HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-12 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa( ' • e • , • I ~ . . ' • • • 1 .. ·1 ' • • .. .Finds .Lest YoP-#g~ter,, .S $15.9 .. County Asks U.S. to B.ack COast .on Ban ' ~ ~ BJ JACK BllOIAClt ................ ~ ... ! • ·-• .,.,.. •• f Oranae Coun!Y ~ Tueod~y , asked tbe' fed~. gonriimelll to join . the ~ of Calllornla· In ·prohibiting llll oil drilling of! tbe Orqe County coastline fiom Ille s.Dtii Ana River llOUlh lo the coµnty lli!.e .at san Clemente. ·~,)', state goveminent hu such • probi~ under the Sbell-OmninghaM Act.• Now the;COllJlii ~. In a resolution offered by Supervisor Alton E. Allen ol "8&11!\0 ~ urges the federal government lo, •jecopj!e thi& state- establiahad oil Nftduary•from Ille Santa Ana Ri~ mouth 101tbWard and out to the three-mile llmlt. Allen's plea to the U.S. government aakod that Orange County be glvm "valid assurances tbat no 9ll drilling operatJons will be pe(IDi~ within U,. adjacent federal waters of. this sanctuary." The resolutioa also asked that the State of California coosider all PJSSible steps to prevent· oil poltutJon of beaches and horbors of Orange County tllrough enforeement of the Shell-Omningham Act. Also supported are the "'""" of the Board of Supervisors of Santa Barbara County In attempting to pr<V<lll ·lurtl!er1 drilling off the coast in federal wa~ · , ,. . Allen told fellow supervilon ol bia I filght over the oil-blighted area lut Friday and of his fear that ~ oimilar could happen here. , ~ _,. . . . . *'* M ··,1·1· •. ,1·' , .. ·1-· o· n I I . ) r . .. I ' . . • The resolutioo PQillts out that "in apite of assurances from the Deparq.& of Interior and the oil ln<hlllry' prior to leasing that adequate· Afegurdl wau1d be implemeoled to provenl pollatlon ol the ocean and bucllol, there bl& beOI! a major oil optllqec from drilling _... tions on a lease In federal n&erl dJ. Santa Barbara and Ibo oll an Qi! sanctuary ""'IJl!ied by the .__ ningham A<.1." • Screenwriter's Son Slwt • * * * ' • ! I ' No Trace of Oil Fotmd Off Coast ' " _j . . 4 If --~ .. ·-• • • • ) "' .. '' .. -~~ • ~ I • WEDNESDAY;.._~~~~y ~2, ]:69' · ·let ' I • I ) I ' I 'l \ : ., . ' . '1 .. • * .. . . \ I"' I ' I ,...>• , •• • cJ • 1 ,_ .• I • ·1 l I Mll.YMll' I Shell Oil PJans Make Newport Fry * * * Nixon Calls :'Disaster' . In COunty Fl'Otll P .. e I ~SLAYING ••• : to move." Then be fled. : PoUce deocrl!Jed lbe .... -u "bipp!MJp<" wllll -and bllCI: · lfllda. A -Aid, "Oii top al • lbe nfrll'ntor In lbe ldtcbon -I :111ellb cerlDllc dtlth --.. I blac:t hit. .. : .. ----tho bill. • -25 -...... eoppl .. wbal . polico eoJJed I ''lllpple pnJ<r .-tin&" ; ........ al tho trqoclJ .. -juat : a few ?O<ml away. DAILY PILOT ............................. .__ -·---CAUIOINIA ....a O)AIT PUIUIHING COMIWt't ll:ei..rt N. W ... ---Je1\ I. c.f., "ic. ~ -o-r'tl ...... """''' 1 .... ·-ttt. ..... A. M.,,W.. --P1111I Nlne11 ........... ...... -c.te Mot: )l) W..I .. ,. t""' .,_, 9"dl: 1211 .rtnl M ... .....,.,. t......-9"dl:m'-'"...._ .............. ""111 ......... _{ Red .Terror . ' Bombs Fail ln ·Saigon SAiGOll (UPI) -c.mmunl8I l4Tor J>om1>er1 loda1 tried to blow up two -Cln')'in& ·-"' ~ serTlcemen In Salgoo. '!'lie bqs riders spotted the bombs, cutting off one and speeding away from the other ll<COllda before tt exploded .• IJ! northern SDalh 'Vlelillm, 7,1100 U.S. and allied trllopo "'°" Into tbe A Sbau Vallty .,... to break up wbal American command.en said was a Communist buildup ' threatening the clties of Da Nang, Hu• and Quang Tri. IJ! that drive U.S. Marines todly thraw baclt ·a Sirhan. to Chaµg~ . I Plea to Guilty? " -Co\Jr ~ - LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tiii polllblllty ll'Ol8 today lhll lllrban Bllbara Slrlllll ,.., dlanP, hll -plea lo plllY .. Ibo IUNiJol ·--al -ltobort F. Kennedy. "SUCh a poalb!Uly la alwa)'I dllcussed in any cate/1 defenee aUGrney Russell E. 'Panom aUd. 111 baye ~ about auch a polllb!Jlly. wllll · lhe pn>ieculloD right from the 1'eglm1ln& Bui al · lbe moment, the trial ls going on." 111• tmn ID prtaoo -i..ad al dlatlj -wwld be lbe -_.,, -Aid a lulll1 plea Woold not praclude lbe def--....... !Gr mercy for Sirban. ' The ooly llkely Ollelacle WCIUJd Ila Sirban's own refUla1 to chaDle-hla pa ii WU reported today. SJlbaa. a - :If.year-old from Jordan, ... - u fearful a clwlge of pita W<lClld nib him of tbo opporlwllty to publicly air . reasons !or the asaau!naUon. , counterattack, killing 1Z Communl.sts. In Saigon, two Viet Cong on a motorcy- cle hooked a bomb onto a window an- ligrenide. scrteD' .of one bus carrying about 50 U.S. ol&era OD tbo . stall al Gen. Crelpton V(. :Abram.I •. Parsons aald be and other defense lawyera were,to.meet wilh SlrbaD durlni the day "to review the whole case." He aald some annouooement might grow oul of this. Tbe report l&ld Slrlllll'1 ~ ar.. ..... .,. ·buddied -tbo defmdant, hll molher, and brother Tue<day to -the poalble guilty plea. .. -DAILY PILOT ll•tf ,.,... SUZll!'S MOM TOASTS HOSTS WITH SOFT DRINK Bltt•rswffl Pullnt for La Thi Lan An MIJJy ... i... opolted tbo •hara• and ar'erted -Lt. Col u.rolcl ·l. Kelling, ,..led Dell to •lbe ,.mi!dw. Tl>t· lllle WU undtntood to be P!epared to live "lt!l'loaa eoaslaer1Uon" to a pllly plea. SUcll a clw!c• ID plea, U II occurred, would raall from either .. Ill> cientandlns ar a firm b e 11 el thllt a Fretn Pflf/e 1 Speculati<11 allJo ..,. Mom.y D!P1 wben EvoU. J. YOW!l<!r, Loo A.,.i.a Counfy dlatrlct allon1ey, aalcl - elaboraU.O In a _.. !nlerNw llllt tbo Sirhan trial could lake "tbree -or tbr~ days. u HARBOR SCHOOL BONDS PASS EASILY. • • " Leading ' '' Lady ... ~ school district can do with fund! for bpJJdlng." •. 'Ei.ctlon day c.;.pa1gn .,.,an1aer Jl!n ·Wood iald . limply, "U W.. good to support al two Meaa Verde pollln1 places -Adama llCbool and Bilearlc school. Voter. 1ave the boDd. IO percent or better approval 1n I,. preclncta, and better than 'Ill percenl In I8 olben. wltb conversion of two-year intermediate _ schools to lhr ... year mlcldle acboola for, llixlh through eighth grade. , Hlgh schools will'lie ezpanded to bandle enrollment of up to !,000 ..-11 eal:b. l!lni" '. I Sum's Mo~ Cited for Courag_e :'!l!t'!".ellid· 11111 ... ..um.ated I0,000 .._.... calla ,... made between lbe, houri al I· and 7:IO p.m, to -•tJdenllf*I a s ha~ a strong 'yea' .....,_tlnl., I ~· (.'. Tbe vallnJ, wlijdi'_was so llghl during the day t&lt at' 5 o'clock 10me school officials felt they had lost the election, came in heavy during the evening houn:. Leu! supporl WU ft<eived at McNall7 School, $3 percenl, and Whittler Scboo~ 57 pen:eot, wellllde Colla Mesa. and at ooe polllng pla<e on Lido lale, 'ea percon~ Balboa, 61' percent, and West NeWporl. 61 percenl • While district elauroom needs DOW, are supposed to be taken care of for · the next four years, another bond eleCtloD might be called in two and on6-ba1! years. School officiall aay the other year and one-haH is needed for planning and , construction ~ schools before they. open. By 'roll BARLEY Of tlM .,..,, I"*" IMll There was a new leading lady Tuesday night In lbe llory ri Suzie. What bu happened to many a Hollywood femme faWe happened to Utile Nguyen Thi 'lllM Pbuong. In true Hollywood style, 'llhe was sidelined in her hospital bed wblle a al<>Hyed !illOl1l VldMmese beauty captured lbe heart& of the "Suzie Set" at tbe Balboa Bay Club. Tbat't lbow bollness, you mlsbt oay. Bui, you mlghl well add, did It bave tobebermother? But H S.year-old Susie knew jua wbal wu going on sbe would, the party agreed, have stood up to cheer. Far lbe celeliratlon hosted by Ralph Berte, the club'• assistant general manager, paid tribute to the courage and lorUtude ri a woman who bu main- tained ._ ~1lnlng, IKkfay vljll at lbe bedalde al tbo llWe girl with whom aba traveled 1,000 miles from berDINIDgbcme. Lovely Le '1111 Len was adually lbe · toost ol a malllopurpooe party. 11 was fJnt ICheduled as a ·~ctory party" far Suzie, abortly after llhe successfully undrm>I open heart IUfl"I')' and just befora Ille contracted lbe """"'1 lnlectlon lhll la -rapidly 101boldlng. ,,,.,, It became a trlbuto to Len -· sbe -lbal .... -be 1otni Affi CRASH ••• for tbo toaab, all-night ....,...,,. opera· ~ boq1ber rammed lbe 4,050-lool ,,...;111n --Onnge County'• Saddleb<ct landmark at lbe cr!Ucal aewn mile Umlt point nm1heul ri the air bale. ooe where other crashes have """"""- Sberlff'1 depuU.. were the llnl to ~acb tbe amoky scene of devastation, via a narrow dirt road tnown ~ the llmllq Truck Trall and med mainly foe lelepbome line maintenance. TllllEE BODIES FOUND They repwted flndlng two hodies lntoct and a third WU laler dilcoVered, bul c1ar-, a cbo1rln1 cloak ri mnote alld log, plwl heayY brush bid the shredded blle and plecea ol other vlctlmJ. Sahqe and recovery operation1 were -Unaln( tod<y, u a force ol 50 -detailed ,to the grim job combed a wide area, aloog wilb sberlff'1 depuUes and coroner's investig1ton. No one aboard the plane bad any dlance to ball oat before II smubed Into tbo rull'!l peal: al lbe t.~oot level and they probably never even knew wbat bappensd. Moj. Boober Aid lbe largest slftgle piece of wreckap left ID tbo Clll)'Oft, an offshoot al Jaraer Modjelta Canyao, WU a IO-foot plecs ci wing and fuaeiage. The reat was shredded rubble. Hellcoplm from El Toro MCAS hovered over the vtrtually lnaccesafbJe slta w!lh DoodliChta, u ground telrcbert alrllQled to mcll uie crub acene. BRUSH nRll3 QUEl.LED -11ra touched oil wlleft tbo Nep- -Gplodnd ID a ball ri flame were mlllpllbec1 . by Oranp CounlJ '.Fire Dlpailme•t unlU -Modjuka, 1911-, Trahuco and Irvine Lake 111-Uooa. · "" aul> -.... 'ptnpobrted by QI!,..,. U t.l nillel Up the HmUnl ~ Tnfl -Wbldl -U I IIiO br9all --... cl Ille taolated Ila-. -Aldbor!Ua 11 Loa Alamllol NAS al· lldall1 loaed tbo plafte overdue and .. --down at 10 p.m., lbe 1&111a time 1 lJ.JUl"(lld gtrt heard one room low ..... a run! Dome In the Santa AoaM- Mulena Protepec, vlaltlnc Mr. and Mn. cqde ~. wbo live oo Modjesta Canyoe Road near lbe Tucker Bird home Friday and leafing Suzie to con- valesce in Orange County and join her later in Vietnam. It wasn't an easy decision to make, Lap said, but she was desperately needed by her sb:-month- old soo and anny officer husband. Among other things, it became a Valentine's Day •party when Lan an- nounced thal she would be flying to Saigon Friday -lbe dsy tndltl...U, reserved for the ktvel<n. And another aspect wu added when tile happy mother told lbe group thal she would be back home for Tet - New Year's in much of Asia. Among the guests was children'• hospital nurse IJnda Henning, whose hus- band, Navy Lt. Douglas Henning, first spotted Suzie'• rapid]y deteriorating .con- dition and arranged for her tnatment in Orange County. Linda Berke echoed the thoughts of everyooo at , lbe party wbe• she told Lan: "We know you have to go, but we bate to tee you leave. Please come back to Orange County and see us. And hrilll suz1, wllb you." And tears were · not Vf!rY far 1way when the sllgh~ gracefUI Vlelnamese lady aocepted another tout: "To Suzie and Lan, may God hi.,. you holh and keep you well." The -couldnl make· II. but lbe show went on. It was, a1 they say, quite a party. SaooWuy, heard I flrt lruck'I slreft moments liter. "That must be that plane," she said, but it was evidenUi only a search aircraft en route to the spot where tbo Neptune crubed. Investigators stood by at the scene today, ws!Unc for log and min to burn The 4.1.5 percent turnout was less than the 44 percent Jut bond election, but still quile high CODAlderlng the school district ran a quiet, selective campaign pr!mMily a\m<d at parenle. In most llCbool dlatrlcts anythin& above 25 percenl la cillllJdered I high -The bend measure never trailed from the finl vote returns. It received u high as 19 percenl The bond money will buy 40 portable classrooms to end double sessions next fall, permanent ciassrooma and scbool expansion, an Eastbluff elementary school slle, and a bua gar11e and warehouse. The llrit year of double ....ious also will be tbo lut. Pruontly, 1,IOO second gr.den ue lhariq me of classrooms, one clUI in · the morning and one in the aftemoon. The school dlslr!ct now will go ahead U the bonds are now sold for 2f years at an interest rate of about five perc<n~ as ezpected, tbo tax rale slloultt increase about nine cents nut year, · 16 cents the following year, SS centa· In 11171-'12, dOlm to 20 centa lbe following · year, &leadlly decrwlng lbereaft<r. for • the life of the bonds. Tbe c:um11t tax rale la 14.• per. $100 of ........i valuaUon m Colla Meaa and 14.07 In Newport Beach. *** *** *** Precinct Voting Tabulated 7 l Js ;1 J! LOCATION ii e LOCATION e ·i i .. ,!I ,s . 436 -. Balboa 8IS m 114 6'1.1 Harper Scbool "1811 m M •••• N~ Scbool 1112 m 185 II.I IOI Eut lllb Streel, CM 1422 "" 214 65.t 3503 ·~ Drive, NB lllt :llt IC 6U Woodland School . 6M 211 74 74.1. 411111 Neptune, NB 711 111 • 41 10.0 llelnl ~ Sdlool 1103 259 llS 71.I Newpcrt Sbora .Coiilm. Atooc. IO'lll 16'1 113 llJ.O Llndberlh'<llcbool ·806 257 1JZ 67.I: 212 Via Dljcn, Lido hie · 792 Il5 IO! ,60.1 Mento VIiia School 1146 349 I07 71.1 759 Via Lido Sou!!. Lido lale IMO 1'14 Ull 1A.I 206 Del Mar, CM 957 219 91 .... Mesa Verde SdKd IO'lll 461 100 · IU Bay v-SdlOOI 949 287 IOI 7U Horace Emlp Sdlool 1232 396 lS2 75.0 PllllarlnoScbool 1347 549 IO'I 13.7 Newport Harbor Hllh 114 192 Illl 71.0 ~School 1098 396 119 77.0 Marlnen Sdlool 1163 259 IOI 77.1 Bear -Scboo1 J:i 20! II '18.1 Marlnen Library 772 394 .,. 113.1 Soaon Scbool "IZ2 117 •.t 1411 Mariners Drive, NB 125 141 '19 II.I Orange Cout College 11115 433 .. 84.~ 2501 VlaMarlno, NB !UIS 419 IOI llU Collec, Part School 1815 477 115 'IS.I Corona del Mar Hllh. Easlbluff 1951 'Ill U5 15.5 IllH Wbtte OU Street, CM 743 326 411 17.J. 30I Grand Canal, Balboa lal8lld 821 115 . IOI n.o McNally Scbool 99I 123 IOI 13.J: 206 Ruby Avenue, Balboa hland 821 270 llS 7U Whlllltr Scbool 1040 1111 lJll 17.1 13 Beacon Bay, NB 915 246 IO 71.2 Girls' Club, CM 968 Ill3 116 ::~ 2612 Seaview Avenue, COM l2M 345 172 66.7 E. A. Rea School 1113 199 'II Corona de! Mar School 1184 351 110 '18.5 Pomona School 751 205 11 n.r Harbor View School uu 469 Ult II.I Wllaon School IOll :m a 71.t Fire Station, CDM 1511 440 I71 71.11 Canyai School 910 2lt Illl 18.I 211 EveninJ Canyon Road, CDM Ml 11111 7' 1111.S --1049 584 73 ••• California School 1187 546 117 82.t Adami School 1057 IG6 a •. , Newport Helghta School 1111 361 Ill 113.S Ahleft"8 17' • 11.S. 'IS.S 242 Ogle Su.et, CM 111!1 171 1S4 116.t TOTAL 53,511 11,Tll 1.454 oil before beginning lbe last cl!,.:;:::::=::::::::::::::::'=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==========;:::;;:;; reconstructing the wreckage for clues to the cause of the accident. TWO WEEKS TIWNlNG The Minnesota reserve squadron flew into Los Alamitos NAS last Sunday to begin Its annual two weeks' active duty trainiog, but were pracUclng out of El Toro MCAS on night mi!sions. Ironically, safety was the reason, because air traffic Is lighter in the El Toro arta, compared to skies around ~ Beach. wilb In and outbound Long Beach Airport jeUlnert and private pilots practicing maneuven over the harbor waters. Military Dien are knowft to consider the Neptune -which la now being pbaaed otit of service -as a tern· p«amenW bird, with Ill combined twe piston engines and two BUpplementary jet engines. '!'lie Lodlbeed-bulll atrcrafl wblcb crubed Tueoday night la an updated version of the Neptune, electronlcally equipped to drop 80llar buO)'I '" tbo sea, monitor the signals and W'O in to destroy enemy submarines pinpointed by lbe .. a-to-otr S)'llem. PLANES COWDE Almotl uactly II yeara ago on Feb. J, 1951, '" earlier Neptune P2V mqdel collided with a Mllllary Air Tranaporl System Cua troop carrier, In mlcHilr over Norwalk, raining bodies and debrlt to tbo ground. 'l1le MATS tr-crubed m lbe parking lol ol the Loo · Angelea COuoty Sberilr1 Norwalk substation,_ killing 43 .,....... wbo ellher fell llJigJy to earth .. ..... •andwlched In lbe burning -... .. '!'lie N eplune Involved In lbe mid-air co1lla1on came down, still under partial oontrol, and tlammed Into a Santa Fe Sprlnp Mndpl~ but ooe Navyman aboetif survived. Anolber Neptune wblch bad Just taken off !.,.,. Loo Alamllol NAS Oft Sept. 12, 11182, developed lft engine flrt and , the pilot chole to try to limp homa rather lhaft dltCh lbt plane oflihoro, ! ~ ... ITIEWAlOBW> THATTHIS TIME. ' A new and revolu· tionary calendar watchband that pull the whole ym on your wr!Jt -and then some. Two small dials let you refer to any month 1ri'1 lime 11 a bullt·ln calendar unrolla bed:• ward.1 or forward.1 to make your watch bod· 1 functional 11 well 11 handaom1 fuhion acce .. 1ory. Sundaf< and bollday1 In nd. Cbolc:e of· Twist·O·Flex• 1tyle1. Stalnle11 tleel 18.H ID~ yellow aold-&llod Stt .95. N1nr hu a watchban.t 'meant IO much ta a mu. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .J.kmpfu.i•d 'J11Wt1£r 1121 NEWl'ORT AVE., COSTA MESA •• 22 YEARS IH THE SAME LOCATION ' ( l'HOH! 541-1401 ( \ ' Duniin.gton voi:. ~; NQ. 37, s .~10.1-1s. 11 PA(?ES ... ,J ! • T " di ' • I • .e " •• HB Eye -Finds Boy · Helicops' First Mi.ssi.on Succes$1itl ' ' . . By, TERRY COVILLE ' Of "" °"" ...... ~-.A dramltic air sweep by the city's new police helicopter was employed Tu~y afterhoon to find 1 missirig S.year-old. lluntlngloo Bead! hoy; LiWe blue-eyed, bl!Jl1d Gary ,Depue w~ spotted from the air at 2:30 ,.m. as he stood soaked from bead to 'foot next to a swampy area west el Beach · Boulevard and north cil Garfield Avenut. The boy· had nm away from bis baby ' . sitkr's house earl)'. in the morning because . h~ feared 'sbe -WfS going to spank him for telling a-story the day before. The baby~tter, Mrs. Virginia Metz, 8291 Yorktown St., HunUngton ;Beach, reported the child missing wllen he wasn't brought to the house by his grandfather, J. 0. Depue, 8151 Malloy Dr., Huntington Be.ach, as nonnal. Twelve Huntington Beach police units were used in the -search in ·1ddition seatence Affeeted . Plea Change to .Guilty to the RB. EYe', Uie Clepartment 'is new patrol cllol'P"', · Police Ser~ant Robert Mcrrison riew a!Qngside : World ."tiis0ci81e;• 'p~ot JOiin Crawford u the belicopter. ~ the city for the boy. . Morrison reported that when. he receiv- ed . the call from · the · department •to use the helicopter, weather wu ao bad in Loll( Beaeb· that ipedal pennllston (See ll&'iCUE, Pqe I) Tv ·w .. ' . r1ter .s ' ' ' · Son . Killed ,, • ,, .~. S' . • .. ·~ ~ .. . , " ' TMq'• ft••• " T~.CENrs r , t .' ( 1 , • r •• I • " ( + • ''> , . 1 1; ' . ' .• • ' t : . ·· .. en, ev. ' ·' H l • . ·I All··Frotri .• r r Minnesota . , I ' , I I' • RoaHnr bllnd1y tllrOOih a bl111tol'tlf· cloOds, ·a Na.Y bouiber' .-~ Into 'a , i.nf,e\'IIil Or~~l ~ Tuesday nigbt, then •,~I . down a remote "J1YOll w"11 ~' ":· ' waterfall of fire. 1 • ·; : • , : All oeven reaervlsts aboaid the sPiE • Neptune baaed at Los Alamitee Naval Aif StaUon for two weeks' annual trainiD1, ·dl.td when the four~e an·1 lllubmarlne alrcrait'bl\ SIM'ap ~· Idenutlcatlon ··o1' tHe "Mlnnelpotil-St . Paul. MlM. naval reserve, aquadron dead, wu· ;wllbhel!I, pendlni lnotificali«I OI thelr ·1am111es In the Twin 'CllieS """ • today. • . . Tile ·1:11 p.m. clisaiter wa the• third Involving a Los Allilnltos-l>O.ed Neptune bom!><f. In 11 yean, bringing the triple, cr&sh tl~qt tOµ tO ,M. pi!l'SOl;lS.. '1,1 • . · ' . . Jnlll.ny0 lt WU' feared two ~-dulf Sirhan Case· Possibility• By Gunlllali .,. :=:~:r..!::~. . , 1 • to answer today u memtien 10~ tllei qnit, ' . · ; IJO!.LYW.OOD .(~Pl) '"'.·A. ~an , 'atqOd,lA;a,M(-.'toi1..n~·a',F,&y, · • lookln1 for ~ killed the teen~ . driulloc m111.,. ' . · , . ta~yerS\y1~torneetw\~:·s~~U:"! soqof~.i~~·StJr~nJ l ~ '• r~:.: .. ~ l .. 1 ~·. '1,i,,·; · ··.: · ¥~Y'."i'~~-~.,..·~· . Tbt~'of.the4~~11boinber the day lo review,. the , whole,~" Silliphant .oeirly ;~f•tnd< ~· 11114. " PARlCS'»!il~Qtl l~~:S:ltSTR1ioei«i:$, il~'OT C°'11jSI!' ' 1 • • r~'~ edul~ nf ~. M:0 lbe ~ He wd some llUIOWIC<lll•nt milht arow lh<Y hlid 'no '~" ! ·. ·; · r.-h . • · .:· t · : • ·~;\!,. -·,.·f1""1~1n'V~ : '. c: : anl!-!111 ib!ftlrir ajl"•tij•I·lllPt n.ier. outoftbis. toreiili ·S11B...., 11;n......,·t0tii.• . ·"" r •• ,'f) "' ''·""" »i .d" ': : ,., . '1~·~8'tt!r'•~lC~ LOS ANGEil~ (Al,') ....; Tiie pollibility arose t~ ~t Sirhaii ~~ ~ may change hiS innocent plea to cullty in the gunshot assassination of Sen. Rpbert F. JCemiedy. ' . • : •' l "Sadl a P!!"lli!HJ>.i!I ai)lol'I. ~ . · 1 In anJ case," de!eme attorney Russell . E. p.,_ &aid. '1 have to1ked lboo1 r 11Uch a liliuil\ill!Y with Ibo ·~lion I right """' the l>!>aimlog, Bui aOi the -~ lbe.lrill'1i goin8 ill." The $tile W, unil.ertood 19: be ' ~~·, • ~ ·-.<..lf : :·'·,·, ~; '1•: J • • •• t.! r.._1f[ ', · 1J 1.i+irt',1 r•,.w f ''.:<t~····~". IL •1.icli:'~'ffofti\¥:,,!Mthiriiiiy;'i;• pr'1'1!'4 \!>"~ '!!-~~• ~.~~~~~· II J r-?\ i r · \1•ry : 'I ~: 1,h!f f\,> '>'t" ~V ; •1 . ''•'"''·' I: «.! • !lo~~Cll!lllict'!<jl~ ·,.:' · ·. . . ·u.; . i'OUl~l' ...... bunl v;·. "·"'·C ··;'tiDg;'· .. . ,J,. ,,,,,,.,,,, "1tW'u·j\riclldn•·giouiidc:oidiol''11' toagulltyplea.. . . . ~~·u~,.~~ ' , . ~ i I ~V:: rea: i . I -·~ '. • ~ I L J?l'OOCbJ~.a4d~ou~·~. Suell a cll4!>1• 1n plea,.1f 1t oocurred. • W'-_.·1n·i~ ~· , .. ,,, V: , . " ., . . . . . .. -~-ilf'-Sliuct,.,_m,<i111i(.,.._ .. I I \ '"it said b< and olbtr defense . . . . . . Qnly 17 in Raoo For 18 Vacimt Trf\stee Spots would -It from either II\ ~ · ~:.7:'" u.i· · · • 1 ,:: · ' · · . "'" ". " . · ' " · If• ' "" '. · ~ ' Ll 'Cmdr.· Jfll'Y·'Pi.r... )lllbllC lltah J ~ ..... firm .b•llfl·!llal * ~:i ,~.i:i:.v~:."~~ i-i: A:::, t.·;.,..·:.:-.-~ore.:;-1·~;-·.-ri,··:~·":f"'y· ~: ·;u~tli .. ;.·· .: : •. .~41.::~~; •. ~ liletermmprl80n-inlteadoldealb "All llil''t'1" \""ii~ta . $• "" .1 p . ; ·" ·O:h .. ,n ., , , ... M~·~'!~~~!li\--·would ·betheutrtmepenal"'. · we ve 11 .~ • . , " • .. . • . '.l , · U . · 1 u -~---'-'' ~,c...:L,., ' OJ def.ecti 'd ,..........,. a .of: • • 1. • ' • l · • "' ..,, 1. .. • • I· '· · ~-·l'a.._·~ Wu;,i~ w P-l?IOhl'aaii:lla ~gu1ltypleawouRlnot _ve ·~i_;~,':!!.~?'n.,t.:, .... r. · · , .... ·: .-, · 1i·~ ... · : ..... ·l: tbb ' •··· ~·~~J;t ·li~Clihfon preclude ' the defe)lse ·frOm 'aitiilitc' ror wi~,, b~t ,we ~. ~.&. )live. • . : '; : ( '·: ~.' : :' . r" ' . t : ' ' • .... • '. '' : ~ : ; • • fot"!the ~. :ill·n1'-3tl 'recoftl'y1operi •. . .1. , • , • . • goshdarn-thing·tewortf~11 . . . F-••tai'n Valley Js .movln•.lhe'DlO""-. has-vo•-'.t~,d_ooate #50 for, concrete .:~ ..... ,. . .· ; .. i .. mercy for Slrban Jl!our · .e.1 ... 'inc · ' • · · , ...... • .....,. · -""!'-• • • · i ~ · • ' uun. ' • · · • · • ' 1'be. · . ' · · • . , . !"lln,~ .-" 1udil.111 ~-~ictim. 1 , taln to ttte -cl(yi .; .l ". : " · " , · 1 ·' 009,J'I, .~'-~e ··~l'IOOl.11. • ·Q.~r 1 cqn:-· The ·.boinbtr ~ed the~ 4~o5oo!o0t . ·, °'!1Y . likeg ,qi><tacle W."fd be llllC!le, ilobei'j 'Sl\JiP!!ln~. 31._l~ve .deter WW.,,v;lwiteer ·labor and donataf struction. mo./nt!otn WiW!h' io/nis (>r . J~I ~ll'han s own ref uni ~ ~ hia plea lives tHe fOUowibg :.iecoi.ult 6C th'e· l.layirig: mawt:als uie· ~lty is a;eallitg a. twa;a~re . , Youth groups from the Boy Scouts, Saddle~ck · Iandfu~1 1.t'; CftUCl.I : tt .was re~. tod.•Y· Sirhan, a· slend~. Sllllphant . anawered I knock . ~· the "mountain'" ca'mp 'for. the· youtH ·or; the ' ¥MCA\ arid· other organlsatk.is· hlVe ser~·;J!1lle!'. lhfii~ ~(~kt· of' ~ .. 24-yur-bld-!rom J~ was~ door to his .a~ aborlly!lller 1 already al!f'lll ·aoW.al ~~· air bU!,,1"Je.w1>ere.oiJi't,da!bu.!14ye as fearfUl a c~ ot plea· Wotild •rob · cit)'. · -11 ·7 ,, ·~ ~1 • r' • him cif.'the <>iiPor!Unltr. to p<ibllcly ' air a.m. Th< suapect en-,,-the, ~ 'IJ!d Spr~ed With ·tr ... , ahfu.b< and It· out llieo "''dH and ·ptbM 'I•'" S '.j d-••-• wet. 'th'e"f; .... ' to With only six mocei days to file '"' rea-•f<lr· lhe uiasldnatlon. . . '. ~:·.~~:_~b.?'!"th '.Ill~. me •"""° roV<111,. J!J.l(er .,part., )las )•••ii. ~ ... limeit. the ..... " .. .. .. . . ~ . ~ ·" . reidl"tlio, ..;fk)l-.C.ne of'. fleVJ;i;ii~ 18 trustee positions in six Weat Orange The report said Sirhan's def!nte at-, I" "'."wu• ,, d:nlp. . . -.: . " ,-;. "-,;1 ' 'th ' . -1 • T'TtiC · 1be ·wilderDm ·arei .fePnle611 ·lboUt · vi a . • , , u .L.71"-1i • Comity school districts, ·oely ll can-tor~'huddled wltb tjle d'!~t. his . m.p Sjlllp!laot .'1>owed,S\J\'P!""'• the to llY~ ~9·'.·!~, -bf!:!!"' · ."/' . : the oaly·real~L-1!h;l'ltui>-. ~~ .diQ ~ ·~~ ... ll!t dldsles ·hav~ returned papers which of. motlier; and brolher·Tueodsy t<j dlaCWs suspect ahoved him up aialnst 1 wan, atip~,ri;.:,c~f ", . ~~''. taln Vall-' ani""""· ._~!~le . to , ~ 'lt •• ::.~~1., lf1~~·~• ~ ficiaUypul ·themlnto.lheAprill5elec-th ' 'blBUllty 'I' drtw1apiatol~ndaholhim. RlverParl'la~b{tbesan . · ., ,_,.., ···· ··~-fr-:': nance.,, .. Lion. e possa e . ;P "8· · Then the m&.L Waited, out of U>e1 a~ Diego. FreeWaf, :~EU~, ~Vernie, ·.~D all . yoqth "orll1JJ~liml· ·Jn ~ 'J~ty~ on ~ ~.r~· ~·~~ ~ In the Huntington Beach Union High . me,nt , but ~~~WI· la~ and Av!iiu~:SOd 'the.Sania ·Ana~ve'r:. · :" · .'a·rewv•Uon~btf1•· ' .. r: : ·· · "J 1 1 r •ni;I 1~ .~ wu liter diaCOv~, ~ School District long ' Unie dlalrlcl sup-Coun'cil Pia' ces totheld bodth• 1~, ~'.'.!': g~tbeldt:ed arouod 'I'll~ ~·k · site'. .!; . r.n•-< jrorri the . ~ar-.. •.nd·llecr~ot1 •Dkectq!'Staql'1 . Id!~~· he· cllottobrushg cloakhid'!f.~~ . porter Barletta L. Suter, of 5211 Yale y, ..,, .... t I to . yw not ~ .. .. .. .-.0 .......... S(4fford•eiUlnltes the value tf •the ·por~ r ~"rl!' •VY. , ~ . , - St., a Westminster housewife, has filed to move." Tb!n)le Ded.-: , . Or~ge: _County ,~tlop. l~trJCt ·for on.couipi.UO. 11 IJ)Qqtf3o,IXKI. ·. , , bitll ~ Pi~es o~~ \rictfuis. 1 , : against incumbents Ray M. Sclutlltt, Muz' zle on Talk .. ~ollce de;:cz-~ the apartment IS $1 per· fear .. r. ' •· i ' • 1' "WJt.b 'so-much donated w·~k and , ~ ye~ re ' ~r:_y ~ratio~ !';ere . John J . Bentley and Richard B. Wilson, fl!.pple-type with strobe and black , Pet· nrnj~t, of·Fnnnfain Valley. Maror ma•.:-1:..1 ul1•"'-..1 ,_ uv· _....,.,.. iwbat COlltitruµig tciday, a, a, fotce ot. jlO ' all of.w-have filed. li"'ts A det·~• aid "On to -f · •• , r ' • ,..,,..,. · ~ · -~ " -· w -, • ......, • aetvicemen d!ta!1ed to the ""'"'' ob In the Ocean View School District, e.a• • • ""..,ye s •. P o Robert Schwtrd~ger, River rark. bas the·vilue llj!'!be1~. : . : coth.Wa'wide .du aJong ~wttbiii&;tt•a the only person to file so far is attorney From now on, resldenta of Westminster ~e . relrigeratc;Jr tn the kilchen "".88 . a now · beco\ri~· a full. communijy effort P:arts•Fsemln·ffeni'Y '.Agoniab 1slra'w.· · debuU.. lu(t ~., Jnv~ r ......... e G. Logan of 6111 Summerdale will have to state their business before lifelike ~auuc death Mad wearing a wilh . veral. ciVir . · ' ;icbmg . iJ\ . boSB'of:u.e·~ project:.. · · · · Ha· ale.' ~-tbe1 taae bid l&n -~• the City Coo il 'thin thre min black hat. .. "8' "·"' fil"\111'.'.P. • · "Tbere'a IUU 1 lot to be done," lie . " ,~,t;fr .tiMP.,,. y ~v~di1:::h~rtno~ = orfacethehe1:vy;~velofMa~orO:~: In another apartment down the hall, lO .COIJlPl~te~~.~~g.' .' '; '. saidJ Wt,;city'~·dfldabi·bOpe ;tfMi·i paft. ~:hiiled~t, :i~~"= still to decide oo rwmlng . hlcumbents M~Wblnney. some ;ii ~ were Ollllled In whit 'f)le, f'llY Will :P\'ti' •ljo!" ·ll,000 ,lnlo · win becready• I«" Use• lil ilbcqll l!Jiu · lefff ~plyne1'or'evln knew Robert A. Kno:r and R. James Shaffer. · Oiuncllmen unanimously adopted the police~ 1 ."hlP Jll'•W mee~" the. p~oj~·~ :I~~&; and . 311,ln-; 111onthf: wfitn,.tbe.r t~11t~"'ctlll• . whUlba ~ ,· ,·' · ) : l ; ', In the Seal Beach School Dlstrl<I In· three-minute rule Tu"4ay w Ith o u t unaware o1 ,u.e,1ragedy ·In progr.., Just tenince, bul. the bulk of "l""dit.use pleled<; ' ', ": ' I I ,\ ' ' . 1: : • MiJ:"iliiohef . aald• tlii .tarpdi 'llilgle • cumbents Jack T. Cairns, C. W. Shepard ~ssion, adding that any topics will a few fOODll. l\fly. · ls dona~ ,by, Feuntain Valley ,reaide,nts . · Yotunteer ·work, ,&oWever;i ~t. ·be • p1ece~of· wrecbce~·left in ... h -euyen. and ,Ruth H. Duffy have filed with no b av e to be "germane" or the gavel In lime ~·effort: , · .' . . , '. · co~~UOllS ·'°:l""11~~~:~ · iui offahoot ol ilrfler ~YOO. challengers in sight. . w1n !all. StOck Merkeu · ~:.F1re,~~n~,,.ith ,•ot~n\eer• '. r~m,;..~•~, .. ar..,fddldd9i &qutlly w~ID-.,1tootwu~l!ld'fiiielage. In the Westminster Schoof Dialrict, Huntin&too Beacb City Council, which wor= 'lit 'lhel,r ·~-''llllie, w11 bUlld F -,,,_.y,.u"' '" ·-"-_._,.,_lcfamp , ••~ r · i)ibble, . Incumbents filed are Mrs. Neor$ has no such rule, baa printed at the NEWYORK(AP)-Tbestockmarket ·, 1~thJ'~':'Kfu 11...i.. yOOuti' .~ ·•.tJ•."VW«:~·~ .. , ·. Helicopters from El Turo J '9fCAS Wilmore, Matthew L. Weyuker and .Ray bottom ol each page of its agenda "Keep cl<>St!d with a ll.lghUy lower trend today ~Dll. ~ .11thlf , :;_ ';'~roaring--' ' · · 1 · t •· .) ~-. , i ; ': . , : boVered over the vlrtUalJy ~ble M. Schmitt (also filed !or the high it abort and to the point." Debate, in fairly active trading. (See quotat/ona, Calnp~flre'<anif•"-P ...... ,.or tel/>' s·. I. : " 'lt'·•'I '"B"b ·(floe AJRoalUll" .... .Jh • BChOO/ district board). how. ever, often l'\llll long into the night Pag .. ••1•) tal ol • ed ·-·-.,,.-, .. ' . unset ..... e Tliey are oppoaed so far by Nathan -• " . l'1lU !JIOllll--.. · · . ' ' """" . · Felnste.in,ofl.(9&lNortbtidge't.ane,1Jim.. a:ndearlymorning&°urs. • The Dow Jones industrial averqt at Flrimen ·a11o ·p1an ·.to .~r;_.~1 .• 't"' : ~ , i t 1 1' 1 1 ., J. 1 '0r.... ' ~ ~~- t;•"'on Bea•• 00 -···"-given·, FountaiJUValley tyCOancillsknown ,l :30 ·p;m.wuoff .601tMl.4f . .Loflses ~leilitywlthdlitM'1•lii"~~ 1 ,:p At ·,.. .. ,1 ,1 1,...1 • 1 ·,., '(i -· ""' ~--.--· for Its lltial;t meetings and heavy gavel ' outlfumberod plna by· ..... ,than 100 ;t\ _.. . ' ,...,,,... .. ' . r""'•-t c"''on .. . "' . .. '"' Barbara DePreist of 580I Abrliham Ave. hanclol"'-n~~~e-. . . ''F"""'••l·:t...;.,: W;.__.,.' ~·b • " i"J""" 1 · ' U .. · ·' ' .1 Westminster, a secretarJ; and Dorothy in .. , ... .-.-•~wo;iuw. •-illUl!I. ' ' , ~f~ VIU<Q:, ~• :'-''" · _, r : 1 1 • 1 "l · r · . Peckham of 132111 Illlnola st.. ' ' ·, ·. ' · " ,. . ' :~ By ·Mnd.1 Fii-11~~;. ~~~~r~~ l;:j .. ~Ye .. r Trans.fer Pr ... o.'."t.~e.' .•. ·~.,t·~., ~,1 · ·B~~~v~i::~~=· so far by A. M. Berg Jr., of 19412 .. . to removal ot fences tn ibe1r-rUr·yird1 Fiji Lane, Huntingto" Beach, a speciaJ • ~ ' · , , r ,· · ~1·' " :.1 1 l:)y workmen of the Hun~ Hvbour · I ! ' l L , I ···'Wea••-· ·" • .. , I ' ~· ·=', T"' """'ed~· • Tbe wea •~ , no- body'• coinpl ' .,tlial . I drmle!a all .tlle ,rilii 'lrt'D ·ar..: , "'"· ~ .. ,,.. . a WJUM • .i.1awou4 we, ... ' batit•out w • 'tbe itiOMt to Ibo ·~,,__,L, V. •I;,•:' ,. : ~ (4 ! "'"' \ ... ••Ofl. edlf~~t':'~h~~ his filed as yet in Parents of .Sixth Graders Ob1'ect to lnierm' e~:~tD .·pzaff. ... ; ~~~~~""'i:iol°i3"~(i;;"'.'i; . t1'!e . Hu~tington Beach City School 1 •\'. , , · • 1 _ -l · .. . 1lf~ .. , " " 1 • • corporat.lon;. J District mcumbents Jack Clapp, Ivan ( . t ~~-''"'."\' • r ... J 'l. ~I~ 'I "I Tbe U'll. 11 tbe ~unw: -~. f~ INSIDE DDA.Y Liggetl and Steve Bolden are apecled ,;No lbowerladlltlil,cracked aldowa!p ~ remhJdod ,pU<Dta,; that the ~P"!"'l'~Yl"Pet~:· 1 , , '' , ~'•"~ ofi16o1i1 ·(~·' •-of· ............. ,;.,_.· -i \ to lull again. . ' and ~ lilfi!I wore 1'U10111 gl,.,. Tue,-l;!lidl ol lluojelili !'·11111 fllill' a ,._i, I 'iWt'N. 1'1111111 ,..,,._. , •• .,,.1111 rto l. CJaiod off wiill ilij'liiildoD<a -w -·~· • .,..... - Feb. 20 °!1 lhe lut day !o ·lile foi' daylllchlbypsreutsopp11ood,I•~· llOlyot ,'!doPled: ,'' . • !lelJ>...U, "11 ·11t.111 1moi'.1'WJll--." .,.11...,......._._......,_ tlciil ad •lrl!Uy loo.gt! alOll4I' trultflepollitionl. tbtlr mtb grade chDdra 10 Dwyer ' • • f',• ,l, #' ' g,,i-·,-.! ,· : '.''1~ f ... ~. ~ ' I '~ -·-~~ >' Jr;O~ tottllpeopWtltO'tktlf/em-floriR lnWmodlate School. , ~ "~' .., ~ ~ to lbe l •• ;jllc\.~ .... ;,Lr " . .,-,,.;..; ... 1·:" • ,'cftl\ • ~=-~" ........... '$.tt ',~·.c~ A balTqe of complililts ""''qafn ' wwwuOO!lod,,.....,q . .,,....i. lhe j ~' ,..,.~.to:aO!<.'Ji. .. ...,.,1 ~.oa.~.-. ..i •...-. Heart Week Carded -on tnit-o1 the "'""ticW .truolf!I .~ ; 1 -c · ,, · )1.. . · ~~lb .. ~:,, b1,111o,.~~.! ~~·'•.!'"Ji:!.~ 1 1'oft;~, ·., :,: »' •. _., . . ,,. Beach city School Dlatrld °.vi!rlthe • .,... ,~ 111e ·¥.111\lf •t Dwyer "' ...... ""~' .~. · , 1 Tile ,~-·~-.-.rm ' .:,: .. ; : ·a::. ...... •· I H . 'B h tfosal to transfer llixth graden Into In-SclioOI ~;~.-all!od 'll"f .,,,,..,...l ~ .~· ..,."""1.::1:!;"'""'!'.~rr "I ,-~;,•, ~ ,~ .;', ;: . . district'1crowdtdcampuaeanutyear. tbouldnotshower,"llncetomecbHdrt:n ,W~.Jtf~. , ., ·••· :: bki* ,,.,J'f ~~1 P ·~r '' c.te 1 1.•, -,, c.....,. • n untington eac termediate achoolJ to· 1nev1ate the one j,iniit; ''tliilch ~ clO you thlnk1 . • .ljte.,....,,, 'riilUl\l.;,ot. ioU, 1 P<!V 1n_.~1 •'""...:1 1' ...,,.. it,,-· '!'1•;11•·· 1 =.,r-. ..,: , • ~-= . .': ·. February~ Heart Month In Hunungton 'l'lli! time the cr!Uclsm caino from will certainly have to attend Dwyer. I If u..:~ •!Illa , .... !' ever; 1 properly,1 ~'1<>ll,o.a,114·c,1!1-• • :;:.:_ PT• ' J Je1ch aod the week of Feb. 17 has parents •of chUdree .who "\ltl>d Porry Anderaoepolntedoutthatthedlalrlct] .~fflltrici·i,,ui ... ~ 1!1!!,•!"r~ ,Illr~~~" ·' ! <> · '' =-~•:,f,•"i.~·2:• i i.en designated by Mayor Alvin, M .• Sehool. and livt CID the WI, llde ol \1 w.ell &'lfare ·!l=i,Qioer probllon sll!l.lld; ,~; " 1 / / : ComplllJ ;~-..,11ld; ~ •ha4"·• I ~ ' Coen as Heart Sunday-k. -Beach B.oulevanl. • • ~ "but anloa the 'bOod ..-ti 1 ~-· a . · P ·~~~iu nollilod the "'""""t .property -·" ~· · '1'.J;, ·rt.:.~..:;-• 't .Th• m1yor is qrgleg all retid<nts to Tbey . argued that Belcb,0 8oulovar)I 11 ~ we can't rde U)!'lhinl~ Pi~1e. ·~ . !~~~ ,~ : ot •Ibo t l-1• '1o -. u.., tlb I ~· 'f,"100 Jl . i=: .' l: ' '"-' the Orange C<Jlln) Heart laan1turll-~aDdl!lha'Iralllier ' 11-webave"'~;" · · ~,tbt 1 -·911l ·~."*1Wllf-.-Jllro.,.-,11CO ~ • :::=r," ' " • kilociaUon .. in ita drive for funds to mlllt be tnade, their di2ren 1aboakl Plnftil wdlid aP · + ~~-(Di., two-~• 1 ~ p 1' tltl,~,_JAnctrl~l#cl ::..: ~ . '=·= :. 1: ~ . ~ flnlber the worthy alml ol ~ ,_;,. be allowed to 1ttlend lbe,,....,. ,Giiier by .,.... then ~ -•,. ·~:i.i;.~IW;-:t \» ·~·"~" • !!"'•1'111'.-wto '!\"tlil:Jlb,p!anqod , _._.,, ~ ' \',' .• llol lo tombat heart dileaM. intermediate Kbool. a lad< of cnmmmlCotlao liotw• Ila i)t• .. "''. . oo our·w•·lftll8:t1· .... " , ' .. • ._. __________ _. l ,.., ., 'L.J , ' ) ·~ t . . . .. , r ' -----------~----------------·--------------------------____ .._ -·-· I , . ·---------------------...!---· -----· I ' • ·-y- Shell Oil Plans Make Newport Fry llJ JIROME F. COLUNI Of IM ~ PIMf ltMI Newport Btacb d ty offlclall re- aponded agrlly today to - lhat 6bell,Oll Co. aad ..... other llrma -·to llnk .. explonl<lry -hole ahoul ..,. lnlle off Ille harbor entrance ieu,. •• The plan has stale aproval. "Boy, that rt.ally frlea me.'1 aald Newpon Mayor Doreen Manhall. Sbe and Vke Mayor lJndaley Parsons Uld II 11 ~ble the city wlU go ID court to caned Shell'• uennJI. II WU gruled, ~ for tho oil llnn said today, by the State Lucia Commiss1on OD Jan. 1. "We bad never beard abollt ·tt."' tald Mra llanhall. •'1l1Jt II 1 tolal aurprlae." Ed GallaglMr, -111 11Eatllll to Sbell'a production manager in ~ Angeles, explained that the project " aimed al delennlning !he geoJoclcal -· ol tile -8belf, "U we hit aQJ gu or oil.'' he u.kl, •we will Immediately plug olf the hole with cement. Theft won't be any fudglna either. ,,,... will be slate lnlpec!An aboard $o tee to IL God knows, we don~ want tll1 problam afler all the tniuble Unloo Oil J101 m Into olf Santa BarbarL'' Tbe Unloo oil llick, whlcll rushed up trun an ollshore well Jut week, II lllll foullni jbe beacbel In santa Barbara · and Ventura counJI.,, Auction to Aid Dimes Campaign For Huntington A .Uent art aucUon cl men than 100 patolliiga dooaled by area artlJla Is .-way today Jn the llqnll..,.. Cmtar Mall to -the "' ......... Beach Marcb ol Dlmel campelp, Tbe sale wlll -thn>olh Saturday with p<OCttda going Iowan! !lie -of Dlmet baJtle qalnst birth delecla. The ~ Beach drift, headed by Dr. Dale A. lllller, -al tl!ldlnta at Golden Well Colltce, bu ""a fll.000 aoot to be ralled thn>olh a serlM of even1'. 'l'be art aoctlon II tho llCGOll adlvttJ tpOiiii9Nd by Ille conuiil- 11 .... pnceded lit moalh by !be Molherl March. • . -o1 nm. ~-will help aupport the <Jnop Ccualy Blrtll Def~ =.~1=·..:.= ond ,..-of blrtlt clefoctl at 1111 6alk Imtllule, Lo Jolla. Palntlnp In ollt, tct)'lk:I, -and cbarcool, will be bid ca lllontly lhnlugb Ille -k. It worn ·thll way. A penon entm his name, a-. ~ number and amount bid ... • card pooled with each p1JntJnr Bidding wm c1ooe Saturday at a p.m. &la:eeeful bidden will be nolllled, Uc! may . pick up their palnllnp betweeo 3 and a p.m. al Ille Huntington Coater Mall er they may make arr-- lo bave them delivered. A< llWll' u 411 of Ille palnllnp came from !lie Huntington Beach Art Loque. Chairman of the art auctloa -Is Mn. Karl Hammer, bealJh chaJnnan fCI' the Huntington Beach J u n I o r Woman's Club. Amoug artlJla offering .....a to Ille March of Dlm<I are lluwln Duncan, Barai A. SIOoe, Dawn GUlelll.lll, Ferne WlllJama, l"'1< Broodllcl<, EUa A. Fl-._ Bruce Rldiarda, Linda H- Mary ltoberta, Alleen Manley, Marian Ries, P'811' a-ti, OrJa Smith, W1nD1a 6opha, Maurice Gngolre, Maryanne Partlmr, Gall Umpheoou, Cheryl Wblta, Loll Shepard, Jolin Wordes, llarll" Zand«, llhela Glllelle, Irene Gear11, -P'leberl. and Janet lleHaven. Do\llY PtlOl OIANGE C:Oo\ST PUILWflHC C:OMllANY l•ll•l'i N. WHll llttlldeftt ..... l'vbll....., Jae.It •• c.,1 • ., Ya~ a1>11 GfflNM MMatH n ..... r: ••• 11 ..... n-•• A. M.,.,lil11• ,.,._,... ~fffrtr >Jkrt w. ,, .. , wau, •• _. A..Wll lt: ~ 9-11 fdiW City UI ... M ......... .._.Olll'9 JH It" S~•t Malti111 A.1.i .. 01 r.o. 1 .. no, •t••• --.. ....,. -.~: nu w.1 a.lfl&a 1e11....,. c..... Mulo1 :m W.t .. r ltrwf . . . ...... ""'°' ...., """ IU%11'S MOM TOASTS HOST.S WITH .50!'.T, DRINK lllttw1woot Ptrtlnt for Lo Thi Laa t,. ' Leading Lady Susi.e'¥ Mom Cited for Courage .,. TOii llAlll.Ef ... ~ ........ ,,,.,. -a .... leadlllll lady Tuuday nl«hl In Ille ...., ., - Whal bu ..._... to -a HollywoQd --happeaod to litlle N-Tiil 'l1>an Plluon(. Ill trm Hollywood alJle, 1111 WU oldeJIMd In her holpltal bed -a~ -VJ-bel"'1 c:oplured lllll heartl Gt the "Susie 1511" at lllll J!a1boa Bay Club. 'lllat'a lbow ..,_, you mlpt ay. But, you mlpt well add, did It have tobehermolher! . Bui II 1-,.....id l!alle -11111 what WU golnc ai 1111 wooJd, the party agrffd, have -up to c:lleer. For Ille ctlelntlGo bolled by Ralph Berke, Ille club't -t -al m•Dll"', paid tribute to the courage and fortttudt of a woman who bu main- tained an uncomplalnlni, f.klay vigil at Ille bedllde of Ille little girl with -the tra'l<led 1,000 -from her Ila l'fq boml Lovely Lo 'lbJ Lan wu ocJually the tout ol a ~ pon,, ·11 WU lint tcbedi!lod .. a "~:;tJ; for SUJ!e, tborllJ alter tile undfr1ftlll open heart surgery and just befcn abe ec11tracted the wound iniecUon that II now rapidly 111boldhli. Then ft became a tribute to t.n whtn she -1!1at she would be 101n1 home Friday and leavlnl -to -valeoce In Oranp Ccualy ancl join her lator In ~ II ....,, an OU)' declaloa to ..... Lu ..... bat """ WU detperalely-by .... m- old -and..,,,,_ -AmOac oilier tllltp, It became a Valeatlne'a Day pil1y . -Lan ... nounced that llbe:.JO!lid be IJy!ng to Salgoa P'rida1 -Ille ·<111 Jrac!lttonally ruerved for Ille loveklm. . And anolb« aapect wa• added when 1111 happy -told 'Ille eroup that Ille would be lli!ck bome . for Tel - New Year'a In much ol Alla. ~ the ..-WU chlJdno't hoopltal none Linda H"""°', whole Jruo. band, Nayy Lt. IJoailu llerulJn&, first spotted Smle'1 rapld]J dekrioradng con.. didon and manged for her treatment In Oranp C<>wlty. Linda Berke echoed the lhooghll of everyone at the party when abe told Lan: ''We Jmow you have to JIO, but wa hate to aee you lean.1 Pleue come back to Orange County and see us. And hrinC Susie with"""." And flOl\ wera flof very Jar •way , wbell Ibo 11;,hl, grocofuJ Vletnamuo c' lady aceopled ·-tout: "To Blllle and I.in, rilay God blea JOU both and keep you well" 'Ibe IW' couldn't make it, but the show wtnt on. II WU, u they Bay, quite a par\)'. l'rot11 P .. e I AIR CRASH •.• silo wlJh f!oodlllhlt, u pmd aearcbers etruuled to ...... the <nab ...... BRVBR 1'111111 QIJEl1J!D Bruab llnt toUdied oil -the Nep- tune exploded ln a bill of name were extlnJIOltb<d by llnDp County Fire llepartmeot 1111111 from Mod j ea k a , Sllm"ado, Trabuco and Irvine Lake st... liooa Tbe erub -WU pinpointed by lpeedometer u U mllal op Ille llanllnl Truclt Trail -wldcb -u a fire breal< -lrom .... of Ille Isolated ... Uona AuJhorJJlet at Loi Alamllol NAS of. lldallJ loaed Ille plana ovenlue and PftiUblEd -dawn at 10 p.m., tbl umt lime a IS-f'IN'ld girl heanl .,,. zoom low over a rural bmne 1n the Santa. ADI Moml•lr• Marlena """'-' vllilln( Mr. and Mn. CJ1de x-. who live.., Modjeea Canyon Rold near the Tucker Bird Sanctuary, heard a fire truck'a siren momenta later. "That must be that plant," she aald, bul It .... evldontq ooJy • aean:h aircraft en route to the spot where the Nepbloa craalled. InveJl!pbn -by at the m today, waltln( for '"' and mist to burn oil b • lo .. bollnnJnfl !he tuk of recorislnlcllal llM ......ap fer clutl to !he ca-of the aoddeftl TWO W&m 'l'IWNING The M-,_.. oqoadron llew School Candidates To M~t Voters ' Into Loo Alarnllol NAS lul Sunday to besln Its annual two weeks' 1cUve duty tralnlni, bul were practlcln1 out of El Toro MCAS on ulgbl mlalaia Ironically, ut'ety wu the reason, because air trlfflc b ltgbte:r In the El Toro aru, compared to skies around Long Btocb, with In and outbound Long Beach Airport jelllnen and private pilots pracUcln& mueuvera over the harbor wat.ra MJUtlry men are known to consider the Neptune -which II now being phued out of Hl'Vice -11 a tern· peramental bird, wllh Ill combined two piston engines and two supplementary jet eaaJnea. The Lockboed-liullt alrttalt which crashed Tu<oday nlgllt II an updated venlon of Ille Neetun<, electronically equipped to dnlp IOIW' 1Qoy1 In the sea. monitor tbe •lsnals and sero in to deslroy enmny 111bmarln" pinpointed bylheae..-~ PLANPJI COUIDE AJmoet euctly 11 yean .,. on Feb. I, 11111, an ttrller Neplune P2V model collided with a Military Air Transport S)'llem CUI ln>op canier, In micJ.alr over Nwwalk, ratn!D& bodiu and debris to the sround. Tho MATS tr_.i crubed Jn the parklnr lot ol !hi Loo Anpl11 C<>wlty Sherllf'1 Norwall: 111beiaUon, kJIJJng 43 penons who either fell &lngly to earth or were aandwiched In the buml.ng wrecu, .. The Neptune Involved In Ille mid-air collialon came down, aWl under partial conttol, and slammed Into a Santa re Sprlnp undplt, but one Nayyroan aboardaurvlved. Ano!her Neptune whldi had full taken oil from Loo Alamltoo . NAS 111 Sepl IJ, Ull, developed an , an&IDe !Ire and a.. pllol .._ to try to limp -nlher than dltdl the plae o(ldlon. Tralllnl black -. Ille -bomber dropped low• illd lower u It htodtd toward Lellaro W0<1d, Seal BMCh, lheo -tblrpl,y -and cnll>ed In -gr«md ol Ille U.S. Naval Weapons Slatloo. All oloe ~ " • Georsta ..... aquadral --klDad In the cr'ub, whidl ln...ilpton bellned W a I dellberata, to avoid Illa plllllbDJty of a fl«y llauOler JI lhe Neptune hll LelllUl"e World: lt!)s. ~~~on f;h~rgers Future StudentS Pick Masco(, Sclwo.l Colors • Charla wU ~ O'ltl' "11tua" -· Dr. Ribal aad a tarp number ., . . • Wbea Illa -llllh School "Ollqen" IOU to , the foolball neld llMiY wJll ba -cut In llftll -' . )flllle and 1old. Tbe ·name 'Charan· and 11ie co1on were eelected by ltudenll who will altend the new hlch achcOl at Ramlltoo Avtnue and MqnolJa St:etl In Hllllllngloo Btacb when It oPtD11 ID September IO Ill lint -cl-. and foreat -"" -Becai ... ol lht'pmJmlly of Ille aclloal to the Soulhenl Calllomla Edltoo Co. IMam ~ plaal, Ille -II are mipected to make lull uae Gt tho molll implied In "Chargers," Pucoe llid. reaideat1 maJnl11ned that the ICbool name lbould be elw>ied tlnce· ~: ' It -ThomU A. Ea1-alreldy hail . hn>tto with the diltrlct'I tradition el 'l'nllloel Gt Huollnglon Btocl> Union IDll! School Dlttrlct appi.,od the aelec· tkllli Gt Ille atudonta Tutaday nigh! on ncommendatlon of Ernest Pascoe, ptln- cipaJ of the new school. Sunset Annex Battle Start Drawing Near The batUe between Huntington Beach and Seal Beach over poss.Ible annesa.Uon of county territory from Anderson Street in Sumet Beach downcoast perhaps u far u Ille blulla a:u ol HuntlnglOD Beach appean to be on today. Seal Beocb City Manqer Loe RIJller said his cJly wJll uk the Local Agency Formation Commlulon (LAFC) on Fri· day to requlr< H1D1Ungton Beach IO COO· solidate two 11U1U8Uon requesta pending before LAFC. The am:ieu.Uoos 1re No. 5 and 6. The first ii for a amall strip across c.oast Highway at Warner Avenue. It ts an uninhibited area and 1f tt became a pm_of. Hunllnrton Btacb, It would forever cloee the doer to any other city anneilna the 2,000 acre Bolla Chica property wb!Ch U.. -eul of Warner Avenue. The second annua.Uon la for Sunset Beach, a strip community al..., Coul Highway from Anderlcn Street to Warner Avenue. Seal Beach hal!I been asked to annex SlDISel Beach and II developing an an- nexation appllcatton wbicb will include all territory Included In Ille Hunlln,ton Be.ach applications. Seal Beach olllclala have Indicated that Ibey are nol oppoeed to anneulloo of all ol -Beach lnclocllnl the entruce strip to Ille Bol&a Chica. which 11 due someday for development u a large marina and a waterfront com· munlty. Rlaner malntalna Iba! the !,mo ~ " -Beach llhould -. Ille fate ol all of their area lnclndJni the corTldor to die Bolla Ch!A:a. Huntington Beach olJlrlala claim that \ll<J are aR!na for. a -...,...~ " pnMct ~ area wtdch ... ii a utiqlal erea for annuation to the cJly ol ff1in. Uncton Beach.., It will t.e up to the LAFC to determine whethtt any ol Ille annenUm propouls have merit at not. If IDY are found to be feasible by Ille LAFC It la likely that an 1nonatimt eJection would be held during the summer oc early fall. l'l'OM P .. e 1 RESCUE ••• had to be granled for them to take off. Once over Huntlngton Beach the weatha-cleared, be added. W'Jth Crawford at the controls, the H.B. Eye bqan makbig loog aweepa across the hlJfatde aru from Yorktown Avenue to Ad1m1 AftDllt eut of. Beach Boolevm:l. Pi eseuli ig ••• THE W\10IJMI> TIWTFllS TIME. Anewandrm>IU· tionary calendar w1lchbud that poll tha whole year on your wrlat -aad thin aome. Two small Trustee Richan! Wlleon quipped Tues- day nlgllt lhal Ille motif .elected by the ltudmtl was 0 most 1pproprtate con- 1lderin1 tbe )9c1Uon of the ICbooL" II WU lhJa locallai wldcb WU Iha decldJni factor In reteatlGo of the ume Edl"'1 for tho tcbool rather that cbanl- lng to Robert Kennedy u had been au11esled by Trustee Jooeph Riha! Jut not namlnl achoola after peopl,. Trustees finally decided Iha! lllll achool WU to be named Edi8on becluse It . WU localed near the Edilon ldeam plant. This• aeUon gave rile 'to complaints thlt ~ ICbool !jllgbl be known u "Steam ' Pi.nt Hlgb.' Cbargelt, -..,. IUJdent Tuelday, ••iJ about as close to the lteam plant as we care to get in our theme!." Catholic Priest Faces Beach Hit-run Charges Police said today a 46-year-old Calllolic priel!lt facell possible felony charges stem· ming from a bit~nm auto accident Moito day nlgllt In Huntington Beach. The priest, lclenUhed by pollct .. Falher Carl Warra Stokes ol Ille Holy Trinity Parish In Ccvlna, WU hooked League of Cities To Reconsider Harbor Stands Efforll of the Orange County Loam• of Cities to dissolve the Harbor District will be the subject of an e1ecutive com.. millee meellng ol the league Thureday night al Frledemann Hall In Oranp. Speaker wll1 be Kenneth Sampson, county director of harbors, beaches and park!. For more than two years, the league has bad under way a aeriea: ol studies and commlllee reporta concernJng the Harbor District. Sampson has appeared several Umes before various committees rut nol belore the .. lire euc:ullve c:om- millee wblch II compmed Gt mayora of the 215 county dUea. into Orange County Jan Monday after traffic officer1 alleged bis sports car ran down a pedestrian on Broothurst Streel in Huntington Beach. He II free on 11,225 hail today, but faces a Feb. 17 appearance tn West Orange Ccunty Municipal c.otu1 on charlea ol drunken driving and hit-run driving. Ac«>rding to police, the pedestrian, William J. Hallock, 42, of~ Durham Drive., Huntington Beach, wu knocked several feet into the mud at the aide . of the road. It was not clear e1acUy where the accident ~- Fountain Valley police arrested the priest following a minor traffic accldent in their city. He was then turned over to HWlllngton Beach pollce who had baued a description of the veblcle loo · volved In the alleged hit.nm lncldenl. Huntington Beach police said today . they will consult with the diltrict at- torney Thunday to delennlne exaclly what charlea will be brought against Father Stokes. Meanwhile, Fountain Valley police said they plan to press charges of drunk in public against the. priest stemming from the accident in their city. Hallock, the pedestrian, reportedly told officers he did not think he was aerioualy lnjur<d, but later fell pain and decided to teek treatment. The utent of hil !njurlee waa nol lmmedlalely known. Jury Selecood in Stiner Trial on -Trio o·f Charges • Eleven women and one man were Evans UlllUCCessfully argued without 1 named Tueaday u jurcn in the Superior citing the reasons for his motion Shat Court trial ol George and I.any Sllner. hll clienlt, G<orge, 22, and I.any, 21, Malimum security in the heavily could not obtain a fair and lmpartl~ guarded courtroom of Judge Byron K. trial in Orange County. McMiiian conUnued to be the onler of Also rejected by the judp wu Ev the day IS the jurora -all white appeal that ODe cf the cotmtl Ag -were IWOl'D tn. 'Ibey mU!t decide the brothers should be dismisse(f. 1 in what ii ezpect.ed to be 1 10 day More serious· charges race tbef two : trial U the Negro brothers were two Negro milltantl -Ibey are Dltlllben ol the three masked handlll who ahol of Ille mllilant organization US -on their way out of a Santa Ana bar conclusl.on of the Orange County pro. with 14,000 In takings. ceedlnga. Airing of evidence aupporJJng the They must relurn to Los Allgelea to charge of attanpted murder, armed rob-face murder charges flied after the bery and assault with a deadly weapon slaying last Jan. 17 of two membera · will begin Thursday. The court was dark of the Black Panther organization - today for the Lincoln's Birthday holiday. John J . Huggins, %3, and Al Prentice A motion for change of venue by Carter, 26. aUorney Frank Evan1 of Ia Angeles. Both men were allegedly &hot by the coumel for the Stinen, was quickly Stlnerl foJJow1ng a fracas on tht uCLA- denied Tuesday by Judge Mc:Mlllan. campus. I. I ,. ' :r cllala lot you nler to any month anf time u a bulll·IA calendu ""'°II> bidt> word• nr forwards to mob 7our wa~·· fmlctional u wall as hcdaom• lasbjoa - IOt)'. Sanda,. ind hollda,. IA nd. Cb:::! Twill-0-Plex• otylea Stllnln1 1teol '8.85 an ,.now gold-8Uld Stl.85. Nonr bu ... mllllt ao much to 1 a& CONVINIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTtR CHAR&E J. C. J./ump~rid '}11Wfl~r fill NEWl'OU AVE., COSTA MESA 22 YlARS IN THE SAME LOCATION ( PHONE 141·140£ I t ' I I r I ' I I •· ... ' • -· .. . -. • ~N~ Low PlffCS -----..-..-~ . . .-. ~.. --. ,. - ,~ • , _ • JO llMir •NTmu . wam IUllNG PACK ·. ' Lllll!CATION WHEEL BAUNCE 'o\, \ • ) ~.:',., ,I • ...... ................ _w .... 88e BRAKE OVERHAUL 20.-.1u GUAIANT& COMPACT CARS FALCOllS, Ca.TS, CKryY ll'S-AMD _ 22 88 COIVAIU e AMRIUH CAii OWLT STANDARD CARS DODGES. FOIDS , CHIVJS AND 2• 88 PLYMOUTllS ' 'le " . ' 'WESTMINSTER • ::,n:n 88f. ' .. l 'MflMlTI ~t A-'-\'• C•r• .... ' • . ' BOND NIWI FISK AIR FIL nR Ht;. lo $3.,T -·r.·aa- . , DAYS'OHiri ' . Sava p!, incnun mila~raallon. trlM 'CIUtt and dirt partitlu, kt• only detit lit llflo ~ot'. II.e-pic• )'O;llf .Jr lltC1' often. Ea1y1 lo iMUID. 34-~000. . AlT.F. FiUID .... $.u 23' e· ' .. "fl"'' . ·~• r . , '. ' • 81f . If ., ~ ' .. . ' • . ' 6_.50x13 7.75x14 7.75x·15 A1i ,.,, 11-i II.fl ONtTt ' ~. F....., 12, 1969 ''t '} ''•.!It ' I!' .•... , Ill rederil E:Xciw Tax .. .... ' ' f!UCI' ' I IACN _,,' ' 1.7:9 2.20 • 2.21 I . ?.36 . • ' t ' '" U Ml.Yl'll.Of H B1 IYLVIA POln'lll '"Sylvla, that bttddlnl cam- ...i.n.,,. lbt -, ........ -tl!Dlboctlo-bllrinl of ~ .. Ille Ja. atalmeot plan -dld It die! ·u it dkl rUt, WU Jt I vicUm DI tbo blc -la SIAic:t Ex· cbaqo actlYllf, • •u ll ~JU­ ed olf u a ontl-doo hedp, ... bu mrybody ei•1ofh MOMY to plJ cub, « irhat?. • . " Sflned, X. Siltr. Siler hu ralJed a q- at 1 most timely moment which can be of llplllcant bread...nd-butttr value to JOU ' ! I I I ! 'Tllllll lttll L Ill fl l ftll!Jll Plltfll 1llllTftl -11114 tllul, r,. -dlalll for ao llllfWtr. It 11111 la -parlL 1 _,,,. ~ -- -Plu ,(lllPI -ftlcb sn ... maccurattr, NI•.• 1o u .. "lnstalmant plan" -. 1$ a!lwo· ad wtD In Ille u.a. .o. Ill 11111 lil1bdq • Jut -~ -.m »IP _ • .,, Wtre In forct, Ill. aJl.IJme' tilaJi and up • netl cl 41,tll f"!JD ~ :roq. aco. Und• tlill pLID, tbr<MIO which ~ .... 1iuy NYS&.lilted ltoetl m a rogular p1ymenl bull I« u little as MO or u much as '1,0ll everr tine monthl, • unl '"'' • • lmllT 111(1 y,, ltl. fuall• a.till k it• '" 1lff, ,_It YtlMtlN '"·11•1~1·-· Cllll'UI .. • ... Wini l ... 1 ~.~. I ht. ,..1111 .. ~ ... I •mt ·~•~I I~''' ••••ll-1101 .... ITITllTIHL 11111 _ ... ; ..... """' ... G,....;.,. ~JH(rted ' ., .!. • ' • • )j The First National Bank of ·0ran1e County bu pre, pared a staU.Ucal index c:o111parbig 1rowth data for the Harbor Area in suc4 areu u ntai1 1ales, building, school di.strict enrollment and population. The bank's marlret product Index of lood and house- hold Items noted a. ~I. pel'ctllt reducUon. in !tea: Kay Labs Open Plant, • To Sell Medica .l Pack Kay Labcr'atoriel, l n c. , Freeway to hOUle a 20,000 -Id-wide dlsttlbut«• o I oquare foot bu1ldlnt with Temp-Aid, r«e11dJ opllled 111 IG,000 square IHI . f o r doors at 870 Production Place, w1rthousing; 7 , 10 t for Newp«t Beach. reaearch, development and The newly fOl'JMd com-J1l&mlfaclurlnc, and !,MID for pany's president and chairman general ofnce apace. of tbo board, Frank I . Dom-"We erpect °"' presenblt inguts, said that tt upect1 staff of 40 employe1 to dou e to grou about '3 million in in the very near future.'' he the relail mMl<tl durin( the lddOd. I, _. Dominfues IMounced that H'M .year. ..__.1_ 'D........._ .t. ........... ) Temp.Aki, a n e w lo-Muwu ' _...,.,, an .n.i,._. ftl sta-finL-ald bot and atlomey, will be the cor- cold pack, avalilb!o In many poratloo'• aecrelary, Dr • sit.es WU crlCIDallY developed Maurice A. Lynch, Newport by 'Ttiomu E. Cornwall, Buch, ~II be ruearcb con- 0r..,., oow t11o Product aullant and technical ldvlJ<r ; Develo--' M-for Ille CIWltl D. Turner, Lll\IJla, com~ " · · Beach, director DI -•tlim: Dommiues explained that . Ind John A. Adams , Newport Temp.Aid is made up of a Shore!, mar~etlng manager, harmlea chemical farmula 1thl1Uc dlvls1on. tnciaied 1n a d1D'abll, yet pliant plNtlc pack to produce a coldeNhan-lce pack, and I dry or lleam hut pock, in a matt. ti. ten HCOndl. Domtacues aakl Kiy Lab• is aJreedy 111Cotlatlnr for larger boadquarton ID 0nnct Counly c1ooe lo Ille Newport We Cover Boating Best in West Min of the Year LARRY ADAMS LARRT ADAMS Mt. ~ Adamo WU the rtclpionl ti lbt "Man of tbo Year" award sJven by C..moolloul -Ult lnluranca CoofllQ'. 'nll& 1ward la pr..acl 11a1•"1 to the Jnc6.. --bu the moat aotabmcllll all -....i in 111• --· .. 1 .. and -1'lila ,.. lit. Mam. produoal! In ._. DI Z,lllO,OOI ol Jiit ---Alon( with ...., nmartable achlovaman~ ba 1111 Iba -- ol ~ Ille )'OW1pll chu1tr -ti Iba "Mulen ClJb, • ~ II aclualvel)' for -dollar Pl"" -. A 111 Q I .... I DI Sooillfm Ca1llornla, Mr. Adami ... C '[I -Iba Unlft!'lill' ol -. Calll<nda and --·1-~ tarrell D. lryant, C.LU: O.noral -11 .. __ _ ..... c .. : ''"' ... I ' , \ f ' ' \ ••• Wednesday'~ -cto~ OAll.Y PILDT II • • ' , ~'::~~-:~:::;::::::;::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::;:::::::::;:.:;;::;:;:;::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::;:;:-:::;:::::::::;-.:::;::;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;;o;;-...-;;:~;;;;;;;; ........ ;:::;;:::;;:o" ••• ~.;,,,,~~ti " .. . . N DM.YPllOT 'Wtdlllldll, r...., u. 19" LAYC Readies for M'idwinters . . Windward Passage Wins Race roRT LAlll>EIIDALB. 1'Ja, (AP) -'lllo 7J.lool lltldl Wllldwud "-let • new olapled time !« lhl -!It. p_, to rorl IAmderdlle :rlilll ,_ - day, bul • -beat lhl blgJoclllm comcted-. Tbe Wtndnnf Pa I I & I I t owned by Bob J-ond ll1hli 11>1" burieO "' lhl I•-Yldll Oob flf Maul, Bnill. -lhl !ln1lb line al ll:IUl to beat lhl 1111 reoonl oel by the 11c:wdenip. ,,,. Amerlemt Eqle, !). =. ~s::'nn~~ 1:11 · p.m. "to beat I be Wlndnrd Paaqe Clll """' -. time by ·-17 m-. r-alllc!U uld. The lloel !ell SI. Petenborl al nioo Satuntay .., tlle run -tbl Florida West COUI and ll>eo ntilh•ud -K"1 Well Keel Boat Race Slated Sub'• Marker Buoy .Found TIL AVfV !UPll -A ____ ... !_ aA .. DUar, wblcb I 1Jtrod with Ill --i.e.--...... ... a 19Jr .... WU foaDd • a -la 1111 Gua l!ll1p lall """"1. ""' opok.-... ~--Alt nsn Mid • lllrdl ... -lle-"IDOI .. ......, -mwo 11>-•1111a •ID Ill locatloa .. 11 ': .. llld tbt IC"f ........ 91CllllfJ i ....... _ . ' I THRl!ATINS MIDWINTERS -Piles of logs llno the -· of Mariiia del Rey channel as sailboats enter tho mian-craft -entrance. SCYA of· Boat Feat Amazing ly ALMON LOCKAllEY ,,,. .... 'ls.tool ..nine tetcll Wlndwud Puage ba1 tho J1Cbt1nr .world liOI alter Ila : two f1nlMo.tinllb· ractl in the 8oa1bom Ocean Ra c In 1 Coinlerace ·ID Plorlda. lt'1 DOI oo nmch that Bob Jobnelm'I wmdward Puaqe -which ob1eJ Vl!l'I I & 1 ftllllDblel an over 1I1 e d ~II -la fin! to lblllh, bul k la tile DIE1lin "' victory that la livllli other ya-lbm!ghaut th. country cause to !budder. IN THE FIRST race ol the SORC -lhe..-105 mlla SL Petenburi to Vt!!lce race - bmly ed&ed on corrected time by Cbubuco with only 41 &ee0nds 1eparailng them. After two races Melee ii stan- ding 11th overall and leading ber claJI in corrected Ume. Cbubuco ls aeventh overall are ahth in Cius A. Lively Lac!Y, A San Fran- cisco entry, !Oii her rudder in Ille race and bid to retire. Kfaloa ,was one of the three yacht& to break _ tho eLtpood Ume record of IO boon, 34 minutes. Bui she wound up 15111 in fleet and 9lh in Clau A. Wlndwerd PUNI• beat Jim AMERICAN EAGLE'S «<· KJlroy'a Kialoa U, from rected time win waa attributed Newport Harber Yacbt Club, to the lad that 1ho curled by four hours. And K1aloa her own private wind over 11 la not known as an euctly most of tbe coune. slow boat. Windward Puaage lopped Oblerven admit that the nearly five hours off Big Ti'• Dghl-weathor SL Peta to reoon1. She woond np fourth Vt!!lce race wu a fluky al· in tbe OeeL fair: • Ellbt or nine boat& laUed Bui DOI ee tho 44Jl.mlle SL to go the d!Bllllce becaUM Petenburl to FL !Allderdall o1 tbe blgh 'f!lnd• and beevy race wblch eodod Mtllday. le ..., -despite· the fact It th1t ooe, Wlndward P........_ ... was not t.bl wOnt race of WU fin! to fln1ab by at leul ~ti. ev.e boar> f1'/f!r the eecood Am«!ca"Ee&le la carrying place boat, American E11le, a crew Of young "bandits". aklpperod by Tod Turner of Beeldes Allan, she aleo has Atlanta, Ga. with Skip A1Ltn Buddy Fr1ec1er1cb1 fl! New ol Newport Bead! u Allllll Orleans, tho 11111.0l)'lllllle gold ,.._, medal w1nnet In the llre(cm THE FLEET bottled two weather fnmta -both more ..-Jell oa the DOii -with wlndl w1>iJtllng up to IMO -and ·-•ting 1-10 fool IOU in the Gull Stream. 'lllele oondttiOlll should have Oven the advanlq• to heevler dlsplacement boat. IUCh u Klaloa ll and Don HaU:eD'1 17·fool yaw~ Cbubuco, allO from mm:. Clllp Clouy, Balboa Yacht Club, wbD bu .jual -ood from eelllnll bolh SORI: ...... oo w-....i Paesege, said II la llllbellenble tbe speed the •'bl& dinebT' can pnerate -tv• 1n the lmnpy MU "WE: WOULD 111111 into -bl& eeu and not loee men ._ a knot « two or speed -wblch wu quietly ftCllned," CJemy u1d. "At thll point she ...,.. ... beehhle,'' be added. Wlndwud p_. did not -------E&P lo lhl 81. Poto to FL Llaollrdale u the _., oareclod time WU onlJ 17 m-lea U.. Wlndwud ~ Te lift ,.. .. Idea ol Ibo IPOod ol Ibo st. Pole to FL ~.Ibo llnl -boelllon.tahlhllOknllo ~ ·-the prevlolil elapaed time -Id by Tlcood-. formerly owood byJ-lnllll2. CJaa, THE U.METER WU not bulll far such lllQ'd Alling and leaked beavtly lhroUCbOut the race. 'l1le crew had bilge pumJI' working ll10lll ol the tlme. The boat hu a tendency to submarine throu&h the wavea. As a mutt she takes ln considerable water through tho batd>es. Observert u}d it WU I WOii· dtr !bat Eqle'• 11).fool mut ata,..i --tho -dltk:m· of the raCL KJaloa u mo...i aheed ol tho !). meter Sunday nigh~ but the E&ll• came acrwnlq beck alter ctayli&hl and moved ahead qain. BCYC Hosts Semi-finals Bahia Cor!ntblln Yeclrt Club wlD bolt the Southern California Yaclltinl Alooda- llon !odder ltml~lnalt ol lhl Prince ol Wales ollml..Uon eerteo Saturdoy and SundaJ. Tbe Prince ol Waleo COil> ~llon la a n1Uonal match ricing ....i .. -ed b)' the North American Yacht Racinl Unle11. BCYC cootcndera wUI All qalnsl the Channel Cn&lllnl Club tnlrJ' In Conllledo-U al"°"". BCYC rec • 11.UJ<, dtlee!Od tho Santa Barbera Salling Club In Cal·lll. OCC II !nth lnJm a vleiory ...,. !he Little Ships Fled ol Lona Beach In Cal40s. .,,_ ficlals said plans are in effect to.postpone or cancel Ibo Midwinter Regatta If Ibo oil slick moves around Pt. Fermin in any great quantity. Oil Slick to Hamper Midwinter Regatta? Southern California Y acllllng AslodaUoo olflclaLt uy they are ketplnC a wary eye on the lhlft1ng oil blobs Long Beach Race Picks Competitors All but ... of the com- petitor& in Loll( Beach Yacht Club's Coogruslonal Cu p ·aeries March 13-lS have been !elected and art preparing theJr boaL! and crews for the entry from the San Dfe~ Newport arta which will be decided In a tall-off next OCC Splits Title With , Stanford LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL llOTICJ!l ,.._ ClltTl,ICl.Tll· OI •USlflllSS PICTITMMll HAMI TM Vftdtnlit!IW '°" ctnlfY h9 II C1911111i1Cflrll • ....i-at 110 lhk.,. A#lf, A. Cott• MliM. c:..t1ro,.11, unftr flle flr.lttleul nl'm lllfN ti'! GA•Y OT• ' .. Fttunfain_ Vall-'Y ; I • ' . ' ' VO~. 62, NO.· 37, 5 SECTIONS, 78 PAGES • WJDNESOAY, FElllUAR't' 12, 1969 • · TEN CENTS • • I • • . ~oun • I . . s even . . .. ' ' . • HB Eye Finds Boy Helicops' First Mis·sion Success.ful .. By TERRY COVILLE 01 lite 0.111 ,llet St•ff A dramatic air sweep by the city's new police he~copter was employed Tuesday altern.don to find a missing 5-year~ld Huntipgton Beach boy, LitUe blue-eyed, blond Gary Depue waa spotted from the air at 2:30 p.m. as' he stood soaked from head to foot next. to a swampy area west of Beach &ulevard and north of Garfield Avenue. ''nH; bOy had rim away from his -baby sitler's · house early Jn the morning because he feared she was going to spank him for telling a story the day before. The babysitter, ~lrs. Virginia Metz, 8291 Yorktown St.1 Huntington Beach. reported the child missing "".hen he wasn't brought to the house by his grandfather, J, 0. Depue, 8151 Mallof Dr., Huntington Beach, as nOrmal. · Twelve Huntington Beach police units were usep in ··tbe aearch in addition S~ntenee Affected . Plea Change · to Guilty to' the H.B. Eye, Qle ' department·~· Oe\f patrol chopper. . ' Police. Seraeant Robert Morrison flew along~ide World Associates' pilot John Crawford as the helicopter scanned the city for the boy. Morrison reported that when he receiv· eel the call from the department' to use the heli~P.ter, weather was .19 ~ in Long Beach that speciil permiasioo (See RESCUE; Pop 2) . TV Writel·'s Son Killed ' · , • f . ' . I I { • 1 ' > • I , Reservists . . . ' ' . . ' • • -J' .J.. ' All Froril , . Minnesota . . ,, ; • I I, Roa(lng blindly, throqgii' a blpnktl ol clouds, a Navy bomber ~lammed straight into a toweririg Orruige County .peak Tuesday nJght, then dropped 600 feet dow'n a remote canyon wall like a ~ ~ I" waleffall ,of fire. All seven reservls\8 aboaJ:d the ~ Neptune based at Los Alamitos Naval Air Station for two weeks' annual training~· dfed1 when lhe .foyr-engipe aq.. ti&lbmar~ aircraft bit Santiago. Peak. . JdenUlication of the Minneapoli.J.St. PauJ,.14tnn.,l}aval ~s~rve sq~~on ~. V(IS withheld, 'pending notllldtlao .. of . ~heir fiimilies in the Twin Cities area today. . The·. 8:23 :p:m . .disaster wu the third' Involving a .Los Alamitos-based Neptune bomber in 11 year11, bringing the triple- crash df.ath toll to 64 persons. Sirhan Case Poss,ibility HOLLYWOOD . (UPI) -,-. A gUrulWI , . looking for narcotici ki\led ,the teen-aged InlUally, It was feared two off-duty airmen· were alsp J,board for 'a busman'a holiday ride, but only seven men failed . 1, ta·ahsw'er today as members of the ubit stood lri a 191mn:i..rou cill'uhder a gray,· drizilliig m1;r. : ' .$,.ANGELES· (AP) -Tbe posalbllity .,_ tqday 1bal Sirhan ·BisbAra Sirhan ma;..-chaftae hls innocent plea to guilty jn .. the gunshot assassinaUon of Sen._ Robert F. Kenne4y,. Iawyer.s ,were to meet with· Sir ban .dur,ing son or ·teieviaioQ Writer·JW'Oductr ·suruna: c : · 1 -, ~ : • ~·,b.a.~V Pd'T~ 11iff ,;.... - the day "lo review the )'bole .cue." SilliJMiant earlr ~r ,ud 'fol~'. u!d. P.AltK$' .Aqo_NI;\ tC.FT.);STAii.iioRD P,ixh' ci>!;i~s• :, ' : He said scme armouncement mlgbt grow tl!ey'bad no sus-ts. . . · ' · " · • '-! "'1"1l!J~· ·a:..-< ·~v· !'' ' . " · ,., , ng rl to .~....,..o,... • •'!\'· • I , -.. ' outofthis. . i.ott'nE Slll".._\o!...-.t"ll,'ituti-.t~i-ill.... · '• lA • ' ' ' . ,.,., ' ' ' ·'' • • 1.a--• • ,..,... ~ i"""":"""~. • ' ' !I '. t ., : t I ; • , ' • ,. > r 1: , ) r' '1· ·; • 1 \;...."Such a polilbilily is alWaYs discussed ~In any case," defense attorney llussell E. Parsons said. "I hive talked 1bout such ,a possibility with the proaequtton right from , t1" beginning. But . at the moment, thttrial is going on." - The atate· 'WU wklerstGc\ld ·to -be floor of hiJ·:a~en~m:l-died i~Ur .!... -· ; • ..;,'"""' ~· 1 ' •• ~J '.' , , : .. • _ L ~ , ' • , , 1 , • , · . :?=i\i~~ ,"aerioUs consideration". f~e 'iu=~-~l~N~:·= ,.t.:~~ .1;1,r· e' \ ~:t: .... ~. ~~un' ·-' '~·~,:~ s • ch · 1 Jf ·t ed through 1he.door ·11Jc1.rw1ttdJ'uls. T~t.l.lftjv .~ · a ·Llllg 'llll> .·UUl'J uc~a _ange·mpea~ 1 occur,r '. Whenotbtrs rin·IQllphallt's·apartrpent · ~ ·,J ·· · ·· · '· ,·"'··~1 · · · would resuh from eJthelt an un-knelt to aid <lilin· rtbe ·man .turned rand • ' • • . ' ,. . • '. .• ,. ' . . ' . • ~;~:~n ~ri:.!":'.' i~::;de !r~:~1: ~~~::i.~·1th!o~~obocly lo move ... brlil. A .. ~; .. C ... am" . .p .. sri't. e· "fo.~ •~u· t. h . . -would be tilt -extreme penalty. "~11. we ~ve, is a descfiplion~" a · C:J :. . , · • '. , · , ~ I /u. ' ' ' .· .· P~ said a guilty plU would not detective saJd. 'There Werf • IOt· of · • • .... , . . . · Parsons . said he and other defense witnesses, but we really doh't have a · preclude the defense from arguing for gosh darn thing to work from." lf!eTcy for Sirhan., Four '!i~esses, incl~g ~ vl,cf:im.'1 laF1110un(o~~ -~~.~y i lt :·mdvtn~. ~He ·m<iu.ri- The oiily likely obstacle would be I Robe Silli ba -••v unc e, rt P nt, 31• cave detec· With volunteer la·bo· r and don· ated Sirhan~s ·own. refUsil to change biJ plea ti th r !lo 1 of "· 1 ·•· • ves e o w ng account wn:; s a,-, ... g: ma'•ri•Js the 'clty·ls cr·eating a t.......... · it wa.S r_eported toJ!ay. Sirhan, a slender Sllli h t d Im k ,._ ~ , P an answere a. oc on · ul'I: ............ .. lain" camp for the yollth of 'the . 24'-year-old .'from .Jord~ •. wis described d t h' rim ·~1 n ,,,_, f rf I ch ol I Id b oor o is apa ent l11v1 ~ y a er 1 ci'ty. u ea . u .a ange pea .wou ro Only 17 in Race • For .18 Vacant Trusiee Spots . him ·of tbe ,opportunity to publicly .air' a.m. The suspect entered the room aod Spfinltled with treeei: shrubs and ar- With only six more days to file .for reasons for the aSsasslnaUon. demanded of ,the youth. "give me some ro:v,os, 'Rivtr : fart· Aaa bffn .:d~,.t . 18 trustee .positions .in six West ·Orange Tbe repor~ said Sirhan's defense at-stuff," ,Presumably drugs. · County school districts, only 17 can-Whe.n, Siiliphant showed surprise, the to.Ji'le: the city's y1>4th ,groupa a ~c torneys huddled with the defendant; his didates have returned papers which of-moth'er, and brother Tuesday to discuss suspect shoved him up against a wall, aunQJp~r' for .ctose-at.haryi .campcu'1'· ficially put them into the April 15 elec· the possible guilty plea. drew a pllitol and shot him. · River Par:k is bounded by the, San tion. Then the ma~. walked out of the -apart-Ditg1;>· Freeway, Euclld '. Ave,,ue, Ellla In the Huntington Beach Union High nient but returned seconds later and School District long time district sup-told the four persona gathered ~Ollnd Avenue ·and tli~·santa,Ana River. porter Barletta L. Suter, of 5211 Yale Council Pia. ces. the body, "l thought .l told you not The·' park site is rente<f from. the St., a Westminster housewife, has filed to move." Then be fled , · Oran~· Cmmty< Sanitatlllo Qistrict for against incumbents RiRachy Md .B ScWbmll itt, M . } T lk Police described the apartment as $1 ptqyear. : : ·. John J. Bentley and ar · sen, uzz C On a "hippie-type" wllh s1robe and black ·Pe~ ptojeCI \)l"Fo!IJl!ain· Vf)l;y Mayor all of wliom have filed . lights. A detective s'iiid, ''On top' · of h In the Ocean View sChool District, Robert Schw:erdtfegu, River Park !IB . F · 1 the refrigerator in the kitchen was a " • the Only "'"'SOn tO file so far is attorney rom now on, residents o Westminster MW ·~me :11·full rcommwilty • e~ ~ v1·11 h •· lat th · b · be! lifelike ceramic death head wearl.ng a George G, Logan of 6111 Sununerdale 1 ave w s e e1r usmess ore black hat." with teveral :dvtc :&J:Oupa: pitch:lng in : Dr·ve Tnis•·· Leonard Shane already the City Council within three minutes . ' · ~ I vln In anpther ·apartment down the ~au, to complete the..landsc•PPll·· : , . , has · indicated he· will not. run, ea g or face the heavy gavel of Mayor Derek '' still to decide on running incwnbents McWhinney. some·.25 persot11 were engaged in what 1The 1 c.ifY, will: ·pqt · ab?Jt· '.$1,000· Into Robert A. Knox apd R. James Shaffer. 'Councilmen unanimously adopted the Police called a ''hippie prayer meeUng" t~ projr,:t for~ \andscapjn1 and ,main- Jn the Seal Beach School District in· three-minute rule Tuesday without unaware of the .tragedy in P,rogrcss just lenance, but the ,bulk of e¥penltit¥r.e cumbents Jack T. Cairns, C. W. Shepard discussion/ adding that any topics will a few rooms away. · · i~ ·d~ted•by ·Fountain ; Valley reside1;1ts and Ruth H. Duffy have filed with no ha ve to be "germane" or the gavel in·iiJne1~ effOJ'li · ·, .,. · "· · :.· challengers in sight. \ . : will fall . Stork llfark~ta In the Westminster School District, Huntington Beach City Council, which ~.Fire J>eJ*Ulen~,' wlth v9iu1•~ · Ineumbents filed · are Mrs. N_,la ha~ no such rule, has printed at the NEW YORK (AP) -'111e atocll market -~ in ,!hair. ~!'.f,::.J'•1_1'!JI bQlltt · Wibnore, Matthew L. Weyuker and Ray bottom of each page of its agenda "Keep I · B?~OP,ell ,alnP,iµ~ '*r fe .,WJe ~qi also (iled f ,._ bigb cosed with a sllghUy lower trend today -..,.i;. can 'D"athel" around a r"'"r1"g M. Schmitt ( or i.ui:: ft short and to the point." Debate, in fairly active trading. (See quotaUons. ~P.nre 'aDd,'• '•~.· ;Cl~p :~ ;'~~ · llChool di.strict board). however, often runs long into the ni""• Pages 1"19) 1a1~ ol a·.i ..::..-6 ... 1-• • 'Ibey are opposed 80 far by Nathan !i'"" v-ico· l'UJlcu muiu11.au1 men. Feinstein, of 14951 Northridge Lant, Hun-and.Nrly morning bolas. The Dow Jones indUJtrial average af Firemen alto plan· to • ~trur;t · a • tlnglOn Beach, no occupation given; Fountain Valley City Council ls known I :30 p.m. was olf .50 at HU7. LoaJes• rear,.111, ll"'UilY . .,1µ.. mater!~ donated Barbara DePrel!t of 580'2 Abraham. Ave. for tta short meetings and heavy gavel «itnambeftfl gaiM by more, than 100 by prtY• clqtem. . , : · . Westminster, a secretary; and Dorothy hand of Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger. issu~s. · .The 'F~tain .VaJJey . \YO!pll\'s; 'Cl.Uh', Peckham of 13%61 Illinois S t . , r , • , , 1 : , Weslminster, a housewire. 1 • 1 • • ~ • 1n~~h:.~~u~:.i:~:;.~ru:.~1r!~ Dwye .r Transfer P · t .... ,t · d ~il~~~YE,,Cr~·~~~~~h:re~~~ . . • ..,o:,·:e~ e . · Fiji Lane, Huntingto., Bea¢i, a spec1al _. ,. r • . , educaUOn t.each~. ' · · · · • · · u:i~:u:;.n ·~~t:' ~ Parenb of Sixth Gr(iders Objet.t to ln.iomed~: Plqn . Dlltrlcl tncumbeata JICk Clapp, Ivan . .. , . ,, · ~ · .·, · 1 1 1 _ ,1, i t , 1 L!ll<U and Steve Holden art upected No-lacllltloa,.crackedaldewalka Trulteu 0 remlnded ,.~ that the ~~'~-""~· • to run ag~ .,ond<llm ll&bJs were re&IOlll gi_,l'uea-awildiol llucfel\ll·ll !llf!aoly.-propoN!i l'We'Jw 'beldnc! ,oaf ai!JW,Jwlril • to " Feb. ii It the .lul·dq lo Ille, for dll nlibl by Plrenla ._ed•lo.""'1l\>I . nlll •J.d·,Hopled., :,., b&lo • '"" let·.,·~l'lillit'Ii ""'-·; lnlstee poeliiano. thair lli%th grade cblldren lo l>ir)ier • • ..iit/!"lf"'"tCJ_!._: I • l , '. A'{!"J Intermediate Sr.boot. ' • H~, ino '~ renMd1 to the Ion,, ~,~·~~ "'. i 1 1 \ • , Heart Week Carded In Huntington Beach February is Heart Monlh in Huntington Beach and the week ol Feb. 17 has been designated by Mayor Alvin M. Coen u Heart Sunday'wetik. • The mayor UI urgtnc an residents to ~ the · o-• Count)" Hean -'-1&Uon "in Ill drive for funds to furtber Iha w<Wlhy abut o1 the aancia- UO. .. caaillAll1tart -·· - A barrage ol comp!alnll w~ ;again ·o~arcrowded· '!'11"""' Js .,apparent, th6 ~ ,loot ·J<lilnrto ''"' ·fot''llJ1' r shcwered on Jruslees ol ~ Huntington tnJ11eeS ailded J .• '' : 1 ,a¥l nbi 1ulhori.tnt.11ho1 ~,to; •Ole : Beach City School Disttict over-the ~ •• Concerning •ttlie f~tie; : at Dwfet i an app,llCltion ~1MJ>"•l.fqr·slall<flmdS. t posa1 to transfer sixth graders into in. School .IJ'rtmtee,,~ ~~"son a1ke4 fl'he distrlA:f. ,Must • f~ '~~ tennedlate sctiools to alleviate the one parent, "Which children do you think ·ptans, IJ.1" rtquesla and rtlUltt of toll f district's crowded campuses next year.-should not shower," since some chlldreD tesll'lo ,appiJ for ltate fJnahclag: \ • Thil tlme the criticism came from will certainty have to atttnd Dwyer. )f tht, ~nd ,falll to pus, however, parenll ol children who attend Perry And,erson pointed out that Iha district the ,'dt-; "'IU oloo 'loae• ·Ill dlallce .. School and Uve on-the e.ast s1de of la well aware of th« DWyer j>rob1en\ for state 11a. • . \ · ·' • Beach lioulevard. · '•but unless the achcol bond jiropooal Ate:llw' $oi>erinte'l(!!Ot ch u I • s 'Ibey ,orgued thol Beocb J!ool\'VW ls paaed (tt ""1't' M ~· about 'P-Jllltlllol out that in 10;, enllta is a nablral·bouDl1arr and If the 1lrinlfer Jt-we have Do .money.1• hiltorJ tl»ltl .. l'nc-~&Ucbeltj ScboOl musl be made,, their cbl1clnn lhculd Parenla 'wound up ·thelr aJ1U111tDll Dlolrldliil '1-.eo'1.1Wo-elictlm& • be allow<d lof Ibo ......,. Giller by aayln& there 1.-!r WU ". , r. "I bope 11111' .... , ·be •dlr 11*1!:' • intermedlote ~ . a lack cl CGn11D1111iOatf .• ~ Ibo he c:o:;clndtc!. I ~ > t I • ' ' •• . has ·voted to~ donate .'250~ for r cOnctete noon .. in J tie restroom and · c:ithtr con· struction. rY011th· groups from the Boy Scouts, YMCA and other organlzatlona have already spelll <eVirl/ montha cl~ out 1hi 1 Weetil ';oo · Jl:her ijunk· froin · tl\e area. -. . · . I ' ' ' ' • ' ' ! I ' The wilderness area represent! a~t the onJY reai tree-Sh'adid ii-et ii~ Fotih· taln Valley aM · wlll ht : ivaUatile 'to .. aH ·yciuth org~!ZatiOns in th!! city-. on a:rQetvaUOO basis. · : · · " " Parks' an(I Recreatiori Director Stanley Slaff Ord · eitltftates· the •vilue · ol the ·park on completlOn at about $20,000. · . "WUh . so much donated work and n)aterial it's, bBrd .tO 1aay ex'actly' What ti!• ·~al~e ~.~hi e~latned: • : . ·Parili toreman.~ Agorua I.! ·straw· bi>ss 'ol~be vetlintter' proj«il. ' . . : . ~·The~e·.s . st,UJ . a 11~ t.p ,fl:e , doo.e.:•· ~e sijld, 'but· city official.! hope thio park will ·be -·readj foi Use In 1 abOut 'thfee 1 m'.onth~ ~w~ep 't!ie '.re~OO'!l.!i 'ate ,.r>.m· 'Ple\ed.. , . I · Vollihtffr WOrk, however, will be •a contlriu9us ~mmoQ.It~ in. the ~~~r ~ark p(oject; as \h.e campalle :JJ \jn-ed and . m•rt·. tr..., ar• ;added tq i;ea~lif7. f'bw1/f.in Va.yt,•j O\m.'.mpUnl8in', ~P• . . . . ' s;~~~ei 0 e8idehis, • ~,: ~,. 1 r 11 • f:rqt;~ A~t;.on .. . . • • ' ' ' . . ' l ' By "14nd', F:irmi . -·----------- Th• pllpi ~1.Uie,llJ.fated ~tr9~b00ibei-i rad!'/"1JW could '!'!'longt..,;Oe'\I'! gioun<! aJ>4 Jll't;~tfiig nU :vl~11BI !lltll>l 1ruly, Jq!t .f!\~~nts .af1't·a ~uc~-to _prao-U~e takeoff from the ~l·T<iro runway-. No more radio contact was made.- "Jt was ~r.facticlniI gfOund 'coiitro1 aP: Pf~ ;~gs and waa .on1 the ·Cllrpb "l'l ·'lillail It ·wuck the mnwitlln." said U, P:aiar.· Jt:lfy Pltri;e,' public • i!latr1 officer a(u.i.LOs Alainifo< base. · ";!6e . atrcralt went illl;alilbt in," said Marnie' Corps Maj. Rooort BoOher, In- formation services offiCer, who went to ttie remote1 5Cenll ,;n, Harding Canyon for the 'tough, all-hlgh\ iecbver.y opera. tii>n. · · . . ' '.1'u!. bomber r'!llll!led the 4,05¥.oot mountain, which !ornu Orange County11 : s,.d<\\el!a~k • landmark at ·the ' crlUcal sevep , mile· limit point northe.ast of tbe ' ajr base .. Qne where other crashe1 ·have occ..,...i. -. . " :~t!,iU's d!!Pll:lies wexe ihe 'flr~i ! io reach Uie smoky .scene of1 dev~tion, vJa a , narrow dirt road known as the H!i<ding TrU~k Trail, and . used m>inly for teJephone' lln·e malnteaance. They reported finding ·two bodies intact and a . third !WU Jater discovered, bat darkness, a choking cloak of smoke and , fog, plus he•¥¥ brush hid the shredded b!ta. and pieces of other victims. · .Salv@&~ aod recovery operations were cqn.Un\ll!ll today, .as a force , of .50 ~vlcemen de\ailed lo !he grtpi job c9,mbed a ,wide area, along, wilb sherilf's d~P\'t!ef and c,oron,r,'1 in~~at91.:S1 .No one • aooant the plane had any chance to · baO out beforfl 1it 5mUhed irito · the 'rugged .peak at the. 3,000-foot leVel and tt\ey 'probably ileVer even knew what happened. · 1 ~ ' MS.J. Booh~r said ttie' largest "stnRlft piece of wreckage left fn the canyon: an offshoot of larger M:odjeika .G_anyon, was a 2G-f00,t piece of wing and fliselage. The rest wu shredded ~We. Helicopters from . 'El Toro' MCAS hovered over the virtually inaccessible \(See~ CRUii~ Page'!) Orange · • .. • • J OAll.Y PILOT " Shell Oil , Plans Make Newport Fry 11J m10MB P. ClOWNll °' .. ..., ......... Newport Beach city olfldalo re- oponded qrily today to dbcloourlo lhl1 SbeU Oil CO. and .. ..., other llnno lntead to olok .. uplonlori "'" lloli ·-... mllo oil lbe ---Jetty. 'Ibo plu bu olato aproval. "Boy. that m11y fries me," Aid Ntw]lOf( Mayor Doreen Ma!lhalL She and Vlce MaJOI' Llndlley "- Nill It Is .-Jble tbe cll7 wlll So to court to C1DC01 Sbe11'1 permit. It WU .,..ied, """"-lot 1111 oil firm Aid todll)'. by the -Lindo Commlll1on on Jan. i . "We bad never heard about It," uJd Mn. Monball "'Ibis ls a tolll ouiprlee." Eel Gall•&Jw, -1aJ ,..hlllnl lo Shell's pn>doctklll lDIJlllgor In Loi Angeles, explalned that the project Is limed at detmnlnlng tbe geolollcal llJUclure ol lbe coulal llhelf, "U we bit 1111 Pl or oil," bo llld. "We will .._.,tely plq olf Ibo bolo wllh -'ll>ere wooi be uy luclllni oltbor •. 111!n will be lll&te lnlpecl«s abolnl to ..0 to It. God -. we c1oci -uy ~ alter all Ibo trouble ~ OIJ pl DI Into olf Sula Barbara." 'Ibo Union oil allck, wblcb ~ up !ram 111 ollohcn well lut waek, II aUll loullni tbe beaches In Santo Barbar• and Veolara COll!lil ... Auction to Aid Dimes f.ampaign For Huntington A .a.nt art auct1oo ol men lhan 100 palnllnp donated by -artllll h under way today In tbe H1lllliDlfoo Center Mall to -the Jlmllln&t<>o Beodallardlol--palp Tiie ""'will cnntl-tbmilb 8almdll)' w1111 prucaee1a Fial town Ibo Man:b ol -batlle aplnlt blr1h -Tiie Huntlllgtm Beach drlV<, headod by Dr. Dile A. l!DI«. -el -at Goldin Wea OolJop, bu oa a '11,000 pl to be -lbrauP • -el .-tL Tiie Ir\ -II Ibo - actlvllJ -"" by Ibo --. It ... inceded Ill-by 111e-. Marcb. Marchel-~ ... ~ :e.:"t'=..~m OraDp. and medical 1111 lrch hllo c:aUltl and pre-ilaa el birth -at tho Salk lllllllntt, La Jolla. Palntlnp In olll, ""'Jllcl, wala'colon and cbmeooJ, will be bid ... lllmtly tJiroacb tbe week. It -tldl ... ,. A-eol<rlbllname,llddrm, toJepiont -ber and -bid "" • -poolad wllh -P"""'"'· -.. wtJl -llllaftlq at J , .... llDcc !&&ful bidden wm bl DDltllld, 8Dd tnaJ pick up their P' ...... bit•• 3 and I p.m. at tbe llllnllnctoa Cent&' Mall .. they ..., ........ .....- to bH•Jbom delivered. Aa -u • el Ibo palnll ....... fna tbe fftirdhiJllOu Beldl Art Legoe. Olalrman el tbe art -commlttoe "' lln. Kiri Hanmw, beeJlh -lot Ibo llunlln&ton Beach J a n I o r WCIDID'I Club. Amoal -ollerlnti -to lho Mardi el a-'" Dorwln Duncan. -A. -. Dawn -.i, reme n-. i,_ llr<ladllck, Ella A. ,_.., Bruce -. Linda llaml, 11.117 -. A11-Manley, Marian 11111, 1'<111 ~ Orla 8mltb, -l5GFbo, .,_ Gnplre, Mayw -· Gall UmiWaaa, Qwryl Wb11e, Loll l!bepord. John Wonlee, Marp -· Rheta. Glllette, Lrone Genr1z, JlartJara Fieberl, and Juot Della ..... D,\lll PILOT OllANGa CO.UT l'UaUIHI~ COIA'ANY .._,. N. w.M ---J.ck l. c,,1.., Yk1t ~ W GfMf'M ""'""' 'n•111•1 k•••il -'"::.:.!".. ~· IJ"-'f w. ...... Wlllf•• ···' NWCIMI 1 .... 1 cM h4dt e•w 01y hllw .. " ......... ... J" .... Str11t M1mllf ""''•••: r.o. a.. ne. •t"4t --.............. :nnw.ta. ... ........,.. C-11 MtMI m Wt" ikr ... . . . . ···-~­._,_ ' ' ,.•, DA&.Y...,. ........ SUlll'S MOM l'OASTS HOSTS WITH SOFT DRINK Ii-... l'•rlfiit for Lo Thi Lon Leading Lady Suzi.e's Mom Cited for Co~rage I "-' ' .,. TOii llW.IY home FrldaJ and.loaflnc ... to .... •"" - - -v..i-In 0r..,. 'Coomty 'and 'jola her 'lllorw -a -leadlna lady Tunday lal<r In Vietnam. It -1 an ...,. nlgbt In Ibo 11/JrJ el -. declllon to mab, 1'"" Aid, bul ~ .. What boo '"'"'""'"" lo may a wu~itelyneelledbflllrt1h.-h­iloll1wood lanme falalo bappeand to old IOll and umy olll<er \nbud. little 11..,.,. 1lll 1lian Plnlonc-In true All10l1I other tblnp, tt became • Holqwood llyfe, ibe WU lklellnacl In Valentlne'1 Day party when Lan an- her bolpltal bed w111Je a o1oe-eyed U-nounced that llhe would be Oylna lo V-bealll)' captured Ibo · beart1 Saigon lltdq ...; lho clly lndlllonally of the "SUlie Set" at the Bilbo& Bay reserved for the lofflom. Club. And another upect Will< add<d whtil '!bat'• -'"'-· yoll mllbt uy. lhe happy mother lold tbe group that But, yo11 mllht wall odd, did It have ol>e would be back -for Tel - to be bor DMJtberl New Vear'• In much el Alla. Bui If a.,ear-oJd llallo \mew jull what Amq the .-WU cblldr<n'I WU ...... Ill Ibo would, lho party hoapltal onree Linda HeuJnc, -hua-agreecl, haft atood up lo cl>e<r. band, Navy LI. DouiJu lleanlng, frrst For the celebrallan hooted by Ralph apotled Suzie'• repldly cletarloratlng con- Berke, the club'• hlistant general dit.lon and arranged for her treatment monager, paid trioote to tbe eooroge In Orange County. and forUtude of a woman who bu mam. Linda Berke echoed the thoughta of ta1nf.d an uncomplal.ning, llkiay vigil everyone at the party when she told at the bedside of the little atrI with Lan: "We know you · have to go, but whom Ae traveled 1,000 mlles from we hate to aee you !eave. Please come bm' Da Nq ~ • ~to Qrange ~ .and aee us. -Lovely IA 'l'll!~Lan "" actually fj,~~ ' ~uzle wltl{i'!i.'" tout of I mtaltl'PJ!'POH party. It Wll teata were not very far away flnt scheduled aa a ''vlctorr party" when the slight, gract!ul Vietnamue for Suzie, llbortly alter llhe IUeC<dully lacy accopted onOlher tout: "To Suzie unc1 ..... ent open heart 111111«J and jllll and Lon, m17 God bleu you both and before she contracted the wound infection keep you well." that 1a now rapldJy aubaiding. The star couldn't make it, but the Then tt became a trtbate to Lan when show went oa.. she anrnmced tba& abe would be goi.D( It wu, u they say, qu1te a pany. Fl'Otll P.,e J AIR CRASH ••• sil< wlth Ooo<llijlbla, u lfOUlld l9ln:hera •trualed to roach lho crub oceoe. BIUJlll PlRl!8 QUEILED Bnllb 0... toocbed off when the Nep- tune exploded In a ball of flame were ntlngullbed by Orlqe COunty Fire Departmept units from M o d j e I k I , SOverado, Tnhuc:o and Irv1De Lake lta- U<1111. The crub ..... WU pinpointed by IJ>Mdomeltr u u mllee up the llardlnl Truck Trill ~ wb1cb terYe1 u a f1re bruk -from -o[ tbe llolated llla-u-. Aalherlllel at Laa Alamltoa NAS el· fidally -Ibo pl-overdue and praumecl Clown at 10 p.m., Ibo uma time a u.yell'Old girl bwd one r.oom low -• rural home In tbe Santa AnaMcamtalm. Marlena Prokepec, vlaltlng Mr. and Mn. ctrde ~. who llve m Mocijeska Canyon Road nur lho Tucker Bird Sanctuary, beerd a fire lruck'• siren moments later. "That mud be that plane," lhe 1aid, but' It -mdmllJ ..i, • -alrtnft en ""'" to tbe spot wbere lhe Neptune crubed. In...tlplGn atood by at Ibo ..... today, W1lltlnc !tr for and m1a1 to burn olf b e lo re bfclnnlng tbe task ol r~ Ibo .....mp for duel to lhe ..-ol tbe acddent. TWO WEDI TRAINING Tiie Mbmeaota ..-.. aqua<1ron new School Candidates To Meet Voters Into Laa Al1mlt01 NAS lost Sanday to begin Its annual two weeks' actmi duty lralnlng, but were practicing out el El Toro MCAS on night mlaslons. Ironically, aafety was the rtaton, because air traffic is lighter in the El Toro area, compared to skies around Long Beach, wllh In and outbound Long Beach Airport jetlinen ond prival< pUota practicing maneuven over tbe barber Walen. Mllltary Olen '"' llnown to conalder Ibo Neptuna -wblch II now beJna pbaaed out of ltr'V1ce -U I tern. peremental bird, wllh Its combined two piston e11llnel and two IUJ>plementerY jet eng1n ... The Loctheed-bullt aircraft which cra!lled Tuaday night fJ an updated venlon el lhe Neptun<, eledronkally equipped to drop soner buoys In the sea, monllor lho 1lgnals Ind zero In to deatroy --pinpointed by lhe RHH\r ayl1tm. PLANES ClOU.lllE Almoel eudly II yean qo m Feb. 1, 1951, an earlier Neptune P2V model collided wllh • Mllltary Air Transport Systan CUI tn>op carrler, In mJd.alr over Norwalk, raining bodies and debril to lhosround- Tbe llATS -creabecl In the parking lot el Ibo l.oo Anples County Sberlff's Norwalk subnailon, killing 43 persons who either fell singly to earth or were aandwiched ln the burninJ wreckqe . The Neptune IMolved In the mld .. lr collision came down, lllU IDlder partial control, and aJ1mmecf into a Santa Fe Springo llndplt, but -NayYmaD aboard 111"1ved. C-.-for ocbool ..._ In ftft Another Neptune wlllcb bad J1lol taken Woa Oranlt' Coomt7 -will -olf from Los Allmftoo NAS eo Sept. Ibo publlo In eandldate -np -u, 1112, developed a miitno flrt and blmC pi.-by tbe 1-el w-. Ibo pDol -In try to llmp - VMln al •¥' '6)• ~ rather lhM ditch the ~ olbbn. Cooper----ll"'1IPI Tralllq blact ....... Ibo -wlllcb mqbo lntanltal ID~ bomber dropped Jower ...r 1onr u Ibo meollap la belna rmted by lhii It beaded toward Lelaure World, Soal Loop Olllorn el local orpnlzaUOlll Boch, 1ben noeec1 sharply cmr ond have -aent 1ettert and '"' urpd ....-In vacant growid ol the U.S. to call 1111. -Koll, 117-MIJ, for Naval Weapons Stailon. detalfJ. All nine memben el a Gecqla .-v1 c..dldola =--are lo be llqUedrm aboard were ldlled In tlle crul1, compiled by LWV and dlllrlhu1ad wlllcb lnvestlpton belleftd w a 1 llnoP ... '-and -erpnlD-dellbenle, to •YOld lho poalbllllJ' o[ a., --., lo lln. XIII. LWV a 0.., 11aoi!Mr If the Neptuna bit YOlor ..me. cbalrman. Lds\n World: ' ,, ::=c...:; ____ _ • . . . . . ... ~. ·-..... ·' ' .. li~s. Edison (;hargers Future Students P.ick Mascot, Sclwol Cowrs Whoo Ibo !dla lllib S c boo I ~· -lo lho football field they will be decked out In f,...i ....,,, "1111< and 1old. The Dame l~I and the colors were telected by students who will attend the new high ICbool at Hamilton A venue and MagnoUa Street In Hdnllngtoo lleacl\ when It O\lt!ll In September to Iii !Int ctiue:s, . • . Truatoa el lluotlngtoo Beach Union HJCb Scbool Dfatrlct apPr..od the lleleo- -el lho -la Tlletday nJcbt .. reoommendatl111 el Ernest Pascoe, prlJI. clpal of the new school. Cbargen woi oilacled over "Tilana" and fonat_. __ -el tbe'pWm\17 el lho -to lhe Soutbml Calllornfo EdlM Co. steam generatJna plant, lho -II ""' expected to mm fuD ... el tbe motif implied in "CbarJera," Pucoe llld. Trustee Rlcbard wns... qu1ppeo1 ru ... day nlgllt that the mo4Jf .eieci.d by the studentl WU "moat appl'Opri.Ue COD- slder!ng tbe locailon el the ochool." It WU 'thJs Jocatloo wblcb WU the decJdlni foctor In retenlleo of lho ...,. Edlaon !tr lho scbool nther that ebug. Ing to Rol>ert Kem>edy u bad been suggeated by Tnlllee JOllpb Rlbal last --Dr. Rlbal ad • larte nwnber "' Hlidtati maintained that tbe ocbool -obould be cbail&od -namlnt It alter Tbomu A. EdJaon .already bad broten with the diltrlct'• t.rtdllion J not naming schools after people. : Tru-finally decided that lho ocbool . - wu to be named Edison because t:& was located near the F.dlson steam plant. 'l1lll acUon g1Ve rile to eomplalnts U\lt • · the ICbool mllbt be known u "Steanl' Piut HIP· II Olarpn, Aid .... -Tueadly. "is about u close to the steam plaat as we care to get in our themes." Sun8et Annex Catholic Priest Faces • Beach Hit-run Charges Battle Start Drawing Near The baltle. between Huntington Beach and Seal Beach °'"' pc-11>1• annexation of counlJ' terrltory !Wm Anderaon Stred in Sunset Beach downcoast perhaps as far u the bluffl area of Huntington Beach appears to be on today. Seal Beach City Manager Lee Risner said bla city will ul: tbe Local A&ency Formation COmmllalon (LAFC) on Fri· day to fequire Huntington Beach to con· solldate two annexation requests pending before LAFC. 'lbe ameution.s are No. 5 and 6. The first ii for a small strip across Cout Hlgbw81 at Warner Avenue. It ts an uninhabited area and Ir It became a part of Huntington Beach, it would forever close the door to any other city annexing the 2,000 acre Bolsa Chica property which Ilea fOUtheast of Warner Avenue. The second annexation is for Sunset Beach, a strip community along Coast lUghway from Anderson Street to Warner Avenue. Seal Beach ha! been asked to annei: Sunset Beach and is developing an an- nexation applicatlcn which will Include all territory included In the Huntington Beach appllcaUons. Polit<! Aid today a 46-y<ar-<>ld Cltholic priest f,,,.. .-Jble klony cberies si.... ming !ram a lilt,nm auto aecldtnl M..,. day night In Huntlngtmi Beach. 'Ille priest, Identified by poUce u Father Carl Warren stot .. el tbe Holy Trlnily Parllb In COvlne, WU booked League of Cities To Reconsider Harbor Stands Elforll of lhe Orange County Ltague of Cities to dfJaolve the Harbor Dlltrlcl will be the subject of an uecutlve com· mlttee meetJni of lhe 1_. Tburachy nlght at Frledemonn Hall In Orange. Speaker wlD be Kenneth Sampson, county director of harbon, beachea and parb. For more than two yeara, the league has had under way a aerlts of atudies and committee reporh concerning lhe Harbor District. Sampson baa appeared several timea before various commlttees but not before the enUre execuUve com· miUee wblcb is compaeed of mayors of the • county clues. Into Orange County Jail Monday afl<r traffic olflcers alleged hfJ aporll cat rift down I pedeJtrtan 00 -klnlrll Street In Huntington Beach. He is fret 00 ,1,225 ball today, but . faces a Feb. 17 appearance in West : Orange Coanty Municipal COurt ·~ chargea of drunken driving and hit-nm driving. According to pollct, the pedeatrian~ William J . Hallock, 42, ol 968f Durham · Drive, Huntington Beach, wu knocked several feet Into the mud at the 119 of the road. It was not clear exactl1: where lhe accident occurred. FOUlllain Valley poUce mated Ibo priest following a mlnclr traffic accldenl in their city. He waa then turned. OVefi to Huntington Beach poUce who ba<l!1 bsued a delcrlptlon of Ille vehicle . volved In the alleged bit-nm -· ·!• Huntington Buch pollce Aid ri ' they will consult with the dlatrlct torney Thur!day to delennine aac • what charges will be brou&ht a • Father Stokes. Meanwhile, Folintalii~· Valley police said they plan to pr~ . charges of drunk in public against ~, priest stemming from the accident · lhelr city. llallock,.the pedestrian, reportedly officers he did not think he wu injured, but lal<r felt pain and to aeek treatment. 'lbe extent of injuries wu not lmmtdfately known. Seal Beach officials have indicated that they '"' not oppooed to anneutioa of all of Snnaet Beach Including the entrance strip to the· Bola Chica, which Is due someday for development 11 a large marina and a waterfroot com~ munllJ'. -. maintains that lho 1,300 realdenll el Samet Beach obould decide the fate of all of their area including the CJ>!Tldor In !be l!<>lsa Chica. Hnntlngtmi Beaclt. olllctall claim !bat they are ul:lng for I routine ....... t1m to protect an area which "ii a natural area for annexation to the city of HUJto tlngtoa Beach.'' Jury Selecwd in Stiner Trial on Trio of Charg It will i.. up to the LArc to determine vo'betber any of the annexation prGpOSals have merit or not. If any are found to be feasible by tba LAFC it ii likely that an 1Meution election. would be hdd during the summer or early fall. RESCUE ..• had to be granted for them to take off. Once over Huntington Beach the weather clearad, he added . With Crawford at the controls, the H.B. Eye began making long sweeps across the hillside area from Yorktown Avenue to Adams Avenue eut of Beach Bolllevard. ~ ... THE W\lOIJAM> THATTEllS TIME. A new end rm>lu· tiooary caJendar walcllbend thot puu tho whole year on your wrflt -ind then aome. Two .man Eleven women and one man were named Tuesday u jurors in the Superior Court trial of George and Larry Stiner. Maximum ""'1Il'lty In the beavfly guarded courtroom el Judge Byron K. McMllllA c:oatlnued to be the order of lhe day u tho junn -all wblto -were aworn In. Tiiey mull decide In what II ezpectecl to be a 10 day trial If lhe Negro brolben were two ol lhe lhree lllllked bandlll who llbot their way «II ol I Santo Ana bar witb $4,000 In takfnp. Alrlng of evidence IUJ>PCl'llng lhe charge of att<mpted murder, ann<d roJ>. bery and assault with a deadly weapon will begin Thursday. The court was dart today for the Lincoln's Birthday holiday. A moUon for change of venue by aUorney Frank Evans of Loi Angeles, counsel for the Stlners, wa1 qu1ckly denied Tuesday by Judge McMillan. df1l1 l1t )'Oii refer to UIJ month UIJ . !Imo u a ballt·ln caloadar 1U1rOlll Ill• wanls or fonmdo to llOb JOU watdlllllf·~ funcUooal u well 11 kanclaom• laohlon - oory. Sundap and bolldaJa Ill nd. ::.:.:! Twtat-0-Pln9 •!Jin. 8talaleH 1tool 18.llS an ra11ow "'1d-llled fll.95. Hnu liu a maateoa11Cilma--. . Evans unsuccessln11y argued wi : citing the reasons for his motla: his clients, George , 21, and Larry, could not obtain a fair and trial in Orange County. . . Abo rejected by lhe judge was appeal lhat me of lhe OOllDll lhe brolbers 1bould be di.mUsoed. More -charges face tbe W Negro millWd -Ibey are memliB: of the mllltant orpnlulloo us -· cooclull111 el lbe Orang• o.mty ... - ceedings. ·~ ... : They mUll ttblra to Los Ance1" .. face murder cbarga filed after j Ill!', slaying lut Jan. 17 of two ~; of the Black Panther organizatioD ~ John J. Hugglm, 23, and Al l'.....a.- Carter, 28. ~ Bolh men were allegedly lhot by .... Stiners following a fraca1 on the ~: campus. ·, CONVENIENT TERMS 11.HKAMERICARD Ml.STER CHAR6'E J. C. J./umpl.nu 'J.w.£,. · PHONE '41-J401 1111 NEWPORT AVI.. COST.t. MtsA 22 YEARS IH THE S...ME LOC>. TIOH \ I I ' .. ' . • Beaeli EDITION T~'•..,.... N.Y. Steeb;, ' ' • Y<l>l: •. 62, NO. 37, 6 SECTIONS, ••. PASES OR.ANGE COUNTY,• CAt~IA TEN CENTS " 1 .' t l I • • . . ' ' l ' 'M I N. ' : .. ost .y . *ew Selec·tions · 'Producer Don Williamson Tuesday unveiled hi.s , selecUons for tht 1969 Pageant fl the Masters. He said the works chosen for lbe •·ii~ pi~ures" are ao percent new. Thia IUJillDer's art spectacular, JuJy 11 to A1111. 24, in' the natural amphitheater of wood!J' Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach Will inclode: · A &~Ida Gallery, thtte woru by the flllllOUI · English pointtt JOlbua Rey110i<b: Cblklr~ by the Sea, a palnUng by the American artl!t Edward Henry Rottliast; The Wille Harvest. l/Y Spaniard Francisco de Goya; Pygmalion and Galatea. a sculpture by Etienne Maurice Falconet; Women Out Walklng, a Kore1n palnting by Klm Dulc.Sin: The Vlslon of Joachim, a mural in Padua, Italy; Tbe Longest Si.ti by Norman Rockwall; a Picuao Gallery by the famou.. Spanish . artist; Smoke Signal by Frederick Rem. r • J ' Jngton: Olympic Awanll; the orJ&inal ancitnt Greek award and the 1911 1okt medal; 'iliree Candle! by the Ruaslan painter Marc Chagall. The Rochell work depicl:; a apacNge scene o( men preparin& to' wait in outer space. Wllll-la attemptin1 to""'""' from NA.SA actual apace· sulla used by as~uts. · · Alao ·on the lllG9 prosram will · be Pic:nfu . ~ the Jiiat by , Nkolas Lan- Seven· Rtsef.vistS In Crash ·· N.e.ar · :EI . i Toro. ' u~o1 .. .Remembeied UPI Te ......... President Nuon leaves Uncoln Metllorlal .t( Washington, D.C. ~It.er placing a wreath at base of familiar seated.statue ofGleat Elf'g.nci· pator. Nixon took time out from busy schedule today lo marl< 160th ....,anniversarY, of ~oln's birth. Lincoln was firSt Republican pi'esl~ent. Festival Denies Youth P'lea for Pop Concert "We're going to be accused anyway of being ogres," said Festival of Am director David Young as he recom- mended against allowing a pop concert in Irvine Bowl. Young said the Easter week pop con- cert sought by the South Orange County Youth Council for April 2 would interfere with the Festival and be a burden oo the city. The board agreed to recommend that the city not allow the bowl to be used for the proposed pop concm. William D. Martin, board pmident, aaid he and director Verner Beck had met with youth leaders Tom. Gon:Dan and Rob Kronman. "They're vuy anxious to have the concert in lbe bowl Easter Week," aid Martin. He asked Beck lbe name of the musical group that was to play. ri.~arun said the young men were not interested in having the bowl unleS.'1 they could stage two performances, one at 6 p.m. and one .J:V9 p.m. He said lhey believed they could fill the 2,500-seat bowt Martin said he felt the pop concert could create tremendous police problems for a force already overburdened with the Easter week surge. Director Helen Keeley said she did not see bow the youth council could handle the physical problems of clearing out one audience of 2,500 and seating another in a half hour . "I can't Stt two performances," she said. Director Harold Burton sugge.!led that one concert might be hekl in the af- ternoon and the other at night Mayor Glenn Vedder suggested the high school athletic field as a possible pop concert site. Artists Now Must Appear . . . . ' At · F estivaI . . . By RJCHARb P.' NALL Of ..... °""'"'* ...... After some phlloeopbieal· 1 o u I ..arciitor .. FeotivaI ol Af!i dlr"'l'n Tuesday agreed to a Jtqabrmft!t thllt artlala~ lime at thilt bciolha <Fil" the aix·week Wlibit. , Whether the requirement ·will have teeth remains lo ... ..... . i>ii.ctor Richard' tlroou; , hlm u ll an exhibiting · potter, IotibWd · 1Flh7 ie- qulrement and other c;hallgu. . · . · Tl\•Y included an incrwe !Ji bOolb price from $30 tO $50 f0r1 .aTtists thlt want . to come 'to t!e1 gr:oUnda '°' demonstrate their techniques1 · i : Dfrectm: Stuirt Dufkfe Sjlld: he WU happy to lite some of th~ f~ going up. He said he didn't think '30 was (Se< POIJCY, Pap JI Directors Pick Festival Jurors FesUval of Arts directors Tueaday named their half of the art jury for the 1969 sea.son. Artists earlier , had chosen their quota of t}te seven-member panel and alternates. The board jlD'ors will be ,Frank lnterlandi, a painter whose work is modem, sometimes somber: Charlotte llgner, a craflsman and silversmith ; and AMe Von, a painter, generally in tradiUolial style. Lu Murpbine, a potter, was named an altUnate. The jury will Judie the work of arlist.!l.m March 15. a Saturday. Tbose cbolen to exhibit will sign up April 12 and 13. Jurors chosen earlier by the arUsts include Jack D.ldley and George Beau Mann as representatives of traditional art with Neal Butcher and allmillte Dixi Hall and William Motta are representatives of modem trends witb Philip Freeman an alternate. "Some kind ol petrified butte<fUes or nnethlng," said Beck. "It's 1 bot group anyw1y," uid Martin. Plutnbing, Electricit11 Trustees Pushing For Signals at • El Morro School Lquna Beach achoo! -on-lay .qreed to ."teeJ> .........,,, for aomt tnffJc coolrol , -fir the c.. Jllihway -to El Mono -lary Scbool. "'We wlll continue to .prm for a ltudy " the ...... by the Slate -" !llrbftYa and will lloep ......., for •. oontrol lher<.'' Owen Tait, ualalant ochool 1Uperintendent, aald. '.;We •encourage people to write letten to the state about the dangerous situation there," he said. In other actton, the _board directed Or. William Ullom to write a letter to the Lquna S.ach City Cooncll el· lftialn1 the school board'• uUafaction with the select.Ion of the library lite Ud the quicknea with which the councU acted. Concessions .t J . ' . . •• . . ' , . I , ' ' ' ' Plane ·Hits Alortg S~U,. ~~t t . • ' • Cou~ty . Asks. .. U'.S._ Peak, Bursts · · .T ... ·.· · o' ...... ,':B· .. ··a: .',n,: · n·. ·. f.1 ·11· t:pg" ·'· , ~~~.Fl~~ ' I ; • ,' • '.,,. ~ ,. , , • ' , ' ~ 1 ,· • ; ·• .:.J .• · ·. ~ · , '~ : r 1; . . "1'tadii:_J;Undly thrOu&ti l''bltnktt•J( : : ! . 'r, 1 • ; , . okudl,:1 Navy•bomber.~ _._. ( . ' ' . t'r.. . • · · lido '. I lOWe.,•• ""'•-· 0oomtr.• -• Act ·' i ' ·~ r ' , I 1 • • , , • ! i No'I flll .~ i>Wd.'in i ' i'taOIUllCNI• iilfked 'by ' sUpe"1lor Altlin. El ,Allin {J( D•-• .Ill" . u.e ftcllral LaJllnl """"" . JG .. . .. 1overnmen1· to ,......... lbli 11ate- estab!lllled oil ..-ary from the Sant. Ana ru\rer mouth 90Uthward and obt to the tJiree.mlle limit. Allen'a plea to the U.S. 1•vai'Dl1ltJll asked that Or111p County be given "valid --thal .. oil 1ltilllng _._, will be permlttad widiln the ' adjacat federal watera cl lbla -'1w'J." The -alli>:uked'o tblt'the State ti( Callforilla -der .am pollible ....... to inven! oil J>Ol!Utlon " ·-and harbors o1 ,0r..,.,CGuirty,Jbrourb enfon:emeot of the s;beU-Cunn1n&ha Act. . . · Ako supporlad "" the ellorlt ot the Boan! of . Supervlaon -<! Santa Bar!>I'• Co>intl In attmt>tina• lo ~ fll(tber drilling off the eOut Jn federtl w~fuo, Allen told fell6w ·~ ol hLo fllghl over the ol1·bli1hled area lilt. Friday and ol !'\' fear that IOIDe)hlnl similar c0uld hai>l>en bm. ., . The reaolulloo )lOint! out tjllt "in spite of auuranca ·!tom the D:epaitment .of lnl«lor and the . oil lildultrjo prior to. leasing that a~a!A! 1111'"""'8 ·W<!lld be 1mplemenled·t0 pnoieiit )lOlbtti(!lt, if the -"""bea<!"f •. tbeJo ... ,,.,.. • major oil apillap ~~"r' tiOlll m a leue ta bl!. Santo -· ad allo ·oil' ... , oil aanctuarJ recop!Jad0 by the ·Shliu:am,. rtlJ\blll , :Act ., , · , r • r Alter mv1 ... i;,. ~ Santa iilrfiir• aie..; r : • 1 •· , J ~ ' J • .. ~ uld, "!God' •fh•t', ... ·""'11<! • • ... --,,_ -""' . ~. nilJ>l, lhlil ;~ ....... irir ·l!'i-~ -·Ii remote .cayoo• nil ·llllo a. qi= . . ' . iii! ,,.~ .• lire. " .. ~ ~ ~. -.t •>W,Ulil brtna AD .ie>m ·relervllt8 a~·tha ~ (!>I .... t0 . a1Jaii · , illlllii~lllo> N~ ·baled at Loo Alamlloa N"'al fu-· . -~~ ' "''"""' J < 'Ali: lllllloil ' lat' "'° . -, -:::'..baain -, '...:::d-~~~ ~ ......... ~--;'" . , . " ,., -1· ~.alrcniftllllslntla"loP.Nk-'.m'lil ,tol/illilt,tlnllu!Ur .:..,~= .... .:.~," *. Ml~·~lf:81: " ~· . , ........... , ... .....;. ,~ ~-'"' -._ ~; w•-• llll'IQ Wifl l , ' ,I .• , J ~ Of . · lild ................ ". ba . ., . . . . . .-..--. :r, .. lanilll, ·, ,· In ·. ( 'TW!ii. Cities, ........ I MIC r· ·.• .• 1 i.r. O,u ··s: '.,!._k ,,.N · 1~~~s;.·~.Al~~e=: . : WJ : . ow:' ~ ,ln~l ll"'I: tfle ,trlpl•. am a4th.1on1o~. ·. '· · €overs 70 Miles . . ' . . ' Of' Coastline •• 'lnl"•';. • 'I···"· ~· '~ ....... --W• r"'1'U· ~ ·~u ,wi....,...,, airmen were '1tso •bo&r'd for a liuaman11 holiday rid<, but only seven men foiled to anawu tOiay u memben ot.tba unit atood in a tolemn rolt call under ·a lf11, .... _11 .... ~ ...!.1~· ............. _'6 lUJIK. ' \ ~ 11!e J>i'9t ~ the llJ.laled patrol ""°bar radioed be could no longer ,.. the pound·. ""' ,.~' ahlftin( olf vlaual fllibl ~ juat· mqopenll alter a touclHnd.go prac- tice tueOtt from the E\ Toro nmway, . 'No ~·ra4io ~tact was made. , . • "It . waa practicing ground con\IOI ap-, proach lall!linp and WU Oii the climb , Clll wbel> ii ·11tuek the mounW.." aaid Lt. cindr; J"'1 ·Pierce, public ,aflaln, olflcer·~ the Loo Alamllof bujo. J ~'Tbt alrcraff,·went .iralgbt ·in."· aaid, ~ ·eorp. 'Maj. J\Obert -· in-fon:Datlon. ieJi"Jcea · qfficer wbo, went to the ·-scene. in Hardfnl CanfCNI · for lhe tb\lllh, all-night rocovm _.. Uon. The bi>mWr . rammed· the . 4,JllO-'.oot • mountain. wllJch forma Or"1p CGuDl}''a Saddlehack l<!ndmlrk at the dltlcal aeven mile .limit. puint norlhwt cl Iba ~ base, ~ w~e. olhet er~ bav1. occurred. ~ »· • ' Sheriff•~ dtpQUes were. •lbe fint to> ttach the _,, ..,... . 61 dnutalll!n., ·. ·111ee·A!ll·CRASH; l'ap·ll' . . ' ' ...... • . wea .. er • ' ' ' t I ' . " ' , 'Ole waalbennan roofed, bul no- body'a complalni111. 1bat rnorntnc drlule'a• all iM riln'1N'm p1 for ·-· ............ tho ... .,..,.. ilia TWt, ~II* cooif, lo UW 7 JDi4.fO'a. '~ , .. I • ' ' " . ' ·JNsm•, ~D-"'f Loll of artllt,,,, ,.,.,., llftd 1kiR and abillCf lo gll al<mg IOffA, people _,..11/• m florid b....... S.• ·-c...-•. J1aH·2J. . ' . •• .... ,, I rH ,.... ...... . ._ • ....... n ........ ,...... . 1· ~~ .: ...... 'C. ;: ..... • 1• ~ ClliiMfr • \~ tsrra •• ::::.J••11 :t = =-,..: -::::-:1 -.... I I Ill :-U. ti Dr. ,__ 'M 1 1 .....-. ..... ,, ................ lt .......... M I ,,.......... 'W .......... -........... .. .. =·-.. 2 ·:I--... , J Ul8llpi ,, I . ". ' ' . '·' i I • _. - • J ONLY Pa0T L College Gets Confidence Faculty Vote Saddleback College -and """ minl8traUon have rteeived a vote cl. confideoce from Jhtlr faculty In ..._ to a dfJooralln« -rl<WJ 'aboat Ibo colllae ln -Ibo San Clemento San Poet. A molmion by Ibo faculty reaUlnnod Ila confidence In Ibo pllilOIOpl\y, alms ond objectives of Saddleback Collqo and 1ta IUpporl of Dr. Frtd H. -· auperlnt..denl and pmldent. 'nit fmilty vote was nol 1manlmpJL Upon nquest by '1llomu Werl.·Onnse Coul Ollltge fnstru:tor and civtl 11bertie1 llCllYlll, II ,... teamed· al llcn- day -~ boaN meetlni Ibo --11 to s. FacultJ Amci•tion President WUllam Olla lllld Ibo -.... by -boJlol., II lollond clla:ual<m , ..,. . wordlq ol Ibo resolution and be offered Ibo oplnloa that the three "no" votes migbl baff been because of disagreement with Ibo won!lng, and no! -ol lack ol confidence. The &Ill l'llll •loey called lhe -junior college "an edllc&Uonal dlauter," and lltlrll>utOd It to • politically-a. perienced but educaUonally·inexperienc· ed. conservative school board that hired administratOrs .lnfiezible in dealing with f"dent.. 5 Youths Held In Laguna on Narcotic. Charge • Leading Lady ' Suzi-e's Mom Cited for Courage 11J TOM BAJlLEY borne Friday and leaving Suzie to con- Of·11t DeNr l"l• ltlff vale1ee in Orange County and join ber There was a new leading lady Tuesday later in Vietnam. It WaJD't an easy night in the story of Suzie. decision to mate, Lan said, but ::11e Five young people were arrested on What has happened to many a was deaperatel:r Qeeded by her stx-mon~ narcotics charges early today by Laguna Hollywood. femme fatale happened to old IOD-and army oUicer huaband. Beac.h police who claimed to have·seized litUe Nguyen Thi Than Phuong. In true Among other things, it became a a J5.<JUDCe brick of marijuana, a plastic Hollywood style, she was sidelined in Valentine'• Day party when Lan an- bag of marijuana, and IO capoulel of her boopltal bed while a aloe-eyed Duom nounced lhal lbe would l>t flying to an unidentified purple powder from the Vletnameee beauty captured the heart. Saigon Frlctay -the daJ lraditlooally suspects' car. d. the "Suzie set" at the Balboa Bay reserved for the lovelorn. Charles O'Malley Weidman, U, wbo Club. And another aspect wa.< added wben gave ID -ol 1771 Glemleyn, -'Illa!'• show bwlnea, you might Ay. !he happy molher told Ibo group Iha! bootedcndmplld.pa•,s+mofmarf.. But.. you mlgbt well add, did tt have she would· bl back home for Tet -Juana and ctangero111 dnJil wllll Intent to l>t.1-mother! New Year'• ln'l!lllCh ol Alla. to sell. Bui U·~ Bulla fmew f1lll wbal AD10DI Iba ....... WU cblJdren'I Manin Markowllr, II, -JaJ wu p.g _on abe would, the party boopltaJ mne Lluda Henning, w-hUJoo Kealer, U, Macy Clftn Loomll. U, agreed, bave llood up to cheer. band, Navy U. Douglas Henning, first and c,ntbla SUe llayutln, II. Ill ol For Ibo celebrltkm boeled by Ralph opoUed Suzie'• rapidly deteriorating con- Loe ~· _. -ed on thlraa Berke, Ibo club'• wtstant general dilion and arranged for her treatment o1 -..too ol marljulDa with lnleot manager, paid lrlbo1e to Ibo courage In Orange County. to sell. . . and fortltUde of. a woman who baa main-Linda Berke echoed the thoughts of Arresting olllcor Police SgL David lalned an uncomplaining, ll)<(ay vigil everyone at the party when ahe told Brown lllld !hat '437 ~ found 00 at lhe bedllde of the lltlle girl with Lan· "We know you bave to go bu! Wiedman wbo laid be WU unempl<)yed. · ' ' Markowitz: lumber aaleamln bad tr1' <t whom lhe traveled t,000 . miles from we hate :\:* you leave. Please come hll 'a Bnnm aald. ' · her Da Nq ~ ,., 1blct to · ange County and see us. "'Sgt. ~·laid be ~,!ht Lovel1.14 :nil Laq,w~ aclllally \bt,i AndbrJii uslewllhyoq." llUl]llCla' car al 1 a.m. tod'1 wbaa tou1 o1 a muJll.purpille party. II wu And tears were not very far away be noUced lha1 Ibo rfPI rur tall llahl flrll acheduled u a "victory party" when Ille 1ligh~ pcelul VI-.,.,. .,.11 oo1 00 Ibo IJlllll lor1lp car for Bulla, lbortlJ after Ibo ..-u11y lady accepled anolbor toul: "To Sulle The 1iupec11 were ukecl to att the underwent open bear! IUl'BlrY and jull and Lan, may Geel bleaa you bolh and car Brown lllld bee-o1 lbolr joutb before Ibo contracted the wound lnfectlot keep you .will." land Ibo -ol !be boar that II now rapidly 111boidlng. The Illar cauldn, make It, bul Ibo A aubeequml -o1. Ille "hide 'llwn ii became a lrlbulo Ill Lan w~. obow we11t on. and lhe 11iapec:1a lurDed ap Iba IObed she IDllOllllCed thal Ibo woaJd be aolDI II WU, U tbeY Uy, quite a porty. pn>pet ty. Brown laid. ""1lce "' lllkllll compl1lnll eplml Ille 7"UDI.,.., Fl'Ollt P .. e l AIR CRASH ••. vto a narrow dlrt road Jmcnm u Ibo llm!lng Truck Trail and used ~y for lelephone line main~ They report..i finding two bcldlu·liltoct and a third waa later dlacovered, but darkness, a choking cloak ol amou and fO(, pllll heavy brulb bid Ibo obredded blll and pl-of olber vlcllml. 5alvage and recovery opft\1-...,.. ...U.ulng today, u • ,_ " 'IO oervlcemm detailed to Ibo crfm lob coml>ed a wide orea, atoaa with lberilr1 cteoullel and coroner'• lnveotipl<n. No one .aboard tbl plane hid 01 dtance to ball out before tt amaabed Into Ibo ~ al Ibo 1,IW-lool Jeni and lboy 11 ........... knew wbal happen " . DAllY Pl tOT OllANGE (OUT pijM,ISHING (OM,AN'I' lt•Mrf N. W••' Prulcttftf 11'111 l"ubll..,... J•tlt a. C1rl1y \tkt ,,nldMI 111111 CkNtlol Mallll9't T~•••• ICMvil ·-n ...... A. u •• 111.1~• ......... 141W ltitoh•ril P. Nill P111l Nit••~ ................. ·~-.... CUI' fflllN' Dlttttw "-_°' .... 212 h• .. t A••· M1llt111 M4resu P.O. lu ''" tJ4St --Cl!ilt NltM ~ Ill Wttl ..... '"'"' H.-t llMdtJ nn WMI ....... .,,,.. ~1uc.111 ••S11rM1 •, FESTIVAL POLICY ... reuoo•ble rental for a 16-foot panel durlni a IUt-Weelc exhlblL Be lllld ,It dldn i cover the coat of ertclllll the ~or police protection. DireclOr David Young laid a cOolllct ol -aisled. ortglnallq, be laid, art1ltl were given ipace on the Fertival srouMs· Liter lbere WU a lllghl charJe. He laid the Fesllval 11 In pl>lloeophlc trlllll• tlan. "Dlltber rub nor fowl" He Aid H a COii lllaiylls were !Dlde Iba boolb· charge m1ghl bt $1110 per ......,. Broob laid no relaUcmhlp tJlatod between value received and COit. But be lllld be hoped to ,.. the F.Uval tnVail aplnll !he tnod towlld pura commercialilln. He said be wanted to keep the rates u low u poalble, noting that some art1sta: sell nothing but btlleve in the P'esdva1 u a community en- terprlle. "Olbon .,. lbere for the purat com-morclal mou..," ht advlled. -llll(eoled·a roqulranenl - art!lll ~up for -that Ibey bt'ln~·fn Iba uu llld available durinl Iba Ftillnl, July II lhrooP Aq.M. He IQllOllad allo the wr!Uln re- Albert Eccles Named President Of Cliest BOCJrd • qulremelll a major porticm ol !heir time be spent on the ground.I. He mentlon71 one artist who had beea away five weeks during the P'eatival and another gone for three. ' Brook• malnlalned Iha! arlilla obould be available to dlacua lbelr work with Fesllval vlolton. He conceded that It would be hard to place an hourly .Upula- tlon or "dimenlklnal figure" on the rule bu! auaeate<t loA of esiilblllq prtvtleg., far arljlll wbo did nol come to lhe groundi. WIJUam D. Marlin, board pmldent. queslloned wbelher a peraon could be told bow many boon to spend In lbolr place of buslnesa. Dlrect<r Sluarl Durkee predicted, "You're going to lose some very good artists." He Wed. "how would you fJnd vlolaU<Xll unJea you bad a roU call eve11 dqt" Brookl ~ be fe11 a majority of Ibo ahlllltfni arlilla would favor Ibo requlromeoL Dlnctor --laid be tboqbl time .. Oit gmll1ill llbould be up to lhe lndl9ldual arllll. Broob laid, "The arl!ll stays borne and cranb out wort while somebody elle comes down and sells it for him." "I 111 we don't have the right to ~~ ol~ldil:e~: = "It's Dis wort no& mine." Di.rector Helen Keeley dldn1 lib the "Implied lbrul" In Brooks ncommandaUoo. Director David Young irugg'5led It might be made as a strong but unen- forced i:ecommendaUoo. Smiling, be said, "I doo, tldnJ< you woald ever use It unleu )'OU 13; ~·!or an ....,.. to pt ~ alf the srouorJa." lllttctor Verner lleclt ..,,..ied Ibo poUcy contain the went, "IUQllL '' The bolld motuaJ1y tpied to BN>Oko ...........all-IUl>jtcl to flo aftor. ~a appro9IL Burtiin lald, "You can~ . bact the thing up." Young laid, "You'H nitlnlpnoby" -DuriM and--no. Top Consumer Named WASHINGTON CAP) -Pmldent Nls· on bu nemed Wlllle'Maa Jlo(en. dlroc> tor ol !be G<Jod llouaekelptni INUllllt, to -Iba .......... ! (JO W"l'I to· eJJlllld illt<XllUm~~ actMUoa. MID 8-1 1-" to lbe Wblto Honu todlJ to become a opeclll .-.Jtonl to tbt rr .. 1dmL .. - Copter Rescues Chlld Huntington Unit . in Orration First Time.:· 11J TDllY COVILLE ................... A drllliallc a)r IWeOp by Ibo dty'1 new pq11ce hell<op&er "" employed Tueoday aftarnoon to find a mlaslng J.year-old Huntlniloo B<acb bpy. LIWe blue-eyeil, blood Guy Depue , WU opolled from Ibo l(r al 1:11 p.m. u be llood aoUed lr<m bud to fool next to a swampy area west of Beach Boulevard and n<rlb ot Garfield Avenue. The boy bad nm away from bis baby sitter'• bouae early In lhe morning because be feared she wu golna to spank him for telling a story the d1y before. The babysitter, Mra. VlraJnja Metz, 82111 Yorktown St., Hunu.,too lleaeb, rtporled !be child mlalng ·when be wam'l brouibt to the boule by bi> grandfather, J. O. Depue. 8151 Malloy Dr .. Huntlniloo Beacb. as normal. Twelve Hunllngton Beach police until were used ln the search in addlUon to the H.B. Eye, the department's new patrol chopper. Police Sergeant Robert. Morrison flew alongside World Associates' pilot John crawforo u !he helicopter ocanned !he Viejo to Hear Explanation of -·School Election Mhlion Viejo bomeownen Thunday night will bear Tustin Union High Schoof Supt. Robert Dahlberg tell wby be bell.eves a 30«nt tax override election March I 1 must pass. . 1: ....... r-1 .. Once over Hunllniton. Beach the weather dwocl, be added. W'ilh craw1o..i al Ibo coolro!I. the H.B. Eye began making IOlll IWeepe .._ Ibo hlllalde area !rom Yorkton A venue to Adama A venue eaat of Beach Boulevlld. ly l'hll lnlel1andl "We'll need it to continue our existing programs at the present level and to have the operaUonal monies to open the f o u r th district high school in University Park," said Dahlberg as he prepared his notes for the presentation to homeowner•. "llelnt Happy In Laguna Doesn't Mun Anythlnt- Htra, EVERYBODY'S Happy!" Nut month Ibo votera will be 11ked to approve a tu rate of $1.50 for a period of three yean. If it fails and there ii not a subsequent auccesdul override -Ibo laJc rate will r<v..t to 115 -July 1. Catlwlic Priest Faces • ••it would Jlrt!9eDl a serious educational problem." lllld Dahlberg. He sald be e<mlden $1.110 per 1100 I){ assessed valuation, .. A nnall price to pay for the education of. these kldt." Beach Hit-run Charges Dahlberg, a Llguna NliUel resident, said be bu been associatad wllb Miaslon Viejo longer lhan rtsldenla would lblnk. "I feel like one of the M1saJoo Viejo pioneers," he said. "I can ~ Phil Reilly (Mlulon Viejo COmpan,y presi· dent) and I alUlng out there on a rock where there wu nothing bu! billJ and cow~ "Tbe dialrlcl took a $5 millloo gamble on M-Viejo. Wt etartad -k on the high ICbool befon Ibo flrsl bomel Wert bu.ill., Sharing 'lbundaT• _... with Dahlberg at Ibo b<meownan' mtellng will be Robert Breonaban, Or1D1e County cllrector ol aviation. The meeting will be at 8 p.m. In the MissJon Viejo High S c boo J mulUpurpoae room. Pakistanis Routed LAHORE, Paldstan (AP) -Police charged with ateel·lipped staves today u thousandl of 1tudent1 tried to march on the house where .Preaident Mohammed Al'ub Khan WU conferring 00 Ibo na- Uon'I poliUcaJ troubles. At leas! six studenla ~ Injured. Presenting ... THE WAlOIJ.W> THATlBIS TIME. A HW and revbltt· llonary calen.W w1tchbud that puto !ht' whole ynr on your wlilf -ud than tomt. ,...,, llllAll Pollce lllld today a 46-yur-old Cathollc prleal faca polaible felony cbargel otem- ming from a hl\.nm auto accldeol MO!> day nl&bl In HIDltinglon Beach. The prim, Identified by police as Falber Carl Warren Stokes ol lhe Holy Trinity Pariah In Covina, "'' booked lnlo Orqe County Jail MondaJ altar traffic officers alleged his sporta car ran dawn a pedestrian on BrookhlD'st Street In Huntington Beach. Ha ii free .. 11,225 ball today, but facu a Feb. IT appearance In Wes! Oranga County Municipal Coor! on cbergel ol -driving and bit-nm driving. AC<Ordlng to pollct, !be pede&lrlan, William J. Hallock, 42, of 9884 Durham Drive, Huntlagton ire.ch, wu knocked several feet into the mud at the aide of the road. It was not clear euctly where the accident occurred. Fountain Valley police · arrested the priest following a minor traffic accident in their city. He was then turned over to Huntington Beach police who had issued a description of the vehicle in· volved in the alleged hit·run incident Huntington Beadl police said today lboy will conaull wllh lhe dlJlrlct a~ tomey 'nrurada7 to detmnlne ... ctly wbat charge1 will be brought against dlale 111 JVG nle to .. , _,,th ant tlmt &I a bullt·ln calaclu urollo ""9 ward• or lorwarda to make ,.... wotchlillil'& functional u wall ao hand...,. fublon ~ .. .,. Sunday• ond holld1ya In red. Cb~ Twtat-0-Plex• 1tyl11. Stalnleu 1tnl 18.H 1n yellow gold·flllod $11.95. NrHr haa a wa 1111ut oo mucla to 1 ..... Father Stokes. Meanwhile, Fountalr. Valley police said they plan to preis charges of drunk In public against the priest stemming from the accident in their city. Hallock, !he pecteslri•n, reportedly told officers he did not think be was aeriously Injured, bu! la(er felt pain and decided to seek t:reabnent. The extent of bis injuries was not imm.edlate1y tnown. Weather Sinks Bonds in Salinas SALINAS (UPI) -All three schools ol the Sailnlls Union High School District will be on double session next year1 and the weather may be(partly to blame. I A $7.5 million school bond issue was defeated by voters Tuesday for the fourth time since 1963. The money would have provided one new building, partial Clln· struction of a second and expansion of two others. The issue was favored by 65. 7 percent of the votera: -but a 66.8 percentage was needed. The vote was 6,239 for and S,255 against. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMEAICARD MASTER CHAR&f J. C. .J.lumpfu.iu '}.wee,. PHONl 54t.J>401 .. llU NiWl'OlT Avt., COSTA MISA 22 YEARS IN THE SAMl LOCATION Red Terror ' Bombs Fail In Saigon SAIGON (llPI) -Communflt ·temr bombers today tried to blow up two b..., carrying about 100 Amerlcao ae11Vicemea in Saigon. The bus ridert apotted the bombs, culling off one and speeding away rrom the other seconds before it exploded. In northern South Vietnam. 7,000 U.S. :tnd allied troops drove into the A Shau _Valley area lo break up what American ~' commanders said was a Communist -buildup threatening the cities of Da ·Nang, Hue and· Quang Tri. Jn lhal drive _, U.S. Marines today lhrew back ·a counterattack. killing 12 Communists. · In Saigon, two Viet Cong on a motorcy- cle hooked a bomb onto a window ~ tigrenade screen of one bus carrying .about 50 U.S. of lice rs on the staff of Gen. Creighton W. Abrams. . . An Army major spotted the chirgt 'and alerted Marine Lt. Col. Harold J. Kelling, seated next to the window. Keeling detached I.be hook and the bomb fell to the ground. The bus sped oft. Seconds later the bomb erupted, damaging a building and slighUy woun- ding a Vietnamese child. About 30 minutes later, a GI spotled .a briefcase laying against a rear wheel :of a.nothei' bus about lo shuttle 50 soldiers .) ·to Tan Son Nhut Air Base, where the ~ Qfficers' bus also had been headed. The ~ Gls evacuated the bus. A bomb squad :foUDd the briefcase contained about six t .'pounds of explosive set to go ott the I moment the bus moved. The second bomb was disarmed without incident 'Ibe terrorists escaped. f The bomb incidents came abortly after I U.S. aircraft and artillery killed 50 guer· I rillas apparenUy trying to rocket the j .u.S. Army's Vletnam headquarters In .nearby Long Blnh. Elsewhere U.S. .helicopter gunships kllled 59 guerrillas :in smashing two Viet Cong sampan con- .voys in the Mekong Delta below Saigon. ·Gls In the Central Highlands killed another 17 Communists. Near the abandoned Marine base of Khe Sanh, in South Vietnam's northwestern corner, Communists shot down a U.S. CH47 helicopter, killing one American soldier and wounding eight more. It was the I,006th U.S. chopper downed in South Vietnam. The terrorism and the battling ap. peaced to fit a pattern of U.S. and allied efiorts to break up Communist plans -documented in captured Viet Coos papers -for a major offensive J.his month. Palm Tree Foes On Catalina's Council Ousted CATALINA ISLAND -Don 't mess with the palm trees If you want to stay in politics here in the city of Avalon. -That seems to be the rule of thumb today aft'er an estimated 98 percent ()f Avalon voters turned out al the polls Tuesday to boot three councilmen out of ollice and replace them with three new munlcipa] lawmakers. Ousted from councilman seats were William Krug, a real estate broker; Vincent Scaramuu.i, hotel owner; and Johh H. Walker, retired government employe. Elected as new councilmen are Rudolph Piltch, a buiidhig designer; l"fonnan Perluss, teacher; and Joseph Daniels, merchant. City Clerk Shirley Davy said 773 voters -or about 98 percent of Avalon's registered voters -cast ballots in the successful recall electlon. t Opponents of the removed councilmen accused them of "being unresponsive to the wishes of the voters." Specifitally, the recall supporters voic; ed resentment over the councilmen's vote whlch brought about an · order to remove decoratfve palm trees and planter bo:res from Avalon'• main drag. . Also, the voters claimed dJ1CODtent over the way the incumbents hid handled an offer from the Santa Cata1ina Ia1and Compony to build a ahorWabol! and' landing airport near the illand com• munity. • DAILY ,ILOT Sllff.....,. 'CURB CAMPUS DISORDER' State's Wiiiiams League of Cities To Reconsider Harbor Stands Efforts of the Orange County Ltague ()f Cities to dissolve the Harbor District wili be the subject of an executive com· mittee meeting of the league Thursday night at Friedemann Ha11 in Orange. Speaker wilt be Kenneth Sampson. county director of harbors, beaches and parks. For more than two ~years, the Je&gue has had under way a series of studies and committee reporls concerning the Harbor Districl Sampson has appeared several times before various committees but not before the entire executive com· mittee which is composed of mayors of the 25 county cities. The position of the league is that the Orange County Harbor District should be dissolved and replaced by a single coordinated county department lf parks, harbors and beaches. Earlier efforts of two cities, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley, to withdraw from the diatrict were blunted by the Board of Supervisors. A bill introduced at sacamento wt year by Assemblyman 'John Briggs failed to come out of com· mittee. The league Ls now preparing to seet dissolution of the district through the Local Agency Formation COmmlUlon with a bearing requested in March. To date nine cities have adopted resolutions approving the league program. They are Buena Park HD.ntincton Beach, La Habra, Los Alamitos, PlacenUa, Sanla Ana, TusUn, Westminster and Yorba Lin· da. If the league gels LAFC approval for dlssoluUon the matter will then go before the supervisor's with a request lo call a special .election in August. Senator From NY Leaves Biaf ra For Safe Island WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Charles E. Goodell (0.N.Y.), reported to have come under fire during his trip to Blafra, has left the breakaway Nigerian Republic and !lown to safety on the Portuauese island of Sao Tome, state department sources said today. The sources said they had received confirmation that Goodell arrived on tho island, about 200 miles south of Nigeria in the Gulf of Guinea, and that in· dicaUoruJ were he wu in good shape. Goodell had been ICbeduled to fly to Cotoooo, the capital dty ol Dahomey which borders oo eastern Ni,erta . ~ had been reporta from Nigeria that Goodell came Wider llnl during a bom~eot by the N(C!rlan Air Force Tanday nlgltt at Alntrip An- nal>llle In .Blalta. . ' Chief Harbor Foe Vows Opposition 1'}:,Expansion . i ,.... ·- Auemblyman John V. Brfas <1'-· • "There remalnl, ot always, the desire Fullerton), chit! JtPlaU.. Ille ol the • ,. to relnln from addlq the ealatlng Orange Coua11 HarlJot lllllrld, bu di-.,_,I dll\rlcl tu rate to the COW1t7 dared he ii oppoood to Ill!' Jllupailf 11"11 IU rate. Such .an approach, II true, woold expand Ille dlltrlct, lnlluld o1 dio' ·I!. In 1111 opinion, lea than for1hrtghl solving IL .. ·' In deallnl with the clU-ol Qranp Briggs, in a kiter to all dty -~/'be llald. in the county, Mid: "Another .....,. put forth ii that "I am diltulW by lnl.,....U., ID-~ parb -would -be ln- dicaUD11 the '""'"ble .S .-It (ol Ille _.ted through their lnclullon within League ot Cltlel' -plu) would the iw-it Harbor Dlstrfel ......... not dluolve the dlltrk:t but. ntber, Uon." would expand tt toJncladt parlca. BrtcP llald he fa\oora the leque ot "Somehow, I Men to have bean! that Cltla lllllOW1Ced plan, which fa..,.. ,lale before. In feet, \flil ii where I ·-ol the district and placlnr ·came in." • 1 • the l!al1>or Diltr1ct and the parb under Brlgp, who tut year failed In an a county department." attempt to disband the district throuah "To take another route, that II, putUrtg action in the legi!lature, gave two lhe parts under the Harbor Dlatrlct. reasons why "IOtae administrators and would require an act of the California elected olfidal•" In the county allqedly Legillaturt. "'-nUy, I CID ..... l'••t to place park• wtlhln the dlatrlct'• •lternattve bot to vtgol'OUl!y oppooe auch Jurlodlctlon. legla!AUon, ll lt II, Indeed, pro(lOled," w-.r. ,....,, 12, 1969 ' (LI DAJl.Y I'll.Of l .Williams 1R~ps .. c;a.mpu~ Concessions .:4 ... 4 \ ...... By JOHN VALTERiA Of .... , ........ Orantlnr concwlons to cam~~~!· deata "la like -the llnl ..,_t to a bladanall•," Atate Sicrttary for llWnao Roaoun:t1 Speactr Wlillama told a 1 a r I e Newport Buch audience Tueeday. Addnollng the annual Lincoln'• Day LuOO-of the Oranie Counl}' Fodera· Uon ol Reouhllcan Women, the IOI)'· cheeked Wil!iams attacked 61that l'nlnl- mlnorily ol people .., the --who woold rather ha,. conflict than calm- wbo want peace abJ'Old and war at home. Nixon Calls 'Disaster' In ~unty ""'8ldeol Nboo bol cite~ <>ranee COIUlt:.~.:.i-area, countj ollldall w... late Tuelday. Civil Dal-· Coordinator Wally Fox sald the dedaraUon by the Pmldenl rnelJ'll tblt · cltlea and the county can r<cover money ~t IOI' flood repairs and damqe. Fox aa1d u:amples of thfna:s for which the government • can be relmbtD'led include d e b r t s cleanup, sanJtaUon meuura, wrectaae clearance, emergtn- cy repair• to atrtets, roads, bridges, levees, public buildings a n d public ulillUa. Tbe Prelldent declared the disaster stalua unde.r Public Law 175 which ap- pllea ooly to government., nol to ln- dlvlduall. !,.all -k County Fire Wanlen Ebntr a.t.rman and Flood Contn>l Eqlneer George Olborne told SUpervilon thel there WU at leall 111 million dama(t done in tbe county ii,~ ... ~ lllonn. Individuals and · may pt disaster damage relief through the Small Bualneas Admlnlstratloo which bas aet up a temporary claim office in Fo1'1 headquarters in the basement of the County WeUare Building, 6th and Rola streets, Santa Ana. Sirhan Changing Plea to Guilty To Ease Penalty? LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tba poulbllli;y aroee today that Sirhan Biahara Slrhan may change his innocent plea to pllty in the guruhot assassinatlon qf Seo. Robert F. Kennec!y, , .. . "Such a poS!ibllity is always dlSCWlstd in any case," defense attorney Russell E. Parsons said. "I have talked about such a possibility with the proaecuUon right from the beginning. But at the moment, the trial is going on." Parsons said he and other defense lawyers were to meet with Sirhan durJna the day "to review the whole. case." He said some announcement might grow out of this. The state wu underslood to be prepared to live "serious coosideraUon" to a guilty plea. Such a chat11e io plea, if it ocCWTed, would result from either an un- derstanding or a firm b el i e f that a life term in prison -instead of death -would be the atreme penalty. Parsons said a gµjlty plea would not preclude the defense from arguing for mercy for Sirhan. The only likely oQstacle would be Sirhan's ow n refusal to change hi• plea il wa s reported today. Sirhan, a slender 24-year-old rrom Jordan, wu described as fearful a change of plea would rob him or the opportunity to publicly sir reasona for the uausinaUon. The report •aid Slrban'a defense at- torneys buddied with the defendant, hll mother, and brother Tuetday to di...,. the poulbie gulllJ plea. .Teacher Rehiring Okayed for 1 Year By Valla! Preti lnlerullooal A vice pfesldent of the Unlver11ty of Olicago &aid today the school would ~ rehire, far one year only, a controversial woman profenor whose dlamlsul tri&· gered a tw~weei atudent ait·in. There wu no immediate indlcaUon whether tbe declalon to rehire Mrs. Marlene Dizon, auoclate proftuor of. oociolOIY, lrould prompt ltudeilt rebela to end Uleit occupaUon of t h e University's .administration building. The dlaaldenta moved Into the w .. tory nerve cenler o/ the 8Cbool Jan.• demaJ>. ding Mn. Dbcon'• reJnstalemenL They hate aince added IUCh demands u equal sllld"'t aathority In the blrinc and flrtnr ol faculty membera and amnesty for themaelva. Last Major Test Starts for Apollo 9 CAPB KENNEDY (llPI) -The IHI major test beleee the launch ol ~polio 9 utronauts James A. McDl.vtU, Dlvtd R. Scott and llullell L. llchwtlckarl Feb. 18 bepn today wtth the ltarl ol a Jona cClinldown rehearsal The exan:tse la acheduled to end wllh 1 mak .. believe launch DUI Tuelday. . . • e 2-Speed Jet-Action WASHER • Smell Lo1cl Setting Sav11 $ . ~========11 e Diep Action A9lt1tor. for 1"orou9h . W1shin91. " e 2.Jet Away Rinses -61t1 Rid of lint end Scum. • Cold W1t1r Settint-Saves Hot Water. e Fabric Selector DRYER • 2 Position F1Dric Selector for Safi Dryln9 ::.--"'-7'"""".~f • Durable Pr••• C.re for Wash a Wair 1J. Items. (::__.,..._.,;;-~-e 6ental Flow1nt Heet .Pampen Fabrics Buy the P~ir • • • .Just ' • · 1 • k e "Rapialary-1000" Spin WASHER ~~:=::::=:=:::::=n • "Ripldorr 1000" Spin Gets ·Ovt More Wat•rl e .D11p Action Agitator for Tliorou9h Wa1h. • 2 Jet Away Rin111 • Durable Pr111 Cart-Gantle Wi1htn9 Aitlon for No-Iron Fabrics. e Automatically· Timed DRYER e Aufomatrc Dry Cycl•I No 6ue11worlr:I e Dureble Pre11 C.re Plus End-of-Cycle -~---------:r c..1 o.w. • Cycle-End Si9nal t=------.. e No Steop Flne Mesh Unt Screen on Door! Buy the Pair . . . Just '388'' It.ST TJRMS u.sv· RRMS Frigidaire's New Home laundry Center • luilt-in Storeg• Cabinets for Laundry Aids e Ev•rythln9 You N•ecf t• Do a Whol• Wesh Without ~ovin9 • 1t•p. . •WASHER Infinite SPffd Control• Let Yeu W11h Anythin9 you Con Wash In W1t1r • • • Dtllcate L1c11, V1fv.te1n11 Even Bonded Febrics. "R1pfdry.IOOO" Spin 6eb Cloth11 Lighter, Dritr. •DRYER No·Twn,bl• Drytn9 ~Cycle: Special Drying Rack Holds Anything Front T·ennts Shoe• to r.ddy IHn. Buy the Pair . . • ,Just '69r• ' 'WY TUMJ e S1rih19 Tiie HW•1r ANG SlllCe 1 '47 • .. ~ . ' . -------- · 411 Emt· Seventeenth St. -Costa Mesa DAILY ' "' ' -SA1VIDAY ' ,. 6 -,,._ ~1614 , -. --.. -·-·----. d---·---·---L ,r ' • • I • .. •" ' I " 'I -' J UllVPllOT - . " • . . . . ' CORONADO (UPI) -.M ;.Jlt1ed - oo )hetJSS.l'lloblo pve,ordsl•to"Jiello deatruCllon o1 -.t popm when ·life -ol !be .,..,...,... unit· flilld to act u N<illl " Jtoru -•11111 '1>Jp, Naf)" latllliony .mftled 'l'lleollfl'· te•ol.i ., '1'..., "* ....n · The tesUmonY Made public ,abowed ~·Go~. ROoald 11eag..; reeeived aneolllledinanunderLL$eplleo- fe7eral humorous gills Monday at ·-·Illa ....,.iblllly r.r. """""' • 1urprlse birlbday party tbnnrn ol -·---did 1'ly hiJ staff one a coin changer not ._ lucl! onlen. 'f<lr retum!n( taxes to CallforniaDs. . CJIW C_.. ..... tlc/08T 1 c b n,I c I an ~an, wllo turned lltlufTlnlr .. J-·r. w · 1o1c1 •coon ol ~ liq, • . . c.n.n· calt Into 1111 -· caplme by --,_ -~~th~.?!.'" ---~son a ,, . ~ · i.e · . .,...., the ·word to "c:c .. uo•nce to~~ . e ~ ....,."'"ary O · ....,'9Jey deotrUcll°""'Jn 1111 ...... llls.wth birthday. ·· · · .! _ ... -.l'.J ! • .,;.r,..J. ..... .~ :The question of bow to save time .,II·--• S • ' -· \ . '•liDIHlng the introduction of ' .muo1, a1uon . ' '"Childreo who visit the Iowa • • ~ > · • · at De, l'doiru!j during .... · ,. 25 :!ut:~ted in the~te Push Stands • .On ,Paris T~ ' . .P~'.(VPI) -·North Vletnam .uacd 11.s'ollldltrieinP&per, • Pull'.,...,....n and a •-.C cultaral leader iclday to ~.lb hald stand at the Parla peace • ~.--Vlelnem toolrllll;JIOll-tb.. Bioolt~ ..... ha the mllllai'y • .. 1&l...:J... k_ • lo>. 6lr.... .... -... _ .. __ . . '" In.·~ -c:aie frcm ... t ;;".-:.NGfat1i..VlefnameM oftlClal •. ukt l ·· hii delepUon ~ ·m f.Cllllfe1Jld i Tltq< th,.,e . small b01/S ~Ip 1n 'l'buradaf•11alloo o1 iii. wOOkly viei.· uni 1holoifli1 off Uldr Y¥CA iii'• . · •. ~ -H ·-'d 'the -~~ lou cl th< Milwaukct YMCA. K1dh lllll1 pea':° . ~~, , e Ht ' ~ ~ummer, 8, Weit Allil, Wile., (cm-munl.sb were &lued to the ~ .for ~ J who maMQl:d to ltfclc It. t 1 "an immediate aid of Amttlcan .,.. t h<1t out thtjar!Mil, couldn~ quit< .,...ion." ' _.._,, a imiile -for..,,. --OCC<JllOll. • Tl)e -rid came from ~ oil~ • North Vlel!wnelC ·newipaper 'Nhao ob Ligbts, lhstalled at the Burnett wblcblCCUIOd.theUniledStaldolbloct· ark zoo in Syracuse, N.Y., to ells-·lnl procross of ihe Pllfis taJU. 'Ille ~=11• vandals, has fooled •ev:· -article ·broadcut by Huot .Radio,. wu ~ animals·· there into thl•k•nl ' · , . Jt•s spring already. The cougars enUUcd o. 'The U.S. M111l Withdraw Jell in lovA! all over again and are Uncondlilooally All U.S. and Satellite 11xpecting their fourth litter by the .,,.._ ~ SOutb .\ll•lnam." @nd of next mouth. Big ilizzie 1s 'Ille · llande of the two lidu at the ~xpecting.a bear cub. The wallaby ,Parb lalU "" u .-j'dlflerenl from each d have a new mlnikangeroo other as water and lir<,"·lt·llld. Eutor. The cbimpaJlzee iJ .ex· Tbe tbild 1W.m.iit came 'fiom Cu g in August. At least eight Huy c.n.:1111 del"1lY, !iorlh .v~ .,..., tlael>f.llYe-• deer cullun m!!Jllffr wl\O l!rivod,.Jn ~aris ·on will be ~ by. 20 todai °'lfll "",·~ l<oolPI 11)11 .ww current '-"cations lnaiiin81ize. perform In Frlnce, Can 1uacted· whet • . ..... . lit <llled ·-_,_,, .. llld ' ~ • -~ ' ' · !>the bunboo ll'O'i and C9C0anut. ~.' ~ : :· , •· UPI·~' · · .. n~•-i!'lf!i< .;/llOw tall<!' Ind~· la Vitt· ; ,I . ~-II·:"'-,'"--...., . .;._,. . "--~ ._....,, · _U4. Nld 1ng'Q".;~·i?lii0t"qlilfi' li1ii th;"i.,;;::::'in1 niw yur promllOs to --·· ctlljlRGEON GIVES BODY FOR TRANSPLANTS ., Dr~ Dlitfion CNley"'Fru1tratld by La CIC of Donors . -. ··-. . . . . ' . - ift .Blodcpool, Ellgland. lrilhmon be 1111 moll bopeful in Vietnam'• r<eenl , Martm GlentlOf! .,., d<ported hbtory. ~ th.r!t port for th< f!ohlh Tbe Soulb VielnllD.,. statement caine µme. Hil attorney ~ to from vice Preaklent Nguyen Cao Ky P. court 11ilit Gf<ll"°" Ice¢ "°"'" who was interviewed by a Wat German ing!bacJc beccv.ae hi 1DQI in low new1paiper eoruspondent u be new back 'with an Eftgli.!h woman. to Saigon. The interview appeared today 1 : • •• in the Sprin&er News Service in Hamburg e and other cities. Wealthy Los Angeles real estate Rockefeller presented his Yiewa to Nil:· investor Willl•m I. Hollingsworth, on and his Urban affair• coUnci1 at 65 complained that his 24-year-old the White House. The governor ~ brlde kept him awake nigbl.s with th• inluranee proaram. paid for by Join! · demands for cars, bigger allow-employe-employer contrlJ?utl~. "ould ances and fur coats. He !iled for :i 1~ ilnl ol clefeme aqin!t ..,ts divorce lrcm his wife Maria, and for a court order to make· her leave their Beverly Hills home. Heart Recipient Dies Month After Operation By Untied Pre11 lnlenational A former drilling contractor from Elkhart, Kans., died ~y night in Methodist Hoopilal In Houlton >lighUy ~ than a JnonUi· alter be .received he was frustrated by a lack of donors. "Last week we lost four persons on our recipient list," he ~-"This 1s a most discouraging thing to me. I feel frustrated because we have not been able lo carry on with this project." • A county policeman was direct· Rocky Sugges~ .. Health Program • 11raJi.pl'11ted hWrt. ! . ' ' 'nie death . of Otbo r.dwm cbanoey, 59,' apparently came Irom: -_rejection. 'l'beft are 17 penons 11111 living with ' JriDQl.nled. _hearts of tht 111 who have · re«!eit~ them:·t.b ~ received two hUrts. briaglnc the. numbers of Cooley donated bis body and organs to the Living Bank, 8J'I organliation wb.lch Everett C. Tbomu, 47, a Phoenix, Ariz., accountant who was Cooley's first transplant patient, helped fou~d. ing traffic around two wrecked cars in Richmond, Va. when he noticed a familiar vehicle pass by. lt wa.s his patrol car .. P•trolman n!'~~G~~~ -lo N=de!i M•rv•n L. St~rnes said he had Nixon today creation of a goverlftMnt· placed the dnver or one of the sponsored compullory health inmrlnce wrecked cars in his patrol ca~ h i*OIJ'am. . . . . , while he directed traffic and wail-. • 'lbe New .vart~1overDor .a110·c.nea ed for a tow truck. The police car. · for d t re et dilttibutian ><ti fedel'll; Utx was recovered about 3 miles away , iundl to ·the -Nt. lar educaUoe ud but the driver was gone. welfare. . operAlions \o ·113. · .C?iincey received tbt heart of 14-year· Ojd '!)anltl l>lni Prlcl l'·• Jan. 5. The b9y d.led of'brahi Injuries· suffered when bi&JJlcy:di collided wJth a car. ·Dr. ·Denton A. Cooley, the surgeon ... Q; 'hai~ performed more heart ~t operaUons than anyone else, . ' ...... pen Tueadoy don1ti1111 hi• body 1f<Jr '"adlplant ue after death and said -tr -tr -tr Girl . Receives Anti-Rejection Globulin Drug Subzero . Cpld Grips~ U.S. ' . - CINCINNATI (UPI). -Six.year-old Christine Corbn, Cincinnati's first heart transplant paitient, may owe her sue· cessfu1 ~progress : to lnjectionll of an· UlympMcyte 1Jobullii. Dr. William A. Alfemeler, director of the department of surgery at the Unlvenity of Cincinnati College 0£ J\fedicine, said t h e antilymphocyte globulin delays .and softens the rt· jeclion of--the new heart by the little girl's body. .... Srww Flurries Fro.m. .'Great Lakes to Appalachians c.ilforala . ( Temper;atures Mitli L9W '°"''· n " ,, 71 ·'' . " so J,J .tt " ·• " " " " » " T ~ " " N T .. " : ,: r, ~ .» • ., I 011 . " n • n l'I ... ' . " ,. ... '5 . . " ,, " • , l' I " . 61 St n " ,. ,, t.• . . , • .., .D ~ y " ff T '!I ll ,,. ti II SS « I.st " . M G 1..1' ChrisUne received the heart of 1 seven· year~ boy' in a 9\i-hour. operation fast Saturday at Children's Hospital. Christine has m.;Je· 'Stead).' . progrtSS ainct the oper,aUon and d~. at the hospital now say hef dJnclttlon Is so stabi. they ... diS<Ontinulnl ·the dally oeW3 ·bu1JeUns. GI · Okay,_.But-. Not · for Vietti~· . ' ' . ' SALEM, Oro. (UPll . -1'lle krio1 hH IOOl!d Pvt •. Robert J, ll1nkle, It. of SCappoose,.O..., lit !or-\IUI)' 'but he )till ·IJOI. be aent t6 -hit duly In Vle1nlm, Sen. II~ H1Uield (R-Ore. ), said today. • IMtead. the .enator said, Hinkle will be. ""t to GennaAY· Tbe prtv1te'1 father, Robert R. Hinklt, • • .... 1.N has tried lo ... Jib .... oul ol the 1.• llf!l"Vlce, clt.lminc he wu not me:ntall1 ·;; qualified. Pvt. Hinkle Jaat month un-- ,;. • • def'wt!ftt 1 ·aieries· ef·'PQ"Choklcieal tests • 4 » a • D '1 • n " n .... .. . " 11 al FL Lftls, Wash. Boudm ·Rid the research vea wu kded before She veael'1 IUITf.Dder, and lbat the Not11\. Koreans onlerod him lo ' open it, . bee•.-l!>eY t)iou(\ll he bad the bys.' He said he "" klcUd ll!d-beaten. whoo lie told hb Clplarl be wu unable to do ao. HarriJ, 31, of Melrose, )lua., testified earlier In open court that the Pueblo crew wu · unable to bum ""' thro• overboord all ol the estlmaled 1,000 pouoda ol documents 00 the lblp._ A Navy-aecurily expert lellJllod:Jut week that Harris and bia men . lhould have been able to bum the . papers iD an hour, if tbe7 had gone · about it deft!)". ~hon's Fh'st Negro Ex-CORE Chwf Named Finch's HEW Assistlittt . . e WASHINGTON (UPI) -J1mes L. Fanner was nuned an as1l11tant secretary of the Department of Healµt , Education and WeUare (HEW) today, becoming the first nationaJ Negro leader to join ~e N"a:on a~aUon:. . Farmer, former Dattonal director' of East Storm Followed by . Accusations NEW YORK (UPI) -With mountains of anow yet to be .remo~ ,from N.ew York streets, flurries of recrimlnations developed today -over who was to blame f01 the slow cleanup. · /. IS.Inch snowfall sµMay brought the city to a virtual stapdstllt for 2~ hour! and many secondary :streets re,rnained · unplowed. The . city's Republican mayor, John V. Llndaay,. bdre the brunt. of1• the criticism. He . was ·a~ .of · faiHQI to send out snow removal crews until after the storm ended with the !Hult · that drifts end l~ of s\llled· car~ added tO the snow removal crlail.,. · , ·''The year 1969, I am.sun, will beciome 8 political IDOW job," IJndny remarked wryly at a news conference, TUesday, contending the aceusattons W c re· politically inlplrcd. . The atonn claimed 129 lives in its rampage through the Northeast -M in New England. 50 in New. York, IS In New Jersey and two in Pennsylvania. The 6f New Enilarid. deaths wri the most Jn any stonn there siilce the · bliuard of 1888. · Sunny weather, accompanied by a slow warmup, was melting some of the snow and aiding snow removal efforts ·but it remained a tedious tPrQCess. Commuter rail and bUa Ser.ice was moved clo.5er to normal In the New York metropolilan area today and airline operations were being restored 1t the city's three jetports and at Bost.on's · Logan International Airport. Cars syu . were stuck in drifts in traffic ·lanes or New York's vast parkway system. In Boston, however,,.Route 121, whic~ encircles the city,, w,_.' cleared of more than 2,000 cars that were stalled at the height of the storm. The Ne" .. Yprk . Thruway, closed Tuesday to facilitate snow removal, reopened. Boston Edison Co. said power woold be restored today to 40,000 customers in 40 towns and cities. Heavy .. sooW felled trees and tore down. utility libes.-• Meters Go H0tne ' . . ·.\ the Colli?•~' ol 8'clal F,quality (c0RE), wa.s intraduCed to reporters: at the White House by~-~---H. Finch. r_artner will .serv.e ~ ~t HEW secretary for admlnistraUon, 1 post with f~transm, ~uUes, Finch .said • Finch also intrOdUced I D"9P&pet' executive, Crffd C. Blac~ ... 'w~~; Ukewise named. to 'be an assisWK· secrelary. Black, execuU.ve. edttoJ:~·.!f the Chicago Daily ,New1; .wm ~ ·~t secretary for leglslalion. : • . \; Fannef aiid• he never· ~ated about whether to' join · ~· ~"'{· ad· ntinistra~ · 0 · He conceded.that ooly t 1smal;l.'.fration of· Negroes rupporled Nixon dui:ll>I the past election, but said he expected the situation to change. He said he was coovinced Nixon would be sensitive to the needs of Negroes. "I expect their attitude will change substantially within the next four years," Farmer said. " .. .I think it's a. .tragic mistake for black ~le to be in one pocket or the other." Blac~, a native o! Harlan, .Ky.', comes to HEW from a newspaJ>et carter which begaii in 1942' with the Paducah Sun- Democrat in Paducah, Ky., wheie be wu .a it porter wtille still in high al:hool. ·Moch of his career has · been apent lo ;Chicago and Wilmington, ·Dtl., He became exeeulive editor of the Chicago .Daily News. a. year agO' today -Feb. 1,1, 1968. W. Berlin Swaps Threats· With Leftist Students BERLIN (UPI) -West Berlin authorlUes todaj thrutened police action against, dissident leftwing students who safd th(:y would ruin the Feb. 27 visit by Pres~dent Nixon with huge demonstra· lions. Rumbllrigs of a possible new Berlin crisis were h~ again today. ,The Soviet government newspaper kvestlJ repeated previous Soviet charges the West German government is en· daJ)gerlng European ptace by holdinc presjdeJ)Ual elections in West .Berl.in, and there were reports ot forthcoming Warsaw fact war games on the border of West' Germany. · .IzvestiJ. did not publish any editorial ~mment' of its own but it printed cliticlsm of the _WJst Berlin election ~es irom tbe Rast European C-Om· munist !toe COW!tries and headlined it: "Qonn's Provocations Fan Tensions in Eoi'ope." . Either • natµre and ~ lover•or just· someone who dislike• parklnf -melen hH·taken to dilj)layiag thou 1toilngs by sticking ta11 oay- ing "Plant 'l)'ees, Not Meten" ln downtown Hou ston. • • ,. 2'8d Gets Away l. . • . 1 Israel /ef;s DliWn . OUT IN fRONT · USW '1 I. W. Abel ·Steel Union President Leade Race Biafra Asks U.S~ Furnish Mediation UMUAHIA. Biafra (AP) - Biafran leader Odwnegwu Ojukwu declired today the United StaW can play · a mediator 's role in the Nigerian war. But h> do this, he said, the Nixon administration must • ' PI'l'TSBORGR (AP)· -I. act quickly before it .. becomes • W. Abel, ·,i.·ho climbed from identified" ,with the govem- t '\be mill noor' to the • top of meht of · !omttr Pr61ddent organized labor, took a com· · Lyndon B. Jobpsbn. · · manding lead and appeared Ojukwb mef infonrially with bound for victory today in newsmen1 iri 1fu; · home · here bis batUe to keep the presiden-ifter a dlsciiss.ion wlth two ey ,· of \be powerful l:Jnited 'visiting ' B r i t Is h Labor Steelworke.r s Union. . members o C Parliament, Unofficial returns compiled · Michael Barnes and Alexander by Atiel's campaign aide.s gave· · Lyon. · ' ' . · the incumbent a 129,868 lo Ojukwu was asked U he 66,4'.Jl lea~ over challe.nger would ac;cePt th~ United States Emi~ Nar1~k,. a relative~y as' a d.ir~t mediatOt playing unknown uruo~ lawyer. Abe~ s a role similar to i\s action committee said Its tall}'. I~· in the l967 Cyprus aisi1. eluded 2.225 of the union s , , p r 0 v i de d this , ad· 3,700 locals. . . tr r ts . kl y An Associated Press ~uryey :~~ ait'°~m~ u i~ntified had Abel ahead by :1 s1m1lar "th th Id administration 2-1 margin. The voling wQn'l !"1 e 0 ' '· be official until all ballots are it ha~ a c~ .~o ~ ao , certified by union Idlers. ThCI ef~eclive mediator, Ojukwu . ~ould take until May l. . 181~· • · Narick working out of the 81afra in the past has con- .. basemeni of his suburban demned the United States in Pi1tsburgh home, said, "I see ~emlS almost u ~tn;ing as _rlothing to cause ~e to be its re~~ted denunctalion& of discouraged. . the British. / Grand Reopening& DINING ROOM COST A MESA GOLF & C.C. Fellruary .14, 1~''-·1.•. ~,· ... 5:~.o • 19 p,m, ·:.I' ,• • .1·~.·~·r '·, · WEEKLY :$P~~IALS . · · ·i .... -Roost c.,aa of ~-·····················-J.71 Wed. lllMc•N S.• altil Hn.U. ._ ......... 2.SO f;Thurs-Ytal Sc l••llf · ... _.'J, ....... -t--; .................... .2.75 'J,;, ·....fmi! ~ ~·~·-!....-.JAsl WollNMI ~., --of c.ic1i'n ~" ..:-...... : ................ 3.ts I .. . IMlt Le.;.r1.~: ....... c... .... -••••••• ,._ .......... -.Z.tl -· !"trb&• lntluft . .$0011 w ftuflll ,G~ S.lftil ,,._i,. Vtoaljablt , •• ' 11:911, tdlt• .................. . t. • • • ' I . • I ' SotMloy,"'1let-1.t5 .. •:5-H 1.Z·tel p.ow. . C:Wldno-1.35 ENTREES. Speclal-New York-StMk ....... l.25 ......... lltttflt " •j, PRIMl·tHotllD SJaLOIN ... -... ~---... -.... -.... J.H ~It..,. . . •. . CH~ I • ..... :._:·····-········-··_._:L:'··-~.--. .2.71 Pll'I ,,,.., llt;)llr!Nd ~ "" ~ lllADD Y1AJ. ,.11TUT .~~..!--..__ __ .. _ ... 2.ts ,,.....m llflll9ntlt -r. ROAST PllMI ...... _ ··~ . _,.J.75 IXTIA CUT ____ .._..:.L"'-~~.:.,.: .. .:.. __ ~.-~ .. 4.21 'UMIO -•"""'S' . . '" ., t' ,... • •1 . ~ .... " •.•. .: ........ ---.... . --··· O.ldif!l ,f rltl ... c:.dt•A 1Mlce ' •I ~ • TOP SIRLOIN STIAl ·-'·· • · L•-""'"4--·····4.71 ar.11t11 , u,1. ~ · · I . ~ SllLOIN1ITIAI ___ -:.....r-.:.~-·----·~·...._:..-.... .1.21 11'9111111 """ y~ ,.,,...,,,....,.. . ; • . t • AUSTRALIA~ 1.04ST,IR. t AM. ~-f.....;,._,_ __ s. H or.-l\h1W • I ~ 1· .._ ~TEAR . ..J LOHTh COMIO ·········-····-·······-:.5.H • • 1701 IOOLf COURSE DRIVI -COSTA MllSA (1 .. 114 Folmow Hospltwll -540,7200 ' ~. . '0nce)'Ollmoveinto88'e b~-carworld-Cor no more than the pnce cl the i.verap car-)'OU've.Pit: yomoelf a lotoCbuic value. But"" don't atop th<ft. We aln,ya pututra.vaJ ... into ID Oldo 88 I.bat keep it way ahmd oC ito price. Like new ....,inu. boallt in I.be clooro for added l«Urity • And. -onti-lbeft lpition, llteeriu and . -'"9lon loclLQltem , to belp ""°"'";roar Olcla. .. • .. SF State . . . " . • ' • • Wtdnndaf, ,...., 12f 1'169 DolJLY "'1.0T IS 24 llOur ... lleport CALL "Kl 7.;2545 • FUU JAnORY IUAUtmE a.wa,. of sole Head• that are Mt told by • Head authorized dealer. The gvom-. MctY ,not be valid. • HEAD' "M1stlfl" ....... bf, l35.Gl 74.50 . • IUD •fWs" .......... lof. 165.00 124.GO • HEAD "eon..tittO..s" .... R ... 175.0Q 132.50 •·HUD "320'1" .......... Rlf •. 145.00 109.00 • I •HUD "Stlnd...is• ...... R19. 115.00 16.00 -' • "NEAl'S: ~--~•om: .. ...,..~ . -.--.... , ........ . .. I IOODS 1'tL• ... ._ .......... .... •-· in 747211 "4-tln .,,.,,. r.. t , .' ") • ..._ • , •• I ' -. " ' ·! .. , '::. • - .. ' I , '. l \ • --[DAILY PILOT "mrroJUAi°PAO I A Solomon. Decision ' . The 4eclllon on a Laguna Beach future Ubrary all• wu as retreablng, aa the sunshine after a a1orm. It waa like ending a small bul biller civil war that had drag&ed on for years. _, Mayor Glenn Vedder likened the !aUer part of the library location campaign lo a "balUe of tile Xerox machines." Vedder had asked for w rlUen recoinmendallons and tliey came aplenly, a paper uploslon. There were reports, facts and, of course, many opinions and cono- clualons. He said the cicy could spend no more Ume on the matter. recalling that the word "urgency'' had been wed in connection with library expansion since about the beginning of the decade. And although civic leaders were (lrmly planted on both sides· of the site controver1y-the old site vs. a new on&-the council deciaion 1eems to have st1nale4 an armistice. , Councilmen were unanimous in tbe!r endorsement of the planning consultant's second recommendation. It includes!rom six to nine·loll aoutll of tile 11llrd Street medical center 'linlshing out tile out aide Of tile bl~ to Mermaid Street. · Acquisltion of all nine lots would keep the property from being split and would give the propoaed 8,000 gquare foot libraryTOOm to grow. · 1 \Vhether this can be accomplished will be a matter o! economjcs that remaina to b-· worked. out with the counly. During these talks,. tile clly should stress the fact tllat Lagunan1 ll!lve for yearo paid the counly II· brary tax rate while' 1utrertnc Inadequate Hbrary fa- cilities. It is' to be hoped that the county . will be willing to bend its cost criteria keepln& In mind both the past tax payments and Lllguna's 1111111ua1Jy llllb per capita ll· / ' ·.~ • ' ' ,. braly palroJlaie. Ariolhtr bnpt IP'!t Ill Iha clty'1 library site deci- sion laat week· waa th•' ap~t detennlna!ion ol COllD- cllJntn IQ. baoa onto Ille 3, loot library building when a new faclllty IUa ov1r. It would become a colJuplll!lty center which tile town 1orejy nead1. I~ 1hould be allowed to remain a perpelu111rHR 1pot Iii lb• downtown. The coW>Oll ii to be commeili!ed. JI was a tou1b de- cision well bandlad. • Quick, Sustained Action Mother nature daall Sil!) Juan Capistrano a vicious blow during the recent storm• that lubed the county: But the 1punky town bounced back and got buay putting tlllni• right. . 'the l'lln1 looeed' rampa&tng flood' waters that roared· through flood control ·!lhannel1. Debris carried by tile water 1maahed lbrou&h a ·cemant channel wall and waobecl out a quartar mlle'Of the city's main J•w- •H line. . · Upltrnm, another sewage line· was weshed out and Ille Trabuco Creek Brldi• bearing the city'• water line wu undermined llnd tbreatenad to collapse. City public works crews gol lo work immediately, tackling ·ille' water main and bridge first. Quick and sustained action secured the swayback bridge and 1aved tht water Une. ·EmirgenCy contractor crews working under foul conditio)ls had repaired the sewer line by Thursday, faster than first believed possible . The city, its officia1s and workmen are to be con· gratulated for speedy and responsible action in the face of diffic;ult circumstances. CLI THE P~i:>t>L!:R WO.tty Hickel Reader Def ends Legali%ed Abortion Decides He'll Go to Lunch SeeretarJ <i the lnlerlor·Wally Hickel hp at 1-Jt rolled up his slef:ves and pe to work to help Mr. Nixon buUd a br:tter America. . , . . So conservationists are gt o o m i 1 y -predic:UJJI the rapa of the wildemeu: Democratl are happily antlcipaUng anclher teapot Dqme acandal; and ln- aldera are buying oil ahares . Nonsense. t, for one, "•ct more tru1t In Mr. Hickel than in any other Cabintt member in years. 1 am superbly con- fldenl that Mr. Hickel in the trying times' ahead will never do anything wrong. As a matter of fact , I'm superbly confident he'll never do anything at all. You need only envision his working con- ditions. SCENE: 'Ibe Secretary's office, Mr. Hickel sill at his walnut de9k as a dozen aidea atand around watching him. 1'wo an, of course, sple.s for the Democratic National Committee. Three are on loan from lhe White House. And one is a bearded young man in lederho.sen who keeps humming hiking &<>ngs. In the anteroom, more than 40 reporters wait, pencils poised over notebooks. Mr. Hickel nervously shufnes the papers on his desk as the aides nod. Finally, he picks up a pen as though to sign one. There is a collective in- drawing of breath. He puts the pen down. HE TAPS ms fingers . The aides nod. He reaches for the telephont. There Is a collective gasp. He withdraws hil'i hand. Tension mounts. At last, with the air of a man crossing the Rubicon, he slams his fist on the desk and shouts: "By George, I've decided to ••. " Panic ! Aides scurry In all directions. The re.porters dash in, pencils at the ready. The first flash reaches the Democratic National Commit.tee. "Hot Dear Gloomy Gus: lt'1 a pity the winds blow them· &elves out turtoa d6wn tree& in- st.ad fi· uU!Uy pole& in Lapna Beach. -A. J. D. rlglectY" crifl a straleglal. "Happy days are hare again." · -· Ovtr at the Sierra Club a ICOl"t or elderly lam.. In whlpconl breechea lflm- ly check their alpenstockl as tbty prepare f0< a ocal•in protest atop the Washington Monument. AND IN THE White House Ready Room a red light nashes. "Hello, Wally?" says a white-lipped President Nli:on into the phone. "Put your scrambler on. Good. Now about thls decilllon you've made. Have you thought it through?" "Yes, sir," says Mr. Hickel firmly. "J've decided, come what may, to go to lunch. Now I don't see any sense in lunch for lunch's sake, but. , , " ''\Vho with, Wally? Nol one of your old oil company pals, I trust?" "No, sir. I thought I'd eat alone In the cafeteria to show my independence. Juat a roast beef sandwich and a &Im or milk." • . "HMMttt. I'D SKlP the roast bed, Wally. It might be interpreted at favor- ing grating rights {or the cattle lnterelta. Let's see, what about ham? Look, I'll check it out with Ray Bliss and call you back." "Thank you, sir." "And, Wally, just let me say il!&,t I have complete confidtnce in your Juda· . ment and integrity. Now, what are you. planning to do after lunch?" · SO I SA. Y a cynjcal, suspicious naUOn should confldenlly put Its f1llh and trult in Mr. Hickel. And let's keep an eye on Ute others. It's the leaden you trust that you can't tnm. A Deep Emotional Truth Tltougbti At Large: What too many solicitous mothen fail to realize is the deep emotional truth Jn the old Talmudic saying": "Belter is she who shows a smiling countenance than she who offers milk to drink." -. . A lower-class domicile is, to mt. a place where they have aix beer-can openers and no corkscrew. -. . The flaw of the provincial mlnd Is that it judges all behavior by Its own narrow standards; the naw of the co.- mopolitan mind is that It re)edl all standl11ll aa merely matlen <i ~ taste or pnference: thul, the Jl'09l!tda) 1ulfera lt'llnl a !allure In ..-iao; ·and lhe coamojiolltsn ln>m ii lallUra lo charll<Ur. • • • Defmdm ol a 1ood --Ill wont ene.mlea when tbly \Ill .._ hall-truths to promote the cam wD tbole too Ignorant to rebut the triumeaL • • • When a performer swtall, he hu not rQl..lttttd hill art ; for nurly the whole aim of craftsmanship ls lo make the dllllcult look euy. • • • 6191 ud by'' used to mean In lht ..,.. poulbl• luture : but lhe In· veterate procraatlMUon ol men·ha.s turn· ed it into "sooner O!' later." . . ' . It ls true that to7 -doo1 ipawn vloltnct, any mon thin 1 parnop"lpb.lc Utenture leadl to~; but toy weapon• <It mU. the tatinl ol lllO .-Wu! and dlyorced fnllll --,-. jltll .. ,.._apblc ...iu. ........ ... fnai aflecllon and nopect. . ~ . . . ... '11!1 m!PUor .... --" --....--. Uta i. n -to ha" to qlnmttnicale; techaolaa tn- -the apeed aad v..u, ~ the audlenct for oomm'lllllcelto, bill a the ..... lime -the -el huntaa In-le wbll II btlng aimmaolcllfod. • • • Pmtape one <i tht moat upma1 .. worils tn the Englbb laneuq• b "Oabo berguted,., which. oddly e n o u 1 b , originally mtant ''to fril;hten with a Oy-1W1tter." ' Women Should Have Right to Decide To the Edll9r: · J am a Woman who clecldld to have an~ abortion lleaally, in Japan). I would like Jo uplaln to M. Y. Nordlund (1'Aa:alnat Abortion," Mailbox, Feb. 5) my reaacms for makln& such a decision, and alao eiplain why American women should have ' the rlgllt to decide for themaelves whether they want to have an abortion. I was at an at• when I could not handle our "accident," but I wun't in u deep . a mehtal disturbance as would have been necesaary to hive a legal abortlon in Cllllornia. 1be idta of loinc to Jap.ri, Where skilled doctoi:s perform the operaUon, WM ""IUlte•ted by my doctor. lo aanilary conditions, with a surgeon, there is no danger to the paUent. The operaUon takes only 15 to 20 minutes, . and after a day 's rest, the paUent ia perfecUy flne . AS FOR THE CHDJ>, a foetus is not &iven a burial until the age of six or seven months. An abortion cannot be performed after three months of ·pregnancy. I, myself, feel absolutely no guilt, as I'm sure many women would not. As for those who would, and do not believe in legallzing abortion, all they have to do is not practice it! Legalized abortion would do them no harm at all. whereas those of us \Vho would like to ha ve a legal abortion, without spending money to go overseas, are forced to bear the burden af an unwanted child. I'm aure that you'd be surprised at the amount ft American dollll'll IOln1 lo foreign -attons. AND WHAT OF thole women who an not u financlally fortunate as I w11?· Many of \him go ahead and bring an unwanted cJiUd into the. world. Look 1t the number of deUnquenta today who were undulrtd children. Think or tbe crowded condttlms all over the United States. Other women take anyone they can find who . would perform their abortion, even the cleaning lady in a filthy restroom. Moat of these women die from lnlectkm resulting from d I r t y ••lnltnimenta." These are the &ad cases. WRY 8HOlJLD TlUS haPJ>en in an adv~ naUon like the United States when we have UUlrd surgeons and gynecoJottatl' rtght ander our noses? It is becata1e ot narrow-minded people. Ag~ 11171 Ji ii.doing you no harm to hlVI ltp1 .abortions. Please give Am~cln women thfi freedom to choose IO< themae!VMI NAME WJTHl!El.D •---89 6eol'fe Otar GtOrge : Thanks a million for your firm stand against mtn d o l n g housework! We're a naUon of men. not mice! Men should always reruse to do hou&eW'Ork. By the ~·ay, please don't ·we my name. I'm married. ANON DHr Anon : Well ••• oo much for the mouoe mall. Odd!J, .., men have written 10 far. ow Georft: · I haft recahlld the reou1ts <i 1111 tntaOlpece tall and tt b ...... lnilf llllh -thl• prompts ... W.-a -amltlllen. I wut to ba on ""1Ice columillat.' What b Ille llilt thlnt I llloWd do? HIGH IQ Dear JQ, The llnl thins >""' should do ii tan another Jntelll.l•nce t..i. Youn couldn't be all that hl&'h, or you wouldn't want to bt an advlct columnist. Letters from rtadtrt arr wt?come. Normall11 writers should convcv thtir mtr~age in 300 words or ltss. Tht right to condense lttttrs to fit space or eliminate libel is rtstrvtd. All J,ttters mw:t include aignaturt and mciling address, but names fl'l41/ bt withheld on request if sufficient rra- •qn is GpPartnC. To the E<Htor: ·) Well -we blve hit another new low ! I refer lo Robert J. Bresnahan 's comments in the DAILY PILOT Feb. s. It never ceases to be a source of amazement to me as to how a person in public offict, or in any other office of responsibilily for that malter, can make public utterances of that type. They exemplify the epitome of imbecility , .. ·as I recall that's just short of ablolute idiocy~ IN VIEW OF Mr. Bresnahan's ap.- parenl lack of time I offer him a three part program which might aid in hasten- ing his recommendaUons to the Oran1e County Board o( Supervisors: I. As soon as residential developments within five miles of the airport are three years old, supplant them with slums. Thest, then, can be condemned in the name of PROGRESS. !. START immediately to exterminate all people over M years of age who livt within the light pattern. This permits nex.lb!Uly because if the airport again grows too rapidly the board can lo\\-·er the age bracket and~r widen the flight pattern. 3 .. A community campaign for a salary increase so Mrt;Breanahan can "afford" to move into one .or the troubled areas. otherwise, he may grow too old and become a victim of hill own Pandora's Box. JERRE C. BLAIR Brtnahan. Orange Cou·nty director of aviation, told Mission Viejo hontt'· owners that EL Toro Marine Corps Air Sta tion "looki the most logical" of the tight sites under consideratio~t for relocation of Orange County Ai r- port. Concedi11g it i.s an emotional issue for the pt:opie living there. lie said "you've gOt to look at the .25-year and 50..ytar projections. Our airporls are presenit11 srriouslv ove r-trafficked and lhe need ii getting worse." He added: "Let's face it; the aver· age homeou.-i1er Lurn& over hi.s ho»1e every three years. iVhat wUI ht care 20 years fro111 tiQW I/ we do or c1on·i locate in El Toro? Some o/ tht •trono· est oppositiou 1ve've rtceived is from tht ~tli<Unt.s of Laguna Hill• Leisure World. Yet, who.t ii the U/t t%J)IC- la!ICl/ of lhf1t p<ople-15 ~ronl Wt'rt talting about dcciffona that tcfJl affect thb area 40 vcar1 htnct ... -ldllor CemMOt& P.Uef'll .To the Edllor: Rectnlb' a ruder describfd a lherlll •he bid .... will! 1\11 lhtrU!eevea roli<d up helpina a IVandtd motorilt change a Ure. Lar1ely !tom thll ·fllf fieetlng event she drew m•l'I)' hrold generallu· lions about the wonderful nature of our ctment officers. Without offering any (luali!icatloM or admitting any fault on the part of lhe sheriffs she e:ndcd her letter with a plea tt.at we support our local pollce. In short, the police are great and deserve our support primarily because she saw a &herilf aidini a motorist. I'LL ADMIT THAT Lbis may be a slight oversimplUication of her state- ment, and acknowledge that this letter may not be typical of her usual ability to reason. Still 1 would like to charac- terize in general terms the methods of perceiving and thinking revealed in the Jetter, for they reflect a common pattern. Fir&t, the perception. It Is as though she has seated herself in a chair in her house from which ahe views the world through ,a smBff'' windoW some distaflce from her. This window on the world is her only source of information. Through it she can .see only a small part or the landscape -the vast ma· jority or it ia hidden from her. SECOND, HER method of thinking. We might sympathize with her if she were honest in appreciaUcg the limit! of her perception, but she is not. She tries to fool herself and us into believing that she can see the whole world through that window, When she sees one sheriff helping one cltl.zen and ther. generalizes that all sheriffs are good, ah~ is indeed laking that oo~ s,mall pi~e or landscape she can see through the window and using it to fill in all the rest of the landscape that she cannot s r e , Unfortunately, the rest of the landscape may be very different. WHAT ABOUT THE police in Selma, Century Plaza, Oakland and Chicago? \Vhat about the complall\ts against our own California poli~ made by members of the Black and Mexican-American com- muniUes? These questions were ap- parently beyond her view. It is my guess thal our reader has evolved a life style -her chair - that limits her experienct to that which is safe, wholesome and suburban. In addlUon. she ha& evident!)' developed a pattern of thinking that blota out "sour" consldeteUoos alld fills in these gaps with _ eztensions of her more harmonious conceptl. She sees what 1he wants to see. Too many Americans Iii In chairs like this, unwilling to lff the IU{fering and imminent d&nitr caused by their blind pr.ejudices. DICK JOHNSON Free Fllgflt• to CulJa To the F..ditor : Airline hijackings art becoming more frequent , with no end in sight; and, as usual with large indurtriu, nothing has been done to put a stop to this annoyance. RecenUy it was announced on television that ctrta1n airline com- panies were conaidtring attune up flights to Cuba with the fond hope thal these flights would alleviate lbe problem. What these idealists do not rtallze is that the hljoclier htjacl!a mainly becaule he -not have the money to pay hJJ tram.-. i, TU UNlftD STATl3 ahoold !RVl<lt fnl; ....,,_, f1l.lhts to CUba for a"1 wlto wish to ao. lo thll aolu!lon lwlbltl Whal W<lUld ll accomplbhl Fl11l, the fUa:hll could be 1et up on a voluntary, mutual partlclpatlon b a 1 I• • All participating atrU... Mild prvvtde .. a rotatlnr basll the number of fllcllts r<qulred. Pooslbly our military transport &lrtraft coukf 1bo be URd. Second, It would thtn be annouoctd by means ot mus media that l.btll rugbta •ttt available . Tiil: ACCOMPLISHMENTS Ot J!UCh a program should be fairly obvious. First. the free fllg ht.s would put an end to the necessity of anyone's hijacking a jeL Second, they would eliminate the resultant passenger inconvenlen~. obo vious costs, sc hedule upsets, and the horrendous possibility ar an accident over the seas {Say one of· those grenade.! goes off one ol these days!) Thus, these flighl.l5 would nicely show to the world that the United States freely allows anyone to leave who so wishes . · THE FTRST AIRLINE hijackings OC'· curred fr om behlnd the Iron curtain, people trying to escape horror and tyran· ny. Certainly it must cast a murky shadow on our country's dingy world· wide image that so many find it necessary to "escape" by means of hi- jacking. Certainly this is not true, but how many other countries an awatc that ll is not? LET'S SHOW the world that Uncle Sam is not opposed to Jetting people out of the U.S., that he's eVen .so generous as to lend a helping hand. And anyway, we're overpopulated here as it is! It would be interesting to see whether ii:ny of the 1ron Curtain countries would do lhe same! JACK O. TURUNEN Best LllJrar11 Site To the Editor : We regret deeply the los.s of the central site for the library. In addition to being the best site from the standpoin t of the library, the site meant maintaining and enhancing the income structure and the high capital worth of a valuable municipal holding. However, though the library is Jost to this site, the community center and plau possibilities can possibly be saved. ·We art; gratified that the Gity Council, at the end of its meeting last week, gra.nted our request for a resohttion aICirmlng the present structure as a community ctnter. WE LOOK FORWARD to working with the new o\vners of the triangle to persuade them to some forecourt area in the front of their new structurf:. From our two-year effort, the Citizens' Town PlaMing Association takes pride. Two years ago, the library seemed desth>ed for· relocation up the hill on the school property. We appealed for study for the central site by the county; the county study. showed the hlgh feasibility for It that we had surmised from our own studies. And, by our campaign, thinking consolidated In behalf of a central location. Tbe library Will not be moved Crom the central basin. We now k>ok forward to continuing our efforts in behalf of central basin preservation and enhanctment. JAMES W. DILLEY President, CJ'PA -oamotW- Wednesday, February 12, 1969 Tiie rdftono! Piii• of lhf Dally Pilol ,.,,,. ta U.fo"" and -· 111o1c .. ac1m br """"tl1Jg 1hlt ...._., opfnlont and ...... ,...141y .. 10picl of lotmst and lfgof/leancc, br providing o "'"'"' for U.. •"I".,,,.. of °"' rtodm' opinfoM, and bJ/ ....... tfftg u.. dlom• ,,,.. points •I lnformrd ob1'"1fft and ,,,.,,.....,. ... loplcs of ,,,. daJI. Robert N. Weed, Publisher l .. • Newpol.!t ,Bar bor EDITION •• j ' .VOi:. 62, 11(0. 37, 6 SECTION~, 86 PAGES ORANGE COUNT¥, CALIFORNIA . ' TEN CENTs .. - Test Drilling Off Harbor. -~:Fri,es' .... ~ew·port By JEROME F. COLLINS Of tllt DlitJ Pllet SMff Newport Beach city officials re· sponded angrily today to discl06Ufes that Shell o~ Co. and 54,!Vell other finns intend to sink an exploratory core bole about one rnlle off the harbor entrance jetty. · The plan bas state approval. "Boy, that really fries me," said Newpart Mayor obreen Mll'lhall. ·· • She and Vice Mayor Lindsley :Parson! County Asks U.S. Support Of Oil Ban By JACK BROBACK Of .... DlllY ""' It.ti ~· Coonti supervisors Tuesday asked the federal government to join the st;ite <>I California ia prohibiting ·"11 of]. ·drlil!ac .. • Oi'lnge County ~ friD N .... A!IO illver BOUth to llli -tyillne .attlil Glilml!ile-. l'lllllliiY: -'"'""moeul bu lli>ch • li!lJlllll!Oo undit Ille '8liill-OllnfDg Aet:~ · \ · . · Now Ille ·coontY ·board, In a molution of!ertd by Sujierv1'or Alton E. Allen d LfCiN Beach, ur.., tbe ;f•deral permnent to recognlze lhll 1tate- Ostabllihed ofl aanctuary fronrthe Santa Ana River mouth southward and out to lfle'U.:...-llmit. Allen's plea 1o the U.S. -government asked &hat Orange County be given "valid assurancet that no oil drilling.operatiOM will be pennill"d within the adj1cent Jederal waters of this sanctuary." The r&'IOlution also asked that the State M california CODBider all possible steps to prevent oil poDuUon of. beaches and harbors or Orange County through enforcement of the Shell-Cunningham Act. Also supported are the· efforts of the (See Oll. BAN, Page !l * * * One Slick Gone, Another Sought Newport Beach Weguards tried In vain Tuesday to find a reported oil sli~k five miles off the coast here, but this morning crews left to seek another larger one reported near the Catalina Channel. Llleguard officials left the Oran&e County Harbor Department docks at 10 1.m. today to search for a lC..mile-lon( oil slick reported drifting sll&htly north of Catalina Island. 5"':etal reports of a slick in the loca· tion· have been received, a spokesman said. A slick reported off L08 Angeles beaches Tuesday was apparenUy caused by a tanker emptying its pipes. That maneuver is illegal. Oraage Weatber The weatherman goofed, but no- body's complaining. That mornin& drir.zle's all the rain we'll 1et for a while. Thursday the sun comes back out, warming the coast to the mid.fiO's. INSIDE TODAY Lots of artilef'tl, ta.lnt and skill and abUie11 to get along with people marl\! U/e in florist busintu. Ste Carttr COrMtl, Page 23. llrlf" 11 lilMI •• ler9'cit 11 IMllttf Jt _.._ n ~==~-J = llWllft ;: (1 .. llfl.. •• ,........ .......... C911tlct " .,.,,. ~ 11 c ... ,...,.. It PTA II O.ltll NtfkB It 1«'111 C•....., 11 DI-ti 11 1«'111 ..... tMI a11...-111 P.,. • tlltl'ft M-t1 anttr11.,._. IL U DI'. S~ 11 -l'hlllltl 1a.1t """' M1111.tll 1•1• Fft (IU. 1' T~*" 1' '"" tklflllJ l:I ,,...... 11 ...,..... JI ........ 4 .Alln L.-..n » eltllll Wlilltt t4 Mloll'111 I WWII Mlwl +I Merrtnl Llai!IMI 11 said it ls poasible the city will go to coorl to tty cancelling Shell's permit. It was granted, spokesmen for the oil firm said tod~y, by the State Lands ComrniAsion on Jan. 2. "We bad· nev~ heard about it/' said Mrs. Marshall. "This is a tot.al surprise." Ed Gallagb~ •. special assistant to SheU,.s pi:oductiOn manager in Los Angele!, exj)lained .that the project is aimed at determlniJlg the geological structure of the coastal shell. •lu we tiit any gas or oil," he said, "YI• will immediately. plug off the hole with cement. There won't be any fudging either. 'i'lte1< will be stale inspectors aboard to see to il God knows, we do'n't want any problems· after all the trouble Union Oil got· us inte off Santa Barbara." -, 'The uruon oil slick, which gushed up ftom an offshore well • tut · week, is s Reservists Aboard j County Bomber Crash Kills · 7 Roaring blindly through a blanket of clouds, a Navy bomber slammed straight into a towering Orange County peak Tuesday night, then dropped 600 feet down a remote canyon wall like a waterfall d 1111 All seven reaervists aboard the SP2E Neptune baaed at Lo• Alamitos Nav,:al . Air s~ far ~ 1wo weeb' fn1U111 training, died when the four-engine an- tisub~ airqift hit Sant,ia.go .Peak. ld<otlll0.Uoo ~f the Mlnneapou_.st. Paul,,~ J)lval ?esene squa\il'Qa diead "'" willlh'14. pehdini notlfleatian .of their famtlies in tbe TWin Cltiu are.a today. The 8:23 p.m·. disaster was the third involving a Los A1amitos·based Neptune bomber in 11 years, bringini the triple-- crash death toll to 64 persons. btliially, it was filled two of£~ut'y airmen were also aboard for a busman's holiday ride, but oiily seven nien failed to answer today u members of· the unit stood in a solemn roll call,under a gray, drizzling mlJlt. The pilot of the ill·fated patrol bomber radioed he could oo longer see the ground and was ah.lfting off visual fiJght rules, just moments after a touch-and-go prac- tice takeoff froM the El Toro·runway. No more radio contact-waa made. "It was practicing ground control ap- proach landings and Was on the climb out when it struck the mountain," said Lt. Cmdr. Jerry Pierce, public affairs officer at the Los Alamitof base. "The aircraft went straight in," said Marine Corps Maj . Robert Booher, in- formation &erVices officer who went to the remote scene in Harding Canyon for the tough, all-night recovery opera- tion. The bomber rammed the 4,050-:oot mountain which forms Orange County's Saddleback landmark at the critical seven mile limit point northeast of the air base, one where other crashes have oc:curu<l. Sheriff'• deputies were the first to reach the smoky scene of devastation, Noted Lawyer's Son Arrested On Drug Charge The ~year-old,.cstepson of prominent Oranae 'County .c!riminal lawyer George Chula has bee!l arrated in Newport Beach on a bench warrant l!Rted by a federal court in San Diego, where he faces: marijuana smuggling clMrges. The youth, Steve Loyd Chula, who gave hia address u 310 Prospect Ave .. Newport Beach, WU acbeduled to IPl>'&r In federal court Ian. 20. A apokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in San Di.ego u.ld this mominf the youth never sbowed up to aJtlftl' charges lhst he smuggled abciul · 20 pounds of marijuana Into the U.S. The younger Cbula was arrested in July of 1111 when U.S. C\llloml l(enlJI sl San Ysidro found the bricks of map. juana In the luggage compartment of hi.I car. The government spoke11nan said lbat Chula had .posted a personali IUl'ety bond ln jlll we, wblcb ho will forlelL The elder Chula iJ defending LSD cuftilt ~. Tlmotby Leary, plus Leary's wife and ,.. on drug cbarge1 llemmln& from the.tr aJTtSt last Cbristmu ill WIJWll Beach. • via a narrow dirt road known u the Harding Truck Trail and used mainly £or telephone line malnu:Panoe. . They reported fin~ t~es intact and a third was lalef. . . vered, bu~ , darkn..,, ,. c;hoki!>I ~ .ol. J1119~ and fog, plu, beavy ~-~?# ~ bits.and pi'!<"'".,,,.,.,., . . ' ' Salyage ~ ~ !'i'!!'J\i\l"' 1!!~ =:c:::. ~-'li.~'~J 1:1~. combecJ a.wide arU, lklnj Wlth ~ depoties and eoroner'> Jotil~gaton. No one aboard the plane bad any chanc< to ball out before It nnuhed into the rugged peit at the 3,d-foot level and they probably never even knew what happen«!. TV Writer's Son Killed By Gunman HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A gunl)lan looking fcir ,narcotic~ t!lled the teen·aged son of television writer·producer Stirling Silliphant early today and-police· said they had no suspects. . Loren E. Silliphant, 18, slumped to the floor of his apartment and died instantly or a bullet wound in the chest after the gunman, a young male Negro, burst through the door asking for drugs. When others in Silllphant's apartinent knelt to aid him the man ..turned and said, "J ·told nobody to · move," bran· dishing the gun. "All we have ts a deScriptlon,·• a detective said. "There were a lot of witnesses, but we really · dqn't have a gosh darn Uting to work from ." Four witnesses, i,;cludini the victim's uncle, Robert Silliphant, 31 , gave detec- tives the following account of the slaying: Silliphant answered a knock on the door to his apartment shortly after 1 a.m. The suspect entered the room and demanded of t~e youth "give me some stuff," presumably i:lrugs. WlwJl Sllliphant showed surprise, the suspect shoved hfm up agai.nat a wall, drew a pistol and shot him. Then the mat walked out of the apart· ment but returned seconds later and ' told the four persopa gathered around the body, "I thought I told yoo not to move." Then he fled . Police descrlbe<I the .apartment as "hippie-type" With strobe ind blac~ lights. A delecUt~ said, "On top of the refrigerator in Uae kitchen wu a lifelike .ceramic 1deatb bead · wearlna: a' bllck hit." r • lit another ,apartment 'down the hall, IOIM 25 ~ wl!re en11pd in what' police ca1lf.d a·'"blpple Pf&)11' meeth11" unaw~ of ~ ~ .m P'Ofll'ea )1111. a few rooma .:;ay. . . Stoefe . n•rlcet. NEW YORK (APl-Tbe stock markel •' • • v stale'• Sbe!M:winlngbam Act. Newport'• ·CQDCtrn, · Ml)'orr Marahall said, lJI two-fold .. Sbe. pointed out that the "'"' mle project. coo1d ·"'°" the pOaaible presence of an oil pool, leading to 1ua1ne· In adjaceot !edft''1 waters. And tt ,. federal leaae la _pnled ~ . oU r atru.ck, t·b.e ~~ "sanctuary1' could be opened up to proo tect the atate'a ,~verwe·~~tl. · ' This wOllld happen, ahe explained. u (See. 8lll!ll, P.,t I) • • ' Ill Ill .. .. DAil. '1 PILOT Sftff ,..... Give Vote . ' F4ir Passage · By THOMAS FORTUNE . 'or -r·DaNr PIM1~t l ',. Valera of Newport-Ilea j)pffled School liiJtrlcl' hahdl!Y •puled a f15.t .mlllim b&id issub TUesda)' 'that ahould kei;t their cblldren olf double sessions for °"'mill four Y.•ars.. . . The )n1J11n of ipproval w'as:75.i per· '• I' ' j' cent,. well . over . the · 1t1:1· pen:erat,· or \ l ~O:i!>li4. ~ ii<'.-,.,. . . Yow t11n1oot 1'8' a iurprl8lna)y hllb I 41.5 pefeent, dllt at lem In ·~ ·to · 10,000 1'1ep11ooe ~ !>1¥• ~:~ and llcbool employa In Ille lilt houn ~-Pl!lli , •• open. . . 'TllO lhlN time proved the cllal'JI! lot '. the imfilOd iclloot dlltrict, P,re\'tciul )>qnii. elect!Ob trlu In• IMS and li6T bad~; : Final .i.lly w~: . ..-"" · · . Yes ................... : ..•..... ; •. 161778 N.o ............ · ................. : •...• J,454 - SUZIE'S MOM TOAS;f~ HOS,TS .Wl.TH ~Ol'T DRINK-, •. ' Bltt1rsw.,t Pull~ l~r. LI . Th! Lin . : ' SueP.Ort for the. ·bond Jnue: was wldesPread throughout Costa · Mesa anti Newport Beach. -Jn only eight of 50 precincts di~ the bonds receive I~ than the needed twD-thirds approval arid nowhere did Uley receive less than· a majority. Supt. William Cunningham said ll'l<I · campaJgn organitalion produced' .the, VJc:.' tl?rf. "lt was a tremendous .team ~orti" he said. . ., ; ' 1 } " :· '' ; j ! I · Le.Ddfng: · ,',L~.tr .· .. ·. He also· observed, "This is . a CC{m.,, mWlity that d~ded it wanted to reta'iti · good ..i>oo)!: We're moal gr8!<fu!;lP• the gre;&t;VO~ of ~ofi~." '., 1 < • ' / • ' • • ' ' ,• ' ., • .. l • , , r \ • A smite 'W!ll op the face of Boar.d · President J'11Jo~ "Bill" Peyton. "It's a wonderful feeling." he said. "We're extremely pleated to finally have the opportunJty to show what lhe unified school district can do with funds · for . . Suzie's .Mom Cited t or Coura ge ; I • By TOM BMILEY Of ""' 0.111:'"" '"" . TJl~e1wa~ a neW; i;~,ding.1a,dy 1'l:Je~4Y·, night in ~ s!Orx ol Suzle.. : . , . Wh~t : h¥ : ha~~~ . to m.any a. ~ollyw<>!Xl . fenlq:ie : f;t~le 1 l\ap~ed, ~ liU\e :N~yen 1Thi TJian .Plluong.,In We, Holliwood styli, she · wai "sidelin'ed · in her hospital bed .while-a· sl~Yed ,liJIOm· Vietnani* .beauty .Captured the bielrts or lfle: "~Uf!': ·Se~" •. a~· tile ·.~aU>oa·.s~r. Club.· 1·-l •' ·i ·, ..... That'i Show. bU.slileSs, You'~t·~t·~ But, you might well add; did it "'have. to be her m'other? ' · . . r -.. .. .. ' ' il!i' LOCATipJi,'. " z ... ,,.. . ~ 436 Seville, Balboa· ' . 125 NeW)lOl'I · School .. 11n 3503 Sei\SbOfe ~ve, NB Ult f80I Neptju)e,, NB · 701 Newport• Shorel Comm' Assoc .. 1075 212 Via Dljon~o !,lie , · ,om 11i. via Lido · LiclO Isle 8'411 . Ill.,. :V,.nte ~I ; . · ..i07$ f!oriic( ~ Scbool • , lllS Newpptt,J ~· I ' ! ; =/ Mar!Jiei'I = .. . . Mlrlliero Tn 1m·Martnen.Drire, 1;8 · ,as ' uot vw.wina:.~ ' . ~ Co<Ona'llet!Ur' ;Eutb!U!!" 1'' 1111 GrJllCf,c.n.J,B~Mlllcl .~ ' 206 'Ri!by AV<•111t: Islaild ' 11!1 ~ss..con'BIYNB '·' ·1811 · 2tt1 1Stiylep .Avenue,' CDM : Ji64· c.r..a: c1e111r.r !khQol • 11!4 Harb0r1Vieir Schoof 1111 Fire Stai!ooi,~ . ' 1541 lll-Evflllnc 'lload; CDM •1 dalllOnila ---. . .lll'I . N~ HelC!M Scllool Jiit zu· Stmt, CM loet ' I ~ .. -· e" E~ ~ &:~ 2&I 13' 61.1· In Ill' . it'.i. 22<1 142 .. 11.f 1116 49 .. ·IO.O 21'1 63 =o : 116 lJl.'l .I '! I LOCATION buildinJ." • . 'Election day campaign organizer Jitn Wood .. Id aim ply, "It wu iood to win." . ~ lie 1 r•vealed th8t an Mtimated 10,000 telephone' calls were made between 1 the ~our~o 5. and 7:Xl. p.m. to peridf15 ''Ide ~·•s: having ~ · Strobg ~yes'' ~IL" . '. , The voting, which was so light durinC the day that at 5 o'clock tome school officiala felt tbey _had lmt the election, (Seo llONlll, PIP SJ . !i J =' e ~ .. z .. . ,!I 781 211 ·94' 69.1 ' ~SS>~! 30t Eiil Street, CM 112! 408 ;14 65.f ~oodland llcboof 154 216 •Vf 7U tint Kaller·~! !IJl.'l 2&8 • 93 73.I 1l:::'t,~ Sil? . 2$7 121 87.f Monie lsta llcboof Ufl 3411 107 76. 274 : I~ . · ~.I ') . Jj)g ~· qM . 957 Sii !Ill 111.• !f(,.,100 11,J,,. ~=· 949 ?ii IOI 74,, .. '1:1! 71.0. . • 1347 141 107 g,7 Iii ;111 ' ' 710 • • Klll1llro0te 8ehoOI 1:; :Ill Ill 77.t Iii ' 'IOI· r T1li i' .let!! fltteOI• lcilojll .,. " 'II.I 3H ·" IU -·lld!a\ll , I SIOJ 711 Jl7 •.i = . • 11i • &l.J "°"""' ~ ~ ' I lfll as io, IU 0 IOI . 11.t . . COl~lrt-School 111$ ··m , 'Bl "· 11.f 7!1. 11$ IU · 'l. ' 'OU•Stnel. CM 7~· S!S • ·:1 21iS' ' IOI' 'l!'O' I M ilcloo(' 9'1 Ji3 llis 13 m··." n'' wlillilof' llollool ' llljO Ill liO 17. ' · 90 . 'If.I Glrla'CC\ai. 'CM • 163 163 ••• 341 in •. ,r • E,;~,1 JIU 'llehool l~t Iii , 'II ' 'II.I 3lll flO ' ' 'lf.S =.:r · • II 71.7 :: 1oe tf.1 101$ = II! .n.i 1'13 71 !1 eeyoii = tfO . llt IOI IU 1•· 'Ill =··· -. llllWjc' . llHt ' Ill 'IS ... 541 117 . ·' A-lcllodl> 1057 ilOl II m • Ill lu Abll!Me.~ 171 Ill 171 JM . $U TOrAI> 113,lfl 11,771 l,*4 n.s A . . . " . ... " .. -~ . • .:~-, • \ Z DAD. Y l'ILOT N OCCTrustee Moves Sell Out of Joh J. O'Hara Smith bas lost bis 1eat on the Orange Cout Junior Collese lllalrtd board before be ever got a cbanct to n111 for It. SmUll tried to Ille to nm In the April 15 trUolee oloctJoo one! WU nollflod be """ lives :lllO feet beyond the juDlor coliege district bouDdar,y. He was ap- polnlod 1as1 '1IJl1lD<r to succeed Walter ~ meelin( l1aa been Wied Tbunday nJcbt for the lour r<malnlng "1utees to decide wbetber lo appoint • -to Smjlh. The -ltlll bu a 1111 of perlOlll who wen lnlenllied in filling the vacant Newport Beacb aru -t Smith WU •ppoinlod lo lul Jilly. However, the tnutoeeledl<ll looml just over two montbl away 10 board members may decide · not to appoint anyone. Smith finds hlmsell oot o1 a Job because he recently moved a mile and one-halt from a home in Harbor VJew Hills to a h;>rne In Harbor View Homes, both dnelopinmll In the htlll cmrloolt· Ing Oar.-del Mar. SUpl Nc:rman WatiOn aald he erpect& the bool'll will mike an •ppoinlmlllt Thunday nlg!ll He Indicated one pmoo at least la being given strong con- sideration. orange Cout Boord Presldellt Worih Keene •aid. bowev<r, tho Thunday olPI meetlnl will be lo thdde whether to · ad bninedlately on , .-or to wall "I'm sure we're going to kick around aD aitemaUvet:," be ukL ... u.- Keene said there were ail: ~ ·~ plleanll !alt Joly belld., 8mltlt who IJllll might be comldel'd. He said there are no plans at present to interview additional applicants. •·-Ke<M ,aaJd tho board bu Ill ....... within which lo mal<a an ·~smith County ocbools offlclala no~ be la ineligible laat Friday, ea days before the lqril a -election. Deplty CoonlY Coomael "'":!& -confirmed that the code ..,. the boord -appolnl within 111 days. U H falla to do oo, tho OCIDl'1 Boord ol Education -lben mal<a the ~beald. H.Uidlie didn't --the ......, board mJahl do Ill die_. •• ...... dayl If OnnP Cout ~­-Tii they ask U1 we'll tell ...,l'!!'!1~ ppo1nl beca"" tho code .. ,. ''tlloll. ~-aid. ''Bui then .... Jot al ...... ,,,,.,. the code lay& llblll. "" a -1lcal mlll'ler I h e Y problbly couldn't mal<a the ·~ Ill thal time" ( fl s.illh•1 new address ll1JI II ID lho City o1 Newport Beacb ml 111111 II ill Newoort-H.,. Unlflod khool Dlltrld. But k no lonpr II Ill ~ Coal Junior Collqe Dlstr1ct. He bu become a mldent of Saddle- back Junior Coll<Ce DllQicl. '!be boandar1 line, drawn belon any homes were built ID Ille UM, - -~ ...... -IOO-bcme dlftl. "'='It became lmown wbert tho homes wen lo be bullt Nowport.lf>la schoola worRd CIUI an ..,-with Tustin .,.. IChool dlalriclo lo -the 11De. Orange CoM1 Supt:Waloon uld hla -tried to do the -bal Bad- dlebo<k junior collep -objected. Walaon aaJd Smith 11 .. _ of -Yie- ttma ol • freak circtJrnFlnce, .. Smlth'• -to loll al bis ...i "" the board la ... al dllll~ 'Ille S.year-old banker said liO mown he woold have cholen .-..... among those be looUd al Ill tbe Ind. Editor Joins HEW WASIUNGTON (UPI! -Georp L. Brand, editor ol the Te1ep'am-Trilltme in San· Lula Obispo, CalU., WU named today -ol public loformallan for tho U.S. Department al Hlllth, -t!on ml Wellare. Brand WU appolnlod to the poll by HEW Secretary R o b e r t H. Flllcti, former lieutenant pernor of c.allforrdl, DAILY PILOI OllAN~I: CO.UT l"U&\.ISHING COMl"A"'f' •• ..,..,. "· w ... Pm-.W•...n ...... J,,11 a. c .. 1,., Vlt:t h'nldll'ot l'l'lf 0--.. Mtllttft' 1he111•• 1C1t•il ..... 1"'""'' A. M.,,.J111 ~lflW J,,,..,, F. C11\h1t P•1I NI'''" ,.,_, atKtl Afttfti.lne Clt'f IE•I... Dlf1octw .....,.,. ..... Offk. 2211w ••• 1.1~ .... .,,,.,,. t.11ill .. Aiir1111 P.O. Jn 1111. tl") --t.ild9 ,..,_,, ............ ., '""" L.fflllNI l+ICl'li m ,_., •-...,..... .. IMc:ll: .. lllt ....... Lincoln Re1nembered President Nixon leaves Uncoln Mem.orW In Washington, D;C. after placing a wreath at baae of familiar seated statue of Great Emanci· po.tor. NlxO!t toolt time olit fnm busy eclledule today lo mark lfOtll iumlnnary of IJ"""'n'1 blrlb. UllCOllt wu first Republlcan president. ~.P .. e J BONDS PASS · EASILY ••• came In heavy during the eveninc ltouro. • will be !be.fut. Pnlently, !,JOO IOCOlld 1be II.I percent -,...,Jm tllln gr.,itn are abarln& .,. of clamooms, tho ff percent Wt hood -. but one claa. Ill lhl morn1ng and ooe Jn ltlll qalte hlP 01Dlerlng lhil ICbool the - dlllllct no a quiet, llOledivo camP"Icn . 1be ocbool dlatrict -will go ahead prlmarllJ aimed al -II. wltb convenlon ol lw<>year lntennedlate ln-ocbool dlatrlcts anytblq above llChooll to -5 mlddle llChools for 15 11 CCllllldmd a blCh -.i. lllnh throUgh lb gade. ~ Wll'I ...., trsllod from Hlllt llCbooll be espandod lo handle tbe !Int -roluml. Wollment al up to S,llllO studenla each. It reeelttd u hlP u • -I Whlle district damonm needs now lllpPOfl al two M ... Verde ~j>laoea are IUpposed lo be tuen care of r..- -Mama achool ml Balearic 'icllool'' thenenfouryean,anOtberboDdelectlon Voter. pve the booda IO pereOnl or mllht bl called In two ml ooe-hall bltler &lll'<OVal In 11 preclndl, Uc! yura. School olflclala oay the other bltler tllln Ill pon:at Ill IJ otben. year and one-half la needed for planning Leu! -1,... ncelved atllcNlllly and COllllrucllon al llChools bllore . Ibey School, IS -1, ml Wbl-School, cpen. 57 -1. -. Coota M-and U the boncla are 11'"' sold for 25 at ooe ~ p.ace oa Udo 11Je, ~ J'W'I a\ n futerm~nte of about five peramt, J!llll>oo, '1 par<Olll, ml Wfll parceol.·111upeclld,1lie tu rote lbould Nowport, II ~ J....u. about nine cents nen yeat, 1be hood -wtD ""1 411 parlahla 11 cmll tho followlq year, :ZS cenll c1-to ex! -I '""' nnl In 1171-7', down to II cenla the lollowing 11111, ......-i -and -yur, llladlJy deereulnf -for e:q>Glllon, an -llementary the Illa ff the boodL achool Ille, ml a ba1 -ml 1be . curnut tu rat. II '4.41 per warebome. $100 cl'•11111d Taluadae ta Colt.a Meaa 1be !Int yur ol doubla -aJao ml M.QI' ID Newport lltadl. From Page J SHELL TEST HOLE ••. the federal ~~I _IIO!)l utr.J:lded Into ztate watera. Tbe Sbe.Il-Omnlngbam Aet allows lhla uempilm from Ill no1r1-. Otller firml -to bl equal pertnen in the Shdl Jftiect are Taaco, Cttles Service, Gulf, American Petrofina, Peomoll, Conllnental and Getty oll eom· panles .. What we want is a complete goologlcal plcbn al the offsbor< area," Aid Shell's Gallqber. "OUr program calls for aimllar boles about every IO · ar IO miles alaq the coutllne. "'llloTn DOI nally aploratlan welll, Uk1 wUdcat we1ll. Downer, Iha we an drlllitttl a bole In the .,..m there coald poaalhl;y bl • aurprlae. .. He emphMM that tho project lalla und• stat. recuJatlons. "Al far 11 ca .. IDp ml -an <tlDCt!1IOd, we put Jn more than the llale requlno. Wiien tbe hole ll completed It will be plugged with cement. We'll have llolo lmpecton II witneaeL" Sbell repreoeotallveo plan lo discuss call It an obviOUI effort to violate the inlent of the Shell.cwmtngbam Act." l'1rlOlll noted lrultcalJy, 111111 the city councll jl1lt this week eaBed for extension of the Sbell-Cwmlngbam A c t ' s "lla!eguard&" into federal waters and farther upcoast. "So after an that, we auddenJy find that unbeknownst lo 111, they're planninf to drill ID our front yard." Mayor Manhall aaJd there ls liltle doubt thai COUDc!lmen will dl!cua the 1ltuatloo at the Feb; 14 ooonclJ meeUng. "We'll comlder any atepo that might be lohn lo cancel the permll Righi now, I don't tnow what our Jq:al op- pcriunltiel are. .. The mayor added: .. ObvklulJJ, the coutal communltie.s are going to have to have a watchdog present at Ill State Lands Comml5'Jion rneettrws ... the program with clly offic!ala 10111etlme Oil Sli k N lhl• month, he addod. c ow It may pro.. to he .. interuUn& ' """"""1al Newport olllclala are £'_ 70 Mil anady 1ra1a. UJVers es Said Vlco ~ P""'°"': "I lhlllt "' oagbt lo rot an Injunction Of £' _ lin agalnat tbla, 1llllil ... find oot their UJast e full lnttnL "Nobody Informed us about lhla. I'd Cuba to Keep Venezuela Jet HAVAllA (AP) -C..bl la 10Jns lo hep the V-1u lfO•aM*I plane hQad<od Tueod•y until Venezuela oendl jet fUal lo fly It back fmn llaotlago, the olllclaJ CommUl!lat party JleWlpaptl'. Grnma NII! lodoy. 11 made Cl• the inotln wu nbll•Uoo. Do • ltclUmate -will bl --lo leevo when doalred by ado-qa.--the ......_ said, but -.. lndlcatloa -tbll mlpt be. 1be ts. Vtt11111elans w11o -mr the Ampoatal DCt alrllnw with p4lloll tllld a haed craa will be lnvtallp~ UlorouPl1 to ,.. whether their moUvaa wn .-mint « the locldent •u u• vulpr pro..calton hatched by the puppet 1overnment of Venezuela for Internal poUUcal purpostt," Cranma rtport.ed. \ SANTA BAllBAllA (AP) -An oll .pill 1meared petroleum for 10 miles 1long the California coest today and hoverd oll barricaded lw1>on. Crude oil WU found Tuelda:y U far IOUt.b as Point Dume ln Lot Angeles <Jounty and as far north as Goleta, just above Santa Barbara. At Oman!, ... al three loo: booms WU removfd fnlm the Channel !Jlanda horl>or and harbor patrolman lloh Watleo said there appeared to be only a thin film of oil aplnll tl>e ooter boom. 'Ille harbor remlined clooed Tuea-da!' night, however. Meo used -al alraw Tut.>lay to IOU up oil wblch had -•ltd Into the harbor. Tbio oil conllmMd It canae -., two -ofkr an undenea leak developed •I a Union Oil Co. oflabore dr1l1Jns n,. ne 1 .. k wu p1uaoc1 S.turd11 but left 1111 estlm•lod quarter of • mlllloo gallooa of crude bobblq ......, llO oquare mlles al tho PaclJlC Ocean. The heaviest concentraUon appeared to bt ln a SS-mile 11.tttch betwten S.nta Barblr1 and Port Hueneme to Ventura County. • . . . . ·~ Copter Rescues Child .. Huntington ·Unit in Qp~ra~n First .Time · II)' TDUl'I' OOVlLLE Of .... D9lt1 ...... Stiff A dr;imallc air sweep by the clty'1 new police htlicopter was employed Tuesday all<moon lo find a mlsalng s.y..,...ld Huntlngtoo Beach boy. In !.oltl Beach tbal opedal ~ had to be grmilod for tbelD lo lal1 oil. Once over HU11Ungton Beach the weather cleared, he eddod. WUb Crawfm d al the e<11troll. tho H.B. Eye 1--1111makllll1"" -aerou tbt Jdllslde area hm Yt1ktm• Avenue to Adami Avenue eut el Buell Boulenrd. Uttle blue.eyed, blond Gary Depue wu spotted from the air at 2:30 p.m. u be flood llOOkod from bead lo loot next to a nmnpy area nst of Beach Boulevard and north of Garfield Avenue, Catholic Priest Faces The boy had run away from b.IJ baby sittu'a house early in tbe morning becawe he feared she wu going to spank blm for telling a atory the day . before. Beach Hit-run Charges The babysitter, Mrs. Virgin.la Metz, 829t Yorktown St .. HunUngton Beach, reported the child mbaing when be wasn't broutht to the bow:e by hll grandfather, J. o. Depue, 1151 Malli>y Dr., ~unUngton Beach, aa normal Twelve HunUngton Beach police unlta • were used in tbe search in addlUoa to the H.B. Eye, the department's new patrol chopper. PoUce Sergeant Robert Morrison Dew alongside World AMoclates' pilot John Crawford u the helicopter scanned lhe city for the boy. Morriloo reported t.bal when be receiv· ed . the call from . the department lo use the helicopter, weather was IO bad Frona Page I OIL BAN •.. Board of Supervisors of Santa Barbara County in attempUng to prevent further drllling off the coast in federal waters. Allen told fellow supervisors of his flight over the oil-blighted. area la.st Friday and of hlt fear that something: 1lmllar could happen here. The reaolution polnlo out that "In opite of assurances from the Department of Interior and the oil industry prior to leasing that adequate safeguards would be implemented to prevent pollution of the ocean and beaches, there hu been a major oil spfllage from drllllng opera· tions on a lease in federal waters off Santa Barbara and also off an oil sanctuary recognized by the Shell-Cun- nlngham Act." After viewing the Santa Barbara area, Allen said, "God forflld that we should ever have to undeq:o what the people of Santi Barbera are going through." AlleD e>pr-lean that drilling oil thti Orange 'County coast "would bring the state to allow drilling within the tbreMnlle limll They'd be alrlld al the baaJo being drlined and they'd move lo p..-t lhemselveo. "What I'm after II complete and utter protecUon of our county waters from all such agencies and erploratlon," be cooc!uded. From Page I SUZIE'S MOM ••• fir.st acbeduled as a "victory party" for SuzJe, shortly after llhe mccesslully underwent open heart turl'l'Y and just before she contracted the wound lnfectlon that is now rapidly subsiding. '11len It became a tribute to Lan when she announced that she would be 1oing home Friday and leaving Suzie to con- valesce in Orange Cowlty and join her later in Vlelnam. Jt wun't an easy declslon to make, Lan aakl, but ~1e was desperately needed by her sh:-mon~ old 90n and army officer husband. Among other tb!ngs, It became a Valentine's Day party when Lan an- nOWlCed that she would be nying to Salgcm Friday -the day tradiUmally reserved for the lovelorn. Piesa1ti11g_ lHE WAlOIJAM> nw·rn1s TIME. A new 1nd rnoln· tiODary calendar watchband that Jllllo tht whole JIU on your wrist -ud th•D aome. Two 1maD Polle< aaJd lod•Y • ~ CetbeUc priell fa"8 poaible felony ebarses llem- mlng from a hit.run auto accident Mon- day nigbt In HWllington Beach. The Fiat. ldentlflod by poUce u Father Carl Warren Stoia al the Holy Trinity Poriab In Covino Wll bookod Into Orange County Jail 1.fonday after traffic officers alleged bis sporb car ran down a pedestrian on Brookhurst Street in Huntlqton Beach. He la free on $1,225 ball today, but faces a Feb. 17 appearance in Wert °"llJ9 County• Municipal Court CIC! chartes of dnmken drivln& and hit-run driving. According to police, the pedestrian, William J. Hallock, 42, of 9684 Durham Drive, Huntington Beach, was knocked several feet into the mud at the aide of the road. It was not clear exactly where the accident occurred. Fountabt Valley pollct arrested the priest following a minor trallle accident in their city. He was then turned over to Huntington Beach police wbo had issued a descripUon o! the vehiclt in- volved in tbe alleged bfWun tncldeat. Huntington Belcb police lald today they will comult with the dillrict a~ torney Thunday lo determine euctly what charges will be brou&l>t against PaUter Stokes. Meauwbile, Fouataln Valley pollce said they plan lo lftl' cbargea of drunl: In public agalnlt the priest stemmlng from the accldent in their city. Hallock, the pedt!trian, reportedly told St. Clair Loses Bid for C.Ounty Route Support Coota M,.. City Councilman WIDlom Sl Clair fallod Tueaday In a bid lo get the Boord of 5upervlaorl to mike a deftnlte recormneudatlcm on the route of the Newport ~y through Coeta Mesa. Sl Clair, quellloood by Supervisor Alton E. Allen said he was not repre- semtlng' the City CooncU or any other group, just himself. He asked superviJora to amend a previous ruolutkm. endonint t h e Superior Avenue routlng through Costa Mesa to exclude two of four alternatea: which go tbrouP the heart of the Coeta Meaa downtown business dmrict on Newport Boulevard. County ROlld QmmluJoner Al S. Koch told the aupervlaora. "I have defmlte ideu on the best route bot will not express an oplnlon now." He recom- mended that the aupervison not chooee a definite rout<. Supervllor Allen moved that there be no chqe in the board'a reaolutJon. Supervlaor WIDlam IL lllrsteln uld be did not ~ tbt board lhould act in the abtence of a reaol.uUon from either city. • dlllo lot,... mer to llDJ month llDJ time aa a built·in calendar unrolll btC9o ward a or forward a to make your wateh\uwl ·1 fuDctlonal 11 well 11 h1nd1om1 faahioa aoce .. •ory, Sond•y• and holldayo In reel. 'Choice of Twt1t.O.Fltx• 1tyle1. St•lnl111 attt! S8.9S incl yellow gold·ftlltd 111.95. Nenr bu a watchbaocf meant to much to 1 me. olfic<n be did DOI tblnk be WU IOl'loully Injured. but laltr foll pain ml declded lo ... k treatment. The -,al bis Injuries wu not lmmodlately knowu. Reinert's Store Owner's Father SuccurnhS at 84 Services for Alfrtd M. Reinert, father al the owner al Reinert'• Department Skft.s, in the Harbor Area since lMf. will be held at 3 p.m. Friday at PacHJe View Memorial Park Chapel, Corona del Mar. Mr. Reinert died at a convalescent h!Xfle Tuesday after a lengthy illnw. He was 14. A noident of Costa M.., for the past 14 years, he ia survived by hit wife, Ethel of the borne, 2854. Hickory Place, Costa Mesa ; two sons, Jack ~ Newport Beach and Allred Jr., al Tullin; and ... grandchild. Interment will be at Paci.fie View Memorial Park. Funeral arrangemenll are under the directlCICI al Bell Broadway Mortuary. Balhoan Wants Damage Repaid A Ball>oe apartment owner wllo nruru he a:ot a dirty deal in 1eWq1 overflow during a recent ralnllorm wants $.16.11 from the Coeta Mesa Sanitary Dlalrtcl !!up and underpaddlng were damaged when an overburdened sewage pwnp burned out due lo Jan. 25 storm nmolf pre.aure, causing sewage to back up and Oood the premises, according fo the vtcUin. Rudolph A. Vanuek, of 1285 Channel Road, llJI damap to the unila •I Ill and 111" Meu Drive, la the district'• fail!! and they ab-Ould pick up the bill Final Rites Set For John Lowe Catbollc rilel are scheduled today and Thursday for Industrial developer Jo!m IL Lowe, who died at bis Newport Btach home Sunday after a Iona illnesa. Mr. Lowe, 57, of 2182 Mesa Drive, wa.s the husband of fQrtner actteg.. danctt Ruby Keeler. The couple had been married 27 yeara. Rosary will be l'<Ci1ec1 today at 8:30 p.m. and a Requiem Mau Is scheduled Thursday at 9 a.m., both in St. Joochlm'1 Celhollc Church. Interment will be at Holy Sepulchu Cemetery near Orange. CONV!NIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. ..Jlum,,Jui.,, '}t1iw£r l'HONl 141-]401 till NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA MESA 22 \'URS IN THE SAME LOCATION be Pl .. ob ,.. mt 41, !le .,. ... ,.. ... .lf . ied :np .oil up to ntl 191 :t'I lay JU mt .. , .. ... .ad at Is in ml ,,., • '. .. .. • 2 .. d Gets Away · ··Israel iJ.ts"Dawn. ' ' . Syr~n Eigh~~--, OUT IN FRONT USW's I. W. Ab.I Biafra Asks U.S. Furnish Steel Union President Leads Race 'PJTl'SBURGH (AP) -!. W. Abel, who Climbed from the mill noor to the top «if organir.ed labor, took a com~ manding lead and appeared bound for victory today in hi11 battle to keep the pre~den· ey. of the powerful United Steelworkers Union. Unofficial relums compiled by Abel's campaign aides gave , the incumbent a 129,863 to 66,431 lead over challenger Emil Narick. a relatiVe1y \Jnknown union lawyer. Abel's committee said its tally. in· eluded 2,22a of the union's ~.700 locals. · An Assoc iated Press survey had Abel ahead by a similar 2-1 tnargin. The voting won't be official until all ballob are certified by union teller.i. This could take until May 1. Narick, working out of the basement of his suburban Pittsburgh home, said, "I see ·nothing to cause me io be discouraged. Mediation Grand Reopenln9s DINING ttOO,M · COST A MESA GOLF & c.e . • • 'CHILDUN'S PU.Tl 1'12 .-ft.l·un,if(J'if.71 ~ -i I i 0 " ~ ; ' · ENmEiS : ~= . . . .. Speclal ·New Yori! Stealc1. : ...... ·/3.21 .• •rtlltll •1rl0k'I I , 1'11 Pl!MI 'cQoppu SlllLOIN ·"-L ...................... :Z.U _..... -'\. ClllCIClll _, .................. --~~-; .. _ .. : ................ .2.71 ,..,. l'IM. Rj4illltM . ., l lllADD 'llAI. c.utUT .. .:..:L= .... _ ...... _._ ... Z.H S~MlllflM -I . ' lOAIT '*'till Ill of---~ __ ................ J.75 UT , ........ \t Ji•• IXTlA c ---·-.. :_:._,,,;,,:·-·-'.,...-...... ~-······-·-· U IO' -·~ ••.•• t " • ,,, ' J ~l6tll ,~.:~ii·~··--" --«~ .. ·-·-·· . ' , • TOP SIRLOlll STIAll ......... ~." . .!....!.... ___ 4.71 . · I •rtlW U.S. Clilk9 ' ~ ~ -1 ~ . • " SIRLOIN STIAK ... -:-•. J:.: .. ~-+,"-:..~ . ...US •rlolltll NeW Y'Mlo ~ t .. ,; ..,. , AUSTUUAN kOISTD TAlft• -·--.J.91 °''""' Owl!~ , • .-J ' . STEAK a114 LOISTll COMIO ..... __ .. ,.,.'.,,_,I.ti 1701 GOLF COUlSI DllYE _,_ COSTA <MISA . • ""'""' l'olmow tte.plhlU --noo , .• . I ~lllistMoal . ' " • . .; SF State ., ... , • . ! -.--- 24 Hour ~·•port CALL .Kl 7;,2545 • fULL FACTORY IUAUllTEE Bewo,• of sale Heads tha t ore ·not tokl by • Head authoriqd d.mer. The guo:0Nle1 MOY not be valid. • HlAD "Mmon" ....... l og. IWa . 7Uo -; • HlAD "360's" .......... Reg. 165.00 12AJO -• HEAD "C ... etitions• .... R11. 175.GO lU ' • HlAD "320's" .......... Rlf. 145.00 109.00 ·' • llAD "Stmdords" ....... 111• 11 s:oo ' 16.00· • · ' .. " • ' . ; ~~ . NEA·L's·· 3 • ....,. ·~,~·~1; __ . ·-................ -· ' .... , •• HDDS :',~ flr =n ....... •!,': ' . ·~· ~·· ·~ .. , ........ ., . • . ' • ' . ~·-:;_;··,· ... J•'' ';,l, " .. ... . . • . , I •ijat,_.Wrrn•lrPid ;~ ' ' • -~ • y \ " ; f I -•I • • I ,. [ D~Y ·~ EDJ;rORIAL PAfsE I Parkillg who'll Pay? Second District Supervisor David Baker said a curl· OU. lhln& Ille other day. · Durln& a county board diecussion of Newport Beach recreatlooal faclliUes he grumbled: · i•yw can't use •tbe beaches there because there is no place to park." This should come as newa to the thouaands of New· port and Corona del Mar homeowners who every sum· met !ind their neighborhood streeu gorged with parked cars. They k119w there are places to park-right in front of their homes. It shou!d also come as news to tho 7 ll)lllion beach- goers who visited Newport laet year. Not all o! them llltch·hlked Into town. They parked somewhere. It is quite likely, ol course, that Supervieor ,Baker apoko with deliberate uaggeration, In order' to .make a poil)L And that ls t.hllt lb• parking situation for beach visitors In Newport needs unprovement. Indeed, It does. The streets are already full enough, as are the city-owned lots. So something shouid be done. Bui' by whom? . Baker implied that the city should tail• care ol It. We do ·not entirely agre~. For tllls reason : What is needed clearly Isn't a lo! more .'asphalt -.·spread across the peninsula. What more likely Is' need· ed, a gtowing body o! opinion suggests, is somp form <>l parldi1g of1 the peninsuia-lots or multl-lev~ rilpps, in combination with some means of public tramporta· tion to and from the beaches. ~ , And this is too much for the city's' lbnlled re&Ources. . 1 1r • ; • •cpqpty and ' state help iJrollal!l:r Is · requlitd along 'with private enterprise.'Tbe nit of the coiinty and state, alter all, supply most of the beacllgoorJ; · , Perhaps Supervisor Bak'er would Ul<e to start the boll rolljng with a ~structlve aprgestlon on #Jtanclng. Until then, NeWJ>Qrt'o mllli(jm ;of !>each visitors will just have to keep acbloving tholr-JltUt miracle Of find. ' lni places to perk fll ·a ~ty "'Where there Is no place to park, •I ' I • Right on , the Mark "It's an honor," said Superior Judge Robert Gard· ner, "that 11·long overdue." He wa1 ·~•& of Ills presentation of the New· port Harbor Chember of Commeree'S "Citizen of the Y~" Awant to fonner'lon&-tlmo'Orenge Coast Colleae tnutee. Walter I,.ongmoor. ' · : · . •. The same word.!, of course, could well apply to the ''Man of the Year" honon that l!ml, at the oeme ban· quet moments later, to .Judge Gardner ·lllmsell. The ch.amber's cholcea thiJ year, were never more rl&ht on the mark. Both men, becauH of their deep-~ted fonclne&s !or their communlJy and concern for ·its problems, have i:onlrlbuted migbtlly to Newport's betterment through the yeara. = · ' · We happily add 11ur •pPlau11 to Iha standing ova- Uon they each deservedly tteeived. Think of the Snow The beach in West Newport has .never had it so bad-at least nOt since the 1967 erosion crisis. FU:lt the waler polluUon, then the storm debris, and. now the lingering threat posed by that offshore oil slick. . But it .could be worse: The surf could be up. That would be all we need. Meanwhile, the East Coast is paralyzed by sMw. So life here really isn't that bad. -· N THE PEPC>Ll:R Wally Hickel Decides He'll Go to Lunch Reader Defends Legali%ed Abortion Secretory of tbe lnlerior Wally Hickel has at IUt" tolled d~ his llteves and 1one to w0rlt to help Mr. Nixon build a better America. . So ~nists are glooirllly Pftdictln& tbe' ·~ of the wllderneSs : Democral& are hlppily anUcipaUng another Teapot Do!l>e scandll; and in· olden lte blJylni oil ahsrOs. Nomente. 1, for Oftfl, place more trust In Mt. Hickel than In any other Cabinet member in years. l am superbly con- fldenl that Mt. Hickel In the trying tima ahead 1rill never do anything wrong. As a matter of fact, I'm superbly confident he'll never do anything at an. You need ODly envi&on his working con· ditiono. . SCllNZ· ·The Secretory'• olfice, Mr. Hickel Si'ta at hls walnut desk as a doz.en aldel.stand around watching him. Two are, of course, aptes for the Democrailc NaUonal Committee. Three are on loan from the While House. And one is a bearded young man in lederho&en who keeps bumming hi.king aongs. In the anteroom. more than 40 nporters wait, pencils poised over notebooks. Mr. Hickel nervously. shuffles the papers on his desk as the aides nod. Finally, he picks up a pen as though to sign one. There is a collective in· drAwlng of breath. lie puts the pen down. HE TAPS HIS fingers. The aides nod . He reaches for the telephone. There is a collective gasp. He withdraws his hand. Tension mounts. At last, with the air of a man crossing the Rubicon, be 1dama his fist on the desk and shouts; .. By George, I've decided to ... " Panic! Aides scurry in all directions. The reporters dash in, pencils at the ready. The first flash reaches the Democratic National Committee. "Hot Dear Gloomy Gw: Why doe1 ex-councittnan Dee Cook have any aay In Newport Beach City Council a!faln? Dldn' the voters. show last April. that they didn't care about his opinions"? -J. s. zlqedf!' crits-a'ltrategist. 0 Happy days are here aaain." Over at the Sierra Club a score of elderly ladles in whipcord breethes grim· ly check thelr alpenatocks as they prepare for a scale-in protest atop the · Washington Monument. A.ND IN THE While House Read y Room a red light flashes. "Hello, Wally?" says a white-lipped President Nixon into the phone. "Put your scrambler on. Good. Now about this decision you've made. Have you thought it through?" "Yes, sir," says Mr. Hickel firmly. "I've decided, come what may, to go to lunch. Now I don't see any sense in lunch for lunch's sake, but .•. " .. Who with, Wally ? Not one of your old oil company pab, I trust?" "No, sir. I thought I'd eat alone in the cafeteria to show my independence. Just a roast beet sandwlch and a &lus or milk." "HM!\-ff\f. I'D SKIP the roafit beef, ~ \Vally. Jt mi$ht be interpreted as f•vor• ing grazing ri ghts for the cattle interem. Let's see, what about h~m? Loo check it out with Ray Bliss <I call you back." - ''Thank you, sir." "And. Wally, just let me say that I ha ve complete confidence in your judg- ment and integrity. Now, what are you planning to do after lunch?" SO I SAY a cynical, .suspicious nation should confidenUy put its faith and trust in Mr. Hickel. And let's keep an eye on the others. It's the leaders you trust that you can't trust. A Deep EmotiQnal ':f ruth Tllotopts Al Large: What too many solicitous mothtra l•U to realize is the deep emotional truth in the old Talmudic saying: ;'Better ii she who shows a smiling countenance than she who offers milk to drink." • • • A Iower~lus domicile is. to me. a ptace where they have six bee:r<an openers and no corkscrew. • • • The flaw of lhe provinci<'I mind is that lt Jud1e1 all behavior by Its own narrow standards: the 01w of the cos- mopolltsn mind ts that It nJectl all ~ u merely maltm ol local -·· .,...,. .... ; 11i.., the pmll>clal --·-111-~.and the ... pmaa frem • j faUUte In ~-if '. • ...... "' • aood Cl1l8t -lit wortl -• wfiOn they ,.. lt-hall.tntill to promote tbe · caua wlth -too lporant to rebut the argument. • • • ~ 1 perrormer sweat.s, he has not mal&ettd his art: for nearly the wllolo aim ol craltsmsnsblp II to make Iba difll<Dll look •13J'. • • • , "By end b,y" used to Jnean In the nearetl podllble futur~: but the In· veterate procr1stlnltlon Of men has turn- ed it into "sooner or later." • • • II Is true that toy --don't apawn violence, any more th" pornOsraJ,hic litorat&lre letds to tllpt; but tof!Hapons domue the ~'Ol .llfe.~ and dlvorctd !tom ii.imu-•at11el, ]Ult ss · iiomocraphlc w'r!Uns divorces ,.. ll'Q\ll a!fec\ion and l'tfP"CI. . ' . . . The.inishuer our IN!nlmenll at eom- munloallOn bec:on\t, the lea •• ..m to have to "'"""1Ulllcaa; tecNiolOIY Ir> ....,.. the speed and vastly •llln'Wlll ·Iba audltnca 1er ...,,.lllilcauoo, WI at lllt ...,. ll)ne -the -ol human involvement in whit fa btlng -•lcaled. • • • Pwl!ap! one ol the 11\°'l expmolvo word• in the Enall!h lan,ruage fa "nab- btrgasted," which. oddly e n o u a h • orlginaHy meant "to fri&hten wtth a 0)'-twatl.er." Women Should Have Right to Decide To th• iditor: I am a woman wbo d.~ed ~ have an abortion (legally, ·tn Japan). I would like to explain to M. Y. Nordlund ("Against Abortion," Mailbox, Feb. S) my reasons for making such a decision, and also explain why American women should have the rl&M to decide for themselves whether they want to have an abortion. I was at an aae when I could not handle our "accident," but I wun't in as deep ·a m•ntat di1turbance as would have beeft ·necessary to have a legal abortion in California. The ide~ of going to Japarr, where skilled doctors perform the operation, was 5JJ11ested by my doctor. In sanitary ~ndilioiis, with a surgeon, there iJ no danger to the patient. The operation takes only 15 to 20 minutes, and after a day's rest, the patient is perfectly fine. AS FOR THE CHILD, a foetus is not given a burial until the age of six or seven months. An abortion cannot be performed after three months or pregnancy. I, myself, feel absolutely no guilt, as I'm sure many women would not. As for those who would, and do not believe in legalizing abortion, all they have to do is not practice It! Legalized abortion would do them no harm at all, whereas those of us who would like to have a legal abortion, without spending money to go overseas. are forced to bear the burden of an unwanted child. I'm 5Ul'e that you'd be·aurprlsed at the amount of-American -~ &Oinl to f<irelgn operaUOn:i. AND WHA'J' OF thoet woinen who are' llot as finantjally fortuqate as I wu? Many of them 10 ahead. and bring an unwante4 child into the--worJd. Look at the ·number of d1llnqUe.nt1 today who were undesired children. Think of the crowded C0nd1Uons all ovU the United States. , Other women like anyone they can find who would pert'Orm their abortion, even the cl~lng lady in a filthy restroom. Most'of tbese women die from lnlccUona resulting from d l r t y "inltruments." These are the sad cases. WHY SB0\1LD I THIS happen in an advapd nation ll~e the United States \Vhtn we blve skilled surgC(lns and gyne<:olo&fstl rliht .under our noses? ll is because of narrow-minded people. Again, I aay,, It is doing you no barm lo ha¥e legel apUons. Plea1e give American 1'0l'Jlfn the freedom to choose for lhemnlv~! · • N~IE WlTHHELll ~ •. ' Dear Georgi: Thanks a milUon' for your firm slam! aialnst 1 ' 'mtn d o i n g housework! We're a l)&tion or men, not mJce! Mtn li'loUld always rtf\Jse to "db bou._wotk. By the ~·a)'. please don't 1.µae my name. l"m married. ANON Dur Auoo : Well ..• oo nluoh lor the mouse man. Oddly, no men have written IO' far.. 1 l)w Gt<rp: I btve rectivad the multf of my llllllltpoce test and It ts amt> lngty high -lhio prompts me Into a new amblUari,, I Wjftt to be an advice eolWMbl. Wbll ii the flnt thing I ahol!lcl do!. lllGJl IQ Dear IQ: Tht flr&l thin& you should do Is take anothfir inttlli1ence tt9l Yours couldn't be all I.hat high, or yoii wouldn't want lo be an advict. columnist. Letter3 /Tom readt'l'I are tatlcomc. Normally writers JhoukJ conve11 thtir me«saae in 300 words or leas. The right to condense letters to fit :pace or eliminate libel is reserved. All letters mu.'l:t include signature and ·mailing address, but names may bt withheld on request if sufficient rea· .son Ls apparent. •resnahan'• Conomenu To the Editor : Well -we have hit another new low! J refer lo Robert J. Bresnahan·s camments in the DAILY PILOT Feb. s. It never ceases to be a source of amazement to me as to how a person in public office, or in any other office or responsibility for that matter, can make public utterances of that type. They exemplify the epitome of imbecility . • • as I recall that's just short of absolute idiocy~ IN VIEW OF ?i.1r. Bresnahan's ap. parent lack of time I offer him a three part program which might aid in hasten- ing his recommendations lo the Orange County Board of Supervisors: l. As soon as resiaentlal developments 'vithin five miles of the airport are three years old. su pplant them with sl ums. These, then, can be condemned in the na me of PROGRESS. 2. START imn1ediately to exterminate all people over 55 years of age who Uve wJlhin the flight pattern. This permits puibillty because if the airport again grows too rapidly the board can lo\ver the age bracket and-or widen the flight pattern. 3 . .A community campaign for a salary increase 10 Mr. Bre~ahan can "afford" to move into one .or the troubled areas. Othtrwise, he may grow too old and become a victlm of his nwn Pandora's Box. JERRE C. BLAIR Brenahan, Orange County director of aviation, told Mission Vie jo honte· owner.t that El Toro Morine Corp,~ Air S£ation "looks the most logical" of the eight sitei under consideration for rtlocation of Orcrnge Co11nty A·ir· port. Conceding it is on etnotional issue for the 1)«'ople livin17 there, lie said "yov'v~ pot .to look at th~ 25-11ear and S0·11tor pro1ectlo»1. Our airports nre presentlv seriousl11 ovu-trafficked 011d the need 11 getting worse." He added: "Let's fact it, the aver· age h.omeotu11er t""'3 ovtr· his hotne every three yeor.t. lVhot will he care 20 years front now If we do or don"t locate iii Et Tora? Somt of tht strong· est oppositio11 1vc've received i1 from the restdt11ts of .Laguna Hitlt l..tisure World. Ytt what l.t "the lift tJ9'ec- fdlncv of lheae Pfoplt-15 11ear11 We're to!lci117 about dtci.rlona Chet ,will afftct tJii4 area 50 11eor1 htnet." . -Bditor F•oor1 M•rlll• · To lllt l:ditor : It 11 not oett man's dream ol a maritl• . In' Newport Sboro;:. lt'1 '"°"' 19 portent Of the homtownen here and many on the beachrront. I hope the declsioo ol the city coun· cllmen on Feb. 24 will be for~ marine . If not, it ·won't be Mr. Auld'1 bubble that will burst. but many homcowntrs in Newf)Oft Shore$. Why ls the DAILY PILOT so ne1aUve on a marina in West Newport Be•ch, or i3 this just my imagination? MRS. P. HOLMES The Lotter -Editor 'Orderl11 and Quiet' To the Editor : I want lo thank you for the excellent coverage in your paper of \Vednesday, Feb. 5. It was difficult to recognize it at first, however. I skimmed over the headline caption of "Heated Exchangts Warm up Marina Meet," not knowing you meant our meeting. When I read on of the "tumultuous meetina:" and "crescendo of dispute," I again had difficulty in believing that your rtporter and l had attended the same meeting. The meeting in my opinion was. orderly and quiet, although well attended, but I guess quiet meetings don't sell papers. ON PAGE %, THE article quoted Auld as saying "the Breakwater was the only conclusive remedy to erosion". Your arti- cle should also have said the point was made several times that the Army engineers have said six groins, two of which are already in place, would also remedy erosion. The fault seems lo be in the years ot delay in installing the groins. Incloalrig two miles of ocean front to stop erosion is comparable to cutting off a man's head because he has a headache when a couple of aspirin may work al ·well and still keep him alive . IN REGARD TO the vote, which you stated was "close and relativtly in· conclusive," 45 people voted against an ocean front breakwater, 19 votes were for additional study of the fe·aslbllity of the Genona Bay Plan wlth breakwater. That is not close or inconclu1:1ive. I read your editorials, why not leave them on the editorial page ? News items then can be read separately. Do the people who live in Newport Beach really not see and hear the ocean hitting against the shore? Do they really take it for granted and not know th1t this marvelous beach can be taken away from them by four members of the City Council, and through their own com placency and lack of action till! ocean beach can be lost to them forever? THESE THINGS have come up every :;ear. lrom parking lots to off shore airports to four-lane roads to rock cur· tains. Why can't the city just ltt the beach alone for awhile? No matter where you live in the city you should cherish your beach as one of the be3t in the world. 1 urge that you WT\te your councilman asking him to establish a policy of protecting the beach ln its naturll stale, as a continuing policy . . . not one to last only until the ne.xt man comes along \\•ith another idea on how to be progrt'.ssive and destroy one of our most valuable natural resourcts. MAROOI' SKllJJNG MNl!ft In Common To the Wtor: Thi Santa Barblra oll 1etipap di11sttr and the ,..wing noise probltm at Orange County Airport hive mucb in common. Both the off-shore drtning operations and tht advent of commercial jet flights encounttred strong OP$>0Sltlon from the communities directly affected. Both communities thought they were protected -Santa Barbara by lht Shell· l."unnlngha.m Act, and Newport Beach by a county supervisors raolutlon ~ mi.sing that the airport would not be used by commercial jets. In both cases, federal bureaucracies -the Interior Department in Santa Barbara's case, the FAA in Newport Beach's case - overruled local objections, and pu shed the situation to disaster proportions. IT IS A FACT thal off.shore drilling -0perations in Santa Barbara County have brought about a slow deterioration in tbe beauty and the quality of the beaches. The rich sea-life has virtually disappered -gradually of course . It took a disaster to evoke any sym· pathy or concern by the public or of· ficialdom, and in the alarm over this crisis, the real crime is overlooked : The .filow, deliberate exploitation of the Sanla Barbara coast, under the sanction 9f government, for the benefit or a special interest. THE SAME SORT of slo\Y decay is noticeable in the residential areas sur· rounding nearly every major airport in the country, and it will begin soon in Newport Beach. As wilh Santa Barbara, it will probably take a major disaster, ~ such as a jet crash that wipes out a fe\v doien homes. before there is any dismay or official concern about what has happened around Orange Coun· ty Airport. DISASTERS such as the one in Santa Barbara are only symptoms of · the underlying problem -the steady, hardly noticeable destruction of the human en· vironment (or what is called the "greater public good." The public. the mass media , and officialdom, hov.•ever, prefer to deal with disasters rather than pro- blerrui. Both the people in Santa Baz:bara and the residents or the Upper NewPort Bay have begun to learn this frustrating fact. -.:_~MOST striking similarity between tht two situations -the one in Santa Barbara and the airport problem in NeWPort Beach -is the sin1ilarity io the attitudes of the public agencies who have sanctioned these i n e v i t a b I e disasters. It is a dangerous attitude -an attitude that justifies the creation of "a few victims" for "U1e greater public good." Even the arguments used to juslify the two exploitations are almost identical . Just substitute "jet" for "oil ", anc;f "airport" for "oil reserves". and the apologists would be interct\angeablc. SO LONG AS thi s attitude pre vai ls in government, and so long as it is tolerated by the public, particularly witb regard to threau to our environment, we are all threatened. The growing tendency of a:ovemrnent to create victims as byproducts of it8 activities is a greater threat t.o Lbe individual than the vi c- timization produced by "conventional" crime. DANIEL W. EMORY ----Wednesday, February 12, l969 Thi cdltorf41 pog,r of ,,,. Dpilr P«lot 1t1b to inform and '""" Ufa1t rtadct1 bv J)rt1111Uno this 11<10spap<r'1 optnlom ond c.,,. m.entof"t/ on toptcl of intcrc1t and rfgnlffca11ce. b11 providing • forum for iht upreufoft ol our rcrodfrt• opinion.!. and by prtat"l'lting thf dtvtrrf vitw- poini, of ~nfonntd obstrver1 ond tpO'unMn on topiCI Of tha dOJ. Robert N. Weed, P11bll•her • Costa Mesa , ,EDII(QN ' I * ' O~. 62, NO. 37, 6 SECTIONS, 16 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAL!FORNIA c 00 on s TV writer's Reservists A~oard Son Killed By Gunman HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A aunman looking for narcoti~ killed the teen-aged son of television writer-producer Stirling Sllliphant early today and police said they· had no swiped.I. Loren E. Silliphant, 18, slumped to the floor of his apartment·and died imtantly of a bullet wound in tbe chest after eunman. a young IDale Negro, burst b the door aWD( for drugs. When others in Silllphant'1 apartintnt elt to aid him the man turned and id, "I told nobody to move," bran- "shlng tht gun. . "All we have ls a duc:riptioo," a tective said. "'111ere were a lot of 'tnessu, but we reallt don't have a darn thing to work from." Four witnesses, including the victim's cle, Robert Silllph11nlt 31, gave delec-. \rts the following account of the slaying: Sllllpbant amwered a knock on the r to bis apartment ahorl!y after I The 1uspect entered the room and anded of the youlh "live me 101De ," pre..-.., dtupr WbU SilDpllaill -ed lttrP<ilo. the shoved -him up q.iui I Will, I piBtOI and ahol him. • Then the ma& walad ea1,llf.lbl.,-par~ · I but ntwned -Ialerl ,oncf kl lhe lour -ptllind -body, "I 8-hl I told '*1 not move." Then be fled. Police described the aparbhellt as hippie-type" with ttrobe anct black g!lts. A detecUve !!laid~ "On top of e refrigeriltor in 'the kitchen Wu 1 felilte ceramic death head weartac a lack bal" In another apartment down the hill, e 25 persons were engaged in whit lice called a "hippie prayer meeting" aware of ~ tragedy .in progress just few rooms aw1y. ad Breath Puts oung SoW.ier n Mesa Jail Halitosis is no crime, but an Army lvate from Van Nuys wound up in a Mesa City Jail today because , literally, felony bad breath. Officer Pat Donohue stopped the GI d & 17-year~ld companion at Fair ·ve and Harbor BouJevard to check r curfew violation and smelled a weedy or like marijuana a.s the suspect talk- Searching him, the patrolman found sizable qµantity of marijuana lo the outb's Army field jacket pocket and was arrested for posaeasion of the eed, a felony offense. 'I'be 17-year~ld companion wu taken n for curfew violation and releued o his parents at police headquarters. Weadter The weatherman gooffld, but no- body 'I complaininC. That mamlng drlnle's all the rain we'D cet for a while. Thursday the IUD comes back out, wanning the cout to the mid-60's. INSWE TODAY Lou of artiltrv, tokn& and skill aml abilitv to 11<1 ai- with J><opl• marlu Uf• hi florUI buiine1.s. Sec Corctr Conwrr, . Page 23. ...... 11 ....... .. ttllfWlli. • c-c--,, , c ... lfMll .,.. CM!la It c""~ 11 DMllrl l'tttkn It ........ " •"*"' ,,_ • llJIMrt9IMllfll' 11. ,, ,.....,. 1 .. lt """ C•lh 11 hl1 ...... , ti -. .... LIMwt • -. ~L--11 County Bomber Crash Kills 7 Roaring blindly through a blanket ol clouds, a Navy bomber slammed straight into a towering Orange County pe8k Tuesday night, then dropped 500 feet down a remote · CIJlyon wall like a waterfall of fire. All seven reservists aboard the SP2E Neptune based at Los Alamitos Naval Air Station for two weeks' annual training, died when the four-t;ngine aD- t.isubmariDe aircraft hit Santiago Peak. IdenUficat.ion o( the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. naval reserve squadron dud WU withheld, pending notificaUoD of their families in the Twin ctues area today. 1be 1:2S p.~. disaster wu the third Involving a Loi Alam.Jto1-bued NeptUDe bomber :1n II YW'I, bringing Ille triple- crasll dtath toll to at penons. lnltlaDy, It was feared two off-duty airmen ~alto aboard 'for a busman's holiday ride, but ooly atven men failed to IJllWef today u members of the unit stood )a a aolemn roll call under a gray, E~·~usband '., .tl~1:j ~~a'u1i' ·:. Kidnap Count A CO!lta Mesa man accused of kidnap- ing a woman from a tavern parking lol Friday and forcing her into bizarre sex acts on a rambllne ride: ~ward Mez.ico was arrested Tuesday. The %7-year~ld suspect was picked up by Officer Bob Arnold and booked on susplcion of tidnaping as a result of the choking assault, abduction and sex attack rtported 'by the victim Monday. Detective Gerry Thompson said he would seek a fonna1 complaint from the Orange County District Attorney's office today and the suspect would probably be arraign~ Thursday in Harbor District Judicial Court. He is the victim's ex-husband, but police said the woman seems to have a legitimate case, based upon known details about the incident. The 37-year~ld victim said they were divorced more than two years ago, and her former spouse arranged to meet her ~t a bar last Friday to talk over an . unportant matter of mutual concern. As they left the bar, she said, the ex- husband forced his way into her car. choked her and drove off to remote O'Neill Park. 1'le woman told investiJators he then headed for Mexico, but turned around in Oceanside after she told him police would have been notified and they would likely be stopped at the border. Dinner for Mesa Superintendent Surprise Sell Out The Dr. cart K. Boswell appreciation dinner. tonight 11 a sett oul. A surprise aell out "We didn't promote this at all." said Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, one of the planners of tonight's tribute to the retlring former Costa Mesa eJementuy ICbool d i s t r i c t superin- tendenl About 2t5 Ucketa to the $5 d1nner 1t the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club have been sold. And there'• a waiting list. Pinkley aald the won! got around and people just kept comlDC and l<Wnc ticket& Boswell, adminiatraUve assistant with the Newport·Meaa District ii.nee unifica- tion, said he deckted some Ume ago to retirt the day afler the school bond e1ect1on. He ii IO. NEW YORK (AP) -'Ill• atock market closed with a 1llchtl1 lower trend todar in fairly active trading. (See qoot.Uons, Paget IS.JI) driullng mist The pilot of the ilJ.fated patrol bomber · radioed he could no' longer see the ground and wa.s sbilt.ing off visual flicbt rules, just moments after a toucb-and~go prac- tice takeoU from the El Toro runway. No more radio contact was made. "Jt waa practicing ground control ap- proach landings and wu on the climb out when it struck the mountatR." said Ll Cmdr. Jerry PIUC<, public allalrs officer at the Los Alamitot' bl.le. '11le aJrcralt went atraJcbl in " said Marine Corpa Maj. Robert Booher in-- formation &ervicts officer who wed to the remote scene in Harding Clnyon f?J' the tough, all-night recovery opera- tion. The bomber rammed the 4,0SO-:oot mountain which forms Oranie County's Saddleback landmark at the o:rlUcal seven mile llm!t point northeast of. the air base, one where other crashes have occurred. ·. SberUf'a depuUes were the nf.t to reach the smoky scene of devastaUon via a parrow dirt road mown as u.; Hanllng Truck Trail and uaed malal,y fJl< lelephone line m1tiitena11CO .. 'Ibey ~ Ondbfc two·bcldlea ln~ct and a · tbJrd wu Jater dfsCoWred, but darkness, I cbokinc c!OQ/of amOiio llld fog, .pl111 heavy brush 1114 Ille - bits and pieces of OUm victims. Salvage and recoverf operaUons were continuing today, 11 a force of 50 servicemen detailed to the. trim job corn~ a 'Wide area, a!ona: Wtlh sheriff's deputies and coroner's investigators. No one aboard the plane had any chance to bail out before it smasheq into the rugged ~k at the 3,00l).foot level and they probably never even knew what happened. h-faj . Booher said the largest single (See AIR CRASH, Pace %) 'W eightwatche1·' Robs Mesa Store Of Pills, Drugs Using a sugarless soft drink bottle to smash a glass door, burglars stole thousands of diet pills, morphine and other narcotics in the $M4. burglary Tues· day of a Costa Mesa pharmacy. A passerby SJX>tled the crime at College Phannacy, 440 Fair Drive, in progres.'I. but was seen by the burglars, who fled in the 90·second interval before police arrived. Lester J. Wiles told Officer Jim Wagner he saw one ol the men crawling through the smashed door with a cardboard box full of prescription drugs of all kinds. . "Jim, Jim," the burglar shouted fran- tically to a companion inside, as Wiles ran to call police. Druggist Gary A. Dreyfus was notified and tallied up the loot, which included 500 and 1,000 count jars of amphetamines , and barbiturates such as Dexedrine, Dex- amyl, Demerol, Tulnal, S e c o n a 1, Percodan and several vials ol morphine. After uaing a Jll>.Calor:le pop botUe to break in, police aaJd, the burglars ate a quanUty of candy while gathering ~tn~e!1~illsf15 ~ C:,. other contraband, Sale of the variOUJ nal't'Otics on the Illicit drug market will brlnc far more than their lilted value, jU1t as they do in the retail prescripUon business, police aald. The one burglar seen by Wiles Tue.sday morning W'U described u be.inc in his early twenties, about •five-feet, eta:ht ~ ches tall, wdgl'irig about 170 pounds and ww1n& tan wort.-_ · Basketball Player's Car Stereo Heisted Sollnds of Paul Revere and lhe Raid· ers-phu the stereo ~i:;. that bfOUibt them to IU&-wue by 1001eone who raided a Colta Mesa leaman'1 car Tu..cS&y while he played bas-•tball. 0.M!J ll Smlth, IO, of 1177 Tusiln Ave., told Police· hit car wu parked ou1- 1lde lhe gym at Eatlncla High School 2323 Placentia Ave., when the f107 raid occumd In evenlni how's. r - . ' ' . , . .' . . ,. I \ ~ I 1 ; ' +-, • ' ;~ • ~ . • J '!.") r tH c·· ,"1'1lii'' ,• ~ 'l " l{ ... i:lld' !JI,,.;,.' , ... ' . ' ./ . . . ~' -\ ,, . '$' , g , ' •. y .. 'I • • -: ~ ! • 1~ .. I 4 • '• ')' I• • .,,,.'' .i., . ( ,' ' Su~i,e's ~~m· Cited for Cbutag~ Jly, TOM .B~IlllEY · df ,,. .... llY •l'lllf ..... There was ~ii.e'w. tiad1Da1ady tu!Sday · nlgjlt iii the, story pl .... 11. ' · · 1"'r; I'' \ Whot. ~ . bappene<j .to i'l'~"r a, Holll')l'ood Jemme .fatale happened to. little Nguyen Thi Than Phuong. In true Hollyw:~'. 1tyle; shti wis s.idefined in_ her holpi\al ~: wttµe a sloe-eyed lissom Vietnam_tl!IJ beauty captured th' ~ of the ;"Su!le •,Set" at the Balboa Biy Club. That's show business, you might aay .. But, you ·miiht well add, did it ha.ve to be her mother! . • ' But if .Z.year-otd·Suzie knew just what was going on ·she ' WOtild, Uie pafty agreed, have stood up to cheer. For the celebraUon hosted by Ralph Berke, the club's asslJtant general manager, paid tribute to the COW'age aJ¥! fortitude of a woman who has main- tained an uncomplaining, BG-day vigil at the bedside. of the little girl • with whom sM traveled 8,000 miles· from her Da N aiig home. · home Friday ~ ·1~1virfl SU.1ie 1i. to eon- vales~ in ~ange Coupty'f'~f~-ileJ'. later in Vietnam. Jt c•¥1fi'tl1' ~ ~ decision to mikt', t.a;r~ Said, ~::Ire­ was desperately needed by h~r1.&}x~month-. old·son •!¥1."""I' o19cerbus~ild", . · . Among olhe1> things, 1 1~;1 qecaqie a , VaJenUni's ~ ~y party, lben. ~ an-nou~ that .shfr woul : Ile flytni ·to , SaJaon: Frld•Y .-the d•i traditiqnal1Y . reserved for the lovelorn. ' Arid ariothtt• Upeicf wa' ldded: when the !ia}>p)' · i11ether told !he, gni.!p that · ahe would 'be • Nd: home: fer 1J'ef - New'. Year's ln'mut!b ol A.ala. . Amon~ ,.00 .. gu~sts was children'• 00.pltal nurse .Linda Hennlrlg, whoSe. hua- ban4,, NaV)' . LL Doµglas He~, flr~t ' spotted Suzie's rapidly deteriorating con- diUoo ·and arranged for her tre,atment in Orange County. · i.inda Ber;. -· \h• tbqugjlts or' everjone at the party , when she : tcild Lan: "We know YOU. haYe ·~.go, but We •hale' to see. you .Jeav~. Pie~ ~ome baclt • to "Oranae ~ County :and s~ us. And brlnJ.Si.uie 'wltb you." , . '. Aftd.1 te:ari: :Were ·not :V6'f· far 4way ~~m .~ slight, graceful Vietnai;nue lady' aceepted ·another · tout: .,to· Slllie aQd Lail, may·God .blw you both and ., ' l l ._,. , . ,.N.V. • ' 75.5.Percertt . ... Give 'Vote . . For Pass.age· ' By THOMAS FOim!NS CH tllll ..., f'lllt t• • . Voterl of Newport..MHI Unified $cbiot Olstr)ct handily paaed a 111.t ·mlllloia. bOnd tssue Tu•s<111 that shooid h.f, their· children oU double ..WO.. .'flit the nextfour years. ' The margin of approval wu 'IS.l •pu- cent,. well over U. •.7 .perceat, or tw..thirdJ, Moded IOI" JIUS"I•· . Voter tuinoirt waa a·liiipria\ncJx"hl,ll 41.5 p6ceot, due· at Ieut hi port to 10,000 telephone Calli placed to ,...U and school employea in tJie Jui ban. the poU. were open. . • The third ·time proved·the charm~fer th• unified ochool district. P;e..-bond electJon trlt1 In 1961 and 1967 hid flile;d. Final .tally was: Y.e1 .. , ..... ~· ...................... 11,'n' No ............. ,., ... -· ............ cl,461 SUpport !or . •tile hono! . iaa'!I · w~ wlde1prea<HhrOU11hqul Colla .-..i, ){ewporl )\etcl/-.In · only, dpt; of ...,1 precincts did Ille -rocelve>lm.lhan ui.· ·~eel · lw~. , ~JipiO.a(,~ nowb4n ,did; IJ>ey l'OCOJV'. J,.a· IJ1i!n a 11Jl~r\lJ, • · 1 · . . • £1" Supt.' WlllJam 011mlnjliara • ..W, .~' campaign orJanliaUon prodUCta tbO' Vio-· tor)'. "!t WU a lnlnlndoul llilD 1111"1." hellld. · ·~ · ... ' · He iiao obamied, ''This II a ql!ll- munity that decicled jVwlftted +to ~ pd ~ W•'re_ IDOll JJrii~'l!J' Ille fl"&t \'Ote of confidence." · "~·-.... u,. -of _._ Pr ' 1 ~alies 1'iUf" ~ 1."Jl'.i' I wOOd IH!ini" be lild. ..., • .,. eztnmely plea>ed to finaflil~ba* opportunity It> ~ • 'itblt< sChool dlitrl(! "can · 'Wkh . ~; ~a~ ~Pti ''.or.~/ J~ :..~ slJd, ~IY., .•ft "If ,lfd to . R~ rev ell led ~t 1 an estimated io,tf.t teiepJioiie call• were ma<te bitween die lioura ol ·5 and 7:!0 p.m. to -· 'IJdenUfted I t having 8 . strong . •ytta• potenUal." . ~· The votlni, whlcH was. ao . Ji&h!-durjQ& the day .that at 5 o'clock IOIDe ac:bool · oflldala f•lt lhey bad IOI! lhe ..iectlon. · came In heavy duriJ11.tbe ....unc·hotlri.· ·The <J.5 percent turnout·wu i... lllan · Ille « · peitent last bond election, but sUll quit• high conJ!derlng Ille ll<j>ool 1 district ran a quiet, aelecUve campalsn primarily aimed •l pann!B. , , ' In mOll ochool districts ~ylbine above. :Ji percenLla oooald«ed a hill>~· The bond ......,.. never tr.il4iil fi<illn . the firlt '!ote returna. · • Ii It recoived u , hiiJi, ~ '9 .~t ..,ppor11t·lwo Meaa Verdi poJlina J>laciH1 -1o<jaml .school and , Baf.rtc,· """"'" Volen gave , the boNll1 eq ,~t or better ' IPFOvat -In. II , jlrednctl, , 'fl' bOUer. tbaJ> ~ P'!"cenl \n, lhll~:lli . • , . . Lovely Le Thi Lan was aGtually the toast of a multi-pur~ party.1 lt1 was first .Cheduled aS a "victory party;• for Su.z.ie, ·shortly after.. she sw.cceS5t'ully underwent .OP:fll fl.eart ~u_rgery and.Just. before she.cootractecl the wound iri(eciion that la now fapi<lly &ub!lding. · · · Then It became a tribute to Lan 1vbeD she ~· Ulit ahe wou.W be goilll ketp j'du wen.'': 1 • , : , :'"'e star COUidn't make It; but sboW' 1 .. pi:orc · • . · Lwl,lllPW! w"-lvedll,l;cN,il1, School, 13 percent, and Mutu.r Sc)I09l., 57 percent, we1t1lde Costa Mesi,· ~ the at one"pblllllCPl•ce on "I;Jdo Illo;-111 percent, Ball>oa, •II ~ and w .. t (sel llOf'«ll,. Pap J) ' * * ·* \t W~,'U ftiey aay, quite I party, . •• t • : • ' ' • . , •• . . . Precinct' Votiri.g."Tahulate,d LOCATION 438 Seville, Balboa 1 825 NewPQrl .SchQol 1172 . 3503 Seuhire Drive, NB 1119 <aot Neptune, NB 701 : Newporl ·Shores Comm . .u.oc. W$ 212 Via Dijon, lJdo tale ,.....--_,....., 751 Vbr Udo.Sou( Lido late -"° Mell V.nl~ SChOol I lfll. Horace EnslirJ School .1231 ~~~ ... ,.~ r'•:: MarlnenrLllnrT m JUI -·Drifl,•Nll' ·115 Wl va.Mll1M,~NB Ir. 1J I ' •• tt•. c.r.o. llel -lflCll,. t:-" . lilt , IOI Grand Calial,!llilhoa lallnd . I 1818 . IOI Ruliy •Aven!J<,''llalboli 1al6nd · GI II Beaeon Bay, NB ·115 · Slt Selfiew .A:venue.,1 CDM1 1 ; ltM · Corona del 'Mar School "UM · Harllor View &;lloOI 'lllJ , Fire Stat!Gn, COM IMI , ltL Evainr.Conyon Road , COM llJ caulornlit llcboor , .lll'I, N~ illlPll llcbool 1111 211 Oilo -. CM llllf ,· ,. -. ~· l! LOCATl()N 282 • 134 -17.8 " Harpet' School 112 1111 . n\J . illll'~ lllll Slree~ CM m 112 11.4 Woodland Scliool ' Ill ' ,41 . IO.O · Helpa JCalo<r ·SChool !!? 11 : ~.o · 1 ~!ridbeitb .&:hoc\' • -,103 eo.1 l\lonW.V)ala 'Scllool tJ< 1 )~' '8'.5 ' llfMIMir, Cl( I la llO "'a ;2: . ' Bi)' Ylefl'·..,hOol .... · 111 11:. " • iraulorl!>o: flc!\<!!!I I Im lot 'IS.O ~ ;t 111 . ·IOI 77.1, , -·~· ilM 11 'a.1 ' _. -· JG • 'it ' IU'· . Onlip COlot£dllep • • 4111 Jot a .2 CoDep-J!lr) ·#IOOI · 11111 · !1$1 111.5 ·l~ ~.Oal: Strool, CM ~ . ·lot . i1.q . McNall)o ~ : i7d '~ 7U Whlttlor ltliiol l ' 218 90 '70 Girls< Cllllt, ,CM1 i«I .. ii'!. •17 It.. Al 111oc ~ JIO ' iu Porncu <'9 109 ai.1 W°'9fi = . :: I !~ ~~: ·=ldiool : 518 111 a.1 Adm9 lellool Jal II~ 1 13.1 Abt!!!lat 170 . U1 II.I TOTAL', ' ) • . J!_· 7ia '211 , IM •. I 1112 IOI . ltl " .11-1 I 554· . 211 '7f' 14.S 1103 IS, 11· 'IS.I !Oii ' 1$7 112 .., .I IHI ,349 107. )U 117 Jlt .. ~·· " Ml :117 101 7U 1347' Mt 107 G.f lotf !! 111 ·1r:i 171' -• !U •• 111 111 a1 11• .QI • ,.,14.4 1111, m· · 111 ; 11.f 7'3 .•••. "i · 111' . i23 ',Ill • 1040 . ,111 111' '17 "' us . Ii , ... JUI 1'9 " 7U 'ISi M It > 71:7 1011 ? · a 11· 111 llt , I•· . l~.,511 .,71 : .... 1067 IOI, a ·IU 17' !I' 11 .• 53,141 \,m 1,lM II.I ... ' • ' ·1 j 'I ,, j c Shell OU • Pliuis Make • Newport Fry By 11!1\0Ml! F. COUJliS Of .. DlitllY """ ll•ft Newport Beach city officlal1 ft"' sponded angrily today to dlaclOlllles that Sbell OU Co. and ,.vea olber flfmS 1.-to .i;,t au UploraloJ7 -bole ahoUI ooe mile Gii the harbor eolrauco l•tty. Tha plan 1111 1late appnival. "Boy, that really lrl" me,• Aid Newport M..,.r Doreen Mmhlll. She IDd Vice Mayor Lindsley Parton1 said it is possible the city will go to court to try cancdline Shell's permil . It WU. granted, tpoktsmtll (Qr the di llnn said today, by the Slate Lanell Coinlttisslon on Jan. 2. "We bad never heard about it," slid Mrs. Marshall. ''Thll 11 a tDtal gurprile. • Ed Gallqber, apecial 11aiat1 nt to Shell's produeUon man11er in Loi Angeles, explained that the project is aimed at deU!rmlnlng lbe geological mucture of the coastal ahelf. "If we hit any 1u or oil,•• he •aJd. "We wlll Immediately plug off the bole with cement There won't be any fudging ejl.her. There will be !late inspectors aboard to aee to it. God tnow1, we don't want any problems after all the trouble Union OU got us into -oil Saota Barbara." The IJnioo oil .UCir. which flSbed . up from .,, offshore well last "eek, la l5tlJJ fouling lbe heache• ln Santa Barbara and Ventura coonties. · . Gallagi1er Aid the .• foot drilliq vessel "Om l" will probably begin operations in a month. The teat lite is 1.000 feet -just over a mile - oouthweot of the l:arbor'• west jetty. 1be Ille 11 outllde the dty'1 tidelands Jurladlc:tioa, bat ,.en wilbln the atete'• -..We limit. Tbe state waLera are encom~~ the oil IOildDary cn!lt<d by the . Omntngbam Act, wblcb prohibits . JIUlll" ping ol oil oouth ol the Santa Ana River jetty lo the Mexican txrder. Gallagber conceded that Shell's In- terest, and that of other linno lnftlftd In the project, Is dlrected lowltd lederol Wiim beyond the --Umll. It fl palble, he lMINJ!ed, that lederol 1-wlll be granted. II w11 l!lSI IUd: I ~ i!!lf!er which ~ Oil WU permitted to dr!ll olf Sinta Barbara, also protactad by the atete'a Sl:ell-Omniql:a Ad. * Oil Slick Nuw Covers 70 Miles Of Coastline SANTA BARBARA (AP) -An oil .oplll om<artd petroleum !or \Ill mlle1 aloog lbe Calilornfa coast toda)' . and boveid Oil barricaded l:ari>on. Crude oil WU lound Tueoda:r U lar 0"11h u Point Dume Ill Loi Aftlela County and u far north 11 Goleta, just above Santa Barbara. At Oman!, ooe ol three lotl booms waa removed lrorn Ille Clwme! iJllUda bulJor and harbor plliolman Bob Wallen said lbeno ~ to be oaly • lbln lllm of di agalnlt Ille outer boom. 1be l:arhor remained cloeed Tua- day n1ght, however. Men used hundleo ol -• Tuelday to soak up oil which had penetrated into the harbor. The cll conUnued to came worry two weeks after an undersea Jeat deftloped at a Union Oil Cc. offshore drilllq: rig. 1be leak WU pluued l!alUrdlJ but left an eatlmat..i quarter ol a mDlloo gallool of crude bobblni """"° IOO aquare mlles ol the Padfic ocean. 1ba beav!eot CO!IO!lllralloa ._. to be In I 35<nlle ::tretch behNen l!Ollla Barhl1a and Port Hueneme In Ventur• County. DAii i PllOI Clill4N.GE COAST rual.l~ING (ON.PAH't R• ... rt N. w.,, "'" .... ' •llf l"l,ibli ..... J•c\ l. c..i1y \IQ Pr•I*""' MOd Gellert! MIN9'r Th•111•1 "•••11 Ef ilor lh•111•• A. M11T,lil111 Ma""'"' 1;,nw P11i1I Nl1••111 M....ihtnt DlrKt# c ... ..._Offke JJO W•1t l1y lh1ef M1i1i11t A~ire151 P.O. k1 ISM!, t1•1l --N...,.-t .. .,.I '111 WMI kA!M ._.,_,. i.e.... 11Mc:f1: 'JI f'-11 ·- Hlilfllllll• .. ldl, -~ '""' • ~ J ··-----·----- " Smith ' Moves -out of occ TVustee Jo .. • ' ~ f • ' 1' •• • • • • • • • .l ' . I. O'llma -Illa lalt ... -. B0JJJI•, .... "'!IM -lo-. .. tl:t ::r °""" -0,.. ,.. -.. • • tr· • boi"2ll = ........ ~ ~ -.. . !!!i"" ""'· ~ ~ \' ~ _., -• mo 1o ""' 1:: t1:t ,.a. "'i:iii; llDlll ....,. • ... a JM II --ud W11 no4lflW be ..,..,. be .-ntly ~ a• mile and -u-:l5IO feet beyolld the jlmlor -lrom a .Jiome In Harbor v1 ... colltp dlllrid l>oundlJ1. ff• .... .... Hllll to • !:om< In Harbor View Homea, polnt..i Jul l\Jllllller to su«<ed Wolltt both developments In the hllJJ: overlook· Longmoor. ini C<rona ilel Mar. A lpedll -, hu been colled SUpt. Norman w.-Aid be ~ Thunclq nlPt "for the four rtmoJnlntl the board will ~ ~ appob:tmonl truateel lo -whether to oi>Polnt Tlwrtdoy nl~t. He lndlc:iled -, perliOO a IUCc111 I' ti Sm!th. The bolrd -.ull ·at lead ll belDC given• atroDC t'Olt-llll••<lf-who,...lnlen!tocl · oldero&o. • : In llilllot the -..nt Newport Beodl ~ Coll! -President WCll'th .,.. -Bmllb WU oppolated lo Jul Keent Aid. bowevtr, the 1bun4ay nfchl Jaly: m .. u., wl1l be to declde whelber to Along South-€1H1st County .Asks U.S. . To Ban Drilling · lly JACK IROllACK OflMO.llrP1191 ..... Orl2lp County IUpervlaon Tuelday aated the lederal 1overnmeot to Join the . atell ol Calilornla In prohlhilln( .U· oil drllllq oil Ille Oran(• Comity .--the Santa Ana RIYw aouth to tl:a eounly line II San CJemenle. ~. atete government hu l2UCh a prohiblttoa Wider the ShelJ.Qmnlngham Act. Now lbe COllllly boanl, In I mo1utlon olfertd by SUpervflor Alton E. ·Allen of Lquna .B<ach, urges the leder:al .......-to -t· lhll -establ-oil anctuar)' -tht Sanla AnaRIYw--andout to lbe -..U. llmlt. Allen'• plea to tl:a IJ.S. c01IV5IDlll2I uted that Orl2lp Com:ty be si-'"nlld ....,._ that .. oil drjill::c _....... wlll be ~ -tht adjaCe::I federal ..... al tbla anctuar)'." 1be noolullon also -that Ille lllll::I that adoqdllte aleguardl would be ~ to prevent pollullon ·or the -.... beacbeo, there bu been a major qll 12]1lllqe from drllllq opera- Uou .., a "-Ill ledenl waters of! Sauta Barl:ara ud o1ao oil .,, . oil anctuar)' rocOP,bed by Ille Sl:ell-Om- nlngl:am Ad." Alter v!ewlq the~Sauta Barblta area, Allen uid, "God forbid-that we lhou1d ever have to undergo what the people ol Sanla'Barblta art goln(ll:rougil." Allen ~ laan Iha! .clrtllU:c oil the Orl2lp County cout ·-br1n& the -to ano.. clrtllU:c -.lbe tln&<nlle limlL 'l'beJ'd be alrald of the -bebl( drained .... tl:of'd -e to protecl tl:el!llelv•. · "Wl:al 1'111 alter la complete and utttr p;utectlan ol our county waters lrom all IUd: l(IOda and uplor~tioo, • be concluded. state 61 c.-. -all DOlllblo St Oa1°r Lo ....... atepa to ..... oil pollqlW.Cll lieocbea • ----""" and -ol Orqp Coanl>' ~ • :~-"-the_~ _Bid f01'-Countr- Aloo ouppo;1ad -the dforll ol the Board of Supervfaon ol Senta Barbara County to attempting to prevent further drilling off the coast In federal waters. Allen told fellow aupervlaon ol his flight over tht dl-l>llghted area Jul Friday and ol 1111 fear lbal aomelblq ~coald l:awm bin. 1be --polnto out that ''in iplte ol ........... """' ll:a Deportm~ .ol Interior ""' lbe oil tndUl!ry prior to FNlll P .. e l BONDS ••• Newport, 11 perceaL 1be bond .-, wm b"1 40 portable clwn>oml to end double -nm !all, peimanenl duliooml and achool upanalon, 1n Eulblull elementary -llte, and • bus prqe and wmbou>e. Thi !Int year ol double -also wlll be the luL l'Neo\IY, l,:IJIO -gradera ore ol:ari:lg me o1 c1amuomo. one clau in the momlnl and one In the altemoon. 1be -dlalrlct -wlll ,. -wllb convmlan of -year lntermedlaU! schooll to three-year middle ICl:oola lot alslb through elglllb grad•. High l!chooll wl1l be upended to handle enrollment of up to 1,000 alud•nll each. Whll• dlllrlcl ---art o......,t to be taken core ol for the next !oar Jan. another bond elecllcn milbl be coiled Ill two and ooHall years. School aftlclll• 111 the otber yur aod CJntohalf II needed for planning ""' --ol -before they open. u the boMI 111 --ookl !or :15 yean at an lnterelt rate of about ftve percen4 aa upected, the tu rall obould -about nine C<llla -yaor, 18 cent.I the !ollowlng year, 21 cent.I in 1971-11, down to :io centa the following year, ::teadlly dec:rualng lberealter !or lbe lile ol the bond•. TIJt carrei11 tu vate la IUI per tlOO of &llllt~ •alUltloa In Colla Meaa and 14.07 In Newport -11- Reinert's Store Owner's Father Succumbs at 84 5ervfce1 t<r AUrod M. llllnerl, !other ol the -ol llllneit'I Dopartmenl Slorel, In the Horbor Ana slnco 1941, wlll be bold al I p.m. Friday II Pacllte V1aw Mamorlal Part Chapel, eor- del Mar. Mr. RebMrt dled at a ...,v1le1et11t bame -., alter a lenilhl' Ulnell- Rena 11. A naldonl ol Colla lleoa !or lbe put 14 ,_., ba II """""4 by 1111 wife, Ethtl ol Iba -. :tlM lllck«y P1eca, Colla lleoa; two ...... Jock ol Nnporl Baadt and Allrad Jr., ol Tull!::; and -....,...a.1. _,,.... wll1 be at Pacilic Vlaw M-'"1 l'li1t. Funeral ....,..,..11 ""' under the dlrectlon ol Btft BroadWIJ MortaarJ • ' Route Support Ccsta Mesa City Councilman William SL Clair lalled Tueaday In a bid to (el lbe Board ol SUpervlson to make a dellnl"I ~don oa lbe route ol th• }lewport Fretway through Co5la 'Mesa: SL ,Clair, queaUoaed by 5upervlaor Alton E. Allen lllld he WU not repre- sentlq the City Councll or any olber group, Just himlell. He asked IUpervilorl to amend a pre~ reoolutla:t . endonlq t b e Superior A venue routing thrvuih Coate M.,. to uclude two of lour altema~ which go through the !:earl ol lhe Coate Mesa downtown business district on Newport Boulevard. County Road Comm1a1iooer Al S. Koch told the aupervilors, "I have definite ldw on lbe best route but wlll not aprtu an opinion now." He reccm· mended that the superviaora not choose • dellnlte route. . Supervllor Allen moved lbat lbere be no clwlge In the ~11 resoluUon. Superv!aor Willlam H. Hlntaln Aid be did not iblnt lbe bOOrd .llhould IC( Ill the ahlence of a re10lut1on from either city. TV Repair Truck Hit by Thieves In Costa Mesa '11tleves looted a televt!lon shop repair truck of tool& and tubel worth llOO while It wu parked for mly 10 mlnute1 it a eo.ta· Mea appliaDce atort Monday, Jerome J. Cm1la, employed by Hen· deraon'a Appliance and TV, um Harbor Blvd., told police lbe loot Included 250 ttJeViston tubes, a tube caddy container and other tteaie. llurSlan meamrblle, toot an oulboanl mm« and cul: totalling $IOO after hrtllll> lni Into the paril department of Dean Lewla lmports, 1988 Har'O<lr Blvd., police said Monday. Ralph C. Hambrick, parts manager at the 1uto dealership, and Officer George Webeter found a "I"' lnslde lbe twO<tory building, posslhly carried In cue lbe burglar tried a atyllgill bmlt-ln. lmtffd, he jimmied a door lock wilb a piece of mellL Ballioan Wants Damage · Repaid A Balboa apar1mel:I -who Oaure1 be rot • dirty dlll a -overllow dta1nc a reoent nil! A arm wt:nts •11 -the Coate .. _ _,, DlatrlcL Rup .... _,,...., ..... damaged -an civerhurd-_.,. :;:J: -out dua to Jan. • atorm .,._.,., caUllq -to back up ond Dood lbe pnmlleo, ICCOl'dh!i to tho Y!ctim. Rudolph A. Vana.d, of I» CblMel Road, aay1 damage to lho unlla at lit and 111~ Mesa Drl\11; 11 tbe diltrict'I fault and they should pick up the bill. . ' I ' f I t..-1 IOI hl''""""'"IJ· m a ,._ ..-to Boord ol ~UG!> lllall tl:ln mob 11:1 • Tha """"41'1 Dat, drawn ~en . .... It, , ' $'7 '51 "-tild. • ................ \ ... 1Wllb .. ' __ .1_. • ........ ~· CJ"hi"'..., .... .. . h . Ila ............... ---_, ........ ~ ----lo'! "'"'"""'-·---· 111 ........... • ... -,AJil.. ·~ w • -RllQ!.__OI L l"5IP 1114 -were sis other •P. •1tl)! days U ~ Coul dldn1 act. "':. It -., tuown where lbe ~el>t~ ~~ 116 5:\~ U::· a~~ °li:~:r.=.:i~ hmna wwe to be bull! Newport·Mela art no~lans at -t to interview P!rigebrebeo aald. "But there are a' lot acbooll worked out an agreement with r -ol lrtQ where Ille eode llYI lholl. Ao '1'llltln area achoGI dlatrlcta to ndra•. addltio appllcanls. a practical ma:ler t b • y probably the Une. Oran&• C4ast SUpl Watson Aid Keene said the board hu 80 days couldn't mate the appointment In that tu. diatrict tried to do lbe same but Slcl-wltbJn which to 1q.1i.e an appointment. Ume." ·~... ' · dleback junior College trustees abjected, County sclloola olllclals notllied Smith 5Jni41!'• new addrtG lllll is In the Watson said SIDlth is "one of th.,. vie- he is inellglble last Friday, 118 days City o1 Newport Beach am 1til1J s in tims of ·a !realt c:lraunstan<e." before tbe ~D II trultee olactloo. Nawpart.Mea "IJnilled Seboo1 • Di11r1cL Smith's mcllOa to loos ol hll aoal ... Deputy ciim17 ~ l!qnar 'Enp-111:1 . l,t 119 lcinw lJ to ~· Col:al the lloard 11 ... ol dlsaoooln-l 1bt b1<:l:en ""2lllrniad that the educatloo Jµnlot College District. , 31-)'lll'Old blJlbr Aid. bad he known code aays lbe i..rd shall appolnt .wttbln He hu -a r..w.t.,. Saddle-be would l:ave · chooen another -80 days. U It lalla to do so, the county back Junior Cofltie Olsliict. · amoog thorO be looted at Ill lbe tract. Lincoln Remembered President Nixon leavea Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. after placing a wreath at base of familiar seated statue of Great Emanci· pator. Nuon took time out from busy •chedule today to mat!< lt!Oth anniversary of Lincoln's blrtb. Lincoln was first Republican presidenl New Huntington 'Helicops~ Locate Lost 5-year-old Boy A dramatic air sweep by the city's new police helicopter was employed Tuesday afternoon to find a mlaslng S.year-0ld Huntington Beach boy. LltUe blue-eyed, blood Gary Depue wu spotted from the aJr at 2:3> p.m. a11 he stood soaked from head to foot next to a swampy area west of Beach Boulevard and north of Garfield Avenue . The boy had run away from his baby sitter'• Muse early in the morning because he feared she was going to Presenli111- THE WATCHBAM> THATTBIS TIME. •pank him for telling a glory the day befoce. The babyaltter. Mn. Virginia Metz, 8291 Yorktown SL, Huntlngton Beach, reported the child mi!Slng when he wasn't brmqbt to the house by hia grandlalber, J. o. Depue, 8151 Malloy Dr., Huntington Be&ch, as normal. Twelve Huntington Beach Police unita were used in the search in addition to the H.B. Eye, the department'• new patrol chopper. ~bySpeidd A new llld rmltt• donary calendar watchband that puto the whole :vear on your wrist -ed thu 1ome. Two small dW. lot you nfer to auy month 1111 timo u a built·ln calendar unrolls ba• wards or forw1rd1 to make your watchlMD1·1 functional ea well aa handsome faah:lon ICICffa 10ry. Sundap and holiday• in red. Cbolca oC Twlst-O-Plex9 1tyl11. S1atnle11 sl1tl 18.95 an<I Jtllow gold-fillad 111.9~. Nt¥n baa a waldlbancf meant 10 muc!a to a ma. From Page I AIR CRASH ••. . piece of wreckage left Jn the canyon, an offshoot of laJier Modjeska Canyon, waa a »-foot piece of wing and fuselage. The rest WU lhredded rubble. Helicoplen lrom El Toro MCAS hovered over the virtually inaccessible site with floodlights, as ground searchers stniggled ~ reach the crash .scene. Brush !Im toucbed off when lbe NeJ>- tune exploded In a ball of flame were extinguished by Orange County Fire Department unitl from M o d j e 1 k a , Silverado, Trabuco and Irvine Lake sta- Uons. The crash scene was pinpointed by- speedometer as 4.1 miles up the Hardlns Truck Trail -which serves as a fire break -from one of the isolated sta~ tions. Authorities al Los Alamilol NAS of· flcially logged the plane overdue and presumed down al 10 p.m., the ume time a J.2..year-old girl beard one zoom low over a rural home 1n the Santa Ana Mountains. Marlena Prokepec, vtaltlng Mr. .,., Mrs. Clyde Keener, who live on Modjeska Canyon Road near the Tucker Bird Sanctuary, ~ a fire truck's siren moments later. "That must be that plane," she said, but Jt was evidently cnly a search aircraft en route to the spot where the Neptune crubed. ~--- Final Rites Set For John Lowe Catholic rilfl ara acheduled today and Tlu:raday for industrlal doveloper John II-Lowe, who died ot hll Newport Beach home SUnday alter a long lllnul •. Mr. Lowe, 57, of 2182 Mesa Drive, was the husband or former actress.. dancer Ruby Keeler. 1ba coupla bad been married 27 _years. Rosary will he reclt..i today ot 8:30 p.m. and a Requiem Mau ii scheduled Tbunday at 9 a.m., both in St. Jcachim's Catholic Church. lntennent will be al Holy Sepulcher Cemetery near Orange. Chuckhole Damage Brings Claim for $45 A Costa Meu motorist charging a chuckhole damaged the front undercar- riage c( his car, bu filed a clabn with the city for '45c in repair1. Marion Holmes, 462 Magnolia St., says in a letter to City Clerk C. K. "Charlie" Priest that lbe mishap occurred Feb. 8 as he drove slowly through a dip a' Ir- vine Avenue and 20th Street. CONVENIENT TERMS IANICAMERICARO MASTER CHAR6E J. C. J./umpkrl11d 'J11w11fe,. PHONE 141.3401 ltll NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA JI Y!ARS IN THE SAME LOCATION • ICAS • • 5 says rlie" "'· ' t' Ir· I ., 44 a a 0 w~. '"""" 12. 1969 0.111-v l'ILOT 5 • ?.. . ¥ ..; • .if '"· . 1Aide Drops -Figfit ;, .St1,1dent' .. r' S .. l S' .k . j 2'~ Ge~s A~~y , , , ~Israel Je#is if<Ji,n . SF State • T II Pl . ·o -ett e. iri .e l e s ot ... . ' . .. · · · ' · · ~AN riiANclico (AP! :.. Mc&iav'.· ., i SAN'FRANCiaCo (UPI) -• A labor official hu;ilven ,up . • ·l!:stabllalttiient of the depeiit.. A San Francisco State eon.,. elf orb to seUJ• a tial:hei's' '"'"' Wll .... ~ the d ....... By lhdjed P,. la-ollzed bf ~bJn ,tho , 1117 · ud •--"I·' I 's ~-· · · . . · · -. mode· ~ <llllltnt&, led ~ 'It ent ~~ •·: upe,_,' II:"'~ at·S&qFrancllfo,Sl*le Ille ' <Bleck· SJudeuts Unict., ~ Two Syrian jel fii!>ten flew over lsraeli·held terrltorJ to- d4y and Israel's aii force lb4it down one of them -a Soviet .. bUUl MlG21 , Military 1p0kesmen in Jerusalem said. Mfddle ~ ,'jdf, . 'L 1 'The Israeli 1pokesmen gave · nQ iurll;ler •de ta tl 11 1m--• Court Tue.sday h•. beard 1 COllege, ..,Ying be -.':no ilrll!>k '~· ,S, ~­ Black .• Pantller party leader further uae In pre 11.fn I Coacemina the AFL-CIO iqe striklng .-tudenta: ·to ~ke dllcusslons." , ' . ~· . Federatkm 9 ( medlalely. · · · ~ · ,.n.·'·away Jrom riot pOlice George Jolina, San. ·11\'a,;. Teaehel'.I ' tilt~ for better • · .. · . claoo Labor Council .ecr.1ary, worldng coodillorie IJld mort The &Pok'esmen 'said " the Israeli .interceptors rtturned Barely to' Uitir base from the . dogfight over the · Al Qantirab area of Israeli;. held Syrian terriklf;Y· fbe downed Syrian MIG was seen falling Jilto Syrian ter· ritory, the spokesmen said. rii JeMiaalem itseU, ~a ier-... roriat bomb ei<p!ocltd today 1o··a w~ ti\. \l>•'EUI' Jerusaleln cenlril~ ~~bft,, . w""'"2Inl ~ is:yel!,Mld ,Vall, pollce lfld, '!'her said be, :w•• , nql sert.(ilill1,; burl. . ' ' . 'l11e .borbli, describe4· ~as < ' • ' .-.u.t lltUe,.~ ·prlpliUv~ /11 ppU~ • ..., . . , , . o~.the can:pwi anJ blow thell' 8!Sel'ted' the Cellfomia State· pay, JobM slid he ·waa quit- lieada off. · College Boa!'f of TrulleeJ bad, Ung his efforts as a mediator . WUllam . F. .Whitely, • "sbol down any hope for a beca/Jae -In °hls wprds - pbytlcal education stude'nl,· aetUement.'" _ · lnJS!ffll ~)"lth the lulll>aclt!J\g 1fas one of four witnesses who His acUon . tn the teacher ol Gov. lleagaft, are prepared lellllied before Judg~ By""' walkouf•' came' u . S. I • to fl!lht It to a finish a1i<1 Aroo)d Jn an •cilon brought ijayataira the scbool'a·aetinc It doesn't-.eein ·to matter to .~Y h~t teacbe~ ~ sl!J<letlu:!' praldent, Nld a Negro 11.odi.. tllem tbat'lt wm be the faculty . ,!.,,, 1 mass Pc ag 00 deparllllent probably. .• would IJld ltudellll JJJJd the city llf 4a;n !ge outs.Ide the' wUhroofn. It was the ~nd such · boritbi.ng in the rformer- JordanJan sector of Jerusalem lo the Jlllj!t)iwo W~· : -- .sllnil&r b0rnbm11. bx mb ; terrorists in a West Jerusalem bt.ls statlon;aod ~ri~lem marketPlace :cabaed; .heavy loss of life lote \llii year. · . •uue-om ampus. not be estsbllsheil by the <Im SaiJ Francllco that are flnLsh. -·,·Wbltely_and his eo:-plaintlffs ol the spring aemester •next ed." · Tbe1 spokesmen said Israeli aircraft intercepted one plane, the downed MIG21, indicating the other got away before the arrival of the Israeli jets. The incident took place over the Golan Heights,. t h e strategic Syrian border area . . OUT IN FRONT USW'1 I. W. Abo! • are seeklilg a prellmlnary ln-"jiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JuncUori a 1J a Inst mw11 An Arab guerrilla leader claimed today that French and ll'JtCh 1oiumeers have 'joined hii tanb io fight Israel. · -Yasair Arafat, head Of the Palestine Llberation Organiza- tion· (PLO} commando group, · iald in Caire. the Europeons are members of the,El Fatah guerrilla, '1hicb . inc:lude, tni:n from Egy,pt, · Syr1a, Iraq and Lebanon. In Jeriisafem an Isrcleli military spokesman charged Egyptian· foices with' in· creasing sniper altacks along the Suez Canal cease-fire line. Hidden gunmen have :wounded , three Israeli soHHer1 this week, the spokesman said. Biafra Asks ·ptcketlng to ieplace ~ tem- . ·pinry restralnlng om~ isued • • -. , 'I'•• •t .,._, -• ) • •+lo, 1 ''·'' .,,.,._ •. Jg"'29byJ•..l-.. ECIWard'F., ., \ ' I . ' ,_.,._.,, ··'"i .. ., ... , . • ' • .,. •I, ......... · .,. ·, ""; · r··~ ·. ~~ · "' ~' ;., r•., .».·, r'i .1 "' .UftT ..... r O'Dl.y. The restralnlng order . ''DIRTY ·;l!lt!>' DRIED OUT'. ~n~R;D!~lf';l f?,1.L :y; «;JC~ ' . ~~: ' '•x#-• Thursday. . Rtnni McEvoy ., .. w,o1t ~" An91lo1 :M!m~I :S!illltr. ·~1l1ll"Wllh Clunup Listed as defendants .,. 15 ~ •. • i. -' • -1 • • • • e a: m p u s or.ganlr.ations, h\- t '. -;~: "j ·~ --.-. ·' 1,.,. · : :·· cltMtfug the Black Studen*5 ~ " .,, ' ·: ' . ' . . ' ,."u~•-(BSU), the Third World ·Pope ffi, .. ''iar~. Ca_tholres LOng Range · M:=~°"r!r"'! <=: · . ·," ' · · · •'-~ie!ty (SOS), plus 29 officers ,:. • ,I·, ''S d Effects of I :1n.p.eorganlsallons.· OIJ. 'Co~cie,nce tan · .~ · . :·: · · · \t1:!':~a.=~t.n,~= VATl~W CITY (·AP). ;aw• against the tree, spon-OiJ Studied -:;;<!i1:;'Pi\'!,;:.a :~~~ Pope Paul VT, in ait ob\tiou5. taheOus activity of man." dent~strike began last Nov. e, SACRAMENTO_(APJ ='l:be ,-aail iha<BSU, TWLF IJld SDS alfusion to the ~troYersr·· The Pope said the guidance Stale Fish, and Game Depart-.r "·pre s e n t a ti v es were over birth control, :warned of conscience "is a good ment says most lnarine Hfe participants In the. numerous Roman ~ ;catholics • ;~· o~ a~., and necessary tbiq," but .be· 1n the oil~hoked S a n:t a raIUes he , ._tten~et', . as. ~ against relying only' on their declared that a ~Son's con-Barbara Channel seem, tp .be-• o~er since t'hen. · -science "in itself· 1. not the (aring well, but som~ cfficlals "' 'fh!t phy'aleal eaucat!op s:tu-own ~osc1ences. . -. . i . ·_ · ~ ·lear the oil spill may,.have 49{1t said ·be' beard Benny .Tht Pope in effet1 ,disputeil1 arbiter ;of moral valu~;.:-'·Ke 1 t<IOl;li-~ ell~" . ,,. . ~ introduC1!d 1t a c:ain· those in the Church w(o insist; •¥e:d,1 thalrdecisions Gt· ~ • ~ent D~ectof• ~Y.' '.P!I rallf In ear]y ~ber that Catholic couples, despite .. science must ·be influ'eneed by ~ett 'said·: agency· biologists · u: ,a minister for ~ Black the ban on birth control are "the light of Christ." will survey the area ·f~r Panther patty. . . ' .. months to come to see if still free to follow ,thell' con· In order to be a valid marine life shom any long · · · .scl~pces on )l'hether to prac· law for human action," the range Ill effect& !rqm· the . Berkeley Fire· . U S F ', : _ •. b: . ttce contraception. Pope Hid.· "the c:Onscl~ct poll,uted water. , , 1 ~ , • , • , ; • • • ut'lllS Th• Pope ad<Ire11-i-n-g mu<I be rigb4 ii mu<\ be Amell uld d~partment ·Not Arson?. · • -· ' · sure of Jtaelf, and must be boats morutoring 11tlie wa~n:I . , • tholisands at his we e k I Y true, not uncertain, not guiJUly have not observed any'· fl!b . . ; · general audience, sounded a erronectls., iFor thlJ it is killed by the oil and that IN.ls · ~ERKELEY (UPI) warning carried in months necessary to have · ~· light arld sea liona Whidl, inhabit, 1 Inye,Ugat~~. can · fµtd no ' th · v ti 1 Chr. " the ChaMel Islands did' not --'evidence 100.icaUng that the UMUAHIA, Biafra (AP) -past .by e ~ can prtS3 -:-of iat • ·" ; ·, appear affected. , Jpn .. 22 fil!J w~ch. destroyed_ Blci!ran leader . Odumegwil that the conscience -alone lS A number ol· ~pi&copal eon-To date, ht said, water birds .~ler AUditOrlum at the Mediation 24 Hour Snow. Report CALL . -Kl 7 .. 2545 : . :, YUi They're °" 1al..,;...gnd going fast. Don't.Mill YfNf dtanc.,:.;...Heod skis are very Nido• et.~ · pric•~ . • FULL FACTORY GUIRIJITEI hwere of sole Heads that are not tokl by e Head outhoriz:ed dealer. The VVOIOlll9e fttGY nor be valid. . . .. •HEAD "Misters" •...•.. R19. 135.GO 7u0 •.llAD "360's" .......... R19. 165.00 124.oci • llAD "Compelillont" .... Rig. 175,00 13µ1). · • llAl> "320's" · ....•••••. R19. 145.00 109.00 Steel Union _____.__.p ..... resident Ojukwu declai'ed today the 'DQt eno~h;.... . . .. · f~.~. lpcluding· thole in have· been· tbe .only species . Umveraity of· California _was: United States can pl&y'~-"->. ,,__..,.=ne pontiff complained that France, Canada, ·H9Uand .and affected. ID-its Jatest figuiei, · , "Bet•b)' arsonists. , "mediator's role in lhe Ni~erian "one of~ hears repeated as Germany, have ta~$ \he of. the de~t .reJ>Ort.'d • ·, ·Berkeley Fire Chief Rodn,y., war. an undenicabl,e aphorism that ficial stand that ,the Pope's .w·aterbifdshM~.cQ~"·'p0t1er said .Tuesday that tbe ~ • HEAD "Sfinditlli" ...... R1t. 115.00-atoa-'--, . Leads Race But to ·do this, he said, all "!e~ality o~ man.should enc)'clicaJ on J¥rtb . canlrpl and tufntd m·tq .hf'o ~~~h B~au ~f Crimina).~ Iden- the Nixon adrilinislr.i.tion must cons1~t m following hi~ own must be heeded. but ·that In centers establl~"to <;i{ni J?t;: ~ .~Uon and lf:!V~Uon in 'Pt'M'SBURGH (AP) -t. act quic~y )>el~ it.'.'~~ conscience abd t;iat 11 af. the final analysis J,\omln . the bifdSt '.:. · ·ifr~"i\'c~ento had ,l_n formed w. Abel, who clirii.bed from ·iilentUied~ -..ijh .Ute a:o!em-_ 'fmrled··~.rrft·him both from Catholic couple11 hid to decide Of these, 11s·' biids Were \OW police 'tt could find 11no the mill floor to the ' top of . mept Qr foqn'r: ·Ji{es~.tlertt th~· dem~s. of an intrinsic on the basis of their own · d~d when received, 164 dJed organic 1u~1 t.I n .~ e 1 1 • Ip .· ' i· :: -t': organized labor, took a com-"' Lyndon~ ,I®nson· . . .13w' and ,ftbm respect for an comcitnees :what to 'do ·about in .gpite of tteatment and 177 wnple, taken f~·*1>11eene 1 • manding lead and appeared Ojuk~ ~'.i#fonDally. with -~·•~l""'i5':!:ty~th~a:t .~lr~ie~s~to~di~·c~ta~i.:_.:, ~~~· ~~-~o _ _.::_..:..:__:__::_· W~'l"~lreited~~~and~,llv~ed~.---o~f~the~l!OO,~~OllP~b~I~·~ .. ,.--_!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! bound for victory todar in Jlt;)'!me~n _'_ iii, 'bis .liotrle, here · · 1 •• • · · his batUe·to keep the pres1aen·. al\er a, discussion w-fUt ~o ey of the powerful United visiting Brit i 11 h Labor Steelworkers Union. JQembers· of Parllainent, Unofficial returns compiled 14ichael· Barnes and ·Alexander by Abel's campaign aides gave Lyon. . the incumbent a 129,868 to Ojukwu was asked if he 66,4?1 lea~ over challe_nger would aecept the Unlted·States Emil Nar1~k. a relat1ve~y as a direct mediator. playing unknown uruon lawyer· Abel s a role similar to its action committee said its tall~ I~-in the l967 CyprUS crisis. eluded 2.225 of the union 11 , , p r 0 v i d e d this-_ad· 3,700 locals: ministration aets qui C'k-·l-y • An Assoc1at~ Press ~uryey be(ore it becomes identlfted had Abel ahead by ~ sun1lar with th ·old a:ctminiJtration 2-t margin. The voting won't . e _,-:L·.-be ' be official until all ballots-are it ~ a chan,ce .~ . an , certffied by union tellers. This ef~echv~ .m~•lo;. OJukwiJ could take until May I. sa:id. . .. . . · Narick, working out pf the .Biafra t~ the .P~t has CO!f- bastment of his suburban demned ~h~ United ~tes, 1h Pittsburgh home, said, "l see terms almbst as ~trqng -;as nothing to cause me to be Its .repeated ~nUllCl,atlons of discouraged. the BrltW!. . Grand Reopenlngs DINING ROOM COSTA MESA GOLF-& C.C, l . I , ,: •. 111 .. ' '* .. ): ,.;•.t; • J !f /J t., .. t·; u;..~.~ -~' ' \ fl·;'l'1'!t:' ' 1701 CiOLF COURSI DRIYI -C:DSTAl'lilDA · ., ~· fhlllo4 !'elm'"' Hospltoll' -Mo.1100 ' ' I ' . .. A puhli"'*'8 aohtroy tlsat doel~elfmln1te a lotof l\msbllnl aaimd wldJe . ;yau'redriYinc-· .. -· . DlllO fbr • lur!KDOb ...... -.--door. ' :~ ' ., , ~fa11.~1 dliCff!llla1rJat~O'!flFC~~I Dea'Mo . . \ ,) ' ' "' . . .. ·" . ' ........ ~· .,·,"f ,·~ ·. d.... ,, i; • " . I . • " I , .• • _, ' .. ' • ' • ' •. fDAO.Y'Pum mnoam PAGE I Innocent s ·in Je~pard y One of tht createat horron a person can lace Is the Pf'l'pecl ol paylnJ !or a crime he 4id not ~m,m!I. lllnocellt Pl\>Pl• have been fate's •taiJd·ln• before and hlllory bolds many stori" of those jerked Into eternity Oii a hanJman's rope. when judgment was sum- mary and justice was quick. · others have passed through the long, dark,. days arid nights and grim society ol prison llle with only ~eir own cruel kaowled&e and its ironic bul meanln&less com!Grt : I did not do it. .. I am lnaocen~ 'l1lls w11 the prospect laced only 30 days ago by a Hun\lnJlon Beach waitress and a Newport Beach aero- apace eagt.oeer, Jailed in connection with a particularly savaje and senseless murder. Nin~ days ago , a Costa Mesa man whose family name is known throlfghout the Soutbland, also spent a night in jail a• a suspected burglar. People with a childlike faith In the American system of justice will tell you such tragedies cannot happen. Other people, walking the streets today,, know it can. · Outraged people . realizing the same oldNI could ·be iJlllicted upon them, may condemn "jlollce tactics" when such cases come to ligh~ often not kno~pig the .meaning of' the very words they use to accuse. Investigators who arrested inn,ocents in the two in- dividual cases were confronted with tbes'e vartous ele- m111ta, constituting more than sulficitnt evidence for arreft at the \it!I•: -. , l . Damnh\g pllysiCal evidOllC<I such as a victim's .... \blOOd and Pt)nt from her auto smeared on an aban- "*llled car. . 2>CQllfllctlJli stories by the car owner and her com-e' l\.aDo!it bow tbp vohlcle turned up whore police • 3. AJJbla will\ ao Olblr ·w11ne11 to support !hem sincl lhe arresteu ¥1 llO ••.,i wllh 111,Yone dur\nJ the time period c:nlclal lo -i.-. • 4. Eyewitna11 ldMl'it!eallall by a person who saw a man try to break ll!to ber llome. 5. POS!"siOD by \be '*'IJ"7 IUlpecl ol a knife which could be used u a w.;po,.: plUI a large ting ol keys which mllb~aarve lor ltylni doora. , Olllcers wno made !be artat1 were not stepping beyond the· bounds of tholr rwom duty. They were , following the tradition ol workina a case rtep by atop. Knowing that Jlllll seemed questionable, they presaed investigative worlt and were ab)e, lo prove innocence. A bizarre and latetul series Ol inclden11 made the couple who were charged with murder merely vicllrns of time and ctrcumitance. . · Taking an evening rtroU in \be wning place and at the wning moment, plUI ldenlltlcallon by a dlstrauaht· woman. jailed the butinealDWI In . a 1erlu of even ta described by one detacllve 11 cala•!rOP!llc'. Grim though these experiences :were '{or the three persons so unhappily iqvolved ... there 11 • reasaurlng aspect in them for all of us, •• wen •• a'ltsaon. Requirements and methods of law enforcement have increasingly str'esaed the fundamental safeguard that a person must be conside red innocent until proved guUty. ' While the unthinking layman may-and perhaps too .often does-indulge in the fallacious reasoning that arrest proQably indicates guilt. the police officer can't settle for that. The detectives who arrested the suspects in the two cases described knew their job is to protect the innocent , equally as much as to hunt the guilty-if not more so. They preformed in that tradition . To the three people dlrecUy Involved-and to the comm'unity as a whol&-that means a great deal IC) . -- THE Pf l>t>L!?R Reader Defends Legali%ed Abortion I Wally Hickel Deciths He'll Go to Lunch Dear Gloomy Gus: Women Should Have Right to Decide . Seerttary ol the Int.rlor Wally Hickel haa at lut rolled Ui) his sleeves and """' lo wort lo help Mr. Nixon build a better AIQerlca. So comervatlonists are & l o·o m: i 1 y predlcUn& the npe of the "Wilderpess: !lomooral& are happily IDl~Ung -Teapot Dome aadal; and in· olden' ore buying oil llbir<s. Noueme. J, for 'One, place more trust in Mr. llicl<el than in any other Cabinet member in years.-I am superbly con- fident that Mr. Hickel in the trying timel aheod will never do lny\hins ......,. As a matter of fact, I'm superbly confident he'll never do anything at all. You netd only envision his working con· ditions. SCENEr 'nle Secretary's off I~. Mr. Hickel aitl at his walnut desk as a do:en aidll ltlnd &round watcblnl him. Two are, of courae, spies for the Democratic Nallonal Committee. Three are on loan from the While Hou.se. And one is a bearded young man in lederhORn who keeps humming hiking songs. In the anleroom, more than 40 reporttn wait, pencils poised over notebooks. Mr. Hickel nervously shuffles ~he papers on his desk as the aides nod. Flnally, be picks up a pen as though to sign one. There is a collective in· drawing of breath. He put.. the pen down. HE TAPS IUS fincers. The aides nod. He reachu for the telephone. Thert. is a collecUve gasp. He withdraws his hand. Tension mounts. At last, with the air of a man crossing the Rubicoo, he 15\ams hi.a fist on the de&k and shout.I; "By George, I've decided to •.. " Panic! Aides scurry in aJI direcllons. The reporters dash In, pencil! at the ready. The fjrgt flash reaches the Democratic National Committee. "Hot The dly ol Huntjn&too Beach and others bave ordinances prohibiting rellgloua groopa from going door- to-door. Can't aomFthing be done about them here in Coat.a Mesa? 111ey're a real nulalnce to many people. -L. E. E. Zi&led)"' cr1e1·a llralql!L "Happy days are here apln." O.a at the Sierra Club a acore of elderly ladles in whipcord brteches criJn.. Jy check their alpenstocks as they prtpare tor a acaie-in protest atop the Wuhlnglon Monument. AND IN THE While House Ready Room a red llaht Oas.he!. 1'Hello, Wally?" says a whlte-llpped Prtsident Nixon into the phone. "Put your scrambler on. Good. Now about this decision you've made. Have you thought it through?" "Yes, sir," &ays Mr. Hickel finnly. "I've decided, come what may, to go to lunch. Now I don't see any sense in lunch for lunch's sake, but • _ • " "Who · with, Wally? Not one of your old oil company pals, I trust?" "No, sir. I thought I'd eat alone in · the cafeteria to show my independence. Just a roast beef sandwich and a glus or milk." ~ "W!fMM. I'D SKIP Lhe roast beef, \Vally. Il might be interpreted as favor-· To the Editor: I am a ·woman who decided to have an abortion (legally, in Japan). I would like to ei:plain to M. Y. Nordlund ("Agalnsl Abortion." Mailbox, Feb. 5) my rell80n11 for making such a decision, and alJo explain why American women shoilld have the right to decide for themselves whether they want to have an abortion. I wis at an 'ge . when I could not handle our "accident," but I wasn't In as detp a mental distwbance as would have been necessary to havt a legal abortion in California. The idea of going to Japan, whert skilkd· doctors perform the operaUon, was suggested by my doctor. In saqi\ary conjiitions, with a surgeon, th'1'e is no danger to the patient. The ope.rat.ion takes only 15 to 20 minutes, and after a day's rest, the paUent is perfectly fine . AS FOR THE ClfiLD. a foetus Is not given a burial until the age of six or seven months. An abortion cannot be performed after three months of pregnancy. I, myself, feel absolutely no guilt, as I'm sure many women would not. As for those who would, and do not belitve in legalizing abortion, all they have to do is not practice it! Legalized abortion would do them no harm at all, whereas those of us who would like to have a legal abortion, without spending money to go overseas, art forced to bear the burden ol an unwanted cblld. I'm sure th.It you'd be llUlpri>ed. at the .amount ol•Ajnerican dollan 11>lng lo !oreJin.operailOl!J. ing gratin1 rights for lhe cattle lnttrtltl. AND WHAT OF tboae women who Let 's s~, what. about haTf!? Look, I'D • are not u financially fortunate as I check Jt ~t with Ray Bhss and ~11 wu? M1n7 ot·tbem IO I.bud and bring Y~~ back. . ., an unwanted child into the world. Look .. Thank you, Slf': . at the number. of delinquenta today who And, Wally, JUsl. let ":le say that were undealred children. Think of the J have complete ~nf1dence 1n your Judi· crowded condiUOM au over the United ment .and Integrity. Now, 1 !;hat are you1, Stata. · p\anrung to do after lunch · ' Other women takt anyone they can SO I SAY a cynical, auaplcious nlUon should confldenlly put Ila (alth aiid lrual in Mr. H1cttl. And let'• keep an eye on the olheni. It'a ,the leaden: can't trwL Ond who would perform their abortion, evtn the cleaning lady in a filthy restroom. Most of these .women die from Infect.Ions multing from d i r t y you trust that you ''lnstnimenll." Thest art tht sad cases. A Deep Emotional Truth WRY SHOULD nus happen in an advanced -nation like tht United Slates when we have skilled surgeons and gynecoloellta ,right Uhder our noses? It is becaUH of ntm1w-minded people. Agabi. 1 NY,, Jt ts doing you no harm to have lq1l -abortions. Please gi~·e American women the lretdom to cll<>Me for tbemnlve.a! Tboapll Al Laret' What too many solicitous mothers fail ta reali&e is Lhe deep emollonal truth in the old Talmudic sayin&: "Better ll lhe who shows a smiling countenance than she who off era milk to drink." • • • A lower-class domicile iii, to me. a place where they have six beer-can ope.oer1 and no corkscrew. • • • The flaw of the provincial mind ls that it jud&ts all bthavior by Its 011.·n narrow Aaodardl; the Oaw or the coa- mopolllan mind Is that it ,..jedl all •la-u merety -ol local laN ot ......... tJm, tbl pminctil IQflm Ir"!', a !allon la -""· ad the • I r•olJta frmD a f~ in --· .. • • •• Del ·•r of a flOOd..,..-.. HI-' oloswliontblJ'*-half4nlll!O io ..-. Illa. .... Wttll -lol lporanl lo rebut the upmtaL • • • wa. a performer $Wtats, he hu not IDllMnid hi! art: for nearly the '1111111 aim ol crafllmanship Is to make tbl -look ... y. • • • • ·er ...i by" u9ed lo mtan In the nari1t ~ future: but the In- ' r'l;p\;'.' • ""'*• f<I• I.•' a ~~I -~· I ;'>I• ht ,fl • . .LI , ~ . '~ " . . ' . veterate ProcruUn1tton of men has turn- ed it into "a:ooner or 1aler." • • • tt Is true that toJ weiponi don't SJllWll violence. any more than pomocraphlc literature leedl to nPii but 'toY wupons .i. mm the laldq bl u••• .-.i and dlrwcod !rom huiifin .vii-jllll 11 PGriaiiraphlc' wrilJoc 41•...,. ltJ frmn ·•llt!:Clm and mjlecl. ... -. . . mw1:::tt::.":"\:ll .,:' =· 1o baft lb eommunlcale; tac-.,. i... er.-lhe opeaf and vully • ...,_ lhe -lot commWllcrtlcm, lut al the same tima rtd-lhe -.,t llunlan lnvol•..,.,,. lo what la heln& • commun1c:atod. • • • Pl<llapa one ol the moat uproutva words In the Englllh l1nsua1e II "011>- btrluttd. ·• which, oddly e n o u I h • ori&lna!IY meant "lo !righten with a ny.swaitt~r." NAME WITHHELD Brea1M11'an'• Co111111 e1111 To the Edit.or : l Well -we hive bit another ne\v low! I rtfer to Robert. J . Br~snahon's comments in the DAILY PILOT Feb. •• It never ceases lo be a sourct of amutmtnt to 1ne as to how a penon lh ~lie olfict, or tn any othu office of rt1po0-'lblllty (or that melter. can make publlc utteranco of that ll'P". Tbly •umrllfy lhe t1111ome o11mbedll1y • • • .. n<all that'• juat lhol1 ol abaoluie ldioCy! IN '1EW OF Mr. Brunahan'1 ap- paml lack of Uma I offer him a lhree part _.,. which mllhl aid In buttn-in& his _,nd1U"'8 lo the Ora!1ll' County Boan! of Supervbors: · I. As !iOOn u resiaenllal de\lelopments within fJvt miles of the airport are: 1llree years old. 1upplanl !ham with slums. Thete, then, can be condemned In the name ol PROGRESS. t. STAflT immediately lo e:rterminale Lttter1 from rtaden or• tDflcome. Normallt11Drittfl' 1Muld COftVt't/ their mes.!age in 300 words °" less. The right to condense lttura to fit space or eZtmina.te libel is n:ren;ed. At! ltttcrs m~ include rignature amt mailing addre11. but name.! "'OJI be withheld on requeat if 1ufficient rea· son ~ appomae. 111 people over SS years of age · who live within the fli&ht pattern. This permits flexibility because if the airport again grows loo rapidly the board can lower the age bracket and<1r widen the flight pattern. 3. A community campaign for a salary increase so Mr. Bresnahan can "afford" to move Into one of the troubled areas. OLherwise, he may grow too llld and become a victim of his own Pandora 's 8oL JERRE C. BLAIR Brernahan , Orange Coun ty director of aviation, told 1i1i8sion Vie jo home· owners that El Toro Marine Corps Air Statio1l "looks the most logical" of the eight sites under co11.Sideration for re'locatio11 of Orange County Air- port. Conceding it is an emotional issiie for the ptople livin g there, he said "you've got to took at the 25·year and 50·year projectiom. Our airport1 are prese11tly serioU&ly over·trafficked and the need is getting worst ." He added: "Ltt's face it, the aver· age ho,meownir turns over his home evtiv tliree years. What wilt he care 20 year• from now tf we do or clon·t locate in El Toro1 Some of th e strong· est opposition we've recei ved is froni th e rtsklents of I;aguna Hills Leisure World, Yet, what ii the life exptc· toncy of these people-IS years? We're talking about decisions tlwt will affect !hi.s area 50 ~ears hence." -Editor Free F ll91&t1 to Cuba To the Editor: Airlloe hljackl111s are becoming more frequent, with no end in sight: and, as usuai wttp large industries, nothing his been done to pul a stop to this annoyance. Recently il wu announced on televielon that OO"tain airline com· j>aniu were consJdering setting up flights lo Cuba with the fond hope tbal these flights would alleviate ~e problem. What these idealists do not reallze ls that the hijacker hijackJ mainly because he does not have the money to pay his travel expenses. Tilt: UN ITED STATES should provide rree. ooe-way flights to CUba for any who wllh to 10. ls UU. toluUon flNibJe! What would It accomplllh! ~~,_.tl>o fllChla could be Ht up on a ........, mulual parl!cle b. 1I1 • Ari parUdpotlng air could provide • a ..wq l>ula the nmnbor el flllllll roq\llred. PoalblY our mllilarJ -i alrcrall ciould •loo be UIOd. Sac!>ail. It would then be·-"'meaM.Gf m,. media that lheae lltpu '"" avlilabte. TllE ACCOMPLIBllMENTS el auch a proaram •houkl be !alrty -· First. the free ma11ts would put •• end to the nectl!ity of anyone'• hlj1ckln1 a jet. Second, they would ~limlnlte lhe rt~tant passenger lnoonvtnlence, ~ vlous com, schedule up:tets. and the horrendoua pos1lbtlity of an accidtnt over the seu "(Say one of thost gre nades · loel off one of these days !) Thw, these fll&bb ·wou.14 nlctly show to Ole world that the United States freely allows anyone \o leavt who so wishes. THE FIRST AIRLINE hijackings OC· curred from behind the Iron Curtain, people trying ta t8cape horror and tyran- ny. Ctrtaliily it must cast a murky shadow on our country's dingy world· wide image that so many find it necessary to .. escape" by mea·ns of hi· jactint. Certainly this is not trut, but how many other countries are aware that it is not? LET'S SHOW the world that Uncle Sam Is not Oppo!td to 'Jetting people out of the U.S., that M'& even 10 genermJs as to lend a helping hand. And anyway, we're overpopulated here as it is ! lt would be interesting to see whether any of the Iron Curtain countries would do the same! JACK 0. TURUNEN 'Dange rous Bawks' To the Edltor: R. V. Mitchell's "Wakt Up Americans'' (Mailbox, Feb. 7) should ar0use a big response from your readers. MOit of the reispon.ae, I'm sure, will be from outraged Hawks whoae palriotic fervor varie! in intensity 1ceordJng to the extent of their personal involvtment. Among these Hawks will be men over 35 who will not be called upon to disrupt their careers or shed their blood, politi· cians whose seats jn office will be enhanced by conflict, buslnw men with lucrative defense contracts, prorwlonal military men whose careers are to be furthered and millions of defense wwken selling the lives of their countty'lne:n for a smidgeon of overtime .00 job security keeping their big voicf silent in single-minded acctptance of Utls Viet· nam crime. THESE BIRDS OVER 3$ are awake to their sellish opportunities. You will not find one among them who is really influenced by others' misery, or who is appalled at an appalling casualty list. 'The d!tt or this bird consists of young fresh men who are as a rule too young to vote and volcelesa in the decisions \\'hich bring about their sacrifices on the altar of national policy. The most dangerous Hawk, however, althoua;h almost totally. blind, is the Flag Hawk. A more suitable .name would be Gooney-bird. He is a close relative llf the Nazi Hawk, a hawk of like dilposi· Uon which is now almost extinct althouah <>nee numero1Js. THIS GOONEY can be found at all patriotic cert.monies. He is allracted by the sound of the drum, the piping fife, and is enthralled by a waving Oag. It matters not to him who waves the nag or why the flaa: is waved -Y.'ave the flag, roll the drums, pipe a fife in his car and be'll follow you anywhere . JACK R. MAPLES ·, M11e1' In Cemmon . Ti> the lldllor: Tbl Slnll n;,bara on ... _ dlsuttr ~ llld the sro""1C noile problem al Orlll(e OOUD(y Airport ha,. inuch In common. lotb the off..i.or. drilling -IUOM and the ad\ltnl o! commerclal jel flllhl> encoontered stnng oppo1ltkln !rom lbe communltits dlrectly allecled. Both communlti• thoopt Ibey wm protected -Sonia Barbara by lhe Shel~ cwmtngham Act, ind Newport Beadl by a =1117 """"lion ,__ II"" ml!lng that the airport w"'!]d oat bo used by commercial jet.a. ln liiDtll CllM, federal bureaucracies -the Intttlor Department in Santa Barbara's case, the FAA In Newport Beach's case - overruled locaJ objections, and pushed the situation to disaster proportions. IT IS A FACT that off-shore drilling .operations in Santa Barbara County have brought about a slow deterioration in the beauty and the quality of the beaches. The rich sea-lire has virtually dlsappered -gradually of course. It took a disaster to evoke any sym· patby or coocern by the public or of· llcialdom, and in the alarm over this crlsi.a, the real crime is overlooked : Tbe slow, deliberate txploltalion ·or the Santa Barbara coast, under the 'sanction of 1overnment, for the benefit of a 1pecial intere.st. T1lE SAME SORT of slow decay is noticeable in the residential areas sur- rounding nearly every major airport in the country, and it will begin soon in Newport Beach. A3 with Santa Barbara, it will probabJy ta kt a major disru;ter, such as a jet crash that wipes out a few dozen homes, before there is any dismay or official concern about what has happened around Orange Coun- ty Airport. DISASTERS such as the one in Santa Barbara are only symptoms of the underlying problem -the steady, hardly noticeable destruction of the human en· vlronment for what is called the "greater public good." The public, the mass media , and o!ncialdom, hQwever, prefer to deal with disasters rather than pro- blems. Both the JSeople in ·santa Barbara and the residents of the Upper Newport Bay have begun to learn this frustrating fact. THE l'ltOST stri king similarity between the two situations -the one in Santa Barbara and the airport problem in Newport Beach -is the similc:rity in the attitudes of the public agencies who have sanctioned these i n e v i t a b I e disasters. It is a dangerous attitude -an attitude that justifies the creation of "a few victims" for ·'the greater public good." Even the argument.a used to justify the two exploitations are almost identical. Just eubstilute "jet" ror ·•oil". and "airport" for "oil re.serves'", and the apologists would be interchangeable.. SO LONG AS this attitude prevails in government, and so long ss it is tolerated by the public, particularly with regard to 'threats to our environment, we are an threatened. The arowing tendency of government to create victims as byproducts ol Its activiUes is a greater threat lo Ute individual than the vic- tlmiu.Uon proilUced by "conventional'' crime. DANIEL W. EMORY I --- Wednesday, February 12, 19118 :I'll< ..Ulorfal pog• of the Pollr Pilot uw lo in/°"" ond mi. tdat. rtodcrt 1>11 ,,, ..... ~Ilg w. MWrpopn'• opiniom and c:om- """to'll "" lopiu o1 lfltc.111 and ligrltfi«mc<. br """"""'g • forum for "''" tipt"f.tdon of our , rtadcr1• opfniOM. and by prtundno &M dfffru mea. pcrinU of informed ob1erwrs dtld ""'"""""' .. ..,,..,, 0/ the <tor. RObtrt !'I. Weed, Publisher • t I • I I I I 'I I I ·; I ------ --.., ! J • l I BY WILLIAM -REED ......... In the Wlncl North HunUn&lo• Beach Com· munity Nunery School bu a bow• today. but not a home. · Mrs. Sue Wehmeyer Hid that the members of the cooperative nursery 1roup have a house in the form of the sales ofllce of \he William Lyons Co. now at Edwarda Street and Slater A venue. "But what we really need today is a borne -about a third of an acre on which to sit the building liO we can hold classes for some 120 pre-school children." * Making matters even more dif· icult for Mrs. Wehmeyer and her roup is that they do not have uch money. if any, to .buy their ome. "We sure would like to find so- eone or some company to let a uae land for a while, .or at east to. lease it with an option buy,'' she said. 'Ibe area where the mothen tn- olved in the nuraery llve is bound, by Beach Boulevard on the ea1t, arfield Avenue. on the south, ol1a Avenue on the. north and gonquin Street on the west. * The building is 40 .by 70 IHI, rs. Wehmeyer explained and will make a wonderful area for aching th• pre-school children. e would like to find a place within r boundary area to set our house · we can make It into a reol Me for the chlJdren." Mrs. Wehmeyer, 842·2375, bara HetUnga, 893-0317, or ary Ann Rodolf, 847-7155 have mplete details on the needs of e nursery school. Moving of buildings around the ty and finding places for them s been a problem in the past r -various reasons, principally cause move-in buildinl{s have med out to be slum buildings some cues. * A home for a nursery school ms like a worthy cause and idea kicked around a bit by fficial sources is that the group gbt be able to locate the building n freeway right of way as it cuts hrough Ute central part of the ity. ·At any rate, everyone agrees that aving a house and no place to . 111 can be a problem. eacher Training asses Slated Huntington glstraUon con~ues this weet for Pepperdlne College teacbet-tralnln1 to be gtven in the Huatlngton ar~a. co11t1e dlvlslon of conUnuing Uon will hold classes at the ~an w Center at Rancho View School, .. B" SL, and the JiunUngton Beach !er at Smith School, ml 17th st. glstrotlon for Wedne>day evening will be held Feb. 19. ven educaUon courses wtD be offered the Ocean View Center under Ule Ion of Leslie Lowry. . . include: "l.JnluiltlCI: The w Tuts and Tuchtr' IDd 0 Mttbods Techniques of T e 1 c ll l a I viduatlzed Jteadinl-Pll'I L" 'Methodl and Technlquu for Tuchlns New Ena:llsh -Put l." will M ered at tho Hunlinltoo Beach c.i.r. er the dlrectJoo ol Batty rn.•-. ($) DAil Y l'l\OT 3 Civic ·center·jiiiiiimSo , • • • ·Yet.~So Far Hp~t~!.tgton Beac~ Officia~. G(ae,~ Wit~,·~e.cf,sion .Qn 'lthal' Location . 11 lllUJAM i"do ... eral _., not Iba 11111 ol wblCh '11cea and~ . ......,.be arlues, b tntOre.l'i!i at' ~D In\ Ibo oltlp and -Mayor Alvin M. Coen and Councilmen ., .. -•• -wu Ibo lrlfllc: problem genoratod by and Ibo• --wb1dl .,._,_ no he called for 1tudlea in detennlne tho Jack o-, Widney and Dould D • Fot Qoai a..,_.~ Buch Ibo blP acbool llid blab ld>ool dlllricl tax., -abouJd 10 Jnlolld nit' 1rom , utea1 of tbo1 to!Meal. S~ -want to IO: &bud quickly_ clty --.,....., ....,.,1 . ollk:o....,.lbem.I. Ibo hill! ...... -IJ w thoup la tbe ·-•me, City ·~ wltbtbe-onllalnSlreet. bolldlq a new civic -to ..,i-M-wlllle tlle dl1 had lonnod l1.t ltqllpl'CCllltllO,Oll_..tobulld. Doylo.Mllllf and a COUllCil committee Dr. :or--and hla llcllon woat ~= t1111~ ..:= ~:~~?,~E:=~ tha~ ..... J..:~ .. Ka~ :i~M';;tr~al\e~==:: ~· •• ::1\,flr...:"o.. .a:-~~. Avt11111,-lbe11Utolcliy....,..,..i. :~ ........ -•lrlp .._.,!lymlabl ~ ~vate on 'a Jolli\ powua -t,wlth tho invoteo-""'lbecenterCOllldbellalled JUihl -Iba alty bu HYor -~--"1~ no . qlld tlial· tbOfe II, ~for-'CCllltnlctl!iG bclOdl. ' for years to come, or It could be built .. -~ _, _ ao far aw•• ,_ Inland of' Coul lllatrnY, Mu C. no,.--. to .,....._ prnalo , .... ..-' ..,;.Ibo~ ol lbe council Immediately. -· -,_ ~ uy.., Hoepiner and Mll'lha Holt·,.... b1tnc ~~=;·=· =·====-=-.;';~;:===·=================1 10M111 Iba problem ol -abouJd Otder..t to mnove an old !irict, two • the lllW cMc -!er ... · story bulldin. at Ibo llCWlbeul - olllclaDy Ibo .. mllllon ceoter .bu of Main' Simi and Cout Bl&hw'1 -dealpatod to be built oo a !Herl becauae the bullilll!I bad ·-deemld mie on Main Strtet at Mandan Avenue unsafe -lrom J1unt1nC1on Beach Hiib Mn .. Holt protellod thin !hit tlle city School. wanted lo take her PfOPl1V for 1 dvic Compllcatma: the locaUon problem 11 center « to t\lfD tt over to 1C11Deone a suggestkJn -not a new one -that else to develop. Ibo center be plactd downtown on 1be 'lllo cllJ olficllll ,..,. either ,l1lent wpterfr.,t !!' an aru to be provided or 111<1 l&i ~ .,. l*.I• ot bar ""Ibo Par~Allthor!ty. -' land . 1 "• . • .,, ..... . , ... ,,..... . Sooner or liter Ibo councll will have Lad ...OU. 1111 t:IJ'is' ·~ ~1Jll.:~·:i .... ~~~ ~~~~ !::.:::;! .... ~::~ tupayen may have a better Idea of eel lo tbe 1a1a114 lido Cooit whit ls happening oa Ibo poUUcal lnmt. from 11111. -Jo eait o1 Lab . Five years qo the Plaslning Dtpartw It wu Po1P&e4 out tblt a larp PIHbil meot had a ,.port pr<pared oo .the lot w.uid Wipe GUI blllbl and !be cltY ...U ol tbe city 1overnmeat u far would .be ablo -to rulbe ...,. prolil u llj)ICe' 11 conoerned. 'll>al _report called from tilt porllio9 lol operation. 'Ille for a center to be locat..r at the money ·in ... couid be Ullld• to - geocraphtcal center of the cl t Y , ,.me ti thi baacb. _.tlon COiia. llOlllOWbere near Talbert Avenue and Councllmali Klafmu. ll1IUtlled ~ Golden Weal strtet. 1n1 Ibo .. c191e -on the llrlp o1 La~ . .the city htred Ibo Urban Land cleared land and tb.-.tvic center question lnstltute (NL!) to late a Jooll at' Ibo was _. qlln.. civic center problem in addition to other · 'Ille otrlp -1d ·be a block deep, problems. "Put the center downtown," On the eutern end art existln1 motell nld the ULI panell.stl. and opace to buUd more. Thta, oeemlagly, After considerable urgin1 the C01111c11 would be · 1n· Ideal place IOI' a cl.to . ordered a study of seftf'Bl possible center auditorium Or cmventlon cmter. sites. A committee beaded by Boben Zin-Tbe dMlloo ol oploioa beglnl when ngrabe "ported to ,the council that the the civic center 11 augealed. 0pponaM site at Main Strod ml MIDaloo Avenue of 1oca1fnJ Ibo center there qree with best met the crituia for an Ideal center Councllman. Jf!tf1 Matney who uys' ~ location. civic bufldlnp abouJd nol be plaoed in , The 1ite wu adopted "1th ·councilmen· an area to' attracUve to private Jndustry, Henry Kaufman. Georp McCracken and AD avallabk bulldtoc 11pace allould be Ted BarUeU opposed to tho site for reserved for· lowerl· of apulmalll,. ol· ' CINTllt DILIMMA -Map plllpoint& boms of civic center dilem- ma upon 'libleh Huntlqton lleach City Coundl now 1116: Elistlng civic center (A), new c:fvlc canter site olready designated (B), •UI· .&•ted c:onventlan center (C). Also, 2,40Ck:ar Parking Authority proj- ect now under c:onJtrudlcm (1), proposed new Parking Authority project and neweot atte' ..,,_ for civic center (2), molo1.,.... (I and 4). • 2-Speed Jet-Action WASHER ~~====~~ • Small L41d ·S•ttint S1ve1 $ • De•p Action Agltetor for Thorough W11hinq1. ' • 2.Jat Away Rinses -Gets Rid of lint and Scum. • Cold W1t1r S1ttlng-S1v11 Hot Water • Fabric Selector DRYER __ e 2 Position F1brie Stlt~ir for S1f1 · Drying • ::.-----f • Durable ,,..,, c. ... for Wash a w .. , lt1m1. a · c:.-..,,-":"""--,. i e G1nt1T Rowln9 Hut P1mpers Fibrtcs Buj the ·Pair • • • Just •348•• Spin • Automatically. TI med DRYE'R e Automatic Dry Cyclel No Gut11wor•t • Durabl• Press Cert Plus Eftd-of.Cyclt "-----":""-1 Cool Down ll e Cycle-End Signal e No Stoop Flnt Mtsh lint Screen on Ooorl Buy the. Pair • • • Just '38811 IASY 'llltMS WY TllllS Frigidaire's New Home Laundry Center e Built-in Stor•g• Cabinets for Laundry Aid1 e Everything You Need t6i Do a Whole Wash Without Moving • step. •WASHER ll wort ll -by u.. w_,,, Uoo ol Scbooll and Collolaa and I .t=:~:.~ .Chwf Harbor Foe Vows fnflnlta Spttd Controls lat You Wash Anything you C•11 Wash in Water • , , Otllcaft Laces, Vetvtfttns, Evan , Bonded Fabrics. . Olaf Te-. cbairmaD It tlle ..,. ' education ...,.._, iflU 11o· ·lable for .,.._Unc at tbe Mahlbn 0 · o o E o r.;·:~,~:.r:'illurllSl.,WodMM•1 . . ppositton to xpanswn each Visitor eaten, Robbed Loi M(elel·---tenand,_ltlllr-wldfo wttll• lrloed 11"*7·--un ston-. n. Dobra LJnn -· -... tat to wt~ c::-.:·s:u:a: followtnf a n>llberJ .. _, • parkJnl lo!Ollbe ~-· hi WU npoMi la .. -thlJ "*111111 by boapllll s. McLean told police she !di her , cootalnlng 147, in her CIT. Wh<n returned lo the car she found a owcl>inl lllrollP her ....... lllnlaJe .. ., Iba pone ....... -.man appeartd lrom behind and bola Uing ber in the head, Ille told pollco. ''There rtmaina, u alwaya. tbe dtllre • • • to refrlln from addlng the exiltlng 7-<ml dlo1tlct tax rate to the cowrty tu rate. Such ao ljllllllldl. U lruo, ls, in my opto1on, i... !bin fortbrlll>t in deallng with the clth:eno ol Or .... County," be llid. "Another ......, put forth lo' that nctooal porks would hnl be in--•ted thro"lb their -within Ibo preamt llarbor IJlltrict Grpol.sao tlon." BrJap aaid be flYOH Ibo ._ ol . ctu.. lllUIOUllCed p1u, w111c11 , • ...,. "d!Poltlon of the dlotrlct llld plac!nc Ibo Harbor Dllt.ricl and the pan. under 1 county depertment." "TO take anothor l'Ollte, that ls,_J>lllJlnl Iba porks -tlle Harbor lllllrlcl, ww!d require ao act o1 Iba C.IUomla Loel•lature. ~. I can ,. no alternatl•• but to v""""'1J --lqlllatlon, H H II, lMeed, ...,.... • "Rtplclry-1000" Spin 6tfs Clothes Li;hter, Drier • •DRYER No-Tumbl• Dryin1 Cycl•, Spoel•I 0ry;o9 Roek Holds Anythlnv From T tnni1 Shoes to T tddy Bean. Buy the Pair • • • Just '69r6 IASY 'IUllS ... ii , .. um • Slnfllt Tiie Hwbor ANG Sl11ee 1947 e .,. WAlldn --· -·-- 411 East ·Seventeenth St. -Cos1a Mesa DAILY 9 19 9 -SATUIDAY 9 19 6 -Piia .. 6"-16M I l I . ' ., .. r , . • • Wld11sdq, 7...,, 12,lM f • ' , . I Ofit~e~ on ·:-Puehlo .. • o..._· Cc-MW ... ._,.......,, . • Gov. Ronald Reagan received ~veral bumoi:o"' gifts Monday at ,., \urprise birthday, party thrown •.'fiy_. bis staff, one a coin cbang~r ,fi>i retunling laxes to Califomiana, l(\eagan, whll turnecl 58 last Thur'!" .II.,-, blew out '19 candles~ a cake to mark the "19th anniversary" ·of .. _ l9lb lliJ:t!i4llY. . . :;'l'be guestion tow to 11ave time • limiting the introduction of • · I chlldr.., who visit the Iowa · e at Des Moines.during ses- s was debated in the 'llelll!le 25 minutes. • '" • • .. Enlisted '" • l• " CORONADO (UPI) -All~ man lhi USS l'lielllo ...i.t lo """'· ... -....... dettructioo ol aoc:rel .J>Open -tbe head ol tbe eapioao&e < lliilf lalled lo act u North Korea eoJid~'~ Bhlp, Navy testlmolJY ·nv ,......, • The ~ made ,public .i-oc1 an eolJstecl mon undor U. stepbm llan1I ,.....,... tbe nsponstblllly for dlspoolng ol llOCftl documents because HanU did not lalue such Orders. • Cblf{ c.minlllllcatloal'1' t ch o I c I~ o James F. Kell told a court of.Inquiry into lhe Pueblo'• caplon by North Korea be paaed the -,lo ............ emergency deolrUctlOll" lo the ableuc:e ·-Hanoi, Saig~n .Push Stands · . . .()n .. Paris T~ \ . ~ . ' .. . ' . . J'Aill8':(UPI) -North VleU.. used lti·olllditoewlPlf", a Parts spolool""" tnd a -linC cu11ur11 leader today to ' pullt'iil' hard llaocl al the Park peace . tallll:'Jll!I South Vietnam look the """' .; &ii -.,;. lon&er hu the adlltuY • 'I. l •• ' ,.... lo ari')' OD !he -war. ' 'fhe .~~-·mlie·lnri: • a Nor1h YielolDieae ollicla1 who aid . hil deleplion wfD matt DO ~a Th<tt thr<e "'1<llf. ~oyr neanv . in niuncfay•a s...ton ·of the weekly,. Viol> ur.tt .mowing off their YMCA at , a · , . • -Zou at the Miltoeukee YMCA. Kieth nam. peace talks. ~ 1a1d the ~ um mer, B, West AUil, Wisc., ( c"'" munists were glued to the ~ for #er) tDho managed to stkk h i t "an immediate end of Amirlcan q~ out th~ farthe:it, ·couldn~:qde gression." ge a sm~ for the occasion. The second caine from the oftlclal ~ . , • · · North Vietnamese n...spaper Nhan l>an ~ Lights, installed at the Burnett which accused tbe \Jolted Stales ol Jl!o<lt· ~ark zoo In Syracuse, N.Y., to dis-1ng proyeu of the Paril talks. The ~· vandals, bas fooled sev-article; hioadcaal 'by Hanof"Radlo, wu :i?ral arrimals there into thinking enUUe4:1: "Tbt U.S. Must: Withdraw spring aileady. The cougars in•love all over again and-.are Unconditionally All U.5-tnd Satellite xpecting their fourth litter by the Troopo Fro!n Soutli Vietnam." of next month. Big Lizzie is The standl of the two aidu at the xpectlng a bear cub. The wallaby Paril talb ·are ai "dUlerent from each hould have a new minikangeroo other u .w~ ,and.fire," it~ · r--East'ei-, The cbinipanzeer is ex.. The thitd alattment came from Cu - , · in August. At least eight Huy Cao, .the deputy -North, VlelnllllftO ambS are oo the way, ADd the deer culture miriilter who arrived in ~ails IOplllation will be Increased by 20 l<ldl!Y ·w1t11 .,ao arllstl• troupe that will current indications materialize. perform in France. Can attacked what • • • ' . . he called "American _......, .. ul!I tbe bamboo "°"" · tnd cocoanqt treft ....... taller 11111 ..... beautllul lo Viet- nam" ilesplli-the · Am.ericaDI and slid tbe fortJv:omlna new year promlJes to be the moel hopeful lo VfelnllD'I HCtnt history. ~ ••,~. ,. Uf'IT• ........ ', -SURG~ON GIVIS IODY FOR TRANSPLANTS Dr. D-CO.ley l'rustratwd by• Lack of Donors ~ '' ' ·., ... , '. • \ i ~ "Loo< COllqu<n All'"th< ·-ing gott-but ft's not quit1 trw in Blackpool. England. lri.!hman Mqrtln GltnnOll ""-' deporl<d 1!'""' that port for th< eighth iti~. Hil attomty 1%plained to 4 cOurt that Glennon ktpt com- 4ng •back because ht 1DGI m love :.with an English woman. • • Wealthy Los Angeles real estate investor William I. Holllng1worth, 65, complained that his 24-year-old bride kept him awake nights with demands for cars, bigger allow- ances and fur coats. He filed for divorce from his wife Maria, and for a court order to make her leave their Beverly Hills home. • A county policeman was direct· ing traffic around two wrecked cars in Richmond, Va. when he noticed a familiar vehicle pass by. lt was his patrol car. Patrolm1n M1rvln L. St1rn11 said he had placed the driver of one of the wrecked cars in his patrol car· while he directed traffic and wail· ed. for a t&w truck. The police car was recovered about 3 miles away, but the driver was gone. The South Vietnamese statement came from VIC< Pre!ldenl Nguyen C8o Ky who wu interviewed by a West German newapaper correspondent u ht Oew bact to Saigon. The interview appeared today in the Springer News Service in Hamburg Heart ·Recipient Dies < and other cilies. ' Month After Opera~wn Rockefeller presented bis views to Ni.J.· oo tnd his Urban affairs CO<JDC11 al l the White House. The governor AJa By United Pren hternaUoaal the lnaurance program, paid for by'J61n~ ; A former drilling contractor frem employMmployer contributions, would j Elkhart, Kam., died Tueaday njght in be a "first line ol def .... uglnst coeta , Methodist Hoopltal in ·HOUlfon. 'olfghtly of ftlneu," more· than a month after he :received I a trAD1planlecl heart. ' , . ',. ' Rocky Sugge8~', Health Program .' The 'death ·o1 Otho Edwin •Chancey, \ 59," applrently come frooi rejecUon. 'Thlre are 31 penons still living with trali!Planlecl.heartl of .the Ill who have . ~ recetv·ed tllem . two ·'Jl(!mma received \ .~ .hearla: :·tirhtghig -the ~numbers of i ~""' lo 113. ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Nclaon ~-\ ·<Jbu\:ey .. ,r«Cl(ocl the;}\eart of 14-year· Rockefeller rtcMUDended to ~ent . old ~ ~'PJ:io'. Jr., Jan. $. The Nixon today creaUon of a govermpenl. boy died Of brain' irijtiliet suffered wbmi sponsored coro,puiaory l>eatth lnouruc• 1hil·b~de-colllded with _• car. program. . . . · :1 :Pr. ~tpn A. Cooley, the sur1eon 1be New York governor also called ·~ lwhO : ·ha• performed more heart for direct dis\rlbutlm d. federal'* ~~lant 'operaUonl than anyone else, funds lo tbe llilel 'for eduCallaa and ·,...... por>ers Tuuday donallng his body weHart. · 'lfot·tnnlplant ·Ulfl after death and said 1 he wa.8 frustrated by a lack of donors. '1Last week we lost four per1ons on our reclpimt ll!t." he said. ''This ls a most di.scoUraging thing to me. I feel frustrated because we have not been able ,to carry on with tbi5 project." Cooley donated his body and organs to the I.Jvlng Bank, an organization which Ev~t .C. Tbomu, 47, a Phoenix, Ariz., . accountant who was Cooley's first traNJ>lant patient, helped fOW!d • * * * Girl . Receives Anti·~~ jection ' Globulin Drug Subzero Cold · Grips _ U.S.' CINCINNATI . (uPI) -Six-year-old Chriatine Corbn, Cincinnati's first heart trar\splant pauent, may owe her suc- cessful . progress to inject.ions of an- tilymphocyte globulin. Dr. William A. Altemeier, director of the dlpartment of aurgery at the Unl'H:rslfy of Cincinnati College of Medicine, uid t h e antilymphocyte globUlln delays and softens the re· Jectioa' ol tHe new heart by tbe little llrl's body. Snow Flurries From . Great Lakes to Appalachians Calli-fa ·------~ .... -'"---·~---~ 'l'-perllt11ru Nltll L.-,,..c. " ,. rt tt .tA g " 5t a .n " .. . " " " " " T .. ,, 1' " T " " "' . .. " JC ct ·" " " " .. ;·" l1 IA fl " " g ' Al 11 I .. " .... Christine received the heart of a seven- year-old boy ln a 91k-hour operation last Saturday at Chlldren1s Hospital. Christine bu ·made'"ateady progress l!h\co the _.tlon tnd doctors at th• hospital now say her coridJtion is so stable they are dis<onlloulng the dally ..... bulletins. GI Okay, But . ; • ! • • Not -for Vietnam-' n ' ,, • • 11 • It · ' I l; , '1 . : ; • SALEMI Ore~ (UPI} 'Ibe Arinr · II--" .,,,., hu looJid , M Robert J. llillklt> ll, : .: l .n ' -« Sc•PP90". Ort., fit '°" duty '* ;: ~ he will not be 1ent to. combat duty .. ,. T i• Vl-.i, s.o. Mat'k H•tllold (R-Ore.), .4531.M '• ,. 11 said todat. · . » ,. 1.u Instnd. tbe ·eenator s.idd, Hinkle will D " ' " " 1.» be sent to Germany. : :! 'lbe private'• father, Robert It Hinkle, a • ti l.N bu tried to gtt hia . IOD out of tht 1J ~ 1.• .ervice, claiming he wu not menta11y .r. :_. :l:. qu•llbed .. P¥t, ffh\kle -ta~ .QlOPlh un;- " " .., denrenl a serf~ ol psithologlcal tests ~ :; at rt; Lewis, Wish. • · " . .Ex·CORE Chief Named Finch's HEW Assistaht ' . WASHINGTON · (UPI) Jam" L. Farmer was named an a a 111·t ~ n t secrelary of \be DOparWe!!I ·or Health, Education tnd Wellare (BEW) today, becoming the first niUonaJ Negro leader to join the Nixon aclrDlnlatratlon. Farmer, former natJonal dileclor of East Storm Followed by Accusations NEW YORK (UPI) -With moontoins of mow yet to be ~ved · trOJh New , Yort streels, flurries of ~atlona developed today over who wu to blame for the slow, cleanup. A 16-inch snowfall Sunday brought the city to a virtual atandstlll for 24. hours and ~any · secondary streets remained unplowed. 'l'fii' city's Republican mayor,_ -John V. Lindsay, bore the bomt .of the criticism. He wu accuaed .of failing to send out snow removaf ·cf-ews until after ~ storm ended with the result that drifts and thouJaDdl of staJJea cars added to the ~w remoyal crlN: "The Y'8I' 1969, I am suri, will become a ·poUticai mow job/' Linds:ay remarked wryly at a news ConferenCe' Tuesday, cOntending the accusations Wt r e, pollUcally inspired. • . The 'storm cfalmed 129 lives ·in · its· rainpage through U!.e Northeast -64 Jn New England, 50 .in New York, U In New Jersey and two in Pennsylvania. The 64 New England deaths ·were the most in any ~torm ,,there siDct the blizzard ol 1888 . Sunny weather1 accompanied by a slow warmup, was melting· aome of the snow and aiding snow removal · efforts but it remained a tedioQI process. Commuter· .,ail-'."and . bwi service was moved cloeer to normal In the New York metropolitan aiea today and aitline operatioril were . ~g restored at the city's three jetports and at Boston's Logan Intemat.iOnal Airport. Cars still were stuck in ,drift& in traffic lanes of New York's vast parkway system . In Boston, however, Route 128, which encircles the city, was cleared of more than 2,000 cars · that were stalled at the height of the stonn. The New YQl'k: Thruway, closed Tuesday to facilitate snow removal, reopened. Boston Edison Co. said power would be restored today to 40,000 customers Jn 40 towns and cities. Heavy snow felled trees and tore down utility lines. · the Con8r..s;of RaciaJiF.quaJ!ty (cORE), was introcJU#d to.r~~r.~ ~t·Qe White House by, llEW . Secr.tarj> llDberl H. Fincb Farmer will serve as asslstant HEIV • secr<Wy. for adminlllialf9o, a post with !aManging duties, Finch aaid. Finch also bltr?duced I n~apet executive, , l!retd C. Black, who was likewise named U> be an ass~HEW secretary. ·Bl.Ct, ez_ecutin 'editol!_ pf' the Chicago Dally News, will be, assi!tant secretary 'for legislation. Farmer -~id ··he never eqwvocated about Whether to join.-Jhe • ~~ ad~ mlnistrat10n. ' , .' • ' . He conceded: that only. I ;~.ltjtction of Negroes ·sµpported · Nixon' during the past election,~ but said he expected the situation to change. He said he wu convinced Nixon wou1d ~ sensitive to the needs of Negroes. "I expect their attitude will change substanUally within the nezt four years," Farmer said. " ... I think it\1 'i. tragie mistake for black people to be in one pocket or the othet." Black, a native of 'Harlan, Ky., comes to HEW from a newspaper career' which began in 1!M2 with the Paducah Sun- Dernocrat in ·p~ucab, Ky., .w~e bt was a reporter while still in high school. Much of his career bu been spent ln Chicago and Wilmington, Del. He became executive editor of the Chicago Daily News a year ago today _: Feb. 12, 1968. W. Be1·lin Swaps Threats With Leftist Students BERLIN (UPI) -West Berlin authorities today threatened police action against dissident leftwing students who sai'd they would ruin the Feb. "IT visit -<by President Nixon with huge demoristra- tions. Rumblings 9f a possible new Berlin crisis were heard again today. The Soviet government newspaper Izvestia repeated previous Soviet charges the West German government is en-- dangering European peace by holding presidentia1 elections in West . Berlin, and thM"e were reports of forthcoming \Varsaw fact war games on the border of West Germany. Izvestia di.d nQt Pl}bllsh any editori&I comment of its own~ but it printed criticism or the West Berlin election mcivea from f.¥ 'East European Com~ munlst bloc countries and headlined it: "Bonn'.s Prov~ations Fan Tensions in Europe." - UJllT ..... Meter• Go Bdnte ' ;;.·~i. .. ,, . l!;i!h•f a ~atute and tree lover or' just someone who dislikes parkln& meters has taken to · dioPJ~li tho5e feeling• by sUcting tags say- ing "Plant Trees, Not Meters":tn . doWntowri ,Hou ston, I \ • hd Gets Away lstael Jets IIown • Syrian Fighfer By U-rr ... IDltruU-aeir.ed by J1roel In the .1117 ;rwo Syrtan j<l !JChters flew . Middle -WU. ov,r lsradl-held terrll<lry to-1l1e JaraeU spoll....0. P" daf. and Israel'• •lr force shot no further ~ et a f Is lm- down one of them -a SOvlet-mediately. bullt MIG21, m• 111 t a r y In Jeruialem it.self a ter- 1poke1men in Jerusalem said. rorlst bomb exploded today' The spokesmen aa1d 1 the Jn 1 wuhrooO, in the Ea.at braell interceptors returned Jerusalepi cepb'll bus station, aalely lo their base from the woondlng a. IS-yeaMld Arab, dogflght over the Al police said. 'Ibey Aid be was Qanllrah area of Israeli-not seriously ,burl held Syrian territory. The bomb 'described 11 'l'be downed Syrian MIG was primiUve bY. 'police did little 1een falling into Syrian ter-da :n:!.gl 'out1ide tbe rltory, the spokesmen aald. . washroom. It was the second ----·-------------------------. ' SF State 8'1!deijt - Tells Plot SAN ll'RANc™P° (UPI) - A San FrandlCO Stale College lllldent. lelUlled In Superior Cotirl Tuesdlly J!e heard I Bliek Panther party leader urie atrltlng lludenla lo take . ' . ~ away from riot' police on the campus "anJ blow their beads off." Wllllani F .. Wbitely,' a pbyi!cal edbcal!on atoden~ "la one of four wttneues )lfbo teatfned hefoie . luqe Bymi· ~Id In an acUon broogjlt ' by .I? leacben and otudenla lo· halt mass plcl:etlng oo the ltrife-torn Camp61. Wtdnttdor, ·~ IZ, 1969 O.lll Y PILOT f> Aid! Dr_ops Fight; • f . ·l To'Settle Strike :. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Mooday. =t I A labor olflcla1 baa given up ·Eltab~ol the cf..,.;t. efforts to aettle a farhn' mtnl wu ane ti. the demWIS1 lllrite at SOn FrancUco Slate made wbec lllldenll, ~;by tbe Bllclt Studenll lfnJei. College, 1•"'·1 he r_, ';no, -'-··t H • co;r1.1• itUIM,; OV:--. • • further ""' In p rt U :1 p I COllCt!minc Uie AFLqO dlacuulona." Americ"an FederaUon • o f Peorae John1, San Pran-Teechen *1ke for beiler cllco "-'bot Council ~. wwtlna C'10dlifona and fliorii asserted the Callforola State pay, JO!ma lald he "" 'llll~ Col1'4" Board ol Tru.sleeJ had Ung b1a .i1or11 u a mediator ''ahot down anx· hope for a because -in hls worda - settlement," , truateea "with the full backing )Ill action 'In the . teacher ol !lo•. llaqao, are prep.toe! walkout came as ' S. I . to fight it to a Onl!b a1ld Hayabwa, the school'• acting it dotso"t seem to mattei ·to preslden~ said a Negro lfudles thtm that It wllf be the facW(y departmeot probably woold and atudenll and the city. ~f not be eatahl1abed by the ota.rt , SU Frucllco that ue ~ al the !firing ..,_ -ed."· • : The 4pokea:men &aid Israeli such bombing in the former alrcrall Intercepted <me plaoe, Jordanian sector ol Jeiu.alem the downed MIG2l, iDdlcatin& in the past two weeks. the other got away before the Similar bomblnp by Arab Whitely' and 11111 eO-plalnUlfl -ieoklnl a preltrnlnuy fl> juDCUon against ~ =~aln~~ = 24 How Snow 0 l•port CAl,L . ,·· , , , , ~ · ;r ;~ ~·i-' f'~ :(A '~ •• Jn.: Jt by Judp Edward P. Kl 7 2545 _;_.-..::::;:] arrival of the Israeli jets. terrorists 1n 1 West Jerusalem The incident took place over bus station and in a Jerusaltm the Golan Heights, th e marketplace caused heavy strategic Syrian border area ~of li!e ta~ Iait year. . .. , . ' • ' . ·' ._,,, "~"··~· •.'111!(~-' '0.'Dly. The resi:falnlng lrier ' -. .• 'OIRTY BJRP' 0'1.IED otl!!Af:t~ DIP.IN,91~ T': ''t ,[ I ~· ',Uptr.. Tbunday. Ronny McEVGY iif WM! ~OI Angelu 'Animal Shell0< ·~111\. lljl c;llJ!nYI!; : > j. ~ed as defendanla .,. 15 ' OUT IN FRONT USW'1 I. W. Abt! An Arab guerrilla leader claimed today that French and Dutch volunteers have· joined ~ ranD to fight Israel · 'Y,aulr Arafat, head of the Palestine'LiberaUon Orpniia- • lion (PLO) commando group, said in Cairo the Europeans art members of the El Fatah guerrillas, whlcb include men from Egypt, Syria. Iraq and Lebanon. In Jerusalem an Israeli military spokesman charged Egyptian forces wilh In· creasing sniper attackJ along the Suez Canal cease-fire line. Hidden gunmen have wounded three Israeli sokliers this week, the 1pokesman said. Biafra Asks U.S. Funiish Mediation · · . . ~ .. , , t' . . . ,, , .. ~ c·a mp us organilaUona.. ID- " • "I .. ' • ' • -~-the Bl.ell: SiUdenta ' ' . ,. · ~ •' 0n (BSU), the Third World P ·· W · .. · C h 'l' •I ."-· . 'R · · · · ·' · · 1.1tib&ooo Frono·cTWLFJ and ope . t;ir"18 at o ics ~ng 1Jnge,.,~S1Ui1eni. for . .11 :Demolo;•tte . · · I 1 .• SOclety (SOS), iSllts » olfl..,. ' S d Effects . of .. , . rn Ille or1anlzat1ona. On 'Conscience · tan · .. · '".Whitely testllled ·Tuadty . . . -. • ~~'the 11,0flD.tludent campus t " : Oil Stu . ..l!·ed · .,~-1n ... ,-11a1o VATICAN CITY ' (AP) -'\a;ws against the fret, spon· Ill . 'of 1diarupllon11 -a1nct tM ttu.. P P I VI In ob · Wieous activity or man." ·. CJeni strike began list Nov. II, ope .au '. an VI01IS SACRAMENTO (AP) '-The and that BSU: TWLF and SOS allusion to the controversy The Pope said the guidance State Fish and Game nePart,_ • .i.e.'p r 11 en t .-ti y·e..1 were over birth control. warned ol conscience "ls a good ment says most marl~ life Wtfclpanta In the nUl1lf!l'OUI Roman catholics t 0 d a y and necessary thing," but he in the oil-choked S a.n t a r&lll"es · he attendee! u an against relying only . on, their declared that a JM"OD'S coo-Barbara Channel seem ·io be '· oblerver since .then. , SCl·ence .. ,. i'tse" .. not the faring well, but some officia1s The physlcaf education atu-own consciences. n u ..,, fear the oil spill mily have dtrlt satd hel heard Benny 'Ibe Pope in effect disputed arbiter at moral value ... lfe , . 1'Jong-term effects." ~ Stew.art Introduced at 1 cmn- thol!le in the Church wbo insist added that deci&iQDS of con-' Qeparttnent . iDirechlr -Ray pUI rally In early December that catholic couples, despite ~enee mll!t be infl1.1enced by ' ~ $@.Id :.itoeyt~ Jll, a ~ for the Btaa the ban on blrth control; are "the light of Christ.;, · Witt -~ "tilt!" area-·fOr 'Panther party. . "In rd t be u>.I months to come to Scee if sUll free to f<1llow their can-o er 0 a va u marine life shows any · long sciences OD whether to prac-law for human action," the range 111 effects from ·the tice contracpption. Pope said, "the ~naclence polluted water. • •'111 · I· Tbe Popi, a d d r e s s 1 n g must be right, it mum be Arnett s a l d ~tnt thousands . at his w e e k ) y sure of Jtself, and must be boa ta monitoring 9t'-waters :qerkeley Fire Not Arson? true not uncertain not gulluly have not obeerv.ed alf1 1fiih ~ · general atidience, sounded a ' ' killed by the oil and'tbl.t eeels · • ¥JUCEL8Y (UPI) erroneous. For this it is and sea 11. __ which,' '-"•i·t In. veatigatort can find no warning carried in months n-·•-lo •· • the li""t ··~ •-Steel Union .......... .,.,_" .... v., 6" the Channel Islands d.idt -not eJidence · IQ!UcaUng that the UMUAHIA, Blafra (AP) -past by the VaUcan press -of Christ ••. " • ;J · n fire bJch destroyed that th ""°"'' e alone ., A num•·· of•. ~--al COil· appear affected. :i.: :.. . .. an. w Bialran leader Odumegwu e c.,.._ nc 1 ~· ....-..."¥ To date he said Wa\U blhtl ~er Auditorium at the President Leads Race Ojukwu declared today the not enough. ferences, incl~' those ln have ~ the -~ry' apecies'.·. '\Jpiveraity hf 'Clllfornia 'wu United States· can play a The pontiff complained that France, Ca~ Holll)ld and aftecled. ln itl ·latea1·-filuret-o-.·i llti(by arlOllstl; · · .• mediator's role in the Nigerian "one often hears repeated as Germany, have' ~ the of. the departlneQt reP.Jl'ted;.16.8-_.,J Berkeley Fire ~-1!94pey war. an undeniable aphorism that ficial atand-"Qia*!!'.»w FC)pe!1 wlteTlilfd!Hiit~Partel' lald-Tu.~ \bat the But to do tliis, · be said, all the morality of man-should encyclical on -:lW'Ut control and turned m 'io t1vo:~ fttir,eau ot CrUninal Iden- the·Ni.J:on administration must consist in following bis own must be heeded, but lhat in ceriten f.lta~·to;~~, ~ ilQ.caUon a1¥f invesUgaUon in PITI'SBURGH (AP) -I. act quickly before It "becomes cOnscience and that ls af. the final anaJylia Roman the birda. , , • , •. · \ Sacramento bad l n f o r m e d W. Abel, who climbed from identifled',' with the gov~ finned to free him boUt from catholic coupleJ had to deci~ Of thue, 115· birds ~~ 1 ~ polico .it could find "no the mill noor to the top of ment of , former 'President the detll81Mb of an intrinsic on the basis of their own "dead when received. 164 died organic 1_ \~b 1 ta n-c e 1 ' • fn organized labor, took a com-Lyndon B. Johnspo. , . law and from respect for an coosciences .what to do about in spite of .treatment and ITT aamplea "9k~f!D. ~the ~ manding lead and appeared Ojukwu met ~on:n.8D.y ~th authqrlty that tries to dictate C.'Orttraciptlon. 1 . wtre11r9:1tei1 dd -~~ of the ~ hl1;11. bound for victory today in ne~1 111 his .home here --'--------------~-----'~--,...-~------------....­ hill battle to keep the presiden-after a di&cussion .with two cy of Ille powerful United , Visiting .lJ r it i 1' Labor Steelworkers Union. members of Parliament, Unofficial returns compiled Michael Barnes and Alexander. by Abe.!'1 campaign aides gave Lyon. the incbmbent a 129,868 lo Qjukwu was asked if he 156,431 lead over challenger would accept the Unitei:I States Emil Narick, a relatively as a direct mediator playing unknown union lawyer. Abel's a role similar to its action committee said Its tally in-in the 1967 Cyprus crisis. eluded 2,225 of the union's , • pr 0 v 1 de d this ad- 3,700 locils. ministration acts quick 1 y, An Associated Press survey UI ed had Abel ahead by 8 similar before it becomes iden i with the old administration, i.1 margin. 'l1le voting won't it has 8 cbanCe to be an be official unUI all ballots are certified by union tellerii. This effective mediator," Ojukwu could take until May I. said. Narick, working out of the Biafta in the past has con- baaement of his suburban demned the Unjted States in Pittsburgh home 1aid "I see terms almost .u atron1 u nothing to ca~ m~ to be its repiated denuriciations of dilcouraged. • the British. Grand Reopening: DINING ROOM COST A MESA GOLF & C.C. February ; 4, 15, 16 ••. 5:30 • 1 o p.m. WEEkL Y SPECIALS . t •••. ---· Clea lib of .... -....... : ........... -...2.71· Wed.---5;.r.'11111 -.ii.. ............ J.IO Thurs.-Yeal Scal1pllll ________________ .. ., ___________ ..... .2.75 · r.;. _ ... Fb1i lo S-00 --~-!At!( W~~I Sot. __ ,el CMct• Kl" ___ .............. -.l.H . ,· ·-1.t9 ·ol ........ -----·---·--·-----.... .J.H • EllCTM ~ SO., ti# ,._. ..... ,_.............._ .... ....... ·' 11.00.flllltV.l'IO~ ·.·1 ~-· f - $oMoya.tftt-1.f5 .. ,Stnftl1Jlel·p .... I c-..-1:-;as · ' CttlLDllN'S PLAft IJ2 tn4 ••~~l 1.75 ENTl!ES .. Special New York 'Steal! . . . . . . . . 3.25 flroffld Sltltln ''' PllMI CHOP!'ID SIRLOIN ........ T ...................... .J .. I <>ntlJll ·-' CH~ --------, ...... -. -~-~----.......... .J.71 ,... ,.,,.... 1*"'"'911 • l HIL(Jn VIAL CUTiJT ............ _ ............... -.... .J.H ~-~ ~ . lOAST PllMi't• ol IQll w Jlo<~ .. ..:.. ..... -_J.71 •c•~ ' · ' -' -' · 4.JI ., .. --------···--·-··-...... ---·--. i j • • \ .RIM l'U'W~ ......... ., .. ~--. ,. · ...... -..... J.K 00.... '"" with "CIUWll ~ ': ' \ TOI' i!ILOlll S1IAll --------w.~ ..... 4.71 8f"Ollmd U,1,1 'QOiCt •, ~ • ~ SllLOlll ftlAK ------· ~--·-I.JI ,,..... t'l*'I' v-. Mlllill•-• . . ' AUSTIALWI LOISTU. TAIL -• ---S.H ' DnWll .1111• ' ;, '. ·, \ ,/ STIAK al LOISTD COMIO' .. I • ----cl.ff 1701 50LF COURSE DlfYI -C~A "41SA ca.Motl feint"' """"', -MO.n11 .. i I • t ' • ; ' I " • ' • . . > ' Once you moveinto88'• big-car world-for no moni than tbo price cl the average car-)'OU've P younel! a lot or baaic value. . But we don't ,top tlim!.We alwo;ya put utro valu,. into an Olds 88 lhal keep it w~ a1-1 cl ib price. Like D-panlralll bulJtia the cloon for added -ty. And a mw anti-tbeft ~-::;.,,~ to belp prolAICl :roar Olda. , . ' •: .. .. . .. • . Tiii ni..,•r• ott tale-and going fast. Don't t11hl · yocw choM~eod skis are vwy Mldoftl at boivaNt .. '. ,..;e-' ' • • FULL FlaORY &UAUNTD a.war• af Kiie Heads that are nat ~ by • H.ad authorized d-aler. Th• QUOraRIM ll'IGY' not be volid. ... • HWJ "Mist.,... ....... R19. 135:00 74.50 : •HEAD "360'1" .......... Rtg. 165.00 124.00 • HEAD "Colllfllfffions• .... hg. 175.00 132.50. • HIAD "320'1" ....... .' .. R19. 145.00 109.00 . . • HEAD "Stamfms" ...... R19-115.00 16.00 " • -. NEAL,·s 3 • .,.,. .. Oltf wt:'.: --""'' a.. ......., c..tw .... . 90ILl IOOIS -"'L4'1! #1:1 ...... ....., .......... . , I • 11 7"1'tl '*2121 .,,..,. "' ,, I J .. ~! -·-\ , I . • .. . • ·.~ .. • • I .. •• •• . . .. . . . •• ~ -· ~ • •' .: ~' ~ ~ ll "' r fl " ~ ~ . •! •• r: !: ; . . : I D.uLY PILOT EDIT8~ PAGE., Valley's Financial Plan A comprebe11sive 10.yur financial plan wUI bt COit· .alderod by tha Fountain Valley City Councll Feb. It Tile plAn' w11 worked out by City Manarer JamN E. Neal and represent. an innovation "never lrled 1*- fore by a l'llY,' in his own worda. It virtually guarantees to Fountain Valley rtlidenla that they will not see an lncrea1e In their city property tax rate for the next 10 years, nor wUI they ho expected to thtll out money for park bOnd• over that period, aay1 Mana&er Neal. · 'Neal' fell that ti buslneas co.tJld create lon1·tenn , financial guides, why not a city? He went to work about 1lx montlu a10 wllh chlob from all the city departmenls, to .••• ii they could d• velop a 10-year master plan ·of needs and expenaa1 ·11 wtll as projected revenuu. After much work and hard thousht, they feel they now have an accurate, flexible plan which not only telll which roads are due !or repair five years from now and bow rn811)' employea the police dtpartmant wUI need, but gives an Jdea of whete the money wm be •. FlexibUlly In. the plan ii achieved by b11ln1 all projectiohs on population flguru for Fdiinlala Valley. Accordil!& to Neal, so many city employea are need· ed per 100 residents, and if employment Is held at that rate, costs ,.,ill' stay within financfa1 reach. To operate; thl city doesp't have to ha':e a ruarm- teed number of resldents each year. The 1en1ce1 pro- vided 'fill be based on lhe service needed. Th• llnanci(ll plan will enable the city fathers tO look obeed to lff how much mon~y they will need in a JW!lctJlar year and plan on It . The city councll won't be lllrprised in 1973 when the Police. Department· 11y1 tt nee41 three more men, or lh• Plann!t11 Departmmit· wants a 1tall lncree1e of one man. ·' Tbey'll '-fhtad, aqd thfY Ull plln lhud. l'ountlla Valle)': i. airNd1 boen applauded u one ol 111• lien plaanl4 .clUfo CO!llctl'Dll!I ill general plan ol land Ult. ,,,_ ffdlllon 'of a 10.)'tar flnanclal plan wUI alranstheq ill Nplllallon u · a city that knows where ii'• 101n1. ., ' Fair H«!llSing Problems ltiil appear-that the HCent lonnatlon ol 'the Hl!.JIUn ~ F.U-HOUllnC CouneU II llil attempt to bN oil houaln1 P"l'bimla for.m!nor!Uu ~ore they besln, but the truth ol Ille matter ·appears to be thll1 Ille probJIUll of fllt hotlllnf alnady are here. Tbe new lfOllP la ltd by t.be &v. I.awrenca Yo\1111 and ylill lll40t monthly at Community Mathodlal t:hurcb, Ma .._Hail -A"'. Ill .formation Iona baa been urrod by 9'e nev. ~er Bttlaworth who· hu conducted a vtaoroua"compa111ilor human riallll in 'all fields. Ollt rOe! II tlndinf hoiialq lot mllnber1 of mino,... lty .cl!Mlpa. Another. la for d .. ent low coat honslng ,for thoee who need it.-Muell of the low coal bot111n1 pruent.- Jy avalleble In Hun~n Btaeh !1 almost unlivable and molt of It fal!J to meet 'city' ~odes. . Tbt, tenn ''fair housing'" today covers a broad rang.-. of. problems and opportunjtles from finding a houi¥ for a 'lamlly to lna(Jrlng thaHhere are clean, sale houaea ·available In areaa of adequate ••rvlce and •lreetl. A close look at housing atandai-ds Ia being taken In Ibo area by city. govtmment and thi.s wUI help lighten the loed for the committee, but the job to be done In fair bowing locally !1 !arr• and lull cooperation by the conu_oun!ty wilI be needed. . - ($) :-: Wally Hickel Reader Def ends Legali:ed Abortima . \ Decides He'll ··.· Go to Lunch Dear Gloomy Gus: W ome~ Should Have Right to Decide S<cr<tll')I oMhe Interior WaHy ·lilckel hu at lut rolled up tµa 1l~y~~ . and gone to ,wor' to help ~-Nilon build a better America. So conanaUonlsta are i loom i I y predicting the rape of the wlldemus: Danocrata are bappll7 anUclpaUng 1nother Teal)Ot Dome 1e1ndal; and tn- lidera art buyln& oil abarea. Nonaente. J. for one, place more trust In Mr. Hickel than In any other Cabinet member in years. I am superbly con- Ii-thal Mr. Hickel In the tryln& times ahead wlil never do anything wrong. AJ;, a matter of fact, I'm superbly confident he'JI never do anything at all. You nffd oilb' .envision his wor~g con- ditions. SCENE: '[be Secretary's office, Mr. Hickel sill at his walnut desk as a dozen aides stand around watching him . Two are, of cou rse, spies for the Democratic National Committee. Three are on loan from the White House. And one is a bearded young man in lederhooen who keeps humming hiking IOngs. In the anteroom. more than 40 reporters wait, pencils poised over notebooks. 1'1r. Hickel nervously shuffles I.he papers on his desk as the aJdes nod. Finally, he picks up a pen u though to sign one. There is a collective in. drawing of breath. He puts the pen down. llE TAPS HIS fingers. The aldes nod. He reaches for lhe telephone. There ls a collective gasp. He withdraws his hand. Tension mounts. At last, with the air of a man crossing th e Rubicon. he slams his fist on the desk and shouts: "By George, I've decided to ... " Panic! Aides scurry in all directions. The reporttn1 dash in, pencils at the ready. The first flash reaches the Democratic National Committee. "Hot WhY can't the Parking Authorlcy buy Ill the old downtown lltCllon ol Hunilngton Beach end lout the air space to the Ontario Rac:a. track? Thit would aave tbt tu· payers $W,768. . -P. P. L. zlqedy" crlaa a alratesJat, "Happy d.131 are hero qaln." Over at the Sierra Club a ICOtl of elderly ladles in whl_..t -srlll>-17 ch«k their alpwtocu u they prepan for a ocalt-ln protell atop the Wuhinaton Monumenl AND IN THE White House Ready Room a red light flashes. "Hello, Wally?" says a white-lipped Pre1ident Nixon into the phone. "Put your scrambler on. Good. Now about this decision you've made. Have you thought it through?" "Yes, sir," says Mr. Hickel firmly. "I've decided, come what may, to go to lunch. Now I don't see any aenae in lunch for lunch's sake, but ... " "Who with, Wally? Not one of your old oil company pals, I tnut?" ''No, slr. I thought I'd eat aJone tn the cafeteria to show my Independence. Just a roast beef sandwich and a &lta of milk." .. RM.MM. I'D SKIP the roast. beef, Wally. It might be interpreted u favor- ing grazing rights for the catUe intenita.. Let's see, wbat about ham! Loot. I'D check it out with Ray Bllsa: and call )'OU back." "Thank you, sir." "And, Wally, just let me say tblt I have complete confideoce In your :tudl· ment and integrity. Now, what are JOU planning to do after lunch?" SO I SAY a cynical, 1uapiciOU1 nation should confidently pot lta faith end lruat io Mr. llickeL And let'• ketp an .,e on the othen. It'1 the leaders you trust that you can't lrult. To the Editor: I am a woman who dlclded to havt an aborUcm (lq.Uy, In Japan). ·1 -.Id Uke to eiiplaln to. Ill. Y. Nordlund ("A1alnat Ab\>rlloa" Mailbox, Feb. I) my rtuona for; -such a declllon, and alao upD!a' wlr)\ American women abould haH~ rlCld to dtclde for . tbemlllV.. ,: · ~ they want to hive an aborUon. ' ~ I WU at .... "' wben I COllld not handle OW' .,.MClitiut," . but I wun 't In . u deOp a manlll _ dlalurbance ,'u would have .,_ ~ to have a le1al abortion lo Calff L The Idea ol roln& to Japan. wbtn aldlled doctori parfonn tho oper&Uon, "" auggeated by my dod<r. JD· anltary cond!Uons, with a SUJ'l'CID, there 11 no danger to the paUenl The operaUon laku only I& to JO minutel, and alter a day'• rest, the patlmt ta pezfectly fine. AS FOR THE CIULD, a foetus is not giYen a burial unUI the age of sl:J: or 1even monlhs. An abortion cannot be pezformod liter thrte months or pregnancy. I, myself, f~l absolutely no guilt, as I'm sure many women would not. As for those who would, and do not believe in legalliing abor1ion, all thty have to do is 1tOt practice H! Le1aliied abortion would do them no barm at all, whereas those ol us who 1rould like to have a legal abortion, irlthout spending money to 10 overseas, art forced to bear the burd~ of an -anted cblld. 'I'm aure :tfiat JOU'd Ila lur)lrtaed at lbe amoulll ill American dollan ..... to forelp opera-.· . . AND 'llllAT OI' -wamen who .,. Ml u llnanclally 1-.ate as I wul Many ti ibem IO·ahead and bring _.. uawinted cllfld Joto lbt world. look ' al the mnnbc al del!liquenll 'today who ,..._ . ........, dlllilren. Think ol the ..,........ -· Ill ovwr the United -Otbtr women ~e ,anyone they can find who .woUld perfOl'm their abortion, .... the· cltaning lady in • filth,y ~-Molt of these women die from Jnfectklm: J'tl\Jltlng from d .1 r t y "~ta." The6e are the sad CIRl!I. A Deep Emotional Truth WRY SHOULD TRIS happen in an advanced natMB lib the United States when we ba•e · ~ surgeons and gynecoloetoll'ri&ht uedtr our n<lftl? It 1' bocauae W--llllndod people. Alalo. I "'1'.. ·Jt la doing. you no harm lo hive ltpJ' ~· Pleue stve Amerlcoa ..om.. 'Ibo! INedom to cbooee !willtmaalYal TbouahU At Llr1e: Whal too many solicltoua mothers fall to realize is the deep cmoUonal truth in the old Talmudic saylng: "Better Js she who shows a smiling countenance than she v.·ho off en milk to drink." • • • A lower-class domicile is, to me, a place where they have slx beer-can openers and no corkscrew. • • • The ·flaw of the provincial mind is that it. judges all behavior by ill own nam:>l' standardsi the flaw of tht C(lloo mopolllan, mind II that It ,.jecta all staDdardl • 'merel1 matten of local tam or pr'lfe1e1a; thUI, the pr'O!iDclal sullen -a lallun lo 1ympollijo,•ai>d the owmpolltan Crom a fallure bl dlar-. • • • • Ddendtn al 'a load ..... --.. went ene.mlts when they \111 ..m blll.truthi to promote the ctmi wltb ilde too Ignorant to ""but the argummt. • • • When a performer sweats, he hu Dl.ll muteftd hls art ; for nearly the 1'lloJe; 1lm of craftsmaruihip ii to make Iii clllOcull look •a'J'. • • • !$137 and '11" u~ lo mtan In t.hl _..._ ~le fulure; but the ID- . . .~ : . " . -. ', vet.erate procruUnaUon o( men bu tum- edit into "sooner« W.V." It b true~ .. lo7, ;......· .... ,.~ violenct; any ,..... .lllan -"1>1c lltaralln l!ladl IO rapa ~ but toy _pona_ ft make the taking ol lll• ...., cuual and dlvall:od ~ buman ,afaia; j1ill u por-aphlc Wrttlnc di''""'" - from alfac:U~ end ~. • The mlPl1er ---" ..... Jllllllicallan -. the ..... -lo tia .. to.........-, ..... ....., ... --tlle-ai>Md and ...a, ...-.. the -for--... but al the -u,.. -the -ol la&man ~ lo what la being ......... -. • • • Porhapa one ol the l110lll eiprlaalvo words tn the Engllah Janruaae ll "fiab- bergasted," whlch, oddly e n o u a h , originally ll\Wll "lo lrtghtetl with a fJy-awatter."' _ .. NAME WITHHELD Bres-heW• Comments To the Edtteri· Well -wt have htt another new lowl I nfe:r tu Robert J. Bresnahan's ........... Ill the DAILY PIWr Feb. •• • It 11!!'t'er ceases to be a 90W'Cfl of amaRSntnt to me as to how a peoon 1n puWe otflct, or in 1ny other office ol nspndhll'*1 for that matter, can . .....--•• S-•··· Dear,a.p: • -a mlIUaD for )'Oii!' !Inn !land qaJnll moD d0In1 liouoawwkl Wt'rt a -bl-. aot mlc:ll l\ltn aboold alwaya -"' do -k. I)' the way, plea1e dco't uae my namt. I'm married . ANON Dtar Anon: Well .•• '° much for I.he mou.se malt Oddly, ne mtn have written IO far. Lettu1 from rtadtra art welcome. Normall11 writers .should convey t.lleir mcuao• in 300 toonb or les.s. The right to CO'nden.se lftttr.s to fit s-pace or tUmfnatt Jibtl it rtrervtd. AU leturi ·mu.st include .signature and nuriUng ad4us.!, but Mmts ma11 be withheld on req uest if .!Ufjicitnt rta· ion ii apparmt. mate public utlerances of that type. They extmpll!y ttie epitome of imbecility • . . as I recall lh&t's ju.st short of absolute idiocy! IN VIEW OF A-1r. Bresnahan's ap- parent lack of time I offer him a three part program which might aid in hasten- ing his recommendations to the Orange County Board of Supervisors: I. As soon as resiaential developments within five miles of the airport are three years old, supplant them with slums. These, then. can be condemned in the name of PROGRESS. %. START immediately to externtinale all people over 55 years of age who live within lhe flight pattern. This permits flexibility because if the airport again grows too rapidly the board can lower the age bracket and-or wid((n the flight pattern. 3. A community campaign for a salary incu ase so Mr. Bresnahan can "afford" to move into one of the troubled areas. Otherwise, he may grow too old and become a victim of his own Pandora's Box. JERRE C. BLAlR Brenahon, Orange CoU11ty director of aviation. told Mi.islon Viejo home· owners that El Toro Mari ne Corps Air Station "lookl the tnost logical" of the eight sites under consideration for rel.ocation of Orange County Air· port. Conceding it is an emotional i.ss ue for the ptoplt living there, he said "you've got to look at the 25·year and 50·11tar pro;ectiom. Our airports are presentt11 seriously over-trafficked and the need is getting worse." Ht added: "Let's fact it, the aver· a.ge homeowner turm over his home everv three years. What wilt ht care 20 year1 from note if wt do or don 't locate in El Toro1 Somt of the strong· est oppo!itfon we've received is from the reridtnta of Laguna Hills Leisure World. Yet, what i.! the life ezptc- , tancv of theie people-15 years1 We're talking about ded.ritmi that wfU affect thi.s arra 50 yeart hence." -Editor Common P•ttern 'Tn the F.<iitor: Recently a reader described a sheriff 1he had seen with his shirtsleeves rolled up helplna; a stranded motorllt change a Ure. Larfel1 from thla .... flooilng evtnt lhft dmr many broad geoeraJi.ta. Uom 'about the wmderful nature ol our ..-! olll<:en. Without 'offering any; quallllcatJons or admitting any fault on the pall al the sherlffa she eodtd ' her letter with a plea that we aupport our local Pollce. In lhott, the Poll« "" guat ud delen1 our aupport primarily beclluse sht PW a sheriff ald1ni I motorlsl f'LL ADMIT THAT thla may bo a slight overslmpliflcstion of her state- ment, and aeknowledge that this Jetter may not be typical or her usual ability to reason. Still I would like to charac- tultt I.ft general terma the methods ol percelvlng and thinking revealed In the letter, for they reflect _ a common pattern. First, the perception. It Is as though &he has seated herse!I in. a chair in her house from whlch she· view1 the world through a small window some dlllance fl'OQl her. Thls window on the world ls heronly sOi.Jr~ of Information. Through It she can see only a sm11l part of the landscape -the vast ma~ jority of it is hidden from her. SECOND, HER method of thinking. We might sympathize with ~r If she were honest in appreclaUng the limits ~t her petcepUon, but 1he ll not. She tries to fool herself and us lnto believing that she can see 'the whole world through that wlndo~. When she sees one sheriff helping one clUz.en and ther: general.ius that all sheriffs are good, she ls indeed taking that one small piece of landscape she can see\ through the window and using It lo fill in all the re 1 t of t h e landscape that she cannot s e e . Unfortunately, the re!t of tht land11cape _ may be very different. • WHAT ABOUT TRE police in Selma, Century Plaza, Oakland and Chicago? What about the compl1inb against our own California Police made by members of the Black and Mexlean-'Amerfcan ~ munities? These questions were. ap- parently beyond her view . It is my guess that our reader has evolved a life style , ..... her chair - that limits her experience to that which is safe, wholesomt and suburban. In addition, she has e.vidently . dev.eloped a pattern of Utlnting that blots oul "sour" considtraUons and fills in these gaps with extensJon.s of her mdre harmonious concepts. She sees what she wants to see. Too many Amerlcalll!I sit in chairs like this, unwliling to see the suffering and imminent danger caused by their blind prejudices. DICK JOHNSON 'Datagero~• Da1Ck1' To the Editor : R. V. Mitchell's "Wake Up Americans" (Maill>Ox, F.eb. 7) lhould arouse a bi"g response from your readers. Most of the resJ>Onse, I'm 11.1re, will be from ootraged Hnb whose patriotic fervor varies ·10 intewlty accordin1 to the eitent of their Mfsonal involvement. Among 't>eae Haw ta wlll be men o•er 3& who wlU not be called upon lo disrupt their careers or lhed their blood, poliU. clans whose seats in office will be enhanced by conflict. buslaeas men with lucrative defense contracts., proltssional military men who9e careers are to be furthered and millions of defenH: workers selling the lives of their countrymen for a smidgeon of overtime and job security keeping their big voice silent in single-minded acceplaoce of this Viet- nam crime. THESE BUU>S OVER 35 are awake to thelr ltlliJh owortunllies. You will not find one among them who is re.ally lnflutnctd by othen' millery, or who ta appalled .at an appalling casuabyl lilt. 'lbe diet ol thlo bin! conalata .cl young fresh men wbo art Is a rule too YOWll to Vote and voicel• ln the dtdsfon.s which brlnc about their aacrlfices on the altar ol national pulley. • The most dangeruaa Hawk, however, 1 although almost total17 bllnil, ... the Flag Hawk. A more IUlitaP»>e' name woold be Gooney-'ird. He ii a cl• ttletlve of the Nazi Hawk, a hawk ol llke diapool. tion whicb is now almost utlnct alt~ once numerous. -• " Tms GOONEY c•n bl foWlf at an palrioti< cuemonl... He ta attracted by the sound of the drum, the piping fife, and is enthralled by a waving flag. It matters not to him who waves the flag or why the flag is waved -wa ve the fl ag, roll the drums, pipe a fife in his ear and he'll follow you anywhere. JACK R. MAPLES Free 1'1191111 fo Cubo To the Editor: Airline hijackings are becoming more freq uent , with no end in sight; and, as usual with large industries, nothing has been done to put a stop to this annoyance. Recently It was announced on television that certain airline com· panies v.•ere considering setUng up flight! to Cuba wlth I.he fond hope that these flights would alleviate lhe problem. What tHese idealists do oot realize ii that the hljacker hijacks mainly because he does not have the money to pay his travel expenses. - TilE UNITED STATES should provide free, one-way flights to Cuba for •ny who wish lo go. Is th.is soluUon feasible? \Vhat would . it accomplish? First, the flig hts could be set up on a voluntary, muwal participaUon b a s i s . All participating airlines could provide on a rotating basis the number o( flight! required. Possibly our military transpqrt aircraft could also be used. Setond,' it would then be aMounced· by mean1 of mass media that these flights were available. THE ACCOl'tlPLlSIL\fENTS of aucb a program should be fairly obvious .. Flr5t, lhe ftee flights would put an end to the necessity of anyone·s hijack.int a jet. Second, they would eliminate the resultant passenger incon venience, ob- vious costs, schedule upsets, and the horrendous possibility of an accident over the seas (Say one of those grenades goes off one or lhese days!) Thus, thesG flights would nicely show to the world th at the United States lreely allo"'!s anyone to leave who so wishes. TllE FIRST AIRLINE hijackings OC· curred from behind the Iron Curtlin, people trying lo escape horror and tyran. oy. Certainly it must cast a murky shadow on our country's dingy workt· wide image that so many find It ~ to "escape" by means of hi· jacking. Certainly this is not true, but how many other countries are aware that it is not! LET"S SHOW the world lh•t Uncle Sam is not opposed to letting people out of the U.S., that he's even so generous as to lend a helping hand, And anyway, we're overpopulated here as it is! It would be interesting lo set whether any or the Iron Curtain countries would do the same! JACK O. TURUNEN --.iW-. Wednesday, February 12, 1969 Thf ~ditorial pQOt Of Ute Da'1• />m)t seeks co fnform and 1tim- u!ate rtGdtrl by preren«no ihU ftNspapttr't opblionl end eont- mtttcr, Oft tapia of mtnut and s!Onltu:once. br prooldtno • f~m for the t%prt"'°" of otir rtadfn' opfnfoM. and bp pr11111tmo the dfutf'te °"'°" Pofntt of fftformtd ob1nt)e'r1 and spokesm.c" on topici of the dav. Robert N. Weed, Publisher ---------------------.,...--,~,-,---------":""'"~ --~--------- Nb:o•'s l'lnt Wt!eks " 'Nn ~~ ,1. ~--, .. , .... .a..:··~·) '. 1 ~ •· .. .. ··(.)')' Congres~ Both 8_uprised, _.Amaze~ WASHINGTOlf (UPI) -lrsvquit \ prwe ,l. -bit "'"' cmitfooio: "V~ Br ,,.......,.,, .nor ?fb!o After lhrte -of watching ccminl from D;.J;,i. on la Iba mabl I b 1 n • , ' ' Mnl oat 1111 ,..._ I• Ille NllOll -lnlllrallon, the Capitol Hiil Yor-.,it told. ,"II lie •~ ::.,ir,:.:,o1 ~~ nacUou of 1 om e con-Seu:te DemocraUc leader tlta the w~, lt ~ be • looted up It-....,._ ud grwlooal Uberall rlll(e lrom MJke Mlllllltld liked NIJon'1 p-eal -on.' drawled: "Thll ••• ... pleaunt -i., lo dolrW!pt "--minded and ccoperaUve r~..i. 1:,. --.u:fi. · "= rn!nlilralklo II c 1·r1 a In I 7 ~ (ftli1~' .. Were 'Love M~ma' amuam~t. aUliude.11 Sen. Frank Church, ~-...._ -n.... performJQs well" It··-· .... to be more than (J).ldlho), called Nilon'utart Fev. 17 -a ~ .,.. Al -·• _, ~-_,, "-1r"':'r.'..:"., "'-•-.. "very bwlenJna." ......., Ila J. William --......, "'" ----~--·· Fulbrlllfll, (J)..\rk.). "'-' ~arcalyl'tllralllhlmu-11, Lui week .al6oe I b'e 01'llElll CAUTIOUJ -umbltq a bll •w Nini'• "I've --V«J l1ll']lriMd bJ Pml<ltnl: · Otben, ouch u Sen. Ralph cl.oJce I•. lhe 'No: J lllate • lot of lhlnp,• he aald. "I'm -Embraced Iba prillctple of Yarboroup (J).To.), Wirt I De~·-V!fJ pleuod." lrMlrade. 1_::=:::::~::_:.::;:.:_::;::.:_:::...,;:_;::;::;::;;;::;_~;__----'-''-'------- ~ work GD the wkle-· By L. M. BO¥j> • lhll dandy: "The road lsn1 1y <r\Uclsed a it 11mI1111 e . '1111EN A SAILOR dlW p a 11 ab le : I Not • v e •· . 1 oyllem. abolrd !hlp, I00 · )'111l'l a10, JlOi<aqable/' Elcellenl, U· ! --5em11 notice lie will ao- IMll often he wai buried at co.ilenl ytho',..-!bat? , ~-. llvely N•-c1eatp-e•1Uoo of . .... You ·-tbat._ a.-did CUrroMDl'Ell VICE :. Solithetnidiools.. • . you kaow-lba:bodl• ol.'aome Q.-"BA\1: Y"" eru bej,, 19 • : -lleccounended raUftcaUon ofOcerl who clifd a:t sea were of a treaty to . keep nuclear , prtltrved in bl,rets pf rum Rome. Louie?" ·A.-HaVt ht wup,orui away from the "have · unill lhelr !hlpa reAehed port? deed. DlitlnCl1y recallwalkinl .Q u 1; not" n~Olll. Particularly H tbe shipa' cap-lrom the jrain lo the street _b~~~-~~~~~g~~~;;~~~~~ -And opened a drive to . Wni. illo}lillt ii wise lo prove without ever ,01ng up allll · awaep pollUca out of the jlOOI · to lhort authorlUes the death! down a stair. Believe you can't olftce. of 811d otticers were natural, do that in any other railroad · 8 not inurder, or vice 'versa. &talion in the world. Could I SOLON ~D An"'-, ii u a matter of narrate scme fa••••••·· ·~-Do--·1 In Tota •1 am plouanµy 111'J11')1- ;ruo.<.. ............, . ..,. .. • · • ed," ' uld Sen. Gt. or ft.' · rtcOrd the rum in more than ~--whicb occuqed one of those barrels wi.s aavid Romf, but doUbt you'd ap-' McGovern, (M.D.), of e to be handed out as crew predate it if I lo\_ too Food c t • M new adminlJtraUon. "I Can't rauons on aubsequ-ent pe!aonaJ. 8Y Ille way, don't ·... . · ~S' ing Ore !;:~d~~i:'"~.llk~~~: voyage1 .. That ii Ill ·I'm eolnl call me .LouJe • · • • Jl'Udtnt, tbou&btfu1. approach : lo tell you today about Hie ·Q.-"DWN'T SUGAR l\AY Wh;'_-. N'. ot as Much liehaiheenllvh\itodllflcull and death aboard old ailing 110IiINSON flJht mor e .,re questlona. I fully expect a vesseJ.9, beciUM I don't want matebu in a row without a rather COMtrucUve and to upset you. Jou than any other boser?1' 11 t11 factory 'relati~p · WITJIJN A CO\JPLE of A.-No, 1ir1 a hitter named WASIDNGTON (Ul'I) -wore expeclecl lo shl>w an betw ... the White Houae and · yem after Angelo Prima Im-Hal · Ba""11 earned that · CQnournuo. will apand QIOre ~ver.,. incraue of I lo 2 Con(rea." mllfated fron: Naples to disUnction. He fought tap than ieftr' ori . f.~ t!l1J 1ye'ar. perceDt, w b 11 e restaurant But Nixon bu left hltnseU · Brooklyn. court recorda abow, bouts,. wimlinl 17; drawing B·u t tlie pe~tage of the prices Mre expected to rise enoogh room for maneuvering he leplly anglicized h i s 5. Paoky McFarland fought avera1e family'• budget which around 5 percent to 1 a t i a f y conaervaUvea, name to Angelo Foist . . . 117, Fred Dyer, M, .and Sugar goes for aroctrfa may drop The forecut lndicatea only partlcuJarly thole of 'h11 own EVOY NINrR DIVORCE Ray, II\, each contecutivelf to a recotd Jfd"icJ:vtrnmetit 1 '1Dall incrtue from early· party. Few Republlcllll feel brtab up.a husband and wife without • lols. economJata: ~ ay, . 1989 price tevell, beeauae last he bu abandoned any of ~e who baVe been married at Jl,ECEN'I1..Y HEARD a Experts aa1d com~ with I;>tcember'• averqu were 4 principal ouillnr.s in hls: cam- FREE SAF~ DEPOSIT 801 FOR MAINTAINING $518 SAVINU ACCOUNT. Moura: 9:30<a.m. lo 9:30 p.m.; Sot. 10 a.111o le 6 p.m. • • Jeut 2t years . . • ·youna: lady Gt voting age state, ~ l~ can 'e~t percent above a year earlier, P&Jp. CONCLUDl!:D Henry Wotton· "I've never heard a cro.sa higher avet11e retall pncea. _ctbe~n~port~n:oted::".''.._ ____ _:S:U:ll•:.:"°::m::::.e.:ol:_:lllt::_:m::OSl:::..u::.:-----------------------------"Nb:t to no wife and children. word beU.een my mother and for beefl • edH•b· ~airy prododuc~· I· · · ' f th " »--arkable ·r true cerea an aaery pr UC&.11, your own wife and child.i·en a er. _,..,. . 1 • soft drinks, and cocoa pro- are the best p a It I m e ; But ud. U a child never hears ddcts. Lower prices a r e another's wile ape! children -the_ lolka argue, uld ,:t,14 ·lorecut for"1ulta, vegetablea, -.e: and your wffe and " apt to wind up with · ' poultry and park. !JUie or anotbtr's children worst. peculiar . notions a b 0 u t no change wu expected for ••• Al TO TllE LONGEST matrlmorual life. Our ~~e potatoel!I, fats .and oils, sugar ... nneMJ name fn the Bible, a scholar ,00 War '"!an contends it 11 and coffee. .::. saya jt's Maher..sbalal·hub-not the qwck hot noises of An agriculture department · · bu, aoo of Illiab the Propbel the family ligbla that bend report, "NaUonal Food Sllua-ALWAYS~FIAIT IWAUTY • • • WIUTF8 a retired youngsten out of atiape., but tlon 11 a.Id U.S. food IP'ftd1nl .• bartender : "Who. says the the "3ng cold silences. Belleve~ )in U. totaled •tol billlon. mini julep was ll!ven'"!I In tbal'• rlgl!t._ ', · , Tiu. yaar II Will 1ncr-;• Ken!uck1: Both the mint Julep RAPID llBPLY: No, 1i;, a record f105.5 0< 1108 billion . ancf the planter's p U DC h in crowd!, the 8ecret SerVlce 'if after-tu COQIUlfltr inC!omf · -- orlfhlated in Missinippt" men pay no attention ' to. the &Oii up bUt about ~t percent, ·· --. J lN THAT SllAllCll to IJnd la<u. They watch Ille handi. as cumntly ·1-111, the , ) ·· ..., the """1al poem, ~-J""'°f' ·Your ~ a!Jd...P""--refOri-tre.li<lecl-~ ,---~ ~ aubmiti Mr. WlWam ~t 1 mmtl 8te wlk ltDell dd wU1 Stephen J; Hitmltra. a · • "Maid's Day Out," 11blch .. ....i -pootl1IIe la d•partmenl 1peclallll In food 1-.._. aoes: "'lbun .• Hen.". -He . 'Oecklli& u,.,. M*eu mall economie1 aaid if the" cOn-· -' 'adda: "Pleaac diel-ln quiet" ·to L. M. ~ 111 ear. o1 oumer IDcGme ape! food Ill*> used to be a candldate, but DAILY '.PU.OT, •8o:ii: ,1175, cilnl fcricuta ll'Ove accurate, no more. Nor an, looger Is Newport-, calll. -· the avtpie American will be spend1n;( a record-low 17 or Soviet Contradictwn 17.l percent of his aftlr'.tU •amlnis QQ food. In 1968, 17.2 percent ol ~ble consumer income WU uJeci lo buy food for hml! use apd in nstaurantll. Confuses Germ'Uny The food situaUon report Jn. dicated total con.sumer food spel/dlng would 19 up Ibis yaar because of a comb~ rJ rising retail prices, inc:reulng population, and a small' lain BONN (UPI) -We 11 German political leaders are puz&led by apparent con- ·tradlctions in Russia's latest diplomatic moves. A storm of abuse from Moscow and East Berlin has been climaxed by a Com- munist statement that delegates to the assembly to meet in West Berlin March $ to elect a new West German president will be forbidden to travel there overland. Some here fear the attempt to restrict travel by federal assembly delegates may even bt a smoke screen for a more ,serious attempt to rutilct tht movement of vital gOQds to and from West Berlin. SlmultaneOU&ly, Soviet Ambassador Semyon Tsarapkin gave F or e i g n Minister Willy , Br~t a 2o. p •I e memOrandum on th~ nuclear w e a p o n s non- JrOllf eratioo treaty. the treaty bacau.se t h e Russians still claim a right under the Charttt of the United Nations to intervene in pu capita food con-- in the affairs of We s t awnption. Germany as a former enemy G o v e mment ecom:aosnlltl le predicted earlier Iha I re1aU sta · food pricta this year would But Tsarapkin'1 memoran-averaie z to ~.5 J'eJ'c:tnt above dum nportedly attempted to 11161. Prices ~ groctr7 lloru reauure the West Germans on Ibis poinL Some llCJUrCes NfW S ~N dl VII) ' say Mo8cow p~ to c_oDr · · · lider ill rtg!it of lnterventicm lo be vnldid H the Germani sign the nonproliferation trea- ty. [/ f I -- CLAIM lllGRT Chancellor Kurt Georg Kies-. State Secretary Guenther Diehl, 1pokelman for the West Gehnan government, has con- firmed the T1arapkin mtiiiorandum contained "cer- tain politlvt elements/' and Chancellor Klulnger told par- ty collea&utl be con1idered Jt "a little bit of prosress," although lll11 llllln& short of sat.isfyiug h1I ~aUoos. r --,---;_~~~-_.::~~'"""" Incer and many members of his Christian Democratic Union are unwilling to si&o • CONTllADICllON Bit} ' '32 He does 111, however, that er s iL appeara to the government the Oommunlrtl hive not Pl N 11conctrted" tbe1r action. ane 9n ew . .,,,.. 11-a <11«1cu1t1 1• aeeJnr how Ibey might have B Sta ~ their act_lon1 , 1 ODD mp becauae the t...iency ot ooe ·" atG ITAINLDI MUNICH, GermlllJ' (AP) -;;;ehlco::.dlcis tbe other," • JTPL AQUAllUM ·The plane lhal new A4oli 1'he renewed threat lo Wesl ! • WITH FUU Ktr HJtler around Gemjloy during Berlin la -lo strqlhen his tin cllifl'lln' for the hind Ot the oppontnta of • .... chll1Cellor bu lhoWn up .on the. 1111clear/yeapon1 treaty. l;t7 I a new 20-pfennfg !tamp, but Pollt\caJ eipertll here are at ., ••••••• the postal ,dtpmtment • a Y s a lou to aplala Moecow'a Jt WH doneln-tly. carrownd-aUck ·-b of lneluda1 I rallon "There's nothina""' tan do tl&httnlnc tbl llflueele on .a&a1n.JU. atMl tal1k. about it," • )ipOtesman for Berlin at tbl 1 a me time aa vibrator air' pump, the Bundespost said today, it 1wettta1 the 000-filter,plaatie .tubinf, ccn!lrmlng lhal 30 million prollleralloo pot. filt.r -and cart>on copies of the new stamp hive. 'j;ii;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;~~-~ __ .. ·~-• lib food. been lllued tbowlng the JUllW -•'II S -• ..,._ wit.ii the number ll2201. WHO " D Buy now! Tbe stamp was laued Feb. OFF SHORE DRILLING? • to cqmme111orate 50 years S,•••1 .. ., .... ....,... M-.. of air mall lttfke in .. ~.;:..::. S:::.....,. Germany. The picture for the 417 , ..... ..., stamp wa11 fumilbed b 1 ""''"" .._., c.1t1. 1'111hansaa~Un~ 1~~~~~~~~...o• ., Receive riu;. Two 111h wtth t&ela AQu&rtum N.IWr<lRT BEACH FASHION ISLAND Tti.. palarna1 •N an exc.ptlcMal valuel 2w'5 COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) • Men's Permanent Pl'eu ' Kingdor dress shirts r ._ '> j • n..r..,,..."*"•w.._,_ ,., ... ,..., ... .,._. ........... ..,-........ ,,,,,_ ........ .,.,._ "' ...... l.....:11 ..................... , ... ,, ....... .. .................... ,.....,.,) ....... ''!("*" ...a.w..,;,.,...,. ...... ...., .......... 1 Men'I ~ P1•11t• · ca.U..llllcka ~~~~ .... HUNTINGTON BEACH " ' NEWPORT . BEACK ( F••~ion l1l111d) · ' Hunfington Canter) • •'' . . - .... ' . ·' . : ' : 1·~ .. ' ';,.. ... ·'.· ·,.' . ·~ ' . , . ' -. • \>:":"~ .I ... ' '. '·• '~ .... ' ': ,.J ~-,,. 'I :• ,.. I';)• ~ ••.. $ ..... ~ .. -,: ~ i•r ,: ~ ';'--.... ,, • f 1 _DMYPllOT_ f I f' , I r: • • ,, nrollment Emergency und . Passes ASsemhiy ~~(AJ'}-An Aliaeml>Ji-paued IS mlllloo emergency measure to meet ~ overonrollmeat at -colleCes lhla sprtng Wvtwd two• 1ttemptod cut- bocb Tueaday and WU finally approved by the S e n a t e 'Educatloo COmmitlee. • The bi!~ wblch now goes before the Senate Finance Cammittee, would give at lea.rt 3,875 quaWied students, primarily junior c o 11 e g e transfers, a chance to enter state colleges this spring. Sen. Waller W. Stiern (D- ' Bakersfield), soug11t ·to CUI the funds lo $1.3 mllllon but failed by ooe vote. Seii. Clark L. Bradley ·(a.&u! Joee), then tried to reduce the .figure to $575,llOO -bOI that proposal wu swndly defeated in a Vtllee vote. · SUem uld the coUeges wouldn~ need m-0re than IU million to take care of the extra enrollment . But Assemblyman Pete Wilson (R· San Diego), author of the biU, noted that spring registration was already over on many cainJ}uses_ and said efforts to change the $2 million figure "could imperil ·the bill and may delay it unnecemarily." Meanwhile, Assemblyman Hippie Lets · ·In-law Take .WI lfa BiJl GbarlO! Warren ( D ·Los • .-..... :t'f 'e re ' : Ailgelea), Introduced,. bill " Ov .. r Estate !' whl_clt he aid "woUld prevent "I . ~ · B·' d · '·a re~Um of the present-·· •· ,...... • · . . Puu , ur en d<Plorl!>ie ,;tuation." . -~AN . RA L' ,(AP) -, ·-. 7, . The biD set up a "1 million Donald M' • ~gave up ~ l Alt~n ·sraie ~~e:,~=.~ .. ~~·the ·~ ~~~~J;+~·I , Ieges face limllar problems otpted hll .~-il\,t , ·'' r ' ,____ . -iJt.tbe~futur law 111 atOr lll.;::whl 'a ...... ~ :SACRAMENTO • AP) -left of his eo ~. mus calling en~. the state to McCoy, rr bu ilt an In- assume the financial burden CHP Checks heritance ia $500,000 with of all welfare programs have real eslate hoUseboat been introduced In the Senate building Ve!} · , btit then. ~ the ~bly. John L p . • Off threw · over and ~~~b ~8:n Francilco): ~ ymg established a a~ ranch said his bill would relltve . , for IOlDt IO 1 ea at nearby. - counties o[ their .. wellare SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Novatp. \ burdens and tower local pro-,Gov~'s ·.Committee ·on •Arthur. E .. ~g . of Mill 1 perty 'taxes by some fDJ ~ iSafety aays the ~vaUey, the fat.Wer-1n•law, sued mlllim California Highway ?atrol's in Marin Cofnty •Superior He ~d the move wou1d random motor ·vehicle in· Court,.cl.~\that U he WU· eliminate' "one or the bluest apection. progrpi ~ caused ~ot named c t\11 .e ... r v .•to ,r., po~~1dache1 .for l<lcal a m&!'k~.t~lo~ in vehicle McCoy ~Id, 'lhi)>w. It ·a11 l gpnrruneiit!'·and WWI~ tit_ hi equiPJD-,erit: !io~t!Qns.-. aW~.". : . . , line W!liGov,;Reagan'• i>Jellp The~conilriit~. reported to La~g •~id· Ip, llel!al! of · hb to modernize government. Gov . .n.eagan~esday 'tbat the two gra . who were The Senate bill, introduced current inspection program is born to his 'd ter, 1Paula.· by Sen. Alfred E. Alquist (D-apparenUyworldngandsbould The daughter, w '"~orctd, San Jose), also would transfer not be replaced by a man-ls living .in the t-Asbbur)' a]I welfare responsibilities to datory periodic vehicle in-hippie di!\riq" ~n Frao- state agency control. spection. clsco. >- LIMITED TO STOCK ON HANOI EXTENDED thru SATURDAY, FEB. 15th ... ,., Mf•N MN WW ... cMu t• ,.rcltcne lftti • '-It 19fitc.thtl •f let9 ,,_.. c.ior T.l"&. NA ,_.... .,.... Soll!e nip I I )1.. ..,_ "'"1, HIM 4-91 ... -wftli IMll" tcmchell. ALL FULLY GUARANTEED! TERRIFIC BUYS! H MONTHS TO PAY 'tiO MONEY DOWN ' ... FIRST SERVED .• __ _J;~.:_M"'..i"'rl.._c::J3,,HW=--"-~' --------~' I ._ ............................ .... .., .... .A ...... .,. ........ ,... _ ..................... --See ......... _, ....... ,_.,._ ........ Ioele• ................. . t.it--· .... ........... _._...,....,,. ______ ...... _ ..... _ ..... ,.... ..... ..... Tumu~n l __ pollitd',..... pcwdyh01~.I~ ''•"·~· .,.. ML ~ --·· ALSO CANQY AND FRUlt say it with .?twerj l • , · · You ny It , wlllt your heart when you say ·lt wltll • flowers . Nothing could be more lilthur , , • -more· welcome .•.• more apprecl8ted. Wlle~r lt'1 .a brltht· bouquet; nowerlng · p1'n,t ot ••Y corsage. Phone· or visit us today. . . , .W~ send flow~'n to Valentines anywll~i. :' . J J . BROADWAY flOWEI SHOP . 275e HorWr llvd "' Ado .... I• co1 ..... c...i.r . Cello Mo11 J. . I . ' The lllCltfflDUI fl!dt shift toeS am"'tw-.iM.hMrel- ·. '6 ' : . ; u.,..u11ic. ,·=I - ~ · orll1ik I I . . ':11 3.99 . WM[ilN .................. ... ·~ . . ·.,........ -.. .i4 __ ..... .-.............. -.-. ........ . I . ' .. ' • .. : ~· COSTA MESA (Harbor ShoRping Center) !11UNTINGTON BEACH .• NEWPbRT BEACH ' • ' · (Huntirigton Center) " ' ' I .. .. , • J · Mesa Church · . . ' ..... .,.. ·, ' . • i f { To Sponsor·;:, :I : 'lim;kie' P~ft; ... ,~. .· .... Y ,•, ·t . " ,. ' Seven WoI>le .who "have been l<i Hen .00.~ck w1n .bli :in • Coo!&• ·~ ·<lt=Jt· ·"""°' 14 :tell whit they uw;. lel.t, )loard -and .how I~ 1111 •li$t ~-.. -···-·,, r---. . . . •· '·· . 'l1ie ~ 'heroin• dlll'cts • will pr:t;eat '• ~x.fet:ne. pl_, ~ ~J~.'! FC:f '11" Jt' I . ~'" 'J).m., In M~ · .Vilnle ' Unit.cl Methodi.t-~.'tJll1 l litter Sl, In a ~··i>!:olfliln · ·'.; -.. the pulillCtl .lj;'_•;.. " "1t•1 ,a;y '(.M,.l'iO*>~ ·~. . " ll:"'f",, ~. ' f i:~uv. "~.. ' -.. l~ Tony il9P'ZI.~' ! ·< · <~"· lolloW.il J~· ;,,;.,;,,;,,, . . '"-''~ i<irtlroia ,trail "io""~e 'nie · -·~· aln. •' , ' .. . " . Led by Lopez:, the cast In- . <l!ldBI J!enny Mata, Giibert paravlta~ Ninfa Garcia, Fred Garcia, John Takai antf.James Ortiz it ·a dr~Uc preSen. taiUon ct What narcotics can a.. . ' ' All sorts of Ultoriel and potential cures an: available, but the cut of aeven -ln "Jun. tie" 111 they found that eonveraion to duist'a doctrine WU. the only one that worked. The crlglnal cut of .. Junkie loured the U.S., Canida and ~. and the l'OUP .C<1ming to Coota MBll ~·drew nearly 1,000 persons I n ' . . • Gardena. ·; ~ '. .. '. .. College Aids Inf o;nn~tion · '. :. ;;:' c · •! -;\•~ ~.''"'"' ~ · "'o· 'Id '· "' . ' .. oour.ce~ · · ... · ·. • \\',/' r •• .... ~.-,.. • •The DAILY PILOT "°"ntly pi:ji>IM .-u _ edllarl1L llllll ·. :-. :' .c .. : delerlbed • 1ar,. ..... book, . .. eum!nt · Finlncial Aidl for ~ studenll" by Dt~· ~ "'~owed of P~m "··· . ft ll. the first C01111J1Jatian bl illO 'feletencf -o( an the lil,lloi ......... of -t !!Cl>olmb!PI; ,r..v ""' • aid Wnpos J*.~ JoW,,,14 be ayallab!e In u;e l~70 c01IHo '\ 1fll". • : ,,. ' I Ltlrariana and olh<q·on the ', Orin,e Coall bave ~ Mt· . · !i1J ibout the pubUaber. AD 'J liqulrlee lhould ~ -tO C o II e 1 e llPP<*tunitie'. Unllm.lted,~ lne., au· Korth ' . co.,i.r, Peoria, lllliiou. . llilormatian ma; allo be ob- talried from' the .... "'"""' ~--... ..... *' on · flnpncl1J• a i.d 1 : · ..a.we for rr·1da1t~ ' -. . , " ' - /. • .. ' ' " . ' , • . l " ; 1 .i ' : .... · ' . * .~ ' '\ _,• ---""' -) ''~ f , i I --·-~. "· • . . . ~.. r , .. I -,, ·"" . i I ; 'if AM , 0'·-:8· .... ·IS COMING .~.:-.. ' ----· ::~ .~· 8t '·41" I "· 1 " ... ·. I ' : , .. .Tam O'Shantor )!im:d.c! sbtoh Wli11ky'88 l'loo( ~ J_,i,Qqpp7, lleved7 lllllt, Cllllomla . , I•, "" •' ., -' . . \• t -, . . OPIN SU~DAY---• Let's TALK TURliri about·~ •COSTA 'MESA, 117S•Harllor 11.,r. 642."940 · 'Nl!WPoltT BEACH, 410 W.-eoftt· HwJ,., 642·7142 CORONA del MAR, ·2435 E. C111t Hwy., '75-4361 ' ' ' . ' ' .... ...,. .......... p.a.: ..... :'--' ...... , ... . ,, • • . • • • • . • • •' .. · . -. •A I Penney Sfores Open Every Night Monday ·Thro11gh Saturclayt . ' , .. z, .. ' ~ .. SHOP wiTH CONFIDENCE AT . PENNEYS .fORr TME I.A TEST IN FLOOR COVE81NGS NOW . . T ' . ' .. . ;···. '. . .~ . ' 'i . . .. "" • " ·, • [ ' > ', • ~TODAYI . ~ .. : ,~ :. ··Cor~e Marlile' vinyl 1corlon by·, ~ , , " (' I { ) · .. • . • • • .. ;.~r.~st*,qng . will give:. yoa.t ' r~o"Hi a -''Wh.ole:r~r· look .... r,d~c~~Fi~~:·R'.rW I fro~:·t~F ·~Joor ~~···:·any ':r_~om .. ~' .. 10· I I '] C' . Do:~>, ! I Y,, ~m ' for ,,only ·: ·17.DB · , lcisid 0n nonnal lllllallalleol t ' ~· . . c· ·,~ MarbW ·vinyJ cor!On:ew.+ rich.:Joolilng iilaib ~in six ~utifvl ' ; ~alor' colon ihiit.are keyed ·to'bl~n4 . .J.ith ~ciy'• cD!Orfvl· nPPli..-.. fabrics ~; P11int. , .'a style that's ideally •uited !o ;in19riar1 an~ fumishinps of any ·stYt.~ .period, ••• the lowesfopriced Hydrocard Back sheet .viny~ w~ ' ' r '.~ • . . •• ·t ::1 "·1 "::I -~ . ' ••• . :· ::: ::: ·:· ·~! ' " •• ••• .. . • . ! ' ··:. ••• '1: · · · a .textured suiface ·on Ifie molket today! An added plus ; •• Corrie Marble can . ,,. ,. ,,.. ~=ed by'. the Permiflor ln,tollotioh ' Syst~m •.• a real p~oM eidr,a. for' r ... •. \~','.;',' ... fiuil!Gti9l ·Coloi'J1 Arlel'White; Taxc0·Beige, PU.blo Tan, wxorGold, , ' . " li;g~ Gr ... ~·qtonge. • . . . . · .. ~ " . ~ . ' - .. . . . '' ' ....... ' _ .. .. ~· --. ' , . I 1 ' Disputed Raises ·Supported : IW.11 MORftJAJUll : ""-... -.1111-: COllll-....... l ! UU. llllOADW&Y • 110lm1&11Y I 111 BrMwa/, Ollla lllla ~ UMm PACIFIC VIEW • MDIOJllAL PAJll> : eem11I 1 • .......,. : ~I : --Vlew-'N._i-. ~ -PEEi. F.\¥1LY COLONW. PVNELU. HOME '1111 Bolla An. W011mluler - SMITll'f: MORTVAftY 1%'1 Ma 81. llmdhipo- LEMm Wl!STCLIFF MOllTllAl\Y ,U'l E. 1~ SL, CoN. MUI - Bandit, 21, Given Term In Prisoll Gospel Singer Loses $1,400 LOS ANGELES (UPI) Gospel linltr M I b I 11 I Jae-,.porl<d the theft of $1,400 in cash Tue.day. Miu J acbon, 17. aald she cmied the fourteen SlOO l»lls on her person most of the day, which she spent working at the CBS televis!on studio.9 in HollTO"Od. • • Glt8AT! Qnot -.kJ al I ~t,place! The II-, llllillt, USDA CHOICE •teaks . . ,. ..... illily at l!fR. STEAK. How &rcat? n. .,eatmt! You tall make us prov• it aoy bme between ' M lollLY I'll.OT II a.m. and 9 p.m. 2267 F•lnlew Cos11 Mesa 642-0732 Blind Chief Named L~I .... 'I Tratar Vu • Heariftr'. Aid ' ~199 I • ' I -• " • ' • r • • • ( I • • • • i • • " • ' ' ' ' : ' ' • • " • • • • • • ' ~ • .. • -' • • ; • ' • • ' " • .. • • • " ' • " • • •• • ~ • • • ' " i " ,, • • ~ • ' " ' > " • ' • • • • ' ' \; . • • • •• • " • • " • " ~ • • ~ • ' • • • • • • • ' • , • • -• • • l ' ' • ' ' • • I • I '· ' ' • • ; ~ r f • [ ' L -" t ' I -• • ' 'Fot TM Record NEW EXCLUSIVE Slltt Poot T1blts . , • • • • •• • •• • • : ., • • : • • • :1 • • • • • I • : • • r,1 .. . '· ( ~al.if ornill; Legjslature W....,, Fo~ 12, 1969' • • • Ill Action • .,,..._..., -,,,...,,.._ n'llMI lltlllllM 111 ~ Df """-'-''-'' A.I fll. l'llfrti. TMI S•NATa .,,. ....... o.M -· -a...tlfl• ""' ~ ~ltllHI ,., ~ .. -'''"' .. ..... tlltll ... ·--.., Jiit 1,,...1' tltul .,_ If ~ ,.,IK- flN lh ..midloll It 1"'-' °""'' J\11\t lf1 SI ti .. Lff0m1nlrw. 1.0111. Ifill, .. ,....... ...... -'""'"* ""'' •NOlftt ~ ... ti! Of'tallf•'*" .... ldl 1M ti' .... Hr1 In --Nlltnel It •rel.IM ,., dl~fj . •• '"· Whtl!nor .. lt-&.1 H1llr1. (llllMM -(1'111111• C.lllmlM 0.\1 lo 11~ ......... 0.111 u )l)C, OotrNI!~. £>.~............... . ........ -lllC:r'Q.Mt -dlMI ~ ,..,..,'-' ffM'I us .. 5Jt w ma~­ ._ natlt t'Oll\Hf!IAll.i from .... OAILV-u -----· I.• • -· •: ,l 1 • .. ,-I • 1, . lt pt\(IS lfflCl\1I I a\1. f\t41 stoR£S • ' . i OPE" TODAY (~UNDAY) 11 Until 6 ' 12-PC. QUEEN SIZE ENSEMBLE eu~= IMAIC~~· ..... '99 rTHE FAMOUS MAKEl QUilH lotc Spring i nd Mittrm-l'lUS-A Qu"n Sitt Fttme, fotm Mitt,_.. Ptd, Ptrc1ft Filltd ShMI, Pt~I• Top Sheet. Orlon lltnket, W' lol1tw PUlows tnd (2) Piiiow C-.' FREE ' bonus! , . . -. CIUUN·SIZI QUILTID _. INciuDu DUllllG TH1I RAND -IAlll "Only The Mattress King Carries MRY Famous Brand Name In Bedding" Simmons * 8ealy * EDglaDd~r * Spring-Mr * .fostjirepedic * Van Vorst * Beautyrest DISftlllVl'OU FOB. THE FAAIOUS AAIEJUCAN BEAUTY MATI'RESS " I . ' . •s ' .. . ' . '1· : : • ONLY THE MAmtE$SKING OFFERS THIS EXCLUSIVE UNCONDITIO,.Ai. r 'wR:m1N I Gu~nNTEE5 BEDDING SPECIALS " r1 ', " ' . ' ' A s IUf Wl1H CON,,DINCI EVfl't'. MOfASE of 1 Miff,.... Ind lox $prino c1rria 1n UNCONDltlONAt 1nd WRITTEN Gu1ru1t11 . , , Jiu• .. , Our ..i1111w )0.4ly 1u1r1ntff of 11tlsftctlonl •I ffff ~nuu ICINGI ANAHEIM '21 11. lllCl8 ,. ..... , ...... ~ ..... ................. - COSTA MESA 270 IAl'l 17111 IT '42.a27 • .!!:.!':I:. :::.·.i... NAlllD OPINllll9 ll'ICIAL ·9-PIECE CORIER UNIT for yoo.ir 1xtr1 ovtrnigllt outsh • , , or 1 tl'IOll t omfort•blt 1,rovPlnt f« vour den! HUNTINGTON IEACH •nw-mna 192-JHI ,_ ...................... ....., 2to IL 1UITIN AVI. 6U-4742 ··--1 , ........ "'~ TWIN SID . MAmlll A 1ox . ...,..~ • OR ANO OPINING f,fCIAU s4.9•s;. · .. ,. '· ! .. . •·:· 1 . ~:· ~l lo Twtn or Full SIS. .ssn . BED FRAMES ••• Twin Sl&. Vinyl eov.-SJ" HUD,,OARDS •• MONTCt.AIR ' ~ : .5026 MONfQAll Pl.AJA &Afll .'!! '21 .... .. •• "fl ' • .. . ' .. .. " • I I • ' U DMLYl'Uf Comic Has No Regrets In 'Defeat' ... .. If Hie has no he1rt, give her one -or 11vtt1I -of th111 9okl1n V1l1ntin11. Pins, lockets,~ c~ar.ms, R•nclants -11ch 1 permanent r•· mind1r-;rth'rou9h the y11r1 of your V1l1ntln1 *~ rn11H91. IN I 4K from S.00 CHAillLES· H. BARR ' . '" Valen line to the . \ l '-' ''George, I think we've just been otitphoiled." . ' . " ~~ \ • I t (".,• ..,t • ' ' '• ; Have all you r, telephones 'instal{~d a~ once \\'.hen you [llove and you can save some mo ney .. Call our' service repre5Elntative;and she'll explain what to pillttYthere:and why. All you have to do is tell her when, 1 · ·• · .'1.. ,~ GeneraiTuI~phone ' • I '· . ., • " ... larch j1ltta ielel, ,.,.. -' .... ,: a.· • .. ~ ~. • • ,, • ~' ~t •' 'I"' r . . ' - 3 From Co.ast Given Degrees Three art1 resident.a baVe been awarded degrees durtng mid-year commencement es:- erci9es at st. Louil University, St. Louil, Mo. Two ol Ille three ..... awarded degrees u docton of d<ntal S\JJ'flet)I. They · .... Victor K. Groves Jr., tiff El Colorado, Fountain Valley, and Paul M. Hinch, 411 • E. Lit St, Tuslln. The lhll1I, Anne C. Munroe, Jltl Coric Lane. Colla Mesa, . t"eCeiv.ed • bach<lor of arta degree In psychology. ' , , Yiliiil-A Sli.il· •. t. 25,llOO U.~I. vtt.itt;A Uftils. ' 'I:. ltttlt ef C1,s. 111 le ' --., ........................ ! I ' HUNTINGTON BE.¢H • "'~·· 'r & ..... .. . I HUNTINGTON 'BEACH .... ........ • •• I . f • < I ' \ • ' ./ w""""",,....., l2, 1~ -DAILY l"ILOT J ,S I ' ' " ·-"Glassware" .~ . . ' .,...,. -Cme ""' """ 6oW 1-. Rlll~Wm ,. .... -1211.00 : .,,,., 10'1 00 . 11• ,.... : • •1h1 Ir: 10~1 00 .... ~ft'.ll'lp I • ~·• •r. 88' ·'. ::dltoo ~.~. "lflt,.Whel!'' ·~~~-If!~ .•. 1ra.!ty ... , • hurls SiK· 4 49· t1e11i.lf, ~iiafely, Qftl' iUl!lll ramp, 'track aafii! · Thriflina. acµo,_)ol' ..fll! • ' , • , Sii-ON ... 'MiN asttiqo/1· gc for ll'IOljtll wish Ind gli'1lt. , •• ___ ... ., •. ,... _ _:_ __ _..._ 1111. llttle "'KUISIT' ,-. . Mlliq Al*! SIY.otl ... I-""' 1 gc pound 70% ~ ·..iume for eJt!l'llai use.'' et. httl1 . li1li Mimi Iii 11¥~ ••• Ualf, Ii~ 33~ laxatiw. · "' , .. , ....... "Dep" ' . I , IWI SITUllC • -·cEt • ' Vaaium ~le .,_s _..,. ..,; ... Str.t11n r.r .. 1 59 ler,~lscrewdDtn . s\Ollllef, ,up willl ""'41fe. tt. S6:1 • . . "D • ifot'U' r ll£CMISTAWT n;'l .. I TllLITT '. . . tor · ayflll',omatic. 1elitf 1f 1i1•s conJeslidJI. colds 1Nd ~iV le.fer: 1.11 2i1:1 . - ' . • • • . ' " • -1 I ( ., •. • boNALD O'CONNOR '* ~EW TIME I NEW TIME • ••• ,., .. -(<) (IO) '"" -· ··-(C) (30) ·-•-l<ll10l lijit, Cllllll11t lldltw, Abbe Unt, ~ )Ill lllt c;w. ..... m MERV GRIFAN SHOW *NEW TIME/NEW TIME ·--IC) (90) ·, m ... ., -!Cl <"1 ~ m1•e<W•L...,..., c-t (C) (2. 11r 10 !lift) A ~ •ll.llt to h boliNf, llld with mulic. .,_ t:tt• (Q 'ts: -Ml (llllllkltl) '5' ., .. Mdw. Sl111t7 JtMc. d·~ UM• (4t11M} '52 K.,.W.. ......... H-. 1&1181Q ........ ( ..... ) '.13-___ .... ..... uoa-<Cl ........ --(Cl m ,,.. .. , ..... 111 (C) 1:1111-: .... _(.,,,.,I '!f-<I• Dul'Jtl, J1:r•1t llt"1fllld. ·-(<) 11:30 II (C) ......... (COllllllJ) 'Sl JlldJ C.non, tddlt fOJ ) • •:11•-..... -(td-fil '54 -WilllM lnfiatR. ~ M111h1H. ·~ , •• (C) .,... ,... ,,.,.. (ft' mtllOI) '55-fttnk Slnetn. DM\e - e :.JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Qwallty '1i11tilflt eM Dt1"llll1•!.lt S•f'\'1<-• fet 1111M• tt.11 • 0.wt" ef • C.~l•l'f· 1111 WIST IALIOA ILYD. NIWPOIT IU.Cff I ,..-------. r--;:? •• !51.illi-:el!l!!!I ,... _____ ly.:....Clicntts M. Sdials I lllOllD MARIE MN/€ A 60a> lrAIRIE D06 ! : STEVE ROPR GORDO Harold Le Doux ly Tom K. Ryan ~--· '""""' - By Al Smith LINCOLN PIDNT SAY IT UNTIL +lE WAS FIF"TY· l'OUR! By Gn Arriola BIRTHDAY SALUTI -john Green; above, dis- tingu!Jbed composer<0nductor, willbost a ball-hour special celebraling the 7lst birthday of Roy Harris. Two worb of Harris' will be performed. Appearing on the program with Green will be Harris, and Johana and Danny Green, Jtidytb Walker, Dr. Walt- er Rublamen, Charles Bernstein and Stanley Plum- mer. • TELEVISION VIEWS Joan Blondell Gets Valentine By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Joan Blondell gels a valentine tonight, a romantic fling with an old flame on ber weekly television show. Joan, who plays a faded." swinger on "Here Come the Brides," is usually left to chaperoning a boalload o! beauties dumped in SeatUe before the turn· of the ceutury. TONIGHT, however, she comes face-te>-face with an old lover. The meeting turns them both on briefly and provides some fun. Joa~. a trouper with her family in vaudeville as a 3-year-old, is better company than any other actress in television -bar none. Her sense of humor is acute and intact. "Running into en old lover on television is easy for me, it's happened a few times in real life,11 she said. "As the kid• say, I could relate to the script. I was prepared." JOAN HAS made more than 100 movies, 50 guest shots on television, starred in Broadway shows and made more radio and vaudeville appear- ances than she can count. She's also bad three husbands and is now a widow. "I retired three times for three different hus- bands," she rec8lled during a lunch break on the 'ABC-TV show. "Now I want to work. I would be silly to retire for two pug ,dogs. I call them Bridie Murpliy and Freshness Murphy and bring them to the Studio with me." JOAN WORKS only three days a week on the adventure drama, which 8.llows her to live com- fortably in a home overlooking the San Fernando Valley. It's a big change from her sophisticated New York apartment, but she relishes it. "Before this show I went on an 83,000 mile tour of this country in a bus for a series of one-nighters in 'Derk at the Top of the Stairs'! Believe me," she sighed. "It's wonderful to be settled down in one place again and working regularly." Joa.n has travelled as much as any performer alive. HER FATHER was the star of Edward Blondell and Co., which toured the world in "The Lost Boy." Every member of the family played in the company at one time or another. "When I began in movies my father was upset because I played the fresh chorine instead o( more respectable parts1" she laughed. "But he was proud of me just the same.'' Miss Blondell was blessed with the face of a female of dubious virtue. Whenever a producer or director wanted a girl who looked as though she fiadn't been near a convent they sent for our girl Joan. Happily, they are still sending for her and so far as is known Joan hes no plans for convent life. Detanis the Memree 1 I ' •oyalty Flushed Amsiea C~t 'Laugh-In' Gags MELllOUJINE, ·~alla Ille lhlrd -C111 llllr (UPI) -~.....,. dollberatlan. have cut from Ille ltOwan and ;ii.. finl two ...., to ba,. Mlrlio televiaton show . been ~ on Ille "Laugh-In" three jobs refer. acna like a ticlleNape ring to Brita.icl'• 'Queen melllge. wei:e: • Elizabeth ·~·her husband -· Prince Philip 11eopo with Prince Philip-. · a queen. Two of Ille Jokls were _: Prince Pblllp II-in ordered out of tbe AmerklD 'show lmmediat.ly by the • queeii-slzed bed. '.g°'emment~led witch-The third, wblcb would have doC of public m o r a I s wbi!e ""'° beard during a cocklall ~ti-CIUIT i ... IAI • lfi """plrty sequence. Wll! "I cloo't' . er U Ille Queen -lake ,. tbe·pill, 1 sun ·refer to Britain _ •-u the mother country."" ' I REGULAR PRICES ... _ "DOCTOR DOLITTLE"· ..... ............. ·-··"· "Johnny Appieleed,. Ct r}:s a• W ... s.t-IH 1110, ••• FrllllJ fml'DrJ K 1111 I DI 111 Ml • TIR llllOlllM\91111! Starrinc: LOUUWIJ lllEBUmlll --.--·JI CllECIMATES, LlD. 41•----=c TICOllW --mE GENERATION GAP mE ROYAL TAllmANS mE SANDS OF TllE mEGOl.D£M HOftSES!t!!E REWE. PER PERSON Enjoy. UnRmlled Uoe of an D!aneytand AdvenWresendAttntctionS (UO.pt -"-In& .....,..., • Plus: A Spectacular Fireworks Show TJCkets on Sale February 14 et Dtsnoyland Box Oftlce only • $:1 .!iO • Tickets miilabfe at Wallichs Music.City Stores, All Desmond's Stores, Bank of America Branches (with BankAmeric:ard) and Disneyland Box Office. ' . A top-rated hit in '68 .... See it shine again in '69 lUllE Ill TOlllDHTI ' . SINGER pesents crBE BEA'!' OF 'l1IE BRIM starring HERB WERT & 'l1IE crLllJANI . BRA&& Channel 4 9pm . NBC:fV IN COLOR •.t.ROIN •ROY• "ll CM-...,,. Or1nte (OUlll'y ~llJI NllAMllM llJ N, ~· SU-11» "" .... '"' c.Mtr COITAMIU. lrllt.1•~ ... ..., --- COSTA MllA 2')llO HM11Dr MOit. NUNTIJfOTOJI 1-..CM SANTA A•A IC.I f.11" HarbOr Cfllfm' l!dltltW ,, kKll °"""'"" "7-"41 :tOS '#. "II II. Hunlin.e-Ctfltlr !Cl M41 ( • Tlaeater Notes • l Crossword Puzzle • Z/12/M . 1 10., 31 Body of produCt Jtwlsb In I Cmfedtntlo• 41 R• lw • 9 Placts flat 43 T11ntd ""'I ..,pie ... .-11s1 • •rvor 10 •••••• •• ·radio ... c ... anltl: 41 Half: 2 woNs Prefix U Jal •••• 51 Yltld 1Z Kind of 55-,.., wblslay 51 Rtllll!>o U 1111 mlall ID wtslm Zl ~Id ll Toot II tum11•1• on tht 1 .. ZJDclltt 59 ~~ a11fad 60F-25 Pnlt a •• sio .. DOIN 27 .xlzt 61 Easy Jab l Fln•lal 21·r=~• 63 Pine, la lftsUlllllOO cl E... S111lo z '"'°'""" 29 •••ti .. tr= 3 S!yle 31 tnvlgontlno wat 4 CowloullllS •d•JI' 6S Ttnlllt 5 E•WlaltY 3S Legal ,.,.. of trntmeat: affair India '~. wordlflat 34 A•rlcaa 68 A• ..... lndl1n other DlJ." 35 Eltlltlllllf IG4llO 7 •NOW OPEN• CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES SATURDAY, SUNDAY lo HOLIDAYS LOCATED ON A spECJJ.uy CREATED PLATE AU OVERLOOKING NEWPORT HARBOR, MEDITERRANEAN IN STYLE AND IN THE MUSIC CENTEIU'ltADmON, EDWARDS NEWPORT cum.IA JS THE , 1\105'1' MAGNIFICIENl' MO'llON PICTURE Tl{E4.TRE IN TllE WORLD 1· ' . " EXCLUSl9J AREA ENGAGEMENT *"DAZZLINQ.FOit•• yM M• It, p.'11 ....... , •91i11 pie· W•1fl0-• I J.ill•t' tivlft th• w•y y•v clW t..for•I" _.,,. ROMEO l'JULIEf No ordinary 10"8 etory __ · • \ ·=;----,.,...----=--. - -,.. ...... 6:41 .... ,. ..... . C8?80D McCullen• searching and semitive story of innocence lost that has become an uenduring masterpiece.• Jrall\...t1illi i.1fllins ---...... -......... _ .... .............. ......... ·-- --i·~ .............. , ... ,t4. C<CW•lilola;;.;1;;;11 .... -s.. _, S.. tr.. 2 _1.a. ALSO SE~ECTED SHORT SUBJECTS EXCLUSIVE .ADA ENGAGEMENT , ..,.,..0... ........... ...... .-. ........ . ..._, CLIBlllllff" . , ..... _.... IWEAl&&ICIWf ' --.PEGl3V•a UCFI ROMEl.A.....,......,.. ••• 5 .. "COOGANS ILUFf" • DAILY "LOT . JIJ !IJDDJQ)lf At .......... ......... llWflOllT IUCN • ot.Nle c-t . ....., Mii I ,. .. ' Tho -llolutlfvl Mullcal Lowa Si.rt Iver -----at It 'lar_Prl _____ • , 2 Great Disney Hits Together JllD Gilli • TOMMY likMUllAY &AISON MIL • le THE IJAPPIEST MIWl*AIRE TICHNICOLOI -~· -I t . WI' 111111 !J™_. . '1\111\•1•• '• .,. 'tro1WNll • · ·j • _.,.. , fAUI ··'.-• :. ~ ..... -• --tUtmHeTON •UON • ... ,,,..... Allt flnt ,.,.. ..... ' -:r--!• . I Porter Puts it Plainly I / • J ' I I J. DAil y I'll.OT WtdtondlJ, ,....., U,1'169 ' ( e "DILIMlt,C.-_ .. ~.,.,... c ......... : ~ .... ..._•I a~ ~-s••lll(llhit ee.tw, ..... ..,_ If•,......, ' Men Can Also Be Infertile • I 1 0• ..._•••'I 11 Os "c .. .tr Pl-...,._~ ... W, ...... _. ..... St.-W...,"c..tw, Sctflff AH B1Pt11r-,MD Dear Dr. Slelnmlla: I ftlll a baby. We wut a baby. My husband and I .hive been =led !or five yean. So Ill' nothing \1\1 dlsap- poinlmea~ I ba,.. been to a good gynecologill. He says I have normal tubes, ovaries and uterus. 'lber<!ore, he bas sugg~ that my husband go to a doe- to< for eaamlnallon because DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE he may he the ln!ertile one. But he rduses, saying lhat he is u Virile and healthy .. liDyooo ol bis male friends who already have I a r I e famillea. Perhaps you can con- . vtnce htm to go. Mrs. D COMMENT: rD try to o!Jer 10me pertinent fact!, but: J can"t promise that 1'11 con-1 Vince him. The fact ts that a virile man may'have •a low apenn count. It does no( detract from his masculinity. H he gels to believe thl.s, then perhaps he will agree to have a physical q11imhwtion by your family d~tor; and Jater put llhnself in the bands ol • jenl19<1rinary speclali.!t to cbeeJc "' him. H ba finds lhat bis sperm count and acllvity II normal, then all you and he can hoiie to do Is keep trying. Many ·have bad· large families after chUdJea 'flnt years ol mar- riage. l . . • Btauty ·SHctacular •1 Gtlore U,.tl .. 33c . . -. t6!' H. Y.idl Plastic -JI '• S2 ·Gallon ·Trash Cans '$7: 0 . I . Jumbo plattic ttuh caa. .. it h Dlltc:bitl& lid -metal handll:s. Bur .2 Ind 11tt ™'· . _..,,, lo..m fil!Cd, • 1criped ptillt· ed cottoa ticlc i 111 . '$24:9$ V.alue R.c.A; · · ,Radio-Pho~o Co~~ination 516~6 -. Perfect for' lhe young SCl! Battery operation aslju.rff fun on the go! Sglid sta~ _.,_no t ubes to tiurn out! Suppose be does find lhat your husband has a low sperm count? What, then? His doctor will go Oil· the diagnostic trail, . ' HAS HE ~taking tran- quilizers, bohnones or ·an- tibioUcs? Sometimes these suppress normal spelm Pro: duction. " ~th ·.-t&¥ktngJ t o'n f!t. ~ • • .. · ·~· ··.-. .""': Sometimes varicose veins in the spermatic cord can be C<XTeded by surgery. · Has he suffered severe emo- tional shock and been ill tbtse years since your marriage? Does be bave diabetes, which sometimes causes low spenp · count? Chronic alcohollsrTi can, t.oo. I have found. that some men · with low sperm counts im- prove cm thyroid extract treat· ment If they have low basal metabolisms. In some cases treatment wlth vitamin Bl2 or with cortisone have helped. THE MAIN point. t have been trying to make for your husband are two: 1. It is not always the wife who U the one who ·is inferUle. And there aboU1d be no blow to a man's pride to oiler himself up for eumlnati.oa, too. %. H be baa a low sperm coun~ this should he no sJinal for smTmder. Often it can be improved. In an early Childless mar- riage there is greater op- portunity for Sl!Cc... il both maniage .jier.tnets a~ equal re tiJ>on al bf Ii t yin determinIDg· the reason for failure. Once the cause has been foundf there is greater chance ftr success. FOR MR.-N.' Be thankful for your own decision to get rid of the long gun in your home. lt't: a miracle that it went off In your ll·yeaN>ld ion's b-and1 without decapitating htm. I think you (and others) will he 'im.r.sted In these stalistica,by· Ibo Metropolitan Life ~e Company. FirearmJ are a greater danger m the homo than to the hunte. ln the field. NEAllLY THllE&FIFl'llS O< 1,500 of tho 2,IOll estlmat.d fireann acddent deathl In the Unlt<d SlaJel In 1111 resulled from mllhlpl in and about the home: ; .The weapon most often fn'flo)ftd WU a long gun, i.e., a sbotruo or rifle. Eleven percent ol thooe fatally In- jured ...,. ,_ age 10. Most frequently1he weapon was ac· cidentaU, 'cliJcharged while In the bands • ol the .ic11m .. another younpter, often a brother." Lei us protect our kids from thematlves, and oune.lves, too. ·~ke Y!lg.'fa-le 2'i"'1·Alumi' ·a C.mrpleces $\" v-.r. FOiidu:f.t W"""1Jlfe.likHioyl aa· Alwnlawn .... ·n<k $699 colois; apprmimatcly C •nd' alcpbol bcuner. 10" o•eraJJ, f o r Smart bdabt colon. kitchen. Ill!~~ ....... ~~ ... ~ ",,,... $14.95 Yalu~! . Folding Bea , With Mallieis Sf" '*~~' ~~~-; ~-. . FREI ROLL Of FiLM . ' hstnlGft Kod-lor or Th~fty llad( •'"' Wliho 120 -126-127 -620 WM -" Niii .. -'-t 1t1.i•M1 .... ,.wllle e 1JW ......... St.•W• Ina• WettllrMkC..W, .......... :~w .. t ,,, • ...._._, •• , .... t•ltllllly ... •C' C I Ii• I lplt ............. ............. .... ,to$•·" ,.. ·--11oniaura\ Al\t1111lS .u=t '1" ....... ·~1111 • . ..... $1 •" ........ -. Record l\1111111' ...... -6Q¢ •"!""' \ol<b. v "'"' SltSI ,.......,.. -,. "'"' ,,,, . EY!R llFOlll IT THIS LOW PRICE lplolll Seleolle• IZ l1cll LP. • 'Monaural • Albums Y•••'...,..47 ...... ...i ... c ~~ ........ ill "'!!-. 'lll'Vllt THIS .~~T _,.. ,.1e1r Special 1 AssOl'hnent ,..,.,,...., -.... , ~· . """'' 97c n. -. . ~rd buy ia ~e .. -...... _...,..,., Start itamn.;~ booii.: kuipa ~;-JO• ail.: .. ,[ID:~ ~ to.u 1.,a ... ...,.Jk • 69' H. Sn C••IFJ :~., ...... 2i.."1 ··-4" Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner ••••• 381 59'°h;JOH Yrmdow Cleaner •••• 441 1fitr.11 ,....,..., ... flff•..W 79'·Dow a.throom Cleaner ••••••• 5~' SAYE 50¢ I "Groot S.i01los Alf!!r · FREE DISCOUNT "'",,.... ..,,,.,.,;' -· '"'"" 11 t• Febnory 16 TICKm TO 0v•• ,. """ .. _, ''" ••"'"" •IMI '" .,... 1•mnr N~ ~ • ,,.... •• '1 OClml"""· -· - . . ·~ 0 . Our ·Foremost plastic .. lc:icketed weight set H•r•'• fulf the ••t to start you on a regular exercise program that'll get y~u Into ahaJMI Our pla1tlc (acketed Mt won't mar floors, ha1 1unbunt Interlock plat•, 11 great for 1tud.ntf or adultsl Elecltlc m••aa• belt for • lllm, trim youl A tremendous li°uyl Reg. 59.98 ~·. NOW 52.88 Pay• lttle •ti per month Ma11ager with 1' HP IMIW .. )'OU ........ • ,., ............. for"'°"'' .. ...., ...., ........ , • • • • 0 • Reg~·l9.88 NOWl7.88 Our deluxe thrH w•y exercl• qcl• m1ke1 It fun to reclucel Reg. 59.98 NOW . 52.88 'Pay ae llttle • $5 ~ lftOftth OMethe ..... ....., .... plet• exercl1• worko•t. leat, ......... ancl~ll lllOV9 In • ....rnuoua .,de • Pa'f aa atire • $5 pw month. No clown payment , • , UM Pen.._,. nme Payment Plan NEWPORT BEACH fashion 1.S.nd) .. '.' t l ... I ' ' HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntlnpn Center) .. • • ' • ti • .. •• 1; Save 3.98 on 2 "llon1 of Custom Interior enamel I Reg. 5.99 NOW I. tor $8 • Highly washable 1emi-glo11 oil bale enamel • Durable finish with a low lustre sheen • Goes on smoothly on'd easily, drfea qulckty • Non-toxic, ideal for children's room1 Custom MmJ.9los1 tint baM Reg. S.99 81L NOW 2/$8 SAVE 55 ~ Decorator vlnyl tll~ . ~nd panels Reduced ·thru Saturday onlyl RIO. 2.t9 ... NOW 2.44 l'tcg. of I (12• a 12") · °' pkf. of 6 <12" • 24"> leautlful, 3 dimensional tl!.1 eos· lly t1klc to most surfaces. Choice itf '"'"'· NEWPORT BEACH (Feshion lsle~d} Pe1111craft latex 111ake1 a1y paint lob 10 111uc• easlerl • Drfpleu, no meaay splatter • 1 gallon covers approximately 350 square feet • Dries In 1 .. 1 than 30 minutes • Waaha.,le and fade r•lttant Reg. 5.49 per 1allo11 NOW · 2for17 C11ton1 Interior tin IHI•• R•t· 1.49 tal. NOW. 2/~7 HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) -------------- IAYI Mt ON THI •IOUP Our lt•ll•n Provlnclal ~ · 8 pleei Cllnlng groupl Reg. $480 .. Now 5411~ Pay 11llllle1111.IO ,_month Camvlly trahcl hclrdwoodt and cherry ·wn..,.. In thll groups an oval table plu1 one t.af, a four ~ china doeet (1 glaa), 5 ·•Ide chain, and 1 arm chcilr, the chairs ~ed~belge. IAYI SIO ON THI •ROUP -~ . Our 8 pltc• modern walnut dl~I~ groupl .. Reg. $49~ NOW $419 _ :: • llltle 1111.~ per month II , uncluttered· walnut ven"r over hardwood In this groupa a _ thlna breakfront, a rectangulaf " table with one leaf, five aide chairs , and 1 arm chair upholstered In : ~vrnyL •• ,. S64 . ON THI GROUP Our five piece modern w1lnut ~r~m groupl· ·Reg. $459 NOW$395 .· Ply 11 llttle .. $11 per month Handsomely hullf of aelecNcl. wot. · nut veneers ·over harclwoodt A 6 drqwer trlple drt11er, vertical . . mirror, five drawer chllt, night · stand and full/ queen size head· · board wfth frame:. Ktng. size. also . ~vallable. '---------~___;~~'------------~----___;..~__;_~-------------------.--i.~;.....;..----~ NO MONIY DOWN,,, USI PINNlrS TIMI PAYMINT ~LAN . . , . ~ ' NEWPORT BEACH ( Fashion Island ) HUNTINGTON BEACH .{Huntington Center.) ~ - ..-.... r~==========~~=======~~=~·l All ~ Stores ~n Ev~ Night Monday Through Saturday •4 -.. - S.ve $20-72" sofa Reg. $199 '179 fabric or vinyl NOW Pay a1 llttf t a1 $8 p« Nnth Save $10""'!'Matching Reg. $1051951 high back chair NOW . . Poy GI ftttf. 01 "·'° .,., 1nonth Save $13-Rc>cker, Reg. $125 '112 fabric or vlnyl NOW . ,.., .. 11ttlt .. u,. ... Save $4 on the Reg. $35 13111 matching ottoman NOW 1 • Savf $5-End table in dark oak S.ve $3-Bunch table In dark 01k Poy •• htttt c11 SS per "'olft Reg. $50 '45 NOW Pay •• llttlt at $1 per tn0nth Reg. $31 '28 NOW P"'f .. flttfe OI $1 Plf fftOnlfl S.ve $6-0ctagon1I Reg. $60 154 table -dark 01k NOW ,.., .. llttf• .... ,., ....mh • Hardwood irame1 of Spanl1h oalr ~ • CUlhfona are 5" zippered, revenlble Polyurethane · foam • No IOI eprlng "" IOftltructicn NO DOWN PAYM8NT ••• USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN-PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY WITHIN OUR LOCAL AReA CUSTOM ORDER CONVERTIBLE SOFAS IN . MODERN, ~LY AMERICAN, _TRADITIONAL ••• REDUCED I 20% NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH .. ~ .... '.. ... ... ···•· .. -.. "' --' ' '' .. t I 4 ,._.. • . ' .. (Huntington Center) . • I • • I, I ~ ' ' -... -- r--.,..-,. -.J'!ll.lNY SIZ ,. .... •. : . •sreo1 i.o ' ·-· ·~ . ''19 Nri . . 2JS . ' . • BRAKE OVERHAUL 20~1LE 6!1AIANI& :COMPACT CARS fALCONS. COMITS, CHEVY H'S AID 22 88 CORVAllS e 'MratcA'N CAii Otn.t .STANDARD CARS . o~~s ~:.os . 27. 8a PlYMOUm e MllKAN cAil·OfCl'r ·Bftf'CARS ' -POllTIACS. IUICl!S; • J2.8 8 OlDIMOllUS, AND CADIUACS Mll~N CAM ONLY , CllTIUI PIOMCll IA-6 -cnmm • IUll1lTMIR , ·rs WllAT WI IOt -.. : 1:. ..... i::.=:~··--: =:rAt.:.~ --~· IM ... .~.......... . .......... ) ' .. Miii!.......... . .... ' . . SEALED· BEAMS ...... : ... aac I M'f'S Clfrllft 1 .... JOOI I . ... . . -. . Wfdondo1. r~ 12,' 1969 I _. ( . J ~LY .'!l!f ll ' ·flS~-CUSTOM ·240 . ANY Silt. LlslEDI . . . , ... ., ' . ., -. '\ --·.-. -: .. • ' Pl~ f,_.,r11: Eitdae Taa , , -'·· ..... , .. , AKY .S1ZE 6;50x13 l,7$ 7.75x14 ~l_SJeD. 2.20, • 7.75x15 .. s1.2,·· 2.21 . ' 1;25x14 .. Z36 A.II price• plua f .. ral"Exc!M Tu -· Whi•wollt u .oo'Mor. lath. I : ' WllllllYI••• TO.UMIT QUANTntll BRAND NEWI FISK AIR Fil nR lfG. to$3.97 ' , .•• ; • 3 DAYS OHIYI Savu au. inc:tt.UeS miles ~sa11on. i traps dust and dirt particles. lets only clan air into carburtlor. R~ p11ct your air filttt often. Easy to install. J4-2000.'. ' TURTLE.TUNE-UP TAPE PLA-Yll CUSTOM IATIBY ........ , 49·"' """-,,,, .... "' 7~f , °""'""' 4J.ol200 .. JMI:~~· , ... '. lfa: ·~·'' . ,. .... . ·~n.m.w , 'f • • ' ' • ! • • • ' •-~ • • I ' . I ' • TllllLE$~ 1TIRE :REPAIR I .·.1 ·~ I •AYl;OM.fl ,.,..,, aae · • I . ~"!·CHROME· . IJEVER~E !Wl:l~ELS lfG. $Jl.97UCll 1~:·· . -"'"" 3 DAYS OHIYI Sp1rklin1 all chroini WW gives your car that allOm ' lpoft lbok. Welded airtfidll tbr ube or tubeless Cirts. S,.CW · kag nu cs art not rcquire4 :?1-1000 . . '' I ' . wESTMINSllR 15440 RACH II.YD. AtMd'•••11 m .:IOll-· BUENA PARK . , UIS UlfCOLN,AYI. At Y.., V..,. 116.jlQO .. ~·BUEf'ilA PARK 530l llACH II.YD. At brltwi.llr • . su-.-~ -- .CQSTA MESA ·nOo. H,U10a II.YD •. At WllrMill . -.... · .. 141.2092 · -•t • m SANTA ANA .. . .. -• _...;__ ..... , ...... _, ___ ~ --·-~·-··---·---,,_ or _,... --·-· -----. • • -..... _,, ...... !.J..:.J.1 ... --" ' " I ' • I ·1 r ' Jt l&Y"-" .(SI • s t1, ...., w• Y• .. Melley'• Werda Stock MIP Alive and Well I I I I I I r • . ""• •.. • • · .r•Plll• tttl' , I Kay Labs Open Plant, To Sell Medical Pack Kay Laboratorlet, l n c. , weeJd.wlde dlllrtbut«a o I Te!IQ>Ald, nceotly _.s HI doors 11 llO Pn>dudlcla Ploce, Newport l!acb. The newJ1 formed eom- pony'a pnoldent and chairman ol tha boud, Frank J. l)om. ln(uu. aald lhlt II npecll lo .,_ •-13 m!Woo In the ~ market during the llnt yur. Tem.p-Atd, 1 n e w ln-atan-flrlt.old hot and cold pock, avlllahle In many alul, wia orlllna1l1 developed lly Thomu E. CGnlwaD, 0r..,., -tho Product DevtJOll!IMll& * .. lir dl!t --· DomJe I npl.a1tled that TemP::Ali 1J mldt up of ~a hannlal chemical formula Freeway to houae a .,,OIXI 1qure fool bulldfnl with 10,0llO oquare feel lo r warehousln(: 7 , It t for -· development and m1DU11cturtni, and l,!00 for ..-a1 of!lee spa<e. "We expect our preeent stall ol IO tmploye1 lo double in the very near fuWre," ht added. llominfua llllllOWICtd thal Martin Roston, Ill Anaheim attorney, will be the cor· por1Ucm'1 secretary, Dr . Ml11rlct A. Lyncb, Nawporl Buch, will be mearcll con- IUltant and lecbl!ICfl adviler; Clmlol ]). """"· 1.q\1!11 -· dlNet« al aPer•tiool; and John A. Adams,' Newport Shores, marketinl manager, athleUc diviaion. •ncued ... d11nhle, ye1--------- pllant plollJc pack lo produce • -..1ce poet, and • dry or ..., heat pock, In a malWr ti tan - I:kynl •••• Mid ~ Labs II alnlq DOCOllitlos for 1.ulW _._ .... In <>ruse Coan1J iloM lo the Newport We Cover Boating Best In Wes! Man of the Year LARRY ADAMS A. R' ¢ I ....... of Sot6in CaUflrnia. Mr. AdlJDI t1o+ ' ' -U. Uni...., ti llaullllra Calllamla ud __ .. 1-a_ Bo .. I 1rcfdM :::r .... II et fllld ti - -... -plannlq nwwm hla .aJce al Ill u.--1quare 1n Oranae. · CorNlf D. lry.nt, C.LU. _ ,,, __ _ .......... c ••• ,.... r I PreMetetl Busy Bridge Brenton R. Ogden, man- qer of the 'Newport Beach olllce of Dean Witter • Co., lncorpora· lid, baa been elected a vice prllldent o f t b e firm. A dally averap of 1141,JO& veblclto puoed OYV tho San ~Bayllridft in 1111 llCWidlnf lo fllurt1 rel.-1 tod'7 by th< DM1lon of Bay ToD Cro11ln1 1, Calilomla Deputment o f Public Worb. -----In ,111 19th Y .. ,._ ____ '11 Investment Course • ORA~E COAST COLLEGE ( NoMm1111onci..,... :A.It latrell•ctl•11 t• th• ~••le f11N1MM .. ft M f-•ti.t It C.0 ,,,, .. 1t11h. .. l'Mll .. Mtlft1! "'"''* C...tn1M111t ..... 111141"9 i l.1111 At11cl1tl1111. l11t1IHIM t1 tl¥1 '''cticcl b1wl9'f1 •' 111· v11h'llt11h and 1t11.li 11.chil'lt• '''''tl111. ' WM. L O'BRYON, ln11Tuclor ....... ,._, ,,,. .... ....... _ .. , i• 7111 .. tlM,.... .. __ 11 .............. --........... Ltctw9 • OVER THE COUNTER -A- NASO L""'°P fir T ...... y, ~......,., 11, 1Hf ~ I " .':. Tuesday~s· Clo • Prices;-· -... Comjllete • . New . ' .. . .. ........ 19.J. ... -... Stock Exchallge 'Lisi-- American Stock List • II DAll.TPILOI' j ,! i.-. ". • • -. ----.... -.. -------....-----~~--...------ Midwinters LAYC Readies for ' Windward Pas8age Wins Race FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -'Ibo 'IS-fool telcb -p_,. let ..... elapood time r.. tho ....ne ISi. . Pe!Alnburl lo F o r I Laudmlal• yldll race Mon- day, bat a IJ.met<r beat tho bllYodll.., ~time. The Windward p •••••• t ownid by llOb Jolmlon and flylnl ihe burgee fll tho l•balna Yldll Club fll Maul, Hrnll, -tho flDllb line al 11 :4Ul to beat ·tho 1112 nc<ild Ill by. the '1'1ConderosL 'Ibo AmtrlcaJ) Eagle, u- -lllcop ulled by Ted ~ fll Allanla flDllbed at 1:41' p.m. lo beat I ho -P-Oll cor-rected time by about 17 mtr.J&M. race cificllll aald. 'Ibo lleel left SL Ptteraburl at ,_, Saturday .., the run down the Florida Weal Coul and ·--from Y.f!'/ WeeL Keel Boat Race Slated 'llllAT or THE ol!Jor Wiii CoNI boall bl the -T 'lbof ... not ~ bill-bid, thank ,.... Don A3fft Jr.'• C.1-411 Melee lrom NllYC wu BCYC Hosts Semi-finals llthla c.rtnthlu Yacht Club will hmt the Southern Callfcaiia Yachdni "-ii• Uon ladder .. m1.flntll ot tho Prince fll Welea ellmloation aerl• Saturday tJ>d Sunday. 'Ibo Prlnca fll Walet «>111- petttion II a aaUonal matcll raclna aerie1 lqlOlllClftd by the North Amer1can Yadll Racing Union. BCYC contendm will uJl ap1na1 the Cbalmel crulltrc Club entry bl C«wodo-15 aloops. BCYC r • c e n t l )' deletted Ille Saeli Bari>lra Sal1lnl Club In Cal·MI. ocC II freah from a mtorr over tho Lillie Ships Fleet fll Long Beach In Cah10s. I. r ·. VAILV "11.0T U RIJDGE'I' l'LBAlitNG Al'·BOJIEWMR! •a.M.AtlC PLARl·LIG LOU-ING CULOI Ill $ ......... . Sa.. 31%1 .. JCM1f praffi .. at ._ with "'-loeg floM119 pojal'llCI l•g lolntiing alalla HM twa ot this tiny priml Crisp coftoR ad mft acetate tricot ame In floral. 1•:a•trk a•d border prinft with zip f10nt or bad. deli..., poileb, ,.11 b.hs and c:.ond•blia. lhirnd waist. fiott.ri"8 nNk ..,,.. ....... '"""' ...... ,., .... ,.... ,.;1h lo,.t collan. .._,_, print11 S, . M, L 3,, HCh • •• FASHION .2.lft. -·..:::: .. /lfORE FABVLOllS SPORrSW'EAJI SA\llN6Sl ~,.,.-. 100% ACRYLIC SLIP.ON TURTLINICK IWIA.1'11 . ~··· 1·~ value . C.S-'3%1T-....... on tlli• wersatile stipon ~ ter of oaylie lnit ID aii iotel'elfiitg souffl• ~ f oshion colon wilb COii,.,. ing ed9e •• 11edt. 5'cMf sleeves aad botto-. Si:r:• l4tq 40. -POLKA DOT OYllliLOUll c.99wl•• 3" IDGll FASlllO!\' SPORTSWEAa Ill' I.OW PIUCEI: COLORFUL TWILL IPRlllG SLACKS S.99 ftlUe• "'" 0 S....22"1f-~--........... - Clf9 Wli 11\4S• F__.. llOIJ•• _., c:.-. .... .,,..i lri1lo ilppw ftant. -waiif olld 21• ..i8 ...,._ Sliiny •not ._ tri• ff ""'1* •lldtab.H-tcof--·•tal& IAIY·CARI TIXT,URID POLYllTIR SHEATH JUNIOR DRiii 2.Hv•I••• 227 LINlal.OOK MINISKlllT s ......... 3" A. Eatyoear• rib tel!Nted pol,.at.1 clrms is a perf•ct trmeler. oboul-lown Of ~lown.Jultrinte aad hang, wrinkles d.Pappear. flathtfina cowl lliKk a11d yolal aty1. tng are accented by thrM square lmtoM. Mi~ pink. turquoise. maize, liloq size1 7 to 15. Sew. 2'%1 I0,99Yll1Da 7'' .IUNIOR PITID SPRING COAT L frtsh-os1pring toilor9d coat featv,. pop1\ar lcrwered waist sryling with o'fernr•d seam detailing tfmt continues to 111 half-belt bat1, •eat fla,..T podcets. Slnoothly tu'tured wool and rryloa shetlond b l•i•crted tu hold its shape-. Wlihotpowderblve. Sizes 5 to 13, iu•ior P91it.. SD\'9 22%1 19.99 ••••• 1547 ••sNOolllON lllORTSHIDS a.•9 An ...... ~ .... A. MOC& flllfl.I Nkl IJCIT stiln •• PHMAH!HI' PIESS' 50% -.1o,. C"" pol)IOllot and '°" -'"'' ... for ....... with """ """" HadPWttal Jtripee .. __,eel malers. S.M.L I. WOWlll •Ne~ PUlll IPOli 11111\'s ... 65% ,..., .. , .... 35%_ ... _ HMPllESSRnilh.l.tgolarooller ..,.. with ......... ... -..-.... -"'"" ........ s;,.. s. M. ~ ...i lCL SQ¥9 25%1 Hand- bol' with today'• n4Hlf litlJ. look ON styled trith ••lfi. i:ippett and paclcn so tM(r• useful 1t1 well 01 afttodiYL leqther look pl. .. tic handbat1 wUk sh1tulder etrap Of d~·-·· Illa~ bot1•, bei1• or brown. SA'YJI BIG BOYi' s:::;i:.:~~~~ ' ... , 311 ••••• IOYS' ........ SPORT SHIRT ,,,, 12' ••••• I. Scrl9 36%1 Wt Nlectioft of popvJ.r Mftort '°"" c•llor '"""' of PHMAH~NT Pitts 1--.... 3 7. . unll llBS' ~ .... '.) 111.A!Mf ':/ 2.99 1·~' walu• -""' 0.,, -· n~i·• .., ... ,,. .. t.t. • \plodtot _ .... .. -_._ ... ...., CH' ..lid ....... '°"'· ~ -;. ·-... ,_ ..... wtn COY . ............ UDOllDo alACll iiUiiitLAtl'Uuilt 1-tlVI. -111111 llAWTllOIMlk ... At.0.U.~- •All•l-ft · •-"* cuo•a PAIK ~-... llOOUVllt .... flltlUTN 'ILft. ' ~··""~ JOIAMU CAtmttt II.YI. ar IOKot ••• & IAYI ·-IDU SAT. to fO ....... 10 TO'· IAnlfAm ., ........ •·llUllTY •• ·-....... ~ ~ --· --. .,. • .-. I 1 , I I P • • 4 • ,~, JIU!' • 'w......,, ,..., )2.1969 Wed'"""· Ftb<l111 12, 1'169 B8·2 C.llLV 1'1!.0T ~~! ... ~~~-~!~~!.1!· ~~!i~! ~~.~~2 . .!.~e-!!~~ . ..,i Jllr. .. * B. A. Sdiool. -ML Su AJ>. One ol II eeliltod ..., tbol Sbuta Lue e u n t I• I I • n lbe W Air '-"""'-Pbologr1oltic SQuadton 11 at 10. He 11 a graduate ol Costa m.i-.tt • Mo, c.r,oa l4lllo Coller• belcn aoterlJlll mile .. lbe Ph I oo a Belch. ' lit la a grldulle ol Nowporl lbe Naval~ Sfat\00, Apna. Mesa Hll'b School, llM, and do{ -. Illa ... .....,. lbe .me.. wllldl ....,.... u onttn ba~ .,e.w Hlcli School and • Guam, llaTiana lllands. 1ttendodbr..,.. Coalll College ID I qall otllill MlllllrJ AiUft lallon ..atlend over thNo tlrt id!:~.:~ ol Saata -Oranje Cou1 College Hll ~ fllel lbe RA~ bd~ aoterlJlll lbe ""'1«· C-Ollll 11 ~ AFB Pft. LC. RkUn1E.1W1er1, ,.ppart -· t. Ullltl In "" belon eotorlng lbe Ml'Vi<e. llllywarrtor· ftl --, N.IL~otlw-tr~ .. -o1 Mr. &Dd !In. -Inc ltrlngenl """'PPIY ~---.. ·•··"-Y alraaft on cartographic A1n1D O.WI P. Dielz, oo u a A1l:llJ: fa 1 e.n lo r f FAlftae L. Hebert of Mt eon. demtnck. ..We work a a ~ • • • •I Ea 1, ... IL LllJ m. milllriom lo the Soutb PacUlc of Mr. and ~ Roger Dietz, ""'1allil-if lbe U.S. Air pw 61., C<111a II... 11 •-col II boon a dly." l.C. 11..-CarrlM, USN, ol J1r &Dd lln L. M. and Soulbeall Asia areu. o I qt U 11 a p 1 e S t. , '--II echool al porUclpollnl In EurdR Add Pfc. PllllQpl.commented. "We ilClo ol Louil C. Corrldo '" ~ J ~ Ill ,,....;. . Weotmllliter, bls,been assign-1-f ~ ~ Tiii l'l'uncb Card v .. • _,, .._.,.. .. !or moving 2191 State SL, Colla ...... _, r.. .._Road, ed lo Cbinute AFB, Ill., !or lit Jl'*C-o1 Corona corpen1er wllh 1be -Ba~ 7J ta. o1 ammun111oo in lllne · la ..mng libolrd lbe antkub-~ Bead!, graduated hi. l.C. llobed J. Cole, Mar lallon. da7I 6lrlng lbe Ballle ol Tay marine "!J>PO'I· alraaft 0.,,. lhlli 00$ al lbe U. S. Coast It, ooo ol Mr. and !dn. Jooeph lralnlnf In the luel aervlces. ::.,.., 1JraiiM 50!:: ~~ 1lie ltrlelll lralnllil-Ninh." rler USS 8-' In Vietnam. Goard llaerv• Tr a I a In 1 V. Cole ol Im Orange Ave., The airman Is a graduate of and ·-· N.,, llexk:e 16 be beld In -In two The can1u. la oervtnc u center, Yori<-. Va. Coatall,..,blsbe<oasstaned Westm!nlter ·Hlgh School, UalYorl!IJ bllwe enterln& the ywo, tt 11 .,...., ID tell .,.. .. c. l!llw. w. Rlemu, llqlhlp !or . Ille Commander .!:... ~~ lnlUf~-~ ~~Lal1:1!"fv';".!?._ Division 1111..·· ...i.;. •.· ,. the elfedlv-o1· "'"8bal ai; -cil 11n.11ary e. SmJth AnU.SUbjoarme w • r la re -~ -...,., ~-_ · • .. ~-in the an:11c of iilll New\loll Blvd., Cosla GF~P Five wllh Ille Seventh Gllard ouch u March and Ar1maa Donald c. McCarly, Her4Ple Hotlfir 11r811 l!it• A, La, ..., ·-· ~~ ....... _ .... n:i ~ =• ~(o n:::tloo, W.:,tb: Set. Tony t;o•mu, 22, 1<>n of Mr. ahd Mra. Volney Capt. Floyd A. Best, of ol-lft ... am.--If. ~ J~c.· _....__ j ·--·l>l··~-tFI. Hood, --d ·~ ·-E. . .,_ .. ,_ patrol...... uswa1A!'..! ~-,"!..-~·o1ind1Mra111' TDrl. •McCorlyw ...'.~!!'·,.~~~ 9()9'L w. Ba• St., Bal· IAld' ol IW 11'· Coul "~ -.._ w ~--•~• 0 -... ,_, ---';"''' ~ ~•= ve, es~~~·,•=~ "' ,. 1 lllctnroi Jiew»ar1 Beach. bis Colla Ilda, 11 ..m., with ~ · oon o1 Mr. and !lln. Clive Newport, Costa Mesa, Is serv-assigned 1o ' Sheppard AFB, boa, received 8 gold -;,;i_. lo~ AFB, the Sujiport Platoon ol the Byerley ol 1!444 Bolsa Chica, Chlel Pho!ographer'a Mate Ing In Brasilia, Brazil, as a T,.., !or lralnlog as a medical star 1n Jjeu of a second ..._ r.r ._.•'••l!n Ille cam-3rd Bollllm llDd Imntry, Set. Gwp I\. llqu, 23, Huntington Beach, 11 serv!n1 Pillllp L. Tripp, USN 1<>0 of pho•-·""'·· speclallot. aerviceS •pe<:iallst. The Distinguished Flying ;;i;;;k.u..;Q;id'.' on ·the d!fdft perimeter ol USAF, II ..m., In Symbac, at Luke AFB, Ariz. Mr. and !In. Lari Lake of n;;"",;..~t Is a member airman Is a graduate ol Cross at El Toro, Ma-AJr1141a ·L\lrd. a 1111 the Tay •lllDll -camp on_ the ..._ts ..Ue, Kathleen, The llel'geant. a jel alraalt Alahoma Ave., Hwtlniton ol the l3'IO Phelo Mapping Weabolmler High School . tjne Air Co1ps Station. l MEIWI· &: BOYi' . : MOC'OXJOllH ·WOIUWllil""'. WO ..... IDT -M"~U.INl.RO• · CLOlll iLIPPllll · ,l ,. I ,•) .• ,; I J ~ J. • • '.',· .. I !r:. 211 . .. . 2.99 'I'' ' ' - • " valM · · . ' . '( •C•••••mlzle ..... •iif• -...... ~ I ' •A111i:dlss•1•dwoal ...... a....p ~~....,,.._..,. •••••••• p. ·~-••• ..., .... -· ..,,,~ ~, '7.·•alttllcoiWnhb.r• .......... ~ ' ·esi-s·1o1D •11W111 1 s'tD.10' , •GtN,11 ,....._ . 12Mito'4 . ' " ( '~ . . . . :t.99 247 , ,.val•• -·· .. 8&..•BAS.OL SIAYE~IUM IAUIY .BoUClliET SHAMPOO 1.59 si%e STYll·HAlfi 71c ti%e · · •RaplarerMn!Lol r. ...... 11 ..... '='s97c 1u:e ···~­tempcirary hoir •ctl~ ! lemon delu.e • Sf RA~ t:1'49c llXO • Re;utar'Or Super 1 fiold formul<1 •Hugt 16-or.. caa . ' U•t.UQ,AL\S IN A11, COLORS ''·''9'' T J •' ' '.~WNDlNT 'WATCHES . II ' • • l" • + . ····eF-l ...... I, . ,,., .. ....... _........,, fllior6at ............ •-""11 •tu"'; ..... .-.. •cw.ef.aeoleot IUllAll llAll mwllll a.51 ............... ,. S1'llORIAM IUD, .................... 5a1 colotJng SAVI 1.011 ' ' SAVI $1,iOI shampoo or :0:.:.:.11. 5AVE 70cl . , I: SAVI, .C9d t:reme rinse • -- ... IMESOAP IOXOF3 RUSSIAN LEATHO VALENTINE BOX OR UME CHOCOLATES fM81Anll YILLOW IU8M.§Rllll FOLDS HAT FORIASY STOIAGE IDIAL fOR OYIRNiGHT oums JOI.DING ALUMINUM BID WIJBFOAMMAllUll · •P.0 Nii F l•-laltllocldnl cbcait llM_oprt. •c..-paddad ... -·~"""1-W.. I- •loldo flatfarolallaa Ind- 14,17YCllUe ,., 91c value box ai.exes$1 ect.oosep.., aicm Uloe or Gold•11 MifllOSd . I l:so A19· c .. , .• •Choice of AAtt 1 Shcn.CologneCll' All....._Loll .. •4-oz.boHle STOCK llP NOW AT ZODYS LOW PRICE NEW nGOLDIN WAYE" LIBBEY GLASSWARE 25• values HUUY IN fOR THUi IEAUDESI as Iowas ·• 69c •Delicious c:hoco1atesirt V:z.lb. to 2-lb. sites 6.!IO sire '997 •Re~ror SAVI leather $a.031 fragrance •s.s oL bottle ZODYIOWll YDDIAOlllW IMPOllED IPICI ISLAND SCDTCI WllSKY IAUCI MIXU Ce•p2•re!lf9flltlt"'9".· .2sc ,. C lllELO'S 21-0Z. FRUlf DRINKS 2!? •IN ....... '-11»" .......... opltllt. fol d.nci..- tinta. YODU,,, IC).prool, -... 1flt.....i. For ,.port, •'""""' elsewhere _ . ... t aioic9of Holl~ Ctte.l1or :S...0-, tatce.UX. •wti;lolboy laid Comperel2 C at :IOc -· •Hodopeoi~ ........ ~ ..... ICboim cf Orcu•a•• GrapeftVir 11 ..... ICldldr111 ,.,.,d • Whll• t""7 fmtl .PACKOF25 Y "11NllNES . ' .---,'i,,, 39c value ' ~~~!C r 11m•-' cuortmeat. I SAVE 14d al.It wo.araL ... alACB A•UllM•aUIJIA PAllJ( AJIAlllUl•fULLl.fON WllTCOYJNA NORIHRIDGI ~'HACH AZUSA AYL At P&lltiJl ............. , .......... L I011111 PlllT Ar CllUIT NACM •LV.. & UNCOLH OIANOllllOIPI AT LIMON mlMILVILAt DIYONIH11. ftAWTHO~I tlYD.AT 10.IA'r •OUlll'AIJI YALLIY r. ... auc• . HUllTINGTON a1Acil IANTAANA GARDIN GROYI . aURaANJ( CAfjloGA PARK M-·a&ftlTUlll"ft LOICO'fOlll.l~N•-•woaM:un . HI.DIN W .. T A IDINeft N.8UNDA'VLAT '"" snm CHAPMAN A t•OOKHURIT SAN nlNAllDO ILYO.·AT IURUHI TOfANOA CMIYOtrf,llYD. AT aOSCOI 'l l • I " l •• .. •• • • .. : .. ' I .. • ~ t ' I I • ,. • DAILY PILOT 8 8 ..:J WldM!dly; '"""'112,1969 -------===<-------"---'--'- ~-.~ 1o~~~ming · Care~Fs . i ~ l!lorist Business . • Br r.1. &.Allf be able iO obtain port.time, CAREER CQRNER . u not u.Jarae., with many ' Ml• UM ..,. • ~"'°"" or "try-out" jobs. ll'r ·,, J. IAI --~.. ~ other ente"'"-btclUN of .~tf-----,_ -~-~. ~ ......... '· Q .. ~ aow TRE GARDIN ·-... --.......... the lmlller 1Dvtldory oC ,....,...-c.~"'"' """ GRO--~-----~ f Good J ~ ,,..,_, ~~ lteml. However, :•, .,...._ '1/lllfl(' fJ9Nlf'I. M • C'Al'Mt. ffDo J.llC r-' nnet 0 o' 8 ""¥¥-# • • -• ""''" -·· I "" '" • tbt pJaall and Jlonn, moy • • "I..., -' . some 111 l>roke J>o!:•llO Ibey :.;:""..=,:' ,.."=-': be located ID~ and IJ ~-.,__ ll doa'I have eDOOjb mooey lo .. 1C1M • .,., 'r,.. 1rsJ'I ~ 111.t usually a small operator. distribution wlweeri t b e dea!gner (or wn:1 one), as we lut until tbe bu 1 t 1 e11 ..._~ =: 11o1 ~~::; You need to know bow grower and the retail florist. alljl must be a good floral becomes eatebl'Nd 'Jbe ma- ,..._. t11 s'""'-.111~~"'; ,.• ·ptant.1 behave in dl!fennt LoC.ted 'ln clUet' and towns bus•1 .!.S~ 11 usually jority of retail flarllll an A. -Wbat ,•t-JUlt etKlut aolll; how'fmectl ~ weltber 1n every state,· the wholesale ~ t:'f.co!:. u=·~ mamrN-poppa ~ . )'<J!Vel')' JOb l caD lliliilt..til baa allecl ClOJll; i-_lo manop Orm~'~ and ahlpo al 'various times 'auch u BUDDINd0 UGINND8. • weeds. B .. 1.we opproclate ~~~-leringol ~;!'~and; 'plants and lloWen' • • • Jmow. ValenUne's Day ' Helplul hlJlb -coursett 'I' •~ ·~~ .---In( tho mukel from slem · Incl··~ ·~··~--balanced ,..,,.pc,-the market Prtces; metbodl ol lo .....,. With q>Orlence . Relai1 florisll , need the -......-• ~ Dorilt .....,, •• _, doe:l .. o(fer a i11 .... and -·"'·· ~ coul" -18f17 11 ' pbysical stamina to cope with manapment, and · ~, 8"1-.. _.. ~·: )'OU • • ·~ --~ 8 l'Ullb-period Jong hours, lhe · markelJnc (also • ca led bouquel ol moderalely'1!A)'lng marketing and. advtrllJtng Dower -broker, market con-·""~ •• deal , ~.. "·-y dlstrlhuUve e d u c a ti 0 n ) , (and 1n tome cases, very bll techniques· ieasons for cer~ sultant lxJ.yer or business __,,,,,, w """' ~u • ''.poytng) opporf1tnllies for i-Wn ffow~n.· and lclenllllc ' · , cuslomers, auperb "1epl>ooe biology, cbemlslry, vocatlilllal 1n1eres1 In o -• manager. . manners and a -ledJJO ol agrlcul-. ar1 and design, with an · owen methods ol liroedlnl 11 )'OU s A YING IT W fT B uie ....; and bandllng ol a and l'Ubllc -kin( (far • :.;,.;.be::'= .:!u"': , speclallze. FLOWEllS. n.. retail· florlsl broad variety ol plants and Iuture. relallen). ~·1 ..-ari!y require a f'LOWl!B · P O T T O deals dlr.clly with ~e. Dowen. Counel lnJlower.arranging ·.college degee, and In wl>lcb, FL 0 WI! lt B IN. Tb• lives In lorger Iowas lllji cll\05 Wilen stertlng a rtlall Dorlsl may be offered by hlJlb _by dlrecl application, )'OU my wbolmaler is the channel of an· dmull be a good llttal businoss, the capilal nquired scboolJ, jiln!or ~. cql- Jecta, adull educallon pro- IJ'IDll, commercial f I o r a 1 delfcn -· stale florill usoclallool and the -aervict or11nl 1 a tlona (110oweo-b~wite'1), ~ aDd ftlU'.oyear courses 1n floriculture are available at land sranl colleges, and ii other colleges by combining --ml builnesl ad· mlnlSlraUoo. For a free rtta11 nort,cit bu;&gapby, write the Small Bu I t n e 11 Admlnisti'atloo, Waahlngtoo. O.C. :IOlll, '"' ob-laln a copy from. SBA 6old olllce. ~RILCO IOI.ID ITAil. . . .AMofM-TUU RADIO fAMoaS'8PND fAMll.Y~91zi REFRIGDATOR-FRll•R 29,9SwalM 014'' •10,,,..W.r •FMainl- •·W".S.., ... -_... •.VC-k .~· .. •mtCO SOI.ID STAn aUIOM.&'ltC •••o I I • . ' • 1., ' :;23'1 ·9 o.aU. 4 me•d ••l:a a1ic ..... . -'. . .,. ......... ..... •Doolia'p~ .. . •Foll -5" Oiat .,..... ; . • "5 IPM """""" . : .. :t ' ., '' • < ' I W _ ..... ___ ,_,..._,_~·1_2,_l_'l69 ____ ~Y ""4f. Q 'Confront ation' Set . A tOCC W~day Today'sooUecestodenl, wtab lod • .,......., _ vitally In-w!Ih many whlcli Ibey ---i. )ay lftll ol sodely, will come l!IP'ris Include: lace lo face -leaden In Chiel -l!arl, chlel llUllll' llfJdl Wednelllay In ol the lldminlatnlm dlYllloa . Oran&• Coul C!Jlleie'• "Coo-ol the Loo &llW -· fnlolallao ...... , ~; LI. ll4llort - n.. -wIO beitn at bltis and .-Harlan noon In the OCC Auditorium. Lamberl ol 1"9 lloola Ana Tbere Ia at admission cbatg6. Police De~; Dr • Le!lden 1n Jaw enlorcemen~ Rober1 La.,._, deoa, ot unlversllf affilln, j~ col-• slwlenls 11 UC!. Jege 1overnanco. lel•vlsloo, WClrlh Keene, ..-..i ol the •Jlft!f. llid·dvll liberties the Orange CoM Jmdor wW 1atlier' fn ~ audltorlum.. Colle(e DJstr1c1 bMnJ ol Eacli wlD' lie hilroduced 4nd -; Jea -· TV wW • pva a flvHllnule lalk """8CUler f« DlllC Nen iboul 1111 ...... 1n Los Anples; Tllomu n.. -lriU then braalc Keevll, editor ol the 0nnp "11 and eacli ujiert will go Coul Dally Pilol: J e b a lo ·a -cloared for COieman, black atudeoi lld-tbat ~ •. 8rudenle will be viler II UC lllvenido; aod free lo ·ao 1o 1111 -the)' a~' of ACLU. ;.;,, ' . ~. T ·' .. ····;~: l'·~~·'!ll···· 11· · ar '. r;;;;;;w ... ~ _,._ .,...., ... -==-3:11' a...i I •wall Ajil IM!e ....... .,,.. .. bdllecf\:u'(i[it lllllud.O ·~ IAYlcMJH._ an~s.w ca.HAii IUIUCO ... ' • • .. :...! ' • ' . u.~~~··· ·-.1:9 '•7 ' • l .~~CEIJUN tNT§lllORt$1·1 l8 · c.111,.... at t 69.ts ·'· ~ ........... ~ " ii\ .....-..... ·-'"j· .~ .' . . . j ~ • .._ • ., •~deftDlleoawnt.noe •~I COldfol dep.ndability -> •'-lal•-l laterior •Door space for ·eggs, bottles •I'wll wldtfi _....,.crisper Jt Moal Inly • •™-u '---!Iilam.!or Hr• . , ' . ' .................... ' I . .. ·,,.,s ·a· ,, ,,.,_ . . . . ; I 1•· ~--====;;;;iiii~~~~r------= I I • •.Nonaal and gentle ., ............ •Fcmon.dou&le wash adfon •.t 'Mii it/rime ...,_ eratvre ..ning1 •H-. ... 164· capocity tro.llllC. lion ond ttabJlizer -· 'i.hd filtfr oMI r•· c;n:ivlaticin .,..... ~6 poUt!o-"°*° ..... . . _ .. • lncf9dible ICMngQ • hllr outoMOtlc • $ignal Jlglot toll ....... eoffM h rtodJ ·-bl ........ lld .., """" ... llikl cofftt ............... ti . · WA'nR Pl•® ORAL liYGl*NI APPLiANCI .. 2•.•s ,. '667 value • •-Ml•d by tho•• ands of denfllbl •Water Pik8 carrioo11 the d eaning job your toothbrvsh begins Cleans Utau..;ble places yowr bevdr con· not reaclt •A.Mo.us. MAKI 2·1LICI AUTOMATIC Toun• .... MIU '7 .95 ....... . S" •toast color cofllrol for "talf th• WY yoa wa'lt iH· •HJaOod crumb ...., • lncndlbl• 10. P!k>t at Zodyo • oa. ,.at •ncoltdi- tional paraillN I • . ••••••••oxoDltn ' ·• TOOTBBlllUIR ...... lltJ i lt.95 9" ..... • • 1~0-111decl by aore c1ie .. tim ••• aU other-• .,.. liOtic tootWwvill.• coMiMd •ApprowM ~ Coricil on d-1 TlooiapuHa of~ -.. -- •.to 1 ';i 's ...... ,.. ... <···=-.....-· · ... ··~-...... . =17~MC · tei ' . . bi I • Coiiplif. ~ ... _.__ I -~-'' . ... _,.. .. ........ 1wnta• . ._.· .. i.-.u--·-~ t, I o; ... ~~~ ' • ". 2C.f,J ,..,,,,~.~ I . ;· : ·.~'8 ., •. ~~' ' ~· I,• . . . I • • • • ·-............ . '-~ .... . •l'lll •Jlioa •1o.rr . . • ...,... ... 1C11*5~-I . 81' • , ,... , . ~ f.bU&OUISAV!N911 I .,1 J f ., l • " I • .. ·· 1ao•·a ov1 AT ZODYS ~-t•a •111. 10 A.& tot·~'· IAt •. a 1u11. 10 to' ••• LOTS O. ;au-.-.-.,· ' .... .... . . ~ ' . , .. ;:; Ull ZoDYS lllW, SIMltUJID llllfANT CRIDlf OR YOUR BA•AMIRIC.RDI ••• IAflSJ~CllOll·•UA•~illl'iil~! ~. ~ -' -' • -I l I I 1 t - • .... ----=========:=-:-::===--:-::=----:-:-:-:-:---:--:;:-;:--;;--;zc:;-:::;;.,.=-----, ,: ... ~ ............ --------------------..... ·-----............ ...,, .... ~.~•--• -• 1 ·-~--...... -·--•• . Big Day for Jo~keys • ~hoe Wins 3; fjirl Jockey To Get License ... From Combfaed Witt semees .:.!I'm glad it's over," BW Shoemaker ,. said. "I iutSll I couldn't have written a. ficript any better than the way it turp;ed out." ... ~ 37-year-old jockey rode three win- J\fl'S in three attempts at Santa Anita Tuesday in his first racing appearance in nearly 13 months. Be suffered a broken leg in a spill bere Jan. 23, ll158. • And while Tbe Shoe WU going wild. Olane Crump, the slender, ~year-old blonde who broke the 1ex barrier in ftM>roughbred horse racing, will uk for her Florida jockey llceme today :-and !$e'll get it. . After Miu Crump brought • 24-1 longshot, Bridle 'N Bil, home: fifth in a 12-horse field at Hialeah Tueaday, :iteward Kefme Daingerfield said she would be i.alued a license as aoon as sbe asks for tL Jockeys must ride tw~ to qualify ror a license and Miss CNmp handled her horse nicely Tuesday in her second outing. ''The leg felt fine," Shoemaker eom- mented. "There were no problems at all. I did rlel a little wobbly but it's jtl$t a matter of getting fit. My timing WU off a litUe bit but that'll come, too:" :the five-lime national riding cl1ampion has three more rides today. .jle is schtduted to move Into stakes C<1D1petiUon am week, having dped to . handle Jnvemeu Drive, a higbly regarded :I-year-old, In Tueoday'a .fl0,000 Santa Catalbia stak~. •Diane apJ>11'1'11Uy -· down lbe Jut resistance from t.be nien .Tuelday. Some gnid!ngly camplimel1tid her. ~·'They had t.o tell her to weigh In after the race but she did all right,'' said Angel Cordero Jr., the nation's leading rider. . ~ when be scored victories in all three races he e~ tered at Santa Anita. Shoemaker is shown aboara Princets Elldeavor in the sixth race. UPl'f...,_ • ' MOVING UP -Diane Crump, who made racing h!Jtory when she became first woman to ride in United States last week, is shown charging doWn the mud-splattered stretch in her second ride on Bridle 'n Bit at Hialeab. She finished fifth this time, five places better than her first ride aboard the same horse. J Compwn Coach .Wants to Move • 54 Wins in Row NotEnough . "'You'd think Compton Hi&b SChool hisketba11 coach Bill Armstrong hu the wOrld by the tail. His Tarbabe cace fOf'ces have won :>4 games in a row, the most recent a 64-55 verdict over Dominguez Tuesday afternoon be.fore 2,000 fans in the Compton gym. Armstrong, after all, is now owner cf the CJF record for most game1 won In a row. And he's nestled in the middle of a never-to-nm-dry fountain of hoop talent. However, Armstrong told this column that he's looking around for another job. He was a candidate for the Santa Ana High School post last year and he!s apparenUy still Karching for sqmething that'U gK him out of tho \V.att.s area powder ke1. "I'd be iaterested in nnething elJe jf ~jt didn't mean too much of 1 cut in salary," he reveals. sered a rracu and threat of reprisal at Mominplde'1 nut game. A.rmltronl'• problems are two-fold. He hu to keep a tJgbt check on his athletes and he doet an outstanding job of iL But he'• al.lo m1ndfu1 of keeping the crowd calmed during tense situations on the floor. After all, a coach'• acUons can inci te. At least once during Tuesday's pressure· packed eontut he motioned for the Iarae, predominantly Negro throng to calm down. Too, he bu a s: increasing prob- lem of finding that will meet WHITE WASH as the best teams be'• met thl..I year. Anci he admits that three of Jut year'• four CIF aemifinalistl (Compton, Hun· tington and North Torrance) would prob- ably win this year's ClF playoffs. Incidentally, Ken Fa11111 of Balboa Island, the guy who coached 0Crnp1on teams of the early 1950s to the previous CIF record of 5.1 straight, wu on band to see his amazinj reeord finally fall. He recalls that if Ulyola hadn't ended the Tarbabe ltrlnl by four polnts, Compton would hJve won 74 in IUCCeUlon before Loyola qain turned the trkt in the CIF finals. * * * Bart Carrido, ei-OCC and Colta Meaa High type, ia averaatna 15.1 pointl per game for Cal Pofy l>omona 1n the California Collegiate Athletic Auociation. He la the CCAA's sevenlh leadln& paint producer. I Chargers .1 Step Away From Coming to OCC D11D111t All McKeMlt. 'l'lle ~ havo yel to .t,.Uato with Orlll(e Cout and Southmi Col Colleti• • the matttr ol the coat ol HaaJos lbe faCIUIJeL Cbar11r bual.-manti• Irv ~ -tha( jloint ~ bot Indicated \he Chalpn an dole to mOlq It olflollil. "We haVl9't yet neaotlatOcl With Orlllie Cout llld Std Glllmu (Chatlet haad c:oadl and 1eneral manager) and I rtally bavtn't .one over a lot of the delalia. He mllht fffJ. the dorm la loo far away from OCC'a football Otkti, I don't tnow." Gillman wun't available for comment. ."'I don't want to commit ouraelves . a~ thia point but . we certainly ""' dal!IJ>l6d at lbe opiiit of cooperal!Qo ' on evtryone'1 part et cxx end southern Cal Colleae," Klle remarked. The Chara:era would arrive in Co&ta Mua in July IDd would remain en- camped at OCC until la,. AUllllt belorf 1witchlng operations to thelr in-season faclllty in San Diego. Wbtn the AFL club makes it official, OCC will be the Charge.rs' fifth training lite 1n 10 seaaons. They started out at Chapman College in Orange u the LA Charger• and then made 1tops at UC San Diego, Boulevard and E1condl~ The team bas investigated poulble campsites at UC Irvine and in the Corona area. Kaze said he would come to Costa Mesa "IOllletimfl neit week" to discUJll leasing costa at OCC and SoCal. : . I • Owner-Player Pension Bee£ Approaching Resolution .. Sports in Brief bad have produced some real progreas. "We'n working as quietly :as pouible • toward a solutloD. We cOu1d have an qre11mlnt tomorrow; we CO\dd ha~e, one next week. We're both workln& bard." The playen, -jJial lalevlslon reVlnlit be idchldid In 1111 -plllllon plan, ha•• ""'*' .,,. boycott sprinl trabllng campa unw on llfMmeol ia reached. Tiiey contend they've alwaya ·ahMed Turf Oub Denies Story; Laver, Emerson Top Foes " INGLEWOOD -The Hollywood Turf Club bal 1troo1ly dented thlnt pled1ecJ J10I to pmnlt nllbt -raclnC- A c1ilb spokesm1n made the statement In" -.illnl on an aJJocaUon WI ....,11r by the Callfornia ~ Breldm Auociallon and the Hortemen'a Blnnol1nt and Protective Allociatton that there bad beto auch a plldst. "The HoUywood Turf Club em- phaUcally assertl that no such p)ldp was ever made and the statement it untnM," the apokeimtn Pid. 'Mle club has Ieued faclllUet to the Western HarneSI Rlclnt AuoelaUm for ·nlaht raclnc. The bc:nemen O'OUPS have uld they OJ>POIO nl-"t hllMll racinl on traeltl built far thorou1hlnds. l.et!er Tops Rosetrall ORLANDO, Fii. -Rod Laver of C<rona lltl Mar beat Australia's Ken Roatwall, M, H Tuuclay nlghl to win the champl0111hiP In the fifth anftual Florida Invitational Profeuional Tennis TOllfll'Y. Laver and Newport Beach'• Roy Emenon downed Gon1ales and Roltwall. U, M, "3, in double!!. The tournament carried 13,000 In pri!e mOfley, wh&ch wu afven to the fOUf coniaatanta to dMde any way they wantea. De•f..,.hu •-11e• MONTllL\L -Gerry Desjardhul may well be wooderinl li he'I fUardlng a JOBI or a hAt .oop_ '11\t 1 punt "I nttminder for tht Los AnJeltl Xi.np spent a ftw houn Tuesday night trying to fend off a 41-thot barraa• by the Montreal Catiadlen1. He couldn't -and the Klnp ..... drubbed 7-S. All-Ster Ceeehe• Pleke• Mol Eaton of WOii Covina and Jatt MathltlMI of Canoga Park were named cO-coacbts far tht SOuth ttam fer tht !Ith Shrine Nortl>South hJlh IChool All· Star football 1anw Jul)' IS. The pme wlU be played at Mam«lal Coliaeum. Skltt• Blre Sl!ere W A511lljG'l'ON -Harland Svare, form• l>tl4 lootllall cOaOh til lhl Los Anltlel J\aml, WU named today defenalv• coach ol the Wuhlnlton Red1ktn1 under hi• former mentc:r Vince Lombardi. Svare, who coached the Rama from !IC throu&h 11115, ls the second uslstanl namid by Lombardi since taking over u htad coach ol the Redakins. Bill AuRht, former Pittaburgh Steeler coach, was named Monday to handle the offense. P•riue, llllni Fall It loob Ute the hig 10 la p!q to have one al tta old-fashioned donnybrooks hefcn a lllMI basketball champlon ls c:rowned. What some observers thought would be a two-team race between Purdue and lllinoll WU thr\Tw'n into turmoil Tuaday nlaht when both naUon1lly..rank· ed po"er' were beaten on foreien court!. Ohio State defeated eighth-ranked Purdue ""' at Columbus, and Michi&an Mat nlntlH'anted llllnois 9247 at Ann Arbor. Purdue leads the conference with a g.1 record but Ohio State moved btto 1econd with a 5-2 mark. Illinois is tied with IOwa for thlrd place at 4-3 and MJcb11an ls fifth with 1 M mark. Welterteelfrht Die• Funeral servlct1 were set today for Benny Miller, former hi I h ·rank In I welter)\'e.lafit who died Monday. He was 51. Mille, of Los Angelea, was the Callf.om.ia welterwei1ht champion' in 1936. His brother•, Abie and Hymie, allo were 11111""· NA.ME, COLORS OK'd FOR EDISON The HunUn;ton Beach School Di.strict board of trustees went alone wJtb &he youna:er 1eneraUon Tuelday nltht by adoptins atudent recommendatlCna for a nickname and 1chool colon at the new Thoma• A. Edison HlaJI. The school, wh1ch opens next fall, will carry the rnoni~e.r Chargers and will hlvt for11t green, white: and aold a1 Ill IChool cok>ra. Edison, which will open with students In all four Jl:ades, will join the Irvine Liaeut. m111n1 that ctlclill an •ltbl· team loop with the further addlUon of Santa An.a Valley which 11 d.roppinc out of the !unttt League. .! in the television proceeds. .. The owners ha ve said there ahoul.t be no relation between the revenue and thfllr pension cohtrlbut.io~. ·; The fint spring trainin& camps ar;\!; due to open Friday, but Gaherin saii he wasn't trying for a setUement bt any particular day. ''That bas not entered our minds,~ he said. Miller waa not available for comment:· Bowie Kuhn, baseball's newly elected commiJafooer, told a Boston basebal writer's luncheon that he i3 sure the dl1pute will be settled before the start of 1prin1 training. ·' Kuhn s1ld he ls "even more confident than J was a week ago" that the threatened player strike would no} develop. •• Golden West Turns to Ice, Loses, 71-68 By JOEL SCHWARZ Of tM DallY PHM S11H When a basketball team goes nJne and a half mlnutea without scoring a pcet. you'd expect it to be blown off the Door and maybe even out of the gymnasium. That's bow Jong Golden West suffered through a scoring drought Tuesday night at Orange Coast College, but ~ RusUer~ weren't busUed off the floor, they merelY. dropped a 714 decision to Santa AriA and oow share third place in the Eastern Conference standings with the Dons. • Golden West had doubled a three-point halftime advantage to siJ markers, 4&-40, two and a half minute! into the second period when it turned frigid. ~ Santa. .Ana didn't exactly tum the col\o ttlt Into a rout, however, scoring but lZ widely scattered points to take • SM& lead before Golden West wu finallj able to dent the scoreboard aa:ain with just eight minutes left in the contest. The Rustlers cut the Dons' margin to 5.2-50 18 seconds later on a steal by Randy Olton and Ollie Martin's layup. Golden Wtlt had four solid op. porturuties in the next '2 seconds 1:11 itl four-guard lineup fol"C9d Santa Ana into four straight turnovers. But each time the Rustlers failed to convert the turnover into a basket and Golden West then was rorced to "piaJ catchup and foul the Dons. Uslng slowdown lactics and accurate free throw shooting, Santa Ana led bj seven points with t :$1 to go. • Santa Ana was ahead 71-65 when DaVi Prather scored on a tip.in with eight seconds t.o go and was fouled aftrt the 1hot. .. P~a:ther made the first of two frre throwa but missed the second. OaV'e Paynter rebounded for the Rulller1 but milled • short jumper and it w~ 1U over. S111t1 AM (7'1) llllb ft ft ... ., l I 1 l • ' ) It > • 4 M J t I n • ' ' u J • ' 1' I I 4 1 UJlll 71 ........ 011 .. ,. "ll'f .. "'""""' I I I I Ml~llll •l)I Miii« •1 •~ Plyl>IW I I 1 "'1¥11< • , ' ,.,,,,.., , 1 J OIMo> ' f , It...,..,, 1 1 I I H11Gl•'1 l t 1 j f $111i1 24 l1 11 it ..Armstrong onct coached In Orana;e Ciw>ly, at Anaheim lllgh. And he •J>" parently Wll in line for I bud job In the Anaheim l!iih School Diatl'icl ai soon as that distrid opened a new high sdlool. But when West.em 's doors were opened the basketball job went to 1 funjor hijj:h coach m Armstrong took the et1e and moved out. bis Tarbabts (I oltt'l'I have wondered why that nickname hun't been changed). Compton isn't hardly swamped with tnYilaUort1 to tournmentl. In fad, thlt's Oftt reuon why he happily accepted the bids to the Hunt!n&1<>1 Beach tourney the past two yean. UCI Playoff Chances Dip, 83-75 liis Compton teams havt been fan- t.taUc. They haven't !oat 1 home pme Jn: four y..,, allllough they oeemed 19 be In hol water with S•i'I to IO Jn. 0Tuelday'1 fracu as DomJ.naua cu1 the gap to one, S4-53. '.BUI then the Tarba~ vaunted board airength came to the ttll<Ue, along with ,_ ghastly "'"U., l•m•'"" by tho 0... and CUnptoo ul6d -with thO vJd«y. ·~(• last lOSll came in lhe tr67 CIF playoffs whton Momlnplde won bf a point a:t 11 Comptoo bucket 1t t& buz1er wos disallowed, which trlj:· I Armstrong recalls thlt early last 1U11011 be aot • call from th(i; Notte Dame mp School coach, requesting a pine. He conNnttd. then the Notre Dame tutor pn>eeeded to tell him how good Notre bame would be this year ud bow It would "in CIF. •lJ'm ·always 1U1piclou» when lhey call and ask me for 1 game," Armstrong taJia. Oh yes, Compton whipped Notre Domt, IJ.41. ArmJtron111 record 11 a n0$.SY 287-S7. lncludJn.g a trto ol CIP' titles and two Huntington clwic crown1. He labtl1 Sunny Hills and fltarin1 • LOS ANGELES -UCl hu five basktl- ball games remaining on Jtl naultf season schedule and all of them look ju.t a UtUe bit bluer today. The Anteatera suffered a major Mt· back in their drive for an NCAA re1J11e division r'a:lonall berth Tur:ad~ evenlii.a 11.t Loyola. where thty were surpr!Hd by the lJont, 83-75. The defeat gl\tec Dick Davia1 club 1 tt-7 re<:ord gotn1 into Saturd:a, night'• Crawford Hall encounter with Qapman, a team the Anteaters beat by n.11 a month 1(1'.0. Dafl1 and hi1 players 1alnfd 1 new me~sure of respect for the'! West Coast AthleUc Conference Tut:sd.ay nia:ht. Loyola came 11\to Ute non-Jeque en- counlar with an wllmpoaini 1-14 reoord but trailed only onee In the lfCOnd half against the lndepttid~t AnttateH. "! thoupl •• plaJtd pntlJ W.U," Davis comm'"led afternnl. "Loyola II juat a ltr botllr ball club than their rOCONJ lndlcllft. I think all the WCAC tllmJ 1te jut:t a cut aDavt tht t6artll we'•• been plt)'lna." Itvlne out·r~t(l the Uorit by a aubst.anUal ~ 1naratn and made one m«t Oald IOll than the holla. 'lllt dlffert:nct was at the foul line wbtrt Loyola c1Med II to UCl'a t~ Loyola mAll'llllned a fou r-tM:i&ht point lead for the fir&t 1% minutes ol the RC«ld half before UCT ed1ed ahead """" uu uc 1 111·1''- brltfly at 5NI. It was nlp-'n-tuek from Hi"" " •• n ll'f N that poln U) •'-~-Di.., •II l It (UMll'ltl\f.., It I j 'fl t un wun' mlnutes were lift, c..,,,.,, ' , ' u ljol'ld•1 1 1 1 1 when UCI went IOW'. "'d"'11"• 10 • s ,. ............. s 1 , j l trl(-l!n • S I U I O'llft J I l Davis watchtd In dismay a1 his club Dtl•ny 1 1 1 11 S..D1,,. , 1 , 1 --1u-..11 ..,...... lllt IOJJl"lftlllPl Jt •j Ullllllllw::u two ... ~ tumovetL Steve G .. ......_ldl 1 1 1 Sablna miUld two oot-Ud-ooe foul &hot '1•1ty a • , atttmpts and Mike Barnes fell down T1111t • :n u n •v;,1" ,; 1~ ~ tin ~ .. Fcmhln1 faat briak. HtlfUmt K'Clff , L.1'1'111.1 fl, UC.I e. " SUll, UCI wu down by only two wllh : two minute& to 10. But alt.er Lo)'Ola 1.,1,.11 Prwito 1111 uc t ,,..... '"1 ,,,, .. 11 , ,. .... mllled a free throw end intercepted s11..,,.e11; 1 1 J , WP>n1 11 1 1 '1' Ill ln1ne dotrncourt pell and ICOr9Cf ~~--l 1 I 11 ~' 1 I I i ) UCI .,..,,_, J I J 11 Gt!Of'.. 1 f f on •n eat)' ayup, wu ntY!I" ag41n ~..,.. i • o 1 ,.,. 1 1 1 in In aUlckh!C poalllon. , a11....=. I~ : : '~ ~~i~!""'" 1 J I r Jeff Cunnlntham, UCl'a leadin1 acorer, ,_ "\~:.. ,,• ,,• ,' t J•(•..,,. ~ : ~ 1 ed · 17 In'· · Jo ·t " ' t i fe11t1 • It 1' 11 pour 111 po 14 lft4 I na CIU~. H1lttlm1 •ttlt ' L•""lo ,,_, • 1w ,,. 4t. UCt Fro.II l4 \ \ ' Wodntfdlr, ,....., U, 19" D.111.Vl'll.tr U -- Siming • Newport • Lions R11n , • • To 82-50 Oilers Fight Of£. Vikes, 53-49 Rolls, ·77.55 By STEVE ANDREllll . .. .. _,, ........... Next to HunUngton Beach, the Newport Harbor Tan have to be riled the holtelt Sul*! Lealue ootfll ammd the put threewetb. That atatement can be bKktd up by a ftve-cmne win ateln that WJ.I kept .alive Tueoday with a 77-15 putlnr ol We.tern ln a bukell>oll pmo held II Jbe looera' · It ...,.. ~ juat yeslc'daJ to COICll Dave Waxman when hll Sa1Jon were flooMerlnl ammd the lower deptha ol the -circuit with ID unlm~VO 1-5 win marl!:. · Now hla forcu are in lht upper echelon; a third place tie with the Pi<Jl;>eera and Wulmlnlf<r, pl1JI they're OVtl"the .llOO plateau 1t 1-5. Let Haven potted 23 points to lead all scorr.n; and ht per10nally turned the game around. · With Juat 3:59 left on the clock, Haven collided with a Pioneer pllyer at mid· court, and was so enrqed that there wu no whlsUe, he reeled off z e v en atralght polnll In sheer ....,.. It changed whal wu a tight ,.,.., 68-51, into a commandlng 65-N with just two minutes left BeaJdes Haven, the Newport.era had two other men in the 20·polnt brocket. Dan Lindstedt and Bo Griffith &oued 1n 20 apiece. GrWith, who buckeled 11 of biJ 20 markers In the !Int hall to keep the Tars wilhln ttrildn& dlllance, h.u beta ~e one of the main cop 1n Newport'• recent UPIUflt. Saya Wmnan ol Griffith: "At the beginning of the year I didn't think be could help ua much. But he pracUctd hard and earned the chance to play and nally did well In the Anabelm game." · ''Of courae, besldel Griffith, Haven played outstanding 11 did Lindstedt. It seems that everyone 11 playing well fJ11111," added the Newport mentor. H..,.,. Mlrtlw tnl W•flnl CUI ,. rt "' "' fl " " "' GPlffltlil 6 I 2 20 OtborM 2 2 a ' Holmet 2 t 1 ' ll1""'1y S 1 • 11 '°'' 2 0 1 4 IEdWl rdl t t S lt llnllltlldt 6122tl0.-,.,. MellMH I I a 6 Hr91,_. 4 4 I 11 Eccln a I 1 I O'K-. I 1 a 11 "'""" "'''"""•r. 0222 Ttltll U t1 IJ 71 T"llti 21 11 24 .$S ._.,...,,.,.. fol1~rt HlrllOI' IS H 11 2t -71 Wt1t.rn a 16 II It -65 After Six Years By GLENN WlllTll .... DMlf, ....... PM ... eiploclv-. 'Jllat'a been the -ol u .... UJ111oo Jlooch lllP Sdlool'a bul:otblll toamt the put Ihm yean. AJld tt'a bolo the malnatay lo the Oller" fantutlc llrln( of II COlllOCllUve leque trlumpba. Certa1nJ¥ lbole an the two llama lhll kepi that alrlac lntacl TlleedlJ nllht u COICll t1mor Oombl' ,...... IOOlhl ol( upoet.mloded Morlna. IMI, be!'"' l,lOO-lalll In the VWnl conn-. Tbe uploo1on woe late In !he third qlllrier, -Marina bad batUed Into Bailey Socks -Pair 9f Homers, Boes Win, 4-2 · . It's rolnl to take 1nmeooe bultt alCl!ll lbe llnel of bl« Frank Howard to bit a bill out of Oranee Cout Colle1e'a ·new bueblll diamond. . 'Ille l_'lratea' aluqln1 left.fielder Mite Balley tried his. best lo tum . the trick Tueeday an.n-, bu! be bad to ..WO for a polr ot lntlde-the-J>trk homero lo leadlnl his tum lo a 4-1 victory over villtlng Loi Angeles Harbor Collqe. The new diamond mellUl"el 410 down both foul llnee and a mammoth 'llO feet to stralghWway cent... Bailey's two blows wete directed to rflbkenter and rolled near the dlllant fences to account foe all loor Oranp Cout ..... He pve the P!r~ a lbre&<UD Clllb1on lo the bottom ol the first lnnln1 rlpplni his !Int !Olll'bagger alter Bill J l!Dldne bad linaled and Randy Brawn had drawn a wait. Bailey's second homer came In the bottom ol the el&hth. u. ... ,..., p) or-CMlf (41 .. ,...... ...,.rtll lncMlb, rf • I 1 t Jllnkln1. 11 2 I J t llidl'klM .... A J f If '6blll9wlkl, A ,S 1 f I Mc•-· 1t .. 0.. .rPlll.'l:lb , ••• ,wtlllrlt. • 4 I t 0 llllW, If 4 I J .. 11119", C St 0 t ,1111, lit 4 I I 0 w1 .. tr,a 4111 ltenf,..,ct ••1• Hum,,, cf 4 t 1 t Je1Mf1, r1 4 t t I C1Mr, If s t t 1 ,,tmer, c st a t GrlPP•ndo, 11 1 t I I Dvftk•lboll'ffl", 11 1 I t t M<Cow111, JI 1 o I 0 LMdl. llfl 1 I t t ..... ,lnttf', JI I I I t ,.,,,, Ttfth •••t Sew. 1W llllll!IP ••• «11011•1:11 ••fl•••• CIF Playoffs Bid Adieu To Long Beach Arena 'Illa CIF buketball play<llls have prob- ilbly made their 1ut llop at the Loq Beach Sports Anna. Altar 1tx yean at the modern, waterfront arena, the CTF•a-premier event moves to the LA lportt Men& next month. 'There are two reuons for the move, !be principal one being that the LA ltclllty ts more centrally located and reached more ually by lrftway. · Al.lo, the CIP' 11y1, there are more 1ood ,..ts In LA. The LA arena auts EARL GUSTKEY aboot 15,IOO foe buketball while Long Beach can handle about 13,000. . The CIF'1 six yeara in Lona Beach repreaent the second longest stretch (11113-41) for Ille playoff• In any one faclllty . The longest wu Loni Beach City College (1952M). . This year's AAA champlonahip game will be televiled but becauae ol a Ume conlllcl, It Isn't certain yet U the MAJ. final wfll be on the tube. • • • . LOCAL BOY MAUS GOOD DEPT. -J1r17 Halllerl, Ille lf.yUMlcl Had --alTnJHIPScMI la ....,..., maJ ftVtl' miidi .ttlll Gauchos Handed 3rd Loss in Row w ...... bat .... ti! le a -· -m. warr1.. are u-s ..... ud I• )mt tllree ..._.al Troy, llalMrl 11 If.II. He'1 a .,.-i. 11 Newporl Harbor mg11 aod 0rup Otool Collt&o-• . . MONIKER DEPT. -Get rtady for this one. The head buketball coacll at Chtmlnede Collqe In Honolulu II a Chin• named Given Goo. 'Ille a.tneoe p.._ 11 like the -old butetball play, 0 Give ~Go." • • • 'lillERE ARE TREY NOW DEPT. -KJm. Stewart, r.r-H-,U. Btacli mp ud Ua.A --oter, h a Navy deltltt. AHtlttr ex..()Uu cqe -~ Gary llmltll, b Ille Had bt1kelholl c:oacll a1 Su Benanllee mp. AJld -·-Art Khn, yoo aay? The er·Anahtlm AmflO owner'• latest project ii in Melbourne, Auatralla, where he'a aupervlalng the conatrucUon of that country's bilgest Indoor aportl arenL • • • OPINION DEPT. -The m01t aa- derrated Oruee Coast area prep bask& ball player ii Newport Rtrber'• Da UHate4t ud &M most daceron tbooter la tlttlt part1 ii Muta•'• Vllllee Mall Bat Ute most etfttd ef 'em d II Hudlpo.'1 Mlkt c..treru. • • • BUG DEPT. -The Santana Comp.any of Cotta Meu hu come ap with an JnvenUon that ~ made a hit with Volktwqen enlhullatts. lit tlji>lftlaii~ aliinilnum "Power Pulley" increuea the bonepower of a VW enllne by up to 10 pereenl It rtpltces the stock Cl'lllbhaf) pulley and reducet the demandl ol the engine'• cenerator and coollns fan. The 1tdlet made a rou1ln1 hit with VW entrants in the recent Mexican 1,000. ml1a rood ~·ce. . a -Ue .. a :D-foot ahot by Vlneo Moll. That'• -the Olle< machine cranked , oil Dve butelt, ooJ,y like Hunllolfoa can mU:e 'em. Mlke Coatrtru blt a 1Uoot rebound, Lee Wal~ (the ooly junior OD the Oil City vll'llty) ClllDed a nboaDd then T0111 Bonwell bit a layup and It WU -wben the third POrlod'a end !ezn. ponrtly shut ~ the Oflen. HowOTer, they Immediately picked up when they left oft u Marina fumbled the loorlh quarter tip, Cootrvu picked it up and drove for the bucket. . Then HCOllds later Wallen 1tulled lo another r<bound ahot and ii WU -with f :M loft In the" - llarlna madt a latt rua al H1lllllqlon lo the clollnc two minutes, nduclnl the bulie to IHI. But lloaweD, the hero ol Jl'rlday'a clutch win over Aaabefm, hit two free throwl (the !Int -""""4 and flnall1 fell lhrouih the net) with :M MCOndt to IO ·and !the ~wen In, 11-45. Marina did a lllle Jo!> with Moll, Dick Im and1Buddy Mlin etcli ICOrlng II. Contreras wu h!ib point man for Ille nigh~ however, With 11. Ivie wu in foul trouble with four perblala the llrat hall but IOlllehoW ho llllll,llOd lo avert No. l 11 be ...,... od the Ol!Ott wl1h his beipl -Ill. Hunt1J111oo ahot IS. 7 percent from the floor while Marina made good oo only :U percent. The Yikes bad ID eopeclally cold Ont ball, poWng 17.l per<:enl AJld lt't bolo !hat type of frl&l<I llhoatlns !hat'• bandlc•Jllled Olloo'a ertw all-. ............... tAt .. • ... flt •• ,1.~ :I t 2 • Miiier ,., • ' h l,., 111 4Me!I a I i . II M-. I t • t Mlf'lll C•l ,.,.,, . 4 S A 11 t 2 I I J I J • J: I I 11 J I I 11 111111 A Ttttlt tt f14 ft -.. -~ 1-.cft 1• 16 It 11-U MltlM ,, 'u 16 -• DETERMINED llAJlON -Eric Hammer ol. Foun- tain Valley moves for a basket, elucllng Corona de! Mar defeuden llfike McWilllams (top) and Chris Df.IL Y 'llOT ""'' _., ....... K•tw ThompllOll. ·Col'Olla de! Mar-1tayed on ·top of the Irvine League with a 4M.I overtime win. 48-45 Overtime Victor y Clutch Defense Saves CdM By EARL GUS'l'KEY Of .. Ollr ..... '"" Corona del Mar made oDly three of lit laal eight free throw attempts Tues- day nl&hl and had lo nly OD a clutch defensive effort 1n an overtime period to tum back Fountain Valley, 48-45, in ID ~ LeaJUe buketball crucial. The victory allowa the Sea K1np to malntain their flnt place Irvine deadlock with Lowa. made It '5-41 with I ,II left. A Mite McWllllams m.rity toss made It 4M1 before Fountain Valley could econ -a jumper by Gary Redmond with II seconds left. Aside from ltl ahakiness at the foul line, CdM t1hot well, bJtUng ~7 percent for the 1ame. 31-37 with 4:10 left but tht Barona: were never to tee the lead again. It wu a Duane Dillie free throw wJtb 2:53 lelt that produced the 41-41 deadlock. , Bloom 1lngled out reaerve center Doelt for a strong fourth quarter effort. Leech was the game'1 leading scorer with 17. The BaroM relied heavily on the talented twosome of Valbuena and Diffie, who accounted for 23 points between them. • • Hoop Win • • B1 ROOD CAlll.ION , ., ...... ,....... - Weatmlntter l!lP School, oa lllt ~ .,.~ .... -bitlt -period, d--• Valley TueedlJ altarnooa, ~ !" ..a Sunset League ---at ~ •n' court. • Victory glveo coech Ben Taylor's cnw a U mark In the r1IQff -wllll three garnet left on the QIDdL ,.;. _ Don Broderfct WU tlie key fO ... Lions' euy win u the M Jaol!I' domlnatod the -and dtleallV. boardl, allowed the -.. -utile lntlde and ended up wjlll 15 marbn 10< blah point booon !or the..-._ The tnvnden utlllJecl their -fir lbe entire< llnt hall, but It ...,,.anti! 1:40 remained In the · -period Illa! the LION could pull away from Illa mWler Fak:olll. n.en, 1n rapid order, Taylor'• Olltfit broke out cil a !Olll'polnt marpn (-) to takt a 44-11 lead al the hall. Santa Ana Valley turnovtn off the preu and a remorkable effort from lbe lne throw line underllnod the IOICldm Westmlnster IAD'IL . .,,. In all, the 1Jnn1 capltallaed oa siolii tholltolhetuneol:Mal401era remll"kable 15 percent. , Little change occurred In the tb1rf period .. the Lloot coatlnued. their momentum un111 Bill Wallace'• two sralll -. pve them an lmpoofn( 11-.11 lead. with J ,11 to go lo th6 third period. : Moments tater Sherman Tbomu -out for Valley with 11 pofnta In hit poctel and ·lhll WU the final b1o1J !or any comeback chancel the Falc:ooa mlgllt btve had. · The zone prw euiployod b -r Westminlter gave the r a 1 c o-n ebarplhooter few chances at jump lhota from cutllde qalnlt a IODe and WU nopooalble for M Valley -'"' * * * .. ........ '-l;" r~ Yi• llM .: ~ l ' l ft..,,_ ... ," i"',., r"1.rlclt ~ , " ,= ~ & l 'I ~. l \ l;1:g:,,. I I I ·f> l!rl!l l&l ll :.f wtl:.'I 1 L a.tn tl,__i. 11 ,. ;{ .< Magnolians Overpower Mesa, 9047 • ... . :. ·-. . ··~ COlta Meu'1 CIUtmanmd 16"' ;p · stayed with ln1ne Lequo butelbell.. power Magnolia for a quartor Tlletdar· night but were llntJIT overpowered by the muscular Sentlnell, 90-47. -· •' Coach Herb 1Jney'1 twn lrailod <Ill!' 19-11 alter the llnt quarter ~­ but the vlllton rolled up a :IH lllll'lln·: ln the teCOOd qllllW' and lhll• .... lhal . "'lb• oecood quarter -the l>all game," Uvaey aald. ~ . "We were ¢tlnC good 17-lool -.. and mtsslng them. The kldl lollowod the game plan well but we coaldll!t~ pul the ball la the hoop." .. 'Ille Mustanga . were partlcularlJ bult>· by Jan Adamloa'1 II polnll ... eub Dan Henry, who· canned IO . Colla Mesa wu out-rebounded bJ a -margin. The rout giv• Meaa a 1~ lrYlne ~ and a &-11 overall mart. MlfllltMI (Ml Cttltl .... ,., M'"" -... _ , ... LOftl~tr H•UY -..... w .... ToTel• "''" ,,, " J J 1 ' ltlllmt')'tr . . . . .,...._.., IM I • lnklnl 41.StOIYlf, 4 4 t 11 K1llY t 2 I a .....,-Motl 1 I I a "utllll 1 1 1 J Dlel ) . . . ,. . ,,, . l t I 1 ' 1 ' • I t • 11 •• t •• 1 I I a I I I 'j'O ••• I I 1 ,,. Mnlttl T•1' 14lfa'1 ...... .., "'"''" .~. ~1111 It •• ·-··"'· COsl• M.. It t Q ll-'1 Cooch Bill Bloom's alalwarts ICOttd aeven pointl in tbe overtime period wbUe limiting boot Fountain Valley to loor-the tut bucket a meanlnglea'one with five 1econdl left. The Sea K1np were never headed unW Steve Hatch made it 11-15 for the Baroni midway through the secood quarter. But BJoom'1 ouUit manaa:ed to reglater 1 23-20 halftime lead. lt wu 32-32 at the three-quarter pole and a Leech layup and a McWllllams free throw pul CdM up by 37-34. Bue Swimmers Second 'Jbe Barona had Corona nailed to the wall when the final HCOnda licked away in fourth quarter. From 2:10 to play, they llalled the clock down to 4' -but blew an .-y ahot under the bucket. 'lbe Sea K1nga took over I.Del playtd for the final ·ihoL It was an II.footer by Chril Tbompaon that went In the hoop and bounced out. The rquJallon Ue wu 41..fl. Jn the OffJ'time, Corona del Mar never trailed. Sieve Leech started It off wltll a driving layup Ill 1econds Into the extro p.-lod and two John Doe!J free lhrowa Gary Valbuena put the hoall up by * * In EC Meet; GWC Third COIMA DIL MAI J•I ft 1 ~=....... f J • Wlltnc:M 2 1 I Ti...... t f t l:r.,,.,. ,• ,,• i Orange Coast Collqe'a JOO.yard T• t freeltyle relay team raced t& a first POUNTAIN YALLIY,_l41) "• ": p inJsh in the final event of the .-'!"""i..1 to ve the Pirates enoagll polD.ta :ra;-l ~l s lace in the Eastern ,Qm.. Ltn..... 4 3 ference sw I relays Tueid..!... If· V•I~ ( I 1>6 "1 Ttt•.. '° • ternoon at Santa Ana College: ~rn*~&fl:tll" U : ~ = = The Piratea chalked up IO polftta to record lhelr thfrd.atrali!lt eocond place ... ... Vlaltlng Ventura CODeae handtd Sad- dltboc:k CoUes• 111 third 1tnl&ht defeat of the YOlml bueball tea10n, W, Tut:t- day an.-oa the Gaucho diamond. Stddleback led hrl<e In the ,.,.., 1-0 wh<n Don Sweetland singled In a ron lo the Ont lmlnl -and ~ wbtn lbe Gauchoo .im n.. atrai,!lt wtlb in the laal ol the ........ MD Hopes Shaken, 65-56 finish In the meet. DefeDdlng champion Fullerton, awepl to the t"'m Utle qlin with 71 polnta. Santa Alla was third with M points while Golden Weal fln1lhed loorlh with C. Orange Cout'1 vlct<q lo the lllO free relay wu the ooJ,y llrll place finish clullked up by the Pirates or Golden West. Velllura pulled aheod to· sta1 wHlt two runt In the foorlh aod three more lo the Dlth. ..... tll Wll'm . ,.,. ., .... ~-411:11 ........ 111 Meytna StttS~llNllc Jtt llncMilr rf t t 1 1 l\lrt.Plflttr 1 .. I t I ... ,...,,~ , ............... , .. D9wllnc 11111 .. 11• ttt ,,,."... d • 1 I , 11ec11 ... a , • , ...... If 4 1 • °""""''"' It ' 1 • """''"'"-It t t 1 I •1v1f 11 I 1 I ... lllt'ty ' I t I t ptW11f11*" II ' t ' Ctrrp :l.Stl ht\l'f'P 110 • """"' It 1 • • T ..... w e n •, ..... 1414 ..... ..,_ •• l •ut1 -•nt lfttot0 -241 LA PUENTE -Mat.. Del 1111b Scllool'I An&tlUI ~ bulillllalJ ebampionablp uplratlona look a ••ere l>Mtlns Tuetday nill>t -I h e -dr"l>POd a --ta 1>ott Bltbop Amal 'l1le 1ou left coech Jerry Tardie'• qalnttl two ltm<l behind the toque leader wllb a M mark wllb -..-a !tit In Angeim compotltlan. Tardie commented bt!ort the came th!! his ~ WGUld have to contn>I theboardt and hreak the Btahop Amat prta JI they. were to be auccaafu1. 'Jbe Moaan:lll, u H !Urned out, did --·----,----=--~-__:_______ netlber u the Ltncm' fut break o11- and crutblnc IUU<lOUlt ..-took their toU In the llrlt hall and the -had the pmo locked up 1,2'1 Into the lblrd p.-lod with a -lead . 1be 1'"" accountod for ti Mater Del tu-en In the !Int hall tlooe and the Llncen were ICOrlng oa euy cripple lbota OD the tornoven. SteVt Caropino was the chie:r n. .. ec:utionf'r1 hitting from outside con· tlalently 10< II polnll. Tardle'1 nve pared the marglrt down to eight with 1 :59 to go but a cold atreat from th1t point ended what rmall chance the Mcnarcllt had of pu1llns It out. Tom McMenamin hit a aeuon hip of II for the 1-1 wblla RalJ>b Chandol had 11 and w.,,,.,. R-aod Bob Gibert etch tanked JO. __. Dll P41 .... A-' (Ml """" .... ,. ... llt110'1.Mry :1141 t I 1 1 Mo!Mn s J s 11 644 16McM""11 l'.fll 4JtltH"*' ill' •••11~ 16•n tt16C•rltM 11 04 •• 1 • 1 t I 2 •Mt!• Te!tlt. 131'" '5 Mtttr Oii 11""'-All'lllt JUN • ., ... ,..,.. " '14 ,,_,. 1t u" 1.s-u The Bue lounome ol Mite Allhrlabt. Gary 'lbom....,, Doog Schaumber1 and Brad Smith clocked the d!Jtance In I ,II.I; lea than a aecond over the OCC llCbool record ol 1,11.l lltl 141 year. The Plratn trailed Sanla Ana In the W.m ala....,_. l*'lor to the lut event by loor polnll, but their 200 victory plus Santa Ana'a fifth.place flnhih in the same event pushed them ahead of the llorui. Fullerton dominated moot of the meet, taking vlctorle.s In the fint five r1cea:. --·--• ft •DAILY I'll.OT Davis Still Re~ps Benefits. . From Coaching· at Glendale • 111 EARL G\JITUY ... ....,"" ... Al a blCb ochool coacll at Glend.io lllib. UC! baabtboll coacll Dlek Oavll hod more than 'bll W.. of blue dllp -porlomwl. J<ibn BIOck. Tom Doce and Darnll SUtbtrland were amonc lhcle who wn ,...,.._ for Oa•ll """'"" up a m.n ncon1 ·m *• leUObl. AiiPottntly, Davis Is 1111! reaping the benelltl of bll aaoclatlooa with former ltandoub. He can crtdtt Block, for in- ltan<e, for the pr ...... al junior otarliq guard Sieve Sabini cm lhlJ ...,..., UC! club. At an all-Conference forward a\ Gleft. •a1e City Collqe lul ........ Sabini •u the IUbject of concentrated rtcr;lliltllj( hf a half dozen .. .....,, buketbell_... "I hod trlpl , to <ngoo SUte; W~ ·ao<f Sa!> .DltlO Slate an<I l ,..ii, _,up In· the air over tbe whole thing imtil olio day lul Mlll'Ch """' I came down to Orange Coast for a pickup game," Sabini rteal1I. "Bloclt and Jeff ~ (a UC! --). ...., lhert tha\ day and Block .~ I 10 to UC! and I gueu be convinced me.'' Block now plays for the NBA's San DleRO llocl:et.s. ialllnl bl quickly .. become a major Cold Viejo In 70-60 Cage Loss Million Viejo could scan just II po1nta In the llnt hall Tuesday night and couldn't mm up the dllf .......... tbe iecoOd haH u the . Diah!O. . dropped a .,7010 Crestview l)eague ~kdball doclllon at Orange. . STE~ SABINS ucr ~tanctout • contribu.tor to UCl'1 14-7 record. He'1 .......,lered no difficulty adju!tfna from forwanl to guard aad, ourprlllnlly, he's the dub'• No. three .corer (11.4), out .. doing even returnint veteran Nick Sanden (IU). ••1 lhlnt Steve bu done a tpeC\acular Job at adjultlnc to a new poo1t1on 1n four-year eoneae balli" Davit uy1. "And he'• ltiil effedive 1nDde --•• Ille blm under tbe bucket oo oul-of. bowldl plays. Bui I'm ' not · surprised a\ how well he'• come a1q !' I thoiJCbt he'd lllort for UI when he told me he'd be comJnc hert." Davis lJ quite fomlllar wllh wloat Sablu can do on a basketball court. When Davia WU . at Glendale, Sabini wu performing for Glendale Hoover. And It WU Sablna' 1951 Glendale Hoover team tba\ wu the lone outfit to belt Davis' 32-1 club that year. After beln( graduated from hlgh IChool In 1960 Sabins' went to wort for 2'AI years, 'lben be went Into tbe Amy for two years and returned to play : al Glendale City College. Davis ..... surprised to "'!' Into Sabini In a·Gleodlle uniform when .he -\eel 1be Gl<ndal .. Rlvenlde City College pme at tbe Cllafley -lul, ....... lie WU lhert' to ICOul Mlb ~ the 5-10 Riverside guard who """ llarls with Sahlm In UCl's backcourt. At 25, Sahlnl II UCl'a elder allitmnan. "Steve'& a quiet I'll but· .be c:arrl• a lot of wtlgbt," Davia aay1. "In fact, that'• one reucm·. why· be'• so valuable to ua -all the . ..,. rapect hint.'' NET CLA.sses WILL STA.RT Instruction In Newport Beach Teonla Club'• jualot program beslDI Satm'da1 mcrnlog, IWdl.1. The, ll'iill'am: ........ for -thraiP ''ii. Tryouts· for lnteni>edlale and advaooscf Will be held s.-,8'.°'r.b. Ii, from I to , 10 a.m. oo the grua courll. Fee lot the U weeka al lnatructloD Is .. Further Information can be obtaloed hf cootactinc .-. Bob !Jtrtch or , Jim llhepbonl at.NBl'C. Estancia ID 61-50 Setback 84-53 Reversal t Swimmers Tr-iumph Tritons Stumble • . Marina glldld to Ill flnt nnlt7 111'1ounin& victory ct AgainstSpqrtans ; the 1111 c.,.patp ri-y, 87 UIUIY DUNMIRE drown1nc the vil!lln& Lone Of ... &Nllr , ....... BelCb Jcrdan PAnUiera, •t.U. J\ wu a do-or-die 1iluation Craic Donaldloo and Don for San Clemente Tuesday Lippoldt pulled oll 'double vie-night and so the Trltoo epitaph torla lor the Vlilnp, the read: VWa Park 114, San f<lnlltr In the•ll and 100 Irie, Cl....,._ SI. the tatla' In the _, IDdlvldual VWa Part, In .....Uy drub- m e d I e y and the 100 bing the Trllool, grabbed • bocutroke: tie for aecood place In lh• DonakllOO. abo led the Crestview League basketball Marina 200 medley nlly ream race. to a win In 1:<9.1. Villa Park ripped the nets Other Vlklnp to notch llnt for 43 polnll ill tbe !eCOlld place finlabes were Brian hall and yieldod but 23 to ~very! In tbe dlvln( com-the vWUnc Trltolll. • for seveo and Bill Krage pot.. l ted eight In the damaging \bird quarter. Krage also cleaned the boards for numerous re- hoon<ls. With S:45 remainjng in the . third quarter Tom Gaulden finally connected for San Clemente's first field goal of the period. petltton, Clay Evans 100 but· The hard-fighting, avenging Loira .u1 ... School'a ~·_. ~kKe.evln Williams 100 Spartans Iced \I"' vlciory early ~ • ....-ln the game u they ran SalOnl lbook: looee for It~" off 1 quiet llHI lead in the Villa Park ran up 20 mort 1 polnls In th• !1nal eight ' minutes and San Clemente'• ' hopes· for victory were far out of reach as it could muster , ' but 14. Chrl5 Lacbe, who a 1 so sparked Spartan play, followed . Daytoo and Krage In the IC«·. lqg department wilh 13. llW'lln midway throogb the -1lrf'l!l1 ,_ firs! quarter ...t then aurged aecocxf quarter and went .a· '11l1M10. iuiLA'v:.:t. Mar11111 Tlm,: farther &bead, 25-13 at the to pla. 11-ta .. le(eal oil~ "ll"~ r~-.c:.\'h~·· .. ·~·11 end of tbe lint period and cla1 1\tMday nlcbt 1n Irvine. 'lf'l""--<Mi °T"11r:ri!. ch~ C-21 at intermission. Leque bubt.ball' action cm R .. Ind. "'1".--1. llpllMlt IMI %. 'nMi: dugailh. cold-shooting IAlf CLIMINT• IDJ the •lnnen' court. i:fi' WNNH u i Timi: Trtlonl were outclused in '~ '! "~ '~ Ralph Redinctoa and Mart s.;r: .~ AY«'ff IMl 2. Kllll CMI every depi!bnent in the se-=..c,.lnl , • • T Franzen. with .even point& c'lfi-'· ~vj!-: 1~1 ,'-11• cond half U they fell farther ~:::;,'" : ~ ; -~ each In the leCOlld period, U/ •g., j'Ji;,~f 2. ,._ and faribeo behind. ..,., j : : :; were ·the c:hief ,culprita In -d&-. 1M~ · ~. T.d,· /;.f-"ldllMI A Ugh\ Villa Park defense ~~1':t:s.n ' ' • 11 nytnc the F.agJel the ui-t (M~~llY 11l"MS: ~ih1•0''•~1 forced UM! Tritons to outside L....tiel'f' : ': ; lt victory. . IJ ~ =l~TlJrL I. 11~ shootlna and \hey could con-~~;:.' i o t ' 'nle SuOlll' 33-11 hllfttme .S: ' • Tllnt. nee\ OD c:mly three field goals Tot•lt VILLA PAll~·, .. i4 ,. SJ lead stood the rest of' the _ a..11M 1n"taD ..... the third wfod, whlle sinking "' ,,. "' T" Way and f(XJI' Lema playen '~· ,, fnlcl. r• •r-1. -'••111 Tllne: only three lhob from the ::n \ :. ~ ~ ': bJt fn doobJe figures. ( ~· J!r.~11~7J~f~= cbarity line -I meager nine r: : i : ~i * * * (I tJ. ~~~I ~M.J(MI ! po~ the same time the Llwthef' 1 I • .s t:ft'r" IJI :-. Jl Time~ Spart.am were IUl'ging farther ,..~ ~ ,! ~ .: •ITAMCIA ,.., ,.l'TP,TP 1 t I A 1 .s s J 1 1 s 1.f 2 .S I 1 s • ' 11 I 5 1 I I I t J 0 t 1 ,. ''''ti• 1..0AU (tll ,. " "' ,,. -...1111i. • • • l6 P....tll I I A 2 1'1dol :t I I t HldMl.ts 4 J I 11 ,,..flDll 5 1 ! 11 •cwa.. ' 2 2 10 bile* •• ,. FGtltr I I l I "-UIM t I I • Sheldon D J t • S Tot111 21 21 :It fl ............. ~ ilstlcl9 • ~ 11 J IS ,,._.. ..... ""'' .. 11 i.s..tl- ,• . " . "/~· t.c-"Jit 1~"\"~:_~Jl:1i:t Glllbtft• and farther out of slo<l.t as 1~"' ou.,... DD fnt -I, M.ilbY (M) 2: ttoli-r -..........! the... ts S.n Cll!Mnle n 15 J 14-P :~~~~J1~j~~\piD~a~veii;iiDa~ytoei;;iii;;i;'~~.-;;.,·i;;i;;~ne;;;;;;;;;;~~~'"i;;iih~~~~n:::"~•,._..;;;;;"i ~~.~:;~~'b "'' " DELTA SUPER QUALITY .. r. ... Ai:;_i,~t::;M _, Tires Cost Less! J.,.... 141fTuJ MArl111 s:n!o "*'· ,..llr-1. M1r1nt Tllftl: e COMPl.ITI LINI AYAIU.ILI e <J~ l:iill~I ~~: 'f~1 t. MIYa WID• OVALi -IU,.lft ,lllMIUM -POL YllTlll 1 UOIAL IPOllT1 -SANO IUO.OY -CAMJ'lll • '"" ,1111..,r~ .JJl .t. ••Ir (J) INCIAU -& ALL llZI n.ucK TllllS. ~,r''1;.;"'f·-l,iJ'~f'rJ:! IANIAIHllCAU MASTll CHAIM f, .:.~~w..\:.ti:-..,. ":~ BERG'S DEL TA TIRES ":q~~~~.f,.J£;,~,;w 141 E. 17111 St,. Costa Mesa· 645-2010 0,,. .......... .., l: J fnt rti.Y-1. J...-" Tln'ol; :,Tl\e fanthers had a fat 30-11 ' "4S at lntenninlon and were ~ver preued by the viii.tors ""...,....half, •1'om Gardner produ ced icme flreworka in the fourth 4uarter. ll<Ol'ing 10 of bll 19 Ooinll In tbe final period. ~uniar Dan Kratz led Mission ·~le)o Wttb 21 markers. TOM ·BALDWIN ...... South DAVI GlllS Coochlntl Herth Baldwin, Gibbs Get All-Star .1 obs Sears ·costa Mesa Ski Shop .: 'Ibe Diablor m a j e h e d flrange bucket.for·bucket In .,. thh'il quarter but bY then ,. _ I<!" late. .. • OUN•• 11tl '$"P'TP o J I J 1 t ' 1, ' 7 4 15 t I I 4 ' . . ' t • • • • .) t ' S ? I ll :. Tottlf t4 22 11 11 • -• MllllON Vll'O lltl ._. l'O l'T Pl' TP ... ,.., '''" .. .._ 11s2 ....... I 2 I 2 ~"'" 111%1 ,,,...,,_ J • J 10 ·1'-' 1121 ~ t. t • "'Ttfl.lt' N 11 tt Ml ··~ S-."7~" l~ , .. MiPMI Viele t t ZS 1,_.. • ~ ... :::ski ·Auction ~ w . :Set Tuesday : The Baiboa Ski Club will ~ct lts annual auction ~tttn& the U.S. ski t.eam ' ' 1feb. 11, I p.m., at the 410wporler Inn. :; Funda obtained from lbe ~ wm be contributed :loward the support of skiers ~petlna on an international ;'41vt1 u well u thole In the :4..t who compete in national ~fwtnta. .. ... fOFr SIU SAM • • • • • • ... •• Sant.a Ana'• Tom Baldwin and Troy'• Dave Gibbs have been named bead coaches for Orange c.ounty's North-South All-Star fo<Kball game at Orani:e Coast College Aug. 14. Gibbs, just 26, is the first coach in the game's 10 years to have played in the classic . He participated in the 1960 game following a star-studded Buena Park High career and credits his performance 1n the game for bi.1 obtalnlnl a col- lege scholarahlp. He played at Fullerton Juni<r C:Ollege for one ea90D Uum matriculated to UCLA. In his third year at Troy, Gibbs sports a JH-1 record: Baldwin will be coaching in . his third straight summtr all- star 1ame. He was an a.ui~ tant under Mat.er Del's Bob Woods in the 1967 Orange County game and was bead coach of tbe South in last summer's Shrine 1ame at the Coliseum. "l can't wait to I et Jtarted," Baldwin said Tues- day. "To be able to coach boys of IUch caliber in I pme like this Is a great opportunity ly Marvl11 My .. a ::r.-==========:::::-= ~-11---n *' - fur a coat'h." Baldwin lndkated he would rely heavily on Orange Cout area pidders for lilt South rOlle:r. He llid be would ·con- tacl plsyen from i.a.,.,., Westminster, Hunt Ing ton Beach and Newport Harbor High school!. Each coach Is allowed· 25 players. The North won last year's 1ame -the firat one played at OOC -4H. Tbe South trails in the serie1, 1·2 . Proceeds from the 1ame co to charity. The 1ame haa ral&- ed about $30,000 for Children's Hospital in Orange. Foothill Five Overwhelms LB, 59-37 Laguna Beach H t c h ' a: baaketbaD team acored only three field RO&la In the flnt hall and came out on the short end of a SW? score at Foothill Tuesday nilbt. Al he hu all seuon, Foothill's H sophomore center, Bill Boyd, dominated the game. He scored 22 points: and -the Artisll to death. Foolhlll had a comfortable Jt.11 bull' at the hall. Stflve Klolt«mu acored si:1 polnll and hauled 111 10 re- bound• for Laguna. The Art1sls shat only 24 percont for the game. Costa Melll Only Clearance SALE • cyo to Ski loots Reduced! Wen $9.95 to $60 ............. , ... . Ski Pants Reduced! Wtre$20ta$32 .......... , ........ . 1/3 OFF 1/3 OFF $129 Sturdy Metal Skis .....•..•.••.•...••.•.•.•.•.• . $130 Ughtwelght Flbtrglau Skis , ....................... .. $100 Durable M.tal Skis ............................ . $80 Sears flbtrtlass Skis .......................... 78.99 78.99 59.99 ' Roel Rudolph'• nine polnil were high for Laguna. $69.99 Epoiy SJd• ................................. . 44.99 39.99 : • ... • : 1 ' ' , • ... i ··~ J.E Tl<nY!lll!tff Ill' Cit SKVR/Tt .wt~ )W'ir l #0 !PM. MJ1T 1lll!'LL S!f)J, ~ W/" ~ f'OOTMILL (It) ,."'"T' I t O S ., • 1 " S 1 I t • • • I t • • • l • l 1 0 I I I , , . ' I I I I ti 17 II It LAM"'" laACll (ti') ,..,_, -.. _ 10 ........... 11 '""' ·-...... ,_ T1111• ,."'l'TI' I I .t I I 2 t I f I l 2 t t • • t • 1 • I I • t I 1 I I I f J t 11un11 ... ., euftln P'91111111H I• U M tlt-R CHARGE YOUR Puactwu lill Seirs ReYohlag Chirp I Sears I iiiiii;: I I Im -A '' . Huge Ski Sweater Clearance AU Reduced to 50% OFF Sean Reptar Law Prt-' Ce•t• life•• ••• Brbttl •t Sta•ff•-r IR s-tJll c ... t Pl&UI PHONE 54o.333' ' ~ J 11 ' ~ "-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....J .. ' • HOW FlllM THE Gllrt • • Bue Netters • Fall, 7-2, Battle SM ,. Another for ~W~~:M~..tay~·':'~~=lt'/~12~,~1%~9-:::-~::::::::::DM:::::LY:l'lt.:::::OT-:::2:7:_;: UCLA? • Br EAllL GIJSTUY eligible ll'lde-wllt for I/QA "It'• rtoll• rm lo llDd .. WIS the ---··· .. ~·---~· ~ Will thero be 1notblr·1tven-He'• Duey Tr1;1,.. from out-of-a.... pll)'er -.bo can Crum 1111 the best IUlfd I •-•-w;-~--•-•-N c u. bl~ quallfy oc.odemlcall• lo r OGier lo -• in Ln AlcJn. ••-~, · • ~ ~ u~ , ., Crum Points ~t. .,,_ he'1 1!et11 in the 11.S. tbll dor's foo• .. -· at UCLAT &even feet «1 the DOit. ""'""' All seum IJ 1-2 Paul Horayat, _,... out«-ttate athlete needl a 3.4 ft_, .. .:, __ SCRIBNER WlNS TlTLE • • • • 0rup Coul Collep'o tea-Peri>HI-Bruin bukelball "We doo, hive ~la her ,_al olSt.John'•lll&bin.........,, nil teur lhooll !or 111 f1nt colch 'Jolto Wooden llld bis trlJllClipl rel bul I've "!'( ••erqe •,· "T'."' cour1t, Olllo. He ICorod • point. In ,..,.Uy. win ·al the _ ""·-•·· aldt1 ore In the pr<ICffl now responded with bls cooch 111><1 1 r-t llDIO. Scrlbntt defeated' Laauna Oluck -..... ltli i lt<Olld •trllgbl men'• •Incl• - clwnploOlh!p al the ........ llelclt . Tennis Tournlmcnt --· --...., al 11U..ln( ---he ..,. the boy la I IOOd SoCal w~· "I 11.W him play I couple .L an.,_ qlinll top.roted the COUlllry· '"' ~ S<bool lludon~" Crum JIY~ al w.U qo. He'a really I Beach lll&b Tennis coacn.,, 811111 Monica City Coll•1• athletes Wilo rtae 1bove tho Another oevm-loorer who • , ·.bod .... He bu the pes Art Wlbl, 1-2, M . ,., after dropplnt a 7-1: declllon teven-foot level reaidt1 in North Carolina is s..tflerllt1....,._,~m1 Tor UCLA1;bU£.J )don't know In men's B tlncles pl17, .... 'to UC Irvine~ on the Denny Crum. the assistant Tom Burleson of Newland. he . ._IP . _: "t '' ;,: ": if he's interested." Ron Roa defeated Ray • Pirate courtl. r• 'i"' coach wbo does D10lt of the stretches to 7-2. Tom Payne~• ~·•ti :i :-·~ ·;: Crum says the country -:rw.&, ..i: .: Santa Monica ii rated as leg work for Wooden, says oCShawneeH!ghinLouisvWe, NI-0 s 4 3 loadedwithexceptlonl ·~:.I imlrs .... the ~t junior college tennis there are about a half-duzen Ky., is .even reet even. •l"'*' • s · <1 '' playen in the M to f.10 class. were Jact Uptm and Mary ., • team ln the country and seven-footers pllyiq prep ball And tbert is a 7-S specimen =~ : : : ,; The beat in the LA area, he Prentiss,. wbo . belt Rolf l'lll_.,i, ,.._.. in t'-R- wln .-11y ""' o11i1t • 1111 ... "How r.nalr ohoul4)'GU hold tho c!Wo? I _..i)'Gllslp .. light- ly •you .... and still -· lull _,el tho club""'"8hout the•i~. the Conaln art led by John ln tbe C9Ul1.tr)' but ·SO far only in Wyomlq wbo J1 ju.st a Tol•t• »' 11 'II '' says, Is Bruce Clark (M) or Eneen and Sharon Hulst, N, ... 1 Forte, one o1 the top Younc., __ 011_e~ol~-the~m~•~p~pe_a_rs~_to ___ be~...:.juni~or~-~~~~~~~~~~"=;_•:::.m;~,=M~='~·~='=""=·~;=ic.="'~•=•c.="'='-"-•~-J-e_r_rer~'"'~·~~~~~~~~..:."'::.·~~~~~~~~.C" players in the United States. 1 .. Forte probably wW draw • Jim Ogle, only one of two .. , Pltates to score a victory In the UCI match, u hla op- .. t ...... ~.. • ·All Penney Stores Op-e I , il.~'n :ai Through. Saturday ,. 11 ........ lonNo.2"-thofln-... i-,ohedod _, thet ohould ..,.Y ,..fllclont ,._.. for club -·· ponent. Thund1y11 match , whic}l ,,w be p~ayed on the ocr. cowis, wm start at 2 p.m. 1 UCI l'ttul'J'IS to actloq Friday in the Slntl Barb1ra ·Invlla- tlorlll. ... .. ,,, {!_ .. • ~ .. •1t ti ·.:i.... ..... W~ ~?CC) Ml'. O'H-'11 C1rv (OCCI tlrf. H1rdlr11 (UCU, ... ,, •t. T•I (UCI) dtf, Gtdill•ll (OCC), .... " OMI• (UCIJ .... HMIY 1occ1 ..... •2. • .. ' N•tlMNI !UCll *"• ""'""" (OCCJ, j..l, f..2. Htlnr IUCll <llef. DIVS. (OCCJ, .... '"'· Keeping Tabs OnHoop~n~ I '~ 4,'" < ,I _,.. O'Nt!ll·ff•dltl\d (UCI) "*1, 0,1 .. Cart IOCCJ, M. j..t. TNf.Htt'Cllrll (UCll dtf. o.dWll- HetlY IOCCJ, M , <M. w111 1 ·ll.•v1tur11 (UCll def. lll~fllff·T'"'1 (OCC ), '-'• j..2. FINAL SCORE -UCI 7, Or1- C011I J. .... ,. ·~· ,, .. . GWCGOlfers IAST1ax CON,lalNtl w L .. " Fu1..,_ " • "" "' c-• • "" UN .-w ... • ' , .. "" s. ............. • ' "' '" Mt. t • • , .. "' c..... ' ' "' m .,~ ... ' . ' "" "" or... c..11 • • "" "" ··-• • "" 112, S.fl """~,,,. • " '"' 1131 Cl-• " 1011 12)1 IUWllT LllMUI W L PJI PA H~~ 11 07416'11 """""'" • a m n• HNWt Hlrtler .,. •. , ' J '70 q.5 w.tlll!Ntw ' s 1U 711 WllMf'!'I ' I 'fO 6'11 ,,,.....,. J I Ml •27 s.w. ...... '! ' .llf T.111 s""' An1 Viii~ 2 • f ";M 7*2 T ... r'llar. N....-t +4-rW 71, w..i.m .SS , ............. II. ~tin. • ................ )5 w.tmlflltitf n. S-N Ara Vl llfor 511 ·: ,,...Y'I ...... ,.,.,.,.... l..ctl It W.tem =..~ ., sentt Ml IMter If Ne-1 Hlrbor AMM!m 11 llnN .t.111 V1llt r ltVINI LIA9UI ,f WL..,PA .t;:;: r, 2 ,. :tll 2 sasim 1 •:Ml~ t•34112 -·-cw-"4 Mir & l'eUll .. ln Vtl'-Y "' ""' 'Mllntlie "· et1t1 ,,,,_ n lMn ti, lft9Mle • -,.~._. C.... dtl Mir 11 Cothi Mn1 """"'°'II It 19*1cll f'llilntel!I V1llfY 11 L•rt CtlhTYllW UA•UI w L ., ·-· • ' .. """ .... ' • ... .,_ ' ' .. Sift C"'""""t • • ~' M ...... Viet. • • "' ...... • ' "' """" ' • ... 1AftM,_ ' ' ... ,_.,..._ vn11 lhltt. M. a.ft t1tmt11!1 n ,-eo111111 "· L...-INdl » °""'" 7'. Ml.NIM Viele 60 •I "'"""' 7', T1111ln JI ,.,.,...,.. .. _ 0,.,,.. ff '" (MtNrltl Twtlll •f l.H"'"' IHdl Mlttl., Vlei• 1t IJ Modlrl1 VIiie l"llrt: 1t ,aetfllll AN•ILUI LIA.OU• w L" ,.lllt x • , .. ..... ~, • ' "' ~--• ' .. """ .. • • "' ....... • • ~ SI. ,.oul ' • "' T_..,.,,_.. ,.. x .. "· """"""' s lor\'1'9 ti', SI. ,.0111 .., IW. ArMt U. ~tlr Del S6 ,_,.._ Mlttr Doi ., Sffvll• • ..,_, Al'Mt et ,.M )( IL """ et tt. ~ n•RAYLM•U• •• •» .. "' .. "' m .,, .. •• " ~' "' '" •• ~' ''"°" ... _ l(l'llMdy I t L-H 1..1 Habre fl S.v1nne Sun.,.,, Hin• Sl'FUlll!lrion r,..,. et-.,.,.. ,.,,. •AltDIN lltOV• LIAOU• WL,.,-, ... Gardltl GrOY't 1 o ns ,.,, Le Qlol,,.. 4 ) Jn '1J lt1ncllo Allfnit. ... , .. l •10 QI llolsl G ... f'llle ·3 4 '26. 411 Slnt1MO \ ' J'' 4 ~ 42<1 "..c:lfklo • I 1 :tH Sll -..... G11'dM G,..... A. lt111(ha Alelflltol 32 Lo Qulrit1 ~. S.nti.to 46 llelw G,_.,63!.'"Wfk.1 U .. ,.." .... -lobl GroMt .11 Ge""' Grove L1 Ovlnt1 11 rotlfla S1nli.tlo 11 lll111C11o Alamltot OltANOl•llAGIUI W L 1(1i.111 . n o .... 1 ' LOI Altlfllln 1 4 ........... ' . S-t s • E1 Dor1do ' 7 V11tncla 3 '1 LOI Aini.., I II T'l11Mty'1 leer. ,.,. ·,. ... ... "' ,,, ,,, ...... .. l lf '" 111 .., m .., ... llJ '°" K1ltlla 5', (.J DtrlClo lS $aeldltbedl M, Les Ami-:II 5--11, .... 54 LOI Alamllos U. V1ltncla U ·----.,.. 11 loe Aleml'M ~ et l.o9 .. /l'lltol loOfi.-. et II DIH"tdo . , . . 1n 3~-S Lose . . Jim Gomer shot a 1S over the Costa Mt11 Goll llld Coontry Club course Monday and led the S..11 Anl College Dona lo 1 3H v!clbry over Golden Weat Iii the first Eaotom Coo!erence match for both clubl. Gorner'i teammate, Dave Lantz, shot a '11 to come out with the third lowest total, trolling Mike Nlchot. of Goklen Well who toured the courte in 74. i Other -llld lhtir scores: Tom Schwttten a, I Ken Kribel M, Brian Hemphill U, ~ E-18, llld Art Moder ltl. Coach ~ Sjllcklllord llld his 10Uen tllllle with Cypreu Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Costa Mesi C.C. .· Lightweight Basketball ./a11tiee N---1 Kef"W (61,) fnJ WHftrll •tdtttt !7), • I" (1) Ltmtndola 9-n 1171 " 14 ) WUIOll HUI fl) C (21) $c1Mlbllrl Kiili {12) (l (71) GrtlftlM SIJ!IDll (lf) G (ll Huu H--1 H1rber seorlnt IUbs - Shedd •• Vendetll ft 1. WHfft'n-Gul~ lln 7, llodll9r t . Htlflll'ltt: Wnltm u , New.ort HI .. boo" )I. NII~ (61J (17) MetlN Ctrl•Dn (211) I" Ill! ii.ti ... --U" r (U) Mulllll'I' H1rrtll rl ; C 11') TllotnM M.a !12) I 0 !71 Klu,..rest"r wi .. fJ) ' !101 McGulrw Scorlna 1ultl1 M\lntlt\91on h1cfl- l"rklrv 7. M9rlne-1!1r1t I, Cranllflt l. Helftlrn.: M9rlna . C. Hunt1111on ltodl 21. ~ VHll L'•r11 . UI) 1411 Stft tit-II MClflll!Y !6J II !11) Andffuft MtA~ (U) P" (JI L....Wnll H1r1 01) C fl)) ~ Ttreblld1 llJJ G C2! Mcttl!lft ,._,,_ (I) G Ill) ltlloll Mtlll' o.i' ,.t----u., 11 ... """' •oblt11 (I) ,. (II) lll1mlrt1 Kniffin (SJ ,. !71 UJ'l119t 1(-r (111 C 121 th~ll•nson H1m1t1tu11 (JJ G 111 1 o1 .. r1t Kllev on G 1•1 e11k•v Jeorlol tullsi N.4111r Del~-'' llonltll!'ll> lr. OMfntft 2, Kll1111m.n !. l liftop AINl-tlllMr 2, Sl'lffm U, Vnllt L ' Ht"'1mt ICOl'I! Miter 0.1 », 11'11ot> A...,.f lS. c .... 111 1a/ oo.11n u I ' 0"91bV Ct) K!ll1111 f101 Ho!Jallder f'I Adlmt (ti Scorlr11 ••: Krhtlnt'f !. l•J ,._,. .. VtfllY ,. (I) Shi• , 1141 ,_ C (41 0.ulltr G ff) L"t'Mll G ill lll•ldtr ,-wn11ln Vtlltv - H11t11m. tc0rt: c.--dtl Mir 11, Fount1ln V•lltv "· Sctt1"9 .ubt: Misti.. vi.1....c1tro S. lr1dl 1. Or.Mt tl"'WI 1. Ht ll'tlmt: Mist*\ Vlotll' II, OroM1 n. LMl'll Ch) H.,..,.,.. (t) Dautltf {11) RO<lmeft flJJ Sln!ltl flt) lllllodel (Ill c--,,,. l(tlllflr C•) .... 141 SMtt 111 wi.. 1n1 CMrw fll • , c • ~ ......... ,.., l l1110fttitfe fl) ,. Katrr1lr (4) F ltldl '" c Ttcllmlll l'I P"orallllll (Ill H.rn1me: NfWllOrt n, \'llttwll JI. Cee W•lllllMtw t•I H1rrl• (11 I" Johl"lllWI !J) JI' Tl\IUllto (1) C c .. (ti • Ml'-111) G fAI c11e,...11r ""'1111 llllbt: W•fmlnlltr-lllllllfO I. S.ft,_ AM Vt11•Y-l•td a. Hlllfttmt: WMtmlf'llflr It, le"'9 Ari• V1l19W' H. (-(!fl Coty !11) Bee Oaltl: ''' .. ,_lnlMf ,c!.~· .. Miiii.. VIII• (M) 141) .._ .. , SM,,,_ 1101 ,. lll ~ C-l')I • ,.., .._ .... w L .. •• DeVlt ltll II' 1111 '"'""' ._._ _.., C..n~~•-toC 11 I Ml .. HUl .. 1"11 (JI C (JI Md'tm11 Md.Uf'I I. It I 7" .. In,. (101 0 l•I ll/l'IDlllllll;I He1P11nr. c .... ll,'" ....... Ill Vtl• . ~1' ' .. "" *i1ir-'•"'";;;;;;";;";;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;';";"';;;;-;;;;;;' ;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ' ... , ,.. .. . ' "' ..,._ r1r1t -··-. . "' , . • • .. 7tl I 11 tlM nt --...... 11. "'lllrttfl " . TM•lrlWNW La ............. ~· """"' """ .. lAJlllitlt .. ' ·AUTO LEASING AIM .... 1-t 1 ''' n rn1dlltl!N ' 4 Dr. Lu ... ' . . ·""· ..... - ·COIT· fOl lfASlf lt4 I). w. C-' Hwy. .... ,.., ........ COii!. 642"'440 '-------· tor'69 . it\ l>EAl.·I EASE_. No" . w. EXF:CUTIVE OAR µi:A8INO COMPANY9 2201 EHi hi St..ol, Sonto t• ,,,. ,_ Kl 7 3 IT a.uaa • 011 Aoe •• i.........., Ol4-5000 • AU1i m c·ENTER UNDIRDASH AM RADIO , __ ... _,......_,_dosh, p;ds op ---,.;rt, ··-dortry~ SofW .... diss•:1 .. ~K· tpOO••· .-27.88. lllRIO '.l'API DICK •UY cvttoia I trade tape dtdt with 2 iMtont mot."'f lpOObn ...... WflOtile ~,. imtall.d Wllt1 Fvll """"· controll 79.95 STllllO TAPI· CAllRIDGll YOtW faororite ...... Jabolt oncl ccMgorie1 ol-... -... -·lhc-;,, OMI .. ow J lite .. tectionl iow. · S.98. NEWPORT BEACH (F1shion Island) I • I 18 MONTH GUARANTEE WITH .9 MONTH' FRIE REPLACEMENT ' I . ' ~::.":!~1 9 .88 735· 14 ...... c ••••• 35c f. . Whitewalls $~ l!tore plus fed . tax llack t.beleu Size ,· 11*f .. tax 775·14 ············-----37c 7'75·15 ····-------37c 11.88 Wllltewalls $2;•ore plus led. tox ................ Slzo : ,._Foci. lax 12 88 825-14 -------~3t. • 815·15 _________ 3 .. Whltewall1 J2 •ore plus fed. tax ~ ' <. ................ SiH Fed. lox 13 88 ass-14 __ . 1 ·' ",.IOc • M5·15 ------·'--···"°· Whitewalls $2 111ore plus fed. lax . . ,. , ·•. QUAltANTEE AU~ I:'. TltEAD WU.ROUT ~ llAl,afllek...,. ,....,..... '"' (.....C the 7J H"-1 ........ ...., .,..r. ... tw the •ntl.N ,..,...,._ ..-: You bontflt .. fol. II rour tiN( ..... out durlnl tti. first MW or ... -.ntM period, return II with )'Out ......... c:er· liric:.11 encl PtnMJ't will repl9ct"""" tile with • new llr• (the eh1rp tor thll .. n be 5011. or the cUITeflt .. 111111 Jl'k9 lnd1tdlnt Feder•I Ei!clM To•); If yaur tirt -111 out >;t!5.i.i dutln1 lh• second heir, the dWp wm t. ''"' or the current •ltilll: Drk'e ......... ""''"" f-clonl tM:IM Tu. TMH ....-.. •Mt ..,.., " .... lftflQel -et ..... .......... ,... .......... .. t.119" .... ~ ... I s ............. 11_.,. '"""""lll It .. 1 ............ 1•~ '°"-,...., ............ 1•1•-t11• :n% flff """"'· •••• , ,,.. •4 .a .. 11-1111 · PASS!NGfl Tiil GUARANtll cu.uWne ,AMllllST fAILU•l~,. '°""°" 1ue111nt"' ..,.ry Fo111most• ti,. qahtll .. I ........ •M-tl'lll 1""111,,_ tee *-ltl tor tM Mtlt9 .....,.... per$Od • stltad r.. MCh tlrt. If th& lh foll1 ck.w> lnl tlMI 11111n1nlea period; ret(ir'n It Mtlt )IGllll' ..,..ntM cm.;nc.i. end ~ will, •t Its optlorn (I) Nl)lllr ttM tJN. W rtpllco It wilh a new lira, OJ Ill siWI JVC1 •n lmmecliatti 111fund. II -replxe ttl9 tirt 11irr1., !lie tree ,.pll<:emant pertoct, .,.. 51 II! ~ • -,..,..,. ~ tjt-. _..., tN tr.. ilflllClfllellt period, JOli pey . 90'!!'. ... ~ ... tlftn -• ..,.... -''hie plice o1 the u,. Jnctttdll'll tfl& ,.._.I ~ ciM T11 f!lff 1119 ...... llfl'IMt fa&luN chart klr detllls). NQ TRADE·~N NEEDEDI FIEE tire Nlallo.'I ....,., 5,000 mil9, FIEE pundlri repair for llf9 ~ 1.....i I . ' HUNTINGTON BEACH . (Huntington Center) '" ., • -· -.. . . ... j, ' ' l • .., ; • ' . " • ' . . WedMSd'1, ftbnlal'Y 12,1969 14-PILOT·ADVERTISl;;I! ~ . ! . llAMD NEW 1 • I •' " ' T\': "·'. 1 ' • ~111_'#'6'' BILVIDal I', · '69 Y.M!IANT: ,11llr factorY ... 11IPNd. H..W, .ij,c, wl!IWI, ·lllht.r Wl'ltl'teflCY fll &lltr" fr.nloftll" _, N!b, 1MU!dtr hi~ .,. .. ~ dllPL. -F.URY, IMlllDIAUNlYllT fVllY ....,., ··:~;;r:· ..... 2 DOOl Irk....... . ~ ...... ~ ......... ~ ................. , . YU1Ml!l\G71. • ltUllf£1111H. ,,.cro11T LIST ufn • IMl!llDIATt DIUVllY s59 MO • . . '.. .. ' . "' .. . . ' ' . -:·VOLPME SELi.iNG · ,;..: MEANS . VOLUME ' SA·VlNGS • ... . .. . ·" ·IOUl•IEL .. ·• "IEllllllT• . ' . ' ) ' , : . " l (U_j .. ,WHY .PAY USl!I LOW LOW MIU!. IMMEDIATE DRIVERY ·~ .. $77 dn. · · $77 mo• CYllV1071 .. . , l"rtlb. Ind. ltx & Hr. tw.11 !!'IOI. on _.....,a.Ill . ' '32 FORD 3 WINDOW CPI. f.~11 full . "11 · Price '64 FORD s477 full Price $16 * $16 DN, MO • ,L.U' TAX & LICENll -~ :•!. '!!C:!~~'!'~t .. ~. $877 $29 * $29 I -~!~!:~:""' ·-"! ~1nooint (NMK~;Hi!I) . Full Price On, Mo. xiz.m. 66 v.w. '66 DATSUll STATION WAGON •·1PK'd, radio, h+o!er, whlte- w~llt, vl1vt l!lt•rlot. IW 7'0) ·m" ~· . , ''-14.PonlilC ift_ n· · $29 * $29 . .,., Plu; :,:~ $977 ~~1'!. ""O ' $'1 Down & $33 Down Gr1N1 """ Autom•tf< hntM, ti<i<:ket ON MO $29 M !hi $33 Mo '""· toniiilt. w1111, ..,,.111. CHHXS41l FULL P'l~( . • on Y • • l677 ".·~ SJJ hw11 I $ZJ MMtlity ' . . """"'"""' ~-£¥•• .. --'!"= - ------------ Any Used Cu With · Gold St1l. "" 100°/o GUARAMTIE GOOD FOR 100 DAYS Im C,000 MIL!S VIHICIJEVER COM!S FIRST At no cos! to you -Part5 or labor on motor, transmission and re;.r end. This Hfll stales in wr iting that lff White guar1ntees the motor, transmission aod rear end 100% against defects for 100 days or -4,000 miles, whichever comes first illfter purthaSt. · · ' ' --~~--- " . FOR ORANGE COUNH . ' ' • • • ..· •• ~ i. \YHY· PAY MORE '"FORD 6•'· soo $m · s2, * $2•m· · 2 dOOf' Mnl~ eulemltlt, pawtr ''""" • . 11111. r1111o, l!H~ 1HG1t U&> full .Price Dn. Mo. · 'II ·COMET 202 i111 $26 * M0$2_ .. ,... I .... A.T .. II.Mt., ....... O'°ttQ. FULL P'lta . ON. IW • . • • 'I I ' ' ' ' ~ ' . DECORATING TECHNIQUE -Mrs. Mable (Cl....,ci'e) ·jWilliSmsOn d11111on-, ' strates the art of cake: decoraUng. Forms 'can .be varied by holdlng the icin&·~~~~~~t .angles, she explai~;" : ,-i , I \·~~~~""!"--------..., J -"' f.t , '' ' • 87 BBA ANDIRBON ·-~""' .... Tbe fl<st Valalines -and .... , say the nlqoll -'"' bomemode. · · So, · '111\y Mt , pYiYI, thla cuatoml 1111t mtcb . from the • nc1 . ' ' .construct.Ion paper b e a r t 1, decoraled with whlle lacy doltte1 and Ued with pink rlb- bott to-usln( "sugar and spice amte.~ nice'' for that'& , \ybf.t 1 Valentine cakes are made of. ''They're r e a 11 y quite simple,' attests Mable (Mn. Clarence) Williamson of Costa Atesa. who, in two abort years turned the bobby of rue decorating Into s lhrlving business. All tt takes e..re a few essen- tial .pieces of equipment, a steady hand and a lltUe know· ' llOw. '' llNOW·HOW · Mabf't'9t her bUic .mow. how dUrlng a clw at bianp Coast College. After 1 couple of years of pracUclng II hlr· hOlibY .. she 'hecame '° h> -led in Jiamlng "'°" Iha~ she enrolled in an advanced class at 'Gates School of Decorating in· Beunower. However, she didn't com- plete the year ~. for dur· Ing this time sbe and her hlllband ~ a cake clecontinc buii"-from her OCQ : lnr!rucior. Tb!1...aittady had 'a amall vatiety store 1n · B~, B<adl, IO' they ~ cf.and a c:ornrr ·and Mabin ,_ _________ ...,. __________ .__...,...,~~~.. tOOk over that ·~ of the -;' .... -'ttote.~ ' '' ., . ·t . ! Tende~ ·trap· Baited By NANCY MclNTYRE ' . DEAR NANCY; · , Pm a aay divorcee who's a three-tiine• loHr, Just when I WU ~nning, .to think that C1'Pld bad wrllen me olf;'laat week J JQOt a man ~·s •become the fourth' big love of my life. They say ·-sites attract. &rid it'• certalnJy trlle In our case. Rich- ant is quiet, con· aervaUve,. bas n~v­ er marrled, and of course he's altar· shy. Jn fact, he's kind of square, but a cute square. How· ever, I think I know how to bait the temler traj>. • I Ios&eld ci going out to dinner on our dates, I'm going to prepare him so.me tozy, llltle 11omecooked meals so ~ ' .,e, my domestic side. (I'm not th~ ~ ·~ ~ but I can fake it.) - ' Fortuna'tely, be likes steak and pota- toet, ,wblcb I ean cope with, but l~m in trouble on tbe.·dessert course. Hetbas a rftet tooUl as big as a saber-toothed tig'tr / His' passion is homemw;le cake. The few times l~e ever tried to bake a real aft it's fallen natter than iny ma¢1.tea. However, if this ls what i! tatt& to persuade "Mr. Right" that I'm thl Wonwn he's been waiting for, I'll ,Ir'! again, De yoa ba~e an easy, do-it-yow;self. cake that 'WOuld ·be gala enough fpr ·my Val~~·· Day dinner, which, lnciden· . I tany, Is launchilll my matrimonial cam- paign. GAY DIV.ORCEE DEAR 'GkY· DIVORCEE> Any woman who'• caught the ·bras& ring 00 the marrtage.j!H'Ollnd .. -as yw bave,.dr.Rrves a tree ride -to a D\BIT!au . COUDSel«. Love may be eaMer the 'second ti.me around, but the fourth time It'• a habit. . Better ask younelf whether you're really in love or.1 just feeling mafrlmonial again. Your "Mr; I\llhl" soundJ' llke the wrong busbahd ror 'a gay divorCee. Any middle-aged man who hasn't mirrled is obviously smart enough to detect the best camouflaged tender trap. . This sudden show of d<>mesUcity is bound to scare him. Don't overdo the frilly aprott bit. Better be yollrseU - which I suspect is a black lace siren. Mi for a cake, we of!er this sweet thought for your Valentine dinner. It's a heavenly nun cake which tastes like a labor of love, however, it's amazingly easy to make. He'll never gue11 it baS a cake mtt'in it; ,and'clon'i lell blm. (Al· ter thife bilsband5 I 'gUess yoU•vef• teamed not to tell all.) In a large miiing bowl, -bint !- package of ye.Dow cake mix and 1 ptcl:; age of Instant, vanil1i• pudding, Stir In. If• cup cooking oU, 14 cup 'soft tiutter, ~ cup rum, lf.i cup chopped walnuts and 4 beaten eggs. Beat well, and pour batter into ireased and floured tube pan. Bake 50 to tlOc minutes in a 350 degree oven. MeanWhlle, make the following cake glaze: melt If• pound butter in a sauce- pan and add 2 ounces water, I cup sugar and boU 1 minute. Remove from fir! and add two ounces nun. Spoon o•er cake ?"'d leave cake in pan until cool. · TWo Naart la~ 'l>"Y movf! ·the firm to Costa Mesa, aod ., ' In another year! Ume, they found their present locatkm too mall so they mov~ qajn to Iarger quarten. It'• at tsl4 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa : and· they hung the sip, The Frosting Houae. :11. FAMILY TREA'lll Altboqb Mable tuches five tw&llour ciusel per -and del;orates Ill of the -1 .. _,., abe lllll IPll time .to make that ~ Coalodlon forb~of her. · ' entire family, ·.;mich tonaisb of ·her hlllband, twO daughlers , .yd sons-in-law, a son and seven grandchildren. "I'm always asked te do it because no one elJe bu learned how," she chuckled, but added hopefully IUI she expects a couple of. her grand- daughters one day wlll take over on the family cakes. She lamented that her dauchters artn't interested in tbe craft and said wistfully .that· she wiJbed they were like one family in her cl111 -lhfee, Jenerttionl ~ ~·the, art. - · Con-vtn·c.'ed tMt clle decoratinc Isn't very dlfllcutt, Mable promises that anyone can do llmple dellp at the end of elgbt lborl ......,,, The Initial coll Is nominal, too, she stressed, estimating that )OSI than fl will pufdwe essential equiptnent "unleu, " course, you are interested in·dolnl:,elaborate cakes/' Ne added. TF.cllNIQUE "Decoratiac involv• techni- . ... ' 11· 1" ... !I. ' n.t.lltr PILOT ,....,n It~ JUST LIKE GRAND~ USED TO MAKE -"I'h• •s; •· liamson did malie ·this • delightlii) ValenUntf. cake. because John Berg's-grandmother, Mrs. Mable Wil-· It's a safe bet John will get the~first taste,;too. que rather tha.1 artistic abili- ty," abe explained and ad- moniahed those who don't or won't PIJ attention . to in· llructlons. The most important aspect is preparing the rf05ling so it ii of the right consistency, Mable emphisiied. "The icing must be stiff enough to hold lb shape, but not o.verlJr.i fiJ~ so you can't work wiU'I it .. ".r · The frosting is scooped into parchment paper f u n n e J s which are very Ulin. She cau· tioned that hands be kept cool, otherwise the bod y tem- perature will melt th e frosting. She suggested run- ning cold water over· the hands periodically, but if the 'lclng does start to melt, refrigerate It for about 15 minutes. IDNTS Another handy hlni ottered b7 the decorator is, "Be sure your cakes don't raise to a mound in the ctnter. These are bard to decorate and some designs just won't adapt." To keep a cake raiSing "ev.tn-'. ly from sides to ctnteiit ·she advl.seJ reducing the heat of the oven 25 degrees and bake longer. Also, by greasing only the bottom of the cake pans, the cake will raise evenly as the batter wlll lfave something to ho1d onto u It climbs up the aide of the pan. Valentine Puh Eh' " ' ' Refreshfngly · Quen~hing ' . , This is a crisp, diy punch. The ,onJy sweetness is in the spiced richness of th e character-givuig Port. The Port . sq:ves as marfuade for garnish.Ing the'ohertles. When you serve this Valen· tine's punch, you might also serve cheese pastry straws, mlnia~re cream RUffs filled with chicken salad a n d garnished with watercress, pound cake sli~. salted almonds or nut cookie wafers and candied ginger,• 1 can or jar (abou) I pound) light sweet cherries or dark sweet cherries, drained · '4 cup Swiao Port 2 cans (5 ounces each ) frozen lemon.a~ e corr centra~e 4 fifths (4/5 quart.each) Vin Rose Sec, chilled 1 Quart bottle sOda water, chilled ·.Pla_ce<"eherrles in small bowl and pour on pbrt.• Cover aod chill for about 2 ·hours. At serving time, mil' lemonad~ concentra\f: and Rose in 1 large piJnCh 'bciwl Ad d marinated cherries~ Ju s t before .;•rviil, ldd soda water. Serve with two or three FOR SWIETHEJiilT.S' TOASTING. cherries In·~ g!@B. lllakes , · · aboutlfservlnp.,. ' . ' . .. Buys,. Steak's a Cut Abo.ve Luncheon· Meats • f ,, ' WW: llOMDlillNG -•1-otedU..tyov~ llol -_......., Jor J'll', -u'I· ....... ,W'd 'thbdi I .... -. i., .,: -· -~ 'ff<OT Blil M...., ...... ~, .. ·IOJ·'ot ... eipe""". ' ,Home· N~ws· And Views I. OH alk9 tf bolopa would ilave only . ·lltUe wde,and so much fOod vatue. ot" . . f -el protela. • nina, telling at 30 cents for a 6~ .QUDTlONS WE ARE AS~ ounce cau;, or 41$ cenb an ounce, is "' ~: My 1 .. year-old aon la a bdebl another ineJpenslve subsUtute for IMU', bat J1 •poor 1tadeal betMIO ,be luncheon meats. So are eggs, hard cooked never dde1. I've tried te' eacovage llhD;· &e 1W1 more ao tUt be will and mode' Into en ·salad. Large eggs be • !ble to .. to collele, .Jlo Cllibu' •Ulng for. to cents a dozen will cost a ctllete ernc.u. lu't aeetJHll')', tt ooly abouC · f cents an ounce In your 1et a good poytq Job ucl Uoet'• Ill llDdwlcbel. 1, lte'• tnlererled ta. Wb.at can 1 111 to 00...' -that 100•nU&hi plao .. to lhlt! ban loft .,.. -dlnnor which · could A. You can agree that there are aome &Mdw • skilled profesai.oos that pay well that be' IUdp:' Jlito luupemive iCh fill· do not require college degrees. But the inp would 1 1*:Jude beef roait -trend in our society is towards the ~ --clti<bn, turkey and need for special training beyond high him from plmic,-.banl:, Ol;butt portions. 1ehool. 'Ibe Bureau of the Census hu n-could be lficed f0< landwicl>es Jua ttleased a pubUcatlon living ut- « cbopped and m1led with other in-. formation on lifetime income as It relates to education. sredfentl. • For a 22-year-old man earning an If your lunch carriers are llver~ten, avefase. in!;:ome for his age and educa- ytu miaht nen COlllider -making a . lion, the estbnated ureUme income in oandwlch spread of chopped cooked Uver, 1966 dollars Is': 1422,000 If be hu only plus pickles, onlooa and salad drouing ... an eighth grade education ; 1587,000 ' If Beel ~ver Is 'one of our .best l>uy~ be hu coaipleted 4 year1 of high ""'°111' In' Ille meat deparbneol as II hu so !906,000 If be hu <ompleted 4 years ·' ,..._ • I ' ot i;olleQ: ancUl\Oll,toD lfbo bu "°"" P1ete!! 5 or. more .}eatl. of ,coµqe. U lllOIJ'Y'talb, thlaclllould.-,10W' IOll'I eyet! ~ • A-• ' I " t • ' Q, 'It• It my lmill-or .. """" 11!1• bllger --•1111 -·!My ..... •1taer ..... ·-? " • -· f ...I ~ " ~ to a U.• .. !Jlparlmenl el Alrlculture nationwide o!.idF of body measurementa cooducted in lD-40 and repeated among SS6 w.-aged a to 21 In lllM7, Ille body ~ of women have c:twiled lltnlficanU;f. Today's young women are, on the average, taller and more slender than the y!uni women ol 1940. • Q. I ue ollve oil~, 11111 I like to keep II • --ii tllete uy way te keep k from ..... nDCWT A. Olive oil goes rancid ratber qulcklt when stored in a wann room , 10 keep it covered tightly In· the Nfrlgerator, '!be cold will harden the oU, but •he!' it is Placed at ·room temperature fer a brief time. II will melt qulckl7, Stand; Jrc II in a pan of warm·-will opeejl up tM melting. \ ( I .. I I 1 I ' ' I • ft 1W1. Y l'ILOT Wtdntsd'1, Ftbniat1 12,1969 :) In a Pinch,: It's a Cinch She Ga n ~ake ·Operator Flinch •DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a young woman who 11 in and out of elevat.ors at ~ two dozen times a day. I deliver cl,ooltl materials &om the lab. · A certain lellow , In this building a1llO rides the eJevators a lot 1 don't thlnk he is d<Uveriog anything. I think ha just likes elevators.• I. have never spoken to this guy but ·J've come cloae to slaJ>P-i.ng him a couple of times. Hls idea of fun is to snap i girl's girdle when her an:ns are loaded and she can't defend herseU. I don't want to make a scene but J'd like to put this 'creep in his place. My suggestions? -ARLENE DEAR ARLENE: Aw, go oo.. Make • sceae -a real cood one. You'll t t ANN LANDERS ~ oDly It.ave l.o do It onct. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I just read the letter from the young mother whose children are driving her crazy. Maybe I can help. My kids nearly drove me crazy, ,too. It was. the pediatrician who saved my sanity. One day when I complained, he asked, ''Are you a 'don't' mother? Do you tell your children, 'Don't write on the wall; doo'I' the planls; doo't jump on the lola . ' l had to admit the answer was yes. ~, said, ''Stop telling them wh2t NO't'-&o do and start teillng them what they SHoOtJ> do." For ex· ample: "Here Jobnny, write on the paper. Come, Johnny, let's go outslde and see how hi&b you cao jump. Johnny, let's see how many bfucks you can stack up before the tower f_alls down." In other words, give the child a challenge • I~ ..!. . • ' --L ' {WIVES AIM TO PLEASE -Cooking up a special Valentine treat for their hus- i bands are (left to right ) Mrs. Charles Mitchell, in charge of decorations, and ~.Mrs. Fred Owens, who will host a potluck dinner for Golden \Vest Faculty (Wives next Friday. Following dinner the couples 'vill attend a basketball ,·game between Golden \Vest and Orange Coast College teams. • 'i ' I instead of telling him what he can't do. J tried It and it worked wonders. My children• are a lot easier tp get along with now and I'm a -CALM MOM DEAR ltOM: A calm mom muas calm kids. Your pedilltrlclan gave yoa • · vuy lmportallt key to chlld rearlag. Thanb for Uarlag. DEAR ANN LANDERS : ln your col· umn on the dangers of being fat, I was hoping you 'd say something about what happens to grossly overweight peo- ple when they need surgery. J am a registered nurse and I can tell you -surgeons dread operallng on fat people. Sometimes there la so ntUCb e:1<:,eSlive Clesh that Jt nearly doubles the time t1f an abd(minal opera· lion. This can be dangel"OU.!. Also, lt Is next to impossible lor the nur.teS and the aides to tum these people in bed. Yesterday it took five of us to give a 300-pouf}d woman a back rub, four to turn her and one to do the massaging. I know fat people don't think about these things when they are reaching for that tJtlrd slice of bread or that second piece ol chocolate fudge cake, but they should. -TIRED R.N. DEAR TIRED: Ptfy medical consoltantl 1.ell me ·that lean surgical padenll ! J Mardi Gras Lures Mater Dei Parents recover abOlt 3$ percent faster tluin fat p1ttlt..nb. And cblldbe.ariag for a fat woman meus added rtskl. nese flda may aot curb uy'bocly•1 appetite but &bey ue wri t"'•klnc abouL Alcohol ii no shortcut to socla1 suceeu. U you think you have to drink lO be ac:cepted by your friends , get the facts. Read "Booze aDd You -For Teenagers Only," by Ann Landers. Send 35 cents in coin and a long, self-addressed. stamped envelope with your request. Ann Landers will be glad to help you wt.th your problems. Send them to her In care of the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope. • . i I 1 ; ; 'Valentines' • • Treated I • • I By Teachers' Wives \Vilh Valentine's Day selected as the date of the an- nual Mardi Gras Ball, it is only natural that Mater Dei Parents would include heart~shaped decorations with the traditional balloons, which are being dis- played by Mrs. Henry J . Bourget (right), while Mrs. David J. Burton selects her party dress which re- ceives an approval from 1'.1"rs. Edward J. Cygan . The dinner dance is slated fo r 7 p.n1 . Friday, Feb. 14. in the Grand Hotel, Anaheim. Milt Washburn and his orcestra will furnish musi c for dancing. 1 . , Scoring a goal with their husbands v.1ill be members of the Golden ~ West College Faculty \Vives' Club who are planning a Valentine party , next Friday. ~ The group will gather at 6 p.m. in the Costa Mesa home o! Mr. and : Mrs. Fred Owens for a potluck dinner, and follMVing dinner will attend : the school's basketball game beginning at 8 p.m. at Orange Coast College. · Other activities planned by club members incl ude a lecture by Miss • .. Shelia Brazier, Golden West geography instructor, on Wednesday, March 19. The meeting will take place at 7:30 p .m. in the Seal Beach home of Mrs. Thomas Hermstad . ' A book review by Mrs. Jan Shawl and the election of officers will ,' t ake place in April, '"'ith installation scheduled during a luncheon in the ( Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club in May. {Wives Mark Birthday ~d.4leback. College Faculty \Vives will celebrate thei r first birthday and St. WatenUne'a Day with a dinner-da.nce for all fa culty members next Friday In ~ Brown's restaurant. J ack Swartzbaugh, student activities coordinator ~or the college, holds the candle which is being lit by (rightl Mrs. Swartz- augb, preafdent of the group and Mrs. Paul Brennan. Honored guests. at the ent will be trustees of Saddleback Junior College District along with Dr. Fred "Bremer, college president and district superintendent. Festivities ":ill com· mence with a rto 8~30 p.~. social sess ion followedily dinner. I Tennis Time for Town and Gown Enthusiasts Tennis buffs will be delighted with UCJ Town and Gown's couples tennis group which will play every \Vednesday from 7 to 10 p.m. with tournament play every fourth Sund~y On Uie university tennis courts. Membership 'vilJ be limited and now is open lo all 1 -- To\vn an d Gown members. Tennis time \\'ill include a $10 fee to the UCI Athletic Department as a token for use of lhe courts. Smashing home the winning point is Louis Perino who is playin1 with (left to right) Mrs. ,Perino and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen MarosL I I \ ,---------~----0-----------------------------~--.,,......._.... -r -r • ---~-- I WtdM...,, '"""' U, 1969 OAIL Y l'rl.Ol' 3I Newlywed James R. Hills 'Elephants' H · N · B h To Be Sold Lawyers' Wives Conference French Film Director I To Speak for Alliance ome 1n ewp.ort eac . ,, .1 Homo in Newport Beach • In S1 ence Countians Host Hosting the Southern Conferene<l of Call· fornia Lawyers' Wives will be the Orange County Chapter. Marcel Bllslene, second ot-s-and Paul Schneebergelr, ficial lecturer of the Federa· head ot the eomm.ittee, ~ Uon of Uie Alliances Fran-Miss 4Jltoinette Mardrus. caises, will speak for lbe Feb. , Nonmember lickeb 1 it 14 meeting of the Alliance $1.50 and student Uckets a'rt Francaise de Ji"--R i v i e r a 75 cents. following a La Jolla honey- moon are James Robert Hill -.nd his bride, the former.. Janyce Lou1se Berry who ex.· cbangl'd vows before the Rev. KeMelh Krause in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Coata Mesa. • Parenta of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. David •Ralph Berry of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill of Oakland. For the ceremony, Ule bride wore an empire gown of white lace over peau de soie, fashioned wilh a chapel length train. Her bouffant veil was caught to a rhinestone tiara, and forming her bouquet were pink roses, white chrysan- themums and baby's breath. Mrs. William O'Neill of Hollywood was her sister's matron of honor. Bridesmaids · were the Misses Joan Auf- derheide of Yorba Linda, Can- dy Carroll of Santa Ana and Peggy Frederic of Paramount. They wore pink A·line gowns and carried nosegays of field flowers. Attending as best man was Dave Knight of Garden Grove, while usher duties w f': r e ' assumf':d by Gary Holly of Lawndale, Froome Gayle of Fullerton, Steve Kass, Garden Grove and Dan McPherson, Whittier. A c~mpagnerec e pt ion followed in the parish hall where Miss Susan Jones at- tended the guest book. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Koehler and daughter. Kirsten of San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Bar- rett Gray and daughters, Patricia and Barbara or Hayward, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rasmussen of Oakland. The bride attended Orange Coast College and is earning ht:r BS degree in physical education at California State College at Fullerton Her hus- band attended Santa Rosa Junior College and is a graduatt: of CSCF. He plans to continue his studies in physical therapy at the University of San Francisco Medical School in the fall. Beach Babes Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. members of TOPS Beach Babes convene at Huntington Beach High School for pro- grams. Nearly Everyone 'Listens' lo Landers SALE! UPTo50%oFF EV.ERYTHING in our portrait studio POITUITS! COPIES! lllMESI fll!re's just one example of the exciling valut:s: Let us photograph your children for Valentine's Day 3 portraits J95 are only (o~ l•IO •"" tlM 'll7J Huntington Beath 892-ll l 1 ValenUn111 Day will be busy for Coast Homemakers, who will meet for a silent white elephant sale, craft demonstration and luncheon that morning In the Corolla de! Mar ConUnunlly Youth Center. Meetings will be conducted in the Sad- dleback Inn, Santa Ana Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 19 and 20 an4 on Wednesday evening board members will be entertained at a cocktail party in the home of Mrs. James Slack, county president with a n<rbost dinner following in Los Coyotes Country Club. Keynoter at the luncheon Tliursday will be William H. Spurgeon III, a business exe- cutive who has spent more than 30 years servil'lg youths. His topic will be the Author- ity of Youth. Calilornienne, lo begin at a p.m. in the Woman's Club, Laguna Beach. ' .. Volunteers ' • Recognizeq BUstene will lecture on Jean Cocteau, Poet of the Screen, and show film clips il- lustrating his talk. A director and scenario writer, he is well known in France for his prize American Hospital Assocla. winning films, radio and lion pins and guards will bt: television programs, a n d presented. to 93 volunteers d records. St. Joseph Hospital during a "Among JUistene's m o s t noon lunc~n tomorrow io famoll.! films are "Macadam " Santa Ana Elks Club. The silent sale wlll begin the acUyitles at 9:30 a.m .. and a demon.stratlon on at- trac'Uve and in e 1 pens Ive crafts giveq by Mrs. Paul Frieberlshauser will follow. Samples and patterns wiJJ be provided ' by the Girls Club .._ __________________ _) "The Sorcerer of Heaven:" The 258 active partic~ "That Age ls Withqul Pity" in the ilHervi<:e prograin ri an4 "Fire in the Skin." He contributed 'a total of 281 also wrote and produced two hours during the past year. • fJlms in honor of the memory Recognition' awards· will "._ oC Edith Piaf, noted French given by Sister' Ann, tiospitil singer. • administr~tllr, .,-: Of the Harbor Area. Valentine Happiness Receiving members a n d ---~·cc·'-~---"'°"""" H~rs·d'oeuvres and luncheon are being prepared .b y Luncheon is Served, Inc., lnd door .prizes will be awarded atter the luncheon: Members and guests have been asked to bring donations for the white elephant sale and their own table service for luncheon. Awaits Chi 0 guests Friday evening will be megas lhe Mmes. Estes--""Evans, Porter Puls ii Plain! Jasper Morgan, Theo ,do re Program Shared Why ·not be with the one you love on ·valentine's Day to ensure happiness? Zontians Fete Students The Zonta Club ot Newport Harbor will honor t h e American Field S e r v i c e students during a luncheon ·-···1om0lrow in the Z o n t a Clubhouse. ' here over a period of 13 years. Mrs. James D. Ray, in- tern at ion a 1 relations chairman, will introduce the studt:nts. That was the thought of1i"~=====~:::~~~~=====~ Bay . Area alumnae ot Chill ~----'--VIRGINIA'S omega, who have planned a SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE cocktail hour and dinner for 3334 E. Coast Hwy. e Cc.ronai del Mar that evening. Phone 67l·80SO Member S and their Spring i1 on th• w•yl H••• yo11 c:h•c:••d your husbands wilJ gather in the c:loth•1 l•t•ly? Styl•1 do, c:h•nt• •nd tho1• l•1t Newport Beach home of Mr. y••r t•p•r•d p•nts r••lly look 0111.d•l•d. and Mrs. Wayne B. Mitten w. c:tn't .u Wt•r th• fl•r• bottom ••t•ion, J r. at 7 p.m. before adjourn)ng 10 pop11l•r with th• lt•ns Out #.1 n•w widt r l•t to Le Saint-Tropez on the •tr.ion ''' •m•rt •nd "10" c:omforf•bl•. P•rliet- peninsula for dinner. ul•rly, if 1t1•d• from 'our wiift ••l•clion of doubl• •nit1, •"•ilabl• in tilhtr •II wool or w11h1bl• Mrs. Robert L. Lucas and d1eron. So 111y , , • no lining • '. , no 1ipp1 r1 Mrs. J .C. Bridges are making •nd r1m1mb1r knlf1 •r• th• 9r1at•tl for aetfi¥o the arrangements for the t•I• who u .... ••tho l:l11c:h. · evening and have indicated Sta you 10011 VIRGINIA that Chi Omegas from Hun· P.$. l oll• and bolts of now 1prin9 fabi-ic1 for oil tington Beach, Costa Mesa, your n1td1 b.1id11 p•nh! Newport Beach and Laguna U• '"' 14.u...tc.4 ., .. ..., a.,. will share !he fun. ' MRS. JAMES R. HILL La Jolla Honeymoon AFS has been a service pro- ject of the club since its in- ception in 1955. Zonta In- ternational represents 33 coun- tries. AFS has represented 30 countries in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District with 63 students living and studying The Zonta girls for the month of February will be announced by Mrs. Malcolm Angell, president and chairman. Each coed will of- fer a brief resumt of her high school career. Luncheon arrangements are under the direction of Mrs. Jost:ph Hamblet. Assisting her are the Mmes. Jeffrey Burke. Morton Bristow, A1 Forgit and Marlin Sheely. Future events planned by\~;s;;;;;;:;;;;;~~;;:;;;:;~:;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;:;;;ii~ the alumnae group include thel; second annual coffee and in- formal fashion show April 13 in the home o( Mrs. Marvin L. Sargent of Baycrest. Proceeds from this actiyity are earmarked for th e sorority's philanthropy, Hope Horoscope Haven School. Au xil iary Looking forward to June, the members and t h e i r American Legion Hall ln husbands will gather for the Costa Mesa Is the setting for annual couples barbecue. Scorpio: Be Flexible DUICiNED AND CIEAnD ESPECIALLY FOi -, • THURSDAY . FEBRUARY 13 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIF.S (March 21-April 19): You want to beautify ~ur­ roundings, appearance. But try to avoid extremes, ex- travagance. Mate or partner has expensive taste. Ap- preciate your own abilities. !{each out for goal. TAURUS (April 20 -May Night Owls Tell Plans Mr. and Mrs. Granville Pierson of Tustin will relate their experiences for the Hoot 'n Holler Roost of the Newport · Beach Night Ow ls next Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Senior Citizens Recreation Center, Newport Beach. Donations to the Ricci Ricard Memorial Fund will be accepted during t h e meeting and plans will be discussed for the rOrthcoming tour or the City of Hope where a dedication ceremony for the fund is planned. A Valentine motif w i 11 enhance the tea table from which Mrs. Clarence Rains and 'her committee will serve refreshments. Initiation Scheduled A cliapter dinner followed by formal initiation will take place when Iota U psilon chapter, Sigma Phi Gamma sorority meets tomorrow in the Weslminster home of Mrs. Mike. Johnson. Hosting the dinner will be Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Jack Harrington, and the initiation will follow at 8 p.m. Invited to attend are the Mmes. Scott Leonard, Norman Dack, J . O. Everett, John Haden_, Harrington, Lowman, Mondientz, Phillip Qualls, Lyle Spirlong. Ron Whitacre , Marion Brooks and Joseph Fodor. Helps Solve 3 llggest FALSE TEETH Worries and Problems 20): Muc;h seems far away. You want something solid. But don't demand, too much, too SOOD. Idea IS to wait, to harmonize domestic relations. Accent on journeys1 wriUng, long-range plans. fit. Don't permit the envious meetings of the Auxiliary to Any Chi Omega alumnae in-A new concept in craksmanship: Shaded blonde to discourage you. Accent on Barracks 1249, Veterans of terested in the group may & platinum over shades of brown and aubum, greater security. Go to it. call the vice president, Mrs. World War I. The first Tues-··-"·~-h SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov. 21): K.S. Bell, 6'154499, for fww""' - - -.. dares t e most discriminating to aSk "Is Not smart to finalize deal, day of each month members information. plan. Be flexible. Some are gather for a business st:ssion -----------it a wi9?11 Available also in frosted & natural'• at 7:30 p.m, and the third persuasive. But realize all Tuesday for a social and Wr1'le lo Uncle Len shades. Handmade, with European hair. Prices GEMINI (May 21..June 20): You tend to get tied up with another. Don't play games with emotions. Accent on secrets. Protect assets. Avoid telling more than is necessary. facts have not actually been tabulated. Wait for addiUonal1....:po_t_lu_c_k_a_t_5.:_P·_"_'·--------------IJ includes professional sizing, cutting & styling I information. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22-A wig carrying case & head. Dec. 21 ): Overcome tempta- tion to splurge; m ean s · CANCER (June 21..July 22): Some you want to sway may appear immovable. Key is persistence. You have more on your side than might be imagined. Partnerships, public relations come to fore. Don't back down. remember budget. 0th er ennYJfl resolutions. Affair of heart could "carry you away." Key ~LWAYS FIRST QUAUTY LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ac- cent subordinate role -it is ·but temporary. You are completing, finishing, round- ing out a project. Cope with essentials. Don't walk out .on· opportunity, Take your time. VIRGO (Aug. 23.Sept. 22)' Check acco urt s. Plug loopholes. Protect assets. New venture can succeed without extravagance. Display ability to be observant, loyal. LIBRA (Sept. ~t. 22)' Element of expert timing is on your side. You buy, sell in manner which adds to pro. ~'l!Wfl is common sense. You have to face yourseU in morning. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Solid accomplishment keynotes day. Past efforts come successfully to forefront. Accent on personality , achievement. People value your ideas. Express yourself in clear manner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Avoid tendency to arouse enmity. Some may bring false reports. Steer clear of dispute which does not concern you. Be diplomatic and a good listener. But don't commit yourseU. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 2(1): Avoid mixing business with pleasure. Element of wishful thinking seems to dominate. 3 DAYS ONLY! EXPERT WATCH REPAIR Eoc:h Md"riWllllll •01e•11:t pad~ .tttw :fc20y, dial cleaMCI ..S bc-sM..L Wokh it ~ oiW after re-OMHlbihtg COM Oltd bClftCI pot~. Watdi f"- NpJac:.d wfMtte .-.ded. fledlOll:iccM)' ..... for 9CW- •ocy. "'-pcft,-°"°"4afi<:a. toJHcbiJ. eldia; thr0fl09'opht ~ higNt. 5.95 CHAllOI n AT "!'OU• PIHNIY'S flHI JfWllXf Ol~AltTlillH1 Now! One 8x10 and ' Six Wallet-size " Portraits of Your Child · 4ss ALL FOR ONLY ... Hurry in ,_ fO< Ifie "'°" -for poma~ rtent in townl y..,•H get an blO le< you to kftP, ond 1i~ wallet-size to share with family and frionds. A lomy portrait of your child is o worm and wontfll gift for family birthdays. Remember •.• you can charge it ot Penney's! .. _ SHOULD SELL FOR $200 OUR PRICE s150 JUST ............. . OTHER WIGS - EACH WIG IS CUSTOM FITTED, CUT & STYLED ·. EXOTIC • • .. • •• SfMI HANDTIED •• HANDTIED • • • • • 49" 79" 84" & INCLUDES WIG BOX AND HEAD EUROPEAN • , • ~ 79" CUSTOM MADE •• , 20000 CASCADES 31/2 oz. ONLY s149s WIGLETS .... 1 .._ 21/2 .. 3.95 6.95 9.95 FALLS DEMI FAU 16" • 18" ••• , .• $26.95 WIG FAll 18" • 20" •.•. , .. $49.95 LOllG FAll 24" • 26''", •• , .• $60;00 • ' ffla!Ae~ WIG & BEAUTY · SALON · 4 tittle JllA8Tal'B sprtukl14 OU JOUr •1-un. dl:lfll au tllb: (I) Bel,,. hold f.._t.ffUl.monllmllflXI pi.oe· 1,-~"=•~dd!~""'~~·~h'.:..:•~•:•:•:•~·~.;.i=-=llflo~d::re:·:·:·~·a.~·~~~._:: ... ~-~'.,'.-::·".:.~lr---------------------f1) Roldl t.hel!I ~ CIOm!Of'Ublf: 250 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA Fullerton Huntin9ton Beach or...-1rr C.ritw ~'"''°" C•tw tl•ttor 11 Or1n111'1o~ lttl'*' 11 5'n Olfllo F'w¥. Newport Beach ' '""''°" ,,..,. """'"""" ~I(. Ost. Hwy. ~LLlltTOM 0t1nte11lr Cfflftlr !ll(lllo0f,f71~) MUNTINITON l •ACM Hunllntton Centtr tnd "-· "1·1711 lflWl'OllT leACl'I F19'lkin ltlllllf tnd floor • ....rJlJ DAILY TILL 5:30 THURS. & FRI. Tl LL 8:00 548-3446 PlioJ09t1ph Stwdio, lit Floor on LIW J'OU bit.I \IP to ~ Mrdei'.- •lthOU$ dt1oomtort. l'A8T•rrB l'owder ii alka.llne ( non-actd). W11n 't 11)\11', l'lo summT. '°°*"• PMtJ is.et. ltenlun11 Ula' ftt u,. lllM'Dllllll to t.ea.ltb.. eee your t'lt11t1tt "'tularlJ, 1... _________ _,<"''A8TES'l"B•tau4n11cou.o.ten.r::=:=:=:=:=::::=:=:=:======================='1•l1...--------------------''·~'"".._,.. ... ..,,.. ... .,. .... .-..,...,.,.._....,,....,..._.,.._,_.\ I I I ' I ' PTA P~ograms Will Pay , Tribute to Founders ""=" ...:::'' • -":i r...r-~~:n~i~ =--~ .!."'o:t.~ -I ~ -:.. or::: .;;.,, "':4i;:ci!: N!. :r:ik.=~~-.r·"'· Adams PTA Mn. Carl Leuck Presldeol OOMING U P : Assoclallon meeting at 7:30 p,m. 11lurs- day, Feb. 20, In the multipurpose room. Girl Scout Troop 1.S will lead Uie pledle. Founden Day wlll be observed and ~I r s . Wllllam Manning, chairman. will present the honorary lire me.mber11hip a ward . Michael Brown, professor in political s c i e n c e al Ca111ornla State College 111 Fullerton, will !peak on Drug Abuse. Mothers of fifth grade students ,..,in host Balearic PT A Mrs. Cbarles Cook President COMING UP : Associalio11 Cuisine Italian Style mt.-eUng at 7:30 p.m. 1'ues· clay, 1''eb. JI. Theme of pro- grarn will be Today Youth Tells It Ltke It ill -<1nd Li.gtcns. James Wood, pro- gram chulrman. "' 11 t, moderate 11 p11nel of lhrec teenagers who will sµe ak on current roncerni;. Bay View PTA A1ri. l\1el 1'h~lfurt.I J~rea:ident COf\flNC UP: Va Je n l In e parties will take place in Valentine's Day is the dale selected by Paularino J>1'1\ !o r its fund-raising spaghetti dinner, which will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.n1. in the mulli· purpose room. Sampling the main di sh in advance arc Linda Beach and And.v Goldberg who are being served by Mrs. tlarry Lambas. \\'ays and l!le<ins chairman. Admission is $1 .25 for adults; 75 cents. students. and 50 cents, pre· acboolers. nil classrooms the last houl.' of sc~l Friday, Feb. 14. ... Founders Day meeUnG al 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18. Musical program featur- ing the Bayview chorus, directtd by Mrs. J o b n McKamey, and the Madrigal choir fn>m Coron·a de! >.tar lll£h. ScQool, directed by Don Hanake, will b e presented . Honora.ry life inembershlp awarti a n d election of the nominating commlllee will take place. REPOltTS: Dr. WUllam Cun- ningham, superintendent or the Newport-Mes;> Unified School District, spoke to riarents on the current isSUl'S. Bear PFO Robert Lindquist President - COt.1ING UP: Gen er a I meeting at 7:30 ~.m. tomor· row. Science am. Art Fair will be featured. Mothers of fourth grade students 1vill host. California PTA rtfrs. William Stcpbeo1on President COMING UP : Association meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tues-- tlay . Feb.-18, .. in the 1nultipu rpose room. Mark Hansen, speech consultaAt and therapist, will speak. Mrs. James Ream will give the history of the PT A at the Founders Day program and a honorary life me mber s hip will be presented. Estancia High School chorus, uDder the direction of Gerald Obon, will entertain. . . Tickel.! for the father-son , banquet may be purchased until Wednesday, Feb. 19. Coll ege Pk. PT A l\-lrs. Bureigbt Bursbtm President COMING UP: Founders Day and honorary life mem- bershlp unit meetlng at 7:15 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17. Mrs. Ray Garrett and Mrs. Dale . / effries will direct the pro- ,(!"ram and pay tribute to the schools' Joth birthday. Classes Honor St. Valentine FV Ele. PTO Mrs. Willl1m Dunn President COl\fING UP : CI ass ro om Valentine's Day parties Fri- day, Feb. 14, under the direction of Mrs. John Lausch and Mrs. Richard Fritzler. REPORTS: A large delegation attended the Superintendent Parent Gouncil luncheon last week . . . Unit donated S50 to Fountain Valley School District M u s i c Boosters Club. Fulton PTO Mn. Gerald Hlr President COMING UP : Cub Scout Pack 415, sponsored by PTO. will meet al 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17, in Tamura School , •• Student David Coleman Interviewing Bob Barker on Truth or Con.sequences will be aired Tuesday, Feb. 18. REPORTS : Awards were presented at Aulhor's Tea to recent winners In the· wrlUng coolest sponsored by the Fountain Valley Friends of the Library . Kindergarten-second grade Ricky Lewi:!' essay won an honorable mention; third· flfUI Susie Wenull. second place story and Pamela Jaeger, third place poetry : sixth-elgbth Jtnny Walker. first plact poetry. Shelley Seymour, second place and Jell Clark, thlrd place .• • AddiUonal savirigs stampa art needed for a coffee maker. Stamps previously coUected were stolen. Oak View PTA Mn. H. Bruce Turner President COMING UP : Put presidents wfll be honortd at founders lllJ pn>Cl'ID1 at 1:30 p.m. TIHlday, Feb-II, reports Mn. Joeeph Van Buren, dWnnaJ'l. Mrs. Hank Slan- drldp ii chairman o r awarding bonorary 11 f e .membershJps. Board mc1nben, The Harpe r Vllle1 swlnaers. •ill en- lertaln. Moth<r1 ol 111111 ,radera wlll host rdreshmenll. Schroeder ,PTA Mn. Grudol Su1an PNRd<nl nr.rom: H<ao(ary 111 • weulb e r1hlp1 were ' I presented to Mrs. Lucca C o u r t n e y , kindergarten teacher for the past seven years and who is active in Boy Scouts and in till' church. and Mrs. Mervin .lohnson. also active in Boy Scouts and church. They arr 1nembers oi lhe PTA boarJ . The Glen Stice fa n1 i ! ,\' presented entertainm ent. Seal Beach PT A Mrs. Saul l\tiUsh'in President COi\11N(; UP: Leisure \\'urht'.~ Siar Club Kitchen Band 11'!11 entertain at Founders Day Memories al 7:30 p.m. Tues- day , Feb. 18. in Zoeter School. lionorary 1 if e 1nt•n1ber~hip~ \Y i 11 be presented. Ta mura PTO ;\\rs. Lowe ll Hrink l're!iuJcnl 1'01\·llNC: UP· Proceeds rron1 loday's paj>er dri ve will go for scholarships to Ar· ro\vbc.:ir l\ilusic Can1ri · 1\n1cri c;1n Hl'rila~r i~ thc1 nt• of un it n1celing at i 30 p.1n. tomorrow. Vl ardlow PTG i\lrs. George lt.tee.hao President t'Oi\11Nr. UP: Board meeting <il 7 p.m. ~l onday, Feb. 17, in the teacher<;' workrooni. Ht-.:POHTS : Mrs. C he s te r Birthday Celebration Skaln)O\o,'Ski was g u e s t speaker at unil meeting. Essay contest awards were µresented by Dan Dolan. principal, Mrs. D o u g I a s Meyers, member of the. board of trustees; Mrs. Jloberl Wyman, member of the con1munity, and Uliss Pat Taylor. representing the school. Darryl R o b b i n s , seventh grader, received a $25 United States Saviog~ Bond and an Ameri can Heritage Book. R i b b o n s were presented to first. se· cond and third place winners and certificates to honorablP mention winners. S i x l h through eighth grade choru s entertained. The 72nd birthday of PT.<\ \\'as celcb1alcd lly the Circle V1e\v unit during a 1neeting last .week. Also on the agenda was a skit , J1onoring past presidents, during Founders Day ob~er\'n nccit. itrs. Fr<1nk: Benncll, chairman pours foC- fce for r.frs. David Ilcl!ol \\1J11 :c i\ijs. Paul \Vagsoncr cuts Lh c cake. • Prize-winning Collage and Artist Mik .. Rogers, Newport Harbor High School's 1968 art award recipient, displays his winning collage to art student, Linda Reineman, while Mrs. Robert REPORTS: Sidewalk book sale at the Harbor Shopping Center, netted $43, with pro- ceeds lo be used for the reference library. ?.frs . Ken Nisbet was chairman. Estancia PTA fltrs. fl.lark Goodyear President COJ\t!NG UP: Board meeting at I p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, in the fa culty lounge. REPORTS: Serving on lhe nominating committee are the Mmes. Aldis Johnson, H.alph Gordon, W a I t e r Saunders and Keith Kellogg a long with Floyd Harryman. Cupcnke sale netted $5!1. Harper PTA fl.tr1. Harry Kohout President COMING UP : Un.it meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, in the multipurpose room. Ameri canism pro- gram will be presented by the fifth grade students and the honorary life mem· bership will be awarded , Mesa Verde PTA l\1r1. Jame• l\ta:a(llJ President COMING UP : Association meeting and nominal.ion or officers at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day, Feb. 18. Merlln S. i\fcKee _ 1vl/I present the honorary life membership. Involvement With Communl- ity Youth Endeavors and a display of youth group ac- tivities wil be on the pro- gram. . . Articles for the rummage sale scheduled for f\.1arch may be left at school from 3:30 to 5 p.m. beginning Tuesday, Feb. 18. Newport Ele. PTA Mrs. John Scapp1e President REPORTS: Honorary 11 f e 1nembership was awarded to Mrs. Barton Beek at the Founders Day meeting. Mrs. 'Vllson Little receivtd the continuing service award and past pre.sidt'.nts were presen ted corsages. Par- ents and teachers enjoyed a musical program presented by the siith grade choral and orchestra , directed by Vernon Schroeder. Great books and discussion program 1v as given by Mrs. Lor c n Heather. Newport Hts. PT A Hetzel, Pl'A president, prepares to 'vri te Ute $25 check which l\iike will receive. In the multipurpose room. Menu will consist o f spaghetU, salads, dessert, coffee and milk. Adults $1.25, students 75 cents and preschoolers 50 cents. Foundera Day tea at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18. will be hosted by mothers o f student.! in first, second and fifth grades. liooorary life membership will be presenij!d, Mother Singers and third grade students will be featured. Baby-sitting .... ·ill be provided . Pomona PTA l\fn. Rem1n Scheidel Mn;, Robert Miller Presidents COMING UP : Classroom Valentine parties, Friday, Feb. y.. . . Inlemational theme will be featured at the Founders Day meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18. Student! will model cos- tumes of their natl\'e coun- tries. committee are ~frs. Vem t-i1ollan, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richardson, Mrs. Robert Sankey, f\irs. Kellog1 and Wendell Rice. St. John Aux. J\1rs . Robe.rl llcid President C0i\1 1NG UP : f\1ecting :it I p.m. tomorrow. Pa n !! I discussion by members of Costa Mesa P I a n n in :: , Engineering, Traffic and Police departments ll'ill be moderated by Mrs. Joscpb Devlin. Arthur McKenzie, ci- ty manager, will be a special guest speaker. Paper drive from 7 to nool Saturday, Feb. 15, at 2l81 Harbor Blvd. ll.EPORT S : J\ol e m h<'rs participating in the ~1 arch of Dimes were the ~11ncs. James Meehan. G co r g e Carlyle.. Bartley Conroy, Al vin Yost, James Ure, Norman Rhoads. J a y Delaney. John Purd y , Our Lady Queen Charles Mackslrotb, Jan1cs Temple, George .Johnson, of ,Angels Aux. John Hartl, George Cejka, 1\-lrs. John Park Victor Cla rke, Noel Lane, President Carl Mazurik and Mr. and COMING UP: Meeting at 7:30 Mrs. Angdo Scarce 11 o. p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20, in ~~mes Mou It r op and the little thea ter, Cornha-dd~-Richa.rd. Lennert also col· Mar High School. D r . lecte<l. Gordon McCoy will speak Wilson PTA REPORTS : Funds were col- lected lo plant a memorial lree for Bill Reed, eusto- clian ... ln the home of Mrs. C. L. Hansen, arts and poster chairman. plans for · U1e science lair were discussed. on Christian Attitudes To"'ard Family Life. l\lrs. Elgie Armour i\lrs. Fred Simp~oo President President Kaiser PTA 1\-trs. Norman Egli President COMING UP: '/alen tlne dances will be from 7 to 9 p.m. in the mulUpurpose room. Eighth grade students gather tomorrow a n d seventh grade studenb on Friday. Retresf'lments will be served, and parents are invited. Linda Vista PTO f\1rs . Jack Giiiian President COt-i11NG UP: General meeting and installation of officers at 7 p.m. Wed· nesday, Feb. 19. Men1· bcrship drive will continue through Feb. 19. Students 'vii entertain with a talent show. Lindbergh PTA Mn. Robert Vincik President COMING UP: Luncheon to honor past presidents at noon Tuesday, Fe.b. 18, in the Villa Marina n!staui'ant. . .Unit meeUng will take place at 7:SO p.m. Feb. 11. in the multipurpose room. Entertainment will be pro- vided by students in third grade. COM ING UP: Founders Day Ree PT A L0!11JNG UP : Aleeting at 7 program and meeting at ~(r1. Keith Kellogg p.m. Thur sday, Feb. 20, in 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18. Presldent the multipurpose r o 0 m , Mrs. Vashke Breeding, fron) C0:\1 1NG UP: Candy apples Program Remembering Our Newport Harbor H i i h .,.,·ill be 90Jd tomorrow and Founders will feature past Will speak on Your Children Friday. presidents aod presentation and Higher Education: The REPORTS· Mrs fl.f D Grosz ol the honorary 11· f e young a11d the Pressured. · · · · ·· Two honorary life member· Mrs. Keith Kellogg and n1embership by Mrs. Robert ships will be presented. Grant Belnap attended lhe Sankey, chairman. Child School chorus "'ill present Harbor Council luncheon. care will be provided in the program. Mothers of 1 __ s_e_r_vi_ng=--on_th_•_ho_n_or_•_.:ryc_lif_e __ r_oo_m_1_1. _____ _ fifth and sixth grade stu- dents \Vill host ; baby-sitting .-------~..--.r-----------. available. NH High PTA ~lrs. Robe.rt HetzL, President C0~1ING UP: Founders Day meeting at 7:30 p.m . \Vednesday, Feb. 19, ln the social hall. Past presidents ,.,.ill be honored and Mrs. Harry K. Mellar Jr. will present the honorary life membership. Mrs. Doris Croxon, assistant vice presi· dent of Newport Balboa Sav- lng and Loan, will speak on scholarships available tor high school students. Paularino PTA Mn. Nflel BaDey Prealdent COMING UP: Valentine'1 Day family dinner from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, for ~vers r9nly on Valentine's Da7, February 14th PIANOS • ORGANS Fraakly French, the most 1umantfc way lo 1ay .. 1 will lova you forever plus one day.• Faahl-wllh metlalloua wo to Jaql1 proadlJ a a charm or in,mnallw lize, . ••a pedut with matching chain. FAMOUS BRANDS COMPETITIVE PRICES we'll meet all rices!) RENT A PIANO CAREFULLY No time limit! No RECONDITIONED obll~atlon to buy. . . USED credit if you do. PIANOS NIW ANKRUM'S UHD 2064 S. MAIN -SANTA ANA e 546 4800 701 S. HAltlOR -FULLERTON e 171-4326 11 YIAll IN IANTA ANA stnnna silver or ,.Yow pW !Dad pendant, U.15 Stulms or yellow told !Dtd cbarm, 17.ICI 14K pld p11ndant, ... SC pW. charm, S41.ot SLAVICK'S J ...... Slfa 1917 11 F11hion lll•nd Newport leach -644-1380 y,,, Ch •rt• Acc•11nt W•lcom-lank>.tnerle•"', Mt1t.r Cfriart•• teo 01''" M111 ., ffl. 1111til ':lO p .... ' I I " I WfdnHdlJ, ftbuiry 12, 1~9 -: Diet Habits Guide Hea Ith Cinnamon Hearts Valentine Captured Spring Style 9210 SIZES lQ}'i.2214 '"' 1lf ,..; ... 11T .... -r ... Isn't It marvelous to look feminine, feel fresh? Step into this side-buttoned skimmer, then step out briskly on spring and summer days. Printed Pattern 9210: NEW Half Sizes 101,'i, 12!h, 141n:, l61h:, J8lf.t, 2(Ph, 221tz. Size 141i2 (bust 37) takes 3% yd1. 3~in. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for each pattern-add 15 cents for each patjern for first-clasa mailing and special handllng;.otherwiae third<Jass delivery will take three w.eekB or more. Send · to Marian Martin, the DAU..Y PILOT, 442. Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME. AJ>. DRF.SS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NtiMBER. Spring Send-off! Mort fi'esb., young, easy~ew stylts . in Spring.Summer P a t t er n Catalog. Free pattern coupon. 50 cents. New INSTANT SEWING Book -shows you how to sew It today, wear it tomor· row. Over 500 pictures. Only 11. Air Exposure To Fruit Cut By Sugaring Sugar helps keep lre&h lruU lrom turning brown h)'. nduo- In1 oxidi:Uon. Sugar In soluUon .. an even more etfecUve cover in the prevenUon of a1r oqiosure. Wt over sugar syrup drain- ed from canned fruits is a ready made solution for keep- ing avocado, bananas, apples and other uncooked fruits ou\ of contact with air bttween cutting preparation and aerv· lng time. ' PILLSBURY fi.OUR 5-LB. BgAG . .: -1~ . ~-· ~~3 "U" MOfJMAJlt $ltclD & 111D ,,,,, ••• ,., ••• •... Lii, PORK LOIN ROAST LOIN~ •••••• , •.• ,,••,•••••··••· ...... LI. LEG OF PORK auri 'POITtoN ........................... LI. BEST OF THE FRYERS WASTE fftl, NO IACKS, NICKS OR GllUT1S . La. BISCUITS • .::=,·~:::. 6i49° CREAM CHEESE .. =-... 2!t' · ' ~1-0L PICG. · SLICED CHEESE ..... ~~:;.·:-..a. 45' N«>SWISS ; CANNED POP CAL FRESH 12 OZ. CANS VAR1ETIES & STOCK LIMITED 9 for HUNT'S PEACHES BUTTt11111 COFIU "· . 11•---.. SllCID & HAlVES NO. 211 CAN TOMATO H\JNrs SAUCE a-0.i CAN TOMATO .. JUICE s for !J!L,!,l;!~!~J_AY __ ···-63' Meaty Rib .End PORK CHOPS (CTL CIT. SMOllD ... &L .. ) 78~ PORK RIB CHOPS "·1· BACON SQUARES . . . . ..... "· ~9' IACON ENOS ""~··········"· 23• POii( ..C~ BONES ···-·······-···· ••· 23' PORK PIG FEET ---····-····-·····-·•.23' PIGS TAILS .................... ·-····· u. 23' SMOKED PORK HOCKS .............. u . 39' SALT PORK ..................•.•....... "· 49' PENN. SAUSAGE "'" "'"""· ......... "· 69' PORK llNKSAUSAGE ~:~~!~~~.29" Lean, Meaty SPARE RIBS EAS1UH CoatWID a:. POH BUTI ROAST ··-·-· .. •···· ... 59' PORK IUTI STEAKS .......•....•. ._ 69' LOIN POK CHOPS """"'"'"-.. If' THINPORXCHOPS ____ ....... FRESH HAM STEAKS ••... -•..•.... •· 9 .. SPAREAIBS COOHflY smt ........... LI. 69c FRESH SIDE OF PORK ........ : ....... 59' PORKTINDERlOINS ·····-··-···.._'!" SLAB BACON"-""'···· ........ "· 49' Fresh Pork SHOULDER ROAST PICNIC srnr 3&:. Full Shank Half LEG OF PORK FRESH. LEAN a• '"'· SLICED BACON ::".-.::rna-... -.59' MAJFRESH -...1wm1_,.. L!$1 APPLESAUCE ... ~ Vi r-r1SH Sl'ECIALS FOR LENTEN MEALS HALIBUT GlEENlAIC). BYM """'····· c. 29c . (SllCES, lb. 49c) VEGETABLES FRESH SHRIMP SAtAosoocoo:iAAs 98c ~!'!.Cll .. FI~! 69< !!~~ COD ..... 6cJ< MAYFRESH CANNED CORN cream or whole bnliel or GREEN PEAS HO. a· 303 f CAN or CHUNK TUNA CARNATION CfftJWK STYlE LIGHT Ml'AT ,0;1 ;) I~ DZ. CD HUNT'S . PORK & BEANS NO. 2" CAN HUNTS FRUIT COCKTAIL !!>,.~!2P_~_°!! _____ ]i1 1 ,!;!l}!'J;:~~~l-~_A_~H 7i1 1 ~~r~&E_s __ 7is 1 NO.JOO CN< ~!!~'.IS·N····· .. 69< ~ 0', so.LE ... 98< --m~ fl'o~tn. Food.--- LIBBY'SFROZEN 4 99c ORANGEJUICE "'L""'-for Y.~9!JM.'!~,o. ~~ 3. 99c JltlAf0'11GflAlln(Wollo ....... -.-itot& for ~l~H ll(AMS~$1-'Mllo ..... 5-:-tfOt. Mll!TS COllMK-,.,.., MIO.. VAN DE KAMP HALIBUT «>L"'"-69' VAN DE KAMP COD '°'""" 49' ORE IDA POTATOES =-~~,:;>,-::_..,,,... 43' · MAYFRESH 39 MAYONNAISE :"_'__ c JAMS AND JELLIES '~'· 4 ,., $J CRUllCH BERRIES CEREAL---"«.49' ma_yfair Fruits & Vegc.~s NAVEL ORANGES ma]jfah-Liquors VODKA .~ $2!!1 $3~ "00111\li ~ \YJWWJ FRESH GREOS! Van de Kamps Sl'ECIALS ........ r-.Mu.t...i. ....._s.-a-.1.Conordt. -~fl., ... 1~14 °"' . . .~tO! Yaf1111Ae CllOl<llS ··-·"'" t1 • 45c Y1flall111 C.,CM ... ..._.,, 45' Valentine $ 29 Cake ····-·-'.._ 1 \YJtw/1YnYJ\J11WJ\Yf §.9 .. 0J£t!..•""' "" s41s. §.i!BJ!!'i,~ILL ,. 1339 FIEKCI lllUSINC-.-•& -371 SCOTTl!S FAal! TISSU! , .. _,. -23c SONSHIN! lllSPl!S ,.,. 31c All SWHT ~AllARIKl" "',.. -41'1. UPI011J1111i£1S .. _,.. 75c ---·------,___ __ --..• ----- !t!J1.m... •..._Sf' BEER ...... -79' "™!UM '"-* OSE 14 n.ot.CANS .f9 ' I D~ Ci§.• Speeialsf YOGURT -·-·'""_5111 POPSICLES ._ __ 41 11 IMITJCEMILK.,.. _3 ... 1 TOPPINQ ...,._,_.'-45' ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THURS .• .J~UARY THURS. FD. 13th tin WED .. FEB. 19 MATFAll MAim -171 WT 1mt STlDT, COSTA MISA .. w. 1tt ltrwt. a.Ma AM tlt2 Wtltmlflltw* o.~ ... Grow I I " ,• \ ....... "" ............ ~ ................. ""'""'""""""""""""' .......................................................... ~ ....................................... ~ .... --....... ~~--~~~~·---~·. ~ ... . I I I ! ' ' I I '. I ,. • jc ~ ... or 1Yj6 ,.-..,, ,....., 12,lM -.i · Y,~ge,tables· ,(~_niouf lag~ as Bonbons ,_ Ille -· the . popuJlr -droW. by llank Keldwn, .e.-a cbuckle • .,.., .. -iboul Dennls' attitude t 0 'ff I r d veptabla. . In U .......... WI)', be --lhal-IDUI\ be lallllht lo enjoy' a wide varleij' of f.00. and at t~ it CID be fet:Y ~ing. Cbildree reject var 1 o us ----eoo-lnllled aludlel "-ve also noled that chl.ldren's food ~eDcea are very different • fnD an adWt11 and they-have ' greater desire for sweels. As we move along in life our tule OOdl 'become less Jeiidlve to the basic tastes of noel, -· salt and bitter. '1bls may be part of the • ~ why many adults learn · '"' lo ..,.,. the -herb and ·~· ap1ce seasonings on vegetables. the sweet and sour ., aiDc.9 and sharper a:alad , . dreAinp. These additionat • t Oavorinp lo the b a a i c !! · ... veaetat>le are frequenUy tum-'. ed down by younger memben "Qf-the boosehold. Moat yoong children like their vegetable with litUe or no teasoninp and if JK15.'ible would ntber eat them raw. Mothers can sneak vegetables into the childrtn's diet by taking advantage of their keen desire for sweets. Cook carrots can be ~ with dark. white or flavored syrup or honey before serving. Carrots can be made into cake, pie. pudding and pancakes. Why eat carrots? They are an excellent and reuooably priced source of vitamin A. An important nutrient for a healthy functioning body. Should you have a Dennis in your boosehold, try these Golden Bonbons made of fine. ly grated raw carrots cooked into a candy. GOLDEN BONBONS l cup finely grated raw car- rots (U med.) 2 cups sugar o/, cup light cream I drop of almond extract l/l cup toasted f I a t' e d SWEE.T COVER-UP FO R !JlTS OF CARROTS walnut!. Stir until it starts ----------+ .. ----------------'-'I coconut or 1/3 cup of chop. ped walnuts to stiffen. Drop teaspoons of[.------------------_.... ______ __, the candy onto a plate or Toast coconut in a 11killet ad low heal Shake freqOOitly lo p:evenl bllrniJ1g. Cool Mix to(ether carrots, sugar and cream ill a 1'12 quart saucepan. Put , on moderate beat, uncovered. Let it boil rapidly until it 11tarts to tllicken. Turn beat to low. . Stir every ao often to keep mizluro from llllckiJ!( OD bot- tom. Whoa -ls thick and CODttDtrated or, %30 degrees on candy thennome-- ler, (it labs aboot 30 min- utes) ; TelDO'Ve from heal Add almond eztract, coconut or "Won, yes!" It't that good. wax paper and shape into a bonbon. Makes 24. HONEY.SPICED CARROT DF.SSERT J box honey spice packiged cake mix Jh cup grated carrots Follow tht directions of the package _for mixing the cake, but use 2 tablespooos lets water th4n suggested. Add grated carrots to the cake ingredients and prepare as stated on the bo1. Bake in · a h9x2 ioch pan. Cut into desired number of squares. Serves at least .a. Promise -liver Steaks Calls for More, More ' In tbe91 da'ys or surveys on every subject under the IUn (or should we now say uDder the mooa ! ) a 'poll on tber IUOject of "'live?" would probably· elicit some very definite: pros and com! We're ao entbuaiastic aboot eur specialty of the house, .. Liver Steak With G&rlic Al· mood Cream." ~t we're wilt. Ing to bet one taste·· wouMi Cttange an "Ugh, no" to a "Wow, yet!" It's that good Not that anyone could stop after jmt ooe bite! Imagine liver cut into steaks 1 in.inches tblct, broiled to perfection (we've Urned the broiling JftclSely for you) and lavish- ed it with a creamy, garlicky 11.uce with allced almonds! We're confklent that our im- qioary turVey would find neryooe unanimous about almonds. They continue to srcnr in popularity as a mack food and as a cooking in- p-edlent. You can add their ua1qae flavor and tmure to llOCfl, aalads, sandwiches, .,...iablea, desserta -there ll hardly any meal that can't be eahanced by elegant .- Parfaits You can buy them in con- venience forms such ·as whole natural or blanched, roasted diced, blanCbed_.slivered, slic-- ed blanched, « .u we call for them with our liver cream sauce, sliced natural (almonds with their skins on) • Broiled tomato h a I v e s sprinkled with P a r ni e 11 a n cheese, French fried or pan fried potatoes and spinach all go well with this month'• very special Specialty of the House. Uvtr Steak Wltll Garlic Atmom. Cream 1 ~ pounds calf, beel or lamb liver, cut 1¥1-inches thick sa1t Pepper 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted I cup dairy sour cream 1 tablespoon minced parsley 3 to 3% teaspoons garliC spread concentrate 1h: cup sliced natural almonds Remove skin and some ol tough membrane from edge of liver. Spritljle liver with on the premium margarine that doctors name most ... and people like best. Fleischmann's~ Margarine is made from I 00 % com oil. And no vegetable oil is better for your family in a low saturated fat diet. A medical fact. Stkk F1olocli,..•1111'• i. toW on \II• W•t Cout. ta ta.ill.,. ttibll f--. Apple llipple Parfaits can .. made In odv111«. Simply lllls oppletauce witb brown salt and pepller, place on broiler pan, brulh with 1 tablespoon melted bu t t er . Broil 4 inchell from beat s minutes on each side. Brush with more butter upon turn- ing. Test to see if done to -------------------------------------- =~~-:g -Ice awn. Place 1n ..... ud1e!Jw. Cheese Motto Whencootlnrwltb ch- -tbll mo&: Spore the ---.... cheea<! v .... low -t.mper• --..... ,.iace heat wiD llllkli --~ -........ -. Ottl'OOObd or &o9 ra 7 coobd dw:le ii st , toup llld unotlrldlve. your liking bJ makinc an in· chilon with amall sharp knife and looking inside. When done, the steak sbould be crllply brown on the outside ind pink • and jnlcy in the middle. ~ Meanwhile. mate sauce: "' Combine sour crum. panley, n garlic spread, 113 cup al-o moods and ~ teupoon salt In ~ saucepan. Heat geoUy, stlr-z rioa, until ,arUe: concentrate II -· bat do not boll (It cloem'I take laq.) ' I '"'' · Save 7¢ on any Fleischmann's Margarine ... Stick, Solt, Unsalted. Or Diet Flci!Chmann's. ( • " • . . nsed Safeways Thurs. thru Sun., Feb. 13 thru 16 Prices Etlective In l ice . . ~rbo!$399 86 Proof ,~· Scotch $4'' MacNairs Imported fifth 86 Proof !.~k'.:: $6 99 80 Proof ~'!-~i~ $699 80 Proof Ballon dbrook Mill $719 • , . Bourbon :,d--811 Prool ''"" ~ ~ •.. • Old Calhoun Hall If _.,,.. . Whiskey 86 Proof 1'11" .,. .~.,. $11'1 i.t;.~~ s I h MacNai~ lmPorted Hill •• .,. :r.;i CO ( 86 Proof h llu I 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna ' I H ~ ....... f'..11.7 · Golden -c:o..nra~(;oss .. Fresh · Fryers D.S.D.A. Grade A · U.S. Goverameal lnspecled · PILlllPt Tender and Meaty. Fid 1 Hiah Protein Diet of Cracked Grain for 1 Meat.ier and More Tender Fryer. . WHOLE 80DY lb. a .. tOf Fryer c Cut-Up Fryer1 Tr1r P1tk-f'111 Reidy t• 351 Jl!Lmp, Tender & Meaty • •• "'"· """. . 59• Ciblets-Good btlnil U1, \ ~•J'•O••. I ..... Pldlc 32-Gallon· Trash Cans ,Razz._ ···Tan \ ·-~-­"Wor-. oua• 1,... '• G1111tJt . ""°" kiul.stmiMm -WS SERn:E, • • SAYlllGS ANO AsHrted . FriSkies Cat Foods Cholct of ~· fM'illl. lilt Yu Cat lllfnclif flMr And ""'1till TIO! ·aoneless Steaks · F~U Ce1ler C11 // ( Beil ROlldS I ! US.D.A. Cloice G'"1lfe 8"' Safew.y Aged and Trimmed. jl. Ide~ for P11 FJJini U. Rump Roa.I I ROUllll R..t · 8oM k1-41SOA Clloicl 89' Bonelw CUI-USDA a.oic. ta• f~llJ Ated I Tril!IMif ft. SaltWIJ ~I Trirnmfd. ... Boneless Roast Leg · Of lamb Frm l'li1•••"""'" U•• U.S.DA Choicl Gndo-Short Sh""' Deliale in AMI'. luncheon Meats .. "'".:r. ":!:-3 ..... s1 • IL Oftc . ~-.... ,.... ... 8'7 F...._.ltll • r•P ~ir1oin Steak i:i~DA 'Bineless Hams a:~~5.,-i;. Skinless Frankl. Tllllllr,RMrflllllR)'. .... C ,.....,..... '55 ~f«Mcll:Dlip .... ' McCoys Meat s ' -.. _ ·~-'" ,. ...... ~ ..... .,.... •• Ms. lll1i1ht Pltc• .... :::- JHff',lec• = ... ,. .. st' ..... Sliced Bacon .1 ........ Nt, ..... f.li. s~· ..... , .... ,... k ......... , ... '" . ,.. • .._~~SI i. 2:,-s11r -:canned· Iiams · =~~-:-5 .... s4s1 -lli. lllll '" • -= - Stokely lrand Fruit (ocktail for Slllds, fruil Clips And IJeYfls., H's Oilc•l tt'1 [ISJ! It's Ilriftr,! SWANSON TV Dinners B•d. Click!ll, T~ll!y. Chopped S111oin, Swiss Steill or Me•iean each ltl-air Cream .Pies ':. ,....,_fhl Toothpaste Ullt1 lrito ' 3 flli• ~~tll forrmU 5·•t. 7 c Ultra Britftlm Breatll lllM As It lrlchlrts Teetll! Anacin Tablets . R.,W PN Rotlot- rw Sinlpla ~I ""'''"'·""' .... u!)on rer RJpicl ltelief, ••Ill• 73• ,, ii 6i181te ~ides ~ -. :t. 1111 · Johnsoa's 61Mle ~-:::~·i: :: 54' Johnsoa Glo Coat :::.-;;::;.~ 2.::-84' ' 3 for $1 8 ·~.: 9t Pa.peayas Oranges Tomatoes ' YIM-11...... 2• larp Silt f~ Sicinr 'i, 7 -• ~ S111ds. il11ai.fijty! •o· tatoes · ~~~~~"' 5 ., .. 59' r ' Potatoei: Top Quality! · •• : lt•r . ., . "• . ~ Cr1pefr1ii · '1t'l~.::O 5 ~-'1 ·'teic·C.cum .. 11 ~ Ancados 1::.:~!;~ .4 .. '1 Velvet Yams l!'.~~. Orl1ce J1ice !:'.".: ... ' '.:' 49j Za~idi Dates I':::, .:.. • ...i. ....... •.. -.11•; 9.::...1 Pr11• '~ """ r•_,,.. ...... .. .. 211 ..... ~ • 1111. wu.'* -··;no;"'"'-12·-·-- 2 "'29' .. 19' 4=: '1 2~"". 77' -rM.lll"llE 11.AllTI -. UllElllll' lllEll Tulips =.. $1" a ... rted .... , ·~~ · _ ,,.., -..-,. ,,. ' · And lnMr & ht~.., =tu~~~°?:'. Plants an lwaHablt. (A ........ At -W•••F•) •. '""'W. At M9tt W-WOJtl-1 • . bJS >W 211 E. 17tll St., .Costa Mesa' '1000 Bayside Dr., Newport leadl · 1, , 't · 24 lllonarch Bay Plara,.So. laguna .. ' 636 N. Coasl ·Hwy., liQUn1 Beith Santa Ana Freeway al la Par, Mission Vltfo f1nl9'f Aft & Wihon St. ' ' I I I , I I I • • ) I ft .._!.. f!Uf __ ~-4 __ w_.,_,,_11_,,._,_....,--'_12.1~96'- Chinese Feast • ,On New Year's ·'111e ~New Year 4117 trill arrive Feb. II, ID Orioolll -...olUes ..... I ht· ~ Slate>, tho bolsu.r trill .. -.ed wllll a cilebrltl111 which II oompuablt to harin& Chrlalmu. blrllldm ll1d all -hallP)' occuloos rolled Into -111 ud colorlul festival. The Orientll hmar calendar was tltlblllbld over • J,OOD yean .. ., and """ ill IS-year eydoa, Each " the a yearo Is DIBllCf for a wlld w d-aolmal, ud after the lt years are OYa, the anlmll cycle btalnl apin, Th!s year I l"Jbe y W' ot the Rooster" will be ushered ln. Just u tome Americana feel that their pertOn&litiet are in-""''"* by lbt sip ol the mdiK 'Pl• which they were born, tndlUenoDy, Orlentai. beUeve tha' the animal-year you are bom in has a personality effect. endlnp to I Chintlt me&J. You'll llqd your Oiln<le New ' v.., ~ II ,.. ol the prellleat 1 1 1 llid eulaat ••• yeu•ve ever prepared! llOQVD'OllT·AVOCADO DBllllNG 1 nuictJum avocado. peel~ llid Meded I packap (3 OllDCU) Jlo, quolort cheese, ennnbled I tabltapooa lemoo julct 1 teaspoon minced onion % ,...,,..., 1 bot popper ..... H it lo !Ute 3 pack1ge (5 ounces tach) frozen ea rolll Mull avocado and blend with cruD'lbled Roquefor t cheelt; l<ld lemon Juke , onion, hot Pfpptr' sauce and salt to taate, Chill dresslng and serve With bot •u rolls prepared acconltng to d~ec tiOlll llid cut Into tbirdJ, • '-~--·. 1 , Grape Crop Until tm ill ol. Callfornla's ll'IP' crop WU SOid simply u grapes fM tlble U$t or wine. Since thtn crapes have abo made ra1&1nl. 1be rallin Industry in the San Joaquin Valley Ill CalU<W)lia has ~ come the world'• largest. Quick Energy A handlUJ of Calllomla -· less ralalno make quick or. ergp~The 70 perdlll ....... frull sugar provldei Uda pt •P llMI p, ,Rallilll aloo em- tain Vitamin A. thl•P'l.n. 'troa llid cllclum, I ~e py Today's Wonl Ads e HASSEi.BLAD. A di> ... • lllahed ...... Jn,11!1, ll:t ol pho...,.pby, 1 .~ lllO: C. WUb metal eue 'ai.t lillen, """' l\I f"ll'I ""' WAJ, • Tool Tote 1'1'a4e: Heft'• a tool mt ln ~t conditipn. valued at $300. can be traded tor srMll --lion ... bul for box r · e PROPINQUITY ! Here's an a.uortml!llt cat heao~ things: a German doll, Tillany lamp, Cuntval, .,. ......... --. and ma.ey otben. e Beach Budget Barpln: A one bedroom apartmt.rrt near the pier ln Newport, with tree ulilita. carprt lneloded, """ """' "" month . · Thua, people born in "The · Year ol tht: Ra t" are likely to be clever ind resourceful, "Year of the Tiger" people ire apt to be brave and .!ti~ cessful ind thole born In ''The Year of the Lamb," very If desired, the avocado dreuinl can be served in an avocado "bll" instead of a ---------,--:---::-'-,:_;__:,:,:::,-:lj~,:_:::_.:_::::;.::,::;:,,:.::::_ __ !__~'-----~~~~~!!!!~~~"""!~~~~~~~~~ bowt Simply halve and seed anotbet avocado, leaving peel on. Scoop out most of the av~ cado me1t leavln4 firm shell, and fill with drea1ng. quiet. A-.!ini to lhll 1yollm, babJu born durina the "Year o1 tht: Rootter" lbotdd rrow •P to bt dell&ent llid in- dependent -le , , , ap early In lbt mornlq llid alwayo ready to ligbt for their rights, Whatt:vtr the yeat, food tradlilom play the key role in the CblneJt New Year feSlivlties, and "New Year 's Eve'~ ii alwa)'I etlebrated wllh I tpeolal holiday meal, The ~ lndlUOll of cooldnl, Ion& cttlllidered one of the finest in the world, has fa J 11 e d unprecedented popularity In the Uolled Slates durJ.nc the put few yeara. By combinln1 the escltln1 fllvor of Radlllooal Orlmlal cuioille wllll Ille Amerlcan- rtyle speed , llid elflclency foond ln today'• froze• Orien- tal convenience foods, you can prepare an a:otic meal with a minimum of f\lSS. Start with hot, crisp egc rolls served with 1n in- ~ dip or dresalng, The UH. ol frozen ea; roll! can cat • prepartt.loa time t o mirt\ita, A wide variety ol ea roll lila and filllna;• now are available .•. eveeythin1 from the Wse 11tradltlonal" 1ize. to tiny frozen blt&-sized verlions with 1 choice or J~, shrimp, chicken or mdHl>d:Wimp flllinp, lllw11111l dips llid dresaing• c111 Md a homemade gourmet IOl4'h to !be egg rolls, Ro- queftwt-Avocldo Dreu.io& ind Girllc-Ma7onnal1e Dip are a. tuly ones. (A unall po et ol bot Cbln.,. mlllllrd ,. u with the eu roll!, and cal{ be UHd u a zesty alt«rnative to o t b e r ac- coo\panlmnta,) Heit shrimp chow mein, chicken chow mtin, beef chop IU'J or tweet and IOU?. pork all biake savory main courses. Since all are available ln fraiai form ill eilbtr I fiavor- 1tlled coHlaJ pouch o r regular frOWI pack.ate, you merely beat them before serv- ing · Garnllhed, wlll! bits of 1callim or pimiento, buncht.'I of M"atercreu or parsley, or fluted cucumber or canned \\'at.er chestnut slices, the steamin1 entree1 become eye- appealln& treall. Since It is traditional to serve aevtl'al main courtes in an OrlenUil me.al, terVe 1 choice of en- trees sucb u chicken chow mein and beef chop BUey, or ahrlmp chow meln and sweet and IOW' port. Makes 6 Jara:e ea:a: rollJ and approximately l cup drtssing. GARLIC-MAYONNAISE DIP I cup mayonnaise ~~ cup cream cheese, room tamperature 1 or 2 garlic cloves, minced v, teupoon dry mustard v. teaspoon celery salt dash of paprika 2 pacbget (I ounces each) frozen lobrtet, shrimp or chic.ken b!tNtud ea rolls Bltod all the dip ~edlents !o(ether wall; chill, B<ne wtlh crisp bot egg roU., propared ICCG"diftg to ditectiOOI. Mil" :U lllllll egg roll& llid about 11> cup dip, YANGCBOW FRIED RICE 2 packaifil (10 ounces each) fror.eo fried rice with meal 1 can (I~ ounces) chunk- 1tyle tuna, drained '.'! cup chopped scallions or green anions ~4 cup shredded iceberg lei· tuce 2 teaspooog JOY uuce Heat fried rice ~ding to package directions. Put in a serving bowl and add all other ingredients. T o 1 1 toa:ether and 1 e r v e im- mediately. T1 make "~l," pack bot fried rice Into ligbUy oiled colfee, tea or cuatard cups. ptelliq rice llrmly down, in- vert molds m a plain platter, tapping "mold" to Looeen the rloe. Surround each unmolded rice moulid with h 1 l v e d cucumber alicu and use variOUI lenrt)ul of scalllan.! as the ••stems" ot your fried rice "flowers." Makea about t to I servings. FRIED RICE S11JFFED TOMATOES l packa1e (10 ouncta) frozen frled rice wilb chicken c or a unpeeled, medlum-siz- , ed firm tomato. -% cup finely chopped onion.!! ~~ cup IOft bread crumbs t teaspoon aalt ~ teupoon, pepper I> teupooa,, ... , ... v. teupooll buil \l cup arated cheddar cheese · Prepare fried rice according to directions. cut lopt off of unpeeled tomatoetl; caretully scoop out pulp and mil it with hot fried rice. Add onlona, bread crumbs. 1alt, pepper, ore1ano. basil and ¥• cup of the grated cheese to fried rice mixture. Fill the tomato cups, with the fried rice milture and top with remaining v, cup grated cheese. Bake in greas- ed muffin cupo or baldng dish in a preheated SSO dqree F. oven for 20 minutes. Serve immediately. Makel I to I stuffed tomatoet. Transition Smooth Pat For There was a ·smooth lransltlon . in the Whlte House kitchen -the Nlxoru have decided to keep on the Johnson'• SwlU:bom chef Henry Rallu and Teus bouoekeepor Mary , Kaltmao, A JpOkesman said Pre&dent and Mt.. Niml plan no ch11t1el ill theoe two key jobl, Haller, a n International chel, wu lured from a hacratlve job Hi a New York botel by the Johnsons to replace French chef Rene Verdon 1n 1961. Verdon had been imtalled by the former fi rst lady, Jacqueline Ken- nedy, Mrs. Kallman was brought to the White House by the Johnlons late in 1968 "to coordinate purchasing In the inteust of economy" in the While House kitcbem. Mn. Kaltm1n had been director of food• at the Dril.t.111 Hotel in Austili, Tex. She replaced another Ken· nedy appointee, Miss Anne Lincoln, who re.signed and later wrote 1 boot about her Whtte HOUie experiences. The Nlxons allo have a kitchen in Cheir Hi:Olld-Ooor family quarters, which will be presided over by a Castllllan couple, Manolo and Fina S.nchez, who have been "ith them far a number of years and moved Into the White House with the Nixon fam ily. Tomatoes Broiled Butter, salt and pepper top- ped broiled tomato halves have been 1ddin& color and cban1e-of-pace flavor t o breakfast, lunch and dinner plates for a l~I time. He.re are two other w1ys of servtna broiled tomatota using otller d1lry foods . Top a firm-ripe tomato hall with a paper thin slice d. onion and a slice of lharp cheddar chette, Broll until cheese is melted and tomato is hol. OR pour all ~m over thick llices or tomato; sprinkle with nit and freshly IJ'Olllld black pepper and broil unW mun bubblea. Ytnl(how Fried Rice is a tempting variation of plain fried rice , featuring crunchy bits t4 lettuce and meat or aeafood. An easy and delicious variation ctn be made b1 st.a!tiq with froun fried rice an4 addin( a few fresh ln-JHdleala, If d.Wed, bito of shrimp, cooked chicken or 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiijiiijjjiijjijiij-ijiiiijiijiiiijjiiiijjijjj~·I smoUd ham c a n be I wblUtuted for the canned tuna ln the accompanyln& roclpe. If you wish to malre an unusml platter of Yan1chow Jl'rlld Rice to go with your entrte, llmPly mold the rice in 1jibfl1 oiled coffee , tea or cuJW'd eupe and turn the mounded · rlce out on a plain Pillllar--the otldltion ol ...., -_...... itllces aad « ................ Ormtal Oft .. II wW fllQ)t. The rice II~ --eea~·~oetbe Ail'id .. sl ::=rr-· z. ~and 1:'"J:: -.. to lht YIJl#boW l'rlltl JUce, OrllOlll deuerll alD11 enbanoe, belt M"Y• overpow• lb! 111011. C..Clude your "Year ol the Roolter" dimer wilh rreah fruit, a fruit cup or Ice cream ••• all popular ) CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS INSIDE AND CORNER MOUNTS Compltte Line .t Fi,.pl1ce Acce110riff ............ ~ OllE WEEK DEUYERY - Call fer ''" oalfma'" e Complete Une ef Gas Rwne Lots Sa ta A Tent IH ft ftG Awning Co. 2202 S. MAI 5,5-0,91 Sllll Ali ·FREE 100 SEE OUR COUPON MAILEI EXTIA BLUE Clll STAMPS WITll $7.50 PUICRASE Allll THIS COWH ot y~ home TODAY! ..\i.!o.D.A. INSPECTED CHIClEN .~UT ·UP FRYIRS -.... , ......... FAMILY STEAKS fARME l .IOHN-Sklf'4lESS LlllK SAltSA5E U.S.O . .t.. IM:S'fCTID CHICJ.fH FIYER PAITS U.5.D.A. CHOKE lfEF-&C>Hftrss LOllDoll BROIL 3 !-: $1 ,..,., l fGS ot 49 < ltfl~S ,lb. $1" ·~' l•d..din9 Mill.; ''od"'"· l oboceo, tiq- V.,l;tl T~ll•l, tft S..•., f•b. 13·16, 1969 , llMIT-d HE COU"<>H 'f l CUSTOMfl PRISllPRODll •ID ALASKAll -Sii.nm SALMON V.S.O.A. CHOKE IEfF -IOHlltEts 891t ~;,,..,.,_ _____ __, 5 ;~'; SJ ,,..-~-P.OZlllPOODS>-~, fl EStl S:IST APPLESAICE CONTM>INA WHOLE TOMATOES 4 ;:,; $J J,t,N.u.wtH(-A$SOITfO CHlllESE DlllllEIS vn.t.-PMT ~ CHfli.to • OtA•E JUKE ,, 01. ••• ' • 01 btl. <O~• 79c 69c CHUN KING • ~EEF CHOP SUEY • CHICKEN CHOW MEIN • FRIED RI CE W/MEAT '• SHRIMP EGG ROLL 10 .... ~ o" 79c 79c 59c 49c DYNA, DmHENT ~:;,· 49c • swEer & souR PORK )6.01. 99c aA,..OOM SCOtTISSUE FROZEN.-COOICIH1 8.AG BANQUET ENTRIES • !>tKED llEtf .. CHKS:EN A Lf,. KING • CH!ll COH CAINl • S41CEO TUI KEY • 1.U.U.Lf!o • SAlllfCV r llEEf • EHCHllAOAS ··~ flESH KIST PRNE JUICE VITA·PAKT GRAPEFRUIT JUICE '::' 39c NINE llYf S 2 TUllA CAT FOOD :;:; 25 c , P•ISll KllT·-OU 11:1111111. GOLDEN CORN 12 ·~· •1 ;::i ~~:~ 2Jc 4 ~;·.$1 YACUUM PACKID 5 12 ..... '1 .... All GlffN FIESH SOLID tABBAIE HfW v1oairrr -THICS: Ml.Al '· MEDITEUA-11 SQIASI C,Qffff -Al l GRltfOS LAUHOlY DflUIGENl SUITER -NUT 1-JLl,IJ,IQl!!!Ul,\o,D =;::;~;:;.~..::5::..9"-c....J 9 LAUHORY f)(lfltGENT 6 c SAL VO ,..,, 79c TABLETS ,.,, S111*'ED 01 JUICE BrtCH-NUT BABY FOOD ·;Jo e DELICATES SEN FOOD GIANT -8ROOKMEAD CHEDDAR EXCLU$1VEI Oll:EOON AGED CHEESE 7~. Ol ' VIRGINIA-MIDGET CHUIS ltllF SALAMI er MilAJ aOLOGllA IA ~ITA co111 rnT1LLAs :·:; I oc Alfll -M l • BEEF TAMALES 4 ~$1 IVORY BAR SOAP 2 ":1~m 25C' 2 I~~; 39 c IHSTAHT (OfFEE HILLS BROS, ss c 6-01. "' 10 Ql 2300 Harbor BIYd. at Wilson St., Harbor Shopping Center. Costa MHG ( ~---........ ""' ....... ..,.,_ .... .,.,...,..,.,.,.,,.,..,====-="'-"!-=-=·"'· =="'-'=-=-====-=="'·-'"T"'!".·"-""·"'-.-r:-"'"'="··,,,...,,.....,...~·=-: .. -c_=, .,,_,..,..,.=-.,..=··~ '; ~· -t,..i;-:_.. -•• .__ •• --... ~ ~ I OAILY I'll.OT $7 Doll Clothes 1 ._,S1ec6nd-might. Men ju Feature.s. Crab-stuffed Ch.icken ) J.laey boo-prefer to main dlsJl; OI)~ that la a lll,ll~ enlertaln '1t 1111111, h\fonnal unUl&llL OUr CblcbD Rolli, dinner partla rotber than lor . ....,pte, comblDt llu'ee WP p~. · in in f··•· ' I Tbore la more opportunlly terest C ~ m I - , for· talk and u. ,....i ••nae of way; best-libel chicken, exoUc ldeu. Yob mO, wict to hive crati ud: doublWtch. doublf. two ~ plrilei on auc-1Ulick ccriienled cream of ~ dlys •h!te' the boult chlcUD oiOp. ' i\11 lmile and a dextroos hand. The remaln!JI& prepara· .tton ii euy -wbea you work your "maaic saucery" with a can of aoup. , <;hicken Rolls, wiljl canoed 1lny . cmota 11ui,e<1 In • bit o( butter; broccoli, li(lltly laced with lemoo Jylce; and i ll'l·sweet c:ooc!lmenl like splo- ld pfln . l can (10"1 ounces) con- densed cream of chicktn IOUP ~cup milk 2 tabletpoons c h o p p e d • panley Gtnerous dub cnubed tor- ragon ien1C)ll juke; pllCO % cup - turenearcalerot~ brolll. ,Roll up; tuet In ond. futeo with akewora toolbplcka. I I la 1plc IDd apon. ~ your butcher to boo1e For Ulll tm o f en-·the Chicken 1 brtuts for· you tertalnlnil, le~ 1 leotlve ·uoteu you hive 1 ahlip boo- . Arra.nae· mea,t 'and .. getables In · the same dish for w:y atrVing (poi.tr extra ll\ICt from the -Into I ltp&rlte belted bowl). Complement the Cral>l!tufied For d,eJsert, 'F"e two or three 1ntert1tlng c h e e 1 e s perhop/ Fr<neb Brie or a aon, mtld cheeae along with pi· quant Bleu or Roquerort . Flatten chlcken breasts with nat llde of tnlfe. Combine crab, bread cubel, ce.lery, and In aklllet, brown cbicani11 butter ; add re~ ::a. gredienb. Cover; coot .,. low heat JO mtnut. . ..-S sauce over chlcba DOW ... then. Maka I aervlnct. 'J.,. .'J'bia friendly little airl or- rlvea with ber own daw- dark wardrobe. Full to ma~! Your favorite child · wlD spend happy boun dreatin( this : ~de-ey~ doll ~ith 1 NIN)!l· ]liece wardro]>e. P'*. , 1m: \ranlfer, clothes pot. nn'Y CEN1J1 (coinl) lot each pattern ~·ad<!' II . .- for each pattefD.(OI' fint-cM maillhg and ipecial handllnl: .· olhirwtse lhink:lass delivf1'1 will. lake three weeks or more. Send lo Alice Brooks the DAI· LY RJLt'.>T,. 105, Ntedlecrall Dept.,, Bo• 113, Old Cbels8ii StaUon, New York1.N.Y.10011 .. Print Name, Aoaretl, 1.lf, Patten Nambef. Giant, new 1111 NeecilecrOtt CataloC ~ over 200 deaipls to clioqM three free pollerna printed b> aide. Send 50 ceota now. NEW! "50 INSTANT GIFTS" f.abulOUI fuhioU, toys, decorator acceJS0111e. Make it today, Cive it tom.<l'- row! ldeal for all occulona. 1 50 cents. - '111 JUfy Ru11'' to knit. crochet, weave, sew, hook. 50 ceota. Book ol U Prise llpuo. 50 cents. Baraainl Qalll Book I hU 16 beautiful pottern•. 50 Clll\I· MllHlllll Qalll 119't I .- patter111 for 12 lllPd'~ qullll. 50 ctnta. ,. Bdot !. "Quiltl for Toda1'1 Uvlq". 15 patterm 50 cthtl.' Shrimp Sauced Richly~ Until the 11\h Century whlll the French developed · the buic U~u· 'e \1st toda)', . · · iildtd lo fillh, m04l '... .. '"wU...d&lbbed a sauce, In ·ract,. U>t'-:word "sauce" comes, frOrrl the I,. a t I 6 t•11Isul11 or "aallre." meanln8 · "to sal.t." . The lntemaUooal Sh r.t mp . Council serves two rich 14uce. with crispy · fried broadeil ahrimp. One IOlll' cream 'balld sauce is bltnded w 1 t'h horseradi.lh and eblvu;" Iba: · other sauce la a combtp•Uon of mayoonalae., capers ud CUITY. ' Serve ODI or beth · 11 a malri-diab acCent or as ap- peUser dlpo. SAUCES FoR BREADED 8llillMP Heat twd packagea ol lrolen breaded· shrimp u c1lrtoted . on . package. Serve wl\h one or both • ot the lollowq 11.Uces. Makes I servh'lp. BerltCnam llaace t cup aour; crQJi'l s 1'ble6JIOOlll ch 0 pp e d chives ' I tlbleapocm chopp~d Jllrsl'Y' 2 tablespc>OM prepa r ed ' 'hOl'lll'adllh Sall llnd· pepper ·10 lltte. ' • eomblne a11 • 1nartc11en1a; mit nll.' Oilll lli<nufl!il1. Makea about 1¥& cupt. - · Curry eo.., Sun llcup~se llab~c&-1 toupooil...,., ,,...... Combine , Ill ln(l'ldlehll; mix well. MU:u abOut ~ CUJI: doubled mall• 1 cup. ,. Specicil Tredt · · ' ' Jo. I 1-iai bteaJdul lnlt and I ifnO ·,.., lo bullet...,, tile lli!l>ilf by lndualn( lbal ' 11•u led leollnc ·lhil lem • ,., to cbttrfi.tlneu, Ml'Ve V anUll ' T~ I aUck 'c% pound) aollened butler wllh II -' , pooo pure vannla extt.t. ; . ~preld on hot ~i aprlnkM , • .. ,.,.\. _ _ _ -~ "'-.. R. .- JlthUy with ·~ and cln• t' 0 ; ..a..._:.... a, ' .. II I · ' H ' .. ...., then pt••• wwlW 1.1 .. _ .. w11 • NI z•, bloll!r fer a few ltCOllda 10 -.,..llflPlll'. ------- Ill STUKS _. ... 89 oaJiv::i . : HEN. TURkEYS -":'"'•' 39 · ....... ~ ::::.~i·ar : ..... ~ .. ~ms •7-IOll . ,. ~ • OIOICE ~9~ Bonileu Chuck ==•t' Should• God .J:".:.r 98' Fresh '"' lrl1lret1 : 89' WESSON OIL light, Dig..tibl• ••• Higlt ;,. ,a/pmttdwaf., TOMATO JUICE ,p.ANcy FARMS .--::-i ~.,..,_ ... 1i•1:• ... ~·MORTON .nva-.L FRUIT PlES lz .:~KING , AfHNT .. ... 11._,., kg '"''"""' G"1ant P • ' ~ , L;:..;:;.--"'-,;.. '~"""":rt . ~ Iii Mon._, Peaches ~~ .. ~· 29c Pork Lunclaeon Meat ·· ,~~ 351 Friskies eat ho.II ·=."r::l.~ 2i29c Ovaltin,,C.._.19 Drink,:z'."'c:.65' Chi 1Fe1d1l ·Tlssue · '~. 27' Su1t1r · n · ....... ""''"""· ,~ "" .. ; 69c IN FANCY FARMS Save Cash! A~~"'1fl"*""': LE BARON HOTEL 250 lfllll Clrdt .Ntrt•, Mislill Y111f. SAN DIEGO'S "NEWEST", LARGEST LUXURY •ROOM HOTEL ·FREI'! •• 't"t .. ,, ,. .r>i. '1\1 ••• l'r .~ I ,i._.,. ..• \oli .. ~ '.JO,, ... . t ,,v . "" ·.av•· . I~" l·t\') ,,, ...,, " ~t\ti1 . \.) "~ I"' ... .., . GlolNlt'c.s,.g.;;tii ···~~ 23' .Vons , 1»~,e Rolls sn.55' W"""'° VACATICI( , ,.,. 2 AT Ml'C I ,VOHS STOii: ~ . -. N ..... ew ..., .. l'IAYCMO YOGURT 5:~ 4f· . ' 1.arte Pineapple := Fre• Gneil Peas = lfL liltl Oran .. ·•"'f:in-81.::.89' • Hol•I fealuf8ft • ....,1 ..... """'1Y •J ........ •WM.:. " ·.~ ... ·--...... ....,.~ ilGHTLY EITEITAINMENT ••• DANCING IN THE V.l.P. LOUNGE, WHERE IT • "SWINGS", AT THE END OF HOTEL CIRCLE ,,,,_., (f.,,#U 1'11/t ~~ ... * • ...,. ... """"' lo -,_Ac ·~ . ._ * DaltlJfvl .,..,_. for 2 ...... ,Mllllliitl \ * ....... -lolhe~l~m .... 11.,. *_,,_,,,. .y...._,. ...... ..,.,..»,tMJ ,,..., .... Hee •• , .,...1~ .. "' .., ... • •• "" \i l\i'1 • ""' \ ..... :;.,' " '•l ·.~, ·:A ~ 1f.'t : • u I ~1 .. . ....... l11cl. 5922 '1c11nger AY1., at $prlntdCd~, Kllhttrigton lffch 1 • '17950 Ma9ji'..U.. ~ v• ,' . ftt"\ \ ,,, ( " ' ' I l j I ' f . I : I J ' I • I • J : h~~ '.ai1ff Ff6wers; ' · ' · '' ,... ::·.'":;:, . . . . it(~ a,;;._ .. , . Springtime · .. . ~ w'et · T re~t in Basket • , . , . . ,,,. , ' 1 ,·r ...... i' ·:,. ~~aparldetoa . . j. vll'J ..,.W, ~-of · hours, "ir w~ be wise to (laving ~g c!Oujt, In kltcbeli with aiant;dalaiea •. '. """"--'. '· ·111111· _ .. ~a.cAs .... pare an eitra supply of refrt&eratOr-.'\iiUil readyJ.. to P;Olter-brigbl. r l ck • rack .--.... ~ .-~ ue.) '· :··, d.aliie& deconte pl-..mata. t=• a delldOU1 edible. coo~. Do~ . and beam. Roll oL .. '"H·~--· , 1oas1er cover, ~-~ ~. famil Y.OIJ!Q fini)~;lhlt. once your out to a~:rr• ~I :Kltcllery. ld'da accent. Pattern . . far your ·~· . .,faaJlly ' -~ iji"lm. the In thickness. Using ~ 1&-wch 71~· on! Ix 11%'' motif two , . l'!lll ~ mplaues 111111. ~ may slut diaap-dinner plate as a gu\de1 cut 4\2 ~ ave•. Joor 6% , 11i0 I , ~~ ~ ~·~! .1 I · a lG-lncb circle In dough with ',FJFTYl"CDml (coins). io< . ;a,:oti, ~ ... _._..., a sharp knife. Cut circle· iii... loiq:. pttern '.for ~ · ; ~ 1111 .-,.;;... ~ , W00~ half; p:· hall oo a "l!illfni llllll•>ptclal handling • , ....... 'Aller all, lm't ".'CENTERPDllCE gr~ , abed leavl!!i ~ Allcot--Broob .. (lbe ' room for DAILY "Plt.Q'rl, N~afl lfloe llno'I l>a)' the perftct II cup aoft butter or Ual!ll•tl>o,otber hall cir.*, Dept., Box ll!lr<ll~ Che. l>ea i 11nie ftl'. -Jgl.I!) . inarilirine trim '~ ~rtion· par)'io Staltoo, New York, N.Y. 10011. 1). lilh1 molauea not only 1113 cups granulated sugar leave a·;r~ bad;et Mudie , Print Name, Addral, Zip, · iwettntu and rich I sllgh~~--about oifO;.'.liich ~ ,)iioea Palttnl Nom~ .. !]~~ - 'II cup · '~, the tndl Ol'"tbis 'Siriil>Jolo 1• Noedlocnft Cildil1Co-co1<r; but Iron as well • Gfiitplnm df'l'lilii\l!i the baWt bottom so ~ a over 200 deslP.!l,1tl cllooOO, I Hfw,nke lo -that)\iritd ~·rDJ Of'l'!'(We ball<et with a h-e Is c'bm-fret palteml jJilDt!d: lmidlo- ... wltlJlll-1Wttl cii>tdt 4 <:11!18 alfted all-purpose plete. Cut off a walnut-shed Seod iO ctnla new. , I ~· tliln'a more energy· fl<iUr .Jl)ece o1 dough and roll with NEW! ":!O INSTANT ~-troa than yoar 1 teaspoon C~411 .' · . ; 'finkers Into a rope. Shape tJda GIFTS" -fabu)oua. fublom, 1 -dlQIJreli. wopW. pt from a l teaspoon ginger ·· yito a bow and press firmly toys, decorator aa:essortet. · ~ d ~ · ~. . ~ teupoon nutmer · mio handle. ~ t .,, · .. "Make it today, give it tomol'· --, ,...,. ···-"'•• '11 teaapoqq dov,. · .. . . i..:.., 'row! Ideal for all QCCll!oal. I Prtparl!!i 111111 .......;,..... "teupooo· •"-'ce · nke the remllllljDI,_. __ ~.:...... "ll'J"'-llap"'·ro •1, • .iili.-· 0 "-·-'· .-...1 o-era•• 711 ...... .,. fr~ f erato _ _. roll out -IC'l:IU"'-.... ~ .YUW ~"'" &1&1 v.. 1 teaspoon baking soda f • · ...... re ng r. OlN knit. ·crochet, weave,. ll't{, i --piece ii easy and fuo Cream together .!>utter .ms · ,to about ¥• Ind! m '!!I~· 'bocit. :!O cenla. Boot of 11. tC41o. Yoo can ,nate the .sugar··beat in egg and ·llght -Use vring aizedh~:cu.!; ~ Afpu,. 50 centa Bar- f 1 ·~ :J. ~J~ter!:! mola~s. StI; in ~emon: rind-~he:!era~r 1foi:esireQ. d~~gn gain!: Qallt BOot· l bu 11 and orange rind. Sift together . .. • bea\ltijul patterns. 50 cents. · ·; CIJ"dbQard..:.p I t t e r n s 3~ cup1 of the flour with:. :Your own fancllul shapes out Muewm. Qallt Boot ! _ pat- m."fe crtalod J1111?1<ll. ' .tbt ·spices and baking ,oda ol stiff cardboard and use ternl\ for !2 .aupel!J quJlla.,50 1dice the buket-cootle and add to creamed mtltflrl! and ""'U' .. patternl. Cut the dough cents. Book 3. •'Qwifa I• T.. Ill>; bearll 111111 0"'1ers are mix well. .Stir .In jusl enilugb· -~ pattern sha~ with day'• Uvlq". 15 patterns. :!O hUied and deccrated, ahnply ·oftbe-remi.Inln nrurto 1£iake l .sharp knife. Ba'ke ttin; .a cents. lllldt them cartfully oatii a g grwtd cookie shetl ln!a iir .. .OUl;color plutic placemat 8 medium stiff .d:ough. Do not heated ,350 degree F oven for whldl then can go on a fiat make too sUff. ~ver tigbUy I to 10 minutes or unUI done tray Or direcUy on the table. wtth P, i.a.1}t1 c.1't1'8P and but not brown. ., Snack Time • . t refrigerate .for at least ~ un.a-· .. 1 h · , •-• if, youprefer, you can ·se hOisr. -· "'""u coo .. es ave coou:u, up your cootie creaUon on When dough ts ·~· . ·deeorate with various:. color .:si.~~~~·== ~paofperp,1:!/~ ;·~~ remo:re.1/S o!1ht dough fr9DI of pressurized p re p a re d manbmallowa 111111 peanuls In btlgbU the reftlgerator a"nd-pla<:e on frosting, U des.ired. a serving bowl. You mlaht you Can acid 8 .few Y a lightly floored pas&ry cloth, . -Makes 1 JG.inch ~a,sftl ·and also l'l'AJL·8Dme in l!landwlcb coknd frelll bloaoms and Thia la for 1UM! basket· eboiie· latiOut·& dozen ~. bags: for, the ildlll' lunches. leaTes to yOur. arrangement. 1....:=..::.c-:c.:...:::.__:_ __________ _::__, _____ _ ·u ,.. plu · i. keep your ~JDl<ft tban...a few · Chocol.ate 'Chipped' ·F.or Cookies ' . ... : , . : • ,, • .. . ,. . . . ·.·.-. ·SfEREO SENSATioN!'' . ;• . '1 ·'f ' . . n. celorl'lll sound of .. ' ....... ~~ Nllmle ""'" I -~I· ~Rti:f>jo"t<bcfj-. ~a·3,;~f~1:-___ ~ .. "' .• Froiri ~ashiory J~Jt1pd. Newport Beach . .. -~-.:.:...._ . . . . ··-·-·~··-····· .. · ... "-... ' I " ·:;·· .. ' ·-· ' • " \\. •• -~\. ',. " " • .> \' . ' ·EVERYONE'~ ;J;AVO!UT~, • , VALENTINE IS CANDY. ; ,. .'II. A. EDY'$,)lpJR'E BOX • Edy's mikes vnusHlty good cho<olet..,,. "' · · . ,'V. u ; I.It· .. I LI. l.lt" .. •~ M> .. · · N}· a. EDY'S SATIN ROSE '.~ox " . l _LI. 1.71 & 3 LI. 10.H 5 LI. 17.tl . (i C. EDY'S LACE. SW-EEJHEARl;;~ I LI. 4.Ji" . D. TOM 'N CHERRIES Liqtlicf ct:flfer cherriM cevered t with detltchocolate. . • 1 , ·• · 9 OZ. I.ft E. EDY'S BUD MINTS J! Fl9ti-;r.'.1ha1ted1mint, in red i .ond white. 2,JS. LI. IOX ~· F. HOOPER'S PINK SUM ' · · HEART ... 14 oz.,,of vwy special chocolates. J!, . ' J,lli " ' J!, -~ ~ i I' r '" ' .. . •' '. t i ... .. tJ ·Z. . . ' 'i . . , 1 ... , ... ' I ' , • . , --·--·------'~-""---·------·------~~---~---------·-~~·'--'-=.:- • . ~ I ' . .' . . . . . : ' ... ' ' _, ·I . ' , ·' .J ' " I { l' • ' c • .. \ ' .. '· • pti()Ni 673-4360.EOR ~DEU¥ERY ,,. PRICES ~TIVE FEI. 11, J4, .15 ··0rg~ . J•~\fe For y..,, ... aoU. 3 ... 89t . " , ... 4 ,..•1 . -· '" ~ •.. ·~\ . --. . .. . ... . LIDO MARKET ctNTER .. -. Nall'OIIDBLVD~AT·TIIE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE -· . . • • i \ ! • . .. . . · FOR .Alh OUR. CUSTOMERS. AND FRIENDS BIG REt>tEMBR.ANCE MONTH ORA WINS . -' . ' ',FREE PRltES l " All ·.,..__do.-'!• win 11· slgn lh••boek In ft..: lo5~yl • ' ,e • ·; Pttties. FACH 'WEEK' · , 4·CANDLEti&HT ·~ Ts..'..'four ch~lc•·ol;l~~I !, ' ·~<t Roulliid.S, Ch1te•ubr' nd er ,Stuff,d. Pork'. Lelit.t' ~nouvh mHt for·fo peo19le. · · ... '~ FRENCH IOUQU S from our Flower. Shop. 4 SWEETHEART . Es of Edy's Chocolill•• I• pMple in th 1tore"' urlng the draw1nt. 6~ .. ' ~ •. '' • . .. • • • . . ' .. \ . : . ' . I . • ,! '\ • ·-•. ~ _SWEET,.JY.ICY, • £ASY.0TO.PEEC .-··• LAit~E SIZE. . tfAV~ -: . .,. . . GES. . .•. ORAN ' :" . . .. ~ .'; ' ,/ , ! ' . I . j . ' ' ' : 8 'las: '1 ',;,... . ' .. : . . .. t.. ! . ' .. : -i : ' ' . ' . . ' -' &ARDEN FRESH, FU t i:> POD ' SWEET GREEN ' ' .'. ·. .. PEAS · . 25f l LI. . ' : .' ~ ' • I CRISP, CRUNCHY, SPECIAL STQ~4;E DELICl.OUS ' APPLES 6 ° LIS. , FREsH, TENDER. . FULL OF VITAMINS, , .. '\ ITALIAN SQUASH .. 25'u . . ~IYJ.. ' a. lfRDS EYE ·10 n. PEAS ~~ P••n Onion• llRDS ·fYI 10 ft. CARfK)TS JIRDS EYE PEAS ' ~ , •1 with CNefll S••c• I -. 'II ... 'llRDS EYE In. Peas &·Pot~toes .. ,ii;c..,.s._ 4 ... •1 Sara.&.e . ' ./ r I " ' ' I o I '• i ' I \ I I . , I ' • I II ~ ., • "' .. ~ .. 1 ' .. ~ "" ~ "• -.._ --.... -• • ~ • '" • I • • . ,. ........ .. .... , I'll.Ir .... ,, .. ,...,uJ• • Celeority Cookbook:;A ctress Launc~.~s . ·Ne~. Car~er ' ' . 1'l' .IOllNA BLINN salU-Drain, cool, cut l1Dll To ,..,.,..,.,, ~ dlmlod wltll _. 3. Remove .._ fal and In& polpl. limmer 10 mhwles. o( llilnb, port, salt ~ NEW YORK -"I've ~a IDie blla. Adil port rind bits • • 2 pounds ~ ~ "'f. \ .,.,. lo •H cupt 4lacArd. Retuni brow n e ~ Let lllnd In eookln& juice .S .....,. ending with ~ -· a lot abCIOI food, but wllJi Alt pork (left In chunk) I ~I~ 't-1,.. lamb Gllf ·llm~ , lamb, ,,_ IDd cmlon lo I mlnuta. Drain beanl and ~Ith be:.:.:!..:'::~ ~ l'>aneverdon•-~· lo bum la ,Jlock pol. Add (olioulderorJil~!~ goodplliill_~ ____ L aWllit; add aarllc, -relaln,cooidng juice. pania)'. , 1 l:.,~~ ~;:Id lliced -. ,JiOuquet &an>1 Into ""-ltlcb~ • ~ ~ P*'*1 P"l'P"" aauce, wlnt, -bet! To ~le t ~ Immediately (or painl out loto Jiit b 11 1 k .mi-Wlco"""'1 about I 3 llbleipob Ill (v.,.table lo,~ '• · 'broth, bey lea!, thyme, aall I cup .....,...,. brood relrlaeralo unW ready to beke ·-~-liirEutllldo boor.'··' Ill, l'fndlclill port. drip..~· port l'Olll In Ind pepper lo t ... te. CoYat, cnunbJ • · or cook, wrap and lmze) pon-oportment, "l'v~ , ,\411 ' garlic --CO olnp or gooH Of clllclioa . ·• ~ F, •""? olmmor ......, -1\0 l/S cup c b o p'p e d lretb In prebealed llO ~-F . .. ,II' ·bid the ume or aioiqy· (left In one piece); simmer 111) lim ""~/! e,.; 'd: I temperatutt houn, sUrrln& olten. Lilt ...i pars1ey oven uncovmd about 111 to atl involved/' ahe' ..w.· ~ hour lqtr. Add more U-MVeral b~ b (or rthe n.J~~ f..'!81 on meat meat, dlacard bones and t>., 1. cat roast park into bU. houn. ~g ~. ~ak aeaS!ng herself ha a red quid (or bot water} u needed. pork) · erm~.-:-r. \.NU• reserve leaf. Slim off .,,, aceu fit size d!Unb; slice salt pork crust by s_Unint several times, armcbalr. 5eueo.Jt the eD[d. Let beans I medium yellow onions, cookin1JU1ce1. fioatlna on audace, ~ into thin pieces, cut 1auaage wllbiJ>t'lit'~bastingbeans · Siio bad jusl -pleled oi.nd la juice unW ready lo peeled and cho~ ~-.. lamb on all sides , 4. Add coobd, drlhied Into rowtda onH>all Inch thick. wlUJ the . jldCO: \,eave cnul "'1111 Aprll Fooli" 'oppoolle u.e. Dllqnl ·~·be& 2 clove5 garllc, p~ In lal~avy skillet; set beans plua, any port rou1 z. Put 1a1eq1I cooked beans lnllcl to<etv,_ JI needed,add Charita llo)'<I'• Goimld Jn 8 ol , .llouqlltl ~~i; !<move y, cup tomato"""' uiilo. ~; aet ulcte; drlpplnp ind -.ii atocli In botttm.Ol •a 5'<lr fi)uart <more lllock'le!t from cooking c·oo· ~ING CA~liE• chocolate broir• -di;eu, Umap ~ ~o pl.tie{, Drain ' II boJUe dry while 'liln< ' Md jaatO untD Ughtl1 (lei! from cookln& !he beano) lirep"!QI CUW'Ole (glass or l>eans .., n.eald. Serves 1-10 ~ '' obe loobd the 'epll<lillo ol,cool., _ .. _,_ .. _an11~·~;.;.l\;'!"r'-'J'-ulces._.__ ___ 000 __ 1_oio_OW1CO __ ~+--bee-f_browned_-:7'':-Hl:--'.as::i-de-,. :;-,;:--,;--t'-o'-co:_v.::er__:be:.:.::'.,:;:·;.B:;rlng::;...::ill__:bo.::ll-:t, __:earu.-ar.:.::=:::'::;:. )'.:.: .:top~w:::lth:_:la~ye:::"'....l' ""=erOWl:=:::'.ly:.. -'----.,----...:M.:.Y,_m_•c..·c..L...:•Y:_ __ elepnct and ~Uon• · -, I'. •1.• , ., she portrQod In U.. 1oodly "· , ' , • I • ~embered "lb.In M a a" ·. movle1. A!ked bow Ille WU -lo stay looking so well, aht replied, "I don't ..ally know. I certainly .P, IJlou&b, with Bllddy Westrncn that beauty ii a state of mlnd. I have Involvement.a ~ my ac- Ung career," O'ne af ·M; dtepest tnteresta tbeae daya la her work 1 aa ~i'n ol the odvilory cwncil ol the NaUonal Commitloe Agalmt • Dlscrlmlnaµon in Homfn&. ' LA TE llJllFI' • He.r late lhtft from apectator to acUve cook began dur.bll her two-year tour with the. naUonal company of "Barefoot 1n the Pai'k." . ' '' " ' On Val81Jiine's Dax we.~ our appreciation ;.,;i affection ~.llJ.e!clear io us .. LUCKY ENDeARS ITSELF o · HOUSEWIVES EVERYDAY WjT!i rLOW DISCOUNT PRICES, •• "!OTl!ING -IS lf{J'jlE APPRECIATED. BY· THE HOUSEWIFE THAN 'TO BE ABLE TO CUT HER FOOD BUDGEf BY HuN- 'DREQ;i OF DOLLARS A YEAR ... AND IT'S POSSIBLE AT LUCKY ... FOR "~EDUCING YOUR ·FOOD "On the road, I got very tired ol. eating out and craved bomecooked food IO I cot ID apartment. Cooking requlrel ualng your mind and gel! Y"" interested in the basics of life.' I love It, it's a great ad- venture. I don't know how Jong It will last. I've alwaya known what goes into a dish, and over the ye.an I've train- ed a Jdt of cooks who turned out quite. well.'' CQ~TS ('IS OUR. 8USINE$S"' : .. Jry us ... set if you don'l l'ljree ... a,nd ~AVE! . ·': I CHUCK IOA$T UOICn '.,138 ·· · Ll/CllY'S lOlr ' . FOREMOST 8UTIER ':.':'/:' ••• 79• la CREAM ~:m.. .. ~ ........ .59c • PARllAY ~-=--.42' FlllSCHMANNS :::C"=. •••••• 42' "Many act.reHel take to cooklng while others enjoy , waxing the fumlture o r pollshing the silver," she ad- ·ded. "11ie only things I really enjoy cooking are lengthy af· fairs like a cauoule.t. Jt'1 • veey dilllcult dhb and taltiH days to prepare. I'm re.mindtd ol the marvetoua caasoulels I had one winter in PJl'la whtn I was .makinl a-.tllm. 1 • r GllBER'S BllY FOOD ::z:':" ... ,11" i. GIRBER'S JUNIOR FOOD :=._.,15• GIRBER'S JUICES r::. .... ~.11" " ~' •·Kkrkt" ' COMSTOCK ClllRRY PIE FIWNG 1 used to dine in a Uny Buqu1 · · rutauranL ~ · ~ TRICKS WITB FOOD Not all 1ood fii>t! r>qulm Ion& prtparation, J\lyrna said. "Some of the best things I do are really tricks with foods . For eumple, when I'm stuck and looklnl for something eaay to do in a hurry, I make a chicken soup with pimento ai>d whipped cream. or I allll hamburgers In salt in a akillet on top of the stove. The secret la to make huge. thick patUe1 al at least a half pound of good leiD round. ~That way tbe meat alwaja comes out me in tbe. center." Myrna Loy likes to entertain al small dinner parUes at home. '11 wu never a bi& party giver and I never gave pi&bliclly parties. They had to drq me wbenenr I went to tbo&e alfain In Hollywood. I don't entertain on a lavbh IClle. I ,have small sit-down tUnoeni « buffet dlanen. Sil or ei&ht ii all I can manqe." Her version ol cassoulet. bued on the one 1 ~ e remembered frori. ihl Parisian Basque nstaa?ant, can be cooked in l!tagel:, tpreading out the JaborioUs prepara~ pver several days. Recipes for the c I a s s I c CUIOl.llet d quick chicken IOUp follow: , MYRNA LQY'S CASSOIJL!:T For the Beans 1 pound dried white beans (Great Northern or white kidn<y beanl) water V. pounll.pork rind % )>OQlld chwtlt Jean salt pork tarae yellow onion, sliced bouquet prni (containing : 4 sprigs parsley, two-Inch piece peeled chopped ~r­ rot, 2 cloves •I a r 11.l c (unpeeled).. i whole clo.., ode . alailt oelery (with I eave 1)1 large bayleaf, good plnih -thyme, all tied t n chettecloth bag) l pound Polish a a r 11 c u.uaa.ge aboul 2 teaspooos 1j1M 1. Cover beans wtth cold water and soak overnl&ht . (or brlq to boll, simmer •varai minutes; remove fratn Ill ...... ooekln& In -.. )ldce lhout t hour. • ' I. W&Sb oll pork rind; placa lo aaucepan. cover with cold Wiler. Simmer 1lowly'10 min· uta to ..move eaceaa lal and Toothsome ... J. ' ... ~&iyf. ' ' .. HARVEST DAY TOMATOES ~NCECAN '/ " &u&o ·-11sAua -N• • 26' OllKIN RINGS =-.. .• · · .. · .. .u· IU"r JNLUll.••••••••••• ;!LADAS•••--"· 36c ... oCI MOTI'S FRUIT TRllTS.-.oa..35 ".' • llllS:.,---.. 38' FRUIT COCKTAIL ri':Lc.w.,, •••• 25' t --.-..::"~;.:.·,·u:.in." •. ~Y'S PfAR HALVES-. ... ,33' ''Mlt s~s PIES":" ....... 89' SUCQ PINEAPPlE :" ...... 24' ~ ... ~&iy/.~- MOTI'S APPll J.UICl ......... 37' ~ -aREEN GIANT CRANllRRY Juia=::::: .... 55' NIBLm CORN DOLE Da1111 .. """"-34' ...,...,~··········· I . • 12·0UNCE CAN HUNT'S PEAQ:r.. ......... 29' • '.~ o· ~-... ~~/. ' ·~ c >q .. ·HlRVESJ DAY TOMATO JUICE c : DEL MONTE PfAS .............. 25' fl"'5'1NAOI =r°~~! ••.•..•..•• 14c PlllllC.lllA YAMS ............. 33' HUNT'S POii &·lllNS-. ... 25~ ..... ' .... -... ...., SwASH..;w;:w. ••.•••• 2ac fl'O\:HA:JA'(A~"'I' .73' luntR:Wliti::.':.~as• NESTEA -"'"' • 'I" ............... COFFEE •""'N' SJ7t ........ ······. SAUERIRAUT -• .. =.·a1 ......... lf' DEY11D 11AM :tr-.;: ........ A<· llORMD. CHIU w/lllNS:'.:.'.JS• STlR•~ST TUNA:::::.-::. ..... 30' SNOW'S:MINCID a.AMS ~ .. 34' 1.0G: CAllN SYRUP ............ 65' PWIUT iumR :: ......... .s1u wu.ars GRAPE JELLY ....... 55' -lVan de Kampsswr All OUJSTlNDING VlRIITT Of 111511 llKllY GOODS CAY -1 l.9CIT POlm •"'•-·-·--······ I ClliWaON WAD :-='*'••••51c CREAM PIES ;:...m:. ••••••••• , •• 27' (MMM.CllCIUft,_,,_m,a--.n TATER TOTS::... ........... 47' RSHSTICKS ~ ••••••••••••• 39c l~ED SHRIMP ::..~.:: ...... 71' CllWAED CHICKEN ~::. ..... 43' IAGGED STEAKS :0::..':"...".~~ .... 89' OllANGE JUICE ::.~ ........ 55' ' .. ·J:lr&f!.·-- TISSUE SCOTIIES FACIAL 200 COUNT BOX . ,• .. PREMIUM CRAClllS r=:.. .. .33• TIEAT ClleiDS =.. ...... 31' IURRY'S COOKIES :::ti::: ..... 49' . ~ .. , ,.,,. _. lllAD :'~·········· •••..••• 31' •... oa"'""N' 5 UAlll =="·""············.2 c tlNWE MIX t::l. ':::' ........ 29' WE MIX .~1':=·olW1.·· ... 35' POP TART$. .a: ... ~ ... 45' ~LllR'S COIN Mlll-. ..... 37' LUC:IT IOIKIO M · • C • fVEITDA Y rt1as . JUYH & TUDRllU .. OH QUALITY iACOH GROUND': BEEF ttl£Hons UICITl . AD"WISUI Sl'ECw. lft •£AUt SI ttul sr111.._ ~r-~ SllaD ··-·-.. ""' ~ "'!!tiiiiir BACON ""' ...... lW ... 43c lU(IT IODU fOl TOftlWln • IL FA'Riin'""""' •· .• SS• 79' 57, T-BONE ,STEAK _ u::;.~~.!2!, .... s1c ' 69' . "" ·-... ·•11.. ~ · ~o.vivnEL BA'ON..... 63· MIKTAKI ...... ' ·~ -I \,I 63 O• 141-1-CURI .f ' 'Mt. # $1AnfT.,... PACQ1f -' ' • • C ' ..C:l'\.o 6 ' ..,, PREM • ' UY' ·, 3' . · · P,QRTERHOUSE .:~:..$11~ .-::~H ...... ,.,..,,,!!!.ftJ • 068< 75• 69, . · ""'' BLACICH · CROSS RIB ROAST •• ::"H: ••• 79,i.. O.._"""·-.. AWK 63< 69, 69, RIB STEAK ••••••••••••••••• 89,i.. · .,!~R MA~~"' .. 68 c •. CUT Up FRYERS . ..HI rn """ ...... • • • • 79' -.... ~ •••• 33,;.. ,, N BACON "'"" 69' HEH TUR. KEYS '"fl:.lt''' 39 ' '. """"-ill .• • • • • • 81• 98< . · " .............. ... ; CAN ta"CON";""'"O • ' ' ·' T 85< , STANDING RIB ROAST "'"'-·...::""·69c 79' l9' ru'::',::':~.r:.. 7~ Ja1.:"AN r-.,Jll. 'RQ IAl.f-Oll 01 UAIJ I ··--· lAKIUl ' ... ROUND STEAK SIRlolf4 ·SJW<.~Wr •• 93.~ HAM .:7.'r:-':'"~1::-:~.49.~ RIB ROAST ••• ;:~\; •• 89,i.. CHUCK ROAST .:~ •• 47,;.. CINUI CUT 78 c 1UCl1' IOIDIDf lb. Our LOW Evcr)<b.yPrice! LUCKY SLICED , ' . LUNCH MEATS , . , ' . ·I ' , ' "'~ ' .. .,,. WY SCOTT TISSUE ::'n.-•25• ..-HAND! WRAP,;::w."::'.. ... .28' ZEE NAPllNS.~.r ••••• .-; •••• 12- IOLD 1m1-·-...... 19' DASH LOW S s=:::. ...... 74• CASCADE :t:r ••. :i:i:;· ••••••••• 69' DUZ '=l':'""~-13" "" ......•.... · ........ . GAIN DnERGENT ... u. ...... 79' BIZ PIE SOQ :"~ ~ •••••.•• M• ~' .... J:lrrk,-f. , KITCHEN SUCID ' GREEN BEANS .GlEf.N GIANT """·~--0 Can ~.-. , RUMP ROAST ~ .. ,,.,78i:,..GROUND ROUND .... 78,t. LUCKY'S LOW IYllYDAY1itllrclD '. IUCllY 4MIRICAN EHHSI , 65< fUSH DfllCA.JEJSIN 111MS Pnuueol ~W,..,.SllMl-tJ.tr. .... LONGHORN CHEESE 9 AMIRICAN CHllSE 3 .u.$229 ..,, • ._...._ __ ,_.,. 5 c ,..,.., ... ._ ........ r-N" lEO'SSllCIDMEATS · OSCAR MATH WllNIRS 63< "'"....._w,_ .. ,. ....... , ... _,45c AU.llUt(&UNlfl.U.Plf."'"1 ••• 1.U.PP. O !~~~~u~~~~ .................... lMLP&t. 79c ;;~~::;~!! 0~-.UL .~~4c LADIES'· ·PANTY HOSE uwnur ................... -. .ML••.27' BEAUTIFUL SEllCTION Of POmD PLANTS FOR YOUR VA LENTINE • TUllPS .. MUMS • AIAIJAS • HYACINTH • AntCAN VIOLETS •r u11:m Ull llKlm PllCES! lltl~ftfNCl•u.• BANANAS CilltvJTA HAND Gll.LETTt TKHMlJIC '"' ,... '"' 1;.. '"'" .... 11.w. 1. 9 'Jc <tffN, s.. ... n4 S,ke. 0.. 11 .. fttt LIPTON SOUP MIX ='--.29' •ll • ~ II. -' WHEAT GwA::::.r.r. ...... .41•·..-.,·. ADORN HAIR SPRAY AOJUSTAlll RAZOR BAND SSUPH STAINl,QS STIU IOflJ . PINTO IEANS = .:::': .. " , ... 29' llOUW 01 llAU lO MDlD (f.H SUGAR ::r=:.n: .......... 58' i:·:::i:'?.==:.!I'.!: s11'r LIQUID METRICAL •~U11••••••30c ::.:. .. ~":h:"~). / · CIGARETTIS 'n."ti-.-,...., ••••• s2'4 ::k.~ .......... °" hi!r ,. Din RITE COLA:::..~ ........ 53' llAL llAN DOG FOOD ::'lt:i::' .. 25' SKIPPY DOG FOOD .~ ........ 9' ••T FOOD '""'•" -14' O"" "" .,...._ Ullo o o o • • o • o t , GllllS DOG IUllGERS ....... •111 DOG 91'0Jl1S ::'\',':!! . . ...•• 39' DlPPITY DO SEfTING GEL IEGUWOIDnaltolt ~=~~·~97c ~ _....,...1,,, :11. ........... ' ,,. , S'llll:DEX MIDICATID ·~- ........... .,_ t ............. ::':/ ......... httl• tf 41 '"" . J6c .. -· _...,.--------~--...--,--------------------------· -- • • I WodlltSday, r1"""7 12, 1969 DAILY PILOT 4J :Ge•.Your New ThrifJ~·~~!~! !!'!!~c!.Jllue C'hip Stamp Book · . REDEEM BONUS BLUE CHIP STAMP COUPONS S·A, B, C1 D, FOR 400. EXTRA BJ.ill CHIP STAMPS I • . NEW ZEALAND _ FRESH FROZEN fl /? C"J J fl / n . GINUINE SPRING ya:1lern '::Jrain~....::fe C.conomi~a ulriluou.6 ~B LEGS ........ 6,,'~ ·P.o•·· •-.ROAST LARGE LOIN CHOPS ... ..... ~· . MEAT DEPT. FROZEN FOODS S I H: I U S" I F ' . ' I """" """ 11 .... 69' GoRTON ··-49' HALllllT HI.I.ITS •• Pkt, '15H PfJPn •••• , • Pkt. _ lUPElT f!IED """ 59' &ORTON •-· 79' SOU lllLLIT1 • • • • • P~t· SCALLOP CllSPS • , Pkt· , IUl'ERT FR.IED 12 •• .., 55c GORTON 7,.._ 49" LA . s G s NKH PIUITS • • • Pk,. FISH CllSPS .••••. Pkt· . UNN Rll-IND 6·111 CUT c ...... BIG s·a· ows· ... VE A ""'"T'""" , ...... ,. ~·:~',.,LS .. :.:~ ... / ..... "" ICAUOPS '' •• ' ''' 'kt. TUREK MECK . LI. ~ GORfON · 14°01. 59c llrooc:lod or Plol11I Por 79• .' . 13 I 1 · 3 DAYS . . '""'ncu .. ~~,;~Ds ;E~~-.. u. >_ pto01N ERN0-Kiv.-4.RL1s.OAST 5·9~. ' •• • • FRESH OIEGQ~ , . l'RESH OCEAN Ptr 69' ' 2· NIGHTS ~~~~:~·~ ........ t>'. 19· ..... " PILI.ITS .... ... " RIB·END . . . . 5. 9. """ PACIFIC ID·•• 79' COCKTAIL SIU •··· .,. PORK CHOPS . c WIN FREE WEEK-END wPn•• qrsrlu -.·'" coo••• '""'~' .. ·'~•·. , . •. . • • • 1•. IN LAS VEGAS ;:;~~;E QU~~= 39c,b· .H;;~UT Rll OR LOIN 79c l ;~EIR :IN FAMILY PACK a" 9c REGISTER AT ANY THRIFTIMART · DIAL DIRECT FOR RESERVATIONS 80D /648-6881 PICNICS 5s~~~:. PH·SLICID 4tc •· . CHOPS • • • • • • lb j· CH PS • • • • • • I• . HORMEL RED LABEL OR HOFFMAN BETTERMAID : FARMER JOHN-TRAY PACK . 65 l COUNTRY STYLE-.-1.IAH ._TENDER . 59c SLICED BACON ........ P~~~. 59~ ! POLISH SAUSAGE . Ci SPARERIBS ••••• T~ !A:E. 0.R :·~-~ • • • • 1• · MAXWELL HOUSE ALL GRINDS COFFEE c LI. LiqUOR DEPT. SPECIALS ~EXTUFTDRY'' VODKA .).~2 99 SUNDERLAND-QUARTS s399 ''LONDON DRY'' GIN • ~ •• ' SCOTS MIST "EXTRA LIGHT" s3 79 SCOTCH _ • • •F~FT~s. • • • • • OLD CARAVAN -QUARTS =:::~~ • • • • • • • • • • • • •. FOR HALF SLICES ,. FO& PINEAPPLE • • • • • • • • • · · · . . 30! TINS WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE GOLDEN ·CORN ••••• 30! TINS . ,' CALIFOR,NIA TOMATOES-••••••••• 46-0Z. TINS TOMATO BFOR FOR 4 FOR KE.RMIN'S FROZEN BEEF. CHICKEN, TURKEY 8-0Z. PKGS. ••• • LANGENDORF "KREAM KRUST" .WHITE OR WHEAT SLl<ED BREAD .......... L6~~-25" JERSEYMAID-1 -LI. CTN. IJt QUALITY ""AA'' Bun1a .............. 1v JERSEYMAID-ALL VARIETIES PINT CTNS. con AGE CHEESE ........ 29:. FOR COOKING OR SAL.ADS CRl~CO OIL · JUICE •••••••• j ••• , •••• sTu10HT s3'' IRIS l03 TINS •. · 5 . ,100 BOURBON FRUIT COCKTAIL • • • • • FOR ... -• 24-0Z. 3 9c INCL. 4o a..-• ·BOTTLE . . OFF GIANT SIZE DETERGENT 14.oz. SIZE CLEANSER INCL. 2c OFF 200-CT. 2-PL Y SPRINGFIELD OR DEL HAVEN CHEER COMET .. ~~GTISSUE STUFF NG SIZE :'BELL 59c ,"~'· 2i29c~ -Si•1·00 CELLO WRAPPED LARGE HEAD LETTUCE TENDER CRISP-CELLO PKG. 2 5c CELERY. HEARTS ..... . T~EESWEET-QUART IOTTLE • 39c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .' ........ 2Jehcafe:1:1en ::bepl. S,,etia~ LUNCH MEATS G VI 5 T d et o um• o ay ' . McCall's COOllOOlt CAKES AND PIES OL' Vl~GINIA -ALL MEAT O.R ALL BEEF ~-············ ·~-............... a :oLOGNA FREE! ~~ i· . . 79~ • I WEBSTER'S NEW 20th CENTURY :· UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY · ' Of the Englith lAn9u19e WITH THIS COUPON ~ AND YOUR PURCHASES ROUND OR SQUARE 6-0Z. PKGS. IA. OSCAl MAYIR -I.OZ: CHUH • 39• VOLS, 2 THRU 19, .. 99c ... IRAUNSCHWllGIR .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .......... - BINDER .. .. .. .. . 1.99 eo . . frlMAln' LEO'S-IEEF, HAM, PASTRAMI, CORNED IEEf-J.OZ. PKG$. 1 'PEPP,ERS ...... ~·.I 1 o~ ............ ~~:~.~~-~l ··!.~~D~T :of!!~~~6S ..... ~!: ,'PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thrv SUN., FEI. u: 14, 15.)6 f • • .. ' 13922 BROOKHURST. GARDEN GROVE e not ' HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 1308 W. EDINGER. SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH ----------------·-~~~---'-------------------------__,,__.._. __ :...L ,, ' I I • ' • 1-. l f l j ' ' I I ~ DAll Y PILOT f USDA CttOICE Of1°STATER BROS. 7gc· ROUND STEAK 10NE IN ............... ········· LB. USDA CHOIC! OR STATER BROS. age ROUND STEAK IONELESS---·-.... , ... LB USO"CHDIC(OR ST"-U.R BROS.. . 90c SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ·--· ...... LB o· USDA OJOJCE Ofl STATER BROS, 4gc ROUND BONE ROAST ... .• " llONEl'ES:S sAOULDER 79c ROLLED·BEEF ROAST .................. LB 'fABLEBlfANO 6th & 7th RIB CUT SHORT OVEN READY .... SLICED BACON ... FRESH GROUND HOURLY GROUND BEEF ... . . LB. .. lo.LB P~G. 4gc • . L8.43C tU·ltKEY·S u.s.D.A-GRADE-A NcHO.& ol'Q~O BRANDS RA_ HENS . LB. 10·15LB.AVG.WT. NOT A ptNRAn4£R IN A CARLOAD lslTHRU · 79' llh RIB ............. LI. u.s.~~ci~HOICE · STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF .• . ·LB. • CH.UCK ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATERjlROS. CERTIFIED BEEF . -C LB. - USDAOfOlCE STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF . LB • :ll, WIENERS BAR-M BULK 47 .~ SLICED PASTRAM1p.":KG. -----45' BEEF SALAMI r,~~~~'J~: __ -,. 49' .CLUB STEAK ~r~t.~~~1~~0'... • LB. 99' BEEF STEW ii,~~t:ss LEAN . ·-. LB. 79' GLAD TRASH BAGS .... . ... ,., 79' f HORMEL'S . -' ' CH I LI CON CARNE 4 9 c MAR_GARINE "PLUWOOO --·-··-" 39" / 24-0Z. NESTLE MoRSELS ~:~;~' .... 'Ol 25' _ WITH BEANS ................ CAN TOMATOJUICE """"'··············-···"oz.34' . GLAD BAGS = ................... _,.·,39' ·BOWL CLEANER :6~ ......................... 10, 79' / t l l GOLDENGRAINYELLOW • 4 · -5 I PoRK&BEANs ""'" •. z;~25· Pop C·onu l -LB . HUNT~SPEACHES~~~'s'0'.~·29' . • . ni. &.'IU ......... BAGS KIDNEY BEANS ""'" ··-2 "~3~ • '. HUNT'SSPINACH . , '·"2 .1<.,,)1• --nsT BET .. • • ELBOWS 4 5 9 HUNT'S NEW POTATOES --· ···---·'· ,~ .. 33' MAC A R 0 NI ( HUNT'S TOMATO CATSUP --·--·-···· "·" 2f . POUND HUNT'S REO BEANS ------,.,.~; 29' . . · · · .... -•.. BAG MEAT BALL STEW "°"""""' -·--·,. °' 59' . KERN 'S . · MORTON HOUSE SLOPPY JOE ____ "" 63' CA'sup . · 5 s 1 HUNTS .CHILISAUCE ............. n.,oz.29" · · 14-0Z. BOTTLES FOR HUNTS CHILI BEANS ____ z;~31' REG. CANS EASY-ON STARCH »01 59'n.oz.69' PEANUTS "'-'""' ""3 .. lG. 69' COCKTAIL ............... CAN i1" CAN PEANUTS """" '"·35etc. 57' --SPANISH·······--·• CAN CAN MORTON ~OUSECHILI MIX ____ ,=2~ CHILI CON CARNE ~':I~~-~~-1s-o.z.39" CHILI CON CARNE :mJ~~~~~ --.... ---~l .. ol.59" MORTON HOUSE BAKED BEANS _ ,.,.~29' MEAT &GRAVY ~.'g::i~~ -12-ez.53' SALISBURY STEAK :~1':lg~~~---12-0z. 53' CHUNK TUNA C"'"'_>NO.,HE HAlF3°7< SEA WHITE ·-·-·CAN I . COFFEE-MATE CARNA710N ··-····· '8·0Z. '1" GREEN BEANS ~~i~,0'.~~~ .....•.... "oz. 27' ' GERIERS STRAINED-ASSORTED VARIETliS NESCAFE COFFEE '"'""··········',~; 1\ CHUN KING BABY FOOD ~:~sl I c ~!~i~~~g~~~~:~~:~:::~:~~~~~ '"04:~:.~;ous GREEN BEANS ir1t1i~~.'!::.' ... -.. "·o' 25' NIB LETS CORN GREEN GIANT ......... no' 23' CORN GREEN GIANT CREAM 2°" 0.R WHOLE KERNEL ""······-·--• 17·0Z-1 • CHEER DEAL PACKAGE 5 9 DETER,GENT G~~~~ c I PUT A DAISY IN YOUR TANK .TOIL-LES BOWL REG .79c.' CLEANER ... SIZE . ' I . IDAHOANINSTANT . . . 9' . POT A TOES 16-0Z.PKG.4 .' c -·~ . 59' 'TEA BAGS ......................... 41-COUNT 1WtlwifT • PRUNES PITTED ....... 1 ~00L39c SNOWY BLEACH .1 •. 0,45' ....... ,,, 9 MR. BUBBLE ........... 21.oL 7 ' 'PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP AJAX LAUNDRY O'ffiRGENT IE~RS 35e PllK. GIANT 7· 11 SIZE ' , DEAL · " fKG. . ·. luFfi:i1orABLns _ · 85' usn1111 1•H••r•1P$,_ --:69" ;MOUTH · cam•uus ___ •. 43' WASH -M<IOO_. 4'" COLDCREJM ____ ,.1.iw. ;:r ....... ~, f.f)c LOlfNGES ____ ,aiN ~l!t. .. "' • '°'"" '7fk < ... """73' PIOTEUl 29 .. , ....... •« ,,.._ Mol, DRIVE DEIERGENT LUX LIQUID ' "TMfMICIT KTlHl .. T" I 14-0UNCI 99c AXION . ' .. Vlllt1lilll Coln ......... 6/53'. ' FOR POUND BAG DIET BREAKFAST ·~~:~49c PKG. OF6 ... CRUNCH BERRYS c.-NcRUN~ n.oz 49" NABISCO CHIPS AHOY ... "·~b,49" SUGAR WAFERS suNSHINE ... ""-02 49" DRESSINGS WISHSONEITAU.-· 39' OR DELUXE fRENCH ••. _ l ·OZ. NON FAT MILK ~~:iil:rnrL ........ 120T 98' VETS BURGERS ... __ ,..,,,_ s111 c BURGER BITS ~t,'6:~, ........... ~: P ,~'s. 2" 'Uled L0«9 '1~ 'lad 1'aba4 f ORt-IOA FRENCH FRIES ............ .. .... ~~t39' PICTSWlff: PfAS-CVTCOIN-JllAS" caners VEGETABLES __ ......... 3 ':A~~s 1 CAINATION FISH STICKS ,. •• o • _':;.~891 YAHDfll'.AM,.SlflFOtC'HRSI: $ ENCHILADAS ............... 3 rn.oL 1 .... rmrnANT •CllUIM~tl 33' l:OllOH[llO-Oz. ... •9< 29' NIBLETS CORN .. __ "·" ONION RINGS ...... _ ... ,L MIX V'EGETABLES~ 10-ol 33' frSH1fftlff$ ~H-, t•. 5gc '"""-NA DA CHOCOt.ur 79' 1".AllNATION 39' SARA LEE CAKES ·---"" ·FISH CAKES ·--··-----,.~ "'"" 39c: Oll£SEOll&Au$A.4t. 49' WHIP TOPPING .-""' OH BOYPIZZA ._o ... oi Ill.JP! Rl-OIJNGENESS SJ 19 llANDUfT ASSOl'IT£0 • 29' CRAB MEAT ___ ·~ COOKING-BAGS ---""' 0111 IOA 2 39' ll«:lUOfSl\INA• M.llC•Of'El!>E 5 11 HASH BROWNS ·-110• MEAT PIES •ANO\JCT ·-· 1.oz ME~XiCAN DINNERS _.,.. 3gc ENCUHiLAD'ADINtNER -f~ 3gc SMALL APPLES FA ~~lHINGTON RED.DELICIOUS c LBS. · SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS, THURS . thru WEDS. FEB. 13th-19th -)(»WOT l.INCOl.N, ANANlllll "'I lOIH•ll AVI.~ HUHTINITON llAClt H64 WIST alOA.OWA'I', '-1tlll'll Mttl MINIS AVl.llV9, WMln111 ti• NEWP'Oll:T IOULFIAltO. COSTA MUA l•·IMT eot.l!WS OltANGI "' WIST lttlil STllllT, COSTA MESA Kft WIST 11"1 tTltll1, SANTA ANA UU WISTMINITl:ll ILVD .. WISTMIHITll Hll lDINOlrl ITlllT, U.NTA ANA -~H.VMM AVIHUI, OUDIN MOVI I • • • • -·· ....... -~ .. ' • a.d'ia7Che.se..83c Loft """"""" Skiod • '. 44.: Jack Cheese.~ · SUCEO lolOZZ.f.tEUA 6-0Z. l'ltG.. SI c Krofl,..,._c..,...,...,.... 67 Stick Cheese ;~ c SHAlf, He, EXTM SHARP'. llc . FT;kjii~~iis1~ 1 ac ' l'lhbU<')' Writ·._ .. ,""..... 9· • • I-OZ. ,.. B1scu1ts ••••••• CTN. I JR[Sll rRYING CHICKEN THIGHS, ' ORUMSTICkS OR BllEASTS 59c US 0.A. CHOICE LAMll SWARE cur 53 ' Fryer Parts •.•.. " Shoulder Roast • . " · c · · [mt? GRAIK f[D PORK FAMILY PACK l.AA!lf . 79c ~·~~~~·!:;~~ 1 ,, 4. . :: ~1·, Lom Pork Chops • "· . Link Sausage ! .• ~ .. Mi... , Silceii Bacon . ~, •. 53c --~~~~~~iw:.~ ....... , .. " $1 &9~' , ... "''"' '°'"· "·" · ~' Spencer Steak •• "' · · · • WHY TRUST TO LUCK? 3-0Z. c '--"·-79 Prell • ~ •• ~ .• , "'G. s~onl ilades ;:.<; 55c (>';;.A-Day."~:.\ $253 . ~·-85 COigate 100 .•::;? c .. t.g..ia., Hcil'lll '•Hohl ot u ... ...i.c1 Aqw Net ... '~~ 59' ;·' • There shouldn't be any confusion about getting 9reot beef, (1) look f,;, the ·u.s.o.A. Choice shield; (2) Look for the.Tenderoy Bra nd. Beef lobe/; (3) Look at Market Basket's discoun t price. We guarantee you won't ever go ~rongl . w..---. $169 CASE.Of 12 ·-•• •••12-0l.~· -°"' &''"" 57c Diet-Rite. ..... . . • 1'!•0.,.0•~. "I ' All . · DETERG~NT ·r ,, ·• . I fJ ').._ .-• ·Met · Basket Discaanis·:PTies' 11 llialitJ. · ::-.:."'""·'""....., .... 55 PrGlllCIS. No Games NI ·s~ 11o tosu ... !/:!!" ..... ~<: ~ I -.ir.'I • J ·--............... lt •' ••t..&.-...t,. ,,, 1(--..'.L 12.oz. uu~ .. naAWunt· •• Pm ' Most stOres claim to hove low P'kes. But on what-on o ,bondfwl of ,Uo't ~o1 .. eo.-1'-'·11•"·~37c 1' items, M inferior products? Not. Market Bcuket. Wt dfx~nt pricM: Chipped Beef , ""°' oU It.rough th• W re except Foir-T rodtd or government tor.trolled CHIO'.ENOt Tutt:EY, 4SC pril:u. And gvorontee sotisfoction Of' your money bock on every ,,,,_ JoM 1u11i l!ftc . pure~··· Tr_"· you give up games and'~mpi lb lhop at Motk• e,lish· Sausage l .. ~-• BoJker.;, But you get bargolna ond ,qvolity always, every doy. s..;1i.........,.s..oiiey~• 41 C See foqo,.,.111. Party SalaMi . .'~. • 'I ' f-a.... kol ,.,k c-93 . '~b Chops...... c ~r,,.i"'~ 35c fryer Wings ••••• . as&'aac1is •• 1 UC •i'.Lq~ Feyer$ 4!JC ''"""'"""'~'......... 411c Fry~n ......... 1.1. '1; Wldntldl!', robolry 12, 1969 • ._... 85 Pink Silmon ;~ c .............. 47 White Tuna • .'~ c. .,_.. P• ·fi~I. "·°'" 41 c . 1e ·1mna ... '"" 21.0Z. lfAl:tt, iii' 'f;.,it Cocktail~'d27c Malvr~f....... I •' . Peaches .... ::~lr DAllY 1'11.0T 48 • •• .... w . Tomato J11ct ~,,_-..oz. CNt, • JOI u. Nisdi~ Gaik ·~.it -'""'•""""" 73c · Yuban Coffee.~:::. 2-ll. (AH, $1.41 .....,Coif.. . 85c Nucaf•~···· ~ .............. . 87° ·Cocoa ••••••• ~i!; · - Nabioco ~ c.oollloo • tie Oreo Crell8S • ~'tlJ· I ... NEWPORT BEACH-"" ...... ""· """ "· W 1110 '"'" Aff. IWesnllff r1 ... 1 e COSTA MESA-.,""-e HUNTINGTON BEACH:::~:. .. -.... e SANTA ANA-2111 1·""'" ' -... e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~ 1 I 1 ' J, ---------------------· ...... ,._..-~-------------------~-----..._ ___________ ...., ____ ;.;.. _______ ,;;J f I L ~ I I· I· I I • r • I I l ~ Mll.Y PU.OT U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE LEAN TENDER CHUCK STEAKS e LB . • ELSEWHERE (!9c L81 . FiiLI.YcOoK'eaHA'M'.::___ 39 rb i'UR'KEYD'iiuMsT1cKs 33fb anUP-IUlWHERE49<lO. 35c TAIUllMOYll>-WIWHUES1.49LO. $115 FRYING CHICKENS lb T-BONESTEAKS _ rb u.aQUAun-B.HWHtll69cLI. 5nc . CllT1-FBSH-.SIWHDl69c . 55c SLICED BACON ... -·-71b. FISH AND CHIPS t·ll.--·········- WHOlllODY .......... ERUl<LI. 3 C TAIUllMOVUl->UIWHERU1.59LO. $119 FRYING CHICKENS 31b PORTERHOUSE STEAKS -·--··--~ ' . LUllQUAUTY-B.SIWHOE33c · 4:.$1 am.FRUHNOl'nlDN-IU!WHIJl7Sc 6ftc LINKSAUSAGE1-oz.-•.... ·-• FRIEDHALIBUTi-oz. _ 7· NOIACXS.NKKS,GIRtrS-IU!WHD'ES9cll. 45c WN11NDElt-ElSIWHlll69cll. 5nc: BEST OF THE FRYER lb 7-BONE ROAST -·--7Ib IUTTPOl110N--ELSEWH69cLL 5ftc am-msHSOUTHRN-ILSIWHIRll7• 7nc LUER COOKED HAM--···············-71b FRIED SHRIMP1-ot----·-··-7 · FIYlNGCHKXIN-ILSIWHm 19cLI. ftc U.S.D.A.atOICl-B.SEWHD:l ISc'U. 6ftc: BACKS 'N NECKS ·····-7Ib 0-BONE ROAST ···-·--··· 7Ib _ _,..._......._.,, 49c arTl·FllSH-asrWMll'ISl.1' $'189 LITTLE SIZZLERS 11.oz. BREADED SHRIMP 111i u·-······--· IONIUS5-8.SlWHRIS1 .09U. 93c U.S.D.A.ot~WHERES1.19LI. . 93c ROUND STEAKS ----····· .. lb SIRLOIN TIP ROAST ----.• lb WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DAY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS FRU/,I>'\ /o"UUI>."' ICE CREAM ELSEWHERE 69c 5 9 ARDEN HIGH C QUALITY, HALF • GALLON ......... ,...-......... .. T. V. DINNERS ~t~ 4& CAKES AND PASTRIES ~~\::_ 59c BRIDGEFORD MllTE BREAD ,n _ """ 49' BIROS EYE ORANGE Pl.US ~--· 49' ~ [•J /I f LI< I Tf."~.~1~·,\ LUNCH MEATS Ol'Vlrglnla6-0L 29( lolofne, Pick'-, Phuiento, Cotto, Sandwich ........... _ .. ,, ... , ........ . All MEAT FRANKS I~~----45' ARDEN SllCED CllUSE J.\., _ 39' ALL MEAT BOL06NA 1l':.0:: 65' - . ' ~ ... ----------------~ • FLOUR I PIWBURY 5-LB. LIMIT 1 UMITI_... 3·3c ADULT CUITOMO. , Ofnt 0000 "'· 1 J THlU PEI. 19 B.SIWHllf 6 le . 1l-OtPK8.-ELIEWHERE2 forttc ' .. DIL MOm JOJ--lLSEWHltl 27• MORTON SALT ......... 10' FRUIT COCKTAIL _24c WELCH111.QL ITL-EUEWHERE41o ! GRAPE JUICE ____35c DEL MOllTE-ELSEWHERE Ile PEACHES No.21>cAN .................. 29c V.B. APPLESAUCE "'<""··-·-----··-·-··-I 9c ARDEN MARGARINE 1.u. ·--·------5111 TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ...,,, _ 46• ARDEN YOGURT " .,;,, __ 5111 TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE...,,, --··------46' NU-MAIO SOFT MARGARINE '"''· --___ J9' SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE or. ------47• N.B.C. CHIPS HRS,~ o'--39' LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE...ou'"' ---29' SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS ,,."'' 35• VAN CAMP PORK& BEANS 2~ CAN ---····-·-·-24• · DEL MONTE PEAS "''°"----... 21' DEL MONTE CUT GREEN BEANS "'<AN-23' GREEN GIANT NIB LETS CORN 12-0' . 20• ARDEN COTTAGE CHEESE """ --__ 29' HUNT'S TOMATOES '" c:'" _____ Jll' AROE.N SOUR CREAM ''""---------·----49' CRISCO SHORTENING ><•D<AtPACIC ---·-· 75' ... ~ r=~ . ORANGES EXTRAFANCYWASHINGTON 5' $1 APPLES ~~~us --·--~ S5PANiSH ONIONS .... 3%19< e FAIMFlllSll • 1 ftc · CRISP CELERY ____ u . u GOLD LAil\ iNSTANT 33 tb. POTATOES &'to -..... c ' I 2232 HAllOR BLVD. MON !!f11USAT., 10:00A.M.to 9:JOP.M. SUNDAY, 1t:M ...... ro 6:JD P.M. COSTA MESA IRISTOI. AND PAUl.ARINO MON. THIUFltOAY. 1 •1lO A.Mi.to 9:30 ,.M. SAtulDA T. t:)O A.Mi. to t:JO ,.M. 5UMOAT. 101lt A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. . I t El Rancho .invites·gou to join 'the Super-Shoppe~! ThiS week ••. enjoy super·savings during · our ~ .. . . / Mor{ and. more Southern Californians are joining the growing ·ranks of Super-Shoppers! And what's a Super- Shopper? They're shoppers who want tp shop where the price is right ... and get superior products, ''\I/'' - sueerior service and top va lue, plus Blue \...~\\ 1/{M~ Chip Stamps. . , . ·· ~~~ ,W Super-Shoppers are El Rancho ~·· ~ • \Ve offer yo u. It s a little bit hke : ~- Try us, see for yourself. Th ere's -~ S Rump Roast 79~ The fin est U.S.D.A. Choice qualit~,·beef ••• trim1ncd lo give you more value !or your food dollar .•. Super-Shopper value! Omaha Roast ...... · ........... 89~ Hearth Roast ............... s1 2,!. Thick cu t .•• juicy, tender ... f1·cm sck-cted beef! Super tender ••• to &ive you a s!1p~r pot roaitt Sliced Bacon ......... ~ ....... 69~ Halibut Steak ................. 69fb El Rancho's o,yn .•• sliced a little bit thicker! A welcome change of pace on an~' t ~.!Jle ! ' Rotk Cornish ·Game Hens .......... ~.4:~~ ... 8.1.6 ............ 69:. Tyson Farm.s .•• plump little bird.s •.• with so Dtuch meaty_ 1oodne.ss ••• and at a Super-Shopper price! ' . . Super Value Grocei ·::;s! -~ Purex Bl ch · s QT. siZE · 59c -::::::· '.: ea ................ . ~l'!ZJ//j\\~'' Gets cloth es reall)". v.·hile .• , and Super-Shoppers save 20c on~ huge size! K ft ' M •· . QUART 49c ra s ayonna1se .............. . )'ou gel a head st.art on quality ... because l\.raft'I!! uses the finest ingredients ..• El Rancho's price is low! Macaroni Dinner .. . . . 43¢ Betty Crocker Casseroles ....... 39; Kraft's Deluxe .• , a meal in a 14 oz. pkg. Six to ch·oose from •.. regular 40c varieties! Kraft's Velveeta ... .. ......... 99 ¢ Coffee Time Mixes ................... 49; ~1ild·, cl'eam.v ... melt, perfectly~ ... :.! pound loaf. Pillsbury's favorite.! ••• choice .of 7 ·varieties'. Aunt Jane's Pickles ..... .. . .. 49' Yuban Coffee .......................... 69~ h osher, Polish or No Garlic Sticks ••• 26 oz. jar. For a real cup ot coffee! , •• 2 Ib. can $1 .37 ' Friskies Rounds .. . .. . ............ 5 "' '1 Vano Uquld Starch ................. 19' Dors love 'em: Bee(, Chicken, Liver, 13 1;! oz. can!. Super-Shoppers savt 12c on the quart size! Orange Juice .... . ......... 5"' '1 Cat FamP ... frozen ... ,\Jl Ar1erican juice: 6 oz. Vano Fabric Finish ............... ~ .. 49; Tll·enty ounce site ••• an<l you save 20c thil!! week! French Toast ....................... 3 '" $1 Bathroom Cleaner .................... 69' Dol\·nyflake ..• 17 or. .... heat them in the toaster! Do\\' •.. 17 o~. can ••• docs the job so eaaily! I • NYLON HOSE TOOTHPASTE TOOTHBRUSHES Scan1lcss 01· mc~h ••. blush 01' cin-3 s1 namon. Save aL Pr. El Rancho. Colgate ... ginnt siz e tube. You save 16c! Tek , •. get one 4 S1 for every mem-for ber of the family. WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY New Twentieth Cenhry Edition ••• llllllt.'Wged Eve!'J, home has some kind of C'-cfllOll "-· dictioJULry .•. but '"'Y few ha\·e o1C\ ~ one like th.ii! Section Tine " . this week only ••• ,, •....• Youn al no ch&1'119 with thl• COUP.Im and •nr purcha•e ! • • lf you're not already a Super Shopper, here'a the value that ~ \vill convince you! U.S.D.A. Choice Beef ••• tr1mmed El Rancho afyle .•. quality that invites you to compare, and l!!ee for yourself that there really is a difference '"hen you !<hop El Rancho ! 'l'hnt's ,,·hat makes Super Shoppers so super! --Swiss Steak . . ....... 75~ Ground Round ....... ,, ...... 79~ • Compare the trim! \'alue is greater r.t El Tiancho! Supe~-Shopper11 kno\v it's lean and fresh!- Super-fresh Produce! 0 e SWEET SPANISH C n1on 1 s ....... ~R~~:~· ....... 5'' arro s ........ ~·~B~~~ ••••••••• Hothouse Mush rooms THREE s11ES1 59• · ······ .... ·············································· a Fancy Quality, .. and tt·uly fresh !,, • .lnd }•our choice of sizes ••• buttons, large or jumbo at thia prictl ' Super bargain Delicatessen Canned Ham ..... l~~.0~.H~El ..... '3.98 Lean smoky goodncM ... 5 llJ~. of dcli:;hl ~ Longhorn Cheese ...................... s~~ Miss Wisconsin ••. medium. , • 10 oz. package. Imported Swiss ........................ 59¢ Dairy fresh ••. l!!liced .•• 5 ounce package. ' Super· value Liquor. El Rancho Gin Q~ $4.55 llll $3.55 Excellent! 90 proof. New low price in. Y: rat. $8.88 Old Hickory .................... Qt. $5.49 Straight bourbon in the handaome panel bottle! Canadian Whlskey .......... QI. $5.49. Lord Galvert •• , smooth, great stnia:ht or mixed. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. • NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newpo rt Blvd. • 255 5 Eastblilff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently /qcated stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and Sout!J Pasadena •• ·~ • I I ---• -............. ·-• .. .,.. __ .. .-.-. ... ._.._ .. ~"'"-'''-''"-'-'-''-:.,,..=:..• ~· .,:.• -""'-"· =--"""'"""''°""'""""""'"""'""""....,,._ ____________________________ ....... • ' I t ~Pl:.'ll'I!',.,,.:,,.,.~--_..---..----....... -~-------------·· ...... _,,, -.. -· Ftbnwy 12,1969 _VALUABLE COUPON • I ' - LIBBY'S BUTTERED !.!.!!'~~~· 5 ~a=~ $1 Re«J.-69c MEDIUM OR HARD BRISTLES 'e CHICKEN . NOODLE e CHICKEN RICE e CHICKEN STARS e GOLDEN VEGETABLE • Whole K•rnol Corn e Pus ~ e C1rrot1 , , MJB COFFEE ' l , LI. CAN • 189 ' . 1-LI. CAN , • 1..... 9c 2 LI. CAN ••..•• $1.37 ~ Forem.ost First uality _.. GRADE AA : BUTTER LARGE FRESM -DOZEN GRADE AA E.GGS ' \ lllNS STIAWllllY .IAM • , ••• •• , , ••• JO •a. W 79~.· 45c WITH THIS COU.PON AND 5 MINIMUM pl)";:~ uo11--.....----· ,..--· Akeholk ....,.,....., ,...... tulld ~airy pr'W.ch and ~~~ dp,.,.. ant .......... ,.wchaM "'law -Volf .tt., '-........ ·-... , ... . Di1lc Iii& 'llllft.1. ReAIL 11E _,., ••• NIDlllll:ll.IHll-•'W<llll FREES&i .. cm'.PICIC n'lP1'0CM1't ·Imitation MILK ' Ii il•>A#: I :•X•l •11-__:==------~-~ LIQUOR DEPT. Springfield CORN 10-ounce Packogn 2 '°'25' ISLANDER RUM IMPORRD FROM VIRGIN ISLANDS FULL 9UART $399 Green Giant NIBLETS : f.~~~:~· LIGHT ABBEY SCOTCH WHISKY FIFTH $399 fULL $399 9UART Stouffer's ruR~~~c~~BEEF PIES 10-or.Pk,. ROUBELOF 'VODKA BO-PROOF Birdseye ORANGE PLUS :~-=~ ~:: 39' USDA Choice Center Cut USDA Choice ROUND STEAK RUMP ROAST ·89~ FRESH PRODUCE EXTRA FANCY NAVEL 69¢ ORANGES ~!~ . GOLDEN RIPE 9~ BANANAS Frtllh, Extra Fancy Northern 2~2s-ARTICHOKES FRISH pAILY 29~ lb. 'MUSHROOMS LONG G~EEN 4~29¢ CUCUMBERS • ·. Eastern Grain Fed Farmer Style SPARE RIBS EASTERN GRAIN FtD BAR M WESTERN STYLE PORK CHOPS Lt~l~E BULK 69~ BACON 6.9~ EASTERN GRAIN FtD EASTERN GRAIN R:D PORK 69~ PORK CENTER 89~ ROAST Lt~~E CHOPS [o~ U.S.D.A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE Boneless SWISS 79~ ROUND 89~ STEAK STEAK \ BAR M WESTERN STYLE BAR M WESTERN STYLE KNACK-59~ SALAMI 59~ WURST ALL CHUBS BEEF ( ' •' . .i,. • I 86·PROOF $399 FIFTH ' .RIB PORK CHOPS BAR M WESTERN STYLE FRESH LIVER SAUSAGE 39~ EASTERN GRAIN FED PORK 69~ LOINS . w~~t~ or CORAL 9UEEN BREADED s109 SHRIMP ~A~~GE KRAFT PHILADELPHIA· 8 01. CREAM 29:. CHEESE Eastern Grain Fed Center Cut BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK 49~' WIENERS Prices Effective: Thursday thru Sunday Jan. 13, 14, 15, 16 Prices subject to stock on hand. WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACOOIA WE GIVE BLUE CHIP , STAMPS 19th and Pl1cenll1 710 W.'Chapm1n ' . . . . -:. . . .· ------ I Hunttnl)ton lleach -8911 AduHW Corona,...~ Mar -3049 CMSt Hwy. Folntoln Yolley-16042 ·Mognoffo Huntlnl)ton leach -1551 Laguna Beacll -700 ' So~ I OVEN READY -LGL END 10AS17 . . . Hiis :'*9~ CHOICE CLUB WELL : TRIMMED'· TENDER.· . . PROPERLY. AGED AND BEAUJIFULL Y ·MARBLED ••• Shert llb1 of 33c AlltertlOft'I 10 te 12 lb. 39e BEEF .. .. .. .. . "'· Hen Turkeys tb. ....... 3'9c FISH .STICKS 1b . Parmer John, ltd Label, t."M\5 59c ................ -...... j sac Sliced ~con lb.· siE'A'i<""' s1 s9 . .••.. ' •.. ,• . . lb. tiAM' '"~ ...... lb. 981 iA""O'ii 49c ~ . . . .. lb. Shott Col ho! 89' RIB STEAK Choko I~. QT. APPLE TIME APPLE IUICE . . ' • 7 c OFF -ELECTRA • SOL DISH DETERGENT • .. '1. • - ' . ' I "";,';" MARG~RIN!1 1 ... ~.,,.., ........... a.. ,,... 611. ~· , -KERN'S ~.i;r ... 1. 21 '111. =:_"' 212I1. BABY FOODi "''"' ,,...,.. . . . .. ... 12 I 1. ZEE 4 PACK BA~ ... DETERGENT ,,, .... ,.... 2 I1. TISSUE RICE A RoJ;:.1:::·~~·,:·:: ......... 4.U: HORN\EL SPAM ;., • .,, ,..,, ......... : ,,,~ .. 2.1 '1, Your Choice NOODLES ~::.u ;:',:·...... · ,.,, 4 11. LARGE EGGS 2 i 1. , Jonfl LM AA ... , .. , , ...... do1. FROZEN POTATOES ~~~:::'. ~:; ':~,, 511. ' ' FROZEN STRAWBERRIES ••m• , ..... 5 i 1. ' FROZEN /VEGETABLES t.::'. ::.~"\'y,,b 411. FROZEN AWAKE 11""11•0~·•• 311 . Drink ......•... , , •. 9-oi:. 8 01. .KNUDSEN'S YOGURT • 303 ALBERTSON'S CORN - . PEAS -CUT BEANS • 14 oz. HEINZ ToMATO KETCHUP · Your Choice ' PRIGS I GOOD FEB. 12th thrv FEB. J 8th ITALIAN 1· SWISS COi.ONT . WIN£ AD AIMl'kln SHER -•oc Brandy · IONIRAL, Rum ·,,. FROZE'J' ICE MILK r;:;;;:::=' .. ;,.. ,.1• 3 11. ~RANGE ·c·· ~~~~ Mavels · I '"MIUM """"'." 1 QC IHOWHIT! 1 QC . Potatoes 1b. Cauh,. Ruby Red GRAPEfRU IT... • • • Slicing CUCUMBERS • · • • ,. ~ p · Crisp Cello CARROTS • • • • • • . I _.~1 ";:f)Jftv ::IJJ'J, ;/)mt,p" WANTED SHADES -·SIIfS -'TEXTURES -I , . . ·~ Panty ltose ............. 100 · T AMP.~S ~~~1gFF1 '.6.9 .... 1 ~ . V .LENTINE CANDIES SWRIS 2a' . .cciNvasAnoN 36' .. IOXID .... AND MOITO HEARTS .. .. .. . 2.65 HIAIT1·10..L Buff ERIN 100 TAllrTS • 1 · HGUW 1.49 .. ,, . .. e ' DEODORANT ~1~~~ .. 1~ CAKE ""'"' .. wtilfller llvll. ____ .. , .. I '" DAILY '1L01 41t I • ' • I I ,. ' I • ' • • ' ' ' ··, • • ' FIE1.D RIP£1ffll FROM HAWAII JRESH • LARGE PINEA,PLI 19¢ JUMBO SIZI . IA. 'FRESH LllES 5¢ . .IA, DijBUQUE'S EASTERN QUALITY H~liTnti:'. FILLET of SOLi IOWA MAID BACON tS'l89f. 1-1.8. ~. FlOZlll PACllAGE .• ;!!f!bt•Hlf! . RE\lULIR . ~:59,.! .sucm . MPTA111"*8TY , • • ' • ~. tlh·~M nllZDI. · • 'llWll· ·ia ECONO·l'Alr 97• ;_ ~PIEHi .._TH""l""CK'""SL"'IClD=--'""'-'._·.,. -~.sl1'1" ALPHA BETA ll'!Cllfl Riii DEPENDABLE QUALllY GROUND BEEF 'Jud ECONO. PAK HBS . OR OVER FRESH • OOU. l£Alf 79' Gnund ROUID '" Al:PflA. BETA ..... l .. !Wl"'. "'I 71111 BEIF •· U.S..~NMOO INS/'£~1.ED 57-=: I '= i = 1 ·=---~=..";" . FUil CUT '~'IQl.AllD BLIDE CUT IOAJT AUK · 57' aar. · •ir 49:. a9r. 95r. I . 1lllSE llfAI PRICB ll'll:Cll'I! llllllSD!Y th"!!llt WlllllDllAY, FIBRUlllY ll -1h 19 PASTE &Be 541 111 CIOOOll 89c 721 CAM IJI II• miES&9c 551 59c 471 99c 6~· " ' 1' ! I \rj T l ' ( ". . ! ' ·-·.--· > ' . . ... .... . ' . ,,,, . . . . . ~ .. 26c 231 .!\. ~ CA1ITCH • 2le v ALUl . .,..IETll Stur Crum •Plitt CARTON' • ~ VALUE • 0UMr CAllTON • I.OS YALU? ·PRICES EFFE,CTIVE IN ALL ALPHA BETA MARKm COSTA MESA-241 I. 17tt. St. HUNTINGTON IEACH-904S Adotns HUNTINGTON IEACH-11611-,N. Mein St. FOUNTAIN VALLEY-l930 W•rM< LAGUNA 30822 S. C-Hi..,1y . ~ . r J j • ~ .. l~PILOT-ADVERTISER ...... ,,.,. 'tbuart u. 1'69 IWl.'f PILOT 4ft /. I '. I I ... 1 IT IS~ . . . S :FIRST EARLY ·Off:ERIMG EXECUTIVE · CAR ,. SAi! •. OUTSJANDIMG CARS · ••••. OUTSTANDING .. LOW PRICES! .. , • . . 'IN KEEPING WITH THiii POLICY OF 9l•NG THEIR IXECUTIVE CARS FOUR TIMES A YEAR-RATHER THAN ONC.E OR TWICE, JOHN· ·SON',S OFFER A GOOD SEUC110N OF IXWJ'IMILY LOW · MILlAGE EXECU11VE AUTOMOllLIS AT IXTRIMll.Y RIDUCED PRICES 11 ' • ' •• ~ ,. ,.. .. ' -• • ... • oj . . . . '69 MEllcuay Manau-. L~·· th•11 2,ooo·"'n,. • dm h•rdt••· a.."tffvl ••t•W• told wltfi · b!•Y:1 Yi11yl r,.f, .... ••ti• tf•~1J111l-'9flt pow1r window s, twl•' coml;,rt 111+., 6 w1y "'"' ,.W. .; di1c br•lt••, tilt wheel, .r0'<1r 1 ... rlnf.o 1lr .c•llfi"" •iienil\9; AM-FM sf1r11 dui:I 1p11hn, tinted 9l1Nt diilw•• b.lt1,· h"d rnh, power tlo1r Joc~1. d1ln 1 wh11I CO\ll n. • WAS $5649 NOW . , .. . '67 CADILLAC Fl11lw.ood lro119h1m •. 4-door h1rdtop, btwtiful 1b111y bltck fiaish ' with vtlYtt wo¥111 f1 bric inftrlw 1"4 bleck l1nd1111 root Thi1 fi n1 11111t1mobil1 i1 ~q11lppM wAth ~Ytry l11111ry item, fu!I power of ct11n 1, 111to- m1tic 1ir conditloning.:·AM/FM 1t1r10 r1di1, •tlJutt• 1bl11 1t11rin9 wh11I, 111toi.i1tic cnii11 .ctntr1J, ,1111 m1ny mor1. Pa1t1p1r1d 111d c1r1f11tly mtll'lf1l11H . LI•• ntw, dti\1111 only 19,00 milt1 -IM ·it ·ttill}'I Uc. UPV tJS. $4995 '66 CADILLAC S1cl1 11 o .. Vill1. t1111tiful 9ofJ Ml1t f111i1h wltll blo11tl ~91 l11th1r lnt1rlor. Eq11ipp1d wltll t i/ th1 lux11ry f11hrr11: 1uto. tr11u.; lllH, PS, Pl, PW, 6·w•l' 11o1t, 1uto. f1ct. 1ir cond. 1tc. M1ticulov1 cir• i1 obvi1u1, ~'' li,ooo ••';3795· I • :~.~ .. ~.~~~~~.!~ ~?~,~!~~. t1~0,-:.=·1utfm-•ltC:" fi;'iiiltft1l•roi~-r•·ar., h"9ili'r, ·;•w"· 1fe1rin9, pow1r br1k1.1, f1ctOry 1lr co11iltl1nln1, c1m.. fo# w1tv1 bvck1t 111h, f1111~1 390 c11. In. 1n1ln1 wlth perfortn1no1 h11ull1119 ,1cb91. Ire/Ml lll W w~ .. 0111 tir11. Tlti1 cir h11 onl}' IJ,000 mll•r~ J1hn1111 &·Son c:1 r never previo'inly 1olcl, Lie, WXF124. . $3195 ' '66 CONTINENTAL S1nny, v•llow 1.11!1rior with gold lnt.ri1r, 1ut11111tic f<•Mmi1Uon, r1dio-111J-h..ter( ... 1r-~ti1niflt, ·f•N pow1r, 1f11rin9 , bf.1k110 6 WI}' 111t, tilt 1t.1rlnt wh1tl. SVZ040. '67 MER~URY C1IOT1y P'irk-9 p1u . .,1ti. w111.~Striki111. 1rctic whit. 4!.!.d-tnteMr", ... 11t1.,ft-1n1 ., RIH ,Jr·o1ndo;·P'Sr-Pl,·ctr,- l•.c.• Jrd Hit, lu99, rick, du1I ·•.ct. t1il11te, I ·1w11er ci r, 11111.t 111 to •pr1ci1te. lie. UIH717. $2795 -: '67' MERCURY • C~CLONE G.T, H1ultop ,co11p1, be1utlf1.il 1qu1 wltll bltck co111fort bucket 1e1h, con1ol1, 111tom1tlc tr1ns- rnj11ion, r•dio, h11t.r, p1w1r 1t.1rin1, pew1r ltr1k11o ate~ Origin•ll}' 1qilippecl wit!. fibtr9la11 1lr '"'' . h1-0d, chrome wh!'.!!•_wj!• -'!!I ti~1 ... ho1.~l!~t l'.fC~--.. •P. Tlili-"ipe9d1t1r 11 i11 1•c1ll111t c1ncliti111, Uc. UVV917. $2295 ·.'67 FORD -CGRTINA- ,.,o .o.iw.~ .. 2-0.0, ... ..i ... -o1ttr1etlv1 '"''''" .... titlor with bl1ck vi11Yl,i11t•i•r, 941ui,,M witll 4.,,.,d h tn1mi11il111, rid!•, ~•tt.r. TrtclH lty •rltin1I ewn1r 111d, k1pt i11 bff11Hf.I cii'Mltl9fl, O..ly Jl,000 actval mil11. "l ie. WFVl96. $'1495 • .. . ' • . ' · · 'HEl!tE ·Ail' 'It.IT. A: FEW: l~NG OFFERED 1l69 .UN~LN CONTINENT.AL ·HUGE SAVINGS, ... 4 41ir.Sed1n. Mfflu"' 9114 mot1lllc, ''"''"•' Mth, cltrk gofd 'f'ln}'I roof. 4 pl}' ~tin li1lt1llll tir11, pew1r 1>t11f Windows, 4 w1y 111t, tilt· t't•1rl119 wh1el, 1lr co11ditlo11i119, AM/FM r•di1, tlnt1d 1lo1u,.f11allllr1ih.'p1w1r lllle1r IOch 1 ba11fiful fltrH .wlt.11. Ne. 11121. . ' ' h '' CARS STILL IN WARRANTY ~-... . ··-·· --.... ·--·-·---1 1969 COUGAR XR7 WAS $4471.20 $3690 " NOW Ne. 4250. Otri Ivy. tl'llll. l51·CU, ;n. 4• b1rrel, t11folfltflc tr1nl• mi11iipn, white 1W1 will tr11, co111ole, power 1tffrl1111 pow1r dl1.c liro1i11, tir·co11• llllltl1nl .. ~ tint.Ill tl•n,,.1,!1, h1at1r, 1111rllll1 &, h1allll r11t1. L.11· tti11 JIOO'.mifi1. '61 COUGAR$ AV~ILAILE, TOO! -.. ------~ - 1969 COUGAR Xl7 Conv'Wtible, Mn, J1ltt11011'1 pir10111I ctr wit~ •nl7 JOOO .mil11,_A. M111tlful ctr .wiflt 311 plr· f1rin1nc1 tl'lup, 11l1et 1h1ft· tran1111i11ion, pow- ,;. "wl11cl1w .. ipoiit co1t1olo, · powor 1fe1ri1191 p1w1r lllli1c ·br••••, tl'/t 1t1orint whe1I, ··ir· cel!Cliti1111r, AM/FM •ftr•• r•dio, · tinted" 91111; complet1 wire w~11I co.,.,., He. :4211, -. \ IUY fllOW,. . . WAS $5132.111 NOW $4390 . . .19~9 .MAR9~1S COLONY i"ARK STATION AGON Dick h""o11'1 ,.n1e1I ur, with 1111 th•11 1,00,0 mil••-. A b11util11I IJ1lit l"'f, y11/41w. Thit w19111' l1 co111plet.1, itquippH with· 111 th1 luau,., •l111ipmo11f 7011 w1vld ox,1ct. No. 9276. ·=· .. -WAS .$5861.20 NOW $4985 ' .- • ' .'68 COUGAR lo11t 1f ''' 61'•· · Co11gar 1up1r ]02 '"'i111. tlack 11r41.,•11 r11f, 11l•ct 1hift, -.white w•ll1,.con11lt. llllilc IM-tkM, tilt 1te1rin9 wh11I, po-" lf11ri119, "•Ir ciinlllli· tionlnt+ r14io, tl1cor. 9roup, tlnf1llll 9!.11. WAS $4349.ii NOW $3399 '6" MERCUR,Y . Cel111y P'1rk 1t1tio11 wa9011, t , ......... Arctic Wllil1 fi11h h with rid vi11}'I l11t1r ior. Fully 1qulpP.fd !"ifh 1ut .. lftttlc fl'in1ml11i011, r1dlo, h1akr, pow1f 1t11tlil;, pow• er br•••• 1111111 ftctor., •ir c111ditlo11in9.' Clt1li 11 • pin, ' lie. LOX 114 . $1495 '66 MERCURY PAllK LANE. Conv1rtibl1, bta1tlful A11f11rn11 ll111i Ma. t1llie fi11l1h with 111 vin}'I p1rch1t1111t i11t1rlor -· 1q.lipp1d with •11+011W1tic tr1111tnit1lon, r1dio, h11!1r, ''"''' 1t.1rl111, p1w•r br1•11,' powtr wlndow .. , ft ct.,., •Ir c1Mlltlo11l119, 41111.111 wlr1 wh1el cO'f'l r" eatr1 el1111, 1h1w1 wo11d1rful cart. Uc . XSS990. $2195 .. i. ~66 'CHIYROLIT ·· · IMP'ALA. Ht1tlt1, co11p1, lerrnud• $r'1~,t ~ito1Mlc f111• hh wltfi 11"11tchl119 l11t1ri1i, fully .ftc~:~;; .... 1utem•tlc trtn1111i11!011, radii, h1.lter,~p,o_.,,·,tte~ •ir c111itltl011ln9, 1" i..,11tlf~I c;-'!'4'Jt1011. ~-c:~\~!i,,. 51695 . ·:;" ' Stcl111 D1Vlll1, &1t1i111 Whi .. witli •'4Mml.blo1 lnttrior. hlly 1~1/pp1cl will tll the h1•ury f11t.r11: 1utomttic 9t'Ui10 c1ntr1I t nd f1ctor., •it,co11cUtioni119, Lie. S.ERl21 $2195 .. '66 RIVIERA P1l1r White fl11bh with mt ri11e bh11 'i11ttrior, oq11ippecl with •11fomttlc fr••1mi1ti01t, r•tllo I lte1t1r, pqw1r _ • ........ 1~1rl119, A•-r brtkl!1; ,.w..i.~..t.w1,_6-'<tll:.P.ow1r 11ot, 1tro1to-111h, tilt!.t•erllit 'Wti11/, f1cto,., 1lr-co;.llll, l1autl'ful I 1w ... r c•r, "'tlllt.f11ff llk1 111w. L• 1nll11. TPTJID. s3195 '68 COUGAR Di11r1e11llll illv1 fi11l1h wlffl .,leek ¥in}'I l11t.rlor, ,...._ lftttlci , frtnfflll11!111, r•dlo en4 h11t1r,. pow•r ift1rl111, . . f!'.!'~ .'rfc .~r~li,,1._clrirtn.,PJ11YJJ ,9QQ .1t1Ut.1.Rlm11'11$J1 lit.. Uc11111 Nu111b1r WIC227. $3095 '67 C:OiiOAit Poltr wliif1, wltll bl~ck li1ck1t 11th, tllt!frnttic ~tnl, pow•r 1tt1rln;, po-r br1k1i, 1lr condlfio11ln1. ,,,. fotnta11c1 htllCll1111 ptck1111 wl4e ovtl tir11, A rttl ""~· lXS11$2895-. ... ' 262~ ff·ARIOR IOU:tEVARD, CO$TA ·MESA · .. I •· 4 .... ~ • • , • f . I ' " ~- ' ,,. 1 . .. • '• • 4 . ' .. ...;'~:. •\ . ' • • ( ·' . I •.A . ' ' ' ' .. .. . • • • • " ' . . ' I • ! ' • • I 1 ' . ' 1 • I • 1 i l • ·~ • • ' ' l ,. ' j • I l t ' I I • . • \ • l -"!'" ..... ~· ...................... ~-~~-.~-~-=---.~-, ..... ___ ___....... ..... + ............... ~----~----·-·-·-----~---...--~·---------•• -••• -•• ~ •• Gonorol IOOOGononl 1000 . ,!.UST LISTIID ' ' ' 1-Fee slmpl >llllla'l!"'" ..... Ii:~" Modem atlrE!lie· eanmuttlon.' 3 bed . rooms, 2 baths eacb unit. Forced air heo~ fireplaces, electric kitchens. ~~.· 5-00. Call for full particulars and appl to Ste. • · · · ' .... I • ' " ,. A SPECIAL VALINTINE Many bonus extras In this nice Newport Heights borne. 3 bedrooms, dining room, patj.o for .entertaining your guests off of kitchen and LR. Oveniized double gar· age. Walk to school.I. '43,500. makes this unique family home yours. . ·RARE BEACH C·2 Two"0 oldies" always rented, on this limit· ed • co,mmercial pro.,erty located steps from Lafayette area. Own-er will listen to all terms and finan cing. $30,000. Fig· ures figure importantly. BAY AVENUE DUPLEX A real money maker fo,r summer /winter rents plus chlu'll\ing penna'nent Uvlng. 2 bedrooms upper with handsome sun deck area. 1 bedroo·m lower with large fenced outdoor area f~r. yo\11' entertain· ing. '48,000. takes this spoUess property for your ver.v own. REDCdRPEI R E A L T y 025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beac:h 1nt~l1 -67.3-3.663 . S•lff -67$.6000 EASI' SIDE COSTA MESA NEWPORT HGTS. AREA AU. THIS AND R2 3 Bedrooi:n $25,SOO ou!Jitandirig split -level Channing 3 bedroom or 2 ;Jiome rl~ appoll'!led wJth ~~m &: den. 1% baths, . . •--Id · tircplB.ce. carpets &: drapes, .~arxe ~t !Jill. Bays e pa~· 1 buUl-ln &: forced air heat. ,10. luUnedlate occupancy. Th1S well hlndlcaped. home "' · ·' ·• • • ·" • • ·'"' · $47.500 can be iQll.Qd on a bu1e R2 alter ~ lot .with a. ~. larp fenc.. ':;......._ ec1 bl~ Yl.l"\t with room for I\ ~t. camper, ~ bulld a rental unit! It hu a paved alley' entrance for easy ac- ceu: ~Hon ii just about perfe:ci. 1!os hlks to Newport ~ kbool, and only 2 blks ,Who Uli .. Chlldren? to new .olt> parl<. Eut 11th early everyone, So u: )'OU!' . 1trfft and Westclill sbop. :lttiur,_ b tied to the kkls Pini, and ty.'o of:lier .scbools Convenience, &: protec.tioo, withln wa1kIDg dis~. For J!ere'• a 3 bedroom bolne appointment to ~. Wl'lte: ~ eastilde Colta Mesa, onb' Private Pa1'Y :1% blki to Newport He\i}lts :;= ~t :Ee achoo). Large 1encec1 v de yard with al]ty en. · . ce. Fireplace, tn:llt-lns, THE GRADUATE •FPts &: drapes, 1% ~tbs. For • appointment to see ' . .1 HARRY BOGGS REALTY 17199 Brookhunt oouo.17 96lh1505 POOL love in fomorrow -now va- cant. Priced for ~le e at $29,500 -name )'OUJ'· terms. lmmac:ulatl!·condltJon ~ouble patio, w/w caipeta, family room, all built-ins I: quiet re~ential e.zt!R, CALL JACK· ltAMMONO 54()..11S1 !open eve.) Herltap Real ;Estate ,4 B6DRDOM-$21,9SO that'• not all! Deliahtful 10la.mily room fOt'· the "In 1~ne1". Elegant fireplace. Large rttt' yard with COY· :ercd paUo. Boat access. Near all IChoolL Best 4 bedroom· b!zy' in Costa Ml!A. 54a.1no • ARBELL 2955 Horbor 10 UNITS 3 lots. Adjacent to Ocean- front. S15S,OOO. llolboo RNI Estele Co. E. Balboa Blvd., B&lbol IJ73.4140 Juat setting started. Will like this one. In College Park too( 3 BR -Family room, 2 baths -Extra sharp. Well landscaped -Assume 5% 'Yo FHA loan $'189.00 per mo. including taxe1 & il'19. OPEN: EVES. 'nL 9 54&"313 , 646-nn ---- THE ~EAL E.STA TER S -4 BEDROOM· $22,500- PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT 2 batha.· family room, iiQlat. ed rear living room with en- chantlr1[ ttreplaoe overlooks a lqe brick patio w:lth ps BBQ, Dre&m kitchen with built-in ?ange, oven k di.sh· wuher. Niee yard. Excel· lent nrea. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Herbor CAPE 000 OlARMER Immaculate • custom built 3 bedroom, family room home. Deluxe k itche n overlooking beautiful 1an:len. Hua:e llxl6' WORK SHOP. Excel~t location adjacent l:>owr Shores. Fee simple lot 90x128, $69,500. J1an Smllh Realtor 400 E. 17th Strttt ~ta Me"°' 114: 64&.3Z5 llth & T111tln -Coote MoH Excellent locaUon, near schoola, shopping and beach. Only a few loll. Buy now ·wbile interest rates are only - -- 7o/, with 20% clown -71'1% with 10% On •• no 2nd -no points -2' yr1 on bll•ftc• Priced from $30,BSO to $33,950 2013 Weltclitf Dr. 646-TIU Open EVu -~ .. ---~--""""--"-=· E!'ctuslv• A19"t ·-------------. -----Sealhore B#x p. a. palmer incorporated "n VIA LIDO Troct Ph : 540-SIH -From L.A. Cell MA~ . . FEATURING; • 1080 .sq. ft. e Double prage • All lath &: plastcr • Hardwood cabinets • Pullman bath . • Spacious wardrobel CALL SJ7..0HO •1n most Orange: County and other approved areas. STANCO Builders Inc. Opon 7 Da>"' 10666 Westminster Ave. Garden Grove Balanced Pov.·er Home11 Relax! In The Coziest Room In Town 1700 sq. ft. of re~rt ' Uvina'· 3 spacious bedrooma,,?Eod bath!, 100% n. lon nc throua:hut. Plus .sep. mily room with open hearth fire- place. Not to mention the 11 X 36 heated and filtered pool. Name your terms. Total price $27,600 FHA . VA COLLEGE PARK Perfect family borne, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths And a tarp family room. 2 nttplaces, extra J.uKe piltio and leJ'Vice porch. $27,500 -No~ down to Vets ·-$2450' to other1. OPEN EVES. "l'IL 9 546-2313 646-n n '!'HE YJEAL E:CT.'\-:-r:r.-:: OOPS!! , RANCHO LA CUISTA al Brookhunt .. Al· -lonta in Huntington Beach. We !bought we had all our' new homea aold but Oil• of our buyerJ has been tranJferred & we l)luit seu · tbJ.s hbme lmmedi,tely. Thia Son Mi~el model ls a boautllul 2 alory home featurmg: 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, !ormru dining room , family room with a real fireplace, elec-tric built-In kitchen, luxurious green shag _carpeU throughout. The outside includes shake roof & concrete ,driveway. Gracious livlnJ for only $31,800 with 10% down. Im- mediate occupancy. Call 968-2929 or 968- 1338 any 'day from 10 to e. p;,e Barrett Re1Hy !!'lo sH!lls Fabulous new View Home Pre1ent1 Excitingly Different Olstom designed con- temporary borne. Glass walled to tarae 1uruiy patio I: pool. 4 1p1.cloua bdnm .. ·!onnol .'""" room & lalle Uvtna room. Tutefully built-in convenimcea:·ahow1 Hb ,. • model home. EASTSIDE BEAlJTY ~ORT lllGHTSI You'll feel rood each riwrnin& u y~ VIEW, from your livina room. the beavUful garden, PEAOI, APRICOT and ·PLUM orchard. Your deti.cbed double 1arale' bu been EXTENDED !or a WORKSHOP, easily comert- ed ~~GUEST QUARTERS or DARK ROOM. A 1pec:lal pad tor your boat or trailer with convenient ALLEY AC- CESS. See thiA three bed- room 1%. bath home with sturd y HARDWOOD FlOORS and plaster walll! Priced at $31,950. Owner wW bo1p llnance. 220L 11~ 14Mili Evenings Call 646-7887 Where the Master Is a Master Z4x19 loot master suite, room fJ)t double queen sized beds plus aJttin& area. Mirrored ~ closet& plus all tiled milter bath. 3 addition.. el' bedrooms tor the family ptU. an additiol\lll 1% baths. 2Tx23 IUDken Uvl.ngroopi w~th 'itramatle mirrored flrepJ.ace. wall.· EutBkle JocatJon, un- der $30,000. Shown by ap- pointment. A mtat to see. Tri-level, 3 BR + family room, 2~ balha, cozy & WARM Coleswotthy & Co. -rarr"'.:ifW-ls this 2 BR. home. Mat Newport Heights on lhort -642-m7 , fireplace, double _patios, • ililit-iliiiil-iiiliiliiiiil buUt-lna, expenalve carpttl ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Three Wishes II peace. con1fort location are important to you, look this over. C.Onvenlent to Newport H e i 1 h I a rrade school, and all shopping. 2 blks to new park. Only $25,500; and all these "plm" features. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, tirept..ce, c:pts. and drapes, double p.rq:e, coo- crete dri~, larle fenced back yard on 50xl30 iT. R-2 LOT. There ii not tO much available in this part of eastside C.M. Hurry. OWN- ER. 642-4980. Otn'STANDING 2 bdrm 1% ha.th Townhouse. Many cu5\om features Including w/w carpeta, built-lns l dishwasher. Full Price $21,SOO HURRY! JIURRY! Harbor Highlands Newport Beach & drapes, automaUc. ~ door opener I: •Prln'1en front le. rear. Call now lo see. $32,500 Newport II Vietorl• 646-1811 Newporl Spanish m traUlc street. Good size 1904. Harbor Blvd., C.M . ~.:. tor_ -~tutt, pote.nuai.1 ..... _,o .. pen ... iiEiivoii•· ........ 0 9'!A~ .. RfAlTY Near NB Post O!c. 646-2414 lro1nd Spanking Ntw Just completed -&: just a short drive (for Palmer) to l\1esa Ven:le's 17th! Fabu- lous 2-level Custom home now olfered by builder at ucrtflce. 4 + fam nn, wet ti.r etc. Hurry now! '546-5.!llO (Mar tinflnl llwtr!J PRIME COMM. LAND 132' frontage on Beach Blvd. in lluntington Beach. Prime location with loll of room for parking for any com· merci.al endeavor . ~92,500. 29°/o down Newport ., Victori• 6''6-1111 ftiE Bj.UFfS $26,500 I Choice "end unitJi" in the hlgbly desirable Plue com- munity • the bJaest little houle -S Bdrm, 1% baths, Excellent for Income A: writlMtt. . Sl7,950 -$4,tllO down GHrge Wiiiiamson Realtor- ~ . Eves. 673-1514 --Z.rtory, move-in fresh -low· Cott• M11• 1100 e1t leuebpld available • 1·;;,-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 DON'T MISS IBIS ONE! It IONUS PLAN One Doll•• Down For An Additional -or nothinc If )'OU pre1er, It are a quaUfted veteran. $25,250 Real "'"t i.,.. 3 & !am )'OU can pick up l'UI squeaky rm, walldnc distance to the dean 1pllt-~vel 2 B<lnn "MESA VERDE" I r a d e ,.we! _ pr I'm e greenbelt IChool &: the lhoppine center. V~. Ideal for a swinafnl' FWI price i 25,750. 1ina:le or widow lldy -new ~ 541·58&0 carpeting thruoul, and com-(nure-.tMlhl) pl•i. paint job • it oparl<Jes. LLEGE REALTY EASTILUFF """_"_,r.11. REALTY 2414 Vista Del Oro Newport Beach '44-11" Eves. ~IU • ON TIE FLOOR Bedrooms that II, PLUS hU&e panelled, carpeted tamil:.Y 1 room, r t a n t country style kitchen w 11 h BREAKFAST NOOK, covered paUo, det&cbed double prace, easy acceu for BOA'l' or TRAILER. G f e a t tenna tor FHA; VA no down. You name IU Full p t I c e $23,500.. WOW!! /liJa,,. COATS ~WAL~ACE RIAL TORS S4<>4141- 10pen Evenings) -~- CORNER LOT Easy access for boat or trail- er. 3 BR 2 bl.th. hardwood floors. VA or FHA $187 per mo pay! all. $21,990 Newport JUST USTED·VA Immaculate 4 BR, pool med yai-d, tv.'O patios, usume large existin; GI loan· 5'.4 % lo&da of cabineta. Don't de- 1"' -FHA/VA. .l!\s;Ri~G · «"" • REALTY I •• "anytime" 262:9: Har bor Blvd .. C.M. RUSTIC CHARM Thl'ff bedrooms, two baths, 1amlly room, heated pool, near irammar school. EC!> nomically priced at sn.950. OPEN SAT & SUN I ·5 P.M. 166 S.n•t•. C.M. BURR WHITE, RHitor 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 675-4630 E YH. '7~59 Relaxation &.Refuge , the thlrca that take priority in a busy family Ille att easily attatnabl~ w I I h a pool, 4 Bdrm1, den and 3 baths in this Costa Mesa home. $39.950 (1Q9..CJ PROPERTIES WEST 10'28 Bayside Drive Newport Beach 675-4130 2 BR DUPLEX Large 900 sq ft units with en- closed garages &: in excel- lent condition. Comer loca· tion near achooll k ~ ping. Owner asking 4 BR 2~ be.th&. hup livtnc rQOm. with fireplace, &II built-in kitchen., hardwood fioora, completely carpeted It dnped. dble sanae. Pric- ed to aell fut! Landlcaped, 2339 lq, it. home on Jct corner lot. t bdrm. famU)' rm, elec. kitchen, C\lltom stereo A: vac:llWn. sy1ttm throuahout home. Crptl, drps complete, near all acboola. '56,tm Owner.~ LLEGE REALTY l;;zmm==== '~~~ $1•t PER MONTH liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ ~m hou.se plus duplex. Buy tiilil aod let ten. ants carry the load. Near schools -chutchet • 1hoi>- ping _ In we1tskle Costa Mesa. Profitable investment $43,500. $24,000 ~ ---- PERRON ·-.:J, • ~.~...-: .• , •• * 642-lnl Anytl-* DOYER SHORES Designed &: built by IVAN WELLS. UneqUaled far qual- ity, A: eJegance. VIEW. 4 Bdrms. 3 baths. atrium. Roy J. W•rd Co. (Baycrelt OfDcel l8G Santiago Dr. &tll-1550 Rltr. f46.J928 or 64Ul8S *LACHENMYER DAVIDSON Realty NEWPORT BEACH A lit. of Lolavra POOL HOME $21,500 can bo youn " the Country Oumn1na: llvinl room w:lth a Club Vlllu. Stt this beauti- complete wall ol used brick ful. 3 BR 2'it bath w:lth fire.. fireplace area. Kin& aiud place. '3-f,,400 l:iedroom1, den, 2 aeparate 546-5460 Eves. 546-3851 bathi. 2 elerant .fireplaces. D I w·--d-FamUy room. Pluah <'arpet-up et e1t1I e tna. Dream kitchen, all built-2 Bdrm.s each. Like new. 1 ln appliances. Concrete deck-blk to shops ........ m,500 Inc around the pool-Near 2 BR Cottage Home We11t.clltt shopping. 540.1720 Wetit:lidt. l block to 1bo~ TARBELL 295S Horbor J~oo .REALTY .... ~ OWNER anxious. Make of. fer. Nr Back Bay. Spacious 2 LAND Klesmen, belt deal 3 BR l "-b&, fa.m rm. Qulet in town* 645-Dll * Five Bedrooms Beautiful Ba,ycrest bome with l0tt4' pool. 1 bdr'M suitable for maid's room. Excelltnt Ant.lau&-WQ Jo. ca:uon. Don't mils this one. Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th st., C.M. PAYS ALL. Assume 5%% loan @ no cost. 3 BR l % bl.tbs, fireplace, newly paint- ed, w/w carpets. Price $2~!>00. l'\l l.·\\111 11 ~C \11\ Ill\\ II I ,\ [ I ' < , > Realtors &f6..7755 1093 Baker, C.M. Huge R11n1pus Room 4 BR. home, l'l batbl, 1-.rd- wood !loon, --. Q,tllO. Wollt-McConlle, Rltrs. ll10 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-TT29 Eves. 6H-OBl4 Havt Cash Buyer Wants two homes on one Jot Eutalde Costa Mella. FR,EE EVALUATION john macnab VIEW Your lut opportUnicy for 1 tremendoul barrain Dowr Shores -S BR· I: maid1 nn, 3 Baths, powdl!r nn, lrge Vint Living Rm, dhtina rm, Fam rm, brttkfut rm, 2 fireplaces. Atrium. A Sac. rWce at ............ $95,000 OPEN DAILY - 1314 Galaxy Dr. 1714) 642-1135 881 Dover Drive, Suite 101 Macro RWty Co. BJda. Newport Beach --------- BURR WHITE, RHltor 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. 675-4630 Eve1 641-2252 2400 SQUARE FEET or liv- ing area. Muslve 2 story home with fonnal dlntn.a room, family room, double fl rep l ace , swing-around drive & oversized lot. A little bit of e~rything for $41 ,500. CALL AL BLACK 540-ll51 Heritqe Re al Est.It< IMMACULATE 3 bdnm, 11" ba, aptr, ftplc, dilhwuher, all extru. $24,900. ntA A VA acceptable. 6&3403 , OAD..Y PllDT WANT ADS Alw~ • Go-Go! OIARGE yuir wut ad now. DAD..Y Pn.ar WANT ADS! strttL Aaaume 5%% loan.1-------- 21()6 Redlm!s. Rltr. MI Fw Dally PUot Wut Adi. >-= . Dtolsc.&m IQ Broodwoy 64S.0181 OWIGE -""'' od oow. lvea. 642.-.UJ 646-4579 IT'S A ttEVELATION UM1 many -,.. !ind to Oualfted Adi. a.el&; I.Mm """'' PLACE )'CIUr ftM .S wben tloey .,. --DAIL! Pll.ar clum!lodl - 7Hl l~hlgor °""°''" n-1-i ----;.;";.;"'";.;;.;'";.;•;.;--.. _ ... _._ • .,.. ___ ·-r:-• NO •IMMIClS \. Thil ar&clous 2 story features 4 MasleT Bedrooms, 3 Baths. ~lly Room. $33.500 Full Pt:lce an ~ yours with $3,000 Down, Take ovtr· IS"" loan ot $219 pell month , • .Bonus ovu 13.000 1n built up carpets drape&. Hurry on lhi& one. · ' SOLD 'i:oua HOMI? Need *'rnethlna: larff'l'? Make thlJ MUST SEEf • ?tiuter d 1111 bedroom& with vanl\)' nook. 3 Bath&. Jluce famU)' nK!fD with wall to wall ttreplace. Form&l dlnll\I room. Electric bullt-lns. New carpet.a Ii drtPH throuehoot. A11ume low FHA 5'9i1ft lol.n and $3,000 will huMDe GI no money down. . 1000Cleftorel IOOOGoneral 1000 Gener1I 1000Gener•I 1000 NOW 'IS THE TIME TO BUY NEWPORT BEACH OFRCE 646·7711 2043 W-1111 Dr. et Irvine Open EHnl"" 2790 HAllOI ILft. 0,.. lw~ 'tH 9 P.M. $3,000 PllCI UDUCTION $11,000 TOTAL PllCl-flO DOWN YITS • FHA On thil buee two 1tory tamfly home. Lomted In exetlle.nt area of Newport t01' this 3 bidtoom, 2 b&tb, cozy Imme.cul.ate betu~ in EXCELLENT location on Beach, th.I& home 11 surrounded by1 beaulil'Ul 1hade trees and a county ~ oversized lot With FRUIT TJU::ES, lup COVERED PATIO, buUt in BBq pit. It's atmos~. Feeturt f large Mdroml~ plus huge den, plus fatnll,y room, plus HARDWOOD floon &re COMPL&TELY CARPETED like new. CUstomittd kit· formal dlnlnr. plua huge yard and maantncent POOL. Low tntemit tnsurence chtn ..-:Ith BUILT INS bouts-a P~Y1yet. TM large expanded Jlvir14 room k>an nucy be aaumed without rise ln interest. Full prtoe '49,500. submit your even hu beauutul built tn bu A 100U'ft't ceilina: Uehling. Act NOW! '"'""" hom• on""' gu.,anttt ult pion. ASSUMI 5'r'•% LOAN $1M TOTAL MONTlllY IAYCIUT . This lovely CORNER LOT. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home on quiet strttt with TOW- S _. ERING SHADE TREi5 hu room fM boat or tra.lle-r and ha.I lerge COVERED J:*cioua Drum home buJlt for YoU111 prcfmlonsl family. DtllghUul deoor. lal'I• PAno. The wum. brick '1REPLA.CI!: enhancft the h~lu.h .......... ltd Hvtn;,f livtn1 room. hup famllY room and ftrepla~ loe11ted on 1ll'fft of upenalve homfl:. It' F .. ~ v ROOM " ~ ... RANCH -~ U )'OU can afford $«,000 )'OU'd bettl!r see thlJ today, You OWN the land. Submit r oom. 1 ....... ""'.. .. ou u.... SIZED with IOI.di your smallet borne on our auarantte trade plan. cupboe.1"". TWO HOUSIS l'OI THI PllCI OF ONll Ud llUNTINGTON HARIOI? au.ANT IXICUTIVI HOMI Uve tn one -Rent the other. Both on one lot has separate detached garqe. 1bia e:lt*ant home offttt wtn4ina ital.rtue lo two muter btdrooma. 2 Baths. Law~ liarae 2.600 square foot home. ' soadoul bedrooma. 3 queen sizftl bl.th&. VERY DF.SDtABLK ftntal aree. with ul'9llent RETURN ON YOUR INVEST-Bto&utlM white brick tlreplaOI!. IAish carpet& a dn.PN. Wet bar in Den. Try H~ Hbn.r7 coWd be studio or separate "ln-t..w quart.en. Omlce location. Btau-MENT. Total price ONLY Pf,500 with NO OOWN TO VETs. These lll'e really $.1,000 IJbwn, Take ovtr FHA 5" '4 of 1190.monlh. Fantutlc Value at $26,500. U land8Cllplna: A Uahtlni in ftont &nd l'ffl" )'anh. Priced for quick sale at hard to find SO HURRY!I 136.950. manODY WANn IN MISA YUDE ASSU l LOW 1NRllST VA LOAN . WUTCU~U•I LOT and w• hov• th• MOSTEST In • o!nom7 3 b<droom "'""' •halt• roof !>auty "" Exttpt.!onal family home nestled tmont towtrtna Sht;de treea. A thick shake root wilh a FANTASTIC A.FAMILY ENO.OSED RECREATIONAL PATIO. The_ lovely 1'ty ~ Tot&l Down on thil creat 4 bedroom With 2 Baths. Dee_p PUr c1r11eUn g. adds elf'pr'IOI! and charm to thta spadoua home with hUJe back ylll'd In a park· local Just a few blocks from the GOLF COURSE. C&rpeted and taatefull.y ~. 4n.oel.; liup ~.-..C Jot. Anyone can quail~. Tola.I payment 5170. Wh7 Rent? like atmosphere. t.&ree bedrooms, Quet"n smd baths, and terrific all electric yau'll also lovl! 11& homey Uvln1 room with musive ftreplace u wir.11 u 1b I i ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!lll .... 'l!!!!mll!!lll!l!!~~bu~l:lt·:ln~~:lclo~•~~See~:today~~·~~~.ooo~.~S~uubml~~t :l"""~~·~mall~•~r!h:om:•~on~our~:llUUM~~t~"~!s!pelcllouo!!l!!!e~!!!ldl•lnl~l~lh!•!n!wl!!!!!th!!!!!oll!l!!..,..!!!!!t~rl<:~bull~t~lns~.~O~er.d~~ ••~t~o~nly~~~~~ll ~? ~~ILL A HOMI EVERY 31 MINUTES ..,._ l I ~----------''-------~-...;...::.. ___________________ ~-~--------------------------- ..----------------·--~-------------------~--~.-·-----· -.. -..--------·--- I . . _. , l\'Jdldlr, ,_, 12, 1'" IWLY I'll.Of •I HOUH5 fOR SALi HOUSIS POR SALE >iOUSIS POii SALi HOUSISl'OltSALI RllH'l'ALS . llNTALI RINTALI I UAL-·-·· I -"lll!.n .• '.l .... 11._r-=""1 -H1v111 Uftfvmlshe4 Apts. fuml.W H•n11 Unfurn...... 0..11 _ _;h!!!!!•~"W!!_ __ ~d -. V... 1111 N!"'I'""' Helthto 121t Lido hie-1UI !-!r leach 1705 * OPEN HOUS£ • LoYelf Tbls One HU J'OR. The dl ..... bwtlnr Coola Miu al GO f!I!~ llelch 4200 No..,.., a-h 5200 ........ W...... JftO Oflloa ....... ~ 1 BR. 2 BA. tam rm. "NeW INDIV'IDtJALrrYt '"*'*" Duptr 'f!\' blU'er. we 1avt • tquna IU'.:DIXX)ft4TED, .. dual vrn Qt. wttll ftrcpiact, UPPER 'Daplex, 1 •: sim; a.· r. G'OUPlZ ..._ Npt. aa:orcAL • Pa , ' nil """ crpl's· 111tno. o..u1 s er. 2 ea. ...., """ """' m>&.ooo • ,._ aa • --lb s.. yan1a..i1-"'-' $l5IS 1nc. ut11. ~. Mull 1 yr. -. -ao,.... Bela., ODt, • ar. --,,. -~ -w/ oPmidr .,.; -bl .... llOO 'oq tt. ._ 1!».0lll·SBllA-811'1 Lo&llDL -led "1 J. $125mo.-ml<lm ...... ooi,, -olt<r '"""""°"'-· ....... -. -15; ,.,., ..... ...a, JIU boat -· $25.900. 0.-. air ht'I · Det. dbl pr W-lk~ H. -2 bdrm, 2 be, St, QI ·' I p.m. llJao Wldlo .,,,_ ID ·-No oot>; c.u ..i. Jfala a.-. -* stS-80 wJdec opcntr, allt'Y ao-, • et' -i'l$C)O ll'bd at $15.«D. ~ 1 SR.. ..all ocet.n 'riew: i.ct: '15: ~ wrt•: u..m> GMlll 114RGAJN PRICED! ' ..... llY °"""' · 134.!iOO. ml Via 4dO =.. °:" .,.;"1-.""7::! -v.rilo 3110 Ill$ WJ..... f!S.1'11.5 ' hot Bluff l2AI 1' ~ BN1ano, -· NEWl'Oltr awe CIH-, ! -BR. 2 lr»loL Only Prloc only. MM!l1 45' Loi fa ,!II Jel1 ano.,,, J..,.. Jlnllf, I BR. I BA. ll'am ml, dbl l10t1I w. Bolhoa Bl'fd. _._ • ......_ om--... C-. .:!} = .:'~ ~ BalbN C.V.. 1215 -, _, I Br, l !111&. 1Dc. :mi. W. Bo1boa llhd., lrplc. --GardJlr 1-l!R. ,.., plor; $90; -atll. ri-.. Loe.-w,::_:..::...::. Q ~ ..... $21,lbl. 0 w ctr. BAYJ'RON'I' with boat olip, -ldl OW-. lll!laG N.B. m.GIO Ind. l2!IO. Jat/lalt + clep. ~ For --119 It .._.. ... --.i ,_ Sit !16-'1122 1ar1e' b!nc ~be. 1611,000 ~ 5fl.62ID tt4\. GW1M Collect •BR.. ;zi6 be. Apt.;:;.., IOAM•IPM lllLOGD OR - DELIGHTFUL 3 BR. 2 BA. """dwn PJOO. S2MIOO H ........... IMch la \.atuna Nlfual l707 No..,_, a-h ·nGO lallloa 4300 --"' la, Ellft.OYl:D ~ -1 SMALL "'""" • ..... -Afam,-5ll"lou ._....._: 1225 WAKrTOl'ARMt DELUXE·IBr.18".;-prty.-;dlll,-__ .,., ___ °""'_!Ill_ art By owner, 548-oll'10 _,_ .. .__ 6~11XlOl .._.lot. ...._ ·lndtcpd. 6: dtcoftted· OIOICE 2 bdrm bMch Qt. a.EAN Badtdor AfCI. aG kHth. Dtlhwublr:;1ell 1o 11JO. CUpirt « Pft19 1ltflldel btelndec! _.. • BY OWNER • 123,5<11 11111 polio. a BR 1!1 lb ---aa,; ~· .......... '• All utll Incl '1'1 • ..... pool. ~ .. -. -aM ..... ' C-''--Pail< 1115 ! Bdrm. 'ea. 1lftmld coll-beth. -bullt.la..,,.. -,_. view; ••i!>'. -1 yr ..._ """ -315 E. Bo1boa SM. ........ -. A ...,.... e LANDLOIDS e hMl.uttlol ._.. -• •;:;;....,,..=:;;...;...;;:=.-_.;= ---·~ tlo. • -·---4 e10c. pr .. ._. 5311 River St. B.WIOA ---ft-•• -vi-,. 1np, "11 "'"'"*" pe • ....,...,._ ""' ~ .• 1 yr . ...,,--· AptB,N.B.or..U5.1M130 ONLY •M• ~ ·~-~•':!',: ~ J'OR. -1-lllpl. • 8PRM. 1% Bl, Qlll<le F°"""alrbear1.2prtvate em1 petlo, double..,..., -· -llelch .,._......,," -... ""-"""at°'""' Put "-· ..,. -lir beadlea.?,lllll. ,...,...GI ..,nL\.Mm!I wtlh '"" .,..,,o.-ru TOWNllOIJSE s br, 2~ be HunH""9R 4400 135 AMIGOS WAY I GIRLS ... Id., 2 bdrm. ~alley. --dal 6 .....,., $24.!iOO. -25!5 ~ Dr. . ,.... terms. '9M191 w/w .,..., "'1><. !med, ... ~ .~ ..,. or -.., ., 1125. lcdllltrtal ...na. Della - • -... --t1o, Dec bltJM 2 '"' -PRIVllW Mgr, am, f . lawed! -&IWIOO. -"!wpert Beach <1p ,. , . • llMiL:liflBmg £1phtrano ._h ins poo1 .S2lS. 642-7219. SHOWING! ~--~· u. 5250 •-~--· ~. • .. k..., 1240 ~ DUPLEX • l».!iOO. Good a BR. Den, 2% BA. Leua •SPANISH lft'YLE ---· -5'95 =~ .. -~-...... ARnsTic 1 ~ • • ' ..... 1oc. an1111cm • ... -Pool, "" .. tlo. * • DeeoralDr -..,. ROME -,i..... .,, + .;;r;ra-;::;-•- Small cluPlex .,._. 'w $17.,.. ...... RalhrJadl lnplk, ..... 11.,. ..-IOI!-... ~· ....., ... -lad• yard. Ull5 ._ c..,.. "1th ""' "'':..... ,...., ,,.. • Cl.!L · DE SAC ...._. ' BR • bathl + -:i. iec _ ......... th llHfal'fd. CaD Mf.1393 , Rd. mil. -.,, JT1') one• bedroonl apla "6eet n. ..... ,_ 2 IJR okter home Two lkiry ._ Ob qWtt of.cNf'AL5 2 blocb frwn be a ell. e$110-$225WBR.2BA. ROOK W/kb:cbeQ ~ 51)..'Jll) owners decorative takitt. ~~wood .Doon.~ Jind. .,., • ..,., ...... tam-tl1u111 Furnilhld $250/'per' mo. Alt. 5tS-ClG. e u-the Calltomla llflt u . .ie· onq, '50.. mont a N·~r:rw=""LEAS1N""'=G=-·""N"°.,,....,J&.t"°' eu.....u11y "'nted·-...,. em iJ.,i,.., 'i.;p -l1y ._. -.......... ·-· ~ ~ s•--N-Hel...._ 3210 II d>ould be Uwd at ClN TEN Aallll Cown>or, C.111. -lndo-.1 l1IO oq 11. 1ate-wtll located, near bay, comer Jot. o.mtr ANXIOUS wants oft. • •• IMlnt ~ ·-r"?· • r••• · 1 a 2 mt. l'UrD A UnfmD • ... n,.., l'urn room Ir 1 .. _ 1J,5!Jlmo. Aeent MW• °""'"and mkU $.15000 54&$IO -or NOW, $28,!IOO. Jht 'I'll-IHI -•-I Pr! I PaUoo I --•· I BURR WHITE, Raaitor IURR WHITI, Raaltor MOii With 2 -wantl atAllMING Lltt12• 2 \,ALl(VllftlAft ,,,... tiled beth.1% bib.,....., NEW ~.Root• • 2901 Newport Blvd N 8 2901 Newport mvd., N,B. to find home to an. EL bedroom .. ·~ b&tb • Poola. TmU. Qllltllt'1 ... $10 mo. I0-7151 Near lbrbcr a: ..... 11'ID 11M630 avn. ii~ c.ronadolMar 125067~ Ev~'42-2113 rel.-P618,DallyPllot, ~-ltuH~.'-.,..:::; B-t.N.a!Maml llt.l-1'1tt/GNa 1JDO S., now1y lurD. S.,.Ft.AlllL'-· • -' CM .... ·-~ _ \nfl -IOO .lloa ~ Olll-lf'Sl rm-ba.· upj,.. d-. 11ep N'Pr llch 11·1 -Ideal F•mlly Heme EMPL Lady 1 child. wtl1 own.Nkelyland1eape OlacArtlm•.'CotltlhrJ) ~. cm-sm 450-1CDI 9111. ft. ... o» Owner Will fiunce lleat,Clean&Re1dy walk" beache, ochoo1s. -. No. ii.n. borne w1a. ~ .. 7'=.:~': L..u.. Beach 4705 ,. __ ,. .. _ •---- .... p .... Tbls Immaculate oame. 847-2161 llt<r 4 PM. lhopplnl" park. Very quiet =• __ , -·~ I-& INnl 5'M I.Ma •UI FOUR BEDROOM • T W 0 BATH apartment &Dd two bedraom • one bath apart. ment with unobttructed view Corona RlghlandJ: Home -Pre:stiae 4 BR home ...W In-nelibborbood. Write to eoz f. BR. 1 Ba. N~ dee. 2 BR. ~ ~ with an Ocean View itantly appeal to yoor tute Colt• Mia 2100 112 c/o .Dally Pilot Patio/Gar. Che ln. ..,_ ttreet leYelHt&dot. AD dee. PRIV. ftlL a: bath 4 can 11.000 DOWN on small lrNI under $40,COO k pocketbook. Artistically Ill pd ·---... ldtcb,, dllbwubut; IOIDt tor amtMl)atory per• o D • !BR.l'iibatha landscaped,fencedyanlwitb NEAR new 3 BR, 21>9 BA mo, u • -frplc&,w/w-carf.•drapet. mmt.Beach.MW?lri ~lot La1wn& 10% down ~nt OK BBQ. A real deal at $26,950. Townhouae. Sep din rm. CeNM .. M.. USO 5 pm 2 CU' carport. Pool. $111 tr> =:.. ~ $ ~ atocean.Clooetorood-LLOYO BARNETT TedWayRlty.536-1579 Bttaldut nook. Model 2 BDRM i.ou.e w/-, RENTALS !200.a.lldftaO.K.173-"71 --5m 1n-... O•mor. 1710 . ~it'" W::r":; Raaltor ~~RCout -~ THIS 15 IT ~"";;.:,~ ~ ~: :'.'~ ......... 11£1. Apb. Unfum-_ = E. c.ut H,,.,, °"' PRIVATE ROOM with w i-=..,=-=121=o======I 29Cll Newport mvd., NJ). • ' Shake roof beaut)', 1ar;e cot-Heated pool. Many extras! Gener1I 5000 Balboa 5JOO fer ambulatory ~ or ~ 6200 675-4630 ner lot. carpets. drapes, Pf'!> Easy access to freeways. Bilbo.I 3300 ,entleman. Good food, b:>nW 1 ·=-_..._ _____ _ 2 Se I Ho 1 ulonally landlcaped h lhoppln&. llll5 mo. 1165 uD-FOR SALE OR LEASE GRACIOOS Adult Uv1ar. lib a-., •. larp yon! II DOWN: II .., ..,,th. HARllOR v;.w llllls • wtth parl e USISI .:,,.,.. pallo. A ,.,j :: tum. Loue only. '4S-9IB6 BAYFRON'I' wtth boat slip, Ch-I RMI Oceac A Bay "'°w. Spadoul A patio. U•"'-bome. f195 .,. ' p11co i..,. JO & View -For Sale by Owner .. ___ a .. 1.. &ft 6. Avail. immed. J.arge 4 bdrm, 2 b&, blt-lna. P.mhouM Apts. 2 BR. 2 BA., wall£ In ..;"= ... =-==· -==== ... ~ bt So. • Calif. L. • 4 bedmlma, llvine room, Both ~t I: clean, pl, us room D1»uo:: VO>OJ $24,150 • GI or be& 4 _ .,_._ ••-•-room, •·-"" room, for &D aikllti>nal 7 Units. FHA'te\'111. • ., U--rf llelch 2200 $42S Mo. 529-8100 $550 per mo. to ftlla.ble Piil'" cloeets., utlfUI carpett -L 59" Shewfelt, 335 W. Jrd It.. --~ -~ p I 'J • lty ... -... ... oc I y. a.et Sa1bbmy -~ Pool. Boat '"'" Mloc. ·-I.A. (113) m-51tll teparate laundry room , Savh!p &: Loan ~-•u 9MI II Realtor. 17J.aoo for tenants. SUbterranean .c___ - Yard fully landlcaped. Ex· Build for the fUture. Down 847•1266 · ..Evet. 847-8911 l8Cli w. Ocean Frbnt; 2 Br. Huntington Belch 3400 $]35· 1 BDRM. ft:frla: parldnc. (213) 294-0.51 · -1-SINGLEpn.p with eiectr1c 1--------,1 ..Uenl Location on White paymontllnancingo .. n. Wiil .~ CHECK THIS $125 mo., winter; utll. pd, E BOOK .1• Utru"-_;,, _ " I< woter. R<nt 125 mo. or I-rt P11p1rty 620ll Sallil Way. us.soo. Plmne ';:~fora. property in Po-i!:i.r 4 BR 2% bath home, No pr. no pets~ FREE R NTAL w W: ....;" u;a, Huntington IMch 5400 will .~ out ~cba• 1or . ""\! 6£-02'.17 for app't. ~~Price $29,500 -hardwood floon, e&rpetl • RENTALS Drop kl and BrowM ~ ~ lDl5 w. Bay i::~t~ o.lta...:. WES!'CLIFF Cond'm -2 LLOYD BARNETT dnpu -~ ·Jarp Ha"'• Unfunllohoil ~,!i~~Ba.:: EXCLUSIVE GARAGE.••~_,, --L51W1311 "'°"' bouu, 2 bdr, 211 be, R.EAll'l'OR. &73-5«20 corner lot. Room tor boat or c.ta -5100 -·-- patio, elc bit-in., encl dbl 2333 E. Cout H-· OIM trailer. Reilly a nice bome. Gonoral :IOOO :",,!ull.!,:"",,.~ far~ ON°THE-IEACH tnl Eut -a. -· ' prage. ClubhooR, Sauna, :;.,._ Only $31,!IOO • uaume old 2 & ! lled Apb. Anll lmmed. Ill/mo. CaD -· & -'211 :!,l ~· ~ :!'; ........ FHA loan. *WHY PAY nam = "'nt or oell llJ5 "' HARBOR I.wally 'llvinc ':"' pleuo .,. Jim Wood,..._ FUN Cabin • 211 ....,. oa ' beach .,.. -$29 ,SDO. Income Prop,_erty Paul Jones Rnlty 111.1111 WE SELL A HOME --.... ~.. male-. $395. -$25. &46-19480wnu Brkr .. 2 BR Home, lrplc + 1 BR "'v·1266A """ 536-7!24 Not ONI PENNY -EVERY 31 MINUTES GREENS a\'&llabla at Income '""""" ,tGOO moolhly, -II.ally, E 1 1 L·n1 ,..,. un1i. $45900 d W lk & L 1he-Hunt1'•..ton 2 N1cE MOlllLE -lb~ a::.. ·-w~c:. 0r • .,. ~st·Pio;arty no own :=..~: -· -a er ee llAOIELOR.. UNFUltN. ''V' HOME PARKS, C.M. I A NR -X1al ..... GardU atrlt:-n. our belt 332 Maquerlte, CdM: 673-8550 or assume FHA S"-% loan. 1682 Edin&er from $100 with nice owner'1 l1Wle q\W'-.., • el Wtr, pme. ti.• l1ooo plan. -· 'BR, IBxl3 ........ -G .. at locallon In Hunling. -or ,,.,.110 ALSO AVAii.ABLE P1tlflc @ .... In each. Give ....... Wllda.113-TnOg.JO_ .... ~i\t• ;£~ t.111oa Pan1 .... 1a iaoo :~=~~:Si.Jr."~ ~~::·r~un'!A~ FOR~~:!'~ BR. C:~~E'~-m0ceac A~.ILB. E"'=F-::1:;:: SuW1v1o1o11 La...i •212 • leach BRASHEAR REALTY bead!. ~':""-., ~. ~/~. No peb -tnj)_ ~. '41'! W.U, McCoy Really Fixer "pw 847-3531. .,_ 968-1171 i'.iUm. ~ --:mo Poi>noa Ws-at u... . .~ _, Ews. 564112 " PROPllTY The Bluffs ,. r-· 511 SJ' 01 Quallly 3 4 • bedrooml. bcw .4 Aduiis, a;;,. Mia. PR,VIEW.SHOWlNGI WITH & VIEW ''LINDA'' Frankb' brad:l:J, but pie.•"' . :t4 " 14' 10 2 A: 3 baths. all cme sto17 'BDRM bomt, 1rs f&m rm. • 55.Q110 e SPANISH m "' 3 BR. 2 BaU... On major S BR -· near Bl< ..... l.oallS bomea. Flom $32 <OQ. Montb-; fr.illeo, "_, 4 obop-e Sher ........... oe11 clean-Buoln-Rontal 60M 11,.,,,.. lb Northern Cruce. , creen belt. Crpt'd. drp'd -nred.1justalittle11..C.Prlce G Iy payments ~ $288.2:1 .':'Pinl,..._'R"l4 MOVING P'EB. 16 hi&: oven, rec facllitlet A ATI'ORNEYs-5 .ep ftlOlll&o RIP on a knoll; 1hl:t ~ Many extras. Shown by ap. ts right ($3S;mn, ftnanclni • --· tblyl-Oi'"'FHi\ 1165 tncludins Pl:I, tu.es 4 fn.. Midway City NEWLY DFDJRATED health club lobb 3 ... _._, ertr SOlwd llfi acre lites and lnlmen• la ~-ht and •---"'-~ · LOW rnon pymnts to •.1.16 y, teen..., ... rooma, --•-1o1-u be~ -a po .. ~"' • --.uw• 18 ex-· 1urance -2 BR. w/pr .• $US. Lp fncd • $1f0.t,1.801-A 2 BR. 2 BA bltns. 2 rutrooma. at.. ~ o;;uuai gn Ownu * &H-1798 ceptional. $182 total. 4 BR or 3 wi den, . 2 BR. duplex; fned. )'&l'd; yd, olf patio~ door• • lJw: fbe Cal.l!omia lite u tractive. Good loeation Cit ..,,,hat wtew. Pdmd at ,.»BEAUTIFUL BURRWH_IT!,'.Roaltol ~~1900ACT,.QUJlt.CKCan'' be u,...areaqoallfiedVet -·-paid·, -nM ••-•·wa'-pd. ltd>ouldbeli""1at ... --... -.For-2901.N rtBlvd NB -... ~ in wttboat ... u:r --...-. u::i · ..--v•i;u. '' ••don, plea•• call QUALITY HOME 675-4630 ""'Evos.· 6M9 HAFFDAL Riiy ,.;:..a. :: .. eacMYm:;:. • ' • not Month. ..,_1911 """• Pla6;:".tial20' ApLe D •-L-Isler.. Clona 'l'hompeon with 2 :Br. &: Fam rm. 2~ Ba. -The l'lll~AJf ---I L- Xlnt areL Pnced Rlght! $13,500 nen cloolnr COl1!. LafUM Nlguol 3707 2 BEDROOM, built-Jn UWl1llOll Choice al Two, ll50 4 117$.::"::! ~~·- 0 w n e r. 642-3219. OPEN MINI • CUTE Just can't find tbne aey-W.iker A Lee, Sa1tt Atent. NEW 4 BR J BA. iam nn, kitchen, w/w c & r p e t 1 , Brookhunrt-N. ol Acfama Rltr, 60-8555. . 0ranp. Calif. HOUSE SAT I:. SUN. Doll ·Houle on peninsula ~li·m!Otl~rmoo.homemefo~ Open lO 'HI dmk dafl1 cpt <Irp.. pYt, beUb, 1 mt drapes. private patio, (714) 962-2981 t 1COIND~ :.,..SOO Sq. ft. SCJ-'121, Eft9-wlmdl WVELY 2 bdrm home, only ~ ""' r--U9 ... ~ aotf club. szo.""~ ~. walk '°: shopping. WATERFRONT w/40' alip· ~ .... -ow Ill• ft. ~~:": ~ = ~~ ~ ba~~ 5i. ~·SLATES, Rltr. 1 ~ Adultl only, m pets. $140. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo. in HU0: e MS-21l0 e I. I.. W..... a411 tge dble prage. Near chan. M7-351J Eves. 5.1&-'7840 Condomlnfum 3950 Bkr. 6G-S555 tuwton Marina. Extra 1ge, quick aal.e. Nice yard & net &Dd pub1Jc beach. A DELUXE 2 Bdnn. apt, deck. prage I: carport. No Office lentil '°70 I BR Home in tblt u.. ..,..., only $16,000. Keuel J 1 Aili .,0 ~ SHERWOOD fSTATH 2 BDRM, 1% be, bit-Ina. adulls .,.. SO. $130. Near .. ,.. n~ Mo. 00 lot. (1l3) _ _ 2 ~ eo., Realtors,· 5'5-8291 ewe · nc ~· IU 2bc21 rwnpu1 rm, UM!' ot rnrkt. Sl-265 16th PL &e m.W"' E\le8: LAGUNA llACH ..., achlnce _. .. - 62 OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 Fountoln Volloy 141D pool, wnnla at, uuna, etc. ...... · Al CendltlonM ooclcnm--. Val 3sJi!. ~:!'°i~ 0~~ 0 0• 2121 Mlr1m1r Dr. LARGE Trt-lewl 5 BR. ~ •Y •· SEA Completely crptd • drpd. 3 BR. 1., ba. W•nt Prlv•cyt New I ON ~I AVENUE l.10.IXD. N~ emplojed 1111'& Prder tnlde tor acreage or BURR WHITE, Rultor BA home. All ' b It •1 If.a, 1115 Mmt mee to appreciate. 711 Chlldren ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN Ownlr. 213. le-alll -"" --·••or other. 543-717l 2901 Newport mvti:., N.B. .... ..... ted draped. r .. _ lot Leue $21». 5ff-.2514 • welcome. SW. Mgr. 882 w. $132 mo <Slf? ... F\lrn) prqe Delk ..... _ ~ ·11 IUSINESS aM ..-w 1,.-u.iwwu 675-4630 Evn '42-2253 ·~-~'-~Q. 5"-6838 ,c...,ntul Apt 1 (10 am to 2m • l.ftb. 538-UlJ m.t1N ... _. ~-·•. FINANCIAL * BAY VIEW Fee lot 85' "'!!~~~~~~~I -~ JrialO • • • "'5' w/ plans. $31,900. -. ID 1'ountoln Valley HJsb. Owners Athnticftl K~NTALS NEW 2 BR. bl~· •--• 2 BDRM, <1t>!S, drps, hll-lno. 1--Air -.... ~_..._ •--oiumnar ld!ool. -Pinc Do "" ha,. ,..ta! wtllsT ,1,..._ fvm"""" · ••· ~ No pets. 1 chlld ok. Bola -. ....,....., ._,u_, _,.,...,_,_ ._ Owner 548-'lHI, 548--4207 Lido late 1351 &: freeway. $30,000. 8U-ZM2 W• have Sood tenants from • ~ dlahwuhn'; tep. fncd. patio OUca a: F.dJJ:wn'. l't'om JllDe}ell putltkmlac. Twe --"'""-----I -.ious -an and netd • ~-ner1I 4000 • ~. $155. 23U Sl:Dta $145. 213: GE 1"""191 --,. Conely SuaDlv ._ N-rt Ha'9hlo 1210 Th\1 Won't Last LOlll . ,.... ,. -Ana Aw CM 60-6257 ··-(Pu! or tidi't'bqt> 1;;;;;;;;;;;-!;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3 Bdrm>, 2 ha plu. 2 patioo L-B;aa'"~"'--.!!_~ SUMMER. -W1NTER • and " • 2 811 1 BA. ..,,. -~!' .... nar _., ., -·-t -,,. 11w I• "" ANNUAL ""'!ala for them. RENT 3 BR 1% baths. $ISO/.., ' ' --~ .... ---· Y I :..d good location, close to W·"··M~-~•e ., __ , ... _ · 1 blk oce~ .. '.1,! mo. .---bn. wwldy wwtc (dQI ce 011 are nvmr Udo Noro beach. B,,,. OPEN HOUSE Pleue ..u our "'ntal depl 3 Roomo Pumlture ~ c~= ~~· ~ ... -... -.,.... -.) -and -~ ~ ~::: .;: ~~tG~~~ty 'nnlrl, Feb ta. 1 to 5 ~ ::ni::t ~yoo~ $25 ~ 2 BDRM. :7:o: 1 cmll Sent• AM 5620 ::. c:,n .:=-:.::! !:it in;.::: c:-= kitchen blt·inl. W'ie rustic 3355 Via Lido, SI.lite 200 Wonderful Family Home lel'Ve the butt FUU. OP'l'l~ 'IO BUY child OK. No pets. wtict anDable tar $10. M-and ~ .,... frplc. SUmmer is coming Udo Building 673-9300 S BR, 3 BA. · dlninc fO!M'D RED CARPET Rlty <Rdrll:erator-tAvallable) 5J8.9462 Eves a: Wkendl, VERY dean 2 BR. 1 Ba. AD atmlll9 ,.W GOIPt No liel.lq'. (Handlls aune and ttm already bu a pool. ijlijiij~jiiiiijiiiiiiijiiiiiijiiiii plut famlty room, llvirlg ltental Dept. 673-3663 No depomt o.Lc. 2 BR pool, N ta: N Garden Apta. Prlv. patio, telepbone, brand cancly and lil*b) $28,500 Li~·, Lovely Plana =::~::S-v~ n5 W. Balboa mvd., N.B. H.F.R~ 1 carp.":' sus mo~ ~-8·499 ew pool. Nice area. 54&-1.525 222 ~ ~ $1,650 to KJ!O cub,.... '-"-SpacJOus 2 BR, 2 ba home, lfrlia Parle Dr .• 3 bl:ocb fumlture nt1 I 313 E. 17th Pl., C.M. S An1 'Hel hta 5630 LAGUNA BEAal ed.l'orpenonallntm:.....,,111 -=-_:.'f,.MI modern Spanish d~r. ta:e ta beach, 1 bk>ck to hich mVINE TERRACE -2 BR 517 W. 19th. CM. 548-3481 2 BR. Apt. 2 Ba. Crpts, • I -..... Cotta Meta: Send name. lldo ........ .ecluded comer lot ,$61,500 tcbool Priced below replace-IC den. Farltutic Vin', 1568 W. Lndn, Anhm 11'-211X1 drps, blb\S. Nr. OCC. $125. $110 MONTH; 2 Br .• newl)' drea and pboae DillUer tot 1 l AL r y LIOO. REAL TY, INC. ment o,., $45,llOO. beaulllul condition • f1liO HOLIDAY PLAZA 515->!114 decorated: cyls., ........ * ModenJ Offices ''ROOl'll DEPA111'>1ENT" Near NB Post Ofc, 646-2414 381 Via Lido 673-8830 McCann ~· per mo. -DELUXE. spacious l·Bdrm. 1-BR. I ""' ..--&ll 1ar. 1 OU1d OK. 648-XIO sqle or ..... A!r ~ P.O. BCllll: 3ltl Furn. apt. $135 P1ut util. w w cp .. , ... ~· ttkinhlr pukb& llCfttalW Amhplm, caw, mD lSUSlEW matkdplac9 In BY OWner 2 br. 1 ba. frplc. 1257 S. c.oast Hwy. 4~ 1!:~: 3BAei -~~I: 2 Br. I: den Sl60 Plut utll, ~ec~~. ';~~~ta L.,n1 BMch 1705 ..mee: aatn1 Jocatke. MUST -.crmce1 E • t b I ...,. The DAILY PILOT bit-Int Playnn. I: ba. Best DON'T llvt tt an,y, pt beach, pier, tennfe , cout _ Heated pooL Ample parklnc $ . C. :RobtJt Nata-Re11tof Coolde • Can d 1 WDdllls Ointftecl actke. Sa" Udo buy, $44,500. quid!: euti tor It with 1 $450 per mo No children-No petl LIKE NEW 2 Br., new cpta., 100 CLIFP: OllVI, 23D E. l'nll ltreet macblne route. Rec 1 hN .-q, &IJM A d2ort. Look {114) 615-5023 Da1lY Piiot want Adi John ~b Realty Co. 1985 Pomona, CM M2-.585I drpl, bit-Ins; carport; no LUXURY roRNJUNnJRM Calta Mell. 6G-1a5 wk.11'· -10 mdtl CM. nowlll Dill i0-&671 for RDULTS lez.667I &U-8235 $1J5; 2 BR., 1% ba., w/w; pets. Adults. 5481769 Yeart,y lAut. 16 2 Bdrml. Ex:Klltfye -.115--3* dn.(ltt. 3 )Tl. old. Avail. NEAR OCC. I.up 2 Br. steps to m.n 6 Sbopll A'ITR.ACrlVE 1A1DH JUt , , 1000 Gonarol 1000 Ganoral S@~~lA "'." "r.~s· Soloc c Shllp1" Sc:n,,,,blrd w"'-~la for a C11uc:k1" . ' •=":.~~.~ ,~ . ~ ..... """ """ -~ _. 1,,i l~EEPIT I{~' . _r11rr_ /. IMr"ri 1 I ~: .. ' . ITYHAC . l 0Yerh0ard about a Lo. I I I II thario: "Ht'• a \¥Oman cnam,.. er, all right. He tells them , r--------'-l"il ha'a loodod wllh the g..n I C-'ONIL 1"!"f· Ha'1a-1..,,.,.,.,• "'·_,1,.......,,r-1 ""1 ........ 1-t • ~ ... --. -. ,..!: . .e\!Z'll:!ri::!. ,. ·--.............. - 1000 frMRentelS.rvlce now.Broker5*6980 2 BA. Bltns, crpts.: drpa. Ota:ntJewffta....,Apt. Office SALE Rea ... Na Call to home ownen and tenants $127.50; 2 BR. duplex $l55 per mo. 5«)..0336 frmt '15D mo ap. ltut apipmx '100 911. ft. tn Gkiria WE SELL A HOME Utrutleo paid. Fncd. yd 2 BR., lll5; cyls, <hpe, bit. 191-:140 ""( B\tl"I"' "1 ~ .,_'DD EVERY JI MINUTES Bn>ker ""'911> "'" carporl; chlld O.K. 111 IB TQU11 /ID ·"' ~· Q>!lntl' -A~ WANTED: Qll.8a1e ._ , Walker & Lee Shalimar. 193-4487 J'ID>T 9,.,_ wlll be ·~t.ly, $32!5 --... ~ '-, l.;:Coot:::;•:..:.:M=•=•:_ __ 4o;l.:.;OO 3 BDRM unturn toe rent.l,'°'=""'"==""=M.r.Dlal~-~~!!=~'~ll7Ml30:::==1111r=. ~==~==Call~~: ~-~mt:;'=:=1 mo Harbor l!Wd. at .Mama $25 Wk. Up ~"~ ~ "'J!'p.-::1"· 1 . . 0peo~"" e Stodloa.l!achapi.. 2 BR."""..._ 1p1, -~J STAR GAZER~ .. ~ FOR ll e Incl Utlll I: Phone IUV. drpa, bUn11, Jll.Ho, pool. ~ -, a.&Y L rent. exce ent area, e Maid Servke • TV avail. Mlts. ll '145. st;.5}g3 Mm ~·•• 4 BR, 2 BA houle, clo9t e New Cafe&: Bar m pe , ::J.. .,...,. ~ ~="!:"::: ~ ~· to ocean, cabana club. $200 2.176 Newport Blvd. 548-975S Newpert leech 5200 I~ To ctMlop ._...for~ of•· mo. n4: 530-4482 2 BR. New rum. c:pll, driis-1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I I~~--;:.i_-l!::w:.~•..-. _ .. · ~--•100 Beam ceu. blt-1111. JICIOL I/I . -· """'o=.:."==---•:..c:.: Adolis. llSO. 2272 Maple Sl ' ~· •-"= '1V. '"°"'• PENDING FOREOA5URE. ___ .....:.-==---TOWNHOUSE 12 • .,. 2 zz GM llUf".• Avall&ble March lat f.10-t&.! ~~ l:e:? ::l~ Leue/opHon or sale Olli NEW 1 Br., )OveJy tum. AD 3 bedroom• 2 baths ,,_. .u~ ~..._ 4 BR 2 batb borne. Im-elec. Quiet Coled gar. ,...,_,,ts, dnpn, built·lnt tlMIMI •Y-X c.t .. _.. ~ -==· ~,W:~s~cK Adultl $150. 2:'.W Eldetl ~lace, 3 car carport I 69 ~ti ~~ ~l:-:=: _ IDll.• 540-1151 Herilqe Re al 66-12>l Aa1c1Jw $265/mo. ib..(t....: n'= 3g.. ·=-& .. ........ Nlco•b!nc........ lay" hacll I ~ Jx::::... i=-a~ ... NOW VACANT • Immediate ~= Rulty, lne. ~~ e:::.. :i,'fl I:e;: ::.,, 1 pourWon. Back Bay are• 1-BR. compL tum. Mahn 901 t>oYer Dr., NB Stlitt 221 .._.,. l'~ • ll~ M ~ 2 ~~-~ ~ ~-i: =.n .::-54$.lm r:... ~ ~ ~ ·--~ 'f;: ;..... sr =a!:r°FAtat!•e•> ~lBedJoomf\n. H:i~~·= 1: I~ i=.. 1~ =~ Adults only. $125. • ".,c• • -•-· I"!'"• 4 BR., din. rm., klkh. 54M'nl • ao-m ~ YWw wl t b • ,.~ .,.:--~~ 1••· .,,..,,,,. • -lrplc.1---'""-'-"--"---"--....... -...... .,,,., .. _ := w/w c:pta. drpt: prap: LOVELY 2 Br. llii ha. & 17. $225. caU ...... after aJildil MOit a. 2310 Skrrta Ant. tc5-29l3 .,;.,,;c:-~--~-.-.. l;U::: WHIM c:= •" 51>-llH LEASE. YrlJ.; oceanfront .,f.a a~ .os-. , • ......., ..t. 125G Month, ~pt.kl. Dde: pcxli. ..-Ho; 115-1393 I p.m. E1..._ !=-• "',.-. :i"~ - ! BDllM. "'"-Clpb I< <hpe. DIAL dlncl llMllL °'"'I' unturn. Oonlatt' J-Riiy, ~1~, iOia...i ®.w-6\~ _. _s_c_RA_M_·_LETS __ A_N_SWE __ ltS __ ,_N_C_LA_S_Sl_Fl_C_A_n_o_N_l_6_00 __ ....;.~--..... =--:..;;-;.;.Jll--"'--'_ISO_"IO· =. "! ::::".:... -....... .... ... ~ I ---~;::=~lt!:====="======:!-....,,,~l -· ._.. -. ·-·-1. . - . ' . :• :· .. · . •• . , I i ' . . ' :• . : " • . .. :· • • • :• . • . ' ·' .. .. . ' .. . , ' " .. • . . . ' i· ' . • ' •• ' ' 1 j ' . • ' I I I I l ,, . - 1 I , •• WIT·H Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: -' . 642-5678 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!'' !North Coanty, 540.1220, ton free) . . IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES~EVEN DOLLARS ' PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 IN THESE CLASSIFICATIONS! Furniture Office Furniture Office Equipment Store Equipment C1fe, Re1t1ur1nt Bir Equlpmtnt Howohold Goods Appll1ncos Antlqun Sowing Mlchln.. Muslul lnstrumonll 800o Pl1n11 A O'll•M 1010 Rldlo 8011 8012 8014 8015 8020 1100 1110 1120 8125 Televf1lon HI-fl A Storoo Tlfll Rocenlors C1mor11 A Eqvlprnont Hobby Suppllos Sporting Goods Bfnocvl1n, Scop11 Ml1cell1neou1 e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL PlllMI e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBlllVIATIONI e ll:IO noo l205 8210 8220 aoo 8400 8500 1550 NGO Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! I ,I . . . '! 1 • • • • .-. • _....,..It ... I .. I o o. ~ '~"4••..,,,f ' ..... _, -,. Wtdltttdlt1 ,..,.,, ~ 1"4 ,."-'1"'"'~~;;;"'...;;:"i;:.:.·~:::il;;;'L":....__ '"'~r;.;~::.:":..:.'•:.:.t.::.:• L::. ___ _,., . ..,._• ... ="-'"=:.:~-.••'""NT'-•--:~;~•"!t~•"!t~··~;~•l!}f", ·~4~J!~!!~_!•v~:a~~~!.s.ED .. '.!!1~~!.~CT01~_!:!1.,~~ ::,:er 011t1~6~7~~J!!!.~p11o1-,._. ~~ ~""~°' ~"-~-~!_ ~-~..;;. !."' ~; ;-::::l!::.=::::::::..:=:..:.::::i l~Opf!!:.611~ ~T.D-'.a 6S41 l'euftd(f,..Ml) '4G11 CRYSTAL JAN!TOJU.U. .l IRONING IS.pc. CZYKOSKl'S 011tom PARTNER W • • h d ., ·HAVE t'0,000 YOONG bile f•Dl&lt l'UPPY Window a..ni.s. Campi You .,,., ""-9, Uphnlateey. Euro p • • • CAIEEI oortlclpe,. In bf&lley pro. Prlvat< mooey 1n..-. comer ol Me1& V-" ""'1torlal -· -'42·2051, 6464'61 Cralt1man1blp.l/JO~ o--·N-J iltabk 1"1 .. taw praJect. wub to bU)t ~ lit Country Club. ~ l'Hiden or COllltnl. JM _____, Finardne. Furn. boltl ,A rrvll I u 11 1 Rolty proJect lo ready "' •2nd Tilt. Riluonable ell> P/COWE. Tu A • wlll, "11"'"" 5'3-!137_ l.onclK0"'"9 UlO au1"'• 643-1454. 1131 Jolo todln--~ A f In an c I n 1 cowit. male. V1e. ~ A CE'l' ll rtplaeM, ~ Newport Bl\'d., C.Jl. flW 'nYlltlal 1\1114 ..... aJnad1 oblall>ed at U" Sattler u.--Co. 1"c. <>·i.r ILS. 847~. or -can Seott'o SPRINKLERS JOll~ a i!Ml'L01MiNi No=='='= .,.,,._ ... 25 )'tin. Praftt C)tl CNb ........ ....... • ~ I • Sod La Lie ._ Bonded ~ -..--~.,- -wt1J )'leld -"'6 E, l'llh St. FOUND Chlhoahaa doc cm Hom. Servloe ., ~ -· • · LL W• tn!a • fl!ll •put --.. ... within -year. !!::nn_ -~ Elden Aw. P1eue ldentll)>. 963-'*3 ......... , * -* Jwb Wantid, ....,, 7020 Mutuol Fui.I Advloon, -l5000il'4100Gll0 -D•••· ··~·-_...,.. 548-8811) a... Dill Garqe/Yard COM!¢lldA' Nildi0.1111 PdlriioN· °'' D-., Inc. ai>wt ~ PmtPlll AWfiOllNCIMINfi SiiAiLblaclt•whli.ld-LIP•llaullna =. ~ N~ In !.lec!IW't Ap. N)l8.,..,.Weotdlir- ciobt !lox M IOS Dail¥ Pilot ailol NOTICIS 0owr Sbom area. -• -• -proved con v a I e, c en 8..4. l2U N. -.,. ... I ·-...... N-411 !!!!.."" (f-~ .. Whodilya Wanlt 1 Whaildn °"" H•Vll!!f • .,. ... ,. ...... 1., • =~ <3~ $1'1-mt HOMI LOANS GIRLoSSehwlnnSU..,toolnd i.-t , • '40l S~~~~L~~~w~~~.~lt YAAo,pr.~a-e l'alntlnt 6UO =~':,.~°:.~ - MONEY AVAUABl.f: wr Buahanf " &.n!nr, BROWN Qrlhuahua, male, Spacial It-" -·· Ivy, ....... -· lntarlOI' Palntlnt ' -· P YOUNG MAN'S can ... det.aUa on today's Hwlu.ton ~&ch. Pleatt ~ "Chlct.0". Vic 5 LI 5 ti 5 L •• L-crad@, trtoch. l!Javate'. Apt&. OI' houtel by JoD 01' DREAM _,., ~-·~ " _..., -... ldenfl"".· 96. a..2Nt -Delmar ' n-..-Ave. c.M. · Ml -11111 --c'" 91ut..S. room. Low oa teUOll rates. 2 Women qe 47.tl wish ~• ~--...,.. MIU ~-. -""""'' ""~-·~ llULIS -AD MUST IHCt.UD I ~ 5'. be leady S9rW!s Oranp Coupiy tor ADULT Whitt RabbJt•tliiii. Reward! 5 f 8-9 I 9 5 ()?' 1-w"st wv ,...,.. '° in-. )-Wlltt rou wtnt 1n tr-. Haulln&~ ~ 6"5-ltQ All or ~wat i • U )'Oii U't under 2f and Uke u yean. V1c Wut Centlr A PMoeb-968--W ask tor Guuil!. I-VOi.iii e-01: F~LI -•lll:~1~"'<:..~ ... ~lns. Trim Htdft .. Trees. Reu. PAPER HAN"GmG1 work: by JOb, cau 5 J.ID. lalldDI to ptl.+wh:y not ftt Battler M-Co. Ille. tia Ave. !MM277 LOST· AmerU:e Odhuahua PHON~ 642-5471 BIG JOHN· -PAINTING • 11! t p.m, 54l.mt peidlorJlA-tlncpov. 336E.·1'11h"St •FEMALE Seti l'Olhl smlll mote, -9 yn To l'laco Your Tridar'1 Ptridl• Ad LITEHa.ll..Acie"-C'tWlO GENERAL H............._ El· ~ -With lln(le 1G.2:1.n 564111 Sia.mew VJc. Wu.rt 4 old, 313-A Weft Wilson, Reaollablir. Any area. • INT _ EXT. ANY SiZE peril!Deed . $2.~. hr. plus a1ris tor national fitms. Stir1 Evett. 613-1163 ' IG-U51 PlaCen~ C.IC. Ml--~ C.M. 642-3.152 Reward. Trade lT .tt Ptrtonner out· HAVE: ~ Ford Country Call 6'24557 JOB. Xlnt work, rc1I. he ~Uon. 846-4139 • $400. to $600, mo. aa.lat)r dur-fi -. . i1iit' LOOT female dark GlmHI! board, (tiberdus} for tull Sql&ire Wqoa. R/H. PI S.. est JIM. '4Ullf IM6-3'7• HOUS~C. Honut 1na trainlna:. Call 9 to 5 p.m. Mertw111i, T.D.'a Off ..... -=~ewer! um:_ tbt chlkl'a pet Rnud. Call or part PQ1ment on carpet, P/I. 1-oYmlr. S225 vai. Hollttcl .. nl... ms pAJNTINr inter. : ~ and deptndable. su.oo a ~ · · '--· sci....., dra-lalidooapllw, leno-WANT' PLAYi:!t PIANO Slate li ~ , __ ,., Free "'1· <1'2-'1871. Own -.r. jtiiiitiiiiioliil ____ •I HAVE $30,000 T.D. 1'1)(%, ~y ~" O..jllftt4 -, tnaor ?! 60.f980Ut1pm "8-2290 . HOUSEa..EANING By the estimate~.,,,~ .. ==· EXPERIENCED Rous SALES ......a by US unit llU'den ~ "v"I COCKATIEL l.<llt Tues. <ttl. · . aay n Friday Exp .l --IXPER. or NO aptl. Owned by Doctor '1'HESUNNiiVERiii'icm Vlc19th•IMoeAve.CostaBAYFRQ~l:-doclc;2BaJ.. (bdrm,den ".,4lni111rotim. 0 • VET'SBondedPalntlnc. cl~anl!!r. Own tranap . i ..... lll,lS,000 CUii equity. ~ed'• aei1oa -· M.,.. 616-2117 alt 8 PM . boa c.m;, NBi oq. !'1";000. 2 t.11 IN., ai.!00 Value, "'liable, own """ ~ !tl Free "~ Ile, inl. Small 548-4431 ate 3 llXP R. REQUIRED Will dilcount ·no.ooo for For 11.n .ad to sell around L6ST:· '1 mos. ·old apricot Trade Im T.D. • or · T · oi: $10,~ c!i(uit;y. TlD Inaonie, ™-Jot. welcome. fG.Of27 NURSEi Private duty. Dayt U )"OU CfJl follow oidtra YoU cuh. Ownl!r ~:ms UM cloak. dial~· -'-"'"""'"' ....... :.•--,vie. Costa 1-e/option. Courtesy to Wllta.T.~.·Hdo:wn.:comm. Dbcount Oeanln& Sl!rvice HOU · only. Drive exctlltnt. Ref. caLwritelorderaday. ;'ae'::::i --... 61M331 546 ~. N.B .• ~. <·.A~ ... Corpe ... u..,......,, a.;:::.~~"~ can ..... -I CAM o,,.R YOU No Matter What It · 11 YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642~5678 CHARGE IT! MISS. ~G· F. •b 3, w h I t. TOWN!IOUSJ:, ~ Br. 2~ ha. • CONTRACi'd~·s fiild oma.-' Fpt Stryice' 539-1456 'Ride. IC5-2'lr5 ' $175 ptr ~ "' Be t t d Prl tio ,_,. ' ·~ t * APT ~ ••-•G * -le Hal• 1035 ( 5 -pet "'1 ' female poodle Monte -Vlsta au · apJ>. · v. pa ' u-..... ~: top eobd:, w .... u • '. · • ........,.,...,.&l, ' PAINTING, PaperUw 16 yn r s;. , I 9mwl Plan Sl C.14. -5IHW pbol, cl°" 1" bay. Val. paneled In-, cupeti!d. Fut A -8'UlM In Harl>cr ara Lie A bond> Geciqe Al"'1 -Apncy App~ a~ 800 So. El Cimino .~=-__,.=..,....,,bro=::-::::-.S32.00J, low dn, or T.D., $l000 v~~·tnM fDr I. WlLLIAMS (1ftDbig Sent. ed.Rmkn.iu...2356 ~'-o...-Fee.· Real,SWi.215,•·-aement• LOST rninti.ture wn POCI-ear or ! Owner 54Ml5f ·-~t~ha~ve~,....~!_!m.li!O~~..,.J;::~:=;;:".=::;:;=;~; !'.~~~~?~=::~ _,_,_ ·~· -dle, femal@, children's pet. =· I T 67_..,.. XIB-B E. Hth, SA MT~ bttweenlO 1: fMon. tbru Fri. R@ward! 548--0llT l!ves. MOVED TO HAWAII! W&nt lmllle:r car w/tft I: ncotM . IX ._ ~J'?i l1p1lr,.61IO :::hiJlele liw-inl. Cbetrfnl I>Hpetate! $26,000 hot. 2 11)' fact air. Tri.de 'N, 88 Oldl H K. CI k · ,,,_ ... Pen:nane t t-..-..ienced ( & REWARD! Sr. puppy, no 4 BR, 2 BA, patio;-blt-ins, w/rrwr & fact air + $1000 · a r Acct& ...,rv. e PA'r,S Plutertac. All rt· ._....... lllllltf tail, 1 blue eye, 1 br. eye Comer lot nr FalJVi.ew A: eq in l~ acre nr Palm ~ml! tax, peraonal or l)jet. Free llltlml,fe. C:al1 Far East Aie1lcy 642-8103 Vic. 33rd St. NB 673-4992 Baker. Trd. $2500 Eq. for 1 Sprp Bll on land~ $16 ~sme.:· ~.ho: or.:~· Sl'Ml8Z5 A-c1 .. , Min 1100 Motor Home BLkJem terrier pup, nds Owner. 546-1890/&a-IOO rno. S.1131 MUfu"' or ei-aru ew;--iu. pf 6l901 :.o~=":.::.c:::<.;=;:...-,;..;.;.: med. attn. Otlld'a I>l!t. Vie GE Electric C!othe1 Dr.Y· HOUSE Trailer 20X50, aood --Uftlblnt MATIJRE Man operienced IUILDIRS llth &: Bal, Ba.I. m-alT.fi l!r, like MW thru-out. Pink. cond.; 3 bedrooms; mowd ~ ~~Oient9th with PLUMBING REPAIR ill ODmml!rcial A ntail ·~ -NEEDED IN ALL phaaes ---------1Will tradl! for Gu C!othes only once; trade my equity loeall,y. Avail. 1l ~ Ji'T No job too mnall :~ ~'!fi~~~ mo ~ uaemb)y a: Jl1'0dt1ctions. Ptnenails 6405 Dl')'l!'r ill. li~ condition. Call for · What hav~ )'OU r R 0 0 1 eve l t WJAY, CM, e &d-3128 e •F • Free • M:UJt have Che experlehce • ;;:;;;;;:;;--:;:--;;;;;;;;;;;;. l,=""',..!64J.5688~~==::c 548-5425 "Macie" 541)..2911 PLUMBING 24 hr ltt\I'. C&pla~ v.uey own tool&. See "Rick" al wi:;;Eo &: on . ~iuignmenlt. Lquna Beach 4 bdrm home San C1eml!nte Inoome 2 e Tiff i'AX ADVISORS• Work quar, lie, ins, nmod, Employment Apncy 2135 ¢anJOl' DriW, Colta 1 E,,_ a~a: & MU by 10 acre oranp storl!s • 2 lots 2 oU:lcea 2 Y@ar roundof.c. 3211 No. ~. roolltr lel'V. S,U..'1'86 319116 clm1no Clpiltrano Meaa. or call &q.1758 formals, COCal&ll:I, casu....,., grove. Want hone raooh or Apts Will takl! TD's or · bats, baas. shoes, costume •• BDT> .... ~""' small~ """-rly. Make off. Nwpt Blvd.. N.B. Reul ~ Ju.an Caplatrarto • w•n .... ,,ERS jewelry. Lab!IA prdl!rred. ap..,., n.n. -.-.w;iu · ~ Call-~ can 6'.'>-0400 1or appt ltemectel~ lepetr. 6f40 ' ""' l'IAft Call 10 am to 5:30 pm, Tool box A-1 oorid, valued • • SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE . Hel' vi1nW, """7200 with ~ Jn mobile Tul!s thru Sat. 54f..9311. approx $300. Trade for Finell ptereo -Marantz '1, Your b 0 me, Reuonable. IF You need remodelinl', •• , homes, camPtrs A motor 52T-f211 small economical trans· HK am.Pt cast,~700' yrs Eves. Norman Mani paintinc or rep&Jn. CiJ.I Executive homti.Matbave°'"'ttdl· LICENSED portation. =· ~":.!i.,,."."or TV, ~ Dick. "2-rm Sales CarHr See "Ride" at 2135 ca...., Spiritual Readlnp, advice 890 Governor St.. C.M. * . 49&-1331 'It * TIH YEAR * Stlrtinc. aatary plus , corno Drive, C.0.ta Mna or call on all mattl!n. 108 s. El 2'Z' Cl!ntuty Inbrd., haa all · A-1 STENO Rooflftl 6v__r,, miasion.. First year earn-64U158 Camino Rl!al San Ol!mente. extras, C.C. app. equip. HAVE: C two BA. units, i HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. :;.~; ings o! U,2,0»plus pslble GOO--D-14AN--O-VER--<O-lnr- GUU6. io AM·lO PM + SIS Rt. Sold new $7500. pl'l'pl, 3 yn: old. Room 1or llW/wktnd by appt 5e-&DJ ROOFING REPAIR. 2 year tralnirlC ~ by abort tr Ip 1 IJUITOODdlnc sPEClAL $2 READING Winter price $f295. Trade morl!. $55,000 full prict. PSRSONALIZED ex tJ er t no leek too small! century old 111,tional com-Stach Qtlfl area. Man we AVANT Groupe; Altruilm, for imaller boat. St6-987'J WANT: Duplex or submit. Tax Rrv. Y@ar 'rounc1 ofe., •~2362* pany. Busl.n.e. or • 91 e • wartt is wwth up to $11.500 tun. profit. Mtc: 2/19 1 PM Ravi! me a: clear propeflY Bob Olton Rltr. 5'6-5580 reu. 646-8'112 backlf'ound helpful No trav-irt year, plu. new ear .u Gl'l!at WHtern S/L, S.A. to exchange for Mobile Coldapot Rl:frilfrator like e PROFESSIONAL TAX ~ 6ffO @I. Manqement opponu. bonua. Airmail N.H. 'se£s, 213:> 7 PM Cal Fl!d SIL Home Park. new, 0.1 ~ ·w/grlll, SER.V. Home-quick accurate. nitil!s. ~s., American Lubricants Anh Agl!nt 646-2629 or chairs, ChineSI! Ori@ntal $19. Compll 1 96W403 • Drt'lsmakinc·Alteratkll'ls TED ALEXANDER Cb., Box 761• ~. Ohio e BACHER.LOR Dl!W I n 1 • 213 • 434-S!e RU«, cotfl!e tbl, trade tor Speclll on Hems 321'·'11m l 45401 d•---nd or f ,. •• .,.""' Walter H. Fahnnhoh P.A. * 646-6446 * An _,., op-fj·•• ~ ---,------.,.a "'ks "'••tllul (fir! 35 P.U .• Buick '62 In Srud•. -~=::~==......:~=,:;;:,:..,"~I 145 -·• ~-1a u-~-~-·v • FIMISHED ~ c •• :-:::::-.. ;,:;';"!~ ::-. Al-all·--"2 ... 5 -·-· •• tor datu ,\ companionship. Power-speed, C!ean. For, HAVE ~rOved 2 I t ...,,......,,.. .....,....-o ...... ,.,. -o;;ii.,.. ..... .,_,_ "' URGENT. 49><1386 IT< • s.nd SU.., • Walk '"• C.14. ~ .... $30.oOO clou. 0 INCOME TAX SERVICE Nea~ ....... .., ll! yn. exp. GOLF CLliB STORAGE ,. CARPENTERS e stJGGY OWNERS e van or ~r or 1 ~ W~: Indua~ blda. this Federal and State REPAIRMAN Werle 7:»-a • · lntere•led In mminc famil> ~owport Ave. ltA. S«-85&1 area. Will aauni.. 848-1000 "'1 or nlcht TILi, Ctrimlc • 6'74 pm, 6 ""' ' week. Santa PWllllERS duhe . bUU)' club! c;au 2 Fan Palms, approx 16 I: Daqla Re.tty Co, &U-65lm INCOME . Ana Cow:ttry Cll;ib 545-'D&O lslandtt Motor Hornet Inc. 549-3511 20' Boxed-Dellvel'l!d' plant.. ·• · Tues ptt:ptred * Verne the Till Man * MANI WOU>DnJL OP. •806 E. Wubircton st. 1 Ant no lonau reapolllible l!d. Will trade for boat, new What dO Yoll have to tr.de! )'OU!' home, lone fonn com-Cu&t. work. Install • repairl. PORTUNttID a,. Mm Santa Ana for .ey debta other than tools, rugs, furn, atl!!'eQ or ! Lilt it here -in ~ 'bined, $15. ~ No job too amall. Plaster dltcoftrred ID CS...W Ada. my oWn. Michael Kirk Palms &: Delittry $500 val-County'• Iaraett' Nad tn4-Gorden N. Warren, PA patch. l.eaJtilw 1 bower Turn bldl: tD "8'1-• ap. :rm: QUI<XER YOU cut., Macintosh ue. KI 9-0120 art 6. incpost-andJaike'adl!al, 11th year. Appt. 615-3345 repaJr, Ml-1BD'1/M&-02ll oortunlties" NOW! .... QUICk:ER YOU SELi. l.Al>IESAreyouto°'!Y•new * * * in area! WI! have your kind , ~ • of e•citem@nL call &&--0361 I I * *-* BIVMfSllmolO USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID t DAILY PILOT WANT11AD ORDER BLANK AND RE>,.;H ·rHE ORANGE COASTS BIGGEST. MARKET '> '' • r N 5 SHOllT WOllDS MAKI ONE LINE-NO AD WS THAN 3 UNIS • TIMD $4.50 '5.10 16.00 PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 Pullilitll fifr •••••••••• 4•r•, ~•tl11nl119 •• , •••••••••• •• •• •• •••• •• ••••·•• Cl111lf11atl6a , ··~··••• ., ,,,, •••••••••• ,. ,,,, •• ,, •••••••• ••••••••• N1m1 , , , ,, , •• , , •, ••• •• ••• •.,.,. • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• • ...... ,... . ...................................................... . City , ••••• , ,, • , •• , • , • , •• , •• •• •• • Ph1111 • ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, •• ••, ••• •••• • • 1 ,. TIMD TlllfD TIMD - "·'° $10.65 ,.5.fO $1.21 $11.10 '211.10 , •• 76 'IS.SS ,24.H TO Pl"U COIT M •11ly •ft• w•r4 S. ••ell ,,.,. •~•"•• l11cll14e y•w ... ~.. ., ...... ...,....,. Th• cotf ef Y••t •' U 1t tk ·~ ef, tfie llH .. whlth ffl• l11t wott1 ef yeur 14 It wrl+- h11. A44 tt.OO uff• if , •• 41tlr1 ••• 1f OAJLY •ILOT In ~ wlti mallM , .. ,u ... MOTHER dnire• child ca.re * CONmETE work. Bondltd AL'S Girden.lili s er v I c e -CUT HIU -;ASTI ON TOUI ... ,non ·-----------il'I htt home Mesa Verde a: Licenttd. Concrete awt,. I;.awn ~· prden--•• .,. ••••••••••• -.....-.... _ ..... 115 --5. Pbllllpo Cemenl -Inf< "clWI upo. - 5'0-19C8 . •CUSTOM PATIOS. J~lNtSf Garde~, dlm- BABYSI'ITING My home, omc:rete sawizla A reniovaJ. pWt.e yard tet'Vite, free week da)'I, haw 3 yr old State Lie. e 80-1010 estitnatu .. S«J-.13.U d au a: ht er -C -M · area. CEMENT work no Job too JAPANESE Gardenlna, Prof ~ tmaJl. ~ble. Fret Klin~Lan~1.oapin1 BA8YSITI1NG, day o t eatim. H. Sturuclc. 54M61S Oeanup. 137"6951 rwill&' ahlft. Near Mwiolia e BEST IN <ioNCi\iTE JaJNne•• OardWr &: Warner FV. My bonw. wanm. pool dtcka, floor9. bper, compt )'~ ltl'Vice, l<Ul'15 _,:P.::atlno:::;·_:Phone:..:::::::...;"::;~=1::;4_ FrM eotlmate, Ml-1168 BABYSITl'ING my Balboa yAJili Cle a~ up . Trft home, wetkdays., Exper.1-------"'."'.':~ I mothor.C&llm-8085 ChlldC1.. 6610 ...... , ,,... *""'• oprlnlcl<n. ..-. -WQ..L Babytl~ D1Y home, COSTA Mo1& .............. . 1'.:1 wttk -.. Paularlno Aees 2 thN a. Open &45 ~I SorVloll tNJ Sclm ..... &4544fl to •·.CS PM ·PlaMed -· • r-RUTiNG • AJr Cond. Serv DEPENDA!ll,E "'1 care. "*"'· ~ "' repair, ..., w.-A PreL wkb' M of M Yf& CHIU) car. my-., week --"· :If !tr """· 1Jc. ~/ Blktr. 541-lDt days. p 1 a)' m • t I! s . Nr MS-1231or147-Mll &iii. tor """'' o< wortiins Brooldulnt • Gar fl• Id llAUIJNG, Qunup , ...... ~· "'1 homl!. Ref's. 9G-<ll98 _ odct Jobi etc. Fm Ht. Jim Cd!.I area. ~ CHIU) Cart my hnme. DUI 54MU$, -e BABYSITI'iNO, my borne A rUtn. N.8. an~ Lrl 1..;;.=-:=:.=:.:::::. __ _ ,, IUSINISS REPLY MAIL PW GI•• ...t. ... II, c.t. .._,. ~ Oran .. Coe1t DAILY l'll.01' I'. q.;ln 1NO c..t. Mao, C.llf. '*"' Cfa11~1111p1. nn """''" c..ta M.... hH w/lncd · yrdL MHl1i !ta 'MiM:tl -am.. llli' Rellablt. 341-flOI. ow. direct .,.. dlllP ... ·--· ... tlit Infant .. ,. my. homo ,.... a<i, ·u... ~t back Ud DAILY l'llnr d""""' Ex.per Mother. 54Ml21 Usttn to the phone rlnl' ~-~~.:'."''..":'.:"'..' ----1~:!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~==~======;============~~---• l ' . ' ' • . . ----·--- I •· ~· ._ ___ ...., ________ __ ===:..:::::..:=..::;:::...:==·.:::M::11n~7200:::.J~~:::!:.!'W:!Ml::IM=:.· :::"'°':::":;.:·~;= ~i.., W-7JGO ltol!t W1-Help W1nled Help WonlM JO"• & IMPl.OVMINT ~OYMINT IOU" IMILOYMINT] IOU & IMl'LOYMIHT JOBS & IMl'LOYMEHT • , ...... Ana I w-1}4fill ..!!.._-74fl0 W-7400 l9(j9 ¥ our '."Y ear· ~ • 4 ;;-- I I~pen~nce • IF you m a reeent ~liege gnduale w~ !Uture ls blocked becat11e of tllt lllt~ of bis wort or the me of 'the' OfianiutlOo ' . . OR a man now Hllinc wb9'feels bis wort> ls not lllfllcian\ly cb•Uonelng or that It dou not.of· fer adequate. Income or advancemeot poosibl, lilies or requires too much travel o~ a junior execuUve, school· teacbe,, en~eer. business owner accountant or lawyer who believes be bas'tbe·ali!U,ty to earn inore THE!'l inveatigale this opportunity to qualify for the highest recog_nlr.ed level of selling to btlllnws • and profwional groups Oul ApUtut1e· Analy· sis System wlll determl!!e you; cbance1 fyr sue<eSS in our Field. If you qualify we wlll pay you an attrac~ve salary while you learn the business arid gait> experience under SU· pervision. Your income prospecl& wlll be well ml<> five figures. Phone 5'\2-5623, Ext. 32 l or write brief pirticulors ·to Box M-655, Doily Pilot J . c. Penney Co. Fuhloo Wand Newpm't Beads ScNw Machine o.,.,..... u;,.•. t °"""""""'"' 1 111u•"' ' ' * omCE 11n111 en a nee ......... -.... .. .. ..,u , 1MMto1ATE • ._ M O.ri< 'l'\1lilt 12) "" lo lllO 'I O . OPINING WANTIW an ~~ .. ~.::::::::T~._ LADY MANAOIR, Wom'en' ,..., allO -jobo. CeffM ..... '-'" • JCM.EN 0 ....... I••-GJw 11 -._ ,,._, lll'V'- p ' I """ -hlllar-.. _ -... """' ... erMnn11n:er:ncy WncedptttQ•!lt.~ MClll.,.,. (•II fw ap- ArtabelmG!i & ~ fJr our aew cn'viilGa ottkik ptlntrnent .......... 10 1;;:=:======1""""""-4/ul .. lo •m-ll:••m., 2 pm-Holp Will!M Hun-·....., ,... oil 4 p.m. only. Warren _w_ 141111 :::iJ:~~·.1!: o.ni.. ~1100 'A'rr1N11T1°"124GIRLS . ::.-1:' i:~ ': ll-iE N "···· te ...., ., before the ...... M~ NEWPORTER INN ·~ coocem .uvt win be paMI cJuNr-·lb: -ladlH. ,..... ~ tnvel ~ N..,.n -eut coat and mktWftt ... ..,.-...... U. S. Divers Company 3323 W. Wamtr Santa Ana SENIOR Qraft•man dlvenifted, .&J1 types ol ma- ' .. • ('ObltructioG. $ 7 3 0 Merchants PeJ">•onnel. Phono 66-2770'-- SERVICE sta. .Attendant. M.och. '"'I' ..... Salley + onrim.· Vac. w/pey aft lit yr. Raj's Ph1llijil 66, 890 s. cOut Blvd, tCuna Bch_ """"*· ·-1300 aort artu with ~ eroup, Mimt be penonable ana neat. HJab sc:ioo1 edu-lmMll•~ ()penlne• in caHon not required but rnuat th• .. llowlng ~r .. 1 be -.. leant. -• "" J>ald -. 10 tra!ninc· CODING Weekly euninp $105 plUL r::tperirDCfd qr ~ in ~ b!netltl. For lnw.r-1!re I/or ~ s&.tisti. v~ see Mt. J. Edee. VW. cal codlzw. · Me.th t11tit\de Marina. -urn Baylide Dr., zieceaaary ' • NB .. 10 am-4 pm. ' PART TIME e COMMERCIAL e T&LLER UNITED CALll\ORNIA IANK ' ' til.l McArthur,etvq, Newport Beach 540-4424 lATING ExpeQelJClld Qt' trainee. Rat· Ina: our pollcles ~ a Jood math apUtude· A: plea. llllt phone per90Nillty. E.qUll opportunil;y emploYtr Personnel Asst. te $50I ATTRACTIV!. woman to Good ah, typing J: dictapbtlne train u 'ftgutt .counaelor, + ieneral office knowledge. must have allln figure, like Must be mature &: like to work with public • .f h:iur people. da.3. $154: mooth apply 430 ExcellOJ\I free benefit&. Permanf:nt, s t t a d y work. Our policy is promotion from witli- in. Your future is de- termined entirly . bl you. New modern o • fice, friendly, pleasant atmosphere. S.Cret•ry $450 Pacific Coast Hwy, Newport Excellint opporttmU;y for an Be-:•::rh:_ _____ _ attnctive girl with top skilla. * OPERA TORS * Ill's -LVll's Alclts SUplile Col11ni1l Conwal~enl HoJP. Now '9Wnfrs!ilp & 1\1~ ... ... -. T"t> st1rti"1 P1y. lill shifts. . ._ MA.Jon CALIFORNIA BANK seeks steoo/t,yipat for ,trust dept. Mun take dictatlon, aaalat o1Jicer, enjoy cuato.mer contact Permanent c a r e e r op- portunity far q u .a l l fie d person. Salary com- mellSurate with ability and experience. Contact W. G. Pre"'1all Newport Center Branch Security Pacific Nat'l. Bank 550 Newport Center Dv. Newport Beach Lldlel • we need ~ a\llf. Hot .. fill ... a1 .... jobs .. Ottlc.1 1n the ~ c::ow.. ty mu. ~ aow. tor ltbort trrm or 1cq-term jobs -"' ,...,. home. SPOTLIGHT JOBS -TEMPORARY- COME IN TODAY Anaheim 1'184: W, Llncoln Santa Ana Ph. 540-4125 Costa Mesa 2700 Harbor An Equal ()pportunlly Employer Newspaper Artist Experienced in finished wash and line. Layout and pa.steup knowledge helpful. Permanent. 642-4321 or 540-1220 Ext. 210 DAILY PILOT -. ~WSIFllED INDIX. • , ..... -... ".-:t - DIAL DIU(jl' 84Wt71 MOUSES FOR SALE _,., "'""' ............. .... •1 INDUIT·I~ ,aoNaTY "" MMfllM. ................... 1. COMMUCIAIA&.aUTA&., ... , ... ,::: COllA MSU. ,.,,,,,., .. ,,,..1111 llitOUITI la ....... AMI Ma1A l>IL MA& .............. IMf ~S _r ···""""'"'' ..... . ••SA v1ao• ................ 111• lANC;'Hu ......... """""'''~~: cou••a , .... ,. ............ 1111 clTitut ••ova ............ . NIWPOltT ISi.CM ............ Utl .cllMI •·· ........ _ .... .. JllWl'O&T IC•IOMTI .......... 1UI u•• 1ui-.1....l.ti ............. ... .... LAO& COYliS ., ..... ,, ... 1Zll llSCHlT rlWlllTT ... ,. ..... _ NIWHIT 1 .. 11 ........... tat OLUlll>e £0. PIWftT't ..... - a.t.VCll!ST ................... 1m ~T OF n.tT& ''°"t ........ = UY'SMOlll ,. ............... 1121 ~OUNfAIM j e:.11a """"ait £i;f:L~.i:•ss,;::::::::::::;·;:; ~~~·~~::;, 11~.C'j".'.' .. '.u-u MAllHI: Nl•KLAMOI ........ 1W t.IJ. IXCNAMO• ............ .. UNIVl!ISln' ,All( ........... 11:11 1. a , WANT&O ............... AMI llVINI ...................... llM BUSINESS •n4 ait.e1t iav ...................... ,.. FINANCIAL EASTllU'P' ............... tsn l&VINI T&llU.C9 ...... , ... ,.lad &Ul!INISI 0''01\'"UH"llS .. .. COION.l OIL MAI ....... ,.,.ltJe •USl!>llSI W~ID ........... .. I AL&OA ,IJOllSULA .,.,',.,,.IM tNVl!STMIMT ~-... ~ &UCON UV .... .-............ I• INVllTMINT.W,\inlD ...... INU IAV 111.ANCll .............. ,.,1tsl MOMIY' TO LOAN ............. .. LIOO ISi-i ., ................ IUI Pl:IO'MIAL LOAl>IS ..... ,.,,,.,.-U I ALIOA ISi.ANO ,.,. .. ,,,, ••• IW JliWILIV LOANS ...... ,. ..... &»t NUNTIN•TOM IU.Cll ....... IM CO'-LATll .tl. I.GANI ,.,, • .,.,6Ut KUNTlllOTON MAllOUll ..... 1M>S llU.L l!STAft LOAMI ........ OM llOUllTAIN VAu.IY .......... 1•1 MOl:TU•IS. Tnnf ~ •••• 4* llAl. aucN ................. IUI MOHl't WAMT9:D ... .. IUNSIT au.CM ............... t4JS ANNOUNCEMENTS ..... DIN ••ova .............. 141t LONO IHCN .................. t.Mt •nd NOTICES UUCIWOOO ................... 1Nt HMJNO ( ...... Alll) ,,.,,,.,. .. .... l:MlANQ COUNTY .......... r..1 ... , _, ... --•coo....., Ull -~ ..................... .. -· 0 "' • ............ , 14tl ,llSONALI .......... ,.,, .. ,.,'4111 OUT Oil ITATI '................ ANNOUNCIMINTI ............ "1• IT.ANTON ,,,. .............. lf11 SlllTHS ...................... '411 WllTMINSTI• ............ ,. •. 1•11 l'UNE•ALS ................ ~.'41t MIDWAY CITY ......... : ....... 161' PAIO OllTUAl'f' .............. '4U U.WTA ANA .... , ........ ,,,.1f?9 JfUNl:IAL DllllCTOl:S ,,. .... '4H IANTA AN.l NOTS. ............. 1'3 l'LO•llTI . . ., ......... ,.6'11 OIU.NOI ...................... lUJ CAID °' TNANKI ... , .. ,,.,..'41' TUSTIN • ............. ,. ... ! .. IN MIMDllAM ~ '417 NOtTH TUSTIN ............... 1"5 ClMITl!•Y LOTi·:::::::::::::'41t AHANEIM .............. lut CEMl!TllY CIVl'TI ,. ....... '4lf SILVllADO CANYON .,,, ..... IW CEMETll•V CIVPTS ,. .... ,..'411 LAGUNA KILU ................ u• ClllMATOlll!S 6ftt LAGUNA &lit.CH .............. 1111 MEMDllAL ,A11ts'" ........... IUl LAGUNA NIGUEL ............ 1107 '""'°"' '""""''••-I.AN Cll:Ml!NTI! 1111 · ............. - SAN JUAN CAPllT1lA°N0°::::::1nt AVIATION SllVICI .......... "1l C •• '.' •• "o •"'"H 11'1 TIA.VIL ., ............... tu! ~ ......... Al• TIANSPOl:TATION ....... "41 DANA POINT .................. Int AUTO TIU.NSPO•TATION ..... '441 CAILSIAD ..................... 1141 Lf.OAL NOTICIS ...... .ut OCIANSIOI! ................... 11$1 Ol!lMAN a TllTO•lNO ...... '4tt I.AN OllGO .............. 1111 lllVl!ISIOI! COUNTY ......... 1 .. SERVICE DIRECTORY ~g~g~~N~U~ MOVl!O ...... ;: ACCOUNTING · ...... 6Mf • I!' ..... "' 1m ANIWl!llNO Sill VIC& ....... .... :~:~~~=~.:.0:0~ ~L1 ·::·::1t1t ~LIA.NCI! lll,Alll:S. Par11 .. '5lf RENTALS Al'HALT, Ol1it ................. 6$211 AUTO lll:PAl•S ............. U*t Houses Furnished AUTO. s..t .. m.. Tth. iic. 6J4t &AIYSITTINO • .. ....... 1511 Ol!NEIAL .. .• . ........ tllf IOAT MAIP'TINANCll ........ fSSS 1ENTAL$ TO SHAii ......... :NOi lllClt, MA.CNIY', •le. ... , ... '56f COSTA Ml!IA ......... , ..... 21M •USINESS SEIVtclS ........ fJn MESA DEL MAil .............. 1111 IUILll&•S .................. U)f AtESA VEIOEtlll CA"rllllotG 4S7S COLLIOI PA•K . .,.,,.,,,,,..tllJ CAllNETMAICINO ............. ... u .. 11111 -°""""' for Indivfciual to' .etup and aper-Beaut.Uul ollices & nice V.P. Spoi'tlwear. Full or pt tilne. ate B .t-ls ·# 00 9Cl'n"· ma-for b:lu .. · • Top Jll1, no Jay-ofls. 4001 For Details and App't #ime, .-ble·of _,_ Keypunch Optr te·$47S G. B-N.B., 1 b1k. E. Call Collect • Slenoarlpher-$•so ""'0" '"'" ............ -.......................... .... • Nl!'WP'OIT HGTI ............... 2111 CIMINT, C.CrN ........... ,t.HI Nl!'WPOIT SHORl!S .......... 2211 CHILD CAii, lk•llllffl ........ '411 WAITRESSES *BUFFERS* articles and . matntaiblng Top opp6rtunity, lor a fine ol O.c. airport. PERSONNl!L Rtton~ ....,.,.......,.,.._ • poxlucfl<•>.-. nn mall llrm, 1 y•ar experl""" ,... Tt..,.,_ roct(lllon 1213) 384~1213 All Shifts Apply in person """'10 all -...,. Ex~t~--·&Dall~· qulnd. work$1.6Shr. FulltllM r.m<L Competativo waa· ~-Socroltry $450 & port time. Coll Mr. D ny' R sl ... ........... ....... ~"'--Start wllh • ""' ••""'!'!' . ."!' K,i.his -~ UNIGARD en s e 1uranl includlqr,protit~,. 5kl9Q..lK :,~~:--.A.=,SEWJNG MA .Cl!INE INSURANCEGROUP • 11477BetCh81vd. APPLY IN PERSO~:\ :· . ' -~1»9-~r 'st • Receptionist to, S400'. OPERATORS. ~rlenced. . . : Huntington Beach Mon-Fri 10amto5,pm .,.•. dii\i-Meli9'z626 'A pretty face Ir pol~ Wm Aeply: J~~ _,INC. • t -.-.. • -. .... ""' ... , '°' ~""· """ s. 0 "'· ..... Ana g WAITRESSES J C PEmRV (ii_ .. -~An ~ .• . 'ty PBX Rtcpl ~ -IO.J PM. ' • UWKI v. "'"~ ... ~~em~ Experience with coi:d-.bciard -'-a=-..... -'-~.,,-~~,---.,...--.~--1 24 Fuh1on lslll:-: · '· 1 · '·'-· . • • + Ugbt typizw &: fi\fna: abU: Mfr ~· Pmn pot1tion. Xlnt · equal _ .... , .. 1 l.t.• · ity. Good location. Bood ott-benefits. Advancement OP_P. An op...,. ...... ~ , . 'l --· · ice Contact Mn. H o .b 1 o n em.111o)'er •• ·IT:Ji..5..'fl ''' s. ~2101s .a.itadaySA l---,.=-....--~·~1 · .. ;.!~~UCEMEN WE HAVE MANY 0THrn CURTAIN •' di op~ r ~ CAaEl!R ., . .,.,, . -466,7 '.t; $I09 per mo •. FINE LOCAL OPl'Oft.' oaled"""s; exp.; apply f>j. OPPORTUNITY'·. :· ·" TUNlTIES, S 0 ME ARE· 2/14th. 11 to 2 pm. Udoff'1, Huboral'ft 1DmrUee ~ AGE: 21.Jl up· to 35 with *P-"J'EE J>AID BY n1E EM-Home Furnllhlnp Co., So. cy ia 1ookirw: fir. men to.~ ~ eiperience. HElGRT: PLO YER.· SOME FEE BY Coast Plau. ,C.M: mme members of its tinP; .:s,~· ~pm. w.EIG}fl': in APPLICANT, YOU MAY MALLIE'$ WIGS dal aerv1ce. team. W'° ,are_,\~ 'to betaht PHYS. CHOOSE! Hu openinp for 1ooldna for sales orieirte4 .lCAL : · '"ftEQUlREMEN'I'S: people, ooUoge ............ ·llllh ocbnn1 .......... valld NEWPORT Hair Styllltl 6 ~~ •. No __ ...._ .c.w. . . operaton llcenle, u.s. WI&' &/or wl&:let atyllsts. LllllChton Apply in person Tuel thru Fri STUFT SHIRT· Restaurant 2241 'ii. Coed Hwy. Newport Beech ADMINISTRA TIYE SECRETARY No ~ .~ Please SECRETARY . $456-$$50 ' • Secretary ·to Dept bead. Must: tie 1harp. type 60. shortharid .100, minlinum 3 ye1rs exper. Advancement opportut\itiea., group insut'- ance plan &: .paid vacation, sick 1eaye etc. Box P 6S'Z Dally Pilot. General oUlce duties for me- dium size Corona del Mar in- sun.nce oUice? Pleasant sur- roundings, Paid fringe bene- fits. 371Ai hour week. No shorthand required, but good typlng a neeessity. Excellent potential for advancement. Age range 30-50. Call Mrs. Michael, 673-2510. SOUTH LAGUNA AttracU ve, well g r o o m e d lady for office &: aome re. ceptionlllt duties in Pacific lsland Village, Laguna Nlg. uel. Prefer exper:ienced but will train. For app't, call (1) 49'-1243 M.\TURE, EXECUTIVE TY P E RECEPTIONlST/ SECRETARY for orthodon- tic oUice. Dental Ottice ex- perlel\Cf! n o t necessary, 642-lli30 &AYS HORES ................ 2225 CONTIU.CTOll:S ............ '°9 OOVEI $HOIES ............... 1221 CAIPl!T Cll!AN1NO .......... UIS W1!5TCLIFF .............. 2211 CAltfllT I.AVINO & IEP'All .. ,. UHIVl!ISITY P'AllC ........... 2'W D ... PEllES .................. MM llVINI ....................... tull OEMOLITION ............ .,., . .W IAST •LUI', ................ 2141 OIU.P'TINO lllVICI! .......... MJ7 llVINI TEllU.Ce ........... nu llECTalC.tt.. ............... ··"" COlllOMA DEL MAR ........... 2250 ECMll,MDT ltlNTALS ....... iWJt •ALIDA ...................... till ,ucn•o ...................... UM LIDO ISll .................... nn PlOOltS ........................ "'5 &A\'" ISL.ANDI ................ ~ 'UINACl! lll!PA UfS, Etc. ,., .. Wt IAL&OA ISLAND .............. :USS P'UlNIT!Jltl IESTOllNO lllAST &LUF, .................. 1242 II ltlPINl5HINO NJI IACK IAY ..................... !ffil OAIDINING • ., ...... oMM BACK &AV . . ......... JMt GINEIU.L SllVICl:I ......... . HUNTINGTON aEA(K ......... 14'1 G ... DIN .. DISCING ........... Ulf FOUNTAIN YALLIY .......... Ult 01..lJS ......................... IH• Sl!AL &EACN ............... '451 Oltl!IN TttUMI ................ ,. LONG IEACN ................. 1:511 OUN,SNOP ................. •no OlloU(DI (OUNn' ............. fflll Hl.\LTH CLlllS .............. "21 SANTA AHA ................... :Ult KA.UU,_. , , , , ............. •1ll WESTMINSTEll .•.•.•.• , ••••• , .Mii MOUSECllANINO ..... , •••••. 112:1 MIDWA\'" CITY ................. 2111 INTlllOll OICOIATING ..... '1» SANTA ANA HllJHTS ........ 2'Jt INCOMI f A)( . .. .......... 1'11 COAS\'"AL . , .................. 2111 lltON.~l•I. Etc, ........ 1111 U.OUHA &EACH .............. 2705 lltONIMG ..................... 11» LAGUNA HIOUIL ............. 2711 INSULATU .................... ,, .. U.N CLEMENTE ........... 2111 IN1UIANCI ................... 1771 SAW JUAN CA,ISTIANO ...... 2nJ IMYISTtoATINO, Dmd!YI ... 17111 Ut'1STIANO SLllCK ... , ..... 27>1 J.AMnOllAL .. . ........ 11't DANA POINT . . . .......... 1141 JIWll&V ll!PAllt, l!le. ...... 1 ... llVEISIDE COUNTY ........ WI L&lllOICAPING ................ Ult VACATION ltEN"'l'ALS ......... 2"1 \.OCltJ.MITM ................. 1.12~ SUM.MEit ltl!NTAU , ........ 2'11 MASONllV, l•ICIC ........... llDD COHDOMINIUM .............. nst MOVINO & IT0 ... 01 .... .,.,.61ff DUflll!XES ,lllN. ............ ms PAINTING, ... --.1111111 ...... 6UI RENTALS PAINTIMO, lltlftl ............... "55 Hous.s Unfurnl'shod PATtOI ..................• ,..Ult P'KOTOOIAP'HY .... , ....... 11 Ol!NEIAl , ............... ;ustl!llND. ,,tell, •u•lr . "" COSTA MISA ............... 11111 PLUMllNO ........... Ifft ... ~..... .......,......_ Personnel Ag•nc~ Call ,....... neceaauy. we will tpm. dtb!n. File application at ••• D D N This ii a llllried M1H jSo1i.. Qty H.D., 8200 Wntminlter _, over r., ' ' LADIE.5: FREE JEWELRY $536. to $631 . tion with an opportunity f« Ave., Westminster, Calif,; '42-3170 S4f..274l for 6 CUPS OF COFFEE Requirements: U.S. citiun- .SECRETARY: 5 yrs. min. CUrrent work exp. Exp. in elec typ (50 wpm), dic- taphone, calc I: m1meo. Sharp at ~. stat repts Ir: oU proced~s. Neat, personable & outgoing. ~1, M-F. 1-girl otf. Work w/community leaden. Put your time &: talent into aervlce for others. HB O>m- rn unity Olest. U.25 hr. Begin 2-1'Z. 642-2500 MESA Ol!L MAit .............. JIU DOOLI OllOOMINO • ,. ....... 6"1 Jobs-Men.. Wom. 7500 MllA VEIDE ................ 1111 POOL SIEIVICE ............ lnl COUl'GI! ,AllC ............ 1115 POWl!I SWllP'ING ........... 1111 unlim.Ued future eamJ.rw:t.! ~ February ·~. 19&9, 540-6695 530-1407 abip, ftft ynn secretarial All replies confidentlal c.J1 p.m. 545-0272 962-3730 experience, two years col-J, C. Penney OJ. Fashion Island Newport Beach or writo Tbomu Doylo • (n4) 89345Jl ox! "'5 MISS EYI:( Al!Dl'Y 546-71'2 ''"'· •horthand 90 wpm, typ. ~ UUt\ ing 50 wpm. Apply at: Assoc. 1500 AdlllllB, Colt.a MATURE dental assistant, West(nlnstH Mesa or 546-1370. Fff P•kl over 25, cha ir side &: front Scheol Dlstrkt • F Ry COOK • fWPPlllG' & desk exp. Send resume to 11as openin&' for . JfJ1 Seely/Sal" .......... lo 1563 14121 CEDARWOOD WANTED · , .. 10 , •. · Payroll (split) ........... ~ P. o. Box 28. So. Laiuna WESTMINSTER * COOK * Coffee Shop, Day lhift-T Ito 3 , ~ :;_ :hunVlllG Sec/Personnel , ••••• to $500 PERMANEN't Po s I t I o n , p.m., 6 day week. Med. inL 1Cl\EI Secretary ............ ; • $5Clt b:lulkle&ilinr &: ironing, aft 30 days. $26. shift to • Dictaphone Secty • , .• to $500 private home, C.M. Call Recent successful experience in all phases of food indU5- try is required. Competatlve wages, outst&nding benetiU inclvding prolit sharing. start. Mlllt be ta.st, rat and Orange County Ace~ Qerk (split) •••• $500 -"64l-:;:,c:TI::62"===-~~-I able to control COit.' Call ' · Aerospaoe Manu!acturer Genenl Oillce • , •• , , to ~!Hi HOUSEKEEPER, live in, 893-SSlS, lD am to 2 pm only, Has opening for a take-Key punch verifier •.•• $494 Sp. speakin& OK. Prefer PBX OPERATOR RN-LYN 3 to 11 & 11 to 7 Shifts New Convalescent hospital to open 2nd week in Fetr nwy. Young Men Travel 11 to 24 NEED three bo)'a to travel a atatn and retum. Trans- portation furnished. $300 per month to at.art. must tie abl'e to leave immediately. See Mr. J, Edge, Villa Marina. 10".: &.yaide Dr., NB., lD am-4 pm. BUSBOYS & DISHWASHERS Fuii tlm• Over 18 APPLY IN PERSON llOB'S 0 BIG BOY 154 E. 17th St. Costa Me.aa e lNSTRUCI'ORs -Full or/&bd part time. Neat &Po' pea.ranee. Must be able to meet ard d"'1 wllh the public, gond ..,,..._ Apply in pulOn, HoHda,y Hftltb" Spa. 2300 -Blvd., C.M. MEN Learn &: e.arn $150-$250 per week plus, No experience n e e e a 1 a r y. Proleulonal ln.lnins ln lft•tiae work, No door lmoclcing, our c usto- men call UI. For appt. Call 9:30 to :12. 526-6616 SALES Proi:notion M~r -""'lion --In the area ot eonsumer promotions. $2l,500 per year. Merchantl Pe~ --mo--SALESMEN ' Mml be rtea4Y, ~ - 11111 -...,., A,pty "' pn'IOQ. a.Ilk ... 'hm GRANT'S~ lll'ORE 1!50 N ....... -Cj4. Car Wcnll tt.lp Full time ot Wlmllllt. M10 ... ll,ap111Yln- LIOO CAR WAsR -£. lltll °""' M-e Atn'OTRDIMER e Expa:iftlcle-....... ~ ' SGrw., HwActon ---iUi. ...,./llllll_ to -dqtboe. s.. Mr. ...... , +l Mr. tltnk,"" charse type individual in Purch Secty (split) .... $450 some Engl. Udo I s le . their shipping and receiving Oig order C1k {split) •• $400 673-7677 Work inc I u d es heavy typing & s o m e Automotive Bookkeeping. · dtpartment Must ba~ !'e'-Receptloniat ••.•..•• to $400G --IRL'---full-h-.m -•• --.,-,-... --. rent e x per i e n c e, Send Girl. Friday (splUJ •• to $400 aell window shades. We reswM a n d salary re--Recep/clerk typ (split) • $350 ..,__ quiremeD~ to Box ~f-616 Messe..,,.r .• •• ,., ...• lo ,.,'K train. Custom Shade ;:1rw.1p, Pil .... ~ _.., 3635 East Coast Hwy, CdM. ·The~ ot. Appllc•nt P1..y1 F•• Roy Carver Ponti1c RDll:lll'.I a r PLUG • Exoc Seely .......... · · 1600 IKllVUU Tech mustrator· (Ftt , reimbt11'9ed ............ $600 &MOlD BUll.DfRS Ex" s.cw ., ......... , ssoo Secret&ry • .. .. • • • • • • .. • $475 . boats nd Secretary .............. $450 111 t!i.s In~ntory Control •. to S450 1~ Cany~ Accts Payable ...... to $450 with eXperience can.. Must ha See "Rick" at Meu. or call ~tary ' • ' . ' ' • ' ' ' • . . . $425 Hostess/Bank •.••••.• to S350 PT Secretary ........ $3. hr Drive. C.OSta .....,,. WANTED: Aggressive, ef- ficient, e.xperie~, Front Kl M444 desk girl for Dental oftc. J'"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""' 892.-8612 BUSINESS b Good! GAL.S, I have an idea! Small Jamaica Inn Hotel needs housecleaning b u s I n e s s • 1 ar 2 more maids: tun Let's get our be a d s or part time. Apply in together! 642-2812 penon. 2101 E. Coast Hwy, .::!:::'.*~M~AN::;;A,:;G;;ER;,..-,*--J ~Or call for app't Jr. Sports\\<ear 1hop, Bal. Isl. 2 Qu llfl -• W Exp'd. ClothifW ules nee. • -omen Call 673-8l2:I e\'6. for appt. Could yoU spare ten houri a 410 W. Col.!t Hiibway MANAGER • Small dress week ,if you were paid $6S. N~ Beach 646-3939 hop Ov 35 Xlnt d--for it· U IO, call Mrs. Hen- ME CHAN IC USED CAR °""" Sal&cy 'ltAY VINES Chrysler·P lymouth 527-2341 543'663 "'DISHW ASHER"' Secretaries, many • , to $645 Girl Friday ........ to $600 Personnel Aul • .. .. • lo $600 Med front &: back • • to $450 Med Transcriber ...... $435 Tmtt Bond Oerk ••.• to $400 EXPE RIENCED Tmoe Lopl Sec ...... S38S Phone Calls Typlsts, many ...... to $375 No SURF &.S 5930 Pacific IRLOIN ~Steno ............ $333 Coll.It Hwy N.B Trnee Gen OUice ... , •• $325 ., ' Trnee Nlirses alde1 •. , • $286 CIVIL • lh'altAmon . f 1 · er · ~...... drix, ~ • bet'Y.'een 2 I; sa1es exp, 526.-673& eves. 4, tor personal interview. RELIABLE Babysitter need· * SECRETARY * ed by working mother; Bal Com t t in typ' &: SH lal. area. C&ll aft 5. 673-5636 Req~n t"esponsib~ pel'llOll GIRLS wtth can for lite with Initiative. Of I er s deUverY. Mr. Garnett, steady, aeeure employment 549-0051 with Wt..growllia mtg. con- ADV. SALES cem ,.,_.,., High Income Potential COMBINATION, Sharp Bar 494-5469 Maida 6: Go Go 06ncert. HOUSEKEEPER. Qy."' rm., Top wages $3.~.50 to TV. 2 IChool age children. start. Ph. for Int 5'5-9983 APPLY IN PERSON 393 Hospital Rd., N.B. (Acrou from Hoag Hosp.) rECru:rARY • of r 1 c e Manager for Oil & Gas Co. Good aborthand &: dictation skills ttqulrtd, top salary. For interview appt, phone 540-8435. or send resume to Cameo Petroleo Co. 4500 Campus Drive, Suite 344 N.B. SECRETARIAL SERVICE Would you like to operate your own business'! Unlim- ited income to eneri{!tic sec- retary. Salary guaranteed. Built-in cllenteU". Call Mr. Nattress 642-1485 Costa Mesa HOSPITALITY HOS"I'FSS is looking tor mature women to welcome newcomers to the community. Must have typewriter, car, and be bon- dable. Apply 285 E. Main. Suile 7, Tustin Calif . ......,, BABYSlTI'Ek Wanted, my home, 5 dayl per wk. 8--6:30, 5 children, 4 In school. Saluy -open. F.V. area. Call 53t..JJ>5 an & Mechanical Design Trnee Ad Taktr •• , , •• $286 or 0 r a n re Factory .. . . ... • to $2.Sl hr Su FranciKo County .,. an!&, Min. 2 yn experim:e. ALLSET AG ENCY full duties, 548--4447 SASSY LASSY, Zi01 Harbor, MANICURIST aood ·'-"-"=·====--.= pm. tunity ln n~ salon~ WOMAN pensioner wanted to ARE YOU HAPPY wmr Call aft 3, 833-0350. Sta¥ w1th Mother of work1nl YOU? A P4l1't 'ttme career Salary ope:n, Phone 776-BTlO Costa 1.tesa. fULL • ""' wam.d.Top time help Cl w' 19th wages. chance 642-6752 nt. • for advance-me. 'METRO CAR WASH womu, no care miWttd· tn fuhion and glamour can W~F.S. Part: time. Private room I: board bling xlnt, earning!! and a Ov\or 21 Call fumlahed. 64&-2516 o r challenging ea.reer. 61S--5l95 5'5-8863 548--5210 or 962-1910 :l!l50 -PERM. PART ~er. MAIDS WANTED l=~=~===-- TJME COOK..!--------:13111 "'""°" Blw.. Co'1a e BUCK PRESSER e LAD!&'! 11 1o O> "'°" Sarah Pnvbls m. Mewa.. Appl)' tn pmion. Eqlerie~!,.~portswear, Ooventry Spring &: all Blvd CM. Garden Grovt 12291 Harbor Blvd. ~ lllilullonal ...., belptul bul e KEYPUNCH e ~ ,...,. Jowolzy luhlom, Apply in person 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday thru Friday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 F•ahion Island An equal opportunity employer Roal Estate S•lu Men & Womon Expanding again. OUJce # 4 openings available for licensed men &: "WOmen. In- stant Income &: training. Mr Gardner. S p r l n 1 Realty, S40<ll24 SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES We're looking for ha.intylists w/followlng. Top working cond. 60-65 I: TO% Comm. For interv i ew 642-0844 or 968-4622, REAL ESTATE. Sh:luldn't you be seWng the hottest area Huntnigton ~ch'! Village Real Estate 962-44.n or 546-8103 HAIRSTYLIST, oppty to bet- ter yoor income by renting space. New Shop CdM Call alter 3 pin 833-0350. APl' Manager. :10 wrlll • Laguna Beach Near ocean, Older couple wf exp. pref. Live in. Reta desired. Call 6'1r>-10'17 aft 6 pm. MOTEL Managers, oouple. Salary apl. For 30 unit motel. No experience need- ed. Inqulre 642-3030 ~1223 OPERATORS GIRL FRIDAY. rt:n o!fltt JAY-MAR, INC. absolutely no · lnvt's~nt, ~~~-1 Experlenced Alpha I N work. Locll TV store. 2907 So. oak, Santa Ana M train. 847-1567 or SEU.J.NG AVON rs FUN! band. ~ 1,...,. um. 6'1a-145.& (3 to 3 PM) 54G--0614. Ask for Donna F.am u you learn! n.. •• bill• not~ .. Cali 2 or 3 ~Ptec. JOE'S :1184 ...-.. term ual(nme.nla, • .., .,. vd. t.K. See days. Lore Beach area. nee HOUSEKEEPER mothers PAYROLL clerk. for large EXECUTIVE secretary make friends, Territory parklnc. k]per, matur•, Jive in Seal national company. Pluh Good &kills, front ottlce ·~ openl.ngt near yoo. Call be 21.. PAPA Newport Ill a..u.1 ...,;..,. Station KELLY SERVICES INC. 1!eocb 1213> GE 01~ N•wport .....,. ol!l<e -,.......,., !600. M..-chanu I ~54()-"=""1""'0<~546-S.141.::.:::.;:_ __ ,,,..,,...., abDi 230 E. 3rd = TYPISr $315. bca1 phone =' M~ ~a: ~= pbobe 60-mO ~~:~~~ ~ 1197 P\acentia • Lcq Beach, 16-2170. Mudwlts Pero>-Phone 645--mO _ SfS..6685 F1JU. TIME .... -ti; Appl.' c.M.. (213) ml79l ntl LADIES 19 to TO earn $25 boun for medical research. EqUll opportunity e~ HOUSEKEEPER I: child PHONE S)UCl'I'mG to S1® wk w/c at I an m 633-9393. et Ul. ~:1~ EXEC. SECT'Y. a $550 catt, LJVE.IN, P.R. As.. Nolfol~~ll"'lh ~-:?;, IJngerie. Equal Oppty t.ttettme Gtn, typewriting. -~~.i~,_,, j To Ata,.P,ilnl DUttlOr $50. a nek. ~ ......,. -" ,.. _,,, Employtr, No exp nee. Call Chll~n. grandchildrf!fl, or PIAHT Main ~--.... .:..; ~ Good lldllt; ability to Of"' Harbor, Coe:ta Mtu ~10 am or H pm. ~ )-ourself! I n d I v Id u a I t y CIDllttOl.local, pnise. Some~. Santa' WATOt JCMll' ·rv sbowa OL SL75 HR,. lite cleaa1n1 tufon!d Ollloot.t 10 lesson. Merdanta Ptnoo-Ana lfOWlh co. Emplo)w &ht Id 10U fmd tn the ~ Dir. s Hal! ~ PIE ~ wor1t; NI optr. typing school. 173 Del Mar, -.ml Pl.Yt 1" tee.. Rdmbunes 'ii Otu!hed Adi. OW1c thtm rt. Own trans. 546-mt ntte.sa., ~-time to 1tart., -""-'-"-""-'-'""'=---- PliOllUCi10H ... 'mi,'fh- man lliH&d. fee 90 d hO'lf. 2545. Apply, &isan Lynn i. • t t I , , R. ~ _. __ ,._ SCH 0 0 L GIRL FOR Pies, JSlD Baker, C. M . • On, \'"• ..-.... ...., IUIN\,;, ~~-I'll' DUt7 PDnt Want Ada. HOUSl.'WORK. -vkfnity !Ind ruu. -""'-llMcn . PART·Ttfl.fE Bookkeeper wanlt'd NEWPOIT &EACN ............ itef P'UMP SIAVICE ............... 1111 NEWPOllT MONTI ............. 221• 11:00,ING ...................... &HI NEWPOIT SHO&IS .......... mt IU.DIO, lt-lrl. lk. .......... MJll &AVSKOllS ................ 2225 REMOOELIHG • REP'Allt '9'11 OOVElll SHORES ............... ml R.f:MODlil!HO, ICITCKaNS ... DU WESTCLIPF ............... Hlt ICISSOltS SNAl,IN ...... : ... ,ffl lllOVElllTV ,AIK ........... '237 SEWING . . .. . ............. lflt ltVINE •. . ............. 2231 Sl!WINO MACKINI! ltlPAlltl ''12 llVINI Tl!llU.CI! ............ J2U Sl!PTIC TANKS. S.W...., 11'-··'UJ COIOHA DEL MAA ........... JUI JAILOlllNO ............... m IAL&OA ................. SHI ~IMtTI (ONTIOL .......... •tn IAV llLANDS ................. )llf TtJ/111, Ctrl'"k ................ ff74 LIDO ISLE ............... m1 TILL Ulltllum. M9rtii. ...... ms &AL&OA ISi.ANO .............. :ms ltll SlltVICI . , .......... lftll NEWPOIT WEST ........... 121t TELIVISION, ltlHlr .. Ilk. ... l !'U NUNTINOTON &EA(H ....... )411 UPltOUTllY ................ a'91 HUNTINGTON HAl&OUlt ..... >411 Wll-01NG . . . 1tts ,OUNTAlN VALLEY .......... Mii JOBS & EMPLOYMENT IDL IEACH ............... MSI JOJ WANTED" Mtll OAIDEN GlltOVI .............. MJS Joa WAHTEo' w ............ JtOI LONG IEACH ............. tJOI JOB WAHTEo ' trrMa ........ 712t Oll:ANGe COUNTY ............. Ult MIN & WO EN SANTA ANA ................... Mlt DOMl:STIC : ............... 71M WESTMINITEI ....•...••..••.. Ml! AOl!NCllS ,:;;,,,' .............. JIU MIOWAV CITY ; Ml• M • ..... .,,. ... ,..71M SANTA AMA HEIGKTS ·:::::::::MJI A:lP WANTl:D, Mel' ..... .,,,,1211 COASTAL .............. 11" HE~~c..:,~5NT";.':" .......... not LAGUNA llACN .............. '705 JO&S--MH a v,/ W•-... .,.740I LAGUNA HIGUIL ............. 1711 AGENCIES -.......... nM SAN CLEMENTE .............. mt SCHOO•• a'"°,," & W-, ... 1SH CAPISTRANO .......... J7U .. STlllCTION .... UOI CAP'llTllAHO &EACK ........ :na :~· ,REPAAATION ........... 71111 OANA ,DINT , ........... 1141 EATll:ICAL .. .. .......... nM CONDOMINIUM .............. ,,,. MERCHANDISE FOR DUP'LEXES UHl"Ull:N .......... JflS SALE AND TRADE SUMMl!ll: IENTALI , ......... :tttS RENTAL!> ,URNITUlllE . . .......... ... A F • h 0,,ICI' 'UINtTUlll! ........ •1t pta. urn1s td OFFICI! IOUIPMEHT ........... 11 OllNl!IAL .................. 4MI tl~~I l:QUIPMENT .......... IGU COSTA MESA .................. '1111 IAll it IESTAUll:AHT ......... te14 MESA VERDE .............. 4111 KO CIUl,MENT ............ IOU Nl!W,Oll:T IEACH ........... :4700 OA~S~HOLO GOODS .......... I021 NIWPOll:T KllGKTS .......... 4711 , A I SALii' ............. IM'n HEWPOIT $KOlltES .......... 42'MI A URN1TUll:E AUCTION ........ ID2S Wl!!STCLtFI' ..• . ........ ., 0 4Uf AP,L1ANCl!I .................. tlN llHIVERUTY PAll:IC ......... 'ti*J 1NTIQUl!S ................. , 1111 IACK &AV ................ '.:tiM ,,,_EWING MACNINI ........... :11t11 EAST ILU,, ............ 4N:ll , UIKAL INSTlllUMaNT ...... 1111 COIONA. DEL MAit ........... 4Uf 11:l~NOS & OltOMfS ....... , .... IUll IAL&OA .... ,........ ...... f IO ........... , ... ,,..,, l'tl IAY ISLANDS ................. 42" HELIVISION ..... , .......... .,:mt ~~~cilL~SLANi:i'''''.'.".'.'.'.'.:·: •. !lli rl·:~ &ll:~;~:iii''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'':: HUNTINGTON IEACH ......... 4400 ~AMEltAS A EOUIP'Ml:NT .... hOt :OUNTAIN VALLIY .......... 4411 S~&I\'" SUPPLllS ............. MM EAL IEACN .................. 44Jf I OITINO 00001 ............ .,_ LONG &EACH ............... 45111 MINOCULAIS, SCOPES ....... :IWI OllAHOI! COUNTY ................. MISCELLANEOUS ............. MM GARDEN GROVE ............. 4'11 ,,J,,SC. W"HTl!D ............... Nll WISTMIN5TEI ....... ,,.,,,,."4'1! LU CHIHIEIY, lilc. ...... .,,. •. 17111 11\IDWAY CITY ,,,,, ........... 4'1• ST:•E• ................. ene l.ANTA ""'" ................. ..,. 1u1~? .. 1 ................... 1n 1 ;AHTA ANA Kl!IONTI ......... -SWAH 0 MATlltlALI ...... 11" ~lI~~L ···: .. ·:::::::::::::::::!: PETS and LIVESTOCK OUHA lfACM .............. 471.S Pin .OINllU.L -LAGUNA NIGUl!L ............ 4?tl' CATS ............. . IAN CLEMl!'NTE .............. 4nl DO .......................... Im DANA POINT ................ , 41" HO~~Es""' ............. , .. , ..... In.I TltlP'LIX, 1tk. 4toe ~IVEl , ................... , .NH R0"00MINIUM··::.-.................... · 4151 CAL;FoRN•A·· L1vrNG E:,~~L~nfurnl1htd ::.':!!~POOL.I ........... mt Q fl'ATIOI . ' ... ". '"'"" c::EIAL .: •. , ..... -AWN l...t ..................... ffU M TA MESA ...... ,,, ....... ,.ltl VA .................. W2' :::,.ov..~·~: ... c .. ··::::::::::.:: TRANSPOR"fATiON ."" ,.nro.T NEIONTI .......... mt '°"".YACHTS l '#POIT SNOllEI UH IA ... • ......... . WISTCLIP, •.. ::::::::."·stJll POl~IOAT1 ............. '"' ~:l~E!ISITV l'AltlC' ........... sur ll'Et:":..~:,~=~ ............ ... I! C IAY . .. .. ,.,, ...... 1141 •OAT Tl,t.IL91tl ........... Mt AST ILVF, ..... ,. SMJ IOAT ........... IQI ~:~~;: DIL MAit .... : .. ::: •• IOAT ~J:::.lfC• ........ ... IA\'" tsLANO ' .............. UM MAlllNI •Qlllfl .... ., .... ftM l S • ............. SJ5I IDAT SLIP' M0011Mj ..... ., .Nll 100 !ILi! ............. llf1 lOAT I ' ........ tol &AL&OA ISLAND "sus tOA $ ltVICl!S .............. tot HUNTINOTOM &l!ACN ·::::::::.Mf lo.A~ :::::u ............... .. l'OUNT,.IN VALLl:Y NI• l'ISlllW l!lt ............... .... Sl!AL &l!ACH """""Sdl IOA I OATS ............... .... LONG ll:ACK ' .......... ~ IO T MOVIHO ................ ,.. OIANGI COUNTY .. , .... ., ........ ~T STOIA.GI .............. .... GAll:Dl'N OltOVI :""'"':'"·1111 Al n WANTID .............. ... ~~~~H~i:: '.'. :::::::.:·::u11 JIL~~:~~llSONI . :: ::::::·"··;::: SANTA ANA ............... U I' MOllll KOMl!I ""' · SA ................ Mn MOTOI MOMU .............. ftOll MT.ii. ANA KEIONTS ua llCVC I! ........ ,. ... ,.ftll ~~lT,\'o •· · ... ::::::::·JMI ELECT\~ CAllS ............... mJ L Pll llllllNI t klJ ...... .,.,.,.,,_ UOUNA 11.t.CH .............. SNI MOT I • ., .............. ~ UOUMA N+•VIL ·::::::::::·::-_.,::u~r ................. ,,. IJAN CL(MINTI! Pll A ......... .nM JAN JUAN CAP'rtTllA•ci""""ms ,VTO s1avtc1t • PAltn .... ... DANA POINT '"" . VTO TOOU & IQUIP, ....... ,..,. REAL ESTATE ......... sHt ~=~:t::r..T:!:1"'1L ........... ,.. r~ ' CAM,I tty ............. .. ...,..,,_,1 ' r11ucKf' .. · · · ............... ,.. Tlt1'1,f ).,...rt. .,,, ........... 'IEPS :" '""''"'"'"'" .,.. CONDOMl•I"" -· ,.. .... -• .......... fllt Ill" ............ ._,,,,, lllllTA4S MD 1,...!,~LI WA"Tt0 .......... Ml OVttl,SUMlll tr;.J _..... P'Olt I ll'"T ,,,, IMPOllTl!O AUTOS .... IOOM • IOAIO I,. Sli'04tT C.t.lt .......... .. -.OTl!Ll. TllAILI• COUITS ,,.., ANTJOUIS. :uts1ct """""',.,..,', GUEST HOMES ,,.. IACI CA .... ,,... · MI K. ll:EHTALS ... -111'0 l!'VIS, RODI ......... ..,. INCOMI! ,.Oll'lln' "°" -U l'-T$ ........ ,. .. tal I USIHE5S PltOf>IJtTY IO~ i.rl:" WANTl.O .............. ftlf fWtt*'t, C.X. UI$ Nl!Wp(ll't. C.M. HU7St n&.1 ta.Sm SI. Newport Bch. m-6732 ................ ~-. Falnitw • N f1!1 •1 flt flAl!lt~ W\ •UT(' tt:s ............... "81 _ IUllNl5S •l!NTAI .... •JSl:O C 0ASINe , ............. •It -· . ' ........... .... t \'ear exper, 675-7742 \\Thlte elepbanta! DlmN-line ' ' ) ' ~ I --• . ' r--. ~-=--~-==- -,, • "" JC Jo - • • • • M ch ST w p y p Sc 'IV "' n c - F • c b r • r c c p c t l 2 I • • I • • c F ' i • MtllCHANDISE FOR MEllCHANDllli FOR SALi AND TltAOI SALi AHO TRAOI furniture IOOOPumlture IOOO ••• ;;.; •••• ; •••• 4 llJGSALE l8AllD l'xlO' ·~--• 2':x3' TOW~ f 'WMMU ....,__, 3Pc. SET 29 44 1..t lJll«r.""-""-'-" .... ,.. .• ,.,,. .......... ,,....._.._ ..... dil!t.,~ PINMJ\r,..-,.l,._,.5oe-..,._.,_ ... ~~ 'tours: Monclu·F•ldoy 10.9 Sol. -9-6 Sun. 11-4 Jl'S '/Jnusual lurnilure · .~";""f!!""'~·~·~;-;"~µ,~1&"'~·Ji5lr MIRCHANDISI fOR MlltCHANDISI "POii • MllCHAHOISI POii MEllCHANDISI POI MlltCHANOISI SALi AND nADI SALi AND TltAOI SALi AND nAOI SALi AHO nAOI SALl:AND TUOW , 1-...;;::;:;;.:;;.;:::.:::;..:.;;::.:;::::....;::::::..;::;:::...:.:::::::._1cc~.~••? • .,,. P:umltur. Mt00flvm1tvr9 llOO liMl~~-~'lon~~o~1~111~iiii.i-~~M~~~1c~ol~i..~n~1~1~vo~1ii.iNOO~~~Ml~-~lloft~~-~-~-~Nl~IO~t~1l~1i;~1~ft~111~11~ .. ~-~~il -"" MW __ _ .......... _,,... C1dr-....... Spllllhll M1clltem1a1• louthtMa...l-· '69 ShowrMm limp._ .,, __ , __ .._. 81 Wood carved um divan, lg. ma.n's chair or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak 'din 1tt- w /black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresaer, lg mirror, 2 commodes. decorative headboard In Spanish oak d .. lgn with matching box sprillp, mat· tress & frame. ltoms Sold lncllvlduolly 'Shop Around -Before you buy -USI VALUE $1095.95-FULL PRICE $529.95 or terms • low 11 $4.66 per week u.e Our"Slore Charge Plan or Bank Financing No Fancy Front -BUT Quall\)' Valueo Inside * 2 DAY AUCTION THURSDAY FD. lJtll 7:30 P.M • RUDAY RI. 14lfl UNCLAIMED STORAGE: Dlahpab, c~, Bedroom 1et11 bunk bed!, divana, aewbig machines, cheats, vacuums, dining room sets., buffets, bicycles, portable TV's, l't er e b a. Like new ll!otorola Color TV. Dinettes, mi.. rors. Cold1pot Frost.free regrigerator, 18 cu. ~ with Ice maker. Washers, Medllerran· ean solid state s t e r e o & MUCH, MUCH MORE 11 ' -COME .IROWSE A!IOUND - WINDY'S AUCTION 2075~ NEWroRT BOULEVARD .. liln4 T•11y'1 llit. M1t'l1. COSTA ME5A-"646-1616 OPEN Dl\IL Y 9 lo 4 -----------·- PUILIC How 0pon to Public 9 te 9 & luMey • s Lara• houaetulb' & more 1J11a • eo larce con81gnmonu will.be Uqw.i.t.d In lhll auction. • Feolurln& • tlDe nilbopny 10 pc1 ~ room w/comer cblDu ·• '1 pc. mlbopny bedroom • 9 pc. mabop111 twin 111 .e Several tablea & table oe1' • All ?( theoo' mlho&any plOCM an aqalalte. ......... -.a.. ... -loll c:..w... U• Al c._,., Mc• .... ..,%i\t.iuaw ef ....... , .. M WINo,~·-5-14-... !l!!.~L . ~""· I y .. Phu.I .. 0. ...... ~ c.,.flt · W .. IBftAIS ..... =--,..1'2'*....,. · THiOoou Roblns ford 50 -NV.II NEW lllPOSSISSIO -., "'''°' ILYO. COLOll TV's . ~_,11,w. B&W e Portabiea e Slero<ll e Comboo e All Styles II' it ijriiit·11>p Quallt'" ,.._ _____ ....;;.... ____ .111 ... :-.. " • 75 late model appliancea • Reftl&eralcn :T-~,: • Freezen • Wuhers e Dryen • JlaD&ea TOo ,..,,... orrad ' • Bullt·lm • Dlahwuhers too ,. .,..,...,. Wo. · • Small Appliances * HEW -HEAil NEW * ~ T'·"= ~ Wo Fillo-With; Good Crodlt -· SlPo't. Alt > Appllon-llOO Plonos & O'IOlll ll30' Ml_,.._. _11_,....,. ____ l600_ MIKOll.,....,. · 1600 Moote< Cho .... & lahkAmorlcard 5 ""!::, , '· lnl!Tftn FABRI'' SCRAM LETS AOK Commission Gallery ~"'"fr lllnM" 9522 WESTINGl(OUSE A"tomatlc Grand o-nln11 Ml II w u • .. WMhe•. 1 YI' old, like "'w! r--. . 7722 GARDEN GROVE ILVD. ' oo.lat ~'nlMIZR 11111 llA(N llVO., HtmllNC.fON tfACM-162·4464 flM. 847-8ll5 Our new Oflan ~ent .... fOR s•L1 ANSWERS 1 Block w I Of ---ch Bl~ ff G G ....... . .-.u.ALS ~ • e e • • • • • • • • • • • • e -•'---------u now opo" f<aturlng ~ . .. · -••·• 0 " ..... ,, 1ri _.;,,f:°·~ to mob BS. & EM D M KENMORE G~ Drytt."Lato THOMAS \)RGANS ",::''s"a't ,!'.:,~':.!Milito .2 h•1!!!!1111111!1111111!1!1!!1!!!!!!!9•11J!!!ll!l!!!'-!ll!!!!!!lll!!!!!!lll•I -b' -&&-JO PL y ENT Furniture 8000 model, excellent oond. with the exclualve C.Olor-Glo p.m.. 929 ~. Cblta Mesa. Pttl.te -Human -Yacht -TRANSPOITATION Tlt.ANSPOltTATION idl,rll ' Jobs Mon, Wom. 7500 165. * 847-8115 &00 "Playmate. Lact>;r -LE'ITUCE . ~ OR WEEKLY Operators for RE Tu RN EL FR o M oven, new, never used. Lawrence Welle family music Light Auburn Fin lo: "He'a •woman channer, 1;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;; SPANISH Fu RN 1 Tu RE MONAROJ Elee Rani•. auto FREE MUST SELL! Ovememt about• Lotbu. -"& 'Y.Cllll ·9000 ~r~t0~l"p"'~ycloo~~:;~nl~D-~OI;~" ~--i;::!f~I • Drill Pre11u ~D~~'=i·shSA~~ _ * 962-J!llf * ::ive~ $1~ueo:;: Paid sJ:7 ~~~· :~b~~e ~nm~~ INVENTORY 9525 • O.burrlng sofa & love aeat, 3 oak llYinl Antiques 1110 Prices 1tart at $595. He'a a LEITUCE iarmer." SALE • Gener•I A111mb[·( room tables, 2 living roorn -'-'-'-----'--' c--· Must"c DINETTE Set-Hotpolnt POOL • M.intenanc1 lamps le Spanish painting. ANTIQUE Spanish and Mex. vuu refri&, China cabinet, trunk, NEWPORT ,;rs '61 ENDURO ZiO cc Factory Apply be~·een 8-4 El Premente k 1 nest z e religious art rnn. small pvt 1139 Newport Blvd, CM ma~BOx rptlnp, head-SUp1 Included ~ 1J111t ·new '6"15. ARMAUTE bedroom suite, oak triple collection.18th C. paint. San Corner of Newport A Harbor board.. lam pa, cheat TABLES •PACIFIC Y~CHT SALESe · • dresser A mirror, kin&: Antohlo w. ifit frame; Mex· 646-0271 dra:wen. tables &. m1ac. Kettenburl Dealer 111E.16th St. headboard, 2 commodes, ialn curclflx. small, 646-9152. M46·Vta Oporto, Nnport Cost• Mes• kingsize mattress &: lxtll: primitive w. inlet mtm::mi; 0ranp Comity' a 5 PIECE dinette set $3). New al.ate $895 val Now $2!lj 2f, Hour Phone •••• CTl-1570 * DRIVERS * ,.......,, 2 boudoir tamps. 17th C. 111 u ml n a to d ..._. Selection• of llawthome >Y' ""1'• bicycle 23 Models to choose ln>m 159 I i"'i'!i!"iii:=:;;;;;"':~;:;:: I;~~~~~~~ 6 pi«e Span;,b wrought ..,.,"'"'""' tin paintings. CONN ORGANS with trainer......, lor 18. up. 213: 69'l-<167, 6'1l-'1Jllli1 n."Pw .. -.""""" No· Exnairience iron dining set. Only $467. sensiblyprlcedorexchange . stroU-...ch&fr baby buaY 4 BR. Houaeful.of f\lrnituft Deluxe model (all::.::== ::::..:.._...:.::::1 r--$20. down & $4.50 weekly, for good nautical antiques. ·NEW I: USED alto $5. '9'Jl eom,t Circle, tor aaJe. Beds, refriir, tlber1la11) outbolr Necessary! oell ,.pandely. Euy cl'odil 64>-"'9 WURLITZER w"""""'""· 8'7·718'1 _,_ "~ dbbei, CU.tom .,., "°"" cover. ?tiuat have clean California HAMD...TON FURNITURE GERMAN doll; Tillany·type PlANOS ~ORGANSr . ldl'~ vacuum .. .11owr w/at. Unenii, P9;tf .\ 1 Pan 1,, lie wheel tUt trailer •. $700 driving record. Apply ~ Wesbninster Ave •' lamp; Carnival, cut & some 'l"ladr Models · ~enta. "Takf over small everythina: ·~I , 881 ·.Vic-phm..., after T pm. ===,;:;;,;;;;,=="I YELLOW CAB CO. Westm!>uter. 894-MM dally .,.,,.. glau, chma, etc. Rentalo e Se""-• Tenu --"•• ott •·•---tor1a St .•. CM.,........ · Auto Sorvlce · 186 E. lGth St. 10 a.m. to 9 p.tn., Sat 963-2516 QuaUfi..tiT"T'.~11P~ • .r,-,-~·,or ·pay ._..._ UPRIGHT Hoover, Jll at-S.HbHts 9010 & ·--· lo am to 6 Pm •···1--'-------.,;:;, ".,,.'>.....• o!113L12;Crodlt De~ . . ,_.., r C.oeta Mesa 12 · · · '• .,...... Wheeler Tradln&: Post PIANOS uum ••• ;-..,, Wiii KE• 5-1289 tactrnt'a. Lllre nu. l.1U1stian ClUllC Racing Sloop STUD=wo"m'°eEN" .. "'T'°s1'""·,"'os."_""""'1"'"',~"',-~,.-.,-.""'h•' I Mp.m.ORto sEp.mC. ASH 408 E. Balboa mvd ORGANS trom •••• ~ .... sm 45 RPM Record Lut Sc. Books. TJ)I w .. t • .,. Rhodet n 4 vw EMPI .MAOS ~ l='!'i'!""?i"'""'""'===I Pltim •. w,,,...:,d prod"~":. Lealhe';°l~;!s Fun .G;:J~.~~!; ~:!!~Y daya ~leue 9c• ea. LP'~ ~~~ -.so.-2 ~~LI fl5. 54&<195S ·: 13'!11111.... •MOO .. """ .. ~..., So f Free 547..lUl 50e. Big na.meal Duta 25c (Euro ~ ... ~~t4* tar !mporb Your hrs. work trom home. PAID FOR VASr 11tock Arr.er i Eur · 0 y.·~· ~ mo. P.O. Box 10872, SA pc. pean_ . l Sle'ek iacbJa: Bay 6 Ocean Triller, Travel '421 W• N-trir aay import Ph. >-U a.m. 49<-5363 Furn"1ture !um & clocl<s. L•"Y Mon & Fri 'tll 9"""12-5 92!11 ....... t ... ~ pickup. 215 Saller." :rlllest equlpme"t ~- Schools-ln1truction 7600 SUCCESSFUL?! Two or three \\'eelal bru&b- up may be an you need to r&dicall,y improve your IN· COME &: yoor OUTI.OOK! NEWPORT School of Business 833 Dover· Dr., N.a 64/Hll53 MERCHANDISE FDR · SALE AND TRADE Morlan Antiques. 2428 Or ~Wn. HB "Bemy'' ~ & lindit!M( Tuma. $5S(XI, 13' TRADZR. Like new • ...,......,d 'JW',' mab Newport Blvd., c. M. Used n..a•clale IVE¥Guu~~ ... p~. i:;o .U.-Llle ··•loif'•""f11·--,,o.:..-.;;"'='~~~~-""=-== 81• 'er 5,.~t ... cam. •. ,,3:' ·1~L .. ll~R. Colored TV's, Pi1nos -... ,..,, -nwv '' r-• ·~ pii;i: trt.,L $175.~S0-.125S ~ ·--• .,., o;o Ii A i ANTIQUES & CLOCKS Hammood M-2 Sptoet .•• m• 54().2101 Leue °' sell BAHAMA SallinC ........ 1li t:======='i=::-lllanlN< 159 Bud> Bl..S. App ~"P~ :: qun FOSTER'S ANTIQUES Hammond MlOO Spinet $995 ---· -···----* m:ao * oi beau™ wortanambtp Trwb 9500 ·ww4 f ..__ -.sm H f I 6<'-6138 • 1903 Fode.-al. CM Hammond AlOO Conoolo $1800 FREE 1· 0 YOU I X 10 PATIO tlmbon 1' -o/Wnbl&ted h u ti• . ouse u I SowlngMochi-1120 ~~~~-~;: ' ~-.=a·--· .... ~7IOldamn SS. $400. *5fR=::V~·' ' CITl.OIN, Is Our Sp1cl1ltyl 1968 SINGER. touch-o-mattc Hammond C3 i PR 40 $1995 ORGANIC Feriillzer, qed BABY Crib mattreaa car NEW Coronado Dealer tn Tfwy Are All Here At , CITR:OEM, ~·· Sb.. Wp;. 'Sl 636-3620 compl w:lthwal cab. 1llnels Gulbfanaen Premler ~Y 6 hm'R D'WlUre eomblned bed ear ae'ats pemci con-NeWport. c.aronado JS.$1095, f1ntlltlc Dhwunt1 · "'' ~ ..._. a q . PIS. 24 HOUR SERVICE forces ftJIO $39.50 full price months old • ........ ••• $3395 with· nod shavinp.... ~: · ditkm.. 968--234$ Cor ~995. Cor S4-$15.995. ractm. etc. Xlnt con d. BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS or $4.75 mo. Automatic, %ig AU. PIANOS ·····"·-····· ~olchtw •8~5 ~-~ 2 HAND Cl"ocheted double SaOpeve ~ '!"'9! .~P.J'~ RMdy tor hn:n-dlat. '""iillli:·i:·===· i:" ===:=I z a g, button hole&, bllnd 20% or m<n S..vinp! ! "" .: · ._. u..-... ' ::!::::"..;~;.:tu:;,;-:,::·c:~""'=w'-· ~..:::::-Ip Furniture retmoed from <la. Ope M • ~ ' Frt. • · 2/X bod """"'· linen nu.ado· __ , ., • P"'TSUN pt8.y studios, model homes. 'hems, O\'ercuta, 10n1e fan. n on• I.',., eves. fT5 each. 646-~ eves Cil·Z. 1 yr old. BEACH CfTY , ~. , .. lla .. A_ cy stitches etc. No attach. HAMMOND UtASO Apao • Poodlel. ' · ~ * S8. '1!iO * · decoratora cance ........... in OORONA DEL .MAR Matching pair of.)ovable 1 REFRIGERATOR I: Misc Call 6'MITJ aft 6 pm DODGE Spanish &: Mediterranean etc ~i; Guarantee good •• 2854 E. Coast Hw)-., 67J..8930 month old female pUpptea. turnl.ture. Reasonable! LIOO lf. Xlnt cond. 2 Id ··-DOJ • IF;;";;;';;;"1;;;1u;;•;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;;ooo;; 1 t~H!!~~r!!~~M s.:;ER ~~~~r;:,~ w~~,!':u~"!.i!";,.: ~~ ~,,:m• ~~ !h;;:!w;.....,,.;;;;;t-"Niiiill~~~~i.~~~· ~m~-==A="-:· im :--,:::.::""· 3S> DATSt,rN ever/ night til 9 state _ must zell! $.17.50 I: Organs now continue.: at GERMAN &rt haJr Pointer, Misc. W1nted. 1610 ' ,65 .Aaff AUTHoAJIID DEALlll Wod., Sal & SW!. 'tll 6 0, 7 pym"" o! $5.74. Deol" Orang• County's only piano lemalo. 1 YI'· old. Noeda -;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l!P~o~W!'"'~C!!ru~IM!!!'.r&!__!90:!!;20!!j UUllUt HUNTINGTON SPAmSll GROUPS 20 Pc "Madrid" 3 Room Group From Model Home includes: Quilted soJa A: chair, 2 end tables, roffee table, 2 larnps, dresser, mir- ror, headboard, quilt bo:'I'. aprp It mattr. 5 Pc Dinifw room table I: 4 Hi Back ""'"· Com pore •I $749. 95 Complete group $399 Pay only $16 por mo. 21 Pc "Barcelona" . King Size HIDE-e.·bed never used pOCI. guarantee OK. Call 526-6617 & organ "super marltet". home &: lots of Jove. Good • --._ 8• mod-lov•"'' .,,1• i"'=:'=:°"=:=':Pi::M=.==='"' Pianos ln>m $195. Orgat!s w/ohlldro". 64&-7583 •WANTED •· IO' DIW<E oobln """"'· A-•-·•·~--•vse-'BEACH ' In> ~~ Ev 2111 · • ' · · ~..,..i-~ ·'-'-'-electronic .uN ~ "'-.. fee & end tables, lamps, -m •""""· "· Furniture • A"'llaneil 1...1:.~ .~ $ 4 9 0 0 • nd1o 1D1t ~· (R.37&55) H-•tU• ~ .J C.n S pc dinette set, ~ size Musle1I lnst ...• c_ __ l:.1:;2:::5 WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO 1 YR Fem. blk long hair, Color TVs e Pl•-=•.,... $99" •·•· " Spanish BR set. Less than ·-1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 pt poodle/pt pomeranlan. ETC. -i.,;-:;;=:,======-~ Compltt9 rvic• I Perts 2 mos old. Mwt sell this RICKENBACKER ele c Nd• ,,w horn• 1: . 11111 •1•.&CH •LVO. week. Prv prty. s.1>-9046 guitar, $175. Orlg Pri"' $325. Tolevlslon,. ___ .;:12::;0::5 548-2147 "'' Cash in 1/z hour '. !e! I~ Sid ..... 9030 ATLAS 142.t11 I~ .uo".0442 SEVERAL rooms ol walnut ~th=~~· J! ·-2 • 7 mo old kittens nd 541-4531 16• tnbot.rd aipeedboat approx ........ Y--PL'"' _ _.. J11t1·.n .. S.. S.. Pl•t• furn. excel cond. 3 yrs old. RENT TV $lO --..1 .. 1 adult home. Railed f -old with 'ST Chev V-8 ~ ~ ~mvv'n fwy. •'Iii J-t •few •l•irt•• 5:30 54()...3193 Ne. Deposit • Free Oellvery "I"".._. .,.. 2929 H&lt>or Blvd Mertlt .f M1M1 :~ust ~1rJ~= WurUtier FJectrtc Piano SM-04n or m.9110 =.tber. 546-ru3. 1 ~ti.l W A N J E D : ~~ ~ ~ in/ O>lta Mer . MS-im alt 6 PM Xlnt cond. $395. ,...., ..... -~~°""';:;.;,;....'tll;;...;10"""p.,;.m. __ . ~7755 after 3 PM HI-Fl I Stereo 1210 MAI..E miniature German We need quality (no junk --. MAPLE living room set, -Sbepbm:l:. Good watch doe. pleue). Furniture, c 0 I 0 r '" Ford Pickup PkkuJ C&IQll'. ~ maple bedroom set, maple MELODY GUITAR ~O 1969 soltd state con-Free to good home. 'IV'a, stereos, appllancea:, Moblt• HomH" 9200 Lo,. bed cuat cab, V..S, dlr, ihup with ttmneau covu A dinette, good cond, $400. New gears i 11trings $20 sole. Never med $85. Also SU-6552 2/14 tools Pd office equillment. bumper, pearl lftY exterior. camper. (JISA119) 546-3667 <lr 545-filBO 673-41S1 or 642-0022 6' w a 1 ~ u t AM IF M VALENTINE'S Day ;n.ent TOF C4\SH IN 30 Mlnu1a:! COlfl Meu'1 ,, Xlnt cond. Tab fortlp car t''65 PAIR of lounge chairs, multiplex, 8 speaker audio -Mixed terrler!bea&le pup-531.1212 * 893-<E55 Ye1r Round ·tr. trade or SSS cub dels.1.B. «7 modill-• -•-ba-" do Pi1nos & Org•ns 1130 system. Normally eelll for L--WW 1lnc prvt prty. , : seats.};s;:Ch.'~ wn Gulta;Headquarters ~~·0e~rzs9 '250· ~iiss 6 weeb 0 ~~3 E~:~:~::'N =~~ .. ~~:w5:kk. J =~JJm.49f.9173ar Aft.AS CANOPY Crtb & mattress e NEWandUSED e 'Ai LAB Puppy -Jemale, 6 Clean out the old Rt·ba& From$6995 'MINTERNATIONAL Dml ... PLYMOUTH Dresser, white F re n c b Fender e vox e Standel C•meris & Enufp. 1300 mo. Dark eold c <l I or, and help out a pod came. 12 WIDES ---' ' * llirlm Bl."fd • Prov. $50 each. 544-5601 e GIBSON e MARTIN e ,-Lovable. 67$.-2624 aJt 6 Glve your <lid uniforms (Off· «l'-43'-t-5'-60'-$6'-60'14' Pickup truck, aood ""' .. ' 0-... .... 546-1134 e WIL.SON e YAMAHA e HASSELBLAD 5()0..C. l!Ai yn pm. 2114 bra 4 Enllltt<cl) to the Sea-From ,_ · ~ 23Jea!ooilland Dr: . t 'Ill 10,p.m. Factory authorized old, $400 incl metal case, TO GOOD bome, Part Sooutl. Netd bl~ whites You can pay more 1 'l'CUN sales&: service fllten. Call J. Hardy Gmnan Shepherd male J!Ai aea.bq:s, etc. so.s'69 ' but )IOU can't~ better ·~ 4.spdTON, ~~371-V4-~ um;":oi. retired '63. DAJSUN • I I . • ' , I I I ' I I ! I I • I l l _, • ) I • ' •• • ., . . ·1: ' • .i • i d : I , .. . ! : I ' ' I ' ' I • " ' - , ' • :[ I 3 Room G'l"IP Old 'Warld Elogence includm:. Qutlled 111>1& I lovHe&t with pDlow backs, 2 muslw: lamp tabltl, col.· ... table, ..., .. lampe. Kina Office Equipment 8011 El.EC 10 key adding machine w/ aedit bal. $39 .. 50 . Royal elec typewriter $40. Very nice standanl typewriter '3'1.SO. Printing calculator, elec, \\'Orkl good $69.50. 642-5143 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ~O (days) 6 7 3 ~ 8 7 9 9 yrs, sbotl &: lie. Loves idds. BUYING Silver Coikll J99' Parka a9alta~~r1l.: areas. l)lOrtlman campat llleD. mu ii! ~-S,.00. Beach Music Cenler eves tll O p.m. "'"'"''· 2m •Ila'"-D~70. Silver Mabui' H Show all altn .. 644-1810 -·~ n.JlOO ""· Ro-• i S rtl Goaclo 1500 LOVABLE Y• male part"'~ ltlcklet 13.so roll. cosrA ,.,. S: SL DODGE II ..,, '62 ~~...,, ~-~~ .. ~·!!.hPt ~~-•. j -multt bedroom. with quiUfld mattr • box IPl'llt large dreuer, mhTor, 2 It.ands, headboard. 6 Pc swivel chair dinette sel. Compere et $1299.95 Complete lf'OUP $699 Pay only $21 per mo. Quality K!ni-8lu Bed, beautiful quilted mattrna. apUt foundation. hlt·ln hme •. Never U9l!d. $91. W-1'5Q.MU!536 MAPLE twin beds, box iJ)rlnp_ I: mattl'l!Uel; Dlght stand; 11 drawer dreaer Dally 12 noon till 9, Sat g.5 17404 Beach Blvd. CHwy 39) l 'iS mi SO. San Diep Frwy. HunUncton Beach 347-8536 e NEW I: USED e -'G-'or'-'090=_S;..;oc.le;;... __ 102;.;..._2 1 e Wurlitzer' Organs • Tremendous savings on '68 models and rent returns. Beach Music Center wftae. mb'l'or· .tint cond.; Estey Spinet Plaoo, $475. $1511. 673-<5IS OOUBl.E OYOn, Fri(ldaln, Hammond 0rpn. $1511. • Kr.:G stz:e '°I> maltreu, built.Jn. LUct new. stalflleu * 536-7131 * firm perfect cond. $50. Call steel, an contn'.llt. Also mar.1-u-........,-..:;.,;::;.,:;.eetric="-0mn~- 544-69ll dtlng cook ttlp. Sacrmoe. Double Keyboard, '600. FACI'ORY Qose.outl; ur>-613-7334 * 67>9212 * flniflhed capt. .i: m a l • l-WE-DG->.'W~OO~D-Gu--S-lov<-, chain.. Re9I buys! 645-0801 Double <lYCn 150. CHARGJI IT! * &16-6«1 • . . DAil.Y PTt.0T WAm' ADS RRING RF.ZULTSI P! "I lie tr1 crl. 2 yr•, OOINS 837 W. 19th st. CM. 11' block F.lllt of Harbol' BJvd. r-....,._ •• _.. ..,.. ""' ax-.i BROWNING over under ):I HClu.sebroken. Love children. M6-l445 , on Baker dun; l ,ft. bed; 1~· -5 • d.a. ;., will fine Pit· loader Pacific VL 836-4493 2/13 PETS and LIVESTOCK 0.ta Mea <nf) 5tQ.9f'l'D 34,cnt ML $1.l'.IO 5Cl--mO' Jl1v ~.LB. WCl25. can ,' t 250. Winchester Mod 70, 300 FREE '"'.'-'-· .t...-.. Fem. 6 SEE ~-~ .•• Wklo •-.. '62 CHEVY, 8' tieet, '6:1Toll. Jtm .,.....,,.._..J6.0liH. HH ~-~ west. .... • ...... ,. .....,.. wv ...,,,..,., --v:a. au~. RIH, radial pl:j'""'='°"""'====~I m ... c--moo. old, gd -· with !?!!! 1125 ltoer Pu Amerloan. Paro-ltlll5 96U1l2 1 1 dl•. ~ '"'""' yard 642-7072 2/11 PUPPIES ..... ~ l'llto lltd ""'"" "':' a...:, II Toa, "'I'! EN.LISH FORD • i; Uttle med 9/0 FEM. g mm. dachshund % Shepheri!, ~ Samoyed mobile bomn aaw at •55 ~ ..W, pOd _F1N_""-=" 0 -::.R:..;Red=-"*l350 __ · -i :.':,'"~: .. ".;. ~,:iii"i ~' Sharp! HJ E. oo. !:'! ~ ~ 1,,,.::· =""'="=·=11S0=·=•::::•=•==1 En~lish Fo~d •! 5FRUITTREES WANTED. -..... tor .520 N ......... s.A. ~ '511 .rao-·~-~ ! Mi-llo....,. l600 you dig• tranrpianl About a pnotty btadt !omale J'oo. 531-1571 J\lll-:. ~""" -evACUUMS .,,.-lO'AOOtall = i..2/llpt dl•, 1 YI'·· Adults only 8 • 36. 1 BDRM, .\.1 ....i. '62 JE~ '\l'U.:., ·-, sporto tto up. Res-1n •·parta. . ? pupp 546-mM mom.Inca only. FulTdilbed. to lie ftloeatect. ·Ptck· Up,' •heel UI"•"· _. NgDli!NA Reuooable. CourVaouudl Bealge, 6 wb .• weaoed. G ... t Dane PuPI, lawn 1 $1750. 5311-1111 raclm. """" -.. l° ., I !133 E. !'Ith. CM,, &G~ ' 1116-4ll3 2111 ....... AKC. Show quall'7 · """"""'"-..... * "'t {!>-' 11' 5 NEAR new 700-ll 6 .. 1 .. RECIPE mqulnes, 1arp with pet Wmpen.IDltllt. MotarcyclM f300 ...._ __ ._._ • _ __._' -•· 1!,.$1883 rv collection, take all. •,5'641W * . ~ _...... .. ~-. ·~· ~·~ rommerelal ttr" & "'"'· 61>-2445 2/ll AKC s°"" Temu-. • HONDA '• -· tlll-f!tll 0.. ·~~ :...~ch or make offer, LABRADOR/ Setter pup, 7 'Males '150 ' Femalea ~ N ~ waaoae tn FIREWOOD FOR SALE moo.· PlaylU1; hmole . ~ · MINI BIKES 1967 IRO CO •• -.. •. au=Ue W&lhut 6 Eucalyphu. $4'1.!!0 60-1!29 2n4 WIRE Hair Fox terrier pupt. 4-WHEEL t>1UVI TOP.ftAM r~ crd, '25 ·\6 crd. DeUvered LOVABLE ttrQUt cat. lftf AKC. '50, kt1ll ••ll. ''" .... O* .... Hardtap.Wwtlb ........ %0Ul·N··n CA&- """"''dtree.U)-•whit<, port ••aora . ...._,,.,...,.,. * $2J9*" ~ ..... ~-~ ' . ·;iHIDIX"E Quality Khe-5be'Bed, 50-'113 2113 U---HERi FRI .... •L"'ER --(J" •> • ,. be•uutul quilted mattrus. SHORT haired female cat. ~ ~ oplit ........... bit-In Xlnt w/~lldm. &81..U.. ffEru:roRD ,..;-.,Mi; UIJO llACH ILYO. >fW, 1' '" -tnme. Neve .m_ S9I-fl(.B. lf4..10M 2JU $.1m new, UdnC $150. b -ll IJHl• s .. 8 . ....,. ...,.,I .,...... Wor1h $250. sa.«536 MISC. Plantl I: lhrubL oellent Ollld. 138-5237 HONDA tm '::::-YI. latorM"c tlulf. 2 WAY RADIO 10U dig " .,,.,,. ,...,, JRANSPORTATION_ «:::' = -..., ":.::.i :.:1-:=~~~!':"==I at watt bue l Mobile M4-419t -,...... SMl ., I' •btlom. SIMllO i·GERMAN=="'""°"Sh:-oept-..-.,.-,d,-pu-m-, looto & Yedlto 9000 1961 HONDA 2111 CC. Good Doon ,_ -- RCA Vtc:lor ~TV ..... """"''· 3 monlhs old ·-~ft~·--·NI -lion.~~ Harb-· -., __ ... = , "' bdnn .. ~ uis. f7$.l.t« 2112 ~ ~-• • ·~~ ~".!!!u-~~·~·~~~......,=· ';;mliii:ro>iit'IO;:-a;;;;I All walnut 51$-12111 alt I. 2 MALE ~-., g wits Put f._~·e105 hp.:!.'!!:~ '15 HONDA 2111 S<ronlbllt', l9ll2 MILll'ARY 1"" °"" i4wl'ft'1""""' ,IAd. 0.. • ·~ -·-·-··~--500I _, Call oltor V4 ---ml .... °""""' 'oolf -ALUMINUM Pa6o covtr 15X Doberman. Sbort bair, blad< Xlllt mnd thruout. l\111 -· ~-x lS tlnll. 0:r-tUr ~ 17 Near l1flW o.t $0) SIC! I: tan 962-1633 2/U price $1450. 98J..1440 aft g g pm -tt. lim7 --.. 13• · • f'AIQI $350. 1112-4517. FREE '° a pd """"· J'et P11 INt ISA cu -. X1'!1 ""!"· "° ._, ...,_ llOLIDAY llfflth Spo. :10 mo whll< rabbits. 1162-=.2/U SHARP 11' boo< w/-tlliOa:. $405, mmJ ' .,-\l)lltttl -'Ollli. I ~ rontroct tor 2, mU. ollor. 2· RABB1'Tll "111> Co&'· ....... -11. • lip - 1 TRE QUK:1!ER TOil CAl.L, -· lfo•i*t -• ~ MS-"93. 114S-6G? ""'° 2 p,m. 2/JI ~ """'· 1'!111' -THE QWllCER YOO m.L !IOOI rrf0'1:111 ..... ,.11 llG.,.,.,,.. ' 11' ,, " . ' .. I \' I I ' ' r l , I I I ' I I I . • Ull.YPll#f • • : $1500 : • • • On T"-~utlfvl • : 168 MODELS: • RiviertS • Electr•1 -• •Lo Sabres -Wild«th• • & Sk·J·rb I • • r~ . • • • • • • DOWN • I ' . • • •Pin ,_ ... u... .... Al,....... CMlt. •MAC. ....... ,...... . . , .)." • • • " POOLE'S HN l USED CARS • • '17 Ol.DSMOllLI I ... , ... 4 t1o.,. CALHtt4l. •You can lttlio¥o this p1icol • $49 : : '66 TOlOMAbt> • Full powtl, f1cto,Y air~ .. cond. ISINMt'I" a • $2991 : • '67 OPIL • •spt. c ... ,.: 1t•io, ..... , •• •4 1ptod. I owtior. (UQf .• 1011 : $1495 : : ''1 CHIV. S.S. • R1dlo, ho•tor, 111!1., P.l,.., •P.I. lnun1cul1fo 00Ultlo•11• : $2295 : • ''1 II. CAMINO I WC o •to'" pickup. R1~lo •• i1hoo t1r, 111to., PS .. IVI 701JI • $2395 • 111--'"-:-"'.".'.".~-. 1 ''7 COU•AI • •RIH, aoto., PS. alt iOrflfl·· tionint. I ownor,\ IUCX.e 89121 • • $2695 • a '66 OLDS "ti" a • • 8 Lu~ury 4 door. Full powor, foctory air. ISUPllll a • $2495 • • • I '66 MUST ANG 2+21 I Factory 1lr, 41 spMd, rodlo,a 1h1at11. IRS61S6l $1491 : • 1 'H Ol.DS Dllto 11 I 1 Dr. H.T. RIH, o ~to., ,S, a aalr condltionln9. IMO'f. • •''') . • $169$ • • •"DOU.IM-• 4 Dr. H.T. llH,'. ••t..,' •PS, •Ir c.1H. 'TPUOl2) • • $1995 • • • =-·······: • JAGUAll • !' UUMll,aftDf 1 • -1\1~. .,C.mpfet e Sol" -S•rv· • •le• and Par+i· O.p•rt·• ·m•nt for JAGUARS. "• se. n.. &clt11tt 8 '''' J1p1r T.,Py • :t~······= • • : 234 Ii 17111 ST •. : 148·77•1· • Mon-~rl 1:30 •m ....... Sotvnloy loJO.., ... ""' Sundoya 10 om ....... ,, . I -,, ,..,,,. lt!M T THEODORE ROBINS FORD, ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY SHELBY AMERICAN DEALER, PROUDLY PRESENTS THE ALL NEW SHELBY. GT 1969, lWICE AS EXCITING AS ANY PICTURE! For IN OUR SHOWROOMS NOW! . ~ Thia i1 the one you've weited for! Americe's most exciting, UNCOMMON hig~ performance sports cer! . •• AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY r FINAL CLEARANCI OF 1961 GT..150'S, GT·SOO'S. NEW -EXEC. CARS. LESS THAN A DOZEN LEFT AT THE GREATEST SHELBY·AMllUCAN DISCOUNTS IN OUR HISTORY! THUNDERBIRD SAl.E ' lo ehoo11 'fr1m. 2 door ond 4 do1r model•, Horcllop1 ond lo11dou1. All with olr conditioning incl f11ll powor. Solft• ""ith storoo t1p11. '6l thrv '61 Mocltlt. IXAMPLI '65 T·BirCI Lcindau Fvlly eq11ipp1d, oir c.of'!d., ; •• ,, wlnd1w1 & 1oof1. lh10 loolc ptlC.o $JlJI, tOYG. 621 1 20 ~ clow11 or trad1. $1395 ~t~. $48 :;;.::. '6 7 T -Bird Landa• RlH, tilt whl., outo., PS, Pi,. P-wjlllilow1 & 1101, olr co11d. fact. w•tronty IYCICSl2) 20~ down et" fTollle . $2,,5 ',~\'ca $19 :t.::. TAX REl'UND DUI? WHY WAIT? . BUY NOW-PAY LATER EASY FINANCING AVAILAILI GET RED HOT SAVINGS ON SPECIALLY EQUIPPED MUSTANGS, FAIR·LANES & QALAXIE 500'S Th11e unique '69's were specially built to save you moMy on tho most wonted 1969 extras! Coma in, se1 the amazing savings we're offering on suc;h op· tional equipment as air conditioning, E·2B whitewalls, vinyl roofs, deluxe wheel covers, tape stripes, blldy mouldings, etc., etc. IJlmD OUAITITISI HURRY WHllf THEY wn '64 FORD SALE 7 TO CHOOSE FROM 1 D11n, 4 Do1n, $~1116, Horcltop1, Con• v1rtibl11, WJi9oi.1, 1orni with 1ir •nd pOw. ., 1t11rln9. EXAMPLE: ''4 fOlD .,\).AJll lio 4 DOOi V-i 1utom1tlc, l1i11ly oqvipptd. ITWR· 4111 . 211" cl1w~ •r lr1clt . "95 Pull Price. $23 per 30 mos. '67 Mustai19 H.T. Cpm. VI 111to., -,&H, ,S, fo c.t•ry 1ir. lh1• loolc price Si 695' ~~cadiwn 547 Z.!:. MUSTANG SALE I J to cho1io fro,,., "6" & "I'' c.ylh1dors, 4 •p1od1, 11to'"atlc, Somo with , • ..,., 1tetrln9 111d 1lr contlltionl119. '''' thrl 1•67 111od1l1, co""1rtiblo1,. cou,.1 a nti 2 + 2 fa.tbtc.k1. IXAMf'LI 1961 NUstAN• H1rtlt1p . C11;1. F11lly 1qwlp1tl IWXS- ltll 2Q % tlaw11 ., s· "•· $8""6 .. u 3 t ..... 7 Piia MONTHS ENGLISH FORD CLEARANCE OllAN•I COUNTT.'S l.'.Ai611T INYINTOIY NOi# At ••• SAVINGS YOU WILL LOVE! DILUll J & 4 1001 ll~AMS •TZ&4DOOI llDANI STATION WAGONS IN YOUR CHOICE OF 4 SPD. or AUTO. TRANS SAVI TODAY! • e Ito lllLU "" HOUl e JI lllUS "" .•AuON e DISC •U.1U e PUU l PASS. 1111 • I TO ~· IN IJ.I ll~NOS • LUllUl.T ·~·UTT IOTH .... llH AND OUT USED CAI SAU PllCll ~IYI 7J HOUU UH I P'QYIOUSl.T 10\.D ALL PAYMINtl Pl•UllD ON AlftOftD CIUIT • OPEN SUNDAYS • irott CAI, au-.n CAI. PAMILT c.AI. .... ,., ..... A, .... "CIOA-Wontw t7oe YOLKSWAG!ff WE PAY WK • VW FOR .YOUR W TOYOTA '69 TOYOTA HT MANY EXTRAS BUICK C.Orona, automatic tranmru. 1965 vw Bua, new WIW, •drlion. ndltod o, Llheat~7 Ii: radio. ~. ve a.y. c ............. • _..=*::c.11,,,,_::6"-0444==*--FOR Sale 1966 Bulck ltiVitta $1475 •gs vw BUI 7 paas. Xlnt xlnt cond. lo mlleaie, pvt "' ., ..... L•...: I "'"'· AM-FM. ""' prty. party, -Wfl, UlllG l2500. ~1037.131-all ·!S WILDCAT 4 d<. hd ID> red/red inl nw tirts fill.I IHPORTS VOLVO pwr. Air 11895. 54i>-01l6 tOTOTA·YOLYO --------'63 BL1JE Riviera, Full l!l<S Harbor, C.M. ....930.1 r 61 VOL YO 2 DR, po .. r, air. I • ...,.,, Xlnt TOYOTA cond. $µ95, 67rt..4811 MANY EXTRAS * '66 BRUICK Rlvlera, !Ull EXEC CAR equipPed. J.mmacula.te ~ l!EADQUARTERS $Hl5 dlUon. Call 644-2-«I ELMORE el L 0 '12 BUICK Spec. Po-<.,, •11 aMi1 auto, good cood. le tltt1. 15300 Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr iullo ~141 $525. 644-0038 """"• ....,,, IHPORtS -I BILL MAXEY TOTOTA·YOLVb CAD LL.AC 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6'&-~113 '68 CADIU.AC CouPe De !Tl91YIO!T!AI * N•w Yolvils * vm. Conv X1n1 cond. J'tiO. 88 • •cH B G~T A "' for qulck oale -· 1 81 9 •" LVD. BETTER OEAL <94.000. Hunl. Beech 147-1555 ''™'=1A=c•~10-0.,,,...-""""'·62'""5'<J&;;.,.. 3 nU N. ol Cout Hwr. on Bch Herb Frledl•nder DeVill;. All.power, lo miles. mw Beach Blvd. CHwy 391 Prv prty. M2-3368 VOLKSWAGEN ..,.;,..""" So. G.G. ";:.,. '64 VW, SUNROOF, radio, vinyl. Xlnt. $m. D&y1 49f...85n, eves 49'--2976 "60" V. W. VAN New tran!I. and engine mo * MS-5151 tor used can I: truckl j\Jlt call ua for tree estimate. GROlH CHEVROIEJ Aak far Salts Maneaer u:ru Beach mvct. WANTED: '69 V a r I ant H~s.1n Bet.cb sunroof; preftt Jlght color. __ _:::....:.='---'65 Chevy lm,.le 53$-1019 after 6 PM IMPORTS WANrm Hardtop, factory a.It con:1, Oranp Counties dlr, pwr 1tffrlnc, new ttra, ts YOUR AI> m a..ASSI· TOP S BUYER black landau top, XInt cond. FIEOT Someone will be BILL MAXEY TOYOTA S8S cash deli or ~ ~ifn kiokirw W It. Dtal 642-MJI 11881 Beach BJvd. car in trade. WW fine prvt tor quick, dftdeat multi. IL s.dl. Pb. 117-4555 prty, L.B. 'iJCJUC. Allr. Sor Jim 4114-9773 or )6..(IU. 4 1/2% link f111111cl11! 1•1il1bl1 " N11~. II!~"' •f crffit. Nll!E • fiRil! IAs V•s Vado• a DAY$ a 2 NIGH1'S FOii TWO Ne hrc.h1~ Ntc:•J••ry I I J I. I 15300 lel~ llYd. '66 EL C.m.lno M er1[tne, 4 •pet'd addr tidft. s 1700. ""' ea,.,, a.-..... "" •. Cout """· lquna. .,._mo '60 CHEV. Station wt.Son· V-8, ault.I., pwr, •ll'fr. ;. brb. Air-cond. X Int I .... ,.., '62 OIEV Impalt. hardtop conv. Exttllent cond. R 6 H, pwr 11r;:. f700. ~l?'8 alter 2 Pt.I '13 OIEVY Jmp&la, 4 ipd., or1cln&J owntr' S900. ........ '55 CHEV Y C oup•, autornaUc, 4 nt• tlrta. aoi '* M$.-3T~ + ' '59 IMPALA Nt1w enctne. Pio. or br1t offt r. 147-tllll ..... 1..-1 Carol. Westmln$11r 194-332? OPIN 7 DAYS PLACZ JICl'ir -.n1 w wt.er. .... .,. loo""'r -DAJLT !l!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!l!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!! ......... !!!1!!!!1!!1-· PlW1 d wtl\ff l<Urti . ---=----"";=-~-~----,--,....,----....- •fK""' ·~.,KulTION TitANSPORTATION TRAlilSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9IOONooi Corw T~ANSPORTATION 9IOONowCaro TRANSPOltTATION 9IOONow Corw W-ldar, Poboqty lZ, 1969 DAILY I'll.OT /J1 TRANSi'OlliTION fRANSPOifATIOH 9800-Carw 9800 Now Corw 9100 Now 'C.rw 9800Now Caro 9IOONow Can . tlOO • • CADILLAC for NINE .TEEN ' SIXTY-NINE • 1964 CADILLAC 4' Door hordtop fini1hetl 111 Royolo lluo orlotior with mote.hint bh10 cloth lt1lerior. Ho1 111 tllo popular Codilloc powor 011id1 h11:lr.1cU111 pewor 1t1orln91 powor broko1, powtf windows, AM·Ft-4 rotlit, cn1!10 control ond mwch , much moro. IVHUl91 ) • • SALi 51444 PllCI ' • 1963 CADILLAC Tho popultr S.do11 OoVlllo fh1ilhM 111 otlillno Wflite ••lorlor ,,-Ith tfftro1f· Int bluo cloth ond loothor h1torlOr. Htt oll tfto popul1r, Cocl!lloc powtr ouhh includint 1t..orin9, l:irolc11, Wlndow1, 1001, ..-."'4.FM rtdlo 11nd Codll· l•c'• f•mou1 f•ctory •ir condltionln9. 15l65l SALE 51111 PRICE 1967 BUICK Skyl•rlc h•rdtop <:oupo. Ho1 VI on9ino , 1utom1lic tron1mi11ion, pow1r '"•rin9, r1dio ind h11t1r, f1cto,..., Air Conditioning, whito 1ido w•ll tlr11. Thil 1l1ctric blu1 ci r h11 m1tchin9 •II •inyl int1rior ind i1 1 locol, on• ownor <=It with only 9,700 milo1. You must 110 thiJ on•. IVTU060) SALE PRICED 1966 BUICK Cu1tom l1S1bto 4 Door h•rdtop. Sp•rklln1 'to4il ll>h11 with t11•fchln1 l11t.r0 lor. focto"'t 1ir eo11ditionln9, ovto111tttc tronunl11lon, powor .toorln9, pow1r bro k~i, r•dio, hootor, ofc. Tr,i!l 1 flno .outomobllo thot mu1t bo 11on •nd dr1v1n to 1ppr1cl•f• lh ffno, ••Ju~I ISIW4•91 · SALE 52222 PRICE - 1966 OLDSMOBILE 91 Luxu,..., S•l'1n. l11utlf11I 11tln 1llv1r •ri1rlor with bloclc •inyl roof. ond motchl111 br1c1d1 intodor. Powor 1~01rln9, povr1r br1lc11, pow•r winl'ow1, powo" 111t1 AM~FM r1dlo, flit 1to1rln1 wht1I, pow1r v1r1t winl'ow1, olr "'""'""'· Abool,t~ll, ''i2""3· I;; ' SAU ' , ~ PRICE 1967 CADILLAC D1Vll11 convott iblo. l11utiful C1moo boi9t ..J1th m1tchln1 ftp incl lt1fti1r int1rior. Thi1 low mil11g1 cor i1 11c1pti1n111y 1qulppff with f1ctory 1ir conditioning, pow1r 1t1orin9, powor br1k11, poWtt 111h, powtr window1; tilt ind ftlt1copic whttl, AM·fM rtdio. IXSP6921 f~»•• ' , , SALE s3999 PRICE On Dlsplay an~ Re~dy for Delivery Today! OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1968 Sedan De Ville • " . . A bttutiful Ch11tn11t brown 1U't•m1ltll1 witlr. 11 ndlewoocl 'pt4d•d top tn4 111ttchin1 cloth I l11thtr lnftrior. Htt 111 the poplfltr po'..••• f11tur11 incluilinf pew•r 1tnrln11 P,O•tr hr1k11, pow1r wiridows, poWtr 111t, f1ctery .ti~ conditioning plu1 prtmlum tirol. Thl1• lov1ly cir h11 bou ddm "~ fow mil" '"s 49;99 I 1967 sedan De Ville Thh 1ovtly S1do1n OtVill t h11 111 pop11lo11 powtr 1ni1l1 lndu.1111119 powtr 1fttrint, powtr br1k11, pow1r wi11dow1. powt r •••t 111d C1dilltc'1 f1mo111 f1ctory olr co11ditionl11g1 Thi1 b1outlf11I 1ut1° mobilt h11 bt1n Vl"'t c1rsful1y driven ind 1how1 only tho fintd of c1r1 by it'• prevlo111 ow111r1. 144451 . ··> .... •1 ' ' • I ' 1966 CADILLAC Std1n D1V!Ue th1t 11 1b1ol11toly t org .. 111. Ftni1htd l11 ·Sp1111s.h s11.,., wftli m1tchl111 cloth I l11th1r int1rlor, fu lry pow•r 1cco11tocl •ith powor , .. .,.. ln9.br1lc11°wlnCl•wt••••M•1r locb, AM.FM r1dio, '''• crul11 conw.11 prtmlum whit. sll'e wtlt tlr1,1 tH f1ctory 1lr co11clltlon!ng. lll&Nltfl SALi , 53111 PllCI . j ' Tho ,.,,, poP'!ltr El Dor1clo. flnh~'•d In btrMJ11•,t•ltl •Ith ~ pttltlM Nol 1114 1•ltl l"t1rlor. 1111 wh1tl; powor 1t11rln9, p1w1r '-•""· power wl11clow1, p1w1r 111t, ptw•r vtnt windows, powtr trunk lit! rtl ... , St.tM• AM.ft.I R1l'I•, inti m111y wior1 l11•11ry powtr ftttur•i lncl¥cll CHiii" f1,tory 1ir conclil lonl119. B1tt1r git k1r1 firat tn thl1 ••111ty. ( Ll671 SAU $ 6444 PllCID j 1967 BROUGHAM fHitlwtotl 1,.111h1m. M1jt1tlc r19tl 1llvtr wltfl hltcli podclti f..p 1PMf hltck ltptlfry incl leolhtr ln+.rTor. All p-•r J11ch1cll111 1t11rf~ ~1lc1t, windows, ••nl winclow1, trunlc lid ,.101H. Storto r1dl1, tllt 1 ttl11coplt 1f•trlnt whttl pl111 f1ctery 1ir conditioning. IUkV0 2J91 , SALE s4555PRICE 1965 CADILLAC Tht popul1r 11tl111 D1Vlll1. f lnl1h1d In l1roi1111• 901d ttftrltr ~ t111tci.. 1n9 toftl 11othor 111d cloth lnftrlor. H11 111 tht JIOl'Ul1t C.d"f4.c /nury ftthlr•• l"cllHll111 powtr 1t.trint, powot ,Dr1lc1., powtt W111tl1"M, powor 11th, •19ntl 111Hnt r11'!1 ind of ct11r11 C1dl1ltc f1cftfY tlr ceNltl111ln1. 17122) PRICE 19.J CAPILLA<; ~ , Sttltl'I D1Vlll1 with l1roqv1 91ltl 1~rl1r inti Wick 1N44M t.p witlt 'f1'11tchi111 W11lc cleth 1114 l11thet lnt.,ler. Ab1-'•ly '""" ... ,_.. 1lttrl119, pewit brtktl, jiowor wllHllows, poWtr .. ,,, ,.. ..... IW ,.. !•111, AM·FM r1tll1, j.N111l11fll Vlf•• Tyr11 tr11il etc""' f~ air...,. dltlor1T119. Th1r1 •t• II '61'1 te ••ltcf frem rl1ht 11ew at Nt ... ~llM .,sA~' ~f ;~A:~:~~~h~§5~~~}3 r~~:~~~f { :.~ · ·~ r1. -I ~.·~ .. ~· .. ·th:-:::•·~"·.;:· .. •• .... Vl ... ll•,:;• .. ·:.,,· ~ .. ·" ... E!-i" ;<;··~l~1110,..:8 ..... t;,.C .... ·E;,iDir+.,-.-.:0·--"-"'_·_. ' • ;;:r..,:.~1, ms,~•r·:~ '.;~r. ·?~-<!-; , .. ;::·"-;,1, ·::;•'.'r?lf~ fac:tor,:f;A~i•..,. Ce1dlllat Dllller'~AMnif1hiit0,1~4i•99-Cellt;.Jtailiif' ...... ' YiSIT OUR COMPUTE · ' · . , '• ,_ , • ' "' f ' VOGUE TYRE SALU & SllYICE CENTIR • NABERS CADILLAC :. WI ALSO STOCK ALL ORl!ilNAL FACTORT 19UIPM!NT TlllS, • I ~ '" • • ' r . . ~ • s39tS .... INCLUDIN• MOUHTIN .. IALANCIN• I IXCIU TAI • FIE PICKUP AND DEUVERY 2600 Harbor Blvd ... Costa Mesa 540-9100 '67 DODGE DART ·a OtEVY n 'S7 CORVETTE, B\ll'iWldy $t00. ~ 427, low mileage, xJnt cond. Cotta Mna Sacrlfl.ee. ~ '1111 alEVY ~ v-&. 2 270 2-Dr. H.T. v.a, automaUe, Cou,._AR radio, heater, power 1teel'o Dr, ljT, ,Aut<i,• /S, RllL w •-air cond!~"'"" ~~ Coll ... 5· -·~· --~-~- FORD ---'65 FORO St•tlon W•gon Excellent condition, 6 pus, -MUSTANG '67 MUlitang, pwr 1trg, air cond. Many extra.~. Fact watt. Like new. 540-7877 Country Sed., dlr, $85 cub MUSTANG 1965, orig owner delivers. Take pymta of top cond. only S1395. $39.88 mo. WUl fine prvt '* 67~· • prty. L.B. UEV484. Call . • · -IMPAIA ·•·z co''GA" ""'' croxa;ii) ' Ill ~ '' u .. •,t4 Xlrit Cllftd.~· ~·~ :i·~· 'Ji, .. ,;;; ~·.·· w:• ' I stl-~~ !aJe.ilriiiilitftWil,l,:air-~ l ' · ' • ---=~~~-} ~ltfOll'-J _..,,...~· ---....,, 1i.ering, dilc ATLAS M!RCURY '66 OlDS Cutlass CHRYSLER brakes, landau top •• Hurry! Uc. UETW. CHRYSLER·PLYMOU111 '63 COLONY PARK Cpe V 0 1. di -...----.,----1 . ~$25t5 2929 Harbor Blvd. Station Waaon; blue with . .,,, automa 1c, r.i o, i65 CHRvftn OJlta Mesa 5'6-1934 matchln& vinyl Inter. in xlnt heater, power steering and , _.. .LtA17iA• Open 'tll 10 p.m. cond.; air . cond., auto. brakes, landau top. ISLU ' trans.; ...,_,,... brakes, Stffl'o 889) NrwYodptr. V8eJWlne, auto-' ,....~v• $1695 malic tnnlm!uion, ,....,, FOllD ltw ~ nu -ow; ndlo, air condit1oniJW, powet 1tttr-heater; Sood w/w tires; cus. ""' .,...., lnke~ .,...., 1!1YOfA-YOLYO '65 FORD loin loam. !!lied n&"ibhyd• ATLAS Used C1r1 9900 PLYMOUTH '67 PLYMOUTH Ful')' llI 4 Door hardtop, VI engine, automatic transmJ• Irion, factory air condltlon- inJ, power steering, radio and heater. ~NB299 ' . $1itJ':',' ATLAS CllRYSLER·PLYlt10UTit 29'l9 1-larbor Blvd. Coll ta l\.1esa 546-1934 Open 'til 10 p.m. 69 PLY. Fury 111; hdtp., fact. alr, pwr., R&H: owner must 11!11, take over pyb. Low am't. dn. 546-6.174 UIOdC1rt - PONTIAC RAMBLER '6' RAMBLER Claaalc Sedan. 6 eyl., au.to- matlc, ml clean, (SJLUO) $$95 wlDdm!rl. radkl, beater, lofid.. 1166 Hfrbor1 'C.11. 6*-m P9d for rear deck (Ideal for ed. <Ptwi4l) 1967 CX)UGAR., pvf¥ ptJ, like Sedan. Radio, htatl'!r, au• childrl'!n when travellnc.) CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH OIRYSLER-PLYMOtn'H $17,5 new, air -. p IS , ""'"' ....._, VS, Excellent 'II Uce-. Ide&( r.mily ,.,. Hubor Bl,,.. , PO' NTIAC ATLAS AK / I'll WI Ona. wr. --UX!A.lT "'· lllrlY prlctd at $995. O>cta M.,.' 546-1934 0.::.!:'*' 8::1111, • da1I m-im, at 11131 eve ~ . -' fSG..3'119 Aft. 1 PM. open 'tll 10 p.m. 0pn 'ttl 10 p.m. • ATLAS ~ wt<-etldl m.2111 " I:.ewta lmpans, ·19111 '18 WLONY pm, ' -. . 1111umrnv STATION w....,, ·12 Pot> -y---~-m.Z1t lfu1>or'.tMlll3 '5,0llO mlleL Bir "ll!ine; HNlll ~·:.!,"'"-~~:~--N; 'MIWIBU:R,l l3IO. ~-•••~on '68 C""GAll 'C FORD XL O>nrt ... 1 -.,.mJ>lni, llH"l' ~~,, _., -· f!W _.,...., 2121 -mw, 1 · ,... ' a.pr ot !110. Dan du!Y -pmniwn 1i1u SALES & llRVICI Om. new -Fine lmD 1 ___ ._._11:11 __ 11111_*---°""' -5*1111 Ltnit with~ ,,i.odod ... llleGboe, IU-9!2', or '2,111111. Call alt 5 Pll' ftiftnMlllnE ;:l>..:cat=""°ll5i>=.•llU'=;;:ll;;;•_·_"_ 1-------- 0pen 'til lJ) ..... Loodod ....... --.., -... 2111 16-11111 UUl.ll'lllPIUi 1111 Pontiac -· Sif:, T-lllD '62 IMPllllAL Jll!>O. I!. -IGlllll. '11% Ford E Ill -V1n-2lilO 1.-Blw, WIP' lmmoc, -AIL $. 1----'---- 0own -....... ID -•11111 = V4 tllaO mL $80. MUSTAN5 """Mt11 * -*' 19111 T·BIRD full -· .... --Full pwr., raa . -Uoed ""' M<>388! lll6& GTO 2 DR .• SPEED. ell .. ,_ all u)ru. l!T!ll. ~ air, db', ...,. --.. ·DUOfO UllC FORD 4 Dll. • '18 MUSTANO;'i!NOnd., lull '61 OLDS F "5. """ tran1, _. S • 2'•· """'"'"' eond. S.t ilt'U" SllL weol.-~~ -or take fo-'-Town eedan. Qood,oond. -U'• ·~ .... 1 oil Will *6'U55S after 5• aft.I. a.:.a .._. ·~ m, Clff H 50-0'7IT pwr., vinyl top. """'" JIU• ...,.... or ....,.,, tr. OJtlo car in tl'Olle, Will tlnc P"I llUST ..U lmmedlatelyl 19511 Dr, Jli T.Q.P, Pvt l'ty. m.<904 older ttade, 646--2215 '61 TEMPEST, -"""' "' L.lt H8C ... -Desoto, .... -' "°"· '" FAlllLANE, lull ""' • .,_ OLDS s·-~-all $200 Goin& back Eut Ol' -141-l&T.,. 61f..~T -Uc, .... -A '65 MUSTANG lldtp. Bia 6; .--~.. ox. vri $. Eva l4Wl)I ., __ ~ c:c&-auto •• J\IH; lady owner, tru. $ot1$. w 1lole 1 a,le. • '51 CHRYSLER -Good lt'fOID'M., __ ~-·JllO,= 111!15._.A11tt1Pll 11:11-TlGalt 5. 1111 ,PONTIAC -I ·~ T·BlllD Oonwftllllt, ...Utlon, -pldld, --"'11·ba Jooldoa.. DAILY PllDI' WAHi' -, lb-, .... m-. Ml. 1!2111, loo ot 29'1 °"- Cal! Neal. -IL DlllHMlll BIUNGllllULnt 'l!OCKIT1'.'EMI 'DAILYP!LOl'WANT ADSI -· t100. 61f..T2!11 ll•'-·°"'*Mell.141-11113 " UNd Cora 9900 •• T0 BIRD WE ARE ONLY #2 So We Try H•1der For You , ·, 41/2% IANK "HANCIN• Oil Appniwl el Crecllt WI NDD YOUR , 'llADI INll tJ'•l.tJou llf'Q!tS -.. -~ ,., tJIJ 1966 HAUOI, CJIL I --• .=.:_ .- • \ t • f ' r I ,_, I I jl. .~ t. • .. ,~'(PR.OT • • ' ' • ~. fobMry 12,1969 ' . ... -·· . ~-- BRAND NEW 1969 FIREBIRD -firp,.no,bt\Wli..wP,k gOfil.infi t(oi, l 1pe•lf 1teii4'1rd r1n1mhilo11, 41111.-.·whMI cOvert.; O'~f~itWlni Whoel, C111tOift tri;., pl1!1i, wh11/ o,-ni1t9, mouldl1191, po-r 1+.erint. whi•• lid1 w1 tl ·tir11 • • )•rl1l 11111mb.r 22ll7t~601!57 . ' . . ,. BRAND N~ 1969 FIREBl.RD Vir41ro frt.,.·6xltiior, f irfo·m1tic: ft•li•fllJtlion, p1nhbutton r11Uo, • • ' f . • '''••• wh11l '''''• Ell 91111, h11d r11tf1inh, wide ovel wh'llo 1r;f1 wi ll tlrh pl111 1nttc., more. S1ri1l nu"'_b1r 22JJ 79L,OID71 . . . ) ' --. . ' -· -.. ". ... .. ' • 1 ·1i~~D ~!W-1969 FIREil!lP. 400 'Q•d!<~;,.l.>' ~1,;1d '''"'"· .-.............. ,.,._ .,._,,. $. 39· 4562 • r1c'1•)~ r1lly Ii. •w¥els. c.U•M 1f11ri"t wh11I, co11 .. lo, .r1Uy -. ~ ' • , . t••t't,I elite\, ,, • .., 1tewi19, 4i1c br1k11 fr111t, AIR CONDl· , ' - I ' ' ' °' l OHi~, H,D. 1,;11115 l 1hock1, F-70 ir 1'4 rid li11• tlr11, h••tl • • •" -£ ' • ._ r11f'I, tlfltH .tll H, fr•flf fl1er.,.1111h , 1b1ol11t•ly fully l11d.d. Sir• ' 111 1111ntbtir i:ill79LI 1.1 11'4. Offlc i1I 1tick1r ptic1 $'4,629 .15 .. ,..' ,. l .. ~D!t(EW' 1969 FIREBIRD 40Q :"'~._k.•(ll• 1Wl.cortl,p.,1 -t1tt_ I 111111 i11f•ri9'-. f 11rb•'hycl'r11111tlo, ! it•,... .rMI•, cl111I h~rJll, r1lly ·II wh••l1, Cfl11ol1, pow•r 1t1•ri1111 . dl1e br1li11 fron,, AIR CO~DITIOH INS, EZI •lat1, c111t.111 trim, h111f r141k; •&.11• wh•1I cl•~""· cl1l11~1 1t•1ri119 wh11I" wh11I • ll'~;•i!fi!ll.,,;.! h'1acf r•~~·-fui1J.,flpor 1T1;ah. 1t~, 1tc, 5,,.. • 'l•I ~~iiJ}7tl i IJ019: ~'I ithilik-prlc1 \<4,71 J.10. ~ ~ . . . -. ... .'"''61"1il.ilC:K GS 400 --1 VI, 'hf41r11111tic, pow1r 'il11rin9 I br1lr11,1 $2677 ••di•, lu t•._ WSW, '"''" ,;, •ioyl ••P· ~ .1 • . ITPYl)91 . ·'· t • 2 Door h•rdlop. VI 111lom1tlc, pow1r st11rln9 I br1k11, r1 dio, h•1t1r, WSW, .,;11yl top, factory ·1ir, 157'45 mil11. !VGX- 5ll I •' ~ii, YQLKSWAGEN i · .• ' ,Pai-.1 plc~1t·•Racfl•, .4 .1,11lil ITAV41l) '61--PONTIAC L1Ma11t 2 Dr. H.T, VI, hycfr11111fic, pow1r 1t11r· 119, ,acf_i .. h1•t.r, w1w, f1clory 1fr, IVH61'41 , ' • -> I .M • .. "· ~ .. ·-·~--··,, . ~ . > '.1'1 .. ' • . -.;.. ...... "" --. . . ... -- • .-•• . ' J THR.OUGH FRIDAY MOM' 7;30' A.M.:TO . 6ili0.: ·P·.M~- . ... .. " ·• i" "i !I "':" '-----~ (/ ' .. .. . , """":.,.... ·a THE SALES DEPARTMENT IS OPEN 8:00' A.M. TO 9;30 ,~.M •. --~--~~~--. SEVEN 'rOAY,S. A ·wm"" ........ ·-t'("""'·-" ···- # '1·~.;;,)r : _, •• !% --.. P ] $977 '67 MERCEDIS 4 .Dr. Sicl1n, Aiitom1tic, PW'' 1t.1ri~t. poWW wi!Mlow•, bl1clt wi red 11_.h.;• i11t1rior, WSW, f1ctory air. IY~ll '41 \ ' ., . -~4977 .' . . -· ... "A ~~DS -~~-. ain:•..:...., _'..:r-._7""_$:::--:-__ ,-_-.:t-.4_ c--:-:_.7-7--:i. 2 Dr. H.T. VI, hycframallc:, po-r·tfMrltt1:1·1dio,1 . h11t1r, .,.hit. wall1. l l ,73] .. ,.,il••· 10QEll21 . --I 66 ·JIEP Wp9one~r vi., ., •••• ,.. ...... ....... w•it• won.. • who1l -clriY1. 11'ASl5) .