HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesaf, j • i I.. t 1 ···' • -ew l . ' '• 3 ........... .. . - Man~·s . ' 'Seized ' Yacht Laguna '· ' ' I ' ' During Cruise Near Red China ' . MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 17, 1969 VOl. U. 1110. 41, J SECT~NS.-SI PAOIS Bandits Hit Three Times In County Armed robbers struck three Umes In Orange County Sunday night, i n Fullerton, Santa-Ana and Buena Park. Three meo IUlp<Cted ol robbing a Buona Pl?i:...rtel ol ll,JGO wue plcbd r up by .An1heim police. 1he Tic:tim was Robert ~. 211 of Gafden. Grove In J~ Marat; )lanilw<dd.Amme and BeaCll.-ud. .. . ·--· '); ..... -~ :!~fl.l!w1•=:-= ,.~P!l!!li ·~ .. -c. ~.-.. . Iii il',llll:i* eitJ: Utob. • '. · Thi 11,ido WU recovmid, pollce ~· .. ID Santa Ana, two robben ojlprooched N6tlieri Jllcketl. 44, a1 Santa ,Ma. •-' asked wbieft the · othet clert ·WU.: H'i laid ·hla ~ ln)!Od'a Uquor Store, W5 w. McFaddea '1ve., wu not oo duly. t Disaallalled with the anner one ol tho bandits -Rickerl .. the bead with ~ .:a automaliC pialol and left al1or SSllChlng the premises lot' llfo -··~ They took· nothing. lUcterl was talU!n 1to Jijverview 11 .. p11a1 and beid lo< oboervation. A · sttvlct station wu robbed early U¥s morniol in FullertOn. · Mike .. J!o!tlriebl. 21, al Fullerton told police a Iooe bandit wearing a mooatache and a Van Dyke beard simulated pcisRaioo of a -gun and . toot an un- determtoed amount of cash. Scerie ot the robbery was the Maan Oil Co., 104! Commonwealth Ave. Oil Flow Slows 'From ,Oifshore · Ber ·-Majesty • • I . i 1 ) ' '. . J .... ' ' ' ( .. - .1 ' .. I , • ' ,, • -.,,.Jr......, 17, 11169 GkJlAgain ,. "· .i. ~ Ji. • • SF .. State Open Again l Eri.ters ·RFK t ~ ., ~ Strikers At~nd Classes to. Beat Check Plan r ~ • ' • ~iir4erCase r 1' ~ •• ·- LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A Cirt In ar ~-aot·llttb wu standln& nelf Sirt.a B. Sirhan moments before be IJre\I the shots that kWed Sen. Robert F . ..,,.edy, a munler trill jury .wiu lold today. \1acent Di Perro, a student and part. Umt waiter at tbe Ambusador 'Hotel, said hil \ attention was first dr~ .to Slrbiln by the ~gilt of the ""l'Y . pmty girl with an attractive figure standing dolo "'him. '"'-.mylleriou4. prl i,.:~ polb ~I d1'SS had been ~ltd by police previously and no eVidence had ever been produced that she played any role W~\IU 1n the .po.:>~ or that abe WU actually pment.ln lbe ~· DI Pierro Aid ww!F crotiaamlnation by de! .... counsel (/ralil B. Cooper, that she was Ihm :.nJ lt appwed t.ha1 Sirhan smiled II ior and lbat sh1 ' .. llll11led back at him. DI Pierro llld she bad nn a white dress wllb black polka data and lbal , . ' Bbe was a m,mette. Dep. lli!t. 'Ally. David Filla displayed a color pict.Ore: of a girl in a polka dot c1r.. and the 111-yelll'-Old w11n ... uid that ihe · seemed to be the prl WRECKERS RAZE .FORMER CHRISTIAN CHURCH Once Used far Courts, Now Rubble behld.,n. . Wrecker's Hammer Fells 1'ldl lilODtllied Ille Clrt In the picture as V~ SclruJle of SaJlla BarbarL Cooper noted tl!at·ln Iba plcturt she wu wurina a green; 4rta with yellow polb dcU and lbat "" ..... -. not a brunet!. but DI Plerto llld be still f~t ahe was the same girl. C.o~nty's Old Buildings Qrily rnbble remained today where a blill of llOl'ts, wrought by wreckers, has ac~ted for the destruc~on of three old court buildings in the county Civic Center In Santa Ana. Soon; smooth parking Jots will occupy the space now fWed with debris. Tbeie wu no evldance that she figured In any way In ·the abootlng expecl that she wu present with duzens of other people tzy~ to meet Kennedy • when the pll\lfy l>!· tlie boW "erupted .!Ji pan· demOalum momtlltl after be wlil morlallJ wounded. Bowlna to the march of progress \\'ere two old church buildings and a fomier . F"enchman Kills c:oort building, all OD 6th Streel, belween .a.· .. Broaaway and Rou Street. First structure to be demolished last Sell' rL_~ •] ~--..• -.. : weet was the old First Assembly ol' µLU-tJl~...J.1. God Church on the southeast comer of Ross and 6th streets. It had been used · .t. ;.. p~· M by the county for four Supulor M ove 'ttl:i'Courtrooms now housed in the __ new. ,. ·. ·• " . ' , · ' ·courthouse buUdlng, two blocks aifay. BORDEA;• '(UftJ} :r.k-~111' Last Thursday the old municipal courJ who feared , ~1 "" {building at 6th and Birch streets /f1lt hla chlldren clelltfi,C'' · • \the wreeker's wrath. A huge bulJdo°ter commit suici4e .endeCf •M'"~ .... HteraUy smashed the building to.;f>ieces coolrontalioo';fWI pollCe* 1iJ 11! leu than an hour. hlJ son atJ4 ;~daa&liter.~ Un . The' building had been the home of shooting hilftitlf .la i b a r r I c'a d e .d santa Ana-Orange Municipal Courts for farmhoule. . . . • nearly two decades. Friday saw the end of the dark-brown ·hued former church building at 6th and Broadway. The Christian Church former· ly (/Ccupied "the premises. In recent years . tw~ de~ents of the Superior C1>urt have betu housed in the old slrutture. The fltst building to go, at 6th and Ross was the victim of a street widening project to provide a new alignment of 4th Street which will ·cure from Van Ness Street into 6th Street. The other two building sites will be used temporarily for parking and even- tually will be a greenbelt section of the Civic Center. A foorth building, the Spurgeon Metbodist Church at Broadway and 8th Slreet wni be ... the next tG go. If will be torp down in about three years when 8th Sfreet ~fa, .. rtiJigned with 7th Slreel at ~aln SU'eet. The structure, which h1>used courts until recently Is now used by the county Personnel Department. Soon to go will be the former Saint Ann's Inn. a famed h1>stelry of former years on Birch, north of 6th Streel. Pollce Aid Allclfl" Founiue\. 31, sh_ol his children wllb'l rllle, lben turned . the 1111n tl0'1lbnlell :wbon police IM'fed up balftrack:·armond tarrien that bristl- ed with submachlne guns. Froni Pllfie 1 'l'llr<o -..... out u pol1'e lobbld tear ,.. down lbe chimney of the shut- w.d while bouae, then ruabed th< bUlldlng. Lui Tuesdaj Fourquet llad shot and 1lllled a ~an wbo had ventured too c1o1e to lht surriJinided -· which Fourquel had !Unfed Into a forlrea for blmaell and bis ~ cblldru. ooe . child, a leel>aged daugh~, eac.aped. Fourquet's fjnal de1perate acts ended the siege that began Feb. 2 when he barricaded tht'houae sbu~ raised a ll\l<k flag and the French tricolor over the roof, bored holes In the red sbullera to -t Oii~ ·and ordered hb !onner wife to come. to t,!:le house and ~t 6ulclde. He Said he wanted to ~e sure· ahe would not get custody ot their cblldren. Fourquet's wife, who WGrll:ed .. lo a hospital in B«deaUJ., never showed up. She toJd newsmen her hwband was a violent man who had threatened to kill her. DAILY PILOT ...,..,.,. ..... . ........... .... ---·---f:AuPOINIA OltAHGIE COAIJ ,.Ull.f5"1MG ,OM,l\H't' ltei..rt N.;• 'ft••<I ~~·.;.f Ml!lllrf J.,1i: •· c •• 1.1 \Ile:• l"ruidllflt -GolM•• ~"' ti. ..... t:•••il .. ., The"''' A. M•r,hift1 MillHllll E.iior 1•111 Nl111• .._. ... _ ... ·-C•lt ,....., m Wttl ..., S~ """""' ...,., nu """' ..... ....,'".,. ~ 9-fl: m ,_,, ,...._ ,.........IMdl:M .. ..._ YACHT SEIZED .•. le, according to officials working to se- sure their freedom . Sailors planttlng the voyage this year wen warned ol strained relaU0111 with Peking, due tG lmprisonmenl ·ct Com· munista blamed for a 1965 anti-British reign of temr in Hong Kong. La11t radio trafflc·heard from the seized boats was a message from Baldwin himseU, aboard the Mora sum, which is a copy Gf the famed Hong Kong-bul!t yawl Finisterre. . "lt seems they want to board us. They are boarding us. Over and out," the monitored broadcast aaid. • HEARD NOTlllNG Baldwin's wife Marjorie said today at the couple's Laguna Beach home that she has heard nothing from the ·u.s. State Department about lhe status of her husband's captivity. Western diplomau. were circuitously broaching the subject with Peking, because America does not recognize the main1snd China g1>vefnment. The BaldwinJ have three children, Si· meon m,. 26, L)'JUJI!, ·24, and James, 20, a Saddlebact Junior College student who lives at the family home. l.Jrs. Baldwin said her husband is pres!· dent of Air St'bc1t1 Ltd., a Hong Kong-bas- ed firm founded 15 years agG for diajribullng avlaUon parla lo. airlines In the Far" l:ist, where he has worked It years. Buslness Interests prevented him from returning to Laguna Beach at Christmas, but ne was home 1i1 months ag1> and Is 1e111au .. 1y scheduled to fiy back Ihb 111mmer. · BEST ACCOUNT Probablr the best reconstructed •c· count "cl wi>a\ happened to the three mllltol JIChla was give by Dutch-born Everard Van.Kan, whose yacht Nordlca made Maceo safely. "Nol "kiig a'ner we left Hong Knng territorial """' •• ""' •potted by Q>mmunhl Chh>ele ..,.t>oata decoraled with portrolta of Mao ••. they polnled macblM gun1 and AK II automaUc rtnei. then &alled trotmct us and ten," he said. The Dutchman aald two other gunboat.I and !lvt Junb sumiunded them JO miles olf Macao, at whlcll time a Chinue Anny ofllc<r and two ooldlers bol,rded the Nordlca 11 though aeeidnl rdugeei. "I SM we ue friends." the orOca said In English, pinning propaganda 1!>dget nn the hlgl>necked "!•o-atrl• timlca wora · by Ille Dulcli newa pboloVepbor and a coll"llll' sailing aboard the yacht. Pitching ln the high seas, however, the Red Chinese launch had smashed intG the Nordica, causing some damage, but she was escorted into Macao Harbor by a Portugut~e gunboat. Yachtsmen expressed some fear fGr the three seized vessels which carried extens.ive electronics gear for navigation and might be charged with 10me USS Puebl~type espionage acUvitles. France Resigns From Western European Union LONDON (AP) -Franct today withdrew Indefinitely from the Western European Union CWEU) but Its al1 fellow members resolved to go ahead anyway with the Work or the alliance. The de'('elopment threatened the fuirae of the group fonned in 1954 u a con- tainer for a reanned West Germany. It also thrust elnady cool Brltbh·Frencb relaUons further lnto the deep ffffZe . The Frencb Embuay early !oday Id· vised s.cretary-Oenerol MaW'k:e Oweln D'Eckhoulle and the Brltisb govmunent: -France will not be repramted at Tueday's regular bimoothly mettina of the WEU permanent: council. -France wiU not atten4 any other melillp of the WEU council unUI further notict. Countian Slain ' . In Drinking Bout An appmnt argument ~"a drink· Ing boot ended In death Jor one Sima An• man Salunlay nlgbl and arrul of another on murder chrges.. . Police said Gary WUlllJ!I Rooenlbal, 2$, was shot ln the head, thoulder and chest. He wu pronounced dead at the scene. Tbe lhoolln& oa:umd al the i1otM of 1be -Lelltr Kellh Sinunolll, ~-Police Aid lbe two had been drlntlnC togethtt and the "1oolillC clfmaud u argument. Olrlcm toot ~ Into custody wllhout realsiance. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -5lrltln& &tu4onll and prokaon au.oded. ci- at lbe opeilinc ot San Fr...,.. Slaie · eoueo·• .,..,., ...... 1er todar · "' circumvent an earollnilot .-• .,..., lnstlluted by acting Prtlldllll 'Si L HayaUWL • clwel by meelln( the lint (and only the flnl) Jedloo of each cOurle," said a lea.Ott handed out by members of .the strikln& .American Federatioo of TeaChers. Clmpu.I pollce.man. Tbe bombing WU the second in four ' days at the college a™'-the lateat bl 1 a aeries of vlo!ent lncldenta since Lbl I Black Studeo.ta Union called a atrijle : Nov. 8 to back demands for an 1utonomou1 black studies program. A hancfful of teacben picketed at the main campus entrance wbUe moet of lbe l50 lllrltlng profwon met with tbtlr iltJdenll to teep their counes from be)ng dropped by the admlnlltration. Stri~ng atudenU. also wen& to clul . lo guarantee lbelr 11atul • undar -~ r<gislraUoo card .,.i..n lnftlale!I by Hayakawa. The cards must 'be signed by beth student and teacher on the flnt day of class. "Our members shall eatabllah their • Chi~f Urges . City' Expand Its Facilities Space needs t~ed "critical" by Hun. tington Beach Police Chief John Seltz.er will be discussed by the City Council ~uring t.he 4:30 o'clock meeting today 1n council chambers of Memorial Hall. Chief Seltzer is recommending that lbe dty apaod the eJfallng detective building by some 2,000 1quare feet at the cost ol abollt 118,000. 'llle a41f!Uonal apace "Is deajleralely needed," aid the' chill. He polnted out ~ .the present faciUUes were built for tempotary· Use in 1962 to bo:UM a maxim1fm. of nine persons.. PresenUy 19 persons are housed In the buUdlng at the rear of the p<>lice :;taUon on· 5th Street. Some opposition to the recommendation is expected because or plans to build a new police fa cility within a proposed new civic center. On the agenda for tonight's meeting i!< an agreement between lhe city and owners Gf property at Main Street and Mansion Avenue for sale of the land to the city for ~ as a civic center. . The agreed price ls $360,000 for all but a half acre of lhe dealJnaled civic center site. Councl1mao Henry Kaufman, Ted Bartlett and George McCracken are expected to oppose acquiring the land because they favGr a location in the old:. downtown. -' ' . Dallas Man Says Kennedy Shot From Knoll NEW ORLEAM (UPI) -A Dallas electrician testified today at the con- spiracy trial of Clay L. Shaw that the shots that tilled President John F. Ken- nedy came from a grassy knoll in front of the big, black limousine -not from behind wbere Lee Harvey Oswald was perched in a sfxth.noor window. "We thought it was firecracken," said William E. Newman Jr., the 37th pro- secuU<m witness called. He said he, his wife and two sons were watching the parade in downtown Dallas from the foot of the knoll. Newman said he heard two qulck shots from behind him, a pause, then a third shot. "Boom! Boom!" yelled the witness Tile vloleDcH'ldden acbool roopened afler a t--t break wllh Ill ad- mfnlstrallon building battend by a bomb bIQt and Hayakawa v1>wing studentJ and facully will be "protected by whatever means necessary." Hayatawa said Sunday's pre-dawn blut was "characlerlsUc of the n~ F..Wt methods used by some of the radical elements around here." 'I'he uploslon, which c<>Uld be heard for several miles, shatterd 11 windows around the main entrance Gf the campus adm1n1straUoa bpllding and injured a 'nle American Federation of Teacherl local struck Jan. 6, demanding educa- tional reforms and smaller teachlnC. loads. The local representa about W of the college's 1,300 faculty members. The teachers were asked tG submit stltement.s of availability for the sprint semester and to return to work today. Hayakawa wouldn 't esUmate bow maf11 or the union teachers he expected to return but said, "If we do lose facult71 that will be the result o{ their initiative.' Co~t Cities Con:ibi,,,e . , ' . Forces in Muiual Aid ' ' , ' local fire departmeota Jn .•. llJ~' ·.~ In Sell -· lheo laiof al -~ been acrunblln( fnllll ,..,. the Sberatoo B<acb loo In Hlmtln(loa city to lllO!ber In • lbab dOWn' (1111' Bucb. > • of the county's new mutual aid system. · HunUngton Beach, Costa M e s a • Purpose of the mock tires has been N to see il local cities could smoothly ewport Beach, Fountain V 8 11 e Y w1>rk together to control a large fire. Westminster and Seal Beach from Area The break down into six small areas Sil of Orange County's new s.ix·ai'ea fGr fighUng fires with mutual aid was mutual aid program, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday lhe initiated this year in Orange County. Area Six fire departments have been In the past all mutual aid fires were -'"•• coordlnaled lbrougl! lbe Counly Fire • ......, lo flgbt llmulated large firea Deparlmenl In Orange 1-01Detlmes caus-iD several locaUom. Tuesday, units rolled to South Coast ing a great am1>unl of confusion and heavy radio traffic. Plaza, where Costa Mesa firemen. wue Fire officials aald today they hope preaenUng to baWe,a blue that required the new system wW lead I• faster and help from other dUes. Thursday, the location of a aimulated mGre efficient cooperation among cities fire was the ~ store in Fountain in righting large fires. Valley. Friday. firemen battled a make- believe b1az.e 'first at the Rossmoor f'rom Page l AQUANAUT. •• days o1· widerwater el)>loraUon ror the Navy 's Sealab program slnct initial ex- periments in 196f. In Waahlngton, a Navy apokesman said a medical officer attribuied Gannon's deahl to "cardiac arrest." cannon and another diver left a so-eall- ed, pel'IO.{lffl· 1tr~~ caP,lule to sw~ to the und"ei'Water llboraf"Ory. An official -said Cannon was observed having dif· flcultf during thiS swim. He 'fas brooght back to the transfer capsule' and taken to the surface, where he was proooonced dead . · Cannon, a 1962 graduate of Florida State University, is survived by his widGw, the f1>nner Mary Louise Rutko\v- skl of Chula Vista, Calif., and their three sons -Patrict, K .. evin, and Neal. Westminster Girl ' Killed in W reel{ A Westmiqster girl was killed late Saturday nigbt in a tw~ar accident at Raymond and Comm1>nwealth avenues in Fullerton. Dead on the scene was Dianne Jan!! 19'1 Z6 Co11nty Tralilc Dealb Toll 1168 %3 Copter Rescues Boy After Fall A U. S. Marine Corps bellcepter bad to be called in Sunday to rescue a 1,. year~ld Costa Mesa youth who plunged off a cliff in South Laguna. The victim, Gregory Means of 275 Virginia Place. suUered a broten leg in the !all from steep Alta Laguna Boulevard. Members of the South Laguna Volun- teer Fire Department were unable to n!dicue Means via stretcher In the ruf" ged terrain. The helicopter was called it and it airlifted the y1>utb to. South CGast Community Hospital in South Laguna . ~feans was later transferred to Hoal Memorial Hospital In Newport Beach. He was released today. Suicide Victim Found in Beach A 22-year~ld Anaheim man appare:nt.IJ ki lled himself with a shotgun early Satur-- ~ay morning in Huntington Beach, ~ lice reported today. Police said the suicide victim wu Peter Burr Meaker, who died 110metlme beween I a.m. and 3 a.m. Saturday. His body was found Inside h!s Mustang parked at 20541 Minerva Lane, by C.E. Arledge, superintendent of the Four Winds Construction Co. NG suicide note was round. In a quiet courtroom. ''The President Nobriga, 18, Gf 13842 Clarem1>nt St. all the time was looking like Ulis at Police said she was lhr1>wn from her 20 Burned on Train the crowd -it just looked like a cold car. stare-he looked right through them." Taken to St. Jude Hospital for obser va- Newman was the third 11tate witness lion were Susan Charles, 20, of Fullerton, JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) to say tbe assassination bullets were a passenger in Miss Nobriga's car and -A passenger train crowded wilh Afrl· fired froin the knoll, a short ~e the other driver Charles: A. McDaniel, can workers became a blazing infe rno west of the Texas School B o o t 16, of Anaheim. Monday when a gasoline tank car jump- Deposltory. No citations were issued. ed the tracks and hit the train . r ••urn• RM•u:ua11n•Kl'!r:sssM111W1at~ftf.Mil !) OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired e diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE All TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOR SHorrtNG CINTD :uoo HARIOR aw. COSTA MISA 1411.Mll 0,.. M-n.n., Prf, ,. t ,.... HUNTINGTON CINTU IEACH I< IDINGU -HUNTINGTON llACll nJ.JIOI '. t ·,· • '~··~(.·~·,.·.~--·.'\. r: '-Y•'• ···., . • , . ' :P~iington Beaeh EDITION YOL. 62, NO. ~1. 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES l\40N!YAY, FEBRUARY' 17, '1969 ., Beach Doctors OK Pacifica Hospital Plali . By WILLIAM REED Of tlle Dellr 1'"'9 Slaff A aroup of Huntington Beach phys!· clans today announced "an agreement 1n principle" for purchase of property and perm.its of Pacifica Hospital and Miln and~Detaware' Streets for 'Q'eaUon of the city's second general-purpose jlospital. The physicians are members of the newly-formed HBH CorpqraUon. They, in- Laguna Man Seized by Red Chinese . By ARTJllJR R. VINSEL Of lllt ~ '°1191 lf9H Diplomaitc maneuvers are under way tod.y to 1r.. three yachts captured by Red Chinese gunboats on a llong Kong-to- Macao cruise Sunday, one skippered by I ': a Laguna Beach aviation plant executive. State Department o f f l c I a I s in -Washington said today they are op- timisUc a bout quick release of Simeon Baldwin, 56, of 1359 Cliff Drive, and 14 other persons aboard the vessels. : I The three boats seized were among a flotilla of Hong Kong Royal Y ~t Club craft which set out on+tbe cs.mµe coastal holiday crul>e, despite olfidal warnings against the trip. Jlalations betw... R<d China and the }{Ong Kong government are · currenUy at a low ebb, while the Cblne~ New Year .. the Year. of the Cock, is now 1leing ee!Ohrai.d. ,. Despite the lacl that portraifa ol Mao Tse-IUnl in boarded boabl C!l!f)'inc -Americans won them. ~ . ~ autholittes say th• -blilcllll' do not aeem anti-Yankee In.nature. Four American! ore -!be IS persons believed to be beld IOI' riolaUOn of the Ii-mil• territortal watm lbnlt elaimed by Mainland China, -troopl eaptur~ the boats SUD'!,ay~-• In u ••• The U.S. Consulate """"'u ~ .. Kong identified the three Yanlil besides Baldwin as these: -Bessie u. Donald, 46, of Bristol, Va., a public relations and advertising consult.ant who uves in Hong Kong and was aboard Baldwin's 40-foot yawl Tbe Morasum . -Joan Von Sydow, 47, formerly of Spokane wash., and wife of Swe4lsb-bom Christia:. Von Sydow, who is also believed tn custody along with the couple's two daughters. -c.rolhle P. Zinky, 10, formerly of Colorado Springs, Colo., now ~tep­ daugbter of Hector H. Boas, a British Jlong Kong government employ• and owner of one of the three captured yacbts. . Mystery enveloped the dlS8ppearance of the boats Sunday, shortly alter Red Chinese gunboats and junks reportedly harassed the Macao-bowld fioUlla and rammed one yacht in heavy seas. "It's almost a foregone concluion that they are in Red China, but we just cannot say definitely until we hear from (S.. YACHT, Pqe I) Beach Council Sets Discussion On Police Needs tend to take over i;onsfll!Cllon ~ opera. tion of the medical cqmpfeJ: from Robert Zinngrabe, present oWner ·of ·:the Hun- tington 'eonVal~~t 'II~. . Present p~ call 1.f!r CQDV~on of the convalesCent hospital Into· an llO-bed' acute hoipitat, mall)iil U I b~ sttOlid major hospital to serve th8 _pUbHc in· the city. Dr. George .A Knnpotich, presid .. t al)d cha1hnAn of ,the bolrd,_ of .th• new . corporatlon and ' Dr. Jllchard A. Houghton, secre~treasurer~ aa.id the moV< was the mult 'ol orgaolslhg the "inore than SO pbyllclans who petiUoned support of the new lmpltal " Dr.· Krm.Jiollch uplati!ed thalir "We felt tba~ wt• lhou1d do ,_. than .._c i;y petith!I-We sllciu1d ¥<1ulre the hoopitaf oUnelJ\ea and operate It' In tbe beet liltereata "" 'the. community and jts ~ needs.u •'' · ' .... WRECKERS' RAZE FORMER CHRISTIAN CHURCH · One• u.~ for· eaurt. · NOW Riibllli ... . . W reeker's Hammer F ellS County's Old Buildings Oftly·,J'ulihf<'.mD.meit. toda~·w~ •· 'Friday saw the.end of the dark-brolJll blitz . of .on., wtoulht by :wrec~er1, hued;fonneh:burch,balidll1g. at Ith and has accounted for the destruction of Broadway. The Chri!tlan CHurch rormer- tbree .old court~bulldings in the county 1y occiipied,.the premises. In.~nt years Civic Center in Santa" Ans. two departments of· the·;su~ Court Soon, 1mootb parking lots · will .occupy btlve been housed in tbe ·old atructure. the space now flied with debris. 'nle , first ·bUUding 1 to · go,· at · 11th and Bowing to· the' march of "progress ·were Ross was tbe victim of ·a street -widening tw1> old church bulJdings and a fonner project to provide a new alipment of court building, all on 8th Street, between 4th S~t which will curve from Van Broadway and Roll Street. Ness Street into 6th Street. First structure. to tse· demollsbed last The other twa building sites will · be weelc was . the old First Assembly of used temporarily for parking and even. God Church on the southeast corner of tually will be a greenbelt section of Rosa and 6th streets. It had been used the Civic Center. by the county for four Superior A fourth building, the · Spurgeon Courtrooms now housed in the 'new Medlodist Church at Broadway and· 8th courthouse building, two blOcks away. Street ·will be the next to go. Jt-,wUI Lui 1buraday the old mw,Jcipal cOutl be torn down In about tfiree yean when building al Ith and Blrcb ttreets felt 8th Street is realigned with 7th S~t the wrecker's wrath. A mig~ buDdozer at Main Street. The ,strticture, wbiC)I liter.U,. a1JIU!led the ball411'1 to pieces· , houted,coortauntil·-Uy·ia "!""·~ In lea than.an •· . • by-the eoullli~Orlonnel,l)epartm<nl.· ni. bulldint.badd>een the hbuli of' • SOou tq,,10.wlD ·be·tlie 1..,.,... Salpt Sanil -Ana-Orange Municipal Courts for Ann's <l>!n. a lam¢ hostelry of former nearly lwo decadet. yean on Birch, 'north ol · Ith Street. ,Valley Councilmen Slate Be added ~ the opening ol the We feel ... ·can ,.,. tenslom and -I proposed hoopltal, ICbeduled for January onnecwary delays In provlcuni thll 1870, wou1d lilill leave the cHy with community with medical fadlftf• n Ip-er beds per tboutud population than know we need now." the ~t average for the county. OppoolUoo to·the booplilj plan opiiean "Both the preaent and projected to be developing. The city Plann!nl c.m- number of hospital beda u. tnadequate mlsslao baa ordered a liwfill beld on lor·oor neodt," clelmed Dr. Knnl)C)(lch. • the 1'"Jlll, cranied lo.-the Pacll1ca "Purehase of this property lnif use !l"'PiW and owners of the llwltlngton permit will enable , Ill to develop the lnt<l'communlty Hospital at B. a ch new hospital into a major medical caner, Boolevard and Newman street. me ez. ~ to oppooe 1n1 -111 !lit BBB C0rp to build a new bolpftal. A a-Jresman for the lmm'b••;1•'"1: ...... ' -f group tald that planl for -- ol a ·new ISO'bed · un11 .;. ww. the Jloopftal Plamllog Commlttae 11111 tblf II approv'!f,, the oecOoc\. holpllal: 1-C would be bollt In the '_.,.,.. and an' ao'bed wlnl opened lo ...., (See BOllPITAL. Pop I.I. . ' Aquanaut Dies Heart Attack Kills Sealnb Explor~.r -An aquanaut eiploring the ocean floor off San CJemente Island Jn a test of man living againsl the oea died today of an ap,siarent heart attack MIO feet beneath the suffice. The U.S. Nayy ldenU6ed the vicUm as Berry L. cannon, a civilian e1ectronics engineer. He bad arrived on the bottom near the yellow-painted 70-foot long Sealab m at 4:30 a.m. with three other divers in a transfer capsule. "TWo divers lelt the capsule, aL 4:58 to go to the habitat," said Capt. William M. Nicholson, head of the Seali~ project. UQne,.of these two diVers WU C&ttnop. HAt S a.m. while en route ta the habitat he WU. Observed to be in dll· LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A girl In a polka dot dreu was standing near Sirhan B. Sirhan inoments before ·he fired the shotl ihat killed Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, a murder trial jury wa.s told today. Vincent Dt Perro, a student and part· time waiter at the Ambasiador ~otel, said his attenUon was first drawn lo Sirhan by the slg~t of the very pretty gi,rl with an attractfve figure standing cloµ! to him. The mySterious girl In the polka dot drm bad been discredited by police previously and no 'evidence had ever been prodµced that lhe l!layed any role w1uitloeveT In the ahoOtihg or that she was actllally present tn the pantry. Di Pierro said under cross-examination by defense coonsel ·Grant B. Cooper, that stie was there and It · appeared that Sirhan milled at her and that she smiled bact at him. Di Pierro said she had on a white dress with black polka dots and that she was a brunette. Dep. Dist. Alty. David Fitts displayed a color picture of a girl in a polka dot dress and the 19-year'11d witness said that she aeemed to be the girl he bad seen. Fitts identified die girl in the picture as Valerie Schulte of Santa Barbara. Cooper noted that in the picture she was wearing a greeJJ dress with yellow polka dotl and that 1be wu a blonde, not a brui>eita bu\ Di Pl!rro Mid he . 1Ull felt Ille 11la 'th' 11111e glr\. There waa n0 evidence that lhe figured ln any way in the ahootinc expect that 1be was present wtlh dor.ens of other people tryin& to meet Kennedy when the pantrj of. the hotel erupted In Pll1'· demontuin moments after he w11 mortally wounded. licufty both by the . other diver ·and by a television monitor on tbt control ship at the silrface. "He WIS returned hrunedJateJy to !be c:lpsule by· his b~ diver and Ibey were rttumed immediately to the surface and taken to the decompresalo1t' cbaml!er where heart mauage and reauscitaUon attempts failed." Nicholson said an e:iamlnaUon of Can- non's diving equipment indicated it wa1 operating normally and medical officers present felt that "Cannon's ~eath wu caused by cardiac arreSt occurring in tlie course of a deep-diVe.•• It was the fil'lt fatality ·in 58 min days of 1Ulderwater Uptor•UOn· for · the Navy's Sea)ab program'lince illlUal U· ' . . ' Near Salgo •. " ' I SAIGOll (UPI) -The United' Slates, ended the aliied 2~our Tel ceui-lire with massive B52 raidJ ·near Saigon 20 minutes after the end of the truce ·period. Concussion waves rolled acroa'I Silgon where the three miillon resldeuta wert ctlebrallng the lunar new year. The· Viet Cong proclaimed a seven-day Tet cease-flre and the United States and south; Vietnam agreed. only to a 24-hour respite in the war. U.S. spckesmen aald the Commurllsts were d~ing · their own· cease-Ore with . 11COrta of< "1olaUons including a ~ attack ·agaln!Jt U.S. Marinel pear Da Nang. perlmenta In l9M. In Wuhlnilo!loA Ritt tip'll ..... liald a medlCai .._, 1 ·attr.de4 ' t.imaa'1 death 'tO 0 c:Lallae f iriiilt. .""' . cannon and .-dln.r loll a - ed ptl'IOllnel -cajMll]o lo' -to the undenfater lab!n!arY• An ollldal said ·Cannon wis obi!erV'°' ~ itifo llcufty cturing thli min. Be wu bmilhl back lo the transler capoule and taken to the IUJ'.face, where he Wll i*''~ dead. . • cannon,. a 1ta. crl4fute o1 Florida State Unlverajtf, ts , rurvtyid bJ. bit widow, the former Maty Lotilae llulkow· ski ol ·Chula Vista, Calif., and' their. three 10111 -Patrick, Kevin, and Neal. . , . ' 235 on Petition Asking Ban on Off shore Dri11ing A total of 23> opponents of the Shell Oil Company-led plan to sink a test hole a mile off Newport Beach have signed a peUtton demanding no oil drill- ing off the orange Coast: The peilUoners, moot of 'l!hom liraved chiliing wind and 'rsln' Saturday niomfi/g tO tour Upper Newport Biy, lflnOd documenta which will be pnsentod lo the Newport Beach City Council TlleidiY when it m'eets in opecllll -to draft oppos!Uon to the test drlllh1c. , The trip around the bay and the ped· ti on were both formulated· by the Frtenda ol Newport. Bay. The """1' oondl!Cl'ed a tour of the estuary hfaiillgbted !>}' stops along lhe way for lectutu from experts on the natural attributes ol the . weeks, .. because Jt woa1d IMlli a .llt- evitablo precursor ol enllfrecl COll>- merclal drilllnf opefatlom." · · The peUttoners allo · dte the' 1-'1' damage broul[lrt cm by !be ncelll·oll leak in the Santa Barblra ClllDML They ut 'tbal . .o ·drillfM. be - off tht ~ OoaalJ·OiUI In e11b1r !eiferal or lta--· The peUUona aiao wlll go lo the -Landi COmrriiulon, 'Which apifro•id'tlll tzr- drillin(. ··- Oraa•e I I < , I I t Space needs tenned "crltlcal" by Hun- tingtOn Beach Police Chief John Seltzer will ·be discussed by the City Council during the 4:30 o'clock 11\ee~ today in council chambers of Memonal Hall. Chief Seltzer is recommending that the city upand the esistlng detective building by some 2,000 square feet at Fo()d for Thought Meet Countian Slain In Argument area. The group protetta the drUllna. scheduled to s!arl wlthlo the next' 'four > the cost or about $1l,OOO. "Feod for •'-•"'t" i.. an. old troint•e The. ,--•-.,council meoting will siill An I--argument dll'inl a drlnl:· The additional space uis desperately .....,..... 't ''<'llWAI' I'..--W • G• J needed," aatd the chief. H• pointed out that will be put to the test by FOQlltalo C\)llY<lle 1t • p.m. '1'11eaday in .council inc· boUt ended In ,~th for one estmJDS.fef :ir, that the jll'esenl facillties wtre built Valley City COUncllm"1 Tuelday nlglil cbambeil.· Sl\Q!a>laamanSatordaynlf!>llMarral • , , • for temporary uso in !IC to ·boqle u ·!My:.beiin· holdina "tladt,'.iesik;li ' '. ·('Amenmm:-~0·fbinctoa-o1.-a..e11-clr&el< ' , Killed' m• .'W. ·1 lf' -1~ a muimwn ol nine pmont. Presently. om dinner. . .. per-L with the Idea o1 hold!nl silW • Pollce aid,·G"l' \ViWam· ltolenl!la1, ·"! ..,...,A 11 penions are housed In the bulldina •--'_. ' ~ Z f'WU',lbot·ln·the ,-,llbouldtr and· · · ·• 1 ! ' • ' at the r<ar of the police stall on on Put . policy ol the "l'P'll,-been aesslOlll over dinner,. ..... to each cflott< He'WM' p..-dead al the' A Westmlnsjer girl wu ldDe4 <JaW Ith Stteel. • to bole( a' sWdJ -Oil ,llit .Jlll[lrt m .. tlng. ; m. . "· ' Saturday nlghl In a -IOOid!d Some oppositioo to lbe _,,.,endallon prior to·tillOh ,...iar .-mrrt... City Manqer·l~Neal wun't "*" The -. eccumd at the' home al Raymood ml Conunoawwl!li- !s upected bee..,. of p!ads to build ,,;..1pe111--lllelr tmnilfil. who woold Pl1 the .food. ,blU,:bul. lio .. ol,lbe .iuii>ect."-Lo~ K~!h Simmons, in Fufltrton., • . .. -·r~- a new police fllcillty.1!1thfn a proposed!_ tib";o;i.. 'sooo led fo llla 'di8oluUon.,.. • aiaomed -1W .itd ... iioa1d '"· P~tlll IWOl!lla:-~ 'i>eldCil oi< iai'.hl.-blimr.'1-new civic center. On the .,...,a or . ..,· -• their tabs Ta~ Ip); • ·, ·~·at the ~~Oji an • ' · tonig)lt'• meeting ts an acreem.,,t. 'Un1J '!llJld>', , . , . ._ '· .llfY ?~ · n • , ~l'tlolniinl. ~~SC.-.fntO I~ i , 1.~ ~;'l/r:uit~ betw ... the city .and-ownm.of propegJ -~ -:~ ~~..! <c-A~"!ll!'. dr-ged· • ""'1· ba.~..,:,r .,,;~· ~ .wJleoUI • "•> , ' If ' '· -,Toi! JI, at Mtln street and Mansion Avenue ~ • ._ IDllll --saUIUllllte q ou , w.r: ~ • .,.. ... , ..... ...._;_ ~ G::J:t::r 1 1 • .di :::z '=7 1 for u.le of tbilaM fO the Cit)' for lot'f'lilt .. 1••4 ...... af ·-·· cil-.esaionl. 4;'-... f I ... ~ '·~· ''-); • .r.·~,.4 ?.")·~"·... . m'~~~~~~ uat u a civic center. -• Debatet over *' acilMlll ii-:,.; Qcltool· l&m'•d' ...,\8 cih .. '· •. -. ""!""; The agre<d price ia $11111,11111 . lo.-an "l'llolcll1 -_..... wlll meet usually be Httlld Iii L~'lliee I-' •If "~ ""t":;:;; '. ~.. • tin.' to ~)Jide ~Jlirs· ' j but a ball am o1 the dffllnaled dvit wlth ·dlJ.~ lmdl at f p.m. rather than durtiltl ~··•-;, ' ".~ •. ' · • i ·ileol 11cn,,_.w·~f.t·"' . osnler site. Councilman u.my Kaufman. at FrlllColt --..i, JWt Beach councilmen !etL · . .• :.: ! '.. . ~ a .i. 11-a ~'N' 'I ,._ ., Ted Bartlett and George McCracken ... Blvd., llual!ngton -1n •an altmipt A lime llinit ol lli"d r•.. ' ' I 7:1i 'A .• , ~ plilillj • -~~" ~to oppote acquirlne the .land to llild a-· lo the need for rtod1 win be impoaed !I . , .·, . ·~ 1 ·1~ 'I-. ., .,, , , • llecaiito Ibey '"'"" a tocatial! In ~ .-. and lbe dealn to spend.... ~\1!11 d ~; , ,., if " , """"Jiiiajill. .M.--, old dowDtowno time .ttb thllr familla. p.m ..... --~· l1. .,"\.;t;i...vs. =-... .. • ~u.· '· , . ·ti·· • ___ ._..,_ .. _ I --~-'--·---- ' " • 6.\n.V PILOT M ~F S~_ate Open · Aga,~n trikers ,AttenJ·c~a to Beat Check Plan • I ' .~1 'sAN IRANCISCO (UPI) -SirlkJnl -'1 rnliot Ull ... ( .. llb' -......... ' ta ·and prof...,., au.nded cta.!ses the llrttl -or nch ...,.., • Aid '!be bclnbq was l!.. llC<IDd 1n four ODe4inl of San Francisco State' a leaflet haoded out• by · lrieinbtn d iW's at the college and the latest Jn . eie•1r SprTng semester todly to the 1trlklnl: American Ji'edeia'Uoo of a aeries ol violent lncldf:ntl alnce the dtcumvtnt an eurollment check aystem T~achers. Black' Students Union called a strike mstituted by actlpg President S. I. The v1olence-rldden school rt0pencd Nov. I to baclt demanda for ~ Hayakawa. after a twe>-week bruk with ita ff.. autonomous black studies JK'Oi!8m. A bandful of t<achert picketed at the m!niWa<lon 1'tlkung battered by a bomb The Amerlcan FederatJOn ol Teachers main cainpua enlrlnee while most of ,. bJUl .• and Hayakawa vowiJll ttudenll local struck Jan. 6, demandlna ed.uca· the 250 lltrWn&. profeasors me.t with and lacultY ~-will be "'pt'1)tected by Uonal reform,s and smaller teaching their students to keep their courses Crom whate\rer means necessary." loads. The local representa about 250 being dropped by lbe adminlslration. Hayal(aWa $aid Sunday's pre<lawn of the college's 1,300 faculty members. Slriking students also went to class blast was "characteristic of the neo-The teachers were asked to subm it to guarantee their atatus under a , . Fascist· methods used by some of lhe 5tatemenll of availability for the spring regi.5traUon card system initiated by radical tlt.mentl around here." semester and to rttum to worlt today. Hayakawa. 'l'he cards must bt 11gned The aplosion, which could be heard Hayakawa wouldn't e.stimJte bow many by both student and teJCber on b for antral· mllu. llhatte:rd 18 windows of the union teachers he erpected to tint day of clau.' around the main entrll'ICtl ol the campus return. but said, "U we do lole faculty, "Our members shall utabllsh their admlniatraUoa. bt!l~ln1 and injqred a that will be Ule rsult of their inlllaUve. '' Bandits Hit Fro~ Page I LAGUNAN'S YACHT SEIZED ••• County Th_.ree the other side,". Hong Kong emissary lhe Far East, where he has worked sald arterward. 21 years. T ;mes s u-.J !,,.y Only aix of the yachts involved In Business interests prevented him from 11 I K.iJi the holiday voyage -ilready frowned returniq to LaJUr!a Beaclt at Christmas, upon by officlals -eyen cleared plam but be wu home six months ago and Armed robbers ~~t°"three times tn :1:C~s!:' :e,~ r Department. is tentatively scheduled to fly back thi! Orange County Sunday night, in The seized vessels bealdes BaJdwln's summer. Fullerton, Santa Ana and Buena Parlt. Morasum were identified as Ross' Uni· BEST ACCOUNT Three meii ~ of rabbUJg a Na-Mara and the Sydow family's Rever· •---Buena Patk'mlrltet cl*' -were picked ie. according , tO officials working to se-•• .-I01'e their freedom. . Probably the best reeonstructed ac- count or what happened to the three missing yachts was give by Dulch·born Everard Van Kan, whose yacht Nordica made Macao llfely. -. • • • • I up by Anabelm police. The victim was Sailors planning the voyage this year Robert Bushray, 29, of Garden Grove were warned of strained relat.iana with In Ju Market, MaDcbmer Avenue and Peking, due to imprtaorunont of Com- Beach Boulevard. munlsta blamed for a !IMS antJ.BrlU.b reign <i tmor In Bong Kong. Arrested by Anaheim police fnllow1na Lut radio tral!ic beard from the 1Eiud a broadcast ~pt\ol! or the aurpecl ,boata . WU a messqe from Baldwin car were David L. Vrleae. 29, Wllllam himself; aboard tbe Moraswn, which T. Flint, 20, and Ernest C. Shafer, 28, ls a copy ,of the famed Hon1 Kang.built . tab yawl Finlst:erre. all of Salt Lake City, U · "It seems they want to board us. The SI ,_, ' Waa recovered, Police: They are boarding us. Ovl!r and out," reported. the monitored broadcast said. In Santa Ana; ·two robbers approached HEARD NOTIDNG Norbtrl Rickerl, ff, or Santa Ana, and Baldwin's wife lr1arjorie said today asked where the other clerk was. He al the--t'Ouple's Laguna Beach home lklid his assistant in Rod's Liquor Store, that she· has heard nothin1 from the 2215 W. McFadden Ave., was not on U.S. State Department about tbe status duty. of her husband'• captivity. Dissatisfied with the answer ooe of Western diplomats were circuitously the bandib struck Rickerl 00 the bead broaching the subject with Peking, with a -22 . putomatlc ptato1 Ind 1en beca""' America does not recogniJ< the •'"-• the -....-1·-I Ut mainland China government. after sear~ 1 .,. .... ~ or e The Baldwlns have three children, SI· attendant. E-!ICJlhlng. Rickerl · ~-to RiVC'Vie'lf meon 111, 21, Lynne, 24, and James, Hospital and· !iii,~ · :ID, a Saddleback Junior College student A service aatkiQ. wu robbed qrly who lives at the family borne. this morning~~ ' · ~ · ,. t Mrs. Baldwin said her husband la presi· MJte Boll · ' ,JM, pt.0 1 ·~ ~ .dent of Air Stocks Ltd., a Hong KOQJ-bas- poUot a Joni ~ ~· 1' :i; id1 f1tm founded 15 year1 age for ~.-! .... vuf, ~' ··._:._., ii..il"'ilf"I""' ', ~lbullni avtallon parts to airlines in "Not long after we left Hong Kong territorial waters, we were . apotte(l by Communist Chinese gunboats deeorated with portraits or Mao ••. they pointed machine gun.a .and AK fl autofn'atic rifles, then sailed around us and left,'' be said. The Dutchman said two other gunboats and five junks surrounded them 10 miles orf Macao, at which time a Chinese Army officer and two' so!dlers boarded the Nordica as though seeking refugees. "I see we are friends ," the officer said in English, pinning propaganda badges on the high.necked Mao.style tunics worn by the Dutch news photographer and a colleague sailing aboard the yacht. Pitching in the high seas, however, the Red Chinese launch had smashed into the Nordic~, causing some damage, but she was esoorled into Macao Harbor by a Portuguese gunboat. YachtSmen expressed .some rear for the three seized vessels wh.ich carried e~ens/ve e,ieclronica 1ear for navigation and mJght' be charred with some USS Puebl<rtype espionage activities. ~" 0 . a CUD &iN U mto. • delennlned amount of caih. Scale ol. :S = ... :ltzi11'.e.M ... 00 co.. Newport Council Calls Valley · Planner Quits for Post In Saudi Arabia WednOlday night will be the last ~ ninl Comml.14ion meeting for P'CUDtain Valley Planner David McMlllin who aub- mitted hi s reslgnaUon last week. McMillan aaid he is golng to Saudi Arabia as construction supervisor for a private fitm and m.,-alm spend time on projects in U bya and Ethiopla1 While servif\g on the planning com· mission, AfcMillan bas been a conslst'ent opponent of smaller-than-standard sized lot.s in Fountain Valley, one of lbe city's crucial )>Janning problems. l\.iayor Robert D. SchwerdUeger should name a replacement in the near future for McMUlan, said City Manager James Neal. McMillan served on t.he planning com- miuion &Ince June, 1968. DAILY Pl lOI OU.Neil C~T PUl\.llHIHO COMl'ANY ••Mrt N. We•4 ,,....,.,, ... "'111111\tf" Thotn•1 KttYil ·-Tho1t1•• A. Mwr,hine ........... "" f.., Albtrt W, ltlt t W1lllt111 l•-<i AMOC1tlt' Hllftflfltlofl kKfrl Eclltor City lldl!w Hwllatl•IHdOHI• Jot ltti Str1et Meffl111 .Mtlr;.111 P.O. lu 790, •2641 --""'"" hlclt: tlll W.I ..... ...,.....,. eo.11 IMMI m ~ 99)' S!Ywt lMMll 141k11: m Ftr'9t ........ Special Session on Oil Newport Beach city co u n c 11 m en, angered ove.r last week's aMouncement ol propooed teJI drllllng a mile off Newport Beach by a group of oil com- panies, bave called a special meeting for 4 p.m. Tuesday to plan their fight against the operation. The meeting was called today. The council will drart a resol ution opposing the plan led by Shell Oil Co., and wlU Vacuum Cleaner Company Sued In Sales Fraud SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The st ate riled a a mUllon law suit against the manutacturer of Kirby Vacuum Cleaners and 89 California distributors today charging fraudulent sales pracUces. Tbe IUit flied in Sacran1ento County Superior Court charged that the Scott and retzer Co. Of Cleveland and the California distributors made false sales claims to prospective customers. Atty. Gen. T'bomas C. Lynch, whose consumer lraud.dlvial.on filed the acUon, called the Kirby sales iractict1 a "swindle.'' The Stilt charged thal among other thing• Kirby aale!men sold uaed vacuum cleaners as new : fuld prospective purebuera they wen contest winners wben there wu no contut; and c:laimed falsely that Kirby 1altmen wer' com· peting q:ainst uch other in a sales -· LJDCI! -1lt A million In uomplary d..._, civil penaltles <i A,500 lor ..m -lalaa reprM<!ltatlon 10ade durfnt Iha lut ,.., and an JnjuncUon to problblt lurther all•ied lr1uduleol ad!vttlea. Seal Beach Council Considers Annex Bid The S.al Beach City Council m .. ta at I o'clock tonJcbt at City Hall to con&lder an qenda which lncludu notice of S publk bearlnc Gil a bid l17 Jlan. Unitoo Beoch to lllll1U SUnset Beach. several other annexation mauen fact the council lncludlnc dillclJllLon <i l policy on Local AiODCY Formallan OJm. ml!rlon Ln!Uatlon <i annuallona <i couo- ty bl.tnds. '~· request that the state Landa Commission call·oU its appro val of the test drilling. :riie council is also expected to draft a.reaoluUon demandlng,a hearing before the commission, which on Jan. 2 a~ proved an eight-company drilling pro- posal kept secret until last week. A day after the commission'~ approval, Shell Oil Co. and several other firms began their first coce sample drilling off Malibu. The work is continuing wUb a goal of a 6,000.foot exploratory hole. The Newport drilling, which Shell spokesmen and commission members said is not intended to yield oil or gas, would start within the next four weeks unless the commission withdraws its approval. Both commission and company sources said last week that, U traces of oil or gas are dlscovered during the drllUng procedure, the hole would be capped immediately wJth concrete. A state Lands Division engineer on board the CUSS I drilling vessel will haVe the sole detennlnatlon over the aspects of lbe drilling project, sources said. Dallas Man Says Kennedy Shot From Knoll c NEW ORLEAllS (UPI) -A Dallas electrician testlfied today at the con- spiracy trial ol Clay L. Shaw that the shota that killed President Jolin F. Ken- nedy came from a grusy knoll In Jront of the big, black llmouldne -not from behind Wilm Lee lf>rn1 Olwald WU perched In a slxUH'loor Window. "Wt thought ft WU flrecncterl." Aid William E. Newman Jr., the .S?th pro. secution wi tness called. He said he, his ~·ire and two sons wen watching the parade tn downtown Dallas from the foot of the knoll. Newman 111Jd he heard two quick shots from bthlnd him , a pause, lhen a lbird shot "Boom! Boom!" yelled the witness in a quiet courtroom. "The President 811 the time 'fal looking llke tb.ia at the crowd -It ju.st 1ooked like a cold st~ looked rlght throuil> them." Newman WU the third !tale witneu to aay the UWlinaUon blllleta """ !Ired Jrom the llnoll, a 11horf ell..,... west of the Tuaa School. B a o t Depository. DAILY PILOI' .......... Coart Qtle- Orange Coast Colle&• coed Georgia McClellan, 19, New- port Beach, reigned this week-end . as "Queen of Courts'' as OCC Pirates met crosstown rivals, Golden West College Rustlers in basketball till. She presided over dance for stu- dents from both schools fol- lowing game won by OCC 92-91. Cof C Insta llation Ceremonies Reset To Next Saturday Imtallation ceremonies previously scheduJed for the Fountain Va11ey Cham-' .. ber of Commerce have been cha.16ed lo next Saturday night. .,, Dmy in opeojng_ "' "",guy Faw~ Restaurant In Fountaln·~Valley forced the chamber to switch It& Installation banqurt to 7:30 p.m., Saturday, in the restaura nt. Guest speaker for the banquet will be Harry Kruse, past manager of Long Beach. Entertainment will be supplled by the Fountain Valley Troubadours. Saturday's even' will mark the first time In the history of Fountain Valley th e chamber's installation banquet has been held in the city. Suicide Victim Found in Beach A 22-year-old Ana heim man apparently killed himselt with a shotgun early Salur· day morning in Huntington Beach, po- lice reported today. Police said the suicide victim was Peter Burr ftfeaker, who died sometime beween l a.m. and 3 a.m. Saturday. His body was found inside his Mustang parked al 20Ml Minerva Lane, by C.E. Arled ge. superintendent of the Four Winds Construction Co. No suicide note was found. Victory Nearing · Over Oil Slick J SANTA BAllBARA (UPl )-The flow or oll from a fissure under an offshore drilling platform seems to be 1lowly ~ulng, autboi'ltiai said today. The crude petroleum tras ieeping from an, oil,atrala about 500 feet under ·the octan floor .that was charged with pressure trom an earlier well blowOut. "It seems to be diminishing sligbUy ." said a spokesman for Union OU Co., operator of the drilling rig 5'h: miles off the coast. A spokesman for the Federal .Wat.er and Air Pollution Control Administration laid it was difficult to get an uact measurement ci the flow but "it looks like it's decruslng." The Coast Guard said an atria) sunrey Sunday showed a heavy slick up to 200-yarda wide e.1tending eight mflu north and touth of the north p!Atform. Another concentration ol oil bad ac- cumulated about two miles off thls resort co'mmunity in kelp beds. Only scattered blobs of the acrid oil were sUll lloaUng ashore where men contin ued to spread straw along 35 miles of beaches and barbors to soak up the gummy mess. More than 230,000 gallons of oil boiled to the surface of the Pacific and was pushed ashore by the winds for 11 days until the original IW. wu Kaled Feb. ~ -_J Coast Cities Combine Forces in Mutual Aid Local fire 'departments in a six-city area have ~n scrambling from one city to another In a shake down run of the county's De1f mutual ald O)'!l<m. Huntington Beach, Costa M e a a , Newport -Be'!Ch, Fountain Va 11 e y Westminster and Seal Buch from Area Six of Oraqe County's new sl.1-area mutual aid pnlll'lll)!. Tuesday, 'l'llllnday Ind Friday the Area Six ~ departments have been rolling to fight almulated lar(• fires in several locatlona. TU~ay, imita rolled to South Coast Plaza, where Costa Mesa firemm were pnoenting to batUe a blue that roquJr.d help from other citiea. · Thursday,· the location of a simulated fire was the Gemco &tore in Fountaln Valley. Friday, firemen bati1e.d a make· From Page l HOSPITAL ... for existing needs. . .. . , The City Council also ls looking in~o the hospltal altuation Claiming that a hospital 1Ja· a quasi~publlc buslnese and should 'be subject to review by the COUll- cll ~ ,J , The-HBH Cprp. e.zpects to announce .appointment ot a hospital consultant in the near .future and appointment of I.he remaining membe rs of the bo."rd of directors, according to Or. Krmpo~'::-h. In addi tion to Pacirica r nspiL."I. '"le medical complex will n '~'l in ... 1·1tlc 'he new 1nedical offices building n'J·,,,. under construction, a futu re three-~lorv hospiJ;d tower and a new convalCS:':!r" ho<:l'!ilal which would be operated by Zing,.abc. William Lockett, architectural de~ign1 ·· of Long Beach Memorial Hospit2l an·! Children 's Hospital, is the designer and planner for tbe local project. believe blaze first at the Ros,,moor Center in Seal Beach, then later at the Sheraton Beach Inn in Huntington Beach. Purpose of the mock fires ha& been to see if local cities could smoothly work together to control a large fire. The break down into si.1 small areas for fighting fires with mutual aid wa.s initiated this year in Orange County. In the past all mutual aid fires were coordinated through the County Fire Department in Orange sometimes caus- ing a great amount of confusion and heavy radio traffic . Fire officials .said today they hope the ne\v system will lead to faster and more efficient cooperation among cities in fighting large fires. County Considers Cow1house Plans For Westminster Orange Ollunly Supervisors will con- :ilder plans ,Feb. 25 for construction in Westminster ol a new building to house six courtrooms for the West Orange County Judicial District. County Administrative Officer Robert E. Thomas estimates the new building would cost between $1.2 and $1.6 million. fie said he will propose a joint po~·ers agreement with the city of Westminster lo linince land acquisition and construc- tion near the existing west county court- room site. Architects for the county have estimat . cd there will be a need for 15 courtrooms in lhe \1'est county district by 1980. At present, there are six. l'roru l'age I VIETNAM • • • their weeklong truce 170 times since it began 7 a.m. Saturday. They said 128 of the violations came after the start of the all ied 24-hour truce 6 p.m. Sunday. The spokesmen said 96 guerrillas have been killed in the· attacks since Sunday night, 30 of the Communists dying on the Marine barbed wire in today's pre- dawn battle. The 400 Commuoists had charged the 9th Marine Regiment post after first lobbing in mortars. The Jeatherne<:ks IQwered their artillery barrels to nearly paint blank range and blew apart the Reel charge. Four Marines were killed and 20 others wounded in th ;;it fight. The spokesmen said Communist attacks slnce the open.- ing ot the allied cease·fire Sunday hav e killed eight Americans and wounded 71 more. The Communist violation.~ or the cease· fires also included the shelling of allied bases and the sinking of a U.S. Navy 31-foot patrol boat in the Yam Co Dong River, 20 miles we st of Saigon. 0 OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA ' AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stonu remounted e pearls rHtrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY • I HAllOl SHOfl'INCi CINTll JJOO HAAIOl II.YD. COSTA MISA HJ.Mel I MIMtrtlffillU 11!1511 p I ' ' c:::::.:=::i ' HUNTIN!OTON CENTll IEACH & fDINCill HUNTIN•TON lllACH nz.1101 , ........... ,, J l ' I I ' ' . I '" ' Foun-tain Valley • • .EDITIOM VO~. 62, NO. 41, l SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALroDllA MQNDAY, '9RUARY l7; '1969 • j Beach By WILLIAM REED Of tlM OlllW PIW Stiff A goup of Huntington Beach pbyai- clana today announced "an agreement in principle" for purchase of propttty and permit.a of Pacifica Hospital and Main and Delaware Streets for creaUon of the city1s second general-purpose JwopitaL The physicians are members of lhe n<wl.Y·formed HBH Cocporauoo. 'Ibey in- Laguna Man Seized by Red Chinese By ARTHUR 11. VINSEL Of n. DIUY PllM Slaff Dii>lomtlljc maneuver$ are under way today to free three yachts captured by Red Chinese gunboats on a Hong Kong-to- Macao cruise Sunday, one skippered by a Laguna Beach aviation plant executive. State Department of ff c i a J s in Washington said today they are op- tl.mistic about quick release of Simeon Baldwin, 56, of 1359 Cliff Drive, and 14 other persons aboard the vessels. The three boats seized were among a flotilla of Hong Kong Royal Yacht Club craft which set out on the 4$-mlle coastal holiday cruise, despite official warnings against the trip. .RelaUOOa between Red China and the Hong Kong government are currently at a low ebb, while the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Cock. is now being celebrated. Despite the !IOI that portraits: of Mao Tae-tun&, In . boanletl .~ ~11!1 DC\!'• Americans won them me puaqe autborlUes say the Rizuru basically do DOI seem anU-YankH In ..... Four Amerlc.ans are amq .P>e 15 persons believed to be held for viol1Uon of the 12-mlle territorial waten limit I . claimed by Mainland China, whole troops captured the boats Swiday. The U.S. Consulate General in Hong Koog identified the three Yanks besidu Baldwin as Dtese: -Baile H. Donald, 46, of Bristol, Va., a public re1ations and advertising comultant who lives in Hong Kong and was · aboard Baldwin's 41).foot yawl The Morasum. -Joan Von Sydow, 47, formerly of Spokane, Wash., and wife ~f Swedish~ Christian Von Sydow, who lS also believed ln custody along with the couple's two daughters. -Can>llae P. Zlaky, 10, forlnerly of Colorado Springs, Colo., now ate~ daughter of Hector H. Ross, a British Hong Kong government employe and owner of one of lhe three captured )'achts. Mystery enveloped the di.sappearanct of the boats Sunday, shortly after Red Chinese gunboats and junks reportedly harassed the Macao-bound flotilla and rimmed one yacht in heavy seas. "It's almost a foregone conclusion •that they are in Red China, bl.It we just carmot say deflnltely unUl we bear from (See YACHT, Pare I) Beacli Council Sets Discussion On Police Needs 'Space needs termed "critical" by Hun~ tington Beach Poli~ Chief John Seltzer will be diJcusaed by the City Council durinc the 4:30 o'clock meeting today in Council chambers of Memorial Hall. Chief Seltzer ls recommending that the city expand the eldstlng detecuve bulldlng by some 2,000 ·square feet at the cost of about 118,000. The addiUonal space "is desperately needed," llid the chief. He pointed out thlt the present faciijUes were bWlt for temporary use in 1962 to house a riluimum of nine persons. Presently JI peraons are housed In the building 1t the rear of the police station on Btll Street. , Some opposiUon to the recommendation Is expected beca-of plans to build a new police facllll1 wtthla a propoMI new civic center. On the agenda for &onigbt's meeting i1 an agreement lletl!een the ~,,00 owners of property aLMfil!! Street and Mansion Avenue IOI' aale or ,t)ie Jilli! to the c!tr"for- Ute p ~ center. ~ 'l'be · price II PIO,OOl .for all bot .. ball am of the designated c1v1c cent« ait .. c.ancnman Henry Kaufman, Ted Bartlett and George McCracken an expected to oppose acquiring the land becaUIO they flVGI' I locaUOD Ill the old clontown. ' . • • D·octors · OK Pacific,a lend to take ~v~r cons~Uon apd opera.. tion ot the medical' complex from Robert Zinngra.be, present owner o( tbe Hun- tingtoo t;onvalescent Hospital Present plans call for canverslon of the convalescent hospital into an ao.bed acute hmpltal, maklni il t b e second· major bospllal to serve the p.ubllc in the city. Dr. George A. Krmpotlch, president and cbaifman of the board of the new "!t.P'l"tioa and ~. Richard A • :uoupton, HCretary;;.t;rtuUter, II.Id Jhe ntave wu the result Ill orpalalog the "more than IO J>byaJcluio -petlUoDed support of the new boltlital." ~. Knnpotlcb · •~ 'tha~ "We felt that ... lhouJd do ..... than ll'JlllOl'I by petition. We aboUld acquire the bOopltar oune1m ind .,.1e in. the heal lnt....ia' of the commm>llJ ind it! bealtb needs.u ' ' He added thal the openlnc ol the propooed bospJtaI/ ICbeduled fO< Jlllllll')' 1'70, -woold still leave Illa . city with fe"er beds per thouaaod populatlon tllaa the prtaent averqe for the county. "Both the prttent and pn>jected number of hospital beds are Inadequate for oµr needs," clabned Dr. Krmpotlch. "Putd>al!O of thlJ Jll'OPfl\IY and use permit will '!'Ihle Iii to lkvtioJ> the new boopltal Into •major modlcaI c:mttr. ' ' . . Hospital Plan We feel we can eue tenslom and prevent lll1Dlc<alll'Y delaya Ill Jl'OYldhli this communlty . with inedleal fadlillea . we know" we need·now." Oppooltlon to the bospllal plan appears to be developtng. The city Plllllllni ~ milslon bal ~ a bearlllg held on the ""1Jlit granted for the Paclllca HOlpllel .and ownen of the Huntington In~" HO\!Pltal 'al Be a c b l!Oulev1111 and Newmu· Slnel ani ... ~ to op-11111 move by lbt HBH carp to hulld ...... holpltaL . A spot-for the ~IJ, groop aald that ptam for - of • -150-bed m>lt .... bef<n the HOl]lltal · Planning Committee and thal u appn>ved, the aocoiid bospltal towc woold bO built Ill the ' Immediato f1lllri and an llJ.bed wing open6I to UN (See BOIPITA4 Pqe II, Aquanaut Dies Heart Attac~ Kills Sealab Explorer Wrecker's Hammer Fel:ls . " .. County's Old Buildings Only rubble remained today where a blitz of sorts, wrought by wrecken:, has aceounfed for the destrucilon of three old court buildings in the county Civic Cent.tr hl iSanta Ana. ~ . · Soon, smooth parldng lots' ~W occupy the space now filled w1th debris. Bowing to the march of pi-ogress were two old church buildings and a· former court building, all on 6th Street, .between Broadway and Roa Streel First structlIZ'f! to be demolished last week was the old First A!sembly of God Church on the southeast comer of Ross and 6th streets.. It )lad been used bf the county for four SuperiOr CO'!.U'troioms pow housed in the· new courthouse building, two block! away. Last 'lburlday the old municipal court building at 8th and Birch street! 1elt the wrecker's wrath. A huge bulldozer literally smashed the bulldlng to pleCes in less than •n hour. 'I1le blindlnf l!Ad been the hmit; . of Santa Ana-Orange Mtmiclpal Oowia: for nearly two decades. Friday saw the eod of the dark·brown hued former church building at Ith and Broadway. The Christian Church former· ly.occupled the pr<mtses. In recent yws two ilepUtiperiti of-the SuperlO.. court have beeft hbused in the OJd.strJicture. ·nie first buUdlng to go, at 6th-· ind R<w was the victim of a street widenin·g project to provide a new alignment of 4th Street which will curve from Van Nes! Street Into 6th Street. The other two building sites will be used temporarily for parking and·_·even· tualty wilt be a greenbelt section of the Civic Center. A · fourth building, the Spurgeon Meihodlst Orurcb at Broadway and Ith Street will be the next to go. It wW be torn down ·ln 3.bOut thtte yean when 8th Street i1 realigned with 7th Street at Main Street. The structure, which houaed courta unUI recently 11 noW uied by the COllDly Pfl'IOllllel Department. 'SOon to .. will be the llll'llWt Sllllt Ann's ~ a iamed bmtelry of former yiira on Bkch. north of Ith Street. .Valley Cowic~en Slate An aquanaut exploring the ocean Door off San Clemente laland. in a test or man living agaln!t the aea cHed today of an apparent heart attack eoo feet beneath the surllCe. The ,U.S. Navy identified the v)clim as Berry L. CllMOn, a civilian electroolcs flllln-. He ·bid arrived on the bollom near the yellow-painted 711-foot lone Sea.lib m at 4:39 a.m. with three other cijvua ln a tranafei capaWe. "Two dlven ~t .tbe capsule at 4:58 to 10 to tbe babltat>"·,Aid Capt. Wllllam M. NI~. bead it the Seaiab project. "One o( these two clivut WU Cannon. 11 At 5 a.m. wblle en route to ,the habitat be 1FU observed to be in dll· ... 4 ' LOI ANGELI!' .(UPI) -A firl In a pal.ta dot drill wu standing near Sirhan B. Sfrllan momenll be(ore ho fired the shots th&t killed S<n. Rob>ri F. Kennedy, a murder trial jury wa.!I told today. Vin<;ent DJ Peno, a studeut...JDCI part· Ume waiter at t]!e Ambaiaador · HoJel. aaid hl5 attenUon wu fint drawn to Sirhan by the liaht of lhe very pretty girl· with an attracUve figure standing Close to him. • The Ji>ysterloua girl In . tbe polka dot c1r ... • had lieeO i!JicredJied by polllf previously ao:d 'rio evld~nct . hid ev~r been produced that she played 11111 role whatsoever ln the shooting or that abe was acb.ially presen~ in the pantry. Di PJorro.oaJd under -llJ!tlnation t&"de!enae 'COlln!tl Grant s. Cooper, that 1he wu there and It appeared that Sirhan milled al her and that sbe smllfd back at him. Di Pierro II.id ahe had on a white dress with bllct polka dots and that she wu a brunette. Dep. Dlat. Atty. David Fltts displayed a color ptctore of a girl in a polka dot dress and the t•year-old witness said that lbe seemed to be. the girl he had seen. . Flltl identified lhe gtrl Ill the picture as Valerie Scbolte of Santa Barbara. Cooper ootOd that In the picture ab• was wearing • green dfeu with yellow polka dota and thal she ,.., a blonde, not a brunette bu\ Di Pleirp said he sWI feU ahe WU tlie same ,gtrl. 'lbere waa no evld.OC. that she figured In an1 way ID . the lhootlng upect that 1he wu JJC11RDt with doi.ena of other people imDa to -i Kennedy when the ~.'al (he l!olel erop!<d In pan- demoldum momenta after be wll morlall,y ·wounded. F d Counticm Slain 90 for ~ought Meet In Argumen~ . "Food !or ih!Juiht" 11 an old:' bromide . 'l1>e ~egular ,~ mee"·· wJD· aliu ·Ai. ~ ar-'· ....... •'-'--a 'driDJo. that -ill be put. to the .o..: by. roun' "'-· • ' ..,. · • ~ .-~·· ......... · " • ~· '""' convene ·•l S p.m. Tueaday In COUDcll b)r boul ended~ Ill daath for , !""' Valle~ City Coundlm~n Tuesday -ctwDben. · Sonia ADI Dian Saturday nlPI and,arrul .. 'they begin holding attity' seaaiOno .. Cowiciim<n. howem,an1<8ng lo t•· "aDolW .. -cir .... over dlnaer. periment with the !Clea.of·lddlng study Po!ke aid OlrJ Wllllain ,_~ Put nnlir;y ol the coancll '"'• been seuJona over dinner" -'-to--·• ---'" :ii, wit 111ot fn. the bead; -and '<:' •• ,,,.. ...... ~ .,,....... -. 'a. ............. dead al Ille to hold . a t1Ud>' ~ oa !'lhe .ftl&.bt meeting. . ..,.,,. •. , · . . . . . prtor·w eodlfalular·-·~· City Man-J.-Nal :.,..,.., aaie The. ~I ~ al 1thi! 1- 'l'ln1_• lp<'!l •wa1·1rom -,..,"*' who ·Would 1111'"" food bill, bul •he (Jf the llipact; I-.~ 8lmmona, -··-led to the--... ummed COUllCIWm and atallen wCJU!!I 11.·PoUco oald the two hill·• drinkflC tlRIJ" ~ ieafons. ' Pl1 their.,.;, tebl Tuelday nlgbl . ' ; 1E ......,s.=i:!· ',,,....,,_ ll"ll~-=.batlla,• !ludy .... 1ons ·.,. dt!ilAed Ii> '~ Ol!l>:.1•1•*" . ~ ... i:.=;:~:.'~ ~to·• • e!Qlr\lte. drlQed..""" l!"tlle. !'1111\d'""'": ' . ·•111 ) !;.'!.';, .• '.:"' : " . IW". -~.tMJ :i-&.:lll:dftM1-...o -:;._L t • '1 "" ;.._O~t" .. -~ .. ' ' ' . 1, 'f"r.., ·.\ ·~ ~ ....... ~ -,r d... ............ ... . .... -1?"-t',..... ....... 4 _14-"" .. :.. ...--"' .,, -~ •'<!~ , • ...,.tel over -,._, lt«ns "'8 "''-11.:1.J..}I UJ..ii-1 · M..._.._ • Tueadq ----mill uauail,y be aeltled ·lll • ...,........ ~...,...... ·.~... """' ' with .dly cleparimeot lieads at I p.m. ratlier than diitlng !hi! regulai"meellli ~ . . · "i.i ,;(L._·~.:' ' ' " at Francoll ~ 11111 Beach cooad-feal. · . .,, . ~·'II W~'·Scho•et' Blvd., Hcmtlngton Beach In ao att.mpt A time limit of two houri, hftmr1 will, lJoid •# ~ wn.. to find a aoltttlon to the need far atudj wW be lmpooed u · 'IUlll· ' 7:• p · • tuiidaj,tlo ·u.e• -and the dellro to <Pend more lllrOOp their dinner to A ~ ~ • . 1'1ii·~w0od time with their fanilllH. p.m. regular meetlnf. • ', ."• ! ' ... • ' c 1 ' ...... .,.. . \ ficulty both by the other dlff:r and by a television monlt« on the control slllp ·at the surface. "He "!Ii.returned lmmedjately to .the capsule 11Y bla budi!Y, diver and ,they were reblnied lmmedlately lo the mace and taken'to the decnm~ c:bamber Wb<I<· heart m-e and remKJtatllln · aUempts ~." • · Nlcholsoii sakl an enmtnatlon of Can- non 11 diving ·equlpmeiit indicated It wu operaUng normally and medical offlcera present felt that . "Cannon'• dei.th wu caused by eardfac amt! occurring Ill the course of a deep dive. 11 · ---. w -- It waa .the Drat fatality· ln_ll man days of·undefwater aploralion for the Navy'a Sealab, program aiJlct lniUal e:i- . ' Near Salgoa, pertmenta In 1111. In Wublqlon, a Navy spol9mall oald • medlefal officer ·-. ~·· deeth to "cardiac lrrest." clllDOli and uother divs lell a-U. ed -1. tranafer eapoule to ll'lljm to the underwal<f laboratory. An offldal aald ·Cannop WU ~ed having dlf- flculty•durlili lllla IWim. ffe WU broqbl ~ck to the tranaler capoule and taken to the surface, wbeN be waa _..... 4eac1.. · . Cannon, a Jiil. 1''1'1uate . of Florida Stele llnlvenfty, ts surilved by bla wlclo't!, the fO/nieJ'Mlfy ·LOulle Rut)ow. atl of Chula Vl.!lta, Calif., 'Ind their three sons -Patrick, Kevin, and Neal. ., y.~~·f;~~ 'f e,t,Ce~f}.~fi.~e . -r ' . ' . r1 ' • .. With 'Massi~. tJq~6ing SAIGON (UPI} -The Uhlteef 'Stalel ended the aJDed 24-hour Tef ctase--flre with massive B52 rald1· ntar SaJgon 20 minutes after the end of the truce ·period. Concussion wam rolled acrosa Saigon where the thr'ee mllll<11 mldents were ·eelebraUng'the lunar new ·year. The Viet Cong proclaimed a seven-day Tet ce~fire and the United States anti ·South Vletnam agr'eed ' oilly to 'a 24-hour respite in the. ·war. U.S. apokeamen sa.ld the , Comm.Unista were destroy'ine' ·their own 'ceaee.flre .·with ...,... of vl011tio111 lncludln1 a ~ attack against' U.S. Marines near Da Nang. " ' Eight AmerJcans were killed ad 71 WOWlded during ' the 2f.boor ..-flro and 96 Communllts killed. Two misslona by the Stratea:lc Air Command atratoforts·over thldl Jlmllu 31 miles from Saigon meant'\be bomben were airborne from baael "In the Padflc or Tbailan!I several bouH """*" lbt end of tbe Cease-fire period. • Spok.J'Slllen oald the B5Z raida were mounted on the baail of,._ aerlll ' recan- nalsaance phoiograoho or hl*>N -~le)d ~o~era durllll the truco Tbet said the Communllll llff•·- (l!ee VIE'IWAll, Piii I) 235 on Petition Asking Ban on .Offshore Drilling A total of 231 opponenll of the Sl\lll Oil Company·led plan to •ink a teat hole· a mile oU Newport Beach have signed a peUUoo demanding no oil drUJ.. Ing olf the Or&n1e COaat. The petlUoners, moat of whom braved chilling wind and ralll Saturday morilln1 to tour Upper Newport Bay, signed document! which will be pres~ted to the Ne"port Beach l:ny Col/llcll Tuetdaf when tt meetl in special ll!Slion. to dralt oppoalllqn· to the teat ·drilllnf. 'lbe trip around the bay and the pell· Uon were.both fbnnulatetl by the~ of Newp0ri Bay. 'lbe l"OUP 'l\<)lldlicild a tour of the est,,.ry blghlllhted tiy 1topi aloog' the w1i for "JeC!iira 1rom eiperta on the natural aullbuttl of the area. , The lfOUP prolelta the drilllll(. ldleduled to alert within .the next four . ' ' ' Westminster Girl I \ i · I · , , ~ Killed ·in, Wreck •• I i .,. I I weeks, 0 because Jt would aeem n In- evitable precursor of enlarged cm>- merclal drilling operations.'' 'I1le peUUonera alao" clle "tbe 1*Y}' damage brought oa by" the rectal oD leak In the Santa Barbara CbaimeL They ask that1 no ~ be done off the Oranp County -' tn either federal or state-controlled waters. 'I1!t peUU0111 also will go to the lllte Lands COmmillJon, ·whlcb apprOYtd·&be drilling. . ' Oruge ' ' l t I f I I l f· I . I :f 0.111.V PILOT H .SF State Open Ag~iD ' . ' . Strikers Attend.Cla88es to Beat ~1*k Pla~ , • • • -4 • ' • I 'sAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Striking -bJ mlllfll 1111 !lrot (... .. ~ ... a • • aludenia and prof ...... attended clwea the flnt) -Of ach COID'lt;" Aid 1 'lllO bdnMrc WU !be -In four ai 'til .Ojlellini ,of San Fronclsco State • lean~ lllJ>ded, ocil bf ,memb<n of day1 al the college and lbe late&! In <rouep•a 5P<lnl -.!er today to lbe &triking Amerkon Fed<rattoo of 1 .. r1.. of vlolent lncldenla since the cirownvent an enrollment check system Teachers. Black Studenta Union called a ltrite tnstituted by acting President S. I. The violence-ridden school reopened Nov. e to back demands fcir an Hayakawa. aft.er a two-week brtak with itl acS. autooomOUI black aludit1 proaram. A bandlul of teocben plcl<etad at the minbtrailon butidtns bal\ered by a bomb The American Federation of Teachers . little Going A•hore Victory ' Nearing Over Oil Slick SANTA BARBARA (UPl)-Th• now of oil from a flsaure under an offshore drillliig plaUorm seem. to be alowly decreas1ng, aulhor1t1e1 said today. main umf)UI entrance while mool of bla&I and Hlyahn _... -la local atnr<k JIJl, I, denwi41ng educo- the zso 111ri11nJ profeaor& mel with and faculty . will be "protected by Uonal relorrna 111d amaller leacblnf ' their students to keep their COlD"lltS from · "Whatri'et mfllJll nectUary. •• ' loads. Tbe local repreaents about tlO , The: crude petroleum wu seeping from an oij 1trata abQu.t SOO feet under the ocean floor that wu: charged with preuure from an earUer well blowout. The coast Guard said an aerial 1W'Ve7 Sunday showed a heavy slick up . to 200-yards wide e1tend1ng eight miles north and south of t.be north platform. Another concentration ol oil bid ae> cwnulat.ed about two miles ot1 this rtlOrt community in kelp beds. being ~pped by the ·admlniatraUon. Hayakawa sald Sunday's pre-dawn of the college's 1,300 faculty members. Striking students also went to class blast wu 0 charaderistic of the ne1> The teachers were asked to submlt to guarantee their statua under .a Fascist melbods used by some of the statements of availability for the sprl.og registration card sygtem fn!Uated by radical elementa around bet." semester and to return to wort today. Hayakawa. The card• must be 11.gn,«l 'Mle eipl06lon, which could be html HayaUwa wouldn't estiqlate how many by beth ll'tudent and te&cber on the for several miles, lhatterd 11 windows of the union ·teachers be . e1pected to firlt day ol clau. around lhe main entr1nee of the campus return but said, "U Wf, do lose faculty, "Our members lbalI ellabllab their 1dminl&lr1tion bulldlnl and Injured a that will be lbe resull of t!ielr !nluallve." Bandits Hit County Three Times Sunday Armed robbera. !trucY thrie times In Orange County Sunday night, I n Fullerton, Santa Ana and Buena Park. 'lbre< men suspected of robbing a Buena Part market of fl.JOO were picked up by Anaheim police. 'lbe victim wu Robert Bo.shray, 29, of Garden Grove ln Jax Market, Manchester Avenue and Beach 8oulevard. · ArTe!ted by Anaheim police following a broadcast dCICriptlon of the IUSpecl car were Dtvld L. Vrieze, 29, Wllll1m T. Fllbt, 20, and Ernest C. Shafer, 26, all o!'Sall Lake City; Utali. The 11,300 "" recover<d, police reported. Jn Santa Ana, lwo robben approached Norbert Rickert, ff, of Santa Ana, and asked where the other clerk wu. He •aid blJ ass!Btant In Rod'1 Liquor Stor<, 2215 W. McFadden Ave., wu not on duty. Dissatisfied with the JWwer one or the bandits struck Rickerl on the head with a .22 automaUc piltot and Jell after oearcbing tile premtoes for the attendanl They toot nothing. Rickerl -~"' to Rlyerview Hospital and held 11r Oboervallon. A service : $tren was robbed early lhis morning_tn Fullerton. ' Mike Boatrillh4 :H, ol Fullerton told pollcoalcme~I(~·~ and • v-i; . . • ~ llilli•'•lid posseaaion or. a .run and tool: b WJ.o determined amount of cub. Scone of the robbery !'U . t!ie Moan Oil Co.; 2)C5 Commonwealtb A"'. Valley Planner Quits for Post In Saudi Arabia Wednesday night will be the last Pla~ nlng C:Ommission meet.mg for Fountain Valley Planner David M~Ulan who sub- mitted his resJgnaUon Jut week. McMillan said he is going to Saudi Arabia as constructlon supervisor for a private Orm and may al5o spend time on projects ln IJbya and Ethiopia. While serving on the planning com· mission, McMillan has been a consWent opponent of amaller·th~ard sil.ed lots ln Fount&ln Valley, one or the city's crucial planning problems. fi.tayor Robert D. Schwerdt.feger should name a replacement in the near future for McMillan, Slid City Manager Jame:1 Neal. McMillan served on the planning COJno mission since June, 1M6., DAILY PILOT OIU.HOl c;o,ur l'UaLllHING COM.f>ANY R•b•rt N. W•eil l'iwlMtlt ~ l"\lbll'1*' J•,li R. C11rley Vic. ,.,_ldlnl •!'Id 0-.! MIM ... Thom•• k••Yit ..... Thom•• A. M11r,hl11• Mel'lttllll (dlfor Alb•rf W, l•tff Wlfl1•111 R••il AMOC:l•'-Hllllfl"'1'all htdl ~ISIWH' ' Clly (llllw H•----IMctotlW Jot Ith Str.•t M•lll111 Mil,..111 P.O .... 790, t2MI --,....... IMol: mt Well .... ......,,. C.0.1• Mtle1 '*' Wftt • .., .,..... '--'-"' U2 ,_.. ........... Frem Page I LAGUNAN'S YACHT SEIZED ••• the other side," 1 Hong Kong emisaary said afterward. Only llx of the yachts Involved ln t!ie holiday voyap -a~dy frowned upon by officlala -even cleared plans wtth the H"!'i ~ ldarlno DeparimeDI, 1 spokesman there said. The selz.ed vessels bealdes Baldwin's Moraswn were ldenUfied as Ross' Uni· Na-Mara and the Sydow family's Rever~ le, according to offlcJals working to ,.. ""' their freedom. Sailors planning the voyage this year were warned of strained relations with Peking, due to lmprlsorunent of Com- mwdlltl blamed for a 1915 anU-Brltish reign of terror In H°"' Kong. La.st rad1o traffJc heard from the seized boats wu a message from Baldwin himself, aboard the Moruum, which ls a copy of the !anted H°"' Kong·built yawl Finllterre. "It seems they want to board ua. They are boarding us. Over and out," the mooltored broadcut .aid. HEARD NOTHING Baldwin'• wife Marjorie aald today at the couple'a _ Laguna Beach home thal •be b.. heard nolhlng from the U.S. State Deportment about the Blalua of htt hwband.'1 captivity. Western d1plomats were circuitously broaching the 5Uhject with Peking, because America does not recognize the mainland China governmenl The Ba1dwlns have three children, Si- meon ill, 26, Lynne, 24, and James, 20, a Sadd1eback Junior College student who lives at the famlly home. Mrs. Baldwin said her husband is presi· dent of Air Stock! Ud., a Hong Kong-bas- ed fJrm founded JI yeart ap lot dlsll'tbutlJ!i avlaUon parta to airlines in the Far East., where be has worked 21 years. BusineA interests prevented him from returning to Lapa Beach at Christmas. wt he wu home all months ago and la tentaUvelf acbeduled to fly back this summer. BESr ACCOUNT Probably the best reconstructed ac· count ol -what bappef:led to the three missing yachts wu give by Dutch-born Everard Van Kan, whose yacht Nord.lea made Macao safely. '!Not long after we le.ft Hong Kong territorial waters, we were spotted by Communist Chinese gunboats decorated with portraits of Mao •• , they pointed machine guns and AK 47 automaUc riflu, then sailed around us and left,'' be said. The Dutchman said two other gunboat. and five junks IWTounded them 10 mll!lll oH Macao, at whJcb Ume a Chinese Army officer and two soldiers boarded the Nord1ca as though teeking rt!ugees. "I aee we are friends,'' the officer said In English, . pinning propaganda badges on the high-necked Mat>-style tunics worn by the Dutch news . photographer and a colleague sailing• aboard the yacht. Pitching in the high seas, however, lhe Red Chlnue lau.och bad mw:hed into the Nordlca, causing some damage, but she was escorted into Macao Harbor by a Portuguese gunboat. Yachtsmen expressed some fear for the three seiied vessels which carried extensive electronics gear for navigation &Del might be chlrged with some USS Pueblo-type esplonage activities. Newport Council Calls Special Session on Oil Newport Beach city co u n c JI me ri, angered over last week's announcement of propoBed teal drilling a mile . off Newport Beach by 1 group of on com. panles, hive called a apctlal meeting for 4 p.m. Tuesday to plan their fight against the operation. The meeting Wa! called today. The council will draft a resolution opposing the plan led by Shell Oil CO., and 111'10 Vacuum Oeaner Company Sued In Sales Fraud SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The slate filed a $J million l1w suit against the manufacturer of Kirby Vacuum Cleaners and 89 California distributors today charging fr1udulent sales practices. The .suit filed in Sacramento County Superior Court charged that the Scott and Fetz.er Co. of Cleveland and !he California dlstrlbutor1 made false sales claims to prospecUve customers. Atty. Ctn. Thomas C. Lynch, whore conrwner fraud dlvillon filed the action, called lhe Kirby sales pracUce1 a "awlndle." The IU!t charged thlt IDIO!ll other thing1 Kirby uleamen IOld med vacuum cleaners as new; told prospective purch.uera they were contest wlnners when there wu no contelt; and claimed fal1tly thlt Kirby aaltsmen 1'ere com· petlng agalmt each other in 1 11les cootesL L)'Dcb llOllgbl $1 mlllloo In e1empl11~ dama&U, civil penalllea of ~.500 for each auerted t• rt1prtM:ntaU<11 made durint Ibo wt ye11i and In Injunction to prohibit further alleged fr1udulent aclivlt1"' Seal Beach Council Considers Annex Bid 'DMl-Seal -~ Clly Cow!cll ...... •I I o'clock tooJcbl II c11, Hall to conalder 111 altnd• which lncludea nolke ot a public hw1llll .., a bid by n .... llngtoo Beoch to 1111m SUllltl Beach. Sevtril otber ...... u .. mitten flct t!ie council lndudinf dJllCllAIOn of I pollc, on Local A(ency Fannatloo eon.. mla.ion lnlUailm ol ann1:11Uon1 of eour.. tr 111111da. I I request that the state Lands Commission call oil its approval ol the test drilling. The council is also expected to draft a resoluUon demanding a hearing before the commission, which on Jan. z a~ proved an eight-company drilling pro- posal kepl secret until last week. A day alter the commlss.ion's approvil, Shell Oil Co. and several Other firms began their first core sample drilling off Malibu. The work is continuing wllb a goal of a 6,000-!oot uploratory hole. The Newport drilling,, which Shell spokesmen. and commission members said Is not intended to yield oil or gas, would start within lbe next four weeks unless the commJsaion withdraws JU approval. Both eommlsslon and company sources said Wt week that, if traces of oil or gas are discovered during the drilllng procedure, the bole would be capped immediately wlth concrete. A state Lands Division engineer on board the CUSS t drilling vessel will have the sole determination over the 1spects of tbe drlllin1 project, tources said. Dallas Man Says Kennedy Shot From Knoll NEW OJILEAM (UPI) -A Dallaa electriclan teatlfled today at lhe con- spiracy lrlal of Clay L. Shaw that the sbotl ljlal tilled Prtsldent John F. Ken- nedy came from a grauy knoll In front ol the big, black limou&Ine -not from behind where Lee llll'Vey Olwald w11 pet<becl In a •lxtb·floor -· ''We thought it wu firecrackers," .. 1d WllUam E. Newman Jr., the 37th pn>- secutlon witnesa called. He said he, his wife and two aons wtre "akhing the parade In downtown Dallas from tht foot of lbe knoll. Newman uJd he heard two qWck ahota from behind him, a pause, then 1 third Ibo!. "Boom! Boom!" yelled Ute Witnw In a quiet courtroom. ''The PreSJ<lent all tht Ume WU looking lJke UUJ It lbe c""'1f -H J"'1 looked Ilk• 1 cold Blare-be looked rllltt t!iroullt lbem." Newman wu lht third It.ate witness to ny the wasslnaUon buJMta were fired from t!ie knoll, a llhort cflltance west or the Tn:u School B o o t Depoollory. - DAILY rtl.OT l1tff""" Court q.een Orange Coast College coed Georgia McClellan, 19, New- port Beach, reigned this week· end as "Queen of Courts" as OCC Pirates met crosstown rivals, Golden West College Rustlers in basketball tilt. She. presided over ~dance for stu- dent,s from both schools fol- lowing game won by DCC 92-91. Cof C Installation Ceremonies Reset To Next ~aturday tnstallatlon ceremonies previously scheduled for the Fountain Valley Cham· ber of Commerce have been changed to next Saturday night. Delay In opening of the Guy Fawkes Restaurant in Fountain Valley forced the chamber to nltcb Its installation hanq~et to 7:30 p.m., Saturday, In the restaurant. Guest speaker for the b8Jlquet will be Harry Kruse, past manager of Long Beach. Entertainment \.\'iii be supplied by the Fountain Valley Troubadours. Saturday's even' will mark the first time In the history of Fountain Valley the chamber's installation banquet has· been held in the city. Suicide Victim Found i11 Beach A 22-year~ld Anaheim man apparently killed himsell with a shotgun early Satur- day morning In Huntington Beach, po- lice reported today. Police said the suicide , victim was Peter Burr Meaker, who died someUme beween l a.m. and 3 a.m. Saturday. His body was folmd Inside his fi.fustang parked at 20541 Minerva Lane, by C.E. Arledge, superintendent of the Four Winds Construction Co. No suickle note was found. "It seems to be dimlnishing 1Jightly," said a spokesman far Union Oil Co., operaUJr ol the drlllinJ rig '"' miles off the coast A spokesman for the Federal w,ter and Air Pollution Control AdmlnistraUon said it -was diUlcult to get an eract measurement of the flow but "it !ooks like lt'1 decreasing." Only scattered blobs ol the 1crid oil were still floating ashore where men continued to spread straw along 35 miles of beaches and harbors to soak up the gummy mess. - More than 230,000 gallons of oil boiled to the surface or the Pacific IDd was pushed ashou by the winds for 12 days unUI the original leat was selled Feb. 7. Coast Cities Combine Forces in Mutual Aid LQcal fire departments In a s11-city area have been ac:rambllng from one city to another tn a 1hab down run of the county's new mutual aJd system. HpnUneton Beach, Costa M e 1 a , NeWport Beacti; Fountain. v a I I e y Westminlter and Seal Beach from Area Sil: of Orange Ctunty'1 new sil-area mutual aid program. Tuesday, TbUrsday and Friday the Area • Six fire departments bave been rolling lo fight Blmulalocl large fires in several locaUona. · TueBday, units rolled to South Cout Plaza, where Costa Mesa firemen 1'ere presenting to battle a blue that required belp from other clUes. · Thursday, the 1ocatlon of a 1imulated firt was the Gemco 1tore in Fountain Valley. Friday, firemen .Pf.#Jed· a make- 1 From PGfe J HOSPITAL ... for existing needs. The City Council also Is lookifli into the hospital situation claiming that a hospital is a 'quasi-public buslness and should be subject to review by the coun· ell. The HBH Corp. expects to announce appointment of a hospital consultant in tbe near fufure and appointment of the remaining member s of the board of directors, according to Dr. Krmpol!ch. In addil.ion to Pacifica H'lspit?.1, :":c medical complex will a'·1 innl·1Ce the new medical offices building no11• un (1er construction, a fut ure th rcc-:;tol'y hos1:ilol tower and a new convale~cer1 ho~r.1 tal which would be operated by Zi.ngrabc. William Lockett, architectural derignt-:- of Long Beach Memorial Hospital anti Children's Hospital, is the designer and planner for the local project. believe blaze first at tbe Rossmoor Center in Seal Beach, then later at the Sheraton Beach Inn in Huntington Beach. Purpose ot the mock fires has been to see if local cities could smoothly work together to control a large fire. The break down into six small areas tor fighting fires with mutual aid was initiated this year in Orange County. Jn the past all mutual aid fires were coordinated through the County Fire Department in Orange sometimes caus- ing a great amount of confusion and heavy radio traffic. Fire officials said today they hope the new system will lead to faster and more ef!icient cooperation among cities in fighting large fires. Co1mty Considers Courthouse Plans For W cstminstcr Orange County Supervisors wilt con-si~r plans Feb. 25 for construction in Westminster of a new building to house six courtrooms for the West Orange County Judicial District. County Administrative Officer Robert E. Thon1as estimates the new building would cost between $1.2 and $1.6 million. He said he will propose a joint powers agree ment with the city of Westminster to finince land acquisition and construc- tion near the existing west county court- room site. Architects for the county ha ve estimat. ed there will be a need for 15 courtrooms in the \vest county district by 1980. At present, there are six. "'""" /'age l VIETNAM ••• their weeklong truce 170 times sincr it began 7 a.m. Saturday. They said 128 of the violations came after the start of the allied 24-hour truce 6 p.m. Sunday. The spokesmen said 96 guerrillas have been killed in the attacks since Sunday night, 30 of the Communists dying on the Marine barted wire in today's pre- dawn battle. The 400 Communists had charged the 9th Marine Regiment post after first lobbing in mortars. The leathernecks lowered their artillery barrels to nl!arly point blank range and blew apart the Red charge. Four Marines y,·ere killed and 20 others \.\•ounded in that fight. The spokesmen said Communist attacks si nce the open- ing of the allied cease-fire Sunday have killed eight Americans and wounded 71 more. The Communist violations or the cease· rires also Jnc:•Jded the shel\in.e: of allied bases and the sinking of a U.S. Navy 31.foot patrol boat in the Varn Co Dong River, 20 miles west of Saigon. ···~~ n OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized end repaired • diamonds end precious stones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE All TYPES OF JEWELRY HAUOI SHOfPIHli CIHlQ 2JOO HAllOI kVD. C:OSTA MISA HUHTINliTON C:INlU llAC:H l IDIN .. I HUHTIN•TON NACH ltZ.ll01 -· ", ' • . ' ' • I I... ' • o I • ~ " 0,. .. _ n.n.. "'· 111 ' , ... •-1 • -I -~·:~ ,., .... y.t \ • . I • I I ' I ' ( ( ' , , I ( I • I j I I • J I ' I I , : I l t I 'i I ' • ' Beaell. . ~0.1 TI ON voi:. 62, NO. 41, l SECTIONS, 32 'PA6ES • -• ~ t •,; '. ... .· ·. 8N, ffeet· Vder Sea · .A·quanaut ·Dies 0 -f Heart Attack An aquanaut exploring the ocean floor i off San Clemente lsland in a test of man living •jaln.!t lbe se1 died I001y of an apparent heart attack IOO feet beneath lbe surf .... "''f ....... SEAi.AB CASUAL TY DIYer C•nnon 2nd Hearing Set 1 On New Hote~ Commercial Zone The second public hearing of the Laguna Beach proposed Commercial· Hotel zone ord inance will be held Monday at the 7:30 p.m. meeting of the city Planning CommJsslon in City Hall. 'lbe ordinance would create a unlfonn standard of zonllJg for hotels and other commercial activities in an area ..between CJeo Street and Laguna Avenue. That .wea now baa a number of. diilerent zones. Vacation Village owner Loren Hane1ine has requested a variance to his site plan approving a roof he built at the direction of the health department and an extension of a canopy and wall to an outdoor se rvice bar. The U.S. N1vy ldenUfied lbe victim u Berry L. Cannon, a civilian eltdronlc1 engineer. He bad arrived on the bottom near tbe yellowi>&nted 71).foot long Sealab m at 4:30 a.m. with three other divers in a transfer capsule. - t0°~t~ ~=,~~~~ .. ~~~( ~~1J~ M. Nicholson, head o! the Sealab project. "One of these two dlvera waa Cannon. "At' 5 a~ while en route to the habitat be was obs;erved to be in dlf- ficul.ty bolb by lbe · other diver and by a television .:nionltor on the control sbip at the surface. . "He wu returned immediately to the capouli by hia buddy diver and Ibey were returned immecUately to the surface and taken to the decompmaloa-e!Wnbet where heart manage and rtiNlcltailon attempts f,u,t:•" · . J .;.,~~='ltC:: ad . .,,...... ~tit.~··~·· dlliJll · -......,. bY caidlac.mal _.,,,In the course of a deep div~"_ It WU the first fatality ht· 'SI man Clays of underwater exploration · for the Navy's Sealab prOJlflm •Ince.Initial t>• periments ln-l!IM. In Washington, a Navy spot wnan aaid a medical officer attributed ·cannon•• death to "cardiac arrest." Cannon and aoother diver left 1 1C1-Call- t!d personnel ·transfer capnle to awlm to the underwater laboratory. AA olfidal aaid Cannon wu oblerTed hiving dif. ficulty during thJa.awim. lie WU brougbt back to the transfer capsule and taken to the surface, where be was pronounced dead. Cannon, 1 JllZ srac!uate of Florid• State University, ta 'lurvlved· by hia widow the fonner Mary Louise Rutkow· ski of Cbul1 Vbla, Calif., and their Ihm sons -Patrick, Kevin, and Neal. Copter Rescues Boy After Fall A U. S. ?i.larine Corps helicopter had to be called in Sunday to rescue a 19- year-old Costa Mesa yoUth who plunged off • cliff In Sooth Laguna. Communists Seize Yireht . , ' . ' • HELD BY CHINESE L•guna's Baldwin CAPTURED'. Wl'TH PARENTS? .. ' . '. ' , . " 5'irob,,Y,!l,ll ~~ Winter Festival Period Decreed Llguna Beach Mayor GleM E. Vedder has proclaimed the ten-day period from Friday through Sunday, March 1 as the ''Sixth Annual ·Winter Festival." . ... . Three Boats, . . ' 14 Others Captured . \ lly ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tM D91fr ,.._ lteff . Diplomatic maneuvert are under way "' today to free im.. yacbta captured by Red Chinese gunboab on 1 BODI Kq-Jo. Macao cruile Sunday, coe Wppered by a Lel!UJll Beoch 1vtaUcn plant.erecutlve. State Department of f I c I a 1-1 in W8'hlngton said loday they Ir< "l>' ttmlstlc about quiet release of Simeon Baldwin, 56, of · 1351 cntt Drive, and 14 other persons aboard ·o;e vessels. The thrte boats seized were among a flotilla of Hong Korig Royal Yacht Club craft Which set out on the 45-mUe coastal holfday crulle, despite official wamlngs'agalnst the trip. Relations between 'Red China and · the Hong Kong government are currtnlly at a low 1 ebb. while the Qlnese New Year, the Year ol the Cock, ii now be.in& celebrated. Delplie• the facl thlt portrala of Mio Tse-lung In boarded -carrylq noo-Americans • woo them lafe p&uaie ••tbortllea llY the -: basically do not leftD anti-Yankee in'nlture. Four-:. Americans. ~ ~ • the JS ~~ •trtoNI :t...~ cla~ b~M . China, wl>o9e troops caplQfld ti au.day. • • the u:s. c.rni. ~ '&1 Hong Kong ldenillled the three Y..U besldea Baldwin as theae~ -llenle IL Dooald, 46, of Bristol, Va., a publJC rtlatJona and advertising consult.ant who Uv.-in Hong Kona: and was abbard Baldwin 's 40-foot yawl The Mori sum. -Jban Voa Sydow, 47. formerly of Sfloki nt, Wa.sh., and wife of Swedish-born Christian Von Sydow, who is also beUeved In custody along with the couple's two diughters. , · ~.,.u .. P. :!loty, 10, lormerly of COiorado Sprlngs, Colo., noW step- dtiughter of Hector H. Roa, a. Br!Us.h Hong Kong government employe and owner of one of the three captured yachts . Mystny "'"loped the dluppearance cf the boats Sunday, abortly after Red Chlnele ~ii and •JunU reportedly harwed the Macac>bound floWla and rammed one yacht in heavy seu. "It'• almost a forqone conclusion that they are . 1n Red China, but we just cann9l say definitely until We hear from the oth,r side," a Hong Kont emlsaary :said afterward •. Only slx , of the yachts involved in the holiday voyage -already (rowned upon by offlclala -even cleared plans (See YACHT, Pqe I) J N.Y. Steeb TEN .CENJS • . •.:-· • -, • .Ina HOLIDAY SAIL INTERRUPTED BY CHINE'SE GUNBOATS Joon, .Chrl1tl1T1 Von Sydo'!' On MIHlng Yocht Leisure World;.Marines ' • I • <" j • Nea r. Paet~@~~6reeltl:lelt . . ' . 1. ~. Le1aure World execuUves and U.S . Afarioe Cai'ps Alr Station otlklall at El Toro are reported ne&ring ageement on establishing a pennanent grffnbelt through the cente'r of the retirement corrimiinity. , ' Ro!irt: Barnes, a ROS!tnoor ·(Leisure ' 235 on Petition Against Coast Oil '/)t illing A total o( 23S O[>l?enents of the Shell Oil company-led plan to lint a test hole 1 mlie' off Newport Beacb have signed a peUUon demanding no oil drilJ. Ing oil the Orange Coast. the pet!Uonen, m<>1t of whom braved chilling wind and rain Saturday morning to tour Upper Newport Illy, si&J!ed docwhen~ which wW be pft1ented to the N~wport Beacb City ~ll Tuesday when· Jt meets in special RSlllon to draft opprudUon to the test drllllng. The trip around the bay and the petl· tlon were ·both formulated by the Friends " t , -1 w.rtif).Ccrj. •llilnleJitl¥ ~""""' ly ~ that nicr'I __ _ tiVe rdan0is iio ma.Y CGDClucle wtthln 90 days. , , . An crdlnance enacted alx years ago by supervl'°ri had banned •realdentlal uses ' f0r the Jlnd, •a ·~belt S,000 . ' ' . . -' . feel wide rlg!it..of-way·through tlie mlddlo ' ' . ' . . cf the Laguna Hilla community. The lend Is direclly under the llr approach to the main. ruD'flJ ol the . Marint ba.Se. . Supervisors are to meet 11Jursday to consider an emergeiiCy j xttuklD.t to· · --.,. pact which expired Feb. lf. , 1 The : altomey li>ld tllo IUpel'\'lllin li,f. Jetter. •that llix propoala hod· - discussed by the two agents trrlwlloC a swap ol. land. llaniea -IUpervlaon • tllot fbo Rou-·COrp. would' not _.. Ill develop any ol the l(l'ee~I !llld until soine agreement I& reached. · Supervllon agreed to hold any Jecla!o- tion aHectlnl· the belt will! llOllHI fortbit word was given them. + Stereo Equipment Stolen in Laguna Other items include, a request by Portafina Laguna developers to build garages to six feet of the front Jot line and to the side yard line, and a report on a proposed annexation of property in the canyon. The victim, Gregory Means of 215 Virginia Place, sulfered a ·broken leg In the fall from steep Alta Laguna tklulevard. Vedd er urged all residents of the city to help ma)e the Winter Festival a "lruly gracious gesture of friendliness and hospitality to our vlsitors." Pancake Breakfa~t of ·Newport Bay. The group. conducied Tho thelt of f1so of 11ereo equipment a tour of ']he estuary hlghllgl)ted by was reported Sunday by Micha•! J.,.plo Members of the Sooth Laguna Volun-teer Fire Department wm Ulllble to .....,,,. MelDI via m.tcher In the J'UI· ged terrain. The belloopter ,,.. ~ It and jt llrlllled the youth to South Cout CommunltJ Hospllfl In South The -proclamation . conpne'odecS the Chamber.of Commerce llld· 111 many Wtunletn working on the SS eventl planned for the Wlnlu Festlval. Slated 'for Sunday •Ioli! alOnc the way !or le~ froll) Spain, 13, ot. JJt5 ·aav1ota "Dr., Laguna . experts on the 8'1w'll attributes of•O.· -.:"~ told Laguna Beacb polke tho Protest Sla ted On Too-steep Stairs a t Pier A ~e brutfut ~ be Jield by °""· burgJMY 'ocdared Tueiday nl&hC· All Saint Clthrlnt . of. lienl' Scbool Aux· The group pto1e1ta the drtllln(, AM-FM stereo and 1mp1Uier "'"' taken, It nO\ed ·.that the endeaYOrl' of the citl.zellJ are devoted to pr!senting the civic, IOdal, cultural aspects of thll dly and Ill growing repotaUon as a year 'round retort. 11111)' SillldlJ dilrlnc Ille Laguna Beacb ••• ~ .. •~ •· J.~ ~thin t1M . next ·four Spain uld · Winter Fatlval. , ' ~.,...,.. ""' ··~~ "1 • • Lee WU lalu trlnJferred to HOI( Memorial Ho<pllal In Newport Be1eb. He was released today. BreUfut'wln be .......i 11 the E1b' -weeks, .. beclua It would Mem u ·l!> ;--------...,.---, Club, All S. Cout lfllbway, Lagun1 evital>le · precunor of onllrpd .,.... Beach from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. for' fl ' merclal drllllng operations.." per -or II P'< fllllil)'. The ~· alao dte' the heavy San Clemenllans who for one reason er another are barred from the city's fishing pier because ol steep entryway slail"S" will get their chance to complain about It March 13 before a meeting of the state Public utllitles Commission (PUC). 1be commission will bold a public hearing then In the C o·m mun I ty Clubhouse at Avenida del Mar and Calle Laguna, Clemente Digits Dating G~~e Brings Trip '. Seville bejinnlng at 10:30 a.m. on city Bf TOM Go1tMAN •• ·tht u£onbHed coUple walked ort the propollla to modify the entrance. • Ill ..., ,.. _. llage. The city would like to have a level A trip to SlD FnndlCt Wll llteraDy A crowd In a:ct11, of 500 students crossinl lo the pier. Now San ta Fe . from both IChooll ~ Sa Clemente'• Rlilway tracts separal< the pier from loc the pictln1 ~ Jillll-cafolerla lor the 'IO •. · . • ,. the -of 1be city and accaa ,is bJ Lll'!ft& Beacb llld San 1:1-HIJh Pr1..a f0< the ~l •. ' d In! an underpass. . Sdlooll ...._ed 1~ G1m1 c~ dlnMn Iii! . nrloul, Sleep steps there deprive persoos '" 8lmlllr to tho l<lerialoa Jl¥!1J!..,. ... ~ ..: fi · . . · " !ir t~ . wheel chairs or some elderly tjtir:eria , w ll>~:--~·:" · ~enw Sn from ,Ujlng ~lbe 'll"l!~~cl!iJ~ ,tr.md 1 ; m,l;.-o C vi ;.,· ·tftot; » thtfr · U!cl , , • Shirt e are >HI .by ).W!I' noouno .,, ·-wo ''Sin· Jo1o1oo --Jim -tAigunan l<nltl llid San I ~ Rall aouthi>oWxl trains .Uy. K1lm aad. Domio 14*. 111 1r1a mi Clemente lluclent Si.-1 ~ who MacAdsm{-will . crafll'-...cJm fnia 1-_,,tho -will be-dinln( 11,J' ' O!jjjll~ , ·Ind 'M'\11:'all4F 'dl1' Steele llfa rlceu surprtaed, reclp!SI ot • fllCht 1o tho 'Belcbandwill ... Jose ~~·ppear .. Jii,NewFrt--~-. Illy Am, compl-ol Air Cllllornta. 1t Melodytand. ' • ' '· • .. ~...,., -' NEW YORK (AP)-The ll<lck mubl 1llpped backward today and took Ill lai1est loa .. I Vll'li<I •Ince JIJI. .. (Seo quotaUoos, Pagea IUI). l ,I ' ·' '!be -.lly.clate ii -for flltur· -Dina Clinpbell ol San<~·lnd'• ~· • day. · DoQg Sophlan, who wm· be bolted at 1 • • ~bor. :" "°""' lorpt, 0..'1 ICbool tblfo-...,,..., ~ and ~.' '*' U.., r "'Ifie two Inc Monday," qulpp'ed the moder11<1i' mov1e'•Jllb1" lll llolJ1iood, . , . -aicmt"' . c1amace bnJuibt on . by the recent oil !eat In tJie Santa Barbara Channel. They ut that no 4rllllng be dooe off the Oranc• Comity c:ou1 In either federal or state-eontri>lled waters. • The peUUoos alJo wtll 10 \o the state Lindi Commtaslon, wl>lcb lpprOYed the· driUI ... Jull I ctash of rain, the mther- man , prmnloes, 11>la\tirlnc the coast TUeaita 'and . lelt!ns c ., y ' TueodQ nig!>f, Temi.atura ':'ill ;be around.1 the-11 mark. . ' . INSmE •TOD .. Y 1 t I • ' 1 • ' ' ' 1 l I ' J ' ' ' \ D.\11.Y PILOT L .. • BJ JAClt CJIAPPIU.. ~ .. OtlfrPIMI*' Wooden thlpo _, be 1ooc -· 11111 • 11oa moo al the 11.B, NIYJ .. 1!111 •, ........ -JIU Ebllgn ---•• an -'aboonl 11111 llaal -IJllll Maftaponi. Sutherlen, who calls Lacuna Niguel home, is a part or the crew charged with the task of fueling fighting ships of the U.S. Seventh Fleet off Vietnam. Routine though the job may bt. lhe sleek destroyers and cruisers would be useless without tht.ir raUon o! fuel which Suth'erlen's slUp brings them. The' dramatic moments aboard a tanker are tew, Sulherlen notes In leUcrs • to his mother, fl1rs. Victor Sutberlen, . of 32SSJ Azores Rd., Laguna Niguel. However, the r igors of boredom, 1auaOiiC1oaa...,11n~ bard pbJalc1t labor ... nal Jl!'<ll<l1>1 .. mlperl or,moftlrtln-• I • =i.1111111·---= .. ·-t::;7 ..-""" -ti, -' chll'l loll June; Ile'• ap quHo a bit while out In the Paclfic. \.. At age 22, Sulherlen · bas Ulld<r hls command 42 men. He h11 t h e responsibility for the upkeep or the entire aft1 secti<m. o£ the slUp. He ~ also the pos\al and publjc affairs oflloer.· Mrs. Suth~rlen said her son plans on entering the i::eal estate buslneu after leaving the service. 'nle Navy attracted Sutherlan through its Reserve Officer Training progrlm, wbile he was at the Universltfr ol Santa Clara. He joined irnmediatily alter VaduaUon. , t From Page l LAGUNAN'S YACHT SEIZED • • • KEEPS FLEET MOVING Ensign Suthtrlen • Bandits 'Hit with the Hong Kong Marine Department, a spokesman there II.Id. The ae1zed vessels be.sldea Baldwin's Morasum were ldenUfied u Ross' Uni· Na·Mara and the Sydow famil)J's Rever- ie, according to _oft1clals working to se· · sure their frtedom. . Sailors plannbJl -•the voy,ace tfals year were warned ol 1tral8fd µIalions with Petlng, due to lmpdaonment of Com· C Th . munlsts blamed fer . a 1985 anti-British ounty . ree reign of1em>r in Hong Kong. , • , Last radio traffic heard from the se1z.cd . · boats wu ·.a ·mesaage from Baldwin T • s nOO him.stlto aboard the MOraawn, which f,me8 U y , ls a copy of the lamed Hong Kong·built • yawl Finlsierre. Armed robben atruck Ihm times in Orange County ~ night. i n Fullerton, Santa Ana anil 8-Part. Three men ~ of robbing a Buena Park mute! <if li,!00 ...,. picked up by Anaheim police. 'nle victim .wu Robert Bushray, 29, ~of Garden Grove In Jax Market, Manchesttr Avenue and Beach Boulevard. Arrested by Anaheim police following a broadcast description of the suspect car were David L •. Vrieze, 29, William T. Flint, 20, and Ernest C. Shafer, 26, all of Salt Lake City, Utah. The $1,300 was recovered, police reported. In Santa Ana, two robbers approached Norbert Rickerl, 44, o! 8aitta :Ana, and asked where U. othet cletk was. He said his asdsLant ln Rod'a Liquor Store, 2115 W. McFadden Ave., was not on duty. Dissatisfied with the answer one of "It seems they want to board us. They aie boarding ue. Over and out," the monitored broadcaal aaid. Baldwin's wile Marjorie satd today at the couple's Laguna Beach home that she has beard nothing from the U.S. State Department about the status of.her husband'• captivity. Western diplomats were circuitOUJly broachlng the subject w,Jth Peking, because America does not recognize the mainland China government. The Baldwins have three children, Si· .pleon .III, 26, Lynne, 24, and James, 20, a Saddlehack· Jlfnlor College student who lives at· the family home. Mn, Baldwin said her husband is presl· Laguna Seniors Set Committees th.• bandla -~1 I'!' tho bud : For B1' g Pa1·ty with a .22 aU"tOmaUc plstOI and left after searehing tQe prenWse.s f~ ~ t •llendanL They ~.~ ~'tr Rickerl JG·r~·-'td\J RiVtl'Wlew Hospital and.held fot obse.rv~Uon. A servJc6:_ .staUon wa.s, robbed early this morning 1n PUIIerton. Mike Boatright, 24, of Fullerton told police a lone bandit wearing 1 moustache and a Ven Dyke_ beard simulated possession o( a .CUD and took an un- determined amount of cash. Scene of the robbery was the Maan Oil Co., 2045 Commonwealth Ave. J\'lodel T S~oppe Loses in Laguna A South Laguna man'• bid to atabllab an antique auto &hop ~kfired tbia week when county planning commissioners took a long, old-fashioned look at the request and decided the facility would conflict with zoning ~uirements in the area. 1 Toxey Smith sought permiasion to sel up the ancien~ auto edlflce at the wester- ly corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Camel Point Drive. But the commission boiled over at his request for a zone variance and drove the project out of the hearing room . But antique auto buff Smith knows how to change gear. He intends to try a detour -right Into the county supervlsol"S1 hearing room. DAILY PILOT 0•4NGI! COAST .. UILISHING COM••NY Ro"••f H. Wtt4 ,.,.,kltn! •"41 ~"°''""' J •c\ •. Cwrloy V•l~ "''"~nt *"" (';f<¥•t• N1n•t., Tlio,,.11 K11•il E:•iter TJi • ..,1 1 A. Mu•phi~• Ma•1tt•nt IEtllor J ich11ol '· Nill '•111 Nin•~ L••"~• 901(11 " .t.d ... •lhl"' C!l1' l!"IOo• Dlra"""' &..t-•• le.ell Offlq 222 f1,.11I A.•1." M11fi~t "''••u: ,.0 . lor ••&, ''~5? Otliw Offk" Coot• Ww: Ut ~11 911' '''""' N-rl .,,..,, ))II >'Vt1t ltlbO<I loulrl'lrd 1"1tftl+~9'&r> att<.11· JOt $tll Sll"tel DAil. Y l"ILOT. ••• ...,kll i. ~ !!lit H""•l"l'ftl It Mlf>llo"H lltM-, IK~I """' ..., .. _, ... fllilleftt ... l ...... ~ Jrff"--1 ""'"' c..... w... Huftl~ lleoc.ll 1111111 ,_,t1i. Vtllly, .... ..... I ~ f'll!lllll o...... (M l! l".iill .... "'9 c-'"' .,.,,.,.,,. ..i1~•l ,,, •• nu w.11 ...... .,,,.. .... , .. , ·-"· ..... l>I Wtlf I _,. SI""· c. .. 11 Mtw ,...,... .. 17141 .. , •• , .. ,, ci....i1111 .. Dept. 64J-4JJI C-111!1, I.... 0.-C.•ot I'~ ,...,......,. He "'"" •lflfln . ••"""'"""' t<ll~ ~ .. ~-...,.... ..... .. .~.., Wllllt\lt 1.-edel ..... ~Uees were fonned at ,. recent meeting for initial planning or Laguna Beach High School seniors traditional all-night graduation party. General co-cllainnen are Janet Corey and Pat Balte. Other c o m m i t t e e members in c 1 u d e decorations, Jryss McDonnell and Marilyn Schmitz; Food, Rosemary Causey and· RoSe Riley; Secretaries, Evelyn Brown, Virginia Chamberlin and Sparky Wainwright; pro- grams and tickets, Dorothy Martin ; Entertainment, Jean Benton and R. A. Kronmain; publicity, Katy ChamberB and Billie Harvey; and lockers, Nancy Bird. Money ralsed from pre·football game dinners put on by parents of seniors will be u!ed to help finance the parly. Se$tupleu dent of Air Stocks Ltd., a Hong ,Koog-bu· ed finn founded lS years ago for distributing aviation parts to airlines in the Far East, where he has worked ; . . 21 years. • Business ,interests prevented him from returning to Laguna Beach at Christmas, but he was home six months ago and is tenlaUvely scheduled to fly back this summer. Probably . the best rtconstructed.. ac- count of what happened to the three missing yachts was give by Dutch-born Everai-d Van Kan, wbote yacht Nordica made Macao safely. "Not long after we left Holli Kong terrllDrial waters, we were spotted by Communist Chinese gunboats decorated with portraits . .of Mao .•• they pointed machine guns and AK 47 automatic tUles, then sailed around WI and left," be said. Tbe Dutchman said two other gunboats and live jwtlq surrounded them 10 miles off Macao, at which time a Chinese Army officer and two soldiers boarded the Nordica as though seeking refugees. "I see we are friends," the officer said in English, pinning propaganda badges on the lUg.h-necked Mao-style tunics worn by the Dutch news photographer and a colleague sailing aboard the yacht. Pitching in lbe high seas, however. the Red Chinese launch had smashed into the Nordica, causing some damage, but she was escorted into Macao Harbor by a Portuguese gunboat. Yacht.smen expressed some fear for the three sei:r.ed vessels which carried extensive electronics gear for navigation and might be charged with some USS Pueb~o-type_,.espionage activities. Sui~ide Victim Found in Beach A ZZ.year~ld Anaheim man apparently killed himself with a shotgun early Satur· day morning in Huntington Beach, po- lice reported today. Police &aid the suicide victim was Peter Burr Meaker, who died aomeUme beween 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. Saturday. His body was found inside his Mustang parked at 20641 Mlne.rva Lane, by C.E. Arledge, superintendent of the Four Winds C"Ansti'uclion r.o. No suicide note was fowxl. """"""' II -ltllt -·· l«to'lf a.n -·-N loil 11 Nt'W-' ~ inti CMl1 Mt"' Cel!i-11. SWH.•llltlll "' t......, '1JI !flOl'lttl,.,1 h mi ll U.• """"""' tft!flte,.,. •ttlMll-II II ....,1111y, Dachs held by Angelique Cox, 7, of 3202 Washington St., Costa Mesa ls roud momma of squinning group of pups in foreground . Liller bprn to pet belonging to Angeiiqu•'• family Is con~idered talh-· er large for such a small dog. Mother and pups ar e domg fine. , (• I, --- U.S. NI¥' ,IMlltl FOAMING SEA RUSHES BETWEEN DESTROYER AND .OILER DURING RE·FUELING OPERATION L1guna Nl9uel Min Sirva Abo.rd T1nk1r USS M•tt•poni (right) on St•tion Off South Vietnam Vacuum Cleaner Company Sued In Sales Fraud SACRAMENTO (UPI ) -The stata filed a $2 million Jaw suit q:a'inst the manufacturer of Kirby Vacuum Cleaners and 89 California distributors today charging fraudulcnl sties practices. The suit filed in S:icramcnto County Super ior Court tht1r;icd that the Scott and Fetzer Co. of Cleveland and the CaWornia distributors made false sales claims to prospectiye customers. AUy. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch, v.·hose consumer fraud division filed Pie_ a~tion, called the KiJ;by sale practices a "swindle." The suit charged that among other things Kirby salesmen sold used vacuum cleaners as new; told , prospective purctlaiiers they -were contest winners when there wu no contelf; and claimed falsel y that Kirby aalesmen were com- ptfing against each' 1otJ1er in a sales contest. Lynch sought "1m!llion in ei;emplary damages, clvll'---pefialties of $%,500 for each asserted false representation made during the last year and an injunction to prohibit further alleged fraudule:it actlvlties. Clemente Okays Commercial Area Fifty acrls In north San Clemente have been .approved as a commercial subdivision by action of the city planning commission. The tra c t is ncxl to Camino de Lo s Mares east ol the San Diego Freeway and is owned by · Lincoln Savings & Loan Co., of Los Angeles. The land will be divided into a dozen 1 o t s. A Lincoln Savings and Lo an spokesman said that landscaping and street construction will begin within 30 da ys. Coast Construction Company is the general contractor. No use has been determined for development. ' Newport Council Calls Special Session on Oil Newport Beach city coun cl Im en , angered over last week's announcement of proposed test drilling a mile off Newport Beach by a group of oil com- panies, have ca lled a special meeting for 4 p.m. Tuesday to plan their fight against the operation. The meeting was called today. The council wil\ draft a resolution opposing the plan led by Shell Oil Co., and wPI request that the state Lands Commission call off its approval of the test drilling. The council Is also expected to draft a resolution demandlng a hearing before the comm ission, whic h on Jan. 2 ap- pr oved an eight-company dri lling pro- posal ke pt secret until last week. A day after the commission's approvr;l, Shell Oil Co. and several other fi rms bega n their first core s11 mple drilllns: off h1alibu. The wo:·~: ls con t;nuin3 \\'i1ll a goal of a 6,00:1-fool f·:p!t.r:it·•ry t;o'{'. The Newport drilling:, 1~·hit:h Shell spokesmen and comn1·s:.:o 1 n11~1nbcr~ said is not intended to ) icl~ oil er gas, would start within lhc nc:;t f!r.r week s unless the commission \ri 'hr.!r;1•.q; its approval. Both commission and company souret'; said last week that, if traces of oi I or gas are discovered dur'ing the drilling procedure, the hole would be cappeJ immediately with concrete. A state Land s Division engiuef'r 11"! board the CUSS I drilling vessel •\'Ill have the sole determination over die a11pects of the drilling project, sources said . Festival Seeking· More Men for Roles in Pageant The annual male call has gone out from Festival of Arts casting directors who need men for the Pagea nt or the Masters. While turnout for the recent casting parties was excellent. the great number of items calling for men in the Pageant requires mo~ of them. said spokesman Sally Reeve. "Males of all ages. sh apes and si zes v;ill be needed. The impressive 'Bas Itelie r from the Albert r.1c1norial' a!one c2lls for JO of them,'' ~he said. She noted that some men hesitate to volunteer because or the makeup problem, however, in many tascs, only the hands and faces need be covered aud . she said, the makeup is easily rcinoved. Anyont! interested in participating in the Pugeant to be held in the Irvine BO\-\'l, Laguna Beach from July 11 to Aug. 14 may call the casting office at 494-3663. Capo Chamber Asks Extension The Capistrano Chamber of Commerce will this year fight for the extension of Victoria Avenue to a junction 1vith· proposed development of Alipaz Road from San Juan Capistrano to Dana Point. The project, announced recently by James Rotruck. president of the chamber. was one of seven undertakings planned by the group for 1969. The exten sion of Victor ia w as necessary, Rotruck said, to provide a scenic route through the community and to see Iha! the community was not sealed off from the market area . New chairmen for Chamber com· miltees are \Villiam Cux. 1vavs and means: Mrs. K. C. Hicks, beautification committee : r.1rs. Anne Potter, program committee; Kenny La11•rcncc, mem· bershi p committee ; Bill J\-1 ·:Co~mich, ~ic:n committee; and Russell llrnchman. flaa: com mittee. ..... l ... l!llUIWW-.l!a·n•M-GlllNWilKllW'llJ~ :J.ine Walch & Jew efr'i Repair I I· 0 OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired e diamonds end precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN le MANUFACTURE ~LL TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOI ·SHOPPIN• ellml ueo HAllOI aw. COSTA MISA HUNTINGTON CINTll IEACH I IDINGll HUNTINGTON HACH HZ·550! 1,·· ,,.,,,· .•.. ' <'',,<" \' ----.. ----"---------- U.S. Ends SAIGON (UPI) -The United •-"* ended the a1llod 14-bour Tel ceui>-11re with muslve 852 rald1 near Salcon JO mlnUI<• after the tnd ol the truce perlod. Conculaton waves rolled acrw Salgoo where the three "'1IUon rtlldeoll were celebrating the lunar new ,.W.. The Viet Coog proclaimed a 1even<lay T!!I Ffase-IJA and the United stalol &\l'1 South Vleloam lifteel ooly to a M-boor":rtoplto In tha war, U.S. . ..,.k~ Aid-t1'e Communllta .... .c(estro)linl their OWll c-W. with llCOteS of vlalaUons lncludlnc a •man attack agaln4 U.S. 'tlarip<s "'ar Da Niog. . . · Eight Amerkanl were kWO!! and n wounded llurlnl the M-llOllr ......an. and !II CommuniJts killed. Two mtsstons by the Stratqlc Air Comm.and Stratoforts over ~ '·jUngles It ml!" from Salgoo meaL: !be bori>ben Wert airborne from buea Jn the· Pacific or 1balland" several .hours befon; .the end of the ceue-nr. period. SpotesffieR said the B5i r8id. wert mounted on the basis of aerial recon- naiMance pho(ographs or repaita from U.S. field commanders dU!'fnl tl:e lruce period. WRECKERS RAZE FORMER CHRISTIAN CHURCH Once Used for Courts, Now Rubble They said the Comlnunl!lll have broken their •ee.tlong truce 170 limes 1ince it began 7 a.m. Saturday. They ll1d 128 of the violations came after the 1tart of the-allied ff.hour truce 6 p.m. Sunday. W reeker's Hammer Fells SF Strike..s Attend Class, Foil 'Check' County's Old Buildings Only rubble remained today where a blitz of sorts, wrought by wreckers, has accounted for -the destruclion of three old court buildings in the county Ci vic Center in Santa Ana. Soon, smooth parking lots will octupy the space now filled with debris. BoWing to the m.irch of progress were two old church buildings and a former court building, all on 6th Street, between Broadway and Ross Street. First structure to be demolished last week was the old First Assembly of God Church on the southeast corner of Ross and 6th streets. It had been used by the county for four Superior Courtroom s now housed in the new courthouse building, two blocks away. Last Thursday the old munici pal court building at 6th and Birch streets felt the wrecker's wralh. A huge bulldozer literally smashed the build.in~ to pieces in less than an hour. ··" The building had been the home or Santa Ana-Orange Municipal Courts for nearly two decades. Friday saw the end of the dark-brown hued former church building at 6th and Broadway. The Christian Piurch former- ly occupied the premises. In recent years two departments of the Superior Court have been housed in the old structure. The first building to go, at 6th and Ross was the victim of a street widening project to provide a new alignment of 4th Street which will curve from Van Ness Street into 6th Strttt. " The other two bulldiDg lites will tie used temporarili for parking and even- tually will be a greenbelt section of the Civic Center. A fourth building, ·the Spurgeon Methodist Church at Broadway and Ith Street will be the next to go. It will be tom down in a.bout three -Yean when 8th Street iJ realigned wilb 7th Street at Main Street. The. ltructure, which housed courts unW recenUy is now used by the county Penonnel Department. Soon to go will be the former Saint Ann's Inn, a iamed hostelry of former years on Birch, north of 6th Street. SAN FRANCISCO (UPll -Strlkl,.g students and professors attended clasaea at the opening of San Francisco State College's spring semester today to circumvent an enrollment check system instituted by acting President S. I. Hayakawa. A handful of teachers picketed at the main campus entrance while most of the 250 s~g profeuors met with their students to hep their courses from being dropjied by the administration. Striking students also went to class to guarantee their · status under a registration card system initiated by Hayakawa. The carda must be signed by beth student and teacher on the first d'ay of class. "Our Qltmberl shall establish their classes by meeting the first (and only the first) aection of each course," &aid a ltaflet banded out by memberl of the striking American Federation of Teachers. Accessory or Not"/ The violence-ridden ICbool reopened after a two-week bru.k with itli ad- ministration building battered by a bomb blast and Hayakawa vowing students and faculty will be "protected by whatever means necessary." Hayakawa aaid Sunday's prH:awn blast was "characterisllc of the n~ Fascist methods used by a.rune of the radical elementl around. here." Girl in Polka Dot Dress The explosion, which cookl be heard for several miles, shatterd 11 windows around the main entrance of the campus administration building and injured a campus policeman. Discussed at Sirhan Trial Tlie bOmblng was the oecond In four days at the coll.ege and tbe latest In a aeries or violent incident. since the Blact· Students Union called a strike Nov. I to back demandl for an autonomous black studies program. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A girl In a polka dot dress was standing near Sirhan B. Sirhan moments before he France Resigns From Western European Union LONDON (AP} -France today ·withdrew indefinitely {rom the Western European Union (WEU) but its six fellow members resolved to go ahead anyway with lbe work o( the alliance. The.developpient threatened the fllture of th8 group formed in 19M as a con· talne.r for a rearmed West Germany. It also thrust already cool British-French relatic:ins further into the deep freeze . The .French Embassy early today ad- vised Secretary-General Mauri ce 0wein D'Eckhoutte and the British government: -Frince will not be represented at Tueda1)''s regular bimonthly meeting of the WEU permanent" council. -France will not attend any other metlnp of the WEU council until further notice. PHONE BURPS, LADIES SUE General Telephone Co. ha;, bten sued for a total of $60,000 In damag~ by two Foyntain Valley women who clalm Ibey were injured .u a result of the company's negligence. Mn. Patty Panico, 857' El Libro, assesses her injuries at $50,000. Mn. Shirley J . Wooland is claimin( flO,DllO from the utility company. fired the shots that kllled Sen. Robert F. ·Kennedy, a murder trial jury was told today. Vincent DI Perro, a student and part· time waiter at the Ambassador Hotel, said bis attention wu. first drawn to Sirhan by the sight of the very pretty girl with an attractive figure standini close to him. The mysterious girl in the polka dot dress had been discredited by police previously and no evidence had ever been produced that she played any role whatsoever in the shooting or that she wa·s actually present in the ~try. Di Pierro said under cross~xamination by defense counsel Grant B. Cooper 1 that she was there and it appeared that Sirhan smiled at her and that she smiled back at'liim. Di Pierro said she had on a white dress with black polka dota and that she was a brunette. Dep. Dist Atty. David Fitts displayed a color plcture of a girl in a polka dot dress and the 19-year.:Old witness said that she seemed to be the girl he had seen. Fitts identUied the girl in the picture as Valerie Schulte of Santa Barbara. Cooper noted that in the picture she was wearing a green dress with yellow polka dots and that she wu a blonde, not a brunette but Di Pierro said he 1till felt ahe was the same girl. There wu no evidence that she figured in any way in the shooting expect that 1he wu present with dozens of other people trying to meet Kenned)J when the pantry of the hotel erupted In pan- demonium rooments after be Wal mortally wounded. 1be American Federation of Teachers local struck Jan. 6, demanding educa· tional reforms and smaller teaching loads. The local repruenta about 250 of tile college's l,XIO faculty members. The teachers were asked to submit statements of availability for the spring semester and to return to work today. Hayakawa wouldn't estimate bow 11'11DY o{ the union teachers he expected to return but said, "If we do Jc:-.. facu1ty, that will be the result of their initiative." Oil Flow Slows From Offslwre Drilling Fissure SANTA BARBARA • (UPIJ-'l'he now of oil from a fissure under an offshore drilling ·plaUorm seems -to be 1lowly decreasing, authorities said today. The crude petroleum wu seepinl: from an oil strata about 500 feet under the ocean floor that wa1 charged wtth pressure from 1n earlier well blowout. "It seems to be diminishing slightly," said a spokesman for Union OU Co., operator o: the drilllng rig SIA. miles off the coast. /" A spokesman for the Federal Water and Air PolluUon Control AdminiStraUon said · it was difficult to get an exact measurement of the now but "it lookl like It's decreasing." The COast Guard said an aerial survey Sunday showed a heavy slick up to 200-yards wide exttrw;µnc eight miles north and aouth· rl. the north plaUorm. ·Borman in Spain, AnotJier concentrallon of :>II liad •<> cumulated about two miles off tbll resort Honors Colwnhus ccmmun1111n te1p-. -()nly ocattered blobl ol the acrid MADKID (UPI ) -Allnlaaut Franl<. oil wm still floating uhore where men Boonan flew lo lladrld !"ll!1 a!!d ~ eonUnued lo ~ -alone • mu .. homage to a p-m>lifti' ol IDOlher It boachH ml -to-IOU up the age, Christopher Colum6u.. -,_. · Bannan and his famlli armed from 11on.t11D llllMO Callool ol oil bolled •"""1. '"""'117, 1'69 (LI Tet · Truce .Witli · Raid . • l'our -,.... lilied 111111 • othen --lo that flPt. Ttie ....-... aald Communilt attacb llnce the open. 1111 o1 the aJJled .,.....ltre 8undaJ have killed .• Amerlcul and wounded 71 -~ 'l'ht CGmmuo111 v1o11u ... o1 the ...... flm allo lncludecl tjlO lbetllll( ol IDied -aad tha Jlnklill o( I U.S. Novy 114oat pllrol boot ID tha Yam Co Dool RIVtr,•..U.ftotel ...... 11-Viii °""" to I ._i II I ;' t' fl'Olft tbe N .. VWMR111 ~ 4 Hanoi, -It •• tha allMil .... ..... YialllloC tba -Bal tha CcmmMn1111 • :t•rr ,,. Ba bomblnl-lli I 7 .... _ rlJIU Jodjod _. .....,. -r• tbal .,_ ID tha ·-. tieloro tllo llllad fll I! lft?!l!I lolo ..i ~ .. ' . I . • ' • ' ' • . ' • UDER.'S TWOllWOILYI Y.•wllf rtCllYl't ·-&Wl ot•11t Natlt....,. wltrl ian purchltt 11 IJID If..,,., If E*" ~ cosfll!th:1. Cf'fer llldl Mlft:tt lat. Brl!IC •I 1111 Kl111 rMl•CI 11111 illt,.,RI tl .. llleo le In wee wo00ortul nys fary., lo liRmy din and 11keup: Alt 1-,.. :s1<11 1 ma.V.loosly refreshed ard 1lowlnr. "Whipped Cleansin& tflml" l1111xlll- speody cleansel lllat .. its Instantly Into Illa stun. "CIUIJ Miid Cloma" ls usod wi11t -;~'Gontll f1ci11'.llapoo''-i11 rlcll, soolhinl •I SOIP. c:~ansln1 Ciemt,1.11 P"'lllY cl11111ser, ~.lo Facial Sllampoo,l,ID H.11, "It IHll111 •• 1!1111 lflCl,ll l:ell1J 111•11111. "AIHloy 2· EYe Creme" absol>sins\IJrtlY •. "All-Oay lbloat CTme" bel·ps "'I la i!Pilltn and ""'~ away cteplnass. (ltollura ln~~ble un£r ml!aup). "Emd1111i El1Mlisioo" JOOS ander mkeap Ill I "lvaly finish. ''Wrinkle Stick" ps rttfll makO!p. Yw'il bl pleesed1ttlle1'3Y these-lful treabmab help • erase age-lines , . , Throat creme, 1.IG E111lsioo, 1.11 lrinlde Slick, I.DD DllC-1111 ,_i.e 11111 latt llC 11111, "Estee Sllper Porfta"lm 3 lhree times lllt l3'1in1 pow11 of "'1 perlUJM known until now. It 111ps J'U In II oura ol fn&11AC1 Ille minute It lot!chll yOll skin. aut 1111iko any '!lb• porm -before; aadi of lb lnmilllds al ·-·ls hold 1111~,. suspenslio l11U1 .• rele11od ln ""·tiny '"""" explnsl.,~ller anolber. Pert1'11e,ll.50 Mlltl 7• Niii It~ 9'•17 ~-II. A leW drops ol"Y- Oew Ball! Oii" In ywr batll w.le.r lea11S.skin lrairanl lfd sofL Yor'll til<t .. silkenin1 power of ''Yoolll-Oew Cnlmy Milk Ball!" 1113t IMstsinlo fnpt lobbies. ''YOUlll'!JeW llGdy Salin11" Is I rich , creamy loti 01 lo SllOatll ,..,-4 s~in all ow:r. Finish with a mist of trarrance from ilYou'1·0ew Eat dt Parfum Sllf!Y". Ball Oil, 4.25 •od 1.ID Mil'< Ball!, l.M llGdy Safioee, 4 ... LM Eau de P11J"' $111Y, I.II Y•'ll lllt ""'~ wtlll 11•11llllr, 111nl Jllbl;, A flWtapt . . o1~~.,, Col!piela .llUH~' ldllavas a look or n .. 1au l*fd,., fl' ' 0 M •l-ll8 fmiob, Ml 1.!lil Ti ''Tnnsbanl flCI -Ml ll f« all~ blushintftdl•"' '*'!.111111 laee. with "~lar Cmtwr". "Eye Slladow Glow" sh!Hm li~,;6roiji;11ds. Sta-lhroosh "ltelry Stain" illl'yoar lips 1 lvscJws. lileir lolllc. Make-up, ,,., Face _,Ul•Col• C<lllour, 1.• EYI Sllldorr, ... . ' . Lipstick, 1.M c-. ~-· ... ., ~·· riOlll D4I' btauty •Kl'ltt ft0111f1t.e lludtr. BufPuns· Cosmetics,. SM wllt bt It GUI' Cotlllltlc eoumer now II,__ Slturdly, F•b. 22nd. I . .. Both women claim tbat a "tremendous acousUcaJ disturbance" while they were using the telephone In separate phooo calls caused them "lllffertnc m:t di.streu." Rome on their European l<JOdwlll -· to tha turlact o1 lhO Pacllla aad wu taken at the req-cil l'l<Jldenl NIJm pulbed _.. by tba windl for 12 day1 alter the -..sful -DJpt until tba arilftlll leak wa1 sealed Fob. of Apollo 8. 7. Nswport Center rl Ftshim Island • 644"2200 • Mon., Thurs., Fri.10:00 till 9:30 Oller days 10:0011115:311 I . " l ' t ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~1 r o.111.Y PILOT IC.. ... llr ... D&ltt , ... Miff> Chicago bids fair to be the city or love. The phone. book lists 309 Loves. There also are 128 Valen• tines, 36 Darlings, Five Honeys, Two Hearts, and one Sweetie. • A Cleveland man arrested in Brunswich Ohio for driving with .. out a lice~se was detained in Me- dina County Jail on a far different l'Jlarge. Police said that after they left Robort•WHtorfiold alone for a few minutes at the station they found in his shoe a $1 bill taken from a framed citation on their wall. • With crowbars and chisels burg· Jars attacked a safe in Brening Materials Co. in Van Nuys. Final· ly, It broke open and revealed only business records inside. On the door of the safe all along was print· ed the lock combinition. So the burglars looted a chewing gum machine of 50 pennies. • "Baby," a si.t·week-old nnt of a litter of four chihuahua pups, ez.. plore1 the face of five-11ear-old St.eVie Bwf;JI. Tht tint1 puwv belongs to Mn. A. J, Warrtn, of Fort Worth. Tex., who nKned him toith ms eye dropper. Stem to mout, Baby mt'a- sured only four incMs. • The Philadelphia AFI,C!O coun· cil began picketing the Troe The- ater-one of lhe few burl""'ue howe1 in lhe aatlon-l>ecau.o It replaced musicians With "canned'' music to accompany the bumps and grinds of the uotic dancers. • The U.S. heavyweight wrestling title bout between the Shlek and lgor was declared "no contest•• after the referee was knocked out in the scuffling and unable to con- tinue. • Phi Eprikm. Pi fraternity at the Unioersitll of Michigan ot Ann Arbor atm0unad it will admit 20 girt., oa members in the /all.. The girli toill live tn a separate wing of tM houae and the fratemity will hire a mar- ried coupll to chaperone tht howe. • The portrait of Lyndon Johnson on the wall of the Selma, Caill. city council chambers bas been re- placed. l'lut not by a picture of Richard Nixon. Instead a clock has been bung. The councilrne~ said this gives them -more guidance than a portxalt of a president · • . Ne-Wl,,weds StroU UPI It......,. Actress Audrey HepJ:>u.m and her new husband, Italian professor Andrea Dotti, take a stroll at' an aii'port in Rome while ·awaiting lh9 arrival of a friend. ·GuardsmenMoving B_ack To Wi.sconsin V Campus By United Pre11 I.nteniaUonal · or demands for black students, rallied a crowd of 1,300 early today at which National Guardsmen with fl x e d one: ringJeader told them, "We've been bayonets moved back onto the uruversity too pacifist, too naive. We're going to of Wisconsin campus today to deal with change our tactics." a fresh invasion of chanting, stomping, Then the band set out for Bascom student rebels. Hall, considered the heart of .the There had been hope5 the guardsmen, Jakefront campus. Police ln riot gear called out last week to put the li~ and holding clubs met them, but did on student disruptions, could be sent not try to restrain the marchers. home today. But they were needed again Bmom Hall contains the 0Ulct1 of when 350 noisy disaidents invaded , H. Edwin Young, chancellor of the Bascom Hall and began to disrupt • un1 .. n1ty. ni. .,.._.. oliouted, "Hey, -· . hey, ChanceUor YOUlli. Blacl: demands Elsewhere, a group calling Itself the will be won," "!Uerlng committee to reform for university" presented a list of demands it called nonnegotiable to officlals of Pennsylvania State University. At the University of Notre Dame. l!lcene of disruptions 10 days ago, the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, the school's president. laid down a "get tongh" policy which will allow demonstrators only minutes to disband or face suspension, expulsion or arrest. "Violators will be given 15 minutes or meditation to cease and desist,'' Father Hesburgb's letter to the students and facuJty of the Roman Catholic school said. Tbe Wisconsin rebels, pressing a list ;-... Israeli Jet Fighters Raid Arab Positions By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Two Israeli Mf!tere jet fighters raided Arab guerrilla poeitions acrosa: 1he Israeli-Jordanian cease-fire line today in retaliation for a bazooka rocket attack on an Israeli patrol. Arab unrest erupted again in Gaza and Israeli troops were called In to subdue rioting students. A ICOre of students were arrested and several received lint aid treatment l<r lnjur! ... Mafia Associates • Shun Funeral For Genovese ATLANTJC WGllLANDS, N.J . (AP - Funeral services for Mafia leader Vito Genovese remained slmpll and orderly today, Jacking ony eulogy « big black limousines fllled with nowen. Abool 125 persons, l!IClll of tbem women, attended the services inside St. Agnes Catholic Church. while 100 curiMi· ty seeters walled outside in chilly, swmy weather. · The Rev. Mlchael Lease, officiating at the requiem mus, did not mention Genovese by name durlng his IS.minute sermon, other than to say "Let us remember the deceased In our prayers." Genovese, 71, who roee to head the Mafia. died rrtday at the medieal center for federal prisoners in Springfield, Mo., where he wu serving a 15-year narcoUcs sentence. . One l!itate policeman 1aJd that none of Genovese'• Mafia associate• attended the aervlces. Cloudy Skies Over Nation Midsection Braces for New Round of Snow ""' (Wlc ~ dil'lttl .. "· • - ,.,.. tit ~ """"""""' "' "· ~ hrMtrt .. Thi! chtl'Q "' r.t .. ... Jt ~ .... ""'· TM U.1. _,,.... ~· ~V llllflllk O llMI .... lritwrmtn'ftll 1'-'o "'"""" .. ""*"' """' '-'"''" .. ._.1..,_ .... __ I. Tiii ~ .... ~lfillv t.~ ...., ..,..., wirm tlld llltfl fMIHr.t- tw.. _, & T~ ""'''" flon'IHr.tuN _ .. JOotlf Mth Suftd.., trod lorlai'I -·--toot.., i..:tvded: l-lwdl ..... '-"'• Mot!b ..... 1411" "'* OJJ, Mt. wn'°" o"'5, ,. .. ,,,.... .... • ......... ,,, "'"" """"* n.n. ......, .... u.4, ..... o .... .,. ft. ...... ......,_ •l·Y. •!Id .t.nehflfn/ _,,.._ c ... iai T'*" Wiii ... _._. ... dcludl"'"' ,.,,, .,... .,_.,.tu.... wttll ,,. ~ ·-., ""' "* .,....,....,. ~ 10 ~ teftltftl. YM!tnSIY'I _,..,1vra9 , ..... fM -· ,....... ,,_ ..... wfllle .... ...... ,.,. f'lllM ... '"""' 21 .. ... W1ter ""-•Ill"" 1l S1 ....... S11-. M-, Tftla -T Second low , , .. , .. •M-. .1 .. ._.... ltlltl ........... lt:lt 11.11'1. .. , TU•IOA'r ,Ira! low .. ,, . . • .. . l ,J.1 1.ll'l. O.t ,,,., lti,,fl ,, ., , ... , 11:• I .I'll. 1.7 l«:IOllf law ............. •:JO 11.M. .. ., 1-.t ltt.11 ,,, ........ It :• 11.111. I.I M.-••1:n1.111o ............. . I• • .._ ':.N 1.m . ._..I;•'-"'· "--l'We. Lllttl w.tO. , .. It f .O. n ""-'· 4 ,,...,, II I ... .. v.s. s ........ ... ( ...... ~!Mtlll .... ,....,., ~ Ill WlllCfl ..... illlllell .... ., wttlt al'ICIW "'""'" t,.., ... .-Ulltenl HoNll(flltnt lnte 111t Clrell-111d Hnltt mo.I fll tM t'IOl'lfltffO 'ltll'lt 11111 h lt«tflll. ' ,....,... Wl""illlM Ufl!lfllltd In .rr«t fol" lftlldl f/I ll'lt Clroll••n, ,.II 11'1' '" .__ co.ltl tlorm l'llt l lttl """" -.. -lfld _ ... It '"' of -· O.lt ""•mll!ft lltW lrgm Ille Vlr· 9fnlt (INS !(I Norlll Cfrofll'll H lldu -•I ,_, ........ ~I ""'" t•· _ .... Ftl1Mf _,, -llllrtlft .. II "" o.1!1'111 .... -""""" ""''-Gf ""' .,...., G,...I l•lltt ..... lit -19fl lrt"' l"9 Ct11tr1t lllCtlft " narltl T1u1. ( Tetttpert1t11rn ·-All ... " a.t'"'leld ,_ ... .... ..... "-Clrld-" Cltvlol1flll ....... ... _ ...... !"ut'lkt '"' -·-·-·--IC• ..... Cttv l• - l• """"' Mltl'lll 1..cft Ml'-'*" Ntw OrlMc!t MtwYri ""'" .. .._ ,, .. lla919t Pl!ll.0.!llflll ''*"'• '""llllr.11 ......... ltffllll (My ""' lh.lff ·-...,_ .. SI. llll.llt ltllnt• It!! llllt1 C!l'I' ..... _ &lfO Frtrw:ltite ..... AN &lt'lt• .. ~,.. ..... 1 .. ... , ....... , W1tl'll"'froll 0 ~ " " n " • " .. " " ". a .. " " " n " ,. " " ,, .1. " ~ J:) .m " ' 51 •1 " .. " " .. " " ~ .. " .. " " . .. .. " " ., ,, .llO " " " " ,, '' ~ " ,. ,. . ,. ., ,, .. 0 ~ . " 4 %1 '° .n " . " d .... fl ., n " :U » .Ol " 0 " . Cong Cool ToNix@n P ari.s Vi.sit PARls (UPI) -Tran Hoa! Nam, depu- tr chalrman or the Viet ding delegation to lbe Vietnam peace !.llU, soUI today hil movement was not interested In the lorthcomlng Europeon trip of Prea!- dent Nb:on. • In an tntervlew with the Algerian army newspaper El Moujahid (The Fl&bler), Nam soUI, "Thia trip does not 'interest ur. Jt ls a matter which concerns Mt. Nixon. Whether It Is Nixon or another one, all American leaden; tno'lll'. that the time hu passed when lbe UniUd States was calling the game." Nam's statement in¢Jcated the Viet Cong wW not back down from its demand lbat the Americana agee· first to dilcula their "aggresalon" and the Viet Cong's five-point program. The Amer I c·a n nq:oUaton are certain to reject the --qoln u a virtual call l<r surrender • • Nixon Confers With Russ Envoy WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pmld<lll Nixon onct Soriet Ambewctcr Aoatolr F. Dabr7D1n o.r.md for ID hour today In •hll the White -d<lcribed u "a very C<lnJtructlve meetlng." Dobrynln, who reoen!)y .. turned from a vlllt to Moacow, aUed for the meeUne wllb Nixon and lbe Pmldont quickly arrana:ed' the session today, Just sll days before he leaves for an elJht-day tour'ln Wutem Europe. The WbUe ~ beyond one descrl1> tive Phrase. refuaed to aay whether tbe coqference wu eaenUally a courtesy call of a major envoy on a new president, or wbelber lbe long -wont Into 1ucb aubttaJJUve matters u the mo tiballlJUc mi4alle system, the Midd1e East or the lituatlon in West Berlin. "All I can say ii that the meeUng Jaated one hour and it was a very conatructlve meeting, .. Ronald Ziegler, White Howie press secretary, told reporters. Newsmen were unable to talk with the Ruuian envoy 'u be "arrived or left lbe White H-. DDbrynln bid con- lerr<d wtlb Secretary of 51.ote William P. Rolen Jut -'- Wbtn be arrived, be w11 -· lllto a large conference roam ~~baDw11 from tbe Prelldent'1 ollloe. M..,,..ts later, Nl100 wllked m·\o tbe· '9001• .... Ud Dobrynln, then p e fl DB• 111 acorted him Into tho Pmldeol'1 oval office. Red Leaders Talk East German Cotnmunilt l • ad' e. r Walter Ulbrlcld o.ierred today ID Moscow with Soylel Party 8ei:r<luY Leonid I. Brezhnev on tho Berlin sllua- tlon. Recent statements by botb 'aides have brought fears oI a new Berlin crisis. A statement by the new1 agency Tw said the two Communist leaden ctiJcuss.. ed West German attempt& "to creat1 a focus of dangeroua tension in Europe" by holding electoral college eledlolll there March 5. Moscow bu warned I ·--" of "unde!irab e consequ.,....-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El Rancho: the supermarket where the price is right! • • •• • ---Complete Meal! • /I • • • • • • • • • • • • • I Dessert, Too! Ha/lb& Van de Kamp's Nf>l'fhem ••• Fried! Ai created and aerved in their famoua coffee !hops ••• and we're featurinr everythina: to ~ with itl Campbell's Soup .............. 5 '" '1 French Fries .................... 4 '" '1 Cream of Potato or Pea! ••• frozen . Ore-Ida ... 16 oz. pkg ••• a natural \Vith halibutl Com Bread Mix .................... 25¢ Birds Eye Peas .................. 6 "' '1 Dromedary ... 15 oz. pkg ..•. belongs on the menu? Sweet ·and tender ••• fine companion for fish! Chocolate Cake .................... 79¢ Village Inn Rice ................ 4 ••· '1 Sara Lee • , . perfect Y:ay to top the meal! Beef, chicken, curry or herb flavored, 6 oz. pkp. Super Shoppers Menu Makers! Stewing (hicken .... ~0.~ ••• 35~ Fresh •• , render •• , plump , . , 4 to 5 Ibo. blfl Cut.up Stewinz Chicken ••• 39c lb. Stew Beef .......................... 89~ Beef Shanks . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 39~ Lean tender cubes ot finest meat! Heart,r beef goodne!• at a budget price! Super Produce! Super Delicatessen! Large Prunes .................... .. 79' Tartar Sauce ........................ 39~ Delicio11> breakfast treat .•. 2 lb. bar. Van de Kamp'1 ... 8 oz. jar,.,...,. with halibut! 1Veb1ter'1 New Tt'1mtitt1 Cntury ~tionary ... oet it nouJ at El Ra~ho ••• A 1utioft Pff' week ••• ¥OM'U Mt11 a rllMl11 qreo.t DietioMty f or 11our hornet • , • Prices in effect Mon., Tues., \Ved., Feb. 17, 18, 19. No aales to dealers.- I • • • • • • • f .--F- ,.. • • ' JIAN COX.-9466 ......... ~,, ... l. ,. ... ,i ,J , I l Possibilities Tripled • " . . I . ·. ·Inte r ests M'et • . > To raise funds for scholarships, Laguna Beach Biane,b; .Ameficin Association of University Women , will appeal to cultural, community and culinary senses with, three events beginning next Friday. . . Cultural demands will be satisfied by attending a performance of Bryan .Frtel's comedy, "Phi)adeiphia Here I Come," In Laguna Playhouse next Ftid8y. . • • • j • ' Theatergoers will mingle in the Three Arch Bay home of Mr~ and Mrs. Dennis Denny during a 7 lo 8 p.m. cocktail party before allel!dinC the play about a young Irish immigrant who comes to America. Tickets are-$3 per person, and reservations ~ay be obtained by send· ing a ch'eck to Mrs. Ernest Barnard, 28892 Top of the World Drive, Laguna Beach, by tomorrow . Community interest will be awakened with a tour of Laguna Beach, \vhich the branch has called a Focus on Environinent, next Sunday. During the 2 to 5 p.m. excursion, Pa'r'iiCtPants will take in scenic views, gardens, private homes and significant b,¢ldings. . . . In additjon to ralsing funds for scholll'Ships to graduate students, the branch hopes to stimulate interest in two of its national study topics, .,The Human Use of Urban Space," and 11Thia Bel~guered. Earth-Can Man Survive?" Included will be propooals of.new•answers to old and new probJems of environment. · Tickets may be purchase<! in the Laguna Beach Chamber of Com· merce office and are $2 per person.· Transportation by minIDus will be available for an addjtlonal fee , and maps will be given to those traveling by private cars. For those who enjoy sweets and cards, the group will offer a dessert bridge, Wednesday , Feb. 26, from 12:30 to 4 p.m. in Clul;>ho.use .2, Laguna Hills. Reservatibos may, be obtained by sending .a check for ,1.25 to Mrs. ----" . ~ George Eggl .. ton,-639.B Avenida-Sevilla, Laguna-HiU1-by-tomorrow~Mrs. Cecil McConnell is coordinating the menu which will feature the culinary skills of members and thtir friends. · ENVIRONMENT STUD IED ·-Mrs .. B~ Le Parks, president, and Mrs. Dennis Denny, program -chair- man -(left to right) explore Pyne CasUe, one of many spots inclU.ded on a tour of Laguna Beach to . be sponsored by Laguna Beach Branch, American Association of University Women , next Sunday. • ' ' 'I , ' • ,• •' . _,.. . . '· , . • '1'.:..· ·I . ' ' Jr., -i Under The ir Bonn ets , Thoughts Turn Toward ·Spring It. seems far too early to put on an Easter bonnet, and however helpful rain may be to nature's nowers, it wou1d spell ruin for the dainty man~made imitations nestled on a delicate chapeau. Nev~r~eless, it's· not too soon ~ begin dreaming of the frolliy frocks ·lllJd 'colorful frills milady will be ,.,. Jecting for her spring wardrobe. With Ibis thought in mind, Three Arch Bay Women's Association members are formulating plana for their annual spring fashion show and luncheon Ma~ 20. Comella Bigelow Gowns and Sportswear will pro- vide the clothes to be modeled during the 12 :30 p.m .. gathering in Three Arch Bay Community Clubhouse. Remarks will be directed by Mrs. Marion Paclette,_ \vbile Mrs. Howard Wilson provides background music. Committee chairmen planning the Easter parade under the direction of Mrs. Fritz Austermuebl are the Mmes . James Van Rensselar, luncheon; Daniel Tarbel, waitresses ; Hubbard Keavy, decorations and Gary Jbhnson, programs . . Mrs . i'loyd Berryhill and Mrs. Thomas Culkomp are in charge of door prizes, and Mrs. George CUnning· ham and Mrs. Robert Linderman are taking reserv• tions on a first come, first serve basis. TDP FASHIONS -Wondering which of her bonnets will be suit- able for next year's Easter parade, Mrs. George Cunningham tries some out with the help of (center) Mrs . Gordon Dahlquist and (right) Mrs. William Hubley. Three Arch Bay Women's As- socia.tion members' thoughts are turning to 'the aMual spring fashion show March 20. Tickets are $3.50 ·per .person and may be obtained by calling Mrs. Cunnlngham, 49&-1043, or Mrs. Linder- man, 4119-1774. 'It Makes $ense , Bank Account Is No Me~.~ure 9f Happ.in·ess I I / . . . . 'DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband Uct 1 started out totether, poor but ambitious. After 20 years. of hard work we are worth about a · quarter ~ a million dollars. But Sam still wQrkl u u he hid to earn next month'• rent. He keeps expanding and ptting: into more deals when he lhould be taking life easy and enjoying what w~ have built. I a1way1 worked in lhe business with 1 Sam and railed a family, too. It was t,anl when tbe children were ~ but I didn't ._ tt be<-be -me.Nowldomenltt-~ r abouldn't have to work this bard. We Ye alrudy made It. Sam llld I bavm 't taken a vacation In 10 years. Our lllCttM ANN LANDERS ~ haa: made us .slave. to the dollar. My tn·laWI keep begging Sam to play some goU or buy a boat but he Insists be enjoys bll work the way llOme people enjoy • hobby. I """1 tbe modest familiel wllo have· one car, a tmlll house IDd have &o aave all year to. take a trip, towilt clua, Wt are traP\)ed by money llld success. f feel M> fntstrated 1 want to cry. Airt recom.mendaUon.s?,-RIClt BUT POOR. • DEAR Rfal 11\n' POOR: Welcome 11 no a.b. no 11111 u.. m1111n1 tnm. JtU ituer " -'"'he kldl JtCYtr ____ ....,_~ •" ... YM Rlllrnd II 1 CGlll)Mlldve worker ud U.... • • boo ewe for lL Bal tldl' ...... -......... bld. II'• good dlat . Som enjtt1· Mt -~ 'Europe llld other parts ol the -Id I macio a,;le!Tlbie inlata.. Now tho so thtroa""ytluot be ••'I Poll -. wt hid Olt'1 reai1 obout, but I was money• wlll be enjoyecl b)<,our children• away from It. Bot tt'1 Md bee1•! · alwl)'I 1'too busy.'' Wt. missed weddings when , it "as ~Uy my beloved wilt be It clleaU.1 ldmtdf ud ,.., too. llld Bar lllllvabt and otbtr happy lllllily who shoula have hld the pleasure from Please 1bow ~&he letter~ tippean occaskm because I couldn 't leave the it. -REGRETS below. It mlpt belp open l>j< ey..._ . bu&!-. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I never thought I would write to you but I find now I must. If I can prevent just. one person £rom making the mJstalr.e I made lt wlll be well worth the trouble it took to put this letter togelher. I am 1191.• very good writer. My wife and r w.,. married t5 yun · We both worked bard and made more money than we could ever. spend. She begged me to take her on 1 trip to • W h • n I reached my 6Znd birthday, my wife pleaded, wtth me to retire at least part-Ume. But I wun't sure anyone else· could tub the company and I 1taytd ori. She tried again two years ago, but I couldn't see lL Well, eight weeU ago I b!Jried my woaderlul wife and ,_ I lllddenly have plenty ol -on my hands. Tbe bu8lnea -.·t seem lmjiorijllt at all When I'm DOI there lhiDp So along jlllt fine. Even better. I rullu too late that WUt It Freti0 kllofo1? b tt wnq? -......... tlla lllldhig Hmlta -.Illa ..., .. Ille ...., Ca • ~ Mddlwc -! -Au ........ -. '"-... -Tn •1111 II Coe! It." -It .... lo .... 1 ...,, .. 1dBt1M, •rr1•·1ntl••a. .U. L•der.1 wll llll llM te W, JW wffll ,_. .... ,, ....... a.a.. II .. lo ... ti .. DoULY 111.0!' e1el1•1 a 1 R-..•,1 11M1l•1111I ....... I I • " ' I \ " •• • , • . ~· .. . •' .. Recruitment Plans Soar ' " ----·--. -. .. .... .. Horoscope \ . • Sagittari;1 S: Burden Goes to Another ~ ~l where publlclly II ~-Gel ac..... Im· ... y<N>Wisb to project. sooiii10"(0ct. !3-Nov. 21): ~ wba1 you need. Ein is on staples, • 'JOlprove relations with oelgbM,o11 co-workers. Avold ZOE ZORICHAK June Rites exceu. Steady pace gets you go. up and aown. Key ls to gala. Be versatile. SAGIT· when you're goin1. Know Ulil get ·busy with correspondence. TA.RIUS lndlvidual P r o v e 1 anCi act accordinCIY. ,. Check calls, roessagea. You're !ascl.nating companion . SA91TTAlllUS (Nov, D· a Winner -1, confident. Ill' TODAY IS Y 0 UR Dec. 'I): Qood IUllU aspect PISCES (Feb. !f.Mlrch IO): BIRTHDAY yoo attracl others tonigbi c o inc Ide 1 with Obtalo blot from AQUARIUS to you during time of crisis . romance, pleasure, rile .. of message. Protect valuables You are about to gain greater peroooal rilqnelloin, Yo • while· In IJ'lllsll. Accent on recQSlliUon. lmportanl projer.t finish a major task. You. are mooey, income potential. You can be successfully complet"'L· able to reUeve yourself of~f_:::::::.:.==:~==....:..:.:..._.:..._ ______ -::::= --belonp to another. CAPRICORN (Dec. D-Jan: 19): Stress originality. · Empbasiu your u n t q u e talents, interests. Don't Jet one with less ability dissuade you. Protect property Interests. Be aware of future requirements. AQUARIUS (Jao. 20-Feb. 11): Accent on short journey. You tend to be restless. Moods THE LOOK OF SCANDIA If she's the contemporary type, she'll flip over Scandia. The shape Is bOkl • The tJntsh Is eor,: and textured. The prtc1 lsrlghtAnd the time is now. Young wome:n interested in becoming airline stewardesses are· invited to the annual Recruitment Day, sponsored bJi Dusty Wings of Orange County. The 10:30 a.m. to 4·p:m. event will take place saturday, Feb. 22, in the !loliday Inn, Anaheim. Ready to fly through ar rangements are (left to right) the Mmes. Wil· fiam Agee, Jan Wright and Muri Ottmer. Further information is available by calling Mrs, Leonard Spielman al ~7-4~8. Mrs. Joe Pooley will host the meeting ol Gamma Alpha Nu chapter, Bela Slpn1 Phi, taking place today in her Hun· tington Beach home. Assisting Mrs. Pooley, pre si· dent, will be Mrs. Lloyd Crain. Mn. Eddie Sidor w i 11 ~ a JlftWl'am oe· How \ 11 YOW' Conversadon. Mrs. · John Bower will offer Express Yourself, and each member will be asked to give a talk on a favorite subject, with a p r i z e to be awarded for . the most interesting subjects. ~ on the 1genda will be plans for •· rush party lo take place on Monday, Feb. 21. HB TOPS· Club Sa-rong 2 Gain TOPS Club meets every Mond ay at 7:30 p.m. in Sntilh Elementary School in Huntington Beach. INTRODUCING IUFFUMS' DIN PERMANENT WAVE IY RESTOR 1 7 , 5 0 "I· JS.00 value We're very proud of our permanent wave sotulion by . . . Roslor.11 aclullly helps lmprM llte q .. li ty ol yoi1 hlir 11 itwavn. To introduce you to astfum' Ofl'll Per1111nent Wave, we are ioclud in1 Firme·Genie Hair Cmdilioner bij RestOJ that helps brin1 shinin1 blluty ta your hair and helps keep your set lonaer· laslin1. We i re includin1 a personalized hair-cul. And , as an added special , you will rective Buffu111s' Own Hair ~ay by Rtstor. Beauty Studio, all stores except Mari111 Malle on appoinltttent 1t 11te ilJttu,.• Beauty SWdio nt11esly01: 0...IOl!I L011 Bead!, HE 6·!1141; 1.Jlnood, ME 4-511«1; Slota M!, l<I 2-626Z;PanO!I , NA }lin; Polos-· FR 7-6737; """""· 644-2200;'1.J Hollo!, 694-1911 . Buffums· llllflrt Clllit •• ,...... ..... • ..... • -........... , ....... .,,._..., __ _ ' • two for one . .. this week only! • LOSE 10 INCHES IN 10 VISITS! Now ••• this week only $1.00 per visit with 2 for 1 ofier. Our records show, the mnga patzm, within the fimt 10 visit., ~ a total of 10 inches ~ waist, hips, thigh!, t>m•n01 8Dd upper llDllL n. wwfl'• '"""""P#rln ... ,,.1 .,_ • As a very veey special offer no w! Only $1.00 per visit for you at when you bring in a friend ••• and, only $1.00 per visit for your friend ••• now, double the results ••• double the fun ••• at one-half the price.· Regardless of the length of t ime needed, in each ,and every case, you pay ONLY $1.00 per visit ••• offer valid this week only. RF.SULTS GUARANTEED in writing ... Tell us the me. aiJe you want to wear, we will tell you how many viii.ti it takel!I, and guarantee in writing, that you will reach yuur goo! ••• so absolutely pooi· tive aze, we that you will Obtain your object.ive, u stated in our guarantee, we'll even let you have, FREE OF CHARGE, any and 111 further .Wt., until you 100ch your gOol. IT'S POSITIVE AS· SURANCE THAT WE BACK UP OUR GUAR- ANTI::E 100%. Cali 111 NOW for a ample Tisi~ DON'T IlllS8 TRIS ·ortrm>el.r ID1r price olfer ol $1.00 por 1'llit, which i!>clodeo U.. 1lllO ol oil~­ ized Ndocinf madrinm, inclodlnJ Gloria Mii•n•s patmted Circ-La.-Matic. Penon11l instruct.ion in· eluded. No disrobing. \Ve are not • J!:\'ltl . Free child care. Call now for a sample visit where you ac t· ually use special machines during sample visit. No c:lwge. No obligation. FIGIJBE CON'tROL SALONS DlllJ N, Sii. M • -1111 11111r t:111tp ...,_ NE-WPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coa't Highway·-642-3630 I ltM.111 I• ef .._ a., C,_ SANTA ANA-1840 We st 17tfi Stree!,..t -:54:1'13·9457 SALONS ALSO IN: ANAHllM, -ILT HILU. COVINA. CllNSHAW, DO WHIT, •UNDALI. l:AKIWOOD, LON5 HACH, NIWPOIT HACH, NOITH HOLLYWOOD, ONTAllO. PASADINA, SAN DIMO, SANTA ANA. SANTA IAUAlA, SUNLAND, TAIZANA, TOllANCE. WISTCHHTEI, WHITTIER ALSO FllSNO, SAN JOSI. SACIAMINTO, SUNNTVAU AND WALNUT, CALIFORNIA. ''' - I I. 11 ' ' I' DAILY PllOT_251------,.,...,.==--1·-------~ LllGAL N<mCI LllGAL NOl'ICI .Coholan Of BYC Wins 'two I Freo11 ltqm a Y le!Dry In the race from Balbol to Los ·~ RubOI' on SalurdlJ, Mork ·Cobo!an o1 Balbol '\'C enter.d bil Pi: (Pacific Clul) sloop jn i,.o. Angelt& y ldrt C!Ub'1 Santa Maria ~y race Sunday and 1111ed off with the coveted award. the race wu a feature 01 LAYC'a ~ opening ceremooles held SaturdaJo and Sunday. Second In the PC race wa,, Bill Carlson's Me Too from Newport Harber Yacht Club, and third was Patrician 11. sailed by . Jack Baillie of LAYC. . LA YC Commodore J oh n Reyilolds won the Com· moclore's TroplJy Saturday in a tw&-boat race with Com- modore Norman Scott'& Dewit. ched of Loog Beach Y acbt Club. Here are· the results cl the Opening Day ncean racing bandlcap Deel: CLASS A -(J) Newsboy, 'Jack Baillie, LAYC; ( 2) Jubilation, Harry steward, D I S t F.i ... L~-n LAYC; (3) Westward, Willard e 11$e por o•H<r••&a Bell, LAYC. 'th th ··-"'·el ·-yacht is built at Egg Harbor. N.J. but is marketed CLASS B -(I) Joker 111, The 43-foot sportfisherman w1 e w= Y n-.e Bob Leslie, LA YC; (2 ) Egg Harbor was 911e of the most thoroughly lnsp~ct-in Southern California by Egg Harbor Yacht Sales Penephone, George Grilflth, _ _:ed:::..:boa:::ts:::_:a::t..:th:.e:..:Sou::.:th:.e:.rn::..:C:.:al:.:if:.:o::.rm:.:·:.:a..:B::.•::.•_t_S_bow_._Th_e ___ o_f_S_an_Di_·_eg"-o-· ____________ _ LAYC; (3) Altamar, Jay Jones, LA YC. CLASS C ..,. (!) Wbimsey II, Rugh Rogers, LA YC; (2) Protege, John Reynold•, LAYC; (3) Bewitched, Norman Scott, LBYC. CLASS D -(1) Balclltha, Jolm. Xin<ald, CBYC; I (2) Dlablo V inte, Frgg<t Ii Umpbley, LAYC; (I) Safb<>1•, Jim CUrwan, LA YC. Hathaway Fights Wind For Victory Gusty wind> peai<lng' up to 30 kDola Satunlay ravaged the 100 &ailing yochts In the =--~~':~~: Rey Y acbt Club fer yacbta participating In !be Mldwin!et Reptla nezl Mekmd. OCean Racing C1u1 A wiJl.. ner was St~e Hathaway In the Columbla-60 Gem from Califomia Yacht Club. The race was the first of two connected with t h e Midwinter Regatta. The se- cond will be the return race the weekend after the Midwinters. Trovhy winners .in Saturd11'1 race:. OCEAN RACING 'A -(I) Gem, Steve Hathaway, CYC; (2) Viva, GOrbam Gelcllell, CY~AN RACING' B -(I), Nepenthe, Albert A I I en , DRYC. OCEAN RACING C Melteml, . Pearce & Stun! .. van~ PMYC. PHRF1A .:_ (1) Nam Sang, Bob Kelley, PMYC; ( 2) Nilnble Lw, Jack Brink. WYC; (3) Wbln1'<!y, Milt Handman, eve (3) Tmiaata, George Kelih<r, CYC ; PHRF B -(I) Novlacita, Marty Beruler, PMYC; (2) Suzanne, Ia Sherl,dan, PMYC; (3) Vlrjpniu, Gene Ford, SBYRC. PHRF C -(!) Wahoo, Branin, SBYRC. CAL-34 -Celerity, Jack Roeenberg, DRYC. MORF -, (I) Redon, R.T. Bender, VYC (under protest) (2) ll!:agic. Cul RadU&Ch, PMYC; (3) Retreat, R.A. Smith, PM Y C (protesting Redon). American Eagle Now Hitting Stride, Leads FlorUla ·Ocean Racing Series the corrected time scale. Yachts may throw out either the St. Pete tO Venice or the Miami to Lucaya race scheduled next weekend. PuJblng Ea.le on the ban· dicap standings ls Robert F. Winds Heavy In Newport, Catalina Island Race · LA Classes American Ea g 1 e, the defeated 12-meter in both the 1964 and 1967 America's Cup ~ials, •appears to have C?me . into her own as a handicap ocean racer in the Southern Ocean Racing Conference off Florida. After thici first lwo of the six-race aeries, the Eagle ls nesting 1top 495.5 points on The SORC has a com· plicated scoring sy1tm in which each race ls rated on a percentage basis and points awarded accordingly. The 1()5.. mile St. Petersburg to Venice race was rated at 15 percerit, and the 403-mlle St. Petersburg to Fl .. l.lludei:dale ra.ce was worth 35 percent. Opens Whitney Series The Los Angeles Yacht Club will shove off the 1989 offshore ocean racing season March 1 with the WJdWinter Catalina Island Race, the first in the Whitney seM.es. The invitation to all owners of qualified ocean racing yachts also included the an- nouncement ol the lint of the Little Whitney Series for yachts uDder 30 feet quallfying under the Midget Ocean Rac- lni Fleet'rule. The Catalina Island ract ataN from LAYC at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 1 and goes around Catalfua Island, Jeav- Cece II Takes SSSC Regatta ing the island to port. Under normal conditions the race comes to a screeching halt Sunday evening as the yachts run under the lee of the east end of Catalina Island. After working through the Jee the race continues back to the starting point In- side the Los Angeles Harbor entrance. The distance Js 68 miles. For the MORF the race starts at 11 :20 a.m. leaving the Pt. Fermin Buoy to port, Esther Oil Island to port and th~ center section Gt the 'Los Angeles Harbor breakwater to starboard, thence back to· the finish -a distance of 20 miles. The Whitney Series consists of aiI races of which one Bill Headden's Cal·21 Cece · can be thrown out in the final II was the winner of the first scoring. Yachts: entering must Small Yacht Racing Fleet have a valid Crumng Club race sailed Saturday and Sun· of Am er i c a measurement day under the auspices of the certilicate· and the owner must South Shore Salling club. be a member of a qualified The lo.boat fleet was slam-yacht club. ' med by blustery winds , on The LitUe Whitney is also Saturday and had to delay a best five out of ail. aeries . the start Sunday because of Participants must have a cur· light wind and fog. rent ocean racing certificate Runner-up in the fleet was or belong to a one-design class Vince Arri_go in Columbia-28 in which at least one yacht No. 218, aaUn,-for St. Francis in that class has an ocean V.cbl Clllb. roclni certlllcate. Blustery southerly winds made a short passage for the small yachts nchlg from Newport to Los Angeles Satur- day. The event involves the Rhodes, PC, Endeavor and Lude.rs classes in their annual race to Los Angeles Harbor to be on hand for the Midwinters. Winner in the Rhodes-33 . class was John Matarangas , of st. Francis Yacht Club sailingMlatress. . Mark Cobolon of Balboa Midwinte~ Regatta Opens Yachts From Newport to LA Harbor Turning Out for Annual Event It's the middle of winter -according to the yachtin& calendar. So nothing could be more appropriate than the Southern ca.Llfom1I Yachting Asaocia~ Uoo'1 Mktwlater R e g a t l 1 , which the yadltlnl crowd bu been eelebr11ln( f0< 40 years. The MldWtnten, .. the event II known all ...,. !be -ld, will be be1d tblJ -..i, •lartlnl Fridq with lhil cl.-ulling oat of Los Anples Yadll Club, and pick· llli up momontum Satunlay and Swiday aa Iii other 1.os Angele.Loog Beach c 1 u b s herold !be starts for domis of. more Aillnl classe&. !Nrlq thete three days - always on the w e e t e n d nearest W11bbtfloo's b1rthday -the .,..... Los Aqela Harbor b blanlte!ed with blllow!nl -u tllo Jlchts Nlaall••--Tbe oolJ tbbll that will stop Jt this yea r is an ugly film of crude oil spreading south from the Santa Barbara arra. SCYA officillls are watching the aliclc ·anxiously and are prepared to issue a last minute cancellaUon of the massive regatta if the oU sboolcl mep pot Pt. Fermin. Even IO, !be fear of retting lopllclea louled with !be ..,.., mtu may keep many 1-from •nlerlni the reptla this year. Tbe event draws yacblllnm from Sau Diego to San FranclJCO. The 9&nguard of the mau exodus from Neport Harbor to Los Angelea Harbor started Saturday with the annual tact lor the Rhocles-338 and . PCs so \hey CAn be on hand for the slutlll( guns n ' • t -~d. Yachts With IUI· U'"1'J power make !be trip up !be eoul on the opeolng d1y ol tllo rtplta. Jf weather and se1 con- , dit.ions remain favorable it Is anUcipaled that every docking aod mooring · facility In Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors will be full by Friday. seven yacht clubl cooperate in lllasinr !be Midwinters. Tiley are Loo Aqel.,, Lol1I Beach Cabrll!o B t a c ~ , Alamltot 'Bly, Seal -. UW. ShlPI Fleet and the llCln- UJ!g!on Harbour yacht club& With the ueepllon o1 ooe clau at LBYC, Loo Anpla YC will be the only club band· line r..., on Friday. LBYC will start the larse catamaran {over 24 feet) cluats on Fri- day. Classes scbeduled for Friday starts out of LA YC are Ocean Racing A, B, c and Di Colum- b;a.w, Cal-41, ca~. PCC, K· 43, K...ft, K-40, cal..fO, K-38, Colwnbfa.31, Cala, Cah14, Rhodef.a31 PC, Sbieldl40, cat- 30 lod Star. Any claA bolts th3:t cannot muster a minimum of· five entries will automat.ically be shunted over into the Ocean Racing Han· dlcap cluses. Starting time ror the fir!'t claa at LA YC wJH be 1t noon each day. Jn addition to lhe sailine C-. LBYC will stag; the annuil predicted log race for p<JWC't <!ruilerl OTtr a -1le _.. between Newiiort and !be Loi ·,U,elel Harber araa. ~ ..... " ~ by !be.Solitherq Callfornh Cruiser AalciclaUon and 8COr· fJ1i will COW>! toward SOuthern Callfornla bl(h points, lor the naUonal polnta ol I h e American P o w er Boat Aasocl1Uoq aod the King Bruf1111D T r o p b y • The predlcled loc r .. e wUJ be Satur<lay onb'· II will be dlvlcl· eel Into two cllvllku -Clw A for eJperleoeed pradlcted lo(gm and Cius B fer novices. ' , I I I l H ., Moodq, F"""'7 17, IM S•~ .. Tmxes. • I Howto Use New 1040 Forms ' 111 sn.VIA POltTER Tbll ..na al 10 dolll-plekod columm ~ today will live you tax facts and lir11<1Y hlnlt you can gel ltom no other newspaper l.t1 aulde· It .. not designed to make It , a cinch for you to rw out your 11ea tax returo nor will it re.huh lnfOnnaliod you can set rrom the !Jltel'llll Revenue Ser.vice's on booklet. It wW. though. s a v e you money; lt will &ave')'OU time; it will help you avoid costly errors; H will mtnDnlu the chances that your return will be questioned; It will provide you With signJficant assistance if your return is que1tioned. It also will give you P.OiDts the official Treasury f o r m package doesn't even mention, for much of the information 1n this series comes from liUle publicized Treuur)' rules or favorable court de c Isl on s which the Treasury doesn't necessa.·ily disclose to you. CUP THESE tax columns, save them to use when you are filling out your return. UCB GIVES COAST MEN NEW POSTS Roller! G. LHCh Stanton R. H.;.pick Leech and Herpick Reassigned by UCB Robert G. Leech, manager of the Corona del Mar office of United California :8anJt"for the past five years, hail been elected a vice president or the bank and Is being uaigned to the Los Angeles Head- quarters u administrative .. ai!lant lo the Ilea~ of the Caiilorn.i.a Divis.ion. He is being succeeded as manager by Stanton R • Herplck, formerly a&!istant vice president of the bank's Orange C.OUOty Airport office. Leech, who lives in Newport Beach, is a member or the Commodoru ·Club of the Newport Harbor Chamber o( Commerce, is first vice presi· dent at the Coroni del Mir Kiwanis, president of the Boys Club of the Harbcl' Area, and a member of the gNiwth and development committee ol the UCI Foundation. Herpick has been assistant vice president of Jbe bank's Orange County Airport ofllce since last November and ....utan! manager for the past two yeara. He began his carur with United California Bank in 1113 on a manage- ment-training program for college graduates and was ap- pointed assistant manager of the Harbor and Baker office in Costa Mesa ·• year later. Mes a Firm's Stock Noted LOS ANGELES -Financial analysts in California pick Collins Foods International, lnc., as their favorite stock for 1969, a poll by CaJifomla Business revealed. The third annual forecast survey by the weekly business and financia1 n e w s p a p e r shows Collins, whose stock has more than doubled in value since its initial public offering at $11 a share less than three months ago, n~ out runnerup U.S. Financial of San Diego, Redcor Corp. of Canoga Park, Whittaker Corp. ol Los Angeles and Stan· dard..P1cific Corp. or Costa Mesa . ftalilornia Busines.5 polled members of the San Fran- cisco, LQl5 Angeles and San Diego analyst societies. You' caa trlllllaie Ille •onla you .... rudlOI bolo dollan "'_,.., pock«. !I .. to bqln: lhe -tax ldrma: Doa' be upaet 11 you ue -the 30 rnillloll -""° .....iv.II your tax lorui1 prbited ·la red and blue int or · among, the 5 mllHon wbo recolvtd fotn\' printed In rod aod blue apJm! I b]Ue llllted J>acklrolmd. Except for Ille colon, 'f'* l'"1D 11 eucllJ lite the ,.iar !'""" ~ Qlod by the ether • m1Jllno filers. ' The DI& la espertmenllng to llnd out whether Ille colored f0/1111 wW belp cut down the mistakes you mate• on your returns. For instance, over I million errors were made on the 73 million Individual returns filed for '67; last year, the IRS examined about S million returns and refunded almost $300 millioo which ta.I.· payers bad overpaid because of their ~ errors. 1' FriEJt· errors show up on the 'ti color than on the old.style blacko()Q-wblte forms, we'll' all be receiving color sbeeta .nut year. · Here are important ad- ditional cbariges: n you ·itemize your deduc- tions, you know that the in- structlons to Form 1040 con- tain an official list of ac- ceptable state sales ta1 deduc- ·tions. Find your i n c o m e bracket and the size of your f~ly and the table will give you a deduction for your state sales tu whlcb the TreaSW')' generally· will accept without challenge and without asking you to prove the amount by Sjl)es slips or anything else. NOW, rim '68 instructions can help · you get a higher deduction from this official table in two ways: First, your income class for this table is not just the figure on line 9 of page 1 of Form 1040 (adjusted gross income.) To this, add 50 percent of your long.term capital gains, any ta1.exempt interest you receive, your ta 1-e 1 empt Social Security or railroad retirement benefits, etc. To illustrate, say your adjusted gros! income on line I Is $12,000, ·which Includes $4,000 of an $8,000 long-term capital gain you maae from selling stock in '68. Your income bracket fOl' guiding you to your state sales ta1 deduction is $16,000, not just $12,000. This should give you a bigge!' itemized sales: ta1 deduction than you would get at the S12,000 level. SECOND, un til now, the $20,000 Jncome bracket set the maximum slate sales: tax deduction which you could take from the table, no matter how much higher your Jncome bracket The '61 instructlona change this: to allow a higher sales tu d~uctlon 'for in- comes of $20,000 and up. The official instruct.ionl will .tell you bow to calculate th.Ls higher acceptable deduction: look there if your income bracket -including half of Jong-term capital gains, ta.J. exempt income, .etc. -is $20,000 or more. Nut: F l 1•rl11 your 1arcllill'lt; odd.I ol. u 1adJt. CllttML AAUI IMCU.ll:la AHAHllM." CW!Ol# ClllOYI.. OIWtClt, """1-' AM, lfNmlf ...0 ADJM:alT ~~T'fOTllllUTOllY • COiU'l"Al MIW ..a.LaJ COSTA MBA. •Ol..IHTAllll 'IAU.lY, •~TOM llfAOt. \.AGUfllA lt.t.Ct4, NlWl'OltT NAOt.MM Ct.IMUf1'L SAN .uA11 CAl'llTIAMO, MAL 1UiCH, MO 'PMClMT UNIHCOllKJl\ATfO TlflJI}. , ... • Coast.~acingCounty's GM Ford . Growth in Population 'P~hing' ,' The population growth in total. Orange County since 1950 ha.! However, the coastal areas T b• · · been well dislribuled, ao:-of the county .... becoming or ,mes cording to an economic study progressively more important released ·by Downey Savings and the population up-swing and Loan Association. in this section has been Population in the county .,11 especially sirong in Tecent a whole increased from 216,000 years. in 1950 to 704,000. at the time Since 1960, the populalion or the 1960 census, .and ·up of the coast.al area has in- to 1,318,000 in 1968. By the creased 175 percent, compared time the lf'i'O cemus:. is taken with rt percent ror the county it Is anticipa~ that Oraqge 11 a whole. This· area now County will ·have nearly 1.5 aCcountS for 31 ,percent · of million resldents. Orange County's population, Early gains: came In and compared with 21 percent at .around the older major the time. of the 1960 census. cities and wll.ncorporated sec-. If recent trends continue, lions close to Los Angeles the 1970 census results will County. However, in recent pTobably reveal that more years the increases have than one-third of the county's become widely distributed. re~dents ~ill be living in the The Downey Savings' study coastal areas. shows that the centraJ portion The population record, bas- of t~ county, comprisfng ed 00 censua and planning Anaheim, Garden G r o v e , departmehta, estin1al.e! ts as Orange, Sanla Ana, Stanton follows : and adjacent unincorporated c .. 1r.1 c-t11 °""' •• ~­territory, b a s ezpe.rienced '5C c-.. •• .... &CICIO 11'-0CO •~--' ! '" (..us lM,OGe UQ,11111111.000 1IM.GOO sUuaWl.l.ltia and steady growth '" E•t. ll5;CIOll G.aot.ui,ooo 1~1t,a:11 aince 1950. It now has · a "-'ric"'nt : lt6G kl 1Kf '~ l~ ~ 17ll0 population of . about SSS,000, ~ C01.1n1Y r0111: or · 42 perceJtt of · the cow:ity :~ :::: :'" ~:"' '"" 1~ 21 100 I Exc.hanges Order Study To Solve Paper Problem NEW YORK (AP) -The New York and American Stock Exchqes are calling in space-age" eiperts to help solve a cJ.erical problem that threatens Wall Street's opera- liom;. During a year of record trading volume, brokeTage flnns have been overwhelmed wilb paperwork involved in the transfer. of 11 t o c k certilicates. Tra6ing hours have been curtailed by the ~ exchanges to g I v e brokers' staffs more time for clerical duties. But the problem persists, despite some r e c e n t lm- prov.ement, and· w i t b in· creasing public interest in stocks there have b e e n demanCis for better ways to handle the work. Crillcs'. ·of Wall Street's perforinance have .-id ~ Us mcinner of doing business was anachronistic ·in , a time ol SW:&b!& stock trading.· Tb~ two major ezchanges a.nnounced last w e e t that Rand Corp. and Nott b ~erican Rockwell• Corp. had been retained. t" develop sys\~ms for handling the paperwork. · Rand -often described as a "think tank" -conducts: research Programs for private industry and the govenmi<mt. North American R o e t w .e ·I I manufactures military elec- tronics and aerospace parts·. DETROIT (AP) Space Re-entry's His Bag The exchanges said the Rand study to develop ways of impro_ving the method of handling paper work is likely to take years. The North American Rockwell analysis or· present operating methods is . expected to be completed At 29, 'Andy' Anderson Heads Philco Divuion A cursory glance around Elwood .. Andy'' Anderson's ol· Dee at Philco-Fonl'1 Newport Belch plant gives an in- dtcaUoo ol the importance of his work. The walls are covered with photos ol . missile rtt:ntry vehicle! and his desk is covez;ed with reports on guided mlssilt: re-entry technokigy- and proposed efforts curr,ntly under way. Another wall is: covered by a blackboard with diagrams and formula on it. Young "Andy" Anderson of Fountain Valley, ls supervisor ol the re-entry vehicle section al Pbllco-F<l'd.'s space and re- etry l)'lleml division's Newport Beach operaUOlll. Alqe21be ' ' tlnl men other than~ 11111 S<Ctlon, a pOrl al Ille adr~..s r....try aymms 4ll1 partpient. 'bu the mponslbllity for developing the technique. and t h e ana1yt.lcal tooll which go Into future re-entry sy1tent1 for military guided missiles. ••This includes new re-ftlU, systems concepts for vtblcles or components of vehiclet," bt: 1111. "and coven such oumponmt& u nose tips, btat llaitJdl, anteMae and an· temae windows." It la allo up 1o him and bi. -le 1o delttmlne wbal tiDd el. vfJUcJe can accomplilll t b • Job In lhe bell .-n>I• ' manner -and then determine what its logicaJ componenls will be. The challenge of his job lies in the fact that re-entry work is pus:h1ng the limits of engineering and scientific technology, in the fields of aerodynamics. thermodynam- ics, s:tructum and materW.s. "We are continually aeekinc new m1terials aod new ways to design re-entry vehicles to meet the stingeat mllltary m i 11 a I o n r e qµireo:lents," Andenon 81)'1. He polnta out that re-entry sysiem:s problems can't be -ed will! lllat0<>f-lbe-ar1 technology -and the in- ventimess: is a dally re- quirement 1n hi$ work. YoUNO •Xf'IRT,ON MISSfLE .Rl·llfl:RY I ,__, ~ SNil'91 lb 1ntry Vohlclo Shape ' • "Routine effort Is n'' t enough," he 1treues. "We look for new solutions to pro- blems each day." The you n g engineering supervisor first joined Phllco- Fcrd) Aerooulronic Dlvi,lon at Newport Beach u p o n receiving his masters degree at Berkeley in March, 1963. He became part of the space and rHntry systems division when it was formed in la~ 1966 from portiom 0 r Ae:ronulronic and the Western 0 e velopment Laboratories ('ifDL) Division at Palo Alto. Even though this work Is mJJitary oriented for the most part -the re-entry field has had clvlli.an •·ran out" In matmall ldVJDCements, and la labrlcatioo and procwing tccbnlquel . which have been aoolied fti oilier lndualriu. !l'be ••Systems methodoloa" med in aiajor re ·entry 1yatems Ns a1'o ' had ap- pUcatlon in civJI artu with UM cyst..,. approoch being laken to DllJ\Y varied artu. "When people ask me wl\at are possible clvililln benefit~ I derived rrom our wort." I Anderson UJ'~ "f try 1nd strell that Ult best civilian bentf11 ls aarvtval. Our rHn-- try w ... k hen Is ln..tved with lhe .,""' of our nation. I lhlnlr that opeab for itself.• in about siz months. · The excbanges ssl~t they and other !eCUrlties in- dustry organiiaUom are at work on more than a do:ren projects in this field that will take .one to five years to com- plete and •W· coat 1111111' millions of dollars. In advising member firnu of the broadened attack on the paper glu~ Robert W, Haack, president of the New York exchange, sakl: "These plans, wtme parts will t~ effect over a period ranging from several months to several years, represent bold steps towards reslruc• luring indusl(y operation.s.'" Irvine PR Man Schedules Talk -.. -A· • ------• I 'I ' J ' I' I ' I ' ' • • ' ' . ' .. ~ . . -· . . .. . DAILY PllOT .. ...,, ,....., 17, IM Daily Pilot Cl•11ifi1d CLASSIFIED INDEX DAILY .PILOT WANT ADS.- r• IJIQGBSI' SINGUJ "•it.alCBTPJACfJ ON rBfJ ·~G,.E Cf)ASI' -CAU DIRECI' 84.Z .587a . AMft....,. may fllMe th .. r aft'>' tel.,,._, Pllonn Are 0,. 8;00 a.111. -5:30 p.m. 9 lo Noon S.tur<l1y--Closed Sunday DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 ~ _.. 494-9466 HOUSES FOil SALi ._. iua "--....,.,, ,. .. ~, •••"-"' ,.. •!!!!!!. ... -.m .......... tcAI. COIT'A Mnl ll• ~.!...... 11 .. MYIP#ilNT RIPITW IM!M DI&. MAii lffl ;..tft'iiiitt NM = "•..C1" ldlA va... Ult · · ""91111 c:oLLmM PMll: Utl WK PY .. l'UllMAC9 ......... .... Huntington llMch *1220 .... ... .... --.... .......... lual .. IAl1'.....,.... .. ~· •llTOI• ... __,. dtt«ft "'11 COIOM OA MM ... 6 ........ M.. tm .......... cont ttt• .aliUliM .. ......... ... llllWPMT ..... tm IAT ........ ._ .UMIPL 18a'hell Ma U'f'Call'f • tlll ~--........ di .U.OM• OllC.. ... UY'IMOllft ttll M'"'1' ...... IUCW = =-ntUMa" = :A.wu;a-~= NUlfTAltf'VM.UY MM .Ull IMOll' '"' POOL! Fcur bedrooma Cioni 1'amlly ..... Block wall fence BOat or tral.ler atorap ..... Exotllent Northv.·t1t ~ 11111 pdoe IM.000 cu )'OI .. lt l'IO\\' ! ~ C04T$ ~WAL~CI RIALTOllS -...S5CM6'44141- lo,.n '-'"1'1 MAllMHI ff'9HU.fllDI tlJI ...,_ 111.\CM 4411 llQLTN CLUU n u•un.um PM& 1m ~-::"" : ~L-PlltM .._.. :=:i!!!!!ll!!_l!"!"'"""'!I!"'*""'" =·lolT ::: MllDIN HOW •It NmllllOll MCOUTINI .,JI 3 · 1!!.--~ • IAlnLU•• ltll WlnMtfllSTl'I 4'tt HICOM8 TAX tr• VU111.,-.. llVIN• TlllllAC9 lt41 MIDWAY CITY .... la.OM, OtMN--,,. La-Lot. COltOllA DIL MAa 1ftl U.NT& AQ -lllOMltCe '1lf • -,-ULNA "'ONIUU. ,. ....,.,.. MA ... .....,. --, ............... ,... ,•,,,1 .. Zoned M Great for tht NACOi UY t• TUSTIN U.Y ...... .,. t• =".:' IUCM .,_ IWYQT*T .... OttldtM mt harJdY man, Compact 2 Bed-~~IWtO = U..UMA •II.VIL = ~~r'" .... ,.. .... = rooms home on 58 x 1M tt.. NUtfJ...,._ llM:tl 1• IA" C:UMlllTI 4"1 LMDICUIM .... lot fat more unlta. ROOin1 MUWT919TOll MMIOUI ,.. :"U:-:~ = ~ lllCK = ~ aan&t plus lup rJe. :."':::c::AL&.P l:: COQOMllUUM -MOVllM I -mMtAl9 ... taebed double IUJ.P• Own. •utmT •UiCM ..,_ ReNTALS ~:::;:: =•1•••• : er llYI Sen1 &.abmlt )'OUI' ~~~ ~:. Aph. UnfvntlthMf PATtot _. deal • $22,950. LADWOOD • •1W11tAL -~"",.,. ._., = WE SELL A HOME · ~:N ;: =~ ::: fll.VMtlH ,.. EVERY J1 MINUTES · ===-= == :::. = ·;;.rar.:· s Walker & Lee • M' .... <-t'11 NawoRT lllOllU 1111 HMP tlllYt<a ... ''' 1611 WllTCLI""' tnl l4>0' ... 20l3 W tclW Dr ' .....,.,. AJIA 1411 4.lfllWlltlfTT .... DIP IAD~'":t...... .... ... ~-rm es n.-.. ·.,.__ IAllTA AM Men. ,_ aACK UY IMf lllMOOILltf• I al•Alll fM1 _. ..,_ ~V"CI. ' =:-, .. u.n ILU,. '"' lllMIDIU•• lrTCM•• ... N Th ____ .. '. _,. -•T• .._ COil.OMA DIL MA• tm ..._ ..... mt 9C11' e ~ ·-,.. Ml.MA "'9 lllWI... IHI ~~=.o ··-........... y ....... ml ..... ~ ....... ,.......... $25 950 -•-L tll.8 Ull •"IC T..,.U. .._.,.... .... I I.A.VU MILL.I 11'1 teuetnlMTOtl llACM .. TAIUMllN• .,,. 4 ·+ FAMil..Y ROOM art.isl , 1.A.UllA IUCM = ~U.,-AIM VAUIY 141t TlllMITll C.OMftOL Im bo e V "t'JI ummua1. 4 bed • ;, .. ---•. CUM":':" aM.W 11LAND •• TILL ~ "" m • e • ' '"' IUL •PCM ... Tl\ .............. ,. ..... M"l'I room• terrific muter bed-. :.=::=M4lf0 ~nt,. UN• IUCN ... Tilll tlll'llc.9 .,. room. 1 with }Da.dJ cf closeta OUJllH COUNTY ... T9U'tltlCIN. ...... .... ... DANA "°'"" 11'1 Ul:D ... ••ov• "" UPMDUTaaY '"' and private bath. FamilY u.auaq, . "" W9111111••naa. N11 WILatMI "" room plus utWty or .ewtna: :..u.:: g: ~~:f" = JOIS a EMPLOYM!NT room. Lure J.lving room lllYftl .. COVllTY t• U..,.A ..,.,. NlteN'Tt NII IOI WAWTllD. Mii ,... with bl1dt fireplace, pldlh :::::.:.:: MWD = ""'"' .... ,. WAWTllD.--.. wall to wan ~ts a D d I HOUSES l'Oll SALi General 1000 COWGf PARK GEM ONLY 12,000. Aawne Sl>9i FHA loan $156. month in- dl,ldina: taxes and lhlur&nce· Roomy Uiree ~room. 1" bath, -dinblt room and modem bWlt·lnL Locat- ed nnr O.C.C. and OOln"A M£8A CIVIC CENTER.. t,ot la IJTUW' the tmnJ.Call tor appolntm«nt to IHl • • * .,, CJJSTOM~OUAUTY Near COSTA MESA• PARK and SHOPPmG ii thla clie,.n CW1tom bllllt three bedroom, two bath pl111' wP famDy room heme. wan to wall carpets tm.r H1W n.ooas. BuDt·lll ranee and oven. • pleoty C\IPboard I p & C e N i c e 11 i.nc1vaped ye.rd. 1prlnkltr1 and Pf.Ho. ()aly $27,90,) Eu)' ttnnlll • S\lbmlt F .H.A. or G.I. 0~1.1 EU)' access :or boat or trail· er. 3 BR 2 bl.th. hardwood ftoora. VA or FHA $187 per mo po,. all $21,HO HOUSIS FOil SALi HOUSES FOil SALi Gorierol. IOOOG«Mral 1000 -------. ------------- LAST CALL!! out ol State °""" .... -and must sell bis 4 BedromJ. -211' bath h:lme ~led on tree.liDed ~I tn exclull.ve Baek Bay area. Spodouo Y>n1 with w... llWlm'lili>« pool Ttds beautif\rJ. home ii (reshly decorated am. ready to IO· $51,500 Call: Jim Cobb Res. 673-1864 132' frontage on Beach mvd. In Huntington. Beach: Prime location with Iota of room fo1 ~ !or any com- mtn:lal endeavor. $92,500. 29°/o down Nowpor\ at Victoria 646-1111 8142 Lambert Circle 4 ,lleclroom·2 Bath • Plus Bonus Room Wl'RE WAVING THE FLAG FOi ••. "THI RIAL ESTATllS" All ow:. ellorts are concen· tratect In the Newport Har- bor Coata Mesa area. We are your neighbors. We live here and mus\ oonUnue to aucceed here! Do Yoo WoodetT which area ls just right. It might be Halecrest in this neat, bright 4 very clean B BR, big fam. horn('. Only $24,950. Flexible terms. - 20 Profeuionalt To Serve. You! HORSE. LOVIU Santa Ana Heights 66.x200 with 2 6ed- room home and a 2 car garage. Lot com. pletely fenced $~.- 500 -Great terms. llCi IONUS 4. Bdnns. plus 20x30 pl.,....... plumb<d lo' bath or wet bat. 4 yrs. new1 nr. schools 4: sbopp ng. $32,950 .. l'LDft NII &I.IA "" COUTAL Pit .109 WMTSD. Aldfffl"11 NII MU -U..... HACW 1111 MIM a WOMI• ,_ drapes. Dream ldtcben with u.euu, • ...._ '* ..-me "'"' ,... built LnL Sp9dow: dlnil8 RENTAU ""' CUMeWYI! mt ....-c:11s..,.. n• Nowpart at Victoria 646-tlll Country UvllNJ on A Third of on Honest Action, • $149 per lllilnfh Sin"'"' Senn"' Owner transferred. must sell We Proud UM IUAM C.VISTUNO f1ll MllU' WAllTID. Mm 111t areL 2 endoerd yards .. ~ How• Furrtlthetl DANA .....,. .,. A••MC11s. ... ,,.. tutic ftnandng.. Take over •NRA&. • REAL EST1 ATE, :~:.::"":...:::..• = Jarp5"" loan .Lowdown Acre Newport Heights this newly redecorated 2· J~---'° .... Serv--• ... story borne. New carpets llltnAU TO INAlll -Gener• AHNtla. -• ..... .,... .............. t • Just lilted, don't COPA Ml... :n• -.,-Ml~ DIL MAii ntl ftlPLIX. -... SC:fllOOLI • 1MITllUCTIOM ,... nJt, CIU Ml...:m.4 MllA vmDI llM CONDOMIMIUM ... JOI Plll•AIATIOM JIM ron~-E 0' ""N me I ~!!!O!!!!'!'l'!l!!\!!!!!!!!!!!!-tOt.L•M PA•K t'lll Rlln"AU W....,.. "" THUfttc:AL '* ~· • ..__. , · J · .. w,.•• .. --·-... ··~ -MERCHANDISI FOil · Luxurious Mansion :::=l :r:-11 :: =:i: ~l~u. coum :; SALE AND TRADE Dover Sh.ores 5 BedromJ, 3 baths, Dream tAYIMOllft "" 9UllT HOMIS .... •UltMITVlll -L •• 11 DDYlll tMCMlU mr MllC. ••MTALI "" o•~ICI •u1t1tm1•• •1• Waterfront home awd for a discrlmftlet- wanc.LW• 1111 tNCOM9 ''°'"'""" ,.. ON'K• IQUWMllfT 1111 Ing executive andbiJ deaerv. UlllftltlfTY PAil• -aust1111n PllOHllfY .. ITDll• 11411·~·'"" ..,, SpadoUI two • atory 3 BR inc fam1lY DeUeb """,.,.••... --=~::.•:::AL = ::·.:,~r~u.tn' = bame. Formal entry ball 1 ---1h~.... --~ d;:;:: ...,ICI 111.-rAL ""' MOUMMOL.D llDCIOS -with cl:rcular .t..t-.. , dii.. .._. • ., ., .. ..,. • ._,., -v IMf ILUll'P • IMS IMDUITlllAL PllOPlllTY -ea.UH SALa ml -.,.._~"::._ ""·· fanill¥ room. Landscaped lllV1WI TOUC.W ,.. t;OMMdCl4L ... PVIUICTV11:1 Aucnolt --room. ~ __.. .... with an t!)'e towards beauty :::: •n. IMI = IMDVlftlAL ltnfAL ... ~-11• ftreplaoe. Pier ll 1loat • • and M6Y maintenance. Lo- UY llU... .. ~-~= NfT=:::""S!.~ !!.: • ·••• •• •••• •· ·••• ••• $l.S5,(l(X) cated on -·'-t cul-cle-e8c LIOD ..... 1111 .,,....., -"''"•• •• u<-'"'·-1..._ """" IAUOA la.MIO ,.. crnvs ...,.. 11n M le.AL •nauMUn fl» .m.i-. ~ street. 11 you can afford a WU•llHIOll llACM ~ ACltllAH -PIMIOl•OlUNI tiM ....... $38,COJ Dream u-~ vnn'd POVlfTAIM VALLl,Y tn• I.Ml IUtwolll .. IADIO ' .. nuu~ .JV~ UAL euae i.-llllO•T •aoftlllTY .. fllLrnllOll -better let thil today. GI L01M U4Cll .. oa.ui•a co. •llOl'PTY ._. ....... , 6 1TWl110 •1• NO DOWN!! I SUbmit ~•• -' .. -OUT O• ITATll PttOP, .. TAPI ltHOllJMllll -• v- IMTA AMA "'' = MOUWTAt• a Dllln au CAMalW a nut••llT -C.WW .. a...ktr & (o. amall@r home on our guaran. '#llTMNtPW• 1111 SUIDMIN)llf UHD am MOMY "'"'LID ... -c.. ..... tee sale plan. ••DWAY ern ww HAL '"An •••Vkll "'' ,...,,... MOM -.....J'...., ~ WE SELL A HOME :l.tn"* .... ...,. :: ::-:.':=:9 = :=rt::..-:OU.acont = ICI,... •....., EWRY J1 MINUTES U.IUNA llAC" l7tl BUSINESS •nd' Mite. WIJfT8D --3'.-'"' ~ ~~==L = FINANC•AL ~::••Y.... =~Walker & Lee ""' JUAM CAP11'1'11ANO VII IUllNIH Ml'Olll'UMmn .......... , .... ,· .. • _.,....... ...'"' Fee-'-"''"" duplex near chan--~.. . . e.t.•"1"1l4H IUC.M tnl IUllMld WAHTID .. -......, ..... _ ..,,-w W tclilf Ori DAMA "°"" •• llfVlnMlllT 01: ,..... 1111 IWAPS '"' net a ocean. Modem attrac-ea ve IUVl•tlDI C:OUllT'f -INVllTMINT WANTID t:n-1 pnS ancf lJVISTOCK ttve comtruction. 3 bed--646-ml Open Evel:. YAC:ATtoN lllNTAU -MOPllV TO LGM COMOOllUMMIM ,.. PllttoMAL """' .. Pnt. ........... -rooms, 2 batha each unit. Move In IMIPl.UIS PUil._ 1i11 ~:=.w~... .. = = Forced air hut, firep)aoes, RENTALS ••AL 111'ATI ........ = MOIUft -electric kl.tehens. $49,500. Tomonow Housel Unfum11hecl =~,.,..7' ._. = (l.'Li;tORNIA LIVING can ior full particulua and Huge 2 B1Y Cape Cod. ls ""'u.L -ANNOUNCEMENTS •u .. ain '"' ant. to mee. Ready far you. 3 lara:e bed-= .::t"" MAa r,: •ti NOTICU :i.,:1111 HOU = • Diii rooma, den or rum.pus room. lillV. VllH 1111 "'*Di ffiN Mii .. AWlll..... -Excelltnt lenni -with 20" COL.UM ...... '"' LOIT ... YICATIOl9 -dn. on2y $225/mo. Priced for :-,.;:: :"Ti" = ::::"'..8.u.im = Tl.ANSP01tTATION RE ALT y ac&n at $38,(0). Mft1l'CMl"T INOll:U -alllTMI Int aMTI • YACM'TS "" -W Bl IAYINOllU -l'VN•IAU "4tt U.ILIMn tnt -• Balboa vd., N.B. DO'llt IMOlln au PAID °'"""" '411 l'OWll• c:aun••• -675-6000 WllTCUl'fll all PVflll•AL DlllllCT'Ollt ~4 ••l~I HAn ... 1nov•11:•m PAlll *' ""611lm ..... MAT ftAILI•• -lltYINS -CA•D Ofll TMA•Q .cu ao.t.T MAlllTIMAfll(I "11 Thl'ff Wl·L--•AC.IC U.Y 1t41 IM MIMO•l4M Inf .... T LAUNC:MIH ltot ...a --------- :'ff.":'":::u.c• :: ~:=W.:~ ~~ :!: =:T ... :L,i~~INI = II peace, comfort location coaoNA "" MAI ml UIMATO•t1• .. :::1 ~.Wf~ = are lmportan~-~-you, look 1 ... ' .. 6" ... "•"'"bo'""r"Bl"v"d" .... c,. ... M ... :!;~=..,,.. = :::C::A~L •AHi •m IOAT C.MAITtll ,.. thll over. ....unvc:nlent to LIDO llU 1)11 AVtATI0'9 ll•VtU = flltlNIM• aoAn ... Newpori H e t g h ts an.de ULMIA lsu.HO ml TllAVIL '°'-:::; :;::::. = tchooJ, and all shopping. :l ~~ Wl::.a. ::: :~T~~x~o.:.. ... ..-n WAllTIO ,_ bib to new park. Only ""'"..,... MA•IOUI; .. LltAL NOTIC•• .. All1C.R.U'T 11• $25,500; and all theae ''plus" ~'lUM1'Alflf '141.UY *"9 •IMAll 6 TllT9llntl ... ln.Ylflle \.ftlOlll .,. features 3 · ~-.. 2 SIAL MACM ,. SERVICE DIRECTORY :;:-.• ~· = hlths, ~":\<"··;:•·and MIDI:• ""'"' = Accoutn'lflll -lie.TC.UIS ,_ drapn. do hie cp ~~ 11611 Atmn•lflll llll"AC9 ... ILllCTlllC <Alli Im drl U I~~ U.llTA AMA ""' AP•LIA!f(°I •••AIU. ,... .. ,. Mltfl ..... • ....... .--"" crete ve, arp ~ WUTMllllTlll 1'11 :::::~~~ ::: :::==.:.. = back )vd on 50xllO Fl'. JW ::r:yi:l'1.1tun = AUTO ........ ... AUTO Sl111VICll • PA.ltTI .. LOT. There ii not to much ceMTA&. AUTO. ........ T-.-... .. ""'° TOOU I IQUtp. Mii available in this part of LA•UQ NACM = u.anm1tte ... TllA!Llll. TllA'tWL MU LAIUU. """'' IJW IOo\T MAlllTllllMCI ... TllAIUll:I, V1111tY Ml euta1de CM, Hurry. OWN-Uflf CUMRft lr1I llllCllt. MQOlllll't, .... 6HI CAM•••t •Jt ER gc..aQ. •JfftA• 2711 IUllMIU lllt'llCll "° n.ucq ··1~,.,c,· ======="I CA•tmtMO luat !!al. :::~= :: ~~~':SUMI•• = HURRY! HUDY! ~1tt!lfJM .. CAalllSTMAKnill _. IMl"OITlD A.Ul'OI ... leautlhl OUPUXlll UNl'VltL "11 g"~~iv.·:::.. :: ~~:u~·:.....KI =~: RENTALS atlL• ca•w. u..M '"' uc:• a•s. 1l:OOI "" Mesa Verde A F .. L-~ CONT1lA.CTOU ..,. AUTO rtllfTI Mt · ..... um IWlil CMll>IT C.UAflllNI ... AUTOI WAllTID "" 3 BR l~ baths. Immaculate. •NIU.L -CAll•ST LATlflll a llPAla .... NIW CAlll ... 1Al'19 $1!000 f'HA. lo&n can COSTA MnA ~-..-.a1U ... AUTO U.t.11119 1111 o... ___ :_. .... 11 ... _ .... 1 .. MIU. naoa fl'M DIMOLITIOtt ... Ul90 CAU ---~ 1:"""' ..,....., .,...., $23,'100. ,-,=="'";;;:::-:-:-::,'.:°':oo:°"::-=: ... :':;:;:;;;:;:~'~0000=:•:111:•:••::::;---...!'!00!!;0~ S@~lJ.-2'ti!l's· 1 solw a Simple s....,.blecl Word Puz:rr. for• Cluil!J:!e1 0 ......... -ol.... . , four 1trombt.d '#Onll k-f 143 ., . Ill ·-6424453 64MS79 $750 DOWN We urae YoU to inspect this VA owned, vacant 3 BR home in Cocta. Mesa that has been completely CQ,ndl.. ttoned ln A out. Near all achoolJ, Jarse lot fenced. Full pri~ only $17,950 • pymnta $157/mo. I' \ t I • \\ 1111 l ~ I \ /; \ \II \ \ M , > I I ' • " Newport Spanish ----------- Thia rambling 2600 sq. It, 4 bedroom. 2~ bath home bu a 3l x 23 ft. living room with Door to beam celling rock fireplace, deluxe Bhal carpetll'lg, separate sffi(ly, professional landscaplng, ~ roof • all hidden b)r a forest o1 towerlrv trees. Re- duced to $S7,00'.I -call to- day on this country retrtat in the cit)'. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 r 17th St. 646-4494 I I EASTSIDE BEAUTY throughout. This 1850 sq. ft <1t living space priced be- low market to sell for $27,900. QJIANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST . 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 2 BR DUPLEXES Larie 900 sq ft units with en. closed ga.naes I: ln excel- lent condition. Comer loca- tion near schools &: shop. Pin&'· Owner aakina: $24,000 .. PERRON . . ' A must to see. Tri-level, 3 BR + family _room, 2% baths, fireplace, do u b I e patios, bwlt-1"', exponoive COJl>O!ls * 642·1771 Anytime* &: drapes, automatic garage . door 8pener le sprinklers Who Likes Children? front & rear. Call now to-mee. Nearty everyone. So if )'OU? $32,500 future b tied lo the ldds convenience, & protection, N. here's a. 3 bedroom home wport on easWde Costa Mesa. only at 1 'ia blks to Newport Belghta grade school Larae fenced V1dorfa bl.ck yard with alley en- ,., "Ill tra~. Fireplace, built-ins, --cpts & drapea, 1% baths. For appointment to see Pele Barrett Realty Pre11nt1 BAYCREST BEAUTY The lnvi~ pool & beauti· -mou>lc""'1 ""' -· plimenta th I s sparkling, brieht & ............... bdrm home, with the ultimate in charm and livability. An ex· cellent value • Call to see. 161li WHtclltt Dr. l NE\VPORT BEAOI ' 642·5200 ~ ... john macnab HARRY BOGGS REALTY l Il99 Brookhurst 962-6637 - Harbor Highlands Newport Beach 4 BR 21' batM, hure Uvtn; room with fireplace, all built-in kitchen, hardwood noon, completely carpeted A draped, dble Pflll':· Pric· eel to sell faat! Rltr. 646-3928 or '6'2-0185 *LACHENMYER HU<Je Rumpus Room 4 BR home, l" baths, han:t- WOOd Ooon, double prqe. 12l!,OOO. Wellt-McCerdle, Rltrs. 13l0 Newport Bl\ld,, C.M. 548-7129 E'Yes. 6K.(l684 CAMEO HIGHLANDS Enjoy life tn a park with prtvate bea.che& 'I'hlll beau- tifully decorated homt with custom """'' & COJl>O!tlq" DOYER SHORES Hu S Bedrooms, tam room. Delianed .1· built by IVAN ~fove--ln condition. Garden WELLS Unequaled ft:1f qua.1. prolenlonally landscaped tty, i elepnce. VIEW. 4 with bea.utllul pool • •• .. •• • Bdrmll. 3 baths, atrium. .............. askin& '44.900 Roy J. Wercl CD. 9orllt to form four Mplt word&. • IREESAH I 4 oi.Mr Unit• $315/mo Wome. Lot 6h300' Olmer m\llt 11tll -EZ terms •••••••••••••• $29.500. Call Dave Cook-{Baycrest Office) A SPECIAL Shown by Appt. 1842 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 .' I I I r I . ITU MON I rEWSO 1 ................... SCRAM-Lits ANSWll IN CUSSIFICATION IOOO \ -. - 2 llll Cottoge Home Weatside. 1 block to shoi>- P1rw ................ $15.950 GENCO REALTY - OWNER........._ Mab DI· llr. Nr -l1o3. Spoclolio J BR 1" bll. fun nn. Quiet -L -511" lou. --Rltr -Ml "222 VALENTINE M.,,. bonus ""'' in th• (7l4l Ml-823S College Porti nice Newport Helabta home. 901 Dover Drive, SUite 120 4 + • 1. bedroom&, d~ room. Macco Realty Co. Bldc. Family patio tor eMertain1111 )'OW° Newport Beach SHAKE ROOF RUSl'lC. 4 suesta: ott at. k!tcbm and LR. + FamUy + boni.11 roomr ~"°:' = = UNUSUAL ~ '=-':."'::.:: malft th1I unique tam.lb' Split 1ewl. 4 bdrm home 1rith maat!:r with prhate bath. borne ,otn. nice poQl a patio., Good Mothen dre:am ldtcben with .... car ~~ or mtaht Jeue wltb built !111 and tnaJdut noot. •IJSll:SI· -• .., ~· p,.,.., •• Ollly $2S.8')11. -~-~ o-AILY ~ ---Amold & Fr•ud ... E. Ohon. Ph. M1-S31• ;;;;,;:;:-.._ • -. L;.;0 388 E. tnh st, c.•t EASTSIDE ,_,II R•alton 646-11!>5 CO~TA MESA iS YOUR AD IN a..ASSl· Channel R--t: 2 bedroom channtr .on -... .. FIEDt Smneme wU1 bl -· ..... 1-lllr It. Dial l<>M1I DAVIDSON lt-lau P1nthou11 Apt. ol ..,.. R-2 IOll<d loL for quick. .ntdm( ....Wta. Na•t·Sweet-Com·~ 1 ':r :~ t:r tt~ ;!.: SU. mni!rSM~, "· IT1 8eldl ._ Cl-. Bit-1or ber1nntrs or ,.drtd, 2 o n l 1. Desler Salisbury • .-11t tKm f'N1 ... .. BR. 111 N~ Hellfita. ~-m.o:n Realtor = ,!!f'f 0 -,,,._ -lot. $12.500 11.AJ<D' -...... dral l==""'"';;;:-;::-,,:,.,..,,,.1 • ..,._. -S-. MM!ll1 In.....,_ D.\ILY PILOf WANT Alli OWUlE m mi .. ~t * 16m * 8R1NG ~'Ill!' I . S BEDROOMS I'm l\tesa del l\far's nicest. Owner's !lY I'm too big, But Jor $38,500, I may bo right for you. Warm -& friendl y and love kids. RINTERS RILAXT Here's the perfect buy, 3 bedrooms, added den and kit· chert with new elec. B/I i:anae. $23,950- No down to Vets. LACiUNA VllW 4 Bedrooms. Family room, dining room. Coast line view to Dana Polnt.::.sB!l,500 AppralHd $22,250 Immedla tc posses- sion. 3 bedroom, 1 baths, lvlng room with open fireplace. Carpet& le drapes.- No down to Vets - lltOO dov.<n to an. Need In£ormation1' We are as close as your phone. ESTATE SIZE Back lla.Y3Bedroom Custom bit. Lot 75x 275 with ope:n bly view -$55,000 -Owner "i ll help fin~ a nee. WESTCLIFF vacant " lonesome read,)' tor immediate occupancy. Spacious llvinl JOOM wi!h loi bdmlng firelllace. car.et<d • -· $4~9'11l -1091 dn. HOMl+INCOME NpL Hghtl. Dbl 1 bedroom completdY remodeled + l beef. room ren~ pr- qes. New dri,veways -tnc. poL S300 -$29.500 -10~ dn. 546-2313 ., 648-7171 THE Q Ei\i, F:' ·rl\TF'.T·''' RUSTIC Sina.le •tory 4. bdnn Cor 3 & a. den} with rtcb panell!ni. beamed ceil- Jngs, !lied brick fire- place I: antique Pd carpetin&: throUCboUt Lota of charm! A muat see U you are ill thia: price raiwe. Juat liated. ~ to sell fut at ui;,950. . • •)1: .. .),l\:r~ • .1~.-'lt1' ' 546-5990 -~- NEW LISTING Real pretty redecorated home with new carpeting throu&b- out, new financing Ii: a cor- ner for accomdating your boat or trailer. 4 good med BR.s &. family room &: now offered at $30,950 at 10% down. A must to see. IM> MED. POSSESSION. &541·5810 • (#IMll tMlbt) GE REALTY "!l"'"""-,cl& Excellent for Inocxne &: write-OU. ' $37,950 • $4,000 down Georg• Williamson Realtor 6T.J.4350 Eves, 673-~ LESS THAN RENTI ' 4 BEDROOM. $2UO(I 2 baths. Family room, rear living room with fireplace~ Brick patio with gas fired BBQ. Built-in range, ~ll & dishwasher. 54().1720 TARBELL 2955 Harboro NEW DUPLEX on Penn. Dlxc 3 BR Units. AdJ. to Ocean & Bay, $59.950 B•lbo• Re•I Est•t• Co.- 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa: 61341"1 1100 BOYD'S BEST BUYS $23,950 . 3124 Dublin 3 BR plus den, I~~ baths. Best or au. hardwood floors lll1int condition. E-Z terms. OPEN SUN 12 • 4 $23,750 2617 W•afminster Pl. 3 BR, 1%. baths, available nlA -a g~at famib home. $22,500 S86 West Bay 3 BR. 1 ~ baths, new carpets & 1parldina: paint • immedl.. ate possess.Ion. BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Coast Hhvay, 01.'d" 675-5930 cozy & WARM- .. r a this 2 BR, home near 1 Newport. Heights on short -; ,. r, tra!t1c street. Good size . R-2 lot for Juture potentiaJ, ris,..,. ; ' ' Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 ' Nice 1 bdrm. R..2 ZONE VACANT. Il'ttMED. POS& * $12,SOO Full Price $3000 dn. C>.vner 1vill carry 2nd TD. Drive by 185 E. WD.son then call: • LOCKHART REALTY 646-2301 64UrJ67 548-2951 I $162 IN~UDES interest, , laxes & msurance. Assume · 51' % loan • m loan tees. '.; 4 BR, 2 bath home. tn ex. c::ellent relide.ntial a re a: _ Cash talks! CALL 540-llSl . (open eves) Heritqe-Real ' """" f BDRM, 3 ba, famil,y ITl'I; ~ car pn,g., bit-ins, crpt,g, inter-com, elec gar. dr l 1prinklers, nr golf rourse 2600 sq fl. $44,500. by owner. Tra_de Income property · 6'15-6846 IMMACULATE:: bdrms. l \i ha, crptg, !rplc, dishwa.sber \ all extras. SU,900. FHA A · VA acceptable. 646-Mxl MesaVenle 1110 Newport Beech 1200 I l ., I t I I I I t I I t I I I I I • I I ( t I 11 t I 1 I ·C • ' . i I '. Newport · •~rll.,._ EDITION vpt:. 62, l'lO. ~I, 3 SECTION$, i2 ~A~' ', . ' TEN ·CENTS • Coriucil C8.ll~~ ~Pe<'.ial .Meet ·io·.~Figh~ Drilling Newport Beach city co u n c It me n , aga!ns't Ille oi><rauOn. ~ j < Tbt ......U ll·aloo ~ to dtall SbeU .j,q Co;' 1111! -.i .a. ~ 1114 ii aoi -IO Jleld oil « abcered over ta•l week's annoUnc.mcnl The ·~. W@S called> '°'W· ~ a r~ ,.; ... ,., .... a ~before, · ~, IJ¥~ 1!ni oon ....... ~:; ...... -.,old~. 'wffNo 111t pUt I"': ol propcaed lest drilling •• mile o!I ·-" will dralt •. reaolution ~ the ._1.-, "1llcli ... Ju. I IP' • an llallba. Tbt -la ·&45 h1 ----Ille -~u·· Newport Beach by a· group .of! o!Lcom-thi. piml'led by Shell 'ot.f ~ .. l!!id wJ.1!. proved an t1Pt..-...1 drllllaf pro. a(Ollol~....,_.·a!'irJ~· Ila ipinraL • . '1' , panios, !lave called 1 special meeting · requesllbal-\MstatoLlndaCommlqicm posalilepl·-lllllll.lul~, . Tbt Mewpon dr1Blllc. . .-a.a -.............. ..._._,. roe' p.m. Tu-y to plan their fighc callolft~aior.111e·1a'iilillnl, -,· ... 1i1111an.r111e--1s1111'1appm1~· . ipou.rio' ml ....,,.w.. , ••'""' 11141 ~. -· .l!ial.11 · ~fl 'iil * * * . . ... .. . . . ' " j ~ ·i:· -~ ·: • "" ..... "' • . Oil Protest Petition A total of 2$ oppon"'ts ol the Sbell Oil Company-led plan to sink a test bole 1 . mite oU NewpOrl Beach have li,gned a petition demanctlne oo oil drill- lni oil the Orange Cout. , The petitioners, JDOlt· of whom braved chUllni wind and rain Satun!ay moinlng to tour Upper Newport Bay, ~ documents which yrlll be presented to the Newport Beach City Council Tu!'day when it meets in special sessIOn to draft opposition to the test drilling. The trip around the bay and the peti- tion wer~ both formulated by the Friend! of Newport Bay. The group conducted a tour of the estwiry highlighted by slops along tile way for lectures from experts on the natural attribtltes of the · ares. The group protests the drillin& ICbeduled to start within the nut four weeks, "becaUM it would seem an iJl.. evitable precursor of enlqed conr _.w drillinc -•liQl!S.'' The ~ .... <Ile ·'!he ' l\<a'Y . ~amaa• llroagjll on by th« tecen) ell !eat In tile Santa Barbara CbAMet . Thef Uk that • no drilling be dooe all the Orange County cout In either federal or state-controlled waters. Court Qiteen • I ~ ~· .. ' . Suffers Sei;ure 600 Feet·:V.Jider Water An aquanau~ u.Rlorlng the ~ floor off San. Clemente JslaDd jn a . teat of . man living ' 1galmt the ' -1e1 died today ol an apparent hear\ attack 600 feet beneath !ht . .,,,r~. . . . . The · il.s. Navy WenUl!ed l he vlclln\ , as Betry L Cannoni a d~ eleCtronics engineer. He bad ·arrtved•on the boitom· near the . 1't1aw,painlld' '10-lool. JOnc ' Sealab ID II 4:111 a.m. with three other dlven In, 1 lnnlf",eafllUlt, · · . ·• · ~o' divers left tbe capsule at t :M Leisure World Marines Near Pact on 'Belt' Leisure World o;x~Uv& and U.S. Marine Corps Air Station ofCl~ at Et ·ron> at. teportod. nwlni -- on eotabllih.Jnf I ~ m . ~' tlii ·~~ ... ·;p . . ' } . ' ' • [ CoQ>9'J1nifJ• ' ... • :t~ • • ~r •. • • "' = r.::"" "-~r.t·c:= . ty supermoil ~llf!fliitloni - !Ive m0nlh< ago ijll, 0oocludl wfthl)i IO daya. Three Yaehts seized The petitions also Will (O to the sta~ Lands Comm.IMlon, which apJl'Oveil the drilling. l * * * Orange Coast College coop Georgia McClellan, 19, New,. port Beach11 reigned this week- end as "Queen of CM>urts" a~ OCC P irates met crosstoWJl rivals, Golden West Coll~J'\i Rustlets in basketball tilt. She ;Presided over dance for stu.- aents from both schools fol- lowing game won by OCC 92-91_::; An ordinance enacted .a .1'ar• ... by IUpervi-had binned l'tlfdmlll! uses for the land; 'a·. ir~belt ·S,D feet wide rilht-of·way tlirou&h the mJddll ol the Laguna 111111 community. < ~Hickel De.clares ("'Oil Companies Liable for Slick WASHINGTON (UPl)-lnterior Secre- tary Walter J. Hickel today issued reg- ulaUoos mating oil companies liable for the cost of clean!ng up any pollution from offshore ~lllng on federal leases. The regulatiorul, effective imme<lj.. ately, make companies responsible for any pollution without the government having to prove they were at fault. Prior to Hickel's order, regulations atated lease holders "shall not pollute" the sea, but said nothing about liability for pollution. Hickel toughened drilling regulations In the wake of pollution from a well in the Santa Barbara channel that stained IJliles ol Soothern Celilomia beaches. An Jnlerio< Department spokesman noted that Union OU, owner ol the Calio fornia· well that leaked from Jan. 28 to Feb. 7, assumed re.sponsiblllty for that pollutlon from the ~ginning. Stoelc /lfillrlceu NEW YORK (AP)-The stoc.t mut.t 1llpped backward today and iook its largest loss on 1verages since Jan. 6. (See quotations, Pages 26-27). The Dow Jones average of 30 indus· trial blue chips dropped 14.23 to 931.72. Rails were oU 4.17, utilities used .$4 and es stocks were down 4.63. ~µna Boat . Fire4 I . . ' l , Ou in Harbor? '. ' . SAN DIEGO (AP) -The 1kipper of tht U.S. tuna boat fired on Frid'&y by Pe_ruvlan gunboats reported by rf'io Sunday that he believes cannon "re fired · on him in harbor at Saliba!, Ecuador. t· Because of high winds, V e ? o n Bowman ~d, he did nqt hear the. Clnnon fire tiuf noted two large aplashef Ill&' bis er~ 4bout 15 eeconds ·apart~· The lncldenl tool< ~ 11 B.lw!Jl!l!I, In a sn1ill wbaling boat, Wu ~g to the 8an Juan to confer with bis crew. Minutes J>efore, be said, the E$Jadorlan port Cl(!laln. told hlln 'that .Ii.. tuna· boat wooild nQI )>i _permltt•cf/i;," leate because of dlacrepanclet'ln a log. enli,. made in 1968. Philip, ,Pue, in .~Africa LONDON (AP ),-Prlnce Philip, bul-. band o( ~cen Ellzaheth n, 'wllt otJij Eut all!! lreot ?' -month,-Buck-ingham P~ace liJ~Y· ~ t . -\ The land ts directly under the alt :r:c~. the ~ala runway · of. the Superviaon ••\~_cned Thuroday lo consider an emetgt:PCJ extenaloo to tbe pact which uplrod-Feb, I~ . . ' The attorney told the perVfiora by Jetter that m propooa bad lletn dtsCuaaeii by Ille lwe .;tots ~ a swap ol. land. · Barnes auured supervll<!fl lbal the Rossmoor Corp. would not 1ttempt · to develop any ol tile grcenbdt' land until some agreement ii reached. Supervtsocs •&reed to held ..,. Jeg!ala· lion affecUng the belt unUI some further word wu gimi them. Countian Slain In Argum~nt • An apparent argwnent durlq a cJrink. inl boot ended In death . ,... - Santa Anl-SablrdlJ.• .... ~ or another .aif mun1er c11rpa. Pob llfd Gl!Y WJWam llooenthal, 25, .... Ibo\ In the -· -and chest. lie WU pronounced -II the acene. The shoollng occurr<d at the home o( the IUlpecl, Leiter Keith Slmmonl, 18. Police said the twe bed been drlntlna together and tile obootlnr' climued In 1rgument. O!Dcen took Simmons into custody without tellltance. ' i . Freew~y lle~fin:gs R~C?pep : I , HELD llY CHINESE ' . Ll1una's1 laldwln Exchang~ Club . . Sets Drug Talk · A mm leaturlnfl Soopy and~ lllreia- lni the ·dang"' or narcoltt!l and taIU· by Oranfle C\!IJlllY Sberllf!1 ollcers will blghtllhl tile Newport -Evtuu1p Club'• narcotk:I lnfonhaUon seminar tonight. The 7 • P<l'· ,Jnlram will be held In the )'jewport HarbOr Hl&h School auditorium. It Js ~ of the club's Crime PrevtpUoft tfeelc actl'iltles, wbtCh were launched Friday wlih a luncheon. featuring Gov. Reqan. on Siturday, the club wm spo- a cllnlc. !or: ~Uachlnl ldenlilj>lric marts . on loole boating aear. Booten wtslllng frft ldeDtlf71n&. marts on • lllelr ror eaii recelV.'tlie"oerilce 11·1be Onnp, county KiriiOr Dtipoi'tment o!llco II JIOI lll1aJdo ~ve. ; .' . or IU lh dtaoovend durflll tllo drllllnr ~. tile bole ..Old .... tapped Jm"""°alety with concnto. ' •, , ·A1 llato Landi DMllon e,.r._-oo boaf<l. tile CUSS I drillllll ve•el w!B · bavi rtbt sole detel 111tniMkn • anr ·die . lSet cOollat, r.,·111• _ ' · . • . IJie·S: ' --. Newport Firm Hit'' By $5,000 Blaze Or11111e . I f .J l I < I l •I I l . I . J Mil.Y NI.QT 11 - Jane Allan · Services .. Set Tuesday ' Fu:ner1l services for Mrs. Jane C. Allan. a rounder oI lbe Southern California junior uUJnc program, will be btld Tueaday al II a.m. In the Episcopal Onath of Our Saviour, S•Zl Gai.id. Mn. Allan, wife of Robert hot. :A.llin Sr., died last Thursday at the age of 73. She was a resident ol Newport Be.acb and San Marino.· , Besides her husband, Mrs. Allan ls survived by her son Robert M. Allan Jr., past commodore ol Newport Harbor Yacht Cub, and three graodaons, Robert M. Ill !Skip), Scott and David, and one granddaughter, Marilee Jane Allan. Mrs. Allan first started junior racing at the Balboa Yacht Club where abe and her family were early members. Week after week ahe Hl'Ved · u rice chainnan ror the Junlori and-even pro- \'ided the trophies by, ~ 1ttractlve ribbon pennants with)er.pb)king shears~ As a result of her ,enthusiasm for litarting her family sailhig young, Mrs. Allan 's son and grandaons all became national and internationally known racing M~, r...., 17, ll6t • ~·cities· Combine F pr MytUfil ' Aid • • LocabJlre dopa/im.,a. In a aii-dtJ I aru hi¥o beea *rambllnc f..., one clly to ano1110< ID a lhab.don rua ol tlle ~·· new mutual llld ~. HunUnaton Beacll. Coata, M e I I , Newport Beach, Fowitaln • V a He y . w~r and Seal Beach from 1Ar<a s1 .. ol Or-COunty'1 new sil(-orea mutual &id procram. 'nleaday, Thursday and Friday the Area Sile fire departmenll have been rolllnl to light llmutated large fires in 1everll locaUona:. ' • Tuaday, lf!llB rolled to South" Cout P1aaa. where CGlta Mt11 firemen were """""U., ID ~ a bW. that required help from other c1u ... 'lllundq, dot locaUon ol a llmulaled fire walitM Gemoo store ln Fountain Valley. :_ Friday firemen battled a ..U.. '. boi!V• bu f~st· ~t u.i ~­c..w ID .SUI Beach, . then laW at the SJ!Crl... Beach IM In Hllnu.,ton Beach. rurPCJle of the mock fires has 'been to. -if local clUeo cwld smoothly WOrk ~euior lo cootrol a !Arie fire, · The \ftaJ< down Into m small_ .,..., ror figbtini faes with mutual aid wu initiated Ui? year in ~ange COUnty. . In th6:. pis\ all mutual aid fires wm -.llUted -through the County · Flrl ~ In Orlllll• sometlmd ca!IS- 1rti a ireat amount of confu.slon Ind heavy radJo traffic. . · Fire offldall Hid today Ibey bopo the new" system will lead to faster ·and more efficient c:ooperaUoa among: ciUes in lightinB Wiie nru. ·-• Fro• Pflfle 1 . LAGIJNAN'S YACHT "SEIZED. ~ . with the Hong Kon& Marine Department, a spokesman U.ere_Did. • sailors. . • DAILY I'll.OT lt.t'I l'"'lt The allied v~la buldea Baldwin's. Pt:obably the best recon~cted ac- count of what happened to~ tfte three missing yachts was give by· Dutch-born Everard Van Kan, whose yacht Nordica made Macao safely . During most Ci ~ the lfl30I she WIS racl.ng ~·ld' the Southern Ca1lfomia Yaclhiiiw - COSTA t,IEsA'S 51, CLAIR DISPLAYS 'VISUAL AID' FOR UPCOMING FREEWAY HEARING Cololiul Councllmot:1 H-le Convince Hlthw.Y EnglMoro of E;rors In Do1i9n Moraaurn wert idenU(Jed II Ross' Uni· Na-Mara iiiftliSydow family's Rever- ie, according to official• workiftc to se- zure ~ freedom .. · Her aoa Robert M. Jr,, wu the founder ol the Paclflc Coial iJllercolloclate Yacht Raciog -Uon 'and later became a naU01111.Ji::mploo ID the So1pe au.. Ji't'Olll Page J Skip WU tilo _,_ of the Loo .\i>lld., to Honolulu _yacbl nee FREEWAY HEARINGS. • • In the lainlly'1 CaJ.40 Holiday Too, and a{ld property """'" w-land may In !!Ill WU the ~ cf the be directly affected by I chin(e - CongresllonatCup,nallOoal match ndq «no chani•-In the choeen route. qwpetiUon. . . '~ . Scott Allan i. a .fonner natlooiljlinlot MARXED µ,NE champi9;n ~n the Snipe Clul,, a former Back 1rt 19«, when much of the now. winner Or the CongreaionaJ."CUp, er~ developed area was mere pasture, the for hla brother in the Honolulu race State Divi!Jon of Highway:S engineers and hu won nume.rou.s .other national . took a pencil and marked a line right and intemaUonal yachUng awards. In · down Newport Boulevard. 1967 lie .. -umed .on the All-American That is to be lhe Newport Freeway intercollegiate yachting team. under the policy exisUng for some 20 Besides her interest in yachting, Mra. years, but agreement between Harbor· Allan alao waa an a cc om p 1i1 he· d Area cities1hat Umes ·hav~ indeed tl!au1· horsewoman and won several titles in ed led to reopening of the route qUestion, the Eut before c:ominl to California. There was no public hearing at all She wu a nurse duting World War 2f years ago. - I, served u head of • Red Crou unit CQsta M ... City Councilman William in World War II and WU adlve most L. St Clair, a longtime proponent of of her adult life ID ~bllcall·politla. l'f'80'Vinl Newport Boulevard u It ts Fr0m ·Ji .. e l r ~ . AQUANAU" • ). •.. - periments in ltK: ,f. ~-, . ... \ Jn Waohlngton, • .,.;.;... . 1 .~ a medlcal ~ · litrll . · capnc.n t death to "~ac ~ .. ,, ·~" .•~ Cannon iriil aftothm' ctiver left a sO-CaU-. ed personnel transfer copsule to • ...im to the underwafar· lliboralilry. An offlci•I ..id CannOo was obWVed having dll· ficulty dtmiq lhll ..-Im. He waa brought back to the trander capsule and taken to the surface, where be was pronOUnced dead. Cannon. a t962 graduate of Florida State University, ia survived by his widow, the former Mary Louise Rutkow· i kl of Chula Vista, Calif., and their three JODI -Patri~, Kevin, and Neat Sputnik Cabbage Sputters Out? It said right on the bag "Sputnik Cabbage." And the growers just about went into orbit when their expectations of fields full of giant cabbage plants were reward- ed with the· vision of dainty, dwarf cabbages gently wa.ving their tiny green leaves in the January air. It brought Highland Ranch, the Irvine growers, into Superior Court to file a $35,000 damage suit against Champion Seed Co., tbe sellers. They claim, among other thlnP. that C h a m p I o n mlsr epresentt!d its product. DAILY PILOT C~.&llG[ <:0-.ST P'Ull.1$HlllG. COMllAHV' R.••••I N, w,,, '""'~I ..... l>Wt"""r Jtt~ II. C11•lty lhtlfUt JCttvil E•lt.r . lhtmt1 A. M111,hi111 ...... 111.r111 Efllor J,,,,.,, F. C1Ui11' ''"' Niu111 H"-"" Ito<!> ...... l!fllllnt CkY E.'ltt< Ol•Ktw ---lZll Witt Iii••• l•11l1v1r4 M1 lli111 A4Jr1n1 ,.O:I•• 1171, 92661 . ' c .. 11 Mut : JM Wt\I ...., St'fft la-Ito<~: m ,_,~ H\Hllillltcn .. tcl\l lit Ml lftttt . for an intercity beach traffic link, is set to appear Tuesday. Using one of his coltrlul audio-visual aids -be calla them gimmicks -St. Clair plam to demonstrate the bor_, rendOUI potential problema to be mi-· countered at one particular intersec:Uon, 1( pie route ls not changed. ,~, : The ~lflc loca"Uon ls the somoO'mea- •,W.Jtcff. Harbor B o u 1 e v a r d-Newport ·~tvll'd triangular intercbinge, at wbJch one coalition hopes to build Paseo Grande, an overhead, right-of-way span- ning mall of picturesque shops. , 1be proposal is backed by Coll~ Mesa Tomorrow Inc., an agency which will be represented at the Tuesday hearing by a Newport Beach attorney. RARELY REOPEN A press release prtpared for the organization by consul ling engineer B. W. Wllllamson note. that c:mly rare11 doea the atate reopen a route question aod call for 1 new choke. Anothef group which will be represented Tuesday la the ' Cotta Men Downtown Buslnewnen's AsaoclaUon, which -like the other group ...:. his members who ·favor a new route as well u some wbo do not. State officials conducting the hearing In the Junior Exhibits Building on the fairground s at 88 Fair Drive, will doubtless ~epeat their criteria for c:hoos- ing an alternate route: -The effec ts on the community through which il passes. -Tbe degree to which the route will handle existing and future_ traUlc demands. -The inJUal co.st ol the alternate route, which includes both construcuon· fees and. purchase of rlght-of-way. The low-to-high variations in proposed Route 50 allgnmeota throuih the alfeci.d Island Oeanup Campaign Slated Bafboa .. Jsl&nd rtsidenb and the City of N!Wport Beach will collabonte March 8 and 9 in an Island Cleanup project sponsored by the Balboa Island Improve- menl AsSoclation. During the two days normal city trash regu.laUons coverine We and shape of trash will not apply and officen of the aaociaUon are ~ng residents to rid thtlr properly ol buQy aod UM!ghtty ref UR. • Relldenla con Rt the articles Oil~ aloni wlll> rel!UW tnlh the night before the plckvp. Youllm 1ia .... llllli.eted u ._.m.,1s1uc1~-·· • Fonner Newport Man On 'Senator's Staff Fonner Newport Beach r e a I d e n t RJcbard O. Rt'ddlck will serve N new Sacramento adtnlnJJtraUve wbtant fot State Senator William E. Coomba CR-San Bernanllno Count)'), it was announced today by·the IOO.tor. Reddlci, 31, allended Horbor Atu achooll and VSC and WU qaoclaled with hll father, Ben, on the old Newport Harhor N-Prfts nenpoptr. Reddlci 1'4o publlahed papen In Rialto -ht and h1I wile, Donna, now man their home. t. area ol Cos\a Masa raogo_ ~ ~-~ million to $60.7 mllHon in coridiuc\ion COii.!. The cheapest would be the cumnlly adopted route, while the most .expensive would be thi !0-Called Red·Blue Route, whioch loops out westward farthtst from the boulevard. SA VJNG TOLO . On the other hand, the al.ceady choaen boQ!evard-allgnlng RQ.ute 55 Freeway route would .save motorists $15 million leas over 1 20-year period than lhe most drastic variation. User-savlngs figures are computed over Uie , 20-year period _the Newport FreeWay Will aerve before becoming out· dated, ltUed opon tln)e, 'auto wur4nd· tear dePreclaUon and other factors. The hearing TueJday will feature T. Fred Bagshaw, usi.!1tant state direCtor ol public worka, as presldiQI oUicer, with State Divt&ion of Hlgbwaya aides in sull!IO<lliig~·.,_ ' . Diltlkt' & l)igbways e I p e r t s present w include Deputy Dlltrlct Englileer A.'fl. Hoy: A.sslatant Dlltrlct Enl!inew' William K. Huhhnoto, and A'8ista6t Dbtrict RI1ht-o1-Way Agent Al M. Lynch. . FOilowing the. slate baring, the city must ·hold a hearlnl, probah)y Jn four to six weeka, Mayor Pinkley aaid today, while the State l!lihway CommW!oo maf'"have a third bearing. ~ UtlUmate choice 'Of a Route .15 align· ment r,sts with the atate.-wide qency, which la not required to , stqt another Jlllblic hearini u Its members .choose not to adopt a new route. En8ign Siudents Help Red -Cr:o8s S tu d e n t 1 at Horac~ ·Ensign Intennediale School er11agiiig in Junitlr Red Crosa activities since 1~2 have contributed $1,7f7.65 all told, recently compiled records indicate. · The records showed that the students also provided 200 hogan kits for preschool Navajo Indian children; 744 gilt boxes to be sent ~und the workf; 77,678 favors for hospital meal trays; SOO Christma1 and Easter place mats for the USS Haven hospital &hlp1 and scares of VJetnam friendship kits. The recorda were kept from the begln- nlnB of the Junlor Red er... Chapter ol lhe IChool In 196Z. CdM to Reward Yule Winne~ Winners In the Christmas decoration contest spon.wred by the Corona del Mar Chamber of Comme.tce wll1 be honored at the chamber's annual banque t Ft)I. 21. Dr. Robert . Pelersoo, c: o u n t y superintendent of achoola, wJll be the guest 1peaker, aaminin&· ••Answers to Apathy." The event will begin with a BOclal hour at 1:30 p.m. at the Irvine Coast Country" Club. Dinner will berln at 7:30 .p.m. , Fourtetn awards for the annual Chrlstmu ll&hUnl con~t will be eiven out. Reservatlona can be made by calling 67HIOI. UC Saving 88 Million On Econo1uy Progran1 BERKELEY lkP) -Special co&t· reducUon J)l'Oll"llDI ave the Unlven:lty of Caillomla II.I mllllon a year, l'resi· dent Charla J. IDtch aald today. lntenalve ICODODlJ programs wm launched a >'.<" ago on the nine VC camp.iae1, ho aald; to Utp -.. -while malotalnfnt educaUooal quality. -- Frenchman Kills Sell, Children '· As Police Move SaUon:~rilnl the voya1e this year ...,.. wm--.at .llrafned relatloel with _ Peldn&, 4'1e to ~t ol Ciom> muallts blamed fer a 1116 utl·Britlah reign at tc..r ID Hong lloal· BORDEAUX, France (UPI) -A man who feared he would lose custody ·ol his children and demanded that his wile commit suicide ended a twi>week armed coillrohtaUon with police today by killing his aon and daughter, then fatally shooting himself in a b a r r i c a d e d farmhouse. Police aald Andre Fourquet, 38, shot llis childten with a rlne; then turned the gun on hlmsell when -police moved up halftrack. armOred carriers that brfsU. . ed with $Ubm&chlne guns. Three shots rang out as police lobbed tear gas down the chimney of the shot· tered white house, then rushed th' building. . Last Tuesday Fourquet had lhot and killed a ROllceman who had vent1JTed to<>rJoae tO the sumwn<l,ed:houoe, which Folirquet had turned int.I> a' fortrus for hhnsel! fn(lli_his three children. One fhfld, a lee,;:_gea da'uihter; escaped'~. . Rourquet's final deapuate acta ended th~· 1leg~ that began .. Ft!b. 2 when he barricad~ the bouse sllut •. raised a blac~ nag and the French tTicolor over the roof. bored holes in the red shutters to shoot out, and ordered hls former wife to come to the hou.se and commit suicide. He said be want~ to ma~e. sure ahe would not get custody of their children. Bal Isle Seek Opinions on Jets Spokeamen for the Balboa Island Improvement Association have requested Island dwelle rs to relate their feelings on the jet aircraft noise problem on the island. President William La Plante, president of the 850--member homeowners' group, said, if response warrants, the associa· lion "will take affirmative action and present our views and desires to '.he proper aulhoriUes." He also urged absentee landowners to register opinions on the aircraft nuisance . Lui..-tralllc .heard -the -boat.I wu· • ineaiqe from Baldwin hlmlelf, abolrd the Morumn, whlch is a copy of !he famed Hong Kq-butlt yawl Flnlmm. · ·~11 lffDll they want to board us. They are hoarding UI. Ovl!t and out," the monitored broadcast aaid. Ba~'s wjfe Marjorie aaid today at the couolt's ~.Laguna Beach borne that she bu ,lltard nothiJlg from the U.S: State,'li'epartment about the status of her hualiancl'• capUvtty. Wutmr diplDmlla were circuitously broachiq the . IUbject with Pekillg, becauae AmUlca cloa.Djlt re«IJ>i,. the mabJlltxl Cblna 1overnmenL The 1lalclWinl have -children, Si- meQO Ill, :If, L)'Dlle, 24; and James, 20, • Saddleback JWllor College student who Uve11 1t the famlly bome. Mn. Baldwto aa1d her hulhand ii presi- dent ol Air stocil Lid., a Hoog Kq-!Ju. ed finn "founded l1'. ,urs ago tot" dlslriblltlng aviation parts to atrlinel "ID lhe r.J'ar Eut, where be bu worked 21 yean. • .. BUsliles.s interests prevented him from returning to Laguna Beach at Chriatma:>, but he was heme si:i months ago and is tentaUvely scheduled to fly back this summer. From Pflfle 1 COUNOL .•. aspects of lbe drilling project, sources a aid. An adntl.nistraUve aide for the com' mission llid Thursday, the decision to keep the approval secret "was an .ad- minlstraUve error in light of the Santa Barbara oil mess." He added th1t usually , "by policy we don't announce the particulars on exploratory drilling projects approved by the commission." The Shell Oil Co. drilling bas drawn fire from both the City of Newport Beach and the coun~ Board of SuJ)e"isors. County supervisors have threatened to seek an injunction against the drilling which they termed contrary to state law. _, The supervisors based thei.r allegation on the Shell.Qmnlngham Act, whlch pri> hlblta offshore driWng operatJons south of the Santa Ana River jetty. "Not long alter we Jell Hong Kong territorial waters, we were spotted by Commun!Jt Cbineae gunboats decorated. with portraits of .Mao •.• they po~~: machine guns and AK f7 automaUc rifles, then sailed around ua and left," be Aid .. The Dutcbmati ·11id two other gunboats , and five junta JWTOUnded them 10 mil1.1 off Macao, at which time a Chine• Army officer and two soldiers boarded the Nordica as though seeking refugees. "I sef we are friends," the ofrlcer ' said in English, pinning propaganda 1 badges on the high-necked Mao.style tunics worn Ly the Dutch news photographer and a colleague sailing aboard the yacht. Pitching in the high seas, Jiowever, the Red Chinese launch had smashed into the Nordica, cawing some damage, buL she was escorl.ed into Macao Harbor , by a Portuguese. gunboat. Yachtsmen e:zpressed some fear for the three seized vessels which carried e:ztensive electronics gear for navigation and might be charg~ with some USS Pueblo-type espiooage acUviUes. Vacuum Oeaner Company Sued In Sales Fraud SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The stats f : filed a $2 million law suit :.galnst the Je manufacturer of Kirby Vacuum Cleaners ~ .. and 89 California distributors today l- charging fraudulent sales practices. The suit liled In Sacramento County Superior Court charged that the Scott and Fetzer Co. cit Cleveland and the California distributors made false sales claims to pro1pecUve customers. Atty. Ctn. Thomas· C. Lynch, whose c:onsumer fraud division filed the action, called the Kirby sales practices 1 "swindle." The suit char1ed that among other things Kirby salesmen sold used vacuum cleaners as new: told . prospective purchasers they were contest winners when there waa no conies!; and claimed 1 falsely that Kirby salesmen were com· r peting against each other in a sales contest. .. Lynch sought $2 million in exemplary ! damages, civil penalties of $2,500 for each a.ss~ecl false representation made ~ during. the last year and an injuncUon l. to prohibit further all eged fraudulent actlvitltl. nra1•1 z•,,..m·mg21zzrneu r '1FTr1m1•111•1•PIAlW-~j .~ :line Walck f:r Jewef,.'J Repair " Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE . COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rin9s sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE ALl TYPES Of JEWELRY HAHOI SHOfl'IN• 1 CINTll I llOO HAllOI II.YD. ! COSTA MW MS.MH I •nm 1rwurs 1 &&Ill R * • HUNTINGTON CIM1U llACH • IDIN•H HUNTIN4HON WCH "2-ll01 --, EIMIU l'lti • , J \ ' . '" ' "' , L I r "' f • It fr '• if ·' .· N Ii . "' ~ i' I •· ' ' I ~ I ::.1 u ' m I inti •tall h .. I Sal II 'URTAIN CLOSES -The ru;ill Curuilii on:the 19&&; 9 Harbor Area Community Concert season will be iftUJg down Monday, Feb. 24, following the perform- ~nce of the Larde Trio of Paris. Ready to close the ~ . ~,curtain: llli'd:"tlien 'reopen it again on a membershjp drive are (left to right) Mrs. Daniel Wulfl and Mrs. Larry 'Bacon. • tCommun ity . ' -Concert · Associotion ; f1End, Opening Marked • ' ' . ~i.An end and a beginnif!g will ·flutist; 'Marie-Claire· Jamel, each was awarded first prize in France, c8nada, GenQnf • I • ( • llEA ANDa11SON: "ldllor "'*""'• ,....,., tJ, -II f'M t) !lie Harbor Area Co • ll!anJs!· com~ 1he · lliVERsrrY • •• S~1~"11ill)P,~" ·ai- lie · marked by m~~:'· s· : , , and Anne-¥Jm,, FDIJ-, al,!he P.arJ!r. Comfor.v.Wy. , " .J:l.J! \I. ~i\.Jl!.i\i~ 0 ll,e~&!,'f ' Conc"t Associlltion MoDdaf,, .• "TJ1o !f\Porls CWhi~~ Ti..,r ,. pnllri= of~ a the re<!ivaJt~.t.1,lrkt iilill' Peb. 2t. . . . Wift1)iy the fmat-tOncert. greit deaf of diversity rince 4r1ger1t stie r"treQUei.oy > ~ fi At 8:15 p.m. sharp tr9'..the . ~ latented petfoi-men . they ~ovide a variety of in· pe~ in concerts witJI ber ~e~pof'.1 Harbor fftgh Sclb>I ~ ~ $Q tbe;ir, e~emble "'fOl'k ,. trumental comblna~ons and husband . as a duo, iKrt" She ~tor1um t~ curtain will P.DormQUS. · exp,erUse and . solos such as flute and piano. · · iipen on the fmal ~rt of 'l'OWlical ¥naiUYfty,· Ea'.c·Jt harp ~ flute and piano also has been, a soloist with ~e season, and dunng tJ:te · ~mber bu bad many years alone. Some of the composers Orchestra of Pasae!Oup, ani:I ~nlng 1969-'lG ,membership of experienCe in '°lo recitals. represented in their programs the Ft_ench N~U<JD4} ' ~ t""'e~al prograpi ~open. '1 ~·soloists wjtb"l!rcJJ.estras and include Moz.art, Bach, Orchestra. In 1980,r.i>t was: ' Artists Christian La r-d e , 1!1. cbaplber music groups, and .Debussy, Ravel, Ram ea u , awlirded"'the .Grand Pf6: ':du, t· Disque. _, '• '1 '' ' • . .. , lect a motor driven rickshaw. The colle~ lion will be offered for sale. Feb. 24 in the Balboa Bay Club as· a way.1:and·means p~j·­ ect of the Harbor Key Auxiliary, Child· Guid· New Chapter Formed To Aid Ci·ty qf Hope Miu Fontaine studied Wtth the lamed Marguerite IArlg and ' wa. awarcted a sPeclil meil.Uoo at ,tne lriternational M~rite Long' Compelitm She all!> WOO;t!le lnternaUonaJ' priu or }1-b ·Jlftd NaJ1fes. . ln,'!<fdlt""'td ~flnl,priu . irl piano at , the . P'1• r 1 1 1 ~rva~; .Dlrictor of ai JifWllciplll ~atory~. _she 1 '"A.N,D;'f4WAY WE GO' -Using any mode of ·tr,n&wnation to Collect and deliver auction #tlcies-are (left to right) Mrs. Charles Hosl· !er;.: Chai~an.~ M~s. Murray .Cbotiner and j,\fs. Earl Fus~elman, who this time se-•··' ·r \ ance Cente~ of Orange County • Gerald Ruben , area coordinator for City of·H6pe who presented the program at the organizational meetiri"g of Harbor of Hope Chapter, will make a return engagement at the :cext meeting. He will show a film enQtled.1 "In Your' Hand"s'' which is nar-, ' rated by Raymond Burr, when members gather at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, in the California Federal Savings and Loan building, Costa , Mesa. ' ' During the ses&loo "last month .. be sbo~ed slitles and ·answered questions ~rtaJning 'to1 tile free, nooseCtarian hospital, designed to ·help those stficken wi~ killer diseases.. ·· · · · prepare. opera ,iar1 ·for • their ~~s a~tbe ::~c~~·z~e~ through<\"! Eilrope and N<irth Africa .• ; , • RENEWALs Member&hip i-eneWals will be accepted befQre the coueert and during intenniaiorl ,and the reception. A drive for 11tw niembers will be conducted 'from April 21--26, JK:COrding l9 Larry Bacon, president, .who announced holds already have been placed on the ' '!itqeruaD., Concert Ballet and the ·New: YOrk Brass· Quintet for the next 'season. • Seuoo 111<111bonihlps are II for 1dults and $4, students. J During the formation , Mrs. William Savage of Costa Mesa was Information regarding t b·e asaoclaUon and Its coocelts named president, and senrtng with her .are Mrs. Gene GrabarniC:k of i! available by calling either Fountain Valley, secretary and Mrs. Ron 'Jones, El 'Toro, treasurer, Bacon at~ or Mrs. Kurt Kupfennan , secttlary 1t 641-1 3186. • The chapter will be outlining activjlies and pl anning fu~d· ~ · · £ Mrs. Roy Harvey Is In J raising projects at uture meetings. An invitation is ·extended to all charge of the reception, and "f women who are interested in aiding the cause. Information regarding assisting , her ate the Mmes. , the meetings and the organization is available by calling Mrs. Savage Bacon, John Coctello, James • at 646-1917. Eubank, Jimniie Kramer , • William Muhlhauser. G. L. . ' Bi·dding, Buying Beckorti.ng 0 Going, going, gone ... " will be the chant heard throughout Balboa Bay Club from noon to 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24, when Har· bor Key Auxiliary presents its AuctioQ. for Action. . Proceed& from the one-day affair will benefit the Child Guidance Center of Orange County, which provides low-fee psychiatric trea.tment for emotionally disturbed children and their parents. Giving a down-to-earth approach to the gavel as he Witlds it over the auction block will be a past -guardian angel of the auxil- iary, Harry Babbitt. To insure a ·plenWul supply of saleable articles, sponsors. are diligently raiding at-- tic~. closets and garages of their own homes and calling on friends and .11eigh~rs to con- tribute generously to the cause_. Besides auction items, bargain tables al so \vill be set up with marked prices, an- nouhced Mrs.· Charles Hostler, chairman. . ~ ! Admission ls $1, which enables s!ioppfrs to dining and bar privyeges pius a chance to win one of the door prizes which will fie called at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. Ticket-holders must be present to"Win. Tickets may be purchased. from any merii· ber and rat the door, or may be reserved. by calling Mrs. Anthony Otting at 673-5802 or Mrs. William l_'(e;iver, fl46.2060. for. l!>ose. planning lunch m the club, reservatiom· are to be made by calling the club at 54W2l1. Donors 'ot sale articles will find convenient collection centers located at the bom.ea of the Mmes. llo;tter, 120 Via Lido Nord, µdo Isle; Wayne Pert, 1911 Swan Drive, Mesa Verde ; Jack ·llfrabon, 1621 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach; Murray Cbotiner, 1~ .Un- coil) Drive, Baycrest; Richard Leonard, 1216 Sand Point. Co!'.Ona de! Mar; Ralph Like, 2542 Vista Drive. Newport Beach, and Louis Pratt, 170 Del Mar Ave., Costa Mesa. 11 Severance and Rannond Teys. ~!!--------------·.--------------' Faure anct ~eo:· " .. t Mak·es $ense, Bank Acc·o.unt -Is No Measure of Happi·ness . . ' , llEAR ANN LANDERS: MJ' husband I started out together, poor but lious. Alter 20 yean of hard wort ire worth about a quarter of a dollars, But Sam .WI works be had to earn nut montb11 He kee)lll eJ(>lndinr and tcltms into more deals when be lh9uJd be taking life easy and enjoying what we have built. , I always worked In the business with Sam and raised a family, too. It was herd when the children we.re smlll but ;didn1 ....,,t tt because be needed . Now I do ram& it beclu.e we ~='t have to wor-Uila bird. We'n jol 'ltlide II. Sim and I baven'I ~ I l'&eatlon in 10 year& Our IUCCCSI .. has madew lltftll,to the dollar. , , My ln-illws keep l>eoQ,. Sam lo pilly ...,. &Olnr> bciy • bcial -but he lnailta be enjOy1 his work the way some people enjoy a~. I envy the modeat fa.miliea .who have ciae car, • 1m1U booa aoct hive to .... all ~-ill !Ue • _trip, lourifl cW.. 1'e att trapped by money mid IUCCtSS. I feel IO lrusttated 1 want .. • to cry. Any recommeodatiolU! ..... RICH BUT POOR. • • DEAR·Rl<JI Btlf POOR: W•Jcome '° + ne Clab. ne •1 liDf: mlqlng from yoar ~r ii -•"'1'1te kMll DflVir .... -,_ -llley ..... ~ .,.. YOlll' "8b•• ii a eompolslve worter ... !lien II M 'boft ..,., lat II. Bal lif1 cu ... ... pod ""' bad. U'• •• 1...i:;,_~1 Sam eoJoyt, Mo -• &irope l!id other pano or the :.1orid · I mode i lerrible mli!m. Now the '° -U1o1 .. cu1 "" -we 'bad m1J rud ebollt, but I _... meney will be eQjoyed> tJ -ChlJdnn aw•r from ft. lat k'• W \.Mc 1 ahf'Q'l '"tOo baly." We mJ.ued weddinp •beu Jt was reall7 m,_ beJeved wifit lie II c~1 #11 -..i ,.., Ill. end Bar llkmihl llld oCller bappy family wl» lllould bave· bad the j>leuure rr.m Ple11e..-. Wm 111 leUer wtdell .WP••• occuklftl beeau!e r' couldn't leave the it..-REGRETS behw; II ml&lll•""1'-·lda-. bust-. ' , When I reacbed my fl2nd birthday, DEAR ANN LANDERS: I ~ my wile' pleaded with me lo retire 1houg)Jt I would write lo you but 1 al lea.II poMJme. Bui I wasn 't sure find now I mmt. ·tr t can preYent anyone else could nm tbe oomPIJ11 nd just one penon from making the mistake 1 Stayed on. She tried q:~ two yean I made it will be well worth the trouble ago, but I couldn't see ll it &oolr: to put this letter togelhcr. t WeJI, elgbt wee.ks •IO I burled my am not a very good writer. wonderfUI wife ud now I tuddenly have My wile ml I ....., lllllTled 4$ years .111en!Y GI lime 111 my banJa. The buaineU We bolb -bard and made more .._,, ...., importanl et ell When money than we could ever 1pe!l!!. Sbe I'm aot Ihm Ullnp IO eJon& 11111 line, beUed me lo take oo on • trip lo Even bolter. I realize loo Joie !bat ! WUt ls Frtlldl kbaln&? b 1\ wreq? --tel Ule -ldq llllllll -Ule "1 or, Ule PIT .ca a ...,._ nddtq: __.? Rm A.a Lud!r_. -. '""-lu -'Teo 1fl1' ~-Call IL"&.-It -Iii eotii _. a~. leU ml•e111•, .,..,.. ••eltf•• ..\a I 1t•1n wlD ............. Jtl .,... ,... pr1•lr• 111111 tllea 1' lier Iii -ti Ille DAILY PILOT eK11d11 I .......... Ill 77 • eswll1pe. • \ ' '· • I " ,, " ' l ' ' i I I I l\ I . ------... • ; jj DAILY PILOT Mo/lcll)', F.._, 17, 1'69 Horoscope '• Sagittarius: .. Another •• ' TUESDAY FEBRUARY 18 •• ,lie! ,......., -piblk!IJI II copconicL Gel ...,. lni-J8' ,.. wlll! to ptoject. .~· StM<1f ,..t ii= yoll ., ·up ud "°"": ~ Ip to pin. Be vmaU!e. SAC/IT· 1 I wllm ,...,. "'"" lllll pt lluq with ..,,_....,.. TARIUS lnclivlduli Pro Y II ud Id~-. .. ¥ ea111,-. Yw'rt fascinating companion. Recruifrnent Plans Soar Young women interested in becoming .airlino stewardesses are invited to the annual Recruitment Day, sponsored !>Y Du~ W'mgs of Orange County. The 10:30 a.m) to 4 p.m. event wfil take place Silturday, Feb. 22, in the Holiday Inn, Anaheim. ,Ready. to fly through attangementa are (left .to right) 'the Mines. WU· liam A& .. , Jan Wright and Muri ottmer. Further infonnation is available by calling Mrs. Leonard Spielmon at 847-4448. · T alkfest Arranged Mrs. Joe Pooley will host tbe meet1ni ol Gamn!a Alpba Nu ebapter, Beta Slpla Pb!, taking place today In her ll!IJI. tlngtoo Beach boi)le. Assiltin& Mn. Pooley, pres!· dao~ will be Mn. Uoyd Crain. Mn. -Sidor .. j 11 ..-it•.-... ..,.·How 11 Your Ct;DvifllJlaa. Mrs. Jelm -wtll olfet Elpreas Yoanell, and -member a pr I z e to be awarded for tbe !110ll lnterelllni xubjecls. Also oo the qllllda wlll be plans for a rulh party to take place on Monday, Feb. 21. ' HB TOPS Club' 87 SYDNEY OMAlll\ , ~ (Oct. :a.Nov, 11): "Tbe wise lnan cootrols b~ YG!I Col. w b a I 100 .-. . !'rtpbull • on It a Pl••, dptlny .... • Astrolo11 polnll ,.._. lmFov• -wltl! the way. 'net.,,..., co-w<irlwl. Avoid ARIES (Marcb ll·Aprll II): Utllise innate ,.... o1 h>- dependence. Be an innovator. Welcome cootacts, cballengel. Accent on love, children and self .. xpresslon. Don't let tlmld individual discourage you. TAURUS (Aprll 20-Maf20): J. oecnt cOu1d be revelled. Don~ IMlmtlle emotlolll. Be cilm, .l'QOl. Avo14 1'earln& belrt on aleeve. Be receptive • ud a ,...i u.t.ner. llol wise , • to commli younell. Play #-· pM&lve role. GllllJNl (May,11.Jl!De 20): Ywr bopel ud wlJbes are tpoWabtecL There· ii move- meo1 ·today -pmlously there WU lmmoNllty. Key Is ·, to bo Ou!bJe, Travel Jndlcaled • -.Y'"" ldOu .... put to test. Come throqb. " CANCER (June II.July 22): ZOE ZORICHAK ·Jun• Rltet Accent on bow far you can 10. 'lbil ii day to clear away emottoaal debrb. Set sights on 1oal. Keynot e ac- complllh!neot. People ln JlO'I· 1100 to aid are ready to do Scott Leighty, so.-the rut ii up to you. pf: 1~Ju~t111~"':.;u!~' Zoe Zorichak Bring forth creative -resources. Write, publish and advertise. Means don't hold bl.ck where views, objectives are . concerned. Spread in-·nuence. Be a ...W. VIRGO (Aq. IS-Sept. 22): Money, po11es1i ons , responslbWty for funds of others -these are em· phailzed. Come to un- derstanding with fapilly circle. Check budJ:et. Be aware of _ financial 1tandln1. Don't pull punches. . UBRA (Sept. 21-0ct. 22 ): Give more than UAUal at-- leotlon to male, parln<r. B< aw.are of public relatlOll!. Pro- To Say Vows Plans for a June weddlni have been revealed by Zoe Ann Zorlcbak of Cool& Mela and Scott M. Leighty, whose engagement was announced by her parents, Mrs. Zoe Heath of Pasadena and Stephen J. Zorichak of Torrance. The future bride is a graduate of Orange Coast Col· lege and her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus R. Leighty of Burlington, Iowa, attended Iowa State Universi· ty. llAlll'ITAIUUI (Nov. ill-.a-.,-)lcootldW. IF TODAY IS YOUR Dec. II)• Good """" aspect , Pllt'Bll (Fob.1•-111): BIRTHDAY you attract olherl .....,,. c o 1•cl4 ~ • with 01>1aJn blnt• 1rm1 AQUARIUI to you during Ume flf cr!Jll. nxDIDCt, ........ rile of ~: frotect vaJi11blH. You ere abxit to gain WUter .,.-i .....,..,.., . • You wblli ln, lrll!lil. Acc<1!1 .., recoan!Uoo. Important ~ ftollb a tn1Jor fa$k. 1You are · mooey, Income poteniltl. y oa l can 6e1 successfully completed. able to ..Jleve )'Qllrtoll. of . -wl>lcb' belqa to IDOtber. , • f "' 'C'1'RIOOBN (llecJ G.Jan. II): !IU'W or,f11.0allty . EmpbuJ.ze ' yaur• \ant q u e talenll, lnlt~. Don't let one with las abUlty ifl"1ade you. Protecl. property Interest .. Be aware ol f\£ture requtrements. AQUAIUUI (Jao.· Ill-Feb. 18): Acceot .. li!ort journey. You tend to be reotlea. Moods THE LOOK OF SCANDIA II ahe'1 the contempoiary typo, •he'll nip over ScandiL ' The altapo II bold. The flnllh II aoft 1nd tmured. The p~ca la ~ght And the time II now. SLAVICK'S Je~lers Sinc11 1917 18 F•shion lsl•nd Newport Be•ch -b44-1 l80 Your Cli1r9• Account W•lcomo -B1nkAmoric1ri, M1it1r Ch1rg•, too Op1n Mon., Fri., until 9:30 p.111, .two for one . .. this week only! Aa a very very special offer now! • will be .-to llve a taUc on a i'avarile 1Ubject, with s......, I Galo TOPS Club meetl evay Monday at 7:30 pJIL . la Smith ~lary Scbcol In Huntington Beach. Only $LOO per visit for yon at • • ,,,.;·· :=; INTIOOUCING IUFFUMS' OWN PEKMANENT'fAYE IY KESTOI 17, 50 rei. 35.00 '1iue .We'.11 wry Pfotri of oor permanent Wlvt sol~tion b'J Reslor. II actua lly helps im~O'le Ille quali~ of your hair 1s H waves. To int1oduce you to Buffums' Own Per1t1ntnt Wave, we 11e includin1 Firmt-Genle Hai1 Cooditioner by Res!Ol lhat h'elps brin1 shinin1 beauty to you1 hai1 and ht tps keep you1 set lonier· \1stin1. We are includin& ii personalized hair-ail. And , 1s 111 added spetial, you will rkeive BJffu111s1 Own ·Hair Spray by Reslor. Beauty SllJdio. 111 st«es exceit Mtrin1 lllll an IPJ'linlmenl 1111!1 lllfluos' Beau~ Stud io -~: Oonloor! Ula l!lldl, HE6'914!; LI-. UE 4-!1040; $111111 Ano, IQ H2&t .... C1111, llA M321; Palos \'ltdOs, Flt 7i731; N-1. 644-1200;'1.1 Hain,694-1911. Buffums· Mania11es .• PHic1111 • Facials • Elttb'ot)1is ' . -.....: c.-.t ............. M+-12'1 • ..... Tlllta..Frl. 11.'0I tfl .... Olllf U.,..1 .. II 5:91 I -- l . LOSE 10 INCHES IN 10 VISITS! Now ••• th.is week only $1.00 per visit with 2 far 1 oHer. Our records show, the average patron, within the fust 10 'Visits, kises a total of 10 inches from waist, hips, thighs, tummy and upper ams. 2'b -"• ll«lill# fi#rn """"".,.,_ when you bring in a friend ••• and, only $1.00 per visit for your friend ••• now, double the results ••• double the fun .•• at one· half the price. Regardless of the length of time needed, in each and every case, ·you pay ONLY $1.00 per visit ... offer valid this week only. · RESULTS GUARANTEED in writint ... Tell us the dress eize you want to wear, we wiU tell you how many visits it t.ak.es, and &uarantee in writiag, that you will ,.acb your goal .•• so absolutely pooi· tive are we that you will obtain your objective, u stated in our gu arantee, we'll even let you have, FREE OF CHARGE, any and all furl.her visit., until you nach your goal. IT'S POSITIVE AS- SURANCE THAT WE BACK UP OUR GUAR- ANTI::E 100%. Call llll NOW for a ample '9iait. DON'T .MISS THIS extnme13' low pzioo ol!er of $1.00 per viait, which includ .. the me of ell opecial· ized reducing machin .. , including Gloria Mamball's patented Circ-La-Matic. Personal instmction in- cluded. No disrobing. We are nl>t a nm. Free child care. can now far a sample visit where :yOu act,. ually use special machines dming lllDlple visit. No dJarre. No obligaQan.r FIGIJRE CONTROL SALONS NEWPORT BEACH--430 Pciclfic Coa't Highway 1642·3630 a ................. ...,c-. SANTA ANA-1840 West 17tfi Street 543·9457 SALONS ALSO IN: ANAHllM, llYDLT HILLS, COVINA, C:RINSHAW, DO WNIT. •LINDALi, LAlllWOOD, LON• llACH, NIWl'OIT llACH, NOITH HOUTWOOD, ONTAllO, PASADINA; SAN Dll•O. SANTA ANA, SANTA IAlllAIA, SUNLAND, TAUANA, TOllANCI, WISTCHISTll, WHITTlll •• , ALSO FllUNO, SAN JOSI, SACIAMINTO, SUNNTYALI AND WALNUT, CAIM'OlNIA. . . -. ' 'l I I 0 ~ p fc ' •• th rt Cl I a thi pr ~ • . ~ • ..... N slip ~ ,, := ai>d •• c Costa Mesa • ' EDITION· ' r ' , • VOC.,62, NO. 41 : 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ~ . .. . ' ~ D"IL V l"ILOT S!fff ,..._ COSTA MESA'S ST. CLAIR DISPLAYS 'VISUAL AID' FOR UPCOMING .FREEWAY HEARING Colorful Councilman Hopes to Convince H19hw11y EnginHrt of Ei-rol's In Design .. 235 on Petition Against Coast Oil Drilling Oil :_(:ompany to As~_ Mesa ' . • For Drilling Prob:e O~ay . ... . . .. A total of 235 opponents o{ the Shell Oil :;;nr·led plan ~ ~inlt_' a .test boH! i0ff1 Newtdt ~., bave llgned~a·petJi!on 1lenl'llldinp10 oil dril~ Ing off the Orange Coait. . Oil cOmpany execulives toallht will _all .·other city· apeclft~tonS J"'.wfd ,·l>e '01'\_a ...rut ~ . ....,.. ...... met. . ·1 " io"•< . city r~I"-j • :"1" ~ ~ . ·~· pro l ' ;i: J...i.ton IS'" . ,,.-_,.,, -. p ~I!!" y. . ' ""'""'" I ]$>ralory,tests.to ~.M ,fe!rii*1 . ~~~t..19 "lfio' '11\e petiLioners, most of whom braved chilllng wind and rain Saturday morning to tour Upper Newport Bay, signed docwnenls which will be presented-to the Newport Beach City Council Tuesday Jtes deep w.cs:er a ~·the" city/ ~~~~"1~~~ 'No drilling or bluliq WW !>e involved d.ta Mesa ·db' fathers h.Ve: tridl· in the PfObe. proposed for Paularino UooaUy taken 1 d1ni yiew of oJI J.ntetestt Avenue property near the Newport mov.ing 1into the city an4 municipal ,Jaw · when it r.ieets in special se11ion to draft opposition to the test drilling. Freeway, Standard Oil Co; officials prohibits any oU prOduWon operations. · assure City Manager Arthur R . The short agenda to be covered in- McKenzie. eludes a controversial variance 'IJ>- The lrlp around the bay and tho peli- tion were both fonnulated by the Friends of Newport Bay. The group conducted a tour of the estuary hlghUghied by stops along the way for lectures from experts on the natural aUributes of the area. Geopbysical Field Representative R.T. pl~lion dJSCUSHd. ,at Wigth ·tw~ .weeks Golde.n says in a Jetter of application ago, for Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mctw that tht exploratory progr:am will be to . expand their home_ at Z!M9 Pemba "done by beaming vibrations deep into Drive. • subterranean strata. The McCartys want to add several Pinging back somewhat on a sonar roo~s .t~ the.ir home In the Mesa Vetd~ principle the vibrations will be subd1v1s1cri, but en apparent majorlty monitored by geophones placed. sym· of their neighbors oppose it completely, The group protests the drilling, acbeduled to start within the nei:t four weeks, "because It would seem an in-. evitable precursor of enlarged com· mercial drilling operations." ' metrically around the property to create (See PROBEt Page II a plcture o( what lieslar .below. ""' The petilioners also cite the heavy damage brought on by the reeent oil leak in the Santa Barbara Channel. tbey ask that no drilling be done oU the Orange County coast in 'ilher federal or state-controlled waters. The peliUons also will go to the state Lands Commission, which approved the drilling. Standard Oil ' Co. executives say the entire job wlU take only two days, with no risk to the city and any potential liabilities Incurred assumed by the petroleum company. Under tenns ot the application for a testing permit, Golden asks for a 60-day period, saying the firm will notify the city 24. hours before the proposed test begins. . He · said the operation would be com- pletely soundproofed. to protect sur- rounding area residents from bother and Newport Council Cal·ls Special Session on Oil Newport Beach city c o u n c 11 m e n , spokesmen and commlsslon members angered over last week's · announcement said is not intended to yield oil or , of propostd test drilling a mile off g85, would start within the next four Newport Beach by a group of oil com-weeks unless lhe commission withdraws panies, have called a special meeting its approval. ' for 4 p.m. Tuesday to plan their fight Both commission and company sources against the operation. said last week that, if trace. of oil The meeting was called 'fod'ay. The or gis are discovered during the drilling council will draft a resolution opposing proced\lf'e, the hole would1 be capped the pla,n Jed. by Shell Oil Co., and will immediately with concrett:. request that the state Lands Commission A state Lands Qivisloil qineer ·on call ollllis appntVal ol the tesl drilling. board Ute .cuss· I drilling veosel will , The Council is al9o expected to draft have the IO~ determination ovef, lhe a resolu!lon demanding a ltearilll1telot.e · aspects· o1 lhe-drJIUAc project. sourcea •. .. . ' . ~ . . .... the comml-. Which. on oJan-2 ~P-said. .. • · ' ~· .. \ . . . proved an eight-company drilling pro-An adminlstra11~ alde , for , the com· .. poolil •kept ~·until lasl week. mlsslon. aald-'111~; .Ille c\"cl!fon to A day after !be comJl!lulon's approvsl, keep the appjvval ~ ~t!("--· licl- Sbill OU Co. and • .......i other tlrms mlalalrath• -emr lli•illl*'tl ... liola &eian. the.fr nm core simple drilling Barbara oil i.'leU." .. _. IMid .thl&-,.. tll'IMill~ ''nil -k 111 conUnuing with \Qually "by pollC)'I .. f!ID!I '~ " :dbii ot\ 11,aot.toot esplotalory bole. the, pa'rticulan .on ~ Air~ ·ifite Newport drilling, which Shell • proje<!ii~Pliri>Yed bylll! com!rilliltonl '· • 'Ille . IMll do 0.: "drtlllnc • hU drawn i.,~· -~-·. . ' Coart Qiteen ' NE\V'YORK-(AP)-The llOCk market slipped backward today and fook ill laQiesl IOOI on• ,,..,...._. sine< Jan. 6. (See quotaUons, Pages 26-1'7). The Dow Jones average ol 30 Indus· trial IHue cblpo droPPed lU3 te-'37.'ll. Rllll wee off Uf, · u!IH!iei ·eued .!4 and IS 1tocD were down 4.13. t. ::.. from ..a bdtb the 'l'".!Z of a!:: ... ~ Super-L · biantJ __. have thrulened .. -.. lnjllnctlon qalnlt lhe drtillJ!I ;irb1cJt lhq -cOolrary to sllte law. The·aupetvllon bued thelr.allgation on the SheU-CunnJncltaln Act, •blclt pro. hlblil ofllbore drllllog operallom .... 111 ol the Sanil Ana River jelly. t Orange Cout ,Colltl• coed Georgia l\l~ell-¥, 19, New> port Beach, ~ed Ibis week .. end ·as "Queen• Of beiirts" ,, occ Pirates mer ~ ..... .lolt'n rivals, Golden ·wesr Coll.Se RusUera ID baakelball. tilt. si.. pie.!lded ovet, dance .for ..,, donU ·froln bOOi ldloolJ ~ lowing game won by ·OCC 92-91. -. / • N.Y. "te'ek• • ' T . ,,TEN~ ~ 1 •I I I • , t -as·t· ·Route. Talk · .. J . . ' ' ..,. ,; . . . . .. . ... An aquanaut exploring the ocean floor oft San 'Clemente hl&nd in~ a teat .of man living acllnil .the -diOd ·1oc1o1 of . an apparent heart attack IOO. fiiet beneath the surface. The U.S. Navy idenUfied the vicUm as Berry L. Cannon, a civilian electronics engineer. He had arrived. on the bottom near the yellow-painted 70-foot long Sealab III at 4.:88 a.m. with th{.~ .other dlvetJ in a trander cap&Ule. · "Two dlven left tbe1 capsule at 4:51 to go to the· habitat,". said _Capt. WOijam M. Nlchollon, btOd .Ii the Seplab·Pl:OJeCI. "One rt.• two diftl'll·wu Cr.nnOn. "At J a.m. While 6n route,.to the habitat be WU -.ell ... · M la dlf· ficulty ~ by the other dfftr ... by a tel<\')llo~' ipoottor on · tllll· .~, 'hip at tbi -""act. · .. . i . ~~ . · "He was retUrned JmmedfatelJ "to ·the :.,C.llii!d1--'~~ and~~J'~t,_.,.. w,l!enot•~•~'~ !'1-~ljoa; a ~1~··~~-'f< . Nlcholisoln1iltl 111 _.,.lion of can- D011'1 dlv!ng equipment lndlcalod It ,.., operating normally inti mediC.I officers present. felt that "eannon'• death was caused by cardiac: arre:st occurrln& in the course of a clffp dtve." . . It waa tbe first fatality In 51 man days of underwater exp)otiUon for the Navy's Sealab progfam 'linte itUUal es· perimenll ~ 1,lk . ( ' Jn Washlniton •. a Navy s~kesman said a medical officer attributed • cannon11 death to "cardiac arrest." Cannon and another diver left a 90-Clll· ed penonnd tranlfer caPlli1o lo awlrii to the underwater 1aborl.t0ry. ·An ornc111 (See <'QUANAIJT, P ... I) • . . . vacuum Cleaner Company Sued In ·sales Fraud SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The slate flied a '2 million law suit against the manufacturer of Kirby Vacuum Cleaners and 89 Callforni1 . di!tzibutor1 today charging fraudulent 18.lea pracUcea. The sull flled In Sacnmenlo County Superior Court cliarged that the Scott and Fetzer Co •. of Cleveland and the California distributors made' falH: sales claiml to prospedlve cultomer1. Alty, Gen. 'fli!linu ~-Lnic;h, who" consumer fraud .&ftllon fUed the actloo, called lhe Kirby 11lel praCuce'1 • "swindle." · The suit, charled that amGnl other things Kirby aalmlwi aokl uaed vacuum clea~1 11 , new; tOkl· ~tive purcbuer1 tbey were contest. winner• when there wu no con~;' and clalmed falsely that K1rby salesmen were· com- peUng agalmt each other in a sale.s contest. • Lynch sought '2 million fn ezempllry damag.,, civil penaltla of ·'8,IOI 10< each a...ned lab< nprelOlltatlon macta during the lut year and an ·lajnnc:tlon IA! prohibit furtber llle1ed .lr-actlvlU... • • . . . Beach ofOclalis ravoi; one 1C1Ulh froni lhelr·cltj limltl' aioni existlnl' Saporllr' Aftnue. ,,. . ~ Costa .M .. a Mayor ,AJYla L. ~' uid JQda1. thot· 119'"cbolCe of a ROuta . 11' alliqment .;tu' be made by'lila':tom- 'l'""llY'i City, .CO\Jn\'il. lor ailmo liml,. yel . tiollll!I! "We· want to lbten to what ~ yt ~ haTe to say Tuelday," the mayor.,... mented, "and we hope anyone who ii (See FµEWAY, Pap I) ' ' Three Yaehts Seized, ... . ' . Lflgµna Man C~p.t~r.ed· I ' 'f , ~' • I ~ .;.,, ' By 0.t;Jni~unist -~hinese By . ARTHUR· IL Vll'llEL .Of .. --Pllll .... ' -Diplomatic manttMn are uilder way today lo tree ihHe ylChta captured by Red Chineae gunboats on a Hong Kona:-to- Macao crulH Sunday, one skippered by a La&una Beach aviaUon plant executive. state Department off I cl a 1 s in . W1slilngtoa aaid today they. are op- Umlltlc abeut quick releuo oC Simeon llaldwln, 51, ol 1311 CUii Drlve, alid II other peraono aliofa1I the v~ :the three boata ielled were among a flotlUa of · Hq llfl!il!. llonl Y acl>I Club er~ wlilcli aot cilal 'on Ifie . 6-inile coUt&! ...tu•... ..i..•-•..:..•ta olflclal " ••• _..,.\ ~ ~t"' ~"'~~ .1\!11 Cl#. and ' !hi """' 'l\Ol)C cov~~ . -:.: ... ~~ r~:~ ebb, .~.tho ·=, ~·~·~'~·:~~ •.'· ~-~~':s;!i : '. ~· W,on .!hem · . t , at#fllot ·~ ~·-. do .pOI . .-.antt-Yfnke' ln~i!!I<·.,.; . . Fodt Americans ·art amc!itt .Uie II per.onJ, beijeved lo .be h.iJ<l l<i: vl01a~"'1 of the U-mlle terriloilal waleri" Dini! c1a1mec1 by r.ialnllnd Cbinii, -1roopo: captnred the '"°'" 8wiclay. . . · The· U.S.·-Oimula~ ~r.i 1 In Hon& K0n1 lde0tllied the lhne :l'ankl Jtesldef B,aldwln u :Jhese: · .. ' • . , -Boule H. Doaald, .44, Ii Br~ VL, a publie iei.,Uon, .aDdr ,aqy~ Cdltlt41anl ' wlto .lives In· 1kio8 K'"'g and W~'-1board:· Ba1<1wln11 •foot yawl The Morlsufn.' . · · . . .:...J• Vea ' Sydow, .. 41l 'fornierlY' .ol SpoMan..,WUh'., arli!'wlle•Qf S~b-lloln Chriada1tVpil.Bydow, who ls·at;> belllYid' In cUllocfY aJOll& wltli. tlie ·couple'• two dauahtan. ' · · ' ...:caro1111e · P. ZIUJ(, 10, ro<merly ot Coldrado Sprtnp, Colo., now step- dauahler ol Hector IL .Rola a Br!tlah Hong Jlong 1ovemment ;rtlp1oye and 9wner of one of the ilFet' capt~ yachts, ·, Mystery enveloped the dlaappmance or the boats Sunday, shortly after Red. Cblneae gunboail and .junkl 'reportedly barassed tho M••ao-ttound nollJla aitd rammed one yacht in heaVJ'MU. "It'• almost a fore1one conclusion that they are ln Red Chin•, but we just cennot say deflnltely_ Until '!fe bear trom ·pie other aide/' 1 Bona: Kon& em1-sary aald alteroanl. Only Ill< ol lhe yachll l~volved In the holiday v;,a1e -al'eidi' lrowned upon by ollk#la .:... . .Vlft cleared. p1ana wllh lhe llona K""4 Dl«•D.epartmen~ I lpoftaM lbeJ1 Mid. • . . • . .' The atbod veaeli belldft Baldwlnla Moraiuilf'wete ia~illled u .-: .uni. Na.'Mara"tnd !iiO Sydo!r tomlly'a llewr· It, accordlnc lo olflclAlo ~ lo ·ae- IUr:f their ftttdom. ' • · r ~plal!JllnC the voyllC tb1a ,.Ur ...re wahied .ii stribleil relatloaa wiih Petlnl,.<due 'lo l~t of Coa\- niw!llll··blamOd far' a~ 11111 .antl-llritlah relgn ol terror !n llOiil Jtolll. · · • Lui rlidlo tnllk lioard lrVm the oebi!d ' . . .. .. ; · HE~D :av:· ctl1NESE , • : ; L.-1vM'1 ·.a.hlwln .. : ~ . . . . I boa ta,_,... .• ~·· Imm . llal41'hl iu-u ailOard ·the Mor c • .' 'lihidl il1•«oPY oi ~,laml!d HoiW°'~ yawl ~; . , "l! !""ml they WU\t , lo -U, They m boarding ·us.. O'Ver aftd 1ciut, • lhe monitored broadcut aald. Baid.!n~ wile ' Mmorle aald locta1 .,. u;~~Je'•· ~:~ i.GiM• that abe bu ·)ieord. pGihlnl ·--Iha U.S. Slate~ a-·llle-of her huabaad'S Ca~Ovity. : Watern : dlploiiiall were ~ »· broachlng the aubject wllh P11id!w; • beci1111 America 'doOa. oot r""'IJllra Ille malrilaitd Cb!U· govemmenL • , ' · The Baldwin! ha!• ihHe dtlldn!p, ,Si. :· meon lll, 28; Lynne, 24, and .Jam11, ...,. 20, a Saddleback Junior •Collqe - who lives at the family home. • Mn. Baldwin aald her hUlband la !*<II-· dent ol Air stocb Lid., a Hoq K~ eel llnn ' lonnojed 15 ,..,. ago · 1or dlatrtbutlng avlaUon parta lo al<llneo la • lhe Far East, when! be hU -21 yean. . '· Buslnesl·inlaosts·prevented--I returning to-Lqwta Beacb al Oirtalmu, . but be waa home tdx ....,.... qo and " ia lenllttvei1 ICilodDiod .. a, bact tbla Oruge w-e11er Just a Ulb of rain, !be........,.. man p'omiaeo,• splaltarlbc the c:itd' ·'l\leoilay · and ~· tiP Tueoda1 nicbt-T~ will bit ~· the II iltirt. INSIDE TODAY- Fin4~"-'st Sr!ola Porttr putr tlw .. 0%.. In ·tau• wilh Ille fin.I of o 10.J""I Hrit1 'of 'hOJ1"~10lll;F1U di~ ~ to · llelp· ,_,., find fftu. -l<QOl loopllol<• "' Ill< fa:( '°"'· rr1 ... ,. u todor. . " " · - i , • ~----~ -- l ' • 1 i i • • • . • • • .·' ~ J DAJLY PILOT -' .~.r,,.. J . ... . . . . YACHT ... c:oonl ol wlial happened to the thrte • m;.aiD; yiditl wu ,r,. by Dotd>bo<a Enrird Van Kon;wbooe 1JCl>l Nordlca ~~-.....,.... , .. Ill, Ill"! ... loll ... II*!' lm!lariol watm, we .....,, spolttd li1 Comllllmlot ChlMM pl!lboats -lod wilh .,..U.U. ol Mao • • • lhtJ polDted machine ·cuas ud AK a automatic rtna, then ialled arowid .. and lef~" bo aid. The Ou.tchmao said two other sunbolll and five junb air,rOUllded !hem 10 miles off Macao, It which t1me a CbkttM Army officer and two told.ltn boirded the Nordica " though see.king ref""'8. "I see we are friends," the officer said in En3lish, pinnifll propacanda badg.. on the big)>-necked Mao-tty~ tunics worn by the Dutch new( photographer and a colleague' sallb1&: • aboard the yachl Pitching in the high sest, however. the Red Cbineae laWICb-bad 1maahad. into the NordJca. catl&lq: aome d.amqf, but she wu eacorted into Maca0 Harbor by a Portugueae gunboat. Yachtsmen eJpr<Sled .... fear fw the '\lll'ft ,.iJed v....ia, '-blch canied- uteBslve electronlca aear rir navtaaUon am might be cbargad will> -e USS Pueblo-type esplona1e acUviUa. Mesa Family Loo.king for Dog : A Colt& M~ family ha luued aa appeal lot llelp in 'findlll( their loot dog, whose crippled male pup ls ex· tremely for1orn without bla morn - not to mention the · lonely human dill· dren. . • -Sextuplets Gingw, a ab:-year111d mh<ed IAlrrler- dacbshiind belOllP to the Joe Taylor fam- jfy, oC 831 oJann.-St., and was last teen Dec. 13 al Jill> 'Slreet and w .. tmll!llter Avenue. ·· -~ ' She ls tan and wu wearing a chottr chain wit ha rablel -lag numbend 71, and may have beei ·atoten, 10 the Taylors ..-. ollerln( a reward for her return. _ Pachsbund held by Angelique Cox, 7, of 3202 Washington SL,. Costa Me18y -is _proud momma of squirming group. of pups in for.eground. -uuer l>orn lo pet belonging lo Angelique's family is considered rath- er .large for such a small dog. Mother find pups are doing fine. "She ,lan't &D apenslve !!og, but she's awfullY valuable to DI,". l&)'I Mrs. Taylor. From PGfe 1 Anyone will> lnforinallao about Ginger can reach the famlly b)' cal1lng Taylor Motors, a Costa Meaa forelp car repair shoP, FREEWAY HEARINGS • • • Ensign· Students interested in the question will come to the hearing ... -Aerial mapo, charts and Jiholographs sbl>wlnc the alled<d -dowotown Colt& Y.eaa area and the Superior Avenue leg preferred by Newport Beach of!idall are still on display at each city hall. B.. ~ City official.I were IODlewhat disap-Help l · 088 . pointed at cltiun turnout recenUy when ~ , ,4 -, · apokesmen from Dlllrlcl Seven of lbe · ~ • State Division of Highways appear'ed S t a d t •n ~ .. at , ·~~~ at a special Costa Me11 freeway roult latarmedlate:.....,"'--.......... ..... . 6 .-. r ._. ,,.,. ....if. -.ion. lied er.a -~ uij1 uve · Handbills all\l pootcards have since ~ \tfafi.111 all lald, rlol:..ltjy boen mailed to hundreds of torpayl!1's "':~ ~-~Uiatt.. ;~ ~ ..... ~·. -.:i,d=1ar=-i: :i.iioe: ~~, .... ! '°" J'.9COl'dl ~ WI!;: •M1UU1~ or no change-in the cbo6en route. alJo provided lllO bolin k1ta for prl!IChool Navajo Indian clilldrtn: 741 gift boies MARKED UNE to be sent' ~ the wcr1d; TT,6'11 Back in 1944, wheri much of the now---... d<Y<loped area waa mere pulure, the favors for hospital meal trays; $00 State Division of Highways engineers Christmas and Easter place mats for toolt a pencil and marked a line right lbe USS Haven holpllal lhlp, and scorei don Newport lloulevard. of Vietnam frlendablp ldll-That II to be the Newport Fmway The recm'ds were kept from tbe. begin-under the policy exiatlng for aome 20 ning of the Junior Red Crou Olapter years, but· aareement between Harbor or the school In lllZ: Area citiea that Umes have indeed thane· !d led to reopezµn, of the route question. Sputnik Cabbage '-' Sputtel'._s Q_ut? It said right on the bag "Sputnik Cabbage.'' And the growers ju&t -about went into orbit when their expectatioos of fields full of giant cabbag_e ])]ants weri reward· ed with the vision of dainty, dwarf - cabbages gently waving their Uny-grttn leaves in the January air. It brooghl lllgh1and Ranch, the Irvine growers, into Superior Court to file a $35,000 damage suit against Champion Seed Co., the sellers. They claim, among other things, thal C h a m p I o n mim!presented Its product. DAllY PllOl o•-.1<4Gf C04St ~U•LllM!NG (Oo't"'AN'f JeMrt N. W114 •-akknl •"' P""~ll'ler J1ck J. CMrl1y \loot Pre1i*nl '"' (';'"''"' ,,,...,._ Th11111t K11w il ..... Th1m•1 A. MMrpki111 Mln"i!ll !"fl!• P1~I Nl11111 AM!"lltillt Olnd., c.... w ... OMee lJO W11+ l1y S+,..f M1i1i11tM4r•1tt P,0 . 1 .. 1140, •1616 • --,,.._, 9tfdl.1 nn ~ .. ._. ~,.. Lt-0.Kll~ tt2 Flf'ltl "'"""""' ~ ileldH .. ""' P9ft There wu no publlc bearing at all !!' years ago. Colt& M.,. City Councflmsn William L. St Clair, a longtime proponent of pre!etYing Newport Boulevard ii it is for an intercity blach trailic lint, is set to appear Tueaday. Using one of his colorful audio-visual aids -he call& them gimmicks -St. Clair plans to demonatrat.e the bor· rendoua potential problems to be en- countered at one parUcular intersection, if the route 111 not changed. The specllic locatioo la the someUmes· snarled, Harbor B o u I e v a r d-Newport Boulevard triangular interchange, at which one coalitlon hopes to build Paseo Grande, an overhead, right-Of-way span· ning mall of plctureaqut! :Shops. The proposal is backed by Colt& Mesa Tomorrow Inc., an a1ency which "trill be npresented at the Tuesday hearin& by a Newport Beach attorney. RARELY REOPEN A press release prepared for the arganlzatlon by consul ling engineer B. W. Wllllamson notes that only ran!ly doea the state reopen a route question and coli '"' a -choice. Another group which will be represented Tuesday ii the Costa Mesa Downtown Buslnesamen'• Alloclatlon, which -like the other group -ha members who favw a new route as welt as some who do not. Stole olllclall conducllng the hearing in the Junior Exhibits Building oo lhe fairgrounds at 81 Fair Drive, will doubtlea repeat th6lr criteria for chool- ing an ollernate route: -The effectl on tht communlt y throUl!lt which It J>W•'--Tbe deiree to which lbe rou1< will handle ulsling and Mure lrafllc dllOaadS-. -Tbe lnlltal COii ol the olternate route. which includn both COOJinlCUOD 1 ... and --ol rf&hl-<>f-W'1. Tbe Jow·t~ varlatlw In pi or-<! Route 16 allpmenll Uu<ulh the alleci<d ... al Colli !I.,. ranee lro!n '10.1 million to fl0.7 milllon la conslrUctloo COIL!. Tbe cheapest would be the cumntly adopted l'1MllA!, while the mqot expensive woold be the ~ R»Blut Roule. wll1od> loopo out _!ward larlhelt lrwn the boulevard. °" the other hand, the olnad1 cholen boulevatd-allcnln1 Route 16 Frwtray rcute would 11ve mot«iata •ts milllon 1eu .. .,. a IO-year period lban the most drastk varlallon. Uw·aavlngs flguru are computed (, aver ·t)le JO.year period the Newport Freeway, will serve before becoming out- dated, based upon time, auto wear-aod· tw depreciaUon and other factors. Tbe bearln& Tuesday will .feature T. Fred Baglha.,, assistant slate director of. public works, as presiding olflcer, with State Divtaion of filghways aides in supporting roles. Dlstrk:t' Seftn hig'hways c i: p e r t s present ' will inclu'&e Deputy District Eoglnett f.,W. lloy; A"lsllnt Dlslrict E,nilneer · Wllllam K. Hashimoto, and A&sistant District rughl·of-Way Agent Al M. Lynch. Following the state hearing, the city must hold a hearing, probably in four to .six weeks, Mayor Pinkley said today, wbilo the Slate Highway CommJ.sslon may have a lblrd hearing. UUtlmate choice of a Route 55 align· ment rests with the state-wide agency, which ls not requited to Jtage another public hearlna: if its members chooee not to adopt a new route. Boozing Burglar . Strikes Again, leaves Tipsy Setting an apparenUy impossible 1aal for himself, Co!ta Mesa's boozing burglar sneaked in and staggertd' out of another home unable to completely lick Us liquor locker. Mrs. Caroline A. Draheim, 3001 Warren Lane, called police Friday to report IORleooe had pried open the front door of her family's home. Officera Aid the intruder -vi'ilh one thing on his mind -sat down at the kitchen table and killed off vodka, whiskey, and brandy, drinkinl ri&ht out ol the four separate botUes: Thirst anil capacity gone, he left presumibly a bit unsteadily, toking olong another -quart . al b41b quallty cosn•c be couldn't finish at the scene, but nothlnl else. Last time lhe burglar ran into a cache of the heavy waters, he had gathered up valuables bidden In anbther home, but, alter 1ppar<ritly quenching hl1 lblrst, deparl<d. for1ettlng about $700 worth ol jeWelry .. Fro,.. r.,e 1 PROBE ... or in part. Great debate was generated two weeka: ago before action was delayed until the followln1 meeting, at which time a full, live-man c;ouncll could be present to dl9cus1 the matter. Some Meal Verde aua residents com· ptaln that a wet bar lncluded In eipanslon plans for the home -which lncludea both tels of In-laws and ~n1 children ...:. ls a step toward a duplex rental setup. Slnce. the hoUy4ebated variance ap- plication wu dl1CW1sed Feb. 3, one McCarty youngster. Shawna . s. w11 traglcoll,J killed when crushed Feb. I by 1 hot water heater. The heater. replaced ln COMecLlon with a portion of lhl!i mnodelllna job permit- ted by the city councU earlier, wu •lttlnl CMllllde awaiting cllspooal when It .... !Mnped by chlldml playlnc. Tiie heavy heater toppled .... and crushed Shawna aptnat 1. ctmtnt w1lkwlQ' and she w11 deltl on arrival II Costa "'tA Memorial Hospital. dits. Hit Cities ·· Combine . ~f· :~Times.)~-'~r ,l\'lutµ~ Aid .. ~-(:aunty . Local 14:• d~ In a ab:-clty ,, , , area bav9f' been 1ttambllnt ~ <fW city to lljlOther ' In a sbab down run of the eounty11 new mutu&I aid system. . Armed robbet1 atruci.: three times ln oranp County ' Sunday ~bl, to Fullertoo, Saoto.Ana and 8-Park. ,,.... ..... ~ ol robb!Of • Jluena Park marbl a1 •1,soo were, picked up by Aa•h<im !>Ollce. Tiie vlctlm wu Rollert. llulbny, 111 ol Gardon Gro" in Ju 'Market, Marichester Avenue and Beach Boulevard. "' ,. · -by Anabel;. -~ 1q11o...;, • .._.._ ~llCl'lptloa al lhl llllJ>OCI Cit nre David L. Vrleie, 2J,1Willlam T1 Fllnl, IO, aml Erw! C. Sbaler, .. all ol Salt·Lalle City, Ulah. . -~ '!,JOO \!U l'e_COV~, ,l!Ollee 'Cta Ana. two~ a~ No,ber! :lljcker~ 44, ol 'Sonta Alli,~ lllmtlJlll4o Beach, Colla M t s 1 , Newport' 8Mdl, FOOllllaln V a J-1 e.y W-and Seal Beach from Art& Six ~ Oranp County's 'new lll·area m111¥&1 ·old program. Tueoday, Tlwnday and Friday the Ar.. Six llre · departmenl.! have been f9lllnc to 11,i.t llmulaled larae flra in JOYeraJ JoCalloal. . ' '.'.!)lada1. unill rolled to Sal\lb ~ Pllza, when Colt& Maa firemen ,..... praonllnc to battl& a blaae tJiat roqulred belp from other dUes- . Tburaday, the -of a oimlllalod ni;., wu the-Ganco store in FOOllllaln- Vllley. Frida•, I-balUed a mall" 'bel\il'O 'l>&oo ' flrll.-at. 'Ibo .~­Center In Seal Beach, then latar at tlio Sheratoe -Beoch Inn In Hunllrillo• Beach. ~ of the mock flra baa boon 1o ,.. ~ local dtlM could -111Y woik tof<!ther to contn>I a large llte, -'!be bitak. -Into Ill< ama1T .,.., . ror ,fltbUal firel rib mutual aid WIS ln'l•a!Ad t1ila ,.... in or..,. County. · Jn the past all mutual old llru were coonllna1ed tlll'oqb the Counl)I Jl'ire. i>epartmelll In Or----caus-ing. • rirfat an>OWlt of coofulloo and heavy !'ldlo 1rafflc. Fire, ollldals '"111 today lbey hope Ibo new system Will 1ell!I lo fWr aad more allldait coopentloo ....., c:Wes In flPUal 1arp -- aal<ed whore _lhl .-. clerk waa. Jla l , · • llldruaU11otant1n ·Bod'•Uquorston.,, i a ~ .. W 1~ M • :\~_w. Mo!'~ A.,,.~ no1.,00 {,.Ceuare: oriu, · arines Dluatidled with 'the answer one Of 1: ' ~ " ..... ' ' Ibo bandita llruck Rickerl "" the· heacf '' ;;!'~to~atl~;:=.-: ~ Near'. --Pac· -t on: f"reenbel~t atlendant. 1bey took nothfnc. {7 Rickerl was ·taken , 'to Riverview .. _ Hospltal and held for observation. A service station WU robbed early thll, momJnc in Fullerton. • . Mike lloalr~t, :H, of Fullerton told pollce a Jooe biJ!c!1t ~a -""be and a Van Dyke beard oimlllated pos1wloil' al ' IUD and took _ aa-,m. determlned amount ol ' cub. Scene ol the roblllty ... lilt Mun Oil Co., 2°'5 <;ommonwealth Ave. • Hickel Declares Oil Companies Liable for Slick WASHINGTON (UPI)-Inlerlo r Secre- tary Walter J. Hirkcl today is!lued reg- ulatlo.na. making oil companies liable for the cost of cleaning up any pOllutlon from oil.shore drilling on federal leases. The regulations, effective immt>di· ately, make companies responsible for any polluUon without the government having to prove 'the.y wett at fault . Prior to HlckeJ's order, regulations stated lease holders "shall not pollute" the sea, but said nothing about liability for pollution. Hickel · toughened ·drilling regulation~ in .the wake of ~lluUon fr~well in the 5anto Barbai'a chaQnel l stilned miles' of'°Soot.bem c.ntom1a a'ches. · An Interior Dtpartment spokesman noted that Union Oil, owner or the <;IU.. lomia well that 'leaked from Jan. 21 to Feb. 7, U!urned re~ponsiblllty for that pollulion from the 'beginning. Former Newport Man On Senator's Staff Former Newport Beach r e 1 I d e n t Richird D. Reddick will serve as new Sacramtnto admiril1traUve a.ulstant for State Senator William E. Coombs (&San Bem1rdino County), it was announced today by the senator. Redcllct, 31, attended. Harbor Area sCbools and USC and was associated wi.Ut hfi father, Ben, on the oJd Newport Harbor News-Preas newspaper. Reddick alao publllhed papen in Rlalto where he and his wile. Donna, now makl! their home. 20 Burned on Train JOHANNESBURG, South A!rica CAP) -A pa~senger train crowded with Afri· can workers became a blazing inferno Monday when a gasoline tan!< car Jump- ed the tracb: and hit the train. Leisute World uecuUve"s and U.S. Mar!Jle Corps , .\Ir Stalioa olflciala at El-Toro are repOrted. Maring agreement on -a!lblbblng a permanenl greenbelt throl'lh . the ceoter ol 'the reltrement 'community. j , llobOtt ~ a Roumoot -(Leiaure WorldJ,porp. altOniey, tOld or..,. Coun- ty au)>!maors Uiot negotlaUOllll •tarted llVJ. nionlh.s alO aliy _ cooclUde wllbln . to' days. , •--. Aa· ordinance enacted. m years ago by ·1uperv!Jora bad baoned rtlldenltal -I°' the land, a -gr<enbelt S,000 feet wide right-of-way through the middle of the Laguna HiJls community. The land is dl.rectly ~OOer the 1ir SEALAB CASUAL TY Diver C1nnon Fro111 Pag~ 1 AQUANAUT. • • said Cannon w'as observed having dif- ficulty during this swim. He was brought back to the transfer capsule and taken to the surface, where he was pronounced dl!ad . Cannon, a 1962 gr&duate of Florida State University, is survived by his widow, the former Msry Louise Rutkow· ski of Chula Yisla, Calli., and their three son! -Patrick, Kevin, and Neal. approich to the main nmway of the MariDe bue. Supervisors are to ·meet Thutlday to consider" an emergency eitenaioo to the pact whicb eaplred Feb. JI. The attorney told the aupervllors by lotter lhat six proposals bad been cllscUJsed by the two agenll inclUdlDI a swap of land. . . Barnes llSllJ'ed. supervilorl that. tb1 Rossmoor Corp. would not · attempt · to develop any of the greenbelt land unW some agreement is reached. SUperv!Jon agreed lo hold any lellala- tion ·atfecUng the belt until some further word wu: given them. Babysitting Proves Too Much For 14-year-old Noise, quarrelling and a tot who wet on his lap proved to be t.oo much for a 14-year-old babysitter anested by Costa Mesa police Swxlay night on suspicion of assault and battery. Parents of four small chUdren left with tbt: boy ~ed police when a aobbing S-year-old told .of being struck by his babysitter. for discipline. "Yeah, I smack.e(S them,'' lhe youth reportedly said when que1tioned by Of· ficer Wayne Harber, alter which he was arrested and turned over to juvenile authorities for more action. Offw:l!r Chuck Hof{ard photographed. a 2-year-ola girl with a red bandprint on her fact and her 3-year-old brother, but none of the four youngsters, from 2 to 6, were badly hurt. Mesan lnjur~d In Freeway Crash: Gary Marvin Jones of 3017 Coolidge Ave., Costa Me!a, is in critical condition Jn Costa Mesa ~femorial Hospital !ollow-· ing a one-car accident Sunday oo tht San Diego Freeway near Fairview Road. California High\\'ay Patrol officers said Jones evidenUy lost control of ·his car: which crashed into a guardrail. He was' pinned in the car. Hospital attendants said he has not~· responded to treatment and is suffering fro1n a fractured pell is and internal injuries. He has been in surgery twi ce' since the accident, they reported. He' is now under intensive ~re. I . . . . . ,._. . ·.. : i,' ' , ... · \ ~ -··- .. ., :J-ine 0 OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE 'COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •ring• sized and repaired • diamonds and precious atones remounted • •pearls restrung , WE CUSTOM DESIGN le MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY EJ HAllOl IHOPPIN• CIN1U UOO HAJIOl a YD. • COITAMISA lnvsn1u 1411-Mll HUNTl ... TON CINTll llAC:H I IDIN•Q HUNTIN•TON llAC:H HZ.1111 Opal -. -. I'll. Tit ' ...... Ellll 111 PI ft 1• I • . . ' ' ~' . . ,. -' ' L ,, I_ • -~--~-----------...:..._ ______________ _ I I BY WILLIAM REED Reeds •• - ln the Wind Even while Huntington Beach trains helicops to fly patrol In the "HB Eye" service over the city and the fmance director w9nders where the money is coming from, the whOie idea of helicopter patrol may be obsoljete, ,or at least require extensive modification. The Los Angeles Police Depart· ment has plans for a flying television plaUorm to keep an eye on the city. It would .m8ke the local eye seem 'blind by com· parison. The Los Angeles. Police Com.- mission voted unanimously to ask the city council to buy the con· traption which would give station commanders the ultimate weapon in the battle to watch people. * Not that I can fathom why the police want to watch people all the time. Even the beach scene gets dreary sometimes with all the one design, single styled girls, but there must be a good reason. The rescue of Gary Depue, 5, last week shows definitely that the helicopter is a welcome, useful ad- dition to the collection 9f weapons against crime and for the protec- tion of the community, Having this giant eye in the sky obviously would eliminate all crime since just having a tiny helicopter up there.is supposed to reduce it some 10 percent. Actually · what we along the . Orange Coast need is a fleei of 10 helicopters each reducing crime 10 percent. -*---- Councilman George McCracken suggested that people who 15ee ex· ~ruples of good poll!:e _ivo,r]< get the name and badge .nµrp.tier of t4e· officer and tell the.. police cblef about the incidents in a letter. That way the many good deeds of the officers could be made public and the officer might get a letter or commendation. · The same procedure should be followed in cases or b a d performance so that corrective ac- tion can be taken if needed. Citizen participation in law enforcement tn this Way can be as helpful to the city as active support of a quality school system. DAILY PILOT Ii.ft l'Mfe AUDREY BAKER IS 'MOM' TO TENANTS ·Drill s..._nt Precl1lon Makos City Hotol Into 'Homo Drill Sergeant? Mom Makes Hotel Home For Huntington Tenants By TERl\Y COVILLE Of Ille DlllJ Plitt staff "Mom" runs the City Hotel at 30?"'h: · Main St., Huntington Beach, with the rigidness of a drill sergeant. But not many drill sergeants get the same high praise as she receives from her tenants. Audrey Baker is "Mom" to the people who fill the seven rooms of the 50-year- old City Hotel. Many return whenever they get a chance. "I don't allow hippies or drunks," she says, "I pick Diy people and I tum others away right and left." Tenants say she runs, "the cleanest and most respectable hotel in town." '"11ley call it home," she says. LETTERS OF PRAISE Attesting-lo her still at hotel manage- ment !JI a desk full ol thank yau ....., and letters of praise from people - once·lllept-ln the City Hotel.· Poe· oil company r.epresentatlve 1 ~­ travels around the country wrote w · her from Portland, Ore., asking if be could have bis old room the next time he was in town. · The parents or a college student who spent last summer in the hotel sent her a Christmas card with a word ex- pressing thanks for the way !he looked after their boy. When asked how long the hotel has been under her care, "Mom" looks at the ceiling, grumbles a litUe and says, "Seems like a century." The truth is it was a little less than three years ago when she took over management of the old seven room, second floor hotel. It was closed then, but she hasn't left a room empty !ince. Old tenants sometimes have to be turned away because the hotel Is full. TOUGH FRONT She puts up a tough front to strangers, but those who know her mean It when they calI her "Mom." "I police this joint 24 hours a day," she says. "I love her," says a tenant, Mrs. Peggy Corcoran. ••u you're a JitUe btoke she'll help you. The kids are always t18ving. money to buy her presents, but she won't iecept much." Audrey Baker beg~ life In Thistle, Utah. "I'm Mormon," she proclabm. At 15 she entered the buslness world. In 1923 &tie managed a large apartment bouJe in Loo Angeles. From 1942 to 1967 she Worked' .. i · 15ton: clert ftr t.ockheed in Burbank. M!U'!ied J"l~,_.''m9;.• now lives aloge In tfll! ~m~~e b(f'·Chll.IN1,t Tliul yw, she "re.! 'everyone in !he · hOtel a Olrlstmas day dinner, even though her kitchen wu OOO<led by heavy rains. She likes to say, "[ commend myself in taking the hardest jobs I can find -and thJs Is the toughest." As tough as she acts and as tough as the job may be, Audrey ~ker la still "Mom" and the City Hotel .. i! still "home" lo a lot of people passing thmlgh Huntington Beach. OCCDistrictNamesRodda Sun~et Manages To Delay Annex To Interim Trustee Term Ceorge Rodda Jr. of Corona det Mar has been appointed to sen•e out the last four and one-hall months of an unexpired tenn on the Orange Coast Junior College District Board of trustees. He succeeds J. O'Hara Smith who 1 earned last week he had vacated the board seat by inadvertently moving just Deyond" the junior college dlstrltt boundary. Rodda 's appointment is until June 30 when the board seat expires. However, he said he will file immediately to run for r<elecUon Aprll 15. Rodda, 38, of 949 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar, said of his appointmut: "The opportunities to serve -are very tremendous, not only in an ·area of need but in one of changing social anrf economic thought . I'm looking fol"\1'ard to it." At a special tneetl last Thursday night, the remaining f board members selected Rodda Crom a Jield of seven candidates for the Newport B•.ach area seaL Otte was a new applicant, but Rodda PHONE BURPS, LA DIES SUE General Telephone Co. bas been sued for a total of $60,000 in -damages by two Fountain Valley women who claim tpey were lnjurtd as a r'esult of the comeany's negligence. Mrs. Patty Panico, 8572 El Llbro, a.Messes ber injuries at '50i00Q. Mn. Shirley J, Wooland ~ claiming 110.000 from the utility company. .. Both women claim that a "tremendoua acoUllical disturbance" while they were using the lelephooe in oeparate pllooe caU.. caused them "'suffering and dlstress." ' and , five others were carryover can- didates from a previous appointment last July. That ls when Smith was named to succeed Walter IAJngmoor, who retired. Board President Worth Keene said he could not release the names of tbe other candidates. "When you are dealing wilb people Who submit their names aild are not selected it is a source of em- barrassment," be said. He remarked that Sm.ilh and Rodda were almost dead even in rating of the applicants last summer. R<ldda !JI president ol Management Engineering Corporation, an lnve.tment fitm in Coron• del Mar. He bas served eight years on the junior college district Citizens' Advisory Conim.IUee. Rodda has been acUve In community affairs. He bas been president of the Newport Beach United Fund and of Orange Coast YMCA'• Youth for Christ. He has been secretary of the Orange County Council of United ConunlJ.niJy Fund• and Agencies, secretary of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club and historl1n · ol the Newport H a~ b o r Chamber Of COmmerce. In 19S2 he was finance chairman of · the Orange County Republican Party's United Finance Coommittee and he !JI co.founder of the Lincoln Club. He ii currently secretary of the Orange County Council of YMCA. Rodda has taught lndustrla1 relltions, personnel admln1stration and PubUc r'ela- tions at use wheie be received • master's in education. His master's tbi:is was on drop outs from Pasadena .fw»or College, whleb he prevJously ai.. ttnded. • He served in the U.S. NIY)" from 1954 lo lilt and orpnilod the Atomic Biological and Cl!emlcal-&:hool.at ~ !&land Naval Bue In Vallejo. Rodda and bil wife, Madp, haft lbm daugl>len. One of them, liulan, II· a part.time ICudent at OOC. A Seal Beach request that I Huntington Beach annexation of a strip of land across Coast Highway at Warner Avenue .. be postponed has been approved by lhe Local Agency.FormaUon Commi!!.loo (LAFC). Huntington Beach did not protest the postponement. Result of the delay to March 12 11 just what Seal Beach wants -the con- solidation of Huntington Beach proposed anne1ationB Sunset Beach 5 and 6. The No. 6 annexation would lnclude all of the Sunset Beach community from AnderlOR Street to Warner Avenue. Seal Beach has Jts own anneutlon in the worts for · Sunset Beach and will include all land in both Huntington Beach prop<>Ws. County Sets Rids For New Building Bl4• will be •i,>ened March 10 for an addiUOn to Orange.County's Enginea'· ing-Finance building on ~ Str!et at Broadway. Tbe add.iUon will extend weatward toward · the Health Building. Estimated cost for the 156,tXX>-square foot basement and three floor structure Is $270,000. The new addition Will house expanalon of the officer ol the auesaor, tu col- lector, audlt«, recorder, bGildlng and oafety and plannlnf 110W In the praenl building. Huntington Police Benefit Show Slated ·, Th<r annual Huntlngtoo Bbch Police Officers Benefit Show and D~ will be ~-at 1:311, April II at 'the Long Belch Attn&, according lo Officer Jack .Relnholti. . ' ' Telephone lnvitatloo& ..., beJn& u- t.nded to local mldenti and -The priJcta wtll go lo aupport.the Hllllllqtoo llach PoUce O!- llcen Aaodatlon Joutll --and benevoleolfln!. Tk:lteta are priced at Ill, each and Heh ticRtwtll admit 0 flllllil)'. --- • -· l"'""'117, 1969 ($) DAILY PIUT f OCC Dean Vetoes 'Approval' ol SBS : . ' ,,.. ' c-, , ... ...., MCttl• f'ICJlll 011' bn~ lltPlft ff• [I ... Lauder. She wlll be at our Cotatlc Coun'9r now fl~• Slltllrdlf, ,.b. 22nd. f.'lllo~---..... lo l -# ISH•olllf .. ::l , C..""1 -·aid bf ..... " .. Jlldldll boll"d bl ftl W'C Cl ... ti act JD aba I K6 flt I ...... ._.,. Eleclloa " • --... ~ ................. a..Ud1t1• ~ .. * ~ w..-.u. ...... ., Wlot ........ flq.A ___ wlllllo -lo belJo!q ..... ,,..., .. 'lllurlllq. • ' .. ' ' UDER'S \0..( •• .. ,. •r. • lrlll Ill .. lkll'• lllll-11111 ""4llilll ___ _ t!uet wtnder!ul ways 111 )'GU to lift 1W1J dllt lllld .U.l!li ~II lel1t JW 8* l ,.MICllS~ Nflesliod and 1l«rlq. "ltllppoil Cl..m,tn.• 1t• • ' speedy ,._ a.t•ltl 111t11tJJ latD .. lllli. ·~ ll1d Cllmm"la · used will!-. "Glltlt Ml Shalpoo'' ls a ricll, IOOOJq 111 ... ,. Clean.ln1ci.e,L• ~·---Me FtciallllllpOo,l.M ·. H1I' "1111-111111 ... Wiil 8'1111J 11111tJ .. IS Ello"AIMllJ 2 EY•CI• .. " 1bscrlls l••· "All-!llJ 'lbroatcr ... " 1111111...i llllDltllll and -111 my aeJ¥m, (Bot.• ltMslbla -•limp~ "Eihlltia" E"'lsim" "'5 --I« 1 "'""1 lhllsll, "lthlkle Stidt".,.. makorp. YOJ'll bl pleasehtlhe way thesewonde!lul lllll•lsllelp · erase llt"lines. Tiuoat cmio, l .• Ellllsl,., 1M fllrido !tlclc, L• DI-1111 ,..,_ 1111lalt.i1ntt. "Ellie !lllS fltWllM 3 lhree times !he lasli•c pcn or ll1J I*'-"'°"" mtil DOii. it 'lflPI,. 11 • aum o! lnlfl!ICI IM lirmll It la!chtl yor lldi. 811 mllu .., ... ,.._ ' 1111 .. ; •di DI Its blndllda II at.nls b .. II 111.a. ...,..tlitliltfi' . relused ln .,. tiay Jmpa nptoslm an.. onolbtl; Perllne,11.11 Mlb Y• Utll 1 t .... f ... IJ ..... A fl1I diopa at"Y• Oow Ball! Oii" ~yon balll wal!I i..es. Kin !rapt and solL Yoi'n llli It sillonln1 power II ''Yodt<lew C...., Milk Ball'.' lal -lnlD ~ 4 bubbles. ''Ylrlr1il'Oow Body Salinat'' Isa rldl, awy lotim lo _,.,.. sliin 111 Mr. Flnlsll wllll a mist ol !nlfl!ICI h• "vOJllHlew £Je dt. ' · Parf11111 SprlJ". S.111011, 4.21 m l.M Milk Billi, I •• 9"1y SI§,., UH.• Eau de Pai"" Spray, I.II Y•'H lllt lllfl* wlfll m 111i•, lllllll •El111f, Ar.-.. II "It!* ..... ClllP"1t ...... adll"" a look ol flawless parflCI& Fw ' M Ml-Ill !fnlsll, dtit I 111111 "llallloanl FICI ~ 11111 11.1« 111-btlllltiftlflll'-lrllll "" "-"""Color CaatOll": "!)I""" Glow'' slli.rp lla!Q "'yis 11' llds. Sit '"""' "Baity ~lo" 14'• ,_ lips 1 luscJ..., lhlar look. ·. lllke<l!I, I ••. FICO P-. I.• COi« CG11'ur, I.• !)I lllodow, ... l ipslick, I •• C.-tic1. ~ ., • . -,. ' . • : , -• . •• • ~ • ~ ;,, •' ~ ., •• Jj ~ .,, ., " '> 1.z ~ ... .. ·~ • .. fl_ J. • ... • 'i '· • ~: I .. , ., l ·i ~ ~ ·4 • I . .• ,, ·' ·l t .. . . . ., . • , . l ! ' • I I r I I I . lj I I l J ·i rl • , ' ' ' • l ' • • ! • '. • l ! • Newport center 11 FashiCll lslllld • m-m • 11o1., Thurs., fri_.1o:W un 931_ Oller dlys JO:m sn ~ ! • I I • I • ( I I I I I .. c~ ., • o.itr •• ,...,, Chicago bids fair lo be the city .of Jove. The pbooe book lists 309 Loves. There also are 12.8 Valen .. tines 36 Darlings, Five Honeys, Two 0Hearts, and one Sweetie. • A Cleveland man arrested in Brunswich, Ohio for driving with· ;out a license· was detained in Mc-- dina County Jail OD a far dilierent . charge. Police said that after they ,Jell Robert WHtorflold alone for a "few minutes at the station they ~d In bis shoe a $1 bill taken :rrom a framed citation OD their .. :;wall. ... :· . : With crowbars and chilels burg· ;)ars attacked a safe in Brening ::-'Materials Co. in Van Nuys. Fmal .. ' :)y, it broke open and revealed only ~business records in!lde. On the ' ;door of the safe all alon g was print .. .ed the lock combination. So the :burglars looted a chewing gum 'machine of 50 pennies. • : "Baby,• a BU-week-old runt of 'a IZitur of four chihuahua pups, u- tiorea the face of fit:1e-year-old Stevie :Beaty. The tin11 puppy belongt to 'Mrr. A. J. WarTen, of Fort Worth, :Te,;., who nur1ed him with n e11f .dropper. Siem lo mov~ Baby ,,.. .. nred 11nl11 fovr •ftchu. . . .. · The Phlladelpllia AFL-CIO ~ ell began picketing the Troe '111• ·ater-<me of tho few burleoquo . ·houses in the nallon-becauoe II< replaced musJd1n• with •'caaned'' music to accompany the bmnps ilnd grlndl .of the exotic dancers. • The U.S. heavyweight wrestling title bout between the Sblek and lgor was declared 11no contest" after the referee was knocked out !n the scufiling and unable to con- ~ue. • Phi Epailon Pl frot.milv al the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor announced it 'Will admit 20 girla Cl f!Wmberr m the falL The g1ri. will u .. m a aeparate wing of the howe and tht fratemity will htre 4 mar- ried couple to chaperone the home. • · The portrait of Lyndon Johnson :on tbe wall of the Selma, Calif. city : a>uncil chambers baa been re.: :placed. But not by a picture of :.Jlichard Ni.Ion. Instead a clock has ·1been bung, The councilmen aaid . this gives them more guidance ::tllan a portrait of a president. Newlifweds Stroll U,IT1 ........ Actress Audrey Hepburn and her new husband, IWian professor . Andrea Dotti, take a stroll at an airport in Rome -while awaiting Ille arrival of a friend. Guardsmen Moving Back To Wisconsin U Campus 87 Unlt.d Pms hllmlationnl National Guardsmen with r 1 z e d bayoneLI moved back onto the Universltg of Wi!consin campus today lo deal with a fresh invaslon of chanting, stomping, atudent rebels. There bad been hopes the guardsmen, called out last week to put the lid on student disruptions, cou1d be gent home today. But they were needed agaJn, when 350 noJay dilSldeats inv•ed Bascom Hall and began to disrupt classes. Ellewhere, a group c:alling Itself the "Keering committee to reform for university'' presented a list of demands jt called noMegotiable to officiall of Pennsylvania Stale University . At the Universi ty of Notre Dame, .:ene of disruptions IO days ago, the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, the school's preelden~ laid down a "gel tough" policy which will allow demonstrators only minuta to disband or face suspension, upulslon or arust. "Violators will be given 15 minutes of medltaUon to cease and desi.t," Father Hesburah's letler to the student.! and faculcy of ihe Roman Catholic IChoql lald. Tbe Wisconsin rebe!J, pressing 1 list Israeli Jet Fighters Raid Arab Positions By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Two Israeli ~tere jet lighten raided Arab guerrilla positions across the Israeli.Jordanian cease-fire line today in retaJJaUon for a bazooka rocket attack on a;i. Israeli palroL Arab unrest erupted again In Gaza and Israeli troops were called in lo aubdue rioUng students. A score of 1tudent.5 were arrested and several received firat ald treatment for !njuriea. of demands for black students, rallied a crowd of 1,300 early today at which one ringleader told them, "We've been too pacifist, too naive. We're going to change our tactics." 'I11en the band set out for Bascom Hall, co~idered the heart of the lakefronl campll!!I. Police in riot gear and holding clubs met them, but dld not try to restrain the marchen. Bucom Hall conla!Jll IM -of H. 'Edwin . Yoong, dloncellor ol the university. 'The marchera: ~ 0 Hey, hey, Chancellor Young. Black dOlnands will be won." Mafia Associates Shun Funeral For Genovese ATLANTIC lllGllLANDS, N.J. (AP - Funeral serv1ctl f« JUfia leader Vito Genovese remained limple and orderly today, Jacking any eulogy ar big black llmowines filled with Dowen. About 125 persons, most of them women, attended the servicel inside SL Agnea Catholic Church, while 100 curlruii· ty seekers waJted outside In chilly, sunny weather. The Rev. Michael Lease, officiating at the requiem mau, did not mention Genovese by name during biJ 15-m.inute shon, other than to aay "Let us remember the deceued in our prayers." Genovese, 71, ·who rose to head the Mafia, died Friday at the medieal center far federal prisoners in Springfield, Mo., where be was serving a 15-year narcotica sentence. One· state pallceman gakf that none of Genovese'& Mafia associates attended theoervlca. ·cloudy Skies Over Nation Midsection Braces for New Round of Srww C'•lffortt&. llhllWDrbSAWUlMHMOUIOttC.UTTOl:llA.11.Ell --- Sil* ti.ct"" ~ &IMIY ... IO tad.IV • • ,.,.. •lcir11t mWld tn'9 Jr-Cl.,::::;-....,,~;:;:;: Soullltr!I C.11f-lt '"'" tllf -""' bl!I -91111d119i.I In 1'1'11 "611'11-I "11111 ~ ,...,, &PfW(llll9 .. the • ,..., d !tie .,.. bY tonl9hl. GllStv wl!odl .,.. c;ootw ,.,__."',... ~ .... It( ~ 11'11 ttwrn. "" ..,,,... ..,. vklrlll'f Md • um&lne c:llludl-Wllll "'"' -..c:Md ..... "'9Mf911. ~ ,,,.,. .,.. ftOltr' ..,.__.,.,,.. ........ -.....-c:llo .. ...,,,... ................... .. tM CMc Ctfltw *"" ...... - ,..,.. .. ~ fl'A\;NI l! d M. ~~Anit..._fl ..... -,. ~ """"'· ........ hk~ltld lll511'11rd". '"" ...... """" Clllc:l-tt , ....... ....... ... .._ """"'' Eurft1 '"' -·-...... ...,, ... K•-1 City "'·-l• ._"' " n ):t :n .11 " " .. " .. " " " .. ff " " " " 41 11 .It .. " " n " " .. JS .a . " .. ' A 0 .. " .. " . .. 1' M n. u.a. _..,. ""'-'• ~ .,.... Clffllif fw tn.., mOtwl .,_. ,.,_ CMMlt d nlll tllll .,...._ ... ,. ........ llM. Mltl'lll htdl . ._ .. New Or'""" -· .. ... _ .. " .. " " " .,.... a.ftlNn "'"" tw+•-•11"• .............. __ .. n. ~ ..,,. .... ....., dllllfJ ... ....., ..... •1'111 """' ""'"'' .. ..,,_ -·Iii, T"9 -M ,.._.tvrt _ .. '°"" ,.. ~ .,.. ferlutl _...._ ,....., llldudld: L..,. ............... Mmilao ..... """' .... Q.M. Ml. Wtt1o11 .0-4 '•lmdli. .... ......... ...,,, lt•lltl .......... Jl..'9. llP lfttlill ....... t..11 D"" U. ...... ..,.,. ...... ~,.lift/ ---r· t'...c.I """ .......... dlull'IMll ....,, _. .... ..,.,.... """" . YftlltWn ...._,.,1w9 •11111 h _, nl'Mll fl"onl • 91 " 1iltlll• i.. ..... w..,.... ... 11'1'1'\JttoM. W1llr """"'•lllte II J1 11itwft1. S•a, M-, Tl.tu s..... .... .. . ..• , • ...,__.1 .. kc ..... hi.II ..•. ., .... 11:1111.lft. '-' TU•SDAY, "'"' ............... ):14 1.m. •.• """' """ .•..•...••. ,.,. '·"" S.1 5--10W ............. •;a 11.m. ... .J lealnf """' 1.1··········'•1• 11.lft. , .. ._.... ... rilt ··"" Seit.. . • • .. ·-•:• •.m. .... •:• II.II\, ................ u.t•, fllt. u '"· n ~. • Mir. 11 llk:fu,.. Ill lftiJdl ti rllt N I'°" h:llllY wtlll -f!Wrltt """' .. tw111mi A11!11ladtl•111 Ti.to ll'ie C1rollf'IQ 1J'llll Kf'OU ...... el !flit l'ICll"tlllrn •J.11111 11111 .... ll:od;J.lt. fN\Otltn ._.rnlnl1 CO!illnvft In ~ felt-,,.t; o1 r11t C1f'OllNl. flll "' ... lnferltl _,,, ''°"" 11111 """ '"'"' -1a -Mod Otll'lltlf fNI or ·-· Gell W•mlnl1 flew ,,_ ftlt Vtf'- 1'11111 C.PH lo Norftl Clrvtl ... 11 lldet -·· '"' ~ --1 ........ .. ...... Ftrllief .._,, tMW Ou"'" flll IM o.kotet MIT "*""'"' llDP11er!t d ""' -°""' l.fl~ ... wflli. -fltll ,,.., Ille '*ltrtt ltl<lltt • """' ........ ....... ..... ll:~ln PM!ldllpt;le P11M11L• ·--ll:t•M City "" llvff ·-.__ .. SI. Lwtt S.MN1 s.n Ll'lo:e C11y '-" o"" .... J"t111tl- s...11 ....... .. ,,.. ''"""' ..... -·~ --· w1111r1111io11 .. " II 11 n " .o> " " " .. " H " " " .. .... " .. .. 0 M H " n " .. .n " . " .. .... " " , . . " .~ " 0 ... . Cong Cool1 Nixon Confers To Nixon With R~ss Envoy Paris Visit P. Rosen Iut -l. I PARIS (UPI) -Tran Bolt Nam, depu- ty cllaJrllWI ol the Vlei C..,. delegotlon lo the Vietnam -talkl, oald todOJ hJa movtmenl WU not tnlereoted Jn Ibo forthcomlnc European trip ol l'rell- dent Nixon. WASHJflGTON (UPI) -Preold<ot N1-and llovlel 4mbo-. Anatoly F. llolieynln coalarred lor4D llour todo1 ln -Ibo .llbl1I --u ••• very cautructlve .meetlnl:." Dobrynln. wllo ~ NiimDod from f villt to M-. al:ed' far !be -uai wllh Nboll and Ibo Proolcleal qul<kly arnqed the, -today, JUI! alx .io,a belcn Iii leaffS far an <IPl-da.Y -ln Wllllrn EuroPe, Wilen he arrived, he WU lho!m lnlo a larse conference room acl'ml a blllw11 from the Prtsldent'• ot!lce. Momenta later, Nixon walked Into the · room. greeted Dobrynln. then p era o •a 11 y escorted lllm Into tbe Presldeot'1 oval olflce. hi an Interview with lbe Algerian._ DOWlpaper El Moujobld (Tbe Flibl«), Red Leaders Talk · Nam oaid, "Tb!J trip doa not tnlerelt us. It ii a matter which c:oncerns Mr. Nlxoo. -!her It IJ N1-0< lilolber one, all American leaden know that the time hla passed when the United States wu callinl the game." Nam's statement indlcated the Viet Cong will not baclc don ftoln It• demand that Uie Aibutcana qree llnl to diacua their "aggresalon" and the Viet Cong'• five-point program. The Am er I c a n negoUators are certain to reject the demanda again as a virtual call for $Ul'l'ender. Tbe Wblte u ...... hoyllOd -deocrtp. tiva pllr-rduled to uy whether tbe conf.....,1 WU eaeotiaJ11 I CllUrle!y call of. a rDljor envoy on a new prealdent, ,.. -tJie long _.., went lnto aucb &UbltanUve mattua u the an- tibllllttlc m!Jslle l)'llem, tbe Middle East or the lituaUon 1D West Berlin. "All I can aay 1& that the meeting luted one bow' and Jt wu 1 very constructive meeting,'' Ronald Ziegler, White -prea HCrellr)', told reporlen. East German Communllt 1 •ad er Woller Ulbricht coolemd today in Moscow with Soviet Put7 SecireWY. Leonld I. Brezhnev on tbe Btt1:18 a!tua~ tlon. Recent 1tatementa by bOth lid~s have brought fears of 1 new Berlin crisi.! . Newsmen were unable to talk wlth the Ruulan envoy u he arrived or left tbe White Hoose. Dobrynln bad co .. (erred with Secretary ol Stale William A statement by the newt agency Tass, uld the two Communist leaden di.ecusl- ed West German attempts '"to create a focus of dan'geroua tension ln Europe'' by holding dedonil collep dectionl there March 5. Moscow bu warned of "undeslrable consequences." ~,,,,,,~. ~ ~ ~ ~ =;-~-==;:=. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El Rancho: the supermarket • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .~//i/1111\~ where the price is right! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • --Complete Meal! /I • \ • • I Famous • Dessert, Too! Brands!• Yan de Kamp's Hallbd Northern ••• Fried! 511 AA created and served In their famous coffee aho[ll ••• and we're featuring everythin11 to iO with !ti Campbell's Soup .............. 5 ... $1 French Fries .................... 4 ... $1 Cream of Potato or Pea! ••• frozen. Ore-Ida ••• 16 oz. pkg ••• a natural with halibutf Com Bread Mix .................... 25¢ Birds Eye Peas .................. 6 ... '1 Dromedary ••. 16 oz. pkg .••. belongs on the menu! Sweet and tender.,, fine companion for fish! Chocolate Cake ... .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 79¢ Village Inn Rice ................ 4 ... •1 Sara Leo ••• perfect way to top the meal I Beef, chicken, curry or herb flavored, 6 oz. pkp. Super Shoppers Menu Makers! Stewing Chicken .... ~H.0.~ ••• 35~ Fresh ••.• tender ••• plump ••• 4 to 5 !bl. blil Cut-up Slewilllr Chickeo ••• S9c lb. Stew Beef ... .... ...... .... .... .. ... 89~ Beef Shanks .................. ~ ....... 39~ Lean tender cubes of finest meat! Hearty beef iOOdness at a budl!'t price f Super Produce! Super Delicatessen! Large P111nes .................... .. 79" Tartar Sauce ........................ 39~ Delicious breakfast treat , •. 2 lb. bag • Van de Kamp'• .•• 8 oz. Jar,., IOOI with hallbutl Wtb1ter'1 New TwemittA Clft.tu,., ~tionarr ... get it ftO'IO a.t El Ra.1e41to •• 1 a. aection per week. , • JIO#'U Aat1c G rcall¥ great DictimtaT'JI f<>r 11ow.r lt.omtl ••• Prlcea In effect Mon., Tues., Wed, Feb. 17, 18, 19. No .. 1 .. to deale!'L .. Surtax to Stay . '68 ~urplits on Paper Onlri ' . WASHING TON (AP) -The stock of gold fell by oeatly the lllrlu II helO lo slay oaUon's flnt bo1anco o I JU billion.....,. lhe year. -at least for awbll6 -llld payments aurplut In over a Also, lbe value ol U.S. &oO the ND 1dmlnbtntla1rwill decade WIS more lpp&nnt apotted in 1* only uceded than ml llld ahould DOI be the wutb o! proAlcll lJ& aak Coaarua for ID - read " meaning the dollar ported by i... lban SI•• Ila lho utlooal debt1Umi~ drain has been aadad, goytm-mlllloo. '11111 bnjlortant ~ ' • Kennedy made hb remarks ment spakeomeo say. • used to be bllJlona of dolJan In aa lotttvlnw broadcast SUI> Okay. Seen For Black Capitalistµ WASll!NGTOM (UPI) -,_,.._.,_1y_ ···~ s.cr..r, ol HWUI, ~ iDd ll'elflre, ore<trds tM II II o a !Ml-~ '\rlll back I bUUoa-dollar+,ear '• b J 1 ct capllallan",..,....., .........i b)' tlN ~ ol j\lcial In ' annauncbig tile $190 In favor of !he United Siolef, day OV<T KRLD-TV.llld laJ>Od million surplus for 11161, the In lac~ llie 'Counlry eip0rled •'J'tb)1J lwblle be :villlld ·ln · Commeree •Department Aid $U billlon mo.. than It Dollll. : Sunday UW. were sevual bwgbt lrom oveneas lo 1967, The oe,creiary >!&id the debt factors lodlcatlni cootlnued ~ 1ear lo whlclJ the Ualt'll. )lmll wcilld need to, be railed trouble In t bf United Slst.s' States suffered I total balanei becaUae lo abouj annt!ier position. of pa,_is dellclt "' p.1 -111 tl>e u.s, Trwury is I - - EQualllJ> . • .; tarm.,., wliol«l>ded CORE llld beaded It for many r.eara, aald Sunday he bad ' every upoda!Joo thll t b e ad- mlolltralioo will aupporl" the d.U rlalila'~·· plan to .,...le I Natlooal Caln- mllJlfty n....lo-' Bank. • 'Heavenly' P'fa.etf>flrapla Col. Frank Borman, commarider of Apollo 8, presents a picture or th e moon to Pope Paul VI during a private audience in the Vatican. Other priests are unidentified. Before his audience 1"'1th the Pontiff, Borman told a gathering of Roman' Catholic cardinals about the )l!Jtoric cin:urnlunar trip of last Christmas. New Consumer Aide Quits Nixon Position. WASHINGTON 'UPI) -Director of the Institute and Afler !our days and one news conference, Willie Mae Rogers became the first casualty or the Nixon administratiGD. The one-time high school teacher quit her job as Presi· dent Nixon's • COD!llltant on conoumer aHalra sa\urday lo the , mlddle cl. a. bubbling can- f l id.-of-interest controversy over her connections with the Good Housekeeping Institute. Nixon apparently tried, and failed, to get the peppery MW Rogers to quit her job as come on the federal payroll. It was Miss Rogers' job .as custodian of th e G o o d Houseke<:piog ual -handed ont to products advertised in the Good Hou sekeeping Magazine -tbat nlMd Ille conflict of interest question. M~s of Congress and some newspaper edltorialills had asked haw she could do an effective job, even though unpaid, as Nixon's consumer aide while she still was draw- ing a ·paycheck from the Hijacker Arrested In Bermuda (UPI) -Bermuda police Sul?': day seized a male passenger who tried to hijack an Eastern Airlines jel with !11 persom aboard during an emergency landing in Bennuda. E""tem Flight 915 from Booton noast.p to San J- Puerto Rico, developed radio trouble during the flight and landed at Hamilton. "I wiu walking down the aisle shortly after we touched down when this J>RSSenger 8p'.. preached me and said 'I have a gun. We are going to magazine. CUba,' "said Ste wardess Rep. Benjamin S. Rostnthan Carol McGrath of Boston:'" Celibacy (D-N.Y.), said th e ar-Miss McGrath went to the rangement represented a cockpit and told the Boeiog F n • ''built-in·conD.ict of interest." 720's captain, who radioed the Or DTie8ts ' But It m.iy have been Miss contn>I tower to call the .Rogers' ~ With 8 new:r police. ReaffiPWled coofereuce the ~'1 after her ! Raclag . onto .Ille J~d In .... .,._. ,_,_...,.~, '•", w-• , lhai cars. ,~, ~man,'!'"to • VATICAN ctn 'lU'Pll -wti· i..,. imtiiil.£'" SJI .-• , ' . --; ' - . ., r. • ............. ,....,, .... ~- Pope Paul VI waliled today ' ~ •~'~aJiii:. • hloi. ' tha.tpriestswbo 1wa11t,t.omar· ~tel~ toay'how'much 'An E3stem 1Potesman fn ry or enter into othiµ-aspects money she made at Good New Yoft identified the man of ordinary human life have Hooaekeeping and shrugged as Salvatore Sperduto, who ·fallen into a "very grave er-off ·~he . conflict-of-interest was accompanied by a ror" that can paralyze the question with: woman, apparently hls wife. prieslly vocation. ..You have to accept .th~ There were no further details The pope delivered his warn· fact that I am basically on Sperduto. ing in a speech to Rome lenten honest." preachers. lt came a 1 In announcing Miss Rogers' preswres f 0 r ending priest~y decision to quit, Nixon defend· Crash Breaks celibacy are mounting 1n ed her "persona] integrity and varioUB parts of the world , unparalleled per son a I ex· especially Holland, and have perience.'' He also npreJSed -Gina's Kneecap even reached in to Italy in regret that her integrity, and recent weeks. that of the insUtute, "have The pcpe made clear he come u n d er unwarranted was not concerned op.J y with criticism." Ulc celibacy question; but with The Whlte HOWMl: said Mlss the bt'Oader probleaqof priests Rogers believed "she cou.Jd seeking to ta.ke: up a life like not ~rform her task In thfs other men as a means of sensitive field with full ef· making ·contact with modern fectiveness" in v i e w of the society: criticism. Her "task" was to ROME (UPI) -Actress Gina Lollobrigida, who auf· !ered· a fractured left kaeeoap when sbe mwhed up her Rolls-Roye, Sunday, w i 11 undergo surgery Wednesday but her film career won't be hobbled for Jong, her doctor said today. Prof. Gabriele Crespi, her physician, said: "She will be walking again after a month. The injury will have absolute- ly no permanent after effects. She can return to work fairly "Lel's be careful," he said. have been a study, at the "Thll desire to insert th e end of .which the President priest lnto society , . . is wou1d have decided whether good. But from the generowi to appoint her as a full-tbne proposal of escaping from the adviser on consumer affairs shell of a crystalized and - a job similar to the one privileged !XIDdilion, one can held by Betty Furness in the fall into a very grave error ,_John_so~n_a_dmin_' _~_Cr_au_·on_. __________ _ which• can paralyze 'th el prie:!tly vocation . . . and can demolish in one blow the edifice of priestly service." The pope said that Christ "wants us In the world, but not of the world." Soldiers' Pinups Now 'Rationed' LAI JOIE, South Vietnam (UPI) -Men of the U.S. tst Infantry Division. ordered to dispose of pornographic pic- tures in ther possesslQn, art I•••••••••••••••••• I now allowed one tasterut pinup ea~ division chief or start, TUESDAY NISHT ONLY. 5 to B Col Archie R. Hyle, said In A memorandum Feb. 11 to s12s a 11 uni.ta that e a _c • • s I v e lncllld# nlMl _ . dispial'I of nude and -inude 'With chdoe cl dtew/ng. photol bad been --toll end blllW, ing an Inapectlon. He said they beiaw were a violailon of tood tate, ~- were offensive to m a n y soldiers, and were a "constant di!tnctlon." He ordered that a 11 pornography tie ~moved and '-"'-' that pinupt be limited to mat, tMleful cfisPI ays only In the billet area. "Tht r1tio of ooe ptr ln· dlvidual is con1ldtred reasonable,·• the memoran- dum .. Id. The judgment ol what cor> oUtulld -!..'!" lej'I to !he unit cammanu<n. ,,. ...... ___ .. o1 UIOA QtOICE 8TWQI and -ttM _.,._. __ --,lll'EJC 11 All TO I "" .. 2267 F1lnfew (osl1 Mei. 642-07)2 . For one ·tbiac, the steady billion. pg to be 'jvery bJ on now of gold out of the coontry Meantime Secrelary ol tbe pob." · · coolinued. The ollldaJ U.S. ·'l)'easury Dovld K~ aays OD the 10 pe t lncomt ' ' -· Ktnoed1 Aid he "Would 'be lo bopel thll ... c6uJd nmave It w!y -liut not before· the Vietnam war is ended." Why do people who live in .-electric homes hate to open their windows? MaiDly btica111e it -a them plenty just to heat the The hMt you buy ii yoan. All yoan. hoUle. Let alone the great outdoon. So keep lt.'Put a tbermootat in every IOO!ll'And sift If you've ,been 10ld on Total Electric Lmng. you have Johnnie what.for every time. he forpta to-tw'n it cliiwn to Jullify your JlllJ'C1-e. . ----when he goeo out. And learn to live with~ hot You've laid out for high voltap wiriJll, You've head 8nd the told feet put• bundle into extra iiisulation. 'l(ou'veweather-And force a smile when you ~"" blll. ' ;. strippedtoafare-thee-welL Wbenyoumove-andyouwill-heatYGlir- You're· almolt u Maled u you'll be on your home witli gas. " '. Jut ride. n£ It'll be like a breath of £reah air. . 9 9§ • \, f • ' ' • • I 'I ~~ILY PDAn' EDITOillil· PAGEj • ,. Protect·· .. Our .... (J _oast :; . . · In lbt wake of tba Santa Barbara offabore oil .ns-amr, wuril that oil CCJlllP&llles, fir.VI ~ '<>( 1l'9 State Linda CommluloD to lest drill within the tbrte- ' '. ,pn. limit oft Ille cout ·of Newport Beach comes as a '-ior allock. Newprt Beach had coosklered Itself lmnwi. to IUCh lncunlom became of the Shell.CUllll!ngham Act barring oil operatlom from the Santa Alla River to the .MQlcaa border. At Issue now It whether the. Ian~ eommbalon has violated this law. Any Idea that the authorised drilling Is only to lain • ~edge ol the goolcig!cal character of.lhe'contlllental Bbelf II pure poppycoct. OU companles·ara not eleemo- aynary corPqratiO!li; they're after oil to pumJ>-if not DOW, later. . County Counsel Adrian Kuyper had adviJed the Board of SuperYisora to· go beyond their condemnation of the unannounced action by the lands commjssion and aue it to force cancellallon of Ila permit to the oil com- panie1. . The superY!sora should do so, fortb,with. !>ut equaUy as bnporlant and urgent, the cltizoea of ti!• Orange Coast should immediltely write their lesblators, mom· 1>ers of the State Landi Commission and· Governor Reagan to voice strong demand&· for leglalallon'pro- h!l>Mlng further oil exploration aJilag tlte O~ge Cou!lty coast. (See legislators' addresses below.) Paranoia in Action The Orange County Board of Education reversed ltseU last Thursday ai>d restored John Hersey's "Hiro- ahima" and three other boob to the purchase Ust of a new high school for j\lvenlles on probation. Truotee-Don Jordan, a retired high ach6ol prlnci· pal had opposed the tianmng of the gt'98t boolt In the fint imtmice. To hiJ lllrtber ·crec11i, be took the bliUe• ' . ' . live IA w~ reverU! b,. ~ to l~bci&ril vote atter llie .: ' l banning wu expo1eil for Wllat I~ was-a bruen ef!Qrt: ~ to censor.llterature to conform.to.a tar rlgbl and f..-',. out pollUCll Ideology_ • ,. . . ~" > Dr. IJale Ralliloe, the·Santa Ana"dentlst and iOlln • '' • Blrcb Soclely .member on the board, had •peer!>•~ .-· · •. ~ the censorsblp, abetted bY Board.Prelklent Clay Mitchell. "· Both reaclilcl to'publlc condemnation of their actions~>' -• t • attem.ptlng to claim "economy'' was their motive. 'But "J :.t 1 the budget facts and their own preYlous atatemen~ " · "" bad expc<ed.their ~· purpoce. " Ra!llaoe held out agailllt the Hveraal while Mitchell joinecl the majority. . , · Now RaJllson. ii oft.in. pursuit of another Birch faJl- tasy-oeelng sex education IA the schools as a plot to subvert our children inJtead of g!Ylng them the basic knowledge they haven't heeli getting at home or in the church. . · . A< Dr. )'lorman Nllton .~ out in "Everyday Problems''. PD this page last Friday, the Robert Weleho Blrch1Soclety opposltioe to au education ls just as il' ratlon81 as was their oppoolUon to mental lieelth pio- grams. Th•· Birch 1lne Oll mental heelth was ravealed to be "rldlculoul, preposterous ideas u propagl.llda witl\. a pa!'8110d !)Verlay." _In·the end, public Hactlon ·brought support f~r mbre and better mentaJ,heaJth·programs.- The aame is ljkely to happen with J>l!blic protection of freedom of thought In the book banning lnatance and in sea education In the public scbools. · Maybe, on thil basis, the }l,ijlisons and MitcheUs ~ould be encouraged to keep· up the clamor for know· • nothingness. They just might pniduee the pllhlic reac- )IOn aga(nst inanity-or spell it "IAsaDity"~needed to win wider support for common sense educalioDal and · therapeutic programs. • . ' " ! I ,I ' I\,,.., ~; .. ~ ;, . ,, ,. r """ ' ·-.~ '" " ' .. , .. \" Hands Are The Finest Ph-ysical -Tool ' .. lJear Gloomy Gus:. f;lgar~ Show First · Sales· Beeline Sine~. l964. ' . ' . . ' ' ' . ' ' ~ -· . ' •. \ -. Antismoking · Ads -on TV .Take Toll •' .• ..,. •.. '. 'W.liiilNG'i'ON -The prapouJ by lhe .....;... .,. ... loblcco ~.:_:-,,.._ ,-. ·: l"eiliral Cqmmunlcati"" Conril!lutoo lo A neai eolutJin • • • . pledged . to reslrict themtelves to ad- vertising the qualities of tbllr prQducts. •· Suggesllons 1bat smokUlg made' boyo more attractive to-girls ·or girlf to boys, that cigarettes were "manly" o t "feminine" were to be taboo. "~ -~ ~· bon :dlar.&e .dverullna .. -iadio ,.d ' . . ,~~orlou.!"1.!,. ~uiitaaCoocteaim.v-wu The'DAILY PILOT loday announces the addition o! a new-~o-persoo bY· nnlence cl -thole cl"us who ;an!'· 1 .. ;,,i, hen.... line to the"litl i>freplar colmnilllts who will appear oo this pqe. •The qUIWn& cigarettes but_,_;.. ~;.., ;~ ei::::: column Is wrtueft by Fraot Maotfewla, !armer prets aecretary !or Sen. . ,,. smoking alqetber? . · ' -:-'bf'bWt._' . . Robert Kennedy, and Tom Braden, !ormer president o! the. calllornlo Sia!• -B. W. K. lloanl o! Education and an active !lguie In poUtical <iffi~ for a number o! BOT NO SOONER was 'the an-:. ~=·II: cl ~sn ~~~ ·tlio years. • Repontnc from Wllllilngti)n, Mankiewl!'Z and. Braden will oUrr 110W10<1Dent made than it wu violated, ---- -"' 1 ..:..._·,.~_: ~--'omt speclallnslghtlnloCalll, orni.·i·pr9hlf1DS ·and ,fol!>lesaoclpolitics.•llaot1<-' andonc:<vlolated,violation·~the ~11;r,.::-.:..:::,..:•= #: ti ;-.-UUI,;--oace more Into tbl wlcz ~bis newspaper career '4 editor of tbe.Uql.A.Dalli '~ wu rule. .. _ . ~':"""~a llatemenl,ln:the~~ , one llll)ecityedltoro!thei;.,ii..Mootc.·lndepeaden~earnedbialawc\<lfee . For all these reasons, the cliances ' ~1 ~·IM. mei\ICal ~~' ""1""tn,:t ' : from uc, and ·pracllce•Maw, 1n Bev~ty 11111s ~,... bei>omllJC:,; Peace t;or1is ~ ~J _w~hil• lhe ind"!hir:,. wl~ . Jloo!en ...-, · · .-11..ilol ~-~ ~ •--.~rt'!D"I(·,;; · uecuUve l!l!·l'ruldeot lalm P: Kained,y'a ......;.;'""°"'"' .;; Bn<leii,:.......... '·"can · · 'rm · ..; lo k coritro~ :, and any~~~ f=/t~'1!1"'.cri~ if'!>• rp • "y 'tlie 'Oceans!de·l!Ude-n""""'-1""1t';..ta'.-~iritll'.~fZ'-m!i: :"·~!be ~d'n<{thtt Pr:~eii nor badlli>oid~-'~"'-lroUble'kno\iiboir lbt csto"'Mn.~ .. t ~ ' the ·K " w H .. ·-~·-·· --~~ .... '.-d·-'·•'w'"w'· . ~· bitter. · · ·· ~,.._. , _,_}~ j ortan Ir. t OllQ ~I an VaX> ~ ..... '6. Ol'KI IZ. 1 & ."'l'l"\..-• .. , , , . , · . • deplorably low tbe llandanl ·o.f Ntverthel.;'lt Is· the.,.._, ·at er In New York and an ~Jib teachef al ~th.-, . , . . In e!lect;~:lnd'!l)l'Y' will. b•nri!llng cr11fam•111ldplslnlblsbnportanl...-. IWt one~ Ot 'tbt·rP'CC;.tha! · . to.~. •·Pijce ,IO 'rld ,ltstl!·or the ' • · · · . · " ' · · . TV CamROfgn . qalnsl. ·omoldng.' From .THE CULT OF THE wbHe-colJar,lm ,Jhe·~ ~ nol ~. ~·· uplel long rei:tiaUon, It kn\>W• Ul•'.rul• that '-n • aelf4efeaUng one _., •ftr 'now; aboot ~ pbllrbwty of~. be!e& ·Urown gives them a ~anCe for creativity, After so preaumably will the an~o~i ad.I. ~·It'i wbat•1 ·uv front \hat' counts." that ,oor afffueat IOclety CID .,,..:-,., wt 'the TV ec:reena ias· lt&. ipoblinen all, how would you like to have. the Now · carried ·tree .or charge on .• ratio ... B:t mat· Muklewtcl belt. we lack the people w· .• ~ ·me letting GD. job of thinking up a new way to sell of about, one. to every ttiree Ciglrette. .• , ' Ud TG.Brldo 1t f.or us, or to RrVlce it"~'-~'..'!'_!'.· . ~ clgare~?" · ad!, TV stations wour.J be .lb5olved..of · Pt ii. llecalllO wi ·look down ail m~f'l roa "llDI:: "rol!ACOO· Industry, the •. .the responsibility .lo ·ciu:ry them .OJI.CO " ' ' Werk, our · tallon· clotbl ua p:iort)'~:~,.;.. Ainerican:·CIDcer ,~ and the ad.. . THE ~ULT IS the first decline ~ tobacco ads were aone. · · :'°.feed us~·::,... her1>en ~~~an ·Atl llrted thal ~ !lfni:S':'~ ofsi~::sw:'.!.d t~ blr'blroull:y, pairu'r,. ' ' ' .. . ... .. ' ' ' a dying bfte:d, and oor a~ 1he. prbne ..... , for decllabjrelpreltt 1Urgeon general suggested that smoking an !ultle w1ien they are no1 tr-.i.-. sales tq the United States II antlsmokinC . was dangerous. After 1964, the figures (I ao,t' a· m • n with an SI.GOG DeWJW' adverilainc 00 Tv went right back up again, but · the wbo , toot It lo the pnae lour ·11mee ' : ' • American Cancer Society thinks the down to bil"flsed" for the same thine.)-Abtismotlne •dl!I, aiencJ offldthi poant trend is definite -now, if the ·aoc1ety SO THERE' IS some gain in the pain, and when the industry ,.calls what llap. pened in England, it can bear its aniuiah cabnJy. '11tere, cigarette advertising wu banned from TV without notictable effect on cigarette sales. As in England,. the -' · , ' ' . '• . . . out, have a abod: effect. T'I viewJn; can keep up Jts public educelion. which ,_ lllVl!'G ~ -a ...,._ ~ '·aren't accllllomed lo being lold'iiDr to Is diiected particuJ¥1y .at ·teen .. gers. · loboca> induitry would. _stll!'lie !fee to . spend alzable suma .in newspapei:s and· mag~ which do not ~&e in the public'• domain. .. not tbe uswei, for a po4. do --J••· ...._._ •'-· Here, the downwanl trend in cigarette· ,_adil'a can eommand. a saJari. lilany · ~="!"'i· . • -~., _, an a ""-Lt-··uecuUVe woWd ~: Jt II ~beted.. Moreover, they are wsy llDOking is most apparenl According ,_.... · to the cancer , JOCiety, 28 percent of m:alnly a matter of aocial v ues. of &ood ads. all' teen-agers smOked in. ·1968 as akainst Privately,.tobacco company executives admit that the Industry . bu ·no one but ttaeli to blame !or the · FCC bombshell. After the 111rgeon genml'a · report, the ·COf11P8.nitl armounoed 'I lelf· policing policy by wbich they mutually recopiJlngthat•1DanwhocanellpnUy "All lhe brtgbt guyo In my lhop," 31 )>ment .'ln 11167. Once again; an'-dovetall the dra""" o! • csblnll'111111 one New Yor!t .agency uecutiYe sald, llsinotdnc ads on televlstoo 1et mud! ~-' be a hl&her specimen than a MCODCk1te , .. _ • _,, •I..-edl · o1gner t1' papen slUlng a1 1 mallO(an:y .'1iooJd rather ~k on lhe ~ w ·~ er t. • ' • . I . ... tllllb, r• frJlll 11 11111' dellt. CompulerJ .may ...., replace many 11\iS than on 1bO clpntte -II U cigarette advertising . goes o!I TV, peGIJla wbo wotk wllb their mlndl: bul nDtlilic ',.i can nplace that !lntal pl>)'lk:ai•loo! cl all, the blDDSD band. Investing Against Cr.ime Costly ABM System. Is Under Fire " " WASHINGTON -President Nlsoo.may have lo r!do lo the rescue o! tbt Sentinel mial!le .17.t.m U he wanto lo contlriue the deployment of that anti-balllattc mWlle S)'llem (ABM). That Is the presait readln1 at the Capito!. It -the . facl that l<l!lltllllnl .... bu been ~'to Git ~ subsllnllal' "!'POlltloa ~. wllll mp..i lo . coellJ ABM. • Uiileoa Mr. Nixon la wllllnl lo lnvesl- How to Address Prir Lawmakers ~--~-~- Withprellm.klarydeploymentstepsnow there .ts a different assessment of .the 1• .in progteSS, however, opponents are_ arm-stnUnel's pi-ospeca. It appears, in tht ~ ed with potent new argumenta~alainst first i>la«, that the Senate's 15 freshmen the ABM. Sites an being w!polnted will mostly oppose the' A1!M d!ploymen~ ,., . , for ~P.hk!ttnent of ' radar amys and Some of Jast-y.-•1 J.upporter1 art ., the controversial dtplpymenl Jllan wilh batteriea of 1"1dNJ!.Upped mlsslloa, and wav_eripg too. . , a bit o! praldentlal prastlce, .c.nlma . 'COmmunlties 'lnvo.}ved do not Uko-tbat· · · Then there is the question of· Mr. may well return the Sen11ne1 IYllem at all. ' · N-'• · a(anc.. .SotM '!14>pirtera ara · ·to "research and development'' status. Never mind strategy or disli'Jpament wondering privately whether the new It Is just one more tough problem for talks; now too, Is an 1rgument','lbal l'nlldtn~ beset with bu4get problems, the new President. every...,_. can UlllentaJ\d l the might decide Iba! lie wants lo carefully CONG!lmlONAL sktpucism WI! well Illustrated last week when the House Armed Service! Corrimittee told \he Pen- folks back li6me diln't ).'W..lnt tO life reuaeu the Johnson AdministriUOn'1, ~ lit • the abadoW of a ouclear WUpoDS data "" Sen"··• _.,, . · w-.-. .onnance. . . -installatio~.. , .. , . ~ · U the Prestd~ tempers hiJ en-, tagon it would approve no more Sentinel ON· THE SURFACE, at least,~ con- sites until Jt has a definitive statement gresslonill proa:pect.s for. the add!Uonal from the Defense Department as lo ABM flmda sboWd be good.-{11 the Senate, whether the program ahould be coo-. for example,, qiree aµempts to dettr tlnued. deployment wen de! .. ted WI year. The Last year congress voted JD{ll'e than votes WeR ~1;. H-51 and IMS: 'I , $1 billion lo begin the ABM deploymenL A lotal of f7 member• of the present That action came after former Defense · Senate ~ aligned ·on thole roll cal:la Secretary Robert S. McNamara clmO · In tuppOl'I of the Senllnel dep)~L around to supporting a ''tbb:I" miasile While there were some. vOte nttcbel defense -<lllensibly against a -thrut only 17 ptesent senatbi'I ~' ~ from China In .the 1110s. J' deployment last year. . Congr<sslonai "doves" quickly began .. Mot.over, candidate Nlson praised the the attack oil ·S.nµnel. deploring Its dedston to deploy. tbt Sentinel• m1hlo< coot (at ltast $S billlon) and declaring preoldtnllal campalgnr He said the · · that K would ac<eltrate the arms . .-. Russlans,.who•have deployed 'an ABM ' They quickly ""' ~ 1""11 othera · aroond Moscow .. haVe "forged ·ahead" In co.,_ who trgued thal d<plorinl o! the United.· &ates Ill a vital field the ......,... Sentinel could lorpedo o! defensive -pon11. . · dbcus-wllb Ru1111n. leade(a GO Wblle tht p~ hal ~Sen­=~le Mpgtb o! the two llnel actlvltj. ~ -~ rey1ow ·liy Ill pptr18, Dd ..... '8eciitir# Melvin i.amf OONGJll!!"', • ~ oome . !lrm ad~ iiu stated ~ lie . "'8f lll1i lo ritaln from ,Pruldenl JOllnaon, ,.~ "'°" Ille ABM, In a ilColoyment !llallll, !or 'argumanta. Then, . In bis !lnal n;· \ tbt li1lllUe lboltailoO lailal 1'lllt the for· the year btglpnJng, _ ,fq)J ;J, • t Jtuui~. .. ·' · ,. 1 • .t. • • , • Johnaon propootd apeodin1 .-1.f biHlon on Sentinel IN Tliii: 'ci:oilltooMs. however, ( ' ' thulium .for the deployment plan, it' Is quite clear that somt congreAJonal supporter• of the Sentinel will reconsider their positions too. By Robert s. Aile• 'ud J ... A. Go!Um!1'• .. ,..-------'---~.,· ' .,. " ,., """ -~ . " , .. Vi '-------.......J'' • . ' • • ... ·------...... I • • •• ~-, ...... __ .. ..,........,.~,.1--.... . . ' l\ AlluJJUbl ~ : • ~ '&CtulllYCth •Y~ 'lfl<a lot)ol• olouP' hia major Cllllopier IOO -a ... · (, Y1 ~~ ~'lt,""!'Mli"lid' ol. lbe envies. 8ut ~IJ!ler·\111 ¢rev ..... · !:'ll"H "~11),' wba~ Would ,OU' ctol .ud .lit IOpjllltl<atOil linsta llel a 10Uo1 HOW YOU VlEW theH hiP jinka depends on the gravity with whlcb roo view the whole altuJ.Uon at S. F. State and other colleges and univenitiea in f~rment. . .. For me, the gravity with whicll I viewed ll»e original ten demands at State diminiahed greatly when· I reld the II demaoda posted at USF. And I ' ·recall bearing the statement made: . 0 Nothing reveals a man's character better than the kind of joke at which be takes offense." Why Karate Users Scream " JIY I. M. BOYD ... CHECKING · •.UP•· "' 1, ONLY COIJNTRY ill the world wbert Ute men ooWVe the women is' Guatemala. ~ hunters filure the .age of a mountain lheep by &he rings on its hornso The $vefage.. car. lets 14.f miles to the gallon. Black parents have more twins and ti'lp~ tbaD white. A sbo"'11ul ci ·d r'y mi.ow weighs four pounds. Another citizen ;tacbes age 15 every· 28 seconds. It has been 153 year1 since the last known front or.nee PBX switchbord operator. fflmon 'WU caqht in the dirty Thames. They are pleasant, bwnoroul. smart and Every 10th Catbolic marries outside. the patient .. Never aaw one I did not like. &urdL 'll>e llniled States treuury dally Did you?" No, air, u a matter ol bums wonr bU1s Wortb Z5 million dollara. fact. never did • • • LETl'BR TO AN . . , . . EDfl'.Oll crltlclRs a --11or .BAVJ!: '\'OU 1!=\'EB.~. o1. · ,;. ~-. · tt!erriog . lo'• the ·...uor.,..nat.r . !nm ~~~~ ...iaurlnl? ~rs a 1~ Illinois .. "Old _ .... IJ!ru.n. ml.Mtl' • loot at, or mike rtmarla to or concmtlng; or -coup, or whisper. or whlltle at, or do any other Id to attract the attenion of any woman -·o r feinale penon Upon the street. « public ways of Abilene." . WRY DOES a karate expert scream ·when he. drike1 a blow? That's what researchers at the University of Chtcqo wanted to tnow. So they made a scien. tifJC study, And found "the ICr'elm temb to relieve a 111bject's lnh!bl.Uons when the IUbjecl U engaged ill emotional °"" Uvlty, -~ttlng approximately 15 percent IJUler llOW" of ·per!-." Intmstlng. Ejnotlollal acUvtty, they iay, Cooslder' that,.,..,.,. lady. U you want to 1"4 ' in addltlonal ··IS perceol Into wa:.1~~~-J~ ·:;Z!:!~!;m'~l1fi·~~..:;l worilL "o riiil!W -m6cll yoii harid . olcllllam• the Romw . ,.V. ' lhat · ' the cashier, sbo ls under !)l'ders, to ~ oral<t Mllr<UI Tullius. lie llUfl the " . Ille ·aut: time .JOit · -• .. the -ematJonal· ~~ •,!'f•t tllllnl ~ ,J'l!Uf,, fentlmllil friend . IOOd nJal>I on the B. giving you neither cban(e. !IOI' ~ ..,._. oo hia nose ol an enonnous menL Ont such place o~ in' Los wart. In ·Latin, dctr 1DW1t wart. So Angeles ·a l'bfie bl!CL It was. said to they called the gentleman Cicero. have regiatered a dandy J>tGOt in the · ., beginning, l>Ul then llirltd"strviJll' li· Cl!8'l'OllER SERVICE: Q .. II It not quor,.and promptly ~ oot ol. b.-... ·~ !'» law to ~ ·with a girl lfbe Uquot wasn't <lb that •pay-what-you-In: public m Waco, Tex.. A. WW·cbeckup I' k e pacbge o1 eoune. .but the place on Waco. KMw It's ,Irue ill HOUlloo ltlll folded ' and in AbUene. Abilene's ~llw reads: · "It sbaD be unlawlol for any male • WlUT!3 a 'longtime; mailman named person in the city of Abilene, Tei:., Jlobert E. MUR"ay: "ll I were to choioH to .me·at..or·niike what ii commonly a w I f e by her J_ o b, l would pick a called . •go. eoo' eyes at, or in any " d.~P. -~~.;&. fJtUe. . . RAPID REPLY: Yes, lir, tt'I tncnra that so permit o1 an the bride.s unc1er . II are expectlq. and IO per«nt ol all brldel. wbo marry hfiti IChool boys .... lilewfoe. . Your questiom and commtntr ore welcomed and will be used whtrtvtr possible in "CMc:king Up." Add.nu mail to L. M. Boyd;m c:cn of DAILY PIUYI'," Btn IB75, Nt!DJfOI" Btadl, Calif.- reaeher wa.ge:Near $9,720 . . " Californla toacben"rocorded a 1.3t per- eent averaga pin 1n:aalarieo thiJ·ll<hool j'tar, for a iiew avera,e· anmial"friie of '8.720 -up PM .from laat yeor. ~ Tbe!e nlum n ·~ · ,.,,,, o1 many ill Restan:h BulleUn No. DI Oachen' Salules and Salary es, t ... .'' just releued by the ~lll'Ch Department ci· the Cllilornla Teacher.r·AalocjaUon (CTA). .. ' The 530-page bulletin, prepared in eooperaUon with lhe Caillomia Associa· tlon of SCbool Adminlatr1tors (CASA ) lnd the Calllornla Sc)>ool Boa!dl Aloocia- Uon {CSBA), is now ·beinf distributed to an. school diltrlctl .and local • er A chapters. It covers 91.11 per.cent of. an llf:nons · engaged in teaching · tnore than hall tlri>e in· grades kindergarten througb the 14th. ACCORDING 'fO the .bullolln. !Ilia ~ degree," Rea: aaid. "One ol. the reuons ; Io r our chrmic, 25-year . t ea c b e·r •bor!Ai• ls that buainea and lndUJlrY 'gen<laUjl pay more !or Jieople with .;,,,,. parable hlghu education." AMONG OTHER ~tistica In the report are: -Hlgb ld>ool tea~ received a 1.22 percent gi.1.n · to an Iver age bf $10,109 annually. ' · -Junior co~ege ·leacben ncelved on l.07 permit pill, to .. averl(e ci f1J,-:m ......i11; •. -Elomenllry -ben Wert incruled 1,31 peicent to an averaae ol $!~1.J annually:, . . Dr. Go,rfOl'll G. Gordol\, CfA .-rdi execatlve, polllted out !bet the coopera- tion ol. CASA and CSBA ill the iaWy .._.mi niakil the· ~ atplflcant in ,that·teacber ~. ~Id. ---and ·-ci -tloD will all be worklq, lr11111 the -aet ol fllurOi · w)ieii W""8 aboui aJld codr-· paring tQchtr 1alulea. . . _ "TRIS YEARtt bulletin contains more Information than ever belore," he said. "It glvea the complete aalary 1cbedulel and ploce-ci )ead1"I on the schedule for · eaicb Callfornla ocbOol dl5trlct t b at respondlcl to' ibii ·lllml'· 'l'bele nw date will eaable lntemled . portleo to make any type ol comparilm or analylea '111<1' desire." . CaDltnla,........ .-- ,.ar'1 · 1.9 . -I lailry' plJ> ls> the • · " , , . ""'°"". l.Ultlt ·peicent8p pin ilnCe -• ' · ' • =~~e~::.iu:of.,the P~o~~'s _Right to,. Know .. · . ·.·. · · Jack D! Rees; uecutJJe, ~ of r~ · 1!>e 111,llllk!tmb<r CfA; cledand that Otlla --••--B "=~ While the.new 11tary gain ilfencourqtq, , ...... ._. '°"': nuai the ~is st111 ·fer a11ort·of wfllt·teacllm "f.merl<u Bar c Aaaociallon llarll tbould be paid to put them ill ttalllUc tamperlnf wltli the free prea1 of this ~mpet1Uon wilh professional -~ Datloc? it 11 Imperitlve that the press •mployed by business and Industry, wbo .peat out In . ftli>DI protea! have four to sevlh year• of colleae ~~~· "-bvl • · ' preparatkln. u..t1wte •~-U!llY• o omly are eon- ; "It shoo Id be lltm!ed that -4 ccoed. and lboald bo, al>out ·Ille con, pm:ent ci thia ~· gala mere!J -U ltitut(onal rl&ldl ol. -cllutl. They lbe c;oo~"'!'_1he ....• ol. Uvinl," +. D~WIDI a!IJDinl iri-.. t eoa- ~ aald. ,• . . " .. Ce!vably could ln•elll a def ..... ! . . " ' . ' : RB ADDED TRAr. "'o!Mously, hall from recelvlDf a I~ trial. But 'tben !If the !(ate'I teacben ...e~ .. 8' neltber ~ the IWW,apo'(iera. Dedicated thanl tht· ,_. perctlll 1verqe ~. newsmen are JUlt'U &Uious·to wure and...,. dlslr\Glf sranlod"'° lncnao a 1U trial for all deledanti u are lhl• ~w. T...,.. wbo <!kl dot.,..... . tbelr. a~ ... An.hi~ foc. IUbafantjal Wary r.-· icfuaUr loll Ja tor • ; , It that oace lbe B0r l1ICCe<dl P"~!!"!"'·:· ' ' "". In leWnl Ibo ..... !l'ediaJ111t)Jl01llJll- -lbn oe an w formation H can ,ad -bow for arfel at Illa -.ri -.a . lban the l!lll>Uc'• l!I<· the """'step COuid be ~· ~·I . L ID a--·~ of pntl'ill'ln-' , all'! lndlllfr1 anll -"'t fmmetlm, blcllidloi Ille -'<11 on Un~ In tbol ir<ncL lDdMdual. 'Iba--~ tb1a Miian · "If• can =-"rorl;-w . ~ bu ' -mon to -.. and •ho~ plloetln'-.0 . pre..,.. clelilocr1t1 .t11aa a:r.-=aclt their -!edit and Gllfl. · elameat of IOCIOIY. It It dNrntllWd be,f/l\lcl i. lllan Gllllr prol""""" ~ lheH """11 be equal Jlllllet for all req oducaUOa above the bachekir'• with a lolr. trial ll 11 alto detcnnlDod . . -.. - I • u ,1"11 ' .... 'l!lll ad! "UYffr, ~ lacl:' One Ill the ...... or-cl "" .~ "'--·'-'· ....:......: dlYldlfal -* .,,..._ ill Uiis ~;-· .--...--.-:--COilnti'y todl&·ll the field o( -~-"'!~#"-~· wlllr!UeO,-orwbalyouwW.ol,allluenco .-ial!f Plf-' &'!" bo111e b11d . . i-, ... ,.. ~ :wt.,;;'. •• ' • anJ ~p. . . ' . Tll!'leUili~ It Doi Nljulnd, and .. ~=~~#.· 11M.-'l!••·io hlo ad;:;~ C.c1ay,··~-=·.:..~ 11!'."bld 'llit,,. 'I ·''°''"''Jlf',·:t.·~·::1';!:.; uie~ eel"'' • , '' I tliat~be;~"lt \ kmiyr·.td t.bld· jani . '',a sense ot' Power Arte;~. ·' "· · ' · • :::melliblied•il tothls 1'lie Jane .. Fer a ·blt 'ol ili9cre<t calling 00 ~peel> THE GREAT BARIUE8 ill the United " • • ~ •""'"'\1111'!'•11111 .. !fe.-"8 aQiDO :inltiolllloct dllllc1llti wtU. Jw'. Stpt .. is :rtate, or l!1i!>d-~lier )9 ~· ~.,~; ~1!~·~t; : ~~ ·f ~u IQIPe, eJPJ•inln& ·to their· daughter al . an ~n-.itted a)Jlve than an acknaWtedi-""~•"""5· UCPllOvtl. • ~ge, Albert committed himself. The, ~ ~ant; be;tter to Uve 9'1 the govern. ~bert wu in the modest. n'liddle· of Millers their · name t e m p 0 r 1 r 11 y men~ tban tp' take the wages ol penonal · ttie ·affluent IOClety; ", ~ • yet-be felt ~ to ('Bagby,'' were installed service~ .Under W~llop~s joke is another ·~more alave than owoer. To the ln_:eomfortable, attractive, .modern troth: ~tlsmorel.U;ety'tobeaned~ted ¥u¥1 te l:he ears, to the muy chatttls quarters at Rur Guard, lbe estate of middl~ pel'leD Who will ~~ ovw whicb .llUec\ hia ho<-and garage, to Mr. ·and Ml'l...J. K. Dutloili in ll>e ' theattitudtbarrlertthanaw~""° lnsurance comparues, to tu collecton Maryland-Virgi.nla tidewater couDtry. me .m tl!e cunous clulJ: poUont that at various levels ancl aubstaUoos _ to befuddle America. • .,,.... .... all ol thelo '.he "u' lltile bOtter u.\iq· THBY, BAD'. flM,111 lr<im the sale Albert and Jane ''Bagby''. find the\a' in ·lndenlUred ......... and """• ..... -61 ,lbtlr own llolil'e;. Mlafy ci'!f,11)11 ,good .w.~ threa!ened' by )l;!e penonil brooded upon It, wben··hJe' dlaclls8ed 'ft ··a mmth wblcb 'quietly eacile.ted to ... vagar~s ·of J. K. Dut~ who);1'1 hi• $1,200, ·room and· board on ideal · tenns retirement, ls le)dlng a Ii!• ol rar fr<>bi "" • ..., .LHI •• . °"'.._ ........ ·~ of : t;beir .own · (licla~.. ~ pitiably qui~t. :~apon. }he . g:r_~ious en- • ' 111 ....... 11.ft · . gratefutemploy'".AlbtrtanctJanegave ·~·the ~.U9ft:S .,hM:iplanned W · •• , . fuD valut, too. Jfe loved 'tOWoit With . ~· now that ·Uiey1 lilive.t lbeir ... coupk. "ith·hil wife or ·wlth b!s·God he wu hishand!,·indoonorout and was good ls.blighted by·the·ruthleosly .pnda1<!"7 mdlped f.o cr,,ve 1 c;hqe.,."'J'be-1imidloua: at tit. -~e· tended bar ~ell. Jane was attempt .of .every guest wbo coipea 'to wr~~. Jde.a· tha~ Cfl!pt : intp his • ~ excelle!lt cqok, and .lik'ed, it, and steal.these Jewels aw~y. , , biala was · ri0n-<>wder8hlp," a w•y to the housekeeping was no-.. problem . to . W,e think .the. boo.t. v._~ of{ too mucli Wte !but not .own.' · her. ii was pleasant and .on the .whole to P,.itton, ~tead of concentr8ting more '.l'iiAT IS nm VISION . ol "The .Good gracious living, if you . were ~fret ol on th.e i.hffuite vai'lations d. wbat might the American obiliJaaion that personal have beet! the .Mlllill'' aavefttures, even services a.re d~g. witb mn· ~n .one ,qnplo'y~f~ Jlut that •i:ruJ_ reviewer knew of a Couple who ~ls W~op's .business. -. d~ what .the. Mlll~rs did, with coo-I_t is .barQ to stay ,on 'top of a good ~derable ~· and In lieu_ of jogging Idea. Wallop is bue~eQ o,r bis, ~ aom8 · ~.:0·1• in &he t)tfw .'nOvel by ·~ Wallop. He iJ author, aniong other bc:ioks o! ""'° Year !be Yankees Lost ~ Pennant." It seems. quite likely that he's got another wll)ner. ''the Qood Life" ia a funny boot, broldly fan:ical but. a11o •bre~ perceptive of the anoinalies, par a·d o 1: e 1, ironies, absurdities, contracUcUooa. 1 h a m 1 , be has· spent a couple or hours kicking •-t. So . is Albert ,Miller . bucktd ~ hunself uvuoo· the block for not getting liis. In neither-case doeS it ilter the tho id<J_for lb!s book. from il. Wallop fact that thia iJ a funny book. _ i.s . at pains to but hia falile -,. that · · -EdniaDd~ Fa!fic- 1t won't give the Ured owner wbo is la die Wall S&reet J....a . . .. '" . " ' " • "' ' " ••• .. ,., •••• 1,· ' . .H. ., ' .. :,, " ' ' I .. , ... ·.- " -· _!;, t " ~· ~; ,, ,, ·~-.. ': 1" 11 \: "' ;,. "' ' :• Ai " \~ . .. •. -• ,. ·~ "• . " '" " ,• < •: • ,_ " " " ,. ~. :· -0 " ~ . r • • • ·------ ~ DAILY PILOT y Chromosome· Is I It Makes Cellular Divisions for Male, Female -' By DELOS SMITB !)''determines ,.. and wlclt-C...... the number ol ml- uPi ~ ,..,.. rqing ~ have toles (cell d1Yislonl) at a NEW YORK-in the seJeri. made It doubtflJJ that comblna· putlcular 1tage of (embry· tmc opinion ol Dr. Unula tlnn of the pnea carNd by oolc) devdopmeo~" she u id, Mlt,wocb, •-geneUcbt. the Y the chromosomes could deter-notlnl that for one thing, chromosome 1---.. crl.Ucal minej L mat• are larger than fe- cellular dlv~Jn .c. ..,. . Dr. Mlttwoch -.! that maiea. Also "It bas been , ... genes ,are not bivofved 'at all shown that the difference be. bryo and that 18' wbJ IOtDI Of and that the y chromosome tween large and small breeds us are males ·and me are detenn.lnts it indirectly, by1 a 1 of rabbits was accompanied f I •·-k door u tt were rt by different rates of mitosis cma es. • • u.\: • • In tbe embryos." destlMd to. become an ovary is a negaUve one, that ts, the sooad falls to ahow 1ign.s ol testll form.aUon lo an embryo of appropriate age," she said. ...... UPI T ....... She was cooslnlcllng'~ Clllael maiellels In posftlve lh-~ of ho~ ,., ii . . !¥hlon, by being jll'OllOlt and In the human (and other --' octive in tbe ~ maR<lp ll\lllUDl)tan) embryo a gonad "By further postulating a burst of mitoses at a crl~cal time and place in develop- ment, it Js easy to imagine how an indlfferent gonad might develop into a testis. Falling this burst of mitoses, the gonad would become an ovary." ;;;,-. SPRUCE D UP -The original penny of 1909 (left) • -loob Uli:e the newly.spruced up one of 1969, not like tlle one in the middle, wbicb shows wear and tear of time, which had flattened features lo Ibo point where the !Sib President got a pointed h"'!d. mined, and for solid reason.· j •I..-f~ni........11 .....,. c:ell. --1--Jn IO '-~uierent state "Of all the genetic differ-~ -.,_ ·--~ ""'"" hlch dUtlruruW. Femal..W ls tbe negative, for ...,., time after ils flrlt ences w ::i::"'i',-:-;:: m~ taWdDg from the 1bsence of appearance and there is no bero of a 51"'1es. ' she said, y evident clue to ita ...ull goal Or. Mittwoch works in the famous Gilton G<nelics Lab- oratory in London's Unl•ersity College. Sbe confronted sci~ ence with her theory in th• technical journal, "Nature." -• • • No Changes Planned "the distincUoo between males ·'.l'bt y c:brGmolomt'I pa. "R II interelting that the and females is of the most ltivo octtoo ls that tt "i!>-fltst lndlcaUon that a gooad is interest to moat pew~e." ' . !:'pi· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • • • • • • • Best I s Cooperative In P ennies Tes t Nails 'Bad Police' • It used to be such tbeorfull proll!erated at a high rate but no longer. GtneUcs and, re- lated sciences have produced -facts which any acceptable theory must account for. A new theory iJ now an event and this put.s Dr. Mit'twoch in WAS!UNGTON (UPI) -WASHINGTON (UPI ) -A made ln 1988, with cooperation "He bas to be a take charge science 's center stage. Abraham Lincoln bu been test intended to nail the poten-from the Chicago Police guy, but an Individual who Among mammals only the given 1 lhave and 1 halrcut tiat "bad cop" in a batch Department. ls ais-essive ts the kind of fert.Wr.ed germ cells whlcb as • ..rt of IIOth birthday ol n u a ts has 1 , y M ....... l. ~1-.... _. contain the Y chromosome de--new po ce app c n Patr C11. • ... .,..y, wn:t:~Or policeman who gets into trouM velop into maleJ. Normally the praent been perfected arxt Is already of the law en f o tc em en t . ..1... chrom The ~immina:. done without ln use, scientists report. assl!tance adm:lniatralion in hie. There 111 great teQdency ~~he~wX~~~ paired fanfare, wu done OD the Test resulted from a study the JusUce Department, said in police circles to feel thal the result is a female. Lincoln bead that appears on finaoctd by the J us t i c e "the 1ests showed the good the aggre,ui.ve policeman who These are established facts. (he U S st•.t;.... ith _Department and"the Industrial Policeman has to have the makes 1 lot of arrellt.9 is a Another fact-a confusing one · · penny, ......... w Relations Institute o( the attributes Ol good front line good policeman," M u r p h Y -is that neither of the stl 1969 t:oins. University of Clicago. Jt was supervisors in industry. said. chromosomes, Y or X, direct- The general public tppar·1------------------------------------- e0Uy didn't notice, but coin collectors d.id--and the Treas· ury Department'~ Bureau of the Mint. was moved to issue a atatement 1SS1Jrinc every- one that ••no change In de- sign" of Abe's bead was io- W>dod by lhe >prucHp. A mlal spoknma• uplained !hat b«allse. ol .... -·· the master die cot lo 1IOI had flatlelled tbe featura ol the 16th Pratdent, ..-lllJth birtllday OJll\IVtraatY WU hnJ days ego. As the years wore on, the craggy, bearded Ltfico1a fea- tures broadened ' and a top. knot of ba1r began to appear. The word!! "In God We 'trwt" and "Liberty" flattened out and began crowdinc the edge or the coin. ••All we did is bring the words back to the proper dis- ~. The original design called for and we sharpened the feolutts to the depth they were on tbe lD coin." the spokesm•n aald. "We cannot cbange tile deliln ol • coin '----wttbtn • 2$-JW period with-out _.,... action and we have no intention of doing so." Nixon Has New Line Of Command WASHING TON (UPI) - The Nlxoo administration bu set up an elaborate reportin& system so that the White HOWie will know tn advance about developing troublesome siluaUona and can move to head !hem off. UPI learned that tbt White House refera to it as a "staff memo S)'ltem," structmed like a system wed during the Eisenhower admlnl.stration. The White House asked et· eculive departments to pro- vide lnformaUon about on- going sJtuatlona so that ~e President can better apprme what may happen and what action may be needed. Not all of the memos will go to NJ1on. 'I1le White House start will compile and con- dense !hem, then submit !he edited venloos to him for bis tnfonnallm and p 1 an n in g guidance. . ID at leut ooe departmen~ the IOCMUY'• offlce lw aJreaoly inatruci..I all agency beads to clellpate an official to report twice weekly on mat- ten wblcli mJchl be lncluded tn tile clepartmO!llal report to theWhiteHouae. ~ helldl were cau- tioned to pick • man whose normal wort would alert him to developine probltml the White House should tnow 1bout. The WhJte House apparently w a a t a nHllDll on matters that woald come below ·the loYOI of qendo Items for for a cebloet meetlni with !he Pt ....... San*'•DM tbe memos -odd tnfonnatloo "' • """" problems .ir..d:!' under ~e1ldentl 1 lec&- AUTO · INSURANCE PROBLEMS? '• Shop ·at horl1e! CALL COLLECT (714) 523-6511 • fne C091ultatlonl • fne estl"'atel • No obligation! • We b,rl111 sa111plesl Save 15~ on luxurious carpeting (includes pad and installation) rn ul lbJI Save 2.01 sq. yd. on 'Ballet' In random tip sheared solids! . Reg. 13.35 sq. yd. NOW 11.34 sq. yd. Beau!ilul ralidom tip sheared Zef- krome• acrylic/Vere!• modaaylic pile in 12 vibrant colon com- pletely installed over 5 0 oz. rubberized cushion. Save 1.78 sq. yd. on our 'Quiet Villoge' plush pile carpeting! Reg. 11.84 sq. yd. NOW I0.06sq. yd. Luxurious plush 100% Fortre!• polyester pUe in 9 sotod cQlon completely lmtalled over 50 oz. rubberized aishion. Save 1.41 sq. yd.on 'Allicanle' 100% Herculon• loop plle tWMd Reg. 9.35 sq. yd. NOW 7.94. 1111-yd. Hand1111ne Herculone ~ pyl-olelln I-' loop pile In ten rich t....d colorings. This carpettng In, 'Monsqve' pattern is completely Installed over 50 oz. rubberized cushion. ' L~L 67U650 1 H a H1 IHSURANCE Service available In greater Los Angela, Orange and Ventura Counties • ·-· ·-•-c....• ... ....... ,.,. ,.,..., : ................ ..... t i t NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY f I ' PINCHER .. CL-ir~SSIFIED. 1'DS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE ' 3 LINES 2 TIMES $2e00 IN THESE CLASSIFICATIONS! , . Fumtture 8000 Pi~nos & Orgatu Office Fumitur• 8010 Radio Office Equlfl'M"t 8011 Televialon Store lqvifl'M"t I012 Hi-Fi &. Stereo C1h, lt"'eunnt 8014 T1p11 Recorders Ber Eqvlfl'M"I 8015 Ca meras & Equ lpmtnt Household Goods 8020 Hobby Supplin AppilanCOI 1100 Sportl"I Goods Anti111ves 1110 Sowl"' Mochi-1120 Blnoculan , Scopes Mutlal ln1trurMnts 11 25 Mi1c1ll1neou1 8130 1200 1205 121 0 1220 1300 1400 1500 1550 l600 e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e Ne Item Ove.r $50 e No Commerci1I firms e • No Copy ChtntH e . No Abbreviations e START MAKING MONEY NOW! CALL: ' 642-5678 ASK FOR ;vouR DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR AND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! \ The Great O range Coast's No. 1 Paper! ' , ' • • .. • .. . • .. ' .. • , ~ • ' .. • . • • .• • • • • ~ • • • • • ·• • • • • • . • • • • .. • ' .. " • .• • .• .. ' > • • • ., < " • • • 4 • • • .. .• < .. • " " • .. .. • • " • • .. ' • " '· " • • • • ' .. ' ' • ' • • • Terror Tacdcs QUEENIE By Phil lnterlancll Police Arrest 9 • • • lllond>,, F•""""117, IM DAILY I'll.Of:! I . ' . 'State Looking at, Polluti6~ Legislature Schedules H ear.ings on Problem : : -• , ·. lnNaziBombings SACRAMENTO (UPI) -lo air pollutloo. The lasue lz> when a Unloo Oil Co. well autboriJe BART dlnclGni to The conUnulng problem of volves a ·dtlpute between the ln the Santa Barbara Channel tack \2«Dt more to tbCl- polluUon ls scheduled to automotive industry and the blew out. ce.nta on the dallar ulel p receive a major share of oil companies. Tb e Govemmental Ef.. in the counllel to be llllWd MENLO PARK (UPI) - Police today protected an undercovtr qent and hanted more upecta aft.er arresting nine Npl ... tyle milllanb for political sabotage in a series of bombinp and terTOr tacUcs against left-wing groups. day which produced the ar-lawmakers attention as the Mot-Or V'e b I e le manufac--.. resta of nlne membel::s of a legislature today began the t~ contend that gasolines ficleocy and N 8 tu r 11 by BART -Sa Fnmdlio. so-called "Bible study group." sevtntb week of lb current c:an be mide: that will bum Resources Committees will Jn. AlJroedl, and ~ ~ The nine were impUcated session. cleJl'lft' aod release fewer vesUgate the d t.1 a•. t e r · ~. of. ~ ftm In at least 31 bombings and The Assembly and the pollutants into the atmmphere resulting from a well drilled '·.the :I·•-~ at t , t~ olher acts of sa~e on the Senate resumed sessions again than present products. But oU on a federal lease beyond the Committee at tut· wee:K•11 San Francisco peninsula in the after another t h re e • d a y companies are cool to aug· three-mile jurisdiction llmJt of hearing, Sherman •uo't able past three months. weekend recess. A number of gestions the formulu for the state. to muster enoueh votes and The nine, held on $12,SOO bail each, were to be ar- raigned IOdoy. Victor Cizanck.as, ll en Io committee 1 scheduled making gasoline should be Sen. Lewis F. Sherman CR· the biU wu tald over f«" ano- Park chief of police, said the organilation meeUngS for the changed. Berkeley), will make a second ther week. case it "so serious" that coming week. Air polluUon experts are el· effort this week to get his ip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o undercover agent, officer Ar· Two strong lobbies, more pected to testily in addition bill providing $148 million ad-The undercover agent posed aa a Nul sympathizer for three wetk.s setting the stage ... for a raid by 40 policemen • late Friday and early Satur-• st•N '"' M>O mmo• "•IT OIL our mand Lareau, 15, is now in often allied in legislative to the industry represen-ded financing for the Bay hiding with bis wife and baby causes, are expected to cla.sb tatlves. Area Rapid Transit System !•••••"41 "r ,.. ....,_, ·daughter aft.er infiltrating the Tuesday in a hearing called The same day two Senate out or committee onto the H..., ,...... ef ...,. .. group that called itself the by t h e A 5 s e m b l y committees will hold a jcint Senate tloor. Mrs. W-.. 00- ~ • * * * Cell Mates "Society of Man." T b e l~1~-~17~~E~~i!~~5~~~;:;;;~:.:::J TransporlaUon Committee to hearing int9 polluUon caused The measure, backed by 4 J 7 hlllll "" .. whereabouts of a second agent :s~tu"'.dy~th~e..'.re~l~at"'.lo~n~o~f_!g~as~o"'.ll~ne:_~by~a~gi~an~t~ot'.'.,l~a"'.llck~_'.fo"'.rm~ed~-~Go~v.~R~onal~d~Rea~g~an~,:._::w~oul~d~~~N ... ~,..~~~~··~·~·•~· ~Ccllf~·~~ instrumental in smashing the 1 _ .• • .. Beat '~azis' .. • REDWOOD CITY (AP) - '" Fellow prisoners in the San • Mateo County Jail beat three "" of nine persons arrested in ... connection with a series of bombings on the San Fran· ci.sco Peninsula. .. A monitoring system in lhfi , jail's tank on Sunday morning ; brought San Mateo Coun!y sheriff's deputies to rescue Donald Kay Smith, 22, of Palo : Alto who wu on the floor • with a bk>ody face. ! DepUUes said they were ln- ve&Ugatlng the beatings. Two ! men quesUoned about Smith "' were reported to have said ! he wu a Nazi and that they "" were "'tired o( those bom· ,. billgs." ' • • • ring was being kept secret "Do it? I can't even. Pronounce it.• after his wife rece ived ___ c_ _______________ _ threatening phone calls. Cizanckas said o t b e r suspects possibly would be ar. rested from informatioh sup- plied by Lareau,· who gained the group's confidence by pos. ing as a policeman disillusion- ed with his "commie pinko" chl·ef of police. Pictures of Adolf Hitler and slain American Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockv•ell, Natl armbands and flags, bomb- making eqdipment and a cache of 30 guns were con· fiscaled in synchronized raids by the squad of police from five surrounding communities. Woman's Body ·Found Beneath Family Home EL MONTE (UPI) -The decomposed body of a young wonian was dug from a shallow grave Sunday beneath the kitchen of a couple's modest home. Police said tOtlay there v.•ere indicaUons it was the corpse of the couple's eldest child who vanished last month three days before her sched~led wedding. the earth. He called police and officials cut through the kitchen floor to remove the body buried in a shallow grave. Mrs. Arteaga, 40, said she believed a wr istwatch on the arm belonged to her m i s s i n g daugbter Anita, 22. Detectives said today the}' had no suspects and there was no indicaUon how the girl had died. Pending an autopsy to positively identify the body, a team of investigators was to travel to Salinas i n Northern California to ques· .. -... All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday ThR.uoh-SCitiirdar. THRU SAT. ONLY! REDUCED I let the Pe~rest lcu~ y tea111 ·take ONr your washing e11ICI ~ now and sawl • Woman Tells Of Kidnap, 3 in Muti~y 'J'rial Get Stiff Terms The grisly discovery was made underneath the home of Silvestet and Consuello Arteaga in this Los Ange les suburb. One of their seven children, SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Alberto, ll, told his father The fiTst three of 27 Army he thought he smelled a .deart prisoners charged with mutiny animal under the home. for partleipat~g in a sit-down Silvester, 46, inched under the strike at the Presidio Stockade borne through a crawlway and Uon the girl's fiance and rel,a.Uves. s ~~ E 3 3 9 0 Through intenoiews with the family, d e te.c ti ves reconstructed the movements • - o! Anita during the days prior . to her disappearance on Jan. ---------------------··----.,.-----------· 15. have been convicted and saw an arm sticking from : Jump Escape SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -Police were searching.today for a youth about 17 years old who reportedly kidnaped sentenced to long prison termsl-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-,1 at -hard labor. 11 ~ at gun point a bousewire who : later escaped by jumping from a moving car. _Police said Mrs. R a y Norman, 30, told them the youth entered her car at a market Saturday and told her • lo drive to a mountain cabin. "My friends are waiting. We •" are going to use drugs on you," Mrs. Norman said the ·· youth told her. j The youth took over driving , , after a few miles when Mrs. •\ Norman feigned dizziness. At ~ a curve, she jumped out, she ·~ said. • A rear tire rolled over her -· ... feet, £he said, and she suf· :,: fered a sprained ankle. A ., passfng motorist look her to " a telephone. Her car was : found, motor running, stuck ·· in a ditch a few miles farther < c r. up .old Waterman anyon ; Road. • ~ --• • • .. •' VC Rehires Dr. Marcuse Four more of the defen· dants, including two teen- agers, were to go ·on trial today in the third of a series of court martial Proceedings resulting from the demonstra· lion last fall. .. The '7·~ers rtfused to report for work details, Oct. 14 and held a sit-down strike to protest the fatal shooting of a feUow inmate three days earlier during an escape at· tempt. They also complained of unsanitary conditions and illegal treatment at I h e stockade: "It is the attack on the system that is important," the Army argued during the trial o( two defendants last week. "If this were allowed to go unchecked, it would pose a serious threat to the entire U.S. Army." Facing trial today were four Californians -Pvls. John D. Colip, 20, Sacramento; Michael Edward Murphy, l!I, Tracy; William Gary Hayes. 22, Healdsburg, and Harold Joe Swanson. 18, San Leandro. Old World Mediterranean . · S-panish Furniture Received c1ncell1tion of $22,000.00 Spanish and Mediterranean Fumlture AD N .. T., 9..nty ...... N .... hcMot.'1 D,... H.-0. D ... ., Items as follows: Georgeous 8 fl custom quilted sofa with separate loose {>illows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran· can style with top quamy 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dining set. etc. WkoJ. •ovsehl -reg11IC11' $1521.00 ~:1~~~~.1~1~.E._ .. _ ..... $698.00 Any Piece Can Be Purchased lndl'lidutlly Terms Av1ll1bl1 -Newcomen to Calif. Credit Apprqved Immediately f / J /] Furniture Review Sought At Harbor Blvd. STANFORD (UPI) -Four 1844 N rt Bl d C ta u .. _ I .. SAN DIEGO (AP) -The student leaders from Stanford e'Npo y • OS lftC'HI on y - :: University of California at San and the University 0 f Ev~ry night 'til 9 -Wtd., Sat. & Sun. ~II 6. .. Diego says it will keep on California asked Presidentl';:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:~j the faculty Dr. i·J er be rt 1;:: .. Marcuse, c 0 n tr 0 v e r s i a 1 Nixon Sunday of an impartial ,: philosophy professor criticized review of the current mutiny "" by the American Legion as trials at the San francis~o .. an irulplration to rebel\ious Presidio calling the planned ~· students the world over. trials of the 27 soldiers a • SEE THE STARS "gross miscarrjagc of let the 1f1r1 guiclt you. Sycln1y 01111rr, ont tf the wor!c1'1 for•· moil 11trolog1rs, wrile1 the cl1ily horou;op1 column ft1!11recl in 11>1 DAILY PILOT. ..., 'I'lle announcement wa s i'ustice." "" made Sunday by Chancellor._'~~--------'====================='I ., William McGill. :. McGiii said it would be the ~: last extension for 1t1arcuse, .. who at 70 i.s three years past :_ the nonnal retirement age. .,. The decbion to retain ,. Marcuse, said McGill, was made after a careful review ~ by a five-member panel of ·• senior faculty members or ~ Marcuse's "academic merits ~· . , . hit writings, his standing ~ among scholars, his teaching ·~ and hi! service to the univcrsi· ty." • , . .. ~ 'Pro-campus' " ·' Move Slated • BERKELEY (AP) -Young • Americans for Freedom, •• which opposes the closing of campus bulldlnp In student ~ disputes, ls starting a " statewide organlzing cam· paign to "free our schools." .. About 100 studenls from all parts of the slate mel hert Satu.rdly to pl1n ihe program 'Harvey Hukarl Jr., a VAF chapter leader at Stanford1 University, asserteO mo 1 t !'itudentl were "chicken" rather Uuln "silent.'' • "U we can get lbem to •cli then we can free our schools," he said. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR· MA,INTAINING S5M SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hours: 9:·30 a .m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AVAILABLE NOW ... Am.1 rwal'llllll Ml Mill tt F.-.. llllllr Sl"lrtina .... """" 11UK11oM 11n •• ~ 1lcbt llmMICioftl S)ltMn - lie .... llril11 ........... ON THE PAIRI SAVE 21.95 SAVE 11.95 Two speed 16 lb. Three ten1peralure' porcelain washer P9nncrest gas~· Reg.199.95 Reg.154.95 Now.s171 NOW s143 Pay •• l;ttle OI $1 per month Pay • little • $7 pe< month • All.-poroolaln outomatic -lrs wtiitw •Two WOth/tplo ~ Mttiogo, ,..., Jet Int ~!tor • fiw wmlt/m. temp.tallift llftings • Sook cycle -ng. :i l...t _,.. settings • Sofoty lid switch -Mth tub bnslce • Pot..im. ....... flodh ""'and drvol lrs"""" • 1hi'w ,. f 1 ahn lettings* 130 ....,.. . ..._ • T., -wl ........ rotary-•ola • Scsloty ~ ----... ftllor • Thonno Flo ~ olectric apcrl lgnffioo Penncrest• 3 temperature electric dryer Reg.124,94 NOW •113 NO MONIY DOWll ••• USI nNNIY'S TIMI PAYMIMr PLAN NEWPORT BEACH HUNTING-TON BEACH (F1shion lslond) (Huntington Center) -.. ) -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -~\ r \ I \ I i \ I' I ' • Rooster Boles 1969 ·Roost ft All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday -• • • Oriental New Year Welcomes Cock for 4,667 ~.~!'aS'll t' By TOM BARI.EV or flM 01i1r Plttt Sl•lt • ~ Maybe 1897 w11is )'OUf year. Jben again }t could have been 1JI09, 1921 or 1933 or, even ~ore rectnUy, l!M:i or 1957. • U you were born in enc · " those years It's pretty cer. lain you won't deny thllt jou•re • "deep tt'llnker, !m· ~1Uous • n d aggressive." Jb.at's what the Luna r rortune Calendar, a daily necessity in every Chinese llousehold , says you should be. : So now it's your year - Oie Year of the Cock and Y,ou should have been in qapistrano Beach Sunday to celebrate. Sunday was New Year's Eve ID millions of A!lans and those or Chinese descent and P.1r. a'nd Mrs. Edward Shuck of the beach community hosted a celebration for the Oranile County Chine,. Social Club. Amon& the guesta 'ifert Ph1Up Y. Llu, the consul ceneral of NaUonalist ~ and his wile, ar.d a rolk dancer, Wei Wei Chao. Gourmet foods were on t.;ip for the CQ!:ks who wished to flaunt their !eathera at I.he banquet table. No one took it pe~onally when' a happy Chinese pumped a hand and hollared "Gong Hay Fat Choy." That was "Happy New Year." Dr. L. S. Tsai, professor of psycbology at Gal Sla!e, Fullerton, Dr. Lawrence Lew. proffessor of political science at Chapman College and Or. James Kin, an Orange psyc h ia tr is t debatetl "Integrating the best ideals and attitudes from b o t h Eastern and Western cultures on marriage, the upbringing of children and on family liv- • For The' Record • DEATH 'NOTICES HANSEN M1rv J aoe Hansen. AM 77. d '1060 NewPOrt Blvd .• Cosla Mesa. Survived bv aau{llh!er, Barbi•• Sh1w, of Pa.a Roble..; !WO 1i1"'rs, Mrs. Neille Wels-rnann. Oen"tr; Mn . Sarah surnPter. tn11i.n1. Soe<vk:es w!ll be Mid T- d1v. 10 AM, Bell BroadW1, Morlu1ry . ChlM>e'I. E1110"f1tinient in !he AbMv h' Oran~. F1rni!v suv~e•b ThO'f w!!lll"" to rnake '""'mcir!al C....!rlboJUons, plffl~ Cgn!rlboJte to Ille A~rkan Cancer Society, IUJ6 E. "" SI .. Tu~lin. aen ll~dW•v Mortuary, no llroe<!Wav, Cosl1 Me..a, Oirec!e'1. UMSTEAD Andrl!W J11v Ul'Mlffd. 1.07 S. Walnut, A.nat>elrn. Diie or Oe111'1, Feb. 16. Sur· vlllf!d b, w!le, JO¥U: ... .-.nt•, Mr. Uld Mfl. Andrew E. 1Jm11~1d, 1-IUlll· lnVIOrl 8e1c~: brothers, Rotiert, d Hun!Tngton Beat h; 1f\d J1rnes. U.S. Army. Sttvltes will be held Wed,....,_ d1~. ] PM, P.Kllic View ChaPlll-£ ... !ornbmenl, P..cllie Vitt< Mrmorl•I P1r1I;. F1rnlly SU99"11 '""'e WISftln9 !o rn 1 Ii; e rn•morlal conlrlbuHons. piffle cootrlbult lo Ille Amerlc1n C1ncer Society, KERN C1tt1oe•!ne ICem. Resident of S.n s~r· netlllno. 0.1e of 6fe!h, Februar~ 16. Survl..-b• •ons, Don•ld G. 1iou1e- m1n, L119un1 8t1cll; and JaO C. .,..,,,.,,,,... ... ~an Fr1ntl1co: "aughter. Vlrvlnl1 M. HU911H, S.n 8ernttdlno: sl~ter. Annt Findlay, Sin 8 er111rdlna; 1~ • .., 9tandch11dren •nd ~ 9n11- 11•1ndchlkl. Wvltel w\11 be llt1d We6- n~1y, Flbtu1rv 1', I PM, P1cl!lt VI""" Chapel. 1nletmeAI, Paclllc View MM>Orlat P1~. Olre<:led by P1cillt V~w Marlu1ry. MORRIN ETl1a1>e111 F. Morrl11. 11'11 sunset Ave.. South LrOUl\I. Oled Februlr"f IS. Survived by daU9hler and 9'1n'l"' l1w, Mr. 1nd "'" Tony 80Mlo, d S.OVlll L19un1. Wk:I-DI Charlet Morrin: rnoith1tr "' cle«•M!d Fram:c• Mg.rrln, k rvlCH wilt be htld Tut•· a ••• 1 PM, SI. M•rv• £pB<:oo•I Church, Lagun.11 8t11th. lnh!•'"""'· P•- cllic View Mf'fTIG<'Lal P11'1r.. Dl<Kltd by Ptcolit View Morluarv. ' s .. 1 hid! • 11 ;00 P.m. S.run11y. PllOllc 111111, fl•Y llod 11 ..... 1, Mii*" 4:22 ·1.m. Su!ldly, 1tructur. llr., UI 1i111 S(, Wnt!!!ltliltr 11,10 1.m. Sllurdn. rnedkal aid. 14125 (;Qt~11 We$f St. ?::n P.rn .• car lire, MllJ 1111 St. ''"' P.rn.. •PKlll I Ulll, l200 Well· rnlnller Ave. 12:1S 1.rn. Sund••· li re lnve•lkl1!1on. EllWl-.1• •'ld !.NWl\ti' 10;4t •·""~ rnedk:1I aid. 1•lt! tffwi.nd ... n ,oe P.rn., fire ln•e11i91!ICW1, 7571 WyM!ll'I! 5:56 1.rn. MOl\d1y, mt!dk •1 1ld, 13121 Id.I W1y H1111tl111IM1 fltadl i111." Dr. Lock G<e Ding o/ Santa Ana was moderator. Long tiUe? You should have seen tt written ln Cbinese. RULING ROOST Now, about that cock. If you plan on doing any crowing this year you'd better have a few factl and figures on just why he rules the roost .this year. The Chinese work by the Gregorian ca1 endar a n d tt>- day m~rla the 4,667lh ye a r of the Chinese Lunar Calen- dar. Which makes our puny 1969 look like a bantam hen in comparison. (No, Confucius didn't say that). The cock is one ol. twelve. Terrestrial Branches, a I s o known as the Chinese Zodiac, and he is given five attributes by Oriental believen: the crown on his head marks hls literary · spirit; the spurs on hll feet IDdicale hll warlll<e dilpollUoo; !he qulcknea to and "' batile -~ hll courage; !bi elucJdni ol !he hen> u !hey scralc:b up hll food, hll btnevolence; (we liJ<- ed lhaf ooe) and !he urly rl.slng and fa!U>iul maridol cl !he hour, hll lallh!W-. SYMBOLIC BEAST " We know blm u a blnl bul the l'OOlter, .. the Cblneae, is one o/ the U symboUc bealls ol lhe Chu-Zod1acal Order. He will reign until ·Feb. I, 1970 when the Y w of the Dog gels Wider way. Olbe animals in the 12-yw lunar cycle are the Boar, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Serpent, Horse, Ram and Monkey. What, you didn't go? AJI that talk about dragons and serpents bas put you ofi? And tbls is the Year ol the Cock? ClllCKEN! Los Alamitos Pair Sentenced in Heist SANT A ANA -Two Los Alamitos men convicted or armed robbery, burglary and assault have been sentenced to jail tenns by Superior SBA Closes For Lack Of .Business The temporary office of ihe Small Busines~ Admini~a~on set up in S.,nta Ana to aid flood vJcUms has been clbsed for Jack of business. The office had been open in the Civil Defense Head· quarters in the County Health Department building since Feb. 4. ' Loan officer John Burg said 150 persons had contacted him during the time the office was open and abouf 10~bad fiUed out Joan ap~cations. I~ takes m weeks to two months for an applicant to Court Judge Herbert S , Her lands. 'Owrlo Stewart, 31 , al lll21 EnterpriSE. Drive, was sen- tenced to not Jess than five years in state prison. Coy Douglas Abercrombie, 3 2 , same addrea, wu ordered to serve one year In Orange County Jail and placed 111 five years probailon. · Both men were convicted of the robbery of a Stanton bar last Oct. 25. Officers old they recovered . p12 in pro- ceeds from the home of the two men, taken af\er, they shot a bar patrOn in ~finger and pistol whlppeil hlm. Abercrombie has n o w recovered from self-lnfiicted wounds for which be was treated al Orange County Medical Center. He alubed a wrist with a razor blade while being held 1n Orange County Jail. Widening~ For Jamboree receive a check. SANTA ANA -Plans for Burg said he is returning the widening and im- to the SBA building in Los . provemeot of Jamboree Road , Angeles at M7 Broadway. He between MacArthur Boulevard said the local oUice would and Main Street at an reopen if there is enough de-esUmatedCOllof'$Zl'7,357bave mand. been approved by the county In the meantime, be sug. Board ol Supervisor!!. gested that Orange Countj' Bids (pr rebuilding the 2.08 flood victims telephone the miles roadway at the eastern Los Angeles SBA office for edge of the Irvine Industrial inform ation. The number is Tract will be opened March 2t~2956. 10. Conservators ·Needed For County Helpless The cost of 1.he program lJi£ ~:$"&accent ruga ,.,...,.. ........... L I' I ..... lMfy S.t""" ............. __ ,.., __ _ toM.CtlWpo• in high~..._.,.._, yolio..,_ .................. ;,;,..,_ .... ~--tailptvral ...,., And. ......, ""'' Maugah,de• .... lllClld .... for. totolfy ... efhct'{• ,..,. .... ,, '""""'-lflof .............. -wot« •. tlJmbl. Gy •. ,,.t c;.... ... eat .;th it today! 5oo what'lho !Mly•Set''"" ...... ,..., Wx42"' WxW ... 'Sparta' scatter rugs ... ... 27"'x4r ....... 5.98 10.98 Reversible scatter rugs ... 100% cottoncutond loop pile, fringed in go~, limt ororongesolids. 2.,.xw 27"xW 3.98 5.98 COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Harbor Shopping Center) (Huntington Center) (Fashion Island) SANTA ANA -Orange County Supervisors have in- voked a new state law re- quiring cpnservatorships over the affairs of chronic alcoholics and m e n t a I I y disordered persons. tothecountycanberecl~medr-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' in part rrom in d ividual The Great Orange estates, or from the state Coast's under provisions of the Sbort- Doyle Act, supervisors twere No. l Pa per! told. STONE Ch1rln J, Sl<>M. 766 S. C11le Ar19011. LI VU"' Hiii•. Oied Fet>ru1rv H , ~Ut· 1rlllf!d b'f' wire, Wi!l1. Service• _ _. held !odl Y. MondlY, I PM, PKl11c. VI~ Clll Pfll, wllh lflt Y. Ol••le!. Smltll offlc111l1111. lnurfl<ntl\1, P.clllc View MP!'llOl'lll P11'1r.. F1tnl1Y IU99'111 "''"I w\11\tnv lo ma~e rn.morl1I contrlbu· !ognl, pletoie COAlrlblllit IO !he Dl1Mtic Socle!v. P1clllc. Vic'w Mortull'Y, DI· rl!dDn. 6 1' "'·"'· $1!ur4lv, mrdlC1I aid, J.601 R09er1 Orlvt 2·S1 11.rn., 11noke 111vest11atlon. 1312 N""rn111 Public Guardian James E.1-------------'---------------------------------------------- '\ BALTZ MORTOARIES Corona del Mar OR S-1450 Costa Mffill ·MJ·t-tU.f BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Colia A1esa LI 8-31S3 DILDAY BROTllERS lluntlngton Valley J\fortuary 17111 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach w-m1 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemeteey • MwttiU')' Cliapel n .ll p.rn. Svnd1y. all 1t1k. ~••I nl fie.ell an ~11 12:~ p,,.,., lr1tUIDl'mer fire. 943!! L•l· lalll 12·S6 p.rn., cer II~. Paclllc (0.91! HIGhWI Y H •I ot Ntwll !'td l ;..S p ...... medic.I 11d, •J.ll P!ckwitlc Dr Iva 6:09 p.rn .. rnea1c11 1ld, tsn 11111sbraoll 7:01 p.rn., medlQI a id, ltt 101h SI. 7:28 p.m., medltal 1111, 211M2 !11rbldo1 l ll'lllll f111dt 2: 1l p,rn, ~alunl1v, '"'h flff, UU S. Co»1t Hl~y Ntw11orl atHll t ;:l7 1.m. Sunday, tlf('!rlul sllort, Fe.,,..nc10 1n<1 IEd-ler ll :Ol 1.rn~ 111 .. 1l1rm. 4Jl N, Ne• POt1 81...:I. ,:09 P rn., Cit fl~ 27nd 11111 Ocfffl. 1ront 5;:?11 p.rn .. mll!Or 1tn1etvr. !ln , 1539 Curnt.rtarld l ·Dl p rn., e1e<:trk1I 11\ort, Pltllco Fonl A•roAUlronk:, U.000 111,...'M 5:0ol 1,/TI. MafMllY, rn@dlc.I 11d. nJ Plyrnoull'I C11111 M.,_. S·d 1.rn. 51lunl1v, "icue. 196' New. Port llt\fd, f •S1 a.m .. tar 11~. S•11 oie.o F""" ........ IOll!Mlound i.nt lJ:OJ p,rn., ltlH 1i.rl'ft, 72llcl IN Hewpoo1 fl°"lev1nl 3:51 11.rn., cir !In , 11:JO Ma11rovll 7,55 p.rn .. m t1ur1nt 11'1!, 6JS W. lflh "· 1t;9 ...... $1.Md• .. l"el(W, 21tl .., ... bor fllyd,, "'°'· IGA 12:. ·~":.M F~i.:.. 51•\ Dle9e Fr11- 2·11 1 m., Moftdey, mc:11t. 1S:tr e- ""' Heim was named ad- ministrator or the program, whic h calls for Superior Court· appointed conservators t o supervise persons deemed unable to s upervise themselves and their assets. Purpose or the program 1s to arrange for the care of such persons at the local level, acrording to county officials. Heim said at least two deputy public guardians will be need- ed to help administer the pr. gram. Ad'tllrtlllfMlll aset Pacllk: View Drtve Newport Btacb, California 11 ----------~...,,-,.,~,.~_-.,.,----------J ll<-Z70I PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westmluter m-sm s~11n1 ·e ~fORTUARY '27 Main SL lluntlngton Be.acb LE HSH Wl!STCLIFF MORTUARY • m & 17Lb St., Cotta Meta !<Miii • Stops Tormenting Rectal Itch Exclusive Fonnula Promptly Stops lidiing. Burning ucl Relims Pain ol Piles hi Moct C.... New York. N.Y. (Stedall: Th• embarraa1in1 Jkh caul•cl b7 bemonhoidt b most tortvouL llut tetM bu fodnd a tptCfa1. formula with the abllltf, Ja ll'IOllt C&IM-t.o ~tl7 atop the bumiqo Itch, ""'" pain. ancl actaallr ahriak hemor-rlloldl. .Ud all wllho1lt ..,.. 1 .. • • The only medication that Geis to a Major Cause of Hemorrh.oids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! This Important development In hemottllold treatment comes to you after five years of sclentlflc and clinical test1n1. Not only doe s Countemoid• wor~ by lessening pain last, !Incl byeoatlng, soothing, and protecting Injured tissue ••• but unlike every other hemorrhoid prod\JCtCountemoid also wort<sa third way. Thanks to an exclusive formula with oss,.,. only Counlernoid gets to a major cause of l)emonhoids: painful hard constipation. Without Irritating laxative effect Here's how: In hospital X-ray tests doctors have demonstrated that the remarl<able Countemold formu- lation with oss,. penetrates In minutes to the top of the rectal area lo soften the stool and ease the bowel movement. It Is !his unique action that does so much to make natural healing possible. So, If you live with the pain and fear of recurring minor hem- orrhoid troubles, aet temporary relief with medically-tested Countemold. Actually, used as directed, Counternoid offers the most complete 3-way relief you can get without a prescription or wllhout surgery. In stalnleS;S cream or suppositories. At all drug counters. For a trial supply, clip this coupoo. •T~of HolflftSIWloURocl'le Inc.. r------------------1 Malltosauter Laboratories, Inc. c .. : a i1 Box 155,Nutley, N.J,07110 I I 8(Tl Interested 1n new 3-way Counternold and wculd like to receive I I 1 trial 5US)ply of both sus>positorln aod cream, l enclose 2Sc In coin J to cover malHf'll and hlf'Kfling. I Nemt I I -... I I City State Zip Code I L------------------J • • ' I Dra~nif!f# '~,ke Dana~ Workmen at Dan~ Po4_lt Harbo.r project prepar.e two pumps mriunted ori platform for use in draining man-made, 30-acre 18.ke created . inside harbor. Starting next week, w8ter will pour lb.rough pipes at _.rate of 8,000 gallons per mJnute, emptying south- em end of harbor so excavation equipment Can scour h~rbor bottom. Sea is being held out by temporary cOffer d~m. Harbor for 2,000 small craft is scheduJ .. ed for completion in 1971. U.S. Aims Backed New Zealand Envoy Talks in County ANAHEIM -"Our destiny ties with the United States. If you are involved in Asia then . it is our duly and our wish to go along with you all the way." That declaration or support for American interests in Southeast Asia came Friday night from New 1.ealand's am- basudor to the Up.ited States, Frank H. Comer. And the trade-seeking envoy dT e w another solid burst of applause when he declared : "We are the same sort of people with the same sort of interests and it piust stay that way. ''But much depends .on t4e outcome of eurrent negotiai tloill which seek an end to the Vietnam war,'' Comer warned a World Affairs Coun- cil meeting in An ahei m . ''There is evidence that the American people are becom· ing disenchanted after a long and bitter commitm~t in South Vietnam. "What we in New Zealand are asking is how will this American agony e :1 p r e s s itself?" Corner said. "Will it mean a shifting of the burden that your great nation has a.wumed with the withdrawal of British influence from the PacHic or will it mean an even further strengthening of the team we have developed?" If America did withdraw from the area, C o r n e r speculated, "there was no reason to doubt where 'help' would come from . It would be offered by China and, perhaps, Russia, and that is precisely the kine! of help wc don'l need.·· It was "worse than useless'', Corner said, for Ne w Zealand and her neighbor , Australia, to try and pro vide the "solid, sympathe.tic support that Js needed by an Asia that U in a state or flux." ll needed, the ambassador said, "a team effort, and by a team that has the United States at the head of its af- fairs with an urgent resolve and will lo provide stability and succoi-to this k e y area of the world ." "Despite our ialoation in the Pacific, we · are no sti;angm to war and we have fought side by aide with Britain in all bet major wars al.nee we became a nation," Comer said. "We're fighting with you In South Vietnam today and -.. foogbl with Yoo in Knrea and two wor1¢1 'f/U'I~'.! ~ ad-~~ :-. w..ir~ milllon per80DS to41.y, hu auf .. fered more casualties in pro- pOrtion to its population than any othu nation in the world. "We don't foresee any mena.ce to our islands," Cor- ner said. "But it would be good to know that II there were any then we should have the United States, our friend and ally, at our side." But Comer gave this nation a heavily padded slap for what he called its "difficult attitude when it came to trade between our two nations. "We want to expand our trade,'' he said, "but we are CX>nstanUy told by your people that It is 'inconvenient' just now and why don 't we look for more trade in other sec- tors, notably Japan. •·Jt's advice we don't need," Corner said. "OUr trade with Japan in dairy produce is showing. a tremendous in· crease · and will continue to do so. But what we would like to achieve is an impact on the American market and we're not going to do so if protected competition and cer- tain pressure groups are aJlowed to bar New Zealand ALL YOU CAN EAT 51.25 DINNER Special s .• ,,M. Mon.-aoAST s1uo1N oF 11EF TueS.-Sl'AGHm 1 • MEAT •Alls Wed.-ENCHILADAs, F•IJo w Thur.-IAKED HAM 'N TAMS products." Asked If New Zealand · f!&l'td Cbin•'s 1c om p I et e domination of the Pacific, Cor· ner drew a parallel wHh the s.ttualion today and that which existed with Russia in the tense p:>st-World War ll years. He drew IUStained applause for his tribute to the actions of the United States at that time and btr lminecillle ''posture of deflance" to the Soviet Union. "With that' lllPP!!ri and Ibo tmneqloul ')>oilot(lyen "t0 Ille ~ __ .. .,, ... ''' 'Marshal~~ -'i.J._· wbslde4.:-ti •,~,. l;i, l h •• 1.1 "'-" . llf '. e ........,,·"•. , ~ , 1n New %e•1and when we ate asked if we vl.ew Che advance of China With any tre~ lion." "But it ts . not for us to tell you where your duty· and your inclination litilf" Corner said. "We must wait upon events as.!W'ing you, in t h e meanwhile, of our friendship and our support. "I am sure," said the graying, qulet-tpOken New Ze.alander, .. that my country means as much to you as yours does to us. We have built finnly up:>n a solid foun- dation ol respect, loyalty and trust. We bave built a relatiomb1p that ts an eum- ple to the world today." Money Sought WASHING TON (UPI) - More than 350 school districts in « states b a v e asked the federal government for money to help keep potential dropoula in achocll, according to the U .s. office of educatkn. FundJ totaling SS mllllc:n a r e available thiJ tilcal ytar to dtstrlcla which qualify. ADV~lll:TISEMENT Wh y Aren't Yo u A Fast Reader? A noted publiaher In Chicago reporta there ii a 1lmple tech- nique of rapid reading which should enable ttiJ to ma.- your reading peel 11111 , yet re- tain much more. Most people do not realize bow much they could increase their pleasure, success and income by reading faster and more aCCW"&tely. According to this publlaher. many people, regardlesa of their present reading Uill, can use this simple teclmlque to Improve their readinc ~bllity to a remarkable degree. Whether reading lltortes, boob, fochni· cal matt«, tt becoma: pcmlble to read sentences at a glanct and entire pages .In second!: with this method. .. • ...... , ....... 17, 1969 OAll.Y PllDI' JJ At Dana Point ·County. to Seek Marine Refuge WouldPSA ID Orange 'County will - legislaUon on a Dana Point pmtM refuge, eJlminaUon ol. · Boulevard Districts, aid t'o COUlllne Umlge, <llminatioo fl. ISM&Sments on oil com· paey royllUes, and an in- crease In the state's share ftir maintenance of juvenUe warm In homes. ty Clerk William St John to permit wvlna ol hearing no- Uce:s ln juvenile court cases by mall rather than hand de- Uvery. A saving ol ll0,000 Is estimated by St John. San Francisco? · 1bese I r e among tight lawa to be pushed by the county In Sacramento. · The Uat includes: -An Orange County Harbor Disbict' measure to e.stabliah a marine life refuge at Dana Point. A but has been intro- duci!d :'J,,~sr.emblyman Rob-ert B (R-Newport Beach).· -A ~Ju department blU to excha111e 70 acres ol Feath· erly ReglonaJ Park for sbnilar property owned by the State illghway Department. Tbe state needs the park land for the Riverside Freeway. -A bill •Ponsored· by Seal Beach which would stop the assessment of royalty inter· ests on oil leaseholds, now assessed as a possessory in- terest. -A bill sponsored by Coun- -A law to raise the state's ttilmbursement for the main- tenance of juvenile wards frnrn 115 a mooth to 50 "°"' cent of actuaJ costs, now about 1570 to I@ a nfonlh. -A bill urging continuance of the CallfomJa probation subsidy program. Th1s would award m o n e y to counUes which cut their prisoner com- mitment! to state penal insti· tuUons. -A bill to eliminate lhe new Boulevard Districts. Sunset Beach resident& tried to set up such a district last year to purchase the Pacific Electric right of way strip through 1he community. HAL AQllCHl l HEARING AIDS Ouh11n A•r•I Afllplific•tl•• MO ULUMill J40t I, COAST HWY. c-.. ,..,. ,, .. 31JJ Sure. For$13.50 . 800 f1lghtl • ..n ConMct Ncdleln llftd Soutb- em cawtomla. More thin any other alrllne, All )eta. Lowest air far-. CaP )'O(W tnM1 , -on or PS/\ Md we'll pvt you ctown-eay. PM giwes you a lift. Al l Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Th..Ough Saturday, ·thru Saturday U -E I ACCOUNT TD DAY I A stitch in time. saves 31.95 •• PENNCREST ZIG ZAG WITH 42 STITCH DESIGNS! Reg. 149.951 • llyoubllylhl1Penn<Mzlgzag -,ootaolywlllyo• $1.18 '°" money, but you wffl bt tcMng tlm• 01 wtW. TIM d1coratl¥1 d11lgft Mlector and th4I 14 buUt·in com• wlft 0 enable you to dlal a dtsltn and continue wwing without N W time out for fnMttlng d11ip cams. Addftionol feoh.ittt lnch.Mfing 3 poeltion ntedfe, bullNn nMdlt tflr9Cld1r, Pay• Mttlt • ,S.,OO 1 .... bullt-ln bvttonhoterond more. NO DOWN PAYMINT •• • •• . ·-· Cbtf 3r rtS'taurant SOUTH COAST PLAZA To acquaint the readers of this newspaptt with the easy· t<>lollow rules IOI" developtng rapid reading 11dll, the com- pany has printed full detall1 of 1 t • lnterestina 1eu.o-11n1ng method in a new booklet. "How to Read Faster and Retain More," mailed b'ee to anyone whn requests tt. No obllgaUnn.lr------------------------------.;_ ______________ _, Send your name, lldclresl, and zip code to : .Rndliif. 1115 DI...- .. , Pkwy" Dept. 30HtJ, Chica- go, DI. tltlll'-A pootCanl wiD HUNTINGT O N BEACH lllSTOL at SAN DIE!OO F«EEWAY, COSTA MESA '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~----'·®. N E WP 0 RT BEACH (Fuhion Island) (Huntington C•ntor) I , i J I I • ' . -· • . ' • ll DAll.Y PllOT ~ongress Pay Hike · ••• -Praised .., • .:_.1')' MARGUERITE DAVIS WASHINGTON (UPI) - "So many people say, 'yuu dOa't hive a car and driver!' ud they assume we live in •mansion." · Joan Mondale, wife of Sen. it'a!ttr F. Mondale, (O.Minn.), '1' lalkinc abciut the u per- oent congreasiona1 pay raise ~ bow the people back home rriistaten1y view lire i n 1'\'.asbington. ... .-...... .. -----L.OAN h=~ t .... Tbey doo 't rta.ll.ze we bad lQ buy an outrageously ex· pensive house in outrageously • ...£l ·Ii . ~· bad repair. When we .needed _!::~~~~~'~b'~''=====~=~~~~~~ •~new roof, my husband had to make a speech. "To buy a new living room i:ug, he bad to go. make a speech. It's Diet to know bi;_ won't have to do that so much anymore." IREAD,BtJ'ITER Link Between ~Pill', Hypertension Found "A UPI cbect showed lhat tbe congreaknal wives see 11tt1r bulbands' pay raise from SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -H. Weinberger. R. Dennis Qt,000 to $42,500 not in terms A medical reetarcb ..team at Collins and John A. Luetscher al a mink stole. or diamond Stanford 'UniVenitJ• Medical -presented their findings at pin, or even a new spring Center said~it bu established the Northern California and outfit -but in far more a link between tbe use of Nevada regional meeting of bread-and-butter ways. · oral contraceptives and the American College of Many said the bigger pay hypertension (high b Io o d Physicians. merely will bring them a little pressure). Dr. Weinberger said the in- cloeer to the level of salary· 'J'he l.hree-.man. leaip said c i d e n c e w i t b w h i c b plu.Hringe benefi(s their Its stud}r-wu based on 14 hypertension develops in the frieodJ back bome mistakenly women~who~were: taking birth normal population receiving believe they enjoy. control pllll among a group birth control pills is not known "I can ceriainly aee why of JOO pallellls wilh ·blgh blood and probably is very small people couldn't uodmtand pressure:· However, a sizable number why It's needed -I don' AD o1 the women doYeloped of-women predisposed lo high believe I could lf I were not. (hypertensioo.after,thef began bJoocl pressure may be taking living here," said Marvella taking;~ pills -and aJI .such medlcaUo~ Bayh, wife of. Sen. Blrcb B!iyb 14 patients begin tO get better "Withdrawal of birth control (D-lnd.), who like Mondale: when or a I contraceptive pills may represent a method voted for the increase. medication was stopped for of treaUng or;euring the high "The $30,IXMI salary looked three moo\hlJ. bl~~ pr~re in th~ pa- big to me at first." "Seven patients had normal tients," he said. But she like others of the blood pres.surt, four no longer'•----------• Senate ladies queried, noted req~ed n:i~ication to control that of the many trips back· their cond1b~, and three pa· home senators make, only six tient:3 ~ulted muc.h )es.~ are paid for by the govern--medication than previously, ment. the physicians said. Family Weekly Now in Our Family: 11»e team -Dr. S. Myron TWO WEEKS 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjiiijjjiiijjjiiiijiiiijiiiiji~~~iiiiijiiiiijjiijjjjii;i "Birch can use up those l• ln two weeks," she said. j Uving expenses in the na· ~ "'Prtpart for tkm'1 capital are much higher lban: back home, she said. the future ••• A parking lot at Terre Haute, Ind., charges 25 cents !or lhe I' ..L--1 of Busi"ness Todai/l" first b our, compared to 60 tlUIUU cents here, "and that's true all across the board .''-· e Seer1t1ri1' e Medleel lnturence e l oolilieepint e Dentel Aatistin9 Ellen Proxmire, whose hus- band. Sen. William Proxmire (!).Wis.), oppo<ed the pay raise, · said he has su~ plemented his salary b y writing lo help meet the ex-111 W. 5th Phone pmae ol lefldlng lour children S.nte Ano 543-17~ er 54U721 to college simultaneoosly, and.1:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 inaintainlng two houses. · -"We rent the one Sn Wlscoosin,'" but that's a net lass," abe said. "This wil1 make trips back homfi a little earier -I never went before because we couldn't afford iL" REPAIRS NEEDED ,..'.Lou Tower, wife or Seti. John Tower (R·Tex. ), who did not vote on the issue, said most of UliJ year's raise is eirmarked for repairing and redecorating their home. "'Ibere are so many things we woo Id like to have done," obe aaid. "It llOUndl bad lo aay 'r<pa!n,' but lhat is what thef are. We are in about .the same spot as everybody else. I guess." Mrs. Claire Schweiker said ~ believed many' voted for U.e tncre.ase as did her hus-- .band, Sen: Richard s . Schweiker CR-Pa.}, "because they !eel Congress shoukln\ ·be a millionaire's clµb. •• 111 don't think the people beet home realir.e how much it costs to be in govemmenl We have two homes to main- tain, four children, and costs ...... .are ....... -Houae leaden managed to avoid a recard vote in that chamber on the propoo!Uon. -Black Market .• 'Claimed in VWs . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Us- ed Voltsw1gens ·are bein& sold 'to Ul: cuatomerl as new cars 1n a 'muJt1mllllon-dollar black morbt,. oCconuns lo Ralph ~-. 1lte martetplace mill· ·tent. Nad<r roale lhe dlart!e In 1 1e11e< lo Sen. Wamn G. lilp'UI+ (l).Wub.), whose -c->erce C4mmJttee .,,U -beP heorlnp ... -CU' Imparts . • ·- On Dean.'8 List • Kenneth R. Henf, son of Mr. and Mra. Phillp M. Hant, us Vw Flora. Newport -· bu beea -ed lo J!>e . dean'• I~ kt -le . ........,,. at the Celllofnfa Need new furniture? use our money! That's whit Manis Plan money is fer. You may bomJlr from $100 to $5,00J, .or more. for bill consolidation, home or car repairs, school or vacation _,.... OllJ good reason. Payments scheduled to fit )'OU• Income. With approval you may """9 your money the day you apply. No r91JO)'lllOlll fer 45 dlys. 'IOUR -1111.ol CASH P1r lb ........ ' 6Ul "' l!I ~ m l!I ~ IS 36 R'"• P1i l5 C...tlo..t_.,. __ Morris Plan 673·3700 Newpori Beach -3700 Newport Boulev1rd .. ..... .. ' . llarltlme AcadanJ ID V.Uejo .. 1-----------------I - ·-- J .. • • • I. "I I. • " ·. , I ( •, ' • • • SHOP ·AT HOME when It coin~ to CUiiom draperi ... allp conn..nupbolaterinq. May Co . ·c:omw to you ••• call ua tomorrow I i:.... die aadod>ia your IWt ••• doa't bodier ~ &(out ~'yoo.t'bou110CXJOt '.11Q't11 oxne over with-.• .... Ith ol ~ !.Lrics ., JOU cm ICtually ,.. Jhe play of_p<ttems and rolon agaiost .your walh,' £loon, winilows and fumiture. That's the wy way to ~ • youz ,.Jection. Plca.1e allow 4 wedc.s i foc delivery. .. .,. ~ .... sample ptice'S.for 8'"x8' draperies • unlined rayo~/mtate .flltiqo< satin , .••••• 63.llO ~ll ~i print fahria , , , • ~ , . , •• 90.00 plain an_d.printed sheers ._,,,., •••• 5'JIJ' I tlJOO and ocetale \!amulet .• , ..... Q lined U.00 UlJ.!11 75.00 8'.00 call your nearest toll-free May Co foe an .. ppointment. Tiien is oo cliarge :a.nd no obligation foe our convenient at.home ~ice. may co custoai fabrics 11 save 5.00 to 13.00 on twin, full, king or dual size quilted bedspreads 14.99 comp. va.lue 19.9? ni.·in bed siz(', full b<d si><. comp. value24.99 IS.99 king or dual size, comp. value 3,.99 22.99 . 1·0 find beautiful bedspreads of similar tjU Jucy you styles quilted ,,..ith acetate dow-n to t1lC floor. Sorry would have to tea.rch all over town •.. and still end no mail or phone orders •.• save 201o on drapery up payins mo<C! Wr purciwrd the rntin: stodc of• dry cleaning. Call your nrarrst M•y G>, rxt. 893-})4 top manuf11cturer'1 !in<, th1t's why you an ,. .. so for a no-d>atgo estimatft in your home. Pttt pidc up mum now. .Thq ..,. beautifullJ. dc:risnal thtow and delivery. .., (I) dhpodef. bedopitoda 11 l miiy co southcoastplcaa, son cll•111 fwy at bristol, costa mesa: 546-9321 shop-iilollday ttiroutr.-latlll'day 10 a"' tv'-9:30-pm • - - CURTAIN CLOSES -The final curtain on the 19611- 69 Harbor Area Community Concert season will be ,rung down Monday, Feb. 24, following the perform.'.' ance of the Larde Trio of Paris. Ready to close the curtain and then reopen it again on .a membership drive are (left to right) Mrs. Daniel :\'lulfi and Mrs. tarry Baeon. Commun it y Concert Association End, Opening Mark-ed An end and a beginning will flutist; Marte.clalre Jam.et, each was awarded first prize in France, eaii~a.~y, :be marked by members of harpist, and· Amie-Marie Fon-· at the Paris Conservatory. Ho 11 and, -1• B,e I &~ii m, fhe Harbor Area Community taine, pianist comprise the DIVERSITY Switzerland, HµDgarf: aDci ·.at Concert Association Monday, . ~rde Tri~ or Paris which . ~~eir wogr~ .offer. a the fesU~als ::-o1f:,Arlea 'jtyl f'eb. 24. will play the tma,t concerL great deal of -qivers1ty .Ei~ Angeta . .i!Jie·11 ~r;ap.. i1At 3,15 p.m. sharp i~ t!'< ~~ ililenie4 pe(fofpi.,.~ 'Ibey Pnlvl~~..a,.~tJ,'i>! th-".•17iuci·~ ~- !'ew""".t Harbor High . Scl}lia! 'l>rllli.,I?. th~ ,....,~le wi>•k tiuJllental .c•m!>iil4li9ns •"4' . b --~1 .Jbe ~dilor1um th~ curtatn .• ~-;~-dperUse .and ·lolds'·¥h 'Is• fli:ite~ ,net plaliO,, ... al b9eii -~--• ~· · , open on the fmal concett~.jil musical• .sen!ltivity. Each harp fand flute and piano· 801. • • " -,. . ' . - the ~eason. and during ~ . member ha,, had many years alooe. Some of the composers Or~ Ol ~p .~ everung 1969-70 fT!embehbiP , ol experience· in so10 recitals. represented in their programs the French National ltldio ;enewal program will open. . ~ adloists with orchestras and · include Mozart, B a c h , Orchestra. In 1960 @e 'was ·Artists Christian Larde, in chamber music.groups, and Debussy, Ravel, Rameau, awarded the Grand Prix 'du ... -Disque.' . . ' ' JODIAH HASTINQS, MMnl ,....,, ,........ n: ,,.. a '• 1a GOP Women Steep Tea Welcoming Mrf. Armen Sabag~ (left) for tea are members of the Hunting· ton Harbour Republican Women's Club Cleft to rigpt), Mrs. Roy Hughes, Mrs. Ricliard DBW.es ·_,,,d Mrs .. Robert O'Brien. Prospective.)ne,i;Ql>ers are in-vited to at- tend the aftkir!lttween 2 and 4 p.m: Wednesdaf, · Fe~ 26, in 1'.1rs. Davies~ home. AssiS&ng as hostesses will be Mrs. \ Arthur Knox, Mrs. Norman Chy. and Mrs. Rie:llard · Morrison,/ a;nd pouring will be · Mrs. Hampton Hutton, Mrs. Ross Dor- sett and Mrs.· Dale End~ley, past presi- dep.ts. AU.-interested V{<imen ·are invited . ~o attend; itnd·'addition~formation may b.e ' obtained by, .caJliQ: Mrs. O'Brien, 111~mbership . chainban'.1.at 84&-0072, or Mrs. Hughes, 842·2041. • -' Surf Sounds Miis ·Fontaine sWdled With. the limed M e(!le'J:Ljig. and Wu '·aw=·-~ · mtniloa :at.·the ~~~-'. Maguertt .. Lonc c.mpd!Uon. ~~ l!fao won the lnternatimill . prlle of Munich and Nl'ples, In additii>n to'taldng·finl prtiil> in ; piano ·at .the 1 P ·aris Cotiseryatory. D,\rect0r or a ~ m\lflicipaJ conseriatory, st>e; prepares optra 1t.ar1 for the' · .roJes)t,~.:Paril Operi. Stl;i( a1so nu c oa o.e1.&J,,1 i~·' ;Women Voters Seeking • · Former Bloomer Girls • .._ By JODEAN HASl'INGS '.' Of flM DallY l'lkrt St.n (CALLING any and all "Suf. tagettes" from the turn or ~ century is the Huntington Beach League of Women Voters. The league is plann ing fhead for its gOlden an· Glversary celebratio in 1970, tnd since it is a dE;scendant Of the Women'•s uffragette iovement, f o r m r suffra· ettes will be honor with ected women officia at a l.WV luncheoo in April. iAny area women ,.who re e of the original "bloo er rls!' is requested tO call Mni . e!lneth M,artyn, league i:resi· dent, and share th e i r lpemorles with today's civic· finded matrons. · THE MARRIAGE or Susan· d:ermyer and Errol Hopkim ial been revealed by Mr. and ~rs. John C. Overmyer of Qunlington B e a c h . The qewlyweds both are graduates fl. San Jose State College, 1yhere Errol is teaching and !ill receive his master's • degree next June, MOTHERS AND daughters of K-Delts _gathered for· their annual luncheon -in t be Embers restaurant, L o n.g Beach., and '.\he 10 club members surpri~ t h e I r mothers by presenting them with lovely pink corsages: Following luncheon scrap- books of. K~Delt activities since the group 'originally formed in 1953 were passed. The social group with many members living In Htmtlngton . Valley, began in . .Pf.f&m9Ullt .~lb ~I to . .Pr.om o t e fr1endahip among girls. , A gold •sal\ and -Inti!! :combination was won by Mrs. George DeK.inder, mother or Kaye Johnson . others attending, with their mothers, were Dixie Guillen, president ; Mary Baker, vice president ; Pat Shackleford, secretary; Jolene Brown. treasurer, and Jo an et t e Jorgensen, MarceUa Kerr, Darleile McVey. W.,.. d B bar througbo(lt ~~ 1nd'l'lini;· i~n an ar . a AfriCa. ~ -. . .... . ;r: · TWO NEW members have been .welcomed into tfie South Coas~, Junior woman's Club, Fountain Valley, Introducing Mrs. E. Gerald Sellers, a transfer from Granada Hill! Juniors, and Mrs. J e r r y Verhague, a transfer from ~the Gardena group was Mrs. Robert Marten, membenhip director. ~ . ,,, RENEWALS "t. ' ; · Meinbersb:lP· teiiewall "will be acceptoif befon>. the ~ and during intOrmlu!po· and the rectpUon. Ii cP"ive. fqr: new member• will '~ cOndUcted from APril 21·21,• 8ccordiog., to Larry Bacon, president. who announced bblds alreadf' .. have been placed ·On the American Concert Ballet and the New York Brau Quintet for' the next season. ~n membersbips art '8 Larde has given more than for adults and ff, students. MOO concerts throughout the Informlllldn regarding t h e world, performi.Qg with the &SIOCiation . and itl coocerta · CcJlnnn• Orchestra in Fr.ance 'is ~vallable by calling eltber · r.1"~ . --· 1 • BaCon lt tf6..e991 or Mn.Kurt with the Paul Kuenlz Paris Kup(erman, secretary flt &U- Chamber Orchestra In Canada 3186. and the U. S. and others. Mrs. Roy Harvey Is In As a prolific recording artist, charge ol the rece"'1on, and he has been awarded the assisting her are the Mmes. Grand Prix du Disque three Bacon, John Coltello, James Eubank, Jimmie Kr am c r , limes. ""•"R"-G L William Mw_,. . . A-1iss Jamel (Mrs. Larde) Severance and Raymond Teys. has given hundreds of concerts Faure and ProkoOev • Chamber Ma·ps Plan s· fo r-.. (ity's I Women interested lo the future of Huntington Beach and . who want to participate in directing it are iq- vited to attend a membership tea spoilsored by the ·Women's DivisiOn of the Chamber of Commerce taking place between 2 and 5 p.m. tomorrow in the home of Mrs. Edward-Casey Jr. Mapping future . ' 'future · • .. .. .· • plans are (left to right) Mrs. Raymond Morehouse':' and Mrs. Alvin Toffel. Additional information maT.: be obtained .by calling Mrs. Casey, vice president~~ and membership chairman. at 842-6131. The nex~ .. general business . meeting of the group will take ... place Wednes.day, March 12. • lit Makes $ense, Bank Account Is No Measure of Happiness i ~ . . . !>EAR ANN LANDERS , My husband an(I I started out together, poor but ambitious. After 20 yean of hard work wi'. are worth about 1 quarter of • million dollars. But Sam still worka al~ If he had to earn next month's rent }{e keeps expanding and geWng inlO more deals when he should be taijng life el!y and enjoying wbat we havt built. I always worked in the bl151ness wlth Sam and raised a family, too. It WU hard-when the chUdren were_small but f didn't raent It beca.., be needed me. Now t do resent it because we ibouldn't have to work thl! bard. We've already made it. Sam and I haven't tat ....... 11on In 10 ftlfl. Oar - ., has made us slaves to lhe dollar. My. In-la..,. keep beaJng Som to play some golf or buy a boat but he insists be enjoya.his work the way aome people enjoy a bobby. r I envy 1he modest families who have one car, a small hooae and have to safe all year to take a trip, tourist class. We are trapped by money mi -. I feel .. -lled I wlDI • It's pod that Sam uiOYs. ldl wort Europe pd ot.¥r •parts of the .. world I made a tem"ble .mistake. Now the .. lhorlu..,_y dm be ell't MQ ldmld ·we bid ·only read t about, but I was money will be enjoyed by' our chlldrin •way rt.;. It. lkR H'1~ W ---aJwm "too busy." We missed weddi{IV when it •as really my beloved wife lie i. clleolllg -.,.. ,..., too. Ind Bot Mltzvahl alld other hapjly family wbo should have bad the pleasure from Pltae ibow Wm the lttwr wldCll appem'I ~ occasions beca~ l couldn't leave the it -JlEGIWI'S · below. It mlg!lt belp opea ~ .Y.~ bu•!-. . , , DEAR ANN LANDERS : I never to cry. Any recommendaUoll;S . -Rl?f -U»OUght l _would write to you but [ BUT POOR. , .. ., , find no. rl must. .U I can prevent DEAR ~CH BUT POOR: Welcome just one person rrom making the mistake to Tbe Qab, fte oaly 1196 ml1afMi1t I made It wUI be well worth the trouble from :rwr letW II -·~ ldllo """ • It took to put this letter together. I .. "..,. ,,.... ... dtey wen~ am nor a very eood writer. .,.t• My wife Ind I wtre married 4.5 yean Ytar lllobmid II I ~ wwkft We both -'ed hard and made more .. tllert b 11 bowl nri fw IL ,_,, than wt could evtr lpend. She 1111 WI -..... _,... .. W. ......... mo to ·ta!<o l\lr 00 I !tip to When I reached my 62nd birthday, Wbat It Frtncll k111lng'! la H 1m11&f my wile pleaded with me .•to reUre Who Uoeld tet tll!e HC._J Umt&I +. at least part-time. But · l wasn 't sure 1M boy w tbe Pl? Cu a ....,_ anyone else could nln the company and nddlac lllC'eeed.? 'Rud Ana I..udelT f stayid·on. She. tried again two years ~ "'l'eelfl(< S.. -T,. w.,. ago, bUt 1 l!ouldrft aee il , " Coel ll" a.I • enta la cola ail Well, eight ..... ki ago I buried nly • 1 loq, aetf~, ,..,.,.. ......... wonderfW wtre·and now-I auddenl.y bavt -.AM r11•1n wlQ...._lle ...._ .. ____..., plenty ol Ume on 1111 banJs. The buslne" 1" wffll :rwr ,...._ --doesn't leelll tlnparllDt at Ill. Wht1P .. llr lo ..... ti tlle l>AILY PIIDf I'm not there ttilnp IO aJcma jUlt fine. trl1t1 1 tt I 11, lllf r ·I if Even bet\er. 1 rulize too late ·u.t ••lltf•· • , ... • I • I Horoscope Recruitment Plans Soar • . . ·-·--1 ·""' -IO~ ZORICH.AK Jun• Rites Scott Leighty, Zoe Zorichok To Soy Vows Plans for a June weddina have been revealed ' by • • THE LOOK OF SCANDIA If she's the contemporary type, ahe'll flip over ScandlL The ah ape is bold • The finith la eoft and textured • The price Is right And the time ls now. Young women interested in becoming airline stewardesses are invited to the annual Recruitment Day, sponsored by Dusty Wings of Orange County. The 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m .. event will take place Saturday, Feb. 22, in the Holiday Inn, Anaheim:-Ready to fly through afrangements are (left to right) the Mmes. Wil- liam Agee, Jan Wright and Muri Ottmer. Further infonnation is available by calling Mrs. Leonard Spielman at 8474448. Ann zOrlcbalc of Coria Mesa and Scott M. Leighty, whose engagement was announced by her parents, Mn:. Zoe Heath of Pasadena and Stephen J. Zorichak of Torrance. The fulure bride is a graduate or Orange Coast Col· Jege and her fiance, son of r--Ir. and !'vlrs. Marcus R. Leighty of Burlington, Iowa, attended Iowa State Universi~ ty. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 18 Fa1hion Island Newport Beach -644.1380 Your Ch1r91 Account w,tcom1 -ll1 n~Afl\erk1rd, M1sl1r Ch1r91, too Talkfest Arranged htrs. Joe Pooley will host the meeting of Gamma Alpha Nu chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, taking place today in her Hun- tington Beach home . a p r l z e to be awarded for the most interesting subjects. Also on the agenda will be plans for a rush party to take place on Monday, Feb. 24. ... Assisting Mrs. Pooley, presi - dent, will be Mrs. Lloyd Crain. Mrs. Eddle Sidor w I 11 . · . present a program on How ' • ls Your Conversation. Mrs. HB TOPS Club John Bower will offer Express ·Yourself, aod each member ·-:·~'# will be asked to give a talk • • on · a favorite subject, with Sa-rong 2 Gain TOPS Club meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Smitll Elementary Scllool in HUntington Beach. ~; ,. •· •.. •t•• '· •• . ,. " •• ••• ... ,, ... •I ,•' .. ' .. .. ·~· •' .• . . , ,. .. '· ,, .. • ,. ,, • , . •.. >· , " .•. " <· ·.· ,, .. , ·.• .•. .. ' ... ... ... • .·' ... •' .. .. ' •' • . • ' .. • • ' , • < -. •. .. .. , .. • , .. '• . ' • -INTRODUCING BUFFUMS' OWN P£R~MEJITWAVE BY RESTOR 17 • 50 "I· 3500 value We're very proud of our pe1manenl wave solution by . . . Rest OJ. It actually helps im!'.M'Ove the q11ality ol your hair 1s it waves. To introdute Yf.IU to Buffums' OWn Per1r1nenl Wave, we are inctudin1 Firme·Gen ie Hair Ctr1ditione1 t11 Restor Iha! helps brin1 shinin1 beauty to your hair and helps keep your set lonser· lastin1. We are includin& a personal ized ha ir-cut. And , as an added special, you will receive Bulfums' ~n ·Hair Spny t11 Restor. Beauty Studio. all stores except Ma1lna Mlke1n appoinlment 1t lilt llllfums' Beauty Sludio nearest yOI: Downt ... Loni Beadi, HE 6·9141; Lakewood, ME 4-5040; San~ Ana, Kl 2'262; P-• • NA~; Palos Verdes, FR Hl!I; Ntw1>Crt • 644-22llO;'l.3 Habn, 694-1911 . Buffutiis · ..... r..tir .1,....lllllll ..... 229 • • --..,.nn,.r1L lttOD tll.t:lt QOllr Dirt to:at 1111 5':30 •• Open Mon., Fri., until 9:30 p.m. two for one ... this week only! LOSE 10 INCHES IN 10 VISITS! Now ••• thia week only $LOO per 'Visit with 2 for 1 offer • . . Our records ehow, the avmaae patron, '.wi~ the fimt 10 visits, bE a total of 10 inches from wailt, hipl, thighs, tummy and upper llDl!B- n. ...... ,...,,, liltn ..,.,,., ,,_ As a very very special offer now! Only $1.00 per visit for you at when you bring in a friend ••• and, only $1.00 per visit for your friend ••• now, double the results .•. double the fun .•. at one· half the price . Regardless of the length of time needed, in each and every case, you pay ONLY $1.00 per visit ••• offer valid this week only • RESUL'1S GUARANTEED in writing ••• Tell us the elms size you want to wear, we will tell you how xnany viaits it takea, and guarantee in writing, that you will reach your goal ••• so absolutely pos.i- tive are we that you will obt.ain your objective, as st.at.ed jn our guarantee, We'll even let you have, FREE OF CHARGE, any and all further vlsiU, until you Jeach your goal. IT'S POSITIVE AS- SURANCE THAT WE BACK UP OUR GUAR· AN'I$E 100%. Call us NOW for a oamplo mil DON'T HISS THIS ertremely low price oiler of $1.00 per'riait, which i!iclndoo tho use of aU special· ized nducing machinoo, including Gloria Mamball'• patented Circ-La-Matie. Personal instruction in- cluded. No disrobing. We are not a l!YJTI. Free child care . Call now for a sample visit where you act- ually use special machines during sample visit. No charge. No obligation. ft&lJRE CONTROL SALONS llallf N, Sii. W • --• llllllr -.... ...._. NEWPORT BEACH--430 • Pacific Coa't Highway 642-3630 1ma11e..,., ..._..,cw. SANTA ANA-1840 West 17ffl Street 543.9457 SALONS ALSO IN: ANAHllM, llYDLT HIW, COVINA, CllNSHAW, DO WNIT, GLINDALI, LAKEWOOD, LONll 111.ACH. NEWPORT 111.ACH, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, ONTARIO, PASAlllNA. SAN DllG:O. SANTA ANA, SANTA I.ARI.ARA. SUNLAND, TARI.ANA, TOIRANCE. WUTCHISRR, WHITTID .•• ALSO l'AUNO, SAN JOSI, SACRAMlNTO, SUNNYVALI AND WALl!UT, CALlfORNIA • I • --·· I ,, I CM HIGH Michele Wllllom1 . NH 'liiGH . ' Lauri• F riser ESTANCIA ' s.. ... Morvy•m~ · CDM HIGlf 'Ellull,th Co'"~ D41LV ,ILOT J IS Toeatmistreues Chorel Group . ' Decor~tor Designs ' ' Topic for Lumche.On Surllllde Clu~ In Hun-Every M'onday at 7:JO p.m. ~ 8eacb ls the meetq members ol the Prool*'IJ~ place for JMDbers o1 Laa · Aliao Valley ~ ol - ' • Qlao ~ ,Club ol ~-mp caava.:._ In~ • llUllllnct<>n e..a, ..... .,.,,.. terOlled 1n jalalq J111a1 can '*°': Iulo In In t 0 r Io r Sbe ...., up her theory that c:ond and fourth Wednesday Mn. William Radii al m- allon ls the ..,..,,._ ejdl bollle 11 unique In her al 7:il0 p.m, • am. -·_..,ta Tnte1or UrilleoDllDI -•"llomo 'of----'--'-----------....,r---...a&or Mn. Mlrtba MIDtr t-h e, B'r av t : Inter lo r wbo will ~ fw the Of. ~tmc C.. lfe Fun." ' bcen1 Wives tape o t A graduate of I a d I a n 1 ~ Cooul)t Wedplod1y, UPlvtralty,sbe hal.i)«n color Feb. 11. . .' cdnaull8n\ ftw a paint com- Al the IJ:JO p.m. luncbeon ' -~'Waa,uoocla\od w)th In the Golden Pb e 11 an t: 1 Santa. Alia·1Urn1111re ·111ore. 'ioalaurai, -'the.' .~11>e~,wl!lch . .._....,, tople will be . 'l\'lll be pr<ce<IOll by ·'I" 11)30 :t:cledlc ~From ' 1.m. rOdal' hour, and' ac- M1111 Landa, Mont Periods · cepllna rwrva~· ~ the ol Ttmt. Mmea. Boward Wertman of ' ' Citizenship Awards . · Mn lllller, co-owner ol an. Irvine, ail.I Jolin ,Devine, Interior c1aJin firm In TUatln, Thoin8.s DeVlne, T b <Im a a feels that ·eolec:tle --·is · 'Coles, J\)Btph S!nltek Md the mo>t pleulnl bOI probably · CIJde Dovis Jr., all of Santa the most dlfftcu1t to adlleve. Ana: , DAR Fetes Area Coeds American History Was My Undoing will be disclwed by Mrs. Domella Boyle at the dessert meeting of C o I • William Cabell c h a p t e r , Dauglitors of the American Revol~0:0. . The Corooa de! Mat-hOme of Mrs; William E. Fisher will be the setting 'at IJ:30 . p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26. During the gathering 'the · chapter will honor four girls from t h e Newport-Mesa Unilied School District with good citizenship pins and awards . 1be coeds Were selected. for their outstandlne abilities of leadership, service, dependability and patriotlslll. Feted will be Mis5 Laurie Fraser of Newport Harbqr High School; Miss lllicbele Williams, Costa Mesa High; Miss Susan Marol'ama. l!stan- cia High, and Miss Elizabeth Weddings, Troths. Pilot's Deadlines , ·To help fill requirements Oil both wed· · . • ding and engagement storiU, fo~.are avail- . able In all of the DAILY PILOT otflceo. Further questions will be IJISWetecl by Soda! Notes staff members at 842i4921 or 494-11466, 1 . To avoid dlsappolnl!nen~ prospective , brides are reminded to -have their wedding . stories with black and 1 white glosay photo- . graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- • ment prior to or within one week after the -wedding. · · For engagement announcements it is .suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glosay p i c t u r e, be ··submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or less , ap~ only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. · Traditional Candle ·Passing Engagement · Revealed ... I. ; . • Durliig a trlldltloiial tllldle J1Wb1i ceremooy In her aorortty bouae, J111el Parter revealed her engagement to- Wlllianl Whllcol)lb. . 'lbe ,Gamma Phi Beta sorority on the campus of California State College at Long Beach was the an· nouncement setting. THIS Carver, Corona de! Mar IUgh. ....... ________________ l! ~~Ung Mrs. F'Wier with - hostess duties will be the Mias Parter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J •. Parker of Corona del Mar, iJ a sociology major at Cal State and will graduate in June. The alwnna of St. Anthony Girls' lligh School in Loog Beach is president of he.r sorority and wu a member of Spurs, Shell. and Oar and AJpba Lambda Delta honorary. WEEK ONLY! 9 FINE PORTRAITS OF YOUR ' CHILD FOR ONLY Mmes. F.P. Dunn, R.B. Conii, Robert W. Rpper, Howard Roberds and Myrtle Slaughter. Presenting the awards wOl be Mrs. Henry W. Crawford and Mrs. Selah Reber, regent. Film Tops Program Smoky the Bear Tours Kindergarten Classes Her fiance , son of Mr. and JANET PARKER Mrs. Lambert Whitcomb of To Marry Long Beach, is an alumnus ---------of Lakewood High School in Long Beach and CSCLB where he was president of the Young M • R' • Republicans. Currently he is USIC 1ngtng serving with the U.S. Army al Ford Ord. Qn Holiday The couple have selected · Smoky the Bear will be Fulton., Fountain Valley, Elm, late September for their wed Orange County Polka Club visiting 11 kintlergartens in Bushard and Arevelos. ding: Is celebrating Washington's Fountain Valley schools.begin-~ ~~ay with a Cherry Tree l)i.ng today and continuing Polka in Abram's Town and through Friday, Feb. 21. Ga.//ery Prese·nted County Club, Orange. . '1n each program a narrator The cavaliers will provide will tell bow Smoky got his the music from 9 p.m. unW -- FROM THE BEAUTY SALON A NEW IL~USION . OF YOU The Cologone· .•. o totolly new look in pieces adopted from the clessic Spanisli hairstyle. Volume is concentrDted in the bock. For added dramatization tendrils llnd ban9s may be used .or the brow bared. Th's look is yours with our full catogane, 45.00 volue, 22.99 or with our mini floir. 25 .0Q volue , 11.99. ' The Beauty Solon, '60L 995 A , film tiUed. Women ,fn Service was shown w h e n members of United States Air Force Mothers Club Flight 19 gathered recenUy in Hyde Park Estates clubhouse, Santa Ana. name and stress safety factors J.Ssqciate members· of the IO a.m. . lo 1 p.m. Mrs. 1 a.m. on Feb. 22. Tickets con<:i!rnlng matches. Ae-Natibnal· cbritj..J.ague are Wllllams will show her pain-'are $1 .75 per penon and ilJ3 companying the narralor will pa1tin& the 1(qJwbh~( ,l<Juches Ungs and other lrt·works. · Polish food . will be aerved. R.Cl' 7'. _,."'Ir "' r7'.°" be a member of South Coast on plans for tWr:?firit annual Mn Frederl t Werd . The public 18 welcome lo al-~ ~ Y ~ ,._ , Junior Woman's C J u b , · c er 18 tend and share in the door ~ One large 8x10 and Two more Sx7's and During the meeting a nominating c o rn m i t t e e presented a slate of officers for the coming year. Com- mittee members were the Mmes. Emmett Splnd 1 er, chairman, James T u c k e r , Leroy Hammack, Ro b e r t Reason and James Porter. 6-0 .A 1'!ir 'al the Garden chalnnan of the e v e 1>1 ""'•-· sponsors, dressed u Sm""''· ., • ,........... . ........... ,, .. -.;, Art Gallery, to tate place in .Proceeds are earmarked tor....:.--------"'"""" ... f~.John M~b~n. ~ the ,'lJdo .Iale borne ol Mr. theJohnTracyCUnleorbouti-K'd 'Ask A d' IJs.1121 NEWPORT M4·121.2 HUNTINGTON IEACH 192-JJJI Six more Wallets! Trodio 'ckU1J1en, an rs. I c and Mrs. 1Jnn Williams. que gifts for . the Ticktodtei< I S, 0 J , c o n s e r v a t on Feli: JS Is tbe date from Thrift Shop. t Enough for you and chairman, have arranged for 1----~--'--'---=::.:..:=c....-'---~---------­ lots of gifts for family the presentation. Assisting wUI be the Mmes. Bond Thompson, Robert Marten, McKlbben, Trodlck, Doffom, Robert Somma, J a m e 1 Stalcup, Frank Flack, James West, Paul Johnson, Maurice Donahue and LI o y d Sat- and fr.iends. Hurry, this week only! Flight members are premir- ing layettes for Air Force families and welcome dona- tions. terthwaite. Huntington Beech 8~2.Jll 1 Anyone wishing further in· formation about the group may call Mrs. Mel v in Roenfeldt, 893-SU>. The program wl11 b e presented in Ward I o.W, Tamura, Nieblas, NewlaiicJ, McOoweU, Lamb, H a r P, t>, .. Ph<Jtoir~r.h Studio.!. Floor Nearly Everyone 'Listens' to Landlir$ • FINE BAKERY Prune Muffjns NEW! Delightfully cHfferent, we'r• ·telcen the wrinkles out of prune muff ins . 6 for 65c Custard Pie Alweys • f•mily fevorite, • 9re•f w•y to end • perfect meal. tk N. Whipped Cream Horns NEW! Light puff p•stry fi lled wth delicious whipped cre•m. 35c N. Apple Danish p11try topped with 17.cea. ~~~·~.~~? If your blrthd•y is in Merch, April, or Miy, stOP. in end fill out en entry ••• • decoretecf1 2·1eyer. ce ~e to 5 li.icl.:y people each montfi I .. bigh-voltage.eolois generated by Van Hewien I . somethinQ" special _for your Valentine .• .. Powerful hues for a man to 1"ear1o spark Uf> his lmag t1 ••• These Hampshire Houee shirts by Van Heusen in brass, gpld, rospberry, green or g rey light up any man's appear. ance. Permanently pressed Dacron<» poly. ester and cotton that's wrinkle-free never needs ironing. 14~·1 7. ·Short siee:e 1.oo: Jong l.00. may co men's furnishings 6 . , '·~ .· 'Y" ·~er;:, 0 I ••• f •• '0 •• ~~LIDO CENTER .. 3413 \!!~LIDO !NEWPORT BEA'CH 673-6360 may co s0uth "cqGSt plaza, san di. fwy at bristol, tosta mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. \ • ) I I I l ! , If 0.111.Y !'LOT • . Colorado Home 1 - <Stass-Armstrong Vows Exchanged in Newport Ulltll yo• try o•r scissor fa1hlo• c•t, how will yoa know how good yoar hair ca11 look? hoirtvt . 2.50 Shampoo and Ht.". . . . . . . $3 (Mon., T-. and Wed. only) Helene Curtis 'No Set' permanent wave •••••••• $10 Wo spodolln lo tho"''" cl lasliton wigs Ne appelnttMnt fttc111ory. ·~ PUl.LllTOlll MUMTIM•TOM IUCM MIWPOlT llACH oniw-tllr CAlltw ...,",... c.ttw f'lllllon 111111111 2ni11..,,ri-a.a ,-.i:i11-.11t2-nn :1n11n-..... 221s Election On Agenda Topping the agenda Thurs- day, Feb. 20 for Newport Beach American AssoctaUon of Retired Persorui chapter 121 will be election of officers and appointment of com- mittee!. , The Senior Citizens Rec:rea· tlon Center in Newport Beach will be the setting for tht meeting, which will begin with · luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Those who wish may bring their own Junch and beverages wlll be provided. Following the bu11lne111 session at 1 p.m.. Hawallan films will be shown by A1ln K. Judd. 'lbe regular •lni·•· loog and get-acqualntod lime will follow Ille Olm lhowlng. Anyone over age 65 yean Is Invited to the gathering which Ja: frte to members of National Retired Teachen or AARP. STEREO SENSATION! Tiie colorful sound of o.,_.nge cemty Mule RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM _,.. From Fashion Island. Newport Beach I ' SALE save 20 lo 27% on Kayser panty hose and seamless stockinqs Tomorrow's the time for action. Yqu'll haYC a dance to save si.gnificantly on all your favoritt Kayser panty hose and seaml<M Koclcings. Cl>OOSe beige, tan, l>upex brown or other fashion rolors. And Kayser is cu.. tom sized for petf«t fit. Be early and get the best selection! A(fllon® pantyhose 0 99c roq. 2.SO 3 for 5.85 °' 6 for I I .SO A~ .nylon nude htt! sbc:ct panty hose. In pctit<, medium, mclium tall and WI. Style number 180. eeaml •• .toclrln911 1.99 -UI 3 for 2.90 and 6 fo< S.70 Custom sized: Short 8~ lo 10, medium 8~ to 11 , loog 9~ tot I. Kol--<ludc: heel, dc:mi toe sheer K2-httl and toe, ttinforccd sbc:ct K 7-30 Denier ....U sbc:ct Kt4-Agilonl!I nylon reinforced >ttctch ,..... ,,........ .K 27-A#lonill nylon nude: heel str<:tch '-"'" '-" K43--Cantm:c nylon oudc: bed may co solittt coast plaza, san cll990 fwy at bristol, costa -: 546-9321 • O'tM ............ . t •••••••••• ,, Popular young British star David Hemmings stars as Pi1or· dred, the evil and ambitious illegitimate son or the king. It is he who seeks to break up the Round Table and assume con- lrol of the kingdom. The ill-fated love triangle o[ the trio of principals, King. Queen and Knight spells trou· ble and eventual doom for the Round table and the beautiful, happy kingdom. For this tr~ mendous musical production ihere were months of filming castles in Spain and on the Island of 1.tajorca. Camelot is a n1ost unusual motion picture that is well worth seeing. Once more or again, at the Lido now! PetuUa slars Julie Christie as an unconventional female who gets involved in a lriangle that gives more bitter than sv.•eet romance. George C. Scott. Rich· ard Chamberlain, Arthur Hill, Joseph Cotten a n d Shirley Knight round-out the top of lhe ca:it. IEX KADISOM MESA MATlNEES just keep on rolling along. ';.'eek after week t hey bring mid-week, afternoon relaxati on to many Harbor area film faru who wan t ro enjoy good movies. Get the habJt with a buddy or neighbor and partake of free refresh- ments before these Wednesday features start at one o'clock, FREE PASSES to the Lldo or the Mesa will be mailed today to Bernice Perkins, JI I ~ Park Avenue, Bal Lsle. Catherine Fuller, 513 Narcissus, Corona de.I Mar, G. Zlaket, 1008 \IL Balboa. Newport Beach and w. J. Quinlan, 2948 Andros, Cost.1 MesL Who know1? Perhaps your name will appear herein one. L:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:..I day real IOOll and you ioo can .. '"101 Ille best o( movies at Ila M,.. or Ille Lido. Will -McCray Care.monies Performed in St. -James Weddlng vows were e1· changed before the altar of St. James Episcopal Church by Marcia Ann McCray and Conrad Austln Wlll, In a 1ate afternoon ceremony perform· ed by Ill• Rev. Jphn Aabey. Before the sacred vows were made, Ibo Mitchell Boys Choir uni a aelecUon or wedding aongs. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Alan Archer McCray of Balboa and the late Mr. McCray, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Austln WU! of Rancho Santa Fe. Princes s gowns of promegranate ottoman w e r e wor.n by the maid of ho.-lor, Miss Natalie Kern; t be matron of honor, Mrs. Robert J>.erklns; and the bridesmaids, the MWes Carol Hayden, Sal- ly Hogeboon, and Jobyna Raulston, and bouqueu of pink camellias and hyacinths pre>- vlded the complement to their dresses. The bride chose a satin ' organza gown designed with ~ bodice of hand clipped C'han· ''t lilly lace, long lace slee\'es, l1 and controlled scissored skirt that ~wept to a full cathedral train. Her Brussels lace veil ~ was mounted on silk illusion f' In a mantilla 'Silhouette, and her floral accent was an ar~ rangement of lilies of th e valley and japbet orchids. MRS.· BRUCE A. PEDY Formtr Hiiiary · Hut1on -------- I Monday, ''bNart 17, 1969 OAILY "LOT Jf . Msgr. Hutson Reads Cousin's Ceremony Surrounded by a bridal party wearing .(~113 In jewel tones ot coral, jade, amethyst, aquamarine and garnet, ~ Amanda Hutson and ' Bruce Alan Pedy exchanged wedding vows at twllisht Saturday before Ibo a!lar of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church In Newport Beach. The rites were read by the bride's cousin, Msgr_. William Hutson and she was given in maniage by her stepfather, C[eme~t Uuig Hlisch Of Harbor Island. ' ~ . • 1 • The former Mias Hutson Is the daugbter of't,lts. Msch "e4 Uie late ' Mr. Hugh Hutson. The bridegroom ls the sop o! Mr. and MN. Ug~r A. Pedy of Redwood City. . . · ·• ' · . · ' An orlglnal traditional Ivory sllJc peau de aoje gown styled with, a dropped flounce was selected by the ·bride, who also .wore a French lace wedding Oat and carried a wedding bouquet of orange blossoms and white,.• orchids. The bridal attendants, also wore bals and lbeir bouquets were ar• rangements of mixed colored ranunculus. _ Miss Jan Hirsch of Pac1.fic Palis'ades was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were the Misses Penelope Williams of 8anta Barbara, Linda Nelson of Newport Beach, Amber Armstrong of San Juan Caplstr~o and Gigi Agaban of Paris, the bride's classmate al Man'mOunt $chool In Paris. . · Da11d Harris of San Francisco served as best man, while us1>:ers were Robert Hill of Newport Beach, uncle of the bride ; Edward and John ~edy of San Francisco, brothers of the bridegroom: ~ab~iei Loya, Newport Beach; Hugh Hutson Ill, Newport Beach, brother of the bride, and Bill Mauk, Los Angeles, studen t body president of UCLA. · . · . . As a sentimental touch, the' ring bearer, Casey Hirsch of, Harbo.r Is~ land, carried the ring piUow that was used at the wedding of the bride's great-grandmother, Mrs. Forrest Smith Sr. Soloist was Geoffrey ShirtleU, fellow student of the bridegroom from Stanford University. The newlyweds received their guests in the HirSchs' waterfront home where Mrs. Smith presided at the guest book . After honeymooning in Acapulco and Southern Mexico, the couple will establish their home In the San MateoValley. The bride is a graduate ot Marymount School tn Paris, and ls a sopb· omore at USC. Her husband ls a junior at~Stanford. · MRS. CONRAO Will San Diego Home The bridegroom's brother, ""-'""'""'"""""',....,,.. __ .,.=i..,.1111:m:1.,.om,,..m.1E1 ________________________ _ Howard Will Jr. was his best ""' Betro thal Revealed man and ushers were John Patrick McCray, brothers of the bride. .David Pbllli~. '111omas Halprin, Earl Bauser- man, Lt, Richard Dawson and Lt. Michael Post. - When guests entered the Newport Harbor Yacht Club to greet the newlyweds, tQey noticed clusters of p i n k azaleas and camellia trees, and in the club were table centerpieces of pink roses and camellias and decorations o( pink plum blossom!I, roses and carnations. Gold V e n e ti a n chairs, crystal ehandeliers and drapes of pink silk fabric com- pleted the scheme. On Valentine's Day " .... i SANDRA STE IN Engaged St. Valentine's Day was the date select*Xi for the engage. ment announceinent of Sandra Lynn Stein and David Charles Eason. Or. and Mrs. William Stein of Corona del Mar revealed t h e betrothal news d~ a dinner party for the Im· mediate families in the Five Crowns restaurant. The brid~lect is an alumna of Corona del Mar High School and is attending Orange Coast College. Her fiance, son of ~tr. and Mrs. Robert Charles Eason of Costa Mesa. is a graduate of Estancia HJgh School and is enrolled at OCC. No date has been set by the ~uple for thelr wedding. The new Mrs. Will is a graduate of Convent of the Sacred Heart and attended the University of Arizona and Ville de L'Assomption anci Academle Julien, Paris. Her husband ~ a graduate of New Trier HJgh School in Winnetka, Ill. and Tulane University, New 0 r I ea n s, where he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraterni- ty. The newlyweds wlll live In San Diego. Lansing Rowan Now Mrs. Kingsley Wood MRS. K. K. WOOD Rectt.1 Vow• Air Force Col. (rel.) and Mrs. Alan Jocelyn l\-1ickle of Newport Beach have announced lhe marriage of her daughter, nsing Brann Rowan lo Kingsley Knox Wood 0£ Palo Alto. The Mickles' home was the setling for the morning nuptials read by Judge J .E.T. Rutter. For the double ring cere· mony the former Miss Rowan was giv· en In marriage by her father, Louis Richard Rowan of Pasadena. The bride selected a short white crepe dress w I lb a cowl collar and pleated &kirt for her wedding. White roses, lilies of the valley and fern fonncd l\er bou- quet. Miss Jocelyn Elizabeth Mickle was lier sister's maid of honor in a gray-blue knit <tress. Stuart Morrison Smith of Palo Alto was the best man. The wedding was attended by im· mediate members of the f a m i 11 e s • Miss Linda Wood, the benedict's sister, was the special guest. Following the ceremony the couple. honeymooned in Monterey before making their first home in Palo Alto. The new Mrs. Wood is a graduate of SL Timothy's ·in Stephenson, Md. and Hollins Colleae in Roanqke. Va. She receivtd her masten deeree from t h e University of °*ago's GraduatP. School. Her husband, IOD of the late Mr. and l\!rl· Walter GrttM Wood or Palo Alla, ls an alwnnus of Foothill Junior College and Sao Jooe State Collqt. • Caribbean Honeymoon Susan Caughlan Weds- Wearing a white organdy creation appliqued with· scat- tered flowers of embroid ered alencon lace, Susan Caughlan was escorted to the altar <lf Pasadena Pres byte r i an Freeman Chapel Saturda y afternoon to become the bride of Bill WiISon Brown. The Rev. Harry T. Adamson performed the rites linking the daughter of Mrs. Herbert A. Dewitz of Three Arch Bay and the late M,r. Pope Weston Caughlan and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown Jr. of El Cerrito. Given in rharrlage by her stepfather, the bride carried a cascade of white roses and tulips, a I on g with a handkerchief made by her maternal grandmother, Her empire gown w a s fashioned with a scalloped border of lace around the edge ol the skirt and chapel-length waUeau train, and a flat 'w """ -MRS. Bill W. BROWN Pi11ad1na Rit11 Newport Beach Home Of Newlywed Clarkes Chapel of the Bells was the erhead, mald of honor and setting for i?ie candlelight JoaMe Leiahte, the J>rlde's ceremony linking in marriage si!ter and Jane Purdy, brides- Carolyn D a I e Lelghte and m~~ as best man was Robert A. Clarke, both of Neal BNtsche. while serving Newport Beach. u ushers were Tom Toedter The Rev. Or. Henry Ger· and Keith Klafs. hard read tile single ring A 1eeeplion for 7S guests rites for the daughter of Mr. followed in the home of the and Mrs. L. N. Lelghte Jr. of bride's parents where Mrs. Newport Beach and the son of William Andrews of Chicago Mr. and Mrs . B. Byron Clarke circu lated the guest book. of North Hollywood. The bridal couple are honey· Carrying a dozen long·stem· mooning in EuroP.f, and upon med wtllte roses, the bride their return, they will realde wore a white A·llne dress. ln Newport Beach. Lace trimmed her frock and The new Mrs. C\arke is a matching p I I I b o x which graduate of Newport Harbor caught Jier ~boulder lenJ!h _ H"1! ~I and attended CaU. veil. Torma St.it! college at Loac Wearing American beaut(. Beach. She ls a stewardeu red !rocb llld matchlni pll -roe Air Calllornla. 1ftr 1uJa. box bats· and carrying long· band Is a graduate ol CSCLB stemmed white spider chrys-where he majored ln tco- antbtmumJ were Jan Weath-nomlcs. trimmed with lace Dowers and seed pe.,-ls held her short veil. Mrs. Thomas Sawyer Santley, the bride's sister from San Marino, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. James Kenneth Clark Jr. of Torrance and Miss Tia Gin; dick of Los Angeles, both sorority sisters of the bride. For the wedding they were dressed in floor length. lime green peau de sole fashions styled with wide ruffles at the hemlines and scooped necks with smaller rufhes around the neckline. Flat llme green bows formed their crowns, and they carried cascades of spring flowers in· eluding pink and yellow tulips. Warren• Brown JV, the bridegrootp's brother from Sausalito, was best man, and ushers were Stephen Dent of Pasadena and Mark Spraic or Berkeley, both lraternlly brothers. For the ceremony pews were decorated with large white bows centered with mixed spring f l o w e r s matching the brldesma.Jds' bouquets. Tables at the church reception also wert centered with high compotes of mixed spring flowers. -The newlyweds are both graduates of the University of Southern California. Mrs. Brown affiliated with Della Delta Delta sorority whi ch she served as vice president. A graduate of San Luis Obispo High School she also was a member of Trojan Junior Aux· illary, · The bridegroom, an alumnus of El Cerrito High School. attended the University of the Pacific. He affiliated with Phi Kappa Psi fraterni ty while at USC. After a Caribbean honey· moon, the newlyweds will make their home in the San Francisco area. MRS. GEORGE S. TWIST Long BNch Homa Ge·orge Twist Claims Bride George Sattler Twist of maternal grandmother 11 l Newport Beach c I a i m e d their weddings. . Lurline Upson Hall of San A plllbo:r: caught her illusio~ Marino as his bride during veil, and she carried 11 famU1: ceremonies in the Chur~h of heirloom pra yerbook toppedi Our Saviour. The Rev. George with cyprepedium orchids anit W. Cummings· was the of-stephanoUs. ficiant. Aqua cOtored gowns with The bride, daughter of Mr. matching headpieces and bou- and Mra. Robert Erne.st Hall quell of yellow tulips and daf· of San Marino, was given in . fodils were selected for her. mmiaee by. ber father . Her heirloom aalln gown, trimmed entouraae. with alencon lace and .featur· Miu Robin Rosamond Ball Ing a lace edged short train'. was her sister's maid of waa worn bj her mother and 'hooor, and bridesmaids wert -- the MisR. Lucy Ann Hall, Lucy Peteis and Joan Gesaltr and the-Mrp~. Walter Niel.son Jr., John Gamble, Craig Bale end Stuart Cureton. The bridegroom, son or Mr. and Mri. sun Robert Twllt of Ntwport Beach, asked bis brother, Basil Twlat Jr. tJt Chicago to be bla best man. Uf!Jen . were Henry Spraaue, Michael Morgan, James Kaye , J.Auoa , Elie Twitt, Jolm ~ Joruan, N1a11oa • and Tlmolhy BOian. · ,. A recepUon followed In the borne of the brlde'a parent& After hone)'Dlooning I n Hawaii, tbe newlyweds will r11ide ln Lona Beach. The bride, a Valley Hunt 1nd Children's Ho Ip It a I debutante, earned htr AB from Stanlord. Unlverall;J Ill Italy and her teachln( -ckon1ta1 from the UnlvoraltJ ol Calttornla, Berkeky. MRS. ROBERT A. ClAIUCE Europei1n Honeymoon Her husband also roctlw4 b1a AB from Slanlord, llllJ, la afflllated with Della ITpotloa and -II on acllft c1a11 with the U.S. Navy -In Loni Beach. .I ' ----'----------· ..................... =-. ----.,,.. - • ~· ' I • ' I -.. . --.. . . .-. ~ .. . . ... . . . . . . DAll.Y rlLOT ~. fellnllly 17, 19'9 ..:~•e Blow Your Born' • Girls at Audition: • Simon 'Revival' Fine Show Name and Undre ss At Long !Jeach Playhouse ' By TOM nTUS subseq uent Jargest hits has 0t -. o.ur ,..,.. t1•ff mOit JdenWiable roo.ts In 'Iboulh it Wti written In "COme Blow Your Horn." tbll decide, • scant seven Paying tribute to the king )'ell'I ago. "Come Blow Your of Broa<lway's comedy writ. Hom" today take. on abnost en. the Long Beach COm!Jlunl· revival proportions btlng. as . ty Playhouoe has staged an ••· • It ii, the play which ignited eeQenl, U overlong, version t b e prolific career Or ' i t s Clf thlS --flrstt jn a long· line author, Neil Simon. of comic trlui'Jphs. Hilariously • The difference be l w e e n · preJented 1zy a most com· t· ''vintage" Simon · and the · pelent 1ca$t, it promises to 1--: Simon ol tod~ a,1 re~nted be a big crowd pleaser. for ~ : by '':'lbf si..r 'S~led Girl" the next ·five weekends. :-~and "~lai&ISolte" ii virtually ·.AJJ in all Simon pta)'s, the ~:; nil. 1be patteru for all hla Jines often upstage t b e .; . \.. . . ... '.· Ex-OCC Coed Opens In Broadway Show (Editor's note: Diane Kea· i} ton, whost ptrformance ii : , applauded in tht foll.owing . ·, rtview, is forme·r Orange Coast College coed Diant • •· Halt whose family live& in ' . i : Santa Ana.) ! ! By JACK GAVER : • NEW YORK (UPIJ-Nolh· Ing of consequence happens in • · "Play lt Again, Sam," which opened last week at the Broadhurst 'Theater, bu~ this play by and with Woody Allen JS an amusing entertainment A well known performer in night clubs and television for several years, with some re-cent movie acting to bolster bis sad.sack image, this is Allen's stage debut, and it is a pleasurable one. A Barry- more he'll never be, but as Woody Allen, his is superb. DAILY l'ILDT Slaff 1'111119 'EXCELLENT' Diane (Hall) Keaton 'Jba( zany, off-beat way of thinking and writing that is his hum.or specialty is in full flow- er in this new David Merrick production. And who belt.er to may' h1s eventual trium ph ~ project this lhan Allen himself comes with the wife or his best when the character he por--friend, but, true to the gallan· trays is a repres,,00, depress-try of the movies (well, those ed, hangdog type that fmds or a rew years ago), be has to release only in fantasy? let her go. However, he has It seems a shame to try to · learned. explain what the play is about There are many laughs, because this isn't u impor~ stemming from both the writ- tant as the pixilated dialogue ing and Allen's performance. and situations employed in Lacy, Anthony Roberts and ielUng the fragile story. Diane Keaton, the latter two Anyway, Allen p 1 a.y s a playing the hero's best friends, writer about the movies who provide the main.support, and thinks in terms of clnematic they are excellent. cllcbes and characterl. A spe-.Shi!ila Sullivan. B a r b a r a clal idol ill Humphrey Bogart, Browne, Diane. Walker, Jean and don't ever think that Bo-Fowler, Cynthia Dalbey, Lee prt (in the person or actor Annee Fahey and Barbara Jerry Lacy) doesn't wander in Press round out the person- and out of the scenes to advise able cast'. Joseph Hardy has . the romantically inept hero on directed with the true sense how to make it with the dolls. -or the ridiculous that an Allen 'I1le writer's wire has left work calls for. William Hit-' him. bored with the.ir marrl-man's setting, th e hero's age, and he desperately tries apartment, is nicely executed. ·to compensate by real and "Play It Again, Sam" is a bnagined adventures with var-show that strives £or laughs · lous women.. Much to his dis--and gets them. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS .1 Distributed cards 6 Half: Com b. ftlrm 10 Atttrnpt 14 Ft!llllnln t .... 15 Drying I Challlbt!f 16 Fortlldden I 11 1Hgh.up 11 Cormrurilc· auons 11tdiu11 20 Tri ton 2181g - 22 Fred 1 Astaire's s ister 23 Tel:3raphic spee unit 25 Not having 1 bttn raisf.d 27 Gyp•! 130 Nolb s goal ' 31 llnd ohood SZ-holt Sl Unit of distance 36 Ogle or leer 37 Gamtnts of old 31 Eat a 11tal 39 Strong deslrt 40 Bini 41 Part of 1 .tiole 4S Let in 47 ·Prospttous t"'od 48 rief space of time •9 Cgs unit 50 Netherlands t OClmunltt S4 Baseball lt 2 words 57 Cooper's necessity 58 Thorough-fares: Abbr. 59 Operatic highl ight 60 Kind of ntSt 61 Spanish ~li nter 62 ept ba ck Ill Wr!l'l ch DOW N 1 Campus VIP 2 Fr!l'l ch tmnoun 3 11dH: Nait. 4 secuon of Paris: 2 ..... 5 Explosltt 6 Shwpentd 7' Not slllfll'd' I Gull soun ' Inspector: Abbr. 10 Certain bowls Saturday 's Puzz le Solvtd: • 19 Fender's move 21 Obtain at 1 ll'ice 24 One or another 25 Perl. to citi es 2& Captures 27 Trust 28 lnstru• ... , !9Ccim liquor fllkert l11fomal 30 Tool 32 Wish for etrntslly 34 -over llghtly 3S RulDlnant mM!lllal 37 Old 2117/119 40 Covered wlthl a loose garmtfl t 41 PGA or NHL memb er 43 Ll ost pleasant 44 Marlntr's cone em 45 Ont bl!ar-lng a hN.vy burden 411 Golf shot 47 Staple food 49 Antlthl!sls ,, , ... 51 tnvltauon to contend 52 Bird: L1U1t SJ Sports contest .-. .CZ Bunkhouse , ... 11 Ctrbin tmlles coln SS Encour1g-. In; chttt 56 lrTlllte ,. 44 • Canadian '" fiver ;. • 12 Trtt lJ Van- ( of SICiiy 38 Thickness 57 Wltnesstd 12 I) ch11racters, and the Long Beach c a s t is well up to the ehallenge of keeping pace wi lh ils material. There are few opportunities f o r effeeUve characterization which go un· DOUced In this production • ltowever, In thiJ particular version, there Is more staging "COME I I.OW YOUl HOlN"' A c.omedV IW Nell S!ll'IOll, <llrwcied •NI Gf*lgnecl IW J1mn 11r11111n, -ic.1 dtret!or G"'v-e H1l1flln, -.>1111 111d 1~11.,. IW Krvln Mu~. pr-llted Frld41Y• Ind SltunllY• llll"Oll911 ,,,..rc11· 'H 11 11111 L-8t1dl Comm11nltv Plfvllouse. 5021 E • Alllll!lfm $1., lollg B•ldl . THE CAST Alafl &Mi.,. ..... , •• An<lr~ H1.,...,e1 8..cldv n.iter , , ••••••• , Michael LoreJIJ Mr. B•~·· ................ JOI C1rr Ml'1. 8ekff ....... ,, ... 0.(18111! (lllllfM C-le 01vton •• ... .• .C•ltll• Cltnfon ""9Y Ev-....... Sl.>MllM Tomecko Aunt Gvule •• .... . ........ 1t11th Crill DAILY I'll.OT si.tt .. l>O 1 area than there is play to fill it, and as a result director James Brittain has overblock- Enough, Already ed hi s production, moving his Rob Anderson enjoys a tender m oment wi th Sally characters on virtually every Hayton -as bis alter ego, Mike Speer, cautions him line to touch all bases of his in this scene from "Philadelphia, Here l Come," large, beautifully designed set. openjng Wednesday for three weeks at the Laguna This may account ror the in-P laybou·se. 1 ordinate length -three hours --------------------- _._ of the show, along with the £act that the opening nig ht audience k e p t its collective hands warm by applauding nearly every exit line. By ANTHONY C. COLUNGS . MOSCOW (AP) -Russian And well it should, for the performances are most im· presSl ve, particularly those or the two leads, Andrew Hawkes as a 33-y~ar-old swinging bachelor and Michael Lorenz as his just·turned·21 brother eager to set out on his own. Hawkes is slow starting, but midway throu gh the long first act develops an easy, unhur- r ied urban ity which greatly heightens his effect. Prac· tically absent from the second act, he comes back with a complete change of character in the third whic h is ex- ceptionally done. records sold in America are -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====:, ringing cash register bells for r Soviet exporters. Discs or such Soviet virtuosos as violinist David Oistrakh have helped push total sales in a two-year ex- port drive past $350,000. );-iiiiiiiimiiiP:;::===~~ Americans buyers h a \' '.:! responded enthusiastically to such albums as the Moscow As Tennessee Williams' first play. "The Glass Mena gerie." was autobiographical. so, ap-·Philharmonic 0 r-c h es l r a parently. w as "Come B 1 ow playing "The Carmen Ballet Your Horn." with the younger Suile," arranged by Soviet brother, Buddy, representing the youthful Simon. Jn the composer Rodion Shchedrin. hands or Mi c h a el Lorenz. Uned r a Ii c e n si n g ar- this role becomes th e rangement with C a pi t o I strongest of the cast. played Records, 80 Soviet musical in a nasal, Henry Aldrich tone and with a sort of ducklike recordings have been released waddle that. we rind later, in America since February is a copy of the father's. 1967. Retail sales have totaled That . part: a com l c .. &iut $1 million, a recent masterpiece, IS _expertly d?ne So viet announcement said. by Joe Carr, a cigar-champing . . . Jewish rather who . screams OffJc1als of the Soviet record "Bum!'' al his sons on every firm Melodiya were especially third line and is impenetrable pleased with sales or Dmitri in his closed·mindedness. Carr Shos takovich's symphonic captu res virtually every fa cet poem "The Execution of of this extremely f un n y Stephen Ratln," pla yed by the character. Moscow Philharmonic. Jt sold Equally we ll done is the 20,000 copies in stores and distraught mother. played by 4~,000 as part of a mall order Darlene ·C h a f fee . Her club. . trau_matic telephone sequence While official figures on pro- is a sidesplitting so I o fit a re a sCcret, indust ry performance which wrings ge-sources say Capitol pays the nuine pathos fron1 her Soviets from $1,000 to $10,000 satirical role. per recording, plus about 10 .. • 111. u 'Gie'Hearl isa'Lonely 'Huiitec" ~ TECHHICOt.OR t/!I PLUS ll!i'B~ 11it'Be11Sant1 lhe1talians STARTS WED. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER •UT DIM!CTCMl-MIKIE NICH0\.5 JOSEPH E. LEVINE ...... ., • MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN -·- THE GR ADUATE Jl!WPOll llAOI -eo I~ ••to. ... to lob~I••• U4o hlo -01. )-1)~1 3 ACADEMY AWARDS Winner of .3 ·Acad.-,my A,wards! "" TIC!llla!LOR'PIUllSHll' FIOM WllllUIOS.-SlVU UIS '/I ALSO JULIE GEOOE C.. CW RISflE ·SCOTT ,,~- _ ........ RICHARD CHAMBERlAIN [;""":...~:!.~~] oat TDICOLDl'lf -ONE SH OWING EACH EYE PETU LIA cit 7 CAMELOT 1:45 I CONT. SUN FROM 2 PM Most Impressi ve of the two percent of retail sales. Soviet y ou n g lovelies is Susanna exporters may have recei\·ed Tomecko, a late replacement around $500,000 in the last)~·=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:='. for the role of the voluptuous two years. but vacuum-headed would-be starlet. The more serious Bernard Luber, a l'.S. roma ntic interest is Celeste businessman who helped set Clinton who. though quite ap-up the Soviet arrang ement pealing. 1s never really up with Capitol, recently sa\v to her character. Mrs. Yekaterina Furtseva, the , . · The virtues rar oul\veigh the Soviet culture minister. faults of "Come Blow Your "She was very happy \\·ith Horn," wlfich plays th rough the sales," he said later. "and ~1arch 22 on Friday and Satur-she said this was good for day evenings al the Long cultural contacts, since music 1 Beach Community Playhouse. is the universal language." 5201 E. Anahein1 St., Long Luber, who is president of Beach. Celebrit y Concert Corp.. a IG~~===.=:=11 """"' Fiix·-.. SOUTH COAST 61N£Rll PLAZA THEATl'IE CORPORATION San Oie&o Freeway at Bristol • 546-2711 OPEN DAILY 7:00 P.M. Saturday and Sunday Open 12 Noon WALT DISNEY'S • fASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~. • • • • • • • • • ••• .•o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. • NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 NOW O PE N CONTINUOUS PE RFORMANCES SATURDAY, SUNDAY & HOLI DAYS LOCATED ON A SPECIALLY ·CREATED P LATE A U OVERLOOKING NEWPORT HARBOll. MED ITERR ANEAN IN STY LE AND IN THE MUS IC CENTER TRADITION. EDIV ARDS NEWPORT CINEMA IS THE ~IOST MAGMFICIEN T !IOTJON PICTURE T HEATRE IN THE WORLD • EXCLU SIVE AREA ENGAGE MENT "DAUllNG! Once vo11 •ft ii. you'll n•~•• 191in p ie. lure 'Romt o I Julie!' <;udt !ht w•y you did before!" -LIFE rt1t.1.1it01 ·:ir.Tru11 n1:~,... .... ..... Ill • "' fRANco ZEFFlRELL I -· ROMEO ca-'JUUET 111111 l'D5' l~ ~DU,. W#.1 BECAUSE OF THE UNUSUAL ENDING NO ONE WIU. IE ADMITTED DURING THE LAST 12 MINUTES It's time to spea-of unspoken things ••• ELIZABETH TAYLOR MIA FARROW ""'"'-t.hen O~ Beb:f• n/>..O......l>E-.i ~ ~ ...oBEF't-1 UJillt'l"S • J.."SECRET-'!.'!'M~ I ROBERT MITCHUM I ·-PEGGY ASH::FCFT PAfV1ELA l3RCMIN I .. TECMJllllCDLOA• "COOGANS BLUFF" AnthOfly httln • T..., W•l4 : , ... _ ... _n.-: __ 1 ~•'04!'J.!-_G l<AQUcL weLCH . DAN BLOCKER SI ' • BIEACH llL\10 . AT IEl.\.19 • t UNTINOTO"I 91E"'-C M • ... 7-•80 1 --,, ...... Dean Martin • ... and the demolifion , is delicious! ' "Mau Helm .. TheWreclcin Crew <n>l"""G I Elke S-Ommo,.Sha10n Tale·Nancy Kwan ·Nigel Grttn· Tina Louise •:.__,,.._ .. ,..-.,.~., .............. _ ............ •iQlit.t""I ~ f>n!lol'W._ ll>oJoll°""'\"'"' lfDNCQ.(11( ' ., 1 .~ 'J r, f' · • ---11 e lllllV WWW lllllW * Nnt TIMl)llEW 1111E 1::.-..:i.n,., 1' __ ... _ .. (tlQllr•-'--== . liii'o -.....,. -= = .::0 ::.;.-=,.,..,. STEVE ROPU ... ....... . . ' di GEORGE l'lflllAM N~ • Thi M Hope Silldll * Tho -NIWI In Town * lln1 c:rOlbJ • ....... ,.. 11.,. • -.. lluma ii DONALD O'CONNOR Dijna - -. .....,._, * ~EW TIME/NEW 'l'IME ll<i.'I: .,-; = ••n"" -CCI (10) lon! ....... fir ' ..., -II 1111 -., , .... , .... l1M ...... • . "'""' ....... CCI 00 -lllni ,_,, •-""· Uta .... (C) (ID) Rh· GIOl'lt lllf'q and D11111 Ron •"" trend Dr. Rllph NMl"lllll!J, Wiiia Tht SuprllMS. Deruy ind Tb• Ladies ol Sonr, D 01' Cl)~• o.tusts (C) DGn Knotts, Barbara RU111. Dick (60) "Th• Thin Edat." A JOUlll 1111 Jenstn and Alber Snider 1~. Is acel4erlh11J lhot ~y Elrl d11rill& ' • ~ • shoolowt witll •• ovtln, .,,, • ·· U THE'SIX O'CLQCK MOVIE ""· "'*" "' '"'"°'"" Piii. · · * Color-"A Summer Pfact" ::'Ii~• ~tt ~ ~--= ~~ Part J-ttan Richlrd which •• ,i.n1 to 1oa C.IVI rf111· Epn ' Dorothy McGuire. d11, lltUs Wtiit• allCI ldl Lupino GIO "°"* -CCI.,,_ i"" -...... Pttt I (iUtlM) 'SI -.. fW Y• Lii (C) (60) Rldlenl r.p-. s.Mra DM, DlroltlJ' m.-.. (q (60) '1ltt Bit· "-t ... -""" -· • -" "' ... MCI ... ;~ bth11 -. ll Die UiUvtBPI tf fil I lo! (<) (OJ) "'"'* -I '""" '1 ' ... J! = :.i~) "Helltll .... citl .... ,ti Petfllatriita. ptdl.trf:. roas." A IDOl It tt11 llf1 or MidllM clans lllf .W •rkwli. Ther ,,. • ' . Mirii c11r1, wflo dbccrftrt4 radl11111. worklfll .~r to r ... 1bllltll1 s11111 ind film foottp lrt lrvm thildr111 wllo victims of 1111nUl ' .. tht Metropolittll Ult 1nsuralltll .II· and pll)otloll 'I 1111 In th• homL br1ry. 1 61J ("() 11&11 ''" UltclE (C) Ill • ...... -Ill Li' ...... ,. .. (!) IPlM his (C) !:30 fJ fl..., Affelr (C) (30) UM:lt ' Bill end Cltq lind 1om1nct in ' •• &:30 II MIC ,.....,.,la (C) (601 Spain, UlllWl!t 11111 french h11 • CD v~.,.60) tt •• llrtt• ., U11 lost 1111 twla Oft 1 lilllt:s•int t1ip ; DE.Jr ltaell ht (JO) A new in th• MCOnd put DI this Ihm· . h' I . '1 LA CMy part *'Y· biOVIP 1C1 stnu . II Jltn (C) (30) Tt4 Mt;,erL Schools COllttllfrllillJ Oii lftlnerit) 11!1 lfNta ltllliell iro11p indlwld111ll wtio llM risu to hl&ll poll&. h• tlle ~II· lt:IO R 8 (j) ~ lnNI (C) (60) ~ r. llrij ... ShirMJ Jones sllllt. QI! (I) ID mm-IC! e TEXACO Prueirta '"°I,. - -CCI I"' * "Joel< Bonny's Birthdsy a~ '"'' IC> 130l Special" with LUCILL~ Gullt penlla 111 Sheri ln'la, IALL-STARS GALORE! Bert CollWY trwl Sou,J S1lel. m hsMn1 (C) (30) Audr11 M1tdows end Bob Cran• 1uest. m u1111 AbleN tao) m Cnlr'• lftW 1C> (ii) fnia er ""*!ffftca (C) 7:30 8 Qll (J) I-• (C) (IO) Do<, Kitty, Stm 11111 loult PhHt111 1r1 G ID Cll 11\l ""' -· ~·~ Uy TpeCJel (C) (60) lucill1 Bill heads • list of 1ut1ts who wlfl Join J1ck tli ctl•bratt hit n1tt1 1nnl· Vtr$1fJ. Also on hand wlll b1 0.11 Blocbr, Oennlt D1y, Ann·Mlt1rt1:, l1wr1nct Welk, Jerrr lnlt and ROU'llUn. ~·• ,..,.,. ~m'"""' • -•••· -m GEORGE !'UT.NAM f!EWS perllow nlatit 111 lt11 rori1 Bt1i\cll * ft-Reportw'a C)plnlOn S1loon by 1 b9nd el lllllllCJ trunt. vos -.... ""' .... -... ... 1·-(t) (IO) ..... to M1nM Dll'-tor 1 cow-OJ) Cll G 1-Ill .,..., CC> 110r 111 h Dodlt Cl'1 )II wfttl 1 ( "l:iiitfOil" JelTOllll tekel ltit $10,000 1t1J1n1 • 1111 lllld. Jloblrt C1M ti U I,.. frt.ld Wflo ti TottM. INCll Din, LR lllltDlliD _, f ....... w1t11 MWW. 1ol ........ ..-. DOn-.a:w.-.. .... -~-CCl(30) 1--(30) "1i 1'Mre • Didi!' 11t t11i1 tto.r YW ... CC) (30) PllR ford, T-r ...... lllltllllt """"" licl· .1111 lf•es eM rest111rlttOI' Joe Mii .... ...-....... .... ~ lVllf.. JtMri1 II .-it It Cllrt 1111'1'1. GD 'he ltllt W• (30) "Wllus-8 C*-f1Nt (C) (30) ".lou1-titn." TN tirM k 111111111 1, 1816, 1'1Q of tilt JOftate Mlft." to Jul)' 1, 1117. ~ ,Ctoftl 0 lUl Cll a rt. ..._.. <C> tu•1 • t11t (lNl)WMI °' •••11111 th• (Ill ''foc."John Steed and Tari "'r •Rd wr.-ti frtnU lot help, 1Uq 111 ..... by "Mother'' to HlitiflJhtl: fM LllllSdoWlll Rniew, tr.u: NJni tM culprit rllDQl'lllble lmil ~btlllM. t11t Jlual111 M1rch fOf • "'* of llOrltldd• tlv..it•n· R1vo!uhon. inl the IUcctll of I wwld clil· GI DlcN ...... 1rr111l!llflt Cl)flftrlltCll. T!Mir ilMltl· lt:JG 111 Mnlt: ('> "lfrNll'•" (drama) 1ltlo1 1tMs 111"1 to 1.i atlbAtft· '57-MirSoft 8nndo Rid Buttons, IMftl: c.llld tht Gl1l[&trt filloul Club M~hl umtW. ' wtllfl lJllJ 81,.rltntt I IMnl ft· di --(>l) ~--flf tllt cll11111 of tht '"' ·18IO'L htrlck Nf'fJltll, llhond.I GD l1N:•ltla·(3IJ) "Mtw C.1e for plfW llld Qvy Rolf• 1r1 flltultd. r.oninanes. • T• J111111dana diacuss • .... • ..... (t) .,.. left .... tll:llnlq!MI '"4 tqUlPfl'*'lf '°' llillll If W' (dr1;..,) 'SS-Hum· trtltin1 l'INrt lttlck Yldin. phrq Boprt. Gent Tlemer. ltt 11 l.W Sii tw11i1 J. ""'· 11 ... ., u &I Ill -(Cl mrrdl., c...,.... <t> <30> BAlfnd: Hitckoct 18 --(Oil m Uon "'" CCI Rod """ ID c...-• 11 am (JOI llOltt. Pln1t1sts 111 Rolfe '9t111tn. 9J U11 ..... M ti f... ltttJ Wltlr.t, I'll Lilldrt10m, 11111 · Pit Buttram. 1:00 D I'll llowll I llirth1 ll11&fl·l11 CB MIN: "Keir's flft Mltlra" (1d· (Q (60) TinJ Ti111 1uuts. vlltturt) '51-Stepllln M~tllJ, Vic 8 UCU ......... (C} (2 Jir} Dick Morniw. Uw1Ciiis1111 .et1011 b1tW1111 tit• ~CI! a (1) G .._ (C) BNll'll ... till Wlllllnstofl Cou(ars. ll:JO •. lllfrit: ...... LlfffJ'" (mllSi(.11) GI Kml (C) (30} ·~11n~"Slflltrt QION DeH1tt11. .. C11'111Qi.. ... ' <lOJ == -.. 19'" '"' 9 JOHNNY'S IN TOWN' r.,:',..~"_!u:!:t'. *THE TONIGHT SHoW C11rk T«JJ, o..ns, t1111111 Starr1nc Johnny Clraon Byrd •!Id Stor1' · Guuts: Slmmy Davia Jr. ·-·· Clliloooo .... carol w.,... ~l084!J(J)-• '"' CCI (>l) 8 11)001/lT--(C) Crtlc, Medln1 lllOfl'f to b11Y 1 ntw B Mtrit: '1111 flrMI DtlKll" surtboud, llk• a jGb •t 1 super (CO!Mdtl· 'J9--Uutel l H•rdy .• "'""· °' h• flllt .., ~ -U IUJ (J) Ill ..., -(C) lltCJ ttbl K1111 lo tilt ...,errnan.t wtin Cnlt II '1Rlftin1 to tllow ht1 111 Litt Lacy t111 "comet"'~ to shop, t11d lZ:CIO tD n s....t "1lp Ct1l1 Ml 1 tl1111 ilylNI to U:IO m Aetllll T1llM! ''The S.lnt'1 :r'.!. h11 • , 1111 ''°" 111 "'' m fr!UJ." Dll!ICIJll--CCI l:lt8-'""'CCI (l0)~.~..-.1.tt.J'IOP. 8C••••IJ ...... ""'~ up ltw ,. "'. .. JllMlftllcl; ..... (C) l.N ""' ....... ,,... -,.. 111n1· llllmfll -Dr .... fnd 1:10121111*= ~ llt ..... , ... ,1111S" "'* tMMt: ~ 1111s (1ieml> 'ft~ Cleftla, C11W1 Jiff ""' lrt tllfllltll, DlupJ'lllL TUE';DAY ..,, ................. '""' Cu-•• lt:JOtD"hll• · C.n•• Ull4'" ('" mll'a) '42-Dllll AMtwl. .,. • .... -l""lll '!O -,. ... DAmME MOVIES -: l'OOBCCI -flll" <-> 1:11a·--(-) '41 . ..,_ t-..... t.,,._ --""'"" """'· ~ ,_ '""'" -· , ... -.......... i....i ... t:JO• ........... (Wllllnl} ... ~·· .. ~ BllMi .... ,..,.._ ... _ ., .. "'.,,. __ _ .... IC)--(----- e JOB PRINTING e PUILICA TIONS . • NEWSPAPERS Qu11ity P,.i1tl111 111t1 D•p1nt11W1 Se"ic;e .... Men th•• • Qti1..+.r tf • C.11t•ry. JJ1 I wm U.UOA IL ft. MIWPOIT IUCH 1M.1'o ...... ...t'I .... .,...... JUDGE PARKER w .... UllY MOtt'S ., ........ ltltYES, He ,lSICS 10 see SAM Ptt!V£l IEFORE TALKING WlTM Gltl F ~ oH,soy •• OL.D • PlUSH~onoM CAUGHT ME AAIDIN<i 1M' ~Efftl<'.;EFtATOR • IN MY NIGH TY- MUTI AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH .. .. DAILY "LOT ~ALSE CHARGI -Barbara Slanwyck, above, Illar• In "The Big Valley" toalllit at 10 P·l'L on Channel 7. In tlrla 1egment a falle charce of murder Ls brought against a Modoc Indian atfomq plalyed by Joe Don Bal<er. Rlcbald Long, Plter Bieclr, Lee Majors and Linda Evlll!J are regulars. ' TELEVISION VowS · 'Experiment' ··'""';'""" ~~•'-~--=..____.~(@)====·~m-==:=i-·-)1'"-Goo-. __ d_D __ ra_m_a ________ _.. By Harold Le DoUJC '1 Ferd Johnson r--'"1W,l,L, IF'TAAT'S SHoflT -"'"' . ..,FOi< GOIOl&EOOS , ~61$ ~:~~.,1;,;A;:;S::)CJ:;N" FOR A NOSE '-< ~ Rll,AR~~N!'. ... By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith • By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -"NBC _Experiment in Television/• which appears m01tly on weekend alternoons, illustrated again S1IDday why It oullit to have a regulu prime time spot: this time with a drama about a Negro American teacher who vllits bis German-born black nephew in Munich. There was nO major "experiment" in the fine piece of work Jiy writer Manya Starr, who did the original teleplay~ It was simply a first-rate contr1· button to television, far superior to almost anything seen · Ln prime time, and one hopes it gels a rerun outing at night before the mass audience. THE PRODUCTION, in fact , was such a true and attectlng story -involving a search for Identity by the teacher the nephew and the youth's white German moth~ -that one felt It definitely had the makings to be expanded Into a·lull-lensth motion picture, . '. 1 There were times that the video compreaalon had a constricting effect on the story, which was fairly bursting -as a living piece o! wort always will be -to be told In all its proper dlm,enalon. It was UtUe surprise, then, to learn tb!lt Bavaria Film Atelier with which NBC-TV collaborated in the produdion, 11wUI show a longer version in Germany." .. THE ONE·HOUR video drama, "Color Me Gennan " o!lere,g_three principal characters who were so ' compelling that one could identify in com· passion with all of them. And the location filming in and around Munich contributed greatly to the siln- ple reality that was so winning tn the story. James Edwards, whom many moviegoers will remember vividly from "Home of the Brave," por- trayed the American teacher -a man who is un- comfortable in middle age with the new racial mili- tancy in the United States, and whose doubts about his place In U.S. life have him thinking about stay· ing in Munich. · Ron Williams , as the black 23-yeBN>ld German neph_ew, bad the role of a youngs~er who was sired by t:i.n American G.I., and who tries -perbapi too hard -to believe he is truly accepted in Gmnany, but knows jn his heart he is not. ROSEMARIE FEND EL , as the attractive white woman who lives with her black-son, played a brave but tragic lady whose Ille was ruined by the illegitl· mate .birth, .whose family refuses to accept her oU- spring and whose. boyfriend will not marry her so long as the young man is around. Miu Starr's play, produced and directed with grace and feeling by Victor Vlcas, touched feelln~­ ly on the problem of the thousands of "mlscb)hlgs ' (children of mixed racial parentage), but never slipped away from its gripping story of three people. The arrival in Munich of the teacher, portray- ed with searing restraint by Edwanls, precipitates the showdown in the lives of all three. lmmed11te- ly he becomes a father substitute for the high-spirit- ed, good-natured black youth , whose role· was en- acted by Williams with a poignant attractiveness that made the play come allve--and stay that way. THE MOTl:tER AND Edwards are attracted to each other, and for a while it looks as though some- thing will come of thls -making for a new lamlly o! three. But several Incidents make all too clear to Edwanls the nal state of hts nephew In Gennany. Detanis the Metaae~ • ' ' • ., , MondaY. f•bruar/ 17, 1969 . I ' . ' ears Every Sears Passenger Tin Purclwe Includes: FREE .W.W. '!?" --- FREE . -· Guaranteed ·36 · Months .. Buy 1st Tire at :97 · Regµlar Low . . T r.~de-in Price of $23.95. Get 2nd · Tire at 500/o Off for ONLY ... ' 6.50xl3 lTobeJMJ ~i;.i:kwall i, .. 1.79 Fed. Ex. Tu And Old Tire 'I • J : Silent Gitard ii. J8 Uilid~ with safety Ft\tiires: • 443 Stronger • 143 Wider . ~ 153 ~a vier • 153_ Dee~. Tread than most n~w-car, tir~ ·Plus.--Seuff.• Bars. to protect whitewalls and· over, 195 .ft.': of tnlction slots for all-road safety! :=:.· SA \'El ~• 1 •& I .,.i.. S~VE1 ~i,1 ~ SIZE · . Y1 ~-!Cl<--SIZE T.u.-i. 1~ .... W T1" llol~ 'lu 1 .. TIN hol rli°o . 'lq •. ,.. Tubtl... Blackwalls Tubei..s Whitewalls Utx.I' I t!ER I 111.~1li'.i'11.•1 I 1. 11.. 8.Nxl• I •ID1 I •UM l 1Z.t7 ] lJNI 7.llblJ / I.fl l ~ 7~' I ;;ra: 1 •u.'8-/ lM~ t-z.11 Uhl.& I ts7.16·1 •11.18 11.11-1 · 7.1w• ,.-" · •1ua 11L•1 I uo 7.lklt I f%9.96 I f14.t1 1.,,., 1 ·:1...-j =:1 ::1:~\!tlll: 7.7 'I SS ' I ,. lU'J' I U6xl4 I tu.15 1 a.17"8 17~ • I .., ... 1 f I ~ u1 7.11S;l15 I '51.H I Pa.98 I 11.t'f ,, Ill S:Uill I fM.95 I •I1li I 17.4_7 I ;:, .1.4b11 l u1.t& I •tB.93 11&.ft .a:' AD Roads, 'All Weather Driving Safety .•. Here Are 4 Reasons Whyr .. ·' .. . " : ~ · Double lazninl.t- 94 Cblorobutyt . inner-liller • • • the mOllt etfoc- tlv• tnn,er liller lD the lndn.wtr;r •. . ., Patented &!ety Shoulden ••• stv• surer ateei:-Ln&" and corner- ing control, for aafer rl.dlJ;I&" op &II TO&ds •. Patented Silenc- er ButtoD1 Tir- tuaUy eliminate cornerinr aqueal and Jt9ep • CfOO'Ye& wen for (>OllUve ~rac- Oon. • Eili&Low ..... file speed. ~ form.a.nee and atabillty unde., any road «ndl- tionl!I. I I'll ') J,,n ~ll':lll' .\dditional l'rok!'tion: Mot.ture Dqi~ age : Repel•· mol~ from r a.in, mow abd ea.feguardl :Jllllr Ure cord. ' m !:Iii . ..__.~ Tire Strat'n1 : Turu and eud· den stop.I are tlrmly support- ed with rua ed . nylon. Hea.t Damacet Nylon· re1let• heat •.• durable nylon nm.s coo\.o e rr at hlfll ._ .. " . . . . Guarant.eed18 Monti(s • Qatatl '1!n BOtaU. S'fm7 IS,000 Miles Blackwalls FREE ~ 'J'Olll' Wbeel ~t 4 1 36 .. AU.STATE .Passenger Tire Guarantee Trad Wear-Out Guann1tee Gnuanteed A1ahut: Tread wear-out. l'or How Loft&': The number or montha apectfied. Wkat 8el.rl WW Do: In ex- change tor the ti.re, replace It, ~ the eurnmt reg- ular ee.11.ing' price phl• J'ederal llxcbl Tu lflm th• following ,._ l J to 2' lO~o 11 a.o aa 205' NO MONEY DOWN When You Buy Your Aut.i Needs at Sears on dredit An.liable at Sean STEEL CoRn RADIAL TIRES Aak A.'JC1 SM.re A.U1tate Tire Sal.ea.man A bout 'l'bem ! Wheel Balance including weights ' for Pl•• r .t:.T. A•d t 01• Tire• • LOng-wearieg,. wrap-around ahould.en • _ Exclusive Dyna.tu! rnbber lastl and. lasU ·-· F.5.'f. , .... F.JlT, L IJ" &.80Xll ... ....... ·-Uhll ... ,_,. .... LIOxll ... • ... UOxJO --.... ••• • --.... ,..,.,. . ... l.'JOsUi --.,, ' , ·• l.ltb:.15 -nc ~1 ~ IS MDni Per Tire ,-----~-~-------------~--~--~-----------------·---, -PAllTA M~, 521-4530 a MOlfTf GI 3-3911 LONG WClt HE 5-0121 l'l<O WE 8-4262 SANTA FE Sl'all~GS 944-8011 Urw1> 9'5-1977 I ~ , ... ~1 WNDAll at s.1004, a 4-4611 OLYMPIC a. soro AN a.5211 l'OMONA eo 2·1145, w. 9.s1t1, vu t ·-·1 SANTA MON!tA EX 4-6711 .. u,,. PO 3.u61, 9a;.212o I a:wl'ICll NE t..2581. "' 2.3761 ltOl1~ HO 9.59~1 ORANG! 637-2100 SANTA ANA Kl " 7-3371 SOUlit co>lr PIAZA s.i0-33 3'.l V9MOHT Pl 9-1911 . a:JW111A ~I IHOllWOOP OR 8·2521 P.uADINA lrlU 1-3211, EL J-4211 TOlllANa 5.12-1511 l I "-----------------·--------------------·------_, "iulltrOctlo.ca.arant11dor'lMMOMYBc»dc" ...,,,... • ._,. 71iR1 .. s .. uilu) MOAMo .. MDP.M.''v . - " • \ • '. .. .. ... - " • . ~ . ·-~ ., . • ;. . :·· -. .. '~ . •• ' .... .. .. .·. . . " -. • .. -:·· ' ' " . • . :.1 ... . ' \ ' . ~ . -, • . . " '' ... •• . " •' :... • . • ( I I ' ' I t ' I ·• ' '· .. ·, '. ' • '; -. -.. '· -... ._. . '. ·' -.. , '' . ' ' ' . Ted Says He's Ready to Go ·' First· Problem for Williams: Pati ence WASHINGTON (AP) -T<il WUlil!m -baleball'a flercf, f"!dlnl fer!~ -concedes hia'fint ........., .. .......,. of the bapl..,, w..iilqtoo Senalo!JI ..m be patience. Allorneyl m<I today to put the_. l>iI1ll .. the rich pa.u,e ol -!hot wlD mUe W1111llDI the 1>lrt.owiier · II well .. managor of tbe lfenator. .!n Ill appmnt milllaHcllllr·dllll. Although the f«ma1 amooncemmt· by the Senators at a newt coofer9)0e la not expected before Tuesday Wllllams already Is itching to get b;,cl, Into .lbe , ...... "I'm.: "'9dJ to 10," be llid. .. J'ln really io!!IDI uclted about ll." WW-. -bill'• .,..tat llvlag ~ ter willl'a· career avenp ol .>II, will "" ~·•¥:• , .• r.t.,i-team lbal _,_..,lo_tbe_ Lequt",·-cHvlslon for ll·llnllhl yean. The Jlo&lop Red s.s aruuer. alill remembered I« historic feuda·wlth f11n1, admU.s hls Dl!l'Vea may be on trial with tbe slctly :seiial<ln. "I mpem~ the last few years when the·-·· --pleyers. 'Ille Hall ol rame blllA!r joked. "I may ..,.. up will! .... rw. -· _.......,adJ'veabdlllml bow Ibey foe! ad they oay 'llae' -bul Ibey loot .-. • 'Ille .Beaatift -pnpmd to .... Wllllaml ID a-loolfnnp-ad l'lllllll!'I !run, three to five yean at llOIDelldai beyood llO,GOO &DPually. Wllllaml will also get oplioos to ""' • bundle or -In the club -perbapo 10 percent, or lllJ0,000 worth. .. 'Best 1.2 · I've Ever Played,' ' . . . . -.Says ·~hoeni~ Open Champ GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Lakers Can't Buck Bucks' -,. ? • :- F1ynn lobinson ·PHOElllX (AP) -Deft-putillJI Gene LitUer, winner of the •t00,009 Plieeml% Open g o I I title, with a record ,liA, DOW • seeks to dtNfilcate his CODleCUUve Arizoal •ictories of 10 yean ~· ' The 38-year-<>ld from San llie&o woo the Pboenb: Open a decade ago wtth a !1&8· ad theD captured the ,llUe -at 'ruclm wbeni lhia ye.,•s toauwll lllril DO 'lbunday. 0 r d 1 a y it wu lll'ObablJ ta. be 1 t 7ibolet I've ever pl&,od." clecllnd Lit· tllr ol ~ ---tllo .... fan!. ArbOaa Comdly Clab ....... On Salnnla,y bo equalled the --recor4 with & Jllae.mlder•p&r G & D d bo -the 'IJ holee 21 llrokea below ~~uptothe~A a par to Wfn, lince Miller Barber, Don January ad Billy Muw.11ec&cb1lad carded a 2S5 and waited to see if ~ woold 'be a play-oft. Wben <be three MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP) -Goliath ended up lo a Ue, they each received fell SUJJday aftemooD before tbe hualllng, '7,733 . high-Jumping Milwaukee Bucb and the1r Gene's second 8hot on the par-$ Mle ring-leader, FlyJJJJ Robinson. laoded just abort ol the green. He cllip- 'lbe Bucks, one of two Nailonal Bulle~ ped up cloee to tbe cup ad JK>IOd ball Association ezp&JJBion e I ab• , oot for a bird.le to &ive blm a two«roke defeated the mighty Loo Ang<leo Lalters bulae over the trio. · IOH'7, to -their recor4 lo IMS. To ga hia p),000 firll fl'bt; littler. Milwaukee ,!I In Jut plaoe In, J\le 1 b o I a ....... a, II, and -~,jl-i 1 I Eutem Dlvfi6oa ,wlfll aa .lMI .-'o .. ...iblmallead-·pll'•llMiley while Loa A1teJ<S leads the Wost by· four games. Roblnlon topped all ...,.... with '1 polnll, lncludbif 11 In the ltllrd perlod. And tbe Moot-I Veter .. guard from Wyoming dlsplayeil hia • l"f>O"lolre of shots hltUng on seftl'llf »-footers as well 'as being on the 'lcorlng end of fast breaks. · "He was great today," Bucta' coach Larry Costello said of Rob1nlon. "He'• got grea~ great spring, and be'• not afraid to drive into the middle." FlyJJJJ, •ho Wll drafled by Ibo Cln- cinalU Royals lo 1965 ...i came to the Bucb in a trade with Qtlcqo, alway• seems .to""'°' ·lit with bis bl& gam,. agalnll· t11e Lalt..,. 1n an e.,n~ -11~-1111s ...-, Roblll80JJ -ed , . .g ...... aphlst Loo Angeles. But, be said, mr bad DO secret against the Lakm. LOS AMOIUI -'iMflWMtltll. OP'T .... T ••vi« ' •s 111 CMl!ilrll 1 w M c.inh J 1-:t 1 G.~ 1 M 1• Cr.~lrl 11 7-lJ 2' Cl#lll""'*" :t M & E .. n J W I Md#~ll• :t .U ll Erkktoll S 1-1 11 ~ 11 .U •I er...,.,,. -4 2·S ID l!ll'lbrY :t M 1 H•Wllln$ 2 1.:t 5 ltOdgen I 1-:t t H-•n J 1·1 1 D.Srn!Th :t M • Tollll • 17~ f1 T*" . +I ...... 116 Loa' Mot• IJ 11 fl ill -'1 MllWlltAI.. 21 M • Jll -1M ,_ .. _ .. _,.._ ,.._1 Jon -l.11 ~rt, Mlflilllllbt 14 T9dllllcll .... -j!IJ I 1111 ...... A,.___..,.. I ' . ' ' Italian Soccer Faus • Run Amuck Mter' Tie into the three-way tie for second wjtb January, U, and Maxwell, 86. ButUer carded seven birdies and two bogeys on his final round . Heading f o r 'I\lcaon and play at the Tuscon National Golf Club, LltUer recaii.. ed, "l played well there once, but not so well the tither times. The greens are gj&:antic. l Jl'e!er amall greens where . you cu-tap your penpective.'~ 01 hia flDll ,_ In Plloeai%, be t'OlllllleDted, "I pulled well, bul olber lhlD lbal, I dido, play too ....U." ·a8 More Pressure TlianSuper Bowl Games . . llA'.N.CllO M · cost.&, C&lll. (AP) - Jerrf -pflJl4 ·-lootbaD pme1 with 'the Grom Bay Peebn, lncludlnf ·two s.iper -....... but be AY1 .i. fialJJy -tbt 111011ning 'ol ,.,......... "Ia golf, . yoo're all almle with that deY!llah bill," .uJa ·Ille -· lineman after be ad partaoi' W1l1lo Davil ol tbe Loa Angela· Dodgen -the third annual ('30,ooO) American 'Airlines Astro- jet Goll TournaIDent. Davil who aaok the preuure putt - a n.t:ooter on the flnt bole of a IUdde~ d .. th playoff with the Booton entry ol Jim Laabcq and Gino Cappen.tti. Davil, a 12 amlcapper, :iru credited ' With Cl eagle OD the -becaule ol hia t.adlcsp. oms and ltnmet - tl,Gllteacb. . 'Jbe 'ttro teams . bad ftniitwd wkh 54-·11o1o, _.. ,of,Jll ~ IS under par on ' . COURY ' TO JOIN NFL'S STEELERS Dick Coury, who only four ......,. qt_ wu the head 'C08Ch at .. Miter Del Hieb School, todlf'became an u.riltant -ol 'the Pltubaqb Steelert ol tbe Nlllonal Footblll 1.oqut. ,'l'bl •ftlli'old Call<J.wlll work llJlder ...... .-11, Chuclt· 11..U. formerly ol the Saa Diop Cbargen~ who reooiily .,,.. ceeded'llill Allllin. -Coory' after posting .. "'*' rocord tn nine Mater Dei seasons, went to USC u a defenlive coach Jn 1• and hu oerved under held ooacb Jobn McKay• lot tbe put three 1euma. ~ the .f,IJ!l-y ... d La Costa Country • Club ooane. Da¥Js aod Kremer abol ~ . LoaborJ, ol I b • Red S oz, and Capo pel]ettl, ol ibe Pal(lota. 1bo1 ~ nm teams were lied fer IK'Gnd - WubfncW'1 otto Grabam of tbt llellsfllnl ud Ken McMullen ol the Sen1l<ln and Ray Nltachke of the Packeri IDd Rusty Staub of the' Montreal Ezpos. Tw~Ume ~efending champions of the tourney -Paul Krause of lhe Minnesota Villlnp and Bill Mazeiostl of the Pittaburgb. Pirates -were third at 193, lfed wltli fli-al<olail leaden Lance Ahrortb ol tbe Saa Diego Cbargen and Jim Davenport of tbe Saa FraadJco Giants. , Directon ol tbc cllWlc laid lt'1 poai· blf the loanwnent may move from ·1'WI plnall ~ Dlqo -loc&Uoa nen ,..... e1u .. being COlllldered ... Palm SPrln&s, Celi!., lite of the Bob Hope Desert Claalc, Honolulu and Acapulco.' -....., Ml•t tr, 1M DAILY l'lll7T ..... th ad --.,. Boys"Chlb twns """ tbe Southern CllUornla Olamplonsblp in three of - • years." i T C8rrldo ""yed with Bruce Chapmm 111 lhr<)lllh L'>elr Boyl' Club day1, 1t Colli M,..'lllP ad or.n.-·Coul. Csrrldo,' II 11 1 l'llY*ll -...i« 1t ci1 Poll' ad wan!S · to COICb In the Onnae O>Ht aru In • couple " yara. . ' PATENTED MOVE -Fonner eo.ta· Maa Hlgh and Orange Coast College besketball star Bal1 €arildo'..-a lot ot ~ in hla Coast area playing clay• with mov., like lh!J. Now he'• playing for Cal Poly (POIDOlla), wbere. ho's tile loam'• No., 2 scorer. '!be 5-ll guard scored 2' polnla Satunlay night but his Broncos Jost to Cal· Stale (LA), IU.1()6, • . Ashe Aili, • ,· Smith Captures Crown;·-~, . Eyes Bay Club. Title · SAL!SB\JRY, Mel (AP) -Stan Smith has come a loilg way in a ahOrt Ume in the U.S. amateur tennis rankings. But, like moat 22-y~IdJ, ¥'• im- pail"'1-. • Jn his iirst full. competillve y,..-of ~=.t:lthtu~~~:i~ Junfor•Qi1mpfcmhlJ>ln lllM. Now .be'• rankMI No.·J·in .tlit·natlcm, ud jull ltdllng to,&<11'! the top. 11Stm toot a11oog ltep 'today tonrd cbaJlenglac for the top spot." llooald Dell, Ibo U.S. Davil Cup ceplaln ulcl Sanday after Smith -tbe U.S. Natlonaf . lodoor Champiooshlp. "I tblnk ti will be betweeo Smith and Arthur Ashe this )'ear.'' .. Smith won handHy in the finals over hmeel El Sbafel of tbe United Anb . Republic, 11-3, M, M, M. He aJoo teamod with Bob Lutz to lal<e tbe doubles lilli over Qwies Pasarell and ·Ron Holm- berg 7-t, .... M. ~ Smith's Dell outing ~I.,.,... 'lbunday when. be and the rest of bis nm4 Cup teammates open play lo the lialboi Bey Clnb'•· lotJnwnenl lft, Newpirt Beach. • . • ' .. Nh!,I tbrnatim'•·NO. 1 plQer, mllled tbetoori>ameatbeooulaola.,.....,,;, IDd Smith Wblpptd·Clart Graeliaer, 'libf ii ranted leCOGd, 1n the Mn.lrtnW TURIN, Italy (AP)--&:n!olnlns a a d stone throwing lam ol Turlo'• J.- ....., team' staged a wl l d melet at the local -&lado1 --their team tied W wMb Romt Iii a ___ ....,._ ==::..?-=:f~.i Kings Fall in Horror Ho.use · ·~;;5~ ... r:11nta1w . "Stan WU the -lmfllO"d ol a)\ American player Jut. :r-.·• ner ~ "He 'improved aboot IS peroent." ; "'Smith jumped from o0veqlh to lhinf In the rantings in ape rear, but ~ said he :•won't be . sall!Oed unless 1 1et to the top... : Delpit. lhia impnnd 1i1Jc1ea Pill IJi 1111,, -nmalned -"""""'.foe lll=::~wlth!A& . ' ... ' libs lo pul I lq .. • -• Aid, "and ft -""" Venting their-• U o - ol the guae, -II-, Ibo - bedopd the *-inll ,__ -bod to leave 1n a Police car. During the lour hour batlle, ooe Ian forced his way into. the Rome'• team11 bus arxMspil in the face of ArgeotJne coach Hele.nia Herrera. Anotller br...ilsbed 1 loaded sun Ill t h e Rome players. He ns arrested by Polio<, to whom be -.. -tioa to bear anns. He WIS ltUl taleD Into custody. ,,, ... -lncludlnC • by-who bod not Ill'"""' tbt maid>. nn Injured .. the tray. • t.i. lot Ill .. 'llolll ·-• nBTBOrr(AP)-rottbtLaoAaples -·· Ill .......... Joaqafn Ptlrv ...... Jut -·· --from bad -•Ibo IJfa( ..., -... ........ . referee ll'&Dted a Plll&llJ kick. -bat become lhia ,._,., bocue Several !1111 bad l'UIIied toward the of horrors. And !all ................ of referee after vaultlnl the metal fence horrors --wen, tt'a still just as bad. a n d ittempted to uaault him. T b .• 1 A J • a r ago the Klnp spent two of ;:i.";,.. llopped _by police guards and by their-· productive nlghtl In Detroit'• After the Incidents. Juvmm c:ould O!Jmpla 91adium, lbelllnl the lied Wingl ,.,...,.,. . be decland the '-o1 the M Ind M. Bui this ...., Ibey ool matdt by1 Ibo ....ily ....,. Italian-on]f coulda, .win then, t!'eJ coulda' -,_ ......... - -loll • -Ill !hit -,,,. Red Wlnp pined • -of -lhia --111_.(leld WU their --...... Lao Anplel IJJndllf by fllll, and col~, 1\ OD 5""'lay n!fbl II Gordie -.•1 - WU playlnf agalntt 8-, goal bal lrlcli paced & W Yic:1Dr7 .... ... tell~= 1111 llocl loll~ bJHalidM-. , Io It Lollll all latl ;iur, Loa Anltlel WU ·un&bfO to win· & fanie. 'Ille Klnp made it two 1ea10n1 In a row Saturdly Dlgbt u tbey loll .. I In their fourth and final vlllt ol the yHr to the Bluel' ....,._ . Earlier Loo Angeiel dropped M , 1-1 IOdM- Tbo road hu --ba• .... lhlD kind to the Klnp lhia - Of fbe • -IW&f from ~ tbey've IDll!lled .. win only IC!lr. ,,,.,. •• bo almlnl I« mimber tho In \llt 11111! road -w-.ir ,DIPI -tber .bit Ibo ~· Nqrlb 111&11, 'l'bl wtel!8!d -~!lie Xlnp' N1Uonal H\deY l.eqM...-.1 to>a.IM for 41 polnll. 'l'beY trail -,place Oakland by five polnll lri the Weit Dlviaion. ' Delroit'I victory Wu a COQll-lrom- beblnd eff«L Alll!aqb the Red Wingl lf&bhed a M lead, Lot Aaplet raced In fnlol W OD two goals by 8W Flott ad the tie-bnal<er by lleaJ ~ Bui 11 coulda't hllcf tbt lead • Howa ·--loll -pal&..., Gary ll--- -tbtl I'd be -wttlj -·1 _, -Ibo pablfc. -• I '-to cio, bol\er Ill ~ lhfl! Jell'." • ,. I AllhollP D<itaf fUo'. mlwhfug ~ Smith .Upped jull cm ice put El Sha!of SundlY wb1le the UAR cliamplon -credited with u. II WU part of Smltll'a plan. "1 wun"& ret1tJ aoio& for 11CM/1 ~ laid. '1 found out that by slicing 1lllJ oerve to his backhand, I cooldn, .,. burl UJJlea I , came to the net .... liowly. • "I allo tried to Jam hia !ere' 4 -,,,,,...,, lie -playq .. dlep!twu~tollll_, • • • • • I I I I I l ' r. ') • •• U DAll.V l'ft.OT Bruins Test -w ashington . . Five Tonight B1 THE ASSOCIATED PRJlllS Wd1Jnitoo'1 Hustles, wbo 1od UCLA at halCUme at Pauley Pavilion in lhe1r first meeting, an at home tonlibt In test the Bruins, Channel 5 will t'.elecast Jl at a. · The Huaklea are OO!Y M In Paclflc4 Cool.,...,. play, bul they pve I.Aw ~•Co. ·-cballenp-........... IHI M the llrulni' bcNno coort. tn the oo1y ' other 1...e. tooJgbt. Soutblm Callfoml4 m..U Wublngtoo State at Pullman. The Cou&ars capitaliz- ed oo Trojan emirs In pull eut a 'l>-70 overtime victory ln the team.I' earjJer meetlaa. f The Bruins had -untmpreosiTe first ball Sltunlay nlPl In Pullman and led ooiy 11.rl at balltlme, bot tbe1 l'Ollted 1Wublngtm Stele In the second ballmlwoo83a. • . UCLA, 11-0, waa forced into numeroua turnovers and twice trailed by four points. TyplcaJl1, however, UCLA llruc!C &Wiftly In the second ball to nm up • 17·polnt lead In the first eiibl -Alclndor led all ocorers wlllt :a polntl and Curtis Rowe added 17. ''l was a litUe worried for i while," uid Bruin coach John Wooden. "But l knew after a while that everytblng would be under control. We were well prepared tonight -and I lmew w. had to be." The Coupn, still In second place in lhe conference, are now S.S .. use advanced its record to 4-3 with o.st vlctoty °'"' Wuhlnlton 1n s.aw~ The TrojllllJ trailod once In the early going, but quickly .-ted eontroL Emle Powell grabbed 17 rebnundJ and center Ron Tayl<r picked oil lJ u USC out·re- boonded Wuhlniton 17-29. "When you outrebounli-a team by that mucli," aald JI m Hellner, Trojan ·assistant. "it's really bard to lose." Powell scored 25 points. Together with Mack Calvin, he led a charge whldl outstripped the Huskies 18-4. in the last eig!!t minu!_es after the Huskies had c!imbedlo wlthln-four Points at 51=4.7; - Meanwhile, Oregon State. was stopping California, 7H3, and Stanford wu Btep- pi.ng out of tbe conference cellar with an 11·71 rictory over Oregon. Wint~r Sporu · Clipped Short VIENNA. Allllria -Kikl Cutler left the field behind U. a datiDI llJ!:Ond run but it wasn't .. enouah le eatch A•.-.. Gertrud Gabl IA tm •'1JOClal sW~.....,of the Grand Pril: 1af"-~ oki meet in CRcbollovakla. .+ The 11-)'W'Old Olympian from Bend, Ore., flaabod -.it' !be Y.Pto ""'""' in 17.79 -Sw>day In her ;!JeCODd l run, the futest fn ll"! field at V)'!On Tatry. · But MIA Gabi's two runs, totaling 19.27, gave the favored Austrian girl· l~st ~ OYiNll, wlllt • Miia Cutter right behind . b<r at '9.llZ. Claatfee TriuMplas ASPEN, Colo. -Rick Chaffee or RuUand, Vt., a member of the U. s. ski team, need to a convioclDc victory Sunday in the men's slalom as the annual Roch Cup ski races ended. Permy Northrup, a 17-yur-<>ld froffi Ellicotville, N. Y., wu named winner of the women's Roch Cup and Peter Duncan, skiing for the Canadian natianaJ team, w o n the 'men's award. Duncan 'tl!:n the downhill Saturday and finished filth in Sunday's slalom. ll .S. Skaters W h1 . WINNIPEG , -'11le U.S. national &peedskaUng team scored an imriressive victory over the Canadian team Sunday In the fourtb Olympic-style compelition held by the two teams since 1965. 'lbe Americans, led by Sally Blatchford of Northbrook, Ill., collected 177 points compared with 91 scored by the Cana- diana. It was lhe third victory in the four meets for the American team and the margin was the greatest of all. Bobsletl Wlnne..s LAKE PLACID, N. Y. (AP) -Nevio DeZordo may Id be able to speak a word of En&liah. but his ability on the ~ed neeCl1J no tranalaUon. The 25-year-old Italian driver, with brakeman Adriano Freainelll huddled behind him, drove tbe. Italy number two s~ to a spectacular victory Sunday Jn the World Two-Man Bobsled Cham· pionships at Mount Van Hoevenberg near Uris northern New York vWage. Bay .€lt1b Bound DaVis Cup tennis star St8n Smith of USC is one of several Davis CUppers entered in the Balboa Bay Club's invitational ·toun)3lllent starting Thursday. Smith's first mal~h_wlll be_at noon Friday. Sports In Brief I !3-year-old Ohio Boy Bowls 800 for Record TOLEDO, Ohio -A 13-year-<>ld Toledo boy became the youngest bowler ever to roll a ··game in sanctioned com· petition Sunday. ., .. John Stewart, who bowls in two leagues -averaging 15Z in one and 154 in the other -performed the feat in a I'5-3Xl-1Bl -626 series. The American Bowling Congress In Milwaukee, Wis., said John was five days younger when he set the mark th.ah the previous young record holder, Raymond Russaw of Kansas City. Tltle Fight Tonight LOS ANGELES -CarlOIO"Teo" Cruz of the Dominican Republic puts his world Ugbtwilgbt crown on the line •tonight tor the second time, and against the same opponent, youthful ~1ando Ramos of Long Beach. The !>round rematch is in the Sports Arena. Promoter Aileen Eaton expects a crowd of 15,000 and gate receipts of $140,000 or more. The bout will not be broadcast either via television or rad.lo. The encounter shapes up as one ol those classics of the ring -Cruz, 31, who has been fighting 10 years, boaflting age and experience, and Mando, a mere 20, a pro for four years, but with youth and enthusiasm In his comer. Kerr Dies at 90 TUCSON, Ariz. -Andy Kerr. the famous coach whose Colgate teams die.I a lot to popularize razz.le-dazzle football in the 1930s and 1940s, died here Sunday at the age of 90. Kerr spent 18 years at Co!gate before retiring in l!MS. Under his tutelage, teams at the college in upstate New York piled up an impressive record of 94 wins to 50 losses and seven lies. H i s finest year w as 1932, when the Colgage team shut out all of its nine opponenl!I while scoring total of 264 poihts against them. It WU widely ex· pected th at Colgate would go to t h e Rose Bowl, but the nod went to PiU.Sburgb -which WIS trounced by SOUtbem California. · flSC Streak Oller USC's swimming team was looking for another winning streak today but it looked like a long road back after Stanl'ord snapped the Trojans' skein at 108 dual meet wins in a row Satutday at Palo Alto. With both teams competing in the rain, sophomore John Ferris won twG events to pace the Indians 1to a 57-56- \'ictory. A key event was the 1,000-yard freestyle where former Fullerton High star Andy Strenk of Stanford beat ex:· Corona del Mar High. ace Greg Fink of USC by two-tenths uf a second in 9:51.6. Both were below the uld meet record . Fink was third in the 000 free, in 4:48.2. \ . Ferris won the 200 individual medley and the 200 butterfly, Seagren llnhapplJ LOS ANGELES (UPI) -ll-Ob Seagren is one of the few pole vaulters in Ute world who expresses disappointment when he clears 17 feet. Seagren, the Olympic Games champion and holder of both the indoor and outdoor marks. w a s an easy winner Saturday night in hi! event wiU1 a leap of 17-feet-l but he wasn't happy about It. "I wanted to go for 18 feet but first l felt I had to clear 17-feet-7 Which would have raised my Indoor mark an inch," he said. "I wasn't close on my flrst two jumps but 'had a good chance on the third and failed.'' Seagren's performance was one of the highlights of the first annual U.S. Track and Field Federation Indoor meet. In the high school division, a Marina High relay team won its secUon of the 640-yard relay in 1 :09.3. Running for the Vikes were Joe and Tony Ven- timiglia, Dean Kitano and Dave Lacy. The crowd at the Sport'; Arena saw several other outstanding performances. Among them was the J'astest 600-yard mark indoors ~ year (1 :09.8) posted by Lee Evam of San Jose Sbte, the Olympic Games 4(n.meter gold medalist. Stars Suk Wln LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Stars hope to break their five-game American Basketball Association losing stre"' here tonight against the New Orle8J1! Buccaneers. Sonday afternoon the Stars Jost lo the fast-breaking Kentucky Colonels 123- 99. Cunmgham JJlt.s 31 · . outh Afrie.an o~ts Victory 6ver UCIGal W~ek1hBt WtisBegim ·For D,a:.Jis, Anwatei:s AGAWAM, MIS (AP) -llefendlnfl clllmp Mary Ann Eilel of SI. LouUo and E..,.e Emanuel of Soullt Africa led Ute advance SUnday In the, quari... ~ of ~ New Bn&land Women'• ~ T. CbamplODabi~· llY EARL GUSTKEY ' : . Of ,,.. Dlitl' ~ ..... l UCI ba6ketball cOaCh ' Diel:· bavla figures thJJ wW be tt>e 1we:et t.liat WU for hill baaketl:iall team .!.. one Way or enotheJ;. 1 1 , ' ' • His Anteaters are In the bo!ne itfttcb in a race for an NCAA regionals berth and this weet•i ·ttro road games could decide it -Tuesday rupt at 1uc Riverside aod Saturday night at West· mont in Santa Ba(bu:a.' • .~ UCl ends its regtllaf seu&i nut week at home against San 'Diego State and Tahoe Paradise. · D•x!s' ouUit hilted Its record. In a.7 Sat\lnl•Y nlgbt In crawtord Hall by dum- ping Chapman, 9'1'15, ·oe Ute otrenath pf a great 35-point perfonnance by Jeff .Cunningham. It wasn't one of UCI's more impressive outings, but, m' Davis put It afterward, .. It'1 better than losiDg." · A! bu been Us custom lately, Irvine started slow!Y before bagging a nlne-pojnl )1aUtlme lead, "; UCI went ~d 1'cam Loses 182-21 C. H. Iron lli¥h, of Benton, La., failed to live up to its name In its game wtih Princeton. The score at half·Ume was 871, and 182·21 by the time hostilities ceased. tor ' l'JOll' ,w1U. Ji m•butei left, before I~-· ...... IS-ll, ...... ~ -. bi.ad.-' . -' . : Quiplnannllledblcl;otoll-lt-..nll . ,Jatei-but Uta Panthll'I -IOI• Utat clolo ...... Cllolltqllom't Utb point made tt SH4. Ile had 11.1t ballllme. The llll'lll junior. f«w...t'• 11th point came oo a labolllllll Up-ID wlllt IJ:OI to play. Illa 111111 aJ>4 35tb polnte wero free -with 21 -lo play ' add be left , the pine In I slanding ovation beca111e he'd broken bis own single g~ scoring ...!on! ol , ill aet ear~ in the .....,. aplnst ~.- • OCI lttl Oii.-(HI """., (~'" IJ t • SS Me-~ I I 4 '.......,. H«krl'lln I I J 17 Jlolll!li 8MMS • J • 11 EckMt SaMne: 2 6 t 11 Miii .... Fontl1,111 I I J I JI .. Gltlflno¥idl ! I J J Ctll4'tln •f1 .... 11 ! • • • °'*'* . .,.. l .. • :t " ft "' ... ! 9 " u • •• 16 • 1 • a .s • a t• 6 6 I 11 1 " • ' I I 1 1 I I I J lid!' lilt TO!fll M:U21 fT T ..... , n•.-76 W.lttlrM _..,~ UCI F'°"' .. ~,..,.....a. UCI ,.....,. «Ml QI,_. ,,_ CJI) ft-ttffr. """· Wl'lll• S 1 2 ti Glr• t I J 11 ~. 40•lfrwtl 64415 .......... ,,.,.~ ..... FOlr .6 •211 JI-JtO t '"""° 211 4.._1tltl JJSIO Hflm ltt21l'*'-JllJ w_,,,,.n 2 • t • l=n • I o I S-vehorn J 2 2 I JKUOn J • • ' Tollls 21 14 IJ M TOffl.. 24 10 13 '9 .._Hlll'M KO"': UC! 3', Cl\lprMn D. ' ¥lU Emanuel, the to~ed fQr•ll!Jl ,entralil, ml UCl'1 PatU Hogail e•· 'Changed aervtce breab In rapid faohion before • the Sou.th fericao earned J &-3, 7-1 ~ over the f~ American. • Miss: ·Eisel, the natloil's No. 4 player tuning Up for delense OJ' tier U.S. fbdoor crown later this week, ran a string of 16 straight points iD the flrf!l set and then fought off a challenge~in a 1-1, M vktory over Astrid Suurbeek of Holland. PARSONS BAGS . DAY'i'.ONA YlCTonr. DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) ~ Ben- ny Pareona •of Detroit steered Clear of lrequeot trouble1 and led almos~ from it.art to finilh as he won the *mile Automobile Racing Club ol America (ARCA) winter champlonabip Sunday . Parsons put' his 1989 Ford 'forlno aCl'08I the finish line nearly a lap llead of second. place Iggy Katona of Willis, MJch., the racing grandfather who.,drove a 1969 Dodge °'8.rge. 36 Month Guarantee 1 I Regular $18.99 1 ·3. 99 With Trade-In ...,. I ......... 'J Namlien ~1--63--21-37 , ' Regular $21.99 With Trade-In Numbers 14-2~5-43--45 48 Month Guarantee Regular $26.99 With Trade-In 19~ Nos. 13-17-18--2~27-51-52-82 • INSTALLED FREE by Sears Experts • Ask for FREE Battery Check ..:;> Battery G11arantee FNI npialcemmt within 90 da,. GI ~ lf t..tter,y P"O"'• dlll'td:IN. Aftll' IO m,... we nplace the ~tt.ery, u ddecUYc .. aDd ebustJ 1'* oal7 tor tbe period ot ~p. bued oa ti.e replw ptb "9m trade-la &t tbe time el. ntarn, pro-nted .... --el ... ot suuut-. Regular $4.99 .1".F I If : ·' Oran • .... In t otan< -k .... •'OU11 .. Alt In • ""°' 'Bu wed Gold nigh! Satu: ' llY"' abou An • fil lt!CO• ' Or victci """' Plra plao out ol u "V IOI~ -· :-pent 'Gii ' Wes '. edb ola °' -first fere· wee! K• victt • · worl Goh Turl l.~11 ~ ' °' .,_San! ... , free ca:sl In min gan • ~ .iFllil stra thfr. '-:the 'Il l Si In t -Fial stn thr' ·a le Hoc• Mlle ... ·~ .... \• •Geri ' ThOf • ·11'°1 " .... '"'' ... .... ,,. M« "'" ""' J~ "" ,, "' •M ·; ] ;-; t tur col An ,, ' HB ,Aims for 40th Straight Jl1tB M..t can • B1lflt lo oatlaat and OU form oric'inal equi lhocb • - ByltbGERC~ ot .. c.e ........ Rqular ""°" prep bukelboll moves · Into th<! final week or-action Tuaday with Huntington Beach, and Ill lf.tlame league win streak, ttle on1J Issue left In the Swaet Le"IU". T h e Oilers, champions of t h e Sunset Leacue for tM second straight year aad holden of a third atralgbt loop clwnplonlhip Including the 1967 Irvine Tiiie, ptq host to Sante Ana Valley In a 1:11 p.m. test aftd are heavily favored lo make It to In 1 row. Oilier -lull ID Ute SWU.t League ~ Marina at W'!le'P "I'd Santa Ana al Wtstmlnllfr whD• Newport "'Harbor travels to Anahelm ror a 7 p.m. encoUDter. Laguna Beach ls at Oranae tor a 3:1S game Sit the Crestview League and In games at 7, Foothill ls at San Clemente and Tustin ii at Mmion Viejo. Motor Del plays host Jo Angelus LeagUe letder Pius X at a. The Irvine League Is Idle wllh games scheduled for Wednesday. Mike Contttru and Roy Miller. both of wbom were around when the league winninlt streu ~rted, will be playing in their tR:st games for the Oilers prior to Ute CIF AMA playoffs. ~ch Elmer Combs' Hunllnaloft Beach.. crew has compiled 1 7S-1G inlrk over the past three yean Sod ts huTtntly sporting a 22·2 record with 12 of those · wins In Sunset action. Newport Harbor. after dropping the fantastic 97-95 five-overtime decision to Westminster, rolls Jnlo Anaheim against the team the Tan began their si:r.game wln streak with. lt was alter losing fi ve in a row that the Sailors e:rploded (or a 59-37 upset win over St".COOd place Anaheim in first round action. Westminster, with its pulsaUng Win over Newport safely tucked away, wlll be trying to keep Its grip on th)'d place Intact Jn UM! Sunttt loop aaalruit Santa Ana. • " The Wons are 74. '-"""' pme abwt of Western and Newport. e Yoa pt incnued 11;114~ eon~ impro..-ed amoother ride Bs,.n lnolallatloa ·A•nlllllio 'CJltlllilil ra , rs 1 .. ,..._-C '. Sat~faction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Sears Shop Monday thl'll Satwnl ' 9:30 A.I. to 9':30 P.I. dHI, Jl!mUClt MD CO. I _________________________ __._ _ _JL_. Pirates Gunning· I . ,..For 3rd 111 JOEL SCHWARZ or .. •lfr ,..,, ... • U Bob Weir.el told you hlS ·; OrlllP Coast buk<ll>all team . WU shooting for third place In t b e Eastern Conference -lllandlngs at the llarl of the --· the likely reactloo • _. · would have been a looa lauah- -· , After all the Pirates were In eighth plaet wilh a U Fni But now, alter a successful weekend wbicb saw them. edge Golden West, 92-11, Friday night and Santa Ana, 1&'12, Saturday evening in lhe OCC .... gym, Wetzel is dead serious about a !bird-place flnbb. --~ ·-· ,.......,,. 17, 1'69 • DAJLV PILOT Z:J Move Pa11• Oft Switch of Plai~rs · Saves Rangers, 2-1 By GLENN WHITE witb 1 minute lo IO 11 lllnger' °' .. Dlilr ,.., ...,. goalie Joe Feola tapped a lhot Colll llaoJlen coach Briall witb hil baod, the llall came McClughey will probably 'be down ai1d was accldentally up !Or a doubling o1-aatary-poshed-1nto-uie-,..1-by loday alier 1 ben bit of Ranger def..-. atratqt on hil part p>ld Feola played a ltMd ool ~ dlvldends Sunday game. Campbell Tait and afterneci:I. Colin West al9o sparkled f o r 'lbe Rangers were locked the Rangers. in a acoreless battle with 'Ibe R a n g e r s dominated Temple Clty 1t SUJHOB.ked most ol the acWlll. They had Marlnen Park In Newport one golden ICOrlng tho! !be Beach. McCaughey '11 forward· .. UJ:sC balt .when. Jaci.ie ~v.le line was puochless, to say missed an attempt from right the 1 ... t, In the battle of In lrool of the goal, comfnC co-leaden of the Pacific ~ in alone On the attack. cer, Leape. McCaugbey's forces invade Flnally1 lfllh 23 minutes left Riverside Sunday for a 2:JO In the game, McCaugbey game. r made a lwltch ol personnel, yanking Ineffective J e r r y Dawson and replacing him wit~ Andie Cousin. •And, Jlin McWllliamJ w., moved to Inside left. Catfish, And bis club Is playing like a first division outfit, not a aecond division one. DAii. Y Pit.OJ' "°'9, .,. ,ltldlaN .Coellltr ' Orange Cout'a two weekend ' Result: Tbe Rangers got un- tracked. and opened up a relentless attack on th e Temple City goal, flll8lly set- tling for a 2-1 victory, which Trout Bite victories upped lls season ELUSIVE BALL GETS AWAY-Jim McWilliams (falling) misses day's battle for the Pacific League lead. Harry Ogllvie 8nd Mc· . record to 7_,_ While the getting the ball away from Temple City players while Coast Williams got the goals in the Rangers' 2-1 conquest 'White Jackie Catfish and trout fiahlng have been capturing t h e spotlight at Irvine Lake lately, according to lake operator Russ Cleary. Rangers mates Harry (11) and Jackie Ogilvie look on during Sun-Ogilvie was credited with a vital assist on one of the goals. Pirates are still in eighth ---=--------'--------'--------''-----'---------------------'----- leaves them in undisputed first place for the loop. place, they're only two games out of second and one out of !bird. . "We're playing m u c h -.narter basketb1U as a team ;:"lii&par tic61arly in Saddleback Rustler, Orange Coast Nines • _ allng toward tile basket ., '-cm cifenae and defemively," Wes>el 8'!d al\Or b!sAlb fail- ed lo cni:'t widor the ~ of.~ S!l'1f Ana c:flarge. Five Drops S EC R R ad tart ace on --o 99-93 Tilt - Oranaie Coalt'• two peetend Tictorles W~ le the 'Pirates' San Diego-area colleges con· first back-td:-back wins in con-tinuted their b a s k e t b a 11 ference actiOn since-opening domination over Saddlebnck week of EC play. Key factors in the double College Saturday night as victory were Phil Jordan's visiting Southwestern downed ~ · worLop _lhe boards against the Gauchos, 99-93, at Mission Golden West a"!i4 -s I e v· e Viejo High Scfioof. Turley's job of bringing the The defeat was the Gauchos' ff ~I up court against Santa fifth straight and_ tbey•ve now l' ~·11 tight defensive pressure, -'"Wetzel said. Jost six consecutive contests .. Orange Coast'•, victory over lo San Diego area teams. ~ Santa Ana was largely the And unfortunately for the result of the Pirates' excellent free throw shooting. OCC Gauchos, who are .now 8-18 cashed in 18 of 21 free_ throws. oil the season, ~close out In the last five and a half their scheduJe With two more minutes of play, when the games against San Diego ga~ was up for grabs, ¥.ike ;. teams, including F a c i f i c ,~$13berfy t~....t in e I g h I straight tro'?-the line and Southwest Conference charn - then Rich Stickelmaier added pion San Diego City College ''the fma] fOUrj winning points, on Saturday. 1>H from the Charity stripe. Southwestern led all the way Santa Ana led onJy once against Saddleback Saturday In the second half, suo, but night, although it,wasn't able ' Flaherty connected for eight to pull away like it did in straight points, 111 on free a previow 79-58 win over the throws to give the Pirates Gauchos. a lead they never relinquisheq,. Marc Hardy and Bi11 Noon scored 21 a n d 20 points for the Gauchos. ''"" An• ''n .,,. HOKk~tein MllCMll &ukt>er ·~' l al'ICe .. ,. -Gff~h .~ ·!= Tatll1 Pit l'T '" Tl" I S l 21 ' , ' '' 2 • ' ' • 0 1 • 1 f ' • 7 J 2 u I 2 o ' ' 1 J l 711122 n OrMM '"" '"' ..... '""" '"'"" """"' ,_ McCtrtlfl Hardtrow Stkkl'lrNIH ''""" .. ~~ Toh!1 Htlftlme: •M. l'O JT ""Tl" • J ' s 1 • 2 ' I 1 O l 5 '10f20 2 ' ' • 1 2 0 ' l 2 • • 2 ' ' ll l 1 ' 1 2 0 1 ' 27 JJ I! 76 Or1rute (OISI '11, Unit SM!ll-ltrll !tf) FO FT l"F rP ,t,Nfe.,o" V•n O"!'ke TrwblOOd llred<.._tes $. Giiimor. w.,,. ·-0. Gl11mort emort Tot1ls ' ' ' 16 • e 1 n 5 l 1 13 5 • • 11 ' 2 ' 20 , 0 • 2 J 1 1 1 5 J 1 13 1 2 l 6 ,, 15 11 " S1fdll!Ndl 1'3) FG FT "" Tl" !1""11 • 0 5 16 Lt•l"tflCt I 4 2 20 Hllrd'f t 1 ' 21 .o.wtTl!I 3 s 2 11 Noon 1 6 2 20 Wini'~ 0 I 2 1 Nt'llolln 1 114 To111 17 11 '' n H111t1me: SOl.lt~we,r so, Selldtebac:k 4J Aft~ having lta pre-season. tounuinienl disrupted by rain, the Eastern Conference begiiis the 1969 baseball 'season Tues- day afternoon witll both cf ils .Orang~ Coast a r e a representatlves on the road. Golden West travels to San- ta Ana while Orange Coast is a\· Citrus in opening day --s "P·~· ~mes. Gary Marks probably will open on U).e hlll for Golden West against Santa Ana for the second time ln-..five days, white Gary Dunkelberger win draw the starting assignment for Orange Coast. Marks started for Gold'Pn West in its 3-1 victory over tile Dons in the Eastern Conference tournament. The Rustlers we n t on to trip Fullerton, 6-3, to gain the finals against Riverside, but tile championship game wu postponed by showers. The tournament chamjliOn won't be decided until May 10, when the Rustlers tangle with Riverside in a conferenc~ game. That contest will decide the tournament tiUist as well as counting in the season stan- dings. Orange Coast's Saturday afternoon tournament gair.e against Chaffey was canceled because of rain. Steve Griffith went all the way on the mound for Golden West in its victory over Fullerton and had a shutout going until the bottom of the eighth inning. He llmUed the Hornets to seven hits. Third-baseman Ron Richardson enjoyed a great day at the Plate for the .Riis.tiers, banging oUt a double and a triple, ·scoring twice and knocking in two runs. RlchJrdson staked Grllfith to an early Jead when he tripled home Myron Pynes in the top of the first inning and-theti scot'ed on: an error by the Fullerton shortstop. 'lbe victory was _, t h e Rmtlers' third against no IMSeS this year. Glldtll WBI Cl) OeGler, SS ._ .. -·-It~,..,. lb MlltU. cf AS It MltSI 5 l ' • l • 0 0 l 2 • 0 l ' 1 2 4 I 0 I P111IS011. 2b • • ' ' Comtll,lf ' • ' ' E!Oer, Ill' • • • • SMllne, c ' • • ' Grllfltll, • • ' ' ' Tollls ~ • ' • F!llllrloll UI .. • H Rll Be"mtn, lb • ' ' ' GcrktJ, " • ' ' ' Moas, 2b ' ' ' ' Owtns. d ' ' ' ' Ttrr11!. 11> ' ' ' ' Stltldo. " • ' • • Wo!fmwtr, ' ' • • ' StrotMr. H ' ' • • Stlel, rt ' • ' • M-. rl • • • • Blodvltt, • ' ' • ' Col1lt11, • ' • • ' Mel!ll , p • ' • • TC111!1 ~ ' ' ' SC.. I r l1111lrln ••• Go!Oen Wnt XIO DCIO 2111-' , ' Fulllrttln DCIO 000 01~ J • Rustlers Drop 77-53 Decision to Indians SAN BERNARDINO Golden West College basket· bin c o a c h Dick Stricklin is still busy today trying to find some way to snap his club out of• a slump which has now seen the Rhstlers drop three straight games and five of their last six starts. The Rustlers' troubles were extended here Saturday night when San Bernardino Valley College, a team that Golden West bad beaten twice before this year, posted an easy 77-53 victory. The RusUers hung on to fourth place in the standings. But in the congested middle of the Eastern Conference pack lhey are only one game out o( eighth position. the Indians was only able to score seven field goals in the first bilf. The Rustlers' shooting im- proved a little in the second half, but not much, as they wound up with a 24 percent mark from the floor making but 19 of 78 shots. Golden West was down 31-26 at halftime, but cut San Bernardino's margin to 33-30 early in the second half. The Rustlers tried a full court press, but the Indians ripped through il and broke the game open minutes later. Reserve forward n a v e Paynter WAS Golden West's top acorer with 10 points. Sam Christian and Howard Lee had 23 and 20 for the Indlarui. 0......W•l(JU , 'o l'T '' Tl' J ' a ' I O I 2 ' l , 1 2 • 0 • 7 1 I 5 , J 1 1 '• Irvine Swims to 69-44 Win Golden West's mysterious inability to hit from the floor in the first half 'plagued the Rustlers again .against San Bernardino. The Huntington Beach school has been a slow starter all season and against ltDbllltOll Ol1on Prtlller Mii ier M1rtln H1rclln1 kordl~ fl•~nler C•mP~I! TC111l1 1 1 I 4 4 7 0 10 1 D I 4 ,. 15 11 SJ Sin ltrn•rlll\tl (1'71 ·-· .. UCl's swimming f o r c e ~ turned back Fullerton Junior college Saturday, 89-f(, in the Antealer pool. ' - Coach Al Irwin's Irvine out fit now turns its attention to c.enttol, where UCI tu.es on the FalcGm 1'ridl1 oltmloon. DnlllO Ollm Wli a -le . -u.:or,::=u.n,"'t l:U Oa\' l!ld('~~ffte $:20. .. The other double UCI win· ner was diver Nick Wilhi~e. who prevailed in the one and tfutt.meter board events. Chris Hassett was singled out by Irwin for winning t h e 200 butterfly in 2:14. Jeff Thayer WU the victor in tbe IOI) 1r .. In 22.$, "''"·""""""'"' -INC.• "'9,......1. '"'',,..,,.. , __ Jtj( • ~.,.,.--- 1• ~ 1MrtS11 1uflj t~~ ()'(I.~ (I') T~lf!tl •. * 1. Olstll '(UC)) J. ll:tbdl 11'1 I. Ml:Gl.ldlln (l'I T"'-"l:ft I See by Today's Want Ads • wrs TO TALi<.ABOIJ1'• TWo ol Jbe:m.Jor ll&le, se~ an.tel)', by owner. One in North Laguna, with an ocean view, and street pavina: incbaded. The other .,. mo a beach Jot, 1n Nowport lleaoh, only ;I bkd: from the waves. ·-W-,Tuesday lmnlng: Slilp -on' doY when you aend your lroo- ing out. •. a V1!'ry ttuon- able 80c per hour .•• bring 1 your own bangers. ' or ......... e Mobile oHiee: You don't 1 have to be Howard HU1he• (who'a he?) to own one ... here'a a contractor'• field olfice, walnut panelled and carpeted, $UXIO value, make offtt. · !oO tr~-1. T111~er fUCIJ 1. Enon \UCO l. Wtlt'fl CF) Tlm-~.5 '°II !NI. mtd.-1. Dooo¥i!ll (UCIJ 1. McL1lrl CF I 1 A.Sims (Fl Tlmt--2:U l·me~r oSl\11 -I. wrlhll1 fUCI) 2. Flrid (Fl 2. Line Cf ) 2'IXI flY-1. +w111ftt fUCIJ t. Kldrr1 !Fl L Howell !Fl Tkrle--2:14 !Oil f,,_I. E1S011 tUCI) 1. Rels<h If ) J. Wtkll IF) Tlrne-4f.J 220 bltl<-1. O.kt (UCI) 2. O>lkler~ (Fl 1 /Nrtlll fUCI) Tl .......... 2:1• XII frff-1. Olsain (UCl}-2. Ftrt lll (Fl J. W1ldl IFI T~,. -bn11t-l. C-(UCI t. H1 r-r1-IUCI) 1 Mloullfl (fl no time ' ~ dl--1. Wllhl1'9 (UCI) 1. Fltld ff) 1 lll'll (F) r .. fr'9 f\'11,..-1. UCI COi-i!. 'TJl..,..r, 1!1S011. EmmerllOll) Tlme- J~H for ''69 fG l'T l'I' TP' Ol'lwd $1311 Haves 5 O 1 10 * * * EASTf:llN COHFEll.ENCI! L~ I 4 2 70 W L "" l'A [hrliU1n 11 1 l 2] Fullerlon Ct.1!Jev S1nl1 N1 Colckn W~t Mt. SAC <~• Rinn Ide °"'"" c ... , Rio Hordo S.11 e.tm.rdlno "- 1(• O 171'1 llMt Harrison 1 0 0 2 11S JJ11UllfCoa. J OJ• t•l"6107S J eslle 3 127 I 1 1151 1111 TCllils l5 7 IS l'7 I I 113' 1040 Htllll1n1: Sin lerN•d!llO 11, Gold- i I JD02 1011 .,. Wett 26. I I l?SJ !:t10li~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 1 • u ... 17'2 5 10 12.0 l:itS J 12 1107 121• .A.. 2 14 1151 J.Ol .._,., ..... Of111tt C.sl 11, s..1111 .111111 n 9 . $.In 11!1'11rdlnn 71, Goldm W11t $J F11lleffllll JJ. Mt. SAC 54 Rlwrsldl! ~. Ci!rw IS C!llttw,. ~111'::t'~ a SAFECO Fu11!r1111 11 s..n•i ""' INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISGOUNTS oo . it's IDEAL LEASE TIME your Family Auto Insurance --NOw! ,..._.. frtm EowcsllMi CarL..inc. Tho ldeol t..11 ... --thlt &fYll )IOU '*'*''" ---~ piot.etlolt from IPICU'-tion oa the fubni Of thi ilHd car tn11rbt. With ourexdutiwe IMM, at the end of 24 months:. if the male value of your car It hl&'h-tht pt'Ofit ts ~"'" On the other hand, If thtr9'1 1 toss • .,,. 1b5orb It. For comp"'9 detlll1, call Exlcutfw todly. • EXE:CUTIVE9 CAR LEASING COMPANY Bob Paley and "-iates INSURANCE 2202 .... ,.., felt 1st Street, S1nte Ano •·&.es~ OL4-5000 474 E. 17th S t •. COSTA MESA 642-6500 . ST J.)J!f Kl 7-1011 • ' ----------- Bee cage Harry Ogilvie got lhe whee.ls In motion wlth 17 minutes left in the game as he unleash$1 a ·15-yard 11 n e drive which Leo Martinez ITT Westminster boated a J2· pound, four-ounce cat recently with cheese bait in Sierra Cove. StR Clltntnll C4tl (H) Ot- Arer 120) F (201 Jclt111e11 Em-Ill F <II Tlllron!OI\ zipped Into the high right cor- oer of the gOal to make it 1-0. A San Gabriel angler, David Gore, brought In a two-pound, 10-ounce rainbow trout on a redworm book. Most of the trout have been brought in with cheese bait. however. McClll (J) c (5) Smith Glbslin fJ) G 1111 MeF...,._n Mc:N.mlr1 14) G 10 Srnoll~ Scor1nt sub&: S..11 C""-~- T. c-l.. OrlnM -.._...., ), a.11th 1. ~tnlme: s.n c~ lt, Or1'1ff IL Then alter two more near misses by Ogilvie and a Cousin shot which bounced oil the side post ol the goal, the Rangers got ~ their second score -one which didn't seem Nrwi>Orf UI) Ol) W111mln1Mr Moran (JI F \2f Hile IC11m!r 0 6) F {IS) l 111!1ff to mean much al the time since Temple City's offense seemingly had stayed home. Clearly also reported good catches of ''firecracker" bass and crappie. Trout plant.I weighting 3,500 powids are made in the lake every Thurs-- day. The 1969 total to date is 20,800 pounds. Rlth llll C ( 151 Portillo Blsso~tle 1•1 G (2! Houle Forehen (17) G 1141 $lemen1 re5c~~Tn t~u:"~x ~~~~1';:'"eoe~ 1111,1 •~ W..""ln•t.r-lr•ot ., art· "''" 1. With only three minutes re- maining Jackie Ogilvie· took a long shot from the corner and McWilllam.s. who was im- mediately in front of the goal, kicked it in. Irvine-take boat reserva· tious may be made by calling 633-1520. H111Ume: '"-' l'I. Wnlmlt11t1r ... Temple City got its last gasp SPORTING GOODS 3 ~ SPOIT·SlOllS •LANGE SKI BOOT SALE . •STANDARD MOOR 8800 Reg. $110 ...... NOW • PRO MODEL 10500 Reg. $l35 ... -.... • COMPETITION 12300 Rq. $150 ...•.•.. OTill BOOTS ....... ------. --" 250/o OFF ' • HEAD SKI SALE • :!:."fi~~~ MODEL .. _ 86 00 • "320" MODEL 1 0900 Reg. 145.00 ... -.. • "360" MODEL 12400 Reg. 165.00 ----. - '• SLALOM MODEL 12700 Reg. 170.00 .. ---. •GIANT SLALOM 13150 MODEL Reg. 175.00 •DOWN 1111 llODll. 13900 Rq. 185.00 : ..... *SUPER SPECIAL ::~~~ Spaod _Skis _ 1095 • HART MERCURY ' , METAL SKIS Non Wu lloltom 1 Piece Edga. Reg. 94.50 59'5 eMEERGAN . -' =~~S.::.~~.~~'. 44'5. •FISCHER SIL VER GLASS~ =~·~QllElSIU5 . _ 49t5 • KNEISSL SKIS . ::.::,~G·····--·--99so :T~~RS-------16000 ltfD STARS 14400 RllJ. 180.00 • ------ :~~~ .... , .. 12800 • SKI SWEAn1J5 OUR OWN IMPORTS FROM SWITZERLAND-AUsntlA~RMANY NORWAY-fRANCf 25% OFF •SKI PANTS • Best Imported Pants -from Gar· meny (Can't Advertise 3995 N•me) RllJ. 50.00 .... • BRANO XX (Can't Advertisa Mama) Btrt o-tic Paat 3· 9•s Mado. ... 55.00 . --- ·=-~~~~~Ills 2590 • :.~~ ~Kl-P~-18'° •SKI PARKAS RIDllCED fROM 25%to.50% -. AnER SKI IOOTS • 1/3 OFF •TURTLE NECK - . SHIRTS 25% OFF eVELOURAmR SKI SHIRTS .... 17.95 -------. --9•s usi oua INSTANT CUDIT'-'LONG nRM PAY P:Ull SANTA A~A 219 •. •tit IO 7·572a fULURT~ 6011.NC&a 171·1911 ·NEWPORT IEACH •27 rAlll!oN .- 144.2121 I ! I I I I I I' I ) . I I I • I " • l .14 D.111.V l'llOT lloodlf, F..._ 17, l'M s-1et WratU•g 'J • Herring Is He~o ,. Ayolo SWAYt-IG. ""4~ SWINGING • • As Tars Win Title All thl .. ~el••·-1, tho ii'-*' the ..... tni.t·cn- .......... 1ooc1osw1 ....... -~ orlhl-ofbcorol....,i . By STEVE ANDREWS .... hlfr ......... Dan Herrin& wu just a con- tolaUon champ in Saturday's Sunset IA;1gue w re 1,t 11 n I champl0111hip1, but lbal UUe llOllnded great to the Newport HllJ'bor grapplers u bll final victcry gave the Tars a ft-94 win over Marina, and the 1 .. gue champlOlllhip. Herring, Tar m.pouilder, di._.i or his opponent 1n. nilly !:Ill ol the first period to set up the final match ol the evening between heavies Chuck Suter o f Westminster and Andy Vorono of Marina. With the Vikings down three, the llockily-l)ullt.Vbrooo bad lo pin Suter to lake the tiUe for his aide. However, ' recurring ~nee Injury beJ1f hlm. back as Marina coach J act Kennedy stopped the match at t h e conclusion or the second period. Vorono had alre.ady qualified for the CIF prtlims, to be held at Morningaide IUgh on March J, and didn't want to rilk further knee damage. Although Newport won the · crown, Marina placed more grapplen In the prdims. The Vikes will have 10 men reprewrtlna them wbUe the Sallon have eilbl-'!be top three finlsbera in e.ach division quallly. · Other than Vorono, Marina'• colon will be worn by Terry and Lee Walczyk, Cr 1 I g Gephart, Scolt Dulaney, Steve McDannold, Bob Haun, Mike Garrison and Tim ·Jennings: In CIF action. For the Sailors it was their , ,second straight Sunset League tlUe. Newport surprised Westminster in the 1961 finals comlhg .from behind, but the Tars were strong favorites lhis lime. The Tan will send Herting, Chris Horpel, Bob Curry, Jim CUrrie, Tom Schick, Marin D'- Amlco, Kent Hammeru and Bruce )latUn to the prelim~ other area wrestlers to be " ln contentloa for the CIF finals are David Wommack, Jae t Westminster, p I u 1 Richard Varalla, Jim John.'!on, and Kurt Clemens fn?.m Hun-. .. tlngtoo Beach. Ttllft tot.Ii: 111 NewJiol1 Hlrbcif' n 1 UI ~Mi ISi t11 w .. ~ •1111 Wntmlntflt '°' IJJ ANl'lellft st1 (al Huritlnttan 9*" DI (1) Slnl1 Ant V1lltv lt1 Ill .. "" Alll $. CIM•i.•llr OhtllM fl.-Vtlvlr* fAJ Me. C11mt (NHh' .. 106-T. Wlla)1t (Ml fl(, kllkt' _ !NH) •1 11~ommtdl {WM) •· D111-"", (M)I 'M I , 1D-L. Wllayt !Ml ~ D'Alllkt l~~I IM) M. Kllfh:. (WMll ,. 116-H-I INHl dee. Wlltoll IWTII .. 141-MctfHIMan fWMI dtt. Ht""' _. (NH) S-0 ol 1--C:UrTT fNH! dee. Ytr1ll1 !Hilt ~ 1J1~1et' 1.11 dee. Jol'ln..,,. !Hlli ,,.. 1~u1111n1I fWTJ llK. oerrlffll !Ali "' 11'-8111 ('#Tl dee. ·~· IA)I .. lf'-Cll-IHI) 4tc. Mllflll (NH)I .. HV-Su1tf' (WMJ bfft V~ (M) bV .. w, c...61 .... DIYltlti! fl.-.Ool1n (Ml del:'. lll!IM (WT)1 S.t 1"'-Ttr.mota (WTI M. Mont.Int (All lW tlJ -McM11lllll (SAJ dK. Dtvldson (Hiii M tp..-.\llmolo {WM) ~lled Mow {HI); 3:'1 l:JCl-.6tnur1 (WT) die. ltodr;e~ll 1SAV)1 2.0 136--M<O.llllO!d (Ml dee. Sk1reckf (Hll)J li.1 141-Ht\ll'I (Ml IMC. Mlolullth !A)I 7-t 1-......AA. G1rrl'°" IMJ t11Med SIU• tWTl1 !:SO 1S1-411 IWT) det. Ltr.drl11n fNH )I . ,,., °' . • • 161-.le!!nlllfl !Ml dee, M11t !Hlli , .. 171--Collmln fWMI 11lrined Our11,tn (NHll •::IS 194.-McClirt"' !SAVI lolnMd CllY'!M (All :t:J.5 MY-Hen'ifttl (NH) •lnntd O\llllY {SAVI/ 1:20 ...... ......... v...,. (:Nl 11'1 ........ ~, 11!1 IMC. l1ll1nc: !FV)J •• -.....C. S.. (FV) ......... ,_ 11!11 ·a J1~V1vt1111 (FYI ac. ,,.... ... fEl1 M 1~ (l'VI II«. l'rtttr (E}I ,.. l~ (fl Mc. Combe !fV)I f..I \.._..,lynn ffV) Mt. Klt!'ltlll1 11!.)I J.I 141-ollllldtn U'VI 1>111Mi11 6"""' IE l1 a::D 1-...WIM tFVl "<. NIVfMllll {l!'ll .. J 1W-l•rN tFVJ M . Ft11 (Ill M 161--l...i.. (l'YI 4K. A1lt111 (li)J 7·2 :Pro Hockey Standings ,. '17 ... "' "' '" IM 11' 1M -1» 1'1 1,~lrdllwt' CllY) die. 1r•fl'f (1)1 •• l~lttrlhl!ICI (II .. W•W lllYll .. ' ' HY-4.'l'lkloll (!JV) """*' ~IMll 1111 1:11 ' ·--......... V...., c•J II> • .....,. M-.Slltwlll (FV) '9C. 1tmtr t•l1 l .. *44, ~,ii;ln (FY) dK. Hwf {Ill M 115--K. 1onts CFV> ~ . l'llW. Clh ,.,,. 1:S.-0.'1141M!I (FYl dK. ,l'Hllnd (Eli 7'41 ' l»4Ctllfl" tFYI Mc. T,........ !Ell .. l~tllMrl CFVJ Mwied TMll Cfll 10~':.: 1ivf •WIW Lh~llflf M l~. ltr1i:l11 {N) c1K. A-"lft' (Ill lM ,_ , 1S7-htt f"YI _...,... Mlilllffl lfl1 lt'1 IM-\11ll1Mnt (FY) dliC. Mwnt (1)1 J.l I l 171-0rrf'Oll CFVI det;. ~ 1111 . IN 1~1 .,,_,, •· Sli9rrr fl!)1· •• MV--.t..,.,., !El --,. fotftll ·--......... YllltY ()0 1111 l.taM&e , YIOlfY c:-:.: 1~11:C.·~ ,':,~ 1-.....1 ...... (CdMJ die. Kntua !Mii ,,_, llS-C•ln' ICdMI -.-.rt.lie IMll N 12';-McGtl (CdMJ die, YatMnt (Ml; ,_, l~n' (CCIM) •lnnM It-(M\1 '1:0 13'--J-(c.dM) Mc. lullenl!di: fM)I .. 1'1-8111del. T. fCdMI dtC. C1lrntY IM)I 1-1 1.-....<:i.,ii; fCdM) plf!Md .At<Nlrotrt IMH S;ll 151'-811r (CdM) dee. Mfmll !Mil ,_, l~U1l1nf (CdM) •lllfltf S.UJt (Ml/ l :lS l~•helft, o. (CdM) plllntd Atulrrt IMl1 S:U lf'-Mcettl•nd fMl dee. Adam1 fCdM)I M HY-wu1i.m. 1M' .., "" fOrtllll J .... y,,.,,., c... ... MN' cin (11) M1"""9 ,.__.,~ J . (CdM) dee. AZ.Ir fMli •• lQl-.AIMI le.Ml M . MtklJl"M'• !Mii ... 11s-H..,..lt: CM) -W f«telt 11'-MllWlll IOdMI dee. COX (Mll 11·1 1»-0/rltllll (CdM) -by f9mll 1»-Wtl'lkY {M) clec. Nbnll lCdM)/ "' lll-Gt"•llem. J. (CdMI -lrl' forkll 1a.-.kett (CdM) -by tDmJt 157-Sl•l'*er (CclM) d~ D~l'(Mll ... 1 .. -Gutdl" (M) ch(. McC'ortlt ICdM)J ,.I 171-Sctlunlhir (CdMl nc. H1vfY (M)I 4-0 1•'"-rnlfdl HV-Cr.lt (Ml -by lorflll ,.,..,.., .. c.-.. , Mar CSIJ (II Mttllfllt JV Cage PANTS PARMS SWEATERS lllfolhllhot. · IFyau havit ,.....,de ~I •r..i-.. •. ru ahe•l4 fool ,...; ~'oft-. °'!I•,.. tho hool of, lho lilt w, • 1f1!t _._,. f!l~loll 1"8; .. ... i.. loft .w. ... l~e-. n..· cirhor , ... , .. illiMO,-.. tho 1 .. 1cloof tho"ahl lot. ... -"'" boc.k _. to the I.& el'llpl_t e'•;. ....... 11 '"""tho .............. 11,.. •• n, ~ """' • ...,., your l>ody, .... 11,.. ... }'!>Ur Modlalrly11e.dy, Y°" ahouW fool , .. , ... I• lhoiao e-.. "'" top of runw1.,., .. "" ""'" ... ,,. Pro· Basketball ... .. ..m. Ofw .... WL~PdOI 11111-• '1 16 .nt New Yott. "' 21 .'17 i l"l'IJltfflPhll ... 2t ·"' ,y, '°'""' 3' '* ·"'° • C1MlllMll 3t 311 .J16 lll'I Dl!ro!I 2J JI .391 21 MllwtukM 11 lJ .2111 21 Wntl"' DIYllltl LOI A"'tlH '2 21 .6'1 "tr•n•• :>f 76 .600 • $In FrlMIKO 1't lo! MO 13 Stn OlllllCI V lS .Al5 1.W.. Clllc1n 2J :It .3'1 17'11 Sfftlll 11 ,1 .l5' ltV. .,,..,.,.,,. ,, "' .m • 2n~ Slluriler'• 1t11u111 Ntw Vork H, 5111 Frtrte11co '1 Clnc:lnntll 1\1, ClllCIM 101 0...1)1 ll"'H ICllldUltd. , ...... ,. ....... Pnl1ldel¢ll• 127, ltor.toi) l°' MllW1uket lllol, LOI A"lltlt l t7 •hoen1• 115. crnc111111tl Hl Sin Frtr1ClloCO 111, All1nl1 106 5e1tti. 121, Dttrolt lit °""' ...,,.. tehedullt. ,._.._ Att1nt1 n . Mllw1uk.-11 81Jtlmor1 Clnc:lllMll ti 81Jtlmor. °""'"""'" Klllduled. ,.....,..,., "-"'-IX It emton, .n.-Atllntt n. CIN:J11Mll et Cllnltllll Liii Anteln 11 """ Vork Phfl...,,._ 11t S.11 D11W Dt+rolt 11 lln FBMl-Cnlcew •I S.ttHI Olllr ..,.,. ldltdl/lld, ... ..... -w ' •• .. Mll"'I " " MinnHol• " " ICtntuckr " " lllllllNll " " New Vert .. " W•"'11 Dt'f'I.,_ O.kllnd Denver '""' Or'lllM SKIS BOOTS BOOTS .. .. ~ n " a - .m ·"' • "" ,. "" , .... .. . .... .... .. .... ,,. Dtllft Loo ""''IH ...,, ... 1S 'l1 .• , i:z . :n ....,, u lS .121 Slhlr'lal"I It-II 011111 Ul, lnc:!lllll 11' ' Ntw Orltlm ll7. 0.tllnd ltt Only ''"'" tCMduled. s.Mn'J •-tts Dllltl 119, Oltllnd 116 D.,...... IQS. "'-Orltll'lt M Mllml l!J, Howton IOI Ktnlud<Y 123, LOI ...,,_les " Ntw Yortr 111, lt'ldl1n1 ff TM•'f'I Gtm11 Otkllllll ti Hou1lon NIW Orlt1n1 II Lei AnDt111. Only 111mtt tdlloduled. Tlllld•Y'I Glml'I 01klu1d ti Dtnvff' Mlnnei.o!t tt tndl•~• Onl~ ~mt• 1clledulfll. Ducats Ready For Banquet Tickets are now available for the California School's PTA-sponsored annual father and son banquet· to be held Feb. 2.3 in the Estancia High School cafeteria. Several members of the USC football team will speak at the affair. Ticket information a n d reservatloru are available· bY calling Mrs. Judy Meng at 54M14'1. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND STARTS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th OFF NOTE: SKI MART wlll remain ope!' all Summer to take care of your surfboard and swim wear needs. OPIN DAILY Mol.•Frl. 10·9 Sat .•Sun. 1 0·6 OUll6E COUNTY'S MOST COMPLETE SKI SHOP 2805 W. Caa1t Hwy Newport leach 642-8335 Dragsters· Face Test At OCIR MariM, Anaheim Splasher$ Impress in Relay Meet 0-10 lop fuel draptm and llmoy .... -expec(ed to -up Sunday al Or .... County lnl<rnallooal Raceway fl)< the thlrd All,Pro awn. plonlhlp Serles llact, lt'a the lut clwJce for driven lo urn Points to qualify for the rich <llO.ioo> March lt UUe r1et . '!be lour driven earnlntl the most points In the llrlt three races of the R!iel will be guaronteed ltartin( positions in the Marth 19 tWe r.ce. 'file.time world champ Ben- ny Olbom of Sand Sprinp, Okla., is tbe only driver llrudy -ol • atan In the linal. Qualifying llarta 11 IO a.m. SwldOy with ellmlnaUoo runs ...._,.,1ng al ~ p.rn. - Anaheim's Leon Fitzgerald stopped three of drq racing'• f~ ~ altered! to capture the top eliminator tttle at ocm Sunday. He clocked a best of 186.72 mph in his j'Pure Heaven" machine. The gas eliminator winner was Neil Stein of Los An11eles who won by pushing hls 1956 Chevrolet the last 600 feet or his run. Anlllelm,and)llrfnl - notice tllll they will be toup to -fn, tht upcomin& &mlel W.,.. vlnlly swJm. nh>g ·-with their -two fWab In tht leque reiva held Salunlay In tilt Anaheim pool. '!be Colonl!ta outdllta..,.S their c I o 1 e s t Competlt~, Marina, by II Points, ~ Newport Harbor followed with M markers and tbeit came the Westminster Lions with 46 . Westrniftster's 2Oo·1 a rd backstroke relay squad of Ken Davis, Al Rojas, Jim Cleioens and Dee Hennlngaoo took first place in that mnt, while Marina's 4 x 50 medley relay foursome ol Don Lippoldt, Ke- vin Williams, Clay Evans and Keith Dooaldsoo awam ahead o1 all their oppasiUon. -In the!l<e divWoo, Newpcirt Harbor walked away wlth the top positiOn 8Ct'l"ing II points to Huntingtcn Beach's 43. The Tars' 400 freestyle relay team of Matt Greer, Rick Snyder , Jay Farrer and Bruce Talmidge posted a Sunset League record of 3:46.4, eclipsing the old standard by !our-tenths of a second. The ·-'""' TOltlt: ti) .AlllNlrn •1 tu Mir!"" .. , Ul N•WllOl1 Htrtlw M1 U) W11tmlftllw •1 (5) Wei""" .. , 161 lent• AM 191 171 S.19 AM Y•llly '1 Ill Hvlltir.IM lledl t. "'* lftd, JN-1. AIW!hllm 2. ~ !1M 1, Mew-' Hlrbw Time: ':fLl hJI rr.. r.ltJl'0-1, AMNlift 2. Wft~ ml,_ltr l. M1r1M Tl"": 1:&2 .... lnat Nllr -I. W",.,,. t. ft-'~ ...... 1. MwN Ttmil: t :t7.I .. "' """-'· """""" , ... Sotl'IMt ~ r.conl) 2. Mlrllll 1 Wftlff'll Tlrnt: 1:•1.1 4x!I lltdr. ,. .. .,_,. W.trnl,.ler '· Mlrlnl J. A1111Mkn Tl"": 1111.J 4'1100 he r.11-l. AMl'lllm 1 N ... Mt'! Ktrtior J. W.trnlrltttt' Tlnltl: ;1:23.7 .. ' ' .f.l» "*'· ,...,_,, Mlrtn. t. ~ NI"' l. """'-' H1111or' TllM: 1:0 .l ·-TNlft Tol1ll' (I) Newport H1rl!OI' U : (2) Hu"ll""011 BNCll 4 ; fJ) West· mlnlltr 2'1 (l) Wntem :M1 (5) AA-. rl111 211 r Ul A111hllm Iii (7) S1nlt A111 Vtllev 101 (II Slnt1 Alll 0. ••100 11111. f.ll'!'-1. N-rt H•rbof '· Hunn"''°" Bll!ldl 1 WHMl'fl TllM: •:2t.5 IXSG free r1!1v-I. NtWllOri H1rb« 2. Huml"lllOll te1ch J. Wtstmlnster Tlmt: J :S1.l 4"'511 br111! rtll 'l'-1, N-rt Htr Anaheim In the 111111 ..... to give them lhelr J!W11n ol victory. Mike Braun n.am . the backstroke, Bill. Kini • the preaststrokt, Dave Herma the buttmly and Guy Hill the 1r,..1y1e 1n tht decider. bor t. WHtmlMln' Tll'lll: 11!2.I 4aji rty r1l9y -1. w..tw11 J. N- •Wf IYrbot a. Hul!l""l'Oft le.dt Time: 1:$1..1 .fJcW btdt r.lrl-1. M.trMt 1. Ml.rr>to lnstofl 8ffdl 2. H-..rt ...,_. Tntl 2:1l-1 4'11• frfl n.i.,,_1. New-1 HltW t. Anlhtlm 1 "'11• Al'll V1lln Tltntl 3:.t6.0 4xJI """· ,....,._1. ,._. """"' 2. Huntlfttlon l..cfl a. An11111nt Tlmt; l :Jil.J T""' Tot1lt: (II Hvl'ltlnlbl l4'ICtl S2l UJ 1Mthllm JDJ IJJ W•llftlM..,. <-'l1 U ) N~ Hlrtlor 311 (J' WHlsl'fl '»1 UJ M.rm. SO (7) S.lllt Ant V1llly Ill (I) Slnf• Al'll 12. lx1Cll Ind. rll•v -1. Hu"lll!lfln 8Mch 2. Anlltel"' 1 Wt1fmlnallf Tl1JM: •:>t.J IX$0 11'91 r.19v-1, Hullllrltlell e-.dt !. MlrN 3. Slnla. Ant Tlm1: 1: .... 1 .f.l» br111t rtllY -1, .u.IMllft L Wntmlmtu J, Wtatem TllTll: t:U.I lx50 btdt r.la-1. WtsMrn !. ~ helm l-NtwPort H1rtlor Tlmt1 l :OS.6 411100 11'11 ~-1. NewPOr'I IYrW t . Hvntt"81Dfl e-a a. ""'' W Y1llev Tlriw: 4:112.4 ••50 mtd. n11,,_1, Huntlll91'D11 hlctl s. Anl!Wllft J. Wftl1rn Tlrnt: 1:0..J All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AUTO CENTER AL!!s~!!~'11 3DAYSO LY! SERVICE • SPECIAL I ... TODAY I Not iust a reline • • • but a complete Reliant brake overhaul for your earl We install new bonded linings, rebuild all 2 9.88* wheel cylinders, resurface brake drums, bleed and refi ll brake system, repack front wheel bearings, install new front grease seals ••• more! •Molt ~ a.. .. .-... IMI Alnlric• ,,.,,* *Volkswagen and most other American cars 3488 Free brake adjustment for life of lining HEAVY DUTY ...... ... .. _, __ NEWPORT BEACH (FHhlon Island) I Foremost heavy duty motor oll is great ! 20 or 30 wt. single grade motor oil surpassing cor manvfacturars warranty ,.._. qulr1m1ntl for MS servic. • HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington C...ter) • • • . ' ., Coholan ·Of BYC Wins Two , I Fresh from ,a vk1arY lo e race from Bllboi to • An&elet Hall>or ao 8- ·' Mart Cobolan ol Bllboa C eni.red his PC (Paclllo Cl ) sloop 1n Los Ange1e1 Y t Club's Santa Maria Tr hy race Sunday and sailed orr with the covet«I award. 1 "nle race w~ a f LA YC's sta.!OQ op 1 ceumooles held w>rd.[. Sunday. Second in the PC WIJ Bill Carlloa'1 Me 100 flOm Newport Harbor Y Clob, a:ld third WU P ll. sailed -117 Jaclt of LAYC. ' LAYC . Commodore R<ynolds -..l>o • I h modono'a '!'ropey Sa a two-boat race ·-,,,-,, c. modore Norman •j BeWlt-'- chod ol Laoa ~ Yacht Club. H"" an the ~II ol the Openlnc Day ' ~ handicap fleet: . • ' -. CLASS A ... ~, Newsboy, Jack Baillie, « YC; U l Jubll1tioo, Sle)rud, LA YC; (3) W ard, WWard Ben; LAYC. : · rtfi h ·th th unlikely name y•cht is built at Egg Harbor, N.J. but is marketed CLASS B -(!) Joker m , The U.foot spo ' erman WI • • in Southern California by Egg !{arbor Yacht Sales Del~e Sport Fisherman Bob Lealie, J,AYC; ( 2) Egg Harl>or was°"" of the most thoroughly 10specl· . Penepbooe, G'°'ge Griffith, _;:.ed~boa~ts:..:•::t_:th:::•:_South::::::::•::rn:..::C::alil::·:.:•:::rru::·::•..:Bo:::.;;•1:..S::h::ow~ . ..:Th.:;;..e~--•-f_S_an_Di_eg..:;..o_. -------------LA YC; · (3) Altamar, Jay Jones, LAYC. ' ~ ~ra:~~f'. American Eagle N<iw Hitting Stride, LA'llC; ~Bewitched, · -LBYC.. J!~:i1'.bi~~'L--:.l-·Florida · Ocean Racing Series g~..,, LAYC; (:;'&..!, ' eutl:!j Jlm CUnnn. LAYC. 1 Hathaway . ', If ights Wind For \".ictory America!\ E a g le., the -defeated U-nieter in both the 1J64 and 1118'! America's Cup ~IB, appears to )lave c?m.e lrito her own as a handicap ·ocean raeer in the Southern Ocean Racptg Conference off Flo<lda •.. ~ . r .\fter' the first ·, two of the u.tace ..... the Eqle ;, natmc 111op · 416.5 points on lhe corrected tlme scale. The SORC has a com· plicated ~ing systm in wbJch eac;Jl race is rated on a percentage basis and points ·awarded accordingly. '11le 105- mile St. Petersburg to Venice Yach~ may ~ out either the St. Pete to Venice or the Miami to Lucaya race scheduled nut weekend. Pu.ablng Eagle on the han- dicap standings ls Robert F. ra ce wu rated at 15 percent, ds H aod the 403-mll• St. Win eavy Petersburg to Ft. Lauderdale race wu worth 56 percent. Catalina Island In Newport, Race LA Classes Gusty ~ peUinl u~ to 30 -Solurilay ........ the 106 ..m., ~ In the llorinadel~toLol Anltles ~~bylfarlnadel Rey Yacbl C1ob for JBChll ~la Ille llldtflnltt BepUa ....t,911bn' _,.r ocean~ Cius A win- ner wa Sevl Hathaway In the Columb"'-IO Gem from California Yacht Club. Opens Whitney Series Blustery southerly winds made I abort pw ... fo< the small yachll racm, from Newport to Los Angeles Salur· day. The event involves the RhodQ, PC, Endeavor and Luders claues in their annul! race to Los Angeles Harbor to be on hand for the Mldwinters. The rare was the first of two connected with th e ~idwinter Regatta. The se- cond will be the return race the weekend after the Midwinters. Trophy winners in Saturday's race: OCEAN RACING A -(I) Gem, Steve Hathaway, CYC; (2) Viva, Gorham Getchell, CYC. OCEAN RACING B -(I) Nepenlhe, Albert A 11 e n , DRYC. OCEAN RACING C Melteml, Pearce & Sturde- vant, PMYC. PHRJI' A -(l) Nam Sang, B<>b l\elley, PMYC; ( 2 ) Nimble Lass, Jack Brink. WYC; (3) \Yhimsey, Milt Handman, CYC (3) Terrisata, George Keliher, CYC ; PHRF B -(1) Noviacita, Marty Bender, PMYC; (2) Suunne, Les Sheridan , PMYC; (3) Virginian, Gene Ford, SBYRC. PllRF C -(I) Wahoo, Branin, SBYRC. CAL-34. -Celerity, Jack Rosenberg, DRYC. MORF -(I) R<don, R.T. Bender, VYC (under protest) (2) W.agic, Carl Radusch, PMYC; (3) R<treal, RA. Smith, PM Y C (protesting Red on). The Los Angeles Yacht Cluq will shove off the 1969 offshore ocean racing seuon March 1 with the Midwinter Catalina Island Race, the fir st in the WblbieySeria The invitation to all owners of qualified ocean racing yaclU also included the an- nounCement ol the first of the Llttle Whltney Sfries far yachts under 30 feet quallfying under the Midget Ocean Rac- ing Fleet rule. The Catalina Island ract starts from LAYC at 11 a.m. Saturday, March l aod •goes around Catalina Island, leav- Ceee II Takes SSSC Regatta Bill Headden's Cal-28 Cece JI was the winner of the first Small Yacht Racing Fleet race sailed Saftaday and Sun- day under the 'auspioel of the South Shore Sailing club. The 10-boat fleet wu slam- med by blustery winds on Saturday ~ hid to delay the start Sunday because of light wind and fog. Runner-up in the fleet was Vince Arrigo in Colwnbia-28 No. 211, llililg f« St. Francis Yacbl Club. ing the island to port. Under normal conditions the race comes to a screeching halt Sunday evening as the yachta run under the lee of the east end of Catalina Island. After working through tbe lee the race contlDucs back to the startlpg Point Jn. side the Los Angeles Harbor eotrance. The dllllocc i3 11 miles. For the MORF the race slarts at 11 :20 a.m. leaving the Pl. Fermin Buoy to port, Esther Oil Island to port and the center aecUon of the Los Angeles Harbor breakwater to starboard. thence back to the finish -a distance of ?Al miles . The Whitney Series consists of sll races of which one can be thrown out in the final scoring. Yachts entering must have a valid Crui.tng Club of Amer I c 1 mN!Ul'mlent certificate and the owner must be a 'lnember of a qualilled yacht club. The LitUe Whitney Js alio a belt five out of siJ: aeries . Participants must have a cur- rent ocean racing certificate or belong t.o a one-de.sign clasll in which at leasl one yacht in that class has an ocean racina certificate. Winner in the Rbodes-33 class was John Matarani:u ol st. Froncls Yacht club saillngMlllms. Mark Cobolan of Balboa Yacht Club In Panic WU the winner in the PCI, John Owen'• Deuce, Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, WU first In the Endeavor Cius and Es Velero, skippered by Paul Jacobi; SSSC WU the winner in the Luders-1'5. Final results : RHODES-33 -(I) Mistress, John Matarangas, St. FYC; (:l) Honey, Jack Malinkrodt. BYC; (3) Miruja, Bob Ket· tenhofen, BYC. PC -(1) Panic, Mark Cobolan, BYC: (I) Patrician, Doug Hubert, NllYC. ENDEAVOR -(I) Deuce, John t'wen, BCYC; ( I I Aphrodite, Bill L a n g J ah r , SSSC; (3) Blue · Mist, B<>b Steele, BCYC. LUDERS-11 - (1) Es Velero, Paul Jacobs, SSSC; 12) Little Lulu. Alm LiodJay. BYC; (3) zephyr, Mas Warner, CBYC. Midwinter Regatta Opens I , Yachts From Newport to LA Har"ljor Turning Out for Annual Event It's the mlddle of winter it thla year is an ugly film -according to the yachting o( crude oil spreading south calendar. from the Santa Barbara arf'a. So nothing could be: more SCYA officials arc watching appropriate than the Southern tbt stick &nxiously and arc California Yachilng Assoc.. prepared to ill!ut a last lion's Midwinter Reg a t ta . minute cancellation of the "hlch the yachting crowd ba.s masslve ~atta if the oil been celebraUog foe 40 years. should cre.p pol Pt. Fermin. Tiit MJdwJDU<I, lS the Enl1 IO, the f-ol 1etling <V<llt 11 known an ..,. the Jopoldes fouled with 111e gooey world, wUJ be held um mea may tcep m a n y weekend, llarllnf Friday wt1h yscbtllDft from eollring the the ell-. Aillnl eut of Lo1 nsstta lhll· JW'. Tiie ""'1t Angeles Yad>I Club, and pick-draws yacbllmen from San Ing up momentum Salurday Diego to San Frtnclsco. and Sund17 u Ill ocher ,Los _ The vanguard of tbe mass Angeles-Long Beach c I u b s eiodul from Neport Harbor heraJd the start.a f o r dozens to Los Angeles Harbor started of more uUJng classes. Saturday with the annual race During tbHe three days -for the Rhodes-338 and PCs alwaya en the weele nd ao Chef can be on hand for n<areli W~'I i>trlJlday tho starting guns n e I I -tbt eruter Lot ~eletl weetend. Yachts with aux· Harbor ' It b~ with i11arJ power make lhe trip bilJowlnrr daam u the~rachll up the coaot on the opening aet an on nrloua eaur1es. day ol the regatta . The OGIJ llllq lhal wlll llop If westher and ,.. con- ditions remain favorable It is anUclpaled that every docking and mooring facility in Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors will be full by Friday. Seven yacht Clubil cooperate In l\ag1nJ the Midwioten. Tbq are Loi An(elel, Lq Beach Clbrillo B 1 ae b, Alamiloe 111,, Sesl Beach, Utile 11hipe Floel and Ille Hun- llngloo Harbour yllcht clubs. Witlt the exceptloo ol ene claso al LBYC, Loe Anp1es YC wllJ be Ille ooly club hlncJ. ling races on Friday. LBYC wiU start the large catamaran (over 14 feet) classes on Fri· day. Clasm scheduled foe Friday starts out or LA YC are Ocean Racing A, 8, C and D; Colum- bia~. Cll-48, Cll~. PCC, K· 43, K...t l, K-40, CaJ-40, K~, Columbla-36, CIJ.311, CIJ..14, Rhodet-33, PC, Sbiekf9.IO, tal- 30 and Star. A1f1 claa boats that cannot m u 1 t e r a JJlllAL llOl'ICll A I I I I I .. • ff DAll.Y I'll.OT (S) M"'"1. r .... 11717, 196• ·s.~ .. Taxes· I ··-"' ·• .. 4.·. "-~ -·· ... ,, .ffowto UseNew,·1040 Fo~ -.----.:,-, 'c' • ' \ ~ ' ' i. .~ •:I~ flu ~ ' ' ;=. . ' ' .. •: • ' ' I ........ 11J IYLVlA POllTEll Tllil -nl 1' d&to-pacted ........ lllltiac today •ill If>\ you In flcis and mat<v hlnll y<>1 can gel from DO ot1Jer ll<WIP'lptr 1aJ. pide. It 11· DOI deliped to lbUe It a cll1Cb Jar you to fill out yoor 1• w. return nor will It ft'haJh lnlormaUoa Y'"' can 1et from !he !nlmlal Revenue Ser•lce'1 owo bookleL It wljl, ibooflb, ~ I T 8 you money:· It wfll save you time; It will help Y'"' ovoid collly ttr'Ol"I; it will minlmire the cbances that 'your return wtll be questiOMd; it will provide 1ou wtth'!tgnlficant ISIUt.ance U your return Ls questioned. It also ..Pl give yoo points the .dficiaf .Trusw:y_(.o r m package doesn 't even mention, for much of the Jn!ormaUon iD this aerie. comeJ from little You can translate~tbe 1r1ora. you .re rudJn& Into doJlm lo your pocket. Now to begin: the oew fls forms: Doo't he upod IC you ore among 1he 30 millloo - iWbo received your tu forms • prlntod !JI red and blue !Jlt or amoac tbe 5 milllon who rece!Yed forms prlnled In red Ind blup lpinlt I blue tfnled bac1'ground. E..ept lot the colon, yoor form II euCtly Ute the ~ I~ l>tlol. '.1--~ '¥'~ •1i!iillJiii . merr. . f ... , ·,The IRS •• 1uporliiitillli11 , • .. ' . -to find oUi'•~ the cokl'.t!l ' . f~ will helji.,cu! W .the ' publicized Treuuey ·rules or rblstaket"tyou.·make 'on ypur favorable court d e c·r, j 011 !I { ~ Fqr jiistance, I dYer • which the Treal!P'1 1 doesn't million errors were made oo llCCeSSa!'~~!<'!f ~yo,U-. ~ the,13 .nllDioi\J D'dj tld.JU l . ' . CHTJIM.MIUI~ MAMEIM.' Gt.1118 MDVI. OIWlllf. INCl'o\AM.STMff'OMNGAD.W:INT ~TIOTfll'"TOllY COMTMMW~ COITA MEM. '°'*'AIN VALl.l+. ~ IUOC.l.AilltMA llACM, ~llACM.-Cif7 SfTf..IAM IJNC C#lr1'MNO, lfAL .cA04, MD ~ UMIMCOWOMTIO T1ftlll· '°"' •• Cl.JP 'l'QEQ' taa:.u.Jumu, retuns,tiled for 'f'I; last year, save them to uRl wben ob the 1R8 esamiDei;I. about S are , fill!Jlg oyf , Y'"ir ·reiut11. milliiio. ~ and refunded ----~-------....;;.-"""""--'--"'--almQSt !3l0 mUjM>o .which tax· . -;. . , . . · ' payers bl4 overpaid because .. . , . _., · 1-,J · .o1 lheli''O!fi\'erron· ·C ,, p ·• £'! · tf ; IF .'F,ri;;a,~ show.~ QOSt .. OOJ,Jig"c.-Oun 8'. onthe'll~thanonthe ~ .... ~ , , . . ol~'stile,blllcl-of)-Whlle forms, · G ' •. J;; i :o.' p la • ' we'U •all he •rec<!vinJ color rowtrt ·thi QTIU . tion sheets next· year. r-' . . . Here are -~'Important ad· ...._ ulatlo th · lo'•I GM,-Ford . 'Pushing' diUopal ch~e!:: .1,1e pop n grow 1n ... , ~ u y.ou it(.mize. yo'ur deduc-. Orange County. ~ce 1~ has However, ~ coastal areas , uoM yoo know· that the in-been _well distributed, ac.-of the county are becoming strudwos to Form 1040 con-cording to an economic study · progressively more important Turbines lain' an o f f I c i a I list of ac-relused by ~Wf."Y Savings and the· population up-swil'lg DETROIT (AP) -Both ceptable.stale s'alea: tax deduc· and Loan AsS?Ct.ation. In th.i.I section has been General Motors Corp. and uOm. Find your iii come Popul~Uon m the county as es~Uy strong in recent F.ord Motor Co are push· bi'a'cket °'nd the size of your ~ wbole~from 2l~ ye.art. developbent of tu.rbl~! .:, fatnµy and the ,table will give in 1950 to 'lM,000 at the :. :. Since ll60, lhe poplilati~ engines to power their trucks. you a deduction for your state of the 1960 CfllSWI, and up of the coastal area ha! m-General Motors announced sal~ tas: which ~e Treasury t~ 1,311,000 In 1968 .. By the cuaaed 175 percent, compared 1bursda ·t · 1 · ge,nerally will ,ac.cept without ~e the .1~ ctOSU! L! ~ken wlqi rt percent for the county Y 1 LS P anmng pro- challenge and w1tbout asking it is anpoPated that .or~~ . .u a wbole."'This area now ~n byuid--1971 of a *' you to .prove ·the amoi.lnt by ~ty ~have ~!Y 1.5 accowrt.s Jor 31 .percent of ~ri:ih :~t~ 1 ~ ~·. • • sa les slips or ·&nything else. million residents. Oranae County's population, 2.~ horsepower. UCI ·0:1vU.coA5T MEN NEW POSTS -.~ NOW THE °'A instructions Early gains came In _and compared with 21 percent at Reibert G.' lhieti. ·. '. , Stanf'on ',R. :Htrpiek ·~ , . , cin h~lp yoU get a higher a:?und the older m a J .~ r 'the Ume of the 1960 census. Fo~d disclqsed earlier in the . ~ <\edU~ from lb.is ofUclal c1t1es and unlnc!'rporated ~c-If ~ent trends. c;o~tilJue, week· It· bas a fleet of turbine L ,; It.' . . . d.H, . . . -;· k . table' llfO,rways : , lions· cl~ to Los .. Angeles t~e .1110 c~s res~lll filU , :7we::. i-~p·1an::1~iartsgan , , 1 • • • , 11· • .. ,, . . . . ~ f County. How~ver, in recent probably reveaJ that· more and Ohio and amiounced' it . eec.·,· . :an. er. ll.C : _Fir ~~mcol'~ ... -"!_yoara .. t®_l!!ct-• ba••. than ooe-lhird of 1!!u9!!niy's b I Uils •...,.. ... : ~ ~ becq,m~ widely mstJ:ibut~. . r.esldents wW be Dvlq: in the was increasing -t u r ·n e R · · · on ..lb1i pqe t "'.'" ~ . The Dowm:r Savmgs. study coastal areas. • engineering and t e c h n I c a I easl s;g .... 'nd bv UCB .\~ ( Boo!...-. , llbows·that lhO central portion The popullUoo recon! bas-hii::::-develbopym20enl percealongnt. to .. ·" ~ n;,. : , '.J . ., . . . To •io ;.....,.., '.~: the eoiuily, eompriling eel on census , and ·,.ta'nning' -·• , ,, • . your tft' ·•=· ~ Garden Gr 0 " e' cl<partm<nta, ..UO..tes b 11 1:0~5·~ ~':;:;:..~ .&bertp.·~ ~er . coll~;grmJ~~IDdwasap-any • ·· . -~~ , .... ~t QraDg~. ~ ~.,s~on ·follows: ~ · of tbe c.ma del Mlr•offtce poiilted assistant· ipanager of receive; &!Sae s e J. apd adjac~t unincorporated Cttt•I c...... ....... Al·C.,,., turbines might go on the of United ·c.iuorma B.nt lor . Ute Jllii¥r.-and' BAkflf .office . SOclaL/ .• ,,. .r ••• 'r 'fl " 1'tetrftorY, b ·a s eiperlented :: c': :::.1: 1:;: ::.-= market, but some usually well . ,-· , . · -, , retjl~~~ etC'. 'TO substantiil aDd stie.ady growth •641 Eii. .mooo-.mc :m.a l.Jiuao informed sources forecast 1973 tb~ put f!v~ . .Y~· bu been 1:D c.osta.}Jeu a' }'.fill' la~. illustra°Qi,,'.UJ ,oor adjusted since l950 .. ft now hU: 1 i:!o"':::.' mt im. .,.,_ .,,. . or lf7f. · · e1eeted a ,vice' .ptelident cf '' ' groii. ~e' ·on· line ·t \5 ,pop1.11ation ·of aboUt 555,000, ~·cauritJ Tat.&: Both GM .and Ford stressed tbebankandlsbeto,'•uigned' · M..1 .· F. • : ,1 , $~~OOI; whicb .includes ·ft,.000 or 42 perttnt of the county = :::: :" }l,., ~ ::" turbines on which they are t• 1he i,os . ~\!leJ: ~ ;· ·esa.; lrm S• 'of in 11,0001ong;term.cop1.1a1 ' • • ~.f.".°':v;~ p~:_~ ... ': qmrters , .s .mi"-~ '(f.. .. ~ ~ , • _ -· ga!JI Y'"' IDli~f,ron\ _sellin1 ·• _ ._,,. us111an1 to µ;. w;iic 111•·1. · ~ · ·k· ":.N" · 1' · d · ~~'::e:n 1~a: gul~ ::: Exchang· es Order Study :~7..r:i:! ::1:: Califarm1: Dfvisfon_ ...,...~·r . J • • ' ~ e your sta~ aalel taJ dedµctlon among other things. He is bein& su~ :-. ' · ' · : • is $16,ooo. riot · just $12,000. A Chi-ysler Corp. spokesman m1noger by -~ R:' ' .. !,IELES -Finonci•l This should &IV• you I bi&ger To Solve Paper Problem said lhlt firm, which carried Herplcl:, 1~io(lit1n1 • l~.Cajil~ .pick ·itemized sales tu: deduction on widespread es:- vtce ""ellde.l Gt M•s. · ·. (!Oda i, ~tional, than you would cet . at the . . , perimentatiorl wltb turbines as ~ 'ft 1.:(. 1~ '12000 JeveL ·pasienger cat· power plants OrangetjnmtY .. 1 • ,.~.1 ·•, ' ~ ,,'U!!~"'ite,atock " • , . NEW lYORK (~)~The creiwng public interest in in ~-66,· currenUy was not Leech, 'ti!it:tino·'liifi~' ff .. , , 'llp0ll"tiy-,Californlo SECOND, until 110w, the.. New •':Yori: and American stocu there have be en !Jlvolved . ID Wrhine develop- Beach, ~· ( me'mlS '.<t ·lht· ~ill~·.,.eoled: 1 · , . !;"0:1'.L~~·:!: Stoct Excbanfles are calliJlg ;:.~U:':!or':.tter "ll" to ment !or.trucks. CommodMt Cluti cifl,'~ .~ -~ ~,.. ~ deducllbl'' 1itilch Joo coqfd In ·-~. expe!'ta lo help f=r!llCi_ of iv all .. S!reel's . He po!Jlta ou~ however, Newport Ratbol: , ~ of... 2,.::.ci:i ;~ .. ,:7r tlake ~·~ ,teble, 110 matter fQlve. a clerical "Problem · that · perfonnance have . laid tts . Cbrjsler C!ICJ fit a turbine into Ccmmerce.11 ~'vi~~ ··awn · itJJIJ·IO~·· :b!ie .bow mu~ hi&ber.)'Our.income threatens Wall Street's opera-manner of doing .~·was· ~ =:un~~ll~etr:~ d<n1 at l!ie .~.,,,d.,,"1.ar 110c1ttbi.. ,......'11)1n. <!<Nj>led braclte~ The 'II lnstrudlons lions. . . . . . , · anachrooisUc In 1 time ol d 'd the Klw1JUJ, ~ ~ the~1• .. 'll\}-liDCe.ltl'lnlUaf public cbaqe ~ 1o aUOW 'I ~ .~ing. a ~ of rKQrd surging stock tradi!tg.. ~8r; i:!ode:lo: its~: ~r!!~~~~ offering al '$ll .a'.share ,leSs sales ·.La1 •deduction •for m-1!'ading , ~lllp'.le! broker~.., The two major eWwtges; edsixthgenerationoftuibines developm•t-commfiteleorihe" tbn.three.months.,o.nosed comesof$20,~aod~p •. fir;ms~a~·.~~~ .. ~ last we-et that and his one in a standard UC!Foondalloo." . ..out ,,....rup.'U.S. F'!nan!;fal . T[!eoffidalU11lrucliOD1will with --lb..ived m Rind. Corp. and North produc:Uonpassengercorbody Herpick bU ·beea.aallt&ni· -~.,~ Diqo, ·~Corp. tell )"QU how.to calculate·this the :· transfez:. al. ••t.ott· ~~ell Corp. had for street testing. vice presidat 111 ljit i?f'11<'t 'nl 'Clloga ·park, Whittaker higher acceplable deductioo: certillcata. Trading 1-. ,been retained lo .develop For 211 yean, beginning In Orqe County AfrPo1i \ilfice o.p. o1·LOa' Angel., and Stan-. loot there ll Your Income have been curtailed hy the systems for bandllq the 1963, Chrysler put 50 turbine· since Jut November and dafd.Pacific Corp. of Costa bracket -includlng half of stock eschanges to g l v e paperwork. . powered cars in the hands auistant manager for the past Mesa. long-term capital gains, tax· broken• ~fs more time for ~~d -ofte~ described as of potential customers to test two years. lie began his · C81ifornia Business polled es:empt income, etc. -ls clerical duties. a archthlnk tank -con~ts in everyday use. career with -United California members of the San Fran. $20,000 or more. 81.1t the problem persists, ~ese programs for private While a spokesman describ- Bank In 1983 on a manage-cis<:o, Los Angeles and ·San Nest: F I I u r I n C your ~espite some r e c e n t im· Industry ~ the government. ed. that es:periment as "a com~ ment training proeram fOIY Diego anal)'!t societies. 1urcb1rge; odds on an aadU. provement and w t t h in-North American ~ 0 c k 'if e 11 plete success," he s a i d ' manufactures military elec-- Space Re-entry's His Bag At 29, 'Andy' Anderson Heads Philco Divi.sion A cunory clance around manner -and ~ "'ter{llipe -"AilllY" Andenoo's of· -t ita logical compooeots llce 11 PhlJco.Fonf't Newport wUI he. llGch plant &1veir an In-The chalknge nl his job dJcation of the impc)rtance of lies in the fact that rt-entry hlli work. work is ~ tbe limits 1be walls are covered whh of engineering. and. lclentific photos ol miaaile re-entry technology, in the fields of vehlclts and bb desk is aerodynamics, tbermodynam· covered with report• on &\lided ' lea, structures ·arid materials. missile rw.ntry ~ "We are continually ~king and proposed efforts Currenuy ~ under way. Another Wall is co\lered by 1 blackboard with diagrams 111d fonnula on it. Young "Andy'' Anderson of Fountain V1Ue1. ia s1.1perviscr nl the tHntry vehicle section at PbllCl>Jl'trd'1 apace and re- entry l)'lf.ems d l vi 1 l on • s Newport Beach oporaUoos. Ai ... 29 he 111pervlles -.... --him. llJI MClion, I put nl the -rMn1rJ l)'llems deparlment, bu the. te1pPwiNUt1 for dewelopinC a,. t.chnlquet and l h •. ..i,1lcll tooll whlcb go !Jlto future rMJrtry syllems for milltary pilled - "Tbll --re-<nlry ' l)'oletql cooeepta for' velllcles • « compon9tl of vehicles," be 1111, "Md covers such ccm-ta M ... Ups, heal lbiddl, am.an• and an·t tennae wlndOln." new materials and new ways to desJp rwntry vehicles to meet the 'lllngent mWtary mis 1-io n f.equiremeots," AntSen:on uys. He pblnta out that rHnlry systerfts prob!em.s can't be aolved with stalHf.fue.art techpolOflY -IOd ' the in- venUveness is a daily re- quirement In his work. "Routine effort r I n ' t enough," be stres!es. "We look for new solutions to pro- blems each day." The yo a n g engineering .~pervtaor first,joinO!f PhiJco. ·Ford'1 . Aeronutronic ·Division at Newport Beach Up o·n rereiving his masters degree at Berkeley in Marchi 1963. He became part ol the space and re-entry systems division ' when' it was formed in late 11161 from portions o f Aeronutronic and the Western De v elol>m.ent Laboratorlts (WDL) Division at Palo Alto. Even though this work it military oriented for the most part -the re-entry fi eld has had clvllian "fall out" in matuiall iidvanc'tments, and !JI 1'11r!catlon and processing teclmlquet which bave been applied lo other lndullrfes. The "Systems methodology" used ln major re ~entry systems bas al!o bad 1p- plicllln11 !JI civil areos with the aystems !pprolich heiJlg taken to Olin)' varied arus. It II .i.o up to blm and bit people to detemllDe wbat " tltld' nl veltlcle ... -plllh l h e Job In the hell -Ible YOUNG EXPIRT ON MISSILE Rl·liNTRY Elw<lod Ancler-Studio• R .... try Vohlclo Shapo "When people ask me what are possible civilian benefits derived from our work," Anderson says, "I try and strw that the best civilian benefit ls aurvlval. Our r«n- try work here is involved with the defense of our naUon. l lhlnl: tli1t spew for ttaell." , • tronics and atr06pace parts. "manufacturing pr o b I e m s wouJd have to be overcome The exchanges said the to make the turbine 8 pro. Rand study to develop ways duclion item." Some drivers ~f ~7iproving the method of complained of s 1 o w ac-,. an ng paper wu'rt is likely celeratlon. All 50 cafS have to take years. Tbe North been withdrawn. but a turbine American Rockwell analysis . of present operating methods remains a Chrysler research is upecled to be completed project. in about slJ months. ----------11 The eicbances said. that they and other securities in- dustry organlzaUom are at work on more than a dozen projecb In this field that will take one to five years to com- plete and will ,cost man1 millions of dol:lan. In advising member firms of the broadened attack on the paper gl1.1t, Robert W. Haack, president of the New York exchange, said: "These plans, whose parts will take effect over a period ranging from several months to several yeus, represent bold steps towltds restruc• luring ln$JJtry operations." Irvine PR Man Schedules Talk Marketi119 C•tet "113,000 acres of Public Rel•· Newport Beach resl· tioim" wUI he the topic o1 dent William S. Henry 1 opectal presemaUon lo the has been appointed di- memben of the Sales and rector of marketing of MorteUns Executives Club o1 Philci>-Ford's Electron· Orange County by William L. ics group, with head· Aldrich, director of p.ibllc quarters in Washing· relations and advertising ror ton, D.C. The Im.. Co. ,=========;II Aldrich wilt be the featured speaker at the regular meeting ol tbe l""'P tonight at the Dllneyllnd Hotel. Anaheim. The social hour wlll he at I e'clock. dinner at 7. PENETRATION N•1rty ..,.,,.,.,., ro1d1 th• DAILY PILOT, hoMotowri t11W•P•!*' fir tho Fib~· 1.,,,. Ort1191 C•••t. -l • .'Rome Makes ' . Almost .. . . As ·Many Shots As The Lake rs .. ' (Or W~oever Your Favorite Basketball Team Is) The DAil Y PILOT'• photogr•phic te1m cov•red 44 9tm•• in the firs t SO days of th• current basketball ••••on. l.d by Chief Photo9r1ph1r let Payn• ltop, in photo 1bov1I, our t11m, including P1trick O'Oonntll I front) and Richard Ko1hl1r ,will 91t 1round to •bout 75 hi9h 1chool, jul'lior coll•g• •nd coll•g• c•9• Httles befor• ihe •••son closes, And th•y'U 1hoot •n ••ii· m•t.d 2,705 pictur•• to m•k• 1ur• you 9•t to ••• th• •ction •t the 9•m•s th•y atttnd. H•r•'• the mcist t 11citie9 tip-off in Joc•I b•1ketb.ll. You'll••• the·bttt 1hot1 in th• DA ILY PILOT " ' 1 • . , I ~1 I . ' ' ' ....... . ' . --. ' ,., ' . "' . I >f • ' ' ' l . ' ' " . . .• , ' ' \ -4'.L-.1... • .. . . . . ' . 1: " I . · • i -,, : .• • ' . ' . .,, . • •• . ' . ' . " . ~ .. ' ' . .... ' If mountain clil11blng ff.your t&ing, we can'.! .help you much: Bui if your real "hangup" is looking tor a broad view oL l~e ~ .Qews:. thal · intrudes a good, hard ·1001t.af what's' happenirrg al .home, the JlAltiPILOT has lh~Une you should. grab. -,/'-' . . We give you a ·~roader view of the world than you can gel even 12.000 feel above . l. i . . . . . ' . ' . ' . . . Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc, over there in !he background; ·is the highest . . . . . . ptlak in Euro~ which reminds us ... ., • ' ' r . ~1 . ' -"j ·.' ... ·;: ' . ' . .. ' . . . \ .... • ' . " I ' : • ' ' . ~ -· . " • J .. ..... . I . ' "' .. • I '1 • ' • • ,. .. · ~ l ,;t r ) ' . ....... "' . ' ~ ~ ... ;1 .· -· . .' ... ,,.,·:,·~ ·' . ,. ~ ,~ ... ' ' 1"'. ' , I , 0 I ' ' ' • ~ . ., ''''.') ! ' . -i ! I \..I., , ···Jc_.,,.,, .,'.·c ·: .. , .... {... .(_.,, . .,J l..... .. io•· ' I" • ' i . I . .. • • • ' '. • •. :.-. .. ~ ' • I ' '· . : :"·: ~r~~1 . ,,. ~ • p ' -· I \ ' ' ' ' \ ' 'L' I•• . ,. . .. ,\' ·i..· Our local coverage Is hard .to lop. When.ii comes ,fo pilirig .. up lnform~fion:,a®Jif . . ' ' ~ local 'schools, sports. social events, ente rfainmenf . or crime and calamity, we'.f~ king of lhe mountain. We're yourhom.efown 1.newspaper. •• . "·:._.: ~­ We make .. ke.eping up 'with lhe world, the nation, the sl\\e: !he count~. your:tqWJ\_ · and vo,ur sdlool q lot ea~ier lhan climbing a mou'oiain. 'J~sf .grab.'ourline~ No. fllP.(t~. hangup. The .DAILY PILOT·will: take you w~ere·y,~·-c.nn ·see:·l,he view fro~.'~'~~ .r,. . ., ... , • ;.,, • ~ •• it •• ,~ .,, . ' ' . . .. r ,. . I ',I I . I ! . i • ' • i,~. :e~ ••. ' •• ~. ~ ~ ~ -l I • ' .i r \ . . .,, .. (' . ~· ' ... -. ~ ,, . I ' ~ : . 'f '. : r ' . ' ~ ~ . - ' . ' ' ,, . . . . ·•· . . '· • '' .. -... •• . -I . , - l ! .: -·---.. -- 1 _J =.:.L ., , , 'J' . . . . . ' . . ; • • I • • • • • • .1 -. ... ...... . ~ . .. .. . . .. ·~ -.... -....... . ... • DAILY P1lOT Moodof, f•"""'7 17, l'M ILY PILOT WANT ADS ' Deily Pilot Cl1111ifi1d CLASSIFIED INr>EX AMrd•N mu plao1 their •dt ~ t.11,rt.n., G&Jrn •om JUJlKnPIACll 01¥ ru OJUIVGE co.ur -cAU •DUCT Ht·H7• -. ""' ... Pllo-An Open 8:00 a.111. -5:30 p.111. 9 to Noon S.turd•r-Cfosed Sunday DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 · WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 POOL! Four bedrooms Giant Family roam Bloclc wall ftnce Boat or~•~ .,.. Hunt!"""" lltoch SC0.1220 Loguno Buch 494-9-466 Excellent Northw"t location HOUS•s FOR s•LI! ..,.'""' ••"'" ... 10 "'" .... '''""'' ..,, EZ terma. :; s; "' lllR'"°"t M•lelffl G1I IUCT•IC4L .... H..UI. 1• 111•'°"' tMf*ll .. HU!,MllfT UWTAU ._ Full. price $M.000 COf'l'A MeM n• nrrc:Lt'" ,... ,..111c•• _.,. can YoU ace u now r ,...,,. Dal Md 11• 111111.,.um P&alt "°' "-OOU ' ~.!!· .... -Ull IAClt IAY .. ""llMACI .... ,, ... .,.. ..,. •. .co•n ·.--..... u... Ud IAl1' Mo.UP'" ea l'Ulltill'Tilll ll'"°"lff , ~ ••~• _.. t9 COllOIM Oft. Ml: ... ' • ..,....... -. & ....,...., .. ....,.. '"' ........ .. ......... -' U.UOA COWi ltll UY ~ ........ 11M. .... IC. .. WALLACI ' •.wPMT...... 1DI LIOO t1U at MAD .... Dmc.. ... •, R"" -•• UYC•an' 1111 IALIOA llLAMD -el.All ... -1 ..._. MYINOl:•I :: •Vflnl .. TCMI 11.U. .... Mii• T11W1 ft . ltl t141~ I HOUSIS l'OR SALi! General 1000 COWGE PARK GEM ONLY $24,<0J. Auume 5"% 1"1lA loan $156. month m. ch.1d~ taxes and lnaUJ'llnCC. Roomy three bedroom, 1"'- balh, apack>ua dining room and modern bullt·lnll. Local· ed near O.C.C. and COSTA MESA CIVIC CENTER. Let UI UTanp Ute terruCall tor appointment to •t .. ·* ·* * CUSTOM-CIUJlRl-:'J:J..~a '* HUlfTA"' VAUJIY = ==•~a.uet = ' (ep. ....... ! KAltlOlt M ..... LMIQI 1111 ~ := ._ MAULIN mt Nev COSl'A MESA PARK UMrn•srn P&alt '*' OltUM cou..,., ._ HOUWC~ n 1'!!m'!"'"'!!!' .. l!!!!!I!!•-!~ I ond SHOPPING lo••~ ..... ~-:· ... .., ~= MADI• lltOVI .... MTl•toa oecel.lnle mfl' 3 ..__ ... 0 -.uRLU,fl ltO WUTMlltrT•lt 4ftt NtCOMI TAX • , .,. ~,,_ ........ CUltom built tflr!le bedrocm. 11tv1•• Tl•UCW 1'411 MlDW.t't crrt .... =·: I • • = I --Lot two b&th plus larse f&mlly COltOllA DIL MAit :: ::.:: ::: MlleMTI :: INIL!LAT"'9 ._,.. -p • nom hohle. Wall to QJl Ml,.IQI. Pl!MIMIUU ,. TUSTIN .._ lltlUUllC8 , 1 . .,,. J:oned R-2. Grat ftJr U. carpe~ OY!1!f H/W n..C>ORS. ~!Ts~~ :: t:::!:= 5 =~'::= 5 =:C:~~»t =:;,in.~ms.~:C; =~~~at = 1U CLIM••Tll 4J't• LANDICAP.... -Jot 1lX' more U11itl. ~ N j c e 17 Jandlcaped yard, HUNTl•ITOtl MAllacMM -;:"".ux,~ = =~ lltft = alnlle pnp plQI 1azle de-sprinldtn and patio. Onl1 """'""' YAUrl = CGllDOMflUUM .. MCMH • "'"-'" = tacbed double prqe. ~ $21,9(0 E¥Y tl'rms -SUbmlt •-:~'::cw ~ R£NTALS • ~:::;::" 1'1 • ~~-~! SUbmlt>'OW' F.H.A.orG.l,OFFE'.R.Slt ..UDR elOY'I •• Apts. Unfvmllhld flAT• .... --_ ........ :::::=" --w. --.., Y(E SELL A HOME OltANH COUWTT ... COIT~ Mat ~· •• ~~ ........... = EVERY JI MINUTES OUT Oii COU#T't M9 .... Yl&H •• P01JOL,9: ........ .. :.,u:..;:..ITATIJ : :::= :.-:. 5: POOL_ ........... _. .. ..... Walker & lee :: WUTMMml 1 tm • ....,.., ...... mt flUMI' ... ya .. :~ ~::-:~c.rn :: ::=i::. PAK .., MOP• -200 Weatdiff Dr. ' W.TA W N9f&ro .. IA(1C, UT IMI. ~=~ :-,... = 646-Tlll Open Ewa. ~,:.:• = :ro:;u.:. MAa :: :-=. •nc••.. .: Near The leach .. , NOllTN TUSTIN 1M IAUOA '*' ISWI.. = :~ :,~~:~ UM'rWI :: :tJ;, ".:t.tfDI = =: .,=.:.·.:.::.~:::-.... $25, 950 LAMINA HILU 1M MUtn'I...,._ tlAat .. TAIU»l:IH fm 4 + FAM.ll.Y ROOM art!Jt ueu1tA 1uct1 tN """'"'" YALut -""' T'l•Ml1'9~""1'PI. "" home Ve.., unusual. 4 bed· U.UlfA •MUIL tNI ...._.. ltlU• TIL& c...ic . MM • 'J U.lf CLIMDTll m• IHI. NACM Me TILL ~ • ..... tm l'OODUI, temfic muter bed- SM JUAll·CA~rlTUJtO mt LON llUC" -n•• lllVICI: ... room with loads of doeetl ::'.:'::'~ aua = :=: ~ = =Y....,. -. = and priva~ be.th. Family u1t1,11.a tNll wnTM_...I NII WUJHH ... s room plm utility or leWitw :~o~= W: =:~~'" = ..IOU & EMPLOYMENT room. Larae llvhW room ll:IVl'lltH ~ .. iAll'TA UA MllWTI ... '°9 WAlfTIDt Mii ,_ with brick fireplace, pluah Easy acceu for boat or tran. er. 3 BR 2 bath, hudwood Sloon. VA or FHA $187 per 1110oe>s.all S2l,990 HOUSIS flOR SAL! HOUSll FOR SALi Gener•I 1000 Gonorol 1000 -· -------------- LAST CALL!! RANCHO Lit. CUESTA at Brookhurst & At- lanta in Hunllngton Beach has just one home unsold. This 3 bedroom 2 bath home features a dining room, a 2 srory high living room, built-in electrtc range & disbwasber, carpet- ed throughout in lu xurious bronze shag. Full prtce ooly $25,900 & that includes shake roof _& cOncnje driveway. As •<l!le<! incentive I<> get tltlJ )ut litime sold we .are-Including at no adtlltlonal cost ·the custom :mae carpet already mentioned + soll~ )'!Dyl kitchen floor • alldlng wardrobe mirror doors. lm- metllala possession with 10% down: Sales office at Brookburst & AUanta. Call 9fl8.2929 or 968-1338 anyday from 10 ro 6. . . - Out or State · Ownettbumovetlond muat .ell hll 4 -21! both home located on ~ street tn ~ualve Bacli: Bay arU. --with .lute '""""'""' pool Thit beauttlut botne is lreahlydecmoted.m ready top. $51,500 Call: Jim Cobb Rn. 673-1864 -------·--- PDIE COMM, LAND 132' fl"ontqe on Beach Blvd. in Hwittnaton Beach. Prime location wtth lots Gf room tor parkilll for ~ com- mm:lal endeavor. $92,500 • 29°/o down •t Vlc!orlo 646-8111 8142 Lambert Circle 4 ledroo111·2 Bath ·~· ::SO:-:J:~ = =w"AL = ======-,. wall to wall carpets and DUPLIJCd ~ UU tnl UIUMA lllOI -MU A..... ,_ drapes. Dream kitchm with Newport Country LJyl-- Al"AaTMllfTS ,_ MU -I.MUMA WteutlL ,_ DOMltne ...... ,_ baUt tm. ~""-•• .u .. t..... ""JI - • Plus Bonus Raom • $149 per 1110nth :• RENT•LS "" """""" "" _..,.. -n• -~ •t A Third of . "' , IAM IVA1f CUllTWMe mr M•LP ,WAlfTIO. -nlll aftL 2 endoeed yards• fan. ' ' Qft .. :=-Fum ...... _ R£1Li'sTATE, '"'=~·· = =5~_i:;:! ==~; . Ac'- 1tt11TAu TO IMAll = Generll A""'1... ... • ... "" ~ .. Just listed, don't N9wport nelghts ~':':: i::.~uMQ i ,,. :::::-=..:-.. : =,.~"'::.~.-l: watt. eau Ml-5314 This rambling 2&IO sq. tt., 4 r:~.::·::.. llM ISWTAU WMmla ..... '"U.TMICAL ,. ' "" FO~ E. 01.S>N, INC. bedroom, 21,S bath home baa • ...,. .. , u-l:: --•1tt -MEllCHANDllJ l'OR . Luxurious Mansion · a 32 x 23 ft. llvlila room ::::::; :=..~ -;: =it ';r~ conn = SA.Lr, AND TRAD! ~ _._DoV... Shores 5 Bedroma 3 baths Dream with floor to beam ceiling ;., ~~':"~a ltll :'.:1'.~ = =:=',:..nn• = Waterfront bomebullt'tora~lnat· ~fireplace, cJeluxe sb8' . nmLt"~ = MCOMll '"'"" -..,..IC•"".,..."'· •1 -: Incuecutiveandhiideserv· carpetln&,. separate study, ! ; UMfffltSltY PW -IUll1fl1tlPllOl'IUm ,_ rrM.• ..... .., Ml _spaciml •two • 1tory 3 BR :In& famlly, DdigbttuJ. decor. pro~ landscaping, :;.~~·:••AY • =•:::... = :".:,'::"'~ :: mne.·.J-'annal entry ball Larp living room, hup ahakeroof.allhiddenbya : • ' .,,,,. •LUI'.. = •irtC• •rAL ... MOUll ..... --with dreWar atalrway, din-family room. Landscaped forest of towering trees. Re- Owner transfm'ed, must sell thla netfly red~ted 2- 1tory home. New carpets throua'.houl This 1850 sq. fl of livin& apace priced be- low market to 9!11 for $27,900 . • ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-MH • ' lltYIM• Tlll:IAC8 .. IMD\llttlA ·~··•T -~MU . --room. Panelled den bu _ .. lb •• ·-... -~-~..... duced to $57,000 -call to. CCMlotU. DIL ... _, COMMSl(IAL .. l'VDITVI• AUCTtlll -. ""' -· J " ._...._ uc.a v •• aALMA -ltDUITllAL•llTAL ... UPUAllCD .,. flftp!aoe.Piierlrfloat •• and euy maintenance. Lo-day op this country retreat \ 2 BR NlftliYU j uv nwms . .. =... , := ...,.._st ... -· :: .................... $155.Cd cated . on quiet cul-de-sac in tbe·cl~. UUrl.IAU IALIOA -.,.. -cmtVI ...... ' -• 1171 MUttcaL ~ 11• <al-.. ._........... stftet, II )'oQ can llflord a I•. LIDO 11"9 -_",,._ u-n--1-'--Lure 900 911 ft uni.ti with eDo ' clOled Pracet A: ill excel-HUWTIMeTOM tUC. Ml a.ca..-'..,.. I .. p............ II• ....... ~OOI) ~-u-'d LM9 llLl*OI•' -....,. --· ..... ~ .............. you. ~MT::c~AY.P ,.._, anolT P .... ltm' -~ -better 8et' . thll tod.1¥. GI LOH IUCH = oaAMli CO. Pl•CWI f .. tlM'1 a maw lnl NO OOWN! ! ! S\:thmlt _.., O AM lfTT Wf CMI "Aft ....... -TAN NICOi.... -,~ .:,.T:•A~r' = MOUWTAt1f a .... .., ... -c.tM•IW a...,...., -c.ww.I'., a.kw & (o. mWiahnmeonourauarano ORANGE COUNTY'S :: ::';":...i. °"':" ::: WllTMllHTft 1P1 IVIOMllllll ..-MD •t MMIY .IUPl"Uft .. -L ~ _, ire sale plan. LARGIST p1qr. Owner -293 E. 17th St. 646-M94 $24,000 1111owAY c:rn •" ~""=~mu ::· ·.~.:O:!:,a : ..._. ..., c:.-... WE SELL A HOME' SANTA ,\NA nt8lfTI -,_,,,_ Kl ~ CNI: .... CDAITAL IM' .. L • ...,... • .. :llCILLAftOUI .. EVERY -31 MINUTES t:.=st.5 -5 :!l~ ..... ·:.. ~:... §~oe+ Lt5YI& Walker & lee ~,~ .. ,.., CIJ'~ mt •• , ..... ""'" . .. IUILDIM M&TUIALS .,.. Fee stmple duplex near ct.n-2()(3 We1tdill Drive OAMA POllfY .. ~ ,,, t •• ant ...... .... .ntl " ocean. Modem attnc-646- ,l 1 •1V•••10• c:onno -llMnTMft'f WMTD GM pm •ncl LIVISTOCK tive conmoc:tkin. 3 bed-17ll Open Eves. VACATION l•llTAU .. _,. TO.-LONf ... • . cONDOM•N•uM __ r.~.=: :: ~~ HN•UL : 1~ ~ •• ba ... ~ ~,~ Move In l DUPUJC•S ,.,.., COUATllAL LOAMI -DOfll -.., .... .._. ... -...... _...... T , RENTALS UAL lllTATll LOAlll .. ..... • e1ectr1c Jdtcbme. se.500. omorrow . H..,_ Unfu"'"""' ::..,~. -= c'i:ti?oRNIA (rvi..:' CID tor lull pu1lc1lJan fDd HOie 2 aty Cape Cod. la ........ L ~ -ANNOUNCIMINTS ...,..... ' ... Qpt. tD lee. Ready fDr )'OU. 3 !up bed- COSTA MftA -___, N-cu ......... HOU -rooml, den or rumpm room. ::: =D~ :: ,.; .,."M,, ::::.. = • Exoellmt terms-with 20" C:OLLIU PA.. 1111 UIT '= VICAnotel -dn. only $225/mo. Priced for :::..":~ ~ = ::=:..,.,. = TRANSPORTATION RI ALT y action at $38,<0J. MOflOOllT SMOia -lnmll . 6411 '°"'" 6 Y-ACNTI --W Blvd MYIHOltlS -llUM•UU · Mn l&R.IOA1't "'' -• Balboa •1 N.B; DOYllt ~ -PAID ..mwlY Mii POWU CQ: ... 1 ... 675-6000 ' • "RING" EASTSIDE BEAUTY A must to see. Tri-level, 3 BR + family room, 2% baths, fireplace, d o u b J e patios, built-lna, expensive cafpeta &: drapes, automatic garage door opener &: 11prinkle1"11 fron\ &: rear. Call now tn Rt\ $32,500 Nowport at Victotlo '4Ulll ~ fPE RRON ;J""f ...... ~~ ... , •• * M2.1n1 Anytime* Who Llku Children? N~arb' everyone, Soo'tt youz; future is tied to the kidl oonverrlener, Ir pro~ here's a 3 bedroom borne on eastaide Costa Mesa, only 1% blka to Newport Hel&htJ ar-de IChool. Large fenced back yard with alley en- trance. Fireplace, built-in&, cptJ,4 drapes, 1 %. baths. For WllTCLll'1" .. PVllllAL DllllC'nat ....... D-.. lftl MAn ,..,'ll!!~iii!i!i!!l!!!!!l!!!I u•JVl:UITY PAllC mr "'°"llTI ..... MAT TUil.Pi ... ,, 1av1111• -CARD °" ~ .,., NAT M&lwrl!lllAMC8 -Thl'ff Wl.&.-uctt ... .., -IN .,..,AM ... , ""' LAUMCMIM ... .... r.~~:L:::ltACll = ~==:; W'YPn ::: ::, .. :1:.W.::O.... = If puci!, <XIDlfort 1oca.Hon ~~~~~~~~~d appointment to see Pele Barrett Reilly HARRY BOGGS ~ .. \SPRING .; .. ~ CDltOMA OIL MAl .,.. CllMATOltlll ... ,9!~-,".',"".,ICU··· .... -are important to )'OU, look 2629 Harbor Blvd., C .M. IAUOA -MIMOJU&L rAlltl •'21 .... this over. Convenient to IAY ISi.ANDi nlf AUCTIOMI '4» IOAT CMAIT•lt "" N 11 I ht ·"• LIDO llLI llll -.v1ATIO" llltVIC• "'*' PllHINO IOATI .... ewport e g !I gr'""' IAUOI. Ill.AHO JW TltAVIL ... IOAT MOVING ,.., school, and all ahopplng, 2 NIWf'OIT WIST :1171 ••• TltANlrolTA.TtOll .... IOAT ITOltAOI .... blks to new park Only ltUMTIMOTOfll llACN ,... AU'{D TllAMll'OltTATIOff ""' 10, •,n .. w"AMTWD ~ -500· --· all •L-. " I .. MUJfTIMGTON MAltlOUI a. LIOAL MOTICll .... A It " ...,, , iuiu uit:Sf! P U& ''°'llMTAOI VAL.UY '411 MltMAJI a TUTOllM• ... PL TIMI LlllOMI tlM features 3 bedrooms, 2 • ••AL 1ucM ,..,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY =~L.• .:;.M:• = baths, fireplace, cpts. and eAltO.N •ROV• -ACCOUMTJMO tSll llCYCLll t'2f d -d bl ---LONG IUCN AMSWllltlMO •••YKll '"' ILICTllC C&IS rut ra .... ~. OU e ·--~· co~ =:·~:ulfTT = APPLl~IKI llPAIU. P1111 m• MIMI lltt•s ' ............. nn ere~ drive, lara;e fe~ WlllTMIMSTR lilt APPltAISIN• '"' MOTOltCYCLll ... back yard on 50itl30 FI' R-2 I ASPHALT, 011 mt MOTCMtSCOOTIU tUll . • ~A:;r:~i."1.11tlfTI = AUTO •• ,...... .. AUTO lllVIC'l:I • PAl'n ... LOT. There 11 not to much COMTAL ,,.. AUTO, ........ ,... .... ... AUTO TOOLS a IQUIP. ,.,, avalla.ble in this part of 9.UYlfTTIM• 6Slt ntAIL•L TltAYIL MJS LAeUMA elACM SM MAT MAllfn~ -TltAILaas. vt111Jr 949' eastside C .M. Hurry. OWN- u.eVllA WteUll -.... aatCK, MAIOffltY, .tc. 1Mf CAMP•ltl fS:tl ER, •M •-. U.• CUMIWTI ~ $750 DOWN \\'e lllie you to inspect this VA owned, vacant 3 BR home in Collta Mesa that has been completely condi- tioned ln & out. Near all schools, large lot fenced. Full price only i11,950 • pymnts $157/mo. Presents BAYCREST BEAUTY The inviting pool & beauti- fully manicured yard com· pliments 1 h I s sparkling, bright &: spring fresh 4 bdrm home, with the ultimate in chann and livability_ An ex- cellent value • Call to see. 1605 Weslclill Dr. l REALTY 1TI99 Brookhursl ooi.6637 96&-3505 Harbor Highlands Newport Beach 4 BR 2\~ baths, hUge Jiving room with fireplace, alt built-In kitchen, hardwood floors, completely carpeted & draped, dble garage, Pric· ed 10 sell fast! Rltr. 646.3928 or 642-0185 *LACHENMYER CAPnTltAMO ms :~.l:~~ llavtCU = ::m:· :::1~H=u"R"R=v"•~H=u"R"R=y"1" I CAPISTaNtO IUOI S1'I CATllUMO ~ '51' DUlfl IUOOllW tlU • • OAMA l'OIJfT '141 k COHDOMINllJM ,,_ CAllMITMA !Me IM IMPOltT•D MITOI .... 8-ut"lfUI C:A1tl'•NTlllMG '"' IPOIT C:Altl .. ,. -~UPUX•I UNl'VIM. ml CIMIMf, ~ UM AlfTIQUIS, C:LAlllCI t•n RENTALS cH1Lo c...••· u..i .. ,, uca u•'· •DD• · '"' Mesa Verde l'\l l·\\11111 ~· 111\111\\ k f \ I I l • " 1003 Baker, C.l\f. 546-5440 NEWPORT BEACH • 642·5200 ~... liiii"'H"'ug"'e ..... R"'um"'p"'u""siiii Room • F I LA.I COlfT1tACTOM ... AUTO IVIMTI -"'ptt.. um ...... CMPCT a.UMtM• .. AVTDI WAMTD "" 3 BR l'ii baths. Immaculate. ........ l -c.a•Pn UYtM• .. ll:IPAn. .. ,. MIW CAltS .. Larve $19 000 FHA lOM can ' 4 BR home, 1"-baths, hard· A Miu. •• DUP••1u ... AUTO LllAtt• ""' be ed., ~... _, A .. 1 •• .... V91tD• ... NMDUT• ... Ul90 CMI "" usum ~ uu pi.oe ""141 Newport Spanish I• ohn macnab wood noon. doubl• '"""'· $25.llXl. l====================-1 $23.500 •. ___ _ 1,Ge=n;:•:.:•;:';:::::::~'ooo;::°":""::'":':::.;::~1:0000:::":-:'":'·:•::::-....!1~0-~ao!.._ j Llndlcaped. 2239 oq. tt. CAMEO HIGHLANDS W131•l0!1rNMcCrtordBlvdls, RCltMrs. home on lge corner lot. Enjoy life in a park with St8-Tl29 ewpo ·• · s~~}A-&~~s· . 1 soloeaSlmpt. Senmblfd WOid Puzr1-f°'a Chutklc• ,or:a::mbtrwa::: '· Ch · 1 low to form four si111pl9 wordL ~ llEESAH '1111'1 l'UMON I' I I I IHEWSO I I• I' I I . Dualbing ,,., v1r1 friend'• . . loveo "the onlv time you '" ::====:::__ a mouth Ilks hl1 It whon II IKILFEC lhaoa-lnit.• A·l1 l~· I' I r I I . ! il~z~1E!.1 -~ :•e~s&•"r r ·r r f ·tr. I' t i ~ ~llTlllll I I I I 1 I I I· J· ................. .... !'.__;S:..:C~IAM;...;;.:.:.·-=LETS=.::"'::.:":=.SWE:.:.=R::...::.:•N:...C=.:i..::::A=·s11:.:F1:..:C=.:A::.:TI:.:.:O:.:N.:....::•o::oo=.... 4 lxlnn, family rrn, elee. priva~ beaches. This beau. Eves.. &M--0684 -.aERNIE-.,. CLEVELAND kitchen. custom aterto & tifull,y decorated home with ........ .,. .. m throughout <Ullom drapes • .......... .DOYER SMORES home. O'pts, drps complete, Hu 3 Bedrooms, tam room. 143. ay 111 near ID schools. $56,000 Move-in condition. Garden Eva. 642-1453 646-4579 Ownrr. SG«i07 professiona.Ily landscaped 4 Older Units with beautllul pool , ...... . $385/mo income. Lot 62K300" .............. asking $44.900 Owner must sell _ EZ J iiiiiiijiijiij!!ijjjiljijiiiiii JCa.11 Dave Cook - terms .............. $29.~. A SPECIAL Shown by Appl. 2 BR Cottegt Homs VALENTINE (7141 642 °235 Many bonus extras in lhis ""' Westside. 1 block. to iiho... 901 Dovo• D"•·• Su1·1· 120 ., nice Newport Heights home, " ' " ping • · • · • • · · · · · · • · • • SlS.950 3 bedroo-• dining -. Macco Really Co. Bldg, GENCO REALTY 6f.2.-f422 •• ..., • ..,...,,, N rt n. h patio for entertainlng your !!!II• cwpo "'"'ac OWNER anxious. Make of· guests oU ot kite~ and LR. fer, Nr Back Bay. Spadowt: Ovenbed double prqe. s BR 1'4 be., tam rm. Quiet Walk t ..._.._, tl ~ o schoo!J. $43,500. ·~= .. Auume 5111 fO loan. mam this unique family 2606 Redlands horn Rltr -MI 2-%m e )'OW'I. BlJSl&n· ~ • lllQ Dill' ~=~.. ··-----REALTY llXlnf1, time I: e!fart. L.aok nowlll 2l'.r.z5 W. Btlboa Blvd., N.B. UNUSUAL Split level 4 bdrm home y.iith nice pool A patio. G o o d terms or might leue with option. Amold & Freud 3S8 E. l 71h St., C.M. Reallora ~7755 IS YOUR AD IN a.ASS!· I !!!!!!!!6~7~5-600()~il!!! nEDT Someone ..-ill bl I: Channel RHf ..,..,. .,. 11. Diii ... ...,. DAVIDSON Realty PtnthouH Apt. •---·~ m~ t t For Sa.le or Leue at $S50 iw-""""""' e "'en rew ta. N11t·SwHt·Compltto per nlO. to reliable parties r't"S Belc:b ~ Ume. Bts-For l)rrlnners or retlml. 2 0 n I y. ~~r Sall!bury. cal waecuo. eftr! .. ~ BR in Newport llel&"hts. 1 ,:;"';:.al;::,:::tor~.c.""""'::;.=::.·..,....,....,..._ DAILY PILOl' ~ FirepJace, large lot. $22,500 1; 9'dioe NOWT ~ Ewl. &42-495l 2 LAND salesmen, best deal in town. OIARGE m White Eepbsntlf * K~Din * I, -& built by IVAN WEL1S Unequaled far qua!. lty, & el~ •• VIEW. 4 Bdrnu;. 3 batM, atrium. Roy J. Werd Co. ( Baycrest Office) 1842 Santiago Dr. &16-l:iSO College Pork 4 + Family SHAKE ROOF RUSTIC. 4 + Family + bonus room! Huge family room with wed brick fireplace, Mammoth master with private bath. Mothers dream kitchen with built Ins and hrea.ldast nook. Priced at only $28,800. ~ est E. Olson. Ph, 541..5314 EASTS I DE COSTA MESA 2 b@droorn channer on rear or large R--2 mned lot. 1":JEAf:4"''sMlnt'.''· Realtor 640J255 DAILY PlU7I' WANT ADS BRING RDULm WE'RE WAVING THE FLAG FOR ••• "THE REAL ISTATIU" All our etforb are concen- trated in the Newport lhr- bor Costa Mesa area. We are your oeia;hbors. We live here and must continue lo succeed here! ~DeYMW .... 1 • which area 11 Just rta:ht. It mJ&)lt be Halecrelt tn th Is neat. bright A very clean 3 BR. bl.I tam. home. Only $24,950. F'lexJble terms. " ,.._ __ .... 20 Profeulonals To Serve Yoo! HOllSl. l.OVUS Santa Ana Heilhtl 66x200 with 2 fied- room home and a 2 car p.rqe. Lot com .. ptetely ,_ $23;- 500 -Grut Wms. llCO IONUS • Bdrms. plua 20x30 Dlayrm. plumbed '°' be.th or wet bar. 4 yrs. new, nr. acboola " shopping. $32,950 Honest Action, Sincere Service We Proud to Serve S llDROOMS Tm Mesa del Mar's nicest. Owner's uy- I'm too big. But tor $38;500, l ... , be rlcht for you. \V11rm It friendly and love ..... ' llNTllS llli.u7 Here'1 the ~t buy. 3 bed% .. ' added den and kit- chen with new elec. B fl range. $23,9t50- No down to Ve~ LA•UNA YllW 4 Bedrooms. Family room dining room. couf lln'e view to Dana Polnt-$89,Ml .,,....... $ll,J50 Immediate pouea· alon. 3 bedroom, ~ bethl, lv!ng room with OPt'n fireplace. Carpets & drapes.- So dov1n to Vets - '$1400 down to all. 'Need Infonnation! \Ve are as close as your phone. ESTATE SIZE Back Bay 3 Bedroom Custom bll Lot 75x 275 wl th open bfly view -$55,000 -Owner will help fm· an0<. WUTCLll'F vacant I: lonesome read,y for immediate occupancy. Specious uv1nr room with log tiuming firepl1ce. caroet<d • draped. $40,1"50 -10" dn. Call or Come-ln. We Can Explain FHA and Vrterans Plan. HOME+ INCOME Npt. Hghll. Dill. 2 bedroom completeJ.y remodel~ + 1 bed· room rental-2 gar-ages. New driveways -Inc. pot. $300 - SW.500 -10~ dn . 548-2313 or 646-7171 Tfli.;...~J L/\L I. rA·11~;: · 1~ ,111w1g RUSTIC., Single 1tory-! bdnn (or 3 It a den) with rich panelling, bean1ed ceil- ings, uJed brlck fire.. place lt antique gold ..... tine "'""'8boot. -Loll of c.tiuml A must -tt )'Oil ltt in this price ........ • JUlt-Ulted, to •11 tut at $35.950. •" ' \. ' ., ... .1. .• l ' ; • . ' : • t'' 5·16·5990 ' NEW LISTING Real pretty redecorated home with new carpe~ throUib- out, new financing & a cor- ner for 1("(lOIJ)dating yoor. boat ot trailer. 4 &ood sized BRa A Wnily room It. now ottettd •t $30,950 a~ 10% down. A mutt to sec. IM· MED. POSSESSION. S41·5110 ---tblltrt) GE REALTY ,...~.tll. ~ Excellent for Income le write-Oii. $37,950 • $4,<m down Geor.. Willi•mton ....... Eve&. 673-l!i&t ------LESS THAN RENTI 4 BEDROOM • $22,500 2 batht. Famll;y room, rear Uvinc room with tireplace. Bnck patio with gaa fired BBQ. Bullt·in nJ!Ke, oven & dllhwaaher. 540-1720 TARBELL 2'55 Harbor NIWDUPLEX on Penn. Dlxe 3 BR Uni~. AttJ, to Oce111 ldlay, "9.9'0 Balboa RH! Estele Co • 700·E. Balboa mvd., Balboa 67Ml40 Cotta-. 1100 BOYD'S BEST BUYS $23,'50 3124 O..blin 3 ·BR pl111 deil, 11,~ baths, Belt~ ell-~ noon Mint condition. E-Z tenns. OPEN SUN 12 -4 $23,750 2617 WHtmlnster Pl. 3 BR, 1% batht. available FHA • a ereat family home. $22,500 SN Watt Boy 3 BR. 1 % baths; neW carpets & ~ paint • immedi. ate pogesslon. BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Coast Hiway, CdM 675-5930 cozy & WARM Is thiii 2 BR, home near Ne1vport Heights on short - r~ traffic street. Good 11.ize- R-2 lot for future potential. $19,900. Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 Nice I bdrm. R-2 ZONE VACANT. 1!\.L"\1ED, POSS, * $12,SOO Full Price $3000 dn. Owner will can;' 2nd TD. Drive by J8j E. Wil9011 then call: LOCKHART REALTY 646-2301 642..Q267 548.2951 $16'2 INCLUDES interest taxes &: insurance, AMum~ 5%. % Joan -no loa.n fees. 4 BR, 2 bath ho~ in ex- cellent residential are a. Cuh. talks! CA.LL 540.USl (open eve11)' Heritage Real Estat. 4 BDRM, 3 ha, family rm, 3 car &~. bit-ins, crptg inter-com, elec gar, dr & iiprinklen:, nr gulf course. 2680 sq rt, $44,500. by owner Tradt' income property · 675-6846 ll.:I~lACULATE:; bdrms, 1 ~ ha. crptg, frplc, dislnl·uher all extrM. $24,900. FHA &, VA acceptable. 646-MOl Mei• Verde lllD * OPEN HOUSE • Lovely 3 BR. 2 BA. fam rm. New 5haa: crpt'1; bltns. Beaut lndsc:pd W/ gpmkJr sys· boat ator. $25,900, ,.,,_ __ • * 546-2880 ...... , ..... BARGAIN PRICED! l Huge BR, 2 frplcs. Ont1 PJCO. a&ume 5111% Qn, TolAI pymnt $190 mo, full Pfitt Pl.800. O \V n e r MS-7822 . Nswport Beech 1200 OWNER &le-.Dul)Jex, Ntoar Bay I: Octt.n. $46.500. 2211 lflh St .. NB. 6'1J...:i636 ~- • ------------------------------------------ ... M=..-.;LJ''i,..,.,~;;i,17~,~1911t::;..-~~7r;rrii:;;ni1Wr.:W~l'JLOT;:;;.;.;'-' ~A~Ol~ll~S;ES~· F=O~R~S=A~LJ!l!!!!;;~==~~IHOUSl!S.l'QR,. SALi llNT.t.U llNTALS • RINT.(LS REAL EsTATE eu)INES) •ncl H_oo1111 Univ ...... ,. , ,...... ,.......... A..._ U,,,_loWol O.nerol . • "INANCIAL -· ~...... 17111 ..... -.... 1:.:;:;;;:::;:;;:fi;=:;;;jc:.t• Mlea ·1100 !!t'!e1 lolCh GJO co-•• Mo.-suo 1u11-'"''"' 4:050 a... ~n111 .. 6300 .luo. Opportunltleo 16th & Tustin-Costa MaN ExQellent location, near schools, abopping I alld. ~i:h. Only a few le!I. Buy now while 1nlerUt rates· 'are only ---j \ ' ' i 7% with 20% ..... -7Yi% with 10% Dn. no 2nd -no polnt1 -29 y~ on balance Priced from $30,850 to $3],950 Excluolvo Apnt p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Tract Ph': 540-5\13 Fr-L.A. Call MA $.I034 r lncOm. Uollt 2 BR. pr, -crpta, -2 BR. 1'rpL VERY NICEI S 11rr4 1111 . """""""" Speci.lo ''°""· ,..,., Trooteal set· X1nt ... -. loc, "' pets, •· · •:: 11111 ~" ' Going Into Bllllnea for yoursell'/ 1:'!':: .~. ~-"· "'• !f':'!: ting For odlll.._ 1 b1k. ID •m-odllll• Av a I I. ~ STRATEGIC HIGH -,_ -· ~~• • ~· lhl>Ps. $!40 mo. 544-41!0 about Feb. 2!i '!U Ju.. 15. • ..., 0 "• RISR OFFICE SITE. • DO IT RIGHT I Apt. ....... needl point & MESA lld Mar • 5 Bdrml l!euolable. 613-ml ...,.. ••~ cleanup. PO-a tamJJy rm l300 mo. VIEW apt. wtlh 11ttjil&Oi, ON T£N AOlE3 °""...,... 12!ix200' ~ • All States comprebODJ!ve training pro-=~ ~~-~ ~~ Properties we.i 615--030 ' $1!i5 Inc. utll. c.,.,.. Adult 1 6 2 BR. """' a l1l>fmtl ~ ~.~,:g.~ gram plua Bl'llld Name !Oc Snacb and Candy LY. pnc. $6'9,950. , , , ~ --. ·:*~ ~· ~ after J'rp1cs I Pl1 I Padol, I erAf1nanctaldiltrict.Gnii.t usureyoursuccess. MISSION REALTY f9l.473l ,NeWDDrt ... ch ··-·•· Poolo. T-• Ooolol'I Bk-""'°"""a 1!9lftc 11ow. WI DO YOU Dq_ 985 ~ flt. • -"'1tt/(;....... ' ' --So. O>ut. ~ BA YCRESf 3 BR • den. Corona tlel Mar 4250 9llO .... Lane, OIM IM-l8ll -.... I. EstabU.h Route Avail on aul>Seue 'March 15 2. S l i SI'AIRWAY to Be..t.ch, Du- ple;!(, 2 Br ea, lower newly decorated, n e w ldtchen- $70,000. to June 15 w/poalble ex-1 BDRM bacbeklr •Jll, w:iib IMacArtbur nr. (.bpt Hwyl 67>c225' eommrirdal Jot. W. up~y you w th tens\on. No pttl. S370/mo mrtgoerator, $T5. M 0 • CHANNEL ~ 1 yr l1t 17th St., boomiiw acUvity 4 BNab 00, Austin, 2. !. Supply 3'4 h..ar. wtek Incl a;a.rdener. A.al 646-9626 5'MiOZJ. or aft 6, 546-0301 tra.U1c .............. SG.dl urry, Rea.shy, and TOWNHOUSE 3 tr. 211 ha l•IL.. 4-:."'im::i. 2..:, '11!. 'ft: Small office b .. ~•-or'-•-BmanydoNtber Nalt!Oconal s. w/w cpta, dl'Pf, fencd, pa-... o1w Roctnm-s483 · l7thst.,air~;._r.;;r: ran ame ~ ~~~~~-car ... ~ utll ae1;1; ::"' ~-s;:.,~ := ... ::"' m: fi• " -DnlY $35,000. 3. ~~:;~1~:.d~f- BAYCR.EST 3 BR & den. 315 E. Balboa BIYd. Allo Bach. 18$. ~ SUBMIT TERMS & TRADES flee training and 4• 618 South Cout Hwy. Avail ... .w-1 .... Much 15 BALBOA ~ RICK ALDEREnE, supervision mARIOH ffilLH' REAL ESTATE ' Be willing, to I Keep your .cit°' operated c!lspenaera. clean anci flocked Provide tt,995 io $3,750 operaUng capitol. · t.aauna Beach .,._.184 to June 15 w/poutblc ex-lalboo 5300 RHl!or 4. Provide you with l3S I Laguna Nlgual 1707 tension. No peU. $310/mo lalboa lslan_d WS 170! N. Rou 714/517""69 excellent Income 5. :L~lclo~~ls~l•iii;jjji~i!~~ !~~§:~~~~~ Incl gardener. Aat 64&G3i. GRACIOUS Ad'ult Llvlr:w. for a few hours' HOUSES FOR-SALE--Show evidence of permanance and l!l"""°rt Baach boo 1( The Bluth* Exceptional 4 Br (3 Br. & Den) 2 Ba. The popular K plan. 'Crpts, drps, frplc. Brldut area in kit. 2 err closed patios. Pools, ca~ na. Walk to stores, schls, tennis dub & park. $30,950. ·sy owner, 675-3433, 644-0990 " DELUXE 3 Bt. 2 Ba.: pro-3 BR. 2 Ba. country kit, BAOIELOR apt, lingle girl Ocean A 813 view. Spacious 8utlMll Rental 6060 work each week Lido'i Lovely PlaDA fess. lndscpd. ~ deoorated: lrg yn:t, frplc. $250 lease. only, $100 mo. Yearly, Utll. 2 BR. 2 BA., walk in (Day or Eve.) stability In your area. Spaoio"' 2 BR. 2 ba horn" to oxcluslve -Bay; 548-4674 Incl. '1S-m8 clolc,.. bea•tllul carpets • Balboa Island modern Spanis.h decor, Jge lovely ocean view; auto. BAYVIEW Condo. Lq :llOO', draperiea. Pool Boat lliPI Choice or Two, $150 le $175. For interview in your area. wri~ Mr. ""Li'oo"""'R"°""EAL'TY10',·161IN,500C. water '°"i oner & ~pr500. Iux 3 Br. CdM High. $3SO. Huntington llaach 4400 -""' teoan~btornnean Rltr. ""'555. H. S. Campbell, Director of Distrlbutonhipl, doors: yr. new. -· · Poola. Colt. etc. ~mt • P.O. Box 297, Lafayette, California 94$49. 3400 v;a Lido 613-883<1 wilh 6li.% loan. awn.r (1) • PREVIEW SHOWING! Office Raotol 6070 Include Name, Address an~ Phone Num~. 499-f198 Newport Halghh 3!! SPANIS!I SfYLE Huntington -h· 5400 Huntington Beach 1400 RENTALS OwwrnG 2 ..._.;, " Decorator lurllllhed, Iha& LAGUNA BEACH -REAL IST { HoUMI fumlthed den, 2 bath 'home. w/w c:upe~~ XJr toiiCIJtlOftid General NO GIMMICKS carpets. drapes, Eu!Blde en. ON ~t AVENUE ,_;;.;..=----- This gracious 2 atory fea-. General 2000 Costa Mesa.Clole lo shop-Sl~ 11:2 BR. 2 BA. Desk ~ available fD Acre• 6200 GARDEN ATRIUM lures 4 M.,tor Siu Bed· ping " park. Nicely LlvetheCalltonU&Weaa 2&3latliwmApta. .,...., dllct bulld1Jl1 at1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; rooms, 3 Baths. Big family $185: 3 BR. 1 bath, h!:nced landscaped yard, covered lt abould be Uwd at t.wauy Uvln& to pleut tbe prime klcadon to downtown[• Important Notice FLOORPLANwltliover2400 room.$33,500FullPrlcecan yard; w/w, Children OK. patio. •ery quiet Jhe CAllfORlllAN mart dlscrimhlatllll· lit• Lalmsa Beach. Air c:ond} OUT -sqthft.vleBestL'.~~14ba,y area be yours with $3,000 DoWn. Broker 534-6980 netghborbood. $195 pr. mo. available at tioaed. carpeted, beautiful OUT wl w. ~ Take over FHA 5%.% loan Available for immedlate oc-Th H nfl""'"R pene1ed partitioning, Two• • • • • • • • • [i i;~ J of $216 per manlh. • .Bonus R9nt1f1 to Shire 2005 cupancy, Write Box 612 c/o Brookhurst-N. of Adams 9 U I'll\" entrueN: Frontqt on and . }).tlt& Biel £.sta~ over $3,CMXI in built up car-Daily Pilot cnt) 962_2981 FortSt An-. ft'ar leadl to ~ _ _ _ _ pets and drapes, Hurry on WOMAN to share home A nice 3.Br. in Cllffbaven Mundpal parldna Iota. $50 The Bluffs thlw• OEoeS. ELL A HOME ~.=:.: ~~ '.Ui".r,' looking for ""''""'ble long Pacific rm ~ ~~ "':.~~De!!" AWAY !I I CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE term adWt tenanta. $225. RENTALS UL:J ...u QI ..... a..-...... 'i....-.... FROM· "LINDA" EVERY 31 MINUTES Newport Baach 2200 See atler Mu-oh i.t Call' Apia. Unfumllllecl 'Ill Ocean Aw., H.B. = a!'::to "'r:'~o~ oml og ' 3 BR. 2 Baths. On major Walker & Lee 548-7289 aft. 5 PM Gentr1I 5000 (71f) 536-lt87 All otllitles paid ~ c utt•r **** .,..n belt. Crpl'd, drp'd -l BR Ho.,,., partly turni.1>-co ... na del Mar 3250 -· trofflc ){any extras. Shown by ap-'1682 Edinger ed. Adulta, oo peta. Cajl I---------$ll5: 1-BR., patio. w/w, DAD..Y PDhl' noln polptment. 84.2-4455 or 540-5140 eves aft. 5 PM or week LEASE only PK> a month. drapet. Oilld • pet OK. PREVIEW SHOWINGI m FORETI' AVDnJE Owner * 644-1798 , Open Daily tU 8:30 ends. 548-6123 2 Bedrooms and den. CptB, Broker 53'-6980 e SPANISH SI'YLE LAGUNA BEACH TO: We Hovo: An oulatandl<v ~ tunlty for a dlstrlbator eam excellent 'tnComa -BEAUTIFUL l--'"'woo=~D°'O~W~N~-1800 w. Ocean Front. N. B. ........... Good cotlllition. • Shao carpeting, "'11 cle.... -clHn, drv air 2 .;;.uf~ .!!O~EBa. '!a44!:.r_in~th:1c1c~.!"~ ~:,·~~.No1ar, :i!pe~CauOwnel'~~ !: Cotta Mela 5100 •~1 &2BR.2BA *Modem OfficesP9k•cet 'Jitt ... ., IJUJ'" -r •.--60-2835 • Live the C&illom1a We U SinCie Of suitea. Afr cond-l~I et Xlnt area. Priced Right! 5 )'Ur old, 2 br, carpeting, HARBOR It ·"··"'d be u-~ t 1-.. 1----_ _. _ _,_, f1shinn 1'• hours ....i.r,y work Co!Qa or eves), j 0 .. n. r. •-~·. OPEN &: Corona del Mar 2250 .. ._. ·~ a ........... _. ..... ~\a&'"" ··.-~...., drapes, built-In range .;;.;.;.;...;c...'-------4 BR. 3 Ba., ref., :ra., ll!nice, central location. 1wlmm1nt HOUSE SAT & SUN. oven. Vacant, move right in. 3 BR House Unfum $235 mo. diahwahr, cpts. patio. $215. Jh (AUfORHIAN c. Robert Nattrnll Realtor 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 WI 2 BR House Unfurn $165 mo. Adtls, no pets. 615-.521B GREENS e 230 E. 17th Street OTHER REWARDS: Balboa Cows. $ 6 O, O O O. Jl:T:EIBfiHI 1o=a=""=· =Rc=otl=ty===.,,._== · C.Osta Mesa 642-1485 WMkend retreat Wa Are Looking Fori . I Preftt trade !or acreage or Mfllmli 1 • Bllboa 3300 Brookhunt-N. of Adamt E • Land Investment will consider olher. S<l'1771 Balboa , 2300 BACHELOR. UNFURN. <714) 962-2981 XKutiVe Nut & ar,rlcot growing ' -51/4 to jl/40/o 1;;;;;=:;.._____ BAYFRONT HOUSE from $100 Office Fish rosing Reliable party lo -2 to 10 boon per week h- .,.__rt -shores 1220 -2-BDRM FURN J-8 H-E D· 3 Br,_fire~~Fyje_w, AJ.SJ_AVAUABLE 2 BR 2 baths, bt&llt·lns, w/w Alfalfa g-1-·--..-Loans -1 2 " 3 BDRM -t--, -'-'"··· "pa Int e d approx 100 111. ft. 1n ........ ·-. HOUSE, Pen Point. • · ..... l"' ... .,<>UY sulld1-by~-Parcal of land filllng .. collectlni -from new A unique co1n OP- erated dispen.ers In ~ County&~= (HaOOJ.es Natkmal TERMS to auit or lease op-GI or FHA Kin&SiJie bed washer~ Heated Pools, Oilld Caril $125/mo. Mgr. 536-4488 new .. ,. ..,,..,.e tion. 2 Pedroom8. Den best Low monthly pymnts. $165 to dbl 1arage,' $165. winter: Huntington Belch MOO Center, AdJ. to Shopping -County Airport. Avalla.ble ·•II your own' condition. 219 Cedar. Owner / -·-·~y leue. ~-No pets allowed Sant• An• 5620 immediately, $325 mo. Own your own l•k• $182 total 4 BR or 3 w den, _. ,,....... cUJU<I 6_ "'" ~·-not at property. $24,500. Call 1800 to um eq ft. Can be 675-4230 week-endll or NEW 4 BR. 2 e 2700 Peterson Way, at Har-,........,., CAI", Candy A Snacb). To owner 5*-2991 or 60-2835 assumed. ACT QUic:K! I 593-4%6. dishwasher, stove; d: i: bor &: ~Colt& Mesa. ~en~':ts.2 ~';. 2pe.~ ~~~ •1e:,1~= ~~=-= BY OWNER • penonality HAFFDAL Riiy 842-4tlXi 2 BR. Duplex. Avail til July pr.; drapes, car Pe t e d : I '!!!\!!!~'-'i~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!I \ pool. Nice area. st&-1525 remodeltnl avail. 18 t & l ot the potential in Silver yau muat have~ car, ref.. erencea A $1,650 total al.Ii to 1nvut. No aeU1no ~ plus, nr. beach. 2 BR. den, HUGE ADDED ht. $125 mo. ~ Mo •• water pd.1· MOVING FEB.. 21th Main St., HW'lt. Beach Valley, 18 mi east o1 Bar-! ba, $l5,!ll0. ,..._ afler FAMILY ROOM 67S-ml coNDO•~mn• 2 Br. 2 2 811nm. w/..,... $1Jll. Logu_na ~ S70S Q.%J3J 43&mG ctow. Calli. ed. I · with -11re-•·-. Pink ~""'"' WHY WAIT? ~ RENTALS baths, pool, $1"5 mo. Prop-Mui,. only TIMI CLIFF DRIVE NEWPORT CMC CENTER Bick Bay , 1240 !,~J:n.~l~ c:;!~ Hou• U.,tum1dted erties west6'l5-(130. Water A prdener paid UJXURY JURN/UNFURN Offices suitable 1t1t Com-Get · rn before the ,..., We Offer: $17,700 Charming 2 BR older home. Frplc., hdwood floors, mod- ern kitchen, Large wooded corner lol EZ tenrui:. 546-5630 CUm'OM Built. 2 )T old -• Br, 3 Ba, lam + din rm. 642-6600 Corona dal Mar 1250 lnvnt Nr. The Ocean 3 BR, 3% baths, den, 2 fire- places, 3 garages. Mountain type beach home or USe as Duplex • or build 2nd home mi beautiful 40' lot. STAN SMITH Realt.o1 673-2010 Tiny Home on small lot. 2 Bdrm ttitie would you believe $24,SOO. Orange Coast Proporty 332 MUoguerite, CdM 673-8550 Lido Ill• 1351 Most Unusual Bayfront 70• No. Beach w/pler, !lip blg 4 ·Bd, 3 ba + sep gueat Bd/ba + 2 Bd Apl Garden A ten'. 4 car gar, $250,00> R. C. GREER, Rcotlti< 3355 Via Lido, SUite 205 Lido Building 61.3-9300 throughout Seeing is be--NEWLY c:Ptd A pGited· 4 lm•"":r, f-1'"20" "•pt. B Yeut,y Leue. l I: 2 Bdrm&. mercial, Medical, Dental. push -m•ke money I I General 3000 • 'tc -sttps to Shore Ir Shqit Alr-cond., crpts, elevator lieving • ()n!y $23,900 -$3300 o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Br. 2 Ba.; ....,.., lrp · Oceanvfew from every Apl. From 1'111 An..,..,.u.ted:t tunity to joJa a leader fD down & assume FHA loan. • Nr. IChl., heh. $215. 147-4006 DELUXE l Bdrm. apt, from ~11:11 mo ""' 1eue SU-5032 OR 675-2464 Paul Jones Re•lty Owners Attention I adults over 50. fl30. Near .......... 2449 _. CALL OWNER 847-6640 eves alter 6 PM lleld. Financial -=tty . )'OU & )'OUl' tamlly can ~ yuun fn tttll prown I: bocljn. - "" l!eld. ' 847-1266 Eves. 536-n24 Do you bave renial· unit.1 Lagun1 luchJ 3705 mrkt 263--265 16th Pl. See We have rood tenants from :::-""'"""'==' .....,,,,..-,--=,.,...... Ex .... larp SMALL Office suitable con- tractor, distributor, aalee. 2. ac prime Nippa view area Util, air cond, furn 1nclud· nr twnJgoU coune. Write ed. $10 mo. 19!T28 Brook· owner, 20121 Marina Ln HB. burst st., H.B. 540-2529 Yacanl/lmmed Pos. 3 BR 3 baths, 1600 _, ft. frplc, blt-ins & dishwasher. Low down & assume existing Joan. Owner will pay all costs. TRADEWINDS RL TY. 842-5011 <lr 842-5012 VA no down or assume FHA 5~ % loan. 3 BR, 18xl3 separate family room, hdwd floon, cpl!/ drps. newly painted inside & out, eov. patio. BRASHEAR REALTY 847-8531 Eves. 968-11"1! Duplex-$28,500 Nea:r hospital. 3 BR 2 bath &: 2 BR. Live in 1 rent the other. Owner amdous. R. D, SLATES, Rltr. 847-3519 Eve. 962-7369 previous years and need • GORGEOUS view; must rent 3 BR. 1% be.. Qrlldren SUMMER • WINTER -and thiJ week; 3 Br. 2 Ba. welcome. $1M. 1flr. 862 W. ANNUAL rentals for them. Hu all! $32S Mo. Mfr259S Center Apt 1; 10 AM - Please call our rental dept 4 PM """ lei UI .... you ... RED L ....... Niguel 3707 $1>0. 2 BDR, den, lrpk. pri CARPET treatment· you de. NEW 4 BR 2 BA. fam rm, patio, drpg, crpta, blt-ins, aerve the best! cpt, drpe. pvt beach. 1 ml adults. Avail March 1st. RED CARPET Rlty .. golt club. $250. 495-6593 {213) 58'J.6227. Rental Dept. 673-366.1 3 BR 1'6. batbl. $150/mo. 2"l5 W. Balboa Blvd .• N.B. RENTALS Welll-McCanlle Rcotlton Apia. Fumlohed 513-'l'llll 2 BR. patio, gar., VIEW. $185, uttl. Inc. 494-3034 KEAL ESTATE o. ..... Rantala Wanltd 5990 OFF1CE on Coul Hwy, R-rt Property 6205 across from Balboa Bay Club. Approx 270 sq. ft. BIG Bear New A-Frame ca.. w / cabinets &: 2 entrances. l:lin, crptl, bit-ins. $70 P: can days. 540-34Tl w1cend, alps s +. 968-3597 WANTED 400 sq ft 1n vie RENT rum Mammoth of Dover le Cout Hwy, for SMALL ottioe on busy cor-FOR 11tonp A model ahop. Must ner Cotta Maa, $55/montb Mount a I n O>ndomtnlum have power, water, good I ,;•ttll:=;•;;;"=lncl~ud~ed~-==84>'660=:;::;:1,;'": .. =PI='=· ;:675-W='=:='===:': mVINE TERRACE -2 BR General 4000 2 BR., pool, No pets. New ::f.~~. &: water proot lndvstrl1I Rental 6090 Mount. & Desert 6210 &: den. Fantastic View, .;..;c;.;.;...;.... ______ I carp.; $125 mo. 6«2-8499 1 ... =~=,...,..=~=~ beautiful condiUor. .. $'T50 RENT 313 E. 17th PL, C.M. EMPLOYED Lady needs 1 FOR Jute Laguna NJauel, S A NR Hemet Xlnt view. per mo. 3 BDRM unfurn for rent, BR unfum Apt, beach area, of! San D~ Fwy at Crown 2800 ' el. Wtr, game, $6,IXXl BEACON BAY .. 2 BR • 3 Rooms Fumltvre 2 children ok, crpts, drpll, to $110. Cezport tr garage Valley, neW commercial & $Mdn.633-77108-10a.m.agt. DEPARTMENT den. or 3 BR. Community $25 Month blt-1111. 56-0262. No petl! nee. ·642-0086 attJ5 p.m. lndustrial unit.II, Delta Elec-~~c~p:: tennis cout -FULL OPnON TO BUY 2 BR. grdn apt. fpl. cpts, WANT Garage for Boat stor· ~aya .. 831-1400. Eves· Exchang•, I. ~· 6230 P.O. BOX 3846 1 J bn Mcnab Rc·•N Co <Retrla'eraton Available) drps, bl.Im, patio, pool. ~~.~O ~,01•• N.B. atta. ="_.,,.,.~· --· TRADE your vacant far good .aNAHElu r •L 92_ 0 &U-87JS""'" · No depoeit o.Lc. AdJt.11, no peta. $145. 546-5163 "-"'"='-~"'~~··===~~-i3000 SQ ft warehouse le office paying commerc.1 lndllllt er "' Ll"lrl -av. H.F.R.C. 2 BR, grdn apt fpl cp.,, e LANDLORDS e + 6000 _,ft peved A fenced apt propertle1 I Fumlture Rentals .i-bl tlo, 1 FREE RENTAL SERVICE yard. 1855 Icuna Can)'()n Sullivan. Agt. 54IM429 $115: 3 BR. 2 ha. fl'pl. wtw, .... ii'>. tns, pa poo • Broker ~ Rd. tnt> 494-8066 01" tnti ·· l~!!!!!!!'!!!Jll"!'9!!""'!"'~ blllna. Chlldl'eo & pet OK. ~'iv.~~= ,;A~d'.;:'";;.·~no~pe~";,:· 11~45~-:,:546-SIS3~~1=====""°== 546-7611! · R. E. Wanted 6240 MOBILE Bn11e Truck "!I Broker 5.34-6980 SPLIT level 3 Br. cpts, drpt. Rooms for Rent 5995 NOW LEASING ~ New M·l 11tOck A eqntp. Can 1lnanCe $135; 2-BR. Townhouse. 1% HOUDAY PLAZA bltns; Allobach. . lnduatrlal l150 aq ft .PRIVATEPartyw1Upayup part w/ good er.edit. Fountain Valley 1410 Baths, wtw, b 1t-tn11. DELUXE, spacloul 1-Bdnn. 2835-A Mendoza 545-5421 Room with private entrance ' $155/mo Agent W.l48S to $m. f<lr G.I. for F.H.A. G'Jl..0082, 6'B-83l2 ne -----~---t Children OK. Bk!'. 534-6980 Furn. apt $135 Plus util LIKE W1"W 2 Br., new cpts., I: bath, carport I drps. $15 • Equity for 3 bdrm + huge WANTED OU•·•· ,, __ LARGE Tri-level 5 BR, 2% 2 Br. & den $11iO Plus uttl. .,""'.. wk Working man pref. 64l'r N'.f'I' Bch M·l warebOUeell family rm. 636-2808. : -...,.._ Heated pool. Ample parkiJle drpa. blt-lna; carport; no -45().1,000 aq. ft. tar OC)Do license for ar.,. County BA home. All b It-ins , Costa Met. 1100 ,P";;,"-;;;-;.Adul;;;;;;;"-~-;;;;;;==I Li•iii°-JiQ;;;nW,se;;-.... ....,.,. Call: .60-8139 carpeted, draped. ~ lot ---------No chlldrerrNo pets ;;:;: LRG Room w/ sep enrNB tracton. Reaa."" -.n BUSINESS ind & oompletely fenced. Close 3 BDRM, 111 ba, family rm. 1965 Pomooa. CM 6'>.11!511 Newport laach 5200 area. 112 week. Loh 6100 FINANCIAL to Fountain Valley High, 2 child ok, no pets, Avail $90; 1-Bdrm., uW. paid -;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;I 548-3684, 642-5221 grammar school, shopping 311. $215. mo. 646-47M . Ooee to water • ======== ' LOWER 3 ARCH BAY But. Opportunities 6300 PARTNER Wanted rtD Investment Oppor. 6JIO "freeway. $30.000. ,. .. 2342 LARGE 2 Br. Crpt., ,.,...., ===Bro=""'==-==== I B/B Mloc. Renl•I• __ 5999 i..,... 1 ... 1 ....,, vi ... lot LOCAL portldpale In blgbly .,.... I fenced yrd. $135. 2199'Ai TOWNHOUSE near beach en Ir a n c e . fitable real eatate pc'OJect. llayfront Dup exes Ugwla Baach 1705 Maple St., 642-7658 Cosio -4100 Available Mu-ob lit SINGLE ...... with electric 135.ooo. Private. party. -SUPPLY ROUTE Rcotlty project la "'°"" 1u $1(6,CXXI • 2-three BR's LOWER. 3 ARCH BA y 2 BDRM unfurn Couples <ln1y, $25 Wlc. Up 3 bedroorm 2 baths &: ln~ :int '! .. !1.~.' :. M-704i Dally Pilot Excellent Income commence A I Jn an c·t n 1 $115.000 • 3 BR A Two BR's 2 cbildren ok, no pets. $125 Carpets. drapet, bullt·illll w ex ........ ,.... view lot Start immediately ~ already obtained at 1;15" WwlthalkeP'lttplar RN..,lty ~~Rtre!'~~· ~~i + $35 dep. 646-W?. e Studio I: Bach apts. Ftreplact, 3 car carport Adock ~~.; 1015 W, Jla1 SNELECTorlh i .. ~!° ..,,. 500 in-comp&Qy ~ accounts. for 25 years.. Pn:d'lt en cUh on la'rge e Ind Utllll A Phone ... 1.1-$265/mo. ve, v•~ ---...... EASY PART OR FULL bmated will yield dolable 33311 Vla Udo 675-5200 ocean view lot near beach 3 a!.R r! ~thDrt m;:; ~ • Maid Servtce • TV~ .-. cluikl street pavifW. OWner nME: NO SELLING. Ideal minimum within on. ~. :X~-rM ~va, ~llotparty. cor . Jot ~..!:, P Mi'..t:m e • New Cate " Bar Bay & Beach lncam• Property 6000 cm> ~ l.noome for dignified retire-Need $50,(XD..$100,000 cd1 BY oWntt 2 Br, 1 ba, fTplc, . · · ~·., mo. 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9'155 Rnlty,-lnc. vi EXCHANGE BY Owner, virN Sot. RedhU1 ment. Unique credit &: ex-now! Qualified pr1nc1p.ia bl~ p1lynn &: ba. Best DIAL dittct 642-5618, charie LINES. You ca -them SPACIOUS, CLEAN l Br 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 ··~•· l3 oe·-· ···'ts l-,OOO Ridge, Tultln. $21.0C<I • .Mt panslon prosram. Requires only! Bcm: M 'l03 Dally PllDt Lido b1J7 $44,SOO. cn-t> your ad. then sit back and far Ju1t pemdel • 411. DlaJ • MS-an:> Evet 548-6966 nA .. _ uu4 '" 3 pm. 5"-4413 $1995 minimum caah tnm;t-::±:: 615-5023. listen to the phone ..i.. .. 1 M2-567I (or unturn}. W/w crplJ, • equity, WANT: land vacant t ---~by NEW OJM I ===~;:~~~====:::=:··=~===~=~~=== c1rps elec blb>I All tmhty • • ~-County. 61-50 men ---•~ RNI Estate IAllna painted. Nr trw).s a: lhop'g. R 0 N E Y MO 0 N haven; """ .., ... 06.. R1nches CEPT automatic me.rcban- .. ,, No pets. !ll!MMl2 ,,.., 6 dellgbttul duplex; amart * 16 Unlta • $175,000 I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ dl&e,.., For toterview, wrll< HOMI LOANS i wkM!. =;~ Mul~I~ ~~~rs!~. $!~~·,:.ear SAN TIMOTE~, ~:e~= toaddU::~ CaUM~i:.~. Groclous Adult Living IY. 1225. call 513-2394 attu * I Unlh • $72,500 RANCH WHOLESALE FOOD co. ralea r.. .lit 6 :Ind TDio. l &: 2 BR., w/w cpl&, drapes, 6 p.m. $8.roJ down. 30% return. Will 3EO Ar:te n.nch. 8undinp A: p,o. Box 501.. Union Qly, SeNh:W an.,.. 0xmt7 .llr pool.MES!udeSA EnAtaSOT.K.•pTS. L"~EASE==.~y~...,-.-, -.....----, exchange. Call Mt-. Krl.ter equipment -1>:. appl'tl\I-Cal!l;)t4681 -18 '""' "" un:rum. Contact: Jooe1 R!t,y, or Mr. FergU10n. Inwatmtnt matel,)' $111.IX» ~· ~ CANDY SUPPLY ·Sattler Mot'tpp a,. n.e. 145 E. 18th, c.M. &<U4'11 ult f'1r Anita SUne Dept. 546-2313 tory lurllllhed. -acN; ROUTE 338 E. 11th St ' NEW 1 Br., lowl7 •fllrn. All 6'1M210 Dayw .... 11Mer --Hu • (No Selling Invulved) W-%171 IHS4l!1 elec. Quiet. Clooed pr. UPPER Du-2 Br. 1!60; water tightt, well.A jlc-t ~-booome for 1 ... E:v... l'B-'116! ICoI1SI Adults $150. 2D> Elden 1 yr. Jeue. Adulll. no pets. l)'ltem. Paved toad (rolit.. , boUre ~ ~ (Oa)'s or / GG-1251 See by "llP't. only. _,e, Near Redland• ln RNo evettlii,p}. ReftI1bw a col-Morta•llt,· T.D. • 6MS •t:;a:i._ ".°\:. • Mia White Tm150 2 NICI MOBILE ;,~ o;:"'~· = = ;: :~ HAVE '60,000 '. !!TE. 22nd St. ~ Easl'llvff-· 5242 HOME PARKS, C.K' IUtloo, pleua call Glam M.._ " aumundlnc .,.._ Prtvata tooney ~ wltb nice owner·, Uv!na quar. Thompson with we tit. r-outr. (Handlel wants to bU1 eNll:ll'wd . ~~i::;.i!.."i:;s.~ Prestige' lociflon "" 1n each. cm~ a Eckhoff & A&-, Inc. name brand mi1y i. !.!'t TDa. -ble lfli. Qmrch. 548-9633 Pop tome itlcentive • let 1818 w. O\llpma.n Ave. lftlCkl). $1450 CUh requtr.. 56• Mortpce Co. Inc. For kaa. dthat 1!88 *f· ft. tbom manage + ba\141 aueJ. Ora.nae. Calli. ed. For pel"llOMI interriew In 338 E. l7tb St. LAAGE Bach.. nicely tum. BR 'l\ ...._ ..... ._, Jent net spendaW.., too. 541-2621, Evff.wlmda 53M721 Costa Meaa area. 1 end ~-... 71 •• -· bll·IOI; Employed adult; 4 " ' ~ °"'" ,.,.c.. •"• M~· ~-otl ~ -•vall. Feb. 19th. 5f.5.5421 drapn. carpets, Mt l:la.r, w_ """"'T ~ I)' riame, address a phone own. £\tel. C'7So186S iGl151 pr1v. halcon1ea: dbl . ..,... ~ E\'C• -"'-r-.... 00 "" to Multi.st•" 1nc .• 9f1lS · · l.u1e BA~ apt turn. oU ldtcl>. Dlabwuher. dbl DAILY PILOT &>DIE-A-.,.. -E. lmperla1 Hwy, llowMY, Monay Wenlool QS0 Prtfer ):lualneu man. ovtn. pool Canvenlrnt to t.nq:S. You cu Ult lblm $8 DOWN, $.! Pfl' month, Calif. 90'l42 ~6 or 642-2!ie0 -·1 .. llChoola ·• ...,.. fur Jml -i,. • do:f. Dial 1'195 full price, bll)"I 10"EI°"."'~c'"nu""'CAL:.,.,-~Contradlnc-~-1 130.000 al 101'. S yr lit tlon. "2•!1671 ' · Al:rd to So. Cllll. L. -r.. ale. C-10 Stata trud """-_... ....,. Newport Beach 4200 DARLING Clwutll front apt. · couple Ol>1y I otl>e. -ABBEY REALTY 642.m! ONLY $325 MONTH !WU. A llEllO 1u -Sbewtdt, 3211 W. lkd St., Lie. WIU R.M,E. Lie ID ting ID bu11d -- 135 AMIGOS WAY np..,.,.. no '-DHd. W.. «~l ~ rtstrt ~ l,40-ll73 alt on 1 -. -- ... ..,.,, llHcli 4'11 ---.trltlo .Tiii"< QllJCN:ll.1'0Jl~ " ' • ;;;°""::t=;;Rd.:,;:-;;'-;'7.:::":=,;J M9r. Apt. 9 todayt t1IE QUICKER YOU llELL OIAJIGE "°"'want ,a now. Dial 64i66!ll 1 .... RESUJ; L ' ... • -----. -------------·------~-...:...~ .... ;;;...;.,;...;.._..;;._~---------'-'--------"""'-'-;;....., .... ;,,,,;_~....::; . " JOIS & IMPtOV:MINT JOU A IMPlOY /ltlp Wo~ Holil Wontetl . w-, 7400 _if.!!!t,::-=---==• ~EXPERIENCE~ ,• UN'IQARD Note • Teller • Exctllent oeeortunity! ~y lN PERSON' 1 sl ll1tio111I Bink of Orinae -County 1650 Adamo Cost1 .Me1a .. ··'·· ·~--... ---·-···••«•·· ·~-ASK FOR: lmmodioto Oponlng• In Mr-. Starner ar Mr. ~ tht following lrNI IMMtolATE OPENING CODING Experienced or trainee in fire &/or cuualty stat!IU- cal coding. Math aptitude necessary. LADY MAN AG E R ACCOUNTING . Repro. Typlsl · Distribution Otrk Wlll involve heavy lilt- lne, mi,)' lnwlve CM:r-. time. Day ohltt. llPrO Tech Tr1iiiee '·~ .. ··~· ......... -· Will use Xerox, Bzun- ning and atbet dupllcat~ Ing macblaea. Clerks Openlr\( available in en- 'gineerlntl ........ ""' computer room. Swing toffff shop. '""°r~ 'l'>P< <O to SO accm'&lely. ___ 1..-.. ,,. .. -in--f-·•se-..i-6 8?me experience or aptitude --.,...,_ •'•~· wtth-Jjgurer"'1plDL- ahilt. • nece1sary. c.11 for a,.. ' (jUStomer contact. f!OintMont --10 am .. ~1:30 •m or 2 prn- 4 p.m. only. Warren Donlz. 644-1700 THE , NEWPORTER INN Nowport B.oach RATING Experienced or trainee. Rat- ing aur policies requlres a good math aptl~e &: plea. sant phone personality. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 'JomborM Road Nowport Beach All applicants revlev.'ed on merit with no bias toward Race, Colar, Creed or Sex. PART TIME Excellent free benefits. Permanent, s t e a d y work. Our policy ;, promotion from wi m. Your future is d~"'I· 1--------termined entirely b you. New modern o !ice, friendly, pleasant atmosphere. ' e COMMERCIAL e TELLER UNITEO CALIFORNIA BANK i525 MCArthur mvd,. Newport Beach 540-4424 Equal apportunity employer ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY $536. to $631. Requb:erµepts:, U.S. citiien- ~p, five years secretarial experience, two years col· lege, shorthand 90 wpm,~ ing 50 wpm. Apply at: For Details and App't. Call Coiled PERSONNEL 12131 384-1213 UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP CLERK OPPORTUNITY J. C. Penney Co. Fashion bland Newport Beach Has apenina for * COOK * Recent successful experience in all phases al .lood indua- try ia required, Competp,tive wages, autatanding benefits including profit sharing. Apply in person IO A.M. ta 5 P.M. Monday lhru Friday ~ J. C. PENllY CO. 24 F•shlon hl•nd All .,...i opporbml\Y employer Westminster School District 14121 CEDARWOOD WESl'MlNSl'ER ·Top pharmacy need a ·clerk if! comi.etlcs & gen. mdse. Will train • Must be perm, Neatness, & ·manners ard sincerity 1--------- mth peoplo Import. Lo-* DRIVERS * Waitress cated Lido-Balboa area. N Ex • ,All ~plies confidential. O penence 18 fu 35. Full time Neat Appearance Nec:essaryl Write details to: The Muat bava clean California Daily Pilot Box P-617 driving record. Apply P-AR-T~tim-, _"'_"_""-,,,..--ha-.. -• YEl.LOW CAIS CO. No experience ~ Apply In Ponon you ever given a jewelry 186 E. 16th St. brunch vr cookware party? Costa Mesa Bob'• Big Boy 154 E. 17th St. C.M. Ever thought you'd like to! ---'-"---"'=-- Make more money showing time sale8 manager: Your friends the Tri-Dermal Hire, train and set up ~auty ' Plan that , distribution for 1ddn care * W AI'I'RE!?SES * SNACK with one demonrtration. CQSmetics. An excellent Pro:- BAR HELP * Commissions & incentives duct with a dynamic sales Over 21. Apply in penon, J!B.id. PIUS learn this ' organization behind it. Com- 1701 Goll' Course Dr. Costa tieauty ritual and a:et 'mlssian. Send resume to Mesa, --See · Mr. Geo· Io v el i er complexion P.O. Box 567 SUnset Beach, Parsons. yourself. Contact P.O. Box'l.!Cal=tt:... ------ Telephone reception 567 Sunset Beach, Calif. work. Apply betwHn I 2""~'!i<"°~"'~av~alloJ!a~b"'te:_in"'-"ue~a.J1>,y1og & Receiving Teller 1 p.m. & 5 p.m., 1626 HbsPITALITY HOsr&SS u with desire to learn other E. Maywood, Santa looking for mature women pbuei OI. "banking. Exper- Ana. I!> welcome newcomers to ienoe required. 1.:.::S::E::.C~T~'""Y~/-E~C~E~P~-I the community. Must have R T type'writer, car, and be bon- Good typist, varied duties. da.ble, Apply 285 E. Main, Real estate experience de-Suite 7, Tustin Ca I if . Please' apply in person. 2523 Eu:tb1ulf Dr. • Newport Be8.ch airable. 642-3430 544-4>92.5 WOMAN WANTED, night '-='------I SECURITY PACIFIC ohif~ part time. No exp; e NURSES AIDES e NATIONAL BANK nee, 25-45. App., Mr. Donut, 7 AM to 3 PM f-35 E. 17th St., C.M. . 3 PP~o iJd~M LIVE-IN care for man bed- Opportunity Employer pa.tienl:. Wile wtirks. Private Convalescent Hospital Reil Estate S1le1 , 1445 Superior Men & Women room. CM area.. Daya N rt Be h 642 2410 !i'f3-6733 eves 64&-3047 ewpo ac · -Expa.nd1ng again. Office # -PAPA JOE'S BABYSI'J'TE}{. Wanted, my 4 openings available for N home. 5 days per wk . licensed men & women. ~ eed1 lull time and part 8-S:30, 5 children, 4 in stant income & ~· Ml'. timeGo Gogirls.Apply'J784 school. Salary apen. F.V. Gardner, Sprln& Realty, Newport Blvd., Costa l\.!esa. area. cau 53l-3205 aft 6,, _5!04824o::,.:::.:. _____ _ * OPERATORS * pm. 1 Better dresses, tap wage for ONE from home, 1 hour quality work, La gun a LADIES 18 to 60 show Sarah • night 5 days a week to Beach. Dori 494-8ll8 Caventry Sprina It. all people wha have recclve1f MOTEL MAID sea.son jewelry faBhions, pre-a.ppioached material. absolutely no Investment. $50/mo. guarantee plus. Part time. 54&-9428 we train. 847-1581' o '1=7""~6'545:;:;:'°~.,,..~- 0~ l have an idea! Small MD--0614. Ask for Donna ESTATE. Shouldn't bQuaecleanlng bu 1 t n e • • • LADIES 19 to 70 earn $25 YoU be aeJllng the hottell Lefs get our be ads ta $100 wk w I Cattannl area Huntnlgton BeachT WR"ether!" &12-2812 Lingerie; Equal Oppty VillageReal·Estate952-44n MANICURJSf, &ood oP{Xlr'-Employer. No exp nee. ean:L.::°':546-&03:;.::;:;.----~ tunity in new salon CdM. 9-10 am or f.-6 pm. 968-250t OTEL Managers, couple. Call aft 3, 833-(135(1, PHYSICAL Therapist, part Salary apt. For 30 unit GIRL ·FRIDAY, gen aUice time, momingl for mate.I. No experience need. "10rk. L-Ocal TV store. tingt:;:o•~:8'a:ch::_:O~l~fl~o~e~ •• laled~.i,I~nqwro~· i.;;;642-""30f'~~j0 675-1455. ~~24 IRL Friday, expd, tor HOUSEKEEPER & child NiJR S ER Y attendant amall ContraclDr'• Otlic$. care, lJVE.IN, P.R. & B., wanted. SUnday momtng ·•i .;"';;·""=;"""-=:::=642-8l.140:::,;:::::::= $50. a week. 540-9212 evening servilft. Call fm MAIDS WANTED appt. 545-7981 School•lnstructfon 7600 Dll Newport mvd., Costa WANTED babysitter m . Meaa. Apply In Penon. borne Fri tbru Tues, day BABYSl'CTER needed 8 AM anly, 7:15 ta 5:30. to 5 PM· Fauntaln Vall.,. chlldren, ~ IChool I.If!. Tho Nowport School of Bu1lne11 ' 540-0884 FEATIJRES· area. SM-3130 Eves. · • Electric typewrt~rs WANTED Live In bab)'llttef. W~. Part time. _. Dlctattng equipment Llaht housecleaning. Over 21 569863 Call • Modern office p·~urea 536-1018 e Brush up Gftil Shwthand BEAUTICIAN, klcal c I r I • Penonal Development preferred. 129 W. 19th SL, Jeha Men,, Worn. 7 '(Alk about our (peclal-Feb-g.M .. 64U&U. naty ofltt w~ tncludel Miinlcurlst WantOCI El..-n·ics !fee typing w1n1etto~l 'Beauty Salon. 642-7800 ..,.,,., 64M1D WANTED' , Aggre,,ive, <!· • Assemblers • Gilt, typow•ltlnf« Jldent. expe rienced, Front TR.AINE&S. with Umtted Ollldren, enutdchllitren, or desk girl tor Denl»I ottc. assembly bacll;around a<> youzwU! lndtvldu&Qy tutor- 892-8612 ceptable. , ed OllO)flt 10 lellllOnl b'Ptna: SLEEP In """'"'"· l a.m. Call 646-961 'f. ""'°"'· 11> Doi Mar, CM. until IO a.m. tor l child. 541--28$ 4 days a week. 536-§850 RING · )'OU? hm\fl mornings: HAIRSTYLisr, oppty to bet· by Cftdentlaled teactitn. BABYSITTER needed 8 Mt ttr y0ur lncome by ~ All al~ lf'llda -l ~10 to :S ~: Fountain· Valley IP&aft ce-,. New~ CdM .1 can: Ml QO'l.,Alt-5 PM arte. SSJ-31111. u -1' pm ~. F« J>d,p" PDot Watd: Adi.• SOCK rr TO 'EM! WbHe elephant&! Dfme+l DW eoa11 - \' I• . ~1 -- • • • ... •• ~%7,1169 AIOftdol, Mill a MlllCMANDISI POii MlllCHANDISI POI MlllCMANDISI l'O MEllCHANDI 1 w-• · 1.uo ~-·-''"'AL=•~•:N:.::D:...::tlAll=:::•:.........:SA=L::•~•;::-N::D:....:.T:::ll";::~::•:... i ,SALi AN~ TllADI SALi AND TllADI' ,SALE AND -rUo1 • : I' T 11' J 'I 'umltu,.. IOOO 5'!!"' Mochl-~12d ~l'I & S-l210 MhcoHlftuuo MiiO ; --~GEi!'.• ~ -C!olc s-o * Aue-* . ._ ~. .-.-or. 1.oa~ .... -· 1111 Price '""N ; , ..L. ""' .tata -must ,1tl! '*3'!J!O SllO. Allllnr $lal. -' U""' wtD Olll « buy , in UIND&U • ,__, 1:!:/' er T pymnts ol $S.J4. Deot.r elvo WIDdy 0 lr7 •• '1"-<~.e:.:,~~ Spanish ...,... ... ox: CID -1e_,..a 1 .... 1,. 8300 A-Ftt1oy 1,30 .... ' 'l • 'T-~"13-betonl 5PM. • I '°" . · •.--Windy's Auction a. ' I Medlte--11 . -CAMERA Petri JT-BIA U5 I •--bl Monufo~·-J• Muolql ln.t. 11U ~ teleplloto, ~ -wldo !:,.~ """"' l!lde;.?I°..'.!' . PlooM coll fOr ••• an •,.elnhMht GIRL FRIDAY Thls very·~ real ·estate l)1aJf Wallts ~ tm. posaible, o1 coune. You mmt be ,a .bookkeeper, fUll chargo, \Yt>•l <&ond one), & have lhortband ...,._to - AS.SISTANT SECRETARY I 1UU. bav.en't found this r a r e combinition of YoW'IC and beauttful from within, excellent skills, under.ltandi.Dg and Joy. alty. You'll be working with .. yaung marketin& dynamo within excltiric building project.. His ao- compllahmenta are fa. -mooa·and-he.needi-lome.- one to atand behind him. lllOO, .CAL REG. NURSE Would YoU like to iet into Ind"""' (normal daytime hours), all holidays and weelrends oH, all benefits and excellent salary. This iesearch company heeds an industrial nurse to · work with the personnel department therefore )'OU must be capable of typing your own clerical work. SECRETARY GIRL FRIDA'( New exciting product and company loca~ New-Jll?ri Center. Work for wonderful famlly-t y p e man wba requires a young, iµunanied ~­ tafy "'.ho can work' over- time during the "crash program." Yau will be ~ll paid f,or Y9\lrr~· as this comPAnY 'CNW!I· to $550. ENGINEERs • IE or Milmlfacturing en- gineer Ct)btenttoml!tm), LosPc, ~ms, Electron- ic dellgntts. J.E., Hybrid """""""' MBA Become penonal tlave and J'liht band man to Vke President A fre&s.. urer ot sueceaful con- struction comJ*D)'. You will have the o_pportunity to grow to top ·man.' Ex· cellent salary. SECRETARY Rlght ann. It takes a type ol )ayalt;y, skills, common 1 e n s e and THINK ON' YOUR OWN TWO FEET to work in a small but rapidly expand- ing business. Empathy. muat be ya u r middle name. Success must be your attitude al)(f l'OU should be single and GROOVY. SECRETARY Thia is a YoU"I, progres- sive title company where escrow experience is a must. S500 PLACEMENT CONSULTANTS Must have been 1ucceu- .ful within the protesskln.. requiring outstandlna: communica:ttoa 1 k t 11 a:, sales aptitude and -flex!· bilUy, High energy levd for success. Orange Coun. ty'l!I most exciting busi- ness-MINE! ACCOUNTANTS Excellent Irvine tract compa.Qies tor the young ........ BOOKKEEPER FC A beautiful company where I have placed 16 excellent appUcants. The aame company needs .a . Flnanctal tYPlst, • pay- roll clerk and an account. Mt Who la free to traveJ,. .....,. .. w~ ·.:.:;:;:::L.: -"---.;.,;,;'ll 1._. IX!:xtol,.... .......... -·~ ......... a,...._ '' '69 S.hftr,_.. st.,:f.!." , I' tnpxt, $225. l«l-'1!18 ott s M,Woo. ahlp""""' from ~ AtT.mtk s..ti.pt ~, • ...,. Guitar•H.-dqu1rten P.M. "Queen Mary", compl. wttb .r 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's.chm •NEW""' USED • 1 ..,....., _.. • -t or love seal 5 Pc ()eta don dart oak din set Fendu • Vox • SWldol ', ·Goods 8500 "'4'l' bnu plaque: Ideal •; /bl ,.Ji. • • GIBSON • MARTIN:,. for bo:v"• nn. '95 each. · • w •-..or avocado iramed chairs: 8 Pc BR • WILSON • YAMAHA •·~· HEAD Standard& with -· Sh4> _,,,, ; t sol lkli 'Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mltror, 2 . Novado toe I&'!. w_.•, Z3'1 w. OloJl.Hwy, N.B. _ , t commodea, decorative headboard In SpaniBb Drum Hoodqu•rton· llki boot., .llze I, $25. "8-4l92 Open ~ ~ oak design wltll. matching box IP rings; J1l&t-e NEW ond USED • 1 -alt • GIFT Shop ..w.r out; .., · 1 tress & flame. . LIJDWlG, ROOEBS, ASl'RO --1... tiqu• trualis, ........ 1' ''-"" Sold lnctlvid1,11tly t..arse ldection with new • · :neoua l600 p:i,rta; &lao, old Penlan rus: ::. Shop Around ,.... lloforo you bUY -US.I pc, •ta 4nd eymbala itart-mli:.ci) -~ ~ ea. floe utlnpilhef, tllol • -VALUl.$1095,95-FULL: PRICE $529.95 lnr ot $189. -bWlab Cbeotc!ra...,.., ...... i.·tW!n brick -""'"'""'·.., i . Ot' html 11liW11 ~.66.fler WMk ·~ ·aieta: .ttpalred. All, amall bed tet $35. stovn, pa ttque· <le*. etc. 11151 W:-19tb ~ U•e Our Store Charge Plan or Bank Flnan~~J. """· • .,.,....,.;,. ti cimbala " •lodpc m· ""' $25. St. CM. ~u14 j No Fancy Front -BUT Quality v, al,ues de 1n stock. • Tablea $4 &: $8. Hlde-e.·l>ed, 1 PIANO, $300. 1 ma.pit! ~ needs cover $15. Bteycles bdnn 21f!t. 5 per, $100. 1 .. •"'! 2 glrls 26". no ea. Schwinn maple harvf'St tbl, • ~ :. '~ btlce 28" $18. McCullOugh-beck chrs_, $75. :I tlreOle • ~ S' chAln uw. WiacoMln 10 chn, $20 each. 1 couch,: EVERYTIDNG IN MIJSIC HP pa engine $35. TV $10 aqua, $50. 1 coUee table~ Factory Authorii.ed :-$20. 1550A Superior, CM. $25 le. mi1tL 968""'644 Sales Is Service 6f6...918B Dally 12 noon 'Ill 9, Sat Mil..;.::..:::::,,,_.=~-- . 11lt>C )leach Blvd., (Hwy 39) POOL 111 ,.. s., San Dleso Fwy. Beach Musk Center ------= SCR·AM:.LETS -,,__ ..,_ TABlES- ANSWER. s " ~,;,.i.~ 3~~...,! New ola'" 16115 val Now $295 · 20 Pc: "Madrid" oel 5j8.<S25 """'· 23 Modela fQ cbooeo from SS9 Hearse~-Mount-Whole-MELODY GUITAR up. 2l3: 692-4167, 69:'Z-Z01 SPAIBSH GROUPS 3 Roam Group Fl<l<l• -FISHHOOK New .,.n "' -12> ' EA. Streamline ..._..,. From Mod.I Hom. O.scrlb'-her ~" frlond 's 67J..t15l or &t2-00ZI pontoom, 10' x 12" '35. 1958 , .. ,. au• Kit 10' x 45' Mobile home includes: Quilted aota & lover: "The onl,y time you C. MELODY Sax, Pt:nctl· plus 10-' x 12• Cabana, awn-Kirby vacuum cleaner ·w/a ;i chair, 2 end table1, t:aHee see a mouth like his is when ¥ueller clarinet., Yo rt ings tWQ ~ $3500 Island taclmlents~ Take owr small • table, 2 lamps, dresser, mfr. It has a FISHHOOK in it." Horn, Old violin. Pvt .PO'· View Trailer Pk. is6o Whit• pymnbl Ot pe,y aU balance'' : ror, i!eai;lboard. quilt box Furniture retained tram ~ GC-.2932 tier, CM. 64U582 of $36.12. Cred,lt Dept. · :. .,.......,. &: Jhattr 5 Pc Dining P'"" tud~ --•-' "·-· , KE s..-~~ .,... ' ~~ 1 ..,., ~:.:"'''"'" • & O l30 POOL TABLES -We Buy, ·~ , .~ room table & 4 Hl • Back ecoratani cancella~.. P11nos rpns I Sell & trade. Table recover-SONY 500 Stereo tape _ ; chairs. S_ !sh & Medlterrariean etc lnp & bllllard suppllca recorder, complete -with ;r Compare •I $749.'5 · RD FURNITURE • ., Pl • SPORTS 100, tom Gard•~ .......... "' mike&. Finl "'' COmpll!$' 3 1e 9 gro 9 up 1844 NowJiort Blvd. CM \••W ClllCll · Grovo Blyd., Garden Grove. S18S takes. ~ ' ) ever/ ·ntabt ti1 9 WURLITZER a: BRADBURY 636-2730 Mobile Te19Phonff !~ Pay only $16 per mo. Wed., Sat. A Sun. 'tll e AD atyl~ • fl.aishea. .an TILE hobbyist: Here'• a real Leue at d , ·~ QUA 1.1 Ty -king bed American, made, 88 note, del bargain. 2 x 4 foot table * 839-«L10 * ' ' 21 Pc:. /-"'t~ ~-w-hencb & tun<d. Price atarl-and or!glna1 0.nwar tllea' 1 w 't .... ""' mau .. ~, comp, lng at $499. • Ml W od .,. ' •. ''Barcelona'' Never used $98, worth $250. ready for cuttina and ac. ant nilO :i-. . 1142-65,36 nwtic • all for $25. &IMl.88 ~ King Size FOR sal• -leavln& area. W~tzer 0"911111 5 PIEl'.E ........ "' $2), • WANTED • ' ~ 3 Roam Group Patio " """'hold furniiure ~ NEW " USED • ,..,,.........., baby """"" . & a~~% TremendCJUI savings on 'fiS $5. 8921 Comet Circle, Furniture e Appllanc" ; ;;· Old Wcirld Elegance models and rent rehirnl. Westminster. 847-7187 Color TVs e Pi1nos. ~· includes: Quilted sofa 1: GOLD couch 1Aebte eeat ETC. ' ........ with pillow -Cost $300, .. n for IJ:;o: ..... EVDYTiuNG IN MUSIC • VACUl/MS • Cash In ''1/:2 hour ··;_ 2 musive lamp tables, col· dinlng·table, ~·' '\. . · S10 WI· Repairs I parta. " 1 .. table,. 2-42" lamps, King ,. l ••JI . -Beadl 'Music Center ~ ... E. na11'!'· ~·Vacuum 541-4531 " "" ...,1er bedroom with Offlco Equl~t· 8011 · · • ' e ~ · •• ~ .. 642-1.560 .I quilted mattr & box sprgs. · · · · · · -·" ' . 1~~aCiory Au&orized CUgfQM liquor. ca b l n e t. E L E CT R 0 NI C Student J ;:'. Ja.rie dre!.ser, m.lm:ir, 2 El.EC 10 '>iiiY.'<a.. d d 1 n g ;---··~ •Service Double bed. Aquarium in dealres 1'not working" T.V.a :: stands, headboard. 6 Pc marhlne •Jfi~f.~lial. Di!G ·'U rmn 'tU I. Sat 9-S room divider. Decorator Can'tpaymuch.673-4380 1.~ swivel chalr dinette set. $ 3 9. 5 0 . ·q·1~•·l e 1 e c ii4ol1.Beach ~ .. (Hwy 39) Items. etc, etc. 642-2932 ~, Comporo.•t $1299.'5' """"""' ~ct"'"' nlce 11!; mt.·s.. Sin Dte.., Fwy. Q u AL 1 Ty """' bed Mochlnory, olc. 8700 • ':• Camplete croup 11.andard ~et> $37.50. Huntinaton Beach 847-85.l& w/qullted mattress, comp. PH Axe " $699 Printing cak'ulator e16-N .~ _ ---.. Men Welder 250 amp., . ; -..ortm fO)od $69'.i07"2.sfu' G ncl ......, • _ ~---· ~·· -· gasti .~von; 4 cyl. Con-, :: Pay only $11 .... mo. I.::==:;:;:==== ra -l"""ntllCJ nen-m.... ........ .. • Gar-Sile I022 Our new arpn department '68 RCA Port B/W 19" TV. trailer, $400 Cub. 642-~·, ~ WELK'S furniture . MART , 600 W. 4th St. . Sant.\ .Ana 517-Slll Roura: Daily 9 ta 9 Sat u & Sun 11-6 --is now ogen feab.lriqj; w/atanc!, like new, $100. •· !(ING .he · bei1 Ii spiead THOMAS ORGANS Good pcr1 ... bed, 110. PETS ind LIVESTOCK" . '. Cw/res) S35 O'.Keefe & Mer-with the exclusive omr-Gla * 673-4691 * -·· rltt double oven, broilers, and Pia,ynlate. 6'3" HE.\l).~ witli ~ 112' .• r four bu:rnen-w/o-lddle $40. FREE Nevada '-~·"";;Wmnan•s· ARC Cocke S niel Pupo' :·' SeH~Imperlal LawrenceWelkta.milYmmlc •kl ~· ~ B,i sz;.,. pie~ 8262 roth St.,: Frigidairt ~ sat. tiJ. 1631 course, a S100 value. free 646--9539 •· Westminster after 5 • 3 o -: Irvine,CM w:l!hevery _Thomu~ 2WAY .RADIO W"eek-days, an ·di¥~; SKl"'Clotbes, am. appliance, Pri~ .s~ at $595.. 6'l watt ~.4-{Dobile M$ends. · • ~~~~c1o~;~ .C~ Music 2 ~~~ocloubte ~AK. ctATllREReg. Poodle• --16 ~ ~~ ~~~~~""',;~ lut~rt Blyd, CM bed ~ ~ \J>l"ad t•~-""""~ • . ! Via Lido N,_. ."•• w.' CoM of ewport .. Harber $'1!. <$ 1116,'llOG eves, · c 5">1044 """· -' ~~ -·-646•0271 HOUDAY Heeltb Spa. :lll mo ~RADLE. pup,, . ll 1"1l ANTIQUE Walnut tble, $50. Yorkshire 11 c.-111 ... SPANisliFU.RNI,TU.RE ~pan.lab candelabra.,\, tbl, u d ft;. Sal contractkr21makeoffer, ,..,~,6weekll -, RE T. U I\ NE J) FR 0 M 115 ea. Trtm-Fonn ex-Se vrGln 8 645-279!. old. 496--1798 ! MODEL H~MES. SAVINGS erclser $60. sat u r Ii a y · $50. '61 QtEV. Corvair. AKC DachahUnd PuPPiff, 8 l TO Ill%. Spanl'1> quil... 642-5334 Hammond MlOO Spinet 1996 -...,CS, ...... bad. ..,kl, 8mall hmd, very ;i sol&·& love aeat, 3 bak llvinl Hammond Al.00 Conlole $1800 Rann!ns eond. ~ ft'd. $65. 842-5327 ' • room table!I, !2 Hvq room ~ cl::hem e ir~ Hammond RT·2 ~with 2 DOOR yellaw Admiral LABRADOR Retriever eupa. ' ~ la.mPI I: ·Spenlab P&lntinl· ), 'Sa T• 10 s, 1 s. HJt 40' ····~··········· ~ ~tot. cleaJ\, Moving, black. 6 Weeks old. Da'.m . ' El Pttsldente k In a• 1 z e 12 · t llitd AM-6 PM. Hammond C3 ~ PR 40 $1995 mll1f sell '60. · 847-3880 -& s1tt· tmported. 838-t928 ' bedroom IUlte, oak triple 351 Buolme , 549-2534 lhmmond 11-1 ,\ Loalla .$2100 -j ....... ... llllrn>r, klna A II 8100 G-• -only 8 FREE TO YOU Ho!'IM euo ;• headli>ard; 2 commodei. PP 1nces months old •••••••••••• $33115 --·: khlgs1ze lilattttu & box e sPEC1AL ~ e ALL PIANOS • •• •• •••• •• •• • · WELL trained rq. muatarw. ; sprinp. 2 boudo1r ..Lampl. Refrtleraton. automatic 20'1Eo or DJOl'9 Saviqplt ORGANIC .Fertllizel', aged 8 yra. $350. Papers A apt J 6 piece Spanish wrought WUbtrs & otbel"maJor &.P' Open Mon A Fri evea. bone manure combined free breedloa 1ncl. 54.5-2237 : 1 iron dinlne tel Only $467. pllancea from model holtlel HAMMOND with wood lhavinp. GoOd ever. _:j $3). down & $4.50 weekly, at fe.ntutlc discounts! No In CORONA DEL MAR -mulch. ,833-53.12 ar se4931 HEREFORD ttm saddle ' l!leil .eparately. Easy credit. Down. We setvice. See &t: 28M E. C.OU:t Hwy., 673-8930 ~ 8 6 5 Mon = $300 new, ut:e '$15b; Ex-~ HAMILTON FURNITURE ros:rm·s -WE'RE In aur new n:n. -cellent· cand. 8J8..6237 ' J 1 5918 Westminster Ave • , 11185 Brookhunt. Ftn Valle)t Our tanta&Uc u1e af PiaDOI PETER Rabbit e mo old. J. Wntinlnol'f· 1194-443;1 dally (So. ol w.,,...i 963-1234 6 0rpm ..,,, "°"""""' at ~ """' buck • TRANSPORTATION JO a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat., DOUBLE aven, Frlglda!re 0l'B.l'IP Caw1:1)t'1 only plaho ....._....., ~.t. ~rz:nanent home . r JO a.m. to 6~ p._m,. &iq. bUUWn. Like new Stainle~ • arpn "1aper market" wanted, must have cap, Bolts & Y1chtt 9000 J 12 p.m. to S p.m. , lteel, all eot1trola.' Allo mat-Pianol from $195. OrsW wlll.dellwr. 675--M«i . f. MOR£ CASH ~~334coot "'P-Sacrlflce . .=,~BALDWINSl'IJDIO ~~~.·"l:~ INVENTORY j 1819 Newport, C.M. &0-8C84 haulli!:& away, warks . SALE ;i!' PAID FOR furniture Colored TV'1, Pl1n0t Appll1ncn, Antlqun 1 ·Plo<O .or WESTINGHOUSE Alltamatic -"'""" 5 • W her 1 Id "'-PIANOS I. ORGANS . ••~alt p.m. NEwPoRT lll'S ' aa . yr a • uiuc: new! l $100. 847-8ll5 Famaus Name Brandl FREE tmall mixed breed Slips Includecf · ·::) MON from $529. puppy, blond & wht . ePACIFICYACffr~ ; A.ROI Elec ~.auto Alto USED lnltrmnentll Female. 6 wks. Very friend· Kettenburt Dealer ·~· oven, i:w~~ ~· Gouicf Mvslc Company · ty. 54IJ..et63 2ns 3446 Via Oporto, Newpart __.~ .20C5 N, Main, Santa Aria MALE Rabbit Black, wltb %4 Hour Phone •••• 673-~ .1· SMALL Refrlgirators $25. ~ sa. of Freeway $47..(1881 lihJte collar 9 mo. aid. ' ~' ~Good ·-cond. MonAFrl'til.98undotu.ii t14W341 %/17 17 Fr. l'OrlOl'Rler. Ioland" :f PIANOS &: ORGANS HAPPY Valentinet ·Day! '64 """"' modd Call tlbe.-· 11 Our ·S .... oltyl WUrlt-e KnabO • Floeher Ford convert!ble, with Pink glua) oatboard. cu.tom • J , 6364620 Anflqllll 1110 Orlnp Co..,,,. 1aipot •SJlp-.... '""" " 67~7475 U>IP·dOWD "°"""Bio wlJeel " Houseful! 24 HOUR SERVICli mumc ciealer .. '........ alt ''"' ~18 tilt lraller. 1100 ir beat off. -j" BUYmONDUTY-7DAYS A!fi"~=4ndMex. WALLICHS .. ND GI/ home tor lovable ~.Phonel40a0alterTprn .. * $29.44' * ~18th c = ~ MUSIC CITY , CQllle """"'· 2 y r a. 18 at!IJ!lCRA!'T• utlllJY I ':· 3 ~--Braid~ Antonio w ~•t ..:......... ...... 3400 .so n..1..--1 ,._ Kea Houle broken 8.J6..4G3 2-18 pteuure, 105 iq). 6 c:yL inbd. •l' •~• ~ · .-~~~. m · • ' u•~-. --" · ' LaPotrako oonotructlo • ' • OVAL RUG SEr . leM curdllx, •l>!•ll, .,!14WJ65. I MIXED ---Xlill cond tmlouL N 'j: Nylon blend, rtvenible. · primitive w. twt l}llrrarli. HAMMONi> .. Stelmn)o 'r• P 1 e •. 1 wk• • o Id • price S14SO 962-lf.tO ad 6 ,, Brown. eOppettone, green. 17th a. tllu.~lile,tea m&ba .. new 6: U11CJ p11.qo1 S-2158 2/J.8 PM ' · ~~ SJ•e8'8X1~2~3,2XI porchmeD .. l tJn palo-. olall.....,Beot-'lll POWEftGIJDI'; , •l; AL'S UNUSUAL • .-~.!"-So. Ollll ifPt hero. -tne,'SC-11131. NEW 18 Sparta CN!eer, I ;1 FURNITURE for aood ,,...lloal &11-. SC8MlI)'1' MUSIC co;. 173'13 P11m SI. F.V. 2tu cyl M= l.oad<d w/ oc--~ 17881 Beach Blvd. 6'5-D 1807 N Ma1Q. 't • ctllOl'lel, Ullf!d 1D lt, wW ' !' Hu-~. -.-~ ····-BED ~ -·~·-'Santa'•-·1 Olll,'I' s mo.,.,...,.. trldetorcaror~unebaal'.;: Uu.wg-> ~ _..._.. I Ul-.::.-o;&f ~.....-. 1' -!'Jove. ddldren. sa.8503 139-4927 ·;;;• LOVEaat$80.l '>11tedlO!a. = ~'4.t1:':. PRIVATE ·,'PARff . . 2/lT SHARP lG'~boat wlt:J:Nent ·'$ '°"" -~ 0>ttee A .tnll .,. ·~ , • W&Jlls to ~"°'~ · INit 11rge utlllt;y tra\Jer. owlve\ -ts. 40 hp .-. J Both '-· by oppllcont bleo. .._,'pc-"~ lltr cu. ~ ll'ou ballL Coll l>odd>art " ---~~ ·1· -1Q>ti obe' SPiii'* Ill< 'ltl VJ.Sr -Amer A. J!!ll' . lloolt;y. 518-2301 2/lT ·-· ~-· .....,_, · j 1.eo1.thlil 2..., old: Miii! lla;o. A c1ocb. LortY. Tolovllll!ll l20S tau.d '*~ SKIPPER-"'""' 1 j a F• paid by - compr1ny PloHo coll fat' .._ •• an appointment .. u 1llll -k. !"" pn,>. =Bl~ 2.ue UNT TV SIO . alSOut 1 )!", -1ov1nr. 11m.:..,.-:;_,.~ .; . ~-. ._ . II<--..... ~ ,645,0)37 2/17 ·1 MAPLE B& -~ comp!;' AN'lTQ!JES ".a.ocK3 l34001 or mauo ' 'PUPW S1llbooll • ' . 9010 • ' $US. Waln. Din rin ae~ . l'OSTER'S ANTIQUES -,, _, 10 wk. Wnale ' -- ' -. s la&V... $1DO. M•.ct.18 e ll03 -CM 21 T.V, $2' Coll 111-7362 '2115 Ouolc lla<:llw Sloop R«twOocl un\brella .tbl w/. _ ~ after ! p.m. ' a MOS: tam ~ bin, , ~ 33 wnbretl&, $20. Wuihidrt-SOwlfttl-hlft!O 1120 HI el a S -io obota, bouae>roke HANA.HULi t' er, $Ul5. AD In aood eoact. """' tweo •a , 5tM108 • Nt No. 83 T ,ft> J 5()0322 ........ • 11168 ~™.:i:-u..~= STER.El) Ull9 -..... .; U 'E!oL.ji)OC\Je; aood -Sl<el< ~Boy ,\ :o- J: J • 8US1EST r,narltetflMe In :e.-re,PO $39.=~ptlce 801e. Nevt?' Ultd .. Mio -lnent. lovea cbildre'll ~Han ~· r ~ ton.,'lbt DAILY PILOT Gf'\$4.'m'mq'·Automatic,Qr .ttg • ·wata11.t AM/1'11 .MIJ--3* • .J.17 Owner •• m.m2 ! "'"l"':!"i.:'.";,,:,,.:.'CJ =-'-~= ..... .:::...~~ i:.~~-~·.:~:i:.=~ CllZ.l)l"okl. ~'r,.,:"J4."ir/""1"' !!""II\. • -• -. ~-cto.,No,ojtad>,; ~.95, -· ·,,'2!'· b>.Ule6 _" ·:1-11 •18.1'>01t I ' · I Foollolb' J?lloll\'41111-_..., Guann.Jro ""°"'" O'edltD<pt. -.. "liJilED,w l!UPPJ'. 1-OlllllHl'lhlU11111 -. . -Dill -for RE.5ULTS 5lM!l8 DAILY PILOT WAN!' AbSt -..... 5il-1e 1118 Wblto ~' • I . , ' , --------~----- ' • 1 llAILt l'ILfiT TUliSPOITAT fltAHSPORTATION I TllAHSl'OllTATIOH ~ltTATION ' TllAHS..OITATION 9010.,.... "'•"°'! 9521 r:•Od A-·HOO lm..-i·A--. Y?-YO -Lu11., •1.•~1:1.l..: ... 101 ii6GY ' ,t MG VOLKSWAGEN !61 VOi.YO 2 DI. *AUJO Wlllt* .... -·-~ 'Cl, 11/11. )Vlre wbetlo, . YW -"-'.W. lllAUll ''2 CORVETTE A '"~oard. $!2.'50. Roldy to Go • """1tJao, uldlWi:mt. JMHY 'EXT!<» I COM1'1:'1;C11V'.E PR!C!:S Bl"" beau\\11 Muat,.. .1o -or -TIJI, $1699 mllN. 8C-16Cl Pri-<-'-Joh ~_;AA Cort ,._ Auto L-'ne ~ _... Lo<al car. ISO • • -..... • • -• 224 w. Cout Hlp..., • • c:aah -dlr, "' wUI tuo c..-.. 9020 PORSCHE '60 B ......... : ...... la fl L • N ........ --• DID YOU • fonip ... In .-. c.J1 DRAKE cabin ..w.or. c~ sot' l'OllSCHE •S, ~t """'· ::i :: :::::::::::·:::.:: fGll l.a1iA UMd-Co~ 99oo • . • ~,,,'~~QOBm CORYETTI .,,.._ brld ... •1odronlc ' lilf now.~~· ae.t oUe<. :., ~";~;;,;;·,iipj,;;'iid..~ ,IMPORTS ' TlltlllnWl'IATION-• KNOW •·or CORVEITE, 8"""""" ::m Sacrlfic:e $ 4 9 0 0 . A. tf; '""" ExcelJent, reduoed .: Sl"99 fOYQT~·'fOl.fO llUUUrvKI •THAT YOU • 427, low mileage, xl11l cond. .... ",p ' PORSCHE Couge, S>1per. ·1966 -ilaitbOr, C.M. 8'JG-.93U3 ·• • sacrillce. 5'8-852'J ! Id llolth 9030 ' nt '!"'Id tbrou&hout, $2350. Q ' CAR SALE • CAN BE • "'6" VET Faotback 427 cu : . ' Aulo1 W•oJld 97po • • In • oweed. 27000 act miles. '' 1n~-J -Jboat a-• . 14t.tlOS-.1J·11ff 'S2 CADILLA.C 4 door bard-8 213: 421..aM.3 a.ft 1 PM ·! : yn: "':I ..:ilb"'57 ~ ..... v-:; 1970 HAUOI ILYD. \VB PAY ..... ' top, full power, factory air, • •1eo i., with v.ivet 11ow w con• MDA ;t * 536"671 * CASH • COUGAR • out ........... 1600 A'. MOO •! pORSCllE 912-19,000 ml .. . '60 FORD O>avtrtible. A BRAND ., __ ..;..,_ __ _ ~ · IR?~ vtot //FMblk I~ Chrome 1 w 1 bla: ' ' • matic, radio, helter •• A~ •' • 1967 OOUGAR, pvty pty, like • ~ CaJb ,,;.. '"--MM . mm.acu a e, ·• new, alr cond, PIS. Sllp"'°°rfng 9036 We= .... ,,,,,""-·'I:""......: 515-1183 , Nl&:hta S4f·IJIJ-67J.lltt ' forusedcartA..~~-Just '62 OlDSM.OBn.E r.as--•. 'NEW AM /FM,W /OTires.Wk· ......, .-·~ 1t70 HAUOl ,ILVD. caD us for free .nwna(e. door. ~ .beattr1 auto-• • dl,ya 8JS..1£ll. ext 1983, eve -=· ~:.m.~ :-......:.--o11,;e~ .::: _ xLNT coND --,~~ ~"......:__ GROm CHEYROlfl .;'f'::'uiCT<"2 .. .;;;: .. ~ • 1969 : ~-<Dils 6'/3-22ll8 .. * ~ * ,.. ..u. ELM (IR E 6'13-9339 .. ~ Polar Whit<. (HFP765) ""' for Sal~ l\lanaser bcatc. automac ...... 149 • • 68 COUGAR . Ch~~~~! 9039 ~=~ m..s. SUBARU ·~ ~"' $i9t :!= :..-! A~:~ s:~ . : POOLE BUICK • 'I':,;'.t:::!'!: ~= CAL 24 for CIARTER $25 day. S1fiO wk. •8f2.-7S28* MOblloHomo• Bay H•rbor Mobil• Homes 9200 : ·16'.o29'·22'-24' & 34 wides · From $69$ U WIDES -40'-43'.-'5'-50'-5.5'-60'-M' • From $3995 Parks available in all arerui. 1.US Baker SL % block F.ast of Harbor Blvd. on Baker Costa Mesa (714) 541).9470 SEE the DWI.I Wide Road- liner Pan American, Para- .mount. Elite and General mobile homes now at D11al Wide Sales Qiapman Mobile Hames lDc. 520 N. Horbor, 5.A. 531.a.171 -Hom;.;;".:.'---'92=15 MOBILE Home, 2 bdrm. jauDdry rm. 12x40 cabana, ·Carpeted, llx12 screened patio, $3500. 893-7814 --l!:lectrlc C1r1 9250 DATSUN ~ 1969 SUBARU Qrlglnal. ~ Kl "'1331 21'5 -· Bl..S. • ... • u.r.. • $2800. H. Stoti. 842-5581, --~---1 !l'ol!l $1297; 66 MPG BILL MAXEY W£ PAY USH . 0.ta llleaa • $ • Eves 962-""6 • DOT • Cbm•"''' f""'lgn "" ,..,.;.,, m " 541><392 • 244· 4 . '68 ,,;UGAR XR7 6000 mil .. DATSUN . 1Cost1;1 l(ustom l(ars ITtglYIOITll'I FOR YoUR CAl r.g:~~~ • . .• =. ~ -"'""'_'Call illl<M> C.M., . ..-., '11181 BEAJ;H ltVIY.' ' ' -Ono to Each CUstomer • AUTHORIZHI DEALER 1 SUNBE,AM . Hunt. B1Kh 847.f55.I CONNELL. ... $25.· ISO. 'frn. $loo. • YOU CAN' • DODGE HUNTINGTON ' lmlN.of(bU!Bwy.onBch CHEVROLET plua ... & Ile. • • • •• ------ BEACH s MUST .. u '61! vw, -~ -Harbor Blvd. . • llWPORTER MOTORS ~· • '68 DART l "'· JjT, v.s. tl UNBEAM'TIGER AM/FM , auto xlnt care O>sta Mesa 516-1.200;. • P/S. Bal warr. Assume New and Used Cars '&! • 2 top!, alum wheel!,· ll,cNit ~·.te:tt ';,,, ~ty'. 2035 Harbor Blvd. pyrnlt. 642-4141> C I I S • & p rt ""1ial "'''" 'I h, Konl 11BOO. 491'1l91 or '97-1863, . Will Buy ' '56 DODGE Sia Wgn, good omp • • erv1ce • 1 Shbc, ka:, car cover, many e,x.. ask•for'Ginv ~hibe.ld ' S«8-8Sll • 18835 BEACH BLVD. tral. never raced, well • -,, • ttres, new tail pipe & mut· 842-7781 -540·0442 D'alnlalned by local owne•. 63 VW BUS Your V•--or ~ BUICI( • • fler ISO. 54....,.. Jv1t J mil11 So .. s." Ditgo 122i5. 673-5653 $700. JUST REBUU.T .. pay top dollan. Paid for • Bu IC K • fwy, artd ju1t 1 few minvt11 e:1 . • 962·9993 • or not Call Ralpb '61 BUICK La Sabre, 2 dr. FALCON North of Ad1m1 ]Jib<:: SUNBE.U.I Roadster. '63 VW BUS 673 1190 hardtop. New red paint job • SPECIAL I ·~ Pl,..,.. UP le"¥ ... ~-Xlnt meclianlcal cond. New fi bod · ~ 1 • ' I: upholstery. R It H. ~r • • '62 Falcon Station \Vagon, ...,.,., ....... • .....,, ~ &. tire '5(ll 962-8605 ne ,Y• runs 5.......,, cean. leering gm mi, like new, R/HP s. · $695. 675-5007 IMPORTS WANTED , •8 • H $400. 1532 Pegasus, • DOOR I automatic, 4 door, radio &. & tonneau o:ivef, $1650. i. Orange Counties .n.. eights. 549--0449 2 • h<!ater, new tires, 60,000 or- 515-6631 , TOYOTA ' '64 VW 1'0tl S. """""-radio, TOP .$ BUYER ~SKYLARK. Auto tnm. • SEDAN lglnaJ nnles. By • ..,,.,,, A•"" DATSUN ~61 TOYOTA --','-eoro-. automatle ~ 69 DATSUN sion, v radio. heater, aee & Big sedan, 96 bp, overhead drive today. Lie TYX217 cam eng., dlr, 4 spd, radio, $1475 · ::er:ru:' = :i~ "'lllill Ll...:1 WBmlllfy, Bal UTIS. Take Mlf' Ul/IQ $75 ca!h dels or older car. L.B. YNWIFI. Call after 10. IMPORTS 494-9773. TOYOTA·VOLYO J96G J-larbor, C.M. 646-8303 ::e~~~=-$1195. Orig BIIL MAXEY TOYOTA R/H, full pwr, air<Ond. 1 • • in& $475.00, Call 839-3.l53. 1888ltBeacb Blvd. , owner. Kept in top COJ'ld. • kctorr Ordw • • '66 VW, xlnt corid. $111() •• * 642-229« * '64 vw 9 ,,..........""" 14,0XI mi.· $1295. * ""'56 * e. Bcach. I'll. w.-Prv prty. ll"" 54S-197ll • • .-2112' • FORD Antlqu-. Claasla 9615 63 ~·J;:• . • $199 • '63 FORD 847-1923 • • Galaxie Mardtop 1 '36 Ford p1De. ~ rear doors • Wld ' V' 'complete with Klaa, 1 hood '65 BUia<: Wildcat: aiJ.. • te exterior, pl~h tur· sllgho, .,..~ 1 .,. ~~-conc1 .. lull """·· y1ny1· top; • DOWN • ... ,,. bucket ...... 1ao1"" '64 VW convertible, new top, .th nd 1 ·~F .. ~ Rood colld. $1800. 842-6745 • • air. $50 cash dels, will fine paint, interlor. 55,000 mL ~ rear e · o T •• Ta ... "·--., prvt, prty, Pym.ts $29.85. LB. ci.. .. -. ,,,.,. .,.,.... bood deluxe & 1 grllle de. 6 BWck Century. Good •" -• ATB ~ .:-=-•c..:~=:;.:..'"---........ ___. ... ,__ a.--..1 ,._, GMAC• "·'= ""~•'""' 494-9773 or luxe. Set o1 back seats tor u·au<>pw.-.uuu car. · _,.. .. ~ -n ..........,.,., THE QUICKER YOU CALL, V.W. Bus. Phone 536-84ll $115 ••• 548-Q29l •_. ..... flltCllldllf. THE QpIO<ER YOU SELL H.B. Ask for Bill. * '66 BRUJCK Riviera, tun • equipped. Imma-eulate con-• • r&h,ps&pb.Oneower Ruru; good. $2.50. 406 E. t FERRARI MARJ<]!:l'EER, good ,,,.,. __ ;_ __ _.::.; __ , FERRARI TOYOTA lmoorled A-9600 Imported Autoa 9600 dltlon. Call 6#-2448 • '57 J:>'"ORD Cntry Sed W~, • • 548..{i77J I POOLE'S FINE USED CARS dition. l.Jctnse. Charger iD- duded. Newport Im...... Ud. 0.. . ange County'• ool,y author- ized dealer. HEADQUARTERS ELMORE • • '62 FORD XL Convt. A-1 • • Sharp! at $650. D a n • '62 JAGUAR • McGheto, 6 4 2-9 3 2 4, or '68 CADitL&C· C.oupe De 3.1 4 door, Auto. tr•n1., 833--0600 ext 2378 CADILLAC Ville Conv. Xlnt ~ Jltic.. •redio, hNler. Show1 e•·• '68% Ford E 200 Super Van. ed for quick sale $5(m, .cepti~•I c.ere. IWNAISSI • Auto-302 V-8. 8001 mi. $2900. . ...._ • $2195 • .;,; .... ;,,c1:::c694c,.-~~~ MotorcyclH 9300 SALES • SERVICE • PARl'S l5300 -mvd., w_ , ... _______ 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Phone 8!M-!32S 1966 'IR6, 650ec Trhnnpb. Newoort Beach l'ull -custom -~ ~ 541).ll&f YOLXSW' •GIN ~ used u street -'Au=thcr!zed=;.;:.;l\IG=.;;;Dcal=er:;_, 1._~...---'"-~ 1ltlm only Many ....... ---flSO. ~ att 5,50 """ FIAT ... vw -. 50,lllll .m1. antyime Sat & Sun Wbltt!/ eood colldltlon. I-....:.;"="='="~· --'67 F1at 850 Spider $900. * 64.2-91Ei8 '66 HONDA 160 ,Scrambler, Low mil&aie lfi,CQ.1 ml. Xlnt cord. 1965 VW Bus., .,new wsw, Tuned pipes $275. *~'19Ul*. radio. Sl3SO. • 547-3182 • *Call ~· MUsr sell oo Yamaha 1lll KARMANN GHIA '68 VW B"' 7 """'· Xl"t cc &Ingle. With GYT kit, I --.;._;._.:.;._;. _ __.;_cl cond. AM-FM. Prv prty. 51 tooth l!lprocket, bars I: . GHW S2500. 642-1007, 837-4211 more. SJOO. ~3572 '64 VW Sun Roof, RJH, 1 MARUSHO '64 500 cc op. 2 '67's owner, $850. Good tires, posed twin, shaft drive, ex-2 '66'• reblt eng. 644-0136 traa. 642-5007 462 E. 17th 1 '63 '65 VW deluxe bllft. Top Clll · AD extta oharp, IB with ra· W.pe. Cleon. Good th .... '68 KAW~?rr diOI & heaters and one with Private party. $1375 ttnns ·l'l5 cc. Only 1500 ml. U air corxlltloninr. •=548-~14~13------ _wa:rranty. $470. 54S-0'291. ~ '62 VW Bus, new erg A-J. AOJ Mini bike. New paint receipts to prove Real good condition. Muat ft~ -59>-5329 aeyt!meSatASun. ~ ' ,o =b~ad; . HONDA 250 Scrambler. 4 1/2% l•11k fi11e11.,J119 ,..,.neble 011 benk eppro.,11 of crodit. FREE-FREE Las Ve11as Yacatin11 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO t4o Purch•1e Ne.,e111ry 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster 894-3322 OPEN 1 DAYS Honda trail 642-«06 .... .~m~ Autos ffOO_ Imported Autoa (Value $275) Trade for 90 a ~ ·- .1964 HONDA 2iO CX:. Good ' ___ ...;.. _____ __.;:.;,.;:;::!=.;=..:::;:::;::_..::.:;:.:... • 'condition. $400, H u a: b Hutaon, 67S-55JO '67 Honda 300 Scrambler Uke" new. Make otter. * 545-'79'J'l * Triller, Trivet BOLES Aero, 21' semi self contained, A honey! S.1250. 8'l5--0l5.\ T am to 8 pm • (i)NTRACTOR'S field ollice Walnut paneled int. carpeted, Slim val. 675-5582 rucks YSOO *SPORTSMENS VAN* * TRUCKS * • Thoy Aro All Hori At F1ntastic Discounts "Ready for lminediate dollWry BEACH CITY DODGE Beach Blvd .. CRWJ. 39) 541).2660 e-""'"' '66 Ford Pickup 1.oQI bed cust cab, V-8, dlr, b\Jmpe:r, pearl Kl'CY exterior. ~t eond. Take foreign car Jn trade or SSO cash deb. Will fine prvt prty. LB. :~ Jim • •M-9'T1'J or li63 OIEVY ~ii ton Pick up W/camper, Loaded with eXtru. Must sell $1250, -WdtiVi l Ton. .. 4 spd. Slat bed, ~ emu. Seti ~ en w. •7th. cw 64>-1681 or ..... M-Tll2 \itoD,'fl2pldH>p; clMn; I ft. bed: 1-owner. -Ill. '1lliO 5IS-S75tl 'SI ror.s Ii Too v.._ """""' C*b, ll,lm ml. Very dean. -·-....,.,, 9522 OOAOI • TRAll.ER llNTALS t'• -too eu1,y to malct _ .... flllr!>'c ffol. ~ ~ORWEEKLY - 1965 54t-030J-47J.l 1t0 1970 HA.DOI ILVD. COSTA MDA P/b, pis, auto trarui, aif. cond. >ant cond. Must sell, will sacrifice. E v e s • m.7146 '61 31 SL Mercedes Benz. Light blue wJnavy blue soft top: all extral incl. air; xlnl cond. $5600. 962.-2011 MG MG J1rlupor t Jlinpo rt~, '67-MG MIDGIT Rc!str. )lad .m. ' iPd. air, cxcella>t ...-..-. Wlft wbeelo,cr.m--. plush -""' Ddfto b> Htae ·o1e man tram t.quna. 185 Cub -will line """' prty. I.. B. UOF ml, C94-9713 or56004 '55 MGTf 1500. Rcblt -trans: NC\7 ~-. watn' pump. •tarter tnokr, top ' rad». A8km&'1Dl.!i62--0692 M..lN-Y WUNDDIJ".'UJ.. OfS! POR'nJNJTID aa.,. bee9 diao:>tiied .. ,,.,.,w .... TaN '** to "'B m •• o,. .....,,.,__, . ' ' --- CA MARO • '48 WOODY, xlnt cond. Sell • '66 TOIOHADO • or trade !or good cond. Pick Full power, fec.tory 1tr• Up. TI4: 758--0165,_ __ '68 CAMAR0 RS SS. 396, •c.ond, ISIN1121 '64 FORD 1'aJrlane, 4 dr, 375 hp, 4 gpd, ilO "°"' • $2 _5 • r & h, Good coOO!tlon. $625. JaJ'.dlnel. Hurst. American, • 77 • 673-M2.1 eves A: wknds. Dunlapl, Stewart Warner, • "' ml. AMIFM. ...,.., -. • '67 OPEL • MERCURY (2]!) 592-5149 I • ---------::::======= Spt. Cou!fe, $.1did, he1f1r, 1--14 1peed, I owner. IUQF.I '63 COLONY P.ARK CHEVROLET 1101 I I Statton Wagon; blue with --------1 $1495 • matchlng.vlnyl inter,inxlnt .-------i• cond.; Bir • cond., auto. trans.; power brakes, steer-. • '65 IUICK . • int & rear window; radio, Sport We9011. Fec.fory e1r• heater· good w/w tires· cus- •c.ond., redie, hett1r, pow· tom ~m. iilled naug~e •et •t.er, lVZXZ4t 1 • pad for rear deck (ideal I-Or $2295 • i'hildriin whon traveling.) .__,..;... __ . ___ • '69 Licensed. Ideal family • '67 n CAMINO • car, fairly pri<ed at $995. •C • • t e 111 piclurp. Rtdio.. 642-3589 Aft 1 PM. heet1r1 1uto., PS, IV17013l. '66 COLOt:'fi Park, 9 ~· • $2.395 '5,000 mil... Big '""""; • • power everything, Heavy '65 Chevy lmp.11• • • duty sboc:ks, premium tires. Hardtop. factory air cond, '67 COUGAR • $2,600. Call aft 5 pm. dlr, pwr steering, new tirH. •R&H, tufo., PS, t ir c.011di· 64.5-1708 black landau lop. Xlnt cond. •tio11in9, I owner. IUCX-•11 ""=========== 1&1 .... dei. o.tw foreign •"" ' • MUSTANG car In trade. Will line pnot $2695 •11-------prty, L.B. TXJ48(. Ask I-Or • '67 MUSTANG -. Jlm 4%9773 or 545-0634 • , pwr .... &, air """;.,;;~;:,,:""'::..;;:::,=:,·-, '66 OLDS "98" cond. Many extras, fact. . •Ln11ry 4 door. Full power,• warr. like new 54G-7877, a.ft. 1pectal suspenslOll-396, lf•c.tory eir. tSUPSI?) • 6pmcall962-9566. ~;" ~ ':;.;:::'. • $2495 • '65 MUSfAN<; Hdlp. a;g 6; moo' 675-2226 • auto., R&H; lady owner. • $1095. 644-2951 After 6 PM 1961 OIEVY Convert, good • '6Z MHCURY •11.,:=::==::=:=;:=;,. running 348 engine. Good 1Mo11terey, Awto., fre111.,• OLDSMOBILE tltt• b l $275. c.J1 54&-1128 1 1,., '" "'" IGEX590l•il---_.::.;_.::.;;.,;;_.:.;._ alt" s. $895 '63 IMPALA SS ""· • '"" • • UNIVERSITY $985 or $235 & assume • , • P>ml" 548-9749 alt s p.m. • 65 OLDS D•lta 88 • SALE5 & SERVICE '63 CHEVY JI Station W o '·"'· H.T .. RIH, '"'"" PS, OLDSMOBllt $400 445 East 17th ago ••" c.011d1ho11ln9. !MOY·• u;; eosia lttcsa St., • 1461 • $1695 2850 }larbor Blvd '56 CHEVY, good tor • • C..la 111.,. teenager, $15. Call after 5 e . , • 5f0..9640 Used Can 5088111 pm 546-3585 • 'U DODGE Moooco • ,67 OLDS 442. 2 dr bord •57 CHEVY, good COIJd. 4 Dr. H.T. RlH, ewto.. top 4 ~ Midnight bl Going In service ,un. •PS. •It coM. rTPU032, • ext'. black 'mt. Air P/~e * 646-0885 *• • $199 5 • 24,000 ml., ma. -: $2>)1): 63 OIEV. Impala Jn. Vette • • ,;64>-;:..:2118:::;. ____ _ eng.ill pool lllap. lndyJ ......... '65 OLDS 88 Z In. H.T. ~ 549-0078 • • Original owner. Like new. '60 Chiv. $150. 6 cyl. JAGUAR 111 .. t oell·be•t ott«. Alt 6, Stick shift 548.s908 • • 962-1782 CONTI~ENTAL : HEADOUARTW :1 "-=""p=o=N=n~AC== =.:.:.cc.;:.=... •Complete S1le1 ~ Serv·• . '66 CONT. 2 Dr. All pwr. •ice and Part1 Oipert. 1962 PONPAC Bonnevllle 2 Alr-cond., stereo-tape; xlrlt •ment for JA~UARS. • ~ S~~ti_w R/H, cond. $2800 644-2867 See The bclfi"' • ..:=.:=::::..:=:..::.::...:.:::::...._ l1D'I' Goldenrod, C.D.M. • lt69 Jevwir Tffiy • l96l PONTIAC, newly re.bit '64 CONT, lull pwr lthr tn~ ..... ••• • • cnglno, maga. $375. "' best u way set.ts, $16'/'S. pvt -. otter. Call 968-52.'ll. ptJ. 548-«W.1 • • '616 PONTIAC Grand Pm; JGC LlNCOLN (bnt., low • • Sl,COJ .mi Plw. ateer. A mlln. ...,. c1cen. n'l!ll. • 234 ·l 17111 ST • --... 11BOO ..... ,m Tlt: 346-81D4 Palm De9ert • I •• ~ FIREBIRD 350 Ra1. '" LlNcoLN, 21,000 !di. Red I 5 ... a 7765 • -·· S on !Ir. fl45ll with Nack vtnyi top. Loaded ... caI1 ~U69 S3950 cash m..&9J • • __ • Mon·Fri 1:30 om • T-BIRD CORYAIR • to 9 pm • ------- $ -• 30 '68 T-BIRD 4 Dr. Landau , • atun111y I : am • P/w &: air-eond. Perf rond. 64 MONZA Dh. Cpe, New ' lo 6 pm ,_ -• _::M:;:"';:;':":;":' ~"=:'°'~..,_§,..,~::I t'"-. R&H, auto. -$350 • 549-3416 • Sundays 10 am • WA.TOI J'O'r ·~cm • to 6 pm the Rt )'Oii. find ID tbe O•e!fled Ads. °**" them _,... • 1. • VALIANT ---· VALIANT '67 4 In. (6). PIS. Auto. RIK. Low miltt. U/J'ao wammty. 11- . otter. EJH· 8311362 CHARGE m TRANSPOR.TATIOH --How Cara ,.. - HOLIDAY RAMBLER Invites You To COMPARE AND SAV'E BRAND llW '69 RAMBUR FuU Size Seats 6 128 H.P. $2043 Plu1 T I L-:-erder today BRAND KEW '68 JAYEUN. BIG ENGINE BIG SPACE SMALL PRICE $,386 P!u1 T I L-82799lt BRAND NEW '69 REBEL THE PEOPLE CAR $,436 P!u1 TI L-8175212 BRAND MEW '69 AMBASSADOR Alll COND-VB TINTED GLASS etc:., etc:., etc:. $3286 - Plui T I L-SI 1021t Rmcl • White & Blue SALE FREE-Car Radio Power Brakes Vinyl Roof SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES '66 FORD STA. WA!i. Country Squitt, 9 pass. enger, auto. trans., pow- er steering. $1995 '64 VOLKSWAGEN Radio, hMter wlrite wall. H1tiR549 $995 '66 AMBASSADOR. 990 2 dr. ha'.rdtop, auto. trans, power steerin& 4 brakes. Extra clean • $1795 '64 RAMIUR Classic 770 4 dr., ricd., V8, auto. trans., fact air cond. PCS 915 $895 '66 RAMBLER Rogue 2 dr, hardtop, auto. trallll., bucket seats, $169Sadl~ '67 FORD Fal>laoo 500 2 dr. hardtop, only 14,000 miles, In warranty, VFW 031 $1895 '64 DART GT 2 iir, hardtop. Auto. trans., mdio, heater. OML195 $1175 '64 FORD 4·Dr. $- Auto. tran..i;., pwr. steer. &: brakes. QSK 770 $745 CAMPER SPECIAL 4t. C-..0.W ....., ........ '595 'U II ._ '1775 lt:oeu..t c:elll. s.,. ............ HOLIDAY Sol., & Sortlco o,.. 1htla1 .... Pery,., c .......... 1969 Harbor BIYd _COSTA MUA 642-6023 I ,)