HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa... ' • : ,.·•A • ,. . ' ' ~ • ', I ~ • . ·' .. . ;·. . ' . • ·~Biroshiln ·a'-i What. Berse ' . . . .,, .· . . ' ' . ' . ' . . . ~ . , ·' • , , l '' ·1 '' I S~ys Aho ... t Ran ·o-. Bt1ok·i .. .. . ' • .l') I t ' J I ' T\l~i:rAY AmRNQON , FEB~UARY 4, 19'~ . ' VOL a, HO. a, I laC'TtolllS. •.PAO•I ' ' l :· " ,, ' "' '$7·>0:·· \ . ' . .. ' ' e. "'nn·d-. ' · ~"·· ·· · · ·:'· · :.1; ' ! ' \ , ' ., ~As· R. :.: ul: 1J . t'.:>< .. 1: ~sirrl.pte··statcineni' . es o .. ,~ 1i - ... D'.n.Y ' Pll,OT ........ ., _,.._ ".,.. STIL L, BUBBLl!IG QFF :S~NtA1 ~ : .''" . · A T•r.r,bl1 Y .. r for th,_, Gcean 1 • ~· , - • .... ) l. < '( I t, '.' ' , ' I ' .. .. , . ". 1. • ·~, J • t , I , ,. .......... __ >i>r~position 1~fi I ·8.: .. a.n.: ·· Puzzl.e:s·· He·r_.··:s~:y> HB MURDER SUSP.ECTS FA<;E' JUDGE H you're a -~ ,.;a.Ye • ·1• Harry L. Sianez <ftft J; Edward' R • .u,.,,11v1 owned ·your house tince .Jait Man:h -' ' r · : ' · " smi1e; you've gOt '70·coming your way,. '· r BY J.£Roaq:.f. ,COLLINS Board of Educauon for banning lhe boo~ j,bone ~lerview: 1 , , Next Monday Orange CouDty ·Aueaor or tllt Dlltr Pllit s1ttt f th ·1iei -'"' -L -1 u . "M•~ book -•"'-no &r"'' ........ '. oil tbe Andrew J. Hblsbaw'a office Will~ ('Notliing ~t ·am-.,b..-1 sakC about rom es ves of a·~ iCOOO • ~ or ·~~7'"'~, malllnl fonu lo' boineowners '° tlley thii''book' C<i7I •qua! 'wl>at th< book br.iry. . • the bom• 11 llmpl tells the ~:cil ' can ' ,..k l70 tu relief under -•~ons hil!' to illy. It .!pi!akl for illtlf; and; John 'Heney, from hls home ln-N~w · ·•· 1 · u;e ·, • .,.u..... tn an unforgettable wa11, JoT hutna11-Ha 'Con not 1 t H ed llOll)e ~ ttlei ~on: whom •boiDb of Proposition 1A approved by VQters . I# ven, n., \l'U ra e. e. seero was dropped. . in November. 1ty. .. more~ perplexed . over the board'• .ex-. "But apart from the tlct &bit !~,m,&e· More than 5oo,ooo forma·wru be malled -New York Tim.ti, 1946 preued view• on the account of the ™5. !HlrOsbima,'·U:ahvay• baa l;leen ~·~ to COWlty property......., by Hlnshaw's The author of "Hlroohlma" took 1quiet bombing .of the Japanese .city. . that. c_.iup ,c..,·-'y•, I""' In ,'.:,."':'71 • ·-·..l· issue today with the Orange COOntf · He told ·the DAILY !!!LOT In a tole> ..,.., ..,.. • _..-recenUy explinded staff. He· e&~~ ance and unintelligent action.".,.,, .. ~. claims for aboot $16 mllJloo In refunda. · Tlle•Puliber'Prile wlm11J1i, -.("A Fonrul wllJ cover both the''l70' refulid v 0 0 Sl Bell for.~ lb&,_ of fiye,.-~· INSEL apparenlly over a fender-bender auto 1 to,be -1ved thia ............. p-..• ;a..,F·r.·n .. m· · .. · v··_er i·"'l ·. ·w· k.·:· young11ie•ple'ihou11Mlio~·l4>' .... By ~~ ~"" ~'"' crash. , .... plieaUon. for .tbe.f/SO "oft'tbeJr. property , lfC') IA/ U all 'they cmi •bdUt1wbat.llW ~"· A handsome high school dropOut ~ianez was also, formally. charged· ·~pmenl ~P,y , , ,,,._. ~· . . . , . . from eveiyJlide of~aq;lll\te.. l t' thought to he a tag-along on a joyride earlier with'. possmion of a uwed-off • 'Tile ~'~"'--'·" Olll· -~ "°'f.!';1 1 .. .:.'I woyldJ>l!~l'!!'J~, .... !/l~fa?!!'· that. ended In a savage, throat .. lash shotgun' and aulo tJieft, after his Jan. P-""1· .......,.,,. .. wlB ' lll!J . "'!" l ' B. ~,,, v . f a· ' ' . ' . ol ICboo\s bavinl-....... ~ :~:esfori:!~:~'tewj~dtw: ~cr~==i:i:~:~:;.:·*;::,z~:::ba~kee:~=:r~: .. , -~1:·.· ; ~:-~.,·~ear: .. · .(Jr .cean_. , :een~:tT~~~~;: co-defendant appeared in court. in custody. . · " • : homeowner has not received a cl.mt 1 that tattDg ...,. ~ ...._. .. ,tells wt.& The Orange County District .Attomey:s · fonn ·by M~ \ he ahould cootacl -· • · • .. ., · · hlpfelll;, -·t11e•bomlr II ~ ~ Scheduled preliminary hearings for offie< today added· thooe same t.v<1 ... i myolfice~l0-": ; ' · ~~·-•i.''V~~ bJofotiy ·prot...ar at UC Irvb; .arter any \effoCl>.elcepl·to bep .oor>dolldrd ~:.! ~~~ ... ~~~!: ~:~v!~ an ~~v:mp~:::ig~~ /~~%i,,U:to.~1::~ · ~to: •\_!:!_~~~.'.,rof-~ .~-Viewiag. Uie /unlcli·1olt' ~· ·oJt • (See ~-..Pfp I) 1 ., .un .... '6""'' . ra:igmnent. may lo9e Jill rebltemlllt. on the 1969 ••z ..._ -~ ..,... llJck: I · ~ • I · ·· · ·· 1 • 1 :-' •) -.. were continued wiW Friday._ .. 1 ..... S~defenle.atlAJrney, LJpyd Nocw, Illes or bla e""Df4ianon the 1969 llO,IOO· pla. of. 111ttJd4menlng . Cnde : "Ifs '°'81•lll be • 'torrtble year or Or ... &•' I :1 '· 'c..d .I JudCe Harmon G. ~~ orsf~-uie ol.Fountain Valley, 'said .today thlt the a11e1meofroJL · ·r bil1 ~Dltural'-.11.1• on.,ttie, uface .Of the cttanl" :.1 , • · : : i -· ' • • • :i ' • i>alr; returned to D1v1slon Flve1 West . dim@ atioroe1!a office wanta a few BIMhaw"i ataff wm ,Clirtify a Ust. of the Liifa.•Barblra Cbannel1U :YP'I fly . OnLthe Way .:n t6e coUt~ftiy.oUtlet ,. ·'" Orange County Judlci~l Coult, at 10 , more dciya In' wtuch to prepare it! case qualified bomeownen: and lend them over In a ·•mall plane. Mr . , ' \ .. . a.m., with both remairung held without agalrtst the co-defendants. to Ute state~ by June 15. The You can't. to the ;sea bean, a .ll)ll'k ol sllt;,de~ ··· 1 1.1 •·,1 ball in the bomlclde c~. &rgrave -who looks more like ari contrOUer will issue cbecka and mail , -Even lo a 1 mariM •tilo1ogtsl who Is .and ~llfllc arid . c~cai WaSte';a~ i:.,' ' '' "''1 r m~~·~n -~~~;1t!1~n.~~f1~.0i ~~Scboolstudent..1~ .. •t Hun1Ungton"Beach Ute11mr.~A~houbomeownen.ld'·-"'byltiAnah!~'aid anndexpert on w~~ ~~!,!~~e,r in\oThe·the ioceaost,n. 1 , 'or _11 .~ '·t-·A~ , ~-~~~ ·: . r .,..... wv.,... -s repniented a re.w~ • ~,..... u,_.. a shoreline oU ,..,,.,,..,., ~orau< s m unrea.-··~' ·~· c """'! ,slaying of Mn. Hester 8:. Markee, 55• so·lar by the public defender's orflce. • .. In generill, a homeowner qualifies cout, th8 !IJgllt Id J!ailla Barb§/a "anll II that ID:l>Y·IO<l\llf tmudgf ,of lack Don't' let' -blue tides fool of 1508 Olive Ave.; Huntington Beacll, Huntington Beach polle< have decllned for the l70 tu refund 'li the d,..lllng back Monday afternoon is .clearly ~ and bro>o>'mucl:. wh)ch !>¥•he<n1b!>\111'f yoo ; it's I'*'< tO 'dcibd up aplil to1diJcU111n·detall how the case against wherein he resided on March 1, Itel, ahock. up · from· filatrel,.~t 1 ~ bottogi., of. ~ Wednaday, ~·the way fer (Set SLAYING, Page Z) (!Jeo llEn1ND8, Pqe Z) S.ild· Dr. Gilbert Bane, marine weq·InlbeSonla~•ch,._"!'1• "· . • aome mornlaa-. "-• , .. :o!>. . , . Amid the .cl~ ,$:llJlllC_p\llf~ tprea' 1jlll"dlp Into · U. :l'i' •'f "' ""'*· .· *· . the -............. .,. aloncllle·cooll. .. ! GET 'YALENrflNE' w··'. d'" I ~ .. --I 0 ··1 D . • ·1· !r"~..:-i:o';i·ia~~ .NiiDJ' na.cY • .. ~.~~(UPl~1~~.,.,.~~· l ll · S·_;: .nc rease .. 1 £t er1 , ~~J ••. o1tn..~; n.. -d::"'4~~~ 1 ".....,.anm~pvea ..,.._.. ""' '"\ .. L .,\ i:._.·1 ~·• ........ ~ .... ·~.· ...... ofsurf:t~~-·llllild.,.~!,"11 A"-" ,.,.,·.-i..c.,.,.., . int to California'• absenknlncltd motor-j • • I ' • '. tPll ~ -' ~ "of_ HCH - 1311 ' . • 'siotiiilnl~.' ... ::... .. ,.· 1fl 00·~·1·.~ ~·t;eb!it ~·~1"--1 The Governor extended the deadline SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -Onshor• the polluiloo "more ,.,er, tl1jlll I an. J .folth : bf, a lllnflad' Statis ieo!OtPcal 1'ie -, ·-· " • . ..,.,_,_ ,.... $. , .. -·; -lor reglatraUoo of mOtor velilclet from / wind.a pushed a »«luare-mlle oil slick lldpated." · ' I IW'Vey team. . -' ~bltanee ~to 'ti»" mrftee 'll ~1 • , .~ ..._ • ' mldnlgllt ,tonight to $ p.m. Feb. 14 -~'':!fuJ: :!:: = ~ ::'~ 'llrlnglng -HWiible Oif ea:; 'liraiit ' ieuebolder •. --· bio,.lni:o11 the OCWI '"1roi.· of ll,IOO '""""" .... ..., •• and -• :'t3 '= ~ J I ;,V=•,!.'Yti.t!kllye-was Some· offshore drilllng operations, lntheSanla~Cbannel,wuglven ,towinlJiwt'werea:pe<ted 'IO '~ l;!1.:.u::,:::;:,!:...,~ !:!;.;.,. ,l ' -. 't , aimed at pvlng "penons alfecled by re> bialted Monday 1t the request of Inlerlor the p<lheod lo --111 _.tlonl to' betw'i"' eliJil.Ji>d\lf,-. by af. ·~. . I ,, , " -.,, _, ::I centOoodcoudltloua"additionaltiml-to 8ecretar)'WalterJ.lUckeJ,wereresuDk. · afterarmtw ·ol.'i&alDlllho4tbJtechnl-. ~IDCl,op.1o•;DcU ·W•••Uf, . '1l'.i,~ble,".'lw .,U • S¥ :• ~'-t! ·-thelt~Bullk_, edaflerf-.Jexperllcbeckedoper .. cal eiperll ........... by Uie'lnleilor ...._.,.lOmllllof.,,.I• 1 ,..IUepbiiloafW.,....,.,. '" ._.;,;, •. 't'l . , '; .i,o gives all ~ -""" fall lioDal · procedutts and determined they DepartmenL · 11lo Oollll Gwd · ._,... _, . •Loot iat that ttttla llrillc .ol tPlail< ' --11 • • 4 ·14 reiJa1« bofore mldnlgbl a "!"""II ~within aafe Umlll, PhlllJpe Petroleum Co WU giV"1 ,nJPl,lbal ID llSlaJ...,,.; -"Ille lopl il ..... tllll or ·ttie: llicJo !'llllJ'll -• ' 1''' = .1 ebancetodooo. • · lllckei called'lbe·hlJ~after an aerial oennldmlo'-d!filinaafler,mal> -edpGllbeNID_b_ •"11nt to Jreeplt In eo tltfy cm JllllllP ~.....J'.. • Inspection or the cntde oll lllck, termini lnr ..Vml inlnot techDlcal cbanf~ 11t1 (lee llllKll NBW -. l'IJ" 11 (!Jeo Alli vo:w ..,..1) · ! · • ' • • ' 1 w ,J S~h Murdet ·Siis pect ' Charg ed in 0 -ther Crime s " ST ATE MOTORISTS -· _._ ---- • I • I· I I 'In Taxpayers' Behalf' Boar(/, ~~plains. RejectiOn of 'Hiroshima~' . .,_BARLEY ''Tiie Nuo. for the .......i llN me "I dclll1 llllak llJot wbat .wu' ..:.: •• -,.... ""' more apptt.bemlon tbal the nmoval at BlrollWna wu . ., Yer/ ·terrible." "llllOahlml" J rm't ""' II IUll ftltlf," be aald, , •Mitcblll WIDt <H1, Olfter all, ft• bave I .... , boull>t-' ' JudpSwnnerdlsmluodllallbon'•I•~--to Nmt111berlbat the Ja-Niled .Aad tbt book ••• 1 deleted from • ter Mondly as being "a letter to whJcb the war with a sneak attack that was 1l5t ol school library purchases on I don't intend to reply. carried out While we were talking peace 1 grounds of economy. alon~, not because "There is no change from my earlier with them.· of the Orange County Board or F..duca· thinking and the stance J assumed at "This book goes on as if we were Uon'1-poUUcal beliefs. • tblt Lime," he said. "Tbla offer of Dr. p1lty of somethlo&,'' MitcbtU added.• . 1bat II the stance today ol. the IChool Rallllon's (for Judp Sumner to donai, "'No American wan~ to see that and . .. bolrd. -with mounllnJ Bllou\ from . 'lllroohlma' to the library) I!, lo my rm darned sure that the -•t ,major'~ the exploolon that followed Ill lilrrtng w1y of thinking beside the' poln~" the ~-"' of PuU1-Prize.winning author Jobn juri!t laid. • . ol Americans who have read it ":"! 11.,..,.1 work from a achool llbfair. "Dt. .ilaWson'a explallaU.. .... t , JUpport the acUon o1 our oebool boanl. _,Dr. Dale Raw.o.i. 'the -._ my earner lllataoienl 1111~ the ' Tnutee Mitchell· "'! ~-~'vi .. •:.=·on the mdtlao, lo )an pollllcll 'beliefs held b7 ·lhe·-ofhllcomments.w• .l!liolhllna btr- " • and boal" '1'relidenl Clay . lea lo tbO!r declslon. nd because ol the poUlictl bellell o1 Mltcblll flt louth Lapna IU1lted 'flies-".1,"What horrWes me about th Is ~If ~f of lhe ~1 " day night that the ruling was In the business .. , Jud Su ,,. . Well, said Mitchell, you r<ad lt , , we~. on ge mner, is and then see if we aren't carrymg out ~yers lnteresb. . • that they ~ant see my point of view. a ·Wltifiable eeonom b not buying Wehave adutytosavetheseprec1ous Here these people are, responsible ror 'L lW ~ Yb · the fUndl wberlv• "* ~· Jlf, iBaWlon .. tbl l'lldinl ilerllll or~our JOUDi people 1 e are, you w, uymg se said. ult is unlair lo s~te that I ~U and they rett that a book like Hir~shlma .. boot~ wUh tupayers money and lta motivated by any dmire-other than to should ol be de ailabl lo ,.__ ,. our first duty to economlz.e. . • • • ,._1_ n ma av e utt:m. "We have to live up to our camaptgn cut the costs entailed m WUI order Mitchell, .apparently a little sarprisect · . ,. ld M'lchell "And one of of books." at the news of Dr Ralilaon'1 letter pronuses, sa 1• • I I Dr. R.aWaon uved. the school board qlllekl,y ramld to' f.bt denUat's d f • thole promises -1n my own e ect ?n• nearly $11 when be a1uhed "Hirolblma." fl'uesday n.1gtlt. e enae anyway -we that we would examine "Sigmund Freud'' and two technical "No one has worked harder on the very carefully the content of_ booiu,.that books from the list. The entire list board than Dr. Rallison," he said. "And we were placmg before ou:r: children. , .., . • , • • D .. n. Y ,ILOT illl ,.... ,.K. aq.tT Sll!RAYI CHIMJCAl.S -ON WATlll IN .ll'l'OllT TO CONTROL· POLLUTION Included 581 books valued at nearly I support his action in this matter all '1:f '1:t 'ff $3,000. tbe" way." , Dr. Ballilon, a member of the John Mitchell made it clear that 'Hirolbl.ma' BJrch Socllty, waa asl<etl If hll pollUctl II' totally nnsutlable for 1 the type of ' , lut, 11 loon 11 T ....... MovM 0.., $1N1kJ of Cloar Water Fill Wl!h ·4;ruclo Oil · ' •, • I From Page 1 l'N• Pilfe I AIJt'VIEW .•• It out of ,tbe Ocean." Tender boall • below .,. sprayjq ,-.,, ,GI cl>mll<aia "' the our!ace, bat aJ IOCll u tbetr wU:e p.-tbe streak ., ciaar water left behind llllt up .,. -crude nil. Wlndt pub the hull doll. loafla( ---., -aolJd the blaci goo. .. . "Looi: .~ thooi .. blrdl down \bm. Some " -..,. ~ clead. See them floaliol • • . then • -• • • another," ·hi says. HAD ENOUGH . After five passes over the tower ind Its sur&iJlg oil leak .we've bad enough. we ask to be flown over the coastline on the way back. A few minutes later, along the pretty points dotted with hoUles the real dam&ae from the srowtn& slick ii evi- dent. . On one ~t nonh of Rlncon at least 50 persons are wading In the oil stalntd water and working on the beach trying in vain to save the birds. ,.,...,. P .. e I REFUNDS • • • was his principal place of residence and provided veterans exemption was not previously allowed on the residence,'' lflNhaw eIJ1lalned. "A principal place of residence ls defin- ed in Jaw as a (I) home or duplex but not a triplex or larger. (2) con- dimlnium, (3) houseboat, (4) mobile home not liceflsed by the state and (5) a dwelling being pun:based under a contract of s8J.e. Hlnlbaw atao warned thll the ex· emptlan doel,llot apply to properly that was rented, neut or under comUuct1on and rd yet occupied on the tax lien date whlch was March 1. 1t also does not apply to a licensed mobile home or 1 vacatioo or secondary home. 1be llltllOI' laid that Ownerl of pro- perly recelvtnl public uststance do not quallfy txcept for those rteelvtng assistance under the Senior Citizens Tu Assistance Law. The aneasor'1 office expects to ap- prove abou\ I00,000 l10 tu refund ap- pHcaUona and 250,00D cla1ms l o r homeowners exemption. IUnWW said ho WU forced lo hlre 1J permanent new staff members to bandle the -k load and another 49 part dine worken wtD join Ille stiff Mardll jll!l lo proceu the claims. DAILY PILOT ............. " ............... ---·-c. ... 111 ... CALI PO IN IA OllA.NOE COAST ~Ullt~1N~ COM,~N'f A•lt•rt N, W••• P,tlliltftt aM "11bll..., ·J·"' •. c..1.y Vic. t'fnlfilftl W co-.r ,.._"' t••••1t1 K••vil .... lt..Mtl A. M11r,lif•• ~l.iior Pt..J HilM• AMtlhlflt DlrKllt -0. .. MIMI al) W11I "" llf't9f ..........., ktclil: 1111 ....,, .. ~ ~-..,. l...,... .. IK~: m.,._..i •- tlll"ll,,.IOll lkldu JM Sltl lrl'ftt ~~ beUefl. or thole of any qther" member classes Jt waJ eannar.ted for. The of lh;e board played aIJf part. in the trustets had not read Hersey's book HERSEY ... decl&on. H~ wa~ also asked if t~ere when he earlier made a scathing attack was any discussion along those lines on the volume but he said last night ignorant about the dangers of atomJc dllrioi·lho rlCOlll mee)Uii at .which the lhol )le had now "skimmed Uuw&b war!.,.." SLICK NEARS BEACH • • • bu drifted 1!lihlty Iowan! Bania Barbara and II appmlmately two m 11 e s otfl:bore." . -DllrlnC the put hro d>yl, ollshare wllldt .had kept . the allck away from lond and Ille shlft In Ille wind was IWlardeuaeo1-lethacklnlbe baltlo to ave wtldlJle and beacllel fnllll pollution. At leut teVen ,mJlea of coulllne alrud;y ....... caolamlnaled with •lliht amowJll al oil. Monday nlsht, the California Department of Fish and Game reported 129 bird& had been brought to treatment center• with their feathers fouled by oil, !Jn~ the reddWl-brown crude bubbled up from an offshore oil well a week ago today. Of the 129 birds, 71 were dead or died following treabnent to remove the oil. Some conservationists, however, claimed thousands ol oea gu1ll and other abore birdl bad died /rom the thick oil. Hlcftl, accuied by coase!'llloollts ol being J?Ulisan to oil inlerem, conducted a tw0:hour aerial survey of the slick Monday and met with ell company representatives. Then be aMOWlced: "At my request all drllllng operations on federal leasea on the outer continental action was taken. ' It." · ' · ~ He was advised that Dr. Dale Ralllson, shell in Santa Barbara cllannel are beln& "No," he said. "As I've told you, "lt didn't do much for me," he said. a county trustee and John Bircb Society tein.Plf"lril1·,plicld .t• ~........, ... .;1t ·wu .. 1111 dlliJ to ~ U'1mlrw, 0 To my way of thlnt1ng, our students member, had ariued 1galnat tbe book tiGL. · • • 1 taa llll fll -pllcad" llllArO .a Qpllo w"'!ld be fot better off reading about becauae ii haa given support lo ban the 11_._..\,_ ~ ,....;.. ~.:..:.......... ...... fl' ..... 1111 11111 ..,. -Gefl. Doualla· MacArthur, Gen. euru. bomb movements. "We !laved-• -~,...,, OJ"' .,,.,.., 111 -~ on DOI lultallle ~ Our ~'11111 Le&lay, OI' Clpl. Eddlo Rickenbacker. Uoaa by peacenlb," Dt. l\allllCo aid, A fll llii' UliiliJn 'OU Cf.. W CaUfltnla ~ ale ~••db' 'lW!d ·to tb6 rUdlili Tiley were BJUt Amerlca111 wbo had "becaUIO we !lave allowed eo much ma- to, 11op Ille •ltak. i°~irtd' .-.i ·na~" ~r.llillenlL • , ·. • somellllnc to 11y." ter1a1 o1 thll kind In our llbrarfts." gu 1111 ~ ~ ·~ 191" It 11,Gtll , · '.'rhfl'"" tile cue with 'llir"lhllll,, • Old MJlcholl, a former Air Force of· Heney't nitpCllllO: glllGal.a~· •. .' ~ '• W llid., ' · . · . fleer, feel, then, llllt ..Ulictl beliefs "I'd -lbat the motivalloo behind .,.llrlJ · " . . ':liill--: '"Lalma llOlnt out,'~~; Rallliol! Wllll had much to do -with the rejecUon of tho ban-the-bomb movemeot.a would be plltelJ_ -• -'Attrhr'l'lillil!ld .. .. 0 U.t r ~· .J*'l(lrlallJ ~ "Hlrolhlma"? I • there whether m:y book ex1sted or not. had 1NilD .jp •"1 . !II l!!l .... .... Dllll1 bool'I .t!lat .,. CCIOllrll7 lo ID1 "It's not a quulloo of thal," Mitchell The reuon It that a lot ol people !lave of Santa Cruz wand. '.r\:e Offitior8 Wand.s pollUcal bellef.!I. I don't think lhat our sald, "Dr. Rallilon &iYel up many hours co~ to realla that the UJe ot n~ear fonn the SIJita Barbara <;hBQnel under action on 'Hlroehl.ma' can be construed of bl! valuable time ·every week to weapons can lead to victory for ~ one whlch Ue the rich c:iil ·1eases for which as having any politlcaJ bearing. carefully examine tbtie books. I am and pioulbly to the end of clvllisatlOn as record bids were received at a federal 11We are perfectly willing to discuss with him all the way." we ·tnoW IL" auction last yur. the merits of any book that members The trustee wu lhen asked if the '1'1le tall, soft-spoken author added : A spokesman for the conservationist or the public may care to donate to politioal persuulona of the board or "I would like to point out that since Sierra Club said a colony of seals on us" the Santa Ana dentist said. "I . an,,•Y member•·'' led to the blDllin& of the publicaUon of my book 1n 1N6, Anacapa was avoiding the oll by keeping ~de that clear to Superior Court Judj:e -Hlrolhlm . weapons have betn tested that ll'it,700 to hl&h ground, but be warned many Bruce SUfQ.Der in a letter that followed "It wun't banned," Mitchell said. "[ Umes as powerful u the bomb that wqu.Id die when they vtgtured into the hll atlact m our board." tb1nk a lot of !ula la belnc made about destroyed Hiroshima. pollulld oea le< food. The juvenile court judge la!I ~ Mlh!nr. 11 thero It acy value lo thl.s "So my book, Ii> a way, d-1 even ---IUGbl.-·11> .-nciDI the ltmporary ~-the boonl of cuWDg ll1roihlma work 1t IM!ll lo !lave aoaped my beiJn lo tell us bow dangeroua atomic iuspem:lon-of drilling, said "Thls pro-L~fro~m~-lhe~~llbr~ary~lisl~· ~f~or~po~li~tic~al~...,....~~·-~•ltea:~tio~n.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;ii;;;j;;;i;i;;;;:;;.,~"'~·ar!Fe~. ~~ts.~·~· ;;;;i~i;;:;i:;;;;;;ii:;;i;;ii~ cedure WW Nford a .breathing spell until it can be det.ennined whether corrective measuru are necessary." He said lhe voluntary haJt would continue until the crllil 11 reevaluated and reasseaaed. Ex-Mesa W om<in Lost In Floodwaters at Ojai Mother's funeral ls heartbreaking for any child, but especially for t.he four youngster• di: a oneUme Coate Meat woman, Whom . they saw 1wtpt ·away by rampaging floodwaters aher she helped hetd the family to temporary safely. Beloosin&I wiped out by the disaster, three weepin&: boys and their sister wore borrowed clothes to simple memorial rites Saturday at a chapel in Ojai. Ttrls waa the trtigic tale told Monday by Clarence C. LIBelle, ol 2311 Santa Ana Ave., COl!lta Mesa, after rttumlng from 1trvlcea for his daughter·ln·law. 1be body of Mn. Jeanetta LaBelle hes never been found since. 11be was torn away lrom the wreekage of the family's creekside home Jan. 25 as floodwaters devastated Ventura County. Their thoughts turned to the men and boys picked off and drowned, one-by-one, that week in the well-known 5espe River trqedy, when a bulldO&er carryinl them 'to safety stalled in mid-stream. · Chuck LaBelle, a fonner clerk at JUchard's Lido Market, Newport Beach, was by that Ume marooned atop the barn on the I.Here ranch -hidden from his family's view by drlvln( rain. "He'd been 11tranded there since he waded across to get rope to blnd UI toa;ether, 11 said David, "the water waa f i e r c e, it carried plants, refrigerators and even whole panes of 1Iass." COPl'EI\ JlESCUE A U.S. Alr Force re!Ctle helicopter plucked LaBelle from the barn and returned to pick up the chµdren, who were in a lesa ~arious spot, but MOVED AWAY thelr mother had alreacty been swept She and her husband Charles, married away in raging, 12-foot waters. almost 20 years moved tit suburban Ven· Bleakly surveying the tragi c waste tura County with their four children of whit the couple had, coosidered a in IM, but both were ralaod in Costa lovely place to raJse ~ chlldren, 0111Ck Mesa andattendedNewportHarborHigh LaBelle told tbe Ventura School. .. newspaperwoman a week ago that he "They Jost everything," said lhe flood can't bear to start life over again there. vicilms' father and 1randfa\her, "from He said he wiU move his family into lhe house right on down to driver's town . licenses and Social Security cards." "After somelhlng flttlng's been s a i d But the house, the personal papers, fur Jeanetti," aald the new widower the keepsakes clothing and .other items quietly, 11maybe I can be&tn to wondtr are nolhing to David, 17, Steven, 14, _where the bed!, the tablet, beddJns and Susan. t3 and Brlan, a, wbo alao lost 'Gl4!>eo are Soinl lo come from." tbelr mother. Troubled by th e rate at 1rhlcb floodo swollen San Antonio Ctetk wu rbln.11 Jea®tta LaBelle did not sleep on tbt 1•!1 nlgbl ol her llfe. Moving abou\ the •Jeeping houlellold at 5:30 a.m., Mn. LaBelle awU:ened her cblklron and twn young lrlendt ·-oYm1i,ht, John ScluneWn1, 1$, and bis •Iller Cindy, 14, both of,O.k Vlew. Tile youllltll LaBelle boy WU llayinl ovemlght eSelrhert. Scrambling after their moot prbed, aalvaaeable _..ion. Dnld gathered up hll Pl'l>e-wlnnlng photo oollecUan and Susan beid the family pup Spider In her armo. FLOOD WATERS ll08B SJeadily, water rooe walll-deep In the rancll borne. Mn. LaBelle Jl"I on a pluUc ralncoat -protection to be almost u fU\lle u an umbrella agllnlt· ·• damburlt -Jn tbe houri of wet -,.i lo ...... "I jUll mow -two lloun later - that we .,,... aU 1otna to drown," DIYid LaBelle Jold reporter M"11ttt McKean later In a Ventura Star-l'rlil Presa In· tervicw. l'roM P .. e I SLAYING ••• Sianet and Hargrave is being built. The 1eneral theory, however, ii that they stole a car belonginJ to Miss Margareta Dinger, 3t, of 2602 Delaware SL, }{Untington Bllcb on Sunday, Jan. S, for a joJrlde. Drlvlni down 17th Strttt from the Din1er apartment, they theoretically cot. Jided wilh Mrs. Markee's car, southbound on ?t,tain Strtel from a trip to the laundromat. FollowinJ the llolen car -no mllttr who may have been at faul& far tbe minor accident -Mn. Markee llopped or was fotttd to the eutb and 1Jaln In • di1pult .... the colllslon, ln- vesti11ton thlnt. The Dlng<r auto wu found abandoned In an oUfltld ma ellht blocb aw11. aotatn1na blood mnun and paint _.!tom Mn. Marne and bor car, found on 17lb ~t near Ollve Avenue. $60 OFF The fabulous Golden TOUCH & SEW '''"" sawing machine by Singer In "Copenhagen" desk. reg. pllce Don't \\«lit. Sava now on thl1 famous Touch & sew zig-zag aewtng machine with the exclualve Singer+ puah-button bobbin that wlnd1 lntld1 th• machine. Has• bu lit-Jn buttonholer that mak• pt~acl buttonholea easily. FASHION MATE* ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE BY SINGER. WITH CASE. Heavy-duty machine with bullt~n Fashion• disc for blindstitching and overcasting. Dams, mends, mono- crams. Sews buttons end buttonholes. Two SINGER0 vacuums Slog er cenllllr cleant hlg~ low and hard·to-Gel•lJ>l1e-. o;;omes wllll flva ._~ .. for 111 eltan- lng jobs. AND ~or ~bl has trip lo action vibrator eepclean,sWeep end ell'Wllh carpela and rugs. Get the set '88 ONLY $88 .r· i ' -------'°"',_~ IM"91NQllt.,_ta . -1-~-•1tSINGltt .... r• 1111llATOfl1111 IRAltl lllnlnt Hllll AlplolandTileTijuMo-• Wool.,,..,,11onNIQ.1V, 'A Tradtrrllt\ oC 1HE SINCD!i ct/WAN't SING-ER ... .......... __ ,... .............................. COllPM'f. (OITA. MIU 2*Hert1tre1-.. ltl .. IUS Htrllof C .... ltl" • ~---'------'--------- I • I . , • • • • ' -I ' I • I I I I ilQg~on ~e~'. . • EDITIOt:I .- . ' ., : . ... . VOL'. 62, NO. 30, 3 SliCTlc;>NS, 38: PAGES . , . l f .. I ' ' I . " View "Fr.om, 87 JOHN L. VALTERZA ... ~ ........... Try to• uilll the impact ol more than 150,000 gallons ol putrid-smelllng cnide oil ind Mt,uraf &a:r on the swiace Of , the Santa Barbar• Cblnnel as you 1ly ewer 1n a-small plane. You can't. Even to " marine biologii:t who ~ an expert oa pollution ot the water and abore:line off Southtm California's cou~:u,;, night to Sanio Blrblr• and back Mooday afternoon .JJ clearly a •bock. Said Dr, Gilbert'· Bane, ,m a r In e biology prn1..,... at ·uc IrVtne, aner vlewillg the Union Oil .Company's oil slick: "It's ·gotna to be a ttnible year for the ocean.''-. On the .way up the eout every outlet to·the sea bean~• mart ol' silt1 debri.lJ and orglllllc and chemical waste spilled into the ocean. , ' The most unreal ot all, the clouds: II ~I IG-by4mile .smudge ol bllct. and b(owu muclc which bu 1-1 boillllg up lrom fiuures al the bottom of • I well In Jbe Santa Barbaro cbanoel •. Amid the eluate!' ol drilling plotlcnns · lhe second fartbelt ,.,.,,,m•nch tbe1 grutest attention as a hup e1uldron at lta base increaaea in lize u we , approach. . . Other llrcrall are dyuig over. 'fl1• surging brown-black ~ • am.id ·a ~ Pair Charged • Ill Slay~ng I • ' "' I " Sztspect Faces Court · Hearing on ·Two More Crimes By AllTllUR R. VINSEL or ... 09llY ...... ...., A handsome high school dropout thought to be a tag-along on a joyrloe. that' ended in _a savage, throat.-sli.sh; murder was formally charged with two more crimes today, when he and a1 cOOelendant apPeared lo court. · SchediJJid jJrelJmln' hearlniJ for Edward R.,Hargrave, :fol 17192 Marken' Lane, ·and Heni'y L. Sfanez, 25, of 311. Clay St., both Huntlqlon Beach ad-· dresses, were continued until Friday. . Judge Harmmi G. Scoville ordered the pair retum,df to Divlslcin Five, W1St Oranp County J.udlclal CoQrt, at 10 a.m., with both remaining held without bail In tbe b<fnlcid• cue. . .,/Each II charged wUh -·....,v ol --In COllDl!Clioo with tht Jm.. 5 ~ ., Mn. -s..-. Ill al -Oli'fe Ave., f!IJoUNloo llelcl!. ~ ...,, a r.ier~ """ -~ ., . lt.-Aooib ;i1y ,.i.,-i ""*""'' -· .,.~ . i"_d-iftor bll' Jan • t airest -111 -with • crime " ' Sunset· Annex Fight BreWiQg Between Cities A fight over &JlDei:aUon of Sunset \ ! , DAll.Y-Pa.dt .... ,.... • -8!"c)i II developing betwe<n HuntJnslon Beacb and ~ Jleacb following actions taken by both city rounclls Monday night HB MUR E)! SUSPECTs FACE JUDGE Harry L. Slanu <leftl,. Edward R. Harvrave I Huntlqlon Beach councilmen directed the city clerk lo proceed with filing -annexaUon paperi on the Sunset Beach area. C91•nty HomeownerstoGe1 It was also decided to ask the Orange County Planning Comrnlssion ~n< ' final action on proposed de ctl of a mile of Paclflc Electrlc gbC ol way 1n the heart of -Sunset Beach until the annexation propooal Is delennloed. . . $70 Property Tax-Ref·und At Ute same Ume, the Seal Beach City Council received a peUUon from 23 iodivlduals in Sunset Beach u-lng that Seal Beach annex the area. Counc il members referred the . peltlion to Wednesday's meeting ol the Seal Beach If . you're a homeowner and you've oWned your house alnce last March - amile; you've got "10 coming your Way. Next Monday Orange County Alsessor Aodr!w J. Hinshaw'• office ·Will start malling forms lo homeownet! so.--tliey CID seek l7'l tax r<liel under provisions of J>rvpoaitioo 1A approved by voters in November. Mort than 500,000 fonns will be mfiled to county property owners by Hinshaw's recently expanded staff. He expects claims for about 116 million in refund!'. Forms will cover both the $70 refund to be received this year and an i.p- plication fw the l750 on their prop«ty ~::O ~=tiom are an on-eolri program. Homeowners will file this fonn each year mud> llh the veterans' ... ~mptlon," Ullllblw explained. "U Ille bom...,._ bu DOI r.ce!Viil a ~laljn ) form by March 1 be 11bou1c1 cootacl ST A.TE MOTORISTS GET •r ALENTI NE' SACRAMENTO '(uPll -COY. Ronald. Reagan Monday gave a Valenline pre:t-~t to ~urornia'a abeent..mlnded motOr· ilta. 4 .1.-.n=--~ The 1 Governor extended the ~J'I:' !j.. rqislraUoo ol -v~ !rom \ mldnight tonlghl lo 5 p.m. Feb. 14 - v~enUne'1 ·1>ay. , Reagan aald the lo.<llJ .......... WIS lilmed al llflnl .. ,,.....,. allecled .by re- cent flood candltloDI" addltionll time lo r<new their ..pltratioa. But Ille ldlm o!o<I gtV<I all o4ber inotorUb who tail to repur ,.before midnight a l<CO!ld clwJce ...... < my office immediately." Forms must be malled to HlMhaw's offiC. by April 15 or the homeowiler may lose his rebatement on the 1918 taxes or his aempUon on the 1969 assessment roll. · Planning Commmton. :rile planning com- miuion will make a recommendation on what coune of action. to follow. · H.imhaw's staff will certlly a lis~ ot qualllled bomeownen and stnd them to the state controller by June 15. The controller wtll isSue cbecb and nlail them lo the -· llin!haw said all reftm<U should be paid by August "In genera!, a homeowner qualifies for the l7'l tax refund U the dwelllng wherein be resided on Milch 1, 1968, was 'his principal place of residence and provided veterans exempUon wu not irevlouslJ lllowed on the residence,'' 'Hinshaw espWned. "A prlnclpol place ol realdence II defin. ed in law u a (I) home °' duplex but not a lriplu at larger, (I) ciN> diminium,-(3) -· (4) mobile home not ll«llled by the stale and (51 a dwelling being purcha!ed under , a contract of Ale. l!insbaw a1ao warned that the .,. emption doel not appl)' to property that was rented1 vacapt ot under constractioa and not yet occupied on the tax Hen dale which w11 -L It a1ao does not apply .. • n......i mobile home or a vacaUod or ..a.411 bomt. Tbe -aald thol ownen ol pro-~ receimc palllli: -... do:nol qualify ..... 1 .. 0 -.-1v1nc aaalstance under the Senior Cltluns Tu ~Law. ~ -· olfloe upecta lo ap-irove lbout 11111,000 "' tu refund ap-~Uom and 111,Dlll cleims f o r hoateO'Wnen UeJQptkln. Hinlbaw Aid be WU f......S lo hire U permanent new ICaff memben to handle the work lood and lllOlher 411 part time wortm will join ·tht lllall March I just lo procea the clalms. The county's Local Agency Formation Commissioll bu the responsibility of ... ling on the armexalion propou1a by each city. • If bolh Huntlqlon Beach and Seal Beach desire to annex Sunset Bt11.ch, the LAFC will have to decide i! one or both may bold annexation elecUonJ in the Sunset Beach area. Budget on TV Reagan to Report 1' onigkt. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan governor lo uplaln to the people the goea on prime-time television tonl&ht budget, whk:h ls a very compllcated for the premier ot liis 1.,_70 budget. thlllj:," aald. Paul Beck, Reagan's preu secretary. Tbe governor will aw.ear with Flnanc:o 1leagan ha! decided to adopt ID m- Direclor Caapar Weinberger on lllatewlde Urel7 new 1tyle of· budget tJils ·~ cokr teltvtsicm to aplain the budlet -a' 11JW'tll"UU 0 b u...!l1i:eL" It 'wlll list lo the puhllc. 111e·11ii.wlde co.t ~L """ .. °""' special shcrw Jrill • be .... In .. ~. 1¥1i .. llidl '~'of Los • Angeles and Orqe ~counties oli I the c;oot All separale , • lil' eac~ Cbinnel 5 at 1~30 R·m:> ·· ptogtat~. · • l. · • _ • Jl<agoo also ,,;iii dlaclm . again ' tht ~ new h•IJI Is the· tele'lbion 10 percent ~ -tax 'Clll ·be r<port Itself; Thll " the fint time p!'OIMled ~ 'a almi1or teltvlsioa Reagmr;bu plonoed lo &i>'e tbcc Jl!lbllc. report last week. • . . I ' I lllfoCtl . cle\illed •IP-J.of 1111. Tonight's pn>jra\n . "u llhnid I'll'• b<tdcet. weeb ago. "It's · .. aii'.l.iiii by the • 1'111.lfi ~' 11 •~ .,to lJr. . ' . ; -1'1'1 -~ bllllcio, .,,_,' _..-_..:... • ~ a~ ·-n&lal"' 1-.-11n · SUde ,:._-feeR . Ofe..U,"'jfo to.~~~ NEW YORK (AP) •t~•locA marlui ' ~ ~ wlti "' l!ie ID nf!ole-. closed today on·· a '........-mn Ui1 11.eaian ij!d a °blld&d' IUt'Plull fl 1100 In active lradinC. t~ ·quoiau-. P-roJlllOa !rom 1ut year wUl mate tht 1~11), 10 -I _.uie.board cul poalble. ~I ... Even · Closer to Coast ' . . ~A· BARBAIL\ (IJRI), -Onshore winds pushed a· lkquare-mllt oil slick closer to this cOastaJ City todaY, bringing It wltbhi two mil" Ol ·the beach •. 5ome offshore , . drllllnl . operations; b'!li<J Moqday at the r<quesl ol InleflOr Secretary Waller J.-HIW~ """·rwun-. ld arter fedier:al esperta checked opera· tiooal proc<dum and <letennlned lheY· were .wllhin1ale limits! · · · 1 ' • Hickel called •the hall' alter an ·•erlaJ· lnspectJOlr ol the crude oil lliclc. terming the pollution "more severe than I an ... Uclpated." , Humble. Oil Co., largJ!ll , leaselJoldtr, In the Santa Barbara Channel, wu given· the go-ahead . to con11nue U. opera\IOOS after a review of· iU melhods by ~­ cal• experu designated by the I~terior. Department: I ' Phlllis>t Petroleum Co. was' itven· Jieimlislon lo resume drllllhg after mak-Ihl .aeveral .minor· technical cbabgu i Jet' forth by a United States l"'loilcal ourv.y team. · · · Southwest winds blowing off,the.ocean. toWard land were 1 u-pected to 'lncreue lo ·-een eliiht and . !I knoll' by af .. tttnoon and up to m knots Wedneaday,· andan,.nng 40 miles ol beod>el. ' · ' ' The Coast Guard reported Monday rUght that an aerial aurvey ahowed ''the northwest edge of 'the maln concmtratm . has drifted sllghUy'lowani !i\mle'Birbai'ao aod• ii approxlmltely two m 11 e 1 offshore!' . . ' . ' During. the put '!Wo days, -winds had . kept the slick away from land and tbe ' shift ·in• the wind WU regar)le• as • 1 eslrous setback. inr the battle to save wildlife and beacbu ~ Pollution. ., ' • I • ' ~ ' • . At least'· seven miles r of ~ alrea~Y were ·contanilnated 1 with . aught, amounts> ol oil. Monday nigh~ . ~ . . I ••' • • " ', . .. . " . ' • ' . I , 4 ; .~ --;~I • I ' ' ' I l J - • .. ' ' ~ ' ,, ~· • " ,, I I , -=-~ --... --.. . • _._ ---_::_::_~_::.~.::-:.--=-::=::::::::::;:-:::::-:==;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:===---------------.._ ~--........... -. ___ ., ..... ..... --' ~ --' ' . I ' Dloll'rPn.of lhtl' ;WO~:llCAT SP~YS CHEMICALS ON WAT&R'IN EFl'ORT TO CONTROL PO LL UTION - ! ~ •. Jul, ot S-•1 Tonder Mov11 On, Stro •kt of CIHr W1 t1r Fill With Crude 011 .. . ;-( ....... P .. e I • Am VIEW .. ~ lop al ,_ end of the lllck. Tl!ey're leyinl It keep I In ., Ibey CID pump It out at111t-." Tender bOill l>el01f .are 1prl)'IDC 111n1m1 ·cii«:1iem.,.J< ... the.,..,_ but 11 -11 lllolr wake -tbe -of 'ci.ir wider Je(I behllll 11111 up ..... irltJi iiiide oil. Wlndl pllh tbe ..,,. cloll. lelvhlC lnOn! -of -llllld tbe bllcli .... . ... "Looi< lt:'litooe ... birds down there. Some of them are already dead. See them floating ••• there's one another," he sa)'ll. BAD ENOUGH From Page I SLICK. NEARS BEACH •"' .. I r.ouJd die when they ventured into the polluted IOI for food. lllckel,. m annoonclng Ille temporary ~ ol drilling, Aid ''Thia pro- codllre lrill afford a bruthlng apelJ until It-an be determlned whether correct.lve mellUrel are neceeaary." He uJi:l the vohmllry halt wonld continue ID!til Ille crlals la nevalualed Ill<! reasseaaed. ComervaUod groupa had demanded lfickeJ ordfr a permanent atop to Ill Udelandl oil exploitatioo beclllSe of the slick. Hlclrel, in a news conference Monday before be flew back to Wasbfngton, plac- ed the blame for the Jeat on federal regulations under which offshore drilling is conducted. . . ' · He aid the oD co~es Were "follow- ing federal regulaUoila. Wllll art needed are neW regulaUons.'' lilctel bu ordered the u.s_. geologicaJ llUJ"Ye'r. to-.reevaluate its ollshore drilling polio ea and regula- Uon11 which were devtsed 15 years ago. Nixon Talks With LBJ Over Mi.deast Stragegy • 'In Taxpayers " Beha.JP B°'! H ·Expla~~ Rejection of 'Hiroshima' · ·'lly'TOM BAllLEY accuaed Ille board·of cutUng -political belida held by the trustees "Hlros~ .~ ...,. :;"" =ed from the library 11at for pollUcal reasons. led to tbelr dedslon. 't bo :L wasn ' ' it just '"The reaiou for tbt removal gives me POINT OF VIEW - wasn ug more apprthenalon that the removal ' And ~ book wu deleted from a itself ,. be said "What bon'Uies me about t b i s list of scbQol library purchases on ' . · bualnea," went on Judge Sumner, till grounds of economy alone, not·becauae DllMJ&CJm LE1TER. that they can't see my paint of view. of the Orange c.ow:ity Board of F.duc... Judge Swnner dismisaed Ralllsoo's Jet· Here these people are, reaponslble for' lion's pollUcal beliefs. ter Monday as being 0 a letter to which the reading needs of our young people That Is the stance today of the school I don't intend to reply. and they feel that a book like Hiroshima board. faced with mounting: fallout from .. There is no change from i:ny earlier should not be made available to them." the explos.ion that followed Ila 1*flna: thlnkiog and the stance I assumed al Mltcbe.11, apparenUy a litUe surprised of Pulitzer Prile-whming author JOlm that time," he said. '*This offer of Dr. at the news of Dr. Ralilson's letter, Hersey's work from• school Ubraey. ~lliloo's (for Judge Sumner to donate quickly rallied to the dentist's defense Botll Dr. Dale 1Rallilon,' Ille "trustee illroohl,mo' to Ille library) ii, to my Tuesday night. who acted on· tha motlon to ban way ~ lt'lnk1na, tmide the point," the "No one .has worked harder on the "Biroahima ... and tioerd Prtsldent Cliy jurist said.' board than Dr. Rallison," he said. "And Mitchell of South t:apna iJmbted TUe:t-· !"Dr. Ralllson'.s explapation doesn't I suppart hi! action in thb matter all d1y ·Nabt ~t the rul1ng wu ln the answer rily earlier statement that the the way." tupa)'tn' Interests. -ti * · * * * * SAVE FUNDS . "Wehaveadutytosavetllesepreclous . Autlwr of 'Hi"roshi"ma' funds wherever pos!ible," Dr. Rallllon said. ''It i! unfair to state that I was motivated by any desire other than to cut the costs entailed In this order of books." ·Dr. Rallison saved the school board nearly f15 when he sla11hed "Hiroshima,•• "Sigmund Freud" and two techrucat books: Crom the list The enUre list included 581 books valued at nearly $3,000. Dr. Rallison, a tnember of the John Birch SOclety, was Ulted II hll political beliefs, or tho.se of · any other member of the board played any part in the decision. He was also asked if there was any discussion along those lines during the recent meeting at which the acUon was taken. "No," -he said. 11As I've told you,. it waa my duty to carefully ei:amlne th~ 1ilt of boob placed before us. Quite olle!I, II IW111 ou\ tllat aome books are not 11µitable far our purposes and are not euctly seared to the reading requirements ·er school students. "This was the case with 'Hiroshima,• " be said. Takes Issue · With County By JEROME F. COLLINS Of 1111 DallY l"\lef Steff "Nothing that can be said about this · boo1': can ·equal what tht book has to sCJ. It speclk.! for itu,f, and, in an unforgettable way, for human· ity." of schools having books giving argu- ments pro and con on the dropping o! the bomb. Bu\· it doesn't seem to me that tak.lng: away a bOOk that tells what happens, when the bomb is dropped, has any effect except to keep our children -New YOTk Times, 1946 .ignorant about the dangers of atomic The author of "Hiroshima" took quiet warfare." is.sue to!:fay with the Orange County',, He wu advised that Dr. Dale Ralli!on, Board of F.ducaUon for banning the book a county trustee and Jobn BJrcb Society from the llbelvea of .J. special !Chool li-member, had argued agalmt:tbe book brary. . becauae it has given 11.1pport to blD the John Heney, .from his home ln New bomb movements. "We have demllnstra- Haven, co.in., was not irate. He seemed Uons by peacenikll,'' Dr. Ra11Jaaa Aki, more perplued ,over Pie board's u -t•becaule we have allowed so mudi ma· pressed view• on Ille lllOOQllt ct tbe 1945 Wial ol this kind In our llbrllies. • bombing of Ille Japalitae dty. Heney'• response: He told Ille DAILY PILOT In 1 tet.. "I'd guea that Ille motlvaUcin behind phone interview: the ban-the-bomb movements would be NO POLITICS "My book makes no argument on the there. whether my book existed ·or not. "Let me point out ... Or. Rallison went rigbtneSs or the wrongneiis of dropping Tbe reason ls that a lot or people bav1 on, "that I have personally sanctioned tile bomb. It simply tells the story of come to reallze thal the use of nuclear many books that are contrary to my some of the people on whom the bomb 'weapons can lead to victory for no C!J18 political beliefs. l don't think that our was dropped. and possibly to the end of civl.lir.allflJ as action on 'Hiroshima' can be construed "But apart from the fact that I wrote we know it." a.s havlng any political bearing. 'Hiroshima,' It always has been my view The tall, soft-spoken author added: "We. are perfectly willing to discuss that censorship can only Jead to lgnor· "I would like to point out that &nee: the merits of . any book that members ance and unintelligent acUon." the publicaUon of my book in 1"6, of the public may care to donate to The Pulitzer Prize winning writer ("A weapons have been tested that are 2,'100 us," the Santa Ana denUst said. "l Bell for .Adana"), the father of five, said times as powerful as the bomb that made that clear lo Superior Court Judge young people shou1d be allowed lo "learn destroy~ Hiroablma, After five passes over the tower and tt.s surging ail leak we've hid enough. We uk to be flown over the coutllne on the way back. . A few mlnult.t lllB, alOl!i the pr<tty WASlllNGTON "(UPI) -The White Hl"1H said today Pmident Nlson had conferred with former President Lyndon B. Johnson on the smoldering Middle East crisis and was preparing to "make some decisions" on U.S. strategy to defuse the situation. Bruce SurMer fn a letter that followed all thfiY ~an about what has happened '' 0 So my book, Jn a way, doesn't even with the MJdast. his attack on our board." from f!Vf!r'J aide of an t.uue. ot beglia to tell us bow dangerous atumlc In Paris~ western dlplornaUe sources i-rTh~e ~J=uv=e~nll=e==c=ourt~~j~ud~g~e =l~as~t;w;e~e~k;;;;;;;;;;"~I ~w~ould;;;;:be:,:f:or:instance:' ::;::;·:all;;·l:•:f:•v~ar~·;;;";:"':;""'::'~ILI='';;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;:~' points dolled witll -the '"' damage from the growing slick ls evi- _ dent. • On one point north of Rincon at least 50 persons are wading 1n the oil stained water and working oa. the btacb trying tn vain to save the birds. More dead bird.!! float on the water and ICCttS more i;wim into the black cl111dl or mt on floating debris. "They're Ille attention getters . • • the birds," Bane relates. 0 11Jere are loin& to be so many of them killed by this." ''Look at that oil clinllnl to the kelp • • . those l.IUle black -gplotchel down there." ' ' POLLUTION CONTINUES Al we held· farther llOUlh around Ven- -the block puddleo dilappear, but Ille polJutlori show will not end until we pass the Santa Ana River mouth above Newport Beach. Off Torranct, Bane polntl to another oil 11.lclt, 11treak:ing out to sea and onto shore from tllree tankers anloadlng their car10 near a tank field. The smudge 11 about 1 mile long. Farther south, Bane a:taru at huge rtd streaks in the water, and after a rew more mlnutu says, "Ju.st what I predicted. It's red Ude. All the nutrienta and organic waste that ate coming into the ocean from the 1t6rm runoff are feeding the pll!okton . that make t)lose red cloud11." . 'Ille red streab penist from Long Beach south to the Huntington Beach pier. OAllV PILOT OlAJllGl cout PUSLIMdNG CCIM,AN't ReHrf N. 'w'e•4 l"rt•ioHftl .... l'\lllflstiu J,,1.: •· c.,r • .,. \'ltt l"rtlidttll '10d GtMtM Ml lflf .... lh•111•t K•••il ..... Tl!•"''' A. ·u~,,i.;,.. W"""'9•fllw Al~•rf w. t•t•• wtlli•111 1114 ...,_i.tl' Hun!""""' _..,., l!dllW (lly' ftltw ............... ~ · JH ltk Str••t M.ni., ..W4r111: r.o. ••• 7tt, •1641 --· ......,. lfftli: nn w.r 111t1N ...,.....,,. "'"' Mnt\ -w..t ...,. ftrwt With Nix.On ready to go along with a French propasal for Big Four Mideast talkll within the United Nations, the Pmident talked with Johnson by telephone for about 15 minutu Monday evening to discuss the latest develop- ments. Nixon had conferred with former Presl· dent Dwight D. Eisenhower on the altua· lion Sunday at Walter Reed Hospital. ~ss Secretary Ronald Ziegler aald the Middle Eut crisis wu the "priority jtem" today as Ni:J:on conferred again witll his Nlllonal Security CounciL "The Prellldent will make aome decisions on the Middle East following today 's meeting," Ziegler said. "These decisions will become apparent over the next few days." Nixon will have an opportwtity to spell out his admtnmration's poslUon on the Arab-Israeli troubles when be holds his second presidential news conference on Thunday. Ziegler said the President will giv~ both Johnson and Eisenhower weekly briefings on foreign policy developments, either by telephone, written reporta or per&00al briefings by staff members. Nixon's session today with his top diplomatic, mi lita ry and intelligence ad· vi.sen wu the fifth since he took office, and the second in four days dealing 2 Youths Plead Guilty to Thefts Two youths arrested by HunUngton Beach police following a aeries of breaklns In that city have plellded gu!Uy In Superlnr Court to burglary cborgea. Sentenced to alx months each in Orange COwity jail were Josef Dalenta, lt, and Joel Edwin Wood, II, both of Glnlen Grove. Judge Robert Gardner also placed the Pili: on five )'eats probation. Olllceiw arreatrd Ille ywths 1ast AUi. I sbnrtty alter Ibey broh Into Ille Mala Box, 1191 Main SL Polle later recovered ato1en pcOpelty valued at SI"°° from tba. mea11 apartment Allo"Jtcovered at the apartment were dralll ancl h1podennic needles taken dlD' .., tho boqlory of tbe office of Dr. JIObert Knioal>, IT'ii Beach Blvd. ' F""' P•1e I SLAYING .•• Norman R. Coltn<y Jon. I· !or Ille Markee murder. Jury triall have been &hilled to Judga Charamu'1 Olvia:lon nine courtroom In the lntertm, """'""· • -to be In effect foe three months. Mias Dln(er and Coatney wtrt muled due to conll1ctiDI atorlea on Ult uae of Ille wonw>'o car In Ille M a r k e I murder, ~ were cleared when a cab- driver Implicated Sl&nUJ"K' Hargrl\'e. saJd todaj President Nixon will arrive In Paris early In March for talks with PreSident Charles de Gaulle. They said it could be ai early as March l; The visit to Paris will be Nixon's first stop on his forthcoming tour of Europe, according to g o v e r n m e n t sonrces. 'Ille diplomatic aonrceo 1 a I d French diplomacy may play a more active role toward seWement of · the Vietnam war following Ille talb betwftn Ille American and French presidents. Bids on School Construction Coming Tonight Twelve bids ror construcUon on the John F. Land, Jr., School will be presented to the Westminster School Ili!trlct Board o! Truat"' tonight. Seledlon of a principal for the school will also be considered by trustees at their 7:30 p.m. meeUng. The school ls named after the district's superintendent Who la entering his 14th year In that pool. Land said today he Is especially proud of the school becau.se the low bid Is $69,000 under the state estimate for con- strucUon eo11ts. -''In fact,'' Land said, "eleven of the 12 bids were under the state's $781,000 mark." The John F. Land, Jr., School will be Ille lim school built by Ille district in the past two years. "We've pretty well kept up with the population boom," Land said. Joseph W. Reed Services Slated Funeral services are llCheduled for 11 1.m. Wednesday It the Biby and Belyea Mortuary in South Gate for Joseph W. lle<tl, fatller of DAILY PILOT City Editor William Reed. Mr. Reed died Monday at lhe age ol '!O following a lengtlly Illness. A res!· dent of South Gate alnce 1"1, be WU a retired electrlca1 contractor. .F'111al rites wllJ be followed by Jn- tennent at Rose Hills Memorial Part ln WbiWer. 100 Ind ia n Mo urners Swept From Train MADRAS, lndla (UPI) -About 100 Tndlaru en route to lhe f'uncral of a Maliru Political leader were nvtpt from lhelr perches atop an express train to- day by the low banilnl fllnler• of a ranr...d brldie. Ratlwl7 o!Uclala .. 1c1 :a ,,.,. killed and 50 were "ri~ty Injured, $60 OFF l'he fabulous Golden TOUCH & SEW• ai., sewing machine by Singer In "Copenhagen" desk reg. price Save now on thl• famoU1 Touch & slw zig-zag sewing • machine with th• exctutfve SI~,,. puat.-button bobbin that Don't w.iit. wlndl lnald1 the machine. Hu a bu Ill-In ~uttonholtrttllt mal<el pertact buttonhol11 oully, 1Wo SINGER• vacuums Slnaor Cllll11tr cleana high low and hard-to-get"lll places. Comas with five acceuorles for all clean- Ing )obs. AND ~hastrlplitacllon Vibrator to deep clean, •Weep and air-wash carpetl and rugs. Gettheeet. FA$ffl~ZIQ.DG '88 MACHINE BY SINGER. WITH CASE. 0 NI ~y HelV)'<luty machine with btillt·ln I. f1Shlon• disclorbllnclslltching•nd '88 OV1iastlng. Olms, mends, mono- arams. Sews buttons and buttonho!u. ---WPW1-liill111 •10 mYOU11~ ............... [ ... lltl ~TOflltllllAll llantng -M;oot-llloll)uno-. Wo&,-11MNIO>TV. 'A~tlH-.ar:owNtr _;_.-,_OttltNCiR .... I• SINGER ............ _,... ... ,... ............. -CClllPMJ. -, ,, " " "' "· S\IPA ,..... MAHllM •A•OI• •ltOVI toltA MllA COITA .... • ..,_Olli l'lll '-'-1 tll N, l-• "'31 0.-Stftttl & lllrlftlwlr »ol ..__.... NUNTUltTOll SIAat IAlfTA All,l ,\ TAWM W.11:111 PMOlf M-tm Edl""'tt'-" ~ .... •;;;-;..;.,'~"',;.;;"""'.;;;;._..;;";""'4;;;;•;"";;';~_.;°"::::-:.::...-=T.:;':""':....:-::'::-:·::·:·:·_..:•::•:'...:':.'~~::::.l""'..:-:::~:·1:!M:!":-:._~ .. ~·~r~~::·~· _,1" --- I I I • .. • J ' ' j ,, ' . •• .. • • " ' • ) Borodin €"rtaber. Qaari'ei . . . laell• r Guest t:.adacter I' DAfl V I'll.OT t " · ·llu~i~ Mu~icians .Superb at 14.g.ina :p.~~l~rmonic Pl!ogram·Set . 87 TOM BARLEY audllnrfum, the! U cao be UIOd That m 01 I pra!Mw0rlh1 . Jn any other 'lf•Y· displly 11st.andln& room only" nOljcts loll( before curtain Ume. '1belr deplorable apathy wu ~lly appar<ol when the CoDcentua 'l(usicua was herlllvHmonlhaqo. "reach for the lljlara" policy lt, \I a grtal pity iJt.s, we ol the Lquj,a ll<lch Chamber-·have llll4 lhla Won) thet Muale Society jiald off ooce lb• sterli111 efforts ol lhla floe more Sunday n1ghl with a organir.aUon . lo bring to the "' superb 'Re r f o r m a ·n c • by , Art colony artiata of the 'l Rullla'a famed · B or o d I n caliber . and renown of this 4 ·Quarte1. allied Borodin Quartet art nol i..1 "' Immediately atrtas rewarded with capacity au- tbat we UJe the term .. pald dlences at what is, liter all, ', Bui•:;;-;. '"-· Back to t1-oolld craltamen ol the B<irodln Quartet .and I reJ> derlOI ol Braluna' Quartet In A llJ<)Ol' thet drew aoma of the hisUeat· "bra.,.OI,'' we"ve heard In J!llllY yoirs ol II· tendanc• It chamber Jnualc r<cfta!J. 'Wblt the audleoce lacked In numbers It. cerlainly made up for In the vol1m1e oU'' with refereoce onJy to a_small •1Xlitcrhun. • tbe art1IUc qullty of tbe· ·Fl'ankly, we don't· think rocllaI. We lhouPI It :inllkely, Lagunana ' des er v • ' the " 1ookbit around a liberal ez. prlvllep ol aUendlnl chamber • panio ol ..,ply aeall In the mualc recitala that would 'lead , Lqmia l!eoch 111&1> School m&lll' blger coocert balla to ,:1 -' • I ' • ' ' ,··· ~ t, I I ,.SQ.~EO ;-~N$ATION. The co,forr~l;•1tund of - . Or••i• County Mpsl.c ee .... ,~. ·'··~··· ,. ~ RADIO .i<OCM 103.1 FM · · From Fashion Island. Newport Beach a San~.~ita !s . · · he~pful: ~nor1ta~.·~ ~ ' .:; ·, ' of the ovaUoo and It wu not one whit 'mGl'I than tbllt muterfUl Ru11l•u'dtserYed. It didn't, .. s&dly rtlatod, 1lllnl """' oonduclor ol lhe •ol the liambur.& Opera ~ lllMI, u:d I liGrlh ~ Loo A n f e I 1 I P-oi:lel <Olldilclol' ol the JI.ID>. lcMlr tht lolloWlof --· Or..-dUrlni· Ill c:umQt buri Pllllblnnoole ~I. I Britllb -.... 'l'l'Olll Goldea Amil_,, Sia& la In 1• bo oelobrilted lht lllh baa 'realdecf lb ~ llDoe Eugen ' Jocbmn, ll't rm a n ' ann!.......,.Y ti '111 ,ftril e<11-1159 Wheo no1 1oo11of. be !tad to an """'"· Greedy, perhaps, bul llfo !>ow't o! . lillenlng to lour ol U.. -kl·a .,..ie.1 -I! ol chamber music ito not eliOlllb. Nol, at any rati, for ua. -· wbo will . tua, the duclli:i ·-(wlih lhe · 11 lhoft with ' podium 10< ~o aubaerlpllon Mlllltb Pbllhlrmoolc; Ii> 1111) continua · to ~· -~ and a Slt&day · b1' ripeallpl his F<>lram ol hla wtle, Zamlra,'.....,.. ol afternooi:' proeram. In the Iv~ qo whl>'llle Con-YebDdl .lfem:ltln.. '1!111 blvo Pavilloo ol 'lbe MUJlc Center ..!Cebouw In Amalerdam. ·a """ borD In 1111.' Ca$t Listed In LOs Alll<lis. 'l1:e youtblul Fon 't••ons!;:::==· ==::;====; With Jocl:um al aotolsl was born In llhafllbll' wherl Tbunday . and Friday nights, be made bis p~ i!ebut Feb. 1 llld 7, 11 l :IO. wm In 111a Wla' lie woo prlaea be F014 Tl'oo&, ChJncae ln1~atandW.-aw,ud J>ilnlJll In bis• Pbllbermoolc' _,..i• In Moocow In 1111· debul Ila wW. play 'Mozart'• then made a -Id -·i:, II la dllllcull lor us )<\ sln&le out an)' one ot theae four vital, tboroulblY me Io d I e movemeot.1 for · speclll men- Uon but we were ~cularly IWn with the thiid, acorod Quall meouetto; moderato, ~ vJvace. Here, we tholl&lit, we llnd the heart of the wwt, the complete pal!IOl thet went Into Brahmi' penning ol lhla dMlandlni quartet and a clear lollowln& 1tatement of· the openinc two movements: allegro noa trop. po and adante modera\O. For Laguna Production Concerto ,No. 27. AJ~~:i~rJ~5j;y~:-i per/gnponce' oj Btuc!Q!er'~h cast member 1 for Symphony Nd: 5 will complete "Philadelphia, H.,.. l ·Come," the procram, which will be the out produclloo o1 the repealed Sanday, Feb. t at Lquna Playhouae, have been 3 p.m. And thlt supreme mel,ancholy is very evident In a fine finale that brought Valenlin 'S.rllnsky's gllled Cello tOthe fore ln a delicately ' icortd ,al}egro non a.ytai.' It was.our undoubted misfortune to arrive too lite for the Shostakovitch Quartet No. 2 in A Major, a work that, we are told, acquires new luster at the handa of the Borodlne. 'Iba!, In our aplnion, was true ol the portion of tbt Flv~ Pieces for Strine Quartet by Allton Webern the! we caught. We must quickly admit that the Webern is not euctly our cup °'' tea but tbia was a spirited performance thet did much to dismiss a little of our prejudic:e against this somewhat cerebral composer. It was OOvlow:, however, that our anUpalhy to Webern was not shared by a delighted t u- dlence which sent the quart.et orr for the Jntenniasion with a solid ovation. announced by er I r e c to r In pre:vioua seasons, Jochum Bertr1m Tanswell. bas con d.u. c ltd & be Playln& the dual leading Philharmonic In ' 11 ~ roles ol. Gar O'Donnell, an in ad4ftion to appeltlDHI In lrllb youth preparing I o Hollywood Bowl Becl®l'I' In depart for America, are Rob 1949, for~ttft iean.~¥ wu Anderaen llld Mlcblel Speer. chief coriiludar •;,, t b • . .Ander!Oo plays. the rtal Gar, .J!anrlan_ Radio Sympbony while Speer appean: as his Orchestra .. smce\lllO 'le bu lnvlalble alter eao. been cloaely ilaoci1ted1 with Suale Scott, Silly Hayton, 'the Am ! t er d a nt •Con- Betay Paul and Ch a r le s certgebouw Orchatra. Colian will play featurerfroles Earlier in h1I career, In the production. '!be part Jochum wu mllalcar dltector of the father baa not yet beenlr=========:;i aaslgned. , Others 1n the cut are Bill Shllhan, F.dmund Van Deusen, Douglaa PermenUer, Job n Wigton, Jon Law and Gary Dobson. "Philadelphia" will be stag- ed for three wee.ks at the filayh-, 111 Ocean Ave .. Laguna ~ach. Reservations are being taken at 4ff-«>61. 'Barefoot' Slated in It's another .fine concert Jn La M; •ada this series ol reclta!J belfll of· .u Wbmw ol fered by lhbe Laguna Beach Academy Awudtl Chamber Mu.sic Society. I lm Another version of NJil ~ told that arrangements are Shnoii.'a comedy osarefoot 1n ~ going well for the presentaUon the Park" will be staged this nmalWfWE •• ' of. Uie renowned Smetana di Com ----· Quartet at the same location month by the La Mira · ~Pllltl • 111., ~~~ I . next Marcb t&. munlty PlayMule, opening " • ........, _.,.... Feb. 14 for four weekends. Q....IQISTIE sea ·~·M· nl'iul-v'-·nd ·=~~.~~!fiJ .---~··-~ · ~ ~_,,&a --hlS ita:jilhg "of ''The Diin 1n ,.__, .. ., •1.m • 'Gets Sammy ~~Z: .. ~'i.~1r~~~·~: ~:~~-~ ... i· ... ;·~·~·~-~-show. . •ti , · Pitying the lead role ol Paul ~ · 8ammy Davll Jr. wlll.1Jlake will be Joel TroJ)per, who al:ao • a fllll fiH>eraon appearance took the part it the Liguna : at MeloCf¥..lujd .this mooth, it Playbouae, while bis bride: WU . annOunced by producers Corle, will be played by Peggy Sammy Lewis and Danny Dain. Other cast members are ' Dafe. Vlvlerme Maloy, Dav Id 'lbe .~..topping singer is Morales, Dave Schuler · and ,aet io do four ' performances Dr.· Irwin •Lawton. • • •a...CH • AT ·~t'• • • HUNTINGTON •llACH • M7·eeot · ab-the Aliahelm ·lhowpalce -'!be play will be presented ' IO 10 p.m. Saturday; hb. Fridays and Satar day• 22, arid 5 and 1:30 p.m. Sun-through March· I al the Neff day, Feb. 13. Barn in La Mirada. Tickets Reserved seats are available may be reaerved by calling now by mail order only. (213) 8"-412'. Crossword Puzzle A.CROSS •:s M•tt l Rlfff'lfr 44 h1111t: Anal. S C111st 45 Of poer ,,.... "'''"' accident . ••·Did ftt ll•t ' Low *'itt• 47. Cllo••s . and sll:rubs Sl lllslca_I ,14 kind of i s.r-.1 • stl!i. 5~ A.rtNft.us . ·lS ~ Dolllnl ftllh l• Nfiy1·Scetl.t· s• C11111 r"' . · comiuftllJ 57 Kimi 1o 17 ClrPs .... strwc:blN 11 Cl.O's bor. 51 ~••C•dtd "'... ' !lo• •• •. •IJ'.11J t ·lnflr·I l.H if'i1 .J.J.:J'.J.J ,jl:J'.JW ·.i\llJfJ ,,,,, d~-J ~.!'J .JLlfJL .:.1.1.:.i...i .Jll • t 1J 111•rwr. .111.JJ _Jd t~l11Jl4L ·: 113111 :J l'.l I cJl·Jd .J.·J .J 't'.ltJ f .I ~.U.IUL, oJ.'1'.·llJ "I t 1.t .I 'll·Jl'H t .:J1f J t .I 'I t~l·lll :·JIJr.t 111 It •>l ·l t !lltr.•!J ,"];1'1 J:J 1·_1 .J t'J , .. Jll .'l ( J .:J1J11;J ll••ll.1 ·J :lt I 1.IJ .11 tlL:Jl•JLJL' 11.J • f t It .I 1J t lJ r.11• J t 4 ·J .I tltl I '.1.l f1J .t 1/4/'9 19 1u;sca1 · Ythlctf co•,.ltlOll 5! Strent 7 J1p1111sr )J sand wtdgr, 20 'Plict IA C:Olt'lt ft•er box ftr,•t -.,.Dtrtr ,. Orr .... -: I PrteeptJ )4 FNlt n Gorter'S 2 worU t HIYiltl tllndl: 35 Clftrht TV to1cn ' •l llfli.t S.. 10 lltchllt• ..... ntt .. ZZ Tt1•r. oort '°""' 3' "-:;::-c•. 11nt 62. :~':' ene ,11> U11dtt1lztd lllb It'' 2S E:ccl.clMtlc 6J lfllll •l•al 31 11"1 25 , .... i~-"11ftll• 12 Poillltd: Htr. 41 Dt1t1k 27 StljW: AflJM. 64 lllUsll 13 II.de,_, .... 4Z 1 .. lclul 21 LOH .. ,., aNr 21 s.,eraw lllttrlal 2' C .... •t na,on 24 Nit '°Wli 45 O.featrl 32 SlHfMlll •5 Fltt1119 t°""" 46 Sports JS foniW .... 26 Part tf t11ac• aclflt: OOlfll ' Aflltll111 47 Ttlln 1fltl• ' t..... P111l••l1 ntlt •ui· J7 'red 1 Pllt of 21 Dtcrr1st q Gooi , .. , • NOW IN ENGLISH SEE IT WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE! ::--MAN ~) I ANdAWOMAN · ---1WUllllCMlll 1Rifnt ~·-•l!Je r ALSO "'PAPER LION"' ' ' • • l 11,,1> LI -<d I ' INIS TONl•NT Th• a.1tl11 "THE YELLOW SUBMARINE" ·.ALSO "AROUND THE WORLD IN 10 DAYS" .; ~ ITAm· WID.NlilAT ' 3\.\lbaner of Academy • Awards I ....... ...... Alan Alda ·r...n.:- Detn;t IJona . IH. "'"' S..,, 1:4S CHt. ~ "--2 '·"'· ,oiz; ,.. .. _ .... ............. . ·--...... ~I'!"< -----Sf!f INDI TONIAH1' D1•id Ni•111 , "THE IMPOSSIBLE ·• YEARS" - "HOT l,llLLIONS" .. lfAm WDNUDAT ·.:_. ..~ ..... · "the producers.~ --Oidsi-.. ___ ... ~· Bargain Matin• ~;~ Wednesd•y, 1 p.m. '" 1 "" 19frftlllftlHts :;. M41ft ... Allll ... 11 Mttltl SI .to HOW SHOWIG O"N AT 7:11 'HORT SUIJICTS 7:JI FUTUll '1:00 oft1 • ' .. '"" ' " ... Held Over 5th & Final Weekt.. IT IS LIFE maj;; ••• RAW WUTI'" IN AU m AWAKE!llN.GI ·,: ~.·:p -. ·~ ""'" th• head • ttadliallr •• 111 ... '",n,.,1r1 ,. u.s.s.111. 1 Tlftt zt. ,._,sh 1n ~1 '"" ) .... ., ...... ... ,. ....... and a ra~~ track . ~=========~~~=:::. I ·~ ' i(!IJIJ:J!fi!.; ""'..,. . .,..lf, ""··"' ....... Afraid you might_ have trouble · 4 • , figuring out what's going-on 'I or finding ypµr. way. &r11llnd 7 No feat ! One of the S8llta AnHa Senoritas , wlll glad!Y, tell you who'a'#ho, • • what'awllat,tthar• up-and~ I! ls. She's wetting to help, In ner ':>right blue unllonn. At Sa,_nta Anita Park In nearby Arcadia . • .. • • " 't ·--T-thNM l'Oll lllill '12:30. Gltll 6pon 11 o:m. "'"1cclayt; 10-'°&m. SIL Child'"" undlr111tM-ICCOln.Jll"lld.byl parent Phona: "474171 or'8l·7.01. '_ .. -. ~ ·-' • ' • ' \ Jt llltYll le I mi'."" JD Air: 111·.,_..tn •• tecalr " C••· to,. '1 t...mtttU Nfff <JI .S.A.1 31 !"" <JI .. 51 V-400ntt Ill AWlf. ·c111111lltt ··SJShakn .. t wll,llt S Slit '*''' t1tr ,_,., 'I'" 41 httlllr•t .t .U . 3t Coln tf 55 -Jllldt 111 . ~ • Pl11 ... ·e1n1 · •ale. stMM'•ftl..., .. TV WEEK Tells ii like 1r11 ·be. acwsm_,.. OM-PllLY TUISIAY, NI. 4'11 SHOWUle • 1 • t ,.._ ' I ! • • ' . I ---. .. ~· . . ... •• Jf ~LY PILOT H .. • ·- SPEEDY PRINTING WHILE YOU WAITI * l•9al, auu ............. DirecMri ... * 11x17 Sled• ...._,..•Menu. • * NCI ,.,.,. rrint you• lowti-,.._ Progra'"" •n carbonlw lt9ck 1,. .... .t 2-3"""-S port ralnlww ail.n. * Comp.... •rt ti.pt, Mnitt. '9r .,.ur loy°"'&,...._,..,....._ * Linotype & Varflypt t.r¥ice avallablt. * Pickup & MtlYtry IW'lict. SPEEDY COPY CENTERS "PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT" 1886 HARBOR BLVD. (Comer 19th St.) Costa Mesa 645..0040 When It comes to ~:BIG BALANCES • ' ·" • .. ·. " 5% Beads are better than 4 • 5l/s%?? Penniaaddupto 5l/s% ... over 1% more than ~· -doUar1, and dollan add up to the difference between a Wilihire Federal mvings account qn.d your money would earn in. a comparable bank savings account. And, you can earn a ~ % bonus above the current annual p<U1baok rate on 36 month Certificate Accormt1 )n multiples of $1,000. • a ngula.r bank saving• account. Our current annual paubook rate of 5% is the /Ughell in the nation. for in&ured aavinga · (accounts are Wuud to $15,000 bya Fedua!agency), but u:hen your savinp remain. I or a year, d4ily comPountlint ·in.crease• the mm.inf rat.e to 1su.-iaw. ... -cnT•llSl. CU. IZllJ rm:: ta-4111 -a-Qllo9: I.MA.,.,.,.. OCM-,,__: ~ M COME IN Open your inmnd aavili11 account today. Fund. received by February 10th ea'rn from tM lit; o/Ur tM 10th from date receiwd. 0 Ft!DERAL 8AVJNGS .................. FOR YOUR FREE • PERSONAL INCOME TAX GUIDEBOOK IWUTU -ASSE:l'.S OVER 1425,000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE ,.. 315 IEott Color---~ ~c.Momla9lll» INGS • OTH9 BRANCH Ol'l'ICES --·-Qlsj ..... .. . __ ._ .. -H OAJL Y PllOT l .f:_ -· Tu~y's -.CJ~ Prices-COmplete New York Stock Exchange List ! r .. • • • JJ DAILY PILOT 'Mexico • 'To Pay -~SF Pair -::MEXICO CITY (UPI) -.'the Mexican government is ·-to pl.tY lardy Santa ;0aua to a san Franciaco ~ ple -to the tune of several jJlousand dollars. - The story. Ii the windfall '::. al least $2.IMI and perllaps rriore than $l,OOO -in~olves dldalon Oii bolh sides· of the AUanUc, a world war, and lhe dustlng off it.a law passed 70 years ago. ·The couple was identified In the officiaJ government i•oally Gazette" Tuesday as .l,dolf and Eda Bergman, originally from Germany. · In 1931, in the town or ~usen, Bavaria, they l\ougbl 1,000 pound! stuling worth of 1891 Mexican govem- ,::lqertl bonds, lbe notice said. -'!be boods were issued by 'the government of Mei:ican -dictator Porfirio Diaz to help ... _pay the country's foreign debt, .heavy at the Ume because ..pl railroad-building erpenses. But during World War II, ~beSW' by another dlclator, .:-'Ado1f IUUer, the ~ were ·-lost ID Nuremburg, G<nnlnY, !'d the Bergmans in an ap atioo to the Maican • asury depar-.t. .._ The Bergmans in the mean· 'lime moved to San Francisco. ;.. The ·treasury department ...AQ!led off a law passed in 1898 by the Diaz government, ')llowing payment w b e n -..rsbip of losl .. desUoyed . .bond! is established. Tbe .Jtga1ese notice in t!ie fine jn'lnt of the Daily Cazette was an annoqncement to t b e lJergmam they can redeem 4he bonds. It was signed by j!Ugo R. Leon, bead ol the lreisury's credit bureau. "' '!be bonds are redeemable lt their face value of 1,000 "1>ound3 ($2,IOO al current ex· ~@n.ge rates) plus five per--.cfnt interest ror the stated ·ute of the bonds, the notice "Said. • It did not give the time-span ~f the bonds, but most of tll06e issued in 1898 were for SO years. If the Bergmans '.00ndJ belooged lo lhal series, 1hey have another $6,oo6 in iDlerest coming. SC Offering 3 Courses • In Ethnics · 'LOS ANGELES (AP) sQmeday a bachelor's degree In ethnic studies will be of· fered. the University o f Southern California said 1n ad- ding three new courses in Negro and Mexican-American cultural history. 'Ille new classes a r e "Special Ethnic Studies in American Cu1ture," "History of the Mexican-American," and "Music of L a l i n America." · ,..'Ibe university also an- nounced that 14 Negro and Mexican • American students 'tPl be trained -for careen in urban and regional planning llJ)der a Ford FoundaUon grant of $139,650. The grant will be used to recruit, educate and support Uiese students during a 4 '2- yu.r program, said D r . Norman Topping, USC presi· dent. ( TUtldlJ, ftl>Nll7 4, 1969 ROME (AP) -Mora 1 n d more women in Roman Catho- lic llaly .,. laklDg blrlh - tr.I pills, b6I pbanDadlU •oY 3 at UCI Contribute Articles Lah School At UCI . Opens Soon The UCI Laboratory School is seeking five and six-year-old children for its new afternoon kindergarten program. starting early in February. The scbool, wblcb apened In November with pre11ebool classes, is locate;d at St;. Mark Presbyterian c;b!Ircb, 2 0 5 I Jamboree Road, Ne W'I! o·r l Beach. Cc><iponsored by u (I ' • School of Social -and Off10e of Educalioll, Ille 11!<- scbool a n d tiDderprten classes are used as teacher training and education research centers. LET'S BE fRIBIDLY If you have new ru!flhbora or know ot anyone movlns: to our area. please WI U1 so that we may extend a friendly welcome and help them to become acqUalnted ln their new aum:iundlnP. Huntinoton Beach Visitor 961-4149 Cosla Mesa Visitor '61-4149 So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor 494-9361 1····················~ • GRAND ~ • : OPENING ~ • •• • SPECIAL ]TAC(j9tj~~ ;,. . . ABSOLUTELY : ? FREE : • QMFF111, • Exct.antO tlll1 FREE cou"4 •1 For 1ny One of the foUowint Items If you're expecting an addition to your family and your house; too, • don't l~t us be the lastto know. A home unprovcmentloan (or any loan, ~ .1!1.rr ACOS MEAT BURRITOS : TA!'ATILLAS BEAN BURRITOS -..;·MIXl-BURGERS CHILI l BEANS • for that matter) ought to be carefully planned. And finding extra money • for adding on or remodeling is only part of a ciimplete persanal financing • service you can expect from Security Pacific Na:tio!lal Bank:. : For instance, first lhings first. - ·- I See by Todafs ' : Wiinf A~s ' e Are You a Jolnerf Then why not make a bqsi- D!SS ol it ! no. part:y ¥ moving to ~ "¢ wants to sell ·his complete we~. business. ind~ --JnLJ,!l ~-~~ ~ ment, and customer · con.. ·tacts. can today fol' de- tailed lnformaUon • job. Right down to the Jast · ten-peruiy nail And just bccauie-we're bankers doesn't mean that we won't be _looking for ways of making your improvements ·even better. There's no "s\aJldanl" home im~t loan at Security Pacific Banli:. '. . NdW.about helping you -find that extra iiioney. We'll do thatso you'll be able to build .up your.hOlne without ttii:ing down your budget. T,; ~RY OUR SPEEDY DltlYE·THRU SIRVICE , '. • Will you have to add on or remodel? •· • With that decided, we'll talk about getting a complete ~timate for the · . . That's what you can expect from Security Pacific Bank.·In ~way wi; ~· we'll help you live with yourself. And the rest of the falilily •. • 2151 Harbor BIYd. • • • • • • SECU"RITY PACIFIC BANK .. . ._ ................... 900I Ullml ... UAIY 2'i 1tff • COSTA MESA • •• ,,. ········~····~····•••r 1 I • ------- .. . . . Vell~y ED TION * ~ ...... • • 901:. 62, NO. 30, 3 S6CTIONS, 39. PA6ES , (:~l~IA-• . , . • ; . v.iew By JOll!O. VALTEllZA ., ot••1., .......... .. r Trrto 1 ~ th! impact of more thap. 150,~ -~lopo: of 1putrld-smelling crude oil anil ·natural ,gas on the surface or the Santa· Barbar• Channel as you fly aver 1D a ·sman P•· You can't · Even .. -to a marine biologist who ls ,. upert on poll~tioo of the w~ter and ohtir<Une olf Sbuthern Ca!Uol'lllfi oout, the Ollht to ~ta Barbara ,and L 5 back Mcmday afternoon b clearly a The most unreal of ill the douda shoct. Ls that 10.by·2!Hnlle lllllldge ol black Said Dr. Gilbert e ... , m a·r In e and bro.,. muct whlcb bu been boiling biology professor al UC .trviDe, 1 after up from fissures at the bottom ol a viewing the Union Oil •Company's oil · well In the Santa Barbara channel. . slick: Amid the clllller ol drilling platlorms 0 It's goil}g to be a teITib1e y~ for . the aecond farthest commandl the the ocean.,. -~ greatest · attenU~ a huge cauldron On the way up the coast .every outlet at its base incrU5es In aize u we to the sea bean a mart ·of ail1, debris approach. ind orglil\lc and chemical •waste opiJled Other aircraft are flying over. The into' the ocean. · '" : i.. --··· suratna: brown-black area amid a sea ol block bolll and -.. llpa ol ~. ' . ~ churnlll(, frothy, s t In kl n I su-.lli IUl1lnl to lhe lllrf1<e at a rate <Jf -11,000 gallons a day;. and from Ille air. the efforta to -the flow and male Ille o1lcll ·--ludlcm». • "It> iacrecllbll." Bane mnutl u ...-..... --''Loot al tbol Utile strtoc 'Cl! piutJc (loo ADI VIIW, Pap I) .• Pair C arged ·-Ill Slaying Sttspect Faces Court Hearing on Two More Crimes By ARTllUR R. VINSEL for which ID innoctnt couple WU alrtady Of !Ill .,..,. PUii Steff in custody• A hondaome hlg!i acbool dropout · The Oronge County Dlltrlct Attorney'& thought to be a lag·along on a joyride. olfl<e today llllded thole · same 11"1 that ended In a savage, throi:t..alash char1ea to an.amended compla!nt against · murder wu formally charged with two Hargrave, 1 but wJUved formal> ~ more crimes today, when be and a ralgmnenL c<><lefendant appeared tn court. Sianez' defense at11Jrney, Uayd Nocller,, ol Fountain Valley, aaJd today that the Scheduled preliminary hearings for district attorney's office wants a few · Edward R. Hargrave, 18, of 17392 Mark'1l 1 Lane, and Henry L. Sianez, zs, of 312 more days in which to prepare ts case h d against the co-defendants. • Clay St., both Huntington Beac 1 • Hargrave -who looks more like an dresses, were continued until Friday. honor student than a' HunUpgton Beach Judge Hannon G. Scoville ordered the ed pair returned to Division Flve, West High School dropout -is represent Orange County Judicial Court. at IO so far by the public defender's office. a.m., with both remaining held without Huntington Beach police bave·decllned ball in the homicide case. to discuss ln detail bow the cue.againn Eacb is charged with one count of Sianez and ffarlrave Is being built. murder in connection with the Jan. 5 Tbe general theory, however, is Uiat N.Y. -nNClftS STILL BUBBLING OFF·SANTA IARIARA . 'A Terrible Ye1r for tht Ocun' slaying of Mn:. Hester s. Markee. 55. they Role a car belmgin& tO Mias of ,lD OliYe AVe-t Huntington Beach. Margareta Dinaer, 31, of. 2IO:I Dela1Jare ,.. , , appa"1111y ...... a fender-bmcler' auto· St., HUl\llDtl!ll Beacll Cll :lund&y; ..... . 'Off .. . •. • .••. I 'na1.:. .. :.ai •• . craah. , . , . ~. for a Joyrlile. . 8a0l'e ---•g , _, I ' ,: Sianez wu ~ iformally ~pd, _Drlv1ng· •down 17th Street from the -g .. _25 .., \ 1 1 , • , ·-· . ,_ =. w:i ~~1ii:r 'ts~,, r~ .. ~ .... , f,?lV.:"JtllS· 1,,' ·r.p· ''•'·I:.·' £1}'.:z ·~1"..'."'' -I:' arrest in conne&tian wtth • ~-,.·•~Ji(lbt ~-fnm. • ts1P·~~ :tbe , · .,. ~ · · . llSffJ-<V-1 ~~ ~ ' ,. ~~!l . ) ~--1 ·'!,1' ., !~" ...... · •' ! ' , J• . , NIL·Y PIUf ..... , ...... . ' '~Ii MURDEi SUSPE~:.FACE' JU.Dali ... 'tliir..Y .L. Slanh (left), E&ord R. H'l.rir•vo 1 .. -· . . . - ' ~unty Homeowners to Get . . • $70 Property Tax Refund 'Jr yo\i•re a homeowner and )'DU've crimed your houae since last March - oiiille: you've got l'10 coming your way. 'Nez! Mooc!lY Oronge COwlty' Aaaeuor Ahdrew J. Hinshaw's office wW start alaillng forms to homeowners so they can seek 'f70 tax...relief under provisions et:' ProPosit1on lA. approved by voters Iii Novetllber. ··1'rore ithan 5001000 forms will be~ mailed w county property owners by Hin.shaw's rflC<l\lly expanded Staff. He expects cl&ima for about It& mUUoo In rclunds. ~Forms wm cover both the f10 refund to be received this year aDd ID ap- ~ation for the !150· oo their pniperty Weamentln1969. "'nit~ fill e:1empllons are an on-going 1*ooram. _. wiU rue lhl.s form W -xe• much lil:e the veterans' u -anJlllo!>.-HIMbaW eiplained; "If the hbmeofter bu ·not rectlved a cla!Jn form bj> llari:h I he should cpntact • • • STATE MOTORISTS ' . l . GET 'YA.LENTINE' . ~ .... ,~~-... SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald ~an Monday gave a Valentine pres· dt to C.llfornia'1 ablent-mlnded motor· Illa. I . Tile Governor extended the cleadllne =. ~ re atim d. motor vehicles from toolgh! to .5 p.m. Feb. 14 - • altollne'• J>al. Reqan.ald the It.II)' -WU aimed at 11'111& "penonl afleded "r re-dnl f1oocl __ .. addlttooal -to ,...,..., ,their fel}Jtration. But the acllon ajlo 11-all olhlr -.is who fall •to ....... before mldnJ&lll • aecond •Chance te cfo\IO, ' . ' • • -, ' my office immediately.'' · Forms must be malled to Himbaw's ollice by April 15 or the bomeowner may lose hill rebatement on the 1161 taxes or his exemption on the 198'9 assessment roll. Hinshaw'a staff will certify a list ot qualified homeowners and send them to the state contrQller by June 15. The controller wW l.S!ue checks and mall them to the homeowners. Hinshaw· said all rclunda shook! be paid by August. "In general, a homeowner qualifies for the flO tax refund if the dwelling wherein be resided on March 1, IMI, was hil principal place of residence and provided veterans ezemption wu not previoutly allowed on the residence," Hinshaw o:plained. "A principal place ol residence is dtfin· ed in law as a (1) home er duplex . but not· a triplex or larger, (l) con- ;wminlum, (l) hqoseboat, (4) mobile :Jiome not t1cenJed by the state and (!) a dwclllng being purchased uncl<r a contraet ol Ille. Hinshaw also warned that the ex- emption doa not apply to property Q)at 'fas renled , vacant or under construcUon and not ytit occupied on the tax lien date which Wal Ml?Cb 1. It also doea: not apply to ' a lleenaed mobile home " a vacaUon or Meondary home. •The assell!OI' aid that owners of ~ pOrty rece!vlnl pubUc aalatance do not qilalify exoopl f0< -receiving 11$81staooe W1der lhe SenfjJr aUzeM Tu Abiatanc:e Ln. . Th• -· -ezpectl to IP' about 1111,000 "' tu refund ap-and 2!0,!00 cWma f o r txtmptlon. Hlubaw llid be was forced to hire 11 permanent new staff members to bllldle the work load and another 41 pOrt lime worllen ..,ut join tho Ila!/ March I jUll to procus the clalml. I F ......... ·me -ear -no malfAir . ' Sunset Annex ~ .. ~i·-~.a1~'! ~ or was forced to the curb IJ)d sJaig in a dispute· over the colli!ion, in- F• h B • vestlgators think. Jg t reWJD fl . The Din1er auto was found a~oned • • --,, In an olUleld area eight blocks awa,y, containing · blood ... ears and paint B tw -c·ti· scrapes from Mn:. Markee and her car, e een I es found on 17th Street near Olive Avenue. , She lay .ll:r'awled in the &lire of itl A tight over annexation of Sumet · Beach Is developing betw;,.. HuDttnaton Beach and Seal Beach following adlons taken by both city councils Monday night Huntington Beach couoclbnen directed the city ~k to !lroceed with filln& annexaUon papers on the Sunset ·Beach area. It waa also decided to ask the Orange County Planning Cmnmission to:ne final action on proposed dev ti of a mile of Pacific Electric gb( of way lo the heart ci &atet Beach unUl the onnexaU.. proposal It determined. At the same time, the Seal Beach City Council received a petition from 23 Individuals In SUn&et Beach aaldng that Seal Beach annei the area. Council members referred the pe1tilon to Wednesday's meeting of lhe Seal Beach Planning CoomiLsaion. 'Ille planning com- miuion will make a recommmdaUon on what coono ol action to follow. The county's-. Local Agency Formation Commisalon bu the responsibllity of ac- ting on the anDeDtion propoall by each city. If both Huntington Beach and Seal Beach desire to annex Sun.set Beach1 the LAFC will have to decide if one or ·both may bold anneution elecUons in the Sunset Belch area. BucJget headllgbl.s wbere she !ell after ataggerlng about, spraying blood from an almost ear-to-ear wound. Courtroom observers would have pick- ed Sianez and· Hargrave last out of ·five young prilonen who marched into the dock today, after footstepe on con- crete stairs adnoubced their. arrtTal • Hargrave was virtually eipressionleu, dressed in a neat 1suit and with hi1 family sitting lllelltly In the nearly empty courtroom. Sianez' mother and father sat behind the other family, looking careworn. -shortly before court convened, Sianez' dark-haired wile arrived with her mother, leading the couple's infant aon and carrying a baby botue to dlatract him. Once during the brief proceeding, Sianez waved to the woman and baby wlUt a sinall gesture, a·I m o s t like a child onstage durln1 a Chriatmu pageant when he sees hiJ family. 'Chances are good that Sianez and Hargrave will be bound over to Orante County Superior Court at t b e fr s>;reliminary hwinl Friday, unless · another delay should be gran~. They had been acbeduled to e.ppear before. Judge Wa1ter Chararma, who ar- rainged Miss Dinger and ·ber boyfriend,. Newport Beach aerospace engineer (See SLAYING, p ... I) on TV Reagqn t.o Report Tonight SACllAMENTOiAP) -Gov. Boa&an goes on prime-time teleylllon tonight fO< lhe premier of hll lllf.70 budget. The govemcr will appear with Finance NEW YOl\lt CAI') -The ~m closed today od a rather · · 1 ' 1 in active tn41ns. (See quota~ " lG-11). . ~ goveritor to explain to the p8ople the budiety wblch U: a: very COft!.pllcat.eCI· thlflg," aakl ·paul Beck, Reagan'a prtM !'""etary . ' .. .. S ....... A. BARBARA . (UPI) -.;.hore Calilomla Department of Fllih and'Gaiiie "''·' rted · 129 b""" · ba~ 'beell thcialit winds · pw1hed. a 20-aquare-mlle oil aUck f i1tatment ceAt;1 with · tlieir ·featbift closer to this coastal illy today, bringing fouled by oil, since Ille ~ it wlthin two miles of the beach. crude biJbbled up froril an ~·•Gil ~.e offshore drillin& ,0per11U~, J V(ell .a ,w~':C,G1~)'·, • 1• ·~;J.t ~' halted Monday at the requat,of lnterlOr Of the 129 birds, 71 were dead.• died Secretary Willer J. ·Hickel~ were ruum-following !reatriient tO r<lilbve lho ·ao.. ett· after federal expert.I checked opera-Some conserva~onllts, however, clef~. u..at prooeollm ond ·~olennlned ~ lhouaands ·of • pills and -**' wore· within safe,liJDils •. ,:,. : '· lllrdl'bad•diedlrpm·lhe·lhic!<·oll.. · .... Hl<kel called the.halt 1aft.t •an.aerlal1 .'Hlci!!-_;~ by. ~·GI lnapecUon oLlhe:crude:nll sllok. terming bell1f .-~-oil~·~ the poDuUon "Tnore severe than I an-· 8J two-110!.ll'. -.er)al .survei OJ: ,u,e "illc;t ' Ucipated.'~ · . Monday and r;net. wlt.h. ;oil ~PPJ .. Humble Oil Co., largest leaseholder . rer,reaentativa. ~en be11nDounced. 1 In the Santa Barbara _chaM•~ waa 1lven ' tedt ~ ~,.!'I' alllhe~ ---tt.!': tHe go-ahead to conunue Us .operations on er ._,. on r:--~ , .., .. after a review of il.s methods by techni-shelf· In Santa Bar~•·.Chanlld an bihii. al •· d •-·led by the Interior temporarily placed In a -by ""1-c ~-u_ ~· , . Department. . . Meanwhlt. crewa labored oo plal!orm . Phllllpa Petroleum Co1 waa Biven A of the, ·uD!on Oll Co of Calllria . pennlsalon to resume drilling after mat· •-,,1 1.~ Tb ·n and • .._1' Ing several minor technical •clwigea set · to · ..... .,. "'"' •, 0 . ,....., •. forth by a United statea geological gaa ;hu· -ped at ·thek. nt. ~._Sl,1!1111 . 1urvey team · · ' gallons·• df.Y 191"·• ~ .1 Southwell ;.Ind& blowing oU the ocean . pl~~-~· ~~11':%!1·"; toward land were expected to lncruae bad '1e8wl to · tap at the --acfio · to belweeo e!iht ond 11· tnola ·1iy_ al-· of sUt. Cruz taland ri.. cil!ibon ~ · terooon ond up to Jll'lmotl .Wedneaday, · lorm'the Santa eari,.;. 'Ctianne! liiider endangerlllg 40 rntlea of be-· which lie the rich oil leues ffA' ·wlilch The Coast Guard reported MOl)~ay riCor<J htdl were r<c<lviil ·at a -fiifiril I night )!lat an aer!al ~ &bowed .. th• wctioo last . . • .• norlhWeal edg_, of lhemAln·~cei:-U..' IA .apok~[or•tbe ' ....:J,ati<llf&I hal drilled sllibliy·towmt Santa bar•· Sierra ·Club ,1114 a·~ ·<1 ~ on and ts.,. approx~teJy two ~ 11 e 1 Anacaj>a was avoiding the' oil by teepJnc offshore. , . . .• ' ·, to hlCh mund but he warned lllll!J During the .past lwo days, off~. '(Seil 'Si:Jcit'N~ BltACll{.PlfO II · winds had kept the slick away ft'om 1 1 • • , • , land and ' tM . shift ·in . the wtocl WIS ' . I re1arde U a esirOUI setback in \he o· lf'a-.d battle to save .wildlife ·and beaches from;;-· • rllJll.ge, ' ~- pollution. 1 i • 1 At Jeast. aeven miJM, .of coutllne airea4Y were cootanilnalecl ,with allght , amounta ol ot~ · Moaclay · night, · the • .. ' r • ' I ,..., • ' ... '( . ... ---·---· .......... _ ... -. . ~ ;.~~T4PRl..YS .QflMICALS ON WATER IN iPPORT TO CONTROL POLLUTJON···- lat; n Soon 11 Tendtr -On, Sire ak1 of CINr Waler Fill With Crudo Oil · .. • 'l'r.e• r.,e 1 AIR VIEW .••• . ... Ill -... al lbt; lllct. ,,,.,... ....... """""'-.. la tliq ··-""'..... . . ., ' ... -Jt out at-.ee.adm.!' Hota Page 1 SUCK NEARS BEACH ••• ~ .. """1d die wbioQ they "'"'"""' IDio !be pollufad lea · 1or food. · • slick. Tendef, bolli ! """"' lire lllf111DC · ·-· "' chem!Nlo Ill lbe ~. Hickel, Jp ............ !be tenw'--11-1 111_.ioo cl drll!lq, 1U1 '"!!Ila pro- cedure will lllord I -llllac iplll unW ll'CID be-.mloee! wbetl\eo corncllve 'Hlckel, In a news CCll!erence Moodly before be t1... blclc to Wllllblgtoo, plao- ed !be bfll:no !or !be leali on ieclerol r.gulallons under WhJcb ollsbore drllUni Is conducted.. . " . ' bat ........ qlbeJr. woke -·lllo 1lnll: al d ... -!ell behlad ilui up qela wt1ll crude~;· Wlada pub Ute -doll, lel'lllll ..... -ol ci"'! -thli blia: .. . . -100. ~ -·~ -. •• ~ "Loolr'll._ ... -bids down. tllier<. Some of them are already dead. See them floating • • • there'• cne . . . another,'' he says. BAD ENOUGH After five pasaes over the tower and lls ourging oil leak ...... bad .....,.. We ask to be flown om the coutllne on the way back. A iew mlaulu lllet, alooC lbt pntly points -with houses .1111 ru1 damage from Ute growlat all~ ,Ii evi· dent. •· On one polnt north of Rincon Jt least 50 persons are wadin.1 in .the oil stained water and workfnl on tbe beach trying In vain to save the birds. More dead birds Ooal on the water and KOreS more nim into the black doudl ar rest on noatlai debris. · ''They're Ute atlentiO. 1etters • • • the birds," Bane relates. •"I1lefe are going lo be so maey of ·!hem killed by this." "Looi: at that oil cllnalnl to the kolp • • ~ thole llt1le bleck • splotdleo down there." POUAJllON llONTINUES As w. boo4 farlber -. lnMlllil VO!> ..... lbt blaclt puddles ~. but tho pol1llllon show will not end lllllil w. JIOll tJi:e Slnls Ano River mouth above Newport Beech. Off TorTano<, Bane points to another oil slick, sUuklng out to -and onto shore from three tankers llllloldlag lbelr cargo near a tank · field. The amudge js about a mile long. Farther south, Bane stares at huge red atru.ks In the water, and after a few more minutes saysil "Just what J predicted. It's red tide. A the nutrients and organlc waste that are coming into the ocean from the storm runoil are feedlng the pl_,.kton that make those red clouds." '!be red llreaks perll!t from Long Bu.cb south to the HunUngton Beach pier. DAiii PllOl .. Olt.4NGI ((lilt.ST f'Ul'-lloHINO Ccw.tt~Jt't 1.r.e1f N. Wee4 Ptnldt"I ..... l'llllllWr J•ck R, C•tl:r · Yiu ""ldtl\t •llCI Cit'-"''"'""' Th•"'•• ,,,.;1 .... Tho11111 A. u,,,.i111 /Mfl9.... lflfw A~ert W. 1111, Willi•• •••' ,u_,..,, HllM ...... tMdl fdl!Or Clly ',;ts " ............ °""' ltt ltt. , ..... . M.ih11t AiU11n: r.o. ••• no. t2'41 --"""'C!.~r;.~.:r .:::W-· l · meuures are Dtcellll')'.tl. He · llld the volunlar7 11111 would continue until Ute criala la reevaluated.and reuaeued. ColllervaUoo IJ'OUPS had demanded Hickel Ofder a permanent atop to all tJdelands oil eJploltaUon because of the He aid the oll companies 1tere "f0Uow- ing federal "IUlaUans. -I .,. needed are new regulaUona:.''~lOctel·hal ordered the U.S. geological aurvey lo' reevaluate its olfshore dril1Jng.:,ollcle1 Ud regula· tJons which were deVIMd ~1~ 1go. ... .. . ' Nixon Talks With LBJ Over Mideast Stragegy WASHINGTON (UPI) -· '!be White H~ Aid today Pmldent llll<on had conferred with former Ptt:sidtnt Lyndon , ' B. Johnson on the smoldering Middle East crisis and was preparing to .. make some decisions" on U.S. strategy to defuse the situation. With Nixon ready lo go along •with a French proposal for Big Four Mideast t.alk!I wltbln the United Nations, the Prealdent talked wllh Johnson by telephone for about 15 minutet Monday evening to discun the latest develo~ menta. N!J<on had cnnferred wllh former Presl· dent Dwight D. Eisenhower on the sUua· lion Sunday at Walter Reed Hospital. Prw Secr<llry Ronald Zlqler llid the Middle Eu! crilla wu lbe "llrlorUy item" today II Nixon confmtcf llain wlth hlJ National Seclally Coondi. ''The Prealdent will make eome dedaio., on the Middle Eu! foll""1ng today's meeting," Ziegler said. "'These declslons will become apparent over the next few days." Nixon will have an opportunity to 1pel1 out his admlnlstratJon11 posiUon cn the Arab-IsraeJI troubles when be bolds his second presidenllal news conference on Thursday. Ziegler sald the President will &Ive both Johnson and Eisenhower weekly briefings on foreign policy developments, either by telephone, written reporb or per1101181 briefings by st.all members. Ntxon'a sesaion today with his top diplomatic, military and lntel.licenct ad. Vitera wu the fifth alnce be took office, and the aecoad in four days dealing 2 Youths Plead Guilty to Thefts Two youths arrested by Huntington Beach police followtng a aeries of breaklns in that city have pleaded gullty in Superior Court to burglary charges. Sentuced to sit: months each ln Orange Counly jail ...,. Josef Dl!en\a, 18, and Joel Edwin Wood, 19, both of Garden Grove. Judie Robert Gardner also placed the _pair oa five years probatJon. Officers omsted 1be yoothJ 1ut Aug. I sbortl7 after Ibey bron into 1111' Male Box, IJ91 Mela Sl Polle liter ""°"ered llolm ~ •alned at $1,IOO from tbemeo'a~Lo Allo ncovered 1t the apartment were """"'ad "1podor.nlc needles llktn chJr. lq 111o burgllry cl lhe office ol Dr. llbl>ert Kri>JP, 17'18 Bucb Blvd. l'rean Page l SLAYING ••• Nom1111 R. Coatney Jan. l !or the lilrtte murder. -Juty lr!als bav1 been lhlft.d to Judga Charamu'a Dlvi>lon Tbree <OW1room in lllt lnterilll, however, a 1111<m to be In elfect for lbroe moolhl. Mill Dinger and Coatney-. onuf<d due to coolUdJq llorleo on tbe UH ol the woman'• car ln UM: Martel mttr"der, bot were cleared when a. cilb- . drlver implicated SlantJ and Hargrave., . f: ' . " • w1th· tfiil wait. Jn Paris, W~ diplomatic source11 ,N#f ·~ 'PIJ!ide:n\ Nl:lon will arrive 1n·Pirts1early In March for talks with Presldeht Charltll de Gaulle. fl'hey saJd it could be as early as March J. The visit to Paria will be Nixon's first .stop on his forthccimlng tour of Elll'Ope, according to g o v e r n m e n t sources. The diplomatic sourcea s a l d French diPlomacy may play a more actlve role toward seWement of the Vietnam war followln1 the talks between the Amerlc.an and French presidenta. Bids on School f.onstruction Coming Tonight Twelve bids for coru;trucUon on the John F. Land, Jr., School will be preiented to the Westminster School Di!trlct Board of Trustees tonight. Selection of a principal for the school will also be considered by trustees at their 7:30 p.m. meeUng. The school ls named after the district's suptrlntendent who is entering his 14th year in that post. . Land said today he ls especially proud of the school becauu the. low bid ls $69,000 under the state estimate !or con· strucUon costs. "In fact." Lind Aid, "ti.even of the 11 blds were under the state'1 f71t,OOO mark." The Jolin F. Land, Jr., School will be lhe first lldlool built by lbe distrld in the pul two years. "We"ve pretty well kept up with the population boom," Land said. Joseph W. Reed Services Slated Funeral servlcts are acheduled for II a.m. Wednuday at !be Biby Ind Belyea Mortuary In South Gate 10< J.,.pb W. Reel!. lather o1 DAILY PILOT City Editor William Reed. Mr. Ried l!led Monday at the qa ol IO<lollowlq I ~ lillMa. A rul· dent ol Soulh Gale -1941, be WU a relfred 'efecb-lcal contrador. FiMI. rites wm be followed by In- terment at Rose Hills Me.morial Park in WhltLier. 100 Indian Mourners Swept From Train MADRAS, India (UPI) -About 100 tDdians en route to the funeral ol a Mollru po!IUcaI leader wsre lftpl from lheJr percbes atop on upreu trela to- ~ lbe low lwlalnl glnlen ol I ~ IWhray~icllla sold n .,.... k1llod and ilO were urlously Injured. " '. ------ 'In_ Taxpayers' Behalf' ·.Board Explains R~jection ·of 'Hiroshima'· llJ 'fOM 1BARLEY ...... ._... ""...,. "Hlroablma'' wam't bl.Med, it Just wasn't bought. And the boqk was deleted from a llsl ol .aeboo! Ubrary purdlaJel on grounds $If economy ·alone, not because . ol tho Oraqe County Board ol Educ• t.ioo'1 poUUcaJ bellers. That is the staace today of the school board, raced with mounUng fallout rrom the ti1:ploaion tbat followed ill baITl.ng ot Pulitzer Prize.winning author Jcm Herse,'a. work from a school library. , Both Dr. Dale ·-· the Irustee who acted o:n the moUon to ban "lliroablma" ad ·board Pr<sldent Clay Mitd>eU of South Laauna ln8llted Tu.,. day ll!ght Iha\ the• r'ullng WU in the tupayen' Interest& . 8,\ VE FUNDS ••we have a duty to save these precious funds wherever possible," Dr. RaIUson said. "It is unfair to state that l Wa.!1 motivated by any desire other than . to Cit · the costs entailed in this order of. book•." Dr. ~llison saved the school board nearly $15 when he sluhed "Hiroshima," "Sllmund Freud" and two technical books from the list. The entire list included 58i books valued at nearly 13,000, Dr. Rallison, a member of the John Birch SOclety, was asked if his pollttcal bellel1, or those of any other member of the board played any part in the decision. He was also asked If there wu any. dilcual.oo along thole lines during the recent meeting at which the action ~as ·taken. uNo," .he said. 11>.s J've told you, it wu my duty to carefµlly u:amine the ll!l ol books placed before us. Quite orten, it turns out that some books are not suitable fof our purpoaes and are nqt ell'.a<:\IY. a eared to the reading requirementi Of scbool studenL!J. "This was the case with 'Hiroshima,' " he said. NO POLITICS "Let me point out,'• Dr. Rallison went an, "that I have prrsonally sanction~ many books that are contrary to my polllfcal beliefs. I don't lh1nt that our action on 'Hiroshima' can be construed as having any political bearing. "We are perfectly willing to discuss the merits or any book that members of tbe public may care to donate to us," the Santa ~a dentist aaid. "J made that clear to Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner in a letter that followed his attack on our bo&rd." The . juvenile court judge last week accused the board or cutting Hirolfilma from the ll!irm Usl !or polilicll ...,.ns. 111'be· reason for the removal &lvea me more awrehen&i.on that the removal Itself," he said. D~ED LE'ITER Jud&• Sumner dismisted Ra.lll&on'1 Ier ter MOoday as beJnc "a letter to which J don't· intend lo reply . "There ls no change from my earlier thinking and the lllnce I assumed at that time/' be said. "This offer of Dr. RaUiJon'a (for Judge Sumner to donate 'Hiroshima' to the Ubrary) is, to my wa.y of 'thinking, beside (he point," the jurist said. "Dr. Rallison '& explanation doesn't answer my earlier statement that the poliUcll belie/1 held by the lnl!ie" led to tbelr decillon. POINT OF VIEW "Wbat horrifies me about t b l 1 bualnea," went on Judge Sumner, .. la tbat tbty' can 't He my Point ol view. Here these peopJ.e are, reaponslble ror lb• reading ,,-ol our young pe0ple and they feel that a book llke Hiroshima should not be made available to them." Mitchell, 1pparenUy a liWe surprised at the news ol Dr. Ralilson's letter, quickly raJ,lied W the denti!t'1 defense Tuesday nJ&hl. "No one hu worked harder on the board than Dr. Rallison," he said. "And I support his action u\ this maUer Ill the way." * * * * * * Author of 'Hiroshima' T likes Issue . With f ,ounty ' . By IEROME F. COLLINS Of Ille Dill, l'lf•I Still "Nothing that can be said about this book con tq1'al what the book has to say. It ipealcs for it.self,. and, in an unforgettable way, /or human· ity.,, -New York Times,' 1946 The autbor ·Cl "Hlrolhiml" took quiet Issue todl,y with' !be Orll!I• County lloald ol Educatilll lar hannlng the book from lbe shelvea,ol a~ scbool ll· ~ Heney, lrCln hlJ home in New Biven, eoon., wu not irate. He aeemed more perplezed cner &be boll'd'• o:- pre.ssed views on the account of the 1"5 bombing of the Japeneae city. He told the DAILY PILOT In a tele- phone lntervi~w: • "My book makes no argument on the rightness or the wrongness of dropping lhe bomb. It simply tells lhe atory ol some of the peop~ on whom the bomb was dropped. "But apart from ~ fact that l wrote 'Hiroshima,' it always bu been my view Iha! C<llSO<shJp CID only lead to Jgnor. ance and unlntelllgent action.'' The Pulllser Prlle wlnnlq wrller ("A Bell for Adano"), the father d five, said young people should be allowed to "learn au Uiey can about what bu happened" from every aide of an laaue. · "I wOuld' be, for inltance, llD' In favor or schools havJ, 1books giving argu · ments pro ancf f.?ri on the dropping of the bomb. But! it doesn't seem lo me Iha! taking awjy a ·book Iha! tells what happens, when the bomb ts dropped, has any etrect except to keep our children ignorant about the dangers of atomic warfare." . He WU ad~ Iha! Dr. Dale JWlllila, I couDly truitee and Jolin 1!lrdl Soc1llY, member, had orguod qalnsl lllo boot beca•IM It bu pV<JI support to bin Ibo bomb movements.. "We have clemon9tn· lions by Peacenilai," Dr. RaWaon Aid, "becan1e we have allowed so much ma· tertal; ol~ kind in our libraries." H~ response: "I'll that the motlvaUon behind the ~~b movement.a would be thert w'liether my book pjsted or not. The ,reason is that a lot of people have com' to realize Iha! the use ol nuclear weapons can lead to victory for no C11e and ·poaalbly lo the end ol clvilizlUon as we~ .. 'r" ' ~ tall, soft.apoken author added: "I would lllce to point out Iha! lince lhe publ!qaUon ol my book in 1918, weapooa have been tesfad that are 1,700 tlmeo u powerful u !be bomb that destroyed •HJrooblmL "So mJ ~. in a way, doem't tf'trl . begin to tell UI bow Unproos llomlc warfare t&... ' I $. 80 OFF The fabulous Golden TOUCH & SEW """' sewing machine by Singer In l'Copenhegen" desk. "II• Pflcl Save now on thlo lamouo Touoh A Sow zJg.ag NW!ng maclllne with lho exclllllvo Slnow" pua!M>utton bobbin that Don't lv ,1it. win do lnold• tho machine. Hu 1 buUMn butionholorthlt malt• perfect br.rttonhol11 eaally. Two SINGER' vacuums Slnger canlater cl'eans high, low and hord-to-get .. t p)aces. Comes with five •cceuorles for all clean· Ing jobs. AND . Sln~or ullllm!l hU lriplo acllon vibrator tOdeip clean, .W1ep and alr-wuh Cllpeto and rugs; Getlhe•t. fASHlilll:.~=~ '88 BY SINGER. WITH CASE. ON I ~y Heavy-duty machine wllh built-In Ii. fashion• disc forblinds!Jtchlng and sas overt1stlng. Dams, mends, mono- grams. Sews buttons and buttonholes. ( .._,;_,._.,,_,_.,_,91NCIR ... /t •.t.11:01flf tuva ftl1 a..M~ ""'" --..- ' SINGER ............. _,.. .............. lleill: ... _CI09M'r. ' , Cllff&'MIU .. 14-rW IM'f'd Kl •lits _._ .. IAMTA Alf.A -*•·""'"· •. ""' ,. I \ -. • Laguna Bea eh. EDITI O N . . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA voi:. 62, NO. 30, 3 SECTIONS, 38_ PAGES . . . • V'iew From A-hove Slick: Bad Y·ear By JOHN L VALTERZA Df'• a.ltr , ........ ' Try lo mill the Impact ol more than 150,000 aallom ol putrid-smelling crude ,oil and 111tural au on the surface of the Santa Batbara Channel as you Oy over .in • small.plane. You. can't. Even io· a marine biologi1t who is an ' ~ on polluUon of the water and abortllne off Southern Calilomia's coast. the lllgbt lo Santa Barbara and back lliooday lflenloon ii clearly a sbnck. Said Dr. Gilbert Bane, mart n e biolOIY prolesaor "ii UC lrYlne, all6 viewing the Unlm Oil Company's oil slick: "It's 1oln1 to be a tenible year ror the ocean." , On the WIJ up the cout every ouUet to the sea 'bean a mart ol aUt. debris and or1anlc and chemical wuto ljlilJed intotbe ~ The most UJU'UI ol all the cloud• ii that 10.by-llHnile smudie ol blaclc and brown muck which bu been boiling up from liaures al the battom ol a well in the Santa Barbara channel Amid the cluat.r of drllllill platlcrm.s lhe second f-commands the greatest attention as a huge cauldron at It.a: base increases In a1ze u we approach. Other aircraft are Oylng over. The surgtna brown-black am Amid a eea New > Library Site' Urged Planners Hear Recommetidation for 3rd Street The ntw Laguna Beach li)lrary lboulil be built on the county pipe yard on Tlifrd Slreet. , That Was Ute rtcommendation given Monday nigbt by lbe • Laguna Beach Plalll\ln& Commiuioo.I<> the City CounclL The planners' rf:COlDDlendation came lollowiJlg lengthy teatimooy froin dllzens ·;.Jlll!ll'llng and opposng relocaUcin ·ol lhe Ubiary. ' ' . In adyfsing the council of their oPinion, cjmmiptCJlieB -turned to the Daniel, ·~ 'Jobnliin & Mendellh&li (DMJM} ieiiort oa'llbrary l<icjtioo f« support.- "I think we have to · look w13, in lhe fulure on .lhil lhlng, and I lbink that Is what DMJM ·dJd,'' Commlaioner Freel" Brin• said. · · "I can1 -plelcly Ignore the DMJM report od lhls lhlng," Brlga Aid. He· said lhert bad been loo much delay in aelectlon ol a llbrary sl1e alreaoly. COmmluloner Joseph Tolnchak uid: "The ~ just eompounda it.elf. I've changed my mind lhree tlmea to- day." Tumcbak. · said -IDY. decial.OD OD the library lilt wldcb·ilu bolled down lo a move-or-not-to:move-it queaUon would be I "51-49 proposition." Actual commission vote found Com· missioners Howard Holden, tomchak, and Brin• voling In favor of locating iht Library al the pipe yard . Com- missioner Charles Johnson abitalned from voting due. to a pou.lble eoft!llct of interest. Commissioner RobertFrencb was absent . The motion to ~end Ute ,pipe yard 1lle was made by Hokten. "I ddn't feel thal wbat may be Ille ceolnl lilt " now will be town center In the future," he said. Holden noted county projections of populaUoo lncrea11u which Indicate that withln five to ten yean 45-50,000 ~le James Dilley, president of the CiU- Town PWining Aaaoclailon (Cl'PAl vow- ed lo continue ~ and relocation o! the county branch library. "We'D,ketp )lgbUng. We don't intend to let lhis deter us," Dilley ~ following the e<1mmfaslon decision. A repotl by llill•Y 10 lhe c0mmlss19f1 stated the central 1Ubrary lite 1 would serve lbe most at the lowest Coat. llriMde ~s:v accw: and accept the central. basin. -1 , j • ~ 2D .. d 'H" ear~· 'Hopeless From Start' c!gT: In=~~:!!~=::!'· I_ ,..: sri LL ~.;;~.;:~.;~.~FF SANT~"~:-::A:·" ---~ --'-. · , · Anthony Dem:etriades, a~iated with 'A iTtrilble' Year for th• Ocean' ''.:t ·----· _____ ., ___ ,,....._ -··ttte-·P'rierKlrlJt-t!Je'··tJ~-------.---.. -. --'-·:-... ·-··-·---------- .On Hotel Zone T-r~tees at Saddlebac-h· i;,°!c:-:~.~ Q~_hih .. J"!!nr1~i1ng ~~~·.-"; " :· ' ' • !.J, \ ~ . :" 4 ·• , Ptber' ipeaken . 1 .... 11Jllt,~ -I · Delayed ~a~:n .. _ D. · ,_~rnn~ed on· Rund t oss:r ·in~~~-~.!~ : :Jfi~·lf!~•~li ~llil'"s.ilf:h,\ ·, .~LlllWIJ5"'1JUJ(IJ·~ ,1~ .. -'t '.l . ' ~ i.pna. . • ., ; ' . 1'~ ·.,I) ;l .... I :it•-" r' Jl 1r.U,'lt4 • Mmlla1 «•'' a1i tbi'_,~ 'flDUC '"'"' · •.. ' • -Vernon~: '"lbe . , ; i: .1 : ·, • ·1 · '·'' ·1 ' heallq .. ti!; dty'• polJpooed -1y,19CJllAI itMIL1QI" .. he _, .. b1 what -of baaln "ii .. .man lhal .•• . E' . c1 :.... , , c· ' . . ' .. ' ' , .. ( m"Jlll -'9llt u6til Feb.' IT alltr, -.---: "C.'li':e-tn":'.'oei. llooday . ~lmql~ ~=~~.d!i ~~t!..t.? be wilhln II*! ' ' ven wser-to· oa.st . ' .Plalmlt Al ~utry llld Juguage chanps night., tokl •dlninllJnlon they were . money. . -Clifford Cave,' librarian: "Regarding . . i ' ' i • and tdj.ttng ·of, the measure were un-· dllmlyed tq learn Uleb'I •.ooo ,federaJ Trustee Lou Zitnik .said he nDta the the • DMJM report, there wu no· con-· ' · 1 Dnlllw,I. ' • ald !ppllcattoo_ was llopelau .from lbe admlnislration lo lnvesilgalt Whether all sultaUon wilb professional • llbrarlaM. SANTA BARBARA (UPl),-,Ulllhore ~oqday · and met .wilb · cill · ~ .-o:mnilssiclnen .. nstined to Harry 1~ . lime appllclUons are doomed to failure. U Thls to me ii incredJble. Jt_ lgribres ..._ed ..... ·-n-.,,11 lltk repreSefilAUves'.th'enbe '•.i ..... ~! :1 i -·"·'· ·~ ·~· -·· be! the . B<fon.we ·~any""'" .put. ~ district does have • chance, he lhe effect ol mtion·upoo ilrvlce." .. lnds'poBn ··~11qu ..... n=·w •• ...,. ..... ~ ;;;;.; w'C .,;;fu.;;r.-"· °" ting ""'. ~ ou\ lo have It• alallPed wanla Odmlniltratan lo begin making -Mrs. Htlen Ketlty, former Loguna clooer lo lhis coasllll city today, brlnglng · "~t my-reque.ot,a)I ilri!J!iic:~ Wlllltl, a hotel owner, said 1 provision ~let• be ~ tbe ~ meets plans now. to pt .~ neit appUcaUon Beach vice mayor: "Jn 196Z we found it within two miles of the beach. on federal ltNel on the outer coqtioe(l"1 a; the1al'JIOl'il law wiiuld increase side 11mplt tlfslbllilY roqulnmoo!I, 'pumbl-In on time. · lbe library I<> 'be compleltly inadequate. Some · offshore drUUng , o~.'!", shelf In Santa Barbara cbamlel .. lieloC yard reQ1.Jlrer&ents fof 'botels if coffee ed Ham VCJltl. "There are other inaututlonl that get Naw' here tt: ia :HVen yean: later and halted Monday at the request of Interior tempOraril)' plactd hi ·a· atindbY :. hotplate -flCilltlis were included in the "I cin't ·uy rm .~)Y. DTY milllon1 of doDari ,'' hi said. "We' 1bould nothing hu been.done " , ti .~ • · ·• ,' t • • : • fOOID4. Ke 'Aid people have . come to to _tee It turned. down,"' said Board work out a IChedult." About SO peraon1 att~nded the meeting. Secretary Walter J. Hi~, V(ef~ i'eslbn· ~~ariWhlle, creWs"tab6red oil J..1 .. 14j_; cpeetlbeinJo.lhetooms. • ~ Mlcbiltl Colllnl, whoowilh ed alter federal experts checked npera-~·· ""11lmrinl ~ agalnil the guesla VoPl bad voled lpinal .lll!q for the tlonaL procedure1 and determined lhey A. ol . lbe Union • Olli Co. ·,ol CaDfarnia does nothing for the city and lowers federal srant. "But rm rathlr dilmlyed N H Art. . ~ were within ufe limit.a. . ~ to stop the leak. 'lbe; oil and .Dltm:ll OCCU(JOllCY," lie sa1c1. :;:,:1:!.-::r.~"" -O ome . , ISls m _ .. a mct~1 ca1o11edlh lh• :r1' ;'\~\ anie::,•g' gas bas ..,,aped .a1 lbe ~ o1 21,IOO -In' other adiod the commission : BuaiDeu u -·-· 'D-Barletta Aid ln:i;gect1on . e cru e 0 ,5 C • · . gallons.a day for a.week. ~ 'D,.;;:;. __ .. ;;.1....11 revocaUon ol a ,......._ ,_, lhe pollution, "more severe_ thin I an-ai.. ....'-"' .. _.. _.lK\NUU,..,.,........, college ~tars acted on tbe ad-tJclpated." .,1 By W ly todQ,''w.ii;~-~-.. .com-=~: ri:ie: ~.~:i ~~-11nKg~'.~~2!"Ed""!'.!~ W1"thout. Bus·m· . ess L1"cense Humble Oil c,;., larges!" leasehi>lder ple!ely encircledla .~)l!l"flrPfl Bl.._. •--· ol d la In strett ~-~ •~ •...--In lhe s8nta Barb8ra Channel, was g!Vel\ had begim .lo p al ... ,~# .., •• y ~µae e I" Uon, wbo ·--'.them lo a-'-. Jn u . 1•-11npro17ementa required. -..-_..!!:'{.. lhe go-ahead lo cont ue •~ opera -w of-Saqta Cruz Isl/'J>d. T!\e off~ 1!.landl ~~Reviewed two variance applicaUons Barletta aid saton ·•n---v wu after a review of Its methods .bf techni--form the Santa Barbal-•ctWi:nel undlllr: nnw belng appealed by the applicanla unawan lhal ellglblllty roqWemeoll bad c:a1 ,.perts designated by lhe Inlerior !'hich He lhe rich, oil 1-·IOf ~ y councl1. Donald H. Jennings. beert reformed. Would Toulouae-Lauttec be able to 11 now grounds manager and ls a former Department. recotQ blds< were rtCeiVed' at a 1~'-":'r-t' two building ·"•s at 424 and But ~ <;CJUDtered, ~1 didn't see wort at '---in t ......... Beach? f·~•vaJ ••~-. PhllllM Petroleum Co .. Wlll given ........... 111o.t1 ' ' 1. ~~ an~"·• rn· ••-•--~'ca"•• new ~ .... -~ ~•~v• ' '" I af · ··• •~-·,.., •• year., • I -~ ,.., Higb DrJve 'and was granted one. .,......,. · WllC'. l'l!:wc:r WUI ...... It teema not -not unJeu the l'rench r.;rtrilsSlon to resume drill ng tel' m-.· A s~teaman f-Iha cooaerva ... · modiflca-Ellber Mr. Salon dldn1 f ••· ll'......,"" The commi"1on !urned down Abel's · . 1 ml • t hnl al changes att .,.. "'· , . '-'-" O:W Sltphens (Soulb Coast Ford} re-und~·-• our lllua"-or 'he -u lmpreaaloolll famoul or ""' ........ ,.. f ,_ I atvera nor· ec c . Sierra .CJUb' said a eokiny Iii ..... ,......,_, ~-.and v.:u deoled, permission for woe~fully·~ •-anL" -" pooten he cnaled for the M-Rouge request following a protest o unfau fortb ' Ii)' a Uruled States B'Ologlcal Ana<ape.w11 avoiding lhaDilli)' • .,.....,....,,. ,. Broad ...-got a business ll<:tnae and renled a competidon by Earf Secor, a Laguna team "·' -·"" but lie JlmOd iiWJl Jaiier signa aloog -way. The college IOUgbt the '2!0,000 "' ........... In .-commeidal ..... ~~ .. est ;.u.,, blowing off jhe ocean t.o ....... _ .. .,...-. '""-•• ::. .......... ...: Jti114i e4 ~ • t ,. ... ~t a quart.r of a ointury -5fter It fjnt ~ In 1be "t;ew.Yoib?,Magazine In serial . ' ·J>allbef Prlz&-Wtimlnc ~r Miil ~·· acceant o1.· wh'!-! hippenod 'IO the people , wbo bOre the l!runt ol the • worid'a llnl atomic .llomb llu "become th• aubjec:t of a COD> \Jwenr In Orange eoanty <'" N• 3). , defray •··-~-ol 1n•--'-camn.i• --.. signmaker. , led •· In r.oold ,die when _, ._......., ~ """ -~ -w• •-Lquna Beach PlanniJJI commllllonen 'Tli' -~• Is Joo"-t lowild-land were expec w cruse poUuled f food. bu!Jdlq& But the appUCIUon fell abort In .. _1 .... down horn ' e qua1uon are we &Uig a , ... be...:een eight and · 18 knoll by af. 1 ~ or ·' : · ~· • on several count.I: ~Moadly ....... b""""& oodcaar,:r something that ls in direct competition ;:mni:and up to 20 knots Wednesday,· Hickel, lno1~.1fr ·.-.. .. -'!be diltrlcl tntOred Into l'1t contract :':O:~be~i'~ idenlllicallon \"llb olher people In town," Com· ~erlng.40 mil" of beach<s. :r.;:"1:D <1ic:id~iifu;i :;D 'untli on the bulld!Qgs before malt!ng the algna cannot be made Jn 1 resldentJal mllsloner Fred Brlgp Nid. 'Ille 'Coast Guard reported · Monday tr can be detenbfned~whether-c:6ts~1 federal aid appllcatkmloca. f . zone. Commissioner JORPh Tomehak said night -that Aft .aerial survq fhowed ·:~ measurn are necee·a~,', :r;..sa· &hit -'The buUd1ngs are ted OD a ore.ign "I can't see that carving on a a:ign lhln'-northwest edge or the :ma1ri c00Cel1trauun volun'"-~1..tt until -Ult I•-•• blcb ••-··~-•-not bold ii "bonlea my lmaglnaUon I<> • Santa~-~·· _, ,..., s"" w " ~ 1,W11.1 .. , """" ls any dlllerent than carving on Ill haa drifted sUgbily toward ™",,...a crisiJ }J • .a, 1 i ~e11ed. • title (the lnlerlm campus locatioll Is animal," Abel l!lld. He lalc'. 90 perc<ill lhal we mlgbl get lO olber requeSll and ii approxlmalcly two m 11 e s ~-··" .... ..__.... teuedfromlheMlufooVleJoCocnp>ny). waa done by band and no complalni. mie lhil. We have. ar1111s !bat harig offshore." m:r.i'.;r..00, 11:<~·-·=rn -It II doubled the bWldlnp will be bad been made,_ n-'......_, their work In •v~ •""" In the city. During the posl lwo days, olf.lhoct ·~ o· n. -·--I} useful for 30 yean, the mlnlmum period No appeal of the ~on decialon , Their wort 11 inald;-;.,hij;hi, UI outalde," winds had kept the slick . away ·from -"'-.'• ...... of federal interest. (C.Olllnl noted, "We ii planned, said Abel, an elhlbJtor at Tomehak said. land and tb~ ahift in lhe wind was ., • . 1 1• ~ never laltid o1 ming them for more the Art Festtval for 11 years. Abel regard• u •· eslious seU>aclt .. /n 1lle Oru'"e <leallf; l , than 1even to 10 yean.") Comnµaaklners pondered w bet h'e r battle to ·save wDdlife and beaches.from e -:} -It la doubled, llnce the bulldlnp permllilllfl carved sign making In lho pollutloll. . already are being used, Ibey are La Pl ds resldenUll area would commit lhem I<> .At leis! seven · mu.. ·Of :enaalllne "urprd]J needed" for "subatanUal el· gunan ea atm:ar•"'wtte contaminated with I ~ panslon." permit ,mating ol ·reptar ilgna In the amounta of oil. Mooday night,. ,Qae Trulteea were of different mlnda Gil borne. CaJH9."'!" Deparimenl bt Fish-and ,Gani.< whe-they ahouJd bother 1o apply Guilty in The{ t They decided lhe line would be hard repoited m birds •bad ,b•••h ~t apln. lo· draw ao llley ruled lo prohil>ll all 1o 1m-.1 cenlm with 1be1r ·fu~ VOgel said.federal fimda are a!localed One ol two Laguna Btach men llCCUled ~gn maklna. · fouled by oil, llnco .lhe reddi~ lo acboola will! Ille leut .-wtallb, crude bubblid up from. an olflilo!I: . of I WIVI ol. Art Ctlony breatinl that well a weet '8'0 today .. ' . l .. Orange Freeway -~ , .. k ~-» .in ".r."mng netlod lhe pair more than 1$10,000 In OTORISTS OI the Ut blrdil.'n .. -<lead or died cub MCI pemtal .--tt lliu pltaded ST ATE M · folJOw!n{'lr<plriienl I<> nmovo ·Ille ol!- gullly to Illa cbarpa 1n SuperliJr Court. Some "°"8mauodlata, howovir, .cfalinoll Judie Robert Gardner aenltnced GET 'VALENTINN . ~-£'idT.:'t1~~ - wa11tr Grant Kyaer, 11, o1 the Del ....... ........... . ... ....,.. •ad<llilll o1 H.... ·-s Cout u•"'-SACIIAMll:NTO (UPI} -Gov. Ronald ~-. .,.,.....,-., ~--~ Camino ~. -• • ...,..ay, Reagan Mooday gave a Val"'1lnt JXll' belllfl,parllAD to oil•--. • .,......_, lo ont year In Or-County Jail anol ellt lo Calilornla'a -mol!JI'-a lwf.boW'· -1aJ . "'""1. ol.. lhe , lilck placed him Gil -,... probatioll alltr "•aer wtibdrew bll urlier pita Illa. ' · .., Tbeaa..r--thedaadllne ol lnnoctnl. · • for "lllalr-o1 ,.-•ebk:l<!f b:om J_ury lrial la -lled w-.y fCJ< roidnfPI• .loDiPI to ·1• p.IP. Feb; 14 - Donald " Byron Gqilcll " aie -v-·••illtJ. -. . Aid by l -~ -~ ..... Illa lMl1 -... K,11«'• -wllca bl • ..... al"IMofl "-alleded ...... ~~~it ' . eoni~~"aildlU!ml~lo N-who .. " ·---~But Qae ,aclfal r • aJao liVeo an cill!!r ~ •llhP foll and the Feollval Arla ·lo roilllt'r bd<!N ,~,a. ll"!"il =..-..... ~I -~·to do ao. " .• I ..... • • ----·-- \ I ....... = ' ... --...... .-.. -·-' . --·. . . . . . •. ' .. -a -P• I • . AIR VIEW ••• ...... p. -..s ol the allct. ,,.,.,.. • ..,....11 ... u In .. tbef -·-.............. .. .~ ,! .. --.. """"' • I \of cbamlcall Cll the~ ..... -.. their wit• -the .-i[l_cls water left beblnd nu. .. apla wUb .... ou.- 'tll'lldl Jll1lll the bu(O clCU. lea'1111 _. -ol -amid the black ..... ..... ·. . ''Loot al -.. lljnla down there. s..i.. ol -..... alnad1 clea4. See tbllll fJolUDI .. •• • • there'• OM I ' •. uotblr " hi ..,.. .. .. . ... ~· '.,_, . .· -llW -__ lbt '* ... Ill -stnc -,..... bad ... Wtalt•lia-_.the_... cm lbt .,.., ...., : • _ A··~i.:: the~ • .... dolliii ..... !!Ii Jul - d<m1r -Illa Pw!nl llldl 1("!1--, -~ 'J~~. °" -palllt __ ., -•• -· ' • .,.... _ ........ the oil ..... :-:. --... --... Illa -"1lDC .;< .................. -. ..... 4'"" .... '11611 ... lbt - .... -~ --the blacl; -...... •·flotllll dlbriL "llloJ'ro lbt ......... ptten • • • lht -.----'"l'\!On ... . ~ i: ... .. "'"'l1 ., -tlDod "' ..... 11111111 Ill~ blp ···-·--'ljllalcmdan tbm'I." ; .~ .• -~ .•• : .... .. . - ./ Get ·Belief , . Ho~rs to'.Benefit From PrQp. IA -. H ,...,. ~ bamoowner and you've owned yoor bouM lfnce lul Mardi - liiiille; yoi1'Ve got' i?o1:0mlng yoor way. Next Monday Orange· County Assessor Andrew J . Hiosb.aw's office will start · • ' malling forms r to h!:>meownera so they ; CID oeek $10 lat rellef Ul14jer. pn>Ylllonl ol Proposition IA approved by voten In November. ' More than 500,000 f<rm! will be mailed to county property owners by Hinsbaw's RCOlllly ezponded stall. He erpeotJ clalma 10< abollt Ill mllllon In relwida. FonDJ will cover .both the f70 refund to be received this year and an ap- , pllcaUon f<>< the $7lO on their - assessment in ~-' 11Tbe f7SO exemptiom are an on-going program. Homeownen: wW file thla form qic/1 year much like.~ veterans' ex· emption, 11 Hinshaw explained. ..U lhe homeowner has not received a claim form by Mardi I be abould coolacl Harbor District my oUJee lmmt.dlateJy . ., Forms must be ~ed to /Jlnabl.•'• office by Aprjl 1$ or the -..,. ma1 Jose hls rebatement on tbe 1961 taxes or his exemption on lhe 19'9 asseament roll. Hlnlba"'' Rall will eertlfy .• list of quallfled bomtownera ond lend· U- lo ltbe llale controller by-JUDO IL The controller wUI issue checks and mail them to the homeowners. Hin.shaw said all refwx!a should be peld bY August. "In ... general, a homeowner qualiflts · for the l'IO tu refund il the dwelllnc wherein be resided on Mardi 1, lt68, was bJa principal place of mldence and provlded veterans exempUoft was not p:eviously allowed on the ruidenct,'' Hinshaw ezplained. "A principal pla<e of reaidence la defut. ed In law as a (1) home or duplex but not a triplex or larger, (2) con- diminlum, (3) bouselioat, (I) mobJle home not lic:en9ed by the slate llJ1d (5) I dwelllng being puretwed under a contract of aale. · Uliipi&w . al8o warned that-the et· empllon does not apply to property that was rented, vacant or under construction and not yet occupied on the tu llea date wblch waa March 1. It Ibo. doa not · 1pi\ly lo a licensed mobile bome or a vacaUon or aecondary boJM. • The wessor &aid that owners of pro- perty receiving public ,usistance do not qualify except for tlKlse receiving assistance under the Senior Citizens Tax Assistance Law. 11Je assessor's office expects to .•P- prove abollt 200,QOO l'IO tu refund ap- pllcaUons and 250,000 clalros: f o-r homeowners exemption. Hinshaw said he was forced, to hire 12 permanent new .staff membus to handle the work load aod another 49 part time workers will join ,tbe ataff Marcli I just lo process the claJms. Nixon Talks With LBJ Over MideastStrategy ~ .... : ' .. , -POUA1'nl!Jff'•~ .. , ProPQSed diasolutJ,on of Orange County M d /la,.. -'*-~ ,,,_ V• . Harbor District will come befO!O Laguna WASIUNGTON (UPI) -The Wbite ldephone for about 15 minutes on •Y turatbl~ ~ dJlllF 1•, · bat Beach councilmen Wednesday night wfth House said today Presldent Nb.on had evening to discuss the latest develop- lbl poll11~~~i1:1 ~ ·wm • t.d .i the endorsement of Assemblyman John ments ft "Clle _... Mi' Btns-JDcijla slash M d s V. Briggs. conferred with former President Lyndon Nix~ had conferred With for~er Pres!-.::.,,..~ . ·-·~· ~ ~ .:·"· , u_r.', er . us. p~·ct. ~n .a letter to ci!!f cotmcifs of Orange B. Johnson on the smoldering Middle dent Dwight D. Eisenhower on the situa· Oii Tw-·8'ii' ·pilnll •·iiiollilir • -County, the League of CIUes pre.!ldent East crisis ond was preparing to "mate ' lion Sunday at Walter Reed Hospital. oQ dct. ........... ~-., 111. • .-I ... . . and legislators, Briggs labell final action some decisions'~ on U.S. strategy to Press Seetetary Ronald Ziegler aald 11111'1 fnlil,tlpl ....,.·llll'°l!!lll"w'tbllr ,: · , • . .... ' . , . to dleaofve: the district "Jood news." defuse the situation. the Middle East crisis wa.s the "priority · Cll10 nura~tlllk~ldll. ftt ..... · cha· d' :e o he · c t Br1gp,bowevei',declaielhelsdisturJ>. With NiJon ready to go along with item'' today as NiJon conferred again 111"-=~~~~;~., , rge · .·in, ' t .'.r . ·1;imes ::d~:~~~:in~dJ:ii:~t~ ~~fJl;~:,~t~~~~°:J!~e= w~~·N;::~:iec~urc:~· some red -.!D ·1111,,_.., * ··-·" . ·. ~-. -, --_ lo njiaitd th~ l1arbor program by adding President .. talked wllll .:"1>l'_11wi:;b,y. decisions oo the .Middle .East following a fft' mse; · · ~~~7· ' ,,· ' ;· .. ' i ... ,~. pub i:p Us fQrlsdJction. ' .. .. '."';.., .. :: •. r.~:.;.1 today's meeting," Ziegler said. "These I pndlc:tlil_~'I · · · ·~..... .. B1 ARTllUR R. VINSEL ·..... 9 arr.eat.~ ·~nnecllin ,1th;a. crime T!ie'council at a Jan.% meeting ·reeelv~ • ,. ,:·~.: ....... :;: . ..;.,7 .. ' decisions wUI become apparent ov.er the lllllorl!'!lc . _ ciiiilii.'JilO °'.----__. . 1orwblc!l-ltJimoc:4DlcouP!&w11 .already ed from the League's Orange County Capo Youth's Fat:lier " next few days." . · . tbl --.:fnla -_...,~ A babdlome high ac:boQI',.. dropold in CUltq!I)'. 1 .; · -~'. . ·~.. chaptet' a t.imelable for dlssolution of · . ~ .·· , Nixon will have an opporturuty lo 1pell laedlni Git; . . m0o11aia . lboulbl lo be 1 tag.a!CJlll da )£-jojdde Tilt O(MCoulily Illllrl\i ,Allorney'a lba'dlalrict. Prior council commenlJ have S O A .d ·-O\o . out hi.< ·-•lion's posilion on the red -· ' ---• • ..,, that end~ ,fn a aavage, 'lflrOIW!pb olflce tOclif' addid thoee time two : lndli:atod they wm rilllct Wedne.day to ues ver CCl en.1-Arab-Israeli !roubles when be bolds hi.< ftt nd llrUb pen:llt-"·rr._o.~ . ·murder was 'formally cliarpd::wlth .two charges to an amended complaint agaln.lt . pall ~ resolution backirig the prOposed · ·, second presidential news conference on Beach eoath to tbl HuaU.Qltoo BUd,.. more abnes today, when be-'.an4 i 1largrav~, but waived formal a}. diaaoluUon. -. The father of a Capltrano Beach youth Thursday. pier. co-dde.ndant appeared in court. ratgnmenL h3' sued two motorists ~ for '50,000 ··~ Zieg:er said the President will give -s· def a Superior Court persooal injury action both Johnson and. Eisenhower weeklf, DRILUNG Itta Scheduled 'prellmlnary hearings for 1~· eme attorney, Lloyd Nocker, Red ·· Defectoi· Due that charges them with negligence. briefings on foreign pollcy developmentsf. After the Hunttncton Beach pier, the EdwardR.Hargrave,l8,ofl'l39%Marken of Fo~n. Valley, said today &hat the James Morgan, father of Robert either by telephone, written reports or ·- plane pua OYer more off&bore drilling Lane, and Henry L. Sianez, 2:5, of 312 · dis~ ~ttorney'~ office wants.• few .;¥ HAGUE CAP) ,;_ Uao Ho-cbu Morgan, 17, names stephen and -Samuel personal brleftngs. by staff members. alt.ea. Tbete. cber to abon than the ClaJ. SL, both Hantlngton . Beach ad-m~ .days in which to prepare its case tfie Red-Chinese Chi.rge d'affaires her~ Bu,1kly as de.fendants. He ita•. that N~'s session today with bis top: cluster.of plaUc:rma In the santa Barbara dreael, ·wtn CC11tinued urtUl Friday. against the co-defendants. . wl}o~~fecte4 to ihe West, has left the the collision in which 1l1s son was injured diplomatic, mllitary and intelligence ad· channel, overlook the State PIH beach. Judge Harmon G. Scoville~ered the h Hargrave ·.!""':' who looks more like an ~~#rtan<ls, .saylµg be planned to go occurred last Feb. 13 at the lnteraectlon visers was the fifth since he took office, "Wouldn't It be track u we hf,d a pair returned to Division Ftve, West onor = .than ,.a H~Ungton Beach ~ J\be UnJt~ .States, the Mlni!try of of P.acific Ialand Drive and Crown Valley and the second in four days dealing leal: an w of -T" the pllal nmarta. Qr-o County Judicial Court at 10 ~ -llrQP<llJI. -u represented .f,.tlce'·annoimced '\odlY .Parhmin, ~ NigueL • ·. witb the Mldast. · ,. By tbm,. we haft rudMld tie dbnU LID. ~th both remalnifll held' without llO far by tM,ellC 4efendtr'I office. r• -·;·:;;;~· ~~~~· ~· ~~;;;;;;;;;~;;=~~;;2;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;===;;=~. of P-~ ... ,. 1 ball Li the bomlclde case. . H1111tln$11: ell .~ bave declined , -... ...,..... 11 we pau over Each Is charged with one count of to ~ ~ how the case agaln.!t the Santa ~vet jetty. murder In connection with the Jan. 5 SJanez aDd JlargraJe 11 being bull~. lUnp of and nw nwa;e are slaying of Mn. Hester s. Markee, 55, The general theory, bow~ver, 11 that euy lo .... ol !JOI Olive Ave., HtmUnglon Beach, they stole a car -belongmg to Mw 1be wuta bu f«med • huge arc appam!tly over a fender-bender auto Margareta Dinger, 39, of 2602 Delaware ol brown from • po1nt north of the crash. St~, HunUn~on Beach on Sunday, Jan. jet1)' to the lbortllne south of the Sianez was also formally charged S, for 8 joyride. · . " NIWpCll't Beach mmldpll pier. A darker earlle:r with powssion of 1 sawed.off Driving down 11th Street from the riDI Gt data JDllb Ila j1lllClun wltb aholiUD ond auto theft, after hi.< Jan. Dinger apartment, they theoretically co~ cleaner eea water. llded with Mrs. Markee's car, southbound At tbl flilbtt1 tl:nd the mneil of crude on Main Street from a trip to the : ollmidaaUnlps.,.alllltbere. !,_1 Pla laundromat A Ulllt lbouCbl -lo mind almost H ospi.uu ns Foilowtnc the stolen car -no matter ' capridolMJJ • •'. "Remember how bard who may have been at fault for .tbe 1t Wll to pt· that IltUe bJob GI oil minor accident -Mrs. Markee stopped · ~-cbyoor1 .. 111oe arter that .. a11:_· on the Advance Training °'1n .... d .. !""'ed 1o the curb and alaln _. a uipute over the collision, in-"'TrJ takta& 150,000 pllooa of_ It off," "Vestigators think • ..... thelofllcalomwer. For Emergencies * * * ,.,.._ P .. e 1 OIL SUCK ... tJddlDCll oll exploitation becaule of the lllct. Hlcl.ol, In a lltWI C<lllftrlllCe Monday beloro be llew back to Wuhlngtoo, plac- ed the blame for the leak on federal ncutatlom uoder wblcb offabon drilllni .. -. He aid the oil companies...,. ·~oilow­lnc fedenl rqulatloril. Wbal ... Meded are new ngulatlonl." mcteJ hu orotted the U.S. aoolotll~lo ,...alwlte Ila -drUllnc mid rqula--wblcb,.... II yun qo. DAllY PILOT CIAMGl (GAIT PUILl»llNG (CM .. 4H't JeMrf H. w.,4 ...... llNN "" ~llllW J··· •. C.11111 iv.-.............. Gflwol'el·""'""'" n .. ,, IC11•il .... TN-11 'A. M.,,11;,.. -·-llcl..r4 I . N1M Pi.I Nl11111 ~ IMdl· ~•tlfll Cllr UllW Dlr«llr .._ __ JJJ J., .. t A••· ..... "'"'u ID. I• &U. t2&1Z --C<llloe M9M! •• ..., ..,... ....... "'°'' "'' .............. ...,.,.. ~leKlli-....... • < '~~ .... ,, ""'°"• .. "9lldl .. ~ ... ·----............. ..., fl't9I .... .. .. ..... ...,..... .., L.-. IMdlro ........ ,,,., c... ........ ......... ....... , ..... v..,, ......... . e .... °" ... C:-1 , lltt'11 ,,,..... , ......... "" .... ....... -~---. ... ,. ............ a...,.., t ' i' ln4t 4"""'6 0114' ........ '4MUI . .... °""""' c.-...... 4 ............................. -""' W .. :.llsai I II ...... ........................ ....... ~ ...... . ....., _ _... ...... ........, ..... -~--.~··· ••• w .,,. .. ......,, .. -" ... .....,., _.. .......... ,,, ........ .. ' • Advanced training for me d l c a 1 emerge.odes will be offered beginning Wedn"elday at South Coast Community Hospilll under the instruction of Dr. Raymond Beach, dlrector of emergency .....icea. PrerequWte for the elght-week course Is advanced fin;t aid tralnlng. Although the classes are prhnarily designed for persons actlvely involved with handling emergency situaUons, otbera may be admitted if there is sufficient room, Dr. Beach said. Study sessions Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. wW deal with all types of .emergencies, including bleeding, shock, orthopedics, poisoning, bums, il- lnesses such as respiratory and cardiac ailments, radiaUon injuries and water aport COMected injuries. Beach will be wisted by special~IJ from the hospital alafL Carl D. Garner Services Held Servlcts for Carl D. Gamer, a Lagw:ia l!elcb resident ol 1$ yean, wen be\d al I o'cloCk this eJternooo in lbe LagUna Beach Mortu>ry Chapel Mr. Gamer, 1109 Canyon View Drlve died Friday at South Cout Cnmm1mlty lloBpllal al the II' ol rn. Mr: Gamer ta IW'Vived by his wife, Cbarkltte; son, Jmu D. Gamer, and two ...-. all of Laguna Beach. Ho WU a member ol the Laguna Elb Lodp mid t: member of the Euhange Clabo Burial will be private. The Rev. Dallas 'llJrMr oflldated at lod.y'I ouvices. Mr. Gamer .wu • retlred aalea m.anager of 1rt auto agency in Pontiac Miclllgan. Registration Slated For Story Classes llqjalntloo for story time cl...., al the LapDI . Beach Publlc Library will be ~ from t ::JO Lm. &o 10 a.m. ~ 1t the library, Park Avenue and Gllnne)ft Strool Cla-, open to cbJldrea fNm I lo I yun old, will mtel w .. tly W1UI May I. (\ . Not a Big Haul But 'Dad' Lets Hoods Have It "Let's ha ve the money dad ; put it in a brown paper bag." Tht;ae were lhe. words of a young gunman ltionday night to a teacher doubl· Ing as a liquor store clerk in Laguna Beach. The robbery or The Spigot, 1M>2 S. Coast lllgbway, oetted only 13(1, police aald. . "It's not a very big haul tonight ts it," the philosophical bandit told clerk Jerome A. Peterst.romi 25132 Adelanto Drive, South Laguna. Police Sgl Dave Brown said the gun- man. who carried a small automatic, had it conculed under a raJncoat on his right ann when be entered the store . Brown aaid the man wu cabn during the robbery. He wore a tie, sport coat an'd Oashy shirt, yellow or pink. Brown aaid he was 24 to 26 years old; had a mus\,lche, dark hair and ll£ht com· plexlon. He left walking south beside Coast Highway and disappeartd. It was the third liquor store robbery in Laguna Beach this year and the second at the Spigot. Laguna Artists Invited to Party A potluck party for crlftsmen In the , Laguna lJ'U ·will be hekl at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the home ot Tom and Sally Leslie, 460 Bluebird Canyon Road . Sponoored by the Craft Guild of Laguna Beach, the event ts designed u a aoclal evening to acquaint craftsmen with u.cb olher and the 1ctiv1Ue1 of the guild. Both proless!Mal and non-prolwlonal craft.smen have been Invited to attend. The guild b lo its leCOOd year of e:r· lstence IS I non-proli~ IOC!al llJ1d pro- fessional or1aniiaUon . The group gpoNOrs the mid-winter crafil sho" at the Festlval of Artl I ground• held in coiljunctlon wftb the Wlnter FesUvaJ $60-o·FF The tabulous Go1c1en1oucH 1 sew · """' · sewing machine by Singer In "Copenhagen" desk. reg. jlrice savenowonthlalamouaTouch & S.Wzlg-zag aewfng machine wUh the exclusive Singer* push-button bobbin ow wlnda lnalde the mochlne. Haa a buU~ln butlonholar lhal malla pttllCI buttonholtaoaalfy. Don"t w;iit . FASHION MATE* ZIGZAG SEWINC MACHINE BY SINGER. WITH CASE. Heavy-dU\y machine with built-in FIShlon' disc for b\lndslilchina and overcasting. Dams, mend-Sy mono. arams. Sews buttons and buttonholes. Two SINGl;R' vacuums §Inger nnltltr cfeana h!gh,, I~ and h1nl-to-got..t placei....,.;,.. with flve 1ccauorl01 for.U cltan- lng jobl. AND §Inger up~t 1111 lripfe IC!lon vibrator to eep cl11n, 1Weep and al...wub Cllplts and Rlgt. Get the Mt. •as ONLY $88 __ ..,, 1w~•llNGIR .... I• MAMllM SUllttl.ewt .QS.1 IH Al'Hll'1tlm (fftt.f •.\IOIH tltOVI ,..,.__ .,...,. Ch,,.. (elll'lfy l"len ' ' (OITA MIU. ........ ~ ...... klltfll c...t ,... SINGE ·R .. ......... _,_ ................... -OOlt,.,. UJCt&ANA --asw.11to••. .,..,,., 1 ' ... ' • " ' J .J . ' ~y TOM !IAllJ.EY ...... Dellr """ ..... ••Hftroahhna~· wasn't banned, was~'t bouiJtt. Aad the boot· was deleted ftom a list ot achoo! minry purtbua .. (l<lllndl ol ·ec:onom7 alooe, not - of tho Orqe County Board ol Eduea- U111'1 political bellefJ. That ls the stance t.oday ol the school boaril, laced with mounting fallout from the uploilon that followed Its barring o1 · PulitJii Prhe-wlMing author Jolm ~eney11 wort from a achool Ubrary. BOtb' Dr: Dole 'Rallison, the 'trustee who acted oo the mot&on to bin "Hiroshima" and board. President Clay Ml~ll of Sooth Laguna lnsl!ted rue.- day nl,irt )hat the ruling waa in the tupayen' Interests. · "We have a duty to save these precious funds wherever poasible," Dr. Rallison aaid. "It ls unfair to state that I was moUvated by any desire other than to cut the costa eni.lled in this order of boots."· , Dr. Ralllaon saved the school bo&rd nearly $15 wl)en be sluhed "Hiroshima," "Sigmund Freud" and two tecbnlcal boob from the llat. The enUre list Included !Ill boob valued al nearly $3,000. NO POLITICS "Let me point out," Dr. Ralli'"'1 weol on.· "that I have personally, aancUoned many boob that are contrary to my pollUcal beliefs. I don't think that our action on 'Hiroshima' can be COlll!IU'ued as having aay poHUcal bearing. "We are perfecUy willing to dl&cuss the merits of any booll: that members ol .-the-publle-may care ·to-donate to us," tne Santa Ana deutlst'-uld. "l made that clear to SuRBrior Court Judge Bruce Sumner in a letter that followed hill attack on our board." 1lle juvenile court Judie last . week a~ !ho· board Of cutllng Hlroabln(a POINT OF VIEW · "Whal borriDes me about t b.l 1 business.~· w:eqt"""Ga_Jutlae.._ SUmner. ''ls Qlat they can't 'lee my point of view. Here tbt&e ~9 ~· respcinsible for the reading need4 .gl our )'OU111 ·poaple and they lee! lhat a book like ~ · , should not be inade.av;illa)>le to th¢·" · * * * ~ ~· ~ • Mltcliell, appanntly ·a UW. ....,,mad at the · Delf'I ol Dr. ,RaUlaoo's letter, quickly ralfted to the dontlst'1 def .... T1iesday night. Author of 'Hiroshima'~ . ;\ · ""No one bu worbl:I harder ea tbe board lban·Dr. Rall"'°'};"~ aald.·"Anil · . , I IQpport bis actian In lhll maller all Takes Issue With County ~;;,~JlladeH,_~.~. . , ' ls tolJ\ly umuitable ,., ~the .tJPI " By JJ!RPME F. COLLINS Of .. D<lllY , .... l1atr "Nothklg that can be aaid about this book can equal what the book hoa to iay. It speak! for it.elf, and, fn cm unforoettable tDGJI, for hvmqn-• ; ... »U· -New York Times, 1946 The author of "Hirosbima" toot quiet fuue today with the orange . County Board of Education for not allowing the boot to speak for it.selr. John Hersey, from his borne in New Raven. Conn., was not irate. He seemed more perplexed over the board's a· presaed views on the account r:i the lH5 bombing of the Japanese city. lie told tho DAILY PILOT In a tele-pbOOe iiilirvteW': .. -·· ·- "'Mt~bciok !Dim no upm.jnl.da'tliil t!lbthea flt the """'P ... ! « 1lroppliig + -It ~ tOQllii.( st«y' cil ol6me el ·lhe·-le on whom the baQib ~ druppot1 • . . '"But· apart ·1iyDi~;!act !hat 1 wrote ~,''lf.alw'18.has been my view tUl ,t.;-#Ji ,cln '.an!y lead to linor· .uce and , unlntelllgeat .ctlon. .. '1be Pulllm··Prlse wlnnlng writer ("A Jl,D 'I.; Adano~). the lather ol tive, said . . -.' cluoes II WU ~ ~. • 'Tbo lni>tees had not re"!I Beroe\11ac ,book wben be earlier made' a ICithlng .attac:k. i on the volume but he aakl Jut 'night lbat he had now "aldniliied -tlui>uih :. il" . ~ .. \) "•if dldn't do much for-· me," ~·Aid. '1To my way of.. thinkinc. our 1tudenta would be far better oil r'Ulllnl· about Gen. Douglas. MacArthur' Gen. .curtll LeMay, or Capl Eddie R!ctenbacku. '11tey were great Americans who had something to say." , Did Mitchell, a. !armer Air Forca af. fleer, feel, then, thit political beliefs had much to do w!tb the rejectJ.On 'of "Hiroshima"'?' ' \'It's not a quesUoo o1 thaL" 111~·· n said, "Dr. Rallison givea up many of bi! valua~le time every we;et carefully examine U>ese books. I am wttb him all.Uie W9·" ~ . '~ 'l'lle-~~ ...... , alled ·tt the ' ~' ~ ::.f.'ilie 1>oOri 0< I aay member ·led to the bannln( ol ••JllroeblmL ti ''flt wub~· '6iarined," 1Ml(ehell Mid. ••t tbhlk a lat·ol,llill ls belotl .mad• •boo!t f\Cllhlng. 11 IMre ls· aay ;valae to this iiork It eems tp ,hav~ acaped 1111' 1 ' attenUon. ' 1 • ' 1'1 don't tbinl ttiat what WU' .dode -~£~ at~· '-wu aO .veif ~e."' LISTEN TO BOTH ~(DES.·. ·,, Mltcbejl wenl ·"'''"after a11;,.wp )!tvo · -Author ·Honer· . · • to remember that lhe Ja-- · 1 1. r ~ the war with a 1neak au.ck that wu :J!!mg P"'!lie abouJd be allowed to "learn ~·lber can oboot what bu happened" wl!llp<ft can 1t.d·to·wlriMv-,..:.11!! one qom every llde ot .. Issue. • aiiI poalbly•to•t11e en,\';;f·aYljilatlon .. carried out whil@: we were talkln&,peace will> them. · i"'I WOUJd be, for tristance, all in favor ,... ~.I""" \ · . ol IChoiJls havillg -giving ...... . ~ • . ' svP~ BOARD . -pro 111!1! -Clll the dropping ol ·'!lie tall; JliJll-l[IOken -llllled: . t bomb. 11111 H doesn't aeem to me ~t. wcilild 111<e lo point Wt that ....t' taking away a boot that tells what the' •1111NicaUon of my book in JIM, iy.ppens, when the bomb ls dropped, bu weapons llaye • tested that are Z,'1'0 op Ill.ct el«[ll to keep our cblldren . timelJ aa powtrlul .u . the bomb that '"lbll: boot goes -on U · if we· were ...rn,· ol IOmelhing," MltcheD added. "No American wants. to see that.rand: I'm darned -lhal the -t majority of Ainericam who have read 1r will ljnorant abcul the dansen a1 atomic ... destroyed ·lllrooblma. . . . . ..... . "19rlan!." ''So-my boot, in a WIJ', doesn't even fflt wu advised that Dr. Dale Rallison, begin· to tell us ·Mw· d'"8en>U• · •toiidc aicounty trultee• and John Birch Society · warfare ii." · · · · · · · •· rilembe!', had irgued against the book · · · .. · · .. · · · .. · biecall8e it bu given support to ban ·the H~~ _cl~ly wished . lo : i~ ~1.n , nO limb movements. "We have demonstra-.ter'!~H I .~n.tfoversy ~o,:e:r, A>e . i:rt1il-•L--b __ ,._" Dr n.m-•-'d • e WU told the .COOn\y ~ ~w 1 pea~, • -• ~ , n .. ~ ~-'"-• ,.,~ =~· "llecallle we have allowed eo much ma· uwuu r-icaw.., ... ""Y ~-ex· !Crial of this kind In OW' llbrariea." plained bla'vi>te agalnsl •of· the 'Hiney'• ..._, · · · book .for the Rio Cantlguo Y111th' GUld· !"rd ,.... !hat lhe motiv•U"' beblnd ance Library this wiy: t¥ baJHhe-bomb movements would be "While I havm't read the , book, I ~ whether my boot existed or not. haven't approved ol all this criUcism of ~ msmto --~-!bthal•I a !helot oluaepeapol 01euclhaearve America min& the bomb." . • ~'""' Hersey, asked far cmiment, bad nme. support the a<;t1on of obr acbool bowel. ti TrUltee · Mltcbel1 WU asked, 1ln yiew of bis ~.·was 'qfiroshlma'~ bar· red' beca""· of: !he ponuc.1 bellell' o1 hlm!eli qr Of _the boN4_?_ "Well'" said u••""ll "•OU read It •, ~ .. ,__,., and then see if we aren't c11'1')'.ing out a justll\fbie <colJOlllY by' not • bu)>in& IL We m,' Ydl\ -;· ~ lhe!e boon with tupay'en money aad Its aur·.flilt.dti!Y to .-cimlze, · "We.have' to .ll;.re up 'to our Camapip pr~,'.' 8'id Mitchell. "1And me of -· promiJel -In my .... election, anyway -wu. that .we . would enmlnt very arelull)' the com..i ol boob thal we were Pladril before cm cbUdren." Airport Plans .· 'Grounded~ r T......,,_,.-..; ... '!'69 Ml. ... I • 1 e s Solons .Neater Pay pjke • • • .... • • • t •• p ·: " . .. , . ' . I I : , , ' .. I ' •. ' . ~ ." .. . . . . ' .... • -. , . }, ; ... ' ' •.' • , ' l . ". · .. 1 ' • ~ . . ' . . ' .. • .... " " . . •... . , , _ .. , ' ,. • ·'· I• . , ... ' -·~·· ·y• . - ' . I . ' ·' ti . .. .. ' ,. .. \ • I ' 'I ' . . ., : ·' . . ' . I \ . " .. ' . :·1.· .. ' . '. ' : i . r • I . ' .. . • I I ~· l 'l" f' • I . -· -· ~rides, win a honeymoon tri11 to the Bahamas . . . ' ' . . . ' . Regiater during Buffuml'Bridal S&ow' · " . . . . ' ... ,.,. . • "!'' . • .. . wm ..,,~woStllat7:80p.llf.cntbei.ower1"""'otM11e 11 t..me , I -. _., __ . ' . If ,..'io'111e ladiJ-le to win.,. BalaaH-S•llP'i .. ,Jllll wiUJot--• .. ; , " Mimi •d ... lo --deoti-Ill iiiat ..... -·'fia !falimlll Aldiaoa '"" ..• : ' I ' I ' ' ' Ymfll_a_._.._,. -~do.Ylmaislliptoa~-.W ... '.B<tl p '.SJ t, u-. .. t..1DcLbniqwilllillWd.M-"1,r._,.·Udl.'B1;.lJW1 \J;h:. '_, .u;,;..;. .i-.l'\cmb,_,_,lli..., 51+-:mIO, 6ol!d<lilllalmc .. aWotcMI Ii.;, ' ' ' • . • . • ' • , 4 ' . . . • ' ' ' • ~ ' • 1 • ' I < ' .) I •. , • • • " ' '· . . ' • .. . " ' ' • I • ' ' ' l • ' ' •• ····s,: " ' m · " • " J • • • ! '. I ; ' • ' , " . "U .. ; . . ' ' ' .. . • ' • -' " - I ' . ' .. ~ I • • I I . ' .. Newpoll Cealer DieS ;.at 70 ' > ,,,. .Aiuii{,. (UPI) "-~ ......... Ralpb -~·itio trolned'bll lt~ca'.>tllo u :11111 • nm, rldll ~ 11111 _,.,.. judlco ;ll>. ·i=.;...~ llilt. )diD · lhe . -dlid , .'' llllld! ~.--k· ' Tho ~-old· joondll -at tile'-al,,....-. ....... d'lils ''fife . bl4. ..,,..,. a , ~ .pf:rtr ~ .. 7111 '.blrtlidoy· ... ci.,, • ... If. Bo -..........a1c!Uil al llol1 -FmallJ ·Jhpllol •· • · H""°.llila l!:(111U kilRI hll dali01'-s...nil edliiitt All!I reporten brOke ur llfo'1111ri 12, for Ille ~ -., ·Into tan.-.tile report Ol lllcOll!:s hlltolfeJIGrtha-allllrh'l!~ death'nocbld· lhe ..... _,al'lhe atur--'11. a Uarff !/<GI' abl"'"" H• ~ Comtjtullon,. where McGUI bid IJ)<!lf'S 'vcan Ill C1lban jGll a ,ll pOlit--1111nce 1111. · '.:_·_ ico1 prilOMr nd atur hll releal• • • He ' ettad:ed segregaUon to tlle'·end. 1tnt hi& <J'Jl'lcUng·tDIJ• IO lliamL H<'. .Bll.'flul collll!ll), .eppecrillc In tociats, woiud --. .• ...,. .~ lili <dltlolt a1 the Co<wtitutl!m. 1mllclled chonu to U0.. Cvba./H< ~ m "freedom of cllolc<" p I ea 1 ln""'"'Y , Miami via Jlen.:o. • .... t ~ ~. Southern schools. Such plana, ht lfl'Ote • • J ~ • ~ 11. Jtctually pennit the con~QA .·,of • ".J '; ' •· ~ ~gregaUons. · , • Linde P!umb ~ .~, ~ dlll-"It will be the greetut tr•...., with advantag .. to bt1!!i a ~Iller ' th< l1IOll for< boding ~: il in a boys' schoofi at Klng11r Lynn, · public school officlail are allOWed lo England where some of the stu· perpetuste dual systems," he ~ · t I ,.._ • ·---.. ------. - • ,.. '. UPIT ........ dents are nearly as old as yoU are. Mayor Ivan Allen Jr., a_lonpime Jri~ "It is not very flattering to ),e call· of McGill, Cllled th< pubtiabet'·'.'ll!e vo.tce ed 'Mum' at 18," she says,' u.BU.t •r:d. CODlclence .of the South.· •• ,durinc I suppose I wul get over it " lhil trying period ol llOclal •~ l.Amdon Cheers Astrmaaut • Hia eflorts will stand u 1 lfridmark .. • in this century. and to the furtberanct When Michele Ferrero of San of man's rights and opportunlllea," Gluseppe rVesuviano,1,ltaiy 11died" McGill, born on a small fam;t near his weeping relatives promptly Soddy, TeM., joined the ConstltuUon called the priest and,~uneral parlor . fyom the staf~ of the Nashville Banner director. Tb.en someone thought to as sports ~1tor. Later he became a ~ the doctor to 81gn the , new.s e1ecutive and began a crusade U.S. astronaut Frank Borman gets a ·p~t on . the back from an admiring Londoner as be &('rives at Prime Minister Harold Wilson's residenc.e at 10 Downing Street for a meeting. Borman was to, be . received tonight by Queen Elizabeth at Bucklila- -ham PSlace. SF State Seeks • d • • · tt1fi againal the Klan and segregation. · e;!ti ce , cate. 'Ille doctor ~xam-SboftJY after he waa promoted to ex-inect. the body, gave a suspicious ~ve edJtor in 1938 about 71 robed gltince to the relatives and treated and Q'asked klanmne~ paraded around Ille eld~rly asthma sufferer with tbe Mwsp.per office, d<nounclng McGl!t stimulants and artificial respira-and the ConstituUon. He frequenUy lion. Revived, the 81-year-<>ld Fer· rec<lved thrtatenlng telephone calla at lle~.D MZ~.Stren~h'.:'1~,cJied , Teachers' Return . .--. , ' • SAN.Fll<\NCISCO. (AP)-Efior\I_ are being nWle,,19 reblm llrlkin( prof_, lo. ctparoomi et l1'o ' major c.IUoiala cotlel'I. but no prof)NI· is ·repcrttd: raro's first words were ''I'm bun-night. , . gry.· Get ·me a ·plate of 'spaghetti.'' In l!Mll, a .21 cal!be0 pistol bullet • was find through a window pane of McGill's home from a passlna car, but no one was in the house at the time . Bouton dtV fOWCilman John- "" Goyen toiq&t'lrao a door prizt tiek<t good for • tD<ek trlp to ~ima, P<ru, ill th< In~ H1ort Galo ond htmd<d tt to act-ra:n~~r =·"r;:o:!."~ TM red-faced Goyen dtcliud tht prize N donated it imtlad to a raf/U in behalf of tht Te%4S Heart lnatitute. • In Cincinnat11 Ohio Albert P<1rk· er, M, a truck driver for the State Highway Departmen~ found out the ha,n! way why his job is so im- portant. Parker was on the way to spread salt on city streets when the truck skidded on a slippery str..t and overlll1'Jled,. dumping four tons of the d.,.lcer on Wilmer Avenue. Later that year, his mailbo1 was perforlled wilh p I s t o I bullets and garbage was dumped on his lawn and driveway several times. McGill won hll_Pulltzer Prize in 19511, and his lltalf -bim In an <dilorlal on hll: 30th amiveraary at the morning DeWIJ>lper. . "Working wlth McGill Is just that -an .tventurt,.. the editorlal said. "ft ta ~ent for initlaUve and free tb1n!dnc 1and toleraoc< for llupidlty. It ii confidtmce that right will pn>vall and coovlcllon that standing up for th< right 1a: preferable to cowardice." . McGld, came under attack when the Univenity of Georgia was dmegreaated, in 19111. One e\'ening, he said, "we hail It abimive calls between 7:30 and 9 o'clock." &t the compensations far outweighed this hatusmen~ he aid. "FrequenUy, In resta!lrants, 1 n unknown waiter or wattreu wou1d, In putUng a plate of food on the atble, whisper, 'Thank you, sir, for what you · write,' " McGill related. SAIGON (AP) -N,o·r th Vietnamese strength lns¥tt the ' demilitarized zone 1tands at liSCIP to ·3,Qll0, military sources said today. . Field commanders see no immediate threat to allied fcct1 jll5t south of the .zone. But they 111 the North Viet- ~~ are ,funnellni men and supplies throdgb tbe . ~ into Laos and down ~ ~~ llllnb·trall to South Vietnam. A ll(llitor Morine offic<r said be doubted that tbe North Vietnamese army would make M1 ·more thrults through the cqutal lowlands of the lOfle dividing v-.n. Tbe enemy would be highly Vlllhetable In the flats. Any pUlh thrOugh the zone also would appear poll~ unwise since the United States at the Paris peace taJkJ has been uilng for the North Vietnamese to restore the zone to I~ former demilltarbed 1tatus. the officer added. Taklnc no chances, however, the Marine:s and an"'Mrny land-clearing unit are skinning the lowlands below Con 1blen and Glo Linh. Trees are being cut away and swathes ISO yards wide ere beln& opened with bulldozers. 'IbiuN through the western zone at the .. Rockplle" and the Khe Sanh basin qould be~met and fouaht far from any important objecUves., making those routes wxleairable, commanden feel. East Snow Tapering Off . ' Most of the Rest of the Nation 'Skies Fair • • v.s. s ....... s-.....,... ... ..,.., ...... 1fttt' ,_.. lllett I fed ftll Ill HfW llltlfMI. VlrtMllY 11t If ifit M ti ... •111111 ... fflr .... ... .,.. llMt.ff fliillflw••rt\I ............ ,, 11111 """' ....... """' ....... ~ .......... ClllM!t .......... "' ... ,.. .... ,.,.. " ~ ,... .,.... Wiii , .... !\ ........ _....,.. wlllt • ............... ..... Tlllf ...., ~ Mtllnl f'9IWlfth " c...e .......... llCW--"" ..... ,..,. ......................... ......... .... #llll*Y. Al MrtlM """"' - ~... Iii #Mlrll by i..i. ....,., ~ ~ 11111 l!llll'WUI ~ !lent _._. • ~ Ill ,.. _..., Omit 111 "" MlllM Md MH..- cfMcttl ....... nie --""'* ......... frttilnl """""""" !nit ... 0-'°""" ..... -..... .."""". .....,. "' ~ .,ty ~ .. ltt -· .. Oeartlt ... Al*fllt, T'""""'91WM , tt1t111 ............ '*' .... .., -Jllff ............ "" _..,.. ._ "'9 MllM wtfll Ille t~ tlel! el I "" ...,IMitn In ltolltftl ·-" "" ,Klfk Nentiw.1, httr _.. ,... ,..... ...... ti .,..., .tf lfflllMe. MIM .... '1 11 Kn< """" '"· Artlefrr, N.Y, Mlerlllt --11111"" ll""lllliflem lll1m1rdl 1101 .. ..... ""'1lnl ..... VI. ,_ c111i..-.ton. s.c. "'-ClllC11111111f ,_, ... tolull'llluto o. ...,_ ......... ...... ........ .., 0"41 ''"' ·:i:o,~ .. _,,, --K•-otr "'-l tttlt .• .-. lou11.•lllf -· Mltml a..c11 Mllll-.Th. Ml9-*• -M"'"-OflWt, Pwl NtwTlll't -·-Oklol'*"I Cttr .,._ ""'~" ,,_ """'' ..... • Mt. ··-tt11Md CltY ·-It. i..i. ll. , .... ...,.. ,.,,, .. ..,. .... "" ... _ ~\ n • • n .. " .. " • n .. " " • " " " " ·• " .. .. " H " .. " • " .. .. IS • • » " " " " ,. II " " • " • .. ~ " '" " ~ '" fl n " " .. .. " " " " ' " .,, n n n " " " • • " ,. .. " ' "' .. • " • ,. .. .. " " • II ~ " 0 ... ... ... . .. ... ·" ·" .. .. .. " .. ... ... ' . t 4.The co111eilaus -now 11 lhat the most IOgfcal attack routes for the enemy w""1<f be tfom ~OI! 0 lp order to thfeaten such kly northern citleS ·as Hue and Da ·the ltie,' not -""°"" brooibl down , from the poc1h. . .. '. Acting praideot ·s .. I. Hayakawa d. l ; + '· Anothet, poulbte point Ii .~ C<iul4" be In the c:oalral hlplanda: U.S. omCen have ,~ recftlt enemy troOp movemeftta icrolS the border fro~ Cam- l>odia. San Francisco State offered Monday to reinstate all teachen who mum nm aeril.,ter, whicb begins ~eh. IJ. · N""" ~military baae clty. . ·There is better jungle cover there and any at?-cks would ostel}lib1y appear lo be the work of units already In .He 11ld he would-inlei'yene lo block application d. a state law which says strikers have 0 autornalically resilntd',.. for being absent for five-~-' . ' ' ... . ' _,,. . ( . STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER.J t, 1968 • (UNAUDITED) --------··-·------..... c 1 .. Cash and U.S.·Gov9t"')"1'nt S.Curitie& , , , • , , , , , •••••... , , •••• , •.. , ... , .•.. , . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , $ 6,589,299 ~on Rell E~t•) .• ·.,. ~.,,,.,.,, •••••.•• , , , , •• , , , , , , , •,., ••. •·,., .-••••. , , , , • • • • • • • • • 101 ,508,865 {flrtt trult cte.it on tNl'proptrty I Lo.nson RMI Esr.te Held for lrwntmen1 Ll..J.• ••• ,,, •• ,., •• ,,.,,.,;.,,,.,., ,.,, •• , , , , , , , • • • • • • 298,492 Lo.,. to Flitilit.-t•s.l•OrR..i Est•t• OWned •••• : ••••• , •••••• , •••••••• , •••• , ••• , • , •• ••••••• 375,440 Loans on &iiwinQll AccoUftts •• , , • , , , , . , , •. , ••• , , , ~ ••. , , • , , , , , • , , .. - . , , • , ••.•. , , , •• , , • • • • • 63,500 Aul Ell8t9 Acquired for S~tleffient of ~01hs. \-,,,.,., ••..•• ,, •. , .... -•.. , • -•.. -, , , • , , , • • • • • 1,830,409 Rt1I E1t1te Owntd for rnyiptm1n1 , , , .. , ~ .. ,,., •'• ••••• , •• ,. •., ••••••.• , •• , .• ,,,,,,.,..... 3,575,982 .itock'.\n FHLB.lnd Sec'onCliry ln11.1raoc1 R...,.... J{,, ••••• , •••••• , •••• , ••••• , • , • , •••• , • , •• , • • • 2,341 ,.996 IMtmbentlip in Fedrltef Home Loen Bank Syttsn ~k• fu"dl 'w1illbl1" for, ... ntttt lendlng and withdrawll reQUntt.I> · Aaoc:i11;on P111m1 .... Furniture, Fixturn.tnd Equi'""'l\I ••••• , .••. , •••.••.•••• , , , , ....• ; . IC•1'iid et COtt 1-deptecittibnJ · " , 2,859,240 OtherA-.ts ,, . , ... , ..... .\, ..... , , . , .... , ... -· .... ,, ..•. , ,, ..•.. ,, ,1 .,., •••••• ,, , • ,, • 574,IOO (Accrued intwnt: receivlble, ~id fXPfnlll 1...t mitctlllneu•-tt.l ·7 TOTAL • , , ......................... , . -............. , .......................... , , , $120,017,123 Ll~BILITIES SevinO-Ind lnY1stn\tnt Accounts •.. -. , .. , , , , • , , .. , . , . , •.. , .• , . , , , , , , . , ........ , , , , . , , , , , $103,863,464 {Hekl by mofl Ui1n 29,SOOKCOUnt tlolders.) Loen1 in Process ...... , .............• , • , , • , • , • , •.. , , , , , , , , , , .. , , , . , , , • , , .. , .. , .•..... 1,418,995 I Funck dw bOn'owets on undisbu!Wd loltll.) 1 · .. .. MY.nc. frotft'f.-.i Horf. Lo .. ltnk •••••........••.••.• • ..•...••...•.... '' .. I' ••• ' ••• ' '2.450.000 -t·To mitt delMl'lds fOr p 9.t~ 't~lfll, the Aseoc ittion from time to , timt mlkn 1111 of lu credit f8C:ilitits It the Fedtr•I Home La.rt Benk.) Other LiebiliUM .•. ,, ." .... , ..•••.•••.. ,, .••.......... , . , ...••••....... ,, ........ , ,, . . . 1,032,873 IColtecllons held ,for olh.,s, t•1t• peytblt ~ mi1CellW1eou1 lilbtlitin.) , , r Defarrtd lncon'l9 ..• i ... , .. , , , ... , , , , .. , .... ,. .. , .. , , . , , , 0 , • , , , , , • , •• , , , , •• , , , • , , , , , , •' • 3&1,IOI Gen..i ,._...._ G11•R• c;.pitlll end Undiltld«l l'rofit1,, .. ,,. · •.••. .' •• ,,,,,.,, •• ·~ .•••• ,',. ;,,• .J,1182',111 (Amo11nh Mt ..tde fOf' PtOt9Ctlon to ......... Md ll'Wlltorl in .ddiOon 19 tht, lmu{lf'ICI 9f ~unts.) . . ,,toTA.l ..... , \ .. " .• , .•.• ,, . , , , , , , , , , , , ••• , ..•• , , , , , , , ...... ,',,, •• ,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,, S1201017.12;1-g- 1l!e /hM"cMJ l'O•liolc Mow.1 ii lfrir ,.,,"""'of SJ,206,9JJ bt i"ttrf#"lo our.,,.,. "'1itcl 1961. . l 40 Years of Responsible Service ' -. ' +----- ' I f I I l I • • JEAN COX, 494-9466 T ...... ~t.1* L l'.,.ll Dana Point Show. Venture Counts . . . . . On · ~tyl_ish . Set . . Believing that a · litUe · r_ain never dampens mi- Iady'a interest in haute couture, El Cainino Real ~oman'• Club is,.uttjpg-the final flourishes· on Its annual fashion presentation to take place Tuesday, Feb. 11. . ' The event, also tied up with a luncheon and . card party, will take place in the Dana Point Com- inunity House at noon. · Mrs. Niles Welch will comment on the styles which will be suppli'l'I by Cornelia Bigelow Gowll!', and Sportswear; · · Mrs. Ray C. Miller is chaiqoan of the fashion show, Bnd all interested women may attend by pur- chasing tickets for $2.50. . Decorations, following a fashions and Bower theme, will feature camellias amid a red and gold se\t!Dg. DQor prizes and a heart-shaped money .tree are some of the extra attractions. - . As~g Mrs .. Miller with ·the 1fund-raiiing . event 1ar .. the Mipes. Norton Stapleioh, -lun·cbeon , chairman, and Robert "Irwin and DOIUIUI Mol>re, ' d~tipns cQa.in:pen. . , · i:~ • . -' , Res'lJ'Vations may lie obtained by, Ca)lhig-).frs. Anllulily MapclJS!l';'41N!-5141, or Mrs .. "R,ay M!ll!'hi~ 5808 by D!'Xt .~unday,' . . ~i~ •'Y/~. ,; 'T)te lbow, ls one' of three annqai. ~-i:fuint OY;ptil .stagOd by .the club. Other ve.itulu: ~· a(Ch~ Bazaar and' an. upcom!llf'>.""'ile'.'tliih; ' 7 hich I =" A ri1 ·1• ---~~'"=-I .;o 1' S ""IOtpo. ·.~., .. trnder .the' ead~sh!p' Qf Mrs,. J<ihn'&'thj club meets lor a''luncbeoru the first · of' e:vezy mi>nth. · · · .<.' " · ·if · • -•" • \I • '~ • ~ '1.. 'I •. • -• • . • l :, .. ~, •• ~ ·-. .... _.>•t•1t., .. .· .. .. It )I ~ ..:.;i,, '~ ~· • • -· . - . ' . " . . CHARTING A NEW' COURSE -And hoj>ing·lt will be a success_. fiil•one'for'J.969' are.members.of Las Marineras AuJdli!uY of l:am-' ily .StlvlCo Association of Orange County, .(left to ·rllht), the Mmes. Richard ·Broome, Tbomu Crosson, JosePh 'DiStantstao • ' . ; • ., Puts a!lll j!lcllanl, D. Keith, new pre'lldenl New officers, patronesses: and J\OW, members were •guest. of .~ouor at a recent luncheon in Jos.!rs 'restaurant' · . . ' • • ) ' • Test ·'.·Marinaras Map. Bright Future II Las Marineras Auxillary has Its way, the Family Service ABsociation of Orange County will have a clear :;>alb this year. Mapping plans to assure a bright future for their parent organization, the c;oastal . au,xUlary bega~. their new .Y~ar with a luncheon at which'new officers, new members an<l patronesses were greeted . . ' Mrs. Richard 0. Keith, president, pledg~ her sup- pot,t ot Family Service goals at the event in ' Josef's .-:estaufant in Corona del Mar. Joining her with prom· itei ~'Sid were her board , the Mmes. Thomas CrosSon, vice pfesident1 ;, Joseph DiStanislao, corresponding sec- retary·; Robert 0. Dundas, recording secretary, and Donald Talmige, continuing treasurer. ~ ·ProspectiVe new members introduced were-the Mm~s. J, 0 .. Wiley,. 'IUchrd Broome, Monty Hays, Michael HaU, Sheldon Newcomber, Ken Holloway, Paul SbetUer, W. c, Roberts and Maurice Walsh: . ~e work of. iJle pu~llary Is . IQ h!lp acqualilt the community with tlie ·wort and fadlilles of the Family . Service AssodaUon whose alm is 'to protec.t ,and pre- servo:the Amt~1bome by helping families .IQ.solve tfi~ir ,pfoble~t 6i:a1'greater,part, Las , Marineras': con- 'ti:ibUt!on bu ·tieen In· tho·establisl\mont. of a scbojarsh!p'"' fund, which makes .f111ld• available to graduate·-.-In an accredited iCbool-<>f social worl< .. 'nlls ls •accom- pU,hed, by annua1: benefit ~es. aided by d011aUons recelyed from·paftiinesses. ' -. . • • O~e such benefit party has been planned for the fall to take on the Queen Mnylin.Long Beach and o,n- olller,will be a cblllllli•sne·tea, an annual •Prlnl·ev'!"I. . . .. ' ' . ' . .• Keeps . ·Her · Spirits " .WP Wh:if.e . .,, ' -. I· Deferid~i1ng Her~· Stand . • bEAR ANN LANDERS: Yau recent!)' ~ a lelt.r from Ille daugbtu of .. -who aid she would he willing to take her poor old father In ff he needed a place to 10 -yeo, even after be had caused her to llU!ler Ille tortures of bell because ol hi• drink- ing. You caDed her "an angel" l call her a martJr with a sick need to llU!ler. The dlronJc aloobolic often cannot -unles the fl!Dlly withdnln aD ~ fUllPOrl. 1be)" must stop molberlng him, babying JUm and ~Ying him IJDIP&llo'· Ycur answer pn>!lably .. bock """"'I' I« thoollnd• ol aJcobo11cs a good many years. -F .K.M. Cl THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON ALCOHOIJSM, K.C., MO. • • • ' • I \ ' ' went to the buement "lo ·looll .forlOda . • water." They ,were gone ao minutes. DEAR ANN: How.Can I get my 'bua- Wben I nleotloaed lhll to my sioltr, · band lo pv. me ,.... beJp wtth the lhe said, "Ob, Loma U! a paUeot He cblldren! OUr oldest ll 7. 'Ille )'Ollnlest · Is tryina to find oat H lhe is !rigid ii 4 moolhl. lie a)'I the msn 11 llUJ>~ or m.trated.'' I wu lhocked and W ed, to 1Jri11C bomJ .lhe pey~~ and the "Do you ·~ him to erperlment wllh ~ 11 wwaeed to care for the hJ1, patients?" She replied, '1[ never tktl. Sbx:e th1I ii hU attitude. I mlaht ~ wllll bil'-.'' u nil klct the llob· cul and tell lilm r.1Y awn op1n1ca 11111at my. -.1n-· to ....i blllC!Mi:b 1n ~mall law la llidOI 11111 _,. lo -up I -him lhll letter and he ~ fer bil -,, ......i, and my alller I bod lo laD._JGO U-~ °' bu 4Walloftd· a bli oat. What do you I eouldD1 G1aD II. The ,.._ "" lie IJ\lnk! -NEBll.llKA -nol 1"1!nc 1ion1 ,_ 11 -1 Polll'td • · D!tAJl NEB: I -k'1 -ti a boitJe <I ...... ale mer lllni ofttt J..n: .,_._, -7oar .....,. .., be Wied out an order tul,"1gbt. Any , • ..,..,.. ... M ,_ -wlie ,..111 " ~oMcef'-'FP!D UP I . keep,_ ...... ti........ DIUll FED: A , ..... no tltlou ' ' • • • , • . . • • • • • • r ...... ~ -..... .... .... . ··-----· --..... ______ . . .. "\ ~· ' ''· Hadassah's Valentine Party Wrapped lJp < ~ . Horoscope Aries: Change Might , Confuse WEDNESDAY gain 11 lodicated. UBM (Sept. 2S-Oct. D): FEBRUARY 5 What wu stcret now II Ii, SYDNEY OMA1lll publlclled. SituaUon lnvolvlllll yoU , ii dilcussed b e II I • ~ ARll!ll (Mardi 21·Afdl'll): -· Don~ forget one who ~teloyme. ~ • .!\,.~\:' ~-may be ill, confined. Sbow -....,... that you are big enougll to Ume Is worth -....... forgive, forget. 'DlplomaUc approach II belt . SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. Zl): one. Some around JOU are You have "pulling" power. envious. Sudden ~ migbt Means many are curious be con!ullng. • enough to pay you good TAURIJ8 (April ID-May IO): money. Popularity BOarl. But A,reement made with child realize that you must retain could .backfire. Meana young lndlvidtllllty. Don't let others ~ today goes "out of cban&e your style. bomills." Statement made in SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov. 22- put comes home to roost Dec. 21): You get boost from Don't compC>Und error. Draw "unllkely source." Maintain line. Be mature. -pol.at. Keep guard up where GEMINI (MaJ 21.June 20): reputaUon b concerned. Some C<mdltktnl at home a r e in~ ~niulUon may not anything bul settled. Farnlly liti a"ilhmiig to regulaUoM. member may be deprellled CAPRICOR!! (De<:. 22-Jan. because of employment -or 19): Follow through on long- lad< o! IL You lll!lY bo called range project. Leaving detall8 upon for loan. Be fair, not to fr!~ could be costly. Some foolllh. around you today lack ablllty CANCER (June 21..July ~: . to concentra~. Be subUe. But "POltpone travel il practical · dq some Inquiring. 'Con!uJton eslsls concerning AQUARIUS (Jan .. 20-Feb. purpolf!. Day featurea revialon 18): Mysterious actions ~f one -ol plana:. InatrucUoas may close to you creates friction. have been garbled. Know this Key 11 to seek facts, Ignore -have alternative method rumors. Someone may have at band. ape:nt money without lettlng LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): you know. K e e p a h a r-p .e y e o n PISCD (Feb. 19-March 20): poaeaslom Somethln& o f Legal document comes to your ~ VlilJeb iost in trlDllt if attention. May have been lost e:arelea· Know th1a -acl Or bidden. Heed voice of ex· «. Uni It liul:doo't 'get m-' taln hint !rom CAPRICORN ' (4'1g pt. 22): . IF TODAY IS YOUR P ' allty ent in-~BIRTHDAY you are vital, ac-- Wrapping surprise packages for .a Valentine des· for Thursday Feb. 13, all. : P·/'1•· !ii Irvine Coast sert and fashion show are (left to. right) Mrs. Stan· Country Clu Tickets are·$ With proceeds ear· ley Gottlieb and Mrs. Jay Stone, members of tbe marked l · · ah hpspi In Ura•l. Mrs. Barry Harbor chapter of Hadassah. The show is planned Miehe . . 301, ts . resenaUons. I ~ Relative who perience. Qlder individual baa 11 j, \ieeklog -~ WormaUoo you require. Ob- ,J. vol' ~ ~ meuage. dl~fld. Meansi(<yOU change · tive, a natural r e po r t e r , ootwir;d 1ppeara'Qce. ~may , writer. You Jove to be in the bav~ te loo~ Ql:Ol'e ithick of current events."-and 1Uve. Dre11 In m~ ·to · report them. Waft -unW lDlplrea cmOt\fnce. Basic neU month before arriving Two States Combine For Emblem Club Meet More than 300 members ofo the CaWornia Slate AJsocia- tion of Emblem Clubs ind Nevada Clubl will gatht.r in the Newporter Inn Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8, for their third quarterly meeting. Delegates will be re.Presen- ting 89 clubs and 18 dtslricta, and presldlng during business meeUnga and workshops will be Mrs. B. M. Camron, past president of the San Fernando Emblem Club. Special honored guest will be Mrs. William N o 1 a n , supreme president or the Supreme Emblem Club of the United Stales, and Mrs. For· rest Betijtmln',-~s up rem e marshal and past president or the Milford, Conn., Emblem CltJb. Also honored will be all California and Nevada supreme officers. Mrs. Robert Corcoran, past president of the Orange group, is general chairman of the quarterly meeting. Other area members participating include the Mmes. Basil Abbott, Frank Sahr, Eugene Bergeron, Robert Shaff er, and Ben Hockersmith. Celebrity Book Reviews -p; Phis Host Author Pl Bela Phi South CW! Alumnae Club ls presen.Ung the third in a series of Celebri- ty Book Reviews next Friday at 10 a.m. According to Mrs. Lawrence KitUe, president, the guest speaker will be the best seller author of "Sense W I t h Dollars." Charles Neal, KNX· ~financial newscaster, will be Introduced by Miu Carlotta . Williams, criUc and reviewer. Neal 1' a nationally IYJI" dicated newsp1per columnist and director of financial coonseUng !or the American lllltlluta o! Family ltalaUa111. Hil book, a Literary Guild seJecUon, now ls in its fourth printing. Additlonal lnformation regarding the program may be obtalned by ca!Ung Mrs. Frank T~ at 54Hl7S. All pnaeds are e'armarked for I the IOl'Ority'a pllllanlhroples. ' " :'·Teens Top NEWSCASTER Charin NHl Program VALERIE FARRIS Engaged Wedding Planned In July A July 4 wedding in the First Methodist Church, Costa Mesa i.a being planned by Valerie Farris of Costa Mesa and William R. Escbenmann of CJarksburg, W. Va. Miss Farris, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Farris Jr., is a graduate of Estancia High Scbool and i& a freshman at Orange Coast College where abe is a member o! the Madrigals and lhe Chorale. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mn. C. Rowe Eschenmann of Clarklburg is a graduate of Washington Irving High Scboot A senior at West Virginia University be is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu, honorary engineering societies. He will receive bll bachelor• degree i!l May. - Nick Enright and Diani is chairman of the meeting Secretarie• Barall, two exchange student.a which will lake place in Three 1 : studying at Laguna Beach Arch Bay C om m u n ll Y .0ranae COw>ly&rbor Area High School und« lhe Amor-ClubboUJe. !Agal S<cretarles Asloclatlon . lean Fi.Id Service )ll'Olram. ' Docoratlolls will be ar· · metti lhe third Wednelday • will speak to 'lbree Arch Bay ranged by Mrs., Hubbard of lhe month In various pla<es. • Women'• Asloclatlm at IO::IO Keaby. Others asmUng Mrs. Further Wtlrmallon may be Van Renaeiaer are Miu obtained by calling Miss a.m. Tlluraday, Feb. f. · MWle Saylor, Mrs. James Sheron Dresser, 54O·O15 O. ~ Jin. James Van Boo~ Ward and Mn, Meville Wiley. Mernben gather al 7 p.m. I nflfl t orrier'J ·.r f fOfl. 'I CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS In Westcliff Plaza .17th & lrvlne Newport Beacll 0,. Dally: I o.M. • t ,....: s.t.: I• 6 ~ 1 at decision regarding Im· •' ·,,. ~~ -porta.nt journey o r rela- E be 11 s to Hear ;;~m=IE:~ To find OOJt wPlo'1 Judy for vou A 'S I s· t ~ ....... T~':t. lo~~,.:,~ln~'rO:: M.., llnd Womtt\," $1llld bll1hdlli. PY ory ~(#7r~r1~r111~0~H~ · N e w p or i Ebell Club Raymond Herms, Travel See- members and guests will bear lion cba1rman. an~ that Mrs. William Hanke, Corona RJpley will lbow a . trip to de! Mar High School teaoher, Ha wall, wbicl! Ebell members neit Thursday when the._Jec. are plaqnlng. , tures with co1or ·aUdes on the Mrs. Clayton 'fborripson, 'fotld tour she and her bus--president, hu Wed that liand made in June, 19111. · reterYaUona be made with She will offer an account Mra. Irwia. Gordon or Mra. of their imprisonment by Red P .J. Wilson. , . , Chinese when ordered to moor Assisting with arrqem!nta their boat and remain on are Mrs. John Jakoaky and board until . n o t l f i e d bY· members or her Boot Sect.Ion authorities. Five. Mrs. L.W. Jenks is pro- The suspense-filled story gram chairman. will take place following a ~--.. ~~n1~,,,~.~,.-.,--­ noon luncheon 1n the Ebell Clubhouse, Balboa~ · ·Following Mrs. Hanke'a lee- ture, a motion picture will be shown by. Matson Llne agent Carlos Ripley. Mrs. Art Sale Beckons UCI Town and Gown's Art Interest Group has planned a special event for their nei:t meeting. Changing the meeting date from Feb. s to Fridaj, Feb. .f, the members will climb aboard a· bus and bead for the annual art ule at Im- maculate Heart College in Los Angeles. The group will meet with Sister Mary Corti& Kent and 'IC you. run a home, yoahavea . new problem on your hands Thirty 'Jean ago there were mild little 908pe an'd mild little hand lotioos. Now, tornadoes and Jcillcr dcantn clcu your house and wreck your hancll. . Vedra with Aloe is lhe hand lotioo ap to ~J'• cleaners. Aloe, the des. ert'• moilturiaing plant, helpo -.re what eleon· en 1trip away. Vedra Lo<iOD, 1.00, Creom 1.50. end .. STUFF SALE! ............. 11 • LIMITID CHOICI SIUCTION OP: e PEGNOIR SETS e GOWNS e ROBES e INTIMATE WEAR e SLIPPERS --·'-- DROP BY -YOU'LL LOVE THE SAVINGS! M11rl 6111••• S11ndy Cerhen 250 B-Eest 17th St. Hilltt'" Sq1•r. 642·14)0 view the work of the atudental----------•,.... which will be on sale. They also will visit SL Basil's Church to see the recently installed stained glass win- dows designed by .Miu Clarise Falkenstein whose studio the art group visited last year. ReservaUons for the bu trip can be made 'by malling fi.25 to Mrs. William Ashcroft, 160 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa, 92627, or by telepbonbig ber at 541- 6479. The bus-will )eJve from ·Uie Irvine eoasrcoo.itrii club parking Jot at t a.m:Members are asked to bring a aack lunch. · · · Dr. Alan Solomon will be the guest speal:er at the group's MMch 5 meeUng In the home o! Mrs. Arthur Mll'der in Newport Beach. We•ff Sleepina Blas Bedspreads Blankeh and RUCJS - AMlltlCA'I /)-~~DRAPERY .. _. ,.,.u, ·~IJ.LJC~EA~ll RenMV9 Water Damat9 e FLA.Ml P•OOPING IXCLUSM! GUAltANTDD DllAPEIT CLEANING Dr•,.,, CIHnlr•· Perfect ,...,..,_ ... the • ., your dra"'°', ., 1IO% ,... "'•'""""' " c ..... ' e H•WU..r HMdt e Ne lhrlnkete • "1rflct '"" ...... e Water Shin 1t......m e Pwf9ct PMet P.WI .. • ''"' ........ .fftltln.tt. OUlt IXCLUllYI llAYICI ., ........... ........ e '*""' May le Arrant-I . ,,.. ...... • ,,.. &...... Dn,. Otf tw ~ & any -540-1366 20% 642.0270 1702 NEWPORT BlVD., COSTA MESA I 1. W,".e',r,e building a NEW yelj.r . around Roman .SwiDJming Pool for your enjo)'Jllent & pleasure at our , Costa Mesa Spa. JOIN TODAY! : CALL TODAY AND RISERVI YOUR POOL MEMBERSHIP lllJOY DTllE CUii JICIUTIES I ITllOmucon ••• • DANISH COLI '""'" • NOT WtlllLPOOL 11 SWISS fACW. MACllllU for MIO . & U.THS ,. FlOllDA SUN TAM w .... •FINNISH IOCI ,. ULYU MOOO:M SAUNAS 11 IOMAN STUM CONDITlOHM lOOMI FACUTIU OPIN 7 DAYS A WllK 10 'TIL 10 mWI HONOl[6E CAU OR STOP BY TODAY FOR A FRI£ TOUR SWIM & TRIM HEALTH SPAS OllAHOI COUNTY'S MOS1 POPULU HfALrff & FUN ClUIS COITAMUA 14N361 llOOMAllOllL ANAllllM o-AN01 126-0311 639-2441 510 S. llACH 622 t ••rn" fHl,li .. , n1 "-11' ~~ ....... . ...,...... .,... ..... , ............. :: .. 4c.::,) f!•!.''i:r..~, :.·:11::r =t .. ____ (emit M It .. ,..,....., .... M~ S,,... • ' ' ' J I I I • I I I ' Dar ho~ EDITIOl'l • -. 1· ' 1 ' • voe. ~2. NO. ~o. 3 SECTIONS, 38'. PAGES O~NGE t:ouNtv •. ~ .. r By JOHN L. VAL'.J'l!\IZA ,\' .. .. Of .. DllllY '111t ...., '.n1 to miss the lmpacl' ol more· than tio,lllo pllons of.potrld-<mtlling ,crude oil ..a' .,tural pi Ob the IW'foce ol. the ~sant.a ·Barba.ta Channel u 'you Ox oter. in,a small plane. :_ , Y.ou can'L ' ' £v0 'to : a marlrie : bJO!cipll •Wbo Is ad up¢. oa pollut!oo of; the water ~ ab<ireline oil Southern ,c.Jllomto'• C1)ut, the' llight to Santa Ba'.rbara'-llld 1>4ck Monday alterQoon Is clearly a sbock. 8114 ·Dt. Gilbert Blne. marine b!OIQlll' . prof...., al UC lt'flne, alter liewlng tbe Unioo 011 Company'• oil sllck: . "II'• goln1 to be a terrible 7ear for lhe ooeaa." . On the ny up the c;oast every. "!'!let to the 1ta bean .a .mart ol silt, debris and, orpnlc IJld cbeln!ca! waste spilled into ·the' oceln. ' . The most unreal ol all the clouds Is that llM>7·Mle l!Dlldge ol block and brown ~ whlcb bu been bnlUn& up from llsourea .•t the boltom ct a well1D UieSanU &rbara ebiDMJ~ Amid the clult<r " drUllii,.p1a11 ...... th,e second farthest cunm•ndw. "'I ~ grea,tut attenlian u a bup cauldrQn , at its bue ln<nues ID. llr& u ,we a~cb. ', Olber alrttalr ore n,toi, over. Tbt surging b:own-blact area aDiid · a aea 1 ' " Students to Aid Clea;nup . . . ' 500 May HelpCle.ar Beach Debris .Saturday··:. , r i ' BJ·JEROllll .F: 00UJNB . ' l· CM ";f.Dllr , ...... "N.,,porl.~'111 hl8h: school 11'Jd'l'i' to . .PY ""'°:ubd1o·lbow up at tl!e. beach . Ill West Newport Saturday to help clear · away tons of stomt debris piled along the lboreline. -. - City officials expect as many as 50G · itudents t:.o pitch in. ' It could save the city tbousarlds ·or dollars. Unified School District Supt. D r. .\Villiam Cunnin!ham said the suggestion "Came from many oE the t i.d s tbemselv.es." He said there may be hun- dreds, there may be dozens. "But they'll tie tbtrt, at 10 a.m. aDd at other times ~the day." All loor · high achools in the 4lltrlcl .. • were lapped for vnluol<!n. Omninlham lald. ' . Coandbnan lloberl ~!ton mentioned the j>oolllbtltly· ol1 nodent ild lol<ritay mpt during council .~ of the maulva delll'il prdllam. It WU lhe only bright note sounded lhrGughoul the gloomy aessi.on. Councilmen decided Iha! U lbe students were to be available -and school autborltles confirmed'" it this morning -their efforts would best be con· centraled on lhe sand• &OUth of the 40th Street groin. The council then authorized Ute city staff to continue negoUaUons for a con· tract for rnechanizecl cleanup of heavier piles north ol the tp'Oin to lbe Santa Ana Riv.er. Cl)' Manager · Harvey L. Hurlburt reporlecl thall.cantraclon' l"-11 for the work · thus far naced lnim $1,GOO to $24,000. . He also aald tile use o! commen:ta1 rigs to gel rid " the llotaam ahauld be delayed fOr ·at least two wee.kl because more debri1 is ezpected. He said it will continue to pour down the . Santa Ana River as a result of lhe lowering of the Prado Dam at Corona and the runoff of melting snows from mountains. Councilmen were .plainly unhappy about the situation. "It seema lo me," said Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons, "that we're on tpe reee:Jving·md of everybody's debri.a in the count)' IJld we're supposed to pay for cleaning it up .. The respoull>Wty sbould lie wltll tile -coomly.,; "It'1 dlfflmlt'lti ajipartlan tbe blame," said Mayor llOreOn MorilWL ·-is. :i kit of material out then frolll. outside the mmtJ. "' ' · M l ' I _"But n · haft to PIY for lt.'' pumbled p......,., Hurlburt pointed oul that e<mtacta had been made with the county, "but they have their hands full with other problems and can't fend any assistance now." He added that the.re 11 a possibility c! the city getting reimbursement for any expendltum from state-disaster funds. He wu told to keep pursuing the possibility. Council Votes SJl!ds Clearly ' . ' . ' Hui-lburt al&o.,. noted that Jq.rance weather forecasters anUclpate another storm 11in a week or a week and a half." -'l'bat, be s.aid, would doubtless worsen the beach pileup!, which rana:e 1W to alJ feel high ID some apota. . ''Do ·J'OU IUJ11)911e," observed Coun-o cllinJd . Ed Birth, ·"that there'• a poalbillty ct Iha! jnlll: gelling aalllrlt.d with oil before we can· plct It" Up?''· 'f o ·Investigate Sirhan on S-tand, Tells ~ rim= ·, -i1i~_--g· :~,. ri~.·-. ~1at . ~ · H~ wu referrtni tO the 1Santa Barbara oil 1llck ·no~. " · : · · . ·\~ .. -._ ... ' ••·"-'II' s. tL.i.:;o • ( .... _..: NeWpGrt B<acli <ily councilmen. alter • · -..., bnirlhl up the subject or uie ltaaiiitl helJ!lol l!lli · c11y .by llllllna au;1 hJi own three lttnagen "are pretty enthbtlaailc 1b&at pitchlna ln." a two-hour executJve iession. Moada1 nigh! voted to Investigate further alleged clly chlJ'ter" violalions by a West New- port ojl' firm. ·vice.Mayor ~indsley Pai-sons and West Newport Councilman Donald Mclnnla , Ill ~e appointed to a special c:ommlllee '"I /'>be the issue. - )liidane Is ruspecled ol slant-drilling fqm oounly ~i.y, where lbe flim'I f1'ldl 1are' ~led, into city territory, -.. drilllqcll jlrOhibltecl. . ·MIJ<r Dorom Marlhall' will serve u • alternate member of the committee, ~Wlllcb ii "'Jl<Cled to dilculs tbe mailer with Kadane ·represenlalives ptlor to ~ ·possible legal action qalml 1lie -pony. Councilmen and key cU7 aide! declined to give any hint on what precisely wu cllscuS!ed behind closed door!. ., St.Oek M•rkeU " NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed today on a rather even kei?l Jo acilve trading. (See quotations, Pogea 10-11). Del•11et1 Esplesiotl . Alm0st a quarter of a ~tury after ·ii first appeared in The 1 New Yorker Magazine in aertal fonn, Pulitzer Prize;lriDnlllc author John Honey's ac:counl o! wbal happeMll.to the people who bore the· brunt o! ·tb• world's !Int atomic bomb bu become Ille sull!ect of a ...,. lzo••*l' ID Orange Coanly (see page 'J). • .1 Councilmen applaud'll lbe Idea .. LOS AjlGELES (AP) -Sirhan Bilhara He-.poke ID support ol a de!..,. motion Shelton, who said he had had Sirhan, laking the wltneu lland al bis to qlWh the &rand jury lndlc:lmenl preliminary lalU on the pouibllll)' with , trial on a charge he murdered Sen. 1gainst him on grounda the jury ,;11 school officials, was asked to check it Robert F. Kmnedy, said today the moR unbalanced 1n makeup. f~.~~-in toUcb with the Surt: .... A.ssocia~ money II< earnec1,·1n joy ol the lour He cooflnned theoe !non fl&ur<s ._ pr<viGul yeers wu ll,JIU5. 1-· -· 90 . 1-" me : lion, l<lo\;.,. saldBo ParScosons." 'Thi~ younc Jordanian wu pU l'W• .-.. ; _., .. JlJ. .. ; llS'l, "And "'"" 1 uts, added Mayor ed --• --.... ~~-•-......._. five mlnWs fm.111; !!lei, f'152.15. The -· he Marahall. • . -.,.... ~., ·~..... said. came from Jolls In · a drive-In, Thi• morning, the clly etafl, In of ~ I.~ ldl lln.anqal ltatus. motor aervl~ firm, a nnCh ln nearby coopera.Uon wl~ _school authorities, waa • .cbino; a coriltrucllon' company In nearby wor!dng our the qlllics for the youlh Corona, and a food store' in Pn!!den1 volunteer ·••armJ''. Aulstaill· City County .Board Sirhan, 2~ WU neatly -In a Manager James lleChaine said the · -. . gray tal4 blue lie IJld shirt,· ond l<Jok slucienll would be Oil the beacb Sa111nia7 H ho the oalh wllh · 11sts clencbed. Bui be from. 10· a.m: 'lo 4 'p.m. Tbelr job will OphMPs. ar .r ~ed relued •hll•· ipel!dnf.> His . be to haftlkarey·dObril to street en<l•.-r -----VOlce WU Ugbtly acceated. ' -Where clly ttucb Wll:."pick .it Up arid .. The defense earlier pre 11 n t e d haul It to the tounty dump. Funds to Newport testimony that lhe crllld Jury wu l!IOll!y "Maybe," sugemd Shelton, "lhl1 Jn. composed b! college-educated penorui: in dlcaUon of the kids' public spirit will . the profeasional, aalea or managerial win them 110me support at the potla . Orange County aupervllora today classes and Included no one who was Tuesday.n unantmoua1y opposed county rt.i.m-under30orpoor. -.-----------bunemenl ct Newport Beach for opera-' · Under questioning by chlel dele!llle ilon ol Newport Harbor U the present coonld Grant B. Cooper, Strban rapood- Orange Count)' Harbor District la dlato!v-ed almool entire!! with .. , .... or ''yes ed... sir." . ' Newport bu: propooed such retm-UJlder c:t'Olll·e.,mlnatlon br Chief bui..,_t Uthe preaeat ~aol Cities . Ilepul)' 'Dist.' All)'. L)'llll; D. compton, move to dlsaolve the dllltict la sue-Slrban'1 repllelwere a bit Ioaaer. ceealul. Wu he going to school during the · BJ tllelr lland lhla m«nlng, lbe years cited! supervisors aignllled lltelr continuing op-"Y .. , in 1911, 1965, 11116 -no ·just JIQN.tlon 'to diuoluUoo of the harbor 1964 and 85 at Pasadena City eoneP:." diltrict. ~ "Djd you turn over your m_sney1o Newport Beach bu. pointed out that your mother?" ltl. tupayen lbouldn't be apected·to "Part of It." bear-cools ct Newport Harbor operailons AJked hl.s age, Sirhan replied: "I'll wfilch are o(• benefit to the entire county be 25 nexl month." as a regional aquatic Playground. He aald he lived at home most oi Supervisor Alton E. Allen read the the time during the year1 in question . Newport raolution this morning and then 11le 1nformadQD aboqt his lncome was said that, If the faclllties are countywide derived by Cooper uttng Sirhan If Jn- in uae, they should be operated by the come taa withholding fl&ur<s were cor· harbor district aa al present. He said reel, wilh Sirhan saying ''yes." ba WU oppooed to the county paying ST A.TE MOTOJUSTS GET 'YA.LENTINE' SACRAMENTO (UPI) -GOv. Ronald Reqan Monday cave a Valeadne pres- ent to Ca!Uomla'1, abl\en~mtnded motor. lsls ' n.. Governor Oltended tile I deadline for reglltrailon, Of motor v~es from mlclnl!lht toolPt to I p.m. Feb •. H - Valentine'• Day. Reagan saicf the lG-day extension was aimed at giving "peraon1 affected by re- cent Oood cond.IUonsn addlUonal Ume to renew their ttglstratlon. Bui the action also gives all other motorlsta who fall to register before mtdnlibl a second chance ·to do ao. to operato the harbor ii the district ildi.olved. DlacuAk>n-lnu&bt out that under the _.i _, the harbor cllslrlcl bu the -to replale actltlliea In the -, bu!· .tho. county doe4 DOI and Harbor-Mesa Realtors -DOI bllft under tile League ol C!Jlol plir;Oul. ,.. ~ _ .. Davld L. Baker said l'llilJ!!l'I llOch laclllU.. were dllfic:ull to UIO by COW\tY ,-le because of limited access. ' . Back -Sclwol Bond Issue ' • ' ~ ! , . .. The realty boll'd ICtlon came after 1 .. You· can't .ue .. tbe beachel becawie 11-ii no jllsce to paril," Baker said. "TIM! same Is true ct the harbor. There are anly two atnaD boat launching faclUUes ." Superviaor William H. Hirstein U..w more cold water oa the proposal in 1IOllnc that Newport menilcmed operation ct tile-Upper Bay area. "Tbe coonty c:q:lalDIJ -~ be lntereitM In -.aDelll ct that area ii ·ii 11 to bnmder cltJ coatrol. ,, Tbe -•IM• killed a move last ,_ lir !Iii Lelip "" au.. to aboilab Ille -~ all<r•it had -.... Md by aD • cilia. • • • tbe group'• president, J. Peter Barrell, wrote in a newsletter to members: "Before one· votes qi.lmt the bonds, -.. .. 1 , • •AILY PJLOT...,. ... 1Mll·....,., ·1 STILL B4BBLING QFF·SANTA •BARBARA · · ''\ 'A Ttrrltilo·"l'oor for the Ocoon' · • SANTA BARBARA (UPI) • tll~hore pol!ulioll. winds pua~ed. a 20-square-mile" Oil" slick At least uven mila ti COlltltal' closer lo this cOilsro! cily lod1y, b/loglng already . were cootomlnlted Wttli"stfllit ' • ! . • . ' • 1 it within two mJles of the beach. artlOW\11 of oil. ' MoodlCY:' nf""9 'tbl Some offshore drilling 'QJ>eratlons, ~~~De~eDtof:~~·~ halred Moilctoy at the request of intulor reported IZ9 birds had been ~ Secretary W81ter J. Hlciel, were mwn-to treabnent·cenier1'1fllli ~.fei&Mn ed alter .federal eiperll cbecked opera-. loUJed b7 oil HllCO Ille ~ ilonal procedurea and dtlormined they crude bubb!J. up fJ'Olll ali ,<>flsbon III were within safe llmit.s. well a week ~go tod,i7. . .Hlwf bDed the bait ·aflel' an ·aerlal 1ou010.!J!'. IZ9tre~t71 ~ ~.~ ~. 1nspet11oh ·o1 the crude oll'll!ok, term!nJ, .... 'to --... ~~p!t~~on "more 1 seV~ tban .11 an-~cor:eof~J~~~ Humble Oil Co., largest leaseholder birda bad'dild~1b.\~fi In the santa'Barbara Ch:aru)eJ, was given· liickel, 1ccuaed by ~·~of the go-ahead 'to continue Ill operadOlll being parllsan,,!y,:NJ In~~ after a review of Its methods by technl· a two-t\OUf aenai · s"'°.ef of '°"' aoct cal experil deslgnaled by the lnt'!"or JloodaJ, ""1 . me!', '!Ith oll C!l"!JIUT Department. . reprelel(lta4ves:'t11en he IM~: .. Phillips Pelroleum Co. was given "At my request· all Jlrllllna. operatJOlll, permission to reeume drilling al"' mak-on federal leuei oo the o\lW cooU~ mg aeveral minor technical cbanges lel Ille~ in Sant.a·Bar!W• ~ '1'"1!eq forth by a United Stales .geo!olical l.:~7 •Ptace:i ID a, ~ ·pos1- survey team. : . .. 1· , • !&bored 1 ~: · SoulhW<st winds blowing .off !he .ocean . Me~~"°""'' ,_,'f .. .. toward land were ••-'.-',lo ipcr-I; "' ·lllO , Union .:OU Co~ ·"'-, ..,..,.,.. ... al to-~ ...... • -.,,.,. u: a114· ~ Ii> between 'eigbt .ond ·ll ,knoll ,., -•• ;':'.~.r:.i;,. • ..,i ..... •nte.~'°',.. ternooo 'ond .up. to IO ~ ·W!$elda7i .-•-~,..... • -, ....-. puoni • dat fOrl 1.'Weet; ' , .. • ~ ' endang~40 miie. ol ~.,. . . ,.-llj>-oariy~.~ . 'l'bi!1 Coast ; G!Jor\I, !VJN<.~~T. ,......... ~ . ··-··-. ........ an4 nigh• that .. aerial-.. .,,. ..... ,uil l:.t"'"''' -~...,,,.... oorthwosl•edi• nf. l!ie·mah\ 'l"""'!trail!"' ·t;;~ .. 1~1!P.'aMI\'=. ~·~ h,. drifl<d:wg!>ily lowardSailta Barbar• -~ ~ ~i - and ,ts appro~~IJ , hOo: ju I ,I • ~ the .sAnta l!artltra . undeO oflabore." . , J:.1::. 11.e • thecricl> o11,i.-· 1ar .... 'During the past -two 'days;,Oifahore bids w~ ~ived,ot a fodinl wtnda ,had, ,.pl ~ allck ~waj from I :11ee ,~,sµ~.P .... I) . land and the shlfl In the ""'li'd wu · regarde as a· ejtrous 8elback 'ln dtf '· '· .\ .r L'.l .1 ' '. ,_, batue to aave wildlife and beacba from Or-... 1) ' • ..,..., .. # I } .Three of· F'iV.e Held;·in ·Boat . · , , . •·. " ' I·: . I • ' -------.--~ ,.,.._ P .. e 1-.. .. ,,.. !IR' VIEW • ~ . lap 14 .... al 1111•.,uct: ~ tr,tlf-'lo ~ I In .O·IMJ Cli - lloialtM-." ' ,.: ......... ... Iii I -•Gt \:ll!D'bla • .tM -.-· " ' ' bol11 ..... tbelr--tba . ..... ,,, des -lell beblnd fllla IPliiwlllic:rudeoU. llL..... '"""'. tbo huge doll, leav~ · m:r'@ot .llfflt aml4 the blaci "'2-Loot at lbclle iu btrd•. ~·~111ore. -ollhlmare~ .... ,s.e · U.. tiOatmc • • • .there I ODI J • • .............. ,~--_, ~- RAD ENOVGB" , . ~ ~ ~ ... Altar five ~ over the ....... 1114 Ila ...... ~;!Ml ......... bad ...... W1 "* la 111 llolnl.._ tbo ........ ' ...... ...,.., -. ,, A .... -llw.:oi. lllil .... ~ _ ,....., ...... d .-.... ··-•""'': ... ~ ~ .. -....... -.,_ ... __ . -... 1111_,.. ... .,_ll_ . ._ ............. ell ...... -.............. -lltlll · ..,, 111.:: ~i?..:S.~ .. ~ ·-... -.-...., llllo 1111 ....., ·r · ................. Mdl. --· ~ \' ... ;,, ... ::;ttttarl • • _ .. thl ....... , .... ~ '""*' .... : .. bO' ., ....,,,,, -lll1'd ., .. ~ • •• • •• ,_.o,.!......_,..,. ' • • ,,... 4 . . "Loot' a1 'liot-,U ~to ""'""'p" " ·;' • • • ~i.DWI "@ -~.PR ·~~---. u... ' -:--.;. . 't.~'· -···--~...;.;!... . ~· ,, .. _ .. _ UJl'fl1ftUlill ..... ltawo~~.,,.llOllldV• -.. !WI<'.~ •• ;µ1, .... Ibo ;di tlqj -.wlll "" -mdli ' ·- HI ~URDIR SUSPECTS FACE JUDGE Hony L 'lllMI (ltll), l!dwanl R. Hargrave ... ._ ....... ---- -"' ... '"""~ . -s ·1as·. h M de. S Olltv---··lt-~-. . .... . t o11-:'J:.t ·O[l&to~--· . · . :u,, r .uspee . , .... ftim --• • .... I* .. ' . . •. ' ' \;ES~U..:.~.;. Pha-. : d.... . ..... , ~--= ~==·-:,:ti"·u1 rge in Other CWfv;es ~n:.:=J:.=~ .:-, " the ocean -1bo runoff ·u. ... ~ AllTllUll It. 'flNSEL more dayz -,. which io' prepm Its case ftedlna tbt:'Dliilt&OD:Jlill IDlb tbolt·.. °' .. ·°"*' '""'~ against the co-defendantf. .. Nd cloadl.t';."t ;\\,."'" • .•• J ..... · .: A handsome high school dropout Hargrave -who Jookl more ·like an '""' iid ~ _,.. irom' l+oil«' ' ' . Beadl llCIUti"IO. iliil'ii·~ ..... B<ac!i tbouabt to be • tag-along_on a joyride honor student than a HU(!t~ton:;iitach ... _.. .... ,~ a · .that ended' bl a savage, throaHluh H1gb School dropout -iJ represented pW. ;·UmJ'der 'w,Js t0rmally charged ~ two S9 I~ by the public defender's office. DRILLING lllTEll more criines today, when be and a Htllftlngtoo Beach police bave declined Alter the Hunlfnllon Beadl pier, tbf i»<lelendant appeared In court. to dllcusa In detail bow the cue agalnsl :I:: =. 0;:.. mo:! ':I::'"~ Schednled preliminary hearings for ~ and Hargrave II being bWlt. clmler ol plllforma In the Santa Barbara F.dward R. Hargrave, 11, of 17382 MMten Tbe pi\eral theory, bowever, II that cbannel, OV<rloolt Iba Staio Part beach. Lane, ud Heiq L. Sianez, 25, o1 312 tbey :.lltqle ' 1 car beioncfnl to Mill "W'"1ldD1 11 be trqlo II n bad a a.,. st.,' both llulltfn&tm Beadl ad-Mar111eta,Dln&er, 31, ol !IOI Dela..-are leak on one of these?" tbl siOet rtmlrb. dre11111 Wtl"I. ccntlnued uaW Friday. st.. ~ Beach on &.mdly, .Jan. By then we bave reacbed tbo .-X Judge Harmon G. Scoville onlared the I, fer a joyride. o1 Po11nt1oo Fllald l u n plll "'" pair ·re!urned to , Division Ft,., West Drlvln& clown 17th street from Iba the Santa Alla Rher )ltty. 0ranp:; COOnty Jodlclal Court, at IO DiJlger ·~artment, tbey.theorellcally col- Rlngs of debrll and ra'I 1ew.&Pfare a.m.~ With both remainln& -held ·without lided With ru.. MaJ:S@t'• car, southbound easy to see. 1~ bail in the homicide case. on Main Street from a trip to the The wute hu f°"r~ a huge, arc Each is charged with one count of laundromu. 1 • 'r.ax·payer .. s, ·Get __ .Relief· H~ners to .Benefit EroJf!t.l'rop.· 1.4.:· .. 11 ~ a .........., and you-.. ..... --lince 1111 l!ar<b -ariilli: yoa'Ve p I'll c:Omln,yi>ar way. Nez! Monday OnDige Count1 A3sesior Andrew J. Hinahaw'a office wfll start mailing forms to homeowners so they .cao.aeek $70 tu nlief-undar J>l'O¥ilions 'of PropoalUen IA 1pproved by v.ten · Jn November. · · ' More than 500,000 fonrui will be malled to·county property owners by Hinshaw's recenlly expanded stall. He , e1pecla <laiml for •boot Ill million In refunds. Forma will cover both \he l'IO rebmd to be Ttc:elved tliis year ud an •P- pllcatJon 111< the '750 on tbeJr property as• nuoent 1n 1.Mt. "'l11e '750 eumptloos "" an OO>tolnc ~ Homeowners wtn file tbll lorni ·• nor -11te Iba Y<l«ana' ... .q,ptJon,'' IDnlhaw aptalned. MU the 1-wner hu not received 1 claim form by M"'11 I he lhould contacl lteagan Tells ,Budget in TV Talk Tonight SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reo,an , goea on Jrlm1>time tolevis!oa"·tonlgbt fer tbo' pnm1er ol bll .U.'19 badge!. · . Tbe 1""'110f will appur wllb 1'llllnce Dir«tor Caspar Weinberger on - color l<levlaim to explalb Iba bud(et to·the'P'!bllc. ' . (Tbe gpeclal show will he seen in Loi Angeles and Oranie counties on ·Channel 5 at 7 :~ p.m.) Reagan also will discuss 8galn the 10 perr.ent personal income tax cut he promJaed during a similar television rePQrt lait week. _ ',l'onight's progr~m was Jib:ned two weeks ago. "lt'l an att~pt by the goyernor to explain .to the J>tQple "the budget, which is a veey _ l:91Jlpllcated ·.thlng," sald Paul Beet, Reagan's press 'secr.!Ory. , Reagan lw-ilecided to ·adopt an en- 'tirely new style of budget this )'ear . - a "program b u d g e t." It Will list the statewide cost of the entire program, rather than an lrnlividu.al breakdown of the cost of .separate institutions· in each •program. . .. l1lY office tmmedie&ely." • ~m· must be ·milled to ~w·s ofllce by April U 0< the boJDOOllJltr • may Joae bll rebatement on the 1111 tues or his exemption on the 1989 assessment 1'91L Hinlbaw'a itaff will cerUly a J,iat of~ qualified _ homeowners and send 'them to the state controller by JWM: ll Th1t controller will i&sue checks and mail lhem to the homeowners. Hinshaw saJd all rtfunda shoold be paid by August "In general, a homeowner qualifies for the flO tu: reruna if the dwellinC wherein be resided on Marth I, Ult, wu bis principal ·place · of' residence and irovtded ve~ e:remptlon was not previously allowed oa the reiideoce," Hln.!haw explained. "A prlnclpal place of midence 11 de!ln- ed In law u 1 (I) home or duplu bul nol a trlplu or larl'I", (I) - dlmlnlum, (J) bolaeboa~ (I) mobile home not liClllled by the stato and (5) a dwelllni being ~ed under • e«1tract tJl Ille. Hlnsbaw &Jso warned that the ex· emption does not apply to property that.. was rented, vacant. or under construction and hot' yet qccupied on th.e til1 Hen date 'lfhich was March I. It also does'' not 1 apply to i Uwsed mobile home' or a vacation or second1r1 home. " The a'ssessor said that· owners of pro- perty recei\'.ina: publio assis tance do not qualify except for those receiving., assistance under the Seilior Citizens Tax, Aslistanc:e t,.aw. ., 1be ~·s oUlce ei:pects to &J>-n prove ~ 200,000 $70 tu refund ap- plicatlo111 'and 250,000 claims for~ homeowners ei:empUon. Himbaw said be wu forced to ~ 12 Permanent . new stalf m~mbers toi handle the wort load and another II,• Pl1"I time YIOfken will join the 1taU Mardi I just to proceu the c1alms. Nixon Talks With LBJ . Over Mideast Strategy "' . j, WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbo Wbite Hoose said today President Nb:d'ri bail conferred with former President Lyndon B. JohMoo on the smoldertog Middle Eut crl!is and wu Jnparing to "make "°"' decll!QDJ" on U.S. alrttiY ~ defuse the alloation. With Nixon ready to go along with a French propoaal for Big Four Mideast talks withil\ the United NaUons, the Preslclenl-talked 'with ' JOhn.00 , by telephone for about 15 m:lnutes M'onday. evening to discu.ss-the latest ·develop- ments. • Nixon had conrerred with former Pres!· dent Dwight D. Eisenhower on the situa· tion Sunday at Walter Reed Hospital: · Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the Middle East cri.sl! waa the "prlorlfy. item" today as Nil:on conferred agafn . with his NaUOnal Security CounclL •11Tbe Preaident will make IOllle. de<iisions on the Middle East following today's meeting," Ziegler said. ''These d~ona will became apparent over U. nert few days." • NiXon will bave an opportunity to spell , ou1 his administration's posilioo an the Anb-laraell troubles when be bqldl bis • second presidential news conference on Thursday. · · -· · , Ziegler sald the Ptesident will gjve- both Johnson and Ellenbowtt weet11 briefings on foreign policy developments, either by telephone, wrlttn reporil or- penoUI br;e&gs by 1ta1!'m!mllen. Scholarship Concert Slated .. The music deparlll)ent at Newport Harbor High School will offer its annual Midwinter ScbollJ'$ip C.Oncert . Wed- nesday in the high school lwlitorlupl. . A varied prOgram of classical;' retlgious·~ ' c and modem selectiooa will be perfonnocl ; by the A Cappella Choir, the t1lantelles'· arid the Madrigal Singers. The' cilnOer! begins at ,,30 p.m. Dona.i'. tions ol ·ff will be acceplod · 11 · U.., door. Proceeda will he used to provldt\i &eholarships for two college-bound m~c.n 5tudents. . . ' ' of brown from a po~7 north !if. the murdf in conqection with the Jan, 5 F~tht atoleo-.car -no matter jetty to the ahoreunt~ south tit the ~ of Mrs.! Heiler S. Markee, 55, who Jnay,,Ji&vi: beM·at fault for the :; Newport Beach munlcJpl1 pier. A;darker of 15iJS Olive Ave., Huntington Beach, minor accident_ Mrs. Markee stopped ring of debris marks tts juncture with apparently over a fender-bender auto or was forced to ~ curb and slain cltaner Ra water. , crash1 In a djspute ov'er the collision, Jn- At the flllbt'a end ;the smell of crude Sianez wu 'also formally charged vestlgaton -think. ail and nataral pa are lltll there. earlier with pouelllon of a saweckll A llltle tbaqlll ctlDU to mind almoat abotcitn and au\o the!~ after bll Jan. caprldou&IJ ••• ''llmember hoW bard 9 arrest in connt<tlon with a crime It wu to 111 llilt lllllo blob of oil for which an illnocelil couple wu already olf ,.... aboa -11111 wall: .. the In custody. boacb!" ,' • , 'l'be ·Or11111·County Dlltrlcl Attorney'a "'1'r1 ~ pDam ol fl .iJ," offict today added lbclle um1 two -tbo -· r• chargee to an amended complaint aplnJI '-ti * fi =L liul waived !annal ar· P,..;ia p... J SU--d,;i.. attorney, LloJd Nocter, ol Fountain Valley, Aid today that tho 0 JL SLJ CK • • • cllltricl attor11ey'1 office wanta 1 few auction Jut.Jear. A ..m-an for tbe COlllUYIUCllli!t Sierra Club ukl a col007 of Mala on ~ WU avoldJna the 411 by ileeplnc to l'O'Jl'CI, bul he Warned many die when they veotund Into the polluted -'"' food. . ' Hickel, In ~;the temporary 8U9peDl1on of drllUni, Ald 1~1 pr<>- cedlft will llfonl • ~alhlnl spell until II CID be dilmnfned wtwther c:omcllve meuare1 are necmll'J':" Bl aaJd the _,, liall would -um.. unlll the crtotallnevaluledud-. ' \ D~llY PllOI e.lANGI COo\ST f>UM.llMING COMPAM'I" leM .. N. w,,, p,..IMftl .... Mllftr Ja<lc R. c •• r., Via Prtll*fll l lld ~ .. """""' 111 ... ,, •• ,.,a .... lhe11111 A. ~,,,1ii111 """"'"' lf!."F. . Jeff-F. C1llii-. laY1 Hlt1t11 ~ .... Mftrlltlnt Ctt., l!lfl* Olrf'df.f " ..... --1111 w .. 1 ,,._. ... t.w.r1 Uollot-• PA ... 1111,•Ull _.,... t.-... ,~ ... -= ......... ....,, !II ,.... HuNNtM...-1•• ..... lnsiirance Firm Charged in Suit A national life Jnaurance organization bu sued a Newport Beach Jnsurance agency for $18,820.2t 1n a Superior Court complaint _, alleging non-payment of pnmluma a n d commi.uloo.! collec:l<d under a joint agrtemenl Ljated u defendant by the Central Nlllonal IJfe Inauranco Co. ol Omaha. Neb., 11 Wtllport lnlurance Co., IOI N. Newport Bite!. and Keith W. Clark, 11are~Uve. The action rt.ates that an ·•ireeznent between the two concerns wu raUOed on Ool. 311, JM'I. But Weotporl, the acUon alleges, hu failed to put into a separate bank account cert a In premiums and eommisslons that should revert to the Omaha firm. Faculty Art Work No~i on Display PainUnp and IClllpture by Orange Cout Collep faclllty m<mben wlD be on display UiroUC)I February al the Civic Cealer Galllry In Newport lleacll Qty IJ§, aalleiY' ·11 open tO the P,btlc Ina l:a ·-to l :a p.m. .....,._ '""' ahlhlt II -ed by tbo dty'1 l"lile """ ~ Officer Suing Man in Scuffle A Newport 11eac11 pointing contractor hu been 111ed for a tolal ol ll0.810.11 In damqes by a pollce officer wbo claima Iha! he WU lelioaaly Injured and needed ~ital treatment following a me1ee at the _defendant's borne. Newport officer Robert Briscoe claims In his .action that he was assaulted by Robert P. Yardley, 36, during a fracas at Yardley's home at 13a1 Hampshire Road; The incident occurred. police reports state, while Briscoe and a fellow officer tried to arrest a youth accused of filing a flase police report. Yardley was subsequently fined '625 and placed on one year's probaUon Jn Jtarbor District municipal court but a recent check. of court records e:hows that the sentence was expunged from the record last Dec. 20. :N"e\V}>Ort Center Hit by Thieves Thieves during the weekend stole weldlng and power tools and stripped a new pjckup truck of its engine parts in the construcUon ·area of Newpcrt Center, police learned Monday. A tolal of $1,000 in tools were taken from e:torage lockers belonalng to Elevator Electric at 1440 N. Newport Center Drive. .. At the same location the thieves strip- ped the trnct, lea•lni oaI:r the bl«:k Wlderthehol>d. Lou of the engine parts wu lilted at abollt 1310. PI~n for Marina Topic at Meeting A plan for a S,900-boat marina olf West NeWJ>(ll't, coupled wlth an inland marina-resldentlal project behind New· porl Shord. wW be ouUioed tonight be-lore t.be Wtat Newport Improvement Association. MsodaUon President Margo SJillllng Aid Iba meetlni will be held In the City Council Chamber at I o'cl«:t. Tbe public "' lnvtled. Principal ~ will be the plan's pro-" Stopben C. Auld ol Newport -Tbe dl1 COllDCil ....... u, tabled tbo plan !11< further dlocua""' .., Feb. 24. ' $60, OFF The fabulou$ GOlden'l'.'OUCH a SEW" , , -· · ··. · sewing machine by Singer In "COpenhlgen" desk. Ng.price Sevo,_onlhl1flmouaToudllSOWzfO-mgaewlng I machine wllh lhe uclualve Slngar" PllllH>utton bobbin Iha! wlnda lnaldo tho machine. Ha a bulfl.ln bullonholorht mal<ll perfoctbuttonhol11 aully. Two SINGER' vacuums Singer canister cleans high, lgw and hard-to-get-at places. Com11 with five acceaaorles for 111 clean· Ing jobs. AND Singer MR•=aa triple acllon · vlbratorto clun, .w..p '-· and all"WUll carpels •ndrugt. Gettheee't. u•w=~ ·ss 1!.~!r!~ach~~~ ONLY , Fashion• disc for blindstitching and $88 overcasting. Darns. mends, mono- &rams. Sew. button• and buttonholes. I ' ; ftaitril,....,,_tr.,llNGIR,..,/t SINGER -' ............. __,,... ..................... -CD9.wr. t ' '; • ,q ' ·' • • ~ \ • ' .. . • ' " ·• ·-____________ , __ ,_~------ '/I; ' 1/I, • ~Clft ,.....,, .,....,, .. .,. "' , ... 1J IEA ANDERSON, Editor Yachts -m:e.n . " • • At rrudJ.,int ol the tw<Hlay regatta,.sponsored joint- ly by _Lido l$le ind Bahia Corint.hian yacht clubs, skip- pers and crews will discard sailing togs for party·attire. On Saturday, Feb, 8,, t.he annual Valentine Ball will be staged in the Lido Isle Community Clubhouse. Guesta, arriving for the 7 p.m. cocktail hour, will be received by LIYC C'ommodore and Mrs. Roy Woolsey and BCYC Commodore and Mrs. Thomas P .. Dougan. Upon entering the clubhouse, the cµtistic woi:k of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Davis and their ·committee will be evident, for the party setting wJD lie a profusion .of carnations 8.nd baby's breatht with old-fashioned paper valentines adorning walls, '!!" · tl!ls and. 1"'1'1 b~rs. . . . . . ~ ; . . . ' With Lido Isle as ihe host. ciUb , Rfar Cortunoclore . an~·· Mrs. Roger '"M.c;1cGregoT are ip clj'arge of arrange- ments ;for the evening, Which also includes at 8 p.tn. dinner '8nj11da~cing_.' ' ~ -t4 - Se~ipg. on their committ~,. beSid~es _Mr. a11d Mr~. Devis, an; Mr. and Mrs. Jac!C'Langenbach and.Mr. and Mrs. ·Ed~ard, Hayes;· · : '1· . ~ -. . ""•""' ' 1'ornlw~ ~ races S~Y,. tbe clubhOllB!' ag&in wm'.b.f'll!e ~•for ·another·eiltliellbg when trophies ate awried fO.:trfuners. · 1 • ' -( 1':-";..;1~ . , .. ' -. 'GETrlNl''TO THE'HEART. OF 'IT'-Old-fashioned paper va1:· ,entines haVe been selected as the ·rnain decor for the annual joint Valentine 1lall· of <Lido Isle and BahfS..:Corinthian yacht clul>l·nl!•t Saturday. Mn.-..Jolm D. Davis (leit-),-decorations• cc>dtalrman of . .. ' ' . . th~~udo Isle club receiveS assistance tn creating the embellish- .ments by (left to rigbtf M,... Edward Hayes and Mrs. Jack Lang- enbach. · ~M~·ri.n~~·~$"· Ma .P .. Bright .Future ,. ' If Las Marineras Auxiliary has its way, the Family Service Association. of Orange County will have a clear j>ath this year. · r Mapping pl~s to assure a bright future for their parent org&nizatlon, the Coastal auxUJ.ary began their I' ne.w .year with a luncheon at which rtew officers; new members and patronesses were greeted. Mrs . Richard D. Keith, president, pledged her sup- PQrt )Of Family Servjc& goo.ls at the· event in Josef'• restaurant in Corona del Mar. Joiniim. her with prom- ises Cff aid wereJtref ~· tbe,~s~ Thomas Crosson, . . . . · vice.'president; JoseR~'):ijStanlslao, .'i""'espondlng ,sec-. reta?Y;· Robert O. Dundas, recordmg secretary, and Dorlald Talmage, continuing ,treasure-:. Prospective new members intrbduced were the Mm,,.. J. 0. Wiley, Richard Br00f1'e, Monty Hays, ~ Michael Hall, Sheldon Newcomber, Ken Holloway, Paul Sbettler, W. C. Roberts and Maurice Walsh. ' The work of tbe auDl18ry is to help acquaint tbe community with the work and facilities of tbe Family · Seivice Assocla\1911 ,whose aim Is to protect and pre- . serve:t11e t>mertam\home by helping famili .. to solve · · .their pniblems. fit a greater part; Las Marineras' con- ttlbutloo has been In the establlsllment of a scholanhip : flll!d ,which makes !\U>d• avaJ!able to gradu~t• students . tn .an ·accred.ited sCbool f# Social work. This is accoin· Pllslied· by annual ¥ie~\ •porttes, aided by , donal!"na . ~HARTl"G A_ NEW COUllSE -And ·hqping it will be a success- ful one for 11169 are !lle!Dbers of Las Maiineru .Auxiliary of Fam- ijy S~!Ce' Associ81ion 'ol 'Orange County,_(lefl 'to rightt, .the Mmes. RJCbard1 Broome,.· Thomas · Cros8?11, Joseph DiStanlstao aDd Richard D. Kr.iQJ, new president. NeW.·officers, patronesses and new members were iuests of honor at a recent luncheon in Josef's restaurant. received. from patronesses· ~.. · •• · One such .benefit pa~has. been planned for the fall to lake on the Queen\ !'Y In Long .B"i'ch and an- other .will be a ch8'mpagni ea .. en ann~al spring even't: . . • I • • , J • ' . . ' . , . • , .' • .~ ' 0 , ' ! 0 I ", : • ! I -. . 'Keeps _ Her ·s-pirits -Up Wh'rle· [)~fending H·~r ::Sfan ·d ' ~ : I \ • • I • -·· DEAR ANN LANDl!IUI: Yon .-ty printed I letter !rom U.. daughter ol an · oJcobollc: who Aid Ille would he willing to tale her poor old lather In if he needed a place lo llO -yes, even arter he had causld her ·lo sufrer the tortures of "hell because of hill drink- ing. You called .her "an an.gel." I clU her a martyr with a Itek need to suffer. The chronic alcoholic often cannot ""°ver unless the lamily wilh!lnows au emotional JU~. They m..i. atop molherlnl bim, babying bim and ,giving him sympall1y, Your -l1ri>bably IOI back """V<1Y llW thoulondl of alcollollca a llOOd....,, ,...._ -1'.X.M. OP T8t NATIONAL COUNCIL ON ALCOllOLDM. K.C., MO. .. ' DEAR F.: '11tere b more tlaaa 11tt .,,..... lo oleololilm ud .,..e 1111"1 -.._ .. tlllt CMatry .. Ml -w1111,_.. I IUmJt time I ...-.1d _..._al ·---·-·""'"' drtakllc, ""°" llllild IM wlM1wa. AJe1l1'w• II,.,.. ..... .,. .... ..,. .... fDldl!rldlld ....... oaert -· ... --.-- • ' . DEAR ~ LANDma!°',' My sisler.'• huaband is 1 pby~n. He chose l)1leCGlolJ U hit specla:ly SO he CIO monkey uwnd willl _,,.,,, lt1 bis bobtiy, I Thlr ~ thr!e c:oupl .. 1fe1'e lnvltfd .. their -lar dinner • ...., brother-In- ..... and -!(tho -...... lollygag-.... aD owr 'OICfl _ _. Ploilly they ' ' . ' ' . .....i lo the b11<ment "lo loot for .IOda oll .. Ml to do 11 llrlq -• ,.,_.. waler." They were cone !O minutes: DEAR ANN: How can I get 1111 Jms.. aid •.~ wbt pom;s a Wde er When I menUoned this to my l'tltfr, band to 1fVe me aome help with the glhger1 ale oa lier' JnnbUd ....-..,.-..l she said, •10b1 Loma ii a patient. He chUdrm? 0or oldest ta 7. The youngesli belp dtu I cau ilvt_!:! ctatel'IC ts trying lo find out if she ls rrlgld ii 4 months. He aays the man is su~ bodl ol yoa. V• kids e Mt&er. :· or frustrated." I wu shocked and askfd, to bring home the paycheck and I.he .. Do you aUow him to ~xpcrlment \v;jh woman Jr supposed to care for the Unsure ol yourself on dates.? What'S:: llis patients?" She retilled , "I nt!ver kids. Since this la tifs attitude. t mighl right'! What's wrong? Should you?: Interfere with bis work," , as well kick the s)ob out and tell him Shouldn't you? Send for AM Llndera'; M own opinion b: that my brother-in-to send his checks in the mail 4' bookl,_i "Dating Doll and,Don'tl.." enc:•' law hi ualng hie work to cover up I ahowed him. thi3 ·Jetter and he SD.id Ing with your i:iqUllll • -. in coin ror his messing around, and my aister I bad to tell . you the whole dory or and a Jong, sell·addl'es9ed. ·St\ m P e cl.i hu swallowed I bic onr. \\lhat do you I coukiD't mall 1L The reuoft .. WI ·are envelope. .. , .,,. think! -NEBRASKA not geulng aloog noW 11 beeallllfl poured Ami Landen wlll he gJod lo hel; ' '1,BAll NEB: I -K't -II • bOltle ·ol lb>llif ale ..., him after you with YOI\' problems. 8""' them ,_ ....... al ,., -... : he yelled clJt an order latl nlpt. AiJy to 1111' In care ol· the DAILY PILOT, .,..-. .. If,_ oro -,..'U 'odVlco!-l"EDUP., • f' .......... I ..u.-...... ""'"I*'• keep y-. -•hi ... water. DEAR FED A ,_. wh WOO' enY<lope. . ' I • I Horoscope . • I Aries: · Change . . Might ~onfu~e WEDNESDAY gain 1t lndl<ale<J. ,, ""RUARY UBllA (Sept. IS-Oct. 21'' • "!" . 5 1 What was !""et now Is By~ OIWla' publiclud. SltilaUon lnvoJvJni •••-, (~. .ll:;_A~' 11·) ·. . you· is discussed be U a d ~ ~ scenes. Don't forget one who !lmploymeat lluc· may be ill, coofined. Show tuate. Quelllon " liOw lDUch that you are big enough to tlDie' : la worth · ~· forgive, forget. Diplomatic IP~ U"belt SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ~oqe. Some ~ ~ are You have "pulling" power. enytolil. Sudden. chaqe ibJrlht Means many aro 9urloua be confualna. .,. '' enough to pay you 1ood · TAVJIUll (April :fO.May.11): money. Popularl\)l IOatl. ·But A&reemlnt midi with 'cbpd · realize that you must retain Coilld •backftre. Mfana· Y<!!P,ll! lndlvlduallty. Don't let others peincD' today IOU ·"out ot change your style. ~" ~ ~ in SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22-pUt 1COl(iu l:aitt 'lo NOit. Dec. 21): You get boost from Don't CQmPOUDd error. Draw "unlikely source.'' Maintain line. Be mature. poise. Keep guard up wbere G!IMINI (llaJ ill.June 30): reputation Is concerned. Some. Condltlonl ~at borne a r e in your organization m.!1.y not anythlba but· aet.Ued. Family be adhering to regulations. member 'may ·be depreued CAPRICORN (Dec .. 22-Jan. because of employment -or 19): Follow through on long· lack of It •. Yoq may be called range projecl Leaving detail! upon. for loan:-Be iair, not to friend could be costly. Some fooU.p . around you today lack ability_ , CANCER (June %1.July 22): to concentrate. Be subtle. But. Postpone travel U pracUcal. do some inquiring. Confwikni Ul&tl concerning AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. purpoee. Day featuru revision 18): Mysterious actions or one t'.lf plinl. 1Datructlon1 may close to you creates friction. hive been garbled.-lenow this Key is to seek facta, Ignore -have alternaUve method rumors. Someone may have at band. spent money without letting LICO (July ZS.Aue. 21): you know. 1t·11p 1h1r'p e7e on PISCES(Feb.19-MarchlO): · pcila'whar. · ~elltlDC of Legal document comes to your valuo ·II loot Jn trlllllt if attention. May have lieen loot ,careleu, Know 'tbll' ...;... act or hidden. Heed voice of ex- .~. ,RilaUve -who .. petience. plder indivi~ual bas ,;:'1~ .ii. iMf,khl• l)'mpa-·'P.1!'ormatlon you require. Ob- ·-:1tht:Oller It bUi:::iOii't get ·ln-·lain· hint Imm CAPRICORN · , vol v:ed. ~· message. d h' V / • p W d LJ ' VlllGO (Aug. ~ept. 22): IF TODAY IS YOUR Ha assa s a ent1ne arty rappe p . J,Peraonauty adjostmenl In· ~IR111DAY you are vital, ac- f h d F b Is t 7·30 1 'Irvine Coast · · dJcated. Means "')'OU change t1ve, a natural reporter , Wrapping surprise packages for a VaTentine des-or T urs ay,;t ~ · • a · p.m; n r-outward appearance. You may writer. You love to. be in the sert and fashion show are (left to right) Mrs. Stan· Country Civ.b. ~ckets are $2.5~ with proce~s ea _ feel ·you have to look more thick of current events -. and ley Gottlieb and Mrs. Jay Stone, members of the rn~ked for Ht.dllsah hosplt~ 10 Israe~, Mn. Barry ,.~·· ·contervaUve. Dress ln manner to report them. Wait until -_H::ar::.:bo::r~ch::•:!:P::le::.r...:o::.f...:H:::•::d::as::•::•h::._Th::::•:..•::h::o:..w:..is::..:P:::l•::n::n::•d:;__M...,....1c_he~alstt'ot"n,:...~ __ 53_01..:,_i._ta_ki_n_,g,_re_s_erv-:-aU,..o_.n7s._._~ , tbat iwpire11 confidence. B~sic next m~~th before . arriv!ng .. , "1 · · , at decwm]t regarding im- Two States Combine For Emblem Club Meet More than 300 members of the California State Associa- tion of Emblem Clubs and Nevada Clubs will gather 1n the Newporter Inn Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8, for Lheii third quarterly meeting. Delegates will be represen- ting 89 clubs and 16 districts, and presiding during business meetings and workshops will be Mrs. B. M. Camron, past president of the San Fernando Emblem Club. Special honored guest will be Mrs. William N o I a n , supreme president of the Supreme Emblem Club of the United States, and Mrs. For· rest Benjamin, s u pr e m e marshal and past president of the Mntord, Corm ., Emblem Club. Also honored will be all California and Nevada supreme officers. Mrs. Robert Corcoran, past president of the Orange group, is general chairman of the quarterly meeting. Other area members participating include the MmeS. Basil Abbott, Frank Sahr, Eugene Bergeron, Robert Shaff er, and Ben Hockersmith. • Celebrity Book Reviews Pi Phis Host Author Pi Bela Phi South Coast Alumnae Club is presenting the third in a series of Celebri- ty Book Reviews next Friday at 10 a.m. According to Mrs. Lawrence Ki.tUe, prealdeot, the guest speaker will be the lx::st seller author of "Sense W i t h Dollars." Charles Neal, KNX- CBS financial newscaster, will be introduced by Miss Carlotta Williiuns, critic and reviewer. Neal is a natlaoally syn.. dicated newspaper cofmnri.iat and director or Dnlllclal counseling for the American Institute of Famllf R<laU0111. HL. book, a Llterl?J' Gqild selection, now ii in ill fourth printing. . Additional lnformat1on regarding the program may be obtained by calling Mrs. Frank T;i;ylor at 548-847S. All proceeds are earmarked for the sorority'& philanthropies. NEWiCASTER Ch1rlts Neel VALERIE FARRIS Engag.d Wedding_ Planned In July A July 4 wedding In the First Methodist Church, Costa Mesa is being planned by Valerie Farris of Costa Mesa and William R. Eschenmann Or Clarksburg, W. Va. M1ss Farris, daughter of the Jato Mr. and Mrs. HU'Old S. Fanil Jr., is a graduate of E.stancla High Scl!ool ud It : a fre&bman at Oranp Co0Jt ~ College ,where she ii a member of the Madrigall llld th• Chorale. ·Teens Top Program Her fiance, SOD or Mr. and Mrs. C. Rowe EschenmaM of Clarksburg is a graduate of Washington Irving High School. A senior at West Vlrglnla University he is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu, honorary engineering societies. He will receive his bachelors deeree in P.1ay. , Nick Enright and Diana is chairman ot the meeting S . t • :-Baralt, two exchange student& which will take place in Three ecre arieJ stud)'ing at Laguna Bl!ad> Arel>. BO)'. Commun It y Oranco, Coun\)l-JW1>or .v,a , lllgb Scbool under Ille /.Jllllto Clubhouae. ,. Lepl -Al1oc!•"•" lean Field Setvtce prosram, · llec«'atlqna will be ar-· .-a tlit third We41MNiJ ~ will speak lo Three ("9' Bay ranged b7 Mrs. Hubbard or 1ht mOO!fi m various pla<eS. 1 ---•a Assoclatkll lf ~0:30 Keaby. Othtn assisting Mrs. Further !DfWiaal!oo ·11111 be w~ V111 Rensselaer are Miss obtained •bf caUJna Miu • a.m. 'l1mrlday, Feb~ t. . Millie Sayler, Mr1. James Sheron Dreuer, 5 4 o-o. a 0 I Mrs. Jamea: Van ~er Ward and Mn. Mevllle Wlley. Members pther •' 7 p.m. . FAST· FAST . 1-Day Service . .. Draperies ~:ioto 85C •( ··- nflfl . t otfter&J . f f l.£>f'l '1 CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS In Westcllff Plaza .17111 & Irvine Newport.ha~ 0,... Dolly: I o.-. • t ,...., Sof,; I • 6 " portant jbUrney o r rela- E be 11 s to Hear ;.~dj=E~~ l. ~ IUt who'1 fuck~ for YW A 'S I s· ~~..:ri!t. ~tcr:.~111fl"':: Py tory ~-:.~~~~7 I:!~. ~'.~~,.,,'/.""" ... ,..,, ·-y.,,, N e w p of t Ebell Club Raymond Herms , Travel Sec· members·llld guests SIU bur lion chllnnlll, announced that Mrs. William' Hanke,, .~m)a Rlpl?i~·wui ~ a trip to del Mar High School,teacher, l:faw~ which ~memben nert Titunday wh'll lhe lee· are pl~!:_..__ , • tures wlth color slidea on the. · Mrs. Cw~ ,'I1)pl:opaoo, world tour she and her bu&-pruj.dtnt, ~ .. , · ·~•ed that band made in June, 1966. reservaU~ be .DJ.Ide wlth She will offer an account Mrs. IrwiA .~~ ~r Mrs. of their imprisonment by Red P.J. Wllaon. Chinese when ordered to m001' Assl11ting with arrangeme~ts their boat and remain oo are Mrs. J~ Jakoeky and board until no t t t i e d by member.• of ~ Book Section authorities. Flve. Mi's. L.W, Jenks la ~ The suspwe.filled .lll<lry gram chalrmln. wlll take place followlnc a AMm~ noon luncheon m the Ebell -,_-... ,.~ .... ~----, Clubboilse, Balboa. · ·' Following Mn. Hlllke11 lec- ture, a moUon picture will be shown by Malton Line agent Carlos Ripley. Mn. Art Sale Beckons UC! Town and Gown's Art Interest 'Group has planned a special event for their nut meeting. Changing the meeting date from _Feb. 5 to Frid171 Feb. 7, the IMl!lben will climb aboard a 'bul and bud for the lllllllal arl Ille II Jm. . maculate Hearl ~ege Jn Lot Angelea. iryoa ran a home, yoshavea new problem on yoarhands Thirty ·years ago there were mild little eoape and mild little band lotions. Now, tornadoes and killer cleaners clean your house ana wreck your han.U. . · Vedra with Aloe is the hmd lolioa ap to today'• cleanen. Aloe, the d ... st'• mololailaing plant, helpo--~ en 1trip away. Veclra J,odooi, 1.00,C..-UO. • • p ..... . ~ ·-~~:~ ·and STUFF~! ............. ,. LllllTID CHOICI SIUCT10N Of: e PEGNOIR SETS e&oWNS e ROBES e INTIMATE WEAR e SLIPPERS __ ., __ DROP BY -YOU'LL LOVE THE SAVINGS! M1rl G,,,,,, Sindy C1rl1011 250 B. East 17th~· HillF•ft Se1111N . 642-1410 The group wm meet wHh Slater Mary Corlta Kenl ud view the wort «the atudeiltll'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·ii"i.i!iiiiiiiiiiiii which will be on sale. They Ji also will visit SL Basil's Church to see the recently installed stained glass win· dows designed by Miss Clarise Falkenstein whose studio the art group visited last year. Reservations for the bus trlp can be made by mailing '125 to Mrs. William Ashcroft, 160 E . .Bay St., Costa Mesa, 92627, or by telephoning her at 548- 64'19. The b111.. will 1,. .. from Ille Irvine Coul«:ouil!rJ Clnb por111ng 1111att1JL Kemben me aakiil Ct brfill·;. act lunch. 1., .. ' ', Dr. Alan Solomon will be the guest oi>eaker 1t the ll"'llP'• March 5 meelJni In the home of Mri. · Arthur Marder In Newport Beach. . '!NoahoH Sleeping Bias Bedspr.eads Blankets and Rugs AMlll:ICA'I l.AlltelST /?_.,!.1.,-rifloRAPERY VOt(,.WJ«;_LEANER6 Remove Water Daimep e FLAMI PlllOOFING IXCLUSIYI GUAllANTEID DllAl'ElY CLUNING Drll.....,. CIMnlnt· Perfect ntanl•-.. tM ... of """ .. .,.,.,.,, ... 100% .... ,.,,.,.... ff ClNnHle. .• N•WlhilHM41 I • NelMnbte e ,.,.... Inn ...,,.. • Watlr ltlln ltlfttOYll ._,, ... , ... " .. • ,...,_,._, lnltlllatten OUll IXCLUllVI lllltVICI D RAP e Pro,....lonel Remov•I E RY • Tonno Miy lo Arrangod .. llliCiiiLEAN~ER~S~-·-=·:.:'":"',:::"m:••:" =-• frte L•n Dr•pu ~~ I ~ Off 54D.i 3~6'" 20% 642.0270 . f 702 IOJORT BlVD., COSTA MESA , . . POOLS DESl~NID BY JDE LUKINS OF ROYAL POOLS We're building a_ NEW year -around Roman S"'.imming Pool f ot your . e~joytnent & plea~ure at ·om ,Cos~ Mesa Spa. JOIN .TODAY! CALL TODAY AND RESERVE YOUR POOL MEMBERSHIP lllJOY EllTllE ClUf FACIUDU AJIOIXJUCGn ••• • DANISH COl.O • SWtsS PACW Mtn I w ..... PLUNtl MAOONES • =~ w-.roGL • fLOltDA SUN TAN • FINNISH IOCI SAUNA.I , • j,LTU MODllH CONDmONIHG I •OMAN STEAM IOOMS t.tcfaTIES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 'TIL 10 m WE HONOR ffi CALL OR STOP BY TODAY FOR A FREE TOUR SWIM .& TRIM HEALTH SPAS OllANOf COUNTY'S MOST POPULAR HEALTH & IUH CLUIS cona Ml,IA ANAHllM OUllOI NNMa ~~:;_= 6a9•2441 HOO WIOl IL ,,,,_._, ,., 622 l KATW ........ ~..... ,._ ... , ..... c.... •h lJp'. c..w ....... , -,...,i..wtp ..... fHtJlf,. /l/r, ..... , ....... _~ .. ~.-.-... ,""' ..... ___ (l,.,...ttM 1ttl Hot'*' "Mhh ~ \ - I ' .. . rj ' (I· .. By ·JOllN·L. V '1-Tl!RZA ..... Dlllr , ..... -4 ' ' •I Try to -the Impact ol ..... lhan· 110,1100 caUona o1 putrld·-"inl crude oil and nalural gu on the IUiiaco of u.:~·~• ,<lwmeJ 111 -you Oy -la• llilall plu<. Xqp~·~· '. . . ! .. ,f Even ~ a marine blologial 1'bo b an ,OJ11¢1. on · polluUoa. ·ol Ille· water and llllcnllne olf Southern Calilorni•'• .-1.·lhe ·fllght · lo· Santa·"Barbera and back Monday afternoon · is clearly a &bock. . • Saki Dr. Gllbert Bane. m a r l D e bioloCY profeaor at UC Jrvlao, ofter viewing tile Union OU Compu\y'• oil aliek: • . • "Ii'• ceillc to be a terrible yur for the ocean." · . on tlie -up tlie -eW!ry ootlet to the 1ea beara ._ marl!: of slit; debrtl au<! org1nlc and o:bemlcal wute opllled . into the ocean. Sir.ban Goes on Stand • ' ' . • .. , '" . "' ... J~rd,anian Tells of Meager Financial Status "'UJs .ANqEJ.F.S;(AP) -Sli'bln Bilblra $rtlln;. latlllg· the ... 1--al 1111 ljlaJ ..,. .. charge be munlend Sen. Jl9b<rl F. Remedy, said today the most -· be earned In any of Ille four ...,-,yoan was $Z,1U.1$. Ttit slender YOWll Jordanian WU ~ Id and apoke clearly during five minutes t# testimony about his financial status. me spoke in support of a defense mOtion to quash the grand jury indlclment •• ~ewport-Mesa Realtors · Back ... ' School Bond Jllrtd<n·ol the Newport HarboM:oola ~.Board of Realton bave joined 9lrtuaDy every other major mnrmmity on. In endorslnc the JIU milli" on ' U•"'-' JidloaLJllitri\ .:"~~~y. -8111 ln -:r ..... ·111er ~ ,lbat qu&lity 0 ICboola 11 • molt Important c r l t e r i o n consld~ by both business owners and individoals In aelectlng a ·Community ~ which to IDcate. .... They also nole that they believe the present ·con~lUon of unrest on college and untv~ty campµses is completely unrt1~~ to th'e clissroom needs of 11>e Ne"Jll!1-M.,. dlatrlcL -The rWty board acUOn came after tbi graup11 president, .J. Peter Barrett, -la ... -to memberl: · .. ~1 ane votes qainlt ·the ~·· t~·ISI: blm to .comider whether Iii Ii valiai splmt oChool conatructlon, ar · •• qlllmt the method o( their ~ ~ that l!d>oo~ .,. ~-needed, and It is the economica '-· 11·· voting qaiDBt, then I would ~k blm 'lo consider u It i.s fair to penalize ~· cit1t.tnl of the future because of ~I method which, if we did not eei• it 'up ourselves, at 1 east we have dor>• nothing about." •• Stoek Markets >fiEW VORK (AP) -The 'f'>'k market dosed today on a ratba' even keel !n-ldlve•tradiag. (See quolaUODI, Pqea •n>. ' • ·oe1awe4 Eqr.1leto Alm st ·a quarter of a centurj atteil t first appe~ In The New Yorlter Magulne:i1uerlal lonn, Pulitzer Pru.WiJmillg. · author John Heney'• accoant of. what happened to the people ... bo bor• lbt b.rullt. ol. lb• . worw·, lint atomic boml> bu 1lttome' ibo oubjecHt ,a con-. VOvanYJll Oran&• County (ne J>l&•.I). • ...... him ... -·!ht jury .... unbalancedlnmilillP. He coolhmed U-Income llpa: 1965, 1191.10; 19111, IZ,JlJ.11; llfl, 1432.91; 111811, 175LJ5. The mooer. be said, cam< from joba la a drive-In, motor aervloe Orm, a ruch In ntarby Chino, a construction ccmpany In nearby Corona, and a food store in Pasadena. Sirhan,._ U. was neatly dressed in a gray suit, blue Ue and shirt, and took 2nd In 2 Days the oath widl fim cl••dwl. Bui be seemed ·ftlued whlle speattnc. Hla voice was J.lglrtly accented. The defense earµef pre 1ent1 d tesUmoey that the grand jury wu mostly composed of college.educated persona In the professional, aaJes or managei:lal classes and included no one wPo was under 30 or poor. Under questioning by ch.id defense . Bandits Rob., Terrorize Pair in Bizarre Holdup A-.~ trio robbed two mark-ol llllO In a Colla M11& . ~-It llf,,lal)IJ:ll~ latf m~~~11:"':' . .,,,,, bliarre holdup .... the~~ major Cost& M... robbery WIUWl a a.hour period. DetectiV< Capt. Ed Glasgow l&ld \o.dBY lnvesUgatorl have no aubltantlall' IMd_s In eitbe< .,_·the fint lnvolvl!t!l the!t of 11,000 by • pair ol bludpoli ~ whowlted a lw<u!'y mot.I. r Officer Pat Hodgen ,... 4ilplllobed to. the home of Bllly 1,1. Kllcero, 41; of 341 11th Placo, a11tr two holdup vlctiml -keel loole !nJm """"' of con! and tape. --; KNOCKED AT DOOR -owner KUcere and • frieo4, ct-J ;dert Girl' F. Mllne, :IO, who pve the -· addral, lald -bad koom( at .the door·."*"11 belore, 10 Milne opened IL ' . • • ·-• • "Lay down on the floor and put ·your • handa tiehind your back, !" the stocking-niasked bandll 1narled u he barged Into the llvil!g room with a .38 caliber revolver In biS black-gloved luind. Milne hit the floor aod the second victim wu called 1n. given the nme order and also lay down, but wu too slow gdtlng hls bandl Into Ille proper posiUon. . . · "Behin(fJOUr back, J laid, !" the ~ -111a11pec1, kickinl K11pe llbarply In the ribl, -.t wblch time both vlctJml reallzed a ... cood bandit~ entued. TllREATENED DEllTll Cub, cbecllL and Mllne'I 1175 watcb were gathered up and the f1rst 1t1nman to enter the· house wuned the victims that if he found any loot WU held out, he'd till them. Another mock wu heard at the door and the thlrd robber was admitted, after which the trio.tied up Kilgore and Milne and were beard to drive away in a car parked out.side. Capt. Glaagow said today that a similar method was u!ed in a Garden Grove robbery. cue Sunday and that no con- nedlon lltellll llkelJ to the earlier 11 ,000 Colla M ... mold robbery. Mn• Mary N. Echranll,. 52, manqer of ,the " Ellecutlve SUlte Motet, -~Newport ~vd., ·w· dJICUlllDC room • By JEROMll r. COLLINI OI' .. ~ '"" ""' Newport-Mesa hip 1ebool students t,.,. day were uked t. abow up at the beach la Wes! Newpon Satunlay to help clear aw11 tom ·el llonn -piled along · .Citf ofliclall aped it 1111"1 11 IOI -ta to pl1cll ln. Il could save the clt7 thouwm o1. -Unlfled School Diltrict Supt. D r . WUllmn Omn!npam Aid the ...,,..U.n "CIDll frim many ol the kl d I · ~· H .. 1•dcMll1n mq,kblm- dndl;tbera may be~ "llut'tller'll be then, at 10 o,m: llld II -tlmet IDENTl·KlT -Police hope composite mug of one of two 'C05ta Mesa mo'tel robbers will he.Ip them catch suwect. Rob- bery took place Mooday at Executive Suite. Picture waa drawn from victim'• descrip- tion. I ' pr1ce11 wllh a ~ pMt at II a.m. when IOtlltone k'iKded at a door behind her coam'er. The door Is never opened to knockers -•"'1'! on Maoday.wbln IOlled lalmdry i.s turned In -the vlctlm told police after the robbery. Sbe opened the door a crack, asking the caller to wait a moment, but he burst in as s~ tUfned away and struck her in the bead with a heavy weapon, dating her momentarily, Both robbery accomplices then fled after the second Intruder 11C09ped up a quantity of !50, '211 and 110 bills from the cub rtgisler ml an envelope. Mn. Edwards ~ neither " a former ptlt, but told police they mlllt have 1blnm ol tbe Monday linen excha..,. mt lbal • llrp • ll1lOUlll of cub would 'be--CID buid from weekend .......... ·-....... .. ' ' during the day." All four high ICbooll In the dl1trict were tapped lot volWlter1, Cunningham sald. r?. CouncilmlD Robert Shelton llt<lltloned the polSibllllJ ol -aid Monday nlcht clurinC ""1DCil -el the massive debdl. p-oblem. It was the only brlglll --~ the 11oorn1-. . Councilmen decldod that:~ tllt ll!ldenta were to be avallable 11..,. and ....,.i authorltleLtxlO!lr-this' mornln( -their-ellorll -........ •· - c:entratail .. tho ---ti lbO; 40tll-P* . -Gnat B. (looper, SlrlllD rapand- ed almost entlft]J : witlt ..,... or ">;ea' · slr." Under ClOUflaminaliott by Cb1t! Deputy Dist. Alty; ~ D. Cm!pton, Slrhan'1,11pUea were a bll.lol)pr;.. ·'; ~ Was be c<lnC to l!d>ool durinf· the ' years cited? "Yes, In 1964, 1965, 19'8 ~ no, just 1964 and '65 at Pasadena City College." "Did' you -l!p'O over your money to your mother?" ".Part of, it." _ Asked his qe, Sirhao .rtplled: "I'll be~~ month." · He said he lived at bOme moat of the time during the years in quejtion. The informaUoh about h1i income was derived by Cooper uklng Sirhan il In· . come tu~ ncura wen """' reel, with Sirbin AYillc ''yes." All:ed by the ..._.u.r 11 any ol . the federal tu dOducted from hll paycbecU . WU l'llljn\ed, ~ . .asJd: "Some ·~ it, "'~ 'Ibmi;!~-~ ' a . bit In<! ~ '.!:~' !P If. JI, :F-Aii,~ . L-11'· -. , ~·-~"'r=:atei ~ ~ son's and her earnjngl over recent years. After conDnnlne fisures read to her by defense attorney Cooper and aaylng that ·her· two other sons contributed only occas1 ... 11y to oousdlold exptn&es, she capped her witness atand appearanf!t aa she wu excused by rislnc and aaylog: "I l:hank~ God that ttfl save me the strength and I thank you-,nJce ~pie alio Uiat I never got hungry and have " roof over my head." -· To reporters, as court was rectued at midday, ahe esplained that she meant: "I thank the um.tea states." r , Cooper r•••!.lntb·lhe record lier .,..,. Income, tu.ea and net income alnce 1911. Her annual ..U wer.: 19811, ll,4'11.40; Ulllf,.fl,I00.35; lllO>ll,$71.11; 1911, 11,191.n: )9111, 11.11u11; 11111. ll,403.58 ; 1914, 11ppro2lmately the 111me aa 1965 which was $1,716.76; 1966, ll,771.58; 19'17, ll,75U9. No figure ·was given for 1968. 'Three of Five Held in Boat Raid Face Trial Three of five men arrested last Dec. 29 aboard. P'tr'1.foal ~ 11~ce 'B" have been ordered to stand · trtal on narcoUcs charges In Superior COurt. The ,trio held for lrial, are Paltlc~ TlrnnU Despar, 11, of 111 21th St., Newport Beach; Carl Edward Drives Jr., 24, of lflt Plae6'tia Ave., COsla Mesa: and Gary LOren Thompson; 26, of Ann Arbor, Mich. Charge1 against two of the men, Craig Spenett 6clrock, 25, aod Robert A. Belanger, 14, both of Michl1an, were dropped becaule ol llllufflclent evldeoce. The other lhere will be tried In Oraoce Coonty Superior court on chargea of J)Oilfal~ ~marijuana Ind beJnC "in I plaeo Wber9 mar1juina .... beq """· ,Thi mea ,,....,, arrested abolrd·· the lallboot by NewPrt pOllce. . The council tben 1uthorized the dty . staff to conllntle ~1oU.Uona. for a con- tract for mechanized cleanup of heavier pUe1 north .of 'Ille ·vein ·to , the San!O Ana Rtver. • , tltY. Ml!lllltr "-. !._ !Wrlliuri ttpOrtail illot ~· ..-m f~ . the a thua far r"""" from 11,0<lll t<tue ~ IOlcl tllt·-e1 -..erdal rip to .Pl rid ,ql11be .llollam · -· I bii· dolo)'ed fir m ·-fn - I 1*Mow~= la --.'Ill' alld 1(1:;,,.. ' j~ """ lhi I Saola~ ~ ... ' Ml! GI tlio 1°"~ 11t'l'rad0 Diin ' a ·eoron.' ' ' . .\ .. ... . • • , ~ t : J ~ !AjL! Pl~~~"·~ 'I~ STILL BUB!ILING !>fF.,SANJA' BAR!ARA • 'A T1r~lble ·Y~,, "-r th• ~•.•n~ r ' ' ' ' Even Closer to Cocut .SAljTA BARB~ <V~f) -~bore winds puahed a io.tquare-mH,e. o.ll sll~k 1 closer to thl1 coastal City tod'ay, brihglng it within tv;o miles of the t>:each. Some offshore driWHg opera·uons, halted Monday at the request of Interior S<cre\111)' Walter J. Hir:U~ irere re!!IJll·· ed lfler federal •-MJ Cileekecf . . • -..... -. ,. O(lOl'I Uonil procedures and determined" ll••J'" fiere wlthln safe limlta. Hickel called the halt alter. an aerial ln!peC!lon•ol the crude.oll1ollck, teniilng the pollutton "more aeVere lhan I an· Ucipated." Humble Oil Co., largest leaseholder in the Santa Barbara Channel, was given the . ge>-1.head to continue its o~ratklns alt~ a review of Its method! by t~hni· cal experts designated by the Interior Department. ' ·Phillipi · Petr&leum Co. · was i stven pennlssion to resume drilling after .n}aJc· _ i!TI everaI · 1Piru technical chapa.es set f~ -~y .'a , ~nlted Stai~ 'gecilogl~al IW'Vey' leim. . . ' ' Soljlhw..t,wlnrfl=' · ' ol! lhe'ocun tdwant laftd were· . . •ti 1.1.oc:tuse I'! bi~ 'el81it '. "ll'i:nolt:by" al·. •-: ij1ll ;pp'"to•··· bola Wednetdlt, -<$1.11 mlle1 ol1leicllta. · . ., . 'Ille COist ' Gu.,-d . riitorted • M-y · nip( tliat'j ri a_erlal ~.lhowed. ".the . nQl'lllwest edge of the m<iln concentnitlOil · IW ilriffed lllcJrtly toward San!O· Barbara and is approlimately tw:o · m I.le s offshore." ._ .llllr1ng ·the past two days, offshore winds had lept· the lllck away !Tam land and . ti\< . 1hllt In. the ·wind Wu regtri!e u a esltous setback ln• 1he battle to" ave wlldllfe and beaaieli' ftum poDuUon. · · ' ... "i r. Ai ''!Wt ·• aeven · niIJ., Of ' cOa.itllne ~~iO:-irere 'cqii~ "1"th;""81)t . ainollllta 'ol · <Ill: ·Monday· · lillh~' ·tlie ' ~1rorn1a ne--t of Fish and q.m. . +.~~ ~:~~·.~~.'~.; • • to treatment center• with their~ fouled 'bY oil, ·since the reddtsh-brown ctude ·bUbbled op friim in· ofMiote '.olJ well a week ago ~. cir the 129 binll, 71 wer.. dead, pr .dim! following tre;atment lo temO\'.e lhe. oil. Some conJenaUonista~·bowever, claimed thousands .of sea iull8 and Other lbore binll had dled-rroii;,llie.WOI OIL . Hickel, accusoc1 by _.au~-be isan tl>oii · · i a ~~erial~~·"O, t1lo IHet l Al.o""ay and !Del with oil --'/" ··tau · -.i;;.::"-·-~-...:~. '1 represen ves • .anai fJll!I m11NUP\.-.i.. - "At my request ·ill iltllllftrJ Ooinlloila 'See OIL BUCE, !'qe•t) • · . . Orange l ' ' I I --- I DAil v I'll.OT. c ---..... ~ ... J AIR .. VIEW •. :- , ~-W;axpayers ~Get ·Relief .... t& .-.. '!!4 " "" Jllcl. ~ "7111{1!1 'lloW ~ .Ii :116 ~ C&l1 -• •fllollllt-.· . . ' -·.-~ .. )' i ••• 'T'~·---· bat '•·-· 41!tlr wata -the ~ Gf cilur Wlttt lefl behlnd fll1a up .p\D ;nil. crude oil ;"· Ho.~~rs 1 !'J .~~~~~t~From .~~f!P. .,1;4 "..:..r= :...,~fait~.:'~ ~".%t!!'s.~~CI~~ .~=n~:~ forced to hlrt lllllk; ,.. ... aot '1!I Cll!Df!>l YOlll'l•IY· · Alsistance Law. II permanent new stoff m~1 to W-puoh the huge cloll, 1 .. vlnl more· iinau of ~ea . amid the blaclt , Next 'Monday otiose COUnty Asses.or The aaiessor's Ofnce expects to ap-handle the' work load and another •9 ·~ Andrew :1. Hinshaw'~ ·offlce will start prove about 200,ooo f10 ta:r refund ap-part time worktn: will join the tt1ff .... .. malling forms to homeowners so they plicaUona and 250,000 cla.im.s I o r March 1 just to process the clalml. • · can seek f70 ta~ relief under provisions "~al U\06e IOI bml• doWn there. Sonia of llillrn .,. alre~ cltad. See them floatlns .•• Ihm. one ••• --tf Propog!Uon 1A approved by voters In No .. mber. ·• · Ex-Mesa Woman Lost " another," be ~ .. ,-• ' -·--- After five ~ ~ ~ ~-an<I " Ila 1111l'linl oil~ "had enoaP. Wo Ill< to lii'11on -·lbt ~ • (lfl tbl WQ' &er. • • . ~ . • -... A In ,. ....... Jolilrc lbt llftll1. paloll -""" • Iba. ""1 ...... -lllt 11cipie 111c11 .11 • ' dmL ..... '.; .. _ ... .., • ' •. -1!.:~ el -al..,__. a.--..... ~~-, IOpor_e....,.!nJ\lta!I·-·' .. -11i1d ..,_ Cll lbt -l171Di In .. 1n to ... lbatlr!ll. . . w · ...... llOlt .. the wa1ar Mon ,...,.., . ~·--• aod --;mprJ l'l!lm Into the ..... cloudl « rt1t:C1D ftoiUat debris. "" • Utt '"They're w~.Ulndon 1etter1 : ·.": ·=--~ lht b1rdl " Barie~ nliiu:' "'Tblte. are .: golnl to 'be • .p..y ill -'lllDod -by diJI." ... ... •. "Looi: at=""~..:::-;• ;'":_: ,t!'-,,:~ '"' . ~ ;: ~ • ...,.....µ .. ,. '., "' ... ~.-....--,.. . ' lura lbt ~ .....,.....,' llill HI MURDIR SUSPECTS FACE JUDGE tilt pnl!a!kii _ 'Wlll'aOI d UllD , Hony L. .si-<loft>, Edward R. Hararavo ... -Illa ... ,... ·-~ '· .-x...illtlllll.· ., .. Oii 'l'GHll\'!o ........ to tii04lllr . . ' · '. · :...~eF=:-:::='."e · ~·IMh M.ur-der Suspect r::.,: a milt ~_l-~ . , . , • . . . · ~~~i~. 6hnrgeil~in:,Oth~r Cr1rites alld «PDlc~ ~.;::, .... I!!! ' . . .. the ocean ""'°'. llli · l'Ullill'.'VI! · · ' • ftedinc tbe.-:'Jl!MdlfeD ·Ilia!' matt~.. By ARTllUll It. VINSEL office today added lhoH ·• IBID.. two red clouds!' 1-.... ~. _ ..:.:.. · ~: ; ~: or"" OeJ1r Plltlf •1~ . charges to an ~ended coiiii>l.aint against The red · -~l'l'llS froJD..JAllll ,.. A handaome high school · dropo11t Hargrave, bill waived form,!!: ar· lleacb oouur.~-: ,,_,..,1 to bt ... f , ·1,..,d raignment. . , . pier. • .. ·.-.. =-=-· ::...~~.. "' -... • -.-a one °'!1.~_f1_;::.~ Sianez' defense attorney, ·tJ.cryd,Nocker, Aftal' the 111~ 'l!OOdi plot iii lbal anded . ln a avage, ..........,. ol Fountofn V1'1ley, 'Said today that the plane paues over mare onm:n drimnc murder WU form.ally charged wtD. two dilttict attorney's office wants a few aita. ,,_, clow to ahcn than the m«e crimes today, when be 11i1d a more dayi ln which to prepare Lia cue duller ol plallorma la the Santa -----In court. ac._alml .file CO<lefendaDta. cha-I, .... 1oo1t the Stato Park --Scbedulad prellminar)' hearblp_ for '. ~ve -who 10oU moro Ulce an . "Woaldn'I H be tragic U wo bad a F.dwan!R.Bargrave,ll,oll7381M>rken =-=dru;.: lllm~~ kal: on one al -?" the pilot nmaru. Lane, and Henry L. Sianez, 15, of Ill IO far. ,_ •~ C' •~•~, J•-. B)' then we have rttcbed the cllmal Clay St., both Huntington 'Beach ad-., -.... ~~ ~ al Pollution P'llghl I u Wt -.... drea•, ... CClll!noed 1111111 ~· Jlimllollm . ' poUce havo dedlned the Santa Ana River jelly. ,;' , Judp l!&rmoo G. Scoville ~ the lo -In dela1I bow the cue qalml Rlnp of clthrll and nw """"' are pan-reblrned to Division i1Ve, West SllDel aod ~•ti' belnl built. easy to ,.._ Ortnge ,County Judicial Court,!, al 10 The ....rai. , bowever, is that The wute bu formed a 11up arc a.m.:1'11h both mnainln& ¥Jd without the)' .tole .-•car longing to Miu of DrOwn from a point nOrth Of 'the ball In 1'ie homicide cue. · Miraarc:ia Dinger• st, ~ 2603 Dela\lf&J't jetty to the ahorellne south of.¢ the Each11 i.s charged. with one count of St.. liµntin~on Beach on Sunday, 3an. Newport Beach municipal pier. A darker murder· m connection with the Jan. 5 51 rar·,;1 Joplde. >"'~ .. ring of debris marks Jts juncture· with slaying of Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, Drlvlni • dO)vn lnM _Street from the cleaner sea water. of 15QI Olive AVe .• HunUngton Beach, Dinger •parttnent, (hey theoretlcaJly col- At the fli1ht's end the smell of crude •pparenUy over a fender-bender aulo lldcd wftb Mrs. Markee'• car, southbound oil and natural 1as are JUll there. crash. on Maln ;Street from a trip to the A little thoucht cornea to mind almost Sianez was alsu fonnally charged laundromat. capridaallJ • , , .. Remember bow hard earlier with possession of a sawed-off Followlna the stolen car -no matter it lfU to 111 tbtt. llttll blob of oil shotaun and _auto theft, after hla Jon. who may .. bave been •• fault for the off )'OUI" ahoe aftu lbat lfalk on the t arrest 111 connection with a crlmt minor accldsot -Mn. Mark,. stopped · bt.acb?" ·: !er 1!Jdcb au Innocent couple wu already or was farted to the curb ud 1lain ......... m custody in a dla:pute over · the coWalon, ln- "Try -ll0,000 plJcm al H off,• The 0rai.ae County District Allor .. y's ve.Upton lhllllt. ,,_ Illa loclcal ....... . ' • CA.: I J.C r.r ... M ,.,... .... J ' Ex-Idaho Official Goes OIL SLICK ••• " on foderal -m the oater CX1111intotal ohell ID Santa lllrb«ra channel m beln1 temporarllJ' placed In a llandb)' poii· tJon." " Munwhile, crews labored on platform A ol the Unlon Oil Co. of caJilornia to stop tht lu.k. The oil and natural gas hu acaped at the rate of 21 ,000 gallom • day for a week., By arly today, the .Uck had com· pletelJ encircled Anacapa !~and and had beClm to lap ,i tbl -<di• al Slula Olll Jlilnd. ,,,._ - form the -llarllara l1wmo! under wblcb Ut the rlcb oU ...._ lw which .-blda "'"' rtcf!vld at a federal auction laot --. · ' DAil V ~llOI O•ANGI CQllT •UM..llMtNG COM .. AM'f' lteMrf N. 'W••• " ·~::.M :.~c::~ ~, Viet ••nhl~ol 11111 GtM< .. M..,1trr T~'""'1 ICtt~il llllM" Tlie"''' /... M11,lii111 -·- '--°'"'" JJI p.,"t A"· · · -· -· •.o .... ""•1111 --~ ............. ..... ~ .... 1rtll-• ...... ...... H""11 a•.._,, M llJI l"9tt .• " . .. ' • To Bat for Mesa Family A mellifluous ex-Id•ho lieutenant govunor · faced militant neighbors ln C91ta Mesa Monday, on the ~ million question of a second kitchen 1lok for a big f'11\ily keepinl cblckena at • Meas Verde area home. Richard W. Katemclabl. &&, of S176 Sicily Ave., argued 1n behaU of the anctity o1 the Mory Im McCarl)' flmi· ly, ~ 2M9 Pemba Drive, whlcb 1nchldu a tda1 of eJPI cblldren aod five adult&. Ccml1lcllnl pet!Uoaa apli1ll a varltllce which would allow five' rooms and a cl<uble -to bt added to tile bWilnl McCarl)' boolehold wenl before the dty council durln& the colorful aeaaloa. One peUtfoa ·1n support of the McC~. who reportedly keep chickens, came from Mesa Verde nelghbors who routlnely signed an anti-variance peUUon becluae it' &eemed wise, then chana:ed their mlnda. They said they changed their minds after cbecklnl into the matter alter .tgnlns a peUtl'on tgalMI It. . . OOly the alllled McCarty cblcbns -..-w>IJ ....una at homo -.came out wlnDen In the u..!lmu heated bear· hlf.iwa wu accomplllbad dtl!>ho an lnltW move b)' eouni:11mtn Geo<ao A. Tncl:er, a Mesa Venle realden~ to c!eluse the -nelgbborbood lltuatloa by_ ~ ~-•Pl"""Cbed the posllble. --· but C*ncllman William L. St. Clair said the four.man quOrmn pf.eSerit wn up to deckitng the matter and .moved for ill 111proval. 1\Jcker declared he would vote 11ainst u unw Vice ·Mil""' Robert M. WUaoo could sit In. so M1yor Pinkley 5'ded with him aod the mollon for 1pproval failed on a 2 to 2 vote. Tucker a1aln made his motion for a two-week delay and It puooa. Donald E. Smallwood, of 1981 Kornat Drive, said as a representative of the Mesa Verde Homeowners Association that the group opposes the McCarty variance. The crux of the matter ii a wet bar shown in plan1 for the McCarty buildina; ei:pansion, which o t b e r homt1<>wnm ,.. as the ftr!I step In creation of a duple> In ·the noigbhorhoad. Mr. Hardcastle, Alaskan Pioneer, Succumbs at 90 Alaskan pioneer Richard HardcasUe, who moved to Costa Mesa 18 years ago, died Sunday at the lit of 90. Gr1vea1de aervlces are ll!t for noon Wednuday at Barbor lleat Mlll!Orlal Park. Hardcutlt, :119 E. Colla' Mua St., waa In the -.. _ ID Alukt aod a member of the AlaHr. territorial legislature In the ltaO'I. Ht WU I Muon and an Elle. He la lllll'lived by daughters, Mrs. Edith ~. of Costa Maa, an4 Mra.· Calhulne Kiest.., al c.ona de! Mar. a aon, Richard. who atlD Uve1 fn ~ AJlsb where he WU mayor of Ketchikan. and II grandchildren. Boys Club Slates Sales of Candy Candy sales to help members of tht Boys Club of tbt Harbor Ana ltl!I lhe1r way to summer camp beala J'lb, 17, ICCOl'dlnl to ~ecuUvt Director l"'1 Yantom. Boys lnltmttd In takfol part ln, ulu of the coollCIJcn, NfaWM, maJ pl further Information al tho C.tral Brtncb, 1111 Canter St., w tho Uppor a., llrl1ldl, llll ~ Avo., bolll" In Coil• Mesa . . '1olil'l!;O then ICI0,000 fomu ,.m be malled eounty°"'pn)perty owners by Hinshaw'i recently expanded staff. He expects claims for about 116 million In refunds. -wtU ~ bcitl1 the "' refuod to bt ncelftd ll>1s year and tn IP' plleat1<n '°' ~ '710· .. their property U'Ntmenl in 1981. ''!be l1IO u""ptlam are u Ol>floinc --will Ille ll>1s form each year much like the vetcaa• ei:4 empticn." Hlubaw explained. ••u the homeowner bu not received a clalm form by March 1 he should contact my office lmmedJaleJy.0 • Forms must be malled to Hinshaw's office by April 15 or the homeowner may lose his rebatement on the 1968 tnxcis or hi s exemption .(In the 1969 UMssment roll. ~ Hinshaw's staff will certify a list of qualllled homeoWners and send them to the sta~ controller by JW1e 15. The controller will issue checks and maU theln to the homeowners. Hinshaw said all refunds should be 1'3id by A118US'- tfJn genera1, a homeowner qualifies "" the "' tu nllmd If the dftUlna: ""1erein be ...ided on March · 1, 1111, ,.., his principal place of residence and provided veterans e:remption was ~.~.ontbereid_~,>· "A prtnclpal place of reaidenoe 11 defiJ>o ed In law u a (I) home °' duplex but not a trlplez or larger, (I) con- dlmlnf11111, (3) hooaeboat,, ( f) mobile hopte not liceneed by , tbe state and ,(SJ. a dwelling ' being purchued under a contract of sale. Hillihaw also warned that the ex- emption--doea not apply to property that waS rented, vacant or under constrnction and. ~t .yet occupied on the tax lien date which was March 1. It .al:-o does not apply to a. licensed . mobile home 'or a, vacation or ieCOndary home. · ~ ..a.uesaor said. t.hat owners .of pro- pert,, ~vinl~Piil!liC~ do not Actor's Wife Files SlM'"DIEGO "(AP)· -Adrienne JO'/ Mature, w I f e of actor Victor Mature," has • filed for divorce in San Diego Supll'tct•Court. Tba'ac.ti111, filed Monday, cha?~ mielly. . . . ' In Floodwat~rs at Ojai c ., Mother'• f-al la heartbreaking for any child, but especially for ·the four YOUlllderS of a onetime Costa Mesa woman, whom they aaw awept. away by rampaging Ooodwaten after she helped herd the family to temporary safety. Belongings wiped out by the disaster, three weeping bc;lys aod their sister wore borrowed clothts to simple memorial rites Saturday at a chapel in Ojai.· Th11 was the tragic tale told Monday by Clarence C. LaBelle, or 2211 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa , after returning from services for his daughter-in-law. The body of Mrs. Jeanetta LaBelle has never been found a1nce she was . tom away from the wrecuce of the famDy'1 cree.Dide home Jan. 25 as OoodwalmJ devastated Ventura County . She and ber husband Charles, married .-IO """ moved to 111burbail Ven- tura County with their f.,.. cbl!drm In 11111, but both were rata:ed In Costa Meaa and alteoded Newport HarlJor High School. . . "'nley lost everything," -aald the flood victims' father and 1randfather, "from the hou1e rlght on down to driver's licenses and Social Security card!.'' But the houee, the persona) "'Jllperl, the keepsakes clothing and other items are nothing to David, 17, Steven, 14, Susan, 13 and Brian, 12, who also lost their mother. Troubled by th e rate at which nooa. swollen San Antonio Creek was rising; Jeanetta LaBelle did not sleep on ~"' Jut nlgbl of ber !Ue. -~. Mffinl aboat the oleeplni -· at 5:30 a.m., Mrs. LaBelle ·awakened Iler P>lldren and two ypung ll1enda •la1lni overn!pt, Joho Scl11110Dt;t II. and his slater Clnlf.y, 11, both Oak view. · The yoangest LaBelle boy waa staying ovemipt,elsewhere. Scramhllng after their most prtzid; salvageable pos9e!lion1 l>av:!d &•tbend " up his prize-winning photo colleetloft and " Susan held the family pup Spider In >If bet anDI. .:~ Steadily, water rose waist-deep In the ~1 ranch home. ' Mrs. LiBelle put on a plasUc ralncMt 11 -protection to be almost as futile ~-. as an umbrella against a damburst -•1 in the hours of wel horror yet to come. "I just Jtnew -hvo hours liter -1·" that we were all going 10 (frown," David LaBellf .told reporter Margaret McKean •"' later ill a Ventura Star--Free Prwl in·"' terview: Their thoughts turned to the men and •• boys picked off and drowned, one-by-one,., that week in the well-known Sespe River tragedy, wben a bulldozer CllT)'ing them to safety stalled ill mid-stream. Chuck LaBelle, a former clerk at Richard's Lido .Market, Ne}VROl't ~. '\ wai by !bat time marooned atop the · barn on the t .kcre ranch -hidden from his famll)''• ., ... by drtvlnj rain. '1If'd been atrinded there since he ;,, waded acroM to get rope £o bind ur together," said David . "the· water waS f I e r c e, It carried plank!, refrigerators and even whole panes of glass." A U.S. Air Force re~cue helicopter plucked LaBelle from the barn and returned to pick up the children, who were in a less precarious spot, but : their mother had already beett swept " away in raging, J.2..foot waters. Bleakly surveying the tragic waste '.~ of what the couple had, conaidered a lovely _place to raise their children, Chuck LaBelle told the Ventura neWspaperwomari a week ago that be .: can't bear to start life over again thtr¢. ;. He said he will lllOV• his family -Into 4 town. ., "After something fltting's been 1 a f d for Jeanetta," said the new widowtt '' quietly, "maybe I can begin to '"1DllOr 1'< where the bedl, the tables, beddln& and ~ dW>es are going to come frotn.'' ~ $80 OFF The fabulous Golden TOUCH & SEW" 111111 '"' : · . . · eewlng il'iact)lne by Singer In "CC?IJenhlgen" deak. rig, prk:e . Sav9-onthl1 farnouaTouch & Stwzlo-zag oewlng machine with the exclUllva Singe,. push-button bobbin that :.1 ~:"! ... :r Don't w.1it. winds lnsld1S the mach ine. Hu a bullt-ln buttonholer that makn perfect buttonhol11 tasily. Two SINGER' vacuums Singer canister cleans high, IQW end hard·tQ:1Jet-et placeo. comn with flve accoaaorles for all CINn· Ing Jobe. AND SIM or ft hi• l!lple action vibrator 111PCl11n,..,MP and ai-QIPllland ~ Get the 11t.' . , FYlllllfrM~=~ •u BY SINGER. WITH CASE. ON I ~y Heavy-dutymeehine with built-in I. Fashion • disc for blindstitching and $as· overcasting. Darns, mends, mono- 1ram1. Sews button• and buttonholes. ' ,. ' Mwtl"""Jw,,_,,. • .,SINOlft .... I• SINGER ,., ................. ,. .... ,... .............. -OCC90l ...... fr,, , ' I ' '1 •• )I~ J • ,;,., , " " " ... ' I I r . . , l ' ' I DAil V. !!!LOT I~ " ~· Sen~' Murphy Plans to \?,s,i '.'Vietna:ril.1 W,\SHINGTON !AP) -S... ~ Murphy (Jl.Calll • .)1Ni<f MondOy lie will go to Vietnam soon to look at Condifiam: there as part of his oew uslP.JDtlll to the Seoate Armed Service• Committee. Murphy, at a news conference, also reaffirmed h!s intenilon of aeetiqc reelecUon In li7Q lllCI said bl• - tell him be " "In good health lllCI may tut another 15 or 20 years." "I never think of mySeU as being over e:· be added . t1>e former movie actor, now ee, Aid his declsloo to oeet another 1erm • 1s fK!l lm:vocable, but that it would require .. crest changes" 1n the present situation ·, Animal Ingenuity to change bis mind. : llurpby Aid be ~ to-""""11 with lltpubllcan lea<len, lnclljdlnc G o v., Reacan. a year fn:n· now en 11what be Is doing" lllCI woul~ .......icier the t:lecision to.run Hf.in If there are great changer. He' said. _bowevu, he did not expect any llepubllcan. ojipoo!Uon. ' Fingering a neW.paper clipping 1istlnJ his pqteoUal Democrllic -ts as lltpo. Jobn v. 'l'llnoey llWI PbllUp Burtop, Aasembly mlQorlty kader Jeue unnlh lllCI State Suinme ~ Juatll:e'Slanley MoU, Murphy commented: "II llOWXls like a Nob'< Dame bac.ileld:" Wmler storms may be for the birds but they're not for cats and dogs. This Boston terrier, found wan- dering on the streets of Coos Bay, Ore. made no apologies for bis headgear, while Duchess Ramhes, a new breed of cat, was taking no chances on catch· ing a cold before the Empire Cat Show 1n New York. Duchess is a sphynx hairless and there are only 14 others like ~er in the world. . , .. ' I ~ ) o • ! ' #untington MaJJ,Perishes Antiwar Activity . ' ResultS in Prison For Navy Nurse In Crash of Light Plane ·· SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Navy nune who participated in antiwar ac· Uvities wis sentenced Monday to six months at hard labor in a federal pri90n. Lt. (j.g.) Susan Schnall, 25, is the fU'SI woman In American mililary history seat to prison for violation of military regulations. She was found guilty Friday ol violating ·a geMral order by marchlng In uniform .Jn a peace parade and of co~ unbecoming an officer for help- ing to drop .antiwar leaf1ets from ·an airplane over four military installalions .. Mrs. ,Schnall'& sentence also includeJ . dismissal from the service and forfeiture of all pay beginning Mooday. A Navy board will review the evidence and aentenct; . Ma. SCbnalf ts a graduate of Stanford University and the wife of a Stanford rhed.ical student. i ·The six-member court martial board, ~hich inchadt.el one woman, deliberated 4Jle hour before sentencing her; She qouid have been sentenced to a maximum <¥ five years. 1 11le federal penitentiary to which she 'fill be sent has not been determlnea. Mrs. Schnall was a nurse at Oak Knoll Navy Hospital in Oakland. Her civilian defense attorney, Richard Wertheimer of San Francisco, introduced everal nurses and hospital employes who testified she was unwilling to discuss t'liUe< at lhe hospilal. . - ,,.... WIN s..i- LJ:>s Angel~ County sheriff's deputies have identified a Huntington Beach man - as one of three killed in a light airplane crash Friday 15 miles south of Palmdale. Donald C. Moore Jr., 48, 15731 Plymouth Lane, was among the three dead. His son John, 22, alao injured in tbe crasb,·was·relea!ed 'Monday from U.S. Government .. . . .. Officially Takes Sex Out of Ads w ASHING TON' '(UPI) -'Tile federal govenunent · Monda'y · officl.ally banished sex from the classified ads. Ji)"om now on, . unle!ll you want a bunny f<r your nightclub or a tackle for your football team, It's against tl)e law to specify sex in job adverUaemenls. The U.S. Equal Employment O~ porturuty Commission (EEOC) Monday printed in the Federal Register new guidelines barring sex discrimlnat.ion in job advertising. The commission sakl the order is retroactive to Jan. 24, when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DiBtrict of Columbia ruled the ~ guidelines were legal. ~tate Attorney· Proposes . . "Lreeming Repair ~ealer~ ' .. -. j SAC~ (UPI! -A ti.point O'Brien said many of the frauds bit •-..,,... pi'otoctlon" ·program callilli low inmne !amilles. fllr ,..W.Uoo ol auto •• •hopl and Tbe "'it!n also calls for a u.r.e.day :i.=-t purdlaae ·amtracta wos period for -•le•. d!Jl'lng to the lestslstlre Monday by •"11lcb a ~ could cancel hli COi\· ilie llale aUorne7 gtnenl's o!Dce. tract, ud ...,..i of Ure 'law allowing IAllfo repair deilen '""'1d be lle<med new car dealeri to -od-ltts bad< Iilr a lllale -under the ~ to """' -. the qency -111· bave Ure ji6wer ' .A'ff.bour coolln( olf Jl"jodJor -.to- " remove the Uceme of a dealer found door Illes failed ]ji the leglslalure 1aat .l.n1y of fraud. • ~. an4 ftve blDI ---"'Cnminal peoaltles could also be levied · · this 1'ar to repeal the iidomotet law, +.-guilty dealers. ' ~ In 11811. , • Chief llepuly Atty. Genl. 0.arleo A. Other prov-in the l'l"fVlllD Jn. said that each of the new clode: . . Swan Memorial Hospital. He waa.trtatfd for a broken ankle,and internal kiiur;es. Others killed in the crash were AJan R. Meyerink, 52, of Santa Barbara . and Charles Miligan, 50, of Phoeni>. Deputies said the single engine plane apparenUy ran out of fuel on a fll&ht •Cf8S!I Antelope Valley from the M<ijave Desert commmtity of Essex. The men were on their way to Van Nuys when they crashed in a canyon 15 miles sooth of Palmdale and a quarter mile from a highway intersection. Fullerton Man's Body Discovered ln Plane Wreck TUCSON,· Ariz. (AP) -Th< body (If George Braunston, . 45, owner of a Futlerton, Calli:, produce company, was found in the wreckage of. his single engine plane in the Santa Rita mcurtainl about four miles from Mt. Wrtgbtson Monday. The wreckage is in extremely rugged country, about three hours walking time from the nearest jeep road. Braunston took olf from Tucson lnlemallonal Airport oa Dec. 2Stb and disappeared. A wideolftod oearcb by the Civil.Air P.arol ended ln·fallure. Monday tt wu founJ lllat the ln'eCkqe had probably been -by ...... Th< wreckq• wu 1lgldod Sm/doy by Richard Boarman, a --member of Braun.ton's firm. Karate-cOurse Being Off e:red At V Jilley. High ' A con--.e In brlll& 11 be1nc olfered 'fUel!llY and 1hnday evdqa In tbe Fountain Vallly Hlgh 8dloof nm by. the Patb Mil ReoriatJon Dojliit: .menL • Harry Umemoto, !int d-black be!( II the lnltrucUJr. "Is bued upon subl!lanUal - A ' requlremenl 'that 111\no od- hlch our olflce's consumer pr&-ftlllsing that they ~ builaeoi in activlUeshlveuncovued.'' 8'>aniah provide .~ con- He included "the moot pemldoul con-tracts. , . ' • I Both Jben and women. 14 QI' older, ml)' alp up fer a.. coune II the Founlaln Valley Clty llall. 11-alnfnc lncludel ·white bet' (bqin- nen) lllCI .,.... ind black bell (ld•-.fWu 1bules in door-to-door uJea. -Improvement ol enloroement ~ <jr~le repaln, poverty area frauds, cedorea lor the law r"'jUlrlnJ lhlt coplel .pl various UJne.peyment contract of time payment contracts be given ~·.. to CUll'lomttl. .. .. ,, • ed) st.atua. • Foo are paid on a morithl11'Mll. ·at 110 per month. . • · Newport Center ... ' I \ • . '. .. ' ' \ \ \ ... ' -' . prides, win a h~neymo9n trip to the Bahamas Regi ater during Bu ffu~a· Bridal Show ' . Wodoeodq, Felnuy olh al 7'3Q P·•· ~ ... Lowlr"Level ol1ae_pcri_ • : • It,,..,. flie luckf """'' to m our Ball1ma H_.,... _,..., 70" 11ill!jel...; to. ' ' Mi.ad md crt to 109' •acat.ion. destiDation. in int a few hon Tia Nm.a\ A.idiw IP4 ec q '-~~ . , You'll 1ia,. admm boneymocll ••• .....r d.oy1 ad aisqhto m tb~~:BwfiJlolol,11: V •• -~ • lllcludei!. lttwins will 1io 1lold Woclooodq, FeJnarr126. Ba -~...... . , . -darilc,tfla .,., -tt.-.--.64+-DX>, .. BddalW.• .. JlddalGI ..... . . .. • u mS' • . . .. ,, •1 Fashlm lslll!d • 64+-2200 • Mon., Thurs.; rii.10:00 u·n·9:30 Oller dlJ1 10:00un131 . . .. ' . i" .. J '~ I l • Navy T ·ells . of Pueblo Fizzle '.: :: "-··~r~·rlL'ig~t ~~~~·.Recei~ed; From Hig~r . Up,.Fke~ 4clmiral Says 'llCi!lalADO CUPD '-' ,,,._ ll,S, ·Httf Onmqd ta.Illa --up -lor; • .,.. 'lo• ~ 1U. cnw of Illa • 1111 o t ~er -lld CGUld b •'-• ~ ol a NATO naval , llrillo "11 ·rldlolaf delperiltely for•b 1 Ip oil pn-itllled 1111 llMp'1 •ilurt-force in lb< MedilllTlllUll atatiaood in Ibo Korean COii! Ju. ». 1• aaluld. . •}lllb lhe Air Force not oo llrip alert, lhey CGUld not have pllln to W-ID time to pr .... t IJil, coplurt of iM Puc'bto/• cuaen said. l'lllblo r flml 1(odi> ~ i:!\'Uvlty, but It -recel9'1 •. ...._ from lucJl1 ... ll!l lllilll'&bt' lloodly of Naples, Italy. • Tllo U.S. ll'lltb Air r~,bad be<q llllltber f!r""1•~ cloy of lellllnoQy before Adm. c .... u had hard aleddill!I, , uked \o be "iln calll' ~ <aao of ~ •· blatMr·• a nv.Mmlral court ol loqulty. ' C1pt. WUUam E. N ... aom•. Ibo 'l'W'I lo the l'll<blil bjl! It bid ' Doi beln ... Lt. Edward •R. Murpby Jr., ii. o1 OOWllel,, drew from him the ad\nlaalon queotad lo be OG "atrlp (l'llll'!IJ'l alul," Tllo Navy alao •u Jftpared lo destroy the intelllg<oce ablp in Ibo Com1muuf1 port ol WOOAll afttt It• caplUJ'< boit San Dieeo, eiecutive officer a n d thJt his command at Pear) Harbor !flt Cauell llid. , . 1 -.. navtcator of the Pueblo, wu ICbedaled the r I 1 k of a Nor.th Korean attack on It would bavt tUen an bWr or more Cusell "al Wed what acUon tbt Navy took cm its own. Jack Goodwin o!Fentrldge, Eng· lheH wa no ....., llgbl oo that either. , land tljopght AA ''vicious" birds n-Jl!'O(ICllOd 11nea of 1ctlon cam• of pro)\-ol(I flllcom and three law· att.r 1111 "'""1· let Clndr. Lloyd 'M. to tesWy In open session today. · the Pueblo was 10 "minimal" that when to arm A1r f.«ce plaiiu ·0a· ,Okinawa. The\ ooe wltneas in the open hearing sbe was IUITOUl1ded It wu toO 'iata 800 mi1ea ••ll'· for lhe mjllloo ol ' ·ae , ·uid the c<llllllllMer in chief o( tbi Seventb Fleet bad Ordered Iba .i.1rcratt carrier Enterpriae and Its escorting frigate, Tnlilon. lo head north trqm 600 miles away with L.,e possible intent of takina; reprisal acUon or at· 1emp•tr11 to free the Pueblo. Monday WU llw'. Adm. George L. lo help, wlatlng the, Pueblo, he aatd,' aild l)l&ltt Caulll. d\&ef ot "·Nft for operations His testimony Jargely removed -any wu fa1Ung 1r'9Ldly. ' M)' ~would put up ... & -..i•t11a l'leblo ·pl Into I IJICll for U. Padftc J'liel. et &bl -.time of blame from the U.S. Air Foi-ee ·ror "Could I.be. Air P'orct have rendered t'b 1 ~ .-.... ~ II• t • ~puty not having assisted Buchfr wbel he . wistaoce bUl er condjllon?" Newsome fight tllat ... intruder WOu14 ..... :·11 wllldl -_AJz ~ -~ ~ ' a chance;. But: ova-the ....._ ·· • """ '~· .r· someone llmlo Ille wbolO lloct, R .. t!,M' ,J:?, • 1 i ;.. ~~fU:r. U I liDllt " , ~ipnr_{' J;'~l '1 · Foe of K_liln, Hugo Dial l:gtUI lduu ·hb daog ... ler M~ J, for the fint tlmc GI his.wife Jlarlha 0.G1ftl at l1'r hUll>ond a/Ur ttAiarlV a thrH 111ar ob1ence. H• spent 3irltan lls Cuban joU ., o·poll~ ical' prilona and ofter htl rtJealt ae•t his "'Pfcllng wifl lo Miami. He waited Ono&Mr thrtt ~'°'' /or hU chance lo lf<Rle Cllbo. He om.cd i• Miami via Jf1ilcc>. · • • Lindo Plumb 1a,y1 !here are dJI. Dies at 70 AT!.AliTA (UPI) ·~ ~. -Ralpl! -MiGlll.-wbil trained bla 1Jpow1llor oo. Iha Kii Xlilll Kiin. radii ~ .... Boalbii'n !~m I ii.n.r 'mmllDDll~im ,11111 . blm 'Iha Puita. Prlli, ,. died . of I ottlct. MaadlJ 1lilbl. The .,.,_ journlliat eolllllMd II the bom•" ol ,,_ wllere bei'iii lib wife bad llUmdod' I -· PIJ'.IY celell'ltlq bla '1111 ~ two Uyl early. Bo -...........i,d..,i lit Hol7 FllllllJ 11oop111l Severol ·odllora 11111 · ropor~I lrol• Into i... wllOo the report of, llcGlll'a deatb ruebed the oewa olfleoi of tbe Alllnla ConaUtutloo, where 'McGW bad worked-11nce 1929. -- He 1ttacDd aegregallon lo tbe tnd. !Ill final colwDn, •wel1'lnl In lodly'a ed!Uon of the Collllttutloo, crttldzed "freedom of choice" p 1 a·n I In. many Southern tchools. Sudt plans, be "1'0te, actuall)r pennlt, the conUnuatlon of segregatlom. "It will be the grealell trqedy with the moat forebodina, cooaequencea if public achool officllll m allowed to perpetuate dual systems," be aald. l-.... '"" f. ~ UPIT.....,_ He aald I dellroJer iJao WU dlapol· cbod wltb tbe -1ble mlaaloo o1 "JOlng Into the harbor" and towing the Pueblo out. The d .. troyer could not have reacbed tbe ooeao uolll the following afternoon. i.a it lljrnod out, notblng WU done. E. Mlleo Haney, Bucber'a civilian at- • torney, Wed what sublequent acUoo '• , tbe Plclllc Fleet Command look. c .... n lllld he and Adm. John J. Hyland, COll1llllDder in chief ol the Pacific F)eet, dilculled putting r~ nlillance planes over Wonsan the nut day to determine the plilbt of the Pueblo. That would have reqUlred the author\• salloo of the commander in chief Paclllc, Adm. Ulysses S. Grant Sharp, he said, and It wu not done. Adm. Sharp has · a~e retired. Caudl said he aild Hyland aild the ataff ~ drew up tenta!.lve pt.ans to 'd~ tbe Pueblo in port aild alao ''• repriaal or raid" to free the crew. 1'Dkl you consider that feuible?" Harvey uked. "Ya," said Cassell. ~But-the final decis.ion WU eut of our preview. It w a a a declalon to be made at a much higher level." ·Culell wu questioned by Vice Adm. Haro1d G. Bowen Jr., the prealdent of tho court ol inquiry, u lo what pn>tectlon the Pueblo had. "Tbe main protection we felt the Pueblo had wu the fact &he was operaUng ~£1Y in internaUonal waters," Cawll Bowen 1tared at him and said: advanta1u to belni a houlcnotbtr in a boy1' 1cbool at Kli>I• Lynn, England where IOlllll ol the ltu- dents are nearly as old as you are. ••rt is not very :flattering to be call· ed 'Mum' at 18," she says, "But l suppose l will get over it." Mayor Ivan ~Hen Jr., a loqtlme friend of McGW, called the publiaher "lb< voice and conscienct of the South. . .durtnc this tryln& period of social evolutlpn. His efforts will stand aa a landmark in this century, and to the furtherance of man's rightl and opporb.lniUa." London Cheers Astronaut "In other words, the Pueblo waa in a position where 1he could receive no protection." • 'When Michele Ferr•ro of San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Italy "died" his weeping relatives prompUy called the priest and funeral parlor di"'£!<>r. Then someone thougbt lo 1e1ePJione the doctor to 1ign the deatlu:eitificale. The doctor tum· Ute;t-the )>ody, gave a su1picious glii1ice to the relatives and treated lhe elderly asthma sufferer with stimulants.._ and artificial respira· lion. Revived, the 81-year-old 'Fer- raro's first words were, "I'm hun· gry. Get me a plate of spaghetti." McGill, born on a small fann pear Soddy, Tenn.. joined the Constltutlon u:s. astronaut Frank Borman gets a pat on the back from an admiring Londoner as he arrives at ·Prime Minister Harold Wilson's residence at 10 Downing Street for a meeting. Borman was to be received tonight by Queen Elizabeth al Bucking· ham Palace. Cassell was silent. • SF State Seeks from the staff of the Nuhville Banner as sports editor. Later be became a newa · executive and beaan a crusade ag~ the Klan and ~egatlon. Shortly after he wu promoted to ex· ecutlve editor ln 1931, about 75 robed and masked klansmen paraded around ... {led.DMZ Strength Watched ··Teachers' Rettim SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Effort1 are being made lo• return striking profolsorl to classrooms at two major California colleges, bu~ DO progress is reported. • Houton cittl councilman John· nv Go11tn withdrew a door prlzt «cket good fO'f a wetk trip to Lima. Pe"', at the International 11eart Gola and handed it to ad· or Peter Brown. "TM winner is JOhnnv Goren," ·Brown laid. TM Ttt£.faced Goyen dtcHntd the ~ and dcmott"d it in1ttad to a rafBe fn behalf of the Ttzai Heart Jiutftute. • In Cincinnati, Ohio Albert Park· er, 64, a truck driver for the State Highway Depa-en!, found out the hard way why his job is so im· port.ant. Parker was on the way to spread salt on city streets when the track &kidded on a slippery stnet and overturned, dumping four tons of the de.leer on Wilmer Avenue. the newspaper office, denouncing McGill SAIGON (AP) -N or t h Vietnamese and the CoDltitution. He· frequenUy 1 strength inilde tbe demJlltarized zone received threatening telephone calla at itandl at t~ to 3,000, military sources night. lllld today. In 1961, a .21 caliber piltol bullet Field commanders see no immediate wa.1 fired through a window pane of , McGill's home from a puslng car, but ~t to illied forces just south. of no one was in the hoUM! at the time. lhe zone. But they say the North V1~t- Later that year, hiJ mallbpx was --aameae are funneling men and supplies perforated with p I s to I builds and thfOUCb the zone into Laos and down garbage w• dumped OD his lawn and the Ho Cll lfinh trail to South Vietnam. driveway several times. A senior "farine officer said he doubted McGill won bil PuHtzer Prize in 19fl8, that the North Vietnamese army would and his staff bonored·bim in an editorial make 1111 ·tnore thrusts through the on his ab anniver..,-at the morning coutal knrlands of the zone dividing newspaper. ' Vietnam. The enemy would be highly "Worklag with McGill b just that 'vulner1blo in lb< flats. -an .tveDJure," the edltarial said. "It is enqoyrQement for bdtlaUve and free tbmtdni aild tolerance for 1tupldlty. It Is c:onllclence that right will prevail and conviction that &tandina up for the right 11 l)referab1e to cowardice." McGill ..ame under alt.ct when the Univerally ol Georgia WU deoegregated. in 1961 One evening, he u.ld, "we had 19 abusive calls between 7:30 and 9 o'clock." But the compensations far outMigbed this harassment. he said. "Frequently, in restaurants, an unknown waiter or wal&eaa would, in putting a plato ol food on tbe llblt, whisper, 'Thank you. air, for what you write,' " McGill related. Any puah through the zone also would appear pollUcally unwlae since the United States at the Paris peace talks has been uklne for the North Vietnamese to ttltcn the zone to Its fonner demilitarized it.atus, the orflcer added. Taki.Di no chan~s. however, the Marfntl and an Army land-clearing unit are aktnnlng the lowlands below Con Thien and Glo Linh. Trees are being cut away ind swathes 150 yards wide are bdJI& opened with bulldozers. Tbrulta through the western zone at the "Rockplle" and the Khe Sanh basin could bt met and fought far from any important objecUves, making those routes undealrable, commanders feel. East Snow Tapering Off Most of the Rest of the Nation Skies Fair s-. M-, Tlb1 • TUDOAY ._., .... ,.......... 1:2' '"'· ,,. ._.. .............. 11:11 •.m. u W&Dff•IDAY l'}l'lt ................. 4111 ...... '" P'1"it 1111111 , ............. 10:11 a.111. J.I ._.. -.............. 1:11 •·"'· .. , _... Iii-............ ll:M •·"'· .,, ... • .. •tO II.Ill. .... 1:0 I .Ill. ... -•:ti a.M. .... J:b •·"'· & ._ PW&. fW • MM tr-.n Mar.I \ .. v.s. s •• _.,, "-...,., fl/# .. ,., .... ., tfllot ........ lfM.n • toot ,.. Oii .... , ......... \llrtllall'I' all et ._ ratlt f/I .. N 0•11 "" hit il!.ltl. ~ .... ....... • •ll•::Jttd'll ............ al tllt 111111 ""' ..... .... .....,... CN""9 ,..,..... ......... .._.. ... .. ,_. fl "'9fwfl .... Ytrl anti r•,.,-Mlllt ~.,..,. .w.11t ""'"' attVltLI ......... flMlf ...... T"9 .---MIMI ,_...,. .. It c..-.............. ttclll _,., .... ,....,.._ ............... ....... .._ ..,....,., All 11t1Mt nllfltl """ ClflCttall Ill /Mina ..., lela /IM!ldl'I' ~ aM ,,. tlaUrdout Clllldlo tlel'-. ,..... • Nducll'" ., """ '""' llmlt ell 1M Mllna 1ftf Mai ... ctMtlll """"* ... ri. •retie "* ......,.. trtl!11111 ~,_ '""' 1111 0.. laulll .... ... _.,. -"""" ..... Ill tfftd ..,,, ....., .. ,.,. -· • °""'"' ft ~ .-iaMtN. T~Mwl ftllf"9 ....... Intl "" 20t. Clew M1t *" WMIMt' tllllkltM 11'111 -1111111' ti t11e Miion Wiit! h tWC#- tlool If 1 ..., ...,....... lrt 1eoi.-. .,.... " "" pKiflc .....,,..... •• '•"" """""' .... ,....., """ l'I ........ "---· ---. " • " "'."' w .. t. ,. ... • • n " ,. '' n I •lS . " '" " .SJ If -U ~ . " . Jf " .22 . " ., JI n " .n ,,. n .a )I u .JI JI '' ,I) . " .. ' " lt .14 ·• .., " " " n " n " a " ,, .11 " " • ft " . • • A1 J( • ••• • ft ti I S ·II a .is ·"' . ·• . " " . " ,.. .11 ,. " ... M fl M 51 ,. ... ~ " n • .., " II .tl " ,, ... .. .. • 0 . . ' The consensus now Is that the most logical attack routes !or the. enemy would be from Laos in order to threaten such key northern cities as Hue and, Da Nang, the military base city. the area, not fresh troops brought dol!f1 fro..m the north. Another J)OSSlble point of attack could . . . be in Die central highlands. U.S. officers have reported recent enemy troop mov'ements across the border from Cam- bodia. Acting president S. I. Hayakawa of San Francisco Slate offered Monday to reinstate all teachers who return next semester, which begins Feb. 17. He said he would intervene to block application ol a state law which says strikers have "automatlcally resigned" for being absent for five days. There is better jungle cover there and any attacks would ostensibly appear to be the work ~ unit! already In • ' , STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31 , 1968 (UNAUDITED) ....... c.1;;. Cash and U.S. Govlfnment S.CUritin , •..•. , ..••• , • , . , , .. , .. , • , , , , ..............•••• , • , , •• S 6,589,299 Lo1n1 on Real E1tate •. · •.........•• , •••• ,,,, ,, , ••••.. , ;, .. , •.•......•. , ...•••••• ,., ••• , 101 ,508,865 (First trust deed• on real properly) Lo11t11on Rul Emta Hild fOI" lnvntment ... ,,.,,,,,,, •..........•.•.• , •••.....•..••••. ,, •. l..D11t11 to Facilitate Sales of RMI E1,t1ta Owned .. , •... , , •. , .. , .....• , , .•......... , ..•••..•. ·. Loans on Servings Accounts ...... , ....... , • , , , , • , , , .. , .••. , ••• , , •• , .•. , ••...••...•..•... Real Estate Acquirtd for Settlemen t of Loans ., ••....•...•.. , ... , ....... , •.•...•••••••••• , .• R .. I E1t1tt Ownld tor Investment ....... , , •• , • , •• , ••••• , •• , .•..••••••••.• , • , , ••••••••.•• Stock In FHLll and 5econd11ry ln11.1rtnee RtMl"Vt , ••••••••...••. , .•........•••••...• , • , • , .•.• IMembtrshlp in Fedar1I Home Loin Bank System makn fund• w1111ble for rMI nt1t1llnding 11t1d witl'l<lraw11 requests.I ADociatlOn Prlmim, Furnitur•. Fhltur11 end EQU ipment ...................• , ..•.••....••• , , •• I Cll'titd at co11 ltu daprec:lltion.I OthlfADIU •... , .... , . , ••......... , ... , .. , ... ,., ......... ,,.,,.,,,,,., ·••,,, · ·. · ·•, 298,492 375,«0 63,500 1,830,409 3,575,982 2,341 ,996 2,859,240 574.600 IAocruld internt t"Ktw.blt, pnpeid tlfPlf\Ml and ml1eallaneou11"'11.I ------ TOTAL •••••....•. , ..........................................•... ............• $120,017,823 :Ll•BILITIES S....ings Ind lnvt1tment Accounts •....... , , , , , , , , , , •.•...........• , •• , , .••..•.. , ......• , • $103,863,46' fHtkl by mort: tl'lan 29,800 ac:c:ount l'loldtrs.I Loan1 inProceu ....•................ , , ••••• ,, ,, •• , , •• , , , , , ..... , ...•.•.•. , , ...... , , . (Funds due bonowert on unditburwd lo.ns.) 6 Ad'ttneel trom Federal Horne lo1n Bank ...•..• , ...••.•..... , . , ... , , , .... , ...•.•.. , ...... , (To !Mil dlfN'Kk for rt:1I ntate fln.encing, tl'le Anoci11ion from timt 10 time m1ka1 u .. of IU credh fec:llllies 11 11'1• Feder II Home Loan Bttik .I Ot"-Liabllilltl •••••....•. , . , ......•....•........... , ... , , , • , ...... , . , ....•• , . , ..... . 1Col'9ctlonl held .for othln, W• ~Ible and m itceU1neou1 lilbilitin.j 1,418.996 2,450.000 1,032,873 Def.-red Income •. , •.•....•........... ~ ..........• , , , .•.• , ................. , , •.••• , . , • 369,IOI ~A~. Gu.-.nt• Clpitll Ind Undlvldtd Profit• .•.. ,, ...•• , ..•.•••.•.•. •·........... ,J,882,685 IAl'l'IOUfttlltl •Iida for ptDtec:tion to.....,. ancl iflYftlOrs ft'I addlOon to the lnlurenc:a of 9e00unu.) TOTAL ..•.•. , , , , .. , , ...........• , •.• , , , ... , , ............. , . , • , , • , , • , • , , , ••••••• $120,017,823 Tht f inancilll position sho~-n II •fttr ,,.ym1r1t of SJ.106.9JI In fnt1r11t to°"' uffn durln1 1968. . 40 Years of Responsible Service .......... -.... 2MOZ..ttlltfUN1"S.1Ml .... awl .... llMMltlltlcMt. UNIWl .. ltl ... ............ flftMJ """· lOl"llfl 4-4551 .. ......... ,._._.WllNllrtllW.~1f1 ,, .... ...... IMl1 ¥tlltM ... PO MHI MD LOAN AllOaATlON ...... -..... Ult lrhtlt $trttt •m1 t· " • t -·---- ' Guess What? Guess Again Airline Pilot, Crew 'Talk Youth Out of Skyjacking . MIAMI (UPI) -·Stewardeas Maggie Row popped into the cabhi of the National AlrllneS .flight 11 with a newsy, ''guess what?" MichaeJ A. Peparo. 2l·year- eld New York student answered the question: .. 1 want to go to Havana." be told Capt. Harry L. Davis, • 47, and flight engineer Harry L. Hendrick.son, 38, both from Miami. But Peparo, who was ae- e<>mJ>"!'ied by his gjrl friend, was lolled in bis attempt to become the 13th hijacker of the year by the smooth-talklng NaUonal crew. The plane land- ed safely In Miami. Just hours earlier, four CUbans successfUlly diverted an Eastern Air Lines Miami jetliner With t.1 perions aboard to Havana. The Eastern hijackers were later identified as J. Babiq and W. Hernandez, who was accompanied by bis wife and teen-age daughter. Capt Jack W. Moore, the Eastern pilot on bi! second hijacking trip of the year, was allowed to bring the crew and plane back jo Miami 1n MSUPrexy Named U.S. Aid Chief .. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon administration has pick- ed John A. Hannah, presidenl of Michigan Stata University and architect of its pioneer adventures in helping UD· derdeveloped countries, t o guide the nation's embattled foreign aid program. Hannah, staunch Republican and long-time friend of Presi- dent Nixon, wu expected to submit his resignation to the Democratic-controlled M S U board of regents toolghl But be Indicated in a state- ment released in Detroit Mon- day 1>ipt tb•t probleml !at succession -former Michigan Gov. G. Mennen Williams was reportedly to take his place -could delay a "fulltime role in the federal government" until spring or later. Air Traffic Group Hits Equipment LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Professional Air Traffic Con- trollers Organization wants in- strument landing systems on lnternational Airport's wester- ly runways to replace what the group claim! is pre-World War ll equipmenl A spokesman said Monday that if precision approach ra.dar had been "in use when the Scandinavian Airlines "System jetliner crashed Jan. 13, controllers could have determined if the plane was too law. The westerly runways not covered by preclsioo radar are used only during stonn con.. ditions and have no instrument system to help the tower assist planes, the spokesman said. Fifteen persons died in the SAS crash and 38 were killed Jess than a week later when the· United Air Lines jetliner crashed on takeoff from the airport. • " UP.I"""" .. which he tried to pass as• bomb. Davis 5¢d Jhe I011&-halred student told blm "be wu eligi- ble for lhe drafl In aboul ab: months, and he didn't want to go, and did not; believe in war , and wanted to live a slmple We of bard wort in Cuba. "He said, 'I can live a simple life In Cuba,' " Davi.:: said. "And :we looked at each other and then agreed With him." Hendrickson said Peparo broke out in tears several times, and he and the captain became "convinced we could talk him out of it. "He was haVing family trou- bl•, school trouble • . • all kinds of troubles." ATTEMPT TO HIJACK AIRLINER FAILS Unldontlllod Girl, Mlcb11I P..,.ro Arrutod The crew first convinced Peparo that It was necessary to land to refuel, and then talked him into letting the passengers debark. As the . passengers walked off, the FBI and police boarded and Peparo handed over hiJ knife without a struggle. the-late-aftwioon, but the passengers had to wait on a propjet ferry flight back Monday night. Knives were used in both Protesters Mill About Iraq Mission NEW YORK (AP) -About 10,000 demonstrators milled about the >Iraqi Mission to the United ~ Nalkms Monday in a second day of protest against the hanging of lt men, including nine Jews, as spies for Israel. Ten persons were arrested. Most of the trouble occurred when an attempt was made to break through police bar- ricades. One youth was ar- rested when be aUempted to hang an effigy in a tree across from the mission on East 79th Street. At one point, three men at- tacked one of five coun- terdemonstrators, who had identified themselves as members of the Action Com- mittee on Am e r i c a n-Arab relations. The mass protest began with a memorial service at Kehilah Jeshurum Synagogue on East 85th Street. Reuben Horesb, w ho s e brother, Charles, was among the Jews executed in Iraq, said: 'A sign was pinned to the victims' prison garb with the word 'Jew.' That was all their crime. The tragedy of the thing i! that my brother Charles considered himself to be an Iraqi tirst and a Jew second." Mt. lja Erupts, 40,000 Flee JAKARTA (AP) -More than 40,000 persons fled to safety when volcanic Mt. lja on the Island of Flores erupted last week for seven hours, the Social Affairs Ministry said today. incidents. Peparo, who attended Due~ Community College in Poughkeep!ie, N. Y., also had a m06Qui.to spray can * * * * * * Quit Smiling, Folks; It's No Camera Stunt (EDITOR'S NOTE : l\llen Funt, orlv!Mtor of rr.. "C•ndkl C•-•" teleYlslon ProtrMn, w11 1boerd an Easlwn Alrllnn 19' hllKked kl Cubl Monda'I'. He writes •bout 1111 lm- P•n11on1 of the \lfl1d'leduled !rip In the fallowlrtl artlclt.) By ALLEN FUNT MIAMI (AP) -Wben the captain of our plane an- nounced that we were going to Havana instead of Miami, at least four people who recognized me pounced on me, certain that it was a Candid Camera stunt. But it was anything In the world but a stunt. There was a little fat man with a 10-inch knife held at the neck of a stewardess and he was not smiling. It started out as a com· bination business and pleasure trip. My wile, Marilyn,. and the youngest 1w.O of my· five c~, wete ' coming with me as ··well as a coniplete camera crew. For 11 hours we were the guests of Mr. Castro. They fed us, guided us and treated us with aiurtesy, with one exception. 1£ you wanted any in- formation, everybody was sud· denly deaf and dumb. There was no telephone, no way to send a wire, no one to talk to except Cubans and they wouldn't say a word. When they were good and ready -and that means, when they ran up a bill for about $5,000 -they found our airplane whlch I know was sitting there waiting for us for five hours. This was at Varadero, where we had been taken by bus from Havana airport. Looking back at the ex- perience, t he unbelievable thing ·is the way everybody took it as one big joke. We saw the knife but everybody was cool and calm, just a little annoyed at the delay. It is strange how you can be so close to danger and not feel it. The biggest joke for me was how much the whole thing looked like a bad movie. Nobody looked the part. The hijackers were ridiculous in their business suil.8. 'Ille cap- tain with super calm an- nOunced that we were going to Havana because two gentlemen seemed to want to go there. On the bus to Varadero, ·we -Jhrougb the ' bear! of the fonnei-ly lay Havana. It was obvious.that something had been allowed lo go lo pot. The gulde makes sure you notice the new and rather imposing buildings which In· chtde the president's palace, the army headquarten and Havana library. The hero and heroine of the trip were my 1-yeai~ld SOD William and 2-year-old daughter Juliet. They spent the longest day in their young lives with hardly a whimper. We were planning to put the finishing touches on our - feature film entitled "What Do y OU Say to a N a.ked Lady?" but the little fat man with the long knife changed all Jhal - ' Demo Chairman Harris Already Under Attack WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Fred R. ljarrts has been Democratic Na t ional Chairman for 20 days and already is under fire from party dissidents as too slow, too cautious and perhaps too chummy with party regulars. Leaders of the N e w Democratic Coalition cha11enged Harris Monday to get party reform under way, told him whom he should ap- point to head it and warned that U he falters he will face NDC shadow committees In each state. The NDC would pick rebel delegate slates and try to seat them at the 1972 Democratic a a t 1 on a I con· v~~ft0~ill makl the 1968 con- vention look like a picnic as far as credential fights are concerned if the mandate of the 1961 convention is not followed," NOC co-chairman Paul Schrade told newsmen alter lhe meeting wllh Harris. Will Use TV Camera Space Walker to TestforEmergency •CAPE KENNEDY, ·Fl·a. 4AP> -The next American to walk jn space plans to Switch on a teJeVi.sion camera, alip out ol. goldea slippers Oii lhe ltonl porch ol. his orbiting #.poDo I spacecroll and show earthlings below bow astronauts would retvrn. to their mother ship In an en*rgency. ' "As far as goi'.ng EVA textn · vehicular activity) laid civilian astro!laut Russell !.. Scllwelckart, "I'm looking '(orward to ll I led il'a Jhe jrtatast '1ew In the world." OOcusslni what is planned during America's first attempt to transfer an astronaut from one spaceship to another, Schwt:ickart told a news ~ lerence late Monday Iha~ \ •1Pbysic~y;. the pr lm.ary challenge Is Jo Jhe hand muscles and ann muscles. I don 't expect to get out of brealh, bUt I expect ~ arm ' muscles to get tired." The red-haired, f r e c k I e d astronaut· pJans to spend two hours outside the sp8cecraft during the lo.day flight of Apo 11 o t, an earth-orbital mission scbecluled to blalt oil Feb. 21. Wllh him will be Air Force Lt. Cols. James A. McDivttl and David R. Scott. It will be lht· first manned flight of a Wnar nlodute (Lem), the bug-shaped , craft that will ferry f u t u r e utronauta from oe Apollo ship In mpon orbit to the lunar surfa.,.. And U all goes " perfectly -on APol1o t, it c_ould be the last Oigbt be[ore 1 landing is attempted. In orbit, SCOU. is to pilot the Apollo 9 command Ship to a linkup with the Lem, which is to ride into space aboard the same Saturn $ booster rocket. On the third day, McDivilt and Schwe.lckart will crawl Jhrouab a aRlllOCliJ!g tunnel Into the Lem and cbeck out gystems for the space walk ~ the lbllowlni day. ~Wearing 1 suit nearly iden- Ucal to the one listronautl 'Ill! have on when they walk Oii! the mooo't surfac e . SClrwelckart plans lo aUp oot of • Lem baJch 1 .. t.flrsl Keeping blm alive will be an O'Y1fOD supply worn on his ' blck 'lll<e a knapsack. Demonstrating bow astronauts would t r a n s f e r r..m a Lem to lhe command ship in the event hatcbe91 in the connec\lni tunnel failed 1o open, tile -u1 ;.m crawl ·-onalall tbe JI.fool dlltance to the command modllle halch •.. H• plans to anp 1M1de the com- mand a h Ip up ·i. hill. waist, then ease hit way back to the Lem again. ' 1"en as the craft P!IS8t9 over lhe · UilllA!d statai, he plans lo IWp Into "golden •Iii" pen" -glw fiber fool remalnts, turn on a talevlsloo camera mounted on the Lem 11 front porch and crawl .. up and dml lhe rail a ,cauple of feet to show yoo what lhe transfer looks like." • ' i .11 I i I I I • l I I i I '.i YOURE INVITED TO SEE HELEN ROSE, SPRING '69 Taking an advance view of s pring, Helen Rose Is here with an exuberant collection of prophetic Fashions, Do see her simply beautiful silhouettes for day a nd late-day, Informally modeled, Wednesday, February 5, from 11:00 a,m, to 4:00 p.m. In our' Designer Salon. . Shown, a dress designed In the draped cling of white over nude, Sizes 6-16, 250 ,'00, From a collection priced 250 ,00 to 650,00, Jn our Designe r Dresses, 1ROB NSON'S · ffeewport Ctnttr ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT CENTER • I '> FASHION ISLAND -• " • D-'ILV PILOT IS • 644-2800 1 ' I I • JoMLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE j • Stop Of (shore Drilling Southern Clllfomla'• rect!lt epic rainstorm broaaht polluUon lo boacbea on the Or~e Cou~ lj•!JIWI 1lodlea tram lragedlel upstream on tbe Santa /uJA River, 1ewage from broken lin11 and debril of Ill klD4I hove upset normal winter ~yon om beacbea. But theH tbreats lo public health and weUare are as notbinl! compered lo the damage lo be done If the huge oil slick now off Santa Barbara, Veotura and O•· nan! pushes southeastward onto beaches of that area, Loi Angales County and the Oran(• Cout. Walter J. Hickel, the copll'ovll'llal new Secretary of the Interior, new lo tbe aceM of the 1ooey mess Mon- day. He said he found the polhrtlon much more severe than be bad anticipated. At first It appeared Hickel would flljllk bis first \es~ He was quick lo blame the 1ovemment for not h•vinl rules rigid enough lo pnmnt l1ICb leakage. Re hultaf. ed Ix! use bis powers Ix! 'halt all drilling in the channel outside the three-mile IJmlt and to call on the state Ix! slop it within that jlmlt. Then he changed bis mind and , afU!r lalldng with oil company executives, announced that, at his request, ''All drilling on federal leases on the outer continental shell in Santa Barbara Channel are being temporarily placed in a standby position." The secretary then ordered an immediate review of procedures being used in channel drilling operations. OU Industry Insiders freely admit (alway1 off th• record, of course) that the men who drill for oil are, as a breed, singularly tunnal-visioned. That Is, their object- ive is to bring oil from the bowels of the earth as eff1~ ciently, aa economically and as profitably as possible. Except at the policy-making lx!p, where more Ima· glnaUon is likely to be found , the lower echelons of oil companies see only their primary objective. The pot1n- Ual destruction of the environment from a rupture such as the one off Santa Barbara doesn't concern them Nixon Scores High on TV WASHINGTON -Presldont Nilcon ob- viously has notblnc to fear from televised news conferente1. There waa no reuon to suppose that be would show up un- favorably in this media which he knows how to use effectively to establ~ regular communication with the American peo- ple. The appearance of candor and ra· Uonallty, coupled with granting the honest inten.Uons of questiooers even when they may seem bosUle, mark the dtffaeuce between a convincing and aa ~ UDCllllViDeinl press conference. President Nim!, pining from Joog experience, Jacb nothing In the>< respects. There will come a time when be will have to aay more, bul for a while, if be does not bave all the answers, be Cannot be 1ceused of eva&ton or dissembling. What the President ob- vioualy knows for sure is that be must ap~ to be telllnf as much of the t.ruth)I the nationaJ intertsl will permit. Ho bli -ed high In lhla re&peCI alto, not bldlna his re.-. fer holding of! on raUOcation on the nuclear non-pro- Weratfon treaty ud the beginning of t.alD oo mlssile llmlLatloo, nor his con- tinuOd opposition to admission of Red adno to the United Nations. THE PRESIDENT'S vaguenea on methods of eurblng crim< and boltq inflation are underltaodable at Ulll ltqe. but it came lbroucb clearly enoulb tl!at be will do aomethlng In both fields. NiIC.a'a predecessor has revealed in writing a farewell analysis of his ad· ministration (or the 1969 Brll.tanica Book of the Year what he now realizes was a major short.coming of his ad· ministraUon. Ex-President Johnson says that it be h a d It to do over again he would "try harder to eslabUsh better rapport to get his slory acros,, through the com- munication media.1' No president e v e r tried harder. AB Johnson points out, he held more preu .conferences than his immediate predecessors, and he saw incomparably more newsmen and com- mentltors privately than any president. But he confeMCs in retrospect that he should have held more televised news conferences in addition to the many non-televised news conferences at bi.I desk in the White House oval office. OF COOJISE THE &ad fact Lo that there was a "real" Johnson and one wbo.-=-~ 8Cf'!ll on televlalon u l!J!CtnOol ind locking In tliose -hie· qualltiea wbkb cause televialon viewen to Impose trust In those to whom they listen. Wby this l!bould be so ii - of the bafflements of the Johnson AdmbUstraUon, and all the more ao becaUJe of the oceasion of his Jut or next to last televised press conference the real Johnson came to life, Something aboUt appearing on the tube usually •threw Jolmson off slride, and c:rtated an artificlalily Jn his manner wbolly different from face-to-face en· cotmten revealing the depth of hls knowledet ~f the iroblema with which be WU dealing. Nlsoo on the tube and off the tube art about the amt. and 10 there will be no Fouble in tbil re;tPect; the ''real" Nlson ... s oo telsvllloil, nol o diltortod !acstmlle. '1111. ...., quollUes wblch make Nlson pemwlve tn his rullam at lmlil ntberilld or tn face-to-face dilcaaioal-are''.fstble on TV. Jf, tn the end, he falls to communicate it will not be because tbt.re is tome other N 1 x on imprisoned somewhere in the wor.kl of the TV receivers. NIXON IS MUCH better In this r<spect than be was In the 1980 campaign when his contrast with John F. Kennedy did not aen·e hlm we11. Maturity has betn good to Nixon and final victory has given blm the usurance he may bave lacked at an earlier stage In his career. Willi all of Nixon's !mpl'OVed tecbnl· ques. however, neither an inaugura] ad- dress nor 1 televised news conference have revealed the lineaments of his polides except ln the most general terms. A Slick Solution Control aeems on the way for oil slfcks that hive piqued tnternatfonll waton and the Grut Lakes. Tbe Ston-dud Oil Co. of New Jersey has developed on oil dlap<raant that does the cleanup Job pd Is nontollc lo marine life. Espirimenl•tlon ltarted alter the .,.......W Toney ~ ran aground and spilt open, spewJns l!O,GOO bamls of audo oU onto Eagland'a Cornwall and JlrlUoll)' beaches. 1'1111 llUTKRIAL. called Comft 'llM, Is ~ u • mist frorn alrp11ne or hellc:o(illr. n -up the lilck. ud ~--•• Geerge ---, Dtor Ge«le: 1 rt.ad and lbJoy your column ...., day but I bo''° noticed that r: never 1lve a eerioUI aniwer. "°"Id like to """' w!IJ you ... ~: Please tiV• I atrious -1 ' MICllA£L P. Dear Michael : Yet and no. (lfltll no question that's the beat r can do. Surely )'OU can think CJ( a qtM!lllon which wouJd maJt:e Ill 1 « part or that urwer ~tragic.) clear water can be teen In seconds. UDder ttudy Is the UH of a large am· pblbl.ou olrcralt whfcb cnuld cony 1 much heavier lood. Jersey Slancflrd does not clolm It has • CUl'HIL Some crud• oils become semllo!Jd ond cannot be treotad. But government polluUon experts conflrm that the moterlll oppcon the beat to date. OIL SPILi.i POii ID enormous d-to waterfowl ud aboro birds u well u to recrtaUoaal factllties. 'Ibe -proptrtles of tho new c:bemJeo1 on lmparfoirt, else the remed)' mJpl be u bsnnful 11 tlle problem. Moot admfrob1e ii the Industry's oo- ceptance cl lls ruponslblllty I ft researchlnc 1 meay situation. Jerser, Standard earlier adopted a "cltan seas ' 'JR>llcy, In which tanlrera are flushed at sea tnto holding OOsins on board. The oil then I~ 9eparaled for salvage, while the watc!r Is pumped ouL. Other thippe.rs are following 1uJt oo lar&er .....ia. . I Mt!~·~ (Wis.) J"""ol ' unW oometbblc I'* wronc and the damage 15 done. Tiie wonder II thal a 11mllar tragady bas not hap. pened Joni since of1 the coasts of Hunlinglx!n Beach and Seal Beach. Not only are there drilling blands there, bul wblpstocklng from the coul has produced a net· worlt of pipeline under the ocean Ooor like uncooked apagheltl. A rues! tdilorlll be!°" 1ug111t1 that Standard Oil Co. of. J.lew Jersey may have come up with an eilecUve oil dllpersant as a result of research aUmula\ed by the Torrey canyon disaster off the Eollllsh coast. Whether this-or offshore wind.a c.an save tlie situation here be- fore the oil re.achea: our beaches remalns to be seen. But regardless of this, the Gamage already done to fish and birds In the Santa Barbara Channel is a major disaster. If the oil reaches the beaches, II could take years to return them to normal . Damage done to some heacbea by oil from tailkers In World War II ls still pres- ent. Apart from stemming the .flow from the ruptured well oft Banta Barbara, the immediate problem fs pre. vention. Tb.is calls for state es well as federal action to slop offshore drilling forthwith. And keep It stopped while money spent on drllllng and pumping Is diverted to development of foolpl'OQf systems. A Diversionary Tactic \ Assemblyman Eugene Chapple, a Republican ranch· er from the El Dorado mining country, has denied he's an old curmudgeon-but be wants capitol secretaries Ix! lower the hems of their miniskirts. Some of his con· stituenta have been embarrassed, he says. Until the fashion pendulum swings low again, It ap. pears the solons are considering either raising drinking fountain heighta or-as a diversionary tactic-lowering necklines. • --~0!"<,u_~i.;. "You SAY vou11-soN Horfs 10 ENrE·R THE uN1veR.S1TY So/v.E ~A'(~ SO DO 11 MAf>AM-SO'Do I." We're a Tiny Dust Speck In Universe I was listening to a lecture by an astronomer last month, and be mentioned the relative size or our world in the universe. He said that the best modern telescope can now see so far tnto space thal if we took the whole United States u our model, the Earth would not even appear on it, wben looked at with electron microscopes. This Ls a hard image to illustrate with words, so let me try agaln ln another way. U that part of the tmimte we can already :see were the siu of the U.S., the ·~ of tbe Earth In that area would be about as small as a vlrul compared with the whole country. Is that clearer? HOW PROVINCIAL of us, th e astronomer went on. to Imagine lhat our gaJaxy w~th 150 mllllon stars aa large u our sun. doea not have other planet. With life on them -especially since there are 150 million other gaJaxies in the universe, each containin& as many mnHons of 1tars. OIJwr stars no doobt have planets. Other planets, somewhere, must have pretty much the same envtroomental conditions that bred life on Earth; and out of this Ufe must have come what we call "intelligent" life on some of these planets -and possibly mllllons of years before this planet began to cool off. TO ~ve we are unique is the height or anthropocentric arrogance. IF WE COULD steadlly see ourselves In this light -as a tiny spec k of dust wblrling about in one tiny corner of lhe universe, with the whole time·span of the Earth no longer than a twinkling -we might be able to reach a saner perspective on buman and sociaJ prob- lems. Buckmuter Fuller's old analogy of the Earth u a "spare-shi p" is another useful concept. We are all riding together in a space-ship that is smaller than the ooe the Astronauts went up in, compared with the .slit of the cosmos. We are locked into this ship together and forever, and we survive or peri.<;h together and forever. THE FIRST ANO absolute imperaUve ln the apacHblp of the Astronauts ls cooperation. and the subordination of individual wtll to the wellart of the ship as a whole. Only after that is thert room for idiosyncratic differences. Di.sharmotlf among the A a t r o n 11 u t s means dlaaster for all. Man m\llt begin to Ilk• t h e "astronomical" view af blm!lt.tf and hit world if he ls to IUfVfve. It is far too late for any parochial view ; too late for polltlcl, too late for race, loo late for cl1111 distincllons. Our ship is now so highly explosive, so charged with inctndlar~, thal we have only two opt.ions : We stay Ul>• or we blow up. Not to see this, clearly and lleadi!J ud primarily, ls lo perish In the unlvene u obletrtly &Dd ignobly as we ha\•e u...r. Quotes Muca City, h ., Glof>e..Gmtte -uAn unblued person is somtantl who Ml lbe 11tne1blu u we have!." Wu bunt In °From A t.o lu1rd" In Amarillo, Tel'., Ne"' -"f>oliUcal def'mltlons: Llberals -People who want to spend or get other people's money: ConaervatJves -People who have the money lhe Jlbcrall want; Moderates - People wbo bold mori&•i"' on botll groups." \ -Proposals Due for Mauling New Minimum Wage Boost? New proposall for raising the federal minimum wage floor to $2 an hour are sure to receive a severe mauling if, indeed, they ever reach floor debate In the 91st Congress. Tbe whole minimum wage idea is coming in for rMX· aminaUon. Moreover, it's tough to sell the need for a higher wage floor when the nation has Just completed eight years or un- paralleled prosperity and the outlook for the Immediate fulure is only slighUy misty. Outgoing Sec. of Labor Willard Wirtz on Jan. 16 recommended that all American workers,~lncludlng those oo farms, be guaranteed a minimum wage of $2 an hour by 1975 -as against the present ceilings of $1.60 an~ fl.30, the laUer effective Feb. l for service and some fann wark:er1. The National Urban League on Jan. 22 came out f o r a $2 minimum with automatic in· creases tied to the Bureau of Labor StaUstics' Consumer Price IndeL THE FIRST successful attempt to regulate working hours and establish a floor for wages was the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act. The minimum wage law provided for some 12.S million workers ln businesses engaged in in· terstate commerce -25 cents an hour -but brought actual wage lnc{e~ to only 300,000. The raise to $1.60 in hour was established by the J96S minimum wage bilL With the extension Feb. I some ff.6 million work:en will be covered. ln contrast to the legaJ minimum, atraigb1.tlme earnings of worm. in manufacturing averaged f2.M an hour last Novim.ber. The average in durable industries was $3.12 an hour. Pfof. Junes Tobin of YaJe University bolds that biklng the minimum wage is not the obvious remedy for the in4 adequate Incomes of the working poor. He writes: "Emplojers can tie required to pay · higher wage rates but not to bire workers oo whom they take a loss. The likely result of an increase in the minimum wage is to increase unemployment and involuntary part-time work1 among the very groups lhe measure alms to help." THE U.S. DEPARTMENT of Labor insists lbat none of lts studies has pro- , duced any documentary evidence of a damper on employment tn the steady rise of t b e minimum wage from 25 cents an hour to fl.60. Yet the Presidenl's Council of Economic Advisers in its January 1969 report cwerts: "Ex· cessively rapid and general Increases in the minimum (wage) can burt these (low-wage) workers by curtailing their employment opportunities." "Since 1956," according to the report, "the federaJ minimum bas gone up about in line with average hourly compensatlon, while coverage has progressively ex· panded to tX>ver low·wage industries. In considering the future rate of increase for minimum wages, careful scrutiny !boWd be made of the poaslbility of adverse employment effects. The benell~ ol higher minimums should be weJghed against alternative ways of helping low· wage workers." FROM THE BEGINNING, employer tntei'ests have argued that "higher minimum wages actually reduce jobs by forcing an upward wage spiral lhat brings inflation,, business f~llurell, and layoffs of employes not worth the minimum wage. But Secretary Wirtz: in his fina] report to Congress declared : "There are between 22 and 26 mHlion people living in this country Wlder 'poverty' conditioos . . . Il is a con- servative estimate that if every warker in the country received $2 an hour for his labor, the number Uving In poverty , •. would be more than cut in hall." Sommers-Astute Editor WASHINGTON NOTEBOOK - \Vhenever two or three were gathered together here during the ceremonial of inaugurating a new President, there was talk o( the slow, sad death of the Satur- day Evening Post. If the eddies of COil· versalion included any who had ever had arUcles in the P06t before 198%, there was talk of Martin Sommers. Marlin Sommers died shortly after he had opted not to 10 to New York when the Post moved there in 1962. "The office was loo close to Toots Shor's saloon," be 11ald, by way of explanation. Sommers had seen the monkey and heard the owl in Paris during the great years of Joyce, Stem, Hemingway, and others of lhe "lost generaUon." He and Vincent Sheean shared a room. Wben they both were destitute, Sheean, a handsome lad with shining hair, would go to the hotels where the rich American tourists were at play. IT WAS FASWONABLE then for femfnine tourists· to get their klcks by dancing with a real French gigolo. Sheean made like one. The lady tourists would go home and tell lhe girb about Dear Gloomy Gus: I hope that "Ranember Capt. Bucher" bumper &tickers will nol be needed. K. B. ... - their big moment. It was, of course, de rlgueur for the lady to give a generous Up to the patent-haired young French dancing partner. "We would have sLarved but for Vincent," Marty recalled. "Usually he got $50 lo $10. Once we painted Paris a bright, lurid red after a lady from Main Street gave Vincent $50 in francs. She wu: a litUe drunk and a bit hazy about their value." Marty had a year in Peking. This was at the time when that city's wonder and beauty, mystery and magnificence were of a quality that made it 1 legend to all correspondents who served there. BE CAME BACK to America and a decade of wonderful years •Ith tbe late Captain Joe Pattersoo, dating from the found ing of the New York Daily News. Later, Marty went to the Saturday Evening Post and a long career there. Writers loved him. He knew their griefs, IOl'rows, fears, hopes. and he could listen with compassion to their confessions and fears. He was an utute editor who could tell 1 writer bow "to 0%" an article •fter everyone else Nd 11ld it couidn 't be flsed. He was foretp editor of the Post and aJao hod the uu. of "vice pmldeftt In charge o! Joe Alsop." (Marty WIS the only editor who c:ouid hold dWocu<• wltll the mercurtol oenlor of ttro talented brothen.) I RECALL 'l'HA T following ' the tx· hausUna Democratic convention In the n o n ·a I r • c o o dltiontd bu!lding at Phltadelpl!lo ID t9411, Mlrjy look me home wltll him to Sl David's. Edg1r Snow WU already lbttt, In a lfoubted and sorrowrul mood. We took blanket.I 1 ud went oot to the grUS)' alopa of a cool like near Marty'1 home. Start breeze blew. Marty 1et Snow talk hlmse1£ out and then put his two relaxed guests to bed. Marty was a youngster, a bigh school dropout, and a runaway from. home when a showboat on which he had a job lied up at Parkersburg, West Va .• for the winter. He got a job at $15 a week on the Parkersburg News. The hours were from I p.m. to 2:30 a.m., seven days a week, with every other Sunday ofr. lie went on from there. (Schools of journalism take note.) IN THE AUTUMN of 1947, in Paris, Marty and I went out to seek his lost youth -the haunt.s of the 19205. He had been barred from life from Harry's New York Bar. Harry embraced him. He went to a restaurant near Les Hailes. There Madame Brusous looked intently at him -standing there grinning. Sud· denty she ran forward and threw her arms about bim and kissed him. "Martin Sommers," she said "don't you be yelling \,Ulder my window at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning." It was a great tour -Madame Br1ssous was the best. --~--Tuesday, February t, 11)69 7'llf <dilmial pG!Jf Of lhl Dail» Pilot '""' lo ffl/orm ll1!d .-ulatf rtadni bv pr111ftttna thtl ..,.._., oplnlo!u ll1!d "°"" menlmlt on lopicJ of ffl!al'lrl ond ~/i<tlftCI, b» providlng a • fOT!Am fO< Ill< <:>:pr<ulon of our r<odm' oplnfo!u, and b» premaCfng CU dtoft"tt vii• poinU of informed obun>tra and rpolu1111t11 "" topics of Ill< da)I. Robert N. Weed, Publisher and 1lhe moon were reOected in It. A llJ.__ __________ 4·,_, • , .. ., ·-,. " ir l, JI n, r- s. ;e iy of ts !d ·- er er h.s at 1d ne iz d' "' er •O· er or ty elf ;ts XII ne a ••• lt5 'he n., ier re. ·is, ost He y's m. es. . Uy ud- "r tin ing ·ow me • -· QU!!Nll By llflll lnt•rfcmcll A11embl11 Control l11ue 'CHECKING •UP• Polluters Have Edge On Board Bribe Tactics Told chara:e1. Car Smashup Made Her Kisses Painful LOS ANGELES (AP) - CaUfornla'a rql~l water quality control bciard$ are 11tactod heavily IA f1vor of pollulln, Chief Deputy Atty. Gen. Cbarlea A. O'Brien said Monda)'. O'Brien spoke at a hearing on proposal• for a new slate SACRAMENTO (API -A De m o cratlc auemblyman says Gov. Reagan dana:led a JudctJhlp IA !roof ol him ., bait Jn an attempt to persuade him to give up bla Aasembly Hit and make way for ·a Rtpublican replacement. Assemblyman Harvy Johnaon, (D-EI Monte), n ld Monday the pvemor is afrald GOP Asoemblymon J o h n Veneman will accept an offer to become the No. 2 man I fttpubllclll wtmbl)'11llll to ~·maU 1 deal wtth me" about a vacant Judltahlp In· Ille El Monie Mlmlclpal Court. He Rid lie rejected the allepd offer. He did not ldentlly the Republlcan assembl)'11llll. "Tbe governor apparenUy will ao to any lenatha to make ture a ' 4MO • tie amohl Rtpublfcau and Democrall -not develop In the Allembly.'' he Aid. "No Olle bu been autho<lae" to act on behalf ol th• governor to ma k e ap- pointments ot offer IUCh Jobi." he uld. WJthln an hour after Johnson made bla 11CC11111tlons tn a written etatement, Reagan's oUk:e IMOUDC*l lhe appointment ol Loi Anples County Depoty Dill. AU7. Roy L. Norman to the vaca11t Judge:!hlp; Norman 11 a Democrat. By L. M. BOYD AM ADVISED BY a wit that the citizens of Juarez are thinking of building an elevated rapid transit w)lJ.ch they intend to call The General Sherman rather than the 11Ji.iarez El" . . . IT IS A STATISTICAL FACT only one man in 1 0 0 hereabouta 11 completedly bald • • • ACCORDING to our Name Game man, when a girl called Ramona gets really angy, ll's eaaler to shout her down than reason with her. Can you verify thlt? . • • SAN FRANCISCO Ill the wbereahoull ol the largest nwnber of slngle glrla who wear contact lenses • • • ONE PARAGRAPH In the Jut will and testament of E. J . Halley of Memphis, Tenn., read u follows : "To the nurse who kindly removed a pint monkey from the foot of my bed, $5,000.11 lleqan's pres aide, Paul Beet. denied Jobn1on's water pollution control law. the Quartermaster corpa, the Industry domination of the worst and most undlsclplined water pollution boards "haJ in the Medical de:partmtnl" created widespread p u b I i c A ST. LOUIS SCHOOL distrust," O'Brien to Id TEACHER says she iuffered membera of the State Water from arthriUJ for 15 yean, Resources Control Boar~. In the U.S. ll<f"'rlment or~l;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Ojj then -recovered' .sbortly after "Spokesmen for lhe general her divorce, and bu not been public and representattverof ao affilcted alnce. She aays groupr1 concerned with' the ef- her doctor now bu convlnced fects of pollution on our total her that arthritis ia only orte environment are In a unique 'of five allmentl which lbow minority on these boards," up with aJannJna frequeoey sald O'Brien. among the UDhapplly married. The law requires the boards The others be lists are to be composed of one "I want to speak liOrds of lo"" tO you and all I e&11 do ia wonder if my ah ... are aafe ••• • uthina, rheumatism, ulctn, member each representlllg and bronchitis. waste-producJn11 lndustries, it· M • c H CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q, rlgatedagrlculture,watersup.. utiny ourt ears "l'BE Chihuahua la t be pliers, county government, ci- lrilallest dog, rlgbt? A. Wblcb ty a: v er nm en t, con- Health, Education and Welfare, and jeopardiz e Republican control of the Assembly. Johnson said Reagan sent CAB to Rule On Air West Buy Offer Chihulbua? A Britlaher nun· servaUonlat.s and the public. c fl' T • ed Arthur Maples ooce owned John B. Gaskill, chairman on lCt estimony WASIDNGTON (API -The a Yorbhire terrier that was of the board of the Ocean Civil Aeronautics Board has 2!h inchea bl&h, I inches long Fish Protective Association, set Feb. 17 for a pi-ehearing from tall Up to nose, and saJd the makeup of the boards SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Oct. 14. to consider the joint ap- lt weighed 4 ounoes. That wu 1111 similar to sending the Three Army military police Lamont said he went to the plicatlons of Hughes Tool Co . the original ''Teacu~Do . '' wolvu out to guard the officers gave c o n f 1 i c t i n g stockade on the morning of and Air West for Hughes' ~ sheep." testimony Monday concerning the slt-down strike but was •.• Q. "IN WHAT e ts hi h led t h posed acqula!Uon of th e STATES CITY do the famllles ven w c o c arges unable to read Article 94, the western reglanal airline. on the average have the of mutiny against 27 soldiers description or mutiny, to the The CAB's action Monday largest number of children?u Jet Recorder for holding a sltdown strike group because the soldiers Is desiimed to _....,.ite pro-at the Presidio Stockade. ri .... · and h t· •·· ~""" A. That's still Boston, pretty were ;u.i'llilng c an mg cedure. It s a Id petitions for sure. The testimony came as the "We Shall Overet1me," "We intervention must be flltd by THAT OFFICE GIRL least N t Loe ted Army opened its case in the Want (Attorney Terence) Feb. 12. apt to bold her job is the 0 8 court marUal of Pvt s . Hallinan," and "We Want the The board, notlng that the Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furniture ' Recelv.d canctillatlon ef $22,000.00 Spanish ind MMiterran11n Furniture ..... "f.!:"'' ..... -huNl.r'1 H.-O• Dbpl9f Items as {ollows: Georieous 8 ~ custom quilted sofa with separate loose pWow1 with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matchlng oak occasional tablet, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging cbaln IWll lam!" In wrought Iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite In pecan panelled Mediterran- ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish _, decor dinlni set etc. WW. ....,.. ... ,...1. S1ut.H ;: ::~::~~~~---···-···-$698.00: Any Ploco Con lo Purchaaod fndlvlduafly 4 Term1 Available -Newcomen to Callf. • Credit Approved lmmedlataly young lady who turns on the Lawrence W. Reidel, 20, Cres· Press." applic.ant.s had declared an charm in 1 hlghly personal LOS ANGELES (AP) -The cent Clty, Calif., and Louis The captain said he left the urgent' need for apeedy con-I manner with her ho••· tiny 1ubmarine Deep Quest's S. Osc~pinskl, 21, Florida, N. stockade and read the article sideration if Air West wa s lt'tt1rnit8re Dangerous gambit, th.al A crew acanned the tail section Y. They are the first of the from the uniform Code of to conlluue operat~ons, said r -"'II man in authority rarely ap-of a sunken Scandinavian Air 27 defendants to be tried. Military JusUce over a it would hasten. the pr~ predates tt. Our Love and System's jet "inch by Inch'' Capt. Robe.rt s. Lamont, loudspeaker mounted on . an ceedlng1 to the maximum ex-At Harbor Blvd. War man makes the point on the ocun floor Monday correctional officer for the MP automobile . Lamont said tent possible "COMlstent with that this is not usually a moral but found no evidence of the stockade, testified his mind he' then gave the soldiers a the development of the record 1844 Newport llvd. Costa Mela only YOUNG LADY, IF you don't think it's important to show great verve and ardor when kls!lng your gentleman friend, consider the situation of Mrs. Lily Green of London. She got into a car wreck. A court awarded her the equivalent of about '2,500 for her in· juries. But she appealed the case to a higher et1urt, claim- ing sald Jnjur!ea caUled her extreme pain whenever ahe tried to put her all Into klaslng a man, thus ruining her love life. The higher court pro- mptly doubled her damage award. How's that for justice? matter with such an ex~ doomed craft's flight recorder, was "focused on mutiny" direct order and they refused and preservation of the rights Evwy nltht ·"" 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'tll 6. ecuUve, but 1 matter of pride. ~·~po~k~•~mi~·~·~·~·~ld~-------w~he~n~th~e~p~r~ot~e:st~oc~'.c~u~rr~ed~l~as~t-~ro~ob~e~y'.._lllt~. -------~o~f ~·~11-tl~nl~e~res~ted~p~a~rt~l~e:s·~":___J~!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ Sad tho it be, fact is most 1- IT'S GENERALLY - under stood those s po r t i n g enthusiasts most apt to quar· rel during a game are the pool players. Because mostly they play against one another. Those said to quarrel least are the bowlers. Because mostly they play against their own records • . . WRITES A RETIRED Army man nam- ed Bill MeCann : "In my 22 years or military service, I found the best and most disciplined soldiers were in **'¢· • aw •s••sdG&I any savvy official would even rather take advantage of an innocent woman than allow a designing woman to take advantq:e of him. Please post the foregoln& IA the typln& pool. Your quution.s aml com- mtnts are welcomed and toil! be used whern1er po,.. iible in "Clucking ~Up." Address mail to L. .M. Bo1J(l, In care of lh< DAILY PILOT, BOl: 1875, NetDpOrt Beoch, Calif., 9266J Legislature in Action Ir T'-Aued1t.d Pnu MlllU'I', l'"ft. J Oemoc:r1llc' Mi.emblJINln H•rvf'I' Jo11<11on MJI Gov. RHt•n prarnhtd hlm I illdtnhlP In 1n 1llf9ed 1t1.,mpt "' Ol!I him PUI of 11111 h~ to INI~" .,,.., far 1 ReP1Jbllcan. llt1t1n 1llk den1" di•~· TH• ASSEMIL Y llllt lfttrOlillcM ColltHt -Rebulrn -111r tUS• Hnllon I« 1tlldfnt1 wlto carnm\t ..:~ ol forte "' vlolenq on Unlwnllv of C1llfornl1 or 1t1te col'""9 "' lunlar Ul!lflte c1mPUH$. tXPUhlofl ..,,. ·~­ond offmden, Ind Prd'llb!l1 lvdt 1lu- dt11ll from r1eelvln1 or n-lne Ktiet. en.hips, ftllow1hlos. 9r1n~ « io.n11 AS ,._., M11!11trd, ll·Pi.d"'°"t. DMtOf'I -Exemp11 from 1t11chment « 11rnlshmenl prior lo IU!lt"""' 111 cf • perl0tl'1 e-ernlnt1 rll'UIYtd lor II!' tt~n-t 1....,lces unln1 debl1 1r1 for common ~111" or for ttl'rson~I wrv!c" of ~ttloYflt AS ll9, A:•rn, O·Los Antetes. 5"911 -Aulhorll" un Of r•d•r or 1lmll1r llQU!pment by I~ hlehwlY ttllrol to me11ur1 sttl'ed of motor ve-- hld1s end P11nnlfs ln!roducHon ol 111<:11 fl•11rH Into court ~ldel'Ke; AB JJ7, Ke!cllu!OI, R·P110 Rob!H. Sdlool1 -M•k"-mend1lory rtl~r than perml11lv1 th1l 1UthO!'l11!1on for -m1•lmum t1( rtle tor Proi:tostd NW dl1rrlct be lncludrd In countv cammltlff ~ d!str!cl reort1nlr .. lion P!'OPONh AS Jl', Vl't'WJ, R· Sr.wl.,,, •Millon -E~PI~ *'lnlllon or "~1111 11ms 11'111 """'°"" cf ti.. le!llsllture ~•rdlnt """ l1w 90\lemlnt VNr·•'Vlmd hl9h scl'lool OC1trellon1 AS '3!, "-' O..O.kl1nd. Pllnn -A1k1 Putil!c Ulllllln Com. mlu lon to ~~· 1!ffci on comi>lll"I p1nentw c1rrler1 ~ 1w1rdlnt certlflcam or P\lllllc con.,..ni.nce 1Pld de~ 1ni:l r!!VIHI Cf'11fn provltJ,,...; AS .,, 11edl19m, R·NIWP«f 9e..:h. l"lnllrfl -E1!1bll!IM$ procedures far Hf'tnlll ,.... lr!trest•,. ,,_, l lP c.1rrlen tB11M 0y ftw Putillc' UllJ.. '11ft CDmmlulon ind el1-c1rri..rs tu ...,.,"' Uf!IH -natlen lit 1cttd 1111011 bV tM ciimmlnlOll1 At :m. Sldh.lm. IRvnonce -Provldft fhlt no _.. !Ol'I wlllnt rNI """"'"" Jht11 re<:1Ulre th1 bvftl'" ta llt90ll11t' 1nv llll\lrll'n Ot' re-t tnvo!wl111 "'-prOl'lrtv l~rovtll 1 e1rllcul1r t ..... rer. •""'' braklf « IQllcllltri AB U1, trltt•• R- f'ullerion. A111tysll -A:eavll'ft the leo11lltlve 1,,.!Y1f IO ereNre lft l"llnll fl lnel Wrft 1Ullmllled fo \fOfl"1 Ir.I tn f'tflm1!e ol cot! wlw!re sublt1ntt11 lncl'ff" Jn ,,,,. c111!1 II lnwo!vt<!; AS 256, 01vll, O.Portol1. Al<f -ll!'XMl!dl 1tllulory pnl\'ltlon• "-tlln1 .tl>Cllled plentry rttul1tlon 1ulhorlll' Jn l'l1h 1fld G•-(om"'I" 1ton concH11!11t t1klnt of fll!I ind .. ,... trom JNf to 1m 1 AS l.U, ...... Ii.ct -Au,,.,,..t1" 1 '°"'""''Ion wllk!I ec1111!rn !tt $1\1NI "' • """""' or (OllMlldtTID!I wllll • f«tllll ar- PPnllOi\ '9 cem Wdl ~ 11 ''""'ry 11110. or !'111,. "*"' Al 2$1, .......... "'"*' T•• -th!Mil"'* ~ .... cllS...N ,._ ..ifl" ---""' "'-~ teutlon fW "-lttHt f1tcal ""' "' '"'•"' CtMt .... ,.....w. ,.. ~ w c...ullll1911 wl l'l'lt ... II _ _,.,,,_ 11'9 ftli.w.11 Al lllll, ..... ~ -"""'"" tar ...-c:lfklflon In ~ 11 .,...,,111M '''" • NY• fr .... M!Wf ltl .,, °""' ltMr' .,.,,.,. "" ""-' .............. .... Hlll'r9ciWI fl,lfft!lhlllt Mf'fiu. ft ,,... ... , ..... ,.,Olk l tfll(lel •""' [~ .. 001111 AS :Mt, lrl!.cfltol, •·Rtdwoocl Cll'J . ......... -• ...,,..., ttch '*'" ~' to Wllfllll conc!M •-' Ol'I frder•I lnllll1!1Gn etlt<flllt the 1!1lr t• Ru ltt (Mlm111N of l.tdl l'tovM of fhe 1Mllolt""9 •11111 "'"' u.kl•tllft lufttt Cl!Mtlll" wlllllll ,.. WMk.I Of -""""'' Al ML L. GrMnt. 0. *"'--T~I -lncrH M't •••le wtllklll l~l>H by SU f« CPl'!l!mn'.111 vlh!cln end SI for plllfl' Yi!l'tlclll •nd ~II lfl. cm"' lnto -C11tlllml1 Tnn_,r .. tlon fund to be \tied f« fln•nclnt r1ttld tr-1t1 AS W. Farin, O-S1n Fr1nc:l1co. ll:ltOlwtlen IRhwfvc .. c---CrHln Joint Commit· tM on Uniform Con111mer Cr..,11 c• to ~ In 1'10 rftUler HUion Mid el111'torllft VP to SUAIOll fnim Hllll,.. tent fuMI al "-Ati.embtv 1fld Seft" •le ffK lit ...se1 ACR; J.I. z~ .... o. S.crernrnto. C.1'11NlwPI .--lt11<1unl1 ltftlllbllu" 1P>d Democr1llc Plrllft to ..... Ir! pt1t10!'1N Ill Pf'Omote fel, a"""''" Pr1ctlttl 111C1 1rtiltr1tlon el dl~ll ACR l5, L. !':r-. THI lllfo\TI C•tl!Mi.tl o\~I "'''""''*' TtxlllOokt -O.lt'lft '""!"""'"! !Ml IM Mr111 of tnniodl;t """"" by the $te,. lolrd f//f EdllClllon for ui.e ttorougllouf fhe ttttt be unlforlll1 SCA 11, ltoo:kl1, D-Sff"'mtnto. .,,..,..,....... Ttdllotb -lt-11'91 lllolt' IMN ol Edvc•tlon f9 edWt • mlnh"""" ., -bltlc ttxtbedl "' Sflttfflc teu"" . P~rmll1 fhe bo9nf . '9 -"'' I Ila! cf twa, wttldl _., bt 1ntTMMd to """ fw 111«HIC 1t1rMW1. l:llllC •ldtloekt for • ,1 ..... wti11et1 •• m ...... CllWwl -C!Wlft ._...IW ~ Int Jll'"9nlm 11'1 1bolt' al"9tt '9 lf'9' ... ~ en lnct!llM ht ec:Mlmlc -pfotl'H to lrw:..._ Ille!, Mile IM!rM- tl-1 la.di to U Ir 1J "'"""" unllt on • voh.rnt1ry Miit Ill l"ltllnl ,_. .,. lncentl~ lncrNH Ill MllrJ'I II lM. Btedlt!y, Iii-Sin J-. Alullel -Pffrf1'Mt: 11111 111 tic. hollC blw•-H<-.. ._.., for 1n,-f..:lllll' 111'1 un1"raltY Ir ur"" c.1mP111 Cf' """"lws ~ 1tJ fM. 111"' 11t0erat1oMi ss m. tl'ldtiw. Teedlen -11t1l1Rt _.,,...,.. _,. •11 o1 ~· flhfttl from •.JH "' "·"° "°' """'°'" " __,.... Mllrift al (alllfl' -"" ........... urari.s. ll•IMs •'•It l'Ortlon " .... ,., f//f CO\lnlV -!ftlolndeftf tour "l'ftftl 1n ccunnes ol ell--ho flv. elllf ""9 ~ In auntltt of CllfMt 11• to e1ttm s• no. T""' o.wm l'o1111. ~lit -Prncrlbet Cf9ditflllt1 ....ulrtrNt'llt fir llltfnlCton, •\llllff'fl'" on • .amtnll"11'*" w '""""' ""-Ml ~en. 11 lunlor qli.t-. 11 n 1. A1'tulft, 0-lell JOM> SF Iss ue 'Violence' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI! - Gov. Ronald R .. aan llllld Monda)' nilhl that ''vloleoce lllell'' bu become the - al San Fnnclaco Stata Co~ tege. Reagan told a conference of the NaUonat Council on Cdmt and D<Unqu<ncy thal some of the demand 1 presented by strlkln& students are "good" and 1 om t art "unwbe.'' j'But when they resorted to violence to ac- compllab their end th 1 t bedime the issue, 11 he eaid. Moat of t he cart that· ar• competitiv• with Chevrolet.a are clamorins for you to come in and buy . them now. · Bir deal. (You hope.) Cb11Yl'Olet otren eomethin1 even better than hope. A Valu• Sbtntdown. Now DWlJ popular utru are priced even leu than a yurqo. Power1lide ia priced leu than la1t year. New adYanced-delip pOwer dl.c· ~ are over a t.blrd 1• than our poww dilc brak• wen 1ut y11r. Erlra-co.t VS'a are priced Jess. And bead restraint& are now included u standard equipment. We're otf'erin1 a '69 Camruo Sport Coupe for leM money than a '68 Camaro. $147.oo• teu il you equip it with the new 350-cu-in. 260-bp VS that run1 on regular (•• compared with l88t yeai'1 327-cu.-in. 276-hp VB which needed premium sat), Powerglide, power disc brakes, whitewall tire1 and wheel coven. lt'1 your Chevrolet dealer's way of helpin1 to deflate l.nftation, lllon1with Jiving you an even better Camaro. · Sptcfll 1nnoanc..,ltlt. c....,.,, the Hurror, bu just been cboeen the Oflldal PaOI Car for UU. yeu'a lndianapolil 600. With ital wide track-holdin1 stance, rally wbeelJ and four-be.nel VS, Camara will lead the field of USAC Champlonahip &con. Tlilil ill the - ood time in three jean tbat the road-bu1sln1 Camuo bu received the much coveted Pac. Car honors. :Value owdown: n lo - .. • • • ., • • • • ' • -• • ' • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • 1 ' ,. 1 I - • ''a Mll.Y PILOT .. --MUl'der Charge . ... • For The Record 2nd County Juvenile Home Open Psychiµ,tric Tests ... ....... . "' ~. TUl$0AY JJfVl<tlMtoll .._.. .. NecQ Ne. nM. V--ti!' Worllil Wtr I, V.f;'#. H•ll• l!f Yllf'ktowrl. Hvlttlflttoll ' 'lMdt. ' "·'"· ,, ~,., Clulrl of f!M....., ... IW. lrvlfle 6"' CevntrY Clula. 1M E. CoMt HlellwlYo C:0.-dtl MM, 6:1f •.l'G· -C.St. ~-IN•PWf ~ LlllM , Club. ,,.,_. v..-C'a,lntr'I' Club. , """"°''• ,,,...., 6:U •·"" 1 11m4 a.ad! T~ C .. 111 f -·.o ~ 1• ••lftc: CO.ti , •M"""9Y, Sttt 9Hdl, 1 •.M. I ...... a.y lklftl CMI. VI ... Merl-. 1 IOU •midi Ortw. N-1 ~. o J ... ft't. I ' H""""''°" IMdi EIQ l.edlt, Elk1 • (lull, .. OcHtl~ AYa.o Hunll~lllll &.Kfl, 7:311 P.rn, ' veiert.,. ol World ww' I 9l>d N .. • ~ 8atTKll1 UAt. Anwrlc.n ""'°" ffflll. 5'f W, ltrtl SI,. Coste ' ~ .. J:JD '""' • U..-t C..._ S..-AM hMk L.,,_, ' ..... Alla. •• ,fll; 1 -.r NM .....,,.. lt-...mM. ' ........... ~r--' a.di. • : I .. (" 0 ...........,. lfWlo . kMtl. •• .ti\, ,,....,. lAdlle NII. lllo O.W , TWi.. ~ Ma111 Sir_,, tffdl. 1:00 •·"'-' ,,_. No. 11$1, .CS I!, ...et, COdt ,!MM, l:U p.m, • for lf\e p_.,aflon Inf • · ff9tMlll Ill l1rbtr SFloP Quark! Sll'llllll "' A/'fttrb, (09!1 Mtu CMP!tr. Ccl"'9e Parll: Scrwiol. 2llO Notre Cit""'' Cosl1 MHt, 7:.c.5 c'!i~r11lt Sacllf'I' of P1ydl!1lrlc Jl'dlnlclll\ll, F1lrv1-C ~ t PI er , , ~lialrvlew Stitt Holltll•I Mldllotlum. 1 J::IO p.m, Wl"OMl.IDAY ! .W. Filrne TOQtfNS!en Club, Mnl -_ \'eoM C-try Cll.G. 0:.tll Mua, • ar1.m. 1 (Osttl ~ °"""bt Club, c.tl ~ Golf and c-itl'T Cluti, 1191 Goll 1 • Qou,_ Drtw, COst. ,,.,_, 12 ,_, ' HunflMfllll had! E~ Club. I Slitt"lhln ... II IM. HuflllMlwl llNdl, ·tt-\ , W.,IT!ll111~ o.llft'llsl Club, w.1,.,•1 1 .a.ble rest111r1nl, Wet!Tlllnstll', 12 ·-• C.st1 ~ Rol1ry Club, COlll Me" 1 ~all 11111 Counll'Y Club, C111t1 Mae, , V41t1trnln11.,-E•dW!e• Cl!Jb, Elbrus :Ann NOTICES . -· MOLINA . -, JON G91tne MollN. lnl111! .., d I Diii• Mollfle, HllflttowtM Sftdl. 0.1• t d 0..111, Fetl. 1'. Gr1V111de Hrvlcet , wm be IMlld ~. F.O. s 11 1 Goad Shepherd <:.emetWY. DlldlY I 8rothll'I Mortu1ry, Dll'tdarl. • GARNER ' C1rl D. ~mlf'. -"" '1, or 110J C1n-' van View Drln, lA111.1"' llffdl. Dl'- 1 or de1lft, J1nu1ry 31. survlvtd bY 'wife, c111r1vt11; Mn. J1m., D. G1r11er1 ' 11'111 !'NO t,..ncldllldf'lft. S.rvlott w..-e 1 held !OdlY, TunNY, l ,.M. L111Une 1 lltfdl MOrl\llry (Mpef, wllll Rtv. ' DaTin Turner Gfflcllllftl, '""'"""'' : 1>rlv1l1. Directed br Lltllftl lle1(11 'Mor™-l'Y· • BLACK • Clletler E. 111Kk.. 21151 Newt1ncl St.. ' Huntlntlan BMdl. SUrvlwd b'I' wllt!, r M.1""'9 L. llildr:: son. Llrrv1 d1uth-'ten, K1ttiv TIYlor Incl Lor• MclCq/ , brtllftlra. Aftdrftl', Rldllnl incl Jollnr , 1lS\tr1, Mlrltl1 c.r-, H1rrlet Hlct.· \ rT\lft Incl Oor11 Mirier Incl -• grind-. Seflllcel, Tllund9y, 10:31 I AM, .... F1mlty Colartill Funer1I ;H-. WIL'ION : Juff1 Wll$11111. AM '2. ril AOt '"' St .. 1 Huntlnthln llMdl. Ditto d delllll. , FftifVIP'Y 2. IM'Ylaa. TtlUnckY, 11 , AM. Smltti. en.Ml. 11'1t9r1Nftt. West-' "'L1'9'9r ~ill 1"1!1t. Dlr.ctM br • Srnlttla ~l'Y- BCO'l"r 1 ~ii W. Scott. A.N II.-el '°' 1 Hunt1"91on Aw .. Huftlillfl• •Hdl. 'D1'9 of dfllll, Febnliry 2. Sln'lcn 1 ""•lffll, Sm1thl Mertuarr. Dlnc:tw1. : ,., HARDCAm.E 'ttld'lllrd H1rdclslle. "9e t0, of J6f E. 'Cotti Mna St .. Costl MtM. llam O&- 'cwtlbtt' 2', 1m1 died, l"tbru•rv t. • 1f'6f. SUrvlvld bV twti d111111'11ton, Mn. • Edllll McT-. c.i. Mell, 1nd Mr1. I C11Mrl""' IC!nfel', CaroNi dtl M1r1 • "°"' llldllnl H1rdeutle of Ktlehlken, • Altlk11 ""' 12 ,,.ncldllldr-. Gr1- •1kle wn>kt-1 .... be l!ekl .,.,....y, •lt H-. H1rtl0r •nt Mtn'IONI 1"11'11. 1 DlrK'ld .,. W•tcflft' ai.tl MllrlV- '.,.,. w.4111. JOHNSON u;:;d E. .k#IMW1. 21641 tlGYll 1"1tll'I 'ortw. Apt, A.. Coll• ,,...., ,,,.. '51. 'born April 21. ll'Dll dlell ~"' ,, :, .... Surv""-d bV WI,., M"' Lord Johnl(llll b«llller, J>M,fl, of Ynl<ll 'lllnie ni-. Ml'I. Jahn Well1, Mn. • 1L. £, Hid.it, boll! of S.cr1rnente. • 1P>d Mn. Clrl 1"1u1, Ktldllt1n. Al•~ '•1. MllOlllc: lltl'Vk9s Wiii be htld 1n 'VNllr.1, (lllfOmll, 1t Gl"""MI 1'-r1I 'H-'"""'"'"'• EH1111'11ft etm.-'ettrr. Wnttlff'I' Chl"I Mor'lllel'Y· ·~ ,_."""' dll'lden. ; THOMPSON tJ1""' IC. ~ l M W. Wl1-SI .. <oofll Maa. ,... 7SJ dlls fl '""'· •F*"'IY 2. SU~ br -· Wlllilm tT"""""°"' d HGl'!Ollllu. Grt"'IM -wl"llcet Wfll 11e M'd w.....i.v. 2 ,l"M. et fo!Wt uwn. 14o11ywooc1 Hrlll. ,Wntdlfr Cl'lllll!I MorfUll'Yo ~. ,DIQ(ton. LUDLOW :..,lberf AlltrUtl Lublow. Ate n, al 7W .-,.n0ros.. COil• MIM. torn July I. '1"11 died Flb""l'Y 1', lfff, S.rvlctl ..... ill be lltld ~ 1t lllde Mort\llfY 1n 'fulunt1. Cellfomil. 1n11rment, Gll!n-"°""" CftlWfWY, Sin F1rn1nclo. Wttl· !cuff cl!IHI Mor1varv. ......._ fer· wtnllnt d!~torl. . ' • BALTZ MOllTUAl\IES C.0.u del Mar OR M4lt J:otlll MHO Ml S-ZCf .BELL BROADWAY , MORTUARY pt•Broodwoy, Colllo Meu . u J.3433 0 ,,otLDAY BROTHERS .-HutlaglM t'olley Mortuary 11111 -Bl'rd. Hotlmitoa Buell IC-'1711 PACIFIC VIEW , MEllORIAL PAll ; ~*'1 e Momary Quopel ;,.. hdlle View Drive !Oow'port -· Calllorala IU-Z'l• pzg; FAMILY • COl4'llAL Jl'IJNEllAL : BOMB ' 1lll -A'fe. '" • 9111ZS ; llldiil'i MORTUARY . --.. a...11.--u:.- WESIQD'J' llOJmlARY ~&-II.,~- . ••Ill • •• ' ' santMa w A"*" Jtsut .._, 11...-t C. Dirr 111 L.Mr1lrw E. Dir• !"....-1Yt Wtb«llr vs RoMrf E.,._ w-MI......, It, Me•IY w E1rf JIC:Ob """" -· LYIMlll L Hiii 'ft D1vld Allen Hiii Yldll l. F1rw1I VI Michie! W, Fl ...... 11 lfllrll'/' N1fl Jona v1 E1rf Ttrrr -Mn Peulettt Rudi...lle w Llo~d •1ct11n1 lhrdll1llt llllldl ~u. 111 O.vlf F. lltvK<1119 Mtll• Fnncet Wlllilft'll W O.vld Henl'r WHlllms 011111 Mlrlto Folorr VI ll.111>1! lilnt .... Slnclr1,, Lr1111 P-11. Jr. w Hon>t< HI""""'"' l"ltinlN Jr, ~ A. Ptlten 111 Mklletl H. '""" IC.nn.lh Fr.,. MK11re vs Ev1,.,e1ln1 Geottl1 M1e1lr• l1Wrh' Ann r:tROI' .,.. """"''" P. LeRoy Ellw•nl w. 81r11e1 YI J-11 Eloll• .. _ Edne H. Rlloclu w Mltto" Rllollei Ltltl• Llord Morr'-YI Wltt11.... a. -rt-JoM E. ,.,..,,,__ "' \l!rt1nl1 c. -Ell11bdtl Y, llYlft YI Thomlt E. llren. _.,,19 INllnlenena · Qlol'll cecu POWtl'I .... Wlllll Fl!wtl ,_,n llolTl!RLOCUTORY DECRIRS H1rold W. Serger YI klll!rvn D. "''" g1•rr. 11. .... "-... J11M1 s. IC"" SANTA ANA -Orqe County' a second J. u v _e n I J e home, a facility ~or 100 boys and girls, opened Monday. The new faclUty ls located at SO):I N. Hesperlan St. just north of the Garden Grove Freeway. Accas is from Bristol Street, south of the Freeway. The Youth Guidance" Center, as the new layout la called, is a $1 million complex of unique heugo~I design. There are five living areas· so designed th a t the dining facility, school rooms and recreational areas are shared. Thomas B. Bourque, direc- tor of juvenile institutions • J~:O,""-Fl'Mlo "" 1111111! Rted Vlvl111 'ICIY AU.U1llne YI 1"1trltlr. for the Orange County Proba---------------------- Herold Avwn·ne Dorothy Elhel Emtrv YI P1ul Rivtre J11Wll'Y 2t EmtrY MALDONADO GONlALEl, Ju<11, •6. Wt/ler Tllell W E~11belll M1o.Tlld'I al. 7271 Pl1c111!11 1na Adelt, "; Col ..,. Dotn. YI ennll o VCNno of t211 Pl1tenll<1, both of Cosl1 Ma1 Ir-May H1r I YI Jeck 51Ulrl McGUY·HOLTORF, Jtrnu W., l'. al H1rtls 1l2 At1l1 St., llal-hltnd t1111 Jo.. P. Whitson Vt John WllltlOn, tlon Department, said a •se· · cond structure identical in size and design is plaMed. ArleM O .. 21, of lllfl'I W. ll1lboe, \ " ·--·-hliJ' Ellut.111 Ollo .... EIYln Leon w HILi.':BEW:~v, J~ It .. ,., ril ll:t\.11 ~lne Glnb 111 Rgy H. GtnU es ..... ~~~ter ~~~~~}'fse a.JM:~~ J&,~~ "',.trc!-~ J1tn l'orto n Jolin L-i. LllJ..1..1.m RDMAHO-llEACH. F!'11*. , .. ril srn G~'i."i,.~ne Slllller .,., °""" Dtt South YMCA Predicts 15,000 'Involvement' Gln:ll!I Grow 111¥11.. W"trn1n11,,, Fir1ll' s ' g t~ IC~~. ~rw:: G~~*s ee.. i Ulll South Orange County YMCA l~n groups involving more T~J·"~=· r~'.~,.,ci!:li "'M °! F re Calls activities will involve an than 70 I high school M'ld Ml•Llrn .a. .. n. of 15'01 Tu:;,n SANT A A N A A estimated 15,000 people this teenagers,' Ted Willis, pro-vm111e w.,, T...nn. w...... Westminster manuracturer of gram director said. Gll:ANT·LAJl.SEN. 01vw N.. 21 .of f :31 '·"'· l<N#ldlr, 11nrc1ure fl~. year, Roger Carter, director, Group membership Iola. ~ 4809 Ekltr, 1nc1 Sust" L .• ». of 1:u.11 l"•t-r cleansing agents is claiming 'd tod · "'°' e1c11r, botti J SN• 11uc11. 11'3' 1.111 .. l"IKIM, 1>u1 1111nors sa1 ay. more than 600, he added. H1tt·llll:AUEJ1.. cu11ort1 11. .. 11, o1 1:20 1.m .. 1fNC1vr1 fl,.., 1su1 11rlllh!an damages of $1 million from Th y · h h d rt 'fS Anll1 st, 1...i hf1tll c .. st, i :i7 1.m .. fl~ 1nwst1tii1on, lDOICI Mc· f 1 • e , wit ea qua ers Willis said the Y expects , :: ~111~1lif.!!~_c1nvon D•iv•, botll Fldckn a 0 rm er emp oye in a at 491 Forest Ave., Laguna to add a physical education 11.ocHA-Jl.OCHA. 11.u0tn c .. 20. of 11s "•"'• vin.r Superior Court c 0 m P 1 a i n t Beach, also serves San Cle-program, swim club and fami· N. H1r11'1tr s1 .. S.ftll An1 ano1 Mwr *=~ P.m. -.ctiy, re1eue, 1111111•rd chargt'ng the defe ndant th h H., 1•. a1 1Gf! Joru .&.vt., ...... 111 flf WiMllr mente and o er sout coast ly counseling service this w"1rn1n1t••· 10:• 1.m .. f'fteut, 506 H1M: Line threatened its officers and ·ti Pr MclHTOSH·FJl.ALer, crwr'" "·· 21. ""*""" 9Mdl employes and d'•-edited ,.,.. commun1 es. ograms are r=Y='='"'=·=========o.I r1 NII Cor!!'#tl st. 1...:r P11rkl• 1J:n •·'"· Mond•v. ur 11 ... 1.a.. l«H ........ .., organized by the y staff, but J,. .n, r1 ,.... c-u s1., bolh ,,is Pm .. oven fin!, m1 Skiff c1rc11 products befor cust m rs "' Hunt!ntlfWI a.di. Me-' ••tc11 e o e · implemenled aod conducted w::,L~lt:"' ... ~:t::.. T~r::::.i E8.f,,ili, t:u. t.m...Nlllll:cYr· 111etr1c11 ll>Drt, 11•J Named in the action brought by neighborhood volunteers. ~'= .. ~~1 ~': a1 »lil Mra. 1n Skvi.n. u~•hl ,.._ by Erase Dirt, 7402 Bolsa "Today, we have 31 YMCA auLA~NOtT~~!e!r A., 26V .2t 1:~..,:~i;i· MonOlv. -11111. 325 Ave ., is Ervin L. Lowther of Indian Gulde groups involving r.~ rz.11t : · .W"'=i0:nc1 Clr~'l;: s :t7 "·"'·• itructur1 ""'· 1tN or111111 Santa Ana,. formerly vice nearly 500 fathers and SOns, w,,tR1n11er. An. -· president and national sales plus five GraYMCA groups BRIGHT Thi DAILY PILOT ffttl:11 It• n•w• c:ov1r1']1 ll9ht1 tl9ht tnd brl9ht. R•• your homttow11 .ditiori dilly elld 1nloy tho "~ Set I or Suspect SANTA ANA -Superior ·court action against a n Anaheim man accused of strangling his girUriend has been delayed with his com- mittal to Orange County Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation. Judge Robert G a r d n e r ordered the examination of HubertUll M. 3rugeman, 30, by two physicians a n d scheduled his return to court for Feb. 24 . Police claim Brugeman at- tempted sui~ide alter atrangl· ing Mrs. Ruby Carl!la Reza, 35, in the living room ot her Anabelm apartment last Dec. 30. They said Bn.11eman, who had slashed both wrbts and hb throat, was found ly!ni alongside Mrs. Reza's body. Tax Appraieer BREA -Leo O'Conner of Brea today became Orange County's sis:th inheritance tax appraiser. The appointment of O'Con· ner, a certified public ac- countant and an attorney, was announced by state Controller Houston I. Flournoy. O'Conner is a · graduate of Loyola Law School. NEW YORI NATIONALS lnl,...11...t Voritty Show One Time Only! ' Thurs., Feb. 6, 8 P.M. Alla Him C01vlllio1 Cir, "'-IE11Vl:D 11.ATI $4,50, $4.00, $i.50. $1.00 ca-r.I ...... ':-. $1.00 Jt111len 11" --$1 .00 ._. J~ig w~·l,1:!0e1v~~tl~ ~ .. ~ ''~~.!t"'' Tlle)dlr, ~blk: ••1"· 21.5' director of the compa~y. involving 70 families and two Incl IC1ren It .. n. ·-Mld•IJS. '_.;::::;_ __________ :.:.:.:::.::_:.::_::::._:.::::::::.::.....:.:.:::::.~c.:.:.:::::=..::::..:::.:.::=============-------------------------SWEAJl.INGtON.f>AOY. D~vl41 L.M..,'°,: I ' :'..er 1~f...:r:"~ 1:."''J ~'1:11 O'r'di~ SI .. Sto_t1 An.o. I LOD('.ll!f.tAYLOJI., ltwlt W., JS. a1-tnt Dll<monl Av'l., 51nt1 Ane Ind Lueu M,, 45. al )1J APOlllll Ave .. 11•1"°" l•lan<I. STllAIT·HAACICE, David C .• !'O, ol 14111 GlenlllY°'" .L-. Hu"!lnttoro ll••dl encl IC1!11Wn I!.. 17, of 1lll w11111"'"""• FullHton TO,L-PHILL1PS, Gonion 'r, '3, el ooute 3, P1""1te Line, i.41rllfttt~~. Tt.lll 1...:I C1rli J .. 21, ol 207 Avenldt Victoria, S.n Cltm1"t~. 111PLF:V·LANDEROS, Geor'lrl F',, lt, of 31.'il ICtrrv Lint 9nd Vlrtlnl• .a... n, of 21.5' Kerrr Line, both al Coot1 M,..., WERNF.:R·MELENIKI. D1nl1l A .. 20. al ml Colorado Plaot, Cootl M"I Ind l"""ffl L.'y 1,, of 11•1' P-V Z!~r.Hf{~~N. 11~"'-J., 71 el •. 1731 Mllct>lll Aw .. Tulfln •NI Ri'.b.C· r1 A.~._11, ril :ius c;..~ Drm, Coot•- Divorces DIVDll:Cl.I l'l\.•D Helen N.Norrnen "' Eotww.:I Nonnlll Ml•llMll lowv vs Ml1!°'}ll'f LOWV lle!f'I'. Jo ~· YI ldll•I Fr1r* J1~Y!lll Redden vt Merit AMM ·-lllrbl•• A. l.111T111ter YI Rober! C. L1m11t1r • lee Vet'!*! 1"1ulstft vs Vllell(.11 Eri1~:1r-Ann Cl•tln ,., JI"'" Fr•ncl• C11Un Gearal1 Flrhtl Lelle .,. wnn1m 1C11111 "'" Nl'fl(Y K, l'.erl vs Glrv ft . ~ &lllr11Y JlillMt CIOWtM YI Jlobllt l vnnt Cfflooo!ll k"' t..e Otl llltl YI l!IWll'lllllt C1M o.I ltMI L~nL £sa11tMll " JuM1ll1 J1IU:i ':~fliliit ll'llUll!n YI J1tne1 Cllfo V~ls J~ J-v1 llldllird Ml~Alt~f:°" MlrltNlll "' Jdl11 H1rtiert M1,.111n ll'"'911t_ Ruttt Holl .,.. H1rlow o,_ field HOii EOllll JMneltt Mll'1n w ltt.--1 Mlillnd"'1 M1rln ~I. 1""1tdl n IC1rl L. Frlfldl "'Ii:"!!\ l'wl Slo!lltfld YI J1r111ff Flblr v~too:"f. Fly ... Frtnell H. F•r L Ile lell'nclott9 n MldlMI A. M!:\:: Ille O' .. lll'IOfl VI lullltr . .. -t__., Mae JIMI-"' '"'""'II D. _,.,, ~~=-.._Incl v• w11nen1 rnn Sue lll'I ut Wltlilm L. Liii 1 .... JI.. SIMI VI Rt~ SI Sllv1 •IOll v-"" VI Lois G1 I v-un Jofln S. P11ru VI IClllllMn T, P .. rH M¥Y 4-MCCki,. vs CIH'lonl H, Mc<!1Ure, Jr. Plwllll t . Crellin 111 Jlmts Cr"'11n f'llvlll1 M. Clllrftbers vs D.,,nls £, c111 .... 11ers C1rot JH" Tlloml'""'1 Ill WOHtm Courtnev ,.._,., Glenn Arthur Cook YI Anne Merit P1trkl1 Coot: Nor"11 TIMH W llobll'!'t .I[, TlltH J1nlel M. Mi::L1ltand 'II H1rrr W. Mc\.el11ncl J1mes Fines Fullrtnon vs Sllt ron Sul Fultll'$Gtl . ll111Mra F, McLtod 'II Jahn L Md.toll Narm1 -IJIM T1t1 .,. O..rll1 Orvil Tttl • Gordon £1111 U1tkt 'II lltvtrly Mn Uslldl J11ne111 M1rll SOC.It YI T•rr1' loult '"'" M1r1011 It. Gre.n "'' C1M'1lln1 E. Gr11111 llettv Je1n Cook .,. llolltrt Edw1rt1 "'"' l vncl1 Lei Hoflm1n n V111 Allen Ha~n CVftlfll1 IC, Klcldoer w O.ry l . Klllder ICtnM!fl D. Mlrdl "' Sendr1 IC.. """' $. Fteotrl<* H.1-yt '*le It, HlnlOll lluAMll \F. Sd'llautr n Et'Pltlf I , """""' Oov L llll'Y~ Glor11 l twlnt Yloll SY~_ •• '°"'llatl' YI Tlt9ollor9 E1•t loft'ltloff Ml .. 1r1I II. C.1'1'11> YI FMICI Ct""' M1ry Ellen P-.11 YI fl:lllHll Amtld _,, fol1ncv Jo 0-YI Geo.,. It-Id 0.M '°"" G1rll! Jentt" w Tltam11 S. -ll1rbar1 """ lrlf'llc!I VI D1rwln P1111 llrlf'lkh D1-t1k!I Melli VS A"'•ttt1 Mtlil l..eftl J. Of'ozco YI Jllfnl ~. 0roKO MldlMI I'..,., ...,.,..,,. vs ~ Lcreltl krtr1ncl Ftt ndiw M.t~lt """'** w D1¥ltl -· L•rrv L ICIPwr VI Aull'" J. I( ..... l-M.. ~ VIJllNI 9. l.lfW , Clltrlenf Ulllf'f'llt YI 111.WllN IC.tllll """"" c.r..i .... ·-"" ._,.. '--" -. ' ,.. .. Ml'l1 °""*'r -Olttllti. Mlrll -' ' ~-Ytll!W .,. Ll\llWIC!e J .... kbOlo .lttft RM YI l ... '111 U.. ·-"""' It. WMlltlell YI IClll!IMll J, --v~ "-~ "' ....,,.., • . &twtf ""'°""" ..,,., .... "" ........ llflwllll' ' • ,.._,.... Jwtt L..-.. WlllMI H.i-... Jr. Mfl'lell H. lrl'MI ¥11 OcNW L ll'f'fta. ''· Dltlll l• ,,.....,.., 111 wn11-D. "'"'""' fo\lrlo Dl'lfd90ll ut HowloN Dl'llClllll le!IY L Wini YI Slenln G. WIW'd IM'91t MIN 011111'!' VI ~,.Id K~ .. """' e Lifetime guaran on all pa ,la andseMce. o r ' It's a guarantee that comes with every t.elephone, at no extra charge. If you ever need to take advantage of it, call Repair Service. The phone number is listed in the front of your . ('A\ phone book. l'lcilic r.-,._ ~ We're here to help. • *"' Allu 0.... ut Ctrlltn Jti\nl'f MeC::-a:.,1s .. ,,..... ,,lf!lds 1., .. 1L~---~~-~--------------------~----------------------------------------~----~" .... I'. ,_,, .. .....,., 0 . 1-11 MfryM. ,,... ..... 111. ,... •------------------;----------------:---------------;--------------.... -------------~ ' •. r • --------- ' BorOdta <Jluimber ·Qtaartet ---' .-Russian Musicians Superb .at Laglliia By TOM BARLEY auditorium, that II can be UIOd dlaplay "atlnllliia room oiilY" Thal trio 11 prWe!rorthy · In any oll>er way, notices i..,. btlore curWn "reach for lbe lta"'' policy II la a grut pity (yea, we time. Their deplorablo 11111111 of the l.aguna Bue~ Chamber M•e &aid thla before) that waa ~bi.'ppanol -Music SOclety pala off once the aterilng off"I!' of thla fine th< · MualcWI w11 more • Sunday nlallt with a prgalllzaUon lo ~Ing to the hm thrM -tho qo., ~uperb p e r f o r m a n c e by Art, Coloriy artials of (be • But we dllfMI. :a,ct to Ruaala's famed Bo r1o·d In caliber and. renown .. of tb1I thole 501'4 eraf'tlmen. GI the Quartet. · · · gifted Borodin Quartet are oot Borod1o Quartet and a rtn· Let us Immediately stress · rewarded wtlb capaciiy au~ dtrin& of lnbma' Q!lartet ln that we use the term "paid diences at what is, after all, A Minor that dreW tome of of!" :with releren~ o~ly . to a small auditorium. , , the ~)JIUett 11briv01" we've the arti!Uc quality of ~e · Fr~y, we don't lh1rik heard in muy years of ~t.. recital. We thought. It unlikely, Lagunans de 1 er v e the tendance at chamber mulle looking around a liberal e1· privilege of attending chamber recitils. What the audleDce .panse of empty sea~ in the music recitall that would lead lacked in number• it certalnl)' Laguna Beach High School many bigger concert halls to . made up for in the volume STEREO SENSATION! The .colorful sOJ1n-.of ......_ Oraftle' County: Music . .e.,pam . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach Santa : Mitit is · • a helpful ~ite~:. •• ' , ' and a race .track. ~~ • ' . )· 1 dallyTuoo. thN Sal. Pell Umt 1a:ao. Gateoopen 11 un. -1<dayt: 1Q:$0 a.m. SIL ~~ren under 19 fret wllon occorr;ponled by 1 parent. Phone: ..ir-21:_orea1-1..01. , ' ''' +tI elodyrond Ge,ts Sammy ilam111Y Davia Jr. will make a. rare lnopereon appearance at !llelcidyland thla ·month. it wu announced' by producen Sammy Lewla a'pd Danny Dare.' The .OOW-stopplni singer Is ',ltt to \ 1do" four · performancea at lbe ~ abowpaice - l 7 to '10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12, and s and 1:30 p.m. Sun- day, Feb. 23. · .J:ti!erved seata are available noW by mall order only. 'Barefoot' Slated in La Mirada Another venlon of Nell Simon'• comedy "Barefoot tn the Park" wtll be otaged thla month by the La Mirada Com- munity Playbooae, opening Feb. 14 for four wetkenda. JObn Fenacca, the DAILY PILOT'S Di It i DI u.t lb ed Pr<>ductloll Awll!d-.1rillll0f Jor hla staginl of "The Lion In Winter" at the L a cu n a Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 4S .... ,. 1 lllfhft 44 ::::.11•= S Caus• · 45 Of pOtr , s( au ID iUtJ ucldlnl 4• T1r111 Ill .. , t LO.Y•t 47 ChoOtt& · · 1nd iltMs· Sl l1slcal 14 kln~if -I NII• 54 A ftlltllUS u-" Gao.. "'" i• ••• Seo11a ,. c••·r~ u.1111t1 57 klntl • IT Glfl's llM ltnlctllltt 11·c1"'• lln st Dn~"*'41 "'"" froara ·JJ"l'J c ·l[lflf" 1.1!11'6• .J:J~J.J .Jt-l'.1 ..1 .tUU!.l '1"1'1+~ ~·J.:J L'J ',I UW!.lL ., .1:.1~ .1 11,, 4,, urn•r. 1lJ.-J_j J:Jt,tJLJl41·. fl:l!ll,:J,'Vl .. 1u . .1 ;J ,•J.:J •. l1J f M. !.ol,4Ll lJt.:. '1 .'J>hJ ./ t J 4 .I .H·ll'l!l ~)1J .If .I ·I f 'J .·IO :·l!JrJ ;11 it 'II I ·l t! Ul'.11.1 IJ .1'1.l'Jl, .J t .J,~ Ji ll ·J t J :J ... 1J :·J ll L~lJ,.J ·);It.I J TJ .1 t cll1~U~ 11 1 • t t It.I .J f ;:lL11• .Jtt·J .lttll '1 .ltlJt lt ••tell •lhlclt .. ,.1u. 5t Slroni · 7 Japanfs1 lS S...l.wtdl1, 20 Pltot ti *"' ft•r b01 tor •• ·u f'tr.:_.""• 60 Dry .,.. -: I Prtceptl 34 fr11t '°' 2 -.• ""'i:!J'"'* 31 C""I> TV CtlUfl'I 'l ltrln1 S. 10 '-'""'• te 3, r,r.0.•01111 22T..-. ,.. . clii'J'iifm 6Z 1111, flt' • .-11 Un4tnlzN 1111 It'' U kollllalc 6J $"'89t<tlllll .il•al 31 lltd ' H .._. orpnls• 12 hlMet. H«. 41 Drant State MW. M lrtUsll 13 llvdt "''°" 4Z ltflclntl I Lnt •ll'D anir 21 S1paratt · •tertal H C•llS'-l """" 24 Not --1 45 Deftalttll 32 Stltr9U iS Fllth11 ~« 4• Sports 11 ,_ _ 2• '*'el ""'' actor. DOI• Arabl1n 47 Thl11 9llttl• z..,.. l'«ilnsula .1ttU1 •11d1 JJ Crttt. 1 Part •f ti Dtcrn11 41 loed r•• . -· llt "''d ,.;Mii' " Nn1U11'1 SI Q.S.S.I . 1 T~t It"""" · <il!Ceno '°'" J lf'lnt cftl11 •• 51 Wln\lr St Jalft It '°'""' )0 Air:" e .. ....... ·lllCll• 4 ,,....., c.~. fD111 s1 "' tW el ~.S.A.: 31 ltoo el' 5' Yll 40 O.Ct.. Allfl;t. ·U11•l111 SJ S!Nill:• • wNl1.. s !!l~~c "~~ r . s-:':::f* 42 1111tllf9!l -.. .,. ~ .. Col.. • 5 -ftt . .... '""'~ ~-Jtllct 5, .... , nf~ .-,,.........,,.... .~ .,. -. 1 'l'>t/dir.-r-4i·H69 loe•1Uil Gu.est (:enduetor • • •UCH , T •LLIS • • HUNTINGTON ••ACH • M7••.af NOW IN ENGLISH SEE IT WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE! ~AN ~) OODD!o] INDS TONIGHT Th• ~·ti•• '!THE. YELLOW SUBMARINE" ALSO ""AROUND: THE WORLD IN 19 .DAYS" STAifs waNdiaT Tecllr'kclor•• ~ lq.SMwlNrtt6:45 Ceitt. S....,. .*-J ·p.M. ' DAILY 1'1LOT • ' • " -"-.,._ ..... OGI ID IOSJQlf' ..-·--·-OllMCT. ----,... I • llCllTON . l'lllfW'" -" -, ' -e. .. o---...~ INDI TONlaHT . " De•MI Hi••~ ..... "THE IMPOSSIBLE ·:'.i YEARS" ' . . "HOT MILLIONS" .; . .. ST Am WUNDIAY :.: ·. ----.! · _ciu .... : ·· C/MCll~·" ,..,. I ' . kt.,... "~'Head"" ~ .. ! isa'tondgS t:et._ ...... ...:2 ... . ~~-. . ., ---. • • .... ,A -~ ,J' .. ..... . _.._ __ ' " ZIRO·MOSRL . ~ ,! ~ ... ~.· ' ·-·. "the prodilan!!. _..,[);(~ si.-.. ___ .... '.\'~ ... ---81rg1ln Matlnn. .:::~ Wednesday, 1 p.m. """:; ffw hfretll....... 1"'' Matt .. .U ..... 11 AOlts S1 o00 .•. . " .... () .~. NOW SHOWING . ~ ONN AT 7:11 SHOIT SUIJICTS. 7:JO FUTUll 1:00 -On• Showin9 Only- ANdAWOMAN Held Over 5th &. Final WeekL .. • "CQOGCl1'S BUJlf" 'LUS THI POl'ULAll 1Li ·----\ TV WEEK Tells ii like ·It' II be ... , ........ ~ ... , .... , IT IS LIFE ITSEL€;'" ••• -.J.AW UAUTI''" . IM ALL.ITS AWAKENING! ;.; , ... ·~··'- n::s:.?.Jr~~· TUUIAY. PD ..... SHOWIN• .. 1 A t , ... _, [ I ' . I I Jf DAILY PILOT (Sl fue<dq, re11nwy 4, 1969 .. ey.1111 111, aond, Whit• ,, eot.r, •lack l"k, 0 111 Sidi SPEEDY PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT! * Legal, lutinet& fonM, ~ ... * 11x17 Stock• Itochu,..• Menus• * NCI paper. Print your businet1 fonna ,,,..,.. ..... on corbonleM lfodt in Mf1 of 2·S-4-5 part rainbow <Mrs. * Compi... art dept, MrVlct. fer your layout & potttiup art. work. * Linotype & Varitype tltf'Vk.. naUable. * Pickup & cMUvery Mrtice. SPEEDY COPY CENTERS . - "PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT" 1886 HARBOR BLVD. (Corner 19th St.) Costa Mesa 645-0040 When it comes to BIG BALANCES ;: _ 5% Beads are better than 4 • • .. • :51/a%?? Pennies add up to ':'" doUar3, and dollar1 add up to :.the difference between a Willhirt ~·Federal savings account and ·a regul.ar bank saving• account. · Our current annual paubook ·rate of 5% is th< highest in 'tM nation for insured savings (accounts are insured to :· $15,000 by a Federal agency), , but when your savinB• remain for .. a year, daily compounding • in.crecun the. earning rate to 1111 llllNlf .... ... _ CISTI IDA, Clll'. Intl .-: IU·,111 • g.,,,.~LosAttgelu • • 00...Qlr-: C...._.,. " M_,,,.. 51/a% ... ouer 1% more than your money would earn in a comparab/.e bank wvinga account. And, you can earn a ~ % bonus above tM ,current annual pauboole rote on 36 month Certificate Account! in multiples of $1 ,000. Open your imwed saving• account today. Funtla received by February 10th earn from the 1st; after the 10th from date received • 8 FEDERAL SAVINGS COME IN FOR YOUR FREE . .. , PERSONAL INCOME TAX GUIDEBOOK •• ' . Wet Jet May Be Ready To Fly Again in April NIU TU - ASSETS OVER $425.000,000.00 HEAD OfflCE d15 East Colando llouleff Pa..-.. c.rtfonU 91109 'INGS • .. OTHER BRANCH Ol'l'ICES _ ......... ·Covftla 0 ......... ' .... ... ., ........ a.a.. ' '· .. , • ' . . .. .. ! 25'~ ,., .. :r-it1 \li ., ""' + ~ ~!~ :..:·v, " ll'h ..... loRll + lit 11\lo •• 4.1% + .,,, . ' .. ' . " . " ., ., ·• • ' . .. .' ' •, • - ' .. .. .. ... '· " ., '• ;. " " ' ., ,, .. " " " _, ·- " • . , .- .- ' ' • . . .. .. ; _, • . " Monday's Closing I D.lllY PILOT ' Prices-. COmplete'' New York St~li Exchange List Stock List l ' -•• I " ., ' " ' ' " • ' • • • • 1 I, I ) . • . ' Jf' DAILY flLOT .. 'Mexico ~Jo Pay ·-:'"SF Pa:ir 1n Ethrties : LOS ANGELES (AP) Someday a -bachelpr's degree in. Jt)ui.lc studies will be · of- fered, the University o·f Southern California said in ad- dlbg three new courses in Negro and Mexican-American Cultural history. The new classes a r e 1'Special Ethnic Studies in American Culture,'' ''History of' the Mexican-American," and "Music cf L a t I n America." ·The university also an- nounced that 14 Negro and Mexican -American students w;lll be trained for careen ilrurban and regional planning uDder a Ford Foundation gnui1 ol 1139,650. .. The grant will be used to recruit, educate and support these studeJtls during a 4~­ year program, said Dr . Norman Topping, use presi· denL . TutSday, f tb.uary 4, 1'169 Lah Schoti-l ; : At UCl • LO'S BE FRIENDLY . Ir you have new netghbOn or know ot anyone 'moving . to our area. please ten us .so that we may extend a friendly welcome and help· · them to become acqUB.inted - tn their new sUITOundilias. Huntington . BJach . · Visitor 9'1-4149 Costa -Mesa Visitor · 961-4149 So. Coast Visitor 494-G579 I Harbor Visitor 494-9361 , .............. ~~····~ GRAND ~ • : .. OPENING ' ... •• •··· SPECIAL • ~fACttltj~l •:~ . ABSOLUTELY : ;.~ FREE : •• .. Exchan .. this FREE Coupon For any ono of the followi"I it1m1 • If you're expectirig ,an addition to ·your family and your hous , too, • don'.t let us.be the last to know . A home improvement:Ioan (or'll!IY li>an, it:, .... ·lfACOS =~Al'ATtLLAS •-MEXt·BURGERS MEAT BURRITOS BEAN BURRITOS CHILI & BEANS ··n TRY OUR SPEEOY DlllVE0THRU SERVICE J .... • for that mat,ter) ought to be carefullyplanned.Andfindingextramoney • for adding on or remodeling is only part of a c0mplete persona'l .fiilan~g • se(Vjce you can expect from Security Pacific National B811)c. , , : For instance, first things first. · . :. • • Will you have · to add on or remodel? With that decided , we'll talk about getting~ complete estimate for th~ Cen·g Med~cs _Bla~ed ' • • . ·Ex-prisoner's Deat1t Cfluse Aired · job., Right down to the last ten-penny nail. And just because we'ro bankers doesn't mean that we won't be looking for ways of making your improvements even better. There's no "standard" home impro~Cllt loan at.Security Pacific Bank. · ,Now·about helping yo,ufind that extra money. We'll do that so you'll be 11,blQ,to build iup yow: home without tearing down your budget. That s what you can expect from Security Pacific Bank. In every way we can, we'll help you live with yourself. And ti\e rest of the family. • • 2151 HarbOr BIYd. • • • • • SECURITY PACIFIC BANK " •• Ii . If' COSTA MESA • • ..... .....,, 11\1 11 .... -Ulllll -UAIT :ti, 1t6f • ~ .........•........... ... \ '1 --• • . ---·--.. ' ' ' • . ' , KM'. I - ----==~~!!!.!!:!~ • . ' . • • j ' .. JODEAN HASTINGS, 0 64241 T ..... ,, ~ 4o lflf I . P• IJ Spoon Funds A large arcli of pfnk and white flowers liberally splashed with red hearts will set a Valentine theme for the annual spoon lupcheon for Ticklockers, mothers and patroDesses of the South <;oa_st Chapter, National Charity League. The event will. take place at noon Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the Lakewood Presbyterian Church. Junior Ticktockers, comprised of girls in the seventh and eighth grades, made and ·addressed invita'tio~ for the affair. Intermediates, young women in ninth and loth grades, are arranpn_g decorations, and the senior group of 11th and 12th gra'tle students is planning enter- tainment in the form of a fashion 1show featuring fashions from the Happy Hanger, Los· Alamitos. ·. Mothers are pref,aring ·an assortment of casseroles, salads aud desserts. Price of the uncheon will be determined by the number of ~ =ful of each serving, and an.proceeds will be used for the Foster C · dren's Fund. . , . Serving as chairman of the lunl'beon .is !\Ir•. Ne"!ell'.Stou1hton and.assisting are. Mrs; ~an<L._Klng and:M.rs.-·<;'ar\ Att,er~r,ry.. ' On Sunday, Feb. 16, the mothers and deqgbtql l!'e pJ8nnlng:a · theater party. They will board bWies in the Rossmoor .Shopping Center and attend the play, ''.You're a_·Good· Man, Charlie Brown," being staged in the Ivar Theater, Hollywood.. · . · . ' '•The South Coast Chcipter of the league ·1 includes patroness . members and daughters from Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Ros.s'moor, Los Alami~os and Long Beach.• · _ · . · ,. ')'icktocker groups volgnteer their ·ti.n\e toward. a variety of SOcial, cultural and philanthropic 'activlties in these comm1Dµtles . • • ' ' •• • • . . ·~ ' '· • • ' . -----... .rn.iuded among it.s philBl!throples aie: funding' .eve¢il for the Epilepsy Clinic, the Foster Cbili!ren's<Fund;Los Alamitos.Sanitarium and the-Orange-CoanlY Medical C¢nter .. The league aJso .ri11iinta1n1 a thrift shop in Hawaiian Gardem. · · · ' ' -. PRACTICING POISE -Prepering to present a fashion 'show for ·their mothers are (left to right·) .• 'Be'tsy Gietber and JQll'Sorensoh, memben•o1 :1eni0r : Ticktockel'.S. South· Coast Chapter.' National Gharity . -. Leagµe , watched by Mrs. Allen Hughes, patroness. Tbe-y~ung women will, present their annual Mother and·<B.aligbter Sj)Ol>ll Luncheon Wednesday, Feb. 12, in th~·'Lakewood Presbyterian Church. ' ,. •• ;,i'..l; "" ,, .. ~ •. """· "~" ..: . ot.J'l ,..1(tf..~..f.tol _1"'4 · IN .THE P·INK -Red, white-and pink decor'lliom for tbe•Junclleon • ..-.' befug prepared by (left to right) Mrs. Tho""!' KaaaliOll,.Jier:clilighter Jane, and Vicky . RJ4enour, members of the interniediat& group · of • Ticktockers comp'tised ol girls in ninth and 10th gradeo. · · • ·' · · • --•. lliA1tTS IM THE. MAIL...:_ Sheila Haug and Lintiie Hughes (lett' ' -nual .~poon luncheoo with an p,.;,e«ls !romltbe e~ent benefiting \ .. . . ' ~ . , .to JiC!lll prepare Valen!in•·illvitations now ~Ing malled ~ mo.th-· th~ ~osier Cbildre.n's Fund. Invitations are being ad~sed by the ers and patronesses of,the· Ticklockers. ',Tll•Y. will ~· 'guesls _of · ·. Jlml,or1group comprised ol glrlf in seventh and elihtlJ.1irades, -· w!len ·'tbe':lhree Jl'OUP5 of young women sp'orlsor· lbelr an-, I' -\ . . ' . i .. l • '. . . • i "#j? • ' • ., A~n Keep~ Her-::·S~lf·i'ts ·~P W~H¢ Defendtng Hef I . ' DEAR ANN I.ANDERS: You 'rt=lly ~ a 1e11<r from the datllhter ol an alcobollc wbo aald she would be willing to take ber poor Old father. in If be -a place to 'IO -7"'o even after he bad Claed bet to sutrer the tortures ol bell ba:ome ol hlulrink- ing. You called her "an angel." I call her 1 martyr with a 1~k need to IUD'er. Tbe cbronlc alcollolic ofi.n canoot recover unless the family wJtbdraw1 all emollonal support. n.., must stop motl1erilw him, be bying him lllld 1Mn1 him sympatb)I. Your ...-...: pn>bably Id back recovery for lhoullnda ol. .akobo!lal a-good many y<an. - F .K.M. ·OF · THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON ALOOROLISM, lt.C., MO. .. ,.;,,1 to the bas<m.n1 "to loot for IOda water." 'nley i were cone •·minutes. DEAR ANN: How can 1 get niy hul- -" , When I menUoned this to my mter, band to ~ve me llOme !*Ip with the sbe sold, "Ob, Loo;na Is a patient. lie chlldrenT llln"olilest Is 7. Tbe yoanget l ·· Is lryll\J to fmd out .H llie is•!rigld lslmooihs.lle'8ysthemanlssuppo«d .t or fnlltrated." I was afiocUd Ud uked, to brine ,..home . the pay~ aod the ''Do you allow him to tX(ltr'lroent wfih woman ls ... IUppoeed to care for the ' bit paUenla!" She "Plied, '1 never kid,!-Since tbJa lo' hll 1ttilud•. I m!Pt -... · · · I Interfere with his wort." u well kick the a1ob out and tell him ~ "lf'j . LAljDllllS: My ~I My own opinion la that my bn>ther-in-to iencl his checks In the mail. husbohd Is • ~ Ha ' choef la'f Is UlillC' his wor"i to cover up I ohowid him this lellcr and he said oilllCOloo u Illa ~ .0, he can for hll ~ around, and my .alster t had to tell you tile whole story or ._, """""· wlh ........,, It's his has ,., • ._ I bi< . ..,.. Whal do you I coolda'I maU It. The ,..... ... ""' 'hobllf, ' uwlk! -NEBRASKA < not gellin( llo!)g -la becaus< I poured !WI 0-. llne cwples ..... Invite<!· DEAR"NU: I ..... k'• ·-If I bottle ol. lin&tt.-•lo ..... him allfr to !holr1i.sa. w,-. ·llJ brolber-111-, l'M!'. .., .... , wul yov lfiter h11 be yelled out an order last ni(ht. Any law -~ II a.. ....., ~ ~YPI" • .-.,i •. Nd u >'°' .. wt.e ,..·u · ldm.! ~ ll'!lll UP . . finl all over --l'hia1lJ theJ bop ,_ w 111 ti lolr wu. DEAR FED: A lallltr wllt thlokt I ' • ,, 'l.JnB.e ol , *9elf on data! Wbat' !'iii!!! -·· """"' lillould YflJd Shoutd\l'I you! ~ !or Ann 'l.lmcloG' bootlel "0.th)f 00.;"l'!I 00.'11," -me with ~ ~ as. cants 'In coli lllld I lopg. ~~ •II mp e .. envelope. , " • , ""'-~ Landen .... be rlld lo ~ YOU irlth your problanl. -lbmi to ber In ~ ol the DAILY ,Pll.Ot ertelmlac I ielf-addr£111ll, ...... tnvflope. • .. • ' ' • • . ' \1 Hadassah's Valentine Party Wrapped Up • Hol'OSCQpe Aries: Change Might Confuse . . . I WEDNESDAY 'FBRUARY 5 ., llYDjm' OMAlll\ A&m (llWdl Zl·April II): ~ cooditlona flue- --~'"" of -much time II worth cDnlnatn • QlplanYUc approacb ia bOsl -· lame arotnf you are --cltan&e milbt be .......... T.t.UBIJI (April 26-Moy 20): Air..-made with cbiJd mlllf blckfire. Means young -1oday ,... "out of boundl.'' Stat~t made in put oamea home to roost. Don't eompound tm?r. Draw line • ., mature. GDllNI (May 21.JUDC 20): l)wt:H1QDI al home a r e ""1lh1lil but selUed. Family Jnl!D'lber may be' depressed beclmt ,of employment -ar lack ol II. Yoo may be called upon for loan. Be fair, not loollllL CAl'ICD (June 21.July 22): ·POltpcme travel if practical ·CGalulktn """' concernlng . pu-pme. Day features revi!kln ol plana. , lnstruct!oos may have been garbled. Know thiJ ·-hive alternative method at hand. . LBO (July 23-Aug. 22): Keep _1barp eye on po1eewlom. Something o f Yalue , ii' Jost in transit if .....-Know this -act ~-Relative who ....P•bw Is aeekJng sympo- ~ 41 but don't get In- gain u -•tad.' L1B114 IW. 21-0d. 22):' Whit WU ltCf'tL 00W 11 pd!llclrod, SltuaUOn lnvolYin& you ii dllM 'ILi 1t1•l•i -. Don't forpt oae who mat be ill. coolloed. Show thst you are big enough to lorgjve, lorget. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. ~): Yoo ha.Ye "pulling" poWer. Meani many are curious enooal> . te PIT JOU pod mooej. Popoladty mma. But rean.e that JOU must relaln imlividuality. Don't let others d>anle JOUr style. - SAGn"l'ABIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 22 ): Yoo get boost from "unlli:;tly . IOUl'te." Main~ polae. Keep guard li,P ·-reputation ii concerned. Some in your organizaUoo may not be adhering to regulations. CAPRlCOl!N (Dec. ~· 11): Follow tbntljlh oo • r,... project. Leavlni to lrlentl cau1d be COllJ1. Some around yoo today lack ability to concenlrate. Bl oubtle. But ~ some inquiring. AQUARllJS (Jan. 26-Feb. Ill: ll)'llerlnus acti<111 of one dole to you create. .f!k:tioo. Key 11 to 1eek facta, ipore rumors. Someone may hive spent money without leltlng )'OU tnow. Pl8CEll (Feb. ! .. March 20): Legal document COIDtl to yoor attenUon. May have been kllt or bidden. Heed voice .ol. ex· perience. Older lndlvldua1 bu ln!onnatioo yoo require. Ob- . taln billt from CAPlllCORN _ .. Wrapping wrprise packages for a Vaieniine des-for Thursday, Feb. 13, at 7:30 p.m. In Inlne Cout ...-i and faahlon show are Oe!t to right) Mrs. Stan-Country Club. Tickela are $2.50 with proceeds ear- v VlllOO l Aug. ~pt. 22) I Pmoaallty adjUBtment in- dicated. )leans yoo chan&• outward appearance. You may feel you have ~ look more eouervaUve. Dreu in manner that lnaplrea c:onfldence. Buie IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are vital, ac- Uve, a natural reporte·r, writ.er. You love to be 1n the thick of current events -and to reP>rt them. Walt unW next moeth belare arriving at decialon regarding Im- portant jOurney o r rela- tiolllhlp. ley, Gottlieb and Mrs. Jay Stone, member! of the marked for. Haduaab hoapltala in lsiael. Mrs. BIJT)' Harbor, chapter of Hadassah. The show is planned Michealson, 64~5301, 1' taking reservatlone. Two States Combine For Emblem , Club Meet Mlft thln 3llO in<mben ol "the Cal!lonlla Slato -'-1a- tim " Emblem Clubo and -Nri'ada Clubl"'trill plh<r ID the Newparter iDll Frldv and Salurdly, Feb. 7 and I, for . their tblrd ljUIJUrly meetlDg. Delepta ..m be =-Una • clubl and 11~. .ml prllidlq dUrlni buslneu ~ and "°'Ubopo will be Mn. B. M: Camnto,,J>Ut president ol the Sin Fernando Emblem Club: Special honored guest will be Mra. Wllllam N o I a n , aupreme president of the Supreme Emblem Club of the United States, aQd Mrs. For- rest Benjamin, 1 u pre me manbal and past president of the Millard, Conn., Emblem Club. Alao !mored will be all Caillornla aM Nevada supreme officers. Mr1. Robert Corcoran, past president of the Orange group, i.s general chalrman of the quarterly meeting. Other area members participating. include the Mmes. Basil Abbott, Frank Sahr, Eugene Bergeron, Robert Shaffer, and Ben Hockersmith. 'VALERIE !'ARRIS Ent•1od Celebrity Book Reviews Wedding Planned In July Pi Phis Host Author Pl Beta Phi South Cout AIU!!!!!M Club is prOlelltlng the third to a serJes of Ce.lebrl· ty Book Revlen next Friday at 10 a.m. Accordlnl to Mrs. Lawrence KJWe, presld<nt, the gueal • speaker will be the bc:lt seller· author of "Sense W t t b Dollar1." Charles Neal, KNX· CBS no.,..111 newscuter, will be In-by Mila Carlotta Wlllllml. crlt1c and reviewer. Neal iJ a naUcnally syn.. dlcated newspaper columnist and dlreclor of financial COllllldloi 10< the American 1n1t11ute of Famlly RelaUOlll. His boot, I Lltaary Guild selectloo, now ii In Its !oorth printlnc. Addltlonat information ~ardlng the. program may be obtained by calling Mrs. Frank Tay>or al 54U47S. All proceeds are earmarked for the acnrtly'• pbllanthropie1. Teens Top Nick Enright and Diana .. BaraJt, two exchange students studytna at Laguna Bead! High School under the Amer- ican F'eld Servkt program, will 1peai to Three Arch Bay Wc:men'1 Association at 10 :30 a.m. ~,Feb. 6. lln. James Van Renaelaer \ ., NEWSCASTER ·cti.rlaNul Program Is chairman of the meeting which will take place ln Three Arch Bay Co mm unity Clubhou>e. DecoraUOns will be ar· ranged by Mrs. Hubbard Keaby. Others assisting Mrs. Van Rensselaer are Miu Mllllt Sayler, Mrs. James Ward and Mn. Mevllk Wiley. A July 4 weddlnJ In the First Method11t Church, Costa Mesa Is being pisnned by Valerie Farrll.of Colla Mea1 and Wl11iam R. Eac1>enmaM of Clarksburg, W. Va. Mila Farris, daughter ol the late Mr. and Mn. Harold S. FarriJ Jr., ll I lfad.Ulte of Ellando lllCb School and Is a lrelbman at Orange Coul Colle1e where abe la a member of the Madri&ais and the Chorale. Her II~, llOlt ol Mr. and Mr1. C. R6we Eschenmann ol ciartabur1 la a graduate ol Washlngtoo Irving High School A senior at West Virginia University he is a member 0( Tau Beta Pl and Eta Kappa Nu, honorary engineerinl aocltdts. He wUI receive his bachelors degree in May. Secretaries Oran1e County-Harbor Area Legal Secretaries AaoclaUon m~ll Ult third Wednelday of the mooth in variow places. Further information may be obtained by calling Miss Sheron Draaer, 5 40 • 0 II 0 • Members pther al 7 p.m. llflfl t otf'l.erlJ ·-. r f IOtl 'it CLEANERS AND. LAUNDERERS In Westcllff Plaza 17tfl & Irvine Newport leach o,.. llttlly:' • ' ...... ' ...... ; ....... ' '• L..-...... --~-- Ebells to Hear A 'Spy' Story N e w P. o r t Ebell Club Raymond Herma, Travel Sec- memberi and luuis will bear ttoo cllalrman, aimounced thst Mh. W1Ulam Hanle, Conllil Riplfy "111 diow I trip to de! Mar lllsb Scbool -· Hawaii, wblcb Ebell memben next 1bUl'lday wbm abe lee-are planning. lurel with coklr a1idtl IXI the Mrs. Clayton Tbompeon; world tour abe and lier ilil-preaJdenl, bu wed lhst }>and made Jn Jqne, 11111. ,_,,.11om be made with She will offer an 9CCOUDt Mn. Inrln Gordon · or Mn. their Imprisonment by Red P .J, Willon. Chin.., when ordered to moor Alliltlnc with arrangements their boat and remain on are Mrs. Jolm J akllllly and board until no t 111 e d by mombon of her Boo1t 3ecUon authoritle1. Five. Mn. L.W. Jenb ls pro. 1be IUlpelll0-111ied story gram chairman. will lake place followlna a ~---.,.:::,:::.,,.:::.,:-:::;----I I noon ·Juncbeon In the Ebell ··,.---------, Clubbouae, Bl1boa. Following Mn. llqte'1 Jeo. ture, a motion -pldure wOl be Ibo... by Mabon Line agent CarlOI Ripley. Mn. Art Sale Beckons UCI Town and Gown's Art ln~t Group bu pllllllled a apec1al eYent fmo tbelr next meetlq, Changing the nieetln& date from Feb. 5 to FJid11, Fib. 7, the members will climb abOard • bul and bead !or the azmual art Ille at Jm. maculate Heart College In Loi Angeles. .IC J• l'llll • home, yot1liavea aew problem·on j•lwtds Thirt~ear1 •10 there wen lit!lo-poand mild 111tJe hand lotions. No·w, lornadou and killer c:lelnen cleaa your hou1e and wreck your handL . Veclra with Aloe ia !he band loclctn •P to 104!oy'1 cleuen. Aloe, the d• ................. plut, helpl .-. what ....... era 1trip ·away. Vedra Lotioe.1.00, C.-1.50. Tbe group wlll meel with Sliter Mary Corila Ke•t and '-------- GENERAL TENDENCIES: Prominent individual may be "jilted." Tt f\ftd wt ,.,.,.,., lud.y "I "' '" -Mid ...... ......,. ~ OnWn lllllkltt, "'l«nt Hlflll ... IMn Mid.._ .. ltl'lll ....... ..... • C9llll ,. °""" ~ ~ fht QAILY ,llOT1,.~ Gnlllll Cllltrll Si.Hori. -Wk. N.Y.ltll7. . ·end · " SfOFF SALE! ......... ,...; 11· UMmD qtOICI llLIChOM Oft e PE6NOIR SElS •GOWNS e ROIES e INTIMATE WEAR e SLl,,ERS \ __ ,. __ DROP IY -YOU'LL LOVE THE SA.VIN6SI Mtrl Qr•••• Stotl't C1rl111 ~ ~,Is~ zso 1. e .. 1 17th .s1. Hl1l9r•11 S~Mlto M2·'4JO view the work ol the ltudenta l'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij whlch will be on l&le. 'Ibey II also will vWt SL Bull'a Cburth to see the reoeoU, Installed 11alntd glau win- -· designed by Miu Clarise Fall<enstein w-otudlo the art llJ'IXIP vlilted Wt year. Reo<rv.U-fnr u.; bul trip can be made by malling $US to Mrs. W1Ulam .Alllcrolt, 110 E. Bly St., Colla 11-. _,, or by telepbonlng her<at 548- 6479. The bus will leave from tbe lrvJne COUt CoOntry Olub parking lot at I a.m. Mambera are Wed to' brlni I HCt lunch. . . . Dr. Alan Solomon will be the guest speaker at the group's March 5 meeilq In the home of Mn. Arthur Marder ill Newport Beach. w ..... Sleeping Bigs Bedspreads Blankets and Rugs ,/'?~~~DRAPERY (..,Ot.0 IJ.Lj~ LEArrnJ • I__. Watlt Pl"'P' e FLAMI PIOOPI~ . IXCLUSIYI . •UAIANTBD DllAl'llT CUI.NIN• Dn,.,,. C,_nlne. ""9ct ,....,..., .... "-. ., ,..,,. tlt'aJIWY, er 1M% ,. ,...._.,If CIMM•le. e Ne Wfltltll H ... 1 e Ne Shttnbte e Pwfect IYllft HtMI e Watw Shift lllM'l'tl ·--., ... ... •Pell' '1n1' .... ....... " GUa UCUllM HaVICI . ~P1# rrt111I a1 null ·-... , ........... • ,,.. lltllM .. • , ... "-°'- ·Oflfor_&...., 540-1366 20% '42.0Z70 1702 llEWPORT llYD., COSJA MESA .,,, ....•• ,,,. ~HELD~ ~ ~ i. OVER Ii • • • • • • • • • • r• .• • • • • . / . '• '• I ,• • • • •• • • • MO_RE DAYS • • • • ,• • .. • : ON OUR . .• 111 E·X·P·A-N-S-1-0-N ': ~· ~ ~ PROGRAM ~ ~,,, •.•• ,\~ SWIM& TRIM P00U DISlllllD IY JOI LUKINS OF ROYAL POO\S We're hu-ilding a NEW year around Roman SWimming Pool for your enjoymeni & pleasure at our Costa Mesa Spa. JOIN TODAY! FKlllflN lot Mtn • w ..... CALL TODAY AND RISERVI YOUR llOOL MEM*EISHIP 11.ICIY lllTIU CUii PlCIUTIU ITNOmucon ... •DANISH COlD PLUNGI • • HOT WHll1100L • IWllS IACW MAC!ll!tll UTMI • fLOllDA IUN TAN ' rtMNWI tOa • UL TU. MODWI IAll!W • IOMAN STUM CONDmOMIMI _, 1AaUTt1S OPIN 7 DAYS A WIEK ID '111. 10 l;lws "°"°•BE CAll OR STOP IY TODAY FOR A FRll TOUR SWIM & TllM HEALTH SPAS OllAHOI COUHrf'S MOST POPUl.All HIALfH " FUN ClUIS COITAMUA 14NUI UOO IWIOl IL ObllR 63t·M41 622 L UTILLA I I I ' -.-. -:--.,..--,-=-._"'"· ' . -~-:--:-:-:-:--:---:--::--:--·---·---------------------------·--~----·----. ... , .... .. . .... ········ TUESDAY fiMUMVA'' • • • &.iO'a ...... -{C) (60l ""' Ollnphy. 0 111 ............ ,..., (IQ) e ............ (Q (90) Ro1er Williams. .loyat JitbDft, Jalll Whitt Jr. u4 Jm Sum...,. Miller pit. 0 THE SIX O'ClOCK MOVIE * "BELOVEO INFIDEL" Part II -Color. GR EGORY PECK, DEBORAH KERRI D Sil O'alct Mlrir. (C) ... < ............ "rt u (......, "5t ;:=. Plc11.,""'Dlkrfh ""'· £.d. 0 I "' (C) 160l mw.u c9 <JOl m Mat's Nn? (30) NSPortl 1nd flii Professor." M Binford ind Dr. Rtlph M1nllfleld talk •bout the WQlld of numblrs. R17 Mertr dtm· orrstrJtu: tf'I• basic 1111111111:1 ot buklttltll wit!I tht Uninrsity or Dt Pa" plf)'ll'S. ......... '8rj. GI IPUI .... ('C) l 'IO Q INIC _,,(Ci llOI m """' .. tM 111tttt1 tf •• ... (C) llO) fCi htdift.l Wttll' fovr Child (30) "P•rent Education for Ever)'l!n1." CitJ 'Schools tucher Marlon M11 · 111111 Jroridu-1uide!ines for .,.,. 11111 Ill mhtin1 ttieir chihtrtn t1i\11 1eadin1. ·-··-IQ (lit lllll.li.t.·~"':"..: =.,, hrtltlfllt,.a...,......,. '°"· ,.._ lJba. [dwtnl r..n Hortoe ~ wtt. M11"4J Ml 1111 ti itlll Ult ...... tot 1 IOIWI rniall• fW ffffl 1 wulthy llChlll wM Pim ti _, It II Ill 'llPt' --· ·--(C) (10) ........ -(Cl (30) ••0 0 00 111 .... ,_ (C) (°Cllf) f'rocram 4ocumeMI thl .... 1111 tht Westn WorW'1 dlllnfe.f. blolG&icll Wfff•i. tstltblbtNMnt wltti tlclni'N fl\111 of llcltloM ttwit .... -111"*'-d Ill llCNICJ. It •waa fi!lllell ill GIMI lrltMI, I• Ctflldt, • the Pdlc °'911 111f 1t SMtlf sit• ii t111 Un1t..i S!llei. B llllRl9 s (t) (60) [UPM Om• coaducts till 1'11Uedllphl1 OrdllatJa; ... lilflf 11111111111 Elilr. pi1no -.i.t lyrtA JWa. 1M corictrt !Mltw NtnaM C.1'11 lrt ltatured. Q) I• hr T• Lit (C) (60) m NET ftMll (q (60) "tllt Fli11 G"!l'&tiol) on D1nct." A W 1t cinema dlortoftlp!JJ ll'Dl'll l111$b7 Berkel.,-1 1933 "'foatllrht f'l radl" to Shlrtey a,,_,, "Momtnt of Lm." Ill ...... _ ... 0 EXCELLENT POLICE * ACTION MELODRAMA O @(I)Ef)HYrD <Cl (30) '1ht Attldt1r." f'oJict anut ttlt """ wanted tot attaddn1 numtla/JS WOfMll • li'fl alont, birt lll"' r1l1H1 him """9 IMf dlcidt hi ....... 7:00 B ca btai11 Ntw1 IC) (30) fJ "'-ft) (30) Ttd Mqera. W"°llt• CntMift. .... . _.., Q 'ftlr'I Illy U..1 (Q (30) Soupy Sri• ii 1bltnt as th• fqulus 111.'GD 11IH(I)6t Millflu (C) (60) 1reet pest Ptnensts frl fpsey RU1· CBS N.ws's 11111uin1 of th• 1t1. Mii, JMn111 81me1 and Orson .... om ..... ('C) (60) m-• ,., <JOI m n. Fr111c11 CMf {Jo> iu~a ctind •rt.,.rts apple dessHts. m·111.n~lii a. S111 (C) ,. ' llTnll II' Cl•~11nm1 (C) ,,,. •a (ll '-«> ,.,, ""'"' Lancer l1nds his loplly bein1 di· Vided wtllll ht lftff!S I &:irl whost l1thtr'1 tactics In th• cattle b11si· neu will d11M111 the lntenists of Murdoch l111Cer ind other 11nchtrl in ttlt 111rroundin1 terrilort. Arthur Hill, Bun Dt BtnninL Susan o·eon. Hll flint 0 (ijj CJ) m JWs lift (C) (60) -0urfirst Aclrt." Bobb')' tnd Gkt- ri.a 1r1 laul'ld!ld 111 their first !amity spat Louil "Satttlmo" Alm· lllOll(.-fratlll-Gdilt Ind Sttllrr I Man P&lt a-.-1"> · l!l TW sa.. (C) (3CI) "ts YOlll" Home Sate From Burcllrs1'' Huch Downs ind Detective Rob1rt Mac- dunnitl 1u1st. ED l l1ct."l'tniiKti¥t (30) A panel of local journalists discuss th1 POP· 11lou1 NJOl'llitr c1111111i1n with 1 c1ndid1t1 fof tlM omce. ai)DicN hWI 0 ID 00 mt Jerry lewis IC> (60) 10:30 0 Mwir. "KO.icidar t11ot'*' Ho1flbnison, Mllln 'Bynw ind Th '61--GIW Corbitt, "Plbfeit Brb- OslllOIMI 8nithtn ..... Jill. m -"• ce> <30) B GOVERNOR'S SPECIAL m-.... .__ (30) *REPORT TO THE me ..... ·-PEOPLE . ono-•""' <Cl <30i..,. u .. eooem-!CJ emar ROJ111d Rea11n speaks.. U AlfM MMcMtct o ttn rn m Mod Sq11td <t> 1&0) m u.n c-. cC> "'Fur Is tht Buckint: IM!fJt." Monie CD Mffle: "C Mt•" {m)'Sltry) '40 M1r1rih1nt incl Ed BeileJ ruts!: In -Ota• J111u, .Jotln Ctrudint. I story of rodto thrlHs, Sfli!ls Ind 11Umpted lnUtdlf ... sniper narrow-~CD QI C!J m ..... ('C) If lfti#ll lY cowbtrr sllf Billy Kil- pe, 1ni1 tbl 1ql9d i& mirntd tl:Jtll lllflle ~ ~ to prottct him, 11nitem:Mr. (lllJ3ho') '« -H9dy ltm1rr, B Millitn S llllwlt: .. ,., If Dif• l:eorp Brllfll 1 (ibn1) ''° -Ernest Bor1n1n1, D QJ ()) m TuiPt SMw <t» , z~~ .U.rt. , o...,.. .. alt" <mrst•11> '54--m ,,.._., ~ (C) {JO) Ct.D Moolt. Jahl Ac1r. -~Ml• (60) ....... _(IQ) m""" «> 1301 G)Wo!W,.... (C) (60) GI PY..., ~ Ct-II '''°U QJIJJ"' ....,. «> l'Ol Jtck Sot 1ut111..1- a 9 oo m '"" IC) <101 "Sticii and Stones Ctn Brnk MJ Pitt•." Julil nwst retbink k lllO· fill!t1n1 Policr for 1011 CortJ "'1• Eirl J. Wicpcbfl rclim • blldl IY'I batttlnt • boy "'1o h!Jrtl • radii llur It Colf'f, WfDNE5Dh l DAYTIME MOVIES O ll1Hll m ,_, '""" <Ci m 1LM t..r "''" m--""" l"'1 "" .... 1:00 00,.._ (C) D c. ... rtJ l dlal IN1' (Q ID ,,_ tM 1.-o.c IC) 1:15 IJ lllt'tir. ..... tflt Mi&ft lrM" (Oi11111) 'S1--0on T1r1tr. Siiiy for. ..... 1:30 GI All.flltlll a-. .:;A Kia in !hi DaB," "Callnon IRIWll," 111C1 "TIM o.tl'• Olltiplt." Rltl H•rw• 1IMt l l1ir. 1Z:Jla (C) ..,..... ti .. JM&ie'" (advlnllll't) '64 -lwtt llllsrul. "1llt ...._ " 9L TrWtni" (cont- ody) ·---· • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Q11elity l'rltttl11t .~ Depe-'•ble Some. fer lft~ flt•• .. 011trt.r ef I C.t1hlry. ' 2111 wt!T I AUOA flfD , NIWPOIT HACH .· ..... -.. PERKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS - (siql\!) ilalE 'rtll.J LIE, HILOEGAR!l HA"1llOCl(ER_JHE ONLY FEMl\l.£ 1NGRIMY 6t.i.Ci!i AND YOO SllLL AAVEHT 111\G6E11 A !!RI~ MUTI AND JEFF GORDO ~---..... MISS PEACH lilLLY st""'~ ._ ~NNUA l AWARDS fOOA't !! • ' I j WI\)' Har? 1llAT'S A STUPID QJESTION! .' By 1111 lald .. By Jehn Mil• By Harold Le DOux DAILY '2LOT ' Fl RST TUESDAY -Sander V anocur. above, is .. .., ancborinan oo the second installment of "First Tuesday," tonight at 9 p.m. on Channel 4. Among tonight's topics are chemical-bioJogical warCa~e. ~nefve cas research and a visit to Antioch CQUege in' Yellow .Springs, Ohio. TELEYISION VIEWS Shows Roll Right Along r~·· { -,-. ' ' '.' . By CYNTHIA LOW.RY . MAVIE ft CAN ~ MIM AW~ LQN6 B10116H. TO ll!i.IEVE HIM OF _ NEW YORK (AP) -:-While variety shov.;s 1n- cfuding ''Laugh-Jn'' and th-e special programs o( the three networks are capturing most of lhe pulr licity and a lot of the critical comment, there are a number of other programs that just roll along com- iOMe OF Hl6 PlllOll.a5 ! ' By Ferd Jeh- Hoio!l! . YA~· ly Tom K. ,Ryan By Al Smith I'M WAmNG.' By Gus Arriola .. , . i r fortably, year after year. . Some excellent examples of these compara~ve­ ly quiet bits are packed into CeS's Monday rugbt schedule starting with TV's oldest western, ''Gun- smoke/' 'w hich after 14 years tuined up in the most recent Niel$en ratings as the number four program in t!Je top 10 list. ' -IT WAS FOLLOWEO by "Here's Lucy," born 18 years ago as "I Love Lucy" and with some cast and name changes has continued right along ever since. Then there is "Mayberry R .F.D .. " which emerged out of the long·playing "Andy Griffith Show" with a new star but the same locale and per· sonnel-and has never been out of the top 20 list. And then comes "Family Affair," now in its third season and giving every indication it will jog along until its young stars, Anissa Jones and Johnny Whitaker ar~ ready for college. Monday night's "Gunsmoke" was the s~ry of a pair of roistering boozy buffalo hunters ~~c1dental­ Jy discovering that a quiet rancher, living near Dodge City with hi s wife and step-son, was the c~m· mandant of a Civil War prison where 700 soldiers had died brutally. Townsfolk wanted to lynch him for his action as a soldier under orders ID years before. ' fH E STORY, reminiscent of stories of .a more contemporary war, seemed to convey the message that a man should be judged, not by his past, but by the present. At any rate, Marshal OillGn kept the peace and turned the man free -to suHer m his own private hell . · It was not, perhaps, quite up to "Gunsmoke's'' usual tempo and it was followed by what seemed to have been one of Lucille Ball's off nights. The comedy was shot on Joc.;ition at Los Angeles air· port. The whole show was one long comedy chase up and down escalators, around the tenninal , and on the airport field with Lucy and her accomplice, Gale Gordon. pursued by a pair of spies trying to grab a secret fonnula. The show is usually less ac· tive and considerably Jess predictable. "MAYBERRY" was an amusing 30 minutes about one of the town bachelors, a quiet fellow . whose passion was sky-diving. The gentle style and understated humor of the piece was most agreeable and most viewers could sympathize heartily with t he poor man who had committed himself to taking a parachute jump from an airplane. "Family Affair" ha dthe little stars of the show playing with a tape recorder and bugging some private conversations. There was great good humor in the show, plus a tug at the heart. Like "May- berry," it owes much of its success to its cast, par- ticularly Brian Keith and Sebastian Cabot who work so beauti!ully with the children. NONE OF the programs is so stimulating that one is tempted to talk about it the next day. But al together they provide an amusing, undemanding evening. fot the tired breadwinner or housewife. Deianis the M enace '.b'. I W1Sll I ~alPI SllfF W111W1': LOIK' IWalSJ0 • • . -. f ' I r -·-----.... ---·~-' ... ... .. .,.,. ~-----------------------------·----"-------------· -·---........ -.~· • DAILY PIU>T Lombardi Spur·s: -lli~_~d -:·t~:' .:Pro~ .. Redskins GREEN !MY, .WU. !AP) -Vince Lamberdt, ..,.,. for • t.ute or ownenhip In a 1110 !ootblll club, slld Mon<lay he II qultllne Ille Groen Bay Packen to .m hSa fabled coachln1 spun to the lhl(lllh Wabin&too Rocllklnl, 0111c1a11 of Ille two Notiooal Footblll i.._ clubl ,,llhbeld lmmecllale c:on- f irmaUon that the Packer general maoqir was beoom1n& execuUve vice --· and chief-l!oach of · the RedUlna, lf)d tblt be would &et I block of lloc:l< In lhe Wublngton club. WbDI tbt Padl:ers' execuUve board :Ex-blubber Boy Rips Chuvalo NEW YORK (AP) -Buster Malh~. lbe ooe-tlme blubber boy, has tume<I lnlo 1 bruiser anc! lhe proof Is etcbe<I today on George Cbuvalo'a carved-up face. . Mathis, of Grand Rapids, Mich., bloodied Cbuvalo over 12 brutal rounds Monday ni&hl and scored a unanimous decillon over the game Canadian hta vywelgbt in the second half or 1 Madison Square Garden b o x i n g doubleheader. In I.he opener, Emile Griflith of New York ·celebrated his ·31st birthday with an impressive unanlmous I 0 • r o u n d declllon over Andy Hellman. Matbil, enraged at some low blows in the opening round, charged at Chuvalo to retaliate and twice shoved referee Harold Valan out of the way in attempU to .return the foul!. "He hit me low and said 'I'm sorry,'" Malhll said. - "I was hurt and I told the referee, 'Let me hit him low a"nd tell him that. ' MathJs calmed down later a n d methodically chopped Chuvalo down, cut- ting him over both eyes and raising a tiuge lump on the Toronto fighter 's left cheek. In the 11th round, a right lead opened a deep cut at the corner of Chuvalo's left eye and the wound pumped blood for the rest of the fight. It took 10 stitches lo cloae the cut. Sonics'-Rule Is Exception Against Lakers SEA'M'LE (AP) 4 When the Los Angeles L'akers and the S e a t t I e SuperSonlcs tangle, the Rule becomes the e1cepUon. Bob ~ u I e, the Sonics' star center, seems to stand quite a bit taller than his measured S-foot.g frame when the Lakers an the oppos.ition. He has scored his career high ol 47 poinls against Los Angeles and, earlier this season, pumped in 37 against them. He went one better Monday night with another e.1ceptional game, netting 38 points \o lead Seattle to a 114-107 triumph over lhe Lakers, lhe National Basketball AssoclaUon's Western Divis.ion leader. The result gave Los Angeles a 36-19 , r e c o r d. The club leads second-place Atlanta by three games. The Sonics, 20-38, are sixth, 3~ behind Chicago and five back of San Diego which occupies fourth place, the lowe"t or the playoff berths. LOS AMOlLl'S SIEATtLE 0 " T o f' T Cou~h I D·I 1' tro•vlnl I •·I 111 llr1•'1c" 1 4-J 11 Meu_,-I 1-1 IJ Cl'lemberll!n II 11-n :» lh1W 1' •11 H Et~ 7 D-0 • lilrrl1 • t-1 t Et*" I 0.1 li Wllkenl ' l·I 15 ... Witt l 0.7 2 IC!nM"Or I 0-0 J And9tXlft I 7·11 t Mullff" 1 2·1 ' ... wllllll 7 °'' 4 1C111llm1~ 1 °'' 1 Cr1wlo<d J l-~ t !Cran I D-0 O to1111 it 7S...7 1f7 to1111 ii 70-'1 1u LDI A°"les U fl 11 1' -101 S.11111 1•2t Hll-1U l'oulfd lllJf -HCMI!, Tor11 ""111 -Los AnOl!ltt It, i41ttle , .. A.TlenoUnc:! -1.nl. RUSTLER STAR TO WASHINGTON All-East~m Conference r o o t b a 11 lineman Dan CUnningham from Golden West College will enroll at the University of \llashington in March . Cunningham, a 6-5, 221).pounder, was pursued by several rr1ajor football powers before deciding on Washington. He Wall a unanimous offensive tackle selection as p I c k e d by EC sportswriters last seuon. He 's a 20-year-old graduate of, Serra High School in Gardena. •. •aa ocW.Jiac IMlbet meetinc loclay to .,._ 1-ban!i's 111110UDce1Dont, npot1I drci1atecl In Wu!>inlloo lllll be would. get at leutl five pertflll of the ftri•klu' ltOcl 'na.i 'lould' help aatl.rJ Ill amb!Uon by 'l&e NFL'1 lllOll apeclacttlar coach lo own a port' of ule ~tioP lfe dlrtcta1 I role deprived blm ·under .Green SQ'•• Community ow a er sh Ip ar· ,..,._ I ' •lock. The majorily II ~ by .la111(-tlme ancl Lomlianll "hove had #e-::S.t1ons owner Oeorce M~ 'Md ~ ad.' looklni toO.ll'd his CCllhlng ·Io mW.tered I 'under I cOurt triM:t ,~by' Wuhingtoa," but thet 11Grabam buo't • I been dllmlllOd " ' I Wwtao>s. I • • • ' Rldsk!Dl.Olllclala 1'ltllheld lonnat com- Lotnblrdl, wbo bid often llkl bellJc ' menl wblle lhe Picken cillcuilect Green Bay coach. and -ral .._., whelhe< lo'.lne .Lomhardl from a coa- llmultaneoully wu 'too t!fne consuming, tract that dfd,n't have an expiraUon date 1wu heaUtant Monday to apeculate on unUI 1974. , I.he future of Otto Graham, WaahtQCton's .. "This: ls net an ordinary Q)4tttt,:1 coach aod ce~al manqer. uld Dinlllilc .Jl10JolcW. --of "( haven't the ' allptllt 1Jdea1 about· Greta hf-.~ Inc. "Mflr, IUJ U... • -I"" Prllidenl E<lllil<l Bennett WWJama -a .. Pll<'Jll'Cll ))Is club'• Olio," Lombarcll said. Is~ ,oot ~." ' I . -:_7· ----,---'---"'''---'--~---'·:...· _w_11Uam1 __ "_'-_1_"""6 __ llll_1._1>1a_cl_ub Lombanll ~ t11ere wll ~I"' ili. ~ I . Ina:'* betweeo him llld Green Bay ln- Ouencln( his 11ec1a1on lo abo-the club aft.er 10 )'~ u central ~tr and nine 111. c;oach;......., · wb!Ch be pllotec! Ibo IOain lo 11r un.,......i.oted five NFL cbamplooalllpo In ooly "Y'n yean. "l''1'been I ~:t 10.)'W'l11~ h& Aid, but 14d!N} · " ~yone elle, you' alwayi boP8. to own aomelblng." 1'ha4 he Ille!, wu lhe decicllnc llement of lhe Wllhlnlton package -. I lllbllau- Ual poolltlirt of equity." Rumota which cropped up 1 lew day1 qo Jnalaled Lofttbardl WU belnl - -Ira the -" the JU Lio P. lleOmy, rtp1-U., U ...... el tbo ll<dlklltl. . . The Packen "" a JIOO-jll'Clllt orpnlaa· lloo Jn which no ..,. IN oWl*ahlp. Lombardi Aki Ibero bod -no dlocusaloo wUh Gnon Bay u to 1111 eucceuor u general mana1er. "l'n Ilk·' eel for mr releue from the a .... Bat ' Peckm,' ht· llid. " l'There'I alw1y1 I pooslblllly I 11111 coWd develop." Training Boycott Looms· . ' Baseball Dispute Worsens . NEW YORK (AP) -Ti,. BaaebJll f; Players Association Is tightening tile I til!rew:s: in its cimtlnulng battle over pensions with the club ownera and ,the spectre of a major league ttrike looms larger and larger. First, the Players Assoc!Jllon urged its members not to sign their 1968 con- tract& unUl the dispute was settled • 1 Then, oD Monday, the Association an-dollflC'ed ptans \o boycott spring training u,nless the penaion question Ui re30Jved. ,Faced with the poasibillty of unsigned contracts anct spring training camps populated only by minor leaguers, the owner, could console themselves witli the fact that should a strike come, il won't include picket. around their ball parka. "No, I don:t think picket.. wou1d be ~." aaid Marvin Miller, e1- ecutive dl.rectot of the Players AS60Cil· tion. "I don't think players can be repl.c- ed ll they walk oul" 1 Mllltr preakled over a four-hour meetlng attended by some 125 players Monday. At the conclusion of the session, the players iasued a resolution supporting: lhelr ne10Ualors anc! "l)'ing they would not aJcn contracta or report to camp until "the negoUaUona are 11ti1!1ctorlly ·concluded." ., Among the players at the meetlng were World Series stars Bob Gibson and Mickey Lollch as we11 aa Brooks Robinson, Ernie Banks, Jim Bunntnc1 Maury Wills, Joe Torre and Rusty Staub. Tbe decision to boycott the trainlng camps came just 10 days before the Chicago White Sox art scheduled to open the majors' f i rs t camp lite and less than one montb before the traditional March 1 opening date. Some players have indicated that they would pay thelr own way to Lbe1r club'• trainlni alt.es and work out on their own should the ~ dltpute dr11 on. But M.IUer said U.-Piayen Alaoc.ta- Uon was takiq a lliDd ag&imt such individual act.ion. "We've told them," Mlller said, "that It would not be wise to put out their own expen1e1, and wt don 't want to appear e11er." Miller aald that most players have followed the A11 o cl at ton' 1 recom- mendation that they not •Ian their COD· tracts. "There are very, very few utabllabed players who have 1lgned.'' he eald. "A conservaUve eitimate would be that 90 percent have not sl,ned, and the OJIU'e probably would be higher." Many clubs claim t.o ~ve alped con- tracts on hand but II)' they hive qteed not to release the namet of the players who have signed until the dispute with the Players Association is 1etUed. Miller explained that at the center of the dispute are the pll)'tn' rights to radio and television revenue. The Players AsaoclaUon contendl the owners want lo 1hut .the pe:naion plan off from broadcast income "even though the two matters have been dJrectly tied for thi last 2Z years." The owners have offered to Increase their total yearly contribution to the fund by $1 m!lllon, b<mUng it to $5.1 million annually. The currtnt plan provldel a top Of $IU p e r monUt at age SS for a pla)'tr in lhe majors five years and $1,2Sa per month at 65 lor a 10-year pllyer. Two Oth~r .Cities in Running BLOODY VICTIM -George Cbuvalo, blood slreamiJ!g from a cut near the eye, comes back fighting against fonner blub&r boy Buster Mathis during Monday night's televised fight. MatP,is won a unani· mous decision over his cut up foe. 'Dome Doubleheader Could Draw 40,000 HOUSTON' -The Big E, sporting the colors of the San Diego Rockets of t h e National Basketball Association. steps onto a familiar court tonight in the Astrodome. Elvin Hayes. former University ol Houston All-American, will lead the Rockets against the Boston Celtics. T h e Cincinnati Royals play the Detroi t Pistons in the first game of a double- header. A record c r o w d of about 40,000 is expected for the first professional basket- ball games in the stadium. The present record of 19,500 was set recently at a NBA twinbill in the new Madison Square Garden in New York. Arnold "Red'' Auerbach will coach the Celtics in place of Player-Coach Bill Russell. hospitalited Sunday after he injured a knee ir. t.he last 10 second! of action against New York. Blaes Face Klnga LOS ANGELES -The St. Louis Blues try for t.hel.r first victory In the Forum, home grounds of the Los Angeles Kings, in National Hockey League play tonight. St. Louis had a 0-4-1 record in tbe Sport! Arena last season: But the Blues have posted a 342 record against Los Angeles in Missouri. Sellers llo11ored ARCADIA -J o h n Sellen, whose mounts have won 19 stakes of $100,000-ad· ded value or more. is the 1969 recipient of the George .Woolf Memorial . Jockey Award. Turf VtTiters al Santa An!~ voted ?\1onday to present Sellers t h e award, named in honor of a jockey who died in a racing accident at the track 1n 1946. It goes annually to a rider w~e career has renetted credit to himself and lo other jockeys. K 11 Reoche• J ,000 LAWRENCE, Kan. -Kansas achieved its I,OOOth collegiate basketbal1 victory Monday night, apparently the seeond school to rtach the mile.stone but proud of the feat nonetheless. Kentucky claims to have reached the 1,000.victory plateau nearly two weeks ago, and apparenUy the Wildcats' claim will not be challenged. Burdette Blred MONTREAL-Lew Burdette, a former major league baseball pitching star who achieved World Series fame in 1957, has joined the Montreal Expos of the National League as minor leque pllching instructor, it was announced today. Ralilers N•-Coach OAKLAND -The Oakland Raiders today named John Madden ii )e1d coach of the American Football lAque team. · ) ,. For'"lwo yean Mldcten bu been an asslltant to John Rauch, who-. reillnt4 last ~ to become COlch ii lM M · , falo ll1lla of tJ1e AFL. "' ~­. .,,_ "NBTC to .Bid for Davis Cup By EARL GUSTKE" Of tl'lt Dally l'Jllf lllfl The Newport Beach Tennla Club will make its bid nut Tuesday to host the 1969 Devit Cup tennla finals, the DAILY PILOT bu learned. NBTC president Larry Johnson and other club official! will meet with a Davis Cup committee at the Loll Angeles Tennis Club and will form~ propose the classic be stapd, In Member in Newport · Betch. rile United States ls the defending champlon for tbe_firtt time in six years and autom·atically hosts the finals. Johnson revealed two other sites are al.sq leading contenders for the ftnals- Cleveland and Miami. "But we feel our chances are pretty good," he said. "We have proven that we can suc· cessfully stage a ma.tor tournament at our facilliy and that we are geared to conduct such an event." NBTC staged an Jnvltatlonal pro tour- nament in June, 1967, and drew nearly SO}IOO spectators for the four-day event. After Johnson and his U30Cilte! Collegiate Cage Polls AP Poll "~ 1. UCLA UO \ 1. North C1rolln1 J. Senti CJ1r1 •. IC~IUCkY J, SI, Jo/111'5 (N.Y .J 6.. 01~idson 1. L1Sllle I. Vl!11noor• t. Purd11e 10. llllnols 11. tuLu 11. Ohio Stllt 1). ic. ..... 14. CotvmDl1 15, Dllci~ ..... 1 .. New Mexk:t 3!111 17, Mt•-tt~ lt. Ntw Mtxlct It. Ol'f'O'I w. C.oforldo ·-... '" ,,. ,., ,., 11·1 ••• ,., ... ,., .. , .. .... ... 1t·I ,., lA·) ... ,.., .... IJPl Poll Tt1111 l, UCL.A USl 1. Norlll C1rell111 ,_ 11o>11 c11r1 ··-5. $t, >oil"'' (N,Y l I. De¥11hoo! '· \1111•-· .. 11111\ols t, LIS.lie 10. 1CtnU$ 11. f\11"8 u, Purou. I). HN Maki lt1t1 1.f.Col~ IS. N..t IMl!lo 1•. Ouctut ..... 11, 11-w• 11. !Tit) Ofllot •i.i. ,_ "" 2t. ''"" .. Ilic.,... ... ,., ,,. "' ,., ,., ,., ,., 11·1 ,,, 1•-1 11 ·1 11·l ... ,,.. 1l·I ... ,,. •H . .. ,..lllh .. '" •• "' ., '" "' ~ "' '" ·~ M M u M " " u " " P1leb "' ,. m '" '" '" • " ~ n • " n ~ " " , • • • make their bid Tuesday, they'll sit back and await 'the final verdict. expected by mid-March. Convenatlom with Orange Coast area tennb 1111\11'<1 procluce lhree •lroDi points In NBTC'1 favor : -A record of having promottd, suc- cessMly, a major tournament. -'Ibe flnab have never been held in the wttt and selection committee mem-beis an Ui«lgbt to be recept1ve to such In Idea. . ""'t_Two well.known Australlana-Rod Lav~ ·and Jimmy Shepherd-are con- necteil with NBTC ancl Aualrllil llroll(lly fl.lures lo be a finallat. 'Ille 18'1 Davis Cup llnalt held In Ille United States were the 1983 matcbts at Fqrest Hills. ExamiidnJ: NBTC'1 dOlller clogely Tuesday wili be Davis Cup olllclal Bob Kelleher and U.S. team captain Dou Dell. An NBTC opoketmao slld Illa! port- able bleachers brought in for the June '81 tournament 1ave tht club about 3,500 seats. IJWe'd put in a6other tier for the Davis CUp and seat around S,000," the spokuman added. County Coach of Year Bloom in Line for Honor • If CdM Wins Loop Title Bill Bloom, the broad-shouldered, mod Corona del Mar High basketball boa is in line for Orange County coach o{ the year honors if his amazing Sea Kings can maintain their Irvine League lead for the last five games of the loop campaign. Bloom, in his first year away from coaching all-star type teams, ha.s done an Incredible job and you have to 1t- WHITE WASH *".""""" *" *" ltt GL.ehN WMl1'1 tribute *9.7 percent of Corona del Mar's 1ucceaa le. hla coaching exceUence. Che4:ktng the talent, Bloom's lads figured to be dancing about somewhere in the middle o( Irvine standints. But at the moment' they are unbeaten, ranked firth in Orange Couoty, and have come cl0te to knocking off two or Southern C&llfornia's three undefeated Prep powers -Garden Grove and Com· )lion. for coach of the year eomldWatlon at the moment. Godshall ft•p• CIF Boil11 Newport Harbor High prlnclpal Chuck Godshall has indeed a bone or two to pick wllh lhe CIF executive COllllIUUee that slapped the Tars with penaltiea recently. A Santa Ana publlcattqn had rectntly stated that Godshall wu not dlsturbed wlt.h the undemocratic handlln& of his cue by the CIF body . . . a report which certainly did not bely the feelinf of the Newport principal Monday. Godshall takes e:xcepUon to the ex- ecutive committee's poor handling of the case -diahlnc out a severe penalty wllhoot bolhertog le have Newport npmentect ·dUrlnl lh• hearlnc· "I wlll appeal Iha uvlrity of the penalty and ask to meet with the ex- ecutive committee," Godshall reveals. "Most violaUons give the offender an unfair advantage. But the oCfense we were lagged with,.. (h1Ylng a graduate team in the basketball tournament) cer- tainly gave oo one any kind of advantage.· "And I don't see why they ptnaliud our track team (by cancellnc the aMual Beach cme1 litvltaUCllOl In 1111'). "f gtiea they jull doclded lo mab an eJlample out of Ill," OodMaO ltl&el. l . Namath Shades McLain for Hickok Bklom woru his court magic by devtloplng creat team pride 1 n d dlsclpUned defense. Too, be baa fanlutk: rapport with tbe kldl. Frankly, 11'1 debatable whether Bloom has anyone who could make Magnolia 11 •tartlnc Un1up. Yet eor.n. del Mar rlpped Magnollo, IWS, lo ,.nd the pre- Ra!On Irvine favorites into 1 t&ilsp1n. Godshall is alao hopeful lhat lut week's column· b1ut of tht eaeutive commillee'• anjult · bandUnc el the Newport anc! C«ona del Mar -will ctUll that bodJ to e1•1Dine Jtalf and rov1mp a<eonllncl1· Perbap1 the SIDtl Ana nn1 ~ cern WIS simply trytna tb llV8 faci !or bttng several lt111allments bthlnd on the •lor!. Alao, lhe Santa Ana publD\ tJon WU in error . . . GodlhalJ did not lnltlale. Utt Cir lnvelllplloa "' Newport. ,' ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -In a race bttweta world championlhlp lhrowen, Joe Namath, who quanerbacbd !he New Yori< JIU to pro football .,premacy, WAI named •·inner Monday nta:ht ol t he S. Rae lllckok P r o Athlete ol the Year Award over Denny Md.Aln. Namath edged out McLain, SI-game winner of the Detroit Tii'!ra, by, four vote&. dolut margin in tbe l .. year · hll&Or7 d &he 1ward. Namath, In 1 lrans-Pacilic telephone • interview said lhal wlnnln1 the belt "is 1 hell ol an honor for me, a mile.stone in my ctrtfl'. "I really w!Jh lh1t J could hive been there to acctSJ' the bell In pe:non. But this trip wu something that 1 wanted to do for s ome tlrne and I was al- ready committed lo it." Regardinl the close balloting with McLaln, Namath said, "'It'• rUur aomelhln1 whtn you noae out 1 guy tlke Mcl.aln with his 31 wins and 11), but I have to say Illa! I'm Clad I did win It." McLain rectlved 'It flnt-pl1ce vote. to Namath '• SS, but tbe Jttl' all·pro quarterback polled Sil point.I \o 117' for ?\1cLaln. ~ h e dl11110nd .. tllllde<I, gold-buckled llk:kok belt lhat ,... wtlh the 1waro was presented at a dln'btr here MOndlY ni&hl with teammate Georae Sauer IC• ceptlng for Namath. ' · Bob Gib!Ol1. lltor pilcber of lhe $L Louis Cardlnals, was ttltrd tn lhfl Votil'\g. ... loltowed by golfer Bllly Casper, Mickey LoUch ol lhe TI&en, quarwback Eaif M01Tall of lhe Baltimore Coils, gofftr Lee Trevtoo. pitcher Don Dryocllle of t b e Loi Angcle1 Dodpts, pla1"-Ch Bill R=ell of Ille lloslon CelUcs and tnlddle•etght boxing chUnplon Nino J!eO. venuU. The Golden Unit Award, &lven 'to athletes who starNd before the Hlckok competlUon came lnto being, went to llllllback Bronn Nacut1kl of Mfnneaou and-the Chicqo Bears. U Bloom lw 1 wuknm his leque rivala have yet to exploit iL Howe•er HunUftl'°O Beach lllib·• Elmer Oombl --lhat the Seo Klnp have ... ,. been able to bandit • prope:rl1 'xecuted full court 1ftS1 and Gvden Grove proved it by fdrt:ln1 Corona into 20 leCOrld halt tumoven with tbe press. Bloom's effort.s have not pne un· noticed. And he'• ..u;.17 first In line Speetbters •C f'•l'll• ·; -ar-... i-.-. ..... -... 1 .......... ~--.. -tffle, wl1I -.. th .. ,... ..................... = _,_....,. 11 n. rnm. ---.,, Grw, e1 •11•w tf .., wwN narl ti ........... %1#1' ............ Ol189le -lit -. '"" • 1!11, ............ 14122 .. re. ....,.- mttlaL ~ • ., i, T ., Alread,, Is 2J5.JS • I Tarkanian May Someday Match W ooden's Record • 1UCLA's John Wooden created a little notoriety last weet wl>en be registered his ?OOth wJn in coaching. But if Cal State's (!Ang Beach) Jerry Tarkanian CQDtinues at his present rate, he could hit four figures -and far sooner than Wooden hit 700, at that. Over the past six.and-a-half seasons, Tarke.nian is 21S.15 and hi! conference record is even more astounding -IOS-l. MG.!t of i:bat record was beefed up at Riverside City College, where be prc>- duced tour straight state JC cham- pionship teams. Tarkanian's pace hasn't slackened at Long Beach, where he is 17·2 in his first Season. But a rare thing happened to him at Las Vegas . Saturday rllght. Jn overtime, Tarkanian w8s beaten by ***"******'"'*** EARL GUSTKEY ................ the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 91~. "It was a real barn-burner," Tarkanian said Mo'nday. . "It was close all the way. They tied it up with a 30-footer by Tom Walkins with 13 seconds t9 go in regulation. "Then Watkins put .on one of the greatest shooting demonstrations in the overtime I've ever seen. He hit three in a row, all from 25 or 30 feet. He was 13-for-16 from the floor for the game." A substantial portion of the 7,QOO.p1us crowd at the Las Vegas Convention Center Saturday were 49er followers and Tarkanian figures Nevada will have "at ]east 2,000" faru: on hand for a Feb. 28 rematch in Long Beach. But unless they can book the game for the 12,000. seat Long Beach Sports Arena1 they will only bear the commotion from behind closed doors at Cal State's 2,400- seat campus gym. .Wiijl sii: games . ]eft, Tarkanian can go 23-2. 1bat record, he hopes, will put Long Beach in the NIT or give it an at-large opportunity to qualify for the NCAA regionals. * * ,spDl;;llBEl\G DEPT, -Ex·fl!u:ina Hlgll plvolman Mark Soderberg Jiu P- ed Ills flnt major tert at the Unlventty of Kentucky. ID a frosh game Saturday nigbt. be held 7~~ Vanderbilt giant Steve Ttmter to two field goals. Turner, who grew three-and-a-half inches slnc:e last season, wu acclaimed ~ the best U.S. prep center last year. - Soderberg says be'& proved to be something less than UJal "He'• no Alclndor, that's for tUre," Soderberg saya. "He bas a lot of potential, but he's pretty awkward right now. Re's ~o. big UCI TENNISMEN CAPTURE OPENER UC IrvJne opened ita 1969 tennis season '"it h a 71h-114 victory Over UC Davis Sunday on the winner's courts. UC , .... ""i~""' UC • .,. O'Neill cucn def T11m 1uco1 H, .. 2. Nesl•~ 1uc11 def st-ucol 6-3, '-1 T .. I (UCO clff MKhu91 UCO '-2• '-1 OTWJ IUCI) def Ctllo !UCO) '-'• H . Hll"d!~ (llCI) def ~fi~UCO) H , 6-3. P11.,. I.IC!) def Rel ~~ '-1• '-1.' Ntsl1ge .nd Dukeklw (UCI) dtf T1lm1d,, Ind Cello IUCOJ ._,, 6'3. !!one Ind WO!ljl (UCO) 1111rt WIT~ G•rY ind Dfolllon (UCO M, 5-7, Mad11101 end G11 (UCDl ~ Smllti 1nd Wl!llfm1 (U(I) .. I, '"'· lie cu touck IK rim ot.ad'"I __ footed." * * * OCC DEPT. ,-Former Orange Cqut buketball coach Al Sawyer will be rttumlnc ll'Om J1pon this swnmer oncl will ,...,,.., teaching at OCC nul lllL He's been coachlna and tqdting ln J apon 10< the put two y@m witb a leav~ of absence from Orange Coast. * * * -HARD TIMES DEPT. -Here's uodter dlsadva&.,e to bttn1 a buke&- blll IJ>clepeodeol Uh UCI: ,.... yw acltedale· .. ....,. pme .... • e09• ference team you're "Hkely 'te draw DOa- conlettaee GffldU,. Generally 1peatbl1, eoarerenee of. lldoll -· .. • ldgber prlee -DOD-leape ref1 • 1111111 acltool aillletlc bndgell belq -tlley .,. ,...'D gel what tile Mme team pays for. The most rteent ei:ample Joe.Uy would to t It e umldlled V11aboods UCI e~ countered a& Freuo &ate tu& weet -Everttl Sml~ and Ari Stone. * * * STATE DEPT. -· Frank Walsh, the International basketball promoter who brought the Republic of China team to Southern Cal College last week, says the State Department is missing the boat with ils overseas basketball trips . "When the State Department took those NBA AU-Stan to Europe several years ago they put them up at Hilton Hotels. What good does that do? "When I take American t e a m s overseas I have each player stay at the home of a player from that country's team. That's what good will is all about." Upsets Rattle County Prep Cage Rankings A major shakeup occurred ln the top 10 ratings of Orange County prep basket· ball teams with Magnolia and Anaheim falllng out of their . third and fourth place notches and Western elitlng the !isl Huntington Beacb, with another set of wins pushing lb record to 18-2, re- mains second behind undefeated Garden Grove (21Hl). A pair of Freeway League teams took over in third and fourth -Troy and Sunny Hills. Surprising Corona del Mar edged into fifth place after beating Magnolia and Estancia to up ils Irvine League record to 5-0. Magnolia dropped to ninth alter suf4 feting two straight setbacks to Corona de! Mar and Loara while Anaheim, after losing a 22-point decision to Newport Harbor, fell to seventh. Loara, after winning four in a row in Irvine hostilities, moved into·tbe eighth spot. . . Cruclals involving the elite 10 Friday night include Loara at Corona del Mar and Huntington Beach at Anaheim. TOP II Place Team 1. Garden Grove (20-0) 2. Huntington Beach (lfl.2) 3. Troy (16-2) 4. Sunny Hilb (16-2) S .. Corona de! Mar (lH) 6 .. Katena (17-3) 1. Anaheim ( 16-3) 8. Loara (11·9) 9. Magnolia (15-Rl 10. Foothill (13-6) Points 39 37 32 28 23 21 16 13 8 4 Oiler Ascent Continues In CIF Basketball Poll Huntington Beach High School con Unues, lls slow march upward in the Wp 10 basketball teams in the CIF, thi.! time moving into a tie with North Torrance for sUth place in the AAAA ratings. tThe Oilers, who have been in the top 10 since the beginning of the curtent ratings, reached their highest peak af~ scoring their 34th and 35th strallht league victories. ·Compton, undefeated in 51 straight games and the defending CIF champion, ctnlinues at the unaminous choice for fifst>"with 17 first place votes. ., ·1 TWO ANTEATERS 1N NCAA MEET • UCl's gymnuttcs team qualified two ol lb members Saturday for the NCAA champl~po to be held at San Fenwl- do Valley State Collqe in Mardi. ln UCt1 119~92 win ovtr the Universi· ty Of Nevada at Las Vegas, John Potter qiielified ·on the horizontal and parallel bhrs while Ron Craig made Jt on the pprallel bars and rings. 'The two qualified bf scorini 1.5 or better in those events in an NCAA-sanc--tRIOed makb. Coach LatrY BMner'a !Am Is now 1-1 GO the ,..,.. and next motb Valley State Feb. 14. only other representatives r r 0 m Orange County Jn t h e A.AAA rankings are Freeway League powers Troy and Sunny Hills. • , The latter, despite lOling by a wide margin to Troy, 11 ninth while Troy II totl>. Corona deJ Mar HJgh moved into the elite llst in MA circles, garnering Ioth place one point behlnd North of Riven.Ide. MAA Place Teams I. Compl<m (!!Ml) 2. Muk (11·2) 3. Ven-(!fl.I) 4. Cballey (20-,) 5 Puadena (19-3) 6. (Tie) Huntlngtoo Beaclt (11-2) North Torrance (tH) a. Nolrt Dame (IM) I. 1lunn7 Hills (!fl.I) 10. Troy (IH) MA Points 170 114 11$ 114 t2 llO llO 36 34 30 I. Garden Gron (llMI) IA 1 Clamnoat (SJ.C)) lllO 3. Sanla lhrll'(lfl.t) l!S 4. Bever!)' Hllll (20-4) 121 5, Aviation (JM> 9S I. Lasuen (IMJ 58 7. (Tie) Noplu (1"5) • IS Glenn (lr.-6) SS 1. Nonh (RlveraideJ (14-4) 23 10, Corolla de! Mor (IH) '22 Olher8' Foothill ti, CQ!ton ti, Magnolia !, lloolla t, Rlvtnlde Poly I, C1brlllo I, SL Anthony L . ·' ' Jump Ball Time Laguna Beach's Ray Wilbur ties up San Clemente High's Pat Benjamin during recent Crestview League action. Laguna's Mike Hefty (15) looks on. .uaguna was meeting El Modena this afternoon while San C1emente is at Mission Viejo tonight et 7 for a loop crucial. Impressive Field Saturday Indoor Meet Draws Classy Spikers . Glenn Davis, the one-Ume Mister Outside of Army, has hit tbe jackpot. Seldom if ever bas an indoor track meet lined up the talent comparable to that which will compete at the Forum Saturday night in the annual Times Indoor Games. The foreign field ls especially im- pressive. Not many meets held in the United States can produce for an evening such stars of Olympic and other In- ternational renown as Jurgen May, Ralph Doubell, Irena Kirszen.stein Szewlnska, Kerry O'Brien, Chi Ching, Heide Rosen- dahl, Lennox Miller, Walter Adauis, MAXW•lt. STILES Chris Papanicolaou, Erkki Mustakari, Kyoichlro Inoue, Kerry Pearce, Josef Placby, Arne Kvalbeim and Josef Odlozil. Not to mention all the fine American athletes who swept to a team victory in the Olympic Games at Mexico City. Personally, I am chiefly interested in the 300-yard race between ldrs. Szewlnska of Poland and tiny Miss Barbara Ferrell of the Los Angeles Mercurettes. These are two tremendous athletes. Irena, though much better, is reminis- cent of Holland'• "Flying Housewife," Fanny Blanken-Koen. In the London O))'mpics of 1948 the Flying Fanny won gold medal! in the 100 meters, 200 meters, •meter burdles and relay. Walttr Jenn!ngs, says, "I'll be willing to bet lie brtaks four minutes." May is a former Eat German allllet.e who ii COD:,J1Dg off a two-year suspension for supposedly having violated amateur regulations. He bu defected to West Germany, making hi• escape Inside a small secret compartment buOt in a small truck. In 1985 May gained No. 1 world ranking by scoring two victories In New Zealand (v1. Kenya'• Klpcboge Kelno) In times of 3:5f.1 and 3:53.S. That last aUU rates No. 4 on the all-time Hsl That year, May allO record the world's fastest IOO-meter clocking and he establJabed a world record iJI the 1000. meter run wblcb still stands. Mesan Challenges Ferrell faces strong challenge in the t»-yard dash. Dee DeBusk of Cost a M e s a, after months or trying, upset Barbara in Uie recent LA Invitational. Dee probably ranks as the No. 1 white girl sprinter in this country. Actually, the best runners in the mee t may be Ralph Doubell of Australia and George Young, the American steeplechase and twc>mile ace. Watch Young sizzle the final lap or two when he does the Two-Mile Tango in co1npany with the two Australians, Pearce and O'Brien. Plus USA 's Tracy Smith who placed second to Young in lhls meet last year. Pearce holds the world indoor record of 8:27.2, Young the American mark of 8:22 .0. Doube.ll ls an 880 man . of all-time stature. At Mexico he won a narrow , victory from the favored Kenyan, Wilson Kiprugut, in I :44.3. This Ued the world record set at sea level by Peter Snell. DoubeU d I d no aJtitude training, y e t he beat a man who lives at that altitude. OCC Invades Hornets' Nest, Duels Leaders The third time, they say is a charm, but Orange Coast College's basketball le3!11 will need more than a lucky talisman tonight when it runs up against Eastern Conference leader Fullerton Jn the Hornets' gym at 8.o'clock. Fullerton, with its over pow e.r in g physical size is in the driver's seat as the conference race moves into the second round. The Hornets are working on an 11-game winning streak, 10 of them in conference play and they hold a three-game bu1ge over Chaffey and Golden West, which share second place. Fv.lle.rton launched its current winning streak with a pair of victories over Orange Coast. In a pre-season tourna- ment game, the Hornets humbled Bob Wetzel's fOrces, 90-76, and then they came back to whip the Pirates in their EC opener, 71-59. Orange Coast stayed with the Hornets In that second game and only trailed 4~ 46, with Jess than 10 minutes to go. However, Fullerton's muscle dominated the rest of the game. The Hornets with 6-9 Jerry Brucks at center along with U Van Bye and 6-5 Ted Harper at . forwards are the most physical team In the conference. Harper leads the Hornets' scorWg_at. tack and he's also a fine defensive player. ·saturday night, the 215-poµnder did a great job In shutting off Golden West 's talented Brian Ambroz I ch 1 limiting him to only two points. Fullerton:s starting guards, Steve Smith and Craig Childress both are over 6-feet and know how to run the last break. While the Hornets clearly aren't nearly as strong as Riverside's powerful teama of several years ago or Orange Coast's championship outfits the past two seasons, Fullerton clearly is the class of the Eaatem Conference In 1969. -·----···-·--·-1 OlllT I'll.OT 1'f Rustlers Entertain Riverside By JOEL SCllWAllZ Of ... ~·-..... Now apparently out ol the running for the Eastern Conference ilile, Golden West College's bukethall team will be out to defend its share of second place tonight against Riverside qty College in the Orange CoUt gymnasium. Game time is 8.. · 'nle Rustlers, 7-3 iJI conference play, share second place with Chaffey at lhe start of the second round. Riverside i5 tied for eighth place witll a U record, but the Tigers are mare than capable. of_ giving Golden West 'a stiff· tist. In the first round, Golden West slipped by Riverside, 74-73, in a game that set the pattern ol. play for the RWltlers iJ?. conference. • It was the first in a series of barrow-: Ing victories the Rustlers pulled out in the second _half after a poor ~ first 20 minutes. ' Golden West trailed Riverside, 56-43:, with just IOYi minutes to go when coach Dick Stricklin experimented with a four-guard attack • The hustling gua('ds harried a poor ball-handling "RIVerside team into re-- pealed turnovers and in just 41Ji min- utes the Rustlers outscored the Tigers 17-1 to take a 60-57 advantage. However, the RusUers didn't have the game wrapped up until Riverside missed a desperation long shot just before the final buzzer. During the second half of the season, Stricklin must gt?( some improved play from centers Dave Prather and Dave Harding, Jf the Ru.!tlers are ever to return to their pre-conference high scoring attack. · In n l n e one-conference games the Rustlers went over the 100 mark five times, but, in conference play they only managed to score more than SIO once and have been held under 'TO four Um.es. Prather went into conference play with a 17.7 average, but was bJt by a ling:ering case of the nu and bu never regained early form. He's only averag· ing 5.8 poinls in conference play. Harding, after a slow start, came oil the bench to help the Rustlers in a pair of come-from-behind wins over San ,Ber· nardino and Cypress. Since-then, his play has tailed off and he's averaging 7.4 points, but that'• largely on his 22-point spree agaiMt Cypress. Guards Mark Miller and OIUe Martin and forward Brian Ambrozich have been the most consiltent playert on the. squad and are the Rustlers' top eonfei\; ence scorers. Muter hu a 1U l?erage, followed by Ambrozich (IU) and Mar· tin (11.4). Newpo~t SC Outsplashes Mission Viejo Newport Beach Swim Club defeated the newly formed Mission V i e j o Nadadores, 103-87, Saturday, at the win. ner's pool in the first dual swim meet this year. CllM A lW '"ldi.Y r~1y -l. NBSC (G11U, Edl"91o11.o. PrecM!, Ew1rt) • ·~. Ir" -1. Wood1 tMVJ 2, PrecMI (Nt) . E d111111l1!1 !NB). · • '°e ·~,-1. o'l>orlo'll IMVI t. H1111t-.ld IMV) . W&rt NII) 100 lndo medley -l. G1!11 CNBI :r, Clll'Y>&tlll CMV) j· Pr9dlel (Niil Tlm1: 1:1J.t. 50 IY -1. G1M1 (NB) 2. L1ytoro (MV} 1 Olttakl (MV> Time: tt.a. ~ • 50 Ndc -1. G"tl INt) t Tl.W (MVJ • O'Dol!D\f111 IMVI Time: 3'.t. 50 brt<11! - l . Pl!Slt (NII 7. ,.rtd\11 (NB) 3. V1ller .. (MV) Time: 37.5. llUPllll lttl11 - 1, Mlulon Vlllo. c•-• 1«1 mectln ret11 -l. Minion Vlllo IDtGl'OOClf, ltltl't', Gooi:t.11, Tltt>ferl, 100 free - l. Kr••Yenbrlnk IN81 7. Truellr (MV) 3. Edarlll (MV1. Time: l:J.1.$. SO fr" -1. Mlldle!I (NB) 2. Ad1m1 IMVI J. McCarthy (MV). , 100 lnclo ""*""" -I. Goodsll IMVI 2. Tel~ fMV) 3. Mlltllell (NII) 1 ~w!I~ 1Na>~' Goodo!ll (MVI J, Mlkllell (NB) 5G ~ -1. L1ef1et (MVJ 2. Mllelltll fNI) 3. ~Goode IMV). 3. '~l:~·~MVJ.1. Rlely (MV) 2. Newootl'lb CNBJ ci-.1 c lDa medt"1" ... 11y -1. NISC (W, Olt•eow. Ma.row/ti, J. Gl11pow, WlflOll! 50 fr .. -1. HIHrCI (MVJ 2, Mlrowlll: (NI) 3. sio.c IMV). 2. ~.u r'Mv) Tlint't\~llJ (N8J 2. w.,... INI J JOO lndo medle1 -1. Ml~ (1'18) t, ttv.rd (MVJ 3. Stout tMVj Time: iio:l.t , 2. 25oi:;:.. lflr.')1 1.~Uot1-(H181 ~!"t~ :~:l Time: 215.J. s:.. ?ltvl l, Als1tt (Nil 2. EW'11 (NB) J. . 2$ b9Q: -I. W1tion CN8) 2, GllS90W (Nl[ 1. Wooc11 (MVJ Time: H.r. 25 btll11t -1. W11'IOll (NII 2. ~rowlll: (Nll 3. Hv1ro !MV) Tlmt; 21.S. Sports Calendar Wed,oetd1y Basketball -San Diego City College at Saddleblck (I). WresUin1 -Western at Newport Harbor (I), I I At the Mexico Olympi·cs the Polish athlete won the 200-meters with Ferrell fourth. But in the 100 Barbara placed seoond arld Irena third. Each had a time of 11.1 Jn the 100 final. In the 200 Irena broke her own world record with a mark of 22.5. Ferrell's time : 22.9. UC~, UC San Diego Collide Mrs. Siewtnska also ranks all-time No. 4 In the long jump with a mark of 21-10~. In lbe rn11e May fac.es probable defeat when he teRJea with the little American, Sam Bair. The field alto includes Odlozn GI Cr.echoslovatla, second tq Herb Elliott at Rome; the Pottsh champion, Henryk S.zordykOWBki, a finalist at ·Mexico City; ptus numerous U.S. runntrs such n Bob Day, John Lawton and Roteoe Devine. f,aaiaon Tabbed Lawso1'1 coacb 1t PacJ.tlc Coast Club 1ay1 M bellevec Ute Kut•• ii a definite tJvtat to wtn. LaWIOll woo ta reetnt Seattle t1vttatlotal mUe. 1\e cotH, , BJ EARL' GUSTKE\1 Of Hie D111J '"u.t 11•1t SAN DIEGO -UC San Diego ba.<ket· ball coach Neil Stoner was uked if UCf is the best team his club has played this year. He pondered the query briefly t b e n replled : "Yes, I'd have to say they're the beat we'll baV& met. And t'm sure our players reel the same way.•· Tonight's UCl·UCSD match in the San Diego school's brand~new 3,000.seat gym la a rematch of the sea.son opener r o r both clubs at UCI two months ago when the Anteaters prtvalled easily, 92-79. On the surface, il would teem San Ditgo is In for an even· rougher time ot It toolght. Irvine has 1 IU record while l UCSD ls J.1.5 .. But San Diego coach Nell· Stooer has loat bis first string center, Ron carter (&.$), on grades ilnce he last took on UCJ. Every lime out, UCSD plflYI taller teams. "We don't have a SU1 over 8-5, so ~ have to fight for anything we gfrt oo the boards. We've beaten some teams who've out-rebounded U.!." San Diego comes lnto the game still disappointed over I011ng an 8W4 heart~ .iopper to UC Rlvenlde Saturday. UCI pummeled Cal State (Fullerton) 89-73 the same evening. For UCl, tonigbl's appointment ls the first of five consecutive road games. Af. ter tonight, It's Loyola, Chapm1111, UC Riverside and w .. tmont on the road. The Anteater:s close ~t the sea..wn.'1t home F•b. 25 and 18 with San Diep State and Tahoe Parad&o College, ' Stoner ·hepes hls cagers woo't ·be r.- vilited b7 the ,!ionble!tls 1ttack -llllt beat his team at VCI In November, 0 We were ocly down by ab: Jn t b. t rame with lour mlnuta to go and. all of a IUdden "" st.vied turning the ball over and UCI ran nay ft'tlD1 ua." With Carter gone, Stoner bas promGf9' the UCSD froe:h team etnttr to the VI~ slty, Steve W-11 (M). He'll llart Jell Miil (&.&). Ed Babluch, the 11-2 forward who pl•7" ed for Orange Coast Jut year. ii still st...Ung for UCSD and b the club'a No. 2 rtboWlder. He's 1yonglnc IS ,,.mia per game. . • I ' I .Jf ·DAllY ,llOT LBQAL N011CS LBQ~ NOTICE LEGAL NOTK:B WANT lO UP Oii YOUR oun FOR FAST! FAST! ACTION I CAll DAILY PILOT CWS- IFIED DEPT. D I A L D I R E ( • T - 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS HOUSES POR 5ALI HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FO• SALE GeMrol 10000....r•I 1000 Gener1I 1aoa -~ OOPS!! · RAHCHO LA CU!STA at Brookhurst & At· Jania In HunUngton Buch. We thought we bAd all out new homes sold nut one ol our buyers bu been tr1mlerred & we mu.t sell this homo immediately. 'Thia San Miguel model ia a beauUlul 2 story borne featuring: 4 bedrooms, s bathrooms, formal dining room, family room with a real fireplace, eleo- trlc nuil~in kitchen, luxurious green shag carpel& thn>u1boul The oul&ide includes ahake roof & concrete driveway. Gracious Uvtna for only '31,800 with 10% down. Im· medfilte occupancy. Call 968-2929 or 968- 1336 any day from 10 toe. ~le Barrell Reilly Pruent1 BAYCREST with • BONUS! \Veil dealaf'led 3 bdrm hon1e with huge dining room. Orcu1ar drive to entra.nce. The b o nu 1: work&hop • darkroom. A sreat buy 1or the area • 159,000. FANTASTIC VIEWI • bdnns, dlnlnr. "'1tily, Si,i baths. 112.f SANTIAGO DRIVE OPEN DAILY 1·5 ~ 1605 Weatcl.W Dr. NEWPORT BEACH ~.... 642-5200 SOLD YOUR HOME? Need something I a r g e r? Make thia MUSI' SEEi .f Master al:e bedroms with vanity nook. 3 baths. Huge lamily room with wall lo wall fireplace. Fonnal dJn.. ina room. Electric bu\U-lnl.. New carpet s & drapes furouahout. A 11 um e low F1lA 5% % loan &h2 $3,000 will handle GI no money down. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 7682 Ed ..... 842-4455 or 540-51.fO Open Daily 'til 8:30 2 Story·Shake Roof Rustic: COS"l'A MES4-l'onnol .tat. entry. Larae Uvtna room EAsr SIDE COSTA MESA NEWPORT HGTS. AREA ALL THIS AND R2 $25,500 O\armlng 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. 1%. baths,. ti.replace, carpets I: drapes, bullt·ln &: forced air beat. This well Jandscaped home can be found on a huge R2 lot wltb a very large Jenc- ed back yard, with room for • boat, camp!l', or build a rental mllt! It has a paved alley entrance for euy ao- ceu. Location is ju.st about perl~ 1% blkl to Newport en.de IChool, and only 2 blkl to new city park, Eut 17th street and West.cliff sh)p- ping and two other acbooLs wtthin walking distance. For appointment to 9ff'. write: Private Party Box P6U Dailv Pilot Elegcmt Executive Home Lovel,y large 2,600 llquatt foot home. 4 spaclowi bed- tOOllll, 3 queen 5lzed baths. Hua:e library could be studio or separate in·law quarters. Choice location. Beautiful landscapine and lighting in front and rear yardi!:. Priced Jor quick sale at $38.950. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 2>43 WestcliU Drive 646-ml Open Eves. "ttate S£i. Comer dupia-2 bdnn each, upper turn. and view of Oiannel, lower fenced patio --Ohl I a r a i' e, ahoppi.Dg, Ocean • puk ..,.. away. '37,500 ia a marketable val- ua: tor this property. Fee 1dmple. with brick log burning fire-em place, Gla:anUe tam.Uy room witb Uled brick f1rrplace + Ir.I'·'-: bar. CharmJn& kltdlen with R E A L T Y built·ina + d.iahwuher. D~ Xl25 W. Balboa Blvd., N.8, ing area. Great mut.!r with 675-6000 privatl! bath. Forced a I r l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!iii!i!i!iiiil!!!!!!!!!!!!! heatln;. 3 baths. l.. a r I e Who Likes Children? heated pool Y.1th diving Nearly everyone. So il your board. Near school!:, shop. Juture ~ tied to the kids Pina and beach. Only $.16,950. convenience, & protection, FOREST E. OLSON, INC. hen!'• a 3 bedroom home 541~ on easbide Costa Mesa. only Charm•Galore 11> blks to Nowport Hetahi. &'1'8de echool. Large fenced 4+Family Room bee• ,..,. with ""'' ... MESA DEL MAR AREA OF trance. Fireplace, built-Ins, OOSTA MESA. Plush fonnal cpts A: drapes, 1% baths. For entry, Large Uvin&" room .,ppolntment to see with briok ""•''"· Slldl"' HARRY BOGGS &lass doo1'S leads lo tree REALTY form gardens. 1.Arge family room with beams. Mothen 17199 Brookhunt dream kitchen v.·ith built-Ins I """'""''62""'.UJ""'7""'!J68.JS05"°°""'"""" pl"" dlshw"'""'· °'tin I Dt l(H lll(OUC counter. 4. family bedrooms. UUl "'' Fantastic master with pri- vate bath. FORESf E , OLSON. INC. S41-s31.f puplex Westside 2 bedl'OOD'llli each. Like new. One block to aboppiJW 123,!<IO Home & Business Loe. Excellent f u r accountant, beauty salon, antiques, etc. 11o<no Incl-I BR 2 ha""- doubt. praae ...•.• $23,500 GENCO REALTY 542-4422 628 W. lllth Street. C.M. Huge Rumpus Room 4 BR home, l'A. baths, hard· wood Doon, double garage. $20,000. Wellt-Mctardla, Rlt,.._ 1110 Newpol1 Blvd., C.M. ~Tl29 Evn. 6ff.06M NOW'S THE TIME FOi QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD &42-5678 S lots to the beach, Olde r Spanl.sh archl tectmT sur- rounded by modem. 3 unlta: in need of a face lifting. Owner says se 1J or trade for Uicome. $52,000 Newport Need a chang~ of pace? R.l. best location. level lot. Near eoll C"OUniie snd industry - $7,500, with YoU name It """'· RmDIRPI' REALTY- '°'5 W. Bolbo& Blvd., NJ!. 67UOOO --=---= -- 10 UNITS on S lots. Adjacent to Oce&D- tront. n~.o:::o. l•ll,.. Roal E1t•l1 Ce. 100 E. Bilbao Blvd., Bolboo m.1.110 THI UAL ISTARU 546-2313 * * 646·7171 CHIAPEl THAN RENT No down to Veta -Im· mediate p<?Utulon. 3 Bedroom1, 2 baths has large Jiving room with fireplace, carpets and drapes. -$1400 down to all. $22,250 iov'L I P. """od. NEED WORKSHOP? Newport Heights 3 bed· room w l l h hardwood floors and plaster Intel'" ior. Double pra1e + 10x20 workshop A t:rlV· end carport Best buy in the area. $26,:SOO. ROOM TO Pl.A Y 20x30 Extra room in this bla. -family home. T:ip flight area f or schoOh, shopping. $32.950. MESA VERDI Adult occupied In finest area. 12xl6 family room, All elec. kJtchen I: big, bir patio. Fre1hly decor· ated. $3295 down • 1235 monthly lncludea tun. IAUOA PININSULA Large family will have room to room, 5 bed· roonu 3 batha, 1 block from N.R Yacht Club, 1 block to tach. Lota of privacy on th1a dou· ble R • 2 Jot. Reduced $5000 to 169,500. THI WHIR HOUSE needs a new owner, 5 lovely bedrooms, 3 bl.ths and extra larp family ....... ll<a>n.t<d ..,.. .. and drapes are beautiful plus swimming pool with slide and dlvina board. S:SL900. WISTCLll'I' Abandoned by transfer- red owner. Spacious Jiv-ing room with open beam celling • 2 brlck fireplaces; Move tn to-morrow. -$40,9M. COLUIH PAIK Spic and span with new ahq' cariieta. Urge Uv. Ina room with wood· burntn2 flreplact. Kitch· en with bullt-lns, dish· washer. -$24,500. Jwt $2450 down. MISA DR MA• NesUed ln quiet. aa.fe cul~c. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath with famJly and laundry rooms. ~It. in kitchen all renntshed. Big overal.ze bade yard. 127.500. FRIE POOL Bir We&tcllff corner, nicely tand~ca()e(f with delightful, bright 3 bed· room, 2 bath with large family or dining room. Priced at $49,500 -and you get a heated and filtered POOi free. DOYER SHOIES CUstom-bullt 4 bedroom with 3 batha, fonnal dlnlna: room and ram tb' l'OOm. Completely ~ novattd. 0 w n e r tiat11 moved and will give fm· mediate possession with 10% down. m.~ HOSPITALITY HOUSI Expansive 5 bedroom 3 baths In Rt>p1.1bllc Homes area of Mesa Verde. &autlful pool complete· ly fenC!d and lflparatt •• play .,.. $<2,500 - 10" down -or owner may aceept trldc. INCOMI MONIY MAOIS ~r~~~~:!tn trade. • 3 UNn'S-$U,NI JO~ down • g&raltl all rented. 2 HOUSF.S ON LOT-12' ... Newport Het1btl Dkt. -Remodeled: 546·2313 ., 648-7171 OPEN EV"6. "IU. t . T l!E '"'!·'/\.' ... . .. E.'OT I\ TF.R.': ---. --~ ·--· ----~--..'._, _______________________________________ _ • • D -------------~-----~--~------~----~-' . . ., • ···-··-···~•--'•,• ' • •• • • •• • .. • • ••• ~ .. j " • " • • • ' ·• • • • -,. --" • .. ,.... •••••• .,_ ••• ....... ..... f ........ -·-·- HOUSH l'OI IALI HOUllS FOi SALi 16th & Tustin-CoStl Mou Excellenl locaUon, near schools, abopplnc and beach Only a few left. Buy now while In· tereat rates are only - - - 7% with 20% down-71h% with 111% Dn. no 2nd -no points-29 yrs on bllence Exclutlve Agent p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO From L.A. Coll MA 5-to34 Oceaa Front Lot Urvlne Cove I 180 Frorit Feet! overlooks pi'ivate aa.ndy beach ._ y,ith &ently rolling 1urf wt Oce:an .front lot available in this exclusive area l&S.000 Call: Jim Cobb Res. 67J..186A Last of the Sman Spenders Newport Heights area and close to everything: East 17th St. and We1tclitt shop- plng, all IChools and the new· Costa Mesa park. 3 large bedroom1 or 2 and a convertable den, 1%. baths, forced air heatina and a complete bullt·ln kitchen. Deep R-2 lot with alley ac- cess with room for &n in- come unit or extra parking. You small speoclers, Jt's only $25.500. Colesworlhy & Co. WGE FAMILY! LOOK NO RJRTHER Every conaidt:ration was giv. en when buiJd1lw tbia FOUR BEDROOM, famlly room, dining room, breakfast room CUSTOM HOME. The kit. chen ls all el«ictric including diahwaaher. Ex tr a J.arie muter bedroom with pri· vale bath and three &els or wardrobes. The f.amlly rooni 111 extra lara:e and makes an Jdeal home for a POOL TABLE and entertainment o[ friends. Large garage with electric door opener. All of th1& can be youn on this spacious 113 ACRE on cul-de-sac 111ftet kit only ~.500 -Finaiicing ls no problem -CALL NOW! 220 L 11111 llftlli Evenings Call 642-9192 NO DOWN TO VETS 3 Bedrooms -2 Baths with plush NEW CARPETS &: DRAPES throughout. All , built-in kitchen with loads oI cupboards. Cozy livina' with real WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE. All this on BIG, BIG lot with loads of room for the kids in excel- 'lllotdor, '~ 'I. 1M DAll.Y 1'11.111' JI HOUllS l'OR SALi HOUlll l'OR SALi HOUSIS JIOll SALi HOUSH PDR IALI llNTAl.S ..... :; AU UU'4 I AL.a. Gonorol 1000-tOOO 1 .. 1no 12311mno 1231 Htu111 l'vrftlollN -Unfumlo.... ..,.... , .......... JOR TUitnE ROCK HILLS ON THI ·111.VINI ltANCH Are now ottering for sale, their award win·· britalo to Shi,. 2005 Huntt""°" loodl MOO Noa ..... lloocll GOO WORl<!MG pt .. lhore VIEW .. ~ -,_, tum. u.tvmtty Putr 11amo *WHY PAY llBll1 lln>ploce: --. wllb "-· o.,... .....-, 1....... SIS lat. utWlleL ' --m.un. Not ONI l'INNY Down Call attor l ·p.m. - Logun1 loach 2705 ~uai.::,~ cu _. c ...... dtl Mor «ISO nlng 11Dlle & apllt • level 3 & 4 bedroom MODEL l!Dli!ES. ''THE. BWITIFUl PE(IPU" (end their Boeh) Exclalft Uncla Isle Priced from $98,000 These model homes are magnificently ap- pclnted with the very finest of carpe- drapea -wollpapers; plus every model ii professionally landscaped, special walltways & paUoa prevail, one with swimming pcoL 1 BR, S blockl lo bead>. AdUltl onb. $145 mo, .. .aT-111118 * RENTALS H-Unluml....,, OPEN HOUSI SATURDAY & SUNDAY 103 . IOS Linda Iola DrlYI, Newport leach Shown by appolntmont Theoe hom• are placed on quile large & very private lots that may be either leased IOYD REALTY 3629 E. Coaot Hwy., CdM 675-S9SO or purtbased with a grant deed to lull land YEARLY RENTALS ownonhlp. NOW AVAILABLE or 435.6 911 ft or 1B'x24'- it doean't matter how )"OU flauAI u becal.lKI it all adds up to one "IDG F~Y ROOM" and it has fioor to celllna used brick fireplace, lwcurloua panellin&, dlnlna: area, etc. Excellent East C:OSta Mesa area, walk lo Weal· cl1H shopping and New· port hiah IChool. 3 BR.I 2 baths, bl& lot with alley acce:111 to double 1arap. Excellent terms avail- able. Full price $26,950. JljJa,.. COATS ~WA~AC! REALTORS 546-4141-(°""" E-1•1 Just completed, 4 Bed rooms, over 30XI sq. It., atand-up bar In cathe- dral celling fam. rm .. brand new I: 111ill time to aelect carpet cotora. l'l<.500- Balboa Covel ! BR ... , $450 Follow the slgrus to TURTLE ROCK IDLLS, Costa 14.., 1'owh!JouK1 I mile East of the Universily of California 2 BR .................. 1225 V O.EAN ,,.._ ApCI. COlto Mou at Irvine. j111t off the lntersectlon of Campus WINTER RINTALS u "°" ,,. a -11 AD uW lad 115,. WALK TO SCHOOL Drive & Culver Drive. AVAILABLI NOW ::;"':, ~ ':f..:t 315 E. 1111boa Blvd. 5N~~~'~u;::: 1~~T~al~o:~l~SS-!1!1~02~P~ori!-~'u!rth!i!io~r!!!!ln~i..~rm~11t'!lon!!!!~ • B (Aipfi ~ :=n~ ~U: • • ~t ~!. Mlt1* •"= llM and ~ '°' "°"' f&m. 1 • -REALTY $19l PW dia.. "'1· Ultl. "'" J'uil> lancbcape<I now-Back Bay 1240 HunHngton loach 1400 130 °"""" to ....,. ,,,.., Wolm l Lee, Sileo Aa<nll 1 ;:;"";;ld;;-=::='::;,_=::==I $38,900. Open 10 'ti! dusk dally " f "ring" • BY OWNE!l • "' CHECK THIS 2025 w. ~"'" N.B. 968 tMlt Lido l1le 4351 • .... ,SPRING 5 B<lnn, """ .. tt, ' ,...,., Lowly • BR 21> "''" home. '-.......................... "IJWU .. Ii>..,. REALTY ~:\~.;,138,,:>~ hl1'dwood 11oon. """"" •'1130· 2B11. dUl)lex. G......, SHERWOOD ESTAm FURNISHED Lida Alt • ,...., ''any""-"" I'" 15 000 ___ .. ........._ drapes thn>tJahout.. Jule w/~; children It pet aK: IY 1tory 3 bdrm. S bath, fb.. WW .... _ lo '" ' .._... rnuuv corner lot. Room for boat or_ Utll. pakL Broker 5S4.Ql80 - . place, South patJo. :I car 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 546-6622. trQ.Uer. Really a nJce home. • by ... rr: I parkbw, $21$/mo short term Only $31.500 • assume old $185 -,. BDRM., ll,S bath n11 .JUI ' or SS50 yearty. ~ts. AU: Home + Irvine Terr1c1 1245 FHA loan. Condo. BJtna, w/w, tncl. -==-:I' tor Mn. Gninslcy. Investment --··· --· · ---Paul Jones RNlty """"· '"""'' 534-<lm 3 BDRM 2 b&. crp1o Piia a...-Raalty Income + location with this • • 847•1266 Eves. 5.16-7124 Coat1 Miu 1100 prden 'llef'Vlce, ~k ~ &G-5200 2 br ho""" on R-2 lot. Will Do You Need $13,995 boach. 1215 l\IO. ...._ "1l fut at only 116,500! a 4 BR H-'1 ' BR. Modorn doctric built· SPACIOUS 3 BR Ill balb Huntington loach 4400 • "'ring,. In rana;e A oven, plent)' of Colldo. double I• r •I•• S1nt1 AM Helfhts 3630 • ~ SPRING W• """ two • 4 BR ho-cupboards, c • r p • I 1 and """°ta l drapes -ut UTILITllS PAID _.,..., with pools. IMne Te.m.ce drape&. double iaraae, com-bullt·in oven, ranee a: 2 BDRM. untum., w/ocrral; 2 Bdrma. farl1. Hid. JOOI. --REALTY wl.th excellent ftnanclnc. pletely fenced, covered patio dlshwuber. Pool. Oean. No water paid. Qlldren OK 802 Knoxvme, Apt D. R.B. ••• "anvtim<" Salisburv Realty with BBQ pit 1UJO down to pei.. Relor. 119 o I m o • IUll Ill-5IS-03IT • !3Sa>.• • w c.r.1 315 Merrne Ave. exiaUng loan. 54&-5511> 1 BLOCK bun ~ 1 • '629 ll&rbor Bl " · Balboa 1111. 673-6900 ~· ''10 IJNP i"OUR BEDROOMS, 2 balho, uguna loach :1705 2 BR 1p11., bftted pool e e ---• -imm9diate poaesakln. Quiet GORGEX>US View, ha 1 blt·ins. rec ~ InllN:am -etreet, cl09e to tch:lols. ___ .. ",.._ i••-M··-'" muaie. A.at. 5.11-m4 i230/mo CAI.J.. AL BLACK "' ..... ,, .. ....,., ui.c: new. ...,, Corona dal Mar 1250 5 BEDROOMS 1'0-ll5l H•rltaae Real rent lbb ""-3 Br 2 Ba. h 4705 ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I l'onnal dlnlng mom, cptl/ Estate 648-SiS26 latlvn• luc drps, alate entry, loll ol Ide 1 BR. NEAR oa.AH On Main leach coblnob. ' """' old, 6\1." 2 BR. "°"" &. . Lril L-Nlgval 3707 ~ ,,t. ... •• -ldalnW"""" Included. S1'wJe pmon .. -_m 2 Bdrm. 2 bath home • CUI :::: be b~nns"' Lrg fncd )'I'd. o-pta, drpe, 3 BDRM, tam nn. ~ ba, $.'lUIO aft 4 I: ~~ :':%1n?.::. BRASHEAR REAL TY "'°""• retno • """'· 1195 lrplc, pollo, -· blt-lnl. RENTALS cozy 2 BR home near New. Ml 2442 mo. ~ CrptJ I: drpt, $225 mo. £nh.. Unfurn1 .... port 1-Jel~h•· Cul de Sac $15,000 down. 847-8531 Eves. • 2 BEDROOM unfu.mlahed Pbont loiW Beacb GA, l_;;;=:i;;;;:..:;;;;;;==;.;;..-,. ..., Cringe Cout Property -'-··· 1.. ,..-l'l---al IOOO atreet, lal'ge R·2 lot with :m u .. _,,erlte 67J.8550. Fount1ln V1Uey 1410 ,....._, New.., de c 0 r • 1 e d I :=====:;;:li_,.,.iii;i~imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil room for rental Unit, $19,800.. ......... throuaflout. Euh:kle Coital .. Graham Realty BY OWNER -Meaa 11.15. Rltr. 642-'1939 Condominium 3950 VEN DOME Near N.B. Poat Ole. 546-2414 Lido Iola 1351 TRANSFERRED 2 BR. pr, pallo, crpi., chpo, 4 BR, 2 SA, cpta, drpl, atow, refrl. Troplcal 1et· 2 BDRM. 1% bl. blt·IDL ......... 1904 H1 rbor Blvd. CM. 642-7m STORY 3 0 di fpl. Xlnt cond. 4~» )T old. tq, For adults, t blk. to 20x21 rum.put rm. ume ot IMMA<.VLATE AP?!t LARGE TWO horn" Uhton n4'1 5" % FHA can bo umd. lbopl. 1110 rno. _.,,,. pool, t.onnll· crt, "'""' ole. IMMED. OOCUPANCY 2'ii baths, dlntn& room, "COUPLE" HOMES Appr'a $25,001. 96).1452 1..::='"'c,..;:""-';:o,;...;.,..;..;.;.;.:_ r.ompletely crptd 1: drpd. ADULT I: FAMILY OWNER DESPERATE family room, den. close to i. Gruiana $55 000 • -1 BDRM duplex, ltove, near Must tee to appredate. SECTIONS AVAILAm.E lent neighlxirhood NEAR 1 ............... __ _ SCHOOLS. Would YoU be- lieve a totsl pr I c e or $21,500? It's True!!! Open Eves.. VA NO DOWN Low .,. .... -.. tinonclal- "' quallllod ...,...., ' BR. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee FACING TRANSFER I """"'1s & obop• Priced !or v . ...... ' Loguna Balch 1705 ohopo. Oldor <Pl• pre!. I&!. to... $200. 5"-2514 .. Cl-to Shoppl"" l'ark Tran&temd to Tiorlda looms. immediate sale at $36,500. V~ Wuiers •••• , •• , $59,000 ::J!.:::=-.:=:::..-..:.:.::;:.1 646-2700. 5H-6SSI e Speclom S Br'1, "2 Ba CALL AL BLACK 50-llSI Piazza Lido ........ 161,500 ,,_,,. Units 3 BR. oma11 !oocod yud, e 2 Bedrooml =°' ,,:'~ ~·:... ~ Herl-""1 Eatat• LIDO REAL TY Handyman Spoc:l1l1 pr, nr Harbor -Ina RENTALS e Swim Pool, PUV- way. M., haw to be u.o-BY OWNER: &.ide 3 BR Mm Vla Lido 673-'!830 Loe. on OcMnlide of Hwy, Oitr. S1Z mo. 8f6..6862 Aph. ,urnlthecl e l'rpl. Indtv/lndl'J' llc'll' prime Eutaide location. 105 2790 Harb:ir Blvd. at Adams rUlced in quick sale to meet 1%. Ba. Crpta, drps. bltn 150 yd1 from Beech. 4 Ip 3 BORS, new crptJ, drapn, Ga I 4000 1145 Anlhllm Aw. transl" pl&na. < bdm" A>h Kit: ~ ~.;' MOVED Apt, uni~, n«ds point l l!rnuc. Reio, 110 -ll'O. Mrl COSTA MESA !amlly room. !ormal dJnlng dJhwhr, Lril -yO °" ,_t -.-al doanup. PQ. 545-<19311, """""° HOLID y -• •• I xl.43' lot room for expansion ~ • & oddltlonal unit wtlb ..,.,: I iiiiiii"Openiiiiiiitttij•jjl'ji.Mii;. iii room plus an all pW1IOlt: at. $25,5(1).. 6C-3863 ot FEBRUARY 1st TENnAL I N c 0 ME EX· _ A rMIUofto $1.to. 2 Bfdao;iml n>om. Ltatod pt'ice 141,500 • l37-641? t~~~ ~:,,: CEEDING $111,000 ANNUAL-N-rt leach a200 D:;:;..UXE.p._ "if:'~~ Bl'i:i.., ~/w ance. Don't miu this one! I I Tmnt oUered aubjed lo bank approval &: CRV. but make yaur otter! BY OWNER. Newly redee (Bl 1 .... 1 .. Reita t) LY. Price :169,960. 2 Br. 6 den Sl90 Ph» utn.1-==;::=:=;::;::=I $21,$00 Newport at VI-I• ~Ill Three Wishes U peace, comfort I: k>cation are important to you look this owr. Convenient to Newport H e t I b t 1 £1'8.de school, and all &hopping. 2 bib to new park. Only sz.;,soo; and all these "plus" Jeatwu. 3 bedrooml, 2 baths, fireplace, cpta. and drapes. double prage, con· crete drlve, lar&e Jenced back yard on SOxUO Fl'. R-.2 LOT. Tbe:re la not to much available In this part of eutslde C.M. HlllTY· OWN- EH. 642-G80. Four Bedrooms· $17,250 Move into this large family home today. Close to shop- ping, achools and churcbea. Just put on the market, this one won't Jut. $135 per month includes taxes and In. lllf'1U'ICe. ONLY $500 DOWN. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 WestdiH Drive 646-7711 Open Eves. Just roducad $1200 Eastskle 2 BR + den or dJn- ina: room, dble 1araae on alley. Now only 171.150. 143 Broadway 64U1'1 E-642-M53 646-4579 SA +Hi ld!U Exclllllvt O>I• °"" -. ,..... -,,...., • ball Hartior UU. 2 BR. 2 Ba. priced to ..n tut at · SGl.500 By .... only CORBIN-MARTIN UALTOIS 3036 I.~ Hwy, CdM 675-1"2 --- john macnab DOVER SHORES A magnWcent custom home on prime view lot. 3 Bed- room, 2% baU,., formal din· ing rm, Island kitchen w/2 ovens (self cleaning). Huge tamJiy nQ,, 3,00l '<I ft. Priced .............. $87,SOO Call Jeanette Peart for appt. (714) 642-1235 881 Dover Drive, Su.lte 101 Macco Realt;y C.o. Bldg. Newport Beach Property Wide Privacy with an unsurpassed bay and ocean panorama. This cur tom home is designed to ta.ke fuU advantqe of the view, 3 bedrooma and 3 baths, pool. diicrtmtnaUng in every detail. $115,00J. Colesworlhy & Co. 642-7m 1904 l1arbor mvd., C.M. Open Eves. CLOSEOUTS 1n scenic Sa n Clemente. 3 Br. 2 Ba. -•ltled "" Do...... unn MISSION REALTY '9<0l3l • BR. a Ba. <Pb, chpo., Heatod pool. Ample puldaa:" .... ::... aru. Frptc. naU wood bltn R. c. GREER, Realty 1185 So. Cout. Lquna bltnl. Nr. beach. dub, No chlldre~No petl rc;"";;;';;;M;•;•===·l;OO;I LEGE REALTY kit. l!dwd !In. Pa I I 0 ' 61J.S300 • poo1a. lcnnll. m.atM 1965 Pomona. CM ....-1. -•-,tll ~.~·. PrlncFHA J~."~ Laguna Niguel 1707 W•tcllff 3230 1105, !·Bedroom Exctll•'. pllll • Ultl -""IZ!ZlZlZl::I I -~ ··~ layfront Duplex• 1 t!lltin pold .....i1ap 1ar -.. BY OWNER • !Aide 3 Br. 1105,000 • :1-threa BR'• DELUXE 3 Br. ' Ba.: ...,. 3 BDR, DR + r M • ba -~'!:~ ... -""' ;;;; 6 -Udo layfnlnt 2 Ba. Nalurll -blto wr.ooo • 3 BR 6 Two BR'• !ou. lndtcpd. • decorotod: · i. .;._.;; • d · ---~ - kitchen; uUlity porch; with nreplacea in exclusive Monarch Bay; ~::Comp) f~ Cotti MMll 4100 1, 2 A I BDJUI. APTi. $89,000 crpll. drpL 0... lo ICbll W1lkar R111ty loveO. 00'"" view; auto. Waf/aard pd. l3IO i... POOi. NO ammlJ:N Udo d•~i.x w/lae 3 BM Ba ....... $25,500. -3336 VI& Lido 615-S>IO walcr -• clae. ..... • •• -e INTRODUCING • ... "'RnNlftUI wr doon; 1 )To rleW, $59,5(11), ~. ""' T ' :;'°' ..:,'-, :\"R ~~';: :::M::-=-V:::ar:::;do:.,_ __ 1:.;1:.:.:10 Huntington IMch 1400 :':.:" lolll. °""" Cll kck Bay i240 I) I A 0.. ~ GARDIN Am. • downqyundormkt.OWnor DEUGHTFUL 3 l!R 2 ba __ ..;;...______ Val J.) ~.,.. ua. • -...., CJL lllya &ell. Aaume 5"-% Qn 3 4 BR /DEN 5 BR. 3 Ba.; 2.ct)t., new, s BR. fenced )'Vd, water C&ll Mn. llmddw .... Joo Cl&rlaon • lam. Or W Bltna. dtahWlllr. c Ph d · paid. hnmed. occ. O>Jldren °"'"" County's Baut!!Ul 1m -Ala. Apt 1U, CM. at ? By owner. SM-ll70. 1800 ft with bu A-2" $29,900. $.1500 On. Owner OK. $160. ~2124 NEW Adult livbW compla: -~ ·-~ .._rt llNch 1200 baths, Sll. % GI loan at 111' 137-w!I <:umm -« w•w.. Mmrit l'elo. W ,::•-::=wi:::!'"'.!...!:::.:::..-= per mo. total -can be .. SbWla • l Bdrm -2 Bdnm 2 BR. w/pz Ice. b:ld 'b f D di 1umed m ooo D1n1 Paint 1730 Huntington -h 3400 • ~~PD"l7 cu...n Piilo: _..,:pd. 2 loca-Cold=I~ !:.""..:.! (o. Li Jl'f OF I 11~~~~L . REA~ OPEN DAILY 12 to 3 FREE RENTAL' IOOK e ~ Gardeno 2Z14-......, A»t D 1111 ~ ... '-"Gi':::' Plua excellent planned Jdtch-3 bdrml. den. 2 baths, pool, Drop In end lrOWH e BubbU.QI spdnc a brook 2171 ~14Pt20 •C 1111 $1175 DOWN VA owned. Vacant 3 BR home, all newly painted. Pymnta or $157/mo. paya all. le. ({led yard. Good Joe. Only 111,9So1. I' \I I • \\ 111 11 ~I Ill\ \II\\ 11 I \ I 1 ) C '1 en !or e!!ldency O!I '"°""' AS·SUME SIJ % LOAN IS x 3S. 135,000. = Mail> Gorti-3 bednxJm Pad. 2 • Cl' ""°' l ......,. bolb out !amlty ....._ Exch11MI • ll&Jl Dr. 642-2823 Batho. Cupoll. Drlpn, e Ac!lvlty room/bllllanll . L!JXURIOUS 2 BR., 1\6 la., llltlng • 1>y tOpoln ... nt only. , ·-• bed o... to RENTALS Doubla G.,...., Built Ins. e Sauna Balb Ill lloc,. --G.E. Delta Ftnl Ea:tate • 6464414 ~a=:... HOURI Fumllhed Nice )'U'd. r..e .. at Sl.79 •-.Puttbw cnien Jdt, patio. plne ~ tDd. The Bluffs Also R1poS,...lon1 2000 per monlb, Will conaldor ~ • OuUldo Ou llBQI ,..., .... bas. $140 Multa. HAFFDAL REALTY General &n. •Encl. P1'IPI I: •toraae 12> E. 20th, CM. 3 BR. ;·~r:A;;. major "'" Wamor -1185: ' BR . 1\1 ••• E~:Rs.:~~ AMl~~=s ~~~= DIJPL!:X 1.ar.. uoo. Gardener, laundry: c:mt to = :::.,~ "'l,:d.; FREE RENT :="' .... Palo, _..,_ Walker & Lee =' .......... CM -=.Multi only, .. ,. ... ~;"'"'· * 8"-l1!1l 2 boaut. 2 BR Duplexe• < ==='""=""=-====I 1682 F.dlnror $25 Wk. Up NEW 2 BR., bl... -~ ;;:;;;,;.-..;;..,...;;;o;;;;; 1 yn. Yourw. llve Jn 1 rent the lent1l1 tO Sit.re 2005 842-4455 or 540-51411 • Stud1o A: Bach apta. dlshwuhlr; .ep. tncd. patlr> 2487 sq ft., 3 &:: 4 BRa 1003 Babr, C.M. 546-5440 Beyvl•w Condominium 2% baths, 10% down. 6'1»% lzmz:::::zmi=mm Owner movtnc back to L.A. interest, 30 yean, DO points 3 BR. 2\1 BA. drpd I: crptd. lo pay, Now """"" and BAYSllORfS BEAUTY $56,000 °""" 514-'310 otlw:r. Better hurry! Open Daily tll 8;30 e lDc:l Utfll a Phone 1m. A Ph!lf· 1155. tm Sula· R. D. SLAT!S, Rltr. 3 mt 2 Ba. den; ocean NEWLY decorated 2i,s bdnn e MtJd 8ervtoe. TV 1vall. Ana Ave., Of. 80-aST 847-3519 Eve. 962-7369 view SD> rno. or leue/op-bouM. Lar&e lMna rm. e New Catt I: Bar 2 BR. pdn e;pt. fpl,. -.. lion (UIJy crpt, -yard, nr 2319 N-Bl,., , 5'M1S5 clrpo, bl... potio, pool. THE HUB .. 11Cttv111 "' 563 ""'"' w., 81!>4331 ·-• u.B. ""· ..... CH•.,. ·u ' . POINTE -.. """' "'"' drapes. cpmpleteJ,y redecor- ated. Some with Yiew. ()co. fief:: 518 San Juan. San Oe- ment.. <Modela open daily), Phone m.9'J88, Eve. 642--0185 W. E. Ud'9nmyer, Rltr MOYE IN AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO A TIUNG. 4 Bed- room• and FamUy room. Beautiful cupeta I: drapeL Sprlnklero. outdoor l!J!ollntl p1111 1ove1y m 17a; lanai with firep1a!r."" 'Wondedul h:>me for $58,500. JEAN SMITH, R11ltor tOO E. 17th, C.M. 1141646-3255 "A" Frame $10,500 ~ bmtlll•I • • , tbl r n:n c. wanted abare beach _.~ -.. ... 1 .. -1 .. , l'.11 -"" I'\ I !I;./'\ ~ 3 BR l" ~~ O."'a<J Adi. Dial &12·· ., \,l.U~ • ..,.. -... ..,, _... ~ • --eo ...... this ...... BR ...... !!'!!'!l'!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!e I lo.,;;' --NOW. ... 3 -2 bl, ...... 4,30 ..... (:IL!) ED 1-0!55 1-ly tum. 2 BR ..... Ott-W•l>M<:Caidlo - 3 bath,. .... ,, din!"' room, BiAUTIFUL ~l:,:bea:=;•:::l,:.155.::::.,:113-41115::::::::::.__ 3 BR. -· w.11t 1o elem. ::;:•_:::r. :=--=. .,.-'""":='M&-~mt;::;,,,,..-.,,...I pallo & boll yard. Only QUALITY HOMI trATOI ,_ TV -eo DON'T J1JS'I WWI tar -IChool: ..,.,,, po In II d ; 00 POMONA AVE. CM. * LARGE 2 BR. iOiJi; $55 000 2 Br. I: !'am rm. n. Ba. the Id )'OU ftnd tD tbe th1l:w to barn1lb )IOID' tinm. cpta., ~: avaU. Feb. ' pnp. Quiet. AdGltl. • Xlnt uu. Priced Rich!! ~ Adi. ~ -, , , • llnd ""'" ...,. bt fo. 9th. 11815 l\IO., ISi clean. 2 BR. New !Um. cpls, drpL ,po;;"-;:,:;"":;;,:""""=.::,·:;;-;;.::,;=...~] ~O~w~n~e~r~. ~~~~·~·~OPEN:: I~-~;,.• =:==;:==-=:::=:~dl1~'1~0~1·~•~nect~Mo.~=:;~~d~op~.~-;~:==::=:;:;;;I Beam ceil, blt-tna, pool, :: !IOUSE SAT & SUN. Aduli.. ll!iO. 2772 -St. NEW 1 BR ap~ blWo -· ~ -PERRON :.1 .. ., ...... r • .,~ • * 642-1771 Anytlmo * UNCOMl'ARAILI - 4 llDROOM $22,500 ~·~ IT ~~ View Loi Lona ltach .. -Lo"" loach 2500Long ltoch 2500 -1111 mo. 1Sll -AM -~ · ..!:!~~L!!!::===~===""==========:::..-....:::.:::1 2 BR. clean, _., fllm. M•., CoolL--· ~= dli'll-0 . .fl-,.,( /)'1:1 ~Q.• ~~~A:_Aw. i::.EC .. ~Br~:;.,.';: potio. 14!1,IOO. 2921 ClW Pl.» J.'Qt,I ~,,.-"' pq•p LOVELY' Br. II> ba. I).~~~=...: Drive, Newport _,., Solve• Slmplt Scrambkd Word Punk for• Chuckle ·.:.':':~~· ~!'°' ~!!,Ill tum A -• El 3 sa Waterfront No. a ........., .,.., .. ~-_ Balboa eov... no,ooo. o·-"'*'·" ""'· WESTSmE 1 BR., bltm. c.mtnoDr.-Prdtt trade for acrtl8' or ,._,,..,.__L,_~ ----'-b. II. .._ adultll ... ..i •• "• will -....,, w;i.1111 1ow':",.:".;:.";i~-. ~.,.'E...i. -~· -Newport IMcll 520CI Spaclous J be(tn)om, 2 bath. !amlly ..... homo. llollted ttar Hvi,. 1'Dmll wltll 10-handng ~ce. Brtct pa· 3 BR. 2 Ba. beam/ceiltns, Uo with pa BBQ. Dream t:xc opportunity, $22.!iOO • kitchen wtth bullt-ln range, Owll!r/Ast-I0-3S15 eve. ID IL, ID I llAQIW)R 195; .... uni• UPPER Doplotr. t Br. $1«): -I I r I I' Gardlom·:· -~-":'l.':t."'.' .. """' • • - . FURN. I BR Duplex 19!,IO -Wltlti mmG I nm paid. 1 car P1'111t· 230 ".WOAlfT lfL • I • w ; ICllNEIMI I, I' -81.Cll.548-8317 lllCjlMo, 111111 ••••1 : f $l.L'O. 1 BDRM. encl. jUd, ...... : W a. Mi• 'l • **'• 1· 1 odul4 ... paid. -,. --...... own • dlshwuhlr. S.0-1720 ..: .. ::..:: ........ ;::=.. ___ _ TARBELL 29SS Horbor * BAY V1EW r .. lot 15' P , " lil5' W/ pla?& $.14,90), -nt I °"'"" 1111-'nll, M&-4201 Private World Ill Doi Mar, CJ<. &G-GJJ Dollnlflon of a <!io<vo glrL ~.pr m w;..U:.. c.11 •- In a ~ ma*r suite wtth Bq view + chUdrn'a wtrw. 14' til&h eodoled atriwn + wet bar. Vl!W LOT Roy J. Word Co. IL UM 0 0 I --VERV ~ -w.-•::;:•:;.::;•;;:••::.:"---=aa:::::t· . I' I j A girl who .,..,.; wC<Tlol •»«r• locllll · · · about flllllng ahead boco"" In l..lpna e>:oon ee.:-.... Unob-UG San-Dr. ....WO OUTSTANDIN& "':""'YIDSON R ........ SALTON ... Lot Reduced 1 5 bldn>cm f 'ti.th ~ D,., -· r Sl.OIXI for quick -1c1. Need ··-,V-l_T_E_N_N--~,oho .ia..n, --1·• I I r I' I !n.~zi1= 11e.,.ri....,. · 4200ror-.-u. ... 11. ... "' ... All. n.tc.. OH 8q, nr. Lido; nowtr .._ ="' .... ~. --· 1 BR.., prtv. patio; "*'· hr! <, dbl. ..... boa1e wllb ddlflhtlul pool. 546-S<60 EwL 54&-3851 cub. 54>-M o!ttt • pm Excellent Antista Wt:/ ~ "'""n. 1111m '°' ... ""'· EASTSIDE, C M. c:..to Mna 1100 Arnold & Freud Nearcbwd>os. 3BR.1% ha. 388 E. l'llh 5t., C.M. 121.'l!Ml CRV IMME!l. "--: 13,000 Rnltors M6-77fl5 i"!--... Wlillo---On. SUO Mo.; clean &oa:lde 11•-!!!!ll""!!!lli!!'!'!!lfl!ll!'!' -· ""Real!o< "~' t Br. 2 Ba. w/plqhoulol. 11 YOUll AD IN a.ASS!· • t1111: QWCKDI rou CALL. iimi-<.\'!Oiii!iil!!!!!!!!!ii>::wsii.!!!im.ii!1i!!IM!i 1 •>tna. dill-~ t.ota rm>1 • · -w111 "' Qll1CKER YOU SELL o! _,, flS.~ -b .. Dl&I ~ ------------------- • :NJ.l!i$'cl.i":.E~mlS r r r r r r I' I e rs:c:=,uTTUSI I I I • I I I ·-----......... SCRAM-LITS ANSY!U IN C:WSIFICATIO~ toOO , tllfl. lad. 1115. "°"' -"" --61. 1vaDoblem,aeo -...... o.i...i.:.t .. OCEANFRONT S BR. ""Pie, ......... odtojla 6 - pr.,A .. D hb T-J-T. lloo.1 1tou1 1113-tf)G . ONLY W MONTH LOOKING tor a (fuel,._ UJ AMIGOS WAY llO _,,.,., -"""""" ...... 96Go;IMe I Mp. •· f • I I I ~I H OA!l.Y ~!LOT Tum.,,'F'"""'7·~ 19111 * SIRVICI DIRICTORY JOBS & "i'PLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENI lnnl!!f ' 6755 Ho!f Wontw, -·~ Help Wenioi1 t.\on noo .. IROHING -lo ""' hom<. . ~NTAU REAL EST:ili 'UAL ESTATt ANNOUNC IMIMTS Af11s. Unfu"'ilhM 9"M'al ~• _Go;.. ___ .. ..,...___ onll NOTICl_S_ -- ... -52.50 o-t ~ 5991 S..Wlvlolon' Lend 6212 Founll {FrM Adil '400 * ,. * *' * * . -,.eti!r:·~ ON TEN ACRES 1 It 2 BR. rum It Un!Um "'1lat I Pri I Patloo I Pools. Tennb • Cantnt'I Bk· 1st. 9 bole Putt/Grun. 900 SN Lue, OlM 644-3611 (MacArthur nr. Coast ltwy) LOVELY 2 BR. blt .• lna, carpets. drape•, $1 T5 mo. yrly. Newport Beach Riiy. 675-1642 OLD l ·BR.. bay view. Prime Location. $155 • 673.690t • Hunti ngton S..ch 5400 EXCLUSIVE ON·THE0 BEACH 2 & S Bod.-m Aptt. Luxury Uving to please tht' ll051: dllcrimlnating. N<nl> available at The Huntinglt1n Pacific lI0 , 7ll ~ ~4'siH.B REST HOME 10r eld<!l'IY lafilco, RAB, lld>t ...... clote in.. -- Income Property 6000 I UNITS 30% RETURN ~Down 16 unlh • Pool Yearl) gross $24,6Q). Near EuclJd &: Ball, AnaMim. 1175.000. Call Mr. Ferguson or Mr. Kreuter Invtstmcnt Dept. 546-23U OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 546-2ll.3 646-n n ' .- ,T H E ~EA L _ESTATERS -·· .,Illness Forces Si l•" 22 unit inotel (7 unit. with kitchen11), center of Costa Mesa Grossing $51,oo:l. Nice apartment for cwner. Only 9 )'ear"I old. Completely equipped. $220,000 .. o n I y $40,DOO cJoiiNn. TDs consider- ed. HURRY! Wally McCoy Rlty'li42-6t87, 545-4ll2 eves. 8usl neu R•nt•I 6060 ATI'ORNEYS-S sep rooms, lobby, S secretarial rooms, bltns, 2 reRtrooJnll, at· tractive. Good location C.M. 548-<161 Balboa Island ----- l'OUND -Sm.it dotl. -PROPERTY · 1oo"' u -., .. t ,had ..,..H A VIEW puppies. Rf~ email n11 "°'i"· Vic. Flow" .and 2S Amos in Ncttbern Oranae. Irvint!, N.B. n4: 94>$ JIJgb on a knoll; thla ~ LOVABLE Blk. cat llAth col- erty mned ~ acn: tiles and lar dutitw last l1onn. n c:1 lot could be cut wJth • Begonia st. in c d y . magnlncent view. Priced at 675-5406 $16,000 per ai:re, For turther ;;;c.:..;:;;;:.--~--­infonnatlon, p I eat e call BLACK maJe dog with red Glenn ThornptOn with collar. Vic Broadway a Eckhoff 4 Anoe., Inc. Orange, Costa Me ••· 1818 W. Chapnwi Ave. 64G-25l5 Orana:e, Calif. FEMALE Liver &: White 541·2621, Eves-wknds 5.13-672"1 Dalmatlan. Approx . 9 mos old. Vic 2501 Harbor, C.M. .... uu R. E. Wented 6240 CHUBBY blk puppy with wht. ft. Vic. York.shitt St. WIU. Buy Apt Houses; 4 I ;,:1n,,,.,c;;..M;;.·;,:673-8286c.:...c=~,-,~ to 6 units Jn laguna Beach. FEM. Gennan Shepherd, Call 545--1437 Fountain Valley. Please identity. 847-7965 eves. 8' 1c;1NES~ end FOUND January ,24th. amall Fl tf~NCIAL male Terrier, vtc Bus. Opportunlll .. 6300 Br.:ykbunt &: EIUs. 91j8..367{ BRO""WN A: Wht. ni.bblt vie. Elden -&: • !4on~ ·viata ·c.u. 646-2002 . ---bl<. J.C.-C.. "-M'l-1«11 -- ,.., Whoddya Wont? WhHdye Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION .fOR L-•l'lnt 6110 .SPRINKLERS 6 Sod Lawni'. Lio 6 Bonded * M'l-2733 * Poporhantlnt Pelntlnt . 6t50 Newport Bcacll u~ run t1me ope_nlng lot *BUFFE RS * Recent, aucceu:ful e:cper- 1ence tn au p!Wel pre- ferred. CompetaUw waa:· ta, ou.t•taPdlne ~oelill lndudl.na prof.It shatinr· APPLY IN PERSON NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoclel Rote Interior P1lntlnt Mon ~ Frt 10 am to 5 pm s Llnet -5 t1 .... -s bum RULE• -. -.0 MUST INCLUDE 1-WMI WOii flf'l'f to tt.cie. 1-Wlllt ,._ went Ill .,.._ :S-YOUll P11Mt •nfl/Ot ~ 4.-4 11"'9 oil tdWtftlil .... ~T~ING 1'011 SAl.l -TilADE".S OHL'f'I PHONE 642-5671 To Place Your Tr•der's P•r•dlM Ad Apta. or boutl by ~ or room. Low ott lleUOtl ratea. 615-1008 VINYL wall c0Verln1 apocialJat • kit. 6 baths. aterial i labor. Est 847-1659 J. c. pEJlllF( co. 24 F&1h lon lll1nd , AsJ itQ!JfJ opportunity -ernplO)'er Trade 17 tt P<rformer oot-HA VE' 170 Ac. cl<ar In • INT • EXT. ANY SIZE __ C_O_A_S_T_A_L __ board, (fiberglass) for full Calil $300 per Ac. ·WANT: JOB. Xlnt work, refs, free or part payment on carpet, Harl>or area or Pa Im •st. JIM. """69, 646-3749 ·INDUSTRIES drapes, lamscaping, fer11> Springs • home or income. -PAPEJt HANGING_ ing or ? ? 642-4980 aft 7 pm lo:fatcbem Realty 646-4837 PAINTING 2 San Clemente lots zoued TRADE my exec. home ln 675-3M3 for 7 units. Trade for New-amog fl'ff Yucaipa for sim.-EXT-INT. Acoust. Ceilillg Candy Supply Route (Part or FUll Time) port/Costa Mesa, Income/ ilar in beach area. V:'\.lue Lie. Ins. 17 yra. Exp. Free .23 .MO old German Sbep~ Co rciaJ •" 500 1 - I I ' le _, .,,___ ,,_,,_ mme . _., equ ty. $50,000; eq ..... ,000. Trade E&t. 548-5325 NOW HIRING e FULL TIME e SWING SHIFT e PARTTIME (6:30 to 11 p.m.J Excellent ncome or ew • moue, D•vw11 Wt UIJ\ nose -•--.1 Properties West 675-4130 up or dn. (1) 791-9432 ·~·s Bo-'~ p a In t In 1 . DESIGI . ENGINflRS P1:ogttM1ivt Oran&e County manufacturer of precialon close tolerance aircratt and aero&pace hardware com- ponents, needl quaW1ed de- 1ign e!lgineefB. MechanicW. engineering degree helpful but not reqUired. Five years experience most deslr.i.ble. Good company benefits In- cluding pension plan, group insurance, liberal hOllday&. vacations, etc. Send complete resume with experience, salary require- ments, etc. to The Daily Pilot, Box M.£14 JANITOR EXPERIENCED Excellent Employff 81nefits hn. woek!y work (..,,. or =lou=nd=Bal=boa:=I:;-::=N:::':;\'5.;:;11;:::4' ·~· ·~~ eves.) ttfilling and collect· ... FOUR UNITS· Anaheim· DON'T JUSI' WISH tor Free est,_ lie, ins. Small N'ew company needs 40 men, lng money from coin oper-lost 6401 3 bedrooms 2 baths • something to tumish your jobs welcome. 642-0427 all shifts. No eXJ>erlenct APPL y ated dispensers in Costa I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; rn.ADE !or Costa Me&a er home .... find great buys p AINTING, tnter.1!Xterlor necessary. Complete com-Pi rsonni l Office Mesa and surrounding area. I• B.e a ch Unitt or house in todays aassified Ads. State Uc. • bonded. Free pany training. We will pay N1:1 selling. (Randles name LOST-MlN. FEMALE S16,000eqUity.-Ownr6444547 Beautiful New Furniture -estiiiiate9~ -top-~Wage:lll-tOineii --l hird-f-loor-"-i--- brand candy and snacks) Schnauzer San Oemente Income 2 C.Ouch, loveseat, coHee & willing to work and learn l·he Broadway $1650 crush required. For per-. Salt & Pepper color -About stores • 2 lots 2 offices 2 end tables, lamps, twin size Pl ast1rlng~ Rep1lr 6880 our trade. sonal interview In Costa 2 years old. Answen to the Apta • Will take TD·s or beds. Ste.i:eo. Will trade for • PAT'S Plaatertllg. All CALL NEWPORT BEACH ~sa~~~=~·~~dren name of "CHA'ITY." Blue ~~~~Make off. small trailer. 646-6484 types. Free estimate. Call MR. NELSON 47 F~~Norsr::J'~on Choice of Two, $150 &: $175. "ROUTE DEPARTMENT" collar, no tag. Vicinity of 1---------Trade equity ln '68 Chevy 540-'825 MONDAY 9 AM TO 9 PM 2 BR 2 .. "· built•·· I "Rl-tr~·~00.~9555-·____ P.O. Box 3846 :!.,tinTh&w-odF!'.'."",.:..~n!11J~-St!Da v(l•Uw'l~tDroonlPl~ft~~ PIU. Fae alt, P/b, Pis for TUESDAY 9 AM TO 6 PM AnN•Eqv.:~rOpt ~!~~ty u111, -...... w w SMALL Reasonably triced Calif 92803 -oe.~ -~c.-._, ...,.. r. o Lit; t £.G6 ... _ your equity Jn '68 or '69 Plumbing 6890 635 9480 -~·-- drp!, freshly pat n t e d Store Buildings in busy Anaheim, -· ue.ry 30th. Contact J i m Beach; building drawings car. Call 548-6211 be fr 5:30 • I oiiiiiiiiiiiiiEmiiiiiiplayeiii..O.'iiiiiiiiiiiii' J W•nt Prlvecy? Newl- ONE .BR'a NEAR OCEAN ~ mo ($147 Furn) garage ~ & 14th. 536-L319 673-1784 '125/mo. Mgr, 536-4488 Corona de.I Mar location. FRIGIDAIRE Strickland REWARD. Days, avail. for 3 BR. 2 ba. home pm. or 546-1685 aft 5:30 pm PLUMBING 24 hr. aerv. --------1 • 2' le 3 BR., 2 baths. priv. Call Hutchem:, TI4: 8JS.6511 JET ACTION 5414111• Evening_a, 63$4337 also w/view. (213) 441.-1345 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 21,t ba. Work guar. Ltc., terlnwr.; patio; heated pool. SHOPS Beautiful renewed Laundry. ~·Pr. Beach; older, co-'"' Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio. remode.l, repair, roo sev., 96U994 GERMAN Shepherd, male, "lq 531 7S66 Nr. Newport Pier 28 washen, 11 dryers, 21 lb. 7 • Chok chain "-t house, 2 BR. 2 Ba. Great pool, close to bay. Val ===-======='I $18 000 mo s. e , ""' . $l0 000 ;:; $1nt• An• 5620 Rltr. 673-0860 ~~~out bow~~ ~~6• nr Orange, C.M. }:·1ootl mc:~~~~m~r!: . ~1:~ ?lo~~~·· Remodel .• Rep•lr, 6940 =="'-'-"'-----""--' 1 COMMEKC. -300 Sq. ft. to own! r acant 675-1898 640-1675 VERY C1ean 2 Br. 2 Ba. 1 INDUSI' •• 800 sq. ft. C , O M • LOST _ Samoyed male, 2 ° v · ; Jeep, 4 WD., Model CJ2-A, REPAIR -REMODEL ;Garden Apts.. Prv patio, e 646-2130 e Olft• • attC yrs old, (white) vicinity l ill What do you have to trade! reconditioned, extra rub-Free :Estimate ,Pool. Nice area. 54&-1525 OFF1CE space, desk, ~hairs Equ;rw· ent, Inc. Priscilla, Harbor Highlands, Ust it here -in Orange ber. good top &: interior. * 536-8641. * down La 2334 w. Valeocia Back n .... , NB. 642-"'"" County'• largest read trad-Trade !or VW Bus, approx. IF You need re-...1 ... 11 .... , t •--~ 5705 '· town guna Beacb, ~ -Ing I and -·~ d al. ·' 000 ~' ~ ·-~ a,un• ~ 228 Forest. 494--0737 Fullerton '114: 525-1833 SILVER ,. 01arm Bracdet. pos -.. .....,,,. a e viuue ;1 . u,....,1.,.,. painting or repajn, Call ' 100 CLIFF DRIVE BLDG. so x too. ;n beer! v;c H.JI. •• C.M. Groat * * * * * * =o=;cko:;·=642-=l=m====ol WXURY roRN/UNFURN of downtown Costa Mesa. WORKING PARTNER Sentimental val. Reward! J.!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llml!l!!!!!!!i! .. o ,..1 "'° ,_ E 847_,_, ___ Roofing 6950 ,.. __ i..ue. 1 A 2 l!drma ~ ~·· ""'" ww E c• RE E c o REC o ,~..,.to . Shore & Shops Active, with $15,000 cub, to BLK and gold German 5 RVI .. DI t; row t 5 RVI E I T ~'!_ -rux,FING REPAIR. - * BROIUR COOK EXPERJENCE PREFERRED FULL TIME EVENINGS APPLY IN PERSON TO MGR. 8 TO 5 P.M. REUBEN E. LEE STERNWHEELER Ocemvln fnlm f!Vf!rJ Apt. Office Rent•I 6070 participate in large chain Shepherd Male. Reward, Babyslttlnt 6550 G•rdening 6680 no leak too small! ! from $l.50 mo up. leue operation being established 645-1922 or 497-1512 1 f,;p;j,ii~'(i.;;:;;,;;;;,-p;;;jl,===*~9'S-~~2362~*~== 151 E. Co•st Highw•y 1 49t-Ut9 LAGUNA BEACH in So. Cal. Prior 'experlence LOST SiaiDeae Cat 19 yrs. DEPENDABLE day ear e. I JAPANESE Gardening, Prof Newport Beach ~L ESTATE Air Conditlontld not necessary, will train lrin-gry on paws; l4.th le Walnut. Prd. wkly care of 2-4 yrs. Maint Landscaping Sewing 6960 --------- REA ON FOR.ml AVENUE cere party. Starting salary Reward! 536-l319 Lie. Hrbr/ Baker. 54!>-1539 Cleanup. 637~1 e "----~•·l-.AJterations * TOP EARNINGS * 1 Gener1I Desk spaces available 1n • $200 Wk. 1st Yr. income I::======== CHILD care my home, Mesa YARD Cle an up. T~ ..,,s"':;:i':io~ Hems it t I W nMcl 5990 newest office bulldtn& at should exceed $30,000. Pinonalt 6405 Verde area. Week 1 y, service, new l aw n s-; .-i 646-6446 * S•l•s , en • I I prime location in downtown 82l0370 (10-5 PM) reasonable rates. 54~9956 sprlnklen, rototill. 646-5848 R t' +trANTED ~nUy small Laguna Beach. Air condi-Wholes•le Business PACIFIC Singles: Where you --Alteratlons--642·5845 epresenta IVe '~chelor apt for 1 woman tiooed, carpeted, beautiful National cosmetics company can meet single adults, ages Brick., Mlsonry, etc. G•rdenlng 6680 Neat, accurate. 20 yrs. exp. Opening for aggressive ~ CdM are a • paneled partitioning. T w c has opening for local dlstri-21-60. 545-l.S34, 5-9 Eve. 10-8 6560 AL'S Gardening s er vi c e m•n with excellent fu-~ entranett: Fronta&e 00 butor. If you have a business wlmds. Lawn maintenance garden-TILE, C:.r1mlc 697.C ture & adv•ncement EMPLOYED Lady needa 1 Fcrest A.-e., ~ar leads to backgmund leadership abil· SINGLES -COUPLES. New BUIW, Remodel, Repair Ing & clean ups. ~ * Verne, the Tile Man * pos1ibi liti1s. BR untum Apt, beach area, :r,~i;::tb ~: 0: ity, can think ln tennt;:;. in area! Lonely! 0 ur ::lty~' ~b0 ~c!r~ CUT & edge lawn compl Cust. work. Install Ii repairs. ,to $110. CUport er~ and ebatn a.-..llable tor $5. hlgh yearly income,,ean , business 11 your pleasure. Lie Contr. 962-6945 service. Lie. 546-53Il eves No job too mnall. Plaster Must Be 1nec. 642-0086 aft/5 p.m. Bualne• boun wwertna veit $3(nl, and would like Call 636-4361. now & weekends patch. Leaking s h 0 we r Neat & wiling to work • LAuDLORDS e service avaiWlle for $10. an interview to discuss thU • Selective Singles • ---------1 repair, 847-1957f846.(QJB For interview 4: appointment .F, " AD utflltiel ~d except opportunity, ~ ~rlet ""' What ..,_ of compamo· n are Business Service 6562 cut & Edge Lawn Call Mr. Payne I REE RENTAL SERVICE ._,_.._, sumetoTheDailyPilot,&¥ vr-Maintenance. Llcensed ftftft 5391106 Broktt 534-99112 -~.._..... l'O'J seeking! Call SECREfARlAL cverload? 548-48CWJ/645-231D aft 4 Upholstery 6:r.,.-u • DAiLY PILOT# "C..::Mc:.fil3=-· ~~---642-96'16 Noon to 8 PM IBM El typ' t-U•-· t or 646-7300 FURN. cne bedroom apt With· bath near Newport Hgta. Minister. 6f6..Il47 ~ANTED urgenU,y small :tum &pt single woman Nr • -CdM 673-<594 J3:USINE.SS ~ tra.nsfemd. t Wanta S-4. BR by Mar. 1st. ~ CM area preferred. 836-4821 COLLEGE boy wants to rent l·garage to work on car. Call 196>-elOS 222 FOREST AVENUE WEL DING Bu1ine11 ec. ing. IJJlil,;len,_, --CZYKOSKl'S Cuttom --~...:..:.:..:...::.:;:_ __ I Arn no kiuger responsible reliable. 545-1089, 545-3722 Gener•I Services 6682 Uphols•·-·. Eur 0 p, a. LAGUNA BEAOI Complete w/ all equip, ..... 3 .. 49C-9t66 materials, stock & customet' !,r c::'. ~es 0~ than HEATING &-Air Cond. ;;,:; C ~a f t. s m an s h i p. 100% * Modern Offjc-contacts.. MUST s ELL, C•rpenterlnt 6590 & repair also Washer & FtnanClllg. Fum. boats & •• movtnB to Alaska. Call for ASTROLOGY Oasses Spring dcyer rei>an-. 24 hr serv. auto's. 642-1454. 18 31 Single or suites. Air cond-liidii'ii""iil;iedi;ln!iiiioii. 536-iii;;iWliii;iiiiiiiii seme11ter, beginners & ad· CARPENTRY 842-'1237 or 847.-6681 Newport mvd., C.M. itioning; parking, secretarial vanced. fi'l!>-1140 aft 6 MINOR REPAIRS No Job HAULING. CWanup ,,,,..,.0 e., JOBS & EMPLOYMENT "rvlce, contra! location. BEAUTY SALO. N ALCOHOL!" An ·--" C. Robert Nattress Realtor \.J onymous Too Small. Cabinet jn gar-odd jobs etc. FMe esL Jim Job W•nh1d l •dy 7020 230 E. 17th Street . Established, 6 Units, finest Phone 542-'M.7 er writ. t'O ages & other cabinets. 548-5325, anytime ' C.OSta Mesa 642•1485 Laguna location. Best equl~ P.O. Box l2'l3 Costa Mesa. 54S-8175,.U no answer leave COMPANION, educated NEWPORT cmc CENTER 1 . ment. Xlnt Oientele. I AM no longer responsible msg at 646-2372. H. 0. Heullng 0730 lady, drives, good skills. Offices 5Wtable for Com· 494-9972 Eves. 4&4-8619 tor any debts other than Anderson Avail shart or long term. my own. Dennis Ferrington TRIM, hedge, trees. Gen. Call HO M E MAK ER S rn_erclal. Medical, Dental. I ASSOCIATE needed ior pro-REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS clean-up, name It! I haul, 547..(,68). . EXPERIENCED COOKS & .. DISHWASHERS (NIGHTS) \Vill train good worker willing to learn. Five Crowns Rest1ur1nt 3801 E. Coast Hwy . C.Orona del Mar SHOE SALES & Manager Trainees-3 America's Large.st retailers of women's shoes. lHDS Shoe Store So. Co•st Plaza Contact Mr. Phelps *DIRECT SALESM~N I need 4 men immed. to 1ill new sales positions in the Orange County area, selling stereos & sewing machines. Three leads per day. Our customers call us. No gim· mlck5 or gifts. Honest sales by hard workers. Highest pay in business, 100% fin- ancing, med. ins ., etc. Call mornings 9 to 12, afternoons 3 to 5. 526-6616 Young Men Trawl 18 to 24 NEED three boys to travel 48 states and return. Trans- portation furnished. $300 per month to start, must be able to leave immediately. See r.lr. J. Edge, Villa Marina. l~ Bayside Dr., NB., 10 am· 4 pn1. LOTMAN To be solely responsible to maintain used car depart. ment. Must be reliable for lop paying job. See Mr. Groves, 842·4435. Harbour Volkswagen 18711 Beach Blvd., H.B. /$AW MAH ~. RELIABLE adults desire t lower, unfurn. .2 Br. duplex I pftl_., to $115; 642-$447 Ail'-cond., crpts, elevator doctlon • --•.,_ N•w ·•·~'c 6410 reasonable. 642-4000 From 170 ~ct! . Ina-:'"' Announcements CABINETS, Any 1ize job. .,:.~""'::;.;""'--'----SITUATION wanted, opaq· 1---------· -~ -·' rod ot A ti CLEAN lot&-garage t expenen,_..,.. pn.niuction 541-5032 OR 675-2464 P u · w or c ve. ATTENTIOu 25yn.exper. ~ 8 e~ uing, paste-ups and strip-cabinet shop. Rooms for Rent 5995 --~--~---6M secured inv. re q • ~ MASTER ter $4 tree re~v, dump skip ping, for Lithographers • FULL TIME i;.~~-~~----MEDICAL .. Professional -~=2902==-=,.,-,-.,,--EX-NAVYMEN hour. Remodcar:n11g . Re~ backhoe, fill grade. 962-8745 Exp. part/full time 962--4612 coo K Is~'!1e~ ~otor . Home11 Inc. r i ' l l I I Suilet for lease. CU!ltom WANTED: Off-Sale liquor Cean out the old sea-bag 642-641)!1 or S36-3900 LITE Haul~ & cleanl.lp. -ow , 1¥'ashington St. remodeling avail. 1 8 7 8 2 license lor C>rallJe County and help out a good cause. Reasonable. Any area. Domestic H1lp 7035 Santa Ana Main St., Hunt. Beach Call: 64Ul39 Give your aid uniforms C01f-A·1 Call ~2657 EXPERIENCED e INSTRUCfORS _ Full room. kitchen priv. Nr ==~(;;;1·.;;213~)~435-'226"'--"=-Jeers & Enlisted) to the Sea-·Carpentry, any •ize job! George Allen Byland Agency er/and part time. Neat ap. 21lit & Santa Ana, $15. wk. OFnCE • 5 Rms, lOC(l ft. ---------Scout&. Need blues. whites, call Gordon 84?-6745" HoUMCIHnln9 6735 Employer Pays Fee Apply between 2 & 4 P.M. pearance. Must be able IQ &&>1294 before 2 pm. $175 510 31st St. N.B. Rul Esf•fe loans 6340 sea-bags, ete. 642-5769 -------'----lQ6..B E. 16th, SA 547-0.195 meet and deal with the * &im * HOME LOANS =========I cement, con•,.'• 6600 * APT. CLEANING * ::hlnese """'""·Cheerful Coco's #10 •••He. good """"· A••'' Room '& Boerd 5996 ROOM &: Board, TV &: telephone; prefer male. 1660 Sant.a Ana •. CM. ~270!! Guest-5998 SMAU.. office on busy cot· MONEY AVAIL.ABLE Funer•ls 6412 *CONCRETE work. Bonded Fast & thorough 6G8164 Pennanent Experienced ln person, Holiday Health ner. $55/month utilities in· Call for detaill on todaY'• & Llcented. Concrete sawing WIU.IAMS Cleaning Serv. Far ~t Agency 642-8703 2131 est cliH, N.B. Spa. 2300 Harbor Blvd., eluded 64U560 ~te~ foro !st &Co".'.'!.ty~o'r· WESTMINSTER Phillips Cement. 548-6380 Income Tex 67.CO Help W•nftd, Men 7200 STUCCO WIRE MEN GC~M~ E R AL maintenance. lndu.trl•I Rent•I 6090 ~..... range -· MEMORIAL PARK ecusroM PATIOS• Work In Colwnbwl, Ohio & 18 years. concrete sawing" remcval IT Wil.L PAY lndianapolic, Ind. putting skilled in painting, elec- 3000 SQ ft~--··-Ii office Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. Mortuery & Cemetery State Llc. e 842·1010 YOU TO TRUITT' LINE wire on by the roll. Fumlsb tl'ical. carpenlJ"y, etc ' •---336 E 17th Sl C I t f I Balboa Bay Club. Call + 6000 IKI ft paved & fenced • omp • • uner• I CEMENT "'"Ork, no job too PEYRON own tools. Will pay SIS. per 2211 85 PRIVATE ·ROOM with TV yard 1855 'A-·-'" ,.. .......... w,.nn 54s.<ml from $245 _,, bl F roll. Wire over board. No 548-ext 1 !or ap-1 for ambula,....., ih~ .. or . ._ .... _ ...... V"'" """-. 613-""""" 642-1157 sm .... , rtMOna e. ree Income Tix Serv. MECHAN.IC pointment . I _, -Rd (714) •-or (114) ~·~ ·~ Cemetery Iota tlm H Stulllck 54° ~· 1Mil""ton-Leworln.pa..'!'.,!'; !'::'.·. gentlemafl. Gcod food, home • es • • • ~~" OFFICES UJ--"" ....,,,.,.. DISH machine operator, owr like atmosphere-, large yard •540-==="811====== · ANNOUNCEMENTS Indud!ro~o~1!~nt b.re e BFST IN CONCRETE • 1200 W. Coast Highway 18, union scale, full time, & pe.Uo.. Licel:!aed home. ,R.;;•:.:'°.;;"c:...;.P;.ro;.<~;.rty.:..._6;,2;;.0;.;.5 1 • .;•::;n:;:d:..;N:,:O~T;;IC:;E;;S;_ __ Ev-.... 1-... tn ant be:auWul Walks. pool decks. fioon, NEWPORT BEACH. ~ .berry. Columbu..,, Ohio. 43213 hospital .. stugical. medical Ava.ii. now. 5'8-5225 _ .,.,-..... 15 Patios. Phone 642-8514 841l Westminster Bl Gri-I experience necesB8JY. FINISHED & dental plan, "Apply In --FOR ·RENT Furn Mamoutb Found tl'r.. Ads) 6400 tf.":;;::":.':'.:.:"' CONCRETE work, oil typo" WEm<!NSTm 8"l·9649 Apply: CARPENTERS per.on Howarda fu"taorant, DAILY' PllDT DIME-A· M 0 IJ D t • l n Condominlum 14B01 Beadl. Westminster Pool decks ' cuttom. cau BE A Satisfied Client with AWN 4001 Weilt Coa11t Hwy. N.B. l.INl3-You cu n1 tbtm sleep& 8. 540-7130 · PART Tabby & Abyssinian 543-1324 Harris Tux Service. 9tb yr. Oldsmobile-Cadillac • PLUMBERS FULL tin1e assistant ln hot •-~ -~ 0 .t-• ...,_, female cat with red flea 5.tl·l'l25 893-2421 ___ ,, --,_~ .........--z ..,_ ..... ....i vi l"'-"WJf. Avail. U mos. 3111 USO So. Cout ffi&M.·a,y Wander Motor Homes Inc. and cold food to go Dell.. ~c;:.;;..._.;... ______ 1 u-.. nt. & ~--rt. 6210 collar recently s-., ..... c R II W CM -· :U._,., muu ..,_ Elden & Santa Isabelle. ~ ... --Contr•cton 6620 o o 11 e Ye ay, · Laguna Beach * 49f..111U':t 806 E. Washington St Must be neat &: pleasant IT'S Beub _., tlmt· Blc· 5 A NR Hemet. Xlnt view.1 ~64&-"'-"134"'9'----~-i ..:C~•"m'-"'"c.t•,,,rt_,_L.ots=~--64;;.;.;1..:l 1 _A_dd_l_tlons __ *_Re_mod_•_ll_ng_ "Mack" 540-2971 Ask for Mike Sauntr7 Santa Ana with public. Ask for Terry. rn& edec:tian n erl See: tbe 2800' et. Wtr, game. $5500 YOUNG cat, aalll~ brown:-FOR Sale: 4-Cemetery Lota Fred H. Gerwick:, Lie. e TiiE TAX ADVISORS SALESMEN Needed f o t 1 ~·~'5=E_. 7l1_lh_S_l_C_.M_.~- OAILY PILOT a•"""d $55 dn. 633-TllO 8-10 Lm. agt. fluffy, Vic. Garffeld Ir. Westminster Me ma r I a I 613-00Cl * M9-2l70 Year round ofc. 328 No.. sales in Lan d 1 ca p t n g NEED 2 men to work full 9edloD NOWt DAll..Y Pll.OT WANT ADS! Beach Blvd., JIB, 90-7029 part. Vets ollJ¥, Court Nwpt mvd, N.B. Reul CAREER Fences &: Pools. Young, time in Service Station. Ex· of Honor. ,~ear Flag I C t Cl i 662S can &15-0400 for appt. I progressive company. High perienced only. APP I Y - " Fountain. 64S4/'40 _•_,rpo __ .. _n_nt-=---~ I SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE OPPORTUNITY• potential earnings. Apply Richfield Service at 19th and !I ~K v. ""c 01o<i:c;;10 RY CARPET " Furn. cleaning; Your b 0 rn e . Reuonablt. Joln todt.YI fdtUl crowtn& %1.23 Newport Blvd. C.M. 1~N~ewportci-~-Bl_v_•~· _c~.M~·-~-1 6550 DAY care . Ucensed. Wbile mom works a child needs love A security. Everything provided b', joy & security of your child is assured. Lovely clean surmundlnga, h.,.. outdoor park·type .,..,, area. real h o m e en- vironment. 5'&-0316 BABYSJ'ITER,Rellable, ex- pertencod. Weelala». ""' ' monlhll to 4-)'9U'I. -OULD ctn, my home. Ex· ~. IAl.neht't fUrnldlo ed. Nr. Newp::irt Uta. EL School.54M046 e BABYSTTrING In your home c. M. by thl Wftllt. V OU l\Jrnish the traM. fOr 1 ~ 8el'Vlce & (!Uality ~s. Norman Man t proleaslon-Mutual Fund .altJ Mr. Birch, 8 am to 10 am FULL & part time help work. call Sterlin&' tor 54~ No experience 0~ cw:.:"=k::..::d"Y':::c;_____ wanted. Top wages, chance brightness! ~ * ml YEAR * We traJn . tun er put tlm• NITE SHIFT for advancement. NO Gbnlcs! Best expert cpt A·l STENO Mutu•I fund Acfvlson, e Molders METRO CAR WASH & furn clng. at lowest HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. Inc. e Assemblers 2960 Harbor Blvd CM. prices. 546-1486, 646-m7 eve/wkend by appt. 5fS.8820 Npt a 1603 WestcllU 6CUM22 • Foremen II WANTED Clean eut colleg1 WALL TO WALL carpet PROFESSIONAL S.A. 121.2 N. Bro.dwa.y Apply ln Pcr90n student \\'Ith own car f CI ea n In i &: expert EDUCATORS 547-&Ul AtacGrngor Yacht Corp. part. time evening delivery aiiholatery ckaning. ~78CI TAX SERVICE 1665 Babcock work. 500 W. Coast Hwy. CARPET le fumiture clean. • 968-3«13 e MA.LE LOCKER ROOM Costa Mesa PERM. PART TIME COOK, tna. laytng & repair. Call PERSONALIZED .,)e z per 1 e ATTENDANT e FULLndantim40e healhr th k.spa at-non-smoker. Previois in- Glrouard Carpel 642-9656 Tu llCt'V. Year •round ofc., Experienced, full time, 48 t~,A-•t, For ,".'.! ,?,"'1"1 stitutional e)(J>er helpful bul ftU. ~ hours weekly. Cont&ct OAve -.-.,-. ,.,.,_, -"°='~""'~~Call--54$--1223 __ _ GarMn!!!I 6680 1..;.~""'"""'-----C.otrer Goll Pro Sbop. ~2211 ext 770. Mr. Alex· WOOL l"r99er, part.time ~----INCOME Tut• pnp!U'ed se.m7'l , ::andtt='------Corona del Mar AUTHONY'S ..-... borne, lc{lt form com-. .:;;..::::.:'.:_ _____ .. ~·~· Ga:d.n Servi.. l;;;;i, 115, -No ........... Appl only. SERV. stA. SALESMEN. :=·=·~:::'w::cr:::::543-:::::7197== 646-1941 • HOME SER.VICE . ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAN· Yourc men, ~ evta • FED-.. • -ATE NICA wk rndl. Must be n..-at in A .. ncles, Women 730(' BUDGET LANDSCAPING m.®'"' Newport B. 642-51.JO bandwrltl .... Se< Cl)<de, 2!ltlO Prune • • • Plant • • • Prepare Westminster 892-&611 Newp>rt Blvd., C.N. Monthly ftlaintcna.nce Gordon N. WHNn PA Exp. Hortlculturl•t ..,:, '"" DRILL PRESS STATION A"'ndan~ day MOWING, Edging, odd jobs l8tb -· Appl. "':::::::'. e OP ERATORS e •vrk, ''"'" prcl. U•~• See Betty Bruce al ond light moving. INnlnt 6755 Phone 646-9611 Oil Sta., 3921 E. est. Hwy. e EXPER. babyait••» .i.,,. -(:.::==----==ioETENTION, Study H•lll-CdM='------ or nigh"" Cotta MnL-JAPANESE Gardener . IRONING 15c pc. dbe:Tpllnaria.n. Oldtr man TAU.OM Ftttm and For- 642-110! m id6 E:xec Agency tor CUecr Girlt 410 W. Coast Hwy., N. B. 60-JHl, -.1001 CcmpJott s 1 r" f c e . Ex· You l rfne H•ftllrl. prderml. Sm a 11 private mam. Apply Sllwrwooda. atARG£ i' pm1eltad. Rdlabk. 842-1389 ' 64 2.2051, 646-5361 ICbool. 6lM810 No.·-W.~ N.B. By tPPOint. &tS-393!'1 .. l I' IOU i IMPLOVMINT IOU a IUill'LOYMINT ~!:•'!': w-1iol "'t. w....... 1- • KIYPUNCH e, --."'"'"-"".;....--;....,.= OHIATOU . ___ ,_ 1.C.~Co . • ~ lmft .,.._...., Fubl<ft lolaod WS.1---n« NIWpOl'I-..-. KELLY SlltYlCIS INC. 230 £.3rd ltriet 1--CaUt (2U)m.m1 E4.a! _.. .. ...,..,... PMTTIME e COMMlllCIAL e TILLllt UNITED CALIPORNIA llANK . <;25 McArthur Blvd. Newport Beach 540-!424 Equal op0m1unltr emi>lo><or Rf!lldlo-T1l1phon1 Dispatch Ci'lrl Al>PIY.ln ...... 10 A..M. to I P.M. ·-""" Friday J.C. PEllNU CO. 24 F11hton 1111no1 '\!> ""'"' opportua11> employer Rll's or ICU . "'taW.:'IOI.· Help W•-· -7400 w-.. 7400 _....,,=;;,,.:,..-._,;.;;,; * SPECIAL CLERK COIJNSELING , Women oVtt 407 ()pPortwlltr 1valllble In our Want la ,_. a - Newportlleldlollleel<>r \ -f pet'IOnable, m1hlre, wei.. wo\ald YoU lib, better tUn &n>Qmed indMdual, to work averap Pl1 f with. tbt pu.bUc ~ aid Ip LWn Akmorill Coun- proceaq of reel, estate seling wttb tbt bn.uutul loam. Koowlldp a1 1.0 a• PACIRC.VIEW .,...,._ .prelmed. Type • '°..,.,.:Excellent -· MEMORIAL PARK ~llld~beoe. fits. PSei.11 cd Mr. Rull PHONE Llteb lar anclntment Mf..allall E Wud &T>-llSO Mr. Darrt • V.P, I Sales Dir. "" .. ,,,. ... -""" M7"'21 FEMALE Mrtct ..... '400 You will infu alrll ta op. erate PIX MB J.n flefd. L11ht ....... llh&rp, Iota ot pu~ rtll.Uona WOl'k. ltacoptletllot P75 Typo l!O, -phones, o!Wp, Mll """'1*! • able to meet public. 75 or over. Must knOw local area. Apply in 'penon YELLOW CAB CO. ]J8 E. 16th St. lmmodl•to o,..,ln'-1 for exper~nCICI IN 1, full Hmo . and part time. Wiii troln Inn- Glendale Fecle,.t SaY11111 2333 I. CNll Hwy, ATTENTION ATTRACTIVE WOMEN I =;.;..;;;.;;;;;;.;;.LO;;.Y;;.M;;;ll;;;'N;.;.;I Pumlluro \. ) eoOO - ...,,....lnlltvcllon 7600 . """"" . 1110 ·T.,. -........ mo C:O.ta Meaa Tito Newport -REPOWSIOllS VMir ·-.._ • Eur MU8T IELL -AA! 1111111 NEED"'°""" LUie Peoplof S "-·I of B I . -A doelaL Larry ---• ..... no~ . , --Cn9U VI MM In excellent cand!Han. Ha Morpn A11tSQu1t. 2 4 2 I t1ape1 ab\ 0,,.,. ..... • no -• no ... re. •••llable. Excellent All Eqaal-_rtunl,, O>uld .... uoe llf0,4laJ,..... OMV c ... troct Glrl FEATURES' new. Beaut qulltod lolo 111. Newpoct-.. c. If. H.B. • • quimnent: Unllmlttd op-employee benefits. Elnplo)"er each wttkT Cu :rou apani tSOO Electric tnewrit•ra chair $t9, 3 pc. teCt. $99, ANTIQUJ:8 A: O.OCXS I======== ~:tb r!""~ Coll Nursing Office 1°"" "°"" • -. -Two .1"'UI! •xomence on Dlctattna -nt :i"u'!~ ~ ::'~ ~19~ ~~~CM Seorff!!! 0.-'* 6'15-0SCe • • )'OUl' area t Owr 21? Do )'OU car delk. Uaht QtplnJ. Modem office ptocedurt• 1et $89, box IP"I Ir mattl , • . GIT llADY • • • •· 'NU: Martin Luther 1n JAISCO ha"" a corf No collectlo... ' Bl'Ulh up G--(.U 11leo) $10 ... """ .... WOMAN s -lncelot .... .....,..., bolld ,._ . ...,, R~~cal •0~~:~:y Hospital, :n=:. N~ell:~1: & AP~.• ~.., ... ~~SO ';:~~1o=Fel> $2S el.. Sell all or any put. ~~luable. 1arfboard.orWJrboud . open, liberal frln&e benefill. ' c&ll Mr Whitney MU:550 •rr:vi .,.. NU)' otter wbkb..1ncludet Terms. complete. U• em' tbJp; wt Apply NW'llno OOke, Pain> Anaheim TOOL a DIE · -··· · · :tf•ai: ~~ !Ne l>Plnl lnltructloD.l AOK·WAREl!OUSE hwt Mlcltl 1120 -1111--•-I ' Harbor,""'pltal. Ulllll Palm 722·1200 ht, 172 MAKIR Jolls Mon, Wom. 7500! et11 llme cOrds for com· 646-0153 LOCATED AT !'! "" • -,.... -P"' ' " St. G.G. 1--------!Miter• hondle l<CoWll< 772: G-. c.,,.. Blvd., U8I SINGER ZJo•Zlr toucl> ~~ --- roMBINATIDN, Sharp BAr Recruirh only commercial * pQable. ' J..u.ttnie GUt. t;neftttirw. c .c .. % Block Wnt ~the CMnatlc. walm.lt cabinet IA- Maida A Go Go Dan"'"· IJT JABSCO lool bllll4lns 1<>r .mall DAY BUS BOY Qilldron, (IJ'OJIClcl>lld or comer al Beach Blvd,. nur eluded. Dlwrce • c t lo n GltllK SURPI01ib ~ .. ~ pump -· ""' no """ P.C. lkkpr •IOQ up ,...,..,,, ""'-... G.G, ,....,,. -npo 1!1.85. CUh or r ... "MAUI",'-. -Top wages $3 ............. illl to tier. Good btnef!ts and " ........... nta l'f'Ctivablt A tored CJrllcoat 10 lellOnl pPen 10· to Ii p.m. SUn. »a .. .-umt ,,.:. mo. Ekltton us.om -•tart. Ph. tor int. 54>-9983 (Six D1y1 A WMkl ~ -achool. 173 Dd Mar, ~LASSY,""1Harbor. ~~~~~~~ wotkin1.::4'Pt.YtlonaTO. ·WAnBHUES n;~~ F~'~f u ...... ~ MORE CASH ~""=II,~~ nJ".i:ao::.•;;.,. • NURSI AIDE • ~ DEPT. llllMA-f. hl...,. for '"• Quall· .;;;;,r; ,.;;a ~ PAID POil · GulrantM OK .can-* -* FOR NUR81NG HOME IBM Alpha • numorl. , • .,. ........ , ed woman. • ....... In hllh IChool that Furn1"ture Muolcll 11111. llU MIMlll•-MOO Experience prefmed e!al, Verity and IOml ft-An equal appartunib' • H CU"H. Call 'Ann Geckltr. I ~;;;:;~~~:;:~;;:u Laguna Belch Nursin~ lated clerical dutle1. empJoytr Proof "' •r TTS-!231 Colored TV'1, Pl1not PROl'l!ISJONAL dnim •I 1~ H 49• ••7 REIJIEll f, I.EE . Trll._ lo $:146 MlltC A II • CAMCO, natural ..,,..,, ~llPIT WAlllHOUll omo ~ Good wotlclng 1415 Dall w.,,, Colla JWa 11( • 2nd ahll~ must be HANDlll POR PP •nca. Antlquu hand rubbed llaloh. 1 yr COUNTllt GIRL condllloni end bonofl~ HMill 151 I. Coliot. Hlghwoy aood ll>Oller. _!~LI _AND T~DI. l Pl-or old. !O" but drum,.,_, ~~=- Muothave1rillexpmenceor • U-wport .... h . ' i eooo Housefull Tr•,·>-Zildl"" eymbalo _, ...... ,Coot ........ -·"-rlerioe w • ~ lkk T HOO um Iv.rt U", U", 11" llH. $!80. 0 -upe · or. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ATtlNTION GIRLS * '. pr rnat .. 11'" 1'»4 p.m. -., UV hours Moa Uuu Fri ·11 EMPLOYER ~==~~=~~·• Fl1ure aptitude, will I 0v 5 11 I 833--J.OtO ~t 1N p.m. to ;,30, c.n Mrs Pennlna· ll to 24 PltlNTID ClltCUIT traJn EXQUISITE 1 ~0• 'Y '=rno=MBO="'N"°'E---c.nn.=,,....,mac1.= 1713 I. ll!td!el', -• ton. 833-0000 Ext 2036.· 1415 DALE WAY N1Uona1 '°""m ,_.. five , IOlltDI • . 24 HOUR SERVIC• Ill! 1100. Xlnt eoodltion Call 1«1.oan )'OU1'C ladle.t-n. to ~ft! •.. snlc:'BCRD:NEJt ""-I Offl ••so paUHu Ii ··~ -' ;l!l~r'!l::::I'· "::::~! * WAITRESSES * Cotta M,.., Cllil. ll262CI eut cout and mldw<tt ..,. W 1M"I --· -n co •• S MIMI BUYER ON DUTY 1 DAYS •-~===·~. ===== EXpmenced only .. Full lime. 54.5-1251 sort areas with chaperoned ·• PLATER F1ri.tre aptltu&, prepue I" WOMAN'S Dfamand Awl¥ in ptl'IOn btt 9 am lft!UP. Muat be P'.rsonablt 2 )'Mn experteDot wa.rehoUH.orden. UlftnmltillRIN PRIVATE PARTY Pl1M1 & °'JIM ITM .old, vay valaabl1. 1: e pm, #11 Fulrlon Ialand, and neat mp ic:JDOl ed1> Cu., ~. Au, Sn/Pb., P.,b.. l'mlll~ ~~=-~::mi: Yimiha SacrUSct. f1Mll2 Ne,...rt Beach. HUNTINGTON cation not...,_ but m .. t • DRIU.EJI. Acctg Clerk Pl A 0 MATURE Woman wanted. be -to lHm. Expll> ~•'I• • -•lua. Aalolont le ~67 RETIJRNEll FROM medla"'1l 132" Alltlquo •-"'"' FREE TO YOU ; SEACU_, ··•• -~" l -•·•--~ ·~ Ont yeor c-e~ri· MODEL HOMES v.lv.t IOfl • llnd l"ld.a>llee 1111 tblm now: at Room. board io omllil W..,. rr "' ....,. w~• n ---· T• •u11COM -"th~ ti .~. .... u•-~-· --··• C .,.,_,_ Weekb' .ekm.i.lws $1CZi plU.. · • ""'"" 1 ence wa ap "'"""' A flm •ltctlen' ot compl•tt ..... .. _.... ..-... -~_. .. OGlt ~ ORGANIC J"trU1m 18 !'.'..,~~-,... ~4,!;.~ Country · Cl1b ~ -""' ror 1nm-llM w. Utb at .. C.tit able ta run O.key adder. ·bouoofullo. Brand ...,.., BR oet Solid Olk 8puillb llH =· · llv• CM hone -ei'ioliiliii ·~-·-~ "Y .~. ~ J ~•-V"'· * DltlYllS * -beclroo-· ~-..... dlnlnS rm oet • All .,.. ., -·-..,. J -~ widow: l!llboo 1'1 • • d · ••w ·-••· ' -·· -ClorkT¥Pllt .. .., --•ww .... In ·~ l'l4 A 271 mwu1""-• -=-.. --673-67tl3 3000 Polrn Ave. >llrlna. 1021 llayalcle Dr., ; Imo .... 1 pc. c1lnlrw rooms. chh1u, blaclL Co nll1a wall 1~~,..;.,.;..;....;...___ ~ - 2nd !NCO,_, = ..... Hunll""'on ~ ·NB., 10 am ,. pm. No ........ _& bpo.fMS. '!J?lldlellbe ---qualited ... M---v...ft.~. Wl'Rl!i ill ---· betw I .. 5 -.._ -~ W~ "•' -P""' ·--tfl'mlnoloa, WW fu' love _.., douJ>lo door ~-·• .... -•-()ur --.. "'"""" J'lt. ' , W ""' learn to be • Vanda SH.al66 * AMBITIOUS Nec-..vl worklnl with ll'OUP In-............. -· dry-23rd • -NB • --"""-at "loWOOLLWI" -Beauty Q:lunaelor. '"lbe * WOMEN ' l\lllll hava c1w1 Calitornll iun.noe papen. er1, calor 'lTI (&11 IUll'ID-PINK Marble top and Maple 0ZMp: ,QluntY1' onb' piano ~--'-JIU' Belt Friend " Face EWr Part Time ...... Weektnda ARE YOU PRESENTLY drlvln1 record Applf tied) w1ll .. crlflce. StU Ill bue clprttte stand $25. A Ol'llft "IUpt!' market". H:;'~ I mo1 ~ J ~;;. OR ~ GEN·mi~ICE • T:1"0NSl'RA~~~:ucs YE\~o-:_ ~~:i:.. co. s•!=:i. ':.!':on :'!'part. Tel'll\I on -..... ::;:nu:-whltiz~ sf: ::"° SUG".""' !195--~M ~ home~ ~ SAWYER HOME needs Experienced only. "'Real Ell.ate e ·Clothlna r~~c:. i~wo~~I~ AOK WA.REl!OUSE wrouaht irpn' &l&il-topped WARD'l·BALDWIN STUDIO ....... ~"' p.m. . . Cll ~ mat u t e w o It' en for • CotmeUca Colt.a ~ 11~du~tri.J relatlona. Fee· LOCA\zj:> AT 3-tler wedae shaped comer 1ll9 Newpmt. C.H.·-.--..-~ lie holllekeep!nr, pr• ct; cal Unique ·Opportunity ""' you In,.,.,,., In mott Raal ·l1t1te Solli p&l4. 7122 .Garden Grove Blvd., tabla 12Sr.-PIANOJ I OltOAAS DOC_. < .. ~;., -. .~' n·-•-. e4M711. 28 19 for .....,, wltb no colleeUna, Mon A Womitri · G G " ••-• w t ~ ••-~ -· --part1ao C.. qa111. O!!l # ' ' ~ ~ " "~" •• NEW cu.tom made wolmlt Ham ..... S.S -_. •• Nied -homa. Lowt Oranp Av. C.M. EXEC SECRITARY or d&Uvery! ~-·-•-••:' t ' "'""r al Beach Blvd., near hick llWMl A Wt chllr ........................ $311 -·~ • .,. -LADIES 1B ID 80 lhow Sarah Ditded. IOmt evenilWI pn-t ur•..... AV&ll&~ or G C Frwy ......,., • Coventry •Pr 1 n, " all Mu•t have eood .,,..,.. faned. 5*M50 Mr. Morrll. UC9ftMd men I: wornim. Jn-MALE · c)p.n 10 'to 1 Sun lo.6 + ottoman $330, .eU !or Wuriitlllr 21n 1 Orpn ··... -.1111 aft I it.m.· -2il ,...,.. jawel'>' ...._ 1nco, ucollont typlnt & ttant lncomo A -·Mr · . $180. Ai., Dlotrewd Oalt ....,,,_ >1,3, l1lio -1111 OOUu., rood 1!titl, -ahlolu"'1 no _,. ... ahorthond oklllL Plo•M COOK Glll'dnor. s pr t n 1 llolltr, SPANISH r U 11 lfl TU II E ...,. ,., lllOO, oell !Dr llli10. rodlaa 2 llnl _., .. "811 """' ;,.,.. Oalt bod ad&. lraln.147..utt opply In ponon. fi4IMA24 . Cuo-rhrvlco llPJTURNEri FROM Cllil ""°71D •-"1o!)ol WALLICHI ' rru mi. W • SALESPEOPLE. NI.~ ......... 10 'l'ffh .. $550 MODEL -BAVINOI only. MUSIC CITY Cl! • I I/( ~s. !'!....~. ~ UJllOll ·BAJIK Exporloncl<I p,.f rood ._.....,., Dua to · Ezporlaoa in Yl1ioUI :.::;.~Olk~ UNUSUw/•~~~-~ tabllPd. 310Dloe.~I~.-FREE ID -beme • ......... .... ......, .,..... APPLY new-.naion ~dtvtcta. 10 ..... i-~ \Y'u.nn1•.N - -~ .--10 -u~ 111..,.,. 41f.ll96 2743 E. CHI! l1lghw1y Sunlit• Hoildly Hoolth Spo ·=. •w"i!f•.::,-:,:1.,:· ::. ~ ~ l!OO. In perf. cone!. a.t~ PIANOS I Olien.Ni tal!lllo, ~ wtai - Coron1 d1I Mir Newport Harbor needs~. W~ train. tomb tQUtpment. • El Pl"Mdtntil 't 1n11111 port TV, VHJ', Urtf 2.1 l'UDOUI Name 8rudl Zl6 Eltblr, C.K. J/f EXPERIENCED De n ta 1 Equal opportunlty employtr Conv11Mcent M-·lt1I no exp, nee. Am i.. 11'1"' btdl:oom tult., oak triple $40. IS3-&U2 at ~ fftJm. •· """""' !Dr ""' time 646-77M....,. oon, 2SCIO Hortxa' illvd., c.>1. -• 'intrror. kins EXQU!irii Dln1no Tabla A1oo un:o Inaman,.to NEED --, llllcl 1'1· "'°""Write Dilly P1lot Box :MANAGER TllAlNEE -LAMINATORS _,.., lol' o.2~'1'~!:~5 ;:ntha bOadboud. 2 oommodel, wht. wltb ""4 • C ft I" 0.UhJ Muol1 ·Compony ~ =- p 3ll. l1nuoull opportunltr la be e 2 NI> COOK e production -no ''" --· IOOll llrivlnl -,...,_ A box doled, with 3 l•vea noo. !045 N. Main. -Alie 611-U aft C. 21 PHONE SOLICITING dl~~-Ule J ~old ta"'bl•·~ M\ISt have aood' experience perienct needed wUI train. rtCord. . lpl1np, 2 boudOlr l&mPlo 8 match }il.~ ~ln 7~ 8o. ol l'rteWq 5f7.o91 ..._. ~. ~ ,.,___ 1 b No experience mceaary. •v.....,11 w " ..,...,.. wltll soop A 11.uct1. Woridlw St.85 to '2.30. Call Tri-~ e piece Spanilh Wl'OUlht COmp. fl!t/ ....,, &N"l5 " Mon 6 lTl 'dl I 8undq U4 ~--.... ~ o r:I -H•alth Spa 2300 Co. ll ,... enjoy -kinl houri ..... """ Fri. I .. Valon. M!-4700. Aft I, Mr. Lib Tech ..... $527 -din1nr oet Only 1167. Quailtr Kina-Bbl Bid-;-HA¥iiONI>. ittliiWlii Y• ~!.... ~ .......... ~ Harbor, 0>1ta Mn& • wit:\ Iarae l'IW1lben or 4:30. Call Mrl.. Penninllton Rile)' Two )'lllft eolltp id· • don • U.SO Mlkb', beautiful qWJ.ted mattrea, ma11a • ,.... A u...s plum :;;g Awa_... -···--, HOUSEKEEPER • Live ln. women, art well aroomed. ~Ext a. REAL il'TATE. ibOUfdil•t ence, tnafneerlns or :.:=ttlt· l:u}' Cl'ldlt. split toundadon, bU ... tn of all IMktt. Belt blqa In pm. " 1.fotherlea home. N. B. ~b10llloulL.!... call 9G3--'J622 a.ciptlonlet/Typl•t )'OU bt •Wna tbe bOttnt math maJor lnc1u4lnr one .;,.TON l'URN1TIJ!\E frame. Ntwr Ulld. • So. Calif. rlaht '*'· llllAUT. hn lrell 0. -.,. area. 2 chldm ages lC A -~ "' !llntmwn ot DO wpm acc. area Huntnlftoa Btacbt Ytir cheinilb')' 6.phyllca. =-~~ "cs:ll; . Worth $250. 142-8&38 SCHMIDT MtJllC CO., herd 11 mos. W. cata. NJ. IS.Pftf u/ID."31-1450 RW•LVN u.~ -p1-volce. VlllopRal--'ll . lO ~· t ANTIQUE Vlc1orlan pump 1"'7N.-· ulll--ollC.1/11 "" -·-. l5tMlOS C'""lt Mln111r un. w p.m., SI~ Orpn; 1'tnch Bid l --ND -lol' IMlilt ,.. GENERAL. UtehOUlt kefp-3 to u I u to 1 l!lblltl 8t&rt1f:W ML SSOO. per mo. or T I MIJ til 10 Lm. to t p.m., Sm. Oock. fltm. cat. Vf/t'/ _..,.,J In& and aullt putl&1 in-Ntw Convalescent holpltal Pleut call Mb. Maddux, UNLIMITED Earnltc ~ Som!''!:t ·back!!m4 12 p.m. to S p.m. m..IOU TtlevftlWI l205 b&lr ..... __ ~ valid, M hn. a di¥, ti to open 2nd .Met In Feb-131-3593 for appt. Ual pt.rt or Ml tuM.N• •• '21 f4. . • ==---:::='~=,,..,,,.,.1 days & wk. 646-6i01 nwy. HOUSEKEEPER I.Jve In. tlonal Otp.nbatlon. Call Mr pnftrrt6. I Pltc9. Braided H hokt Good 8020 I rr OILED Walmrt TV, BEA.t1T. fllmlJI Callao aat HOU SE KE EPER. Own APPLY lN PERSON Woman·-1---, .. NI -mo. Kline.at l33-03S2 after I pm. anu.1.1 RUG -· OUM I AM .. J'H 1tlNO comb. 0. Hu lbOta ~ Oct -• u-1••• lid NB ~ •-~ Ac-nl1nl lo fl2,000 ~v•--• -~ •M room, TV. 2 school aat: o».> • .., • .,,.. •• • • c.M. arta. 64i:.m2 ·HAJRStyliltlwltbfioUn1nl. N)tlon blend revetllbll KIR.BY Vacuum a.con. lnl front doors. Midi by .,... .,. children, full duUes. a om e (ACf'Oll from Hoae-Hosp.) WANTED llvHn babytitttr, Mr. Robftil Coltfurerl, 380o ~ CP~~t~lle~ bTowft. ~. srei!n.' dltioned. GuuantMd. LUce CUrtll M&tbla. MUlt IMI J'RD. ihite · fem&ll 9fiait Enclilh P"l•m<l. MM<47 WAITltiSSIS Ille hou!ekeepl"I. Ca 11 Ooalt H..,, OdM 87Wl!O. counttn• becQl"Ollnd. 11 ... , S.10, 2'13, "'6. -w/lltlehmento. F :P. $121. -rabbit. Good patio pet. BABYSlTTER • Mat Ure P/tim(!. Elcp, over 21. Closed before 3 PM. 53$-1013 H.B. MANAGER ttqU1red tor 13, AL'S UNUSUAi.. $35.11. S5 mo. -.2'U? NEAR rww Phllco portable ....... 21 woman, refs. 3 or 4 e\lel Sunday A llolklayl. WAlTRESSU WANTED 1 BJt AdW.t unltt with pool. H1ll1rc W1Jdtr ... SO hr ~11'URE 1V. Waln \It ftnllh, roll ILACK mup.lQidt nclblllls wk, U pm. (5 children). APP4t in 11rel'90n Exptrltnctd on!y. 60-m Experlmced tn ihttt met· l'Tlll Beach Blvd. G1r1ge Ille I022 around •land.~ $111, 1111 dl&lt. J"a1t con d1 t lo n. Balboa PeM. l7W23S COt.O~EN Apply In pmon MATURE C 0 u pl t for al I: 1talnlH1 1ttfll, &bit ~unttJtcton Buch 84~64 ffrOTOOlt.APHY equipment lor $115. ~ · ...... ' 2/ DONUT Shop work. P.M. BLUE DOLPHIN, ~ Vla panU01111 wortc 5 n!tn per to rta4 blutprlntl. hrntture Ntumed trom dll-only lnd\Mllnl ae.Jt>r 4x5 PORTABLE TV. Good con-TO Good baml; t wk, ·old •hilt. No ewp nee. APPb' 512 W.19th SL Udo, Newport' Beach. ' wk. H.B.~ •M pllr,J.lbad.kll. model bomt1, coloio held enlarpr w/3 &don. 1''' acntn. hit the pum. Small m-..... MR. DON1JT U5 E. 17th Cotta IWa CURTAlN 6 -ry & IWll -""°" tbop. Prllluctletl Tr---WICl111-lens All tnao GI 4aJ1c room om lol' tllot atro 1111 Only -J/4 ~Cll.Tinle -keeper. N!. !!!!.1!M!.,J,. ==;~.:=. :!;' Xlnt~~. 111&1> J~ rood TD;;RNriUR .... =L~co:.~ 135.=~:,:x :.;;awtai":..'7 chlld ....,, lid. lllllr> -""' -2 bro par 41>, ,....._ Co. Co 11 t -:::==:::::::===:.! """"'"1 I 144 .... ,.,.· rt llvd., CM N""°" · 81 v 4, CJ\I. Nt D1po111 • n.. DoD..,., too4. ll vie. C.M. 541-3611 5 ..... wk. 115 par wli. J'or Pim, 'Cll • . " u._ U1>1taln In ,_ .,. C111 su.om "' 'l'l\MIWI mr ..,...., lnmvtew c:al1,lllrl. w·-··~ -·~ • !bl1 ._..... ...... .. ' • J111nnl111·• ..,.,, -ti1. . ............. llbepbotd. -=--=..~c=.t >tllltr, 54U:112 betwMJt t ~.U-~'_..i. W~.. 7110 Anflltell7.000 Wod.,Sot•••we l:i:'.7:e6.X:'1~ pm tor !bll--~ tac--. N2:2066 N.B. A I. -Id! A den1al "8ERVING FOii • UAlll'' F,. 11 in Mmln-,NZAJI -Liv Rm couch, LEAVING ma! J'umltwt Hl·PI &.9-ftlO 6 wltb dl1ldnn. - -• ~· DlET•vy -· --•·-App'" In perion WE -.v ~-~ lltra or· "1111-.df, 2-. I lam1>1 llJO, --•-_....._ •• : -MALE Ptlpfl'. Lo•I" DilNTAL Allllt&lot !or ~ ·~ •"• exp. -· v _, "'w '"-will be Inv-In...,. Dbl BR .. -.i, 3 nila mo-~-.-. ..,.-_., bEAlJ'l'IJ'UL l' AM•FM ·----It. nt! tn H\ltlt.lnc1IOb 11:30t.olf1.1,CitiltaMt!ll Howard.'1 Rettalll'llnt. «m RlGHTSPOTroftYOlJ ~tnlchtduHn•Aft&n. .._dbl dttwr $1JIS am. a~ ~!Jc , tttno with multiplex C.11 .,·1 otthado4ill . Memorial HQIPttal. 301 Vk> Wett O:it.lt Hwy , N.B. "IT'S NOT WCK" il)ylla bt l)'ltfml 1: op-Rtblt G E Retrl&' s1' &17"'°'51, 25088 °"~1tn Q1lVd ehaJWli' w • l n a t I:::-='::::-.,-==,_..,,...~-•, 8llCb. Call tG-33211 tolrl Street. sa..~. ext SALE.901JU.,..E:xp. on I'/. ''IT'S KNOW HOW'' 1 ertUOQI performance, &!Me · • ·2 M. Laa\lnl'HQls. ' ~t, .... aria tor a.o8rl' • Jdtdlln, dlu. DENTAL_..,,., -al· !30. lld1'I ...... rood 1a1U1 I FEMALE DIVlllON Experllnce In telepro-~ ..,! .;., ~ mo ~GE Silt• Dii1ittO A IOll al -1111 aolid ~ hlll1. lll'mS or !lee only. Colla .,_ .,.._ HOlllEKEEPEll, Ii v e • l ~ 1111' "1<,, Fri. or Sol °""'' Sec. Tftwl (f'rll) •" • !ISO ~ anvlronmmt 0i60Jtiro~ lll'tk SlOO I -l' diV.n, blc)<dt, ..... (no .,_) lllol, II'\' l'IM'!• "' OJI 1-11118 _,,... "" walller. Sa1u7. --lOllClll MOm. -.............. l!l! 0 ....... __ I •• 25 hr ...... -•"'--· -1-.. -•I about 111 orti"'"1 -itilOlirik: ---DENTAL..,, ... ,. -Lel .... Wortd.831--0171 Avt.,llBiooldnnt· Loe¥ Se<: ............ H•• r"""""'n • ... -·--·· -W1D -----211 -· N"'llOl't Bllchl°""' • IOOkkl11'l11. SNACK iL\liiV;i.irnm --Ol!1ca .... l!OO ~-o\;N<lllleetural ... ''8'" TV w/•t•• .. MO., .&..ai-. . 1100 141-1114 ' -lftdlce· -Part -lull dlup, Good ,.._., -MALE DIVlJ10N :;z~-ltrtttr --!...... R. -= -iii iOlid PllllWOOI> I XUIT -tr. Uw In ...,.,,, Clll -• 211 -1-Bell Colt Amllnl .... to 1111 . -. leTNt -DLVINA'J'Oll-...... i.t. r,::za _ -;'.': '™" i04m hllqor,ta•allo;9111r1~,-~-w-• ~ 111111>-er.plll;rTmte .... t01eaD _..,·Teoh· """'1 Al rtlWOldii -----•• wahet.All/l'll~Vl'l:--lo-S.A. ..._. 5CWllJ -~ --·-' -·<DllSUOortw llM!...,.. tllllo tlO: ~ ...,. ...... ; ut -. 110. ....,....., I - --. -l/f ,,, •·•· 111 11m1 "'part d,... OOllPA1'10N --..,.;. -................ la.. . 19 S4 hr -ff. • bot11 lfO. Aft!L -Ill. ---, IOlla tor l Wiff iOiii1iO -iiiOa MATURE ll>llln -can 11M111 , u-iL --··Le~ 10ME rRJ:E I Unit ~ falt ll'I' -' lil5iijildl 1jiiiiiO ...... ..... -• ---~ ~"Mi:=-~ Sim'• MEDICAL --~-· L11uo1. M=~ tams t CUil6i ifll40' Iola. Ullo new; ,_·,.,... -( Cl'141tl)opt.S.mt ., tllal'IVol4"""11t DilNTAL -~...::;i;,::"""· HOITJQ/CAIHlli -·~ • • :.::'.=" )0 !ull ......... dllllllMIH LD<ll -J1•1t• II" -·-' Part llml. MM0l5 ---_;;-·lite= Good pay, 11111 Eut Adami, --•""-a...~l~l&lnt • ' WA'ftil -!O '"" Pl. Jloro1r ........ , :If OHll MALE -I .... ~-.. namnaRo •• ..._ . r~ ..,." TW' 'm llCltlamJ.~~ Oood •..a. bomt • '"°'-.,,_,, .. •twk> wlll\i cddre ....uN aum:rr .,..-.., " -Nowpart --. :toll·-Dd'9 ..... loo . --do I& TUii Ill. nn1a1. -a11tr I or to-IG3 -'Illa IWLt tnm 114 54Mlllll aft I pm. liAiriCiililii' Lo1>11y Ollloi piny p1iltl--: ' . . -11111. --------1'l'I 4 llZVILATICll W a1t"lllll ..0-. I••• ilid.i_..fttt!Motll, *~* Conw1'11b61"bll ' ' filfA.111111.0liv.l:pUl Komtnutom&Oc ....... ,flY•MtlflCll'l'lltr .. 1 ._,11i11ptr.zJW1•ll -•-!Ml m1.00utHwr ··~ N...,,n-,........,.... --. ---•·,._.,.,"'..._..,a. 1iw_aoe.,.. = * - * ™-~ 111-. Ni47iD..; a. SdL -' • tl'l-llll. It. lltll --· • •...;;;;;;.;,._ __ ,........ __ T I • -I •• .. ~ . ... . . .... ··~ .. ---. -. _._ I ' . • ' . . . • We need quality (no junk please}. Furniture, c o l o r 'a. stereos, applJances, t.oo1s and office equipmen!,_ TOF CASH IN 30 Mimrtel! 5ll-12U * 893-CE55 BUYING Silver Colna 10% over facr. Dollan: • $1.'lO. Silver rrlcll:ell $3.50 roll. COSTA COINS 837 W. 19th St., CM. 6£14-15 r ' • • • • • ,_ ~f'C!T~TJOt! • TIAN$1!0ll'rATION , "'"" Cora r "°" Utod"Cllt-,,.. DO DH HOLIDAY -RAMB~ll Invites -Y ou To • COMPARE AND $4VJ. ...... '69 IAMBI.ER FuD ·Sile Seats 6 1Z8 H.P. -~2043 · Plv1 T I L-G',.r tod•J BRllBJ ID '68 J.VWll llG ENGINE l!G Si'ACE SMALL PRICE $2386 Pl•• T I l-12 7tf69 BWD llEW '69RE8R THE PEOPLE CAR $2436 Pli11 T 1 l-1175212 BRAND "1w '69 AfilAJSADOR AIR COND·Y8 TINTED GLASS etc., etc., etc. $3286 Plv1 T l l-S I 10189 Ask About' 0 18' Red · White & Blue SALE FREE·Car Radio FREE-Car Radi9 Po-r lrokes · FREE·Cor Radio Power lrokes Vinyl Roof SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES '62 VOLKSWAGEN Rrclio, h11hir, whit• w1ll1. HMR.549 $895 '62 FALCON 4 door, avto. tr1n1., trclio, h1tltr. IJG912 $595 '64 RAMBLER Am1ric1n. A11!0. tr1n1 ., rt· clio, lt11!1r, Vrry 11ic1. OSROll $895 '67 FORD F1!rl1no 100.' 2 door htrd• top, only 14,000 mil11, In wrrrrnty. VFW OJ I $1895 '66 CHEVROLET Supff Sport, Foctory rir• powtr ••••'· SIP74' $1895 ' '64 DART I Auto, h•~• .. rHtO, htthf, OMLl'I $1175 WIPER SPfCIAl .... c-•595 ...,.,.,,, '6' II.._ '1775 be•••••--.. s ....... .,..... HOLtDAYI w.&-. -7 ..... ,_ ,.. Y-.. C1"'1 h II I ff9 Jllrllor llYd COlTA MW 642-6023 I I' .j lb .. , •• hi .. lb at to Ht • al lu "' in m it B< th lb d• Pl d• " " m w Cl .. U) u II ol ~ ~ " • • •