ,e or the American postUon." U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabol Lodge cailt!d at Ow: teSSion ror a withdrawal ol both Amcrlcan and Communtlt troopl from South Vietnam and suggested rcstor&Uon of the demilitarized Z011t (Oltt) u the opening ltep to.,,anb peace. "The -okle• olld not ..,... -... r ,........i.,,.. i..i,. ·safe!' -U.. meetlnf"-.\!.I am ""fJ l hive kt uy It ., •.• lt11 too bad ... The ebnolpbore at the old Moltltie Hotel meeting 11te WU peu.tmistlc u the four deleptlons -the North and Sciutb Vlf:byrxwt, the United Slatel and the Viet Qing-left U.. bullcllng In their limousines. . But they planoed to meet again 1161 Thundly morning. Today WU the sec- ond ol the ulNll1ded Wb. Ttu 8llU KJem, the dill! Viet c.ng negotiator' said, "The Amerlainl Qlglrt to revene the roles IJld claim wt are the IUJelOl I. It · ts the Americans. OOwevS", who are comnUttina barbarous crhnt11.." , "No Jll'Oiftll C<llild 1>.•~ tod•r.# llfom told Joumallm iillb • frown. .J ' N.Y. Stoek8 ORANGE COuNrv, CAUl't>RNIA:' . ·~ ' THURSDAY, :J~NUA ~Y loF.196• JEN CENTS .. Viejo Ranch,Cis .~ Preserved proval Feb. ta. One modlficaUon uI the preserve ap- plicaUoru1 was made with the deleUon of 6,500 acres of the flood-stricken San· tiago Water Db:trlct from the Irvine preaerve. Norm.an . Flemming, · waler cliltrict board pruldeol, told supervbors the district faced $13,000 in flood repalrs and C{)u)d not stand a tu reduction. Tai reductions for the two giant land 01vners were estimated at fl.6 million per year bqloiilnf In 11119-70 tulng year. . . Finn assessmenl' llaure•. wlll not ,be available unW after Mll'Cb 1 but plannlDg departmeot -allow the tu effect of Wedneaday's ·actkm to be-! . -lrvlae Ruell~ An assessment cut ffMI AS millioo this yeor to 17.1 millioo resulting in tu: reductians from this year's $2 millioo to $t!OO,OOO. ' -Rucbo M1ldoa Viejo: An H.!le'ss- ment cut from $3.2 mllllon thls Yf.11 . "• to $1.1 .mlllloo with taxe1 reduced from 12911,81111 to 193.000. . ' Jom .. £, Weit, Pf<Jldenl o1 llancho Mll:!loo Vle)o uld the p la "'o I·• 1 department's estimate wu far e:ruter than blJ -said be would not be sUrprbed -and would DOI protal - a $1 mlllloo uaeumeot for 1$'10. A at .. dy parade ol wllneslel told their story to supervbon with aurpn.. ingly most in favor of the prestnrl! status despite Its tu impact on otber CCOll!IJ propertlts, ~Aarf<uilllre demMclJ lltUe fn public ..me.,;·~ iv.J. WUJi.,..,,yjco .,..;;.i..1 for acrleulwre !Gt the . lrvfno Compaoy polntod ·Cllt, . Speallq !Gt the .pnilervel were r<pmenlaUves ol the °""le County Fum Bomu, llancho Viejo Womu'a Club, ·Mlaion VM:jo Homeowner • Auoelatlon. and the Citl%ena' TOWD Plan- (Soe PBE8Ell~ l'qe I) ,-" Two Bodies Wash Ashore , Raft Victim, Young Woman Found in Rain Debris The clothed body Of a blonde woman in her 20s washed up In flood debris on the Newport Beach shoreline near the Santa Ana River jetty this morning. Hers was lhe second body lo wash to shore in Newport in the past 24 hours. Newport Detective Sgt. Ken Thompsop said the woman "has definitely been in the ocean, but it doesn't seem like she ba5 been dead too long, according to preliminary examinaUon." 'Robin Hood ' Takes Police . ,. On Theft Tour · Astonished lawmen today counted a soaring number of cues u a teena.ged lone woll burglar led them ar<IUIJd N~wport Beach, printing out dozens of places he looted during a one-man, 00-day crime wave. Costa Mesa police said today that he has now confessed 74 burglaries and three check forgery cases in their city alone and definitely committed many more. Even more surprisingly, up to 30 per- cent of the jobs -which nelted thousands of dollars, mostly in cash -were never even reported to authorities by the vie~. "I'm going to try to get a total. partly out of my own curiosity,'' said Costa Mesa Detective Art Courteau, who picked up the Santa Ana youth for ques· tioning Monday. "He admitted taking about $4,000 that be knows of in Costa Mesa and the full amount will be far in excess of that," Courteau added. Tbe former Costa Mesa High School student, whose amateur burglary e•ploilS qua11fy him as one of Orange County's more successful second-story men, was queStioned Wednesday by Huntin!j:on Beach detectives. Three investigators assigned to the case now~ to clear up many unsolv- ed burglaries in the beach city as a result. Crimes were also committed by the gangJin& six-foot youth in Westminster, Santa Ana and Tustin, Cost.a Mesa Police Capt. Ed Glalgow said Wednesday. Virtually none of the loot -which he spent almost as fast as he could steal It -was recovered, following his arrest by Courteau on Monday, He spent much of it on friends whose cars he borrowed for aJmost..daily after school fora.ya into quiet, apartment bouse neighborhoods of the DJUDty, poUce said. Occa&lonally, he wu caught in the act when renten or homeowners return- ed from work and school, but managed to Wk his way out of the jam several thnel. Detective Courteau. who toured Cost.a Meaa with the boy Tuelday .u he Iden· tilled various crtrne llC«IU, ·laid many tallied wltb earlier complaints, but othm (See THEP'IS, Pqe I) Bridge Traf fi e Only One Lan e Traffic on the flood d a m • I e d MacAr!M Boulevml bridge will llO DI"" one lane uch way Friday, unlesa It rains ln the meantime. J. w. Fnnklln. auperinttodent of the stat<o Dlvlllon ol Hlghwayo, ()ronge Couo- ly office, uJd cttWl~lll ltrlpe en<>Uih pavement on the d ed bridae to allow traIDc across. At 11.me lime part of U.. boulevi(d domopd neor the bridp wUJ be r~ Full ""!co ~ be reJtor~ within • week, Franklin 11kl. The dead woman wa! round by a. city workman clearing debris from the beach with a skiploader. At l p.m. Wednesday almost three miles south, near the Newport Pier, the body of Bill Dischner, who drowned in a raft mishap Oil the Santa An• ruver, Washed ashore near 16th Street Beach. The woman's body, clad 1n a bright print dress, was discovered at the foot of a six-foot-high mound of twigs, roots and other debris brought oul lo sea by the river. The discovery was less than HIO feet south of the jetty. Thick; soupy, muddy water and debris ls still tumbling into the sea from the river's mouth. It was not immediately known If the body came to the sea from the river. The remains of raft victim Dischner, 18, floated ashore 11 miles from a water- fall on the river where' he drowned. Dischner fell from a small yellow rubber rJft two days earlier I.I ~ •nd three oiber ·youtha were !loatlq Jn the rain-swollen rivar at the OrqewOC14 Avenue bridge in Anaheim. Newport rellideot Trudy woJier, mt W. Balboa Blvd., wu w~ at-the belch ...,, the 11th 5tm1!d - she "" the body DoollnC' f.IQI don about 15 feet oul At the aame thne lloberi "°"'"' IOI. E. Balboa Blvd., was joqlng ID Ibo (See BODIES, P'I' l ) No Route Fav ored Freeway J?al~ ... ;. r Lead .N ,.{"f.-h . • f. .. ere DEAD AT 75 Allen Dullea Allen Dulles, ~laste r Spy, CI A Director, Dies WASHINGTON (AP) -Allen W. Lltera11y standing behind an lnviil protective shield of protocol UKI cedure, a pair of highway e Wednesday we'nt through a Costa Mesa city officials on the Freeway question. Repeated e£forts to draw t{P- route preference out of ei from the Slate Divialon District Seven office f De~gn specialist W K. Haobimoto proved almoit u • a aemanUcist as widely known Fran::laco, State College Prosldenl • S. L Hayabw•. :!,e~1n&lckecl~aparl . bt!ore 111- Hls partner the ' study meeUng in the Costa Mesa Police FacllJty auditorium, nt District E:nctneer Jamu G. ll, a traffic Oow expert, did Jllll 11 ell. Notblna1iew In the way of fadl emerg· eel, but i good review of mown· factors in final selection of a Route 65 freeway Dulles, America's master spy who rou~ tlJrou&h Costa Mesa to Newport steered t h e Central Intelligence Agency Beach came out of the short aeulon. through nine years of controversial in-Qosta Mesa City Councilman William ternational intrigue,~ late Wednesday. L. St._ Clair, whose recent elforta led H 75 ) to setting the !Jtudy, dominated the ques- e was . . . 1 lion period after Hashimoto and sen Dulles, appointed CIA chief in 1953 , discussed the route in broad terms. by former President Dwight D • Some of thelr remarks are doubUeu Eisenhower, retired to private life (n . reassuring to those bwlnessmen and 1961 following the Bay of Pigs invallon homeownen who will eventually flnd of Caba -Which with an earliff U1 themselves in the path of the freeway. plane incident was one of several con-Other comments were ne.aUy fielded troversial matters involving the in-by ~ men, or ref~-to higher IOUf'Cel telligence agency under his COIJlmand. within the state 01v151on of Highways, The WhJte House denied Jt the time that the invasion fiasco, organized to a large degree by the e'!A, was the reason for Dulles' rel\J'ernent, saying his plans were known well in advance or that. Since quitUog govttnment service, Dulles wroJe lour, books, the Craft of Intelligence publlsbed In 1963, The Secret Surrender in lf' and Great True Spy Stories last y~. A fourth, Gttat Spy Stories from Fie· tion, will be rele.aaed in June. Dulles began formal gpy work during Wor.ld War II as a member of the Of£1ce of Strategic Servi"", the CIA's prede«a0r. Ei.senhower appolnted him ClA atputy director In 1951 and director tw11 years later. Fonner President John F. Kennedy, rluring whose adminlstraUon the Bay of l'tp OC<'.tlm<I, relalned Dull.. In hi.I $2%,000.a-year post when he took ot'rlce. Dullea later was a member of the War- ren Commission that investigated Ken- nedy's assassination and concluded the President wu killed by one man, L e e Harvey Oswald. Obt. Atty. Jim Garrleon of New (See D~ Pop I) Stock /tl c r futs NEW YORK !AP) -Strength lo aome blue chlpa boolted IVU~ but Ult 11lock market c108ed today. Tradln' wu 1cUve. (See quolaUOlll. PIJea 11'13). Cong Kidnaping Rising Sharply SAIGON (UPI) -Allied beadquortm today reported • sharp inereaM In 'the number or South Vietnamese dvU1aM kldnaoed by Vlei Cong lerroriato, • posHi61e iodfcatlon that a new Communist build-up was in the maklni. 'nl'e report nld 1.147 clvillana were abducted last weet compertld with t7t in the previOU1 two weeb. Although there was no o(Oclal 11- planaUoo for the big jump In lldnoJll!IJI, such a rise usually lDd1catea 1 Viet Cong neod rar lli1ve 1Jbor. 11-"°".,; are generally uaed to cany ammunltlan and supplies for a mUttary ballduP or to farm · Communist Cl'OPI fn tbt boriler &J'fM ()( Laos •nd Cambodia. r The kldnaplng report came on the' first anrUverury ot the CQmnwnllll'. lunar New Year, or TE'T, offenltft. ' There ..... "' rtpOrll of .,.,.,. Com- munllt ott.ckl ~. but Allied troops rem•lned oo gum! In tho SalCon ona and other.., -end 9D )ell -Jungle areas to kC<l' Viel C..,. units off bAJance. A ,.ries o1 1ttaekl' bJ Nctllh Vle\- namese and Viet Oona forof> ~ SOllUI Vlelll1111 oo Jan:!O, ll!t. l!Nd>ed o11· tbe i.\Ojell !JPUng o1 tho ... r. Tel thll yo6( I>eclna oo t"eb. ·11, tiohatni in the ,.ar of the roooter. ~ partle1 who wUJ ulllmltely make -mendltlons and a choke. ' St. CI air, an,avowed apponeot ol a Roule 55 llnk dowil exlJUlli Nowparl Boulevard, its chosen location 1hx:e 1M4, (Seo FREEWAY, Pq e I) Mesan in Kidnap Pleads Guilty To usser Count A Costa Meu man ICNlld CJ( aasaulting and kldnap!Dg a Laguna Belch policeman's wUe pleaded sulllJ Wed- to...d1y to reduced charpa. Marvin E. Alexander, 29, of. 1711 Peterson Way, filed • guilty plea to amended charges'"of assault wi~t• 1y weapon. He will be arr on the rr.vised count Feb. 7 in perter Court. Alexander cou1d be JaUed for up to 10 years on the new charges. Alexander was accused of abductinc Mrs. Diane Carter, 2fi, from her home at 533 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. early Jan. 4. It was alleged that be then took Mrs. Carler to hll --be attacked her. AJeundtr held off of0Cer1 at fmlpolnl for nearly one hour beb'e auJ>fniWna: to arrest. Officers said that he atruck Mra. Carter, the wlfe of Laguna Beach pollce officer Kenneth Carter, with the i>arrol of the gun and choked a neighbor who bad bef.n staying with the officer's wife. Orange Weedier. W•'re,In the crf P of a cold f-, · the mthtrmaD ..,. crlJply. Thal mean& fllir -;with .... _ bas dltlt>Plnl llllO the-l!liddlo IO'a llioog tho -""" u low u 40 cJtcl<tl ovmiJllll. INSIDE . TODAY MUlto'll eool""*"' ftodkoles that th< """'-1>1ow c1cu .. ,.d b~ U..Soolll i>lae .. -oa Czcellodooakla ca\ri4 """' fall a......,.Pagw1. -.. ·-. --. =::;,: i :.-:. = .et:·.1 I f -·-·"''~·••~ .. --•~'•=~m~-~·~·<~m~··u=~,~··'~'..,....,"°'°"""''~s~>~·•~~· Ai~"'-·-·-·~·•·-~~'~-----~-----------··------ .P - • • 2 DAil Y PILOT C ,.,.... rwe l FREEWAY .•• ,..,...i his questloN to --... th•t ...--theme. "Wblcb routo wU1 be eulest oo tbe , .. "'""'* ... !lie .,,,--..w ...--""1llrilc!lon?,• s. Clalf asked Hashlmol.o at one point. "The Is a very dilflcuJt que.!llon to answer, depending on your cont.el:t," replled Hash.Imoto wilh a chuckle. SL Clair trplalned he spoke for the city •· a whole, not a special interest groop. -Ihm aald the oo-<alled ~ Blue route, wbkh k lhe mo&t. drutic propceed variaUon from the old 1M4 Newport Boulevard choice, would be easiest m traffic and busiaeu, al Jeul In tllooly. Thal routt ,...Id •wins out watward be"'"' Colla Mesa Part. then down aloog SUper1or Avenue, and lb lndlvlmal extremes In nearly all data to be ...,. 1idend vary the greatest from other propoood routes. Pot lnll•,... It ....!Id do tllele lhhlp: -Dlaloclte more family home 1. ap--. lndullr1a1 plants, tra11e· spacu and unimproved land plola th8I other routes nearer Newport Boulevard. -Result in fl5 mUlion in ao-calle1 user savings -the computed cost o gasoline. tire wear. time, etc., over t ro.year porled -'°'"pared to !be pruen adopted route. Cool ....... ll0.7 m1ll1nll. than .,,. other route ID tmm of rlgllt .. r .... a. acquisition and construct.ion. OTlll!R ROV'l'D LE5S '!be -rcules wh1cb will be disaw ed P'll>. 11 111 o public hellrlng on !be °'-CoanlT FllTgroundl woold all O.t" Im . Ind cause less dislocation, except IQ the cue ol the chosen Newport -,Grom Route. A ·lolal "! :1811 cmnm....W operailons would be Wtoed out by lhol aoe while 220 W<lllld bi allected by the Red-Blue root<. , "Bill. II I --you, Ibo In· formoW>a .we a::· have lo about all that we will ha ·to mob our dlolce on," .$. CJ.air. . Hashimoto at ooe polal. "Yet. as far u I can eee UU. Ls the ....... he roplled. ~ .. oth<r points, Bell and Hashimoto said the atott will pay for tntercbanges, on and oU ramps and traffic 11,gnals ln building tbe Newport Freeway in the mid-seventies. MOVING COSl'S PAID Under o ledera1 tow, bu&i-ts and families fan:ed out by the approzlmattly 4.>mlle freeway project will have their moving costs paid within a Sil-mile r:elocallon radiua. U Newport Ballevard la left untouched by the Stale Hlgbny Qmmluloa'• final choic<, ll will then become • city - Instead of having Blatt highway atatus. Hublmoto said it NOuld have to be In good nopalr before being nollnquished by the atote. under law. All l1nal pnoparallons for the nwslve job .... td be -w out In minute delall during the l!C>Called Fr<eway Agreem"1I Period, when alale uperta and city engineers sit down to pollsb their plans. "We have been working on freeways for many, l'DAD1 years," oblerved Hashimoto, 0 we alwaya work everything ouL • MESA '8 INFLUX Certain things -so.ch as Com. Mesa's unlqne lnlka and oxodul ol beach-bound mot<rlstl durlrlg llllmlJ\er rnentha cannot be taken into consideration 1n a freeway plan -llalblm<>to lald. '!<mpllng lhorl-haul driven to u,. lllrfoce lltreetl througll ,,.. of traffic lights at cnrami:-. to meter the now, however II an w:ellent method of hel~ Ing coatrol the prcbltm, Bell told the -gronp. ,• Pressed towanl giving a pel.oaai opl- rUon, neither man coold be plnn~ down. "We have no preference),'' said Hashimoto, noting that the extiaust!ve data ttvtewed Wednelday goes io,.the llla!t lllgllway Engineer, who .., .. nporll to the Statt Public Worka Dir~ tor. ' He In Wm. l"f>CUDmtnds a mutt to the atoto IDeJnqy Commlaslon. / \ DAil Y PllOI OllAN.GI COAST l'lllllSHINO (OM~.\H'f l.Mri N. Wee~ ,.,..i...tf .,.,, ...... ~ J ••• Ill. C..tl.y Ytu ltretlfittll ... ~ ......... 9"' n ..... , ••••ii .... Th•"''' A. M111,,hi"' -·-,, .. , Nh"" A.._.Ulllllf DltK,_ c---JJO W•if l1y Str11I M1lli111 M4•1tii r.o. a .. 11•0, t2l'!' >iYouth RawSewqe :Re , ed Coast Beaches ' • • i ~1 • -. ~~!!~~s~,. ~ Qiiar~ntiried the alleged tape of o IS'y~ at a Huntington Beach -.ge night 1pot wu released Wednesday on the erOllJOlla of lack o1..-.. OAK.Y PILOT Stitt PMtt Eoni11i111iiCar1iival Crew Orange Coast College stewardess students invite everyone to "come to the carousel" at South Coast Plaza where DAILY PILOT-Pacific Telephone Co. CommuniCarnival began three-day stand today. The carnival o~ communications, offering free long distance phone calls, carousel ndes and long list of other pribes, will be open today and Friday from I p.m. to 9 p.m. and from I p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. On DAJLY 'PILOT show "crew" are stewardesses (from left)· Georgine Joos, 19, Orange; Margie Woodley, 18, and Donna Ashton, 18, both of Costa Mesa. Mesa Mom Plea<kGuilty To Neglect After !Jlaze A Costa Mesa mother. charged wit.h child neglect following a devasiating fire in Ibo lanlily home, pleaded guilty Wednesday at her preliminary hearing ln Harbor District Judicial Court. Mrs. Mona Lisa Van Yur, 26, or 946 Coronado Drive, was ordered to return From Page 1 THEFTS ... came u 1 aurprile. One unreported burgalry Involved theft of an extremely heavy melal beer keg jammed wjth 200, !50-ctnt rollil or pennie; Courteau laid. ' Tbe boy almply rolled It away to his waiting ear. •'Tbl.I cau is cert.alnly one ln 10,000 that you run lnto," commented Courteau, ;;,.ielc"an ~~e ollense detective with Ca Glugow, chief of the detective bure , said Wednesday the boy limply to detmnlne If his potential yJ were home and very often found an unlocked door. He is erpected to face a hearing on three burglary cases and one stolen check forgery offense before Orange County Juvenile Court autboriUea on Fri- day, Courteau aald. From Page 1 CWCK • • • Wedn..tay, "unplug It, then plug It back in." The temperamental timepiece resume<! its ordinary cloekwi!e motion after a newsman followed ber imtructlons. "Now do It again," she add~ with a mischievous grin. Normalcy -or rather abnormalc~· -prevailed u time turned backward again in tts strange, electrical night. Mn. Le Beau, pressed on the point, told of two prior paychic evenla, one In wbJcb !he upertenced the [act ol her brother's sudden heart au.ct bun· dred! ol miles away, called home and confirmed the crisis. But ahe refuses to blame her bizarre bactwardJ clock on any of the wealth or parapsychological happenings known to exist and which are being stud.ltd in detail today, "You know -and J know -thal something Vttf ordinary and scien- lilicalll' explainable happooed to !bat cJoct durln& the atonn," she declared, "llO dm't male people th1nk It wu something psychic." '"!'be timing waa jlllt I colncld<nce," ahe added. "I'd really Ul<t to know just whit could Wiit o [reak thing like thb," sh< cootlnuod, notlll( lhal the clock i. too emtlc to compare with a normal one then add or BUbtrad the difference In houri. Thln&s m.,-be confulM!d now. but just wall unill the last Sunday In Apnl. when Daylight Savina Tlme resumes '11d everyooe's UmJng 18 in tunnolt. ~ upon the reversfld-Ume retreat orinc!Ple rJ the ba!Oiog Le Beau clock. ho...v.r. April :r, 1169 will actuolb bo Nov. C. 1968, or somewhen! lhtrtabouts. Feb. "4 at 2 p.m., for a probation and -hearing. Invtstlgaton .takl ,Mn. Van Yur was apparently: registering . for an Orange Coast College night class Jan. 14 when she lelt four of ber five children, one month to eight years old, alone. Investigators said one of the youngsters was apparently playing with matches and accidentally set a blaze that ripped through the home, causing an estimated $15,000 in damage. The defendant was later arrested on a misdemeanor warrant issued by Judge Donald Dungan, while the Van Yur fami· ly was slaying at a Newport Beach apartment waiting for their home to be rebuilt. She is free on f250 bail. Speakers Ready To Campaign For School Bonds Speakers on behalf of the Feb. 1 t Newport·Mesa Unified School District bond elect.loo sUU are available to service clubs and civic groups in the Harbor Area, the Ciliiens Bond Committee an· nounced loday. The $15.9 million bond issue is lo purchase 40 portable classrooms to eUmir,.te double sessions neJ:t fall and to build and expand schools to keep up with Increasing enrollment the next four yean. Arrangement for speakers can be made by telepbon!ng the school district office at MS-0600. Members ol the Citlzens Bond Com· mitte &peaken bureau include : John Macnab, Newpori Harbor real· tor and past prM!dent of Newport Harbor Cb am b ~ r of Commerce.: Jack Hammett, pttaident of Costa Mes11 Chamber of Commerce and member of the Costa Jotesa planning commission; A. V1ncert J orgenee.n, Newport Beach businemn.tn and prW- dent of Hoag Memorial_ HOl\)tt.&1. Also, Hancock "Bill" Bannlng1 Newport Beach property management a n d development executive and pnWdtnt of Newport Beach United Fuod; Ted Msl~ Corona del Mar commercial and tn- dU!triat planning eon!Ult.ant ; Dr. Thomas Ashley, Newport Beach eeonomJc con. sultant, and Robert Weed, publisher ol the DAILY PlLOT, ch&lnnan of the speakers bureau. ,.,...,.. Page 1 BODIES ••. area and saw lbt body. Police said Tieken jumped Into the Icy water and pulled the boy's body to shore. Ufeguards and polkt were summoned. The body washed up almo.'it lhree rr.lle& from the mouth of the S&nla Ana River, Olsc:hntt was on the noatlng adventure with hla older brother, Robert. and frlendJ Randy How1rd, II. and Ctala: Park, 17, "'hen the 1ccident occUJT'td. ' Freed In Westinlnaw llunlclpal Court WU JUpfr Olfyer Rickey, 20, of '11 W. Wllsoo St., c.oeta Meaa. Hickey was aCCUJed of being one of 10 men ·who raped a runaway Anaheim girl during a Chrlstma.s party at lhe Syndicate 3000 PaclOc Coast Highway near Main street: Scheduled for court arr•igmnent Feb. 5 ii Ptter Buell, 22, El Monte. He is aa:used or cmbibutlni to the deJln. que:nq of a m.hxr. A 17-year .. ld Anabdm )'1lUth armtec1 following the incident bu been ttleased lo the cualody ol hia pareata by juveolle court autborlUes. He .b: awaitJng a J UV<lllle Hall bearing. Also awaJting court actJon ls Robert Lewis Souz.a, arrested . last week in Fairhaven, Mass. Massive Cleanup Awaits Newport Along Shoreline A 2~e ltretch of Newport Beach shoreline today potes a massive cleanup problem In the wake of recent storms. Tons of debris, washed down the Santa Ana River, lay along the beachfront. The barricade of litter includes whole telephone poles, pieces of mountain cablns and thousands of bamboo shoots, uprooted from the river's edge as flood watera raged down to the sea from the mountains. City General Service Director Jake Mynderse said It may take anywhere rrom two week!: to a month. to haul it all away. ''We've asked the county ror the use or jail trusties to help us out." he said, but added glumly, ''I'm not too confident we'll get them, because they've got plenty to do elsewhere." Wednesday, city crews carted away a dozen truckloads of the mangled junk, which are in great piles near the mouth of the river and in nnaller amounta just north o( the Newport Pier. Beacbeombers, loo, hauled away logs and driftwood. "There'• some great firewood then," said Myendme, "bul people bad better be careful ''There might also be &nakes," he said. Myndene eiplalned that some rattlers had been found among debris almilarly deposited OP beaches in Ventura County. "We haven't come across any, yet." he !laid. "But some could have been swept down the river along with everyth.ing else." Although the rains have ceased, the onslaught on the beac.hfront may con· linue. "We'll probably get some more of the stuff when they open up the Prado Dam storage area," Mynderse ~aid. By JEROME P'. COLLINS Of .... er.llr ..... ...., Raw sewage dwnpecl bite the' Santa Ana River Ulday (CJl"CC a quarantlne ct btacbu In Wal Newport and Hun- tlngton Beoch. Orar11e County Hu.Ith Officer Dr. J. R. Phllp laid the beacbeJ would remain cl~ tor at least ooe weet, perbapi two, '.I'he sewqe tfOnent, esUmaUd at 10 millloo gallOlll • dq, la powiq Into the river from Rlvtrslde. Thal city'• maJa ll<Wtr )int WU wulled out SAW.. d•Y nliht by=ooda. Dr. f>bllp tbtre WU DO CQDo taminatioa urller In Ibo week becauae ct the be°'Y rlvtt nmi>l1 .and subaequenl high dilution ol the ni(e. "ConcentraUOlll of It are nOw develop- ing," he aald. A similar sltuUon in San Juan Capi.streo today compelled cloaure of Doheny Sta!t Part beach. SecllMI ol RWer lines in the Mbsion City have burst. eontamlnating San Juan Crielr., Dr. PhllP said. Damap tbtre wm take oboul Utt .. .i.r• to repair, be ellbrulled. Beach arW affected by the Rlvtnlde RWage discharge stretch from the mouth of the Santa Ana River south to Newport Pier and north along Huntington Stato Part Beach. The quarantine at lhole beach .. pro- biblla all aurfing, 1Wimmlng "ml anY typo ol bodY Cootact sport In ocean waters." Dr. 'Philp emph1•!1f'!d ' Rlveralde outhoritlea laid tt wm tak• poalbly a week to repair the main line damage. Newport A.ssiatant City Man a I t. r Jamts DeCbaine ordered :ach bar- ricades up this morning. He poloted out that on1y the shoreline north of the pier is affected by the swimming ban. "The harbor is no sroblem," be said. • OCC Board's Quandary: Tax Hike or Bond Vote? Bond 1-vems higher tu levy was dl9cuaaed cnce aialn bJ: Oranae Coul Junior Colleg<! Dlatrld -· Wedneaday night wbo ooce.ogaln reoched no dedslon. '!be topic ol dl""asl"' ot ourly <VfJY board meetlDI -• fl.JS mllllan -issue failed fasl lleplember WU i1Vt11 ~ctly trtobnenl by th a board. SUpl. Norman Walaoa .,.....1ec1 ...,. new data , wbSch lhow proposed eoo- atrudlon on the Orange Coal ond Golden West cemp11e1 nm ICbool year would require a tu rate bJcrem of 21 centa or pusqe of a bond 1aoe. '!be lncreue over tha preaenl nit o[ 57 cenll per f!OO of ........i valuallon would drop to II centa the following year, to only lt'Vml cent.I tbe year aftu that and bold ot about that level lor the predictable future, Wolaoa laid. Tbe hie Jump the 11n1 1w ,..,.. woold be needed lo allow the dlslrlct to cotdl up with beaV)' enrollment Jn. creuea: bt recent yean when two over· ride trlel ind a bond e1et'tion have failed. A bond lslut, with nopayment spread over 20 years, Wataoo Aid. would co8l taxpayera between three cents and seven cents per year. He aatd a three.cent bond rate would take care of district building needs foi tbree"yean and the seven-cent rate for nlnl years. Trustees: were told the bond Issue would cost considerably more in the l~g nm althou.&h. aani tbe heavy tax bite the next two Jearl under a pay-u- you.go plan. Interest on a $4:. 4 million boml !slue to meet huildlnl needl lo< three yt.an would COil $2.8 million, Business Mmager ComDan Tbampecn &aid. 'l1le decl!i.on will have to be made before July l, when the budaet for, nm IChool year 1a adopttd anil wbea a new law allowing board memhel1I to lncreuo 1ut1 without vote d the peopla -Into effect. From Page l PRESERVES. •• nlng AaaoclaUon of Laguna Beach. Opponent.I, largely school dlslrlcta, Jn. eluded Michael Colllna, president of the Saddlebact Junior College Dis t r I c t Board; Kenneth Carr, city manager of San Clemeott; Ralph Gotea, auperJn. tendent or the San Joaquin School District; Charles Walbnan of El T<n and Don Danner ualltont 111perfn(endoat of the Orange Unified ScbOoI Dlstrtct. Most asked the iUptrVbors llnd aome way to spread the lncreued tu burden cm.m.tywide. Supervisor Baker voted against both presenres arguing that they included much non·producUve brush land ''that ls preserved anyway by its very nature." He urged that only producing orchard and row crop lands be Included. Supervisor Battin voled ogaiJlll the Irvine preserve but changed bis vote on the Mission Viejo acreage. , .JJ. J. QarreH'd t:iih Semi -Annual ..._-:;5-urnilure Sal/ MANY SOFAS AND CHAIRS ON SALE IN YOUR CHOICE OF FABRIC AND COLOR ••• SOFAS· Reg. $400.00 SAIE PllKJD $299.00 OlAIRS-Reg. $135.00 TO $219.00 lilE PRICBl $99.00 TO $149.00 Al.L HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE -CHOICE OF FABRIC AHD COLOR ON SALE-20% OFF H.J.GARI\FfT fURNflURE PROFUSION.Al INTERIOR DESl6HERS 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. "4Ml75 "4MZa ., 1'11tnd11,""""" lO; IM ($) DAil Y PILOf 3 ' BY WILLIAM REED County Presses for ·'65 Erosion Loan . 'r!'l ., Reeds ••• l'n the Wind A new attendance record was set Monday when 161 members and three guests attended the ~ual election meeting of the Huntington Beach Senior Citizens Club. The election was a simple matter because there was only one can· didate for each office and no vote was needed to put Mrs. Irene Edwards into her fifth term as president. . Helene Pound, vice president; Ruth Sears, secretary: Helen Devaney, treasurer, were elected by acclamation. My faithful cor- respondent, senior Harry Boyer, said be has decided not to accept another term as publicity chairman, and so we will lose his services. * On Feb. 18 the seniors begin their galavanting again with a trip to the Date Festival in Indio. Two buses will be needed to han- dle the crowd because more than 50 of the seniors already have sign .. ed up. On March 3 the group leaves for three days in Las Vegas. There is no real way of stating the spirit of these oldsters who refuse to grow old, or at least refu se to act old. I hope that some-- day I 'll have the energy and :;,lamina to keep up with their ac· tivitles. * George Scott has been named winner of the Distinguished Service Award given by the ·Fountain Valley Jaycees. Scott, who is a teacher at Orange County Juvenile facilities in Orange, served this past year as chairman of the Recreation and Parks Commission, served as a Boys Club director and has been active in the YMCA Indian Guide program. In short, he bas been the sparkplug behind many youth ac- tivities in the city. Although the ether nominees are top leaders in the community, George stood a bit taller in the eyes of his fellow Jaycees. Evening College Teaches Chorus For Community Tbe Golden West College Community Chorus will begin spring rehearsals Mon- da y under the direction of Warren Peterkin. The chorus is offered by the Golden West Evening College and is open to all persons interested. Registration for tbe course will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 'Thursday at the college. As vacancies in the chorus are known, registration will also be conducted from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Feb. 3-6, 10-11 and 13-14. The chorus will meet from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. each Monday. Emphasis will be placed on basic music theory, vocal production. interpretation and,. public perrormances. "The chorus is operating under a new name this year," Peterkin explai:ned, "to let more people know this is a community program without restrlcUon on prior training." The community chorus program may be taken for one unit ol college credit or for no credit at all. For information call 892-7711. By JEROME F. ()OU.INS Of .. .,.. l'ltlt ..... An costoo criais of the past bas come back lo haunt Newport Beach and Orange County officials. It's because the federal government has been too alow about paying back the city and the county for emergency sand haul expenditures in December, 1965. With West Newport's beachlroht lacing total devastation that month from an onslaught of heavy surf and high Udes, the city and the county entered into an agreement calling for a $67,155 ad- vance from the county for beach replenishment operaUoos. The advancement of .the funds was based on the "likelihood" that the emergelicy work -wbl,ch cost the city an additiQMl Sl17,000 -would be in- eluded In •• upcoming pbase of tho amUnuln& Federal Beach Erosion Coo- trol Project, accordfug lo cu,·- Coordinator George Dawes. Federal relmbunement, b ow• v e r , hasn't yet materUilized. And the county now wanta hi money back. .The dty might haV<O to dip lnlo mwiiclpal tdlen lo come up wltbil "'It aeerm," said Dawes, 1'that the County Audllor la facing bookkeeping and auditing problems that require solo- •: " MOO. _ At Dawes suggesUoo. tbe eity eouncil bas asked county suf.UVisors to ~Dd the agreement to i aJ.\OW t.be city unW Sept. I, 1969, to reimburse the county. The ameadm<n~. Uawes bope&, will give the city; lloie lo press fed'eral sourcea for Ifie """10Y, inclodlnl tho Coeds Dress Better Men Help Give Vassar -And Girls-New Look ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -Coeducation -&pell that ~n -came to ivy-clad Vassar College this week and all sorts of social observers of both. sexes are tn1ll'Veling at what the trustees have wroughl -A professor &aid he noticed an immediate and remarkable improvement Two Golden West Students Earn Bank Awards Cash awards of $300 halr'e gone to each of two Golden West College students from the Bank of America's business awards program. Mrs. Jacqueline Stiles of Huntington Beach, won an award in secretarial $Cience, and Robert I. J en s e n , Westminster, was selected for the second conrecutive year for achievement in business administration. Mrs. Stiles and Jensen will be recogniz- ed at a banquet in the Beverly Hilton Hotel, March 14, when the bank will honor winners from communlty colleges throughout Southern Calliomia. More than '10 colleges in the slate are participating in the program, which was launched by Bank of kmerica to encourage yoimg people In business cm'e<rs. Each school selects two winners whose riames are kept oo a permanent schqol plaque. Gotdl!n We.U will honor the fwo students at Hs anfrual scholarship awards banquet In the' gpling. ' Selection is based on scholarship, personality, and participation in school activities or outside employment. GWC Schedules Industrial Class Manufacturing processes, a cOurse designed to equip a person to be a generalist in small industrial firms in Orange County, will be offered evenings for Ute first time this spring at Golden West College. Kenneth R. Nelson, a graduate materials engineer from UCLA, now employed at Aeronutron.ie, will teach the class twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Golden West. Trade and Industry Building. The spring semester will begin Feb. 3. Registration is now under way and Interested persons should make im- mediate contact with the college ad· missions office, 882-7711. Only One Item Listed For Valley Planners The Foontain Valley Plarming Conunis- sion meets at 7:30 o'clock tonight at city hall to consider an agenda w h i c h has only one scheduled item other than approval of the minutes of a previous meeting. That item is a report from city Plan· ning Consult'ant O:larles Stapleton on Ute general plan for the city center area. in the appearance ol the girls. -A young man, newly admitted~ enra~ about curfews, borrowed a leaf from oUter protest. movements and burn- ed his seven-page rule book. -An hour after the curfew one night a young woman, being interviewed over the telephone by a newsman, reported "two boys just tiptoed by my door." -A young man who described himself as usually conseienUoua said he bas yet to open a book. With girls down the hall, he explained, "you don't {eel like ·cooping yourse~ in the room and studying." Va.!S8T, for the past 108 years the very name was virtually synonymous' with private liberal arts educaUon for correct young men, began the semester with 80 men from three all-male acbools -Williams College in Williamstown. ~1ass.; Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; and Colgate University, Hamilton, N.)'. The boys are living on two floors of one of the girl's dormitories. Visiting is permitted during certain hours but M'iss Susan Whidden of Westport. Conn., said there is already a mOve afoot to liberalize the rules. "There's been all 1011.s of. revolutionary talk around here," Miss Whidden con- fided. Revolution or not, one young man fro1n Williams said he was happy to be at Vassar. "You begin to feel like you're in a monastery," said Jack Murray of school life back in Williamstown, but added wryly, "So far I've met more newspaperwomen than girls." Air Cal Offers Flights of Fancy For $25 Ticket An experimental program allowing travelers to fly Air Caillomla throughout the weekend for a flat $25 fare wu announced by the company today, follow- ing state approval Tuesday. Weekends Unlimited is Ute name of the new tourist game, approved by the- Public Utilities Commission for Feb. 1 Uirough April 30, to determine how suc- cessful It may be. The announcement by Air California mafketing vice president Dudley F. Miller said the Innovation Is the first such tour package offered West Coast air travelers. The plan allows a passenger to Oy as many trips on as many Air California routes as he please1 on a confirmed. reservations basis, between m.icinight Friday and 5:30 p.m. Sunday. The fare goes into operation at Orange County Airport anit all other Air California bases this weekend. "You can literally fly with us until you collapse," one company spokesman joked tOOay. Air Callfomia's Tuesday session with the PUC was not all a bed of roses, however, as Pacific Sou lb west Airlines filed a complaint charging Ute Orange County-based line with price dealing. Spokesmen for the rival airline charged Air California is, \Ultll Feb. 28, giving trave l agents a 50 percent discount to induce Weekends Unlimited fiight, in- stead of the usual eight percent. The PUC will hold a Feb. 3 hearing on the complaint. Valley Hil{hSelects Teens for .1anuray The students of :Fountain Valley lfigh -~School have selected Jacqueline Joyce {) French and Eric William Halhmer nut.standing boy and girl for January. Jacqueline, 17, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Frenc~ 8501 Lois Circle, Fount.a.in Valley. She is secretary of the Associated Student Body and is active In the Girls' Service Club and Girls' League. A major in languages at a Wisconsin school is in Jackie's future . Eric, 17, is the !IOn of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hammer, 16541 Loire Circle, Huntington Beach. lie is In his second yeltl' as drum major for the school'• marching band. Eric plan.11 to study music or physical education at the tJnfversity of the Pacific or Coe CoDtge in Ctdar Rapids, Iowa. JANUARY gay Eric Hammer ' I\ GIRL OF MONTH Jacquelfne French \) ( city'• $117,11111 txpendlture. ~ have llnatructed 11 ..... lo It ..., talt• aome ~-•ii.Amil • 1elieC)i..W. ~ ftj>netnlatlvea Corpe: cif Enginee.rs,'' 9'4lalned Dawes~ to see If they can exert IODle lnlluenoe. "bu Informally aasured 111 that we •ill The dty'1 lmmedlate cot1C1111 II tho be Almburaed for ~. ~ ·u.e Impact the federal det., cobLI have Corps Ibo ••)'.II that» the , ICtual landf. · on. next yw'1 m~pal tu nte. U · milht not be available until• 1Vll or the dty bu lo pey oil tho <OUDty, 11172." il '""'1d Involve a 111111 equlnJelll lo wbal la ~ by tlltee cents o. the tu rote, -11.115. . ' .... The 1117 ,GOO spool 6y u.. dly .. die tmerlenc)' three years ago alreaey bu been paid for l>J 1ocaJ texpeyers. WllOn -and JI -u. cUy la rclmbunod for thal l!IW'd~. It will 10 Info the ..-U-limd, city aides uJd. \ I I \ •. • Brides, w.in a honeymoon trip to the Bahamas Regieter during Buffums' Bridal Show ' ' I Weclneedey, li'elnaiy 51H at 7:30 p.e. oo the Loww Loni ot i11e iwwport o1ore ' Ir,.,.,.,., th• Jud;y _,i. to wia • Jlohnio u_... ST ..,._,,.. wm fol_..,• Miami mi~ m to""".-.,. doitinnb la j..t a llnr lioliotla Nollaall AlrllaN ml_._ You'll Imo am-~, •• -dqa ml abrlli,i.tala .. 8"'nld llMdl llolol._...,,. dinners ""' iJlcladed. n-.willi 'Ill!! be hold lledaeadq, ram-; l%tb. Bo ... ,.. ..... ' ~ tllo ....... Pllooe h ,_,.,,atalicw, ~:a, ... Brldal llalza • tlie Brldal (JA ~ . u mS' ftewport Ceoter rl Fasbim lslaad • 644-2200 • lbL, Thurs., Fri. 10:00 fill 9:30 Olher days 10:0011115:30 ' 1 . > I 1.1• .. ·-·-·· .. 1' --.-.L.. ---------------· ., ............. - s... .... Mn. -n.-.MI baV4 jolllod the Joulnl· HI, !Wi- ning up to two mllll-4oll1 to k8IP trim. Mrs. 'nmlmolld, Ibo - NIDC)' -, --wu Mio Soulll CUdlna Ill 1Jll M1" ber lwabuld, wbo la et. oulnml her. "Im ·lo t11p ap wttb him. but I cai'i-~do 10,,, DOI ,.C." llbt .. ,.. • • T-In lier attnlpl to k'°"" the fiM f.,,... jockfJ "' Ille U.S. br • boifcoll of ...i. Joclurs al 7'ropjcaL Pert i" Micnni, Fla., Barbara Rvbin shotDed tht1ll aU 1he ccn. IDfn ag&inst men. Hne Bahamian 'hor1t race tom eongratu!Gtc Bcrbara aftn 1M 1D01' o 1ift fvrlona rprint ot a Ntwau trock br lllrH l<!lglhr. building conlnlctor celebrated 93nl birthday by talclng out a license to marry his 71-year-old · es wbo he met at a Senior Cit! s party. Eusebe J, Foi&y of M speaks only French and Mrs. Mary Oinlburg speaks cnly Englllb. They will marry Feb. 8. • Th• fire departmeftt of Ha!H Corners, Wis., a Mljwaukee suburb bu orderod a )'<ilow lire truck. ''Red may be tradlUonal, but yel- low ii easier to eee," aald Cttpt. Donald ROHnba~. Pueblo Sisto Skipper T~st~li£s, Refuses to Pass Judgment on Bucher OOIUllfADO <UPll -,,_ ~ <II. 1111ua....,. .. alala-1111:1n,...,-. Tht -· ... ~-CIDdr. Llo!'d IL Wac!-117 ubd bllll: .. Alter wbd Ur h1PJ!mld, do you --feel tbal tllore but I« Ille =.;'•God, 10 ~ - I -Pde u. °'*· Olaltlf' aort, ... -1't .... •< 11 flltJ • IBlllJ mldlll ..... Q .. II c ''1 'llri __ , . -- Nixon Sen.th Astronaut To E~rop~ 'lfUlllNOIQ!I (\JPI) -Pi- Nlml &odlJ' ... , .. L ....... Col Prank llol-1110 _ ........ "' the A,..uo • -llJPI, ......... podwlll trip IOW-.Slnpt. ,,,. Pillldoal, -.. Ill the WbHa lloiMO wD ....., and 1111 -two -·-thetplc tztp ......i tbt 1DOClll .. beet at Qrt.tftnHtJmi, Aid be bopod ......... trip -dwuaDltratt .. Amaica'• .... wort wt111 ID --cm thla oulh In the lllP-of aplorin&-. Nino wfll -I Wblte lloual dlnnlr lolllllll lor .......... Air !'«Cl omc.r. and Ml17 1C.pt. · Jamea A. Lovell, Air FCftO Lt. COl 'Wl!Ham E. Andon and ----allflllld with the t b re e -before ,_.... abort1y before ,_ to .-111 elil>t- trtp I« .Bonilan. lormu'a wife, "'- and !ft -Jl'nd«tck, 17, and Edwin, 15,, wlU .-blm. They larl ICbeduled .. -lllmlq and mura cm Feb. 20. The Bomwia• qenda calla for -to Btltoln, Franc<, BeJilam, t b a 11--. w ... Gtmwiy, llllJ, BpUs . and PortapL t...aaadA!lleneouldnotpalq. It Wll opl••nrd, becaull tbef are bld;up 111•-far Ille Apollo ll llilht w.r Ilda,.., and wlD be In .......... Apollo II la ]lla!llled u the blatarlc IDCIOC>laDdln& flJ&bl. Nlacm met wllh the -afttt atteecttzw the UIJlll sftlM #'•I pllye!' breU1Mt at a hotel. He told 1,1111 - tbenl ll>lt be .. -Ida ad-mlnlatrltlon CID med the -... faclnc It .._ ...... -and:-bJ the prOJln ol mlDiaN .!'I ~ • Crash Prohers Fail to 1..-0cate Flight Recorder LOS ANGELES (UPI) -AIJ l"'°h ' 1mg boz whlcb could tell 1nvat1111ors why e Scindlnavlln Alrllnel DCI cruhed In Ille Podllc la not In the plane'• sunken taD-11 "" believed onW todlJ 1111 llllbt recorder wlllch Jogpcl clwlgea In eoune and altitude ol Ille jeU!ner wu la the tall .... which llllk !mm<dlate!J alter the cnah Jin. 11. But eumlnatlon ol video tapa lalten by Ille meartb IUbmarine Deep Quat renaJed no llign ol Ille 11111U boz in the bult cm the ocun bottom. A apoll:esman for the Nat 1on1 l Tranaportatloa" SalelJ Bolnl which la invesUpUn1 the cralh llid It wu btlllY- ed the fllgbl recordt:r Wit IO?ntwhert In the Ylclnlty ol the 'tall but It could take some Ume to locate tt. Wtather t'Olldltlona pormJUln(, the Deep Qua! WU to oearch Ille OCWI floor far the boz today. the ~ ~ ~. """111. DOl . UIWtll" ~ ' • ' Qark ........ did not 'llllh ... ,... I ";::;-.::!..:... h.: . . -·--...... il·)'OU-old BuchorCDeWOJG<the-. Clark'• 1t11Jmony w-.,· - chided anolllor dWnallc de, In wblch tbl cmvnsnclfr .. NaYal P or c e 1 _...., -J---tllore W.. ..&bar Nl1'1 ablpl DOI' plaolt DOI' Air -croft In • pcWt!cli ....... .. the old "' the--lo limo - Illa llall com.cted the Ith Air , .... and wu told It -W be two boura men j>ofore . planea could rucb. lht 100C11. Tbe , aircraft carrier Enl<rpiJe w~ a mUis away ·and her pl~ out ol ~-The treaty wl.Uf J1pan for\111<11 ~ planta. Johnloa ! be had made .,_. ran&-". fl!< Ullslance for Iha-Pueblo to bt "on call." Vice Ado>. llarold G. Bowtn, Jr., prui- -ol the fivNdmlral Cowt ol liiqulry 1 .... u,.u,,. tht loll ol the Pueblo, supped: "II ii -!lat ml•Jadfnfr that yoo had forcu ... Call. Tbe fact la it .... proved w11 dkt not have aulatanoe on dll." 11«11' Adm. llfll'lhall Wblte joined In 1111 blut at JobnlGo. ••wa hid-a ~ p1u to uae 1 ..... that did ;;;; ~ he llid. J-11114 he olil1'il ~ the Pueblo out .irtaaDy lllllmied and wtlh .. ~ "' s aid beca1111 hi thoucbl It .... .. lm~ that she -w he e and j>ClrtlcularlJ fontasllc that lhe would be captured. "If you were a bett1q.man, the odds ~ that happening that )'<JU could 1et !nm a bookmaker would be fanlutlc and even a man aa rich u Howard Hughea could not pay oil," J-uld. Bucher shook Johmoo'1 hand warmly at the conclusion ol telilmooy by Illa former superi<r officer. He looked pun and deprtwd, bOwever, when Clark tokt of encounters with the Rw&11111 and Chlllete In wblch the BlllllU blithely aailed away. Clart aaid he had never been fired upon but tliit U he had been attacked It would have been Illa reaction to "fllhl to the last." Clark aald, however, that would be a decision relalin1 lo drcurrullncea. Clark said he felt the Pueblo lhould never have been armed with two .SO. , · caliber machine (llDI which were com- pletely Inadequate. 1'That II Ute asking what al1e pocket knife should I carry when walkinj: down a llreet u pn>tecUoo aglinst nil>berl wilh guns." · Clork aid that since the Pueblo'• capture be had taken the Banner out on three m1ssioos but never acne. doeer than 70 mllea to Communist lhorea. DULLES •.. Front P .. e I ' Ul'I T...,,,.,. Orleau, wbo disputes the commlalon's conclusion, bad attempted to IUbpoena the former CIA chief In his inveat11at1on of an alleged conspiracy based in New Orleana lo mW'der Kennedy. l'OLICI STAND ALTERNATELY FACING CAMPUS AND TOWARD AT SATHER GATE, BERKELEY They Toole Up Po1lll011 After Ordering 300 Pickets Blocking Entrance Out of Way Bigger Protests Threatened for SF State College SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Only a handful <II. plcketa mmhed In front of ltr1kt-beRI. San Franclaco State College 19dq. !lllilden1a 0bad tbreatened a blQW'41111HvW d-'faUon. Aathaiitlel at the ume time took a finner Une against clbrupllons. Handbllls dlltrlbuted Wednesday a111ted high achoo! lludenta -who get out al IChool at nocn today u their flr11t semester ends -to come lo the campus to dem<Ntrlte their aupport for the student strike, whlch began No. fi. P •rt "-the tougher rule came from Judge Edward F. O'Day of Superior Court. Actlna in response to a suit flied by U students and nine faculty membua. bl luued a temporary restralnlnc crder agalMt. "unlawfully marching, demanltraling or ma.ssing " anywhere cm cunpwi. The judp uld ltrtking studenlll must Umll pickets to five for each campu11 entrance, teep a five-foot. dl11tance between ptcketl. and coofine picketing to t he perlme\er o( t h e ll,000-11tudent campus. O'Day alto entered that demcnstrators not distract clusroom work with their C'Ultomat1 abouts of "Shut it down." Dr. S. I. Hay1t1wa, who became acting collep president Nov. 26, announced that any student arrested or cited for viola· Uon cl campu1 ruJu a seeond time ""'1d be suspeaded. Berkeley Strikers Risk New Cl.ash With Police BERKELEY (AP) -Student strlken, demanding a convoc1Uon for today and Friday to cmsider Third World Libera- tion Frillll delJll)ldl; rlated another duh today)l!tb.outal<lo ~ce on Ille Unlverli· ty ol Ciilllornio Clll1]lUS' University . offltj1ls called in. about 70 Hlghway Patrol offic.era and Alameda County deputy shtrlffs Wedneldoy lo clear demonst;p.tora . clogging Sather Gate, a maln.wd\rersitY, entraoce. There wu no violence and 'no arreslll were made, alth09gb a few fl.Stfigb.ts had GCCUrred earlier u pickets blocked the CIJl'lpu5 entrance. · Around 1,000 held a rally in Which resoluUons were paned OOnmdlng cancellation of an cluaet aO that & ~1y Convoc1Uoo could be held. If granted, students, faculty and 1~ rn1nl.straUon would engage in two· daya of con.slderlng nllrd World demandl for an autonomous school cl minority studies, with expanded admiaions and ac~c ald for minority students. If the convocaUon la not ordend, the striking students resolved to ruume picketing today. Their ltrike in support of the Third World demands entered it.11~ood wu.t.Wednelldly. Earli~ tJUJ Week, Chancellor Roger W. Heyru: ws:med ~ was prepared to summon off-cil;npua police lo quell violence and enforce campus regulaUona. Blocking public entrances auch as Sather Gate vlOlated regulations, he said, and showed "callous disregard of the rights and freedoms for ltudenU, faculty and staff tnemberl. •.• Heyna' own efforts to start an Af~ American Studies Department suffered an appwent .9etbact, however, when it.I organiz.ing chairman, David Blackwell, resigned. The only Negro who Is • full pro!usor on lhe f1 culty here, Blackwell religned· without comment Monday. A Negro group wllhln the Third World LlberaUon Front had refused to support hi.a organiz- ing committee btcau.st It had no student repruentaUve. Sirhan Trial Judge Hears Jury 'Prejudice' Stand One of D.illes' last oUiclal rovtrnment jobs wu to survey the teDH ncia1 situation in M1uiaalppl for former Pnai- d"'t Lyndon B. Jolmaoo in 1184. D~BROTHER Dulles, who looted more llie • l"lndlatherly schoolmaster t h I D tha dlreclor ol a &lobal up4onage netwark, WU a brother of the late Secrttlry of State John FOiler illllles. Prior to. blJ appointment u CIA held, Dullea aerved two years u deputy dlrec-- tor. A CIA spokesman said bis death a~t 11 p.m. FSr Wednesday resulted from compllcllloos followln( an allack ol the fiuand~L . Surviving are h1a widow, Mi'I. Clover Todd Dulles; a ion. Allen Macy Dulles of Washington; two daughtert, Mn. Clover Dulles Johnlon cl New Yort City and Mrs. Joan Buresch of 2'.llrlcb, Swiller land ; and three sisterS, reUred diplomat Eleanor LaWg Dulles ot Washinglon, Mn. Mqlll'1!t Edwords ol Rye, N.Y., and Mn. N1tallne ·5- of New Hartford, N.Y. Born Allen Welsh Dulles in Watertown, N.Y., on Airtl 7, 1193, he earned his degree at Princeton University a.nd enter- red the U.S. dipk>m&Uc service in 1111 as aecretary ol the U.S. legation 1n Vienna, Austria. JOINED PEACE TALU The following year he w1s tranafmed lo Bern, Switzerland and then In ltll joined the American Commission to. Negotiate Peace In Paris. More Rain This Evening? LOS ANGELES (AP) -The j u d I • In Sirhan Blshara Slrhan's murder trial bu 1greed to hear arguments and tesUmony 1n a defense claim that the gran'd jury which indicted Slrhtn was nol repretentaUve. Edward Schultr, showed the jurors wen richer, older and better educated than the average resident of Loi Ana:elea County. Schull& al.Id molt <J. the jUNlra Uve ln high tnc0me areas, an oft!' 45 ye&r1 6ld, li ve in homea worth m«e than $25,000, are colleie-educated and make more than $10,000 aMually. Dulleo ,... stHdlly In the dlpl001atla ranks but resjgned In 1132 to enter private law pracUcfl 1n New Y•t City. His first formal coonectioa wllll In- telligence work came during W<l'Jd War II when be wved with the Office of Strat.eclc Ser v Ice•, the CIA't predecesscr. For hil war aervioe, M won the U.S. Med&] for Merit and the Medal of Frttdom u well u ·awards ""'" aenral other ••tlona lnc1udlnf France, Bel&lum and Italy. Elaenllower appointed him CIA deputy director In 11151. Durtna" h1I loat career, DuDu nevtr wu -ahot at or the tar1et cl a kidnap plot, lo Illa kMwled(e. Montana Cold Front Dips Havre Mercury to 44 Below c11111-1a ~. f • '; I Tlf!lftpttat11res AM1111111t"'" ·-"''-"'-......... 11;;~'8: .... ..... "-C111elftNTI , ....... ...... --..... 11 ... ,... .. .,, w-·-_ .. -· -:i;..,_ City lat w. .. L• """'" Mle"'t hKfl Mltwf\111: .. M l-pellt ._ .... M ...... Ytn; ... , ... ....... l'tM II..._ l'!'IHNeWli. ..._ .. .......... ,..,, ..... lt~ld Cltr lttd ''"" ·-s.c: ... -te s1. Leu~ ,.,. .. , -"'" ,.,.11(1_ 11111• ......... ..... ..... N ,._, W .... floot!fll \ M1911 Lew !'rte:. " " 10 ,, .~ ... " Q ·1 ·11 ,, ,., ,11 ,, ,. ,10 Jt :n .40 H ,.. ,f) S:J ft .~I u " • ... .Oi S) 4 .et ., ,. ,1, .. ft Tr • u .,. -» " ll T~ n .. .01 :n 1• .14 . " " " n " " J4 ... ti 11 ·" 11 '6 Tr Joi u ,IJ •• a -" It , ,It • • • ::a .OJ " . JI n .:11 ,, 1• ... • ·13 " u ·" ~ . .. ,. ·" . " .. " . " ~' a ·" • • n " ·" II • .lJ " . 11 JS ,,, Grant B. c.ooper, Slrh&n's defeme at- torney, aald he will b"y to prove the coonty crand jury w•s racially and ecooonUc1lly unbalanced. A1 hb: first wlLMM Wednuday, he called 1 Un1veral- ty of Southern Calilomla profesaor who said he found this to be true. A study of the: 1968 grand jury whlch lodlcted Sirllan In tha murder of s.n . Robert F. Kennedy, aid Prof. Robert Exhaust Blamed For Blast, Fire On Enterprise WASfllNGTON (AP) -The Navy bas tentaUvely decided Ille hot eshlluat from an atrcran starter cart toacbed off an .xp1 ..... that led lo lier)' -•board the alrttal! canter Ellterprlae. It lndleated Wednesday t b a t more stringent destrtdlons have been lslu~ QJI how close Jet at.arter carta can· bt placed to ammunllkln and altc:raft. "lndlcaUons m that the uhaull from the cat -hive callleCI dM overbelllnl and aplOllon of • Zuni rocket att.tck:ed to the wln1 ol an airplane," the Navy said. nie pro1ecutlon objected to the uae of 1 1960 Cenam in the comparbon and Schultz was ordered to rtvlae hls figures to use more recent populatlona. Lynn D. Compton, chief deputy district 1U.orney, aakl two Negroes, Ill Ar•b and atveral Mexic1n-Amerlc1111 we~ nominated ror the jury. Of 133 judges aste:d to fill out forms telUng bow thl\l' nominate 1nnct jurlu, .. vual ulled U lhty could lib the atand, Compton, objlctln& to the motlao lo throw out tht lndidrnen~ a:!d even the defentt ccmcedes that Slrban flrtd Ute shot which killtd Kenned)' In 1111 New Yort Sm1klr'1 moment of vtdory after C 1 Ufornla'a llanocratlc pruldenUal primary !alt June. Superior COurt Juc11e Herbert V. Walker ovemiled Compton'• objection. He denlld another motion that teotlmoC\)' raalf'llln( the ndlOber <II. Ntsr-and Mwcan-Amerlcw on """' Jurl .. would bt bTtlevut alnee Slrhan, • U. yur..id J«danlan, la C.ucalu. "One elul la equal to anothtt;." l&1d tha judp. The 1ftHnt -being chall-·-each c:wnlJ Judi" to nomln1le two perlOf\f f~ grand jury duly. The flnal 23 members are chosen by lot " Pr!« lo Illa retirement el&ht years ago, speculation over hi.a future hid bolled up alttt tht U2 spy plane Incident ol May I, IMO. It developed the CIA sent the plane, plloted by Gary trancll Powera, oo a mlllloa over Ruula, wheN It was shot down, just 15 days before Eisenhower w1s lo have held a sumrnlt meetin1 with Sovltt Premier Nikita Kl!rulhchev. SPY PLANE AFFAIR Khrushchev broke off the meeting ln a diiplay of lodipltion aftu It war rtve&J.~ tbert Md ~ • wbole aariea of llPY plane fllghil over bla c:oantry. After 1111 Cohan lnvulon dlllltor ot the Ba, of Pip in Apr!I !tit, the CIA w:u accuaed of foully intallla<nct work and that WU taJk o( a drutlo shabap. Spotamen far tht ._, denied the charpa and It......, Id up I special boon! headed bJ ..ur.d Gell. M.....U D. Taylar to lnTuti(alO the entln inteill&•nce aetup. 'Mien ...,. .._w then ~tu mtsht· be replaced by Toylor, bJ Atty. 0... '• Robert F. KIOlledr or porlllp1 bJ GcL James M. Gavin, then ambc111dor to rr ..... Dullel' IUCCUIOC' eventually lw'ntd tMt lo be 'Richard Heiml, who atUI remalna CIA chief. The CIA la oo aecret that !ta budlo~ running to te\rtfal hundred tnltls• dol11ra a year, 11 concealed lft 1 varltti of other approprl1Uons. I t • • -~--i --------~-~--~-------..----.-------·~-----~ --·--_.,.___ -~--~~~~---,,..., Thmdlf, Janull'J' -'Ct, 1"69 DAIL y Pll.DT IE Nuclear P~ct, OK ·~ ·= Urged by DirkSen 155 Persons Earn $200,000 ~ • ,j Witlwut Pay,ing lr~onw ,'fa~ ~1 -... .. -' Nigeria • Executes • w ABlllNG'l'ON (UPI) -In .. porpl~ -of tllelr1 rol-.-Senatt Dlllloerata are porm!W,,. Prtlldool ·N-to lab bis limo Oil tbe pending nuclear nonprollleratloD treaty wblle GOP lud4r Evtrelt M. lllrUtn 11 cam., for lm- med!ate, nttfteetkm -· hlmlelf, uld he did not -wbelh"' poalble IOVtet m1vu aplnlt Romania mipt bold ' ap raUllcallm of the tnaty, N-urpd clelay In ntilleatloD lMI fill-bocause ol the SOv!et lnvuton of ~··· lllrbm ·to14 pfw1mtn .., ........ ....,. ....... >cl~~to nllfJ 'l!!I treaty, . II atopiil~:. aprt1d of ·llUdlor . without waith)g -rm"· t be Republican PrilldenCs okay. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Coagreaaional tarwriter1 lald groundwork today for what could be the flrat major overhaui of incMle tax laws In a yoors. The results might close · ·1oopboles for mlJUonatres, Hgbt~ the tax: load for average 'Americans, and perhaps bead off ex- tension · of the 10 pereent surcharge. Chairman Wilbur D. Mills ([).Ark.) said the House Ways and Means committee will lauocb tu reform bearings Feb. 18 by investigating possi- ble abllSeB In the 30,%52 ta:r- fr1!e foundations. Three lhos "U you ask me, I would 1et the treaty on the floor now, period,'" he sald. ~'Let's get a quorwn in and have IOllle action.'' ~1 ' -' <11 , .1 l U,ITt ......... , President Nlion hu not Y et. submJtted a tax refonn package. ln the last Congress, the Wa)'I and Means Com- mittee asked President Lyn- don B. Johll8()n to aubmJt tax reform propoaala by Dec. 31, •· Johnson did not submit legillaUon, but turned over 11<"""1 Department 111g- Dirksen's stand put him at LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -A eddB with Nixon, who since Nigerian arm1. firing squad bll campaJIJl has sugg"ted exl<uted three Ibo tribesmen t h e Senate hold up .nUflca· In public hi Ellugu for u,in, tlon unW an opportune time. PRISONER IN VIETNAM+ Air Force Capt, fames, R. Berger wor)<s in ,a garden in a Hanoi prisOJJ{r 'of war camp. BergerW8s one' of the POWs shown oh. NBC's ·HunUey.Brinkley Report Wednesday. Another, from Long Beach , was· rerognized by his family. • · . · to assaulnate the c:ommabdet But it rurprised Democrats, who had realsted Johnson ad· cf the 1!1DY'• lit ~vta_lon. mlnJ.strat!on uritngs an d · an army apokeahan uld to-ogreed to wait ... w Nl1on tl.ay . 1111bmitted hlsrecmunendaUon Th. spokesman li!d· tbe· l!fO 'Wien ltlrting ratlflc1Uon packaged a bomb, a~ ~~!sty. sent to the It to Col. M~ Shllwa, ·~ ~ wea • • .. POW's Family Sees Him on TV Newscast the dlvilion coriuunder, and Senate six moaths ago without cave it to an Ibo Wl'tcbman any vialble obstacles to LONG BEACH (UPI) - A by name In the commentary. at Shuwa'a beadqulrten. Tbe nllficaUon. It has en-U.S. Navy aviator ~ot down For the elder FrbhmaM, spokesman aa1d the p&ctqe . countered delay after delay, over North Vietnam 15 months it was J.he &ecoDdl ple<;.f: of was opened •t a _dliekpDbit, ·ago was recognized Wed-photographic evidence that detonating the botftb, ml two Co uJ.so nea4ay by friends watching their son was alive. Frishman moldien were killed and two· mp ry a film of a Vietnamese was . reported miising in policemen wounded. Several hundred persons prtaoner of war camp on October, 1967, while flying an wttnwed the shooting of the Service Due television. F4D attack bomber from the three men Monday. The Lt. (j.g.} Robert F. USS Constellation, on his 6e. spokesman 1aid the a11aislns . Frishman, 27, was depicted cond tour of duty in the China had traveled to En u I u' Jn ~bBDOD feeding turkeys on a farm; Sea. disguised as refugees, from In late 1967, the North Viet- the headquarters of the The film, made by Japanese namese Communist party B i a fr a n secessionists in BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -'Communists in North Viet-newspaper Nhan Dan carried Umu.ahia. Lebanon's . new Pre m 1 e r • nam, was shown on an NBC a photograph of 15 captured Eyewitnesses said Shuwa Rashid Kataml. pl~pd today newscast. American airmen. Frisbman toldli,tc:rQIJdtbearmy!'~ ,.t§I tnirOOu.ce c_ompulsory Friends said the film had was one of them. One of his get tcugtier with the ci~ ·m service, strengthen been seen by the airman 's arms was "in a sllng at that in Enqu,,tbe fo~"Bf'.alra' ~ ~l'~~~· "',parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry time, but in the pictures seen capital which lhe federaJS ~ ., Th .th' ' F'rlshman, and hi.s wife Janet. Wednesday he appeared to cupied Oct. 5, 19117. e ~es were con-A fami.l)r. spokesman said that have regained the use or it. It was the second report tained ln • Polley atat.ement on the advice of the Navy The narrator of the film from Enugu of a public e:r· he prue~ to 1J;te country'• the Jl'riahmam would have no claimed that the turkeys eeuUon at the army head-99-man Parllam• for IP" comment. Frishman was feeding were quarters there. " 11 • proval. d In Frishman was raised in served to prisoners recently K.aramJ, un er mount g . Laq ~ ud educated in for Christmas dinner. --by in!Illmit 1bidlllils --•-~is" here. A··---"r of 1 d ~-..... IK,;UUU 11u.iuDe However, viewers s a Smoked Out . WASHINGTON (UPl) gestlan.s to Nixon • Mills said be did not expect all-encompassing tu reform unU11posslbly 1970. NlllJleroua congressmen 1ald closing tax loopholes: could. Pat Nixon was about to·-creet bring enough revenue to pre- the national homemaker ot the vent an extension of the aurtax: year in the Green RoOm of when that · measure e.plres the White House W~y Jllllt 30. The surta:i la des.lgn- when· smeke ,billowing frOm ed to bring into the Treasury a fireplace fotced the $12 billion ln il!J first year. ceremony into another room. Mills, whose commlttee in- A spokesman blamed damp ,,·ttiates and writes nearly all logs. tu: , leglslatioo, said the in- New Warning On Cigarettes ~-~H~m..~. ~i ~d 1111 acqU&JDtADcei 'rtCoknized Frishman and all other Lebanon • vtrfuat neutrBllty in him during the broadcast, prisoners in the film appeared _______________ _....,_ the Arab-I!:raell conflict, took although he was not ldentllied tired and haggard. over fnlJn Abdbjlah Ya!~ who·~-...:;_----,..,..,.------==--,-,,-,..,...,~-qUtt In the wan of' the Israeli · . WASlllNGTON (UPI) -: commando raid on Beirut Forty-two Hoose .rD.emberr lnternatiOQll Airport Dec. 28. , have added their suppOrt to He must win a vote of con- legislation which would add fidence bl Ptr~ent . if he the words •• • , • and may is to remain in office. cause death from cancer and Karaml tOld Parliament the other diseases" to the printed lsraell commlftdo raid on · warning on c I g a r e t t e Beirut airport proved a turn- pactages:. ing ·J)Ol.nt in the world's at- The pruent warnln1 rtad.! · tuude toward the Jewllh:ataie, only"W"""'-:CIC•rette It pmvlded llnal prOol of smoking is huardous to your Isr1e1•1 • ' e x p a n 1 l on I s t health." policies," he asserted. Kosygin Nursing Cold, Back at Work Tonight MOSCOW (UPI) -Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosypi ex- pects to return to his Kmnlln desk late nert week aftlr tak- ing a spa cure for a liver ailment and shaking o[f a colc;. informed sources uld tontabt· A forolgn mlntatty olllclal conflnntci that the prtmler, whose lqng abstnct! from MOO<OW pulded oblerrus, ta nu.rslng a cold In a govern- ment dacha (country house) JS mUu IOUtbwut of Moscow. 'Jbe official said he returned Two Solons Wage War OnPayHike W Alllll!IO'l'ON (UPI) -A Senator and a House member today waatd lonely ~ to upH:t a blpl.rtiSan plin-to stve ConlftUmtD a $11,SOO Valentine Day pay boost wllhoul even nquirlnl them to vote for it. Sen. John J. Wllll&ms (!\- Del.), and R<p. William M. Colmer (D-Miss.), conceded that their chances of prev ... ting Ult U -t P11 bib were tDm. But ~ aid Ibey hoped at 1-to -their eol-leaguu to 10 CID record fftt or aptdlt h increut for . c.n.,...,... lodtral Judta and top ollldall ol the ... ecudve branch. Rep. George Bush, wulthy , .... R<publlcon oilman, u1d -.,. -ffJr tlll ... ...-. but not -· to Moscow about • week ago from a vacation-cure and that the cold apparently developed about that time. 'The source said Kosygin had spent a month at the mineral springs or Klalovodks (sour waterl) 1n the northern Caucasus, undergoil?J <trnt ment for a recu.rrliia llvet complalnt. 'lbe pttmler wu reported to have1 llUffered liver trouble ln l!e~ 19641: l.ul year he wont to the c..chollovu 1J>1 loft of Karlovy Vary (Carllbad) to take the watmr. Kosygin's tut t e ported engagement wu· a meeun, Dec. 20 with ..,. ,._ Al!lbUlaclor ROr" Seydoux. • LET'S IE lllENDLY U you hive new n~bbon fl'I bow d. llVO?H! movinr to eat UU. pieue tell UI 10 that we ml1' .mna • b1endlJ welcome and help thlm to btoome acquainted in thtlr D"-' surt'OUJldlnp. Huntlnaton Beach Visitor HMl4f (1sl1 Mesi YlsHor ,. ..... ,. St. (NII Visitor 4_,,, lllrtlor Yisilor 4N-tMI 'G. E. SWIVEL Ll'GHT THE /\WAR,D WINr;llNG LITE WATER HEATERS • OORDlESS • GREAT fOR BOATS, CAMPIN'G, ETC. • 1,000 USES. j ' • .. ,, " ' . 1attaryl1CWatl WHITE TOILET SEATS STllON!; AND LONI; I.ASTIN!; TOILn SEA TS . WITH SPRA YID INAMEL l'llllSH. .. . " ' '·HOUSEHOLD . APPLIANCE -. , BUY·I GARBAGE DISPOSALS -, IN-SINK-IRA'l'OR MODEL NO. lll . ' . '31·9· 5 REG-. $St.ti. . OUR PllCI · •••••• , ,, ••.·, ••• , • , • ' Mt.I JJJ~l Yr. G11•n111tM MODEL Ill ~A788 ~~~· ,s.~~:•. · ................ _,.., . M ... llS-J Yr. Owtcwlw ' · · · "..,,.,,,.,.. i~:~:i_'.'.' ............... $5495 M .. I 77-5 Yr. G11arofff Installation Available ; RUST·OLEUM Latest Colon. A"'il•blt ln ~""•y a '/1 pint.,.• a l!U•rh. Ivor• Palat P11li11 lulu•11 01 Year aurt'ER's! Int Y11r l1H1rs t• . ' .i;•ST·OllUM. &tALVINOLEUM I Brush Galvinoleum riaht ,over bl:md new~ · "'""" -..;poii11,"l'm11, duetr; ~. etc. No etcb- ln1o DO W.tlMriftl needed. Your'fh!lko of nd. pf, .,. nielalUcI Laoti ...t la•t~ pa.lat peeJln1 'head~ ... -Ot1J _Mk,. for~ ol..-,eballbkl Como ... ""'"'' ' ' ' I vesllpUoh of Ille foandaUon> York 8~ Bar _MlociallOll'• j 'would be m...i,, a kltlt.off I"!' Mellon, aid reform '.j to • wlde-r..,,.,, proba of loibllllon thould be pasaed ·; loopholes and tu nfQl'Dl "t>y ti1 CoftlrflM." • • measures. Tlte heiilnp l!pal 1' A rivtew Md retonn ol "f the first major lqlalallva /II> -lbe (lu) code II ....,,Ual," 1 tlvlty of the Ital · Qqral 'Byrnes said. Ha --, ' ancl -biputlaan 111pplrt. .(:Oqreu should ~ 6:t . ' . R<P:,Johii W. B,.... (Wil.), 'lo'inla and ellmlnai. ab~~J: 8'nlot RepubllclD 00 the tu• wbeNby 115 pel'IODI tll1llng · -. writing Committee, lo • more. than aoo,ooo paid no ' apeech pr<pared I« the New tuea lut year. - ' 1~1. 47.ls to 65.9~ • '· ... NOW ·96 to 96 Sizes for . -regulars, ahorts and longs COMPLm ALTllATIONI ATNOCHAIGI ', OPEN SUNDAY 11;5 --- ' ' ------- . ' . (OSfl Mesi, 1'68f Rtwporf ilfd. 1116'·: . . ... . ' . . . . . . GARDIN GROii! ..::: nm OARDlN lillOVI "ii.Yr>. -: •• c " .. '· ~ I I -- • ------------------------r--:7----------------------~~~~'"t"Sr;;....,ilm!!!=::m-=-i..,.... __ ..-______ ....L.,..;;;_, ________________ .._. __ ~ Many· People :Follo~e;J Nixon :su.igesti ii 87"9-f<dp._ bw"-z. .. ~--UnlvenitJ~.iS!:.'l:·~~-::r:t •J.fOomd. --1 ... i-~o1 ~ DieCoo Calli~ lllnl America, 11ld Pmldent ·::.~hid.::!'.: ::, the~~ ::. :'!.."':.·--·ud that :.:::r.~~~~! ='.J".;.:n:il.1.1&.! Nizoo In hJa lpalJIU'AI all-ed. . • \ • , rt1CU1 a -..-. car' •la~ 01i1t, • WJ1. ..... and cull In plaqet '• enba' d 11* smway car, dress,has "~gtoM"!IJ!:'C: , Ja.i.lwe~~.'.--,_._dolmanenJ:tt"-'. ~ u~ ...... llld ... c:onlldeattheJeoul4 tater spoiled ti parted at a cer~ and coounll= 1' " .. , -1*1Ufn4 lo ~ .a, ,.,,,.,. wu 1IOlblol tllo I 1 ~ "II fi,114 In a ...._, ~ ...... l'l'OW--for II' -Ila:-ad ...U.S .. ~. ~y .~all, 1p\~d e!l'f!i1 lddl!lo' !"-'"" !ot lirl. co u Id d o u odor • t b o. ~'111'! .. r.r a. CbrlllUn· ---.,_.. · , police, who amilod, a ~ can "1\ld • F .. I ea...... ......Sllllllliilil.Aadrl,,11' . ~" d•tlared ~ o..r-·-am, a· 1 h'il·.-lbal Anmlcanl: ---'""Sl,'Jlll!.., of the '!Jllrlt." · lfioiiil>ers GI ' 4Jio_ .&rbliou JllHI. . -liuai* -1 · , tin -lllcb oa ocll o( • W Lake CllT• "!l • How buly""" theH Jeglqol Slalo ~ ""*''to rlll, Wiahlnctoo. Ille, Jl&r. Jn ~ · ~ wt.,_ erlaip• -· tl>Q<, .io. DOI ~ID" -lliadl durlng"1alJIU'aU0011eet! .,,~.ID a ~~.,.11.-'apl<ce. lmiii,,llnllloolllpa"PiN.11 . otha~1f-· -11'1 * rlnv<>lnof! llf.-UIW; , }.n Al' .Jlirvey• ~>UP . !IY lleek'I "'4 ~ Wll ol lllppi•" 8-latlon 11,S~ ·tbe '" -OU-,BQd. ':Held.-4 . ·· 4)llad ~ wllD hi ·•·fine crop,ol unall, opleodld jji,oot ID tho~~tll·more .'QlomU'~:Olurdl•to .ctilb" &Qd ,-they· At .All!P•,.O, iN.,1111» l&W,tllt -~ liio • efforll. AJ urnl, they didn't 11111 ""'"111&ki:-, ,, • pi-ovlile-, ..-,. ,naJd bolp w'llh eoqi-J. V,.WllliilltJ_lwo_,.. a ~·..,. ...-lU mate the headllneo. Eqllsb · • "What CJl{µ.1" .. 111 for ..and--1 for mollllif aid /lllGnlcltla ~ 'd"'111 : · "'*' l>la • J.l~l ~ • r '1. 11oa1o. , • · playwright Pb!Wp J\l...i.,er . IOJ.11'11!1na lhll ~!" f.ltllerl w-· tldl hara tin-• . • illrdllio, al& ID ·tllo 1n1U. ol '"ll lat-llj1fli>ltl'l1o .... t ·said In tao what . reriiaJna ubd llnada•1 latW;A,'J . .ed tllaiiaelvea oo' llld"tat/r •Ii' .. ~.ID.,, t11o:"7, Jiiar,ar.1a;.:r:,""'"' ~· flio ..,., \rlt•l .-.14 bJ-(:a ernlnenUy true today:-"DI S!l!Jllleld. • .. _. .eldenol!. , • II• · Calllok.r -lil! ,.-..17·--:-111-'l,".!li!d news madam are awallow· "ln l'blladtlJllUa. 'P •tar • 000 sraytnc mother '......,'; , ' ..... did· :'ollll Waiu1&1D11.--Olletl; :lrlia~pollCt caJ!bftd wing;.,,butwhal'sgoodwalb .JUUi, lf-,...."'l<l •Vl1lancro• 1111:Jilolt_.._tlle!WiJiri , 'Ila~._,....._...,. '~.atia ,1 . .00,~.·:.,...v-,.t.r.1.) '.°.;', • Som; -.1t ·~e-~ il!at hap,,,ned erta In ti sev!if'dtt)ol --'IM' President's speech: ....... ,.~~ ·~.. , In PorUand, Ore., Yoke • ........... ..... I-'30 "' .. Liem\. T:f.. hospltlliaetll <l)Vllll "R'a & memo th• i>o9-'Sit;·up stnbrlat"ilfi!. ,r,,'.termlnij 1eu1<em1a,:~1nr1 JOur clJ,&ir'' · " --l: 1. r;.y· ~'some i:otton c~~ . J. r ...------~-~-·-··-"----....-::-·~:-"':"" :'father~=· Yoe T. :· Llefti:1 · ·-· ~ '" -.. "'remembered that 'thtJA con- cession stand at lhe UIO mate1 U.'S_ ~ (;Qmp11ter .. ~flt_zy ~"~~~M~~~00~~~ ... to . ... · · Insfead; Ken r..wi. ol the f '/J; · " wo stolf, loot tile macblne ·to . A~_. Y~-rY~~ .. Jf~ijs ·. i~~·~~!Ws:~~~ WASHINGTON .@.fl) _ In-UOQ, the audit.on suggested little patlenta all01led tO eat 1. vestigators told tCi:aiy about a tlui.l HEW ~Secretary Robert . it. ~ Fin¢ '.'assign a blp .. priorily In Slou Fall<, '.S.D., tile covenment payroll computer to redesi'"' of the payroll sys-family of ta.year-oJif::Xaren 'whkh''Jri;I!' 'berserk a·nd tern and-l;eep tn..e. ,!fem Parker needed .$31.oot•lo pay c:oo~ up checks' jo persons ynder ~ .surv~ unW for tr~lantatloo ol a'tldiiey f who had resignerd iwo years the redesign is sycce¢ull>' from her 'father. t earlier, who were on leave _co_m_p:..te_t~..;;,." _______ si"KDl __ re_ad_in_r_~--I ~ without pay -o~. flbi)" Mre not even emplo~~~ _ · Some ol1he -ca!bed tile ~':ln)'wal'.~ The cmftiiter '..a1,.f:n...Che llepamneef of. R~ :Edu- cation an'(<$'ellare/wMcli In- , 11.ued It·l'n 191f.·""1 HEW • study bad ""'°m"'"""ed moll-' emlzing and ..-ting the ~ 73 payroll officee:,·~ tbe old "decentraIJuu;.i. -iji!em '- was becoming ~:P. pleJ:." . 'Iheiitbe trouble, really be- gan. ' OVEllGENEROUS. For the -parl;..lbo Gen-eral Accounting Office (GAO) Aid In a (<ll"!rl, ~ payroll emnputer was cvergenerous. It ~ .flO!I. ~ of dol1J11'>'1oo-mud\<!n pay,,,.. U.S. 1avlngs ~to people who didn't buy W and faul- ty year-end tu information. '!be lllAtitM estlmllleil~hat the .Y,ar#( !# w\thhol1dlng etateinent ~ near y '4 million in annual errors. Fer eumple, ~was undentated b1 •uwn1on - whJclt could have ftllllted in $402,0llO tn untterpayments cf !~al .lzic!>me W'\.lj> .o n.e · year aloo<. ~ - 'lbe' computer gener()U!Jy provWie<J ~ydtecbo .? •. •. >t1em:ed1I ployil' ~'baa ne•er ~ .. for duty, who bad resigned up to two years earlier, w h c went on leave wiithout pay, who jll!f weten't employed, or who had 'already· gotten their paycheck>.' ' CASBE;Q CHECKS During a check or the J>8Y· " roll records, the-federal aud· ttors found thsJ, Ji~ 1fonner employes -all t:PmnllPioned o(ficers of the Public Health Service -had c89het! salary check! although they had re- signed earlier.~·· Thi! discovery was made when ~ qff~r, whp had re- ceived $1 ,982 in check! he didn't earn, complained at the end of the year that his with- -. . ... ' -' ~!;g ta.• statement wa s :3 SPRAY AGAIN During a two year period, A s.Co..d C>orlMnt Clun·UP s~ bidor9 ' the governrllent auditors said, 'IKI~ open .~ eutntllll for more 33.154 savlnp hoods with a .rfKtiwre coritrol of Puch Leaf CUrl. purchase price f of.. $1,005,000 ~-b!M dbease •nd Seal• IMllCCS. were . erroneouslf 1ssae1 -.,. _____________ _,. __ but department efnployes caught that error In time and -ed U., bonds returned. IRS INVOLVED AD the errors discovered In HEW did not involve the com· puter. "We not.iced." the re- port said, -1'that a $31.3 mil- lion check for payroll deduc- tloos drawn ln favor ol the Internal Revenue Service on Aug. 1, 1968, had been kept on band for ovei' three mOJ1ths." Also. the '1audftora founlf $308,86& In chfdQ;. '1l00ther SS14 in cub, "Iii ;"1 unlock- ed file drawer .11 'nle checks, some two ye9n otd, included ... -checlts thAl had -nlumed and -·\ .-. lo< --di Jl&Yroll JIA.l,~ YOUR. WilllSAWAJ _. It's as simple as that when you SPRA:'f WITH CHA~l<IM~O • · KILLS GRASSES• Bermuda !Devil Grassl, Fox1aU, Yell ow Not Gra11, Rye and unwanttd vtgetation - ,,,;hBROAD~.,W~1 •• '«,$~~'.Sp~_rg1, Puncture Vine, lamb"s fit::'= ol Ill ln•eoUga~ : 1 '~~,Q~~rt1n: ¥.JKiotji1ra . \WOOfJY f'LANTS1 Poison . . ..... ~ . : .. _,, Oak, Ivy, MOunlllln Sage, ·etc. WEEl>-0-KIL·X is a general'Wted killer ... ·Kills off kinds of ngetatiOn. for ,..,kanting in 3 to .4 wHb ••• jfllf.,,,., t•• ..,. of .,.. weeda ta N ldflff -•of •fl• M/f. . . ~ 1"...to 3 .,.. toil tiertll•atlon, wtt thr~ the wdlls tolhe surface soil. Follow Jn•trvction on ....._,-WMClr ore WW'/ hollleown.:. .. "'6tllo... • Qt. $2At Gil. $6'.tt .. • , . . . '' • ' ' • ~·1 • :CAPttlRE THE : _: _.,.., ' • • ,• l . . -FULL '?COLOR $PEC1RUM " Gl.AOIOLUS BULK PRODUCE FLOWERS OF 'EVERY COLOR ~ -EVEN GREEN! ··-SOME ARE DWA*F -GROWING ONt Y 1 FEEt TALL. '· •• . ' SOME AR:E BRAND NEW VARIETIES WITH FANTAS. TIC NEW COLdRS. ' ' . .. Wl..'.~(J~_·Pt.ANTING A FEW EVERY TWO . WEEKS FOR LASTING COLOR IN THE GARDEN. . PllCED FROM~9:r DOZ. s419 I ' PLAN AHEAD •••• . . PLANT ' IARE ROOT SHADE ma NOW - -TAKE . ·ADVANTAGE OF : THI LOW WINTD PRrCll . * WHITE BIRCH -. • ·--_ * WEEPING WILLOW '' *.MULBERRY . . . * CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE SPECIAL s21a REG. 3.98 ENJOY SPRING FEVER ,. ' .. • l'LANT A FLOWERING POCH;. LARGE DO~ FLOWERS WITHOVT:f.Aft. IYERY SlAING. . . . ' PINK OR RED THE -HST VEGET AILES COME FROM YOUR OWN GARDEN • Str1wberrl" e Onion Sol> • y..,,.,... ePoppon DOI. " 311 ITALIAN CTPRESS fw ••••nt pl•11.tf111 '" r1w. If y•• lib. F11t • 1rewl111 - ,.,. •. "••kJ pl uh. .... 1.H ..... .... FREE Te 11 kW1 a&c11'11,111l1tf ' , "' tMlt ''""".. -"' ' r11I! pJ111t tr••· • -II growl lfDDING Pl.ANT SPECIAL PANSIES R ... 79c Doi. 3 DOZ. $)19 DECORATIVE BARK srlCIAL raicu c6oo''(HROU6H Sllt;llM Y FU. 2nd . HOU~S: MOH. THlU SAT .. t A.M. TO 6 r.M., SUNDAYS 10.A.M. TO 51.M. . 2641 Harbor llv• . ' . COS.TA MESA • ' . CALL 54J.5525 .. . ' ' . . . • ~ • . ' ~ I ' ' ' ' • • l • • • • ' I Costa Mesa Chamber of eop:unerce Executive Man- ager Nick Ziener 'tours new Mardan School Thrift Shop, 1877 Park· tve., w.Uh chairman Mrs .• James Blixt, examining offbeat·_ Wares such as antique bedwanner. Proceeds from new store, open 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday; "Wednesday and Friday, b·enefit nonprofit Mardan School of Educational Therapy, 695 W. 19th St.,:wllere Or.ange CO.st chil· dren can be helped fa O'l_ercome'learning disabili· ties which slow p,rogress in public schools. Vollln· teer mothers staff th~ sh{>p. '\ Lovelarid, Cow~· .Set· · ' . . . ' . . . For "Valentine"' s Day LOVELAN\l. CoJo. (AP) - With Vajen\ine's·; Ifay oiily about' two weeks a·w a y~ postmaster Fred Brewer is getting ready to play Cupid • • agam.,i .: .• Each ~year, an esti)llBted 100,000 valentines are pro- cessed by Brewer and his staff for people in all 50 states and many foreign countries who want their messages of Jove to carry the postmark of this fittingly named town. Brewer hi1r1self hand' cancels about f,000 yal,entjnes, a verse. 'I'Qis year's r~ds. "The beart·L brand reaches far throughout the land . .;' The mailing campaign for the Feb. 14 hearts and flowers day was· ffrst thought cf in 19'7. ~one who wariis the special pospnark s l mp I y stamps and addresses his vatEintlne as usual, encloses it in another envelope $1ind. i;nails it" ·10 Lovelll!\.d for redistribulion. · . including the ones for bis, wife Getting into the spirit of things, the C~amber cf Com-. ,merce has, for ·the past eight years, chosen <\ ' ' M is s Loveland .. Valifltine.". f. r ol'.i among the-community's high , J and five grandchildre1t · school seniors .. ,. . .1 .In addition to the .. ' I "Loveland'' postmark, cards ' 11nd letters sent to this city cf 18,500 for remaijing ru;; stamped with a bare-bottom Cupid in a •. cow}>oy h a t and Til.bi yaar's· beauty is Snt Reab, 17, a cheer leader ai'ld straight-A student. Stx of ttie seven previous sweeUiearl.I bAve IIUU'Pied.-, , •. · •• • _ . ' . .' .... ' .. East Ge~mans. Travel . . . "J . • ,., ; · But Go .Qn,ly .to 0 Eas ,. BERLIN (UPI) -East the tourist Office' ~ked only Germans ar& packing their 1, 700 trips to Russia and in bags and saving money to .1967~ 38,0!;IO. • " ·go to the -G<lb1 deSert but Th'is year the ' tlureau ls of- i "'7 cent trip to West Berlin fering a . 17-day trip to the is beyond their dreams. : Russian" Black Sea shore and Helmut. Heinicke,, deputy · MoscoW'.'for 1,400 marks {$350 • ' ' bead ot the' government-ruri dollars). ~'. · · ~· East German travel bureau, Heinicke reported that last proudly asserts thlt 1968 was year his office arranged trips the bu11eau's mos~ successful for 570,000 East Germarui · to year and 1969 will be evea Soviet bloc nations ;a.n d better. another million took private M~DE AGREEMENTS This year the bureau is Of. trips. fering East Germans everything from wee~flrids on ' • Jte said his bure~u has ~ 'eluded tourist agreement!· If or this year with tourist agencies in Austria and France. the c<ill""1'l :Pait!< Sea coast to a U<iay trip fu ''Mongolia for 3,200 marks ($MIO dollars). There are trips to Moscow and Leningrad, to Warsaw and Budapest and Bulgaria's Black Sea beaches. GO ANYWBEllE But they, of course, are one. way agreements c o v e r i n g travel to East Ge.nnany and not the travel of E a s t Gennans to Austria and Heinicke gives the Im· France. pressiorr· that East German . ~a~t Germany ·is trying iO tourism is ·in ·· suclr a tip.ild up a tourist industry. flouriShing; "Stale that an East I<:urt Schumann, tpuclat , ad- German can go almost any· visor to the East BtrHn · ~lty where i or a small SUJ!l· government, says East Berlin He neglects to mention that should become "II· ~eeting although an East GermaJ1 · .p~e for perso~· ti~ far • r :nM=~oITa~ ~~ka~:: ~~-· ~~u~~·::neat•·•~;~- the Gobi desert the 7 cent . ·· " · · ride to West Berlin •througli Jr.·• the wall on · tbe elevated !' : railway Is out ol react.. DO YOU'!' · In fact, almost all East I · Gecnan tourist travel goes L~OK l1K£ A 1 East eicept for trips 1te fUc.h ' ... , places ·., OUba where ~ • B SKEJBAll ·· • tourist Is not allowed to turn · t into a 'tefugtt. ' • ' . • · CzethoslovaKia !las beeif ··~: placed -out of bann!!s aitmg , I ~ With West E11tapean· natiOfls. ~ ft, • It used ~ be lhe favorite I'. ~ loreigl\ ~ation spot,for .East .' • .. Gemlan• ,and in 1961 al)out 1.TAKE IT OFF '100.000 wd\t there. · · ~ But since tbe Soviet bloc AT THE ~ invasion the touri$t bureau ~s dropped Us Czech IDur! 8Dd .. tourist travel between.,ht two I nations hu ju!\ abcilit sropl)ed. "·50I TR.A VELED " Heinicke. said tiiat last year $6,500 Z4""1 'S9'1n&nS', U>(ik I ,' .. • , , trips to . ~t Unl!ll>. He I · · · ' .. Mid ~ .l'JUDlkf' would in-. cr<ase 21Jpercent this year; • 1·:h;'l• 642'9990 That figure J.s high when ' ; .- II u -~ !hat in . •9K . . • -L • 1 ''fhere'; Only One · N.o. 1-The DAILY PILOT •• ~ . ' • ! '·~ ~ ' WEEUAYS 9 to 9 SA1UIDAY --9.Jto;5r30 .: ··"" SUIDAY' 10 fo ;SsOO \. :; : ~"*"''iiHOME' JllQIWIUllllT ~ ' . . . FURNACE FILTERS ., Ctr•nt• filt•r• lt•for• yo11 lllo th• Sprint clo•nln9, •IUI .+ft•· p•d will tt•y cl••n•r loft~! •n' .... •ir fr•1hor. w~r..v1 •II p'.op11l•r 1h•t In 1..U; 39c 4. •.l • I . ' -~~.:..· :..'I ·. . . . ..,. ____ ::- ••••• DRIYEW. COATING '&· SEALIR '.": Top q11•1!ty 1••'•' f•r '"'kin9 th• driv•w•y ell'"• to lff• •ft•r th• b•tl r•i"t toro It ell 11p, (Now wh•t h .. v• yo11 9ot for '"Y 1•40 i.l':::-:::-Jl:"' P• ,k•rd 1 l .~\•9c . ~Y.. "9Ai. • " -· ----------- .. fl\! •II 1t•11:,.,4 pri .. •n• tor,hh, 1toff1, l•11t.r111, ••rh IJll"'lf.fer holiilty 'tfwff. tit••h •" ICC ' . ,. ' ~· . :•iio.clA1•tloM. llt~th1t l"*ot1Mtle11 fli•I 11l1tlo ye11r .i • .,.1 . ' . ' 'I ' aa~u.· ·' . : < .~. ~ • 2·WAY RAM SANDIR ll'l!!!l!~"ii.'Ao1J11rl, kf•hh•; er~l •t \I~ .... -..-•tr•ltht lln• t•11tfln1. H••YJ iluty, vor,1•tllo, wltll 111 volt .'AC •lr-ceolM·1t1o+.r, M1n., flRbli, • ffn• pf~cl1lon toe~ 17••. ·1•' ' ' . ' ., . I l ,. DAILY l'ILOT .7 WP <co * • I ' Germany ' I • - GLIDDIN ANTIQUING KIT .. ' 2'' 3.4"x150' ROLL MASKIN• ' TAPE J PiONiEa·· HICKORY . '. . ' . ··PANELING Do tho·wftol• ,..,,. or f111t • . ••II for •ti.loll w1,111tli en4 1"•11ty. Al,h trlchry ton•d p•nolillf k l"•flnlth-4, Y·tr••"'· •n4 r.dy te lnd1R., 649 Ll1'1 FIX""RI CLOSEOUT Fente1flt cl•el, r99ular pric•• to It.ts, end there'• stilt 1om• 9•ocil•1 I.ft frifll our bit •l••r•nc:e wl•. Choo1e,from 1we91, chain hunia. w,!ll-"tP'• ht~. and •utdoor fl•~urft. Sorn• .itlUxt, 1omo · to-It, and 1om• simply 1tupondou1. ' ' •' a /DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I .Thought Control--fl.969 > • .. . ' .· ' A.s oood clmo1t kill o man cu kill a ~~ book: who kfil.r 0 man kUU 0 rttUonab~ creature, God 1 tmugt; but ht '°M dcnrov1 a good book kills rta.Son it11IJ. . -John Milton Were Milton alive today, and livinl in 0 r a n g • Coµnty he would find an affair strikingly parallel to the 17lb c.;,tury book-burnings . He would learn that "Hiroshima'' by John Hersey ha• been banned by the Orange County Board of Educa- tion as unsuited for supplementary r8'1ding. I~ has been forbidden to the shelves at a new special bigb school for boY" on probation. . . ial dilllrtcts, and the yew their terms aplre, are Clay Mitchell, South I.Jguna, boazd pruldent, rettrec! Air Force officer, 1970; Don Jordan, Garden Grove, tttJred hi1h school prilldpa~ 1970; Dr: Dalt E. Rallison, S~ta Ana dentls~ 1972; A. E. Arnold, CypHU real ..Ute d .. veloper, 1972, and Lyle Glllpre, Ortnge, county prob>- Uon departmen~ 1972. To Jonlan's credit, be-oppooed the banning of "Rl- roshlma," but he joined 'l'lth the others against "Big Change." •' Fortunat<oly for the lemp or !earning in Orange County, the board cannot ban state-mandated texts In tl>e spedal schools' under Ila jurisdlcUon. But It can In- flict know-nothlngn ... in supplementary readlpg. Hersey as most literate Amencans know, ts f>?Wer- fully articttlate on the subject of man's inhumaruty to . man. Hlo tint oovel, "A Bell for Adano" (11144), -ron the Pulltaer PrlJe fer fiction In !Mli. Bis ''lliroehlma: drew woiiclowlde attention when first published In the New .tlon lf:t~~.~~·=;.=~4-~ 'this kinp, of ~, ' . . abov.t .,,,.,_ ••. ,J tor von•• .,.,_ .. _ ,. • . '! Yorker magazine in 1946. . . 11 ~.~~ .. ~ . Columbia Encyclopedia describes "Hiroshima as "a powerful, penetrating and objective report of the ef· feels o! atomic bombing." Yet Orange COUnty has a five-man board of education handing down a Judgment that "Hiroshima" is somehow too dangerous tq be on a library shelf. Hersey's work presented. the bombing story as seen through the eyes of the Japanese people on the ground. . N~ more .. Nothing less. Yet, lllte all book buruers, cowrty board members apparently coosider the only viewpoint acceptable for others is their own. But this wasn't au. Tht board also ruled out 41'l1\e Jlig Change" (1952) by the late Frede!ick Lewi• Alle_n, · Jong honored for hil penetrating writing on .social, hi;'" tory. It 1eems his ideas on U.S.-Russ1an relations didn t meet with board approval. Reader Mitchell Folsom aptly Sums up board cen- sorship In his Jetter ill Mailbox below by quoUng Samuel Johnson: "!gnorcµ>ee, when voluntary, is criminal." The five board members, elected from !Upervisor· ~ 'I Surprise! The R~ Came • Weather reportinJ satellites;j· ' balloOns, radar and c:Omptllel-s have brOught much !er _.raq Into. weather forecasting since World ar· iL 1111~ SoUihern California weethe< utremes are sWI Jil'obll>l7·the·hard; est In the United States to predict. ~· · Satellite pictures from above dOll:J m"' a llonn'1 intensity. Weather llatioN and IUI'f~ehlpa are larJelY absent fl'(lm !he empty Pacific 1ou.tll SO _...laf,. ltude. Abd being on the IOllthern of t111'· norn1at tl!orm !ra<k across the cpait, 11'1 often . toss-up whether we'll have it wet or dry. But whether forec,.tlns lo good b bad, prudtnee dictates that we go on Improving flOci(~ontrol ..,~ .. ures to bring future 1torm dam11e to •l\j Irreducible' mini- mum. Majority Mi•• Hersey Boole's Point I · The Mediocre Protests To Che Editor: 'Hiroshima'' Ban ,•J1 ' ' _.,' ' ' '•~""' ' . .,.. ~ • ~~ .... j ,,• "f)>;;;.:<, ~ ,'.,o crirn.inal." Ml'l'CllELL FOLSOM Freedom of TJio,..ht To the Editor: ·: Teaching Of j 0 . . ur History The decision by tbe orange County Board of Education to ban the book "Hlroship,:.' ..Jrom the Rio Contiguo Youth GWdance Center library is disapa pofntirl,g and unfortunate, to say the least. To be more accurate and less 1Ubtle, the move wu quite crimina1 ' - I couldn't believe it when I rUd. this ' Letterr from readtn are welcome. _ ... :-1e in ~i. ... D'-''Y pnNr O.r: Jan. N~lw.IDi:IJMi1linllil .~ihm-M.Air1~.:i'b19f&'-.; The board's main argument for ban- ning the book ls that it gives a one-sided view of the 'atom-bombing of Hiroshima since it descr:lbed ln detail the horror of the suffering of the Japanese people Involved, but says nothing about the many American lives that were saved by making a costly invasion unnecessary. fl' APP~ that the majority of the board .members miss the point of Mr. Hersey's book. "H.lroahima" speak& not especially for or ~ainst any na- tionality, but sjieakl to all humanlty by making nuclear war pensonal and real rather than impersonal a n d the<retical. which does nothing but to mlnJmlu in wordl the ugliness of the situation. Mr. Hersey's book is the badly needed work of llteraturfl which can eoun. terweight the vast amount& of literat:Ure, present in our school libraries no doubt, which treat nuclear war in a theoretical. dehumanized way. WHEN THE possibility of nuclear ,.-ar ls nearing probability, we can ~ord to spare no deterrent. Perhaps In lMS the decision to use nuclear weapons was. correct; Mr. Hersey's book does ·message In $00 wordl: or ltss. The of the Orange County Board of EduClUon right to conderue letters to fit tpact banned this book by a leading American or eNminatt libel U re.semu!. AU -writer because-(Uley uy) it gives sup- 1.etter.s must include signature and port to "ban the bonib" movemtnts. mailing address, buC names ma~ 'bt withheld on request •t rufficient rd!> ion i.! apparent · ' not deny this. But presently, the use of nuclear weapons in, warfare will bt advantageous for none and will mean au!ferfng and misery for all. Dy making war leu desirable u a means far resolving our problems, we make peaceful means mare desirable. The cieslra&nl!Y of peace Ii what should try to be emphasized tn our educational system. IF THIS REQUIRES exposing the fun ugliness of nuclear war, which can do nl)thlng to harm lhe cause of peace, then this should be done. The yoUth of Amedca tapeeilllll ahoold not be tept in ignorance aboUt the leu prelt1 aspects of nuclear war. Aa Samuel John.!on rem a r It e d, "Ignorance, when v o I u n t 1 r y , U: DR. RAUJSON and others like him are to obsessed with the bunt for anything un-American and even remotely controvenlal, thlt they fiD te see the parallel betw ... thetr taellct and those of the totalitarian polke llatal -Com- munitt or not. He 11 att.empf.lbs to m. sUtute restrictions on our most preciou1 pouession, freedom of thoulht -the berttage passed down from our found!ni fatbers. DAVID PEJll.MAN ·. Deaths Whlle IOfifll ... To the Editor: Yoor latest tabuJatlon concentlng the number of deaths while jogging implies that jogging causes heart aUacks, when quite Ute opposite i1 true. It would probably be more meaningful to tabulate the numbi:r of deaths due to heart attack whlllt making love. This, at least, may hive the effect of lowering the birth rote. ROBERT E. scmlm, M.D. Nix9n Slow Pace · Is Risky WASHINGTON -The slower pace of the Nlxon Administration is calculated but risky. The risk i! that people will lose interest. By this time at the begin- ning of the Kennedy.John 1a n ad- ministration John F. Kennedy had held 1 Hve televised news conference, an-from outward appearances about Nixon's nounced lhe negotiated release of the policy in the settlement or continuation RB-47 flyers by Russia, appointed a Of the Vietnam War. It only kDoWI horde of voluble offlclals below cabinet that the committee and council ayatern level, sent his White House press 1.s being put Into operation to consider .ecretary to the National Press Club preuinl problems. to explain the new eovernmeot'a &ft., ·-· 111-a .. ._..·or two or ~ it ii formation policy, and prepared to go stated, Nb:on may go before a joint before Congress with a state-of-tbe-union session of Congress u did John F. addreas of his own. Kennedy 10 days after his inauguration. 'lbe main characteristic of the opening Nixon has eliminated immediacy from of tbe Nixon administration is the forma· the White House atmosphere. He ordered tloo of committees and councils to con-oul the news tickers and banks of lider as yet undet.ermlned policies. The television sets on which President concern is more , for form and organita· Johnson relied for quick information and tlm than for a~on. for knowledge of what the public was bttng told about his administration. NEWSMEN ARE asked to bide their tiJne on access to important public of. NIXON IS GOlNG to rely on what fic:Ws. Tht. "open'' pollcy on public ln-other people tell him the public is being f'Ol'mation bas not yet evolved. Tbe public told vi.a summaries of what is ~ tnows nothing ei:cept what it concludes said in the press and radio-TV. He may find himself scooped on information he would have liked to know in "1vance. Our adversaries often do not tatt the trouble lo call up the local American embassy or get on the hot Une to the Whlte !louse before they act. The nrst word of important events oflerl tomes from American or fore.fin news agenclt1. Any newrman who liaa been handed for peruu.I tfCr'et oftltia1 cables from abrold at once recopizes that they reflect the opinions, conclualona and pride of the offJelal reporting to the Prtlidenl These reports would not in many criUcal cues IUrvlve the ordinary tuts of =allltic objectivUy, and are ottea o:ilOttd with tbt wrlttn:' pre--ilM or pecuUar interests. Nixon will have II read some of our mort reliable IOQl1W1 j(,)lo .. 1""" ..... bala"'114 • ~ -.r • ~ EVEN WITH ALL his anteima wav ing, President Johnson misjudged for a long time the reaction against his ad- tnl.mltratlon u merely the lament af inteOeduall and journalllta enthralled by the Ktnnedys. It will be M easier for a Pl'taident who depends mosUy on Internal government information and advice to jtJdae the popular wW or response to hi& policlet· The alower pace hu advantaau even il the public beRfns to yawn. Ftwer mf.ltakes and better programs could be a dividend compensating the public far boredom. Demonstrations of shi!er emclency like unmanned orbits of the moOn do not .excite the publlc much, but put three live humans in the capsule and have them recite from GtneflJ on Christmas E•e and It leads to UckeMape parldt! and biQer appropri1Uons for space es· ploraUon. Showmanship is an Important part of the art cl 1overninc rtcocnittd I! such from Caesar throuab Roosevelt to De Gaulle. Goverm.1ent dou aot live by bread alone. A few clrcasn relieve the tedium, and distract the public from I closer accounUng of jult what the a~straUon ls accompliahJti.c. Dear Gloomy ~ Gue: fl'• very tvldlllt that Fidel ea.. tro is m•tlftC • lftllt from the lncrell<d tourltl trado. Wby ... offer 1 reward for the return o( the Skyjacken u a means cl re- ducing lncidtoll and lncoovenltnce to passencer•! -D.M.G. I · In 1711 a mob ol :lllOO New York youths gathered by the redcoat buTacll:1 to pl'Glelt the Stamp Act. Tbe royal 1overnor11 residence wu there, and the ~Pl. to be attaehad to c:el'bln documents in trade, were In hi• quarters. The soldiera kapt to thetr barracks because their commander, General G11e1 wu a reru:lble man. A few clv1Uan comtablea pulhed the mob around, and there was 1 tcramble, ud no te1eY1a1on tameras to record it. 11'1e mob leadtra intended to sel1e and bum the 111amP,, but all they did WU bum the &ovvnor'I can1a1es and tum bi& horses loon. " ' UP ~ DOWN the sea~ ,from to Cbarlestol>.lbe Kq1.re-.. onm were mlnhandli!d tiy col· onists fonned in small raiding parties, and very ft\¥ It.amps wfre sold. Tbe next year the London Parliament repeal. ed the. Stamp A~ and thln&s quieted for a year or two. Geor1e Ill's 1ovemment continued stupid, however, and set up 11avi11tlon and trade retttlctiom which r a n I the bell in the 17'/0s and ultimately triggered Lerlngton and Concord. The end of this was Cornwallis's IW'l'ander at Yorktown, when the band played a tune calltd ••The WCI' kt Turned Upside Down." MOST OF 11IE London stupldiUes (such as quartering soldiers on the peo-ple, then flotdn( 1lle _,. for thtlt upkeep) were mentioned in the Deelara~ lion ol Independence, and some were embeddad in the Biii of Rtlhts years after the Rtvolullon was wm:1.. In any cut, 1~1775 11w almost conUnuoua ditorder in the Coloniei, and it waa marked by • pbfnomeDOl'I: lhe royal authority on the apot often refllltd. to meet with delt1at1ons ol. the •Urit:ved to d!scuu their demands. Yoa perceJve la.ck of communlcaUon 11 hardly novel The dllpute wu over both prindple and money, b\lt the oppressions were not grave, except In rare instances when dissenters wtte tran.aported to London for trials IU1'e to be ri11ed a1ainst tbem. i . TODA. Y WE A.AE all disturbed over Iha forms ol youthful dlSIOOt, pattlcular- ly on colle&e campuaea. To many they sffftl like an abloJuie evil, ttqb oc-. cuiona!Jy a voice ia raised to question thls Judament. Such • voice is that of Samuel EUot Morlaon, II, often called the dean of American hJatwtans. He does not believe the curttnt upheaval, despite 1 t 1 foreground appearaoCe, is an evil. In a recent lntervilw he aald: .,11le &enlus of our daflOCftey 1.s Its room for com· promise, or ability to balan<e Uborlr with authority.'' H@ thinks today's tltua- UOQ. mq even "atreactbMl •• t democracy." But one cause ol deiipair Is ilM icnoranct of moat Amulcans ol thtlr own ~. "MOii biltoey tat. boob are smooth as greut." They avokl Uie conAlcta and disorders of our past, I/Ill "many blstocy teachm are mediocre and lact!ustlr," Calling to relate tht put to the present. They "bort'' students. MANY 01' Ill who ban taltld with students involv..S Jn the prtltl'lt t(l!)o trovttty Incline to agre< with Dr. Mortm, but ht could have gone a dip farther : If somt hbtory teachers ate mfWilocre and bortq It Is because, when young, they learned undtr mec:Hocrt ind borin& b11tor7.ltadea; ..-to 11rta1 ' Ill•• for' Ille Illa ll'UI mnnJng ol the forces and men sbaJ>in1 our histwy. Thur one root of our trouble, in.solar as concerns education, ls ln our pa.st. ' ' ' .• " • Man on Moon Idea Opposed .· •.• ·. It w11 periqnally graU!ylng to read Jut month ti@t R\)" old emfrere from early Aapen S}aya, Dr. Lee Du Bridge baa bean ~ by Preatdent N!J:on as his chief ldence advi!tr. Dr. Du Bridie, the retitbq: president of Calteeh, is a good man by fny standards. What pleased me most, however, is that he hu lone been an opponent of "putUng a man on the Moon" at the aacrifice of more Important and com- prehensive sciebt.Wc objeetlves. MOST QUAlJl'IED aciential! -auch u the Space ScltQce Board of the Na- tional Academy· of Sciences -have been in favor ot ••manned apace ex- ploraUon, which they recommend should be organized not in termJ of a single ioal, but rather "lo terms of the con. trlbution that a pll'Ucular piece of e1~ ploratlon can mi)! to a broad range r.rt lclentUle dJlclpUnes." But NASA, our NaUonal Aeronautics and Space Admhliatratton, has thought othtrwlle. For political and dJplomaUc (and, no doubt, military) reasons, it hu made the M-.n on the Moon its prime goal, even thouch this would cruit the naUon many Umes more than an unmanned landlaa, and Js of dubious rcltnlific value for the price. WE NOW BA.VI a deYeloplng technology of fully automated systems that ohould give u1 all the pertinent Information. we will need about the Mooft· : and our surrounding plantls. It mllht ·· · be in the "nallonal tnterett" to land · a man on· the Moon, however -which · means, one suppoeu, planting the Stars and Stripea there before the Rustlanl plant the Hammer and Sickle. ObviOU!ly, this baa nothing to do with··· science or knowledge, but almply utendl the boundarleJ of man~s lnterneclne w...-~.· to the solar aystem. Our barbarlmt 1!11 • • already threateninl: to mti:e our om planet uninhabitable; using the Moon ~.' as another base for military action is" · just an act of moral conlarnbtatlon~ u' not a atep forward for the hwnan race. · .~; EVEN WHEN Congress last year cut .·. back federal funds f<r 1clenee by • mtllloo, NASA merely reduced the llCOj>e of Its other operatkms and blithely fCIClllfo •·•• ed on its Man-on-the-Moon program. M . '• the Brltlah journal, New Selmtllt. · - caustically put it in an edttarlal on "the rocktt rat race,'' we have dlcltid · . that this single feat ii more preqlnc .... than an organlztd scienWJc eJploraUoo· '·· of the solar system. "Buck Bogen wins 111in," Jt nld. But that was before Lee Du Brldge. .· Jud Joad to the Rescue Tenible newal Unemployment'• hit a n~w low. Too many people working. TOO many people ,.-ilh money to !plnd. Inflation threatma. Mr. Nixon's top people are gravely atanntd. His chief economic advisor, Paul W. McCracWI, say1 he's willing to acctpt more UJ)tinployment to curb inflation. More uneinployment, of course, for somebody elle. So an embatutd nation Is once again calling on that n1'ran Inflation fighter, ·Jud Joad, who bu beet> ftcbting inllaUon man and boy for nJc:h on to 60 yeara. UIE MOST t0kUtn going into ICUon hJS main problem wu breaking the news to h1s ~ife, Maude. "Don't look lite you're going to get thole &ing_ham tur11lns you been want. Ina, M1ude," he takfw cllmbin« tht ri(!ke-- ty 1tepe to the Jotd borne up the dry creek road from Appalachia Comers. "Oh, Jud, did )'<IOI I°"' that Job boetoC corn for old Mr. Walters?" uked Maude from experience. 11Wbat are you 1olng tt do?'' "Wtll, now, Mauff, I'm colng to be mflhtr buly fiflb!Jn4 ln!laUoa again. You know bow It is. Siems Uke every Ume the county 1et.1 WCl'ried about lnOatlon they call on me!' "IM PllOUD Oii you, Jud. But l never did rigbUy uMtntand why." "I'll explain Jt aptn, M1ude. See. if'n I 10 on wotlcln.c, I'll pt. rich. Thtn you'll wboy out and bu)' them gtncllam curtalnl. And the prfce ol llinabam curtalna'll 10 1ky-hlglt. And our Savlnp won't be worth at much and .. ' '•1vt never ti.ti no aa•lnp., Jud." "Other folks do. Wt got to thlnk of them, Maude. So thertfon, Jt'1 up to me to Jose tn1 job. Lustwtse. thars the way the -ftgure tt." "It'll Uiit eeoncnbts feel that l1'ay, why dell~ U., loat Ulelr jobs?" Jud wu aboclted. "Balls o' firt, Maude, an economist, he makts maybe $50,000 a year. Me, I was making $37.80 a . ' week. Stands to reuon I'd be c1v1nc up a lot lea than him. Then, too I ~Y been woriinc a couple of mo11th.t: It am't a habit wtth me, the way if ' is with him." ' .. "MAYBE SO, JUD. But J don't tee 1 where us cotng back on the welfare';· · •' going to be much help." ' "That's because you don't underlland · • economici, Maude. Remember what Mr-. · Nixon promised during the campaJp: •'< 'What this country need1 b more peuple-· ' on the welfare roU. and fewer people · on the payrolls. 11 ... _ "I thoulht he promised it !'other way around." ' "And you don't undmtand poll1ln • • neither, Maude." ' . ~ WITH A de1terlty born of 1"'11 OI· perience, Jud seltled dowo In hla battend rocklnc chair oo the -tie pottJi and loaned bacll to flcht inflation. "Think ft'a golnf to be a i.n1 fill>~ Jud?" aaked Maude. "We're riJht )ow . on chick peu and lard." "Don't you worry none, Maude," uJd Jud pn>tectfvoly. "lrn we can Just pt a mUt poorw, we'll be Uvin1 tn • rich and prosperous country." •• o ... ,.,. --. Dear Geor1•0: Are tqar00& pecuUar t • Australia? c.c. . " DOlr D.D.: No, Au.nralia ii 1.-1 Lo lhtm but, ftankly, )'OU 'rt P"lly pecuJlar yourself. How do ' I ever set to bt a hlil lovelorn columoftl U YI>• keep sendlnr me tanaaroo qu,.. Uoos! ' ' . ' . ' ;• 1 ] ' It WC fro ' to nu tht .., r~ llli seJ W< •ti tni to sci Ir• I .. di• tia .. ~! in• bh go Bl .. fe .. .. bt gr .. Uc of. so Cc t• m "' c. bl b) CQ .. bt e1 s. WI Cc "' of· VO m m j 01 .. •• d< m N •• th I DA " R k1 to t~ fl fa P' d• pl h• Ui B I " IT H A II b al b ------------ Right to Dissent: ' . R~ad tQ Tyranny? ' 111 IOGEll TATAlllAN Wt do~ have . to ..;.. very far 'Vlot ..-t ... Ulor bock lo 111t oU.,. pmp'a o! how -,_ -.,.. J :i::u.-:-mlnorllla ..,. be toward ts ""' IOdt:b' p:owa ..... ~ , ' it becomM .,.... Imper.Un tbal ir• I • ,l'llllQCENTLY darilJ« .the p aa t work· out safe111arda to prevent the many 1 golltical cwnpatgo we ~..hew . a few lr<in becoming the victims of tho r ..... =-:~== We ano in need of enlightened debale l Ibey bad..,.. Outto bur to ; help .. -· more prolltjlol In, w ha ' __ .. Id mm·--- mallltalulng oenlcea !bat ... -tq • .. --. -tbe many. Our dtllnlUoo of ~ mlnorltlea PoHl1M Ibo nonnol •prm..,._...., .. ll«Vicel will of necessity -wld.t al llrce unlYtniua. . raiher lban narrower u time --' And' we ban -. not far the fin! aJj4I as evon the Wt lnces cl ..r tlme, a mi-ti)' In the U.S. Seoale ..U .. uffldency arow talnter. 1 bellove ruort lo the lillbuter and thul fnlatrale we are going to have to clevelop ne;r . the majority ·tn a lil!JlaUve body lbal atlltud., toward the right to tlrlb ti la IUPl>C*d to symbolUe the democratlC fnltituUoUI or Industries tbal are vtta1 Jll'OC•· . to the general weUare -balpltal,r, Tbe>e exerclJes In tyranny by nna11 "'*°°la, polic:e, Ore cJepartmenb, poblk m1nor1u .. are conducted chiell,y under lrllllSpc>lt, eledrlclty and 00 Corth. I the banner of free speech or the rltlrt THE ··~a of~· i••-·t , lo -· But it seems lo me dial BUT -"•~• •~mes W -thae rllbll an becomlDg confuaed witb sa!eguardlng the weUare of lbe \In--.ictloo. and coercion, and Uw dlvtduall lnvolved would provide no IOhJ.. mlnorilkl ~ using obstructloo and lim at all What la needed, 11 ....,,.. -lo c!Alm llM' thcmseivea power to , me, ii a system o1. labor eodiu that is denied even to majorities under w~ch would provide compulsory arhi9'a-our syrtem of ·govemmenl Ii'*' o[ all dllput.. In thae .....tlal industries. Their findings would be' as biiidlng oo private .....,..._ ~ local goyernments as oo the wortera involved. Both the right lo manqe llJld lbe right to · strike must give ground in these feW vital areu for the common good. - This is not going to be a popular avenue because both aide& are reluctant to surrender any of their baa!c r!ghtl. but the individual helpleunw of the ~at majority to do without these services demand that this be doa:e, NO MAJORITY, however large, can prevent Qtlsen X from blrlng a ball and aayfng what he pleases on a subject ot his choice to an audience of his designation. And yet Citizen X feels be can go to a meeting arranged by others and to prevent the others from listening to a person of their choice. Tbls ls a corruption of the First Amend· ment and !bould be treated u s~h. A majority of students at Columbia University could not have decreed in """' 'In .. Jn .... lllNnllrf' 5e!>lell1ber !bat a -:e:u . lllidmb not be allowed lo • Bill . !bat mlnoril)',. Ullder the cl dlsam~dldnotbeoltatttoUIO­ to ball the ...,iatr--for all ni.i loo Is a corrupUoo Ill a rllbL TBIS 18 IOlllathlog ,.u -.Id !DOre naturally exjltCt from the pullam Ill -right and -left. who have much more in common than tlMIJ reaUze. Finl, Ill COlltae, Is ·their uu.r Jntolerance. Bolb, In cllller<nl "~ AN am>Jant ~ The far rJclil -.. ll lw a monopoly Oil palrlGllsm and old Cuhloned virtue. The rar Jell feels it alone posseue.s intellect and compassion. So zealous are they that they .aJso have a coovenient .:.illty to acc<pl evil If II sulta lbelr, purpooe -ex<ept !hat when lt IUlta their purpooe or their cause, it ls no Jonaer evil. ~ an era of growing Intolerance and rlgldlty of views, lt la hardly ._ialng that. reactions are violent and angry when the media convey Udlnga that question, challenge or contradict cberlJh. ed viewpoints, attitudes and prtjudices. Tbe fact !bat the media limply report these event,, and do not cause them is a diatinctioo that fewer and fewer people seem able to make. And IO people want to smash the mirror beca~ they do not .like what they .ee in it. Congress Gives Itself a Raise WASIDNGTON -That S7.~ percent paj boost for Concresa, the Supreme COurt, the Cabinet and othor blgb of. fictala ls a virtual abocHn. As submitted lo Coagresa by Pmidenl !Johnson, less than a week before leaving office, the timing of the proposal waa so ·. "rlaed" that It's very unlikely Congress will be able to get around to coosidering IL 'J!hla failure (or inability) to act will mean the juicy pay raises w i 11 automatically become operaUve. la other words, by doing nothing Congresa will band Itself a big pay blke. IJncler the provisions of • hill passed by lbe Wt eon.,.... setUng up a spedal commlssion to Study I o v e r n m e n t salariel, the panel'• recommendltloM become: effective within 30 dayt unless ell])l'Qlly rejected by Ill< HOU!e or Senate. TllI8 LEGISLATION WU purposely written that way in order to enable Conireu to finagle a hefty pay increue while seemillgly not .-iJy voUng ll To lacllltale this parliamentary 1lelght- of-band, President Johnson, a •year veteran of Congress, Urned hls sub-- miOion of the commiJsloo's recom· mend&Uons so it would be nlaUvely easy for the lawmakers to duck having to 10 on record on the issue -while at the aame tbne getting their luscious cake. Thus In doing ooth.in1 they will do everything -avoid a rollcall vote and at the same time get a big pay boost. It's crafty legislating and all the in- dications are it will work. JOHNSON SUBMrlTlill the pay hikes oo ·Jan. \5. Tbe deadline for rejecting them (31 caleodar, and not legislative, day1 later) is Feb. 14 -wbtn Congress will 09' even be in session. On. Feb. 7 it tdea a 10-day recess ao the Republlcant'cin commemorate Lincoln's birthday. and the Democrats, u the witticism goes on Capitol JUll, "can celebrate the Republleam.!~· Prior to thia lo.day mid-winter vaca· lion, other hlatuaes will block action. F or example :Tb e committees of the House ltlll baYen•t been officially organized and won't be until the end of nut week after the Democrats caucus and vote on committee assignments. That Pucker Up, Young Lady, Kiss With Enthusiasm By!. M. BOYD YOUNG LADY, whatever you do, don't overlook the advi~ of Lady Chelttrfleld lo her daughter. S.ld she: "My child, an)'thlng that ts worth doing ia worth doing wen. If you decide to let a younc man tlss you, re!J)Ond enthuslaatically. Nobody Ilk" lo kiss a rock." . • • "TUE lM WOMEN. How many of them will be naturally bkmde?'' inquires a }>ennsylvanian. Just dghl Thal'• naturally blonde, remember. Another seven will appear to be blonde. Rmard>en found that out, altho 1 d°'1 i know-. TllI8 18 wi-t a doobl loo lrapc to make U,ht of, but lt'a a fact that three oot ot five men ccmvicted or rape art afflicted with IOme. aort of facial defect that mUu them loot peculiar. Sad thinJ. Tbet'1 •By pr1- doctors have been uperhntnUnc with plalllc 111<,..,.. Tbey think thel'. cu help stralJ!>WI a .... Ollt by n.Jog up whatevtt'a wrong with hlJ Soob.. But lt 'I ~; nat""'1 dalllf-., I onct encountertd a cue . iD Tuu d a mo~er. but a m.Olknannertd man, nonetbeleaa. Hll ean protruded.. He voluni.red for l1ICb llUl'J"Y· It fallad. And hll ..,., drlad up and foll off. Maybe I told you about ll Ht wu transformed by batr..i. Never did a shy UtUe wrtntltd tool '° suddenly becemt 10 danceroua. so deadly. riivs1C1ANI are ...... thole lb type., of pro(elldooaJ men wh(> are moet apt to be d.IY\'lreed --• •AN OLD MAID hu °"" cootolatlon," wrote tho opttmisUc Mr. C. B. Loomia, "and that ta, w can ntVtt be 1 wklow, no matter who dla" .•. BILLY OMIWI Uh1 to llMP till about JO:• a.m. when oot on Iha rotd . . . POORTH MlllT POPULAR color of can Is nd. I• cld"""111, the stalllliclana alJ ,..pie who *he red can have: tbt moat ac- ddtnta ••• TRI! AltTla.!I Ill ·-1111 man most hlta to see wu.r out ll1'e hit Jlipptt•- CHECKING •UP• HOW MANY Bll1TONS are <1t the clothes you have on, mister? Aod how about ywr car, bow many lights are 1n Jt? AD right. now bow many electric mot.on do you have in your house? Averqe man bu ZI buttons on his clotbel. 11 lfahts In hia car, and 17 electric niolor1 In hll boule. CU8'IOMEll BEllVICE: Q '~'M a retlrtd n1'1J olfieer who bu taken up U.. wrtUnc vi vttie u a hobby. Here's ant: 'Odee I knew a Utue girl , • • Who WU 10 and going on 11 ••• Now tbat dame ls 45 ••• But going on JT." Hmr do you like tt?" A. Dandy s.nd me another • • • Q. "DID YOU BVb STOP to wonder why 1 man'• halr tuml aray about 15 yeatl before hh: whlsbn do?" A. Never dJd UH now. But It ltandl io reuon. His hair pta: about a IS.year head start over "" wlilaten • . • Q, "[ ha... good reuon to 11k whether tt'1 l1ilJ possible to sue I man for bttach of promJse, sir." A. SorTy to bnr I~ ,.ung lady. But 111 I -Is about ....utlrcl of Ute stalea ba'ft abollshed the tir.acl><>l- pn>mlle llllt. RAPlD JlEPLY s Yet. llr, rtsea.n:hm: atHrl lt /a a1molt tavartab!y the wUt, nther -me .... -. who la ·-ed In tho Dllildle Ill the nlCht by the odd -In tho bouae. Y• ···-... H•llillftl .,. .Wr ~ ... ,,m " ..i "lleft'fer 11° "*tiltQ1 Ylct1f."A10Mad tt I. It ..,.. la -'cl .. DAILY PILOT, P.O. Bn tm, Nnpari llold. ClllC.-,. will leave just a.bout one legi&lative week before the lo-day recess in which to consider the pay raise. IT'S WGBL Y improbable . there will be committee acUon in that short time. Lacking sucb cODB.lderatJon, the propolal can't come before the House bef<n the vacation -and that will be it. A salary bike of $12,600 for membtta of Congr6', from $30,000 to $42,500; $60,000 for junicea of the Supreme Court; $60,000 for cabinet members; $Q,500 for the vice prealdent; $62,500 for the speaker; $55,000 loc the majority and minority leaden of the House and Senate : plua equally bountiful Jncreuaa for SCIM'e& of other lop official!. Only ooe legislator bas IO [ar challeng• ed theJe ral!es. Hop. H. R. Gross, JI.Iowa, long·time lndo~b!e -Y ~ .~u causl!cally assall•d theDi and o!Cettd resolutions to reject them. One is pending In the House Postoilice and Civil 8ervice Committee, another in the Rules Com- mittee. THE CHANCES are remote the POslof'. fice and Civil Service Committff will gel around to doing anything about hll resolution. The prospects are better Jn the Rulos ComriliUee, headed by Hop. WUJ1am Colmer, D-Mlas., but M ooe will be turprlaed U H, loo, doet nolbin1. Gross baa fought many heavy-odd!- against-him legislative battles, and he's not giving up on thil one -bleak u the outlook appean. In offering his resolutlona to reject the pay hiku, the doughty Iowan bluntly told his col· leagues: "This lJ an unconscionable and outrageous grab. It ia umntranted and ahou1d be rejected out of hand. Much was said Jut year about economy and budget balancing, yet now tt la propGOed that we hand oursefvq a bit pty in-- crease. That's a very peculiar WI) to lllart ecooom!ilng. "IF WE A.Q NOT cartful, there will be another •bundfes Ice eon,rua' drt\'t acrou the .eoUhtrJ. It coa1d JWOVe very embarruafng U volen start sendlna ua packages of Tip llJld other dllcm!L It's happened be!..,. and could again." Rep. James Haley, D-Fla., railed a lelJlnr point in a quetlloa to c-. "Doe:a the gentleman from Iowa," be Mked, 1'ta.ke the poatUon that members o! Coogreta knew what their aalary wu when they ran fcc office· 1ut faD and, therefore, should at lea.at postpooe this lncreue unW a .new Coqreas is ellc> ted?" "Th•! Is enctly rlgllt," nplltd a ...... "Certainly I b e y knew what the aalary was. 'Ibat wu what they ran on, and that'• what they lbould be 1atllliad with." Rep_ Gro11 may be ri1bt, but that isn't the WIY it'°I plnJ to be. By ltob<rl I . Alle1I aed Joloo A. Gold1mltli Quotes Ralllll Edpr F. Maplw, L. A. - "Ta p>raphrue Marie Twain, the rtporta of nllilllll'l death are .,.u, ..,. aggsaled. P""8 In churclMI ud syna.rocues are welM'Uled, enn when the ritual Is ~onned witb dltnJl1, llOlenmlly and the -quality Iba! -with esnturl• of hahtd lradl-ll<n." Jldl* Crilt, TV lllla' nt\eww • Calif. Pl•lli• ._, -"YCN b&ft to be mature to -U... Is a ~ rn the .., for enrylbfna. nu.-b&ftq bad Ume to -"""" Ille, lo !Ind out the thlnp Iba\ ..... --• , • o.lll.Y PllOT I ProbJems Go Deep The ~late College Crisis Tine lllVr omploJe ... -- -urpd • bMleplh lludy of Callllnla'I -coliap ll)'alem by a blab level convn'•lloa. r-=-=a:-.:.=-~ cqanliatlonl with Gt'trnm Ronald Roagao Jan. 11. Orp,olsal1oos parlidpatlng In the ~ Wlft Ibo Callfornla Coolerence ·~~ Aaoclatloo or Unlvenlty = (A.I.UP), Callfornla State AaoclaUon (CSEA), and Collett and University Faculty Aaoclallcio (OCIJFA), the higher educa- 11111 ..... Ill tho Callfornl& Tucbers -fte cqu•11tlom -which termed lbemoel•ea the ''nlpamfble mojorlty" -rtpnMnl afllil'lldmatalf t,llOO Ill the 11,oot floulty --In the stale col-1e,. ll)'ltem. . TllJ: GllOOl'I requested appointment cl a. ~ by the gomnor to fnvtitlpta balC causea of lludeot and facolty pnblems. "Problema lacing the It, camp u s ,,,_ are deep llJld comp! ... "' the orpollallonl Aid following the meelln&. 0 Poor comm.Unlcatkm have contribo\ed lo maey ....,_. In the put. A com- mlaloa witb adequate authorlty could provide IOlutloot Ind air some or the tong..r&n.Je p:obltms facing the enUre collqe system."· Spokesman said a procw allO is ....i- ed to Kfve faculty memben more ot a voice In decisions aUectln( their pro. feaslooal Uv., and wortlng coodlU011L "SOMlmllNG MORE lban existing 'meet and confer' provlskms' Ire needed to provide meaningful soluUons o[ faculty problems;" tbt lfOUPI 'aid. '"!be faculty - needs a atrqer voice." Governor n.apn lll'ed lo look inlo the poatbl!!ty or a _,..,. role for the academlc senate under certain con- cl!Uons and lndlcaled !bat part of the problem -1bly could be aolnd throogb prwldlng Individual e&mJ"IS prtlidenta wtth sruter authority. In dlJcuutqg Jmmedl1te problem!, a spokesman for the three organizations nlteraled their stands agalnal lbe strike at San Francllco State, which hu been repudiated by an overwhelming vo&e of faculty at Slii Franclsco. SPOKESMEN Al30 urged protection agairtrt any type of intbnldation of faculty, staff or atudents. Spokeunen said they have put the entire strength Ill their orpohallooa -including legal aid -behind faculty members who have been aubjected to lnUm!daltoo. Tbe three groopo aald lbe rovernor reassµred them that he wou]4 02\_ un-- dertake mov., that would punlah the "ruponsible majority" of l a.c: 11 l t y • . -~Tt . . ' ' \ ... " _,.. --. membera because ol acu ol "an lr- respoosible few." "TllEllE IS A growing 4-!bat public reacUon to the irretpol'llible ail of a small minority of faculty and New Look at Television (Or, Nothing New at All) . A TV Speol By sm FICKLING A brand new teicvlston ...,.. baa o n c e again exploded across wr TV screem with such a devastating murmur that already network execuUvea are patching thUr wounds, llCl'amb!ing fll'O' grams and screaming, "Wait unuI next year!" Everything from teei>age detectlvea lo hundred-fool giants bombard'!! us; cajoled w:, put us tQ sleep. 'Ibe networb pre-season roar, "This is tt -the greatest fall achedul!! of them all!'' turn- ed into a nightmare instead of a dream. FORnJNATELY, there are aUll a few ldeu they have spared us from suffering throogb durlog thts coming year. But don't ho!d your breath for the following ....... Here are some that are probably on the front burner already : THE FLYING BUN llaroo , Manfred von Richthofen and StabhilWe fia:bt it oot against ~ and Hl1 Battle Acea with Spad!I, Fokkers and koockwurst. BRAD VENTU~ An e1ciUng series about a man who owns a bardw11e store and who disc.'Overa to bis utter joy[ul anwement that a Im of ilallB i.5 his long lost tilking dog. PE"ITICOAT JUNK Susie S!q. glehocker owns a· second-hand llDgufe s h o p on the grounds of a nudist camp. Sorrie people think Susie is a little crack .. ed, but it's plain to see that Suale is all heart DRAGNUTS The hilarious new animal series created by Ivan Sores about two frlendly chipmunks and their misad- ventures in a walnut factory. BANANA A fruit peddler atrlkea it rich with _a dancing Tarantula be ftDdl hiding in 1111 cart, right? The only trouble is tbe aplder is in love with a 1inging 1.on4>tinit Lagu11G ·a ... ~ rnldcnt S1riJ> l'lcldlflg; and 1111· roif•, Glorl4, are co-crtaton of Hcmq Weit, the fictional """· blond< d<tccdw who has ba'71 th< nbjcct of 1......i of their book&: f'4 ~I ollo "sold• H111UtV·fof O'l<IMliot< Hri<t. Fkklin{I obo 'frttlatu:cr, Ma btt• 4 Laguna ..... spopt ...... tm& dlfl -c<J71dl. ~dott. banana that the peddltt llCddentally sold to a mookey farm. TllB rou.ow XNEll IQUAD A couple of cop1 work OD nothiDI but CUf:I COO-cenllnf 8horl Ulrla, tllk alocklnp and garters. 'l'hll Nl'les bu a very low: budget. The leads wort for lree, Naturally. M.lNl!IGG A cblcken randier la J01nc cruy. Illa bena are llnltllnl - the coops a.wloc and the -· .... laYtac ~ the epi Tbli -may lay ... alao. PAY TON PL.lCE A rich bllllllWre named Howard Cluea crue1ly coaverta a quaint.Utlla Ylllap'lntl>'a llinfuI. laallof dty Ill dice and -w1n1. THAT GUIIL Planet GI u ct In I he Fifth Galuy Ill Y u t baa a pnblem, Ope of their clU-la a healtfUI. voluptuoua blonde -bul they doo' think ao. All the rest of the prls have two heada and beards. BELLY ACRli:s Twe younptan fall heir lo a &enle Who CU lilanl them any and all wlahet. So they turn their home towu lnlo ooe 1111111 candy bar. Look. -.. taelh! GET DUMll! An inlmlatlooal "PY ring blra -Dumb. 1111 -say Dumb <111't lulclt H, but In Iha flnl .-ho "'"'"" ho -"" cllop. ping dowe Raquel Welch'• drminl "'°"' door. Young man taking a. business course! Durinf the IC.boo! day thi! boy takes COQl'lff ln EnglJJh, arithmeUc, the ro- dal aclem:ea And he doe1 well at tllem. On hla newspaper route, he 'takes ••· other coune -.a businesg course, in which he appllea ID 1 practical way the thing• be lell"DI ID the clulroom -he ai.o learns oomethlng more. He lurna the bulc:a of buJiness, whlcll will atan4 him in good 1tead !.broufbolll hla llfL As a newspaper- bo)', he operatee hla own retail bus!· nm, wllh the counsel of our clrcula· Uon people who mile a coreer of .,, .,, .. working with boya. He buys hll nn• p&pen from U&, and be Hlll lbtm to )'1'U. In ml)llging hll bUlln.,., he de- livers, eol!acll, teeps records, lell"DI to deal with people. IJltle wonder 10 muy bUllneu lffd. en of today wU! tell you tho mOll nl- uable uperltnce tlley had u a boy was DWJasin. 1 newspaper rout& ll'a. one good "*J a boy can rOancl Olrt hla educat1011-'l'Od.if• uewapaper etrrlor· selumen 11'1 tomorrow's leadua.1 fot lnfol'tllltlon call Kr. tenitt at Ille DAILY PILOT-84'4!1. DAILY PILO T . . 1M M1•1law .., Ma aw Ip w fir ... CCNo _ .... loo -~ .. 0.-,. C... ' ' I , ..... ( • -\ I WiiiTE FRONT lllllll1T. $l!Mtt • lilttiil • lllliMt • GENERAL EL1!CTRIC '130 WATT STEREO· BENCH·STEREO UNIT •A masterpiece of furniture design and stereo engineering • 4 speed stereo changer nses When lid is lifted • AM/FM-FM stereo tuners at your fingertips • 6 speakers-3 in each cabi· net • Storage space for records •Two .vinyl· covered cushions • Porta.Color 1V section (TV not included) 97 COMP.AT 499.95 1/2 YEAR SUPPLY RYBUTOL VITAMINS VINYL PLASTIC · WALL PAINT "Symphony" paint. quick drying. odor· 398 less, leaves wash· cible, color-fa st utlOtl fi nish. lools cl ea11 c0Mio.1r in wat er, 25 colors. lJS IRON PLUS MULTIPll VITAMINS comoart>t ... 4.99 DAILY ftiumru VITAMINS W/VITAMIN c c ........... 4. 99 IRON PLUS CHEWABlE VITAMINS ''"'"' >1 ••• 4. 99 CHEWABLE MULTIPlE VITAMINS <••om 11 ••• 4. 99 MUIDPLE VITAMINS W/CA19UM & IRON <••om >1 ••• 3.29 DAUY MUmPLE VITAMINS co.,.. 11 ... 3.29 SUPER ONE COAT VINYL ~"ff/ Interior paint, one coat guaranteed to cover or money back. Washable, durab le. 25 colors. 498 'AllDll CllMl".Af . .. WHITE FRONT'S ~ 3. YR. COLOR i PICTURi TUBE ·: WARRANTY ' AT NO EXTRA COST ' 43-PC. DINNERWARE SET 'SAVE ON DETECTO SAYE $5! AM/FM i CASSETIE 12 TRANSISTOR lPORTABLE TAPE PORTABLE RECORDER RADIO • long range reception • Slide.rule tuning • Good t one • In- clu de s ear. phone, bat- tery, carrying strap • Com· pact size """'~ ·...v- • Push button control• Take it any- where to record meeJings, parties, etc.• Remote mike • Includes bat- teries, cassette co~~ARE 2 49 7 39.95 SPACE SAVER Bathroom space saver has chrome poles, 2 plastii; shelves, cabinet with mir4 ror door. Color choice. VINYL HAMPER Full size, wipe ctea11 quilted vinyl, padded top, gold finished towel rings. Choice of colors to match space saver. MAGNUS CONSOLETIE CHORD ORGAN G.E. 3-ZONE ACTIVATOR • """""" 2u ,1•n• lMI~ Wilti•Tl l"ln t(tJYflf ' JIOllllAL llnll ll.ITllll ii 119 UTU tll:$T . ' GAFFERS & SAnLER 30" GAS RANGE • New "Meal ·A-Tendant" clock does the pot watchi ng while you do other things • Giant tull-wtdlt\ o~en lor biggest roas!s • Re- movable cook lop 101 easy clean1n~ • 2-pc. chrome drawer type broiler • lighted back panel • Color choice. 17797 COMP. AT 199.95 * STORE HOURS * SHOP EVERY DAY 10 TO 10 .. -----., ---- DAILY PILOT J J ti ~~---~ .. ':' ~""'"'· Oil Slick Heading For Beach TV Date (or · Jt~agan ... ,,,. .. ' l l . lnfa\ Robbery . Budget Will Go Dire~f;ly to People I . . . s,\C~ (AP) -Ing J!fl'lpll""-. prOll1atlOn' to local lthool SANT• ·n•nMn• ('~) _ Oo•:...,,RulOll'.I 1~!0 badl-Rlopo lllmed K 1111-. · ~. OOW IU bllllco. 8ut ft ........,..,.. ~ II ww .,... w • new Appwing wltb )l1zD 'wUI' "8 Reagan uld It· -t bo " Oii ~ -.. Ulld ..... ' -~ 'end .... -1e will well c;oven 0 utlmated 11 Joa,. Ibo delalll· for Ibo Ont "-DjNcl<r Ca •.P a.r m!id> u lhe l!50 mlJllon ·-·mllel In Santa Barbarl -.. oolor ~i.ioo. w.-, ... ,,.. rum wtll "' ' """"'by, Mu. Raf!erty, Ital• channel, the "--~ 0 .. ~ ID two ~ depulurel -Tuisd111 DilhL · · oupertD!e-o! public' In-~· ...,. !rom pr<YlOu ~ the 1'1eaday ~ ' • llr!letlqo. oa)'L governor bu decl4eci to: Delalll oa Ibo bud re t -l'rOvid• ae Income lax Tbe allot spread aklog the -Adopt an enllnly -baveai boea dllclaoed, bot.It nbote for 'mlddJe.incm>e ~ cout1ine btt1Vt<O Cuplnterla style o! budcet. Called a w111 : • . famllj_el •!"' ,..,. blt bard ml Veniura u It -. '1st Fi've Face "program buda~" n will 1111 -:s. llClllftbtn In thi by 1Wgae1 ll blllloo tu lo-the statewide coat or eellre nelabborbood cl II blllloo, a msae In 00. llOOllnlard alowly towards the , ~.... of ncard. -Continue -t state op. l>ffcba, about three or lour progll!llL • ••• ...,.y, ...ia -COOtaln "a substantial" J::""'·tlods lo help lower M . T . I such Jll'OCI'lml u prilom: and • ...-~ ll\'&y &I lut report.· utiny na mental heallb l\'Ort brol<m incrwe Jo. the state I &Jl' . ocaJ property tana. Tbe Cout Guard eutter down by the lndlvldual lnlll- I Polllt Judith, patn>Ung the SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -tulloo. Tbe new budget II do-, tllck Wednesday, could not Court martial proceedlngs , ~t!° m:: ~~= AMIRICA'8 l,.4Re•a,T l'A'MILY CLOTHIN• CHAIN Conee,rn Expressed 'Highway Repairs F orcingCutback? elllmate Ill apeed. But the resume today for ftve yoang thlna cost; aed mere fiulbll- prevalllng ocean cur r en t soldiers charged with mulip,)' lty In planning, ' moves toward the beach. for bolding a sit-down strike -GJve bis· budget menage Union Oil Co. of. California at an Army atoclade to pr<>-to the people on •· coJot film to bo abowD on ltatewl\k oflidall said. the crude oil test th fatal shooting o! a teJIVilloo the nlgbt bef<n 11 wu !lowJns al the rate of fellow prlsoiler. will bo publlabed In tbe ....,,_ 500 barrell a day, 1Jlhougb11;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;;;~ there were efforts to stop the flow by forcing mud Into the drill hole. · 'Ibe leak occurred when a s1an1-<1ruung hit broke 1n1o a Old World pocket o! natural gas S,000 Medi'terranean feet below the ocean fioor. The well wu capped quietly, Spanish Furniture but gu preS!W'e created breaks near the weD's bottom Received cane1ll1tlon of $22,000.00 . and forced crude oil through Spanish ind Medlterr1nean F\'rnlt:ure · cracks in the ocean bed. All N-T•J ,_.,, ..-.. N-. . SACRAMENTO (AP) -The floods. Dec_..,., 0..-"-. o. at..;.•- lo -pair C Iii ml ' Al Sho ( D Cbemicala to break up the ...,.., money •'" a 0 a 5 S Sen. ) an edrt -oll ·"·t w·-in -•~ supply Items as follows: Georgeous , ·a fl custom flood-damaged roads m a Y tockton express concern Ml\: "'" aUl.ll"• ull ed 1 ., ill come out of the state highway about taking money from the and their use was reltrlcted q t sofa with separate OOSe {> ow:i with fund, fiscaJ e ....... rts say -hi b r d ,, •• "Y • to the offshore area around heavy oak trim decor and matching 'chair, 3 even though 1ir-would force. g:ln;afo ~ke58fr~: 8 ~~~ the drllllng plaUonn where matching oak occasional tablel, (2) 58" tall a cut.back In... the already that's already inadequate." natural a:as created a possible derorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps strained highway construction "ni.Ls is just a one-time fire danger, the Coast Guard in wrought iron. an 8 pi~e ting siie master program. tblng," replled Posl 11aid. ' bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran- 'TWO Denied Legislative Analyst A. Alan "But you are still going to Tbe Coast Guard seJd beach ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty Post told the Senate Finance take tlliJ money and use it areu were not eDdangered by king size mattress & box springs. Spanish Committee Wednesday that for roads already built," Short fire because the dangeroua decor dinina: set. etc. . Ci.:~nnship Gov,,Reagan could peel more said. ''It will 11et back pr~ natural gas leak was too far WW..._... .. ..,.... $lllt.tt LJ.LA:/ than $50 million from the " away -sl.J: miles offshore. 0 R Ii • ~;~:a;h!1nd$3~o ~l~~i~~ th~ :7?er~li~i~rv~e !~ :ro:~llFICE ·-----····-. $698.00 n e g1on damages caused Jo roads by priorities. You hive lo decide Airline to Seek Any Pl-Con a. Pvrchuad lndMduolly which is more important." Terms Av1i11bl•-Newcomen to Calif. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Post and Roy M. Bell, assis-Fare Reduct1"on Crodit Approved lmmodlotaly Two women members of the Ni'xor• Hear~ tant state finance director, ap. Jehovah's Witnesses were " ...,. peared before the committee ' I ., /] denied American citizenship • • to testify on a $5.4 million LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Ft1rni'ture Wednesday because their C ~ la' t flooddamagereliefbillpassed Continental Airlines aays It _ __ _ religion bans them from o ~~p in last week by the Assembly. wm ur lhe federai govern· At Harbor Blvd. voting, jury duty and fighting 'Ille committee also dlsCU!S-ment or permission to cut in a war. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The eel briefly a proposed one-fares for one way flights _ U.S. Dist. Court Judge Mexican -American PollUcal ten! guollne tu increase for between the West Cout aed 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa only Thomas J. MacBride ruled Association. called on Presi· flood repairs, but contia.ued Hawall to $85 for certain. Enry night ~II 9 -Wed.,· Sat. & Sun. 'tll '- Mrs. Haesoon Kook Matz, 35, dent Nimn today to name deliberation on the tax in-~-==.:of:_the:.:,::_Y"'=.:· __ _;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sacramento, and Mrs. Renate Mexican-American11 In his new crease and the Assembly bill Nikola, ZS, Meadow Vista "are administration. until next Monday. not attached to the principles Abe Tapia, president of the However, ln the Assembly of the Constitution." statewide group, said in a Wednesday, Assemblyman Mrs. Matz' µ u 8 band, telqram to Nixon: "The Mex-Ken MacDonald CD-Ojai), in- Norbtf( ·;fbo ·''met · h1s wile lcin-Am61cans of California traduced a bill calling for a in Korea while flibtlng In bis are becoming apprehensive one-cent gasollne tax hlke. It second war. said; "I thought that to date no Mexican--would remain In effect for American has bee!l appointed six months or until Gov. 1 spent 11 years ftgbUng in to your administration." Reagan decided It was no the Ajmy for freedom of longer needed. worship. · .arla then this has R MacDonald said such a tax lo happen." eassessment 1ncr ... e would brlnB In about At a ·naturalization hearing, LOS ANGELES (AP) f40 milllon in sl.J: mQDth!. Mrs. Matz -a pennanent Land formerly owned by Gov. Gov. Reagan bu said he U.S. resident since 1956 -Ronald Reagan and valued at doesn't th.ink a guoline tax said her attitude was based $30,000 for tax purposes hu Increase Js needed and that on religious teacidAga that a been reassessed by Lo 1 the state bas the money for person .. abould not judge hi> Angeles County at $115,000. flood damage repairs. fellow i1an. She said this bar·f,~~~==~============~ red her from voting for in-JI dividuals in political elections. ,Mfs. Ni.ko)a, a native »f Gel'lnaD, : .mo 'has . been a peimanOnl risldent ol the tJ.s. since 1950, said she follows the teachings of Jesus Christ -and these teachings do not require her to participate in secular government. Judge MacBride, w h o agreed bis ruling was un- precedented, said "it is seWed that the granting or citizenship is a prtvilege and the burden is oo ~ applicant to show his eliglbility in e v e r y respect." · OVERWEIGHn REDUCE UNDER MEDICAL SUPERVISION WITHOUT "PILLS." W. D. ALBERT, M.D. 1827 WESTCLJFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH PHONE: 646.02S1 LAGUNA BEACH RESIDENTS! URGENT!· IMPORTANT! SURVIVAL OF YOUR TOWN LIBRARY IS AT STAKE! It is being recommended to 'the City Counctt that our Librery be moved to 3rd St., the far ea.stern ~section of our Downtown. But ••• I) isn't the Library in the most convenient spot now? 2) doesn,t the Library in its present location serve the most _.. 0citi1ens 1 3) isn't 1 library located bell where the most people meel7 4) shouldn't we EXPAND the present Library to serve us bettor? HELP -KEEP YOUR CENTRAL LIBRARY CENTRAL I) fill out and return the form below 2) attend Planning Commission meeting, Mcncloy. February 3 (7:30 PM, City Hell) 3) attend City Council meeting. Wedntsilay, Fiobruery 5 (7:30 PM, City Hall) fill ••t ,114 m1il T•: Citl,•11• TeW11 Pl•1111i111 A11.cl1tio11 CCl,AI .... 1112 U.9111"1 l11(h J1-1 W, DIU1y, Pr11. J. l.af1'1e11t l111portlfy. Vic ... Pr••· lph•111) Lile-like Fi lL COl1JR portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR ALL AGESI Babies, children, adult!. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per a~bject, two per family. ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS! THURS-FRI-SAT & SUN JANUARY 30-31 & FEB. 1·2 PHOTOGRAPHIR'S HOURS1 THURSDAY THRU SAT.-NOON TO 8 P.M. SUNDAY-NOON TO 6 P.M. ..... ' . , FttLLLy tinRJi · i I TWO-PIECE- LACE·EFFECT PASTEtWITH • • " Q FROTHY RUFFLE .- hlHnd-prettypastol limgtlioorl through the !!Cltywhltelace- pattemed fabri< •.• ft~ ond faD, ,_,,..odd"' thefe- l'Jqjlt-loolt lhlt' ... -in fuhlciia. Pearly-luster bulDa ao oil the way down the biclt<OpODJng of the top ... llDd the skirt hu an eluticlzod waistband ' ' ~··m.a•te16 .OPEN SUNDAY lliil•ICllll 11 TO ·5 . ' . ' " COJll tflSI, tA1 lllwport Blw4. II 1611 Ch1e• for •• whit TOU •.. ,, . I will be present at both meetings I will phone my Mighbon and friends D D wiiiTE FRONT . COSTA MESA • Bristol Ave. GARplH. GROVE• -121~ ,GARDEf1 oaoy1 •ILVD. • ~---------- ._ I I l JZ DAILY Pit.Or -· _, '°· 1'16'1 Clnss Daws Tol,d By Ve Extens~~ Adult Typing Oass Slated LOCAL N• ethw ,., .. ,.,_ hll1 .,.. _,.., ..,.,. My, ai-rt wlillf't .............. c;,. ... 0r • .,. CMd tll.I• 611 DAILY PILOT, Capo Sets Evening Classe8 From literature to woodabop, the "'"'"' ,_ al the Clpbtnno Unlllid School lllatrlcl adllll edoc:o!ICo ' program oilers COOl'IOs lo lemjlt~ IDJ'Olll, I • Tiie term will bqla ... Fdlnlarf I lllld closo on May 2Z. Cluael _.,. cooducted for the most pm on the San Clamente HIP School camJi<ll, 700 Avenlda Pico, S an ' Clemente, with 1pecW ll't -IChe<Nled lor the San Clemeote Beadl Club, 100 · '!'r8buco, San etemen!O, and clllzemblp Eqlbb ltuj!l>S al . San Jliau Elementary SChool, • SllC '-El Clmlno Jleal, San Juan Clpbtrano. WUh the w:eptloa of Art I and ll, wblcb an morning lllld aftemooa .... 1oo11. cllsses begla at 7 and end ,at 10 p.m. Offerlop, bJ day, are .. fqll.,..: -~ -Art I, Art II, LlleraUO, B<cl'lllng Spanish, 8clwe, !::f'":"'1 Shorthand, Cnllo Be&Jnnini and l 11 t er ID edlale Citizen!bip ED&Dsbl -.,.· -Speedreadlllg, Math, U.S. History, Office II I ch l De I' lntermedi8te Clothlni. G<neral Art and atiieWtlp Government; Wedl:mf•7 Basic English, Auto Shop, Beginning Clothin& 'l'ypin& Sculpture and Be1in•tng a.nd I n t • r m edlate Cltlzemhip English; 'J'lm:nday -Algebra, Government, Advanced Clothing, Graphic Arts and Photography, Beginning Spanish, Bookbepinf a n d Woadlhop. New OC Fair Board Offkers Dil'<ctors Of the 32nd District Agricultural Association, which administers Or- ange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, elected 1969 board officers recenlly at Huntingto)l Harbour Beech Club. On hand (from left) are Secretary-Manager Al· 1red lAltjems, named board treasurer again, outgoing president Dr. Joseph Rlbal; new President Cecil J. Marks, new vice preoldent Irvin C. Chapman, and Dr. Norman J, Meyer, who was rMlected to vice presidency term he also held last term. · "Artistry . M . " ID ovmg for the BEST MOVE of :YOUR Llf;E Call: 494.:1025 2 DAYS-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ' - FRIDAY. SATURDAY ONLY! SAVE 1/3 TO 1/2 OFF . -· . OCC Announces Dates For Fall Registration I See by Today· s . Want Ads e HOW SOT ThDe won't fall ---........ them: ••• KawuaJd..l~ or a '67 Kawuald .. 231. must ul1 ctm to ''Grett.. lnp'' .from Unde Sam. I e Luc>y 13: swt '°"' l!flt" _ .... ,.,,.,., ..... her a unique .et or Md-... ....,, u .._ 1n Dl'W conditkn A aac:dftct at $t50! · .. W-Wall<tRnard for thLI man'• bladl waDet. .... In ... vldnily al g. Mart « ?4ubt Bullet, 1n Calta Mesa. fleal9 • turn. e 01a1W PtnD1 Pi11d1a1 ---at a low, low price. NEWPORT ONLY! never before advertised by Buffums' at these low prices ••. all re duc:ed from regular stock, never special purchases ••• quantities and sizes limited ••• no mail, phone c:.o.d. orders DRESS SHOP lrwentoty elNrancol Misses moderate and baller prl...f er ...... "' wool knits, polyeston, sheer wools, acelotes ond mony blended. fal>rics. Ono and lwo- pioco styles in novelies, prinls1. •nd soGd colors; 6-20, reg. 21.00-"0.00 ••• 13.99-23.99 YOUN• CALIFORNIA SHOP, ANAL CLEARANCE OF PRETEl'ID FUR AND LEATHER FASHIO!'IS 1/3 off Cuir savage vinyls and ' acryGc pile fabrics •N Included in this groat foshion selection. PO..t, vnls, uirt and (umpor stylos. JUNIOR AND PETITE DRESS CLEARANCE 12.tt R09. '17.00-21.00. ChoOM from • marvelous aelec:tion of stylos, includl119 "dressy." HUIT'f in to take advantage of this grHI value! SUNCHARM SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE OF W ASHAILE DACRON DRESSES lt.H Rev-Jl.00. You'I rocognia the v.r, fo- mous loMI on our non-wrinlle d......, Mode of ~ polyester, they .... wash.blo ...., wll clrip dry, Clioose fram _., col- °"'lout ,...tin .. sim; 8·16. • ACCESSOlY SHOP SAVE ON SKIRTS 6.99 to 10.99 Reg. 11 .00 lo 17 .00. Fun, pleated, A~ino or trouser styled skirts in dark colors. Choose from plaids, blocks or solids; 8 lo 16. You'D want to perk up your wardrobe with one or more, •+ these low prices. LINGERIE DA YWEAR CLEARANCE INCLUDES: Lace and appt.quod trim petticoats. Some tailored styles; reg. 4.00 ·----·--2.59. Slips and chemises in i:liscontinuacl styles and colon. Some are lavishly lace -trimmed. SmaU1 average and +an lengths; reg. 6.00- 9.00 ··-·-··· .. ---·-······-· .. 3.99-5.99. Better s Ii p s in many s i 1 es, styles and colors --····-··--· ····-........ 'h off. SLEEPWEAR CLEARANCE INCLUDES: Famous ma~er gowns in discontinued styles and colon. Single loyer and ovor!.y gowns; rog. 8.00-10.00 -·······-· ········---5.99. Long gowns, reg. 10.00 -····-··-·--6.99. Peignoir sets in lovely fashion colors_ IJJ off. Collon quilted dusters, reg. 15.00_1 l.99. tllWPOIJ CENTU • '#1 FA1HION ISLAND • 644·2200 • HANDBAGS Large assortment of handbags includes smaU to large sizes in dressy or tailored styles. Febrics in plastic patent, calf, Seton, alligator-grained loath- en; black, brown, tan, white, red, navy, green, yet.. low, orange, pink and multi-colors. All stylos rag. 7.00 lo 20.00 --·--····---·-·-····--1.97 to 10.97 COSMETICS Men's "Hawaiian Surf" toiletries in cork botttas. Gift set contains After .. Shave Cologne and So1p1 reg. 5.00 ·-·· 2.50; So.op-on-a-Rope, reg. 2.50 _ 1.25 Debbie, the Beauty Bath Doll, is filled with fragrant talc and dressed in hand-made , removable dresses,' reg . 6. 95 3.50. Clutch bags in several colors, styles and fabrics, reg. 4.00 ·--·····--··--2.00 INFANTS' AND TODDLERS' SHOP TebOLER BROTHER 'N SISTER COORDINATES These charming ensembles are by Calr.opo. For her-dross and blouse or jumper and blouse, reg. 13.00-15.00 ··-·--·-··-6.99. For hi...-tl.o Bobby Suit in bright plaids, stripes and solids, reg. 11.00-12.00 _ 5.99 ' Pre--inventory clearance on layette ind rturssy items! Limited quantities, so hurry. M•ny one.of ..... kind -·····-········--·-·······-····--·-1/2 off and mor'e TAILE LINENS Pure linen tabt.c:loth in "R9ftlli111nce" p1ffera. Black, blue, or gold with white, but net al colon in ol siies. Al sizes frOtll 51151 rog. 5.00 _ 2.47, to 9011 round, rtg. 25.00, now ~ ;1 JJ)J STORE FOR MEN FAMOUS MAKER DOUBLE KNIT SHIRT. 6.99 Rog. I 2.00 double knit acotot. shirts .,. in the popular sland..,p coftor. Narrow stripes in gold, blue and grMn. W ashoblo. LONG§LEEVEO SPORT SHIRTS '·" Reg. I 3.00-14.00 famous male shirts arw durable 1"9" D~ poly.stet and Or- lonS acrytic blond. Many solids and plaids. VARSITY SHOP Wide assot hnont of dr.ss ties, 199. 2.!50-3.50 _ .99 Famous molar wash ond weer penis from Oii' N9U-· lor stocl, 199. I.SO S. '9 T radilional spo<t shirts from •w 199ular stocl of plaids and smal cliocb, reg. 1.00 t. 9.00 _ 99c SHOP RUDA y nu 9:00, SATURDAY STORE WlLL CLOSE AT 4:00 FOR INVENTORY . , I Fashions Show · Milady's . ,. Preg ress f " I I Paraphrasing a cigarette commercial for thq bas!~ story ol W1)m1µ1's progress will be .the annual J. W. Robwon Fashion ~ow \vhl~h will point up, Yoµ've Come A Long.Way, Lady. Tlie presenta\ion, to take place Wednesday, Feb. 19, Jor the. benefit of Orange Collnty , Cllildren's H,oepltal, Is themed Tempo 70 wbicb will exemplify.the exciting and fast-pact!d life ol todayts women and sbow how far. !hey have come fforii !he protecfed, sheltered, inhibited Iile ol years gone by. Guest tables in the Anahe,im Convention Center will be brightened . _by ~sh flower Genterpieces in mod, mad colors of t~ay ~ch will under- line the fast approaching season of spring when milady s fancy always turns to a new wardrobe. LAVISH PRODUCTION , Following tradition of past years, the show will be a lavish produc- tion of five scenes. -.On stage will be a movie screen which wijl visually create the -scenes' mood. Cupids, arrows and hearts to C?mputer m~~;mak:ing: will serve .. as ·the backdrop for the first scene, entitled 0~ve-m, featunng red, white ·and blue ensembles ·for men, women and cbildren. Jn "Let's Take a Trip " .scene two, emphasis will be on what to wear to sports events, garage s.tles and house-wrecking: parti~s. while on the screen guests will see shots of a beach buggy, Persian flying carpet, Cleo- patra's barge and such modern day conveyances as supersonic jets and the Apollo s. LOOK·ALIKES Boy-girl Jook-alikes for the young adults .also. wil! be i~cluded, in this scene with the sub-title "Unisex Clothes," while h1ghl1ghts 1n mens fash- ions stressing the mov~ment to the return of the romantic male hero will comprise "The Great Male Rebellion" in the third scene. Scene four "Be Bare If You Dare" is self-explanatory, and conclud- ing the program' will be the c ustomary showing of after-five and evening fashions designed in chiffons, silks, "gilded lily" spangles and night !low- ing pant suits. Title of this ~~ene is :•r.ate Day,,Short or Long." - Background for this Will be pictures of women who have changed and help.ed. shape the world of women, such as Isadora Duncan, Helena Rubenstein, Amelia Bloomer, Amelia Erhart, Helen Hays, Grandma Moses and Madame Curie. The fe stive day will begin with a cocktail hour at 11 :30 a.m., follow· ed by a luncheon and the show. Tickets are $15 per person and may be purchased from any wember of the sponsoring county hospital guilds. . . Representing the Orange Coast on the planning ~0~1ttee are. the Mmes. Ted Finster, Cinderellas of Newport Beach; William Buss, Little Mermaids of Huntington Beach; Robert Klees, Punch and Judy of Costa Mesa, and Robert Cosgrove, Queen of Hearts, Laguna Beach. T~llnclt)', JtRlltl'Y JI. 1Nt •••• 11 SWINGING SPRING -Modeling one of the swingy, kicky lash· ions predicted to be popular in the coming season, is Mrs. Rich- ard Voelzke, chairman of the seventh annual J. W. Robinson Fash- ion Show, which is presented as an Orange ~aunty ·children's Hospital benefit. Admiring the ensemble are (left to right) Mrs. Robert Cosgrove and Mrs. Robert M. Klees. The show is spon- sored by the county guilds of the hospital. Sigma Phi Gammas Rushing to Tea A Rush· Tea is planned from 2 to 4 p.m. next Sun- day in the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Murdock Payne (left). who is assisted with last-minute ar- 'ta.nge1ncnts by Mrs. Herbert Bland (center) and l\otrs . Donald Benedict, president. The affair ls being staged by Lambda Zeta Chapter, Sigma Phi Gamma. 'Exceed-drin' Headache No. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am a Les· bian . The word m·akcs me sick but there is nothing I can do about it. All I know is I am 18 years old and J wish I were dead. I keep asking myself how I got thls •ly and why It had to happen to me. \.. Whenever I see a boy and girl holding hands, laughing end talkini oo a street ~other, I feel like lhrowing myself under th~ wheels of a truck. I wonder how many people ever thank the good Lord fct' just letting them be norm1I. Don 't sugeest a psychiatrlsti-I couldn'l afford one on my own and I'd rather die than ll'tl my parents whal is wrong w~ me._ U they knew, it would , kill them. I don 't know why I om writing to you because you can't help me. I guess ANN LANDERS I had to talk to &0mebody aoo you are the only one there ls. Thank you for listening, Ann. NEITHER FISH NOR FOWL DEAR FIUEND: I cu't ile.Jp you, bat yoa cu help yoanelf. Tell your pal"tllts JOI an moody and rurrul and )'Oii want pqclllalrie lttlp. 1'erapy wW probably not "care" yoa, bUt It will enable you to verbalize your reeling• •llltout fear or 1hame. And ll wW d• " something else. It will be.Jp you 1lop baUng yourself. M~ people wltla ... Yoe&r problem lead uaefal, producdve Uve1. Sell understanding ud 1df acceptance are the 1oah. Good tack. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Dad lives wllh us, which ll fine. My wire adores him and the childref think he Is wonderful. For 77 he is aJftuin.gly alert. So what '1 the problem? " •• Lid·oite 'Spares ;"""' ..... Time for Youth By BEA ANDERSON Soct.IJ' Editor "l( you want to get something done, ask a busy woman to do it." , Taking this adage one step further is Evelyn (Mrs. Max) Binswanger of Lido Isle who decided not to wait to be a sked. Instead she volunteered. Now she is serving with 34 others on the State Ad- visory Committee for Children and Youth. Her specific 1 tr area is serving on the drug abuse and education sub-• . committee. I Just what her time commitment and duties will be i still remain 'somewhat of a mystery, as she has only at- tended two meetings so far. The committee meets quarterly, alternating between Sacramento and San · Francisco. Subcommittee and special meetings are called whenever they are considered necessary. At present she is working with other committee members 'in plan- ning a state convention which will take place in Ana· heim in the fall. Before receiving her appointment by Gov. Reagan, she "let the 'powers that be' know she was very inter- ested in working in this capacity and then filled out a qualification card." Enthusiasm may be considered her primary quali· fication, but the facts that she is a mother of five, step-" mother oi three, grandmother of two and has worked . with Girl and Cub Scouts for many years are bound to have been considered as well. HAVE BAGS PACJ(,,EO, WILL TRAVEL Mrs. Mex Blnswanger (SH STATE ADVISOR, Page 141 4 • • • • So Few Un·derstand Dad 's healt!:i ls slowly falling and he refuses to discuss his insurance ar- rangements with us. I am not interested in cash. Dad can't have saved much after ral!lng a family on a barber's pay. I do know, howe ve r, that he has some Insurance policies, but I don't know the name of the company. What am I supposed to do, Ann? Run an ad In the paper when Dad dies? A few months ago I told Dad I'd like to talk to him about his lnturance. lie said, "Don't worry, Son, everything 11 taken care of." What now ? -UPPA GENSTIT DEAR UP : TtD Qld that all yoa wan& to kno• 11 tlle name ot the ln- 1u.r111ce compaQJ &hat bandlt1 bit ,; pollde1, nothln1 more. Explain that unless be ten. you, all the MOMJ he bas paid out may go dOWll tbe dr1Jn. DEAR ANN : Torgel wants to marry me and I bave said yes. Several months ag; he "laJd all his cards out on. the. table ." He informed me that be b a diabetic. While he was talking I felt guilty because I am keeping something (rom him. l wear an upper denture. ll you aay I should confess thls to him belore we marry I will do so. -ST. LOUTS WOMAN DEAR WO!\.tAN: Otabetes 11 an Ulne!l!l. Dentures do not fall Into thl1 category. Slnct yoa fecl ~lily,· I 1ugge1t you • ,I '--- tell T o r g e I In a IJ&htbearl.ed w a 1 yOur npp!n art ltore bought. Alld don'& be 1arprl1td U it tut111 out that M bu aJWI ~t. • How far should a teenage couple got ~ n~kblg be AfeT When doea it l:M'.(xlne too hot to hand1eT Send for Ann Landers' booklet, ''Necking and P$ ting -What Are the 1.Jmils?" M• your request to Ann Landers 1n cart of this newspepu enclo&lng 50 centa In coin and a 100«, •tamped, .. 11-od- dressed envelope. Allll Landers 11'W be iiJad lo hel p you wiUt your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PllJ!l:1 enclosing a sell-addressed, stampeo envelope. ' f - I J4 DAILY PILOT NH HIGH Bonnie McDonald NH HIGH Lucille Struble Thursday, January -'O, 1969 ESTANCIA Sus1n M1rvy1m1 ESTANCIA Janet Matson CdM HIGH M1rl1nM Cox ' CdM HIGH B9cky Carver CM ftlGH ~ S1"4r• Lauter ' . CM HIGH' Gfne Kreibich Alab(:]rn.a Ceremonies . ,, i;~k e\vport Couple . . ' ~ort :auc1:er, Cb,re1, AJabama•was tilt ¥ttldi for the cerenioQY llqldof, lo mar- riage NllllfY Caf\il Mollltr and Arm:J Lt Peer Aided Swan of Ball>oli Wand. The ·bride, a lllth c~aJto Calil°""*I, is .llie ;daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. :"'i!.i~ !':':~-:: = Mn. Earl Swan of Beverly Mass. For ·her nuptials she wore a white , wool dre,ss with matching"coat and pearl tiara. Serving as best man and matron ol honor were Lt. and Mrs. Patrick O'Cvnnell of Merced. The brld{tl couple will reside In Alabama during t h ' bridegroom'• helicopter ru~t training. He ts a graduate of Beve~ly High School, al· tended Orange Coast College where he was student body president and attended UCLA. He also is a graduate of lhe Officers Candidate School, Fort Benning, Ga. His wife is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and UCLA. She also studied at occ and UCJ. DARs Study Indians ·Powwow Told American History and ln· diam will be the topic when Patience Wright Cb apter, Daughters of the American Revolution meet at 12:15 Tuesday, Feb. 4, in the Hotel Laguna. Mrs. Hilda Morgan, guest speaker from the Shfrman Institute, Riverside will talk ,about Indian art and culture and. exblbit specimens of In· di.an 'handicraft. as American History Month, will pay tribute to PaUence Wright chapter namesake and the first international woman spy in the country, In addition Mrs. Erwin B. l\1arks, regent, will report on a recent· Southern Council meeting which also was at- tended by members th e Mmes. Albin Wethe, Edgar H. Axtell and Charles 0. Test. JEANNE ANN STICKLER Marriage in Germany Betrothal Revealed Zontas Choose -Eight Coeds The chapter aids Indians through national DAR pro.. jects, and Mrs. Lowry Gall· inger, chapter chairman of In- dian projects collected ove r .40 -pounds of winter garments and jewelry to send to the Springfield School for Indian Girls last Christmas. A progress report of Laguna Beach's third annual Patriots' Day Parade next Feb. 22, also will be heard. The chapter is co-sponsoring the event which will take place Feb. 22. Hostesses for the meeting will be the Mmes. Lowry Gall- inger, Frederick Pa u 1 sen, Samuel B, Sherer and William Kennedy. In Corona de/ Mar The forthcoming marriage of Jeanne Ann Stickler and Dennis Leroy Osborne has been disclosed by her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Each month the Zonta Club of Newport Harbor honors one senior girl from each of the Newport·Mesa high schools as the Zonta Girl-of-the.month. , 1'he selection is based upon leadership, citizenship, scholarship and service to her school. Selected for the month of December were the Misses Bonnie McDonald, Newport Harbor High; Susan Marvyama, Estancia; Marian· ne Cox, Corona del Mar, and Sandrfl Laufer, Costa Mesa. Girls chosen for January \~ere the Misses Lucille Stru· hie, Newport Harbor: Janet !-.1atson, Estancia ; Becky Carver, Corona de\ Mar, and Gina Kreibich, Costa f\lesa. NEWPORT Miss McDonald, daughter of Mrs. Erik Larsen of Newport Beach, has been a varsity Fullerton or Orange Coast cheerleader and member of College where she will study the student congress, -pe p art. commission and Koala Tri-Hi-CORONA DEL MAR y group. Honors have included Enrolling at the University the E. L Moore award for daughter of the M a r t i n Matsons of Costa Mesa, The mldlerm graduate will ~ttend OCC afld in the fall enroll at Concordia Luther an College, Moorhead, Minn. and major in math. · outstanding sophomore girl, of Souther:n Califonµa (lr Stan· Homecoming Queen and Miss ford after her graduation will Newport Beach for l968-69. be Miss Cox, daughter of Mr. CORONA DEL MAR The senior Coed plans to and .Mrs. Alvin~ S. Cox oI The daughter oC Mr. and During the meeting members, observing February From Page 13 • • • State Advisor attend UCLA where she will Santa Ana. Mrs. Roy Carver Jr. of major in public relations. ha~o~~eapct~tetmwothysearst'udsehnet NGeAwApo11"' Beach has joined "With. only four children Jert it do1ninates lots of parents' , Ill's, senior honorary · at home," Evelyn said, "I think ing. ESTANCIA g1ovemment, serv~:S j~~r Aqciety ·and is president of felt I should be doing more "You kno1v. It's a trouble The daughter of Mr. and c ass secretary auu &guur A!sisteena. She won the DAR for youth. b d I · 'd rn. Co to e a parent an some just Mrs. Thomas Y. Marvyama c ass vice pres1 ent._ 11Ui'S J awafd, ·w.s .outstmlding Latin was number one 1·un1or go."er, 1 d t d h . , "I know my ViPws pretty don't v.•ant to put forth the of Costa Mesa is active in J-1; 'S JI en ,Q Om fl C'O m 1 n g well parallel those of effort . . . they believe in the Pep Club and is Girts' representing the ."V.S-during prinj:ess: 1 Reaian's. Perhaps t h a t 's Jetting the other person do it." League vice president and a her junior year. Miss ·Carver .wUI ·attend a·not er reason I was selected. n. ·:; · _, She doesn't believe in laying songleader. She has received COSTA MESA either We e&ey, Sta1uord, "Just what the answer 1s all of the bla me at the year. filiated with <f!Ml."H"~~~ au air .. :YJ't,:;. ; dO':iU.tcan to "belp... tragedy strikes, they are H. E. Stickler of Corona del Mar. The betrothed are planning for a June 'vedding in Schweinfurt, Germany. Miss Stickler, a Children's Home Society debutante in 1964, is an alumna of Newport Harbor _High &hqol and the University o! Nebraska where she affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma. Currently she is teaching , high school in Palo Alto. The benedict·elect, se>n of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Osborne of Omaha, is an alumnus of Westside lligh School, On1aha and the University of Nebraska where he pledged Sigma Nu fraternity. Presently he is a 2nd li eutenant in the U.S. Army stationed in Ger- 1n any. the E. 1. Moore award for Miss Laufer daughter QI ~SC or the · Univ er s j .1 Y · to the youths' problems of doorstep of parents thou>'h. junior girl-of-the·year and was Mrs. Walter ~·&ll'ngtl'llJ Gt .DI. Oregon..~·~, J"~d . }t; today. I d'ln't know," she as she hastily addrd , "'1 Jal Girls' State representali'< '"'' Costa Mesa, has beeo ~f-"''°' mt·:-· 'l>ril>nted . "But, I want to of them are good peo ple. Whrn ~iss Marvyama will attend student congress and wis1he COSTA ,' ·A .'·..:~ 1•· · ··'ly pian to move sloWty· at broken-hearted. Many just are California State College at .. American Field Service 1tu-Miss ltr"eiblcb has been first," she explained, adding not aware that their children----------~---------~ dent to Sweden duriqt her president of the SpanUlb Club "and I hope wisely." are in trouble until they are - Engagement Revealed During Family Party junior year. She has been for two Years and.is._secretafy Her outlook on the future confronted with it by the presented the Amer Jc an of AFS. She Is a Head.Start ls rather pessimiJ;tic. police. Legion award and the E. I. Volunteer .teacher and a Some of her frightening "Youths' problems are a 11oore award during her Volunteer Bureau ·assistant. predlctions include, "mari· serious matter,'' she stressed Donna pre J e Y. k o wlll tion were Liane Heyer and sophomore and junior years. The Nati 0 n a J Me rit juana will be legalized · • ' and reiterated she ''simply represent the South Coast Christopher Doyle. The 12th grader plans to Scholarship semifinalist plans riots will begin at the high does nQt have .the answer." Junior Woman's Club when Judges included Mrs. Rheta tt d Uc! UCLA and school level · · · elected but wants to find out all she a en or to travel in France this sum· leaders will receive more Los Cerritos District judges Gillette, Huntington Beach Art study English. mer with the Foreign Study ridicule before they are prais-can. entries in the Ha1lmark Art League, and Mrs. Lil a Art Entry Selected The engagement of Leslie Louise Woodhead and Michael Stewart Jameson was an- nounced during a party in the Huntington Beach home of the brlde~lect's mother and NEWPORT League and attend Pomona ftf." With the enthusiastic sup. Contest Monday, Feb, 24.. Macintyre, Costa Mesa Art Studying to become a pro-College and major in foreign She said she think s port that she is giving to Her entry was selected dur· League. fessional dancer following languages. teenagers kno:-v more about the committee, perhaps the ing judging taking place in Serving as chairman of the gradua,tion is Miss Struble, drugs and their effects than answers will be found before Fountain Valley High School. contest was Mrs. William stepfather, Dr. and Mrs. William C. Buss. daughter of the Howard A. ,ve (adults) do. "They pro-her predictions are proven. Selected for honorable men-Hayes, fine arts chairman. Strubles of Costa Mesa . HB TOPS Club bably a>uld educate us. I think l, .. ;;;;,-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~wor;;•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•ii-..liiiiii•iii·iii.,iiw;;;_;g;._;;iiiiwriiiiOi.'l'MQ;;".i,,.~~--i~· ~~~~;;;;;,; Miss Woodhead, daughter Gf :Mrs. Buss and U.S. Navy Capt. (ret.) E. F. Woodhead of Vietnam, is a graduate of fl,Jarina lligh School and is attending Golden W e s t College. She has participaled in AFS, those who take drugs just Chantelles, Madrigals and cur-Allen School is the meeting don't care." rently is Girls' At h I et i c place for members of Hun· She feels this attitude Association's pres j dent. tinglon Beach TOPS Pound dominates the lhlnklng of Outside activities include Pinchers at 7 p.m. every Mon· mos t of the youths who get performing with the Southern day. into trouble and also feels ' ' ~ ....... ~ :a.t LESLIE WQOOHEAD Pl1ns to Wed Her fiance, whose stepfa ther and mother are ti-fr. and Mrs. Thomas Coultas of Huntington Beach, attended California State College at Long Beach, following his graduation from Huntington Beach High School. He now Is a member of the GreeQ Berets. The couple will be married ln St. Anne's Catholic Church, Seal Beach. The date is un- disclosed. ~ California Vocal Association Honor Choir and the Orange County Honor Choir. ESTANCIA During her high school years Miss Matson has been a member of the class council, AFS, California Scholarship Federation, and presently is German Club p~esident, com- missioner of organizations and tennis team member, The Concordia f\I e r I t Scholarship \\'inner is the Sweeping Clean FINAL CLEAR· A· WAY DRESSES • suns • SPORTSWEAR • etc. 1 /2 and MORE OFF es!ell~IJaJale 3653 EAST COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR I One Bloc~ from Five Crown I ~ 1;•~~~~~~-.~~·~~~~~~~~-..~~·~~~~~~ CORONA DEL MAR TENNIS CLUB Invites You To Join This Friendly, Private Club ... SPECIAL •.. CLIP THIS AD! GOOD FOR FREE INITATION FEE FOR ONE PERSON MernbrtMlp Dwt Pia"' •.• Mn. S10 ... Ml1. S6 ,., PerJ01 ,., Moftth!. EXPIRES MARCH I, 1969 JOIN AND ENJOY, lrlilp, h"'Pft" Pool, TV, Ch9s1, Lod5" Dcrp. •lln .... •Tobi• Tirt11lt,, •S~1fflo loer4, •S•lr""''"9· IRterchrb "'8'tc.lln, Moflttlly ,fi'llflHI_""'· °COY"1!•• JBm~lu. •nn Ho!tL Gu"'' H-.v• Prioro!~, PLUS • , • for only is .oo you get $17 worth of lt•m• •nd services in our new un ique guest coupon book. e TENNIS LESSONS AVAILABLE • e COM~LETEL Y STOCKED PRO SHOf' e la11lAIMriCGr4 e Cwto llo'iicho 8 DI".,, e M~ter Ctlllf'P 2101 E. Coast Hwy.-Corono d•I Mar Ttlt ..... • 673·S711 I I Lot 9.95 GIRDLES to 13.95 Values "'''"-'""'"'""'U""'*"''"""'''".+«"Mil""'"' .. '"'"'"""'r'"''"'"'""'·"--··~>WrP I LOT CLOSE -OUTS "PROMISE" •nd "LOV-1" BRASSIERS 1/2 PRICE h-.ai:... '"'; ~Qiib,.. ~ -t0 \h&"ltll.'M.._.. ___ ,. ... a,.·1,..,._., BEGINNER BRAS SS to $12.SO lot A, B, C, D & 328 1 LOT Of GIRDLES s12.so 10 s20 AND PANTY GIRDLES & '''"""*·-.. =-· -.. ...... ~ .......... 1/2 PRICE --~------~' Lot of SLIPS • Y2 SLIPS • BRA SLIPS ROBES • PAJAMAS -GOWNS 20% OFF Corona del Mar 2711 E. Coast Hwy. Phone 6 73 -2685 Free Parking in Rear ,~_ _, ··--~, l .... Newlywed R. A. Bakers Depart for Honeymoon Departing for Carmel and San Francisco followlng their wedding in St. Andrew's PresbyteriAn Church were Carol Lorraine Hawley and Randall Abbott Baker. 'Ibe Rev. Dr. Charles Diertnfield pe.rfom1ed l h e 'l ' '\ 4., ,..,~"'~ double ring ceremony for lhe daui)>ltr of Mr-and Mrs. Reginald G. Hawley of Lido IJle and lhe son o( Mr. and Mrs. Edwa~ Baker o f Anaheim. For the afternoon nuptiah the bride wa.s glven in mar- I MRS. RANDALL ABBOTT BAKER Lido Isl• Reception riage by he.r father. She selected an ivory peau de soie A·line gown with beading and re-embroidered alencon lace detailed at the empire waist. A chapel length watteau train feU from her shoulder and a jeweled lace band caught her silk illusion veiling. She ca.fried a bouquet of sweetheart pink r o s e s , stephanotis and baby's breath_ Miss Susan Dale Tatsch of Newport Beach was maid of honor in a pink silk slim-lined gown with a satin sash and bow at the empire waistline. A gariand of fresh flo111·ers adorned her hair. Attending as bridesmaids were Mrs. Edward Warm- ington Jr, of Newport Beach, Miss Sharon Reaume of San Diego and Miss Susan Arico of Rolling Hills. Standing as best 1nan for his new brother-In-law was Richard Thatcher Hawley. Ushers were Patrick Hamilton of Orange, Robert Wines ol Anaheim, Daniel Sanford of Anaheim and Warmington. Acolytes were Rodney and Bradley Baker, the bridegroom's brothers. Lldo Isle clubhouse was the setting for a champagne reception featuring a marlachl band. Assisting at the wedding book were f,he bride's cousins, f\.1iss Diane Thatcher o ! Brentwood and the Misses Jane and Susan Nogle of Wo:odland Hills. Special guests were Mrs. George B. Thatcher o f Newport Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald G. Hawley or Laguna l!ills, the bride's grandparents. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ernest Abbott of Anaheim , and Mr. and Mrs. James Augustus Baker of Anaheim , the be n edict ' s grandparenls. The bride is an alu mna of Ne\vport 1-larbor High School and attended the University of Southern California where she was a member of Pi Beta Phl and the college TRAVEL HINTS Carol Lane Grandmas Packing Trip Tips Ticktockers. Her husband is a graduate NB Auxiliary Fashion Lingo Gives Clue to Real Meaning or Anaheim High School, at-The Ladies' Auxiliary of tended Chapman College and Newport Beach Fire Depart.- makes you all woman.'' (Is presently is a senior at USC ment gathers the thi rd this for women who have majoring in business ad-,Vednesday of each month at doubts abou t their sexual iden-ministration. 8 p.m. in various JocatJons. tity?) The newlyweds will be mak-JnformatJon rc;:arding locatJon By PATRICIA rt1cCOR!l1ACK NEW YORK (U PI) Clothes horses needn't envy writers who get pajd for watching fashion shows. "This is a must on all ing their first home in may be obtained by teJephon- women'1 shopping list.!." (The Newport Beach. Ing Mrs. T.C. Dailey, 543-9835. Having lived through neatly 100 during the just-ended fashion marathor. in New York, certain phrases ring in my ears when I sleep. You hear them at practically every fashion show, here or ma.in street. designer saying that thinks : ,,,. ___________ ;i;;;; ____ ;;;;; ___ ~, "If you don't buy it, I'll go '' To help you through your next fashion show, there follow in quotes the phrases. In parenthesis, in· terpretations. "It's a very feminine dress." (Obviously a dreS! without pants. Have you ever seen a masculine dress?") ''A charming dress that Cupid Aims His Arrow Hearts and flowers wUI be ln order when the Young Women's Civic League spon- sors its OJ.pid'• F1ing. The Valentine dinner dance will ·iake place at 7:30 p.m. Saturda.y, Feb. 8, in the J'llly Roger Inn, Anaheim, and tick- ets will be $12 per couple. Procee& from the dance will be used for philanthropic pur- poo;es. Additional information may be obtained by calling Pttrs. Gary Wllllanu, 111-1977. Writer Guest Ora Pate (Mrs. Robert) Stewart, a poet and author, will speak before Laguna Beach branch, N a t l on 11 I l..eague of American Pen Women during a meetinc •t 10 a.m. next Monday In the admi.n.istralion building o f LagunP Beach Unified School District. . A humorist, Pttrs. Stewart has appeared in the White House and is llsted In the "International Who's Who in Poetry," "Who'.1 Who in American Women" and "Who's Who in the West." bankrupt.") "Note the meticulous con- struction." (This means all stiches and buttons will keep their places until at least one wearing.) "Evening clothes are festive." (Breathes there a. female who never knew?) "Fashion is keyed to the individual.,. (If it fits, the col- or and price suit, you'll buy it.) "Pants are dashing this season." (Especially true if the wearer is a last-minute type who runs for bus or to any store before it closes.) "Today's woman is in m~ lion." (We never would have known unless the fashion peo- ple told us, would we?) "We love I.he look of .•. " (Glad to bear it. If the designer doeSn't love It, how's he e:r:pect us to buy it?) "This dress is very new." (At the pricu, $100 and up, it's comforting to hear that we're not buying u 1 e d clothing, isn't it?) "Today everything in- fluences fashion -the moon , hippies, and, well, j u s t evuything." ("Everything" in that mouthfu1 includes prices. lf the price equals what you have left over from focxl money, you may buy it.) "The year 196'9 will go down 1s a vintage year in fashlon." (The designers will say tt in 1970 as they did in 1968, 1967 and every year in which they show a new collection. Nice to know. U they don't believe in thelr clothes, who wUI?) "This collection is re11Dy very fresh." (Happy to hear it isn't really very stale.) "Note the relaxed lines.'' (No bulges. Understandable when you consider the model is 27·24-21 and the dress ls for someone. »26-30.) "Fashion is for all saa.sons." (Brilliant statement Did it C(Jtne oot of • think tank, J wonder.) CUP & SAVE~~ BRAD'S T.V. 2816 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar • 675-2212 $2 50 OFF WITH THIS COUPON ON ANY T.V. SERVICE CALL ANUARY SAVE, 20% to50% Reduced Prices on Robes Gowns Paiamas SPECIAL • Ponty Girdles • Bras -~ 23 FASHIOll ISIAND -NEWPORT BUCH 644-0170 DAJt.Y PILOT j/S Horoscope Virgo: Ask Question~ Japanese Setting '* Mf :.c.......,,.., s,, ... ~'"i FRONT ... I· ~ th1I -act accordin&Jy. Nn'I received ls favorable. Cheer up. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mllrch IO): Bring creative force1 to surface. Your sense of tlm1ng i.. oharp. Judgment apt lo pr~ ve COITtct. Tate a chance on ywr own abWUes. You could emerge big winner. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY social activity Us on l.ncrtase. You live within. But now you get chance for greater self~xpresston. Let yourself go. Some who were dlstanl C{)me closer. GENERAL TENDENCIES' Cycle blgh for CANCER, LEO, VIRGO. Special word t o CAPRICORN' re.I bet Is lo be thorough. Check details. Lunar position excellent for fishing, planting. For Dance Teabouae of the February Moon la the seamd Jn a lerlu of dinner dances being lb~ by the After FIVe supper club section of the Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor. The Newporler lnn on Feb. 2 will be transformed inlo a pink and lavender Japanese garden complete with a pool, comer teahouse and collection of GeisVa dolls. Ptlrs. Seaver Kennedy, chairman, h a s engaged Warren B 1 r k er' s orchestra. Cocitt'ail.s will be served at 5:~ p.m. with din- ner at 6:30. A variety of dance ml:a:ers, entertainment and prizet are spotlighted. G u e s t s are welcome a n d reservations maY be made with' Mrs. Ken· nedy at 673-3380; Mrs. Claude Cotton, 543-0894, or Mrs. William Warren. 646-4193. S'kippar .. dtl Be au t y Sa.lo ns l -- SIDE .. . ;;, "'i ,.,,;f..ft. 'v'-"i.c.''""-·*'•;>;...,•• BACK .. . ALL CURL, ALL COLOR, ALL CUSTOM \Ve snip and shape, custom-eurl your new hairdo. Then we custom-color your hair with your own personalized color. By Fanci·tone, of course-our tint in a ne\v push-button dispenser that lets us create just the color you want, and duplicate it every time I Natural looking colors for gray hair, toning colors for bleached hair, ~nd our ultra-sophisticated "Color Originals," the style colors that set the styles! F•nci- tone color doesn't wash out, conditions your hair as it colors. A.-11, C.AI. ""' .. .... M.rat ..... CMftl' Com -. C1llf. ,,., •• 11'11 """" MWfl!llr ~ --Or•-. C1llf. , ... ~.a.-.... __ .. Santa Ana, Callf. ,,.,. ... , ... ,,,""' T-CMfll" I I • CREME HAIR TINT with Shempoo end Set, -·-$5 .75 Cott• MMt, Callf. "' w lt'I~ '""' ,.,.. 60.uN Senta Ant, Calif. "" Ho. ,.1,...,. ,,_..., Clr'lllW Fovnt1ln Volloy, Collf. ,,,. ........ Le vm.,.c..,.. ..... ""'" fovnt1ln Vollol" Collf. 1I02f ,di_ ., Ml .. Vtllf'Y C...,. le11~•L.-..... a..• ...... a.p li-~.;_,,,.......;......;........;...;...;......;..~;.__,1-~~~~---::~~~~~~~~...-~~~~~~--.~~~~~r • I --· ..,.... llt-m ""°"' tlf.Jlll _,,,_ ' ' ' • DALY l'ILOT For The Record Meetings TMll•SOAY Hwit1"91'0fl leKh lloorl C!Ub. SM11111!!'t ... ~ lftllo H1111llftillllll lacl'I, •::io ~le lfMfl•, 100" H•ll, WQtmirtlltr Awnue. Wfltm1111ter, ?:• P.m. ffrwpart H•rbol' fib (lob, fllu Lod9e, SU6 Vie OPorfo, N_.I IMtfl, 1:00 •.m. U.S. H1 .. 1! .S.1 Clldtt COl'JtL. 23.'5 hrT'llftC.11 ROIG, S."'-AM, 1 P.111. ·-· Hunflfltllaol I Heh lloblT C I u b, Slle••toft BNch Inn, Huntington lt1dl. 11:10 1.m. ,,.,_rloer'I LIDM Clllb, 'Stllft Slolr1, 22'1 W. C,..11 Hl111"1• N9-f htdl, 12:1S p,m, DAILY l'ILOT lllff ....... Sharpening Vp for Show Fire Calls lo-a.tdl Retired abalone fisbennan Swede Annann, now a rockbound, checks out ,,29 1.m. n.ir.i ..... 11rucru,.. 11r1, giant saw he built for slicing rocks. Blade contains 30 carats of diamonds for ... Thl'Pllth s!i ._. hardness. Annann will be among exhibitors Friday an~ Saturday at Orange ~" 1.m. w1c1..-... m1c11a1 11c1, Coast Mineral and Lapidary Society's 22nd Annual G~d Mfera1 Show at Nor1flwood 1nd Oeli: Hll!1 .... .,. ... ,..,,..., Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa :r.·Je sa. 1:41 1.m. TllundiY, ll'lldkll tlll. 1)11111 ___ _:c_ ___ :_ __ ..::_ _____ ___;_:. ____________ 0 ,,c ______ _ 5fl'11nt Caur1 ''" 1.m.. car !IN, 16.171 Shll!1 tt. _ .... f;X 1.m. Wtcllltld1r, ur flf'I, l!OST ..... 4;U iJ.m., Olldic.11 11<1, 9'4 Dellon ""•""'""' 8'1dl ll:lt 1.m. Wedrlllldtr, PIJ~llc fflllt, JOI :JrCI SI. 11:" 1.m., P<Jb!lc •Ubl. Andeno! tnd 1'1clllc Coirtl HltllWl'Y •:'1 p.m., ir.111 !lr1, Sii 11111 SI. •:Giii p.m .. w11hdowfl, McF1ckl1n bf.. """"' Grtn<f 11111 Sltrlntd11t 10:50 1.m .. 111 IH!k, 7!.Sl f!l'lllWI OrlV'I C•l1 Mt .. 1:5' 1.m. Wldllltlcl•r, II" lm'eti.. !Ion. lJd Ad.,..1 AVI. 1:51 1.m .. NKlll. 4U Ablllo WIY 10:5t ,.,,.., ur tlrt, lJall lrl11ot St, Utt Submits Flood Study Before Rain Nixon Honors Hero Fro111 His Honietown Pe~tagon Changes On Ships LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 110T1ct Of'! DtlSOl.VTK>tl P-om °" H.ll'tlllltllftP T41UU P..allc !'IOI'-II -•flrtft !!Ml NOTIC• TO C••otTOas Clll:TIJllKAT• 01" a1n111n1 .,... IUf'lllOR COVll:T Oil TMe PldfftMt ._. IM,..nt W. ~lit ~ J.,.... N, E... STATI 01' CALUIO•NIA l'Olt Tiit "'*"'tt'lld .. -1"' 9IW -~lalorto dillllf ~· IHICltt Ille THI COUNTY 01' OllAM•I ~ • bull-•I "'" ........... 1!«11....._ tlml NIM .,... otylt Gf ... MU1J A-CO.t• ....... C.ltfotllCI. ~ GlAOAAGl. •I .tJI 5o. C•&I IMI .. City E11t'9 Gf fLl'iAIHCE (, NAYLO ... !tit nctm..,, flffll ,;_. ol -Mf\.U• M LftlolN "'9<tl.. OW.tr " Ori,_ D-...1. HAVENS INTl!•l'Alllt• Mii lflolf .... $1111 llt Ca!ffor111.. Wiii 911 tt. 111 d_,-NOTICI 11 Hl•llY G!Ylfll • tht llnft It ~ fl lflt ........... """"-OI ,,.,,,,..,, l•f, Or ITllll\I .. -..f, crt4111n 91' Ille •*"' ....... ~ ........ lllflltl ril fU• .... P9Cll llf <llllOI.... Ille .. Id .-rW ...... '1111 '-"' llwlt •II ""'°"" lll'lflle CW.llN ...... 1'911dw!ce 1r1 • tori-: m!t11'9 fh9lr rl41119111 •• Nrtnfr• ,......, ""' Nld dtadeflt .,.. ,....,,,. • .... Dflflo ... MHIM'. .... ,.. tlttt S•ld b\1&1"'"1 111 1111 tutu"' w11l to. COii' IMITI. with !flt ,.....ry ~ 111 Stt-.1, Cotll ~ Calllvmil . ~ bY "'-"""" w. ~rklt, "'4lo wtll "" olffcl ti !ht cllr'lc fl n.. 111n9 llnfOrd M.. ..._, f\4 ,.,.lllllo WASHINGroN (UPI) -_,, ,,... 11.,._"" rn uurnriu •1111 1111111ec1 aaurt, .; " ..,.... ....., wrt11 ~ c• Mt-. etllfwlllt --Def ~ •• ..._ l 1-cltllb f/f !ht fli'ftl lllCI ,_.h11 •II --Ow 11«•Nll'T ~ra. flit IM II• DIMill J1"""" n, tlllf I ·~ ense IAlro -.en UI .. .,.ltlo to lfW firm. """""' " IMI tMcl ., ...... MCHtlrt Drh ....,. M!lltr o!ferlng a compromlee on Its ""rt,,., llCltlu • lllrllllv •1.,..11 :!:' " • .,., AttwMn. m s.... MM1tt1 S.llfW M. ,.._ twlce-reJected progtam t 0 ~~=-"'wt,::.. :V ":i.i=11 \11: '~; s~':.-"'t s..: :=.iai;., c1.::_.~ ~~~~'"c~~~NIA.. mw--....1uce 30 ' ' 1 u p e r • 1 eurr1fJ bY Jin.t N. el'll 111 """ "'" °' Ill• 1111dtr1~ In 111 mtti..-1 ..,. Oii J•-"' tt. ,,.., Mtorw 1M. a -,..-. ,...,... or'" 11'19 ,..~ .... tlrm. Mllll"" 1111 111e •tm "' ..w ~ • ...,.,., M!lie '" lllf for .. 1111 11.tt. mllltlry Cargo ahJpa. {)1ltcl •t CO.I• aUIOl'"lt, ttlll llillfl lo\lr 1-h •ttlr lhe flnl lll\IMU. HnMt!t'f ......,... Drtt. I' Mtlltr • ~"' • ., of _,.,, '"'· .. .... '-""" M. ~ .-.. ,... Under the MW plan. only ~,..re1 w. °'""' 11ar1 f 1111. 110tlcll. ,. ._ ,.,. ",._' .,.._ _ ••• 15 ol. the "au .... " ty~ would "®lllflcod o....... c-1 o.11-, 1'1111t, o. " J1:" ,1s.H 1~ lllllecl'lllfld to """ wtlhl11 l~, .,.., r-I"" J.,.11t,... llll. ltlllt III.ft • :r ~~1td99111 ltlty ltllKUltlil """ ..,.. be comtrucltd,i but the Navy EucY"' itw wm "' (otflcl•• •n • Id · LEGAL NOTICE """ .oc-......... clec:l<lmt ,,_,.. E °""'" WOil be permitted to charter aAKll, McNAl•Y a I.All.II .. < ,:.,, C i-· • m '-Ma MMilCa • ..,,... kfh • .. a 1ry ..... c • • '""'" 30 newly-buJJt smaller cargo ,..mtt S•RI• Mtllkl callfilr'lk, ,.... ~nc1N1 Otr1a ~ essels CllTllJICAT• OI' IUSIMllS. Tai tlS.IX .. ti.. Or•-~ V " •1CT1TtoUI MA.Ml At~ tw l•M11tw Mr C-1-• 11!...tnl: The program submltted to ni. un0tf'llante1 6ol' '*"'li'f' hi •• Pu1111111111 Or-CN1t 0.Hr ,.riot, "l.lblllll'!M JC:.!; ~" DlfW ..,... Coogress e.rtfmates th t th COtlducii.,. ' b\lt.lne.• •1 1""1 ...,...,11'11 J,_,.,. ''-n. • 11111 '*""" "' J•-rv n. • .,., l'"lllrvlrY a. 1L a e Lii. H1111tt""1e11 aMdl. c.111 .... tii. • .,,,.,., 1,.. ..., 1,., , ,,,.... 15 fast deployment logistics 1,.. 11d111ot11 11rm 11o1m1 of IHTEllTEC--------------,I"''----------= TOOLING .. HO ENGINEEIUNG CON· (FOL) shlps would cost an suL TANT,,,.,.,.., said 11rm 11 ~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL Nanez average of $52 million each of 111 .. 1o11ow1"' "''°"· -.. n''"'l::::::::::::::--::::::c:--::::-=::--:::::: '--------------!! ked I . I . . In lull •nd Pltt:e of Nllcltnc9 1, •• IVl'•llOI cou•T Of' THI lfA1"•1" • --as or an In tial ap-IOUOWI: 01'" CALl..O.MIA ... _ proprialion of $187 million to 11,,;::, ~'::~: ~:~1!~'~1 Ln .. ~...... 110• TM• c,:v~ OU.fMI <•1T1111c:;: ~':' IUllMlt• pay for the first three. 01IP<I Jtnu1rv .. 1Hf NOTICI 01'" H•A11N• 011' ,..,.,.. --'ICTITIOVI PllM MAMI Th h. 1Jo 850 b Joir N<>w•k l'Olt •10aATI 0, WILL AMO POft '"" vnff'119ntd OI ""* cw'lltr e s 1ps, a ut y 100 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LITTIRI TISTAMIHTA•Y ... , ....,. ••• Clllllcludlftl • ~ I I feet would displace 40 000 tons ORANGE COUNTY: E1ltt. "' lTHl!l. HAU. lllCAIO, c ... 1rtnln •t 11'12 Olln tt .. ..,.,, I I • On Jt!'IU•IY .. ,,.,, btlor• '""'' .. Not1rv DKt•lld Orwe, Ctllfornl1, WNIW .... fktltltllf, -half u much as the carrier l'ullllc In ..... for said Sltll, "'llNllll'f NOTICE II HE•l!IY OIVlfll ,,,.., """ -., l!NV(LOI'• s••VKtfllO Enterprise They would carry ·-••ed Joe Nowak kllOWn la .,,. UNITED STATll!& NATIONAL UNIC lltl C°""'AMY ..... "'-' sakll "'""' .. -' . . . to bl Ille .,.,_ WFloff "'"'' II •tlblcrlt.. lllltcl llertln • Mlltton ,,... ..,..... .. _... Df "" ftllNlnt --. ....... hehcopters, cruise 8,000 miles lld to ltle w1th111 1n1trvme111 "Kl .,111 •net +or lsiu•nc.t ., ...,,.,.. N'"" Ill fl.Ill 1rtc1 ~ d ntw.. I 2' k I 'th I ! lln acknowle<tped lie executld lhl 1•m1. T"'"'Mnt•rv te ,.1m1on1r. rthnN:e IN n ,.llowt. to-wtt: a " no S WI OU re ue g, (Ol'llci&I seal) 10 wllldl 11 "'""' tor 111rt111r Ptrtk111tn. Mlehtlt KIM COflr..i, lltl2 OnV1C It.. and with special cranes and R•rl!'IPll<I o. L•°" •nd "''' !hi !Im• ""' 111tce °' """"' O•rdt11 GrtYI, c1111om11. ls be Noltr~ Pubt!c • c.i1111m11 Ille 11,,.. 11a1 """ 111 tor P:ttwvarv ltrrr NM Mlrlll. 1110l l"""ltWtllll, flea able to load and Pr1nct011 on1c1 111 14, 1m, ,1 •:JO 1.m., 111 ""' -~ L• Attmlto&. c111tom11. unload without entering port LDI Ano•lll Cou111Y c1 a-.,,_, No. s a1 111d coun, D•tM J1nuorr :n. llff. • MV Commlufoll E~plrH ., 100 Wiii lltl!lfl Sir.... In tile Mlellt•f 1(1111 c-w M•r 11, 1'10 CllV al S."" Mt, C•llforlllt. Larry Ntd Marti! COST $%5 MILLION Publl>hlld Or•nt• C1111! 0111Y Pllol, Dated Jtnutrv J7, 1Ht STATE 01" CALll'OIMIA The charter ships would J1"utrv ,, '" 23, :Kl, 1Mt 3Ut w. E. ST JOHN COUNTY OF LOI ANGI Ll!I I .. Coi.rnfY Cllrti; Ori Jt11u.rr 22. lfff, Wort .,_, a displace about 20,000 tons and LEGAL NOTICE ou•v1a, CA1t,.IMT•• w IAllHlfl Hottrr P111111c In 11111 '°"" 111111 ~ cost between $1.0 million and ~~ =:: ~-=..-. Jr. ~~ ~ -:;;""'~ ;-,;:',.~~= $25 million each. Cl!IRTl1"1C•~f:: •UllNlfll Nl'W"'1 ·-~ Clllfrtr1'l• liO -liO tit IM --..-. -'Our xJ · T•h (7141 M1·"" •rt MlliKrlbtd '8 !hi wltlllft llltlnNM!rrt, • e sting seahft force PICTITIOUI NAMI AllOrM'fl .. l'lfl!IMw Ind tWiowl""9cl '8 -flltl ....,. I I lei · d le bo h Tht! uncleraltned doe certltr I •m "tlbllshtd Ori"" Cont D111'1 Piiot. n-"d' ,... HIM s comp e y ma equa , t conductrno • bull"'" '' CC'lta MtH, J1n. 29 JO 1,... Fib. 1 lHt. l5'-off wri-. rnv fl....i .w1c1 _L quantitatively and qualltaUve-C•llklm!I, Uf!Oft• !hi llctUkltn 11•m "amt ' • ' (Ol'FICIAL sl!ALJ °' cRr:o1T sE1v1c-e co. •nd ""' LEGAL NOTICE s111n.r E ......,..... Jy," former Defense Secretary wkl firm 11 compOS.td 11t the to11ow1"' Nollrt l'Vbric<.u1tmi. Cl k M Cl"f d 'd in bj Pef&Ollo wflow fllml 111 full Ind PIKI .. rlncl I Ot'flai Ill at • I.I Or S8J S of r ... !6t!lce !I 11 followo: .. 4'Gt LOI ...:.IM CttJnt-1' last report ·to Congress. Robert w. ICh'll. "51' COl1-llo AWl!ue, CllTll'ICATI 01'" IUllMllS My C-lulln .!x,t ... De 't the . Vin Nur1, Ctllfor"ll . l'ldl'*'-•-Nw f. ltff sp1 e comprornJse, O•""' Jan111rv 22. l"'. Thi llfllll,,ltMd dots cwttfr hi Is 11t11111flltd' 0,1,,.. eo.11 011tr ,.lltt con_gressional ~ b.s er v er s st•l'I .,,~!fr:!:i;.. KJ'i:..,. Co•mtv: =.•,.co!'ti ~ g~1.°"'~; t;.r;-rr :io •rid l'"ll!t'""' "' IJ. to: believe the plan IS 1n for rough Cl<! Jtnu•<V n. '"'· before m•. • under !ht 11cnno.n """ -"' 11Hf go.Ing 1·n Congress During the Notarv P11bHc In '"" kir u ld s1111, CHA llLES v. OAVIS co. 1no1 ""' said LEGAL NOTICE · oerson1llY 1Ppear..i Rnberl W. Kl"• Jinn 11 cllml'Oll'll al !ht "tlowlnl ...,_, last two sessions Congress has tnown 10 me "' bt !hi ptrlOl'I wMH wi-"a'"' 111 tun ind pllcil Df .. ~,I------"°'"" _____ _ r d t th "" h' name l• subKrlbed 11"1 !he •llhlll In-11 ti follo•i· "-IMD Te Use 0 approve e ,)\/"S lp 1rrum1nr tncl ac.,._ledttd 111 txtculecl Clllrlt1 'v. D1Y!1, 1221 Wiit CHll C•RTll'IU.TI FDL progr am originally sub-the s11me. Htvl!wlY. """m9tll Numht-r ,,., " tr. fltnib<r u11111tc1 ,, fellOWli tOFflCIAL SEAL) N,_, kacfl, Cltlfonlll f:IMI I. Thi llftllltrtltlltcl art 1111 ""'*" mltted by Defense Secretary J-11 E. 01v1s 0111d J111U11"Y n. 1Hf of , 11m1tH Nrlntnllll' ,..., r. .,....... Robert S Mcl'tamara Natarv Publlc.Ct lllornlt Charin v. OtYl• •dint or Pl'OPON• to ,,.,.Kt '-"*1 : · Prl11clPal Olllc1 In STATE OF CAL ll'Ofl.NIA. 111 11!1 Slalt et C11tlotlll1 "*' !hi Sen. Jl1chard B. Russell (0-Orange Cau"t-1' ORANOI! COUNTY: tltU!IOUI llrm 1111!!1 Df .. ,.. Wl!ST G ) th h. f t f Mr CommlHIOll EJplret O" Jlrwl1V 22. 1"9, bl4ort m•. t ASl'ENS LTO a. , e C Je opponen O June 21, 1910 Not•rr Ptlb11c In incl fDI" .. 1c1 st1f'I, 2 Th~ prlll(:i..11 11t•ot or .. 1111 lllrilllll• its predecessors when he was Publhhtt:I Oran9e coui D•llY Pifer, P•rsort•ll'f •-•"" Cllarlft v. Dtri. 11 '1oc.tec1 11 2ll v11 Gra111111 Htw- 1 r th Ar Jonu1rr 23, JO 111ld Ftt>rutrv '· IJ, k"°"'~ to mtl to bl 111t Plr.m WflCIM "rt !ticfl Cilllom!I ' cha rman o e Senate med 1969 i1wv n•m• 11 1uti,acrlblll to !ht wtt11111 ,,.. l. Tiit ~u 111,,,., ;1111 Jl•u. ., ,..i. Services committee, is in an LEGAL NOTICE •rrumftlt •rid ldl.110Wlld9td "' uklrltcl llt11C1 111 1111 11n<Hr111ne11 1r1: Jtm1:1 II!". be ' . k'JJ !Ill sime. Cl1rl<' W/lose Pll't of rHkfrl'IQt is Pilot Visitors WASHINGTON -A bill authorizing study of Southland flood control and landslides -introduced five days before rain-caused disaster last week -is among five submltted to the 9Ist Congress by Rep • James B. Utt (R-Tustin). The 67lh award of the na- tion's highest honor to a Viet- nam War hero and the first in President Nixon ·s term was received today by a mother from the chief executive'ii own hometown of Yorba Linda . even tter pos1t1on to I co1uc111 k•ll m vii Gr1rlini. NeWPOr1 Btidl, c111• the proposal as the new ,..mu JonPll E. Divis 1ornl1; 111e111,., w. snvtr''. wno .. 111..c• . CERTIFICATE 01" euUNt:SI Nol•rv Public -Cilllol"llll Of rnlcltlnct 11 1•19 ''""°'cl LIM. No. chairman of the Senate Ap-l"tCTirious KAME Pr1nc1"1 Olllcl 111 3, N•wi>Ort •••d'I, ciufom111 Dorl•lf 1"0Ul'S ,,. concluded "'°""'"' ..... ''*" fer ldloaf ell .... rll om. .,... ltwl 1n11 •tiav. or llllwt' or- .. 11111111on1 at ,, .... , 11111 -....... aL llftnt'9d ''°"" m1y ull Mr, Dudllp Jl.kfl. ~!, l!d. IT1. DEATH NOTICES MACLEOD ~· S. Mad.e<d. 16107 OtltY SI., l""aimit11n v111..,.. Survlwd t>r llu1111...r, J1"'" I". Mtlll!lcl1 ions, Jlmti F. Jr. Incl Roblrt 0. MKLeocl1 d1uotittr, ~-!Mr l . Mld.eodi br11llllr. C. J-Smith. Servltll. $1!vrcl1Y. 10:311 AM. Plff Flll'lllr Co!onl•I FUMrll ·-· JELINEK Al'llll MM Jl'llllll!. AH $1 , Of 131' .. II!', t11l St,. C-llltt Mn1. Survived by two '°"'' C1rl and """'' Jell.,.., both ot C011!1 Mtsa: d .. >ltlf'lr, Mr•. Mart•... McKllll;ilft. !!eril;...,r; brolh-er, Mr. w,,..., Wl>l11tt", c~ic.vn. R111try, ID1119flt, Tllursdtr, 11 t PM, ~tll 9,...1tw1r Cllt11tl. Re11ulem Mil.. l"rld1r, ' AM. SI. J.,.clllm• Clfflollc Cl'lurcfl. ln!enntnl. Good Sl'llPfler1f C"'ltl'lrl'. Ol~ed llr II.ti !l'l'telw9., Mort111ry, 110 8rotdwty. COlfl Mn.1. S™ONSON II.-M.. Sl...,..on.. AH 70. Df IMt'/ II"' sr~ Sulltlf !Hcfl. O.rt al clffth, J....,ll'Y n. StJ,...lwd b<r •11111', Fern C. Chall/ tM lhrH 9r1lldd'llldrtn. Stt"Ykltl,, Frldtv. 11 AM, !mlth• ClllPfl'l ln"""""'t, Wt$lmlnal1r M+ IY*"ltl "•rk. D!rtcted bY Sm!IM -N. TBJRION The bill by U tt would authorize the Secretary of Uie Army, acting through the Army Corps of Engineers, to conduct the probe. Congressman Utt submitted that bill only five days prior to devastating rainstorms which left major portions of Los Angeles and Orange Coun- ty with a m_assive rebuilding job to face. Retired servicemen, federal cmployes, olive growers and packers and employers who POSTHUMOUS AWARD s.,.c. 4 Gtorgt Ingalls pay employe moving expenses ------------ would be affected by other bills introduced or co- sponllOl'ed by Ull The others would: -Change the U.S. Code to make military personnel with 30 years active duty or retired with 50 percent disability eJigi. ble for burial beaefit! now reserved for service-connected death.!!. -Amend tariff schedules on olives packed in certain types of airtight containers. -Revise the Intern a l Revenue Code to expand the definlUon of an employer's deductible moving expenses when he must pay for an employe's transfer elsewhere. -Protect freedom of choice of federal empklyes in em ploye-management rela- tions by barring them from belonging to any organization claiming the right to strike against the government; call- ing for overthrow of the government or discriminating by race, creed, color or na- tional origin. ~ ,,_ T"llll"lll'!. ll01 Sii" SI., Hut1"110ia11 ,.lf1t. 0.11 al 4"'ttl, JI"' 111rv 2'. ltMcll Plfldlre. W•h:llff Otloll Mllr"llll,..,, "'-4111. BURG 8'tlhl P. Ill .... 120t K«1f1ton A ..... l• ........... Ill......., br nltctt. Ml'f. Clan $WWII, Catla Mftl, &llof 111111 ,,, ... ,, C•-"•rlll ,,..._.., Art Wll, ""'-Mllnlcll, 111of O«leltll Wiii, 8-iy Hltlll 11111 .......rW( ofMf llllal 111d .,....,_ In MIMllH'ta. JoHV1Cft. ..,. day, Thundly, II AM. a.II ,,_. _., O..!N"I, ...... Mr. W1f"r"lft H-I.... lffldt !Lrte. lllltmllnl, Mortlw 11,al Memtrtll ... ~ Dlrl!Cttll br Bell !,..._., Mortu&"' n• 1l'Ollfw9r. c..s. MMI. County Gai1is Enough People for New City BALTZ MORTIJAlllEI conu•eJMlr.ORMUI Cella M,.. MI NCH BELL BROADWAY MOR'.IUABY 111 Broedn:J. Clttai M111 u U4U DILDAY BllOl'BERS BuU.O,... Valley Monury 17111 Bue~ Bl•d. HallqtooBead IC-7711 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Canet<ry e M°""uy Cbprt Ult P1dfle View Drive Newporl ll<adl, CaWonala Ul-1711 PEEK FAMU..Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7301 Bolu A•~ Wa:tmluter an.m5 SMinI't: MOllTUARY G7 M.all S~ -.... -~ LE Milt 1lllll'Qqr 110R'l1JARY In IS. Ila&, Colla Meta ..... By JACK BROBACK Of .. Delly "'Ill llaN SAN1A ANA -Orange County grew by 76,652 persons In 1968, a gain equal to another city the size of Orange. The figure breaks down to t ,381 persons every month, or 210 new resident.s every day. It WU an increase or 5.6 percent f or the year a n d clinched Orange County's long- standing claim of being the fastest-growing county in the state. As of Jan. 1, the population estimate by the county Plan· ning Department was I.368,9a0 or 6.7 percent of California's population. At the 1960 census Orange County had o n I y 703.925 people or 4.4 percent ol the state's total. "All signs Poinl to 1 con- tiauaUon ol tht high rite of growth," said Al Bell o! the planning department. Huntington Beach had the largest numerical growth in the county with 10,088, follow- ed by Anaheim, 6,5iJ and Tustin, 5,321. Villa Park, Tustin and La Palma recorded the highrst percentage gains during 1968 wilh 40.9 percl.'nt. 40 percent and 29.3 percent respectively. The populfltion rise pul pressure on the building and real estate business with the result thflt housing reached a total or 430,950 units, :. gain of 5.8 pcrctn! in one year. Building permits rr.a<.:hed a new high of $'642.409,872. up 52 percont ove r 1968. Tht: unin· corpor11!ed arP11s of the county had a 67 percent increase m permits. ·'. ,_ Following ls Coast ciUes. a brcakdo'i\·n of population growth in Orange Co8ta Mesa Fotmtain Valley HunU!111on Beach Lagun~ Beach Loi Alamftog Newport Beach San Clemente S. J. Capl.trano S..01 lle8ch , ... 37.5!0 2,063 Jt ,Ol 9,23! 4,3 12 26,564 3,527 1,120 ..... ·~ 12.orn 22,M:'I 95,162 !3,271 9.807 ~ 1,243 16,98() 2,736 l<l.171 rrrccntage lncrta5e "'' O\'tr 1963 73,490 20 27 ,800 21.7 lO!l,560 10.6 14,380 I.I 9.980 I.I 45,820 11.l 17,5'!0 3.3 2.~10 6.C 22.210 .. 25.750 q6, 1511 57.121) 22 ,_ ________ _,, \Veltlninster :::m&:-. ~ t ·-I ,. I • ·--~ . Mrs. Maud M. Ingalls ac- cepted her son's J\1edal of Honor from Secretary of the Army Stanley R. Resor in 11 :30 a.m. ceremonies at the Pentagon. Spec. 4 George A. Ingalls, 21, died April 16, 1967, when he sprawled on a live hand grenade to absorb the ex· ploslon in'f:9,(jt<f ;}_o wipe out others Jn bli aiu1d. The herolc act occurred while Ingalls was a rifleman with the Flrrt Air Cavalry Division on a night ambush mission near Due Pho. "Although he could have jumped to a safe position. Specialist Ingalls t h r e w himself on the grenade and absorbed its full blast," says the Army citation. Expansion Of Welfare Approved . ' Or1~1 COi.in!'¥ W Kl ' • ' proprJatlons committee. Tht 11nder11g....t doe1 artlfY lie 1 Mv comrnlHlol'I l!q1\r.. · I Lin, Jr .. whol1 Pl•<• flf rt1 .. Ru II d th c;olldudlng t buslneu ti IMS WHf 171h JuM '1 Hl't d1nq 11 1«11 Wlllctw1rcl LIM, HtWPOr"t SSe COnten S at !Uper 51rttl, (CK!t Melt, C1lltor"l1. uncle• PuOll•he<I Orens1'e COt•I Dallr Pllot, !t1ch, Ctlllomll: .,,!1n l. llwh", wl\OM cargo vessels laden with war ii. lldlllous flmi 111m1 of 'WARREN January n, JO .. ,..,, Februirr '· 13, PIKe "' ,....ldel'IQ 11 sas tt1rtior Or1 ..... . ' · . E ILIN N CANVAS PRODUCTSu Incl 1"' liMt Rlldondo !11th. C1llloml1; E. Oln"ll equipment and cnus1ng or on 111·11 ia!d llrm 11 comPOSed "' 1h1 Gory••. wl!ost 11au °' ... 11111rw:1 a 111 station around the world 1ouow1~ 1>tr1on. wh<>w 111m1 111 1u11 LEGAL NOTICE s1iop11rre. ·~ a .. c11, C•llftrlll•1. • ' an<! PIKI ol ••sldtnc• II •• follo•o: ar .. II!'. Stlllw.11" • whllH Pitel " '"'" would be more likely to cause Thom•• F. You"'' 43' Gillcltl"rlld, · cll!flte Is 1m S1nll•11D orlw, Ht-1 I 0 ble than to Prevent ii Coron• <!el Mar. Ca111om!1. "·ll211 lll1dl, C11Uom!1; ind J. ... Glllr!n. r U • • , · Oaled J1n11arv I. 19tt. CE llTl,.ICATI OF IUSINll!"SS Jr.", Wh<lle 11l1ct Of rtsfcltlltt 11 12'71 Oppos1t1on In the House has Ttl<>mas F. y.....,, l'ICTITIOUS ll'lllM HAME 11.tlldlo Str1tr. Eftl:lno. C•llfl,.,,I•. be Im I I STale of c11uorln1, Orar.v• Cou11rv: The lllllilrsl1ntd doir1 hl•tbl' ttr11fY Oiled th l1 2Dlh d•r llf °'°""""11r, 1f6t. en a OS as S rong. 0n Janu•,.., 1. Ifft, belo•• .,,,, t llltt 111 h COl>duct!no , 111olll'M! llr'Vta J1mn E. CL.Irk Holtry Pubtle 111 incl for uld 51tle. •l•ll0t1 bu1I~ 11 tn lrldlvldu11 ti Rlch1rd W. S!lvtr ECONOMY CITED P1'10llal!r tP9flrtd Tllom11 F. Youno iu Sol/II! Brl1!al 5trMI, Sa"t' A111. Dolltld W, Kllll•n. Jr. I !! • th · •"""'11 to ,,.. to bt lhl Hrlllll wlllu! C1llf<.mlt, undtr 1111 llcilllou$ firm "'..,' Alen l . ltwll n 0 ertng e compromise, n•me 11 sub..:r!lled 10 lh• wUllln 1 ... ol THRIFTY Otl co. 1nd "''' said E. 0.11n11 G1:1rv Clifford made clear that in ,1rumenf 1ncr 1ckMiwlld!ied 111 1xKuted firm 11 coml'Cllld "' Ille f<lrlowlnt ""'*"'· Gltn E. stlltw.n • nJ Ille s•me whlllt n1m1 I" !ult tnd Pltct Of r .. ldflltt J. P. GuHI"-Jr. the Pentagon's view its 0 y (OFFICIAL SEAL) II I I tolloWI. M-wll: •G.n•~•I P1rtner1 .d 3 tage 1·5 CO omy S1'nce J<>SePll E D1vl• Ted Orden, f6j3 E1sl OtCo:J!t "'Limited Parlrltr1 a V n e D ' Nolt rv p;,i,flr-Ctlllornft Av~nut, Do•nev, C11!fomla, STATE 01" CALll'Oli!NIA ) 11 the pr j V ileJy-eonstructed PrlndPt! Oll!tt In 01red Januarr S, l"'· COUNTY OF Oii.ANGE ) I Id be d Orante COi.in!'¥ TN Ortlen Oii JI ""''"" 11, 196' .,...,_ '""" thl VeSSe S WOU Un er Mr Comml,1!1111 Expires STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Un<Hf'lltll.cl, I N"'1rr l'Ubllc In Ind few government lease, the only Jun1 21. 1919 COUNTY OF LOS .-,NGELES, "· 11ld Stilt, P!flDlllllr IPl!illrff Jtmtl E. Id be Publl•hed Or1"11e Cotll D1Hr l'lklt, On J1nu1ry J. H6•, blli:lr• .,,,, 1 Cltrtl, Rlcll1rd W. Sllv1r. Dollllllf W, kilo mllitary obligation WOU Jan~err '· 16, 23, lO, 1969 33-6t No11rv Public '" •ncl !Gr 11111 C01.1n1Y 1nd 11111, Jr .. Al1n L. L1w11. E. D111t1l1 0.1rr, to charter them. S111t. 1>tr111n1ltv •PPel...., Tlld Orde11 G~ E. ltlllw.11 •l'ld J .... lillll1n, Jr~ LEGAL NOTICE ~""wn lo m• "' i. 1111 Ptrlllll wll<>st k-lll ma 111 lie tlw ",_ wflolll "The charter ships would n•m• 11 1ullscrlbH to 1111 wlttlln 1n-n1-. ,,.. 1ublcrlbld '" 1111 •1111111 lnstru- havc only about half capacity 1trumfl!t, 1r1111 9Cktwwted!led .. IN 111.i mtnt •rllll ••k"owt"'" that """' -".zt:4ll hi •~ttultd !ht sarnt ecvf9d lhl ltml. of FOL and would lack: some CE•T1,1cATI! 011 su11M111 wi111en mr hirld 1nd it•t. w1TNEss mr 11ar111 and onk111 11tl. of its special features, such Thi .,11111e,,';~111111<to!','"';'111,,., 11e ll /OF FICLAL SEAL~ v Ofl"tCl~~.1;"~"'~. wn""' as a significant helicopter car-~11c11r11 • bll•lnlll '' 1112 Denmoor N!f:r~~ubi1c-e'1"ri,0:.~11 No11rv P11t111c.c1111om11 . . . Ori..,., Hunllnt!Dll llt1dl. Ctl~<nl1, PrlnclNI Office!" Prlnc .. 11 Ol'llc.t-Jn ry1ng capability, a float-on under the 11cr111ous llrm name of AZTEC Loi ..,..11,1 C1111r1fY Or1nt1 CCKmlY (loading and unloading) float-SCIENTIFIC arid lll•I .. 1d nrm I• cam· My Cornmlulon l •Plres Mr COf!lml111 ... E•1Jlret • • . . . PQ'1ed of lhe tollo•l"' oer$11n. whc1t SIDI 7, lHt May 11, 1Ht off capab1\Jly, dehum1d1f1ed ntrrwi In full '"" piclce of rnldenc• srn:oc Publhh..i 0ra11" c11111 D•llY "lllf, storage, equipmenl fueling b 11 tol!ow1: D 1 YtMYtr & Krnlltll. All•t. ·1~ rv n.· » •NI l'tbru1ry " U. 1H• lie"l'Y Hot..,., 1111 01rtmoor r Vt, IJll Wlhlllrt llw'll NI Ht l!Mt and maintenance and aviation Hun1111911111 !"en, ca111or1111 1,.,..,.,, Hll1o, c,iil, ..,11 fa cilities." Clifford said. Dated Jin~:~ TJHo!!' Pt11>1tlhlld 0t1 .... Co•Jf O•llY •11o1, H I 'd u t ed . ST .. TE OF CAltFORNI .. , J"':""~·~N:'._'.'·c'~':.·.""'':..'~~·c'~"~·~---~-'.'.!1-----,,..;:;;;------e a so sa1 1a ~ uc1ng OJll.NGE COUNTY: -IAR-IUS the number of FDL ships from 0n J1nu1rr 27. \Mt. htfvrr m•. • LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC• 011 SALi o,. "" lo 15 had ·1ncre"•ed their No1arv Putillc Jn and ror ••la s111e, lll;IAL 11111;011••TY AT "" °"' 1>erson•llY IPPfl•ed li""l"Y Hofr1. known ... ~ .. lllVATI SALi! costs by $5 million each. Those •o rrwi 10 bt 111e Po:rscn wtH:i" 11•m• craT1111cATE OF •UllNlll ""' AotMn N --~ to 1, su~'W:flbld !11 !hi •llftln ln,rrum1nt "CT T JUl''l•IOll: COu•T 01' THIE Mc amara propolt\:u were and acknowlodllrd ,., executed the umr. 1 1 ious NAM• ST,.TIE OF c .. L1l'OIM1A 11011. !fl .11. I I Tiie llndtr1l9"ed does certtfY fMI 1, Tiii COUNTY OI'" OIAHQI cost mt ion per vesse. tOlflcl••' Se~' •• -o. ''""'"' cto11d11C11,,. , btls1n111 •t P.O. Boie 1713, , _ .., • -• (Clf1a Me.-, Cillloml.I, u!ldtr 1111 Ile· lrt l~r Manrr of ttl• 111,.,. NollrY Pub!!c · Calllorn11 !ltloui lltm ntml of "HOYT HOLSTl!!ll: Cot1ttfY•for1lllll of AUGUST.t. IC. Wl!l>OE LEGAL NOTICE Principal O!llct In CO" ncl ttlll Id fl 1 rd (Con11rr11tt). SANT A A N A PENETRATION Or~n9e Coontv ' • sa rm 1 ~ t+!illce 11 llerttw 11..,.n 111111 11111 11~ Mv Comm1i.111n E~plrn ~ :~ =w!';!'e1";'°"~=: 1';'";: cltrtlaned wlll 1tll ti l'rlv1t. lf'-'t Establishment or a new sec· N11r ly 1v1ryon1 r••d1 ,~. Marc~ n, 1909 loHowo on or •"'1' "" lfllh Cl•r at 1'"'°'1111'1, tion, Protective Services ror DAILY PILOT, llomilt1 wn Pubflsnt<I Or~ng• Co~!I Dollv Piklt, FrtCltrlck E Hen.hmt" 15 7 l ltM, ti ,,,. Ol'llu ol Thi COMl""ltor, Ch'.Jdren l'n the Wet fa re ! h f b Janu1rr 2J. 30 ind FtDruary 6, lJ, aavshlll't Drive: N1imller ,,' NtWPC<rt Th• First N•t10111I !Ink « ~flllf .. "1w1ptptr or + I t 11-196' 11Ut !etch, Cilllornli. loc1ttd 11 l~l !:ts! Cha11mc" ,..,....ue, Department was approved by lou1 Or•"9' Co•1t. Dtttt:I Jt"u1,.., 15, lNt. Cllr o1 0••"9•· cou~fY o1 °"'"''· Stttto LEGAL NOTICE FNderlck I!. Htn.Jlmi11 ol Ct!l!Gt""l• ""'· te 1M h11i...t ind county supervisors Tuesday. '':============='!--------~~-~--star. o1 c1111om11, °''"" eountv: 11es1 llldd•r, •nd 111b1tc1 1a C911flm'lltioft I -11 , on Jtnu.~ ''· '"'· ~--. , tw "" l11IOl'lor Cwrt, 1ft !ht ~llhl, ~ new personnel !ou r pr" NOTICE 0" TllU~· "s L• .. ·• -· .. ~ 1r1i. •ltd 1n ... -1t oi 111<1 C-..-v•'" 111e , ,,... UNDER D£1!D 01' TRUST nOl•rY Public 111 Ind fer 11111 Sltlt, I M •"I ·.,• rt I I < "' r · I d e cler1·col ., '"" 1enon111r ,..,,red ,, ....... 1-e n • kl 1 ce an •• ,,_ ess1on11 s an on • Lo .. N NO 11117 Herih..,.11 11,,_,, ,. ~ .... :; .... bt tllf 11tuttt111 In ""Cit-I' llf 0r1 .... C..nll' '"·ill be ch a r f! e d with Nolltt ls htttln> •!..,;~ thtl WESTSIDE N"i'IOfl W!IO&t n1m1 .. llllltullltd "':::,:,= .:i::~ C=ll "rf!C\lltrl'I protecting children endanger-TITLE COMPANY, A Ltmlled 1..rtntr.r111 Illa w11111n 1n1m. ....... 1 '""" •rt.,.•11<11'111 ,.ARCIL 1. i.U. iter.t ti Lot l'"our ed by neg!~ or abuse. 11 fnll!t!t!. 11• •lltt9uor 1n111H, or 111,1xecv1ei:1 111e 1111"1t. (t) o1 Trtd tu. Or•"" ,.,r11; Ac:"'' 10\.• IUb&lllult<I lr\lllM p11rsU1nl to lllt d!'ld (0 l"ICIAL SEIL) !etll'llllll!I 11 !hi ICllrlhlllltrlY ~ Welfare Director Granville at trust .uc1111d by ALLEN JOHN Jo.~h E. 01v11 °' l.flf ' Tl"Hf "' " "r """' OAV!O. &" ""mtrrled men Ind rKOrlltd Notti'¥ "ublk-C.tlllor11la l"tcllrOld In la 2t ,,_ 11 C. Peoples said the section's J•nutrv •, 1ffl in """" 143 °1'1 l'rlnc!HI Olfltt In Mlscllllntout ~Pa. 11tco;ct1 llf 0r1111; ' . lilt ol Offic11I Reeorctl In 1no Qfllct Ora1111 CCll/llt'f C _ C ,,_, .,. -' work would be pre\enta 1ve a•""' CCMlfY 11.IN;Dflter °' Or•nv• C01.1nt'f, Mv comm1111on Eulre "'""', • .-n11 """" • Catlferni•, 1nd 1ursu.~I to ~ Nolltl Jun• 11, 1911 as-41 15" W. l11.f7 fMI '""°' in nature. of Ddeull ind Eltttllln 1o s.11 11>ertur>1Hr ,.ullll1111'd Or-t Cotlf 01!1Y Fllol, !"'.!, "'i:'"':!~n!.,. .:'-~ ~: Federal and sl:ilf' law re-•ecc•dtd Ocfobtr n. 19'1 In book 115l Jin~•,.,. 1a. n. :io •'-cl Ftbruary '· H 1• u· .U" w 1411 !Hf tlMnc:• Pitt JS ol wi<I Ol'lkl•I 11.tcOr"M, wl11 1"' n.at N. U" 'l' 11". E Jn n ''"' .. quires establisluncnt of such s,n, en Ftbrvtrr 1-4.. "'' 11 11 100 LEGAL NOTICE , · petn1 '" 11w "'""""" n,.. o1 ••Id special units. 1,m .• at lhl E1t11tt1 .. ,... m1111 t11tr•nc• t.et ,1 1t1tnci I. r ., ir w. le "'-CClllllf'!' Court HOV1t, 111 Ille 10 11 fftl lo 1111 Plllnl o1 btflMll""' Cost for the IJalancc nl the CIN of Santa Ana, CClllll!Y of 0,.,..,, NOTIC• o" T•USTll'I u.u con'111"1"' l.11' •crn. t.lf!S Tiit S!;tlt ol Ca lllorfl1•· •• l>llt>llC '""1""· TausT HO. .. 5outl'lf•lv 11•.0. "" al 1al• lei ' fi~cal year wlll br $27 .300. la l~e h\Q~61 bldd~r tor cinh (NYlbll On Ftbt\ltl'Y 1. 1Nt. at , .. ....,. t1•cl0dt o1 11 111 Traci N&. ,._., The annual cost of $56,568 "'Ill 11 the 11"'' o1 sal~ 1~ ltwfVI mol'<rr A.M. Flr11 ,.,.,,,tun Tltll l11Sur9'>C1 P~llCEL i. All ''"' r1a1 -111Y pl "'* U"ll'tcl Sl•lt•I •11 rllll!, Ihle ... Tn11! c-n¥, •• '""'"· or W(-•ltu•led Ip Cetmtv f/f Or•-ltllt be rllvidcd voith the county -:t '"""''· <*'l.......,ed tc ""° -htld C"fUOt" fTvlltl or iubllr1111e11 tnnr.e. o1 c1111or111t •• IGlklW1: · JO I lt4 1•2 "1 lt llnde• lllcl eHd '" Illa -•tr tw 1111 e1r1tl11 Dttd Df Tnnt 1>1'1C11111<1 l"IM111t 11 1 pe'"l In lhl l!•tttrt-1' paying percen or ' 1llu~tt '" Stiel COl/flty incl $hie dHtrlbed lh' JIMMIE ROSS MCCUllJIY" •!Id nn, f/f lllf ,_ UI f/f Trld NII. and the federal govcrn111 ent j. IS ~11r,,' • T I N o's r !I'll .H .. llON ELIZAlllTH McC:Ull•Y. I'll/I· ,._., Ora-,., •• AUii N9. " •• b I ,. .. o •IC 0 • n bl"cl •rid wll1, lf>cl rtC*rlltd AllVllll s••cl'n" en 1 Mio ~-""" In t.elc the 85 percenl a ancc. " c11Y o1 ca111 M"'• Cwntv ot Or111t•· " 1"' 111 !oolt IOli. "" "' "' ,. "" " ., Mlll'Wlll-.s ~ Lectlll'es Set On Retarded 1'.fentally retarded childr('n are being Pfepared b y Fairview State Hospital to ll\'e in the out.side world. But is the ool~ide world willing lo accept them? Thl! question Is lo l:lc rx· plnred in lecture~ Feb. 4 nnd I I in a UC Extension series on the mentally retarded. Irving R. Stone. chief llf psychology at F airvltw, will speak Feb. 4 on "Problems o( Adjustment to and In Soc:lc· ly Faced by the Retarded." Fred Krause,e l ec u t I ve. sccrrtary of the Ca!Uomla Councll for Retarded Children, \viii dl~cus.s "Parcatal Con· ~idt:raUons and Needs'' Feb. 11, --~I Socanyoo. Just keeo a mln1mu n1 of$100rnyour regular oersonal IC'COOnt •nd become a member ol 1hf! Uncharge1bles! SOUTHIRN CAUPaMM I FIRST NATIOfllAI. &MK --·--e..... HUNTINGTON IUCH: 11111'1 Mt"'• A.,.nUI' 1r122 U.1cn&oui.v,... ·~ Sii" ol Cllllfomlt. ••..,. ,.,., r•cordM oiflc1 1 • ' ' ' I Book 16' P1"1 l1 ll and l3 1 tcOnll al Ori.,., CCllllllY. rKorcl1 of Ort11t1 CllH'lfJ', Ctllt.rlll1, ~ MlsctllM•""-MIPa. '1" Ille olflc t C1l110m!1 Ind 1ursu1"! lo tlltl c1rt1l11 ltld ll'Olnl llt!"11 1Q,2f fffl Ne'""rlY 1 "'' CnunlY llecllf'cl<J• 01 J~ld cDUnlv. Nolle• ol Dflftt11! lnlll Elldlofl te tfl! """" tlw kt,1tl1111i.ri-, Clf'l'ltl" 91' 111111 O lllerllllllttr rKDrdtd C>ctvkr t, ,,.. 111 \.ol FClllf (l)J rvnnl,. 1"'"1 11111 ""'"' A.K.A. JUI llmerlt• Ltnf, Cost• !~ '''' P••t " "' Oftlt1•1 Jl.tCWlll'I '°""' It' ,1. ,,. Wnt .itl,tf ,.., \ M.,_, Ctllfol"oll1. I Ot 'Calltl._ wtll .. " $ lei !Ill will Ill m•d~ b\11 .,.ll!>oul 0 '"" '"' un9tt' ll\llS 1'1Jr1Vtlll to I POI "' t111 CIWI"" 11"11 Df et1..!....nt O/f wi•rll'llY cur~it or fmplif.d to u!d Dffll Df Trust 1111 II tulllk let A al Mid Tr•d No. Hf/ fllwllc• · 1 · t 11Cllon for cnfl, lewl'VI _., Ill the Nor!ll .-11' w ..,.., ,...,. '"' r!'ltrit•,,. 11111!. -·a" or .,.. Untltd Sllllt al Al\'Wf"lt;ll, #f lllt .,....,. te ~ '°""'-'' c.-Ill ...... (\lmbttnc.... "' 1tll11'1' 1111! ll'd1b!edlllll Well ftllranoi "' !ht l"if'lt •---C"" lld • ''''''' E"'I• Hl'L IMCYr<td bv sald o....11, Inell/di"' !hi ,..,._.,.,,.., ver .. ._,., " l.e l'-cl "11t~lft at tM ll'VllM 111111 Tlllt 1 ... ....,.llOI ~Ill' e.ulldtl'lll ltcalld' -wlft b<r •ft'IJ rte:"""' lwM1if111 ul "" lft1lh Ul'llM 1>Y said dted, II lhl '°"'IMlll --ol Fltlll Mid 10111. 1'31, In ka1r 41a, -'1f I advincn 1111r...-r with lnltrttl 11 Mloll1 !lrt•lt tn lilt dtY of 5'!1111 Of Nf!tlll lt-d1 ot Ora .... C-IY. l>'OVIOl'tl !Mr-tin, •I'd !ht unNld llrlncll>ll An1. C•fltornll tll !hit 11111!f, tltlt ""° C..lltor"lll lfltnc:• Ntr1f1 U" 41' 1$'" lflf ""' ""'" taC\ll"lld tr. p lcl lttell; l~lt•nl '°'~ " 9nll ._ lleld undll Etll .. ..,,.. ti. S6\llPt """ .r N!of to-w!I 115,161 SS "'llh '""'"' "'-'""' DftCI ul Trott 111 lflt _,...,.... 1llulf1<1 i.N ~ la CKAJl.ll.S •I.MIR ''°"' J~t'f 111, 1MI •• e>ra¥ldlld lfl In !ht c_,.,. ..... 119N ~ II: H!l\. ,,, ... '"' .. • """ "' ... I If" "(Ole Loi n Ill llloc:t. ,, .. "'"' "*"'*' Mltll '''"'"' ..... .. lot 1'9ur {4/1 0iltd .J•""""' 1,, 1W.t fo '"-1 Heflll"-tt "-°" 111t1b iallth t' M' Ir' WM! 1&b WESTSIDE TITLE COMPANY :. Mtll. .,-, , ... , In ~ "-...... '"1 N fill tolrtt ti Miiin.-.. ~ ~• suet. Tnntte .., •c-.,,_,,, ml"' ,_,.. l-* tcAI. ev WE:STE llN DEED t'f Or_, C~•nlY, C1n1om11. T....,,.. o1 ltlt ctJll Ill .. wtvf ~ CORPOJl.ATION Saltll Nit Wiii k l'Ndl W"'*1t CW-tit flit U~llM Sl9m -~-!~ W,t.Y"HE H. M,a,Tt-I EWS -"'tr Wtl'TWll'J' ........... W ~'Ill •II. W "" Cllll 1M lllltllet .-,U"'Gtllfd Olllcrt tt f& ttlt !!tit, __.Ml ... ~ l'rldlnctlll W Mlt WQINf .. ~ ... M.:171 ._.lllCft flit wttM\< Iha ,..,.,,...,. 1r1fldo OI' Trvtl bettll 111 IN ~ w Pllblhlled Or.,... CMtl D1\IY l'ltot, Pll SUl'll -°" !ht "°" MCU,... " .... 9"f. T111 "r~I Ill ~ ... lit Jlriwrv lJ, lit""' Flbl"\lln •· ltfl IOHt Oltll of T...,.t iv wtt: Q.llu:t Wll'l'I i. tll "'"'lttlll wlfll lllllf. 11.:=============,,I"'"' ""'-,,..,. ,.__, U, "'" ., 1111 II" lf'lln II M "' W111W1e """ BOAT BUFFS A11r1011 l1ck•ber 11 fli t •"'' full . tlmt boatit19 ••fifot worlri119 •II lf'Y 11•w1p1111t fn Ore119• C•IH!ty. Hit ... •lu1I"' co-•t• ef bt1f. 1119 111d y1chti119 n•..,, ft • il•lfrr fo1 hi1 t of th1 DAILY PILOT. -ldlcl tn lllcl ,,... ,,...,._ """' ..... """ "" l'IClfl ... " ""' .,.,.... .. IMce u,.,... n -.r 1'111 Ttvttw .... ti • ..., TllNi IMI-lilt ""' ""'Jk'"- Wdl lfNr IUIM M -....... llltil ... "'::' .... '1.,:" :"',..:, .. -. --.I W "'*-. lftlll lllWiW .r 11611 THI FllJT MATIOfif4L nolt. wttl'I "'""'"'· II -ldtt lft .. Id 9AMI( 01'" OfltAN41! C0UH'f1 °""' Df fnlll. """'°'''°'" et !hi Ell.-ti Dlttd! JtftUll'Y ''· ,... .. .. c.n. ........ THE l"IJIST AME.RICAfll ly! MICHAEL "· OAIU.ANO l"IN ... HCIAL COfltPOJl..lTK)f(, Mil""' Tnrit Offlc.1' forn>lrlY flll!T AM'lllCAM COOKl•'r, SCMUl\U,CHel, C-..MAJL TITl.I! INSUJIAHCI t. a MtMYAIO. ATTY. TllUIT COM"•NV 1• ,...... .... ~ ltMI, ey Al•~ A. ICllf• °""'"' Cl.Wt Allhltfll kc:rlltl.., T•h Mr.atn ,.IJhttlMcl o..,.,. c.tl °'""' PT!frf, ~ °""" Ctlrt °""' """'· ~ ) -----J~~11err '"' n. JO. IMt .._ 4"1-4' 111rr -. JI, """' l'tllrwrt "' '"' UH• 11 --------- THEY NEVER. NEED J,,, IRONING! , MEN'S NO·IRON 'IVY SPORT SHIRTS Tladilional Ivy style sport ahlrll ftatvre buttort dawn collar, top center front ond Ilia fapered styling . with taUs. Smooth no-iron combed cotton oxford hgs single Medle Jo_iloring, Ass.orted IPflllll colon; S, M, l, .XL. 2.99Valoe SAVE 37%! PERMANENT PRESS DRESS SLACKS Your favorite slacks, now ot spedol 10Yingsl Royon-cre- f'of9oftylon styled with w"tern poc:bts, finished bottoms and with a PERMANENT PWS finish so they never med Ironing. Green, whislr..ey, bl•• block, sizes 29 lo 38. 7.99 value 5" SAVE30% BOYS' CADET COLLAR SPORT SHIRTS I • 2.99 value Higli savings on high fa1hionl Over on• half off CPI th••• short slee:ve sport 1hirts ""ith fii-iryl• stand·UJ) collar. Bright cotton 1<1leen prints:whitkey,gold, blu!', green; 8 to 18. SAVE OVER SO'l!> LITTLE BOYS' NO.IRON BOXER PANTS 1.S9 value 1-""rv" Stock up o" tline heaY)I'" weight 50% cotton - 50"' polptter bull drert- im panf1 styled for rovgll and tumble w.ar. No- iro n PERMANENT PRESS in blue. black, olive; siJ:e, 3 to 8. SAVE40,_ ' LONG, LOW SWEATER VEIT ~Fashion'• menswear look in a long sweater wit dfled ia sffd ltitdi cotton with mock pock.•t1 and IO'# belt with a J.ather.loolc bock.I• and bllttOns.. Bone, r1cny, brown, rnaiu, pink, blu11 S,M,L Stn<e 37"· S.99 v•I•• SPRING STRETCH SLACKS I. Cotton atrwkh 1loc.b ac«nt western styling for a· neat 'n trim look. Contour waist ha1 xip front, two front pocUll and back yoke trwatment ""ith two fortback paclceti. Spring fo1hion colon; II to 16. Sa.. 26%. 4.t9v•lu• NEW SHINY ''WIT LOOK" SHIRT C. LWrous omtat. (eney sl.apn a clm1ic 1hlrt for today's fashion laolc. haMn lndod• Jara• tailorad collor, long ''"'"' with wide French cuff. W1'i'9. Ltock, brvwn, ncrty, orange, btve; 32 to 38. Save.26". 4.Hnl•• DAILY rllOT r~ : AMONG ALL DllCOUllT DEPARTMENT STORES <Q:::::: Ill ALL OF SOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA! ::::::::gJ J · . .. 3'' 3'' 3'' • ' \ \ -. • BORDIR PRINT WIDE LIG PANT 'o. fa.hio;_ pan with a rldily bord•r.d O¥«all pri1t of uf1p t:otton dvc'k to MW tM ...... ,,_.of the shaf*f wide leg. Wide whit. aad1 ti• adJ1 the fi1t&ht,.. ~t Nawy, black, brcrwa. 610 l6. Sen• 21". . . ...... , .. DRISS AND PLAID TUNIC COAT f, DOuble "your fC11hlon b•dget with this venalil• twosomel Sle.vel1u plaid h.lnic coat "topl o 1olid co lot auylic drN witt. clauic styling 1hat's great to w.aralone. Mint, pink, maiu, blu.17to 1S.Sa'te24%, 10.99value THICK 'N THIN CORD CARCOAT r. Laminoltld thick'• tht1 c:otton cordllfVY carc:oat a11n .. in to ft spring colors for 1pri1tg thowwn, lpOl'tlw.ar. Neat tailoring f.aturws all· around b.lt wltb tunHI ffOflt detailing, 11it pocl:eh and notch collar. Choose 'f'lnatile bone color or prentywillow grwn1Ito11. SaYe 21 %. tS.99 value . .. r . 5~'.·: -. ' . , I _,27 \ 1257 1 SPECIAL SAVINGS ON POSEY PRJJVT BRAS & GIRDLES! .ZODYS SPICIAL PURCHUll PRlllT'N PLAIN PADDED BRAS 1.59 •alue• 07 SAVE32'!9 A. and I. You'll W011t eocfl of,,,_ a,,°' in m11lti-alor flocked floral print ftYJon or white Dacron• polyestw and c:otton witP, four tection cups tottch.tcl with rayo11 satin 1tifch oppliqve. Polymer fiberfill padded cup1. Wflfte, pit11', bloe, maiff., floral prinh; 32 to 36.\, 32 to 311. . WHITI & SPLASH PRINT PAllTY GIRDLll 2.99 value 87 'SAVI 37,_ c:. .... D. flJlocl fol -•"" ...... 1. ..,... aod. L,..... opaadox poftfy g;.,u .. hll\'9 119Hfhl"'ll Ninfon:ecf front panel, ..ti11 etitdi tflM •ncl wide stntdl loc. leg tri .. Wlitte ndl pcllfel pri""'I S.M,L GIRU' PIRMANlllT PRIS. FLORAL SHIRTWAIST l .. l'FI' SAV124'!9 2.99 v•lu• 227 freth-GNpting florol print shirt...ui•f .thifte •"P their,..., look b.ta111e rh.y',. 1tylff' of cotton end pof)"Mm thM ..... • UD • spring brMn, fl•eds no Tnining. Eoq-oa .,.... frot1t pl• roll ,,......,.. round tollor.d collor. AwaU.W. la lwl9ht ..,_., ,.Row, ''"" 1prlng prinhJ lint 1 19 12. NOaWALK NOllTll LOH SUCH AllAllllM••UlllA•AllK ... TmlHI MDOllDO lllACll mPnlAl JtWT. AT ITUDllAKll L SOUTM ltUIT Al CllU&Y UACa llYa. a UMC0LM UJIDA ILYlt. At DIYONhllll MAWYMOlNI •LW.. AT ao..au cnnn fOUNTAINYALUY LONe•IACH llUll'llllOTON•IACll IAllTA.AllA ........ YI ...... CAilOeA•411f' 1.,; ... :;;;. .. ;,;.;o•.;•~··;.;;·~··.;;·~··~·;;.""~'~·~·-:":"•:i:-<0::1::0•m;::,~· ... :--:":"::&::W:O-~O-::Pl::""~~:::-::--::::""'='::&:dl-::NOl=l:""'::of:~" .. •• .. '=·~·'lli"~Vl.Allntlltlllt' CllAWNAUOODIVUT MH•lllHA)(oolln.A,IUdAltl TOPANCIACAN't'OKILwa.•AtltOMOI SHOP & SAVI AT ZODYS MON. T•U fm.1 AT. S• IO to"••• LOTS Of f811 ltA•IONel '] I 1 -------• Thursday, January 30, 1%9 Assistants ' llelpin.g ·Hands Medical, Dental by Leary . A!. -Looking for an at· tnettve ..,...,. .,...111ng with peasile! Ono 11\at doean,1 , .. quJre , • !our-year college de Ir: e e. where the SW"· ro0ijd1ng1 and contacts are pl~t. and where your con-trlbotlim ill Important and ap- prtQatedT Whether you're 18 and new ln the working world, 50 and looking for a way out ol "homemaker humdrum" - or some.where in between - you might be interested in becoming a medical or dental aasistanL H OS TESS, HELPER, ' ·o o VSEKEEPER. Whether you work for a doctor or den· ti.st, you usually have three gene~al areas of responsibility : (I) As an admlnlstratlve assistant, you are receptionist. secretary and bookkeeper. Your public relations sense should be sharp because yo11 are the direct link between your boss and his patients. As an ambassador and office assislallt, you'll answer the phone, greet patients, make appointments, h a n d I e cor- respondence, keep track or pa- tients' accounts, and maintain up-to-date medical or dental records. (2) As a medical assistant in the technical area, your clinical duties may include preparing patients for ex- ~IMITED TIME LE MEL.BR.OS r;_.,., 'i<:ll Pttltt -.. • .-f etlt11 Miii_. • • • ..-stuflnit •11"s "'lb• '°di willl llf•ll•• ::c--:d '"°""""' .... in1 • 111111111io. • WJT!f rAMOUS HELBROS LIFETIME GUARANTEE PADDED FOLDING ALUMINUM BED •OLDS JUI •Ol IASY STOUGD 14.87 value 7'' •Full suspension interlocking cho!n link springs •Folds for storing in closet when not in use! 32·PIECE BONE WHITE MELAMINE DINNERWARE 14.87 value SOLAR "D'' 8JlnERIES 7.: •For flo1ho Ughb or ''" •Stayt freth for Jongw life •stoclt vp 7'' •Contemporary Bone White d inner service for 6 in unbreakable Melamine •Complements any table settinir TWO.CELL LASHLIGHT 67c value •Reliable, long· lasting fla•h- Hght UI .. two "0" cell bat- ter Mt (not h~· \Y'Y eluded ot thl• price) ' . ' amlnaUon or tttalmtnl ••• \""AREER CORNER taking temperatum • • ·• "' ., p, J. w. -measuring helgt4 and we:lgbt ... _ ...... .., • ...,._ -----.. office "8blant with a com-and· dental w!sllng cut· parable degree of tralolng. An riculums, but such schools idea of the rabge la sao-Us 'tbould be evaluated carefully weekly, but it varies widely. to assure that their programs '11le work ls not seasonal, provide competent traiJling you won't be replaced by and mJ!t-t 1 t a n d a r d s ae- macblnery, tbe ·satlsfacUon of / ceptable to phyalcian.s and • . , slulllz!ni lnstrumenta. , With spec\aJ 1ra1n1n,. you..., 3 Responsible :Afoeas ---........ , perfQn:n ~taia sunple Jab ' · leslli, take :X rays, ud perform other m e d i c a 1 servlce.s for patients under ihe doctor's supervision. AB a dental assistant 1n the technical area, you may seat and prepare paf,ients • • . place inslrwnents in the order needed .•• keep the operaUng field clear • • • prepare restorative materiali •.. pass materials and instruments to the dentist • , • assist in making radlographs , •• mix plaster, stone and investment , • • pour casts, models or dies . • . invest, cast and p o I i s h inlays and crowns • , , and perform other sub- proleae!Ol)a) 111b tam at the denllst'a direction. (3) Ni a housekeeper, you are eipectt(f to keep the of- fice, walling roopi. C011Sultlng rdoms, etc., neat and ready for use. This does not mean heavy charwoman chores, but day-to-day tidiness. It's also your job to make Sure office THE IMPORTANT YOV. • Qualifications for the suc- cessful medical or dental assist.ant incllide intelligence and dependability, a gracious and lab supplies are arranged properly, and to reorder when atocb are low. penonality. pi! health, Jin. niaculate grooming, and a ltind, sympathetic lnlerest In people. l YOVR S8INING BOVRS. • You may work a full-time 4'>bour schedule, 0< part.time, since demand is high for well- qualified assistant.a. You may be expected to work some evenings and Saturdays, with com~atory time off. SALARY. The money is not a king's ransom -about the same as that of a business NEW 100% HUMAll HAIR DEMl·WIG bumanJtarlan I e r v I c e ta dentists rewardlng aod 'the outlook for For ~ore information 00 the future la as bright aJJ medical asslstant.s, write to the white unllcnn you'll wear. the American Aasociation of TIWNlNG. You must be Medical Assistants, 200 East a high school graduate {or Ohio street, Chicago, Ill. equlvalent), and while it la 60611. Enclose stamped, self· possible to learn m llie job, addres,,00 long white envelope. the recommended educatioo For more information on consists of a program in an dent.al assistants, write to the accredited junior college or American Denlal Assistants ---------- vocational school -for either Association, 211 East Chicago medical O(· dental assisting. Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611. One year is the suggested Eoclose stamped, s e I f -a do minimum, but the trend is dressed long white envelope. toward two years. Some business schools oHer medical knd voor suegnrlonl for tulu,. column fOl>IQ ;o F. J. UI", c .. S<ir...,,, no m~n &MJwtr• u n bl elven, An~ reader whose lelter I• Ille b•Sil ot • fulure COiumn .. 111 receive • ll'ff Ro~1I Mer• curv POff•blt tvpewrlter. rMr Corn•r, DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box IUOO, St. loui1, Mo. 63105. · • Euiting new demi-wig in 29.95 value I 1hode1 ta match yovr OWlll ~ hair color •Give new height or body ta your coiffura 1487 NEW "MINI" FALLS OF 100% HUMAN HAIR •Luxurious mini foll of 100% 38.00 value human hair •Styleyoo' mfo; fall a"yway27'' )'t!U like -straight or cu rled •Adds o dash of elegance •In shades to match your own hair IXTRA LONG fALL OP 100"' HUMAN 47•7 HAI R WITl;f NIWDOMI CU' •• ,, •• ••• .,,ARTIAl• RlM·M.AND-TIED 'ULI. 3907 WIG or 100,. HUMAN NAIR ••••••• DILU XI HUMAN MAIR WIG , 1917 39,9S nhr•, •• ••• ,.,,, ,, , ••••••• ALL HARDWOOD 6°YEAR FULL SIZE CRIB 35.00 Yalu• •Full size 6 yedr crib •Toe-tou ch release drop side •5-posltfoft adfustable 1pting •Teething rails •In white or wolnvt finish 19'' fULL SIZI CRll MAnRESS Woshable'tinyl co~r. #600. 11.00 val Ye 511 THE STH DIMENSION STONED SOUL PICNIC The .Sth Dimen1ion fea-Compare at 4.79 turing: "California Soul,'1 •stoned Soul Picnic/' and 2'' •sweet Blindnes1.., ... _ STONED SOUL PICNIC Alln•• AlSO AVAILABLE IN: c .. JRACK CARTRIDGE TAPE •• •., .4.47 I-TRACK CARTRIDGE TAPE•••••• 4.97 ii OZ. OIL OF OLAY 16 OUNCE BRECK 1.69 •lz• •Regul or or97c Super •By Careu SAVE 72cl 10 CONTAC COLD CAPSULES time capsule• •for r.li•f of colds and hay f•ver SAVE IOcl 29c 111• • hopropyl olcohol •16·0L bottle SAVI 20cl Compare 44 at 99c each YOUR CHOICE ea. ITIM 1m coD, "' 1.,°.~l: AQUA NET 13·0Z. 99 44• STYLE 13-0Z. 99 44• JUSTWONDERFUL 13·0Z. 99 44• LANOLIN PLUS I 3·0Z. 99 4 • ZODYS SCISSORS SPECTACULAR! 99! Values to 2.59 YOUR CHOICE Choont from 16 popular styles including household, barber, thinning, sewing. embroidery, dreumaker and pinking scis,ors. All hot forged steel. SAVI UP TO $1.601 SPECIALS E'HOltl ZODl'S LlQlJOHDEPAHTltlENTZ FAMOUS BRAND &-%0DYS OWN LABEL WHISKIES NOW SALE·PRICED! YOUR CHOICE 3'' fifth FIDIRAL RISDVll BOVRaON GrHft Label, Kentvdy dral9ht whi.by, 86 proof, Charcoal flh•...d. Compa re •t S.29 ZODYS GOLD STAil BOTTLlll IN BOND 100 proof, straight bourbon whtsk.y, dirtill~ In k•ntuc\y. Co mpare at 5.99 ZODYS OWN IMPORrlll SCOTCll WNISKY Imported froll'I S<otfand, 1• casbl 16 ptoof, blended with the fin•st whisldet. ~-Compt1r• at 5.99 ZODYS •-z• CA All WNISKY 86.9 proof, .a very ID'I , 1and mellow. Co1npare at 6.75 ALL THE FRH ICE CUBll YCla Nl lD AT ZODYSI SKIN LOTION SHAMPOO 3.50 1i.1e 1.89 size 199 ~-~cK 97c ···~··· •Norma l. drY from II " or oily hair dryness ~~Ii formula •Beoutifie.a -·--·• 16-ounce the skin l._1 bottle !"""·'I SAVE $1.021 TEKADULT BOTILE OF 100 TOOTHBRUSHES ASPIRIN TABLETS 6911: •ize 2 9c size 17c 9c -1 •Soft, medium " •S groin or hard bristles • • U.S.P. •Adult si:re ' table.If ' •Bottle of toothbrushes JOO tobleb SAVE S2c .SAV E 20ct ZODYS AVTOJllOTIVE DEP T.! BATTERY BOOSTER CABLES .... f ii2 • ~ ..... ::-~ 2.27 97,C value ••• • ExtrO heavy duty for all COB •Keep a pair handy In your trvnltl RISLONE OIL ALLOY 77c 1.9& v alue SiiiW. RISLoN~ •Motor oil additive •Frees sticky YG!un •Quiets kydraulic liftet1 -ALEMITE CD·2 OIL ADDITIVE •Concentrated hlotor oil detergent t .50 value •Free1 stidy'f'Olves. quieb engines 69C • fot high mileage or low mileag~ can e a. NORWALK NORTH LONG aEACH ANANllM·aUINA PARK ANANllM'PULLIRT'ON WllTCOYINA NORTllRIDGI REDONDO BEAC H IMfttl\AlMWT. Al SfUDllAkEl I, SOUIM ITaltt Al CffttaY llACH ILVD. & LINCOLN .OaANGllHO•PI At LIMO N .UU~ AYL At PUINll •UIDA ILY!p. At DIYONSHIU HAWJHOINI ILVD, Al SO.BAT CINTll HUNTINGTON aEACH GOLDIN "W iit & IDINOll SANTAANA ... OIAND AYL At lnH ITl trr LONG alACN LOI ccrtom,SPIUHO. WOODllUfP GARDINGROYI CH APMAN I l lOOQIUllT 8URaANK IAN PllNA°NDO l lVD. AT IUl lAHK CANOGA P ARK TOPANOA CA.HYON ILV O. AT ROSCOt 'l ... Alll YALLIY \ltol lt¥D.,AT tDINOl l - Th.....,, ........, "'· 1969 Don't Walk Tightrope ·' Sore Throats Might Be Exception to Rule Pet.tr J . Stelacrolm, M.D. One must often walk the tightrope between being a scaremonger and one who dispenses caution. For ex- ample, consider BOre throats. Ordinarily, ti)ey """' DO great problem. ~t the exceptionJ can be serious threats to health and life. Recently there was a letter Mesan Promoted Dale W. New, of Costa Mesa, has been promoted Crom cadet lieutenant colooel to brigade e:1:ecutive officer in the UC Davis ROTC. from a woman who said all you need to do is give a child some a.spirln and stop fussing around . Here au two letters which indicate that it i.! dangerous 10 play Ruasian rou1ett.e with your child's llOl'e lhroat' DEAR DR. STEINCROHN ' After reading the letter from the mother who signed herself Mrs. Z., I just bad to write and lell you what happened in our family because a sore throat in a child went unat· tended. Too many mothers put too much faith ip aspirin. Becau.se a daughter-m-Iaw of ours felt the same way as Mrs. z.. we have tiny grave in our family plot. Since the Joa of this ch1ld we have had a divorce in the family, not to mention lhe heartache that we, u grandparents, are still finding unbearable after tight years. Our little grandson, 4 years old at the lime, complained of sore throat. AD be was giveri was aspirin. 'Ibt doctor wasn't called. He died within the week of streptococcus sore throat So, Dr. steincrohn, please keep on telling mothers bow imporlant lt is to take their children to the doctor when their youngsters complain. - Mrs. S. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MEDJCALETl'ES (ReplletloReaden) DEAR DR. STEINCROllN ' In answer to tbe la,ty, Mn. z .. who thinks we exaggerate the importance or taking care of sore throat, I'd like her to know what I've gone through because of a sore throal When we were children mother couldn't take us to the doctor so she did the best she could, bless ber bear!. I got a severe .90re throat one day and about a week ZENITH 12•1NCH* PERSONAL.SIZI UHF·YHF PORTABLE TY ~ IT•SQ.INCHESI $88 -J1Jllll!'l!!l!f!l. • HaoduaHed JV <hauio ~ S • •Deluxe 82-i:hannel tuning s)llte111 .-..,...... •1• sq. in. 110° Sun&hine pidVl'9h!be WORLD'S LARGEST TY PICTURE! GIANT ZENITH 23•1NCH* UHF VHF COLOR TY l295SQ.INCHESI $458 •Super .50 handcrafted chassis •Advance color demodulator • Sunihina color TV pidUre tube • 2•,000 volts of picture power •High gain l-dotalfamplifier 2g,N/JJ1' •Autamat;<a>lad-laoddanr~~~; • •High voltage sweep . ..-......... • andpowertrandonMB ,__. •High gain 3-staga If circurt • Automotir:: .. frlng •lock" • 13,500 volts of picture p0ll¥\l!r •Custom'"'Permo-Set"VHF fine tuning ZENITH 14-IN.*UHF·YHF PORTABLE COLOR .TY %0DYSLOWPRICE $288 l102sQ.INCHEsl . •Sup.,. 82 chan!MI tvoing syltem •3-ltage If amplifier •Full rated power tron.former •Automatic colot darifi•r with magnetically Mi•lct.d • ktv .... bo Zi •21,500 \IOfb of plctore power ·~~ •• • s...i.;n• color JV pktu•• tube) ~·-'ltf • . a • -·-- ................... Ml, liill WESTINGHOUSE 14-CU. FT. • • REFRIGERATOR·F~EUER Companoat259.95 $2,.8 I ALL FROST·FREE I J~ • 121..eh. freez•rwitll full width door sh.at •full •idth, full deptlt shelfto • 2-politloe 1helf •• ,_ .. • Fvll wld•h•o ... bl• aispol'bolds2/3 bwhel • PWS: Built-In 901 stora9e, butter beJ> er, ioagnetic door ·- PERMANENT PRiii 2 SPEID WAIHER Compar• at 219.95 $-111 IHEAVY•DUTYl • NorMOI and 9 .. 11e agha- • tio" 1pe:.d1 • famo111 double wmll oction •Fottrwash/rt ...... • P«OtureMffings • H.,,., ..,.16-lb. m· pocltytnlN..i.iolt a!td stabiltnr ~ • Unt filter aH ..Or· C\l latiot1 .,..... • 6-position water -• Sufefy lld l0<k • Porceloi" •naMI t.b. DITD PIKD llOM$111 later my lep and jo(nts hurt a Jot. All everyone would aay wu I \lad f!)'OWlng pains. ~ut later on. wl)en my beact went bad, we all knew I had had rheumaUc fever. makel good sense not to ·cuea come to operation whea gueu, but to know, what kind medicines bring little l!b- of sore tbroat your 1ounpter provement. ' bas. To refurbish 'an oldy, "It's better to be llfe th.an FOR MRS. M.: U Joq have aorry." . any doubtl, becw you.r Since theo -I am tO now -I've had tyro heart opera- llons to repair my valves. I've beSi' unable to work In many years. For Mr1. T.: Ra.Jnaud'1 family doctor eeems to treat disease affects 'llfOOletl. more more grownups than ebfldren, than men. It ls a condition ask bl.m to refer you to a in which there ii a ebronfc pediatrician to take care of coostricUon and spasm ol the your Infant daughter. • Muotde l.eatler Newport Beach buUcjei Ray Nielsen, 332 Holm. wood Drive, has been ·appointed Grand Chap.: ter Inspector of 26th • Royal Areh District of : the Royal Areh ' M• • sons. He is past master : of Seafaring Masonic ~ L o d g e of Newport Beach. I had rheumatic fever again in 1913 and WU In bed all summer. I'm telling all this so Mn. Z. and everybody will know what a IOl'e throat can cause U It's a strep Uiroat. -Mrs. D. bJood v~ in the flngera, If you are one of the toes. tip oI the nose, etc. millions in the U.S.A. who M some women describe it, suffer the aches and p 1 I ft s "when my hands get cold my of arthritis, perhaps I can fingers go dead wblte." help. Send yoor ~ for COMMENT: I could oiler many similar examples, but why depress you more? It In addition to trying to pro-my booklet, HOW TO LIVE tect pallent.. from the cold, WITH ARTHRITIS. Write to we Jl(i!scribe drugs with the Dr. Stelncrohq., lo care ol. tJiiJ hope of reluing the con-newspaper, encloaln1 25 cents stricting blood vesseb to pro-in coin and a stamped, aell·ad- mote better circulation. Some dressed envelope. •to tran1istor •FM cord ontennca •Wide range front speaker •AFC switch [PHILCOj PHILCO SOLID STATE AUTOMATIC PHONO ' 39.95 23·· val•• • Oeluiw "4pMd auta91atic changer e Ughtw9ight.tone an11 •Dual 1apphire sfylus • f\111 tone!li• owl tpealcer •45 RPM-adopter I PHILCO I• SNAP·IN CARTRIDGE TAPE RECORDER 1eilln9 el1ewher• i ·9BJ at70.00 2 for , • • IY IMltll COIONA •Solid state, fnlfant pfay 6ack • Ea1y push-button operation •Say It! Send itt JoWI_ <.lilt ~ •Slip in lettar- pack and talk! •Cartridge fih r-vular ertYe- lope for mail~ ing PH~LCO SOLID ST,ATI. r PHONO WITH RADIO '. value 39.95 11·' '· •J..peed phoq1ciplt 33!11.,45 and 71 IPJ4 • W"itt. AM radio • P!ays on 6 "'D"' aize , banerin SAYE OVll. JO~ Mellelt17S SOLID STATE 3" CAPITA•; TAPE RECORDIR:. _29.9511•7 value • So lief ""9t1Ntructiomt •Twospnil-1ffi &3Yc • Co.,plete wltli. ailaand· batteries ' PORTABLE AM AND POLICE BAND R4DIO. 8 87 19.95 ..... valv• · · . . . ' •20tramidor I • Litt.• to yon. ..aftd.onl AM. broadccnt &and or locaf palir::• band 1-47.. · 174MC ; .-...~ • =--_ ~ -•Tele1eopicantenna ;r ,,,,,,,..,,.. .--•Completewith ban.rt.. Lbt: .arphon,•, ~se.. • Blf; S .1.\'INGS ON ALI, ,\PPl,l.t ,\'Cl~S! WATER PIK" ORAL HYGIENE APPLIANCE 24.95 16'' value ~ • heammettded by thon- and1 of dentidsl •Water Pik" carriet on the cleaning lob your tooth- brush begins •Clean• inaccmlbl• places your brush can! "°'"°"' ........ FAMOUS MAKE 2·1LICI AUTOMATIC TOASTER 17.95 val••54·7 •Tocntator~ f« foott th• way --ht •Hinged avtnb tray • lnct.cilbfe low price at Zod)'I • O•• year uncondi· ..... 14.$22 tionol guarant•• SQUIBB BROXODENT TOOTH ... USH 19.95 10· 87 value .... , ........ ~ ..... clotilll ti.on oll 9tflerauto.aftctootlt- -..-bl...i """"" .... byCouftdf Ol-1 T1-opootla of lho-n o..tal_.,.loo -- IAIY, LIGHTWEIGHT STEAM-DRY IRON ' ' ,.... ____ 1_2_.,_5_••••• 5 47 ' • Jron1 atea11 or dry •tightwerghr, flf#'f to hipndla •fabric dial fOf' perf9d troning tempprotvrn .. oil falwb FOSTORIA PORTABLI . 3·SPEID HAND MIXER lllihl.U115 -- 12.95 547 valve •Portable .... yw COii UM Gf tfte llGJN oi' COlll'llfer •3-tr.••• fer all lltbing ..... • flng.tfp COlltrol •One year QCOftefiff09Cll guaran,.. ., __ _ •Chro1M1taf..,.9rtU • f ~ •Fibcaifleg•l"'°y'-! 1•• • l"'f'. uncondftkntef 11cqa•1' ' l@~w~ ~==========::::;:::. I SHOP & SAVI AT ZODYS MON. niRU FRI. 10 A.M. to' P.M.r SAT. & SUN. 10 to 7 ••• LOTS .or •••• PARK•••• \ Ull ZODYI •IW, llMPLIFllD INSTANT CREDIT OR YOUR BANKAMIRICA•DI • • • IATllPACTION OU~¥tn'l~I L-------------~----~~----~~----~,~-----~f ----........ ~- i I I ' I I i I I .. It DALY PILllT 'Fire' Play Dramatic Smudgepot 111 WILLWI GLOVER liEW 'YORK (AP) -'ll1e ~-·-!" --_, nllh• .at 't Lon1acre , • ::;rbeal<r II aduaJly just a -·.t.11-•lllfll!pol with IOU : . lt mob and little name. ..... -De'teloped among ~=~ bum.a la1t -~at Brandtls Unlvenity, ::"li1111wn, Mus., the piece '-""' .. Wallon ln deUbente fn.. : l:obeleoe and pervene hJl. •1'11 u tt nvlen human ~-czistrnre w l th ulstentlal ,. desi>aJr. Martin's No Dun11ny 'Laugh-In' Star Articulate Swinger -............ w ..... By VERNON SCOT!' HOLL YJYOOD (UPI) -Th< prlntlpal d1ffertnce between Olck Martin of "Rowan and Martin's Laugh·ln'' and the off.screen Martin is the com- edian's I.Q. Away from the cameras, M~rtin is bright a n d ~lculate. On the show he ~ a dum-dum with nothing but sex and parties on his mind. Tbe latter activities occupy a certain amount of his wak- ing hours. A considerable amount. In contrast with the happily married, serious Dan Rowan, Martin ill one of Hollywood's great swingers. stop by here and have a drink .. "'11""'"'!.:, tltit ,..11 .. or two be[ore you get to the with o,b1;1i•h K•fr.Oivi" Ni•111 kitchen ," Martin says with the c,11,11111011, Set. 1111d S1111, same wolflsb intensity he fr•• s:4S displays on the NBC ·TVlr~i~~~~~i~l series. There is liltle domestic 1! 1f strain in Dick Martin. He likes 1Jhi1 DfOI his ladies to come up to the 1.:.1.!J .. .. house and flx dinner for him while he relaxes with a drink. A cleaning lady takes care of the dust and dishes . Frequently during the sum· mer months Dick throws noisy parties around the pool. If the neighbors complain, fll[WPORT BEACH • 011.l·8l50 Martin invites them to join often said he'd rather have the party. He's not mad at a nightcap with a lady at his pad because it is more anyone. · comfortable and plush than WHen hi s mind isn't on the the one-bedroom apartments show or parties or ladies, Dick with bullfight p 0 s t e r s in is on the golf course where which many starlet ladies live. he shoots a respectable game. He and partner Rowan see 'lbe 1uthor, • 34-ytar-<11d naUve of Syracuse, N.Y., wbo Uses the allu of John Roe. ~xhibit.s a flamboyant nair for schoolboy w 1 t , superficial wiadmn and maggotty sym- bolism wltb garrulous in-Dixie With a Difference Once married and divorced, Martin - a fonner bartender -lives in a fau!Uessly ap- pointed bachelor pad which clings to a crag in tht. Dick's living room is largely very little of one another ex- occupied by a professional size ctpt when they are playing pool table. And he b expert clubs on the road. Then they at the game. find time for golf during the . -tlulgmce. Holding forth with Dixieland music at Knott's Berry Fann. Sunday will be the .,Pain Is the lowest fonn Happy Jazz Band of Newport Beach. Members are (standing, from left) Rich Hollywood Hills above the Sunset Strip. He has an unobstructed view of the ocean and the bustling city below his living room. of ln.unm','' is 1 sample ot Chapman, Lance Brown, Randy Woltz, Larry Duk e, Laurence Wright and 1 the pervufve humor; "salva-Paul Woltz. Holding the sign are Terry Levitt and Tat Thomas. Their concert .. .~ ii for fooll," represents is set for 4 p.m. , hla phiJoaopby; and non.!top----~------------------------One is Jed to suspect he keeps an eye on "ladies" from his aerie. The furnishings are colorful, day. At night Rowan )las a comfortable and new. There bi te to eat before going to are objets d'art in nooks and bed. crannies. Modem paintings Not Martin. He's out lookinf!' clutter the walb. for ladies. He likes them. • ~ games spin about late and later, up and down, or --·clop. • Ori the visual level, Roe and : t>lredor Charles Wern tr l Moore have coococted several ·~-grisly shock interludes that come off u Grand Guignol for hipsters maybe. Some cmtomera walked out at such moment.. \ The parable, if thlt is what it ls, involves eight performers wbo represent 1 glut ol human COnfulcm and tcnnents, leap- ing with eoergetiC devotion tliroogb the ramparto and ·crevices of Howard Bay's maalve mauaoleum at:Ung. Peter MacLean serves 11 a Jason intent on leading the ~en lnln the pn-gtng purity ol fire. The precise ntlonale behind It all ne\lltr emeried from the prevalent elthetlc lllllrk. Spm·rlows In Concert At Anaheim The Spurrlows will b e featured in concert at the David Wilker!On Super Youth Rally at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 5, ln ~ Anaheim Convention Center arena. The SpWTlows are a group of mw.lcal young people, most ol whom are in their teens and who, during the course of a year on their travels, see and talk to more high school students than any other group in the country. Their program at the Anaheim Convention Centu will feature an acapella chorus, brass choir, men's glee club, plus a versatile blending of vocal and in- strumental quartet!, trios, duoc and 10los. He has a combination ·den,J;===========,IJ 'Ubu' Uses New Ideas To Prove Old Point Martin applies the word ''lady " to any female age 18 to M> who doesn't mind having a few drinks and going out on the town. His fa vorite ladle!, however, ~ in their 20s, beautiful and single. and bar which iJ one of the most interesting rooms in the house. Dick bas decorated it with great care, giving it a bachelor flavor with a few artistic nude paintings. "You notice you have to NATIONAL GENf:RAL COAl"ORAnotril Fiii~ ...... ,._ ....... -.1111 I OPEN 6:45 "The Incredible Reign of Costa Mesa, uses the most modern theatrical devices - film, projected slides, avant garde lighting -to make a rather old·fashioned point. "If there's any point to our play, it's that man is probably evil in nature," said author· Dean Sho'v Due Tuesday Singer Jimmy Dean brings his big country-we:item show to fi.1elodyland Tuesday, open· ing a one·week engagement director Ron Tilronson. "The Martin frequently t a k e s them out Lo dinner -one important thing ls that man at a time _ and then to realize this shortcoming and one of several discoteques to try lo deal with it by treating whlch he belongs: The Da~, aU things with moderation." The Factory and The Candy Thronson noted that because Store. Mesa Youth Wins Award th I Alf ed J , Late in the evening he e genre o r arre s II · 'te Newport Harbor High School "Ubu Roi" has litUe relevance usua Y mvi s them up to today, the resemblance to Jar-his house for a game or pool graduate Calvin S., ~ihilllng re's play is more nominal than or perhaps a starlight plunge has been awardeefa t"tstees' substantive. in his swimming pool which scholarship to the Northrup HELD OYER overhangs the cliU. He has 1 · "The show we're doing now nstitute of Technology in ------a c-,.i-Go "" is the fourth rewrite of 'Ubu Inglewood. DEB Roi'," ThrOI1SOn said. "After New Ti'tle Northrop 1 n,1; 1u 1, 01 ORAN KERR DAYID NIYEll each rewrite I met with our • artistic staff at SCR and Technology ls an independent ft..lri ft.Oft_ reworked the play's structure. liOLLYWOOD (UPI) college of 2,000 students, of-~I ~~ "A significant portion of the Pararnount's "Those Daring fering B.S. and M.S. degrees A WfN.ltARf'E~ f'lllD.COOll • l:dcr br OetlPt Young Men In Their Jaunty in several types of engineering play was developed by the Jalopies" has been set as the and in applied mathematics. --------SM! cast in rehearsal. What we new blle for "Monte Carlo ~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~=11 have finally, we believe, ill Or Busl _ With Those H.airpm I a sh1~w that is organic lo Harrys In Their J a u n t y SCR. Jalopies." "The Incredible Reign of ==-==-===,,,,-~- Uncle Uhu and Mother Ubu's .:.ilill ALSO AN ALL STAI CAST IN "MIKE TODD'S 80 DAYS AROUND THE WORLD" Winner of 3 Academy Awards! .~- !>FROM Wll!ER BROS.-SU!Ulli '/I .Participating chlefly with MacLean ""' Louis Edmonds, a man fOf" all pervenlons; Rlole Auborjonol!, a kind ol Innocent oi>tJmht; C1tolyn Coates, the mythic mother- mllll<a fillur•; and Jennifer 1Jor111tC, 111 epitome ol oensul! bn -• IODlethJnc -un-lorlunlttly handicapped with vocal ~ and miniscule actinC 6tblllty. The others an Roy K stevena:, J o h n WanhreJJ and Audra Lindley. bi!having llke llrays oot o! BecbU or Ionesco. David Wilkerson of Ne w York, author of "The Cross and the Switchblade," will deliver a talk at the close of the musical program. Featured with the "Big Bad .Toho" performer will be the Imperial.9, a new ·a o s p e I quartet. Dean's special guests for this return to the Anaheim shGWplace will be the singing Clinger Sisters. Dean will present eight • Good King Ubu" describes ~'""'" COA1T : ~ n . attempt to gain lhe throne j~ of Germania after having been · · _,..,..,II ousted from Poland'!' seat of power. Ubu is opposed by Cap- tain Bordure, who seeks to show Ubu's dictatorial nature by staging a play during the Gennanian Royal Convention detailing Uhu's reign in Poland. -!"'"--·---J JULIE GtOR<;w ' Cl-IRISTIE:SC011 1 l ktw•l~i 11F"lrel" tries very. hard to be oltranew and provocative; but lt'a loaded with a IUl'feit ol abysmal gibberish. The event ls being aponaorfd by Chrlltian Center Church of Anaheim. The program is open to the public with 9,000 free seals. Crossword Puzzle AClOSS lY-•lml ,,_ 'ro1·i.':r .. t1f SICfld Wflll ... 14Bltt•fl-11 U Prtpetsltlon 16 T"1t "U" of "'U.S.S.R.'' 17 Uprur II C1111t to sit lt R1slsted attact 21 Chootf' .ZI IOU11taln . . ... 14 Nl'fada · co••nlty 21 Collected ll••: S.lllx Ina·_. lfL• ... SlSlrHmur . .,, •. ...... 3" AUlo .-.. •llonHlut 41 E1o9. ~ ... 42•-r ... 4'k'""'"". ac--• --"' l'lo-. ·-· 4tAtttldfM '1 Slul'• '" SllCC.sol' 52 'Klnd of attack 54 Covtr .5, -lade.: 11111 dlsUactlom .51 "Tht Goed E1rlfl" Sm •l lttr parl04 •l ElllssltJ •5 Slmll1r 67 lusllm Jud';t 6t First ftllvrll ttu11btr 70 Blnfflfl YNl.•..,'s P111tlt Solved: 71 Fr1m111 10 United 43 Ol1bollc1I Gosd.. 11 Scltnct of 46 Cittlk 72 ~1'.h 12 r~~ Abbr. 41 ~~':'on a 73 Floww or ojlt vthlclt 74 Thh1 woodtn 13 11th n: 50 Canine strip Coeb , form nol11 75 Ltnd an 11r 21 ~1,1r... 53 B1nt1.1na -C 1 dukedoll OOIN lf'llst .55 .loat 23 Small dog 5• PracUul 1 Ira, 27 P'tt1ttr1tt 57 M11s1.1r1 ad191fotkl:I 2• P'!fl part out tilt 30 Bow!ln; 51 Scottish z Ont httt SCDl'IS plald on 1 '1111 31 Adminlttwff St Fortlf'M 3 Mon17: 511111 1 dtu9 to btnt 4 -IOI": 33 In Uto 60 lft1tcts' Bu~v future nnb 5 A~st 34 CoMttlc 62 U.S. 6 H .. b" i!19ttdltt1t st1t1: 7 Sort of lS French Slang enttrt1fn-pronoun •4 Pour .,tnt fOf11 )6 Expr1sslon c:oplou•lt I Kind of of surprise '' CondlUon: tc:Upst 31 ConUnuously Noun t Tnn1por. 38 By no suffix t1t1on 11111111 61 F1111lnlnt medlu• 3' Compttitlr nickn1mt 11)0/" performances at 8:30 nightl1 Tuesday through Friday, with two shows Saturday at 7 and 10 and two shows the closing day, Sunday, Feb. 9, at s and 8:30 p.m. The Jimmy Dean show Follows this weekend's ap- pearance of Johnny Carson at Melodyland. Operi.ing Saturday night and doing f i v e performances through Mon- day, the NBC-TV personality will &bare lhe stage with Phyllis McGuire, Bud and CeCe Robln!on and D o c Severinsen. Have yoor picture tak1" ll'ith 1 favorite television or motion plctwe per- sonality. The $1 charae goes to the Valtty Voolh Found1tion. Featured in the play are Roger Parker as Uncle Ubu and Carol Kretzer a s molher Uhu, and Steve deFrance as Captain Bordure. "Ubu" is in its fourth week of Thursday through Sunday showings at the Third Step Theater, 1827 Newpoct Blvd., Costa Mesa. NOW thru FEB. 2 GREAT WESTERN EXHIBIT CENTER Moo,·F1i. 3to11 IR Sat Noon to 11 pm Sun. Noon to 8 im Alltlb $1.7!1 C ...... 75• • S.. M_., ~-& 1t.-f ""' & Vfttrll.,. bJofbitl •S..T" I '--.A~ft.W ... T~ldill>h • S.. ~ Gt. & H1111tlllo fq11lp-1 bhlbito • S.. t_,. & c:.&.iftil c-.m & M•l!IM lfll~•1totlo'IOt V-1t...i-I (•lllMh 40 sr,,llt11 _____ 75 M111l•l••s CAMPERS--YAll, ... S __ JOO CAMPERS MOTOR "OMES ___ _ DON'T MISS I I .sties "Yelbv Sl!bmaPDl' -..... ~ •. I ..... ALSO .. "PAPER LION" f,•rh1111..l'k>• : : lln1l1>d llrt1sls 11._"'9_.. ,.,. ''•11•1 Jl111 ar. .. e QOLOI e "lllDIS OP tLOOD" C~rl1lol>l'4'r LH • COLOll e "ILOOD FllND" ,1awi~·1 -"'-... ~, ' ........ . -MN411 lltftO!lllM!WW ,.., .t.-wllll T1111v Curl" H"1ry l<ol'tcl• "THI IOSTON STIANGl.11" •COLOll.e Mlel\lotl C1!111 e COL.Oii • "DIADPALL" --..... .,...,m lltlftoll--., ..... Al!Htll Now l'fW ta~ f<llOT !I In li ... Hllll "A MAN AND A WOMAN" Jl:~1 Fltfrllnt e COLOll e •tuN fOI OUI W1Pr HELD OVER Tho Yeer's SINptr "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRIGHT ALSO Peter Ustinov. Maggie Smith Karl Malden ~ e ... _ .... o"'· I I Alto IOI NEWHART (..-. St.ow Storts 7 p.111. Co11t. S.1°S11". fr11rn 2 p.111. Tr1vor How•rd V•n•n• R•cl9••v• -ALSO PLAYING- "ATTACKED ON IRON COAST" with Lloyd flrid9et Show Tues., Feb. 4 Ono Night Only •t "" 1•00o< 1 MOTION PICTUA{° , •·•!Tl" wr<SS -...... 1 COlORo,~Lu~I lN'<llEO .l.FlllSTS loft!,,. MuJlcol Sotlro ·no htctfflblo l.tt" •' Good King Ubu" Ml by llon T~ron"'" I : '·"'· -THIRD STE,_ Tll•.&.Tlla -COSTA MES• Ce11h'ol lor Offlce -'46·1l6J C"ILOllEN'5 THEATRE-''Th• EmP•• ........ Ille Nl1hlh•tlht .. OH111 J111••rv Ji -I ..... J p.rn. BALBOA 673-4048 o,., 7ot ( ... ,. •:45 .,,, ... ,.nlnwl• NOW SHOWING ONN AT 7:1S 5HORT SUIJICTS 7:JO Fl!ATUIE 1:00 Held Over 5th & Final Week! 5tlll TH ~t Sltow 111 T•-1 Wl•Mf ef 6 AcMo"" Awards IT IS LIFE ITSELF ... RAW BEAUTY IN ALL ITS AWAKENING! - I l · -.theuncommoomovie.,. ' IDltmlllr',_ ... ._ .... Sllr- ISIJGGtil!O ,(lit litiVli ...,.."@) 11 NOW IN ENGLISH SEE IT WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE! For Ono Wffk Only CUNT EASTWOOD • "COOGan'S BLUff" PLUS THE POPULAR ~Bades Yelkw Sl!~marlmr ....... -''"" ....... 11 r.,;;~·,r-t.~ D THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE '* "Gen&hi& Khan" -Port I OMAR SHARIF -COlOR! fJll WW'I ..., (30) "Wtlttt Do w. w 1tr w1m."' Smltll ts tttt 1111de for • tour of 1n Onion .. .,_ E ._ II lllril ..... -(CJ f!JtltDIC l•••iw (C) (60) ·-· .. -.... I ... (CJ (OJ) .......... , .. .....,(30) 9 IJl 111 ll!l ID •-lCJ d1fw potb'J, bul wtlll'I Ml)'tttlfta coma out in .tiyme, she •• h•IJ IRllt Or. 8omblJ. m.-.. ...._m (>()) ID"" ., -lCJ llO) ··-·-"' ~IOD QJ Ill Ill -(CJ llO) '1li1rcotlca -DR·21." Tht HllPI flow ef meril111111 hm M..ict thrvu&f'i tt11 LOI Ancll• Airport hit lht NlCO&s sqllld b1lt'ltd 11nttl FrldtJ 1nd Glnnon lfllllt lht blip et the pollw dop. Glnpr, 1 G1tman Slltplwd 1111~ bf the lAPO Ill llllCeftrilll 111rmtlcl, ·-D llllJIJ ID -" '" •~ kMW11 (C) (60) ''1111 Mtdlaon £q111tio11." Ad11n Frwt, 111 lnaur- 1nce min i11¥1stipti111 ttMi d11tli of brirllent J'OUlll ldentllC Rtlpll Mad!IOll at 111 tllllorlt• wmputtr nte1n:h csrt111-, llnmtn wldencl thlt li>lll90M ii proct11M1Jn1 tht I molt atnrod computw to daslp 7:tD. en r.tn1 "... (C) (30) Ptrfect murdln. Bllfllra 811 Waltw O'riJtL I Gtdd.., Al•• Cuttlblil'bOn, Zu1 • ...,, lfJ LW (t) (30) LIO)'d ind .iect Hedley lllr. m ~ (q (30) m,... (C) <30> r1111 • .,.,. l!I ........ Ill llitlr (30) "Buyln1 m W'llliilftlllR II ...... (C) (30) 1 Cubr ... I~ Ftldericl rto.d • ~ .... ~ -.-~ ~-lO:OOfil@ (j)fmDM1llllwti1(t)(60) -.. llJ .,.. ,,_ ........ Vl""ctor IOrP. Sid C.mr, Ltnt wtWdl It lll9d ID Htntrafl tht HOflll, Ind Thi Tim11 Squ1t1 Two coora Thb It tht fITTt pn11re111 ill iuut. Ille flnit _.. of th• "f'ltJint th• cu1t1r" ...,._ em._¢> <&O> lmTNI...,... 01111..W.,_ (30) Ill -$ MIYit: -t'1ll eo.., fit'" (llrtm•) '54-Gace Kll'1. IHnt Crosby, Wllll11n Holdt!!. A ,,...., 1114 rtcordill( ... mt "' ll'IOflm ef •If-pity ••rfJ mines • Ptrhft ...... (C) (IO) ''Wll- ltr Brtn11111." Rktld Ali-. llllll Blair, ltftdJ Dw1111, luddJ 0.., J•'"'* IWMr, Howard Htwb. Don- 1111 O'Connor and a.ill Willi heir hoet b!ph ...... '"""' 1111 ...... m-"" (30) .,,,. ......,. ln1 Ml Sociltf tlf l• Aftclhl, Com!nunilJ ,.,.,., ptlMt: Dllll lrDlll "M Antho6ocY rA 111Ck Writ· ln1." H1I Mll'ltnthll blb IOout tht play with 1uats v... Whit· lield, .lttttln, Ind Tilt Nlsll1. 111-- c1t111e1 at • eollMhck. 11:001J II 0 llEI EIJ""" IC) CDT• • c..q.,. (Cl (30) a...,_ m""' -<"'> me... ... ha <301 11u...,.11r...,. 1:11 •llll m-....... i<l ' (60) SMllty Willbrl. l'tul L)'lldl. 0. 11:15 ID Mft "JltM 0.,.bwl file C. Smith, J!MlllJ Blrpn, ind The ""° (myitery) '-49-Willi1m lun- Ulltlllthrnri II*{. di1111. Virlinlt Btuca. a l!!J rn m no """ "" <CJ (30) "1111 Grtllt CtlinD Robblf)'." 11·3CI B MD: •111tth1rl .fl"l't• P1tt I of taoa part&. Siltw Btrtrll11'1 . (°Tnmi) '55-Glerlri Ford, Sidney UAd1 Rtult G011!M • $111 Tll'ICO l'oftitl' MM Fnncis. to wort; 11 the pit boll in c.lllD ' Clrtos. Ht h11 1 t1111 windoW In· 0 Q) (j) ftl TllfriPt ... (C) Ullld II tht eount1n1 room, an4 it lnwt 1 coup!I of molts. OM flf tllllll, flfl, polll ts I nvn ta llllp pull otf th• UPtf". Allfl H•I• Jr .. Rutt LN (Ullt. D llll Cll Ul "°' '""' lCJ ·-(CJ (30) m I LM lay fm NO ,,.,.._ (90) ''Thi Blood Kid." MW fu11rd'1 hi!Kt1111Cts 12:00 CD 77 SltMlll; Jtrip d..,,.. II,-the B!IC •piorw the nilltioMl!ip bttWWll twv b~ or. who le blttk llld OM who cMd JZ!lS IJ M• ..,._ llM llld I 1Mt6• ,_ for wllltL (wwl1n1) '54-Wl)'ll• Morris. ··-(Cl 11!45 C1J AdlM TIIMh: "ctiiup r.oi.. l:IO a~ @m ll'llllllM <Cl (10) rldenti•t" "i"l&ftdolnl Oil • Bum ll1p." Ln lbldllrt Miit: S.11111' ii Nltllrld t:• II 0 II• ~ whlll ~ 1\tDd:tv. ftllfrt tdlool ~ rttu• to dtll with It!• ln Oii 1 prKtle1I JMI, 1¥111 tflollP I Mlarrillt of futtlu tlnlta. JillllS ;rllOIY 111d Jantt M"-"hl•ft 1un1. a -m I"'> "" ' 1M Mk:MJ Dnl• 1t1 riltpldl. e c.•11•""1 11111tiA ...,. <CJ mr,.. 111,..,.011t tCJ 1:15. '""'= ..,.... ... l* ....,. (tcl·fi) '59-M11'1h1H Thotnl*"- D l!!J mm -(CJ (IO) l:lO m NI ..... -.,,,_, ..... '1Slrii1id1ii ttlt lltrd." Strn •PPll· ''Vitt 51!u1d." ll'UI ''Tht 0..t Ww." DAmME MOVIES t:• D tt> "frlldlW" (td¥tll!Ufl) 'SI -sbtlltf WlntlB. JM McCm. lD:IOO"l"M TMll Alltlll ...... (COlllllJ) '5& -l111rtMa HtMJ, Julll HITris. 12:JO m......, ..-(d••k.l '9 - Gl"llOl'J' Piel Onoll Wlfln. 2:00 CE -SMI Jtt T ..... (lllJ'lltfJ) '41 -1\llt Vlnctllt. fl'll'I' Alblrt:llDll. J:H ID-lftt• -1"""'1 '61-MkUJ Roonlf, luddy MkMIL 4:•.""" "*' If ...,..-(dfllM) t:• e "'lM "'1 N.,..._-(comtdJ) '41-Jlllllt Ltlf!l, Edrnlll'll aw-. '40-Jd '""7, frff Nita. t..111.. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q11•1ity Ptlnti119 a114 D1p•l't41lll• S.rwit• fir lftat• tft•n 1 Q111rt.r ef • C.11tvrr. PILOT 1-'RIN I ING ll11 WIST IWOA l\TD. ;fflWPOIT llACH ----------------------~------~-------------------------------------- , By Charles M. Schulz ... --- • JUST )"f5TE~'/ ..• I !-~1 JIM ••• AFttR. 'lal Ler:T ME ... PERKINS JUDGE PARKER I PIPM'T EXPKr TO see VOU E:ITMER, LAI~! I PIWT KNOW 'ft:.il WE'«:E _..,"'°" THE &16 r.os5 HERE! MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF l"• .. IM• rris L.ltclE" WH~N MY Bica Bl<OTt-IER. MOON MEETS A D.AME" AND s,.l.YS- WHY, MO"ll<ER, YOU LOOK GORDO MISS PEACH UKE MISS AMER.ICAI ONE OF THE!oe Wt."1'5 llOt"ke 60tW6 lO BE-KNOWN -M A. CDM6l.O~ERATE! •• THIS 15 MtS5 5NIOIEZ •• Ml. MOlE ! By John Miles By Harold Le Doux VOi DIDN'T nu. Me YOUR NA.ME, MIWV .•• _EVEN TMOU&l 'IOU'RE SHARING IAY Ti\&LE! MfEN nl~ 60llN,\ SECVE MY STEAi<?' THE 5£RVIC.:E 15 LOUSY MERE! By Ferd Johnson WE"1LLCOM~ BACK TO )bl) oN .ACNfif<BS. By Tom K. Ryan ' i I ' SO YOU'LL 1--==:-=I FETCH A BETTEP ;~~~~P;RICEI By Al Smith By Gus Arriola THAT'S NOT Tl<UE". 'ThundlY, Janu•ry 30, 19" DAILY PILOT 11 SHIPMATES -Larry Slorch, lefl, and Billy De Wolfe star on 1'The Queen and I" tonjght in colbr at 7:30 on Channel 2. Crew members of the age- ing ocean liner try to get the first officer, promoted so he won't be able to interfere v.ith their modly making schemes. TELEVISION VIEWS Glen Campbell Good Hoiu· • By CYNTHIA LOWRY ··· NEW YORK (AP)-lf the quality of its comedy material can ever match the quality of its music, the ne\V "Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour" will be one of the most attractive variety programs in tele· vision. '. The premiere show of the CBS series open~ with a hefty serving of song by Campbell, of cour!ie, and along came Bobbie Gentry and John Hartfo~. Before the 60 minutes had gone by they had cover· ed most of the numbers that made their reputations and then some. · THE SMOTHERS Brothers were there -logi· cally since they are not only the producers of the new series but it was from their summer replace- ment series that Campbell's career took off. ''"' Campbell's attractive singing style and skill l!n the guitar are especially easy to take. Miss Gentry with her husky, true voice and John Hartford. whose sensitive, pensive face illuminates the s~d lyrics of his ballads are interesting to watch and ~~ ~ The studio audience -or maybe it was a laugh track -screamed wildly at the comedy. However, it did seem that there must have been a better w1iy to amuse the audience than to dress Tom Smothers in a cowboy suit and put him astride a real liYe hippopotamus which he treated like a horse. or:a better way to handle a monologue than to dr~ss Pat Paulsen in an open-fronted shirt, put a guitar :,in his hands and make· him read an over-blown and almost desperate piece about the history of the folk song. BUT AS LONG as Campb<ll and his musk&l friends are promiently and actively in the par gram, it will be a good choice for Wednesday nigbt.s during the rest of ·the season. The appearance of the Smothers Brothers on Campbell's show illustrates one of the curious con- victions of producers who book guest stars on tele- vision shows. For some reason, they believe un· animously that it is a real treat for viewers to see singers and comedians who have weekly net- work series of their own as guests on other singers and comedians weekly series. This we encounter Carol Burnett in a Lucy episode, and after awhile there's Lucy on Carol's show. Or Tom and Dickie Smothers show up on .,Laugh-in." . AND PRETTY SOON Dan Rowan and Dick Martin return the visit. The truth is, it's not muc!h of a treat, and besides, it is bound to lead to over- exposure of a special sort. - Another TV custom which has long since staled is the business of having stars with a show coming up appearing on an assortment of programs on tl1'.e same network for the sole purpose of plugging their project. The game shows and the early morning and late evening conversation shows are widely usf'd for this purpose. It seems that at least twice a week Johnny Car- son must struggle with some performer awkwar~ attempting to sell some TV product. Eydie Gorme was the most recent Carson guest \Vith TV pluit!J on her mind, but she was better than most becaus1 she could at least sing a song or two. Too much Ot the time, the guest has little of interest to coQ:- tribute -neither quick wit nor a good anecdote ...... and the viewer sulfers right along with Carson. Detanis the Menaee • -·· .. " 'OoH'r GET SO ElitlW,,! fJ!OeS ~ S'WIM4io; • 1. I I 'I ' ! " I 1 --'------· p OAIL Y ,!LOT I Your Money's Worth ·A· -C- :··.Welcome to the People's Capitalism New Agency Established ~ ~,.\':' ~ ~ [ fi'fr Establishment cl The Greer1-,-.-w-Zi-•• -.. -.1-.~------!}:~~q 1~ ~ mt p,i i ~ Agency et '"4: N. Newpartfrrltw Y •tot.:~~ : .,. 1&crttt 1 1:1 &1 "' J1" ,/._=t Blvd., Newport Beach, 'was ,._, Mllll L.w O-• °"'· ,. c:~.141" fl :"',• ~ -_,-'• 87 SYLVIA PORTER We &re rapidly approachlng I """ hJgb s tyle people's e1pitaJism in America, in which you actuWly wW be lo the disadvuntaged lowtr half ol our adulb if you are not an investor ln stocks. •. For the New York Stock Ezdlange reported Wednes· day that the nat1on'8 share. Owner population ~ SOM· ed past Ja.400,000 ••• up ~lmost 2,500,000 in !be past 12 months alone, up almost J,500,000 just since 1965 and up-an awesome four--fold from the 6,500,000 reported in the first NYSE Census o f Stockholders in 1952. AU. THE FIGURES are eye-popping aud of enonnous meaning both to you, as an individual, and us, a s a nation. To· illustrate: The proportion of our total- population now owning stocks has nearly doubled in IO years from 7 percent in 1959 lo 13 percent a nd the pr oportion among adults is at a record one out of five. The net r ise in the past year has been 10 percent and in the past three years it has been seven times the percentage increase in our general population. The shareholders population is now rising at a net of 1,600.- 000 a year against 1,000,000 earlier in this decade. Almost one-third of today's stockhol- ders live in communities with a population of under 25,000: California leads New York as the number one shareowner stale; women shareowners still slig htly outnumber men: Hawaii is showing the fastest r ate of shareowne r growth. ENOUGH of the figures. \\'hat do they m ean? And what 8re some n ot-so-obvious ex· planations for lhe r ise and its r ecent acceleration? The upsurge suggests the degree to which you and I are mw attacblng our finan- cial well·being tO the well- being of America 's cor· poratloos. Nt) lot1ger ~re "'e content to prosper v ia our paychecks, promotions anJ perquisites. \Ve also want .to share directly in the profLU of Amer ican business via ownership of stocks. Tt reveals the extent to which we art fleeing from the U.S. dollar and into stocks in U1e hope that the prices of our stocks will climb as the b uying power of our dollars declines. We are in- creasingly reluctant lo sit with cash or its equivalent l U.S. savings bonds and other fi.xed- income securities) while the mor e sophisticated among us find hedges against inflatioa in stocks, real estate, land, art. commodities, etc. IT DRAMATIZES the stock promotion job which has been done by mutual f u n d salesmen, the.spreading popularity of employe stock ownership plans and the grow- ing acceptance of stock g ifts to children . Of lhe 2,500,000 new stock.holders in 1968, an estimate is more than a half· million came in t h r o u g h mutual funds. It's likely that at least 15 to 20 percent of new stockholders are coming In through the C{lmpany they work for . The number of minors who own stocks has at least tripled since '65. And of course, the stock.holder population upsurge mirrors the general population explosion in the middle-higher income ranges. It's a spectacular stock market stor y indeed, but it is (rightening too: for it shouts tha t Wall Street is nowhere near solving the problems of w hat·to-do-with-the-small in· vestor and the paperwork jam resulling from his trading. PERHAPS a n answer for FLIGHTS EVERY HOUR CALL 636·4071 c!e~I;!. CRBLE COMMUTER RIRLINES ""THE CONNECTION YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR." the sma ll invcsl.Or does lie in "lnstitulionalWng" himself by lnve3ting through mutual rund shares. Or perha1>3 Wall Street can find answers in Tevolutionh;l.ng t h e com- mitsion schedule lo seprate !lmall, low-trading accounts; or in more brokerage firms: or more computers; or more NAMED VICE PREXY Clifford Wesdorf 5 Promoted By Cal Fed Two Califoroia Federal Sav· ings branch managers and three other area men have been advanced in corpor ate rank. Clifford M. Wesdorf. manager of the Costa Mesa branch, is now a vice presi· dent, as is Lakewood branch manager Fred D. Jensen. L. Roland Harsch, manager of the Anaheim-East branch, has become an assistant vice president, along with J ohn A. Dawson, construction- remodeling department head. and Steve A. Etc hison, who is head of the Costa Mesa loan department. Wesdorf began his Career with the savings firn1 in 1957, as a loan service supervisor. In 1962 he was appointed cor- porate assistant secr etary and branch manager in Costa l\.1esa, and in 1964 he was advanced lo assistant vice president. He is active in Costa l\tesa Chamber of Commerce, Lions Clu b, and in local charity fund organizations; and is a foun- ding officer of Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. SP Profit Hits Peak SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Southern Pacific has reported a record net profit in 1968 of $107.6 million . The r i g u r e , representing $3.96 per share, was an in- crease over 1967 net incon1c which was $90.3 million. The company said total revenues from its railway operation for the year were $982.6 million. Non-rail income from trucking, pipeline and other operations and from In· terest a nd rents totaled $655 million before taxes. annoum.~ by Ed Greer, agen-, ,. -A-tr .,,,. L u )Ht H selective research, etc., etc. ss lfl'J sw. » + 1 1117 ', • ..., •; 1~\t t t Wltatever lhe answers, one cy ,.t~1:~~bop will speclallu :.;~r:l:' ,,io~ 1J11 .... ~11!1 1~ &,,.20 fi: fi"t f..~ warning t think emerges • od .. 1.... ti ad rneM11.1 20 tt :m n .... .u"'-1~GE'~1~ ~ .. w. ., • ... .. clear ly·. •'ther Wall Str"""t will m pr u ....... '6 crea ve •mE 1.:1211 11, ,','• ,'"'•• •,•,. ~ 11o ,''l",,",' ,1.~ jS "1\\ uw. "2"' ... . .... ~v vertising programs for recrea-A111:fitt: :;: . , .... ss ~ .uv. <&J11o -.... find ways to provide these tional and technical clients in Addo-a» l.«I ~ un. ~~ !Ji!?.!."" In~· $~Cl'° 1': 2!,~ "~; ~~ +i~ growing millions or \IS with ' I ed' Admlraf lO lt\41 1 ..... ~ -1(1 llY Inv _,JOb lt' 71'4 .. It ~ + l.t I nationa m 1a. A1r11aL1t L.t0 A» ..,Ii! ~..... ~i,., l uy1nv ., &2 ~ v~ \j• !! ·-·· .._ appropriate serv ce or it will G f l ativ u1rr1 co 11 1' 11u l•t\ ~ uv sir• _.. I . "' .. .,.. isk a UUcal up""'"r and reer was ormer Y ere e {ii.di! ·?t U ~~ .. ;tli ff.., *•"" E11 1.-.u 11t ••• r po · .,,,.. dlrector and a cc Oun t r 1~s1rin 1:1111 11;,~ 14"" 11:~ -v. J:~11ff111 ::' ~= ~;-; . .U~ 11: ~.;, perhaps stultcfying govern-supervisor at Dure.I Advertis· A~ i:r 1, ~ ~r: •?~ +"' c11vEu11 2.i;.i ll :"" ;:: a:!,: mcnt regulations. l ···············•lngiilio'oNOeowiilipoartiiiBoeaiiiich.iiii•lll••l~"1~'t~u ,1.;J.' ~ r~ ~~ ~: +"" c\:11~: rz.)41 )/f ~ ~ ~~ '.; :! I' "II: 6PI . .o f lJ:'.1 111 111 -1 cr~C:Pt. .90 ll U'4 ~ '""" + ..-tteof-:::3 !i1 ~I 4S~ :%~ ~ + ·.;., Ch>tlhl' pl l i!l. r~ ~ ~ + ~, OVER THE COUNTER Aim l:S ~ = = ~:~f~ '°oc1~~ \i 1'~ ~~ r ~:t~ ~ , ~!u::i~~1 :_u s :io11o 2t:lt ~"' -1r Pa 1.211 1' t'lt ~ 2 :.,'I: ~I, NA.SD listings for Wednesday, January 29, 1969 A!tledSlr l.«1 1~ = ff:i? ~ l:Z l:l1/~~ 1Jg 21 ~ .,.ll 6A\ -1,,_ l°"-•""'•acmmm•"""'""m""="'""'-'"•• .... •••~IAlllt<lst .., • 110 .:i.,, uv. uv.-iv. co1o1nn1 1.i.o n ~ ffte M¥o ,, ___ • "lledSuP ·'° M 19V. 191/o ltlA -\Ii Coll Ind .toe 11 '2\IJ 6l'lfi 61'WI -.... • "• .!f.p'c'"'.•,., .,. 30\/r. :JD\11 lD'M t v, Colt In Pl•.l~ 3 'r:l J:\.'a m;: + ~ • ..,..l.tfllltll't ltlTtt ........ llllttllllont 11 a..,.slmalltlr t A.M • .,_ NA.SO. Al..,.. l• 13'111 23 jlV. '.!. CSS 1 . .ob 141 Sl l'I •~ -,._ .. A!llclt XI 4 11\4 1114 11,(, -~ CBS pf I 31 30 '9\IJ 2'\llo -,. Pl'kll• '° ltOl ln'luOI' "1111 DI'" m1r11...,, 1Mtllffw1 • ~m tlOll. Ako.I i.ao 62 7'\lo ~ " + ~ Colu~r,' l.loO .U ~ 30'.lo ~ ···-· HEW VOllK (AP)C~on Sir " ... n•.t. Hyfh 31 " .... lllot Gr ~ ... 4511.o ::x.=~~ : 1~ ~14 ~:': il~ =~~~JU~ 'r1.!l 1t~ : r,~ ~ =':! -Thi tollowlllO bid Cmmdr &S'h 67 \llo IOtel TO\I :ltllt 30\lo P~lllf'l Inc ti :U AmerEt 1.XI 4411 J511o :U'lfi Jl\IO -14' Clll"nbEn /·~ ~, ~~· ,.n"~ ??,~ =', .. Finance Briefs •t>d •s-ed llUCIO• (Ml Cl~ar l1'fl 39'.\ inc P"9P 1\"' l!l" p..,, P<ls I a:i. Atnentdl J ,~ 110* 109 ltlAI. i v. ComE pl .7V •• .... .. tions, 1u0Pllld b~ Cum Ga• lH< U'4 lld Gl.W 2''11 Pied HG 211/a 'nlll AAltFillf. .to 11 3314 '2'"-J3\4 l"' ComSolv .909 '1 2 2 27VI -~ ;-tht H9lon1( Asoocl-Comw Ttl 30 31 lnital'Wd ln. '"" PlnkerfTI 41V. ff Am Air! n 81) 7311 37\"i 37 37\1< v. !omwEd 2.10 ?4 •tit; 41\lo _. + b t: tllon ot !.lc~ritles Comp A 1 7'!lo 111tlk Will lS'h 16\/o P onr NG 2''" 14'h Am Bfker" 1 10 311.1., lOlA 30•4 -H'il om E ptl.42 10>1 !l" r,""~ "", .... :t ~~ Oealen, l11c., are CmPtr Ind .SO S2 lnt Mill '19 30 Pl C•'o!t 11V• llr Am8k NOit I I lO\llo JOV. 30y, omw OU .loO ~ .-.. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -not 1c1~1 lr•nsac· Cmo Mlh 91/t ll'h 1dd Otc shHI 1 wll Porter t101C ~"" ~. Am8dc11 1.60 na 10>,1,. 68'4 70\'.i +;•,:, omputSc .10 7' 62\li I 41l4 -~ • • Mon$ bl!f 11r1 reo-Ccnglomr 1"" l\llo lfll Ncir 19\lo :x111, Pruton 9'11 l Am C111 110 311 Sol~ S6V. S6V. _ ~ Com ... 1 6f Sl\llo 5 SI Walt D lSney Productions, Inc., rll5t'ntalfve 111ter· Con 11:0~ nv~ 31 In Sys l-1 ~'h Pro Goll 10 lO'll! AC1n Pl 1'11 14 JOii> lt»li lO'h •• c-Milli l 11 n'4 11 2l ·• · F S . dealer prlcHr 111 of Con Comp 12110 13 nl Syo Pl ?11.'r ZIV. PuDS NH 30'4 lll'o Am Ctm ,lo ~l Xl\\o Ith 20"' + P .60 20 5tV. 5'1 !2 -1• said the U .S. orestry erv1ce ai>Proxlmal•IY 31on!r111e1 100.:. nv. 1m 't1oe l4:W. B V. PYDS HM 21"" 18\/o A Cht111 1:.So 13 3'''" lt'h :it\: + ,',·~, "•' •~~ 1~ 1ll" I~ h d ·i J I pm, at w~lch lhtse ~r L 13 24 lnlexl 31 33 PS NC•ro 16;;, 17'1.o Am Cont 451 1 ll)li ll'i 11.\lt v• .. v• v• as approve I s p an O ,ecUrule• coo Id rom1>tn JlV. ll'h Ion lo lne l5 31 Publsht5 :t2'1'o llt~ ArnCredjJ • 90 11 26"" :uv. 26...,-: ... c-,_,• '• • mo. mt. mr. Y> d I d h11ve btetl pUr· Cron Co 34 la JCb$ Fl 7~ !V. PUreJ>IC 9 9'1o ACrYS f 4D 6 36.,._ J6'1~ 3'\I> Vi "'' 44 ~ "'-" •1~ 1 eve op a year roun recrea-c1111sed 1•1-e<1J or cruicher R 14,.. is Jacouln c 111'1 15 Puritv srr 101 16 AmCVI~ 1·25 31v. -Vi con ocds 1 11 ~ .i.At '514 •t ti on area in the High Sierras >Cid (b d). nter· (yprrs c IB'h 20 Jam Wal Jl\4 l?,V• :o .. ~,CIP 1,o;~ 11,~ AmD!•I I e. 1",•, l,i_; 1,t11 ',1.'!l. =+ ~ ',~~ •• ~·····g, ' lll 112.,., 113 '~ dealer rnarkt1l Oan;on C l1'A !9 J11mt1bY 11\IJ !.·Ai vnm • ., 4 ., Am OualYrst ,.,. ,., ,.,. ., -·r .10 41\lo .rl\o\ '2'4 I• . ., mountain section Of Sequoia ~:"Jh"e daJ thp~~ g:~f~1 ,J..~11 .ti:U.U.~ f6j~ j~t~"f:5a1 ~ 'fa~=~~~ El 3j~~ ~: AOo;..11 pf,!41 39 10~ 14 10•,1, -Vi ~:i~l!r j·~ ~ ~~~ nt: ~~ \\;·~ National Park Disney expects do nor · 1nc1uo. o~ta t>un \l:i 1 \I> ICaTser st •1 c R1vmd co 4 JS •,m,~!Pw1 l;,51 11• 11 37\li 31 · • con-.,u:s2 -~ 73 n,, n., + .... · rt1&11 m~rkvi> Davll Fd "'4 24"" Keiser Ill 2111, 21'4 RKOll E11 n 7~ ,.,a ·""• 11 51'\I; 5l'h 51V. -'I. ConPw pU!O .,.,., 134 ,~ lO spend $35 m illion OD the markdown or com'. 0.1 Mir 29'fl 30V. Kalvar 212 m Rlholl Cr l)'h • ,•,m ,t:_~P ,•,~ •••"• l! ,'0 1\1 !,7"' -... ~ c,~,"c'",'• , ... ,,. >•, ""•-"•-• "•"" -}.,• mission Pei:or lt>d 16'11 ll"ilo K.arn&T 21 2!:W. RlifY $t1c 27'1.o 1•'1.o x "" P 6 "" "" .... 24 ,,. ,,. ,._ + ar ea which Will be Opened AAI c0ro llV. 19'4 DeL;ixe Ch "2 "3 Kellwood 76 78 ROldW ~ !' S9 Aml-!oiit .70 :J'l1•, P.~ Z?,, ll,• _-~ c,~·. c,-, .o·Oo10 54 1•1141 lt'lt l9'1o +\lo ' . , Acme El lS'I• 16\lo Dlllhl APet 9 9:\lo l(e~l&E 211.lo 29 Aol>llllt M 1 3S A Home 1.30 ""-. "" "" ., ~· S'2 S7 ;U"" ;UV.-l't'I to the public 1D 1973. Acme v11:e "6 49 D~l!I T•r 2'h ,,,.,_ Keves Fib 24 2S RoY c111e Ul/:t Ullo Arn Hosp .n './Ill ll~ J'l'Ai 33 -'"' contCP pfl.SO lt 43.,.. '3 4l .... ' Adam Rys ?/>,lo 2g:r,r, 011 CanT llV. 19'.4 KevsT Cu1 41 .... 41 RovOul P M IS Amlnvst 1.10 4S 2S'M 201.io 24>,/o -It. CIMl'lllRv .96 21 31'.\ 3'\!i ,.,.. + •.\ AF Hosp 30 31 lnl8r 21'1'o 22'h Ktl'Sf PC 121/J 13'.4 A~u Stov :J'l:V. ~ AmMFdv .?O ns 21 '~"" 16'11. -'"'Cont Mot . .40 II 21'4 'l1 11 -,,... SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Western Airlines has agreed to buy three 747 superjet airlines from Boeing Co. of Seattle, plus five 707·300C Intercontinental jets and four 727-200S. Total cost for the- 12-plane order will be about $150 million. LOCK HAVEN; Pa. (UPI) -Pip_er Aircraft Corp. said it bopis to announced by Fri- day a plan to merge with an unidentified company. JI,(; Foods 64 # 1··m Crv ~ llV. Klno El 161/:t 11\llo Sadllet 12:;;:, 1)\11 AMtt Cl 1.9<1 2"3 52\iio Sl"' 51 ... +'"Con! 011 3 11 n..a 16~ ,,..,.. -~~ Alt Ind !3 \JV. 0 ver&1 171/• 11 1(1119 Rad 2.31/• 24 Scam lnat 2!'11. 29'111 Am Ml>!Oro 4115 n~ 124 11'\t Co>nt 011 pf 2 541/:t 54\'a SO'i + 'It AlrDrn f'ot 19 19>.:; Oocultt ll l3 Klng•ot f'r 11'h 31 Scentl!n El l 'lo 11'JI AmH~tG•• 2 31> 41\'i 41>,; 41:\0. -\lo Cont Stl I ,J ,'!.. 1~ ~ ... + ... ,,,. Alco Sid JSYI UV. Colly Mad 41 '62 Knoo VQlll 32"" t Sc! Contrl 311 40'fl Am NfWl 1 11 •9~ 4<'V. "'"'• • Cont T•I .68 ~· ,_ • ., a,.. All~o Ld 11'r.t 111'> Dow Jo>ne1 112 1\4 K 191'1 Seo Comp I IV. Arn P!>ot .ll'l<t 155 11'W 15'1> 1SVt Contro! OMa 471 1•3\'o Ul)V, 141 -21\ Alleo 6ev 10 101'1 Oovlt 06 21\0 :!ti'> L:~:e :ww,. 3 Sci Ind ll 11,. .o.Rurch .:lee lS no 169 lltO'h -1v, cnoa1 pf4_50 160 "''h 69V. ff'h + v. Jl,lleg PAP 161/:t 17'h Drew Ntll lS'h 16 Landt 1n 10'4 10'loi Scott OM IV.~ Am Sc~I l 1 301t. Yll.'il 30'"' C""wod I.Ma 6 .cMt «IV. •O . ~ll?ed ~~o l~Y, 1~1? 8~~1~''& ~ ~~ t:~ :1J lf4 ~:\/< ~1~1':· f l't~ d~ ~ms~~;" 31~0 4~: i~tt n~ ~~ :: ~ ~:~~~~ i".1i 3~ ~~~~ ~"" ~n \'; (; All>tl Geo Jl 26 Durlron 2• U Leh coil 61/t 1'/• Searle of 11* \flt Am~.t.1r .re 41 61!Vt !"Vo so"• -~ L001>•r TR 1 1l 17•11 lW. 211~ + '• Am OTel '\!, l$:w. WG 9\lt 10 l I G 61 71 Sedco fne 26"" 7J'h .t.mSAlr tn.10 4 51.'lo 'lo\'h 5"1"" Coopr pfl.l5 I ?8'• 77~• 27¥1 -•• AmEI Ub 151'1 16'1.o Econ Lab ~ 41"' l t~ureT 70 il S!IS Cmo 41'h 12'11 .0.m S!d 1 79 •6~ "6 46~ +II, Cop~l•nd 1.?0 l 4?'4 l"/\~ 47'4 -."• .O.m E•1>r 69"1. 70V. Edgcb SH 751'1 l6h l!!\. Bf-n 14 SeQUoY~h !?1!o 511h ,S.fTIS!d 1>'4,71 18 1'4'1• 1?'"'"> 17• 1/,,,.; f"'.oppRoe .Sl'lh u 51'> 51ll/o ~ -~· Am Furn 12"'• ll~ Educ Svs 11 18"" lib Eoult 2• 25 s~v~n Uo S.S S6 "'"' Storll .'8 l• l•11o n "< 3.'V• -1 "oow1s11 1 ;o ~o 11"to 11 17'f:i Arn Gr""! 10 41 El P~so El 14;"0 1J1, L!ll Jl'h 19 Se~ton J :ll 38 A. SV9et 160 3.1 3»J; J?\\ 3,14 "orin1h8 .01~ ~I :Joi!'< 35''4 3o1 + ·~, Arn Herl! 15'1. 16'/o El Nile n 14\li Lotrl 7 7'h Sl)eo N!I 48 Sl AS"" .i>IA2."'5 ~ .'il S"I 51 +1 r:orn I'd 110 100 41~~ 41~ 41'Yt -\'i •m 1n110 SI 51 Elec!COY 21 21'11 LYnca~w c 39 I! So~men• H 16'1 17 A.mS"Q of .A& l 111'4 1"~1 1r11 ~o•GW 1.Sr• 9 ,1\'; 215\11 2111\'i +:i A M nn• 20 jO:v.i Elrramao l:P.4 1""7 M.o rod ;11h ~3\'> Slon1I F 12'h 13 ~,., T• T '..., 1'1"i •l•;j <'>I,!; ""' +1\r r-or~n'91n n 11 la'.l 30 30 _ • • Am Pi<>e 251.1., 6 El« Cag ~~ JI~. Loi~ ca~~~ u lS Sorg Pao 26 11 Am Tob 1 ~ 1'9 3cno, :w 39.._ '"owl•$ ,so i• U•h uv. 16\\ _ "• AmSI GOD IW1 9 ... EiC Sv• 91/• 10 M•d G&€ 14'~ 10,,. SoGI NG l~o 15"~ A"'llJ\y~s « I< l• ... t;o,, IA... r"nxBdCl~ 50 ? 57>,:, 5]'l,I, 5n.r,. + •.~ AmSIG of 1j•IJ lSV. El Oat• ol9 )0 Mr1lc c~ Jl'-' 32,,. sc~· w~t 117/t !B'oi AWWJpl 1.)5 .·.~ 1,~. , .... ,·.· •,·.~ +1 .... ~'.,·~.J!llb... 10 5Ai 57 ... ~ Anchor Ct> 17 lA> El Modul 12r, lJ\ll MIJI Rlty 16v. 11 SoNE T~I •7 ~71,':r ,s.w ~·ef 1.15 ,.. ,., .,. ..... n 2J<~ 7H'i ,t -1 .O.Meu$er 69 69'14 Emt>S Iii n 231. M~ ~ckl 61 "' 6J'h ~oun Gn. 36'1<. ll'4 Am Zt"C 6 ~ 2:5 15 ..,f-'lo rrou~•Hln "' lo l?\\ J?V, 3'\-4 _ '.~ Arcs l~d Zl'h 2S Eon Co 7" !•fl M r 1" 1JL/:I 13~ SW El Sv 19V1 701.'r A.m~lt~ 11 '1 64V. ~''4 6?1!, -1'-' rrowl'.:ol '"'11 91 36\'> l6Vo 36Vi ...._ "' Anjtn M 1511.o H'lli EqullV 011 2l'h 2414 M:~~ l SI S1 Sw G~ICll 20 Hllot Aml•~I~( .~0 5'11 ~!Vr SOV.. 61\h +11~ rrow~ Cotk 1 1AV. 14V. 14\/o ..c.. 'fl Ardr~ olPI I) 45 Etil T!Kh 151/o 26 M B r flt.> J11"'-Sperys 131/o 14 AMK Cp .30 9,1 ~ 43"" 4J 1/o-\'t. '"•~wn1.e 2.?~ Sod 5911. S9Y, S9~ +\lo Atk MoP llV. ll'h Es!erlin 61"" 61:V. Md s'~1~'0 lo\lt ;i2.,; ~Pec!ro . 19 21 AMK Ct> wf M 44~ 44 44 -'h r:TS Coro .40 '' 7S'lli 7S 1~ + ~ Arrow H ;U 56\IJ F8 Ceco 1211; 13 Sid Re-gill 71:V. 21P4 ,S.MP *"c .d 513 J•"" Jl>;j '•'h -•t. rvd•hv r-, 43 23'111 72'1( r,i~ _ \~ Jl,r~ide n 11\o'I l'abrl 1.-. 12',':r 13 Maver 0 3'11/• 40"• Md Screw 341~ Js't, AmOO"x CotD 121 37\~ 361io 31'A t :\'o l'"Ul!~v pf! •s 5 1~ 25.\fi 2m +Vt Piper's management has urg-A1$ cc Bot 19.,. ~ F8dv 1a• 51 SJ M•u,i cc .~"' ,•,•1, 5tanH Pd 331'> ljl'> .O.tn•!t<J 2.'n !6 sl'l'O s1,,, s1:it. \\rum;"" .?A u 1314 "'" 27'-.. . Aust Oii 29'11 30\1> FHct adr '1 6t Mt 0VI¥ .., Strnw Cl l>{I 6 .O.rntoll~c .11 ,5 ,6'1 26\\i 2.IVt +Vo r-~m,,..ln .80~ ,. lllV. JllV. llV. -. ed shareholders lo re1ect a Auio Fire 10 :n: Fd111 Res 1" 8 Me<l1c t1 J5,, •1 SulHc TV 10"" 1114 An•c"...i 1.so 167 '°""" !9Vt 59"" + v. run"D""' 1~ -ii 394 1sv,~3Sl'0 +"', d fr r bst t. I Auto Sci 12 13 FarrinR 3111• 31 Mldlcl C•P U , 5'11> SUgd! FC11 U~ 15Vt AnchHG 1.dO J 1-1:;;:, 14'4 l-lllo -~I rur•l•s Wrt 45 1sv, ,_,;>4 7~ ten er 0 er Or a SU an Ja Avtme» 6''" 6"'° FtaN Mlg 131 1)9 MIOlex 9\'o 9'1'1 SteDo Fd 13,_ ll!'o .0.nd Ctav 1.70 13 '!'LI 4i S~ -~I ryrt Wt A 1 l :Ill''> ~V. v, .:_::" ber r h b Cb · AVM Co 16i~ 111/'j f'S!Bos Co Hiii 11) MldWSI GT 31 31 Tampex 113 117 A"ken Chem 269 llm ~ 10'4 ... C<Jll~r H I ?0 M 41fo "Vo l\lo 'Ai num o s ares Y r1s-Aittc 011 11•1o u•,1 F•I M~e l6Vi ""' Mm ROI' 24YI 16 T1noer '' 21 IU>coOlt l.~ 143 AJ 1.1o c + .,. r-vcioo. 1.&o n si 51l'/o 5llVo - C rt l d tr, Jn f Baird Al 2'.! 21 Fs! RepCo 9"' 10'4 Mplt G.ls 36 361' Tappan 4914 500,:. .0.~VI Chtm :19 ~ "5'111 -1 CyprlJ•M 1.10 JS 5~ Soll,:, ~ + 1.> ra n US \eS, C., 0 Biiker M 17'h 18'h F•I 5rnBu1 10\1> ll'h Miss ValG 24 24V. T11tr F! 16'/a 11~ ArchDan 1.60 l £4 63~ 6• t \'J +H;, QakJand Bal Paint 10'< tOJ<.> Fsl We11F 6''» MO Mc R•oti Pia B'h Taylor W 7J 7S ArliPubSYc l SI 26'4 2'11/o 26\\ \~ -0-• Barwick 2l'h 23•\ Flight Sof 14'1• "\lo Mohawk R lll,,. 39,._ Tex AmSu1 I' 21 .O.rl1t/\$ OS .70 :I:! 36"" 3S"lo 35'4 -Vo oa~ Riv 1 20 54 2'\l'o 2~ ,,,.._ _ ,L LEXIN GTON, Mass. (UPI) -Raytheon Co., has obtained a $10.5 million increment of a $28.5 million air force con- tract to develop two prototype radar approach cont r o I systems. BiYlrs1 H1,~ 1•~ FOOCIF pro 61.0 1 Mon m Pk H.,. lb., Therm Air 714 l! A.rrnc:o Sii l 119 lo2 61'ot 61:W. . Dan• Cp 2•10 J "' .,, Beech•m ;s J6 Fo•t Gr•nt 25'h 1~ Moore Pd i1~ ,'jtf Thrll Oru11 5S S6'h Armour 1.60 20'11 ~ 65 61'h +1v. O•vcoCP (60 6 l t:IO 41'il "'"' -"II Bet.1'11 Ml "20'~ 111'1 Fo!ochm 6 6llo Molch M "1" 'TJ1!1ny Xl'4 J.41/, Amit Ill I.IS & 74 731'1 1JV. -2 Oavcc ol•'S ~ 1ll'lio Gl4o '°"' -'It Selle l•I! 1011, 14'.-Fronchd 121\ 111,. Motor Club !J,~ ll;z Tl!&n 16~ l6~ ,lrm Ck 1..0a JO 76\/o 75'h ,,,,., _ 14 Dey Pl f s' SS ~\.\ 101'1> 101'1> . Btlm Ind 16'1:r 1111 Fran~! CP 16 161.lo ~•r,r~11 c .. .tS'lo "6\4 Trans Cs! 60'1 Ai ArrnCk pl3.1S J\tlll 6$ 65 65 + >(< OPL PIA J°15 tUO 61 :4 ~ loil'o + 'Ao Be~h H JB :J'l1f> Fkln El•c 22 2] ~~ ,mJcn •• II Trans Gas 21 21V. .O.rmRub J.60 16 l" 5P4 53'.I -•.~ Deere co 2 11(1 SJ\'i 52~ ~'4 .±: ~-B.rt Ltb 49 54 Frank MM lo.< 108 1•11 ~ult "" Tren:lll M '' 16¥t Aro Co•p .90 15 "n'h 21'4 f' + ~·, Dell'wlt 1.08 t 1s:;t, ...,\.!, Bev Enter Al'~ .tS Frn~I llty l:Ph 14 Nil F Pd J.114 3514 Trlco Pd '.12 3.1 Arv;n Ind 1 111 lll'lt 31 JAO -~ Del Mnle 1. O ll 3..,... ~,4 l5 + BliluP!; w HV. n Fullvll!'W 9~ lOl':r ~at~&~ 1;JZ Jf:f; Trldalr 19'4 20~ A5hldDll 1.10 96 '°'" 39¥1 .., _ 1f; OeltaAlr . .fl! 31 31'111 37,... :uVJ .:.:_· · Bird son ~1 ~· Garllnkl 10 21 ,.11 c e Tucsco G 15~~ lSl'a A!JIOll ll'l2 10 2 1'I 79 79 . . Denn Mfg .i.o 11 e v, I.SY. ~1tt-~ Blrtcht 9~ .. 10'/• Gas Svc 1711' 11"' NEn~ GE 1l'4 22Vo Unitec 26"1 '8'h AHCI llreW 24 151/a 1m 1,~'111 -.... Dennr R•I .D4 15 Jl'i> lli\lo MV, _,.,. Bleck HI• ~9'< 4~ G A.Tronfc1 a~. 911~ NJ atG 21V• 37"" Un A•!Th 261/! 11'h Aud OG 1 20 189 •7V. "6'-" 41\~ + 4" Dentsv 1.20., 16 ~·· ~'fl *"' BO!lue El 11~ I G Oevict• 5'• 60,:, NIChlSn F «I JV, Un Doll~r J9 il .O.sdSog 120ft J 31>,i,. JN J1:W. •.•. Denll:Gr !.10 5t :tJ\23,... -It; Boll BerN 18'1'19')Gn tlbert 8'.I> 9 ~.r.e:s: fi~5:~Un Ilium 10V1 •l'i>Aue!Tran "io 30 15'1.o 14"'1 lS Oereco <>IA 1 n '11 !aY0=1'.i. Boothe c •5'r.t l6\liG Klne•lc• 8.\'o 9'h .a,•' ,,.. 11'·· Un McGIT 140,,1S A•'>OCl"v f40 17 "°"' 3nk 39.\'o -~\,Dr•KO DIB t 721/:t 11 *"'+'~ Bos Caoll 39 o111 GR I Ell l7V, J9V, NO m tt " " US 6~Nole l'I 3J A! Ill 1 6o 1i ;uv, l4 :i.i11, + v, DeSctolrn: .l'(I 1, 36 35'14 !l,li " 6owa!er ~ 6h Gfote! 9V. lQ NCar NG JV. 9'io US Crown 1(1-',; 11v, A!chl!Clll)f ·so 6 10'.I> lOV• l01f:t OelEdl• 1.40 129 m~ 17y, -'lo Ci·UCAGO (UPI) -Stan· B<>""o' 31 ll G1au,11 35~• 36\:. NoEvr 011 6\'a '"" us E11~e1 11 21v, An~~,;:1 1-30 'H :19Vt ,81_,, ~ + li oet Ea otS.5D .~ 11,1o1,..,_ 1~v. i.rn "!"+··~" j d Alt. I d l . I etkwav G i.a 69 Gleasn W J9 J9>,i; Nl'~nn G 17 17 us Suqar .58V. Ml All Rk h 1·80 111 117,,. 110,... 111 _ ,., ',',c,',','".o·,M, ..., ..,. ..,>,/, ., car iance . n us r1es, nc., Brown Ar 29 JO Gioe.. Rvo 91:4 10J;< Nw NatG lJ•µ, nv. us Trkl •9 sgv. · "" ~ 2 ~Vt •5.~ . -. Brush Ber J6 36'h Grooh Con 25 1& NWPYb Sv "ll'Ol'o 15 UP Penl' 18~\, ~'"' ,6,tl RkMd wl S 114 lll 1U -1\io Ol&tFlnan ..SO 19 ll lnt"l~~:z h as suspended indefinitely eu,~e..-1 30"> :11v, Gr11oh ~cl 99 102 NucLr Rsl1 36 •O Utah Ions 11 ._..., AttRch 011.1s rl)S(I 61'\li 11,h 61v. D!•mlnt1 1.to lt sov. )0 50~ t. (' ( b \" ~.1 Busln•H F 23\IJ U.,, G!Wash In ll':4 341"' Ohio Wal JA'.• 3.S'!, U!ah hLCI 9 f1h . • OiaSh11m 1(1 lJ4 Jl"-I'." '' i--·,,,. negO Ja !OnS 0 uy •f0vu Cal Wi!Sv zt 21V. Green Ml 11\4 19"< lpt Sean 11 • 118 U111 Ind 19'\~ »lit A.II Roch pf ] ),j 190 187 lal -3 OiaSll PIC7 1 •.it 44.,. fl'" " B r t · c f Cameo JJ\I> 351'> Grnfld R 72 2~ Ormcnt 11 11•.'r Val LO.v U~ 151/o .4!1Rlch t>! WI j 16 15 1S -1'h 01~S !f 01 20 116 11\1 %1 l'"'-"' rOS. Manu ac ur1ng 0, 0 Cann<>n M e7 ~3 Grinnell l•l I~ oner Tf' 221\it 11'"' V11"ce San 31 l2 ,S.tlas Ch .80 '6 2'1"1. 26 21 -''l Dl~1111 !r :10 64 1Rlo I~ .,. It. 0 It] ak Or far Cannon B 87 93 Grove Prs o;;; 11\'l Overs NA .0 44 Vllro Am l& 39 .O.tlas Corp '9l 71/, 6"1 '"• + ~ OiCT•ol\on .4 lt 'uv, 26i. 26P,% .:.::'4 regon, ., a m er m C1t1> rn!A 3111, 32 Grwlh ln!I :14v. 36 o~v c~1 170\4 i1'llt v Woodwd 21~• 7Sl'l Afl•• Cp pl :1so n•.1> 21•~ T11h 01e11o1d lllb 26 '9V. ... ,, '9\4 + "-" ~ui'pment No reason was capit s~w :v 21 Gu1rd Ch 91'> 10 Pat>it Br 96\11 971,:, W•ddell R M 61 '"'"'or~PI ,,o )1 lRlo 1R•,, u1,, DiGlorglo" .10 s1 3s•4 :M'fl :M'h _ '·' ~'1 • C&O Tech 11 Ill'> Guiel• Tch 4,,. 5V. Pac Aulms J JV. Wadwll1 P 33 35 A.R.O. Inc R• 16 111'.I> 110 lH)"I, + "" Dllllnghm .3, ,.., l1.\lt l2 32 _ \'i given Carte Bl 15'fl 16 Gun Int 13'4 U'4 Pac F•rE 41"4 "3'4 w lle~d• 15"• 15'4 Av•SPklr .08• 9j ,.~ ?•11• ~4•, 0111~g ol A2 2 JN S1"9 5™ +H· · cas NG•• 13'h 1J>;, Gvrt>dvne l•V. 1511.o P1nacol 11 11'4 W•••h H 11,,,., 1111> Aotorn•n !"" 6i S•'h 54 5• Cl Ion Cos t l!W> 11'111 1ra 1 Conti11e11tal Buys More Ctn Vll'S 23\li l4'h Ham C"5c 2114 72V> P~WdV Dis 21 2• W••l1 NG :Ul'. n~. A.vr.n Co 1 lll 49 H 4" 16"• -,,.. 0 1"""'1 .SOb . 21 ~ 4S'4 ... +·vo Chm Lfam 22'4 23 Hand Voq 7\l;a 8\IJ P~ul•Y P 16 16'.I> Wal Trml !Sl/, U l\Vr'l ol;120 7 9•1 ~ 91'4 91"< -''' D •nev ,)Ob 100 ~ 1-1 ~ _ ,,. Cnn Utll 19 20 Hanover ·s 29 31 P11v.,le 16 17\'; Webb R•• 16,,. 1H• o\v.,v Pd ,. 1~ ~• l~\'I 4•'1> + v. Ois1Se1g 1.10 J ..,,,., ~ 41114 + .,,, CM Br&I t1 9l H1vrn Ind IV. 8'• I' DhL•9 1?<< 13'• We!dtrn IS''< 1611.0 ll.vn•t l~c '" 5~1 i11;, ~"~ ™' -i , D1sS•o fnl,20 I "6V. 45¥1 ""' ... ~11rlsl s 118 152 H~llo ,S.fr '14\.'1 lS'n I'• En;ln 15'\t 16V• Weill~ M ~ov, 12 Avon Pd 1.60 is 'l•<• IJJ'lo 13l'A -10,:, g~t!'M~o' ·.!2 10 S .\It SI 51.\lo t" fhrlsl ~! 111 113 Honrt<ln F >Ill ll'h Pa G&W :l2 ll W1tn Mtoe 7l'o 8'11t 8-~ .. 1 "" 3" 71\':t 11 11 v.. lltdel '"" 10'h Holm EP 90 100 PEC lorael 11\l;a 11'4 w PYhli•h ~a:w. :>l''llo -OomFd .Olg 27 u 13"9 ,,_ -"" ltlJ. UIA 211 28~> Hoovor jp~ J? F'ttrltoo T 18 19'h Wotn Sate1 26 21 Btbc~ w ) :M 1'I 31\lo 36'fl lol'h Donntll•v .60 66 .Q'l4 -"'4 '°"' _ ~ C tlz U.TB 28 21:11. Houor Fl1 •:V. S P•nn REI 12:1,1 131"i Wn9 W~IS 11'4 Ull) BakrOil T 6o HS ?4 2J•.> 23"• ~::~hOm'°','.r.., ..!,J ~ .EV. 2i"--1\l Cltv!-1 Prt JS'.'• lS ~ Hvck 10, lSV, P•P Wes~ 9'"4 10 Winnbngc 66 61 ll•~ GE I "i,o JO JI'/• 3-l'lo JS + y, .,.,n._ ...., •• ,.., ••"" 79~ + 'r9 Clari< Ml 2i~; lSV, HO(! Bay lP·, 1lV. Porlnl S'f• 81/:t Wln\I T 5V1 6 llolG1>!1! j_50 >60 "lll\ 1J'-'· "ll'~ Dt•ve>Cp l..00 4 'O.\lt " 4' ClaV,.,, Cp 6'1' 1 H111J PPA 35\> J611'> P•!ri~ SI Ai_, 45W W!oc PL 14V> 14<• Boll G p/C4 l40 ..... 6•'" ..,_." . '" 8""1nd 1.40 81'1 411.') 41 .t! .:.;_·,i Ciln!on 0 24'~ "lSVo H119ol G~! 16 !I P•!roll •~'h '1'/J Wl<JW En ~ ... 8\lo B1ngP11n! 60 S9 49'i'J 41\1 19'111 -t " D~:l~~ ~"l'-0110 16 '8'111 411"' .(]"4 -~ Clow 00 11 Hvncl Pd 101\ IS"• Phll.~g 1>! I' 81 Wy&ndol 21 2! BanoP of ; l SO\'i 3j"' 54'4 '4 • O'lio '2',(o QYI i " Colom~n E 8:\4 t 1h Hurst P 14<. llh Pn1! Sub 28~• » Pttd Elec 1'4 91/• B•rbOI! J.10! 15 10'h 70\.li 701.1o , 8~t~W! 01.!,3' X14 41'/o 4J (.) \'<. B Bare! CR .15 14 SO:\io ,9 50"lo -"'o•iplan Co 44 3t JN. 3P "" • ,_. ''"'!---~d Basic Inc .10 ?6 12~. n1oo 2214 <Jy~Poni 5 50e 51 61\l 41\lt 4 '.lo -~ oemgs Bo•lc of 2.SO 1100 SJV, 53Vo S]'I• +1'1• 1J11Po~I pf4 .50 I~ l~ lfM!o I~ -14 M l F d 'la!es Mtv 12 15'!1 lsv, H~ -\lo nuPonl plf)O 1 611/o ,1.,. ''" :..;,·" t Bath Ind " 68loo 67'!. 68~ + 'lo OuQ LI l.66 19 .. ... Los ANGELES (A P] U lJ3 lJfl S ~:~~d~~b".'J 7 lM'fl 16S'h 166'h +?V. Do 4.151)12.0I J:50 '3:1~~~ ~ BaKlrl•b .11 ~~ ~, ... ~~ ~Vo -I 011<1ll 4PI 2 I26Q 13 .ll:V. 3] + Vt Continental Airlines is buy;ng 11avo~c1a .so 1t i~v. ,,,,., 11'1> _ 'h gQ 3·7s"11·17 11.10 llV. 31 31'h + -r. '3!1•ln11J 1 10 43'.'r '3 4J 11, Ymo In .S6t 11 26"" 251"' 25"" _ "-nine or more new Boeing jets, : '."?:: :t • B•a! Fd• 1.ez l 79~ 11•• 79,,,. + v. ovna Am ·"° n 2S'h 24"' 21 -i~ F .. -"" lleckrnan .sc n #'IV, "'"' '9'1• -~. -E-F- President Robert • Six says. Jut. 2t lllue Rid ll.1.6 16.0'J com•!~ ~.u 6.95 M•••• t.w g~i",.~ ·ij 1J1 ~:; ~v. ~it+~ Ea111ePch .IQ 70 ;m :nv. and hopes to have thein all NEW YORK '"' •,•,•,,d!o,1~,, e.u 9,71 concord ll.ll 21.J'l Ma1her1 2142 11 42 Bl!'lcn Pei ".so ,2 " 411/, 41•,1o _ v. Eau Air . .so 3110 )O>Jt :io•io ~ +·!~ ~ 10.91 11,•2 Cori• !nv lJ.15 1'.50 McDon 11 .21111.17 Bflc!H~m .&0 t ·o ffl41 lO l:a!!GF l.l!t ~ 39YO :19 391/o t. by 197\ -Tilt lollow Jr,Q quo.-Bo•ton 9.4l 10.l l Coo•m !nv 6.19 6.n Mid.O. Mui 1.44 Ill llell How "611 " 72 lll.> 11 + ~ E1st S 511 ,90 19 21Vr 261ifo 2~ "-• \~11o~'·u~"f1~~~(. Broad St H.il 16,66 Conv s~c 11 .J5 l2.41l MOOdv Cg 17.9819:65 Bell lnterc'ori St 1S 14.\<o l'V. _ 1,.. Eas! Ulil l.40 i ~9 21'1/o 29 + V. The al·r1ine recently was ' •,, 'l-sv11oc~ l6_i918.M corg Lo 16.9J 11.15 ~Y's 1s.9111 "° Bern11co 1 &0 12 1• 73~., 7, j: "• E Kodak .ua 211 ,~,,. n~ 13 _ ,... 1t!•on ~!(Yf!ll!! CG Fd 10.1311.11 Co!rv Cap lS.lQ 16.16 MorTOl'll Fundo: . BtndTx 1.61:\ 29 "61,\ 1.S'lll .q.... ''> EalonYa 1.40 JJ 39~ :WV. 3"1.-~ granted new routes .to Haw au Oealers, Inc,, a•e tan"d•an n .so 21.09 Crown w !.ll 9.09 Grwlh U.5115.93 Bf"dix pl ' 2 71'1> n'h 19V. -v, Eba<CO lnel ' 102 "' 62'1.o 42'h -... .> !he P"Ct! al whlct< Caoit Inc 9.94 10.8'1 OtVl'llh M ll.6912.69 lncom 5.~ S.55 8"""!F!n l.60 ~' .U:W. <fS 41:V. + \'! EcMir.MI .6-1 3JS ~ 20 by the Civil Aeronautics ~~~~ ha::cur~~~ C~oi! S~r l .S6 9.39 Oecal Inc 14.•3 15.ll lntur 9.•s 10.:16 SenflF prf,.SO '0 66\'lo 66\~ M\lo E(~frdDo .28 16 "2'1• Cl"-~ + n 0111 Ibid) or DoV!lhl Ctnl ~~r 13.11 H.Jl OelaW•e 16.H 19.00 MIF Fd 71 .31 1l.().I BenF 5c>ll.50 11/,0 lf 36'h 3t +"" Ed is Sros .&S t 1,,_. "6llo "'!. _ Board. It plans to fly 39 week· ·, • • Channong Funds: Otl!• lr 9.80 10.1l Ml~ Gth 6 Sf 111 11-urt n• 11l.'il 16'h 11 + ~ EG&G .10 6-1 "'~ ...... A"€•r~e~l1W~':i'd!~ 6~1an 13.:16 11.!2 Dlvld Shr l.99 ~.311 MvOmGlh 5.8' 6°10 Bfnguet 111 HO !7"' UV. 17 , EIM~sic .1111 1 ....-., ~ -'Ill iy round lrips between eight .o.d .. ·ser~ 9 8310·1, corn Srk i ·o5 2.?4 DowTh In 1.1J 1.79 Mll()mlnc 11.4911,.,., llerkev Pho i1 •? 41'Ai 41•io -,~ Elect Anoe ~ 2!" ~~ 11\\ -•Ar 1 ' • Grw1~ l2 ~ • Orfv~I 11,71 U.71 Mui Shfl n" 11 •• Bermec Corp 1411 ,,,. >"• >• • '' o • -vo l"llo ~ mainland cities and Hawaii, 1>rt1iiatl.'d 9·16 lO.O_l iocom • 10 9 9S oreY1v1 TA u 16 24 Mut Trust f'1 :i '9111~1h s11 1 <10 .. ,., -ec ~~ ~' 21'/o 26l.'il 21 +i\\o :/~~mer 11 ~~1~~~ S~eCldl i:n 0:01 Edlo~ll.liowaie!: · Nte MVl 11:1s11:4olllgrht!e :60 59~ ~ U,,., J.i~ :j:~~:~~nl(l:r&''~ $ 19~ lt"" lt~-"' starting March 5. amcap 6:16 1'39 Chait Gr(ll!O" B1tl~n ll.13 l?.!S NU WS.-c 11.4111.lO 61ad<Dk 1.2D 11 11 .. 56>.0 Sd.\lo -11• El!r• Cp 110 l~ ~;.L ,, ... , .. '!!". + ll Am llus 16• 3·9i Fynd oi;111 5• Grw!h l•.:1615,91 NH Ind 13.50 ll.50 Bii" lau~ 1 1' llll• .:JO'lli Jl +~'<Emir El 1·80 " ,. .,. + .,. Six said Tuesday that Amo·.1nn.2<llJ:33 F1onr 11Joa111:~i ln<o"'e 7.421.0IHat lll«e llell i..so •1 61 60 Ml --'i'IE El ,,·.A 11103•4 101:141~-lA Am G~t~ 1"10 811 Sht~ld 1i19\5 !1 Specltl 16.1117.67 Invest lrn07 1.12 Bobble Btki <17 21~ ~ 20',~-mr P...., 2 16 15:14 16 + 1,\ Boeing may make available Am Inv 10 .• 910 ,1 c~em·c~1 u:ll2o:}8 Ste>ck 16 1u .2J, N&rSK S•r: Bo.,no 1.10 1'4 SI s1v. s1 i Em.,yAlr .ao 21 61'!1!.-"""' 61~+2•:. b '] I Am Mvl 10 u 11 6S Colonial: Et>erst 15.31 16.7 Ba Ian 11.0 lJ 'l 8olsCas ?Sb 120 11)'.'o 191"1 70Vt "'Emh•tf 1.r.lr ll 41'11 ~,,_ ~_lo three 727-200s UI ton specu a-Am NGw J 73 •lie Eovity o oi 6 60 E~re1 15_1116.n 6ond '·~ 1,19 B8o!s.C: Pfl .•o 6 ct v. 91 tPh ,_,, EndJoto~• _so 4 "'-' 39111 "'"' ... . . h A p ·u 10 Funa 13"19B"o1 Eoer11v 16.0116.07 Dlvld s.as 6.39 ond SI~ i I ll"" 31\'o ll\.\ -.\lo En<t.l<llon pl• l60 60Vt 60\'o loO'A-.\lo lion and will produce a fourt ,m "'0 . """11 Grw11o 8 60 9.o En1prist 11.n 11.11 Pf s1~ t .73 9.54 Bool<Mlh 1.,1 s :n 3'1\1. 37'111 -v. E1111!11Min • ..o 139 Jlo\o ll'h 31 _ '-'• I, b nchor ruo , Commer~ u 'o11 ·11 Eovi!v 11 101200 lncom 6•1109ll0<den 1.70 101 34\lo :JJ\llo l.I +~Ennl1Bu1 .64 1 .OO'h .IQ ~+YI jet. a 747, for detvery y C•P 101•11.~5coms!Bd 559 :·oe f(lui1Gth11:l1 1•:•s sroctt 1o:•?l(4BM11W1• llS 4) 3n'o 3i'lo :nv. ,...EoutGa• 2.10 1s 3"4 39"111> =iN+v. Grwlh 141016,llcommonwl!h .Fds.' E">"K 18.l411.l• Grw!h l.131l.9J 80fma~F .10 J8 l41Ai 2SV. 26•/, +!otoESB Inc !.1'0 19 .Jl\i! 31\,\, 31--1111; July 1971. l~v 10.1611.13 C~P FO 1l l9 Ji'l'9 Ev~rnl In 20?\21.&S NalWHI 7.19 1.11Bc•Ed•s 208 I! 4•\'J U 4( •t..Esqulre .XI IN 21'h ff'4-'h ·· s· ·d h Fdlnv1Jll i?25 l com 11"1J1738E~~lor 2alJJOS<INfl!Wrlh 30393039Bos!MtCO 1S:IO 1'1'11<:19'1t-\loEu"-"lnf!,20 S5.t.l:W,u~~ V. In addition, • lX sa1 I ree A~soc1a1ct 1 61 1.u 1~v"1 10 55 1/·51 Falrld u :6J 11:os New Er10 11:6l n :s1 f!O'l lMeCti 01 • st 51 s1 _ Ethrl Cp .12 1Q2 l6 3s~ 36 + '4 t b ~1· d · AJi.e Houghton · 'sta-t~ 1°'911 ·~l Frm BMu jl.111J.ll NFW Ho• 30.ll)C)JJ Bourn• Inc lT 11'/o 21•,1; 21"to .V. ElhV1 o>fl . .IO & 52,., si~ ll'h ~ n1ore arc 0 e ut:lVerc in Fund A t,i110.4'!cwu~11as 1 !o i-95 Ft<1Gr1to 5.1111.10N.-wW1d 1s.19J6:1>{1B••"1t41r .so 167 ;1,, 2oi1 '1 '1>-""'Eurollld ~ ,5 18,,. 11~ u - 1970 and there are options Fund B ll."J11729 cwu~ cao 2:().1 2:20 Fid Cap 11.ss11.n Newton 17,4J19.05 s,",•1ss1 '-~ 1 siv, 511.< 54 -v. Ev1n•P ·$00 22 51~ si1;, ,.1;: :':".~ Sloe~ 8 n 9 5• CamPel 11 Ct9111J Fld Fund 11.'8 \9.ff Nore11t 1.19 11.19 '• MV 110 9J " 6-111• 65V. -v. Evrrihari> 111 16,,.. 26 211 _ \~ for two niore for 1971 Sci co 7.so 1'.15 comp Bd 11 :n 11:10 Fid Tmd 28.5111 .01 o0cn11a~ 0.1111.11 ~,r11tMv 0 •' ,,".~! -~~·"'~-~ _ ~. ',"',,,•,•,••, '•'•'• 95 36 3SV. JS'lio + "' \ ' B~man ~-ll 9 13 Comp F~ 11 96 1J 00 F+narn:lal Pr011rm· '"""''a 9.6' t.1' 8 wy I'll~ 10 ,. ~·.-. ...,.,. Y• 13 g 51v. ~ + '" -r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;.._.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,11;;:========================'=:;-· Oynrn 1.69 f.Sl "" d 11.411'.1! WVH1 ~· W ? ...C 531h 43\llo -1 Fllrd!C "50r J9 ,.. lndY•I 5.SO 6,07 o"' wms 16.79 16,79 B~lvnUG l,72 21 lJV, 33'4 llY, -.... F Ir h Hill 79',t 79 19V. -\.lo lncom •.:i. 9.11 Oiitll 22.n11.11 Brow,, Co 1 ll'fJ 16\\ 1~'" _"" 1 c •r 6A 22~ ,,,. 21"4 +"' W Fst 1nGth to.so 11 . .40 Oo~n!lrn 9.6110.Sl llrowo Cc of s n 72\t. n•Jo _ v. Fairmont 1 21 :n"" 21!it 7"1"4 :l: \\I \• • f1/1xll lb, eond, Whit• •r Color, Bl1tlc l"k, O"e 61d• SPEEDY PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT! * legal, l!lusineM form,, D119Ctorit•. * 11 x17 Stock • Brochu,.., • Menu1 • * NCR paper, Print your buslnets fo1m1 Program1, on ccubonl•11 1tock In Mts of part rainbow colors.. * Complete ort dtpt, ••rvi<e. J.01 yo11r loyout & pot.t•up Oft '¥>'Ork. * linotyFMI' & Varitypc service o v\"ilt'"bl•. * Pickup & d111liv•ty service, SPEEDY COPY CENTERS "PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT" " 1886 HARBOR BLVD. (Corner 19th St.} Costa Mesa 645-0040 I Ould PSA ~~l~~i~l!:~l::;i~~~fr~ rlJirl:u11~~~~J.J ~~nil~1"'B11 M~~~~=~:JE7 '/: tt it~ i~: ~r:=E l'lt! ~ 10.97 . Pilgrim 11.1)91171 Budl.n~h 1.2(1 21 301" 7'7/a 7'~ _ 1;. Far West Fin 12 2»11 2) ll _ h F!Pt Fd 7'!.71 PllO! 9.-U 10 :l'l BIKVEr 1,10 12 1ra 21~ 11'9 -"' FarahMI .IOb ll 41 '5Vi •t +1vo Fla Gth 9.lt 10.U Plne Sf 11.70 1i:10 ll~d c~ .ao 69 l2~ llV, 31 V. -1:11. Fodd~• .60 Jl SJ~ Sl\lo " + '• F~d LI 6.tlll 6.!t6 Pio<">t•r 15.61 11 01> Bv~d Co pf S >\10 7W, lffi 1!14 19' FedMCQ 1.ta 14 36~ :!M'h lll111 +"' Founders 9.2110 1• Plan Inv U.ll 1fi5 BU<f11 F of.IO 11 I'll IV! •V> -Vt FtdPltC Elet 56 26 71 2S-J11 + 'A Fovrscr ll.671•.'3 Prla TR 15.11 15:11 lludga! I~ .l>.I 47 20'lli 20 ;ov, _ "• Fe<11'1tplld 1 J 111\ 21'<11 711;, _IA! ut Fr~n~lln Group: Pro 10.67 11.3.S &8 ti Forge 1 • ~\lo :M 3•'1< ,. FtdOSlr .ts let ~ l-IV. l'\lo _ v, ~o Com Slk 1.11 S.ce Provl<lnl 6 6J 7.2S ulovl .tel> S1 Olll'h 41 4~ IV, Fed Mio Inv 16 16~ 16..., Ii~+ V. U ONTC 14.SI 16,().1 Pvrll8n 12.72 13.11 !l~nk Ramo :JtO 15'1>. I~ 15'"° -1" Ferro Cp 1.lO ,? ~ .• ~, .. ~ JO,,,, _ ... ,L U!ll 1.11 1.51 Pulnam FVnd>; llun~R pll .50 7 47>;, 41 •1 -\~ F!brrtoro .10 -"'" .,, .., ., !ncam 2.1S J.Ol Eoylt !6.43 17.96 Burl Ind 1 . .iQ 91 "4"to l]u, 54Vo v, FleldCIM 1.40 31 31'"° :S"-3'YI _ .... FynO Am 11.1312,11 Gtor1 1661 ll.lS B~rndy .60 81 ll'ro ll''• lll~ 14 Flltrcl 1.40 105 .SOI.lo 1J~ SI + i,., Grn Ste ll.15 1315 Grth 11,&l Ii 01 Burrovo l.,o IJ 1J6'h 1J1>1o l:J.I -1 Fin Fflltra!n Sd 24V. )6* 2 ~ ii . GiDr41!1tr 16.4016.«I 1ncom t ,9l10.35 Bu3t<Un~ Ml 5 l • ll"li J' -•/• Flrettne 1.60 41 6Nlt 60\'o 6 · ··• Group S!IC~ ~Wll I 7S ';SI llulf.er' Shoe i 3S J5 JS -V. F•!Chrt 1.681 15 JI 37 '2 +2\to Own ~~ ?1' l~·~' ]1·l1 R:~1t~ch 1i·lJ 1~.~ -C-F5INC1v .559 41 7•1'o 1J: }~ .:.;:~ In Fut Ad lO Ql,11.00 R'""t 17.ll'J1161 Cabot Co .IO .~ "'"° 35'.'r 5SVt-1 ~f~e~~~ ~'.% lt lt )l!'o ln't ···· G•!n lflll Tl 18 7l.S• Rostn!hl )C.69 ll 6' Cal Fln~n! ., lO•o lO.• 1~ -'II Fl>l>..-Scl 16 1: ~ht ~ 2~ = ~ Gn'P~Oll 71 .39 "IJ.31 Sc~us!er ll.6J 20.36 C•llal! M .111 41 29"" 7•\'l 211f.t -\I Fltmlns1 .So t 71 -,... ..... _ ~ Guardn 28.99 7&.99 SCVckk• Fulld•: CamoRL .4S. 11 ll~ ~1 .. l!'t -~Flintkote 1 :19 .., H&C l!V 1'.62 15 ll Int Jnv Unav•!! CampSp 1.10 .. ""'"" ,,,,,, lo:t.o t \~ Fl<M PIA• j(I l 2t\/o 2ll;. 2Rll -\.It S J ~ Ham hdo S.74 61'1 S<>ecl .(] 3' i).:lf Cdn lr~w ,.0 t7 1 ... 11 1;. ll'llo • Flint _.Bl.I> 1 00 "'Ill t)Ojj tl~ +1 H•nover l bA 1.Jl B•I u :!I 16,SI Con PK ) 6 15'AI IS l5 .,, J 41 «I '1 +f H•rlwtil 19 •• 121.04 Com SI 11,fln.nC<ln Pa, lnl 16 1s, .. 14 7S Fla E Ca&•I 16 1JV. 21"' 11141 -'Ao an Ose 1-!t'<!Qt Un~v111 S!c Olv 11,11 11 o i•na!td 1.10 t M.-. 76'4. u,~ -\\Fla Ga1 )'II 15 tt ~ 22 i ~ H M&nn 16 41 11 ~ SI'< S<ouil ' 14 S 19 eniern .to ~ 30\lt JO"'-)00,, -\II Fla Pow .51 1M10 •,,~ "'Ill 1,\ H<lb!m~ 1) 6-1 1? 6• Sec l~v 9 ll 10.0. .. C Bdc!!I ,,.. 7111~ 11Vt tl\llo + \\ Fll ..... Lt 1.11 ..-Iii 1~ • !OS 1'1alm '11 •. v S•IK Am H.n 1;75 i•rbr\111 1..40 ,•,1 l" &.~ l" +\~Fla ''"' .to 111 ,,. Ill: • • ISi Gffl I 62 7_1J s.1 SoecS lt,1611.05 arli•le .loO •JO"' ........ )O\tt -... F!Ul)I' co... 11 51 -.. Sure. For$1 900 nights e wet* connec1 Northern and Sovthe m CaUfor- nia. More than q other airline. All jets. LOW"f'"St air tares. Not lo ptll down San Francisco ln1ema- lional, BUT-to many Peninsula Points.. Ssn Jose llirpon is doser, easMJt. and fhe aOWd hasni found It yet PSA gives '1N1 a lift. l~I 11C S?l 5.n Siem• 11 6All!1 ••o Cl.Oto 5 tl!IJ lli:,. -1 l'luor CP wl 1 S7lll. + \.\ Imp Ca~ 10,111\.12 Sml1h B 10.n 10 n •rol'L! 11T,1 25 31~ ltt 3t1..._ \lo Ftuor pf I! w1 3 79V. ,...., 1"h , lmcGT~ t .16 9.~!wlnvtsl un••a11Carn\H '' ~·,.'.IA\ J.11;,-l'iFIVTlcrtr .lt 1'1 31'14o )O~ 30_.!t-i.. Inc F"d 1• 1l l~ 18 Sc•tr tn• I~ ?5 1/ .!0 Carp <II (.'° CIW !lW 41\'i -'Ill FMC tP .&S Ut 36~ U'lt :ll\6 +tr. Inc Fe! B l.~l t.11 SIFrm Gtn 1.51 •SI CaHI" CP I 7'14 e 'fl 7ru, -'Ill FMC "'7.lj 1 l5'A 3$~ SS\41 . ndepnd lJ,I! 15 01 Sl>l!e St ii oo SS.00 Carr 1'1'?-'S 170 31 11 ••• FOO<!Falr tn 3" '"' ,,,., 1' .._ ~~ t'rtd Trerod lS.,. u 70 Sff~d'rn~n fdJ: C•trG~r: l.3'21 J ~-. ,.. ~e _·-.. "~·. ' ... ·.111 8 15'.lo 15 s llld<try 7,59 I JO Am !n<J 15 61 11 M Ctr1er ..... 111111 20 " F,,.,, ii t 1J(IO, 25\6 2Jt'lo + \41 lnsB\ Stk 611 7.il Fldu( 9nU.6'1•H J Al 't nt.< 20\o. + ... F<X>lt ot) 70t 1 :JI ; • In• C"<>Am i~ •6 11.r.,; !.(1~" 1 u 1 to 1'r1...... .,. 90 1~ ,',~ ~ J" Ford1.to_1 2.•o :J02 ~ ! ~ Inv Gy!n 10~! !.Ofl S!,ln Roe Funds: as ~~• .iO »•• .. " FDl'"MCIC 7J 6lll "° 'I\= ..... 'nv lt\j'l';t I! 51 IS SI (l~I 1'?.21 71 2' Ill MlbYllVl lJCI '1 '4\-1. Ill i f'Mel( rrl_to . onvH 80J 1l 116 1515 lnl! 16.SI 16.5! C~!"'1 ~.!iJ, 21l 1~ Hh I•'° ~ot!Wf'I ·'°" .. , '•1"' "'° -\.\ l~{l;';:Gr°'lri.1111 s~~'"fn"co111 11~1i.-1& C No llff2J 1 4' 41\'t '9 I 0$IWPIJ>fl ,1 w'" "·.·+·"· s1oc:~ 12 n 2i 01 svnc• G!h u J~ 14.U !r-'i:c.;», .C Sl~ !n: lm 1"" ~~.!;'ltt ·':°n .. Stl•t l 9XlOtttlMRAP 11.40)1,Uc~ ,, :i011w,11ri,.,11ru l'>F~Sll!l .., »t " ._ .. va1P•••?OlOOCITNChrl 1',5'll0i!c:11"=..tso ,.,.,., .. 6t F 111.1'0 U1lt\'ll -~ i~lt1Rn~ 1:·n~:~ f~~~l :·~ ;,~ c~ Ina ,.10 '" "'" 51 .s111o + v. FUCtu• nc1 .20 u """ u _ ~ !v~Sf ! IWI 111 4 Technol 9.Ctl t.9(1 C!!'H F~ l.•47' l5 """ 11'4 1111 -lh -G-lv~ lO ll lO tJ TtmP GI 71.!l 1•.17 ;;.; n1U t·.n ' l'9\'i tt\1o ,.,.., t ... ·~ CP 1.$0 1i B" I" m:-'•' ~o "'"' s:1l.ll22ll ~~~othio1.", 11.~ I/""'"•-* 11~ hPI> ~ it::-1:: A11 Cor11 ·* 11" \II ~ f ~!"81 ::J'n SI Twtne Int :J '1:21 HI UPS 1.lt JJ l'''~ ""' lJ"lo -... Am &.1·~:r 1 • .. (U•BJ l194)J"U~l!Mut n . .01 .n Mf';t!' ·'1 ".Wi ~ ~$= ·~:.1.1 ~(: tt ~~ ~ C"' 6 10.51 11 41 U"!ld 12.tl l .Jl ffll 'fN J'~ * '°!! •>• ~· • oil, t:;,.. :Ill Sl.. ,. Cu1 11:1 9 ~9 10 51 Unlled Fvn<!t: • UI>) tr~ n I' • IL C~t K? 6 i.; ()j A~em l,)S ,,It Ml $(oy1 .to 1 111, 14 2 ¥1 \;, \\ It il>f ·l ' -1 C"' Si 22 ll 14 to In"'°'" IS 111 ·lj T11y t.'1!° S1 fi 7N ~ -\lo •rd 1 tS J°jv, ~ -.+ \.t ~~~ ~I 1i·!t U·!l v~~f " ;'·{~ 1~:.S. ~~ "' •1} "' ;~ .i'.: ::3: •rl 1n1 c':ff 1 !&'" ;•1;; 1,..., + ~~ Cvt $1 7 li l Ot V•IUfl r.... Undt: ~;~·'tit 1.o'° '61~ \S~ *" n:i +-~ 111111 • i U~ I , .. ~ + K:i~~b'1 : J~ • H r~°"'1" 1:.~ 1!1 :~ ~-~iiO!h ~ ,,~ ''"" -Vo GA~8 .. v~Mk· )A !J:t i\11: n~ = K111~ Glh 11 'l"I Hu s.,1 sit 10.n i .to r::::t, 1:111 60 lf:. [ = :fi: "!~•11 'j • 'j"' •ii "lllo .... -.. tr•IMt (2511'.IOV•nceSsoll.K .1' =...1v1·4: 1)5~, Jl1'J •t,11 •'7 JI """ 9 t-1" •• lh{ll I" 10.0 V1ndrbt 10.4-1 11.•j l'llt•Bt , ill 4 :-., \It i.l't ~i ·· t11C. , ~ ' 1' ll~r~tt. ~.% ~ ~ ~:~nclPI ~1·1 ~· MO! 14 J3 U -'lo n •1119 1 1 ~ !°" -" Lri• Inv 1 •l t.11 v1~11111 !:If .SI et" I.to U'll "~ "'~ .O~ t 'Ill Cl 1 v. "' Si + '-Lino tl•l0.,1 W11tSI In 1 ... U 31 ,,,.""""v"i·'° HI 1''4 I~ 1114 1'io • l ~-114 L-'lh S•Vl•1 '"'' WR1h Mu l"/!l•.1 I .60 i ll'\ ''"° ~~ -tll llC H \"i ~ • 1 C•nad dJ iJr~we1101v" lll•. ~°"'°,•, ,,-,,1 rn~ "-" F •· 1 ui. cap11 !l.o& 116" w~1 1n.:1 .tt •. • ... ~ . *,, •,J.v. ",,,, ~· _.. •• °'ri•• UI ~tor. + \ M~t II 01 16 01 W~•!tflll 1$.ff Ii Mc:l!1tl Ill "' w 1 M•""'" • 43 , 21 wl"~' ~· l ~"IMn $ff'" 11 .51'*' w. + "' .,.I"' ,NI = M<t\lrndU3'91•6JWnltfW '~l.\$tPPr1 J.lW..'1 'l-14 ~9"'"'' , M'"' GI!> 1110 ll.tS W<1t1+' .•t •.'1 llM~l'>p I'll J ! 1<1\ 1"~ ,-!~ .. n Mtrll .Ill '" Jt, 'I ...... '""'" ... " . . '"" ,, "'" ' ' .,,,.,, . \-. '~·· ',.. .,,.. ' " -' . ' . Wednesday's Closing Prices -ComplP-te New 'York Stock Exchange List Stock List DAn.Y l'ILOT -·· -• ' f ... ) Mltll .__ 0... C9ia. .... ... ... " '"' -''4 !\\lo " • . ··~ " -n~j- • I I I I ' .. • • -' • Al~ys at Sears & ! id91i=t ea~ '10 Wheel 'iJ'l~ce lnduding WeighlB $2 Per Wheel BAITER\' GUARANTEE Prtt replacement wi1h- io 90 days of purchase if battery prOYcs defcc11vc. M~r W days, we repl ace rhe barrcry, i£ <kfecrive, and char~ f Wl...OJl.!y for rhe period'-dr oWTiership, ~ on chc rca:ular price, less trade-in a11hc ci.mc of re<Uro, prorarcd attr number of moa1h1 o(_..,,... • \ . ·satisfaction Guaranteed· or Your Money Back! -. - • - Life G::.;nntee WO• Jo'or How Whal Sear• charge. J a case of • place it diarging only 1 ielling· p/i(e plUJ Feder.al t~ WCd. failures of the tire resulting defccu io material or ' '. Tread .Wear-Out Guarantee f;oanuiteed ·Agai1~1: Tread wear-out. }'or How I...o,g! t'be number of mo11ths specified . . What Sean 1'illlDo: In.exchange for the tirt, rq>lace ii_ charging 1he curr~t regular ~Hing price plus Fed- eral Exci~ Ta: less the followtog aJloWm<C': A·1Pf\lh8 t:uaranlet~I Allowanre 12 to 24 10% 27 lO 39 Every Sean Tire Purcha~e lncludt: ... : FREE An.,,., Tire J\·1onnting ,, FREE All.1,i. .• Tire Rotation E\'Cr)' '-· 5,000 J\lile~ • 6.50xl3 Tubeless Blackwall Plus 1.81 F.E.T. And Old Tire i\O .l\1'0 NEY 00\l'N Wl1c11 )'ou Buy Your Au1on101i,·e Need~ at Sear~ on Credit Available at Sears STEEL CORD RADIAL TIRES .• _, A~~ ·Your All state Tire Salesman About Them! ) '•· .:.. .... ; . :'' FREE Cheek of .·~~r~ , . , .. You,wi. .. 1Ali,nmen ... :·"·'~ Nationwide ~2Jalleed Sears .,.. ' ,, • 12-Month Guarantee Fito Mooi 6-Volt Car• 18-Mo~th Goar tee Fi to Many I • Volt Caro " 99 No. ~4 With Trade-Tn 99 No. 39 Wirh Trade-Jn , Sean HJ a Battery for Every Car, Every Better Fabric Seat Covers •Woven fabric seat covers feature vinyl side panels for long-lasting wear ·: Budget! fREE Testing! No Obligation! ,---------------~~~--~--------~--...... rAR< TA 8-4400, 521-4530 El MONT! GI 3-3911 ,LONG ,lfAOI H£'~121 rlCO WE 8-4262 • Choose red, blue, green or black •Outstanding value at this Sears low. ]ow price! ------------~----, I CANOGA'""' 340-0661 GlENOAIE Ci 5-1004, i:i 4-4611 OlY""!C & $!)TO~' 8-5211 POMONA ED 2-11H, NA 9,5161 , YU 6·t751 I GC>MrTON NE 6°2581, NE 2·5761 HOLLVWOOC HO 9-5941 OR>.Ncil 637·2Wo ' SANTA ANA k\ 7-3371 "' SANTA FE SPRINGS 944-8011 UPIANO 985-1927 SANTA MONICA EX '4-6711 YA.ll.EY PO 3-8461, 98.C -2220 SOUTH COAST !'LAZA 540·3333 VOMONT Pl 9°1911 COY1NA 966-0611 INGlEWOOO OR 8°2521 PASAD!HA MU l'-3211, El 5·4211 ~'-------------~---------Sears TORRANCE 542-1511 I I _____________________ , "Satisfaction Guaranteed orYourMoneyBack" 1£AA lOJBUCK AMO .C:::O. Shop 6 Nighb Monday Jhrough Salurday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. \ r • J__ :r ' I ' ·--~----:;,y~-.. ~·;--------·-,r---------------... ,. . . ~ . .. DAIL V PILDT 25 ' .. . ,. .,, • t -, ' '69GTO HARDTOP COUPE.;C ... dov• top, 4. •JI the floor, .r1dlp. llNfitf',.·0 lleo~ 11101111hd t1ch, con1ole, P"'lt CllM Nalce1, th1~d 9111" bucket •••h MM.redt1l1t .. b1clc • 11p li9bh. N•. 1"42'79Zl067t.,1' • • .,.~~~·:· IMMEDIATE 'Dp;IYJRY • ! . ) Save With · · "PRICE POWER" on 1968 Pontiacs '68 LE MANS '68 PONTIAC GTO '68 FIREBIRD '68 FIREBfRD 350 '68 FIREBIRD 409 '68 CATALINA '68 VENTURA '68 BONNEVILLE IN STOCK!! MANY MORE '68s TO CHOOSE FROM IMMED·IATE DELIVERY · ' .• . .. I ' -, • t ' J. ~J. • ' AND, ONLY IOI ·'!ON iG)!~!tE ·HAS··:IT '.• ·'.-F' Its the best way e'l(er to -sllv• you money :on .·· ' ' .. a New or·Used :Car .• .;.Come in ' to9ay:· i · and let us explain "PRfCE . POWER ,-: .:to 'you and show you how it. . saves. you money. ' " ' I ' ·,, ' -. ' . ~. . . All New 1969 ·Ronti11cs i list~ ·ca're·•unAe1co,a'f.;:', ·. · 1 ~>-: ed, waxed, lifeti~e·h1bric.alion; ~d. are fille(l :IN ! no~'.'·~ with 15 gallons of gas,_. . · · · · •· , · T'..,. . ' , .'_l '_. . I • • ! '. • ALt . OUtl ;1~~ ·i~Otft~A:~S .· MUST ... l ~O .. ,D!· 'f .. ·~ , , . . .· -I .!] • ' ' • .. . , ) ' J I "1 l ' < 'I. • , \ _. ·. PRICED BELOW. ':r•••v 'I ' .. ",_ · ·.·: IA\MlilAll~Jdfifti· .. , .~ '· •• . . : . . '.... . ; ·,· : .... . . \. : '-·. '. J1: I 1 • • t ·"' • I . ,.-'. ' ~. Full Remaining fadory Guarantee on all '68s Orange County's Finest Selection of Quality STATION WA&oNS, Pontiacs, Bonnevilles & Catalinas Chevrolet, I mp a I a s & Bel Airs, Ford Country Squjres, VW Buses 65's, 66'1, 67'1, 68's, Most With Factory Air, 6 & 9 Passenger, Too Many To List! '67 CHEVROLET IMPALA '69 CADILLAC Sec!MI dl\111 ... Loocltd. 'llw low mlfttljlf. lrnlnldl•I• d•l!verr. Lie:. UMQ:M Save! '67 PLYMOUTH VALIANT ' -· '"'$f795"""' '63 VALIANT SIGNAT 1' dr ,..,,,,,,, ' aL A\lfOIMttc: tr1n.., bucket .. ,ta. Lie. KGDI01 $995 I.EAU S129 ... "0 "'" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY "63 ':CHEVY' II . ftO\IA '2 dOOr tl•f!Gp, i cYI, 3 9"fd, 'XI" Cl~•~: Lie. ·1xvooo '64 'DART.GT · VI. '"-'"'1 '195: OMX•>. : . .. . . .. .. ' • • ' . • .. ". J r \ \ I \ ------·~~ \ . '.JN, STOCK ·r:69 Grand·'» Prix f!'ACTOR'f ·A,lll. CONDITIONING, POWER. , llUCKET SEAT, pow1r windoWt., cordo•e· fop,· Turbo • Hydr1rn1tic: .frenlllil•1io11,. ,.~ \ dio, h11t1r, ,p'owtr 1t1lrin9, po...,., cll.c ' br1~0" tinf1d 91111, c:or111rinf ll{l'IJlll .. 87111/'4 whifo 1ido well tiro1, b.cltltt toot" · be ck. up li9ht1, wind1hlold w11h•n. 1110 '.f.';'_': ••. >IP VI, 5"•· 2765.79,160!:9~ 00 .,, . ' . ' ·-" •;t'_ ; ' <7'1 '•,' I ' ,._,. •"°" < l,._DIATE DELIVERY . ..,t, .. -/ I I · , . t·· ·-~ ~. ' ;, ; ,,· , ... ,:,-1:.·. 'j, ' -' ... ' . ' ' ,, " . .. ' " "' . ' I . ' . . . PER MONTH IMMEDIATE DELIVERY All payments based, on , 48 , months, with nor .. m.1 1h doWn~ Ush or ti:ade, on yOur approv· eel credit. . "63 FORD ,"FA'IRLANE JOO" 2 do9f' Mrdtqp. \II, ault111Wtlc :~~··~· w'995 -· " '64 PONTIAC VENTURA \ II I I I • 1\ I l -. ff DAll.Y 'll DT Thursdaf, January 30, 1969 fhinese Good~ Not Lneky; Win~ 98-74 By EARL cusrm ' ...... ,,.J··~ lucky 1on1g111," °' • o.•1J ,,..,. .... ChincM c o a c h Tang Shea-fang told f 'Ille tourl.ng natiooal basketball SoCal mtntor Bob Reid afterward. t e a m (rom l h e Republlc ot China P.tembers of the Chinese contingenl la la a hurry to return home. went out of their way lo be gracious 'Ibe players must be bac k by Fe-._ ·.m polqt but~J{eid wouldn't bear lJ, you see, because that's the CblntSt Qf JL ·~ -1 New Year. This year, it's the Year fflo. JOU ertn'\ lucky, you're Just o1 the Roost.,.. good,'' Jleid told Tang. Aid Wednesday night the Aslans He's right. The not-so-little Chinese lbowed Southern california CoUege's m ade the Costa Mesa school their team just how much of a hurry seventh victim in 19 gamea in a lbey'rt in by fast-breaking the 26-game, 40-day tour of Canada, the • .. Vanaurds out of the gym, gg.74. United Stat.es and Mex.ico. ... ) .. llie tile Ja-Otymplo loam that delealed ue -t .......... ago, the Cblnae ublblled fl4:e ball-bandllng, marksman ...,..,. . • .......table mastery • f damentall. But Frank Walsh ol tile Peop)H>. P e o p I e Sports Cc:mmlttee -t b • American who 11 escorllnc tile O>lnae on thelt tour -iays it'1 DcOt IO remarkable at all. "The Ualled States II not the oaly place where good basketball ii tcond." be says. .. Any c:ounlry that ...... polllJ .._ pl..,a -~~ It's trilly "°" four of the 'pOI five. Lut a -Jd-wJde illJDL H -.tend, fot lnltaftCO, Ibey look two Tbe CU-""" hand-pictec1 frml straight from tile 'njuana City Le•iUe tile bolt te1m1 Jn Na~ China All.Stars bel0tt beaUng the North and hive "1l1ed ~&:~Y two Island f'aval Station team. Blola ....,,. 'DMIJ''le belo· ~1 iMn-College ol La Mirada was another dlcappad "1 .i.111111111 lb ~ victim. nall&. . -_ •· illttll. •" t Saturday night the team travels ~"Amlric:an rules slve a pla#r Y.. ,' te, Palomar College In San Marcos. mcLMteM steps en bb dribM,:_ ,a, /, e,. Walab says the highlight of the _...to ~ In tntanaUonaJ·fi1D.» ' W>uf' '°~ far was the recentlon th,. ltilah~nect ."Abo, aU fouls es. ~ balJ, in San Francia c o' s co!ll ~ loOls aro out-ol-boulldt -~ wh"'I th e playus wer. calla.--." . ;;t !be Chlnatowo YMCA. T1ie team 11 catcllln& on, luovin& aJol!.11' charge ol Asian buket-. ' . '.. .. . . .,.. {Australian Ten.i·i s . Faces Bankruptcy •• ~ :: ~IELBOURNE, Australia (AP) -The ~an Harry Hopman was named ca~ :tam for the 22nd time and a four-man ~ad selected Wednesday for the 1969 ,4wY.alian Davis Cup tennis cam paign, :fu.it the Aussies weren't sure they could :arront 11. ~: The fin&Dce chairman of tbe Lawn :Temll.1 "'3odatioo ol Austrolia, pleading :)Mn·erty for the organization's treasury, ~d the OftfSea! trip may not be pos.si- :ble unless the LTAA can get an angel :or raise money by public subscription. : ; A CllP cbaDtoge can cover eight months !j.ud t'Olt. up to . $20,000. The Aussl.es ;tontmd Uley are broke due to lhe ·finan. cial f I o p of. both the 196i Davis C u p Challenge Round, won by the United States, the Australian Open Olam- pionships last week at Brisbane. A move bas been made to have the LTAA ask the pro promoters for reim- bursement of a portion of the $12,000 they demanded for a~~ee of pro stars in the ,\ustryaD· J. ~ent. Pr~ of .1~ttmg w ti. the money back .appear-dim..· ~ ·~· • In addition to naming B'1IQSlft captaJn, the LTAA selected a ~·squad consisting of Ray Ruffe~Bm ·~ey, John Aluander and P 1 ~ the latter two 17 and 18 yeai'I old'.~c- tiveJy. ~ ·, ·' This l! the same squad that lost the cup to the Americans at Brisbane 1ut December. The cup matches, which in the past have d r a w n as many as 28,000 ln Australia, were a financial failure, draw- ing crowds or only between 5,000 and 6,000. • On top of t h i s, the assoc'Jialioo I o 1 t some $15,000 in the first Ausfralian Open at Bris bane, where crowd turnouts again were disappointing although the greatest pro players in the world competed. Part of lhe reason for the loss· was the fact that the two major pro pro. moters -George MacCall of Los Angeles and Lamar Hunt of Dallas -demanded $12,000 In uprnae paymenta over and above tho $1$.000 prize money, Tbe -a money did DOI go dlrec:Uy to the players but went tO the promoters, who U...leoed lo bold oot lbe top . proo ~the terms"""' mdi C. //.. "lite BW" Edw-, president ~tho LT+'o called ti "rl!llOln money.• 'Clpenoe money also WU demanded for tjle New South Wales Open , another dillpPDinbntot, but the Victorian Cham4 plODlbl8a a& MelboLttDe, w ith Hopman • dlredot, refused to pay the price. Tbe ;:i.rmment was heJd without leading ]ln>I. . 3 in Line To Replace :,;'_ ... , . ' r PNats' .~mon: '.;' •• ·, .,,"<·, . \ ")"' " . ., ...... ' , f " :';i.AS!lli(GTON (UPI> -Rookie manager Jim Lemon Is out as manager of tht Washington Senators, and Bob Kennedy, Sam Mele and possibly Eddie Stanky -three well~xperieoced ex- managers -are the best bets to succeed him. New owner Robert Short cleaned house Wednesday by firing both Lemon and 1eneral manager George Selkirk from the team thlt flnlsbed last in 1968. He offered both joba el!ewhere in the organization but neither had decided whether to accept. I ,. I· • ' ' bill tours In lbe U.S. Next year he'll brio& teams from India and lndooWa to Californhi.. •IJIUfllk ti Qiu lftl fll " ,, . . ' ' ' ' . ' ' • • • . ' . ' .. ' . . ' . ' . ' ' . ' . • • • ' . ' 3t 20 IJ w.,. Chfn..5Lta Olltn Yl-Ftt Wu ChltJMCuo Hllnt WI.lo-Tie "'""" Chlllle Pl-Fu Tin• T..CllMllCI w-c~H1lurit LM Kweri..C~N Chi,, Olln-Umt T1aj Por.Ch~m L11' Chlln-Shlunt TDll ll St. c 1n1. c.._ nu .... Allbrl"~ .f t I GrllT' 0 t I ':le'.: , • 2 J I • ~ a 1M., S OJ SIH.111'1 .t• I • T1ylol' 1 1 I MIDHr ) I , M11rr1y , t I M•roc:co 1 , 2 li/111$11 • 2 • lD11l1 DA.IL 'r PILOT ..... o by Lit P'l"t'ftl "I'm not aahamed of anything we did," Lemon laid at his home in suburban University Park, Md., "and I'm not a bit discouraged. I think manag- ing ls quJte a challenge and I'd like '. ••• ' f-• • • CHfNE SE FOLLOW SHOT -Chen Wei, 6-7 center for the Re- public or China basketball tea1n, prepares to take a foUow shot during China's 98-74 win at Southern Calilornia College Wed- nesday. No. 10 fo r China in background is Wu Chien-Kuo, a ~3. 225-pounder. Number 25 for SoCaI is Phil Marocco and Ronn Nipper is No. ll. ... ' .. IJPI Ttlll'httt :: TUMBLING STOP -Los Angeles Kings goalie ... Gerry Desjardins falls on puck to stop shot fired :. by Toronto's Mike Pelyk (t ). MoVing up to help out Desjardins are Larry Cahan (14) and Howie Hughes (JO), The Kings dwnped the Maple Leafs at the Forum, ~1. another shot in the future. r want to stay In ba.!eball as long 8!! I can." Wuhlngton'1 pitchlng and hitting - except f o r ble Frank Howard -were inept the whole 1968 season. Howard had one of hU best seasons in the majors, but he was about the only one on the 1'am who did . ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- in Brief . -.. Devlin Man to Beat .. .-': I~ .. ·' .-.. · In Williams Tourney Kings Down lpfs, 3-1 ~ ' Face Bruins Short, a Minneapolis businessman a nd treuurer of the Democi-atic National Coi:n_mittee, took <lver the club Tu~&f •. tven whl1e he was denying reports th¥ Lemon and Selkirk had been fired, he admitted he had talked to Kennedy, Mele and Stanky. "They're fonner managers, a n d • U):; .ANGELES (AP) -If it's true they're ooes you would think about if t~1'\i-traded player likes nothing better you were thhtklng about hiring another : SAN DIEGO -George Archer,,J act ·fuan being displayed during awirds than haunting his old team, Red ltelly1'1,. manager," he said. Nicklaus and Billy Casper are, Ptt ceremonies and that national anthems ot lhe Los Ang~les Kings deservei·, the .~1 'A f e w hours later, Short fired both iavorites but Bruce Devlin, the sklnny be replaced by a fanfare. title of "Super Ghost." ' U!mon and Selkirk. :b.u!ttallan, looks like the man to beat Brundage's suggestion app a rent I y The Ki ngs face the hottest team In ---------------iii the $165,000 Andy Williams-San Diego came as a concession to the host-city the NHL tonight as they host Boston. ()pen, which slarls today over the fiat because West Germany does~. JI Oil ~..,_~ 1'!Jlins, 28-3-1 1, lead the East, six but Jong and tricky Torrey Pines coune. ,, r ecognize the East German regime. : "'-~is ahead of the league's defendlng CHARG ERS, -"CITY IN RENT HASSLE . Archer, putting at mid-season form, "' ' chlmpion Montreal Can~diens. ~on the Bing Crosby National PnrAm Kelly has coached his players-to a ·earlier in the ~,.eek and is the to~ H Calif • perfect 4-0. reeord over the Toronto Maple leading mooey winne r at the moment. O.W orma Leafs during the two years the teama SAN DIEGO (UPI ) -Unless the San .. have clashed in the Forum. Diego Char1er1 reach some agreement .:· Groebner Up set p p• k d-. ~· 1~tf:~~~!~=~~~i:= ~do1u'!" .. ~ ~ nen week with the City ... OP.IABA. Ntb. -Joaquin Loyo-MayQ, . ros IC e ... ' t Jfrckey LeaguedraftllA . •. -·11J1ego to pa_y overdu~ rent for :a bouncy Mexican, Wednesday night ,.,, . years ~ • J the ,use of San Diego Stachum, they ;i,Jpset C1art: Graebner or Ntw York 7-5, nigh~ ~t'!r~~ ~.:e 1!,~ may be the target of legal action by j-3 wbiJe advancing lo the rmals or the u r,., Sn11t1i, ,,.r!"r:.! ~3.l~~1<t1; Jim ~·· out to watch the Kiogs foil. Toronto the city. aha Invitational lndoor Tennis ~~ c:,::,-,,11';*".]~ ... -z-~hl~~!fv', =: Coach Punch lmlach's strateav .. -ell Mayor Frank Curran told a ne_ws con- ournament. «MHooi •· z. °""'"· 11dc1ot. wt11 T••-s 1111<11 the , -afs 0 1 ""' ~ P ference Wednelc;Jay that he will seek P'l:1 C\lrra.n, llnlttld<tf', L1ktllNl. 1.11: ~ .. A crowd al l ,200 sa w Loyo-Mayo break Jim H•wklrli, ~'"'•I•• bKt<, Ntll~tk•r R1ct11rd lmlach, Ins. ,·sting 1 maw factor 1_ the legal action uness the American _, H....,....,, cllfwlllvt bat!<, Jed<-511te; Mlkt ,,.,.,.,, ,~ u 1 F~"·" •. ~raeboer's strong serve twice while lak· ~=.~.,., Ort '°" s11t11 Jerry Gonlorl, T•tkM!. his club's inability to be t th Kin uu..u.u uc:lg\Je team can reach agr ee· ·liig 1 f..e lead in the second set. 0 1V11 5.,..,...,.., 11, .. ~... E•'"'"' w1m1'1111on1 1 Los A 1 . a e gs ment with the city, '.: Lo--Uayo will meet Texan Cliff Tlrn ClfT. 1111arnrt1ack, c. W. P01!1 R°"" w 11111m1. n n_ge es was the 1imt diffttt:nce, 1be Charaers say I hey have not paid ,.,..,... <tfft"'rv. bad.. Gr1m11n1111 R1Y Sr.tJheM. 1un1>ln1 brought his club to the West Co as L 11 .Jtjchey tn Thursday night's singles title '**' Ml-.t.. . the rent W. year bec1use they feel i::aatch. H!~t~'Wfr, 11~~::,,11.er.c.~ri~'"''.:&~, H']:;i Monday tn order to acclimate them to they are enUUed to the rl hts r-""· .,_,... i.a, Hafltri . the change. . to th ~ame g Nflffl Prille<!tOtl Boss ':PRINCETON, N. J. -J. L. •·J ake" McCaadlta. a rormer reserve tailback ·ind uailtPt Princeton football coach, fo d 1 1 WN named head football coach At the unifttllty. SAN FltANcisco "We've aot to win this one,'' he said given e new San Diego Padres r..:i Kws11c1r., 1111~1 .,,<t, Pinn 511111 G•"' " baaeblll team of the NaUona l Leaane W11'hln111or1. 111nl!er, s11ntwd: Jim sn1111ec:11.1, just before the game. . . .,-· , 111\fbecltl!", 1rt1111n1; Gent Moore. runn11111 blclt. "I don't kno•• what ,·t . b 1 th The city, meanwhile, has not paid Oc:tkltn1111 E•d E0w,r11,, 111'!-lv• 11<11.11, w;c~111 •• . .. is, II .• the Cha,•ers their ~--of conc•••ion 511!t; Jim T1'omtf. r11nn1no bltll, lt•U•A•!lnoton Kl a pl t Ilk th j t d t • ~-• -sttvt v 1n s1~""· 1,1kte, w1,n1n.,.100 511111 n.,s ay aga1ns us e ey us on and parldna rev--r-th 1 t M111.1 L_., 1K1<1t. B•lvMm YOl/"91 Hiiien play against anybodv tlae. But we don't 11 ,.,......., •v111 e as Cr1wb'cl C!eftnllw bldt, Grl!"bllnt r O.vt 0..1'1'1~, J ltaatm •ldttr, Ln11 a 1rt1er11 w11111 PUltt. ttc:11.1t, Al· plan to let them do that torUght." .. • _. ... AU.\. ---------------Jtc:ll O'IN!ln, lldlll, lovlhtt"n Ctllltmlll P'IUI •J Paramount Pair Leading l(auffmans it1 Skatit1g SEATTLE (AP) -Ron and Cindy Kauffman, U.S. pairs champions, found th6ms~1veJ a surpris ing second today after an Off.form performance \\Ted· nesday night in the first half of their bid ror a fourth successive title in the National Figure Skating Championships. The tall-brother·little-sister com- bination from Seattle and Lake Placid, N.:Y., was edged out in the compulsory skating by this year's Pacific Coast championship pair. Jo.Jo Starbuck and Kenneth Shelley of Paramount. Calif. Each drew two first placements from lhe·Live judges but the Californians had three seconds. the Kauffmans only one . J ohn Baldwin, IS.year-old bellboy at the Broadmoor llotcl in Colorado Springs, Colo., took an apparently insurmountable lead in the junior men's school figures when he was placed first by four judges. Novice champion in 1967, Baldwin is such an excellent free skat'2r that experts v.· ere ready to concede him the t itle vo'ilhout awaiting the event's finals tonight. Well back, but closely hunched, were the next four, Doug Berndt and Tim Flynn of De nver, Mark Rehfitld of Harbor City, Calif., and Kenneth Class of New York City. The half way lead In junior 1 a d i es singles went to a 15-year-old New Yorker, Mary Lynn Go.lderman, who beat out Diane Ga rcia of Los Angeles and the Eastern champion, 1'.oise Marie Vacca. Free skating for"theS<:! junior misses also is set for tonight. Judith Kay Schwomeycr of Indiana polis and J ames Sladky of Rochester, N.Y., Syracuse Uni~·ersity students and dcfen~ ding gold dance champions, took an apparent lead in that event under a new format call ing for four compulsory dances. Wes t Injured In Laker Win SAN DIEGO (AP) -Jerry West or the Los Angeles La kers suffered a pulled le(t hamstring muscle late in the third quarter of Wednesday night's 122-120 vic- tory over San Diego and will bo out indefinitely, a team spokesman said. \Vest played only 35 minutes in the National Basketball AssociaUon game. lie hit nine of 14 shots from the Ooor, added six assists and scored 21 points for the Western Division leaders. The Lakers built up a huge lead aga.insl San Diego. then withstood a furious Rocket rally to win 122-120 Wednesday night. : The J9.7U1"-<>ld 1951 graduate of trinoeta:I became its 17th ~ad foolball fOAcb • be succeeded Dick Colman, tiger CDlltb for l1 yc111:, who resigned Ji.st mcr.ui to become dlredar ol ilbletlco ll lllddJebury College. • 0.-1111, dlftntlw blck. l 11twft Mon•-1 Tem akid<, fll'*"'· Eis! Tru1 St1!ol1 Olfl' Oohkfl. .._ .... blck. TU•t Tfdll lob Hotllln1, llM~tr. Wldlh Statt1 J""' A11sl'lll\9, lh11l~•1;ttf', M~ll ..... Ashe Top Seed at Bay Club The Milwaukee Bucks i re the nr.xt opponent for each or the teams. Milwaukee. vtith a 1~38 reco r d In its first year of NBA play, visits Los Arqi:eles Friday night, then meets San Diego lhe next night L:_o .. -re s .. ,,.,., ... ! CB, Ge1Dlo)'-Avery Bnmdqe , ,.-o1 lbe lnlemltlGDal Commltt-. aid a ""' elfon be made to re.move two key i!~"i. ol j>OllUcal bil:tlon from .the --;:;:~Wd,a -~erenct in it ........... ol the 111'12 (lilier, be favored nallonal ·ftags bring 1i11!o£t only to decorate the 1Wllun1 rath er •• I I I ' I U.S. Open Champlqn Arthur Albe hu been seed<d flnt in the Balboa Bay Club's 17th annual lnvitaUooal tennis tournament which n1n1 Feb. »ii In Newpo rt Buch. Other seedings announced by club of. flclals show Stan Smith, Bob t.ut&, Charles P&sartD, Roy "1th,~ 'nSm Leonard, Dick Leacb and Donald Dell Usted second lhrouah elfr;hlh In tMt ordtr behind Asht' ·-~-----~· In doublea, Smllh and Lutz ha,.. dnwn the top ....nn, lollowed by the te1 m1 ol Albe and Puardl, llii'lir and Steve Tl<l>all and Sim> Avo1rr and Leonard. Chuck Gr1tboer la the only Davis Cuppu who woo'l be on hand. Orange Cout area ttnnLs pl1yers entered ln the event include Tim Peralta, Gleon Turnbull and BUI Young. Thirty players will compete In ~ tournam'ent. Tfckrl.! are on sale at the Bay C1ub ' ' Genttal 1dmlssion seats oo a dally ba$is Me pr,»eed aL $3 each and $10 for the tournament. ~ box aeats sell for $75 (four seats) and uppers are $100. Only 1~ boxc!{ rfm:iin, according to Bay Club spokesman Dorothy Yardley. Honorary referee for the tournament will be former Davis Cup captain Perry Jones, now prc.sldcnt of lhe Southern C11lirornia Tennis As.sori 11!i"" Elvin Hayes of t h e Rockets took 3!'i shots, many ot U>tm fadeaway jump sbols agaWt Lai.er Wilt Chamberlal& Hayes wound up high scorer with 40. lOS ANCELES G ' T (OI."''* • 1-1 ,, 8••1or I 9·\0 JS cn~111n 11, 10.1• JO Erk•IOO'I • S-10 1) w~" ' 1011 a Hrw!ll l 1·1 ' c .... wiord o 0.1 o Ew-n 0 : : 2 "' IAN Ol•GO Kollt '"'' HtY"i Adllh'Ntlll ·~· l(llfltlltl Ll"lr WU!llm\ Pll•v " . o ' T 11 J.J 7) .t ,., II '' f.10 '° 4 , ) 10 • •• 11 • ,., 11 t I 7 I ' .. ' ' " ' I . ----------.......---~~~--------------------------..,.., Bloom's Crystal Ball OK; Mesans • Sea Kings -5445 Win Gives CdM 18th in Row By GLENN. WHITE Of .._ D1l1T l'lllf Sl1fl Bill Bloom gazed into his crystal ball then told the DAI· LY P !LOT thlll il hiJ Corolla de! Mu High basketball team could hold vaWlted Magi;iolla lo 4$ poinla, bls Sea KlnA would win Wednesday night'• crucial between the ~leaden of the Irvine League: And 10 it WU. Stun Magnolia In 72 7'>5 Reversal Coeta Mesa Wgh'• ap..t bta apinat Loan'a tough Sax0111 gave way to a JtU:y ddenae Ille! badly.lfmed fouls Ille! ln tbe end, the Mustanp fell lo tbe hoola, 7U5, In ID Irvine Leape basketball t e s t Wednesday night. Loara, although unable to outscore the Mesans from the field, was able to connect .n of 35 free throws to pull out lhe victory. The Saxons broke a 10.10 tie -~ the first quarter a.Qd were never headed. Mesa was down six at t b e end of t b r e e quarter& and that wu as close as it waa lo g•l Basketball Standings Fullerton Golden West Chaffey Cypress Thursday, Janu,wy 30, 196.t DAILY PILOT ~f Riverside Falls ;l ... •t Pirates' Hilliard ;1 f Sparks Mat W~ ·f • Heavyweight Dll1 Hllllard over the Tigers' Geno MllJll" came through with bia second to glve the Pirates tbe1r ..,. clutch victory in Al many cond victory h. four C1>0o matcbes to gi\>e OrJOge Coast College's wrestling team I 31~ ference starts, 19 vlciory-over v I t I t i n g Last week, Hilliard came Riverside Tuesday on the through with a pin agal.Dil Pirate mats. Golden West in the final ~ With the score tied at 19-19 of the match to win U (or, going into the last mat.ch, occ. ' llllllard scored a IM d~o"\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:. * * '!JJ occ nn fltl a1wr111• AUTO "'-"'""• <OCCI ..... 0 "' "' INSURANC .. ' 17)-.J-IOCCI. llKlllcrl Hold.n tll:), I: 1J-f -,,.."'"' '°'" ""-..... "".. PROBLEMS? 111-Rodrl<Mr !Ill Jtll!fttd loll !OCC). l~1nd11 {OCCI, cl«. lrltt (JU, _ ... 11,---------r 151-areokl {OCCI •lnntcl Jones (Ill L CALL 6n.8650 ~~0$f (R) tlec. ltondtll IOCCI, • W-'>'•US1~n (tl) die, SlodllDft !OCCJ, H & H INSURANCE·.:>· Corona del Mar held the invading Sentinels to '5 points and as Bloom prophesied the Sea Kings were the victors, 54-45, to take 50Je posaession of first place. Loara repeatedly stung the G~ and White on easy shots from underneath to ac<:ount for a remarkable 71.4 percent frt1m the floor (ZS for 35). Rio Hondo Ml. SAC Santa Ana Orange Coast Riverside 177-9tlpWOflt (II:) dee. Grl•wolcl f» "ILIOTlOf'I -C_ ... __. , 4 516 ,,_,.. IOCC), ll·lt '" ONo.1 lfl--01nn !R), JllMtd Cross !OCC) (a.lllftcl PM ,.,_._.) ·~;t CONFERENCE W L PPPA' 9 0 '121· 806 6 z 642 &10 5 • 661 658 s a 511 5!I 4 4 831 689 ' 4 61J 511 It was the 18th consecutive loop win over a UVo-year span for Bloom's wonders. And perhaps it was the biggest victory of the lot in view of Magnolia's supposedly decisive edge in personnel In the second half the win- ners hit U of 15 from the noor. San Berdoo Cllrus • s 631 646;li~"~"~-~~·g,,_,.~,~,.~,.~~<oc~c~>~•~·~'~· ~~~~~~~~~;~ ~ Ml--Ill), IM 3 ' 772 181 2 5 563 591 o a 561 100 The losers were ranked third in Orange County and seventh in the CIF. Bloom called it a team ef- fort. And that it was. Steve Leech got back on the track by scoring 17, get- ting 11 the last half and put· ting together the series that broke the Sentinels. Corona )"as leading, 40-36, when Leech drove for the bucket, made it and was foul- ed. He added the free throw. then seconds later made a steal and drove fo1' another basket to give bis mates a 45-35 lead with 4:22 left in the game. ChriJ Thompson was vital. Mesa, unable to get inside against the physjcal Saxons, was forced to go outside for the most part and received yeoman efforts from Gregg Erskine. '""' 01vl1 Killy """"" C1r101t '~ $J<tll_.,1r Ade lion Ersk!M , Tot1ll Pn111r.1!1 Nldlol11 l"r11111n Oe1nli:; FOl!lr lrl1!0t lovlft Rt<lll'IG1\111 Toll ls C•TI M1P fUI .. " ' ' ' . ' ' 1 I • • ' . • • ' . . " 2S 15 l.Nrl 1111 ,., .,,. ' . ' ' . .. ,J ' . I o • • . .. ' . . " " " 'G l'T f'P Tf' f I t 2 l ( 3 I 1 3 2 17 t • • ' l • 1 2 S S 2 lS l 2 1 ' 7 • ' 12 2s2211n W odllesday Scon Fullerton 81, Riverside 76 Games Friday Golden West at Mt. SAC RivUslde at Rio Hondo Citrus at Or~e Coast Chaffey at sin Bernardino Santa Ana vs.. Cypress at Los Alamlloi. l!S Gomeas.-y ML SAC at Orange Coast, 6:30 Fullerton vs. Golden West at OCC, 8;15 Chaffey vs. Cypress at Los Alamitos HS Santa Ana at Rio Hondo San Bernardino at Citrus too, with his fine outside OAIL y PILOT ....... IW ...... ,.. shooting and a big 20 poinla. ONE OF MANY REBOUNDS -Corona del Mar's John ll<>elz (32) brings dQwn Mike McWilliarns played an a rebound while players Jan Adamson (44) and Doug Omer are seen for Mag· Inspiring defensive game. nolia. Corona pinned a 54-45 upset on the Sentinels to take over first place in helping tG keep the visitors the Irvine League. Baron Dry Spell Ends As Eagles Fall, 70-53 under steady pressrue. -------------------------------- Kim Wllbrecht bad one of his better nights, scoring eight in three quarters, then retiring under the threat of fouling out. His replacement. Dean Wiese, played a 1park.llng fourth quarter. And beanpole John Doelz cleaned the boards. Magnolia's last lead was 32- 31, then Leech nailed a re- bound shot to put Corona on top for good, (!3-32) with S:49 remaining in the third period. The Sea Kings had the hot hand, potting 55 percent from the floor. Magnolia hit 4J.6. C1n11111 llel Mtr U4) ,_ McWlllltmi Wl!brecf\t TllomPK>fl Wl1e11 ""'" Tolal1 Murr1'f Omtr ""m"' '""" W•bel L0t0fri9tktr Tot1ls FO n l'f' Tl' 1 J 2 11 2 I 3 S ' 0 ' • 1 6 3 20 0 • 2 • l 0 l ' 71l016s.4 M111111ll1 (4!) 110'20 l 2 0 • 1 0 ' 2 2 I 3 1l Cl 0 l 0 I l I J 11 1$ IJ u kw. ~' OU1'19n Mavnoll1 12 1l t 11~s Coron• dtl Mir IS 10 14 l~U Oilers Face Improving Lion Five With an unexpected two- game cushion in the Sunset League championship raee, Huntington Beach rolls into Westminster Friday night with hopes of upping its current league mark to 8.(1, The Oilers, with 34 straight league victories, are heavy favorites to do just that. Coach Elmer Combs' crew has polished off Ute Llons twice this year -once in Jeague action -and on an ll·game win streak th a I started with a win over We!!tminster. The Lions, however, are not lhe so-50 team their 10-9 overall mark implies. Coach Ben Taylor's squad has been on a recent spurt, winning four of its last five starts and the last thret in a row. And, lhe game markJ the tut time Huntington's Elmer Combs will be factd with bat- tling his own ton. Randy Combs, • six-foot senior for Westmwter, is on a Westminster varsity team that has never wted victory agatnst Jfuntlngt.on. He did. however, tunt up for the last meeting with Hun- Ongton scoring a personal high for the season of 21 against Santa Ana while accumulating lJ rebounds and four assist.,, Whether he, along with Jeff Powers, Osni Broderick and Co., can contaio the Hun- tington express ill doubtful, however. By ROGER CARLSON OI ti. D1I" 1'119'1 Stiff Jaycee Sports Rate a Zero On Basis of Area Support Fountain Valley High School shook three straight Irvlne League basketball defeals and trampled Estancia Wednesday afternoon, 70-53, at the win- ners' gym_ UUUzlng a zone press and hot shooting. frem outside the Barons took command early in the first period and never Leader of the Barona' wrecking crew was Gary Red· mond, who tallied 14, 10 of those points coming in 1 first quarter blitz that left Estancia on the wrong end of a 19-7 score. Backing him up were Gary Valbuena and Keith Arledge, each with a dozen to his credit and the outstanding overall play of Steve Hatch. Skip Williams led the Eagles ·with 16. Junior college sports apparenUy are a big attraction in the San Francisco Bay area, but are a zero in the Orange Coast area, judging from recent attendance figures. Up north, one station regularly televises Golden Gate and Camino Norte conference basketball games. The same station devoted almost two hours to televise a tape of the state jaycee water polo champi<>nship match between Orange Coast and DeAnza. And nothing could be more boring to watch on the tube than JOEL SCHWARZ ·············*** I a water polo match except an instant replay of the 1968 major league baseball Beason. Down south, attendance at Saddleback, Golden West and Orange Coast baksetball gam6\ has been pathetic. E"n~e Los Angeles Stars of the ABA have bee 1drawing bigger crowds than three area ja cees. The Stars have played before crowds or 4® or so, but the local colleges have been lucky to draw half that nwnber for most of their home games. At times this winter, there have been more players on the floor during pre-game wannups than fans in the stands. Tuesday night, two Mt. SAC scouts, a pair of high school basketball coaches, two cheer leaders and 85 assorted relatives, gi rl friends and fans watched the Golden West· Citrus game . Hopefully the Orange Coast gym will be a little more crowded Saturday for a big doubleheader pitting Golden West against undefeated Fullerton at 8: 15 p.m. and Orange Coast against Mt. SAC in the 6:30 opener. Early to Rise Added noW: on the tcarclty of jRAior coUege •thldle f1cUltlts. Saddlebad CeUege'• tr•ck team, which doesn't .bave a field of Its own. . Is now let up. working out at 1:15 every mornia1 at Saa The margin swelled to 61""33 with 6:23 left in the game Oemente High School. That's right -f:l5 before Estancia made the a.m. Most of us can't get out of the 11ct score somewhat more respec· that early, let alone Miil 1 few laps er table in the remaining six minutes. put the shot. ' Coach John Kasser of the And at Golden West CGUege, Fred Owens, victorious Barons r e 1 a t e d the wrestling coach who drtlls hl1 team afterward that his crew had on. the deck of the college pool, will never not shot like that (27 for 62, forget the Ume be bad i. dive into lhc 43 percent) in two weeks and pool after one of bis boys. credited ability to move the The wrestler rolled Into t.be pool and ball for much of the success. 1"as ioo 1urprised and too tired to d• anythin1 The result was in stark con- about getting out of the water. Owens had trast to recent efforts by &o fish him out. coach Bill Wetzel's Estaocia five . Hope It Isn't Omen The Eagles were coming off a tremendous effort agaJnst Orange Coast College track coaches Jim Magnolia {they lost 48-44) and li-tcllwafn and Don Guyer hope the Pirates' had already blown these same perfonnance in the recent indoor Meet of Barons off the floor earlier The wne press the Barons applied for much of the game crippled the Estancia offense, forcing the Eagles i n t o numerous turnovers. l'wnlllR YI...., (It) .... ledgt C•e1mer Olfllt H•mmrr H•ld'I Ku~il tledmOl'ld Shelley V1lbutn1 VH"' To1111 l1mett W!IH1m1 Dug11 HIY' Hort l'G l'T f'I' Tf' 5 t l 12 , 0 1 ' 2 1 • s I 0 0 2 l , 1 1 l • ! • 1 0 ' 14 7 0 0 ' ' ' • 12 2 0 ' ' 2' 12 ,, 111 llllftCll IUI l'G l'T ,.,. Tf' 2 I 1 5 5 ' 2 11 ' l ' 11 7 II I 4 0 I 1 0 J 2 1 • I 5 l 1 0 2 2 1 0.,111 Sll•USl~M'llY ThomPIOl'I TQ"J' 11 lt l~ al k-"' Ou'"'" FOllnl•ln V•ll•Y ,, u 1t 17-70 'E1!1n<:l1 1 111 16 20--.53 Champions in the LA Sports Arena isn't in non-league action, 52-43. a sign or things to come. l"i"iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii The Pirates entered a four-man team in lhe mile relay, but three of the foursome never got a chance to run when leadoff man Ralph Kelly sprained an ankle on the first lap. 0.1. Left in Dust llert'1 one statistic left over frem the 1968 football season that O. J. Slmp101 couldn't match. College fullback Rocky Thompson, an an. state choice, carried &be ball %15 times in the last two ye1n ind scored W points. Tbat work1 out to a polnt every time be carried the ball, bat Thompson man1ged t.o pad his scoring total wltli t0me e1ceDent kicking -booting 4' of G extra pobrts this year and field goals of ft and SI yards. larobs Still No. l Orange Coast College'• 1ports publicist Don Jacobs has done ti again. Jacobi' 1()2.. page spring press book, covering seven sports, came out this week. 1t'1 the firlt. jaycee spring edition out in the county. Jacobs also turned out the county'• first tootball and basketball books this season. 24 Hour Snow Report CALL Kl 7.2545 ftll Th•y'r• o" 101..........,nd going fan. Don't mi11 your cftonce--H.od •kl• or• v•ry ••ldom ot bargain prlcet-- • FULL FACTORY GUAUNTEE GAUCHOS, DESERT DUEL GWC's Nerio Stuns Ruz lewor• of sole Head• that are "Of told by a Head ovthotit..d dealer. Th• auarantff MOY not be volid. Sad d leback College's basketball team opens a brief two-game home stand tonlg.bl at Mission Vlejo Hlah Sd>ool, playing ho!t lo College of the Desert. one of tbe powers of the Desert Conference. TtpoU for tbe non-con- fermce game will be at 8 o'clock. Katsuji Nerio of Golden West College upset Santa College's 137-pound ace Gabe Ru2, but the Dons still went on to pOO an easy 25--12 vic- tory Tuesday on the Rustlers' mats. Ruz, a former high school ttar at Costa Mesa High School and a Mexican national champion, went Into t h e match against Nerio un· defeated this year. Nerio scored a 5-3 decision for the big upset. The loa was Golikn We11t'1 fourth in as many Eastern Conferent'e matches. 11J..-.S..nia AM Wiii. "'1911 lU-H1t'11 CGWC) dlt. O'Ooucl fSAl, •• 1»-P.,tll fGWC) fie. l-C$A), .. 131~wlo IGWCJ, dw.. lllllt fl.Al, ., 14~urr!• IS.-.) dK, Gll'hlet (CWC). .. 1!1-Pr1u 1s.-.1 die. Mlf'dl !CWC), •·• !~In (SAi -.C. '-wll (GWCI, N 111--S."ll .-,"' w1"' tort.It 111-Altl1"""1 !IAJ, ~ DI ..... !OWC), 1•1 1'1-KJ" IMI He. Gl•hfl'I 1•wc1, ,, H"""'""'ft'-JOnft cowc• "1 ci . Chiclwl<l (l>J, .... •HEAD "Misters" ..... _ .Rtg. 13S.OO 74.50 • HUD "360's" .......... Reg. 165.00 124.00 • HUD "ComptlitiG<ls"' .... Rag. 175.00 132.50 •HEAD "320's" ..... , .•.. Rog. 145.00 109.00 • HEAD ''Stlftdards• ...... Reg. 115.00 16,00 NEAL'S ~ IUl'll "'°'' IHOl'I 5"91 ... .....,.,, CHtw f.rlll'tff SPOI I IOODS "' 1·... •tr , ............... a.. ...... I • .,. It 7"1tl ......,,ti ln4W lfl .. I ICiOt't -S.rrta AM U. OGt1H!! ··-------------------· .... .. , j .·-.m~ .' Phone: 540-4343 646-1421 . A TIRE FOR EVER'( DRIVING NEED SllVERTOWN. s THI! ORIGINAL EQUIPM~NT TIRE FOR 1989 CARS . . . .. _ ., • Smoothw riding ~,..)'On cord .... • Made especiaDy tor Md •PJ)f'O'll'9d bf' manufacti.rers • "Easy.steer''Shoalder * FREE * . ." ::....m:!1~:S MOUNTING Jj Buy Now Limited Quantity 'n! WHITEWALL ~ · ANY SIZE 4FOR$9 IMfte ta 1.19 tt J .DI de,.... •" ti• alld eli fiN Falcon • Buick • Ford .• Chevrolet • Morcu Corvette • Camero • Mustang • Dodge ,:, F~irlane • Cadillac • Riviera • Pontiac • VW • VOLVO • LINCOLN f REE w~~~~~c~~~~~~~1~!·: · *JONES TIRE* GUAIANTllD J0,000 MILIS 01 J YEAIS BRAKE RELINE 1995 MOST CARS Heavy Duty Linings Domestic and Foreign Cars ·-' ...-------. Wt ouaran!fl!' ""' ~r•~~ 1il!nllce tor lftt .. '. Wt u11 onlv lop quality 111eCl!led numbec of mllrt or Y••r• fron1 • I P Prov ed rtt>llClmenl l~t lltl• QI lnst1ll1!I011 w~lcl'l~er c-• - P•rt• ln1t1lleit bY br•l\e tlri!. Adlm!m!!~ls pro-re!ed on mlltaoe •noill,• ••rvlc.t experfl, baaed Qn prl~es (llrrenT II time cf 1d!u1f-•· .. _______ , ""'"'· ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...,~ WHEEL 99' BALANCE .... ·; ... INCLUDINO WE IGHTi HEAVY DUTY PICKUP ·· TRUCK TIRES 4.00•16 4.70r15 $1495 $1895 :···" " &else tel J,J7 ,. 2:19 •...-i•t ... .,,. -4 .... ti,. -:NT.:O~M=-=o~N=-=EY::r-:D:-:O:T":W~N-=-.t ,. e OUR OW,. BUDGET PLAN e ·,; • BankAmericard • Master Cha1'9• OPEN 8 am to 9 pm MONDAY THROUGH rRIDAY ... '.• SATURDAY 8 am to S pm " • ·J \ ' --~-~-------~-----~------~-------------~----------------------~----I l ,1 Ii '( i I· ' 'I ,. :~STROKING AWAY -Orange Coast College's crew ;: ~ workouts for the 1969 sellllOll Wednesday In ·.·Newport Bay. Members of the 1969 Pirate crew are ;:-(ttum top) cox'n Ken'Pianko, stroke Rocliy Raun, .. BeVB!l Harvey, Joe Flynn, Paul Warren, Terry Zip- pwald, Al Schneider and Harold Totten. Pirates open their .schedule March 29 against Loyola. Golf Courses Survive Rains Oran&e Coast area goU and uiated aL 11. Rlste and AI Shandle. Dick and Helen Bukaoo won country cloba came out in Dtct Berkson pairtd 1.1p in A mi.led bes~ ball tourney top honors in another mixed eioelleot ahape from the~ two 4C the top teamJ, flrat was tied up two ·"11s wUh beft ball tournament. cardlng cent rtln storms experienced with Maur ice Thompson and Dick and Tina Hall matching a low net ol 63, with Lloyd t h r o u g h o u t Southern then with Gene: Parker. The PauJ and Frances Ri!te wllh and Susan Foley ln the run- Cafilornia. other team cMlilted ol Paul low net scortS of Q. nerup position with 64. Here's 1 brief report oc -;;:::::::::::;:::;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:j- £::.~ :: firt$fOnt d!:~~~I~ CHA 1 1 N and 15th greens have been pumped for several days. Othenrile in excellent lhape Santa Ana -No damlge. Greem and fairways in good coodltion. Meu Verde -Tbe sixth hole iJI partially submerged but will drain off naturllly with no pimping requlr«!. Sucliff -Course in u:- cellent condltlon. No floOO!ng, dratnage ll)'lt<m euellenL Rancho San ·Joaquin -A large lake oo number lt la being pimped. Expect to be open for play Tburlday or Friday. M~lark -Gollers en- joyed open play every day ol ljonn. No damage. Costa Mesa -One minor piece of m>lloo on lower part Of }l:olf courae where the 'course dralnl into the Orange Cowrty flood control d I I c h. Localod In front of the 18th falnray co the Lake course. No other apparent damage. Meadowlark Hank Gowdy, former club champion a t Meadowlark Country Club, played Sunday in a driving rain and recorded a remarkable 72 which ~ eluded only 20 pulls. Gowdy Is S3 and considered one of the best golfers in the men'• club. 2nd TIN low as ••• \Yben you buy the 11t tlrt at our low ewryd9y trade-In price fll .... 1. --,.... ., ... ,.. ... ,.._ -'-1U..•5-tulnd 2""""""'*-""'.,...-· l!ZI 1.00.11 I.to.II 7.71-14 (7.I0-14 ,.,,. .. ,, 1.~11 U&-14 ll.Ol).14 1•1111.10.11 .N-14 l.I0-14 ..... ,. 7.lo.11 •l&.00 • l.00 •17.60 'LOO •1• 11.60 1.00 19.60 10.00 18.76 1.00 21.76 11.00 '19.26 10.00 22.26 12.00 Z2.60 11.00 21.&0 21.00 12.00 28.26 )i:Jayvee, Lightweight Basketball OCC Crew .Co•ta Me•a During the 1!.orm, Glen Alleri, a Costa Mesa city engineer, and Tim Boyer, the resident golf pro at Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club, were acUve on the course dur- ing the seven major days of the storm to check out the drainage systems. W11tmlln .... 1541 (111 S.nl1 U. Tholnel 112) F CO) 1(1.>CMrt '.;~. IV Basketball .. ..._ cn1 '1411 w.11n1 RablnS(ll (~I F (11 HoY•t McL•nck>n 1u1 c 4111 wmi.m1 : ....,.. (J) , (10) ~ •M,ullill"' (tJ , (4) Wiilen a1ir. Ul G (ll) Wyridl :,,.._ (I) C 17) ~ .~IN 1141 G {lSI Gl'W9J'llM Mam ClO) G IMI Meeiuclkl" Scor1fal lllbs: S.rrtt ,,__,_ J, H11ttlme: $.l~t. Al'll 3$, We1tmin- •lw JI, . IOuntf...tlr (II) G (t) lodMr • -__.... .ubl: ""9rilll -a .. r n. >iliMr 4 KUltkk 4 Crrir11e l. ....... 1. lllcllrNlll» t. W•--.On- : • Wf 4 8'.1111• a, Tvmtr 6. Holtll I, c-. Ml Mar Im l"I Mt-Mt :00.l!l:l {1') , {4) liloMIW)O'I ~ .~ hatrtlfM: Marn.. ». W111tilm II GrlsD!I ft) ~ fl) ltkhl• KU111n lt7l C Ill R•ttertr AUTO CENTERS NOTICE TO TIRE BUYERS 23-hour tire event Friday, 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 to 6:00 p.m. This will be an unusual and spectacular 23 hour tire event that you won't want to miss, Friday from 8:30 am to 9.30 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Qf all '18 Broadway tire centers. y.,. wm find exceptional values in the sizt and type of tire you need -blackwalls, whttewalls, tubeless, conventional treads. Sony we are not able to accept 'phone or moll Cll<len for thit ftent. All tires will be mounted free of charge. V.sit any of our auto centers for your share of tire wlues. Remember, our tires ore qineered for us by one of America'> leading tire manufacturers. U.. ,.,... Broadway Charge Card r ..... e16 · Ste the cf1ttcto1y for 'l"'Jr ton ~•• number of the Broadway ntoml you. lllft•ood, o.nsmrw, YaDey. Anotltill'I, Lont a-. Wli-, WMI Cowtoo, V ...... Y- Iima, -...,., Hul•lngtoo -· 'SM ltmardino, lat Vee-. "'°"""""'' CWo Y'nta, -dolr. t1 .. pOot, Doi"-· ~EIM, Sl5-ll 2 I -NEWPORT, M4· I 2 I 2 HUNTINGTON BEACH, 192.Jll I __ ......... ---~-.. HG!l1ndlr 1111 L1verloff 47) G (5) llKl!noud< G 4S) tlt rk Scorliw i.111111 Coron. cit! Mir - A.S.m1 1'1. H1lfllmt: COl'Olll d9I Mir :U. Ml .. MILi 21. Bee Basketball H•11tlt11,._. IMdl 116) (4t) SA Vll'lef lll1tcllff 141 f ft) Cll11te11 Wll1on 114) F U) JlolltltOft HI""°" (II C (4) Vcl1 Funke (UI G 0 ) Jlcobl lowtn11'1 {10 G iU) (UM1119hlm Scoliiw "11!1: Hu"'l1>9ton-01vl1 4, 'utmM J, C1~1r111 .., Cl1r1lll 12. 51,.. 11 A,.. V1ll~ll l. H1lftlm-: Huntl~ Buch :II. 5e,.,. I• Arll V1tlly 1'. Cwlllll •1 Mir I'll IH) M11...i11 Conray Ul ii' (GI Con!• Wlln (12) f (2) Mvrr&Y ICllllHlr Ill C 12) ~Alli• krt'd Ul G CO) W1rct Sevier (lt) ~ (S) Owtnl Scorl,,. 11Ulll: Corvlll -Grh1t1by 2. Mcft r11nd .C. L-~r• S. Fr05!0 6. Co~ I, M•tl'IOll1 -Robtnon 11, Whit~ 2. Dem!IUIT1• 2. M.rtlllfl I. H•!!llmt: MltllOlll 11. (C<'Cllf :ill. Cee B01ketball Hun11119'M ltKJI (11) (U) SA VllltJ McN1v !JI F 121 To;M"rel 81ttdl Ill F Ul Fmlo C1rl1lll'I (U) C (4) Crea• Wllllfllld (11) G UI 5Y~M T-1611 U) G (2) CMll<Sltr 5cMl"9 1ubs: H11nllntl1ln -Whitt S. Wordy 5. Ritt~ 4. Stn11 Alli V11· le'l>-SalllY J, Pl11nlme KGre' H11111lr>11lon 2t. S1,.. fl An1 V1lltv 11. Waatml1111tt UJI 1471 Sllll• An1 H1rrl1 (10) F 112) F kt"' Albin {0) F (17) MOflllO You111 (l•l C Bl 81rrtllt M1l11f1h'm-r (!I) G (5) l'hllllPI Jlolln1on (I) G f0) Reid Scorl,,. 111bu Wntmln1twr -TnillUo I , Mlrlt 1. C11t 2. S.n!1 A111-8rlll '· or .. co 2. H11ftlrro.: WH1minller ?L S111t1 ... ,... 2f. ,111nl1tR VllllY (U) {JI> 1!111nd1 Mc8rldt (t ) f !21 OllOn Hll!ifl (I) F 15) 0!1111'1, J, Htrl (•l C (10) Ford C1rrltr1 12) G (11) Mor•11 llrown tl) <i (6l Confer Scorlllt 1u1>1: 1"ou11r11n V1lley -Eto- litfl 2, E1!1MIA -Innes J. H1lfltm-: £9'1"'11 2', fount1ln \'1~ "' 10. HIWIH'r1 H ....... (Jl) IU) Allllllll!I Clint U) I" Ul Rwer1 M<:Nt.....,. (') f 011 B•Ylell T11dct r !JI C II) C1rter ll'.11mbectl f21 ~ U> w.,._. e-m111 14) G If) WlllOll ~tor! ... IUbl: N-1 -MclC.lllllY 6. Owvtr I. ""ff!IH 2. llllYllOkh 4, H1lltllnl t(lOR: H-' lS. A111111lm M. Noon Still High Man At the rate area junior co\. lege basketball players ar_e scoring the last few weeks, it soon may take a mic~pe to read their scoring averages. Bill Noon of Saddleback and Brian Ambroiich cootlnue to bold down the top spots among area scorers, but both saw their averages droop again. Noon's average Is now 19.l on m points. O 1'0 l'T Tl' 1111 N-. SJC 17 11' 11 :W •• , ... AmbArldi, GWC H 11111 n 7"1 ..._~ !ii!'CY, SJC 11 102 • 73' '"II Jonll.,, OCC 17 U .&4 772 04.VI 1'r111\er. GWC 11 If 71 l'llJ M••k MIU~r. GWC \I n l1 If] H•I l!k1¥11. SJC 11 n il to Mllt1 Fllhlrty, DCC 11 17 50 JU ll'tw J~, OCC. ti '6 u ! 11 11:1...,.. L-· SJC IS ff l5 1n Gill• ~rllft. GWC 0 56 S7 lit Jlm Kllldtllln. OCC 11 11 JS 167 ll:ld! lllckt"'111tr, OCCll l.J !I U7 Ml-t McCirt111, OCC 11 '3 Sol 1.oll .-u'" lll11bh-. GWC 17 11 7~ 1?1 111....iv 01-. owe n u ll 111 Mlrll: C1m11btl~ GWC !J '6 7) 1U ~ . .... -... . . ... ·- Opens New Campaign Orange Coast College crew starts this week, and this year's edition would like to finish just three-quarters of a boat length ahead of last • year'a top-flight eight. Last year's OCC varsity went undefeated in regular season competition, won the Western Sprints at Seattle defeating the University of Washington, and finished se- cond in the nation at the IRA Both were satisfied with the layout showing little damage • El Niguel Five teams shared first place in the Team Best Ball touroet at El Nicuel Country Clu b in Laguna NlgueJ recently. · Wirutlng teams in the f.ive- way tilt ~Uh low net scores of 15, 1fe?e Diet Gouin and Bob Matvtn ; Skip Green and Dave .Jones ; John Mclllwaine and Frt<I Willard; Jack Reynard and Tom Pedeng; and Dick Hill and Reynard. In a like event in men's club acUoo, a three way tie in Syracuse, N.Y., finishing---------- three-quarters or a 1ength We Cover Boali'ng Costa Mesa -Newport Beach Huntington Beach behind the Uni•ersity of Penn-475 E. 171'1 St. Ml>-2444 16171 Beach ·s1vd. 847-6081 sylvania. The Boes went on the wai.r Bes! in West BOTH STORES-MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 o.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday, and during the semester break will row for approximately four hours a day. Coach Dave Grant said OCC rowed appro1imately 1,W> miles this fa11, and will log another 2,IXXJ before the spring is over. In going for the big prize this year, Grant will have only one letterman back from last year's boat, Phil Peterson, a &fl, 200 pounder from Newport Harbor High . Grant said he will set his boat about the second week in March, and that all posi· Uons are open at this point. The Bucs open the season March 9 when they take on the Loyola University varsity. OCC has always raced the Loyola JV's in the past. Asked who looks strong on the West Coast, Grant said Washington has slx frosh bolts and five varsity shells in \he water and will be tough to beat. On April 12. OCC wW meet San Diego State, UC San Diego and st. Mary's at San Diego. On April 19, the Bucs go to Santa Barbara to meet Santa Cla ra and UC Santa Barbara. On April 26, UCLA 'comes to Newport. May 3 is the Newport Regal· ta featuring Long Beach State, Loyola, UCI, Stanford and OCC. The Western Sprints will be in Seattle May li)..17 with all of the teams on the West Coast. including C a n a d a , entered. Standings t•YIHI: LliAGUI: W L l'f 1'A Co,.,,.. dt! Ml • • f 101 14J Loor• 3 1 ',SI 11; Ma9Ntl11 1 l 70f In Ett111t!1 1 J 1.. 771 '"-'''" "'""" • J m "°' Ccs11 MHa t ; 1" nl w ......... , sar.. COf"Oflt dtl Mir 54 -..no111 4 F"'1"l1ln V1lln' 1t. ~1!11'1de 53 lo.,. 11. CO!l!I Mfu &J Frl&W't G""ft Coome Itel MM 11 bttl'lt1' fl'Ollfl!ll~ V1flw at Cotti MfU MIUNtfll If L09r1 - SALE Hl.Cl20l 895 Balance Board .... ,._,.._,.,, .. 21 Pr. HlllH·llACK ALL STAl Basketball Shoes ....... s .... 595 9 P,, MIN~ rs Golf Shoes .... ,..,, ............. . SPOf.llLT 895 Jogging Shoes .... ,..,, ........ ..... 7.fl YOIT Utility Ball 495 1191Mllfrl ••••••••.•••• ' .••. UZ YDIT Basketball ""· ""''""'" ...... 695 HNNIYLYANIA Tennis Balls .................. o.~ 7so WILSON XTA DUTT "795 Tennis Balls ................... I · DUNl.Ot ron 2Q95 T • e -•.L enn1s Rack ts..,..., ........ . ... _ Autpgraph Rackets ..... ...... 1825 noe1 WILSOll 3995 Steel Racket .,,.. -...... • • ~ I ' . . SPOT-BILT BASEBALL SHOES 9.95-13.95-16.95 SPOT-BILT & PUMA TRACK SHOES 9.95-13.95-17.95-19.95 CONVERSE CROSS COUNTRY SHOES 6-25 ' ( CONVERSE TENNIS SHOES Men's-7.75 Ladies'-7.25 JACK PURCELL TENNIS SHOES-8. 95 Bear Bows ;.-: ~~:~~ ..... 18'1 Arrows-25¢-49c-69c-89c Armguards-Gloves-Targets RAWLINGS BASEBALL MITTS & GLOVES Speedo & Ocean Ch1mpion Swim Suits & Trunks BOYS' GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS Athletic Sox 59e tol.75 100°/o ACRYLIC WARM-UP sum 12.95 & 19.95 NYLON REDUCING & WARM-UP sum 10.95 RALEIGH BICYCLES Parts-Tires-Tubes BIKE REPAIRS-RACKET STRINGING • • . -·· ... ···--~·------------------.,,==,,.,.------~-~------------..----....,.~ Start Yow- Engines! by Deke Hou/gate It's too bad Cecil B. DeMllle never made 1 speedway epic for the silver screen during his lifetime. He couJd have sublitituted ihe crowds in the Darlington infield for the mob at the Roman Forum, and standing dramatically, alone on the pit apron looking up Into the sky over the Indianapolis roolline would be the Hero Driver. (Hello, casUng? Get me Tyrone Power.) raceU O:~eco~de:-:be~:de~~ C:~d·::t ~:~ and be fitted to the score for that movie DeM.llle never li\'ed to direct. As it ia, you can get some of that fetling from a driver like James Hylton. "The first time I saw Daytona, it was during a lire test. The stands were mpty, but the place was awesome. "I was a mechanic fO!' Rex White. In those days the mechanic rode along during the test and read the instruments, but it was all I could do to hold onto my seaL '"Riding around Daytona at 175 miles an hour is a frightening thing the first time. The track at that speed gets so narrow )'OU don't see how the car can slay on it. and the tum up ahead, you don't know bow you can stay off the wall. "U you were to put an ordinary fan in the car and drive a couple of laps around at speed, I guarantee he would have a heart attack. Now, the fan senses this fear up there in the stands just like everybody does down in the pits, and this is what makes speedway racing the sport it is." Hylton confessed that he has to work up his mental attitude before taking his stock car out on the high banks. "I started preparing myself weeks ahead of time. I talk to myself, and I try to drive around the track in my mind and st]Jdy every inch · of the wa'J. I go to sleep thinking about it, and I wake up each day a ' little more sure of what I am going to do. "The hardest part is conditioning yourself not to 'lift' (the accelerator foot) in a ·tum you know you should take flat out, like Turn One at Daytona. "We're going Into that turn at 200 miles an hour now and if you .slow down, four or five cars go by you. You have to have faith in your car and your tires and your ability to drive lhrougb the turn. "I started out by telling myself, 'You're going to run 200 miles an hour, and it's going to be all right.' I Utink every driver has to concentrate on hill: mental altitude before every Import.ant race." The James Hyltons, Richard Pettys and David Pearsons came along 30 years too late fur that film classic to be made, and so did Daytona Speedway for that matter. How 'W()uld you like to see John Garfield in the role of Lee Roy Yarbrough? Clark Gable as A. J. Foyt? James Cagney as Cale Yarborough? Gary Cooper as Buddy Baker? (Hello, C.B.? Got just the man for you. Remember that bit part you were trying to cast? Young actor named John Barrymore's the ticket. He'd be a perfect Chr~ Turner.) Ready when you are, C. B. * * * f'olltner Lea1'lt19 Circuit Say It IJn'l to, George.? .. I'm afraid it is,'' George Foilmer admitted when be was asked ti the report wu tnle tllat he Is leavillg: the red-whJle-8.nd-btue team of American Moton for the 1969 Trans-American sedan circuit. "We had a friendly parting," Follm~r said. "Ronnie Kaplan , the Javelin team boss, and I have b&d a number of meetings and a lot or pbo9 co1versatJon1. l dlchl't tut walk out en them. Jt does put them In an awkward position, though, because l belie Ye tUt tll.ey were counting on me this year. Righi now, I don't know if they have anybody to test for them." Follmer bus accepted a place on the Jl,fu!taJig team to be fielded by Bud Moore. Follmer's driving teammaLt will be Parnelli Jones. The reason that led to Follmer'• decision, curiously enough, relates to Urt1. George ha1 a long a1soclatlon with Firestone, and Kaplan's Javelin team has a financial arrangement \1-'~icb requires the team to run on Goodyears eJcluslvely. "I want to have a frtt choice of tJrt1," Follmer i;aid, "and they couldn't give it to me. I believe we could have done better last year several tlmes if we had been permitted to switch." Follmer claims that the champion, Mark Donobue, wasn't much faster than his competitors overall, but enjoy~ an overall edge In horsepower that allowed him to make up time on tJte 1b'alghtaway1. l\1ustanp were qulctut daroap the tarns beclllH tbty handled the belt, Follmer llid. This left Javelin wltb one option, wlllcb the team could not make due to the tire company contract, the way Follmer looks at it, "I want to be free to run either tire1 because I'm out to win," be said. The Foll1J1er switch shouldn't be construed 11 a testimonial to tltes, in oUier words, blft a decWon be had to make abou• his chances of winning this year. Another important factor was Follmer'• judgment that J\foore will probably get more factory backing and "·111 therefore have a stronger team tbaa tile underdog Javelin group. * * * llriver~ B11y Ten111 Cars Javelin has another ace !Cl tum over 1n this Trans-Am game of high stakes. The team's two 1M8 team cars have been sold to sports car drivers, who will campaign them on the enlire circuits as independents. One was grabbed (for $13,000, paid in advance) by Hollywood film editor Ted Roberts, who bas been an amateur racer dreaming of becoming a professional 1inee 19511. "Nobody'! heard of me, because in all that time t have never won a race overall,'' Roberts modestly reports. "My plan is to finish rares, and to finish high enough in the money to support my Trans-Am program. At the end of the year I hope to be somewhere close to even and to own a car that has some resale value." TPt11rscta1. January'°· 1969 .. DAILY PILOT 1z9 At . u Awai'~ Bataquet eJ" -. MVCC Swimmers Honor · Mtia Vttde Swim Club al!o received .speciJ! awarU. members were honored Satur· AC<11t valuable a w l m m e r day It the, f(IUJ'th annual awllt'ds for age groups , ••trdl banquet. <f9t:lt speakers for the even· W Glrhl -Jeanne Johnsol1 ••• --Al I I Isl t U Boys ....... Robby. Wyatl ~..,of a~U~ U:t ~ 7-8 Girls -Pam Schweitzer' Irvine and Olympian T<>nl 7~lloys-Jerry-Wyatt "-•tt 9-IO Girls -Lorie Schweit- .,..., . b;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Larry anti Linda Jotuisonr1· : o(, 'ruatin were i.ccorded top t boQon as bOy ind girl S\Vlm· men Of the year for the club. MOil valuable boy swimmer to the team was Robert Webstu and Kelly Roberti• wu accorded a Uke honor for the distaff side. nie most improved swim-mers were Ed Johnson and Julie Meyers. Patty (Simms) Whiles, Fred Whiteford and Bob Wilhite Area Sports Friday Mesan Makes Move Basketball~orona de1 Mar at Eetancia, Fountain Valley at Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach at Westminster, Mar- ina at Anaheim, Santa Ana Valley at Newport llat'bor, Mater Del at St. Paul, San Clemente at Laguna Beach, Mission Y\ejo at Villa Par~, Golden Welt .it Mt. SAC, Cit-' rus at OCC (all at 8). Jim Berry of Costa Mesa (39) tries to get arounct Skip Van Leeuwen (59) of Sherman Oaks during recent races at Gardena's Ascot Park, Berry will face a 100-rider field Sunday at the Gardena ov'al with race action starting at 2:30. Prep Wrestling Summaries Wrestling-Estancia at Cor· ona del Mar, Costa Mesa at Fountain Valley (both at 6), Huntington .Beach at Santa Ana, Marina at Newport Har- bor, Anaheim at Westminster (all at 3:15), OCC at NTC Vanity W .. tmln1i.r (4f) (1) J1nt1 Ana tl-Coali.t !W) ~. Pe<:kf\1m (5.AJ; 11·0 1~111, F'. (WI -b~ forftll lls-McMuller (SA) Plnl>f'd Schllv"'e IHI ): J2·4 U7-Town-<HB) de<.. P1rr1 (SAVJ1 ,,, \~-(Mil oH<. O\IG~y llilV)1 ,,. plnntd G1lerdo ls.AVl11 1:» 1'4-0rtkt ~.\V) de<.. Dttvtl (HB)1 .. rw11 i::io l----- 1u-wom,...(k fW) dtc. llHlll ts.A); iiiii:J'!~zjm~rz~~mnEiTEournei y at san Die;:;g•=·=== ,,.. UO-Awmol• (WJ pinntd WotnKk ISA\1 J:ll 1»--1Cur1E {W) plnnld Htrm1n (SA); 2:50 1'1--Erb (W) pinned lrownlnt (SA); 3:57 1'8-Mc:NIU91\!Cll rw1 d«. Anto1 {$.\); ••• 157-!lllu (W) dr""' Brode.it !SA); ,., 1"-Mtmbr11•, R. (W) plnntd l•(Dn {$.\)I 2:20 17t-Col1rnan (WI wllr'I bv hlrltll 1'4--Sl>M>at'd {W) a..:. Hoctitr,;mllh (SA)/ S.8 HV-SY!1r. C. {Wl won by forfell Jllftlw V1nl1T Wntrr11111tw f(f) (J) S1nt1 .\111 11't--V1ndermouen fWl dK. lt.y (SAJ; ,, lM-L1,..,.n fW) pinned Ff'f<!lnburtr !SA)J 1:'8 1!!-Plnntv IW) cite. Soto ISA.); M 1n.......,:1trro CW) dee. C1uvln ISAJ; 1-2 ll>-M11!er1 (WI drtw Gtn:l1 (5Al1 .. ll6--l..1U1k, A. (W) dte. Glt'I011 {s.AJ; ... IU-Setr1 IWI dtc. Dol11ot1 !SAii J.2 t-...i..v (SA) dK. O..ent ... 1 {W)I M 157--W!lbur (W) won by 1ttorr11t 161--UIMk. J. IW) plnl'lt'd L1wwn !SA )! !:JO l~Smllll fW) -lty fOrftl! lM-SuM, J. [W) "'°" by rorttlt HV-Grttt {W) """'1 bY f"'1tll Marl.,. ltll (11) Wtsltrlt -S!IPP !Wl Pin~ O..ltn IM) llld-lttlltY IM) ~IC. ltnlmo!o (W)i ,.. 11S-Oulan<"V (M) dee. McG1le11U1 IW)I 1-1 11}-M. W1k1vk (M) plrw\ed Sarmro IWI llD-SllYtr fWl dK'. M1it (Mll a.2 1J6.-GtPhtn (M) dlC'. W!!tan {Wh S.1 141-Hiun !Ml <ltc. lll:oo1Mr !W)1 1,_J 1~. G1rrl50n !MJ dtc. Salli (W); '" 157-Gav (W) dK. O. G1rrl1on !Ml; .. , 1 .... H•lfT1mel (WJ dK. Jennings IM); .., 119--Bt!f (W) _, by lorftlt 1'......,bbalf fMI dee-. l'fmi.lldtz !Wll .. HV-~llr,.~Y (lo\) pinned T111tr (W} Junlll' V1r1lty 'N"'f9rn Ill) !11\ M1rl>!1 98--Eredi• !Ml di!<:. Gf1'.,ll IW)I .. A lM--f'ltWlll (WI di!('. Cl~Ary {M); S-1 11S.-T. W1lcryk (M! de<. Oel'Pppo fW\J 1.0 ln-llKll" fM) dr~w Hummel fW)I '·' t»-H•rb!1on (M) aec. Wttrl9h! (W); ,., Ul,.....Mc01nnold {M\ drew A.ktr1 fWJ; ,., 111-Melhl'flolds IMl dtt lr1d: !Wl; ., Hll-!":1rdArl1n (Ml Mr. ~ .. fWll ).) 1!1-Pul!en [Wl dee. F.11eri fM); J·e 16'-!1Nt1 (M) dttW G1rcle (W): t-! l~Wllll1m !WI dote. lllll't....,. flo\)1 1-1 1-Tlourlno !WI ~tnnld .R11UHl9t (Ml HV-S!fn!on !WJ 11lnltt<f 1Clen1llf (lo\) ,.,,..~ .... ~ \11r1lt'f' Hu"lln•len ••~ch Ull 1141 '" V1lky -L•UllO !H8 ) won bv fort~I! lM-S-llftll !tee. Clr•tn11 (SAV)1 15..( 11S-0.vld1on fli8) •lnnld NilftdOu t!AV)t 5·~ 12J--Fteney {H8} Mc. ~lver1 {SAVI ; "' 130-llnc:kv fCAV) dee. Cini• (H8); .. , JJ6.-51rf'Ckv (HSI cite. V•'llon !SAVJ: ,., 14\.....M. J°"n'°" !HI! l llW!t<f 111111"~ fS ... V)1 J•fl l4-V1r1ll1 !HI) plnn9d tSAV\; 1:11 1S1-J. Jollnson {HI) plnnld ISAVll ,,,, 1-IU'Ve,.. (SAVI It«. M9JI (HI); ... . 111-lrlelll [SAV) clK. Sk»n (Hl)I fl,.11 l•'-(1 .... r"I !HI\ d..:: ISAV)1 1&-7 liV-Ch<tntJ !SAVJ plllMd Rke {HI); j:lrJ Jv111W V•r1lty M•n""9t911 ... "' nn 011 SA v1n.v 'l-JG11nneo (HI) won bf t<tm.11 lot-0!'1• (H!J) dK. Oonllor1 (S,t,,VJ; .. 115--0ri.oon (SAV) dee, Murri IHll)r ,., ln-Gr•m (SAV) dK. (Miii S-2 1»-M!IM (Hill d«. F!orl!1 (SAVl; J.0 l)i....ltrvtr {Hal dee. !lfnelie CSAVJ; ,,. H1 -Amb1Jltr IHa) won bv fftrf1ll l..._....,.nd~nh11 (SAVJ dee. l1tllllor1 lfniv~rdit';J· Q>PP. fl . / 'fftCe Cquipmen l~VENTORY CL~ARANCE SALE NOW ••• BARGAINS • 5 yt. Factory We rranty e Carrying Ca1e NEW SMITH-CORONA ELECTRA 110 DELUXE MODEL I '-..OJ Reg. $171.00 NOW s144ee ,..,. ::"'''"' ... -; '""'~m:·=·::::vx:::sO'::•: .. ::=•::::::=:::::=::::::::::::::::.:• NEW ROY AL LARK PORTABLE w/CASE • TABULATOR •.EASY TOUCH • 5 YR. WARRANTY a.,. 74.io NOW ,__, .. ,,, -------.----------'"" . USED MANUAL TYPEWRITERS OVERHAULED e UNDERWOOD e SMITH CORONA e ROYAL $10~? ~ Remington Rand Calculators • Automatic Division : A:~'.':~~::::~ s99aa • Credit B1lanc.e Alto Model 98 You Would Pay Ovar 400.00 for • New Onel ,,_ ................................................ "_.. ' FLASH! To Owurs of . Flood Dama&•• Cars ·Nu. TREA,5 WHITTWAlll • PRIMJUM ,~ DflTH ANY 1111 LISTDI 95 11 ••• ,.~11 "" riw1 1.1. T1• f,., WIM•I AU91111M11tt WITH SIT ••• t10·1 S 77J·ll 210.11 , ... 11 11 .. 11 12t.ll fOO-IJ " t00.11 'JO-II ,,,_,, 700·11 700-14 160·1S 7JO·l4 ,,0-11 llS·l' 60G-11 77S-14 tS0.11 IJO.J4 7JS·l• IJJ.11 f00-1• tJ0-1• tflll IHSTALU.TIOH 'RDOd Ho1otd Pro-Rot1d Guot<lnl" RAYCO Lifetime Mufflers s14 9M~ST CARS If thll •wftMr _, f1lll fet ••J ·-..... , '"'"'"' ...... -... ui.r .. Iii..,! ~ ' .> • . . ' . • '· • ................................................................... : • MA '( MORE MACHINES INCLUDING NEW OR USED ELEC~IC ADDERS, AND S E Y E R A L WELL KNOWN 1S MIMUTI flll INSTALLATION! • • NOW THRU FEB. 2-INANAHEIM : W11l1r11 Tr •~1I Film 1 F••liv1I Wi11n1t1 in : Co11ti1111ou1 Showing • • • • • • • • • M1ny F11tur• Dl1p11y1 pf Fi1hln9 Te1~l1, C 1mpin9. &111111 R.1orti. Vec1tion1 SEE THE .-1.,u .. s 1 BPDRTB & VACATION SHOW ..n ,/,.,.-..,.( ....,._ w RECREATIONAL VEHICLE BHDW -- ' BRANDS INCLUDING FRIDEN, (MACHINE RENTALS • SCM, VICTOR, ETC. CALL US FOR REPAIRS On leth foreign & Domestic MACHINES UNIVERSITY OFFICE EQUIPMENT ' • • 013 HARBOR BLVD., conA MESA • 646-711 8 • 540-1272 llAYOO e O..W. ArtlM 2 s1s~ e --SHOCKS ....... FOi •1t1r IMJTA.lo.U.TtOM I I RAYCO LU8E COMP1.m 89' I CH.t.SStS LUii COSTA MESA ANAHEIM • 2860 H•rbor Blvd. 1695 W. Lincoln .• Phone 540.0170 Phone n"-1416 ·! lllt-. kkw • AdllNI .. ~ ' • • • " IM!LY I'll.OT I Back Home ~oast-made Relay Switeh 1 Brings Apollo L.i • dlo ......,..... 1ioun of °""' UW' cot rtllll< ....... '(JIU , ~ lla1. lll.lllO miles frmn home, Maj. Wllllam -aoll IJllll Clpt. ~ -alClll of the wonted, waltlng J..,.. Lovell Jr. llllo U. final -~ for comfort, _,,, puabed a on -· ~ lo dellrmlDe the fate of llllD'I SIIH blddeo l>oidod the -pl.- -libt«ie VO)'.,. of dllamry. and out of all ~ -eu1ll, ' • nrlleh -.-nblld at a bowe...-, oolJ Bermu, Lovell, ~ p1aa1 1rom a-iuo worth and God 1mew they ..... hoadod -. ~ an, lnvln( con and tnowl<dge "PltolO be ~ t:111it .u.,.. II . \8111---' -•h-..... did the a Santa Claul," AltrGaaut ~ Udlola I ;;(,::.:.. 0.7:. -· -back u tblir oeieatlal ~ "' ..... .'J'bt elem carrlod electrlclll' oa row>ded the -cl Ibo -. -l!halll . a clr<utt lo the APollo I out of tbe deod pluet'a fll'&'lly fiold. """"'P'I .....,. ao It CGlild lplte foc Streakln(. baclt tbrw&h· Ibo 1-1.,.: II!~ buni and blut the e1p1ule man was llllCCeallully en ....i. boCk ci&.il Ill lunar nrblt. bad; lo earth. lo the p~ wh,.. lw was born. ~ -.. two alternaUve1 lo IUCCell. Security nqulnmenb forbid any .:,Ailjam of m<n than 30 IOCODds would casual oooflrmatlon, but H la ""' -.,.i • Ap>llo 1 bwtUn( lllie a meteor that electrical mnpooenta from Babcoclc IJlo lbO ...... , crate.-pocked lace, but Electroofal Corp., SIOI -Blvd., Ille tid would be Imtant..-iL Costa Meaa, Jill1ed a key role ln Ille Wied to fire, the cnw would fiig)il. circle Ibo barren planet In an Officials aay they cannol aay 11 Ibo' Vlbly Intricato coffin, with llWl1 single rdar nrltch 0< comblnattoo of Jial; final boun to tblnL switches wbldl beip<d brine Apollo I America's t1ne emWarles to the and ha' VO!'lltn baclt lo urtb wu .......... went wllllng\y. built In Costa~ ".;"'~-.,.., inctical-mfndod test pilots A reliable, altboalb lnfOl'llll! - -........ lftlf lnspoctlcm ... utunllJ pefol-at ....., lta(e of 111!1f1)"1 a flftf'1 *'P.1Um·far wblcb the mu1"t of ......... due ... the lre•W<f«lo ~ly Uooy bear - ProdUcOd bf ~-·...;.. -BlbaJc;t • O><alled TLC a.., for -Lovtac car., -crlu.,l ports ... •1e1y ond "P<lteci-ly checl;ed .... . "We are aDond OM .mlu la S,000 .. parato ~ on 111y ctv .. · lll!p- rnent " Be uplalned "two m1Jlel: . . . . and the entire lot Ja: njected. .. TM local Apollo P r o I r a m sul> contractor, a dlvllloo of Esterline Corp., la ...., by Industry llln'l'YB to be the llWllber ... P'Odue<r of IUCh puts 'la ihe· nallon, moot desllned far aeroopaceuse. .,., Tol.,......andlettersof~Uou I arrived at the plant following' lnltlal jubllatlon over the succes&fUI APollo. • mlaslon, addin& lo ... laurel UJUally • Wiii ln the NASA family. ,. ' lolltfy proudly ooted that Babcock Earth'• apron drtnp, men IDvlllved 1n tbe vut endeavcr have waya of pllyin& H down. "RdJabllltJ I< achally baled Oii Ill'"' bablllty," comment&d John Jonu, vt<e pratdelll of Janxn Allodata IDc., public rtiatloos counsel foe the auqW relay nltdi mamfacturlng company: Ulfnl an aotomollve analOI)', Bellrey wn oo lo explain that In all p<Obobllfty, b1a car parked oubide in the o:mpany lot would Dre up u upected when lw left lo "' homo. "But. If IOIDeODe bet you $1,000 that It wouldn't -and laid d9wn Iii< money, you'd be a UW. shaky "btn you put lhe key In the lplUon, wooldn1 you!" be uted. This b the aame rttctloo. ol most ot' U.. involved 1n the historic apace rupu, merely reduc.d lo terlbl of everyday 1n1pitude. "A reray does not operate u an entity unto itaelt" Belfrey continued, "but the larger IY'iem ol which H is a part cannol functloa without It m the COOl1ructlon. to ••••re performance ln 1empntura fnlt1I 1$ below to 257 ---Fabttnbeit ud wUbllaod 'Vlolint oboU. vlbratlooand ~...,...i.. '""' grueDm, -... -· methods lnvolwd WGUld male 'nzna: watdl commordala loot UR dlllcate trea1-1 ln .......,i-. "By the lime ,...,. flnllhed, the ~ duct ii worth ecnlderably MOte than the lnlllal ~ of the malerlall," aald Bellrey. Som< 95 pen:tDI of Babcoclc !lec- lroolc.s Corporation'• t>rOductloll output finds Ill way into tho -,.. military systma roles, but not all of It. using Costa MtR-pn>duced may switches ln ..,,iustlcoted Instrument packs, scientlall from Scripps ClluJC lftlf Research Foundallon, La Jolla, are ln the midst of a unique ezperlment to Africa. 'fl!O bow that IOIDeday, ......,. lm1 Industry spot ....... WU Ille orf&lnaI -"'8 baclt from that huge blackness """"" of the story !bot their ul• return oed lbere, ao bl< u mal<es 1..t at sea hinged upon a re1q nrttdl the me VALUABLE HARDWARE · !leclroolcs had be<n awanled the N"" tlona1 Aeronaullca and Space Mmmlttration'a Snoppy c a r to o n ,:::::; award tor excellent heavy· An alltomob'1e distributor, for example, ts the same in that It is no power system, but the complete car can go """here wltholrt ll . The space 11e waltle-talkle devkes are being mounted OD the bodJta of a varltty of animals -from bal>oom lo giraffes -ln the contlnulng quest far knowledge ol our world. While Ap>llo 9 lftlf 11 ....... .,. ln orbital training next summer for i.n eventual moon landing, rpaced'aft com- Pon<nla will be beeplnl tnlonnaUon about habits of crulW'9 wboee ancator.1 walked the earth even before prbnlUv1 mankind knew the meaning of curloolty. ~ like burled 1n • family plot. of a cigarette u,hter., · ·;'!II"-tnow the odds get higher ••<rt ''Tbe p1lint dou make what I wowd limo illiey do come baclt. call more blgl>ftUablllty .,.ttohe• UWI J""'-Apollo I up lo 5,91111 miles any other firm ln the country,'' said lftll'ketlng. Some of these components a r e daignated Life Critical and Missioo Critical, ael'Olpace age terms mearu.aJ that men and machines face destruction U Uiey fall lo properly function. · puts J>l'Qdudlon. • It wu the fir1t time any contractor ~ the NASA otrudure won a Snop-w. Bellny Wd. Beglrinlng with 54 lo 7$ tiny com- ponents on the average, the $2.50 10 $3 worth of materiah in a . relay are assembled and finally housed in a hermetically sealed vacuum capsule. per; r· however, tbe rocket engine Edward c. Belfrey, dilector 0 f .. Despite tht monwnentat meaning of the Apollo I voyage beyond Mother • '• ~ Tests are conducted at every step 1 California Legislatup::in Aetion Wallace B~~l§.er Feels Effect i· ) ; Liberals Prove They're Back in Force in House ~., ..... • ,;.,. 11: ...... \lf!ftlll • -format fwl tii. 1"'"11 ........ lrcludlrlil -iihil? .,.rMtil fnllll ...-low •rtoe-,.., ~ o.m.cr.11c: Uediff' ,_ ··M.• tl'llnll lrrtroducn ... blllllln "'"" . ... .. earlftkf...9.lntetuf •• twi.. tW dildolur1 bY lltllllton.. • TN• 90VlltNOll A.-.nc:.1 hl• -budl.t .. be Ufto. ftOed Mxt -* -.llt Include lllblt.- fW -,, .... w for PllD!lc ldloolll. lli:lllff!l'IMCI thit ''''-' ,.... -" • ....,..., I'll rHulld floocMliltM....i hi~ ~ wlllloul lrK,..111111 the .. .o11ne ..... • DecialWd 11 ffdltlorllll C1lltoml1 C'Cllntlft 11 "Dlld dlu1tw 1r"' brl119- l!'lf ffllt tot1I fe t!!. THI AlllMILY . ..,,. ...... •flat!M -Autllol'l-11111.000 for .,.......,. u19Mlan of ttw Joint c~ "',..,_ flll Hlttllr Ed11c.tl0n1 AClt 31. _,,.,_n. lt·TfK'I'. ..• ,........._, , ... -l'wmllt l l'lr llllllYlclUll fl • ~ I lllMoll ... IMlyil1 Ill I "-"'' If ,.. -!viii h "'"'°""'" u....,. the d1"1dlon of 1 ptiy1lcLln ""'° ln!ft7'9tt; .,. NWlllJ Al 11'-._. "'"'· 11·"'"'"'1 kwdl. ...,_ -AllN't --tt1nted ~ ...... er ... ,.. b'1 ttie Calltomll J.lane 1twr111 ..,.,.. .. (D'lllluct • ~ ... huntle r9Qt Wiii ..... "' -•h Al an. lll'tbctlel. It·•• ...,.. c"'. ......... -mu-ll'llrlf/llUl!I ...,.. Illy for 11uu1! wll!I 1 ~ --.,. -. ctrkers or fir-,.11orm-1"" llwlr Wt\el t rod makH .,._ ~ af IUdi offtnu lrotlltlblt! 1W r.IN• " ,..,. !Mtn t. "'' ..,...... •t .... , 11 .... _,.. Ill .,._/ .... »t. • rtt.cftt t. ..... _ ~ molw •• ""'' •nd .,.. ~ tu. -""' ........ Ion fw 11X rnontltt 'tr llllYh n. _.. __ It ............... .. .. .,. for f'loocMl91MtoM ..... 1r.lln- W8YI. ... ,,,....,.. ........ """"' Al 114. MKO..lcl, D-0\9L , .... -Jltqyinll ..... ,.,. manhel .. 9doPt _..,.., "911111"-8lld 11•...... '°" 9P!!rcJY•I •ftllf 111ttnt fll llr. •lllrm •I'll •utam1flc ...-Ink'-" IYl"""W Al aot, H9-. •-l.cln9 ·-Tll'S -i\Vkn ctlll -•ftllf ,, •• "" nal'nd lrf • -*w ,,_ _.. Miii orllft" ltlln 1111 -'°'91' '~" tor Pll~ ol fbt unem~f 1~ IWl'llflU l&w II -I to Of ll'MIW hn •10 "' rnon1t11 Al lOI. ll1tiih. D-Lot ......... U_...,_., -Incl~ ffl'lcultur· 11. dorralk. nonprofit Mii 111•llc _. l'io'rrlMnt Wftlilrl , __ ,,, -iw- fl'll'llf lnlu,._ ... , ..... "'· Atlilllh. ·--1-•"""""""'-!lllo! IClll bt .. ,.... W •fl IMIYlduel •ll•lbl9 fOf" ~ -tlM b1Mf111 ,,..,, *12 t. m --.-: w'I"'°"' •ffKflnai ttw lmllWll ".....n!J AS 2"' bll>ft. hrlloflh-fllO'MtH -•ln'H.llll ...... ., blntllt for llftlmlllo'l'-9 lnlarwiu Mnlflh from t'5 to*""'""~ for·•lilfamltlc ~ 1!1rt'"' Ill "'' on • ~ fomwlll 11111111 Al m.,1.., ,..,__ -.__ '""' " .... ts :Ml ....... "'9 JMICI--.it1HM ti blnefl1'1 Nnbit _,,,,.,., -lliwwtll -f for Uni~~ li'ltu11111Ce •fllli """°"'" llft'lft.tloii efl "*I •lllOU"I • ........ ,. -~,..,,.. "' fldut- ""' ., Qlrl'Mf ~IY "'""'*" In • t.nllllllfls ~1111 Mltn« 11111 Mlldt _,,-. CfMFM Is _.., ... ....tlU INt•ln.tf -""' Al XW. '"-"• ..__ ... MllW -l'Wflllts ldlool dl1trkts to ...,.., Ill l'lltnl fllll C*lh. Ill ftut for _,. ,, • ., ....... \'llullloll to "" "' eilull llllf(efloll claua u,,.,. arf9111 coM!tlem1 Al JCN. Crc.n. D-AlllmMI. .... ,.,... , ...... "" •11ct1n1 -....._ c_,..., 11 ''°" JMIM 111 em9ftd-9 t9 "'9 U.S. Con- ltlMlon ....,kb -W modify Ille tllc:· f'lnl col .... IYl'°""I A.Ill f, ll'lllV, ""'" Ar!Mlm.. HMlllll -111-H Tn11t.. of C1lf. flrfllll Stitt Col'-111 lfUllt( he•llh-c. .. Midi ti •II "-1ttl• colllVH 1fllf rwwf tll ftll IMlll9tur. 11 1'70 f'l'IUl9r MNIMll ACll JI, Moblly, 11...s.-. TM• l•NATa Slh tllfrMucM WMS -lncrM-t•llrv el 11119 ..wllc _,,,. dlrwctor frem 12'.100 1 wer I• ..._..., SI ioc. c111i.r, D- Yrtk1. So.it -Ol'fll ldloll dl1h1ct1 w'lftl ·--clll,.,. •ntfllflrq (// 20.--w n'IWI ........ 11111 Miit of b9ll't lna'lllMd ""ncJl!lon """''" -1111119 unlllaollon ""'"-tnd ti.--Ill ,__ fer 1tfl.nd1nc:1 ln ltll nn1t • ._,, tflll 1114N trldel; S• m,. Ml!'l!s. lt·S.n P't1nc:lln. T•llll1 -ll-lrM "1111\c 9111tt1H (lllmlnto flt -11tlftti c. ... Hnkl _. fant Ylhlclft tll 11~ '"lltr1tloll tin fer !Mir -r•lloll t. 1111 tl•t. lfrw m.1n11111 SI JIU, Sl'lorl, ~Stock,..,. WASHINGTON (UPI) - DeinocraUc liberals, contrary to early reports, are alive and well and someUmes in the House chamber when needed. They were there in force Wednesday and in · ltlfficient numbers to affirm two prin- ciples they considered im- portant: One, 'that a DemocraUc con- gressman is free to support anybody be wanta for preli- dent, but thal li his choice is other than the Democratic candidate,· be can't thereafter claim party favor, Two, that the Democratic caucus (an a.ssemtilage of all party members) can, and will from time to time, ov8!'Ule the decisions of party leaders in making com mittee assignments. They took care of both chorea on a single vote, 101 lo 73, that demot.d Rep. John R. Rarick (0.La.), to the bot- torn of the seniority' ladder. Ho. .eampalgned for George c. WallAce. , ~ Pl"1 leaders, Jgnoring ~·· apostasy, had voted lo WHh Rarick up to about 1lrtit lpOt on the agriculture cOIDD\lttee, from the bottom rtmfll•f occupied In the last ConJIHIL The Uberals came away from,;Wednesday's caucus en- cour~ to believe that they mayt 10 ahead now to make a .~ djl t' o n a I organizational gains1 1 and that rrom time to time fh~ can be translated into ~laUve achievements. u1 r th Int we have dernoutrated a capability to pull 1911ether... said Rep. Donal( ft' r as er (0.Minn.), newl~ected chairman of the OemocraUc Study G r o u p (DSG). "That's important." The· ma was established a deca:fe ago to combat con- tinued ouae rule by coo- servaUve Democrats and Republicarui. For years It was viewed by the Democratic establishment as h o s t 11 e pretender to authority pro- perly vested in elected Howe leader!. DSG spent its infant years learning to count, a fun- dimental in legi s lat ive maneuvering. Then it started to make ltseU felt. Gradually the party leadership has come to the view DSG is more of an ally than an enemy force. That view suffered some strain early this year when individual DSG leaders and members (though not the organiution itsel.Q sought to overthrow veteran speaker John W. McCormack. They said McCormack at 77 was too old for the job. They didn't e1pect to defeat him, though they would have been happy to get more than the 58 votes they rounded up for their candidate, Rep. Mor- ris K. Udall,· Ariz., at the party's pre-St.SSloo caucus. At that caucua they also failed on a try to penaliu Rarick. But they were gritved to read · some accounts of thit cauCW1 that read like epitaphs for the liberal bloc. Actually, they figure now they have won important fights and set the stage to win other!. Aside from rein- forcing their rule q:alnst par· ty defections (first . applied four years. ago against two supporters of Barry M .. Goldwater) and affirming the caucus' right to make com- mittee assignmenil, they point to these gains: -Leadership agreement to monthly meeUngt of the caucus, whlch recently tended to be coovened only ona: every two years. -Libe'al participation Ill fund raising (and spending) by the House Democratle campaign committee, former-. ly a one-man operaUon under direction of qinf R e p • Michael J . Kirwao of Ohio. -A plan to clean up "ghost voUng" that came to tight last year ·and. u fast u the electrOQlc devices can be built and installed, impose an elec· tronic and fool-proof tally on. roll dalls. -Recesses and vacations scheduled and announced In advance, so members ~ know when they can go home or with their famllieJ on vaca· lloo 'trips. The House has 435 mem- bera, of whom 242 are · Demcicrats. Of these, DSG claims 110 dues pay 1 n r members, plus 30 noD-PIYinr supporters, plus JO more. suf. ficiently interested now to ask lo get oo the malling !Isl For a group that smaD, tt , figures it im't.do.in1 SO bad. Fun ~Games Prizes • • . • ' ' I Com• ancl Play ••• M•tch wits with electric. brein "Tic. Tic. Tot" end test your voice with "Mt9ic. Ttlef,hone'• while you we it t. win fret lon9 di1t1nc• phone c•I s. , s.. 1,050.wotcl-ptr-minutt Oataspetd machines which talk te ttch o+htr co11t-to..coast •ver telaphone llnes h communlcatt deity 1toc.k m1rlrat reporh. 114• Ofl the ctrousal ND 1" C..roustl Ceurf; 1l9n up for ~ •t the CAil Y 'ILOT "how wt do tt" t:rhlblt; pick ., fr•• .,all60ns for the Irids. 11------------------------' . ' --Here Comes A Carnival of Communications Presented Jointly by the and PACIFIC TELEPHONE COMPANY ' JAN. 30-31, FEB. 1--0PE 1-9 P.M. THURS ... & FRI., 1-6 P.M. SAT. 20--COUNT · M-20 PRIZES YOU CAN WIN (NONE WORTH LESS THAN $24.30) 2 SHARES FORD MOTOR CO. 'STOCK lappro" 1103 val"'I' furnished by Atronutronic Oi't"isio n, Philco-Ford Corp., New· port leech. ID SHARES BRIDGFORD FOODS CORP. STOCK l"'P'•" ,100 velue) furnished by Cruttenden & Co., Inc., Ne~port Beech 1tockbrok•"· • Your own p•CJ• in the DAILY PILOT (commif.clel velue, $474.24). Get your n•m• in the peper or sey 1orrethin9 nice tb<iut your spouse, your club, your church . , .:. You'rt the editor. BONUS HH DAILY PILOT cl•ssified "want eds" ( .. ch wo~ ,$24.JO) to winners of each of ei9ht prizes 1bov1. e PRIVATE TOUR of 20th Century Fox Studio for winner end immedi1te f1mily lincludt• "lunch with 1t1rs"l furnishetl by TV WEEK. I b -VOLUME Uni'f"ersity World Reference Encyclopedie lfl 50 reteil velue I furnishtd by Ftmily Weekly 2 • VOLUME New Webster Dictionary of the En91i1h len9u19t ($25 retell veluel furnished by Femily Weekly 2 ·VOLUME History of Mtnldnd {$20 refeil value) furnished by Family Weekly e UNIVERSAL STANDARD ATLAS OF THE WORLD 1,15 rel•~ velue) furn ish ed by Ftmily Weekly e 12 more pri1es-e1ch winner gets 1 free "want ad" up to I 0 r.nos to run 6 day• in tha DAILY PILOT (to ch valued II $24.30). It's All Happening at Carousel Court on the Mall at 5outh f oast 'Plaza BRISTOi. AT SAN DIEGO fff.f.WAY, COSTA Ml.SA. • • > J " • • • • . ' • • • , , Bucco/a ~ Gngfw~ Uffa~fl 16th & Tustln-Co,ta Men Excellent · l~oQ, near schools, sbo~ping .and beach Only a few left. Buy now while in· terest rates. are only -- - 1•1. with ~o-;. dowp-7Y.z-t. with 10-1. Oft. no 2nd -n o points -29 yrs Ort bal1nce ExCluslv• Agent . p. a. palmer incorporated 33n VIA LIDO .OOPS!! RANCHO LA CUESTA •t Brookhunt & At· lanta in Huntington Beach. We lhought We had all our new horires sold but one of OW' buyel)I bu been lrailslfned & we must ..ii this home immediataly This San Miguel model IS a beautil~ 2 sfory home featurln1: 4 bedrOQms, 3 bathrooms, to~ .dining room, family room with• real fireplace, elee- trlc ouil~in titcllen, IW<priO!U .creel! ~bag Trsct Ph: 540-5183 From L.A. Cail MA 5·8034 • carpets lhro•gboul The Ollli!cle' ,lo~Jl(I~ lihake roof 6: concrete driyew.~ G,~ioi()UJ living for on ly $31,800 with 10'% down. Im· mediate occupancy. Call 968-2929 or 968- 1338 any day from 10,.to!!6!!.!!!!!,..,. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6000 THINGS EAST S!Df: COS1A MESA NEWPORT HGTS. AREA -CH lllCOME Back Bay Mansion PIA 5 ~. 3 baths, Dttam do not always oomt tn sri.fALL packqes. M an uample, be sure & see thls BIG 4 BR 3 bath Mme w l t h additional DEN, DINING ROOM I: ALL nos AND R2 '''""" Cbarm!rv 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom &: dell. t %. baths, tittplace, carpets "' dra.pts, built·in & .foreed air .~at. This w.U landlcap<lfbOine can be found on a huge R2 lot with a very large fenc- ed back yard, with room for a boat, camper~ or build • rental w\11! h hu a paved alley entrance for easy a.o- cesa.. Location is just about perfect, 1~ h1ks to Newport I grade tchool. and on1.f 2 blks to oew city park. F.ut 17th etreet and Westclitt shop- pq and two other sci:llidl wtth1n walkillg d1stanee. For 11.l>pointm~t to see, ~ite: s lots to the beach. Older • Spanish arehitecture sur· rounded by modern. 3 unlta in need of a face liftlng. Qwner says sell or trade for lncome. $52,000 home built fM a discrimin- ating executive. and hl.s de- servini;:: famUy, Delightful decor. Large living room, huge family room. Land- scaped with an eye towards beauty and easy mainten- ance. Located on quiet cul- de-sac street. It you can a!- Ne ford a $36,000 Dttam Home, wport you'd better see this tOOay. BREAKFASI' ROOM + 16x23' living room. AU the nice things, too. Oney 4 ~ years old & in prime central location. O n 1 y ;36,500 & it's YOURS. Can be seen anytime, at Victoria 646-8111 Pacesetter, 4 bedroom, full dining, 2 tDe ahowen new carpet, close to the country clob MESA VfRDE We're moving in Feb. Priced to sell at $34,750. Broken prot. 2807 Europa, Open, 540:-3lso 10San Clemente View Lot" john macnab Panoramic Bay View A magnificent S Bedroom, 6 bath home over 5,000 sq. fl Lavilhly decorated. Priced -$2:25,00o. Call for app:ilntment (714) 642-8235 881 Dover Drive, SUite 101 Macco Realty Co. Bldg. Newport Beach GI NO DOWN'!!! Submit your smaller home on our guarantee sale plan. 2043 WESI'CLI.FF DRIVE JOa.. co:n ~WALLACE . REAL TQl'IS ---546-4141- 10...., Ewenlnasl .... = °"'" ""''· VA NO DOWN CAMEO SHORES . . Remarkably beauWul Low closing coat to financlal- Oce V. Homo ly qualified bl.IY'U· 2 BR. "" "w rl .•. '""--r.r: with 4 · · Bedrooms p me Easts1 e >UULlion. 1...., ~ui:0~ fireplace x.143' I?~ room f~r ~I~ pool with fountain & add1ho~ urut W":f' van; fonnal pool s.ide dining nn ance. Don t mis& ~ one . oVer 3400 l!(I ft of luxury Terms oUered .sub}eCt 1o Owner moving • has prlci:d bank approval -& CRV. horn• to "'" at 1128,500 $21 500 Call Jim Cobb I Res 6nl864 N<wport ,, Viet aria 646-1111 -Excluslve- ' t.!f WJ~:P Just Offered Cbarml.ng Cap@ c.od. 3 BR, conv. den, 2 baths, fireplace, Goff. Course covered patio, copper plum~ C stom "int;:. Freshly decorated. Ex· u cellent WestcliU value •..... Private Party Box P1l12 Dallv Pilot Umpteen Ways In Newport Heights For this house to please yoU. 3 Bedrooms plus guest botlll!, cozy fireplace, bl'am ceil-lna•. hardwood Doors, de- llghtlul brealdut , p a t i o, forced air heat, kl.tchen ~ .eating area. There'• parking for boa.t or traller storage and umpteen more ..•. $27,900 Colesworlhy & Co. 642-7777 1904 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Open Eves. 4 BR 21'.t bath + FRPL. -$101/mo. · Assume existing !O&n, or $500 total to vets. Minimuin down FHA. Home bU ·buUt-inl. double garq;e, block wall fence, central beating sys- tem + owrslml lot; At $23,950 this one won't last! Just comp\eted, 4 Bed· •·· ·-"" ........ "" · $42,500 rooms,..over ~ 591 ft., t18'ry Lou ~1arion : ORf-~WNWY ' stand-up bar. in cathc-~ 9 ·h S 6-4494 dral ceiling tam. rm., 2 3 E. 17t t. 64 ~rn:\:i'w,_;:.tll!,,,':','. Coldwell, Ballktr & Co. 2 BR DUPLEX ' 173 000 1-•. Cami ........, _,:... ' ' • Mlwl>wt •Mdl...Qil"-• l..ari:• 900 sq ft units •WJ en- Kl t-mr b J.tttl clpsed pragea &: in excel- ' -3-Bedi'oom HOme + Lovely Model Home · v1ean1 R-2 Lot I ;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBeautiluJ 3 bedroom 2 bath lent condition. Comer loca· tion near xhoola &: ahop- ping. Owner iskl.ng by IVAN WELLS I' home, -Eutside Costa with "Fore"'' y;,w". ,.,,,. ·Above, the AYeraae MeM, + '~·-separnto fessionnlly decorated 4 BR parcel zoned for 5 unlls, sell. $24,000 3 ba, 2 dining room areas + lam. rm. "L" shaped pool. ROY J. WARD CO. 18':2 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 Men Verde VETERANS TAKE ~CYI'E! No down paym~t on sharp 3 &: family roo~ Dike &: Colegrove home. Walking distance to major shopping. Hurry now! Just roducod $1200 Jilutllde' 2 BR + den or din- ing room, dble garage on alley. Now only $22, 750. 143 Broadway 6454111 Ev11. 642-1453 646-4579 6°/o FINANCING 3 BR Home on 2 View Jot.- top CdM location. 6%. kier\ can be ~ without chqe, charge, or penalty, '''"""' OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5 215 Marigold, CdM OJ.UDE SHIFFER Realtor ~13 MESA VERDE'$25 ,950 Kl._ lized bedroom$. 2 baths. Family room. Exquisite fire.. place. Homemak'ers dream kitchen w1th finest bWlt-inl; Lovely large 11Crttned I pa.Med' patio. Y•ar round fun I enlertainln&:· B e 1 1 &fta. 54().1120 TARBELL 2955 Harilor OCEANYJEW 2 BR. 2 Ba. 1 blodr .. belCh. 129,500 O.Orvo William..., ""'"" ~ Evn. 61J..1564 3 BR home in Mesa Verde has nice family room, 2 baths, fireplace, w/w car- pels &. drapes. built-in kitch- en. Only $25,950. er very anxious, name your terms. B o I h properties $35.000. ~-OAA~~R~~~:TY'S 1003 Bak", C.M. 546-S«tl 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Corona del Mar "Estate Sole" DUPJ..EX ...:. ~llent toca· Comer duplex-2 bdrm each, tion, near 1hoppifC & post upper fum. and view ~f office 2 bdrm. home plus Channel, loy,·er lenced patio furn. 'garage apt. tile ki~ -dbl. g a r a g e, shopping, ens &: baths, covered lanai., Ocean I. park steps away • ..;.:....::,..:,,~c_::~"=-~­ dbt garage. LOW PRICED $37,500 is a marketable val· at $37,500. u.s for tltls proyerty. Fee 1'C" THOMAS, Re1ltor simple. 224 w. Coast Hwy. M8-55Z'1 Newport Sch. Eve. 545-5643 Baycrest Pool Home Over 2000 sq, ft. 4 bedrooms1"!!!!!!!!!~!l!!~~!!!!!~~ :;_ ~!r,.t'"'!:'· ~.~•1,REPOSSESSIONS Please call lor appoln~nt ln acenic S a n Oemente. to siee. Exclusive with Prices slashed 3 & 4 BRs JEAN SMITH, R.•ltor 2r .. baths. 10% down, 61~% 400 East 17th, O:ISta Mesa Interest, 30 yean, no point&' TI~/646-32$ to pay. New carpets and drapes, completely l'fdeCOl'o LIDO ated. Some with view. Oc- Cholce large coimr 3 Bdrm. ilce: SIS San J uan, San Qe. 2 balhl. dinlll;: rm. Moat un. mcnte. (Modell open daily). usual for Lldo; 3 car praee Phone 492-9288 or 545-3483 plus parking. Lovely sunny W. E. Llc:Mnmye,.., Rltr patio, and maximwn pri-• ~ vacy ._ $62.500 Peta Ba rrett Realty ''A'' FrCllM 1005 Westclllf Dr, NB 642-SDI Modern Beach Hon., I BR. C NT---2 ba. A steal at~ VA A Al-SO Good Costa Mesa vu. 3 BR 3 BJl Rt:ntal .••• J23i) mo. • all panel den. l~ bl. all. C1ywoodJt1l lty blt.11'1.!1, cpts thruout. ffiA 541-1290 Dupl•x Westside 2 bedrooms I'll.ch. Likl! ~ .. One bloc::k to shopping • , , , SZ!,500 HonM & Bu1lne11 Lac. Excellent f o r accountant, beauty salon, antiques, etc. J-lome includes 4 BR 2 baths, double garage .. , • , . $23,500 GENCO REALTY 64z..M22 628 W. 19th Street. C.?tJ. SPLIT-LEVEL Unusual 4 btdroom borne with large patio &. pool. Va· cane Amold & Fl'9!1d 388 E. 17th St., c,M, ReRltorw ~m.5 loan 5% % payable Sl56 Incl. 6306 West eoi..t HW) •• ,N.R. taxes le Im. I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Total price $23,300 --SAV~2500 MIZEU. ltEALTY 548,22111 NEWPORT EIGHTS 2V. ACREs--M-1 Wrrn A q.CEAN For sale or trWfc.',. C.11. 5 V[EW. Luge and •fry n·• Beadi ~ time. Bti- lest lldtetaio ntr1 SM ti.- DAILY PILOT OaasWed -NOWI min to ocun. krw ~. (l'llmer llvlnr room, kttt'htn with cahy, KHmil RIQ:p.. Alt-all btrilt-lns. Ria. big 3 car l..lNrn. Yoo cu wit them 6464494, Ret. 546-2759 garaa:e and worklhop with for 1IJSt permla a d.,., Diil alley entrance. REAL ES ta-'5111 SCX:K IT TO 'EM! TATERS. ~1tU. 648-nn •. ------~-- ----- THE ~:J EAt. ES"l~ATER . ' I • ' . ) • ' ' ' ; . ... TURJLE ROCK HIW ON THE IRVINE RANCH ------ 646-1111 -544-U1i I 1 ''1Hf· aWJilfUI. PEOPLE" ., . ! • ~' ·' ' • ' Are now o(fertng for sale, their award win· nillg sing(~ & spilt • level 3 & 4 bedroom MODEL HOMES. ,j!' .. • ' . ,,. . PICK c YOUR HOME PROM 'TlflS LIST · • THEY ARE '"BLOOMIN" GOOD VALUes·; ~ '$139 A .MONTH I INCLUDES TAXIS; Assume !P~ 1' JoMll'Oh th1s clean, nl'fl.t 3 bed~ room, 2 beth jewel cov· ered patio and big 2 car garage. $23,750 quick pGU=;~ v6.ol-: 4 BEDROOM Surrounded by a fantasy ol landacaf'log, «bed-rooms, 3 lliJ:ury (f)l;thl, extra large master bed· room with free standing fireplace -enjoy out· door patio with gas-fired barbecue -.l:xecutive llving for ~.~. Just 10% down:; t BIG BONUS ROOM 4 Bedrooms,• 2 baths makes , the 1perfect fam. Uy hOtl')erFie4:trlc buill· Ins, dish her, ful l y carpeted .I draped All thll plut\ a 20x:ID extra room plumbed for wet bar. or bit.th. None better at $32,SM in new area. S-' \IE $2SOO NEWPORT HEIGHTS WITH A ;TINY OCEAN VIEW.. Large light and airy liithll'. room, kitchen with &11 bulJt-ins. Big, big 3 ·oar garage and worklbop with alley en-trance. l,leduced $2,500 to ""·""· ~ EASTS I DE CHARMER dianning custom 3 bed· room and dlninv; room in a olcturesque eastslde setting. Open beam ceil· inp, glee.ming hardwoOO floors. arid used brlck ace give. the liv· room a ~copper Ket· tyl~. $26,500 - , are easy - MESA DEL MAR 5 BEDROOM rm Mesa Del Mar's nlc- ~l 5 bedroom 3 bath IDne. My o......nci's lat :rlV~ 1otten too ~jg for them. But for $38,500. I know I'm jwt right for you. I'm ~arm &. friend· ly and just love kids.' Please ask .for me, SECLUDED EASTSIDE 3 Bedrooms, ·2 bat.hi tn a quiet non-traffic •treet -cozy llvlng room with brick flrepl&ce, kitchen with all electric built-In• --e. dandy buy at $26,900 with 10~ down. Owner will conslder trfl(te for 3 or 4 U(llt.s •. WONDERFUL WESTCLIFF Vaca.nt and lonesome ready for bnmed.late oc·, cuJ)ancy, Spll.cious llvlng room with IOJC bumlng fireplace. Carpeted a.nd draped Owner hu mov- ed QUt of 1t&te and ls anxfous to se-1.L· $40,950 -10% down. BAYCREST PRESTIGE Bl'autiful 4 Bedroom plus 1pecious b on u J room. tormal dining, 2 fireplac.es • nev-"-~ll t\ drapes. Newl)"" paint- ed lnslde and exterior. Sti:i.000 -MQ"be pur- chased c:ompletely fur· nlahed. 546-2313 64~7171 OPEN EVES. 'Tll. 9 .. - THE ~EAL E S TATERS · ld,!~h-eir Bo,ts) , .Ix • Uncla '. bl• Pilcecl fro111 $98,000 . 'l'lie.e modei homes are magnlflcenUy ap. pointed with the very finest of carpets-. . arapes -wallpapersj plus every model ls )., . . • OPEN liOUSJ SATURDAY & SUNDAY. 103 • 105 ~lr(dl Isle Drlva, Newport Beach ' S(IOwn by appolntmant professionally landscaped, special walkways &: patios prevail, on~ with swimming pool. (t• •• .. ' JIOYD REALTY 3~ &.·Coast·H~., CdM • ,, 61'.5·5!3? Tbes, homes are placed on quite large &: very private lots that may be either leased or purchased. with a grant deed to lull land .... ,. ... dtt 1 ~I\.. ~--.-.----------------ownership. ' ,,. .. ..,j..<J...}.UY.U..Y.LU..,UA..i.A.iiJ.~U-4 'AND THEN TllfiE c.;;t. Mt•~ • : ;100 Follow the signs to TURTIX ROCK HILLS, l mile East of the University of cautarnia at Irvine, jwt off the; intersec.Uon of Campu.s ' ... ,:.. ' l!u• • Drive & Culver Drive. l• WfRE NONE ••• OVR RARE i'lND!I YOIµ' three , bedroom h o ~ e in EAST COSfA MESA. Wa!Jt to WertcllH Shopping Ctnter • Enjoy the tine nei&hboi;;- hood, achoolo, parli and play· rround. lAoooioo!I banlwood noon, tarp fenced rear yanl with treeL Paved alley • easy aoceaa for boat and trailer. AU. FOR $20,950! HURRY!!, Older HorM spt.CJ1f : Fully 16 years qld, but ill Tel•: 833-1102 For FurtMr Infor mation ~; .. auch .imma.C\Jlale ,condltioo'l'!~!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!~!"j'~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ yoU wouldn't a~~ l~ _onF *''1 beautiful tree-~'.Flovit:.f ~ewport Heights 1210 ~L;ldo;;;;li:;l•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;;3;5;;J' 1 Sl • a 3 BR with ~wood EAST SIDE COST A MESA ~~~~f ~ ~ ~ NEWPORT HGTs. MEA. -"•"""· ALL THIS AND R2 . s.cg.5110 . $~.soo l•~INl!tbt> OianninS:: 3 bedroom ·Or 2 LL EGE REAL TY bedroom & den. l %. baths, 1500Adl!Nltttarber,CM. fireplace, carpets&: drapes, .: ' • " ... bfrln.ln &: forced air beat. ,, . Bayfrant Duplex•• ~ $10S,OOO • Z.three BR's ' '" $11.S,IXlO • 3 BR .l Two BR'1 wttb .FittllJace• Walk•r Re1lty 3336 Via Lldo ~ Hollie + 112 . Acre Thb "'" ,....,....., horn• 45' LOl' ·-$47.500 C1UI be fbund on a huge R2 Sunny, neat 3 BR. ·Mt Ba. Nestled on ,almoat 'ii acre ln lot with a very largir fenc-Mod, kitchen; frplt: vno'~" prime location. Impossible eel back yard, ·with room 1or wm finance. 675-2643, to ttnd th1s •ize ~ at ' a boat, camper, or build a ,;:;::=;=:=..o=:==:::::=.f amAtinc lO"N Pr: ice with .ref'llal unit! It has a paved Huntington Be..tb 1409 " b!Jme on tt. A1J for.~,!f.io. alley ef\trance ,for easy ao. . • "rin~ cess. ~ation ls just about • • perfect, 1% blks to Newport E""ntng' Call =· ~"' ,.: SPRING grad•""""'· and on1y·2 bUa 1":;-.-""' A~ mv to new city park. Eut 17th Three Wishes ..... """""" • ....t and w .. tclill ..... U Pl'ace, comfort le location • · !'anl/fime"' ptng and two other ICboob a.re .important to you look 2629 Harbor Blvd:, C.M. · Within y,•alldng dtatance. For this over. Convenient to cu s To M HO ME appointment lo see. write: . Newport He i g h t s grade EASTS IDE. Gol'1{eous 4 BR Private Party ~boo\, and all shopping. 2 . home on quiet street. Heavy Bpx P6l2 blk:s lo new park. Only shali;e roo~.· Iai'ge kitchen, '-===,;D;;ally:=cP;;ll•~I=== $2:i,500; and all these "plus" masalve. fireplace &: lm-1' features. 3 be4roomt, 2 ma1.1Cl'ale yard. You won't B1ycre1t 1223 bAtM, fireplace, cpts. and bellevt! It unlesa )'Ou see 4 BDRM + 5th or den, falnl· dn.pe1, double garage, con-It: 'S3'!'15'.XI. fALL 540-1151 b rm,'.' 3· ba. Beautifully crete . drift, large fenced <ORer{.eyea) Herl~ Real landscaJ)l'd wf~w 3 8' bade: yard on SOxl.10 IT. R..2 FAtate · :Anthony i.utofnatic pool. LOT. Thert: ls not to much El. stereo thruou.t. Sunken tub, available in thia part of HELP-1-J P.OWner O""" PriCed.at $21,500 for 1mmed1-fange atorqe: Many ex· w tside C.M. HUITY· "'~ .traa &: you O'o1(h the Jo t. E,R. 642-4980. ate· a~~:· ;Coty 6astslde An Jvan Wells beauty at ...... wilt-In BBQ, ·Wie . S98 . Vlew-Vlew-Vl•w Uvtn room &: hard to find $79,fJOO. 548-4 • Newer 3 bedroom home pn ~ood Qoors. Hurry ~I ::;:;:::;::::=:=:::=== tree 11.ned street with a Oda Pl:lcr. CA L I; RAY H1rbor.Hl9hland1 1235 view ot ocean. ·Master bed· GAULT'.Mo.~· (~ evei) .....,._ room with private bath &: Heritage Real Estate· BY ".O\mer 3 ~R. 2 BA, dreutna: room. Palos Verde OWNER.-· Ba\lLING QW'I'... family rm.. CbrnU lot fireplace. Fanta.stie bullt1H' Sa uo..i~ OU " 1-ft-Sarice -porch, eOd yard. kitchen, cozy family room ya, ....... '6 er. ....... .... On Deborah Ln, NB. Call with enclosed court yard. Meaa. Verde pool home. 548--0415 eves, Sat or alt Under $35 roJ $28,!liO. Money talks, CAll. .11;;,;•;:·rn;;,. on~S;";:"~· ====-' . AL BLACK 54(}..1151 (open ....; ' "ring" eves) Her1tage Real Estate Unlver"slty Park 1237 ; • .,, ~RING BY OWNElto E-ald• 3 Bit .-!.. 1\1. Ba. Crpts, drps, bltn .. • REALTY A•h mt; Incl rolrlg & •• "anytime" dshwhr. Lrg !ncd yd on quiet 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. st. SZi,500. 60--3863 or LOOK-4 BEDROOM 837-0417 BRAND NEW VILI.AGE 11 HANOVE!t HOUSE- 3 BR 2 ha. lQirt, ~Ing. ~·" . $21 ,950 2 baths. FamUy room,. Ele:. gant fireplace. 1.argl' rear yard with covered patio. Boat aCC1!u . Near all schools. Best 4 bedroom buy 1n area.. 54().lTlO TARBELL 2955 Harbor V 1110 Back B•y __ ..:_..:1;.:2.c.;40 Met• erde =.;.o......;.;.;.; ___ c;,.,.:.1 e BY OWNER e DELIGHTFUL 3 BR 2 ba 5 ~ ~ IQ' It, 2 story, & fa'm.' ~e 5%.'i'o loan Jargr'lqt. COit $311.roJ. \Yill or ? By owner. ~1170. se,&1 far, $35,000 thiS week. ---------I Min. ~000 cash. Phone ~,, Mother-ln·l•w Problem? · .• Soive It wltti this 3 BR Span-,. !sh HacieOO& + M"parat at- tached 1 BR apt. Luxury .l BR 2 bath, 2 Spanish fire. ,. places, Spanish CfWUT7 tik, · , beamed ce~, · walk • in pant i y, eiectrlC built. · ·:· range • sell cleaning oven, r- dish\va.sher, apick>us ma11 • suite with upgraded C81'-,- pets &: pad. dtaPl'S, covered patio, 3 car garage, Molhef\. in-law apt. ha& spacloris Uv-: :,• Ing room with fireplace, derella kitchen Wlqt built· ins, quiet mister bedroo ,., private bath, Rented now '~ tar $125 'per month. ,.~ down -low-closing cosll · • KATELLA R•1lty 11 NOW PAYING up to 80% Commission Call 147-6061 ~ I ': I .. !l ' • • • • • • • • • . • • & ask lot.HAL MORR • • . • • Newport Beach 12001,;;~;;,=====I S\4 % LOAN CASUAL ~IVINGI lrvl~~:i:er;ac• ':• ,1245 CAN be yours In the Back · • • Plym•n~ nil m0. lnclo:t<• ~-Atrlwn noor ...,, + Old · Interest hie all. 4 Large bedroml, oa.c-. library for dad, 646-44;t4 !oUi llv. rm., l % BA, tara:e fenced yan:l. Near scboo!t t\ So. Coast PW:a. Imm~ ate posseulop. ?llAR'llN .tl..E. -54S.Q32 Duplex $24,950 EasQ:tde Costa Mesa. Hard· wood Doon i: double oar Ka.tage separating iuuts (2 bdrma e. ch\. Extra Jarie kltc~en area in 1 unit. W1lls-McCardl1, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548--7129 Eves. 6"-0684 4 BEDROOM-$23)50 "0$" !>OWN PAYMENT to a G.I. low down all olhera. 2 baths. Fonnal dining room. ·Spotlessly lmmarufate. ear.. peted, many added-features for )'OU!' comfort. 54(1..1720 TARBELL 2955 Harilor 10 UNITS on 3 lots. Adjacent to OceJ¥l- front. $155,0CO. Balboa Rnl E1t1te Ca. 100 E.. Balboa Blvd., Balboa m.4140 DAVIDSON Realty JUST LISTED · 4 SR 2 b&, lie fam rm, fztJ(c, hdwd fin $26,000. c.n fOf' •wolntmen.1. JUI,.. 7150 Hart>or Bl, CM ~ Eves. 545-5142 Costa Met e 1100 BY OWNER. Newly redec -~ Br. 2 Ba. P;lealant settled ·area. Frplc, natl wood bltn . t11. Hdwd nn. P-.110 . Aaune F1lA ~"' bn, mm Pl1oc *· "6-939t BY OWNER • E4idiJ.. 3 Br. ·t Ba. Natural wood bl.In k!tden; utillll pot c b ; ' crpts, drpg. dOlle to ICbls 1: •hp'c. $25.500. ~ DA.D..Y PDm WANT A.DB BRING RESVLTSI tilt• Jltol £stett . $38,500. 3 Br. 214 Ba. On Green Belt. *lmmed, Occup•ncy* Bkr A.B. Oevidence- ·= • '=""""!!!!!!!!""""""""I ' Bayview Condominium Irvine 'i'trr1ce 1245 5 BR/2 Yrs New ; Owner moving bac~ to L.A.1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;; Take advantage of low 6% % ... R. McJ4od. 64W525 3 BR, 2'-Ai BA, drpd & crptd. • ' .... •1 e Interest while ii tuts:, sub- 6%. % Translerable loan. ., f --• "I Do 'You Need mH down, o.~ dining, ·• $56,000 Owner 644-2370 cpts/drps, &late entry, lota ; i a 4 BR \House ? oC cabin<t spaco. 129,500. ~-i IDEAL FAMILY HOME We haw two . 4 BR houses ' BRASHEAR REAL TY 4 Near Mariner's Parle. 3 Br, with poQ_la, IrvtM: Terrace 847-8531 Eve1. 5Cl-2442 .:. j extra Jg. 20· x 3)' family with ~llent financing. WOW! ~ nn, lli ha. Ex. cond. F•..,. Sall1fitarv jlealty 2 .tory pool horn•, huge ,... ; ! ed patio. Spac. kilch., bk 315 J.\;,.{,,. Ave. arall' family room, top qua1. ~ Por ch, mep. dble gar. B Ibo. I Je-6f3-6900 tty carpeta. Best buy ln town r . OWNER. $36,500. 1 9 12 ea 1 e at $31,500 • Qn1Y $5300 down i~ Deborah Ln. 646--6731 • &. &llume FHA loan. INCOME 3 BR. 2 BA. ·--•• -.ZZL--p J R I '· · Sundeck. Llv, Dtn Rm. torona del Mar 1250 847.U:,ul on.:ves~~:l.24 PaUo. % Blk lo ~an • ! Bay, bltn kit. c.r. tot 15th Income Property &: Balboa. Rear Apt. rented. ~fWlt sell by Owner. Prine. South of Hwy only. 6'13-8718 2 BR home plua 1 BR Rt!ntal. SOill5 IT Deeded View Lot Walk to all ahopa.. $45,900 • · l'uy term1. Contemporary house. Stone, Or•-.. Coast P-narty glas.'I, mahogany~ SUftablf! . ~··-,,_,_ lor 2 or 3 people. Enclosed 332 Marsuerlte, CdM &n.8550 patio. S49,500. 2!r.28 CllU INVESTOR'S SPECIAL 2 DrlVI', Newport Beach. Nice Hou.tel on double 1bt ~ft' Sale; $10,{.Q), on SD. at Hwy. $58,00J Owner. BRAND NEW i ) , I 2 Bit. =~ ~ ....... 2 i I blks lo beach. Hone.ymoon. 1 en Spec>at. 122.900 ! t R. D. SLATES, R~r. 847-35111 ""''· 538' · 1 4 -~~~VACAlfl I 2 • 4 BR'1 left. $795 down. t no aecondl. New paint. Good 1 "M)front, attractive 1 . BR 613--069 trlr &: cabana w/ne.w crpf& -• are•. I i thruoot. Refrl& & ...,. ~ Lido 11tlt 1311 HAFTDil llEAU'Y JPrl~v~be;•~ch~•icl~o~b~la:clli:""':J;;;;;;~~:;;;;;~~;;;;;;; I f140 \VlllWr . 842-4400 64&-2516 "' "8-5210 MOVING IMMEDIATEL y SALE 3 BR Waterfront No. 52 Larrt 9 mo old Deane Gazo. • Balboa C.oYH. S 6 O: O 0 G. FEBRUARY 1st dest ·HolM. (.\ti-de-sac lot, ! Prefl'r trade tor a~ or ·to:·&\55 Via Udo, Suite~ 7\,l' wflk. 4 bdrm. 2 ba... Cl l w111 oonalder other. 54.1-mt LIOO BUil.DINO-ab<M:: w/sudrest ·t\lb), atrlwn. w/w l * BAY vtEW Fee lot 85' (Blue Dolphin Restaurant) crptg, trplc. dbl rarqe. Nr • x 195' w/ plans. $34,900. R. C. GREER, ~alty beach A new tchools, 968-3194 !, Qwner~'Dt9,~· '• II '11m.9300 ·~ 4 Bl\. S 8a."Qlodo.. """ GREAT BUY 1 ,,! '•1. i' 'iiiill!I --int. ~ drpt,• bltna. ~ : Baa"1. 4 &Inn, 211 Ba. 1"' 3 OutstanclinJ I"' . .,.."_,.,,:;;:~·,.:°'"',..:.::""~· ,:.:9'Mlll:;;.:;::::.._ 1: pool SS3.500. _.,. '"COUPLE" HOMES l.>vN'T JIJS'f W1SH !Or""""' I ll>loa ID ...... -eum:sr ..,...._ '" vr. Gnclan& .... .. $115.ilCll .... l!nd ,..., ..,._ ID '°' I tnwn. The DAILY PIL01 Vla W.utttt ..... ••, $59,CWXI dq'1 "•1s!W Adi. i Qus1t\ed MCtkn. s. .. P1u:u. Udo • . . . • • . • $61.500 ~ """"'· dme a e!b1. l..ool LI DO REAL TY DIAL d-142-om, 0>srao ! notrtll 3.fllt Vla Ltdo m.mJ l'OUI' eel..._, lllft ..... aod • listen to 1ht ~ rtrc1 : . ' I ----~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ ~~~~~~.1.....-~~~~-'-__. I I ,. ----·--. N KcHTAU llNTALI llNTALI llNTALI ~INTALI H-Unlvmllltod H-Un ...... ..,,... Apia. Pumllholl Apia. """'W.0. lie UOll """"""!__ """ """" 1-"-toln Volloy 1410 10D ~-.:..;..;..; 1-rol 3000 Corona clol Mor 3250ic0el;.,;;;.;.'llf,;.•;..I __ ~---~!et ~ . 41lf Huntl"'?' leHll 4400 ~ ll\IOe I DAILY PILOT CLAlllfl• INDIX BY OWHEll -1-· TIW<$l'ERRED NEAR -3 Odrm, , -'130; Wldml.. pool OCZAlO'llllHr l Bii..... UTILmu l'AIP LUXtlJUOUI 1 a. 111 l>L, , BR. l BA. 11, -YIAltLY RINTAU -Ir ..... i. -~ pr, 4..a 1" T-Jm !. 2·1Nnoo. itn w_ ,..i all-., ..... -G.S. '(Ill. X1at ...._ 111 n old. HOW AVAILABLE c1udod P>O mo. >•11. --llwl m..u IOI-· Ut D, H.B. ldt., ,.11o, ... _,Ind, •• '"" -_. ._. A•l- W " nu.'"" be ...... Lldo3BR .............. SB> Sollf'U'1 RIQ<. ITMi!lllO SllDl l iOC """' W/'#, • -· • ... .... ---...... Dluc.I' ~olJC7· -· -!IG-lCSI &!boa Cowl 3 BR •••• ""' ~, BR. Wt • .... ---0.K. c ......... Mi<' 4UO l iUiiX -...... 1 • UllE. .... Cl.IL ·-------------· O.ta M-Townhouaoa carpet.. ........ '1~ mo. --l BR -· -pool i 8ll )Ii ... -w/W . o..,,,. County 1600 , BR .................. sm yrly ........... -Rlt>. ll4CllJ:WR -So. "' .... ~ -. li*a-<ICI/-.... utll nn. HOUSIS POil SALi """!'I ·m" ........... .. WINTER RENTALS m-l.6C H 11 lt" •l', 81 rv tew m• ~.-...rt NtU a1L l1!iO/a. Mo peb. ... w. ::':U~~Je lio;,iarr ·: .. ::•~• • Cowon Htl...... AV,~LA1•1osLE :nNow CM!• -410D •-t•••!!_~~· i•·~· t W --· .~~~~---l."'~~{'1'~:::::::;;:::::;!!5 ~:fl!'.;;n•.:·::::::: ' ~···· runl • Hvntlnlf'On Belch S400 • IHrftoouaHO • ,-~· .J'~ A...U hb 1ll tl.11 tlo. ; = ..... _ ... etts. 'l•IOll_" .............. UM~ .......................... , Cor Sirrine & Ovarhlll • RfD CARP • 'U / ~, ~-· ._ l1l-lillo t>l!Pa. ..a ~-1 ait1'I • , ~~:::::::::llll ;,,...~aovu ·~:::~:::~:·:in l tull.,.. with...,,,.,,...,. FREE RENTAL llOOK 84cii, -.. •UI. Pllli: ik -DI ~ 5 .... ,.. belL !!JS. g if'il''. : ... >-... ••• ...... , .................... - V\ewa! Cradlna all <tom! REALTY Drop in and 9roWM a Lfere I B& tun.. nr. '*'D ll!5. l1t1un1 lffch ,., -am ' r-'w\n ·:::::::;:::; :f'U:a~'J:=a.'.n··:::::::::; ~te~t1~ux:i=-(30 ottlces to 9tt'W you)• 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. Dou~ ,.__ Cbunty'a BeauWUI m-.3l51Aft5PM 2 8.R. ~view, ad-A~~ 2 J&. BrNo., Y l • ·····:::::::::::::::1111 gU1"wo•,'1~1·T:•:;:~~.:::::ut: Cub that is. 2(J:1S \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Garage. 1...ovdy ca.rptll ..., • .,,.._ jaceQI: lla1n·91M:b. .atlJ p4, -a-: -p:r, ~·MOlft· ••.......... , •. 19f. MOUMTA 11 6 OtlllltT , ...•••. Git <n4) 847-2022; 74.>SUO 67S-tilXlO draPH. Hua:e yard tor lddL NEW Adult Uv\lis cmiplu ..... ~ 4IOO 1125 mo tll Jum $$. (21J\ ehildrt:n-or ~ .,_:: :J&iilii9i .. :::::::.1'W f'J.~•v:~~;.~~vkii··:: .. :m: 11n..1_,,,....i Realty Co /~==-===-====! Nice clean home. S189 p.r CWtom tum or W1fum.. Sf;9..10IO ar .. Sat at• nr. • '* v .n--PlitC-: .......... 1w .., .. axtMfl•• ............. ,.,. ~-,,.. . mo. Possible option. m-. . 1 B<bm • 2 Bdrm.I a.EAN Bacbelot" .. ...,_ ~ Q1fl Dr ::.\:' . • • .,.... ... '"' t. L WAHTllO ................ UM 1!i9 South°"""'· -· JlOO Walker & Lee • °""..,,._.,, t\lltom -• J ""' srd>I .... !pl. ""' "''" .,;;·:::::::::::::::: ......... BUSINESS ond Cost• -~ All utll !Jld "'... ·•Hr··· -...... blbll. ...... pool. a:"'"""..................... FIN'NC1·L ..... _.. 31$ !:_ Ba!'bo& ll\'d. " "'"' Adltit llO pets. $IC5. 5tl-SJl3 1• . a Tiit-Ci: ............ 1Mll ~ "' 1705 "'!NE 3 BR 2 BA home • ~Gardena ft.&TTW"lo.& • .. .... u~ c .... OIL ................ tut 6UllMlll Ol'POITUMITlll .. &M Lcgune Beech Hcndymen Spocl1l1 Income Units Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy. 15(1 yds from Beach. 4 Jge Apt. unlts, needs paint &. l'l'.'(.l general cleanup. PO- TENTIAL IN C 0 M E EX· CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAL- LY. Price $69,950. MISSION REALTY 4%-0731 9tl5 So. """'~ Loguna 1707 I; • 7682 Edtnatr • Bu .... 11_ -...t-. brook DIU4IUA ... '. fB.oN ...... DiiPLii 2 Br. 3 04 tAL.904 r•111111ul& ·········:: •UIUtltll WMITIO .•...•.•.. •»ll in ~t area; near WestclW -. •ro-u• ~ .-.. '' llACOM .,.T ............... .. tll'lllTMIWT ~lllM ••. IU\t Plua l sclils. Lr&: tam 842-4455 QI' 541).Slf() • G' Pool 6 Ulerapy bath '"°· J BR, priYate bel.dl.~ .vvll' BniuhrQ" $115. CaB after ~~'t' UU.llOJ ········:···· .... :: IM'l•ITMlllT •l•T•O ·····• UIJ • AcU·--room/bUl1arda :t.:, &!boa Bly location. ___:.::..:.: 5 • 'fttkudl. SSi...an IN llLI ..................... ,UI MOfUIY fO LOAN ............. mo rm w/frplc. Fncd yrd, 2 3 BJL Small tncd yd. $140 ••v · OM LMA 1sLAMD .............. • P••oteU.L LOAMI ............ &nJ car gar. Lease .$231 mo, yrly. 1,.eue. 3 Child. OK • SaU¥ Batb lnter. 815-<D.71 VEND E 1 BR ;;en apt, utllldea. ~~~~l=:: t~~\~ua·:::::: .. ~~~i.:_T.~~ ... ws·:::::::::: water pd. 833-0226 Nr. Beach Blv & Slater • Puttll:w sreen OCEAN FRONT Quiet, Mablrt adults. ftefa. ;:oc,.TAPI VAl.UIY .......... ::i: IUL rsTAT• LOAMI ........ ~ 2.~0~0'-":,.."" .. :::._-'r~;-:c _, .... ,~.••= -117654 Van Buren 842-1823 • OUtald• Gu B8Qa t BR $125 3 Bit U1' SUO. 2QS ...__ C.Y. IUL lutN ................. ,ua; MC»a.TU.011, T,.... 0.-.... U45 nn.. ,....._ .crtUU ..... • EDcl. .\ .,.._,_ .... -•"• IUIU&l llACM ............... MOMIY WAlllTIO ..... . ... ~ pool. ?otaJnte.nance included. 3 BDRM. 2 ba, crpta. drpl. CENTER~ :;~ UW tnclaled. m-tnt IMMAOJLATE APTS? i LARGE 2 BR. *pt.Ho, ~~.::,.~.::::::::::::::}:: ANNOUNCEMENTS Lrg tncd yrd. Crpll, drps, prden service. walk to Ba.YA Fard/H.Ubor A New-~T· ~~~ pnp. Qukt. Adul~ no ...... ,.._ .................... ,.,. and NOTICES stove, re.trig&. freezer. $200 beach. sm Mo. 9l)2.--804S Lid I I ••51 IU.IUM -II " -sm Eldtn. lt8-2'la ,..., •• c•uttrr ............. ,.. .... ,;:.;_:;:::~~~-,---,.:::--I port o I• -SECTIONS AVAD..ABl.E OUT ofl COUNTY ............. 1 ... l'OUlllD IPnt ,,., ........... 1 mo. &tZ-4422 4 BDRM, 2 ba, ntw crptl, 2()(X' u...---CM 6C-ft C'--~ ~~· f'ltk Lai: \1nlUrn. t1uJ1. bl.,_lb MIT i:::STATI ................ 1 .. LOIT · ........................ .... ,,_ .. .., .... ..,.. JTAll ".J.••·"""'"·•·"··''n l'••IOMALI ................ .... NEAT 2 BR &: den, 1% $11.S. Mo. or will lieue Chirml-2 Stery • Sp&doul 3 .. Ba ,_,.. cpta, c1tp1. set-.m4 ••n ntnlll ................ 1111 u11ouMCIM•MTI ....... , •• , ... ,. ~~ 436 Bernard. 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, $165:. Mo. ..,.. MOTEL patio, 2 w l*!'klnl. Avail. • swtm Pool. Puttanen NICE 2 Br ~ apt, near 0 ~ •.... ~~.":::::::::·:::; ~~:r.::~Tgt::m·ai··:::::::::l! BA. Walk to all 1bopplng. w/option to buy. 613-1118. ~ SEA LARK Spadoul 3 Bl. 2 bl, trplc, • 2 BWroorm .. M:lWon Dt., Apt. A--1 =~tOW:wm' .. : .. :::::::::::JU: :::.T."lali'"'.'::::::::::::::::::::l~ 839-15.58 after 3 pm or WEEKLY D•T!S $275/mo Mort tenn or '350/ • Frpl. Jndtvlbmy fMl'll OCC. 9M El Cunlno. C.M. TU ,. ........................ 1 PL0•11n .. , .. ,. ............... 1s DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba.; pn> 3 BR 1 bath. 20aJ2 Bayview SU--8305 Ask for Glen. ._Bl mo yrty >eue. Adults onb'· 1145 Anaheim Ave. $16. 962-5CllO. Avail Feb. t. :::.:fM~1.~ .. :::::::::::::::itt: f:";:,:O.~:-~ .. ::::::::::::::J; fess. lndscpd. A ~led; S.A. Heights. S 1 7 51 mo. 2301 Newpet"t wl., CM A.a¥ fur lifts. Grumk;y OOSTA -.n:-.. • •a<1 .._. 2 nn 1u.. "-.. ,R.__-., 111.v•uPG CAMY"Ollll ......... IQI c•MIT••Y LOTI ............... If M narch Bay Ml 2-2222 A all. NI I 3707 1. .. 1.7••5 ----an., ~ ...... UYl.IW .... , LA•"MA MILLI ................ Int CIMITl•Y ClYl'TII ........... u in exclusive o : Realtor · v ~L:;:•,.1•.c•c.•--•=-"-'----· I e _. -• P•te Barl'titt lle•lty !'OR £ Olt l..:£ASE ( cpta: pr., Nr. Pomona Ii \,M,\IC •ritM .............. 11111 CIMITl•Y cllYPTI _, ........ 1• ... IDwl''~ .. ~, .. ~."'.··.~~.a!~: February 5 3 BDRM, tarn nn. 2~ ba, $25 Wk. Up IC2-S2m Utb. AdWta, $135. MM!St ~:vc1."1l:~"~~L :.:·::::::::: .. ~m ~~~~i~'~~1.t:1··::::::::::::S~ • ..... ·~ .. -lrpk. patio, ....... -. blt·irla. Channel Reef NEAR occ. 1 ·-2 Br JAN ..1uAN CAl'••T•AMO ...... 1121 •ucT10N1 .. ., ................. .... doon; 1 yr. new. $59,500. Men Verde 3110 •---e stUdlo I: Bach....... p nfL-··--&.J ............ · c.a'llTllJIO •ucM ......... 1111 AVIATlott I• v1c1 .......... .us with 6"3 loan. Owner ll) Crpts &: drps, $225 mo. ...,-. lllMe la'8ncl GSS I nvvw ...,..a. 2 BA. Bltm cprta. drps DAMA POINT .................. 1t11 Tuv11.. ..................... ..u ~~/mo. W•t•• -·". Ni·-Phone , """ Beach GA •Ind Utils 6 Pborle lftil. $!5(' per mo. to rtllable JIU-fl,.._ 5"o-o336 · ea1uat.0 ..................... 11w At• T•AMSl'OITATIOM ,, ..... ..... 499-4198 ~..,,... "Co> _._...., ....., ....,.,. • Makf Service. TV avail. tin J ...__ eo.u .... ,.,., •-.-•mo. Unto• ................... t7M AUTO TRANSl"OllTATION ..... '4-IJ 3 BR. Avail Feb. :tsL Z-8056 3 BR. prap apt. Avail. on y, ......-t ..w. ...... ., "'"' tHffO ..... ·:..:.;.o •··· ...... t111 LEGAL Not1c11 ,. ....... a.st e New Cl.le&: Bar Feb. thN June lttb. $110 Jtealtor. 8'fMSIOO DAILY Pl1Dl' DIME-A-t1va•1IH cou111T ......... 1MI •••MAN • TUTO•IN• .. ..,. Dan• Point 1730 :===w.=1922====-2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9755 "°!,••• '° •• MOVIO ...... ~= SEftVICE DIRECTORY RENTALS mo. plua utu. No atudenu, $115; 1 BR., w/w, drapH, LINEI. Yoa cu u. tblm otl~~~·':,;,·u;i:,1·:::;::::1,,1 Acco"KTINO .. . ......... •• OPEN DAILY 12 to 3 Newport Beech 3200 -'A:.:!:p::ts.::..;F.:u:.:r.c•.cllh=od-'---: I CHATEAU Li POINTE ~ ~ pets. 115-2MO redeoor. Clllld O.K. far tmt ,.wts o ctq. Dal &PAITMINTs l'h u.u .... 1• :::~1~~~1G ::=~:g, ·;w..· .. !m 3 bdmu. den. 2 baths, pool, ,._ Lo·-1., turn. 2 BR ta. Off 4 · Brobr !3UMO MHfll Rl!NTALS ASPHALT, 01 ................... me lS 35 $3500J 25251 Mm 3 BR, 1~ bath condominium Gen1r1I -•..Y ap • H • 1-Lld .t.uTo ••P".t.1•• ............... ... x • ' . A ail street pukbw, cuporta. Htd "'"' rurn Ml AUTO. IHI .. llt, TtM. Ilk. U4t aall Dr. 642·2823 Bluffs Plaza, $260 mo. v RENT _, ••wb, nope'" ll"". / :tr tl"tilAL ........................ •.t.av1m 1110 ... · .......... Ull 644-1133. Eve 6"--0505 _. ~ ... w T' ""R G ... ,..,_E"D"' -ft a 1t1111tAU TO SKAila ......... toll IOAT MAlf'TIN.t.NC• ........ au ~· F II UK1 POMONA AVE., C.M. ..r'1 ~~ ~ .... COITA MUA .................. t1t1 •1tlCIC. MAJOfl•Y, llfc. ....... jll(I l e"=~::.:.··----~~--3 Rooms um ur• t-:.::'"':=:r---i!,aAYLPOl.JW<---,.-::::;::;-'~ M1u.111L MA• .............. 11t1 1u11N111 111tv1cu ........ ..u -'-'----------,$225; 2 BR. 1 bath. FeJIC!f!d 111 .... bit, __ pool ....,_, _ . COL~· l'A•K .............. tT19 CATlltlMe .. "11 Dupl1x11ForSale 1975 $2S Month 2 BR. New film, cpts, drpl. i:. 1_...,.~-·,_ ~ .,,..Ql 111au.v•••lhn1 •u1LDu1 .................. .6171 EW DUPLEX Yont· gar W/W bltns. Beam ce....... ·u ... , . A«etf# ....... SIM. ~-21 ••W'11lT ••ACM ............ not CAllflllTMAKINt ............. . N B-k·, .. .,.,. ;;........ ' FUU.. OPnON TO BUY Adults. $155. 227:2 Maple St. ott 11 M•wl'OlT ••Tl, .•••.••••.•••. 1111 CAlf'•NT••1NO ............ ,.,,,. "' • ~ • vallabl ' To develop ...... ,. for f,ldoy, ,.; lllWf'OIT IMOll•f .......... me CIMIMT. ce.crm •"""""""°' Delux~ Gold Medallion Du-3 BR. 2 & lrpl cpts (Rdrigeraton A e SU-4807; WWW NOd....,.ca,....,.idltl;totun.rs u.'l'tMO••• ................... mt CMILO tAlll', Uulllllil .......... H pie '}_~~.. . 3 BR. Units ., ., ' No depotlt o.a.c. ·-3 BR apl, , ••• of,awZadiocb51fh&>two. OOYI• lttOllll ............... !!?. CONTUCTOlll .................. M x. _..,,,...ClOUI drapes· l'!Ai blk:s. to beach. H F R C ~ ,..... ...... ........ · w1tta.1'' ................... ;:;;; cA•f'n cL11AN1110 ........... u w!View_ ol Ocean & Bay 7% Y•arty'. s~ Mo. 673-8088 • • • • w/w carp .. drpl., attr. yd. 'Dar('t 31 c-.. ., ~ Uflll'ISISm PAIK ........... CAlf'n LAYING .. ll!l'All ..,, fi t .. ~ Furniture R1ntal1 "~"~ • .,.. " ... ,..,.,~ ~.,, .. ...,., 2.,_ 32-a...... 11v1fll• ........................ 2211 oaaP11111 .................. use nancmg, grea u::nns .,..,...,..., .. ; .,..,..., ..... ; 0'9U'"V'1.... ,_ 331.;.... -U.IT ILUl'll' .................. s1u DAMOLITIOlll .................. "" 1701 W. Balboa Blvd. NB 517 W. 00, C.M. 5e348l :a ..., 34 ~ ~ii;'' t•VIM• TllitUCI ........... tMJ DltAflTlfllo SllYICI ............ 31 *Call ,,. •• """'"'* Coron• d•I Mar 3250 1568 w. • ·~'-Anhm n4-2800 1 BR. htd pool, no pell or :::., 3SYia, 15.....,. coto111.\ o•L Nil ........... me 1L.•cT11a.1. .................. .... ~ ~""""' children, $120. Ut:U pd. 1801 •CotASllW :Nwi. .. ,.... IAUOA ....................... -IQUll'MSlllT alNTALS ......... H Whl--SL"""'~ 7;..;,,.. 37T• .,,_ LIDO ISL• ..................... ml fl•MCllllO ...................... "'° HOLIDAY PLU.A. RENT 'LS $275 MO Yearly teue. 2 "' Bedroom home. Ne w I y HouUI Furnlshld redecorated. I...arp )'ard. Walk to beach & ahopping. Re,,tals to Share 2005 Water & gardener pa.Id. DELUXE, Spadota 1-Bdnn. Furn. apt. $135 Plus uW. Heated pool Ample parldria: No cltlldrtn-No pets 1965 Pomona, CM 60-685& ANOTIIER straight young Adults preferred. C a 11 man 24-32 looking for same 673-1055 before 10 a .m. or alt 5 •-nt 67• """'" CHARGE..,,.,._ wurt ad now. to share home ln Newport jiiie~r ... ~p.;;m;;.;;_.0..iiiiiii~iiiiiii~oiiiiiiiiiiim,_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSj Shores Aft. 6 p.m, 6424623 • Stan. YOUNG, Working lady will &hare 2 BR bl-lev. apt w/firepl & many dlx. fe1tures., CdM, with a am e. 644-4049 aft 1 pm. EMPLOYED woman to share pleasant b om e w/same. $50 Month. 548--Ql72 days. LADY w/2 children, 12 &: 16, desire Olrlstlan \\'On\811 to share home in N .B. 642-2812 WANT lady to fihare my home, 2 kids OK. 3 BR In C.M. Pomona &. 19th area.~ GIRLS wanted share beach apt. 3 bdnns, 2 ba. laJge & beaut $65. 613.-0695 24 YR old male 8Cbool teacher wants to 11hare apL nr heh NB atta. 962-4514 Newport Be.lch 2200 NEARLY new I bdrm, 2 ha, furn. Baytront home for lease. $350. Boat slip avail. 536-3743 BEACH HOUSE 2 BR., gar. Furnished. Yearly $160 per mo. 548-2!i67 · NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fost Service & '"'"' ..,.,............. 1-., 310r -~ tAY 11\.AMDI .................. '1.00RI ...................... "41 9y.. lt~ .,Gollt •.t.LIDA llLAllD ........... , .. UH PURN.t.C• lll'AIRS, Ek ........ 10 NEW 1 BR. Adult& only. Encl pr. $150 mo-to-mo. 2220 Elden. 645--1251 BEAUT. lge. 2 Br. 1~ ba. 1tudio, pJOl, prlv. patio. SUS 2310 Santa Ana 645-2933 1-BDRM, fUrn., utll pald. $105 Mo.; 1-2 adult., 1 ptt O.K. &&S-22U Afl 5 PM 4200 VIEW, eliepnO, furlUlbed, tittplaoe, prqe, two beds, 1 bmth; Waabtr/dl1er, Spllt level $215. 548-239( afttt 6p.m. IOVblt •AQAI 10ftpoped •AST 11.Ufll' .................. HG PUllNITUal llSTO•IN9 11'--,41...._ 71,... IACK UY ....... ,.,., ......... J:Mt a1t•fllNllMllllO .. 7J ''-";;;z... '72h IACK IAY ................. , IMI OA•OilllNG . .. ........ '4IO NlilNTllleTOM •IACH ......... MM Gl!NlllAL s•IVICll ......... "8 l:i; ::~ ~=-"fUMTAIM YAu.IY •• ,. ...... M)I OllAOIMe, OllCIHO ........... Ult I~!:_ :~ ?;~""' "1 lo~~~~·::::::::::::::: .. ::: :tt.':111 THVMi"::::::::::::::::= 17 .OCW..... ,, OUfllOI CIVfllTT ............. Ult OUN tMOI' . .. ............... &nt ,, I~~~ U.NTA AMA .................... lilt Hl.ALTM Cl.UIS ............. , •ttt •,1w--==-n:t: WIJTMlfllSTlll ................ 111: HA\l\.INO ................... no ..- MIDWAY CJT'I' ................. 21_1 HOUSICl.Lt.MIMO .............. 7U 20Moy '°f-.u.I IANT~ AMA ., ... HTI ·····-· INT•1110• a•tO•ATINO ..... •1n :21A 51N.if II~ COASTAL ...................... »ti INCOMI TAX ............... 6141 ni. .51...,,...., llY-L.Ae"MA aUCll , .•.... , •.••.. Jnf l•ON, OrMIMllt.L l!k. ........ i1M 21T• ~n...-13""'-'-LMUNA MfOUll. ............ ::' lltONINO ...................... 755 24...... 5-1 A :: ~ lAlt Cl.IMIHTI ..... · ..... "• ri INIUL.ATING ... , .............. .,.,, 2'....... .55 Aol-N r.:.____. JAM JUAN CAl'llTIUlfO ...... IHIUUNCI , . , ................ •17t ~y.., 56A __..,.. CAflrfnlltO •u.at ......... 2"f INVEITIGATtNO, Ct1ecllW ... •7N ir~-.. "~ 11v,•..,,.qdl1• OANA f'OUrT .................. 17 .. 'ANITOltlAI. ................. •nt -__ ., •IV•lllDI COUlr'l'T .••••... 2Mf JIW•LAY ltll'Allt, •k. ...... ... 29 Ml.AN ,,,......, VACATION ISMTAL.S ......... 2"1 LANlllCAl'llle ................ "'I )l!O.. ®,,....,._ tOT ...... I IUMMI• ll..,.AU ......... Jtll LotKIMrTM ..................... . Q,.~ .. ......___ ~--1/ll CotfDGMIMIVM ................ me MAIONIT, •llCIC ......... ., ,UM ~.._ _. ~"-'I °"'~U.ft l'"•M. ,,,,.,. •• , .. Im MOVINO & ITO•AO• ......... .... llt!NT ALS I' A INT ING, ... ,.111an.1111 ...... ... l'AINTING, llelll: ............... 61H HoUlll Unfuml1hld l"AT1os ........................ *' ""'~ ........................ ~~W:ltT...~ .. ;.-.1;·:.:::: COSTA MrA ................ ,.11• ,, .... ,.. "" #. .... 01 Moll 11• ······· .......... .. M ., •• DI .. ' •••••••.... an• l'OODL• OlOOMIMO ' ...... ,.,, .. \.~l·I l'Aiit!IC'"" .. '"'""""1111 l'OOL l•IVltl ............... 6m NIWf'OltT au.c:M "" ......... ·11· l'OWlll IWlll'INO ............ ns NIWl'OlT MOtnl ""'"'"""n1t l"UMI' l••VltS ............... ffll MP'PO•T IMOl:li "::::::::::m11 •OO,INO .............. , ....... IHO •• y'H .. H "" llAOIO, A•ln. IEk. ...... , ... &na ................. R8'00ELING I. Rfl"A11t 6''0 09V•I IMO••I ................ m1 llMOOll.ING, KfTCMl!NS , •.. •NJ WllTCl.11'1' ............ , ...... SDI IClllOltl SMA•l'lfll .......... •Kl UNIVlltSITY PAaK ........... mJ llWINO ,., ........ _ .......... 6Hf •VtNI ...... . ............. JUI Sl!WINO MAC"MINI Rl!l'Alltt •"2 llYllll T•IU.Ca ............ 11411 IEl"Tlt TANkl. ........ lk, .. 6t-H C"O•OMA OIL MAI ........ , .. JUt TAILORING .................. ,11 •At.aOA · .. ·· ·· · .......... ., ... Jiit TEltMITI CONTIOt.. .......... 4tn USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID DAILY PILOT •AY llLAllOI ................. llH TILm, Ctnftlllc: ................. "14 ~ LIDO ISL• " .. · .............. Df1 TILi, Ulil11it11111 & Mlorllrl ...... 4'15 . IAL•~A Ill.A.MD .............. US& Tiii •••v•c• ''" MSWl>OlllT w•IT .............. JUJ T•LIYlllON, 1.t.iin."'i!:iC:.".' .. •Ms MUNTl ... TON IUCM . . ......... U•HoLo,aaY '"' WANT AD ORDER BLANK MUNTIMeTOtl MAl•OUI _,,,Ml ................ . l'OIJMTAIN Y.t.LLllY Mii W•l.OlNO · · ...... Htt ,,., 1uc• ........ ::::::::::lf.: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT e.t.ll.•1111 OllO'IW .............. n JOS WAWTIO, Mir! ............ 7fM UNfO •UCM ............... ·'"' JO• WANTIO, W-........ 1nl GR.t.1111 COUNTT ............... JOI! WANTED, IAlfTA AMA .................... Mll MIN 6 WOM•N ............ ,..7nt AND REA~H THE ORANGE COASTS BIGGEST MARKET WlttMIMlfl• , ............... 1611 DOM•STIC Mil.I" .............. 1W --------------,.,..--------------------------•IMIOW'AY CITY ........ , ........ ::: .t.G•NCl•I, M1t1 ........ -.• , •• TI• UM!A AltA M•l•MTI ......... MILi' WANTtO, MH .......... ntt tDA TAL .................... 11'1 AOl!NCllS, W-........... 7* LAeUMA •Lt.C:N .............. 11'1 MILi' WANTI•, W-..... ,,Ht LAGUMA NIOUIL ............ .1717 JO•l-MM a W.-.......... 11tl SAM Cl.IM•MT• .............. 111t AGlllClll, Mell a W-•11 .... 7$51 -----..-----,.----~----..-----,.----..-----.----... ---• f•CAl'llTIU.NO .... ·······••······a: KMOOLI • IN9TltUCTION .. ,.76'1 r:l'tlTUNO •UCM ......... l7 JO• l'R•l'AllATIOM ........... 1Mt J 4 7 11 AM• l'Ol"T ...... ,. .......... 11 .. TH&ATRICAl ......... 1'11 TlllD TlllD TlllD TlllD onOOM••ov• ............... "" MEltCHANDISE FOR -----·j-----~1-----1·----·1-----ll-.!::=:...l•-'!:::=--1-.::.::::~l--"'°'=--IDWh.•1111 "~'u•111 •......... n1s 1uM1111• ••MTAU .......... ms SALE ANO TRADE RINTALS ,URfllltU•E .................... ... 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE UNE-HO AD LISS THAN 3 UNES -- ... •~, ." .• ' .••.. ~ •......•.••. -Ol'PICI IOUll"MINT ••.•..... lltll Huntington Btach 2400 SHARE hall of bungalow about $80 a month. 536-3647 before 7 p.m. dally Expert Assistance -----1-----1·----1-----1-----1·----1----·l-----1----1 ~~ , nl-'od OflPICI ,UltNITUltl ........ It'll $4.50 $6.IO $10.•S $15.90 ITa•• IOUll'M•MT .......... •n 11-----1-----1-----l·----1-----1----1-----l·----1-----1cos MIU. .................. 41• c ....... lllSTAU•ANT ......... I014 M11il:'llllOI ............ , ••. 4111 •Al •OUll"MlllT ............ 9'11 f(~NTALS Hou1H Unfurnished General 3000 LUXURIOUS 3 Br. 2 Ba. home, fam rm. htd pool Childm's play are a . Gardener & pool service. 96>-1915 ba. $135; 2 BR.. 1% tDv.1\house. w/w; redec., chlldttn OK. Broker 534-6980 DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT General 3000Gon0•~r•~l~~~~-3-ooo __ Go~••_r_•~l--~~3_ooo~ I l Solv• a Sirnpl• ScmrnbZ.d Word Pw:zZ. for a Chuckl• ILEMLAT . I' I I' I I IMYKOS '111'1 rGEDAL e r:~.~~t~ors r r r I' r r I' I' I· .6 ~~~~ '0'1 I I I I 11 I I Is I 1: .... ,..,,...,....._..,,_ .... SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 $20.lQ Ill •T 81.t.tM ............ ctM llOUSINOLD GOODS .......... 1111 Ml ltT N•IG!lrT'I ,., ....... 4'1t GAAAGI! SALi!! ............ IOl2 ----t-----t"----tMIWf'O•T IMOM•I ........... 4'tt l'URMIT\llll! AUCTION ........ M'll •t,76 •1s.1s •24 30 Jf•lta.I,, ................ 4nl Al'l"llANCIS .................. ,. $1.10 $1.21 $12.10 $6.00 • • • • UMIY••llTY l'AIK ........... Cir 'NTIOU•I ......... , .......... 1111 ____ _.._ ___ _._ ____ .._ ___ _. ____ _._ ___ ~----~---~----llACk IA Y ..................... OW lSWINO MACNINl 1 .......... 11JI IAS1' •LUPI' ............... 4"2 MUllCAL IMITIUM MT ...... 11U PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 '11bll1h fer ••••• , ••• ·-'•P• N1ln11l111 • •, •••••• •• •, • • •,. • •.,, •• , • •• , •• Cltt1lll11t1111 • •• •• ••, ••••••• , • • •, • •• • • •• • •, • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • Htlfte ••••• , •••••• , •• •• ••,., •••••••• , , •••••••• , • , • , , •• , • , • , , •• , • Ad Jr••• ••.••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• City ••• •• •• •• •••• •• •• •• , • , • • • • • • Ph•n• • , • ••., •• , ••••••• , ••• •• • TO PlltUU COil ,,, •11"1 "' -· 111 ..... ...... •""· '~''"'• ,.llf 1clclr111 or phen• n11111Mr. Th• coif •f yttt od 11 1f the en.I ef tk IJH .. whklri the l.111t -4 ef .,.,, e.I I• writ- ten. A.Ill •2.00 extr• ff '" J1slrto ••• ef DAILY 'llOT COIOllA. OIL MAI ........... ttH l"IAllOI a O•OAMS ............ 1111 8AL90A .................... ,qtt ltAOIO ,, .......... , ............ ... IAT HLANOI ••.... ,,,.,,. •.•. 41H fELIVlllDft .................. ,11!15 LIDO Hl• ................... 4H1 Ml·l'I a ITIAIO ............... 111t •ALIOA ISL.ANO .............. 4 I TAl"I ••co•o••• .......... rm llUllTlllOTON ••ACM .. ............. CAMhAS a IOUll'MIHT .... not l'OUMTAlll VAL.l.IY ............ lt llOl•Y IUl"l'LllS ............. ... llAL IU.CH .•...••....•.• , •. ,4dt 91"01TING OOOOS ............. .. 1.0110 llACM ................ .U• 81MOCULA•S, KOl'IS .... -.. &Jst ...... •• CDVllTY ................. MISCll.LANIOUI ............. NII •AllOIM OROVI .............. 4'11 MIJC. WANTIO ............. ., ... lt '#llTMIMn•• ,. ........... , .. 4fl9 MACHIMlltY, l!k. ............ Int lllllLbWAT CITY ........ , ..... ,.4'1• l.UMllR , .. , ................ , .. 17)1 LfilllTA A•A ..................... 4'U ITOltAOI .................... 1171 IAllTA AJIA N•MIWTI ............. •Ull.DIN• MATlllAU ...... 1160 TUITIN ........................ 4'41 IW'Al'S ... . 17" coASTAL ..................... 4nt PETS ind LIVESTOCK UOUllA llACM -~ .......... 4,.1 l'ln AIN•UL UOI 1t:u~t1.::~~ ... ::::::::::: :::w. CATS ............. :: ::: :: :::::::mo • •• ••rvle• .,.. MlflM ,... DAICA pOIJIT ................. ,4Ut OOGI ........................... NH ,11... TlltPUX. Ilk.,, .................. Ct~~~~~···"········""'" ·= ~i::TA~S ................ -CALIFORNIA LIViNG • u I I hod NUlll••t•• ................. . "'''.. n urn I IWIMMIM• l'OOU .......... ... !-------------CUT "Ill-PAITI ON YOUl INmON -------------1t1Nl'ltA1. ...................... l".t.~os ........................ lt\J tOITA MllA .................. 11 .. :rJ~:ao't.s· ..................... ttM tUSINESS Oron9e Coast DAILY PILOT P.O. lox lHO Cotte M-, C.llf. '2626 MIU. Vll:OI , , . , ., .......... JHf · · .1'2!1 "':ffi' a1Arn-........... "" TRANSPORTATION Ml f N•I• .......... 1)11 let.Tl & Y.t.CKTI ... Ml llT SIMlt ........... IUt IAILSO.lfl ............ ftll W.llTCLll'I' ·;· , ............ '"" l'OWlll c•u111•i""''''"""""" Ulttt'llSITV AllK ........... 12,t ll'llD-SKt •OAT ............ .... IACK.AY .................... 1Mt •e.t.T TltAllllll ........... ,_, HIT •1.U .. , .......... ,.p41 •OAT MAINTl.NAllCS ......... "*I C AOltA OIL MA• .............. •OAT LAUNCHING """"to1 UOA • ................ ,. ... """RIMI ICIUll' ........... tnt IAY rtLAlllDI ................. l:IM IOAT llll' Mo0•iN ........ ·,.,. LIDO,. ....................... ,.., 10.\T ••• v1c11 ........ ,.,, •.t.1.IOA llLAllO .............. UI •OAT •INTALI .............. ... "UNTIN•TOtl llACM ......... Met •OAT C:MAlTlll ............... ,... P«IUMTA,IM VAL.LIV _ ....... ,1411 ,llHllll• IOATI ............... .... tlAL ellACfll .................. Mfol lo.lT MOV1Ne ............... ,.. OMO lllAClll:w·· ................. •OAT ITOR.t.•I ':.'.'.','.".'.':.:·:·:: ... •ttt<lttl Cfll,I ................. •OATI '#ANTIO •A•OI• l•O .............. Ml• AIRC•AflT ........... , .. = _,,,,O~l ............... 11111 PlYlll9 l.llS0tts'.'::::::::::::·~N Ml.WAY ITT ................ ,N1' MOl!ll HOMll t'ttt IAMTA A .................. sue MOTOlt HOMll ............... m. U"TA Ali If .. lfTI ......... ~ alCYCLI' ............... ,,,. TUITIN ............................ ILIC"T•IC CAls°'"""""""'•" COASTAi. i.:• ,., ............. 1711 MOO •1111!1 .............. = LAs=A l•Aal ,,,., ......... rt• iit,OTORCYCL .. i "''""'."'"""• ,_ LA llllA •llVIL ............ 11111 MOTl!lKOOTIRi"""""""'" tlN ~• i¥t,""''"' ............. ml AUTO 111\llCll • l'.i.lfi""""" " ~l't•Tt.ueo ...... IPU AUfO TOOU a 141\111' .... "'' MA IMT ·· ......... .IHI tllAIL.llt, TIAVIL ....... ..., It.EAL llTATI, ~L::.a. u..n, .::::::::::: ... 0-tel 't'lfr ..................... • . ~ -t. ....................... -~.:-:.-r. ··:·:;::::::::::·: 'u'i.J •Vit111 ····· ........... ;;~ •••t•L:.: m:: ,. .... ., .. tttt IMl'OATl.e AUTOS ttOf ::::•a.~ •• .,. ··:···::;"·):;: 1':t-~u11o•~u.11 ·::::::::::: .. 11 .. !'"" TtA11.1• COu1T1 "" 1t•c• c.a•s. •001ttt ........... " GU IT MOM.II '"' AUTO l"fllllT ........... ,. Nllk. lll"TAlj ,,,, AUTOI WANT~O .............. :i:ff·· UtC:OMI 1'101' In , ......... •SW CAltl ,············ IUSIN l ll l'llOl'ISn' _,. lUtO LU .............. , · fflAILl.ll flAltKS Mil_~ CAJl:llle ............. = f ft'F..f'5',BSfi!f t RENTALS R&AL liSTAT& REAL ESTAT~ 8USINIU onol ANNOUNCIMINTS Apto. Unfurnlal!od Gonorol Genorol ·FINANCIAL ...., NOTICIS Cool• M... 5100 Ront1f1 Wonted 5990 Offlce Ront1I 6070 Bua. Opportvnlll• ~ ~I'! 6405 WANTED' 4 bedroom "' 3 LAGUNA BEACH Locil. ORAN'Gl!l nn ••• e •·•~ .. -e EJr,ed!ent, p&l't" -llk.11 aur-BR "'th •· ••--• rouodlnil tor aduJ.ta ~u.lr-""' uo.:n. Rtnt or take Air ConcfltJonecl 8M:rUk:it 16950 • A 11 o W'ha-1 ~ of cnmpUdcm u. bl& peace 6 quk!t. over payment.B. S46-07'9'l" ON FO~.t AVENUB ddicaW-n $14.!500. c.uJ.. )Oii ~! C&U oac.rtmtnaUvt Tenanta alter S PM or betort 9 Delk apacN available tn AL Bl.AOC ~1151 (open 60-86'18 NDOll ta I PM l, 2 ,Ir; 3 BOWL APTS. P?tt. Desperate! GC\Velt cUk:t baJldin& at C'Wll) llaittce RMI Eatate 1 AM no lon&er ftlpJllll.ble POOL. NO CHJLDREN lt&SPONSIBLE, pennarlent PtWe locatioP. in downtown GE'rl'ING M.ARRIED: WW tar any debts OChtt a.. M fn.mUy ot three who Still t.aauna &am. Air tlJDl1S. Rll bulinea in CJd. tor my own. Altrtd IL swu ARTINIQUE believe In ml'8d .. wllh ID Uoood, ..,......,, booutUul llOOO ""'""'" pr Ice. ALCOHOL!<» ·--GARDEN APTS. nml $300. house/apt In Cx!M panoled pull-. Two 541).21(11 .n 5 pm wkdayw, ~ for ~. 673-3210 eatraneN: J'roatap an ari;ytlme wkndi. Pbooe MJ..m.1 w wrttt: to 14th A: Suta An1. C.M. EMPLOYED Lad¥ needs 1 Forest AYe., rut leadl to SIJOll P .O. Box 1223 o.ta liCtlL Call Mn. Htndrnoa l4&S5U BR unfurn Apt, beach area, Munclpal parldQa &ots. tliO ~ JQlat ~i;.~ ae°i 1 AM 00 lot!ga' ~btt 1,1,.rrrlJll!!!s.nta!!!!!',."""!!!!!',.· •.,•.,',.w_.c_'~.., 1 to $110. Carport or garage per month 1ar .pace. 1>1111: hW due to ill bcalth. tor any debta other ~ * * * * I .. • -.'\: ,,,., Wh1ddyt W•nt? Whoddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR T111•>d<r. JM'"'Y 31>. lM OAJLY NLOT :J~ * SERVICE DIRECTORY JOBS i i!MPLOYMIN PIHterlng, Repelr 6UO Help Wonted, -7200 • e PAT'S ~ All b'Pa. Free eatimate. Call --Plumbing 6890 PLUMBi!IG RUAIR No job too mnall • ""1128 e * BROIUR COOi EXPERIENCE PREFERRED FUU. TIME EVENINGS APPL'l' lN PERSOI< TO MOR. S TO !i P.M. f NEW GARDEN APTS, """· -fdt!S p.m. ;:'.!i::."" .::!''':.!"..!; 6Q."83l8 my own. OeMJ. l'cninp>n 1 & 2 BR. Modem kitchen w/ • LANDLORDS • •ervlce availr:.bl• tar $10. I-Im t 0 6310 AnMUMlrMnta 6410 NATURAL ~ORN SWAPPERS 5peci•I ltate Remodel.., lhpatr, 6940 11" You need nimodellna, Pllfntlng ar repa..lrs. Call Dick. IJ42...1'197 REUBiff E. LEE STERHWHHLER , m~ & OYen, dilhwellher, Fil.EE RENTAL SERVICE All utilities paid ac111t nvet •n ppor. etc. EncloMd pr. Olymplc Broker SJ4.el82 telepi'.one A nENTION 5 Llne\-5 tbn•-5 bucb IWL.IS -lb MUST INC\.UOI! ~ yOll ~ ~ ndL ~ )W _. Ill ffML I 5 I E. Coe1t Highway Newport Be1teh . size pool. B-B-Que &: laundry llm-1500 SQ FT. Industrial oAfi.y pnm HAWAIJ EX·NAVYMEN tae. Elec & water pd, •':rom. bldg tor Fiberglas · Boafa. 222 FOREn A.ViNUE :K~~ Whi~e = Oean out the old •a-bq D.35 mo up. Adult,; only, C.M. or NB area. ~ LAGUNA BEAOJ w/aa:e.ss to beach, full,y arid. belP out a IDOd call9e, 241 Wllsoll, C.M. 642-MO]. ":'.::~:::~::'=;.;;;; 11--::.::~-~~[_:::__ --~ all Wl . Give your old uniform• (Off. !), lm.., ... _., u ties. Prin.. latn • .,.__.,...._ .. , .. ·~ Se· 1-VOUlt P110nt W/tr ~ ..., ~ ti ~Ina. s-HOTHINO l'OR UJ.I -T•..t.otll OHL.YI PHONE 642-5678 To P11ce Your Trader's P1rldlM Ad Roofing 6950 ' -"R'-OO=FIN-G-P.EP--Am._;;,~ * TOP EARNINGS * ' 2 iifDROOM, eascaide, built Rooms for Rent 599.S Executive clpals onJy, for tmmed lllllP, Scouts. N:dNues. u;ht .... :- in kitcht'n. new w/w carpet, contact Mr. Seiersen. 1lfE ~ * WANn.:D * drapes, pl'lvate ptttio, closed LRG. Master BR.. culf.e.. Office BLAamURN OOMPANY, aea·bap, etc. fC.S7W Vie w prop DoVtt Sbom, N "'' I lrplc. priv. ba., kit priv. Ow = ~· aft 5 •PP"" 3 M tt. ~· garage. ear major !hop-C u king . ,_ •ppro:x ....,. .,. tt. ln nen, ~ or , aq. .-.~er nl o ege or wor gll'u. '""' -. """ 1356 ;;F;;•;-;;;•;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t4;;'~ 1 trade h..-e Dover Dr + 1 ! ping adult..s o y, No pets. Mesa Verde. M6-3507 new Buildirlc by Orange OoA>-'""+'* •~p .. * $140 per n100lh. B lr:r. County Airport. Available ,..... """"" 6U-95.'i5 ROO~t & bath. pvt entr, nr immediately, S32S mo. Money to loan 6S20 WESTM!NmR VIEW lot, Mesa Verde Golt MOVING FEB 3 d ocean, shops, Laguna 61!.-030 Bk:r • r Bc•dc 4!»-1238 "'" 5 . RETIRED COUPLE MEMORIAL PARK eo ..... FUway, all c1 .... Larae 2 BR. w/ganige $115. ROO * Modern Offices Hu ........... to lend OD bl & Trade for lndustrtal, com-Watcr paid. Dispo&a.1. Near f.1 \Vith private batl1 in 2nd m-,,.;:...,. Call Mortv1ry I Cemehtry mercial, unit., or ! ! 1 """ool. Huntington Sch home. $15. Single or suites, Air cond-.... '6 Com I fu · * .,. •ns * """' Broker 547-UU r. et• Mr1lt rrw-, 2176 Placcnlia. Apt. C weekly. 968--:!l67. e~. itioning, parking, secretarlal $2" H •·-• service, central location. -rom -ave uu~ up tn 316 acres. --·~-6_3_6-4~1~2=0=_e __ 1 Room & Board 5996 c. Robert Nattress Realtor R•1I Est1te Loans 6340 Cemetery Joh i200. Pl!t' acre. Want: Haus. MESA WEST 230 E. 17th Street from $1..50 cs, apts, commercial or!! Deluxe apt!. Adults only, ROOM & Board, lndry, gar. Uista Mesa 642-1485 HOME LOANS Includes Ermwmeint CV. Myers 1 Bdrm Furnished U30 H.B. area. ~e.w home, SMALL Ottlcc; 11uitable, Life Have 90% financlD& at N % Everytbinc Jn «Ml bf:autitul l---'*:...:"":::c::156::...:*:._ __ 780 llamilton St. at Placentia co nip. home livmg. Walk lruiuram-e M tua1 f nd interest Check our 6·9% plaeti meant le9I co.t. HA VE 6+ acres nr Carou- 5401Jl'.l9 64,, 0~,,., to beach. $30 Week. 536-0357 C 0 ,, t, a;to,, "0.,,.~b•~IO<,' program & 2nd TD tenns. N tram bl I ~·--.-!J'"O.><U ,_ ... • .... Sattler Mortgage Co. lnc. 0 e pro tmL ae Thtr, \..UVUia, at n.so sq, G H U t 11, air • conditioned, 336 E l!th St 1C801 Beach. W~ ft., clear zoned for l!E apts. 5200 uest omM 5998 , · tnc • · ·~ 1--·-w Newport Beach urn1ture luded, $70 mo. 642-2ln 545-06111,-~-!!!·~~~~~~!!!-!:!!!~!!!·~!1~""_i'i:"""'"'~~~P~"'P~·~•~ro~k-'~" 1--~-------~IPRNATE ROOM with TV 190'l8 Broolr:hw-st St. llB Eves. 673-7865 6Gll57 Mr. Irwin. 646-911&1, UP.PER Duplex, 2 Br. $160; 540-2529 for ambulatory lady or 7'""'~=~~~,.-,,-Auto Tr•nsport 6445 Have Commercial-Medical ~!_ri, le8.!5e;tAd~ts, 00 pct&. gentleman. Good food, home 1 COMMEltC. -300 Sq. fL Mortgages, T.D.'1 6345 ---...co:;;;;.:._.:;,,:_ Bldi', tree & cleat, U00,000 -'"' y ·app · 0 y. like atmosphere, large yard l INDUST. -800 sq, tt. YOUNG woman by Slater Trade all er part equi .. ,_ fl.1is! White 772-91~ $35 000 1~ TD ~ =~=--~--.,.cco.-~ I & patio. Licensed home.1 ==""'·=-=mo==·=== I , ., & Beach need• ride to Want: Houes, apts, land GOLD Medallion 2 Br. 2 Avail now. 548-52'25 1· on new c.ommerdal Bldg. Douglu, L.B. 7:30 to 4 pm. or!!'!' Myen, 673-6156 Ba. Cpts, drps, bltns; enc:!. ~~~~~==7,;;;l!l~n~d~u~1l~<~i1~l~R~o~n~t~11~~6090~~ I Laguna Beach, payable $350 842-2S74 BOAT w ..... Ha garage. Adults, no pets. Lse Misc. Rentals 5999 mo. incl 7% due 5 yrs. Hard In p an':', 1 $1vo,equity $165. 613-2370; 646-8766 c.;;.:.::...;.c:..:.c=--.cc.:.:. -N 'Pl' Bch M-1, warehouses money note from su~ NEED Early rooming ride 121 ;:"n~~'::...0 ,DOO I: WANT To rent ............ in 450-l,IXXI sq. rt. for con-tial profitable Electronics to G.W.C. from Beach &: , • nc•u.11uc price, gd. b .... -~ Yorktown. From Feb, 3rd area, p~ ·at land val RENTALS Balboa. Area of Bay Island tractors. Reas. owner (213) firm &: assi&ned wlth re-oil. 53&-9651 Spendable. 675-5901 eves. .Apts. Unfurnished or 6th & Bay. 673-4680 .c,941c, .. -'l368""' __ ~-~~ coune of owner, 10% dis-· REAL ESTATE 3000 SQ ft warehouse & oftlee 1 ii"'ii""iil:i,ii83l-ii;i2935iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiOJ ~S;'E';R:V:l::C:;t...:.D;;IR;;E;,;C;,;T;.;O:;R:T:: JHave bear wheel alignment E•1t Bluff 5242 G 1 + 6IXXI sq ft paved&: fenced I• D-byslttln• 6550 machine, like ~· Coat ener• yard. 1855 Laguna Canyon 209/o DISCOUNT Dill • SCX>. Will trade tot dn Income Property 6000 Rd. CTI4l 494-8006 or CTI4) $1385 2nd TD at W mo, lnc.I 24 HOUR child ctn. 7 days pymt on income property -----'--'---' 54.0-7680 8% all due in 3 years on wk. 50c: hr per child. 2 ~°":.._'....:"='-..:'°"::.:..: ___ _ For lease, deluxe 1888 sq. ft. 1 Q0/0 RETURN-NOW LEASING-New M-1 Ocean View lot l..agwla adult sitters, one there at 2 Bedroom house wltb fire.. 4 BR 211 ba A , ~1 nd · Beach. Call Owner all ti All ••• •-., . p.., ~""I' c., NET NET NET I ustrial ll50 sq t t. 497_1210 mes. me<Ull u .. place, 2 Bedroom Apt plus drapes, carpets, wet bar, For care frf!e income _ 8 , $155/mo. Agent 642-1485 duded, fenced backyard, guest room. Submit teason- priv. balconies; dbl. garage 1 ased supel'Ylled play. Overnight ed. Trust Deedc. Hazel For- o1t ldtch. Dishwasher, dbl. stores, all e w11.b 2 to Lots 6100 ---------or wknd children Mleome. tinRltyCo 642-500} 5"8-m90 oven, pool. Converuent 10 13 years to expiration. Tax "-""------..OC.-"" I Monoy Won~• 6350 540-1870 . ' "'"'" cla"'' ·~ ~ -·-....;.._.;.;:,;;.:; ==~==---6 shop'g., school& & recrea· pro s. .,.. ... ,......., SACRIFICE 100' x 165' R-3 -Unib plus eaah tor land • ti net return per year, For in-lot North Shore Beach $30,000. RESPONSIBLE hou&ewite & Motel -or more Un 1 ts. on. !ormalion on this . or ou,ier Estates, Salton Sea, $3500 1st. TD on 60M, 10% interest mother will keep small baby Hazel Fortin, Realty Co. 08N35L YAM$312G50SMOWNATYH mvestments including uruts. run price • 10% down. 1 year cost d111! date + pre for wortdng mother. My 1703 WestcllU Dr., Newport Prestige location no leak too amalll Siles •9611-ml• ... ,,. '"'' ,,,,..,...,,... out· 1 :==="";::;::;;::=::o Representative board. IU-) Ur !Ull I or pU'I: ()ll.)'IDent on carpet, S.Wl!!f 6960 Opening fol' lffNUive dra,pes, landscapirw, Jene-CUSTOM m•n wit:fl excellent fu- in& IX' ! '!' ~ alt 7 prn ture a edvancement Want , ·--· •-~ prop. ~-COSTUME CO. pottlbllltlu. .._....._ oau;n ....... tumes & unUonns desl.gn- HAVE 6 acree: w I 2 BR ed and made to tit the per-Mutt a. ""'''" Nlbrook, $49,500. """'"' of your -Excluah1e are a. near Neat I wllllng to work schools. churches. 494-7669 838-4812 or 54l.a:u5. For lntervlew & appointment • Dresamakina:·Alterations Call Mr. Payne '58 M.en.1D")' Wagon Special on Hems 539.1106 Clean, for yard work. * 646-6446 * ~r ~7300 hlde-a-bed, honda or ! Alter•tlon-.1.A2·.5345 Good tnt.nspottation. _.._., CUI evu-494-0386 Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp, LINE MECHANIC TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2% ba. BeauL appt'd. Prlv. patio. pooJ, elo8e to bay. VaL $32,000, low dn. or T.D., Car or ! Owner 646-6654 2 San Clemente vacant lot& wned for 1 unlla -Trade for Ne"NpOrt/Colta Me-., In- come &/or Commercial, $24.500 equity, Propertlec West 615-4130 TILE1 C•r1mlc 6974 * Verne, the Tile Man * Cust. work. lrultall &: repairs. No job too amall. Plaster patch. 1.eaklnr s bower GM experience neceasary. "'""'· 841-l.9511....-Apply, SPANISH m.E FLOORS ALLEN Entriec • patlol, custom Ol<hmobile-Cadlllae work, Reasonable. 496-S2Ul l1!iO So. Coast Hlghway Laguna Beach * ~lmc '°U"p=h•:;l:;•l:::•:c'Yc_ __ .,:6::,99:,:0 Ask for Mil<! Sauntry CZYKOSKI'S CUstom Upholstery. European Craftsmanship.100% Financing. Furn. boats & auto's. 64l-1454. 18 3 1 CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Newport Blvd., C.M. Join todays fast.eat lr'QWlna: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT protes.doo-Mutual Fund ala No experience: necessary. Job W1nted, L1dy 7020 We train. full or part time :YOUNG unwed expectant Mutu•I Fund Advisors, , mother niq. room & board Inc. · in excllange for Ute bsework Npt B. lli03 Wes•tc)l.lt1<U"21 It: babyalttln&. Write Dally S.A. 1212 N. ~a,y Pilot Box M ID. 547-83: Palm Desert Cond. furn, beaut rrounds, heaied pool. 30M, trade 20M eqUl.ty for goo;! lot or lot& in Laguna area. Details call 499-2349 Oear R-2 Dana. Pot n t View lot Trade for Income property • Corona de! Mar • Newport Beach-Costa Meaa. Corbin-Martin fi?S.1662 Ocean view, 2 acres, Un- proved. M-1 zone, tncL ap. prox. $20,000 nursery lnv. Value $65,000; for local ln- coml'. 64&1675, 675-1898 eve. HAVE : 120 Ac:. clear ln Calif. $300 per Ac. WANT: DUTCH lady want1 Harbor area or pa Im houseclaenlng. $8 a day. Spri.llis • home or Income. $2.25 hr. Brings 3 yr old Matchem ReaJty 646-4837 ="'='·=-==521;09 =====-! FULL TIME COOK Walker & Lee Mr. Levine co~-='=54&-="'='==== I pa.y. 54().()6.il or 846-{)438 home days, Mesa del Mar. oo.5000 54S.(l39() Newport Beach Income Investment Dept _ 546-5543 l·'--'M;c9.:'.:.·:...A,:;P:..:l.-'9--l-=-""545-~"5-l~~-Acre•ge 6200 ANNOUNCEMENTS EXPERIENCED bobyollt" * * * * . * * DomHtlc Holp "Illness Forces Sale" 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; •nd NOTICES for working mothers, day I 'l!l!!J!!~!J!!!l!!!!!!li!l!!!!!!!!!j~!!!!!!!Ji""'!!!!!""'~ George Allen Byland Age""" 22 unit motet <7 units wilh or night chttt, Wllain A !~SERVICE DIRECTORY &ER ·-• 7035 EXPERIENCED Apply between 2 A <I P .M. INVESTMENT Pl>mo"• C.M. 04 2 -19 4 o, VICE DIRECTORY Employtt """ F~ kitchens), center of Costa Found (Free Ada) 6400 ~la97' C C 6600 H lll6-B E. 16th, SA 547-0395 Mo'" G=ing $51,00J. Nke POTENTIAL 1..::::...::::.:______ ""'""'· oncrete ••-I01nlng 6735 Corona del M•r 5250 apartment for owner. Only Approximately JO Acres 1n FOUND 1/25/e! G re y BABYSI'Cl'.tt.JG, my home, Chinese J.ive-.lnL Cheerful Coco's #10 9 years old. Completely Northern Orange· in the female Persian, San Diego any holln. 38 yn old steady CONCRETE work, all types. * AP!. CLEANING * Pumanttit. ElLperlebced equipped. $22{1,00D -o ~I Y COUIJty; nearly all useable Frwy near Fairview oH-& rdiable. Play ares, $15 Pool deck& & custom. c.au Fast ii thorough MUl64 Far Eul Agency 642-8703 2131 \Veatcillf, NB. ' $40,000 down. TDs.consider-& ad I d 1 . ramp. 962-1369 week, $18 w/mea1'1. 543--1324 Wil.LIAMS Cleaning S.V. A I u. 7100 ~~-~,..==,:,==.,,-I ' ed HURRY! w~11 .. 1.tcCo re Y or eve oping. FOUN ~1634 gMtC es, mimn Young Men Tr•vel ON TEN ArnES 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Unfum P"rplcs I Pri I PatiO!I I Pools. Tenn!.! • Contnt'l Bk· tst. 9 hole PutVCreen. 900 St>o. Lane, Cd.M 644-2611 !MB.cArthur nr. Coast Hwy) Deluxe Apts 3 BR, 2 baths, carpets, drap- es, frplc, bll·in kitchen, gar, lease $275 monlhly. lmmed/ occupancy. CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 675-lf.62 3036 E. Coast t-twy., Cdl\1 3 Mcx:lern 1 BR Apts $140 .o $15(1 mo. Available almost immed. Don V. Franklin, rutr. 673-2'222 2 BR, new decorated, crpts, dips, utils pd, gar. lm1ned occupancy. Mr. :r or n e y , Realtor. 54(}.-3862 BRAND new 3 br. 2 ba.; cpts, drps, bltns, beam ceil. Yrly. $235 Alo. 67J.-691J.1 Hunfingtan B••ch 5400 EXCLUSIVE ON-THE-BEACH 2 & 3 Bedroom ApU. Luxury living to please the most discriminating. No\V available at lhe Huntingt~n Pacific@ 711 Ocean A\'e., 11 .9 {TI4) 536-1487 Rl(y. ,, ... "'01 ,.~.. '1 $16,500 Per acre; for more D: set of keya, vic.1..,:~='------Contr•don 6620 Income Tix 6740 1 a I """'-voo , J""l.LU eves. information please ca 11 Meyer &: Wilson, Costa CHILD care, my hllme. Ex· FACTORY HELP NEED ~ t:, 24 to travel 30 UNITS Glenn Thompson with Mesa. Call & identify. perlenced. Lunche.1 fumlsh-REMODELING, Additions; BE A Satisfied Client with Trainees & inexperienced -YI SALE OR EXCHANGE Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc, ="~2-64""'08""'~-----I ed. Nr. Newport Htl. El. lie. & insured. Los Padre! Harris Tax Servtce. 9th yr. aldlled· Auemblers Punch 48 states and return. Tral19-6~ times gros11. Owner needs 1818 w. Chapman Ave. FOUND: Boxer pup -vie. I "°Sc:,,hoo=I=. """"':=,:..:c.:....___ C.011.!Jt. locally. Avail U mos. 3117 Press .Oper Turrei La.the portatlon furnla:hed. $300 per new larger tax base. Good Orange Calif. Palisad~-• ~ '1l'· BABYSQ'TJNO m;r. home 497-1665 or 494-4JS1 eves ~ o o 1 eve It Way, Of. CrindeT1, Extruc1.en, eatl month to start, mll!t be able condition. No children ex· ?41·2621 Eves-~knds 5.38-67'21 Orange oJ. Airport. days. X\nt cart! Ages ]1,1 Additions* Remodeling ''Mack" 540-2971 Bob, 548-UTl96 CIE :r.1'~:C:~=~ i: eeUent income.history, Only!~ 545-7922. to 4. Nko White Front CM. Fred H. Gerwick, Lie. * rm YEAR * ARG S AGEN S Hotel, 2101 E. Coast Hwy., $295,000. -I~~ IFEMALE~c,=::;;,~S~h,-p~be<d~~Pu-p.-A-p-_54_5--0973________ 6'73!-6041 * 54S-2170 A-1 STENO 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. CdM. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walker & Lee l\1l'. Levine Resort Property 6205 prox S moa old. Please Ide"' CHIIJ) care my horn<·, HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. u .. na T lnH Income Jnvesbnent Dept. IYWI ger '1 1 MESSENGER S45-94Sl FOR RENT Furn Mamouth tlfy. Vic Cedarglen F.V. weekd&)'I only; cloae to C•rpet CIHnlng 6625 eve/wkend by appt. 56-8820 Have clients who will train for 16 l/ 01 Mountain Condominlwn 968-2288 Harbor & Adami, C.M. =~::.:::;::;;;:.:!:.,_..::;::: PROFESSIONAL career minded arada ln Fin-DISPATOI DEPT. , 2 10 slee~ JI. 540-2730 PART tabby cat with red c54:.:9-0:....:_t.26=------CARPET &: Furn, cleaning; EDUCATORS anee, Im, Factory, Sales. Young man single driver's 1 NET RETURN flea collar vie. Elden and BABYSIITING in""''" home for 1 .i .... service 1: ...... 11..., TAX SERVICE Call Mr Andel'IOl1 548-7796 ,,__ 10' ""--· 'with ' ·--~ •-., ARGUS AGE"CIES ~~""· ~ •. "~ "~ ' Fully occupied 4 plexes In Mount. & Desert 6210 Santa Iaabel. 646-7349 alter by the week. You furnish work, call Sterling tor • 968-3403 • N vice obUgatiom. Opportun-, center of 1-luntinglon Beach. 5 A NR H , XI 1 . _S~P~.M~·-~-----I the transportation. 642--1407 brightness! fi42.-8520 PERSOtM.LIZED, ex Pert 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. ity for advancem~t. Com-J 61Ai 9'o financinu, for further , eme.. n view. .:c:: CHILD N T ~ fi d ta 'l all-Bill Goodall 2800 el. wtr, game. $5500 FOUND: Man's raincoat, care, my borne vie 0 Glmlca! Best expert cpl ax serv. Year round otc .• 1----------lpany ..... ne l!:. e 1 s. c . $55 d 633-mo S.lO agt. vie. Magnolia & Adams BrookhW'lt/Yorktown H.B. • furn clng. at lowest reu. 646-8712 Help W•nted, Men 7200 See Mr. Rich W PM'. 962-7016, agent. n. a.m. area, Hunt, Beach. cau I. Daye/eve m.8452 prices. 546-1486, 646-7n7 ~SK=o~u=s=EN=-T~AX=~SER~-Vl-CE-• DAil..Y PILOT 1 E;,;•:.•:.hc:•".:;9~"::c.· :.R.c:..::E:. • .....:6.:;23:..:0 ~;'-'"'~"(yc..,,.,,""".::.,:-ml:,.:____ BABYSITTING my hOme, WALL TO WALL Ol.rpet Your home, Reasonable. • COOK • l30 West Bay, Costa Mesa MONEY MAKER 1. DACHSHUND Vic week days, have 3 yr old Clean Int & expert Evet.Normal1Manz56&28 STUCCO WIRE MEN EASTSlDE C.M. JI units l TRADE r.•d ---HB Call d .~•-C ~ ·-2•1:0 .__,_. -•-.... 1 .... ""' "180 U •-•· uw euwan • after a"6"=· ..... area."""' ,...,.. up • ......,,ery uu ......... ......,..., JNCOME T .... -'! Work in Q)lumb"• Ohlo I BR ea. Exce ent renWlUI. $00.000 _ Executives home 6 to Id ti1 8.f.l-4390 axes pre_..,,.. India.na.pofi -Income $660 mo. $59,500 on ~ Acre _ Localed pm. en ·Y DEPENDABLE day ca re. CARPET &: furniture clean. )'Otll' home, long form com· MUST BE U OR OVER c, Ind. putfuW GRAHAM Rlty be Dall & F FOUND: Girls bicycle, vie. Pref. wkly care of 2.-t yn, lng, laying & repair. Call bined, $15. ~ wire on by the roll. Fumi8h tween as t • Mesa Del Mar area. Call Llc. Hrbr/ Baker. 546-1539 Girouard Carpet 642-9656 e HOME SERVICE e e APPLY IN PERSON e own tool!. Will pey $15, per ' Near Post Ofice NB 646-2414 \Vorth, Texas. Want trade & Identify, Ms-«21 roll Wire over board. No -i::==::::~·====I for equlvalent In Newport CHILD acre 1n rily hbme, FEDERAL A STATE S r • Une wire or paper. Write, ti ecach or La J olla -Write MALE blk. cat with callco experienced. N e w p 0 r l G1rd•nJng 6610 531--0500 nack Shop ,# 9 l\Ulton Lewin, 6U9 Ollna- 12 UNIT APT MOTEL Palmer • Box 13273 • Ft. ~~.'.,v. ;891c. ~7,l.,nger & Spr-Heights area. S.l-3308 ---A-N-=-- 0 --S--Gordon N. Warren, PA 3f46 E. Coe.st Hwy., CdM beny, Colum~. Ohio. 4.1213 Rent by Day. week or !otontb , .;.W..:•.c'lh;c:.., ~T'='="'=·----.. '6...... w• YOUNG mother wanla to TH NY' 18th year. Appt. ftTh..3M5 Trade $50.000 equity for i-NECKLACE -found at babysit in her home. Garden Senlc• -1 SAW MAN MEN Wanted Cl), part time, Y to average 2 hrs. daily for cash, units, house or ? R. E. Wanted 6240 Market Basket, N.B. Call 64.2-0447 646.1941 Ironing 6755 early morning newspaper Box 505 Sunset Beach & Identify. 673-0384 · BUDGET LANDSCAPING "'-'--'""-----~.:.: ~perienced production delivery to homes 1 n phone (213) 67Mnl WANTED to Buy. Home of flt GREY kitten, short tall, vie. Brick, M1sonry~ etc. Pnt'lt!I ••• Plant ••. Prepare lronlnr 1: altttatlona cabinet ahop, Nev..-port Be a ch. $200. wk.ends (TI~O 673-5335 6560 Monthly Malntenan ~-pl·~· l d II ]·'·-" M 10 H •-· least ZaK> sq tt. 4 BR. La-lfamilton &:. Polynesian, c:e '"""' """p e very .......... er o r ome11 u..:, average per mo. Must have ,._"'!!!...,,., !!!!!'!!!!!'""!!!'!!!!!',,..I gun.a to San Cleml'nte area. H.B. 968-1589 Exp. Hortlcultw"i!t 00-8069, 540--0075 806 E. Washington St. tat~ model car and be CLOS 1 E 0 m romo 4 r, ?8xl32 1 !Cit • SubstantlaJ down, prtne ooly. B~LK,"CC'..:loc.ng:..:::~::..:.-,-,-1,-.-,-,u-,-, B~:t>· bl~kmod, • 0'1n• c <Reep&kt 0 , MOWING, Edging, odd jobs IRONING 15e pc. You Bring Santa Ana dl!J)endable. Cali. L A Tim.ea ty o range. renta un s. cau """~,,.,,, uo......, ...... .. and u-ht -vlng bang •··-••• ··-e JN ""•-~Z17.511 p('r mo. inc. $Z1.SOO . ..:=::...;.~:..:_;::;..:00·:_____ very nice, found Me&a c:rpntry, m job too small. U6 ·~ ers . .,.._ ~.1. / STRUCTORS -Full ,~~=====---·I ca.-m. Oh yes! ]l's C 2-zoned. BUSINESS •nd Verde area. 545--5910 ..:Ll=c=Co=n"=·=-=='=== I =~_::;::::::;:'---IRONING done in my home. :~M:ebe N:~ a~ • FINISHED XJnt buy, Owners AgenL FINANCIAL SILVER Charm bracelet Vic -ClIT & edge lawn oompl Expert work. Reu. 6C-161& CARPENTE S 538-1723 apt complex, Harbor Blvd. Carpentering 6590 8ervke. l.Jc. M&-5$1 eves meet and deal with the R \VANTED to Buy; Duplex to Bus. Opportunltl• 6300 Call &: klentUy, 540-6109 At weekend• L•ndteaplftf 6110 f:bl..I~ H=· uAiJ~ • fLUMBERS 8 I •. 1 o .... O FEM S'·-Cut & EcJae Lawn p rx ...... guna o .,..,, e-. uuuese CAt -6 wks. CARPENTRY MainlBlance. Llcensed SPRINKLERS Spa, %300 Harbor Blvd.. 1ala:nder Motor Homes Inc. mente area. Write Daily Pi-FRIGIDAIRE Vic. Ftve Harbon Dr. H.B. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Sf8.481l!/&45-23l0 aft 4 I: Sod Lawns. I1e ~Bonded C.M. 806 E. Wtahlngton St.. ;'"'=:"°=:;',,;M~-'IXI~"'· ::· === JET ACTION Identity. ~ Too Small C.binet tn gar-JAPANEfil: Garde c er. * 642-2711 * NTTE SlDFl' Santa Ana I 6060 Jkftut!Iul renewed Llundry. ~L=========-1 ages & other cabinets. CDmplete Ser v 1 c e, Ex-COMMERCIAL 4 residential • MoldUI YOUNG Man • Ml or pa.rt :Bc:•.::•l.:.n:;:•::":.:.:R.:.•":.:'..:'.:..._.:;,.:..:..; 28 washers, 11 dryers, 2'.I lb. -°''-''------640::..;;:..:1 ~75. lf no aTtSWe' leave perlenced. Reliable. 6424389 Gardening & l.endaapina, •. FAaatmbltn: time, mature, able to work I"'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!'~ I CORONA d I M Be ... washer. $18,000 yr. groac OOXER, brown ! e m a 1 • ' msg at &16-2372. H. 0. Joe Corral 9G-fi764 oremen wUh adult youth leaden. In VACANT I cd po .. r,.ssJon e ar au'J •-· Find out~-e•-It•· And JAP•~~ Garde"'--r A I In P mm """ Shop in busy 1ocat1 on. io"~own'. uuw -J .. while markings. Red plastic erson Mai::•'......,,,.L d ._,, 1.-.... PP Y tnon or out of college, wltb ln-2 BR 2 hath.<;, w / w Former beauty shop moved flea collar. Tumar on hind ... an 1 ea P n I P1perhanglng MacGregor Yacht c.orp, terest in youth pmgram. carpeting, draperies, built· to '"""'er quarters . Coin·O·Matic leg, sometimes Ii mp s . A·l Oe&nup. &37-695l Palntlnn 6850 1665 Babeoek Coot.act YMCA f!M.KJl for ins & rt!frig. $140/mo, ~.. ,.,._ ._, I job YARD c 1 ........ • Costa Mesa • TRADEWINDS Rt.TY. Rt-asonable rent. -Ca 11 Equipment, Inc. Reward. ~8 ...... ,,..n .. ,, an;y •a ! ea nu P. ••-app ... S42-50ll 842-50!2 5J6.30l55 Hutchwi. 714: 838-6Sll 2334%. w. Valeocia LOST: Fl'maJe Poodle, cin-C&ll GorMn &f1..f745 ~. nrw lawn a, VINYL wall coverlna CASHIER-Drive ln D&iry rn=y~-.~-,,-""<-.,,..--,..-. Sf.I.ALL Reasonably priced Fullerton n4: ~7833 namon color w/gold collar. QUALITY Repaln -Altera-sprlnkle1'9, rototill. 6f6.6848 apeclallat • kit. I baths. lncludetl nne ll.tting, Mwit who deslrec po 1 it Ion Want Privacy? New! Store Buildinp in busy Vic. Monticello Condo. tJons -New O)N't. by bout AL'S Gardcmrw St r v 1 c e Material I: labor, .Eat. be extnmely healthy and w/tuhft. FOi' lntrvw, Mr. ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN Co d l M I ti MS-8119 or Contract. 6f6....3«2 Lawn maintenance, prden-&fT~l659 reliable. Schlerbold. Mlste:r Steak, $117 mo ($142 Fum) garage c.:i~utci:.ns. ~4 : ~ WORKING PARTNER .~ n.....-.. -G~--,-,-w-h~,.,-,-m-al-• REPAJRS ALTERATIONS tna 4 cle:an ups. 646-3629 BABYSITl'ER-Reliable, ex-MIL, PALACE 2267 Fairview CM.~ 202 -14th. 536-1319 673-1784 LIV... ·~ ~ . ........enced w .... ·-MO w 19th St SHOPS Active, with Sl5,!m eash, tD ait long hair big tall· vie CABIN~ Any size job. ,....., • ee-ays. 06~ ' ' SERV STA. SAl..F.SMEN 2pe.~ ~~ex.:. ~: Nr. Ne11o-port Pier participatr In larp ch&ln 1~1<~"';,,' ,;;Pt..;•c.CM;,:.:;·~-"· .:,,;;=-·-· 25 )Tl. ~. MS-6713 Gener1f S."lces .~ ~tbs to • ~ara. C01t1 )fMa 642-412$ Youni men. work tvel a I S1'5. 842 _ 1540 JUtr. 6'J3.(flOO operation being t'atabllahed LOST _ Male Silver Min. MASTER carpenter, $4 per HEATING • Alr Cond. Serv FULL &;--health spa at· wk etxla. Muat be neat In BLDG. 50 x 100, lfl heart in So. Cal Prier qperlence Poodl~. We1t side C.M. hour. Remodtllna: • Repain. 4 rtp&lr, a1ao Wuher l eJOBINTXln· t~ AN~a S~ -=-~t, ~ hr Met k, opelnl N~tlngBt·'.. SeeC.a,de,M 2560 2 & 3 BR., 2 baths. patio; heated pool. 96U9!l4 priv. of downtown Costa Mesa. not lK'CeS5lll'Y. will lnin sin-MS-4907 aft 4 6G64C8 r. s,15-3900 dryer repair. 24 hr """'· · ........ l'l'.-U'C'I: • ..,ca-•PP, c • e~.....-· .,..., . ••• •-1 "'o ......., ""--. cere party. StarttfV Wary . p.m. 842-7237 or 847-5681 est. JIM. 642-46fi9, 846-3748 54&-2211 ext T70, Mr. Ala· SEMI-rellred dra1tamu for ~ ~'" vv= LOSr: man'• blk. w.n.t., a.mer • PIO Wk. lat Yr. income v•·. K .... -~-~et'-"··'--• Cement, Coftcrtt• 6600 HAULING Oe·-·p g·--INTER or Ext. PAlNTING, PtlJ1. to fUU time ctrt.f•t---------· I abould exceed $30,000. "" ........... _... ~.. . cuov ----. IMMEI>. SERVICE. t.oc&1 WANTED Ocan cut col1eae In North Hunthwton ~ S-·•::•;;l:.•c:A::•::•c......--..:5;.:6-'-'20 Office Rent•I 6070 827-5.17U (10-5 PMl CM. REWARD. !145--6245 * OONau::TE wortc. Bonded ~ ~ ot. Jim rel FREE ect. 5Cl-162T llUdt'nt with own ear far SG-4C88 ..... LOSI' billfold at Vlata. Shop... j,; lJe!l'r.ed. Concrete .. wt~ •• PAPER HANGING put tlme evenJtv deUvtrylOEXP='°·o"'"'M<c=-:---.---,~ .. VERY Clean 2 Br. :l Ba. Gankn Apts. PN patio. Pool. Nice an!ll. ~LlZi =R~,~c ~ BEAUTY SALON tnef'cial, ~1edical, Omtal. Eltablbbed. 6 Unltt. finest Air-cOnd .. t.Tpts. clew.tar Laguna Jocation, Bell fQ\llp.. Leguna Beech 5705 From $10 menL Xlnt Oientele. 541-5032 OR 675-2464 49f.9'J72 Evet. Gf..ai1i 100 CLIFF DRIVE ATTORNEYS-S "' "'°""' LUXURY .t1JRN/VN)"URN k>bby 3 ~tarial rooroa. NEED $4500 lo .start ~ \"H.rty t.eue. l • 2 Br:lrml. bllM: • 2 realrooma. at-duetlon: If' Sa 11 b o •I a . IMPI to Shore • Sbopl tractlw. Good k>C:aUon C.M. Partlculan on re q u e 1 t , Ocet.nvie• lrom every Apt. MS-67&l Write Dall,y Pilot Box M-310 from $150 mo up. lease w ANTED: Off.sale llquar -IM-24f9 THE QUJCKm YOU CAlJ... licell!IO fur ()rn1ge County S00< tT TO 'EM! THE QUlCKER YOU SEU. DUI : 642-8139 ________ , pl~ Center, C.M. Reward. Pbillls-c.metJt. 5tlM3llO H•ullng 1730 PAiln'lliG WOC'k. flOO W. a.at Hwy. toola. Plentp ci wan. Oltt'c 543-9'7'5 eC'USl'OM PATIOS. C75-3lf3 FULL TIME krvice Station Auto Rtp&Jr. 1741 Anabetm 6405 LICINSED Sptrltual readlnp, advice oc all matter&. 180 S. El Camino Real, San Oet!M!nte, 492-9ll6. 10 AM -10 PM PACIFJC Sinek'a: Wbm! )'00 mn mttt atrwk" adu1tt. 8iff 21-60. 56-1534, ~9 EVt. llMl WkndS. ~ •wtna I removal TRIM, bedg!!, treu. Gen. v~s -~ p 1 1 man witb mectiantcal _....... Ave., CM ''· -~-I I ....... 1 "'' C>U<-"' a nt n1 . auw-S!a"' ~ e OC.1010 -~ •• name tt ~ ""° '"l lie, Int. Small ... APl>ltl l6r! Pllcoodl.l'ruu.=;-.,.-:c..,°"rt,....,U"'me-~bll.,.lp CEMENT work, no JOO too J ,;;,..~-~J>M~, ::.-~~--Jobi 'fl"tleome. 60-007 C.M. wantld. n,p ~ dldL"I 5JMll, rtuonable. F re e a..&AN ~ •tc. Paiier banchc. 45 )"!&R DUS boJ • ldtchen bdper for lld~at. 1:1tim. It Sturudc. 54&-8615 tne mnov, dump akfp UJlt"I Mtfn, 'Call Fredi part tlme. 'I'M Blue Beet. METRO CAR WASH e BEST IN CONatEt'E bM:khoe, tUI cradt. 96U'TC5 * MMIXJ .. ~ 2950 lla:rbor Blvd CM. wp~'.. ~~~~ ~~bllll1J t_~P· ~P~AJNT==!N~G~.--'...,.""'"' .... -... --TRAIND: • run time, all· PERM. PART T1XE cxxm. a ............ ,......., --·" ~-~ noy area. Stele Uc. • Mrdlcl. .n,e, around pnt"ral f.aetor)' help. l'IOCMZllOker. Pnvloil to- Thon'k emx..1e, "' Job Call -ntlm&t<t 14M231 Apply U\8 PlattntlA, C.!tL .U--bel!>l>i llul to small. Fret tlllmata. UGHT RAIJLING Need • O&roeo.rtan&l•T mt nee:. Call M&-1223 • 6f6-ll34 • S45-5490 Wbite el~tal DllH+llDe F1nd tt W'ltll a wul ad! SOCK IT 'l'O 'EM! \ ' . I -~~~~~~~~~~-..\~~~---'~~~~~1 ____ __.. ........... • . . . .. . ' . ' .. J !11-. -'°· 1969 I !t4 DAILY PILOT .u&S & Clftr LvY .KJBS & EmrLOYME" 1 JOBS & EMPlOYMENT JOBS & EMPl.OYMENT JOIS & EMl'LOYMINT MlltCHAHDISE l'Olt MERCHAHDIS! POii MERCHANDISE POii MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TV.DI Holp W1ntod, -7200 J c.~ c.o. FUhton Iilantl N~'port Beacb Help Wanted Women 7400 Htlp W1ntod io~bt~;;;;"'~'""=·1Wioim.i7500~;Jot~bo[i"i"~n,rW~om.:;;7~500~;1~~SA~LE~-A~N~D~TRAD~~·~~S~A~L~E~A~N~D~T~RAD~~E~.1~S~A~L~E~A~N~D~T~RA~D~E _w_o•_,.,_, ___ 7_400_ Fum11v,.; IOOOFurnlturo 1000 Pion .. & Org;,;; 1130 MAJoR NEW SALON CWFORNIA BANK Laguna HUis . THEY'RE HERE 11-11 T1levl1lon 8205 6 FT OILED Wall'lut TV'; AM • FM ltl'.r'l'() comb. (lo&.. Ing lront dOOra. Made by CurUs Mathlit. Must See! $1.25. 54G-462'l J. C. Penney Co. """hton llland l'ltwport """"' ~ sttno/t;yplet fw trust New Culb~n Pactmakct dept Mull: tab ~ta&n. LEISUll WORLD orrans with rtiythm acction J tu full hme OJ>ellln&: ,.,. niu openina; for usist o t t Ice r, enjoy Now Taking Appllc1tlDM For: • l piano .............. S1l95 c u • t o m ~ r co n ta e 1 e HAIRDRESSERS UE ll&m.mondl. ·'l'OOrnu. NEAR new Philco portable TV. W a In u t fini&h, roU a.round ....... paid $165. ..n for $85. St0-4622: * BUFFEllS * Rettnl, s~ iex'.Pf'r- W!nce ln all phues pre-- ferted. Competative wag- t'&, outstanding ~nclit• lnclutling profit Wring. * HOSTESS/ CASHIER * Permanent career op-e MANICURIST Wurl.itw', MagnaYOX, ~ portUl\lty tor qua 11 f I e d e RECEPTIONIST man •tarting at ...... S 395 to train u uaistaol man- ager in our Cblftt Shop. Re- L-ent successful experience ln all p1~S of food lndU!tr)' is requim::I. Compel&Uve w11ges, oUltlumding bene(IC:ri: including protlt sharing. per•on.. Salary com· a Aho LHlic Sptaken a RENT TV $10 rnensurafl! with e.bllity and No Following Necessary New American made pianos experience. C.Ootact W. G. Must Be Experienced trom ..... ·• ...... ·· ·· · $ ~ NL Depo:slt -Free J)eliwiry 534-0471 or msno USED TVs $25 & up. Repa.ln in shop or Mme. a&2'1 Harbor Bl., CM. 645-1612 Pre""""-• 837. 2162 • ELECTRIC Newport C.ntn B<anob I ;;'~"!"';~;;-;;~~';'T-~~~~~~~ ORGAN APPLY IN PERSON ~1on • F'ri 10 nm t.o 5 pen J, C. PENNEY CO. Apply in person 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. lilonday thru Frida,y SecwityPacificNat'LBatlk I Jud:, a ~PL.OYMEN1 -·-$3 95 ASSOCJA..,S 550 N•""°" C.nt<r Dv. Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7500 9 ' '" Newp(,rt Beach Help Winted re9. $59.95 33l E. 17th. Costa Mesa HI-Fi & Sltr90 1210 ATTENTION GIRLS Women 7400 * 6'6-!033 1a 10 24 DAY BUS BOY One ol Our Many Bargains! ''" bacl< o1.,.,,.,.... "°""'> srEREO ~ 1968 Solid state, 4 apd, 4 speaker audio system in walnut 0009Qle. Left on lay away. Pay balance ot $19 casb ot low pymnts.Warehouse. ~'1289 2 AR-3 mahog ate.re o ~aker, ca.b!Mt w/com- ponents, $2)). Misc. 494-2797 24 Fashion lsl1nd An equal opportunity employer J. C. PENNEY CO. N•tlo""' '°""'"' ....... -m JABsco ONCE-A-YEAR ~ ~,":;,. ~~~~ (Six D•y> A WHk) MEDITERRANEAN SPANISH ALL FLOOR MODELS C.0M a \Vurl.ltzer a Knabe JANITOR 24 Fashion Island An t'l'.1ual CJpportunity l'mployer :',."."':ustw1: ~= KEYPUNCH WAITRESSES New Showroom Samples PIAN?~,:.~~,2!~ANS and neat. High ac!1001 edu-OPERATOR Will Sell Any Pi1ce lndlvldu1lly YOUR CHOICE cation not requil't'd but mll!t (Experienced} 8 , W d ed be willing 10 leam. Expen-oo carv arm divan, Jg. man's chair or to 1 oo;0 off EXPERIENCED *Keypunch* Operator se:i paid while in training, IBM Alpha It numm.. RfUBEH f lff love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w/ SHOP EARL YI Weekly earnings Sllli plU6. cal. Verity and some re· · , black or avocado framed chairs; 8 pc BR set. Fine Christmas Trade-ins Sporting Goods ISOO GREEK SURFBOARD 7· 8" "MAUI'', excellent. $00. Excallent EmployH Benefits Fringe benefits. For inter-lated elerital duties. 9-d Mr. & Mrs. dresser lg mirror, 2 corn-fro $l view see Mr. l1uacher. Ja-151 E. COist HJ9hw1y modes, decorative headbOard in Spanish oak m 88 maica Jnn Hotel, 2101 E. ~~ ;ndorkbolngn•bts Newport Beach design with matching box springs, mattress & No down • Easy terms APPLY Personnel Office Third Floor to operate IBM Keypunch and veniier. Prefer one year experienc. Requlres hlgh degree of accuracy. Good fringe benefits plus profit sharing plan. Coast tlwy., CdM. Pa.rent! '' * frame. • Delivery • welrome. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY * DRIVERS * ONLY $529.95 G~t~~'. ;~~p~y 5J6.<>«rl The Broadway RN's-LVN's Aides EMPLOYER No Experience ( $1095. 95 Value I So. of ,.,..waY, 547-0081 N-essaryl Moo & Fri 'til 9 Sun 12-5 Mi1cel11neous 1600 1485 DALE WAY •• or TERMS 11 low " $4.66 WHk y h "-· M"'t •··-cle·• CallJomta N d ama a .......ta Mesa, C.alU. 92626 ...... .... o own -UM our stor• charg1 plan p · & 0 WINDY'S AUCTION NEWPORT BEACH 47 Courts of F11hion FASHION ISLAND Newport Be•ch MASTER SPECIALTIES CO. 545-8251 dr1vlng ~rd. Apply 1anos rgan1 YEL;..o-:_ ,~.!~co. Approved Furniture c":a":tm M~;;~ FRIDAY -JAN 3ht 7:30 P.M. An F.qual Opportunity Employer --,A~u~t~o~Mechenic Busy Toyota shop in Hunt Beach needs Import line mechanic. Will train man with good domestic experi- ence for a perm. job with monthJy guaranlee, pa.Id hol- idays, paid insurance, paid vacation, 5 day v.~k. Call Art 847-8555 $17,000 PLUS REGULAR CASH BONUS for man over 40 in Beach Cities area. Take short auto trips to con- 1640 Monrovia Ave. C01t1 Mesa 642-2427 An equal opportunity eniployer ------ RN's or ICU Sunlile Colonial ConY_alescenl Hosp. New Ownership & Min· agement. Top st1rtln9 Pay. All Shifts. 839-0440 EXPERIENCED e COMMERCIAL e TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 4525 McArthur Blvd. Newport Beach 540-4424 RN-LYN 3 to ll & 11 to 7 Shitta New C.Onvalescent hospital to open 2nd week in Feb-=· APPLY IN PERSON 393 Hospital Rd., N.B. {Across from Hoag Hosp.) Assistant CASHIER Prefer some Brokeragt? experience. Apply in per- son: Mrs. Hadland GOODBODY & CO. 290 S. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach ---WAITRESSES P/llme. Exp. over Zl. Closed Sunday & Holidays. Apply in Person KRAMERS COLONIAL KITCHEN 512 W. 19th SL IAct customers. Air Mail B. Immediate openings D, Crawford, Pres., Panther for experienced RN'1, Chemical C.O., Inc., Box 52, full time and part F'ort Worth, Texas 76101. time. Will train lnex- sERV. STA. SALESMEN. perlenced. All •hift1 Man to work full timl!', available. Excellent ga1Veyard shift lrom 11 10 empk>yee benefits. 7 am. See Oyde, 2590 Newport Blvd., C.M. Call Nursing Office Equal opportunity employer I -,=~~"°'=ta~M~'~"':c,.== CAN YOU QUALIFY? $41 PER hr. Full or part Mart1'n Luther Unique Opportunity time. Xlnl sales position w/ for ••••""""Y 1or ,,. Hospital, EXEC SECRETARY vancement. Call ?.tr. Crain at (TI4) 642-5697 att 6 p.m. Anaheim Must have good .1ppear- TA1LORS, Fitters e.nd For· 722-1200 Ext. 272 ance, excellent typing & mans. Apply Silverwoods, ---------shorthand skills. Please No. 45 Fashion Isle, N.8. ' apply In person. Agencies, Women 7300 BUYER TO $600 Knowledge of purchasing techniques plus concentrated experience .in purchasing or buying for this interesting beach area p1sition, cau Trish Hopkins NEWPORT Personnel Agency 833 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-3870 e KEYPUNCH e OPERATORS HUNTINGTON UNION BANK SEAC:UFF Country Club 3000 Palm Ave. Huntington B1ach 536-8866 Pnrt Time . . . . . • Weekends and Holidays GENERAL OFFICE Experienced only. SEAMSTRESS 2743 E. Coast Highw1y Corona del Mar Equal opportunity employer RN or LYN NEEDED FULL TIME . Apply Sunlit• Newport H1rbor Convalescent Hospit1I 646-7764 Need someone to assist in my business, 2 hrs per day, 5 days wk. $65 per wk. For personal interview call Mn. Miller, 544-6252 between 2 • 4. • COOK • for Nursing Home Experienced Apply al l1gun1 Beach Nursing Home. 494-8075 e 2 ND COOK e Must have good experience with soup &. sauces. Working hours: Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 4:30. Call Mrs Pennington 833-0600 Ext 2036. SEW IN G MACHINE OPERATORS. Expel, top stitcher of sportsv.·ear. Ap- ply: JAY·MAR CORP, 2907 S. Oak, Santa Ana 8 to 3 Pt.1 Experienced Alpha I Num. Long tenn assigrunents, days. Long Beach area. Free parking. Mwit be e~rienced working with naugabyde boat cush-ions. Apply in person EXPERIENCED or w i 11 Joha•••o & ~" .. to•••o PERSONABLE Ambitious train. Drycleaning/laundry ,._. "-•ue> ,..,.,_ ' attendant Home like al· 898 w. 16th, N.B. person 2140 Jor sec-otlice he "" KELLY SERVICES INC. 230 E. 3rd Slreel Long Beach, Calif. (213) 432-8791 Equal Clpportunity em:>IC1yer Corner of Monrovia & l61h position in lrg apt complex. mogp re, DWboa Isl. Xlnl Exe admin & sec skills pay, gd hrs., Comm s. VERSATILE young I ad y req'd. Varied duties & hr!!. •71,,.c. .. -=""'~===~~­ wllh good typing skill for Some wknds req'd. Call e BUCK PRESSER e interesting, varied duties in Mon-Sal ONLY 645--0550 Experienced in sportswear, Recept/Typist lleavy phone, light typ- ing, to $350. Fee paid, also fee jobs. cir cu I at ion depL ol COOKS HELPER Apply publishing co. Call Bea JAY MAR INC Prettyman 546-4370 Private Schodl, North Hunl· · ' · lngton Beach. llour5 9: 30 'Iii 2907 So. Oak, Santa Ana LADIES 1B to 60 show Sarah (8 to 3 Pf\1) . & 11 2:00, 5 days a week. Call --~~~---- APEX Employment Agency 1873 Harbor Blvd. (\.ii block South ol 19thl Coventry spnng a J-.tr Welch 847-2655, 9-3 week· 2nd INCOME? Earn while season jewelry fashions, days only, you learn to be a Vanda absolutely no investment, c;;::,c...:_.:.______ Beauty Counselor. "The we train. 847-1567 COUNTER GIRL Best Friend & Face Ever Costa Mesa 548-3426 SAWYER HOME needs Must have grill experience or Had" mature women Io r cashing experience. Work-5'16-1765 OR 675-5195 housekeeping, p r a c I I c a I il16 hours Mon th1 u Fri 8 I =SA~L~ES~" ~G~!R=L-~Eo'--.:C.::...::C: See Betty Bruce at 11ursing. 646-6716. 2 619 lo 4:30. Call Mrs Penning· xp. 0 n 1 Y' 6 10,. 833 """"Ext 2036. ladies wear. good salary S m Orani:;e Av. C.f\1. 'V\1VU day wk., Fri. or Sal only, i~& xec MATURE, re.liable woman * WAITRESSES * 111rs. Kurstin 10055 Ada.ms G 1vante<I care 5 yr old girl, Ex ..... rienced 0~i. •. Full lime. Ave., at Brookhurst Ai;rncy for Career iris r-'U3 410 \V. Coast Hv.'Y., N. B. 11-4 wkrlys. Reis req. Sal Apply in per.son bet. 9 am VrKKJ'S Costa r..Jesa is look· By appoint. 646-3939 open. H.B. Write Daily Pi!ol & 6 pm, #16 Fashion Island, Ing for sharp, dependllhle l"'~~""~""'"""r":'""'" I Rox P-801 Newport Beach. henna.id. Full or part Ume. Sharp Career Gals Gt:NERAL Office; 10 key 'r-EA~C~l-IER=-wan--.,.-,,.-b-ym-·t-ter Apply in person, wkday11 10. Sectys, Gal Fridays, Rt'cpb;, add. mach., II. typ., floor from 8 to 12 pm, mu.st 6. 1791~ Nev.·port Bivd. Bkkprs, Office Tralnees, sal('s; in attr. Newport Bch. have ov.·n trans. 54!}-4369 BABYSITTER -Housekec.>p- Keypunch Oper.;. Med. & shop. Sal. open. 642-2'248 af!cr 3. er, actlve year old baby hoy. dental awl!o!, RNs & Nurses SNACK BAR \VAJTRESS LADIES to do houscv.·ork !n Pennanent, Northern H.B. Aides. Call Dori.~. fl;IS-7796 Tro!ler·s Bakery fines t of Newport Home5• area. 893-7445 aft 6 PM. ARGUS AGENCIES 234. Fore.st, Laguna Sch r·or Interview call Leta. OONUT Shop v."Ork. Early 1869 C Nev.1>0rt Blvd., c .r.1. Set' t.tr. Richardson 638-41T7 Afo.1. No exp nee. Apply f\tESSENGER doctor·s office, HOUSEKEEPER.exp c r., frffi. OONl!I' 1lS E. 17th Help W1nttd pickup, misc. ottice assis!· refer. req. Live-in. ?t1ust St CM. Woman 7400 ance. ?t1ust have car. 319 like children. 54S-&JZ1 Aft. PltONE SOIJCITING :lrd St., Lag. Sch. 6 No expcrierx.-e necessary. * SECRETARY • EXPERIENCED Den ta I Hollda,y Heu.Ith Spa 2300 S h o r I h a n d "-lyplng Assistant for part Ume Harbor, Costa Meu nl'CTAAary, some telephone. work. Write Daily Pilot Box JfOUSEKEEPER • Ltvc in. 40 hr. wet>k. Call 642-ll6J p 311. Molherleas home. N . D . 11 0 USE KEEPER. Own HOUSEKEEPER, for one area. 2 chldrn agts 14. & room, 'IV. 2 school ugc lady, full time, live In. Pvt. 16. J>n>f u/40. ~1-1450 children, lull dutie!, some rm. and balh. 54&-6599 EXP. waJrrua, ()Ver 71. The English preferred. 548-4447 CASHIER, Car Wash. Full Flying Butler, 3101 Newport FUU. Tunt housekeeper & time or part time. Blvd .. N.B. 67J..0977 child care. Ref. Sal&I')' open Cail 836-8111 BARMAIDS: f.iavericl?, vie. C.M. 548-368l EXP'O, Operators f or 1728 Newport Blv .. C.M. OPERATORS Blind sU!ch • f.n.osses. Top pay. ! 6 3 Apply bet S:JO PM hand finishers -Garm~t Production Pl ., NB 64&-0308 CH ILD care. lite housell'Otk, factory expcr. 642-2666 N.B. \VAITRESSES nttded, food mornings. Newport Shores. HOUSEKEEPER. I i v e · I n & cockWls. The Blue Beet. Rc!s. 548-5405 aft 6 pm. \llOman on wa1kl'r. Si~lary. 673-9904 Maki. Laguna Reef Mole!, Lellure World. 837--0I 71i QUALJflED lnL Dec. for 30806 s . Cn.."11'1 lfwy MAID experienced for Apt husy MW location,. N.B. * 499-XIOO-* hou.'t C.O.ta Mesa. part time !>-l.'>-S419 or 644-0637 DENT AL Aglsta.nl f o r I ,:$;L;:,15;,;:.pei'r"hr,:;;:. """"=""""""'=""' RN' 1 and L VN 's arthodoolilt In Huntington LIV&IN moU>er's helptr, in1 1-lwttington Beach attL ~ CaU OOZ-3329 exc~ tor rm. I board. 847-9671 DENTAL Secttta.ry, front of· CdM IJ'l".a. Call: 6'il-9383 C OMPAlrfION howekef>per tbt only. Costa Mesa area. e BOOKKEEPER e lo.· Lt:isutt \\'orld. Laguna OR J..UG6 Part Um(', full charge. Good ~""°"'~;,,,,-·-'°',;;.>-==c.....-~~ Q!:NTAL dliltJnt • cha.Ir .Al:=IU"f:.!.:.c'Caf=l,c6_7l:..·2930c..:.___ MT/ST Operator, niks & llde. l'ewpirt &ach/Cosla -or "'1:'l"k.erd:s. par'! l.ime. MNI ~ &46-1871 \Vhlllt ElephAntll~ S2.00 per hr. 675-2464 • • _I Jo~n. Wom. 7500 a SALESPEOPLE. N e e. t, good appearance. Due lo new expa.nslnn Holiday Health Spa needs saJespeople. We train, no exp. nee. AlfPb' ln per--son. 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. LAMINATORS needed for production parts, no ~:oo:· pcrience needed will train. SI.SS to $2.30. Call Tri·!). Vision. 547-0700. Alt 6, Mr. Riley REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't you be selling the hottest area Huntnigton Beach! Villnge Real Estate 962-4471 or 540-8103 UNLIMITED F.arning poten- tial part fJll' full time.Na· tlonal Or;11.nlZBUon. C".Ail Mr Kline e.t 833-0362 after 6 pm. FULL Time cook, wage open, on unlvcrz\ty campus. Call: 8J3.6900 ~fANAGER requimf for 13, 1 AR AduH nnlla wtth pool. ..,_,.., Costa Mesa (No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values Inside) 1839 Newport Blvd, CM IMMEDIATE opeotng 2159 Horbor Blvd. Cosio M11a 548-9660 646°0271 Jani1Drla.1 Route ln Hun-0 9 9' II t l n g 1 0 0 Beach a.rea, ptn • Da Y-:-Sund~y 11-5 HAMMOND • Steinway Ya- guaraoteed income $600 + 12 Ye•n Sime loc:at1on--s1me owners maha • new & used pianos per Mo. for husband &. wife, 1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 of all makes. Best buys In no exp necessary, In-I~ _ _ ____ So. Call!. right he~. ve8tmenl required. Apply .F.:":.:'":;;i:;.tuc,r:.:•:_ ___ 8::000:::: 1 Household Goods 8020 SCHMIDT MUSIC co., 7343 Canoga Ave, Canoga -1907 N. Main, Par!< beh\lttn 11 am & 1SPANISJ1FURNITURE KIRBY Vacuum. Recon-l:===San=ta=A=na=== pm Monday thru Friday. RETURN E LJ FR 0 M ditioned. Guaranteed. Like [ · R I E S -MODEL H~MES. SAVINGS new w/attach ts F p T I I ea 1t1te ales TO SO%. Spa:Jrisb quilted men · · · e evis on 8205 Men & Women so1a & love seat 3 oak living I =$35=.81=. =IS=mo=·-====="'==' == 1:.:.:::.:.:A:::::N::.:..N ___ ,:::;:: E~ing again. Office # room tables, 2'uving room G_arage Sale 8022 · UAL 4. openings availabloe for lamps & Spanish painting. licensed men & women. Jn. El Presidenle klngsi ze MOVING overseas SALE stanl Income & training. Mr bedroom suite, oak triple Everything m u st go, Gardner. SP r in i Realty, dresser & mirror, king Household furn, app!, diving , 540-4824 headboard, 2 commodes, g('ar. Schock sabot used Color TVs & Stereos kingsize mattress & box 1 season. 1317 w. &Y Ave, 23" Motorola, v.·al cabine!. Agencies, Mtn & springs, 2 boudoir lamps, NB Fri/Sat only. 675-5386 reg. $650, special ... ·· $495 W 7550 6 23" Zenith '69 model omen piece. Spanish wrought GARAGE Sale: Sat ls!, Sun reg. s579, special ...... S4S9 "'SERVING FQ_R_39_YE_A_RS_" iron dining set. Only $407. 2nd. 10 am. to ~ pm. 8252 Zenith stereo, low boy 6 We Can Find The !'!:i S::'at!Y~~ ~~: Malloy Dr., Huntington Bch. speakers, pecan finish. Right Spot For You llAMILTON FURNITURE MOVING SaJe! J\1ust Sell! reg. $379, special ....• $249 "It's Not Luck" ~S wesbninsler Ave_., All HoU!iehold Furnishings Many o~r TV's & Stereos "It's Know How" Westminster. 894-4434 daily 1725 Pomona, C?w1 Sat·Sun. lo choose from. FEMALE DNISION 10 a.m, to 9 p.m .• Sat. STEVENS TV Sec. Travel ............ $650 10 .a.m. 10 6 p.m., Sun. 1A-'-p"-p"li-'-anc.•:.;•;.:• ____ 8:.lc:OOc: Bookkeeper ........•..• $675 _12_,_p_.m._to_s.cp._m_. ___ _ ProU Operator ••.••• , , $375 Factory ............. , , • $340 Credlt Clerk .• , •.• start $4T7 Dental Front OUlce •••• $500 Med. Recept •..•...• to $400 MALE DMSJON Engineer Civil ••••• , to $1000 ACctluntant Cost . , , • to $758 Installer -Telephone •• $563 Credit Mgr Tmee •••• to $600 Sheet Metal ........... , $3W "We have many good ioba waiting for you" SOME FREE SOME FEE MORE CASH PAID FOR Furniture Colored TV's, Pianos Appliances, Antique' 1 Piece or Houseful! Is Our Specialty! 636-3620 24 HOUR SERVICE BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS a SPECIAL PURCHASE a 1953 Newport Blvd . Refrigerators, .a u I o m a t i c Costa Mesa 548-3<193 washers & other major ap-1--------- plla"''"' from model horn" FREE TO YOU at fantastic discounts! No Down. We service. See at: ---------1'~STER'S ORGANIC Fertilizer, aged 1nss Brookhurst. Ftn Valley horse manure combined (So. of Warner) 968-1234 with v.'OOd shavings. Good mulch. 8J3.5332 or 546-4931 WATER heater 20 gals. $15. betw 8 &. 5 ?.ton thru Good for smaller Mme or Fri. l /31 rental. 642-3.526 after 5 orl """°""'~~-c,--= weekends. NEED hon1e With someone ~ to train a very frightened, REFRIGERATOR, I a r g e skitl1sh, 4 mos, old kitten. Forst-free. Bottom freezer. Beautiful, long hai r ed Brushed chrome. S 3 5. tortoise shell. 541).-0lSJ. Call 642--3550 11 to 3 2/1 NEW FURNITURE from bankruptcies: &. model homes. 20 Beautiful Bl!d- room sets, 22 assorted Di· vans. 1 Stanley Jade Dinlng Room set, 1 Martinsville pee.an Dining Room set with china cabinet, 60 Lovely os chairs, dinettes, cocktail ta- bles. credenzas, d es ks, chests, lamps, gun cabinets, pictures, mirrors, mattress- es, TV's, and Stereos. Re- frigerators, stoves, washers and dryers .and MUCH, MUCH MORE!!! COME BROWSE AROUND! WINDY'S AUCTION 2075¥.i Newport Blvd. Behind Tony 's Bldg. Matl'L Costa t.1esa * 646-8686 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 PROFESSIONAL DRAFTING TABLE New 31;1142", adjusts to stand- ing I eve I. "A~OYO", metal edge, solid basswood, electronically bonded, sand- ed smoolh. Strong steel tilt- ing arcs, tilts to any angle. $50. or best oiler. 53&-0402 . CARPET WAREHOUSE Remnants-2nds·Roll Ends Thousands of yards to choose from! Some at Cost & Below. llrs: 8:304 p.m . .f..too-Fri., Sal 10-2 p.m. 1753 S, Ritchey, Santa Ana 541-5011 SACRIFICE I will sacritlce all or Jl8rt of my near new Mediter- ranean furn. 8' Sofa & love seat, den furn, king sir.e MERCHANTS PERSONNEL MO V I N G , lge Early Kenmore Gas Dryer. C bedroom set aJso twin. American cusl head-brtl in Excellent condition $45. UTE Terrier dog, one year lfide·a·bed, occ chair!'l. cof- 2043 Westcliff Drive pine. White twin bdrm set * 847-8115 * old, family •dog, good with fee &. end commod e a. Lobby Ollice w/springs & mattresses. children, house Ir ll in e d , Cheap. (TI4J: 526-6244 Comer 17th & Irvine Dbl chest & mirror. Cust Kenmore automalic washer, 646-13TI 2-1 """""""'"°"""'""'""'°""'- N ~ B _.. ex.et>llenl condition. $35. GREY & White lo"" haired C 0 L D SP 0 T refrig/frttz, ewpo,, ea"'' pine dbl bed w/spr ing &. • ..,. OUiCt's in all al mattress. Lge Ho 1 point • 847-BUS • SPA YEO female Boxer· all avocado gr 1 YI" old, l yr 0 Co -R f · $50 guar. Kenmore stove, .( range unty upright freezer, Kelvinator e r1gerator • vacc. Good family dog. 2948 "'"2110 burner, auto timer, clean, .,..,. Refrig 66x31. Rainbow vac. * 536-6.%8 * E. Coast Highway Corona d I 9 SSO. '69 Magnovox color TV, RESTAURANT all in top cond, priced right, -e Mar, to 5 owned 3 wks, sell l), orig Jl.1nnager Trnees, Cooks, Sat & Sun. 644-2TI7, Antiques 8110 SAMOYED Puppies, AKC price. $275. lloliday Health Sous Che[s, sharp ~aitress-FACTORY seconds, genuine ~ Reg. Also AKC Reg Spa, 20 mo contract tor es (food & cocktail). T~p oile<I walnut tables, large P~IVATE . ~rty has old Samoyed male, 1i12 yrs old. 2, $325. 64f>..2793 pay, Xlnt Joe. Ca l J Phil, selection of cocktail, lllmp ~~I, p:1;~~:~ ~lassclt:~ 545-8075 eve. '1"'1 --,c"u""'""'1t-"'f -, -, -,-,-,-,-.' 548-7796 & end tables. Priced to sell 968-2488 TO VERY good home w/ King-o-Lawn f.!ower, King. ARGUS AGENCIES fast. Far below wholesale older children. Beaut 8 mos O-Lflwn Edger, Vaculawn, 186° C Newport Blvd .. C.M. price. KENNY BRO\VN VAST stock Arr.er & Eur o ld puppy, hsbrkn . 35 mm Voitlander Camera, Furniture, Mfg. ill E. 16lh furn Ir. clocks. Lat r Y SJG.6858 1/30 1 ne~· 4' neon light l --------S c•t r•~"""" Morgan Antiques. 2428 ===~,----= Schools-Instruction 7600 t., ·" · ~,,,,;:i Newport Blvd., c . M. STRIPED Ginger cat, malr. clarinet w/c~. also Argus -HIDE·A·BED never used. Name Charlie Brown need~ 500 watt Projl'ctor & screen. The Newport $100. 3 bdnn sets, king, Sewing Michinet 8120 good hon1e. Call aft 6 p.m. 549-1201 alter 6. School of Busintss full & twin sizes. 8' sofa I ::..=:.:;,o..:.::=::.::::::_:.:::: 675-4235 1/31 lllDE-A-BED never used. JIAS A GUARANTEED & love seal. Den furniture, 1968 S!NGER, zig.zag, touch· TERRIER type male dog. $100. 3 bdrm sets, king, CURRICULUNI FOR coUee & end tables. Occas omaUc, con1pl w/walnut All shots. Loves children. full & twin sizes. 8' sofa SUCCESS! chairs. 11-lany other iternll. console. Rl>po.-service man 1 male long hair ~2 Siamese & Jove seat. Den furniture, 833 Dover Dr., N.B. Must sell everything! Only leaving area. Will sacrifice cat. 64241762 1/31 coffee & end tables. Occas 646-0153 2 months old. All Medi!· for $39.97 cash or assume ADORABLE 1 haggy do chairs. Many other Items. :l.~ife_U_m_•-=.G;.;U~t::., :c.,..:.::..-..,,-.1-.,-g.1 Very reas. 714: Si0-1592 S4.T1 mo. Button holes, blind 1 nd g. s &: g, :f.1ust Sf'll evl'rything! Only Olildren, grandchildren, or DESIGNER'S-SOFA-hems. overcasts etc. No at· ~a e, · s. acres acre~. 2 months old, All Medit· tach needed. Dealer OK's U1 \\~hich 10 P 1 a Y · Ve"" reas. 714: 870-1592 yourseU! Individually tu. CUSTO~f built 3 pc sectional 1.ruarantee. Call 5~6 548-5265 1/30 •J tnred Chilcoat 10 lessons with built In planter & in-LIFE h Quality King-Size Bed, typing school. 173 Del Mar, direct lighting in corner sec-1967 SINGER w/cabinet. or deA.t ! Lovable blk. beautiful quilted mattress, CM, 548-2859 lion. Can be used togelher does everything without al-2 yr <;ocker & Da~hund. split foundation, bit-in or separale. In xint cond. lach. $36.66 Full price or Gd with older children. !rame. Never used. S98. MERCHANDISE FOR Original cost Sll50. Sell for Sl.50 ~·k, Guaranteed. Call 54HJ27 2·1 Woru1 $250. M2..fi536 SALE ANO TRADE $211!;. or make oUer, 646-8469 52J..-097S SMAIJ.. mixed beagle puppy, ===~~-~--10 months old. All shots. WEDD ING rings, 13 stone!! F , ~UDE a be<I, never used $100. Muso'cal lnJI. 1125 Extremely frie--'ly ""lh in unique setting, beautiful urn1ture 8000 g· Med sofa, love r"a' COf· HU ... _ _, .,._ 'fi "" .., children. 847-4i34 1/30 co...... ~en ce S 4 5 0. Furniture returned from dis· fee & end Ibis. lai_nps, 5 AMPEC f.eminl l Amp. 4 YR OLD ped. D•-"•hu-• 5'8-8997 lay ud. pc dinette set, kmg st $100 F --' .,___ A "'' "" ==~==~~=~ p st KlS, model. homes, Spanish Br sel 1 lhan · e1ouer ~ .. ,an ~P· m, altered. Good adll 0; UPJIOLSI'ERlNG • $79.50. 2 dt!COrators cancellation. ' ess . S250. EleclJ'lc Bas.s $50. older child not. "4" ""°" pc. (European craftsmen) S .. " i•h & "'""lte 1 2 mos old. Must sell lhlS 536-3911 .. ~ "'"~ r---1 d 1 .clru 215 •uo:u tntnean e c week. Pri p.iy. 5.n-!!046 • after 2 P.M. l/Jl c '""" se. e. pi p, RD FURNITURE WHITE F nc1 Jl,1 t ?.fain, HB "Berny" 53&64CS NEAR new Liv Rm couch. . e er u 8 an g (TWO) 7 month old cats . 1844 Newport Blvd., CM chr. 3 tables, 2 lamps $150. Guitar w/case. Xlnt cond, brolher and sislt'r. Raised LARGE, Low display tables: ever; night lil 9 Dbl BR set compl. 2 nlte must sell SUO. 536-3005 together. Need good homf'. JJ:Cg boards, !heatrical light Wed., Sal & Sun. 'lil 6 stands, dbl dres.o;er $125. GUITAR & Amplilier $45. 54o-618J, lt to 3 only 1/31 fixtures. Misc 1 l t m •. CONTEMPORARY, perfect RC'blt G.E. Refrig $75. Will trade for bass guitar. BLACK female cat. 'Ai 548-7322 art 5 p.m. . condition! curvro sectional Table & 4 chrs SIO. 2 mo 548-6538 alter 5 PM Siamese. 4 m 0 n 1h 11 • 3 PC SECT S75. Danish (cost $85()) $250 or best of· old bike $30. 536-4681 546-4807 1/31 Modern chair $20. Girl's 3 I book 3 . sp bike SJO. SO Oiev. needs er; case, end table, TRESI'LE Dining room Pianos & Organs 81 0 POODLE apricot. male, G ~rk $50. 642-9917 alt S:JO double doors: uphol chairs; I.able, pecan. Oriental ~· -IA-'ee.ks, has papers. deo<>r•tor taml'<: ""1rnom Tape "'"""'"· Ekol Adi" WJ DAYS ! ( J M:l.S120 11e1: sinele bed : de~ 9x12 typev.Titer. 968-2844 hina · kiUy, 1~; yrs. old: "ex.- rug: c i many items. 5' DEACONS bench: 2 Cllpt. Jllgher pri~ are coming -peeling" Good hoUSe pet. 54&.a;?'i chrs; Trestle Ible (painted, bul ""' a.re still discounling 67!).-0~ 2-1 BEDROOM suite: Double perf lor antiquing) S60 all pianos & orglltl.1 in the 4 TERRlER pups Jong dresser, ch e 1 t, 2 ~9 Ian days ot the great Mov· haired, blondt>· Just darlin!!!! ni.Rhts!Ands. Antique white *°"co,..:.:MP:;.,L_E~.1~E~li-,-""--,.-1 . Ing Sale. It will cost you 543-:2147 1130 SIOO or will sell S<"parately. xlnt cond; in Olive gm & money to WAH. Shop & bu,y · 642-1155 eold. 839-657J ?'1(1\\P at: FRENQ-1 poodlr. Ma I e , Qua_Uty King-5\z.e Bed, WA.RD'S BALDWIN STUDTO Black. 1810 W. Ba.Ibo&., Apt. b!!autiful quilted IMltrel!l!i, Office Equipment 8011 1801 Newport. C.M. 642-8484 1. N.B. 2n 111>llt foundation, hlt·ln -PROFESSIONAL -JIAMMOND ORGAN. spinet. 7 MOS. "Daisy" dog, male fr~M~;:: ~ DRAFTING TABLE 2 m•nual. WalnuL Excellent 1/7. 548-4266 ~ ·New ltx<:I", AdJU!!ls to stand. condition. ~118 BEAUT, Uving Rm Sofa. Ing le v e I. .. ARROYO", MALE. pa.rt Cocker, part Convertible to full ~ bed. metal tdge, solid btullwood, MANY WONDER.rut. OP Poodle. 7 m~. 548-3i30 1/30 Xln1 roM. m...u electrordcally bondt'<I, sand-PORn.JNIT1ES be.ve bfftl DALMATIJ\N -fr lend J y MOVTNG-MUST SELL! ed 11nooth. Stro"" steel lilt. dl:scovettd in Cl:tsstfted Ads prrtl)'. Aft. 6 646-Mfi!I 1t3i . .,_ Tum b•ck to "Busneu Op ;::;~o-="7:,:.::.::.:'.:'...C!.:'. Nice household furnishings. 1ng arcs, tilts to any 11.ni;:Je. oorLUnltles .. NOW! 4 wtrr rabbilll, v.·ant good 281-0 Delmllr C.M. 64~119 $50. m-hfo!lt offer. 530-0402. hon1r 962-2232 2-1 ---------·--------- NF.WPORT Beach Tennis Oub Membership for Sale. • Buy below cost. Days 547-8406 or Eves. 673-6436 FIRE\\'000 FOR SALE Walnut & Eucalyptus. $47.50 cn:I, $25 1, crd. Delivered & 1tack'd free. Ill 688-0846 BRAIDED rug w/pad, U x 20, good cond. $35. <:all 64G..fi626 alt 5 pm. 6. DEEP Fn:-eze. Good ..-. dltion. $35. Lnwnsweepe:r $65, LI 8-..l.l65 all 4. ELJ:X; ~r. Ilomelite XLU ehaln saw, Child'• XLl5. 548-fil02 after 5: JO BAL.BOA Bay Club mem· bershlp. REASONABLE! (ll 827-7870 • M!RCHANDISE FDR • IALE AND TRADE Mbcell1neau1 8600 --··- : • WANTED • Furniture • Appliances Color TVs e Piilnos ETC. · Cash in 112 hour 1 ..,...,...,5,.4,.1,.-4,.5~31~~~ I Motor Homos W A N-T E--0-BY ow ... , '67, 23' Ang''"" 9215 We need qualit)o (no junk please). Furniture, co Io r TV's, stereos, appliances, tools and office equipment. TOP CASH: IN 30 Minutes! • _ .. 531-1212 * 893-0555 8,IXX> mi.; loaded, incl. generator. $8,750. 892-3165 Mini Bikes 9275 ----MINI-BIKE 3.5 HP $90. 548-6239 ' BUYING Silver Coins 10% 9300 over face. Dollal':!I $1.70. _M_o_to_r_cy,_c_I•_• __ _ Silver nickels $3.50 roll . COSTA COINS 837 W. 19th St., C.M. 646-1415 WANTED: LADIES starter golf. clubs, bag & , cart. 5'>-5402 : Mlchin•ry, etc. 8700 SO TON' Jlydrau.llc jack, good condition. 545-5490 after 5:00. PETS and LIVESTOCK l>ov• 8825 W!NTED: Horse to ex· erelse. College girl. Exp. in show & training. English Cl' Western 545-5402 TRANSPORTATION · Boats & Yachts 9000 ·~~kl Bo1t1 9030 lll$ 15 FT HAVOC lld boat. I Mercury l<XlO motor, many "'1ru. Must Soll! ~ I "" .. -»>-.,. ~ 8" to apprtela~! 541)-4622 I i AUTHORIZED DEALER HUNTINGTON BEACH 'G:i RENAULT Dauphine, xlnt cond.; see to ap- preciate. Low mlleage. $500. 962-2872 SUBARU WELL Kept '65 VW Convt. MW!ll see 10 believe! 545-7427 BUICK CONTINENTAL AU Carry New Car 5 Year or 50,000 milt Warranty ALLEN OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH • 547-3103 ' ----- COUGAR MERCURY '66 CONTINENTAL Sedan.I---------·-------- Al• rond!Lionlng. Lcathe• '68 COUGAR uhP?lstery, vinyl top. Power Llme with black padded top. equlp. Lo mileage. Private loaded and air conditioning. party. $3015. 673-92.13 S2950. M. Stottl 842-5581, '67 CONTINENTAL, tu 11 Eves. 962-7006 pwr, air, ate~ tape, •Pffd 1967 COUGAR XR7. Pis, con~!, Landau, fa c t • air-cond. Wide ovals. Disc mamt. $3475. 499-4<m b~s. 100% fine. 549--0872 l ' I '62 Mercury COWNY PAIJ< SfATIO~ WAGON, Factory air, power steering, power brakes, au!&> matic transmission, radio,, heater, overhauled e,.:l.ne. Thi!! wagon ha! been dnlp. ped for winier pricing to $895 Lie. PJMS92 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-Mercury 1941 Harbor Blvd, SC.'lmO NEW '69 Rambler. Full lhe compact, $200 + tax ILod lio. ' ' . .... ~,~·~ 642-602.3 NEWCASTlf MOTORS 'GS T·BIRD, ""' mlloqo, IOll ............. --11; pert.ct mtth ...... -thruout. 56-1254 b • l o r e ,,J0,5'3-«i67 ....... ""1'~-·=·=--------'- !all bAIL Y PILOT Yhllnday, January 30, 1969 'i " ' ' " •• . ' ' FINAL WE ARE TAKING A FINAL REDUCTION · ON OUR SALE IN WESTCLIFF PLAZA . J~ tnl\Q READY TO WEAR? WESTCLIFF !'LAZA 642. 2444 NEWPORTER INN ~\\ TAIL ~ END OF OU ~ Aetruy &n ttOOtn . ' ALE UNIQ UE ELEGANCE IN FASHION SCURRY ON DOWN . . a a erta WESTCLIPF :PLAZA 548 ~8365 • • -....... -~-----~~---~----~-> ~··­·-, ... . A .~, · ':. 1 ··""' .> r" . '.r .. f;: "! , " ":::,.\: OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT I . ~ I , . ' --. ' . : . THE FINAL WINDUP · ·· OF OUR CLEARANCE . . • ll • . . . ' .LADIES' . SHO&P .. .-; ):!EELS· FLATS · $,2· · TO sa · CASUALS -• •.i . . . _' ·VALUES TO l24 MEtl!S SHo•s . FLORSHEIM ~·BASS~t<s<· TO s19 ROBLEE .....:• . ~ : . .· . VAlUES TO .$29 · • All $•lei Final • No Exch1nges or Refunds . . m~efl'8aOPI~ :~ . ~-· IOI !HI lNTillllJJ,~;,ILJ ' 1052 IRVINE W estcliff Plaza -Newpart Beach 548· 8684. FINAL · ·. CLEARANCE SAVINGS UP TO . " .· ·503 TRADITJONAL CLO'J'HlNG WESTC ll.FF, PLAZA 1145 • 0792 . FINAL ROBES .. LINGERIE GIRDLES· BRAS Veta's lllTlllATE APPAIEL ............ , ...... --- Fl NAL CLEARANCE UP TO • CAPRIS •SWEATERS •DRESSES •BLOUSES • COATS dick ' v er n 0 n s SPORTSWEAR WESTCLIFF PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH '· . .. - .. :~; ·..:·-~ ..... . • r b) M th rn ct w: SC r; Tl de Ill a si; • m " ... de .. In 81 Ill M cc w , ID I.' ~" in J t'l1 ti' ~ 81 ... ' ., . " .• hi .. Al In -----------------·-~ -------~-------------~--------~----.-~·~-~-------...._.......... .. ....-~----~--- Joh....,, A s.n -Dolly Piiot -Thurt., Jon. :IO, 1,.,_1 Johnson 4 $qll • his Buie~ ' • R~poating tlioir dedication to the busineu, Wiliam John- sdn's son ind hi. boy In turn stajjicfftt.,,cl, 0poni119 S-llildoy of the now Johnson & Son auto agorii:Y·•~UU'):lorbor 8JV.f.; Costa Mesa. · , ' · ..,. .. 'f • Newly located on tho citY,'1 raiMd!Y 01pandi119 Auto Row, whore dealerships find lend both conlfal and roomy, Clyde John- son ond his pormoMon Dick, oxpee;f ificnasint. WYico to tlio com-• ,I ', mun1ty... r· f Tho elder Johnson h11 booti'in1fh. llU>inou for '47 yoars and Dick joined tho Lincoln-Morcuiy i~ 19 , yeirs ago, starting in the polish .and elbow greoso dopatt;ient. , Discussing tho agency's vol~ •rd business phllo~phy, tho.yo~r""~~~!":,!ller'a~jjgo 150 now car •• 1 .. monthly, but sales aro rlofthe lbfe ~lll'pOsi ot'JDhMOn l Son. · "We have always been very service-minded ind maintain 1 large, busy mechanical department," he s•id. A u t o Jeasing is another fMld of conv1ni1nce strv~. ice to Harbor Area motorish 1 one started just 1y11r190 but rapid-:._ ly gaining in popularity. Besides new cars, the company sells used 1utomobiles on tho Harbor Boulevard lot a holf-milo south of tho San Diogo Freowoy,·11 wen OS at 1941 H"bor Blvd., ooo of tho first auto· row locetions. , ,, , 47 .VEARS OF SELLING AND SERVICING AUTOS Johnson of j~nson and Son Lincoln-Mercury '. "Ours WIS one of the first used •• , loh onHorbor Boule-,. vard before the other onos locotod lhoro," Dick Johnson explained."~ EXPERIENCE BEGAN IN ELBOW GREASE DEPT. s.n Dick of Johnson end Son Lincoln-Mercury \ ' CI • .. • '' ' '. > ' • +'- ( , ~-l l .,. .• NEW' JOHNSON LINCOLN MERCµRY AGENCY SPREAD OVER 5.S.ACRE SITE AT 2f26 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA New Model Starts With 'Package' By JAMES BllFSCOLL DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) -'.W)illln the 493,000 aqua.re.foot Dea1gn ~ of the Ford Motor Company RW'cb and Engineering complex, toni':1oo craftsmen use the many elemm of product design to create a concejit the public may never see. r. · The central idea ii the "package,'' a list of apeclfic requirements on l'eblcle needs: how many passengen the veblcle will bold and space alloted, where qlno and drive-line components wW bl bow much room will be required, laaage spare needed, length, width, helili4 wheelbase and other dlmenslolll. ;... . ! Mercur y Marks < "'-·-. ' • . ,, SERVICE I . .. ' . I £ " < INSURES SALES ..... ·.~ ~ ~~' Lincoln~M~r~Jry . !~~ :=:~3 Its 30th Year ·With New Cars Sales Set Marks Throughout 1968 Johnson and Son Follows Ford Philosophy What about automobile warran· At J ohnson and Son we know that ties and service? Dick Johnson we have one of the finest producll!I comments on the recent criti· yet prod uced for the motoring public. Mercury observed its 30th ann iversary cisms leveled at the .automobile .• · . we are certain that our service by introducing completely new Mercury industry, department is the best In Orange Coonty Monterey and J\.fonterey Custom models ••.•• and the Lincoln-Mercury division this year _ new chassis, new sheet By DICK JOHNSON of the Ford Motor Company stands metal and new size-larger, of course. In the past few months, quite a bit behind us with the most comprehensive ~,1·gn 18• in the long hood-short deck r ti 1. • .. bee di ected both by warranty yet devised for the protection i....-o a en ion •WQ • n r • . of the car buyer. character of the Lincoln Continental, government agencies as well as private 1 1929 H F d ed with cleaner lines, smoother contours, individuals, to new .car warranties and-.-pre~nt aUit:wbe~ be~~~ our sculptured sides and a· more pronounced the subsequent service, or alleged lack,... "W b .' 1 . rise of the be!Uine at the rear quarter. of it. The resultant publicity emanatinl e emp as1ze serv ce equally with 'Ihe scoop style grille treatment, power from this attention bu caused m&nJ • . sales. It has always been out belief dome hood and dua l headlights suslai_n tential new car buyers to become · " that a . saJe dOI!!$ not complete the its Continental kinship and earn 1t ~prehensive and hesitant about uw· transaction. between us and the buyer, a place ol dist'inction among the standard purchase of a new car. In light of the . but establishes. a n~ ob~gaUon on sized cars of the medium-price market. many things that have been expressed.· U!I to see that his car _gives him service. It has 8 ck>se-t&-the road look with 1 cannot really blame them, but because We ar~ as m!lc,h mterested Jn hi.I 1 more rakish windshield angle and of Johnson and Son's reputation in tht · ~nom1cal operat1?'1 of the car as he lhOre CtD"Vature of the doors and !lide community for integrity and service wa 1-~ in . our economical ~nufacture of glass for increased roominess. Windshield feel that we must comment. 1t. This Is only g~ busmeu 00 our Wiper.II are semi-concealed, and side wifl.. M f the criticisms leveled were part. If our car gives good ul.'vlce, dows on hardtops and convertibles are anylt 0 of the Federal Trade Corq.' sales will ta ke care of themselves.'~ ftlfliless. ~i::':i•s "Staff Report on Automotiv~ :· Mr. Ford'!I philosophy is our creed Turn signal-parking lamps are mounted Warranties" and a subsequent n~ as well. In the leading edge of the front fenders · release· made last November contalntnt. \ Ud wrap around for visibility from 8 five JY.lint summary. Tbe com: d the side a!I well as from the front. miss.ion ·concluded that the auto lnduslrJ• H b The greater size or the Mercury was subject lo criticism In the fo llowl"C US an S Monterey translates into Improved riding respects: t Just comfort roadhbility and roominess. Increased emphasis by manufadurtn ·'-Wheel~ is increased one Inch, to 124 on the importance of customer service ~ fDches and overall length ls increased 1 •• nl t ·-' d altt 11 ln~hes to 221.8. A. sturdier stance and second y, luc e orctmen ...,. e ~ ~ obtained by an increase of one inch service standards. ; ~ tbe front tread, lo 63 inches and -Simplification of warranty terml ui and conditions; and more adequate d~ two inches In the rear, to 64 Inches. cl06Urt of warranty terms by lhe man-By contrast. when Mercury was In· traduced for 1939 It boasted a wheelbase ufllC'turer! and dealers. ~ and overall length ol 116 and 195.9 Inches. I cannot argue lhat It lll'l't true thlt f 5 i h froot at some times, in some unstabU.. . respectively. Tread wu SS. nc es dealershi ... and under certain condltiom and 58 2 inches rear. "~ ' Therfi are nine models in the two that many of these crlticlsml are * teriel _ four«iot !Jedan, four-door valid. We d~ not think that the new ; bardtap, tw<Hloor hardtop, rtatlon wa gon car. dealers 1.n lh.i!I area· are guJlty ol and convertible in the Monterey series hav1_ng any1h1n~ Jess than the best~ ~"'t. ~~,. . .. f r .®'&~~~:d . J Teach Wives One pl"" of lnformaUoo that drlflnl school Jnstructors give without being asked: husbands make lousy dmlna teachen and wive. make 'bll1 ltadeatl when taUBht by busbandl . "The wile does not aloct:rly lllv~ve heraelf wbm Jnstructed by lier bul- band,'' says Elvin E. Tharp, an auto driving school cbelf, "ohe II more Jn. volved In the way be speakl, the lm- , ~~~~.~~I lo '-"'~>~:~;;.;'• .. · ...... - If nothln1 etle, this 11 llmply lotl_llf merchandlllng. We know that in ordti' to insure good customer relations lDd maintain our extremely high rate of repeat 1ales, we mot offer the ve;y best lel'Vk:e of which we are capebie and that weful observance of tbe ,.... ranty la to both oura and the .Cllltomir'I bestlntat<ltl. Tlmo and can hive chlnpl .... Henry Ford made b1I ltltement. M1i1J more can are sold. Alltomobller to4aJ are lnunenlely more compllcoted Ud the lecbnlcol akJl1I required lo oervl<e them are a hundred time. more demn- dln& than In 11211. One thing bu DOI changed, tbou1h, and that 11 tbe monl obll11Uoo f the comclenUoua deiler , and manufacturer to stand behind the product that be nak., ll1d aeltl. • Our ldherence lo this med ... manifested It.sell In our IP'owtb d"1DI our mi.en yean or 1ellln1 and ""ldn& automobiles In thil area. It IJl'Ofel tha& our plillOIOphy of dolnB 1iu11na1 11 rlJlbl. It alao prov., that Mr. Ford WU rlibl. ' Can't to Drive Llncoln·Mercury capped 1968 with record nlel throughout tbe year, M. . S. McLauPlln, Ford Motor Company vice preoldent and dlvlllon 1eneral manlier', u1d. Salea durlnl Dec. 21 to II ..... 10,308, boolUn& the dlvlllon'a total for tbe month to a reccrd a&,M11 an lncreue of 11 percent .... tbe pmoloul reeord of 32,51$ establllbed Wt year. · Sales of 121,220 units In tbe fourth quarter were a J'tCOld for any quarter In dlvl&loo h!Jtory, toppln1 by all percent tbe previOlll hl1h of U0,8911 eatabU.bed In tbe -quarter of 11155. Deliveries lut year of 591851 durin& tbe October to December period were affected b)' a strike against Ford Motor Company. For the full year, saJes were a record "4,082, a gain of 33 percent over deliveries of 33.S,&Ol a year ago. 'lbe former high wu 433,175, oet In 11155. "In a year in whJch automobile ules sm.uhed rteonl ofter record, HU uw LlncoJn.MtrCUrY emerge u a true leader with a pin more than double that of the entire Industry, Including Imports," Mn. McLaughlin lllfd. "Tb11 )lOld off ln market penetration, which roee from a 4 pm:ont In 11117 lo ID eltlmol<d 4.1 pm:ent In 1•. "Our dealer• are enterlna the new ,..,. rldlnc tbe crest of t1lo otraocest Take her lo 1 -... lrlfnlnl """"" ........-produot ol!erlnf In tbe however, and chancel are abe wUI be hJstory of. IJncoln..MtrOUrJ. vie have 1ble to hlndle tbe family cor ~ estoblllbed tbreo -· rnoothl1 w:llhin two rnoathl. 'Ibe reuoo1 IN aa1es recordl and have let our llpta: llmple. I • Oft onotber In JIDUU')'. Finl, tbe in1truc1on bl'° poll-. Lincoln OOnteoenlll, lncludlnl Mark enabllnl them to help \he wife, lhed 111r m, and u-., ICGred the Wieat .....,,_ and repllce 11 --lllfeo 1llnl In 1968 wllll lncnuoo of -and delennlnltlin. 77 and II per<ent, rapecllvely, oa nlel Secocld, the inltluc.1« II a stranpr,,. of 11 ,191 and 121,IOI. Oellvtria or 1tloclunent ..i Mercury opd Coo(ar tor t1lo yeu were .... -~.:'.Ill"' ' :1'.~«. I j I ,7·· , .• • a -~'--·------ skeU... are then aelected and -ed as more detailed llluatratJooa. Al the same time, prellmlnary t b re e • dlme'!lslooal work lfeglnl In lhe"<ralt abopo. • Two ··separate plwes of this' lhree- dlmenslonal work proceed at once.: one, tbe bod1 moci'llll, built ol clay llPPlled to a . wood-amktyrofoam, w b •'\led armature. Tbe -phase ti t11f crea-Uoa of Interior components, alao Gf cloy, JnOiudlng Instrument panell ... 11; door panetl, bewlllnlng ll1d !loo< ... ....... The materlala u...i too -pnjoctl, on a continual baala, are trem. ;t µ: ln I IJ.IDOlllh period, tbe f-consume more lhan 51,000 feet of~. 75,000 1allool of resin, 2,500 gallaoi of paint, nearly 3,000 oheetl of Jib"°°11 and bard.board and over 150 "8 of clay, I• The trim shops use some 13,0C. Janis of vinyl, 1,500 yardJ of cloth, l,llll<JardJ of carpeting and ~,700 oqu.are ,..-. of leather hides yurly, Once tbe clay model ls flntlbo4 Ind ICulptured to utllfy tbe ~,r •p- pllcation of a decal·llke pa::perMi!;ij_..,i: lo tbe clay provides I " IJ>-pearance. Dark-colored paper tel wlndo'ltl, aluminum foll r e p r e I t • chrome and other brigb~metali ::: COOJponentl while lettering and • tau.. add tbe llnll touclies. U, at th1a stage, the design ln charge ii aaUafled, a n reprtlduction er a ' '1ee·tbr0\1·1 h '.' 6ber&Jaa ......-(wl>lch <Ill be ploc:ed OD \be clay llOO«body) 11-. With llmullted Interior Wible ,lltnup tbe -space, either f1nlshef -k clolelJo memblel an IClul1 vehlclo. Tho flberBlus modell ... llttod lrilh complete lntmor and, II 11-IQ ...ino foe tat nu. Dllrlnc ~ deoJcnen "1l1llmlllfy -.. ~· uct pllDn<n and qi_.. lo .... their effort 1HI the .. l*k.ace" DltfllL When tt II 111 U...P, boot,..·11111 t1lo flnlJ dectlloos ore lllldo In to what the nut )'tll'11 wUl conform to, the wort ii d1ml.an Md -ldeu on ldv-. It 111 • all 11! ---:'!,, ... i• • ' J-. ..... & ' I b' t • I i-......... ml!ll ... '911 .................... --....... --............. ------..... ~--~.-.--~ .... -------~~.......--~~ l-Johnton l Son -D1hy l'llot -Thurt., J1.: at, INt -. 'rnREE GENERATIONS AGO -Photo taken In 1909 when Willlam Johnson took on franchise to sell Mercury Cyclone, champion on the race tracks in 1968, has a new low price supercar for maximum st r eet performance for J96g. The top performing in· termediate from L i n c o l n • Mercury Divi.sion is t h e Mercury Cyclone CJ. This new model brings together the 335- borsepower CJ 428 engine and a value leader two-door fastback hardtop to provide highest output for a modest price. A racy, black-out grille, hood tape stripe, WSW F70 fiberglass-belted tires a n d competition handling package are standard. "This is the ultimate machine for street and str<Pt" said Ralph L. Peters, Lincoln· Mercury Division marketing product plans manager. "It is a clean, well-mannered, easy-t<r-buy car that is capable of holding ils own on the drag strip with all competition." With the addition or the Ram Air induction option it presents a sports-specialty car appearance with youthful ap- peal and performance. The hood scoop and paint stripe are painted black or silver nnd functional hood lock pins are added. Available as a separate op- tion for the CJ, the Sports FEELS FORTUNATE Grupe said, "I fee I particularly fortunate to be associated here in Orange County with Johnson and Son. Their reputation plus the fact that I will be directing saleJ of the finest automotive pro- ducts on the market today places me in what I consider to be a most enviable position. "I have hundreds of friends and clients in the county and new can. The Johnson store aold just about every· thing and the family home was next door. The GENERAL SALES MANAGER GEORGE GRUPE am looking forward to 1hov.·ing them personally through our exciting new dealership and In troducing them to o u r outlltanding people. Johnson and Son and I have long Apperance Group permits the .... .,,,. ...... ,,..we: .r~~-~ "1 ..... :~ addition of bucket seats, JolmJoal are now In their third general!on of selling and servicing automobiles. REPEAT SALES Grupe polnta out that 11 re-. cent analysis of Johnson's sales records over the years indicates an unusually hlgb. percentage of repeat 1a1e11, some famllles havins purcha.s.- ed five and six car1 from th• !Inn.. He reddes In Su Juan Capiltnno with his wile Georilana. their eon, Bryan, a student at Chapman College and dau,hter Suzee, an avid ou~oor &lrl with t b e responalbllity for their two honea. After attend.ins Oc- cidenlll College, Grupe joined the Air J"Ol'Ctl at the outset of World War n. Hll letVl.ce included a tour of duty flying 11-241 (a product of the Ford Motor COmpaay, too, in the South Pacillc), Lincoln-Memuy'a d a II y sales pace from Jan. 1 to 20 rose three percent about a year ago, M. S. "Matt" McLaughlin, Ford Motor Com- pany vice president an d dJvtaJon general m a n a g e r , reportod today. Total sales durini the period were 2:0,%5.5,• compared with %1,113 In the c:ormpoodlng period a year aao when there wu one additional selling day. 'lbe average daJly selling rate was 1,2&6, compared to 1,146 last year when ·sales were stimulated by strike recovery deliveries. Sa I ea were 14 percent above the daily rate of 1,HIS established in 1967, when buslnesa was at a more normal level. Sales during the January 11· 20 period were 10,038, com- pared to 11,507 last year when there wu one more selling d1y, The dally selling rate wu 1,256, two percent below the sellin1 average of 1,278 in 1181 and seven percent above the rate of 1,170 at· lained In 11167. "Mercury again led the way with an lnrease of 13 percent over the selling rate· in January 11-20, 11161 and 25 percent over the rate of two years ago," Mr. Mc:Lau,gblln said. "Retail orders for all the diVialon's cars are runninJ 34 percent over the IllS7 Jriodel Means Hit Brakes • vehicles oper•tlni rteuJal'IJ oo American bJt!>wl)'I. In 1 typical year, aeven or elaht toousand are involved la rear eod colllaiont which reault la injuries or death for 2,oot persons. Three quanera of ti. t vehicles are farm tracton « machinery, 2:0 percent 11'9 street and highway maln- t.enance equipment Nine out of ten of the BC· cidenls happen in. daytime. There has been a 250 percent increase in the number 1n Ql.111 last decade of high 1peed automobiles. remote-control racing mirror color-keyed to the body color, turbine-styled wheel covers and rimdblow sleering wheel. eludes Com!o rtweave vinyl bucket seats, WSW F70 x 14 fiberglass-belted tires, rim- blow steering wheel, racing mirror, turbine-design wheel covers and GT identification. To turn, alway! enter the Oncamlnahelvy-dutytructa year, tbe bue period for lane closest to your turning create a movfn& ab' cmTent meuurtnc our progress. Thia direction, signal beforehand ·which can cause your ear to la an incllcaUon of the future Four-speed manual A GT Appearance Group Option for the Cyclone in· transmissio n is standard with the Cyclone CJ and Selecl- Shift automatic is optional. and carefully make your turn swerve off the road. aales1trengtll we can apect.11 SERVICE MANAGER CHARLES WOODWARD where indicated. ,---------------:-;;_ ___ _:_ ________________ :_:_:_:_:__ AFTER 14 YEARS AT COAST HIGHWAY LOCATION (ABOVE), JOHNSON AND SON MOVES TO HARBOR BOULEVARD Carefree Enjoyment LEASE CAR CAN COST LESS Our Lease Plans can cost you Jess than pe r sonal ownership. at lhe same time, yoo know in advance how much your transportation will cost .... and you get the bene-- flt of extra con\·enience. extra senlcea -more carefree en- joyment of your car. We can ofter the~ extra benefit. to you al low cost bf taking full advantage of • Cl)~ Yarborough used 24 Ura during his four-hour ~e ;.to win the 1968 Souter l'IOIRJUle race at Darllngton (8.C,) tnternational Racew•y. J.11 tm, 'Herb Thomu ordered SOft>I ,pkfal sports car Lires from Qlrope and ran the whole DairllriPm ra ce without n single Ure thange. He finish- ed almost a full lap ahead. I L our associated dealer facilities and manpower. We share with you the natural economies of a lull transportation service cente r. Our dealership operation already covers many of the special cosll IOCWTed by other leasing companies. Thus, 'We can 11pread overhead and operating expenses. We buy our new can at the lowest possible cost. Other leasing companies must buy throqb separate dealers. Through our dealership, we reWJ our used cars. This usures lb.It we wlll be able to aell the used lease unit lo Lhe beat advant1ge, resulting in lbwer depreciation ....... With 11 neet of lea.ae cars, we cttn spread insurance ri.skJ and often obtain ID'A'er rates than those available to in· divldual buyers. We do our own warranty work and perform our own maintenance and repair work. • .resulting in the best use of our service facillties and manpower. Our maintenance coupon books provide ad· ditional service to y o u throughout lhe country. Wt know that regular Joyal customers are a tremendous bull.oesa suet. We will be happy to take your present cir in tr•dt. If you prefer, you may have Its value In cash to Invest elsewhere. •. or you ct.D apply the value ol your pruent car to your new lease contract, which will reduct the regular moothly service fee. You mlly, of courae, wish to keep your present car .. We believe that the lease plan you select will fully meet your concept of peraonal transportalion service. Please don't hesi tate to call U you would like further information on the indlviduallr.ed lea.sea available or would like to come in and see us. • Only 69,523 passenger cars were produced in 1945, while the output ln 1946, u war neces11IUes dwindled, rose to 2,148,1177 units. In the event an Impact can- not be avoided, try to take the t!\l1n force on tbe lelt or right corners o( the car. This wlll prevent being thrown forward or having the engine crushed back Into t h e pa.!8enger am, while at the same lime sprudins the force in more directions. M. a. McLaoghnn Vic• Praldtnt and Gtneral M1n1Qtr Mr. ~· c. Johnson, President Linco!~Mercury OM1icri Ford Motor Company 3000 Schaefer Road Dearborn, Mlct1111an 481 21 JamW7 24, 1969 Mr. Richard A. John.son, V1oe .. Pres1dent Jolmeon& Son 26:!6 Hubo~ Boulevvd Coat& Me•e1 Callfonda DHr Cl.Jd• & Di cit: Congratulation• <111 the Grand Opening of the nev and beautli'Ul Johnson & Son dealership. I lcnov that this is one or the high points or your careen in the auto 1.n.duatrr Md )'OU should be very-proud or your accompllshmen!-1. Your ntv !acill ty is evidence or your coni'idence in the Mure growth or Coeta. Meaa. and your deter- mination to provide the most modern and. convenient customer salea end service. Beat vishes for all succeae in the years to come. I wUl be following )"O\ll" proereas vi.th great interest. • 51.noe:rei,-, 4 /r H_4f<cl:'fughlln ..· f A In Th< termc sales prese and tlU'ou, eng!n Fr< Inch llUIJC 428 • the signil provE NEW Thi the~ lion ba I woodJ llde I Tb• tw<HI roof, vertil the Monti Mont• ComE Frc refini of 11 Mont• to V mark Tb1 2 50· engin eel er; prOVE comp new ment ling p rel 01 The' comp ...... at 2& bartt !""" 1s ra Tbaso llgilt• -tbo I 302 v 'At four-I rated has 10.S:l TOP Fo1 the C eithei hot • air c induc hood the • dens< operE Th< avail. manu au tor come en gin CJ hand! 14 4-1 Tb< Air t ti on a silve1 in bil hand! lock J runs the I optior of th• Mo can synct four-: Shift and axle perfc cond. AVA A optio mod< hlgh• is a unit axle: as JI< Th the prov for Galv tensi the max corr• - I Montegos Add Power In 1969 The Mercury Monteio in- termediates -which 1ei new sales recOrds last year - present a fresh 8*arance and additional power throughout a spectacular pew engine line.up for 1969. From a larger 1tandard 250- inch six cylinder to a muscular 335-borsepower CJ 428 with Ram Air induction, the Montego line m a k es significant performance izD.. prove men ts a ce~ty, NEW APPEAL ·- There's new appeal too in the Mercury Montego MX sta. tion wagon which now can be bad with optional woodgrain "yacht deck" body side paneling. ----------------- Johnson a Son -D•lly Piiot -Thurs., Jen. W, lttf-3 ·Instant Success · Cougar _ Makes 1st Major Change The 1969 model marks the first major changes in Cougar since thia sports-specialty car was introduced as an instant success two years ago. And the changes are dramatic: -Completely new sheet metal -Roomier, wider and longer -Convertible added to the line -Greater power from stan- dard new 35l~ubic-lnch V-8 engine. Wider range of performance options, including the CJ 428. -Special hood appearance for CJ 428 with Ram Air in- cludes hood scoop, hood lock 1 pins and power dome hood stripes. ULTIMATE COUGAR Is lncrealed aJ.most three ~ ch"' to 7U -· These larger dimensio"«.iranslate Ur to ' more passedier comfort as froot hip room is increased 2.5 inches and front shoulder room Js increued twq inches. Usable hlggage capacity la 10.: cu111e foe~ an addition of one cubic foot, an(i fuel tank capacity is 20 gallom, an increase of three. r Cougar'! new standard 351~ inch V-8 engine:;bas a com· pression ralio of 9.5:1 and two-barrel carbureUon and is rated at 250 horsepower. It is equipped with hot and cold air intake sysle:fll, For more power, there's a four-barrel option with 10.7:1 com· pression and 290 horsepower. manual transmluloo .n of.. - fered with any COupr ..,,... ThreHpeed fully >)'acllnlofzed manual transmission Is nan. dard with the 351 JV aDd the 351 4V. OPTIONAL DEVICE An optional ''Tr-Lok" diHerent1al is a t o r q a e .. sensitive limited-slip delign originally Introduced for Ille wltb the CJ 428 and DOW of· fered with any engine. Optional competition band}. tng packages for ftmitr ride control and cornerin& .dlffDess Include finner fronl and rear springs, beavy. duty abock absorbers calibrated to. Ule higher rate springs, a sUffer • stabilizer bar, and wheels with wide si.J:-lnch rims. There are nine models of two-door hardtops with formal root, four~oor sedans, COO· vertib1e and station wagon in the line-up of Mercury Montego, Montego M X , Montego MX Brougham and Comet Sports Coupe. Front and rear styling refinements and new levels of interior luxury continue BUILDER dtLL LANGSTON, ARCHITECT WILLARD JORDAN (FROM LEFT) DISCUSS NEW AUTOMOTIVE CENTER WITH OWNERS DICK AND CLYDE 'JOHNSON The ultimate Cougar, the XR-7, is offered ;1n both the two-door hardtop and new con- vertible. Special features in- side and out impart added distinction that sets this ]us- ury series apart with Its Euro- pean road car appeal. A husky 391>-cublc-inch V-& with four-barrel carburetor availabl~ as an option l! rated at 320 horsepower, and it in- cludes major improvements for 1969. TOP PERFORMER 'Jbe competit1on handling package incorporates a rear shock absorber mounting .COn- figuration that's new for Cougar -the left sb:lck is attached behind the ule and connected. to a 1 pe cl a I crossmember built into the floor pan. This staggt!ft4 ar· rangement of the rear abock absorbers ~ists spring "1ruf· up and damps out wheel bop during full-throttle starts. X-100 Montego's vigorous challenge Marauder and to the entire intermediate market. The new 155 horsepower, 250-cubie-ineh six-cylinder New Sports engine provides more ac· celeration and power and im· proved durability, yet retains Duo Introduced Cougar's 1969 appearance features a horizontal front and rear grille theme and a sweep- ing fore-to-aft sculptured line on the sides. The increase of 3.5 inches in overall length gives it a sleeker appearance as body lines flow more smoothly· and the roof silhouette slopes more gently, front and rear. Conctaled dual headlights and full·widlh se- quential rear tum signals are continued. Top performer in the Cougar is the mW!lcular CJ 428 V-3 which is available with con- ventional induction or with Ram Air induction through a functional hood s c o o p . Horsepower is 335 at 5200 rpm. The CJ 428 with con· ventional induction system has a competition h a n d 1 i n g packa6e. E70 x 14 WSW fiberglass belted tires, 3.50 axle plus a contrasting black or silver stripe along the edges of the hood powerdome and "CJ 428" in the stipres. With Ram Air induction the hood scoop and stripe are painted contrasting silver or black and functional racing- type hood lock pins are added. RACING-BRED comparable economy. Two Lincoln • Mercury Division shocks. new 351-cubic-inch displace-enters the full·sized specia1ty ment V-8 engines give spark· car market for 1969 with two ling power with ei~ two-bar-new sports-flavored two-door rel or fOIJll-barrel cilrburetion. hardtops _ the Marauder and The two-barrel version bu a the Marauder X-100. compresslOn ntio of 9.5:1, With a 12l·inch wheelbase, 1lSel Tegu1ar fuel and is rated , __ .,_ __ at ~ borsei)ower. The fOUJ'oo ovelall length of 219.1 ~ barrel version hu a com-and wide tread front and rear, ~ raUo of lQ.7:1, and the Marauder and Marauder 16 rated at 290 horsepower. X·IOO have sound handling These optional engines are (If qua1ities f o r over-thtt-road Ugbtwelght 'Cast iron, as is ·driving without sacr:Wclog :the Montego'a optional bast boulevard ride. Thef' offer a 302 v.a. ' Dllj]litude of performance and 'A big 390-cubic-inch V-3 wlth luxury items so prospective four-barrel carburetion i s owners virtually can custom- rated at 320 horsepower and build their Marauder. has a compression radio of "The newest ~ne of the 10.5:1. hottest trends · auto in· TOP PERFOIUIANCE dustry In i969 . ards full. For top street performance siie speciahy cars," said M. the CJ 428 V-8 can be ordered S. (Matt) McLaughlin, Ford either with the conventional Mofor Company vice president hot and cold dual air inlet and Lincoln·Mercury Qivision air cleaner or with Ram Air general manager. "There are induction through a functional an increasing number of hood scoop that force-feeds sophisticated car buffs who the carburetor with cOOler, want strong road perfonnance denser air during high power combined with the l u 11 operaUon. measure of luxury that comes I The CJ 428 option ls with full-size automobiles." available only with f~ Wllb . a powerful 3 6 0 • manua1 or Se I e ct· S'b l ft b or 1 ~ f29-cubic-incb automatic transml&!hm.'ttllt :· dlsplacemeat"· V"I' ·wttb four comes with duaJ ethausts, barrel carburetor as standarl4 engine dress·up, front fender the Marauder X·lOO is a true CJ 428 decal, competition road car which significantly handling packag~ and 7.75 x reflects Lincoln-Mercury 14 4-ply black si~ewall. tires. Division's resurgence in the The CJ 428 option with Ram performance area. Genuine Air induction includes a func-cast aluminum wheels and tiona~ood scoop in black. or rear fender skirts are slan- silver, c ter hood tape st.r!pe dard. in black silver, competition There's a choice of twin· handli~g ackage and h~od comfort lounge seats, bucket lock pins. The hood tape stripe seats with center console or runs f:rom the fr~nt back ~o leather with vinyl bench seat the_ air ~coop. This Ram A!r in the Marauder X·IOO at no option gives the ~ar th.e flm additional cost. of the sports-specialty f1el~. . The M a r a u d e r and Most other Montego engines can be teamed with fully-Marauder X·lOO shar~ the hr . d three·sp-d or elegant front end <les1gn of sync on1ze ..... M · 1· ·th Marauder bodies arc of rigidized consLruction with strong deep • sills, rocker panels of heavy-gauge slcel and high -.strength cross members in . the floor pao. Curvature in the side sheeL metal conlributes to the overall body · st r ength. Ventlcss side glass improves visibility and reduces wind noise. The conctpt of crush C-Ontrol has been applied to the specially designed frame. The front side members are curv- ed out ahead of the front torque boxes in an "S" shape to better absorb energy in severe front end colli!ions. The Marauder incorporates a full line of Ford Motor Com· pany Llfeguard Design Safety features including d u a I hydraulic brake s y s t e m , energy.absorbing steering col- umn, steering wheel and armrests with safety-design door handles. . LARGER DllllENSIONS The . Coujar • for 1969 ii roomier. 'CWetlll ~ length is w.a iocbeB. MG:Jprum width .. Select.Shilt automatic and four-speed fully-synchronired Standard tires on the Cougar are E78 x 14, racing-bred and tailored. to Cougar'• own special chassis requirements. They feature a "low aspect ratio," a squat, wide cross- section that gives ucellent traction, cool running and long tread lile. Wide·tread fiberglass-belted tires are op- tional. They possess a unique combination of sort ride and crisp handling "feel" of biaa- ply tires plus the traction and durability of radials. Continental. Uses Mark III Idea Lincoln Continental for 1969 for bavlng i!.:t ride on square motif of the two griUes hushed quietness ci the eon. presents a continuity of the American Road. Advanced in the new rear bumper, ex· tinental ride. . dignified styling that more techniques such as electrocoat tending outward from the N~ for pa ~ n It a~ l n I closely identifies it with the priming continue to assure the license plate area. atte~bon to deta~I, tbe Lincoln • dit' 1 t·1· Continental continlltS to aeek Continental Mark III through car s tra iona compe I 1ve 1nteriors r e f I e c t Con· t r ts Am its strong central d e s i g n edge in the fine car field. tinental's trzditional restrain· r~at:r~m:i:n w '1 n d :h'1 :1d theme. Elegant new interiors that ~"'<lftal-~,. -J'own Car Interior option contlmle Lin· coin C.Ontinental's reputation as America 's most distinguished motorcar. Built to exaciing engineering stan- d a r ,d s with ,quality FORMAL ROOf' ed. elegance. A deep-padded washer nozzles that give a Lincoln Continental again of. "cathedral arch" sew pattern dual-stream of wllher Ouid fers 8 four-door sedan with is employed on seat backs at each wiped area far faster a classic formal roof and two-and on the superpuff door and and more thorough cleaning door coupe with contemporary side trim panels of the stan· action. And a molded ~ wide rear pillar roof design. dard cloth-and-vinyl interiors tab is added on the undenide OveraU length is increased 3.2 and in some of the optional of the brake pedal to help inch~. to 224.2 inches. leather·and·vinyl interiors. .k~p the , c:U:iver's toe from ·.; · tb!re•s a fresh look to the TOWN CAR OPTION slipping under the brake pedal • '1 ·' • ental with a when he moves it over from , and The optional Town Car the accelerator. Interior decor features rich, oft leather seat inserts LUXURY STANDARD 1 ads, a special Many luxury items which · n in g cost extra on most other cars e are included. as standard t equipment, such Is Select- Shift automatic trammiu.ion, . , _ _ csea1~· power brakes with dlsc:a tn , e lectlons around ''plndl' and wood-tGne appligue ~front, two-way ~ seat, tile .~ headlights ~ng,'V,on the beck of the front seat. ·power steering and power win- the hlgher and deeper eenler • 'rbere 11 a special vinyl pad-dows and folding front and section. ,This center section-:.. ded · applique oo the in-rear center armrests. For 1969 exteodl!I higher into the front strumeflt chlstar. 'nle napped there are eight new colors, of the hood power dome. nylon headlining, &Of~ to the including seven met a J 11 c four·speed manual or s.elt;et-the. ~ew arqu1s ine, w1 ... c '"'" .,...,..-_ ,., . ,..,.,.,._ Shift automatic transmission d~h!"11te. resem~lance to the k"'~~·4'~ ··· .. ~"" . -~""""°"'""'""•••••• and a wide selection of rear ~1St1ngu1sbed L 1 !"1 co. t.n Con· .· From the rear, .-the Con-touch aJ!d un-1]~. rtcb In flnlsbes, among Cootlnenlal's tlnenlal shows a repeating appearance, ~ to the 22 exterior color offerings. axle ratios to provide top l1n~ntal .. Its s1mphc1ty or r • performance under all driving design with long . hood and D d I t conditions. f"ward-thrustmg power e 1ca ion dome, and dual concealed headlamps contribute to this styling heritage. AVAILABLE OPTION of Key .. -Personnel a Plus at. Johnson and Son A Traction-Lok Differential option available with a 11 models with 351-inch and higher displacement engines is an improved ' limited-slip unit which tends to lock both axles togeth• more positivelJ as wwer is added. , The unitized constnJ.clion of the 1969 Montego class cars provides "guardrail" safety for driver and passengers. Galvaniwd steel is used ex- tensively for vital parts of the underbody and cowl for maximum protection against corrosion. The hmnel-back design of these two new hardtops brings the trailing edges of the rear roof pillars flowihg down and extending to the rear of the short deck. A special two-tone paint scheme features the en- tire tUnnel-back area of th!) car with a sports-tone matte finish in a color to rom- plement or contrast with the main body color. This is stan. dard in the Marauder X-100 and optional in the Marauder. The unique back of the Marauder is framed in bright metal from one side of the rear bumper up around the tunneled rear window and down to the bumper on the ~ other side. The rear lighUng comista of four unita on each aide centered by lbe Marauder name in ICfipL Bright mylar and simulated woodgrain appllques give style to tbe door panels. Seats have thick coatoored foam padding for maximum support and comfort. Floors llre carpeted with 100 per cent nylon color- keyed to the interior trim. 'Thick energy-absorbing pad· ding forms a fuJl.width hood for the twfHevel iMtrument panel. A low.gloss vinyl cover- ing minimizes glare and reflections. Contributing importantly to Marauder's outstanding han. dling characteristics are the 63-lnch front tread and 64-inch .. II' true! Md the handling. S&RVIC:E ADVIS&R type suspenakla combining op. Bob Splckord . -· timwn IP'llli ralel and AWARD WINNING SALESMAN PETER PELEUSES LEASING ·MANAGER HAL SANDERS ·---------------------------------...... _____ l _. -- USED CAR MANAGER ltLL TAYLOR " I , • • l .--• :I • • • . • • ' ~M1•• I 50ft -Dally Piiot -Thu,.,. Jon. 30, Ifft ' • , , , r .. ' '66 MERCURY PARK LANE ConYtrflbl•', beeutiful Autumn Rust Mttelic fini•h with •II 'f'fflyl ,.rchment lntetior--equipp.d with elltomattc -nsml1don, redio, h .. t.,, pow•r steering, power br4lce1, power ,..nd.fws, fe,ctory 41it condition· in9, dtluJtt wire wheel covers, extra clttn, show• wonderful cne. Lie. XSS990. .• '66 CHEVRO.LET .IMF!ALA Hardtop coup•, Bermud• 6,..en matelllc fini1h with ('ft1tc~in9 Interior, fully factory !quipped, automatic tran1mi11ion, r1dio, fie•ter, power ste•ring, 1ir con- ditioninq, iii beautiful condition. lie, SM835. ' $1695 • '63 MERCURY MONTEREY. 4·door hardtop, attractive Cardine! Rad with bl1c• ind. si~er interior, equipped with autometjc transmis- sion, r1dio, heater, pow11 ,1t11rin9, power br1ke1, power window1, six w•y power seats, f1ctory •ir conditionin9, etc. This b11utiful car h11 to be 1een to believe; driven only 31,000 mil11 by ori9in1I own- er. Lie. TRJ684. $1295 • • '67 MERCURY C)'GLOl:'IE ·G.T. Hardtop coupe, beautiful Hlia witi;-bltclc comfort bucket se,t1, console, 1~QrUtic .tranamitUon, fldlo, heater,~po~er •1te.,lng,,pow.lt\&raJte1,w't. Ori9ln11fy •quipped . with fib9'CJ1I•••~ •c~~ood, k:hromt whe1l1, wide dual tires, h~UnlJ.,.C 4 e: lfti1,1P.ftd~ stitr Is In excellent cond~Llc. 37. s•as ·r· -. ·f •:"~~ 1111 T-BIRD • ' , . l1nd•u,, 2~d.oor, be-.tikfl J.ineicen Y ello\Y flnjsh ~ith black L1nd1u roof' ,&nd Ebony Bltck inter_io"r. Fu0y equipped, automatic trensmis!.lon, r1dio, h11tllir, po)ll'· er steering, power br~li:e1, pOwer w!ridow1, six-way power seats, factor, 11r condltioning, ... elc. Oriv11 and looks like new and dN..-en ,only 15,000 miles"by ori- 9in•I owner. Lic.•Ml51. 1 '$3495 • . , '67 FORD ~ORTINA 1600 Deluxe, 2-door saden -attrlilctive muoon ex- terior with bl1ck v;invl interior, equipped wJth 4-sp•ed trainsmis1ion, r1dio, h .. ter. Tr1ded ~y'friginel owner •nd kept in beautiful condition. Only 11 ~000 actual miles. Lie:. WFVl96. , ·$1495 '68 ~ERCURY " ·Colony Park 1t1tion°w19on,:t ·pfsJengar. Artie Whita finish · with red vinyl ·interior. Fully equipped witlt •utom1tic tr•nsmis1ion radif,, ha•t•f, power steer. in9, power brakes and ~1ct~ry eit:conditioning. Clea1 as• pin. Lie. LOX124 $l415 I.' ' ' '67 C:AQ)l:LAC Fleetwood Brou9ham, 4.4oor Rrwdtop, bHutlful Ebony Black fini1h with velvet blar;lc! woven fabric Interior and black Landau rOof. This .fit• automobile 11 equip. ped wj1il av•ry·IUX\lfY it.m, full'.pow• of ceuna, auto- matic air condltionl1t9. AM/F1'4 1t•NO radio1 adfu1t- able 1t .. rin9 whMI, cavtomlitic crult• control, plus many m•re. Pamp•red and.cat•fully malnt•lned. LI•• new, dri.,.n only-1 ·19,000 mi'"-4•• it today! lie. IJl'Vll5. ' · • -'$41.95 • . . . . '66 CADILLAC "Sadfin DeVille. Betutiful Gold Mist finish with blond bai~• le•ther inferior .. E4uipp_•d wlth •II the luxury features: auto. tran1.1 R&H, PS, PB, PW, 6--w1y 11at1 auto. f1ct. air con~ ate. Meticulous c1r1 Is obviou1, only 38,000 origirial miles. Llc •. SBSl45. '$3795 • '6'4 CADiLLAC Sedan OaVille, rich Gqld Mist finish with 9olcl beiqe interior. All the luxury fe1tur1s--autom1tic t11n1mi1· sion, AM/FM rad., 'htr., PS, Pl, PW l vents, 6-wey pwr. 1eat, auto. fac. air cond., auto. cruise cont, etc. This fine car reflects exc•ll•ni care. Lie. 050370. '$2195 . . '65 DODGE CUSTOM 88 Powff llua aiterlor with medium blue vlnyt lntarior, Equlppacl with automate tran1ml11lon, radlo, heater, power 1t1erln9, power brake1, plus factory air c0 .,.. ditlonln9 and many more. Priced for quick tala. lie.. HOJll7. $1595 • '63 RAN~HERO PICKUP ll~ht blue flnf1h with black vinyl Interior. Equlpp•d . with' 4-speacl tr1nsmi11lon, r1d10, heat•r, atco This llttta beauty ls ona of the axc•ptional one1. lie. OHZlll. $1095 • '68 MERG\IRY CYCLONE ~GT Fastback, &mine white exterior with burqand'f. \ interlo,.._.utomatic tren1mis1ion, r•dio, heater, pow~ ar 1teerin9, power bralcn, f1ctory elr conditionlnq, comfort waeva bucket 1aat1, famous 390 cu, i11. en9ine with r•rformence handling packa91. Brind new wide ova tires. This car has only I J,000 mil11- • John1on l Son cir n•ver previously sold, lie. WXF124. $3195 •• '6'4 CADILLAC Sedan OeVille, Ennine White with medium blue in• terior. Fully equipped with aH the luxury f11tures; automatic cruise control end f1ctory 1ir conditioning. lie. SER828 $1995 't; l~aulifu lot, Lan •ppoint1 -eute ••• Ona ow ~1rr1nt 4-door" ll9ht Iv: :c:ludin9 power,. 'I 'i'ttract tarior, l 'c:litionht dows,' 6 enc• of '.- . 'r. ·AND THE MARK Ill's, CONTINENTALS~ MERCURYS AND COUGARS ARE THE 6RE " • I ( ' • l l l. • Large Selection ... > t > ., ., I , ' . _.. • Popular T efms .. " ' ' .. •· ., . " l&lfilfil m D I~ lfil©lliJOOY/ 0 @©lliJ@&lfil 26'26 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I • • • . . • ' ' ~ ---- • • t .. . i 1 ' • \ • ' , •. • • =· Johnl'!ft 4, ~-Dolly-Pll;lf -Th~n.. Jon. :IO, IHf....,S 'b7 CONTINENTAL 4-0R. SEO. ... e.utiful Cameo Graen finl1h with -&atin blick int•r- iort lend au roof, equip~ .wlth an the, hn:uty car ippointMenh.·I'.~ .• · P.i.I., f>.-way isut,'9.(W, AM-FM, -.u+o. temp. air ·eoadition.lrla.t Jllb'!ll',r. .do.or locks,· etc .. Ona owner ma'i1tteill'cl11'fN7,..,,.'~alAnca 'of new car ~arranty. WAltO~. · J1 . . .. $3995 • ,.. ' ,. 'l:i7 CONTINENT Ab . . . . . ·~·oor' S.efoam gr••n fini1h, dark Ivy 901".d Interior, light l\ly •gold landeU roof. Fully luxury equipped in- ~luding tilt steering wheel, stereo t•p• syst'em, full P.ower, one owner, b·aautiful'tnaintained. TRK424 . $1895 • 'b7 CONTINENTAL H.T. CPE. . l'ftractive arlec gci:ld ,finish .with matching l•ather in· terior, automatic trantmision,1r..dio A heatef'\ eir ~on· tlitiOflht,, pow"lr rt .. ~ing, po'ker br~1, pOWer 'win· dows; in"*rt po'!Jf•r 1•4.t!'B!.4.~~lly''m'alnt•ined. Bal- ance Of, new c1~ w~~f.llan ' (i'.;/~$3·895 ·---~ ... 'lib CONTINENTAL CONVT. Striking autumn ru1sat mist finish with matching inter- ior & black top. As you would expect automatic trans- ml1s ion,"" radio with stereo ta pa system, '"automatic temperature air conditionin9, automatic 'speed con• trol, po-...er steerlng, power brakes, 6 way 1e1t, pow- er windows, etc, Carefully maintained. 26,000 actual Miles. SQl220. $3495 ·• 'b7 MERCU~ COLONY PARK Station W19on. Arctic white with blu• deluxe inter- ior. Equipped with automate tr1nsmi1sion, radio & ·heater, tilt ste•ring wheel, power steering, power brakes, 6 way Jower seat, lu19a9e rack, etc. Sold 'new & service by Johnson Son. TME872. Sele Priced ' $2995 •• '67 MERCURY COLONY PARK ' passenger station w19on. Striking arctic white with tilrquois9 terior, automate tr1nsmi1sion,, radio Ir heat .. er, "air conditioninj; power st•ering, r.w•r br•kes, center' feciM9 thir seat, luggage rte , dual action tailgate, I owner car, must sae to appreci1te. licen1• UBH757 · $27f 5 '66 CONTINENTAL 4-0R. SEO. " ..:Sl!t'rony yellOw exterior' with gOld inlerior, 1Utomatic trinsmission, radio and heater, air \ conditioning, full power, stelirincj, br1kes, 6 way seat, tilt steering wheel. SVZ040 $3295 . . . ' 'b7 COUGAR · Mtdium blu•, met11lic finish with matching int•rlor, •utomatc tr•n1mi11lon, rtdio & h••t•r, power steer- ing and so forth. Ve ry clean, License UORI I• . ' $2295 •• 'b7 MERCURY MONT. 4-0R. H.T. Aztec gold flniih with matching Interior, 1utomatic tranrm1sion, r1dlo and he1ter, power steering, pow- er brakes, f1ctory air cond itioning. License TUY) 19 $2095 • '65 MERCl3RY MONTEREY 4 Door Sedan "Bree1ew1y. Arctic white with m•clium blue interior. Fully factory equipped plus automatic transmission, radio and heater, power steering, p·ow•r brakes, factory air conditioning, one owner. Immacu- late conditiOn. VJE~52 $1895 •• .'65 CHEVROLET'. · l&i .. t St•llon W•90ft 1"'11•1<. ~. btu. m.tallk finish with black vinyl lnf...t.f't •ufomatk: fM1ft\1111M, radio ind heifer, pow~! 't~rt..,., p~i}~~~ factory 1lr. Show• •iccellel\t W .. l~1tn1•i\tttrf~2 ~ $1395 • • . '~7 TQRONAOO IDaluxa), 6recl1n 9old finl1h with 1itln· l>t.ck'Jnter- ior. Deluxe coupe, full poWer factory elr ·ci>~djtfoning. I owner, like new. Shows f11tidiou1 cer .. Stock.Num1. bar 4244 • .. ' . -$3195 • ..... '67 BARRACUOA ,.2-0ll, H.T; V-8. 4 speed tr•nlml1llon,, pow·., 1taering; ridiO end heater 1nci so forth. V•ry ~lean, low Mifes. ·M;~night blue met1Hic with matching interior. TXS77l $1795 'b8 COUGAR Diamond blua finish with black vinyl interior, auto- m1tic transmission, radio and heifer, power steering, power disc brakes, driv en only 17,000 miles. Immac- ulate. License Number WIC227 $3095 e All PRICES PlUS LIC. & TAX ' • iREAIEST NEW CARS ·, .WE'VE SOLD IN' OVER FIFTEEN YEARS c ,IN NEWPORT BEACH . . . ' e Volume Plies e Best Bu · "' .. f " ... ' . ' '' ' } l , ' -· .. ' ' I i ' • . ' .._ ____ _ -------------.1.I ____ _ l ( • - ......... , ...... -- Marqu is Sets N ew Standard The Marquis, new from Lin- coln-Mercury Division, looks like the Lincoln Continental and is setting a new standard of lllDll'y for the medium price market. lts kinabip to the Continental ls emphasized by its crisp, clean lines and its long hood with broad, forward-thrusting power dome. Concealed dual headlights contribute to the flowing ezecution of the front end design. -The Marquis is a long, roomy car -wheelbase is 124 inches and length 224.3 inches -that provides max- imum p•nger comfort. Full line coverage is offered with eight models in two series, the Marquis and the even more luxurious Marquis Brougham. A four.(loor sedan and hardtop and two-door hardtop are offered in both series and a convertible and station wagon in the Marquis eublc-lnch V-1 engine la le.am· . suspension. providing deep coll ed with Select-Shift automatic spring cushioning at a11 four transmission to give the Mar· whee.ls. quls a lively yet sturdy ~ dard powertraln combination. 'l'RW SCHEME It is raled at 320 horsepower fnteriors feature a wide' wilh two-barrel carburetlon selection of luxurious 100 per· and at 360 horsepower with cent nylon cloth and soft tex- the optional f o lW' -b arre I tured vinyl upholstery, with version with ftl.5: l com-each series having its own pression ralio. S t a n d a r d indiv,iduatlftd trim scheme. powertrain in lhe Colony Park -_IJ.l-vlnyl or optional Juxq.ry station wagon is a 390-inch jJeatber with vinyl interiors V-8 with three-speed manual also are offered Jn' the Mar- transmission. Both 429-lnch quis sedan and hardtops. engines are optional in the lndicat!Vf: of the luxury level wagon. of the Marquis Brougham are A true luxury car ride is the vinyl roof and individually achieved in the M a r q u I s adjustable Twin C o m f o r t through its short-arm-long-Lounge front seats Ylith in- arm design independent front dividual center a rm rest s, suspension and coil-link rear \\'hich are standard. The rear seat also bas a wide center annrest. Marquis models have a wide center armrest on the front bench seat, with Twin Coni!ort Lounge seats op- tional. A reclining feature is optional for the f r o n t passenger seats. Durable 100 percent nylon loop carpeting color-keyed to the interior trim is standard. Marquis series cars have . simulated w,oodjraln above the armrests. All instruments and controls are directly In front of the driver in the dual-level in. strument panel with woodgrain insert. Fresh air cowl ventilation permits full circulation of fresh a i r. throughout lhe p a s s e n g e r compartmenl. Ford Motor Company'• ad- vances in safety design and equipmenl are a part of ~ Marquis line. 'l'he frame ll road-tuned and tailored to the car. Front side members a~c curved outward in front 1n an "$1' shape to localize initial collapse and provide greater energy absorption in that area in the event of a serious front end collision, thus protecting the passenger compartment ARMRESl'S Olher Ford Motor Company Lifeguard Design S a f e t y Features 1nclude e n e r g y • absorbing steering column and steerjfg wheel, dual hydrau!ic brake system, and padded in- strument panel and armrest.s. LINCOLN MERCURY REPRESENTATIVES JOE DOYLE, LOREN HELMHURST RECEIVE WARM WELCOME AT JOHNSON AND SON series only. "The Marquis Brougham \Vas designed with true luxury car proportions and features to appeal to the discriminating buyer in the premium sector of the medium price market," said M. S. (Malt) ?o.tcLaughlin, Ford Motor Company vice president and Lincoln-Mercury Division general manager. "It has the character and quality of a limousine and at the same time it is easy to handle in traffic or on the open road," SERVICE ADVISER Robert Vliss • Pierre Levegh was the: only driver to attempt driving the 24-hour Le ri.1ans endurance race unaided. He led late into the 23rd hour when, due 1o fatigue, he missed a shift and broke his crankshaft. CONG RATULATIONS .. and BEST WISHES TO PROGR ESS with our Cities • • • our lwrn es . . . BE'-iH..Q" well begins 1vith YOVR ARCHITECT .. , 1 I ' • . , • •1''~ ' .. . -. --... ... " -• he said. PANEL.mG The Marquis Colony Park station wagon has yacht deck paneling extending the full body length and a dual"'Bction tailgate which can be opened as a door with the glass in the full-up position. A center- facing third seat is optional. Wheelbase is 121 inches, and overall length is 220.5 inches. Marquis sedans are design- ed with a lower roof line, like the hardtops, and with side glass which is framelcss and vcntless, like the hardtops. All Marquis models except the st'tion wagon have ventJess side "'indows • The convertible has a new design top mechanism which fits completely behind the rear OFFICE MANAGER BOBBIE BRANOT PARTS MANAGER PERRY LOWE seat to provide a full width ------------------------------- seat that holds three adults comfortably. An advanced . .. ·1,. . . ,_ ., .,. ~i( .. ' Congratulations and . , . ., Best W~hes • JO'HNSON & SON . ' " . •' ,1 I LINCOLN MERCURY . ' .... ' ~ ... l . ' I ,. r:. ~ " ·J'.OHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY ORANGE COUNTY ANDERSON & ANICH INSURANCE BROKERS PERSONAL SERVICE CHAPTER A.I.A. \ 333 EAST BAYSIDE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH ' 675-0350 I . • CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY . . ' . I The fl•nk that does a little more tor,.. · _,., ,,.,,._ I loll -D<illy l'llet -'l'IMI., J .... •• !Mt-7, I CongralufalioM anJ • .Job.n&OD•SOD LIHILI 11mlllllt• llllmm•llEICllY•lllUI UNITED CALIFORNIA BA~I( ~ .: :·~: NEWPORT BEACH: Mariners Office, 2712 West Co•st HJ,~W•Y .. , MaMIEll: ,EDER.AL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COll:PORATIOff ,,, -,j .-". "1 ;,. i 'J.,:. • Congratulations and Best· Wishes WE ARE PROUD OF 18 YEARS OF FINE BUSINESS RELA TI9NSHIP • • • , • JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY- • NATION'I LARGEST INDEPENDENT SALES FINANCE . ORGANIZATION •••••• -' ,. . . ' ·-'i . , UNIVERSAL : C.I. T. CREDIT CORP. ' . -,PHONE 547-8251 •• ~ ·1'-' . 1104 EAIT 17th IT·IEET .. . SANTA ANA, CALIF • SNYDER-LANGSTON, INC. GENERALCONTRACTORS .. I 2318 NEWPORT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 92627 Phones: 646-5031 -:-549-2313 I ,. l r ! 1. ' . ' I ' ' : I ' ' ' -· --------------~__,_ __________ ...__ ___ __.____'-CL-.. --_..._ ?er .,~ > r---_.,,.. ' r--- r ' _, •. _, .___,. ., Ill 14 I 1_~ • • --. ..... , ,, 'l:.j __ . _ _.,,,.,. ~-... ·--·· . """"""· ' . -~-.... ... • ,.;·, . --. --:~ 4 -• ~: -,... ' ., ... _ ~-? 7: . ".f. • r~ • .... -... ~ "/. -~- ,~. • ~. :·· ' ' ... <:". .. •• . .... .... . ~ ~'""h--" . 1969 Continentals, Lincolns, Mercurys and ~t.7s • ~. -... - ( are waiting for you ... today ..• at Joliiison and Son . Great cars, great prices, great terms -and great people to buy from! -· '::. - ';:>-.. . •.-. -· > ) ·. ; ~ ll g'~ 2-::i g_i;;·3 -~~ -._. w ~ ~~~;:;-~ ~ en -"CS •u ,_.,,, "" ... =:e.~~ ,.._ ,___, ~ __........_. - THE MARK ID The 1nost authoritatively styled, decisively individual n1otor car of this generation. - - • • , ~ob.:nson~s ·o:n ., .;: 1 •• ,_ :..j , . .,.. ,,_ I ' ~j:~ ~-. I , I ~ t ' " ,» I . . • a.a~©®IL~ ©@~'ii'a~~~'ii'&l!. • ~£0011\ •· ~~OO©lIDOOW. @@[!!)@£00 I 26~6 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I ' IID~©·IID®~© ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~!~:a:t' • . -: '