HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa... _, --· -~ -• . --. ,. -- Coast· SlOyi•tJ -~ Sii•Pet;t · ~ . .. .. • • • • I --- ------ - --·-·--·----_.__ __ -----~ -· Awaits-San,itg · l/r.,be i • " ........ ~ :!"' --.:..:. .-::. • J -. . SAT\!~AY, FE_BRl:IARY 22, · 1969 -' -·-,... w• ~ ·-._ ---.. . "'-~ ... ..,!!-4 _IKT~ • PANS --. --. -. -. -. ----,. -·~---------.. ... . . -• --. -----. .. . . a1n a • -. ue ........ oun ~ .. -now, • Nixon Packs For Europe /l'rip Sunday WASlllNGTON (AP) -P...iilm Nix· oo P~-loJIQl..lllo fin! .... taocbes Cll lwlf.,q~· --16.Cl>l!lms _.._,Ml . • •i.! ' I ' · ~T . .ilQ,.,..,.-llliml.lof blS .-.Em.,..., trip that MIHa Blmda7. · • . The hit....._ deal lrith-.l!IO lllllloo- al debl c.run, lllld Pool Offiee changes and will lie -1 t·o,CapltoHllD aomdime am week, while NJxon ix ~d. T h"e, pr¢del>Ual jet, AlrFcne One, tater Off early Sunday moniJn1 fo!' Bru,s.; ae1f, firllt atop In Nb:oo" Initial vtnluro In pen.. dlplomacy. 11111-.ry 'lrlll<take. blm from Bru>- aeix lo Landaa,·Benn, West Berlin, Rome, Paril and back to Rome for a Vatican City rislt with Pope PauJ·vt Nixon and his top aides were pre- ltnkd Friday with a last-minute SUI"' priJe ilevelopment !bet will likely prompt dixcul&lllllll •! the firs! stop. Fn!nch Praldent· CharleS de. Gaun. ll!pomd!J saggemd to the British am- busadcr in Par.ii that the Common Mar· ket and eventually the North Atlantic Truly Orpnb:atlon be replaced by a four • nation · din:ctar•te comprised of En&J•nd, France, West Germany and Italy. · There was no immediate reaction from the White House to the plan, rejacted by Great Britain. But the suggestion, coming on the eve ft Nixon's departure, aJ)peared to pose I potenUal thn!at to a main P"'•ldenUal pl! of thorlng up the saglng Western alliance. Both NATO and the Common Market are heldquarlmd In Brussela. Heavy Snow Hits Silverado; Rain Falls in County Floockavaged snverado Canyon faced I new pllgue today U lllOW began fill· lnr Ille Friday evening; cutting vis~ bdlV ~ IO feet, with more than 4 Inches '""erlnl tlie-aru by early morning •. 'lbe orihge Coonfy Sllerlfl's 'Depart- rn~ reported conaiderable mow on &be Ortea• Highway, 11 miles east of San Jaon CaRislrauo. · 'Wtth the weithtl" bureau forecuting eOlder tt:ni.peraturt!, most JD0W1taln. &IOli <JI the county could apect m<n! ..... durlnc the day. The real <JI the county was faced with aoolher . Wit lllld drury weettnd , aa mott roll fell dllrllll' the ' llilbl. Frida)' alMI carty loda,, "1th· 100n! expected. Fancolls pr<dkl be•"Y rain showm -.,ntpt ' )'olko ~II lhrouiJloul Ille COUDl1 nJ)orlod lnl01 ratn-c.qaed traf· fie ... ~ -·<JI a mloo<_na(mo.. la Loi Anle)a an apeml•• ho a t"e ........ kinl the ....... Ylctlm of • Cl'Ull1" blinf htllllde, .... -Frlclq u """' rain bit -....... • Po orclen from dty olllclalJ, workmen pulled don the ,leolerlnc houle, which btllf .-dollng of the PICllfc Ooost HtchwtY le feet below •ml'cruted tral• na•Jamst • ~ .. -~·l :-" • __ ... ----, _ .l . -- . .. • --l . ..,-.,.eeiiirr~•,--,er Law HaltsViolence 1 ,• .,_ ~'. f • ·-~K.Y•~\LOT a+-;~ MISS COLLACOTI AND FIUENDS GRIN;:EMIAACE«iTSIDE COURT THnl -,., Ch ll1t'Oul Ol'.Joi1;.~~ in Picket Lino . 14 -Teens for Christ ~Win Freedom Without -Bail · By AllTllUR R. VINSEL fil .. Dlllr "" ttlfl' Robbery of marljuaoa arnats befOn! three defmdanta--were Born Again -·t count Friday, u 14 rejoidbg TeeDI for Chrixt cnuaden waited Olli <JI : court In Colla MeA, ir.ed wlthoat baU pending their trial. Deputy Publlc Defender .James. Lang won releue of I!" : l'.91!\H oced· 11 to_ 22 Oft . their 0Wn ~I but , ff WU plaln that Judce Calvtn P. Schmidt YOUTH · VERSU S. EST A.BLISHMENt GuardCurbs 2,000 UC Protesters China May Free ~ ~-Ca,Ptured BQaters March 3 A Laguna eBach u:ecutive and 14 ot})o er yachtamen captured by the Commu- nist Chlneae may be releaaed after the Chinese lll:nar new year bolldaj s th&t end March 3. Simeon Baldwin, 56, of 1359 Cliff Drive and the others were aboard three yacht. en route from Hong Kong to Ute Portucuue !fland'. colony Of Macao. · A Horia .Koni gov.ernment. spokesman uld Friday, "I e:rpeet that the releue of theae y1chlll!l'I\ will be apeeded aa tfie 'riialnJanden return to wort after the lunar ne'!f year holidays." Other eovemment 1ppkesmen would not say if they rteelvtd.any new1 of the detainees. !long KOl1I resldenti w h . n!tllrneol"Frlday from visits on the matp. lii>d report;,d the 11 wm being h e I d In Heung Oiau Villqe, a few mUes J!orth of Macao. Travelen Aid they beard the prllanen """.DOI being maJ. lrealed. Beach Slaying Suspect Awaiting, Sanity P~obe Henry L. Sianez must wait two weeks befare he_,can. answer cbarln that• bie savagely cut the ~ of a 'HunUogton Beach widow lllld much of that Ume will be spent undergolnf..l!'ycblatrlc ex~ amlnation. • SJlna:, 25, of 312 (]ay St;;-Himllngt0n Beach, appeared Friday In Superior Court to face charges of murder, posseaalon of a sawed-off ahotgun _and auto thell lie mllll .-.turn to court March .I . for.' bearlllfl .. of ·, motion • to. dlamlu'the char1ea·ml opfn '"''~ r for , ....... "' -npqr1a to be filad bt' J?r. ~ihf Ahdmait. the Colla Ill... poyeldatrixt. Appearing wl!h Silpel· bOfore Jllllg& -Gonina'w11EdwmlR. !Wir•ve., "it of 17111 -· Liiie,. Hun~ Buch, $iw(-eQrWaQ 00, a cor41oilli11,J!""'~ that ID II!' ~.ended . , . , . 2 P·ar~els Make· Split · 'Dual}Ci,!~n': 1#.arns l~PQ~nce o.t '4~ ... - I I I :St.udenl~~lan ~Rally Mo .rl4-r Jn Firii;igs quartered al UO • .Mlln St.. lllmllqton · · Beach, Ill the·~Up(.CJub.0 -·~--·-· " 'Bappy' bad..• ,pr'lll*:Y .:ii.. .cliy:..; you wer11bulled·-700'.d be ;fleased ~· 0.JL,".•Mlil -~· 11ugg1.,--.,.1, . tW.fliii-..WaM ~'tbe 1tt cs.den~··~ •,ill.'~ 'Njill'"d under 1n1 , " .... -. .._tt\Mn~-lo,J!""Tuesday, ' he _, 1>elleft II ana ho wu 0t1 a ""irillltr all day(' lllJ. Berg-. Jltio ~ members cl the rdlilou• or1;;ii i]!n are~,_ ao 1!1ii • "'!V-·tmoqe Jn -'!' -ii!lth~ . -'-•Uhe.GoldeoWlll~ ~:· 'jll Huntington Beach. -!lie last roundup. ..,._ .. 4' -~ C~DRAG.1 • -~ of the motion by thdr. la:· moaey.f.in&nced defense counsel cam lat• in tbe day, after traffic vl~tors and a finance company-versus-carWash plant suit drlllfed on the calendar. Only the flipping of Bible pages and whispered chapter and verse numbeN coulti be heard in the audlenct!, but one youth spoke up during a recess lo try and lead a newspaper reporter 1n the front pew to Jeswi. Belore the release moUon, a woman traffic vlolater approached the bench with her litUe boy, who c.Wtched a book ol Scripblre for comrart and UIW'&nce. thrust on him by a Teen for Chrill Oaward marched the seated Christian 1oldiers, .. For tho.se of .you who are friends ,,Dd relaUves of •the peOple we are about 19 bring In, I want to warn that ii :is llllgal ·to communicate with them," 'Warned the bailiff, Marshall David L. Wilken-0n. TUSTIN'$ GRANDMA GONZALEZ HITS THE BOOKS At 52, Straight A's at Saddleback College • "All right, .Mr. Lang," said Judge Scbmidt after the four girls first, lhen 'the 10 ~ 'inale de!end..U took their iotU. ' Dart-haired Buzzie Collacott. 19, nieee ·of Weatmiruiter Police Chief Conner a Topper ~,.lllllled radianUy 'at the cwrl · Gr' nJ. R l St d t t H t 'fni!i'~~~Ja l!!e.~·!-: _ _ ""'7~-·r·'h-=Jl:la ~ f!.U . u en a ear . .~ = ~'~RLL'"-· Concernfng 'her t•on•er'•cotrdk\Jes, ~ + 1. ~-out;Olit. cb9i~!. Q ?? .... ...,---Mfi:"tOifZik!Z said:""tbef icetp("ine ·r A dalil\!d '°· ~,"°!"I jlljai~~e :s shiny bright ~d· and I accept them. Kids aren't that I == r=iti)O . --!.'!!' ~~1lad IJ!Uch different. OOW·a-days. The-y~re just .. I I ,.·.,_,of ~·~~·~ abotit'tllesamtiasthey'Vealwil)ribeen." ;.., .ilifJri!!'~~es. · •=::-:·:,-bive, """" the young"iehool s · Last seni.st.<'s COlll'SeS Included two · "Have· 7'!11 ~· ihla with the bert, lludent ~d turn out lo be a psychology classes, a sociology clu! and '-"'>~?" esked Judge Schmidt. Ii-year old IJ'anW,tgther. . a course in polilical sctence. · · "~ mat&er ,bas been dllCUllt!d ,,Jth . Mn. Dor1s Ci Gonzalez Ol 1~111 This semester, .Mn. GoniaJez Ja ta.king :the dty 11toroey aod he 11 not oppooed," N""':oocl 1''1k, TusUn, topped the rirst philosophy, anthropology, psychology and ·annrertc1,Llnc1 whobaaically.challengea dean;• list of 93 atudents. She received math, which she referred to 11 the 'the two.penal code and ·one edue1tion . As: in each of her. four courses (14 "clinker in the pile." ·ebarpl against the 18 defend.anta. ~.~) last aemester. She said she's not too sure whether L11'1 .. explained that the four girls . Ive just !'1ways .wanted to go and she'll be on the dean's list again this involved bad no prior arnst records since my children , are all gi:own and semester. and some of the 10 male defendants mm1ed I thought Id rat~er go to SChefOI "I think everything is probably easier had been in police custody, but never t~an .~tay home alone ~1th the cat and for me because these things have been missed a court appearance dale. bird, Mrs. G-Onzalez s~d. my inte rest all through the years and "One .of the thiDp we must consider He.r husband ii a ~ar1ne C-Orps Mas~r I've followed them. ·ls wbat. wOuld motivate them to Oee '' . sergeant &tationed at 29 Palms and is "I've got a jump on them In everything ·be -~lilned tO :~judge addliig ~t away during ~ wtek, Mrs. Gonz.alez except the math. the' ..... three dilftrint Offense~ charged are explained. . 1'1t's new math/' said ·the A· student not of er~ intent _ . -· ~D real problems pr e.s e n led who deftly tread Ult! nuances of Generally they r:1a1e to bloclinl a thhln.sel\.'es, the cheery Grandmother Philosophers AristoUe, Kant, and Hume. tr t .t1...'-t1nrr h 1 od !allu laid. "And I'm having to learn ho" to add s ee • ........ t'_.'6 8 IC 00 a re "I've enjoyed every minute. I haven't and subtract all over again," !he con- to leave when ordered tD do 10 by missed a clus yet 1 she said I d d police. • • c u e, •BORN AGAIN' Judge Schmidt then beean 1 verbal record check on prior offenses featuring four preachen -0f the Gospel -all but one with Biblical 111mes -because there ls no Book of RaJph. When the roll was called down yonder Jn the courtroom, It lncluded a number of 1bou Shalt Nots, from pot-smoking to robbery and intoxication. l+What w~re. you ·in custody for, Lang!ont?" Judie Scbpid! uked .. ' ' DAILY PILOT ,._,.,. •w• H•llfllltte• ..... &,.,_.lffdi ......... ,.," c. ....... .. CAU,OINIA CNIANGE COAlt l'UaLl6tUHO c.oM'AhlY ..... ,_. N, W11.t ,.,._._, 1noll M llll>lt ~·~" "· ~1 • ., Via.,. ....... O-t<11I""'""""" .n1-..1,IC1..tl Ellikll n,,..,, A. Mv,11t<.ift1 ~,..E.iw ''" Hh1111 ""-'""'-"'"'"'" ·-'•" """": J;l Wt1I lfY lf"'t H--1 a.Miii l111 Nftl 0.lflU 9-!leffNi ' LIWN 141.cll: tu ,....,.. A- H!ll'llllttfOll lit.IOll ... "'"' FBI Agent Says Bullets Struck }Fl( From Front NEW ORLEANS (UP) -The juiy ·in the Clay L. Shaw trial has heard an · FBI firtanns expett testify that at le?Js! two of threi f.IUUtts fired ln.the assa.ssir' • atioo of President~Kennedj' came fror Lhe rear. Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison has attemp' ed to prove there was a triangulation t crossfire resulllng from a conspiracy ! kill Kennedy and that the fatal 5hr came :rom the front. Shaw ts accused of plotting the mur- der with Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie. But Shaw is not charged with the actual k.iWng. He could get one to Lagunans Ditch . '" .. Date in ··Court . '"' . ·On Pot Charges Bench warrant.I or $10,(Q) ucb were Wiled io Sup;erlor Court Frld~ when four perpooa .aiiisted in a riltl cm a Laguna 'Beach home !ailed to appear to aMWer to ctruga charies. Named In tbe warrant.a -Ordered by Judge Robert Gardner nre Brian K. M~. 22, 1nd Helene Marie Miller, It, botll ol Q , Laguna Cany;n Road, .George E. Oijpl!ant, 2:1, of ltl 11\ Alesan- dro, San Clemente and Gordon F. Johnson, 21, of Long Beach. AH four ar< cllarged with j>ossasidn • of marijuana. They Mn. amsted 1& the Lailma Canyon homo 1111 Jan. t7 In a raid carri<d out by Laguna police, aherfll'•' depuUta and federal nan:otlca of1Jccr1. ' . . 20 Ye ars In. Prison oft a giii!ly vote of only 9 of the 12 male jurors. 'f'!le \Yarren comrniuion held the No,·. '!2, 11163 mllrder in Canu ·w•s accom· :illshed Dy Oswald acting alone and fir- ing from the sixlh floor of a book de- j<lSi~ory behind and Jbove the prt!!ident· : a I Hmous1ne. Expert ballistics testimony was given !he jury Friday by the fifth defense wJt. ness, Robert A. Frazier, chief of the rireanns id entification unit of the FBI laboratory in Washington. Frazier waa to be called back to the st.and tOOay, ltill oo direct aamination. He t _o I d the jW')'. Frklay ldenWic In- vestigation or the lim oUJine windshield had established to a ' definite conclusion a st.ar..Jhape break in tt was caused by a projeclllt from the' rear. Fraizer also testified a virtually in· tact bullet found ort the h~ltal stretcher of Texas Gov. John B. C-OilbaUy had been proved by nUcroscopic eiam.inallon to have come only from)he tuii of Onald found on lhfl despo.si.~'1 mth floor. Connally, now in private 1•• practlce In Boost.on and tcbe11uled · abo to bt a defense witness, wu wounded 1erloualy in the Ke.Medy limousine by 1 bullet that entered his back, went through hi• cheat and right wrist, and lodged loosely In his lert thigh, a=rdlng to the Warren r<pm . The commlssion·concludfld it fell out ol his lhigh while he was on the !tr~ er. The state had produced a Oallq mo- torcycle polk:eman l'ldlng ·10 feet behind t1* K<11nedy Umowine who lald at the tlmo of U.. lhot that eqilocled Kennedy'• head, blood and human Uaaut ltad spai.- tered backward onto hJ.t helmet and motorcycle.. l --. .... ~ SJnta "1\na GI • ID Trouble --.D~er;t.eY.I' Court:;,Mar.tial to Set Precedent ·A~ta Ana man, flrll to i:lesert his iabment;.for future east1 of people who ui\i( .~_lfVittnam aod ntum to. the U;S, leave Vletdm." ror lf!!O, f-what could ·be a prec.. Army ..,...._ at Fart Dia IN e w ~ COtJrl martlll -t. Jeney) -tl>ll. Arnell· la the nm ~ C. Ariiett, 311, a lp'd:I: 4, II mllltarJ. man to face duertlOn charges cliirgell with de1ertlon with lalentlon lo from Vietnam. The general court mar· shirt important service. He factt a mu· Ual he will fact ii the most serious fonn imuni of five years at hard labor if con-of Army trial He bas an Army attorney v~ctf<CL. The court martial is to begin in 1ddllioD to bis two civilian l•'t!Yers. Mgpd)or or Tuesday. When be retarned to the U.S. Sept. I, • .;Authartu .. said Arnett, a cook lo Viet· Arnett wu placed in llcbt security at nam; loft his job Jut February Ud de-Iha ltocbde at Fort Illa. In November aertelf~.tci Sweden v1a tbe Solvet Union; "'he iUpptd a statement out or the atock· ~n Darnell, a "Mount Hopr.1 N;J. ~ qyjna 'the disposition of his case !~ end one of ~·s ·l'!!l, ~ would lllOCt tbe declalOlll of numerous ....,.... -·tho-·· :"11>e•llr• ol11a •. ·-·-·111 .-wilo ·-lo .. l!lnd ·Ud wW lndlcate Iha ezteat.l!l'-turn boml. He said that American defect.or• . tn Sweden, including aome who left t be I r unita in Vietnam, want to return h o me but fear stUf priJoa term.a • Arnett tetumed,~ he uid, to see ht J parents and clear up his status with tbe military. "I intend t-0 return to Sweden but I want to go back with an American pas.sport and without any charges ban&· ing over my head,'' he said. . He aald peace groupg he had met ln Japan had affected hia thinking about the war. "I am loyal to the United Statel but I do not want to help my country k1ll other people just becaule thay dlaqree with 111/' he aald. 2 Countians From Page 1 Killed • ID Two Accidents CITIZENS. • • bo about aa1essment parcels and pro rata ahares and taxing enUtlea means I'll sUll get a tax bW and it will still be too high and I'll still have trouble paying for it .. It 1.s far more in~ to listen ·:,,. -.. _, . ..A .the mu at the ·<i>ualy-eowiel'a • :rotmi mil! ~ ... •Illa ml!H!llil. Orfice and !oDoWini bii ..u..iin( ror In separate Orange County traffic fatal-why my voting rigbta are given to the Jtlt!I Friday night, aod the wife of the Saddleback District. He was a gentle elderly victim suffered a heart attack and patient man, extracting infonnallon when she learned of his fate. from me much as a doctor would quea· The corona"'• offke Identified the tlon IOrrteone about childhood diseases he'd had. He took the hlatory, read vlclima u David T. Saglao, IS, of Sonta the gymptoms and gave me the diognos!s. Ana and l'aul F. llou, 11, of Anabelm. llPL1T IN TWO Anabelm pollc< U. Dale WllcoI lald Roel was rumln& acroaa Euclid, IOUth of the lllOO<lway lnlerudion, when ho fell in tbe pith of a car. He had been to a market. !tit u C-ty Traffic Dull Toll 1111 u "Doea your bo.ile lie subltl.n:Ually on one side o! lbe boundary?" he uted. "No," I answered. "It 1eem1 to just about lllce the boule riglit In two. The lot poa!bly lies Ill percent In Saddieback and to .percent In occ, but the -. ilaeU la aplit pretty evenly." .. 0 Well, bow aboot the bedrooml?'' "Three of the bedroorm, I'd guess, are Jn 0CC. but my wife'1 and mine lies mosl!y in Saddleback." "That'• preUy important. 'Where you sleep la • big factor." !'A~, I.could ,J0ov1 lbe:bed. >nd 1« it lrito the occ <illlrict • -. • " WHAT'I DOWNBl'AIRS? "WeD, let'• loot at it another way," he aalcL "'lbal'I probably upotaln. Downallin, where dool Iha kllchen lie and where II the dln!nl area?" The nner lo th.ii wu not too easy. For -reuon my· ._bold bu an abnormal number of clinln& tablta - three in all. At breatfut, when I'm hiding behlnd the pap« In the dining room and the kids are eaUns breakfut whJle watchinl televilion 1n the den and my wile la buttering lout at the kJtchen table, we're likely to be eating T _ · B lar' In three separate areas. But I just .l.:litguna urg s couldn't ten that 1o 1111 •. frienc1 1n the • :; !;QUiity counael'a ofllce. EftD JU paUendi! c " : :: : · -: 1111111 have a lil!llii!i'.1diit," Sen\eJiceOJleld=iJp.:. ·."Subllantlalll>.tl wai-bistiinlng to gel · the !<el of lhla lepl jargon by now mya)f) I'd 117 we do most" of our For Drug Testing eating in Saddlebact," I finally reported. Sentencing ol a Laguna Buch man who pleaded guilty Friday lo cbaries of burglary wu delayed in Superior Court pending lovMttgaUon of hla poui· ble addiction to narcotics. Judae Robert Gardner ordered John D. Maybluer, 25, a ruident. of tbe Del Camino Hole(, 1289 S. Coul lllg!lway, to return to court March 10 for a bearing -00 doctors reports and his possible sentenclna. ~laybauer admitted in court Friday that he burJled the ollicel of the Lquna Heights Development Co., 1999 Coast Highway in Laguna Btacb. Charges of forgery and pouesalon of dan1e.rous drugs are not now being pursued by the dillrlcl atlome)''a offico. Maybauer was earlier ldd.IUonalJy ae- cused of breatins lnlO Iha -of the Micro Tech Co. Ill Laguna Beach. Goldwater Fights Nuclear Treaty NEW YORK (Al') -Sen. Barry Gold· water said today the campaign for the nuclear nonproli{tratlon trtaty -spear- headed by the White House -is "part o! the einoUonallsm wtth which the rldiCll left wouk1 like 10 conduct our foreiiD al· flln." The Arlwna Republlc1n and unsuc- cessful 1914 pmldenUal candidate aaJd flaUy he would oppoae the treaty In th e Senate. Goktllflter11 hJnh attack on the trt1· ty, which would curb the spread of n .. clear weapons, wN C'Olltalntd In re. marts prepared for a apeech to the ez. cluslte Univenlty Club. . The speech comes five days btfore the Senale Armed Service• Committee ii to hold hearlnr• on mllltary UJ'ICll of the pact and two.daya allcr lbe Fot· elp llelaUona Oommlttee wound ap hearlnia with lodlc1Uon1 " wOll!d ,.. port It favorably to tho floor, poaa!bb' next week. PllAcnCAL PURPOSES "That does it," be said firmly. j'Your domlclle· II tn· lbe lladdleback Junior Collep Dlltrict tor all p r a c t I c a 1 (llll1JO!OS. .. All practical purposes m e a n i n g everytJUng but taution, I surml&ed. S.ddleback _may never .know whom lo blame for abaorblnj my !amity of four, bet it was either Mr. Gray or Mr. O'Bannion who decided the issue. They were plaintiff and defendant in a 1113 Sutter County appellate deciaion that made mr aclliJophmlc palace look like a neat package by comparilon. "This case," explained the county coonser1 office, "involved a ranch that • straddled two dbtricta. The: 'ranch hands bunked in one district IJ'ld ate in another. The cOOrt had • devU of • lhne trying to find out which diltrlcl lbel' ' could vote in. Ultimately tt came to where they spent the majority of their lime and, .-moll people do more a!loplng than a!J1lhlnl else, tbe baokbn.ale tllabl1-the Wllq rilJ>ll. ~~ "Of <illllle;.'lllB normal -.,n In c11ea where properly II split rJsbt dOwn the middle' IS to dete.rmtne· ftrst where the head of the household aleeps. If there is some question about that - il the bed straddles lbe line or aometblng -it would be detmnined by where be eata." All kinds of hypotheJtJ came to my mind: Whal ii l ·moved Into the kids' bedroom! Whal ii I ate braatfllt at one table In ..,. dlltrlct and dinner at another table In the other diltrlcl I But I naJly haven\ Iha lime to aet the ..... of x.evu -u • hallmark caae In Callfornla juriaprudonce, ao I thousbt I'd let the matter lland. Al leul I bow wi-I vote and when I {IObl) Jll,f lull. Mr. Ent<-., my friend In the county counoel'• olllce, 11 obvlouaty fond of boundary -lie volunllmd that he view• .. clualc Iha aituallon that atoll during ""'1>1!1111an Ill the llale of Maine. Tbert, on the Maine-Canadian bcrdtr, saloons were built alraddllng the bowl- d~.ry. Bartenders and boo:te were kepl: -legally -on the Canadian side and the customers stood on the American side. By darting their hands across the border, snagging a drink and gulping it quickJy, the hard-drinking New England aet w111ble to polish off copiOOI quantities of Canadian whiskey almost, if oot entirely, within legal bounds. Unlels the Saddleback board of truatees inherits some extraordinary Jegal powers, I won't have to worry about my house being split wet and dry. Mine is more of a problem of· divided loyalty. And if someone can put together what that invisible boundary line has sundered, he'll get a cheer and a toast lroru me. From the OCC side. That's where the bar is. 4 Plead Guilty To ~ser· charge : In Gun Battle Four men involved in a Westminlttr gun batUe fn which a Huntington Beach man died pleaded guilty to reduced charges Friday In Superior Court. Judge Robert Gardner accepted pleaJ of usauJt with a deadly weapon and set March 13 u the date on wblch he will 8elltence George G. Brookins, 23, of Fullerton ; Ru5sell W. McGrew, 19_. of La Habra and Donald D. Lincoln, 22, and Richard A. Lincoln, 2~, both of 13730 Via Del Palma, Whittler. The four race a possible sentence or up to 10 years in :itate prison. _ . ')'h§y were-arroted 1111 oeo: lO alter a gun battle oiitside 'th< hiime o! Everett L. Pittman, 24, at< 7881 1'ruk Ave., Westminster. Pittman ia known to have fired the shot that killed Albert Shirley, 20, of U4 Huntington St., Huntington Beach bul has been cleared on the grounds that he fired lo sell defenae. Police said the Uncoln brothers, Shirley, McGrew, Brookins and Gary M. Ingram, 19, -0f Orange began firinc into the Pittman borne after a dispute Jn which it wu claimed that PJttman bad stolen a suitcase full of narcotics from Shirley's apartmenL Fillman. trapped inside the home with his younger brother, Jim, and another· man, rtturned the fire . Officers believe he fired the shot that struck Shirley in the chest. The five surviving assailants were charged with kldnaplng followin& the complaint of Ronaid Smlth, JI, of fll Adams St., lluntlngton Beach, that Shirley and his companions kidnap!!:! him, Jim Pitt.man and another in.O and forced them into his b-Ome at guD. potnl. Offic<ra said Smith told them that ha and hJ.t companlooa were healen by Shirley'• grnup and forced to take drup in an attempt to persuade &bent to rnea! Iha hiding place of a cache el nartotlca. Ingram wu aubsequent!y cleared el the charges. Polle< halted the gun battle at the Alta Street rtlldence alter Pittman's mother phoned to tell them of Iha mass 1ttact on the borne. Siamese Twin Girls Separated by Army ~ .. VUNG TAU, South Vietnam (UPI) - U.S. Army doctor. Friday IUOC..,,.., separated Slameae twin glrll wbooe Jiai,. les """ joined at the liver. A opok• man Nkl It "poulbl,y" Wll the f1rtt time surgery or Ila type had been 111<> cessfuDy performed. A opokeaman r ... the u.s. Army'• I Medical Brlpde said the oporaUon , performed .by a team of IUl'i-al 31th 'Medical EvacuaUon Hoopltal; Vul\j Tau. 115 miles aoulheut of Sa!goq. I • ·~ .. - • Weekend . . EDIXION . . I ., lltt~IS ' • 1 ..... .:: .:.3 :: ... Nixon Packs 1;1· ;· For Europe snow_ f!it _s · ,canyoij . l • ·-• • \ lrip SuJ1day WASHINGTON (AP) -Pieslden llbc-:· ... pJanned lo pul the flnlohlnj toudi.. m two domestic ..:....qes to-Qmaress ~ nc1 ~ ~· snpar· llllcma for bbc 11v .... u.a European trip lhll ~ 'Suodiy: . ' ·The two-Alell wit!> !be_ al debt ..run, and ·Poll Olll<o c:bu(9 and Will be -Io capiUJI IDB ICIDelfme nezt weel<·wblle llbcm la alnad. T k z...,...tit!·jel, Air I"-O!le, laW ..r.,·~·moruJncl<rllrul­ oell, linl otop ln .Naoo'a loitial •m- in poraon dlplaalacy. Bii itinerary will -him from Brus-aela lo Loockm, Boan, Weol Berlin, Home, Paris and back to Rome for a V1Ucan City mil with ~ Plllll VL . ' Nbcoo ·and ,bJs" .top aldel were pre- eente4 Friday witi ·a ~ IW'· prlae devel._t lbal wlJl llkely prompt -at the !Int llop. , French PreoldePt Charla de Gaulle rtpor1edly ~ lo 'the'Brltlah am- beuador In Paril lbal the c.mmon Mar- ket and eventually tbe North Atlantic Treaty Orgllilutlon be rtplaced by • four • nation llJnclorale -prbced of Enllaod, France, Weol Germany and Itafy., Tb6e was Do immediate reacUc:n frcm tile White HOUJO lo the plan, rtjacted by Groat Britain. But the suggesti<m, couWig on the eve of Nbcoo'a departure, appeared lo pooe a potentW thrtal lo a main presidential "'"1 GI abortDg up the sagging w..i.rn -1Ii•&ee. DAILY PILOT 1M1 ,..._ MISS COLLACOTT AND FRIENDS GRIN, EMBRACE OUTSIDE .COURT Tooi>I for Chrlat Out of J•ll, Bock on Plckol Lin• 14 Teens for Christ Win Freedom Without Bail Guard Curbs Protesters At ~Berkeley . IillucEI.EY, Calli..<-"~~· Ab o,u 1 2,000 llrltln( lllidenta and _.. demooalraled at the Untvenlly GI "Call- fon>ia Friday bul a"'1tlad ~ u strong lon:e1 ol palloe, ~ patrol- mell llid the Ns&iial·GiWd aliiod "on the lllert. Tbe -cartluJb' stayed on tbe CampllJ 1awna acrou the street from Unlverally Hall, wbere the ..,..i. ond Gov. :a.aaJd Reagan were meeting. Reagao called the guard lo -alter 'I'llunday'a rioting, In which 31 .,.,_ "'" bilwed am1 a arrMed. .• Wblie urllng iim-v!olence, me llecro leader al the llrlldog Third World Llb- erailon Front declared the ltrikm were With tbe toor Gbvlaally In mlad-but belore tbe Do G-. .,....&o- piblldy ~ -tbe tie -- fridaJ u bopes --and ---will heed Gearp Wlllllnltoo's ....,...Woo lo ,._,_ a llllDdard lo whkh By ARTllUB R. VINSEL aod relatives of the people we are about prepared lo clel!'"1 tbe enllro unlver-·~ . and ~ _.. .. 1 .. ,. or .. D9lff' Pia.t """ to brine in, I want to warn that it . sity and the atate 19Vermnent to enforce -'""' . -can • .,...... . . ""' willil ,1'un • ,,,... dem ,.;. v!: :~=:.~~t;..:,~· ~~i=,2{• · ~~·-;fliliwn ~.t,. · ~j!i1~. lol4 oewd... ~.;...id ' · .• count l!rlday, u I~ ~"!"8• lor W!!1"'All":'fi,., Mr. •• ~: • ." ~ •J .... :; liillc'e'flrllil ·orGpeuinfll'OU~· _ Cllrill --. -.ut o1 court -.... ,_~_~_!."! ~. ,,_!'"lw·.~ Red. p .. lnC<illa" .... , llted.w1tllilillballpendjn& Sdnlill illot the four!Jlrls"flrll, ·lben --------_,.., 8 rOm.JSe their trial u..· II ;..M!ninl male dei...wi,ta toot cha-lier ol the Bertelq WllJIWI, Depu~ ~'blie Defender James Lang their 1111ta. · • ''im"t 'iolnc to come up." •1 TU Dart-haired Bimie Collacott, JI, Di..,. Dr, Cbar0 ,_ J, ...... president of the Ca tor f won releue ol the .:JGU!hs ...,i II lo . ~ ~ • ......., . p e .o 22 Oil .their . .... ~. but it of Wt.lmlnster Police Chief Coru>er Ila-uol•eraiiY. IYllem. WU nport.. was plalntbll Judge Colvin P. Schmidt collioeot~ mn1led radlaoUy it the court ed !DUlill propooall lo tbe rqeo!a for S • • y re!uclaDUy novened bbc poelilon of TIJ<s. from ber aeat in the prllooer'1 l>tt. solvln( Borl<eley troubles and GO nolaJn. UigOll Ill ear Lang °"""" by pointing c.ut that the ing Dr. Hubert Macuse, • -- d•!. •• two of the oe!P'"led Cbrlatilin (See TEENS, Pap I) lllal prof-oo.the Sao Diego campw1. SAIGON (UPI) -('ammmh!I forces assaulted a U.S. air but and an infan- try oulpoll with m'!'lan 11111 Infantry chargea today, in tbe waning houn of their Tet bollday truce. llaool bouled It would atlacl: every U.S. bue this spring Ind take Saigon from the '.W... Tbe week-long Communlll truce l>O!"iod ushered out by the new attacb ended Ill 7a.m. today. A Sooth Vletnamete fOY· ernment spokesman aaid red troops vi- Olated the cease-fire "hundreds" ol times and tilled II govermrumt aoldlen Ind ~I clrilllm i!ming .that pe1j>d! U.S. spokesman lalcl they llepl no laDy GI guenilla lncldenta. In the truce. · About Iii~ houri before tbe end ol the truce, gutmlla mortar oquadl lllmmed . 'IS roundl inti> the Plwi'ltang Air Base 185 mj]ea northeast of Saigon on the central coasl Dunqe I<> the jet llgliler· bomber ba.9e and casualties were term-~ "light." .,!!all .. hour later, m1Utary apl>t ... men lalcl, IJIOlher Commuollt unll bur~ ej1 30 1J19riar roundl Into a U.S. 10111 Airborne Dlvlalon landing .,,.. near Pbao Tblel, JOO miles eul GI Saigon. lied Infantrymen charged tbe lllllalllllon and bolled throogh the perimeter def..,.. briefly belore being driven off. U.S. clSUaltles were not lmmedlatel:y reported. U.S. commanders In tbe def..,. of Sf.l&oo aenl more than ball a clolen ,.r,.,. of 1151 jet bomben aplnol Ccm- m"wtl:.t Ct_ctlng areu and 6ue camps rionh oll'!!!'J capital today Ind Friday "lf!il V'"I ,., WblJe the recenta met lnalde and the revolntiooar!es bad been ·able lo poll itriken rllllied outalde, about ISO blgb- ·185 ball by Fliilay, loOowiq their mus Ch• M' F way patrolmen, 250 police from nearby arrest Monday wblle pleftllng It twoJU8 .· ay ree cltlea, IOllle Nalional Guard military po. adjacent ICbool cam-. · lice and ao. Anny. Ioellcopter were lrOUI> Tbe ,,..;,ainlng 'foar' ali1s and 12 ""' 14 Captured ed at a g1rage oppoelte the.hall -. !Wo with qmvkllona ' for lellmy of. About 3i10 ,other olflcera ,,_ lllalloo- f..,.. -flDed the jury box u Lane ed at Sprool Hall and other campua cen- ugued bbc motion '°' ,.1eaae and ••· Boaters March 3 ier .•• ..,. ... of ""'nou. --. plored' the pbllooopby of the ball bond Some live mllel away, an ,eollmaled sylllem. 1,000 Natlooal · Guardsmen bivouocl;ed GraoliDJ so-called O.R. releaaes in A Laguoa eBaeh-aeculive ond II oth-at the Amneda Naval Supply DopoL three -of defendallls,. Judge er yachtali>eo ..ptlnd by the Commu-Police blocked a llde 1treet nezt I<> the Schmidt brouPt joy to the "Pfbooers ni.!t Chinese may be released after the regents' meeUng room. facing 31 more days in Orange County Chinese lunar new year holidays that On campus disorder, Gov. Reagan Jail. end March S. · said, ''Whateve.: it takes, I am 1oin1 to They rem•irw,4 in cuatody as long Simeon Baldwin, 56, of 1359 Cliff insist that tl*8 who are caualnc-it be as pouible, 'DOOetbeleu, llnce Public Drive and fie others were aboard three separated from the unlveralty, whether Defender Lang's ,motion .for nlelse was yachts en route from Hong Kong to the they be faculty or students." ' t.be ·lut to ca:ne cn ·the calendar, 1~ Portuguese Wand colony of Macao. The govtrnor a1Ucized the Berkeley houn after court convened. A Hong Kong government spokesman adminiatratlon for what he called delays ·~.Sweet Jaus," crooned one long-said Friday, "I.expect that the release in dealing wUh demODJtraUom. bairtd girl adoringly at tbe lleclJloo. of theae yachlamen will be 1peeded as "BlllelnJab, we'!l be back aut plckeUng the malnlanden return to wort after tomom1w," declared another bearded the Illlllf ..,, year bolldays." Ex-president Makes evangelist, whole Tteris for Christ other government spokesmen would -simulllneOUlly It• 1 e d a not llY ll Ibey received any news of the Rapid Recovery demonstration outside the H a r b 0 r detainees. Hong Kong residents w h o Dlstrld Judk:ial·Com1 balldlng. returned Friday from visita on the matn- "'I'llank·the judge ond pralle the Lord," land rtp0!1ed the ta ..,. being be l d said U~ Dave Ber&. ~ in Hebng Chau Villaie, a few miles spiritual advt.er lo the aec~ head-.ml! of Macao. T<avelen lalcl they quartered at 119 Main. SJ., Huotlqlon heard the "'"'-ers ...,. not '-'•• ma!· lleaCI., lj1 !hi Qospel Licllt <;lab-treated. •·--.. u ~ hid 1f .. opbeey tbe 'daY yoo.,.... blisteil thil'toii'd •ll,e releued O.R.,!' laid Mr1. Berr, buafoa: OM ol the frtii!. milalotllrlOI u_.tlle fl delefl- KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UP!) -Former PrWdeot Harry S. Tnunan, apparently mating a rapid ~very from a cue of Intestinal flu, WU switched to I toft diet today in bit private room at re- aearcb boopllal Ind medical center. Qlflclall uld a loll diet "nieanl ml food" but no raw" fn11tl or vegetablet1. ' . . ' Search Resumes ' '· For Lost Plan~ HAWTHORNE, Nev. CAP) -Forty. five MJrCb planes mo.vecl over a rt ,DIO 1quare • mile uea today, lootln( lor a gamblers' apeclal airliner wblch appar· enUy crashed in a snowatorm Tuaday. No trace of the Del tiilMailne piano with 35 waOn. aboard bu h flJWld . detplle a maatve air 11111 ,,..r llW<h of tbe lll<JW)' While ~ ·.Jiii the California-Nevada border. Tbe aearcb today will ~le along ·---·-Ha'!· !borne 1111thward. tlimllfi lleikii Illa-' Uon, Bilbo!>, Lone ~ mt DUth Va).' ley, offldala aald. ·- Good vlslblllty WU f-_ .. . ' ., .---. ' Tbe -dum~ Ill~ ihu t.• nfillloo pGuillla of booiiha '1nt4 !be jungled ~try1lde "' Blnh Duoog and PliUoc LOog pnwinces 19 lo .. mllel north of 5'lCo!1 amid allled mil1lary predictlona lliO Comnumiata ,,.,. ~ an Gl- l!iiflve l!Hre. ' ::.':. aDd fr.I~ rtjoi<' .~ fTIY 1'Wbei It didn't come to pui TliadaJ; he cod!a!t believe it and be wu on a -.,. an •r:· 11n. Bers tldded.·· Union Rushing To Halt New ' Oil kakage 2 Par~els ' YOUTH VERSUS ESTABLISHMENT n .. llbar· momben of the .nl1glom or,..mtion .,. ...,.llJ"b .., tbelr own rec:oplnnce .In CODDICt\oD wltb a Dec. I arreol at lbe Goldea Weol College campoa In Jllmllngton Beich. It WU DOI the Jiil .....tvp. , HeartnC al; tho. niotioo by their tax ,,_,.itnanoed .def.... couna.i .,. ... late la ·~ day, -'lrallk;'vlola!Ort and • -·C!ID~ub piaot au1r tlr_..., lhe ..qm .. Ool7 tbe f!lppla(•GI .1¥b\O _., ond wbbcpored cloapte' U4 ""' llUIDMll could be beard· .Ill ·Ille ··-· Iiut .... JOlllb .... up .............. . lo try ..... lead • """""PJlf' reporter inthe-pewloJ-. i. Before lhe'_'_on, , . ..,..... tralllc -.iollter •-1* the bench with --boy. wlll> -• -of Scrlptm$for c:omlGrl >and-. lhnllt on"blm'by a,._ for Cllrilt: o,;,,ard llWl:bed tLe •ted t:brtlllu ~ldlon. . ••ror thole of you wbo in frf.m { • •• I Stude.nts ··Plan · Rally Monday •• Ill Firings· ~ "'<\' I .,_,:;••. J TEENS .... bail.,.. Is ~·to ...... court a-··-""" -...... oUiolfcf Iha -·•Cbltsi"' •'ll!l'"-11 .. !bt lrlll Im-~ ·~ • ~ ~ wjlb Ille ~ ... Jqosdnnklt. ' '•'JM matltr.,.. ~ ~ w1111· Ille clit ~ II.I ....... not opp-.S.~ ........ Lanl.~blt-U,= tbe two fellll" codi" llill .... ~-~ lllt it"'!!""'~b. .· LW. \ ...... that the ,_ P.11 , 1n~<"'4·:110 prior arnst -aii!(:,;.,. "' .. *.' 10 male <lel-11 i.4."1il ,ln,;pollee ~.bat ..... llli.J!~~-dale. • "OJle .ol tbe lhlop Wt mm!'_,...,.· 11 '111111.'ln>uld motivate tllem to nee " "" 9ijlalno11 to the Judie, addlq ~t Ille tjlrtt dlllerent -dlarlod m not or crliilllll lnliill. • · ' ' Geoet~. thly n1aiO to bloCkmr • • ltreOt, dllrQpllnc • ichool and lllfure to leave when ordered lo do IO by police. I 'BOllN AGAIN' Judie SClmlldl then began a verbal ncord.cllect .. prior o11-ltablrlng ,.,,. . ,....,. ol Iha ' Gospel .,.. all 'bat .cm wtlb BlbUcaJ UIDll -··- -11 m -ol Ralph. 1lbe the rol WU c:aJled down ,...ier lo lbt OW1110oai. H Included a mmber ol 1!11111 Shalt Noll, from poHmokllW to ral>liort and -loo. ' !"*·'~·~·1n· CQJtodJ for, ~?'.' Judp Sclanldt uked. DAILY PILOT ...... 11r llkMnll ~It!' ~··-. " .-·:y_. .Bobor -bat that Was~ I W. Born AiUD," aid ult~ ... ~ bearded lib Dio1filllie~ . :. •:wW aballi.,..,, Welch!" the judp TUSTIN'$ GRANDMA GONZALEZ HITS THE BOOKS Al 52, Strol9ht A'• ot Soddloback Colltt• ~~~, .. ~ ... ol-!; fr" .... belore I WU Boru Apln, a Topper 1,"Mmjt~ tbl Judet ukld. ICIDIW'hl& ~ • ., l!lll'ijuanl, vovr Gi:.andma Real Student at Heart ...... ~vbl'Uld. ~ 1: ' < '· ',• .. ~I ·;..,ia_, ''"Jlbiil . .i...r 8'ne.r.,.7• the ~ • . . • !'! JAY!....,,...!!"" ·~illlillil ?°':° , · ' · . , ' -1,~· ~llbini brJ&hl Sad· '"rwo •llMI r.. t1n1at 1n ;ul>ll<,~ c11 · -~ --open<c1 11a be wl!aed. · new cfoOn 1 "sfptember1 'Wtto could .1Vn P.llE.lCBING have predlded . that the young school'• ' •lean we bold tbll 1,plut them? ·belt studen~ would tum out to be a l)bvbialr~ -·had a dlimled a . _.,.,..,old.IV-· lieut,• lllll lbia oQbHc clelender aulpid > ~ ,' DoHa ' (:." G<males of 18111 lb ,...-Iha Scripturtl flnllnncll. Nanrood Park, Tuatln, topped the first '"°D»ie nature at tbtJr offense · lttm1 dean's list l'.lf 9S students. She received f'rom t11eJr da1re to pmi::11 the !l'l'Ptl," ~ In each of her four. courses (II tie contlillJicl, -J!.#i 8cbiiitdt ·bid unlll) ~·_.ier. • drderOd all but the ·-wlth :lekny "I've Just......,. wable!I to go and clfenlil ln tMlr pat ftted without ball. since my children an! all grown and · Aid they believe they .,. in the married I lhoulllt 1'4 rather 10 to sch<»! inil ilJal tbe Ilrl. Btrg, lbolr than ,~Y· bonie alqne with the est and • i4Y1oe< · bad Simi hla wwd bin!, MrL GonzalOI said. tllli weldi, ·Ua\ir.n ud Ahern. would Her bU!band la &Marine CorPI M-r -11 -"'leant lllationed at 21 Palml Ind " 'llii!rtrtls fiom 1 bod cold _ poetic away. durlnl the week, Mn. Gonzalez 3;.u.,. Aid ..,. COl1plted evaaplllt npll!Dad. who eiuPI 1 blll! wblle In jall _ Judp No real probl<ms pre 1 en t e d Schmidt lat Clarine at the public tbemselve, the cheery Grandmother defmleroveralGaenexboL "'!~: J ed ml .•• 1 ha ·1 "W u, 11 Mr Lanifont ,, be . ve en oy every nuK. ven Aid.~ o.R.~ ioo." ' milled a clus yet.,' 1he said. Concerning her younger colleagues, Mn. Gonzalez aaid, "they accept me and J accept them. Kids aren't that much different now-a-days. They're just about the same as they've always been." Last semester's courses included two psychology classt!, a BOCiology cJau and a course In political science. This 11emester, Mn. Gonulez ii taking philosophy, anthropology, psychology and math, which she referred to u the "clinker in the pile.'"· She said ahe's not too sure whether she'll be on the dean's lilt •gain this semester. "J think everything is probably u.sier for me because these things have been my interest all through· the YU{S and I've followed them. "I've got a jump on them in everything except the math. "It's new math," 11id the A· student who deftly tread the nuances o[ Philosophers Aristotle, Kant, and Hume. "And I'm having to team how to add and subtract all over again," she con· eluded. "JilUI Jovel U1 and Jesua loves you loo," tbe Teens lor CbrlJt opectalora proclalmad lo utonlBbed courl clerks u they pRlrtd trlumpbanUy 1mn Ille courtroom. FBI Agent Says Bullet,s .°'!" by .... the prllonen ..... reJeu. I ~ join tllem oolllde, wbeN Ibey inadt • ~ tumult ud ballehljabl ud l>iumip .floalad acroa the nearby Colla Mm Par~ ~ueball diamond. ••CbrlJtilnl 1, Lloas.0," aa1d tomeODe, .,.intllll to tbe -bolnl. DAILY PILOT --... __ ---·-c--CALllOINIA OUHt;t: COMT l'Uk.lStUlfO C0M"'AJrff 91•\•rt N. W•M ,.-,.s1-..1 '"" .....,,.,. J•clr. I •. Cttf11 Yb '*if"" ... .._ .. "'"- ,.. ...... fH.,Q ...... n,,..,, A. M•tplli•• """'"""' (Ill• P..t Hh"• --...... -C#f9 ,..: '" W.f 1.., I"'"' ....... ~! 2'11 ""'' ...... ...,...,. ..... -.. -.. ch: ,,. "-'' ,._ " ............ Struck JFK From Front NEW ORLEANS (UP) -The jury in the Clay I. Shaw trltl bu heard an FBI fb:earDll expert teolily that at 1 .. st two of three bulletl fired In the auassin· aUon of Prealdent Kennedy came from the rear. Dbl Ally. Jim Garrl!on bu atl<mpl· td to prove there wu a triangulation of croufire rerulUng from a_conspiracy to kill Kennedy and that the fatal shot came from the front. Shaw is aCCllled or plotUn& the mur- der with Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie. But Shaw is not char1ed with the actual kilJlnl. lie could get OD• to Lagunans Ditch Date in Court On Pot Charges Benell WllTll1U of 110,000 esclt wore lilaod In Superior Court Frkl"l' when four perton1 arruted in a raid on a Lqlmo Btach home failed to 1ppear to wwtr lo dn1" charpa. Named tn tile Wltl'lntl ordered by Judp Robert Gardner wen Br1111 K. McA41m1, D, ml Heltr>e Marie Miller, It, bolb ol .,. Lqlmo Canyco Road, GIOiJt t . OlfpKant, 21. ol 111 W. Al...,,_ dro, San Clem<11te arid Gonion F. J-.i, 23, of LOii( Beach. . All four are chlqed with poueulon of llllllJuana, 'Ibey wtrt arrested at 1111 ._ Cm\)1)11 home tut Jan. 17 In a rilcl carried oot by t.quna polict, lllttllf'• dtpUlla ud federal narcotlcl omc:en. 20 yea rs in prison on a guilty vote of only 9 of the 12 male Jurors. The Warren commi ssion held the Nov. 22, 1963 murder in Dallas was accon1· plished by Oswald acting alone and fir · ing from the sixth floor of a book de· pository behind anC above the president· ial limousine. Expert ballistics testimony was given the jury Friday by the fifth defense wit· ness, Robert A. Frazier, chief of the firearms idenllrlcation unit of the FBI laboratory in Washington. Frazier was to be called back to 'the stand today. sUU on direct ei:amlnatlon. He 1 o Id the jury Friday IC!entiflc in· vestigation or the limousine windshield had established to a definite conclusion a st!if·shape break in it was caused by a projectile from the rear. Fraizer al10 testlfied a virtually In- tact bullet found on the bolpltal ltretcher of Texas Gov. John B. Coonally had been proved by microscopic examination to have come only from ,tbe gun of Oswald found on the dea:poaltory'a mtb Door. CoMally, no" In private law practlce In Houston and lcbeduled al!o to be a defense witness, wu wounded terloualJ in the Kennedy llmouslnt by a bQUet thllt entered hl1 back, went through hia cbut and right wrllt. and lodgecf loolely In hil left thJib, occordln( to the Wl!Ten repart. The commlsaion concluded tt fell out of his thigh while be wu on the stretch- er. The state bad produced a Dalla.s mo- torcycle policeman rldinl 10 feel behln4 the Kenned)-llmoualne who IJ)d 11 the time of the !hot that exploded Ktnnedy"1 hel<I, blood ud human tllllle hid 11>•~ tered backward ooto his helmet and motorcycle. ' t11t PfOl!'*d -.1or1um to allow .. n1or lill9'lf&at the ""111e m,.liJ>I. _._ ·o1 _ ..... ad _,..,. •• ·no ot I ti1 111111 1111y .wtaliod a ~ ol llll 1lnlyoully. • mll!lllC wWI tlle -lacUli1 • am,, o! Ille --tbe members "to oon,mc. them that lbq ·~ ol ~ ..,iilr initnictora !er are not belni -, to adlleve our a1m1 · w~ out on' tbetr 11stim becauae of a retroacUve moratorium." tbiji could not have tlitlr ""° '!.,·" The vigil, leaders' said, will besln 'lllt 11\admll ... plonled a.,meeUnl; ohol1l,y alter a 1.1:11 p.m. rlllY In tl1f dale and ll!ne · oWI J>011111>11, wllb Gotiway Plua on qmpuo. P'nun tllere ....-ol tbe junior ftclllly, D10ll tbe vlJll&llll wlll wolk to the .-....nor s ol whk:b liood. la _....,, ol lbolr olllce and becla lbolr Jll<llal. s ·anta Ana GI in Tro.u·hle ~ • • ' I Deserier'1 C()µ.rt Martial to ".Set Precedent A 81111a Au man, flril lo dMCI Illa unll ln ~ ud rtturn 11> the U.S. for.lilal. 11 ... '!'hit could bl • ...-d~ courtmartl&l .i -~ 11:4Wti(C:. -· lO, ·a ~ C.11 ~'wlib ..-wtlh lntonuao to · shlik~iervioe.11t -•1mu. iri!!m1·tif1,; Jtan at lwdlabar Ucon- vlcltd. ·no -martial la to beCiD MQ!ldaJ or 'l'Ueldaf. AUlliotlll• oald Arnet~ a cook In Vlel- nllll; Jell hla Job 1111 PebnW'y and dt- aerted lo Swede via the Solvtl Unloo. -Dornell, • 11-Holly, 1u. a\IGn<J and ont ol ~·· lwo ~YUllD Jawy,en, oald the cut II "the !Int of Ill k1Dd and wtll lndlcalo Ille -t ol ,.... 2 Countians Killed in Two Accidents A Young man and an older man died ln atparate Orange C.ounty traffic fatal~ itles Friday night and the wife of the elderly victim !Uffered a heart attack when she learned of his fate. The coroner's office !dentified the victim.I as David T. Sagiao, 11, of Santa Ana and Paul F. Ross, 73, of Anahl!.im. Anaheim police Lt. Dale Wllco1 said Ross was running across Euclid, south of the Broadway intersection, when he fell in the path of a car. He had been to a market. CDUJ1ty Traffic Dead! Toll t96S u He wu struck by a car driven by Linda Carol Bulone, 19, of Anaheim. She WU not held. Ll WllCOJ: aaid Rou's 19--year--old wife heard al.renl or tome.how learned of the a'ccldent and called police. He said L!lhe suffered a heart attack when nOt.ined of the death. She wu placed under the can of_ the famlly physician, her con- dition UD(trtain. In the Santa Ana fatality, Sagiao was killed in a car driven by hil friend, Robert P. Melendez, 11, of Santa Ana. Authorities said the car, traveling at a hi&h rate of speed, struck a telephone pole along Euclid at Seventh Street. The 1969 car was still bearing paper plate:s . Caus~ of the accident ,is yet under investigation. Laguna Burglar's Sentence Held Up For Drug 1'estirig Sentenci ng of a Laguna Beach man who pleaded gultty Friday to charge.!! or burglary was delayed in Superior Court pending invesUgation ol his possi· ble addiction to narcotics. Judge Robert Gardner ordered John D. Maybauer, 25. a .resident or the Del Camino Hotel, 1289 S. Coast Highway. to return to court Marth 10 for a hearing on doctors reports and hiJ possible 8Cntencing. Maybauer admitted in ~urt Friday that he burgled tbe offices of the Laguna Heights Development Co., 1991 Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. Charges of forgery and poueaslon -of dangerol.l3 drugs an! not now being pursued by the district attorney's office. Maybauer waa earlier additionally ac- cused of brtatina' into the oUJces ol the Micro Tecb Co. in Laguna Bead!. Goldwater Fights Nuclear Treaty NEW YORK (AP) -Sen. Bury Gold· water Aid today the campaign ror the nuclear nonproWeraUon treaty -apear· headed by the Wblte HoU>e -Ia "put of the emollooalllln with whlcb the ridlcal left would Ul!:e to conduct our fore.Ian &f· fairs." The: Arl.zona Republican and unsuc- .....ru! 1911 preaidentlal candidate said fiallJ be would oppos< the trea17 in t h e Senate. Oold..,1ttt'1 harsh attack on the trea· ty, which would curb the apread of n .. clear "upona, wu contalntd Jn re· marts prepared for a 1poecb lo the u · elusive University Club. The speech comes five daya before the Senal< Armed Servi ... Conunlttee Is lo hold hurlnp on mlllllry uptCta o( the pact and two" daya alter tM For· elp Relalloncl Commlltee wound up hear1n&a wtth indications ll would re- port It llVOl"ably to the floor, poulb\y next week. He aald that American dlfeotora In Sweden, includinJ: some who left the i r unit.a 1n Vietnam, wut to rtturn b om a but .fear aUff ~terms. Arnett returned, he said, to aee b i 1 parenta and clear up hil atatwl with the military. "I laltt>d k return to Sweden but I want to go back with an American: passport and wltboul any cbaJ'ges hang• ing over my head," be said. Ht said peace group1 he bad met In Japan had alf•cled bla thinking about the war. 111 am Joyal to the United Statet but I do not want to help my country kill other people just becaUle they disagree with us," be 1ald. 1 From Page l CITIZEN LEARNS ANSWER. • • bo about aueument parcels and pro rata lbarea and tutng eotltles means I'll lllU pt a tu bill and it wlD still be too hJih and I'll still have trouble j>aylng for ll It ls far more interesUng to llsten lo the man at the county counsel's office and following h1a reasoning for why my voting rights an! given to the Saddlebahk Df!lrict. He was a gentle and patient man, extracting information from me much as a doctor would ques. tlon someone about childhood diseases he'd had. He took the history, read the symptoms and gave me the diagnosis. SPLIT IN TWO "Doel your house lie substant ially on one side of the boondary?" he asked. "No," I answered . "It seems to just aboul slice the house right in two . The lot possibly lies 60 percent in Saddleback and 40 percent in OCC. Lut the house itself is split pretty evenly." "Well, how about the bt:droon1s'."' ''Three or the bedrooms, I'd guess, are in Occ, but n1y \Viff's and mine lies mostly in Saddleback." "That'a pretty important. \.\1herc ')'OU sleep ii a big factor." "Actually, I could move the bed and get it Into the OCC district. . • • " - WHAT'S DOWN.STAIRS? "Well, let's look at it another way," he said. 0 That's probably upstairs. Downstairs, where doe1 the kltchtn lie and where ls the dining area?'' The answer to this was .not too easy. For some reason my household bu an abnormal number or dining tables - three in all. At breakfast. when I'm hiding behlnd the paper in the dining room and the kids are eating breakfast 1vhllc watching television in the den vnd my wife is buttering toast at the kitchen table, we're llkely .to be eating in three separate areas. But I just couldn't tell that to my friend in the etiunty counsel's office. ~ven hls patience must have a breaking point. "Substantially (I was beginning to gel the feel 9f this legal jatgon· by now myself ) I'd say we do most' of our eating in Saddleback," I finally reported . PRACTICAL PURPOSF.s "That does it," he sald, firmly. "Your domicile is in the Saddleback Junior College District for all p r a c t i c a I purposes." All· practical purpoi;es m e a n I n i everything but taxaUon, I surmised. Saddleback may never know whom to blame for ablorblog my family or four, but it was either Mr. Gray or Mr. O'Bannion who decided the Issue. The.y were plaintiff and defendapt in a 1113 Sutter County appellate decl!ion that made my L!IChizopbrenic palace look like a neat package by comparison. "This cue," explained the county counsel'• office, "involved. a ranch that straddled two districts. The ranch ha1JdS bunked in one di.Btrict and ate in another. The court had a devil of a time trying to find out which district they could vote in. Ultimately it came to where they spent the m~jority of their time and, since moat people do more sleeping than anything else, the bunkhouse established the voting rights. 5LEEPING PLACE "Of course, the normal .procedtu't! in cases where property is split ri&ht down the middle ii to determine first where the head of the hoolebold !lee]ll. U there is· some question about that - if the bed straddles the line or IODlething -it would be determined by where he eats." ·•· All kind! ol hypotbeles came to my mind : What If I moved into the kids' bedroom? What if I ate breakfast at one table in one diatrict and dinne1' at another table iti ·the other diatrlct? But I relnj haven't the time to .et the name of Keevll down l,a a hallmark case : in Ca1U'ornla jurisprudence, IO I thought I'd let the matter stand. At leul I know where I vote and where I (sob!) pay tu ... Mr. Engebretaen, my friend in the county COUMel's office, ii obviously fond of boundary decisions. lie volunteer.cl that ht views as claSsic the 1ltuaUon that lrooi! during ProhlblUon In the llalAI of Maine. There, on the Maine-Canadian border, saloons were built straddling the boun. dary. Bartenders and booze were kept -legally -o~ the Canadian side and the customers 1tood on the Ariierlcan side. By darting their hands across the border, •oagglng a drink and gulping it quickly, the. hard-drlntlng New England set was able to poll5b off copJOU! quanUUes of Canadian Whiskey almost, if not entirely, within legal bounds. Unless the Saddleback board of trustees inherit.a some extraordinary legal powers, I won't have to worry about my house beini ~pllt wet and dry. Mine is mare of a problem of divided loytlty. And ii someone can put together what that lnvlllble boundary llrie bu IU!ldered, he'll get a cheer and a tout from me. From the OCC side. That's wber1 the bar is. 4 Win Reduced Charges. In HB Killer Shootout . ' Four men invt1lvt!d In a Westmtnater gun batUe in which a Huntington Beach man died pleaded (Uilty to reduced charges Friday in Superior Court. Judge Robert. Gardner accepted pleu of assault with a deadly weapon and set March lS as the date on which he will sentence Georre G. Brookinl, 23, of Fullerton ; Russell W. McGrew, 11, of ta Habra and Donald D. Lincoln, 21. and JUchard A. Lincoln, 11, both ol 1!130 Via 1ltl Palma, Wblttler. The four face a poe:giblt aentence of up to JO years in state prleon. They "'"' arrest..i lul Dec. 30 aflet a gun baWe O\llllde the home ol Everett L. Pittman, Z4, of 7811 'l'rtH Avt., W..tmlnslfr. Putman 11 known lo have fired the !hot tbot ldlled..AJbOn Shirley, :al, of llC HunUnP>o St., HunlJ"'1on Beacll bot hu been cleoied on the grounda that bltllnd In-~-... PoHce aid the Unooln brolhen, Shlrley, Mc<lmf, 8-ud Guy M. 1n....,,, It, of <>ranse bepn firing Into Ille Plltmn home alter a dbpute In "hlch It was claimed that Pittman ~ .. .._~, ·---... had sloten a suit.cue full of nan:otks from Shirley's apartment. ' PIUman, trapped inslde the home with his younger brother. Jim, and another man, returned the fire. Officers believe he fired , the sbot that struck SblrlQ in the cheat the fi ve auniving assailants Wtre charged with llidnaplng followina Iha complaint of Ronald Smith, 19, ol 118 Adam• SL, Huntington Beach, that Shirley and hia companions k.ldnaptd hJm, Jim Pittman and another men and forced them into h1s home at pno- potnt. Olflctra Aid Smith told them thll be ud hla ~""' we,. beaten .by Shlrley'1 l""'P ud fomd to lake dn!O m an attempt to pmuade them ia revul the hiding place of a cacht of narcotic.~ Ingrim WIS ouhltquenU7 cleared of the charie•· . Pollcl h!lled the gun ·baUle at iho Alta Stree.t t!'sldmce after Plttman'1 mothtr phoned to tell them of the ,.. .. 1tt&ck on the home. / • • ' , \. Fort!!er astronaut' Col. ~ohn Gler'f\ .. Jla.J agreed to be the .non· , ~er at a nOndinner which-:.will not be held by the Junior \Vomen's Club in Medford, Ore. Glenn ac- cepted the noninvitation wbeD ad· vised that the club had decided to sell tickets at $5 per nonplate and devote all proceeds lo a fund for retarded children. • A group calling itself SPASM has invited students and faculty to a "milk-in" at Wichita State Uni· versity. SPASM (Society for the Prevention of Asinine Student Movements} "will possess and · consume 2.0 percent vitamin D fortified milk" in front of the campus · 3cti.vitieS center: The spoOf is a counter-protest to a re- cent beer "drink-in" by a student group trying to force a referendum to permit the sale of beer on the WSU campus . • '• " l . . The Cleveland, Oh io Public Library Teceit1ed sevt"ral thous· aM avffdue books when it granUd a. one-day amnesty on fines as , part of a _cente1rnW ce~b,.ation. "Ths. Creat .CaLeo· to," which had been due Dack JOYCE .IS -STUDY IN ·CONCENTRATION SPOONING CHERRIES at the library since April ~. · 1924, wa.t returned by a man ~ who 3aid he . found it while I cleaning out a bookshelf. He . was spared $280 in accumulated fin-es. . . ~ . • .. ' . . . . .... ~ .. Anah~im .. Machi,n~gunne1'. ' . . . ' . Cut.s Dowit Fleeing Cong A Na".)'ffian fro~ Anaheim . helped after deciding the men must die rather -machinegun · eight VJet Cong guerrillas . than escape. Monty Peyto~, an·. ex~m~er in swimmi,ng froni a supplY·sm.uggling river . ~ .Chief Aviatidn Boatswain's M a t e the Tuscon, Anz. driver s license sampan in Vietnam th.is week, after Donald D. McCOwn, 28, of Omaha, Neb., buteau, reports that a rancher's credited Garcia with shooting up the wife came in to have her permit ,. they refused lo sur~ender. boat in the glare of spot lights al . 75 renewed. He says she did . But h'e The ~mman~r ieif a patrol boat "'hose feel. . took a second look where the test forward guns were gianned by Seaman 1'He triggered, the twin fifties real said sex. "Ma'm," be said "you Paul Garcia, 21, gave the order to fire fa st," said McCown and the eight-man \\'rote 'M'. ~Did yi>u,· mean 'that'?" vc crew leaped overboard, as .50 caliber slugs riddled the ·boat loaded wlt11: ex-"Of course.'.' she replied ... " 'i1'1..;.. ··· ... ptosive•, clothing and·mmi.cine. fq_r_'mare'." . .. _,Pi:!_rkway w,.·_ideru_"ng flfcCown said: the guerrillas Sl'.'am "liKtaM''lfl!:"'.'b'l.nk or Uie'P.1ui Nal ruVer ·-· :ProJ· eel Given· Okay· 'whfai ·r,-;ootlieiisror saigon·an<r·s1;u \Vorkmert tearing do\vn· an old refused to surrender arter being orderJ builaing at Gettysburg (Ga .1 Col· The widening of Crown Valley Parkway to do so fol-four times. Jege got an unexpected. peek at to six Janes for a distance of 1.5 miles "When they got about 25 yards from "the good old -days." They found a in the vicinity of the South Coupty Civic shore, it looked like they might escape. d t · ot book ta' · th ·t "--•er was approved this week by the ~o we took them under fire," said us Y n e con J.n.tng e 1 em-... ,cu~ McCown, adding that none of the eighl ized expenses of· an unnamed" ~tu-Board of Supervisors. · Survived. dent. The items included ${i. 751 for 'The. roadway to be widened is between The sampan _ ,,,.hich darkness·hidden a mo"nth's meals, 20 cents for "a one mite •south of Alicia Parkway and Navy.patrol'boats allowed.to reach mid· haircut and 50 cents for a necktie. 1,500 feet north of Niguel Road. stream to Jessen chances of escape - The student regularly contributed Estfmated cost of the project · ls was captured -and its cargo, including 10 or 15 cents· for chur.,::b. $121,&84. rice· and ·antibiotics confiscated. Meet the People .Negroes' Man in Capital By T0~1 BARLEY Of 111• O.lly l'lllf llrif James E. "Johnny" Johnson is a fast- talking, 42-year-old Negro who quic}lly admits that his appointment to a key Washington post has produced its share of detractors among tils race, but 'Who just as quickly insists that they are greatly oqlnumbered ~y bis devotees. Among those devotees is Presjdent Richard Nixon who wasted no time in jhe pOst~lection flush of ·victory in nam- ·1ng: Johnson to the U.S. Civil Se,rvi~e .. Comniisliiion. And glad to see Joh~n get the vital job, but sorry to lose his Cabinet member was Gover:oor -·Ronald ·Reagan, a long-Ume admirer of the formtr Tustin resident JOhnson starts work for Nixon Monday. Aod he makes no secret of the directinn that civU rights will take if his participa· lion in Washington debates has anything &o do with il. "l believe in a solid civil rights pro- gram," he said quietly. "And don't read Into that the fact that I'm solely con· ttmed with my own race. ·· "I don't mean a civil rights program for Negroei but a program for Americans," Johnson said. "ln other words not for Mexicans or Japanese or tta'llans or Jews but for Americans -of all races. ·· "l want to see," he said, "effective "CCOOOmic progrUM defligned to restore dignjty and inillaUve to all persons. That's the fonnula that I'll be taking with me to Washington." 'lbe ex-Marine also will be taking wi.th him a built-in anUpathy to welfare pro. grams ~have, he said, "destroyed the dlplil,y and. Inilllllve I've jui1 been lalt:lng about. -.. Welfare programs CID be effective ,.iy for a very short period. Commit -MtY man to perpetual welfare. and he . .ii. loses hil pride, wWinll'ess and •ability to work." ,,,"Education and inslructiol! and_ U\e knowledge of how to use the tools lo ..be.. productive can reduct welfare pro- .arams to a bare minimum," Johnspn edded. "But give to those same people linancia1 aid wtth no strings or responsiblUUes attached and you'mntlnU• tO'perpetaate wellare and 80\\1 the seeds ' MOVl_N'G TO Y.f.<ISHl~GTON T.u1tin 's Johnny John1ot1 - for even more clis!ienl and disorder," hf Sflid. Johnson doesn't hesitate lo lay the blame for much of that . di sorder and dissent at the feet of the news media. "You people glorify" the hoodlwns who proclaim lhemselves as leaders or the Negro pe<iple " he said . " "ll 1 wanted to become known as an advocate of black wwer and lhe new savior or my race, I'd let the press know In advance that 1 was going to sing and scrtam and shoot and launch violence," he said. "You 'd come running with your notebooks and cameras and Johnny Johnson wbuld be lbe hew leader o[ the Negro race overnight." But Johnson just ii quickly admits that Amel'ica'1 NegroeS ca n only blame themselves for their rallure to win equal~ ly and a feir share· 'of the American sun. '"f'oo · many or U!li ha"', doM too , little," he says. "Too many of us ha\"c shown too little spirit and have lacked that get up and go and persistence that is the only sure way to eventual and complete integration." How far away is "eventrual and com· plete integration?" ~ohnson. doesn'.t k~ and quickly .says so. "But . I do fe.e:I that the era of vlolence and deslnlction is on the decli.Qe,'' . .be said. .'.'l feel that n1ore and . more, NegroeS. are beginning lo realize, as I've always preached, that ·we 're 'only goihg to achieve what \\"e want to achieve. by quiet and orderly progresi. by tht patience and persistence . that were so quickly and cruelly aban· dohed." ' An invet.era!e . "jogger," Johnson ~·ill carry with him to Washington the nickname Sacramento ga\'e him for his pre-dawn workouts -"Jogging Johnny.·• The new fad is nothing new to him, he grtns, he jogged throughout his 21-year senrlce with the Marines -he saw combat duty in the South Pacific - ind hls· student da~· at Santa Ana and Chapman colleges. Jogging shouldn't be confined to the open :atr:· he say~. "U every : Negro who yearns ror equality and total in· tegraUon 1\ad juit kepl -jogging alonl? all ~se ye.us we'd probably hevc it now. he sakt And you can jog your ·way to success in busines.s. Johnson pointed out .. "Wbtn 1 left ;the Marines, J bad three months in the insurance business," be said. "T sold mor.e -than .$1 million worth o( policies . tbanka. to the paUeooe and persistence. I preach about." He took that patience and persistence .with him to sacramento as Gottmor Reagan's oeW"directof of the, Department ol Veterans Affairs two years ago and It paid off to the U:tent that Reagan relinquished him to NixOl'l with the rueful comment: "I can't think of anyone.J ·'d rather keep.". "Jotmny"~ll soon be doing his jogging In the v~·or ,the Whll,r Hou se. "'And ln the clvU rights commission's hearing room,"· he gri!lfled~ "I've nc\'er been so determined to do aomethibg that need& to lbt. done as 1 am right now and I Intend to succee(t" • . ' ~.... -~ COMES .NOW THE BALANCING ACT-POSITlONING THAT CAKE IN MOTHER'S OVEN -..... -f'loo•--0 ' J oy~?-'.1>; Bh:1fei · ' .......... • ~·"'--•4-•, Birtlidiiy Spe-Cial So what do you do on a rainy George \Vashington's holiday - like it was Fri~ay -'"hen you have the whOJe day off rroin school? Well . if you're six-year-old Joyce Rieck, daughter of Mr. and !\1rs. Don Rieck of 2525 Orange Ave .• in Costa Mesa, you might just whip up a George \Vashington theme cherry cake tOr' the enjoyment of 'the entire family._ Ge6tge; ·:mer all," ls"tt~.ar' tb ' . ' lhe hear! and lhe birthday of Joyce. She was born on his birth· day anniversary when she came into the 'vorid. sii-years ago to- day. Friday's effort was the first cake ever for the young blonde, blue-eyed Morita Vista School kindergartener. She was careful v,iith the measures and careful 'vith the fixin's. all as attested to here on this page through the lens of DAILY 1'ILOT Stall photographer Richard· Koehler. ... And aJI 'vas well that ended ·well. ' FINAL'lY, JOYCE HAS .GEORGE'S CHERRY CAKil R£At1Yl'O!t' • • .• . . ! ' • • ·;. Happy Birth.day; George. ·hi.s a good eye for what'il righ1. Once she ·knows yoU,.uid b¥ & feeling for the kind of thiup you respond to, she can do sometlting for you th~t hardly 1 Sh Id · 1 d any other..store would do. She Ou a a Y can act as your penonat shop· per' in the wholesale mark~t,' ' buy Women 's clothe· s ~~.~:~~.~::~:.::.e~:10~ ' ' ' whatever shehU i~~nd for Ill. a man's store?.. yol;n'• tlia•. ,...., u~i~ be•ter than ~ing inlo a store and' tryins to 8'=t a half way .ensible / grunt out of eome doll eyed <:ertainly not. will uy to 1he wholesaler, by ule1 chick who don't know Th.ink how embarra.Hing it telephone. ''Send me a dozen notliiJlA'? could be to 1hop for a blouse ICAl'VM,· of "'hatever i1 aelling Fib.ally, we do our own al· among the men'• pajamas. well.'' Or else they merely lerations,iliourowDpremi1e1. ~ell we don't know about you, select from the '11._ff th~ u.Ie .. l'tfo1toftheilinewe~·dothem but for tome "·omen it would men 1bow them. _ the 1anMfday, if our tailor •hop .beemharrasaing. 'Not oUr Carol. She doalt.iin't toO 1wampet1 • .'Ana if That's why 1 run t1'·o 1tore1 1l1e other way aronod. She.goes .you!~ a l~al, and want a 1111der one roof. One man's into t\ie :wbolee.iJe *macUt. al 'ehaige aecOun4 ehaaci:1 are 1tore. One w om a.n' • •lore. leul tl.·ice a moila.li, 1\·ilh"lift-jood we can open one for you Keep them a little ipart, I al· own ideae of what ehe wa.pll ~e ume. day. 1 \\'•Y• say. to find. None· of that _JllewtoO ~ On yo\lr"Way ou4 if you in•' ~U11 Carol Herrin manages businen for this little girl.· ' slit ;Qn buy\ag 10me pajama5 \\'hat "·e call our Con1eience And by the way, -.-·bat other (Or yodr Old GrOueb, w-Pc f.r·11er. That'• a slippery way speci81ty 1tore man.a~ pl&. )hrough the arch intO my otlr.ir. o: .. 1caningWomau'1Shor huyingtWicee~month? . .a,o~ where I ae1J .iaen'1 •p· "·ithout coming right out and Then ueat, th.ii yGu:ag· ladl ~l •. · : • , - aayiq: it. • I .. J ack .. ·Bidwen ·· . • i.' Anyifay, C...01 maybe bu more penonally devoted cw- tomen than any other 1ton: nw1aser in Orange County. Several reuon1 for that. • . . Fint, hecauae thia kid i1 int• qi native, though I . pe11 I reafly shouldn't call her a kid, o.hould If Loi. of.oto"' buyen .. 3467 Via uao, Notport Beaeh, 'wbm;jVu t~m off to ' II" to Udo l1le. Drive in betweeltmy,otore and th,.Lldo Th .. tir to park'-in rMr1 Phone 67~}1). Cepyrigh& 11'69, Jack Bid.,.II . '. . . , ' ' " ' -- • I I 1! 11 I I , I' I • • · ··· · ..: ---.. --Church Image of Presldeahi ·~~Vi• ,,,_.~-! :• .-·-, .Pa·Ipit and Pew _ -Slates .. := .. ~~·Wfu W~litfig. wnR .. e ... 'ru,·.~;;;~us-?1 ,,. MGnilnl ...nhlp ""'Ice, It Sun<lly, ..,.vices. I ud U 1 re_.,iollve ol BaplW ii:' __ Lin., ·w111 ·1eat.,. the Re•. •.m .• for ~"''' ~ )!Jd·~. E. d Drj .. • .. lL.O__ a..:•:....:.,.,\.. OD a.do II lkMco, • fiw>dq-~-'ol tho _ on · Ve ' 17 LCJl1ll CAlllWI ~ 'lllibW' (Crowi!J, ):d-1 ct.iorii al DeeJloc for proyers ,_ • .., ,._ -~ )lood.. "; 11 rdl ........_ ... I · •· : .,., - -• JllWMr'Plill<r uid D&vtd E Jn cburcb. ,.... _ n c..i. lo eo · Juillar .<boir<lf~ · .llie bllb t:• ..a ...... ·'ftribl.,: •.. · • ·• • '\Giorse .. 'Wllhlll~'lilort 9ri<ii .. ••f ·tlial ·w~ 'lbeRt.Rov.w1111amW111te. ~· to Ilea..,.,• at~ llflW !'!\"'!' ;..l!i·-a>moot doll' II a~: -· .• .. m. ly ltlCBAtil> p t<.qJ. ', llWi any qtjier D1Ml *1· ped "wa. neither UJe ''paraioc) ol on ~.~llhop who was ~ -w..-, u... lnl'tbe I octocl< -· ud .-;;?ilJ'"" • .,. .. ,.,...... '"~'.• ')mqe ·qr-· I "piety" thal11'eellll ~. oltoo,,ln, Was\llll(ton'• com· IJnilon _.,_ pr t.111or 1 'Ille Chibllqule '1't1e le<lure. 111.....,. la. lot Will $100,9'1 mott· a._~~ be. ;. · nor a ~believing cynic.'' ,, Pan1. said he wu nev,cr able dlon:ll for dllldlm"Jn kJn. !!11~~·.·00.11.,~_'.!°!~ ~~A . ,. C~~al!!\L,~~ .. ,-·"n....;<11 ~ i.. ·ur.MpAJ.. : . dlot asctriallli fllllll 1nytldng 1tallobeldlllhl1hour.=·· NyatlcaJ Ezperlooce." ' .11111 .w .. k cllur:<h .lund ~ Jhll''!"' ~:· -II tJial 'a Pr<lf~' ~· -_; ~-"f,l!_la , -tbedlvlnlty·ol.Cbtllt. derONDtbniuablblnl. Id w• -..,--lll'l!l ror ~ ....,_"!"" ·m:""' • ~~· ·llol>ed ·:.Jii·,.ih'' · -r • · . ,. . ..,.w..,..,,... •aid, hotr be felt can :1a, fmldod> at .U < : -. "wllbP _....,.... atony.rato •• ··: ·CIOftl.i .:..,. -·iethilrcll' .., .. ,men ·w. ~~ -e •.. I~woold ·llOt be 1urprblng 1 •-· n-o.~._ ·~ ·~-• al ,._., .. "· ·•·-1·11 pm ., ....... a iloi>CatlloUt·and ·'"'" r.-,• •· . · WMblnlton mainw..d · ~ · hi h d doubt eerv"'._' ~-.... i.&fll:I °"'""" -......-~ · · ., Q;~Woodl .Jl;avt ~· .. ~.~ -atknowledgehii ,UftJooc ipubUc ,affiliatioo wilh'.·11 WM ngton 1 . s .·Cluaos !Qt.oll,.... be,Jna -lludf,•llnl ... fllll,.~.. , ... ,. thettain~ '"'J'\irl "•Tt-·Upoll~ the EpllCOpal Cburch . · •b!JUI the tncarnallon; Li~e at 1:a.1.m. SundlJ<--. ~:•1111 ~1.'' ~laJ ·. -~i';t~ . .. ·r··•-,1.00~,~I' .• St.ve · !~bu been ~ evei: .... ~.-. 11e·th gh. t bout '11l9st . O<luca,tcd Amer\cons ol -p, 1 p.m.. lad ol!O!le<I -~ or --eaertq _: .1111 , .l!llildaY w -.. c " !'f, llDc:e w.ublqtoa•1 deal~.·· ~--tr 'I' 8. ·bis time, be was greatly In· b1 . toeo fellow1iWP·· Other a1 '!'" t:• Liii. ...tee; al Loot.:11.-,.i: All ,!;I~'• Cj) . ~ "~ ~-wu a. ..,..tne11·"lt l>flv11tty·'-and probably··· fluerited 'bf the !!leas of the weeklr act19!tlel ., I« the Poll!• Clf P'\ '-tlll:i•]!ollai • ~·· ~· •Liii.~· . . '11"\ Porl<ll: !If.. •1'iilii .. * '.reJ!ilou!'...;. ., ~,felt" be lldn'tU>lnk about II· much· F'r·en c h enllghteonient, In· cbu!rcb tnclode ~'W~ay; . WWm'..,.,~._llllil !I -.:.a.m. ms Ptctt1¢·V!fti ' will houlthofdl altttche.-'t t om ~\ ·.: .lboW: of ...i-. .. iru ,~ · ~~ti•&!.part of~ ~en-for· eluding the re 11g't0 us T:l5p.m.,pray<r~lllld' iii U.dllc!j>lel_;,!"illev· servlco al llUnllJlllan '!.-""bold ~ii<uuiap . , I t.aaun&Nlcueltothenortbern;.p~·tol>ls~:'.. r. grontedriess o!llis life." say plillosopl)y known u Deism. Jjjhla.Studl'._ ... _. .Gat'-i-,w.·~::.f?JAl_l..ll'i~ CllQel. • .aud~ Wbo .-aad l :•·a.m; ~·The . liGUnit,rl'alLl&Uu~ .. __ ~..,;~ -~,. Fllllor llld Green. '•He ·wu neis!S believed Jn a rather ~ _ Is ~ Jlle!il>bor. PY"' by. Jl<v. Joba ·a-1 Mll·wtU Al itlb b ·the looi'lerm _ .. ,,,_. • b1ptized. married and buried imii<nonal God whom they Dr. Philip Sutberlad will at mt Ualted _..... the ~·''•~·J: ~' will ~. pNaclt1~ wpiir,·?e ~tttt Mire .of St. Catherine'•·.· "~'1 :1w.eni.t;~)be· tzn.i within :It. For year1 be was usuaµy referred to as .. Divine ~pa!No a.111-lhll a-. Ziil. -th St., be pniChid .it )lolli liolJ!I. Wrltor. A porllll "'1'11"' will .._,, ocbool "• t c -ocinstlv• l!locroll¥: ";bo W • plirllb vestryman. It woo Id Providence" or "the Creator " ~ ar«~ ·1.·-·1'111111\b>illllt8"""':•~ Cir! Lecl,'IWI m-.ry ~ bold In-the porbb boll, -oa 1 hlllolde onrlook· vented the/....,., Ille about · ..... baV< ocairred to him of the Universe." They Jl!i!!IOl:~~.,Wiorner ~'tlftiMJllll,;<lllil -"•.wlDfllk.ollbelam~ $.If p.m. foliowod bJ Even JnctheteaD!nSoutbL1811111-Ibo d>errj ttee, depicted · to cut 0 hlmsdf, oil from · the revered Jesus,. a moral ' """"' lit ·~ Bt<eetJ.'llitlllairl'..._ 'w.a· Clll!rch ly OV-. -·which will Sonc. C-Doo!llu Steward Tbe problem, Aid the fund .w.~ ~ a devooit and• cburcb. teacher but either denied his H~ ·itldi, .for blfh '· ~ at 1:111' .,;ii 11 be prococfod bJ a'patluck din-will -'<· 'Ille .._,, ~Ill rlllerl> ls simply !hit ~ compli\ltJY ~ ~·· .But • Wublnglon obviously divinity or professed di3in· ll;llooJ. 1 n d Couep:i:aner a.m. wllll 1111 lattef oervlce ner 1t t p.m. Ho will talk be bold each Suodly dllrm1 -JI baroly oufllclalt to .Tbla vleW' <( the ·nm Prcsl· bad mental . ....,.rvations ·about temt in the qu.,uon -~.t'lllim.olthe (Oi" niil'iflj7 tbjoucb third on "Aportmeot i!oUIO Le~" . " cover• ncnnol opentlnt' U• Oeiit Is ljllfwldel)i bf!d by oom~ of the cloclrln"' and . • . . psycho -departmmt' at ne )'Spd~nt .. -Mia1'trill." . The Rac1lm and UI aerle1 J*llll. '~ ~ethlog W!:' Amer(c~. . . i rJtuals ol biJ chur<:h. He rare-POUNDING FATHERS Bklla rt. he wtn· dJscuas • alurdf mtmbenblp clauel ~, ~ "ill ccatlnue WtdiMIJ!ay. 7:30 foreseen ~ IUCh as Debu'nktrs !)(' tb.l\,tradlUon 1 ly-lf ever received h<Jly com· . T ~om a 1 Jefferson, B~· .. Nature PS)'Chology and ;for~ held Sundafl,' Guest 'speaker, . ·the . Rev. p_41J. The .iy ~lll'O fn(eiSor . pJpea burltini at tbt IChool have ~~the <JP~~ ex·"' munion,; and ·once "'Is publicly . J<i;rmn Franklin, Thomas P~e the Chrlltlan Filth" 1t a p.m. ;io':IS'U~th groupo aiio Kiil .w. '.Luyboll, will speok " al UC!, Dr. Durand 8'11, will or , Ibo roof IWlni :.m· the .~·.elf illhc , )V~gton . •nboked; by the rector-.~ a and other weU.known loonding for hl&h lichool rtudent.s and .4nMr~Cp.m. Sunday:atlludqtte.vaui.1 1peak. church, ·the :future. of • the '9 -&.IQ w~ RUbllc:~PbHadttpbia _ cbarch : for fathers were outspoken Deis~. 1.-111 p.m. lor the older group. • ...::...._ . Jlap41tt ...._ 1771 ·Slater ocMol. Is placed Jn 'finucla( toltl,11ctcl",!0 'Goel .weie ,pro. ::.~tll'.r n ltt II' hi.-liack on· the Wubington never proclaimed ~ »·v n.. Henr1y Ave.,·EowttalnValle)'.iHe'bu·" Afreellcturtwillbesiven jeopard)'. . ; ··"m~:bJ ,,a ,dellte.Jo:.keep Lord'sSupper.'1 .r ·~ .-·,a~rent to the B.iinftini-;..~ ,.;1 .. ~ o f>'!~-ri(c:;p.a1c ~n spent Jll •)'fOfl Jn.Lll>erla u,··.~y Cbarie(W. F~;~.S.B., A current beadacbo.ta',"Old up a~. .· ... · He also .Oatly refused to ·Deist pbilCl'Ophy, llut he often _. baled on Ibo llv.. . ~I\.. II(.~ • at a mlaloeory and ·ll;eumntl1 , · (1111 P~, Pop I) (1111 l1lND DlllVJ:, r.,. 11 . • In. ~.'?"Ok. "°'!\ Jn the .. p alo11f .-with the Episcopal (See IMAGE; Pase II :J ORAN-GE' COAST CHURC·Il ·,_·DI .. RECTO .RY U..l.CJ FAIRVIEW 8APTIST .CHURCH '• ................... Dl1ft, c.-. lO A.M;·wollSlllP-SERVI(!E . ' f AM. lllMDAY CMUllCM K-..· ~ y :... ' ' ·-.t,sll.PJA. .ft~.~lf.Ml __ Yld[I ,.....,-,,, , -i I ~ ..... , • ., •• 1M ~ 11•.'4 It.It.,......_ , , •·• · -I -.!.....-· __ ..,.~Y.T_,..,~....,,.,~~~--.' .,- · · HAUOR Tlt.INITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1Ul .... lt ......... c......_ ·--,--SalldQ School 8:41 LDJ. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. 'llaptlot Tnlnlq Union f p.m. EvO!llq 1ervl~ 7 p.m. • 'Wodllesda1 Bible Study Ir Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH J Ill HAMILTON. CO$TA !11114 ' , a.. lft Sc.h-lf!1':o9f:, _ : ": II Sutulay Sch .. 1 -.,-.-;,;,•t i'.41 -fr1Jnf?t1~11f.,.-.'""·····r· MO 1 M I W nhl I I OQ hnl$W• ...... ..;_.,,.., 7100 Ml •1 • ' • • • • 1 WM. Ew11!11_1 _s.m, •••.• 1100 ,.._ MJ.fll1 .....,,,AN*tl .......... ~ ...... r ~~U~N~IYE~ltS~ITY'~~,B~A~L~~, ~.e~.~.?~~~.~~~~.t~.;~:~.~!!l~s;~ ~ 1211 l.1 L PALilAoll Ii. . llAHTA ANA Hlt•Hll Z 9'WDAY IClfeOt ... , ................ 1 ... ,.,,: ..... ~••AJA. ,, .-.Mt• ... MOP , , ....... , , , .;., , .. , .... ,_;,.,;,.;' U ·A.M. n•MIJlle WOllJHIP .................................... 1 P.M. MIOWlllC llllYtcW WIDNUDAY ..••• , •••.•••.•. 71• P.M. Wllllefll L MM. ........ ct111rcfl ....... IMHU1 • ' l'lUT llAl'TIST CHURCH ,. __ ,.....,.. ..... , 174il~i· .......... . • ..... Di.-..-- • S11M1y lc:fl•ol ••••• , t 1JI AM M•"''"' W•r1hlp • • 11 :OQ AM . rr1y1 r Sortie• , •• , 61JO PM .lvo11l111 W•r1h1, ••• , 7JOI PM Miriwr A .. 111* II II ltr\lic. 147- • Wo 1.u,.,, In You • , • UNITARIAN UNIV~JISALIST '" '" ' FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH CHURCH I 121f Vict1rl1 Sf., Co1t1 Mo11 I l\llllflrt ,L ll I. ,, ,LS2 I 1· lliJO A.Ht. -Main & Adami Stre1t1 Huntin9t~. l1~ch M•"''"' W•rah l," •• l 1JO 10141 I I BAHA'IS CHRISTIAN· SCIENCE CHURCHES ·la,AJtCHD OP THI Monti• CMUICH '"'Pim CHUICH Of CHlm, KllNTllT ~ IN IOIJON. MAIU.CtfUSllTI "MIND'' Subject of LeS!on -February 23 Cosio Mo11 -First Cllurc~ 1f Christ, S1l1ntl1t 2110 M .. ,.,._ Dr., C.... ..... hHey SdffJ.:-f:IS A.M. ea-.• s.m.-11 A.M. ....,.. ..... nit w-,.,. "'· Huntington le1ct.-l'lrlt Church of Chrlct, Stl1nll1t 111 Olhe ci..n:1t & .. ...., W111 t :lt 1 11 :tt ' '"41 .. IM.-fll OIM L1tun1 .... h -Flrot Church.of Chrlst,-Sclontlll 6)1 HIP Dr, ,J (1,r ,. ,.. ""' '.,iw···· ,,_; C119,.lt & ....., ld:11I t :tl I 1 r:N a.Hl1t1lffflltJff P.,...A,., ....... .,, .. ~•" Nowport lloHh-Fl...i:~Ch...cli of Chrlit, StltMlcl ,,,, ... U4e ' Chf'I• & hllley W11I t ill I 111H 1"4h!tlHa..lll1WltUllh Newport ... ch-5-nd Church of Chrltt, .-Sclontl1t ltot ... .,,. . .,.,, Dr., C..... .., Mer CkN• & lnffy S...111 11 A.M, '"41 .. lH--iHI I. c.-Hwy. All are cortllally Invited to attend Ibo church IOl'vlctl and enjoy the prtvllores of tho Reading Rooms Clllll c .. PmttW AT AU lllYICU CENTl!Al BIBLE CHURCH IUtl• s,h••I •••••• t :Jo I r~OCLAIM 1 Emphub:in1 'l'9t!tti c.. .. ,, ••• ,,:oo ,M B h 1 , II h -... r~-' 1¥1111111 W•nhl, •• 71QQ .IM 0 0 U Q 111• Peen o u-. ..... '""" .,_ -.... -~,,.-T1tt ,. .... ., Chrllt • '· • ~ ... ll ,. -·-, ''•mi10.I Ono" -.~ ..... ...,,.,.,.. ,_ .... '" 1m-POMtofth1HolySpin't Oftlco: '36-211f .. Diii Dowot!on..s»-t51t 141°1211 er 549-1001 ~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II Sunday School 9 AM A , , Momin, WO!lhlp t Md 10:JO NA ' 'EWfl1111 kr'lfOI 7 "°1. T~11rM•'f l llHt SM., I GO AHEAD! SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! ,._ ...... "9 l tSI A"'"-" -..e It CALVARY CHAPIL .............. NIWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH • _. Clf9 Drtwot M...ott ... • ,... .... ""''°"""" '--........ ,...... .... '"""'"'' .... ~ ~ OloMl-i. M 111•••11111 I ••11....-'91 ChfO wflWD Y"' _ _. ... ,... ................... 1nd PnytT 1 FM ' N11nt1y d11rln1 fff'l'lca A f•D Youlh -I Cm. al Orlnp md 23rd. 5~ Cott.MIN hdl:w tL L JM9i lfCA ... INTiNSIVI COMMUNITY CONGRE&ATIONAl · • 61 I HILIOTIIO,I • '42:67,•3 646-95.12 '• ..• Dtsullts ... DAILY l'ILors Cmt'lfl fl local M'A No tlMr . ..., um u mudt _...,.,..YOUll>I. W~11rN.A.M, ct.Nit .... ,, 1 IM ........ Dr. Pt111111 ·e. M9mYo Mllltmt -I • """ ~ •. c ••• - THE El'ISCQl'AL CHURCH WtlcoiTi~ Yci:u._ . IT, JANIS. JJOt fie LW.. ........ ...... · · ,....., Stftkea-:-7:.Jt, ..... l.t:ll: ... , ,...... ,., :j' ' · " ,..._, 1.tin~,..,...,.1:11 Pr••v• ., . • ·· ~1 ................ _ .. ~........ ' ... . . . ' \ ........ "'"""· , .... , ..... ..., ....................... :c ..... Phont: 67m10 . · - ST. MICHAIL & ALL ANGELS Pactllc View Dr. at Marguerite, ·Corona de! Mir Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9.-30 Holy Days as •DDODDced hit.,, n. Irr ...... 1.,.,. hTll-· ...... '44·M6J ST. JOHN TH& DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sund1ys 7:30 Ir 9:30 Church School-. 9:30 Thuradays: 6:30 Ir 10 a.m.; Holy Days u announced "'•·.,.. ......... w .......... _ ,....1414JJI HARBOR ·AISIMILY OF GOD -·Newport Herbor ·· • LU!herin Church .. ' • ·2l01 CllflDr. LI H293 ,.. ...................... .-., ~.~:~4 .. J- . . . ,..,., '""'"''' ---~,.~,~ '.· .... :. •1Jt.t:W't"'" ...... Jili•I· ...... 1t 1U-H14fe.M. "'"''\' 1tn1ct1,. •• ~ n,1•111• .. Nursery care-avallable- at·alJ services WELCOME Lutheran Church '" · of tho Mast.r ' · 2900·paclfie Vi · Dr. :· ··· CORONA DELo:w MAR ); . .;, ,;, ' ·.,. ~ . .DL :WILUAM R. ILLIR I . '" Phono:oli ,W!>22 t :45 ~.M-F1t11ll1 W•r1hl, t :41 A.M-su~cllY Ch11rc.• School I 1':00 A.M.-Fo1ti'ID Wenhl, I H•,..,., ,,.,. ... IF==~=====~~~~~ CHRIST LUTHIIIAN CHURCH 1.Us1ourt Synod 760 Vktorll st .. Coat• M.N Liith.lr V. Torn.,,, Puter f Hl-5404 Wtnftlll Str'Yla11 l:lJ & n A.M. : · S'°"' Jdltlt1 f:M A.M. A""" a!M9 c1e,., f:Jf A.M. CHllJnAJC ILIMINTAIY ICHOOL 141-61•1 420 10th St., Hun_llntiton Booch 1111••1 Menil111 hrrkn •ff T•llffi C••rc._11 1QQ •.111. W1ino1i1y ·E.,onl111 Studr 6roup-7:JO p.m. ....._Pete, Ml11'ter ....... : IJ'-JllQ A Cordiel Welcomo from JHE UNITED MEJilODIST CHURCH · C•lf• M111 FIUT UNITIO MnHODIST CHURCH lftl. St l Har~or 11.,J. W•nhlp i ' ¢h¥rch School ,t :lO& II AM 1••·r121 ' H111tln,to• lo1c.h-N.orti.- . '4:0MMUNITY · METHODIST CHURCH 6662 H.~ A ......... J.44"1 1· •' W0r11ip .. Orurch Sc.h••I 1 • ··tol10:JOM'4 ~r.,in~E11f 11uff UNIVERSITY MnHODIST CHURCH Worahlp •••• 1:10 AM IJJ.12JJ M•oti119 t1mp1r1rlly !11 St. M1rk Pr11j,yt1r1111 Church E•itbl11ff Dr, l J1mb!>,.., Rel. t,'i:t_uni l11c.lt · 1.:A$UNA 'HACH MnHODIST CHURCH 2 I 6J.2 W11loy Dr ht . ·So. L191111• Worahi p f:JO I 11 AM Ghurck Sch•ol 9:)0 AM 499.]011 Now,•rf l11ck CHRIST CHURCH IY THI SIA 1400 w. 1.10 .. 11'111. 67J.JIOI W•r1hlp I Clt1rch Scho•I f :JQ& ll:OOAM .. 7A0 W. Wtt.n.:.-C•t. MN .: '·t H~ '-·: :\_ ; -; .;~!·~t:·: ' ' . PRES~YTERIA~ .. CHURCHES -.-:: • suNDAJ.sr•-· :.. ~ ~ · ., ·. · of the Cogstal ,.Ar.eos . · · .~:1~.:'.= ';~~ -::;! .. •·~· :. Christ Church Pre1bvterlan -· '"Mhr .,_.11*9•"'" · ~ 2011Z M•t"I'-,c.,._ ~J tt..d•tff'! .._. -~ • • Dr,•AlfrM·C.....;: ~ ...... Allw O. 1.--1 .._."' ,..,,., : .JJa,./,or C/irii1fiwi · Church "'-venth·Day Advent!-.Ch·-L--"" 7'11 '·"'· -< • ..,....,. • · ' · --w....,., "'' "" --,..., "·"· ~ •• • ... 511Wa -• -· ......... , ,.,.,. -• ' .,..... 111· . ..._. .... ,.... t""4t41 • ' OP N""°IT llACR-ID-) .. ........ 111• ... H.,_ .,. ........ , le\eef · 411 L IM It,. C... .._ . . . Church School -9:45 A.M. Worship -10:45 A.M.m H__, C.. Pte11•4 c. .. --N""4 :-! COSTA MiiA."CHRISTIAN .,~HOOL ; • 'Cliurch ~ tfit · Covenant 211 ......... "'"' ~ .. :x 1~=;~-::~ ... ~·;·;;·~-~·~·~~-~-~ .. ~-~-~·~ .. ~·--· -c• c.r. · • . .211 ......... --... c.:... .._ J•k11 Sh.w1111••0. ,,,,., ................. c.....-m~ =;;:;;:;;:;:;;~·!.'I . J. • ,,,.,., 0.111111. J •. M•t.l•11 ... ~l11t.r,l,n ''"'' Ph•,..1 141·61'6 12n1 c.... ,.., ......., · --' ' H9ffJ W..., & QlrU JCattl; ft)I 1•111 14f.4JM .. ... W...., •• 11 rff A1if • Pfl-1 492•)fJ6 tMI ,..._A~ (T._ I 11:-.iMl. POllfTADI'"""""~: HI It. A . ...... ,,. . , "' , .. • • ,._, 675-3915 1111n1mr: Dr. D-. W .. li!~Y- -...... .. .. .... ..... A. I. .............. • FIRST. CRtUmAN CHURCH ( l i: St. Anclrfw}.-!""";mCl1111u • -...... WIMI •••• f:JI ..... -tlHIPllD SIMCI • 111111.f $1~1J~\ficASHIP. IOrJO l , CHAIUI Hl'ltlllT llDBI" .•:J'BlGI -. I ................. JlllPM ..... ...., •••• , .... ~ i..w~1Y111t(§,..,,:a-;;,; ..... -·· .. ,.; J .... -~·a..t••Mf1t.t•&11-. ...·I N.,_,.-,_.wM •Nft-"'1k11 .... :.i ..,.;'1't ( .......... -... I ' ~~~ ,... • .• ~-.. ll I• -a' ·_ _ TE~PLE :$H~RON ~. _ Tho c.ffMl"Nltiv9 oy11•t9f1t• f,, tfio t'.: 011flt0 H,,.,, AN• ,:; ,• &11W•H• 11-.c.....-. .\n ltwllti ~I ... •" iiWfM tt .... w i. ""'" """''"""' '" t.UUTM l\llNtM• lllMcoNtlAY • 1:11 P.M. : \ ·-- • • ....... ._ - -... --:: · .,..,.·-·-.st:ltllliifi l'M&itei'fa~ "eh11rcli' ~ ~ _,I .,, .. .-.,,.,,...L':,.~;.!!;,;, .. ,.-?: : ":. W .... ~= l"••I 11 AM • · ti • • . -.. ·r ,._. •1J4"s··-.~ ;.. ·~ . I :. , "'.:.~JlllllUnity, !'resll~ Cli~ , ! . ...... ..-.... -· .....w "'''"'-''-lJ--,:; J . l'lill'. •· ·.· ...... . UNl'rED SPJR~~Sj' ¢HURCH '. .. . ..... -. """" -~ .... . .. . WPR5H)• AND..J!~.P,. -~'-7'11 .... ~ ' f6J-Mh • ~ I• •.JJll w •. 1o11 ...... " ....... l-U,. m ,,...,. 111 < DA''1#ilail .. PAIToa.~ .. , , .I ..:::·=....... • 1 W.t!W-;i c~ · tpJI AM w.-+" Ml • ,. -' ' 4• Ill __... ~7~ .... .. < . .. .. •• ----------~~--. ~LY PU,OT 5 PULPIT AND PEW •• -• · FUND DRIVE STARTS • • • -. (C.OdeHI .... hp I) modeled by lhll Ml•'""""" l:J.~Molm V-~ tal ~ Tiit ...-11o. " ltlbeChriltlUSd.,,C;~ ---wtll--br•I ~ ~ .ft'.'J'f~t:ll' lain'fffld.:.. -.. F- in Lquna -83ti Hitb crpbanace at June.._ ,\116, 11-nr~'!,= ,J>.1ft. ·cblld ,.,. ,_ ;: r • .:<~-!!!.'! P 1) ·• Kroel4!, ~ tbiil ClllPl"4 who !!aft Jllll • YeilJi." The fa!tl\ful Ii-year~ -land St Catlle~. iald("St. -.Ontaclld to regilftr al old ~ ooa Is ready for Catberlne't COllli>llinents our tbt rectory. ' Drive. His hour JeCture. IDl:lfto. • • 1 ii for pre-achool 81. Gewai.._,.11~11 CHrtlt. ~-"'!'."fttl aiil'c!o=r~---·aJ ....... ~ 1n El Taro .... 1lili! SJ>OClal-q;t!fl~,"1·•·-........ • at Qlllt . ~ '.·'I-" . __,_ft IM .,l.enlell . ~ ""! a·;p · ooa '"-"'-publk;ldleoll. ' . • .'II·~-tii:r li4oiled.'' ~-· I baYe a ·....,t ltap!tl,Gllllpal;-,_ .,.l!Clda, 'The f\Jnd '*1Mrl ~id i' admlrllljcia lfir tjie *\l\i "l fllfnlt we'Q .... J C!IDVUI f1lldy hy pa<)ljllolill:l "'v'"leclJ whlel! catholics wlq ~ I e t ..n,:.: ~ -:....n. that operating axpe-of the " behind aometbing Ibey beUe.,e t•• chllclttn at tbt llchool m .. pariah could be slgntflcantly It.. ·~ ~ 3)!,,m.1 . I \ ~: ~ p,cwf! "Fear-to~a'"blbe vJrW la.~~ ( 1 , -,~ -1""' _ ~ : · UU. of the J:::'I' abtl\fli,at ~ W8F ~ at' , I ·:HJ' " _ .,...., ~iia.m .. ~: ~ . N...,.n 11111 C • u c·• a.iii., wh}le proyer• MtVtcet . ...-~-,·· LOu1U ~"""!I ..,.,.,_. 5""<11), II a.m. The and lel'DICIOI will betin at l ;!tl, wur and Cir• "II io .......... " Rtv. Loren llale Fllctlnaer and II a.m. Thia• w1et'1 ts at tbe 7 p.ns:. 00 ~·~-i ~ w1l1 pruch ,at the Senlor st~ on M 1'Teqitltiobl:;'~ at C.tral B .. le •••• ·•·~-:"':.,1 •• IO CIU....' r..... 1 !Hl1 pd \., adys .,..,.,.,.,.. iwlO 23ra St~eet aod .,,..,==-~-H-... ~. •1 Irvine, N~"Bdch. 1li1> be' .nil air t'i Iii[ and Ofance Avenue, C°'*8 Mlia. -our -..v: • s··-..1-"--..._ I .,,.. '"'"•...i f•-11 ... Tiley arc .. .-·_,,_ the lllat& Collep at:Los ~r •-..-· desigDated :~ p.m. ,....,....aya • _,.,., ; IijiUtuto Evana;u.o-of La ~ 1-p.llll 't;1fe ~· as Memhenblp Sunday. · Poilucl: dlnoer will be held, le ·~·-•c~•·•c At chJldnD'i ...... wtll ,,._ _., Wednesday, a '"1lllllJIJlity 1:311 p.ip., at Sl !leotge'• 1 •a D11H1: 11».._, ~· -"11.~s "sin-pir•Uon" will~ '-Id,' ..,._,.A~'Ctillch, A.lbidlng Southern lll College morning servica, t and in tbil ....--.,, .. -¥ ~ ·~ .......-Ca ornta ti tll<311 a.m .. the Rev. Heory ~-r-'Q!a_\1-1 ·''45 p.m. Lutbeno Cl[W<b.,.llbe .sacra· ~ oo "Roi' Much Is' Ei. Jones will speak on "The :F. ,"JI Ibo llllii ol.•tll,e l'l'!'t of Ab:!oi'~l!rn,1Ji l..1·1 ~ .'Ebough?"" rlie church's' u••h Pur f ·~ ••""" _......_,drama to be...;....'"' Dr. Pblllp G. Murr•• wlll _ liveg ,Fi1~axt alid &iturdays-.-WMCa, Missiooettes, and ~." pooe o ·~ ~-""! ;,\'J ....... W~ speak on "D cc I 1loo1 ,_ ~to IP;\"·~ IJY, appqlntn!ent, Prims will participate. frid•Y j~ior iµ,~ ...0.1 :tl.i;Tp.1.ft.'lllli!ev.IJ'iirn0w ~. Decblona," at 10 , · ... _. _ _. , Mrs. v. L. Hertweck, Mrs. mjlmbera will lean ltr• •· ~ ~ ae·lllll'topic.I a.m. wonhlp aervicea for Conurumion will ~ 'l!lered Vern Crusba, Mrs. Kathryn !"~~end ~ C~ •. t ' v ' 1 .• Commulty Col,lreotl,a1J' ~a! 7:30 a.m. Suodity al St. Lana and Mrs. Betty Gage ~tbua Botrtat in J~._ • ~ 1,.ldlil't ,_-, if a-., Ill Heliotrope Ave., Jolla tbe Dlvlae .• ~ are helping in planning the Ciljl. tlUcbart :;;/l'ed..,tlie •. ~-~, C •a re• eor..a del Mar. Cln1rch school ~. ' 2IK3 Orange Ave, ...,ice. cltlr):h's youth '"'-'"• WW ,J;j.f...,, 11ev • ....._ C. and child care services are Ceola M ... , Family aervice 11 iii: charge'._;;1y , -.. ~~~l_lum h~i'tcllct also available at 10 a.m. t :30 I.DJ., wUl feature ~ "Wanted New O'eatures" Is ~ ~-. . :,-. ~f: jlii Ev• ... "'""' Travel Dr. William R. El'--will Rev. 'Jcilm,Di>oahlson •e<aking the seimon topic to be pruch-foorsqulft · ~'. U :l s.;.ir.,to ~ '""'1' lo ~ on 'Tor SUch a Time as ed by the · 11... Norman L. Lake Ave:J Huntiqtin Beac'ff."1,; the Boiy ~and. turo-pe deliver a menage entitled "A 'I'.hb.'~Ev.enIQe pr•yer wUl be Brown.. SUnday, 10 a.m. at wifl.:bost rive mem~.of (U>e thlsi s)lm~er. ™church Test of Faith" at the I:~ at 7 o'clock. Nursery care the Plya .. tlt Oo1cn1tidooil U;ward Bound team-students , IOcated A\ Mesa Verde Drive and 11 a.m. worship eervlces is provided •. Sunday school Cl&vdi ., Newport Barbor. fnlm · 1,!fe l!lble Qoll11< •• l,c/>. and.Baker,.will bool .tbe -Rtv. at Llltberu avcl ti-Ille begins at t :30 a.m. 3262 Broad· St. B5byaitting Ange es. They w1D. ~ plilplt c. l\!illlfm··Sloat, pmident of Muw, 2900 Pacific View During Lent the church will service is provided, Sunday guests Sunday, 7 p.m. the tour service, this Sunday, Drive, Corclaa del Mar. hold Tuesday potluck dinnen, "school is also held at 10- 7 p.m. He will speak on "1961 Mid-week Lenten 8'f'Vice is 6:3G p.m. This week Chaplain o'clock. reduetd Ulrougb 1 ever a I "We have five nun-Calholics contact Slater Patricil ·Kfom.. OIPltal improvtmenta. 1 a m o n 1 . t h e .e o m e u mv or Fr .. 6-AW Moecbet, Thui ,;., 'boin 'lhe fund ~""'1i&t\il,tbtfunlldilv',-=putor=="=llll=chml:h.====:; drive and a ctnaus of the They" are~ astOunded by mer.~ ·parish, now In full 1wlng. a:izeablt donationl and pledges Asked why be toot on the being made by atruQllng fannida1Sle . talk of plannio.g young ~llhlonen as well as parliclpailng In the luod drive by re¥ ,ete woo have IMAGE .•• (COndnued from P,.. f) • Uttle or ',~ to hve on except toclal ;aecurJty." Woocts 11ald •anoth~ iJ'flr portant purpooe DI the fund drive is to uJHfate the-pariai census. He asked newly ar-, BOAT BUFFS "Mind" is the sermon·lesson ls the 11me to Visit -the Holy held Wednesday, 7:JO, p.m. Ed · Reitz of Hoag H06pital The sermon will be "Place sl~ted atalJQristlu.Sdtace Land." YourTrustintbeLord... wMiedlil'spe~ on "Rell'10I\ and ·. Duplicate worship services, N I" J h eblltCbea 1hiJ Sunday. "The cine. 9;30 and II a.m .• will include cor· 0 18 ... George wou dn't ave chorual· ~~ i: f.~~e;: , ... :;!. ~ t~u!° C:: ,.~~Laua1~= NewPorl ~~members or 1 communion «iehratinn and down that cherry tree if he'd heard this olfar.; ~ =di~~t~~·. ~;.~: ~;y~ :· ~1:t the.~-~ .. ~~.-~ted¥;:i:::_ ='~v~: ·~~g~:!:~t!d: ~:bpeln:!dn:ss~1iouy''•f=~=. FREE CHERRY PIE ta weary:•be waketb morriin. g ~" ape-• at a·.30 and 10·_;... --" r--,11 -'Cl~ • ~ •~ ~ w Orthodox Ch .. -• T'""'"" at open •.-·-. I0.1 Dover _Drive, Yalley, tms Bushard St. The struggled with tbe burdens of by morning, he waktth mine,," am. at ... Ftnt .............. &_ • ,.,... ~ "'!U'I""' ear to hear as the learned ul'C .....-u.... the 10:30 a.m. service, to be Newport Beach, on Feb. 28 Rev. Ken McMillan w i 11 the Pr~idency. By the end Is part of the service to be Vcm1.ctocr~ .. °'st CoaVesta rM ... , 1m held at the Liguna Beach Art and March I. Friday hOurs. pre.ach, beginning a Lente_n of his eight years in office, Fresh baked ~wt the perledc:c:mpllmentto ' read -. pe serv ces Gallery, Cliff Drive. & to I p.m., and Saturday, 2 to ser1e& based -on the Sermon he was talking less and less • swee ••• . ~·· .. , · ·--at the church are cancelled He is the ne_w rector, of ·6. p.m., will deal with the on the ,M~t. Church· school like a Deist, and more and . am~al.frorv'!lJr~ari¢~1J.,_,~~ ., so tbal the congregatioo may St. Mary's Ep~·Ch-..cli ·}lf0b!e1tf of;1ntereoting·yount will a~~J!O!"t•t bOth1hOUJ1;f"11>"' JOI.·~ Cfirlillan. DelstS ourgi1Uoyouw!ienycrubllydlmlt!t attend the North American .who~btlped stt jp 3. aldewall '~e in tli chur~ 4; Classttiort ~Lenten senes •. believed ·that men could be JllDAT ~ S8mll•f U D I ' a r I a 1 UaJvenallst Cburcb, 1259 Victpria St., Costa Mesa, begins Sunday mOrrilng worShip at 10:30 o'clock. The sermon this sun:. da:lf "If '.1'~kes1,,~age· to ~h J_ .. , U~al; will • be 4ouT~ ·by tbe,.n.v. Jlol!ei: C~till!. Cl?~v_en~ion In LoliC ".Cfillr.ih"in Sou~i.guia .. .,. •· , .. ;~:1-·~.::.; '. willatso:beheldforsix.:p~,f,.m= without reference. to 1 1 ~each, .7~30 p.m. \is eeteclally intei't.sted hl'rav·,::;;.31Ar .. ·,1{' A_,.-;. .. :, 1~nder'·•' They ~tll be offered ~48t.~ . · atural religious sa"'" · .:i:..:..... relatlons andlli€"problepii1if -.,_.._.-.,.-N -.., -.. · a · 1 k ru d · "'1-WE'llE~EVEll'l'DllY' "W ·n · .... IA"' .... ih ....• friini Tei:itple Betit Sbolom,,-:v:,nings, .!Jc ~jA des ay~-·irons. But In his farewell , (MDaiagntlii....,, .W ~~;: i:i~.":' •• ~ Y~ _';,.._, »! t®ll Tu>Un_.\ve., Santa Aoii, ' a.m., '•""''" l,l<O, · -dreos·to.lloqress, WashlngtOn l'llOM·11All10•1'11 ~ ~~~.,.~.,~:-i.-f~~i~~·h:t;i~.:;·~s00\i:~mi p.m. -... io • -'~!~tuswithcautlonlndulge T. Walke. Dilcussion will follow. Church school is held at the same hour. mh1lsttri ,..,.. "told IUt~I Wiii Ooiid8ct i'piMI of the u · ·I "Ame · St. Antlrew'a l'rel~ytertu the supposition that morality at the openinJ: of a three4:1.ay ~ on ·~n Educatk>n nion ° ncan Churcb, 800 St. Andrew's can be malntalned without Bl'ble study and tr·•·•·· con· Be Ec.t..-?ff-The meeting Hebrew ,eo, ~gregau, ons . this --.. ·-, weekend Am rlc Crisi ol Road, Newport Beach, wlll religion . . . reason and ex· 1-at .......... _.tnsbr HJ•'" will be held at• the home of ,, •• e a s s. h 1 s · I .:;:::::1• ·A "c=""M· ~oi: A&;,' the' Norm Babcock's 1277 Faith JS the convention o d unday serv ces at 8, perience both rorbid us to ex· """'IVU . . . anera ~ • theme 9:30 and Ll a.m. with the pect that naUonal morality di'es:led over t fiOO • as the Dunnina Drive, Laguna Buch, · Rev. Cecil·O. Eanes pieaching can prevail in exclusion of The Rev. Arthur R. Tingley ke·>-l-e spe· aker Frtdav nl....,., I p.m. the public ii invited. "Things We Cannot Change." Ilg! rtnc' I ' will speak on °Abidlng' But ,,,..... ,, .... , ; , Wednesday evenings during re ous P 1P e.' 1 Not Resting" at Latberu qot~ that the theme for the Lent, St. WIHlrd'a Episcopal !;,;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;===---.. Churcb of the Rtsurreclloa. ~~..'nd Wiwas lh•unecessolltythe_!<) .Qwdo ti Ille Cnosreadt Cbareb, Chapel Lane at Elli.!; "Rich Man. Poor Man." Is WE'RE MOVING 11 9 8 t 2 Hamilton, · Huntingiog ..,...e J.Se se , congregation will bear Pastor the title of the sermon slated RemaW.ng Time." Today's Vin"eerit Gottuso, . Jr" speak Huntington Beach, will hold at the Ftnt Unit.eel Methodtat Beach, at 10:30 a.m. services. seal Wfu f ture 1.-ti. on "Your Actk>nl Tell YOW' . family potluck dinner. This Nqrstµ"y care is provided. At . 01W ~ -a ........... m 8 • t .._,A-'•"' .. , a. • ...A.... -"' F tber Donal..a..A-of St Clmtdl, 420 W. 19th St., Costa 9 a·.m. S\Dlday church ac:hoOl ol ntwly ~ted ministers, tory 1 ·r,._.....i .. _,. w--. 8 uauu · Mesa. The Rev. Richard J. 3 Pm and •--~a• w.wshJn suricee.-. ServioM-ve John. 't Chureh in· Costa Mesa and. 'the aduJW~ · 7outh -· · ·' . a ~u "'~ i:: ll be-Dunlap will preach at 9:~ d19Cll"itn·l!l'OUP -~ ~ . . oo public, '!!1!W!b3', work, t; 7 J.r~~i!':· ~~.; f'3if p~qit at ,the . tuPI"\"/ and..: ,11 ... a;Jn: .. •er v,Ju.1. .. ... -.: ' .... ~ -,.~ .• -.-. -~.,-ot-L'AO~A--:IE!-t;HH~·. -- 1 . l.ienl~ .A,t,iVit~ .~. Vie .• ~ =[!tj~•i'-P.~t 'der1Ma.r.: '~'' ' ·-: ~~~.; .1::~~ .~:.: ~ .. , ''---:..... i I Supervised nursery care and ......... ·· • ·: "PRESumN'G·T(:itl;~FAMOUs WILCOMI TO THI FIRST SERVICE FIRST , CHRISTIAN CHURCH ...... ~.....-.. ···1 chlii-Cli litCJt>de T'l:.spet"a· . -. y, p.m.,on w . ', , . . Ju~e Celia Baker ~· churth school art abo·held "GD.OLT..WJ»l::ui...IAClllQ..,QHCIRT . W·•-~a~ ... 7.M, pm . Por·. ,v lad(lrder-When and How?" -. at"--· hours. -a ...... • ..... _, •• ,.......... :'· -u·~-.. •~·--7:•0_·P.M. --. ------•,, ti=~ •. ~.fh".:,:-p;;jo~.~1-.~l~: ·:.: ,s •. ' ~~a~ . .,.. :: C™?~ ~~tor-~.*~-·;:--itii .Al~l'hu!'IW.,.7.p . uN.M: ,_.,. •"'r• ., · win ht.red and specjal ~~ Cal•S!J' Ba~ C !1-.f c •· Irvtne. Kmt~l\I .. i:lixfucCi dinner meeting of.the H-. y~t,"*11,~=~~: i ~: '· •• .. ,-" .. ·· .. OUR NEW'tbe'ATIOK:ias USION snnr and .prayer li1anies .will be 821LG'1'fi,eldAve .• HnntinFoa spe:et~~.~~d8)'.,March tJn1ton . Buch United o'clock, a.nd Young Adulls, used. women of the church Beach, wW hold ~ 11 2,. I ,,P'.m. ·~or St. J~u Me&ltodlst Men. Rachel CirCle a: 15 o'clock. will sponsor , "An Adventure 1.m.. Sunday with Plstor ,~ ~. N!!w~ will serve at the ladies' night in ChrisUan Nurture,'' begin· James A. Dolio' apeakinc. on Beach. 'J'.he prol:fam will in-dinner, at the Fellowship Hall; nifii,'Neaday • .io a.m. PUlOr "Cost Accoutiting".' Litfte · elude 11e'le,..cti·o11~ fr~ 2721 Seventeenth Sl, Hlfn. Tingley will lead dlscuu1ons clwrcb· for children alfed ·c ~a Km in G, tington Beach. Babysitting on ''The Nature and PurpoSe to 7 is also held at this timt. "Concerto,, for Organ," by service for small children will of the Church." A coogreg1tlonal song aervjce Handel, '"Con c e .r to for be provjded. will be held at 1 p.m. Ti)• OrcheJtrt.'J>y Cqr~. an~ the 1 ~v. Dolin will speak on i'<Tbe Scanta~~ OtlJ..otd,..~elp by Harlter Alsembly of God ~::.of the· Billle'~ at, t~ ~pilblicJ invited. Cbarc$, 740'W. Wilson, Co•ta :iii:::.-v..... Misa~ will take part In the . ~; ~rm Te_;,,,; will holii Sabbaill semio."".Fiiqy; · a:li ..... -piJn., at 8l "llaD1!t Episcopal Ch.urch, NewJ)Ol't Beach. Sammy Smooha, a representative of the lll:aeli Embassy will speak on the posidon ef~ lht· .. Jew-·in ·the Sunday School meets at 9:45 " . ,· observance of Natl on a I a.m. and youth training begins _Je~,~ DiF t · H~_ve 1 l Women's Missionary Council at·4:45'P.m. Youth choir pr.C. Made -Js Jbe sermon ~9e f~~-.,Oaf ·sunday. Service will .•: .._. t ., · Wednesdav:a. Lenten meeUrig · • . uct """IS'ns _a , .. ~ ~· ,) "«it'. Clfllt'?'bY:dcVJio#Ctijffli---be~··~:-60 , ~·~··W}tft ""~· MARINERS SAVINGS Young married ~uples o~ _:_.-..111.-BaI·-~vd·-~port' _Alliict: _,_Cawston. .. -ilein.. -of -. -~ ..... ¥' Mideill erWa"'Onig Shabbat w.ill,fOlloW the ·terVice. ~ .. 1 :£nd.~ Jel'Viccs .iit.St~·Mark Pr•··~· ii ..... %100 Mar-_~; _Newpott"·B>ach, begifi ·a.t 10 · ~.m. Tbe Rev. James. o. ·Kirk will preach the · !eCond Lenten Rrmon, the chui'clr""''hOld Hf ~-~. -0 • ·>'= 'I · ., ..... ,,. -· B~·'l.'be~v....li'"1'W .... , • -t ' Banquet_!'"'·~.~ .at t e A~;Of 1 M.iuro.ilBt~hJ;.;,r; .... ~-:: --.'i church. . • · -.,, in Burba~, will speak ·~\,7 :.30 The t4', . ~~ ·: '.,: ··; ,'.,.::r N"EwrPll. T. IiEAQI . . . .. .: ·, ,,:;:;·, :/'.. .... -• • '• .•.•• ' ''1.1 . WESTCIJF.P: ~T 'uQ~ER : ,.. Pl'IONE '642 ~ 4000 ..... , , , .•. "Folk f(.a.ss" With mu1ic frorri Ray Repp's "Mass for Young Americana" will bt held : at the Sunday. evening eervioe, 6:30 o'clock. 'The n · o•c1ciek .. · ~rniii.;g p.m ... fo_lltWlng· a poU~Ck-din, : ;9r1n~;~a:ij'J; I ....... l!e(inntog. «I· •-P'lll· " .,.o -t..""' serv ~ at Fin& B a p \I • \· Child care· Js provided, ... m, o. st, ._':'filmt",• ,,.. eliarcll and clay s<hoo~ 301 Magnolia, Costa M""' wlll Glad ::£• Aoseinbl•. el PRINTIWG feature a sermon enlitled "His Gtd, Fl! and Momitvll& SER. '•iJ.::E Touct Has SUU .Its Ancient Streeta, Newport Beach, 11flll . Y· "° Power." At the evening se:f. beiar .tbtiebiaNe$lirld Choir •· ' ' ' vice, .7 o'clock, Paator Neii-fnlm,Hoi!g Kong at the 7 in<! '. · 1118"" will apeak oo "Battle Of ·-•-s···•· Th R'R'"'" A .,. edd Wh Wli t p.m. ·-~ w-Y· e --•••-rm.ag on -ere, ·en, choir .1 ....... •i.-,(., and Chinese · and ' What are the imolica· ,....., ..,,_M . "-642-4321 1 A senncin aboUt non-chri!--tioM?" Nunery care 15•1 P~ folk ·a:(tnp .and they play Griep- ,. tians, entitled "See What They vl~<JI at both boors. " ' ' · "OPEN. s· UNDA. t Ate .Pl.:ilsing.,." will.be preach-, ' ed .al Fauatala Va.I le Y · The C.mmaalty Me~ ' Pr<lbyteriu CllP-~S,'~,~· Clli&tdl, llQ Hell Ave., JM. Talbert .Ave. --~y Unatori Beach wll\ '~ •W. Alien w i 11 begin morning R -~ ~-J "°" .... pt}ices at 11 o'clock. uMarch· ••· 1JU~Y V. ohnson Jr., ...... • prea"ch at both the I and 10:30 to Sl;lflday achool in March" a .. nt. services. He will speak begiQI as church acbool apene, ft" "Bom Again." Churcb 1:45 a.m. ~t is _•, natiOJJwidf school 'and nunle""' Care ate contest which the church. t-. . ·• / e,atered. Pointa art given for , also Mid at both boon. parllcipaU.0. Bibi• bougt!I, . , lllib school training clUlell, punctuality aDcl , w o ro bl p whldi itartad lut Sunday, terv.ice a'tteodance. ~ · cootlnue at t o'clock and are • :Y, O;U D,I. p ~, .. ,<!f_~jlt .!!1.11_ ,~ ..... 1'"" mo~ meeilal will be at ' ·p.!D .•• ·~ or -~ w• lit)ln th& followed br ..... eqlna. 'enl!IP. SWiday aiat at tbt I •'¥ · 7 .p.iii. which win fatun a· bouf In 1be'J>811«'1 aludf. hyma.fett and a tall: _en "T!Ie Methpdlst Y-F~ Second --Boolc',lri 'Ibo meell ~!I p.m. Ill Ilia 1Ub1e.'' ' ~ Hall;. .. ' ,I 11rt'1 A Yoima World.11 fuhiOll·lilOW will be betd tbif evening, 7 o'clock a\ the ---~. "-Gtd Cborclo, 740 w. Tiilscin, Coiia .:-. .. .;;r;;:Wl!lha;, " Ne,;o.t llaitor ~ Cl&orc*. 15111 Cliff Drift/ Newport Beach meets foe - • -·-~ l ;Je ...... ti ,;!Y -. ... -"""' ' 1.m. ~Rt\'.' -G; B!1,1n. will 1~0o·"~ Proper Va!De SYlllem," ballltl en ll'alaebl .__ 5 • ~ qoN~M'o~. FOR Tl OH.LE , .. ....- 011 YOUR l , ... '. ' ·. ; ~ . e.C:)NDENSED ·srAtEMENT ,OF' CONDJ:llON ~. -·•.. " "·. . ' ... ' ... .,...,. . ' ' ' ... Assets -"' - Cash ~nd U.S. Go~ernme~t'-: " • .. • • . ' Bonds ............. _ .. _ ................................ -.......... $ 3, 188, 190 loans on Reel Estala ,.._ .. _ .. _:, ....... c•31o,.259,490 _ .Cantr1qtsofSaleol _ ;.;· Re~l. Est•lo .. ___ ... _,.,. ... _ .. : ..... · ... ,. loans to F1cilit1!1 S1la _ ' ·: ·of ~ .. J Estalt .. ,.:~:.:=:.~_::::.. : ... . ,. -'" .. ' •'' . ' ·~· .' l.Oens on R11I Es+m:, ·· _ : -Hild 1;,;.oov1lopmont ~ .. ,, ..... · ..... ~ ... .. .,, ,. . ' . .. RHI Estat. Owned ... '.-..................... .. Rul. Estate PurchlsU foo • '"~''!'!'~~ ·-······-·-· .. ··-...... __ ......... .. ?:" F:t~.ot.l'f~• Loon S.nk' . · · .. • . Stec~ ........... _ . .: ______ : .. , ....... : .... . .. . ... !· 5,?82 65,175 350,576 160,502 120,000 320,700 '··'. I AT DECEMBER 31, 1968 Liabilities • •• j• Capitaf." . . Arid .) . Reserve'--~:: • • t t ••• , ~ i ,..,J -Saving• Accounts ......... _ ... , ... _, ____ $32,737,930 . 870,oOo Othtr liobillties __ .. ___ _ 388,340 .......... .Oolerrt!I Income _.:_:.;~ ...... ,:,..:.,...: . 207.987. .i • ,,. • ... • . ' ' • ' • ~. 1 .. ··'· •• ~· ... . . ' .. TOTAL tlABltn'IES -·---... .:.J?4,206,257, .. .,,____ ~ . &•=---:: ;; .. l . -• . ..:...~ ""- • •t--·-·-4 -. CAPIT A't' AND RESER.YES Guarorttao"Sioef, . · R.,arv11 ind· Sijrplus ... __ ...... __ _ . ' -' ,., . ••• .. - . ' .. 2.~79,350 I, 0 I. I I ' I " ,, I I • , 0 0 '· •• • ,_ ... , I • • ' ,. . L . f i , ._ Z.( ¢! $ -' . .. 'A Syste~atic -J>laJl ~o :;Oestroy' r . •, .. .. • • :. • • ' ~ .t ~ ' • ~ Hayakaw!J,:fin&~Pat~m tb.·runn.0t1 ·(),;,· JVµii;Qn'~ Cariipuses · • .J '> ·-· -, .. '. • .. • •• ,,. . .. ! ' .. • 9J L L &\YAliWA a ~ pllll to brtq lhil colllp llriU. Almoat two mtmlhl altar tbal Aetlq l'r•ll• to 111111 u lhore .... to brtq Columbia aw-'. . -.,. aUll ntlllllO& Ila -Biiio CtU.p and Berkelq to I hall It aeelll\ \hit . lrOIJOd c...,i.a aJcm ........... ID 4 -,_ . b ,_ ....... etbnlc 1ludlet procram. I'm Jeamin1 a\ San rftncl1CO Stat-. • ~ who.. JIU1POle ts to r .... ~ ~ • tt 1 .. '• oae ol y.Jr ,.spooaoi iDd reacllons • alfl<i oor enUre higher educaUon 11B HAVE MANY from Iha Tblrd • the •ltuaUon, that lllPer education ayllem. ~Id Llbentloo Fron1 clemlodJq ttbnlc I Ima~-' · ·a\udl" In -a.rea .. 1M people are ::l' _. Important thao ever •-· OF COURIE then are dlaconll!t~ llr'8dY bellls ' ~ at ~ Franc:laeo • many tb1np cl our culture come students. The Pll'P* ol lhe pld •it state to Mel6p aucll -11111. Bui ·~ the wdversl~. In scleoct, to bring to a haJt. or dutroy, one 11 yet they haft submitted no workable oloCY • and lwmanltia. ~ · !JIC, nerve centers ol oor culiw'I propoula1 .\II lh1a hu 'been autborllcd ,. In,,._, tho eo!Joiea 1Dd unlven1tlea ·-tbO'unlvenlU11 Why clo,.J 11y-lhts! . ud perllOllDlli !llV. fJe<n appolt)ted 'to ::il'f' I t.11111( ~ fllr lllW Idell. Well, people have been oeeJn& an out .-.rcll lbla 1Jpe GI aroindJi. ' il'J'bt uni-are u important to problems In an errooeoua IJ&bl Aud We llW' 1be -nalu.0 Ol lhe llnlQle :)or llmel u tho church was ID the I think that aome peopt. have 1ane 00 out ~ ·-c ;,.,. armted Cmlddle-.111111awhaldtsturb8people to grut pl!M •to make aure !bit lhe for~ Jn e >JlllJa!llll•rally. 1:if:rY much wb81 Ibey .,. problems In pobllc .... n lh1a way. So whahl~-let •'4ki' ~.\liutod. ljlUcb grut acboeil l1ke C.lumbla • People aeem to think It centu• around They Werflwil'oid 111 ~lait' polJce ~ieley. racW collflld. And the 1friU.1upJIQrltrl , orden 'ldJ!llpoJie. ''lljf~jOuct! necuted ! How I happened to become prealdent are saying "We're flahtin& to aee1 J)JiCt.. th1I m~tJi Ml" 1t1D and flntlH (ls a curl~ ttory. I ~e aggrav1~ -studiea programs; ethnic study pro-. ,that It wf1. btJutHul ihla.r: £o see. ~bout this whole mess 1n 1964 with grama." · ' ·Groupe have gone bitO" the school iilhe FSM movement in Berkeley. And The trutb: Ji even btfon thl atrfU, · .11~, mf11tnC tt upvt;y puttinc boat• ;J SU-I qonJud about tt I couple WI bad 12 web clWU al the btifnnlDf ·on tho """'I lhelvu, ltlcldq \blm ;..i llmel to Dr. Dumke. wilh 1 couple or the oemelt.r. On December I I ... In balll and dolq oilier lblnll. Whal f. ..._lllduma. Sl¥!lltgly I found nounctd tho eatabllsbment al 1 Blick -la aerved by this other lhln 1a11 pinned wilh lhe job Jut 6t-;J>epartment In which 1 -t revolullooary! ' ovember. '· c:oqld pt 1 major and· 1 -In Occalionally,...., 1m1n poops from ~ There seema to bl -Ibero II -lhll 'lleld. Wbal'a ~It upf -· lhl -' olhlr canipuaes pttlns their lnltlatloll In ....iu-.,.11ct1a at ... ...._ State. We ,_ plnbetU frem Sonoma l!llto, ._.._ lrun llu: Joee stat., and i!-v1111 bm .Bctkllq. And "' also aee .. lni 1:f our faculty mtmben amonpt lhe lludent ....,_ "n- f1cu1l7 lnemberi 8" demlia'~= ... ! hour\ • wort. !"'I'..; t« ' , . ,' 1 Ilk• -.... park!D&. . . . .. . .... ,1 ' •• . . WlllU: '1!111 LAW 11· moTlnJ tO clnl witli the vloiltin oa campus, the ad- mlniltr1Hon la worltlns to k"P the achOol open. • Many aay, ''Look al the turmoil on campua, it'• not an academic at- moophere, ~ can~ study, io· -tho school down." I'm not 1olng to bu1 that. . . . Th• Wrooklt11 Crew I wu . talklnf:,_to one lirl who la 1olq to receive her B.S. ID JUM. Sbl '!!Id lhe "1U lalq to lltep. Pini ;- ff lbc WU tlJe Jai! "'*'5l 1.. illuzt4 her that we would keep the IChool open even it lhe were 1ht Jnt. ltudtnt. n:e only real lh1q that tho revolu- Uonarf11 want l1 to ~JoM down' the achoo!.'. .· . . . . . ,,,. central prol>lem la ltl&her. - tiCllt lo nlat Iha schools .JIUlll ntain the coofldence cl lhe tupayen. Wbea lhq do, I 1ae1 -la will bl JYaii _. --lhllL Ibey have. · A lt>t--will tell ,)'Oii the bat .... ,_,..._man 1a e 1:r1- . lollJU. Acadlmlc-lhould pul .... ~. on lbe ICldemlc, not -for ICllom but for Jdou, 1be acbool la I place -llOClll cltlztp ... bl .... tcmplated. In olher wordl, Iha oolle1e -read,J lor ...... • -' ---PO.r H•n 111 s-f'r•nrisco _ ...... '""""";.Tl G HT SE.CURITY -e-e-e-visli · · · ·_ · · .·. . '. By llEilll c.u:N what.Yer It la, lt uau~ lnii' ": '.''. . ;.: . Repor~rs Frisked, Challenged in Key Trials " . . SAN 1'1WiCISCO -lion lhlnp Pollllclans and bureaucrata.wlio uae ~ llnd types we ean do wlthoat: 11.tmplement" u a verb (they lbould 4 Pe4eatrlam who atand oil lhe curb be fined 1100 evay time Ibey uae • u lhouP darlq molotilll to bit It, wilh lnnnedlat. Implementation). them (don~ [llllh mo too flrl) lnteUectu.ala on TV who p....,.,,,.. " BalMIOft concertos. ''forte" u though tt were "fort-1y." 4 This familiar quote In "celebrity'' Sweet potatoes cooked w I t h ~ lnterview1: "I don't need arUflclal marshmallows. ACI'RESSES who uy In lnterviewa: "I'm dyln& to play a prost.llute. I pea Jt'a btcauae I'm ru.Uy 1uch PEOPLE who uy "Have , a nice I nice clrL" (B&eagb). , weokond" u arty u W-ay. Loud applause In the mlddla -cl "' 1Umul&nt1. No aloobol, no narcotics. f am au!flcienUy sUmulated by ' LIFE." (lmccccccb). People wllo say ii on any day. • .I. drum ae1o ID 1 jau joiJil, ~ '"COldtful'' lltfJe '.fiatauranta wboee· ,~ .-·-•. _;: '.: -~ mtrooms can only be reached Vta • • -nrrver.-·W'h(i ttfU5t 'lo turn on their the iltchmt. '\Smart".tittle ,....._ . -= «> dark and rainy <tar• whole mUlic la providtd by 1 -~""f( .. __.:_'Mf;.iot ll~). . · -·• - tunet•to··a veey ltraflbt AM ltltioa, ' "No,,~ read lht revJews." :»mmerciall and all. ''These demands are n o n - ....,i!able." (Yeah! Then accept tho conoequenc:ea for Y'l"' bllll-lleaded- ..,.). PEOPLE WHO droP rot of 1 discuulon with "Well. I really hl:ve .. Int.rat In polillca" and then jolD In to 1grff with whoever t1 maktng the most arch-reacUonary statements. Police who call you "Sir" with the Publishers of the c r u d d I e 1 t kind of infiecUon that turns it into pornography who try to get o{f the an iMUlt. hook by deacrtblng it In lhtir a<b ~ People who enter your home or as "a rollicking spoof." Pfoof. ~ offtct for the flnit time and head un.solicittd credit carda: that arrive : ltralght for the bookshelves with the -with a warning to "Destroy previous ~,brilliant obeervaUon : "All I have to card," which you didn't receive but do is loot at the boob you read can imagine floaUng around for and I'll know all about you." (Oh, evermore, Uke an undelivered threat. obacerllty). + 'llllY DON'T TREY: Jndude Y'JI" · l MEN WHO . actually wear those blood t,,e in ·your driver's Uce.nsr:?· , phony !nut 'Pocl<et 'bandkmltleft (Qui~ -.i.=• youn!) • , • Put ~ ~ppUed .·a.a a 81mfnlct by dry Zfp code nu111 Jn the phone bOolf'?. ~ ·:lean&rs. ··. -• .P.l;tnt, .CYm ony and open -pro. f. The phrue "Con~ Brea~rast" grams · 1n 1ype· Jarge enough to be t. 1pplled to 'i stile 'Shat! and a cup read by haJf.lfght!. . .Start a Black ol lnstanl ocllee (I .nal conllnenW Sllldle1 Pl'OIIllll al lhe publlc libraries t lnatful 7 brioche, aoblant, con-bul ..-rlct ft to the people who · Dture, IWftt butter, cate flltri -really heed It -the whites! .•• nun :111 sometltlng .elleJ •. r .. , a JnUVey to find oUt if Negroea: no.Uy 1 People who can-t"Cbinp the aibject do prefer to be called blacb? ••• ~ilhoot 11ylng "Not· to chanto Ille Hllft 1 -•lly hoor ol mUJlc - 1Ubject, but-." everything from the Muni Band to Mall sollcltaUona for a magatine the Jefferaon Airplane -In Unlmt JOU have 1ublcrfbell &o foi" seven . Square? ... Put antiseptic footbaths years. on downtown streetcorners f o r "The name d the game is-." Well, barefoot hippies. . Land Prices Go Up, Up l!y MAX S. WEllllLY ExecuUve Dlrtet.or Vrboa 1.1114 llllUlut. With all the tnnaUonary pressum: sur· ' I the lndu.try, il'I the dlny -aplnl. m..-. than aoylhlo& lhlt prices bullden out ol tho E\"'1 the richest, .best lliiancod lo Iha oation mill! ..,..make ecr'I work harder-.· . in between for any type of urban acUvity. Wbat teema to me of creat.er Im· portance ti where and bow thl1 popul• tion is distributed in tenns of homes, townhouses, .paUo dwelllnp. &arden aparlmeots, blab r1.... and llO on. Whether lh1a process is c11le4 l.llld pl.,,. ning, urban d~gn or IOme other term. ts unlmportanl What ii lmportanl ii that what.ever the density -each square foot of the acre or mile be put to use most effectively. ,_ n. Anodalol Prell LOG Two trials under way aod a third In the olflng ooncem wusinlUona cl pub- lic fil(Ul'e!, or uu.uinatlon plot ~a. Court coverage today i1 no( the same u it once wu. A working press card ii u nothing. 'There ii no eey movement by reporters in and out ol courtrooms. _Re- corders, 11 well u cameru. are barred. Newsmen· are workinc under the molt seven restricUom thus far tmwn in v.s. """"'· . Gent -U,, wi».11 I~ .ornsi>oOiiell'f llai wrtttto about ll)ibl of coorirP91D drama, bu nMvided an -l<coimi·'·61 lhe:·real -~~ llllmlUlldmt odriliulon • el ' .... .a .. \b the trial cl Sirhan B. Sirhan, accUsed ol lhe kt1l1ng cl Seo. Rober! F. Kennedy. Describl.n& the eighth floor Hall of Jus-- tlce inarble-wJ)led corridor wtiert new .. men atand In line to l!ln In, then enter an lnspeclioll room through a.blg"mel- plated door, Handsaker comment!: "You're covering Sirhan Blshara Sir~ han'1 murder trial but alrudy fee.I like some kind of. suspect younieU. The feel· ing is only beginning." There are aome differenw belwetn the proceedings at the Sirhan trial and the Clay Shaw trial in New Orleans, as well as for the upcomJna: trial of John Earl Ray In Memphis, HERE'S TOE ROIJTINE In l.m An· ,-geles u Handsaker describes it: ~ A de= sheriff tells you to empty yotir . etl. You Jay pen, penclls, paper, keys. wallet, handkerchief on a long table. The deputies, following orders, are nice enough about ii, but lhez take yoor pipe 1por1 to verify n bn t a plstcl or knife and 1heJ lmpect the wadding in your lighter. Le.anin& forward, hands on table, feet apart. you're frilied. The depuly runs his haod over your coatsleeves, under collai-and lapels, up the back, along the seams, up and down your 1egii. A second dep- uty moves a paddlwhaped metal det'ector over your person. It squeal.I wben it crosses your belt buckle ancS the clip that holds your courtroom pus to your breast pocket. Women depuUe.s frl:ik women, report.. ers-thoroughly. One describes 'It: 1n a side room, the deputy empties the M:WI" woman's punie, U.pects spea'.lcles and cut, makeup kit, wallet; feels under scarf over head; umlp1 back d dress, ezplores front atea1; newswomu hoi.sll skirt to waist to show boliery and girdle. You're admitted throuah another lock• ed door to a Jong corridor where there is a long table with '6 phones for newsmen. A drinking fountain ta provlded-.7'¥r1 are no restrooms.. Leave the secbiity Itta and you have to JO throueh the frWrin( _... an over lo .. t hack In. courtroom air condlU...er cll'riel Iha carryln& hll photo In color and his ._wrs at lhe Clay Shaw lrill In ecene to three black--and-whlte monitor ftneerprtnt. NIW' Orlearu:. Tbtre 11 cl!Md-drcuit aereens on hlllh pedeltlla. The picture Before -1-to Iha courlrOOm, lelevilloo but It l<rminlta In tho clllce u a steady toog shot. Sirhan i1 hardly uch newcnan will be llll'Ched, then be ol the sheriff. He scam tt to t.p moft than 1 dot. The jury la out ol vlclootlped u be ,ivea his name, addnu In cons!llll touch wilh wbat'1 J01111 en view. Reporten debate the ldenUUes and ors1WUon. a fO.minute procua. In court. ol hacks cl beldl. Often It ts lmpoalble Once In, lhe report« may not leave lleportera ean leave only durlnJ court to tell which attorney ll 1pe1t1ni Sound h1I aJlicned 1t1t until the noon receu receaes or at adjournment, bat r11:111e1 ts adequat. moct cl the llme. lleclule «adjournment for the da/',;:,OJ'""°""et are declared mrt Ill boun or ao. l<Uletlmes bumorooil uldea ""' picked nltchal at mldlualon will bl Each' re[IOIUr bu 1 lhlrlfl'a Identity up, the micropbaoel flO'lf •~ turned allowed. Requeltl . for ~ · card with Jlbato a**•ched Ht bu to olJ UCOJ11 •. "'.~!""lrt ts In~ tolevlo!IOft to ~!6~1~. Jftlelll It It .tlte cauil!oml lor'<Olt>< In the mlliary room, d""51l!!; P. -<11!114 ::pealo:r)t}' <. W ~-a., ..... parlaon wilh .& lilt,84,(ll:oto . .-. aearch" aenmm-..... •II.metes W • ~jedtil-""'dp · r-i-aowu -~ Then he underpes a ·llhlbdinhl lbnllar ftcordera. lie, But be did ~-for dapµllea to the Sirhan trW procedure. "lliOii TM: Tlllil~ilrj.R:! Eidi ~~~~: · PbOtograpbenhavelbetouaJiealchon. In Memphla, H la -lhlt lift"""' tranacr~~ haft"::.· pt'O> Nono' are illowed In: tho .-· will have' to a(llieir at ~-coUrlhooae mllld aboui ef.ry batt ho.. They mual' W«k -Iha l>t:lldlol an hour before the opening cl each Al 11 4:.. olher tr1aJa ,;,oat .,.... which hu hto drl...in and Ihm wall:.Jo aeulon. Each ...,..,.. aecredlled to rutr1ctk<i7 ara 00 ~ And. enlrlnce1. Shaw ,...rally drivel throosh the bill hu hid to eam oecurtW u 11 Iha odierl, recorder• are bamd. • pie Into lhe puiab prison llulldliis clearance frmi lhe Shelby eeutlly aher· · but oeeaalooally hu parked and wall:ed ur1 office. E 1 ch must· wur 1 hadJ• TllElll: • NO OVERFLOW room for to lhe eourlhouae. My Firm? The 67-A-889e Co. Each cl about lhree mil1toD - -perbapl youn ~ is OM -art 'l1l1W able to use 1 unlquel:r..Mlllt>ed -number to speed paperwork ltLll to almpllfj Communlcatlona with other com- panies. -· ·• '11leae companies are all lilted by Dun 4' Bradatteet in ltl new "Dita Universal Numberlns Syatem" ([).U-N· S). The !Irma have been uked to print lhelr ntn..illit DIJNS numbln pt'O> minenUy on 111 lnvolcel, --orden, lhlpplna docmMnta, order entrtea, cndlt memos, IDCI other docurnmta which could provide lnfonnal1oo needed !or dato procealllJ. DUNS bun lnv..U,atlon partlcUlarly by companies which 1111, er Jl[a lo use, computen. At oo cbarp. DU will ' . llllp I DlJNS number to any eom-itJ toclll. :ecurity numbers lar ltt- -~-· eat•hl'"~~ that u~ far' IL dlvlduals. . ·--·-_,. u ' Obvloosq, DlJNS will -k belt - Tiii: NIJMHll ldentulea I eom-'I ' an cl a co:upany'a IUPlllien ltLll 11111111 and katiol, and lt'I a permanent • CUltomer& have numben micl Ult tbmn. ldciitlllcaU.., i:n1na tho llrm move1, Then, :U.. l)'ltem bacomea a tool to c~ ...-por dies. A I1111eoom-~P~~~~ :: .:." :!:'f~""'l= ..:....in,, order proceu1q and lrldq. po:rcbu1q point and remlUlllce locoUon 11E11E Alli!: aome cl Its . clalmod ad- would bavt its own tdtnMcaUon. OU: vantages and appUcatl0111: keepl .. up.loodato muter Ole Gi an e When I Vendor ae1ll lloodl under DIJNS .-, which It pdllilbea la ao dlflerent tndemarka, tylq theae vulou 1M1L11 COde Book and auppltme:Ju namea to the rlabt vendor orsanlaatlmt (price: Ill>) er on mqnetle lapa oe ts limpllfled wllh the DlJNS number. punched cardl for d1mt mtry Into data • When 1 compllilj' bolh l5IUa ta and """""'1ttJ ~-buy1 from the 11tne orpnlsaUons, lhe Eve!ttuaUJ, DU 1-DlJNS numbers DUNS number -ii .... to match !or bul1nca will bl 11 eommoolf used ~~ ~·abl·- Fi~ing · T·he Values 1 11n1le DIJNS number potmb lite p;aparaUoit ol llncll lnvelcai to -mu!Uple tranaetl'"11 and lthlpmenta lo Olllertnt locoU-cl the ---= • When dlf!-t produet11na are aold For tho lint time la lh1rty yean of bualntu ·1 fetl &bit the business commlinlly at 111'11 la not nally com- munlcall:rc witlt lhe pt.m -•Uon olcollqe- thal. lhe !Ddlll!rial CUMlllllily WU Jn- eapoh)o Gi provl4in& I YiUle - llOClety, ·the preaent seneratloo 11'1 not Wldq about -vlablllty, ... 11'1 Ibey crlllcll Gi lndultey'• -..... pat.nee. throqb sepuate Wet fon:a, or when different dtridonl m1J leD to COUUIMll l«Ounls, DUNS eao provide ......0 ldmtllicatloll. · Like 111 other -mtlLlHrllil l)'llems, DUNS 11 prone to -emr IDll worb beat -"ce:np:U:' WU to computer," but. one reaanl to di 'Ille TUI IMlority ol todl)"a ..U.0 UNUn: eoilep lludenta cl ~ nn -ta • • • u, port cl , • , * P"'""1M who ml...-stood .,, d ~~ ....w.. -·"'·· ,_,_ ~ GEORG! ZUCUR, who with Handsa-mlatnJited btll'-bee.,.. !bey fall '"'~ ........, ·-~-.. .., ..., ~ 1 ker and LIDda DNtlcb hu been altemal· 11111ana1-_., ol -- In witb I1l1NS -la that i,.,a -an ,.. -k a1 an1p1q -· mi heJllnl Iha .,_ ap to -· ..... It tDI)' well become I unt'"""1 .,_ Jna: in the 'two AP lront·row se•tl ln the and fr0m the appUcatlon ol matt'fl 7keat cour1room, NYI be f I n d a lnnovalion. TbeH two factors abetted "'°'" bu been 11"al deal o(preoc-atitlon with d.mue.· in recent years -~ tmr<laled Oelll! of In-= l('UbUc )leallh conalde" C011> .... --The anthropologist ii a:incemed wJtb behavior of hwnans THIS MEANS employlnc the term "JOmetb1ng almost amuaint: about show· by our own brand ol enterprill IDd "hlabest and best uge" to reallJe the ins your prao credantlala twlct 1 day lnlllvldual !Nadom ol clQce, 11'1 tho In the M.... D6ll plana ..-D:r to -DUNS to provide all tu cnd1I and markal lnlonnatlon tie --pl will: tu cmto:n«'I' _... In ci--The .......ist and nil -to man equate denllU. with ......., prlcu and economic .. tum. The ..,..,. qJa,eer lhlnks of .trolllc .....-.. greatest return includlng uUUty, con-to • aecurlty chief who knows you U1 Opt1"onals lftl\Ut tools •• 0 that U1 IDdultrial venlence and amenity, 11 well u 1· ~ _, or UD1oodlnl your • I)'-hu.,.. pA•lld. ""'1elary values. It suputs lhat we ~ .fer lrlsklnf by a IUard who AND Jll:aTl\'J: -. an,not - llOOd to redefine our tradlllooal tonc<pt -'bJ heart Y"''" carrylnJ • pack ,,... Che Versolllc1 (!llo.) Uonlne the ... ol -tooll '°-* ol ''blabeal and bell use" In purery ""' <laareU.S, lhree pens,.~ paper, Lcodc~Stolfama• the a!Ouenee that'-cl Gian ....,. economic tmns. w a 1 l·• t and handbrchlet. • . • tnon 111 lbell' u... What, then, are 1be gn>UplllJ or clllllerioJ eooctpt ~ mllll wall lo tho corridor Lut -wa were commenun, on ,,_ _ ........ _,_., ' AU.Ol"flUlllEdoftilt.topopul1tloo In realdenUal land pllMiq Jor !>IP oulllde the l«llrlly a.rea to photograph Iha •arioul and atndry .. _ .. ., ·-1 ..-w~•· . dmly 11 vlend by lhe planner, P well 11 low density rtlldellUll prtnclpala 11 tbeJ an!ve er leave. Iha cars lbeoe dl)'I tllat a.re lncludad 1...-u.,.,. _llonlnl the bulC •:>loper e<JlUbllc clfldll Involved with development la one sensible approocb Stelcbea al trill principal• 1Dd Juron: Jn Iha pitco """' )'OU purchaR one ftluaa, er, rallw, lite lack ol ID el· c1"5111:Jjo ~ and adm1nlatulng !0< to the problem or oomblnlq blCll -by artllt a-1i. lilts cl 6a!t P'ranctsco Thl1 week 1t' "" called to.,. ~ ....,.. ol •altlu • Iha pan "' lllltJ -·...,.u.. So far u I know, nobody d ... ljle1 with the lncreulnr Wd lor ha .. move4 on the Wlrephoto -k lhal. should 1 farn1ar daclclo to lnc1odt • · • l•ujomm•• cl ;flt/ ~ 1111 J'el coma up wllh flmi. definltlve open apace 1m<n1Uea In llL'llln li~ ••• Durln& jllT)' aeledlon, 17 courtroom In the pri<e tq on hil cew, Iha !ht · :::'p:':'ta. tha uuaJ.....,. ~ a aw • to wblt ci>nllitutes optimum It bu been Wei thal the UniUl4 ·mt. ·.m· assigned to newameni the of extra tbJ11&1 for which he Ja chltftnc ' FE It-cl ponooa ... any atven hu DO llJortqe ol land. I think lhe rat are for wltneaes, slrhln'I' rainlly It mllbl nail aomethlol lib lhll: ..... • -IT II ; • : "" rallun II bua1-mio .... ii nil -8-11 -la -tlon al lhla notloo,!,ldl ........ ·'OQd·..,.)111\i:;pardl,-.:. ·• • , .... , Jei;I.$l. " · -~ ml lllL[ll:ulla lndMdual M.Yort:Qlr~an-IO w1:oll .aaa&·~i.r'-liiit 11ie ,~ cn>tt:tt~ ;~ \!t · · ud lhl -to lmproft the ., --•M 'been ...cw . ....,.Lljblo '" an• or !oar ~ ·!_11·111t'.Jeo\•tt1nc 11s triaf~iditi. : :•i _ .-~i;, r a1 IOClety 111at c--.. ff not -W II mJaN bf that B ; flWlll!liint Atle .'bl iit\ir f0f'"lll!e-. ...-.a 1n )he COllrinlo<t> liJ cloaed-, ~•t.111'4 ~ f!;;ulrl '.ftrnmunlcatloo llllwwww m 11541 Iha I.Ga Allltlao II In .. ._. djf·, ~,1r, t!!!>t ~ n.wd 41111j~1 .-...~ In 'an. •'511111kJ' ,_ -; dllll 'lton•hP\IMi \1, Jric1i ·"-"*' lllPfl'll. '" -Ind 1•11•.'l'buoll )1:ilpol~."llillitl:li'.,.,,.. .' ".. · · .·!Gi!' lliil'.t'~· ;•· -~ _ <4' ;,.• •. ·;~ ,.. -;;n:~·.,....-· _ .. ~-=-·· .... _,. -~~ ~'.... ~_;.__ ~ · .. ~l.. .. - - I -.. ·-.. 'Jlii!l11:1t -...it!W. . I ..::::~:...:.------.... "'"""'"' __ ... ________ .... ._::;.;;..., __ '::OOSY ...... -................ ,_.,~.,Uo-•---~·...:..--~•·-~---'-...... _, -··---·· -·--- tt,,U. l•qders ' . --~---Mother Likes--· • I ~~1 ~· ... i;; ie-,~ ·kes -~.-­-~~l-... ~t .. ) ,,.. y . ' ......... ( r• ,,.....,,, .. ._., .ft. , ~ : • ·"" ••, •1 ¥>" t I ' -'· DEAR ANN bANDE~ My' hl<ither....d' bll wile :li~j.~111J'!J'l'l l2 Y~f'· Tho hay~7'wo Cliudten. 'JI;.,. "°I'~. ~us atiecjt not ti11Yhii ',·IP.Jtt.ff'D' . U,. ~!r (lite!l' ejlCh have,fi•• l'llf,l~. ,.,~ •. •menexer ,Kay is w" h..-,~, .,,iµJ_dtiii •h• has, ~he s~,a1 '~We have two,. we'~ ~?' . -.i . , Kay nu h,cf 'three JDiscar· ;: •. / 2<a • • ~,.-.• riages -all within 1be first • · ,... . :~ :··.. , J> two !11onths of J>!'ID&nci. She publi1b9d1 ~t4;i:.,.~ <elldn t go to the boopltaJ wltll--mooitl* 'eT!4J.ib·~t1 -~ o1 them. Wwld· )'ou coil;! -<1etec!;lmllllorcor #it ib1Ji1ru 11der these children?_-SIG qi.:., we r.+e ••oQ.., fQmetbin;.'~ A . DEAR Q: I •o no1 eoaiJd.i -pamiihlet P$il '"!Ii ·;byjthe mlscorrta1.,.cblldr'e .... ""'""' A~~~,.-~ your llJteNIHaw W111ti ,to. )1~D10B11oni1.~tQ,belp .Jt dOHa't bother ine. And t(' te~. ·.fffi't ·· anr ·'IOl'De Uouldn'& bolllH yoa either useful clues: · • · ' · Change ln school at- DEAR ANN -LANDERS : Iv ou people in the United States are not ~ only ones who are 4eeply concerned allout the widespread use or dr\ip' among young peopl(. !lo. C<nadians. are struggling wtth the problem . .also. tendan«. Ch8!14e in quality of homeWOrk. Deterioration in appearance. Wearing of sunctasses In class. • Wearing o l long-sleeved garmenta: in hot weather (to hide neecile marks). Stealing of small items. Finding the student t n unseemly places such as closets, s10terooma,::ete:~' .:-,_ ' Falling Asleep iit'CE. t • ' .~ ~· And now, Ann. some parenls as well a:i teachers' need to' , '! -· · 1n • know how lo recognize a mari-. JU"llly. VlteS juana cigarette. Will you publish the description? Thank As a high school te.icher who has W{)rked in the Toronto syatem for 20 years, I would Uk,e .. to. pass on BOme· useful information to other teachers whO . neeO guidance. Yoll Area Women ii';!AnER roRomo srAR Young women interested in playing with the Women's Army Carps Band may ' apply DEAR READER: Thank you for your contribution. And now here is the description you rtque1ted: at the U.S. Army recruiting station at 1091h Main St., Hun· Marijuana clptettu uually tington Beach anytime durinj are rolled in a d • a. b I e tbe week. \ . , ii thickness of ~.UP& brown or ... -.... . _ .... 1 .o11-w1111e • .,."'' nu ... '°"1llf1Uorui for the 14tli -'us: 1omewtiia\ .-.Uti-t Ir •""JI WAC Band are held ~arlf ' rega.Jar cigarettes wUl the at Fort MacArthur 1n San paper tw:lited • tacW II Pedro. at botb end1. Martjaana ts Applicants must meet WAC green in color rather 1lwl en t· ran c e requirements in· broWJl .Ji~ ~. t.oblteco. eluding, being between the Tbe .... el banliat"iurtjlUa a1es of 18 and 35, be a high is 1bnllar 1o ...., rope or school graduate, p r o v i d e weedl, ttmewlllt 1 we e t e r cha11acter references, pass a tbu tiblcct,. · • ·· SPORTY DECK SHOES Reg. 3.96 to 4.58 3 88. Sunda" OnJ11, _ , ·• .. : Men and boys' :cOttQrl canv&s 11ppers cushioned :::· rubber soles. ~-~le, blue, 'green· • .' 11'2t 21i'6, ~-- WILSON JACK KRAMER T~NNIS RACKET 4~47 S(leed-P'lex fiber face. · pbyiical examination and be Uaen Can' m°arlja~ by odd single with no dependents names. If you hear aomeone under 18 years of age. refer to ll'B•s, pot, lltmp, tea, ~leeted musicians· will be sticb, ~I, joints, ~y Of · • 1 'i eligible tor·ll])l!cial tralninlt a1 .. Mary Jw, 1if 11 ·w ... ir • ...,, ·' .thl!~2lmient:nf Uie .{1.s·. .marijaani' '.; • ;,,, "T.fTm_ .ir·."!f; '" 'lrfa\lalSdtool:GtMUSft.w ~· , • ' •U.lf ~l1<~1'l .'VJ 9111',1 • . , · • ·1: · ,;-...,r"oi"°th·~·~~~-~Ylaa'.. • Qood time !lltfl!llW9nWPll('WVlllii . ,,,~ .. ~-..,_ .. ., ........... , .. ··11"~ """"'~I' b• .. Ji; 1~·-flil1 , -w -· , , "o---r ...,.llc ,.._~-, -N·e·x __ t __ A_ ... n· '" ::::"'!!'=:;·· ·-~u•A;;;· ' po 0 H//.~drn '*"'* . • • Ann Lii Wiii • 1111 '" ' •. , VOii wltll 'J'Wr ~ S-.,"""' to her 111 ctl'9 ii'~ ... OAtLY .. ~:. ~ • Crew OK'd ~~f:t • ............... - BUSINESS t\ND PROFESSIONt\L GUIDE \ 1111 NIWl'•l'I' ILa ' -.. ".,. ... . .... . ' --:: .. r .... ...,.. • ... imJ1'do~:. juskall or come in;· " .. , .... '.t .. ~·~ ., ·"-"•... . •. , . .,. ...... ~ ,-~-.,. ,,_, ':4 .. . -••1--· '.,,, ' .. • . ,o,' i••.tet :: -.. · ~HTM~~A~/\~N-~~· : ,. ·~_,.,, ................. .. . .. 28671•sl Coos! Hlitiway • t...n. Dt1 Mor, COi~. 92625 ; . ' Tele,._ 61~601 0 --·--J..'' [_cotfttiao .. .,, ... .-.-•• CM.If' " l The candy mat that:a 10 iood for you..btllciou1 maJted mUk be.Us •• , Specially priced bere: to save you 20c on a ptcklce. Charae It. LIMltM 9-my, ..... Wiii " ....... . " -· :. --~··tlav -hl• . ·MEll'S~Xtiii- ~ llYl.Oll JACKET FORSPRINGI O•r Rf!fJ. 4.97 2.97 A fine casual jacltet for men tbts sprina:! Maize Brau, Blue Flanle eoPper or Navy. S,M.L.n. .. ' • . VISCOSE .RAYON LOOP RUG Our Reg. JJ.88 Sunde" Onl" 10.88 FRINGE CHENILLE SPREAD Our Reg. 2.98 s_-.~, !'RI" 2.37: Tbe "IUpjllHtte" bedspmd In 38% viscose rayon and 114;%'<:ottott;'Wltb lhtee sidi!ll ttiduned witl>·fringe. Full - alid'tW!n'l1ed'ilzes. While, pink, sungold, avocado, pe• c!9,Ck ~l~•. ~; Cha!'i• Ill . 1 P·RoU l'ackal)e Of Toilet Tissue , In ; w-1te, !'astels "' ' ...... ") . . :.4Mr :Rf!fJ. 88c ;· ·; ~ ,<K;i ) I ·.·· .~·:, 68c • p ... '~ '. . . ,, V A ~ ,. ~ roll ,1111 6IO .•beets each aMtt: Iii ·~·"· CtOOle white or oolor -b&rmony pink or )'llllpw .. For -convenltn~, juat ' "Cirst Jt." ,, . .:INDOOR T.Y. 'ANTENAA·'-. ..... .. ~ ' 81111 ;RAif. I.18 s ............ . 99c HU •4J-.~~lf f.&ectfm llwnlnum dipoi. aad WI· ~~Q· .. ' ; ' ! . • ' • DAILY 1'111\' f .. ' ..... . -, ,. -.. . -.. ' ·-c.-. "'·t .. :; \.._ . ........ ~ Flattering To Your Figure GO FIMINl.,_E WITH THE PUSH-UP BRA Our Reg. I.78 Sunde" Onl" 1.33 ', Choole from nylon, nylon 1he1111, or 69% nylon, 31 % ace ta ta wltb underwlre. In white, pink, blue, mint, black, and red. 32A-36A; ~B. 0.r liq. l.tf1 1.43 ' -UNIVERSAL CARRYING CASE -. -°"" Jtej; '4.88'. ' SulMlaw Onl" ' I ' 3.47" • • .,•· I I! ' I' I t . ' .. .............. ~·· • Questions 11' iwitd ...... 1•1:~ I• • 1 • f, j • " Comm•n! 1, ~·· ' ....... '; 1'':" '' .. OU5J"'1~-Ar•;1"" "4\nhrs 'ond rooltorf1ry'"9 lo '"' evM for tht mck period y.., hod In 19'61 · ·''. ... '"""'. ·-·-. ' - •• or . . ' . ' Prj•H o111ou ... h••• .nt ,.;ua:· w. h•'Ai"....,,,1 --'---~-'-'-~-'---., .. ;.,,,.:;;.'::+"'fC,,.:,,""'q:;., loollnl for o liomt<Qr oboYt \~~•;l'wf~~~ In' no .--:h!T'"'-t-~n''--·~,.:"',~'-"-.:'~~~~~~!t"i ... hurry)ond ono.-evelopmont .h~!.i!'CJOll~ lb• tv1ce·3 , , . ._,.. · ·~i,<;:.;i,..~;· .. v\f< t1,.1 • 1 f .~the ••tn• moilell 'Why :r;.~ thl1 'bt? ~·f'»; ,., . ~· J-~2fr~. ,t WJl\I iMu1it Iliff ~ .. 01sln1.R'l~!11,h• • !P ~;y hi!"' , ...a :..:.• · _ :: • .C.;. , .,.~. drtd1 Of tloll•n moN for the HMl,,p,ce. )>61you,: think ~ ~ J t ~ •' tftore wAI bo·• leveling off period ....,? Qr .. m prlcu continue.' to ·1ncN11e? ' C.M.F. Costa Mesa ANS WE~:. Homes· do cost more to construct today -anything you build costs more, these d8ys,. Afl ex- ample: the platform built in Washington for the fuaug· uratlon cost 30 percent, more .lhl\n the same ~latfo_rm cost four years.ago. Just in the pa,st .yeOf and hat~ bull.d- ing n\aterlal prices have nsen,over ~o perc~l. Tjle qas gone uP..11earl)" 15 ;p,ercent, C~"fll .blpck.,SlX petcent, slntts;ff4 .l\\llfi!f';~ver}ive P<F•ent, glass ,15 percent.. .. , Lum~f. is l.h6.J.eader in the cost risers. From. 1954 to l~ ~J>rice·!Jf lwnber was fairly Stable, then lum- ber·prices fell '<>ff1 with the buildin·g crwli::Jl. in ·1~~· In tbe past 12 months some lumber prices advanced as much as 40 percent! ' 4 • , \Vages for the Construction Work~r~ ba~~ adv.anc~. adding to our Orange County economy, but also to !lie price ~fa home. 4$CO,rdlng to \he ,I?epartmeot of Labor, craftsmen last y.ear got the largest percentage gain l,D wages '.since l~. , .. t · The interest rate you will pay is higher; much high- er, than it was two or three years ago. A favorable in· terest rate today is 71h percent. The reason: loans on single family residential have long been out of step with the rest of the money market. For instance, one of our clients, a Vice Prqiiil;J~: with .a locally based aerospace company recent bought a home through us and squawked to high heaven about having.to pay 7~~ percent. That week the Journal carried the news item that his company, with all their billions of dollars in assets, was paying. seven percent interest for t~eir capital. · And, of course, land costs are ever increasing. Builders and. individuals alike are paying more for ra'! acreage and their finished lots. Prices locally .here in Orange County are up from eight to 17 percent over this swne time last year. So with all this --' you might be thiriking; "Why should I buy now?!' "'Fhere is a hou~e1 baVe ·my eye on that .fit.I •nty needs , but should I buy· now; or should I s~y alert @nd try to pick up a better real later?" 'nte ar(S~:t:r. · ~i le. 1 ., st on! bl.iying a ribe o .. qu n.M only goitJg . thing -go high . · , espe- dally fn d1!3!eas will ~ ore · e. \Ytid or What In · -eould c~ " of building sr I,.owe .j ,~: terest? Stop l.nflalktn? '"' T '?'·f We are living · in the ~conomic age Qt; ~~lion'. We are going to be getting paid mOre and more· dollars tot our skills ~d services -and paying more and mor!? for all consumel'I items, and the skill and services of others. !Th~ reasons you should select a home as your ma.a. jor purchase is, one: that long term 30 year trust ileed you'll be paying off with those easier S:nd 'cheaper dol- lars. a true ll'edge against inflation; t\vo: the interest on that lo'an .is dedqctible as well as the real estate laxes, saving you valuable income tax dollars; third : is appreciation, especially here in Orange County, and fi- nally, when that time comes your home no longer serves your needs the~ are m~tpQ:d,~res:ognized.by IRS of leasing, refinaltfilnf, selllnfor'l!x~liahging lliat pro- perty w1thout.·pay1ng any, or very ht tie income tax on the transaction. Wise planning here 'viii permit you to defer taxes and by doing so give yourself more capital with which to grow and build. .. !'Oltl)R'I NoT1i1 lterld11! Jt. McC1rdl1 11 In lftvnt.,....,,t 1~(V~ 'J.;."\~ nt .. ""-11:111 ""',..,.., •.ar"" 11e111,...., 1 dlrKlor of thl Clllforni.· ~'f:r1oo1 o1 ll:ffl 1!:11119 Tt1dlen, ""'"'°' of "lt.111 E1l1ll In C1llfetnl1.'' k<ld YOUf' 111.,."1on1 ;:,.,-h "' ~~·" "· ~VI'" Cf,~ ...... Pl'!r .ri~.,~~·,,,_ Time's Running Out At P-acesetteJ1 Hames I Homebuyer.s. al Pacesetter model _ . available, has four Tustin have only j(i more days bedrooni.s and tWo bit'.hs and to lake advantqe of 90 per· provides parents u n u s u.. a I cent financing at 1.9 percent Prfvlcy~ · TCs liug'e 'inaster interest. bedroom suile includes a "Purchases initiated after 30 dressing . room and , com· days wUI let financed fl 7 .5 partmented bath aM a sltUng percent But a reasona)>le area with paUo-\'.iew wmqows. deposit wllhln the nen 30 doys Ao61her"wl&uif 1/ltute, Is will hold on e., of the houses the cenltaliled, nautral-brkk at the current,~ fin~ '1-.. fireplace that opens to a living tale, •bi? wllJ'l!i 11"'\':iill~ r.'"'°m on one ~de and to a Ill the lime -cl"-." -ge 'l!ID(Uy room ; iln 'the ~to Landon M. Exley, Olher. · director of ulea • n d B u Y tt·proven Pacesetter ~ f o r Pacuetter features, expressed in the ~ Ii <;iii -~ 0 one ;~~~J:~>Jt:;:=1:0 r.='*'14.tthelnlUal 1ncorporaied In the design ol ~I:.~ tht~H;liif!i<)l:(~' '1 • *"""d.ttt'i a I-on-i ~ l~lfi0: 'tormal Jn. merit comm.Wlity 0 I _ lryways. ste~own 11 v Ing 1 ~ i.· located_ in ~ms, exposect • ~··. h$· 1 nlU!na rirlJ 1tt1>adjac!nt • ~ Ule w0f«7lind-fln1sbetd ~,.,....,.R_h ~ Irvine .£\bj{l<IJ pd ~\• roo~ Io --~~~ &od ·"11~.: lhere •• biriJl.10 IDd ·wUhlii !lie Wocu o1 the jl~waijion a pic!e sel.ec· . ... ...... .,. • ~loo ol ' . lii<luded '" --ol lit ~ ' the price ' • . I • loll ~ :i.. "!!: Commuotty ~~. I t ~ ·111t,-Pacesetter Tustin iJ provided . ..,~ a,lr<ldy--.by .a fi~!"(opt wall.surroundlni •'iii~~~~-~ ftqu!rin;-. 1M" eii\lre projecL Al each ~ _. dellrinl better main enttance there is a :ert Sllq lllld. planted, ,lancbcoped jsland. homeo have Shn!U'-illandl -~-~~ lo ~ -• .• tbrouchout the pro-.. "<:l'1· .!,al .to \1,..., .. ~~· • ~~.:e:= ~~-~y ~~:_Tfl~~ Tlif ~ibe~~ ll"1 ' j I ",. " "' " "' .. , -.. •\.' .. ) · .. " f • • • I I .. . . ' . \ • . 'i • l ' ' ' '. r. : . - , .. . ' "'•'· . .. " . ' ' '~ , . ., .. ~-.... • " ' II . ', • . -. ' . .. • · .... ~, .. ',, , .. . ' ..... ' .,:-.,. . ... ' • . . . I ~ ~..., ... • '" ... : ....... ' . -·-.. .. ,, ~ ... .. ) •11: ';,; -: 1•r, I ... .... 'I ! . ' .. ':-' (· ' ~) J • ' • ' . . • •.. Jo . , . ' j ~. ,, ' "1 . I·· , r .. . .. ' ' . ' '·,:: . . . ' .\ . . . "·' ,. ' !-• ' { •• ~· ... .. ' ·.·;.. , .. ' . ~ . ' . :.· . . ,. . \. ·,; . ' " ; 1 1 '. ·(~ ' ... . ' . . .j. . . . ' ' • "!"' .. ' :" ··-f! ........ '..,,.~. ;,,, ... ll'., ·~·-:: ' • ~ . ' ! ' ' .• · ·~i l , ,;..£1 ,i'.Jl.l. ; :A -•~ . ',.. . . - ' . . i ' ·-~. . " ' 'I', " .• ' . ·. '.1' ·~ ... ....... ::11 •• :1':.-:11 ·"~ : . : ) ' ' ···•!j.~: .~· • -·•'r· ... 1'11"1 "" ........ ,. i· . ' . .. ' " ' < .. ' • . . ' . '· . :-., '. , .- . " . . . ' ~·· ·.• ., ., i!' 1 ,., • ,. .. .. ''"";. y·· .. ..· , . I! ~\..1\. .. _ 1 '°'' '"• :i..Ot I . , ....... .,, ... ,.,..., ,. ,, ... ,. ' l.J.;1\'• • ' I ,j • ' . ' • • t • ' • • • -J • , ' " ,. •• ,_ 'i ... ·"" , ' I ' I ' I I I ' ' I -~ • • I , • • ,. s: : ~ • GN~- ' ' • • ' \ \ 1. ' ) • I ,. • ' J 1 ' I ! . ·t· 1· " ·• ' I, .... ·--·-..-__ .,, ... _. . . ................... ,,, . ..,_ .. . •• U DAILY PILOT Port Lido· Wins • .,, Medtillion Award J • "I '' .. I I . ' " tOr tta many ...i111onc1inc ei.ctn..i !talu!OI, Port Udo. 1 1)1-botne resi dent ia l deYelopnet!I In Huntington B<ad>; 19d&Y bas earned the Southern CalllOl'llll Ed1!0n eompanr'• ..,....s Medallion Award. J. F. Nail, Edison'• divi..loo sales manager, and Norrll Creveston. marketing con- :auUant, presented tbe award recently to Wllllam Lyori. president, and Emil Tessln, executive vice president of William Lyon Homes. Three model homes are now open to illustrate the v~iety (I( modem living convemences available at Port Lido. They art located at 1851 Ocean lane on the south side of Hun- tington Beach. The one and two-level homes rante in price from $26,t!IO to $.11,100 and feature three or four bedrooms with two (Ir three baths, and two or three-car 1arages. A feature Of each new home Lt the an·: el e c \rt c terrace k!lcben wltllll>ulll-io ... and aelf-clei.nlng oven, dlshwubtr, 11J11qe cli<posal and lwninelcont celllngs. All kllcl>ena bave lbe popular ~ window an d slldlnJ glut doors for service lo the p1Uo or backyard areas, acrordiq to.Nall. Other featura Include a step-down living room. formal dining room, family room, decorator draperies and wall· lo-wall carpelinJ. Lyon II a put president ol the Home Builders Associa- tion and active tn organiz.a· tlons dedicated to the con- struction of betteNlesigned residential ·developments. The firit '54 tllllll of Port Lido are cornplettd and the final 100 are scbeduJed for con!truction thi5 spring, he said. Banquet F etes County Walker, Lee Salesmen Members or the Walker and Lee sales staffs throughout Orange County were honored recently at the company's 28th anmal awards banquet held ln the Disneyland Hotel. Frank R. Hart, chainnaa of the board and president of Walker and Lee, pointed out 'that "despite · OJI 'unsleadJ- mo'ney maraet;~. ~ fll'JJl'i ~ sales force broke all recordl tn 1968 by achieving a yearend tota1 of over $123 million ln sales volume." Founded in 1941, the Wa}br and Lee organization hu' IOld more than 85,000 homes. 'lbe- fi rm now operates 23 resale offices and 30 wbdiviaioni with an average sales rate BOOSTING SA.1..aS of 90 homes per week. Fr•nk R-Hart Transactions. I n c I u d I Q: I subsidiartrt _'.art expected to now througti the company a\ 13,000 f~. 1"9, Hart predicted. the rate of 249 per week for _He envwons over "7,000 sales an approximate totaJ of neart1 Wt year, an incrtUe of ~ ~ -· :-". . .. ... ~~~~-.... :_..., , ..:::.e ~ ~~ .. ... • i ,' Architectural Associates James W. Reagin, William E. Mader and K. Stanley Bell have been named as.soc.lates in the Costa Meaa architec- tural firm of Thoma•· Ricbm:l.son-Associates, it was announced thla week b y Robert M. Thomas, presi- dent. The appointments bring the firm 's number of ISIOCiates to five. Appointed usoclates In mid·1981 were John C. f..1itcbell, responsible for com· merclal projects, and Huba S. Nagy, project designer. Reagin supervises specifica- tions and construction. Mader ls in charge of f ie ld supervisioo. Ben is responstblfl for project scheduling and production coordination. Reagin joined T-R·A in 1~. A native of Atlanta, he graduated from the Institute or Technology in 1951, ol>- ta.ining Bachelor's Degrees in Science and Arcbttecture. Mader joined the firm In 1966 after operating his own firm for a decade. A native of Southern Calllornia, be ob- tained an associate in arts degree from Glendale College Jn 1946 and joined a local architectural firm the follow- ing year. The next 10 years, he worked continuously for three architectural f i r m s . meanwhile obtabung h I s ' • I • I I I - • 11 bachelor 0 r architecture degree fr<m the University of Southern Callfomia in itsl. w i t b 11Km .. Richardlon since 1967, Bell bad worked , far a development company ·• and earlier operated 1 o '· architectural finn, both on his .1 own and in partnership with another archltect. A naUve of Orange Counlj<, he aUended Orange . Cout College .before obtaining a bachelor o f architecture degree from the Univ~ity of California at B"kY,y ln 1954. Mader Hrved u pft!ident of the San Femondo Valley chapter of the American lnalilul< of Arehltecl& and Bell is • past director of :be Orange County chapter. U.S. Recruits For Viet Work The Federal government begins a wee.k·long talent hunt Monday to find skilled civilian wm-kers for vllllps: and hamlets In Vietnam. He1dqu1rttr1 fir the recruiting effort is tht Federal OOlce Building, 300 N. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles. Ai> plicants should can filM75t between 9 1.m. and S p.m. For an appointment. I See By Today's Want Ads: IT'S DIME A LINE TttUll -,. .... _ .. ,._. ... _ .. ~ ................. --· :'\;fl ran •" ' • . .. :;. ; . . ~(~,:Ji ·~ 1r1 ' ' . ~ . . . a . ... . ' . , ru •• • ' 4 • And a very Grand Opening it is with this low~% rate still available for a limited time! Don't miss this opportunity. Fine homes. Beach location. Gre¢ tenns. SaWur the cathedral beam eellinas, gia11t patio kitchens and separate family rooms. Scheme on the 3-car garages. Room for a, boat or? These one and two-story homes refle ct over 60 years of building experience by Fran~ H. Ayres and Son. You will find all of the building techniques and prf(le.,jn.• workmanship which made the earlier Rancho La Cuesta homes so successful •.• plus new plans and choice new locations! 111111 Choose from 3 or 4-bedroom; 2 and 3-bath plans that you will be proud to come home to .•• and that you can still afford. $24,995 to $32,795 6%% Conventional Terms. FHA-VA financing also aYltllble. ADAMI AVE; ·~ ATUNTi. AVE. PACIPIC OCVJI . t '3~ Mil" to S"' Dl1110 ,_, Rancho La Cuei>ta in HuntingtOn Beach, ve~ n5;r the ocean in Orange COunty's fastest growing city. s.lel Office Phone: 014) 968-2929 !, I ' . ., OAtLY l'ILOT l'hilf• "" It~ k-.lllw .i tit ,~ION AT NEWPORT -Davis Cup star U. Arthur Ashe is in J, action today at Balboa Bay Club as be meets Bob Lutz at 11 a.m. in t the .:aem..ilinals of the Newport' club's classy tennis tournament. t~are Sunday at2 (sing~es) and 3 (doubles), _ r .. ~ OJ="'"' ,, :f' ...a=:. -l.. "U Q' •ol°d F..Om Nl:AA . . .. • l.{Cl Still in Running • • For Playoff Tourney . • P•· ""'"• rJ !~'T'V'"'Y Of llM o."' """ st .. ' :" Ttaraty at Lu Vegas CAA'• Collete divi!ion western baatetball toamament will be tbe Lu Vegas Convention Center, tbe ·DAILY PILOT hu learned from idborttaUve sourcu. ~fte four-team tourn1ment will be held tridaY and Saturday, March 7-8. The ~ will advance to the national ~~ Evln!Ville, Ind:, t h e foll~lng ;"lites previously considered for tale': rep.nats were Su Fernando Valley SliD, Cll State (Fullertoo), SeatUe and •AnMtfm Convention Cenler. - lllr'-Cnietal In Ssota Barbara tonight wllbWlllmonl Jnine; despite Its double<>verlime. 92- IS Joa at UC Riverside Tuesday night, is _iWl in the running with Its 15-8 1'ICIDl'd. 'Jbat'1 the word from Humboldt st* College athletic director Lorry Kltbr, cbainnan of the western ,..i..111 aelection committee. "'{es, rd uy UCI II In strong coo-l-r'fchl now and If they win their I• ·three games · they'd be tven more ~"be laid, in 1 phone interview witb ~'t>AILY PILOT. , I.be moment, UCI is Jn· contention flri other acbools far/ tbe tliree ble berths al the March 7-8 • The only shoo-in so far is fttli,ty of Nev1d1, Lu Veg~, • )7-$ record. F a r Western Conference. Two of those losses were to midwest powers Akron and Toledo. The Gators w i 11 probably "be · invited, barriJlg a late-seuon fold job. UC DAVIS -The Aggies are 13-7 and 9-1 in the Far Western, but were beaten handily by UCI, 9M9. Conceivab- ly, Davi! could still win the Far Western and eliminte SF State but might still be eliminated because of the loss to UCI. Such a development would be the best thing that couJd happen to Irvine. WESTMINSTER OF UTAH -The Salt Lake City team is 13-3 and has nine games left -all with teams Westminster has beaten. The Utah outfit looks like the dark Mrse. All factors· considered, UCJ has several factors resUng in its favor. First, tllree of tbe Anteaters' eight losses came oq the East Cout against Boston <A>Tiege, • llllode Island and Provi~- "Teams which go out of their way to play strong Opponents are looked upon favorably when it comes time to eltend invitations," Kerker commented. Second, UCI was invited last year ar.d acquitted itsell well . Irvine upset San Diego State in the first round and Io 1 t by only five points to Lu Vegas in the championship game. Third, one of the six men on the selection committee is UCI athJetJc dlrec- tcr Ray Thornton. Two others are Orana:e ~ Countians. Phil Thelbert of Chapman and John Caine ~f Cal State (Fullerton). · Fourth, it' would seem unlikely the regionals would be w;ithout a Southern Callloritla entrr.' Ketter said be would organize a con· ference phone call to his five other committeemen W e d n e s d 1 y arxl, hop<lutcy, wrap It •I' DAILY 1'11.0l 'JJ • .It's Official-Williams Signs Pact ' •'ll~GTON 1cAe) -11111 al-llloboi,rllammmtpbellere." The s.na.O.. woWd not di•dooe adclecl, "I bop. I ha .. malurtd 1 lillle Ted WOllaml wu ~ Prldl7 nfalll ! He Wei wllon 1 ~ ajlenda I quarter WWl&mll' llluy O< the aiJe of his allce more." u -al --e911ury In bueboll "be neftl" loiu his of stock In the club, l!ul esUmatea put The former Boatoo Red So• alugpr, with -i~ear · iiei'tbt:t wlUjpate sreat liking fw ... amt t1Jt'1 meant biJ pay,,,, in Uie range~ $100,000 a year whose lifetime ~tting average of .344. hlm lfil:ll!lliill t In buebol. IO mudl.l!I '*"'" 1 lit and b!j· •-Ip holdings ~t about · i>< thejhilbesl ot 1QY player sti\I Uving. WlllW!W,l.jlllo lla,pa,rt -and { Ho'll Iii 'Jouq "!,.~k {'>to action 10 percent. had spurned at least tht., previous offers 'v~lco ~.: ~·~ ... • ~~. ·~:.."= ~.l'."r~j I 1 begin Robert SllQ,l:ji the Minneapol~ trucking to return to baseball u manager. ---system ty-and Democratic Parti !le said he hadn't le•' In the put ~ 14" 'lo -. certain 11111 ria, t leader fiom"· M!nnUpOUICir11o• ·lured that ~'l!ll\lld N,n&e •the °job. He" uld _-,.job tf<\19•-.i -out lo ·bl ' • ; .Wllllama, Sf, pill cm a rlire tie -WWlams back, purcluued the club only "I think 1'111 m..e qualllled now beca""' ·mWeh. _ . .. _,,. tbl ltr1nr ~ -over hla.P'fte sports wee~_peo foruAD estimated• million. I'm 10 years older." ~lo h-D anW io/alit r"' lblrt' lw llie ..,... · """"""" that W~,> ftbled <f• Jill fludlng wl!)i W\JllamS was candid and cordial In In rethe1Dl!lll, the pme'a .,._ ~ dlmued 1 week al-necotJaUon writers 'Ind· fans, ild tie thouPI be hll triumphant return 1o 1 pluah sett1n1 hitter, Aid, "I can Giiiy '.°11 ""' lriim _on_1_reported...:_ __ m1_1 ... _..:doll:...:.ar:...:.deal.:...:. __ _:;hl=d:..cba=hpd:;e,•:..·=slnce=..:hls::..!p;;;la"'ylng="'-.;:dl::'.y.;:1.;:and=:.._:'t:._•:___W.;:ashlngton:..=. =:c::.c:chot.;:el=,----- !Toomey:. "TQps SIOMJ., in . NY " Iiidoor M~t ·. ' ' NEW YORK (AP) -Olympic cham· pion Bill Toomey of Laguna Beach duplicated his Mexico City feats Friday night with an easy victory in the in- augural U.S. Olyrilpic Invitational Indoor Track Meet. Toomey, the Olympic decathlon cham- pion, who helped in bringing th.is special event into the meet -the first in indoor hist.ory -had a total of 4,271 points as be moved to an euy victory. t)tunnerup Rick Sloan of Anaheim had 3,l.12. Sloau, ._Jeventh in the Olympics w_on.. the .Jdgb . jutnp, • the only event Toomey didn't dominate. Toomey took~ 55 meters in 1.2, ! the~ put ea~ in lhe"Clay at NYU:•" 1'iln ·1 toss of 47-0, tl\e lone Jtlrnp at 24-f and the 300 meters in 35.9. Ed Carutbers· of Santa Ana Cout. Club ended Ron Jourdan's high jump 11treak at 11 straight victories, capturtni the event in 7-2. Jourdan, the Florida whiz could only reach 6-10, good for fourth behind Frank Costello and Johll Rambo . each cleared the same bel&ht but with fewer misses . Bob Seagren, workl record holder out- doors and indoors, captured his 10th victory of thil season with 1 leap of 16 feet, 10 inches. The Southern California star 1ttempted three shots with the bar at 17-7, which would b1Ve bro\en his Indoor record of 17.f, bot failed. UCI Swimmers To Test 49ers C'.oach Al lrwln'a UCI awilnnllnl team jumps right back into the Anteater pool at 11 this morning againlt Cal State (Fullerton) after downing Ce r r 1to1 College Frid-r afternoon. 51-33. The victory wu UCI's fifth of the aeuon against four Ioem. :· '-roday'a meet will be our toughest of Ule season,'' Irwin Slid. "Long Beach is rea11y loaded." T h e 49en: 1 r e p1ced by backstrolcer Mitch Ivey, 1 silver medalist in the Olympic Games. Cal State also h111 retumlne NCAA veterans, R a n d Y Grimm, Pat Yellovith, Julio Arrango and Duane Putnam. UCJ fat fJSI c.rm- olOO MfdltT r ... Y -1. CM"t'ltll Tlrnt: l :W.1 1» "'" -1,__~llMlll fUCll 2. llollll'IM111 IC) l. 0.¥1<!Klll ICI T,...: 1:.M.O JO ,,.. -1. S1111t1P (Cl t. ltfllllll« CC I ). Mtrtln !UCll 'tlr111: :n.• Ml 11'4. Medlly -!, O•t CUCI) t. HnNtt IUCll l, Al:NY (C) Tlnw: 2:11.t D!Vll'll -1. Wllll!te. Ho ._. ... l!llrd. • 1'1Y -1, ~ (() !. OMtll tUCll l. Kllll'lltr {UCO TllM: 2:u .• 1011 ...... -1. •"Oii (UCll ,, o r ... fUCI) l. ltrothff (CJ Tl1111: •.i lOO 81dr. -I, D1k1 tUC!I I, Dnv... (() l. H11wtt (UCI) TllM: t :U.O 500 l"rM -I. Mtl'lll'I tUCll 2. illetlln-CC) l. Mc:O..Wllll !UCO T""': l:Of,f X1:1 lrta•t -!a..__~r. UICI) I. Htt.W IUCll J. .t.tiM'f' !C!I ,.,-:.S~.J -""" ..... ., -1. uct to-. ......,,., ..... --.o.w.111 ' -. EX-MESAN WORKS OUT -Former Costa M ... resident Bob Bailey works out for the Montreal Expos under the watchful eye of coach Harry '';Pee- "" T.......,., nut&" Lee (left) as spring practice opens at Palm Beach. . ' . ~ ~por~'}~ppe4 ~h'"! .:-. ., ' \I"~ I " • Owners ·ne_,¢line Mediation NEW YORK (AP ) -Tho baseball club owners ciecUned Feder1I mediation of their ~oa diapute with Ule players Friday, uted for a poll of ill players on their rejected $5.3 mllllon ; propoaal and qreed to cooslder a compromlse request of '6.t from the players.· No qulck end appeared In sight. M11111_,. WO.•t S"'9 ':' · SAN FRANCISCO -Willia 1'\~>Ai.I Friday he Wll going to the Saft FranclJco Glanll' Arilona aprmr tralninl camp next week, but would not sign his 1919 coatrld unto tne dlrpute between the players ar.d club ownm b Rttled. "I'm 1otn1 down to shoot IOme • quence1 for my TV show," the Gleta' •tar said. Bir1t!Jo Otterell ., .. MADISON, Wla. -Elroy "CraztlifP• lllnch. former Unlverally of,"""""'° football star, ..... ~-the. p.I. iii athleUc dlractor Dl Uie Bl1 Teo eclJi>ol Friday. Hinch, 1n executive with the Los Anltles Ram1, tolg a Dewll ~ he hoped to aMOUoce within 1 Wtet IUCC4!lld the . late Ivan B. "!VJ" WOllamlCll, -died W-.Y lifchl' after• I fall hi bil home. I i . The ynlver.Jty ... u lh• popular Hinch in bopee be can revive the 1ehoo1'1 alumpln1 athleUc program. '.l'lgers, Card• '.l'ab~ed RENO -Detroit is a 5--1 favorite to repeat as' American League buebtll chlmpljll mid Bl Laub ii &-5 too auc-cessfullr!-.111 National Loque tftlt, ' 1 Renc)ioebm:er laid Frid1y. • ' 't Na ~/ritfals A9..--t LONDON -Ofllclals of the five )HJ tennll ~ -"'111Y fa!!od to ~ an ~.With U.S. mam.pr1 of pro troa:Pei .niday on 1 cash formula ' . for open tournaments. After a 1111-hour meeting at the lnt«na~ ~ Fedoratloo ~ quarters, the delegatea dllpersed wllhoul boldinl a promised news confennce. O.llfer• Dept1rt ' -LOS •ANG1£!>1!8 -Tbe Loi Angeles Dodgeri priftte plane will Iea,v1. on IChedule lhla -"1n1 lor tralnlnl <GP · at Vero · Beaellt Fla., but club oflicllll conceded ~_ay they doo't know how many ball p~ will be aboard: ago, swept into the 1emitln11a wttb a 6-2, &-3 victory over .aecond-1eeded Krilty Pigeon of D119~lle, •Calli. . Miu De.Fina, 23, fourth-1eeded American ranked . ninth in the nat¥m, followed with a surpf'i41ngly euy g.1, a.o victory over South' Atdc•'.&. Same Emanuel, the No. l 1oreilP teed. . ~ ,llCLA.' .. omp~' . LOS ANG~ -·Topnoted UCLA blitzed ar<p. state tr ... Frila,. nlcb• as Lew Alclnclor ocored l'I pohlll: and '-ed> both batkboorda. TonlPI the Bruins hoit Oregon. . . Troj ... ....,. LOS ANGELES -Oregon o u 1 huitJed USC on both backboards Friday llllhl a 1 d,~ to\ 7'fl Paclllc.& ~: ~ 2:::'~1~~~-usc hosll Oregoo Stal~ tonight. rtir'J. 'Fortette11 . RENO -The '°' ~rn Conl•renct has strlpP«f ·tie U~ty of'N .. lili al Reno of ita 1118 croia<ountl'7 .. title and 1wardtd Jt 10 · ailCo ...._ a •Pottllll&ll for1Nevlda1,,id 'l'tlundly. "We'll> ~:rf!. pWlned but unW we leave aid-players llvinl in otbtr parts of lhe ,coontry show up or don't e:;.;: •. ~=.oc:tr~:;,".g CELTICS BOMBARD ·i 1 nm-down on the teams in iatlimrith UCI for regionals -: #flnu.PAQFIC -Al lf.7, -10- _,. to be In good:«iapa, par- aller 111 l'MO win over Puget Pott Takes Lead 'at Tucson paru.. . .:.. · 0 ~ · · L "KERS 1'"'1"" F'a~te• FaH ·'• '· n. ' ~ -".~ WIN~. I •. !1111, _ :._ ...........,. INGLl!WOOi> .: . .>-',Ille Biiton Cllllcf , -contender, W-1 '·· TIJCSON (AP) . -Jobnny Pou llrt<r a aeven-under par 15 ln hll best round of the year to awtna Into the lead al the midway point ol the llfl0,000 Tuctoll Open Goll Tournament Friday with 115. Nln..under ·per. Pott, owns a one«rote lead ovu Dale Doul)aai, who pul fl • with bla openinc fl Im; JM hr as boloa !_'f Ille 'l'llcloa NaUonal GOif Club coune. , • , Miller Ba-. the flnt·rvund !....,., ' ·- .. . ' . ,. l I 'l ? ~. and U.S. opeii' cham(iki/ Lil TmlilO deadlocked 11.111 '!rith n .oo 10. Pott the u-;..r-old 'fiom Broodwater Beach, Mill.,. declltfld, "l dkln'l come close to 1 boctJ," u be toured the 7,• yar<I par 3'4--72 TuclOl1 Natlooal Goll Club courae. ""'-• 111 card<:d ~ ·with ~ "" \be eeeiilol AJ14:llliJlll Jioie.I. plilr c.(I when he.:dn>j>pOd l!Olll al &ii, !Ool on the former ind If Clft the la~. · Poll pl bot on the" -·/lint With four blrdlM· oo the !Int lilr .bOltl be played. He aililt pulll al lwo feel on the lllh. 10 oa the 11th, IO on the !!th and Ihm on the !Sib. The n>llftd ended when he -..,. »· the ~ lroill ~'I.or ~y qi! !!!" 11111. • r '. " .11irbtf, wild .... U.·fhl ~ lead It w. W.s.11 ii" ninW n 'li>r • hll aecdntl II al Ulil 72-hOle !Oumament. ~~~!'J &~ mated to l ~1Ql 'tic.111f:y 0 f Ir the = a ~ ~ ~ AnPla Loa Angeles Llkerl flldi; aJabt before ml S'..,.."'° Mu _., .. ...., stun-17,11(1-al the Frin. nlq --J'rld.y In .;..~~ Jollll Havlicek pa.;a tbt ;winner• willl the U.S. Nlllldilll Women'• Indoor • j)Qlnll, picklnc ·llP ll'_of thole Ille """"""""'".... last ball. Sam J-'to11blbdlod rr ·r.. , -Mt;"·~ ~tU.,tirno l1i iolOii -· . ~u.'-''"'" -•-"-alHolllnOOd.' The Laten, apln IOlna without~ ..,__ °"""'-. lured star Jero ,West, P 15 polo N.Y,, f.11~: )• · from Wlll Clwnbetlaln and 1' Ml• Fntll; • ._,._ nleru whs J!:llJl! 'Jll)>lor. Wll\ tanked ,21 baa -plap,ad by llil••-. ..,. \otaf ln'"" llr'st two qiltittirt:-• ' forlnl a lraclured onlde bore-IWo·,.an -::1 • . ' NILY PllOT •• a-......... € ...... --·------- ' ! ·. Miller ( 36),Pra~er-(2~)· . . . . ' . ·Pace GWC to 99· 75 Upset By GLENN WHITE CM ""' ia.llJ ll'tltit ..... To look at Golden West Collett~* Mark P.filler'1 aboottng style, yoo mJcbt °""' elude that MUler WGUld ·not be • prolific producer ol polnll. due to bis estremely awkward-appw1Jig shooting stance. Loob, however, proved to be elect~ live Friday nJght at the Rustler star canned :II points and pt.,.,i a .,..,.... dous game overaD. to pace his mates to a •75 ttompiDg ol Chaffey College's Panthers at Orqe Cout College. The Ru!Uers, now only a game behind Chaffey in the battle for second place. travel ot Citrus toolgbt. for an I o'clock Eastern Conference basketball duel with the lut place Owls. Miller was run~le. He hit 13 of 23 shots from the Door (IU percent) on an as~ of Jay.up and outside at· . tempts. He had tt points at halftime as coach Dick Stricklln'a hosts rolled to an aston- ishing 47-» bulge al -again!!t the favored Panthers. Dave Prather came to life the last 10 minutes W ·aid the Rustler blitz. He poured in 2.1 points for the Green and Gold. Re tallied a dozen in tbe final seven· minute! el holtillties. l'rltho< -bltt1n& hooll!, rebounds and a.loot sboll to lurtber cripple Chai· fey. . · GOiden West never trailtd, hopplq all to a 4-t lead. '!'be visiton numaged to ' pull evlO at 1t.1t and ~ ~..,til the linil ''" .i llli balf.. ' . . I . . 'lben Miller bU a Ibo! from ~ top lo! the · ~1 aad acldec! another two pilOts 00 I ~ and Golden West WU (lg top by 11. I Dave ~ playad a 1partJ4'1 fame in a 111()'1 role. lie put In 14 ·fOlats afler the ~ loll J'aul Kordlt and, Dave Harding Via Ille !Gui rout.. · .. Golden Well bit 41.7 al Ila field &oal tries while Otaffey was htttbi.e at a chll· ly 31.1 perceot. Ear!ter, Claffey had fallen.to the Rust- Im, IHI,·~ the latW,r, hid ret>ound and scoring_ ace Brian AiDbrodch. He tw sincl heal I01l became of tchole- tic problems. --·~· .. ,. .. ., ~ '0 2' G..,._ 'IS I 9•M I I 1 17 C.p!IM 1 ' 1 J Hieb ' • 4 • G1rcl1 • I t 12 ...m •It 121 Piraf~~r .Get · . ' ,, . ' .. 11 ·Technicals· . . ' * * * .,,,,.R. COll.;··~NC~.. ..A . ·W~tze. ·. · J E j eCte~ - Fii~ lt t 1'4 lD , . = wMt . :: ; :: = . lfiiJOEL !CRWA~ ,.,.,. ·All• ,. J 110 lt17 ' •' .... D9IW "*" ,,.... ' cwrtn ' • nai 1"M" 'AD 'the ~ Ora.nae Go.st iCollege ·=.::'tMtt : .: ;~ !:~ ·~-'WUt ·up1oir~lm~blJlc«id 'ltie1"l-· "'· SAC·. • .,. .... .1111': . • 'fi•i' ff¥i' W".'wll>ilnl the· Eulorn c.i-. -.i. ...,... 1 1• ''~ • l• · rereaoe lfU . ....;..,;,..,._ecr an1 lrWaJ · ~ ,.,. ~1'\llllt • ,. ,,. : "5 .• ,. -1..&.. .... , --.J~wd: . ' Clll'VI I 11 '1nf I•' IUIU~ -W..-U.. "Ul9" ~ al -'t ' .,.. • .-. --. 1lob -~ ..... ·l!lf teinl ..... ~' . .' ~.;:.a;,~,.M err o1 a. pme m lodnl • M-M:dedt-, ' Qar,oµs Post .. 1'71!'52 _Ww Over Mesa ' By EARL GIJSTKEY ~ ' ... Of .. ..., P,1111 ·-Fountalo Valley 1li4h School's bul<et· ball 't.am -plet.d Jts aecond *"11ht w,innin( seuon Yrlday night, il\IPlnl Ci>sta Mesa by a 11-il margin' "' the Barons' Door lo lln Irvine Leque Uff, Coach JoM JC.assei'• crew ~ the campaign with a J4-1J reco~ Mesa came· m 1.11. r 11\e Barons, catching C08t• Me.i 'oat• l•\llN• l•AOU• (1'11110 W L.HPA ~ del M•• ............... I l Slt a Mlllfllllll .................... , . . . . . I l 6» JD) LMrl ............................. 1 I "1 SU FOUlllll!I V1llrf .............. ,,,, 4 ' Ja '$61 Colli M""' . . .... . . ...... .. . . . . . . t I Jtl "'9 a1-11 .......................... 1 t .. .oz , ....... ~ ~ FOUllllln YllllY 11, Colll Mel .U ( ' MagnalJ1 ,., lolr1 .S. · • footed with their snappy floor 1ame, puUed away moments befo~ ha~Ume and never faltered. ·The Mustangs had a four-poln1" lead twice in the first quarter but aucb tux~ uries weren't to last. Fountajn Valley's Gary Redmond, w.ho wQUDd': up witb 14 ·points, sank a jumper at the first quarter buzzer to mate if14-14. • He did the same lhinl jUSL ·· before the halftime bumr tA> make' it 31-15, Baroos. • Cc6ta Mesa's 1aBt lead wu 11-11.· Duane Diffie put the Baroni 111 · top for good and Kellh Arledga td4fd aaMber bucket. Mela'• Cbuct Yet'tey ' cioSed it to 24-11, but then J'ountaiD Vi.ney scored four more. Then, f.rom 2&-23, the Baroaa: 'IC()C'e three straight buckets for 1 34-23 ad· vantage. < Costa Mes.a neve!" mounted a sultal:Ded dr~y~·in 'the. s~nd half. The '4~ fell , •teadDjl behjnd, dropping 6ict by 20.,ib-43, on a arad v~ Jr .. tmJ>w., . Costa ldesa't\ best effort was 41 hoor• in the past. · ··~ .. ·, """' AM Mo 1111..,_..t. H IOb to ,......._ COUegt. ""'"""' n, ltwwllM n ...&:. ~ .____. a ·'-'ly play~' 119 ........ ft. Mt. SAC W IP!:: ~ _.__.,.. ~ ... T ....... I ._ but netting lllDt into I ftUCO tn the. SUSPENDED ANIMATION .-The physical strain of besk«bell a reDected oo the laces of Costa Mesa's Bob Austin (lop) and Fountain Valley's Gary Valbuena. Fountain Valley won .. night's wind up for both teams, 71-52. Friday Coach Hel-b Llvse)''s' lad1 1.had u(leet Loara, 61-53, in ·thetr best effort of the season'Wednesday. "We played just about as' well as we could have against Loara Md' l guess we just didn't have anything .. left ·ror Fountain Valley, ' he commented. Slfltt AM et 1'fvilnlM lut 10 minatel cf ~"' Mt Ml"• cblrl• Goldtll welt tit CllNI " "Z ,,,_.... """"' ... ,_,_ ed wltb 11 -"1 /oula. S.11 len'lenllllt 'ft ~ II W""'"' HI They made anotbtir hl1f ·doien inttJ\. F11lltrttll II llo .... tlonal penonal loula to lbow up the .of· UCI Fighting flciala, had Wetzel ticked out of the -pme and then came within one foul or having the pme called by olflclala. '!'be fiDal 1,11 al playing time loot Z7 ml-tonmalf .. For Sllrvival .;';! ':t~·-::1a~-:J:-:! . • • • • .. -• . ' • nla"111W .• ¥!Jut varlooo Calli .;atnlt bis Down· the Slopes Excellent S kiConditions · ·:·' · .: ,~ !·:~ · .: .. ; ·1 . ~· l, }l\iiiii1t.:un. bll w .. !i•llUldt. :. - A W 11t·flllally-aleni0ttft·1pot-.rlh· · ·p · ·z Th. w ·k ~A t ~~~q~ ...... ;.~~~".fi'°the'.~l~Jei:~;, ..... ' ; ... revai . is _ ee _ ~~.m-... _ By EAIU. GUllTKEY Of .. ..., '""" ""' SANTA JiAReARA.-Two teoma will be vlriually fighting fer their -.U.U lives here tonJchl at I when UC! and Westmont mb: It up in an ~t bllWe al Independents. UC! (IM) needs a vlct.r) to remain 111 leadinl contender for an invitation to the NC.U's college division playoffs al Lu Vq:u ~xt month. Westmont OHO) lw hopes of going to the NAL\ playoffs, u do UC San Diego, Occidental and Pasadena CoDege. Both ,clubs will be facing each other on the heels or hair-raising defeats. trvine went down the tubes at . UC Rivenide Tue9day In double overtime, 9U5, wtd)e. W'9tm0nt lost to Va11ey State cm a last-. llO-loot lllot, BMS. ' "lt'a the nme llor;1 .lat bQth 9f ,qs." UCI coach Diet Dml ay1. ''They need to ·wtn to llay in the running for the NAIA and we have to have U !or the NCAA." Sa71 Westmont coach T'"" 11yroo, "If we lole to Irvine, we're dead." Westmont has a ll1ltory ti playin; ei:cellent baatetball qabut UCI. Irvine beat Westmont twice Jast year by :. total of just four points. Earlier thl· season. at Irvine, the Anteaten preva il· ed by sll<, llf.Q. UCI wu leidtng by much more tha· that In the """'"'1 half but Westmont. nilled.and Davis wu forced to nmO\·e hi• -from tha Door and 11111. lb< startloC ~ 1iiCl' 1n tha -· to ;....,.. the Win. • All<r Jallllhl, anly'two ·-....... le< the Antaton. .lla'ris' dob ·flays, San Jllop State Tueday niPt and Tahoe P1radloe Colltp l'rlday e...ing. Both ..-ehame',~. • f ....,; ,.... ... . . · .Y elllng ·at 'the alfi<iala tli&t the taller CypreA players were eoDi1nl , down on the bacb ofbla play .. a, Wetsel slammed hia 'foot into the bleachers and wu tag- ged wltb .the l1nt al what aeemed lllce an ebdJeu -al llclmicala. Mike ·Llfhr made the penalty ahot tor Cypren to Ue the 1ame and the Chargers had the bill out al bounds. Eight seconds later Swen Langeberg was fou1ed and made two free throws to put Cypress ahead for 1ood. Orange Coast was never in the 1ame after that. although it tried evf!!Y way to battle baet and then finally simply to prolon_g )be ridiculous 8J>OClacl•. With 3:51 to• go, Wet 1e1 switched to hif tlctk. of drawlfll a 4'elilMl'lte' ttdmical, hopng to have N.i .Uant Cut a 11).pclint,~elkil. He clld tjlls ~ ~ by , haviq: tbe1 Pirates call a ttmeoul after they had used up lbelr quota. Ttie game flnllly reached the bolling. point with 1: 13 to go when Rieb SUckel- maier IOU!ed out. Wetsel delayed send· ing in sub Tim S1.1ler beyond the aJ.. lotted one tninute and Farren called another technJcaJ. Wetzel stormed on to the .collrl to pro- 'est and argued with J'arrell from the 'ree throw line 111 the way to the scor- ·~r's table. When tbe &rl\llllent wu·1b1ally om, i"atrtll hal assessed four T'• on the <'r· <nge e-f-C..cb and rave hhn I!!!> ,min· utu 19 Bl 00! ol the gym. Aft~tthe Pirate pla)'UI bqan dd!bOf'll<l(,fOuling CyJnis with no hope ol ~ ... the deficit and wttll 15 ...,.;a. .. 1011' In the gone the alDdala warned ex-OCC player ll'aie Falcooer, who was now coaching the Piratea, that another intentional foul woold ·enc1 t b e game. Mertifully, the Pirates !topped foul· Ing. °"'"" c.tt c"' '. ' ,..,.,.. Joni... ' ' • n Se,._.! I t t 1 ...,.. . ',,, JKallil •• ,, tlkhllMltf • 11 s ,, ... ,........ ' ... TllfWI. 1 t t t SltWI' • t 1 t . ~ft I•• I """"""' • I 1 t c,,._. IMl .... -... ,,, .. ....,., .._ ....... -·M'"'*' , fl " " ,. • ' • 1.t I 1 I I I 1 I t .t I I 11 I I I lJ ' ... ,. I It I H 1 ' 1 ' ' T"'" JSall!tM Ttlt .. H.t11'H .._ Tlfdlll!cal fMlll: Ori"'" c.,a# Clll. C'Wt11 OJ. ... ~ 0r-. C..t ... ~ .. ~ .. Skilng has turned near-perfect for this holiday weekend. With" three days free for many skien, conditiOllS are eicellent at all resorts, and there is. an extra day to enjoy it an.· Locally ne,.r powder fe)l on tbe existent ski base to make conditions even better than last weekend. Local areas in daily operaUon are Kratka Ridge along ~ngeles Crest Highway; Blue Ridge (except Tuesday) and Holiday Hill at Big Pines, and Mt. Baldy, all in the San Gabriel Moun- tain!, and Snow Valley near Running Springs and Snow Summit and Rebel Ridge at Big Bear in the San Bernardino Mountains. Snow Summit also operates for nighl skiing Wednesday and Saturday evenings. The final torchlite slalom of the season will ~ held at the area tonl&ht at 7. • Operating through Sunday are Mt. Waterman a1ong Angeles Crest Highway and Table Mountain at Big Pines in Esther Billings .(········****· the Saft' Gabriel MountaiM; Ml Pioos near Gorman via Fruer Park for tobotl· ganing, family snowplay, and cr<JS$o<OWJ- try skiing, and Green Valley, Snow F~. and Moonridge in the San Bernardino Mounta.iN. G~n Valley will also operale for a special sti day on Wednesday. Al Mt. San Jacinto the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway now bas the snow need- ed to hold the Anmlal Sled Dog Races . Postponed last month because of lack Of SDOW, the first beat was held last weetend, man this Saturday and Sun- day, and the final heal and championship race two weeks later on March I and '· The race course is in Long Va11ey in bact of the Mountain Station, which is also. where the snowplay are.a is located. At Wrightwood, near the Die Pines location of Holiday Hill, Blue Ridge, and Table MOuntain. a winter ., carnival is planned Feb. 21 thnlugh March 2. The event will feature a variety of winter activities and skiing events. . Al Jae. Mount.airl there i1 new snow oter a hue from aix lo 2S feel. There • 11· lrooi tight to JO reel al snow on the lac< with aU """ open. and from 10 tO 14 feel or packed powder on the T-bat and rope tow. Chair Lilt No. I bu aboot 17 to U feet ol. packed mow, except for Sunset tell unpacked for deep powder buff a. Owner-operator llu4 Hayward ,.ports that skiing bu never been better in the eight-year history qi the resort. The .,., is -reaiullhl,,inlo-w,.k altiing packages, Wltb I ri' Io r m a t I o n avaUable by cilllns tM June Lake ile .. rvation Service at (714) t41-11M. The 14-hour snow report number for ---------- June Mountain and ski areas In local mountains is (%13) 237-9711. At Mammoth Mountain snow packs have dwarf~ or hidden the usual landmarks. The 'area has an average 18-foot base with new powder blanketing the top. Cluriflg has been going on as neces· sary to keep roads open, but chains, of course, should be carried on all ski trips at th.ls time of year. With chains, the report is that the road to the lift has been kept open throughout the heavy storms. Scme unmarked cars are lost under drift& unUJ spring, however, so remember that ir yours is left out in a big snowstonn. Either move it or mark it~ Chair Lifts I. 2, 3. 5, both T-bars and both gondolas are in operation at the aru. . The official Mammoth hfountain 24- hour snow report number is (213) 894- 6466, though your local ski shop usually has an up-tc>-the minute report as well. Lee Canyon, about 45 minutes from Las Vegas, offers e.zcellent skiing from the 3,000-root double chairlift, rope tow. and T-bar. Thls Js the second year of operation for the chair, which services three runs. The T ·bar affords two, and the boast for a]! lifts is "no waiting lines." Instruction in groups or private is offered twice daily. There is a snack bar and rental facility available also. The area is located at Mt. Charleston. In the other direction from Las Vegas is Utah 's most southern ski area, a "snowball's throw" from the gambling spa -if you have a strong arm. 30 miles east of Cedar City, with a S,000.foot double chair servicing niae runs and a T·bar, Brian Head gets the kind of powder for which Alta, Utah, is famous . The area offers a new baby sitting .service. For reservations information for ac· commodaUona JOU may ca11 Brian Head 3, Utah. Thia ii the big weekend at Bear Valley . The National Alpine Ski Championships are beini held at the area today (Friday) through Sunday. Tbe biggest problem has bttn to pack tbe masse.s ol sriow, with another to seled and 'train 5kdd gatekeepers whose decisions Will determine the fate of the 200 competitors invited . tA> appear in lht meq,:1 and women's downhill, special llalom, Ind giant slaJom~. as well as the Rm' ~ Cup races to be held liow-ly wit.11,thaoaUooals . Tbe aw~ and closing ceremonies will be held at Club Medlterranee Lodge In Bear Valley Sunday II I. At Sqliaw Valley rectntly fifth and sixth ...... of the -Day School. an Independent odlool lot·boya and glrla at coliria del Mar, we.re bussed for a winter educaUon P;l"Oll'lm combined Wit.ti st.Una. 'liicre for a week, afternoons were rree fOr skllni, Wbl're lessons and visits to historical landi'nlrb, as wtll as ~ RkaUng and other rncreattonal activille1 rounded 0\11 1 full program. Mater Dei Rolls Past St . .Paul, ~,9472 "\, ROGER'i:Amoii " ··-°' tM Dll!1 Plllt Stilt Mater Dei High School· wrapped up the 1969 vars.ity basketball season Friday night with a crushing 94-72 victory over invading St. Paul to end up 5-5 in Angelus League action. The victorious Monarchs, with a junior· studded lineup, put it away in convincing style, pouring through 30 points in the first . quarter and Nlll1ing up a 54--33 lead at the half. The only question was whether or not coach Jerry Tardie's qllintet would hit the 100 mark. Tardie substituted early and frequently in holding down the wholesale slaughter of the Swordsmen. 1 • , ,. .: Tom McMenamln, with '31 p(,i'nls and Ralph Chandos with 23 led the victors in the rout. Both are juniors. The Monarchs' playmaker, Bob Gibert, · tut'ned in a sparkling performance with d£fensive steals and several assists io McMenamin and Cbandos underneath. Tom Walker's presence along with Chandos and McMenamin gave the Monarchs complete control oI the boards and St. Paul was really never in it. Mater Del never trailed, breaking out from a 6-6 tie to a 30-14 lead at the eight-minute mark. M111t 09' CMI ""..,'' 10l12J 11. '""'' 1n1 "'·-..... McM-mift W11k1r .. ft ·-..... .. _ "•ltl w,. Leve- t•rvc~t , .... Mi ter o.i SI. Poul • • l n l• J • 11 3 I I 1 J • l " I I t I 2 • l ' I I l I I I 2 I I I I I I 0 I J I I 1 0 •In :ti "' lltll loth•hln ... W'~ ~ ,_ .. ...... McDllm;.! '"" •• °"""'" . ,. " 1• ,, u fll fl ,t I• ' ' 0 11 ' 0 0 ) 1 4 J I , J 1 11 I 10 J 11 I l 0 J s • J 10 l 0 t ' I I l I 11 -.. 1• -71 "I could see in practice Thunday that we were going to be in trouble tonight." Mesa's Gregg Erskine topped game scoring with 18 points. F-i.11 Vll111 (nl Cnll /MM uu ,. n "' i, H-• i o o ~ Yu"kff Oifflt 5 2 J 11 Ersklnt H1tc:ll. 2 2 1 6 Ktt~ ft~ -l · I , . 1• ;..ii••ll11 . Vtltluenl < l ti '01vl• Arledge 1· ' I n Slllllmever <il'1"""er 1 I ~ 1 "'"""" t :.a r' ' ~ ' VNdr 0 11 •1 T1t1ll H IS 11 11 T.t1l1 • sa .... , ou.111r1 Folinttl~ VllllY l~ 2J 11 C0$11 Miu .,, 1i 11 12 ,. . "' . S I 4 11 , 4 2 II 2 t I • l • 1 • I J I ~ J .. • • .. Jll214M 11 -" 15 -~ Jaycee Sport Schedule Hit By More Rain Continued rain and soggy atbletk: iacilit~s ~ntinue to •pt area jwOOr ..ccilege. tiasl!'balJ and tr3ck eveata. Oraifge O>ast College's base'bi.D team had one game rained out twice this w~k and its hOme game Friday qalnst Rio Hondo was postponed because of a wet field. · Au this now means is Dale Wonacott's club must play four games nest weet, weather permitting. The Pirates are on the road Monday and Tuesday against Citrus and San Bernardino before ret~ ing home Thursday and Friday for Con- tests with ruo Hondo and Mt. Sao Antonio. , Golden Wesl College, is scheduled UI play Santa Ana College. today at 1 p.m. on the Dons' diamond, Saddleback had a pair of baseball games and a track meel postponed dur· ing the week. Its games with the Santa Ana jayvees and the 0CC farm team haven't been rescheduled yet. However, its Friday track meet at College ol. the Desert now is slated for Wedneaday afternoon . The Eastern Conference track and []eld rel ays. another rain victim, has been rescheduled for Tuesday at Citrus. Reco1·d-hreaking Runs E~pected in OCIR Races ~ ... Record-breaking performances are ex-the rich championship final on March peeled Sunday afternoon at Orange Coun-29 . .Qualifying Sund_, will start at 10 ty lnlematlonal Raceway for the second a.¢_. The all-important eliminations l'l'ill sessk>n of the $33,000 all·pro cbam-· begin at 2 p.m. piOoship aeries for fuel dragsten and He•dini fUMy c a r mtra.U -6" o " funny can. Sdlµri>acher (Parle_ 1.11 d g '· IU.), John The track will be trated with, .'1'1autnmlian (Whittier), Jim Uberm111 chemicals to remove an 6iJ ind ro"'bber ~(Loog~Belch), Omlie Allen (G~), for the event. • ' ·J\andx Walls (San Diep), Dale 1111 be-the final d!IYume {' venl ,of ., Annstroog (Redondo Beacbl. Mickey the oeason !Or QCIR. The lrac """"' -Thc!IJ11"°" .(Long Beach), Ray im., to night racing Salltnlay. M~S. r (Cardell Oi'ov•)· and Lew ~ (Sia Over 90 car1 will bt'en . . Jose) .. A 7.11 second run wu . for Ftlel.dragsttrs -Tom McEwen tl..Onl funny can: to qualify for Suncity's ruri. Beach), Steve Carbone (Lii ~). Those who couldn't' cut the mustard John Mu.lligan (Garden Grow), f.:: for Sunday'• competition were names Dis:on (North Hollywood), · ' like national record holder Dave Beebe Hampshire (Van Nuys), Butch lll of Anaheim, Jess Tyree of Fullerton and (Sun Valley), Gerry Glenn (Loll ~l. Ga• Ronda o( AIUP. 'flod..,.Good!iell fSou th Gate ) and hniit Drivers wlU be out lo qo;Jlfy tor osticil'n' lSand Springs, Okla.). . . \' .. \ ' ' ' I , , ' I • , ' I '• • ~cagtffilt's'No~s . ' Aire ·Drowned ·OUt »i·· ·:.Lightweight Basketball ::·.JV a..JcetfJaH llWMlti Ch) (SI) C.,_ IHI Mtr Hnlff (U) F UI o .... Miv ituthtr 091 F (It) 1(1!11111 T~on'\111 UJ c Ill Holt~ckr Otlildol't (ll) G fl ) Allt,,,.. • FrlederKwt fll G C22J Gollllt IUltrlme: 'll'tlt1'C.1-,,, COf'tM 611 Mtt 20. ·· kort If 9'lf of rttllfttl.n llltY: '1·•1 ' Seen •f tnll' of '11'1t ll'llrtlmt: J.l-st ~ kerlJ!t' •utlt: llhlMI• -Ktu•r S. c~ *' ~~Joi' 3, ,.,.. 4, e1rt •. Bee B .. JcetfJall fCl'Qtrt Ht) INl M~ntlllt .. ;;,.e.1mir (20) F If) ll:1lC1lff )L,9:1d'I {6) F {Ill H1f'l'fllll <:. .,.!.1~1 111 C 16) Wll1ort ....,...n (4) G !14) f"11nk1 ......,fGfnklul 171 G UOI IOWINlll ·' klrl"I tue.: .. .......,,, -(fl'4tlll '· •, liu11llfltf...Cl1Ut'l'I f, l'utmen f, Cl~ trtn t. Htlrlll'M: N.--t 24. H"'nllntlllll ..i, C-...i ... Mir 02) IU) 111111ei. LOllHre If) I" UI Kivi WI-(II) F 11) Ntumtn ICll!tlel' I t) C (6) Sttw.nf II:* (21 G (I) WttHn S.VI..-ltl G 11) I-" ~ tubt.: '-• -,,....,. 2, Gntlll'f' 2, H-2. l111l11Ci.-~ 4. ll:v.~ L Mt"*' 1. Sfnl1'fl l HtlflllM: ~ lO. .... 11· I•• Cilmlll"" 14') (Al Twstl• Mefi•Mttl (II , fO) C."'"'11 Gle-t Ill I' 10 ~11 Lf"°'"l"ll fl) C Cll) a.,.on C-02) G (t) C11mla Lu!\9 (JJ 0 (OJ SIMn Sft.r!,.. """': S.11 Cl""'"i.-Ay..-11, s:m...,. f, McCeul 2. G1rci. 1. T1Jtnfl-Q,.~ S. IMtt.., tS. H1l'Pllmf: ll!ll C""""" ll, Tl!illll "· H~lltl...,_ (0)-(10 ,...,.. M<NIY flll F (I) •wn•hl1 l11th (7) .. (fl l•l'Cll C:.rlWI Ill C {1) Tucli.r ThornNon (ll G ft) en ... Wll!H1-hl (11) 0 (JJ l<tl"'lilfef'I Scorl1111 IUtlll~ HuMINlfln -W11ktr 4, •I~ •• 0.n.ncl 2. NIWNl't-Y.e-NfflWV I, Mtl(I~ 4, H1lfllmt1 Hunt"""911 Jf, N_,.,.. 12 ClttM ... MU (11) Ill) lltlllCll CN If) . " fl) OltHtt T. su-ltl , 12) ~ J. Ctnrw Ill C Ill CW118t otm 111 G !f) Pon! t'I"*"" {SJ G (SI Mtnll Scorl,.. "' .. : c.,~orkfl 2. Htlftlmt:o l •r.Mi. It, c ...... f , ' ' ' ' SOFT SELL SAM ly Manin · Mpn ' •· ~'@ ~c < -.'.l. ' l~f .';""~ ..... ·~· . . ' .. • • • • .,. '"'Oii /'!f_@,f,I ~6br.!1 TCW!~T WAS MY MFMC!tY (()(Jt2" CJAJS/' , ... , 12 ('lCL -IASK£TIALL ·-Pr~ o•m1 11_ ttN wflll, Wltfl Roa. f'orttr, "'~w"'l "''" ... 2: ,_m, 2JCT -GOU' CLAJllC -Are1\l'r, Bob Lllrlll 111. Tll!fl tkOPf. Tonr hekllll Ill t1r11 wmlfln1 m1td'I of lht, IOufl'lf'I'· Jttk Whlllkt'I', Clrt MlddliC:ott l'*..J°tti ti F trfftonl cc. Akron. 1~ -.,m, fJ)CL -IASIClTIALL -C•I .i W•.tl!ntton. Fr1ia ~wn· aiuruldol 111 *j;""· . i P.m. (1)J T -IA IT l -Ill\ JOll. 111111 1t ul~. Mo:,'; MOCl"l1_ _":ttrt Ptletll CO!lrhldlo .•f'iitif F"M-l ;all 11.m 17>CT -IOWLING -~rtl"9iMJ., IOWJ.r1 T:r.r tj P1r1r•u1s, ~It ~Id.. rl• S<illllkl, lllr w.i., •:e;t '-""· ('lCL -SANTA ANITA -"iiin Antanl11 Sllkt1, m!le •ncl -r:1'fl for fOUf·~llT"oOIC' I ncl Ult, ITS. 111/rtt • ,, '~ t lml l~!CT -OVTOOOll:I -, "'""· '·1l'!F -WOllL!. OF GOLF -19111111111 tr lnclotl Hunt tnd CC, \tnOoll~l!,f: 1111111. Gt,... 1trn111. Im~ ~1rtt mlkjaldl. S ~.m. (J)CT -llOWL1NG -elPh •;• jlm St. John "'· lob Slrtm11t. M oL~Uo. '·"'· CT -WI DE W lllLO -Nirllo!lll ndoor-Mo111rcvcle g.,,m- Grid Clinic .Jn Laguna Moftday Baseball -Saddleback at Mt. •SAC, Orange Coast at cttrus (both at 3), Estancia at Mayfair (3:15). Tennis -UC Irvine at Cal State (SD) (2,30). Track -Sadd1eback Estancia (3:15). Goll -Rio Hondo at Golden West, Orange Coast at Fullerton (both al I) • ' ' " ·~· • 'ii_') ' ..,... . ,. . ..... ~., ~!~lo Modtm · Plant raemu .. r..t.:: E'i~ Job .tr9~ • ., ,:.a~eao to'~' t, . ' t.ll ' Prflltlii,; r . 1\,\ "\I' :-'"'t·or·· I ~. • ~ .1 ,·,·r ·J • ' ~1. • :' .. f ! :r,l~··~t I ... , •• : . ' r..~ ...... "" f ... '" I •{j . •·1f; ;.ti"!-~!T.!'- •it.:J . • • ··~·: \•1 \I>~ • 'l ·r ~ ,,,. 't1: ' r ...... '.; , \,n~f,1£Sf.;J.ijtb~, .Bl~:~ ii:·~· ); .. ~ .. .-, l " ·--------··--------------------------~....-:.---~ . , LV l'ILOT , IJCI· .. Rerrtorg Theater t :~Tickli;h'":Ae·~oli.~t~ · TicRl~s ' ' By roM llAALEY OI' .. Dfll'r ptllt St~ Roberl Hlvnor's '"The Ticklish Acrobat'' ij • fast moving, u t't c r I y delight(ol com.try lb.at just can't fail to. tickle the palate of the most demllllding theatergoer. 1 •IL v.'as ·obvious. long ~rore the end or its preffllere Wednesday night that director. Herbert Maehiz. and his fine Irvine Repertory The ale r group, had a triumph OR their t" ~~1ft TtekLilil ~ . -.. tc.med., by ttiiee.t' ~"""'' dl-""1H bJ Hertletl M.ctill, "'ocluCTloll ""l'IY•• J""' Elltort, 11..., _ _, Tr c .. i,. 11rtlrlft •"ll _,_ w llt.kherd Tripklt, ledlrtk.tl alrirc;tor JCllll\ A. 0.""-•rtsenled ~lday ,......,. S.IUrdll' u11HI Mlordl 1 b• ,.,_. t,..lrle Jl~r!wv Thffler ltl IM t 1\fdl1 Ttin~r lfl Ille UC lnilfle ,,,...._ ~" THI! CAIT Ellie SPraO.tlt .. . Dfln. llrowl\ U11d1 Henrv .. Mlcllael Y1nl1nol1111Um Gorlo........ .. . ..•. lr11<1 8ouc:ll1rd ll1be M1~0 ............ Betlv Tesm1" Joe bnel!I ., ..•••••.... J<>llft H1g1Nrd e1uett Pr11t ........... Mllnt Etluon •-•leo ..•.. , ••••.....•. L1rrv Lotf Or. sun............. . Sldne, Coolc Anno Zuto.. •. •• .. . . ol.ltrld Amelld! P11>1 Zuoo ........ Cll1•le1 F. Hu1Cllln1 ,.,......,. ZUIHI........ . .IC11hy Oo11cw1n eroiner Zu110 ..••••... c. StePhen Nisbet Mrt. Hu,.bl. ............ ,Suwn 8ed>OW l 11...,.uieoi:i1e ............. Jeri Collins Toni Ale~111der Annt Pe1rio11 ' " ' 1MPRESSIYE Mark Erickson have wagered 10 cenls .on lhe chances of its su<.'Cess 10 minutes after the opening cur· tain. It 's been a loilg, long ti1ne since "'e'vc \l'itnessed such a slow, labored opening to a comedy and It 's our sincere hope that director hands. Thty received a Machiz gel.I· ·~y and does tremendous ovation from a something atiout ·it. ~lighted UCI audience and Ten minutes·later. we were the exhausted but very happy not in the !1ig,Ntst doubl about company richly deserved lhe meritS of this zany. satire- every handclap. !!ludded vehicle. It catches fire But lhU wriler wouldn't just like that with some ol San Clerrient~?s 'Barefoot' L I> ~ : tJl , .. f ' -~ • I ~tajf,,s ·~pmic.'.·Eres .. ~e~ • By TOM TITUS OI' ttltl Dllllr "1!9t Staff nevertheless scores highly In I ci[!llli~bj the ro le with the employment HEY , KIDS One sure-fire test of a good tom~dy is its ablJjty to en- tertain even after the fourth or fifth ·viewing, and there are precious few of lhose around . An excellent example is Nei l Simon's "Barefoot in the Park," which has padded ii!! 1\'ay arwnd Orange County for the last l\\'O seasons and apparently doesn't intend to " cemlldy .by Hell Simon,· cllr,cled bv Rl®NI NidHSllll, IOUlld Ind Hflhl- lnt bv Jllhn 8rl)Oltf"tck, ~ detltnecl by 8 111 Lvn1m, st111<1 mo11aper P•ttv llroMrlck, 11.resenttd by· IM 51n ClemM>te Community Tl1e1ter Thu~ d•Y• throuUll 51lutd1vs ~nlll M1rcll I 1t Ill<! Cabrll\a Pl1vh0\lse, 202 Avenld• C1brlllG. S.n Clemente. THE CAST Cor~ Briner F1ye S1~1<>n P1u1 ll•e!ler Mlch1el Sunon Mrs. ll1nk' . . OorolhY Goe.cl Victnr Y•l••CO Rtlpl\ Tomlln•Cll ""f""'Pl'I-reNir m111 Ja-1 M<>ss O..ll~erv min Oon FltllUly 11lop until it's visited e\'ery night. O\'erspacing ~~ .~ playh~ In the area. Al the . sen~e:or r~ with ~ moment it's im display at the .,(he 'Play 'ind e !I a\ 10 : 151 San Clemente Community cau~~d maQy a laugh line to J T-beater~er.familiar or fall · by t~V'erbli\l el; not, it's .. tiU a hilarioos show. side. especially in iho~liist The tiny ·setting at the act. ~~; .. ~ 1 1 • Cabrillo Playhouse on I y Of all the "lfaretoots•t of myriad racial mannerisms \V h i c h brings out his comic frust rations. His !lecond act fi~ht scene with Corie - always a c r owd pleaser - is excellently done on both counts a n d easily the high point of the show. The plum role of Corie·~ mother. Mrs. Banks. is well clone by Dorothy Good whose sharp tin1ing and Eve Arden understatement give the , au- di~v . Jook ati.One of 1 silH~St w r"lit t-C n 1 c~ers are 'VI'fng ' the , li~es 'ot thel;Rbw -su when exhausted llG SPECIAL SHOW TODAY · 1,00 -DON'T MISS Ill IT'S GHAT! loll.I._ et 6:00 & 9:55 4114 llt 1:10 ... ty . iP":1 I ,;__ I :::r:. Continuous Show FRI.· SAT.· SUN. FROM 2 P.M. underscores the cramped con· ("Barefeet"?) this \Vriler ha$ ditions which give this comedy witnessed, the most" vita l amt of newlyweds setting u µ appealing interpretation of the housekeeping in a Manhattan kooky Corie is done by fro"1:1-., .. ttf~pt on tjle ~own. she · oblervo. "I feel like I died .and went to heaven, and had to walk all the way up ." I';:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~~=========~' Ralph Tomlinson is a bit disappointing as the Bohemian upstairs neighbor V i c t or Velasco. Physically resembl- ing a football player more than a fiftyish roue, he never seems quite at home "•ith his character or his dialogue. IN CONCIRT t fifth floor loft its uproarious newcomer Faye Saxton in the humor. And in the inventive San Clemente production. Mis." ' hand s of director Richard Saxton is the only member Andersen, this humo r takes of the cast whose performance on a fresh, imaginatil•e ap-is not affected by the torrid proac'-tempo. in fact it probably is The lone flaw In the Sa n ampliried by it, for her sense Clemente production, and o~ of comic timing is superb. that !l:jould ~ .well ifoned out While the sarqe d~ not In subsequen~ stagings, is the always hold true' for Michael HUkneck,...peed at which the ' ~uttqri as ~·ffr sh#tN-:' fpunjl: ,.w ;.w:iit' p}ayed" open ing l\itw y er $)J '.~b.f",~;~J .. h"e , For the ri rsl time in '"Barefoots" lo dale. the delivery n1an (Don Flaherty) reaps more faughs . than the telephooe repair man (J~~ ~lossr. due to t h·e 13tt8"s deadpan a'bproa ch ;w~ i ch minimi~s . the effe~ o( a cholce1 cameo, along with SUNDAY FEB. 23-7;30 $3.00 AdY.-$3.50 11 0.•t CAL STU~ FULtERTON,~ QUEENIE By Phii' lnterlandi lighl, Wt1 & Visuals '' The Gtt1t ,,,,,. •••lttry Flaherly's wordless hilarity. ~ s"-;.;.,.,-~• ... sar- Strong in lts most important 1':==;::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~====='11 ·' areas, \Veaker in others, San Ii Clemente 's "Barefoot" re· mains a highly entertaining comedy . It plays for two more "'eeks, Thursdays t h r o u g h Saturdays, at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 A v e n id a Cabrillo in San· Clemente. Su~an Quits · 'Mame' Role • LAS V_EGAS (AP) -Strain- ed YOeJ) t;Ords have forced movie actress Susan Haywan:l 1 to give up her first singing 1 part after 70 performances in the title role of "Marne." • BALBOA 673-4048 o,.. • 6:45 7Hl ... IMI l•IMI ~1n .. t1 NOW SHOWING 2 SHOWS Nl"HTLY SHOil 7:00 & 9:11 fEATUIE 7:25 & 9:40 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER IOS(~ L ~l¥1W( ~. ;;;;; """°'' .•. ,.\ ~,!life("""""""'.~ $i '-·' . ,. / ' :' ""-. THE ............. \ .,, 'SW" &8&1111A'ifE ( '\ -~-"'~NSJ.SS"!'f\w .....,... ~' • V•11k1 Film h1livel ,.ri1e Win11 i119 Short "A WINDY DAY". 1nd e "llAZIL"-Color ~1 stage musical opened al Caesar's Palace last Christ· mas and had lour months to li=:==:=:=:=:=::==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::;'.11 run . can spot & pbony 1. mjJf'. '"'a;.r. What I need is ~some way to Rpo~ 'em up qlo..cie." "1lss }{ayward said her doc-tor. told her only rest wOUld heal 1'cr throat. "It breaks my heart to· leave." the q . y'ear-olcl actress 1vhispcrcd to ne"·smen Tuesday. • . . i,,;11;.~11 • •• 11niqu1J ·,. tupt rbt -M•rg•r.t Cowles cl .ii.,. pilot "JUST BETWEEll US" &.ry ,,..;., Sil. I ~-. T111 M1rd i Tic:l!9't ··~ ot ... Offl<e .. "--' '"'""'" ' . ,.,. l'ill1 Yi111 1 Nowport e.l1h ._, 671·1110 ' . ' 1-'fic.t Attl'~ Inc & TIW,.,t>on .. fdM..,ul.t c • ....i. .,-'no.. €hildren's Film Festival Opening Spe.ch Th• BMr • The MouH ·Tl)e Story of Cinderella TI'11•n G-Lumboriqg !){mentions hdclle To The S11 Chriltmaa Crmck1r TlteM1hortfllm1 have collectively won 20 m.;or international film 1w1rd1 SHOWING AT THE MESA Next Fri • .al Sat. at 10 a.m. al)il 12 p.m. and al!ff on Sunday at 1 i'•'p.m. :_· ·~" Seats so, ' • ••• ••••• • ••• •• •••• • •• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR• BLVD. llEWPOM BEACH • 644·0760 ·sun TO • ONE OF THE s OSCAR NOMINATIONS FOi IEST PICTllU Of 1'61" ~~tll .. G11t.,. SPICIAL SA TlltDAY lllOtNIN• STU DINT SHOW-$1.U w 51114.., Cenl-10 o.m. "DAZZUN6! Once )1111 see it, you11 lltl'fl' again pid1IR 'llomeG & Juliet' quilt the way yoa did before!" -un ==""---. ~~UmllEW I RoMF.o I 8'JUJ,JET MordJ ' ......... zl,lluw,.like lJo\KI. 777~ .It .... e:D}OY.I f!)orDlOUI. success •WlUI . . ' ' · .. '• - t·U1t , 12 . ·. .,r. IHULAI ,.ICIS ~ ., ' uCAAIELOT'I Plu1 "PAPER LION" wltll Ai.. Alff c..1111 .... '"" .... s-.-11• ,,,,., women, his author made him I follow the puritan Comnu.misl. morality professed since the late days ol the Stallln era. Ii=========== Agent · rn made hls ap- pearance in B~Jgaria in the mld.19SOs and since .then has become 'as welt.:.knowh int he Communist world as Bond in ~do ! .... . ,, I N lf t!ACM _ _., ........ ,..,. ........ LU. bl--.,_ J..QSll the West. Mii F•rrow '"'IOSIMAIM IA.IT" In COkl!' Cll~l E11twood-ln Color "HA.NG 'EM HIGH" • Tiie GrNtlsl Ao~Ht"'' 9f 1J'rttll All! Wiii DlSMV'I '"Swlu h.aty l.W.-11"' ill Colw . ........ -• 147.Jffl 2od Top Actloo Show MlCHAll YORK JEREMYKfMP ft~5Tr STARTS WEDN"51>AY ~--·· .,,tJl AL$0--"IUT P1CTUll 4- llST ACTOl"-MT CllTICI c5\1aq, cMi1( . c:u __ !:! O.wld Nlwn !n Color -..l"l.l:iilll "AROUND THI WOILD IN IO DATS" • C( ~ .. Dorl Dl1>-ln COior 1S ~ .&Al.&At.l.!f "WITH Sil YOU Cl.1. ... .-....-. •n IGGIOLL·"=..--'!''rl -DUlllCI . ,,,. ~l.t i -....... --lf·:"'-·,....,.-.,..-1lt-,.-.· I E~:-=.::·J~~:. I "THEY CA.Ml TO IOI LAS YECloA.S" in ColOr 1'1trlcll O'HNl-111 C.Olllr , ! "A.SSIQ.NMi:NT -TO Kl \.4-.", · .. ~;-........ • Mel •••• ~.· • "the producer1" .i:KtmmtNIM fer Adults Kirk Oo\lgl1s-Al1x (Drd ''Tiie lrettierffM" In Color EVE SHOW STAITS 6:41 CONT. SUN. FROM 2 P.M. Mk~fttl York -In Col11r "Stnu1 .. Aff91f" _,_ .. ~ .................. . EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BECAUSE OF THE UNUSUAL ENDING NO OliJI WIU. n .UMlnlD DUllM5 THI UST ll MINU1'1S ALSO Pl.AYIN.G- Cllltt lestwMll . ' 'If . t .. h:'s time \o sptHof•w:apkN ~:-•• i EUZAll£11f TAYLOR MIA~AA.-OW ·~~. tt'>Wl in "Roeo , Bl Y• Beb.,..- "' A ..0.... >E"l'MIN ~ !~sECRETCE'ii&iWoNvn I RDBERT'Mm:HUM I .. _PEGGY ASHCROFT PAM;LA BRCMIN .. ·----/19.11U-lml{l/-•OU!8- "COOGANS BLUFF" F,c;o.TA•U• mioot SOUTH COAST C!llRil ox l"l..AZA THEATllE C'ORPOlllllllN San Dileo Freew11 at Bristol • 546;2711 OPEN DAILY 6:00 P .M. ALSO "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" Wit. THUIS. MON a Tun. SWllS •AMILY IOllNIOH-6:)0 I 18 P.M. -COUGAI t :4S fll. SAT. SUN. SWISS PA.MILT IOllNION 121JD-4·7:4S,11 :10 COU•AW:4S·61lt a·t 1ll j t .• .• •RACH • AT l:lLIS • • HUNTINGTON •••c" .• ••?·••o• r .. ltlhly Eads Tuesday Dean Martin att Helm swings with ' < The , )Wreckins ..,,p, c ' TECHNICOLOR0 rew ALSO STARTS WEDNESDAY ILIZAlnH TAYLOl MIA fAlllOW llOIElT MITCHIN "SECRET CEREMONY• _,. • ll'CllJIC'OLllll" 'UMlSll ~ l#llt/..,HJI m -·-fili.•.111.lla • s.....,, ~oll...,Y22. lM WlY mot JS PIANUTS .. t _, . ......,.M ...... ' ' lfellp ~...... "°" •nd &if"' . I and W~lt.a' to & rllh'; s,tun11y -alng in Unele Len'• COrner . . U11<if,' ~· il;mJ11 1l>non-~ out· ~''lla:f&' Our i>Qetey ~ tOitaj livi1 in ~ ,..-· 'lie received a 1 pacbge (~ his aunt in l!'o~~l1ey llJ:•ppelj in tll&.DA ~ PIL()T 'will\ Uncle Len's1 , -and one of our &-\.Ip is from Lona Beac;h. 1 ' .. l • '. . ' ' I" . ' I ... ··: .. ••• , UNCLE LEN was disap- pointed this week because so manY boy4, and girls sent Jn their George Washington picture.I the wrong s i'z e. Remem~ to check the direc· u~ under the picture before you submit a clra!ing. • • PERKINS • • nk-----t" ~ ·: . .. , Also along that line, for th< .-----.,---.. -,.,. .. _,,,_ ________ ...., ________ ..;..._,, mother 'who wrote ln to a1k • :·~ .... ~1•0~ ":i~~ifp·~i: * PRIZE WINNER use uotber'pi~ture as a model This week's contest winner ls Kari Quale, 7, !or ll!i.or he<, drJwing, but '" .;:4533 Brighton Ave., Corona de! Mar · it cannot be trliced. In other · · wonll, It mull be th< boy Any cl!lld under 1.2 Cll! enter Uncle Len'• Art Contest. .Here's all you or girl's own work, even do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 5Jf.i inches wide and * "' ·:.: JUDGE PARKER though it is inspired by 4 inchr,s d~p. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace something else. picture. It must be your own work. {3) Put your name , age and address t toft.P NAW Next week March \\'ill be on back of drawing, Mail it to .Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY HE POESNT MlVE AVV· Tt:!l..P YOll ntlT llFO«I cnmirur in U4e either a li,on . PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. n4ING ON MIM. EXCEPT' VOf . l(Ff YOlllMLf. .,,., ... oe MOWEV AMP• !J::;C!!.,,_Ol'&I otl All MIAall.T or a lamb, IO that's what (Afr: KEYS: ) A.WO IATTRY CMAailt th< lllbfect GI ,P.ur co.qi..\ will '-------------;--...:...-----,,,...,--.,. ___ _.__,I 1'>---~ill !:ett°°. think Mari:b .Armstrong.~~~.~~;~~~.i ~1id ~~~1t4e~th ; i~~'. ·~··:'~ nota·~ · ' Karen Ridge, 81h, Newport I sta•ed away ffotn s'chool 1'".;.J. ' .. ' are· · · t HOt'tQ~~~t>win· Beach, and Mary Gustafson, ; illi'jijjU~ ~.;:"itway(J':.; ·,. ners in thla week's'tf.Ctiliiut '10, Huntington Beach. . f And t~~ed to get som~."'ood , Bafr. ... hit-hopes are 1:jways are· • · ~.' .. • or you. wrong:~~~ Jill. Vitallch, 1f;~(·~·Costa GEORGE WASHING1'0N His father said, "I'm not Aad be is always alone Mesi; Debbie Schirirµ, 8lh, When George · w8s .$m' a m~~ glad you took a holiday And a friend would be a Huntington Beach;, Bi 11 boy song; Pulford, 11, Fountain Val!Ey; He chopped down a tree; And cut me some wood ; The children all pass him Jeri HoneyweU, 6, Fountain His fat.her was very mad. So now you are a good boy by VaUey; Jim Taylar, 12, He said, "Why did you cOop Just like you a I w a Y S And his sadness wroughta La Hill Kri F I th '" should." ' guna a; s el'NI rom, at tree . t 10, C"ta Mesa ·, T'-othy d , f , 1. -Mary G111t1111on, HYntlntlto" 11 .. ch a ear; .... George sai , ' can t 1e But the pain of his Is not THE LONELY as great' PEACE Will peace ever come our way ?" · ;All,tbat ever comes ·is war; ~r you'vei ~ beaten r .• You say~~ }Yln~,no ~ore ; . , l · ~.BtrUi>'..:iie&if]j,IO" tlpu rise again · r ~~anllkin ! ·"'"l'"'"·"''· R · ,, . ., Yo~~pirq9~f.pie w.<tld ·rµid the ·•• $ --:""' .... Afl ,l~,so·11~<;,1!1Ulli'?;till1 ~ .,J The :fruit of c'ohqu~st 1s so grea " · All 'is so peacefully still, Because there is no one left to hate, No one left to kill. A k...,...r Ulf •r11r -" '""• "'"'"'• ''"'· u, our "'""'' ..,.,.,, S»tnll, Miii!. ,., "" wtnRllll tfttry lft flle ..,,. .,... ,..... -'"t. Miii nut """ tr '"ry t. U11tll Ult, .. ,. u•e. Ctt11 ~," C•lll. Crossword Puzzle '. ACROSS 45 Ent•rllin· [ ••nt for11 l Gem surtact 47 Place tor • :·11.1~.. rr.:1ents: . 0-br llBIM!lt~: .-' ' lllng I ·t•bo'1'r111 • 1 : do';: 2 50 A•er.,S.01 1 1. words ei1n.: ' 0 Sotltt t •tr\fs rf•tr s,t'.HatYat 14 ~1~., s1llt'~ 15 BrlUs~ 57 'f...,•, Sand II 111 '11 tncl 16 Atfln11UVJ 51 Sltlbs rtply 60 Rell1h 17 Actor 6J Rml a Blot out 36 P1i1y for 1 Gritn• 1ttuctur1 t Rnt11ber btld:J:'°'" 11Actd1et· 65 klncl' Of 1 wllhfrlef 37 Frei t lint nen chnilcal o o • f20 lncenU¥t ttst ·"· • trtln .. •·A llltlllbtt "ll•Kenger" i21 Plantt II-di• 11 Tilt "Ith· 39 HOtln ~ PotUc . 67 .\Mital out end: _ .. ,,, conn.ti•· '1hl:tOUghfart 2 *Ords 41 S'o~s pf !J Dlsplq 61 Stone slab 12 FollO'lll'ed 1 rtlltf frut 69 lltn.11t t " • 25 A11tofllobll8 70 Spreads ~:.~1"/ , 46 iii1;; ... eat • tf old out IO dry 13 Onple1s1nt co1tpanlon 17 ::'H.ie: .71 !=:" 19 ~o:::..... .,.:,~constn ' V11. ' " • ~ cutlet 21 lhtY. of SI 111111diately § Yoqlters' 11111~ 51 Posl(Nlne ·ll IU!.,.10 DOWN 24 Slfthtly 5J Sllpaw1y Tl•~ . SWHI 54 Glrl In · •bWl'fl•UOll 1 Tlirt.t'yar 26 Fields: '111stSldt 3! Treettd· 2 l•1eberl Lltln Story" toblcto futty mn 27 Enttnaln 55 "'for one :SC '1A1--as 3 Ealatillsh 1 21 Basic '' Put Into '!fJY'• r1J1Uonslllp . ~It of.,, ltrVICt 11t 4 Octtt 1lt1ttnt 61 Ontario SI 'itli11!uet · ~lut Oft!! 29 R>la: <111 eMJrlt• 5 tU• · , 2 ..U 62 F1clll t ., . 11' '. UCW'!_l'.'f__ "H1Mtl11 , .... 4' ee" '°z :;. ...,.,. -u ..,11e11: Ytsltrday's 1'111211 Solved: 2122/6' , _ -HI• • . lo(-•hl<il•llJ:. As for his mother who Ah, look at that lonely child, stands near. By hirruelf he plays; -J•" C•nnon. 11, .._ 11 .. t11 Dear Carol: Why is it useless to send ·a telegram to Washington? PRIZE WINNER ·peap s,aq ame~ :JaMSUV -JMI Htrtll, 16"'t Lvcll LaM. "•""''"' aMrll Joe : GiVe me a mousetrap and hurry. I have to catch a bus. StOrekeeper: Sorry, we don't ·have one that big. -DfMe Pritt, tY1. C1Jt1 Map Mary: May I borrow ,some scratch paper: Ricky: What for? . Mary : My pen is itching. . -Maty ikittthtn,. M111tl111ttn h•dl Dear Carol: How do you get out of a room wij.IJ no; w~ow~~. , wbic& just has a mirt'q" ~·~· : ~. \ \ •tfO'f •'ff# . !ljOlfM. e IJlel.U lfAll''I\ ' OMf :JI'" u1 'l~ ... eijl "'~ ., •• •au ,,., 9li•1 '! 'Mw'I, ,.A JILfM ·~ ~~.l!W lllfl VI -.01 :JIM.SUV ' -flranat J'•'tlllft It, C-. *' Mir "rtdv H!ldt • ~wlumt: Hf of """ Werll .... l"O"C ..... Ill Slw1 M•rkl. .,. n , at Al!1nt•, Gtoroll. for II!• 110~1tkm: Aft tooth cavltlt1 dl1tll&t1? A counUess number !Jf germs cause disease in the human body, and some of them are bacteria. Tooth decay iB caused by enemy bacteria that congre.gate in the mouth, and in thla sense, cavitlts can incited b e mouth, around the guma and betwetn the teeth. Since they are· living things, they need to tak~ in nourishment and exchange various chemicall with their !urroundings. Life is very kind to the bacteria '.f!of lteeC 1 Dl-0 '1I Hof"" I•, Aljir, ll'w"'"rl•r-•'li.lf">.''Tr,,.....llt!uJ z . ..,.. -· ,;. · ·.~Sidi~·, In ones mouth. The)' find scraps of food, warm moisture and air. They thrive, oh how they thrive Ind mu1Uply, In the meantime, their . housekeeping activities con- vert scr'IPI of food in= gobs ol~,.,WC!h. ,. . · and ~uUdl flaky layen afPUad • .... , ' · ~ou are allotted tWo sets la-t-+!,!-d· "'·"::!.'.·or~~ the oecond oet 1 -f-+--1-!I ,, "1''!1!~ ,14! IHI a IUetime. r Each aittrdy tooth is coaled with 1pecill.enamel -baP' pens to .~ qie, .~t substance ,lo·~' bol)I, 'The bulk ot th~·tooth !jDller th< .. pearly eO*nlel is 'made ·ot '' lqu&lt aritl ~ur~bte dtidl ... •• Eic iqOih )• sel"-ely tht='Ol!d teeth. r., -. T ' .,._tel( by "l'"'lh • ba ~ to be rather i:'· acid. OW' . spfendld Io i th • enamel is not lmpervlolil to I constarit Aeeplng in acid MOON MUWNS * " •• 'TMl1'1'9 MOM IN 'THE PAPlll< 8"1Pi'S -r>lf COMICS, KAYO· TUMBLEWEEDS MUn AND JEFF . ' , ·juRP! " ' MISS PEACH . ·-·-· 'IW M"'T H A \.lWVll 1'00! NOW', irOlt 1'ME LAST TIME .. WMAT!!..YOUlt . .,~ ~-~ " ' W~Y?tTs IN BA'D 'TA5TE, -nlAT's WHY! 7rl--1~rt 'In a IOCPl.'of the I•'!';~ Ind Ila ,)Oill1 to "°'"' ""' You woul{t think µi.t a sturdy' tooth .II safe fi'<m;leD forms ol. attack. Not so. We all know wtt!i rt~ that our teeth ~~ io get ca"1tlfe; And Cavltlta are caused by bac· terla. · compact.a. 'It tends to IOften ind wilt thin. SOme of the peH)' bacteria then turn theii •l\tDUon from food 11Ctaps and bellit to devour th< JO!tened enmel, moltcute by moletdte. A crack appiqn, then a hole . The blcterll •• tbroogh 'and •tert '° d..V., th< lf<)fler ,dentine. Now ui tooth hU a cavi\y '-i lll'OWlng pooket of dltt.-'l'bt, damqed enamel ~bftf4t\. eipose1 the tooth to -~ htat and coWt;'!l!I; ...;..-.In th< pulp set>ft -~ -agos to the brlln -Ind tbi dlleued tooth b<Jfils to acht. 1116fn'/ HI IHQlllD ·•CH A .. MIWOH~lt .. It takes about 25,000 bac- terla to measure an Inch and we chew up an asaortment cf them wilb every blte cf food. Some of these bltsy creatures are left inside the ~ -~ --· ------·""------------------~ ---. llU./ . ' • ' • ... .. , , ' ly John Miies .. -~ ly Ferd Johnson CUlt~eNT e'IJNTS? THATIS PAACTtCALLY ANC!~NT HISTOFlY !! By Tom K. Ryan • • ! f ' .. ) • • I . I I ' ' l l r I I t t • ., • ! • ! • • • I • • • • • • I I ~ I I I • • I i • • : • . . • l . ' \ Dive Setup SAN J~E (AP) -Tbe Navy has christened equJp- ment lnteoded lo .permit free. swlmmlng • 8CUba divers lo operate at ISO feet for lengthy periods. The .,.tom was built by Fl,IC C..,..1 at a cost of fl.5 mllll<a ad CXllllistl ol prlM beo11 !hlpboard livlnt acoxi\moftaticm which would ~k,e ... ~'..,.ny need • Diven are to live fn the prt.SIDl'i!ed accommodatJom for u Jong as two weeks and commute to work on the ocean floor in a two-man transfer capsule, which also Is p...-lsed. Divers, workJng on con- tinental lhelves, would be enpted In re1CUe, repair and salvage operaUons. DEATH NO'l'ICES '' . , ' BEU'. l!l\O.\PWA T MOllTUAllY 111 Broa•n.r, Colla Me11 u..- l ' ' JI): ~-~·-• !&': .. ~ ''TEMPO'' Sfyrofoam Cups -fir ... erul• *llU •• , will llOt •fleet lie taste-liqlij. 2 I $1 Wasb or tnr mt· o ,..f51-11L I • · WlniFiiL HAIK "BrecR'' · Hair Set Mist Ii' · -"·'ftlMdttt" -wifl, ~P"itiolseaU""'!J • Tnple dronR plated,• ::i~~ -t>y, Slfety strap tld br1ke, tdjustable foob'est. 14.88 3.11 10D's 1.98 ..... -. ... ' #' "l' .. ·"•1• • • .. , ~ .. . - 'f ""1 'B-~illo' SOAP PADS " wltll Scmti11 llacte! ::r .. 5 :$1 .:!J,.;...;. ,. ' . 'Sho~turl' ~AIR SPRAY: ,bPllr ........ :;r;.no 2 :$) • 'Borateem' LIQUID 'Dove' for Disli-hi119 w/b1C11 wtlti' 1"' ~~ Co11w'erts tt youth ind 1tilily c~air. roam padded seat 1114 blcl. adjlStabll leolres~ wide a.~ ·kA:lll;ble •"'11 • • ,~· ~ 7_,:95 ' "C.llt1rt"' •r llE5R .•. · tooi cottllBwfovercast edge~ 26x34" sin! in ass't 99c colorlal designs. Pa• 1f 2 ~~~r·~CM ~ ~yMeeds •'1i 11.11'1 Oil • 1hLlotlH • 2411. Plwler 1.29 ... ' > Clecls -po'· ..... 2 49 Ullin • Furniture Bowl Brush •/white tamplco lrislles, plastic handle. 59c 1.98 Oven Cleaner ....... -wi~ 1111/mflil ••• ·~rks 11 liw1 aac 11U1MJ!es. 11 1r. r.ets 11ass = c1ear it seems 111 dis-49c appear! Wves 10 dirt or catchin1 ltlm. 15 IL -for reUef of bot. tired, tendet, per. spiri11, odoroas leet. 39c Helps prne1t 1t•lele's . fool .. 4'c l IL · ·''Fa.Ease" CGU SIAlll -Soft Jo. te1 foa111 cas•itts nd 3gc ..--•I'll .... - "Soap 'R Soak'' ....... ,_ -fi ·-·tint .... ...... ",_ ' '-"' Faat Spny . ~':"~-."" a • W:: ui.1.29 . ' "Pro''tun10 TOOTHIRUSHIS Clloice ·of medl11111 or hard tex-21 C tu1e nylon bristles wi~ ass't tolor handles. ,.~ "' ' "Nutri-Tonic" CAIME StWM,OC) , Wasl<s sliae illo "'"--.=~·!· . ' . ' jjlysol'f UQUtD ~. '' . DISINFECTANT The fastest m~t. nmt effK· ' live .,, io 11e1p elimilllte 1110ld, 59c mildew, etc. Reg. or PiM art. . tit lZ No.a.a-.. '. ,,', Wi~ ill refresijni. !Xllsat· int jet stream of water, it belps clean plates your hsll ca lllss! Calibrated ',, -"""" ... -11ser d"ials desired pressure. 1 .. jet tips "'~ ... C011¥e11iellt ~ ideaway storage • .. IJIS! Be 9ll'e1 It l5l IS fir )11!1" "" Sip! lRot Gill hit, ·- -b»I,·-• -·-. .· ' HUNTINGTON BEACH .. 5'RINGDALE & IDINGE{t '-, NEWPORT BEACH 10. 'tllVINE.tN Wl!STCllFF FLAIA ' . :· . -'-'--''"'LY 1!11.01" J 7 :: ON . ALL , :~,4:1v1 :.·AC:·REi '"'F-~ -~V#··c·~~ TO ·CHOOS ~JI ·'-~ .... .usa.lOlf LOlf MILIS. · , 'f . • . . \ -1"'~~ll~ DEUVER~ ~·t d I I .': ~-~· ~ ... J ·s177 ctn.· 563 mo. : ··Y"' .,-,, ·'.. ·;: Pmt.. Intl, tnJ, llc. for 41 "'°'·on tpprtWd a'R ll PLUS TAX ~ Lrt;ENSE ~ ''· ' • ' .;: ·~ '66 Ford co. S'ed'1'n $.1·2"'7 543 * 543 •. · '&OLD SEAL C~lt' · ·~ 11 ..-........-. v.._ IUll, rwht. 11t111tr,FulllPr1ce Dn Mo. ....... •~Int. whli.w.111. ISYI" ""') , • ' ~~.~ .. ~ .. 'rt .... "m ~•.1usrua ~ s9.,:7· $29*$'29 "2 Dr."J ft,:T. -V'-t. · ,..,., ..... ..,., r1llY t . ' . '.,_., f ,,~ • .:' ~ Mll~lll. cxcz '1761.~ fUll,PlfCI: .urc. '~; " ·~ ~. ~~~~~~ '" -... "·$tr. II: "2111. ' FULL1P11a DN • MO. All fl/II price plus ti• I• le--. All monltlly ~Ymll'lh bold t111 Jil rnanflls Ml •PP..-...cl oin-.IW' C ..... lt Cwp. Slt Dliw. & S2fM .... tr '6' OLDS ' O)"Mmlt-M 2 dr, H.T. A.T., "·H, .p. s!Mr!M, F1d . 1lr, ..... . ,. ~k... windows, QZW 75l. • · $677 ~ . , v-• J~~~~'11'' ~:·91;-"' •• 'Ill v.w. fDt!lt' ....... ,....,4 .... Rl-L l'l'I $§77 "'~ J~· V1lltflf. AT -It.ft -ONX 111 $]77 P1u1 Tox & Lie. $11 Down ·& $13 Monthly '84 FORD 1•1r1-JD, Y-41. Jt&H. JU• $471 :: $16 * $16 , 11-11 t *" H.T. """"*1c. ..... -· ,_ -... tedlrl' 1lr. IVH• f11l .J. ' ""'" $6 77 . j, Jlc..., $D Dowll'I ,". $23 MOll!Mj '13 DODIE ·~ 1• MO. , ·•t 1•· '1"• • ----- I I I. • i OFFERS: Private Cove E1tate MaRJPficen\ 5 bcp"rn horqe with i•ett>c?,w rot\ljl7,w:-.;l'lC~~ ,o~ ne~rb' one ai:,r,e,1p~,, 1uali.: D11dsoapinl .. Beauti!ur;pool & paJAD, c~hd~(jj;.. -· .. • • -""'a~' Mi • trli• .. .'. ·.: ..... : ..... u.;,,,ouu' l •• • fl. ' Comeo Shol'ft-Waterfront View of ocean, channel. Large 3 hrs., fonn· al din. rm, inner patio. Room !or pool. Well built home. Mrs. Raulston ................ $159,000 Lido 4 BR -Pier & Slip 4 br. sin. ba -near new Spanish On 2 lots. Walled ternce w/Jge. pool. Slip will take 50' boat Best Lido Bayfronl ... $149,500 JoeClaruon Exceptional Volue Act prompuy..: ·Westcliff, -$42,500. A deliJlhtful~ 3 br conv den, 2 bas. ctistorn decor,•L··Copper ptumbing, cove red patio, fruiUri!... . . ,. Mary LGu·Marion •r1 Lido· Lot Vcilue FREE -Immaculate small home if you buy the land. Great location on Via Koron. Buy now and enjoy bay life th.is summer. Mrs. Harvey • .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. $42,500 Ocean & Bay View l'h yrs young. Channing 4 bdrm, 2¥1 bath home. Fam. ~· ,openlnR, onto beautifully lanclscaped yard:'Lt11k Harbor View Hills home. " MislLeidy/~irs. B\lrns . OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 • S 1 0611 Pe11:ailor View & pool. Fantastically ct.arming 3 bed. rooms, conv. den, S baths, dining room, fl:· citing floor plan. 3 car garage. ~fary Lou J.tarion ...... . OPEN HOUSE SUN 1:30 • 5 p.m. 1826 Sandalwood Dr. lven Wells Baycrttt First ,exclusive oflerln~ o! this beautifully decorated 3 BR. 2 h•tb )lom~ w /blgb exp/ beaiu):~!llnl over LR, FR. Eich w/LG Frplc, prof/lli4ac:Pd.' Fnul/Dr. Many eatras :~~~ · · · $59ow ,) • ., '1 I • I " OPIN HOUll SAT l SUN 1. 5 2019 Ylata Caudel, Tiie Bllffa BeauUlul 3 bt."2 ·1>1 -1' powder-robill a\\d' wet her -Bul•Bay View itr11ie BlUtf.-.' large bayolde polio -· imlll'ediale•occU., pancy ............. : .......... $47,500 Waller H-, ,I ·1~.,i~~ hi lmno Terr.-,.. ~· ,f · Cozy 2 bdrm ~ ~·· <1te Joi; room to aped, l oil '39.~0 Mn. Raulaton COLDWKJ.: IAD a. co. \ 2200 1. C9AST H' Y NEWl!Dlt1'1,.,..,,.,. Kl NJSI Open Houses POOL HOME Peifect -floor pl.an Ior a PGtl home, 4 bdrms, huge giµne room, ac-- cegg to bath It muter bdrm down stairs. W'11 n'lalnlain!d. Top buy. $40,950 ')1 :, s,1 ·\ ~· r~• ')\\· ;iltl~ 546-5990 ' lll Broad"'·ay "'5·018L Exclusive Orlna Cm-e borne • y!ar around living ~ ~ }larbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, priced to atll fast at . S69.!iGI By appt only COlllN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036E.CoastHwy,CdM £i ;475-l66l 4 Bdrms • 2 Baths POOL Cwstom • bit home in Mesa Verde on quiet cul-de-sac St 2100 sq fl, d ee bit-in kllcb- en, extra lge lot. 10~~ dcrw n • $42,950 675-4343 DOVER REALTY "For You and Your Boat" Spa.rkUna • home 3 Bedroom1, 2 baths, 105 Linda Isle Dr. OPEN SAT & SUN . 1 - 5 BOYD REALTY 3629 f:. Coa1t Hlway, CdM 675-ff30 SOCK IT TO 'E.\1! 3301 Admiralty Dr. (Huntington Harbour} Huntington Beach (7141772·9530 (Sat & Sun Noon 'til 5:30) 429 Magnolia fEastside) CM Near new· custom built 4 bdrnu, 3~ bath ~me or un.. uJua.l de1ign. Built by IV AN \VELL.5. Profeulona.U,y car- petl'd, ·$'aled;~.lllndlqtjied . Panoramic.~ 8t 18ay & • . , . 546·4141 !Sun 1·51 . . .,.TJ.llC.. ,WE .. f KE~'O . 11833 oak rra1bert vi11ag~1 Fountain , ,., . ,,.; l,l,J .[ "'· , ll · "'''··· i· ... Va)ley . .;,. • ..,_.., , ·;,;,,.~;.:.,·,,;;;,.;~~·:;:;;"..;."',';:~!~I -~Hl~k J.?r.!~~~tf 'f~n ,l·S) -.. -.......... ,.. ... ..,.,.<liM._" . . Ev1lolf3.0554, (Sun 1-51 _.·~···.a..~ ...i1 Wt...,,... .. .._. · • 23 ven1ng Canyon (Shorecliff.s).Cd?.I ..... h .....,, D4lLY Plj.OT .W411T ""'· -• 675..1000 Eves: 673-0554 (Sat & Sun 1·5) ... ....., ,,.. ·M.t. ,., .... ., ,. ...t.,. .,...i 17661 Queenswreath (Irvine) CdM '-lht •0 ..,.,_..., .. rllla c•I•• -• ,,...,, 675-3000 Eves: 646·5227 (Sun 1·5) DOVER SHORlS COSTA MESA DELUXE 4-PLEX One Iat1e 3 BR 2 bath wlth COV!red patio il Thrtt 2 BR 2 bath unlt.s, Ideal for own-"'!!!!!!!! er u.ser for tax shelter. Call iiiiiii us for d!tall!. INCOME , UNITS $68,500 ' ,.. ,,, ·• EA!:t'"l'SIDE C.~1. • 8-0ne BR · Units, 12 yean old and well- ~.\lllft:~."fnimne or·1111 mo. $39,'500 I ' NEWPORT near Beach with part1IJ Ocean vn. :i • two Newport . . •t -.. ~K:totl1 646-1111 BR borntl &:: Gurat Unit. Dbl, 1.,, ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aar, $34,500. 2 HOUSES (i} ~ LOW LOW PRICE ~.. in choice Costa Meu. loca- O<!siined &: built by IVAN 1 1 AL 1 y lion. Live !n the sharp 3 ''VE LL s. u--· .. lled for BEDROOM • 2 Bath with '""'"""' Near NB Post Ofc. ".A" •n• CARP~s & DRAPES -" quality construction on Ia.rt: ....,......,., "'' · auu est view Jot• tn ·Newport war1n FlREPLACE in spac. &ach Pion # 300 READY ious living room. BUILT IN for ~upancy, ts the modt Dolphin Terrace KITCll EN, Rent the older with the elt'iant a trium . ·1· lrvifte Terr. West smn~ler hom.e and ~ l4'·beamed ceiling, tran&I. • LO". LOW PAY)IJ:NTS. cent roof all tiled tloor Price Cut-$42,900 Offered at ONLY $26,950. panelled ~alls. Beamed ce 1~t1.ess 2 BR ·" Den, 21r:i Ba WE SELL A HOME inc in family room \Vi t i nunimum m&U1tenaflct' • fYf.. EVERY 3t MfNUT-ES choice of hardwood parq~ endzcd garaie PLUS larg:e w 'lk & L oc '"""'~· Unique hnnlma '°""" boat-port. a er ee "'"'"" 0eh1no ''"""'".,; CURT DOSH, Realtor 2100 """"'Blvd. at.,..,, beams In the all clectrlC 545-9491 vil'.!w kU chen. 4 b<:lnnl 3 ba, 1730 \V. Caast Highway Ope l1l 9 PM 3 cur aar. See thi.~ pool-or-642·6472 EVES. 673.3468•---'-"----- iented elegant home today • ThrH Withes (2 Bedroom) 1312 Dolphin Terr. (Irvine Terrace) NB 675-2000 • (Sun 1·5) 1589 Redlands Place, Costa Mesa 646-2414 · !Sat & Sun l ·5) (2 Bedroom & Den) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) CdM 642-6472 Eves:. 673-3468 (Sal & Sun I-Ii) 440 Seville !Pe1111 Pl) Balboa . . . 615-6,o.q<I Evto: 548-6629 \Sal & Sun 1-5) ~••<><.!..A yrt ~S.dro~m) .; ~ ' '· i§2'1 C!oiuJM.'bf:·rcanieo Hgblodo),caM ' • ·. -• -"J'. ' 675-3255 (Sat & sun l:il · 2121 Miramar'Dr., Balboa Island 675-4U> " (Sat·& Sun 1-S) 2019 Vista Caudel (Bluffs) NB 675-2000 (Sat & sun.1-5) 1826 Sandalwood (Baycrest) NB 675-2000 · (Sun 1:30-5) 2617 Westminster Place, CM 675-5930 . (Sat & Sun 12,5) **106 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB' 675-5930 • (Sat lo Sun 1·5) 2535 ·cre.tview Dr. lBayshoresj N.lj .' · . 67:1'5480 . . " !Sal & Sun}' 2342 Colgate (College 'Park) CM. · · 642-9854. . !Sun 10-4) **106 Linda lite Dr. (Lind a L5le) NB ., 875-3210 fSun 12·51 531 De An za (Corona Highlands) Cd?i-1 675-3000 Eves: 5411-7962 · (Sun 1·5) *1518 Sylvia, Ne\vport Beach 646·0555 -545-8723 I.Sat & Sun) 2119 Federal, Costa Mesa 546-2313 /Sat 1·51 it won't last 1011&! G ·u peace, comfort JocaUon ( o." I Roy J. Ward Co. I overnment .,. !mportont 10 ,..,, look 3 .... room & F1mi y or Oen) 181,ycmt ottlct) ~ Repossession this over. Convenfent to 1206 Pembroke Lane, NB 1M2Santiqo'Dr. 646-1511 Newport Hel1bt• rrade 842-4251 . (Sat & Sun l~) · ~· C.Ompetrq ~i.shed 3 BR achool. and all shopping. 2 • • bomepriced,nybeiowmu. hlk• to ...., ...._ Only *2395 Tustin Ave. (So. of Sll!ta.Jsab<I) -·• ftt value •t n7.950 wttll $25,500: aid. all thm! "plus" . N~\\'port Beach . . Ni:" PRICE tota1 .....,.nt ms ..... ri•lirit. :a bedrooms. 2 ~-1550 <Sun 1·5l ' ~ · loMl>escador (DoverSbores) NB. . , ,. baths, . flrtplace, Cpts. and t7,2000 P4C('M"tter, 4 bedroom, t t dr.pet, *"'tble garqe, l'On-or (Sun 1-6} dininc, 2 tU' showe '' ~'* -'d~ · large fenC:ro * 000 Nottingham {WestcliU) NB · oew oarpet, OltANO' COUN~ ;~•.1\-...S "!' lOx/"' rt. IW ~200 ·' . , · (Sun 'ISll. ' to Ibo """" LAllllST • · ~. :11>ooe IS nDt to muoh .9021. Bermuda Dr. (~ewport W;I\) HIP ct 293 E. 17ih St, '46-4494 . 'In thm put of tl3:375.s613 EveS< • · (SluiA"1 Mfl fERDf ... ...,_..., ___ , ,.-C.•l Huny. OWN. Uk Galaxy (Dover Shorel\·J\IB I •l W!STCUFF ER, "2-4980. -. Tlt' 642-8235 (Daily) · • '. j ---~·11 , BR • '"""-' room. 11n .. l""P"'R•l•S11T•10"'1"""L"'iv'"i•N•Gii '.l*:llalaxy Dr. (Dover Sh,ras.l .NB .. -··~ ., tiftll ilwlde -r ~uon. 1 ·~ --• 714: 642-8235 (Stfn Onlv) r.b. """"to -" · ---• -~, 1014 SanUaco Dr .. (Dover s mrel)cNB··r. , al $34,%!0, Broken P;u Man,y cu1t00t extras-~ New~rt Shores, NB ~ &iU235 (Sat & Sun l.S) .' 28tl7 Euro.., -by. appolDtrnonL "9,tllO.' ,.1\:4.~~~L:.I, ·,\, UISiAnUgua (Dover Shores) NB IU.500 1 '11'4 : ll42-8Z35 , (Sal Only) *,A dream 3 BR. 2-t;tory 1147 Qleneagles Terrace, CM . loa~«f w{extru .. 133."IO !5i0-J'l20 •· ($\Jn 1-S) 333 E..l!tll St., c.11. , * ~hew·• lilt. 3ba134.0llO . 11~7 !)oldenrod Ave., <;dM ly Owner ~ · · *~Iha~ .. ~'.'.'.:.~. :_.~ ' "sor:4G2:1etd. CM "€ r sa~~·s.,, '. :'1 11 r OPEN DAILY v .... re. 1 BR, 2 , !mlJ> room .. tcrm>r dinllW llli!l•W. "!:out Hk·..,;'lul. 2!z4!)1:. Ocean Blvd. (Balboa Penn.) Bal. 2378 Colgate, (College Park) CM 546-2313 (Sun 1-41 2128 Sterling, Costa Mesa 646·3928 Eves: 642·Ql85 (Sat/Sun 12 'Ul dark) (4 Bedroom) 1179 Gleneagles Ave., CM 642-4816 (Sal & Sun) *101 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB (714) 642-8235 · (Sat & Sun) 2811 Ellesmere (Mesa Verde) CM --· 7Jt~!. 546-6?26 . ·(Open Sun) ' .. 2'1!'miillllla St. (N'ewporl Shores) NB 642-3014 (Sal & Sun) 2211 'i:logar, (The Bluffs) NB 8~5-3433, 644-0990 (Sal alt & Sun) (4 Bedroom & Family or Oen) * 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Sbor..,) NB 646-1550 (Daily 10-5) 1230 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1907 Leeward Lane (Baycresl) NB 540-1720 · (Sun 1·51 23~1 Irvine, NB 546-1720 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ·1101 Ebbtlde, td ~r 815'593ll (Sat 6: sun 1·5) * 1728 Gandlestick Lane :(Baycrestr.NB 675-3000-548·8868 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *2955 Maui Pl. !Mesa Verdel CM 675-4343 (Sat 1-4:30) 363 Vista Bava !Back Ba.v) NB 1714) 642-6603 (Open Anytime) *1907 Holiday Rd . IBaycrest) NB 548·4598 (Sat & Sun 1·51 2970 Java Rd (Mesa Verdel CM 546-5880 !Sat & Sun frm . I pm) 2946 Maul Place (Mesa Verdel CM 546-5880 !Sat & Sun I pm) 405 Francisco Dr., Newport Beach 549-0507 (Sat 6: Sun 2-4) 2807 Europa, (lieu Verde) CM 540-3380 (()pen Daily) 200& Holiday Rd (Blycresl) NB . ~«·7,(55 ;. . (Sit & Sun 1·5) .,i,:~21~ Irvine Ave (cor He'athe•) NB 643>7755 !Sat & Sun 11 ·4) {5 Bedroom) *2ll8 Windward Lane, NB 42-2698 (Sat & Sun 1-5\ 2794 Lorenzo (Mesa de! Mar) C~I 546-l313 (Sun 1·5) {5 Br & Femily or Don) *1707 Antigua Way (Bayer.,!) NB 648,7755 <Sat & Sun 1·5) )815 Santiago Dr (Baycrest) NB 84S:'1755 · (Sat & Sun 1·5} 10041 Sll>neybrook, Huntington e .. ch 548·11313 !Sat 1·5) ·DUPLIXIS FOR SALE 220 34th SI .. NB tm-M36 (Sat 6: Sun 1·5) ti:'''"'·°""'"'"'-~ HUGE ' jtory -w1ih Coywnil Rlty. 541-12'0 -5q,1168, 675-1977 (Sat & Sun 1-S) tun lo! w/maey unp """"· 2400 _,. f .. t 1i...l•~ll!!l~!!!!1,..91!!!!P 67' '"SI (Sun I •) menll. 8U)'er can aa1 ¥ -1 ·-. --.;, *,... •""' •••• -~· '"' area. •·BR. 3 BA.~ ~• 11 ·-·• "' ~/Vivian Lane. NB · ... .... ,.. ,,, .._., -·>'· ...... esme rtd!K."td. $4000 to $41.SOO -....-&!•• .,_, , .,, • w .... ,. ... 77j.Q)l or ~ OPEi( Ownn-""1 -ml · -lor tt wllb • " ~7898 (Sat & ~titl;l"I • *** -_. •-•"" SUND A y. ' • • DaHY PUDt ~wot A'd! I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;=iiiij;;;;;;;;:i;;;;;;;;;;; DAILY PILOO' \VANT,AOSt 6'2-Wll ~" . II! ------ • HOUSES FOR SALi HOU ES l'Pll"SALl HOUSll l'OlfSAtl ~r•I T :. t , . .... 1000Ginonl I i 1aao ' I !3 ' IRr ·lif• ~~ ..... l!>·•eut' . , • , ' I A , ~·I wee ;:-ly ,17,9llO. TvW pml-·tlff'lrlo. VIEW ' ' 'I ,.r:_._ ' • iio~ ' ' ' .,~ • ·~ or' .:9a5' NliW LUSK HOME 3 Bedrooms 21'. ~ • . family rm, cllnlng rm spectaculir Ocelll ,; 4 BR, eu.tOm Z:.lory exec. liome Bay Vl~w -l"OOIP wr P..1, S59,500 ~PP~ at Pl,llOO-~' ~a,toq FINER 'HOMES : •OPEN SAT & SUN -982 Sand~ut}·. ~ lloCki f.t-Om leach OOVER SHORES - A magnificent cµ.slom ~ • ·1111 ' . f • !llD.; . 'hbao~!·on,prtme. View lot. ·a'bedJlotilbs, !Ill'" ·,. ... Gf?mJ'lnc~. ·~~·well~hi ic . ~. !orrttal duung rm, Ialand1tll!J!l!t!l':'l!/l. • · ~ ,.. ' ",.. .,<Wf ef.. 1\e Sn!IU Spenders .. • ltere is custo~~ far-11\9 bud10t mind· ed. .From lhe :wOod ablnale root to tlie sty!· izeli 'llrkk.• entry \bl• eastllde home itves a WarJ\l'Welcome. Largo panellod~~m ovens (sell cleaning). Huge !·-''"'''rill Slail ~,.,... '' • · • · • snp · ......, "' • ..__ l.l " o'l>EN s'lC:\ '§UN r: 5-.:.:..'ioi4 s;;u;.~~ · l·S1111ry Spanish Hae ckl HARBOR • ., . . +.·oep.-cuest boule, 2800 sq ft. Biil pool ISLAND -The only available . ·iii hu .. back yard -Only '47 504)·. • ' with °"!Clure window and ch ood , • bll(nlng raised hearth fi?Jplaee; • pt I country kitchen with eatln& area. z large ~m.. ,pJU1 <0nvertjbl' ~1.nou•l!rde. "ICJtocl .fllllie with illey aeci.F-1~ Par~ins1. J<!r b9at or trailer. Priced l<J1 Ill• home on beautiful Harbor Island.. 3 8e6-' ' r~ms. Study, lar&• Living rm, pltf •. & slip. In .. com• .opportain"6U:·' r Pri!>ld under cost for immediate :<ale -n 7 · '175,000. By appt. 'obly. 8 Unltl -room for 4 more ' • l ~!l)come over 12% -a retl'"'A!lltY BEACON BAY -!uxqry 2 Bedroom•·& den,' nialter'll! ilr)>wing area-•• • . specuta or at $221750. · · · oc 3 Badroom home. 2 bath,! '1:<111Jl'11lnlly ' • · Beach, Pier. & float. t'ennis cOU\t. AIKt'AP~ r• could be built oV.r garage .......... $59,5111> .Col•sworth.y I, • Co. 642·7777 OPEN EYES. IRVINE TERRACE -Large 3 Bedroom with :seac1ous master Suite, formal dining rm, with breakfast rm. 22x21 living rm, freshly painted inside & out . , . .. . .. $51,500 ~all for appt. DOVER SHORES LOT -low lease hol<L--- ' plans available Cot custom home ... f22.~ TRI-LEVEL ~LUGE REALTY IUILDERS CLOSEOUT· SACRIFICE . JohLm~·•Fn~~~:~. ;-, . lt&llL TY 'NY ;i 901 Dower Dr., ult• 120 · ·,. Duplex . ;first Till!• Offer~ I Eastslde 6;,a Mna 3 BRa + family room. ~'iii balhl, double p&lloe. ""I'""" alve caipeta I ~pea..~h> matte Pracit door openers, ·~-•-,cau 1IO'W' tD lee. ONE-OF-A-KIND two level, brand ne)V CUS• tom home near the Mesa Verde Country Club. 4 bedrooms huge family 'room w!tli • wet bar, d.lning uea, etc. MUST .BE. SOLD THIS WEEKEND -any reasonabl9 offer c9nsiderod. Open Sat/Sun afternoons. 642°1235 Excellent condition. GUed . 2"' Moul Ploce, off Mou Verde Dr. 1 in fabulous Mtu Verde f!1i;;;.~;;'ii:;;:'' I .. JU11"l, -· , ......... WESTCUFF · Executive MolW ~bi!...~:'::'~ $32,SOO ISllO ADAMS ot HARBOR, CM 5415* Open Sat & Sun 1-5 On Hu9e Lot! N.wport ••• _. ...... 141,000. {n11r Cinem1 Th11tre) 1200 Exceptional family h o '!' e . Eventrw phi:lne • m.641'9 Newport . ...u«1 am""' '""'""" Mesa del Mar Cost• MM• 1100 Somerset-Lane shade trees and ~autiful 0P'1.N~ t'.C?JJSE et t.arge· 4 BR, 2 bath home ·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;. This beautiful home MUST shrubs. A thick shake roof "'$~~~-1 ~ ~ Victorll with ll'tat famill:~Jocation. BESE,ENtoaprecia~.Spac-,a;Mt.eleg~ceand~, to • ulf1 l 1 l~ Beauutul uh pane)ing, new EAS1SIDE ious 3 bchm. plus extras ;~•1J1PflCXIUS.l ~ W.· th . '..U:..1 I paint. close lo schools. Sol.id •'"'""" 3 n.~-I'' ~ i-•'-·udtat· le.. •t• • .,..,,,..., · ~ms, .,,.. sleeping rm. 2 bath!;, din. ~ ,_,....-.7 , ~,, .. ~Pf.. 90I Che.tnut Pl•c• l imiliiliiiim~' m-'= Vlllue•at $27,950. ba\hs on quiet cul de sac. rm. "· 1v. rm. p ... c-• _. i.,*9J:phomeoa·larp.Jot. ., stree .. .,..,..\&"~loan. lg r 2 .,.. •· """ -.. ~ ~ "rino" t 5• ~ -·· es, ~Irie blt·in 's, w/91 cpt. , roo!U6. Queen ~ ~tbs. Many extras. vacant and ~-. --.ft '-"8Wliwn..,,..... 2617 WfffinJn ..... Pl. & dra.Pe(... 16x35 POOL. •ur-and U!:ftific.._rt eJ~:~t-available ror•lmmed:i&te oo-, a. -• 1 i;:,r Ali,u OPEN 'AT & SUN rounded by expe,,.;v, homos In kltoben. s.. today. $(1,000 • ·~--... __ ,_ UN . u' KE NEW •r.:"~• D'l:H·T.mv 12' 5 p M. • OUTSI'ANDING VALUE -Subnut~~ ~e =.:::°::'.' .... ~ .... 5CXI L1ke NM on% acre, com. ..-~: , io-JD $62,!XXli.fl ·hor· o~o; SELL A 'H~E ' • pletely block wall fenced. 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. ..... ys ff EVERY 31 MINUT.ES Bay & leach Eich un;t bu ' lu1i baths, 3629 E. =; ... CdM NDEIV u,srbdING . ,Bay'h'.".'.: Walker· & Lee· . Rutly, Inc. ::...~. t, w-uh ~.·«IA~ ;;Cost~·;;-;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;1;;1;;;;00 • . 17S.5HO rive, , rm. P WI. exu... · · 901 l>over Dr., NB Suite 221 -.._.-e ,.....,.., · ... room.1~ baths, lge. llv. rm. 645-20QJ EV:. seG68 •, .. '""'. &.6 financinl. no loan "Lookout Po. Int --~--- din. area. electric blt-in"s, 2043 Westclill Drive !!!!II opt . & drape•. MANY POS. &46-ml <lp<n ""'· 2 Story Rliltl $840/Ma Income A pano"""" view or land FREE RENT SIBllJ'JTIES • $42,!XXI. O I $ l "9 . C and sea, from this mod. "4 ~ bedroom house plwi Newport Hei9.hts n .Y ;i ~ mo. For'!1•1 Sl•t• ~ntry-BR. home. places the plicid a.ni':e~~:: ~<lie~~; . . . including taxes &: Ul5W'8.bel' Lar&e living room with brick Pacifie surf at your door-•• ., ~lllg borne m ~~tee ~ • 3 BR. 2 Ba. eeparate pan-loi: burning fireplace. Large step, with Catalina Island schoola • churches • sho p. cation, beamed ce1~1~ liv. eled den, Dool' to ceilin& family room with Its own u a magnificent backdrop. ping • In Eastside Costa room, 3 bdnns. blt·ln s, ~ stone fireplace, new high fireplace-+ bar. Cbanninr . , Localed on a large lot 1n a Meu. Profitable in\.-estmenl mcnt block fence, electric pile carpeting and hardwood kitchen with bullt ins+ dish-* 642.,1771 •Anytime * quiet neighborhood. It has $43,500. rar. opener, cpl. & drapes fiooni with low down ANY-w ~!!lhel'. D}n1nc are~ Jl"l'at 2 batha, forced air beat and BURR WHITE, Re1iltor · ~1;1Y ~i $29,500. ONE can assume tbIJ 5%% muter ':"'-ut~vat:e -batl\, 4 ... ;~·~ape Cod a aeparate laundcy. 675-46:tl Eyes 642-2253 <; · THO~AS loan. CALL1i&. . • . ONE! Fot'C<d all'-ting. 3 """"' 'see ""'Sahli room in th;, Op... ·S•t. & Sun· l·S 12901 N~ 81'11• .l/,B'. , REAL~''.' larre heated pool with diVlll&' 4 BR. 3 bath manor with J> vtoll1' ·~~"·'• "" • 224 \V. ~t H)\''Y !'~ !If«= bol.rdi ~l'\llu. everyttyiw ,.,+,. ·~bmb'1i''l.&lp willc: 111• :u9W,''64~ft ~11a1 BY OWNER .·3 Br, 1% Ba, NewPorl Beach Eve. 545.SM:i - -th& tie.cb1'>nlr $36,900. ' in ~ Pl'hI lizll' lot, + BURR WHITE, Re•ftOr attractive~ Jae Ida-1rp.lc, . ORANGE 'CoUNT'i''S * . . '.N extru. $44.000!!! 2901 N...,...;. Blvd.,°l'l.e. =~Ice= Two Houses LARGEST Al""* · ew * ,:_ . """9'' 675-46311 Evt1 641-4111 ~ .__ . -· &hake root. NeJchborhood On A Lot ! ! 293 E. l7th St. 64'-4494 3 + Family + Den ..,-. SPRING 11000 OFF rn• APPRSL " """ """'"· ~ to N.e. Charming custom home with 4 br. $.0.S.* , Doub~ ~ marbe! entry. • ... REALTY 3 bdnns & den, l~ Ba, =~= ":.::!;:;~ built-ins. Beautiiul dark Owner anxious to mow and Larie livirig room with mas-•• "an.,time" paneUlng, crptz, d rp s, lei' •!ti> 960 ••• -· Wood •·ab•·-1· ~--1-.. 1lve 1tone fireplace. Dream · " CO'""red pati N I ......... -............. -... -........... , " ..... "' ~i"-cu wants to .,·ve yau this 4 BR, kl h with d' · 2629 Harbor m•"" CM •" o. e w Y throughout. Fireplace. Nice le en l111111 area. ·~·· · · l' e m o d e I e d k i t c h e n 2~ bl.th, pool palace. Best H d Jamil 0 S da l 5 $19 900 ' patio. }{uge double garage Baycrest location at $55,5811 lJi:C llep OWn Y room pen Uft y • W/bll-ins, tile, breakfast , " • · 'I wilh laundry room. Sel.'Ond with wet bar and bath, c· 1:... nook, dlshm.uter, toad.11 or Ne1r Newport Heights home is a 1 bedroom. Excel-• Savi! Our Seller! Larie muter with private 9647 Lark Ire.. cupboards. Within 3 blks ot Cozy 2 BR, home on short, lent rental. Lot 101 X 165 f 'RING" bath I: k>ada ot closeta. 3 LIVE FEAR FREE. No jet all schools. Big, bli cor. no trame 11l'eel Good size with room for 2 more unJts. • • ' car ~-FORREST E. noi11e. £ast of Bushard lot w/large trffs &: overs!~ R-2 lot for future potential. A te!Tilic value! ONLY ,.-:.., (i9 SPRING OLSEN, 645-<Bm • 2'J9 HAR-aorth ol E1Ua, Fountain Val-ed detached 2 car gar8,ie. $29,500. SUbmil your' home • .:..._eREAU,,._f!$ BORBLVO. ley. 3 lar1te bedrooms., 2 PLUSgtgantk:sepal'ate ,,Ci)L on our guaranlee trade plan. •• ,......., • .._ 61'% lllftllESJ hill baths, 15 x 20 l!DCIOAed yard lot' boat.II, birs, dop, ~f'L WE SELL A HOME "/l tnl'Ul patio. FHA or VA financin&'. kids, etc. Cum!nt FHA ai> 1 1 4 ~ EVERY 31 MINUTES 2629 ,Barbot Blvd:-. C.M. ''Mr, R1•I Estate", prsl ,ii $22,850. Buy from W lk & l IABbsfRIXE Cbfs 10°/o DOWN HarTy A locJCJS ~w~•; = s;i,850. Nou Ne p,., °''· ..,.,"' a er . ee NO LOAN FEE:... ~2~7 Rlty •. 961-3505 OWNER 200 x 170. Bottnd Edilon Co. 30 Y·EARS . ONLY $f!,200 .• 21H3 Weslclin Dr. in. ~untiflilon Beach. $37,500 4 bedrooml, 2% baths. 2487 5 BED RM_ VIEW I I Beautiful 3 ·~ :2 bath·+ ioln&' to Washifl&ton. 2 11tory &16-mt Open Ev~. viii~. Sell or _trade· equity sq ft ot livinc &l'l'a, muter . POOL -$1,000 DN. Jge 20 x ~ bonus room. ~s':~: 1~":96~oa~~ CH£APIE DUPLEX Cute older units with large detached double g a r are. Near schools & shopping. $220 mo income. Assume 6% private loan. $18,950 5 br· HELP! C.ourt orders this 5 BR + pool palace J10id far below market at S49.500. Brirc your paint brush and save SS. HWTY!? $49,S!XJ! ~ .l!\sPru'Na •i··~T¥ for income uruta or small aulll! you've dreamed about: Exquisite home. 2 bathe:. ntw carpeta. hnmac. yard, try lease/option. CALL RAY house, Newport or Corona 30' ~-• has It'• ,,.. «-Formal 41 .. ;.... .......... fire-Located on quiet tree lined •·t u~R ovua • -~ ..... ,. .~.. -·t · t 2 b'--'·-•-GAULT :>40-1151 (open eves) "" ..._.. place, hup cloaet.s Ii hu-plact ht family room.-Push 1"""' JUI ~ u .. m }ferlt.qe Real Esta!~ in& area. New carper. I: button bu.ilt-in ,ldtcheP, dish-Elem le HJgh schools. No drapes. Completely ~ wlllMl'. Electric prqe loan fees. Jlieh existina: 6% 3 BR. Assume 4%.% G.I. rated & Jandacaped. Over-door opener'. ~ 1Weep loan can be assumed with bu\; payts.-$138 on present • di · •·-~ 1--'t. . ..-1 total mo. pymnta only Sl"45 loan, Open Sat. I Sun. 1-5, sized double 1111t'al!'f!. Don't • '11118 UUlU\I. • <.rVc.,-, l"""• wait on this orie!._-. 540-1720 · Incl prlnc, int, t.&¥es & I~. 3036 ,Garfield. 5 4 S-116 8 Rltr. 64s.M'.18 or 642-0185 TARBELL 2fSSH1rbor CAU.LARRY540-1151 Doylel:Co.675-1977. ..._. "CH .. NMYER. ~i.:i, oveol Hmtage Roll $26.IOO; LO.,.. 5'4% e·ey Jl{Wfllt. IO Pt.AC!: YoJt want ad whet, =""=====--=~ 1 Owner. 3 BR., poptt."ffl>l., P--1 .._......, "'-'-! a..,. att 1--DA!l,l DAILY PILOT WART ADS n<w cpi., paiot l:istsklo. rw-MaTl •• "11 ~ Pl1DI' clusified ~ Alwan a Go-Go! MJnt cond. MS!a>st ., • , .. Room "' A most appeallnr C1.L1tom 1-==o=;:;:;:;=:=:=:..k=;;=====,,_:_.=;;;;:;;::.=;..=== 4 BR home, 114 baths, hArd-, built home In the beautlful General · 1000 GenN'al 1000 Gener1I 1000 wood noon double 1 ........ e. smog· frl"I' "8lle1 ot YUCA· _..._ _____ ::;:;· =.=::==::::;::::....=;.;;;;;;;;;;=::=;;;;;;;iii;;:;;,,;;;--;---:.r~ ' --IPA. 5 bdrm. 4 ba, 18x28' ~:f~cCordlo, Rltrs. bon ... room. Pool,""" P. C,/iQ'O . .l\;'-l -/) 'f, ~Q.t 1310 Newport Blvd., C.M. loft. Gnat tor the younc ~\!;a J.'o'IU' ~).. 'f1 (/• ~ 548-T729 Eves. 6fW6M with room to rrow or a spac-~~~~~~~~I m nt1rement or entertain-;::;:: men~ home with view oJ' low· 4 Bedroom -$22.SOO """San jlemudIDo MOW> HUGE FAMILY RM. taina. Bu1lnl'A transfer', im· Jo.lost desirable area • noth1rw med . ..-nee!! Make olkr comparable at thlt low • will c:on11del' tr.de. price! 2 baths, family room. <n4l 797-M'.12 ,..., llvini< room, """""· $1595 Do" brick patio with ps BBQ. Wll INEKCll I' I' I ' 9 I r I .. 8\1.llt-ln rarwe, oven I: dilh-Payments less than rent for washer. 5«>-17'!:1 thla roomy 2 BR home wll.b 2629 Harbor' Blvd., C.M. TARBELL 2'S5 H1rbor w/w carpets, l:Nllf>.lm. are.. GOOD LOCA TIOll OPEN SUN 1 • S 2124 E. Ocean Blvd. Balbo1 P1ninsul• 3 Bedrooms. 3 bathi plus family room RICHARDSON ltEALTY 675-4031 SACRIFICE Mee Easlllide 3 BR. den. bullt-lna, c..-pets. f e n c e d I yard, $23,)l) • f1tA 54 % int .• 10% oo,n. lmm~t• pog.wsslon. izell Rlty. 541-220S UXUR IOUS 3 BR. 2 Ba. r a. rm.. lrpl., ""lJOl eptg. Hid. pool. fl"pl<'. wfBBQ, tncd a.rca lnr ctdldl"'tn. Walk lo S!hop, 11ehl. $.'.2.950 01vnr !l62-491S -.. Four ledroo-,,,.._.._ wm !'* 1or -• Onb' $15,960. 519'500 , .... ~SP·rn.RIN9• G l\fove into thil lar&e family hom• today. ao., to •ho!>-.... REALTY J?lrc. llChools and cht.trehel. ,. J ust put on the marktt, this W .. ~ ... one won't last. $163 per 2'29 H&tbor Blvd .. C.l\t month incl""" """ anc1 ... EAS-IDE aunuice. ONLY rt00 DOWN I~ 1ota1 cu•""""'""' IN.vEsTMENT WE SELL A HOME A bod"""' cuU. "' on a EVERY JI MINUTES a.: tot. Call tor d<tallL Walker &·lee JEAN SMITH, RHltor -.-... --Corner' 19\h I: Pomona, C.M. {l:j x 95 ft.} Jt-2 Lot MXt lo 18 1tory blda:. F\vt' 1 blodt to Betcb &tore• luib kued at nrov ' $!1,500 mo. Pomttial wtll.ml\l'd. n-. Willi lllMOO F/P. ,..,. down A _ .. Rhltor am- ov,.ncr will cany lit TD,.. ,,..,. .. ~r:n ""···--1w GOnoo IU"' Co. • \IUl22 •-·-• ~' "r ~ ---------- IHEDLOI .,. .111'1 -• . Ii ,i. D VIE I . An •wful curious bore, h1'-"l;..;....,l_,.l _,..I -1r-1 ·1euning that• young lady '"::~·::::::·:::· =·==· ~· was going to another dty, ~ as~ad.: 'Wh•I motiv<! is l'l'r"'1° I' I' I~~~;?!? ~OU ~·· m.y. ··~ • . She, '1 believe ti¥iy alt· 1 ·it I ") '' <t-.fi JHAGllT I 0 '-"'";.. ... .-....... . I r I I I ,,.~~~::.~ii::! ·-----........ -•=,~~· 11 r r J' r 1· r r r r 1 •~ir.r I I L I I I I I I 1-I · : ,. · .SCUM.UTS ANiWER IN DIMl·A·UNE ..... , ' -· ' ~. '"""" 22..}%9 • 1u..wa ..... 1 ' - < I • j ' I 4t." 'I "~ ' • • • .WHEN SELLING ~PROPERTY '' ·• ·•I 'I I th~ik ot· P~W-C · ,. YOUR PAl,JL.\'.'HITE-CARJ)iAHAN AGENT . . • 1 ." ' . . " is • prolesslonal career nwi. He ts~tralned as a represeni. ~ live.of our~ to advtla YQ\l Jn.\ll>w best lo &ell your bOiM or other property. YOtl may1 ~vt 09mp1ete ·confidence tlmt"' your investment IS la Cood lwltll. ' ~ , . WHEN SEU.ING YOUR ~E YOtitt AGENT WILL • • 1. Give you an accurate•' praisal of what you can ex- pect for your home. .• • 2. Offer experienced advice '• relative lo decorallng and presenting your bdme tn . the best possible .manner ... 3. ftJain!llB an lndivid,qal ID!IRUernent file on I~~ property & keep you con· stantly advised as to the sales progress of your home .. ·~Send otlt.an'.a\tf.actiy~.~~ ! rect mail piece on your ~') home and outerwbe pre>;~ mote its sale through' tested · media . v' THESE HOME VALUES Dirty & N991ected 4 IR/Dlnln9 Rm/Den Open S.tT/Sun 12 •311-l•lt 1184 Dorset Ln., C.M. 3 BR VA owned liome that needs loving care, paint &: clean up. '975 down will handle all costs-payments $148 monthly includes prin· ciple interest. tis & iri· I'• ~,&llf~Ce. /i,P!&f ! modern · "'''li6ln' on''lll-)l! ' c~l-l!e. ,. , 1.-sac ,..street near 01'1Jing, See this fine home on nice quiet. street, .close to shop- ping &: s'chools, 1 % batb111 spa~.ious uvpi,. room, fll'e. • paee w/w caijiet:t & dral><t' · " bunl.1n \\1v e·h"fi ·~· · .ui Fenced yard, co'1ef.!'d: . ~; io, room for boat or~ er.,. Price $25,91JO.sel! .VNFHA. Co~ered patio. ii" · Price 117,tl!O YA REPO $750 Down \Ve urge you to impect this VA owned, vacant 3 BR home in Costa Mesa that has been completely recon .. ditioned in & oul Near ail schools. Large lot, fenced. Full price only 117,950 - payments 1157/mo. Distinctive Design greets you the mlhUte you drlve up. Exterior & inte~ tor appointments $peak of comfort ease and dignity. Lovely Mesa Del Mar 3 BR family room home, I% baths, stall shower,, lovely island kitchen, ·built-ins. Sparkling hardwood floors, beautiful landscaped yard. Room for trailer Asking .-.\l .• '27,960. Clllltllow Spanish Hacienda Lovely 3 BR + large Jam; • r 'I I' v I ! • • "!'ilear. Westcliff ~ Center.,> New~­ Beautlful 3 BR home with batdwood floors. Walk to schools & &hoppin1:.a baths, spacious living roopi, fire- place. Fenced rear yard with lovely coveted patio. Lowest priced honwin Har4 bor Highlands • M!Jy '28.· 500. Call for showilig. . • Uy room borne , i~ Co1ta·1~ Mesa. Walle to all schooW11 & shopping. Distinctive tile, ' entrl), 23' living room with rt 'r e p 1 a' c e; outstanding kitchen with built-in oven & range & D/W, quality carpets & drapes. 1 % bath,. stall shower. Asking '30.- 950 -EZ terms. · Spectacular ••• 180 D99l'ff View :' of Catalina Channel, Ocean· and Bay. Desi8!1ed to ~.,:,,; light and extiild a real .• wel'16rne fot'~bigh level eir Vacant 17114 sq ome 2 \W\ning. Tl\!-' .tMO sq ft story 4 bdrm family cUSfoin designed home by room. completely. ;repaint-Ellen Brook has everything ed interior, rich dJlon wtw desired. s bedrooms. all carpet. & drapes, terraced custom bu!lt closets &; kitchen with built-in elec-drawers, specially de- trlc eye-level range le dou-signed wet bar and com .. b!e oven, dishwas6er. Huge ple\e. buij,·in :J'lscher- master bdrm With own Stereo. syiitem. Lovely bath with white pullinan kikhen witli Nu-Tone food top & oval basin . .Khnstock and automatic contro.l cen4 , seamless shower, extra ter. 311.i baths:. 2 separate. large wardrobe , ... cl01ets. dressing rooms plus work· Buy· on no ~A terma shQ!> & dart room. Price or \09& dow . e 130 .-1139,500. Cali for appoint· 750 .. great alue ment , 1 . • ' '. l • I I , CarNr ln·~I E1t•to fO< ljtotfl men & ,..;..,. Tralnlnt1 Progrom -Profit ahtrl"9 pion C•ll Art Gordon fO< confldtntl•I Interview Paul· White· Carnahan REAlTY COMPANY I! 1093 IAKER, COSTA. MESA " ~ ' ... 24 YIARS OF mt Ul'A ~ I ' ' I \ ' ' 1' ....... v, ... ,,... =-.~ ••• r--,. ..... . . -. ' • 11Gl: MA'' KSJ:Al'CMI •, . 546-23T3 • 646-.Jl 74 _ • 4 .e ... 11111-SZJ,;so This~ f·-home wltll bltiny ~· extras, bwll·ln elite. range. Only 6 plOI. old. Sliding glass doors-ll'9m llvlnc rooJ1I and den to covered patio. A winner! Eamld• h llllty * BEST BUYS '· if . . .,,,, ~ ~~~: J'H't! .·· , ~ --t ' Ate now offerlllr for ule, -award 1'11\· IT'S DIFFIREN1' , .FA"'!U>US nm1 11n111e " 1pnt-1tv~ s " 4 be<!room Oulltan~ 4 bedrooa\ A1'llltlcally ~ S · llODIL llOMIB. 8-)lcrest nome 'With lldhn 4 b1!lh Baycrut .'11-mottm 11oi. ore malJll!lcently' •P: fam rm, formal din rm .. ..:....... l 'botlioom .Urt. =led, with the very finest of •• __... • bruldut ,,,,_. Owmr "'"""' ' ' -... -leavtn1 ~ Priced lo able ,lor maid. room. ·as-'fl'lllPapc-a; plus ~elf. model ,la sell. "' • DellghUul fOOI· . eaionaDr :flnibcaped, IJIOCll! walk1iays • ,. , IP"~ pievail, one with~ ... re II& FAMI~ Y? VIEW• HOME These homea are plac.i '-qulle !.r;:. ''&' Cuslom buDt 5 lie4room Spill level 4 bdrm bonle very private loll that may bO tither '1eaaed Baycrest home.' Brand 1 nice 1 " tlo or purcbuOcl with a gran~ deotl'to flilflulil HOUSIS P,~lt SALi ,.•,Jl!!!NT!!!A!!U~!!?!~~ 1111111 ,..,, .... a..... ...... 1711 1~;;;:~;;;;:=;; l~L~-~~"""'~=-=~1705~ Nszpwt Holthlt n10 i_-DISlliiD AVAIL. -)Ila ., Jlloo OWUGNO I bed!-6 SP .aUM:u Utb· J.Jat.. laltUul ~ din. I 1llatb bOml. wlw , -V,...I' ,_.. & ...,;-et Vteata 91oeb. --EIP1ide -Adulb. llllS Mo, AIL udL Colt& Mna.Oooe to -·"!!P AT A ~ DOWN paid. m-llm ~ a pu1c. N 1c•1, BY ....., SEA", located .. 2 BR........... .._P"t yud, -~~ taroed RMttl taur;iediatl occupuq-pat to, • • r 1 ••I• t <lout. N""'4 to the ROCK i .,,:::::;$.cl:;::"i:::""==:-;l=llO'::'':: nolojl-. 1195 pr. mo. !lJllBEO~'DIATRISEi· Ava.llable for lmmedlat. co IN ILUDrtC SPLENDOR. S.n. Clo!Mftle 2710 _..,, Wri .. °'" 112 c/o Yim! A NEVEi\ ENDING lllllJ Pllol.::::~~=,,..-Vfl;W OP 'l1IE SEA. Do-l ar, 2 ,..,,,_ nn, Ntlc --riR: DliPlOi w/o!qyo. tolled -11>'l!ol. --In --.. .,,,., ....... Adulta turfs RED 1'll.E1\bon.JN• l;a mot.. Ml--1&H ne only. CID.:5'1-6191 RIHTALI .tf1? II U1 ......... "' ES, PLASI'ERl:D j!:X')'Sft.. _ .... Charming cmtom 3 bedroom anti dlDlng room In a pie\Ufesque ~ ••tUns. 0ptJ> beam ceilings, gleaming hanlwootl floon, and used brick fireplace gives the living room e "copper KetUe" style . $2.8,500 - Terms are easy - Mesa Verde Pool Home Repainted, Redecorated. shines llk'e new. 5 bedrooms 3 baths In the popular 2 slory model. Completely fenced pool and concrei. patio. "2,500 -10% down. Owner may ac- cept trade. new. 4000 ll<j ft o! llvtilg ~ ..,:;: : •• j ownerahlp. ' ?,!;:·.!':~.d.'i'zed lot. lease with.~. ... Follow the lllDI lo TURTLE .ROCK HD..1.S, < 1 mile Eut of the University 91 ~omla IOR.FROll'I' <XlVllTYARD v..-.... tell 2900 ENa.OSm W I A!XJBE " TYPE BLOCK WAIL & FOR llEIO~ "'"' Mammoth BAYJ'RONT Homo • plft' & BLACK IRON' GRJLL.E Mountatn Qlo:lomllUwn lllplBR.mnwrtdtn. Yev GATE. -t. fiMl30 plUI ,..,. ""°/mo. Lido , I Power Shores Custom designed for the discriminating buy- er. -4 Bedroom.a, family room and formal dining room. Perfect for the executive who entertains. Asking $73,500 -Immediate pos- session with 10% down. Prntlge In laycrat Gorgeous 4 bedroom plus spacious bonus room and formal dining room.-new carpets and drapes.-Sparkles-like new.-$65,000 (not leasehota). May be purchased com- pletely furnisbed.- 64607171 • Open Sunday • 546-2313 --···----·--- THE~EAL ESTATERS ·---. -~-·--' Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor- Coste Me1e Board of Realtors totaled $4,565,250 for the first month of 1969. This represents 114 unit sales end en increase of 33 1/J 0/o over January of last yeor. List your property with e Realtor today. 1200 1100 Nowport Beach --------1 Costa MM. JERRY FREUD. CHAlUS ~RNOLD ~~1!;1:cl.i~.~r~:/:,~ 1nt.tsect1on ot Clmpus REALTOJS Talo1 eu.1101 Per Furlhff lnlwniotlen 646-7755 ' . ------------- OPOft Suftclay If· S 106 Llfttl• l1le Drive A Rare Find on Waterfront Just completed, lavish, 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, single story home, .. 52' lot. Larae 1paclou1 rooms, Finnish SJUD&, 'walk In cloaels, fullf cvpeled, land>cAped lo Complete with Unt· float concrei. sllp. Priced at only $100,000. LINDA ISLE DIVELOPMINT ·CO. BILL GRUl!DY 67S-3210 C....n.••-1250 Hunff......, liedl' f ..... 1-------, '~" ·-BY OWNER, new 'I s-2•-~·"'-,·-~a ftdec:.ualed vt.ew b om e • ar ___. ...- Enorrooua tam nn. w/ plut:i!r', hea"l1 llldt, ..-.m· frplc, aep. dill nn. llv. nn e:rpts•drpLmcm'~ w/frplc, 3 BJ\ 2 ha., 5 conCttle drive. 1'ully ~· hole putt:l.nr sreen. $69,500. aclJ)l!d. , AocQs to 6 acre Open Sat/Sun 1tU 5 or by para from rau Ylrd 2 mllu appmt. 1lD'1 Goldemod Ave. to ,major dloppt,._ Walk to ' .... 216'! all -lncludji>c ....... HARBOR V\ew Hilll • with Locatl!d HUnttnston Bl!ach. Call owner 111}1*. a view, tor sale by OWllH'. • bodroomo, 21> balb, 11v1ng sn...-Eatotaa room, Olnlnc room. 3 BR +) BR apt Hu a ll!PV&te laundry room • total ol. 4 baths, 3 ftttplaca, pool lh.e )'U'd f u I t y 3 W' pnp. uwraded car- landlcaped · $4',960. Phone pets 4 drape1, Won't lut. even1hp 144-2715 tor appt Nttd $5CQJ to handll!. Newport le•ch 1211 lqcrest 1223 ~:;::r:.1olhr:. .,.,__. 1 111@ ~.000. Ownl!r. 673-4169 .,...,T'! mnr' Dblo. -.. open to onlrf RIHTMOS Ralt> 61S-4S30 hall and .......,,. Uv, rm. H-Uofvrn-114' -Jl!l! ON!! BR. •• Wtn1151"r.IUOHVAULT· -lracttve -""'-O.. DJ CEIIJNGS or OPEH1;-;;;;;;•;';;;;;;;;;;;;;; v. Fruldln Rlt>. m.= WOOD BEAMS SUPPORT· SS C BR. 3 BL, ret, ra.. ~11':1:~VY~~ *WHY PAY RENTI -· cpta. "°uo. sm. lll'YUl mtEPUCE or I ,;;M;;U..:="'=:'";"'-:=m-6211=::;= I ORN.um<TAL ADOBE N.IONI PINNYtlown Huitllntfen IMch i400 BLOCK 6 RED Tl LE D ~ Veta can move HEARTH. UY. • "'' ~ in tmmedJa~. S Bil, srn. tncd yd, new -• -patio ~ al-cpta. lllO """ ,,., 3 Child :!orda an OUTSfANDING Grat locaUon In Hwiti.!11· OK. Nr Beach 81. i: Slater OCEAN VIEW. CompJ.tttly ton Beach oe Hamilton Ave. 1765' van Buren. 842--'rm inodmt" kitchen bu omatt between Brookhurst ~ 2 srY. 3 Br. l% bl. oondo.. tile counteri. I.LL BILTI~ ~~ -dote to the Wlht/dryu, pool, patio. RANGE •OVEN, D~ -... $195 Adltli. 536-2312: WSHR., GARB. DISP., etc. 5364616 ~t111~~~-~~~ .,!u! :U =-: J'or kue 3 BJll den, 2 BA DOR w/tile noon. leads to brtawL Froni $32,400. Monah-botlle avail April L UJ> 3·HOGE BDRM&; SERVJC. lY payments from $281.21 mo. Oilldren OK. 536-4112 ED BY s BATHROOM& W/ lndudln& Pll, taxes • Jn. a BDRM 1% t.th. 1 mJ W carpet& • custom drapn •~. from b!acli. $190 mo. Phont thnl-oUt. Th1a unique Vllla 536-7744 styled home bu all the U )'OU U'f: a qualifitd Vet I ='=:.i========= GRACES 'or "OW WORLD ... ... move in without Soni• AM Heithll 3630 QIARM" combined Mtb the one penny down • • • not modem coavenienca ot a ewn dodiw cottl. 3 BR. 3 Ba., 3}x4lll pool; GI NO DOWN newer home. It's an Ir-on % aett. Rm. for honn $"0. COST ttplaceable bv.y at, ~ rood only thrOu&b or what have you. Leue Waatcllff PrHtlte BY OWNER - 3 bdrm, 2 ba &: lam rm., BAYCREST ·POOL lal .... Polntule 1200 beauWW1¥decorated, priced 5 b<lnns, 3~ ba, del plso1;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; below area, $39,000. Owner. entry, Ja:e Uv. rm w/~. &U-f25l separate din rm, fam rm. MINI-CUTE Ex. model heme. Im.mac. t4i50I PU~L PRICE February 21. 1969. avail., $325 Mo. IC-&IOS Adult occupied.. OGie to L.-..r Dn. Pymt. O.K. •-• .. _.... ew. LOVELY • Traditional 3 A )&e kitchen w/dinina' are~ Doll HOWie on penin!Ula school.a a: collep, hear Hwit· MISSION REAL TY W.nttt "Lee, -...a~~-3 BR. boule; pr,. ingt.on Shoppt.rw OenW'. 985 So. C.0.st Hwy., Laauna Open91-383&10 'tll duak daib' leue, ~mo. $2J,'50 ..... (1Hl 49U'm 513-1362 pool laundry rm. 2 car aaza«. point; three bedrooms, one den home, 2 ba, , Cuatom dtps &: plUllt Cl'Pt&· and a half t.ths, fitt\'llace, Lndscpd. secluded. LR 32x15, Not a, Je-. $15,000. 642-26911 lge dble· -,'l'!!!U chan-HaUdalo Rlb' .... ~ lm•""''ll"'""'"'"""'""'""i . ~ flt:~ fALS SHERWOOD fllAlll Apll. ,.,,. ....... $39,!!'I. 116-U\O ' :J -.:·~ · "" and pUblJi ·i....... A RfPOrmr"'"S E•llbluff 1242 J•wet Rcducid tl> 133.250. .MU.NVn 2 YR. old Custom built Ii ________ ~, Opeoi Sot & Sun bolpin. ' Br, 3 Ba. fain 2121 Mlremor Or. $6'5 io $H5 DOWN + din rm. 2400 1q, ft. Bffut p Pt NO-•-~ ..... -R If enn. • ........ lnd"'1p wl ·-·· ~ ICI p BURR WHITE, Rltr. Lara• 4 B<lrma -Vacant. BAYFRONT with. boat slip, 2901 Newport mvd., N.B. HAFFDAL REALTY ~.e_ 4wnBR. 2 doba! i= for ·~-,. __ ,.. li'fe •'~ Ev•• '42-2253 8740 warner 842-4415 ='.:!.!!"!!! Ownen Atte\ntient u.......... .,,._, KIG """" GOLD ~n Home 908l i.1. _ _. Do YDU have rental units! mu 529-8100 • ...... 1m -·~·-2 n.• l•Sl Regatta Dr. 2 sty, 4 Br, ... We haw pod~ from R l • n• Ta)(e thll •~ -Lido Isle • -·• -~·· __ , -• BY OWNER, 3 B , ,., --. d' . , ---------:I Ba, L nn w/frplc, wt.-wu ~ .. .....,, •• n BAY • ESTATE ., ..... .., ... yean ., .... ~ • _._ room, 2 bath, fonnaJ llUfll I -ki ~ ..... ........,.,.. n~ --" huae tam rm, ser po........ D. rm, fam rm, ell!C tch. SALE • OCEAN ~"NT • auina.u:.n. • """'.i:..n. • ., ... Ex cond. Harbor Hlghlandl. rm A elegant entryol 1""'81 'u' G Loe • Br. Bar, Crpts, Drpa:. ProL L-,.,_., __ VI •~1 , .. & ANNUAL rentals for thtm. 646-6131 add thf: luxury u reat at1on La.ndacape. S%. % 1 o a n • un:a .......... ew 0 '""' P~ call our rental dept. 3 BR Waterfront No. a living, mix in a Bay view Oiannirw 3 BR, 2 BA home Open Sat • SUn. {213) aurt. coulline ;; hilll from &Dd let QI ctwi )'Ol1 the RED •Y lhe SEA ·--· 4000 UNT ' 3 •-fumHvr. $25 Month FULi. OPnON TG BUY tRclrioe"b>n Available) No depoldt o.a.c. H.F.R.C. Fumlture Rent•ll 511 W. 19th, Cll. 548-3181 1561 w. """" Anhm 77~2800 0 plus maximum privacy, o· ont: of Lido's prettiut 'l51-4000or (213) 611..:e636 a apacioul 4 Bedroom. 3 CARPETtreatment-YoUde-Balbla Covet. $IO • O O · and yoo have it all al bath borne. Lutt encloeed HOLIDAY PLAZA Prefer tnde tor -"" .-... 5 BEDROOMS -· .... wllh fireplace. ..... the but! DELUXE. ""'"""' l-Bdrm. 4 BDRM, 3 ba. family rm, 3 car garage, bit-Ins, crptg, inler«>m. ~ 1ar. dt I: sprinklers, nr aoU' courv. 26811 aq ft, $44,Sod. by Owner. Tnde income p!'Dpl!l'ty wm conalder other. 543-mt $37! ,950 ..... b ~.,11,.,_ S59,IXD. y · d k, 3 .n RED CARPET Rlty . Furn. apt $13S Plus uttL 4 IR· 3 laths nspection c..;., y ~~ LIDO REALTY, INC. Try l3000 <Ub down lo... ,... "" car ......... ~ llcntaI Dept. ll13..1SSI 2 Br. A den 1160 Plul utll Just the ham!! for a 1--OWNER Sa.le-Duf.:x500. N~ '4!!.133 3400 Via Lido 67J..8830 iatfn& ili4% !11A ~ @ on one level . $11S.OOO. 2025 W. Ball:m Blvd., N.B. Hl!ated pool. A.mp19 ~ .,,..... * $12,5CIO Full Prlco • $2.flOO dn. 1 BR, vac., R-2. 1 Drive by 185 E. Wilaon. Call ' Lockhart. Rlty. 646-2301 ··-"·.Beamed ce"'--li'; Bay • Ocean. ~. . -W1•LUFF $20'1 h>tal mool!ll>. 'fUm&l No•±"-..... -.._ '4th st., NB. m.&SS' :--dirt nn 1'4 batha:. SHARP! EYER.AU> BAY • frelblY 1965 -ru: 'M2-6B ::::=·0~~= DESI' BUY iJl Barbor ·:'UAt'TY ilfe Bye-BuJi..L• DESPiRATl·OWNl.R decotatfd,._•!~oorm: ItmNE·TERRACE ..o!.T BR "_,..,J. '. f ~1 Hl&IJl.and• ()peon Sat ll Sun. ......,_ 3 Bdrm, 2 ba"" home BRASHEAR REALTY . ~· DtniQr ~~It pa. 6 den. ~ vi.,,, $11); 1-BR.. n1ce1J tum. .,.e cor lol • room or -. l-5, lSOO Vivian Lane, N.B. ''::-u.nt __ 1 _"'.-~, S4?-853l Eve.. !Wl-2442 tio and rarden. ucean view blaUall eondltlor; ... f1tiO Utllltil!s pUf 601 St. J•mi• Pl. ...... .. ~ •'-"-ca ·~ $63 500 Pl!l' mo Broker 534-891> Cllffh ... ft. NB OPEN HOUSE CBayahoreoJ litnc el-_.. PRfSJIGf llMH tu" R'NE. ASSOCIATIS ' -2535 Cre•hn•• c.. 3 Br. $4.5,500 llVl'K R BEACON BAY • 2 BR 6 11!5; 2 Bdrm Duplex Open Sat & Sun J-5 2 Ba. -900 "---r 683 No. 'Ouut Blvd. den, or J BR. r ...... -.. ..-w/w; utlltties paid ·-· · ~·~ CONft• tlel Mor 1250 R. C. GREER, Reolty • -0 '9<-ll!7 --·v or by appt; JI.tr. RoblnllOh • BAY VIEW Fee lot 15' l~;;~~;~l;l:3355~~V~la~Lido= 673.s300 Sparldlna: 4 BJt 2 i:.tti boml!. Lquna Be.adl. (71 beach, pier, tennis cout ... Brota SJ4..G80 Davi1 Raa,.ltyz;'4;2;·7;080:;: I x !%' w/ planL $3',900. ., Aa1m>e 'lO % FHA loan. 1 "'"!"!'!!!!!!"!'"!'!!~~!91 $4.50 per mo. ·:l~M~·~·!.·~V~·~"'~·~ _ _:1~1~1·~ I== -°"""' 540-7249, ..... 201 GENE'S GEM:t Ex,,. ... , ...... LOWER 3 ARal BAY Jahn Mcnab Realt> Co. Cott• -4100 ' BY OWNER; ' BR Ill BA. * The Bluffs * THE BLUFF 3 BJ<.2 ha ipllt Ora.,.. Cont Prepeny BayfrOftt Duplexn R. D. SLATES, Rltr. • BR. ~ ~ ...._ $25 Wk U , t~.mlly. frplc, Clloice kx:a· OPEN SUN. l-4 leVl!l Condo. • $28,500. By Gene NorvelJ.Raaltor sn2':W,~3 ·~":" Two~~'I 14 3 IBR.-35!9 2 ~-Ev"1· ~7:' ~a: = :: near beach VERY NICE 3 BR, 2 ba e Studio I. Bach ~ti. p • tion, Walk to achl1. Owner Exce:pUona.l 4 Br (3 Br. I: owner. Terms. &H-2039 Income with TireplacH --., w " -r.. entrance. Prfvatl! party. unfum tiou.. Carone. dl!l • Incl UtilJ 4 Phone 1en1. + tra.n!I. A.!lswne S%% rnA. Den) 2 Ba. Tut popular K 3 BR. 2 Ba. Eut muff home .• or Tax Shelter Walker Ruttv = :,:~~!23~ Box M·'704 Dally Pilot =ro&lyRl re~Chet • Maid Service. 1V avail. : '-'"-=·~""=·~"°"~1=n='=-~~~ plan. Crpts, df'Pl'!, frplc. Owner. '726 maon Ave. 3336 Via Lido t7>m loan 897 2382 OWNER ./ REDUCED from $35,000. • b' e New Cafe 1r; Bar • OPEN HOUSE Lovely 3 Brkfa.st area in kit. 2 l!n. Newport Beach. 644--07-45 Well-built 2 Bdrm home, I!!!!!!!!""'"'"!!!!!"'!"!!!!!~~ . -&1t offl!t O'Vl!1' $32.150. 3 J17D; 4 BR. 2 bL townboust 2371 Newport Blvd. sa.f1!5 1 br, 2 ba, Jam nn, new closed patios, Pools, caban. covered patio, close to shop. ~Y owner 2 Br, 1 ba, frplc, SOL Vista, spotit!• 3 ~ BR 2 BA. view. 491-6747 w/w, !,.~~OK. * 1 _ l BR * shag crpl&', blbll; beaut na. Walk lo i;tores, llC!hls, Newport H~.ight_a 1210 ping plua l Bdrm Fum. bltns, pt.,yrm II:. ha. Belt cust drps, crpta. all hlt-• owu:r ~ _,. Incised w/spmklr sys: boat tennis club & park. $30,950, Apt. rerittnc tor S145 per Lido buy $44,500. <n4) trplc. Ownr $24,500. MT...a&l Dina Point 1730 NEWER, 3 BR. ~ BA. fam Oiits. drps, dlapl, patio, pr. stor. owner. • 546-2880 By OWDl!r, 675-3433, 644.o990 mo. A worthwhile invest-675-S'.123 ·-'-oC ._,,,_ .. _ Adults, no pets $120 mo. SM O·-... ndlnl) View ... 900 Hunll.......... rm, ·-11.111.9, R9C aftL __,,.i __ _,_ BY OWNER: Mesa Verde "\l:::=l:=l:::i::::=z 111 ~''°' ment at ............. .,..,, ......... SPANISH-TILE ROOF Aft11.. m mo. lt6-65ll to a_. ...... ate, 2047-B ~ ' Pacesettl!r. 3 BR & Family ii See this seldom oUered • * * * Bilbo• l1l1nd 1355 Harbour 1405 4 bdrmt, den, 3 t., Bl!aut-~ St., 54MOOO, '4S-1841 '"'""• loan. $28.500. ""' OPEN SHUOUSE °"'"· B"" A CHy Vi•w 3 •Uft Ilg 1CH::::o:ARM=ING=::;,:::S'i'O_RY-.-'3-"B"'R. l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I ilUI .,.,,,_ $41.500. Ceata -1100 CHATEAU L• POINTE Calvert Ave., S46-31111 SAT & N 2 • 4 Bdrm, l~·I bath, frplc, Hob. II C 1min1o IChoot • muina oi~thHo~.: :00-S:, !N~a:i~~~~tD;i~:d> !i ;;·,~~le gar. r.1a~ oUer on 1'.ac':ona !:; ~.~BR. apt. lovely £XECU'flVE HOM£ 340l1 ~~kta Aw. s ba!, ~lnR~~~n. ~ furn. 2 BR apt&. Ott- 1treet parldrw, cupQ?U. Htd pooL Adulta, no peta, $150. 00. POMONA AVE., CM. ' AMume S%. % loan It owner 4 BR. 2 BA. f&m rru. ln1p~s-()wnl!r will 11nance with Wm.· Winton, Rltr • dllhwuher etc. Available will tala! 2nd. 546-1170 :!'23,!)5q~~t:::11~h!yl: 4'-.. SlS,OOJ down. May trade 229 Marine, Balboa la ON TH£ WATER Ouplu• Fer Sile 1'75 March lat. $ZO month .• BY OWNER IOU.lht after vacuum system thru _ out. 7~ r A l T 1 down tor* loell* .:rn;rt1. ~~lpm FANTASTIC l1n% • 30 yr NEW Spanbh (19 3Stt, tint-A 1ut month + '50 Republic 4 bdr split le\ti. "'-t• d'P~ compll!te. $56,000 N-1• ~ -~-6 ....... ., .., Near NB Posl O!c. 646-2414 I h loan ava.Uable. !i~t. ~· __ e~.,-·-vwn Rltr. IC.taT Eve 545-Ull :1:::136:;·950::·::.....,:===== Owner. ,...,.., Laguna HC HunHftflel> -h 1400 1y c1ea>ratod. Just painted ··~ .. ~. = Lrr 1 BR. "'°"' quiet. Beaut film. nr mart&eL Wohr, dryr. car. Adulb ""1 1920D, Wallaee, C.M. '~lag• Park 111S 3 BR & fam rm, 2 ba. cpts, drp!, spmldr!, trplc. lst $13,txXJ at 4~%. Price $24.950. 2506 Lehieh Pl. Owner. ~2518 PERSONALITY PLUS! View lot inside It out, tll!w wall pa· RENTALS Pl:NDING FORECl..OSURE Big ~!~~ ~!•:n!-:?ourt, 3 Br. 2 Ba. New crpta, drp8, Ocean " Coutlinl! uno\). ~c:oo A~~~fA~p. pe1,,;_:1:::-neklwl<hehon !oory eaU::; HoUHI Fvrnllhelt re=~~~: !!~ . bltna. 1400 eq. tt. Ol!t. dbl atructl!d vil!w nearly 1.4 ....... ..,..... ll*"""" room .1: firepla pool, boe.l & trailer storaae gar w/ all!!)' a.cceu. By acre. In area of $120,000 pn.iaal; 5%% int. Nr. new w/wcarpettn&. Yourown40' ltnl•l1 '9 ShaN 2005 cAU. AL BLACK 540-~ plus l'll!w 4 bedroom 3 bath. owner-princ only, ~761 Emerald 2-aty, 3 Br. 2~ bL Liv. rm., BOAT SLIP off the paUo. 3 Exclus!vt'! 646-4414 ---:;e-:,lni.,,,°:i finance-din. nn., fam. nn., frpl. large bdrml, 3 balhs, over LADY aka wist.-to lhan Herl.tap Rtal Eatatl! Newport Shol'fl 122& $37 500 Serv. porch. Elec. ltitch, 2600 911 tt, bup 'family nn new home with one« two NOW VACANT • immtdlate WIUON Wt!tl 1 BR turn. Hl!ated pool, util t n c I , Adu1bl onJy. 146-52?1, 963-1740 .D1lt• 11 .. 1 fstotl 3 BDRM, 1 \i Ba, Collqe BY OWNER • penonallty Park home for aai1! by pl ~ ·• 2 BR den ' luxuriously carpt'd, n!ceb' It living rm with wet bar amployed lad.in. 1'u.nlllh poastulon. Back Bay area NEW 2 BR. FURN, a'l'S. Drpa. Pool. Adults, no pell. 1145. 2m Maple st --* * • • lndscpd. J.ce. a:u BBQ pit. 4 beautiful view of the bay, own bedroom. ~ aft 3 BR d 2 bat~ no leue Rustic .. Charmer See to appree. Immed. po~ rnodl!m ell!Ctric kitclten, ex· 4 PM ftqUnd. SDI/mo. CALI. GORGEOUS l'll!W adult apt&. "'· nr, ....,a ... ., , , 1-=°"="'="=$24=,SOO=·=..,._=-==' 14 BDRM +5th or dl!n, iamj. 2 ba, $25,500. ~ alter ly nn, 3 BA. &autifully 4. Newport Beach 1200 Owner's Special 3 Br., or 2 Br. &: den, cua- tom \Vulcllff homl!, maey l!Xll'llli, nr stores I IChla. Phont 644-4044 , White elephants! Dime-a·line ' f ... ' 4 ... '" ... landscaped w/ new 31' -B~Y-O~WN-ER..,.,._Ope~-.~Sa~t/SWI~ Anthony automatic po o L 255 BEGONIA ST. Time clock 1 p r i n k I er a, Charmina: 4 BR :z% ba, step1 stereo thruout. Gar a 1 e to beach. $36.500. 642.JOIC slorage. 1'.lany extras l )IOU WA'I'Ol four ·rv lhowi cm own !Mo lot. An Ivan Wells the let )'Oll find in the beauty al $19,500. 54M5ell Qualfild Adi-~ them Dia:! 64Ui673 for RESULTS noo . .bl««· ' 3 Bdnns, 2 ba, Ocean Blvd. ~-$JO,~ ()pea Sun. Feb. quialte crystal chandelier. ROOMMATE wanted, 1lna:lt 5'Q..1151 {open eve 1) 1-2 BR. 1'zm!Unfurn. * • * • 23; 1..5, 90'll Benq.uda Dr. at Full pri~ $88,500. wortdrw pl lJ..n to Ibale Herttqe bal &tatt ~ PARSONS:KJ..l670 CdM Duplex M .... lla (Newport w... Open Houao Sat/Sun C.M. ...• 1 ...... m-=. THREE BEDROOMS • • N .... u Palm. aect.l 213: 3"l5-S613 e\o'e. Noon 1tll 5:30 PM ut Cl7 « "6-0385 eva baths, family room w/w 1 • 2 BR. ·Pool ONLY $32,500, i.one BR 117 E _, SI w.a1i units, 1 Unit Fun!, dbl pr, HUGE ADDED Directiona: Pacific Co a a t woman with one child, ahare cupeta, all bul1\-inl 4 low-· ui:"' • prime location. FAMILY ROOM Hwy to Admiralty, tum N. nice 2 BR home. $70 month. ly )'U'd, Leue $115/mo. NICE 1 bdrm. d11plu with Sv;ectist. fiftplace, Pink acrou the bridge to 3301 in Calta Meu. 645-0873 CALL AL BLACK 5tG-ll51 Adults. $99-S> 4 4 white farm atyle kl model H.B. ir call CTI4) m.95.30 ========' I Haitap Ru.I Estate ~ en~ condition. C.Ornu kit, cupeta J4ortgap Servicing ASIOC. Cost• Mes.I 2100 3 BR, newly pa t n t e d, LOVELY :z Br. 1% ba. -·-throurhoUt. Seeing la be-5 Cou le carpets. patio, fncd yd. E-lidt; pool, J*tio; ~1393 lieving ""'" $23 900 $3300 -2 BR. 3t> Avocado t. P Adulta 1165/mo. RI tr , _,,, Santa Ana ~ :m Margueritl! O:IM • ,,....,. ' • Fount•ln V•lloy __ l410 .-A ..,.. CJoee to K Mart ""™" t7l-MM' down A: UIWnl! FHA loan. ........ -. flG.9m $17.50 VERY rdce bacbekr -=:;;:z:zmz=== P•ul J .... Roelty BELOW MARKET """"'" NEWLY deo>rakd 2 BR. Apt. Gentleman only. i 847. U66 EVl!s. 536-1124 Gl or FHA. 3 BR 1-.... bath. Ntwpert leach 2200 w/• cptL Prtv )'d.. l « :mW. Wflaon, c.Jt. 5tf..am A 4 UNITS kJt meaxm·, cinder blocti 2 cbildra OK. suo. JnqWe AU. U'nLPD. lBR. Katan For.Yer Yl•w wall fence, 15 x 21' paUo, s BR, 2 BA, frpk, dup. at U3 BenlU'd St. 5M.2'Jl1 adolt (1) $100. wood bumlnr tln!place, sep. % b1. ocean. $2tlO mo yrly. 2 BDRM, w/w crpts. drpl, 2335 Elden Aw . 4 ~rooma I. fam. 3 baths. Larse 2 itory apt., new car-arate llV'lfW room, large ram. 67l-8088 Near MKa Theatre, no petL $87.500. SUN' ~.~~lot ~t._!!~u~ 11,y room, modem kitchen 2250 $150. Mo. SQ....3667, Newport leKh 4200 OPEN SAT & "'' ........... , ·--. .......... vdth eat1111 area. All bUiJt. CeroM •I Mir 1 • 5 multi-million dollar devtloP-in an.,I~. ____ 2 BDRM wdut'n Couples only, A'M'RACJ'IVE 3 BR. 2 BA, 1107 Ebbtlda, CdM f;d'w';'y~·lty S3'-2!1t 6flll\J•li."1i111"""mfill!"''"'"r:1•· >2Bc~\~~20~00•:::· ~ =·~· $125 ::1:A ~·!~W& BOYD UP TO IO"/, COMM~ "\iml' 11:111! rm per mo. REDECORATED. SptcloUI water pd • ......., REALTY + &oNUS 601 Narcissus, CdM yard I. 1 Br unt\Jm, vacanl. OC&\NFRONT 3 Br .. blbW, ,.,. E. Cout HI...,, O!M R. E. Salouncn or w ....... Y1c1nt/lmmed Pos. OPEN SUN 12 ti!_!_ = 211 Knox st c.M. ....... ""' .... Til Juno; 67s.5fll openlnp now. Expu, or ---N rt IMch l200 Im Mo. ,.lrly. '13-1724 "'" llctnM. Trainina ,,... I BR a hat"" 1600 ., n, Lido l1le 2UI ~~per 2 BDRM, )'CU1y i..,. 1111 ------= --___..,,,... OPEN HOUSE SAT irvn. Confidential. CAil Mr. frplc, blt·ln1 4 di.&hwuhl!r. TURN. luxurJ' l al. J be J BR 2 bath twxnt. Baclr: mo. Newport Buch Jltall;t. 1 • 5 pm.. Kory FIRsr PJONEEn Low down ' uaume l!xlatinc + fam. rm. , ckn. Mar 8-1' Dtile trplc, Ip Clll'. m-15'2 711 M·.1-ld, (dM 1===~"2M21~,..,·==,.,-io.n. °""'' will ""' all b l to Juno :to • l5001Mo. tot. Lee or 1" 10 P ti 0" t~BD~RM=-.,.-;i;;~,~lo<.--omt1-· 1 .......... EXCELLENT LOCATION mDEWINDS RLTY. RefRllr"!.":..R. C. C-, = Anll Mud! L ~~$11>.Mo.Adul~ Nf'arly new Duplex Orange Co•st Property 332 l't1aJ¥Uerite, CdM 6'1H560 Sy owner, 4 BR, 2 ba, .. ,_......... .. ,.....,,_ dlMtte, CArpl!ltd, d r p I • 842-50JJ or 842-:iOJ.l tiiXiANT a.,vtew, xtra " frplo. dll1..,hr, patio, """1" Out of Stato 1601 Hunt!......, .. ach 2400 3 Br. 2 ha, pool, "°'~ c.,..... tlol Mor 42-19 td p.r, ICTOSll fl'om top ..;,.;.;._;...;.c:;_:_____ :.:.::=·= ... ·=·""-"---:--: · crdner. CdM Hi. $3SO. l"!~~~'!'!:~~ ..... ...,I rate ICbl, pl-.yiroundt. cul LAKE l\tojaw mod/cabin 3 BR. 2 Sty. condo: 2" 66-llll SEE TO BILIEYI I de Ac, :r ml fn:lm Oct111n with all convenil!ncn at bl.., comp. turn. Chlldrenl:y,_1::,K,::E;=,A-::KEMO=~.,,.-,,.:::._= Sc-. Side d~tex • · $38,000 4 San Diego Frwy, .,...J.lt Katherine Landing, beaut OK. $210 W $225 Mo. 2l2S1 • .. JOll eo klllctr ....S, CANON RE,.._ TY to shops, 962-.am 1 vll!w, tlahlng, siding. Bm: Flffporl IA. H.B. m: .. ~ b' _. wffh 3004 E. Out Hwy. 6i?>J.581 White eli!phanbl Dime-a-Uni: -2.496 RJvlera. Arizona. 86«2 444-0(M tod11'! 2 BR cloee lo Shopplnc, $Ui5 mo. Ltue or month • lb month. Hal Pinch1n A -· l7>-439'J 000< IT TG 'i:MI I I > • I S1tutMJ, Fl:bNlty n, 19" I NTALS •ENTA~ lENTALS RIAL ISTATI RIAL UTAT; aUSlNbl .... ANNOUNCIMINn~·~~-i!P-~P·!l!!!!'l•i!••~ Apt.. Furnl....., '• Apta. UnlurnJ.._..,, ._.,.u .......... ··'--ral -rol 1 flNANOIAI. . _.,_.OTICIS * • C..w .. -C250 Colli Mola .. 5100 ~· ..... • 51115 ·-p~ 6000 c ........ 111 .OU .... Opporll111IHto 6300 &:'Ml '401 ' Nl.o.J.. ..... -t.L • .I LIKE Ntw' lir .. -~.... 100 CLIPfl DllVI . ... IXC" .. 1"'1 c ~..u~ I 1a-.1 ,\n1L. -)Wri=t.;;,,.. ...nl:r '"" ~1 .,.. • ._ drpt, blMno; """""' no JLuxull1!ilVNIM41\JIUI J1Avtiu m~112.1lllO --I "" SPARE TIM~ INCOMI Vlfloi.·.ctnicr CM. -apt.lorma .... pob./ldult<.5430168 .. Yw11~tAtlldnm. ""'111.WAN'l':--nt11A>1'1o a.twnntl.Blrln Eom..-.q11rt'UW6.I ~ ,.1u1'1,ID 6 ~ Ot ~ ~ (lft 2 BDRM, crp\I • drpa, ·llU-j •tcPt .0 9liiiri"". •11aopt RN Ort.rwrt oxmty. ~I~ -A\l&loQ....-PrfMllt!y com...-.,, ttw !\ft wftldJ ..,.,...,. t" ~..,;. fitCIW.1"; Ina. l thlld '" prt O.K.. Oc<uvl..r·ll!odl..., "'°" * 16 Un its e $171,'°" ~~ ~~·.~ woclr. (.,.,_or~) No ~ Jl=I.,...:.. 2-,. old ''"" Ml '°""' Avail 3/L m...7m ( from ~ mo 'up. ..... Anuunl vi* JH,SXI. N8.r 1 lnl ,.._.._.,....,... ~ experience DK't81J'Y, HID-rem.le' ~ VJo • m Marsutritt, CdM gn..w,o New__. B---L ....... Euclkl A 8&11. Anlbclro. :ent o! w: Island para. die supp!lft and coUtcUorw Vet-de, ., a • '~l"Y lllll'll.pp)t 8t "'ul .-• -• -5200 . . Extra t.... * I Unlll e $n,5GO "°" '""'" .Wy, In o~-Co<111t1 aod children, NII-ID aui.u • Mw l BR wllh t • $8,000 down. SO% retuht \VJll IURR WHITI ; Rultor Marb)' .,t;A11 •tool (fao- earport. $16:1 month. N'PT, wa.rld Olx.. Ul)PU 2 1BR, pvt pa.Uo, pr, oetan cxchanp. Call Ml'. Krauter %'01 Newport Blvd., N.B. tory and com.merdal on!)') m-4633 tve1 or Sat. duplex: 3 Br. 2 Ba. cpt., ' Y~, Mar bt&eb I: thop. or Mr.~ lnYettfonent 675-4Ut 1.,.. 67w121 •t·up by home' omoe. , Panon1l1 640.S --· lrpl. El... bflnf, p~. Adulll. PIS, Inc. ullL O.pt 5'1.23!3 .• . 116!111 TOrAL CUii _______ _;, lalboo 4300 refri&:. Pfor, olip. Adults N<o '49<-1034 -ui...r. For Immediate Jn.' LICENSliD 1 -;;:;;~-e;::;::;:;-::,~ I,!;"~"~· !)l3'Q~LM~.~&1~>-342:>~~-I -lndu11r111 a.n101 ---· sp1r1tua1 ~ ... ~. I ~ Bachtlot Apl.s. LARGE l BR. 2 BA, ex"-San Ju1n t.ervlew terld In Name, Ad-on all malltrl. 1(6 S. D n.u uW incl m .... . :r FOf\ ltue , _.._,.,., i.n-... 1 dreA, •ntl Phone Number ..... _, ...... ft--• .,. __ Cle ll5 E Balboa Bl~ lge .. mBlsstt~r BR with priv I C:•Pltft&l'O sns oe San Dlqf) -;.:;y-.t·~~ lo: ~io AM:.10 ;~ate. BALBOA ' ..,. . -• ·W. .Ytty clef.If. . .11-.. "\\'HOl.ESALl!: DrYISON" Who4'yo Wont?. WllfffYo Got? SPICIAL C:l:ASSIFICATION POR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS S,..cltl R111 v•~ Years leue. $165 rn o . CAPISTRANO BEACH V-T· new commen:lal I p 0 n -SPEC1Al!. $2 READING PENINSULA POINT ""600 B}!AND NEW -lndultrlai units. Delta !!>ao-. . -r.8 A I E .2 BR 2 Ba.~--~ .• ,e-"yl-:==~=-~=~ lull-............ 6050 ';:!;-n~ .. &!"1"'1. Ewa. POMONA. CALJ1•. 911" llroct vo xporl 5 LI--5 llmoa -5 llucb llULU -AD MUST IHCLUOI 1-wn.1 l'OU 1'19¥1 to rrMe. ~ """ _. • ~ ..._...,.' J ..-. GOLD Medallion 2 BR. 2 OCEAN VIEW. :S BR, 2 BA. • .::!!:~ •' ......-..uo YOUNG WOMAN to desirable tenants, $167.50. BA 1 ,_ b!L-__ , 1 bullWns, new wall-•--n CANDY SUPPLY d··-r .. ~• 1e h .n S-YOUJI ~ aMJ., ~. W hn _, ~ 1-HOTHIHG FOlll U.Lf -fJIAtlll OHL'fl 154< Mlcarnar 67>-13r.8 ' cp" -~. =· "~ _,_ STRATfGI( HIGH lOOO·SQ ft watthowe • oUk:e ROUTE ;,;;; ,7,';,. ~ ':idi 195 gar. 4230 Rilarla Way, , catee~~ ... ne~-drape11, $2!'.lO . + _ "1 ll p&""• • fe·~ i-·t--"f ~•-·.) ... ..-PHONE 642-5671 ' · WINTER "'°\al 1 BR,. 1185 i... (2131 9Q,7tl39 mo. -·~-·--"-al--~ • ·~~ r~ -•w •••~ ~ 2Jt !!PHO ijM Te l'J1ce Your Trader's P.1r1dlM Ad • 9211 E. Balboa ''" 496-9352 Rl'f Offl(f rm: ~·,~~ .!:~ Camoonl714) Excell«• lncome tot 'Fiw * :;.1ecuve Sina'" • • 673-9149 • Eelt Bluff 5242 KQL ISTATE J .llll; s.0.7611> r ~or ~~.f~~~anJc::;r~ W t do4wed-alngle-dl~! Bolbo1 l1l1nd 055 • NEW DELUXE • Gononl SAl<ITA AN'A :mo SQ. <t. M-1 opaC! With Ing Mooey trom Coin ()per-Pmow talk-Pub. Inv. 1---..;_c;;.: __ = 3 Br, 2~ ba. apt. tor leue Rent•I• Wented 5990 Oul.ltandb1& l25x200' corner lrollt otnce: drive in rear ated DIJ!penmers tn On.nge M'J.'.9671 3-10 p.m. l~ ptymoutti S..lf:liile 9 pci.ss 1ta w-& lride fOf ear· lier modtl, U.'llpC!rtation car, Call alter 3:30 • 538.7919 • BUSINESSWOMM( with im-Incl. spac, mstr, suite, din plut alley, with 2 leued of/. door, lD Loran St. CM. Cotinty 1Ln'd " llln'OUndlfW l>ON'T •• kil another .Jone.!¥ pcccable credentials seeking nn. &: dbl. p.ra~. auto. WILL Take Balboa llJAnd lee bldi;a near the heart of $195 mo. 646--0681 area. No selling. (Handles weekend go by! &lCCffd in 22' Century lnbtd., baa all reuonably priced apart. door opener avail. Pool & home commenc:lne Auiuat Orange County's a.vie Ce~ NOW LEASING N M 1 Name Brand ~ and dating without really ll'Yinc. extras, C.G. agp. equip. ment on Balboa lala.nd or rec. area. Nr, Catholic 4th. 1969. Desire 1n5e or ter A financial distrlcL Industrial • ew -Snacks) nseo total c:uh re-Laguna Bch 4!14-4479 + SIS RT. Sokl new S1500. near ferry on Penlmula. Churr:h. & achool It Corona tease with option to buy. Great apoeUtt &: tramc $155/mo =t ~..SSfeeL quired. For more intotma· COUPLES -Singlel, new in Winter price $4295. Trade \Vould oonsider sharing. de! Mar High. l Bedroom home with 1 Cow, $250,(Xl(). • tion and details, send Name, area, "The Utopians" are for •maller boat. M&-9872 67:Hlno days, 6 4 4 -41g8 e ONLY $280 e bedroom attached or garage SUBMIT TERMS & TRADES Ml·A: N'pt Bch; 450 Sq. Address, and Phone Number com.Ing; Fri. !i PM 63&-9291 Cl lot 80 x 175, TulUn. val evenings. S..."7.STI Am.tior; Way, N.B. apartment: Ill' 4 bedroom RICK ALDERETTE, ft. small m(g. l ofc: G> to: (Formerly The Registryl SCi,000, Trade for comm homP.. Send full particulars. Reeltor sq. ft. stor&gt. 642-2809 ''ROUTE DEPARTMENT'' ALCOHOLICS Anonyrnowi bldg, w/lncom!' or Pa1m S. An1 t:fel9ht1 4630 Coron• del Mir 5250 lo include addren &: photo 111» N. Ross 714/547-6469 L t 6100 P.O. Box 3846 Phone 5f2..721T or write to Springs Holllf!. }\obt \VhttJ. $l30 MO 2 BR to: Col. R. T. carrlntgon, RESl'AURANT pteSt"nt time O 1 Anaheim, Calllomia 92803 P .O. Box 122.l Costa Mesa. er, Agt, 42 PJ.ua, O~. drapem,·~aae.n:~3~: .. -J ... r .. chtOIV\46~hnlaSt .. V.ir&Wa 30x30 building C-2. Sell, LOWER 3 ARCH BAY PIZZA take out and delivery 'o:i538-~17i"'Zl. =,,,.--,.,,,--- 1512 Orcbard. ~ • rg1 23451 • lease, trade. MS-2030 LuJre level ocean view lot -Work 9 hrl. a days and Annou,ncem1nt1 MlO 1 WANT cooclo. ttouae, or !I,. 1BU~~ESSWOMAN wllh nn.. near beach 1:1ntrance. l'IC't over $1,D) with only. HAVE 'A PARTYI untts in eood area. HAVE :<c:H'fl~Lt · I peccable credentials ioeeking 8uslnee1 Rental 6060 $35,tXXI. Private party. Box $7,750 inveat. $5000 do"'tl. up lo 120 acres at $300 Apts. Unfurnlthed ON TEN A,..,1"& reuonably priced apart-::-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1EM~·7tll~O~aill'~·~Pllot~c=-= Listed yellow pap ad • IE DIFFERENT I per acre. Malchtm ReaU.y ~ t Bal.._ • .........1 ......... --a •~ Ha.ve your own. authentk ,,.,,, ~- 0.n.r.·1' 5000 1 & 2 BR Furn & "t}nfurri men on .....,.. I&l&nd Cll' HUNTINGTON BEACH LARGE k>t. Will take 4 .......... -'"'" ''"'' wo:. •· ~• Frplca / Prl / p ti / near .lury on Pen1naula. unit.: Centrally loca.lld tn low nnt •. PRICE REDUC Oriental stand-up cocktail FOR SALE OR LEASE Pools. Tennis • Con~t'f1m. ~~O ~:~e: 4 4 ~8 GOLD K~Y SUITI$ !!~~ty ~~~·~79 Ted Way !~ ~e $13~c:C~7•7iN ~Yo~~=~~~ Channel RHf lsL 9 bole PutVGrwn. evenings. lxecutlve & sai.a ·. n.=.i ......... health forceR sale. The Rea.I YoU supply N't! the people. Penthouse Apt1. 900 &-a Lane, CdM 644-2611 Office• WATERFRONT lot, at Ca.· Estaten. 64&-nn aak for ~Uu LILY SAM 642-5353 1550 "·bf 1~1 ~•rth ,._ .... H 1 PEACE&: QUIET? nyon Lake, Ire.sh '1.'atf:r V per mo. to reun e par. a=-ur nr, ...,a~• wy Employed sina:le man 43. Vac. Priv. plan'd • an. AnENTION ties only. Chet Salisbury wants to rent 1 bdrm 111pt • Air-conct &: ulil., 65.-xl28' 53&-1.502 comm. -,'=,L°'1'=TT=L~E~B~U~S~1N=E=ss•• EX-NAVYMIN Realtor, 673-6900 Corolido Apts. or sm&ll horn• ,·0 VERY * Carpeta & drPa • o ...... rale from your home Oean out the-old sea·h"~ * Reception Rm ...... ..,.,,,,,. $130: 2 BR 4-plex, !ncd 2 BR. unfum. Penthouses-QUlET AREA, in C.M., • Oeanin;: &:. maint. R:i nches 6i 50 •Full or part-Ume and help out a good cause. patio: w/w, stove, rclriz. street levels-studios. All elcc, N~. or. Tu.still. P . o. Box Telephone Anawerinr &: e High. eamln&:s Give your old wiiforms (OU. Broker 534-6980 kitch, dishwashen;: some 1TJS, Ora.nie. SecrelMiu\ Seivicr avail e No cx~riertel'! necessary lcera & Enlliti!dl to the Sea· $115; 1-BR.. patio; w/w, frplc.!i, w/w c&rp,,~ ch.pes. NEWPORT, CdM. or Laguna Town & Country SAN TIMOTEO • Free training program Scouts. Need blues, whi'ts, drapes. Child & pct OK. ' 2 car carport. Pl:xil. $170 to .2 bdr apt or home, mu.'\t Shopplnsi Center RANCH • Earn while Jeanrlng !1ea·ba&1, etc. 642-5769 Bro~r 5,'.J4..g980~ ,. $200. Qilldr!n o.ic. 673-337& be clean quiet &.re~. Adlls, --__ l • $3500 Invesbnent beys *MADAM CLARA ';:::::=;::===.~J.:·~41~12'".!·E~.::_c~ ... ~·!'!·a;!!...,~~·-~~ ch!! • . '60 A"1'e""""" Bulld\lllS • compl•te '""'"'O" 11 -5100 no peta or dren, up to 18M!IBN.eh Bl\od. equipment worth app'l'OXi-•For information' write tCiioaiiiloiiii-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj,: 2 BR., flrepl, CJ1>ta. &:: drps. $140. \Vrl~ P.O. Boll 1B82 (at Ellil) lluntington Bch mately ;us.cm with inven... • Box M-469 Daily Pilot II stove 4: refrla: Pvt. patlOB. Escondido, Call. 9'2-6607 tory fum1&bed. Some acre- H·AR BO' R No children or pets, $210. SO. Co'• Gu Co. empJo?ee STORES ALSO agr under itrlgation. Has CAR WASH-w/011': mo. Ieue. needs 3 BR home. Poulble __ a&_ __ _ waterrightl, welllc:presaure +BAR· RE$TAURANT Orange Cu1t Property rent wUh option. Loe. East STREET FRONTAGE sy&tem. Paved road front· 5 furn. Bach. units. Prime GREENS 332 Marguerite, CdM 673-8550 of Harbor between Qr.. Beach mvd. 1480 Sq. fl age. Near R.edl&nds in Riv-locat¥;in in San Oemente. Paulerino & Fair, CM. Model home ideal tor lnlur., erside County. Full prlcc Exe. iz'rvfttmenl $20,000 CHAi"iNEL Reef 1 yr lse 546-9888 after 5. . down or TRADE for large BA!?fELOR _ UNFURN. $600 mo. 2 BR. 2 · Ba. Rltr., etc. {Bet. Katella and $360.0ll. For fUrther lnfor-boa land unita • Call f S W t -t boat I · EMPLOYED Lady need! 1 Ce1Titos) S l r n s, lnd .......... , mation, please call Glenn t, • or · · rom 100 ,,.!_ ;~~i;in . s 1 P. .....t"' A~t ~121or499-2033 ews, u•"'"'"°" Bk unlum Apt, beach area, S2SO mo. 10650 Beach. Blvd. Thomp!On \\'i1h ~ ALSO AVAILABLE to $110. Carport or garage e 6J6..-020 e Eckhoff & Assoc ., Inc. ATTRACTIVE Beauty Salon 1 2 .. 3 BDRM NEW 1-Bclrm.. g a ca g e : L'A<> "'"'" al /5 f -·• •· bl • Calf -. nee. ""'~ t p.m. CHOICE COSTA MESA 1818 w. Chapman Aw. or -..e. n.o:uona e. Heated Poo!S, Oilld care ~·· Adradulpcs, bltns, $150 e LANDLORDS • '-u """"' Orange, caw. Gloria. 962-1232 c.enter, Adj. to Shopping -~ue. tll only~ FREE RENTAL SERVICE ...,,,.,.. on: over ..........., ltt. ft. 541·2621 Eves-wknds ~ WANTED ; OU.sate ilquor No pets allowed Balboa 5300 Broker 534-6982 store irl blllly 17th St. sho~ f., ... .,· ... .!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!O!!..., license for Orange County 2700 Peterson Way, at Har-ping center. $525 Month. ~ Acres. Tulare County. Call: &12-8139 CARD READINGS Cal!Sl><W StMVl~E DlltfCTORY Bobyalttlng 6550 WILL b&by1it my home 9 mos to 3 yrs prdt!rred. Days, -occasioned, part or full timt'. SOc hrly • SJJ wkly. 5 48-1 395, Ex· perienced. Near H arbor Shopping center. BABYSITTING BAYJ'RONT • dock;-r2 Bal.. boa Covea,'NB: tq, $52,000. Trade fer T .D. '• or T 1 7 or 1eut I opbon. caun.e., to brOi'tm. 8'f3.4l!1 - Want smaller car w/pwr &: fact 'llr. Trade 'Sf, 98 Old~ w/pwr & tact lllr· + $:1.cro rq in 1 i,( acr nr Palm Spgs Bal~~.ia mo.. 5*1131 1'l'ade New 23,UOO sq rt multi-unit. if¥!ua bJda, 1ully leased Harbor/Warner 10% net retum to-/ Oceanfront Duplex.W/?j-543<1!22 TRADE equity 1n '69 GMC %. ton plck-\11>, H.D. sus. pension; attto. tram: 4000 ml. FOR equity in 3MO' sailboat. 962-79(1 Car Wash-w/Beer Bar- Restaurant - 5 turn Bach un!IB. San Clemente, FOR lg boo.I, land, units or ! , Agt. (714) 492-4121 or Eves. 490-2033 TRADE: 30' Cabin Cruiser, twin screw, head, aalley, carpetinJ, val approx $4500 !or &irp!ane ol mlmilar val. 847.236() bor &: Adam,s, Costa Mesa. WANTED: Bachelor-apt. or Courtesy to bkrs. 646-7706 Half in 11• lflpes. Real l======'==""- 54&0070 3 bT:>Y~BA~J::a'~ .. rooN=~ =~~76 Balboa. Island :;;$875 per acre. MB-79N R .. I Est'!tf-t'!r! 6340 Ccar 125 x 110 reaidenttal {,.:, EAST~DI! ,~ ~. f ......... • .,.._. Aft ttr.A1'J"!'I ~.--.. ··,·,,.,. "'--t s•·r· ~..of .two. Sl50 1: $175.,..,._ . .,.====="'I TEACHER .will catt tor']'Wl' k>t, potential'Apt·'lite, Van In nl3 home. Near Mqnolia and Edinger St .• Westmins- ter. Fenced yard, hot meals included.. Call anytime. 847·718'1 • _ "''· 0 -"' • a:saie.WestB&y'J\":..,,_· '-"'111'""~-~ ............ "' ..... ~-.:_ 1-HOMB•o•~s -~'£ ~ F ·•~ N-fl•-wt N ,___1....., ,,,D_n """'., ~n. "'.D -...,..,-..~ ..._,. '1"i .. :"f• a ...i......t........ .. .. ... AAA -__.,. CWI0,0)' ,.,.,,e, enc ,..~! 'V" area. ·~·"""'· an ow m.ii .. w:..~ .. ..,.... me,1 --· •· ' .Ne .... Nl'!ll\'i'-..,_·araa..~. -· "'cni,...··0 •'" 9KVU ?tlONEY,AVAILABLE alt 'aetiritit!t, hot lunches • boat,s.mevalue.Owner !art<• lduxury apt.s. 2 BR, BURR WHITE, Reattor ·673,..&,Qt eve•.,-• , office Rental Lll70 18 DOWN ., _ ..,.n. Call tor detalll on today's incl. ~College Pk. area. !Pf6'4211 cpts, rps, elee built-ins, 2901 Newport Blvd. N.B: -' ..., r--.. ., rates for h t le 2l>d TDs. """ heating, "" 10v"1· 675-4630 Evoa. 642-2253 Rooms for Roni 5995 LAGUNA BEACH 1795 lull p-. ..,., ID Serving er.,.. County toe 645-<nS6 . * $160 _ $175 ... • ,._ di ___ _. Acres in So. Calif. L. EXPER, child care,~ home * * TOWNHOUSE 3 Br.~ bL Beaut. •PPt'd. PrlY, patio. pool,. Cl°"' to ha>. VIL $32,000, low dn. OC" T.D.1 Car or 'r Owner ~ 1966 OOLUMBIA Moblle bJ~e. beaut. cond., 1n S Star Pk. nr. ocean-trade *:Ir tri-plex or duplex, Jocally, 5.lG-9933 l 1 FL outboard for ataUon IV8&0fl or &Ulo of equlJ nJ.. ur. Phone 642...f.9IO 10 acres in Oceanside, M·l lr Commercial ionlzw, frade' for Aplll, ~er­ r:lal or ! ! ! $110,(0) tqUJ.t;y, Owner 642-2945. Have 22' steel hlid,clabtn cruiser with motor 6 trtr, will exchanp tor ,tck ap truck of equal $$XI· ftlul!. 49.W&Tf ' HAVE: $16,600 eq In Ing turn Duplex hi NOf'tb.. shores Salton Sea (ar cub) for Oiut Prop., ~1724 2 M-1 tilt-up bldp. Clll Jlla,.1 ~ntilll, C.M. TnM!e-eqty. $95,500 tor T.D, or prop. +, 145.000. Ftll1 Pr. $150,000. - 548-1512. Laguna Beach -3 lftlde~ tial lots $26,:iOO, Will trade up !or building suitable as ~-Newell, Auoclates. -Laguna Beach Residential,' residential income, com-1 mercial or acreqe. For property on Oahu, HawaU, Bkr. 49f..13.10 'What dp )'CW, ha Ye to trade! Llll 1 Jt .bue ~ 1n Qc.QP Counl;)"I la:pst read tra<J. inc post -and make a deal * * EMPLOYED I.fan or college 111.1r -n flur-Shewfelt, 326 w. ~n:I St., 18 years. on Tustin. N'pt Beacb. Fncd. Excell *t E * C ;: 1.l GRACIOUS Adult LlvlJl&'. student only. Nier,~. room, ON FORUJ AVENUE L.A. 1213) 623--5102 Sattler Mortiqe Co. Inc. yard. Hot lunches: lots of ----------------~ en · 08 esa Ocean&: Bay view. Spacloul close in. semi private bath. OMk apace1 available 1n 336 E. 17th St. to)'l It activities. Mon. thru arta 3 BR, 2 full baths, fire. 2 BR. 2 BA walk in $10. wk. 1789 Crestmont, n~elt oftict bui1dinc ai Mount. & O...rt 6210 60·2ln 545-0611 Fri. 548-6046 SERVICt DlllliCTOltt Child Caro 6610 HllVIC& DIRICTOR~ G1rdonln1 '6111 ~-~------place, pvt patio, elec built-closets beauttM carpets &: Costa Mesa. 548-8llil pnme location in don.town, I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;; II !"""~::.· ~8'13-~7865~· =~00-~g115~1 ~:,,;c~,::.., ___ _ ins & beatin&. Air condition.. dnl.pcries. Pool. Boat IUpa 1..agm1a Ber.ch. A!r ecndi-I' LICENSED da.y care. Pref Cll1LD "'--· -·· ill&" $265 PLEASANI' rm. fur ne&t, tittled, led, bera I Jhe D rfl Mo T D wkly 2-4 yrs. Hot lunches, .......--.::-.. v J•)NMH Gi1rdener . ~~~~bterranean sgle. workin& &irf, Kitch. paneled =ttoning. ~~ n ese I rt ..... , .... 6S45 balanced activities. ~1539 former teacher, PrHChoo.I, Ex:per, compl yard .mce. can Mn Line Rllt . prlvll. Nr. Douglu 892--2360 trlDcel -HAVE $60,000 BABYSJ'ITING "'" home, -·"";;;:,.;;"""":;c::·,.:546-J390;,:c7__ Frff estimate. 5CS-'l951 -... , ·•• • .. ;.,94 NEW Bafyroot 3 Br. ' ... .. : .. WA'"'· WATER "V "CIDLD "·-ho 1."'..,-..,.., ..... ·.., .... ~ .. ~ .... \ 1 dbl 1 undry y W/\V Crpts, liv rm. ref:rlr, Ftrert Ave., rear Ieadl to 151\-Private money investor v'c. 7th St., Hunt. Beach. ...... .... my me. over a.EAN-UP Specialilt! .._.. I' 1Fri>" k · "a11"' .,a,_...,__· r-semi pvt, $15. -week, 135 MUJ'ldpel pt.rklna lots. $50 EVERYWHERE ~ wants to buy 1euoned lit Reu. rates. ~791'.Q 3 yn:, Vic l9tb I: Harbor, inc. edeina: ,odd jobe, Jtebt . • VILLA MESA • _Y:E"< av . -Af"-rt Pf c M ••• -·· th c M ••• n78 _, __ •• ' ••• --""' ' •• <l'l\l"(),,JJ per mon far spsce. Desk 6 2nd TDs. Reasonable di. BABYSITrING my home .. ...,.... ...... u'fj,, """u ~ e UTILITIES PAID e Hun tingto" Beach 5400 Room I. Board 51'M't.L and chain available for $5 AND LOTS OF DROPS count. days or nltes. Newport area. eJAPANESE GARDEN;at e FURN & UNFURN e -· """' BUll!le11 boun auwerini TO DRINK-'mm 9ood S&tuer Morta"age Co. Inc. Expermothtt646-.J874 Contr1ctora 6620 Maintenance &: Ciniqt Ex I I CLUSIVE PRJV II bdrm ~ '°""'" avafu.bl• '°' $10. & 336 E. 17th St. Bab . • ~. Call 543-257l tra ge., de uxe EX -: v. " · r&l'fer All utflltln paid ezct111 LOTS OF DROPS TO FilJ. 00-21n SG-0611 · ~ttirll: "¥ '1.1!ek, C. M. ADDITIONS-REPAIRS 2 Bdrm. A:pts, H mature. 20 DAYS FREE. ~e. <" YOUR MAN MADE LAKE!! Eves. 673-7865 642-1157 area. Y<IO 'fUrfllsh ~. . ~<t..... AL'S Ga.rdenlna: S erv i<:* Ch.ildren welcom~. Sgle. ON•THE·BEAC , W. CoslA Mem 54&-m2 ' DAILY PILOT • &t2-140T ~N-_4ri ll1¥.nil:I&" La.wn maintenance, ~ ~ton« to=! .. , hea~ walk-2 & 3 Bodroom Apia. • m· !'OIW!l 'AVENUE CALL TO FIND OUT ANNOUNCIMENTS cMA=TURE=~M~ot"'hcr"',-chlld--<-.,. Klfoiii~ilif, j t<:. lng & Clean .... ...._ in closets: .. closed double lwr:w')' living to pleue the Mlsc, Rent1l1 5999 LAGUNA BEAQI ABOUT THIS UNIQUE 1nd NOTICES my boine; fncd. yd. o.,ys Llc1d &: ·ed. Flft est. LAWN Service, 2 coUep garages; pnv. patios; pool; tnolrt dlscriminatina· f'ilo. FOR RENT • barn tor stor-49Ma AREA AND HOW I: nights. Wnt CM. ~1470 A -' B CX>N8'lllUcnON 11tudent1. Experienced. P5 recreaUon area,· fully -uip. availablo at -Found (P,_ Ads) '400 --· .,.,., Pa"'""-CM or lea a month. 6't--193 ped 1ay ., ""., i. .13.1 month. 2524 SACRIF!CE Oo ea, Froot, MUCH WATER ~ -"w• · • j19~~iLSON • The Hunllnat~n NewportBlvd.,CootAM... willing to "''' fur half THERE IS UNDER GllY mixed SC!maurer,.., lrlck,Moaonry,otc. * 545-4941 • YARD Cl eanup, n.- aetvice, new I aw a1 , aprlnlders, rotnttll. MSoMCI JAPANESE Gardener· Complete Ser v I ce , '£K.. .. ,,.,,,,... Jlcllable. - e JAPAN~ GAR.DEND"IG Service Cleanup, ••ndac.p. in&: 5.U-1034 aft 1 p.m. , .. 125 M pric.. 2 o!Jl<:e units, 1 i. GROUND ~ LEARN moo .. rod collar · no tap. 6560 Additions* "-modellnc e __.. 1 gr. e Income Property 6000 480 sq. ft. w/4 oUice., + ABOUT W AT THE Vlc Prospect N.B. ll'ljured Fred H. Oerw1ck, Lte. tio 2nd by car. 6.f.2-6832 BUil.D, Remodel, Repair 6'73--8(Kl * 5G-2J.TO 3 BR 1% bath!. $150/mo. newly redeairated ln.!ilde & out. Plcl'fl'C E recep n area, 19 ex· ''COVERED WAGON'' Brick. block, concrete, LI on beach, fish on p\er, ecu~ve area, 400 sq. ft FOLKS KNEW·LON"'-BLACK. Scotty • type, male -. Job ,_ -·" Picnic ln ~n..1. all within Avail r-8 o call al.__ "" ~n .. .,-, no ""' ;u ....... C1m.t Cl-•.1-~·· 111 Ocean Aw.., H.B. <nt> 530-148'1' walking dh'~ce. New 5 pm s.i..M~ m ' ..,... LONG AGO I I dog. :'.td harncu. Vkinlty Llc Contr. 962-$t5 ~ 'It'"!'. "• - Hunt. Beach of.Flex, by NEAR AIR ~s::oos Monte Vtata. ========·PROFESSIONAL Rue & builder. SGS,900 847-3957 . PORT if THEY could make tt · · Butln ... Service 65'2 Upholstery Oeaning. Top SfEVEN v LLA AP'I'S. A1r-concl, 20X40 ft., Jots of t 5.1 V ll 18 mi BLAO< Labrador Retrlver . quality, guaranteed result&. 1 NEWER 1 BR, 5 block.s to 5CXX rr '?\.I 'EM! windows. Ideal fOI' R.E. or O 1 ver 8 ey, • 2/18. Call for info 549--0156 EXPERT Typina: &:. Oictatkm Allen'• Maintenance ~ Well .. McCardle Realtors 543-7729 384 AVOCADO, C.M. beach. W/W cptifl&:, drpl, THE SUN NEVER e"ETS 1'.11 illi. Santa Ana Ave PaJJ .. E . of Barstow, they ======== Exec IBM equip $1./pj, dbl ' ~ or evet ~ -LI:'· 1 BR. carpets,. drpt, bit-in! & retrlg:. View. Clua!Hed's action powtt. ades Rd., 20048 sMta Ana knew there they would Lost 6401 IP or $5/hr PU-del avall 1 dishwahr; aar. No children, $125/mo: For an id to sell around Ave. S.A 1ru find water. YOU can --------llra S-S,' wkend by •PPt· CARPI1!'-. F\lm. cle~; i no pets. 642-35.15; &U-3722 rutr. 842-0011 or 842-5012 the clock, dill GU$l3. 548-JC6o · oR. 539.7934 find -land, Water, PURPLE collar with bell, ,507=A=ve=l.lra=:;:•·:N:.B:;·:"":=2tl41<=: · ~ ~ ~~ qualifoty CRYSI'AL JANITORI:AL a Window Cleaning. Campi, janitorial aervlce. Buain. reslden or constru. Free estimate 548-8737 ,, 2 BR. Unfurn. R.mlg, bltns * Mod OHi clean, dry air _ high worn by amall black, )dttcn .. wo • .. 'I'~·· ne t stove, crpts. drps. Child OK, Huntington Beech 5400 Huntln9ton leech 5400 Ifft c.es desert and land tnveat-named Moki. Lost Vicinity C1rpent1rlnl 6590 brlghtneu! 64U520 no pets. s~ 568 Wilson ---"---'=""-='-"===;.;....===c:.:. ~e or sul~e.. Air concf.. ment, land to grow al· Santa Ana 1: umvenlty St. st:Hl79J 1tloalJ:lc, par.ltlns, aecretarial falfa nut trees & aprl-Drive, C.M. ~ after STUDIO 2 BR. 1~~ BA. Just servk:e, Cl!ntrlll location. t 'fi h . in ~t' 6:00 P.M. redec. New crpts. drpl. Utll C. Robert Nattreu Realtor co 5• 11 rats g, e <:., LOST: Sha&11 Min. black rm, clo&ed gar. D a)' s 230 E. 17th Street etc. OWn your OWD Jemale Poodle; nd collar: --~ -~ ~-· ~-,*-2 BR d ~ to full NEWPORT CTVIC CENTER I Harbor, protud. bottom up x. 5 ve, Y Offices aultable for Com· Call 847-66t0 evn .alter 6 PM tttth.. Ch1ldttn: lf')eving. cpt/drps. carport. SUO/mo. merci&J, Medical, Dental. and talk to owner. 2225 Pacilic Ave. 546-4147 ~1736 C.rpol Loylng & CARPENTRY Ropolr 662' MINOR REPAIRS. No Job _F_L_OO_R_C_D.:.:V,:,E;;R:.;1:.;N;;~:.::s Too SmalL Cabinet in pr-"' QM 4: o th l!l r cabinets. Carpeta (nylonm, woola, poly· 561115, U no answer leave estml,) VinYla and Tllcs. mas at 646-2372. H. o. Latnt styles and colon. Andenon Commucial and Residential. Expert inltaDa.tlon. HAtJLING. Cleanup prqn., ode: Jot. etc. Free est. llm -·- -hi Air<Md., crpt., elevator H t LOSl' 18 mo. old black & , 2 BR. New crpt'g; r 1-.:1 1 FROM $70 5 /\ .• Nr . eme Hideaway QUALITY ~ • Altera· \ pa.inled. Blt!na. $125 mo. 541-5032 OR 675-2464. 3,000 el Wtr, aune $5500. gold German Shepbml lut tlons • New con.I. by hour BLANKINSHIP FLOORS ,._ H~ull~i 1730 CLEAN LoWaaraatt etc. tree remov, dump sktp backhoe, fill sracSe. 962-ITe Haulf,...cvqo Cl<onlipt 1'l'im H-'l'rHs. R<u. 11 646--5045 .. nior..ICAL • ~.,.lonal $55 Dn. m-mo 8-10 A.M. Nowmber. Vlc Santa Ana or Contract &i6-J442 "''c."' •niR a.it Ave, CM. <Bellmp---to t 2 BR DUPLEX. Private SUJtta: tor Je-ue Cullom "='==-·=.,...,=-= disabled Vet.) REWARD REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS BIG lOHN • 642-4030 garage &: laundry room. retnodellnc avail: 1 a 7 9 2 DELtJXr; Golt ~ view 642.-9158 544-2324 CABINETS, Aily l1ze job. $125/month. &18-4417 'M"&la St .. Hubt. Stach Arrowhead ~ ~e, every 25 yn:. exper. 548-G713 I Sa $34,mo Mg...7994 LOST Mayfair C.M. Cocktr BACllELOR'S retreat. l BR, ==-"'~;;213;;::_).:.:.'35-82l6::,;:::;,--li=""=·=<:::·=·=·==='-I 4 Te'rrier, to wb old. Bela:e MASTER ca;PtQter, U per E LE CTJUClAfj Ucemed, bonded. Small Jobi MAlnt. 4:n))8ir.~ ·-·-· 67U LITE .Jiaulini A cleanup. Reuonablft. Any area. Call ll4W607 doo, patio, ·-· privacy. Spanish Style Luxury SMALL Offi« su\tabl• con-Exm-· It. E. 6230 & Mu I t I "°"""'· Ao•. hour. "'mode!'"'.-· PJ04~. 5'8-8693 tractor, distributor, sale1.1---'._'=--'--'--' "Toni" Call atur 5:30. :"""":==:;,;":=53&,'J:;!IXI:=== i 2 BR. Unfurn al!O 2-fum l Vtil, air cond, fW'TI tneluct. HAVE: Ortron a.cniqt. $100 6T~T5 • G1rdenin9 66IO 11 Br's. 998 E. Camino Or. t•2 Btd~-2S.thApts. ed. ,$70 1!°;,.t~ Brook· per acrt u doWn payment "LOST""'~,.-m-al7•~SI-.,_--.,.-,, C•ment, Concrete 6600 -ANTHONY'S CAA.PETS. wlodowa. On. etc. Residen.. or c.omc'L Xlht wmic Reas! Reh. 548-4.lll Apt 1, CM. 54fM51 Furnished arid Unfutnllhed ~L~Ji540!25211 Into house or am.U urUt1. \\-earing Sold~-Vicinity * CONCRETE \VOrll, Bond· Girden Service 3 BR. I~ ha. Chlldntn Adult UYili1 -Nur BHchH ~Cl'On buly·cor-Aii!nt 646-'613 d •>'•· Fullerton I: 31th s t . ed &. Licensed. Concrete 646-1f41 Mlcome. $150. M&J'. 862 W. Shq Clrpltl ner Colb. Meu. $55/mon'th 646-all ewe FUward. 548-1!28 after 4;~ sa.wing BUDGET LAND8CAPTNC Canter Apt l; 10 Lm.-4 p.m. Sell Cl . ,,._.,_ utilWel ~ 64J.«ie0' i·lt.=E=W==totf====6=240= J _r.::w::;;IES;;.:.;:W;;rllt::::•::.,::tch::::..::.:.::::, c Phillips Cement. 544l80 Pnlne ... Plant .•• Prel)&l' SPJJT !eYel 3 8'. "'"' tlrps. • Mnmc v-w LGE. 'Off!<e nn. for lnl. • on Martoa \llJlqe Shop ' K • CUSTOM PATIOS e Monthly Malntenanco Dl.scounl Oea.nlns Servb Apll • Carpel11 • UpboZltay • Fut StrY1ce 539-1458 • Income TIX 6740 }lltns; Also be.ch. Prfvlt9. Entninces & etc. Reu. m W. Cout wANT small hOmc or vaca.nt Centtr, Oll tu idlmttty. concrete 1awlnc le rtmcrval Erp. Horticulturilt 2885-A Mendota scs.5421 PrtYltl Fun Deeb Hwy, N.B. 5t8--l290 lot Newport, Costa Mfla, 193"-'1'&89 State IJc., • ·W.1010 ' 1 .AU..EJ'i' BJtOS BE A Sau.a.d 0-'tnt with 3 BDRM. unfum, $145 Mo. H·-....... PLACE,.. ... 11111 ... un: D'om priv ll'U'tY·FO "::;UN:,,:,:D:.;'_N_r ___ E~.-•• -w-o-od •BESTIN00NCR£1t o~ SI'UDENTS HuriaTixServtce 91hw 2 Oiumn ok, c:rp ... <!<po, --·-tllo)I ... --DAIL!I:.:-==-=,,,-=--$cbl. WH!minnrr; """" Walb, ~1 -lloon, -1dJlg U..fr .... tbru col· locally. Avail. 12 .;... slii bll-lna. 5'5-43l2-No J"b! Party f'lvillon W'lllt Kffchen PILOI' d__.l -PRJVATE Party wW pay .. black doQ', °T.+n.i--Doxie Patios. P!IO"' &Q.11Sl4 Jeso. ~. lfceNoed, ._,,.Jt W<:t, C. M. I l'lO-NICE 1 Br. wd, "°"' Lorp Bonl}Quf Am rr-s Jlaach -.,.., Bir lo 1~. for G.J. "" r.H.A. "hcri::.;:'"":::,:,.;,892-c,..;:Ul:;;l;_ ___ 1 • CONCRfu . ..... ill l!F,AS! -......... ,.19n • .l oven. Mature only. 122-A stst 1eltctlqn ,.vtr! Set tlM Equity for 3 bdrm + bua• J-KRYSTAL anow aid vie types. Pool dedcl A: CUltom. CUt I: FAp I.Awn H. J<. c I ar k Acct& Serv. ,Magnolia SL ~2171 NOW Renting . DA.lLY PD..o'l' 01•Dtd la.mily nn. 63&--2llOS. Beach Blvd llB. Ne*ada too Call 548-1324 \ Matntenaid, LlcefllCd Income tu, pmona1 or I 2 BR., cptJ, dtpa, bllna, l9Ctk:r '11 t SO or 60 Units or more .l ?.farker heel cable 2/14.Cb> ~;:;;:;,EN,;.;;T,:;::wo.;,rl<+, -,,.-'"'Joti~-too ~/84.~2310 &ft • buAlllells. your home at ofc. 'pra,at . .Adults. $1.tS. 3IXl:i 19122 Brookhunt St.1 Just North of Mimi OAU.Y PU.Or DildE--A-S100,GOO. Down 5.15l-29'tt -..... am&ll, reub"'ble. free JAPAJf&Sl': Carder.a. com-~ yr11 e)(JI, ~ tinn. ' O>olld&o MMrl!. SG-0433 • HtllltinP,ln --(71.4) 962~1 J.Dm1. Yoo -., ,_ AOENT 14:0.UZ lolA1>E Toy "'°"'' '"l'"'r", .. 11m. H. Slbnli:k. --yan! . "'1vlc<, <... Ml--0183 or &IM712...,. I DAILY Pll.DI' WANT ADS -,,. PIMI• • ..,, DSaJ rnE QUJOC!:R JOU CALL. beltt. no to. ~ O:KJeae Need I c.MMrt•ncJ*T Mimatu. M0-1332 Gerfion N. W•mn,. F'A BlllNG !!EM.TS! -• n!E QUraa:R YOO n:u. ~Prt.=.o-;,;,,.;;;.;;;..;,ic::..;.rs:..;,::l!l!ll,:__ Find• wtftl • -Ml t ---=OWtOE==;.;rr;.;.;..1 '--111\h ,.,., Appl. m334I I I \ ' I I - ... ', ... ·-----~----·~------ 8.v 'ILOT S.t~. r......., u. 1169 ~~~~ ,.,,.. •-•"1>-Ml).,11 ... • . .;ii.;, I lfl\l'LOYM!NT JOU & EMPLOYMENT J()IS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EM,LOVMINt )O!J & Qr\P.~!l'l'Ml!«T J01$..LIMPLOYMENt. JOIS & Eli\PLQYMINT .. ~· Job ,w7.1fld-: M...-7ooo u111;w.n1••C~n 7200' ... , W•••"'!· f\\t• 7200 Halp vi •• .;.,:-. ?2f11J Help Wantod, ~~ 7200 ~1.e:w •• ,;.;. ~1, W1nlfld J~ Men, Wom. ~ ;.e..;_1111:..;__TAX-(.~~~7 WILL it/ii1',. b;~'.r apl COM . , -~ , , • • "°' •l• o ~ <, , • -~~",!~ > I ' 74C!0 .'. ,W'I'!"" " • 'q400 • 1 !=~ .'!t ~?!1-~llt''· "', ·. ,._,' ., -. ,. ' '.P:; :~ ' ~. t • , ~IN fD r SECIDAl'I: ,:• .UNUSUAL~ )C&ll TAX.. . Joll•w:~·.::,,;;, . . ' l ,~· iii • * *" *L'* " •····~-, -!~"~t,~w!::;:.:'.':i ·"p"'pr1un1"ty· ~boN;;wi~~ \toUSl'Jeli&iNCihtt ·~ I t !' ER r l :~ and) .. ,.·. ' N~OUN 't ~ ~~~' ~c . ~ tlu·eci y(!at'SC:(perle~ '"' • ~· _.,,~ ""''· "' '""' «• q ~l<,,{.,!<,..~l•Jtl.,!, ~ ! · .;, I,. ' R.E J I 11-"'«llrd ii G••&o '' ' Ttw l'\<\e"'l)d'nt Oroor ol * ml YEAR tnnlportaUOh. Sll:ee&S"i11 ~ ~ J~~"JJ: !~ • ••. I ' ·i1 • ~ ilfli71Urlni_, ow-new ~). rw. ,plti0(1 requ.ire11 a ""'°" ~m"ii fi'e:ve ' opened a , Al STENd ..,~ • , ,. t-LADlES~~l!:an-ff .41.t~~ -, · ~-"' J' ' ' .. , Wia, \.1.sion off\Oe illna 1pprox, tW"e, ~•pon.~lbtc ~with ~ officu in South ar..,.e ~c --~ 1~~.hba.owtt _ ~~-· l. fr. iexp: In cultinc ... ( • ...u ... expe.l'.ienced 4115/'69.in H1.1ntJna·t o.n ~cn~.?tiorthanU,nd.iYP-..COW1ey, R«rvin!"intfllliient Jwk9nd by •not~ tru.M.""Ciir!O!StlO'*•--~-··-~~pam:np.. -·· ouas...ag;....-tN1l[lf-..,,,.£ .... Bee.di, Just~arr-tt@"'Sln-m= lrig 11kUl1. '\'ou mu.xi be a nW1orwomanOVft2:$.0»- ew ..._. · ,· rt -• 1 ~ood,1..'0. benefit$' workina • IKUI ft•-l'fl. qo Fwy: nese P01.fllii'1S seK•1tartcr and· be able-to 1ege not -necessary, S&ouki ~~'i!.\:.i:'./"*-'. ~lc'IMIP ' · l0l5 ~;·~AR~J.IT . -··· ~••''.'"' , Beautiful p, c I; le • ".S~· ·. -~ ~~~:':/~ 'r:o~1~ ~~~ .:!:u~two~ ~d~1,;uo~~~ ~~c~~:~ lnl~= reu. Gf6..8112. • ' .• GeorKe-·A,Ueii~ Byland A&enc!Y ~ Lus A~lc11 oltJee •before v.·iU be working for a flekl i>Oll!;on. Earn1.,.,,1_commenc-=---'--a ,,. · 11:'ha*'ieekl .... m'en who' 1 Olli ·~View Memoflal <P8rk ' "•· , . ., .. Walt!r H. )'ahfe:nhob: P.k ·~"P'"""'"'r ..-ays .-ee,. . .., 1 Ptr.6-0nM C-1 • ' t• Ult rnove. fl.f.lleaa-e~,.,,w be 1161011 n1anaser. ,415 Wnlediateb", lihou&d be lntime lf&x· 5ervice ~ lfJ>.B t:,.~ ~ 51'11 ·~~:n,~te~b;: Is loc~t.~ Qn lhe ~· OpPctrtunlty · for pa.k.I dw-inc Ibis perkxl. .J ~ -" \ -1 ·W-.x~~ oi mg,. wet~ ... -or ><$.IJSll'.... a.t...011-.·a..m&l· "'"'(u~ ..,.,,.. U·.S. D1·v· ers •ide 11verjookint tbe lllCl!MKJellMnt '!"''will.:bl """" "*Na-I : , .. '--'· ;:.f;. 't aINCDME .J'AX.e Pumanmt· ·~-i:~i;z yea t cOn , Newport Bay area. '•!'....! ' tior\31 Electronics Inc. (a Til!phone: 49U'jtlt"bilieen Done in yoo:r h9lvr 1 Far East' Ag!ney ,641W'1'03 ? ~U:ccf .. : ,e:e · ~ Unum'ltecl. 1 lmmedl•t• Openint• in Varian-{ i~) at the 9 .ut . lJ~~~ thru F'ri. $5 And up,. · · --~ ' ~-ft:a.mpa· ny * * ,, * the followlnt are•I Varian Data t.fachlne! oU· 9 AJ.t • U NOO S&t~a H•IP'~nHMI, M9nJ20o '•·Mau; throug_li. VU Cemetery lots , n :-.v. 1 appoiJ)trn~lt ... INCOME ·Tu Se .... ; Notari' , . _, , __ caloJl.., prcllirt<:ft 332. 3 W W erypts an.d nich~~-EXCELLE.!>IT CODING •ii,!~,'. I._, ' " " ' Public. Reu. Eves,~. 'COASTAL .. ~;o~Dortunttl~ in J . . • arner Before need pur· EARN1NGS PL.US,. Good starling salary plUll ex-1"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""'"""""' 2361 Zl!:n!UJ, s.;.. HU,~1 • santa Monica 1na Santa Ana PHOF'IT SHARING~ Experknoed or tca.inee In ceUent benclila, and located I"' • ' I INCOME Tdn -~ INDUS:1'lllS1 ·SahtA Clara ··-chase plan. llOSPJTM.JZATlON. fu<e-&/or Ql.!ualty statl.sti-in a new air-conditioned DRAnfLllll your botne,i klr!a bib aim-NOW H.IRING • · • :Mi~ subutit persJnat · An equal opportunity ' c;:oUP LIFE INSVRANCE, cal coding. Math aptitude pl.ant. in the lrvine lodust-• .Jl'IAn l>inat $15: 4Sf..M22 ~ --·,FULL TIME ' ,data. eduUUoO&.I aod cnu>IO)'\ll' A fast growjng com-Pf\!O VACATION, EIGHT nccusary. rial Complex. 9 PROF$SSIONAL TA x ~VING SHIFT ,, · work history to.: • pany with complete PAID HOLIDAYS. 40 HOUR SERv. JJom.._..; ....... accUJ'ilfe . PART TIME 6?30.ll Pt.t Haren Schmardebcck ---\VEEK. EMPLOYEE' ACCOUNTING EVENING JNTERVl.1-.:\\IS MAY Bl!: ARRAl'IGt:U AIJlc to reatl and 1nter- 11::c1 IJhtcprints aod ache- nu1tics. P1-eler prinled ci1-cuit board experience. .~-.. _J_A_N,_ ITOR ., er vi c. facilities. ,$19. Complete! I 968-3403 Neo.v OOniPfuiY-J!Cedr 'lO .plt11 . DISCOUNT on .u •hil"' No '°'""tl•nc< : System Mortuary, Ch a pe I, * * * lron!nt' 6755 necc6S8.I')'. ~pletc cmn-Mausoleum and Cre-APPL y AT Ty pe 4ll to 50 accurately. Some experle~ or a~titude with figure• helpful. Light customer contact. varian data pany ..,.i.uoa:we •ill""' bevelo·pmen.t_ EXPERIENCED matory all within the Personnel Office 1R,ONIHG c'Sc pc. top startirtg 'wigeii 10 men -. You ~rlnt H•:r•. wWin& tq work aq:t ~~m our • cemetery. ?donday lhrU Saturday machines C•ll P•r10i:in1I Dept. 1714) 494-9401 ~'°:rt:,>~: :" l>OU~ ;,. "..i;, ciAL~« " , Corporation ExcellB~~.~;':;ploy,. We want two emcr 10 AM ~o 4 PM ~;;.,~ ~~!!".'· SAT~~~~~f:.,~1;,' m:e~:~m~~~1:~~d. · i e.~;:::.~ '&ii.. ~~·~~P~~~':c: m!~ SE AR S RATING Prefer ·a t least one year or lire or casualty rati~ expe:r- lence. Opportunity to ltd-- ' vailCe into multlpal line rat. .... -A VARIAN 5\JBSIDIA'ftY TEL ON IC mONING -fllc.;u.~· MONDA¥ 9---A.M~-~1-:_P.;i,t. .. ''1 C•lif. 90406 . 1 1Thtrd· FJoor cessary because of ' P"8.ae bri&il: ~ ' • 54(1.'.2034·. I ' !_ r • •• • . '. . '· Th B' •• ~ a 0 u r-professiq_nal R'OEBUCX & co 2722 Mich.Ison Drlv• (Adj. Oranj:!e Co. Airpclt'l) Irvine, C•llf. 92664 EHGINE£RING CO. :2Sl·B•-.-.... ~~· * 1N'rt"lil:&.t1'"f.l·t~ ··NO PHONE CA~LS e· r-w y . . Do ' • ;;· «, ..._ Y " . PLEASE ; , ,_ , .liainmg, not pass · · ,. rluo 1 · ', MF". & 1)1$1 ~!.BUJIN -··--· -··--NEWPORT BEACll ' up \bi.s· opportunity SO COAST PLAZA ,::_ tint"' "I . '850 . .;· F'IA.M '.,' . "An 'Eetual Op,,.,1unif~ and 47 .Courts of FHhion . • . KEY PUNCH Carffr openlna tor opera.tors with at least one year ex· An ~ual Opportunity employer, M & F LAGUNA BEACH Equal opportunity employer , PADit. your av e'rase · ··bathroom • $10.· J ' ~w _ equipml!:nt &:. know bow, -you ha1ilsh walLI • materials. .l coat. 548-6690 aft I PM. lntefior P.aintli-ii' Apts .• or , flQusea by . job or room~ L0\1• .or( season r.it'cs. ll9H<il1 • .11'2'.!!ni~ , , PAINTING, interior., ex· terior, very rei.sonable! c.n 8""'625 ' e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE • JOB. Xlnt work', rds., 1l'ee est. JThl. 64'J-4fj69, 646-3749 PAINTING, inter. exterior -state lie. -bonded. Free tstimatl!:a. 642-0'l38 . PAINTING .l pape;r hanging, ·rea90nable, 25 yn l!:xp. :·relerences. 642-1322 · · Paper banf:lng, -6 years 1 , ' e.xperlence·. Call Fred t . * ;;48-4903' * • J • I' VEI'.'~~ p,_ in t.jp.g,. Fffi,. "'··"'·. Jn:;,;.;i;n;ai , Jobs'..,~4•>":" I· HOU&li: ; ~at 1 ~ a lair pl'iC:e!' ti'riie. 'esl.;CWJ 11 RiCk.tfi45..227ii . !C PAINTING, Papering 16 yn in Harbor area. Lie & bond- !~ ed. Refs tum. 642-2356 : _Pl•st•rlng, Repair 688~ I~ • ' PAt'S Plastering. All , ~ t)'pts. Free eztimate. can : 1 540-682'.i i~ INT. Plaiter, ext. stucco, dry I , 'wall ta-Pina. aCOU1tic I:./ or :i textured ceilings. 545-6003 ' -· Plumbing 6190 1 . l'Lt.iliBING ,REPAIR r -•. J~!) ~.<~ ~ .-·.-..... i<WJ>S •... PLuNiJmci-.._'24-~hl' -serv. . w:rl. quar, lie, ·lns, remcx:I, ~ rep&ir! rooter serv. 531-7566 I; Pot Groom; 6~ ' ' soNiA:iS do&: croomlng , • apec ial l1ing stylish personality C\Jts for poodles. Higflest artistic work . Unaurpassed creative ablli· : ; ty;. Immaculate sanitary : C'Ollditions, Not a pet a.bop r 01 · ~ hoiplW. Plenty 1 of love I: tenderne&s~ · No I; ~ Ol'.sedalive-..eVl!l':U8- ~ ea, . Pew heaJ1h1 : antmw accepted by· a)'lpl)hl~nt. \ l_lidr-up !'. dcl\Vl!:r:y: '4f!6-:~ : Remodel., Rer1'Jr, 6940 1: ~ ' li' r u 1:ou need rcmode ng, I ~~ or repairs, Call ! DiCk. 642·1797 ! ~ RoOflng 6950 I j ROOFING REPA1n:.·- : 1 . ti! leak . too small: . . •!Mii-m * lj , '.Rdof LHkl Stop poll , , Wcitk guaranteed. 5.36-8444 CZiYXOflKl 'S UP:lom Pobohltt.ry.• · 'Eu r o pe 1 n C ralt•Mln1hlp. 100~0 .~ <Pllm. "'"" • uto'I. JO.]c:;.t, 18 l J l ~ .... ~IM~1~!8Nf..!!!~C~.M~.:._­·I · -· , ; : '· _ Pl.ans for P:ro~ss: )o~ASH ION ISLAND )333 S 8Dl$TOL EXPAND.ING. ' T. o' Employ«" -Newport Beach . • . "' ORANGE GOUNT"" . ·• FRY COOK An Eo"'' Opdrtun;,, Phone 644-0212 COSTA MESA perienct on Alpha. & Neu· 1--------- rneric IBM oquip'mt. Day -EXPERIENCED- OPPORTUNITY for '2 licensed .Real Estate peop!e1' Yolir owd de5k & phone. Good advertising pro. gram. \Vith weU 'established office. Walk In~ Good leads lo work on. ' • Employel' NOW HIRING. PERMA NtN°r ~SITIONS AVAILABL~ \Vn;}I • -4 :30'pm -1 am 1:1hift ORA~dE<OO\JN(Y • . SALARY OPEN ITI JABSCO ASSOCIA'l;'.ES . . . ·J'!rst clas.o; \V~rklrig ~ndt· E d . ~ , \ ell tibns with merit raises .tlr a bl \V ..occ lllCJ\·"'. "'-'fft., .. P·. , Well . eatabllshed, ·acCm-c.~ Mecti•nic•I A1s1m er depJ.s. Np e.w.~wce. ~ "Wly restauranl ~ , 11. 1 •" , • • 1 s:tQ-J~t" 1ft1Jlll .. · •. • I . . • • ·· . . .. Prefer , 1;1111-.conc wllh A~;.,IT~~~i~~~-M. ANNINGS i~~. . ';:::;w...embly ""' s!ART \VORK . '-• . , -, I L\11\IBDIATEL'f El Toro Rd (Liesure \Voild) · CooJ bcnelits and \1-'0rk· }'OR INTERVIEW CALL Laguna Hills. 837-0758 I~ conditJoM. ft10NDA Y & T UESDAY -- 11 "-- 1 - 2s-3 --r* FRY COOK Y oun9 Fr, Cook or Kitchen Trainee Permanen1. ful l time job. Q\ance for advancement NIGHTS APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LH EQUAL OPp0RTU NITY E~lPLOYER 1485 Dale \Vay Costs ?tlesa ' Phone: ~l (7141 ZODYS Jl ,\S OPENING t'OP. APPLY IN PERSO.N lSI E. Co•it Highw•y Liquor Deportment · · · , Newport Beach ., .• ~:~1-Ji.;~11;;J I I.::;;:==;;--::=::·:;··;;:.··::· =-ii ·'" ~~~oger I ,1 ''~ i-;,.,J71~·~"""'·' I "~~Pf Fin~.' · 'i . AP°',i"Jl:i.1'•r:sow1u '1 D· ~064 .. Cl!ljl,,, • ,. 1' .,, n r·~r. ,.,,.. ' · ' . gORE ir/NAGt::n ~-~~·------iYoU fuay qualify:ror ·1. posi· :s • FINISHED Hon with one of Amen"" CARPENTERS leoding '°"'"""' linance companies. To qualify .)'OU • PLUMBERS must have .. minin1u1n ol I year experience in tile coo- sumer finan ce field. Phone or apply in pcn;on 528 \V. 19th St., Cr.t. 64.2-2700 With experierice in mobile horn!, campers and motor homes. Must hirvc 01vn tools. Islander Motor Homes Inc. 806 E. \Vashington St ' Santa Ana R.E. SALESPEOPLE PART TIME SNACK BAR e FRY COOK • P1·"RreSsi1-'e young Newport Potential full lin1c in Su1n- •• :1.rbor Corp, 'of.lers: Im· mer. !\lust llt. 21. n1ediatc Income: 11~5!.ive HUNTINGTON ad.ve'rtiiini;~~bOnuli plan:t'in· , SEACLIFF sura.n'lC;. va.rotlon, ·etc.. Country Club Retidential{ln,iestmentll 53G-88fii · ZODYS FOUNTAIN VALLE:Y 16W HARBOR BLVD. Test Tec:hnic:ian To perfonn prod. test." & h"Ouble shoot complex elce· ll'unic equi p, Skill"! con1p. to a co1npetant TV repair. n1an, famil. \1·/ a!I types or 1ransislor cirt:uits & oper. or C'lectronc lest equip. P<'r· ~on~ not poss~s5ing such skills net'd not apply. Cell 646-9611 PROPER.TIES WE-ST • INSl'Rucrdru; ->ull 1-----,-.---: 102$ ~Yiide::ru·, · 'bT;Hl.10 'at/ind part limt-. Neat ap- ""'""'""!!'!"'""'~"!"'""1!!!!"\ pee.ranee. ftfust be abl! 10 . oU~RDS . mttt and ·Ceal ~·ith U1e Fut &: part time 'positions public. ~ood figure:. Apply available in capta\J'aoo ~ person. H:1\lday Health Area. Unlforna & !QUipn1ent Spa, 2300 Harbor Bl"d., furnished. Fringe benefits-C.M. tirrit & 1,l overtime. Car &I~==~-~ -- telephone requ'lrecl. c e.11 OOORMAN, PARKING M.1-1387 or 'apply 1416 A So. ATTEN_DENT l\1aln St., Santa Ana. Full or p.o.11 time. day~ ?1 ' eves. Nen1ncs~. r('fs., Cahr. .. MEN dri\l'el"s lie reqaircd. Olli team t-e~ i150-S250 J>CI' .4-6 pm. Mr. Lomllll. Poi:;h u-eek elus'. 'No experience Parking Service, Ne,vpo11er n e c e ~ s a r y: ProtcsslQnal IM. 644-1700 (')(!, S55. . traltitngi'n presi~e ~·ork.' No Tremendou1 Potenti•I dcior k\J~ldng, our C!l'llo-Experieni~ or oo. Job o!le~1 mm call us. l"or appl. Call unlimited opporlunity ror 9:30 ro )2. 526-6816 antbitious person. OUTSTAN'DING OPPTY. 800 S. El Cantino Real For.dynamic young mf'n di:i-:)uil~ 215 •. San Clcn1c11te u.tislled \v1th lhe1r present 10 am· I pn1 earnings. but wllli.Iu: 10 SERVICE station lotana:::er. \\'Ork l1ard to t'arn $18,000 nlCchanic & attendants. Full firal year. lleari11a: aid in· & J>6rl tin1c. Mus• be exp ilurance OI.' diJ'Cct home 11ell-w/local ref~. Good salary lt)g. cxpc.1·jence l)clpful. + comm. Apply 1000 E. P)lone ,5'.7-tl72 9 am h• 5 Cout Hwy, NB. pm, 549-4ll> evcli. , . • S>4ALL """'"" Orange Car Wash Help Qnant)I m., iiecd1 · • Full time or Wktn~s. 9, THIN FlUJ SPECI~ Min age 18. apply In pet'liOfl \o man.age-optPJ· coat.i1* ~ ..LIDO CAR J.\l.ASH dept 5 .)'11' i:ninin1all'J,.ell;p. 481 E. 17th Co~ta i\le!ill. ~ -~~DU~ON.coNTR~L, MAC11. \Vebcr special equip. a Yt'lt nilnimum l!:Xjt, Optical need!! Turret \11.the, 1nilli1w. or joh J';hop·t'xpPr. prcf'ct. n:aach. oprralorl!. '.>10 ~: EXOTIC MATERLALS INC .. Ce-nh•r St., S.A. Call Kl 2968 Randolph. C.M: 545-9'12:> 7~259.'> CUSTOD~AN WORK. ~t~ddy"ru~LL~-.~.-.... -,-tim-,~ .. ~ •• 'men capable of clean11-e -()f. l\'ihted. Top wagei;, chaiw::t- li<-t building A banlc In ll!t'ir tor &.dva~·ruen• lei!IUJ'{> hours. 'Writ~ name. ~fETRO CAR \\' ASI I 11nd phOhc num~r t11 Box ·2950 Harbor Blvd C~1. M.$)11 Dall_f'PUot ' SERV. STJ\. SAL.WI.EN. EXP Ml!:n lo "'"Mk lull lin1e, s ~r.u,P .&. LEADMAN Sl\'ing ~m. See C}'ldf'. (Or pla,ltic11 rnok:llfW shop ZOO Nc"''J?0'1 Bh'tl., C.~I. Cal.I ~}'P bt.11.·n I a.tn-5 Pll1 ~ERIENCED scrv~i";. BR:AKE & ·o 11 a-n m ~ n t Oon m1.1.n for ruil tl~\\'Oi'l>, ruechutric. · ""P only, "mli"1y day~. \\'ork llltl) nuin~<'· r111~· hl'nelll'I. Apply m~pt. m e C! h. 11. n I f" a I '"'" )'wni & t..lrle T1re. 4S2 perl~n<."e prelcr1i:·cl. 5-I0-1!li 0<."l'llll Av'I!., l.o$unt1 Btnch GENERAL Plant Hdp tligh! ~S'ALESCLER~ worit.). Muat ho depondable. fo'Ull ,Al pan ti1rt°t. Apt>bt $1.6.1 hr 1tart let ~.JJ. TRI· t.fo1'/1UCS. N'pt .. Center, ~VISfON, MS ~. CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Join todays fastest growinc profe!ISlon-Mutual Fund 1ale!1 No experience neceuary. \Ye train· full or part time Mutu•I Fund Advisor1, Inc. Npl B. 1603 Wes!cliff 642-842'l S.A. 1212 N. Broadway 547-83.11 Cook Apply in per10n REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Ad•ms Cast• Mei• ·RESTAURANT· DELI Ort>r 21. \\ill train it neces- SllL')' to make sandwiches & related dcli itenia. Apply ill pci'!IOU orrt.)'. _ • DELI SilEF 1003!f' Adams Aw.. nl Bmokhursl, 11.B. -PART TIME $250 PER MO. l\0 J.:XPERIEi~CE Nl-X:. CALL MR. REID 540-203-t s,\ TURD A y 9 A?tf lo ~ P?.·t f.:on \\led 9 AM lo 9 P1'f . eADMINISTRATIVEi ~SSISTANT fllr ne1v, <!spandirc, ~lentlf· it· 1e!llhl& I.Inn. ErraUc how'i b\11 1,11ilimited opportunlfS". Somr collt'ge prefd. ·c..tf t 10 :1 wk. day~ Gi~787:'i -BUSBOY-Wint~ '1_tn_3_!1bJJt. J\h\.,I be . .. not or .~hoot, APPLY DENNY'S Rest. 1mJ Beaeh etva . ., Carden Grow. . 1!m TobaccoJlUI l.11c. S.} •• 547..0109 -- F'uhlon.f$!inll, Newiiort atARGE your 11. .. nt ad now. ( OIARGE )'QUr w•nt 1d flO'll'. Darrell Ward Vic.• Pr1iid1nt •nd Oliector of S•le1. :,i. • statt auditor newport beach \Ye are a n1ajor, 1800 devel- opment company In the Newport Beach area, oUer- ing a position with excel- le nt irowth Potential. The position requires a.n a1..'COllnt- ing major 11.·ith t\vo years or general. auditing or account. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ASSEMBLER "B" Exp. required in spoJ-welcHng 1:-some llletal ~~.,PIUS ability lo solder. stainleu steel. Coqd .Co. bene..llta with future 1"---right-per®n. ~ ply at: · ' Personnel Office U.S. Divers Company 3323 W. Warner Santa Ana An equal opportunity employer ing e,>:Pf;ticnc,::,., .p1-ef£!'libil' 1--~~===- \\'ith.a.cPJ.\ oi:,;eA.!i~~ , P_A~J:1 .~~~ ;1, •-"· -· · 1· · ~--~I tnitia: 'lusign'nicnls '''i.ll in- t:lude Internal and e."lcrnal audits, plus special .financial projects. Please se nd complete resume with salary requirement& to 'The Daily Pilot Box # M618. Assemblers ll"' REXAIR''.rnc:"'* i I ( ., I Large Inlcrnational' Co. Expanding to Orange Coonty 'VE NEED 25 MEN f'OR DlSPLAY AND ADVERTISING \VORK 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. TOP STARTING WAGES \\'1!: have an immediate need f NO EXPERIENCE for eleetronic assemblers NECESSARY ~·itlt a maxi1num ol l Yr:. AS WE TRAIN P,.;p, FOR INTERVJE\\f You must be \\•illing lo \vo1·k. CALL MR. iA1.lES On the 1st shill ll"Olll 7:30 ?.IONDAY & TUESDAY a.n1. to '1 p.n1. Kno\vlcdgc or 774-7251 color code, con1ponent parts\========= & sold_!ri~ is manda~ry. Apnci• Women 7300 • Gaod ilartihg rate + c"cel· -"---·,.., -~--­ lent l:ienclits inc.lucting 12 LOCAL· OPENINGS da~s v1tCatlon dw-Lng the 1st Gen. oic., J r. St $85/$90 .wk year o~ ~n1ploymen1. Type 50: relief recept. Ad-Varian Data i•cen• cmrt• Me ... · EX<'C., Sec'ty .... $525/$550 Machines To marketing dittctor En1ployer pays f!e on ·abovl!: Fee jobs al.so J. R Pierce Assoc, Ag!ncy 1885 Newport. C . .M. 642-6720 A VARIAN SUBSI DIARY 2722 Michelson Drive lAdj. Orangt> Co Airportl Irvine, Calif. 92664 See aeuy Bruce at An equal opportunity m fl employer M-F . ;66 C..xec * SALES ENG INEER * . POSITION Agency for C~ Girl1 REO:NT 01 <!ch ant c: a I '410 \V._Coast Hwy., N. B. graduate \\'ho communicates By appoint. 646..3S39 \\'ell. Rapidly growing 1oj~~~~~~~~~ year o~d comme_rc~ll:' p~ Help W•'ntec:I ducts (1n 11, spcciahzang in W1' 7400 Jirecision molding ofl _..;.;;;.;""'=""---~'-'-:;.; plastics co mpo nent LIVE Jn needed to stay with assembly. Ca r ce r op-woman. no care required. portunity with e x c ~ 11 e n I Lite h!k'p &: meals. 54&---5210 benefit~ including p r o I i I or 646-2516 sharing. ·===~~--.,..~~ CALIFORNIA WANTE~: Mature lady for INJ ECTION MOLDING ba~ltting w/ 2 mo old :m Brlgg!I Avenue baby 5 dayg wk. 545-26ZJ Costa Meaa. Calif. before 10 am or aft 6 pm. Irvine Ind. Tract MOTIIER'S help!!:r, live in, ~ perm. "J>n,1 rm &: ha.th. $125 MECH. DESIGN mo. &fi.5674. \VOMAN \VANTEO, night shift, po.rt time. No exp, nee. 2545. App., 1\-,r. Donut, 135 E. l7th St., C.Jv.. shift. Excellent free bene.lil!:l. Pl!:r- manent, steady 1V0rk. Our policy is pro-motion lrom within. Your future is deter· mined wtirely by you. New modem oUi~t l'r~ndly. pleasant •bnosph!re, J.~or Detailfl and App't. Call Collect PER.SDNNEL 12131 . 384-1213 UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP Cl.ERK OPPORTUNITY Top pharmacy n e c d s t:lerk in cosmellcs t gen. 1nd.se. \Vill train • J\-1u.st be perm. Neatness, l:- 1nanners and sincerity M'\th p!Op}e, iJnport~ 4- +r ated Lldo&lbot.· .. ~ •. .i\ij ,replie11.oon!id111ti;l.I.,.. Write details to; The Daily Pilot Box P-617 Hostess Apply In person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Ad•m• Coit• Mei• Work Nt•r Home· • AccounUnr/Bk!>t • Seerelatlal e Reception • I'ypiita • Superior Agency Establillhed 1946 1857 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Call first. 642-TI41 PART TIME Note • Jeller • Excellent opportunity! APPLY JNJ'ERSON ;~rst!~"~fi1 ar• of Orange Counly 1650 Adams Cost• Mesa ASK FOR: 1'1r. Starner or J.fr. Sprl~r An equal opportunity employer ADVERTISING \V. E. LachemlQ'tr ~altar 1860 Newport Blvd.:( eM &1&-3928; B.Ve. 673-45'7 YO\lNG, i;;oallsb 'JE><J:cutive e~ in -trade w I Europe;,' tiqbires French man or wol'nlln 'tor prtvate .P01""'°pa1 llti/le• ,iJl ,onI 'Fre\ich; minimum 3 m per wk until fluent. Ca 11 646-7473 ' EXP. Dinner Waltre!S - Waiter. Cocktail Waitres.s. Busboys. BEN BROWN'S REST. •t the Lagun• Beach CC 3ll06 S. Coast Hwy, So. Laguna Beach 491J..2663 Real Est•t• Siles Men & Women Expanding again, OWce # 4 openings available for licensed men & \\"Omen. ~ Stant income & ~-Mr . Bookkeeper ~.-,, s~·~·~Really. .iAU(LlMt; o P~G 1ft1u ltf .,0 11• 1._.. . -up ca or.ope;r. R•spon1lb e1 top ltvtl ator ~qntingtpn Beach, Ex- position for sharp, tak• pe;rie.nct A'.B. Dick or MultL ch•roe gfrl. Must h•ve Must work wiµiout aupervis- exctllent skills incl. ion, small camera experl- shorth•nd; h•ndle lite ence ~esired, will conakler bkkpg; billing. Under part tim~. Reply P .O. Box 30. C•ll B•rbar•. (7)4) 1066 Huntington Beach~ 92647 '42·3910 hEAL &STATE. Shouldn't SURGICAL I it EDICAL transcriber needed at once. Experience in h e a v y surgical dictation. Hours flexible. Contact 1¥1 rs . Alagna. Santa Ana Com- mWlity, 600 E. Washington you be selling the hottest area Huntnigton Beaeh? Village Real Estate 962-44n "546-8103 Waitres.! & Bartenders * Call 642--1831 * 2600 W. Coast lhvy N.B. Ave., S. A. COUPLE wanted for Motel HOUSEKEEPER/ Bab)'5it-work. ~ill Coast .HW)', ter, uve inJmature \l.'Oman. Dana P?fllt ~1300. I..apna'l Beach. Som l!: ~i&lt refs. $200 mo. Agencies, Men I 49-Ulis · Women 7550 ELDERLY · woman wanted • $100 mo., priv. room & board. Nice fllmily. Refs. Dana Poinl. Call anytime 493-4700 1-------'-'-' newprirt .- personnel agency Need 3 W-Omen to work as KITCHEN Help • 2 days bridal counselors; 3-4 eves 7-4, 1 eve. fi..12. lii Time Profession•I S.rvlce per \veck Ii: 4 hours Sa.t. Delicatessen, 495 E. 17th for the employer Start S3 pe;r hour. Must be St. CM. See Terry LI 8-9314 and the applicant well groomed iii drive. For OOP.1ESTIC: Live in or out. 833 Dover Dr., N, 8 • interview 836-7479. 5 days MorrFri. 3 schl age 642~3870 549·2743 e 'MAIDS. FuD or part timl!:, I.:. 1 • 4 yr old, Mission . · ~uat be abl! to work "'-eek-Viejo, Mrs. Yeiser, ~2550 Schools-Instruction 7600 ends. or aft 6 pn1, 837-5908 Ken Niles Motel EXPER. back office girl 1021 Bay1idl!: Dr. over 30, norrRN; part-time, The trlewport School of Busine11 Newport Beach progres~ing lo full time In Telephone r'c1ption 2 moa. Urology. 548-2247 FEATURES: k Ap I L-tw • Electric type\\Tilen1 wor • p y 519 ten DRUG a.ERK. ~ years e Dictating equipment 1 p.m. & 5 p .m., 1626 min <!Jlper. Refs. Top e J.fod!m office procedures E. ~ywood, S•nt• v.·~.;, College Pharmacy e Brush up Grea Shorthand An•. 440 Fair Dr., C.l\f. 340-4580 e Pl!:rsonal Development e Op ER AT 0 RS. Ex. CURTAIN &: drapery (Ask about our 1pecial Fe~ perienced. Good pay. salesladies. Apply UdoH'a ruary offer whlch includes e HAND FINISHERS. Gar-Home Furnishinp, S. Coast tree typing lllltructlon.), ment toxperience. 612--2668 Plaza, C.M. 646-0153 N.B. Sportswear Mlg:r. MATURE, Jive in chlld care LIFETIME Gltl. typeWritiJW, ATI'RACTIVE Glrl lo model housekeeper, 5 day wk, pvt. Qildl11fl. ~ or ·a few houn: a week, · m).. r .v. 837-Zll6 yoursell! Indivi~~ tutor- gt!nerous pay. Strictly for 8 AR· MA ID , n it e •. ed Qillcoe.t 10 l@uott1 typq fun, no exp necessary. Rep. MAVERICK. 1721 Newport school. 173 Del Mar, CM. ly 10 BoX ?o.f t.58-o&ifi P,!lol Blvd, Apply aft 6 pm. 548-2859 . e Bt.rrTON 1: BUTTON PART·Time baby ~ It t er 1"\ERCH~"DISE FOR OP ERATOR s: Ex-Corona. del Mar; houn SALE -AND TRAD! ~ t;o1 design &. C'vt.luation of GAU;, I haw lln idell.! Small perlenced. App. 8 to 3 p.m. varl!d. OWn trans. 675-1735 ... -.It. illuminall'd pu s h bu1ton housecleani1l£ b u ! l n e 11 .JAY ~lAR L'lC. 29;17 S. Oak, BEAtrrY 0 PER AT 0 R1f,_u_r_nl_tvre_,_ _____ ttUUU~ ""'.itche~. Expcriertcf' with LerK get our h ! a d 1 Santa Ana W ~ Full or part time, E L E G A NT s P a n i •II miniatu1~ ~"'·Itching mtch-~ther! 642-2812 MATURE WOMAN Bal Isl:. c.11 675-3701 furniturt. 3 rooma 1 mt anlsm desirable. Contact: fttOTEL MAID For telephone survey, our FOoD 6: Cocktail waitrt!B. old. Cost HOOD. new, aei r.1arco Oak lnduatrics E.XPERIENCED -ouice. Full or pt tlme. Gd ApPly ln person. Henry'• all $:l500. 54&-9'35, 1330 ·21>7 So. H!lena. Anaheim 62lE W. Coasl Hwy, N.B. pay, Ph. ·J.trs, Pihl 646-7153, Restaurant. 545-5579 Palisades Rd, ·No. 17. S.AI. ITI4> ~1 BABYSl'l"TER n!eded 8 AM 9:30 am-3:30 pm daily, MATURE woman to care lor M 0 V l NG-MU1t .e , ARCl-tITECTURAL to S PM; Fountain Valley WANTED • ltfat\;n: Spanish 1 yt old girl. J.ty Holnl!:. houaehold furn i a h In I Designef'-Pl•nner to "'wk area. 5.1t-J230· Eves. speaking_ w 0 m • n for-!.qtJria N\eUel-4gj....CJ()9 ~ goe1! 4M Eltii on .largt-·Apt. proj(!(::b.& WANTED: ~w. ef. b abys i tting & lite SL C.M.548-7586 custo_nl hontC'S. GUl!:d Smith lte!'ent. ~xp'd, f'ront desk housekeeping by the lofo., Jobt Men. Wom. 7500 _,. u A L IT y inna-DI! ~~:'· Newport Beach girl for Dental ofc. ll!'.l2..$U dll)'s only. 548-S914 alitt I w/qUilted m&.ttreu, corn -~~=~. =~-BABYSITIER needod 8 AM pm. * DRIVER •.. s * ~:.·~--$08, """" 12' e INVEfliTORY to S P?.t ; Fountain Valley PUik time dl'nta.I rettp. ~ __j_ ' CONTROL. l r<!a. 531.J13'J. Uonist tnier 35. ex p rtq. No Expenence FRENCH Prov qouble ~ 64l-266G N.B. Sporta\\"ear TEL EPllONE AM"·ering Send resun1e to Dalli Pilot Necessary! sro. Padded htad~ Munufacturer ~rvlce. Expt,rlenaed need Box M 5.12 hfut hive dear. CaJllornl• doubl! bed $50. ~ FUU. Time Deli-I~ to go. only apply, M0.2Wl MAIDS \VANTED dtivlng n-cord. Apply El.EC \lo' a 1 her/ d ~~1. Ill Tl1\tE DELI WAITRE$ wanted, appl)' In 2301 Newport Blvd., 0.ta Y!LLOW CAB CO. Tnlndle bunk b¢'d& -t 495 E;-1ith St. CM. pmion, Mesa Uul•!S. 11o3 1-M_m_.A-'p-"ply"'-lll-'-po-l'tltM __ •·--1 186 £. 18th 5'. gtools, mile. m--0737 I t>lal 642.5678 for RESULTS Superior Ave .. Costa MeR. DAILY Pl:mr WANT'",\DS! O>sla J;fes& \Vbile elepbaotit Dtme+UDB • l I • d • • -•· " ~ '· t .. I MEltCHANDISE F0a 5-'LI Ali~ TRADE fjlrnlturo '4!00 .. Silanish Mediterranean .. R~elvH canoelletiCM'I of $22,000.0Q Spanish andl ~iterr•nean ' FurnltUre' All New Top Qu11ity Brand Names Decor1tor'1 Dream HouH on Dftplay Items u follows: Gor· gC?Ous 8 (l. c1,1ston1 quil- ted sofa with scpal'alc loose plllo\\'S \l'ith heavy oak ,t1:im de<.'Or and mat- chlnr chair, 3 matching oak ocee.sional tablts, 12) 58" tall decol'.ii.tor lamps, an 8 plecc master bed· rQOnl suite In pecan pan- elled M~telTan~n •Lyle \Vlth top q\.JaJity 15' yr. warrnnty mattress & bo:c: soring:&. Spanish deco r dining ut, etc. Whole houseful! w11 rogular1lllt5.00 MUST SACRIFICE $568.00 I M~ihtANPISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Fu'mJtvre ~ IOOO EXQUISITE SPWH MEDITflWIAN RETUitt"'iEO FROM. MODEL JI0~1ES A fine &eltttiou of complete l'.cN.19etulh. &and namn, kinggize bedrooms. beautltul 1 pc, dinin:" rooms, chinu, hutches. custom quality ~ fas & love seats, double door refrigerators, washers, dry- ers, color TV's" foll gttaran.. teed) will sacrificc. SeU au or pa.t1. Tenns on good cred-it . ACK WARfHOUSE Trl2 Gani.en. Grove Bivd,, 1 Bick West of Beach Blvd., oU .Carden Grove Fnvy. Opcnl0to9Sun10-6 BIRCH dining ·table \V/2 ext 1v/ pads $83. 4· Windsor side chrs S15 ea. 2 Windsor host chrs U7.50 ea. 'Base w/ glass hut.cit Sll7. Birch coHee tbl $:?), birch com- mode S25. Aqua chr w/ trJCE SALES: tfot- po.int ll cubic foot freeier $20. Apt. ,,., droplea! ·fonnD~ $10. 4' wooden *-•l<MWllO. a upholstered bar •i.ol• !10. -E1'e-ttk """' pollaher 115, Rat· tan chaJr 110. Occa&ionaJ ""''" -ct>ai. $10. t.lliroP '.~ · Cheol o I drawe1., SlO. Dmlai1\g; t11.ble \\.'Ith ~tl ~or (desk\ SlO. Large coffee table StO. Full td1e headboat'CI $5. Nest or J!"l'c!t'lt:h Pruvenl!lal l&We1 $%;.. Aolk)ue·tea table $25.. Antique piecru.sb bible Sl5. Bed&ide ta~ S5. End table SS. Maple ~ne n.ck $5. 1.t&ple noor lamp sro. Desert air lamp $25. Adjust.able heat lamp $15. Ne\\' 3 i>pP.Cd floor fan $20. Chenille drapes ( 1 -4*' x s· lo~I " . 9' x ,. long)..$20. • Farberware elec- Irie """'"'" grill $20. 9 Aa.t to 5 P?.t ONLY. 302 ?oforr'llng Canyon Road .tShore CliUa> Corqoa , dcl Mar. 673-6757 NEW Sears Qw:oen 1lze elec- ~ ~t-klou::l pontrols $15. Ne\v beige led dou-.bfe 't>edspf.ee.d S10. 2 . -·30;., ·bar · stOOll!· $10. Man Y household item& SOc to $5. fltedium brown sw:lich SlO. Elil.abeth ·Stewart swim An.y pi~ can ~ pur-otton\an $32.' C i n n a m o n chased Individually . • . quilled sofa $'19. Danish Jiv· suit, size 14, paid $26, v;orn l\l•ice $5. Lots good '\'omen's TEJu.1$ - We carry our ing rm sel $65. 2 birch own accounts. clothing, .... 12-14, 50o • SlO. Moving, come browse. · bar stools ~ ea." 2 pole r 11 1] lamps S30 ea. 962-0560 144 Yorktown Ln, C.M. S41h1266 ~ HIDE-A-BEDS $100 ...:.. - - -Fri., Sat. & Sun. ~' l 21:.7 Harbor Blv, Costa Mesa NEAR "'"' maple Bo&ton rocker $15-962-2964 .... ..,. ture .. at. HARBOR BLVD. ·~II : P~r1 iMQPPN HUGE collection. o! owr 18~ NtQrl Blvd.!!!~~~!:~~ Costa Mesa · . wain"' 1ati1 .... lamp• • 51~ b:loks, flction and non- fie ion. ·2!je ,to $2. :mat Ji. \V. )~~.·:·Santa Ah& ,lie.!£:bbi~~7264 'I ' MAPLE end · tables. $al. Cof· romplete bedroom with quilt (only) "' mattren . 5 ""· dm.t~. etc. All for ... '" table $25. Now bed frames $3. Metal telcphoe .,land and book rack 1<. Every nite 'til 9 Wed., S•t., Sun. 'til 6 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer dresser, mir- ror, 2 b@dside stands, king size headboard, ltamc, quilt- ed mattress, tiheeU, blank- et!, etc. , Cho~ of Spanish : ' oi 1'.tdli11t Stule · • ·~ I I -~~I ~fy.r · ·l~ '. No d~ r i'mts. ,ori!y 19 mn. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 '\V. 41)1 ~I., .Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • ·9 Sat.9 -6 Sun:11 .s REPOSSESSIONS In excellent condition, llke new. Beaut. quilted sofa $89. chair $49, 3 pc. ~.cl $99. so!a & love st!at S,179, 5 pc. dinette set S24. 5 pc bednn. set $89, box iprg "-rnatls Call sizes) $8. ea. King size ~'.S ea. Sell all or an,y part, Tenne. AOK WAREHOUSE f • f ' TIT-Garden Grove Blvd., 1 Block W. of Beach Blvd., oil Garden.Grove Frwy. MORE CASH PAIO FOR Furniture Colored TV's, Pl1nos Appllanc:•, Antiques 1 Pleet or Houseful! la Our Spocloltyl 636-:i620 24 HOUR SERVICE BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS MUST sell immedla~ly. 1S2" velvet an&1e . 80fa, l velvet $277 No down . Pmts, bnly SlO mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 \V. 4th St.. Santa Ana Open Daily 9 -9 Sat.9-6 Sun.ll-6 * $29.44 * 3 Piece Braided •.·OVA!. l!U<l){m e Nyk>n blend, reversible, f!U':; ~.l'O'oft";· Al'S UNUSUAL I .. FURfil,tl.IM·•" 17881 sR.aCJ1 Blvd. HunUngton Beach 842-440-I DOUBLE box spring &: foam rubber mattress + frame + bookcase headboard + beautilul bedspread. S38. ....... , Excellent condlUon, ""' Verde area. 546-15"10 MEN'S white """ ·-(15~~ -321 25c each. X-large sport 5hirts all in very F. condition 25 to 50c. ~fen's suits, mediwn and XI. $1 • S3. Ladies clothu si7.es 14-18. Hals, blousell, skirts, dresses, 'Purses,· ""'"' Sc to 15. """"' o! S&nce Fiction b Oorus, lilc each. Large EleCtrtinic eqilipment ~'6fl"lffiel1 COllf-!n~ nOW11 .:ntiitottial •na: la111p $7. Refrigerator, runs line, '125: 21Q3 Wollace !Comer Ha1nllton, C.ltf.l NICE baby crib and mat· tress S15. Meshed play pen $5. Large Screen T.V., works,, $5. ttosalc coUoc table $7. 54&-3902 IRONER. "Conlon" Mangle, LOVE Seat $80. 8' med. sofa, love seat, coffee & end I· table!, lamps, 5 pc dinetle set. Less than 2 mos old. l\1ust sell this week. Prv prty, 539-9046· rwui good, $25. Sll-0087 T'i)'EWRITER·$5. D"k 115. SecretarY chair $5. Elemcn- tary 3Chool desli: $.'i. 54G-6998 SWING 91!t • S10. Lar ge I. No C:omm1rci1I Firrns or private.business m.y use these columns. ' Wonder Hone $5. 66-1926 \VO~tAN'S .· Ski Boob, '"" "B"~'~is» ' •' 1t1ATTRF.SS $11. Box gpri1'rl S15. Frame $3. Twin •ize, 2. EACH ITEM· ·for sole 'must be priced -G no price onr-$25 ... excellent conm&n. SM-3709 lRLS' clothing, Size U, 3. DIME. A. LINE sk.UU; ~.weawrs. ...... .. good condition, SOc to $1. ,...1764 ESK, small, $10. Desk lamp ads era eccepted end pubfished as a unique D serv:ice to (!Uf patrons end the DAILY PILOT reserves the' right to limit their publication FU to one day each week. DIME-A-LINE ode ero strictly cash with copy. Reaaen ar• urseo. to r.. $3. Musk stand SS. Chair S5. Rocker $10. BBQ stand ... To,., ..... 50o • 15, '45-5335 l.L Mattreues aod box spring! SlB each. New Dress night stand Mim>r and Headboard $1>. New Dini!lle eet s~. Baby dresser $10. Swing set SlO. Lawn mower SlO. White dinner ware SlO. port promptly to th• DAILY PILOT Cluslflecf Dep&rtment aiq vtolalionl Of tbese Dime.A-Un• f'el'> 1atlont1: ~ BABYLIN'E crib and mat· treu. like new, eutc design, only $20. 837-2097 cha.in. 7 pc dining room E L NE set. Red-black.gokl. d e n DIM ·A· I ERMAN Shepherd puppiel. beautUul tr! "''°" $25. G fom. 2 bdrm ,.,.., "'"" • No Item Over $25 • 962-7297 queen. Furniture med far lNING table &I" Ion; $12. model home. Sat A Sun BI.ACK Board (gTeenl 42:x.ta D only. 2298 ReiHand• Dr, eor on easel Stand $7. 543-1764. C niatching chalrs S5 each. 40 p~ electric train set 23rd &. Redlitnds . MOVIE viewer and gpllce:r, --=z"o,._,p=-_,Map..,--..,le:--1 like new, $15. 54&-8150 C. · BARllIE and · Ken wltb 3 ROOM ,GROUP wantrobe• and "°""' 11. "'Ith transformer $13. Doll stroller $1. 'BO)''• alack:a slze " $2 eac'h. Girl's wtnh!r "''" with hat "" 5 13, t ~lude1: Uvine mom Bet • MS-17S4 Othtr girl's items 25c and SOc. ll6U79'I tables • lamps -bedroom SlLVERTONE clock radkl set -quilted mattred • ma-$7. Electric rottsm-M! BBQ 1·· pie dinhlf toOm. All Ior •• , S7. Veritax copier $20. Black G ···tA4f '. caraeut fur Jacket S12. Pink E t>ry<r· E:J<ctMe, "'I" · Conttltion $2,j. \\1e1t\J'lih0Use "':"11 • leaUier jacket $2. Cocktail Nodown-Pmts.onlyll31'1o, dresie:s, Jmi~ suilll, llK'S WAREHOUSE """n"" "'''""· "'•'"' llihortll. lovely tope, size 12- 000 W. ttb St .. Santa ~ J4, :-i<lc • St Shoes, ~~!!_f!,·_ Roaster With timer clock complet.a $i5. L adies clothing s\ui S-,12 l\ncf c1rl'1 clot!Ung.1lze 8-12 :'IOc' lo $10. Boy't c.1dthlhE;''Ws U.1.f SOe • no. su.-1iso • Open Daily 9 _ 9 handba.g111 %JC • $L ran Sat. t . 6 SUn. u • s rear 4171,~ Jrls. Cd ltl. LO , ... ..., ___ ........... I ""6r.:_~~~----VELY De<orator L&mo ·LllE llW i Simmons rnat~ wrirq cWtb. 1' clftl, All ,,.,. $211 c .. h ff> lJ80 mornings · . . I • ·CEMENT laundry tub COl!'lo plete wlfh stand and lap!l, l also occuional chalr, both for $%), S48-97S4,, #5, 'Excellent twtn n'lllltreu and-$25.548-4312 ' QUES 11. T>pcwrittt $25. Books'&. R.f!C!Ords sac. s:JG.-1161 . 311 WHl . AdaJhs. J.luntlngton Bt"al:h . VE SIO, f'trlzt"Tltor $1Q or .hclth $1!i. rr.v. $10 all wortr. Ooubk! b.ookc allc headoo.nt • $4. chrorne sci $4. le111ps S2 pair. 847-2907 USED 12 ·11tr1ns ptlar SJ.S) 842-?SJ.; BOY'S lb •.tP.Cfdl ~Ike "" .... "'"'""'"'· ~126 USED l 'bi>i> 1' buUd1"" material: 2x4 61Udt ~ sec ~ach. m~-50 each. 4x4 ':1 • 111 ach, 4*t :ii • 17,~ . , .. ~~, 10' Iii ••di: llil' 16 11 ..... ~~~Sc. foot', ~ ' -1 t $15. tub ;51)', toaet ~ each, door. ;with bardwatt 15 each, cu ~ all day Sat. 1''eb. 12 at SIB. aftd'!Wllnut doWnktt.>n: !t.B.' w l call ~-" SPRINGS. mattms and "'°""" headboard 115. 536-""2 PORTABLE "" 115. ' duom• "" •tools S10, artificial ~ tree SS.. 2 canopy lop!; t\lin S2 each, table T.V. 13.50, eablriet T.V. S5. sn1al1 dog bed St.r..11, ... o! artificial flowers, frull SI.SO, 15 sheets .11traw matting 4x8 75c eac h, Hydro-Dynamic bldg. set $7, hanthneat c-50. com P<lffl>e~ 1lt. : it;1sequin 5tjftl to)) ffli .el-kl black :,%\:i.., I;· ~ ~~ 17. 1(1s ·, '~ 't?ic pair, Baby items -infant ~at:. U1 mesh ~ $5, pl&j tex bottle' stt Sl.50, bath tub, ·TSc.. serving table Sl, crib' ' bumpers,, $1. · 'be d changer 50c, sheets Z>c, bo:< of (oys 50c, car seat 50c. ,.,__ . ~tAPl.E style twin bed $10, \romen's 2 speed bike ioocJ rond!Uon $10, chil!1°s bike, training wheels Sl. 4 14" hubcaps $5, large bolt cut- · ters no, Barbi!-, Midge, .Francie iLnd Skipper dolls. ' 'l'.50 each, small d o 11 ·~1'fli~25e_ to $2. 842-7623 DlNETI'E .et fOrmica 6 chairs and leaf S:ll, set of 009kware .heav·y club aluminum 115, barbecue """ 13. reverberator tor cu radio $15. 846--9144, H.B. COUCH with loot •tool orange and white leather. maki!s 'small bed, very iood condition $25. 962-9857 LIVING, room chair $25, \\'hite and gold headboard SlS. Uving room lamp $25., 2 hyin bedspreads $5, 2 twm bedspreads $15. 968-4049 l I OIJTBOARD 5 hor8e 125. Ll!e iJbuin.E HollYWood !nmo, OUT~pt -· ~ R,\Rl'l Ila~ -,· ""'. ~' ~ ~ raft iis. Afarlne batlfty epr1nt1, mattress ~ _be,ad· Corv.,1 1.,.c(tra.ns, ,d6a!'" Tv.'il ~nlloll MJJl R.dOrfi\dtvldii Siil • •WllCb '8, ~l board!~ boarcl $U. J>mto•deep fat d.isalleQl $10, t\eir U• ~~I on·,~~t._in ~ llm~rJL.atlt) $ll. ·lrlddor.11, anow alod 18. ..,,.,,.1$, ~1 '_ , ' to1 15 ·~ch, Elllal>t COO!-..,.;;; /lftrrtH.\lle.n./ fl*l l'ti[tco ~ ,, "$5; ~ i\'!.!.':!'.L!"'" Fore! REM!NOTO·NOlll .. -·i!!;UdlS.>lonuh<lb .~, ~~·: ~~...i.niu "ltaoh$!1.J:IU.1"1Jl ., typew rir ~flS~ ,C8J>I .... ta~h, Good JU ,s .. ~~ .,.....,w~ "Dctrle.:I'ttr Mtisrscliiyery t h'in;. P.-.1-1.~f · £.fJ ~ w'hltew.U tire·~ wheel aQd ma.ceJS29~LPufld 3S ~·a.; -~ vacUum Wtlh • attachMenls •• ~-.. ' U32 -' ff. Chevrolet !rd m.mbtt cal. Dutcitr~ ~ AD-!P;IP; 3 19 •• SJ!. Car seat and lnlant · J "·Qrka, nettU bra'ke1 $7, ti~ 111\~ ~ dlillen MA~fOrl .,._. aeat $.i., Hl&h chaJr·. no 011:-~~nUtia.,.~ ~ ~ h\lb capa ~I ot 4 SIS tG $25; FOi.ir pld beer spotltll flO. ~ ~ t ., ""'"" d''~' ~·II to 17,, llta10:U' ~'ti> u;. is. ~ • . atitoa ~ .-. .,.u,,. loot ~ ~~-;; t'W ""' ~· ~ .~ SJ:ws 'W6 ~_, )ttts. c.11 tall statue ~ot'"·'fttbeocCa at EL!rI'SIC -•a ' 1~rth Utl SJ,. ·~rgt c.lb.per '~ifscilpcs. 3 d~11:: of FANCY vuea, crueta.,'~per lhe wtU~ U""'&..~ Doren. 'horrtem.cte. bu 1 d •pt paH "·Ith hi.I ~. Tri1't'~e Stlll-lllc:i.,,.1 >J>sit'QS:t, 2 Sur-v.·elgbts $5, Old 't"1klflg tiPe .Jr\~ cold puce -1~ fa!:ls $4 each. Halnper ~ reallliUc. 21 Piahitinp in all. stickl $6, Iron cake mold and~1'f"Wlftfll1S to 21" ... ~AVOX. JY... ' Tea V.'Bri'O"• l}lus shelves All OriglnaJ $atvrday It or pot $9, Elnbroldered $25. Bn.M •-ne.w •~l)f skit ~UO!' $25; ~ SS. Bathroom storage G. • ....i ... A1~11.S3l~oncn linens Mc· $2, Bo.'C odd b'~'-·'ill cibbit 0$4, lrooilW bolrds ....,........, """''"" gl&ss and chll'la S4., Indian and safety mu .. ,. ... '"-MOBIL£ l>A"O?Wal" 1.JJ I•• ll'e·...J. T.V. (Deeds small 4' YANKEE Clipper Snow ""' ru:. w.oone -In In box 1:17: •Portable -14" mill•·-moiliel' 1'IC« ~-SI~ 17 --•AA" .... -TV ~ 118. 54S. 5050 .... ,, tubef) $20. Clollet <loon $4 ~ .-iv.,vi~ ring S3, Pin cushion doll -· lo 13,000 KC, 12 ~ each, Pots and PllM 50c CONSJLE PbJP J\a'dio SlO. SS. Tin b'pe.a '5~ Bqola 25e, GOOD 30 gal bot wate1· n~.J ec:imltion, rece to ·s1. Electric 1klllct $4. 0>1nbinatioft , Radio and bot.He,, $1, Kermene lamp heattt $10. W.rlri;r ~r 125; Nmtt~ S2S; ~ 'Knick knack shell $ 1 . Record Player $Z, Good $4, CoUee grinder $9, Noon $10. Autom&\lc WUher-$5. • 91pP11 . ta ~.:J 64fi...850a condition. Mi'-8974 to ~-•5'3 Vk bia St., C.l\t. Air conditioner ttJr Ford, RiVtRSJBI:E' ~~~ MOVING sale, boy '11 ex· OOUBLE be-cl $20. Rolla1vay SKIS Knelssl S2S. Poles S3. corn,p\ete $25. Ne1v guitars rv.; 9l'll' • broWll.'1fli*I. M . ttllcnt condition sk\mboa.rd, be-ct $20. $-dray,u cllt'St $10. batbeel and ,dun1~ $12, $10 and' sz, Covalr Ervine ~Ilion StT. ~ 4: rostSU-$4,Jackl!tA,shoes, ~.drawer desk $10. Chest 3 dra',l.'l'r S20, SaUn :·t::t.&$5~,,:rl~~rv:~ StJNDAY onty 1'00i'I H, shh1.s 25c • S2.0,, l\1ortorola fcl~phone 5~d $7. ~tufted sheets, orchld $12, York • ~ 2 sotu '~f .1J tWti 19" T.V. 1tOund, picture chair SlO. J3r0iler rotiSserle trumpft fJ$. Music &tand hgN~~ SZ'i. b:ed's· :'$21. 1 ~ '"llit needs adjuattng $5, Ken-$15.•l9?r.~r)· <l"' i $3,Kil!Kslzebeds.Jitc:ld.gold 54$!:,. Q , Aw •• ~',o · R 0ecltnl'.i'.:Sl~( n10tt floo; polqher at-Gurr AR with case~. 1 ta.pe $15, %,~· IJll.Ywood.· 4x8 $5. . Costa'. Men.• · · ~~re.tor tJ.~1. 1~ ,tsicbme.pt $5, Ju new waflle rerorder, \V~\lCOret.i with Chtnewe mosaic 1x4 SlO. 1933. LJl\"E new folding 9Crttn, end table .t SlO:•Wuh! ~n $2. Ladies 21 Jewel m'i c r 9 ttliO'n e: It 6. .1 Wallace,. ·~Pt i;: a. ll-t ' i-kl m-·S.H,~~te IJ!aehlne f15• •n 1'f.V, Wt 'White gold Bulova watch, m i,crophone $1.flO. 2 6U-2932;t~;. "~-~ fi'.5 0 , ~·plefu.:rOlt-!'l perlect condlllqn Pl. Ladles inaracu $3. 7 door' locks ' ideif~. qkmPer-1railer. Reetllvtt $21)• sum.I oriij, awealen, jacket&, 1ulta. 'He . each. Bible $7. Car wa;:D:!A)~ i;en tnd new New babf•ICales SJ.SCI. Goll ; :taS 8mlal'd St., (l,)11, · 1 dre&&es, good $1 • $5. Lo.veli rad~, 6 ".'°Ill S1 Chevy ~ 110 ·~nio 1 e a:u clubs $2.SO. K e n m ore · fatm&l ev,enlng w.?ar S3 • man.i!_old v.1~ carburetor $7, s ove • ~ waihlns: · machine $10.50, $10. Miacellaneout:1 pVses, 1665 Wisteria, s&nta Ana. BLUE dilJt ~~~1 b00ks S2. J'\W· Co<Jd. TvM mafueU Mndal11, je\\-elr)', 50c • $1. DtsroRTION unit for elec-Walnut formka. d I n el t c and box sp~ $15; Double ~ tric ~ilar, new SIS. Sterto table $25, 4 chain $3 each. -.yal~t ~amu,.~rd ANTIQUif ~ $10 • SlS. phone amplifier 50c. "Party 54Q.-OT70 $5'; · Kaua&hyde ~Z chair Beautif\if all '"•'001 blankets Pooper". lie dftec'm' kit sz. GAS stove Sl5, 2 n&ugahyde SU.SO; J!usock $3; Small lp excellent condltkm $8 • Electronic kit1: 2-transistor chairs $8 • SlO, Box springs table · with drawe.ri; $3.50: $15 Pair dacron quilts S5. radio, portable amplHier, and mattre115, ll:lte new S\5 Chrome kl~n table and Tw0in bedspread SS • $10 _!;lectronlc random ~ice, each, 2 bkycle1' $10 • $17, 4 good chatn $22.50; Corner pair 1.Jadras throw spread f)CIWe" ampliller fOr portible Dishes from 50c to $8. Table. c,u~ $16': Drawer and $1. iil\eris 5Qc ~ fl:W ~tr radios, 30c to 75c, with parts S10, 6 chain, new bucket cupbd&rd' pUU!' Si:, lJ&hting 'Whue ,~~ 1am;.: .~ SS. ·and dlagrama.·~l-71&5. Ask seau; $25, Toa.ster and wal· <fqtu~~. Jl.:Q. ~':En'Tll_e rod bath. 1 c a I e s SI, Teak for John. 3)30' Highland Dr., fie ipi :>$~. HWJ>oard 'lf. qnitMn i~e:l~' Iron wutebasket $2.25, Large N.B. and .ftlaht aQtM· s:zot'l~ Piece $2.50: Womens e l-o·t b,e ,• yellow ~ bask.el $1, JAMES Bond 007 open road nauga,h~ tecllonal, . l~ l(IOd, 20e • $4. W9men • small pink wastebasket 50c, n ee set, trackll, can, etc., 11ew $10 each. Call 549--0BI); llhoes 8~ -9, 50c pair. roo1n air cooler on 1tand brand new SlO. women's or 540-0017. 155 Hudaon, 2 pair airl1 new saddle SlO, Housi!\\·ares 50e _ $7.50, clothes, size S.10 $5 -S15. C.M. 1hoe1 $1 pair .siie 9-9'1\. Young gh·l's Singer sew 673-3502 DRUM !et Blue Sparkle cost Baby clothes G-3 Yfl·• some handy electric s e w I n g $165. Snare drum SU.SO, =r ~: •• l_Oc to $1.SOlc; machine $8, Goosed own SCRAM-LETS Bass drum • pedal $25, Ha-es, lllllll8, Vf.a!eS,, plll<tA'K $2, Girl's 1W! 12-lf lngln:i Tom Tom and RJde to SI. Saturday and Sunday black Daruddn leotards aM ANSWERS Cymbal $12.50, t:Joor Tom l0:30k AMI to 5 PMhoor d~ l!aW}i, &,.._,.y'a bike ~"$7; tights 75c to Sl, Ballet shoes Tom and HI had cymbal l\'e'e Pease P ne · dtst. t; stools $5 e a c si7.e 51,i N $1.25, Tap shoes $15. 536-3340 S..2ll0. ~ ~oe. S.A. . 6" M 13 GI l' ui.:. -' ' Be Id Heights, oH Palisades Toutn,\Uter '2· 7'3 , r s '"" new Nlc~e1-Bushel-ho _ -APARTMENT-ebe in fant -· iron. steam $2: .Mana:" clothing. 1lze 12-14, 50!: to Varied -Bamboo -Ga.ther crib $12, ~e S s, 'REF R'l OE RATOR, ~25; e1e1ctrlc.· All sood con:!I $5, Ladies sweaters, large -LOCOMOTIVE lnf"ntacat $l, · baby jwnp Medicine cabinet $5; 'ROom ·Dectri~ bean ~ size Sl.25 -~· 2 pair A~. 'B'ilo,'lul curl~ bore, seat $2. All $20. 96&-l622 divider, bar type, $10; An-hew. N-ct\l!:bll wlre SET of charger spinner wheel coven 14'', dttp d 118, ~ 'i'l1'lli'J,'" rad all 1stoni .;tl, ' a"'*~b"' aVOcado 24xf8 kitchen cur-learning that a )'OUTG lady t l q u't d v an i t y $ 2 S; wide 100·1-. l ~ lsh ~ns ~th valance Sl each, ~'8.S goilllf.,tp n.wther cit)', DOG house for sale S23. Nevmnar ·table $20;. ,; ~~· .• ir, .. a1tNi nu io OVal ~ ti.id ' $5 • SlO, uked: "What motive Is lllk-646--2395 c~o%ntiila>l!larbecue c ~ 1 , ~I 64 ~s'bttpCUtl.n\e~'coat. Vlll )'OU ~":•AlY ~W,!" fiilMR!tf»t_tr ~OifWl\ $2;' ~"1~1 chest SOc, 1 • ..- 1 Jwge size, Sl~· ~ plaid She: "I ,believe t¥Y call II moWer 15,· B1ke $10, '$\\<Ing 2 desk · Wnpl"$1.50 each: ~Whet : · ' r,-;-. .. "· AMMO ;oo ...... hunting and military JO.a} Ue and Se each, brass cleaned and deprimed for .38, 45, 30-06, .308 17-62 NATO) mllltary and match l ~ and Jc 847--0356 • CHINA closet 122. antlque buHet with mirror $31, pine bunkbeds S16, 1tfaple poster bed S14, 2 mirrors S7 and $5. 6 lamp shades 50c to $1.50, lamps Sl.50, old rocker SI2. junior bed $10, office chair $7, couch S:iS, 1lass\\'arni 15c to Sl, antique l!litTOr $10. 96&-1559 &fAIJ.;newunar eolfee table with hl'o match~ end ta~ $15, Danish i:r $?i, an like ~w. Dinette set With C chairs $25, 4 nevamar coHee table $4, 3 piece gee- tlonal $25, lime green chair !20, 768 "B" Scott Pl. upstairs (1 block north of 18th oU Placentia. Ml 6-2323). All day Sunday. DIVAN. ;ood iz;, Radio. M.f/FM . $7, Typewriter, rood SZ'i. Fold grocery cart ;l. M8-CS16 D.fOVIE projector flS, Pifoive &creen $9, DayUle viewer $12, Tia.verse nxl• ... nd hard"•arc '4' to 7' S2 -Sf, Steel cabinet, double doon m: 64" )C 24" 'X :II". Elec- tric wanna: Silex hot .Plate $3 each, .~lahoe:aey and vinYI carrying cases SS. Pie- ture frames S2 -S4. Hanging zipper moth proof clothes containers Sl • $3. 6U-&l3.l HEAVY d"ty cbrome and wood car top carrler S10. V.W. Bus rear eeat $7.50, Bamboo fence 6xlS $2, Fold up .~1 chabe )OWllfe with pad I>. Mtlal -stand '"' recwd player S2. 2 tour dra~<tr <'heit1 vanity with drawer S'?.50, Wagon. wheel twin bed trames S7 each, Bathroom medicine cabinet ·with mfmlr ~. 4 fluorestcnl light fpttures i;; each. ......,.,, 22 RIFLE, bolt ttpeater $:?:;, Antlqut jewelry s 2 . 5 0 . m.-027S B!CYC!.E.'! ' ..... S16.SO • $3), Stingray SJS, 24" $&, ,. .. ,...,., 112 . II~ Motorcycle-th'e 2 . 7 5 x 1 t Pt11UI fllke new) SJO, Pedal car CboaO $3. J.fen'• rlni J"6Utt .Pit• """ • 11~ Laf1'! v.'OCid doll cradle S1 . Sj!),2871 AUTOMATJC waaher, ""' .... condition 125. .Automatic wuhcr -ROOd. iu. Gu dhrer wOrks good ·it5. Bab)' high chair very """" and -Ill. ··0pr.:n 1-· •Ian> .... S2, All kird of wubet. Plt'll Sl ft:l 110. 847-8U!I zjp~retl . ~VeJ bi,11 $2. a LC>C.W.fOTIVE.'' set SS .. Typewrlter $15, Rq Handmowerandcatcher $8; SO UT,ff\\'INI)., P'hone ·~mo . s10. ·oapn $10. rm w. 20th, Reclihf!.'15:--::BWirallrJ*. heater IOI',' rla.;1 boat TYPEWRITER Underwood 8oY'S bicycle' $15.. Sf6-3749 CJ\1. 2 pr. iJlufters 16x.f $6; ~c· camper. Imtaiit, 2->t rebullt' like new $22.50. 2 TWIN niattreu, llpcinp GO-CART fi:ame $?, 3 hp tu'res: b0tt1e11 ·1oc ·25c, tie•t.' New tufp1ua 20, 543-7165 and tra~1 $25. Apt. .slz e-100 110, 5" mini bike kitchen ,u\en11il1, roUee ~I.I Bro, J('VDC, ~ Con ·~ " Ttlepho' "' r::Ao """.: .. · 5. Kt 5-3.'M9. '.' • SWIVEL Rocker NalJl'ahyde stove $10.'Lawn mower and whttlr 'SS : each, S" 'rim .,._ ~. "" Like New $25. 873-46U catchers $5. Gtarden toob $2.50, 8" rbns , $1.!iO each, Fedey,I Ayel)ue, Co 11.t a· ~· .Swee'Jort. J St. Chaise Joun. '~. and --• 2 balloon ti-a IS eoch, Meaa. · 1 ,,~-, a..,;. ~JaiM!r DAIµ( Aprtcot Poodle puppy ff, Lawn cha1ri"'$t,50 e.:;: ,.,-. .... phone 1'1s. Women's LAROE ...w.lc&l 11ib ..,_50_ .And~~ clWr'Ss: ' , AKC ~25· -893-332l Upholstered chair and creen cl~th~ sizes u1"°, 2>~, 50c · to $5. 1CM9'11 . .,.. -'3. Btb,Y· swllir f*:·' CUSI'OM made · W a I n u t 1Up.cover $5. 646-5133 _ $3. 646-4644 BARKER. Bl'ol, l\'ool 9xl2 p1aypen fl); ~tal bookcases $25 ~ach. Itall11.n AREA Tua: $25. Typev.,-iter NEED e dry desert atr" blue carpet and pad, veiy ~nolt ~: W~ Provincial corner table S20 -. S lam ....,, Sham . llOITl • bench. tin; Bun· warmer• F'oJding &ereen SlO 2 lab!; .-. tove _ P -... _-Try thb therapy heat la1np nlct, $25: VlctOl'lan 'hutch, c&nopl.a ftdwood ·1a1111 lam1>15 SJ.So each. SWag ~ $5. Coat rack s:;. on adjUlllable roll stand $25. needs .v."Ork $25: 1.tnith Ahl-SID; R.ecord albums 1 lan1p $6.50, fireplace screen &t2-8l63 Fl\f table . radio, nice $12: •ach; Pedal \CV! $ $l. Books lOc to $2. Patio BLAC:K male cocker--poo SU. BEAUTYJ\ESI' dOuble mat. f!H-492.5. Aa1ortto4 toys ~Oe "to. ctialse $8.50. l.a'1\'n ch8.il'I Terrier puppy, 9. mon~ tress ·arid tio:x springs • AH'ER.ul boots (dllldrtn'11 De.r:t *rd $1:·145' -~·I $l.50 each. Power mower $10. Coat ~th ,mink trim-deancuaild, eicce!Jent con-size ta) Aii Reindffr,·never 25c dou:)'I• sman "MO" n5. Polaroid Swlnker $12.50. ming $2'.l. ~raroon corduroy dltiOn SIS ·each, Crib mat-worn $15:•Crib·lnd mattresa 185 ~ c'.M..a:.oar Unive~ electric trypai1 $2. coat with bea:n~ collar $20. tress and •l!l!l¥ ~ ~ r loOcf~I AP&m' y ·'--~~ Iron SI.50. Ironlh& 'board Ladles ~Siles ~ to S3. good eondltioii $4 e"Qcb, T\\'O BlKE, 3 spttd. $15. 5'MlS5 '"''" Gosi1 wtdii- SI.50. Antique silver Chafiog Blue ch1?1~ $2.50 per 24" bar 1toola, v In y l ::;_ ·.-..i .... L~.-~..9 . dish $25. Sterling allver can· bof>k. 642-:i880 . culhl9ned bronio tubular MUST '·-.w.. weekend! ..._ ... ., ... nt•00~ ,..,. die. ~U~ks $10 •. Compote BLACK and gold l:l~tor $15 tor~-Li~•w, uaed ~inl!!tt~ tlbfe 'fib new $2.5. ~Ji'...,.liut' · '12:--2s S7.Sd. Bud vase SS. Silver chests $25 each. 12 u.scd six: months: 5fS-598.S C chain: $2.50 each. T.V. m,,clrthoib'. lf.B.' "1-tfCS ReVC?tt bo_wl $1f.50. Tray chain link $6. 12'' ~ 1'1.!\N'S 3 pttd bl~ with ira)o• Sl.50 aet, Electric THE ' Pftfeqf; .pit:. A $6.50. Sliver vesrrtablc dish fencing S 6 • Bedspreads: ck S20 r:,.,, Stlngra Sl6 cloCk $5, Ovfl'hea.d llpOt SS. 8 wetk aid cockti' · $2.50. Butter dish s 1. Twin, Queen and double $2 ~nWt •di ~" ~ ' Tll.ble Ii.mp. $2.50 and $8, $10. 6'(3.~ ' - Sa!01:na.mental ~liver &eale SIO. • $3. 548-62.88 REFRIG1:,~'l'O·RS 7 d 9 ~!~=~."'.,.~"':".!;, ~ ~ 00.U~ bed • , $mmon ,, a set ,,... Round tray SUNDAY and Monday -Pull . c.in. • an ... ,,.. -elltr'a; flrm, like new $2:1; nlt5.so. ,99Fro11'' Rapolnt Slame'tC o\it couch bed $25. ·Chair d'"1'"1oc '1"25t. exctl lie~ :n-~~ :!:: ~ 6~~:'r Bell . frame: $4; Go'44 · nger Lane, ~. Girl's vanity with mlr-1 n eac 1• ·" ...... .... yellqw qull~ ~ll'lftad ; Jluntinglon Beach, 962-8000 rors SJ5. Asst tables $3 to spr!np and mattreees SlO dresser t•l!f with ml:tor ltl•Plt ~table $4;! Cua AIR condition $10. Ironer s25. S7. Nile stands $3. Deskl! each, Large llvtnc room SIS. ' draftr · chest ot drape•._\_*""''', eltdhts .. Antique Matqnny doublti SlO. Portable ~· 688 chair $5, Therapy heat lamp drawers $8, &by hla:h chair $9r. ,Cu• dlTtr, ilJrol1il ~ headboard and footboard Darrell, C.f.1~ ~ $20, Convalescent toilet and ;9, Child'• pool t.ablt, new ~:'"·lll"'I ttres A· ,rlml. ~ S25. Malln!ss and •Pfinrs AIR comp~UO,. S25 Girl's 111'19~' chair.' S2:i '(new). :t,le';°~ :':obliju and ea~~ tor: $,$.. MIJ.1528-, ' ;. ft5. l. aw n mow e r $5. ...,cyclo 11·0 Oval ";...., 5x12 Storage she~t'!ll -heavy duty! . -·' . ' , • •WN ....... ..:... ri"'• .·-962-lo44 "' • . ·--on rol.Jei::s • ...,, Uncoln con n=oil'!tt chi.Ir $14, 9'xll rug U'l ........... , r-. . SJ, Au.to carr1er rack Sl, set 1941 • 1968 13. 2Sffi La S12. fl' Chrlatmu tree with 11.50: Hip dw.tr $5; TrlHe "'ASH~ l2S. ~pol'· .. -bed rail S7, DreSI! lorm ad· Sa.Ile. AW! c M 545-M lites uMd onct u , Dishes St~. lJ1Qr, surptui. Cliaiis " "'"' r ""'~ "''"'' jtmtable $15. Caln.pint stove ., ' · 5c to .,.,~ .. ~."" ..i._ ____ -$3.50 each': EJectric bee.ta' SlO. Pilaplc doua:hbox table •• r k. ~· y':i.-. .1;,JC' ... ,, ~... -""" an_ $111. Men's suit bag $4. s'ult-$l0, 1tfeuu dcl -'"""um SURFBOARD lor sale 9' I", cookers $31 tG -'10, Aleohoi (~l. ~· ....,:..alll ' cleaner $10, 16 volume en---' condltlon. Chuck Dent boat atrmi .... ,I UV Vectric GOOD ehrbme •tllMHe Rt cak $2.50. 13" Sldllet sa. c1o~1a " Fan bel'· •--Hamper Sl.50. Books Zic cy ~... -"' $25, Wet suit, Farmer Johll, blip· pump $4.50, 2· store SlS: Larae' swivel,'.. ncktir . n. Records zx.. Clock' each SOe, End \able $2, Dog excelll'nt condition wed four IQndolu no and $8, 2 baby f!O; 2' ebaln S1 'ladl. .2 Sl.25. Bookcaae S1 Electric basket Sl.SO, Drafting table tb11e1 $15. &Uy board, baths iuo, 50c wall pla-step tables, cone.·table '1&: mllee pot $4. 1ttllk &lus '12, ~and po!e $6, Water Jttk't \Vedgespectal, aood ques, Cbtneae' 1et . SS. Uptiiht Unit•!'weod punch txiwl set $3. TOola: aid $5, Crut@el ~ Pocket eo!14ltlon S15. ~ Mlscellanrous trawne rOda lypfwrltw ~o: .Powe'r 25c-$2.Hatboxl2.Electrlc =..-:;=•~MAPLE -tamp !'iJ! IJ.50 to 13. O!fice 'r,pe mow.,1$:'21~1'1111o>.T.~. a:riddle $,:i. Cannister Mt Jek tstHe $3, Fire' ex-table ·i12f Jliilfe te~~ aw:lvtJ .chalr.SI0:.8mall-.Wp Sk.·1PltkQrdl~aw.1t ~ S~.· Badmlnt~n se.t n.50.· ttnculshtr 5 gallon $l0. 11,tand l'o-Buckr:t planter $4, .table $1.50..!ISf'lowtof ~ ~··$&:Wt~.~ i~S Xmy tree $8. Hlat' Movtnl quilts ch $L 886 Whlte. colonial spread S5J set, new.: w, Reooril ~ GM.. Ll.1;.1111-:...\ ·,-;;;; chak 16. Car bed SS. T>iCJ· --'~-• •• !W3JOll "'1 "'-Wcdi!!nrr ""'"' $25, A. ltAllY bed . 130; -cle·.15.~Elertrto~ $2.50. ,i;rwn.:St.,O:>staMeaa . i ,JO, &nalJl cforftti.\oe.J·eqe qir"~·""$:1:' Jiirft"', Pl~ rtbhi!tt..l $2! Inrant ANTIQUE dotbe'4 and S1'0VE. with CCQtl'r irkldlt~ $4. S2 ~· •l)ade .$2,tNi!W Potty thatr $2: 1 seat·$2. Dtrmper II, diaper Jeweley $1 . ., $25. Clothe1 excenent ~1tton, $25~ T.V. anterf~-'$5. FiflllttJU1 U· 64f-72M u·. J h a I' Jtjl;~ ear 20c: ra~ $10, l>e$k·hUtch $2.S, Refrlget'lllOf', · works &OC!di end rtlOne S6, · pori • and ' • rl 'd- Sl. 0W8' tio Ing, slie l.:C Dinette 1et :-ns• ;fntique S20; 9:<12 O\'al ·rug, &'l'ffn.t p&ns 2Sa .. 31, Statue Of Wtf.9.~~'f111,~I.,t ~ 2.X: • $4. Toy chest SIO. tnrnk7 Sl5 • "'$25, Fabric SlO· Old mi 10f8 i!flli Venii, $S, Q)Omte '~·~ , MM , mm~ 5' pool, $2. To)ll, 25c • SL Sl • SS. Fire e~tittgul!her two' S10· 3)35 \\'allaoe I NeW Dltiktn allde l'\M '$5. $25. eaclt.. llNiJ 1.1:. ! ~~n 912 Peace Place-, Rancho $3), Folding scretn S15, ~170 ' ' Pm-tl'D rolll!'r llaitiH ff~M1 ~~. , 400 • ~-· ;....._ P.tesa, Near South Coe.st Antjqµc Picturet and mlr-I 2 ~ doU,. $2 IO $.1, CLOCKS ~ .. Plau, Co.ta Mesa. S40-404t tors $1 -~ Chtntse raa: DARLING ~ JIC)Odle, ~ Fold Ina: 11Hl tronbic:boat'd t ' "5; • Battiiry ''Wll. •$Ji: GUITAR and Cue $20. SZ, Poaten Zc • SJ~. cocker p1.1pples.. QrJo whit~ U.», f\lntltvt 4all1 )I, Orlmit '7.51. t.-t Guitar $1S. 3 apted portable Ouiltnias card8 $3.50 box, and one black, curlJ' $15. 5 plJoit ~ • $1.Sf,. -.New .UC. $.1! f llllce Jt .......... Roccm1 pta,.r $20. m.1563 Old ""' new -~ • 51M971 , b'alo1bia wbNla , '2."~ T R AH' POfit\tiOI< I at 11.!0. Jbn e .. ,. bottl., 15, 1 hlbocbl ~-t11n nM!to -""1'I. ·It '..rt lWIN Box s,,ro,,. mat..... New._ in>tMr boml 110, MOVING • Col-..... II. .vi...iet .lfj), .~ """" -·nL ~­ $10, 42'" round eoflte table Tin Mrxku .a.det, )'!llow, p1enlc t.uie1. Jee ~tt lK• ~nc-' U'*. ~ &Cl-Ztf~l'' .t ._j 17.50.Rattan cl<lbcbalr$2S. ~·112.-... .,.., ...... , ........ '!$'§ .WO""' 30'"1iliila i..01 ,. .. ·~'Y lliiit ·•' H<at tamp is. Pa\IO w.. 1a .. curtalnl !10. !J\>Pol'1bl O>aJte ~ 110; 3 ,. ""'' -n eith.' s ..:..ii.~ ·$11. MM!to ... u. m .... Movie SC..n -clolhr 15. Wlcl!tr chain 11., Ullllt; ~ ~ beuli --·11 ;;;;,.,="""'r";;;:-.:::::.:-o SlO. Dt>sk $5. CU.tom WO"'tn dWr $15. Oak chair SS. it, KJtct-in atdOI it. 'Bar etch. Box baby dbulita J2.1 SJ A. $2!; ~ llhader-$25. Bahd u.w ~. S.t.'11d sun. J-""' 30t1Ctdai $2$· 3 ''°"~ =· 21·~ $1.75. Foldlrw l'Mtn , 12 Door , ""~ S!'l'BJ' palnt gun SC.SO. 1t1tn's St., Newport Shortt P>; Mln'Ot $3:' c b 111 ai each. B<n beby ,colthn St; Silt-131111 ·•l!Jl Ski .boot• 16."1. -11"11 -'· c:ab!net tz>: 1>r1p pan 11'1lll '3MI&> MOY1NG ~ ilnplooo ;c;iil, ~lls with CQfl $8.50 each. D.\ff!'-1 .. ~ld ~-~~1 4• spcuo!', In pot,& AllCtr, ..d.:l kJ,i-a ? Si-'9; Dectrtc ·f'lllDC··~ File cabinets $25'. Qolbltlf st;,; "M11tchlns llY"l' c, .. r $10. st6-t150 P~11-~·)iey nul'ltr ~~ ~ ~ a.W."'l'Wn :~ "1c • 115. ''"'''"' :lie • m, e.tp ™"' <l•I, 11. 11,lO. S.lhlnetle ll . ~o · to'• ~ M. • Q ~ Sabl8 $15. !lllvtt rox Baby btd '3, Pull-down OAS 'nnp.' apt 111~. f'.2$, HOrton lro r J}L RCA TV Cllll b -,."'f" r"• ...... ri .. I jack<\ 113. Ill Vla Ngrct, !aTitp ii. 7lil."ll u.d.•• D .~ cloan.' ~ _ · Cl•• ... ~~~ "l\ltid hair _, .:.ii ~...;!Id ci.... Lido Isle ~1 DOUBLE bed t15. 540-i790 don p ,$0, 831~ -' ll-fne. ·---t -.;_-l' ,I • • • . . . ,.t...,, r-22. 1~ :n--...,.--::,.=·~;-;-= .. ::'..,;i;:i;-l:Dll CMAHDlll Paa I MllCHAN~S· 1"011 MlllCHANDISI FOii "llltCHANDISI ,Cit SALi AND ftADI !AL! ANO tlADI . SAi.i .TIADl , IALI AND TllADI SALi AND TIAlil TU!ISl'OllTATION TRANSl'ORTATION New c:aro hllo a YKhll.._ tDOO Molllle H-. 9200 . " """""" .......... IOOlll'llrnltvre l!IOO ,_I_ IOOOflumlture ICIOO . lf~l'I & Sloteo l210Hl.fl &, St.no · 1210 SEE tll4 Dool Wide -Oil Jll 11111. W.. ..-., G -Pl\I) ,\-'<a, rv. [$>.oo&> BUICK -..., ..... pulpit Ulo ....... lllr. ud - -..... moln Jib • -bomff llOll '1 ' . + -.-S1Mt11 0.1 Wide Sal• II F-Qlppor -I Xlntl ! , , ............ , ~ Olapman WobU• Homa tnc. ** Sl'ICIAL ** 520 N. Harbor, µ • CJ!1 2 \..VC:J ·2 1'.dG-.. ~O~CE .~ YIM SA'J · ~ :.rAX '!.'. PUiLIC~~~·nl°:'~ .. fi:i~c11V1111 . •::: .'REDU,.,,ON SA. LE! . ~,, ·~Ml· Jmw.t~~;r~::;'!•ve ::= 1 "" iJ\Jlt:~ (QltOIR I COSTA M ESA • BRAND • • \111 AMl'Li'111t1 A Na.AMI'S. Marantz Mtilel 7 lliereo Pr•Amp. l'lllltt 400C Steno. P,..Amp. '129.SO ••• 180.lio 40' Mar<C>lll Rio N-~1"571 • -. Boot In II~ MOBD..E 110me • Cabona, • ~ to pl -Olli for 1111 Bole11 Atro. El Dorado, I oppl • .... • .. "· .. · • • , $06,1111 """9 or "°""' • .0 I NEW • • .. Jpeclal OncM·Y"r • • 7' DAY5 "11L MAlCH lst'ONtY • oftntocktd * Up lo IO% SiYll,P ! ! DONT. MISS THIS !' ! . , $$ SAYE DOLLARS $$ lank T9fllll * 5~,.. CJiarg• I' • -. Spanish &. M_.te(l'anean .. • Opon D1ny t tv t I\ Sunday ' for Y\lll! lflapeclJon a. convenlalll:e m~dlll: t!illYtd ~'Gui IOCllllon .'J 90,'NIW lllVlllG ROOM' HTS (Many. colors, fab.rlc• & 1tyle1) *. MAnRISS SITS ·(twln, fUll, Queen, * ~l~CLINIRS, ~en & occ. chairs. * II CUSTOM BUILT BIDROOM SETS * U SETS of beau\llul collte, end tables am s. · ' .c. i -~ Color TV's -olso Bloclc & White's StONO< & Combos • . .. SA·IOCIO stereo Power Anlp. " 70A " " " Heath, t, Fllhor, Elco, 30.!JO 185.00 100.00 71.00· 321.oo? J. B. LaDllnf SE-401 Sloreo Amp. 1Mclntolll '"!.~!lldw. 1111 W. Power . Allee ·~ ~ Pr•Amp. · J:·s1 u~ SA.a stereo Amp. DuKane others from 'IQ.Oii ID M.00 . . RECORD l'LAYIRS Thoren• tumtalpl.. - Newcomb TraDJcrlpUon Rec. Player w /Amp. ID 35.00 19.50 Otlofon, Empltt, Grado -'10. to 20.00 TAPll RICORDIRS DAV11t ·L. ,RASIR t.cillU"' pvt. cow. LldO Cal: Chuck Avery Park. Reu. Tmna.· S'lS-4S3l • 3421 Via Oporto, Newport or K8-2381 • fl3-S252 * 4M-3918 t:VH. liQVELY beach house b • lfahll! <Fum or untum) "'1TENIURG 41 Patio, clubhoule, ..,.i, ""' • $2f,'7S. Sall1w1y I ~~.: o1ld\Jt"':,lh.mc>a!9,_ ~ 1. :1969 BUICK 29' Col ,. l/B loaded $99!0 ·-· ~ -· ~· 35' Hen-ellCbaU. ati.ent ow:nr ter, m-.16'72 • IMMEDIATE desperale, ...... u,. $12,000 Motorcv llO 9300 • DILIVERY • • • • • 38' KettenbUr& '15 Grt)', ..,.. c ' trncs, 16 aalll, varientl + 1967 HONDA lOO. MINT • • • e PAClFIC YACHT SALESe CONDITION. Paid $600 in • • 3446 Vla Oporto, Newport Dec. Need tuition money. • • U Hour Phone 6'73-1510 First $450 takes. 6U-21TI • DRIVE IT • WILL TRADI or 67>-786> • HOME TODAY • ht & :Ind Trvtt Deed& '67 TRIUMPB 500 cc. Twin I • AUTHENTIC SPANISH: lledrOOms, living NC>m•, g1me Htl, dining r~ sets. tables, lamps, wroucht Jrnn and acctstories, etc., eic. I CARTRIDOIS & PICK·UP ARMS ----~~~~~""!""----· Tandber& Model 6, Slereo Rec. 149.l!O ' * NEAR NEW * Panasonic RS'/S5S Stereo Rec. 110.00 For cruller or Mil wltli lllX. atmded forka. ~ over (n4) 4'4-QJ35 payments $34 .88 mo.l!~.caCl~ll. • P.O. BOX 248 t15-o'l67 • lA Meu., Callt 920'1 '64 YAMAHA ~ cc, low a • Oflice equip: 40 dt1k1, 40 oUlce chair•, 15 Othon, Ampex, Revere ·from $45. ID 95.00 file cablnef.I, misc items for .. orderly of-SPEAKERS & ENCLOSURES lite, planol, couches, hld~a·beds, rm divld· er1, BR set!:, dinettes, din rm sets, chinas, J. B. Lansing Hartsfield System 395.00 85.00 35.00 17 FT. Perfonner, Ialander miltqe, l!'XCtllent cond. • • Deluxe model (lll fiber-New tap. $350. 6f6.-0156 server1 & many more unusual pieces! " C-50 O~mr.us Encl. Rtfrlpr•tori • Stoves • 'W•1h1r1 • Dryers W:!~e=:~:~ncl~cW/lO'' 1Iau) outboa.rd. Cw;tom '69 YAMAHA 250 Enduro. • • 1~ d~wn cover. Big wheel Compresai<>n release, new • '2444 • tilt trailer. $7(1(). or be1t oH· llc. $750. 673-2279 • • Wt Plnonct With Good Credll . dtial-cono Spkr. . Mi11..: Chorge & BenkAmerlc1rd J.,B. Lansing C-43 Encls. w/115-AC 35.00 er. Phone 6(2..4980 ~r 7 pm 1964 SUZUKI 250 CC. Xlnt I • '°ID oond. $200. ---846-~18 Lut chance tor Boat Show 1.964 Honda 5-90 • AOK Commi••ion Gallery ' & Networks (2) ••· 149.50 ._ · Altec 515 Theatre Woofers (4)" 39.50 7122 GARD!N GROVE BLVD. BOZak CM·20M Column Spkrs. (2)" 180.00 FvMllVrt IOOO Gor ... Salt· · • • • • • Bon111 th.ls wetkend. Coro~ Sl25. I ado ~09!!. Cor :ISM995, * 847-33M * • ' 199 • Cor 34-416,9915. S l •V e $500 • now! Slip an.nahle. Auto Service • DOWN • MAJIOOANY. SUN. ONLY. NI .... -1,Block Weet of Beach Blvd .. off G. G_. Frwy. W,c. 8" to 12" Spkrs. $3 to 8.00 FRINCH PROVINCIAL w/ lr<fltt 125: -. ....,. !!! ri.m A i.rp Eotole IOI rccm tablo $25, w/ ,4 , . , C.C.T.C. A a.. ..i..uon o1 oompi•I• matchln& clu\ln 'Q -"1l Pl•-& 0.,,-1130 HI.fl & SterM 1210 CQ11tac AVUC Receiver fUD. Ille bedroom 1et1. S4 eL SOfa w/ bm Philips C.C.T.V. Camera 180.00 39!5.oo 495.00 175.00 Open nlte1 tll 9. · 845-CmO & P•rh 9400 • COLUMBIA Defender 29', ttflua tax & llctn&e 1>11 ·~· llllll'W rccm .. ~ table • cuohlono 1211. 2 maWW.O • N•w Pi-• WE!ICOR. Mon_, 1t.... Pa~kard Bell C.C.T.V. camera 6 chairs, c b J n a, butfet. chaln M. Some Mic. l31J W'l1RLI'1.'Z!:R I: BRADBURY co01bln. radio, PhoOQlrapb Akutron " " alpa s, 30 h.p. inboard. Full ~ OLDS Eng., rehlt. S80; ~td credit for thls1 racina: ,ear & extru. Dinghy 56 Olds hydra. trans. $30; New Buick SpeclaL No.1 cuafom made 1 o I a chair, E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa All ltylel A tinishta, all & tape recorder $19 D • malq. cottee I: Iarre tables GARAGE s..Je, Ftb. 22 4 Amin1can made, '88 mte, del 543-3942 w-k.ather topll. 2 twllf ma· 23 9 AM. Br eet, clottiirw· w-benc:h &: tuned. Prlct atart. JEAN MUSICK CORP. I: o u t board. S12,85Q. Or Be1t Offer. SU-3072 •433279Z600349. 64&-80t7 or 494-7135. FOR Sale complete "396" I 1 hof. bdnn. eets. Duncan jewelry, bookl, Mik. ltr 1nr at $499. C1mtr11 & Equip. 1300 Pl!;fo ta bl. & ' cholro no .. , .... C.M. WurRtJ•r o-na - 20IO Plecentl• Ave., Costa Meta J41.1671 HULLS for 1.!allbu outrlaer. Chev eng. lSO hp, like new. I • Need rclinlahlng $200 or $600. or beat ofter. 539-9643 1 1 best offer. 675-6l?O Triller, Tr•vel 9425 • • LIDO 14, 2 yr new, No. -_ I , 1 • Muat sell all lmmed. at a D6 • "'2-QUALITY Lei ca Camera, aacrUice, Termt on aood LI Gar:aae ~; 1l1-. Sa~ • NEW • •Xlnt eond ., Duh atl, ez. ' ..,..,.11 A SUn. 221 Vta Nice, N:a.n.y ether tfllke1, M11' tru, cue & inltruct. $97. --WAREHOU, Si '~'lf'i •['»'· ~ l ~· & 11n1""L ~. -· . ,,, . Appllu... llCJO, r\ll' at $595 Sporting Good1 Mlt~llneoUI , Mf1cellaneou1 8600 ·24.l4 Full race. Bow flot JO' AIRSTREAM 19 6 6 •62 JAGUAR • MAG!l,\\,'.v··!~ ~'• -•-TV Rd trlr $1350. 54&-3225 eve. SovertfP.: Ol The Ruad, •l .t 4 tl••r. Aut.:· tre111.,8 7721 Garden Gravt Blvd., e SPECIAL PU1\0f.AiE e . EVERYTHING IN MUSIC 1 Block W, ol Besch B!vd. Da,.,._ ._ •--•Uc uslc ·~ aan1en Grove ,.,...,, :;.;,:;.";':u,., ;:;;~ • ._ Beach M Center Qpen 1D to 9 Sun. l().f; plllnefl• &om model bomel 20 PC. "MADRID" at '""tuttc d1-nb! Nn Down. We arvtce. See at: :i Room Group FOSTER'S FROM MODEL HOMES 17115 Brookhunt. rtn Valley Include•: Quilted IOfa &: <So.. of Warner) •1234 chair -2 end tables I: col· 0 'KEEFE-Merritt ir!ddle- feoit table - 2 lampa -drfq. top au nnae. a: re at 1'•ctoty Salta & Service Dally 12 noon 'tll 9, S..t g..s 1740& Beach Blvd., (Hwy 391 1¥.i mt. So. San Diego Fwy. Huntlna:ton Beach 347-8538 Used Organ Sale er -mim>r -headboard -broiler! $35. 494-930(! Hammond :M100 Spinet $900 quilted box IP~ I: matt-REFIUG • old, but worb Hammond AlOO Con9ole $UOO reu -5 pc. dlninc room; wtil. Good fol' prqe or Hammond RT-2 Concert with table I: 4 hi·back chain. lab •111 96UOC1 HR 40 ~-CDMPAR.E AT $749Z • .-. , .............. , ..,...,..... . WESTINGHOtliE ....... tlb Hammond a w/lpOr .. $11'0 $399 .. .-.. 1 yillr{;o14. Like 'llammond II-! • U.lio 121SO No_Pn\_ ne..;'Jll!qi "k'Mli' Gw.....,n Pftmlor "'!t.~ W W -l -"""" ..... ,, .... .... . . Anll!jUM • rtf' 111 ILL PIANOS ............. . c.... •• ~.. --,-20%orq)ote~!! IOO W, flh st., Santa Ane ANTIQUE -<11111 .,.._ oPan Mon l l'i'l .0..: Open Delly 9-9 -ert -"""'1 pYt. HAMMO!Cl> Sal u sun 11.C oollectklft. 18th c paint San in t'ORONA DEL MAR MOVING: Birch dlnlnc 1tl Anton.IO w. lilt frlml; Me»-2154 E. Cout Hwy., t7U930 ff 1 h. 6 bain $250 Ste bn curcWx. a m a I I , 1.s~1:.. .,.'; or '2 ,.; s:il pr1m1u .. w. 1n1ot tntmn; Grand Opening YouthchalrS8.Blrchcottee 17th C. lllu~lnated Our new orpn department table $20. Birch headboard parchments; ti:J1 paintinp. la now open featurtns SIS. Brau headbau'd! $5. Senaibly priced or excbanae THOMAS ORGANS Bunk tied& &: Mattreaet, for iood na.udc&I antiques. with the ex.clull.ve Color-Clo 2 cheats $40. 5'8-8195 ~ and. Playmate. VJ.Sr Slnck Amer & Eor PREE HouMhold Good• I020 1um A: clocks. Larr Y Lawrence Welle .family mlllllc Marean Antlquet. 2 4. 21 c:ourw, • $100 value, tree DOUBLE box 1Prina A: follm nibber mattreu + frame + bookcase headboard + beallUful ~· $.1l Newport Blvd., C.M. with every Thomu Orran. ANTIQUES I:: a.ocxs Pricea start at $585. FOSTER'S ANTIQUES Coast Mnlc -W<l3I • llCll Federol. CM .... NewPOl'I llvdi CM ~ 12 eo-r ot Nnrpo111i Hvbor Gor.P Sale IOU S.Wl"I -~__!_~ 646.0271 l--G~A~R-A_G_l,_S_A_L_E __ ':ci!':..~ :~..-!~ SAT. & SUN. lnel. Senlcl .......... Mllcellu1'0WI !tents lnclud· ana forces repol $3l.l5 inc t1omena dreuea Iii.le U. CUb r* usume $4.'6 ~. 201ii SJ. to $5: women. lhOH Button bole1, o v e r c a I t '1lr.r 7 • nti 50c to SL50; wo-blln4 hems etc .. wlthOut at· mens ha.ta 2Sc • St; ldtchen tacb. Gu a ran t e • OK. pdfetl, aome new; aprona; 535-6615 meru white 11hlrts alze 16; jji8 SINGER. Zia: z a I mens 1hoe11 7~ • B, Qackl automatic wttb wal cablnet. •lie 42. Slacks 32-33, walh Take over s pymnts of '7 ·2:'5 I: Mar S2; jacketl, 1utde ~ mo. c.11 fi 21 -I 81 T 6: knlVcomblnatlon lhe 42, anytime. 15; plctur" 5tk to SLSO; J ========-= kmPI w/shade1 to SS; .eat Mutfal Inst. 1125 bell& {set) $4; blond, nevu ~"---· ---- mar tier end lAble SS; pink Gultll' tt.8d=0rt•n full letWlh formal ala 14. $10 e NEW and U • JJ7 E. 16th P\ace, Fender • Vox • Standel Colts ?i1eaa e GIBSON e MAR.TIN GAft.AGE Sale, Feb. 21-22-e wu.s:>N e YAMAHA 23rd. Rear m Jumln. Drvm HelCIQu•rters CdM . Furniture, •NEWand tiSED • ttfri&e.rator, ITtin Ir: dbl LUDWIG. ROGERS. ASTltO bedl I: dreuer. Llbrvy Luse ldtetion wltb new 4 W»e, 2 pc davertp:>rt. mttte pc. •ts and cymb&ll start- ,. end tt>ll. 100 ceramic lrw at $91.50. Ptdall. bi-hahl maWd. ()dda &: eMt. b.12 and •t. rtpab'ed. All small tent for Station Wan. 5 hp pt.rtl, ~ I: qmb&ls ~-outboard. 1a 11oc1<. iiIJtO -· .... ""4 EVERY'nllNG Ill MUllP ·'~··'" cleanor l ... _ .. Muslc"-er Oranre Counf;y'1 ........,_ .. CONN ORGANS NEW I: USED also WURLITZER PIANOS "' 01\GANS Some l'loor Modth Rentals • Service • Tema QualWed T-- PIA.NOS from • , • • . •• • $388 ORGANS from ........ 14n Gould Music Comp1ny 200 N, Ma.In, Santa Ana So. ol FreeWIJI, M7.00Sl Mon Ir: Frl 'Ul 9 Sun 12-5 WE 'RE In our new 1lore. Our fantastic l&le of Pianoi I: Orpna DOW continues at On.nae County's only piano I: orp.n "IUPtt market". '"""" .... 1195. Ora ... from $195. · WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Ul9 Newport. C.M. 60-8484 HAMMOND • stetnway Ya- maha • new I: \lied planoa of all maket. Belt buys VI So. Calif. rlsbl ..... SCllMIDT MUSIC CO., 1907 N. Main, Santa Ana ·m · sHd ltem.1.· Sat/Sun 10 ~ ' ·\9HI AM iD I PM 925 E. Balboe, . Factoey ~ 4 Service Televltlon 1205 BIVll .. Belboe DaJ17 12 ,_, 'Ill 9 Sat 9-5 SACR!FlcE---13/JO-.-E-menon-- , GARAG£ SALE 1740fi Beach Blvd.', (Hwy 39) Color T.V. Beaullful cherry S..tJ8isn/MOn M : m!IC.: 1~ ml. So. S&n Dleco Fwy. wood c1blnet. Actual S750. l'&dnj bib, etc. 1I0 2 Huntt.ni1on Buch H1.Q value. ~ Olltal'ln llr~ HB amuNG i..,; sullar, RENT TV $10 .\RAO Sale ••I. like new. Wiii tlcrillce Nl Deposll ·TnleDellvery .J\U'Dlt:an 4: ho u • c 11•1 d '1J6. *'"itM91& • 5.)4..(Hn or Tn.allO ...... ID Copltal C.M. GUILi>, Mo<ltl No. 1'212. 12 REMOTE CONTROL IC-.J«ll, tirlJW' •/hard shttl cbt. 21" l\.fotaroll. b/w IOOtl am- Gonlo 1lllo IAT/SIJN -Ooll=US.==1*=="""==illo=.== I dllloo ISO :111111 -HI\ -67l-7162 ................ -l TV, ...._ ' °""" 1130 I 'P"'•"'CKARD==-~ ... =u-,c-0-10-r ';:~:::;:,~;dol,;; ...... ;;.:;;G~:--:;:,."'""'!r.:--IUPIUlllr 'IS mom ~ °"""'· 21". llSl, .... plo. -...... 6 -.., -!Not .,,,. tubl. Qaoftt ~ 112 -Plloi. Cll ........ ). Good -• 1 -...,i.lleedl..,,,_..red, Hl.Jll & St.no 1210 r_Gol"e' ... -~ $llO 5'Ml.44. Sl'IREO 1• oo11<1 ot.ste..; 1:.~~t&A~ PRIVA'l1l PARTY ..... N....,''1"41181. At.. Wont.s.,b\111-6' walnat AN/Fli liiSCfl J m J\tml of for QMb.I 21UTT-l.OS5 mulllplelt, 3 &pe.aktr autfk> ~ -•DQet. 7S5 llfii00i6 fLiitk l)'lfem. Normally ttll1 for 11-. •¥·0111 PIA!IO * 1125 $419.115, Acr1flco • $250. DAILY Pllbi.WAJn' AD6l • m.GlJ * Cndlt Dept. m-1219 l • O~ARD Guh tank $4. A OIJC ~ '"'Wl SABOT No.' 4.739 dacron sail, W/wf;cpti. Bay Brttze air •re.ti .. hta .. r, S~1 •11:· Coniatr part.a. 4 Spd tran1. $225. Snwr-tone Stereo good cond. $285. colld'r. Spare w1-e1, TV •'•pllenel ,.,,. 1.11111 1500 COMPLETE U.S. Dlvtt1 Scuba Outfll Everything the be~t Coat $500. new. Uted once, $300. 54M902 dlaauembled $10. Roar ax· pbooo. AM/FM 11 T 5. * !148-3361 * anlonna; CaB att 5 PM, • .-•2 , ft • lea t5 each. Enaine com-Lampe. tables, etc. French SANTANA 22, Race, crubte 1 839-q75 Mk1nl $6,IDI • ~ 1 partment lid $5,. Monza. hub Prov. style. '60 Pontiac equip. 6 hp Johnson OB. 66, FIELD le Stream; 17 caps $2 ea. Good w/w tire: Sl!IO. 847-7243 $4350. Cl) 524--0546 ft.: fluah toilet. au or e1ec. • •66 TOION~DO • I: wheel S7. OM!vrolet 3rd M 5 111 ftfrl ~ t•--~-" • ·-e g. 1~ew "..,., 'f.w<N• IF 11 I t • member worlu, need 1 ••• 20' KEEP Stoop ln N. B. Incl. E-Z .Ii.ft hitch & elec. u ,,..,,,, •~ ory •1r brake1 S7 Falcon hub cap1 Ll9ht Auburn Fill al.Ip, ~. OHer or trade. brake system. 54s-4032 ••ond, ISIN112:l • .. t ol I, 15. 54~ Pd $120--Soc. $25 642-S759. or 64>-2623 '62 CHEV. \; ton plcl<-up; • $2995 • -Ml1cell1neous l600 7-PC. living room set $90; 1--.,-.,ITft--,.-f-AB_R_l_(S_ 548-4537 Aft. 6 p.m. R&I-1 h . IL -.,_ • • Dinette M!I, 6 chalni, $20; MlllW Kirby vacuum cleaner w/at. Power Crul1tr1 9020 call dt.~P:"~i.Si ... "'1; • 1 '""'· l25; wuher, S40; rm ia-•-•· T-~ -·r all SACRIFl'EI 'U OPIL • $25--$45; &-pc com PI et e ...,FOR SALE \a.1u.1en-.. IU\11' .,... llll "'" ...... _ '"-pymnts or pay oH balance 36' ~r w/65' mooring; Trucks CJ500 •spt. Coup•. R11ll•, h••l•r, twtnucu.niui,:: .. set. ii.l.e 1M1W, $90; Remnant., aample1 I: 1'fill ot $36.12. a-edit Dept. topcond MUlt.ellbyweek-•• tp11cl. I ow~•r. tUOF·• UC\I comp e e, ex-e.ndt SaL Only 8 a.m. to 2 KE 5-1289 end ~ Aft 6 *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* .•o 11 I ceU.nt, llS; double bod, p.m. 929 Baker, Costa M• ... I======== OWEN. s Cabin ;,_:.__ _ * TRUCKS * • $1495 • ~; bikes, &iris & boys, FOR 0 " ~ ~-• ~ TL-A All H A ~· ~· .. ~ Su .... ..i.ft -n ---'3IU.oCo Misc. W•nted '610 ...,.n .. ---,, nrw ...,. IL ... y re . ere t • ·~~· -~-•. ~. SHOP5MIT11 -0 ~·• -• • F ntllll D Co.ta MeU. lt&-9188 eve~ , ,. & l\, -coven.. Exctl. cond. Aa1dng I c 1scount1 • '65 IUICI • •""" ~ _,,. IAZAt , 'I WAYn I ~· 61>-11112 f lfi' Immediate •'''" w.,.,.,.., '''• :»-..U"' ... ON * i; Call Sator F I T' ""';.. ~ s ,.d 5 ii 0 "H"'"'c rrr"' , ''"'" "'1' h . , ••.• '"ii' ~~~ u•-~ :t • P ~nc •• ~ ••r '''''· l't'ZX U ~· wtllfoeU or N..; 11 t ~· C or , I ••n "' · • g,-;.; Wtridy • .,.,-cov.•1NGS "' . ~ ll''PAnE!IMlK . • . I $22 A··~'-~ ••• 7 3IJ " • ITC. ' 12 do1. · ci.aJe v-drl,.; < DODGE 1 • ~-• ·-' p.m. ea.,..1.s. v1ny1.s, Ttl•' 1a1nt Cash In 'lz hour Windy's Auction B•rn atyle• am colon. Commer-D:llbrk. hi!r!I. Tandem trlri 15565 Beach mvd .• <Hwy. 39) • • 541-4531 513-2606 '41>2Wl '65 CHRYSL!ll • B@hind Tony's Bldg. Mat'I clal &: ResldenUal. Expert • 2075% Newport. CM 646-8686 lnatallaUon. E I 9035 HWltln&'ton Bead. N•w Yerk•r h1rcl'top coup•·• w.1403 ~7262 Att'ORDION Door to fit 4.' Marine qu P. MECHANIC'S Spee._ I full pow1r, f•ctory eir• p~?io~ 1:~·~ l·APT=~s,..1u-re"'lrl&""",-au"'to_1_u °);~~~=847-3513 1 . 7% KW Kohler marine '65 Olevy ~ Ton PU, 6 •cond. tNHA l54l 8 hoU1ehold items. Evft'ythlnc heater (like new). Lii J =========::.. dlell!l 1enerator eet. llil V-cyl. 4 ipd, split rirnB. $200. • $2295 lesa than 6 mo1. old. Maytag manaler. MAKE Machinery, etc. 1700 220 v AC U 8-9617 ' 6t2-492l • • 6M-01M OFFER. 8'5-0039 BOATBATH • Aqualon hull '6(}.QIEVY 1 Ton, 4 1pd, • I e VACUUMS e FURNITURE&aarqeu.le, LANCE Tubing Bender l\W'lf, 2% Yrs. good cond. flat~. many extru. See '67 COUGAR • ~o ""· -n. __ 1_ IL __ ..,.. muat aell before 3/L 501 w/~r &: cutter, pro-Fil! cal-20, etc. 548-1547 at 837 W. 17th, CM MS-1691 •rt&H, 1uto .. PS, 1ir ceitdJ.1 Re.;.,.~~tV.;um 34.th St, N. B. (Cm'. Finley.) ,gram.med. 2" & 1%" dies, or eves, 548-1112 •tioni 1 n9. I ow111r. IUCX.1 673--2968 reuonable. 642-6007 Boat Slip Mooring 9036 '" CHEV., · % ton. VS 4. •••2 333 E. 17th. c.M., &G-1S60 PETS ES OCK ' $2695 • $50. '61 CHEV. Corvair. NEW model Sh o Pim it h' incl LIV T DOCK $1 per ft, Up to ir.o5o. =tlOl'I, RI: H • • - .. -a.ii ---...... every acce11ory for Peh ~-n ii llOO ~· p .......... "--t ,~-.., Runnlnc :;;-. ~1 ........ \\'OCldworldng; like new $400. ' '"' er -., .. _ -''"" '6t FORD Ecomline. Good • • MAGIC Ch@! apl alze com· 548-Sl!iO YOUNG, African ittY Par--loat·Y1cfit . C'Qnd.; laod rubbtr. Mr. • 66 OLDS, "lf."~ • b·n I f & Ink WASHER. ste-hi fl 21'' ro1: very t&me, talks. rare, Ch ~ 9039 ~ 524-1200; 642--7983 .L.,,,,. 4 JW. ~""9r, ~ . ~~-=u:: . W/181~ TV all need 'lite \\~ $10 beaut.; papers. $ 415. lr•w;".I . . '5& Q,ev, lit Ton P.U., ti •f•tt1ry •It. CSUKti)-• stand. eto. Otter. 67~ ~or 125 W... Ill 5.lS-.ll.19 ~ C?AI.125 24: sfl."'!_TER cyl., 1395. ~G<••l! I $2495 : NEW-Sear'1 mwq:e belt, ~ ll2S 1'r80-7S28* 1963 FORD FlOO, ~ ton. Ii drop Ieat table $7, desk $4, WHITE Gennan Sht!p., 6 CAL 24 iOt CkAR1'ER V-8 lol'JI~. Comm plates. • '62: CHIYY • ORGANIC Fertlliltt, Qed 4 patio chrs $2, dbl bd mo's old w/ doghouse $100. $25 day. Sl.50 wk. $775. 00 aft 3:30, 536-7919 • PICKUP • FREE TO YOU hol'M!! manure combined $5. 673-4994 1323 Baker, Apt B. C.M. * 80-7S2B * GMC 1959 , Recent motor I R1dio, 1111 .. r, i .,.H• with wood 1hlvln&s. Good QUALITY kln&: bed All5PMwkdayz,&nytlme 904• overhaul Xnlt cond. $495. 1 1K6l,511 mwch. 8330332 or 546-1931 w/qullted mattreu, comp. wk •nd• Boot Storop ,.._.931 • $1195 • ~~ I & $ Mon ~ Never tlled $98. worth $250. NOVICE obedience ct a 1 1 BOAT STORAGE '58 CHEVROLET I ~=~~-~~--842-6536 starting Feb .25, 7:30-8:30 Sail or power up to 20' Fenc-1% ton, van body. I 3 i::URE white, al"blno, long FRANCISCAN dinner ware, p.m. ed yard. Newport Bl.)'front. $600. Prvt party. 64.U'lBI • '65 OLDS Detta n • haimi guinea pip, 2 Apple i-,ttem, ltintlct for ~tARTINCREsr KENNEU; Monthly rates Include. , • -... Dr. H.T. RIH, oute .. PS,. I em ale• l ma 1 e · 12 w/extra aervlna; pc1. S65. 5t&-098U. Use of hol1t Jeeps 9510 ••ir c1nclltl1"r11,. rMOY~ 842-lll4l t 212" ~1219 ALASKAN Malamute, AKC, Launching -1461 I FREE Th good home 2 kl~-female, 4. moa. Eiceellent Call Anthony's 'rT BRONOO I $ . • tens 9 mos. old. AI.-3 BURNER W I o. Butane for show ............. lll and 839-2281 Hdtop, radio & heater, rtar a , 6 8 • . camp or boat ranae. S50 r•wwr-~ .. • fectionate, trained. 646-1403 6• couch S35 6 man Ille breeding. Black wtth white seat, 4 ll.'heel drive, rtcl 4 . ==..,_.,,..... ___ 21_21 ratt S40 so;.ms muldnp. m-Oltll Mobile II-. 9200 whlto "'''"°'· ln Xlnt Cood! • • z GRAND Pall! • Q.EAN 4 Burner pa atove, DOBE 6 mo red male AKC, Never been off the road! 6 I oven/broUer, &ood con-GAS rel. $50. Patio table lhotl &: eat ttOp includ. Costa MtH'I Not beat!~ FuDerton. IAul o flo1n1., ,_ 1teer.,1 dltlon. l..ar'lf' me Servel ras compt SU!!O. 23" 1V $45.. Olamp alock $100. 54G-3076 Ye1r Round Mil.JTARY Jeep. Chev V-1, er•llio, h1etw. tOHZ 621J "'"'""'°"· 6G-"'311 21'1 Tabl• radl<><i 13. • 15. * WHIPP~ PUPP~· * Mobile Home Show Corvalr Bucket Sea .. , '1 • • 1195 • 6ff-O'J17 ""~ ~~ 16'-20'.z?'·24' k 34 wides pl gu tank, Surrty lop, • ¥ • SMALL, male do1. DINING room aet, 6 chair TOP QUALITY-Martin-Fro S6995 ll00xl5 titta ~'::.u~~b~'ke~ w/neMlepolnt. lJnens, I: m!lt Kennell 546-0989 12 ~IDES ::e utru. On fro~t = ........ ~. SU-0643 S.A. 2121 china. lOltl Apl A Mlts~n. BEAUTIFUL Sl Bernant I0'-43'-40'.,ltl'-M'-G0'-64' Feb. "'"' "l-wbeder" • JAGUAR CM pure bred. 2 Years. tra.lned. From $3995 Mqulne. See at Mesa • • FREE Lovinl male black UPHOLSTEIUNO _ ff!l.50. 2 $225. ~1656. You can pay rnort Unkm Station Cor. Fairview I 1111:&1\Alllf i&f I cat. 1 yr old. Very af. pc. (European craftmnt!n) MALE. German Shepherd, but you ce.n't buy beltl!r I: Newparl'e!vd. ~ nut.UUUA fuu • ~~te w I e b 11 d r e2 ~ Frff ell.. del. ptclrup. 215 AKC, 1% yn, &ood 11tt. Parks available in all areu. BRONCO 1968 • . .,.._ /w Main, HB "Berny" 5.16-64tti likes chUdrtn, $75. 96i.-1233 B1y H1rbor Bit; tires ready fOr l!lji! .t.:omplt .. $1le1 • 5.,.,_.• r.ma:D' 8 puppies g wkl. OONY 500 Stereo tape DORER.MANS AKC, mWlt Mobile Home Show Will trade. 175-a1 8 1ct •nd P1rt1 Dtp•rt-1 old/""'?fothtr Poodle Dad reoorder, eomplet. with tell! Excellent quality. 1425 Ba!H?r St. mtnf for JAGUARS. • '!J')rwn. fm-8918 2/H speakers 6 mlkf:L Flrlt 546-5889 ~S block East ot Harbor Blvd. C•mt-n 9520 • tR"A.l,TflY Mal Pu Be ..... 1 I'""~ .. ,__ "' .. ., • .,. on &kc!r _ I S•o•The hcltlnt • .,_~ . e P .... ~ JIN...._.,. ........,.,.,o11 5rANDARD Poodle puppic1 Co!ita l\.teaa ln4) S4Q.947fl VW '''' ~•1•1r To41y I ltraln, g w\s. Nttd1 Sood FULL Set men'1 Wlhon Golf Semi-~brkn, $75 u p . .... hem•. SJ&-154• 2/21 Clobt, matdwd, .... Good Chomp •look. 641-7732 TRAILER 11-"""· ...... Bus Ir Ca111nar ......... . NEED lflO<'I home lor Gentle nd Iba.( ch awning. Deck I: storage, r-'"I"--'-----• •--bl F Cat Blk/Wht : .. ~."' • eap. TRANSPORTATION complete S-WO. See to ap. SPEC'" 1• ~ a1:~ ... m. . -Boeh & y •chit f••dau . 3l1 w. Bay St, Ill.I • 23' E 171h ST • TWO CUTE ~ 1:~ u.:h= -9000 SPpll·Nl.o. 19, C.M. Nr o.uy '60 ~.· • " •• ··••••• $8$9 • • ' • • • 9~ HP EVINRUDE motor. u .. ....,. • M1'ed bfted P"PP~• 10 wk>. 145. 5IMl50 '84 llut ................ ~-548 7761 okl 961-319' 2122 Good shape, illcludes pt A'M'RAC mobile ho m • '&l SUnroOf Bu •.•••• $1499 a • • 15 HP Ev1nrude $125. 10 hp tank I: line, and stand, Sl.65 wlcabena. 1pce for c:v. 'IS Ota~ 9 pu. •••• $1899 2 CUTE pupplt1, I wkl oor, Mett11ry $125. Both run ca.sh. 60-4980 or &W-4687 SJps 4. Ml.tit aee to aPJftC. ,67 Dlx Bl.-. 9 pu. •••• $2199 • Mon.Fri l tJO Im • ~:'ale, 1 ma~~ perfectly 541-4934 2 6' CH AR ACT ER 'S &4U132 ' '67 Caqtt, tpllt .eat. dee. • to 9 pm 1 t.!!AVING ata~. m\dt .ell O\ancter &at. S150,CQI or BAYFRONT Attntctiw 1 Br. rtf. •••••••·•••••••••• $25119 • • OLDER do& ~ maltete Ttr--Orchld1 &: ...-t'ed plants Best: Otter over $1795. tmltt A cabana. $9,(Q). -S1tuN1y l:JO Mt I rter, Medi sood home wltb ~ 271-A 19th PL, CM. 546-7834 New carpeUn& t h r u .. o u t to 6 pm ADUl.'l'S. SIM&32 2121 ALLEN Lapklary eqWp for 2S' am.ts Ovemiibter: new retrig A new 1t0Yt. MW5ll ft FREE to l(IO(l bome • J llale. Cood cond. pwr., paint Ii. tanks: $2350 nmN 10 z !iO llCftenlld ~ ~ • =~~ho~· 2~ * 66.l~ • m-3583 •!Onie box, Cuh. .-c:e -5 PlECE dinette Ht $20. SHARP 15' boat w/mven, SELECTION 01 btaul kit· 8921 Com« Orcle, West· s-.iv\>I stat1, 40 hp rnotor &x42 Ktt, 1 bdf:lp.. ~ lena A C&tl. For App 't call: mln1ter. 34T·TI!f. & lt'lller. $150. Mi-0267 turn, atN.-ond, 'dliJI,; $11)). m-.4138 21~ MOVING • furn It u re, 18' OfRISCRAn' .FlbeJ'llas, 2191 Harblr. CM Sp, 19. 14,...,_.,,.11" BABY B • 1 s I n t t le A milctllancou1, l~ Church Inboard outboard, it9CJO. pvt For Da1b' PUot Want Ada. 1 t7t HAltlO• IL.YD. Bathinette. m-62TS 2125 SL Coeta ~1esa. MMOO!i pty. 548-8868 Dill to.em COllA NISA~ • • • I 110 CREDIT PROBLEMS ----------------· -. TRANSPORTATION ·•ui..c... . e .. ,RANIP0•1~1-0N sll1c--4L$ et;,; h, •-E!EN IF Y~U liAVE BEEN BA'NKRUPT •EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO CREDIT · . ,· • EVEN If YOU HAD A REPOSSESSION · • ·DfVORCED •. ' •EVEN IF YOU 4RE NEW IN AREA •PAY DAY PAYMENTS • E·Z BUDGET TERMS • NO lEi> TAPE .-.. COSTA MESA• 2 BIG LOCATIONS • SANTA ANA ' \ ' . ••••••••••••••••••••• I JUST A SAMPU OF SPKIALS AT OUR LOT IN COSTA MESA I r••••••••••••••••••• . JUST A SAMPU OF SPECIALS A~ OUR LOT IN, ~A ANA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I . I I I I . I I I I 1980 PLYMOUTH '49 1968 FORD STATIOll '49 4 DOOR HARDTOP WllOll ~ tr• ... na. I """"' FllllY t.:twv ..,., Lie. Me.. .IW'D._ ...... ~le .tr-l"llllr ·-ltly ......... Lit. .... -I , Tot .. Me. + :f• & Lit. , Tot.t ~km + Tix .. Lt<:. 19&0 FORD '99 19&8 PLYioUTH ,, WAGOll • 4 DOOi HARDTOP ' tvl...,..., Pllllv fKIWv ~ lie. Ho. tPll ~· ~ ~ "r."'·· ~ 11t"'1,,.. radio. llfQJ1r. Kid«Y 111', :r11...., Offl rice,+ Tu & LJc.. Sloe -L c.. Ho. G -ToT•I ,.ri(t + T•• , .. l ie, 1982 CHEV II '199 $10.00' • 1961 '199 $10.00° WAGON OOWN CORVAIR OOWN , $12.00 $12.00 . ll:Mlo. llN!w. 1uuw .... uc ''-~~-HotMLll ~ MONTH A.U'hwrmlc: tr.. .. rodlo. ~mr. !kc. "'"'MD~ """"' ., Tol1lr 1 +1a &L . Gll !!'r e + l•&l .. 1961. CHEV. '199 $10.00' 1962 llODBE '299 $l0.ooi BEL AIR. O<>WN WAGON · "OV!N . $12.00 . $11.00 · Aute. t"'"-.. r..:llo, he11er.J-~· *· l.fi! 'l\Jc. -"'ONTH ~Fi'°.tni'. redle: ~. -........ Lk. "°""' , . , Tot rice+ i• Tllltl l"rkil + Tu • Uc. 1983 DOD8E s399 I~ Pl.YI. '499 $30.00' $30.00' DART ..... BRVEDERE DOWN $23.50· $30.00 I 19&4 '49 1968 ,. -· .• r .. , ·'49 I I BUICK · CHmkEl'~ '" ... · · -. I - I v ....... .,.. .... _....,119 1JDY!741 "' ..,..,..,,.,"-'"',.,..~'NM•· • 1 Tat.i Mllll + Tu I. Lie. : · ' • · · Ttfll "Ice t T• I. Ut. I I IHI ,, 1 RAMBLER · I 'eyl)ncltr, ....... 1 ..... IOVT :l'll • 1966 FORD 2 DOOR I ....... tr~ ,,JM nil I IHI OLDS I SUPE~ 88 · '199 I 1169 UllCOLll s..99 I COITlllEllTAL I 'f9 ~':o~i:::w. '99 I Tcitll "Ii:. + Tu a Lie. I I ~"'=;il!:'"•&mv1'::.;. ::.~~: ••••••••••••••• •••••••••• • ••• I : ~o.cv\·rr'~~ """"· tvt1r ~1orv _.;ooe<t. Uc. MONTH ~ ... JIMlw '""" 19Cterv '°"'IDDM. lwlll '"· MONTH Tott! l'rlt1 + Tl~ lo Lie. 7 ' Totll P'rict + ,-. lo Lk. -. Monthly P1J11111111 luff tft 24 Mii. lllcludt T tx & Li!-& Ctny .. °"'"" ,. Appnvecl Crtdlt OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE • $225°:... .......... J1rlllP Lllt i\111pu1t •:, 3100 W. Cout uW,..., N.B. 642-9405 . 54<>176' Authorii.ed MG Dealer J1l'lllP Lll I J\11;pLl l l ':: 3100 W. a.at H"1· Newpc<t Bach , ,, " DELIVERS OPEL 642-S40S HM'lll · NOW'S THE TIME' FOi QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD _,~I 11' I' II I ' 11 1111111, 1., 011 .,.,,.-CNtllt BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA COROU:A -----~ Autt>orbed MG Deolo ' '68 OPEL Sport Sedan: OJ '61 PORSCHE llJ COQpe HP, red; llc'd, warranty; AM/FM, be.arett. fti1n11t; 15,000 Mi Xlnt COD d • b1Jt. w/whtfe tnf:!r~ '43(IO ' ~ ' . 613-:1585 -· . ' Polsel:IE ''6 PORSCHE. Rebuilt .,.. , ~ New Pirellil .. Nur:tt bal'.I PORSCHE C black $1300 or make o :r r e r • '64 • "3-3528 wlblk. inter.; extra clean: =PO=RSCllE=~-=.a.=.,-1 """"" extra&. •HM 837~5ll1 '66 ;p... G• ;;;;;v -· !rd. Private "°"1• Jlufl IT'S A ttEVELAnON tbl Mil. m .s 39tb JL, N""'°" ,,,.... -""' tlD4 .. Beach. ~ • . Qasal.tled Ado. ~ ._ THE QUICKEk %OU CALL. ,_, rnE QUlarJ!a .YOU mL lmoomid Aoho HOO Import!' ,AUt. HOO .1Jt~Ji;•l,1i3' •• IAOltl MOTOU . IUOO .:& li.Vf','WISTlll!ini Ml U22 FaEE·FREI VIQIS VIClllon 3 DAYS I 2 NIGHTS l'Ott 1WO Ne Pwirch.M N-M'Y 15300 lelcll Bid. Weslmlnsfer ., .. 3322 Ol'IN 7 DAYS ' •• • . ~-----------------------------..... -..-... [ ' I . 1969 DEMONSTRATOR 'SALE . 1orot~·:.,:rdtop ~~~~'bit~ ··-1Rl~~H vw ~:~s;:eNck.· !$ :.ev. E" R· INvo·. ICE!' Red'/Black vinyl top.-. Rad-In ~lor. ,uJ~~ -. '58 TR 3 lbtr .. Top'COm!tHon. Call ' • l~t~"'"" w/wa&. auio-GOOP V~~~i:p CAI! !19'.n""'.Wl\'!f.., D\UllOPL VOLVO mace trari&miulon. Serial ,"°77 . .Tpp •• Side ~ ~ ----~*2199 v~ .• ;~1~~ng. ~!;w:Noft ·6~~$1~~~· ., ;NEW 1961 wiitLE ·THEY LA. "T.I NRB-988. W..ito..i Spoclal. VOLKSWAGEN 1968 A lo _ ENGLISH FORDS n J "'"'~~ .. c=~ .... GOOD v$ALU099E usED ~ iad1o. u1<e new; i.lllli ,,,;:.,: "' l . DELUXE 4·DOOR's e:r, high floatatlori t1tts &. 1 1 $1895. 644-0'J88 fGll. blJU · · · 0 • wh<eb, warn huh<. flooc '61 VW, xlnt l:ornl. Plenty • DELUXE 2·D OR I mau. un•enea1. sec. 6598. '66 CAPRICE ol .,. .... , ,,,..,, '65 '"°" ,:.,lHPORTS ~ G{ 4·DOOR's $319• "9 . COUPE • , eng. 4 tranii: •. tJ5· !11;2..7320 ~YOTA·YOLYO • t.· .• vs. ~"""~ ~1·~::r· '65 vw Sedan, 48.ooo muea. ""' l!Arl>oc, c.M. ..,,.. G 2-DOOR's " I ~~ ~.'1 r·.,... . """' good • ..,..,, """" body IHARPEST ... In .._, • Statio11 W1190nS . coo~ALUB usEo cAR """'·ms. 963-3!6' ' erome """'"' """""'4 ,. .. "4' sp· ffds, · 'A'Rlf ... 6 MORE . . $1999 -'tlS"'VW; Sunroot.""one own!r •• ovat., custom int e r.io r, ; .... · . I ~-FM.Ex c e 11 en t cx11~ white exterior, new clutch, ' Automatics · G~.-.-th~C~hovro-.,.t,.,-t be=11ovn="1n: I dition. 49'-9937 ilrakea. master cyl. &; brake ~ Np soles expense cho1'9ts • No prepa· ratio!' charges • No delivery charges. ., ' Yiiu pay ONLY $99 over actllaJ'factory. . -l11vpicli! Compare window stickers wltli , . our sale prices to convert ~ tnlly' unusual discounts into. actuol clollara- NEW 1961 SHELBY .-AMERICANS GT· SOO's GT 0 350'1 FAST .BACKS CONVERTIBLES 4 Spee41, Automatics the Individual. Bring your •59 GHIA Convt. $450 Full cyldrz. Eng. j115t rebuilt. s99 OVER ACTUAL lndivi du a I transportation Price. Good cond. runs Kftat! $'1'00. ~1 . PACT0RY INVOICE problem& to us. 540-3702 I !-=>.="=~-==== To Choose From Delivery Now! and-cents savings on these final fac· tory shipments of 196B models. $99. OV~R ACTUAL • FACTORY INVOICE s150 NO DOWN PAYMENT ·m vw. Lool<I & """' like Antlqun, Cl-let 9615 PROBLEMS HERE now. Ab'-<ornl. $ll.95. 1 '36 Ford grille, 2 rear doors complete with glass, 1 hood &lightly beat. 1 bell housin&' with rear end. 1 ·~ Ford hood delLL-ce &; 1 grille de- luxe. Set of back seats for V.W. Bus. Phone 536-8411 H.B. Ask for Bill. ALL YOU NEED IS 968-2889 YOUR GOOD CREDIT '65 vw. xlnt cond. $1250. DOWN Plus Tax & License on Approved Credit GROTH CHEVROLET * 642-22!K * '&I VW convertible, new top, paint. tnterlot. 55,000 mJ. Sharp.&Mm J '"'-i New C1rs i ~A~~~~· BILL MAXEY v 1 I BE,l\~H BLl(D •. H t, Beach 147~555 3 rqJ. N. ot Coalst Hwy. on Bch BEACH 847-6839 . NtwC.rs 9100 545-!863 t l HOLIDAY RAMBLER INYlm YOU TO COMPARE AND SAVI Annual Red-White & Blue SALE WHY WAIT N~:~~H DEMONSTRATOR PRICU NOW 4 O"L 1. A~t !e~ 196t 's & JAVE'UWS ll.l.AMBMSADOR !1 , ACT NOW SAVE $100's or come in and ste the BRAND ll£W '69 RAMBLER FULL SIZE, SEATS 6, 128 . H.P. .':;~B4~GAilN BUSTER'S I Ht IMPJllAL Le ...... $399 . 4 O~or. Factory air, full power. OSJl69 • • lf61 FORD GALAXIE $399 4 Door. Power st••rin~·fower . brakes, automatic, GG 164 't~ 1··· Dli.Ql!E $ S tion , a on. 6-cvf.Laufo., · Aft9 R ;o "'$1'' ~7 ttil -~ Dolur:~f~· ·99 Stetion Wagon. V-1, fecfory air and pow •r. KTU 117 I HJ DODGE DART 4 Door,·6-cyl., and 1tic~. UO Gl 20 1964 FORD GALAXIE SOD Conv•rtibl•. Po w•r 1te•rin9, powef hrak91,:•uto. H8X969 1964 c:HIYY MALllU 4 Door. 6-cyl., automatic. OM L769 -.r,, ..... ~ . , ·: ,., . \'62 MERCURY Coloor Part · s799 Station WMjon. Factory· air i nd pow•r·: FJt;4.~?2 . .,. PRE-CHECKED USED CARS '66 Fo d STATION w••o• $1995 r COUNTIY S9Ulll 1963 vo.LKSWAGEN s899 1 Lo-mil••. Wl0288 ~Door. R.ad io & h•af•r. I t ,_......, _,., trw., ,.ww ....... IPL JiJ 164 Volkswagen WMh ..... ""'"' $995 . ... (6, Amba5sador '"' • $1795 . . ..... ................. , ....... lltN ... .f •• • ...,, '1 . J67 t.\A.,I ' -.... ..... $·1495 t + • ..,.."',. 4 ..... """ ..... ' . ' 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA s899 1 Conv•rtible. Power st••rinq , pow•r br•k•1, auto. OLG9 I 7 · • 1 '65 C:HIVY CHEYILLI lDD s399 4 Door. ~ctory •ir, automatic . ~EH221 lHl FORJI T.a•D s899 Cou pe. Factory air and full power. IYE-437 WHILI INVINTORlll LAITll WHILI INVIHTOltllS LAITll ... ~~~~~ .... ,.-~ ..... SHELBY AMERICAN FOR 1969 ! NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Theodore Robins Ford, Or1ng• County's 0 N L Y Shelby American I Dealer, proudly presents tho uncommon GT for '69! GT-350, GT-500 _____ , -THUNDERBIRD SALE 11 t• choo1• from. 2 doo• t nd 4 door rnoclel1, Ht rcltop1 •nd L..nd1u1. All with t ir condttionin9 •nd full power. Sorn• with stereo l•p••· '6J th111 '67 Mod1h. IXAMPLI '65 T ·Bird Landou .. ftill"t-•if'~~ •ir co~,,.w., win41t"(• i: •••ti. lh1t look prlee S2Jl5. IOYG. 621 ) 201. lll•wn or ht dt. $1395 ~~~. $48 :;..::, '67 T-Bird Landou Rl H, til t •Ill., ••'•·• PS, Pl , P·window1 & ''''• ,;, cond. f•ct. w•rta11ly IVCKl121 20'1. •own or h ad•. $2895 ~~:ct. $7 6 ~: .. !! TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW·PAY LATER . EASY Fl.NANCI~ A.VA!.IMJ;• • GET ,JIED: tlOT SA¥1NGS ON --. - .. IPECIAll Y. EQUIPPED . MUSTANGS, ~AIRLANES & GALAXIE 500'S These unique '69's wore specially built to savo you money on the most w1nted 1969 oxtres! Com• in, sell the 1m1zing savings we're offering on such op- tiontl •equipment ... 1ir cOndlti,ning, E-28 whitewaOs, vinyl .;...&, deluxe wheel cofers, tape stripes, bodl moutdit'UJis',J ett.1 9fc. / "' l.lillnD OUANJlllSI my WHllE THEY WT! '64 FORD SALE 7 YO CHOOSE FROM 2 Door" 4 Deors, Stden1, Herdt•p., Cen· vt rilblt1, W190111, ••rn• with 1H-a11d ,.,... ., ••••ring. EXAMPLE: ''4 FOID •.t.Ulll &It 4 DOOi Y·I t utornatic. fr.1lly •ct11lppecl .. (TWll.· '411 l. 21 s. , .......... ..i.. . .. .$4?A Ful~J'~~~por lO ,,_ '67 Mustang H~T. Cpe. VI tuf11.,,RIH, P~\ fect,ry .•Ir, l l-.1 lotk pri,C9 •2454 (UJl l lJJ' 20~ 'tl-n er trod•.· $1695 ·~~. $47 o;:.::, MUSTANG SALE 1 l to chooa fT-0111. "•" & "I" cyltndt rt, <4 1po1d1, 1ute1111tic. Some with powot 1toorin9 111d •It c111dltl111lnf . 1911 thl'll 1961 mocl1l1, c1n .. rtlbl11, c111pot anJ 2 + 2 f1rtbtc•1. DAMPLI 1 fll MUSTAN• H•rdtop Co11,.,. fully ,,111,H I WXS- Jti 1 20'7. ., ..... ., "'"· $895 =43l=.:... ' ' ' . ~ . . -. ' TRUCK SAW-SERVICE SUPER CBmR F-100 Pickups to Heavy Duty Custom Rigs. Spe- cial Fleet and Lease De. pertments • OFF SEASON CAMPER SAVINGS I BRAND NEW 19691 F-250 PICKUP ..... SCOTSMAN CAllPR ~r:i '3495 (I ... N•. PHIUlttJll ScOtaman camfler ill com-pletely furnished with k:e box. atove, etc. Sleeps 6. F-250 pickup has 300 ong .. ' !, I "' • • ~ l . ,..., ""'-'.r ·~~~·v• .' i I, ,-.. Rambler "":."...:.,-$1695 · : ____ ,..'°1'!!'.~. . 1964 MlltCURT MONTCLAIR $999 Hardtop Coup•. Fectory air an d pow•r. IOX1 67 1''5 CHEYROUT S.S. $1399 'UllD CAR s.f.LI nke~...Ctni 72· HOUU UNLiis Plnious\T ~> AU PAYMINTS Pl•U~llD ON AlftOftl Clllff OPEN 'SUNDAY$, f -• oil -1950 lb. ""' -!>)· S.00xl6.5 8-pl,J tubelSs Urn. db. IMat- llf' ant defJWb:t. etc. l(Uy to -tmn at Ibis "'1<01 Scy9"' on Eldorado, l'oul'- Goldllne. -... vartt.d floor pl.am Oil dl!l>lay a..i ~ tor Im· ·'ii ·Cortina , .::.!'~ '1 f495 1 Con¥•rtibl•. f actory elr • full power, OY2 125 ........ 'fn l4S ', •'iii-~ GT "~' $1175 ~-......... 0Ml1H , !14 ~ · ' »t: :!.."" $745 I ............ -... "' .. HOLIDAY ......... lllOTOll SM & Jenice _,, ... --· .. '91 TOUI COMTIMllNCI • · tHt·H1rbor Cosl1 Mftl 642·6025 • - 1'66 FORD hlrtoo1 500 $1399 ,2 Door Hardtop. Fa ctory ak l pow .. •laa<. SUN396 · 1f66 COMET CAPRI $1499 · 4 Doo<. fa<lo•y ,;, and • Pow"'. RRYUl .JOHNSON & SON COSTA MISA IRAllCH 1941 HARIOR BLVD • COSTA' MESA 642-7050 I 1 .111. lo 9 p.m. Mon-Fri e Sal I 1.111. ta I p.111. 51111 10 '''"' ,, • p.111. 2080 Hel1>or PARTS .. SERVICI HOURS . . 7 •·•· tot.,.-. Mo11 e 7 ''"'' t. 6 ,.flt. T~11·f'1 • raidJate dRlJYft'1. '~ i I PARTS DNl.Y • '·"'· to • ,: .... s.1 .. .. ~ 11 -· II p. I I d. d. Ml • ... n. I " I s. , •· i i lB.) ~ _, ·s,: •; "' •;I l. " -, ... ---------------------------- 1966 OLDSMOBILE . ' . -~ . ' . _,' . . . . ,,. lu111t't Stien. l1111liful illln 11IY1r" i1l1rlor .:1th bl11k Ylny1 roof t l'id m1ithlri9 brot1C1• iilt1rior. Power 1tt1rin9, powtr br1k11, pow•r wift~tw1, ptwtr 111!, AM·FM r1dio, tilt 1hi1rh19 wh11lo 'pOw1r Vi nt wlndow1, t it ""';,;~;,, Aboo:E ''$2333' PRICE 1967 CADILLAC Thi s lov•ly S•d•11 OeVil1• he1 •11 populer power 'ani1h l11ducllt1t ,.,wtr 1t11rin9, powtr br1ke1, power window1, pow1r 11at ·,nd Ctdlllae'1 flll'ltilll factory 1ir cond itioning. Thil b11utiful eutomobil1 lt11 h11n !ft ry eer1fuUy clrivtn i ncl 1how1 only th1 fin1ll of c1r1 by ih pr1¥iou1 ow111r1. 144461 .Hi ,,:;va iU 53iV9.:.itcE 1-.i a A .,~ -•P~;\J,Jltt! h~e.~JAt)!!eck .n vi11yl bucket 111t interior. Fully lo1ded incl11di11g l ig \II engine, tri-power 4 1peeil fr•n1mi11ti•111 IJOWIN 1tttri n9, pow•r ~rtkt1; rtdio t ncil h•1t1r, Ftclory Air c~;ri;.,;,,. v;, ::~:'$21'i'1"'· 1:::~:'' ., ' . , VISIT. OUR COMPLETE VO_GUf . TYRE · SALES " s-_~c;~ .cE,1,1,~A,.· ·, ' I , ".fl .#.LS,O .. sroi;•. "~~. OIUilHt)l.1 -. · FACllCRY IQllll'lllMt< Tilts.: . - h .0: ... ~ ·u'-t ' s39's. -. .., (J• ~ .... .OC:Ji INCLUDING wouNTIN-.:tAu.Nc1N•· I Uc111--,,.,. ' . " ' . fllll PICKUP AND DEUYERY : 4112°10 BANl<:ANANCING Qn ~pro~, of ~C:~lt WE NEllf YOUll ·_ "TRA• NII 1 ~ , . . . '. '",1'MHJl'OITATIQll " •. -~Ct r-.._. .. ' On Display and ·il~aay for i>tillV.ry Todayl ' 1 ' •• • *''·n.•.• ~ ) ' . € 1968 Sedan . -Cp1. DeViUe. l11utHul loroqu• Gold w/41ld 1q11ipp1cl with ftcfory 1ir cond1tlonin9, p ·' cl1w11, tilt wh11I, floor l1c111, 1i9ht 11ntln1J 1967 Coupe De Ville ' 1965 •e•DILLAC . ~·" Th• ,.,uler 1t4111 D1Vif1;:-Ff~'li"'JiN~11i''f114 11ttrf1t ~ltf. '•kt.. i · 1119 ttltl lt•th.r tfHI cltth lll'krl•r. H11 111 tht popul1r C1dlll11 1..,.. f1•tt1rl1 l11clMl111 ., .. , 1t11rlnt. pewet W••••• p•w•r wl11,h1, p1w1r ••th, 1lt111l 11ekl111 r1dl1 111111 tf ,,.,, .. C.411111 f1ct1ry ifr cfn41tl1nh11. 171221 $2666 SALi . PlllCE 1962 C•DILLAC ,, " Ce11'• D•Vllle. Ttilt 11t•l•1Hc. h111.U lll•ck C141111c wltll whi+. l1etkr i11t•rl1r h11 11-11 1/1 1f the '•111111 fe1tur11 th1t C14111e1 h f11111u1 f.r l11•lu4111t p1w1r 1t1trl1111 ,,_, W1• ... pl~ 111t1 11141 ,.Wit wl11cl1w1. Al11 h11 C.dltl1c f1ct1ry 1lr c111dltl1nl111. y,, 111111t dti .... 1, ••· •J•""" . _c·BB cloth vinyl i11t1rifr,~ Th!t cer it ••••!ltle111lly ,. . . , Y,LI ~ .fM r1dlol 61 , ·-· •. • · I t I ,.,. ........................ ,.. .. ...--,,1111 .. ~,·"t .. ~,·-·····-·· ' • ....'Miii' .I A ...._. A D1Vlll1 w\fh ly 7o"oo .. »M,f1;11l\111 In ,.,, •• u.·Q.VJ/J,'1.1t·aP ~ ! 8 i• p. JI. · k 111441.t top ' 11th I liith1;·111r-. · 11t1rl1r. A•.-l~'ifyt'f .. c11I ~"' -'''. ' '1? .r -: ~ .) . ..r 1tHf'ln9, ~ '' llr1k11, , •• ., wfnd•Wtj•fNWtt"••••· SftNli AM· ~ , f~ r111U1, e11d 1f' 11ur11 fact1ry t lr co11dltlo11in9, Thtrt tr1 11 '61'1 t1 .. ...:..---.-,3-0-A-.~-~-.~-!5-9-,oo-D-~~:O._il._i-~-t-~-A-Y .. °'..,th-~-N-P_lll_i>_A_v___ , ~!;;~:: ... ''''s' ·:A" ''t"'E~•N c,~ft". ·,·'c' c.E'''o"'.'"" '"' "'" . . 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 ~.~: S:ATURDAY ind SUNDAY f; _ SALl P~ICES EFFECTIVE TH\OUGH TUESDAY, FEiRU,f\RY 25, 19'9 !1 -' ~...... . Your Factory Authorized Cadlllac .Dffler Serving The Orange·coalt Harbor Area ' • ' • ' , ., -·-· ------~-·------~-------~---- • I •• Ul.Y I'll.OT 1969 DODGEJ·COIONET 2-Dooi: coup. • , . IMMEDIATE DELIV.Y ,. I Full Factory Equipped (Y.CN7.90) Used~low mileage ~l!,, ~1!. ".~·a!.•.-,~. -•J"IUNr ~~1 • f"+_.gx &llqMSE , •• . hi_.. l"'h ... lu I bM I fl-d\lrlfl"' •-."' WN'ild ctMif. '61 CHIV. IMPALA CUSTOM COUll!I '67 PONTIAC BONNIYiLl.I en. s57= s571.llo\i. 5 1688··T.':~ -n~. ntlf. . . .+TAX • LJC. '!IS CHIYiua T a c Jfl'ActON • .....,.,, v ... ....,.1r, ,..,..""""" .... ~UH.~ $48""'' s•3m'\ $1 ~·o'o -= •u.-. ~·'~"'""' s4ft!!l!! '40l:Jlt,. 51188' . ::: V"Mf: ntlf, +TAX &. UC. ' . '67 PLYMOUTH MLYIDDI V• ..... -..,,...,.....,.., ~~~·SOUi $JAL otr. Mo. lL21tl1Sl:tOWJ 536::W 536W,:.\, 11088 :,I<,! n11n. nm. . + v.x • llC.. '65 CHIV. IMPALA HAllDTOP ~ . -. v.a. ""-"' t~ ,_.r .....,.., rHlt., ......,, C1YUlll5J • s23·l!!.ll '12" ·3=ifr .. l&.• o": ~> , "!!''·•U ~ .... '66 YW YAlllAllT WAGON s43= n••· sA31.1lo\'i. ·51·288 T:'~ ,.-,: "!f· ~ . . . ,+TAX ILIC. I VOLKSWAGEN CENTER ' '65 YOLKSWlGEli. ClMPER r.....-.. ~-r--\ ......... wltli~--1,zy. ....... ~ •. 1. •• •. .... ... ;,,.; 's·a· ·~:;·'$·1 .. ou·: ·. · ·· • .,.L '36-• . 6-·· . . .... ICI mil. ., ftMT. ~ tAX & UC. •67 YOLKSWl'GEN s33= Pl Ml, s1L':t::.1 U"•T. ........ ,... ........ ~ s33::.ti. s999 -=~ nMI. +TAI l LIC. s16 .... , sj·a· 10 -.. :;fi. . • lU-f:':ut. l 69 DODGE PO.UU ... v,a 2-Door Hardtop IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' . F~iU'or( Equlpped <YPS2tal Used, 'low mileage '. : • ,, .... 66 ··221•·i, m iiC..OW• 101M Mfil.y, . TOTAL l'llQ" ' , · ·~~I·. fAl'Mlf«. • +wtLLICelise i r., ,.Y""!''-1nc:tW. t•• a. nun .. ' 11-w.,.. • •-. •.,,.... _. •• '67 MUST_...G HARD.TOP s4""J:w.: s43~~t\. sl 288 -::: l~mtr. nMI. tTAX ILk.' .. '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP V-1, w!OITll!lc, 1lr tend .. power llMtiflt, '""9, hH111. CWW~121) s5ft!!l!! s5Aii.i::. $1-488 :::: U"Mf. 11"•1. + TAJ .. uc. '66 CHIV. IMPALA HAllDTOP V.-. ,_, """"" 1nka, wt.. tr-., *" """91) 'II CillYSLD Niw YOIUCll "*· ...... C...."""" I-.,._. 9tllrirlt & llrtkll, ftlJl ltltwtl«. (lEMl..., 536= 536~t\. 51088 . :::~ "·'· "•'· ' + , ..... l LIC. ' '65 CHIYIW MALIBU COUPE V.f,, lllttlMllc ,,..,_ ~ ~llt ..... ""· m.tllt.-. -,m. (llfX!IOSI s33::::.: s33~~1· n•r. rtllt. $988 T~•;: +TAX' UC. '65 · OLDs · DILTA •al HAllDTOP 1969 DOQ& (HARGER llrgest Selection of 0..,.,. lo Choose From In So. Ct&f. ' IMMEDIA n -DELIVERY lucklt 1Mlts • tl~wfy t\Ndlights ' F~ll \linyl Interior • Nylon carl>ttlftt •a.tr deek ifloilti-'•" hih rating instrumentation • U$td. lqw ml\"P.•· (YPT112J . ':~62 ~62 '2188 '°2:~ . ·~-~ TOTAL P•ICI . ~ + TAX & LICENSE ..,.. tu 11 a •1911 .. a-. .. ~ ,!Mit, • '66 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX • \I.a. wt .. lfllll., hc!OlY Ur cond., powtf llHl'lllf, Pl'"I ""'Qt, powu w1flllowl,. AN.IF#. 1'111110, ..... ,, .... lril!Yl"°P. -'1:. (n0511) SC1Q:w.t s5ft:i.~\. $1488 ~,: ~ PTillJ, ~nlll. +TAX&UC. ;.. ~( ... •t . • ' # ' '· · '65 DODGl·COROND·440 ,.... ... .._ 'letorrllr, V4, ,_,-.,tni,. .ho'-..,..., MW, (IGV'36j s33= s33:.v.:.\. • nMr. nM1, $9.88 TOTAL , NICI +TAX' UC. '65 OLDS CUTLASS s33::.-: s33=\. rrMr. n1i11. '65 . PONTIAC CATAUNA HAllDTOP. V.C. llttwy tlr Wl4., power ...mig, ""9. trw., ftdlo, htftff. IPll0''3) '65 DODGI POLAU Y·I 529= s29~~1· l'YMT. l'YMI. r'66 MllCUIY COMO $29'"" 529""' IHl'#m M.lMLf, PYMt, PTMT. $888 T.OTAL +:!~~re. Y-1, -..11. t~~-·~if'i}{jlj' 11....,...,,..,'&. htftw, (lPH7M) , '66 DODGl-DAIT GT J ...,..~,."""~~ ... ..,~ilil ..... ..,. .. tLmJllOt $2,0W. s2~ sass TOTAL ton MTillT, ---ni('1 n•r. l'YMt. + TAX ' UC. 529:1.l-!l s29:.o;;,\ . --$as· 8 T~~~: PYMT. PtMT. _ + tu & LIC. ' , '65 llUIUJIG FASTBACK '65 MUSTANG FASTBACK V ... Iulo. tnnt., httter, "'*"'' il"riftt, Wl1'. (fLW140) s29= s29~~~. ,.,.,, '™'· I $888 TOTAL "ICI . +TAJ l LIC. 529~~ s29~~\. PYMI, PYMT. $888 -=~ +TAX l llC. ' . • . . '61.CHIY. IMPALA '!ii DAIT GT l:IAIDTQP. .. ...... 1,.. ,.,..,......,,... .... ., •. ~•Dflri .... _ .... 1,......i ... 4 IPWd. viR111 .. _fldlo • ""'"· m·" .. ~~ (TYW7s21 $'23· ~AL '$2' J 'ftiAl .. $618 • TOTAL -9 " ~ ' • • . ' ' ' • .... • l MTillT. • "'Cl ·s1 tr:,\ s19~i'l\. s5.o,g '.:~:~ -"MT. • l'YMT. +TAX l Ll(l. . ~TMT. PYMT. • . + TAX & UC, ;ni ORANGE COUN TY'S LARGEST TRUCK, CAMPER & VAN HEADQUARTERS BRAND NEW BRAND NEW '69 DODGE ' . . f'y!lll't.--flld, Tli l fin.c. dllo!IH •<II-..,...,,.. cl'tlit l"r1!tl'\ !ML Tl.t.ql fl-~191' •.a-........... uM!t ,_ 1969 DART SWINGER 2-D-, Hardtop IMMEDIATE DEUVERY Fully Factory Equipped (YPS28n Used;, low nlileage ~'! !,! .... '!!'!:' . PAY~ ,_..,..., .. ·+wr~LICMI . ,-...... ,"-'•*"-.... •f'llil!-•.....,, ..... f s53= s53~ll:'i. $1·58·8 = Pnn. n.:r. + v.x I lit, . ,, . . .. . -; : : .. '64 THUNDDBIRD 2•DI. H.T. ftdort Alr CONDITIONLltG, 1utomttic t~ ,.dlcl • himr, fvll ,....,, 1s.r ...... ""'211 ~591 .. s29::.-: 529=1· nMI. nMr. s-sss TOTAL . +T':~1C. '66 DODGI DAllT 2°DR. Aut...nc, ""'9t; -· ..... ~1'DS1 526= s261.1lo\'i. s733 :r.: nMT. ml;L, +V.X &LIC. ' ... ~ .. -~~-· --... '65 CHIYIW llDAN .... ~ hMttr. (KIQl8) s23w.:i s23L'l.:.' .. n'MT. nMJ. 5688 ::.~ +TAX I UC. '64 DODGI DAllT 270 Y.f,, '9tfl .. llllltr, llfwtk hais;alai-, ...., llHl'lng. tnVn5) '16= ""'· • $16"'" '488 _TOTM ~~· . +~uc.. . . . . .,_, ' ' •oi FcllD couNT1t "sDlii~ STA. WGN. V"-..._ 111111., rMio..i.Mtw, (xtwY ;i,;;..;, ~ ""'' MUC O'm'D7t ' -, . s1 &.:r.:.1 · st &..!!!tl. s4· 88 · ·~:~ u;T•r. · I V"M'· +TAX • uc. .~ . . - DODGI '66 A· 100 PICKUP. '64 FORD FALCON lce11.Une s4ow.:i s40:,o,~. $1188 :::~ PYMI, nMT, + TAX• lit h-11111. Ind. r&'t • flM-. <»rtM • » -. .,,_-Mnll ci.clil '65 FOID ,V,I TON FIOO Pkkut wlffl I ft. "4. ~. ttt. IF10Jt.d072Ml '36= 536=1· 51088 :::.L ""'· l'TMT. • * lM .. UC. ' cH1Y. •oo ¥• ~ ~ I A. .,...,,. lo M tkfWr ..,i.,--cn .. s16= ""'· s.16~\. ""'· $4·88 :!:~ + TAA • ltt. AU.IAYMIHT5.0N USED CARS.INClUOE TAX lll ENSE ANO FINANCE CNARGES ON 36 M9NT!i.S ON ~PPROVEO IANrc CREDIT ........... __ _ RAllOl D~HI ·-llUIOlllVll. COSTA" MESA ~::::.:§~Ef~~rE~~~:.!~ .. ~~~~·~~~~!!~~~::.:.~:=::.:::..:.~~::::....~~~:._~__::__:_.:_:__~~~~~ . ·~ ------~-------- I . . . DAILY 91~01 ~ FEBRUARY 22, 1969 • , Ask Them YourseH FOa PRES. IUCBAJID II. NIXON H .. ~,._feela6oa1 dN P"•,_ilioa of .UO.. u..i~eo...,., -a.•~r.., r...- e I baYe auppo&Ud the proposition since it wa 6nt euaeeted. The reuoa is not 80 much becauee they are old enough to fight but rather because they are smart enousb to •ot.e. I hue been tn:mendoa&- ly impreeeed by the way OW' young peo- ple haye an interest in world dain today. flOR DR. MARIE HINRICHS, A~MeJkfll A~ ..... ......... .....,., .... ,,.., ........ of '• peneK• ..... ....,. I-' ,,.......,...,. or_..,,,_,,.. ... relat--C. Nna-.1t, Claaaben-h.,.., c.lo. e The National Conference of Comm.is- eionen on Uaifoma State Laws is propo&- ing a uniform anatomical gift code which would permit a penon to doute his body or a part thereof for reeearch or traaa- planta to the foDowin1: 1 ) any boepital, surgeon, er ph11ician; 2) any accredited medical or dental echool, college, or un.i· .enlty for education or raeardt; 3) uy bank or ltorap facility for medical or dental educatioe or reeearch ; or 4) t any apecified individual for lherapy or trauplutalion. POR l.OfJ BROCK, ou~. SI. Lt>.U C.H1 .. ...,,.,...,...., ... . ,,_ Joo.,.N ..... , .. .... u &I.. ,,,..per -.y lo .. ..,... ....,.,.. ..et.i •pUre.1--Neil N.,..,,, Jlorro Bay, C""f. e I hawi DeTer been d.ed in the 100.. yard duh, but I'm sure it woulcba't match the timee of today's eprinten. The 80Cl'et of eliding ia to alide with your body Jow to the ground, using the a.ides of your hipe and lep u bu.fen. flOlt FOODY A.Ll.BN, COMtilia .... ........,, .. ,,,,.. COM- .. ., ll'Mlfen.J ....... ,.. ..... 17. c..,..,.,, ... .. ..., .. ,. lo ....... eareerP-lli .. B•••le ,,.,,, ~, ..... • I bePD by -.dins jokes to cobnnniwq ia daily aewapapen. It go\ my name aroaad and eventually led to job olen. Another way it te set the addrese of a comic you'd like to write for and ltart barraging IWa with material. If you'Ye rully got che taleat. you11 nenmally pt u. iateftlal. POlt •.UUE 'IELDS, Yiu p~ Yoi«U aJ FUU1 A1encr B .. e.a I ,., •1 elaiW ••"-,_, I• • "" ~ ...,..,,, ,. ,, ........ ,,. .. U.. U. N .. Yori Clly1- E"-• s.IN, Pfddtof .. , N. Y. e Yant. tab eeftral bead _..,.hob of tbe child ud tubm.it thftD with a COYef· btg letter to a reputahle agent. Next, tele- phone the agent for an appoinlmellL If be qreee \hat the child hu commerci.l pc»- aibilities. he will adYite you ~r. Al· thou&h it ie not eaeeatial to li.e in New York. you should 1he cloae b1 became auditiona are held aft.er echool each day, and the actual abooting can begin as early u6a.m. FOR DON mA.MS of .. Cei s,,..,e •...... ,.. .. ....,.,_. .. emrfcHHI c:la.r•eler, r .. .. ,...... T...Ut-J. N., N,. • .,. fl.U., N. Y. e Yea, that waa L FOlt i.4C~ rgBB o/ .. ~, 1969" Fla)' tllttl ,.. do••• ._... ... .., .... 114for,._r telnuioll •rw• .,......,, E • .4. llOtN-yeaU, Bi.. ~U, F. Y .. e We pwi Joe Friday the rank of .er· p:ant became it fit into the abow'a ato~ theme. 1Vbm the eerie9 began in 1"9, b.dgea in tbe 100 eeriea eeeawxt in the tar .. way future. I &gored 7 wu a Jacky number, went for the 700 aeries, and picked 14 ae the doable of 7. FOa. /lJUE .4NDUFS Bo. '°"6 lloea U cab eo ,,,...,.,.. • ,,,.., •••bl ••• .. r for w of.,..,. •••1••1 -Bar6•r• DealM, K ...... Cil)', llo. • lo •Star," for eumple. it took up to three moalh. to prepare a number auch aa •Jenny," iaYOlriq a larp eu*9 eome di5cult eblDta. aod eome tricky acro- batice. wh.ic:b I had to do m,..elf. roa DB.41¥ ll.41l'l'IN 0.,.. Nied ........ ,.. ..... ,_,. ,,..., ............... ,... ~....,.,__,,,...,,... -.,,..., .. .., ..,,,. Creei, lllela. • usaany the -. tta1 ee1ecaa ., _,..., aince ther bow what I like. Somo- tim I cbanp tbe eeJectioM, boW'tmU'. la the cue of auem, oar ltd ......U, confers with them before .......,.. .oap. ..... .-.,_..-• .. 11 fY __ .......... _._ .. _ .__,_._F ., .. ..,._,._, ............ tlla,........,_a .,_ .... 1le A* ""-Y-, • ..._, .. .....,.. 6'1 a..rJ 1 Aw., "-Y..tt. N-.Y. l..U.. ... _..-+ ""~ I ,. I .. ts ........ ,_ ... -..... WHAT~ WORLD! Monlrer Talr A tiNd adage soys that if you vfve a monkey a typew1 it9f and the infinity of time, he11 produce 1he worb of Shakespeare. Well, ...._ one at London'• Chwlneton loo ... Noni nOYeliff dded lo put the odoge lo a test. He QC1¥e an orangutan two typew1 Ihm and oll the time he wonted. Some 20 minutes after learning to opetale the machines, the orangutan got bored and went back to his swing, but not be'°'9 authoring his lltwary llMISler- piece, titled "llunachex."' Pop. writingl College for lrftlht Klcl1 Soon~­ gies of 14 and 15 wlll haw a college of their own. Dr. Marie L Fetsch, who heads a day school, notes that bri1hant high-school grads of that age are often considered too young to get Into col- lege. On Loao Island, the Sandt Point Fet$Ch College for GifMd Students will open on the site of the phased-out Navy bate In 1~ « 70 for 1,000 of the wortd's y0ung oen1uML Minimum requirements: IQ of 130; "A"' awrage; college-board scores in verbal and ~ 650 eadt. Goal: Ph.D. by 20 . Cost; room, board, and tuition, $4,000 a year. Free the Eplleptlc "The child needs "° --rest than other child, H layt Samuel LMl''ClllC,,. M.O., diredor of Johl. Hopkins lepsy Clinic. ''To fcwce hMn lo nnt doon wh.n e¥e1yone ehe II out play lftg only mmes him feel deprt.ed."' One penon in 100 in the U.S. suffers from epdepsy, and thent Is no met.nee that it wdl be aggravated by a head injury. With modern mechml COte, symptoms mn be elilninated, «at least rectuc.d, lo allow the epileptic child a normal life, indudlftg plqy, school, ;obi, l'IMlrriage, and children. Al C..... Now you can enfoy the thrills of the •1 slopes without any of the clangers-in fact, without knowing how to ... All you need hove b a "utzslri/' a portable device which re- S«lofe wing tembles a bicycle on runners. It's safer beaMll8 the situki.-hen a low cent9r of grcwfty (hard lo owertum), four con- loc:t points with the ground, and can ski under control regardless of lftOW conditions. Need more aaurance? Wei~ they've been recommended lo nonsklen by JeorKlaude Ki1fy, who knows a little about the spott. Of All the "-"1 DePauw UniYenity dean'• list co-ed Salty Wilton is a compuhrle letter writer. She registered at New Yotk's posh Plaza HoNI fust lo U1e their letlelt.ad and request $100,000 "°"' tycoon Howard Hughes lo un- .. WI itll her propM8d "5-m1nute ftfm llarring (hopefully) Rod Steiger. Hughes cttd respond- exp&alning he acapted filnt Ideas only through agents. Next target is painter More Chagal~ lo ask him lo iUustrate a chlchn's story the chanted ...,. Salty deecribes ......, m, "intpul- live# lnotional, giddy.11 Aa:urate, toot Family~••=•, •rs r. P.._,.18,1111 LIGIU• L MYl90W Pt .,_, .....,...._,.,., .. •••c.-•• ..... o.. ..... •• ~ 111a1•lllfl41Wt ,. s.,,....., JCmlll .. ft M> ...-...A#fwtf' • ---..r --.a. ................ ,, .......... -.w• If l*IL'MI •CM-t Mmll'IM•1n1.-......, .._ ...... IA91Aft~ •Ym•NDRr......., A I flt--...: ....... Al 44 .... ....... ......_...., .... .._ '-Gus ' ' • ... Olilil. ... , WOllW:•' 0 ....... -T ..... Y ..... 0 .... MMaY-Y, INC. ........ _.... v.. ............ ,_, llllll•D Elltl ........... 1f I .... ........ ,..., .... ,_ ............ I.....,._, Wltlil ti .... r.IS, ...... .... Ml•d• n--. .. M.l.Y.Hm. -----...---· •• .<J& In Sincere Tribute· ... This Magnificent Niw Painting Reproduced .~in Full Color for Your Home "Brothers United'' by noted artist Alton S. Tobey ONLYI TWICE wfthin five years an assassin's bullet has cl~med the life of an American statesman named Kennedy. Now, in fitting memori.il tribute, noted artist Alton S. Tobey has painted this beautiful portrait of John and Robert Kennedy. A superb full-color art repro- duction of this outstanding painting is now bailable to you in an ideal size for framing -u· x ts• -for only $1. This is a portnit ol greatness, truly deserving a place of prominence in your home and office. This ii a pU\ting you will value and cherish for a lifetime. The small illustration above cannot possibly show you the exquisite colon and detail rendered by the artist. Only when you actually receive thh magni&mt portrait will you appreciate its rare dramatic buuty. We urge you to order promptly while the svpply lasts. (limit: three per family, please.) This offer will not be repeated this suson in Fllllily Welkly. •m11111,•.•• r----SUPPLY UMrrED -MAIL COUPON TODAY ----., THE BODST!AD, .,.. K-90 111 ..... Awe,. New Yeft. N.Y.1- Pleaac lft\d me large u• x 11• full-color art print(•) of the painting. (qu1ntlty)- "Brotlwn United. H I mclOMd Sl (plus lOc ahlpplns charge) for each print onlftN on full 1nOrwy-b1ck suu•ntn. (fr&JM not lnduclecl.) .au.-Enclotecl 11 $ (Pleew Print) Oty Stat. Zip. __ L---------------------------~ - Family~/ F ebnuJf'fl 1$, 1989 . . Experts Explain-Why O~, Campus riots, drugs, premarital sex-here is an in-depth appraisal of the reasons for youth's seemingly violent reactions to today's world THEY STAGE si~in strikes at high schools and col- leges. Turn on with drugs. Tum off by dressing like hip- pies. "Cop out" by running away from home. Daily, teen-qen voice mUder f ol'IDI of deftance. whether it'a ob~ in&' to cleaniq up their meuy 1"00ID8 or a~ng with parenta over other domeetie rulee. Clearly, tbe •a11oo1t- up" younger generation is rebelliq, and ccm#xed ...... IM it au: lti ... The dilaent syndrome is conta- cioua, a widespread epidemic, aa it sift.a down from coll~ youth, to younrer 1cid1. What'• behind it? What does rebellion tell ua aa pa.r- ents 1 How can we eope with it 1 .. fore tryl119 to understand what's happening, let's start with aome reauurance. Dr. William A. Schonfeld, president of the America.n Society for Adoleecent Psychiatry, remind.I ua that youthful iuurrec- tion can be no.nnaJ-and heal~. .. Rebellion," aay11 Doctor Scbon- f eld, "can help teen...qua srow. tt ia an important part of their devel- opment. Often, when they experiment -'doins their own thins'-they teat out their parenta or imtitutiona, by trial and error, to aee juat bow far they can go. Like all of us, youth haa a right to be anl't'Y. There'• a need for healthy aggreaaion. and if aporta don't provide it. rebellion can be a poaltive use of their energy." Dr. llertlert Gans, reeearch' aocJ- oloaiat at the Center for Urban Edu- cation. MeS poeit ive rebellion this wa.y: "Each new generation 'IVanta chanp. Youthful dissent ia an index of tM eocial ~ goinc OIL Wiien younptera become angry at not be- inl' listened to, they channel their anrer in various ways. Thia ~ aion ia pert of normal life." Dr. Gerald AJpern, Indiana Uni- venity reeearcb JMychiatrist, adds : ''The adoleecent needa to go through a period of J'ft'Olt. 11 be did not. be would be much lib the very young By THEODORE IR.WIN child who depende on hta panenta for flVUY deciaiou, for hi.I emotional well- beiq. When an unhappy penon waita unW he ia 86 or 40 to N"Volt, It OIU- ally tum more drutic form.a." It ia eomfortina' to bear that not aDdilmi4il.t,rm4-....uellll~. In srouJ>-ttrot.est monmenta, they set a eoukatiafyin• exhilaration oat of planni.q, ptheri!\S lnf ormation. malrin• deciaiou, and involriq oth- ers. Some ye>UDI' people have been beard to brag about bow m.anY time9 they've been "bulted" by police. Bat ..._ ia rahllla '111&\y and harmful! Psychiatrlats generally a.,.ee that extreme f orma of antl- aocial diuent are deatructive: auch acta u wrecking ecbool ftlea, rioting, uae of drup. auual promiacuity, or any action that ia physically or emo- tionally detrimental. Unfortunately, some youths rebel merely for the sake of rebelling-and their methods lnlY prove diautroua. What criteria then can we uae to ~baa die MnnfW _. the normal! "When yoath?• rebellion tabs the fonn of inwlTI11Dent and a sincere e«ort to effect reuon&ble chana-for the better, then it can have meaninl'/' advise• Doctor Schonfeld. u.rbe principle of wantiJll' chanre ia realiatie. But if they merely '*"¥ u.e ,.., w.t-=icty • • W&7' of attncting attention or e1eaping boredom. then their rebellion aervee no aocial purpoee." Accordinr to social acientiata, the young rebels fall iJJto types. There What to Do If Your Youngster Rebels ff you are a parent foc:ed with a r.betUous son or daughter, here are IOme helpful "'99911b ... bowl °" ocMce by a panel of apet1S: • Mob youneff cwoilable to dllcua whateuer ii troubling yow .... HIQIM and help hiftt find ·a logical tolution • • Try to view the problems ttwough his.,.... Look at what he'1 CJft9'Y about, Instead of being angry with hla. • ._. him learn to 1n11t 104'• whidt means storling early In chikfhood. Once he trvm hia parents, thb tend. to produce respect for the aduh genera- tion In general. • Constant Clpf*IWMnt and ~ will not WOf1t. Umits have to be set. While ftrm ditdpline may be met with domor ond protest, these a,. often tac.-1CJ¥in9 gestuNs. lotklally, a fMn.oOer appreciatw an adult's abUlty to mitt hb unreolistic demands. • Ask youneff: h hh behavior really hurting him or anyone else? 11 your child '"'Jque? 8eing "dlffwent" does not neceuarily MClke his behavior bad. • Don't feel personalty assoulted by such fods as long hair and odd ck>thet. Recognize them as o teen-oger's attempt at individuality. • You owe 'fCNr child a recnonable exptanotion for fomlfy rules and the dMtandt made on him. • hstroln Y04K preasuret on Mm to "win'' and be popular. • le aware that tomething is wrong if he does not kidc up now and then. • ObMtve the thr" A's: uffedk>n, acceptance, opproyal. Part of real of· fection MeCJns giving a child the freedom to expntU himseff as an individual, whether In ano-°' dh.n1. • Aduhs, In general, thould involve youth ln a meaningful way In civic fWOiects .Jnd IChool committees. permitting them to toke part in planning and dedaion-molting. are the paaaive and uncommitted reb- els, who withdraw from the Estab- lishment. In contraat, the activiat.8 usually haw real convictions and try to do aomething about them. Some are conform~ reberun. becauee dmir' frllll• ......... i .... ..-. They follow a ie.der or hero .tlO a r- ticulatee their pipes. Their rebellion takee a variety of forms. Younc people act out their feelinp in individual patt.ern.a. Some of them are familiar and overt, oth- ers are hidden. M 1 j • , t. i=denoe. aft un- aware that failure at IChool may be a conacious or unconacioua proteat apinst parental preuure to achieve l'ood rractea. Thia weapon asain11t parents ii t.ermed "puaive &ft'l'M- 11ion" by chiJcktudy experts . Another weapon ia running away from home. Many younpt.en can't l'et alonr with parents and look el~ where for another "family," perhaps among the eommonal hippies and "ftower children," most of whom are pauive rebels, althoul'h aome have ~ntly become politically active and more revolutionary. "The hi~ie movement," contends Dr. Giaela Konopka of the Univer- sity of Minnuota, "i11 really a revolt apinst the affluent environment of our times. By experiencing hard- ahipe, they hope to gain a senae of significance and lltruggle!' As for sexual miabebavior, some authorities maintain that it generally repreaenta defiance-a girl wanta to JW'ot1~ she'11 grown up. Doctor Gana, however, sees it u a form of change, not rebellion, attributed to the pre- cociou8 sexual development of sirla. Yet a girl often spella out her r evolt with " very earJ,r maniap. Eiperimenting with or taking to .. pot" and other narcotics ia a device for "tuning out." The community is defied when theee young people can do what adults acream should •ot be done. For inhibited younl' people wbo can't voice diaeent at home, ~and other drop msy rive them a aenae of tocetherneu in a ITOUP - Teen-Agers Rebel which they aeem to lack in their family or at achool. Feelings of depreaeion could epark rebellion. Younpten have ventilated their emotional hang-ape throu«h tantrums, truancy, stealiq, and a wide range of delinquent behavior. 'Those who tum inward. to sick ex- preaaiona of depreuion, are the real acid-Meda, the real LSD nutB, • notes Doctor Alpern. What altout the armies of demon- straton who are bopping mad over the war in Vietnam, the draft. or their ecboola? ''Their gripes are tan«ible," MY8 Doctor Gana. "In IChool. JDaDJ tu.c• en don't know how to teach. Curric- ula often are pared to the 19th cen- tury. Profeuora •o oil on raearch. Some students eee the uni venity u a microcoam of society and attack society through the university. On the political front, the young activista want to chanp the "sra- tem." to build a _,, world. The 1ata Sen. Robert Kennedy and Sen. Eu- gene .McCarthy were their voleee and apparently pve them hope. Tbeee heroes listened to yooth and made dissent reapectable. Deepite the varioua 0 cau." that have emerpd, Doctor Sehonfeld be- lieves that many partieipate without purpoM or ideala. "They merely identify with a youth movemenL While they speak of peace and love, they cruelly dilreprd their parents and incite riots." luat why American 70utha rebel does not alwaya appear on the sur- face. Otmooaly, they protest the Vietnam war becauae they believe it'a "8tupid and unjuat." At 1ebool. they're bored with dull coure\s. But what rtallr underliea their unrest and drivea them to molt? As MWy barueed father and mother knowa, a teen..qer la cbana'· inr pbyaically, mentally, and emo- tionally. He'a in a sort of •aecond infancy." He baa bade farewell to childhood-but ia not yet ready for adulthood. In this period of tnnai- tlon and turmoil. be wants to know, .. Who am I?', Queationa crop up &boat aex, career, reliaion, indepen- "--AD are fertile lelda for ,. aiatance to authority-Ant his par- ents, then his teachers, and finally, the community it.elf. Another area of turmoil in f am- iliea i1 created by what Doctor Schon- feld calla the "Great Expectationa Syndrome." Girla have to be popular at puttee and daneee; boJa muat ex- cel in •Port.I or in 1eboOJ «ftd•. If a youth aeea bimaelf fallins-taee0nt- inr to h11 elden' etandarda of auc- cea be hi likely to rebel in one .ay or another. By runniq away to a alum. for instance, the auburban younpter evadea the demanda put on him by hfa pareata. &.. .......... the diacontented yoonpter of a mfddle-elua family may rebel apinet the "rat raee"- the materialistic vain• of bhl par- ents. "Jn our affluent aociety," re- marb Doctor Scbo.nfeld, "many youaptaa doa't laaft to atriv.e for aurvtval or economic 1ueceu. So they are content to Btrunle for more idealistic concepts." Many younr people feel that acboola, our political aet-up, and their parents are rettJ~ stale, ao they want to abate ua up. Tbey simply want a cbaqe. . nm 11 n.tdb' n8eet.ed 1a ...... of their favorite aonp, aucb u Phil Ocha' ''Cbanrea" and Bob Dylan'a. .. The Timea They Are A~n.'" The Dylan aonr calJa upon motben and fa then not to criticise what they don't undentand. "Your aona and daqbt.en are beyond your cwrnnaNI, your oJcl rulee are rapidly ..Saa ... " Eaaentiall7, the "actln6-out" and activiat rebela are tryiq to tell ua they're diuatlded with maim. eon- ditlona, don't And a valid place for tbemlelftl in bulldiq their own worJcl, and are eeuebin« for a pal'- poM in life. Some want a "bloodlel1 revolution," thou«h they're not 1un what thQ're atririn« for will be 07 better than what we alr.dT Mft. Otben bellen theJ can 8Dd eomtmat- ment in a pru-type of Aalatte pld.- ~ or nllsiDL · ........... Is' ....... qcle called Mol 11 e--.•..,. Dol9lair G9Mt .... ftrillsto nphle .... DllllM!ftM, --u.t:O 1mU,, kw. wmt to work dinetl.J' troa elmvta17 or ~b IChool But DOW aftluenee ... prolonsed the period of Molwence, and younpten have more time for rebellion. And we're juat not 1ure how the, oqht to behave." Doctor Schonfeld vim youtbfuJ rebellion u a free expreuion of f eelinp. If lobnnT• father reMDta bla boea, he can't apreu hla feellnp directly tor fear of loeins hia Job. lohnny, on the other band, bu much lea to loee aince he'• not dependent on tbe EatabU.hment, ao be da. Jet looee hi. reeentment.. .._,. of .._ responaibilit, mar lie with parent.a, Jin. Selma B. Ortof of the Child Study Aaeociation of America potnta out. "A mother wanta her daupter to start dati.na' and ~ inc t& »an-at the· ap of. 12, n•· ualn• eye make-up. But then 1be will not permit her daopt.er to act oat or be ftirtatioua at that ap." Evemhina' boila down to one qu ... tion: what can parents do to pl'ft'at their o«aprinl"• rebellion or at leut keep it within bealth7, comtruetl" bowMll? Unfortunatel;r, then ta ao ... ~ ......... Bat one belpful tbourbt came from Judse Leo BleNin• of New Orleana, La.: "One aure cure for adolelcenee ia ap. If we can aa1fer with them, be patient and tolerant, they wiD srow older and hopefully wiaer." + ~ J'o•il• W...tlw, F.......,.. u.1111 J I t I . ~ ' ~ . ; .. j• ~ I i COLUMBIA RECORD CLUB'S GREATEST OFFER EVERI Now you can save almost 50~ - on the hit records you ~~n.tJ COLUMBIA RECORD CLUB , .................. .,.. W,,.,.. .,,,.,, buywa shop tor hltal SEND NO MONEY-JUST THIS COUPON ri12,-.;....., ~--;.;.;.--- ........... _ ... ..,....., .. a... rw.-. ......................... ._... ...... .. ,...... .. ~ .................... -· .......... ,....,,.., •. ...._ .. ,.a •• ,... ._ .................................. -. ..... • ..... ai .............. ,111 ..... U.-. I w1ll .._ ........ -...._.. ,._ .. 9"17 ......... ~1-.. 11• • nmr·12 IR ... ,..,».• 1· I I I I llT ..... ...,. lllTUlllT •• _. _,, o u.tenmc and Dencins o T.., Hits o Country and~ a c--... O 8rrAdwQ & Holt) a cc d O Jan ......................................................... , ..... ,..., '"... lllltllll Liil - ........................................................ City ..................................................... . ......................................... &, •.•..•.••••• ._, .............. ,.. ... o ,a .......... o• Al'O, '"" .... II 1:_...,.,...., .. . l--------------~J Gm'tsleep? .. ' --~ .... -· . . . , .. ,· Tfy.fhe remarkable sleepi11g capSule ffom Sominex • Relieves simple nervous tension to bring sound, restful sleep. • Contains no barbiturates, no narcotics. • Not habit forming. • No "morning after" drugged feeling. • Hundreds of sleep inducing granules in every Sominex capsule. • No prescription needed. ONE CAPSUl.E EQUALS A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. HEALTH Will You Be the Victim o They are warning signals of a possible massive stroke later; if heeded immediately, doctors can prevent crippling or fat al damage J OHN w AS 46 years old, a self-reliant, somewhat overweight man. One night at dinner he became dizzy and confused. Bil arm· waa 10 weak be couldn't lift a fork. When be tried to talk. the words were blurred. In a few min- utes, thoush, he waa okay. "Gee, Pop." bla teen-aae daushter chided him, "you'd better lay off thoee cock- taila after thil." Only it wun't the liquor. John, like half-a-million other Americana each year, had suffered a "little" stroke. Over the next few years he had others: a elisht numbneaa in the f~ when ahaviq, puains ""1.so. a brief, upeet stomach. Unforionately, John didn't recotr- nize--or heed-these red ftap. Then one morninr be woke up to find hie right band numb and a little awk- ward. At breakfast the coffee pot slipped from hia &Tip. Half-an-hour lat.er hia right leg was paralysed. Thia wu a real stroke, a major medi- cal tragedy which severely cripples or killa almost one million Americans every year. If • •ctor bad been called in early enough, the big, ahattering etroke mirht have been averted. Too often. thourh, patients fail to tell their physician what baa happened to them. By the time they have their next physical check-up the incidents are forgotten or ipored. Without a history, doctors aren't likely to di- &poee an ailment wboee symptoms have vanished. A .. little" stroke may also be temporarily overlooked because of something elae which happened at the eame time. A man who blades out on the etreet might be picked up aa a drunk because his breath smells of alcohol. Or a husband will worry about the bump on hia wife's head after she "tripped"-when actually a "little" etroke wu responsible for the accident. A stroke-little or large----OCCurs when the blood eupply to a part of the brain la reduced or completely cut oil. Thia can be cauaed by a blood clot or by bleeding from an artery in the brain. When the nerve cella of a part of the brain are d~ed of their blood eupply and the oxygen it carries, the part or parta of the body I F ..... w~.F-...OrwU,11,, controlled by thelle nerve centen can- not function normally. The violence of the epiaode will vary, depending lar149ly on the posi- tion in thfl brain of the tlMue tu.t la hurt and how much damatre is done. The ahock to the nerve cell.a may be ao small that bad effects are minor and are over within minutes. In other cases, nature steps in quickly, divert- ing the blood throul"h another artery eo it by-paaees the lnjury entirely. The duties of the area that baa been bit are then taken over by other parts of the brain. Little strokes, at tbe time they happen, seldom do major damage. It usually takes a number of them over a period of years to build up to the point where a big atroke occun. As warninp, however, little strokes are vitally important. When caught early, though, docton can now apply many modem meaauree to prevent real trouble. A lll'W numbness of arma and lep, atumbliq apeecb, forgetfulnesa or a spinning head, for inatance, very well may indicate that one or more of the four neck arteries aup- plyina-blood to the brain le nanowed or clotted to such an extent that the brain ia being dented 10me of ita needed nouriabment. If this is a probable cause, a dye is injected Into the blood stream. As it aurgea up through the neck on a acheduJed three-second trip through the brain, rapid-fire X raya are tpen_ Where there ia a block, a dark shadow appears. What's WTODI' and where ia clearly outlined. Surl'flODI can then make an incl!ion and acrape away the obstruction. Often, crip- pling or fatal damqe is prevented. More COINllDftly, new drup are used today to help avoid a major stroke. They are particularly eff ec- tive in lowering and controlling high blood preuure and keepins blood from clotting. If a person is prone to atrok~ and this ii revealed by early warn- inp-anticoagu]anta boost chances of survival by 38 percent, long-term medical aurveya reveal. Kost of theee drup which are preecribed today can be taken orally. Reeearch also ia advanced on purified ensymea to disaolve blood clota which have al- ready formed. lloet strokes occur, though, when a weak part of an artery in the brain itaelf bunts under high blood pres- sure, just like a blow out in a tire, cau1i.ng · hemorrhaaiDI'. Until a few yean ago, there waa no etrectlva treatment for hypertn- sion, the medical name for prolonsed birh blood pnuure. When the di&- a "Little" Stroke? By JIM WINCHESTER order luted too Jona, death or damage WU inevitable. Hypertension ia now on the run. It still can't be cured, but a grow- i~ famil)' of medications can control it by bepiq preuurea from reachinr danreroua levela. Normal blood-pftAun reactinra vary considerably with each in- dividual. Most physicians, how- ever, canaidel' a readinc of more than 185 over 96 1118J>icioU1 in an adult. A continued readiDI' of 150 over 100 calla for medication. u.tll tlle early 1960a, there were few drop deeigned specib1ly tor hypertenaion. The Ant eft'ective one wu derived from a chemical substi tute for curare, ~ muscle- paralyzinr poison made from a plant bark by South American Indiana. An even more effective drug wu extracted from rau- wo.l1ia, a plant grown in India- where it is a eedative. A few years later another drug -panethidine-waa developed. It inhibit. the body's manufacture of a powerful hormone produced by the adrenal rlanda. Becaoae the hormone coutrida blood vee- seb, the heart bu to pump harder to force blood throqh tbe body- and ao blood preaun goes up. And, too, diuretics, which wuh excess salt.a from the body, also are now in wide uae. M811Y times, a combination of these and other drup are used to help prevent strokes. Together, they are given much of the credit for lowering the death rate from hypertension and related heart dneaae by nearly 50 pe1'Cellt in the tut 15 years. Dr. Irving B. Page, a world authority on car- diovascular diaeue. aay1 they are re.sponaibJe for ... quiet revolution. repreeentiq a great unsung vic- tory. Hypertension is a killer be- ing tamed." The ...e1er the symptoms of stroke are ruopiud and r•- ported, the aoooer and better the chances for prn4nlti'1• care. Dr. WalteT Alvares of Chicago, for- merly with the 11.ayo Clinic, aaya : .. A little stroke may be s111- pected whenever a man or a wom- an put 88 yean of aa-e or IO baa a mental and nervoua disability that ia out of an proportion to the little indigeetion, abdominal. or chest paina that are being com- p1ained about; a 1odden DerVOWI breakdown : or unexpected cli1:11 spella, blackouts, or stumblina." Dr. ~ who is C?redited with focuaiq much of today'a medical attention oa the impor- tance of little strokes, tella of one cue: "Recently, a 6G-year--01d ex- ecutive wu referred t.o me for treatment of a suspected duodenal ulcer, diagnoeed becauee of a few indefinite cbangee ln X raya. Be- caoae bia complaint wasn't that of hunrer pain bat rather of feel- inra of wab-. queet"JMR in the ~ depreuion. and inability to concentrate on bia work. I quea- tioned bis wife. I learned that the illnees had appeared after two brief spe)la when he had become mentally confueed and bad fallen down. He'd bad, of course, a little stroke and no ulcer at all." Changee in character are very sign if leant in spotting little atrokee. Otten. a wife, after re- peated queationinr. will admit that on one or ID01'e occasions in the put. abe wu appalled and ponied when a previously kind, affectionate, and gentle bu.aband Naddenly becaa to upio4le ia USW over almost notbiq. Sometimee, after a little stroke, a wo~ will loee moet of her old intereeta in hoabuld, children, and pandcbildnn. She will let her house .l'O uncared for, will ref uae to aee old frienda, and will begin tucking thlnp away here and there-and later be unable to And them. o.ty o pbyaician can diapoee a little stroke or plan medical treatment for it. Many varieties of damare or "inault,0 u it's called in medicine, to the hil'hlJ specialised brain tiuue may pro- duce symptoms that reeemble a stroke, major or minor, but are actually aometbinr else entirely. Tboee who suffer from migraine beadachee may have senutiona which resemble a s troke. Or it misbt Just be a le« a-olns to sleep and not paralysia. It tao. training and experi- ence to ten whether lt'a the real thinr or not. And a doctor can do hia job properly only if the patient promptly reporta .u the detatla of any wuninr aiin-. • Fo•Uw W.alw. F..,_.,_ U, Jiii ' TeU. HoUJ to Make Money Writing Short Paragraphs Chimgo llan Reotals a Short Cut to Authorship Dhdeta• .................. lty wWclt ..._, •• .,. •ft•• •et pel4 five •• tea tl•H ••re ,.. w•r4 tit•• tit• retff ...... .. ·-··· ...... ..._ _, ... .... _ ..... H.IHala ...... .... ... _ .... _ _, ...... ....... , .. w.-y ,..,.. "....a ..... ....._ .. ~R years and years a relatively £ew .r people have had a "coma'' on one or the molt profitable authon' market& ever known. They've been going quietly aJonc ldlinl thoaanda and thousaodl of contributions. Nooe of them baa bad to be trained autborL Noqe of them baa been ''big name'' wrifen. Yet, in hundreds of caes they have been paid from five to ten times .as much per word .. ,,.. earned by famnta authon. The IUCcel8fuJ men and women in thia field bad such a good thing that they kept it pretty well to tbemaelva Mr. BeDloo Barrett was one of tbC9e peo- ple. For years be enjoyed a ateady income-made enough money in spare time to pay for a fine farm nearQUcagQ. Finally. Mr. Barrett decided to let <>then in Oil the leCl"et. Since then be ha shown a oumber of other' mm md women bow to write for money. He has not bad to give them any leeaona in writing. Ht baa not asked them to go through any long count of study or practice. ln fact. moat of hie ~ t.tcU have started mailing contribu- tions to maguincs within two Weeki after starting with his plan. Mr. Barrett •fl that the only UilJ required ia that the ~ be able to write a aeotence in plain English. Almoet anyone with a grade ecbool education can write well enough to fol- low Mr. Barrett's plan, becaule the c:ontributionl JOU will send to mag- uines are a1molt never more than one short paragraph in length. Sbul-ina, houetwives, folb who are re- tired on small incomes. even empk>yed men and women who like to ute idle houn in a OODltruetive way-all types are 11•• nc moner on abort pe11111apb&. Mr. Barrett does not teach you to write. He abowl you wltot to write. what f"'11t to put it in, 'and •inl lo ""' it to. He 1bow1 you a simple method for iettmi """'by the h\Dl- dreda. He gives you a list of more than 2()() .aiaials wboee editon are k>Ok- ing for this kind of material and who will buy from beginners. In other words, he teachee you a method, an llDlle. a plan for startini to write for money riabt away. I F you would like to eee your writing in print and get paid for it-just .end your name on coupon to Mr. Barrett. He will send full information about his pbm of OOllChing by return mail poatage prepaid He makes no charge for this infonnation. And, no aalesman will call on you. You decide. at home, whether you'd like to try hil plan. If the idea of getting paid for writing short paragrapbl appea1a to you write to Mr. Barrett for this information. No teJ1in1 where it migbt lead. Such a small start may even open oppor- tunities for ra1 authonhip. And. since it can't coet you anythine more than a 6t stamp, )'Ot111 certainly want to get all tbe facta. Pleac addn:al coupon below to Mr. Benson Barratt, 6216 N. Clark Street, Dept. 316-0, Chicago, Illinoia 60626. r-----------------------------1 BENSON IWUIBTT 1211N.a.k~ Deft. 87&-0 ~ ....... Atae ltDd me. free md without obliptioa. the fall etory ol yoar unique cmcb- inc method, 1bowiac bow I cm wrb to ltD •t my, bow JOU familb nma and addl ti ol edit.on wbo bQy from tqi1m1 aod tell me bow I can ltm't ••hnrittiac ..,.,._. • ipta the 6nt week. I midetllblnd that ~ JOU ltDd me will mme P«*1•id and that no •lemwn will call. Addn-.__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- C ity sate 7Jp L-----------------------------J I • II HEALTH in POCado Buy now and save on these color-matched work- savers by Cosco! The stoof has roomy, rubber- treaded steps, plus a contoured, cushioned seat that lifts up for step-tip convenience. The cart turns and rolls on free-wheeling casters, and has three roomy shelves, plus twin electrical outlets for your appliances. Available in avocado, tan, white or harvest gold. Choose your favorite color! Stool regulmrty $14.50 Cart regul•rly $14.00 Now $11.99 each or both for only $21~ c •••••Wbt? Br A•• Davidoto A ski can be c I I A merry sleigh T .... Maa Whlch tree fa the cat in 1 (See Auwer Box) Plus One To a three-letter word that you often uae in place of how- ever, add a lcut letter and get what you don't want to be a target for when some one is making a mean criticism. (See Aftawer B o:c) Rlddle .. Tiiis If you were to dig a very, very deep hole, where would you come out? (See AMwer Box) You Name It (See AMwer Boz) Or a ak.ate That fairly akims away! ....... o ... From a four-letter word for what a baUoon does when you stick a pin in it, take away the Lcut Jetter and get what many students ride in when they come to school. (See Auwer Box) F'llldFortylct .. ,... ill 1111a PlcblN They are there! Hide-a-Na .... Hidden in this sent.ence is the name of a wild bird that goes south for the winter and flies with ita flock in a "VH for- mation : On the lonely country road, after the spring thaw, the depth of the black goo set a 10-year record.· (See Auwer Bor) Answer .. XI ·aa.ii •tPPJUI aqJ. :anw NJJ. ·esoo~ : a .. N·•4PJJI ·d01 •nn iv :91u •w •IPP!H ·1nq-iana :wo lnlVJK ·"oq91na :aao 1111rd ·qswALloH :11 •••N· no.A. ~~~----------------------................... ...... 'It n TI A Li [ d n • c • J i i The Cle•.,.' lleat FrtMHI Tlaere9e ..d.tag I lmow of 11aa1....-pdyeaehaate ~ --~-·~,~~· A •addy-pawed eaalae Uke (ft9hly eleaaecl paale.:: -11.i ClaM-'elc --- I QUIPS AND QUOTES I Whi1e hia wife was doiq some shoppina in a larse department store, the husband waited patiently in a nearby aisle. Suddenly a woman hurried up to him and aaid breathlessly : "Quick, tell me where the aale on kit- chen utensils is roina' on." "I'd be happy to help you, madam." said the man in a courteous tone of voice, •'but rm not the floorwalker." .. You're not?" exclaimed the woman indil'll&ntly. "Then you have no busirieaa standiq around here looking ao intelligent." -F. G. Ke"'4n Moat JHO'PU t0Ao "'""'"'r, "If rou doft't miftd mr MN· ino •O ••• " how tit.at '°" do. -A. M . Hallock • Little Sammy Smith rana ne~hbor Mn. Brown's door- bell, and when abe and her small aon Bobby came to the door, be said: 0 My mom would like to borrow two cupe of ftour, two teaapoona of baking powder, two erp, and some sugar." About an hour later, Bobby Brown rana Mn. Smith's doorbell. "Mrs. Smith," he said innocently, "my mom would like to borrow four pieces of cake." -V. D. Palc.t Technoloalcal Lop F.ight time. oat of nine, 44lmproved Design~ Meam eltangiag aa Item only a whit, Bat atwa,.. eao.gh 90 Hallable Beplaeement pal'b won't ,t. -e..,.,ie s .. r6uelc C.lbnaW. "Tlti1 '"4f nrpriat 1/0N, bvt mr fint W~ ia CIA im1Mdi4te uaae ftre ia Vutnam. M11 Hcond. toia~ ia ~. oblU.rati°" of ~er CIM powert11, Clad "'" tllird w1' " tMt I get ful.l crldit for bri.Kgifll{I t~ ftrat two wilh.e• «1bo1't." • 1 -I ] ' j j l I • l j I 1 I ! ~ • 1 t - -·- -.' 111E~C--~ 4602 saum llli• 1wt .• Cllicato. llt. 60ll2 I HAM• A•• 11-.0-0-aiil~----------------I ._ _____ . CITT I -.-TA-T-.----------------Z-l~-1 NAM• or YOU• ,.AvoatT& Mue1c aToaa I 1-n-o-•• -.-o-o-•h-e_A_N_o_c1=n---------I BACKACHE Aching Muscles I DOES SUNDAY mLL MEAN CAR WASH DRUDGERY? ................... ~---..... ..... '°' ........... ""!\ ! fM Mel-fef Ca.Ill ......... -,,... ............ lfd hHw-... .... liilrrw ....... fl .......... wt ..... If~--,_,._ ..,. .. AIM 11'-fer •,.._., .. Mti-ftc dodl fl,... ...... .... -,, .. 11t1 OrW .... . --------..... .,,.... 1 .. ., . ,..., ........ ltMJ I I _AIM ~ IOlat @ SUI I ---.=:..::.:~:..:.:~i:...:::....:.:.z.::i~---1 I w,... 11 cllld ..... ,., .___ I PHOTO caEDtTS ,... I .-a Now ••• Denture Invention SPORTS LSU's ''Pistol Pe te" Maravich: The Price H ~ Pays for StarGom . By JOHN MUSEMECHE 0 NL Y SECONDS left in the game. Louisiana State trails by a point. Frosh coach Greg Bern brook screams for his team to use the "special" play which will isolate a man under the basket. lnatead. the ball is paaaed in to "Pistol Pete" Ma.ravich, who fires a 46-foot jump shot atraisht and true, and ~U bu won anotber cli« banger. The coach looks stwmed. but one player sums it all up: "That's ot1r special play-giving the ball to Pete and letting him shoot." . And lhoot he cloH at such a pr.odi- gious i-ce that AU-America Pete Kara- vich bu become the highest scorer in col- Iese history. lut year averaging 43.6 points a game. And thia year be baa been dolnar a repeat performance. In a recent victory over Tulane, Pistol Pete acored a phenomenal 66 point.. Pete'• father Presa, who happens to be LSU's bead basketball coach, describes his aon on the court u "an animal beina' at- tacked.. He's ready to scratch. run, jump, shoot, do anything not to lose." Othel"8 deecribe him aa "a machine with a basket- ball in hi.a handa, who inatinctively knows what to do." But becoming a basketbaJI auperatar wu not a natural gift. Pete paid a high price to get where he is. Preas Maravicb tried to interest his boy in basketball at the age of six. "He was about aa interested u going to the den- tist," Preu recalla. ..I set up a hoop and coaxed him into shooting. He thought it wu too easy. He miaaed the first time and the second. Then be got mad and kept at it. He waa hooked..0 Fl-om then on, aJJ Pete did wu practice. "He'd even take a baabtbaJl to the moviee." aaya Pnu. "Dn'bb1e it all over town. Aa a result, Pete can do things with a basket- ball that you wouldn't believe posaible." Pa.tot Pete's ambition is to become a pro star, and bi.a ability almost guarantees that. "lly dad always told me that any- thiq worth wanting ia worth working for. I never tbousht it strange to spend a lot of time with a baaketball." Thou sh both Pete and his father will 4eD.T It, you ret the feeling that tbe fa- tbel'-IOn combination was predeetined. When the late Jim Corbett, LSU athletic director, signed Preas to be bead coach a couple of yean aao. it was silently •med that Platol Pete would come alons aa part of tbe ~. How dof8 Pete feel about play- iq for hia father? "I've never really thought about it," be says. Obvioualy, Piatol Pete is the moat talked- about LSU athlete since Billy Cannon won football's Reisman Trophy in the late '60a. StoTiea of hia total dedication to basket- ball an numerous; moat are true. Pre~ for example, arranged for bia nine-year-old son to play in a game with pro star Hal Greer. After the game, Pete innocently announced to his father, "I think I can take Greer one-on-one." Or, u a bish-echool 8?1'· Pete challenpd one of hia father's Clemaon stars to a shooting conteet. Pete won-yet the loeer wound up on the AD-Atlantic Coast Con- ference team that year . Shooting baa always been Pete's mania. It baa, in fact, brought criticism. But Pete's teammates come to his reecue. "When Pete's shooting, we win," saya one of the LSU starters. ''That's what the game is all about--winning. We'd be crazy if we didn't give the ball to Pete. And, too, we all get more shooting room be- cause other team.a key on Pete." With a ll the publicity Pete geta, it is really surprising that he doesn't have a big bead. Almost incredibly, be baa r&- mained an atrable, easy-going 20-year-old. Pistol Pete is a bit superstitioua, though. He baa worn the same pair of flopping, gray aocb in every pme be baa played since bis senior year in hil'h ecbool. "He considers thoee socks a good-luck charm." aaya a teammate. "Wubee them penonally after every pme." The aocb have become his trademark. Will the proe with their fancy outt\ta allatr Pistol Pete to keep those dingy aocka after graduation? If Maravich can acore enoul'h points, the lucky club owner will probably waab them out himself. • ~ fl~~1f fly 11~ i• ~ r h tfltff'1 if1f1''''r l s· ~ h~t n~11 1 tr1i J · 1qr·J1 jlJ l'H--< 11r l ~ f tmi hf 1:~ tlr 1f f !1· rr' 'l' -r:! tt•,t~I • I ! ~i ~ ~ • ~Qlt! 1 I [1 f f ·1 '1 i t 1t f 1 ,~ l 1 It ~::I ~I ::Ll-e I .. :; l ~ t ::i~ "I I . I I I t ! •I f > I I .r = ~~ ti l's f 111 rt ~It I ~ J( 11-1 s I .. gr I rn 1~~11 lf IP1n(1 Jl~f ··I J11~ i tu .. aP .Jii· ~ !~~i• if H :i IJ •i~i''~l lj' JJli( rt!.i I ~ Mt: t. IJ h h 11:.tln ' I mla ;ti-· I ~ la ~ i §~ i!!':l~!i!Uf1'•HFtminr!lh'!'! : rJ! a 1 ~ • 1 .1 ~·1 ,~:Irle ,! 1. !r J'~tJ 1 tiff: 1! r i 1 I , ~ 1 ~ i :g1 ~1h·aJU-1t1• !h 1 i'tm1 1'Jt1 11 t!~: f 3 i r f r!f .r,,1~~,,t· 1 ,J~J 1 1•-afl.:1 •r ~·If l t = f ~ 1!i 04 !U•1Inn1H-: Jh! ::1PU!ih n !j! I ·-i 1 ~=! I•r!l tr1iH ' ~,~i !rrrh 11! .,-:. s: I e ! ~ft u;!! !H;11•1 ~ i~i~ 111h'11 1 !iH ; 'iU ~ i. ~ a ! ' 1·s-' IJ!VJ[ t . ~,, If"'· lftlt 11 • I I-!; ~ .. f, ~I i1· 'ft' a ~ ~' i l ts ii; r st 1' I a I. f 1 s ~ ti ti ~ I ;a f J ~ 1 i ~ l r J , • . • ~ '-' r----.-------------------, I!! 11 (fll 1•11 if Ir .. ~ ;lo. -~ 1 ·c I i-J .,. f !S I 'f ~ st r i c i I I I ( I 1' I & ' ' I 1 :U 1~hf i~; 1 i ~~t if mn ~· !1 ~ ·~~i I Jf-Jt(r•; 1=1 ~ . ;It. g lf*'ltj f !t ' Ill! '11o(. 1 !i)-I~ Ii 111' II! .,.1 ... 1-'I •11 fJI 1,.1 I ! I I. f ,1·•t f 1l'1 & , l J ~, 4'' -c ~ -.. •. • i 1 J • r 1 • 1 _e ~ _ ~ ; J:i ~ j &i!~f r !f '-1 : ii I I I i;j ~Jp ~ lf ~ l~ 1':i It ,. iu'i j!ft Iii g l=~l I ,. 111ll l' fl . 'I "' .. 1-. I -i t ' . '------------------------.J . ~s l1 IJJ l' I t t: • ~· ·--J. ' I • I I FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK ,., .----------------- MELANIE DE PROFI" Food Editor • Proteln-rieh 111... le woaclert.lty lexiWe a.ad tan he eombilled willl • m•ldtacle of otlter ldldten tlaplee la eadle.e Yarlety. It it tittle wonder that ••na le the mo.I popala.r teafood oa oa.r clbmer tablet. Tuna Salad Mexicana a caM (SY, or 1 oa. eadt) taaa. 41raiaed -1 l CH (17 O&.) goidelL WMie 'un.I low!ng package directions and in- crea8ing liquid t o 2% cups (use liquid drained from spinach plul' milk>. Remove from beat; add a blend of the dry mustard, salt. re- maining pepper. and cayenne along with the cheeses, and stir until melted. Mix in tuna. .... cor11,•ralllff % HP c-.Opped ce~ry % eup cho'pt4 aealliou or rreen Oftiofta 1 avocado, eut la pMft9 % np a&JOllHWe 2 taba..,.... ~--JaJft % teaa,... .... ,. ......... cruM.il % ieaa,... .. Jt Few srat•,.pper 2 harcl~oote.I qp. ,_w a .. qu~ 1. Put into a large bowl the tuna ·chunks. corn, celery, aealllona, and avocado. Lightly toss with a blend of the mayonnaise, lemon juice. and seaaoninl's. Cover and chill. 2. To serve, turn into a lettuce lined- ealad bowl. Garnish top with bard- cooked el'I' and. if desired, addi- tional avocado, sliced. I 1eni1111• Tuna F1orentine % .. P. (Jt-. eec•) ,,... C ... pM t'°8dl or 1 Ila. fl'ftlll .,-.r ......... a ......... I tableepoea .. eq ~--- % '""'°°" Atte11t % te .. ,... .,..... Ht•ett ~' ............... , I ellY. a la lilhtg alltt •ht• Milk Yi t~u..-4lr1 ........ % lH.t ....... k % teu,...,.... Few~ ca7eaM I cap eliredded Swia e9'eeee -· % np alirecW .. 'Paranaa cheue 2 cau (tYz or 1 os. each) lUH,dnllN'llll Y, cup tout .. allc .. al•o ... J. In a large. heavy 1killet or aauc~ pan, put spinach, onion, Accent. nutmeg. and '!,. teaspoon pepper: cover. Cook over medium beat until tender, stirring occasionally with a fork. Drain, reservins liquid. Spoon spinach evenly into a I \.<,-qt. tthal- low baking dish and keep warm. 2. Prepare i. la king sauc~ mix. fol- 14 Fo1tu'lu W.ekfv, February 23, 1989 -- 3. Spoon sauce over spinach. Sprin- kle with the toasted almonds ·and brush lightly with butter or ••r· «arbte. f Or use buttery lterlMJea· soned stultns •ix croutoaa.) .t. Set in a 850°F. oven for 20 min. or until thoroughly heated. I Hf'l1iflga •If substituting 2 cups white sauce, blend in the spinach liquid. Deep Fried Tuna Pastries •Fat to a deplll of 1 iMh a9cl Mete.I to 37t"F. J •k1. (8 oz.) crea• ~ .. rt~ ~ teu..-Wottesterahlre ea11tt Z t.Ulespoou •fl bread cruaba J eaa (IY1 or 7 oa.) taaa, draiae4..tlalled Y1 teu.-.11e.....clult 1 Yi ,lip. (9 .. IZ oa. ndl) er s .... ,w C"l'99t •i& 1. Mix the Worcestershire sauce and crumbl into the cheeee. Sprinkle seaaoned salt over tuna and blend into cream cheese. .Z. Prepare pie crust mix according to packap directions; working with one half of the dough at a time, roll into a square about ~ in. thick. Cut into S-ln. squares. S. Put 2 teaspoons of the tuna mis- tun onto the center of each square. Moisten eda'es, bring corners to- ptber. and tiahtly seal edges. 4. Fry one layer at 1 time in tbe 370°F. fat until lightly browned on both eldea, about 8 min. Drain on absorbent paper. 3 do•. t1'1'7Ht~n-a *Suitable fata include salad and all- purpoae oils. veretaf>le ahortuin•, all-purpoae abortenina, and l&rd. Tana Sandwich 2 ~au (I~ OI' 7 OL H~•) t•u. drallN4 ~ ""' .,.,... can•ber •*• ~ cap•a1.aaiM ~ n• dairy 80llr a. .. 1 tablnpooa ~ ... Jake 1 teu..-dill weed I .._..,..._ Ac~e•t ~ teupeoll coanel1 rrou.d pepper ~ tlak• alien dark bread % cap ......... Par•.ea• chHH 1. Mb tuna chunks, cucumber, and a blend of mayonnaise, sour cream. lemon, and seasoninss; set aside. 2. Butter bread and lightly pile tunA mixture onto each slice. 3. Sprinkle with paprika and gar- nish with twisted slit cacu•ber slices before t1erving. 4 '"r11i"l1" Tuna Stuffed Avocado 2 tahlespoou IMltter or aar1arlae % c•p UoppM eeler, ~ " ........ I caa (3 u.) alieed broiW- ia-baU... •_..,_.. Z caM (IY, or 7 os.. ea~) ta-. drai9H a1141 aepanted ia piene Yi n• water cM.uata. eat ill •ilocft 4 • a~-.-. rimed 8 oraaire aliees with .,HI. aotdled l c•• a.et hellaadaiee aaatt (~fnmaaix) J teupooa W eft'fttenllift .. _. 1 teu..-Ml&r • 2 ........ --jllitt 1. Beat butter or marprine in a skillet. Add celery, onion, and con- tent,., of c&n of musbroouii; cook about 5 min. !. Mix in the tuna and chestnute. Cover and heat thorou•bly. S. Cut avocados lengthwise into halves and discard pita. Brush sur- f aces with le•on juice. 4. Arrange orange slices in a bak- ing dish ; top with avocado halvea. 5. Heat at 400°F. 10 to 12 min. 6. Meanwhile, blend Worcesterehire sauce, supr, and lemon juice into the hollandaise. Mix with contents of skillet. 7. Using a wide spatula, transfer avocado halves with orange slices to individual serving plates. Spoon .. ....-..... .. ~--..... -.--. ...... una hot tuna mixture into avocados. sprinkle with srated oran1e peel. and prnhsb with sprisa of water- aeee or penley. S Hrviflglf Mushroom-Tuna Skillet 2 nu (lfYt oa. uclil) co9cle11Md neaa el •ularoo• aoup 1 aa (I OL) atieed broi1"- i9-IHIUer •uhroe•• I tablee,_. Te«riable boaq11et ... ft 1 tableapooa instant minced oaio11 2 ea• (6YJ or 7 oa. each) tuaa. 4raiaed I aa (1 lb.) mixed •egetablft. •rahMd % te Yi HP aaippied parsle1 1. Blend contents of cans of soup and mushrooms in a large skillet~ Mix in veptable bouquet sauce, onion, tuna chunks, and vesetables. Heat. stirring occasionally. 2. Just before serving, mix in the parsley. Spoon over buttered taut trian1lee. 6 to 8 1ert1in111 Cherry-Tuna Salad FM' a Wa.alti,.11ton'1 bi1'thda11 lmt claema. begita witlt a /tot aoup a11d at: compcutr tle 1ala.d with ltot rolU. % HU (IY, or 7 n. eac.h) tua.41rai8ed ' Yi c•• •...Urecl •arudli .. clllerries 1 ~ A .. Italia• ..... •n.aill1 (pttpand ,,... aa Italian ..W-4nmiq•b) 1 pk •• (S OL) dwrr1.lnorH relatia l cep belli•r water Yi "'' "9nel1 dlopped walHt• I. Marinate tuna cbunb and cher- ries in % cup of the salad dressin !. Meanwhile, pour boiling wate over gelatin in a bowl: stir unti. gelatin is dissolved. Mix in remain- ing l cup dressing. Chill until very thick, stirring occasionally. 3. Fold tuna-cherry mixture and nub1 into thickened gelatin. Turn lnto an 8-in. pan. Chill until ftrm. .f. Serve on crisp greens. I •n"Vixga Tama '" aome of it1 eHdlea1 varietiu -TuM Salad MeriC'oJUJ, Tuna Flo- rtntine. T14no Sandwiclt •• .. I ' .w I ' . I I r --. . ... ,,. ........ •we1•111 NaWllA~ l'INDB&llOOO. • ....... -...... .. ~:' r;•m ....,., .. ~ .......... = WHAT. Can'C ,., coM" .. ....... ,........,; -------------------------· 1) ... ,,. ...,.., ,. ...... llfa. (Ca JI 11 w1U1 ....._ f.ct1 ....... IO .... ,.,. --''> 2)C~n ........... --" .. ---.. (n..I ........ _ wtlo ........ . ___ ™_, .. ... S) J.c: =~/ft ij,. .. ,.M ,. ,._. EMii ... .... =-=..-:.~~ ,_. FINDDJIOOD ._ llClt 91C a ._. of IL Yw .... _,~ ......... ............ •• 11,800 or ~) na. .. llO ..... -... .,, of)"CllUI' ............ . bow ~ ,_ J'Clll CM .... • Nu.ll011bow-"7Wcm b9U: •.• -Ji.it -...... ~ -oper.-1 'I',. ..... .-w "7-' .,#WI lllfOanlWIR" .,.,,. fttAL •• , •• ,, .. Y09 are ...... IO ....... a TrW .._.. of FINDD• HOOD "7 ....... tM ~ Yo. .. NClll\lla P'&U ·die..._ ~='°~ ,... ... .._...:;_..-a;z ......... y.,. .. ~ -• .... .... dllL"' .. , I ........... 9 ,, ... ~ · ...... ~ =Git .. ,.. ... .. _. ......... -:-..... DO Ir JeOWI HAllAN I IEDI PRAISE Fro• Me•bers! .. J_ wllaC I MW beca ._... ... fot"-..C. A , r .. N#. ''DOii'\ .. lllow ,_ aa • IO -a. f« IO Ulu.,.- /t, I, It~ N. J, "c.. ,. . 1 ,_ .. ~"-H. II. r ., C...O. "Al9 _, -· I de -dlalt JOQ ...-"-W. f'. I ., c .... °'Ha ............ .. =. ~ eGll&adl"~. J' .... . "Ba&llW to be • ~­Jt. r. r .. c•1. "TM ....,,,. ..... tnal1 ·-dtills"-A. C, A., N.11. HJ'artec--wtlll I Ja1M4 Ima ..,;•-1tt1, L. c .• N. -,, r--------1 ... ...., Ale TllAL a· ., .. ,. COUPOlft ,_ TOMYI I•••••••• i I .. NDllHOOD, INC.. I ..,.._,.., I • H West JM It. : .._ y.._ 11.Y. , ... I I I I I I I I I I KAMI ······································~·-·············································· A'W'llMI ••••••• ··•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 5 • I I I I I cm ........... ti ................................... RAn •••••••••••••••••••••••·••••• ZIP ••••••••• ..... ~.·-- L---------·-----------------·····----------------------·-' -~----.-..--------------~--------,_..--~~ AFfEK CZECHOSLOVAKIA--· Should You Behind the Iron By JANET GRAHAM SINCE THE ·Russian inva- sion of Czechoslovakia, Americans are asking them- selves more than ever: "Is a trip behind the Iron Cur- tain safe?" Well, I can aa.y ftnthand that it is ooe of the moet rewarding u - periences JOU can have. I traveled all throqb Czechoslovakia a/Ur the inTUlon, and everywhere I went I wu welcomed with open arma. To be aure., the Ruuian Pl'eeeDCe wu felt both becauee of border petrola and troop trucks, but I found one of the Czechs' main worriea wu that the RUMiau would ~ • ...,. toomt. t Thele 1r.....-. lariq people '""" am:-*-to Jll"'ft ti.t from the tour- _.. point of "riew, everythins wu nonaaJ. Tllere were no interf er- e~ no travel reetrictiona. noth- ing to spoil my via it. I found that in juat about every one of the East-bloc countries I visited. I• all, I spent six weeks laat summer traveling through the "satellite" countries and found them illuminatin.r, safe. comfort- able, inexpensive, and colorful- and in eveey one of them I found acorea of American tourist.I I I was aurpriaed to 6nd tremen- dously varied small nations full of ardent patriots. lonsilll' to show off their art treuurea, customa. and lovely lanclecapes. Many of them dialike their political ayatem. hating the party-line newapapera and the lack of free speech. Othen support their eovernment and will proudly ahow you the achieve- menta of a socialist atate. But moet people in Eutern Europ&-like those in the rest of the world-are not concerned with politics; they are buey Uviq. lvet ,.,...... I went I found comf~ ...... pod food. .... ~ low priteL SpM;al tourtn nm of _ ..... .ae tllele aowta of laarpim r-ftele: 'IO a day for room and fuD board in a de Joxe hotel by the 1oftfy Yugoslav Adriatic or by Bulgaria's Black Sea cout. A seven-day coach tour of Ro- manian highlight.I cost from $1~ (KL)( Dutch Airlines). Tbere ia a 22-<lay Balkan adventure tour for $899 (American Travel Abroad, Inc.), or a 21-day tour of Dalmatian Yugoslavia and the Balk.ans for $1,098 ( M:aupintour). It Fami/11 We.klv. FelH'Har11 . .!J. 11111 l L TRAVEL a cation urtain? There is a1lo a 22-day tour of aeven East European countries for $968, by round-trip jet from New York <American Expreaa). Or you can spend 22 days in eia'bt European countries including three Eut European nations for only $695 (American Express l. One • .,..., .. I decided to splurge and took a Hungarian friend out to dinner at oae al. ibe beat reiltam'aBta ill &'4lapwt Hungarian food and wines •n maneloua; we had three auperb counes, with wine and liqueurs to follow. The bill for the two of ue wu only six dollars, plus a tip for the bri,abtly clad gypey violinist who played at our table. Prica in Bulgaria are lower atill, and one teldom pays more tllan a....,. for a---1 JMre. Of course, Eastern Europe does have it.a drawbacks. The newapapere are unread- able, the languages unspeakable, the ideol- ~iea unthinkable. And you can't get a de- cent cup of co«ee or an American news- paper. (If atarved for newa. pop into an American Embuay reading room.) Na- tional tourist organizations monopolize the travel trade except in Yugoslavia; you may get caught op in a net of bureaucracy if you are traveling independently. Which countries you visit depends very much on your personal enthuaiasm i Bul- garia i.e the right place for lovers of lush land.cape, long beaches. and primitive peace; Romania for art buffs and bird watchers; Hungary for gourmet.a and mu- aic lovers; Czechoslovakia for architecture ad dicta and folklore f ancien; Poland for winter-eporta buffa. Yugoshwia has end- less beauties of folklore, landacape, art treuu~. and music festivals, plus the sparkling ialandt of the Adriatic. from Yugoslavkl you a\n visit the wild mountains of Albanla, the last stronghold of pure <Chinese) Marxism in Europe-- and the ortl11 one of the Iron Curtain coun- tries where your movements will be re- stricted. where you will be foUowed. The Yugoslav guide who met us at the border on our return p-inned when he heard our comments about Albanian ri- gidity. "It is wonderful for ~r tourism. When you return to Yuroelavia. you will think you are in paradiae !" Except in AlbAnia, you are free to wan- der everywhere. In all the other countries it'a poMible to hire a car, with or without a driver. &nd set oil Uae beat.en track. Don't restrict youreelf to the capital cities; Viritor1 t4'u 4 towt'fag l>Ht aroai"4 Yetgo- al4oia'• •cnic eoa.U.d. port of Dtabronik. don't try to viait too many countries; it's far better to &'O to juat one or two nations and see some of the marvelous out-of-capi- tal attraction• of each. I waa aaddened by the touriata I met who bad never rotten out of Budapeat to take a bul'l'Y ride acroaa the Great Hun- prian Plain; or who hadn't left Soft& to to spend a nisbt ill one of the extraordi- DMJ' old mCIUlll&lriM ~ Bulpri&; Cll' •bo. bad stayed ln Bucbareet but bad neveT gone to the cout to take a ftahiq boat into the wildernea of the Romanian Dan- ube Delta. The capital cities alone can.not poesibly give you the full ftavor of theee nations nor the people's friendlinea. Two books which rive a rreat deal of mtw •biia .alaoat....W ~ is t.o eee in the aat.ellite countries are "Eutem Eu- rope from A to Z" by Robert S. Kane ($6.95, Doubleday, 1968) and Fodor'a Guide to Europe (fl.60, McKay, 1968). (FAMILY W!Z~LY readen may eend for Kr. Kane's eolol'ful book by mailing a check or money order to F.W. Books, Dept. A19', Box 707, Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y. 10017.) I talked with a mat many Americana while I wa.a traveliDI' in Eaatem Europe. They all felt that their trip bad given them aomething valuable, unique, and unfor- gettable-an inai,abt into a new culture and a way of life. So If you're interested in visiting the Iron Curtain counbiee, here are ftve valu- able ti pa for you to remember: 1. Book through a travel agent who ape- cialisee in the area. Some of the better &l'encies an American Travel Abroad, Inc .. 250 Weet 67th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019; and Maupintours, 270 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017. Maupin- toura also baa oft\ce. in Washington, D.C., Ka.neas City, Mo., and San Francieco. 2. Take traveler'• checks in small de- nominations. DOf4't cub larwe amount.a on arrival, aa many excunlona and purchases must be paid for in dollare. 1 Take a aink plq. AaahU.~ paper tissues, antibiotics, and a radio. 4. Remember that even air mail takes 10 days or more, and eend postcards early if you want them to reach home before you. S. Brush up on your higb-achool French or German to five you a more interesting trip, and take pocket dictionaries. Enaiisb ia spoken 111 moet b'-laot;ela. but menu are very often in German. + IOWI w 111111m ra1111 llli'll 11 .. 111 New~ mist arts woftiq almost imtantJy to bdp ltop cbotlna altbma attadt, release air tnpped in ......... haps JOU bfadM freely apin. And it's to eMY to me. Al the ftnt lip of an uabma attack. jUlt place the Bronbid tip in your mouth. IQueea mouthpiece and bottle togctbet, and inbale decPy. lkollbid Milt'• superfine particles of medaled mitl speed directly to your 1uap. In lftOlt imtances, wheerina IWiftly IUblida~ m~~ air .,_... open. and air trapped in your lunp as releaed. la bl than a minute, you ate brathifta freely aod easily apia. Poclce1-Slu. Only A Penny A DOH! You can aare of accurate douae without maturing-becaute BllONKAID9 MIST coma with a metered tip. At your local pharmacy. Drew Pbanmcal Co., Inc., N. Y.. N. ~ lG0.16. "'' en wan•IHT n•••a _. ... ,1 .. ...,11.1 NO llOHEY DOWN ••• US PO MONTH I ,.., ....... ,.. .. ~ ........ ,. ,.. .... ,.. ... .Aft Alftil .... . ......... . a···--_. ................. ...... JllltS ... .._hWU,W-111 .._ ......... c..l. .............. Pwdle• Wr ,..._... ~ llOllEY·IAClt eMIM'TIUI .......................... -. ...., .................... ........ St. Jobu ll.inn14a Bat&tes .s.. ..... -. ........... ALmll .... ... 11111111 ....... -.. -· ..... " Helps hll Overco .. FALSE TEETH Loo1He11 •d Worry Jlo laapr be &llDOJ9d or feel Ul1t-eue becau. ot 1ooee. wobbl7 ta1a teetb. PASTSftB, •D lmproH4 ....... powder, boldl ptatee armer eo ~ i .. 1 man oomtonable. A•°'4 em~t ca\118d bf acx..iatee teeib. DIDturel $bat ft\ are -.iU&l to beal\b.lee JOUI' dentin NSUW11. OM PA8TSl'll a& all ctrur coua-.. "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved .,. "' .-11111111 .... , .... ,., ... ...., .. ... GmlNGUP llGHTS ::Ucu IWIY Common Kidney or Bladder rrr11a-tlona maM 1111any nwn and women fffl tt'nte and nervous from fh'Q\Wnt. bumlnJC or lt.cbln« urtnaUon nlsht and day. s.cx>nd&rlly, 10U may Joee aJttp and have H~. Bactc.cht> and fttl ol~. lll"fd. deprnad. In auc-h C'UeS, CYSTEX uaually brtn11 f'C'laxlni; comfort by cur1t1n1 lrTlt.al-ln1t ~ 1n add urtne an• quickly euJn In.Oft CYSTE."X at dru 1(111.a. An alltipenpirant that Na1ly _, works! Solves underarm probleJU tor many wbo had dea~ired of effKtive help. liHtobum Antl-Penplrant bepe undennm abeolutely dry (or~ ol cntetul m.a. with comnlet.e 1entlen... to normal .rn and dotb.ing. Thia unmual fomaula Crom a trmt.- WOl'thy 56-,.r-old labont«y ie 1uaranteed to eatiety OI' dealer will refttnd purchaM price. So aet the polllt.ive Jll'C>' t.ctioe ol llhclluuia Aad-Pw- .... , • ..., ly llail Fnm f.U,llllfy ... ....................... .....,. Tiit .. .,. ...... ,....... -...-. n. "-• aw -dllldlllll ,., ,.., • ....... , -fMllly ...,,, -" ,.. ... .., ................. Jiit "'1t.t: ....... ................. Ml ......... .,_, ... Y"-•.Y. lOllZ2. l!Plraa&.= ot c:ft&DL $8.00. ~ J.AnikWeatyour ta te or toiletry counter. r r I I• ! I ! .. I r I I. . ... ' .. , SATISFACTION GUARAMTllD OR MONEY BACK! r.------------------, 1 uu LHW., ....._, '-· 11n1 ..,._.... 1 1:::.. I I cttJ SWtt ZIJ __ I ,,... MN ... tlll ........... I atYlt # lai.I. Sln lit Color 21111 Colef Met A-22121 A-2S270T 1-21332 l-2SM4l C-23127 C·251tn 0.24211 ~ -- hJ"*'t-loMd. Md &Cle poatact ..... hlfldlhll c""8es 90f tint drtu _, ~ '°' taell .... tloMI ltBI. • C.O.D.-$2.00 Dtpollt 111etosed fof --' ltt9.. • O ~ hc:lo• for C.rat luue of AU COlOll lMA LOlnl FASHION CATALOQ. • 0 $LOO hc:losed for 0.. Yur'1 Wncrlptto.i . • 10 UM tMIL1 -. t• TOTAL • I---L------------------~ Private Pool By CHARLES WEllS - ---__;--___ _ce- - - ------ 11 - .... > s ) - J, 1(}llll.S RAJ¥Dlt001t.-A H page Anclbook littl, tmtu atld prieu tle ~~«M rioa. "Olktal G.&M To opt&lar Atltiqt&u ct C•rioa" ta torlt~ b• ~ atld collutora. Colt>rfwll Valwe- ftllJI 15 ppd.. Wtlda Salu, Dept. FW, G.P.O. Boz 1711, Nn1 York, N. Y. 10001. LRMUt ro rur tM """"r ita OM toUk. No ~ practke or ~. Yo. get llO tngl, gwitar hlMr, ec>MpUU iutn&ctiou toitl clonl aeleetor. Piottiru -4 trorda ""ide .. .,... Eaql /Ual ftmtil•,..., ,, .. 8 ppd. Terrr Elliott, Dept. YW-6, P. 0 . Boz 1118, Net11 York, N . Y. 10017. Weekend ShQpper BY SUSAN PAINE •E A LOSER AND LIU IT! Here's a wonderful way to take off thoee unwanted pounds with the help of improved Obesity Bell Tablets. A simple method. it encourages le.ss eating at mealtime. An easy way to loee weight, especially for "luy losers." 60 tablets ( 10-day supply), $1 ; 2'0 tablets ( •0-day supply), $S ppd. Send the order Hollinp·Smitb Company, Dept. FW-3, Orangebui:g, N. Y. 10962. A YOUNG IDEA I Here's a great way to show that youth doesn't have to be wasted on the young! You may look and feel younger by using a new popular night cream called Cucumbre Fl'<l8t. It contains only safe, na~ ural ingredients. Thie night cream may be just what you've been slcin~lcing! $6 ppd. Ana Maher. Dept. F·K. 19 West «th St., New York. N. Y. 10036. FUND-RAISING FUN! If you are a member of a church, echool or fraternal organisation, here'• a flne way to raise money. Sell put.el-colored, delightfully ace.nted Sachet Bouquet. Change and replenish the perfumed BCent according to your desire. You are guaranteed proftta of $60 to '1006 or famous Fund Raising Advieor will make up tbe difference. For details write, Abigail )lartii::', Dept. 28E, 1113 Wubington Ave., St. Louie, Mo. 63101. DENTAL <nSllE'nC gives lovely and radiant &mile. Simply brush on to cover staina, 611inp, blemishee. Guaranteed completely safe for natural or falae ~. Keep an extra supply -- at ofBce. 3-month supply is $1.98 ppd. Order from Nu·Find. Dept. FLW-2, Box 206 Church Street Station. New York, N. Y. 10008. F.LECl'IUC PAIPfT llEllOVEll-Here'• a b.ancly, bou.Bebold helper that ta.kee off up to 12 layers of old paint as well u removing old wallpaper-and it'• done eo easily t Uae on Gat. curved or ir- replar surfaces. Sate. puta replaced free of charse. A rul boon for 00.i~younelfen! Comes for $12.98 ppd.. L&rch, Dept. FW-2, P .0 . Box 710, Timee Square Station, New York, N. Y. 10086. Feelr.U Sito,,,,_,,_..,.. NOT .,,Nrfi.,••· If~ ''°"".,.. ............. ......, ..., ,,.... *"'"*' ,.....,_ F...U, WHldr, Ffb,...rr U, Jiii · It Here's an ucitirw ct.nee to st.rtof en'-19 your col-lectilti with stamps from France, Hunpry, SWitzer. land, and many other lands. (No two packets Me exactty the same.) In .tdition, )Ql'll receive our cata'°I of 425 difffnnt PllCkets from all over the &lobe. All It takes Is 50¢ in coin (no stamps). Ask for Packet No.733 ............... .. ........... , .• c • .,., .... ... °""" CfW) ...... Wisc. 53404 I Ct. .... lf.:.\:.11!°"MuticNI ..... ,.. -......... _. ..... _ .._.. ...................... .. ..... ••.••••. Tiier ........ ... .................... .._._ ... _ ........... _._ ... Mff•-• 8UT ••• -.... ..... ,.._ ....... ~ ......... . tct.• .. ,... ......... ._... ......... lSf ...... ................ ~~--..:-=.= ........................... .............................. .......................... .... ,. ..... ._ ............. ...... -..... ........ ,....., .... .......... ............. , ,. ..,. llfl ,...,_.,. c.,. Ordlr ....., ...... dtilc* • ~ ~-~~~~~~~--­mn auon m.. ...... , .......... C.-..klYC.V ,_,..... .. ei ........... .... ~ ..................... I'll ........... ..,,. .. ,.,..._ .... ________ _ AM..--------: Cllr ... ____ _ , _______________________ _ -==---..---:=-=---=--=---,-- - - - - - - - , --------· "--------------·-~-------· Free catalog from I rm; I BOND'S America's largest clothier. Every proportion. detail and comfort feature to please you-from BOND'S Free monogram on any dress shirt. More ........ Bond'• clothe• ...... .,,, Olhet' In AIMrica. . ., ---. . . . . ANY 8 OR l Z EX PO'>URE Kodacolor Film Developed -4 Prllltecl I J11MC111rrrm I r11nser.-.. ...... balll...., ......... ed ....... . UMltt ........ . OffW ........ ,.,, .. ,,.. 100 STYLES FOR WID~ J:~~T! flttUDIOtllr ....... , Ye•, t••, •• , ••a NACTICAL llURSEI , ........... u .... . "-ta to l'IO ........... u.. ..... _ ...... u..... ....... .-.c.ruac. .... FMd-....._ _., HWl ..._ ..t ....... A.- ..................... 0...........,.. dllll ................ _ ............ _. .._ ._.....,. 1.r l'R&ll BOOIU.&T. ................................. ................... ·-· , ....... ..... ... ::::;--.... ~ ""'' -fl/I ........... ,_ -lllifT• ........... ...... .._ _______ _ ,...,... _______ _ air .... --.. SIZE Ce. ":=-.:I" - &! • ~· .... • ,,.~ ii --::::::.----· -::.. ~-;:·~ 1 -~ .,... -::r . -... ,, --. .--...--4. ... ~ QI _. ~ v -';. :i:: -1"~ .. c;, '· " • ', ·;-, .... '%-,!. ..... ....., :-i;,. ~·-I '""'M-;i .'!\ )110 !. 1 '.~:-1 -: .; "~~1 •••. \ . · .. " - * .. : \.._ '\ ~ -___ , \ ~ ;,,,·11 \\t I fd , .. ··• \.. ;-. 1· '-. :-.. " ., .. • • ~ ' '1,;"' -0~ l~. ~-< Cu,......-. I ~. ~ .-· ~J ::::l r 1 ' : .. ~ ~ -' ¥. . \ /" . rn \ .. ! ~·-~ ' { .. "-"' "' " . f jl~~~ ~~Jtf !~il!jl~tf jl~ . , I u!il. !~ft Jn ~ff !:Ir! irl(I' ~J!j;tJl'~ilt !!~JJt flUt 1:r11rrf ,,~t ~,1, r 1 _ ra;- ![l~ i jtl~!f'ff''Prl lft• l Ull ~[il•t'J.vif 1;1l •.. • • ' •' ,.., * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * w ' ' • • ' ' • ' • oun· oss·: I es rea· •1 ' ·ew· or a una ar ' Mesa 'Kissing .~idnaper~:, • • ! • + . ' . . Woinan~ 22!) ·lJnhurt MONDAY AFIERNOON, FEBRUARY· 24, ~969 WI.. a -. 0. a lftnOllS. • HMS '. I Ike OK After High Surgery SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. artillery and B5J jel3 tonight bluled jungl.. around saigon whefe as many as 40,000 Com-- mtmlsl troopa were reported clooing in ror a poaible attack oo the SOuth Viet-. names< capital American intelligence sources said the Viet Cong offensive which began Sunday with roekel barrages Oii towns and bases tbroughoui the country was desiined Mesa Clerk ' ~idnnped, Set F,ree Unhurt ,.. :4 i 'A teenoged kissing .tldnapet' .wbo allepdlT-abdttded a Jl<elty CGlla ·Jllesa binl< -. drugged his WMpiug: -· · uv.>io ·calm her ...... and · llnally -her unharmed is sought by pqlice today. ·The U.year .. ld vlclhn told detecti.ves the black.gloved JGUlll evidently bid in l"1t car Friday afternoon before she Jell work and rose up from the back llll suddenly when ahe. was halfway to hil' parents' .$anta Ana home. 9.Do whit I• say and you won't gee huit," she quoted the tioy, ~t 15 ~· old, as saying, wbife pointing a reftlver at her bead. ~· •• ,.1)1itectl•e Charles Duvall said the girl tolf.'of being, ordered ·lo drive .up and ~ vu'toois streets In .Santa 'Ana, and to· ll'op finally on Towner Street near Wfllbire Avenue. 1llere, she Said, he forced her to swa!, !~.two dnig capsules, tied her hands arid took Ille wheel himself, drivinl · 6ack to a spot on Corsica Place· in Com -· '110rkirur in the clarlmtsl, he untied Ille ~11 "hands, wblle he kept nassur· fni'· her Iha\ she WU not going to be hiimed. . ~ girl said he got out of the car ~')bat pOinl without further mo\es\ll!I bet! and left. so she drove to I ...nee 11adon to "cali riollce and report Ille cao,t, logged as kidnap, 85Sault with a ~ WNpon and aasault with intent Ill' iiiinmlt rape. Dllectlve Danll said police don't -lhe girl'• story ol Ille bizarre ab- -and are -.. Ille youth, bUed on ber doiol~ and any further in!Gnnatlon she may be able to provide. QM was undtr the influence cl. 1 ct. c-:J:rb~ olkl~~ ~ and 'tould no( lldequltaly -In pot-llnl .together an ldeilU-klt compooile ... , lbot. . m.tlpton may allo -her iW' bor Area ICbool ,-again In an ltll!mi>I to opol I SU5pecl, atn0o lhe WU • b t able to do It Fr14aJ nlibt -lltlrVlewecl ~t Iha ..... • ' to dlnrt .IIlled forees from lnllltration roulel leodlng to 5algon. Coollanl b00mln1 frGm Ille IJll'tl.S. boWU:len rumbled ..,... ,......, llllllPt and earl;f TueodaJ> -m<ilt ol Ille fin diricteil :nto paddJ --Ille Sall'll rlvc. lo Ille au!, a - launcldDg area f<r C"!nUPdR rocbt cren " Waves of. B52 Slntofwb: 1111 raided an area 34 miles northwest or Saigon in Tay Nlnb province 'nt1r Cambodia, hitting lrlill leading out ol Cambodia toward the capital U.S. intelU,ence sources said the Com- !llllllials haye 65,000 troops pooiUonO\I witllbl a· 7$'inlle radlui . or 'SIJii>o Ii> II ..... uverabl<; hatWIOIJS; INTEN!liTY DOWN Allied headqulrters reported at 'least 50 Commilnllt rocket and mortar~attacb on cities, towns and military bases today, adding to· the .more than 100. rakls in the ~irst: . hours of the . c;iffe.nsiye. But Ille lntenslly o! grOund flgliting slackened today, and 1potesmen uJd ·there were .. no sJgnlficant ground actions" involving u .s. ln>opl. The Communl313 were paylnl heavily with more than 1,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong guerrillas reported killed since early Sunday against U.S. l~ of more than 100 killed· and JOO wounded •. South Vietnamese officials said at !WI 39 civilians have been ·killed and 112 wounded In attacks on TT cities and to~ . . President Nguyen Van 11lieu issued a atatement. in Saigon . today delc:ribln& the tDew Comniunlst offensive ·' u a failurt. He aaid the Red lhellinp "have achieved no military victory" w b 11 e brlniinl ooly IUfferlnl to dvlllana. In Paris, a spokesman for the Viet eoog delegation al Ille Vletnam peace conference aaicl Ule new · offensive was in retalialioo· for· U.S. ·BIS · r«ldl. He said the COmmunllt abelliMI· were <tirected al military targets oolf. SOIJTll TO BOMB! Vice Presldeot Nguyen C.o Ky Jdt Saigon for·Paris lo· rejoin hll cjeleptton at the peace 'cOnfeience and warned that SOUlh Vletname. plana might bomb North Vlilnlm If Ille *1llngs of South VleleatJ!'M _.tloa cenlerl did DOI slop. • , ·•u lbq ""'llaiie to llliD SaJp. 111n Js. ... qaellloo wlly .. -bomb Haliol," IC)' told new11um. llWtary ....... w.... llteptlcal ,thal -v--<an')''Cllll -raldl -mflll:1 w1lbout the belp Gf U.1. air ...,..... -Vlltum'1 air lorec ... ...., .. -ol jel filbler-baaiber~ • . . l'I iilillo, Ille numblr o1 Nortb Viet- ,,.._ ....... 'Iba -ll>lool IIlled -ol -overlooking the A Shf'1 Villey l'lt mllel oortheasl Cl Saigon --J·~ .... -----···--• -----<T"• "'_... - " ... , . • • J • !' t -. ..; . .~ , I r· . . hit~~tin\l :Madrthur ' . liridge ·fto~ ~.._, , ' -' .;." ~ j ' . --. I , -. " ~ . , "' ., , • :. .. OAIJ.Y r!lf.:r,...,.. In: ....... ~. NEw sl'oRM HA~Ts ~Ril>A'1it 'WORi<; l'i>ie"s· cLos1~~ :OF' KEv' MAtA'RtH!Jlt aoilLl!vAllo IR1boe s.,.n BolwHn Poll1ado1 Road and !Jnlvorolty ·orln Swamped Ag1IK; UC fl'"ilno loolatW W ASff1NGTON (AP) -. F«llll!I' PrMl- dent Dwi&Jil D. ElaeoMwer survived b.lgh..risk surgerf late Swxtly, •'t6cla1 was reported , "resting as coinfPrtablJ u can be eq>eeted.,, The opefa'tiaD, to remove an tnte.tia.al obstruction wu pronounced succesaful. But Army doctors kept · clGoO • vl,n oo the fiie-atar general, w-c:oadltton ii compiicaied bf his age, '11, and a hisl«y. of'seven bear! atlacka. Altho\lgb olfldals gave out few delllll, their fiDIPWJ polleot ,appeared ,toJ. bo Jn no imminent danger u he, 9'libt : ·a : ... )It'~ 'for· lbe!lllb tllllt in· 14 years. ~ ;•- A mid·momlni bullelln· ~:Walter Roed Anny llolpltal Aid Ellllljlower'1 "vital slgoa are aatlsfaclnry ~ bl.I ciirdJac ata!Ua 'rensalm itable." ' The l'ilal signs ·.,.. -!lilcalon as pulse, blood pressure, ~ture, heartbeat, and bieathlng. "•'! • 1E!senbower, who was near dillth Jut August after suffering his aevulli bear! altack, underwent two hours ;land 20 minutes o! hlgb.riak abdomblal'SW'gerJ. Suoday nilbl · ~ Scar tissue from previous rur_.,, doc- tors said, had blocked the ~e Gf ~~~~ tbe,f~~.~·· tn- ' Comity Qamage Doctors decided on surgery after ulllUCCellful ellcrta to ..... Ille -... tion by no111Ur&lcal -. lncludlnc ln-•"1100 o! a. ruJ>ber, IUCllon tube through •• • : ~ •. -·-• 1 \ -·-~ • DoSe" fnte 'the71 1nteltinat' tract to St0rm Socks · Souilifund,· rm;~~·has~1nw.uer.Reel\·· .Toll Mounts as Rain Continues By JACK BROBACK Of ... Dllfr , .. ,, .,.,. Orange Counly, alieady he av 11 y damageil by recurrent ralnstonnJ, today fa~ m'ore Ooodlng and damage u the rain contfnuet, county officials warn- ed today.-• In 110111• aecliooa o! Ille county, *,,.., ol.fomhiel ba,ve been .ev1e11ated from low-lying homel to·lllghir ;rauod. WhUia nJn w• ,....& Sunday, 1DOUft.. lain areas Gf Orlilp Counly reported Ille mOll d_.. }loodl were cloeecf; however, over 1fklel1·--.ld 1areu. sun .-lodl.Y ..,. LlpDa Canyon Rold, Santa Ana ~ Road, :.~~td.."~ PacJflc Coul Highway from lloheney Part to San Clemellle, El Toro Road and Culver Drl•e. • Tbe Saollafo CollJG!I rotd la dooed> It both endl' with a wuhout Ol'M! mil• wt of lrvlnflAie. n P.. · InSU-~tn-... IOI! In flood ·Wilm, lilo can wUbed •""1, one brldp wUbed out, four -were sevenl;f clamqed and water !fU (MNM'G&; .. I) ' 1 ' ' More Rain D·ue Tonight ByTOM'l'.ITUll Of ... DlllY '"" ll•tf Aa U the eolire SCulhland had choruoed "Sock· it to me,'" the heavena opened over Ille weekend aod poured bucketlul.t o1 rain . oo ao. area lull maoaglng to poke Its head .abbve wafer. after the Jut outbul"ll o1 elements. ' · Rain tOlltinued Jn torrvits through to- day wHh more In '. store for · toolght, ..... .... '·· . "' .... .,, .... ..... ..,. ::: ..,, third Door presidential lulle alnce fiat May, when he wu admitted after bla fourth heart attack. Three more:attacb (See EISBNBOWER, Page I) Weadler Thero'• .more 'rain wbere that ! C8lne 'from, . and" lt'11 coming to- nilbl abd ,_..,., Wbere'll Noah now that we aeed blmf INSmE TODA.Y Fi.sh HarbOf'\ ot Ttnnlnol 1• !and loolctd' li1" • dllGltn ... • th< final of th< .llidlOllllm which lllmed i;.., a calarlnJpM beco.,• of tD<Gth<r. BOGllog P11111 24. ~.:.tow i: =-"-: Cl•saali• • --' :';i: , . : .. ..•• , :r • ...... ..., ""' Cllti, -•1 -" ~ ......... ,, -, :::.• .: -.............. .._..., 't ,..,........,, . ~ ..... ,.._ IMI -... ............ ~ ,........ . ·~ ....... ,., =--JJ .. - I ( I - President Nixon Visits Britain Realli"11$ 'Srcl!d Relationship' of Two Countl'ia ---LAGUNA PMOllE IOOTHS SINIC INTO SMID a.loo '' If F..,. h '•.tJ ot -- .,,,_ P,,.e 1 STORM SOCKS SOUTHLAND ••• bid 7 ~ the ooeaa.. i-, -.. llilbop ~ * * * .,...., P,,.e J DAMAGE ••• Barcelona U Reopens t.bt JelZ'dl llr a: tx:3 ""I I ' s' lp!Cbf'° airtimr'lrillllri_......., __ Lui ~ -• ,_,, lligU &om -... -. Al Ille -1* .• -kr -Esplonr-----was taupcad)' ..,..., t• • ~ near btizzwd .,....,. a the rggr.d t.rnla. '!be lift bad triOll to RI about ll.._awm• , >I , ..,. There •as. buwt•a, ca bright spot in lbe rainfall piclQre. m..a - ..... llrauded .., -and r.-trea Sunday -in lbe bar of the Canyon 11111 in.Amm. --rbere'1 no panic," owner Tom Gar· rllon ~ "About Ill pm:ent of lbe people . .,. "1joying It; and the olber 10 pm:ent are asleep." Hanoi Oaims ' Saigon Attacks 'RetaJiation' PAlllJ (11PJ) -A VMl C.,. spot..,,, llA1d todly Ille lwo4"J old Conu!IEF148* afftaltre wtJlcb bu hit 10I ...... """ mllllarJ tarplt In ---•uinnl•"-farllU-- ,-. lie 1mplled the I-woaJd -lnue ml wllllOd lpinll bomblq oflf<lrthVldmm. 'l1lo .._... far the Nlllaall lJl>erl1loa ,.... (1111) llA1d ........ the Viet c.,.---CllllJ ....... m1lllary tarplt. 1be \'let Caac ....... Aid the C••u••dwt aUleb ..... made in ---... dropploc """4rell of ll1011a11d1 of -adl dly .. ihe -of °"i"' .... po111o11. Do you lldnlt tldl belpl lhi Plril talko?" lie llA1d u Ille v--..... bomlliDI ... Ille ...a., "l1lq woaJd ..... m1t lbe ..... ...... """ crime u In the put." '!be Viet C.., del<pt1oo ._,..i to lldnltlbelrmm1armlrocUl- .. oald nol ~ the talb, bol U.S. J10IOIW<in llA1d .._ .-llllJ' we an effect oo lbe p-of lbe - talU ""' al Ille -... -AJ bow or to whit utml'' Pmldmt NW>n lodly Up! In clooe toucll wilb clnelopmenU ID -VI& nam to U1t11 wbttber the rub of nrw Comnnmllt attac:U woWd threaten lbe PaTll talko. Snowfall Halts Hunt for Missing Gamblers' Flight HA'tmlORNE, -· (AP) - A bloY)" -1aD lodly ~ -Nmda 11Clllllllod aD plow IDll lllllld jiOllDd ,_a. la t11t -I« a DCI mlollnl-~-·­-TbellllmllC-, _plam_ ~-..-.. --tool Beach after ... onnipl ..., lnllntllone. S.OW lllll wind hlV• Upt Mmli plams ... Ille ..-much of the llme, .... ....,..i por11o1 hive bll!led m lo e1Pt leetof IDOW. T-1tur• we dipped below .... 11 nlPt In Ille While --""1dl nodl up II.Ml flll betneai llawlllonle ood Bllllop, C&1lf. ""It woWd be 4Hlk:nJt for mvw: to mntre under tbell cwyltlicw " aid C.U AIT Pllrol Capt. G«lld ......... ID Bbllop. -""" wind lo • miles .. houT bpi_.,._ ... 111e .,_-., ml IJmlled ........ Mmli 1<1M!7. 4 CAP If"*" 0 n ii BntMim Aid .. lmjno-In Ille -.... apected befCll't 'l'lletdly. llAORlD (AP) -'!be Unlvmlly or s-. -dawn Jan. 17 -of student dllordtrs, reopened for re1· u1.or -loday withGut 1ncideot. DAILY PILOT ........ '"" ,..,""' ...... ---·- Power Crews Kept Busy As Storm Laslws County --CAUPOINIA ••M•t N, 'W114 ,,..,_. ..... ~ J.,~ •· c .. r,1 · Th•"''' "•••ii ~,;- Th-•1 A. t,f11r,.,:.,, Mell""" i:•;IOr t111I Ni11•" •W•'ff"lli.~ """* -Call MfM1 m Wtlf In "'-f ~ e-ctrl! "'' ......... ltlM ........ ,. L""fl' ktd'1 m ,_, ,._ .................. ,,.. .. "' By ARTHUR R. VINllEI. Of .. °"",.. ... Balllhft.lite wlndo ml drtvin( rain created havoc wltb nne 0ruce CoantJ utility -&mdly .... -iy lodly, but left power and com111a11cation l<r"fioe IUtJlrislnc!>' Intact -Downed wm, drcu.lt lbortl and wet transfarmen bl.oclled out • lolll al 1,1111 cuoe-s, -lor nur'1 1J houn in the l!Galheni California ll'.dlloll . Co. ---...... Wonl dJlrvllllGe ""'**old wbm ........ to 1,100 o'llomm ID Ille Lquoa Nipel aru weal out at. I ;• p.m. lmilaJ, ...,. llpoll oot belq -11111111: 1J 1.m. todaJ. ''We're awnnlnl tblt wt.II must blve blown wir<I loplbor IDll ....ed a tliort, boca1111 ... -nol found lbe ....,. cause yet," ..id Ed1ICln Co. DtJtrld Nanaa<r Ralph Klier lodly. Service wu restored to IO ptretnt ol Ult Laguna Nlcud bllc:toJol area by 1:45 a.m. c.od.af, but the tuk wu alower loc Glhen. Ellewben In Ille llcnil-ballend ... 111 county area, a lrlnl(onntr f&lled at 10:11 p.m. Sundly, plungtnc l,Jll 1tpanlt Clllfomen In Newport Btacll'o 1.-T<rncearu Into bltanaa. Sonlce WU -In about I~ ....... llA1d iu-. -. of the m:laolve EmcnJd Bar dlllrid of Lqmla Belch ...... • --oat 8undly al1emooa, ....... • docorallY• .... .... 1111 - • ~ 0( 111tan'• '1o&mee -and ----.. -.....u.;111-. K.lJer aaJ4 power WU restored to M percent of the -.., 2::12 p.m. .... lbe rat ..... -lo 11111'11111 lal lhlll one hour later. PIClllc and General telephone com- panl!a [Ired beUer .., far than In lhe J1111U1T1·Febnwy lllliel of llonill which blllerod lheSoutllllnd -In tema of camm.mdcatlon lll"rice.. "[ WU amazed.," llkl VltsD Kanp, General Ttkpbone C.o. . • • r T t c e lllJl'l"'llor, "we had lelo dlanlpllm lhan in ordinary -I lldnlt ,...,. llDllly 1dlln1 in ahape far lbem." "To our lmcrwledp, Ihm an only a rew mlr..-, onllnary repo1r can..• uJd 1 1poltesman loc P1clllc Telepbooe Co., 11111 of wbooe cuatomm In Ille FJ Toro area were literally rendend 1peechleu lut week. "Sandly'1 otorm .... nolhlnc lib luf week for UI," tht lerVict ~taUve ldded. omdala of Ille Soalhen Comllleo Gu Co. lieldqulTterl in Sanlt Ana ..... opdmilllc tldl "'°"""' 11111 lhey too had ......... Ille -of Ille -Soolhllllllatorm. "I haYln't beard Of lltJ ltcnn-oJn.. -dlmap yd, 11111 .. -"' aome by noon," aid~--, -deporimeol _... • , , IW'O, la Ille lldPm aiilal. lie ... , -'DIOtilM--t.t·- lalo e ur' -1111 s.nt v- • • wide ,.... ti...._._ .. -....... Ina £aot.Wat .._ d lie tlw ftllliri die oc•"hc fl wrl " N.UO. -a.__.z tJI I I ptm to a. ... ,.... __ ... ~ 7 .... ___ _ n.tMs• ·,, .......... 'I .. ,._N .. ._·n ' r c .P*-w lllt ~ ........... wW CIDIDl!S oat ........ -l*llioiillip wort. Tiie Pr • 1r ''a: ... '"*"' in Ill I al a U..S..s..td -nwt1n( .._ M ccara md witll JlftlPS' ,..,.... ---• ,..jor ""*lo lbe ~ WDwilllPrilllelh "' ~­ ad -of tile C-.alhe .... p,.;tim n ..,.., that NiloD. •• liainc ap suppart cl. 1frstaa •lli•ON ""f'""kn kr -• -.... .._, lbeiT ........ ,.& •• 1!le l'ieoideal gal....,, •• .-1a1 chan tram *h+• " " ""W-il !Iii lint ml pall6c -wse of ao elglUay Els ..... -· BefCft lie ... , med maQJ ~ ..-e not N"wm !" u.m ..--flle"llnels kadin& to Btlgjmn'• manmnrnt to tbt unknown -.. lbe Preidall'• heavily ...,. led<d -droff up lo lbe llrlliml of the Siar Spa..,... S-. Many n"' edAmerieaoflap. Nhaa arrived 2$ -late md ,,.. Gbriomly pleued u lie mjljiid from llil car md went l1lrooP a 1ioe of dipitariel to llhlU llandl before • wmUHlying ... ......,. '""" - • -.... lie -lo the ""'!"I .... .............. ia 11...imc. • Oil lbe -lo Ult --• dlma: ......... tbmr mini • 'tbe ar llld cm wa amsted far .. "int "Ni><m go bclne!" Re I old palioe lie didD't know it WU forbidden. But the studeull' cries were at iD lbe diem. ·ouve~!I J Tops -osear Bids Nomin.ationi for Anrwal Academy Awards Revealed I BmLYWOOD (IJI'[) -"Oliftl'!" led ........... __ 11 __ _ in the 4bt amaa1 Acaden7 Awards raoe lodly • Mnnhrn d the vwkmJ nammatN --1.bat-...ia -tin& -.,.._., "l'mmy Girl,. lllllaercs'rir•' Aloo _....,.. lor 1lest actma la 119 ftn! prrriom 1rinDers KatbariD9 Repbarn ('!be Lian in W"mter). Pabida Neal (lbe Subjod wu -). and J-D<·-(Raebel, llacbel). The fdlll nm+-for bat adrm wu Vaeaa Rodji1+• (-.). . _....,.. for 1lest adlr of the yur were five performers, o.:me of whom had prniomJr WOO the Oscar: Ala ArDo. (1111 -ii • 1-lJ Hunter). Alu Bates (T1le FluT), llDn Moody (Oliver!), Peter O'Toole (The Lim in W"mter), and Cliff Robert5on (Olarl7). Other pictures nomlDlted w e r e "Rom!O and Juliet," "Funny Girl," '"The I.loo in Winter,"" and ""Rachel. Raclicl." f'rotit ...... J EISENHOWER .. .... --of Tlpid, llng1lilT heart action dneloped whUe Ellf10bower was In the bosplW. '!be pnenl wu In Ille proc:eu of mak· Ing I gndual recovery from lheae cardlac trlUmal ..... the ....,.,., trou- ble WU Ont ~ lo Ille public -doy lliClll-Ah« annoandnc lbe decillon lo go l1lead 1!1111 ........, Smxlly, lbe Army uid EJwa-\w•er and hll wife. wbo rmbed lo Wilt.er Beed from Gellylburg, """ "'Pied lbe det!e!ce far ..,.,.,.,. wilb eqmnlmllJ." . 8latly after IS:• M...Uy morning Brlf. Geil. ....-iet J. Hq!ia Jr., lmpltaJ eonnnem1ne, Wd: .. Gen, El..+ Mft msdmrmt surgery fer la'tifjnt1 oliltnac:tioD thil evaling. '11111 ,.-. bepo II '' 10 p.m. and termlnaltd IUCCellfully II 11 :30 p.m. 1be ct.tn.ctioa wu found to be due lo two lute -· -mulling &om preYloao ...,.,.,. ... 1luP<s .... -IJlOkamal -lo elal>ante ... lbelT ..... repoiU of lbe -..-·. pr<ltlml. ,.,,.,. raid tbdr brief •mn.mcemmtl from the lllqe of I recratioo hall Uled by a.mdredl al Vietnam war am•ltYs r-llf>c II Willer Beed. Wblle _, oprdficJlll7 Ilic! ... the lnlllal poa1._.111v. report IJJ!li<•"" the obllnadiM WU ia Ellenbower'I small wntiee -a tube mere than 2IO fed b:tc imidl: tbt 1bdcwnlna1 CIYitJ. -rbe an•""""tic 1 t o m a com- municatiol for the puuge of fuod bet•-two loopo of amaD ml large lnleoUae emled al Ille ortclnal aperalion In UM lot !<PmJ lldllo wu found to be quite open, llmcllallll and unJn. ....... HOLDING HIS OWN Oki Solditr Eisenhower volved In aoy Inflammatory process,'' tile -said. ''The site of the old ileitis was thoroughly upos<d and found lo be jusl u i1 was 13 years ago. The process b a 1 obviously remained quiescent through the many years and gives no evidence ol having undergone any euc· erbalioOI .• , Eisenhower'• seven-man surgical team was headed by LL Gen. Leonard D. Heaton, the Army's surgeon general who pert.,rmed the l!IM ile itis operation. porting actor nominees were Jack Albertson ('Jbe Subject Was Rmes), Seymour Canel (Faooi,, Daniel Massey (Star!), and Gene Wild<r (Tb e ~). Oilier --!': ....... -c;ino Pool««Vo· · ('!be Batoe of AJcMn), FTlll<O Zdfire!H (-and lallit), Anlhaay l!Mvey C'111I Uon ill Wlqllr!, ...i Slaoley Kurblick (Z,0001: A 1lf""' Ody-). r Beol IOllP wrilleo lor Ille acrea -"Ollll1 Cllllly ~ Blog," ':For Loft '11 1'1," "'Punt1 Girl.'' "'stir!" D ~ lftndmlll• d Ya&r IDDll.. .. from "'The 'lbomas Crown Affair,'' 1ICila Hepbuni hu Id u aJl.lime record for nomtnaffoos with deven. She wen her first time with ''1'ornio& Glcry .. in 1933 and her second Wt year for "Gt.iess Who's Coming to Dinner." 'Ibe freckled New England actress now ii one up on Bette Davis in oominatlons. The awards will be made April Jt at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Los Angeles Music Ceuter. Sailor Signed Confession on Seeing. Bucher .<:ORl'.llADO (UPI) -A aall<r Ilic! today he signed a Communist pdilian without · reading Jt when ht &11' hair USS Pueblo skipper Lloyd M. - appeared aftu tortutt by North Korean auar111. "I couldn't illTdly ~ bim ," Boatswain's Mate IC Norbert J. Klepac, 35, said of Bucher. The lanky sailor ~om Granger, Ta., said Bucher told him it would be all right to sign a letter to President Lyndon Johnson admitting the Pueblo had trespassed into North Korean waters. Bucher said earlier he signed it alter the Koreans threatened to shoot bis crew one by one. . "The sb;lpe be was in, I didn't think there was any expl8Jlation needed," Klepac said. "He looked like a man who hadn't slept in many days." Klepac added he wasn't tortured hlmseU. Klepac wu one of six Pueblo enlisted. men paraded to the witness table at a court of inquiry into the Pueblo affair. All were questioned in detail about viola- liOJl! of the Code of Conduct for U.S. fighting men. Di sar1n l\1ee t Delayed WASHINGTON (AP I -The United States proposed and the Soviet Union agreed to postponement or the next ses- sion of the 13-nation disannament ~ f~rence from f.farch 6 to March II, om. c1als reported today. Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA "1 AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ~ COMPl.ETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN " MANUFACTURE All mes OF JEWELRY 0,.. -.. n.n.. l'fL Tll ' , .... HUNTINGTON Clll1Q IEACH & IDINIHI HUNTINCiTON IEACN Ott.HO! I I I 1 1 I I I , I I I I l 1 • I I . I ' I I I I 1 l ' I • J I I I fl / ' I I I ' .l ; . •untington Beaeh t • EDITION YOt:. 62, NO. 47, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES . . .. • . •• ·n ·each ·.to:-· .... Deci.de . . . Polll open at 1 a.m. and close at I p.m, Ttielday in the Huntlngton Beach City School District for an elecUon quleUy lenned "cniclal" by school ad- atlnl4tr.R!on in wbat was once one of lhe rlchell dlstricb In !be state. Voters will decide ithe fate of a $4.75 million-. h11llcflna band isaue to keep the ' dlMcl qualllled for a llalo liul~ conllll to Aaoilta~ SQpw -4 loan and a tu o..,..lde ......... , Cbar1es Palaior. The }lldldlDC bond propo.al needJ I The ta ONJJdt ~1 wtUcb needs two-lhircla majority to Jl(lll. Failure to · a majority for appnl.al, woold IDcrure secure !be needed mirgln niaano !bat !be tu rate fnJm u.i . ...-1. $US the district would not be Ihle to takf per $100 u1!11ed valuation to $1.to tbe advantage of a $9.75 mUJion llllto loan first y.ar, II.Ii Illa ......i llld $UO approved bJ volers ID JUDO 00, a0> Illa third y.ar. • • . " Scho.ol '"" a bond or tu _. llld aa1y lwfte in tbe 70 yur blltory of !be: - baa a bond meuure lalled to-· Once the · dl1tric( ;,;hlch 'coven !be lower ball of Hunllngtqn Jleach, bad a ·high aaeaed vtluation per pupil.rat.lo,' but ...,..1 ·home ,_ baa lno auled pupil -1&tioa puU,, wbllo • ' ' r ' y ...... , ••• . · ! I I 1 Future tbe u1t1Md . valuatioa baa dfnilnlarJ prqportloaately. ~Uy tbe cllltrict --... -and baa .. Interm«uale """"' --· SevtraI-·odiooii wtJ1 be needed u ~ ndi 'an completed; aald achool ~ a1n oc __ ·onn Ike Resting From :Major. Operation ... WASHINGTON (APl -Fonner Presi~ dent Dwight D. Eisenhower survived bigb-risk IUl'gery late Sunday, and today wu reported 0 resting as comfortably as can be expected." The operation to remove an intestinal obstruction was proQOUneed successful Bui Anny doctors kept cloee vigil en the flvHlar 1eneraI, whose condition ta ~~ JJy his age, 78, and a. lillory of seven heart attacks. A1thoogh officla1a gave '.GI.rt few details, thelr lamoua 'pailent ·appeared 'lo be ~D<t ............... ...... ~Ti~~ lbnol. 1or 1J1e 11111.lln\O . A ibftlmrnlng bolletln 'fiom 'Waite' ~ /irtn'f Hoopltal aaid E!Jenbower's ""Ital lips are aa!Wac~ and bis card1'!c llalal mnalm.stable .• Tfie vital signs are such indicators as pulse, blood pressure, temperature, bearlbea~ and brealhing. Eisenhower, who was near death last August after aufferlng his seventh heart ·attack, underwent two hours and 20 minutes of high-risk abdominal surgery funday night. Scar tiasue from previous !lll'gery, doc. ~a said, ha.d blocked the passage of food through the former president's in· lcstlne. Doctors · decided on surgery alter unsuccessful efforta to ease the obstruc· lion by nonsurgical means; including m. aertli:m of a rubber sucUon tube through lhe nose into the intestlnal tract to remove waste. Eisenhower ha11 been in Walter Reed's third Door presidential suite slnce last May, when he was admitted after his foorth heart attack. Three more attacks and one incident of rapid, irregular heart action d,eveloped while Eisenhower was in the hospltal. The general was in the process of mak- ing a gradual recovery from these cardiac traumas when the intestinal trou· ble was first reported to the public Saturday nighl Alter announcing the decision to go ahead with surgery Sunday, the Army llld Eil<obower and bil wife, who IUlbed to Walter Reed from Gettysburg, ''ac- cepted the decision for surgery with equanimity •11 < Sailor Signed ·' Confession on Seeing Bucher 1CORONAOO (UPI) -A sailor said («lay he a.igned a Communist petition •lthouL reading Jt when be saw how \& Pueblo aklpper !Joyd ,M. Buclrer appeared after torture by North Korean gOanls. \"J couldn't hardly recognize him,'' Boatlwabl'1 Mate lC Norbert J. Klepac, 31, said ot Bucher. "J1te lanky sailor from Granger, Tex., aald Bucher told him It would bt all riiht to sign a letter to President Lyndon JOhnaon ada)ltilng !be Pueblo bad tmpused Into ll«th Korean waters. Bucher said earlier he signed it after llvl. Koreana lhi<ll!\led to shoot hil qew One by one. · , /'The sbal>lf hi"'" Jn. l ·dl!ln' think UiJtre wu lny o:planaUon needed," . Kiepac said. "He ~ liD a man wbo hadn't slept ln many daya. 11 Klepac added he Wllll' tortured blmaell. Klepac waa ooe of all Pueblo enllsled · mm paraded to !he wfinea table al a court of Inquiry Into tbe Pueblo alfalr, Al w... questtooed in detail about vlola- lloill of !be Code ol Conduct for U.S. flCbllng men. • Downpour . -: Brings More·· Flooding BJ JACK BRDBACK ot .. o."',... ..... Orange County, already be a• II y damaged by recurrent ralnJtorma, today faces more fioodlng and damage. u the rain conUnues, county oU1clala warn- ed today. • New ·Stnrm ' • •I ' I ' v, . HitsWet . • 1.. • ' . -. Southland ByTOMTmJI Of•Dlllr ......... "" il !be entire Soulbtand bad cboruled 11Soct it to me," the beanna apeaecl over the weekend and poured boc:Dtfull of rain On an area just "'IM.... to poke Ila head alme Wlltt after tbe last oulhunt of elemmta. . Rain continued ID ton<nta UirGuali ... day 'llllh . men In 11ore for '!Gal&bl. actonfing lo 'lbe U:S. "-._ In aome sect.lon1 of: the county,·doleftl. of families b a v e beea evlCUlted frtllll low-lying bomu to blPor ~ . . Wb1ll nil ""'..,U.SciMi11.·- tam· -el-Orinp CoumJ"•.,..:ted 'I ... -........ 1 C.9 ,..... · UIS 11.M IA Dixon Installed As President of Valley Chamber Charles A. Dixon, Jr. WU 1nstaUed Saturday night as president' oi the P'CMJn.. ta.in Valley Otamber of Commerce in the first installation dllmer beld by the Chamber m a restaurant within the dty limits. The event was held in the newly-opened Guy Fawkes Restaurant. Speclal guests included Dr. Robert Morrell and John Stockwell Sr., owners of the restaurant. More than 60 persons attended the installation including new b o a r d members Dr. Marvin Adler; vice jll'esi- dent; Mike 0 rt a J e, secretary; ,.Art Buchacher, .treasurer; Don Blakely, Dr. Paul Berger, Tom Shelton and Roy Zukennan. President Dixon aMounced the forma- tion oC a Woman's Divi!ion of the chamber and ·outlined coming ,events in- cluding the Halloween parade a n d carnival, an annual event which Dllon Bald will be expanded. · Mayor Robert Scbwi!nltleger aald 'the event marked &ii: 'months of chamber.city partnership with the chamber taking over city promoUonal duties. tbe lllOll ........ ~ ....... ..... . ·-··~~~ .,, ·" ~~~~~ loiacArthar .... .Id, SIJleradlt, N jeika. and Sinui,. c...,.o -. lhe . . Pacific Coul l!lil>way ln>m Dollene1 Park . to ·s..· ,Clemente;. il Toro llolcI and Culver Drive. . Tbe Santiago, Cai\foo ro~ II cl~ at bolh encla wllh a washout (\lie Dille ' east of Irvine i..te,. In SUverado ·Canyqo, two homa wm. lost In flood waten. t'trO cara 'wubed away • ..,. brid .. ..-.out,'""' -were aevenly damapd. and water waa Oowin& thro'!&b 1ey•al ~ . In Silvaado 40 famllie. were moved to homes on. htgb . ;iOulicf, The roettt .. sidence WU Wahed awoy ln llfiiiljOtb Canyon. Tbll -~ Ila ~ pool in the_ .J~· at o rm•.• Se'lflii: lamlllei ~ e'flCUittd to other -in thlJ canyon. In Trabuco: Canyon the. water at one time rose over the rock wall IUJTOUndlng Irvine Park. Rainfall there WU 4.27 inches for !be put 2' .bo\lrl wilh a total of 27.12 Inches for !he iwoo com- pared with t .S.f this time la.at year. In Laguna Canyon, the road waa closed early Sunday afternoon and two families evacuate:I. Jim Williams of the Flood Conlrol District reported a record b1gb inflow and outflow at Villa Park Dam. At the peak water wa 1 Oowfua: into t h e facility at lt.000 cpblc feet per aecond and I regulated Cllllflow WU ailowed ol 1.000 cubic feet per aeooad. . ''This reservor saved areu in Oran&e. Santa Ana and Tu.ltln from ertendve flooding," Wllllaml Aid. DA'tl.T,ILOT,._.,.w, .... ' KEY MA<;,4!1THUR jjouL.&VARD llllir;>GI CLOSID AGAIN' •. · .Now _'Storm Hli!tt !l.~lro on 1,..., loolalH UCI , . Pd~~~ C~ews Kept Busi;: As Storm Lashes Cou1nty By ARTHUR R. VINSEL to 1,700 cuatomen Jn the Laguna Niguel , or fllll 0.11, •111t "'" area went out at 9:45 p.m. Sunday, Banshee-like winds and driving rain some spots not being restored until l ;lZ created hav~ with 11>me Orange County a.m. today. utility syat.ema SUnday ·and early today, "We're asswnlng that wind mwt have ,but . left power and communication blown ~es together and caused a short, service 1urpriaingly intact elsewhere. beau.se we hate not found the exact Downed wirea, circuit shortl ai>d wet cause yet," said ' Edison Co. Di.strict tran.Srormen blacked out a total of J,840 M RaI h -·~·-'f , . . 1 11 'hour , anager p KJser today. o;uowu1erat some or near Y I Servi In the ·Southern. Californla. Edison Co. ce wu restored to IO percent aouth coastal terYlce aiW.. . of the Laguna Niguel blackout area by · WOnt dllfupUoo OcCun'al when powu • 1:15 a.m: today, but !be taak wu slower ' 1 !or otbets. Doctors Prefe·:r l ll~spital Elsewbere iii the" storm-battered 11>ulh· county area, a . transionner failed at 10:28 p.m. Sunday, plqloa: 1,380 1eparate 'cusl9m~a in Newport Beach's Jrvlne Tmace att.a into blad:nea. • Beach Physici.ans Say Expand, Not Build Another Service WU ·restored ill about 114 houn, .aald Klur. Relldenll of the eic:hWve Emu~ Boy dlltrict of Llguna Beach wera By WU.WM REED ot "'-D911r .-allf ,,... The majority of docton In !be' Hun- tington Beach area favor development or Hunlinllon Intetcammunily Hospllol into a major medical cent.er, cliµns the chief of medical stall of the bospltaL Or. Paul P. Mcllrfde•aald today ;lhit the executive staff of the holpital oa Beach Boulevard ln Huntington Beach Is backlni eipaMion of !be boopltal by an 1ddltl!llal 1141 bedl rather tbao a plu to build a MW bolpftol In tJie ..... . . ~~· . ~=:;;.~.~~ ~w .. ·•·111ia·and De1awaroC· to .0 alJed lldlftr. It II lotited lial -hlll m8li lnn-Hun~tn1lon ~ ...... -wrtilhe CGOClpl of a ....,. lilrp,medlcal....., !bat ea oflet a full tlll'I <I lllcbiy technical ..me. in llmrtlngino Beach. "ExJenlil"' duplication of booptlll faclUUu can only be avoided b7 tt• "We llrongly recommend !bat !he city llltewlle blacked out Sanday afternoon, review the ldlon taken by the Board when· a' deCoraUve ~ tree fell · - of Zoafnc·~ll · and c.-ilt with a · vtctim . of 111tmo'1· ;i...... ·-Ille!• tbe..JloClooal . PJamtnr ~Iatlon, lbe . tore dt!m -1""" ~·!"'-' ..__ 'f Klier. aald ' power WU ~ lo. IO ~COUDIY lloepltaJ plannJnc agg~, or per<enl of tho'~ 'b},1:11',P.in. ad -·•· • . I . In detenDwng !be tts1 were bact lb. -mal llil·lllln .. ~ upereoce one bOur·IOter • · · ... loi De e d' I · aqci, )he ~ of Pacific ~ • c.nml1 te!epliooie ·-tbel!' :Nft i • cl. coimliltteeo Gil .~ . pMieo· farec( betllr bj ~a<, thin Ip' UIO. ~ .. ai!lf!U<inal. ~i ""1111!1 be~ Jirii1e!7.,..._,..,.a!_wbfch l"'ff" our .~Ollll1IWl!lr,·tbe·~ medical . bittered u..---.ln'.lt!rma ~!«!be l!oopltal dollar. · · ' of awmunicaUoo ..me.: · ' ' . Dr. llcBrlcle remlriled,·tl!at = "l ,wu ~."'llld .Vlrlll .Kemp. i :,.a:~:=..;"::·,., =-~~..;:~~' ·='-~~,~~::t : ~~~!': ~·. c:ommunlty by tbe plonned ·~· l'To• .... ;~~ ... , ... '"""· .of.HmitlngtoolDiorcommunlty. . a 1 tew 1·~,J~("""' coll!." 'lfo••••t .. ~.al fl. ~:o DW Aid i.. ...... fot'P-..Tl._pD91 , · hoipllal mllDtaln ·111ar tbire •· • -· c..1 JOt or,,,._ ,~1 io ;lllt. · , .... ,~.~~·.-ln.>1111 'El~·-·--· ........... .. i ;jl"~ J -q,it. tlKiltl~ ~, tbl ~ •P4d'•• ... .... -' : ..... t •.·.II. ' Oxp., ~·oat .be -lhe . ......,1. -.... )loQllill lllra.ia,t· perniiy -to, build . a ......J • Wilt for ... ~•tbe;-... -.. ho$i~L l • • ' addtd. , r 1 • .' ~ l. 1 t . .1 ~ ' t """""1' MMh '-" 15.• .•• -.._~--•.11 15,G' ... v.11ey a.,. n.» aA1 WJ.S ii ... Will' -u ,...,..., Slit.... .... ......... . .._ =--· .. i!"~' "'1tl<"ll :.w. '-'<11 • • I -. r,: · :i.. ... i.-1.1' 14M M ... ~ .... _ ....... , _.. were upected lo --~~~ Cout,.;... raiotan totall. tripled lbeJr umal ..... 'Ibo ..-atorm dumped nearly• much water .._ the coutal ara u a a .. periellced to dalo last -,~·· cfeluae, . .,.._ "' llw- -llmd, --lfewpetl Beadl wttll ,.... -lour .-Illa,..,...,... 1oC!, neartr lwiol u macli"'• wu ,.. CO<\!ed In oilier ._ clllos. •. 'lile --.~!be _'I .tolll lo,¥.-IS and 11-aloal tbe ---1111 1'I' al lllfll • tlml ODb' llye to ... __ _... .(Seo ft'Ollll, ..... 11 . ·* * * ' Fl~g Skips . . Western County FI-. which wracte.I tbe 1'111. <I Orange County over !be W-. apo pamUy 1klppecl !be Wiii County -aa deep puddles were !be only problems following Sund1y'1 heavy downpcliil\ Huntingtoo Beach, Founlaln' VillloJ, WeMIInster and 1'<81 Beadl aD cbecloid In with negative raulta en miaua damage from the netend rain. · ' · A few lllreell .....e lliioded;' bat -· clooed, accordinc lo -9 lrvm ~ loor polke de(lorlm«*. Downtown lllmttnctm Beadl bad Its usual share of fiooded inte:neetlonl, but no unusual problems were reported. FouDWn Valley "llld Westmlnlter of. fidala said the n1n wu heavy, but their drainage systems cleared ft off with few problems. Weadler There's mare ralb ......,, tbal came from, and it'• ~ to- nigbt llld 1\!'edaY· -Is ~ now Uut we -need him? INSWE TODAY , Filh Harbor at .rmnmai 1 .. land toobd filce • _.., .... 11ic · finol· <>I ,11ic • llldl!lniri · toh!d!l 11f;,,.dlli!t,o ... ~ btpliW of t0t•IMr. Baoli!lf p ... .at . -. • -~t'' . , • ·r 't r :""I'" • )' l ..... • .. ,.. ; ........ ~ ,,. t~ •'"........,. ·~~ c ........... --• I ~ • 111 ....... M -. -= . ----;--···· .-. ·=·~· J · a.:~· I! ._ ... ,, ,.... ~. ... -,.' .,-.... . --· . ... ~ ............. • -· I f ' . I I j ' • I ' l J OAll.Y l'll.OJ H • ~liver!> ear Nixon Vows . ' . JV!JntJn,atiom for~~ At mr A;uiar& R JIOl.!;VWOOll (!J -1• lid . • • ~. -.. _....... ... JIQ • ~ ~11t"*e!i ~ Aw =~ mJ%'-aT:'! ~~ :=, race today. ll -• '*k'I ... Oo;"'I lflk Members ol lhe academy nominated 'wHtJ three'-of l\lit ftrst .t.r . Friendship In Britain Barbra Streisand for best actress in wlnnlog 11* l!IQSt l~~~cljl; Other dlreci«s nominated were Glllo her rlnt motklo plctw-e, "Funny Girl," The other top nOmtnee waa "The l!Joo 'PODteCorvo (The BaUle of ASgler1), 111101ber mualciL . .. in ~ln!e." with 8'ven. . Franco Zdllrelll (Romeo and Jullet), AJ5o nomlnated ror best actreu Jn "Oliver!" is a mualcal version of the Anthony Harvey (The Lion in Winter), ltlll were previou.I wiJ!ners Katharine Charles Dickens clasalc "Oliver ;I'w~".. l(MI Stanley Kurbrlck 1(1,0001: A Space llepbuip (The I.loo In Winter). Patricia which was 1 ~hit In both Broadway ' Odyssey). Nell (U.SUbjec:l wu-.), and Joan-and Londoo tbMtih. In addlUoo lo bat • Best song> wrjll .. Jat·tllt-••ff" neWoodward(Rocbel,lllclld).TbefUth actor Moody, 11 lllo lncluclld bul aup-' ·"Chitty Chitty Banc Bing,~ "Fl"' Loi'e nominee f<r best actrea 'Was Vanel!a porting nomlnaUon to Jack Wiid who of· Ivy," "Funny Glrl1" ~·Star!" and ' Redgrave (Isadora). played the Artful Dodger and but di.rec-0 'nle Windmills of Your Mind," from Nominated for best actor of the year ting by Carol Reed. "The Thomas Crown Affair." were five puformen, none oI whom Bert iupportlng 1clreu nomlnees were . W.:iss HepbUI'J'I has set an aD·Ume had previously won the Oscar: Lynn CarJ.In (Faces), Ruth Gardoo record for nomlnaUona with elev'en. She Alan Arkin (The Heart ts 1 Lonely (Rosemary's Biby), Sondra Locke (The won her first time with "Morning Glory'' Hunter), Alan Bala ('!be Fixer), Ron Heart Ls ·a Looely Hwiter), Kay Bedford in 1933 and her second lut yeor !0< Moody (OUverl), Pet« O"l'oole (The (Funny Girl) Ind Estelle Parsons "Gue" Who's Coming to Dinner." The Uon ·in Winter), and CJilf Robertson (Raebel, Rachel}. freckled New England actress now ii (Ciarly). Mlsa Pmolil won the Oscar lut year ooe up on Bette Dlvia In nominltionl. Other plctur.s nominated we re for heal supporting ac:tnu In "Boonie The awards will be made April 14 "'RomeoandJulie:t," .. P'unnyGlrl,""The and Clyde." . at the Dotcttby Chandler Pavllloa ol LicminWinter,"aDd 0 Racbel,Rachel." In addlilon to Jack Wild, beat sup-the Los Angeles MW1ic Center. Stars to Stage . Benefit For Countx KUlney Girl BY TOid TITUS Of iM DeJlp flt• ..... Hollywood;a stars will shine ln Orange County nut Sunday night In the hope that their luster will write the ticket to W. r.r.a 17-yUM!d Sonia Ana prL Man:h 2 will be Suwl M-Nllhl al the Anaheim Convention Center JI a host of top entertaioers -beaded by Sammy Davis Jr. -convene fc;ir a one-nighknly beoe!!I lhow lo help ralae $40,080 le< SUAD'• badly needed kidney transplant operation. 1be benefit, just orgarµzed Friday, already includes tbe popular pop singing group the Monkeell, the four stars of TV's Mod Squad and Laasle'a fotmer muter, Jon ProVOl'lt. Other big names may be added within the week. Orianlr.er of the big bub ls Negro actor Lee Duncan, Greg Morris' liunt man on "Miasl.on: Impossible" and a frieqd of . Davis, wbo ta playing at Melodylml lmllgbl Ind Sunclay. illmcln,. who learned of Suwi'a plight by wltrlllnl 1 TV lhow aet up by two d ber clamltel, began quickly lo orpolJo hla taleiit "8'•de, He began by MClll'lnl Mlle• Cole, Ptggy Lipton, 0-WIIllama ru Ind '!'Ii• Andrewa, the four beldllnera of. 1"1'be Mod Squad." By Friday allemooo otber -join- ed !be ll10Wlnc Jilt, lncludlnc a Well• -"'-· wlllcb .., due" lo union ruleo -CllllOI be named. 6-Dinovi will conduct !be ll-jllieo baa!. Prooeldl ·from tho --prlold al $3.!0, $f;IO 1111 16.11 -will be used lo defray the -of !be operalloo In wblch -will tramplanl a ltidney from Mn. Leonard MUlll lo her daughter. It will be Orqe County'• (iral such lrlnsplanl. Suun, a .oenlor at Villi Part llllh School, who recently moved to Santa Ana from Orange, it now being kept alive by a dialysla machine in Garden Grove'•· Palm Harbor Hoapital which she must use twice a week. Batrlns compllcatlonl, SUaan will undergo the trwplanl -operation In another month -after '8,tOO worth of trol--!be~ lillcblne. That operalloo 11111 . be -- -· -lo SIJnmJ Davll Jr. and hill -6-- BEATING THE DRUMS -Obviously pleased about new fine arts grant for Fountain Valley School Distrtct are future musicians (from left) Julie Lawhon, Scott McKee and Kim Creighton of Harper Scbool. DAii V Pl!OT OltANQI COAST '1JM.!Jt41NG COMPANY R•Mrt N. Wed P,.._,I anilll PubUW..r J.,~ II.. C11rl.-y \llai Pr•ldent and GeneJ1i Mlrw91:r Tho"'•' K•••il .... Tho"'•• A. M11rphi"• Min.ti ... Editor IJ!art W. let11 Wl1li1"' R11d Attoe111e Hll!ltlft9!0fl INC/I Editor (lty edllw H..tl ..... IMcllOffleit J09 ltfl Str.tt M•illnt :A.114,.•1: r.o. •·• 1to, 92641 --......,, 9-cflol 2111 .......... 9'111rt• ... com MtM1 • w.t •rr lrr.t L_,.. SeMf'l1 m ,.._. ,.....,,. Valley Schools Alloted $4, 900 About one third of all the funds allotted by the fMeral government to the state und er the National Fine Artl and Humani ties Act will go to the Fountain .Valley School District. l;>istrict admlnistratora aald today that o[ lbe $15,000 grllllled lo ICl!ool dl31rfcts in the state, the local diltrict will receive $4,900 on a matcbing bu.is. The diatrlct plana to uae the money to buy JO palrl of tympani (kellio drums), 1eLs of nconllnp which 10 with the newly adopted llale lll'leo music lelrlhooU and -Cl!led "The Reading Singer," for choral lnatruc:Uon. A "' of rbytbm In-II wUI be provided for each ICbool. ''The llm ol the prosram."•llMI N"Jke Brick, "Is a balanced mllllc education program thougb lncreued ~t and mate.rials." UCI Black Students Speak at Program A pallfl of UC Irvine blldl ltuclenll wiU speak lo women of Town and Gown in a morning program Mardi 17. · · "-the panel partldponl'I wW be Ja-Winder, pmldonl of the UC! campus Black Student Unioa.. Dr. Duran Btll, aaoci.ate profwor of economlct -II the only Negro pro!euar •I Irvine, will moderate the panel di.cu. tlon. Victim Tells Of Shooting During Trial "I've been shot. He didn't have to lhoot me. I know who did jt." Thal statement WU made by Charla Bll!iano u be lay bleedlns oo a ·bamlcim flocr a 1tll' ago. The worda w ... recalled loclay by -In the SUperfar Court lrlll al Georp Ind Lury Silnlr; Donlld. Clwt'oul rl. -Alla lodl1 cleterlbed the .... hour boldlJli •t Ibo lllllacla1 Ina of wlllcb the --an .......i and recalled boli ""lprio, S4, WU llhot In the ifpm,ldi ·llllr be Identified George Stiner. II, .. ... of three armed bandits entering tho lllnls Ana bar. Cbarrou1 could not idenUfy the brothus In court today aa two of the three men who ordered him and other patrons to Ue down on the barroom noor. Bur he waa, he aaJd, a witness to BlsJgano's. recognition of George spoor, given .. Cbarrout and other patrom ~ flnl lfd to the wounded man. Blslgano blmaeU hu tesllllecl In court lhat Georp SUner shot blm during the fj,000 lloldup WI March I. Goorge ID<f Lury SUner, 11, are 1c- C\lled of •~pied murder, armod rob- bs')' and b<lrglary. The -.. both members of the ; Negro Natlonllllt orpn!utJoa, US, a.1ao , ·face murder dlltgt1.ln i.GIAl!Pfa. Whatever tbt out:Come or tbe currtnt lrlll Ibey . ID1lll mum to I.GI Angeles to face allegations that they ahot two memben of the Black Panther org~nlza. tlon on the UCLA campus· Jut Jan. 11. Killed in a c!Lspute over the naming o/ a director of au Alr.o-Amertcan Study Center at the wllveralty were John J. Huggins, 2.1, and Alprentice C!rter. 28. Grisly Autopsy Photos of RFK Shown in Court LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Grisly color photographs of the bullet puncture of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's shaved head were produced today at the murder trial of Sirhan B. Sirhan. The photographs were made at the autopsy performed alter Kennedy's death and they showed in shocking detail the ugly wound jU1t behind hll ear. Ke~ nedy'a full face could be seen in profile. The picture brought home as nothing y • t had in tb1a lrlll 1 h • physical fact cl Kennedy's being. wounded from a distance of leu than an inch. Another o( the pictur.s showed hands In rubber 1Joves probing the wound. Photographs llllde at the autopsy of President John F. KeMedy never had been made public. When today's session opened the bullet whi ch entered the brain of lbe senatcr was introduced. Dewayne. Wolfer, .a balllstics ezpert and the 47th witness called by the state, testified that the bullet was fired from the gun held , by the 24·year-old Arab immigrant June 61 1968. . Also Introduced by O.p. Di!t. Atty. David Fitts were bullet fragments removed from Kennedy'a bead during !'lurgery and in the 8.utopq following h11 death. The stlte a1s<> was erpected to attfmpt to bring In notebooks found In Slrban'• home In which be ezpressed hill atroog pro-Arab sentiments and reportedly wrote "Robert F. Keooedy mu.st be 1uaalnated before Junt 5, lMI." 'Ille de!enae wu e>peeted to object an iroonds that poUce o!!1cers d1d no1 have a aearch warrant and did not ha\l'fl Slrhan'a permission to mnove the documents • I though b1s mother and brolben agned. Sirhan IOd b1s family m17 be among f.2 wllnea!es aummoned to back defense ell'crtl to save blm from the gu chamber. Disarm Meet Delayed WASHING'roN (AP) -The United Slllet proposed and the Soviet Union agreed to postpon<m<nt of the nm -slon of the 18-uatlon diaarmament con- !trence from March I lo Mardi II, offl. clala rtponed today. • LAGUNA PHONI BOoTHS SINK INTO SANDT-""" - Rain R~noff l"loodo_ Broadway at Moln Boadi From Page 1 STORM SOCKS SOUTHLAND ••• ed. Throughout Southern California, the rain brought renewed f I o o d i n g , earthslides and hazardous driving con- ditions. .Nearly three more tncbea fell In Venturi Collllly, the area hit hardest by a series of January aloI'Dll!. In the Ojai Valley, rising waters forced six families from their homes for the third time In a month. High winds acconipanylng 1he storm created a rainy mist in so me areas, hampering visibility of motorists and causing a rash of traffic accidents. Snow above 4,000 feet closed many motintain roads. Small craft warnings were hoisted the length of rhe California coast. Rough seas In the Santa Barbara Channel stall· ed erforts to activate three wells on an oUshore platform to relieve the pre.saure. on nearby aands under the ocean floor where crude oil leaks have blackened Ule ocean. Heavy anowfall at Bishop hampered the search for a DC3 "gamblers' speclal" airliner with, 35 1boanf, missing alnee Jut Tueadar ... • mum !l1glil from Hawthorne, Nev. At Big Bur Lake, a search for four E']ll<nr Scoutl Ind their adult leader was tempararily mapended because of near blizzard . conditions in the ruoed terrain. The five bad tried to att abOut 10 mllea crosa country Salurday. There was, however, one bright apot in the rainfall plcture. Fifteen persons were stranded by mud and fallen trees Sunday -in the bar of the Canyon Inn in Azusa. "There's no pan1c," owner Tom Gar· risoo reported. "About 90 percent of the people are enjoying lt, and the other 10 percent are aaleep." V.S. Stems Red Offensive On Saigon With Attack SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. artillery and B5% JeLs tonight blasted jungle• around Saigon where as many as 40,000 Com· munist troops were reported closing in for a possible attack on the South Vlet- namese capital. American intelligence sources said the Viet Cong oUensive which began Sunday with rocket barragu on towns and bases throughout the country was designed to divert allied forces from infiltration routes leading to SaJ.gon. adding to the more than 100 raids In the first hours of the offensive. But the intensity of ground lighting alackened today, and spokesmen snid there were "no s.ignificant ground aclions" in\"o]vin;; U.S. troops. W. H. Richard s Funeral Held Servicea for Wllliam H. Richards. a retired chief of police from Oregon. were held today at Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home in Westminster. From Wire Servfces LONDON -Pre~dent Nixon arrived looigbt In 1 fog-shrouded Brllalo onoo again embroiled in a major row .with France over NA'ro and Euro!fean unlly and reaffirmed tbe U.S.·Brltlsh "special relationship" first proclaimed by Sir Winston Churchill. Nil'.on flew here from Brussels where he told the NATO allies he would work for a swnmit conference with the Russians "in due course" and where be expressed belier the United States can wort with its European partners in increasing harmony. His Air Foret One jet arrived at an airport. subjected to one of the heaviest security screens Britain has mustered in many months. And in an arrival statement be told Britiah Prime Minister Harold Wil son "The frlendJbip of our peoples needs no formal reaf· firm a lion." Nixon toot: care to avoid any refertnce to the diplomatic row between Britain artd France that erupted ju.st before his departure for Europe. (Related story, Page 5). He left \Vashington Sunday and new to Brussels, first stop on an eight-day tour of Western Europe. "Winston Churchill called ours .a special relationship,·• the President recalled. "Because we are partners in tbe quest for peace, we know that our relaUonshlp is not uclusive. That peace will be secured only when all nations enjoy the relation.ship of trust and confidence that united us." This was interpreted as an appeal to French President Charles de Gaulle who has been at loggerheads with the United States for nearly a decade over most major policy issues. The presidential plane touched down In an isolated corner of London's Heathrow airport. Thi.s was a security precauUon. Protest groups have threaten· ed to "hound" the President with demonstratlons throughout his 36-hour stay in Britain. In office only a little more than I month, the President illustrated aa he left Brussels that dome!tic problems may be paramount in Washington but global commitmenta require his im-- medlate .attention. Speaking to representatives of the North AUantic Treaty Organiu.Uon. NATO, in the Belgian capital, he userted' _ -The Un1ted Stites intends to 0 mte.r' into negoUatjons with the SOvlet Union on a wide range of issues." CHP Blames Rain In County Car Crash Deatli Heavy rain was a contributing factor In the death early Sunday in a Stanton traffic collision of Francis E. Ryan, 34, Garden Grove, the Califom.la 1Dghw11 Patrol said today. Ryan was de8d on arrival 1"1 3Z County Traffic Dealll ToU at West llU H Conatant booming from the big U.S. howitur1 rumbled acroq Saigon tonight and early Tue5day with most of the flre directed ;nto paddy fields across the Saigon river to the east, a favorite launching area for Communist rocket Mr. Richards, a resident of Huntington Beach f or the past four years, d le d Orange County Hospital In Stanton Thursday at the Riverview Hospital, San· following the 2:20 a.m. crash at Beach crews. ta Ana. He "" "'. B I d and K t 11 A Waves of B52 Stratofortresses raided ., ou evar a e a venue. an area J4 milea northwest of Saigon He was in the Masonic Lodge for Highway Patrol officers said Ryan was in Tay Ninh province near Cambodia, 50 years. a passen2er in a car driven by Steve Survivors include bis wife. Llule, of Lamb. 26, Garden Grove. The Lam b hitting trail• leading out of Cambodia the home, &471 Cayan Circle : five sons, car collided with another driven by Della toward the capital. Harry, Eleek, Lloyd, Chester and Lou is f.farie Acosta, also 26, Garden Grove. U.S. Intelligence sources said the Com-Richards: four daughters, Fern Kerlin, Several other persons 11·ere ini,ured in munlsts have 65,000 troops positioned Frieda De John, Betty Jane McCarthy the accident. but, according to CHP within a 75-mlle radius of Saigon in and Barbara Jean Guy; three brothers; officers, none of the victims "'as ser· 81 maneuverable battalions. 38 grandchildren a n d 36 g r e a t • iously hurt. Allied headquartera reported at least grandchlldren. Ryan was the third person to file 50 Commun1st rocket and mortar attack• Interment followed at El Toro in traffic collisions on rain-slick Oran ge on cltlea, towna and millt.ary bases today, Cemetery. County roadways during the weekend . • za•n•rmumU1111•n11•mnrnu11m ·•••••....._·,111M111 Watch & Jewelry Repair ~ 0 OMEGA -ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized and repaired • diemond1 end precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU TYPES OF JEWELRY E3 ~ SHOl'PtN• CINTQ 2JOO H.UIOI II.VD. COSTA MISA Ml-9481 °"" -.. 'l1lon., I'll. Tll ' , .... HUNTIN•TON ClllTQ llACH I IDINfHI HUNTINliTON llACH nz.001 , . . . . .. • .•. · ... ~f· ......... ·:"-',•' I 7 I I I t I ·1 - ~ ... u lie A1 at "' iii ,,, lot IOI let ~ ;m tlo "' thi ... I l1ll M1 Id! ril ad lp'J l"8 cu b(f sat ·! allo ... w• ~ • .. Valley EDIJ:iOM jpt '62, NO. 47, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PA6ES . ~ ~ ' •• , . '· . . . • . . ....... ;_ AY FBRUAAY 2~ .• ,.,,. -• ,..uPaJ ' ( . .. ·.B~each ,_ ·to -· I.'.' Decide . i ' School . :. . )'ol!a open a_t 7 un. and clole al. .i-1.m. Tu<sday in the Hunliniton Beach ~y Scbool ~trict for an elecUon q"1etly termed "crucial" by school ad- mlnlltrator1 lD Wbat was once ooe of the richest districts in the state. iVot'.en will decide the fate of a $4.75 niillioa buildinc bond issue to keep tbe ' . dillljcl qualJliod .lot ~ .., .. buiJdlq IOHud&IUoverrlde-. Tbe h!l!dlng -~ Died! • Lwo-lbl!VJ maJoi'llJ to pus. F~ to secure 1he MOded-mlJ'lln ,_;<a that the diatrlct would not ·be abla to · take advanlqe of a •-75 million alete 'loan approved· l>y voters in Jane $1967, a<> • • • Falhn of Ille to meuure woold drop the nle to tlle statutory· Ill cents per $190 , asseseed va1uaUoo, accordlng to Palmer, a ccad.IUon be called "near dlsuter:'' .There hu not been ; much ol. a cam- pal&n for or against tlle p~tlorls.but tJie dlatrict . never bu IOlllht 'v1-ly . • . I« a_., ta meuure llld oolJ·-in . the •'It )'W' • blatoey of. the . cllllrlcl ha• a bond mwure fallod to pus. Once the diltric~ -whlcb c•'"" Ille lo:wer ball of Hunliniton Beach, bad •.hllh ....aaod valuaUon .....-pupu-ratio, but recent bOme comtrudlcm bu II> crtao<d J>UPil populailon greatll, while ' . ' ... . ' \ Future' ' tho ___ .,.._ -L..-•.o.h. I -'. ...... -w.,. ~uy the d!ltrict . ...... olr IChooll and bu an lntmnedlata 01Cbool under camtructloo. Several other ICboDll will bf neodal a houllnC tndl "' completed, Aid ICbool gffJrilJc. . . . ' a1n ·oc s ~Ollll ~eResting '.from Major :Operation ,, . j.; . 'wASHINGTON (AP) -Former~ ilont llwigbl D. Elaenhower survived l>lch-ri* surgery late Sunday, and today :wu ~ "resting as comfortably al: can be apected." The operation to remove an intestinal obstruction wu JJrimounced sUccessful. llui Army doctors kept close vigil ""'the five-star general, whose condition 1' ~cornpllcated ·by_ bis age, '18, and a ~ of seven heart attacks. Allhdugb officials gave out few details, their famous paUMt appeared to be {D no imminent ·ctanger 11 be fougbl cinajot'lieollh threat for· tlle lltb lima-tn lt y.,;/ ... , .... ' ... ,, .. _.A.,~ln& bnl\ttin 1 Jmp.,Waltlr ~ . Hospital said ~wer's "tjtal JilDs are satislact«y and bia ! cardiac liiabls ~ a1e111e.. The vital signs are such indicators u pulse, blood pre8Sure. temperature, heartbeat., and breathing. · Eienhower, who waa near death last Au.lust after suHering his seventh heart attack, underwent two hours and 20 JQinutea of high-risk abdominal surgery Simday night. '·Scar tissue from previous surgery, doc· ten said, had blocked the passage of fOOd through the former president's in· &tstine. :'l)octon deelded on surgery after idiuccessful efforts to ease the obstruc- tion by nonsurgical means, including fu.. Nriion of a rubber suction tube through ~ nose into the intestinal tract to ffioove · waste. Eisenhower bas bei!:n in Walter Reed's Udrd 'floor preajdential suite since last Mty, when be was admitted after his fdllirth heart attack. Three more attacks na one 'incldent of rapid, lrrtgular heart aetl'on developed while Eisenhower was tn: \he hQSPital. : 'Tb. general wu in the process of mat~ Ing a gradual recovery from these cardiac traumu when lhe intestinal trou-w,: was fll'St reported to the public saturday nighl ·After annouoclng the decision to go. -d with surgery. Sunday, the Army utd Eisenhower and hlB wlfe, who rushed t»'Walter Reed from Gettysburg. "ae- ....._. the decision for surgery with ~nimity." .. . ,. . . Dixon Installed As President 9f · Valley Chamber Charles A. DiXon, Jr. was . installed Saturday night as president of the Foun- tain Valley ~ber of . Commerce in the first lnstallailon dinner held by the Chamber in a restaurant within ·the city limits. The event was held in the newly-opened Guy Fawkes Restaurant. Special guests included Dr. RObert ·Mori.ii aBd ·Jolu! Stockwell Sr., owners of the restaurant. More than SO persons attended the . tns1allation inc~uding new . b o ·a r d · members Dr." Marvin Adler, vice presi- dent; Mike Orta le, secretary;. Art Buchacher, treasurer; Don_ Blakely; Or. Paul Bera er, Tom Shelton and Ror· Zukerman. · President Dixon· announced the forma- tion of a Woman's Division of 'the chamber and outlined coming events in- cluding the Halloween parade a n d carniv a1, an annual event which Dilon said will be expanded. Mayor Robert Schw,erdtfeger said the event marked si.J: months of chamber-clty partnership with the chamber taking over city promot.!.ooal duties. Downpour Brings More Flooding By JACK BRllBACK Of .. Den," ...... ll9fl' Orange County, already he av II 1 damaged by recurr<nt ralnmrml, todaJ faces more floodiilg and .. damage · u the rain conilnu"' county ·olllclala wilm- ed today. · In some sections of the ·COUDty, dozens of families h 1 v e been evacuated from low-lying homo to biP,er gr<IUl)d- Wbile rain. waa luer'al :&mday, DlOl1Jto taio areas of Orqe County reported • the tnoll' damage. -were·~ · 116wlf~" . ·~~·if" ~--· Still ,~1 ,., ' . ' .. ' ~ tY"' . R I : JtoMt, . , . ' MacArthur Bofl4Yar4,. SUverado, Mod· jeska,' and Saqtjlj> · ~ roadl, ,IJie Paclllc Codi ~ ll'oiD Da11iMJ Part 'to San ~le, El Toro RQ&d and ·euiver Drive. The Santiago Canyoo road la cloaod at both ends with a wa!bout OM mile east of Irvine Late: In Silverado Canye11, two homes were lost in fiood waters, two can waabed away , one bridge ;washed out. four hOmu were severely danlaged and water was flowing through several of.hen. In Sllverado 40 famtlles Were moved to homea on b1ch gfClUOd. The FOiler residence was wubed· away In M~ Canyon. Thia home lost Its "'Imming poo1 in the January 1torm1. Seven families were evae111ted to other homes in thiJ canyon. ' In Trabuco Canyon the water at one Ume -rose over the rock wall llUTOWMllng Irvine Park. Rainfall there wu 4..27 inches for the past 24. hours with a total ol 17.72 'Inches for the oeaaon com- pared with 9.34. thll time 1ut year .. In Laguna Canyon, the road wu closed · early Sunday afternoon and two famllies evacuated. Jim W!llianu: of the Flood Control District reported a record high inflow and outflow at Villa Part Dam. At the peat water n a Oowlng into t h e facility at 10,000 cubic feet per second and a regulated .outflow wu allowed of 3,000 cubic feet per Second. - "This reservor 111.ved areu in Or1J1ie. Santa Ana and Tu8Un lrom ellenalve floodinl, .. Wllllaml Aki. --.v~PUT""".,. I.a;.,.... ~ ' , KEY MACARTHUR ,llbU&,l!'.\IARD BRIDGE CLDSED AO,,IN ' NeW·Slorm H,lts Repairs on Span, 1.0lalH' UC'I · . . ~ Po.wer Crews Kept ,J:J~y . ;t .... ' ... As Storm Lashes County By AR;utJR R. VINSEL Of ""' o.lly ... .., ll•fr B811$hee·Jlke winds . and driving rain created havoc wUh some Orp.nge County . . utility systems Sunday and early today, but left power and conununlcaUon service IUl'prilinglf. intact.elaewhere. Downed wlrt11, circuit ahorta and wet transform.en blacked out a total of 3,MO customers, some for nearly 12 hours 1n the Southern Callfomla Edison Co. south coutal aervtce area. Worst dlaruption .occuried when power -. • • New Storm Hits Wet Southland ·11y TOM TITIJ8 ..... ,.., ... Al u the -!\ol<tblan4 bid da-''Sock it .to me," the bea,._ GpSaecl over tlle---and polired -or· rain oa an area jUst D'lllllchlC tct pote Its· bead. above . water after llie !ut'cxitburat of e1emmta: Rain caitimlod In torrenta lhnlu&l\'loo day with _. In a.-e for tllJlipt, , .-.,. to tbe U.S. Weatbeto ~ !1111"'111-y, • Alllot tlle Orange Cou1, -nlnlall -trtplod tbelr .w. ....... 'lllo , woetmd 1atmndmnpodwrf1•- -..-the cOulal .-.. • I a· ....-.1e.rate 1a11-. &mdaJ'• oleJuie, ihtovieat "' .. -· _ .... Jfewport Beadl -...... thin ·1..,. -Ina -,... loci, nm/1' -u much 11 __ ,.. -In ---clliel. fte· De'f -brqlll tlle _., totll ... -ll·and 11 ......, ilmil tho -· -.... Jaal ,...,. al tllli ' ilma Giiiy ftve le lfx -wee.- , ,(lloa mll'\ hit ,, -~ --f:r ""*'"*-FIOO<lhig ski)>s . -~ W estem County Floods, whJdl, wncbd tile .-not of Or .... County ..... the -· "P' panntly RlJ>l'od the Weal COualJ - l8 df:ep puddles ftre' the• only pro's' M following Sunday's .htovy clownpoul'.. Hunilngtoo B<ocb, Founlaln Vallq, Weatminsler ud Seal Billcb all <heolid in with negaUve remHa: on · Mriou damage from'tbe weetd'nln. _ .. A few atrelta were floclcled, hut none cloled, --to ...,.ta from an lour police~· · Downtown Hunllilgtoo lleacll had Its usual llhan of lloodod -·-bul no ...,..W prnblema """' Hpoitod. Fountain Valley ml ,,_....,. . .,. IJclaJa said tlle 1'lin Wll beavy, bul their drainage l)'llelol clearod tt off with ,... probl<ml. Weadier There'• """' nln -that c-ftOnl, and h'• -to-. n1iJit ud Tueoday, Wllfn 11 Noah now that we need him? -. I ' I : I . I I , I I : . . ' • . J DAILY PILOT H ~oliwer_~ ~UPI -"Olhel '·W-•, •lll[F~ lo AclMl<mf Awlrils .... today. Members ol the academy nominated Barbra Strlil&Dd for best actrtss in her ftnt moUon picture, 1'Funny Girl,'' anoeblr. mu.k:al. A1JO nominated tor best actress in 1911 were j)revloUI winners KaUlarlne ll<pbunl (Tho Lion In Winier), Pa\<lcla Ne11-(theSabje<t WU &eel), and Joan- ne Woodwonl (Racllel, llachelJ. Tho flflb ncmm. f<r bat ectftm WU Vane.saa Redgrave (lsldor1). Nominated for best act.or of the year were five performen, none of whom had prevloaaly WOO·the 01<:&" Alan Artln (Tho Heart is I Lonely llulll<r), Alan Raia (The Filter), R<>o . Moody (Ollv.,.I), Peter O:\oole (The Lion In Wlnl<r), and ClUf Robertlon (Clw17). <Mber pictures nominated w e r e .. Romeo and Juliet. tt "Fwmy Girl," "The Lioo ln Winter," and "Rachel, RacheL" ,, __ -'_ ' Bids ' . I ' ~®lemr AiOOrda RIH>e~d ,,..I"• -h'"I 11111 ~!:' _...,..;. wee J.._; 11i1'" :W #1. A tliliil ~ ~ Wll lllllli), Jl "-' I ;:;t&;"o= I I . .S ~'=Mt "'1111 tlll<ftrsl lour plclum ), winning the iooa:t l!"ird.a beiDi uuaicals. Dlher directors nominated were Gilio The other top! nominee WU "The Lion Pontecorvo (The Battle or Algiers), in Winter," wJUl H¥11'1. Franco Zefii.relll (Romeo and Jl.Lllet), "Oliver!'' 15 a musical version cf the Anthony Harvey (The Lion in Winter),. Charles Dickens classic "Oliver Twist" and Stanley Kurbrick <i,0001: A Space which was 'a smash hit in both Broadway Odyssey). and London lheltcrs. In addition to best Besl songs wriUen for the acreen were aclor Moody, tt allo included be$! sup-1'Chitty Chitty Bana Bang;'' •1For Ime porUng ocmlna11on to Jack Wild wtio of Ivy," "Funny Girl," "Start'.' 8IM:I played the Artful Dodger and best d.iree-"The Windmills of Your Mlnd," from ting by Carol Reed. "The Thomas Crown Affair." ~ supporting actress nominees were Miss Hepburn has set an all-Ume Lynn Carlin (Faces), Ruth Gordon record for nominations with eleven. She (Role!na!'ts Baby), Sondra Locke (Tbe won her firat. time "1tb "Morning Gklry" Heart is.a Lonely Himter), Kl)' Bedford in 1933 and her second last year for (Funny Girl) and· Eitelle Parl0tl5 "Guus Who's Coming to Dinner." The (Raebel, Raebel). freckled New England actress now Ls Miu Parsons woo the Oscar lut year one up on Bette Davis in nom.inatloos. for best suppOrung actress in "Bonnie The awards will be made Aprll 14 and Clyde." at the Dorothy Chandler "PavWon of In addition to Jack Wild, best sup-the Los Angeles Music Center. Stars w Stage. Benefit For Countx Kmney Girl Victim Tells Of Shooting During Trial By TOM 'lTnJS Of .. ..., ... ,..,. Hoa,_'1 llan wtD lhlne In Oranie County neit Sunday Dlgbt In the hope that their ltl!f.er wtD write the ticket to life for a 17-year-old Santa AnaftL Mar<h l will bt SllllD -Nlgbt et tbe Anaheim Convention Center u a host of top entertainers -beaded by Sammy Davis Jr. -convene for a ooe-nJPl<>nly benefit lbow to help raise '40,IOll for Suun'I hadlJ needed kidney trm11Plaot opetalkm. • Tbe benefll, juat organlz.ed Friday, already Includes the popular pop singing group the Montees, the four 11tars of TV's Mod Squad and Luale~• Conner master 1 Jon .ProVOIL Other big namu: may be ~ within the week. Or111lhitr of the big baah la Negro actor Lee Duncan, Grtg Morrla' -t min oa "Mlsllton: Impossible" and a friend of Dav!I, who II playing al Melodyland looigbt and Sunday. Jluncan, who teamed of Susan's plight b1 watdllng a TV show set up by two ol her elusmata, began qulcllly lo orpolae 1111 talent parade. He began by securing Mlke Cole, Peggy Lipton, Clarence Willlams m and Tige Andrews, the four beadlinen of "The Mod Squad." By Friday afternoon other names join- ed the growing Ust. including a well~ tr'town orche!tr,a which -due to union rules -cannot be named. Gene Dinovi "ill conduct the H·plece band. Procttds from the ticlletl -orkod at $3.50, lf.50 and $!.50 -win be used to defray the cost of the operation jn which doctors w1ll tramplant a kidney from Mrs. 1'onard Mazze to her daughter. It will be Or""ie County's first llUdl' transplant. Susan, a senior at Villa Park ~gh School, who recently moved to Santa Ana from Orange, is now being kept alive by a dialysis machlne In Garden Grove's Palm Harbor Hospital which she mun use twice a week. Barring eompllcaUons, Susan will undergo the tramplant operaUon In another month -after '8,400 worth of treatment from the dlalysll mocl>lne. That operaUon may be assured next week, thanU to Sammy Davia Jr. and 1111 ltaHludded lineup. Bl!ATINO THE DRUMS -Obviously pleased about new fine arts grant for Fountain Valley School District are future musicians (from left) Julie Lawbun, Scott McKee and Kim Creighton of Harper School. DAILY PILOT OllANN C'Oo'ST P\llldHIHO COMPANY loMrt N. WM4 ............ "" f'llbl1...., :J•ci: It. C.rl:T Yim ,,_kM'lt 11111 co.-MeM•r T110111•• K.-11 .... Tll•"'•• A. Murphl..e MeM..... Edlfor Albert W. let" Wlll l1111 Reed AHOCl•IW HUllllnffDll Buen IEdllof' CLly IEdl"' Hwet ... •• .... Ofll• )Ot Ith Str11t Mtlllnt Addr11n P.O. lo• no, 92641 ...... _ *"""' ,_.., ml w..t ... ""'...,,.,.., o.'9 ..,_, nt WM! hY 1-~~m..,_._ • Valley Schools Alloted $4,900 About one third of all the funds allotted by the federal government to the state under the N atlonal Fine Arts and Humanities Act wfll go to the Fountain v all<y School Dlstrlel. District administrators l&ld today that of the 115,000 granled to school dlstrlels in the state, the local dl!trJct will receive ;4,900 on a matching basis. 'Ibe district plans to uae the money lo buy 10 pain ol tympllll (ketUe drums), sets of recordlnp which go with the newly adopted state aerlet musie textboolao and booklet called "Tho Reading sing .... " for choral lnslrucUon. A sel of r1lytbm lnstrumenll will be provided for each school. "'Ibt: aim of the program," aaid M:lke Brick, "I• a balaoctd mualc educaUon program though lncreued equlpmenl and materials." UCI Black Students Speak at Pro~am A panel of UC Irvine iifaci: lludenll wiU apeak to nmen of Town and Gown In a morning program MU<h 17. -th• panel partlclpan(I wm be James Winder, president o1 the UCI campus Black Student Union. Dr. Duran Bell, associate profe.aor rJ economic• who ls the only Ntgro profeaor at Irvine, will modersll the pansl discus· alon. 11I've been aboL He didn't have to lhoot me. I know who did It." That statement wu made by Charles Blalgano u be lay bleeding on a - 'floor a year ago. The worda were malled today by wltn..seo In the Superior Cow1 trial of George and Larry Stlnu. Donald Charrout of Santa Alla todsy delCribed the D0011 hour hoJduP. at tbe R1UMay Irm ol-whlcb the StilB' brothen are accuaed and NJCalled how Jlllltuio, 14, '"' shot In the itomacli alter he ldentlfled George Stlner,·21, u one ot three inned bandlll entei;Jng the Sinla Ana bar. · · CharrOut could not idenUfy the brothers In court today as two of the three men who ordered blni and other patrons to lie down on the barroom floor. But he was, be said, a witness to Blslgano's recognltlon of George Stiner, given as Charrout and other patrons adminlstered first aid to the wounded man. .: Bl.slgano himsell tW testified In court that George Stiner shot him during the fl,000 holdup last March I. George and Larry Stiner, 21, ll'i! a~ CUled of attempted murder, armed rob- bery and burglary. The brothers, bolh members . of the Negro Nationalist organization, US, also face pturder charges In Los Angeles. Whatever the outcome of the cumnt trial lh<y lllU!I return to Los Angel .. to face allegatJont th!t they 11hot two members of the Black Panther organlza. tJon on the UCLA campus lot Jan. 18. Killed in a dispute over the nlming of a director ol. an ~Americarl Study Center at the university were John J. Huggins, 23, aDd Alprentiee Carter, 28. Grisly Autopsy Photos of RFK Shown in Com'l LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Grisly color photographs of the bullet puncture of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's shaved ht Ml v.·ere produced today at the murder trial or Sirhan B. Sirhan. The photographs were made at the autopsy performed after Kennedy's death and they showed in shocking detail the ugly wound just behind his ear. Ken- nedy's full face could be seen in profile. The picture brough t home as nothing y e t had in this trial th e physical fact of Kennedy's being wounded from a distance of less than an inch. ADOther or the pictures showed hands in rubber gloves probing the wound. Photographs made at the autopsy of President John F. Kennedy never had been made public. When today's session opened the bullet which entered the brain or the senator was introduced . Dewayne Wolfer, a balllstlcs expert and the 47th witness called by the state, testified that the bullet was fired from the gun held by the 24-year--0\d Arab lmmigrant June S, 1968. Also introduced by Dep. Dlsl Atty. David Fitts were bullet fragment,, removed from Kennedy's head during surgery and in lhe autopsy following hiB deolh. • The state also was expected to attempt to bring 1n notebooks found In Slrban's home in which be expressed hJs strong pro-Arab senUments and r~rtedly wrote ''Robert F. Kennedy must be US1sslnated before Jlllle 5, 1961." Tho defense was ezpected to object oo groundl that police oUJcers dJd not have a search warrant and dJd not bave Sirhan's permission to remove the documents a I !hough hiB mother and brothers qre<d. Sirhan and his family may be among 4J "1tntues aummOMci to back defense tlforta to save hlm from the gu chamber. Disar1n Meet Delayed WASHINGTON !AP) -Tbe Unlled Stat.es proJ>O.'td and lbe Soviet Union agreed lo postponemtnt of tM next 1e• 1ton of the 18-uaUon disarmament con- ference from MArch I to M1rcb 11, offi. clals repon·ed today. -- ,_c.tw,... LAGUNA PHONE' BOOTHS SINK INTO SAND Rain Runoff Flood• Broadway at Main Beach From Page l STORM SOCKS SOUTHLAND. •• ed. Throughout Southern CalUornla the rain brought renewed f I o o d I n g , earthslides and hazardous driving con- diUom. Nearly three more inches fell ln'Venjura'Counly, Ille UH hit hard<st' by a series of January stortns. Jn Ole Ojai Valley, rising waters forced six families from their homes for the third time in a month. High winds accompanying the stonn created a rilny nlist in some areas hampering visibility of motorists and causing a rash of traffic accidents. Snow above 4,000 feet closed . many moUnlain roads. Small craft warnings were hoisted the length of the California coast. Rough seas in the Sanla Barbara Channel Stall· ed efforts to activate three wells on an o(fshore platform to relieve the pressure on nearby sands under the ocean floor where crude oil leaks have blackened the octan. Heavy snowfall at Bishop hampered the search for a DC3 "gamblers' special" airliner with 35 aboard, mls!ing since last Tuesday on a return flight from Hawthorne, Nev. At Blg Bear Lake, a search for four E1plorer Scoub and their adult leader was temporarily suspended because of near blizzard coodltions in tbe rugged terrain. The five had tried to ski about 10 mile.a cross country Saturday. There was, however, one bright spot In the rainfall picture. Fllteen persons were stranded by mud and ,fallen treea Sunday -in ·the bar of th.e Canyon Inn In Azusa. "There's no panic," owner Tom Gar- rison reported. "About 90 percent of the people are enjoying It, and the other 10 percent ·are asleep." U.S. Stems Red Offensive On Saigon With Attack SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. artillery and mi jets tonlgbl blaated JW1glea around Saigon where as many as 40,000 Coar munist troops were reported closing in for a possible attack on the South Viet- namese capital American intelligence sources said the Viet Cong offensive which began Sunday with rockt!!.<barrages on towns and bases throughout the country wu designed to divert allied forces from infiltration rout.es leading to Sa1gon. Constant booming from the ·bi1 lJ.S. howitzers rumbled across Saigon tonight and early Tuesday with most of the fire directed :nto paddy fields across th• Saigon river to the east, a favorite launching area for Communist rocket crews. Waves of B52 Stratofortresses raided an area 34 miles northwest of Saigon in Tay Ninh provinct near Cambodia, hlttlng trails leading out of Gambodia toward the capital. U.S. intelligence sources said the Com. munlsts have 65,000 troops positioned within a 75-mile radius of Saigon in 81 maneuverable battalloos. Allied headquarter1 reported at least 50 Communist rocket and mortar attacks on cltles, towns and m.illtary basa today, add ing to the more than 100 raids In the first hours o( the oflensive. But the intensity of ground fighting slackened today, and spokesmen said there were "no significant ground actions" involving U.S. troops. W. H. Richards Funeral Held Services for William H. Richard s. a retired chief o! police from Oregon, were held today at Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home in Westminster. 4 Mr. Richards, a resl'dent of Himtington Beach f or the past four yean, d i e d 'lbursday at the Riverview Hospital, San· ta Ana. He was 84. · He was in the Masonic Lodge for 50 years. Survivors include hb wlfe, Lillie, of the home, 6471 Cayan Circle; five sons, Harry, Eleck, Lloyd, Chester and Lou.ls Richards; four daughten, Fem Kerlin, Frieda De John, Betty Jane McCarthy and Barbara J ean Guy; three brothers; 36 grandchildren a n d 36 g r e a t - grandchildren. Interment followed at El T or o Cemetery. Nixon Vows FriendshiP, . . ' '• '' . . .... lnBntam Fnm Wire llen'ieel LONDON -President Nixon arrived tonight In a log.aJ>rouded Britaill 1onco again embrolled in a maj« row wltb France over NATO and Europeaa unltJ and realllnned the U.S .-BrlUsh "!pecill relaticmhip" first proclaimed by Sir WWton Churchill. Nlsoo flew here from Brussela wbere he told the NATO allies he would wort for a summit conference with the Rmslana "in due coune" and where be upreJled belief the Unlled Stales can wort with Jts European partnen In increasing harmony. lliJ Alr Force One jet arrived 1l an airport subjected to one of the heaviest security screens Britain has mustered in many months. And in an arrival statement he told Brllisll Prime Minister Harold Wilson "The friendJhlp of our peopleJ needs no formal real· firmatlon." Nlxon took care to avoid any reference to the diplomatic row between Britain and France that erupted just before his departure for Europe. (Related story, Page 5). He left Washington Sunday and flew to Brussels, first stop on an eight-day tour ol Western Europe. "Winston Churchill called ours a special relaUonship," the President recalled. "Because we are partners in the quest for peace, we know that our relationship iJ not exclusive. That peact will be secured only when all nations enjoy the relationshlp of trust 8Dd confidence that united ua." This wu interpreted a1 an appeat to French President Charle! de Gaulle who bas been at loggerheads with the United States for nearly a decade OYel most major policy issues. ~ The presidential plane touched down in an isolated corner of London's Heathrow airport. This was a security precauUon. Protest groups have threaten· ed to "hound" the President with · demonstrations throughout b1a 36-bour stay in Britain. In office only a little more than a month, the President illustrated a.a he left Brussels that domestic problems may be paramount in Washington but global commitments fequire his im- mediate attention. Speaking to representatives of the North AUantic Treaty Qrgani%aUon, NATO, In the Belgian tapllal, hi asserted: -The United States intends to "enter into negotiailons with the Soviet Union on a wide range of issues." CHP Bl.a mes Rain In County Car Crash Death Heavy rain was a contributing factor In the death early Sunday in a Stanton traffic collision of Francis E. Ryan, 34, Garden Grove, the Callforni1 Higbwa7 Patrol said today. Ryan was dead on arrival at West 1969 County TNffic IHI 3Z Dutil Toll U Orange County Hospital in Stanton following the 2:20 a.m. crash at Beacb Boulevard and Katella Avenue. Highway Patrol officers said Ryan wa!I a passenger in a car driven by Steve Lamb, 26, Garden Grove. The Lamb car collided with another driven by DeUa Marie Acosta, also 26, Garden Grove. Several other persons were Injured Jn the accident, but, according to CH P officers, none of the victims was ser- iously hurt. Ryan was the third person to die in traffic collisions on rain-slick Orange County roadways during the weekend . • • •• •' . ••",'\.••, .--·· . .'·!.• .,.. • • -:··· Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA ~ AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE Ii} COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized end repaired • diamond• end precious stones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: .TYPES OF. JEWELRY HAUOI SHOl'l'IN• CIN1ll :UDO HAllOl a.YD. COSTA M1SA MJ.MH o,. ...... -... .... 'Ill ' ,.... HUNTIN•TON CINTU llACll i IDINHI HUNTIN•TON llACH m.ssoI Bllll ... ' • ' •• • • • l • ' • • ' ••. ' • -• : ... .-. • ... ........... ,, , • • • • .. l I voe. l>2. NO. 47, 3 SECTIONS, l2°PAGES ORAf'ol(?E COUNT:'f, c;wFQllNIA' ,r·.1.'.\1· :: ~ f ' . I 4 ~· 00 ' OU ' -•• l , ... . . ' ' ".ti. *' "* -tt-*~ 'ti ' + * • • ., • OrangeCoilot:f RavagedbyNewStorm'~ Wrath ' ' I ' ·• • .I~ I •"-'~ ..... U'ouNA l>HONE IOOTHi ;SINK :1l(fodMO c. Relit R-·Flooll• ilroadwoy Iii Malii lloadl Power Crews Kept Busy As Swrm La.shes County By AR'111UR R. VINSEL Of "" Dll1J PIW ltlifl' Banshee.like winds and . driving rain cre8*ed ha.voe with ·some Orarige1C.Ounty utlllty systems Sunday aod wly today, but 1eft power and communJcaUon service surprisingly intlct elsewhere. Downed wires, circuit shorts and wet transrormers blacked out a total ol 3,640 customers, some for nearly 12 hours ~ the Southern California Edison Co. touth coastal ~rnce area. Worst disruption occurred when power to 1,700 customers in the Laguna Niguel area went out at 9:45 p.m. Sunday, some Sl)Ols not being restored unW 8:12 a.m. today. "We're asmoning that wind must have blown wires together and caused a short, because we have not found the exact cause yet," said F.di&on Co. District Manager Ra1pb Kiser today. Service wu restoled to IKI percent Ike Recov~ring From High Risk -lµternal S~gery WASHINGTON (AP) -Fonner Presi- dent Dwight O. Eisenhower · survived hJP<lsk ourgery late Sunday, and loday wal ... .reported "rutlng as comfortably u can be expected." The open.Uon to remove an intesUnal obitruction was proa6unced _..s1ui. . But ArmJ dot.'tln kept close vigil on the five-stir 1eDeraf, •hose condition is complicated by bis age, 71, and a history of iteVen heart attacks. of the Laguna Nl&Uel blackout area by 1:45 a.m. today, but the task wal slower for others. Elsewhere in the storm-battered south county area. a transformer falled at 10•28 p.m. Sunday,_ plungll)i 1,360 separate customers ln Newport Beach's Irvine Terrace area into blacinesl. Service was restored in about 11il hours, said Kiser. Residents. of the e:rclusive Emerald Bay district ·of La(lllla Beach were likewiR blacked out Sund1y aJJemoon, when a decorative palm. tree fe.11 IS.. POWER, Page I) Al}f»o_ugh o!flclals gave out few details, theit famous patient appeared to be in l)O imminent danger as be foogfit a mljor health threat [or the 11th time in 14 ~ean. II ·inhjJ~ ~1 fl'Om jValter Moll~Arllly llolji!m>.W.--JlileolJoliw'l. -' ""vital signs 1 are ,.udactGr)' and hil cardiac slab.ls iimi1DI .we." The vital s1gns art such lodicat.c:n as pulse, blood pressure, temperaturt, * beartheaL and breathiq(. Elltnhower, J'bo wu near death lut Augllll alter sullerfng bla ~enth hwt alllck. .-oent two "°!"f, and 20 mI-. ol high-risk abdomltlll 1Ut1ftr1 SWldtyo!pL Soar U.uue from previous surgery, doc- Ion Nld, bid blocked the passage ol ( ... , ........... ). \ . I '. , . ~ """,.... . - 20 Pers0ns Evacuated . Ill Canyon · _. ·., ftlaUBD-P. NALL .. ...... '!IW ... -af t.ian& Clnyon-... .... being..__. ___ flooded -lodq, U '1111 -pmt• tried .. die out"""' --a1·a.--P"' ......... -1n-,..... Anllllmaled•pa-bod~ --alilng Laguna CIJIY'llllload. olllclall llid. Tomall nn llUWCb the yards and -...-. - Coun!y flnlnen, 1lllng a big '""""'•I Ore ladder; were belplq -of the canyon area to safety. One borne C111 Co,y011 Acrel Drive..,.~ iplll In two with Ille two male -barely escaping. . 'l'lllo<e ,. .... oll!er .reporll lllli--lbat e!pt penons lt"1lnl !il--..1111 Oi ' -Laiuni· BeocH •CoantrJ Cliib wen lrlpo "ptd · oo Ille south 'aide i!rAllio Cnek which bad turned Into a -. ,,. La-l;aoym --,,_. .,. '• I eet• .ol ' ~'and-~ '"lilib~ ........... -lll[ai! . =rJll _. ..... only parllally . MUD MTR MAIN BEACH BOARDWALK cR'!!MP}'"~ llAI~ ,w;\t-~s · 1NLJNDATE, !IROJµ)WAY .... ; · .. . Torrenhol R""°" Fl .. Wty-lir·S.' Wfllioul llHPocflor HC1"1u,,StrMl1, Y~r4•: . : , : , 'llfniniOwn Laguna -b wu I nmd ·ball! alter the Oood clwmel a1on1 Broldway clogged for a time and overflowed Jt.s damaged .cement bub. The BoardWalk at the foot rA. Btolldw11 was ~yed · U wis the street end arid a 24-.lnclt sewer line. S4wao ivu · flooding acroel the beach It' liie 1ea. Downtown builzless In l.Qima repcirtfdly 'BUl!ered damaged lrolll - enterln1 bulldlnp. · _ -- SChool to Honor Laguna Cagers Laguna Beach Higlj.llc;llool's lilS~etl>all teams will '1t . honored , In 111' Aw,rdi Banquet Thursday at l :CS"' p.rD. :in the high scllool caleteril. . . . · · .. spelker for the eveninrwill:be Laguna graduate Clyde Cook~ fonner CIF" southern secllon most valuable p1ayer. in the early '1950s. Cook is nOw an administrator at· Biola College in La · Mirada~ · ' Presale tickets .are $3 and ma,y be . bought at the school's aihletic depart·. ment or at Sports Workl, 2!IO Broedw1y, Laguna Beach. .J . ' ' . ' . ' . . ' '' . . .. ' ... Storm ·s,0cks Southland~ : ~ ' ' . l ' • I . ,· ) ' ., ' ' , ·, ' ' M(Jre -Jl_q;i~ DJte'_ r O:tiig.ht . . . . . ' ' ' . -' . . By TPM 1VtJS Alq the ()range Coast, se&..;n.rainfaU· Of ""' o,ur '~"' St•ff tj>tala tripled their UJUal . Jevell. The As U the entire Southland had chorused weekend storm dumped nearly u much "Sock it to me,'' the heavens opened water on the coastal area as it e:r· over lhe weekend and poured bucketfuls perienced to date last season. or" rain. .on . an .Tea ' ju~l m~aa:lD&' ,to, . Sunday's delUfe, hf a-nest of lbe wte Its lieod' 1boye water alter .the weekend, lnuodlli!d Newport Beach wlih last outburst of elements. more than four inches ina 24-hour per- Ilaln continued in tottenlJ through to.-iod, nearly twice as much u was fe. --· -'''---· -----'· .c· --' cocded Jn either coastal Cl.Ues. -' ~ . . ~ -.. '"'"'· . ' . as• MtU· J.os 10.N ) s.a The. new itotm brought tlae teUOn's """""" a..oi •.11 11.a •·• total to between 15 and 15 Inches· 1lcng Ufllrllo teed! •.II U.O S." h her HW1t1neton e"cti J.61 1t.SJ '·" t e coast -w e last year at thl1 FOU11111n v111ty J.1' 17.M J.!t time only five to sl.1. lnches were record- vtts1'"llnlt•r '"' "·" t.1' .,_._· . S-1 9.-di J.4t 1'.U ,_,, c:u -...... ,_.,. ~-1it111.•WOl"W !·~.I IS.O S.21 Throu•'-.f ".i. .• •a.--l'-ua-11 the • • -.. _. 11.45 •.H &'"''"• .~n ..... WWlll , ~::rm 11 ilwl t~~ ;~ •·• rain · brought ·renewed . f J o o d 1 n I •· · G•l'fl• 'G"'" • J:1• ''·• J.st earthslldes and hazardouJ drivlng con.. $•n 'c1"-'1.-2.7' '"''° ·• dltlons. · Neai'ly "three mor' ' "' 1--1.--lell •c-tao MeN, II~ C""""'9 I ......... "-m JM.1 T; Ul\;I~ in .Ventura County, the ma htt batdest Uy 'a lierles of "Janaary · llnrnil• . Jn tlie Ojai Villey, rillnc " w'aten fortm ·a~ lamlllel from their hOniel for: tbe· third d!'Y w,lth more · ill 'tore for tonight, accof41nl to the U.S. Weather Bureau •. S~wen were u:peGted to continue t11rough· '!'uesday. time In a 'month. · 1 ' • --' . • • .. ; ' ' . -. ( ' • WUJ!am, Thomas Sr., 111,11 •.Cl~ st .. South Laguna, wu IDJW'td 11111 mam- Jng when ·he fell. Into 1 er• COUid bY <the, rain II -·I PartJnr , lol in ~ Friends llid 'l'!lomu,, who is in his 70., may hive .ltlffend a broki!1i"hli> or peh>!s. . · Flremeo and llfqua(di.reparl!!d Ulbil a four-wheel drive vehicle to cllinb steep Lewellyn Drive and nscue a woman irJJh •• Injured fool !lier•. BAjlELY ESCAPE Al'tllt Eve Friday llid that Ray Unger and Jact Fontaq, "7 Canyon Acre Dri•e. barely ucaped from their hoine wbeo 1.t split apart during the nigh!. She saJd Fontan IUffered a cut foot and the two men, one in only undenreir 1 sat through the nllht on the blllllda awaiting rescue. She uJd four haUsu were Jost along the wood6y drive .and another had so much mud In 11 that ooly the tllp of furniture showed. Coast Highway between Dllla "Point ~d San Clemente Wll oplD to ODIJ' two Ian., 'of trlfllc with mud llldel covering pOrtinna af the niad. The bridge croulng Sin J-Cnet on Coast Hlghw~y .. wa.s in .dancer of being closed with water within a looj 9' the bridge. Officials feared lhat ~ (S.. CANYON, Page II · I Oraa1e 1 " 'J'.· - l I ,} -~-----·~~~ ...::-_......... .... .. ... ~ . ~,~--..,,,==''"'""'".,_....,. =:!:i::..io;..,......., ..... ____ ""'' ••"'-'""-"'"'----~-~ ... --------~---~~-------------"" • • ., " L .,..... f-:""' ~. iM . • , . Downpour Adds . Ill' JA~ BljO~ . ........ .,.'!'! .. • . " Orange County, alr<My • e o v l1 y dlll'll8ged by recurrtnt ralnsLonns, today faces moc-e Oooding and damage as '1he rain continues, county olliclals warn- .fd today. In some sections or the county, dozens of families h a v e been evacuated from low-lying homes to higher ground . Heavy rain nearly closed the UC Inrlne campu today wltb Univenlty Drive &Del Bonita cwon ..,,.,... no1 poaable ·and Ollver Road portlall, flooded. • • ' .. A -:....... for Owictlllr llOilll -.. """• ~· '°"' 111o AM11du*-"lf."*""1udln'.1:::\2' hclllo ~~ ...,.rJ"C ... ,.. ...... -... ~:,::i•i l.f lb ·,1'ati •to,.Qun1e,.D -· ' a• A M,..,.-..,. lamoraow. IDll QI,. 11r111a: • ---, ~ -· hi<WIJ m -_. l'I', '1111 ......... C:.,. ._ II -quested to leave campus eq a 1tqgued at both end.a with a waabout one mili schedule this afternoon to avoid a traffic east of Irvlne Lake. jam. Jn Sllverado Canyon, two borne• were While rain was ge.neral Sunday, moun-lost in flood waters, two car1 wa.shed tain areas of Orange County . reported .away, one bridge washed out, four bomea the most damage. Roads were closed, wen! severely damaged and water wu however, over widely scattered areas. flow~. through _several others. &&.ill" cloled. today were Lquu Canyon In Silverado 40 famllies were moved Rold, Santa Ana Canyon Ro a d , to homes on ld&h pmd. The l'Olter 1 ~ Boulevard, Sllvel"lldo, · Mod· residence wu wubeCI 1w11 in ModJeaU l'ropa Page 1 CANYON ... torrent might wash out the approaches to the bridge. ~ l)tility poles were being waahed out along San Juan" Creek aiid power was oot In the •ortherly portion of San Clemente early this morning wbto lJghting hit a power pole. In San Juan Capistrano a sewer syphon crossing the cnek was reported ea. dangered by the flood waters. Rainfall In Laguna Beach at I o.m. this morning wu 2.37 inches for the put 24 hours, U I Inches dulilll the CUITent storm and 15.47 incbel fer the IUSOn compared to 5.20 inches last yur. Power failurea-were reported at severil locaUom In the &Mith COut from one cause or another. Laguna Beach City Manager Jomes --- to Sodden <;ount·y ' . • nit ~ lost Ill inrlmmlng and outflow 1t Villa Pork Dom. Al • ,,..;., 1urm1 •. ..,.... lllo.,.U .-wao f!owlM llllo ,~. ,..., .. , . ., .. .,_...,. ~II ltAIP...,'.fMl .lllr _.. Iii 11111 ~ • -aNI o r<gulAted outlloW wu allowejl lio fillilcO ~ the water at ont ... of l,OOll cubic fee& poi-5'<0Dd. • uine rOM over dae'l'Ock waU awToundlni: ''Thta: reservor' aa'ved areaa lo Oranie; Irvine Part. R.alnfall there wa1 4.17 Santa Ana and Tustin from ezteralve lnchel for the pul :II houri with a floodlnl," Wllliaml Aid. total ol 17.72 Inches for the io-coni. At the preaent time the heavy Oow !'""'1with1.14 tltiJ time wt year. llom the dam lo !llllng the grovel pill JiLaguna Canyon, the road wu clOHd betw-the dam and the Newport t;ilr Sunday afltrnoon llld lllo families Fr<ewq. Wiien the plla fill, the water enci•1ted. · . ·• · " will o...itow and poaalble d.-e to Jlm wmimno of tha •F!Ood • Ollllinl nol-111 U'fu Will result, Williama llolilcl ~ • -blP lidlow. Aid •. Clemente '!be S,000 cubic feet per second outflow II. Illa bi1JiMt ~·fer tha -· wltll ""prrri.-!llP lllUio belDC!!"~lc feet perlOCO<la. Elsewhere ~bout lbe county, flood control channels Handled the rain watera adequately but the channels lhemselv~. mostly dirt-lined, were severely damq• ed, Williams said. A powr failure Sunday night a!fected, A power failure in the Univez:sity PaJ:k area. Earlier, parts of Mlss10R V'ttJO were blacked out but all service ha.5 l>efn resl<nd. Soothern Cal~ornla Ellaon --r<ported, Fights Land Preserves The City of San Clemente, upset by a county 1upervlsor1' decision lo place large sections of south county land into tax-cutting agricultural preserves, is . preparing a legal broad&ide of the action. Tbe City Council baa ordered City Atty. Carl Kegley to atudy the situation and report back on what legal options are open to the city at the March 5 meeting. ''Thil city will not stand idly by while the su5fervisors make this unfair shift of a heavy ta.I burden," Councilman Dan Chilton said. The supervisors Tuesday had approved agreementa placing 53,000 acres of Irvine land and 291000 acres of Mission Viejo territory lnto the lG-year preserves. D. Wheaton sBid the flood chaMtl oJeo& Btoadway had been clogged with ~~~· ) for a Ume causJnc aome of the downtq:a , J1ood1ng . ' • • Laguna Man N. L. Rhodes. , . The acUon wCflld move land out of the reach of taI·producing development for IO years and lower the present tax rate on lhe property. - The preserves would be , formally established in July when ttey are publl!bed to the 11169-70 useum<nt rolls unless Intervening court action ls made before then. DAl~T' Pn.oT ..... _. LM ,.,. KEY MACARTHUR BOULEVARD BRIDGE CLOSED AGAiN Now Storm Haiti Repairs .., Span, 1 ......... UCI Stars to Stage. fjenefit For County: Kidney Girl " ByTOM TITUS °' "" ci.u, '"" ..., llollywood'• stars will -In Orange County -Sunday night In the hopo that their luster will write the tic~et lo Ille for• 17-year<>kl Santa Ana girl. Mild! 2 will be SUJan Muze Night at the Anaheim . C.Onvention Center as a bolt of top· '!ntertaJners -headed by SammJ Davis Jr. -convene for • _,,ipt,.o .. y benefit """' to help nlle $40,000 '!or SUAO'• badly needed tldney transplont operation. By Friday afternoon. other names join- ed the growing list, including a well- knowo orchestra which -due to union rules -cannot be named. Gene Dinovi will conduct pie If..plece band. l>roceeds lri>m the llckell -priced at 13.IO, $4.IO and !$.SO -will be used to defray the. cost of the operation in which doctors will transplant a kidney from Mrs. Leonard Mau.e to her daughter. It will be Orange County'• first such transplant. Susan, a senior at Villa Park High School, who recently moved to Santa Ana from Orange, is now being kept alive by a dlalysia machine in Garden Grove's Palm HarbOr Hospital which ahe must use twice a week. --~"•·~.w · 8mlce had word1fof·prolal•fcr ~ Lagunan Dave Green, abOut '10, who ha said woded Into the f1oeClod dluniil · . and -JooN t!mbtn eiity thll mornJni .jltrnllttinf·.tbe-wai.r to flow agaln. · · • Brown said the storm· channel· had clogged near Beach S~ bmt'een Ocean Avenue and Broadway. ••A Jot of us would b:ave IUl!ered .lre!i)enc!OU> d~ge If 11 ~·1 been · for Dave qreen, lie Aki. , 1 . Police reported a car nept down ·- Broadway In that areo b7 tbe ·1orr11111 'of Wal.er. '." · Jm Brand, of 181 St. Ania11 Prtve, 'an.Orange Col:it Colle1e instructor} llld Ibis morning that Volbw11tm do !ndeeif . lloa~ u lldv"11btd. Ula llolted off and ....... the •tonn clraln'lloq u,. ·-. .. ' . "... . CtlY Manager. Wheaton roted the .flood mW the wOf!I hf· JtaJ .,Hj:#"la ,t\I 1eara«> 1he Job In Lacuna. Bdc!i>' · · - "We Jwt pray It Jets up,'' he. aald~ l'rom Page 1 EISENHOWER •• food through the former president's m.. tesline. Doctors decided _ on surgery after u~cessfut dforts to ease the obltrnc-- tlon by nonsurgical means, includlng ifto sertion of a rubber suction tube through the n03e into the intestinal trqct to remove waste. Eisenhower bas been in Walter Rted'a third floor presidential suite" slnct last May, when he was admitted after his fourth heart att<ick. Three more att.acks and one incident of rapid, irregular heart action developed while Eisenhower was in the hospit.al. The btttellt, just ·organized Friday, alrudy Includes' the popular pop singing group the Mo~es. the fOlll' slan o! TV's Mod Squad and Lassie's former master, JOfl ProvOlt. Other big names may be added wit.bin Ute week. Organizer of the big' bash is Negro actor Lee Duncail, Grog Morris' stunt man on .. M.lsa:ioo: Impossible" and a friend of Davis, who is playing at Melodylai\d tonight and Sunday. Duncan. who learned of Suw!'s plight by watching a TV .show set up by two of her classmates, began quickly to organize his talent parade. He began by securing Mike Cole, Peggy Lipton, Clarence Williams lll and Tlge Andrews, the four headliners of "The Mod Squad." Photos of Kennedy Wound Produced at Sirhan Trial I DAILY PILOT OltANGI COAST l"Ull!SMING c;OMl'ANY 1'ol..tf N, w ••• . P ruldenl .... l'wDll""" J1clr •• c •• 1 • .., Viee PmlOPnl llld ~"'"~ ~n1wr l J.0 ... 11 ICt1Yil E.f•klr ll.tMll A. t.411rpl.int .v..,...;,.. Ef•!ot l!ic.~t'tl P. Noll L•-• h1c.t1· City 1:.11or 11wl N;u~• Af .. •ttiln9 Ol•P<lvr ....,... ..... Of,.,. l?Z Fou"f A•1. M1ili"t' M•1•111 r.o. ••• "'-•2•s2 --.. c.t1 Mft.1 I• W"I 11'1' I""! N""'""1 l1f!Cfl: nn ""'' ....... ...,ln•r• tluMll!ftM lkldl; .. Siii $1tttl LOS ANGELES {UPI) -Grisly color photographs or the bullet puncture of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's shaved head were produced today at the murder trial of Sirhan B. Sirhan. The photographs were made at the autoi-J performed after Kennedy's death and they shownd In shocking detail' the ugly wound just behind his ear. Ken- nedy's full face could be seen in profile. The picture brought home as nothing y e t had In this lrl1l th e physjcal fact o! Kennedy's being wounded from a distance of teu than an inch. Another of the pictures showed handa In rubber gloves probing the wound. Lag una Student Artists Honored A dozen student artist& from Laguna Beach High School have recelved honors In the Orange County sectlon ol the 1969 Scholastic Art Awards. Dona Bll.trtd; woo a gold key. Her art work will be tent to New York for flnallal judging. The reeen t competlUon w11.1 held at Bullock's In Santa An111 Fashion Square. Other gold key recipients lncludtd senior Art Brewer, who took three awards, junior Paul Boaz, tophomort's Scott Ball and R.13lene Deberg and junior John Slowsky. Honorable menUon cerllflcalM went to Brewer, who recelvtd 11 cert.lrtcateai oenlor Mlt. Adlor, Junior Vicki Knapp, oenJon Lenny Larson and Jeff S'llartou~ tophomore Pam Thlw and senior Jlm Warren. - / Photographs made at the autopsy of President J ohn F. Kennedy neyer had been made public. When today's session opened the bullet which entered the brain of the aenator was introduced. Dewayne Wolfer, a ballistics expert and the 47th witness calJed 111' the· '111'. testified that the bullet was fired from the gun held by the 24-year-old Ar1b immigrant June 5, 1968. Also Introduced by Dep. Dbt. Atty. David Fitts were bullet fragments removed from KeMedy'a he.ad dUrirW BUrgery and In the autopoy . followbtg · his death. 'Art Happening' Set for Viejo . Mission Viejo'• AuoclaUon of Arlllts and Craftsme.i are staalna aa ••Art Ha~ penµ,g." at La Pas Plaza 1D Mission Viejo Saturoay and SUnday, Mild! 8 and t. . The art show and sale will cover w.orts of fine arts, ir1pbica and ttafta b7 local artists. :The event begins the 196t-10 ·.mem· titrshtp drive of the a11oc\a tlon . Membership card• may be Jw.ied at the 1bow upon payment of dues, Bronl V(arren, association 1pokesman aakt Clasoes In stitchery, ceromlcs, and clr1wi113 •« oa up for the oprtnc and orllll Vincent Fln<ll lo presentlY coo. ductln( a worklllop In oll palnUng. cra1t clusa atso are In _.... l"o< lurther lnfonnotion, ABloclotlon Pmldeot Mn. ,Paul Sl!WOO ,..., be reachfld 1t 83'7.SlO. ; . ~IAbf RiD CROSS DRIVE ·'7,· • L•euna'• L•wler ' James Lawler • To Head Drive lWife Killed Loog.llmt Larima !leich . resident Nonlae L. "Buddy" :Rhodes 'and bia wife, coneen, were killed in • camper. truck crash Feb. I near Tampa, Fla., it wu learned here ttlil week. · Fe,w delalls ·of the double tragedy are known. Mr. Rhodes wu driving bis carftper to an outlng when the crub occurred on a highway just olrtside of· . t ,James D. Lawler has been appointed Tainpa between .S and 4. a.m. u the 1969 Laguna Beach Chairman A naUve Californian, N.r. Rhodea, 40, of the American NaUon.i.I Red Cross was graduated from ·Laguna Beach High School in 1948 where be won hooort fund drive. in ocholarsbi p. and played football. He It la the second year that Lawler was graduated ·In 1950 from Cal Poly, bU been bead Oi the effort San Luis Obiqo. In acceptloa the poat, Lawler uld Survivors lnciude Ilia mother, Mrs. 'Agnea L. "Mom" Rhodea of • .. -... a; he; was doing ao because of hia awareness ~ ... , of th -IU I I th' , Hi! father, A. D. Rhodes of Arcadia; e er Cl nature o 11 years a sister, Mrs. Barbara Afmstirong o( fund rive. ~ Fountain Valley ; an aqnt, Vivian Degga He noted that ilaUona.lly,. lbe , 'Rt.d of J~ouston, Tex.; and three daughters .. Cross' requtmnents are th6 grutat _ · For the last tW~' jean, Mr .. ROOdea • served as an aeronautical engineer on alnce World War U. the Titan II missile project for Martin· "Laat year, we raised $17,000 In the Marrietta Corp. in Orlando, Fla. He Laguna Beach area. This year, our goal prev.iously served lhe company in is $18 000 and we will reach and surpass Baltimore, Md., and Denver, Colo. this 1:W Jf we can get the whole-hearted Double funeral se rvices and burial IUPPort of our cltizenl," he said. were held Feb. 13 ln_. Mrs. Rhodes' Lawler is past president of the Laguna . hometown at Nebraska city, Neb. Beach Jaycees and ls a representative of the State Farm Mutual JDSW'ance Company. f'rom Page I POWER •.• a victim of nature's violence -and tore down power line.. serving 580 homes. Kiser &aid power was restored to 90 percent of the homes by 2:21 p.m. and the rest were back to normal less than one hour later. Pacific and General telephone com- panJea fared better by fsr than in the January-February series of storms which battered the Southland senseleS! in temui of communicaUon service. ''I was amazed," said Virgil Kemp, General Telephone Co. s e r v i c e supervisor, "we bad less d.iaruption than in ordinary atonns. I think we're finally getUng in shape for them." Mr. Mcintyre Funeral Slated Funeral services will be held Tuesday for Ralph E. Mcintyre, Laguna Hills painter who died suddenly while on n painting trip in Spaln Feb. 12. He "·ts 68. . Mr. Mcintyre was a veteran of the U.S. infantry in World War I and wa s a member of the Masonic LOOge. Final rites will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday and the Bresee Brothen and G J 11 et t e Mortuary, 950 W. Washington St .. Los Angeles. Interment will follow at Rose Hills Cemetery, Whittler. Mr. Mcintyre ls survived by his wife, Shirley and an uncle, ·Ralph, both of the family borne at 617-B Avenida Seville. He also leaves a son. Dennia B., or Redondo Beach and one grandson. "We will go to court and get rellef from thll nonsi?nae," Councilman Chilton ....rted. A 4 to 0 council vote directed city attorney Kegley to Investigate. Mayor 1 Wade Lower and councilmen Stan Northrup and Walt Evans agreeing with. "clear the decks", action noted the possj· . ble . :~c hardship to Capistrano UnUled ·School Dl.strict' because of lhe j)rese?Ye1. The final determination on any planned legal action would be made at the March $ meeling after Kegley'a report. Oementean Gets . ' Scholarihip of Opera Group Seventeen·year-0ld San Clemente sen- ior Jo ~1acbeth has been ~lected as the first reci;iient of the South Coast Choral and Light Opera Association music scholarship. Jo, who receives a $250 grant, has appeared in the group's procluctlona of "Music Man" and "Oklahoma." She is J member of the Sa n Clemente High School Thespians, Drama Club, Madri- gals and A Cappella Choir. l\1iss l\1acbeth is the daughter of Mr. a~d l\1rs. Glenn Macbeth of Laguna Niguel; The student has been studying for two and a half years under the direc- tion of Richard Dastrup high school choral director. ' Jo has aprlied for entrance to the University o Redlands and 1he Loa An· geles Conservatory of l\lusic. She has appeared in the Laguna Beach produc· tlon of "Roar of the Greuepaint, Smell of the Crowd," and other productions, ,Truman Recovering KANSAS CITY (AP ) -Former Pres· !dent Harry S .. ~man is recovering from a bout with 1nOuenz3. his doctors ~y, but will rema ir. in Research Hos· p1~l for an ~ndetermined period for a series of routine tests. • • • • • • •• • • • • J. ' • ' • • • ~. • • • • •• ' ,. Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED . FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR ' • ri n91 ·size d end repaired • diemond1 end pr•ciciu1 atones remou nted e pearls restrung · · ' WE CUSTOM DESISN A MANUFACTURE AU: JYPES OF JEWELRY DOl ~aVD. HUNTINGTON CINTU llACN i IDINIH I NUNTINtOTON RACH Hl·IHI COSTA llllSA MS.N H zrr . ?Till I Opao -.. y-., .... 111 ' ,... , Iii I - 2 I > 1 " ---~~ (LI DAil Y l'lt.01' 3 Seeb Sammlt Nixon in 'Lo.ridon·; . . ~ Jets, Guns Blast Enelliy . I 40,000 Reds Said Massing for Saig~n Attack . . Reaffir~s Ties From Wire SenlCel l.QNDON -Pr<sldent Nla..,~lvtd toni&bt in a fog-ahrouded Britain once again emtrolled In a maj(lr ,... with France over NATO and European unity and reaffirmed the U.S.~Britilb "apeclal relationship" first proclaimed by Sir Winston · Oiurchlll. NixOQ. flew here-from Bruasela where he told the NATO allies be wOttld wort for a aummi1 cooler~ Jl'tlh Ibo Russians "in due coura aixf· where he exl!!'essed b<liol the United States can work wlt:h its European partners r in increasing harmony: His Air Force One jet arrived at an airport subjected to one of the heaviest security screens Britain has mustered in many months. And in an arrival statement be told British Prime Minister Harold Wilson "The friendship ol our peoples needs no formal reaf- firmation.!' Nixon toot· care to avoid any reference to the diplomatic row between Britain and France that erupted just before his departure for Europe. (Related story, Page 5). He left Washington Sunday and flew to Brussels, first stop on an ejght-day Sailor Signed Confession: on Seehig Bucher CORONADO (UPI) - A sailor said today be aigned a Communist peUtion without reading it when be &aw how USS Pueblo skipper Lloyd M. Bucker appeared after torture by North Korean guards. "I couldn't hardly recognize him," Boatswain's Mate lC Norbert J, Klepac, 35, said of Bucher. The lanky sailor from Granger, Tex., said Bucher told him it would be all right to sign a Jetter to President Lyndon Johnson admitting the Pueblo had trespassed into North Korean waters. Bucher said earlier he signed it after the Kqreans threatened to shoot bi!: crew one by one. "The shape he ltu in, -1 didn't think there was any expl~tion needed," Klepac said. "He looked lj.ke a man who hadn't slept ~man_r. day1." Klepac added he wasn't'tOflUred bimSelf: Klepac was one of six Pueblo enlisted men paraded to the witneas ·table at a court of inquiry Into the Pueblo affair. All were questioned in detall about viola- tions of tbe Code of Conduct for U.S. fighting men. lour al Wutem Europe. ••wJ.naton Churchill called ours a special relaUOlllblp," the Prialdent recalled. "Because we art partners ln the quat for P""••· we llnow UW our nlallonalµp la not exclullve. Tbal peace wUI be secured on1y when ,au naUons enjoy the r.Utionlbip, of 1rwt and coofldence tb&t united QI. .. • This waa interpreted as an appeal to F.rencb Pr~ ·Cbarlee de Gaulle ·who bu beeil 'al lo(g«beadJ with the United St.ates for nearly a decade over most major policy 1lsuel. The presidential plane touched down in an isolated corner qi. London's Heathrow airport. •This was a .ecurlty precauUon. Protest groups have threaten- ed to "hound" the President with demonstraUons throqbout his ~hour stay In Britain. In office only a litUe more than a month,· the President Dlurtraiect u he !di Bru.uelJ that domestic prcblems may be paramowit In Wuhingtoo but global ccmmitmelllll require bla hn· mediate attention. Speaking to representatives of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiiation, NATO, in the Belgian capital, he asserted: -'Ibe United States intends to "inter into negoUaUons with the Soviet Union on a wide range of issues.'' -WbatevB evolves from Eut-We.st Wks will be done within the consulting framework of NATO. -His government is dedk:ated to fin· ding a road to peace around the world. -America's friends abould be uaurtd that his dlSCl155ions abroad are intended to preserve the· Wstilg alliances but are open minded en what comes nut to make international partnersbJp work. The President's announcement in Brussels of a U.S . .soviet summit meeting "in due course and with proper prepara- tions" added a major topic to the London talks with Prime Minister Harold Wll!on and leaders of the Conservative ·~ position. It indicated that Nixon was lining up support of Western alliance members for such a summit and collecting their ideas on topics for discuaion. The Preald'"t got lusty, warm·bearted cheers from thousands of Belgians in bla first real pu~Uc appurance ol an elgbt4ay European tour. Before he 1r- rived many ahou~. 11.We want Nixon!" Happy CN>wds lined U.. lb'eeta leading to Belgium's monument to the unknown soldier u the'.Preside:nt'1-heavily pro- tectid motorcade drove up I<> the stralns of the Star Spangled Bmmer. Many wav- ed American flqs. Recofff'bl9 · Fonner President Harry S. Truman says he Is ready to go home, but doctors are keeping him in Kansas City, Mo., hos· pita! a bit longer following al· tack of intestinal flu. 'Ibo 84- year-<>ld former chlef execu· .Uve was hospitalized Friday. UC Dissidents Vow to Oppose Administration BERKELEY (AP) -Another eonfron· talion loomed todaiy on the UnlVenity of Cal~ornla Berkeley campus al tlio· ad- mlnlstralkn denied a request,f~ ·"° all- day convoCadon and dissident student leaders vowed they would ho:J.d it any· way. The adminiatratlon SUnday announced thal "because of conditions on campus" it had rejected a request for use of th e Greek Theater for the: convocation to cfis.. cuss student strike issues. Third World Liberation Front leaders late Sunday night issued a statement de- claring that oral permission bad b e e n granted but bad been °racintled ... They announctd the convocation "will be held .•. as planned." They charged the university is "no longer able to provide to Ila flCU]ty and students protecHon of their constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and speak ••. " They added that "the W!.lght ol diffi- culfi,. Incurred· by the .. erc1ae of tl\elr buman and civil righb by Third W or l d peoplo Monday resta solely witb the ad- ministration and the poUee. This ts only the lut In an unbroken lb'lng ol unkept pmnlses and bitter d<nlaJa ..... Third World Is a loooe coalltloo of 1tu· dent!: and facuJty niemben which de- mands an autonomous minorities studies program and removal ~ police f r o m e&mj>WI. SAIGON (UPI) -U.8. artlll"'1 and 1151 Jeia t4lllPt 111utod ,...... -Sa.Iaon where u ·many 11 401000 · Coin- munlst i._ were r<potled cloolng In for a piaalbi< aUad< on Iba fioUtb Vlet.- nameae capital. American W.lllc•nc' '°"""' aald the Viet Caac CICl""1va which btpA ~Y wlih rocket birr11 .. on towns and.buel thnlull>oot the country waa desl1oed to ~vert allled forcu from !nflltratloa routes leading to SaJion. Constant boomlnc !rem the bil ~ .s. bowlturs rumbi.d acrou s.Jgon tonight and early 'llleaday with most ol !lie fire directed :nto paddy fields acrosa the Saigon river to the east. a favorite launching ana for Communist rocket crews. Waves of B5S Stratofortruau raided an area S4 miJel northwest of Saiio!D In Tay Ninh province neu Cambodia, hilting tralla leading out of CfmbO<fla toward the capllal. U.S. Intelligence oourca aa!d the Com-munist.I have e.ooo troopa: poei,Uooed within a 7$-mlle radius of. SaJioa in 11 maneuverable battalions. A!lled beadquartera reported al lwt 50 Communist rocket and mortar a~cU on clUe1, towns and military bales today, adding to the more than UIO ral<ls In the first bourt of the offenaive. But the Intensity of ground filbtlng slackened today, and spokesmen aald there were "no signific!lJlt ground actions" lnv~vinl u .s. troops. The Communists were paying buvlly with !"lore than 1,000 North Vietname!e and Viet Cong &umllla,o reported ktlled since early Sunday agalnst U.S. loaea Mother Freed, Charges Dropped A young moilitt naled to be insane after she strangled her two children to death in an Anaheim motel was fouDd In Superior Court today to have r<cc...-ed her Anity. Judge Robert Gardner releued Mrs. Arulle Kyoko Yamuata, 30, from custody on a psychlatria:t'1 evidence that no further treatment is oecesaary. Crim1nal cbargOI agalmt the Gardena WIXl1all have been abandoafd. Mn. YamaaaJra wu· CGmmitted to Metropolitan Slate Hospital In Norwalk in November, 1917 after she admitted that she choked to death her two cbildttn, Dennis, J; and Norem, 11 months. in a Harbor .BouleYll'd motel a month uru.r. P o I J c e found Mrs. Y amasaka un- conscloua Jn bet rOOm from 111 overdose ol sleeping pills. · al -..tliu IGO killed aod 11111 WOllll<led. -_,,,_ olllclall Mid al lwt 19 clvlllans bavt been klli.d and 112 wounded in attacb on T1 cit.lea and towns. . President Nguytn Van Thieu laoued a ala-In Saigon toda7 d-'blnl the new COmpiun1st otfensl.~e u a fallur<. Huald Ille Red lhell!ngs "have achieved no mll!lary victory" w b I le bl1nl!ng only euf(erlng to dv!liaDo. ll> Paria, a opok<aman for the Viet Cong delegaUOn at the Vietnam puce conference aakl the new offensive wu In retaliation for U.S. 1152 ralda. Ho said the Communist abdllnp were dlncted at mil!lary laJ'(<ls only. Vice Pmldent Nguyen Cao Ky left Saigon for Paria •to rejoin bla delepUOn Os~a .. Nods .Told, • , ! ' ' . I • ' ' 'Oliver' Wins ·11 Nomiriatwm · · · HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -"Oliver!" led all motion pidur,. witb 11 nomlnaUona In the Ila! annual Academy Awards race today. Members of the academy nominated Barbra Streisand for best aclz'ea In her first moUon picture, "Funny Girl,'' another musical. Also QOlll!nated for best aclml In 19111 were previous winQera Katbarlne Hepburn (The Lion In Winter). Patricia Neal (The Subject was Roses), and Joan- ne Woodward (Racjiel, Rachej). The fHtb nominee for belt actrue wu •Vaneaa Redgrave (Iaadora~ Nominated for best actor of the year were five pe:rformen, none of whom bad inv!OUllJ' won the Oscar: Alan Arkin (Tiie Heart IJ a Lonely Hunter). Alan Bates (Tbe -Fb<er). ·Ron Moody (Oliveri), Peter O'Toole (The Lion In Winter). and Cliff Robertson (Oiarly). · . Other pictures nominated w e re "Romeo and Juliet," ''Funny Girl,"' "The Lian in Winter," andl"Racbel, Raebel." -"Oliver! .. with eleven nominations led "Funny Girl" which bad eigbl A third musical, "Star " won seven nominations. tt·was an unusual year in Hollywood with three ol the nm four pictures winning the most awarda being muaicals. The other top nominee was "'The Lion in Winter," wltb atven. "Oliver!" 1a a musical version of the Charles Dicktns classic "Oliver Twllt" which was a sml$ hit· ii) bOth Broadway and London theaters. In addJtion 1o best actor Moody, tt also included best su~ porting nomlnaUon to Jack Wild who pla,..t the Artful Dodger and best dlrec· · Ung liy Carol Reed. . .• Bert mpporting actress nominees were LyM Carl!n (Faces), Ruth Gordon (Rooemary'I Baliy), Sondra Loeb ITbe Heart !.s a 1-q llllnter), Kay -ard (Funny Girl) and EalflJe P.._ (~.Rachel). Mila P.llrlOlll won the Oscar la.It year for . belt supportin&, actreu In .. Bomde and CJyde." Ill ·~lion to Jack Wild; boot mp. por1fng actor DOJDtaeea ftr,9. .lack Albert&on (Tiie, Subject '17U ~), SeYJ!l~ CaaaeI .(F-), l1anlcl _, (Siar!), and Gene Wlllief it·h t Producera). · • either dlrecton nominated ....., Giiie Porit.ecorvo 1 (The Battle· of. Alglera), Franco z.ttlr<lll (Rlmeo and Juliet), Anthony Hai;v<J (The Lion In Wlntor). and Slanley Kur~ (Z,0001: A Spece Odysaey). Best ....,. written far tho acreen ~ 0 Chitty Chitty Bahg Bang," "For Love of Ivy," 'iFunny Girl," "Star!" and "The Windmllll d. Your Mind," fronl ""'nle Tbomu Crown Affair." 11".iss Hepburn bu aet an an.time record for nomlnallons with ....... Biia won her first Ume with "¥ornl11 Glory'~ 1n 1933 and her leCODd · 1ut year lex". "Guess Who's Coming to D!nner." ~ freckled New Eagland actreu DOW, 5' one up on Bille Davia tn ncmlna.Uoaa. The awards will be made ADril 1t at the Dorothy Chandler Pavf11.on <:A the Los Angeles Music Center. Disarm Meet Delayed WASlllNGTON (AP) -The United Slates proposed and the Softel Unlooi ogried to postponement al tho --sion of the ll-111tion diurmmDmt con- f erenc:e from Mardi I to llbn:ll JI, dfl' dais reponed today. ,,, Our Torres sling by Creative Footwear is of handwoven kid .for summer comfort .. j -· Ole, just wtiatyou'V8Wa111d for-. A sllnc that's Ii~~ aiiy, cool and c0111tlrtable. You'll like the squallid toe, lhe blocky betl and UJe unusual CG1structi1il. The strap Is w1M11us part of ate top of the shoe. llfporled from Spain. fine kid leathet ill navy, bone, whilt, or nalural, 11.•. $1loe Salon u mS' • ... • •• ~-· ICllOAT, TIIURSQAT, FRIDAY 10:00 Till 9:30 ' I ~ ~ ---------'- • I OTift;R DAYS IO:GO T1U. 51W I .. I i , • ;;ii DAILY l'llOT ( ., .. Dellr " .. MltfO ' The Aldreth Housing Committee In England waa delighted to ap- prove plans for a two and a ball acre recreation site unW they dis- covered the naked truth. The C8m• bridge Outdoor Club, which bad ap- plied for a permit to turn the tract f/lto a recreation site, wanted to turn the land into a nudist colony. ''\Ve didn't say we were nudists,·• a club ollicial said. "What differ- ence· does it maket11 • In Ypsilanti, 'Mich. a Washtenaw County sheriff's <iepartmenl police dog taken to a student demonstra- tion at Eastern Michigan Univer .. lty proved his mettle. He bit a deputy in the seat of the pants. • • A aook ha! been sworn fn a.a police chief of suburban Brttn1· tDich. Ohta -Clayton Crook. "I'd better be honest with a nome ·lilu that,n Crook aaid. .. 1 toJu' quit. • bit o/ ribbing '"""' l cniwtr the phone and at otMr timt's, but it doern't bother me at all." Crook said ~ reporters haoe told him hi.I name ccwe1 Madachts for ll<adlln< writen. The telephone caller bad the right number -but the wrong country. When . .lllck Horm• an• 1wered an early morning call at bis Knoxville, Iowa. home a voice on the other end of the line inquired about a newspaper advertisement for a craftsman. Harms didn't know what it was about, so the caller checked bis phone number. Th• number was righ~ but the man was calling Montreal, Canada, from Nova Scotia. • Emerson Foott, 62, tht advertising man who created tht: "LSM1'T" drive far Lucky StrlJte and thn quit the ad business to lead a citiztn drive again.st cigaf'ette tm0king, look.I with disgust at the object of hil cruaade. Foott claims tMt It is a lot "of utter h0gu103h" f<rr th< indUlll'!I to t.U CO!> gress that advertidng does not con- vtrt nonsmokers into nnoker1. • When a gunman tied up dinner cook Charles Powen, 21, Cluring a holdup in Sa n Lorenzo, Callf. -he &till managed lo phone for help. He knocked the receiver off the hook o! the wall telephone with bla bead and Ulen dialed 411 with bis tongue. He told the operator his plight and police a rrived quickly -but not soon enough to catch the robber. 196• JD Reported Kiiied ,. .. . . " Syria Atta~k~td By Israeli Jets By Uoltod PnN lolenlall.-1 Waves of larodl jet fi&hter-bomben hll Syria wllh bombs, rockota and machine l\lll fire fAlda7 In a llel'les of punlllve atllcb !bat lenl the laraell jets over the outakirtl of DI.mucus itself. Syria corrt.IPMdenta reported at leut 150 _ .. dead. Israeli pilota uld Ibey ahol down al luat two Syrian MJGI in a aeries of lour dosfilbll and IC<lred probable hlta on others In this first 1trite qainst Syria aince the June, 1117, war. llraell officials called It the bl1gest air strike on any target aince tbat war. The two major targeta were Arab commando bues. One Wll El-llaml1>ah, banly six mll<I IJom the heart of Damucus, and Syrian officials said the death toll there was "extremely heavy," with estimata up to 150 c!<;ad: . ,,,. other major large! WU Malsaloun, almost directly on the border of Lebanon. II la a major training Ille for Ille Al Fatah commandos who aay they at- tacked llraell planes at Athens and Zurich and carried out bombing attacks and acts of terrorism In Israel. UPI correspondent David Ztnlan, In a dispatch from Damucus, Aid the ~yrian Air Force reported lhoollng down three Iaraell jet.a in the brief but r....iou.ralda. laraell llOUl"oe1 said all !araeD piano returned aafely from "m.-1er" anU. aircraft defeoaes. Soon ofter the raid, !araell ~ of Police Ellyahu Susoo delivered another warnhig to the Arab nations on the 'possibility of fUrtber laraell a~ tacU. "Israel cannot allow Arab terrorlsta to cootinue attactin1 ionocent people," Sa&Wn told the Kneaset (parllarneot) in Jerusalem. He served noUce Israel would ewclse.->'a~ ve ,defense ac- cording to this country's stimate of the situa~r.:-,,_ _ _,. Sasson aid the guerrlllu would not be able uod · aell morale In hopes of tbelr political lmnl and that b, actMUes have abown lbo<e f Ing 1mpoalng a soluUon on the East · that "the sltuaUon tn this gloo Is fast deteriorating toward• a freSh uploslon." Israel otruek In Ille early morning hours when the two commando camps were still asleep. The hope was to cat.ch them filled and they apparently 111c- ceeded. DamaSCUJ reports said the planes hit itaisaloun, a small poUce post 11 miles from Damascus, and destroyed five one- room dwellings . But the main attack was the Palestinian commando camp on the ootskirts of Damascus. Patholngist Says JFK Shot in Back of Head NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -An Anny pathologist who helped perform Ille autopsy on Prelldent John F. Kennedy teslilled today al Ille Clay L. Shaw trial tbe fatal bullet wu fired from Supreme Court Backs Protest, Not Intrusions WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supremo Court Insured Way the rlahl of achoof children to hold protest demonstrations, but emphasized officials may impose restraints 1f there are Intrusions upon the work of the school or the · rights of other students. "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their con- 1Ututlooal right to freedom <i 1peech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," aaid Justice Abe Fortas for the court. The ruling directly upheld the right of three Des Moines, Iowa, teenager;s to wear black armbands to !Chool in December 196S to publicize their ob- jections to the Vietnam war and their support for a holiday season truce. "Students in school as well as out of school are 'persons' under the Con· stitution," Fortas said in affirming the teenagers' free speech rights. ''They are possessed of fundamental rights which lhe state must respect, ju!t u they thf:naelves mu.st .respect their obligations to the ltate." At the same time, the court suggested that if the studetns' acUon touched off diaorder or disturbances or Jr there was a 1'colllalon with the rights of other students to be secure and to be let alone," officials would have been justified In lmpmlng controls. In another cue, the court agreed to t0n!lder lfvlng juveniles accused of delinquency the right to be tried by • jury. the rear and entered the back of Ken· nedy's head. Col. Pierre A. Finck, chlef of the wound ballistics pathology branc:b of the armed forces since ltllO, aald It wu his "honest" professional opinion that both bullets which bit the Pmldtnt were fired from the rear. Finck said Ille autopsy wu performed on Nov. 22, 1963, a few hours after Kennedy WU usas.ililaltd in Dallu . Shaw la charged wilb CO!ISplrlng to assassinate the Pr<slden~ and Dial; Ally. Jim Garrison, u part of his cue, has contended some of the sbotp in Dallas, including the fatal one, wu.:i firtd from the fronl Defense attorney Lewis Dymond said he was hopeful he mi&bt be able to conclude his case Wednesday and the 12-man jury could begin dtliberaUon.s ~ some time this week. Finck, a small, balding man, said the bullet's points of entrance and exit 1 would indicate an angle of fire from above and to the rear but the head wound was so m~ve that it was dif- ficult to tell from it whether the shot was fired from above. "Al the time I ligned the autopsy, I had a finn opinion that both bullets struck in the back -one the back of the neck ~ the other the back of the head," Finck Aid. • Giveaway Games Come Under Fire WASHINGTON (Ul'IJ -Three members of Congress told the Federal Trade Commission today Jaws may be needed to stop isupermarkels and gasoline stations rrom tricking customers with their giveaway games. The commission opened the flnt round of public hearings on rules It proposed last Jan. 5 to regulate "sweepstakes" and olh1?r games. The commission has µ found that such games sometimes involve ~idespread unfair and deceptive prac· . t1ces. 1 Ocean Storms Soak Coasts Travelers W amings Posted on Eastern Seaboard Calitomla lt•l•• ........,., 11 11,,_, C:OPIHllUM h! d~ $""""""' C•llfor"i. tod•y, Wllll l>O rt'llef '" 11 ... 1 ll"'H Wednodtv. T'-n _,, -mlftt'I !If llMVY lll>OW l" tM 1T1<1Unl1lns 11 "m-•111~• contl~ cool. ~ Allfflft llld .... ...,. r1lnt t i Ii .... Wlltl _., ....... •"" uol ~· "'1'11"'"'5. Thil I'll~ taay tf tM Ct"tle Center -s.s, ~ Ifie umt IJ ~· """I'""'" flf M. lOP!ltlt"- ._ W\11 ... '""""' '1. Tiw tMMt Ill ..... -lOI _...,,......., ... le!lltltl. ~ ft • Mfaflt Tunot.y. Tiits AH MIVllM CllOWn!I Dltlrfd _...... .,. """" Ill ........... 1'Ddly. LOI ANGELES ANO VICINITY- lltll!Y tMllht 111111 T ...... wt111 -,.. fll 1'111Mr ._.,., relft.. Gttttv _.. c:ent1N11111 cw!. t..w tDftllflt •· N'-" ,........, J1. Clllf!Clo Ill ,,.,, -.. ~ toftltfll '"" • ..,ruft! r-.... COUTAL ANO INT .. llMEOIATt: VJ\Ul!YI -1t11" lllrtlllfll ,.,.._., -.... ....... ti ~,. lo '-¥Y -N M. °""" ........ COllllfluH twll. L-•W 4' t9 •· MOUNTAIN AllEAS -Ht....,. •- _,,..,_, llltlfl ......... 11 ....... tM ·- ...... ,,_ ""' """' twovv 1l'l'IClllfltl. -' ..... ~ fllltdlY. tlr.. ~ ..,..., ....._ Ltl!Jc ~""" ...... 1#1'1111<* ANO DEll!ltl ltl!iOlONI '•t. -Mosflr '*""" """' ~ """"' tllll T'**f, ....,. loa!IY ,_,.,.. n •" .. ,_., -'tdeO, .....,. -"•' ll "*oll!MN •M ....,_ ~11" ,.,_ °""' ..... • -• ,,. ., fl-. '' a.i-....... ....-........ -*""' ... ·~ .... ~ ""' -""""" ·-""~-.·:.-.·::.~"=ls": t1 ....... ve ...... L_.,....,..11w• ~ V•llW; • " 0 -'1191..,, ..................... ..,... ... Coutal ......,.,,.111 ..... ~ -·---_, ......, llw'8Wl'I T_,,..,. W1Nt """""""'' ll lo lll kllOh. Too.n "'""' " .. ... v ....... .,.. ,,.,.,_.""'" , • "' ... """"" • """' "" st h! ... "' (l, .... .. ,.,, """"''""" ,....... w•• S.S to 4 Thil "M>I' ""'"'91vr, -• $1.A Ot--· S•n, Ill-•, Tldel MONDAY hCll'd "'-' .......... 1:ftt."1.J.t ltCOl'MI ..., . .11:00 '""· J .•. TUOOAY ""' hllft .............. l:S.S '·"'· '·' 1'11"11 a.. ............... lt;•-.t.( ~ llWI ............. 1:4' ''"'' J.t ~ 1oW ,.,,, ....... 11:N 1.m.1,1 111'19 ..... Jt:)ll ....... ... ..... " .. ""' """ 1:1111 ....... 1e11 s:e '·"'· hi! LMt e. ... ........ 'Mr. 4 #«. II INr. If ,IN,. 1' ...... MILO v.s. s_,,, ............ ~----· .... !Mt ....... " ""' "'""' ,,,.,.., --1• ,.trl .... -- """ -llWIN 'flflllt "" ,...,,.,. -. ...... ., de#r IMrt *"· nt A""'9lo •'-"" CIW"*9 _,.... _,_ ...... ""'""' ~ -· """"' .......... c-llrle "' Mli,,. • ...... ,... _, " ""' Of>Mt l.Htt. TNWM •nl!NI -. IMVtd tar ""' ..... .,.,..,...._.,.....,It .... ,,.,,.,....,... wflll rwe lo fellr lndlt1 ol -t11M<"'4. l•t .. rll "'-tYl\otnlt n .,,,....ttnl Hew Yert llld -fl' '" lfW;lllt d -·-dtllHold "" ""' """'f'" " fllt ..... ...., ,......, ... ,_ __ .....,, ... lnC:tl "' --· "''"' wtlll noll'I. ............ 1 l!Ctl'I for ..... Yortc City Wl'llclrl ..... "°''ll'Jtd In fM T ......, """' "'rt """"'· A!M"'"'"" AnchorlH A111nt1 BIJm1rdl: 80'.ll"'I C~lu98 Cl"'l.,,..11 °""""' ..,_ DH Mal~ '''"" ... -.. _ -· ........ K-. City t... Yntt , __ M Jft'll htdl Ml"°"Ult: .. Ml..,_IPClli. Ntt11 Or'"M H-Ytril 0.kltnd ... ,, P1so ltoblu "'llM.!p!'li. ........ Ptttlb!JrM ......... lt.,.ld Clly ... SI, LO.II S.1W..t S.!I l •k• City s.., oi.o ,,., .. ,.."',.. """ .. ,,.. ... ...... -... l~~it W11hl """' L• l'nc. l;i " 2S r' 26 ' ·~ " " t· ' 31 ,. d " ,. " ~ M ·" "11 .lJ '' " " . " " " " " ~ M ~ ~ " . " 11 • .: " n •1 21 .. . " ... .. " ! .• " " . " .. " " .. K )I •• JI 4-S 1.10 ~ " ~ St • 1.0! )I 11 ,JJ " ~ ~ " " ,, .., . " • " .Of .... . -" " ·"' ST St ,Of " " ... ~ : 1:: 15 lJ ..., " " .. • » --... . SCOTCHGARD R ... u. $1.96 Fabric protector. Prnent.a g:reuy and watery atalns. HOUSIWAlU FURNACE FILTERS R*9 •• 41 .... ........ 3/$1.00 14x25xl HOUSIWAUS k ~ ~ i::,. ~ GLORY R --... RUG CLEANER ·1 .... .... .... ,ni. ...... ... A FANTASY BED BLANKET R09. 4.16 $3.33 55% rayon, 45% eylon l\'ilh all nylon binding-. DOMISTIC Din. "'!!;![f:!I .... ~ UU.tf HERSHEY KISSES Whl .. QHfltttlll ..... Rog .. 68 58¢ I LB. BAG CANDY Dirr. LAOIES . ... 14. 21. 16 PA.NTY HOSE Rog. 1.34 97¢ t' r 3DAYS ONLY! COSTA MESA STORE No Sales lo Dealers . ... ... .... ~ Sleev~less. 100% cotton t~ top!!. " Colorful prinls on \vhitc background. ~ Sizes 3-6x and 7-14. • U.DllS NYLON NET .... ....... HAIR BAND The fast. easy "'aY to clean rup. HOUSIWAllS l l\Ilsses stretch panty hose ln popular shades. -ft HOSlllY tf Assorted Colors MILLINllY Wltlfe GllMlltltl .... GOLD NUGGET .... 1"-U.U PEANUT BUTTER Mill• ...... ",... .... Rog .. 97 88¢ 2-lb. Size CANDY SCOPE Reg .. 83 78¢ .... 1t. 21. )f Ideal family mouthv.•ash. 12-oz. size DlUa Dtn. w ... ... .......... M.U,H .... KMART BRAND SPRAY STARCH Rog .. 42 33¢ Just spray and Iron HOUSIWAUS Wiii .. OUantHllf .. .. . ... ....... DRIP PAINTINGS R09. 21 .U $16.88 1 These beautlful palntinp enhance any room. PATIO ~ Wlllte .... OU1n1tlllt '4.11. .. ' .... NESTLE'S ::. CANDY BARS ' ~ Reg •• 34 28¢ Giant sized candy bani. Assort~ flavors. CANDT DIPT, w .... .... OU111tl llll ........ • •• UNIVERSAL QUIK SPLICE SPLICER • $2:78 t •• ~ For Regular or Super 8 splicing CAMllA DIPr. •·am!:lfi'::r: :sCS<U•-.!:ai•• w ... . ... tl W~Q• ..... ........ M..U.U Ollentlll" ....... .... • •• SEGO ~ GILLETIE RIGHT GUARD Reg .. 26 4/88¢ Rog .. 97 77¢ Delicious y.;ay lo lose ''•eight. °"'"L Davors. 7-oi. Size DIU• DIPT. COSMnlCS Dm. w ... .... w ... .... -....... _ .... .. .... ..... ..... I PLASTIC CUFF LINKS GARBAGE CANS or Rog. 2.97 TIE TACS $1.97 Reg .. 77 2/99¢ 20-Ga.llon Size PATIO DI"· JIWIL•T ·-.... .... . .. --....... .. _ ....... ... ..... HOUSEHOLD LADIES BROOM CARDIGANS $4:44 R ... 1.21 97¢ Lone dttVe. 100tr. attylle •WMll!.ni. f'ull fuhlonM. NO'Vf!lt.Y atltches and in uaorted coJors. SIZN S·M'·L. MOUSIWAllS LAI Id f • • t I ' ,1 ~ WOOL . ... ...... COVER-UPS Rog. 1.66 ·86¢ Aasorted Colon. MIWNUT ... .. . ... ... "'""" ...... "'' LADIES TENNIS SHOES Rag. 1.96 93¢ Black and white tennis lhoes. SfttS 5-9. SHOI DIPT, ... ~ ~ ··~ ....""... K. ... • •• HEAVY DUTY I Shoc~e~~~srbers , $7.88 ~ Reary ~uty. lif,.tim• guarantttd. In· ~ eludes installation. ' AUTO ij 1if!!J i4JZEC';.:.· ~ W~lll ........ ..... '" u.11 l LONG·SLEEVEO SWEAT SHIRTS ;. Reg. l .17 $1.22 ~ Slzs ~ Crew neck, assorted. colo1-s. S.XI. MIH'S WIA• •• w ... . ... "'"""" .... ....... LITILE LEAGUE BASEBALL SHOES Rog. 2.71 $2.46 Regulation U ttle l.e&RUe ahoe!I. SPOITIN• GOODI w ... . ... -.. .... .... INSTAMATIC CAR·RYING CASE R09. 4.U $2.97 flta 124 and 134 lnst11.m11.tl('. CA.MIRA Din. I I •• ·.) • !ff.A~. Glaus Hid ing · Ou t . . .. • ' ' ' JEAN COX, 494-9466 ~.·~M.otNf L P•11 Decisions, Reports A ux iliary' s Getting Down to Business ' With the Valentine BaU,-which,.attracted oyer 325 people,. now over, Auxiliary members, South 'Coast Community Hospital' are· roll- ing up their sl®ves for an annual luncheon meeting next Fri4ay. . During the gathering in Irvine. cOast Country Clu.b, lmp0rtant tasks, including the selection of new officers, will be completed. Before sitting down for the 12:30 p.m . luncheon, members will mingle during a social bou~ starting at 11:30 a.m. Following the luncheon, officers will su~atize. their annual reports to bring members up to date on auxiliary efforts. The election of officers is next on the agenda. Mrs. John M. Shea, nominating committee chairman, will present a slate of names for the executive board. After the nomination~ and. election. John Weld, hospital president, WP! install the new leaders .. Entertainment pl~ by Mrs. Mont McMillen, program chair· man, will feature· soloist fdrs : Victor Andrew~ accompamed by Mrs. Arthur ·Brji:gs. Asltisting as ·hostesses will be 1he Mmes. Donald T. Beddoe, Henry T. Brian, Curtis P. Charter, Gerald Farmer, Ray Marsh Fox, Roger C. Holden, E. Guy Johnson, George W. Kennedy, Edward A. !'atty, Wilbur G. Perriguey, Donald C, Piumb, Albert E. Robertson, Patrick J. Shea, James M. ~erson and Perry La Pierre. ~ Tickets are $3.25, and today is the deadline for reservations, which may. be· obtained by calling Mrs. McMillen, 494-3217. Auxiliary Thanks to an 'anonymous· Santa Claus, Las Madiinil.s ... Chapter, South Coast Community Hospital AUXili- ary, has another bundle of:,toys for the hospital~s · ·pediatrics ward. ·Young Kimberly Allen sees· a Jot of things she'd .. like to keep in tb'e pile of goodies her motbei::, Mrs. Stan Allen Jr., is preparing for · delivery. The ' donor , according io· Mrs ,.·ruclian1 ' Kopp, used to purchase ·toysffoin 'the 'gllt'sliop'to give to young patients when' he was' in the,ho~pi'tal. himself. · Since. his release, he has sent tliree $25 checks ·to the auxiliary f~r toys. members and their friends are urged to ·a~. · · ' ..... Pas$port to Beauty ' . Clubhouse Becomes Floral Wonderland Laguna Beach Woman'& Clubhouse will be a nature lo.ver'1 panio 1 . dlse when Laguna Beach Gar.den Club presents its fl~er show d~c the closing days of the Winter Festival next Friday. and 8aturday. The theme of the show, Passport to Beauty, will salute ·lh• citlU· and countries of Art Colony visitors with vivid travel·postets and mul• ticolpred flags UJed as decorations. Area residents are urged to compete in the 32 classes of horti• .culture. The artistic division 's 16 classes also are open to 'all flower arrangers, with only the table-setting competition limited to clulr women. A panel of six National Council Flower Show -judges will begin its work at 11 a.m. Friday and doors will open to the public from 1:30 to 8 p.ni. 8aturday hours will be 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.' Tickats are $1 and include refreshments. standard ribbon awards will be presented in all classes as well as Tricolor, Creativity and President's Sweepstakes ribbons for entries of specllll merit. Chairmen and conunittee heads finalizing show plans include the Mmes. A. J. Antosik, John Burri and Arnold Keams, coordina- tors; Eldon Slark, J. William Deva ney, Frederick Balzer, John Harris, John Reilly, W. F. Robb and Merle Zeigner, staging; Paul Harmeg. nies , Charles Achauer, J . Jay Atkinson-. and David Erikson, entries; Ben Hartley, Joe Della Pelton, T., A. Nasbman and Walter Raabe, clal,slllcatlon, and Charles Dillinger, pro~ramJ. " -.- " ' ' . " • . ' l . . l ,f t ' } FLOWER POWER -Lagulia ,Beilch Garden Club members preparing for their flower tihow next Friday are Impressed by some of the arrangements. They are (left to right) Mrs. J . Orville . . . Chilton, teachairman; Mrs. w. Jack Cole, special exhibits, and ' Mrs. Eldon W. Stark, staging chairman. ·The show will take place in Laguna Beac~ Woman 's.Clubhouse. Others ·are the •Mmes. Harry' Busby and Frank Benham, place- ment ; W. HerlJert Allemand, publicity; Neil Lewis, judges and clerb; Leonard Davis, hospitality ; W. Jack Cole, special exhibit; Lyle Jnger- lck, juDlors; George R. Campbell and C. W. Sheafor, education; R. w. Ketteringham and Floyd Case, plant table, and J . Orville Chilton, tea. ' " • " " Coed Clobbers Complaint, . . .. .... : DEAR ANN LANDERSfl ...,,. ··raw 1 · • iliueatlonS'for the ~ who =-about the ' aborlige or r at Michigan Technological U D l v e r 1 I t y otlferwiJe known as "Da Tech.' 1 went tbert so 1 happen to know a little-~ about 0 the problemi." - .First: H Yoo guyf would wasll...:Your dothes .... in • wlli!e It ,mlghl h e t p. paper they mfPi be asler In pt llo111 You fellows who complain the loudest with. aboot "no dames up h<re" ~~ Third : I auuest you lads cbeck the "lltll ..,,. -Uie .... 'I:-and IUITGUlldinC tomtory If ,lioi doo1 ·-jealll lor ' a wlloll "" 1 tx: I • lll1lbbtl ,.. Ii t e lb ffoallilon. My pnnniae instant result.s, boya, but I' graduating clull In Flnlander (a lllDlll sun U you Chinning pnUemen town nearby) b ad 14 clrla IDd three a shade neater the giril would be a boys. Every '1rl ID the clul wu beUtr whole lot !rlendl1er. , thin ·-lo!>kllll-'!brr couid .<aot, 'Second: H you l'lJI -1d stop.ealllng sew, type ...... popen and:lrm lhirll. tile coedl "Water Buffalo" ID the IChool Tlfo ol the girls had lathen on !hi! lloulhlon pollcO force. (Tb!S" can be one heck of an asset ) 1 hope fOU print this letter, AM. ,,_ <reepl up theie need to be l'il<d up. -AN EX LOCAL MAKI DEAR El(: 'naab lo< ... cblHL I llope ........ 11 Da Tedi taeb !Ms-lo ... r..u.ttabombi *-alLll-ebapa!ew ..... DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our only .Cites Clean.Jiness as C:ause :. ~ · ls mmled and bu two Tbll, ·1a11 trip ·wu 'the wont. !JI leis -.b1e cblldl<n. Tlley.lln .on the -·· 'lbln an hour,.J111.lwlbelld llld ..,,ethlng Aide · ol 'the ~. It's , a ,pod . """ nijjen do llerl>ert, a aid llertle Jo and bOilr clrtve Jnm,h<re. ' · ' . •I '!--·up aB day long for f ea r Bertie Jo married a nkt. ·Joung man · . UiO I men '!'oioil4 ; "°'*' In biowl. They who bu a c:o0tge di~. My iNsbaDd JOit an.hour'qo 11111 my husband dldn"t can't stand him. I've lr!id 'In !iOO out " eten 11Y •good-by. He IPODI the lut • he irlslikes Herbert ... mucb but six. boCJri siWng in his car -nlng all' he ·Will say is; "'lllat !eUow•s northern In Ille-radio. • • accent gets on tny nerves.'' 1 think Please, Ann, tell me ' what to do about our son-in-law talks right nice. I ti.ve lhis awful situation. -TROUBLE lN no trouble understand!Jw him, but my TENNESSEE husband ina1stl Herbert pull Oii t b It • DIW\ 1'!11111BL1• Tue • .... tr Yankee till; because be 111101" ll rube • tnfa or a ,.._ ad I' r.Joit ller11e IOllle Soothemen the --· Jt .... la.lly al --v .. Bertie Jo and Herbert come to viait ...... • .... pa ~1 f'Pss:1 .. Ill twice a felt and atay for two da)'I. . .. d Wits ta a tit nla w..f tqllt • 1 CM't ten you bow I· Jook forwlld ,Ill ,_.~lflllllt .,. .. AM mb In ...i111 our adorable· grandcblldrtn. .. • .....,. -,. llaft. .. •• Drlnktq .. , be "ii" Ct ... W.S JW ru1 wtui -Mt II caa fll& ,_ .._,,, lo< Iieefo. v ......... k .. ...,. -1m"· Nad • ._ ad v .. -...... Teeupn o.ry.• -• -la -... a ..._ Ml If :a :11. •r11C;4 •Ysi?fl .... ,.... Q&MI .,; Ala I 1711 .. 1 wtl .... 1 11,• tld '• 11!~ wlllri .,. JI :'' : _..... .. C' la -1111'" DAIL~ Pll.qf, •l•f ' lie a Ml zt, M&lil, ...... •tlllft~;:\ -. "' ,, •• -· Horoscope Lea>: You' re or. the Go TUESDAY FEBRUARY 26 ·· By SYDNEY OMAJ\R ''The w~ man <"!!toil hJa destiny ... Astrology J>Olnll ,the way." • AIUES (March 21-April It): Call from one in authority could lead to jOurney. HIUldle respon!lhWly. Don' object to overtime assignment. Check facts, figures -try to get traveling done early in day. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Take inlUaUve. Money earned in unique manner. Profitable contacts indicated ; exude con- fidence. Be original and in· d ependeat, Per'iona I magnetism rating Is hi&b· GEMINI (May 11.June ZO): You may change your mind about Individual who appws tlli>tlo nuancu. Handle .,,,. 1m>1anl. rav« 11 pertormed "1lt duUea with aplomb. JI for JOU· QrcurnataDcn react thoroulh. you J m Pre _11 ia your favor. Mo•• ahead. superlorl. Talk of promotJOn. Obtain huit 1n1D TAURUS could l<1bire day. Study mesaaie. ARIES meuage. CANCER (June II.July II): WRA (Sept. 2J.Oct. ZZ)l' same unlllUll events occur " Plan! are rp.ade and ~anged. which dlrectly aftect· you. lnvolve1 travel and written Friends are involved ; ao are worcJ. Strtnalhen per• on a I ~ IUld wllbes. Cooperate phUOoophy. Be perC<ptlve. with one who lhmt special Find ......,.. why. Tonight interest. Share tnowledge. news come• c '!_ ~ c e r n 1 n C You're a winner. career, community project. LEO (July 23-Auf. 22): You SCORPIO (Oc:L 23-Nov. It)~ mftt people and So placa. Famlly ~ cone~g Social 1ctJvlty i n c re 1 1e1 • accounts, u:penditures is in Display showmanship, 8ellle order. ~k harmony, but fac• of humor. Be versatile. You facts In reaJiatlc manner. art invited to join speclal Study legal d o c u me n t s • group. Answer ln afflrmattve. especllll)' u they affect VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): mooey. . Study details, be aware of SAGITrARIUS (Nov. ~ Dec. 21 ): Avoid self~eceptlon. Traditional Honor Take off rose-colored glasses. Cooperate where partnerships are coocerned. Accent on legal alfaln. Obtain hint from SCORPIO m.....,•. . . Junior. Club ". ,• . . :·~· lndiap Maidftns Learn Modern Techniques . . -· to Fete CAPRICORN (Dec. ZZ.Jan. 11~: Glve atteDUon to co- workm. You need aid from thole who aerve you. Be baste. OuUine need.I. Show that you appreciate and are capable of reciprocallnlf. ~I YMCA l;,;J,. -Maidens from Huntington Beach's Choctaw Tribe received from the event will help tribe activities. Mrs. Liz Lynch, • 'deserted th~ ~ to ~!tend a luncheon in the Southern Cali· Edison home economist, shows Mn. James Csmpbell and Mrs . Seniors ·at Luncheon • . fornia Edison Co. In Huntington Beach. After learning tips for l)ale Conrad (left to right) just how to, place their freezer-ready t· t ~freezing leftOVer ~'injun vittfes/! the maidens and their guests packages. Thursday, Feb. %7 bu been selected as the date when the Junior Ebel! Club of Newport Beach will honor its sponsor- ing club according to tradiUon. supported the Simple Simon produclion by selling 7 3 tickets. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fob. 11): DI.splay interest i n you.nvtera. Day f e a t u r e !I romance, change, p o s s i b I e travel and variety. You are aeUve and eiude air of e1· citement. This is your k1nd of time. f ·~·~·~en~j=oy~ed:::..•:.:li=&lt=t=.l=unch===eo=n:.:~=nd=..!pres.:.::~en=.ta==tio=n:..col=d=oo"-r~p~!lizes~-·-Fun~-d•~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­Luncheon guests will hear a report by Atn. Ro I e r Sherman, health cha1rman, on the recent bridge luncheon whlch raised funds for educa- tional materials (or the Com- mittee to Eradicate Syphilis, Inc. f ;-p I ~-~ !:".. '. :· · · , Hawaiian .tfon•ymoon ''-=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::===:; '·-.-. - · . . ' ' ' .. .. ~ ' .. · ,, .. ,. ' , .. ' '. ; __ .,.,. l \ ' / Get the prettiest head start 011 spring with a Pt1nty "Treasure Creme Oil" badgtt permanent! 8.88 frosting, 14,50 Complete ·: :.shampoo •nd set ••••.••• C"'-T-ano1 Wed. only) $3 Ot aflr~ "'-" ....... ~ MW""'T09 NACM HMIQaf C'.MfW' .... ,...,...,,,. WIWPOIT•OCM F..,.._I....,.. w-.. ..... m• . - Combs-Kistle Nuptials Offiei!rs -0f the Ebell Club of Newport Beach w;ill be guests at a luncheon and pfu.. gram beginning at 10 a.m. in the Ebell Clubboa1e, Balboa. PISCES (Feb. l&-March.20):' Take steps to Improve home life. Accent on basic domeatlc ""'"' Property ahould be repaired. Don't by-pus llfely me.uures. Uve up to past commltmeotl. . ' Solemnized • Newport 1n Junior president, Mrs. Edward Whitehouse Jr., will welcome Ebell offlctt1, the ?ifmes. Clayton Thompson, president ; L.H. McBride, first vice president: L.W. Jenks, second vice ptesident : '!be health committee will 1Poll30I' a &bowing on Feb. 2S of the .' film "/( Quarter of a Mllllon Teenqera" whlcb deals with the probl<nu of venereal d I s e a 1 e. Parents from 28 . area schools and ahe public have been fuvited. The chapel of st. Andrew's ,Preab~ Church Jn Newport.. Besch, was chosen for the wedding of John Wesley Combs Jr. of Newport Beach and Barbara Mae Kis-- tle, who said their vows before the Rev. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield. Parents of the bridal couple are Mn. MoWe Combs of San- ta Ana and Ml. and Mrs. Russell Kistle or Corona del Mar. daffodils, daisies, b a b y ' s breath and fern. Bradlef Com bs of Bakersfield, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and ushers were James Hogseth and Walter McGonigle. After the ceremony, guests greeted the newlyweds in the church's Fireside R o om , where Mn. Harold Fidler of Costa Mesa circulated the guest book. A delayed honeymoon trip to the Hawaiian Islands Is planned by the new Mr. and Mrs. Combs, who will reside in Newport Beach. The bride attended Woodrow Wilson High &hool, Long Beach, IUld Santa Ana College. Her husband attended the University of Mexico and the Unlvenity of Southern Califonlla. Freeman Fisher, third vice president. and H e r be r t Puterbaugh, ways and moans Club Seeking chairman. · Membe" and honored Card Players guests will enjoy a program presented by the Foundatkm. Star Club, Order ~ the for the Junior BUnd locusil1g Eastern . Star, 11 off•"•• an on the summer camp program .... .....,. for blind chi 1 d re n. cam-aftenlooD. and eventna· card _., t MS h ha ·-· parly nut Friday In Laguna l""~JlS a "'' eac ve ~ Beach Ma.sonic Hall. given each year by the IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDA. Y you are intuitive, at time1 moody; you are more the introvert than vice versa. You are about lo embark upon new project. GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle high for GEMINI, CANCER, LEO. Special word to PISCES: greater freedom indkaled toolghL For the morning rites. the bride chose a long gown of chanWly lace over s i I k orgam.a, encrusled with seed pearls and seq~. fashioned with lopg sleeves and a chapel train. Her silk illusion veil was he1d in plaei! with a head· piece of matching lace and seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of white roses. baby's breath, stephanoUs and lemon leaves. J · ~wWbeaemdal Seu I ptress Gives Ta I k '=.'·ciu. c;habre, 11ne ·ar1a both the 11e • p,m. 1atherlJ>c chairmao, will announce ...,. and 7:20.to 10 p.m. -1oo. •-·1~-·· ... o 111 and the Mm G M , p!etioo of the Pennies. for 'Art' . Tickets .,. '1, IUld Lqpna Book Group =~~;.~will ,~:s.a -;ale es. · · Vance. project' where $50 wu col-Beacll Winter Festival villtors r-.:ug -¥r--Horace Pobson, Earle · Kie~ "lected'·~-theR 11 " are invited. Further in-"""-.., __ " n.1--·--1-Gtoup s peat er. for the regular per, Norman .Cluiatensen and "" .... .,....,.. -" mar. im:: ~ .VliK.™JUll luncheon meeUng of Women's John Brekke. Art contest award. '!be group formation tnQ' be obtained of Newport Beach Friends or Society of ChristW! Service, also conbibuted 110 each to by calling Mn. Jolin WW!ams, the Library 1ather the last Laguna United Meth 0 dist AU church memben; and the ·Council of Arts and the 4-er Mn. Arthur Sle&d, Wednelday ol the month In ther friA-..1. ,,_ 1'nviled. ~"'-'• Theater Guild and 4u uu. MA""--Llbr•"' at 10 a.m. Church at 12:30 p.m. tomor··, ===-==-=·====='=~::;:;:::="::;:;=:::=:;:;;;;;;;:;,;::;;;,;:=~==========~=~=·==-"'='===, In silk organza gowns or lime, avocado and forest ,rten, members of the bridal party were Mrs. J e a n n e Vanderburg, matron of honor, and the Misses Joy Stephenson · and Lois. Tollefson, attendents. They carried arrangements of row 'Jn the church. Ir Hostesses will be Mrs. James Russ and Mrs. Carl Caldwell and the Ml!.ses Lo~ and ·Lari Lyerla IUld Carol Bartusch.- 'l'he prosram, Including final chapters of the l!ludy hook, "Quist and Crisl.s i D Southeast Asia," will b e pteaented by Miss Lois Lyerla CALL FOii: Fll:EE £STIMATE AND SHOP AT HOMI Slll:YICI 0111" lll'OlftllOf\lllly 1r111111t GK1r1l1r wlll Clfnt tt ,...... hMll tor -"le• ••.•• , ... tv•l11t , • , .,1111 t111 rnett "'"°""' Miieti. If llllr•ltffr ., c1r,.1 """"""' NI Hllfilt .... If CNFM • FIOM YOUI All.A CALL 548-8242 01 540.6617 BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET llALm INTlll:E STOCI OF FAIULOUS DUPllY PAlllCS ll:IDUCID TO 20~ TO 40, • A*I Colorf11I Ein:ttetnerlt to Y-Room Dlcor ••• Wllll eolcl N-_ .. DnlgM! ··-..... e Tit hdll ...... e AintraliH .... • <•'"'"- • Vllltw;11 cunoM MADI DRAPERIES ..... $195 $4.t1,...i '" NOW ONLY .,.. IP A ....,... tott.1._. or llftli _.,"1 111-.• 1*1ct ""'""''"' 1000'1 or "'"" °' 111111 •tv" lll!vcltl. fntvra. MMM IM Cl•INl.itt • , • Ill .... ,,,k.tlll. DD.IVIRY IN 1 DAYS '""''*'-Mt••M WI .,....,. """ ..... '"""" wtnl....,, ·~ ...., ......... -tffklflit .., .. 1( •• "'" "' ""11111 ..,. llll'lllfl•.,.. '"llflt, tlle lll!MI ll1Nw1ria, -rt '"rlllNlflllll' -)fl. ...... , ... ,, ....... . CUI WOllMANSHIP IS SUPfll PIOPllLT HAlDWAll I IODS CUT TO o•Dfl EIUTIPLY CALL FOi 111111 m1MAR SHOP.AT·HOMI SllYICI ' DRAPERY & CARPET 548-8248 n1MS: UP TO JI MONTHS TO PAT he's yours , . ; at the drop of a Flutterlash Be his big-eyed girl •.. All eyes and excitment. Faberge plans it that way with eye · lashes for your every mood. If you want to play it de • mure or daring •.. we have got the 1tyle1 for your quick-switch. ing moods. Flulterlashes, 5.00 • 6.50 ° 7.50. And with each Faberge purchase of 5.00 or more this week, a hand-care gift for you: Hand Lotion Extraordinaire, Cuticle Remover Extraordinaire, and Na i I SJ>ray Extraorclinaire. Co1rmotic1, r1 -. I lCl..AI >WAY ANAHEIM NEWPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH 444 N. E1i1tlld 111·1121 M.11. tf\111 s.t. 47 '-•"'.., l1llJMI '44-1112 MH ...... ""· , ....... ftSO p.111, 1111 NIJ1tw A-. .. m.J)J I M•11. thnt Sit, 10 '·'"· to t iJO p.m. Sat. It •Alt ... •,.-. 10 1.111. .. t 1JO ,.111. ( I ' ·' ' ' .. .. 1 -----·-----~· .. ~·~---... =="'-=='""""'"""··=-"'·-~·-"'·-"'"=======-::-.• ==:::::=::::=:::::':'::::::'=:::!::::::=::-::~-!'-~-':.~.-:"! . ..,.~-~ .. -~ .. -~.-~.-~-~ .. ~.-~.~-~ .. !.'!'l' .• '!" ..... c...,. ........ JUDITH WYNl!KIN Ell9 ..... July Set For Rites In Midwest July a la the weddlng elate .. 1ect..i by Judllh Ann Wyneten al Balboa la1ed and George Allen Mallon al Moon- taln View and former nsldenl ol Newport Beach. SL Charles Catholic Church In Peru, Ind. wlD be the mar- riage setting. Miss Wyneken, 4'1.aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Wyneke.n of Peru, is • graduate of Buller University in Indianapolis where ahe pledged Kappa Kappa Gmuna sorority. Pr<oenUy Ibo la on elementary school teacher with the Anaheim City School Dl!lr!cl. The benedlct..lect, -"' Mr. """ Mn. ~· M. Ma-al Dulu1h, Mimi, at- tended Santa Ana High School and Santa Ana Callege. Rummage To Become Treasure Trlnketa and tmJaru will be eichanged for scholarahi~ money u lbe Alliance Fnu> caile de la Riviera CaIUcr- ntenne apon1ors a rumma1e sale table at the Laguna Winter FesUval Sunday , March 2. . Funds raised from the table at the festival flea market will be used for the Summer Studle3 In Paris scholanhtp. Members and frlendl of the alliance are invited .to ~ trtbuta mWl objec:ta and boon which may be left before next Friday 1n the main festtval building In care ol Mrs. Emalie Schneeberger. Monetary gilta are tu· deductible and anyone wtahlng to contribute to the scholarship fund may write to William Hubler, treasurer, 940 Hillcrest Drive, Llguna Beach, 9265L spring spectacular: THIS WEEK ONLY! 10 SPARIWlfG POR1IAITS Of YOUR CllLD, ONLY 510 one lb:IO. ""99 h1 9"d lf'c Mllet ...... ,.~ for you end ,.lftlf)' ~ J3R~ HUNTINGTON BEACH Phone lt2-Jll I Ext. 2fJ _,.._,._ tb• vested dress ••• pQft, one of the total costume • Get yourself together, juniors •.. the look of ~,f pe!jectlon is revolutionlilng your fashion world I Hap dressing is . out ... compoo<ld clothes are in .•. In a dress and vest-mate, plus ideal ~ from May Co. ~arything's pght ... nci room for error In the young, sophlatlarted. Total Loo): or '69. From llllady llai=9, .,..i.d -i• n-.i.. 5 lo 13 a.~ crwpe ru-and veeL WhltewithrxNYor aqua28.0ll b. Cutawaf "'81-<XXJI over palaley, chw; wblle with lilac or yellow 28.QO c. Buckled palaley vest. over l!IOlJd dreas. beige with gold or navy 28.00 · The spectacular Speclalor accessories: By Inct8dible. slunky, chunky, pl\flched-out shoes in taupe and white w.ith chain trim 18.00 . From·Jun .. a. a junior size shoulder l:>ag wom p.ext to the rlbs •• In navy with braay lrlln 12.00 .ma'fCOyou?lg signature dresaes 94, · raecaat dreos shoes 125, handbags 26 co -----iv.c. '-A y c:: C:>--~~­ may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol costa mesa; 546-9321' shop monday through saturday, 10 am to 9-.30 pm ·· ' . ' \ I ., - \) .. • • • " ... . ~ . ' ~ ....... JI DAILY Pfl.OT H lloador, f"-7 ~ IM lnsuranee Firms LEGAL NOO'ICE LEGAL NOO'ICE Face Big NEW YORK (UPI) -Tbe Insurance IDdlWy In the United Stoles 11 und"'°\DI the moot druUc ratruc1Urlilg In Ito blstory. The chanps will bt of great algnlllcance to investors. ~ For ooe thiQa, new life In- surance compmles are not btln( cruted 11 npldlr is Ibey -to be. • '"In llcl," .,,. Artllnr Mil""" . • · IMdbis ~ ~al-.1ur••.c• ••••~ltlor, "It I( -... _.,_tbal_ aJO d tllo alltlni 1., 'llO. Dlo compa!oo -plur a lot d fire ..i cuuslty companla -will )e merged out of ..- lltence in the nen decade." Tbe' second basiC change ls • 1 perceptible erosion of ~ tr1dJtiooal separation ot 1Ue lnlurance from the fire and cuually. "Of courae," Mllton raald, "we alwaya. have bid, llOID8 bil millti-IJM carrten IUCll u the Travelen and the Cc. tinental -In Cblcogo. Now, Ille Ind euuilly com- panies are burrylnc so fut to join forces tbat tnv .. tors and securttr anslyltl are bav- lng to rtatudy lhe wbolc business. It f4t121 11»e third trerid l.!1 to CftTll'ICAT• °" SUSINUS divenificatlon outa1de the ln- l'ICTITIOUI MAM• ftaJd. -•-'"' TM .....,..... "" '*""" fllt'I' .,. ~ LK 1-w. may ~e C911d!K11M • 1M1nmu tt 1.in Goftltrf. the fc:nn ol puWng iDluraDce H"'"'1"""" a.ell, C.llforTilil. Ul'ldlll' tllt ------------fldltlous fl"" -ot "QUA1JTY TOOl. ,Jr,NO MOLD CO,'' end tMI Miii """ k~otll'lllflllllowl.--.' ""--In full Wiii plHa of ~ ...... falloll'tt HARll:Y ROIEltT MUGMU. ,.. c .. tlnllllM om. ~ ...,.,. .. -. ltUllELL ll. IAILEY. 111211 hi Drlw. HllfttllWWI ...... ~ ~ .,,_..,. 31, ,.. .._ M. ll. MUGMES It. "-IAllE'I' ltmM ol C.llforfll .. ~ C-IY: OR ,,_,.,. a1, I,.,,, llirfort me, I Hlltml'Y hbllc 1'I Wiii fDI' Mid Stei., "raonallJ •-rtd M~ltltY. ROBEllT HUGHES 1nd llUHELL A:: MILEY llMWll " rne ta bm lfl9 .-..._ .,.mes .,. subtcrlbld M 11!1 Wll1ll11 IMl,,_r 1r>d ~lr:lotd ........ tit ecvtflCI Ille UllW. (OFFICIAi. SEAL) "'-"" e . O.v ll "91tn< PubNc-C1lltamla PrllldNl Office 111 ""-~ ,,,,, comm.-Eo1,... J-21. lf1'0 Pllblill* Of.._. CM9t 01!)\r Piiat, F*-7' 2. 111. 11. 24. ltff llMI Li!ilAL NOO'ICE N .. Am.erican Gets2 New . Directors North American RockweD Corp. has elected two new directors and declared two quarterly dividends. Sbareowner1 at the annual meeUng elected to the board Frederick G. Larkin Jr., chairman of the board and chief e:r:ecutive omcer -of Security Paciflc Nation a I Bulk, and Bruce M. RDckwell, vice president of First of Michlgan C-Orp., Detroit. th"- Jargest Michigan investment banking firm. Sbanowners also re-elected 17 director!. Following tht a D D u l I meeting, the director s declared the usual quarterly dividend of 50 cents per com- mon share, payable March 24, to sbareowner.!I of record Feb. 29. Directors also declared the regular quarterly dindend of Sl.1875 per share of Series A preferred stock, ~able April 1, 190, to .shareowners of record Feb. 28. Who Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'? <;hang es companleo under !be wir.g d I •-aiomeraie, The recent aDDOUDCement that lnterna-- Uonal Telephone and Telegraph Corp. wsnts to buy tbe buge Hartford 1" Ire Insurance Co. .b a cue ta ~t. More lr<quenlly, tile Jn. ·uance companies, bavln1 large liquid funds, divimlfy Into otber buslnesset. Mutual funds are an at· tncUve diversific&Uon field with scorea of file ln5urance firms and agents involved ln their sale. Some have crtattd their own funds. lleaJ e$late, mortgage bank· Ing, and mortgage and tiUe ll<T t Insurance have at tr &Ct ed 1wex teveral Insurance companl" in the last year or ·80• And Showing promise as being the next major breakthrough in aviation is this re- • trend is developinf~to ao tracted rotor cOmposite aircraft. The craft makes helicopter takeofis and 1and4 much farther afield. ings, yet is capable ol flying with the speed (more ·than 400 miles per hour) ·lJberty Lite plans to move, and range (500.mlles plus) of a fixed-wing plane, according to a Lockheed· throulb a subsidJary, fnlo California Co. engineer. The plane could be in operation in five years. ' · bniadcuttng ,motel!, ahopplng -----,-------------------- miters and beauty salons - u a managing operator not just an investor. Other Jn-- surance companies are in electronic date processiJ>I, are comidering buying Into nurs· Ing homes and various medical and hospital servicing fields and even are flirting with the idea of chain g;iraget. · Horbert Goodfriend, an Jn. sursnce stocks spedatist of Bear, Stearns and Co., a Wall Sir.etbou!<!, said thls-turing portendll I neW 1J1ves1. ment era in Josaraoce stocts .. Milton apnssed ---t'Tbe merger trend la bound to be belplul to ln•eston In insurance docks," he uid. ''Tbe reductJon in the number of companies ahou1d make the shares easier ' to market, particularly if more insurance companies decide to lW their shares on an e.1.ch.ange. Many investon will get shares In bigger, stronger companies for their present holdings." Ford's 1968 Earnings Set Record DETROIT (AP) -Record sates and eaminp In the lut quarltt of 11181 pushed Ford Motor Co. profits to .f&Zi milllon-45.73 per share of common stock. Sale$ of the year's last three months were $3.& billion and profits were $164 million or 99 cents: per share, according to figures released by the company. The year1y profit report Is the second higbest in Ford's history, topped only by 1965's 1703 million. In 1967, the firm reported a profit of just $M million, or 77 cents per share, but said it was hampered by a lengthy United Auto Workers strike. A new contract, agreed to after the walkout and effective in 1968, brought higher wages and fringe benefits. Total 1968 sales of $14.1 billion were 34 percent higher than 1967's and were well over the company'! previous record of $12.2 billion, set in 1966. Last year was the auto ln· dustry'.!I best in sales-t h e 9.6 :nlllion cars sold on lhe U.S. market beat the previous mark by 300,000. General Motors ear 11 e r reported profits of $1.7 billion, or '6.02 per .share on sales of $22.8 billion, and Chrysler Corp. reported profits of $290.7 million or $6.23 a share on sa1es of $7.4 billion . Both reported increased sales but only Chrysler claim· ed a new earnings high. Skaggs New Secretary Of NARM E. R. ~· vice prtsldent of Babcock El•dron!CJ Corp. and general manager cl. the relays dlvlsloll, baa been elected leCl'<torf d the .Ila· tional Association ., Re1-f Manufadurers (NARK). Among his l'Qpl>liolbDiUes will be monitoring d !be MIL spectncaUon l n d u It r y •d· vilory, publlcaUon and public!· ty committees. Ray stow joined Babcock, I IUboldiary OI Esterllne Corp., in Ill&. Pr.vlously, be wu pmtdont and engl-.ing m1.n11er or United Control Corp., and vice pmld<n~ pneral manager ot P91omar Sclentlllc Corp,, 1 United Con· trol oubsldlarr. Save on Taxes··5 How to ~udge Joh Expenses By SYLVIA PORTER Significant court decisions and Treasury rulings which you probably can't (ind even In the offfd&I Troasury forms package csn vitally affect bow much you, as l.D tbtploye, will deduct ... your -tu .. Wm. ]f YoU are a teacher, you generally can deduct the costs of taking courses connected with your job. The Treasury hwi in the past interpreted this to mean that you still had to be on the job or on leave of absence to deduct the coots: thus barring a deduction if you actually quit your job to take courses that would improve your teaching ability, lead to a better posi· !ton, etc. LAST YEAR, an appeals court rejected this view and allowed a teacher to deduct the cost of a year of graduate stlidy where thl.s was a normal Incident of teaching, even though she bad actually quit her reaching job to take the course. The col.zrt· couldn't see why she should forfeit her deduction just because she hadn't arranged for a leave of absence instead. The Treasury then an· nounced it will go along with this decision lf the teacher quits "temporarily" to lake a course (a quit would ordinarily be considered tern· porary if the teacher resume~ Named Han119er Walter N. Holtz of Huntington Beach has been promoted to man· ager of power plant en- gineering for Western Air Lines. U.S. Savings Rate Drops U .$. con.surners have drop- ped their rate or savings lrom la.st spring'• '1.5 perant to a current rate of 6.S puceni., or over '5 bQ!J.90 less, reports Fortune m.apzlne. Tbe clrop Indicates, the magallne -. that a good part of the federal tax lltttbarge ls bein( paid " !be -ill 11vlngs. Taxes and 11vlngs taken together. Fortune Ob.wves. now account for 29 percent of disposable Income, a lourl.h more than the historical nonn. Tbe magazine fOWJd That for 1 doien years endlrig will'I 1965 the fillm " lasts and sa\·lngs, as a J)t'rcC!nt agc of dl!posabJe income. remained roughly lbe same: I.e., 13 tu-es weal up. 5av1ngs came down. Open House Set at Ne,v S&L Office • ... " .. " " .. ... .. " .. ,. • • I ! • •' ' . . -. .. M_,_.,.~· -.,_-'-_M.~lM-'-...;.;H;._ ___ omv_ mor ·1.1>_ Anierican Stock Exe ' ... • • +· ............ .. .. --·· .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . ·, . .. . ., if . .DAILY P!LOT BiafraNow . Eyes U.S. For Help ll)(UAlllA, B1a1ra (AP) - After 1eWng • ......... of support from France, BWra la ping after the dlplomaUe jackpoI -bacldng from the United StaleL of the Nlmn • abarp IJ>. ~ Jll1 le and aevem- ment ffilel aid from Ille M-· Flt>Nlrl 24.196~ ·arwmt by'-J • United States for"""-and-'------- vlslla by U.S. -have given the Blafram the Idea that the time II ripe for W<IOing WuhlngWn. The Blalr811S were pleued Now What ... . . . .. . .. .. . .. "' the -of the flnt oflldaJ c . U.S. e0nar<saiooal delqallon Ommittee More eompetltors oo long- to go to both aides In the haul Paclf.lc routes could eveo- Nlgerlao civil war. Th e J M • ? tually bring lower air !area. delogaHon, beaded "1 Rep. S ine. · Combined with Jumbo Je!a Charles C. Diggs Jr., (0-andsupenonlc1lrll11er1 , Mich.), tell llatunlay nllht \\'ASHINGToN (UPQ -In cheaper fares c;ould \aJcll ·ofl after a two-day stay. two weeks fresldent NWm llll economic boom in the Earlier Sen. Olarles E. hu created more eommittees ·P~ that would ~t the Goodell, (Jl.N.Y.), vi.lied both than anyone can WR . traclt ~cantis~my. •--• Lagoo and Blair•. He said of · -Including, apparenUy, ·~ Ila ~ seem to ~ he would report to President at least ooe cl the committee l1P 111oh predlctiooa. ID 1159, Nhon and to Secretary of members. a total of 300,000 Americans State Wllltam a-ers on hll Dr Daniel p M-"·• v!Jlted the for ea.I. By ll'IO .... ' • .,_., Hong .. _. alone Is ........... return. White HOOJe adviser on the -... ..--· The avowed aim of both cities, eonfesaed Monday he ~ 8 total cl 1,250,000 : . vlslla wu to study wa)'I of ,... not qulte sure wbal tht a year, .....i· cl lhem relieving famine. But the difference was between two Americans. Blafrana: are coofldent the commlttees be is on. Laa:t year Hawaii got more ill -•-fact, it was news to than ll00,000 vl.sl.tors. By 1970 ._....,,.. W .. ,... • on ~ the toW 11 expected to reach the polilieal and military Moynihan thal he wu on a l,500,000. One airline -. Trans , slt1L11ion u well. second «lDlDlittee -not to menti<n the fact that be ls World -clalms that tramc For tht American vi..ltors, from II! proposed route ...Ud U. Col. Odumepu Ojukwu the chairman of 11• lmpnive the U.S.balanee of and lafra "I am??" be replied to a B '1 other kaderl bad ,. ......... who rud him a ~ paymenls by al Jeut l20 one main theme -tbef t"""..... r--m.UUon regard relief as "a JdiaUve Nleue IDDCllDcing fcrmation. 'Ibe :Wtc:ome " the case at heol," and aa• the United cl the lli!CODd comJlllUte, Tiie ~ Im_.."' te , committee lnvofyed II ln m even ...,. .---• States llhoald re-evalllale tla undertak a ·~qlllcal review ijie alrllneslnvolved. To ....... enllre f::,"Y Iowan! Nigeria of welfare proaram..• the: revenues ~ a -or and B a. Moynihan II aJre'ad,. ea-. ..panded roule may he the . The Blalr1111 bava been eeultfe seertWy<cl th&.Urliaa .18'1 elumoe to , 1~ve oil vague and al times con-Allain Cowicll; wlildi illo baa merger with 1 hlgier com· tradlctory 1n saying what they 8 subconutilttee thitt is 'ltu-peUtor: \o, others; a,a award want from Waahlngton. represent. a ehanee for need· Ojutwu has Bald the United dying well~e programs. , , • ed new Income tn a period Stales has "a great potenUal 1be duplicatiotJ: .is not: uni-when alrllne profits are down I " •-'"'-· and que. · and cosUI up. or peace '" '".: region Nixon has rec e l v e d What happens next is up can be a mediator if it acts something calletl ··the ·~Quad-· to. l'resldtnt Nixon. But the quietly. But outright auppc:rt rtad," a word coined dur-·put IS the Ry lo ."tbe con-= please most Blatrans lng the E 11 en how er ad-trovefay ~-mUst ·nor try to m1n1a1r.-B-IL <omposed resol•e. Onl:r a few mootha aao. the of the rr.uury ...,.1ary, the Simply put, the 'llrllnes want ~ ~ -.::.ilng ~ hudaet dJreellir, the W!ni11D to link up a tong llsf <>I major ltnmg!y u th• Y do Britain, cl the Fedenl ll<!erve Bo:anl American ellles with polnla beca111e American reeolllea and the clu!lrman cl the Coon-In the Paclflc, Preaidenl ell cl Economlc ·Advfsen. Dwight D. Elllenhmm-llWted rlflea ...,. captured from the "'!be Quadrlld" <Is oulJl>ORd the tancle bt the clollng ~ Nlprlana. Now the Blair on to .advise u.,. P-1 m cl hll admh•""'-w1ieft JiO ~ ..... '"t! he'::~· °u:.~ lmmedtale1•t1£P,iple JIKO'. nfulodto--the'"'111aai ~· ..... -'bleina. Bui • uottier Civil Aen>nalllks B•ard "-lean anm for Nlgerira panel thal alao baa a .similar (CAB) a1'afds made In the was: never a matter o1. U.S. job -the cabinef committee transpacific case. policy. on economic'. JJC>lley. The ease dragged throulh Britain baa aupplled anm lronleally, . .,.. ol"the ad-·the John F. Kennedy ad- to Ute federal government ln ministration's fl r 1 t ac-.mJnlstratlon while the board great quanUty. The Blafrans compllshmentl came from an reviewed the e n t I r e pro- do not seem In ezpeet Im-lolonnal arrangement oolslder---:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~--'--1 portant 1 up port from the usual committee atnic-1 """''...._' dlpbnalic quarlera other than tores the . United States at the In iess than a week'• Ume Do FALSE TEETH ~"':"up· ~ O:l'sri1:: Moynihan got together with Rock, Sll4e or Slip? && Offlciall from the. Justice DoD-. Dft ID flU' ct _. a.Ui government, and that there department. the District of ...._,,,., wob~ ~Just is no· hope ol. the African C-Ohnnbla and the Department !!t.u....;:.~~ ~'! nations eetUing the w a r of u.......;...... and Urban u~~.:.1tT..-r'B oD 1our plateL L.--............. g p bokll rai.. tMUa ~. ~use "outside powers" -Development to get moving XM.-~wi..Ro~J Britain. the Soviet , Union and on a pn>gram to combat crime =-~-U:-:."::!1':enuaa t9 the United States -bear and revitalize ghetto arwi in bea!tb. a.. :rwr 11n.un rfllUl.Ut1, reiponslblllty for the conflict. Washington. ORPASTDTB •• .u c1rua aowi.r.. DOCTOIU ~(lf (MPlOY(O ! NOW ... TllEln A Bf! AHO BEmR WAY TO SAFmlJAliD YOUR FUTIJRE The new Rblf'lftzed Federll 1id. HRlO, effective JMU117 1, 1968 establlshes a TAUEDUCT18ll l£llRDIEllT PDtSIDN TIUSTI Now )QI con -$2.500 or ID% .i,.... annual income, -lsloll, lnan lnsurocl SoYlllPRtllromant - Trust PrQll• ••• and dacUil I_ )IOUl' _tax. Alt_,.....,_....,.. IS'Jl.par....., -.poundad -11!1Yl win aha__..._ tll·frlll You eon also -sh lhls'Trust for )Qlr om~s, It's u usy IS fllUn1 out three short fonnsl .. lllP • ~ "' -llOElllll 'IUIS-· -"'· -~-1111 ~---IQllU.--1 ... IMICH• .... _ .. _ -·-... -- -- LAWYUI . . . . . . ~ ... • . . . . . . ' 'Whlrl,001 PERMANENT PRESS PAIR QUalHyWhb1poolautomaticwasherlea!Wes.-super SURGllATOR agitator, 5 cycle selections and 2 speeds, Magic Clean self-deaning filter and 1uto111atic bleach dispenser. Matching 5-qde, 5-heat selection dryer has Tumble Prass Control and drying rackfor .-ers and sneakers. Both have special cook!own l<tlon tor Permanent Prass fabrics. Washer LTA-8800 Dryer L'IE.SSOO FREE! UllntD1111E ONLY! -14i>C. l'llrl&ontor-and ·---pnd.-<>I' ~ ~·llil'M Olly. Regrlaeratior-F,_. With lc.eMl&ic9 15.1 ai.tt. Of fiust.fr9t sioraaespocewlih hall-width .i~_... ......... ~.door,lllllCll-1 ........... tlclceM .. lcl ....... polt II r 11 lllla crb\MS llld nillt pin.. AlllIJlflwl 5 I •••• 1111X1"111111111111$ .............. ' • • • • •• • • j .. • • At •.. PLAZA TV _,,. "'1iirlpool . lAUNDRY SPECIALS Automatic WaSher has 3- cycle selections, 2 speeds, super SURGllATOR agi1ator;,e~usive Magic Jllix filter. Matching 5<ycle dryer lias 3 dtying heats, fast dtying system and extra larp dJ\1111. Both have spetlal CQOklown care for A!rmanent Press fabrk:s.~nowandSa'iel · '\Vhmpool Supreme Slim-Look Automatic Dishwasher Autamatic pushbutton CXlllrol wfth 4 <YCles.-*'natic ..... ccndJtionw cispa•, duel ......... rocbfor_, . ~$pedal-flow "'"""9fornonnel flucot ... while dlshwasher Is nmnlna. ~Touch It" seltdtanliic -·Rated highest by COllSllllir.mapZines. Help Sllmp OUt Mlle dishwashers fREE DELIVERY ANP .NORMAL INstAWtlQN ON All WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES e HUNTINGTON BEACH -10115 ADAMS AVE. e WESTMINSTER -15372 BEACH BOULEVARD e SANTA ANA -3328 WEST BOLSA STREET ' ' • SALES a · SERVICE ( IAOO~~UIST ) 962-8913 PHONE 897-6851 ( 5314>520 . .. . Ne~ri ~rh(a~ I • • 'E'DITIO'H • • • J 1. ;,,, • , VOL:. 62, NO. •1, l ~ lf"~~ - ' • y .. . •' .. ' , .. ,. I , orm· ' -.: .. ·~ . ' . ' 'Jke ·R~~-« . ~· .· From~~Ml}jt~ ' . . . Operation ' Dally Pa.-.:. 'I ' • . -::. . • JJN cam .' f • CdMHard Hit;. Slides Clog Roads By .IEIJ.QME F. mu.!Ns ' ' °' ,.. ~ur "111 ~ , A five-inch rainstorm.. ·Dack l DI, winds up lo 25 .. ,., pee hour, todly flooded 'Newport ll<ach -._ _-. sank one veuel, 9-ed Olhen 11111 kicked up a heavy wi tbal chewed away cbwW al beach fnml. Mud llldel fon:ed cloouN al aoveral roodwqo, lncludlng Bayalde Ort.. tmd FIJ'll!eal Ramp In Corona di! liar ...r llacArlbur Boulevard. A portion al MacArthur ---•ubecl out by l'llllClll --1111 llorm. " In the lower bay. Onnfe' CaomlJ' 8"' bo< Deportment cmn tpinl-., ...i early·todly retrieving bol!fiipped'"""' llnt!s and galhertnf up dellrta - 1m8shed ·.docb near ov~. lt«m drain outletl. VESSEL "°" , , One vesael, Che 18-foot yacht; • J_. was beyood•rinl· Tied up !Gr tepalrl In a aDp IC .Illa ---... -Illa ~ O•;r•, ~ *k • W. ml _.,._,. 1•411 ""' --ta tllo top al Ila 1" ·~ -'a1SF'JD =~~:e-·:..i.., ":,~__.. .;."f.': . ~:... ... mU.ft~cC'°--_,. a Ml-·· WI a .iiiilt. aftimi>l!ng to Ill•.,. llli .....,_ 'lOOI[ BRVNT County Damage Mounts .. . More Rain Due Tonigh ,t ' ' With New Sto~m's Fury ' ' Shown iii Cotirt m.bere Jn Ille Wy, the -c.r. lnth).!l!' Yecbl ·Club Oil -llr!w -ttie brunt a1 .nlnol! ,;111r1 -NrWpoll Center, 'loaing a -Ill dock. Harbor crews worked unW cbe By T()M TITUS corded ln other colStll ·cltleS. · fo-rii.Jdii~'Stind•Y moYirC • hlJf b111 · · °'"It o.nr ,,., sriff The new 1torm brought tJie Riion'• hoaW Nooe Wu aeriousij'1damapd.~ !-JU the enl!U,5?0thllnd had cjloruaed total lo between 15 and 18 lnchel along A 2$-loot sailboat operalod by Leo · · ...J . .._ "•-• It lo me,". ... heav•.•• -·ed th ~ he last t ,.,_ Vorlowli, al 45 El Puo Drive, Nwwport, . B7 JACK BllOBACK quuted lo'IUft·<mn]U:on ii "-*' =· ...;;,. (U)it') ::... or111ir c:G1or .,.... ·~ -u ~ e coa .. -w re year a . -, waa caught 1n heavy ,... and piled ot ,... .. ,, '""' lt9ll scheduJe thll afternoon .to' avoid a trafftc · tit tile ,~ Jdldiu• of over the weekend and poured .bucketfuls time only five to six inches were record· up against the eut jetty SundaJ. But qr114e County, aJi:...iY b'.e a• lly Jilril. . · · · · : · 1'i ~· 1iutfti1 !bead oi' rain .., an are.a Just managing lo . ed. Vortouni managed to. ttoe ·tlit • d'oll, df~~~.2''~~~~,~~' WbutralnwaageDeraJ·Sunday,·_,. wera ~I todV II U.;"""'4" pcih '1i,.~ aliove water after Ille Throughout Southern Calilornla the which IU!lered .,..,;ii"-flit ln ~ ·~·· ~.. '" ._. --~ ol "'"""• r-.~ reported ~_, ~ · B •-1.1.t ~~~ of e"-e·". · . 1, d •1 damqe. A harbor Jllltrol bolt bell*! lheraln'Cohtlnu.,,coun~olllcl&!s·warn· _, ~· ""~ _ .. ,. "fi:=:r"·'-"*'-·m.di.·J, ~ ...,..--" -·~ r~m ·brought :'-1"1 •00, nr, him ·bactlolillDIOlirlng" · • · ed .,....... . ·· · the ·most 'damage. Roads· wera di>led, -• • ..._. ·~.~ .. ilfet_'. .. .._._.. , ~" )lal1I Cll!lllnllad_ iJl lorrenta through ll> eiuihsllde5 and ~ous drlvtng con-Beach erooioa d1!rllll the :..ft. ,... ln-..,IOme' -lions of llie' -·"ty,. do·-• however," over .widely ICatter.ed attJ.I. ~.,_, w-IQlllU n~ • ditions Nearly three mort Inches , fell .i,. r , ....--· ·-_.. tod · · · · · · • 11111-lllowed in ............. _ tile .,,~ . _.., ...... . . · .••. .,.,.,e .et_,..Ollllfd. ~--.( l_-::1:-b a v.e L..:. • .:. ... varna'·',from Still.~· ay were '.:..;.o. ... Can""" ---~ ..... .....,. · · . 1n ·Ventura Counht ·UJB area hit bardeJt N rt p· H • ~· -~ ~ ua:u-. ~,.. lCU ..-g..... ,,_ ugly woand just behlDd . b1I ear. Ken. . c.11 ,,...... 1.01 io_o,j s.o . ·~· ewpo Jer. uge ...--.en w--. lo~1yiq homes to higher grQ\llld. ~ Santa Ana Canyon Ro •·d, , lull 1 could•-In _...,n.. H_,,ori t.IKll 4.7' u.02 •·°' hy a series· of ·January "Btorma. ln • the otit lip to )I) feet of l;elchfront Seay}' rain nearly closed the UC Irvtre · MacArthur . Boulevard, Silverado, Mod-~e' -brtlugh('=· .:'~ ~=-n...!-tMCh j:ll :::~ !:: Qjai Valley, risl~g waters forced ~ix A walkway leadlng' from th~ lU'fUll'd campus today wt th Universi.ty Drive and ;ea;ta, and .Santiago Canyon. roadl, . the y e· t' had In this triil t.b e physlcaJ:rlct , :::'~i~t!'11..,. t!1 :~:: · !:~ families from thm horn.es for the third . statloo to the pier buckled and collapeed, Bonita Canycin accesst.1 . not .passable Pacific · Cout Hllhway from Dobeney of· Ke~'s being wouncleii from 1 1111 1MC11 i.11 M.l5 •.H Ume in a month. City workers empl.ced hundredl ot and Culver Road partially Ooeded. · · Part to San Clemente, El Toro Road distance 0t lea thin aJi ~-Motlier . ~= ~-=· WDrld t11 l::~ :~ High winds arcompanying tt~. stonn landbap along a five-foot ahelti created A spokesman for Chancellor Daniel and Culver Drive. of th ._..._~showed h-...11-in bber L .. 11111 1rt1i1""1 ... ,, , 15,0 U1 cre&~ed a raln~ mist in .some .areas. by the surging aurf. Dory boats wen Aldrich said, "If conditions doq't itpP,rove · The Santiago Canyon road 11 cloaed al~ve: =the wottm~ ·.ru ~J:!m 0,..ve ~:;: :;:~ $.st ha~ring ·v!Jl~lllty or motort5.t1 and left dansllng·over the edge rJ the lhelt. evemight there is every likelihood the at both ends with a washout one mne Photographs Diade at the auto1>11 or .cJ:.n~"';;!'(;,._,, ~~"' _1;::1,.,,. J;,':.1 causing a r~sh of traffic acclde~. ,snow Raging water.a rrom the Upper BaJ campus will be closed tomorrow." east of Irvine Lake. President John 1'. Kennedy newr. hid above 4,000 feet closed many ~~taln . sent tons of debris lncluding telepht.ee Students, faculty and staff were re· In' Sllverado Ci.nyOn, two homes were been m.,:1e. blle. -· day, ~Ith nlore in . store for tonight, roaQs. , . · , poles and huge beama crWJ.n& dOwn i:-i:-i:-lost lit ·Ooed walerl, two cm •ashed When ~. -·opened Ille hlilltt aCCOl)llng lo the U.S. Weather Bureau. . Si"all cr•fl warnlngs were hol~l!d the on bolta and . docu al the BaYlhcn aWI)', one bridge walhed out, fOID'·homtl which entered tbt brain, d ibe ~ Show~ were expected to continue length of the Calif om.la ·coast. Rough Trailer' Park. causJng imtold dollln Wlll• ds and Ram' w00erewlnaemeg "-~• d~eral ~~_:wator WU wu inlnlduiad. . • · seas In the Santa Barbara Cbannei otall-Worth of damage _...,... -· ~~ De Woller bel1lltl<I uperl through Tueac!M'. . ed effort! lo activate tbr«. wella on Water-Oiled ~II thil l!MX'llhw ut Jn Silverado 40 ~[fmlllea were , moved and =~ wttoeU ~ by the NU! Along the Crange COa!t, season ·rainfall an offshore platform to reliev~ the perched atop hills Q( debrU IDd~'-.. C P Lin 1o bome1ron'blp .,_,i. The ·FOller 'tioilfted11iac ·tbii.iiietwulind~ totall tripled their "'"al ~els. The' pressure on .nearby Wida undei' Che WC 'edbolt lloodi>y'h:ij,i... nt 0Wef es residence was washed away tn Modjeata the iUft held by the Sf.year.old Arab weekend atonn dumped ·nearly as much. ocean floor where cfude oil liib have Ind O~OW:.-i:;.~r~ figifre W'l)'I of Canyon. This home .. lost Jta: swimJnlnc immlll'allt June s, 19'1; water on the coastal area as it e1:· blackened the ocean. clearing their JJ)lrinl...... U., v~ Ar. d eo· t · pool in .,the Jamiary 1 t o r. m 1 , Sev'° Alao' -JiT j)ep. Dial. Alty. pi!rltnced 1o•date ·11111 .WOn. · · Heavy S!loWfOil "at Bbhop 1uimpered bobbed 1111 a aea al truh -which O"QD on y . families were evicUated1to. other bofnes DavSd .J'lttl ftN ballet frQmmtl .Sunday~ •• deluge, heaviest of . the, the.search for a DC'.3 "gamblers' special" the water WU lnvlslble. ' \ in this canyOft. rimdvla .frdin ltennedf• held. d'llrlllg wei!:lulDd, hlundated N~rt tBeacll with &ltUner with 35 ·aboard, mls!itlg Since Landside, the Newport Fire ~ By ARTHUR R. VINSEL In Trabuco Can)<>l1 Che water 1t one ~.• -.11111.. 1( the: ll1loply following cfOlt .. to !Ito ldeo In a U·bour per" la•t TueMay oil a return · night !rim ment'Sunday responded lo a d'ouu wai.. ot"" 0a11r '1"" 1111tt 'JSte DAMAGE, Pap J) · 11.-~Wlo iod, nearly twlct as much as wu re-Hawthorne, Nev. distress calls, most involving f1oodtng Blllshe&-Uke wlndS' and driving raln At Bl.a Bear Lake,· a seardi for f~r ol homes. Several more rej>orta wen created havoc with ~~e Orar.-e C~!ll.y -Eii:plorer Scouta: and their adult. leader (See STORM, Page I) :=i~1{C::?1o ~·Ma:ri·na· Called 'Atrocious' ~~~~lo~· or ... e c. .. , Downed . wires, circuit ahorta and wet .. -. • ~ ·-r 10 mUes Cl'QIS coUntry Saturday. tranaformers bllckell out a total of l,MD · 'j'!1ere WU, balmer, . ..,. br1&lll apo1 cu4'l0mers, some J:;;_, ne~ly Ed~ h~ .. , ~ . Jn u.e-~all ~ .. ~ ~ ~·co:,~ ... .::~ " . Cit.v HaUDelnged by Prot,est,s Agaimt B~h Pl.an -~·~mi:~-~c:J WOfSt dllnlpilon qccurred wti.n power '.I lnn"ln ......._ ' -. to l,!ro cuitomen In the Loguna·Nlgui!I B7 JOBN ·V~ ' ; Sajlt&'Abi'Rlfti'; lbereb7 cbanaJnl' tk varle~.'bul mostly oflegltlmate.concern ''TW<'a. no panic "'owner'Tom Gar- a:ra went out at .1:• 4P.~ Sund&)', • ..... ..,,,...'!le' .. ·· beach to\a bit. over. wbat ~happen to the beach rlDl ~-1uAbou,t' tO 'Mrlwlt.; Of aome·1poll not being restored·untll l :IJ "Alrocloul" ·a;,j ·~'.',i ,ihi. 'Ille ·!l!la .Gf ;latlm, ...t cit lbem H aenra1 ··~ boots are iled off .. die' paopte' mi :~ ~-,;;;s:· the am. today r. ~· ·=-, ·~ ti...,....,forJhe · · ' ~ ~·~ .. an .... "' .· , "'We're ~ng that wind must.ii, ..... Gift )ii. God" f'I"' ~· \!M,,bffob •11111 ; =, '-,•--": "-'.·· mu.. bl-wirel ~lb« 111111 cauad ~ obOrt, CritldlmS !loedlns N;;,;p,:.ii11<a City - -"""' _,... When the l!fverjlllN necuilve brvu. gbl. t · , : .... ... Into la<llJliWI --·•.llo!-u ~•'"" --_,_ ....,..,_ because we ha•• not found tlle 'eDCC Hall over plans 11y 'an'ad'Va1liliie U · wellucttybalL 1111,. __ ..,..,......,.1oa.-,., H :, ·C'I '" . 1 Calise JO~" aafd F.dilon Co. IJtstrlct ...nJye fer A.mirlno-lllt:lhe ,sandf al Allbulllle.,...._lhepililJ""""R ·~ i:esl ~~al==• ',&DOI' umms. ManqerRalpbKlostodoy. WOllN~ ' .' olltldatnc~loiul.llla·Qlll!•j!lollbeacb A ....... ..,. ' " "' ' ' .•• ' Service waa ~lo IO .,._1 ...... .._._.,-..cir~ ltunL .. .,· .. •. ...,. ~·.-U who. re1l"1l01I tk ''R , 1!.'. •'. ,. ol lhe Lquu Nleud.~t area by lioft .,.. lo dl)o llolJ -'WOii Elalno SmllliJl..11111,.-\J* tl -l[eoc:b·beComJill•boating·•<U. · ei&l.UltlOJl t :• a.m. todal. bu! \l1t iap WU -~·-ii"" I ,\aid .... a1oi1 ......... wlto llii ... Iha) ~In fd':f:::C.~'""" .. !:!'!~ .. W-bo ~-' .. -" ' for others. .. Idea for .•. breU. .. .. k~ . '--. . : .. . .. oip.-' .,~¥-l • , 1 ' r. ' . . l • 'V . Elaewbere In the 11omt-batured ~ • ~"blcb <Wei ii; 3..:;n.':; . . "l11e1 uoi Iba ~~--w!'!loc· , ~ ltoata, foul the water. ~id.ilea•&, · · .r<:~ltoiy: ~ ;~~ """"y lr<O, & tr11111formor lall<d,.al ·~ •.," '-, • ''!!'"\fnl f!'li!nds W ' tba'teal f«.;~ wttil Illa~' ,,-.lol-''1!Jl!laiU!li,(l(llUY~ ~ ~,bll JM' 1o:a JLin. SUndll. ~! !)Iii , f}i9"._.,.,.,_0,elf-~',• lt.i,.nit· ·~~ 111 lo We ·~llb durin(.tbl.woa.; -~'&JMlmllitarj~:lASGUlk,ui. aeporate oustomen I~ Ne.,... Beadl'I """"'-tw1111, .-.y U.O' fad llilo ·-iln;lt'.. 1o·...,., a ....... r,tl ,t " -" z~ •· ~ II ''-I ,... ~ InlatTerncoareabilo•blad;niu. jbal, D a,.._,.,., i ·,._iy "daJ' ln nc..tloo aiidv cao'i l(olJl"' =· -un,-lhl·Aul<I piano"-E.\"wu-~nda.,..,, or~-llerrice wu .-Jn ,aJ>out l\I .-· ... 11111111Jiir.-·, • lbela•"l,S -., i>V :i~ ...,._ -"'•lor'a.~INttbt r H!lmPlled 'tlie.'•Uieb,, . i-., Aid Kiser.' • ,,___. J!Ollll. llltDI, Jiu.-.., Mn. Smith. alJilad; ~ JJ 'JJWo . oe.lhe·wam and.-.-. toot ue and wirned ' ,lpinll , . Residents of Che achllive Emerald and Ill Jl'I +-. -, ..,....-;Jiftlf<l' oim'f.W.lliil.!16'\'IJ!I. -~-Muln•li>OfDe.lnd,l!llllitd· al li,rill :V~. '' • . · ·n ,, . -:-~- • Tben!'•. men ralii wi.. that came ~'~' j\'• ,comln& ll> nlgbl,and ·-· ~JaNoah DOW that we need .JWD? . INSIDE TODAY FiJh Harbor at Ttnntnol l• land loolctd lib. a diaalter °" 111, /iMI of Ille M~ whic1' &Mrned into a C01altropM ~ca:uie oJ wrathn'. Boat:fng faoa J~._ . ,,.·;~" , 1 , l - . . · ·~·r· . .. , 1 ~ .. ' ... . . ' ........ . oe.1tti11 V•fl ...,._ "M =... : ............. 1 , --'==~1 =~':i" : .......... .... .. ..= • ·=-·~ tt.lt '.,...,,_, ' ' ' ....... s::· . . ... ~ ,, ..... Bay. dlJtrlct al Laguna Beach were Auld bu come lorth with aeveral mcral, teo'._..i.,.i'! ttt~ I tbelddlntbellchlal~ 1-_-,• • ' 'l'lll ,1 spoke111Jl1!11 ;,f0<: die Nailfti!il1 limlse blacked out Sunday an.moot1, a!QnlaJa pl1n1 wllenby •'brUlrwltltr ,..': • , ~~',, .,"~llOIU·9'-WI ·~f""*·· ~_!raal ~lllEI. Wcl ,ltpji,e\'lo; . when a -a4vo palm --fell -.... p1ex could be blllll l!Ot,...n -the . Tiit ~ "*"· • .:l\uld"1M ·done1if -· • ~C..~·d~·""''' •11et POWEii, Pqo I)' Nwwport t*r aad 1111 -o1 till thiio, ~·1101':.il " ",.;'i.~t·~'i:l·.~I •. ; l(,..,..,~ . " > ,;•: '11;>' )'---------...:.-• I l I ~ " , I f;,;"'T!;f'J.~'llJ..,.._'-•\';~~·:--,.,,,,,,_ €~nyon .:ROa.6 'EIQ~de: ,.,.,....... , •' ;o1!, I • ~'..&1 I • · 2~ Lagutiarl$. ~~F.r~;ll~ ·;, B1 Rla!ARD P. NALL wa• flood] acroil Ille -. to lbO tOl!mit mlgtil wnb out iiie .~ , t 1 pt• o.itr ,._. •••ff sea. Doirntown bu!inesa ID 'Laguna to the bridge. ' .-11 <I LqWll Canyon Road area .. portedly suffered damaged from water Utilllj' polea. were belni wuhed oul.. wre being evacuated from their flooded ente_ring buildings. along San Juan Creek and, power wu · bom<s today as the South Coast tried William Thomas Sr., 31552 Calallna t . the north 1 . ,., ••• . St'., SOUth Laguna, was injured this mbm· ou m er Y porUon _.,,,. .• ~ to dig out fl"lllD under ~ of lhe worst Ing wben he fell Into a crater cau.sed Clemente early this morDl!W--·wbim istcxm poundinp suffered 111 recent years. by the rain at Benton's Parking lo\ lighting hit a power PQle. • l An esUmated 20 l*'IOU had evacuated In ·\.tguna. Friends said '11!.omas; wbo 1D San JUan-Oaptstrlno 1 8~ .).pmn their homes Uong Lquna. Canyon Rold. is in his '10s, may have Sldlered a cr,...1., .. the creek wa~ .........:;..... • CJftlclals said. Torrad.s ran through the broken hip or pelvis. -~1 • !"" • ...,... ...... yards and. homes. • . . Fimlien and lifeguards reported uslng dimg~~ by .the ·flood waters.i. • . County firemen, using ~ big mecharucal a four-wheel drive vehicle to climb steep Rainfall in Laguna Beach al 8 a.-m. f!J'e ladder, were belptng residents of Lewellyn Drive and rescue a woman this morning was 2.37 inches for the the canyon area I? safety. One hom.e with an injured foot there. past 24 hour 4 11 · A"-~ d •·• ... oo Canyon Acres Drive •·as reported split s, · !Ji~ ur,... ...,. in two · with the two male residenta BARELY E.1CAPE current storm and ts.4.'1 inches for the bue]y ~· . ArtlJt Eve Friday said that !lliY Unger season corilpered to 5.IO Inches last·;tar. There were other report! this morning and Jack Fontan 597 Canyon Acre Drive Power failures were reported. tt . that eight persons staying in units of barely ·escaped from their home wb~ sevetal locaUocs Jn the SOuth ··COut Laguna Beach Country Club '!ere trap-it spllt apart duriol the night. · !tom One caUH or another. · , , ped on tbe . south ll1de of Allio er.et ·She aid Fontan 11lflered a .cut fool Lquna Beach City MJna&er Jlines whlcb bad -Into• torrent. and the twO ·IMll, oiie In oiey'unclerwear, D'.-Wbeatoo ·Ald the. Dood clwmel alon& Lagwia ·Caa10n Rold wu clooed ·by · ,.f through tbe nllbl 04 the l>lllslde Broad.,ay· bad been cloged. With dellrta a. sea oC mud, and other arterial awaitlng rescue. She !aid four houiel for a ti.me causfug eome ti.the dowJdo'frn highways were endangered from flood 1 1 1 ... ...,.~, drl __ .. 1 11 ...... u.... , , . •--·• • n1 ar11 u were os a ong ~ w.....-.,, ve ~ ~·· . .:. • " More· tO'. Cffthet · . · • , '. ' ~ . ., .. . . wal.Qo .mi in some cases o Y p a 1 another had so much mud Jn it that Elmer Brown of.La~ Beich TnYe! l passable. only the top of furniture showed. Service bad wonla ofpralltlcr*'c.U...i ' MVD BATH Coast Highway between Dana Point l.qunaD !)1\'e G ...... ll\Mllll.1'18i'·wlJO .. . ' ' " . ' Bulldozer scoops up debris from W$tt (»ewPort · , beachfront, aU but cleared away today, iJt '8;900 cleaning,. project. However, city olficilil8 1Dat be calling back 'Harold 'E .. Slmpron Co. of l?wiMa!e ~ ,lateat i!b!'Dl~· romis,1 to push more bamboo ~,-lo«i~ . er usorted debris down the san- tir Ana ,JtTver onto """°rt '•ands. Downtown Laguna Beach was a mud and San Clemente was Dpen to only he said waCled into th&,fldodeid cbamie1 bath after the nood channel along two Janes of traffic with mud slides · and wrenched loose tlmben early 'thll . I ~ :_i < • . Broadway clogged for a time and covering porUohs of the road. I momlng permltUng the water to flow overflowed its damaged cement banks. The bridge crossing San Juan Creek agalnl. • ·~ \ ·· '\!.\ .~ • ·-:-·,: ·:. " The Boardwalk at the foot of Broadway on Cout Hi&hway waa in danger of · ·.. · · · .... · tJ.1 ... · '· .. :1 wu datn>yed as was the street beJni closed with water within a foot · Sta to Sta 'Bri" ,• ;ft"t F,..,..• Page 1 end and. 2•1nch sewer line. Sewqe ol the bridge. Olflclab feared that the Newport Beaeh.. rs _ge,:. ':.fa "'! ., . ~ .. MAIUN;A •.. • jOb 'and ii ~ bi' commended for hi• . T1111 C111tr r~ LAGUNA PHONE BOOTHS SINK INTO SAND R•ln Runoff Floods Broadway at Main Beech From Pqe l STORM ••• received this morning. Firemen went out with pumping equlpmenL 'Ibey were tepl <specially busy along Iris and Jasmine avenues, north of Fourth Avenue, in Corona del Mar. 'lbere. In Ill auey· eervlng both sireeis, flooding waters reached hood level of parked cars, and ·rushed into garages and some residences. A city spoke:m:iao nid the problem wasn't the result of blocked storm drains, which city workers kePt clearing around· the-clock, but nsu.lted "simply from ra.ill that was too heavy for the drains." Newport's trees so far appeared to be holding up fairly well In the atonn, Aid • Part Department olliclal. A 10· foot ficus tree on Larkspur Avenue in 1 DAILY PILOT 011.t.NGE co.-.sr rUILISHING (OM,AN'I" a1M.+ N. W••' •mldclll •"" l"ullUlll>er J•clt I. c,,r,., Vice PUlillent W GIMfill IMNttt '~'"''' x •• ~a ldilor 111•"''' A. M~rplii"' Mt""'in• 1•11or J,,,_ F. C.11111 P111l Niu•11. ,.,......... •Hdli A•v!<'tl•I"' (It)' lflilr Olrl'C!M" ,..,.,.._.._.offlc• 2!11w ••• 1.11 ••• ,,,,..,.,, M•llatliMnui P.o.1 .. 111s. 11&&1 --~ Mtw1 Pl Wttt ..., '~ llltMll llltldl1 m ,,.,._, ,,_ HllPllllll!Oft '""111 30t Slh Slf••t • Corona def Mar toppled Into 1 fronl yard, but did no damage. In imminent danger of collapse were three trees on a bank in a small park at Goldenrod Avenue and 0 c ea n Bouleva~d. One of the trees is a 40-foot . pine. "There's not much we can do except to wait for it to go," said the parks aide. "When it does, it'll only land in the park, so it's no big threat." Police rep:irted 22 traffic accidents In the past 24 hours, most of which were attributed to rain-slick streets. Eight persons were injured in the mishaps, but no one was seriously hurt. From Page l DAMAGE ••• time rose over the rock wall surrounding Irvine Park. Rainfall there was 4.27 inches for the past 24 hours with a total of 27.72 inches for the season com~ pared with 9.34 this time last year. In Laguna Canyon, the road was closed early Sunday afternoon and two families evacuated. Jim Williams of the Flood Conlrot District reported a record high inDow and outflow at Villa Park Dam. At the peak water wa s Oowlng into t he facilfty at 10,000 cubic feet pe.r second and a regiilated outlloW wu allowed o! 3,000 cubic feet, per &econd. 11'I'h11 reaer,or aaved areas in Orange, Sant& Ana and Tustin from men.Ive fl"""'l"" II WiWaml Aid. ~~· . At the present Ume the heavy Oow .from the dam is filling the gravcl pits between the dim 1nd Ule Newport Freeway. When the pits fill, Ult water will overflow and possible damage tO residential areas will result. Wllllama &aid. ' The 3,000 cubic feet per secood outf!O\f Is the highest ever for the dam , with !be previous hlgb fogure beln& 7lO cubic feel per second. EIJewhere throughout the ""l"ly, flood control channels haodled tht rlln w1ters ldeqU•tely but the chatmels theoltelv.s, mootly dJrt.Uned, we.. severel; dam•&-' ed, Wlfll111111 said. A power failure Sunday n1aht affected the University Park area. Eorller, parts <I Mluloo Viejo wm blodod out but .U ..me. hu been ,...tond, South- .,.. CalUomia EdJsoo COIDJ11111 .. pon.d. ( Set ~ Ho~t F o. r C.· ounty· Kidne. y·· .:.G. i. rl · :::aut1T. ~l~b~cr:.1 ~ 1 • _ beach at the oCean I feel a senae of Ci • · personal shame at even entertalning the ties . J .aomwe·, . By TOM TITVS Duncan, wj,;,~ d_ Susan's pllgbt ~~tGodof .P.'°'11tutlng !hi! magnlflcenl ~ U Of tM mt.Hr Pli.t ltaft b tcbtng ' 'f"• Hollywood's stars wfil shine In °'""-Y wa · 'a ' TV lhow set up by Mra-. w: E. McNalr. of 6510 E. CC.an Newport Beach, which haS ·had It&· c1Uference1 · w!~ the · "'--Coanty Lea ol .. C.IU ""I . v'~·" . . gue ea, WJ.1 bolt we «Pnlu· :n ~!!i~~ ".'eetlng ·~the N.~ Mayor Doreen· M'f'.shlll ald'!lilured speaker at the monthly galbe,rlng will be Houston r. Flournoy, state.Cootroner, who will speak on .the wort ·.of the Governor's Commission oo TU Reforin. Mrs. Marshall aaid no Leque ·1x1•'llill la expected to be discuaaed al the, eelllon which wUI be atlended J>y ....,.. ·IDli city olllcla!a from all over lbe·county •.. 'lbe League at present Is seeking dis.wluUon of the County Harbor District,, a move oppased by N~. uniesS the city can ~. ~pensaled for expenses incu;re~ .should . i,t .be, CQmpelled to , tat. . over distJ:jct r~poQSibtliUes 1n the baibor, --ev two · of her classmates,. began ,qwekJy Front opposes the marina development County -SIJ!ld!ly night in tbe hope to organize his talent paride. lie l>tgan because of the hundreds of new boat& that tbeir luster will wtile the ticket by securing Mflce Coll, Peggy Uptoq, that would be tied up the1'. to li!e for a 17-year;-otd Santa~ girl. Clarence WlWams_m and'Tlge ~, "''Everything we have out there now March. 2 will be Suzan Mazze Nigbl the four beadlinen of '"lbe Mod Squad." would be thrown to the wolves so that at ·the Anaheim Convention Center as By Friday aftemoon·otber name.··join-a chosen few wealthy enough to live ed the gl'1>wing liBt, lncludlne a well-elsewhere can keep their boats here a host ,o( top entertainers -beaded known orchestra which -due to union and on weekends pollute our silll waters by 6'mm7 Davis Jr. -convene for rules -cannot be, named. (iept! Dinovl with oil, trash and sewage as some a one.night-only benefit show to help will conduct the lf.:piece band: noW dO today." · raise $40,000 for Susan's ,badly needed Proceeds frinn the Uckeia '-~ The plam, for which Auld is seeking kidney transplant operation. at $3.50, $4.50 and $5.50 -wW h fea.slblllty sfudies, have won praise from Tbe benefit. just organir.ed Friday, used to defray ·th&,COll of the operat&oQ some residents in the area, all'eady Includes tbe popular pop ·sing!ng in which doctors will trwpljnl • tldney W. R. Hudson, Jr., president of the group !be. Monkees, .the four stari of from Mrs: Leonard Muzo 'to,. ber Newport Shores Community Association. TV's Mod Squad and 'Lassie's former daushter. It will be Orange. County's haS told the City Council that his -~ master, Jon Provost. Other btc names first such tr8D8plant. ~ · has given unanimous approval ;~ may ,be'added'withln ·the wetk.. Susan, a senior at Villa Part High Auld plan. Organizer of ~ big bub is Negro School, wpo ~lly moved to Santa "It Js our feeling that this Is the actor Lee{ Duncan; ·Greg· Morril' ·sttmt·· Ana'. fr:om. Orimge; ls now being kept ·first ·posiUve approach to making West man . on "Missl~·· tm-.. ble" and a alive by a d1.;;1 .... """'~ • o-~-~ uufiUO tnao.;au.u!• .lP w~n · Newport compatible to ·other areas in , ; friend of , Qa ~ ,1( p}aying at Grove's Palm Harbor l:lospital Wfilch our city. We·"' •.. wish tG encourage Ra. in" Wa''s'Le' s' .. ·oo.· . . M·' ..... ·tand ......... -~ sw.r.v.--. . she rnust .~~a -ek. "... . Onto, Beaches, But Peri.f Mino~ ' · Newport Beach city officials, harried enough by .&tonn damage, have. received·-~ ieVeral call.S reporting · oil washing op on beaches, Hut have cbn!irmed that the ·problem i.! very minoT. Small, coin-si.Jed clots of crude oil have been seen on parts Qf Balboa Penlnsula beaches and a1ong the CQron·a · _ de! Mar strand, but lifeguard spokemen said the occurence appears to be· a riormal deposit. The source ot the oil was probably a .tanker at sea, the lifeguard spokesman a;aid. One Newport resident, who lives aboard a boat near the ~ches bridge, reported oil laced with straw surroWKUng the docked vessels in the area . However Harbor Department personnel said the black, slimy substance laced wlth straw was simply a mixture of black algae and debris washed into the harbor by storm water. Frona Page I POWER ••• a victim or nature's violence -and tore down power lines serving 580 homes. Kiser said power wu restored to 90 ~nt of the homes by 2:%2 p.m. and the rm were. back lo nohrlal leu .than one hour later. Pacific and General telephone com· panles fared better by far than. in the January-February series of storms which battered the southland sense!esi in tuma of communlcaUon service. "I was amazed," said Virgil Kemp, General Telephone Co. service supervisor, "we had Jess dlsruptlon than in ordinary storms. I think we're finally , getting in shape for them." Mr. Gustafson's Funeral Slated Muqnlc services for Carl o. Gustaf· son, j>re!ldent of the Automatic-Sprinkler <I the ~acillc, Inc. will be beld at I p.m. Tuesday al Wmclill Chapel Mortuary. Mr." Gustafson died at hls home Satur-- da)'. J:le "as· tn. . Mr. Gustaf~ was a resident of New· port Beech for the pasl 15 yean. SurVlvors tndude his wife, Anna. of the 'home, 1201 Devon J.one, Newport Beach; a eon, Harlin of Irvine: a daughter, June 1\lttle of Costl RICI:' a brother Oscar: nve grandchildren and one great grandchild. Interment will follow 1ervicts at Pa· clflc View Memorial Park, Corona dd Mar. ~1 -"'":It""·~· ..,..., ·; ....... ~"""o:: "'" you to approve this proposal for further :-Btudy by the U.S. Army Corps of SophomC)re Pianko Voted OCC Strident Body Head .. . . Ken Pianko, a 20-year-old sophomore majoring in bus.ine&,!, has been elected stildent ·body president of" Orange· Coast · College, it wa! announced today. Pianko, formerly studen.t tiody vice president· .. won by about 00 votes out of 800 cast over his one opponent, Mike Kuhn. -·-. ' Voting .was last Wednesday and Thurs-- day. Results were announced today since Fridaf\¥as a college holiday. The election was a repeat of a Jan. 16-17 election nullified because of ballUt stuffing .and other voUng irregularities. In that eleCtion Al Porco was reelected student body p"resident, but be chose not to .run the second time opening lhe ·way iOr.Planko. With· Pianko stepping up, there were no candidates for student body vice pres.i· dint, an· office that now Will be filled by the student senate. ,, Others elected · In the repeat balloting Were associated women's student presi· ·dent, Marie -Marcinko: aS!OCiated men's student preside.nt, Ray Gendrin; stUdent senators Don ·Watkins, Carolyn FOSs, Tom Hubble, ·Anthony Turner, BerYI Kaser, Ken Dale, Chuck Conway, Ram'on Ricartio and A. G. Kading. : All either .Won last time or filled' sp:its for previously successful candidates who withdrew from the second voting. The new student president, Pianko. was to be named the college's "Man or the Year" by Bank of America this afternoon . He is coxswain ·of the crew. The 600-studeilt turnout was about 10 percent of the 6,000 eligible daytime students. Poll watchers, JM!.ld salaries from $8 fines levied agaln$t five students who pleaded guilty to ballot stuffing .following last election, ·saw to lt" there 'were no irregularities Utls time. · Engineers to delermine ils feasibility ." Auld, almost always cool and unruffled Jn tbe face of criticism against his plans, is generally only angered by one aspect of the controversy -his motiva· tion. He has steadfastly held that he has no secret backers wilh ,designs on the plan and that, since he has lived in th~ area for the past seven years, he is interested in· seeing it developed to ils best use, which in bis opinion is a marina area: · Last week, hep res e ;it e d his ideas to .~e Woman's Civic League of Newport Harbor and the Marine Division of t he Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. The real. decision on whether to burst the bubble as just another dream or approve the plan for preliminary feasibility studies may come today from the city council. Auld was scheduled to reappeat before the council at an after-noon study session. Merger Held Up WASHINGTON (tJ:PJ) -The Supreme Court agreed today to examine the pr<>- posed merger of the northern lines which would span the West with the longest rail system in the nation. • .•. ··~·· •• • .. ·.1 •• ,,.• '. ~ .•• .•..••• ,1,.. -.. ~· OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED F>iCTORY SERVICE COMP'LETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired • diamonds end precious &tones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWEi.RY NAllOl SHOPPING CINTU 2300 HAllOl II.YD. COSTA MISA 145-9411 HUNTINGTON CINTll llACH l IDINGEl HUNTINGTON llACH In-SHI ' I ' . ' ' · •. ,• f ., • .., • • •w •'-< '• ' l,.1,•' ']" • r ' ' I j I ' I I I ILi OA!LY 'II.OT ~ Seeks St1taMlt Nixon in London·; . ' . . ' ~ ~ Jets, Guns Bla·st·.E~ellly ~ 40,00Q Reds Said Massing for Saigon Attaek Reaffi~nis Ties SAIGON ~UPI) -U.S. artllllll)' and BU jeta lool&ht bluled jun(le1 ll'CKIDd Saigon where u many as 40,000 COm- munls! 1roop1 were reported closing In for a poalble attack .., the South Viet· of1nore lllan 110 kllled and 1111 -ed. IOUth VJ~ olficlll.o aald at least S9 clvlll1111 have been klllod and 112 wounded In attacks on 17 cities and lowl1J. at the i-ci ....r....,. and - that South VW!!•-plaw mlPI bomb Nbrlh vt.etMa If Iha ........ of Sou1b Vietnam• populal!ao ...... did nit llop, From Wini ~ t • LONDON -Pre1ldenl' Ni1<11 arr!Ytc tonl&ht ln a foe~,~ once aplo .embroiled In a major -wllll• France OYU NATO and &ropeao unllf and reaflJrmod the u.s,Brl!lah "ap<dal rdaUQl\!lllp" first proclalmed by Sir Wlnstoa,C111u'.i:hilL Nixon flew 1iere flun Bnwell wi,er. he told tlie NATO aJb,. he would''W<rk for a nrnm.it CC!Clference with the Russians· 11'Jb ' due coun8" and where he expr<ased belief the Unlled Stat .. can work with its Europea,n partners ln increasing harmony: His Air F~ One jet ,arrived at an airport aubiectecl 1o one . GI the heaviest security screens Britaln has mustered in many month!. And in in arrival statement he told• British Prime Minister Harold Wilson "The frit.ndlhip ol our peoples needs no formal reaf- firmation ." Nixon took care lo avaid any reference to the diplomatic row between Britain and France that erupted just before his departure for Europe. (Related ltory, Page 5). He left Washington Sunday and flew to Brussels, first stop on an eight-day Sailor Signed Confession on Seeing Bucher CORONADO (UPI) - A sailor said today he signed a Communist petition without reading it when he saw how USS Pueblo skipper Lloyd M. Bucker appeared after torture by North Korean guards. "I couldn't hardly recognize him," Boatswain's Mate JC Norbert J, Klepac, 35, said of Bucher. The lanky sallor from Granger, Tu., said Bucher told him it would be all right to sign a letter to President Lyndon Johnson admitting the Pueblo had trespassed into North Korean waters. Bucher said earlier he signed it after the Koreans threatened to shoot his crew one by one. "The shape he was in, I didn't think there was any explanation needed," Klepac said. "He looted Uke a man wbc> hadn't slept in many days.,. Klepac added he wasn't torturtd himseU. Klepac wu one of six Pueblo enlisted men paraded to the witness table at a court of ioquiry·lnto the Pueblo affair. All were questioned in detail about viola- tions of the .COde of Conduct for U.S. fighting men. twr al Weolern E~ ~ Churdlrn caUtd ....... !'flcW . HlaU-lp," Ibo PrelldOnt ~ ; "Beca111e "" are portnora In the queat l"i pUce, ... -11111 -l"l>udiiohlp ia not ... c1ao1... '!W -will be -only --Ill ,llllloos enjoy the nil~ GI lnlll and caolidence that ui>ltod ... • 'nUs wU in~ u an appeal to French Prealdenl ·Cbarle1 de Gaulle who bu -al ~ with Iha United Stalea !or DW'IJ a decade °"" most major poUCJ - The prelldeoUal plane touched down ln an bollted comer al Loodon'• HealhNw ~ Thll WU I aecurit1 precaution. Proleal -have lhruten- ed to .. bound" the Praldent with demonstrations lhroughout, his 3'-bour stay In Britain. In ollice only a little more than a month, the President lllullrated . u lie left Bruael.o that clomestle problems may he paramount In Wuhlngton but global commltmenta require his Jm. med.late attention. Speaking to npresentatives al Iha North AUaoUc Tru!f Organlzatfon, NATO, in the Belglao capital, he asserted: t -The United States lntml.o to "mter Into negollaUona with the Soviet Unloo on a wide range of iasues." -Whatever evolves from Eul-West talk! will be done within the cooau!Ung framework of NATO. -Ilia government 1a dedicated to r ... ding a road to peace around the-Id. -America's lrf<ndl should he assured that hiJ: dtscuukm 1brold are intended to preoerve ihe eilltlng alliances but are open minded en what comes nut to mate international partnership wort. 1'be President'• announcement in Brussell ol a U.S . .SOvlet 1nunmlt metlfng "in due course and wJth proper prepara- tions" added a major topic to the London talks with Prime lllfnlater Harold Wilaon and leaders of the Conservative op- position. It iDdicated that Nilon wu lining up support of Western alliaDce members for such a summit and collecting their ideas on topiCJ ·for diJcuaioo. The Preoldent eot IUJiy, wann·hearled . cheers from tbousanda of Belglans in bis first real public appearance of &l1 elgtit:.ctay EUroPean tour. Before he ar- rived m,any shouted, "'We want NW>nl" H.appy crC>Wdl lined Iha l!lnlil leec!lni to Belgium's monument to tbe unknown soldier aa . the Preoident'• lieavily pro- tect..j motorcade drove up to. tl!e otralna of the Star Spangled '.Banner. Ma111 wav· , 'O ed American ap. ' nameae capital. , I American lntdll&enc' -aald 'the Viet Cone ollensivt whlch began SUnday 1 wllh nickel barrqa on towns aJ1!1 bua lhroughout lht country WU deolgned to divert slllfd lon:e1 from lnfU!raUoo roota leadlq to Safaon. Keee..erilts Fonner' Pnalclent Haay .s. Truman says he Is nady to go home, but.docton. att keeping him 1n Kansr ci~. ~o .. hos- pital a bit longer following at· tack <JI Intestinal flu. The 114- year-old former chief execu· live was 'hooplt411Zed Friday. UC Dissidents Vow to Oppose Administration . B.ERKELEY (AP) -Another conlron- tatloo !.....cl today m the Unlvenlty of Calilornla BerkdeY campwo u lhe 1<1- rnlnlslralloa dealed a nQ11eSt !or an Ill· day convocation and dtllldenl student leaden vowed they -1d bold H l!IY· wa1. The adminlltratloo SUnday announced that "because cl cmdiUons on campus" it had rejected a ftquest for UR of th e Greek Theater for the convocation to dis- cuss student strike is.mes. Third World LiberaUon Front Jeaden late Sunday night issued a statement de- claring that oral permission had b e en granted but had been "rmdntled." They announced lhe cmvocallon "will he, held ... as planned."• They charged the university lo "no longer able tO p!l!Vide I'! Ila !acuity and students protectioo ol their c:onstltutional rights to peacelully uoemble and speak ••• " They added that 1"\he weight or diffl- culties incurret! by the es:ercise of· their human and civil righta by 't1llrd W o r l d people Moodai rdU eolely witW~be ad- mlnlotratlon and the police. 'Ibis la only the !all In an linbnlten llrilll of unkepl prom lies and bitter dlnlall ••. " Third World II a loooe eoolftfon al s!u· dents and facully memben which cfe. minds an;a-mlnorl!leo studltB _.,.and remonl al police lr•m campus. · COmlanl boorn1Aa .lrom tl!e big 11.S. bowllaeri rumblad 1c:n111 Saigon tonight and early Tueaday with moot of the fire dlrected :.to paddy fields IC10!I the Slip river to the Ult. a favorite launchlnc aru for Communist roc:l:el ., crewa. Waves ol BU Slratoforlm&es raided ao area 34 miles northw..t al Salgoa la Tay Ninh irovlnce near Clmbodla, hitting lralll leading out of Camhodla toward the eapltaL U.S. Intelligence eources said the ~ mnnlst.s have 15,000 troopa: positioned within a 75-mi.Je radiu.s of Saigon in 81 mantuverable battal(ons. Allied headquarten reported at least 50 Communist rocket and mortar attacka on cltiea, towna and mllltary baaes today, adding . to the more than 11111 raids In the first hours of the offenli.ve. But the lntemilf of ground figbUng slackened today, and spoke.mien aaki there were ••no significant crowxt acUons" involving U.S. lroope. The Commun!Jta were paying heavily with more than 1,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Coo( perrtlfu reported ldlkd since early Sunday· aplnsl U.S. 1-> Mother Freed, Charges Dropped A young mother ruled to be insane after ahe strangled her two children to death in an Anaheim motel wu lound • in Superior Court loda1 to have recovtr<d her unllf. Judge Robert Gardner rdeased Mrs. Annie Kyoko Yamll&b, 30, frcm custody m a peydilatr1st'1 evidence that no further treatment Is, necessary. c;rtmlna! charges agalnat the Gardena woman have been abaodooed. Mn. YamaH).a wu committed to M~tOn ~'Hoopllal tn Norwalk In November, llil7 altet ' lhe admltled that 11te choked to death 11er two children, Dennis, S, Ii>! N ....... U lllODlhl, ln a Harbor Boulrrm'd motel a lnilnlh earlier. · · Po 11 e e found Mn. Y•maut1 un- coooclOUI in her room lr<m .ID OV-- Gf ~pflla. ' • Prtlident Nguyen Van Thieu luued a lltaltmeftt In satgon toda, describing the new Commwlilt offensive as a loll11tt. He said the Red lbellings "have achieved no mll)tary, victory" w h 11 e bringing only ..,nertng to civilians. In Parta, a lpokemnan ror the Viet COOi delegaUon II .the Vietnam peace conference aaid the new of(ensive waa in retaliaUoit for U.S. B52 ralda. He Aid the Communist lhelllngs were directed at mllltary targets ooly. \Ike President Nguy<n Cao Ky left Saigon for Parl.o to rejoin hia delegaUoo "U Ibey continue to lhllJ 8afllll, .... 11 no qu.,tlon why we --Hanoi." Ky lo1d newsmen. Military IOUl«I were 1kepdcal that South Vietnam could Wr'f IUt - raids •uocaalullJ without Illa help o( U.S. air power. Soutb -·· 1111: f-·)lu only I handluJ·al jet a,llior- bombera. " 111 ... whlle, the numl!er al North vJei. nam.,. dead In' the .,..u.1q alJlod sweep al mowitatn. overlooldng lht II Shau Volley l'ltl mllea norlbeul al Sajpn oioared to 1,llflt today. Osea:r Nods Told 'Oliver' Wins 11 Nominations HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -"Oliver!" led (Rosemary's Baby), Sondra Loclie (The all moUon pictures with 11 nomination& Heart is a Lonely Huoter). Kay Bedfmd in the 4lst annual Academy Awards (Funny Girl) and Estelle Pal"IOlll race today. (Raebel, Rachel). Members of the academy nominated Miss Panons won the Olcar Jut J"ll' Barbra Stniaand for best actress in for best supporilng actress In "B<lmte her first motion picture, "Funny Girl," and Clyde." another musical. In addiUon to Jack Wild, beat eup. Also nomlnated for best actress 1n porUng actor nominee.s were Jack 1968 were previous winners Kalharina Albertson (The Subject Wu Roeea:), Hepburn (The !Jon In Winter), Patricia Seymour Cassel (Fac:ea), Daniel lllaasCJ Neal (The Subject was Rooea), and Joan-(Star!), and Gene Wtlder (Th a na.)Voodward (Raebel, Rachel). Tbe lttth Prpducers). nomlnefl for best actress wu Vaneaaa Other d.lrecton nominated were OUJo Redgrave (ludor1). Pootecorvo (The Batlle ct AlCl<!>l, Nominated for best actor of the year Franco Zeffirdll (Romeo and Jallit}, were five performers, none of whom Anthony Harvq (The Lion la Wbdtr), had previously won the Oscar: and StanJey Kurbrlct (2,0001: A Spea Alan Arkin (The Heart ts a Lonely Odyssey).-. . Hunter), Alan Bates (The Fis.er), Ron Best songs written for the aeen _, Moody (Oliver!), Peter O'Toole (The 11Cl:lltty Chitty &ang·nang,n "For lme Lion in Winter), and Cliff Robertson of Ivy,"· "Funny Glrl.'' "Stai'!" ind (Char.ly). · · "'The Windmills ol. Yout MiDil," from other pictures nominated " e re "Toe Tbotn11 Crown Affair.", ·' "Romeo aDd Juliet," "FUnny' Girl," "The N"Jss Hepburn tiu let D aJl.time !Joo In Winter," and "Rachel, Bache!." rec«d for nomlnalions:wllh;eleoea; .Siio "Oliveri" with eleven nomlnalic:m. led won·ber first time "'lb "Koming ~Jory·• "Funny Girl" which had eight. A third tn·· J933, a,nd bet ......i· lut· ,.ar I« musical, "Star "woo seven nominations. '.'Guell Who'a-Ccm1nC to Dinner." Tbe It WU an """"'81 year In Hollywood fr~ed New England -...,. II with three of the ·nm foar ~ one.up on Bette Davia tn)wn1rift1ona~ wlnnln1 the most awards belng musicals. ' The awardl wUl be made April tC The other top nominee-· was "1be lion at the Dorothy Chandler Prrilldn of in Winter~" with seven. · • ; • ~. the Los Angele1 MUllc Center. "Oliver!'' if.a •cal v'"1on.9f the , 1 Chlii~ 'lftckirll ciiide '~Oltrir .,TWfatt ~· ·~ ~1 t I f which WU a -·~·In beth B,~11 DJSarm Meet Delaved and Lood'"' theaters. In .... td·lio/d · . •" t ___ "+-.· actor Moodjl, fl aJao .~ iaj>o.•.1 A8111NGTON (AP) -Tllo OOfacl pot1Jng • nomfnatioii jo . Jack' WJJiJ wl!o Slalel pr_.r and the lJowlee, Vblm pJaYed tbO Artful Doci'c<r llDi! l>eit dlrec-......,j to pollpol>emG al u. --Ung by Carol l!l!ed. ; · il'an al the .IJ.l.al!Gll ~ ,_. Beat llU)Jf>Orllni·adress llOIDlnees were !er_. flun ·lllan:h I lo -JI, a!lJ. Lynn Carlin (F,aces), Ruth Gord.., clall repon•t. lodly, Our Torres sling by Creative Footwear is .of handwoven kid for summer comfort ICEi) OR1' CBI lb • " • , ,, '""" m.•· ' . oli, just llhat you'vt Wlllled far-. A slin1 that's llF~ airy, cool and ccmi>itl!ble. You'll like the squared toe, the blOcky heel and the tn1sual constructi<11. lbe st!Jp Is WOilll IS ll3ft of the IDp of the shoe. lllpCillld from • Spain. Fine kid laallter in nny, lione, wltlfl, 111nafllral,11.•. Shae Salorl mS' • • IQft>AY, '11tURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 Tlll t:30 /~ ~ • • Ol1IER DAYS 10:00 TILL W j I, • ) ~ W .... C.I~ f'lllf l19fl) The AJdrelh Housing Committee in E ngland was delighted to ap- prove plans for a two and a half acre recreation site until they dis- covered the naked truth. The Cam· bridge Outdoor Club, which had ap- plied fo r a permit to tum the tract into a recreation site, wanted to tum the land into a nudist colony. "We didn't say we were nudi.sts," a club official said. 0 What d~er· ence does it make?" • • In Ypsilanti, Mich. a Washtenaw County sheriff's department police dog taken to a student demonstra· tion at Eastern Michigan Univers. ily p roved his mettle. He bit a deputy in the seat ol the pants. • A crook has been sworn in as police chief of suburban Brom· wich, Ohio -Clayton Crook. ~I'd better be honest with a nomc Jike that," Crook said. ••1 t.ake quite a bit of ribbing wht" I aftl1De"r the phone and at otMr trmu, but it doesn't botht'r me at all." Crook said netospape1" reporU:rs have told him hil Mf'M causes hea.dathes for Madline writers. • The telephone caller had the right number -but the wrong country. When Rick Harms an· swered an early morning call at his Knoxville Iowa, home a voice on the other' end of the line inquired about a newspaper advertisement for a craftsman. Harms didn't know what it was about, so the caller checked his phone number. The number was right, but the man was calling Montreal, Can ada, from Nova Scotia. .•. I ~'i JI Emerson Foott, 62, the odveTtising man who created t~ "LSMPT'' drive for Lucky Strjke and then quit the ad business to lead a citizen drive against Cigarette smoking, looks toith disgust at the object oj his crurode. Foote claims that it is a lot "o1 utter hogwash" for tht industry to ttU CO?V IJress that adverti.ri'llQ' does not con· vert nonsmokers into nnokerr. • Wb en a gunman tied up dinner cook Char les Power1, 21, during a boldup in San Lorenzo, Calif. -he still managed to phone for help. He knocked the receiver off the hook of the wall telephone with his bead and then dialed 411 with his tongue. He told the operator his plight and police arrived quickly -but not soon enough ID catch the robber. Calltonda 1l11m, hMV'I' •' trMes, roo1t!11ve<:1 to ~ Soul'*"' C.llfot~ll toc11v, .. 11~ no "'4Jtf Ill Miii 111'!111 Wedntsd.ly, TMrt -. "ml11111 tJf !IQ...., anow I" ft'ltl lnOYllll llll IS lt'mptAtu"I COl'ltfllllld c.oi. l• Ante'lft IMd "'""" r1I~! 1t ti"'" Wiii! • ..,.ty wlllll• 1.W cool !em' ""9fl.lrn. TM Ill... tod1y 11 tlMl CMc C.enlotf" -55. 1boOJI ""' \IP'll* at lo.l~J rntJrlrT!llf" of $1. TonltM't llw wtl lie •roullll .a. n... ~ ftf ,...._ -M ptf'Qllf folllly Ind '-ilft!I, eJ-'"' ... _,,, Tll'lldly, Tlle A1' Perlulllrl COllll'OI Dlslrld -~---~ 150 ·Reported Kl~ Syria Attacked By Israeli Jets By Vlllted Ptt,. lattrnau ... 1 Wava of Israeli jet fl.ghter~bomber• hit Syria with bomba:, rockets and machine gun fire today In a series of punitive attacks that sent the lsraell jets over the outskirt.s of Damascus it.sell. Syria correspondent& reported' at least 150 persons dead. Israell pilots saJd they shot down at least two Syrian MIGs in a series of lour dogfigbta and -"' probable bill on others in this first ltrike against Syria atnce the June. 1987, war. Israeli cfficlala called it the biggest air strike on any target since that war. The two major targets were Arab commando bases. One was El-Hamm.ah. barely six miles from the heart of Damascus, and Syrian officials said the death toll there was "extremely heavy," with estimates up to 150 dead. Iaraell eourcea uld all ·l11aetl planl'ls returned aafely from "meager" anU- aircraft defenses. Soon alter the raid, I&raell Mlnlster of Police Ellyabu Swon delivered another warning to £he Arab naUont on the.. poutbility of further laraeU at- tack!. "Israel cannot allow Arab terrorists to continue ~ttacklng lrmocent people," Sasson told the Kne>let (parliam<nt) in Jerusalem. He served notice Iarael would exercise "acUve aelf~elense ac- cording to this countrj's t3timate of the sltuaUon." ' Sas_,on said the gumillas would not be , able to undermine Israeli morale In hopes of dlctaUng their polltlcal term. and that Arab . activities have shown those favoring impoglng a soluUon on the Middle East that "the situation tn this region is fast deteriorating towards a fresh explosion." Israel struck in the early morning hours when the two commando camps ~·ere still asleep. The hope was to catch them filled and they apparently sue--1 ceeded. I DAILY 11·f0 Sin. fO • 7 Prices Elfecliye Mon.· T119s., Cosll Meli Store Daly F&brle protector. Prevents ifU1Y and watery 1tahul. · HOUSIWAllS ..... Ou1ntttMs LU1 FURNACE FILTERS ... ~ ...... u ' .... ....... "" FANTASY -· , .... » • BED BLANKET $3:33 55% rayon, 45% nylon with aD nylon binding. w ... Ov•nll!Mt. ..... DOMllTIC DIPI'. ... 24,J:ll,H HERSHEY KISSES Rei .• 61 r 3DAYS ONLY! COSTA MESA STORE No Sales to Dealers .... ...... The other major target was Maisaloun, almost directty on the border of Lebanon. It is a major training site for the Al Falah commandos who say they at· tacked Israeli planes at Athens and Zurich and carried out bombing attacks: anti act& of terrorism Jn Israel: UPI correspondent David Zenia n, in a dispatch from Damascus, said the Syrian Air Force reported shooting down three Israeli jeta in the brief but ferocious raids. Damasctl! reports said the planes hit t· ~ Sleeveless. 100% cotton terry to~. Malsaloun, a small pollce post 16 miles ~ 14"25x1 I LB. BAG Colorful prints on white background. ~~ ~a:~s::· ~~td::0:.1~1v:t~nc~ ~1' """'""'""'""'HO""U"S"l"W"A"IU"S""'""""""'"":~·,,.-=.,.,, .. ..,CA ... NgD11Y•D"11T_. __ .,...,~""s";'",,'"',.3 •.•• x_•n .. •,,,.t •• 1•.•1 .. n,.,,,,, .... _ was the Palestinian commando camp ti 58¢ on the outskirts of Damascus. 0u":"11et ..... I ..., GLORY "'"'u ~ .... h.U.1• Pathologist Says JFK Shot in Back of Head NEW ORLEANS (UP!) -An Army pathologist who helped perform the autopsy on Presl<lent John F. Kennedy testified today at the Clay L. Shaw trial the fatal bullet was fired from Supreme Court Backs Protest, Not Intrusions " WAl!RINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court lnJUtl!jl today the right of school children lo hold prolest demonstrations, but tmphaslud ollicla!J may Impose. restraint.s if 'there are lntnl!IDns upon the work or the school or the rights of other students. 1'It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their con· stitutional right to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," said Justice Abe Fortas for 'the court. The ruling directly upheld the right ()f three Des Moines, Iowa, teenagers to wear black armbands to school in December 1965 to publicize their ob. jeclions to the Vielnam war and their support fc>r a holiday season truce. "Students in school as welJ as out of school are 'persons' under the Con· slitution," Fortas said in affirming the teenagers' free speech rights. "They are possessed of fundamental rights which the slate must respect, just as they themselves must respect their obligations to the state." At the same time, the court suggested that if the studetns' action touched of£ disorder or disturbances or if there was a "collision with the rights of other students tD be secure and to be lei alone," officials would have been justified in impot;ing controls. In another case, the court agreed to consider giving juveniles accused of de~uency the right to be tried by a jury. the rear and entered the back or Ken- nedy's head. Col. Pierre A. Finck, chief of th~ wound ballistics palhology branch of the t armed forces since 1960, saJd it was 11 his "honest" professional opinion that both bullets which tut the President were fired from the rear. Finck said the autopsy was performed on Nov. 22, 1963, a few hours after KeMedy was assassinated in Dallas. Shaw is charged with conspiring to assassinate the President, and Dist; Atty., : Jim Garrison, as part of his case, f, has contended some of the shots in (• Dallas, includiiig the fatal one, were fired from the front. Defense attorney Lewis Dymond W.d he was hopelul he might be able to r conclude his case Wednesday and the ,. 12·man jury could begm deliberations some time this week. J;.1 Finck, a small, balding man, said ~ the 1bul!et's points of entrance and exit ~ wou d Jndicate an angle of fire from above and lo the rear but the head ~ wound was so massive that it was dif· flcult to tell from it whether the shot was fired from above. "At the time l signed the autopsy. I had a firm opinion that both bullets struck Jn the back -one the back: of the neck and the other the back: tlf the head," Finck said. - Giveaway Games Come Under Fire WASHINGTON (UP I) -Three members of Congress told the Federal Trade Commission today laws may be needed to stop supermarkets and gasoline stations from tricking customers with their giveaway games. The commission opened the first round or public hearings on rules it proposed last Jan. S to regulate "sweepstakes" and other games. The commission has found that such games sometimes inVC1lve ":'idespread unfair and deceptive prac-tices. Temperat11re• Bitma"k Bor .. 8011001 Clli<IQI Clll(lnntl1 Cl'°""'l1fld' ""''ff Diii Moll!et Detroit Hltfl l-Pr.c. of .. " " " " " " .. " .. " .. " " " " " .. " RUG CLEANER Rog. 1.46 $1.34 The fast, easy way to clean rugs. W•" Qlll ftllll• L191 HOUSIWAID tK'N·M .... 24, 25, 21 LAQIES . PANTYHOSE Rog. l.34 97¢ MiSses stretch panty hose tn popular l shades. . HOSlllY Wlll11 Qulfllllla ..... P1b. ...... u PEANUDTNBUTTER ~ DRIP PAINTINGS Wl\119 OvlllHlla LU1 2-lb. Size CANDY SCOPE Reg .• 83 78¢ .... 24, U, JI Ideal family mouthwash. 12-oz. size DRUCI DEn. Wllll9 ~· .. Q111n1111a 24. 1J, U .... , KMART BRANO SPRAY STARCH Reg •. 42 33¢ Just i!tpray and lron HOUSIWAlES PLASTIC GARBAGE CANS Reg. 2.97 $1.97 20.Gallon Size PATIO Di n . . ... .. These beautiful palntin&s enhance ~·:. any room. · PATIO ... :14. U.'6 Giant sized candy bars. Assorted flavors. CANDY Din, .... Wlllll Cl'l•nHllls Lu • NYLON NET .... ....... HAIR BAND Rog •• 92 50¢ Assorted Colors MILLINllY WOOL . ... 24. u, 2' COVER-UPS W"H• ........ ..... Rog. l.66 86¢ Assorted Colors. MIWNUY LAOIES -....... TENNIS SHOES Reg. 1.96 93¢ Black and white tennis shoes. Sizes 5·9. SHOI DlrT. I I I r-1ed flO -Ill "" bltln fOdty, LOS AN~!LES AND VICINITY- lt1""' tMIWM •1111 T1,11.,.., wtlfl ...,... lodl ~ ,. ...... .....,, ,. .... Gusty ...... """'l!Uecf coot. c.-fefllt!M .. """ Tllffld.ly $1. 0.... rJt ... 111 -ft ~I tanltllf nd • """°"" T-<w. C°'4'TAL .-NO l.':!!:MEOIAtl VALLIYI -It•~ f l°'veldlY """"' ~ • moolerl!t' lo l'IMYY "'"· OVStv wll'lh t001tlll\llld cool. Lowa tonltlfll ..... JD, Coastal v.s. s ... _,,, Forl Wo1111 """' Honolul" f'!GU"Oll IC•nM1 City LH Vtt11 LOI ArtMlh M!1ml &Mell Mllw11J!(N MIN!elll'Ollt New Orlf1ns N~ Yori( 0.~Jll'ld Om1ft1 ~ " " • " " ... • " .. ,. .. " " ·" .. " 2.N n Wlllt. _,,. M.U,H ..... . HOUSEHOLD BROOM W>" ... ,.. Lnl 24. u.,.. LADIES CARDIGANS WllU. ..... ,. .... .... ~ INSTAMATtC J ... ..... ~. I CARR!!~~ CASE ~ MOUNTAIN AltEAS -HM'l'I' •llOW """""""' ll•M kl'wtF ~· 1fld •l!OW ~ S,.oc10 fNt wllh ,....., '"*'"" "'"' .,... ""°"911 T!JfMlf't'. &rr-'ll.ltl'f wfM5. Llttle temotrtlut1' .. -. INTlltlOlt AND C>e:Slll:T llEGION5 -MolllY ~ wffll •"-"' '°"""' •Ill T~ . ...,.,, loufl'f "'°""' .............. -a11y ""' co.11•1 -'·"'' ......... ln0Ufll1lf1 NlltJ. Gutty wlndJ • ft JI m9f\ If IJl'!MI. ._. ~ ........ IMt tou!Mr'I ..... .,., .... .. -""'"' .,.. ... Llttll .._,.....~ Hiett. ni.. •• ., .... ...,. .. ~tMJllo &l ..., .,. ........ """"' 11 lo ,J Owt111 V1llt'f, # .. 0 llH'f:r YI!"°"' """ . .. . '-,,. . .,,,.. . ----- ........ rtlll •!Id """"' -•lollt fhl COlft lodl't' lllf'Olltll TUtid1't'. Wll'ICll '°"""""'' u to. ltllOlt. tod•r'• Ill•~· s. 11 )6, Ytttlr0iy'1 fe-1lutt1 , I ft If cl from • 111111 9f S1 lo • IOw II 4 . I"" 1•1111 ""'""'lllrll 'lllft Wll " 11:1 Q , TN Wiie.' 1-rlturt Wtl ,l.i.O de- ·~· Sutt, /lf-n, Tides MO!fO~'f' $«Olld Ill.it , , •. , .. , •• f ;ff 111.m. J t l«OllCI low .. . .ll:ot '·"" J.O TUISOA'I' Flnt 11\fll .............. J:SJ '·'"· 4,4 Plrtl 19W ••••••••.... , .. lliM '·'"· 1,4 s.cOl'd 11~ ............. 7:1t •.m. l.S """"" If'# ............. n :N ,.m. 1.1 ......... :,. •J!I. ........ , .•.•. kll t lNI •:" t .m. S.IJ J :.CS •·'"· 1"•11 LMf 0. "-1"111.1 Q, M1r. 4 M1r, II Mir. II Mir. " " "'' ., llr9f O('Hfl '"'""' ,,., .. W 1911ftl;I illolh •fldf OI 11W 111tlon Moflllly Wl'ffdllll ,_111 ll'ld fllOW Mr l•r9f ,,.... lrll•lld """'lit ""' mlclllrwh -""'All'f tloud'f ..... , 4r"V. TIM All1f'ltlC 1laml. clM'ftlne "*""' W1r9 elf 11\t Vlnloile ct.e. IP~lcl ll'loltNn trotn H¥llt C-111141 to Mlll'lt 11!d •• le'r w.11 11 fflt Ort1I ~11i;t1. Tr1~1er1 w.rnrne. wa ... lnlll'd tor lllt New J~f'eftlll't'1Y•t1I• 1rt1 "°""Wit<! wllll lwl fo fOur llldlt1 II snow ••Ntled, E•"'"' l'et1t1JVIYtfti. •!Id tolllllt•llfflo Ntw Yorio; 111<1 -O!' two tl'ldln " -·-clroi:tlliM Oii "" -!ftl II ti-. f'IN....., 1l'IOWf•!I ---.. •• '" lf'ldl Of ,_, mlUlll Wltll r•l11, -1.dd • 9'1 .. lot NtW YOfk (lty ""'Id! Wiii 111r1fy1td bY lfll ~Y'!' l /'IOW ~•lie• 11111 tfllnllt. P•lO Robltt P~ll""11tM11 Pllotnlw l'ltll!Ntoll Porlllncl ltwkl Cll't' ll11no $1. lOllll k !lMJ kit Lib C!l'r S.n 0"9o $1n l"rtll(lt« 51ntt l111Mr1 ...... SPOll.11"11 TtltorNIJ W11111t1t14' " " ., " " ,. " " " ,. " " " • .. .. " .. " .. " " ~ .. " " ~ " •• Rog. 1.U " " .. " " " 1.10 97¢. 1.05 ~ .., ' " ., ' " " .~ HOUSIWAIU· " -" . .. " .~ " •• .. 1.M .. . .. " .. " " "' ·-------------_______ ....:=:!LJ__ ______ .._ ____ _ ' $4:44 Lonr slf'e\!e, 100'% acrylic 1weaten. Full fuhloncd. Novelty stitche• and in assorted colors. Sltta S.M·L. UDID $2.97 ~ f'ltc 124 and 134 lni;tamnllc. CA.MIU DE". ' I . . LEPRECHAUNS LURE HELPERS -Calling upon the magic of the Irish elves to help them find rhore helpers in the active mem- bership rank are Costa Mesa Punch a~ Judy Guild members who ., Clubs Called Eb~ls Invite Competition Competition among all Orange County women's clubs is invited by Newport Beach Ebells who will present their aMual table- setting contest in March. Table settings are limi\ed lo. spring aud Easter themes, according to Dr. Hilda Mc-- Cartney whO is in charge of all arrange- ments for the. scholarship benefit. EJrt.ries are to be reCeived by March 5 and are to be mailed to Dr. McCartney al P. 0 . Box 1193. Costa Mesa. The competition is scheduled from I: 30 to 5 p.m. March 20 in the American Legion Hall. Designs will be judged on originality, beauty and uniqueness l>Y a panel comprised of professional leaders in the fields of fine art and interior decoration. Cash prizes will be presented. In conjuliction with the exhibit, Ebells will observe the diilmond anniversary of the club's founding. Also ·on the afternoon agenda will be varied entertainment and the awarding of numeroua door prizes. . . -· • • ·-J ,. • ' will present a tea on St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. James M. Rudolph (right), membership chairman is assisted in preparatiOns by Mrs. Matthew Mitchell and Mrs. Philip Bono (left to right). . . . • ... r---.... _.. .... -... -- .. ' . IEA ANDIRSON., Elllter ._..,, ,.._,. M, INt M , ... U Tea Steeps For· Guild Faithful leprechauns will tend their support to Punch and Judy Guild for the annual Champagne Mom. benhip Tea for they will help seek out new wDUng workers and.1 also serve as appropriate decorations 'Tor the St. Patri~k's Day event. Mrs. Tbayle '(aylor will open her home for the event, and welcoming merribers, associates and pros- pectives will be Mrs . David Davis, president. In charge of arrangements is Mrs . James Rudolp~. membership chairman assisted by the Mmes. Philip Bono, Gerald Graham,' Matthew Mitchell, Robert Tho- mas, Woodrow Lane, William H. Gardner and Renton Carstey. The Costa Mesa guild b one of it In Orange County which works toward. the financial support of Chlldml'• Hospital. Major fund.ralJtng events are the Haunted House In October and the sale of Chrirtmas cards. Mem- bers also participate In the annual Robinson Fashion Show and Luncheon benefit and the CHOC Fair. Prospectives Invited to the traditional lea are the Mmes. William McBride, Philip Southcoal, Bernie Lev· ender, Richard Langdon, Paul Brewer, Thomas Big- ford, Gordon Cannon, Jame!"' Andr~ae, , Vaughn Red· ding, Leonard Bekemeyer, Millard Hll!Del, Louis Cun- ningham, Walter Saunders, Ralph;R. Gordon, Fran Martiu, Harry Woodruff, Bruce Hall, Richard Riley, Richard Jacobson, William H. O'Brien, Edwin Parrish, Ernie Bengel and Louis Chall. Speaking about the hospital will be Mrs. Leah Mor· nell, guild coordinator. · Series Swells Funds . Doing tbeir port In helptnf swell phllanlhrGpy funds at the Newport Harbor Tuelday Club are enerietic memben of U. Bridge Section. Last week the I r o u p presented the second in a Beties of three lavilh bride• luncheons, and porty proceecb started ttie ante for the club'i main charity -helping the blinil people al Orange Coonty, Eipraslna the t h e m e ~ Sjirlng Fling were dellcale decorations in the fonn o( buu.rllles featuring gossamer wings In varying shades o( pink. The creations, which ce11tered tables in the stuf( Shirt, were ~ original designs of Mn. P.D. Endsley, who was M!lsted by th& Mmes'. Floyd Buell, Lewis" While and Chorles Zink. • . . Sectloo chairman II Mn.' Charles Goodlna •• ud belplnc. plan the series are the Mlues' Lela and Margaret Gey.z,. Mrs. Fred Slnuelc and Mn.• John Huffman. . Admission is $2.50 per person, and the event is open to non-participaJ:ing members and the public, announced Mrs. Clayton Thompson, president. FEEDING THE KITTY -It's obvious Sugar-Puss prefers cat food , but Miss Lela Geyer's preference is money wheq it cdmes to feeding Newport Harbor Tuesday Club's philanthropic "kitty." She is a member of the Bridge Section ;.hich has been sponsoring . a series of bridg'e luncheons to raise funda for charity. . . Sedl-On memben, alq. with· other sectloos and the aeneral. membenhlp, alao pledge supa· port of the club's main fund. raiser, the annua1 sprini luncheon and ·fashion show 11 which this yur .is calendared I Coed ·clobbers . . ·complaint, DEAR A!jN LANDERS: I have a f.,. IUQ<Slions for the guy1 who complained abwt the sblrtage 0£ females at Miclllgan Technological U d i v e r s I t y otherwise known as 04 Da Tech.' I went there ., I hlppen to know a liUle something abllil:tt "the problem.'! First ' U you 1111' would wuti your clothes once tn a wbne It nitgbl'h e Ip. You fellows who compl~ the loudest about "no 4ames up here" are the one.a Wbo ftlr tbe mne T4bktl and jeans ror • whole aemeste:r. J cannot prom!M instant rellllts, boys, but I'm 3Ul't if you channin& guilemen were a shade neater lhe l/J'll wopJd be a whole lot friendlier. Secmld: U yvu IUY' would st.., callilljj the coeds 11W1ter Buffa.lo" in the IChool paper they might be eisler to get along wt th. Thlnl : I ouu.t you ladt diedt the """'""'1lnl terril«y 11 ,.. doO't -anything you II i e In Hwpton. My graduaUng ' class in FlnlandU (a small town nearby) had 14 girls and · three boyt. Every &lrl In the class wu belier th.an average looking. !Jbey·could cook, sew, type term papers and Iron shirts. Two of the girl! had fathers: on the Houghton police force . (This can be one heck of an asset.) I hope yw print this letter, Ann. n-1'!"eepl up there·need to be -up. -AN EX LOCAL MAKI DEAR EX: 1'..U fw Ute clatwt•. I llope _...,. at Ila Tedi lacb this -.... to die balletla board lo tM mall MIL · It <OUd daup a few llvu. DEAR ANN LANDERS ' Our only In Marth. . , Ci'f:e.s Cleanli·ness ·· as Cause .i • daupter 11. married and hll two adorable children. They live on the other 1ide of the state. n's a .good eeven hour drivc'from here. " Bertie Jp mari"led a nice young !nan who has a college diploma. My buaband can't at.and hire. I've tried to ftnd «it why be dislikes Herbert ao much but all he will say is, "That fellow's northern accent "ta oo my nerves." I think our aon-iD·law talb right nice. I ~ve no trouble understandillg hjin, but I my· husband inllsll Herbert J11!1a on I h 1 t Yankee talk becauae he lmowl It rubs tome Southernera the wrong way. Bet'ue ,ao Uc! -come i\, mil us twice a year ad atty lot two days. I canl tell yw lww I loo!< • fonranl to &eting our adorable grandchildren. • Thb lasl trip WU the wont. In less than ID bour, my-Ald-.ethlng rotteo to Herbert, a n.d ll<rtle Jo and I w .. -up ID day lq for fe a r the men would com. to blows. Tbey left an hoUr qo and my husband dldnl even gay g~y. lie spent the last • •bl boun sltting In his car tisttnlng to the radio. P~lwJ Ann. tdl me what to do aboot tbll . lltuatloo. -TROUBLE JN TENNESSa•• DBAR. ~: TU:e a bu or ·--...... ud .. --Jt ..i .. fllllll>' al --· Y• ~. lllo.w.:r-·-·· ,.._. ed ll1Wz> .... nla Mat ~ .. k :rwr llopptffl -Alod make oo opol"* -y11 leave. \ ' I CONrlllENTIAL TO SHOCKED AND l DISAPPOINTED: GenWm pld rinpQD' turn the l1nl'f p:eeo, too, Durie. It I has to do with the alkaline balanc& or the 1indlvidual, '° retervt judplent, please. ~ Orln~1 m11 IMt "I•" tt tM kw. ,. . ~ ruwWl-Wha11,_,_.._..,.1 lor ._. Y• -Coal It .. ., popilfl:. ~ HS-... Y• -,.... ! ""'-Olly." -• -ta._.,. ........... 7 .tr1111t, ~· n..,. wtdi ,..: rt•••IL · l ~ ~ •• .u. •.1zt1n wtU M 1••• w••1.-yoe1 ..... ,_....,..... ... ... tlj Hr la e.re ti tM DAILY PO.OI', W11 i., a ..ir-. 1tampe1 -i.: . , I ..• ' I --. ----............ • ···-' -...... ' ... . ' . DAA. V l'ILOT """"· '""'-' 24, 1'69 Hor0scope ' -Leo: You're . or. the Go TU~AY ' FQllUARY %5 BJ IYDlm' IJ!(AM "'l1lo wloo --11 hll doolloy ••• Altrolocy 'pol.ti Ille Wlf." r ARID (March ll.,\jlrll 11): CID !rem ..,. la -1 could leld to joarney. -· ·._tblllty. DoDi ollj«I to Ov-e ualpQIOllL Cbect fads. fiCuns -try to pl travell.t dm. 111'11 In day. TAVIWB (April JO.Illy Ill): Tab lnlUaUve. Mooey eamtd In unique m&Mer. Profltable contacts Indicated; nude CGD- lldeoce. k orJclnal and Jn. d1pendent.Per1onat mqnetllm rlllnc la !>Jib. GEMINI (M11-ll.June Ill): . You may chanp your mind aboul lndlvldUll who lfllllll'I ll'!'Ofaal. PaYGr la_ptrl..,.... fotyou.~­ln l'OW' fayor. Mova allaad. Obtain blnt flam TAUl\US -CANl;lll (J ... II.July II): Some Wmaual .-occur wbldl dlndl1" a11tc1 YOll. Frkocla are ln..iv,d: '° are 1-and wlabea. COoperate wflll ooe wbo abarea ll*lal lnleHIL Share bawled ... You'reawi-r. LEO (JuJy IJ.Aq.11): You meel people and IO placea. Soelal act.l.Vlty 1 n c r ea 1 t 1 • DIJpJay abowmanlblp, ..... of humor. Be ver..We. You .,. Invited to join 1peclal 11'1!1111· Anawer In allltmallve. \111\(JO (AuJ. ~pl II): StudJ' detalll, be aware ot T1oditional Honor due JW&nCtl. Handle cur-- rent duUa witb aplomb. If thanluP, you I m p r e • 1 a:uPerion-Talk ot promotion eoulil IHture dly. Sludy AllJES ......... LllllA (Sept. ZS.OCI. 21): Plans are made and changed. Iavo!Yt1 travel l.nd writlen ward. strtngtben p e r s o n 1 I philOIOphy. Be perceplive. Find re&IOrll why. Tonight new1 comt1 concerninC career, C<BmDunlty project. SCORPIO (Oct. II-Nov. 21 ): Family d.llcuasion concerning ICflOUDtl, eipendltures is in ordtr. 8eek harmony, but face f1ctl ln rullatlc manner. Stud7 legal document s , e1peclally u they affect money. SA.Gm4Rlll9 (Nov. 21· Dtc. 21): Avoid aelf-deception. Tate off roMiCOlored gluses. Cooperate where partner.ship.! are coocemed. Accent on legal affairs. Obtain hint front SCORPIO mw11e. .;. .. .:. Indian Maidens .. ,-1, ; •" ... Learn Moderri Techniques Junior Club to Fete Seniors at Luncheon CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. 19): Give attenUon to co- workers. You need aid from those who 1erve you. Be basic. OuUlne needs. Show that you appreciate and are capable of reciprocating. ,• , • YMCA lodian Maidens from Huntington Beach's Choctaw Tribe :: .~:: deserted their teepees to attend a luncheon in the Southern Cali· : ~.; lornia Edison Co. in Huntingto~ Beach. After learning tips for '.; ;.~; freezing leftover "injun vittles ," the maidens and Uteir guests : ~ enjoyed a light luncheon and presentation of door prizes. Funds r~eived from the event will help tribe activities. Mrs. Liz Lynch, Edison home economi~t, sh~ws Mrs. James Campbell and Mrs. Dale Conrad (left to right) JUSt how to place their freezef"oready packages. . .. ~.· .,,. - ., ; "' .. -". -.:· - ' .. • ·•Ci . ;:1.' . ·"I~ ' . "' . ., ~--"· -, ~ ,, ''.' ~"8'. ~ f ~I;. -. :~· " .. :,..._' --t~z · . .... . ,_ .•. ,. :.i~ ... ~ 1"' -- \: .. . -.: . . ·~· .. . t•;; : •• •I ..... , .. ,, !', . -.. · ,., MRS. JOHN W. COMBS JR. ·;_:'.< • Hawaiian Honeym~ •.'· '-. =;=:::::======~ ..... r" ... . .-. - •'' ~ ~ .. .. , ,. ·-....... . ·-.. ' . . ' . ·' ,. ' ·:-· .-j I "": ' , . ' O' 'A·r ---\'··· \ ' Get the preHiest head start on spring with a ·Pe11ey ''Treasure Creme 011" budget pennanent! 8.88 "UM'TtMeTOl9 •UCM "-'"···~ '*'"' ,,.. ...... ~ $3 "'-'-~~~~~~~......::~~~~;_• Combs-Kistle N·uptials Solemnized • Newport Thursday, Feb. 27 bu been selected u the dale when the Junior Ebell Club or Newport Beach will honor ita: 1pooaor- lng club accordiiig to tradJUon. Offictrt1 of Ille Ebell Club of Newport Beach will be guestl 1t • -and pro-IJ'lln begtnnlnJ at 10 a.m. In Ille Ebell Clubhouae , Balboa . Junior president, M r 1 • Edward WhitehauJe Jr., will welcome Ebell officen, the Mmes. Clayton Thompson, The chapel of St. Andrew 's dalf~ls, dai&les, baby's guest book. president; L.H. M~e. fint supported the Simple Simon producUon by selllng 7 3 tJcketl. Luncheon suests will hear a report by Mn. Roger Sherman, bWth chainnin, oo the · recent bridge luncheon which railed funds for educa- tional materiall for the Com- mlttee -to Erldlcate Syphllla, Inc. The health cammlttee will lpoDIOJ' a abowlni on Feb. 2t of the film "A ~rter of a M1llkDl Teenagen" which deala with the probllllll or venereal d l 1 e a 1 t . Parents from 2' area acbools and the public have been Invited. Pr~byterlan Church in b~alh and fern . A del1yed honeymoon trip vice president: L.W. Jenka, Newport Beach, was chosen B r a d I e Y C om b 11 o f to the Hawallan Islands is sect1nd vice pre s i d e n t ; for the wedding of John Bakersfield, brother ol the planned by 1.he new Mr. and Frieman Flaher, Utlrd vice Wealey Combs Jr. of Newport bridegroom, served as best Mrs. C<lmbs, who will reside president, and Herbert I b man and ushers were Jomes in Newport Beach. Puterbaugh, ways and means C U Seeking Beach and Barbara Mae Kis-H o g s e t h a n d W a I t e r The bride attended Woodrow chairman. tie, who said their vows before Mc(;onigle. . Wilson High School, Long Members and honored C d Pl the Rev . Dr. Charles H. Alter tile ceremony, guests Beech, and Santa Ana College. guests will enjoy a program or ayers Dierenfield. greeted the oewl}'Wtds in the Her husband attended the presented by the Foundation Parents of the bridal couple church's Fireside R 0 0 m, University of Mexico and the for the Junior Blind focusing Star (31Ub, Order of the are Mrs. Mollie Combs of San-where Mrs. Harold Fidler of University of s 0 u t be r n on the summer camp program Eastern Star, is offering an ta Ana and Mr. and Mrs. Costa Mesa circulated the California. for blind children, Cam-afternoon and evening card Russell Kistle of Corona de! pershlps at $75 each have been party nen Friday in Laguna Mar. given each year by the BeaCh Masonic Hall. For the morning rites, the s j G. . T j k Juniors. Dessert will be served at bride chose a long gown ol CU ptreSS IVeS Q Mrs. Gus Chabre, line arts both tbe I to4 p.m. gathering AQUARllJS (Jan. 20-Feb. 11): Display jnterest i n youn1ster1. Day f e a t u r e s romance, change, po s s i b I e travel and variety. You artt acUve &Dd exude air of ex· cUemenL 'I'h1I is your kind of Ume. PISCES (Feb. It-March 20): Take steps to Improve home We. Accent on buJc domestic lssu<s. Property sbouJd be repaired. Don't by-pass safety meuures. Uve up to past commltmentl. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are inluili\•e, at time& moody; you are more the Introvert lhan vice versa. You are •bout to embark upon new project. GENERAL TENDENCIES : Cycle high for GEMINI, CANCER, LEO. Special word to PISCES: greater freedom indicated tonight. To· llM out wllo'• l~v ~N ~ll'IC!fltY •rid Jov!o.iJwi)i VdPlll' 1rr'1 '**"'· " et n fllf • 1nd Womtn." tM1 ·I . 1!• rid J.O ttnh ,.,. lrol v !.cr1ts, the DAI~ mT, ox n~ • G"'.'\ fiitnlrl l Stllloft, NIW Yorllt N.Y. Oii 7, Chantilly lace over a i I k. chairman, will announce com-and 7:30 to 10 r·m· session. organza, encrusted with seed Sculp(ress Mrs . o 111 e and the Mmes. o. M. Vance, p1eUon ol the Pennlu for Art &~~~e~i:e_~ F~t~~I Lavls~rs Boak Group pearlt and aequins, fuhioned Fllcher will be a special Horace Dobson, Earle Xlep-project where ~ w1s cot-wttb long 1leevel and 1 ehapel Ip ea k er for tbe regu1ar per, Norman Chrilterui:en and lected to aupport the Hallmark are in vi led. F u rt be r In-The Book Discussion Group train. Her silk fllWllon vell 1unc:beol\ ~ of Women's John Brekke. Art contut award. Tbt trOUP formation may be obtained of Newport Beach Friends of wu held In place wtth a bead-· Society Pf Cbr1ati.u service. a1ao contributed $10 each to by calling Mrs. John Wllllarrui, the Library father the last piece .of m1tcblng lace and LIP,DI United Method 11 t All church members and the Council of Arts and the 494-0686 or Mrs. Arthur Stqd, Wednesday o the month ia teed pearll, and she carried , Cburclt at 11:30 p.m. tomor· i.::the=r :;;;frienda==:;;;are=ln:;;;Yl:;;;ted=.===Chll~dren;;;,;'•:::,Thea~;;ter~~G;;ull;:d;=:::and;;;,_:;;:;:•91;;,;;"'614;,;;;.=======:;;;M~!lline:;;;;,;"~L1:;;·b;,;r•:;;ry~a;t ,;tO;:::::•:;:·m~. I bouquet or wblte nllell, • row ln~church. If baby's breath, steplwtotls and H111 will be Mn . lemon leave.. James 1W and Mn. Carl In 111lt Ol'llllZll IOWlll of Caldwell 'ancl Ille W-Lois lime, avocado and forest and Lad Lyerla and C&rol IJ'een. members or tile bridal BartuJd.J party were Mrs. J e • n n e 1be ~am, including final Vanderburg, matron of honor, chapters ,of the study book, an4 the Mlases Joy Stephenson "Christ \and Cri!ls I n and Lois Tollefson, attendents. Southust A!ia," will be They carri~ arrangements of presented by Miss Lois Lyerla CAU POR NII m1::~ AND SHOP AT MOMl lllYICI OW illllflSlll t lty M.... ...,. Wiii -" Ja... MIM 91' flfflct • •• ..., ... ~-••• Wltll "" _, _,..,. ....... " 11111111111' ., """' ................... , ..... ~ .. 011 YOUI AHA CALL 548-824Zi 01 140.6617 BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET DI.,. ... , -'"""' ""'-. Y11111r ~ Otew ••• Wnfl .... H .. -.. ...... ·= ., .. ..a. ··-• A111tn.llH -...... e V1\Mct1 CUSTOM MADI DRAPERIES .. ~.'1;:.. $1 '~ .. NOW ONLY "' A fl""'-()fltlclllfl of l'IJoll ..-11ry e«oratw ftbrlQ ll'telllllrll 1000'• er ,,,,,. ot l'lllh 11Ylt bouel-. h:ll:lllrn. llMM Ml llllmflKI , , , I N .. le prlHll. DB.Mil IN 1 DAYS '°"'"" ~-.,. ""'"' "' .... C.-. .......,. ~ "' .....,.., ....... tftlci.t """-"' • ..., • U"""'I .., ......... ..., .... "" llMlt ... ,...,.., IJ.'911 Wll'tllMlll~" tMI .... ltlfltttM,.. .. . . . .. • .. -•• OUI WOlrMANSHIP 11 IUPlll NO"ILT HAUWAll & IODS CUT TO OIDll EIUTIPLEI ' CAU. POI Piii UTIWATI IHOMT-MOMI IUYICI DllAPERl'' A CARPET 548-8248 TllMS: UP TO JI MONTHS TO PAT , he's yours .. : at the drop of a Flutterlash Be his big-eyed girl ... All eyes and excitment. Foberge plans it thot woy with eye lashes for your every mood. If you went to play it dt· mure or doring ... we have got the styles for your quick-switch· ing moods . Flutterleshes, 5.00 • 6.50 • 7.50. And with each Faberge purchase of 5.00 or more this week, a hand-care gift for you: Hand Lotion Extraordineire, Cuticle Remover Extraordinairt, and Na 11 Spray Extreordineire. C91mttic1, -t 7 ' I t1 __ J_A. I ANAHEIM •44 N. E111~llcl IJl-1121 M•11. fhr11 Sit. 10 •.111. te t i30 p.111. NEWPORT . 41 F11hl111 hl111cl 644·1211 M111. thrt1 Ftl. 10 1.111 ... t 1JI p.111. kt. I 0 1.111. +. 6 II'·"'· ---------- HUNTINGTON BEACH 1117 l4111ttr A•e. lt2•JJJ I M111. th,. Set. 10 1.111. t1 t ;JO p.111. '· l _, ' ' I I 'I I ' i I i I • - €osta • "* YOC. 62, NO. 47, 3 SECTION$', 32 PAGES· Mesa }\ivera of rainwater treated canals in IOl1le Cosla M:esa streets and gnawed lhl, earth from beneath others today, as Mother Nature continued her latesL temper. tantrµm, administering a form of Chinese water Wrture. Mare 'than thlee inches of rain had fallen on. tbe aoJ>Wlg ~ty in the 24-hour petjod e.ndiq ·•l noon, but sUll, <;o,ta Mesa fared better than· sister cities on the Orange .c.a.t. PoUce Lt. John Moquin •aid biand·n<W • Mesa EDITIO'N ,. · MONDAYl FBRUARY~2'4;·lt.i96,..t- from curb to curb. · The • SJcalert bradcui went out at 1:34 p.m. and it wu more than three hOUn before the ailv!Jory was ' Ulted and traffic reluined -to semJ-nohnal con- ditions. · Despite annoying flooding throuihOut the II.I 1quar&-mlle city, real damage due to the latest' storm wu relaUvely low by 'ml<klay i:ompared to ' that In llW'IUll>llln1 towna. · · : 0 Wtu;.11" 'a-UWe !too. euty'•lo ten.'' I .. I the clt1 -oupair>lendent..coaqne when asked about the llkollMnd (If Uf.' fn1medlata change Jn· the'altuallon. Anderson cnuld otter no potontiaf coot estJmate on damage resulUng from the current storm whld>· wm pnihahly run Into the mllltc>nJ Jn ·Newport Beach an.I Laguna Beach. . 'Ille' flat mesa land lnlm wblch the Inland city • cltawa Its. ·name seemed al one point: to be.la. blm1ng1u telepbooe JQea. ·-and ·oilier runafl .. debrll 'I'.~•·-.. I . -. N.Y. Steelul s a1n . ' ......... ·oun DC ' • ' ' ' . . . ,, '\, . ... : . ' . . ....... "'. '"'°' ...... """'" .RAJN,:SEA ;COMBINE TO ·~l.NIC:JOKEltA'.fl:DOC;k No Joke for Owner of 3l'foGt cru1-. Ike Resting From Major Operation WASHINGTON (AP) -Fonner Prell· dent Dwight D. Eisenhower survived. higb-rlak surgery late Sunday, llld today wu reported "resting 11 comfortably as can be expected." The operation. to remove an inteltina1 o61tructlon wu pronoun<ed -Bui · Army docl<n kept clooe vllil on the !lVHlar 1-a~ w-oondlUoa is _..,........ 111 1!11 ~.,. "II, ...i a .:..r.:z::;j--~ .. 7,. ........ ·~·:,.,.~aiiie1a .. '·~~'7i,,. ••. tWr f~ . app-81 to be tii :•.!Miih...... " is'ht ~­ a mfior Iiillllli -tac ibe 11th Ullie Jn 11,.,: . . ·A ~ bU!ielln trom ll'alt.r ~.Army llolpltal, aald Eisenhower's ''vital aJin1 . are, satllfactorJ an.I hil cardiac statwi remaJnt stable.'' The vftal sigm a,re IUcb Indicators l!-1 pulse, blood ptt.llUrt,. te:mperaturt, heartbea~ an.I breathing. Eisenhower, •ho wu near death last August afler IU!ferlng hil ieventh heart tttact. underwent two bours and 20 Qllnutes al llliI><Ut abdominal surgery Bundlly nJP!. · · · · Scai uaae m.n l""")ous 111rgery, d-Oc- tm said, had· blOCked the 1lUIUe of ~ug1r th< 1.....r preSideDt'• Jn.· . DoCfD!W dedded • on · lllfl":Y a!t.r : (lleo '!lJ!!!NllOWEll, Pap 11 . Grisly Autopsy Photos of RFK Shown in Court Beach, Boats in Newport Belted by 5-inch Deluge LOO ANG= (UPI) -Grilly color bor Department crews spent Swlday and photoiraphs of the bollet pmcllllo of By JEROME JI'. <:OU.INS Of"" et.MF •n•t Stefl early today rotrlevinc bnatl ripped from Sen. Robert F. Keonedf'• shaved head lines ~ ·g.atberlng up debris from were produced today at the murder , : , , 1 • DAILY PILOT "'9flt ir LM PHM KEY MACARTHUR ',BOUL'E,V~RD !IR1Dp11; CLO~E,D f'!l1'~N .. · 1 • ~w ·~torm H•!t• .. R~!'' !". ~~~' 1~,•t•! :uF~ i .' 1 1 ) I i ,·· , ' .· sk>~~ s~~k~ saiiihkiiia; More Rain ·Due Tonight By TOM TITUS Of, ffll Daltr 1"11" "'" iod, nearly twioe as much u was re- corded in other coast,11 cities. A five-lncb rainstorm. p a ck 1 n g windl up .so 21 mUea per hour, today flooded Newport Beach atreets, homes, ank one ves,,el, damaged others and klcl<ed up a hea7 surf that chewed away chunl\S of he3ch front. ·smuhed docka near nvertaud atonn "1;t,. olphotSlrhanogr:p·~~. made at the drain outlet!. ,;, d the ent~ Southland had chorused - "Sock it to m~,·: the heaven1 opened ove'r the weekend' and poured bucketluls of rain on an area just m'anaging to poke ii.I head above water after the ' last outburst. of elements. The new storm brought the IUSOn'a 16tal' to between 15 and 16 lnchel along the CO&!lt -where la.st year ·at th11 time only .five to ail inches were record· ed. Mud s~es· ...,arced clqsure of seyeral f'Oldways, includia,g Bayside .Drive and Femlea! Ramp in Corooa de! Mar and MICArUrur Boulevard. A porlioo !J! MacArthur Boulevard ~as wuhed out by runblf waters Crom the 1tcrnt. . In lhe lower bay, Orange COi.inly Har- ~ Ji. ~ One vessel, the as-toot yacht, "Joker" autoPI)' performed after Kennedy's death , and they ahowecj ill ~ detail the wa~ "'1ond .. vlng. . · ugly wound jull helllnd bill -· Ken-Tied 'lip fsr noJ11h'>. In a •l!J>. al th!' Dody'• full face colild be .een 1n profile. Ancient Mariner rptaUNnt, near the · 'Tho picture brooghl home u nothing Arches Overpass, It took nn water and y e I had Jn this trlaf t h • ph11lca! fact sank late Sunday. o( Keftnedy's befn1 wOUDdt.d from a "All you can see is the top of its dlatance of lea ihan an tncb. Another flybrid.ge," said a friend of . owner Jacll: of the pictures lhowed· handl tn rubber Kennedy, Jr.; of Klveralde. aioves probing the wound. · A new engine was being installed In Pbotograpbl made .t tbt autopsy of the vessel when the storm broke. Winds l'relldenl John 1".' ltennedJ never had (lleo BOATB, Pqe I) been made public. Rain contlnued tn 1orrenta through. 19-. dty ·with more In stOre fof , tonight, aceonllng to ~ U:S· Weather Burea1,1. Showers . were exPecf.ed to· contlnue thr.Ugb Tuesday. · AJong the Orange Coast, seQOn.rainfaJI totala trlpld their usual levels. The weekead storm dumped nearly a:s mUc:h water on the coast.al area as It U- perienced to date last season. Sund8y'a deluge, heaviest · of the weekend, Inundated Newport Beach with close to five inches in a 24-hbur per· .Throoghout Southern California, the rain btoaght renewed f,1oodJ.n1, ' . 1 ~ --lltl"· CO.hi Mfta• J.IS 1 •. N J.4 NIWPON 8Mdl 4.71 U.ot ' I.DI llllUfl<I 8NCll 41) li..0 J.lf H11nll119111\ 8Mcfl J.11 11.!ll I.It Fovnl11!1 Vllllr J.11 17,JI S.9' 'WtslmfNlff J,U 1'.U 1.1t kll lllldl *·" 11.ll· \_ .... L_,IMI Le!Mll'I World 4. 11 U.IQ S.JO '"'"" llllldl . 1.n U.41 4.lS LllOlllY Nllulf Lii 1J.~7 ut Anlllllm 1.u Jt.'7 · G1!'dfn Gl'llW I.II 17.M •. ff SI" C~ 1.7' 14• .• •t1111 MIM, 1111 a.-tl t---,,_.NII. I Winds and Ruin • ' Cut P-ower Lines Kissi~g Kidnaper .Sought earthallclet 'and: huanloui drtvln( - dlllona,' Nearly une moro-lncbei r.11 In Ventaro County, the area• bit Ii.- by a ·-ol Jaaqary -In the Ojai VaUey, rlalng wa1'n _, alx famlllea from their boma for the third Ume tn a mooth. Around County B UTllllK It.' VINSEL f Of ""~D911J' Piii! steff • lan.ahee.like wiDtt• and drivinc rain cruled havoc 1'1\b llXb6 Orat.;c fM·J1.i./ utillly --.r lind early today, but left ~. and cammunicatiora -~-dsewhere. °""1l<d ...-., -llllOrtl and wee tram!..,..., blieted not a total of J,flO amk>IM!'li IMillne for nearly 1J houri In the -.i California Edison Co. IOlllh .o..tal ·..mi. ...... Wont llllaplllll ....,red_'tlllen power to 1,700 -In the 1-!j!pel --Gal al •:• '--,, -spoll aot bellls -unW I 'll .... toda1-"We"ro -m, thal wind 1111111 have ( ... POWlll!. )'ap 1i • High wtocla, a~ ..._ a!l'm created a raln1 -.m.t" tn .-... itul, Mesa Victim Te''-. Poz:,.e of Bizarre Abduction ~.t:r1n' vtstbmty of -.r1a1a anc1 Ull "-' I a t all ol,lrafllq~ .• ~ . . told of being onlered to drive up and down various -In Santa Ana, and to stop finaDy • Toner Street aw Wilshire A-. ' There, llhe N\11. ... -her to awal· .... twn " ..... tied bu halldl aid too1: tho -,,.,.r_.,, drlvjnr back to a spot ., Canlca Place In c.ta -Puttna ii &ht, dll'brsr, hi anUed the Ylctlm'a-. .Wbllo..JIO ~-­Inc ber lhal D WU aot ...,,, l'o be harmed. • ' 'Ibo slit lald ht ..,i out <J Ole car at tllat Jl9t wlt•'•at ••1:6« her .,. left, • Me .... to a .me. """"" to can l)Ollce """ ._i lho -. 1-4 -~ ..,..a wltlr a deadly -pon and assault with intent ;:;:: l,OllO fell Clciaia ·111&11 -irilaln to=!~ r.W.~ said police don't.. Small craft wamlnp ,... '1olaled Jht dojlb.t jhe girl's llorY of the blurre ah-. l<llllh ,of the ·Callfqmta· ..,.._ :':f ductlon and Ire Iruntlng the youth. · :-' ~~ ~~~~. hued ao ber descrtl'lion and any fl&rlher ~:>,"":.."' p ·-m Wonnalloo she may be ahlt to prnvjde. an ownono platform to re11evo the, . She WU under the lnfluonco <J a doo pmaunl Oft nearby IUola under the 111"' ot drug allepdly a=lno . nceaa ~-~ CNde• oll Jea¥'bave • b1 tho ldclnaper Friday D!lhl blackeneil ""' oettn. kl rio< adequately Ullst lq Pi,!~ ..,..-.,---,-...,.,---- ting tosetbtr an ldentl·ldt COllljioa•'"" l· 8feclc . /If .... .. ~.,..-.......... her"""' bor,<llu .IChool ~~In "8 1~ II ipoll a ~. &Ince a wa1 nu .....,.-:.1. • Ii triday ·n11111 • -_ ....... _..,..._ , ' Ne;ll'YOlllC (AP) -W- l<iS -lloolln( _,, cloillc wllll a ihalil I•. Tradlllg•,....flllrly -• (Seo..-.. Pqti It.II). • ~ .... - -P~~po~,-, Brings. More Flooding . By IACK BROBACK °' .. Dllff' Pl ... Stiff . Orange County, air<ady h e a v 11 J. damaged "1 rtcUrrelll rainatonm, today, faces more fJoodlng and damage u u,e rain c0nUnues, county ofttciill warn-ed today. . .tn aon1e ~of the c:oonty •. ..m- a( flDlWes b ave, been ev~~ ·frml Jow-lylng'hnmea to blgher ~.. · ,llea'ry r~ neF'1 ~ ti,e UC;lnlno cam-"""••-=~,~ ~r.:..· . aot ' . ... ~~ .. ~11 · ·":A --~ far .Q rsH .. l"'.J)laW ~~u.l~.=i: ~-...•1 ~, .. I campua,Will be,clpled' tomorrOW." ' !~. Jacull7 and ala!J ·were ,... queited to leave campus on a staggered schedule this afternoon to avoid a traffic jlln. ~la ra!Jl ..., i<l!eral Sundi,y1 bioUn- taln areu of Oranp County reported the most damage. Roads were doled. bowe\re:r, over widely llCl.ltered areu. . &l,IJl.fll>aed today ...... Lip& ClniJGol .llOadi Santa Ana Canyon R o a d , MacArthur Boulevard, SUverado, Modo jeska, and SanUago Canyon roads, the Pa\:ille <;ollll . Jllihway fn>J!I •. ~ ~k \o San Clemente, 'El. Toro 'llol<I and 'Clllver Drive.-,. ' · · irJie ISantJqo Canyoft road 1'; cloeH at both ends. with a ' w"1>DUI ... Diflo easf of ltvidlt'Lake, · In Sllverado Canyon, two bomq were lost in fiood waten, two cars wuhed away,·one bi'ktae wuheCI o,lt, foUr bomu were aeverely damaged and Water wu Oowing thrnugh ....... othera. • In Silverado to familles were mewed to homea on high ground. The Foster residence wu wubed away Jn Mod,Jeita Canyon. Thli home lost Its nrimmlng pool in the January at or m·1. Seven lainUlea were evacuated to "!her homes ln· this cinyon; In ~buco Can:ion the w~at -time .,,.. ~ the rock wall Irylno Park. Rainfall ~ Wil lnchea lot the pill II holira with a total of 27.72 lnchea fa< the aeuoa coin- pared"1th I.St lids llme laat ,..,-. ~n ....... ear,,.., the~·-c:loaed early Sundlly aner-and lloo famlllea efacuated. · · _ · .Jim. Williams of the Flood cODlrol District reported a record high lnflOvr and outnow al VIThi Park Dam. At (lleo DAMAGE. Page I) Weadter There'•·~ rain -that came tram,. mid· !t'• exnlq to- , night and Tueoday. When la Nnah DOW thlt we1Diicf?blmt " •• • 1 !. I I ) t ! ' • • ~ ' § ' ; ··, ··. .. .. . . . . ' ~ ·''! •J ... . . !j ; . ! Jt ~LY Pu.GT . c • . MWIJ, f...., M, lM . ·tJ·anyon .~Road , Flood~d • 20 Laguna'!-' E~cuat.ed-F.roni _Ho~ I 87 RICllAIUl P. NAU ~ Ollll~,,..,, .... Reald .. 11 of Laguna Canyon Rood ..... • ...,. bolng evacuAted from thtlr flooded bomel tod>y .. the South Coa.st tried "to dil out Crom -... ol Iha ,..,.. .ion. poundln.I• aullered In recent Joan. AJt lltlmalAid IQ penoos had ~ltd their ....... along Lquna Clny<e ll<>ad, olncl611 said. Torionll ran throu&h the 'yanls llld homes. County -· usinl a big mechanltll r11e ladder, were helping reaidentl of the cat1yon area to salety. One home oo Ctnyon Acres Drive ms reported split In two with the two male rWdentl battlf escaping. Then ,..,.. other noportl thll morning that eight per'°"' ~I ID unlll of Lapna Beach Coun"!! Club w"" trap- ped ... the llOUlh aldO of Allao Cttek wblch had turned IDlo • fllrr .. t. . Lagulla CaDJOI' Rood WU cJo;ed by " a aa. · of • mud, llld other art<rW · highways weno endaJ>J!effi! from flood waters and in some cases only partiall1, pamble. Downtown Laguna Beach was a mud bath after the fiood channel along Broadwq clogpd !11< a time aod over!lond Its damqed«emmt banb. ThlBoordwaJt.at the foot of Broadway ~'IS destroyed u WM the .s t r e e t end and a UIKh -" line. S.Woge WH fioo4in1 : ~.,\~' belcb lo 'tho sea. Downtown eu in Lasuna noporteilly IUffuoil damaged lrom walu entering bulldlnp. William Thomes Sr., Sl$52 Cltallna fil., Southl.quaa, WU Jajlll'ed IJll& ...... IDg wben bo fell 1"'o a cra!er caued by the ralD ~ ~·· Parklnc Joi in Laguna. Friends aaid Thomu, who 1s in hil ?Os, may have suffered a broken bip or pelvis. "Flrtm'" and llle;uanta reported using a four-wheel drive fthlcle lo climb lteep Lewellyn Drive and racue. a woman wUh an injured fpot ibere. Arlia! Eve Friday aafd that Ray Unger and Jack f'9nlant WI C&nyoa Acre Drivt, bar.ly eacaped from lbeJr bome when it splil apart durillg the nlgbL ·She lafd Fontan aufl-a cut fool aod the two men, °"" In CldlJ uodtnrur, aat throqh othe lllll>t .. tflo btllaldo awaltlDg -. She Aid !oar -were lost . along the woodsy drive and another bad so much mud ln It that only the lop· ol lurnilure -ed. Coast Hlehway between Dana Point and San Clemente wu open to only two 1anea of traUlc with mud slides COYtrlng port.iom of the road. . Tbo bridge croalDg San Juan Cnoek Stars to Stage Benefit For ,County Kidney Girl 11Y TOM 'flTIJll Of .. oe11r Pl• ,..,. Hollywood's llfara will ahioe In Orange Counll' nen , Sunday olg)Jt ID the hope that !heir ltilti!r. wlll .wrlle the tlcltel lo li!e lcr a 17-ytlM)d &mta Ana glrL -March 2 will be_1 Suun Mazze Night at the ~ conventloo Center as • bost of top enlutafnen -headed by S~y . Davis Jr. -convene for • Cllle'nlgbt-ooly benefit """' lo belp ralM $40,000 far 8-D'• bldly needed kidney tramplanl operallon. ' • The benellt, jusl orpniJed Friday, already Includes the popular pop llDlilll group the Mcmkea, the four aiari ol TV's Mod Sciuad and Lusle'1 formtr muter, Joo l>rovM. Other big 111111t11 mq be aclded wlthlD the week. Orpnber o! the big bub fl N"'° -Lee llman, Gftl Mmia' -,maa !._. ~Mllllon; ~1mpo-tti1e'! .-a lrlend o! llovla, who la pf111ng al !lfelod11and l<DIPI and -.,.. D!mcan. W11o -of Suaan'1.l>lflht by 'WOlcllJni· a TV' abow itt up "by two of. -her c'Mml•Wil, bepn qWcklJ lo ....... bfl taleat jlarade. lie ,,.... . ~n~~~ the lour headlma of'"nll Mild 8'Jm4.' By Friday -other -Join-ed the gmrlDg lilt, IDcludlng a weU. Jrnown -. whlcb -doe to union rule1 :.. cannot be named. Gene Dloovt will conduct the If.piece baod. Proceeds from the Ucketa -)ll'lced at IUO, IUO and IUO -will be wed to defray the coot ol the operlttoo ID which doclon will lnlllplul a kidney from Mn. Leonard -lo her daUlhJu. n will be . <>range Count)''• lint -tramplant. S...., a oenlor al VIDa Porlt Hlglr School, who ncently mond to &mta Ana from Orange, fl ..... """' kepi alive by a dlllyaf.I machine In Gnen Grove'• Palm . Harbor 'llolpltal wblcb lhemual,.lwlcaanek. Barrlnll -p11ca-.. '8-will underp the trllioplalll openUon In mDher -~ lllter 11,400 worth ol·tmtmed·-lht dfllpfo marblne. . Tbol operalloa ·maJ bo -nezt week, tbanb to 8am1nJ Dom Jr. and hil -llDeqp. Sopho:µiore Pianko Voted . . OCC Student Body Head Km Planko, a IO-ytll'Old """""""" majorlDg ID bUsineos. bu been lloc:ted -body Fesldent of Oranp:Coul Coll<le, It WU lllJIOWICtd today. Pianko, formerly ltudent bodJ vict UCI Black Students Speak at Program A panel of UC lrvlne black students will speak to women of. Ton and Gown in a morning program Marth 17. ~ the panel parliclpon(s will be James Winder, president of 1be UCl campus Black Student Unlori. Dr. Duran Bell, associate prof....,. of economlca .mo II the ooly Negro professor ot Irvine, will mocl<rate the panel dllaJa. 11<111. DAllY PILOI IDRAKCE CaAlf PUlltsNINO COMl'ANT ••Mrt N. 'W•1i "'"ldent Mii rw11.,_.r Jtck l . C•tl•Y Tho"'" IC11•11 (if;llt T~1,,,•• A. Mv,,~i~t ,,...........ldllw' ''"' Hin•" Uv«lltilte o;r.ctw ..__o.. JJO Wetf l1y Sh'MI M.., AMrn11 r.o. •• 1161. 11•1• . DAll.V ,ILOT, wl"' •lcti II ~ floe 1'1-""•· .. ~.,..,. ... ~. ..,.. .._ d.., "' -·" .. 11 .. , ... l-• 9"dl. H--1 ettdl. ( .. It /WtU, HUl'lllns .... kD -F-1111 VtfltY, 1""9 •I .. I ~ HlllM, Or-C•"' .......... ~ .,......,. ~' -•• n11 "'"" ............. ..._. ,_,., ....... w... ........... , ... Mtw. 1i i;·; 1114) MJ: .. 111 Cl ...... 1 0 ....... ,. -~C-1 .......... .. -............ , ....... MlfW ··~ ....... ,.. .... """""_,,. .... .............. '* •!Hf NW .. ,._. .,_. c..--..~l!MulirtltollW ,.. ............. It ......... ....... '--•.. ,, -""•· pnolden~ wcm by ·-lO votes out of. tlOO cast over bis one opponent, M..ll:t Kuhn. Votina: wu Jut Wednesday and Thurs. Clay. Results were announced today since Friday wu a eolle1e holiday. The elecUon was a repeat of a Jan. 1~17 election nullified beeau.se of balld't stuffing and other voting irregularities. Jn that election Al Porco was reelected i;tudent body president, but he chose not to run the second time opening the way for Pianko. With Pianko stepping up, there were no candidates far student body vice pres!· dent, an office that now will be filled· by the student senate. Others elected in the repeat bailoUn& were usociated women's student presi· dent, Marie Marcinko; associated men's otudent pmlden~ Ray Gendrln; otud<nl llell&tors Don Watkins, CUolyn FOP, Tom Hubble, Anthcmy Tllrner, Beryl Kuer, Ken Dale, Quck Conway, Ramon RJcardo and A. G. Kadlag. AU tither won lut time or filled ~ti for previously auccaalul caodldolts ~ho withdrew from the lf:CODd voUng. The new 1tudent presldent, Pianko, was lo be named the college'• ''Man of the Year" by Bank of America this afternoon. He is couwain of the crew. The 600-st.udent turnout wu about 10 per"'nt of !ht 1,000 eligible dqtlme &tudent.s. Poll watchers, paid lllarlOI from II fineo levied agalNI five stud<nls. who pleaded guilty lo ballot .aiufftnl fo&wlDg last election, saw to it there Were no irrqularlllel w. time. Chief Follows Own Procedure Proper c:hllm01I ara -chuntll wben H <ome1'lo lht Colla M"' Pellet Departmen~ under i>o1fey --by Chief ~ E. Nelli, who tw11 a tlgbl ahip. CIU&en1 who come In with certain pniblema are handled at the lroal counter. Cltl..,. ~ E. Neth loda;f fl among thooe Costa M-wbo ~ Dotk Ofllcor Ila DoUaa -111 .. 1111 a problom tequlrlnl Polfct attmtlon. A 11'1 batter)' waa -out of hll camper, parked In the pollct Joi •I • Fair Drtve. whlle the cblet w11 on his lunch hour, 11ld a rouUne petty theft repcrt. Oii ,Qiu! Rlgbw1y WU In danger <JI belDg cloted with water within 1 fool • ol the bridge. Olllcl11a !med that the lon'9111 might wuh o\Jt the approacbea to the bridge. UUlj.Apoles ~ being wuhed oal •loai Juan Creek ~ power wu oi!t' In the nor111!rlr jlortlon of, ·san Clemente urly w. ~ •he lighllng hit a Po-pole. ' Jn San Juao Capistrano a sewer syphon crouini the creek was reported eo-- dangenod by the flood waten. Ralofall In Laguna Beach at a a.m. Ibis '"°"""' wu U'I Inches for the paat 24 hour" UI lncboa durlDg the current storm and .15.47 Inches for tho season compared to 5.20 inches last year. Power failures were reported 1t several . locatl-Ooa la ta, South Coa.sl from one c•uae or anotbel. . Laguna · jleacb City M-Jomea D. Wbe.atoa Aid the flood. cbame1 along llroadwq llad, beeil doaed with debris for .a Ume cat11lng IOme of the downtown floodlnr. · · Elmer Brown of Laguna Beach Travtl Service hid.words of praise for Jaae-time Lagunan ·Dave Green. about 70, wbo he aafd waded IDlo the flooded cbannel and wrtllClied 1-llmbuo early thll mornJnc permltUng the water to now again. . From Page l DAMAGE •.. Ibo peat walu wa 1 o"'""-IQlo t h e fadl[17 al 10,000 cubic feel pw itcond "'Id 'a "rqulated· OUlf!oW WU 'allowed ol 3,000 cable feet per aecond. '"l'hll raervor 11.'ved 1reu In Oranae, Santa Aoa . llld TllSlln from .flllemlve IJcm!ng," WlU1aJDI aid. . At the preaent time Ibo beavy now from the dam II filllDJ the sravaJ pita between· the dam llld Ibo. Nawport Fnoeway. When the pill fill, the walu wlll . ovuflow and poulbJt damqe .. to realdentJal arua will raul~ · W:llllama lafd. The 3,000 cubic feet per second out.now Is the blghe!t ever for the dam with Iha preview high figuno beillg TIO cubic feet per aeeond. EIMwbeno througboul the county, fiood ccmlrol .channell bandied the ralD watera adeQualely but the chann<ls lhemae1 .... moolly dirt-lined, """' aevuely dlm•g· ed, Williama lafd. A power falluno Sunday night affected Ille Uolvenlly-Park U... Ellrll!l', P,n. of Mllalon ·Viejo """ blacked out but all -'.bu -been' reotored, South-ern Callfonlla _ QDnpOn, rep<irted. .. Rain W ashe$ Oil Onto Beaches, But-Peril Minor Newport il<acb cjty oflicloll, 1*ried enough by .storm O'liri1ge, have received e:everal caJls reporting oil washing up on bea.cbea, but have coofirmed that the problem ii very rr1lnor. Small, co!Jt,.slzed clots of crude oil have been seen on ·pam of BaJboa Peniruula beaches and along Lhe CorOna del Mar strand, but lifeguard spokesmen bid the occurence appeara to ~ a normal deposit: ~ The soutce or the oil was probably a tanker at sea, the lifeguard spokesman aafd. One Newport resident, who li ves aboard a boat near the Arches bridge, reported oil laced with straw surrounding the docked vessels in the arta. However Harbor Department personnel said the black, slimy 1ubstance la ced with slraw was simply a mixture of black algae and debris wuhtd Into the harbor by storm water, Drug Case Grows From Pot Plant . . A youth who lives on Flower Slreet In Costa Mesa learned Saturday that one must watch what plantl he grows t~, alter police •lslted his backyard nunery • Aleried by the non-borttcullural·lype grapevine. Offlctr Norm Kutch went to the 22-year-old man's address, explained his mission and was led to the rear yard. Strttching lta little lriangular green Jeaves toward tbt P1 tn a rare moment of weekend sun wu a 1i1·inch marijuana plan~ growing In a coif,. can. "Yeah, ll'1 mine. but can't you be cool.!" as~ the alleged grower before btinl taken to beadquarten and booked on susptci.m of cuJUv1tklt of marijuana. FroM Page l EISENHOWER .. urwucceasful efforts to use the ob5lruc- ti<in .br nonourlical mean1, Including ID- -of 1 rubber suction tube through the nose Into the lntesUna1 tract to removt wute. Ellenbower has been in Walter Reed's third noor praldentlal llllte since Im Ml1,' wben he wu admitted aflu hll lour1h heut 1lllck. Thnt mare altacb and on• lncldenl al rapid, !rnplar belrt act.Ion developed while Eisenhower wa1 In the hOspital. I ' T ... C•r1tf ,...,_ LAGUNA' PHONE BOOTHS SINK INTO SAND R1in Runoff Ftoods Bro1dw1y et Mein Beech From P .. e I BOATS, BEACHES HIT • • • I forced bay waters up "Joker's" uncapp- ed engine exhaust. That, plus heavy rains, proved too much for the boat. "It's a real mess," said a ll-'Orker atte~pUf& t4 sa.lyage tlft vesse.1. . ' El>ewbue In the bay, tbe Bahia Cor- inthian Yacht Club on Bayside . Drive took lhe brunt of runoff waters from Newport Center, los ing a connecting dock. Harber <crews worked \U1til close to n\idnlgbt S1nday ·moving a haH-doi.en boats. None was seriously damaged. A -25-foot sailboa t operated by Leo Vortounl, of 45 El Paso Drive, Newport. was caught bi heavy seas and piled up against the east .jetty Sunday. But Vortouni managed to free the craft, which suffered an estimated $100 in damage. A harbor patrol boat hel ped him back to his mooring. Beach erosion during the night ~'as ~vere et lifeguard headquarters nenr Newport Pier. Huge breakers washed out up to 30 feel of beachfront. . A walkway leading from the lifeguard station lo the pier buckled .and collapsed. City workers tmplaced h~ ot sandbags along a five-foot shelf created by _the .sul~ surj .. ~ry Qoa_~ ,were Jell daogling over the edge of the shelf. . Raglna waters; 1'o~ th~ Vppet Ba1 8'1Jl. lons of 4eb\!$ Jqclydlni. Je!eplJoll• poles · arid hlige ~s· ci'aSblng dawn on boa~ts and · ts at the !Jliy!hore Trail ar , uslJlg ."untold doll!rs ,worth of damag · • Water·filled boal6 this morning sat perched atop hills of debm aod junk. Worried boat owners stood by helpless and anxl.OUI, trying to figure ways of clearing their marina u the vessels bobbed "n a sea of trash.beneath which the water was invislble. . La.nds.ide, lbe Newport Fire Depart~ ment· Sunday respon9ed to a d~ water di stress calls, rriOsr· 1nVolviti( flooding of homes. Several more repOrts wtre reCeived this morning. Firemen. went out wlUi pumP,lng equipment. .. . They were kept especially busy along-, Tris and. Jastrune ·avenues, north ,of Fourth Avenue, in Corona del Mar. There, in. an alley serving both slreets, flooding waters reached hood level of parked cars, and rushed into garages and some residences. A city spokesman said the problem Me1·ger Helcl Up WASHINGTON !UPI ) -The Supreme Court agreed today to examine the pro- posed merger of the northern lines which would apan the West with the longest rail s)'stem in the naUon . wasn't the res!Jl_H of blocked storm dra ins, . which city workers kept clearing around·" lhe-<:lock, but ftsulted "simply from rain that wu ·loo ·]teavy for the draim." Newport•• trees so far appeared to be holiflDg up fairly well In the otonn, said 1 Porlt ,~int official. A 10. foot ficih itree orr Lat~ Avenue ht Co{'lOl del Mal·. toppfeci Into a front yard, bUI 'did ·i•i dalnige. In lmi\ilnent ·clailger of collapse were three lml.Gii a bank ID a. ama11 park at Goldtnr"Od AVenUe and 0 c e a n Boulevard.' One· ol the trees ii 1 to-foot pine. "There 's not much we can do except lo ·wait for it to go," said the parks aide. "When it does, it'll only: land in the park, so it's no bJg threat." Police report.e(I 21 tr.utc accident.. In the past ;t hours, most of whlcb were attributed to rahH:llct !b'eell. Eight persona were. injured in the mishaps, but no Olle was seriously hurt. .Front· Page 1 POWE.I{: ... ·~· .... l,,. 'I blown wireS logetht;r and Caused a $>cl. because we hav& not lQun4· the ~xaet cause yet ,'' . said Edison . Co. Dij_trlc~ ,.tanager Ralph Kiser loclaY.. . Servi~e WI!§. restored to 80 perCent of the La,gufia Niguel blackout area by J:4'5 a.m. today, but the task was slower for othen. Elsewhere in the slorm-batl.ered south county area, a transformer failed rt 10:28 p.m. Sunaay, pluniing t,36J separate customen in Newport Beach'• Irvine Terrace area. into blackness. Service wa1 restored in about I 'J hours, saJd·Kis'er. ,. Resident.!: of ~ exclusive Emerald · Bay dlslrict of Laguna Beach \\'ere likewise blacked out Sunday afternoon, ·when a decoratfVe palm tree fell -. a victim of .nature's vlole.nce -· and tore down power lines gerving 580 homes. Kiser i;aid power was restored to 90 percent of the homes by 2:22 p.m. and the rest were back to normal less lhan one hour later. - Pacific and General telephone com· panies fa red better by far than in the January-February Series of storms \l"hich batte red the Soul.hland senseless in ter1ns of communica tion service. ''l was amared," s.aJd Virgil Kemp, General Tel ephone Co. s e r v .i c e supervisor, "we had h!ss disruption than In ordinary storms. I th.ink wt"re finally getting in shape for them." Yorba Land . . ' Deal · Goes To Planners · A zone exception permit to allow con- e;lnld.iOn or a 137-room moteJ, restaw:an~. and RcvJce staUon on historic okl Yorba iamlly raochc property will be - , by the Costa ~,.. Planning Commilalon ~-Bostland Co., of Los Angeles. plaM to develop the package deal al the northwest corner of Gisler Avenue and Harbor Boule,ard, near the Sao Diego Freeway. Purchased for state right.of-way and later declared excesa land to be auc~ tloned off, the site was once part of a rancho granted to a Spanilh corporal· who helped explore the ""'· The property wu owned by pioneer- Orange County farmer Art Gi.sler and his wife when taken by the State Divbloa of Highways for the Route 405 project. MMt other Items of business on tht '1:30 o'clock agenda are fairly routine, many of them continued 1!fllil ton_lght in the coune of a brief, 45-miDute seallon two weeks ago. The meeting will not be totally ad- journed at Hs cloee, however, since the planning commiJaion is scheduled to dlscuu the Newport Freewa1 route al a public hearing Thursday. The hearing on possible city choice of a favorite among four alternates to the Newport Boulev,11rd alignment chose~ by the state 24 jws ago was called last week. Tbo Oral alep, toward making Costa Mesa's official preference known came after a State Dlvtaloa of Highways public bearing allended by atrongly organ!Jed IDtereat l'QllPll. . They all called for 1 change ID the roUtt, wJth aome uking selection by the state of a 1111 million, U·mlle Red lloote allgnmenl awinglDg out thrOllih primarily resldeaUal dlllrlcta. City officlala, boWever, seem certain that resldmta aflected by the other pco- po3ed routes -u well as commercial interesta along Newport Boulevard - will have a lot to say. MesamJ Report · $775 in Thefts ' . Over Weekend A Costa .Mesa wallrtu mllalDg l500 and ,a <neat culler .mo loaned hil 1%15 \elemton ael to a fellow roomlnl boun auest -too broke to go out on Saturd•J Diiht -reported thefts· to police Sunday. Mrs. Moana M. Grochow, of Sl.SI Bray Lane, told Officer John C. White that $500 in cash kept in a kitchen butch was missing from its hiding place. The patrolman who toot Mr 1 • Grocbow's grand theft repOrt aald there was no forced entry to the home and . Jt seemed the thief knew where to look for the money. Hans J. Goemlicb of 237t Newport Blvd. told Ofilcer George Webster Sun- day· that be loaned a color televilion 1et ·to a D18D living at the same addrus before going out Saturday night. Police said he returned to find the watcher and 1et both gone, adding that the landli>rd o.f the premises was also ll bit worried about back rent owed by the vanis~ed visitor. Finch Honored LOS ANGELES (UPI )-Secretary or Health. Education and \Velfare Roberi H. Finch will be honored by the Greater Los Angeles Press Club Friday May 2. at its eighth annual "Headliner of the Year" a~·ards banquet. Finch, fonner California lieutenant governor was selected as the state ·s outstanding newsmaker of 1968. . • • ~ • •• • ......... 1. • . ¥ ' • • '. •• -.· • • • Q OMEGA-ACG:UTRON-BULOVA ~ AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE (il COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings 1i~1d end ropeirod e diamonds end precious stones remounted e pearls restrung . WE CUSTOM DESIGN l MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF. JEWELRY E3 ~ SHOl'l'tNe elllTlt UOO ~ ILYD. eosTA MISA MJ.MH . . . . YY FFUiSIE a IS F l HUNTlNClTON CINTll -CH 1 IDIN•D HUNTlffTON llAeH m.aso1 l ' ' .. BY WIUIAM REED Reeds-••• :. ,In the Wind ·· A drive for funds to keep the . Dollars for Scholars fund of the ·.:Huntington Beach union· High ,_,School District going strong Is now -.under Way. · The program to aid seniors , graduating in Joine was developed by district Superintendent Max Forney. It bas benefited m(?re than 100 college bound students. Last year stude0ts headed for two-year colleges. who needed the money were granted $80 each and those going to four-year schools 'up to $150. A total of 21 students were aided. * · Contributions to the fund should · be sent to 40Dollars For Scholars,'' :·1902 17th St., Huntington Beach. Since money is needed on a con· , tinuing basis , high school officials suggest budgeting the contribution as an annual one. The money is spread among good students who have not obtained another scholarship. In many cases it makes the difference as to -whether or not they go to college. : · There may not be tuition costs · at state supported colleges or the local junior colleges, but a student -:cannot go very long without books. ": * .-11Give a dollar, for a scholar,'' 'Is the plea of the fund ad- -ministrators who feel strongly that . the investment in the education • of a youth is a valuable investment. All students in the district are eligible. All money is used in the year collected. In addition to the direct benefits, the donation is tax deductible, ac· cording to the high school ad· ministrators. * Orange County Chapter of the National Association of Account- ants has named Dick Grundy of Medical Data Systems in Hunting- . lion Beach, as its new vice presi-- •·dent. He ls treasurer--controller·of the ·corripany in Huntington Beach · which operates hospita1s including Huntington tntercommunity and Westminster. He and his wife Grace live in South Laguna. :· .. ·Monday, Fe~ 24, 1969 (S) DAll.Y 1'1111' 3 • ··Oh-Th~ ~Joys · ·of .Motherhooa Eunice the Ewe's newborn lambs break for a mid-morning snack in the county pasture in Washington state: The photograph· er's closeup lense coupled with. the fact that mom wasn't shorn last summer account for her rather hefty appearance. Motherhood's great. but she isn't planning on another pair quite so soon. UPl,...- Connie, a proud mother orangutan at the suburban Brookfield, Ill., zoo, gently cradles her sleeping tw~montb-old baby, Conrad. Orangutans are not common breeders in captivity so this baby is rather unique. Even a monkey mother seems to get the maternal m .. stinct down pat with no trouble at.all. McDowell School Uses Stereo Gift McDowell School students in Fountain Valley are learning their music from a high-powered stereo system thanks to the.efforts of their parents. Tef!ns Try Anti-smoking Campaign on Their Own Today's the Day For Beach Kids To Get in Swim A· stereo system capable of 40 watts or amplification is employed in the youngsters' mu'.sic clitsses; giving them solid sound I& iilenti!y with. Built from -component parts, the system wit assembled by Don Sauter, sabool music instructor, and Fred Ashley, ··~·· CO!npOneot part.s w~ !>Ought with funds earned by the masic booster club in several events held in 1968 and 1969. Mrs. Dennis Loudenback, 1968 music booster chairman, started the stereo pro- gram, which was continued this year by.c1f:ai~ 'Mrs. Pat Ashley. BAKERSFIELD. (AP) -An an- tismoking campai8fi designed by teen- agers and aimed at teen-agers is about to start here with federal backing. The "advertising ·copy," which participating junior and senior high schoolers agree will be most effective to others in their age level, includes; , "Worried abut the population ': el· plosion'? Have·a cigarette.' "Smoke, choke, croak." , 11Smoking is a means to an end-yours." The two-year pilot project is financed by a $52,'0CIO grant from the U.S. Public Health Service. Says Sy Loewen, of -Foothill High • School: "We want to make "SmOking look insulting and just ridiculous." There are 60 students directina: the campaign all selected by c~atea ·- without faculty advice -at two local high schools and a junior high. The project will officially start Mareb 1 with ,4 ban'W! (Of bumper stickers, bll1~1 r~ . and televlslon~ cOm- merdats Ind bewspaper ads. "Any .of tile kids on the project who were smoking before it got started have apparently stopped," says their adviser, Gloria Zigner. "And we've also been geUing quite a bit of unsolicited help-people sending us all sorts of ideas and even a few dollars." Swimming lessons for Huntington Beach youngsters will begin today in the city's gym and swimming pool at 16th and Palm Streets. Registration will be taken during wee~days at the city gym from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Saturdays from t :ao a.m. to 4:30 p.m. · ' Fees are '4 per penons 111d classes will be l.'Olldudod for beginners and advanced beginners. Recreational swimming ii offered at the city poOI eacb Saturday from U:JJ p.m. to 3:30 p.m. aod family swimming is offered Mondays and Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. -- Seal Beach CofC. Slates Installation . ' Moikrn Spani.lh , . . . Classes 'Resume At Beach Cenrer Modern Spanish classet will ruume Thursday at the Huntington Beach eo... mmunlly Center. corner ol Maln IDd Gothard Streets. Mrs. Allee Medina, center dlredor. ssid Mrs. Cynthia Alleo would be the new 1 instructor, replacing Allen Senn. All former members of tbe clau are urged to attend, and Ume who have them should bring their tenboou, lllid Mrs. Medina. For further lnlormaUon plione th9 center, 847-4647 ,.. Mn. Myrllo Slimoo, 536-«IM, Board Won;t Act On 'Star Trek' "Star Trek" may "not be the usual kind of goop you see on the boob tube;• and it may be going oil tile air, but trusteu of Westminster School Dtatrlct feel tbere'1 not much -thW can do about jt. Mrs. Constance Blanchard ubd ·1rus- ~ for penniast.,. te circuJat& pet111on1 t.o protest removal of the l"Olf8ID. Tbe petitions would be taken home by· the children and when , signed ~, oa to thooe conneded with the program, sbo _,_, ......... ~ I r N-tfil 'the bOll'd.--., ~ with ·het a 1 •11M4 t 11'1 t "trll M thlt usual kind of goop," bat ta.q derlfned to t.alct. o1ncial action . lllowfJlf petftfon circulation at the ICbooll. Mrs. Blanchard WU refemcl to tho PT A groups at the schoolL • Our Torres sling by Creative Footwear is of hand.woven kid for summer comfort ' ' ' MEii ORT c;<hifM '\ i l . . . • 11 FASHDI !SUND . . ·' \' Ole, just what.you've wanted for sulllllll!r, A sling that's light, airy, cool and comfortable. You'll like the squared toe, the blocky heel and the unusual coos!ruction. The strap is WIMll as part of the top of the ~oe. lil!porled from Spain. Fine kid leather in navy, bone, white, DI nalural, 11.00. Sloe Salo~ U· mS' • 644.2200 . •• • ' I MCMDAY, 1lfURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 llll 9:30 ---------------·-------------·--------·---~------- ' • OT1tER DAYS 10:0011U. Si .. j ' • •t ., ' .. ; • J ... J ,.,I I -~ • ··~· ·"' ., • . --.. ' 150 Reported Killed DAILY 11·10 Sita. 10~1 Prices EffecliYe Mon.· TlllS., Cosl1 ·Me11 Slort Olly c w•~,......., The Aldreth Housing Committee In En&land was delighted to ap- prove plans for a two and a half acre recreation site until they diJ.. covered the naked truth. The Com· bridge Outdoor Club, which bad ap-- .plied for a penrut to turn the tract into a recreation &te, wanted to turn the land into a nudist colony. "We didn 't say we were nudi~s,'' a club official said. "What differ· eoce does it make?" • In Ypsilanti, Mich. a Washtenaw County sheriff's department police dog taken to a student! demonstra· tion at Eastern Michigan Univers- lty proved bis mettle. He bit a deputy in the seat of the pants. • • A crook ha.s bttn sworn in cu police chief of 1uburban Brum· wich, Ohio -Clauton c.rook. "I'd betUr be hone.st unth a namt like that," CYook said. "I take quite a bit of ribbing whm I an.nDt"T the phoM and at other timls, but it dOt"m't bother me at aU." Crook said newspopu repor!c• hat>< told him hil namt causes headaches for headline toriters. • The telephmie caller had the Syria Attacked • By Israeli Jets a,. lllllted 1'191 lateruu-1 Waves of Israeli jet llghteN>omberl b1I Syria with bombs, rockell snd macblne gun fire today tn a series . of punlUve auacb that sent the l!raell jeta over the outskirts ot Damucus lllelf. Syria _..poodenll reported al leut 150 penom dead. Israeli pilotl said they shot down at least two Syrtan MIGs ln a series of four dot!flihll and ICOl'ed probable hlll on others ln this first strike against Syria since the June. 1967, war. Israeli officials cslled tt the biggest air llrtte on any target Klnce that war. Tbe two major targeta were Ara}I mnmando bases. One WU El-11ammah, barely six m11.. from the heart of Damucus. snd Syrian olllclals aald lhe death toll there wu "extremely heavy," wlth estlmalel up lo UO dead. The other major target wu Mallaloun, almost directly on the border ol Lebanon. It is a major training site for the Al Fatah commandos who say they at· tacked Israeli plane.a: at 'Athens and Zurich and carried out bombing attacka and acts of terrorism in Israel. UPI corrapondent David Zenlan, in a dlspalcll from Damaacua, said th• Syrian Air Force ,.ported sbooling down three Israeli jeta in tht brief but ferocious raids. llTHll IOUrCea aald att Israel! pianos returned Ufely from "meager" anU.. alrcrafl defenaes. Soon after the rald, Israeli Mlnllter of Police EJlyahu Saaaon delivered another waml.ia lo lhe Arab nation.! on the ppoalbllity of further Lsraeli •~ tack!. .. Israel cannot allow Arab terrorists to continue attacking IMoctnt people," Sasson told lhe Knesset (parliament) in Jeruulem. He served notJce Israel would ei:ercise "active self-defense ac- cording to tllia country's esUmate of the &ituaUon." Sasson said the guerrlllu woold not be able to undermine Israeli morale In bopu of diet.ting their polltitll terms snd that Arab activtu .. hsve shown those favoring Imposing a ooluUon on the Middle East that "the olluaUon In this region ls fast deteriorating towards a fresh explosion." Israel struck in the early morning hours when the two commando camps were 1Ull asleep. The hope was to catch them filled and they apparenUy IUC· ceeded. Damascus reports saJd the P.lanes hit . Mabaloun, a 8JD8ll police ·post II m11 .. from Damascus, and destroyed five one-- room dwellings. But the maJn attack was the Palestinian commando camp on the outskirts of Damascus. Patlwlog~t Says JFK Shot in Back of Head the rear and entered the back of Ken· nedy's head. SCOTCHGARD 11.;:2.56 $1.96 l'abric sm,tector. Prevmta greasy and watecy atalm. HOUSIWAllS --.... .... 14. :U..» FURNACE FILTERS Rev •• 41 3/$1.00 14x25xt HOUSIWA•tS -.... -· .. M. .. II .... , GLORY RUG CLEANER Rev. 1.46 ~ $1.34 The fast; easy way to clean rugs. ~ HOUSEWAIES right number -but the wrong country. When Rick Herms an· swered an early morning call at his Knoxville Iowa, home a voice on the other end of the line inquired about a newapaper advertisement for a craftsman. Harms didn't know what it wu about, 10 the caller checked his phone number. The number was right, but the lll8Il wa1 calling Montreal, canada, froo1 Nova Scotia. NEW ORLEANS (IJPI) -An Anny patbologl!I who helped perronn the autopsy on President John F. Kennedy testified today at the Clay L. Shaw trial the fatal bullet was fired from Col. Pierre A. Finck, chief of lhe wound ballistics pathology branch of the armed forces since 1960, 1ald It was his "honest" professional oplnlon that both bullell which hit the President were fired from the rear. Wiiii. llC= l"ft. t Qut:~~tla~Clrtl 14, u . 2, - • ~ -'Em.er.son Foott, 62, the ad1't?f'tising man who creaUd tM "LSMIT' drive /or Lucky Strikt: atld thn quit the ad bmine.!s to kod a citiun dritle again.st cigarettt nnoJdng, lookl tot&h disgust at the object of his c:rmadt. Foott: claims that it U a lot "of utter hogwa.!h" for the fnduat111 to tell Con- gress that advt:rUring does not con-- vert nonsmokers fn~ smoktrs. • Supreme Court Backs Protest, Not Intrusions .WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court insured today the right of school children to hold protest demonstrations, " bat emphasized officials may Impose ~traints if there are Intrusions upon the work of the school or the rights of other student.II. "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their con~ •titutlonal right lo lre<dom ol speech or expression at the schoolhoose gate," aaid JU!Uce Abe Fm.as for the cour.L The rullng directly upheld the right of three Des Moines, Iowa, teenagers to wear black annbands to school In December 1965 to publicize their ob- jections to the Vietnam war and their support for a holiday season lnlce. "Students in school as well u out of school are 'persons' under the Con- stitution," Fort.as said In affirming the teenagers' free speech rights. ''They are possessed or fundamenta1 rl;hts which the state must respect, jll!t as they themse:lves must respect their obligations to the 1Late.11 Finck said the autopsy was performed on Nov. 22, 1963, a few hours after Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas: • Shaw is charged with conspiring to assassinate the President, and Dia. Atty. J im Ganisoo, as part of hi.I ..c.ue. has contended some of the sfd.s lo Dallas, including the fatal oot, wen ~ fired from the front . Defense altorney Lewis Dymond said he was hopeful he might be able to conclude his case Wednesday and the , lZ..man jury could begin deliberations some time this week. ~ Finck, a small, liaJding man, said ' the bullet's points of entrance and exit A would indicate an angle of fire from above and to the rear but the head wound was so massive that it was dif· ficu1t to tell from it whether the shot was fired from above. "At the time I signed the auloJ16)'. I had a fll'm opinion that both bullets lit.ruck in the back -one the back of the neck and the other the back of the head," Finck said. Giveaway Games Come Under Fire I~ GOLD NUGGET PEANUT BUTTER • Reg •• 97 88¢ 2~1bt. s~ CANDY SCOPE Reg •• 83 78¢ I.deal family mouthwash. 12-oi. size DIU• DIPT. ..... Oulfllltlll .... KMART BRAND .... 2(,U.U SPRAY STARCH When a gunman tied up dinner cook Ch•rles Powers, 21. during a holdup in San Lorenzo, Calif. -he •till managed to phone for help. He knocked the receiver off the h6ok of the wall telephone with his bead and then dialed 411 with his jongue. He told the operator his plight and police arrived quickly -but not :soon enough to catch the robber. At the same time, the court suggested that if the studetns' acUon touched off dlaorder or disturbances or if there was a "colllslOn with the rights of other students to be secure and lo be let atone," o!flclala would have been justified tn lmpoaing controls. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Th r e e members of Congress tcld the Federal Trade Commission today laws may be I their giveaway games. ou':::'* needed .to stop supennarkets and gasoline 1 ·· stations frnm tricking customers with The commission opened the first round Lall of puhlic hearings on rules It proposed last Jan. 5 to regulate "sweepstakes" SEGO In another cue, th e court agreed to ccmlder giving juveniles accused of delinquency the right to be tried by a jury. and other games. The commission hvs ·' found that such games sometimes involve widespread unfair and deceptive prac· 11 tices. Ocean Storms Soak Coasts ' ' Travelers W amings Posted on Eastern Seaboard let"', • ...., el tl1•1n,. cG'lflnUltr ffl drwnth *""'"' C.llfllrtlll totMy, wUll ..., r.lltf "' .i.tot until ~"· T.,... _.. W.M'll"" of llff...., 1now lo! !!'le "'°""''-'"' 11 temper1lllret cant~ cool. LOii Al'Oeln II.cl hff.,., tll"I t i !lmtl wtlll _.., wfnlb ..... COOi -..... llfnfllrft, n.. hl9" lode'f ,, "" CWlc C..,191" -JI$, ebolll ltw Mmt 11 """""''' .... xtmum of M. Tonlt'h!'I low wtll Ill ,,.,.. 11. TIM l:fl.9tl« fll "'flt -,.. Nranl ""'-" •"" tvn'911!, ....... "' • ,.,,,..,. ""'°""· n. Air l'elill!IM ~ Dlslrtct ........ ... .-.. ill "" .,.."' flMllY. LOI ANGl!Ll!:S AND V ICINITY- 1t1• """""' 11.r Tundr/ wtlfl ,_. .,. " ...... ......,., •11!1.. Guity -"""' ~ cM. L-""""" a . Hllfo ,......... rt. CMnClll '11 ''"' -" ""*" ........ Miii M lltf'Cllllf Tw'" ~TAI. AND INTIEllMl!DIA1' YAU.S'tS -lelfl ttlnll9ft n..llY ..... _,.. " """""'" .. ,_.,., rH!. 0..f'f .... CClllllllulll cm4.. LOM •""1 ..... . -MOUNTAIN All!AS -~ .,_ """"'*' 1.1111 ...................... -""""" tom .... ,,.. ~ ,,,_,m. _, ,,... ~ T--.l'. St._ Wtf't' ........ Litt.. "'""'•l\H'I: ...... ona lttOll AND ot:Slll:T •EOIOHS __,,_,.., dolld'f wllfl .,....,. llM'li<fltf ""' ,.......,_ ..._.. ... "" ......,.,.. ..... """' ...,mny .... , (Oltltl """"''""' ... belew -'1111 "'""" °""" ..... • .. JJ fNlfl ., ''-.._ 1tw1 "*' s• fMt ..,-. ..... ""' ..... "" -"""' ·-lltltl """''"'"" cMNL ..,.._ T.,.... d•I' --,. "...., .,...,..,_. ... U litfwLtt vtlllM-L-""""' 9 '9 15 °'""" v,11,,., » i. a u..w ..,,,..,. ...... ,.•w-w111., .. 1 J C...cal Hww'I' '"' lfld ,...,,.. -·-... co.ti "'°" ""'*" T""6rr. Wlrodl -""""• IS Ill • tftOh. Tldll"I tii.11. )t to u. Yn"""9n __..t\lf9 r 1 n • • • '"'"'1 e 1119'1 " 11 to • .._. 11 d . ln-19/ld ~ ,_ •11 SS " .U. Tiit .. let ~!vtl Wt l 5' ..... -· Sua, •-· rwa M .... Y ~ ~ ........... 1;""·"'·'.t Stconoll ... ' .11 :• ··'"· '·' TUllDAY l"lnl "'"" ........ ,. .... J1'5 '·'"· ••• Flrtl low .,..,., ........ tltOl 11.'"' I.~ $«or111 hr.fl ,,._ , ........ 11M e.tn. J,j SKenl .............. 1115' "·'"· J.1 .._ I-NIN ''""' 9'11 · .... · · · .. '"' llnMI f liil '""· .... ·~· ...... ,...... u.t .. ,..,. ""' •• Mir. • MM. II Mer~. H MILO v.s. s-••r• A "'" If .... -• ..,_ """" ... -"-' .... '""' " .. IWl1'oll ........ .,.......,.,111 .... __ ..,.. -......,,,. Wflllt .... '""'...,.. --.i.r dlull' "" *"· flit Allellltc "°"""' dl¥miM ~ w.r• "' Ille ~ ce-. i.rffl:I fl'llllf~ """ """"' ~ Jo Mllllt 11"' n ,., ... t • 1119 Grfft Lllkn. Trenlln _,,..._ .,.,, If.Miid IOI' the ...., Jenlv-~.. ·~· llM1tiwanl wllfl lw9 to foul' llK'lot1 vi -·~· Ee11tr11 "-rt-.tnll 1M lllUlllMilWfl H4W Ycft l'ltcl -or two ~ o1 -,_ 11....,..., on "'-""""'ltt " "" llNV'f' •nowf•11 ... --........ ... llldl .,, ...... "'l""' "1!ti r1ln, ~ 1 ece-. tor New Yori: City -~ '"' Ntl""1ff ~y 1'tlf .... ...., .,...., Mrller !flit ....,Ill. ..!.. '.l'em~r•turu H'let! L-Jlf'M. ~l, """'-•wt ~ 2S #rtn(~ff '5 eo1~ flOJIOlt Chkt lPO Cloclnr11n Cle-vtlend ""-"" --Otlrell l"ort Wor lll ""'" H-iulll HouslM IC111M1 Clt'f l.K\l~i L• ·-~ Ml-I 8-dil Mll'#Mlk" M'""'11N11~ ,,._ Ol'Mlnt New Yartt ....... ...... ""° J:etile1 l'llltffofl1>hi. """"" ··-......... J:fl>ld Cl'Y ·-$!. Louil 5•llfllt Slit Lllkt Clt'f hn Di.to St n l't11'1(.llco """ .. """. "'''" SIOkt,,. Ti...,.1 Wtdll"'""' • ~ " 31 , • 4J ,, .ll >6 JJ .lJ I ,. " . " ~ .. ~ " . " ~ .. n ,. " . It '' .. " " . " " .... " " " " " " " .. " ... JI 45 . " " ~ ... • • . .. " " . " " " ... . -" .. SJ J, " .. " . 0 • .. " " " ... t• .n ... .. l.M •• 1.10 ··~ .sl .., I' ·" .M ·" ... ... .. ... ,, Reg .. 26 Deltclous "'IY to Jose "'eight. Ass't. llavo"- .... °"'~"­..... PLASTIC -14. u. M GARBAGE CANS Reg. 2.97 $1.97 20-Gsllon Size PATIO DI"· wtlllt ~ ""· °":::."" 24. ll. » HOUSEHOLD BROOM Rev. 1.21 · 97¢ HOUSIWAID ' l [ ' ti [• ---...... .... FANT'ASY BED BLANKET $3:33· 5:5 % rayon, 45% nylon with all nylon blndlni. -_ .. ..... DOWDTIC DIPT. .... ...... HERSHEY KISSES Rev· .61 58¢ I LB. BAG CANDY DI~. .... .... OYlfl!ltlee ....... ..... LADIES PANTYHOSE Rev. 1.34 97¢ 111sses stretch panly hOR In popular shades. Wh!i. Qu1~111i. ..... HOSll•Y DRIP PAINTINGS Giant slzed candy bars. Assorted flavors. CANDY DI", Reg .. 97 77¢ 7-oi. Siu COSMnlcS DEPT. Wiiiie . ... Qu1n111i. 14.2S.» Lat CUFF LINKS or TIE TACS Reg •• 77 2/99¢ JIWILIY LADIES CARDIGANS Rev. 5.U $4.44 Loni sleew. 1009'-acrylic rwMten. 1-'\lll fashioned Novelty 1Utc~ and in a.vorted calorl. Slut S~M-11 LA.Did ; ~ ~ ,14 ~ ' ~ I 3DAYS ONLYf COSTA MESA STORE No Sales lo Dulers • •• -..... GIRLS .... ....... SPORT TOPS Rev. 1.37 $1.11 Sleeveless. 100% ~lton teny tops. Colorful prints on white backiround. Sizes ~x and 7-14. ..... llS .... .... -...... .... NYLON NET HAIR BAND w11n1 CIMll!itlll ...., Rev •• 92 50¢ Assorted Colors MILLINllY WOOL .... ...... COVER-UPS Rev. 1.66 86¢ Assorted Co1on. MIWNllY LADIES .... ....... TENNIS SHOES Rev. 1.87 $1.22 ~ t Crew neck, assorted colors. Sizes. f\ S-XL I MEN'S WIA• . ... . ... .. ..._ 14.U..M ..... LITTLE LEAGUE BASfBAll SHOES Rev. 2.76 $2.46 Regulation U tllf! League 1~. .... -· .. ...... Sf'OlTIN• M>ODS INSTAMATIC . ... ..... CAR·RYING CASE R19. 4.U $2.97 Fits 124 ancl 134 llu tamaUc . CA.MIRA DI", ~ ' \ British Report of France'~ Europe Plan Brings Protesi PARIS (UPI) -Franct formally protested to Brilain l<xlay a reported French design for Europe's future that has turned into a major Int e matlonal controversy, government sources reported. BrlUsh Ambassador Christopher Soames was call· ed to the Fr<ocb for<lgn minlstry and handed a note objecting to his one! Britain's role in the dispute. The note protested divulgence of a discussion between Soames and French President Charles de Gaulle. The French C<lnten<' t be published British version of De Gaulle's statements was severely distorted. The British deny it. The French note aald the British interpretation had not been approved by De Gaulle's office or by the 'foreign mlhlsl.ry, the soon:es said. Soames apparenUy w a 1 snubbed when he ca11ed at the ministry this morning. Common Market allies to imure them she would not abandon them In favor ot a united Europe that eUtninat.ecl . the economlc pact, govern- ment sources said. They said Debre would con- IUJt with the envoys from 'Ita- ly, Be1fium. West Germany, the Netherlands one! Lux· embourg on the issue. The French attempts to soothe thelr Common A1arket partners came as President Nixon prepattd to meet with British Prime Minister Harold Wilson in London. SdUrces French sources said he re-there said the two leaders qu~ a meellng w l t h were certain Lo discuss the For<lgn AUaln M in la I e r . IQU&bble. Michel Debre, bu\ wu told The d!Jpute Involved !he Debre could not oee bUn. Commoo Market aod tbo Instead, the Brillab envoy wu North AtlanUc T re a t y received by Ibo minlltey'1 OrganiJaUon (NATO) in favor secreiary geoeral. • ol a united Europe without France also !llmmoned the American ties. ruffled ambassadors or her British diplomatic sources said Wilson's foreign Berlin Concessions secretary, Mlcbael Stewart, would tell his parliament t~ day Britain would reaffirm its membership in NATO, although il would talk with the French about possible new arrangements. • • Ease Latest Crisis BONN, West Germany (AP) -The latest Berlin crisis eas- ed today after both West Germany and East Germany offered nocceuiom. · The &ituatioo was thi!: If West Germany calls off plans to elect lls next president in Wesl Berlin March 5, then British Mull Tank Deal With Israel LONDON (AP) -Britain may sell Israel some of its newest and m::111~1 OJleftain -Arab threats ol tradblg and political reprisals, goffr'OIJlellt sources reported today. No formal decision on the sale bas been made, the sources said, pending further political a n d military con- siderations. , Informants said the British government will not approve - the sale before ascertaining American views •n the Middle East. President Nixon who ar· rived in Londoa from Brussels tonight, has pinpomted that area u one of the main topics lo d.iscuM with Prime Minister Harold Wilson. ' East Germany will allow West Berliners to cross the wall into East Berlin for the first ii.me in three years to visit their relatives during Easter. West German Cb•ncellor Kurt Georg KJesinger ao- cepted the Communist offer to negotiate but indicated he wanted a "lasting settlement" going far beyond East.er. Informed scurces said a de<:ision had to be reached quickly if the elections were to be relocated. · East German leader Walter Ulbricht made the ofrer of concessions t h i s weekend through the Soviet Ambassador to West Germany, Semyon Tsarapkln, who met in Stuttgart Sµnday wilh Kie.singer for the secoDd tune in 24 boors. T&lll'lpkin told Kieslnger that ablfling the eJeetloa t0 I city inside West Germany would be "a contribution to detenie one! toward promoilon CJf better Soviet-West German relations." The conciliatory m o v e s came four days before PresJ. dent Nixon's visit to the dlvld· ed city 110 miles inside East Germany. The Soviet Union and Eut Germany both w a r n e d repeatedly that election of a successor to President Heinrich Luebke should not take place in West Berlin, which they consider a "third German state." Unexpected expenses? Miss Chinatown A hometown girl was selected Miss Chinatown USA in ~sco Sunday from a field of 18 girls, representing eight states from New York to Hawaii. Miss Carole Young, 21, a junior at San Francisco State College will reign over the rest of Cliinese New Year festivities. DAILY l'IUT 5 Debt Limit Triple Deader Ihle HikeAsked Apolln 9 Crew By Nixon WASllINGTON (UPI) President N lion propooed to- day a new concept for flsuri111 the nailonal debt llmi~ wbllo alao wing CGqress to raise the ptUOllt cellinf on tbo &1110W1t ol modey the aovem· ment can borrow to '382 billion. Gets Check-up ' . CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) .-The Apollo I utrooauil today underwent their final major inflllht phyakaJ esam while launch crews lftpare for a apace irlplebeader atartlng toolght with 1 probe toward the planet Mars. The law now Imposes a Umit ol 136S bUUoo. A> ol Jwie 30, the ao-called temporary Air Force Lt. Col. James ceillng will revert to 1 · A. McDIYitt and David R. permanent maximum of $S5& Scott and civilian Russell L. billion. '11\e actual debt ~elcbrt had several hours already is more than $383 with space agency doctors. biWon. The trio's miss.ion will be Nixon, ln a message made to circle the urth for 10 days public by the White House, after their Saturn S rocket also asked Congress to make blasll ol1 at 8 a.m. PST Fri- th'e debt limit conform to new day. budget concepts. Uoder this The physical esam alao pr.. arrangement, trust funda -vldea medical data for ln-fUght such as the big ones, the and pogtfllght comparilon. Social Security one! h!ihway Seeking clues to poaible life f. -are filured into the on Mars, Mariner 6 11 to eovemment's Iotat receipts rocket Loward that distant and eipendltures. planet at 5:14 p.m. tonight. To conform with this ap-A ft e r an interplanetary pro.a.ch, Nixon said, only lho!e voyage of nearly five months, federal obligations held by the it ii to sweep within 2,000 public -as opposed to miles of the Red P~. snap. federally owned agencies and ping pictures and gathering by trust funds -should be scientific data. subject to the statutory Umir S a n d w I c b e d between oo the public debt. lt.ariner one! Apollo will be tbo IauDcbilJI ol Ille ESSA • weather Aielllie at It ,34 • .... Wedneoday." b I r I i n ' throu&b a nortl>toath orbit 900 miles high, the c r a I t ' 1 cameras and lnfrartd sensing devlcet will looll: at storm systems over the entire globe. McDivlit, Scott and Scbweickart have the complex task of proving the night readlneu or the lunar modulo (LEM), the spldery four-leg· ged vehicle which is designed to land two men on the moon one! get them off safely. U they aue<eed, the way will be clear for the Apollo JO crew to fly a LEM on a lunar orbit m.laalon in MlY one! for Apollo II to attempt a moon landing in July. Mariner S will be followed March 24 by a twin, Mariner 7, which .will tip by the edge of Mars !OUthem polar cap on Aug. ts. Mariner 6 will pass near W.ars above ill equator on July 31. They will gather scientific data and map scoru of photographs for :is minutes each before streaklnl into orbit atGUod the lllJI, Which cooks better-a.flame or a hotplate? use our money! Thlt's -Marris Plln money is for, Yau ""' bcnw f""" $100 to $5,00J, or more, far bill consolldlllon. llllCfical _,...., ....,. or car -"" .,,, .,.., -"""""'Its echeduled to fl 'fOi/f Income. With """""81 you ""' ._ 'fOilf money the cflJ you apply. No ropoyrnent for 45 tllys. SAMPLE LONI SCHEOUlES YOUR -No. al CASH PiJn•lb Months $ 4S3.9l II• 24 ll,01&57 $S3 24 lt.51U9 ~ l6 $2,l22JI 176 l6 Cnldit Ifft Md dftabUitJ .. •aa ,.lllblt. Morris Plan N~rt ~ooh • 3700 Newport Blvd., . • 073-3700 n..w-.....r.. Perlno'a CW cam only •bout ~ food-and he cooks with po. So doeo Chalen'a c:btl. And Seaodil'a . ehof. Gao ai- thotn qul<bt i....,...mon ---97'lloolaUct..r1- 111o7 ..... -witb po. Lot'a_ ...... Wlllch kmd "'-·-· Tbe olmple "!'th ft that .,tth .on "" - ,.. -. with Ibo bniiiat door -ticli• ' With en electric ranee. you leave the door p1rtly open. Think of ell thlt 1JU1Y .nokel Think al the kitchen ceilincl How can they qy electric ranc .. •re cleaner? n. tabulo ..... .--. Thlotookettiewith I cup ol water whlatla in ... dwn 2 min- ut• on thll pa pnp, Crl "'Hieb-'" Thia aame -.SC.US. talt• more then 3 miaat:ea to ~ on a delua 11169 electric'"- al10 on "'Hip." Whtn people clefm u.ctric: ""*ill& 1o r ....... tt -.. .. do a !""'bum. oww_,.. ... _. .i-1 Wbao,.., lllm (lff thopoflunounderthe- it'a off. It doem't 10 on &iowtrw lib ... aloctric coil. Tbo -_, ...... ......... __ , ...... '""°"'-- yet. iilldlq to the pol. -·-... •Ore mod•ra-UI ScmoboolJ --MMlac )'Oii • I.in& -,1a1b.-lt co1t1 an •••r•1• ram111 o1 r0ur u1.oo .,....rortutl to cook ----llulca1JS9.00(l/30I • ! ! • t ' , ~ • 1 I .. , .. , ··:! -. ... ·4 I j ,. •' '· • w (!MLY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE] ' Your Views WoQld Help Surprises cootinued lo pile up In the offshore oU drl!llni uploraUon controversy last week. Finl, Newport Beach discovered· tbat Ille Slate Lands commission bad given permission to lhe Shell OU Co. to conduct exploratory drWJng In waler• oU the city, not far from its harbor entrance. The city had assumed It was protected from !\DY kind of drilling under tbe Shell-<:unnlngham Act pro- hibiting oil activity from Ille Sante Ana River to Ille Mexican border. That a state agency could grant permission for any kind of oil drilling in the area came as a shock. And IL is still a question whether the commission was to- taJly wilhin the Jaw in granting the permit. The next surprise came to San Clemente. the city teamed that a state-approved test hole site, previously thought to be off San Onofre in San Diego County, ac .. tually is in tideland waters Within San Clemente city limits. In lhe co.rrunotion over "secrecy" about Ute state permits, the failure to notify the parties directly con· cerned, it was revealed that the State Lands Com- mission's notification procedures are seriously defec- tive. Their 0 notices," it appears, became just more pieces of paper buried on the Joaded desks of assembly~ men and senators from the areas involved. Assemblyman Robert H. · Bur~e (R-Huntington Beach) said be received .the notice but paid it little attention because it didn 'l affect bis district. He even defended core drilling, saying it is designed to "pro. vide valuable and vital information on possible later drilling from dry land-based operations." The whole Orange County coast should be aroused, however, including Burke and Huntington Beach. The cities involved, especially those allegedly pro- tected by the Sbell-Omningham Act, have every right to expect direct notification and consultation in ad· vance of any issuance of permits. And lhey have ev111 riChl' to a&t the State· Lmll Commlsslon and !be oil -.panlOI why, U drllllq•ll forbidden by law, b tbere uy righl to explore. ExplOI' atlon of lhl1 kind 'lm'I 4-'merely to help geologlals add to their tnowledf• 41'1 lbe conUnenlal shell-!l's done wllh oil co-atoekholders' money In the hope and upectatlon ol future oil pumping for proftL Protection of °"onge County's greatest natural;. .. urce, Ila 40 .Jill* al. 1eecoest, ''oald come w illeod of any Jilly offshore oil exp!oltatlon-etther uplo""' tory or pwnJl!Dg. , Your view's would help ll!PPOfl lhls protection. You can help by wilting to Ibo following: Houston I. Flournoy, state ContrOUer and chair- man, SI.lie Lands Commissioo, 1020 12th Street, Sacra• mento 95814. U. Gov. Ed Reinecke, commission mfmber, same address. • Caspar Weinberger, Director of Finance and com .. mission member, same address. Also to state senators and assemblymen from Or· ange County, as listed at lower right on this page. Keep an Open Mind Sc~re . stories about Immorality produced by sex educa~on m the schools are being given wide currency by various groups. I When these groups say the job sbo-altfbe done in the ~ome an~ the church, they're right. But it has not and is not belllg done tbere--and a crisis in veneral disease and illegitimate birt.hs is being reached. Apparently lost in the clamor is the point that there ~re good and there are poor courses in sex education J~t as there ar~ in other subjects. Anaheim school of: f1e1als are convmced their Family Life Class is sue· c~sful. It ~hould be studied with an open mind for pos- sible adoption on the Orange Coast. • S tr e ss on 'Good Managetnent' Hustkr and Angkr Create A Foundation Nixon's Operation Problem W ASl-llNGTON -'n1e White lJouse aide sighed. "Our problem," he said, ''is how to make good management look dynamic.'' He anticipated that be- fore long people will begin to say President Ni.I.on is occupying the pres· idency in a commendable way but is not doing much. Ni.I.on spoke in a rather disparaging tone of "bold, imaginative" programs tn a recent talk with government em· ployes. He stressed good administration more and finding the way to operate programs in the heaJlh, education and welfare fields which are both eUecti.ve and publicly •cceptable. According to HEW Secrelary Robert Finch. Nixon bas sent mole directives to HEW than to aey other depariment and Fioch himself bu been more in lhe news in the early days of the Nl1.on adminlstraUon than any other cabinet member. 11IE PROBLEM OF the "bold, bnag· inative" approach as contrasted with "dynamic good management" is illus- trated by lhe brief visits to Washington ol Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York and Willie Mae Rogers of lhe Good HouseUeplng JmUtute. Miss Rog· ers, as a consultant on consumer affairs to find the way toward better manage-ment in this highly conirovenial field, did not last through the weekend. Governor Rockefeller's "bold, lmagin-o alive approach" on a federal takeover cf all welfare prosrams did not last throughout the day of his statement before the Urban Affairs Council last week. Miss Rogers could have contlnued " ~ 'n-~":'-' ' I ' Richard Wilson I ' -· -~ finding the right way if she had been willing to forego her salary from the magazine she works for. Nixon will un· doubtedly find an acceptable substitute for her services. BUT mERE IS NO substitute visible yet for Governor Rockefeller's bold, imaginative approaCh in which he would retain tbe 10 percent surtu as a per· manen( feature of our tax system to be turned over to the states to aid educa· tion. Even Jeu is there a visible substitute for Governor Rockefeller 's idea of a total federal takeover of all welfare costs by using one-fourth of the growth in federal revenues. In four years, he estlmates, 'this one-fourth wouJd amount to about $17 billiorui. Together with the surtax aid to education, Washington would have assumed in four years an additional $30 billion for health, education and welfare. TllIS IS BOLDNESS and imagination at its Johnsonlan peak, and was one reason why Governor Rockefeller never was able early last year to shake Rich· ard M. Ni.l.on's firm grip on the Repub- licii.n presidenUal nomination. Governor Rockefeller traumatized several influ~ ential audiences wilh such. bold, imagin- ative outlines of similar ideas that they completely lost lnterest in hla: presiden- tial possibilities. President Nixoo had to hurry off to another appointment before the New York governor finished his recent presentation to lhe Urban Affain Council. Yet It is in precisely this area that lhe only hope lies for Nixon's beginning to surmount the immense unsolved problems of welfare, health, education, and the reconstruction of American cities. THIS BOPE LIES JN the expected growth in federal revenues, under the present tu structure, which wilt pro- duce '50 or MO billion ldditlonal revenue by 1973. Assuming a decUning cost in the Vietnam War and related d~eue activities by that time, the federal government could, and probably will spend vastly more on hWUJ. education: and welfare whether ij. takes over the welfare system or not. It is the probability of this which makes Ulusory the idea tha t by dynamic good management the Nixon administra- tion is going to do anything more than bold down some ol the coming bulge in such costs. Good management could, however, make the coming expansion of health, education and welfare costs more acceptable to the pUblic, and more in keeping with traditlonal concepts of a Republican Administration. Jn the end there will have to be a good deal of boldness and imagination, whether of Nixon's· kind or Rockefell~r's. It will probably resolve into a question, when peace comes, of granting a peace dividend to a tax weary people or going ahead with the immemely expensive do- mestic programs. Sir Ronald-Shining Knight Well, children, as you remember, Sir Ronald ol Holyrood and his new faithful squire, Sancho Reinecke, had plunged deep into 1be Tangled Thicket in quest of The Dread Unruh, a fruminous creature dwelling somewhere in the murky gloom . When suddenly, a gigantic beast loom· ed up across their path! It had slavering jaws and grasping claws and piggy eyes and poisonous cries and •.. "By the saints, master," quavered the terror.stricken Sancho, "It's The Dread Unruh come to devour us." "Hold your ground, Sancho," said Sir Ronald bravely. "It Is but The State Income Tax.'' A LOOK OF revulsion came over Sancho's fact. "Oh, slay it, I pray lhee, 1ire," he begged. "I loathe and despise all tu.es. The wicked creatures magically up Individual initiaUve. And never have l viewed such a huge and ugly one." ''Quiet, varlet," snapped Sir RonaJd. -----Monday, February 24, 1969 n. cdltorlol -or Uta Dallv """ •"" to ltt/Om cmd .u ... ll/at4 rwodln bv pru••Ullll "'" .._,., .,,_ cmd con> """""1 .. lopf<I o/ lntere11 cmd ...,../l<JOllCC, "' providing • /«Va tor IM 1.,,reuion of oor ·-opln...,, and bv ,,,.._..., IM ~' vr.... pallllt of llafom<d obi.,_, and tpctla111w °" iopiCI of CAI ctav. Robert N. Weed, PuhllJher I ' l -..-··"-.- ,).. t Hoppe ' - . .., ' And turning to the Tax, he said sternly, ''Down, sir!" At this the Tax rolled over on its back, put all 32 feet in the air, wagged it& forked tail and smiled ingratiatingly. "How passing strange," exclaimed Sancho. "I raised this Tax myself. Sancho," said Sir Ronakl proudly. "ln fact, I doubled its sire." "You, sire? But why?'' "FOR THE GOOD of my beloved ~ pie of The Golde a State," explained Sir Ronald. "You see, Sancho, ta:11:es must hurt so that people will hate them. And this huge Tar. hurts twice as much as the puny litUe one I inherited from my predecessor. Thus it i." twlct as good for my beloved people." Sancho scratched his head. ''But, 1ire," he said, "I fear the people will hate your huge Tu so much they wlll come to hate you. t beg you to lop it and chop it and heck it and whack it for !he good ol YOW' beloved people ol The Goldm St.Ile." Sir Ronald !""'oed throughtlully . "You are right. Sancho, I must think of naught but the aood ol my beloved people." AND SO SAYING, he drew his r11med Swloging Swonl, lhooted hi• !ealOll battlt cry -"Fl>' Docency, for Pwily and ror Just Platn Goodnelll " -and dellvtred a mighty blow at the Tu. Tht poor beast gave a borrendous aquoal, lffp! to Its 32 fed and v1nlihed as Sir Ronald lheathed h!J IWord and dUSled oR h!J handl. .. How odd, muter," said Sancho. "l AW DO wound. '1 "It was my magical delayed cut," said Sir Ronald. "In exactly one year, a flat ten percent of lhe beast will fall ol! -lor !he good ol my beloved people." "BUT TILL THEN' it will prey upon them, harrassing and devouring the.m," said Sancho. "Yet you would delay tbe cut till next year for the.Jr own good?" "Next year is election year, varlet" said Sir Ronald. "My beloved peopie will hail me then as a mighty Tax Cutter and choose me agaJn as their Shining Knight. Surely, Sancho, no greater good than that could befall them." Sancho shook his head admiringly. "How fortunate I am to have chosen a master who can double taxes for the people's good and cut taxes for the f>e?Ple's good. Truly, he is not only a Shining Knight but a Marvelous Magi· ciao." Dear Gloomy Gus: What's 1oin& on off pur coast with thole oil "tests" ta jwt a Shell game. -Mrs. B. A. TIM ffffw. ,..,,.... ......,... ......_ Mt __,., ... If ............. .... ,_ "" -............... Dlllr ....... WASHINGTON -Herbert Hustler is a mythical businessman in a mythical city -perhaps yours -who is making a Jot of money. Hustler bu always wanted to run for Congress, but Uke many middle-aged men who are making money be has not had the time to get himself known, least of all in the part of his district where the ethnic vote lies. Moreover, Hustler is not a spender. Llke many of his friends, he regards politics as enormously wasteful of money. That It will co~t in excess of $200,lXM> to run a campatgn for Con~ appalls him. But HusUer has never been one to ~ away from a difficult deal. He consults his lawyer, Arthur Angler. WJLhin a few weeks the uWte Angler fonns lhe Herbert HusUer Foundation, Herbert HusUer, president, "exclusively foc the purpose of scientific, cultural, charitable and educational endeavors." Within due course,, the U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue approves it as tax ex: empt. IT IS AT TIBS point that Hustler's picture. begins to appear in the local newspaper and on television. "Receives gift from Hustler." the caption reads. Before long there is not a synagogue nor a boys club, not . a scout troop nor a church, not a ladles aid, ' c;:bapter of CORE nor a Lithuanian Independence Day pageant which has . not benefited from the largesse of tht Hustler Foun· datlon. The gifts are muniriceat;. yet they are not -as will be seen -costly. When Jl is all over, lhe Hust.I~ Foun- daUoo bu -spent $88,741 Ql its capital, all of which was contributed by Herbert Hustler. It is at this point that the formation of Herby HusUer Youth Centers is announceO. THERE ARE ze oI these -one for every ward in the district. At these centers, young people and young adults may drop in, shoot a friendly game of pool, drink free coffee and acquire information as to how they may learn a useful trade -all under the watchhil eye of large posters of the benefactor . and with pamphlets available that look suspiciously like campaign literature. The incumbent congressman i s overwhelmed by this blltz. When the election is over. Hustler accurately reports that his victorious campaign has cost him exactly $1,000. In fact, the foundation has spent $150,000, all from earnings on which Hustler would otherwise have paid an income tax. Since he Is In the llO percent bracket, Hustler has saved about $100,000 in taxes and bought himself a con· gressional seat for ·a paltry PJ1000. THlS PROSPECT -althouih il hasn't happened yet -has unnerved some of Hu1Uer's prospective coDeques in the }louse or Representatives. For under the law, It could happen. Con.gremnan Wright Patml.n, the Texas Democrat who ii conducting an in- vuUgatloll o1 !oundatlooo, lhlnb It will ha""°" and points Jo .,. Instance In which It near'1 didi Nt one aeems lo have a toluUon. MOit congressmen agree that taz-utmptlon 'taws mull be rewrlt· ten to tttp foundaUons out ol politics. BJ Jl'Ttnt Ma11klrwln udTomBrwd'" • ::::0 • .:. '. ' " ' ; ,. ' . '.•I ' . . " .· . ' ... .. . . ' .. !,.·· "•' 'Det.ect any reaction yet?' " ,. ' •', Thomas .Merton,: Trappist Monk By one of those coincidences that always, when they happen, give us a frisson of mortality, l was in the midst of reading his latest book when news arrived of the death of Thomas Merton in a literally shocking accident. He had long been one of my favorites , this Trappist monk, born in France of an English father and an American mother, who took him,setf. to a monastery in Kentucky, wllere from hls. vanta.&e or seclusion he became one ot the most perceptive observers and objective com· mentators on the malaiSe of our time' .. THE BOOK I happened to be reading ls ''Zen and the Birds of Appetite," which is Merton's unique dialog betweeQ our Judei>Olristian tradition and the religious experience of the E a s t , especially the dazzling precepts and tremulous insights of Zen Buqdhism. Zen bas become quite fashionable in the West today, particularly in upper· class American society, where it has gained a certain intellectual, cachet, like sporting Cardin clothes or toting Guice! luggage. But, as Don Marquis wryly ebservid many years ago, "An idea isn't responsible for who believes in il." ONE OF THE most splendid qualities of Merton was his intelleclual and emo- tional Hopenness." A devout Catholic and a deep respecter of the "ra· tionalism" of Thomas Aquinas, he was also catholic in the lower.case sense of the word -he found much of value in Zen, in the Protestant mystics, in ( r, ' \ . j Sidney J. Harris J ; \ • • ' ·"'""' --~!Ar.-~ the Hebrew basidim, in Freud and even in Marz.. ... He knew how to draw out of these contrasting and confllcting philosophies -what w~ ~· aoct QlOSt U$table.;. unlike Jjiost ad,vocates of a cause, he was not interested in what was wrong with other causes, but in what was right with them. He knew that there are more questions than there are answers, ~ and that, in bis own words, "a man is known better by his questions than by his answers." FATHER l'i"1ERTON'S life was tragically cut short at lhe age of 53, while on a trip to the East to visit with the Dai Lama. He was continually inquiring, probing, reflecting, dissatisfied with traditional answers merely because they were traditional, and seeking some newer synthesis of ideas and feelings to help mankind out of the rilorass of anomie into which modern civilizaUon has fallen . The best way to honor the memory of this fine man is to buy his book, "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander," a culling from his notebooks of the last IQ years, to learn what queslions we ourselves should be asking, of society, its institutions, and our own placid con· sciences. ' .': A V iew of Euthanasia Euthanasia, or "mercy killings" should be permitted in the United States, especially in cases of grossly retarded Infants or tenninal cases, where death is inevitable. We should allow a good death -merc.iful and quick, rather than ugly and prolonged. To be human is to be self-aware. consciously related lo others, to be able to achieve and express emotions. When these traits are absent, there is neither a potential nor an actual person. · THERE ARE THOUSANDS of children who should never have been born. Their lives are a blank. They do not play. read, grow, live, or love. \Vhen a child is born who is not able to share the life around him, then it is time to think about that child's family. The.re are parents who l\'aste their lives trying lo expunge feelings of guilt lhal should not be there. It is for their normal children that these people should live. There are many cases when a retarded child can be happy , living and loving, enriching the lives around them. Such is the case of Vice--Presidenl Humphrey's granddaughter. HOWEVER, JN cases or severe mongolaidlsm. for which there Is no cure, and none on the horizon, a child m•y not live for more than a few yean. Then that child should not have lo live. Ttrmlnal cases also put a severe cmo. ilonal and financial strain on fllmili es . Elderly persons that are kept alivt by a heart-lung machine unable lo think. have lived a long healthy and useful life oh.J.1-to have the end torture Ultm. MANY ASK, ls eulhan13la moral! The views ol. many thecl()fians have been e1pressed here, and they agree that It )1 not moral to torture these persom and their famllies. A taw allowing eledJve death would of course have every a e c e 11 a r y I i Guest Editorial J . , safeguard to human rights, but it could allow persons to designate in their wills that _they do not want a lingering death. '• ll m1ghl also have provisions for preven- tative abortion. Whatever i5 done, let lhe law favor living, not mere life. By Cathryn llaUleld In Le Mol Fountain Valley High School How to Add ress Our Lawmakers ' .. •• .- ·" . . -· ... . " -,.,,,,,, ' . '"'""""'"' .,,.-·--···-~~ ..... ----.------------------------------..,--------------------- DAil Y 'llDT 7 \ Geitirig Do'wn tO Earth on an Airport Site To the Editor: It teema to be t1me for a few r1cta to be made clear over the current a1rport controvenoy In OraJ!le County. t. The airplanet whether for private or __...w or Ql1llJoey uae, ii bere to s~y. %. Tbe r..,;d -th ol indUBtey; In Oranp Couoty, which enableS people to Uvt In Newport Helghtl; llilaioo Vlejo1 Laguna ll61cb, Dana Polo~ or lll)'Wh<ri> el11e, relies on rapid phytiCal'tr~ lion. 3. The success of those industries relies <lR the.ir management, sales and service members being able to visit their customers and suwueni quickly and therefore efficiently, just as "mucb as it relies on their other empktyes at the plant. Any airline will tell you lhat these people make up the lvalll majority ·of their passengers. t. i.m·ANGELES Int er n at lo n a I :Airport, besides beina a I r e a d y overcrowded, cannot be held ~hie ror Orange Co\mty travellers, unless, of course, Orange Co!Ulty would prefer to be annexed lo Los Angeles. 5. Orange County Airport, since some very wise people decided lo run the San Diego freeway along t h e northeastern end of the runways, can expand for larger ai~aft only in a Mllllhwesterly direction, taking t h e runways over Palisades Road as L.A. Airport nms over Sepulveda Boulevard. 6. A brand new airport costs an awful lot of money, which most people would seem to prefer spending on more freeways, as long as the next freeway does n:ot run through their back-yard. 7. EL TORO AJRPOllT is already there, paid for by you, me, tl!1 the people. A number of other alrporls around the country are shared by the military and civilian. For example, Albuquerque, New Mexico, bas Air Force, Navy, and civilian facilities, with approJimately 80 urivals and similar departures ev~ day by the latter, as well as innum~able small private aircraft takeoffs and landings. In addition, I believe El Toro is closed by weather less frequently th.an Orange County Airport. Most certainly it has already installed greatly superior radio guidance landing facilities. 8. The noise made. by ·a four~gined jet such as the Boeing 707, and even less by the new 74.7, has a much lower decibel rating than the average Marine fighter which rues over Laguna or Dana Point, and lower than the domeitic hi-fi played hY. the t~e 10D or Oual*r of the av~age NeWpon"BilCliT~"' KEN LLOYD Jmposllbfel' Fanciful? To the Editor: For many months the citizens have been reading accounts in the DAILY PILOT of increasing use of Orange Coun· ty Airport, and the conseque.nt rise. in noise level over t b e homes in the un· mediate community. 'An a r o u s e d citizenry ls active ip attempting to stop or limit airport use by these large jet aircraft that are providing o t h e r segments or the population ."'.ittl con· venient, fast travel to many cities, near and far. Airport studies ~ve been made ~y competent, qualified peopJ:e. They recite tne problem already mentioned an~ sug· gest removal of Orange County Airport to another location. BUT WHERE? No OQe wants it. Seek· ing a permanent locallnn lor ~ an enlarged airport lw been largey "" exe?<ise In l\dJIJty. Wbat 'la nt<ded la lmqinaUon. Moro than °"' lllcq., problem In industry, bualneu and commen:e bu been IGlved by -·llltflir ....... d dreaming ••• thlUUIS • , , ..m; imqlnatlve, new ap- proaches. • Here's a newly dreamed up thought ·· that ~ u l wa1 ftading the cblu.mn liJet Noise" which appears as a paid advertiMmerll In y0ur paper each ~ WHY NOT MAD use of a man made "resollrce" that )Las ftcenUy been com- pleted -the Newport Freeway and the San Dieao.Fmway. The polnl whelO tl\Oy tntenoct ii adjaC<Dt to . Orange County Alrporl. Newport Fmway almost parallels tlie normal jakeoll and landing patterns at the airport. San l>ie~ Free..ay u., In the opposite dire<U..,.. Let me suggelll that· an ·alrporl built above these frtewaJI, on land. leased lrom· the lllale, wauld provide takeoff and landing by even the largest airplanes and oot overrty anyone's borne. The . C08t would be no more than ac· quis.ition of new land and runway development. tmposa.ible? Fanciful? Maybe, but think about it. Perhaps it would work. GEORGE DUKE Too Much Protection To the Editor : Recently, the FCC proposed the ban· ning of cigarette advertising o n television. Now, it would appear, Sen. -Anthony c. Beiknson wilhea to get Into the. act by going cne step lurtber, lor his proposed California bill would·ouUaw, as a misdemeanor, all tobacco ad- vertising in uy form whatsoever. This bill, should it pass, could [lOS!ibly be a precedent-making piece of leglsla· tion with far-reaching ramifications. Let us consider for a moment the statement required on all packs of cigarettes: "Caution: Cigarette Smoking M a y be Hazardous to Y o u r Health.·• Now, is it not possible to substitute other products in this statement and have the warning apply equally? For instance; "Caution: Automobile Driving May Be Hazardous to Your Health." According to the Safety Council and Ralph Nader, a statement of absolute fact! The word used is "May", not "Can" or "Will", therefore meaning there Js a pouibility extant. not a definite actuality. So, let us conalder further what else could possibly be huardowi: to our health : . PEOPLE CAN injure their liver by Drinking beer and wine. People die in· airline, bus, and train accidents. Ac· cidents and death have been caused by motorcytles, bicycles, tricycles, skooters, roller s k a t e s and wagons. Knives have been used as murder weap- ons and in accidental wounding. GUns are certainly "bazardou.s." People have been injured by slipping in the bathtub, and babies have drowned in baUlinett.es. Swimming pools take lives every year. Electric appliances have caused elec· trocutions, and many garden plants are fatally poisonoos. And I once dropped a piano lid on my hand, which smarted a lot! Where do we draw the line on what can, or cannot be advertlsed? Somewhere there must be a buie "Yiolation or in- dividual rlgbll, lot bow can it be illegal LA: Capital of Mop Tops By ·L. M. BOYD THAT CITY WHEREIN the largest number or men wear toupees is said to be Los Angeles. • • • HA VE YOU EVER hearit. Casey Stengel talk?. It's wondrous. What I'd like to see 1s a TV courtroom drama with Mr. Stengel as the defense attorney handling the summation to the Jury •.•• srATISTICS SHOW the mi.sed maniages in Hawaii have a far lower divorce rate than the unmi1.ed marriages in t~ first 48. . . . AMONG THOSE THEOlllES ol Honore de Balzac was a pecullar ooUon that girls who like bright yellow cloUtlng tend to be frivolous and Wrtatious. They mess around too much, he felt. A STEAM LOCOMOTIVE weighs 144 tons. Didn't weigh one. Read that. THOSE FEMININE ORGANIZATIONS with the &mallest percentage of plump ladies in· membership are the various tall giris' clubs in aeiected ciUes. Second smallest percentage ii in the chapters of the Oaugbtus of tht American Revolution. Third smallest percentage at this time is in the Stewardess Emeritus aS90Ciation. However, lhose stewardesses will have to work to stay in third place, that's plain. In time, stewardesses are apt to fatten up at low altitudes. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. «om you ever ride the freijht trains as a young man?" A. Can't deny it. It's no way to go though. Set out from Spokane, Wash., to Helena , Mont.. In frtttlng weather once, but fell asltep ln a carload or sacked wheat and wound up Jn the Dakotas. Did I menUon the Montana plains get uceed.l.ngly cold in mktwinter! They do .... Q. DO YOU llAVE ANOTHER feminJne reader whole real first name is Breeze? That's mine." A. Not a one. lmqtne )'OU mttlt be only lomalo Br..,. In the coUnttJ. YOU MAY CURTSY.: .. Q. "WHY DO ll'E SAY somebody WRS thrown In the 'clink' I to mun 'jail'?" A.~England's Clink prison Js wh~e that got started, says our Langua&e man. I THAT CLAD! ao olten made that the Indian ia the vanishing American doe sn't hold up. In fact, tbe Indian is the country's fastest growing minority. You'll see almost twice as mariy lndlam around now as 30 years ago, if you look .... "WHEN COOKING corned beef, bring it to a boil, pour off the waier, and start all ovu again,'' advises an experienced kitchen mechanic. "Failure to do that is what rWna more good sandwiches than anything else." ••• STILL HAVEN'T located the NtJon's longest atrttch ol highway "itbOut a curve in it. But discovered in Ute 1e1rch for same that the world's longest straight 1tretch of railroad track la a 297-mile nm across Austr•lia's Nullarbor plain. . WHY DO MEN and women barned Olson 90 often live to such an advanced tge? 'I11at Is what a Michigan sub.scriber wants to know. "I have been acquainted with three men and two women n&med Olson, rach of whom lived beyond 80," says he. Mere bappenstlnce, probably. llowever, there is acme cause to think Mme Obons' odda are better than mOIL The life expectancy of a Swede is longer than anybody's. Your quc1Uom and commt11ti ore tattcomtd and will bt tufd 1ahun.r posdblt fn "Chee.Icing Up.,H A.ddrr11 "'411 lO L. lf. Bo¢. In core cf DAJLY PILOT, Bo• 1175, NClllfJOrl B<och. Coli/. 92661 I ' ....................... ;j,;., ..... i~""" Le:tter1 from rtadfrt. ore CHicome. NormaUu write".' '"°""' conHU thtir mmcgc m ~00 10C!'dl °" lcf$. • Tbc right to CO'ndtmc t.ttcri to fit tpGCt or eHmino:tf libfl ii' ru~d. AU letters must fnclt&dc sfgftaturt and tnailtng addrcu, but ftam.ts' may be withheld on ·requeat i/ JU/ficWnt iea- son is opparmC. . lo advertise a product that b per£ectly legal to sell and use? STATJSTICS have shown thal more fatal accidents 1occur around t~ home than anywhere else. So, If your home la "bazanlou• to )'Our health" there could go all the real estate advertising! And if we en.mine the everyday products t h a t surround us. one by o n e, how many will we find that couldn't possibly hurt us in any way, even to the smallest degree -like pricking your finger with a needle? We all know wilal the FCC and Mr. Beilenson are driving at, and many of us agree with their motives, but are Lheir proposed "solutions" realistic in a complex modern society? To paraphrase this well-known warning; "t:auUon. Too much Covernmentat Con· trot Ma1··Be Huardoua to Your Health." LEE C. MILLAR Oil Dange~• To the Editor: Everyone Ln Southern California needs your help, not just those who live in Santa Barbara. All the beach cities and their lovely beaches are In danger of an oil avalanche 5UCh as Santa 'Barbara has experienced, and possibly much worse. Oil iJ still gushing into the ocean now, after they thoUght they had it stopped. Most or the more serious earthquakes are confined to two broad belts. One of these ruf\l along the Pacific Coast from Chile to Alaska. The Santa Barbara Channel noor and subterranean fissures hold many intangibles. What would hap. pen to the existing wells and enUre southern coast if there was a quake here? No one knows, rtg&rdless·of prom· lse» THE OIL COMPANIES and Depart· merit of Interior knew Jong 'before leases were issued that there is an east.west fault in the aiannel. Se1.:retary of the interior Hickel slated it h a s become clear that there is a lack or knowledge of this particubu· geological area. Therefore, all drilling should b e permanently prohibited. W h y compound untold danger and damage by drilling more well1? Thlt area I• not the la.at and only """""' ol oil. Shoold man, for the sake ol somt mUllona ol dollan, gamble with nature that may result in a devullting tragedy of gigantic proporUom? An affirmative decis1on would be prtpooterous. Let's look al the record of onJy two Ca.lilomi1 oil calamiUes. 14evievt No. t well drilled near Tart, blew its derrick to b t t s, spouti.Qg 125,000 barrels t h e first day, &booting 7.(lQ feet in the skr. It flowed completely uncontrolled for IS months, pouring out some 9,000,000 barrels of crude oil ·Think what such a blowout would mean to the enUre coast in ruined beaclles, lire hazard, killed birds, marine life and their food supply, and the elimination of lhe fishing industry, etc. ANOTHER SUCH ei:aqiple is Hartnell No. 1, located between Santa Maria and Orcutt. It blew out, spouUng oil 150 feet into the air at the rate of IZ,000 barrels a day and was out of control for three months befett Union was able to harness it. niese · wells were on land, muc.h more accessible than under the ocean. The Santa Barbara Channel, by all means, should be closed to all future drilling. The risk of a major disaster is too great and must not be taken. It is extremely important to all Califor· nians that they write to President Nixon, Secretary of Interior Walter Hickel, Senators Alan Cranlllon and Oecrae Murphy, lh<ll' ""'ll'eaamen, and llate olllclals to have clrllllnl permaneolly lorbidden In Ibo channel. We caonol match the oJI companies' mill.ions, but we do have votes that our elected al· licials will be seeklna lor re.flectlon. By their acltool, not wOrdl. otiaJI .. judge them. Do not wait, act now. I, A. CALLAHAN Santa Barbara 'Soclc·lt·te-Me·Tltne' To the Editor : It's "Sock·it·t~me-time" again for homeowners! We allowed lhe Legislature to pus AB Ml three years ago, which tues commercial and resklenUal property at the same ZS per cent rate. So we got a whopping tax lncreaae in 1967 and another in 1968. Now we face as much as 1 25 or 30 per cent property tax increase agaln In 1969. That's a tremendous bike and must be a real blow to homeowners retired or on fixed incomes. "[l's about time we "socked·it-to" our legislators. Let's let them know WE want AB 80 changed. We don't want to pay taxes on out homes at the same rate t h a t the businessman pays taxes on his property. Where are the customers we can pass our tax increases on to? CAROL JONES BROWN All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday THROUGH SATURDAY ONLYI •• Do all your windows now and save on fine Fashion Manor draperie5t famous for quality and econQmy ! 'Tique', seff0 insulat8d lavish jacquard weave 2 'YM' aul'.!facN 'guarantff: within ·2 years of pur-· • El....,t pott.med cotton/ropn weave e:haM w. w.ill repl9Cf' thee ch·~peri..s with drop-• In whit•, onfhlue tolcl or IMip ..;., of tfwsaTM or.-quival.nt quali.ty if noticeable fading occurs. • Machine wath aflCI cl,Pble •• , no Ironing SIZE 50" WIDE 75" WIDE 100" WIDE 125" WIDE 150" WIDE 36"' •1eg. 6. 98, NOW S" ' 45" 'R ... 6.98, NOWS" Reg.13 .91,NOWll" Rog.17.91,NOwlS" Rog.22.91,NO . 54• Rog. 7.98, NO\Y 6" R .. J4.98,NOWl2 legU.91,NOWl6" Rog.24.91,NOw21' Rog.28.91,NOW2J' 63" Reg . 7.98, NOW 6" l'9Jl.91,NOW •n..M sins avaiJable ~" spHial Orftr baiis ••• 2 w.N: dtlivery. 45•, 63"' "', 90"' and 99"' Jtngths Moy IM spH'ial onMM alsO in i~ gt.en, bror:i1.e glow, hon•y gold, moss 9fffn; champagne encl sprue• 9'ffn. 'Aurora', nubby textured easy care Fiberglas00 ll ---ENNEY CHARGE ACCOUNT TDDAVI • Versatile Fiberglos goes wHh all decors •low, low prices ... grut for large areas! • In 1•with-ev•rything antiqu• golcl o; ivoty • Easy to care for .•• hand wash, hang, never iron 50" WIDE 75" WIDE 100" WIDE 150" WIDE Reg. 4.49, NOW 3 .. ••. 4.49, Now·3" ... 1.99, Now7" Rog .11 .99,NOWI Reg. S.497NOW 4" .... 9.99, Now I" Rog.12.99,NOWl144 log.tl.99,NOWl6' •••. S.49, NOW 4" •••. 9.99, Now8",,+"Rog=.12--_"""'N""O"-W-'.,.•,.• .... :ot-----..., 84" Rog. s .99, NOW 4" Rog.11 .99,NOWI log.15.99,NOWl3" log.2199,NOW *TheM 1i1es available on special order basis .•. 2 week cl.livery. 45-63" lentths in lttiee, olive, mots hlue end on1n,. may also be special enlered. 98 potsibl• ai1n ancl colorl tl!ailoblt. Richly textured 'Jewel Tex' seH0 in1ulated drapes • Han6.;em• cotton/i'oyon W9CIYt • Smart In any dee:or • hey ........ fttCllChlne ~ ""'"'lrtn • s. wf\Ho, •"'!tluo ,.Si ai .Srw 50" WIDE 75" WIDi; 100".WIDE 125" WIDE 150'' WIDE R,.. 9.91, NOW ·8 s.4" .-.~l4t I! 63" Rog. lD.91, Nowt44 RcgJ9;49.NP'#I 4H,HO ij ••• Rog.tt.91, Nowt" log.21.49,llOWI COSTA MESA iHubor Shopping Center) HUNTINGTON ·s~ACH . NEWPORT · JSEACH !Huntington Center) IFeshion Island) WWW'.:k . I • I I :, I ' I . .. .. .. . " • • •• • ' • ' ' •• • • • ' I • ' 11 ,. • I f • I • . · • l ·: .. •• .. •, .. • .. l l ( : Crucial Race Set Tuesday , ~tARTINEZ (AP\ -Fifteen .. cand idates made fin al appeal s : ·today in their special election -Scramble Tuesday fo r a ::crucial vacancy in the State •-Senate. ':..: Victory for the Republicans ..__,,..ould give the GOP a 21·19 ;.Jdge in the upper house, with ~--Ole voles to push through ~Republican Gov.~ ea g an 's • legislative ptogram and to ~ 'possibly take complel_e control • 'Of the Senate machinery by ~ ;ousUng veteran President pro ' •tem Hugh M. Burns of Fresno. --- -~ --~----... $40 Miilion Bond Lmv-costHousing ·wmw Loans Proposed SACRAMENTO A(P) -An slums. assistant Democratic Asrembly leader proposes that the state issue up to $40 million in revenue bonds to help build inelpensive housing for lower-income callfornians. Assemblyman Willie L . Brown Jr. (0&.n Francisco). suggested the bands be issued by a new Housing and Urban A.flairs Agency, which would loan the money "at below market interest rates to peo- ple who want to buy homes in cities and rural areas." Brown made lhe proposal in a television interview Sun- day as the legislature prepared to begin the eight weeks of its session. Brown, Democratic whip in the lawer house, said the Joan program is needed to solve the problems -0f big city "The most pressing problem e1.lsUng in the slate is the crisis In our cities,'' he said. And he declared building con- struction in California ls run· nlng 100,000 units below needs. He said the proposed Hous- ing and Urban Affairs Agency would be in charge of the housing program. ''It would be the responsibility of the agency ·- of getting $300 million to $40 r . : million )n revenue bonds and · ' . 2-z.'/ loaning it out," said Brown. o n..r-~ ... .-. -r-: -L-11 -L.-"-'!,.-' Under such a revenue bond ........... --. .......,~ plan, lenders who purchase ~ tmOel "•I'd JUD we on tho om.. d8ocnttzc the state bonds are repaid rommfftm. • by interest from home--------~~~~-------­ purchasers, with presumably no cost to the ta1.payers. The Cal-Vet veterans fann and home loan program is financ- ed in this manner. Brown al s o backtd Assembly Speaker Robert T. 1'fonagan's plan for low-in- terest loans for homes for the rural poor. bul said the Tracy Republican·s bill shou ld be expanded. Storm Halts Hunt for Lost Scouts VC Student Leaders Oppose Tuitiori Plan SACRMfENTO (AP ) -Stu- dent leaders at the University of Califomia·s Berkeley cam· pus strongly opposed any tu i- tion plan for state colleges and universities today and charged the state w i t h '·sizeable budget wastes" in university operations. he said, income from student registration fees and tuition has increased substantially. •·in 1967-68 income from the university registration fee and tuition amounted to $29.4 million. By 1969-70, this figure will grow to $41.3 million, an increase of 40 percent," he said. - Strike. What Next? • • • I , ' ·SF Miliutnts Silent on Futur e Plans SAN FRANCJSCO (AP) -6 by the AFUIO American but so far nothing has llap- A one-week moratorium on Federatloo of Teachers. pened. "We're sUll walti"I militant strike 'activities · at s.t. Hayakawa, acting presi· and ready ta meet with stu- San Francisco State College dent, baa named a committee dent leaders at any time," ended today with no an-,,;Jo:;.;:mee:;;;t;,,wl,;;;;th;, . .:;stu;,;;de;,;n;,t ,:1'9",;·;,i;ps;,;,, ..iisaOilliid .iPiirolifiii . .iCuiiiiirtl.!iiioi.Allii'ii'•· "'"'I qouncement Crom alriken con-II cernlng thei( ~ 1tepe. Both studeol and ttacher strikers attended classes at the str~e tom campus laal week to comply with Tegula· tions. Until students ut in at • specified number of classea during the new semester they did not qualify officially u student body members . Teachers, likewise, had to ap- pear at a set number of clwes to qualify as faculty members. There were only token picketing and no disruptions last week. ' The school sUll ls laced with strikes called Nov. I by the Black Student.a Union and Jan. Missiles, J e l$ Under Fire SACRAMENTO (AP) 1'fissiles and jet planes were the targets tOOay of fire by California legislators. Eighteen assemblymen and senators joined Assemblyman John L. Burton in sponsoring a res<>lution asking th e legislature to tell Congress that Califo~ oppo&e! the proposed anti-balistic mmlle system. Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furniture R-'vod c1ncell1tion of $22,000.00 SP"nlsh ind Mediterr1ne1n Furnit ure All .... ,., 9Mlftt ....... Ntl ... DM11••'s 0..... H ... O• Dllpley Items as . follows: Geor2~us 8 fl custo1n quilted sofa with separate loose pillows ~ith heavy oak trim decor and matcbmg chaJr, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamp• in wrought iron, an 8 piece king &ize master bedroom suile in pecan panelled Medlterran· .. n style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king siz<I mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dinini set. etc. w..a.......,.. .... ,...._ s1m.oo :ra~~•1F1~_E ········· ...... $698.00 Any Piece Can Be Purch1sed lndlvldu11ly T1rms Available -Newcomers to Calif. Credit Approved lmmedi1tely J [ j J] Furniture At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport llYd. Costa Mesa Olllly E-, nlfhl .,U t -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'Iii 6. BIG BEAR CITY (AP) - Officials hoped to continue a &earch today for four Explorer Scoots and their adult "lu:der near Big Be.ar Lake afte-hear bliziard conditions f~ed a suspension of the hunl Sunday. Rick· Asc h enbrenner, representing the Berkeley stu~ dent government, said "the slate b>s ceased to pay Its fair share for the maintenance of an e1.cellent university. "Why should students be re- quired to pay tuition and tax· payers be forced to pay higher taxes when no silbstantial ef- fort is made ta reduce uniVHsity operation costs?" he asked. ft All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monclay Through Saturday AL~.~!!~n• BRAKE & ·FRONT END SPECIAL! ' ' ..,._., -'atwe do: . •Nip-..m.ls lO ytNf,. -*-'• lplCS. ~ • Ccwrect cmlitr and ,_, • . $.et toe.ill ond I~ • Adiurl atf four bro\:es • Oeon and inspect self .... odjustor1 • Restore fluid few:! • W once front whe~s • Inspect and rood tett .... ~16.00 7.77 ""'--c... Air<Oftditi<h"9 ond tonion bcrod',.,,.,..nt $2 "'°" NOW! F.M. STEREO RADIO PACK FOR YOUR TAPE PLAYER 59.95 ANAHEIM, SJS.1121 -NEWl'OR.T, U<t-1212 HUNTINGTON I EACH, 192-llll Heavy snow. strong winds and freezing temperatures ha\•e kept officials f r o m llrmdting ~ alkJut search for the litt penoos. mitsing sirtt'e Saturday in the ruued ter-nm. Xissinc •'eft: Dr. Michael Pti1enlll or P a c i f i c PalisaSes. Ur scout leader. Jid&Ka.azds.nta--so..mu-c d ..... Im ~Rob_,... ol Sad.I Monica and Burton EUnorllt. They had left Fawnskin on the n<rth shore of Big Bear Lake Saturday morning to trail ski to Green Valley about 10 miles to the west. authorities said. The Forest Service ski patrol was standing by to join i;oowmobiles in the search if v.·eather conditions permitted. Emergenc y Call Rapped SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Assembly minority I e a d e r Jes.se M. Unruh contends Gov . Aschenbrenner made his charges in remarks prepared for an Assembly EducaUon Committee hearing • leam- now-pay-later bill introduci!d by Assemblyman John L. E. Collier tR-Los Angeles), under wbicb students woold repay the coN ol their education after gradua&ion. The meamre has been defeated several times. Aschenbrenner said that contrary to _ popular belief. "the university or C.alifomia Is not now a tuition free university." Out-of-state students pay tui - tion and all students pay university fees. Though the state h a s decreased ils proportionate support of the university dur- ing the past several years, Recipient Doing Well Reagan made a mistake in TORRANCE ( U P I ) - deelaring an ''extreme stale Richard Charles New e 11 , of emergency" at th e Southern California 's f i r s I University of California 's heart transplant recipient was Berkeley campus. '·progressin g satisfactorily" Th e Deinocralic Jc ad e r . but was still listed i n spe~king Sunday on a "guarded" co n d i I i o n , a television interview progran1. spokesman ror 1-f a r b or declared that e\•cr since the General Hospital reporteJ ear- governor's d e c I a ration . ly today. militancy among studen ts Newell. 58,the opcra1.or of "has simply gone up." a food market in Oxnard north "It's been a little like whal of here, received lhe hearl we were told about Vietnam or a 23-year-old woman who -if we just brought in more shot herself to death last force, it woold be all over _T_hur_sd_•_Y·-------I with," he continued. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT . Wh y A re You l g1wred When Y 011. Talk? Hours: 9:30 •.m. to 9:30 p.m.; S•t. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A noted publisher in Chicago reports a simple technique of everyday con versation which can pay you real dividends in social and business advancc- menl and works like magic to give you poise, self-confidence and greater popularity . According to this publisher, many people do not realize how much they could influence oth- ers simply by what t~y say and how they ~ it. Whether tn business. at social runctions , or even in casual conversaUons with new acquain~ there are ways to make a good im- pression every time yoo t.alk. ITCHED ONI -~NEY ft um~ CARGE ACCOUNT -· Our Entire line of lamps 21.98 andu~ reduceCI through Saturdal Onlf! Your choice of table, chain, pole and floor lamps! Now k It. time to llght •,_..Mint from lhk owtoncfino MIKflon ol lomp. Choo. Mtc5•1m1M1i. CCNrl'lf11pOIC11)', mscSfional or Ecriy Anwican •'Yltt , .. ~I lOlnpl kw Wrff1Y lf'Clf,.,.., rooM ift )'OU" horn.. Jwt pidc tt. lompt )'O'l lilie, lion .... 15')1.off the """'1y lhifty ,....,. ""'"""" .. r... boo• - AVAllABLE IOW ... Ac' 'r11 , ..... Ii r •• .._ ... .._ .,11111t .,. • • •• •lb•• • *a al Tktlt R2111Ulllisu $ylllll- To acquaint the readers of this paper with the easy-t!Hol- low rules for developing skill In evtryday conversation, the pub- lishers have printed full cfetaUs of their Interesting self-training method in a new booklet. "Ad- ventures In ConversaUon," which will be malled tree to anyone who requests it. No ob-~~'.'"~.:-~: .!':; 1~·~~.~~:11--N-E_W_P_O_R_T __ B_E_A_C_H ____ H_U_N_T_l_N_G_T_O_N __ B_E_A_C_H_...., , Ne ................... it sation, US Oivm ey Pkwy., O.pl 30>-9 12, Chicago, Ill. 6061 t .-il poslcard will do. {F1shion Island) {HJ!.nlington Center) • _..... ··---. Mondal, Frbnlary 24, 1969 \lision Perception Japan Disavows Asia Military Policy Course Pioneered By TOM BARLEY can be atlributed to this peace .in that troubled con-enjoys the status of the third oi .. 0.llW flllitt ..... nde I 1 .. -.. II lo& •A'd u r Y-. poverty, il'll' ~ • tlnent than the creation of grutest Industrial power ln SANTA 'ANA -'"Two en· "Whether or not poverty In more military alllaJlcel ·and the world, thlrd onJy to the ANAHEIM Calilomla's times." tlre!~ different po I Icy Asta can !le oven:ome dopellds the adoption of definll<ly United Stites and the Soviet alternaUves'' face the' United .primarily U~ .. the "flfic:im ~U:'.'.nJon~:_:·"~------========== States la Sootheast Asia If on the Jl'rl of the people military postlll'tl in the post·,. oplametrilll are ploooering a four-daj< meeting of the state's ·~ perception" courae for peace otncera that wlU, they j &Q, become u fouUne as physical tra!nhli and law en-to=mml study in t h e I r overall J:n:paralion. Ckieing a four • day meet- r1 ing of the state's eye' dcictors at the Disneyland i Hotel. Dr. Arthur Layton told i hls fellOW' members of the ! Callfomla Optometric • - 1 • • . • Association that the recenUy Introduced proiram "has lm· proved law olilcen' speed of ~ption as much as 26-50 For The Record Developed three years ago, I.he course is now a fixed section of police 1 c I e n c e courses at -.UO Hondo, Chaffee and ~I>') j)llllor collegey and wW soon be 1RtrocNced at similar aessions in Santa the current Paris peace talks residing in µits area." Vietnam war era, Sb1moda lead to an end of lhe Vietnam But, tbe ambassador made said. war, Japan's envoy to this It clear, "asslstance from PolnUng to lhe "network of naUon told tbe World Al fain rortign powers ls also in-regional 9 0 c u r I t 'I ar- Councll of OrlD41:e CowJty Fri· dispensable." clay night. Calli f r raneements" (SEATO and ng or "a rescaling" o he ANZUS among them) Barbara, Dr. Layton sald. 4 £' _ "Airwty inquiries are being on \.AJ3Sl But adoption ol a ''military-current ecMOmlc a1d to Asia, sLres,,ed that "It seems far oriented policy" would find Shimoda told his audience that more appropriate to spend lbe no favor with the government "economic aid to Asia Is only funds, materlala and energy and people of J a pa n . half as much as that granted for the purpose of the con- Ambassador Takeso Shimoda to the African countries and quest of poverty in Asia rather told a dinner meeting at the much less than that provided than to spend them to received from throughout the U.S. and from other countries ; G' p interested in this unique pr<>-/ iven osts gram," he said. Layton said the coorse "develops officers who a.re better witnesses because they recall mental Jmages with greater AC'CUl'acy and for longer perJOds after seeing an event. 'f1\ey learn to develop such speed skill9 as reading the license plale of a speeding car In one glance", tie added. "We call it perceptual !raining;" Layton sard. ''There are no tricks or gadgets in- volved, it is simply the careful guidance of the officer. under Lhe control of an optometrist. in mental procedures aimed at speeding up and simplifying the CilrrelaUon of sight and sense." SaddJeback Inn here. to Latin American countries. establish ·• more 'powerful Such a policy, he said, ''iS "If the future o( the \\'Orld military wall against China.'' b···• on the ••••rnpilon that is to depend upon Asia," he On Council .s:.cu ........ Japan's present relationship a11 the troubles and uneasiness said, "a rescalfug of the to Conununist China and the SANTA ANA _ F 0 u r 1 in Southeast Asia are caused present mag n It u de of divergence of political and Newport Beach residents have by. , .the thru:t of CommunJ1t economic aid .•. must be a economic tblnking: in the two been elected to the eight-mem-China and its · developing prerequisite." Asian nations could be com· ber rosler of officers that \Viii nuclear weapons. This policy Under q u e 1 t I o n I n I , pared lo the present situation serve the World Affairs Coun-envisages .•. the establishmJml Ambassador Shimoda con-in West ~-rlln, the am- 'Cil of Orange County for the of an overa11 collective securi· ceded that such ''ttscallng" bassador said. year 1969-70. ty organliation ·1n .Eas:t and meant, ideally, an increase "-acriblll" 1 West Berli"n ., N eel ch · f the Southeast A!la which would in Western aid to Asia. ~ am llll'tnan or "the show case of the Weste-new term waa insurance ex-be the equivalent of NATO "PresenUy," he said, "the ... (N rth At! U T t U lied Stal d J world to Communist East eeutive Rolla R. Hays Jr., o an c rea Y n es an apan con-662 Via Lido Nord, honored Organization) In Europe." tribute one third each oI all Germany", Shimoda s a Id F bell I f the for.I. n aid ~ nded to there is an "even sharper con-at the Saddleback Inn, Santa ar er prospec s are a · & .e .. ~e trast" today "between eon. Ana, meeting, as the "man forded by the alternative Asian countries. But economic I. Sh" od "d a1"d on the level l ed tinental China and Japan. who almost slngle·handedly po icy, 1m a sai -a env sag " 1·1· · 1· " by Japan ould rule o I the with the devel, opment of Its got this organization rolling P o 1 1co-econom1c po icy w u two years ago.'' aimed al the elimination of possibility or my country tak-"Thougn Communist China, Serving as vice presidents poverty in that region of the ihg on such a major share with the development of Its under elected president J .S. world. of the load." nuclear weaponry, has emerg- ALL YOU CAii EAT $I i!I Dinner MON. TUES. WED. THU. Special 5-8 P .M. Roa1t Sirloin of IMf Spaghetti & ~t lall1 Enchilodo1 y frllole1 Baked Hom n' Yams Cbef Jr rt~taurant e rl•tol 1t 1111 ''" 01111 '"""'""'Y South Coatt fttaza, Cotta Mna Utt Suggests Amendment Tax U>de Fluor of Santa Ana will be : "All famines, maladies, lack But the conquest of poverty cd as the strongest military Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich, 1392 of education and social unr~e~st:_~in:..:A~s=ia:..:is:..:f~a~r~rn=or~e:__:v~it=ai:__:lo:_~po:.:.::w=•r:_l=n--"As=ia:::.•~J~a~p=•=n--'tod:.:.Ca~y'----------------------- Galaxy Drive, chancellor of • uc Irvine; Mrs. E. Avery All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday' : Crary, 901 Via Lido Soud, wife of a Los Angeles federal court judge; and Charles Thomas, former president of the Irvine WASHINGTON -Rep . James B. Utt (R-TusUn} has proposed three ammendments to the 1954 Internal Revenue Code, which, he says, would ease the tax load while pro- viding additional reven ue to the government. One measure calls for a change in Section 1202 of the code to encourage investment in new and small business by providing a 75 percent Co. Superior Court Judge Ray. mond Thompson and attorney L.N. Duryea, both of Fullerton and Bernardo S. Yorba of Anaheim were also elected vice presidents. Red Cross Drive Opens deduction for I on g -t e r m. SANT A ANA - A coun- capilal gains, rather than the tywide fund drive will be kicll:· CWTent 50 percenl ed ff b th Or The a1tfrnative ta:r would 0 y e ange County American Red Cross at a also be cut for cerlain other luncheon scheduled for Feb. DEATH lV~ICES corporate and noncorporate 28 at the Saddleback Inn here. RICHABDS ~. .' -~~~ c 0 n d proposed Billed as the March Fund, w.111""' H. 11:1ct11rc1t.7-Mn c:rt•11 cir. amendment provides for a the campaign has be~ n de, H'llfltl1111ton llutll. SVrvfft<I by • • · d t · $138 000 · wttt, Llule1 -· H1rry, Elfdt, L1ov<1, change 1n Section 48 so that organize o raise , 1n CMs!tt ancr Lolrls 1t~rc1u tour. the $50 000 lim itation on used order to meet demands for ._111/lten, Firm Kerlin, Frieda De ' , • f th ~ Jdln,. 11rttv J111t McCtrl!lr. 11111 ''" property which may be used service rom e v• ange Coun. tier. Je1n G11Y1 ttiree brottoe,.,, E!, for investment credit purposes ty Red CroSs Chapter, N-' 11111 Bob l'tlcti.rd1; 3' tr11'!d-· .----;-;o,:;-c;-::;::=:=---1 cttfldf'tn Ind w trt1t'9nlllktl11dn!11. does not apply in the case LEGAL NOTICE '° YNr1 In M11on1c Lodte. StNkn. o( machine tools todly, Mtlndl'f, 1 f'M, Pnk F1ml1Y · Colonlll fllrtenl HOme. Also proposed by the 35th NOT1C• 01" PUSllC HEAlllNO CRONIN d' . IEl'Olll! THE l"U.NNINO 1str1ct congressman is a coMM11s10N 0 .. THf £dw.rd fl. c:i1n1 ~n ;:'· :::r ~k change liberalizing estate tax CITY 01" l'OUHTAIN VALLfY Cotti Mn.a. ,.... v w ' • t f lain j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN flllt on dnd• 10t1. Tl!Ornlf,, H11nt1ne1o1> aucti, treatmen o cer nterests wec1......,..,., .v...rc11 5, i9'f 11 ,,30 P.M., ~ ~~~"""",.!:," ,.:~. T= created by community pro-1n 111e couft(11 c111mtier1. c11y H1u, 1 Tlleollon Al-pert J • J , t I 10100 Slll~r A-..e, Fo.inl1ln \l&ll•I' tnl htfrHn, Minon • NI Y aws m emp oyes rus c1111orn11, 1~ Pl1nnlnt Clmmlstlln wni =--~.,.:; :.~Ofll ~11=:; :nc1 and retir.pnent annuity con-z=,,:;:!~ 11Nr11111 on 1ne to11ow1ns -trwoddllld. 11:-n-. Tuetd•I'· 1 tracts. 111 loft. c~111H ,,. """11c111on PM. Jleciu'-m Ml1s. Wednncil'I'• t AM, ,. • ubmllted b F & D L tlcrl1I t st JO.ridllm'1 C..fhalk Cl'lun:ll. ,,,. ' 'f • • uo;ero, 11 own-• • ·-, t .n, rt<!llft!lng cto.nw DI rone on 1>rOP· t~I, Good .,._,..,~ eme erv. erty loc.ted at trie norrtiweJT corMr O!recle-d bl' IM'I! Bf'Oldwll' Morflllr'!', Or T h d N....,_ Street ind WtrM'r Ave<1ue tlO 8rOldw<ll'· COlll Mui. ange eac er frvm Rt S!ngle F1mtly Jl"lcle,.te O! .. GUSTAFSON lrlct lo Rl Medi\im Oe<urlly M11lllPle C..rl o. Glntt11oon. nm DevOll L•n•. d Dlttlllnir Oltlr1d or more n:1trlcl!..,. "-rt !ftch. o.,, "' clMlll. l'tb. 22. Hea s Soci· ety c11.1nt1. Slll'Viwd bl' wife, ANll; "°"' H1rloro1 This m1lltt Is btlnt Pl'Oalt.ed PUr1Utnl ct.Ullhi.r, June Tullt.1 broth«, 0s<.1r: to !Pie Pllnnlng le~ fJf !he Sltle fJf five t1r1nddllldrf'll 1nd -tr-krr•,,.,. ORANGE Mill Cr · c1n11ir .. r1 (Gov'!. c• u,ooo .-H'l!.J child. SerYlcft, Tunllll', 2 PM, W"I· -Oft aig, ...,, 1t11 Fount1ln \lilltl' %011l"1 Orcll· cnn c1w1pt1. 1n1errrietrf, P1dtk VltW journalism teacher at Orange ,,.,_, Tl'oe zone chlnvt win 1r1va1v1 1n MfmOr'lll ~irk. 01~ b'f Wntc!llf , . . e..,.ndmffll lo Secll-1 011trkt Mii crw.P91 Mortu•rt• 6-16-A181. High School IS the new pres1-21.5-10. Tht zon11>11 or<11,,.nce, zon1~ HAMIL TON dent of the Orange Counly M1PS, P1o1 1111,. and E•lllbll1 ,,, Ol'I !I 0 1 of cleltll Ille In the Plan .. lntr OeNrl!'nenl •rid 1r1 v..,.,. ",,••,.':':ices• ~iM. wn1'. Chapter of the Journalism •l'•H•~ """ 1>11blk IMPK11on 111c1 , •• ,,,. FftlrVlrv • • A • II 111111on c1m c11-1 Morh11,...., ~. Education SSOCJa on. r...f cteslrlM to tutlfY 1., ,,...., er PERKOVICH Other new officers are Jn -111on 1a n.11 l'e<llll1t and ,, .. Emff Ji::M Pl!'f1il""'1Ctl· 7'111 A11mo Doro"• M Pbllli f 1 ~ POMI wilt be 1ivffl 1n OPP01111nlty lo Ave .. t11u111 Nl9....t. "" "' di .. al "JMJ C P! 0 .....,,. do so. II lurttler lr>!onnt!lon It llH!nd. de<etll. Fib. 22. SuNlwd bl' wife. H.. Alamitos High School vice-~ou '™'" COtllKI ff>e Pl•n"'"' °"'''._ "'' flv. ~Jen, M .... MlrM"1 . I • met?t ,, M2'M2• Ind rmr lo z-Pllllltps, Mtl. ooror1ry Glfft'I'~ 11:1111-president, and CharJes Chris-Cl\109• 11•. ,_,., P•1ffcll ind 111rblra Pfltlovkh; tian of La Habra High School Pl.Inning Commb11on or "'' fllllr 111tt,,., Mrs. Annie MoM_k:ll, Mrs. ' Cl!I' OI Fot,.,!1ln V111.., MMV•rwt wo111e1t. Mrs. oorotllY Go1· secretary. Larry C 1 em , s11"tey R. ,..,,,.,1111<1 11"' ind Mrs. Z«• J~. 111<1 . lism teacher 1 El P11n .. 11111 01rte10< '"d four orendchllclAn. R-rv. Tuetd•v. 1ourna a . ~ry ta the 1·:io PM1 Recivltm Ml.., ~'· Dorado High School Placen-P11 .. n!"' cammlssl"" .. AM IMl'lll ., sr. Cltllitt'IM'I (llf!O!lc ,. u tre • ~ll•hfd 0••"91 Co.it Diiiy ~!"", Church. lleltlll. 01rKft!d DY slllfttt 1a, con nues as asurer. Febnltrv JA, '"' :w, .. , LI"""' 9lecfl MarfMrv. BALTI: MOR11JARIES Coro11 d<I Mar OR S.M5t Colta Mesa Ml 1-%424 BELL BROADWAY MOR11JARY 111 Bro1dway, Colla Men LI W43S DILDAY BROTBERS e .. u • .-Valley Mortwl' 17111 Beadl Blvd. Hnntflll10 Beadl IC-'ITll PACD'IC VIEW MEMORIAL PAI\& Cemetel')' e MorlUl'l' a..pel SSOI Paclllc View Drlff Newport -· Cllllonala IH-mt PEEi: FAMILY t'OLONIAL ruNERAL ROME 7111 llolla A"' W-ller - SM1'111'S MORroARY "'Malo SI. H_,__ I.EMAi 'llESTCLIYF MORTUARY C11 E. ITtll 81., Ceola MtN •••• Id PSJ\ P.Uf you ilown in Oakland? Sure. For$1 900 ftlghta •week connoct _n_ southem CCllor- nla. More than any other airline. AU jets. Lowesc 1lr ,.,_, Nol IO pu1 -., San FIWldseo, BUT-lo Etllt Bay P<!lntl, Oakland lntomotlonaJ Airport ii closer, easier; and the crowd hasn't found It yet PSA giwes you.a lift. THRU ,IATURDAY ONLY! I ~· Fashion ,Mano~ maH~~ss and box spring sets1 for , the' best:night's1sleep,you've everf·had! -- Super firm quilted mattresses feature: 405 coils in the full size, 270 in the twin, 390 in the queen and "68 In the king ; Penney Ed~ side supports assure firm· ness at edges as well as center. Hand.Omo rayon damask co'!9rl Save on superbly buil t inr"'"5Dring set5 ! • Twin size set Reg. $109 •aft NOW · 7 Pay as little as $5 per ••lift 'I •'ull size' set Reg. $119 NOW S99 Pay a1 lltlle as 5.50 per month Queen sin set Reg. $159 NOW 1129 Pay n little • 6.50 I* -it Kln9 sl• set 1 Reg. $219 NOW ! $179 Pay n llttle n $1 I* ......... NO MONEY DOWN.:.USl l'ENNIY'S 1'IME PAYMINT PlAH Bed frames to fit all the above Standard twin tlte frame or · · Standard full 1in fr•""---········"""'""···· SJ N E WP 0 RT BEACH (Ftshioft lslancl) - a and box spring sets au-olu "·-·-······· .. ·-··-·········-.. ~·· 9.98 Kln1 lire frame ____ , __ ,, __ , ___ 16°98 -. . HUNTINGTON. BEACH (Runtlngton Center) • • • -• -• •• • • • • • •• ' .. • • • .. •• • • • • • • • • • • -· • • • • • • • • < • • • .. -.. .. • •· • •• • .. • • • • - .. .. • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • -• • • --: .. .. .. -... .. .. ---... ----... -.. --------: ... - l j ' ). I I • l I • ,. ' b r t •' ll ,,. DAILY PILOT Moo1tl•J, ~.&..., M, - Shelling Considered Prelude to Red Offensive on Saigon •SAIGON (UPl)-1be naUon- W'icle wave of Commf.Wsl at· aCb almoot certainly marks die start ol • oew Red ollens- i&~ aimed at Saigon, U. S. inttlUgence sources said to- day. ! :rtie primary objective of ~ wide.spread shellings and Cfound assaults apparently ns lo divert allied forces Wtiile up to 40,000 Communist tfoopo began cioslnr m on the capital. they said. The most recent U.S. intel· ligence reports indicate the Communlsts have a muimu.m numerous •tlack.s ln otbtr their strength to about GS,000 were the first ln a series of would eneble maln force units! -:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;:;~~ o1 eight more days In w~ich regions, ailhou&h thb added a troopo in SI maneuver hattal-dlvenlooary raids to laclll-to get la,,poiltlon for auawlsi D to shill their troops Into po-nationwide pattern to the U· Ions within a 75-mlle rad! .. ol talt southward movement ol which they are not now In a PE ACE OF MIN sitlon for attack. sault.1. Saigon. About 50 ot. the battal· the 10,000.man divisiaos. 1be posilloo to launch," one source HA VE YOUR Allied bases along lnflltl• In these case:i, propaganda iOOI ~ uni.ta whlcb bs:ve eipected pattern is fOI' local said. INCOME TAX I be · -• I •-• In ~-_._. ..• ~ COMP\JTERIZED tion corridors around the can.. apparent 1 was t mam ..,.,,.. have mint"" to Sa'•on u n.. Ol'lrl open.mu we: •"&"""" Communise forcea to open up He said lf the CommWlQts, r ~· Qol 'Ii "'"' 24 HI. ll!fTllYl.IW Hl"CI ital have been alerted to e:r· jectlve. Reds' "ultimate objectlve." 'Mle remainder are Jn four 1<1Utes enabling the larger fail 00 cover the distance tn YOUI NOMI-oua ~ICI .....,..t continued !hellln.,. and If anything, the shelling of N t A.. ..A_, North Vietnamese and Viet units to close in on Saigon. 10 days ,ttiey are not likely 67r5994 r-... ... Saigon changed the thlnking umerous cap urcu WJl.,.'W' Cong dlVlslOns--the 1st, 5lh. Intelligence sources said a to attain pm\Uon for an at· cAU .,. ground attacks as three Cum· of some military commanders ments and statements by '7th and 9th -which have prisoner taken., during Sun-tack. "Timing ls 1 cri~ ~ ~ .. ,.., ""'II munLst di.visions move toward who f e It the Communists prisoners and defectors not moved into Vietnam from day'• fllhUng said hill unlt factor," he18id. ~ atlas Saigon from the north, east would not attack the capital only said Saigon wu the goal C&mbodia and-Al'• expected had orders to carry out ; im· "Re (tlle Communilts) • · and west. because it would violate Im· but also gave the post.Tet to carry the main thrust oC ilar. attacb for possibly u hasn't got the )Qgisllm to:pois-firwncl1I COl'll\llt•nt1 The shelling of Saigon IUelf plied conditions of the U.S. period as most likeJy Ume 1he attack. long u 10 days. sibly Wt mucb •looa:er. And J11S fl~.UDO-SUm JM 1 purpose. The sources also The sources said, however, In addhlon, the Corpmu. spread attacks Sunday-141 or reasoning was that a aus(aJ.n. the more likely he'll be de- found little military value in that all other indicators long nists have gradually raised lhem in the Saigon region-ed level of attacks by fire tected." , on Sunday served no mllltaryl J~~ho~m~bmg~· ~ha~l~l.~~~~~-~l~or~a~tta~ck.~~~~~~~~~Sou~rcea~~be~lie~v~e~th~e~w~lcJe.~~~"W~e~l~el~t~the~~comma~~nder~~·s~~th~e~l~ong~er~be~'s~on~ tbe~~m~ove~E~~~~IW~!'O~IT~~""'i·~c:M~~i' King Saud Gets Wish In Death, Goes Home From \\'ire Services ATltl::NS -Saud Ibn Abdul Azziz. once the billionaire king of Saudi Arabia who gave Cadillacs for greeting cards, today fulfilled in death the simple wish forbidden him in life. He is going home. Saud, deposed by his brother, King Faisal, in 1966, '68 Election Judged One Of Oeanest WASHJNGTON (UPI) - The last week of the 1968 political campaign "brought a flood of dirty politics" but the electioneering last year was still among tbe cle~t in history, the fair campaign practices committee said to- day. The number or "political smears based on race, religion and patriotism dropped to a new 1'Jw," the non-profit, non· partisan organization said in a preliminary report on the 1968 presidential and con· gressional campaigns. Only 6 percent of the com- plaints were based on appeals to racial prejudice and 3 per- cent on religion. "These two political pitches "'ere major problems in previous campaign years." said the committee, which was organized 14 years ago. Half of all complaints to the committee were based on ''misrepresentation, distortion or falsification or campaign material ," while 16 percent involved character attacks. "Political smear merchants still wait until the closing days or a campaign to play dirty politics," the committee said. Nearly a third of the com- plaints were filed in the last week or the campaign and 13 percent ca me in on the weekend before the Tuesday election. Despite the last minute al· tacks. the committee said, results show that • • d i r t y politics doesn"t pay''. It said 81 percent of th e candidates who filed "valid"' complaints won their races . Some candidates filed invalid complaints, "in effect smear· ing their opponents by crying smear.'' the committee said and Df those 87 percent lost their races. died of a heart attack Sunday at the age ol 67. He Hved as a rich recluse in exile at a suburban Athens hotel occupied exclusively by bis en· tourage, often stating h_is desire to be received agaUt in his Moslem homeland. Faisal late Sunday ordered a jet plane to fly to Athens for the body of his brother, the third son of 38 SQnS, the sire of 40. the inheritor of an oil-rich kingdom carved out of the desert by his father. llEART ATl'ACK ~aud suffered the heart at· tack while strolliftg on an Aegean Sea beach. Members of the royal entourage carried him back to bis luxury three- story hotel. There he died at 5:28 p.m. after saying a few words to 26 members of his family, including an official wife, two sons and four favorite members of his considerable harem. Saud had been in poor health for years, suffering a ~arlety of ailments of the kidneys, liver and heart, and had returned to Greece less ~ two moths after undergong medical treatment in Vienna. He often said he longed to return to Moslem soil. lt was the only wish he could not buy. Saud was stripped of bis power because he could nol control the inroads the throng of royal princes made on the royal family's huge income from American oiJ royalties. Faisal i:aid more of the money should have gone to imnrov· ing thP.\velfare of the nation's si'< million people. He was permitted to retain his title and reportedly receiv· ed an annual allowance of more than $10 million from Faisal to maintain his family in royal style. On it, Saud maintained an entourage which sometimes reached 100. including a dozen sons and daughters, an un. disclosed number of wives - he was allowed four at a time by his religion -and several concubine s. He reportedly fathered a total of 40 sons and 7S daughters. Tickets Rise WASllJNGTON (UPI) The Civil Aeronautics Board has given final approval to a price increase for airline tickets. The increases, ranging from $1 to $7 per ticket, wW become effective. depending on '\tie airline, between now and March 6. _,11 do ... juC t.all cir-come c4c. MUTUAL SAVINGS ...... LOAN AaeOCIATtON 2167 (Mt c-t Ifill;°" • C.W Del Mar, CllW. 92625 T...,,,_ 675·5010 -... ,.... lit~------~ Cit.If ..... • March means inventory taxes -so ••• we'd rather cut our inventory and save you money then pay. This is your opportunity to get those applicances you've wanted -ond still keep your family budget down. Not all models or colors are available, and some are "one·of-a·kind" but there's no limit on savings • • • Come in now • • • See for yourself! t FRJGIDAIRf 100% FROST-PROOF Frost-Proof RIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR AND TOP SIDE-BY-SIDE SPACE SAVER . REFRIGERATOR WITH BOTTOM FREEZER PRE·TAX ' SAVINGS! FREfZfR e l<C .6 cu. ft. r•lri9•retor 1ection e 126 lb. 1i11 top fr11t er e D••p door 1helf forcer• ton1 & tell b.ffle1 e Twin v•9eteble hydrefor1 e Only l?"·widt ! FRIGIDAIRE DISHMOBILE With Super Surge Washing Action e Rin11 conditiontr di1p•n1er h1lp1 1limin1t1 1poffint. e Little or no pr1-rin1in9 n11d1d e Roll oufreclu for 111y frent loedin9 e "Built-Jn'' mod•l1 1•1ilebl1 FLIP-TOP DISHMOBILE BY FRIGIDAIRE .•• WITH Super Surge Washing Action e Little or ne pr1-rin1in9 . e Sl1nted d11i9J1 for 1Ji1i1r lo1dint e Spoh·•wey rin11 condition1r di1p1n11r PRICED LOW! ~' ... FRIGIDAIRE RANGE WITH WORK-SAVING ELECTRl.CLEAN DYEN e CONVENIENT BANK TERMS e )et "ctlon Wa5hef with 2 Speeds and an Automatic Soa~ Cycle G ds 11 r,ular and en· • 2 spet 1-1•, launder 1nY \\etosie "1~nable.,. Soak Cycle. for • Autcma 1c \leavi1y sci\ed clo~hes. • OetP Ac lion ~aita\OT. • 2 Jet-Aw•~ Rinses. . • Cold W1ter Wash Seth"l· fROST-PROOf REFRIGERATOR & fRf!7iR e 191 lb. 1ii1 fre1tior--~ e 21.I lb. 1it1 m11 t tinder e Buller comp1rtm1nt e R1mo•1bl• •tt 1••••u e Fl ip·quick ic• •i•clot SAVE DURING THIS TAX INVENTORY CLEARANCE! • 155 ti). 1i11 '""''' e Roll-to-you fr1111r b11k1f e 9.9 lb. m11t t1nd1r e 011p door 1h1ll lor 1,~· 911. c1rfon1 or fill bottl11 SA'#£! Buy the PAIR FRIGIDAIRE JET .ACTION .WASHER FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC DRYER Washer only $198.88 Dryer only $158.88 M1lchint 19~9 Drt•r with 1-Po1ition fibric Se11ctor • lets you con~rol dryln1 BOTH )!eat to suit labnc . • ourab1e Prns CartJ!:~ fOR temperature plus 1c Ml he1p · ind end-of~\e s I 1 brin1 Durable Press items ou . 1 No·stocp lint scieen. $ FRIGIDAIRE "TWIN 30" FIRST RANGE WITH TWO EASY CLEAN OVENS e Md! RCl.6l9VN.GN e Me1t·mind1r •••P• food 11,...in9 hot for ho11r1 e bh1u1t 1y1f1m h1lp1 r1mo•1 coo•in9 odor1 .. SINCE 1947 DAVIS·BROWN HAVE BEEN KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE HARBOR AREA FOR INTEGRITY & DEPENDABILITY! IN CeLOR TV LOWEST PRICE EVER! RCA COLOR TV . , .......... ,~ ....... ~. $279 95 • W1'9h1 1n1 !Mn .Q lbt. e LoW1Stor!n.....,.for ltCA Vklor, tllt llnl ntrnt ·-· TELEVISION •APPLIANCES ·clans are your assurance of prompt, outstanding COMPLm HOME BITERTAINMBIT RCA COLOR TV e AM/FM e STER·EO e 4 SPEED PLAYER A tr11• ho'"' enl1rt1in'"1nt c1nter- 1f1r10 end c:onc1rf·h11I r11litin, thril· lint tr¥1·fo·llf1 RCA Victor Color T.V. s .... e flOWI $795 411 EAST SEVENTEENTH ST. • COSTA 'MESA·• PHONE 646-1684 Dally 9 to 9-Saturclay 9 to 6-Closed Sunday ' ' ' • • , l 1i• • • • . DAILY PILOT J'I' Californian 'Pre8Ulent' s Working T~ip Slwrt on -Ceremony 2 Heads Up New Party By MERlllMAN llMlTH SUnday nlabt at th a BMlth 1.3 Nixon stood pniudly at tried lo OU1about Ille •go 1118 elecUon compolcn. BRUSSELS (UPI) -Pm!· ~ !here wu K 1 n I the door ol h1a plane, Ille home" blmdi with c:rla of 111 jUlt a law ~ boura d811 Nixon and h1a rtall wore Balidoulll .ll'altlnr him al the first IOWldl he could hear "We'-·,. Mr. ~•--t" ~~. •-· NI well '""" belllre leaving botlnm of the rlmp. were not thole of Jll"DP· but ~~ ,,_ -1. ·~~·•· • ~"' W~ that the Jut presl-A oplendld bonor llJard with they certalnly relaled to whlelt for ahett cadence and demonatratod rather clearJt, dtnt to visit Europe, lhe lite the white • plmne! of their circumstance. 1mp1ct. cannot appfoac:b the bow be lotendl to IO about WUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI)-John F. Kennedy, brouahl out hetm.ta rtppttns In the winter "Neu-. Go llomel Neu· ugly thumping IOUJld 0 I his hullneu of meeting ~ cheering .crowds In Parla, wind ; a mtlttary band at rigid onn, Go Homel" "Neu-oon, Go Rome" when leadu1 •Jth pubUc reaction Dele.gates from K statea con-Vienna and London. Tht Nllon attenUon wilting the signal These were the 1 n I t t a J yelled In unison. a aecooduy conakleratlon. '"' eluded a two.day convention people also knew that com-to blare ln'° a sonorous ar-greeting• and no more than In the larger eooteit of Nix· It wa1, indeed, JD entlrt)J· Sunday by electing eauror-par:ilm& were inevitable. rangement ot the Star Spang!-100 -lOO at the outside -on's five-nation trip, thlJ wu new eaocept of presldenttal nla Publhiher William K. Th1I ta why they stress at ed Banner; what looked Uke petlOCll partjclpated. The.ir an exceedingJy minor evut travel o ve r 1ea1, w1th. every opportunity that this Is a mUe of brilliant red carpet; voices were distinct A few and certainly not as ill-man-ceremony ltrlpped doWo ~ Shearer permanent chairman a working instead of a purely and an honor guard to an yards away on the same plat.-nered or as vociferous as the barf.st amtn!Ufll, l'OUl!na· of a new national comerva-ceremonial \rip, elegant pavilion w h er e form, there w1s a cluster of demonstrations aimed at Nil· pubUe turnouts eocoar~ bl, live party. As the President's hi& Air distinguished guests waited to perhaps 200 people who were on on several occas.ioM in neither the bolt eowniinenfi, A site for party beadquart.1_F_orce __ o_ne_ro_ll_ed_to_a_st_•P __ m_ee_t_th_e_Pr_w_d_•n_t. ____ loudl_.;;.Y..;pn>_Am_e_rl_can_and __ th_e_y_IWr_· _own __ coun __ 1ry __ dur_1ng __ the __ nor __ Amer1can ___ .,._1>w1ea __ ._ ers was not decided upon, nor was an official name se-• J lected. State party dues were set at $25 a month. • Shearer tol<f the convention, ' -• • ••vou are now the owners of a national poUtical party in a real and -genuine sense. We are now on the way to sav- ing America." f:IANDICAPPE.D, AMERICAN VISITS SCHOOL Bill P•11mort, 39,; Wiii Rtceiv~ ~wa rd From Nixon !Jnolliclal\y <Alling llaell the "American Independent Party," the convention laid the groundwork for its 1972 presidential campaign by re- solving to work toward repeal of the federal income tax, re- peal of the 1968 federal open housing act and American v.•ltbdrawal Cr o m the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). . . Handicapped American' Malces Something of It Only stronl objections by Shearer tabled a proposed ultimatum to end the war In Vietnam. That resolution call- ed r 0 r the Communists to im- mediatelv cease all 3J?Rl'f.S· sion Jn Vietnam or the U. S. and Sooth Vietnam would wage Rll«it war against jforth Vleljwn "using what- evl'!I' weapans l'lflees!llJ"Y." EAST CHICAGO, Ind. (AP) -Bill Passmore visited every room on the five floors of St. Catherine's Hospital Sun- day, just as for so many Sun- days the past 20 years. There Was additional hap- piness in his voice th.is time. patients said. The 39-year-old Negro amputee had just been named ''Handicapped American of 1968." "It's my Sunda y ritual ," Asia Plane Crash Kills 5 Americans said Passmore, who will receive the award from Presi- dent Nixon in May. "Nothing keeps me from my rounds, not even this grel!-t honor." Pa..ssmcre lost· both legs after injtiring bis Spine in a football accident when he was 15. "A handicap is only what you make it," he Wd. Passmore doesn't m a k e n1uc h of his, After graduating from high school, he worked 11 years as a midnight·shift taxicab dispatcher so he could devote days to work ing with the han- dicapped and disadvantaged. For the past four years he has worked full time counae.14 ing, training and placing disadvabf.aged youth 0 f ' the Neighborhood Youth Corps. Be has found )obs for hundreds . The convention. a result cf the 1968 presidf'ntial camp::iign nr fonner Alabama Gov. Georg.-C. Wallace, was ignor- trf by Wa l Tac -e and his vice nresirlential running m::tte. C:en. Curtis E. Lemay. B o th men iqoored invl- tatinns tn attenri. So did ::i riPJ- ri;i:ation from Alabama. Of the five stalPc:: carried by Wallace in the 1698 election. only Ar- kanw had a delegation at- tending. or them in recent months. · Nixon Gives Up TAIPEI (UPI) - A Na-"Having a physical handicap lionalist Chinese a 1r11 n i; r actually -helps wjt~ theae l\.TO .4. r ard c3111ht fire and crnbed:'4>c1ay -.":bf sald. "It con tOadr". , , .. .,,. ~ , ._. ..__ them lhat what ccunts is what ~ l .,.. · on: the outsklrh ."" "' """"' ycu want to be tn life, not!· ~ 1f!A$JIINGTON {UPJ) 1!-~ kill.Ing all 36 per.sons aboard, what you are right now." . President N.lJon bu stven ap including five Americans, Passmore's wheel chair ts his honorary, JI f e . t t me police reported. seldom at rest. A bachelor, membenhlp 1n the .National Tbe plane was a two-engine he is past president of the Rlfle AlllociaUon. An i.lde aald turboprop owned by Far East Chicago Jaycees, spansor Nixon disavowed the mem- E<istern Air Tran!porl, a Na-of Convicts Anonymous at the bership when be re11lgned tiooalist Chinese-0wned firm state prison , vice president lrom all clubs and organizl. operating ins ide Taiwan • of the Northern I n d i a n a lions after tatlng office. The lt took off from Kaohsiung Political Action Alliance and NRA membenhlp was given a~ 10 minutes later the pilot assistant superintendent of his Nixon when he was vice pres- reported engine trouble and , cruircll's Sunday school. tdent. reQuested emergency landing I;,_ ____ ;_ _ _,•,,,..,.=,..-.-:~=,--------! clearance at Tainan, 28 miles northeut of Kaohsiung. An airline spokesman said the' plane apparently caught rirfi ln midair and crashed' ()n- tofarmland on the· outskirts of Tainan. Americanl abolp'd w e r e identified as R. Y. Alejandro, Gavin D. Agustin, and J. T. Legge, all military personnel ; and B. A. Lafrance, a businessman, and P. J . Burgess, a woman missionary stationed on Taiwan. Budge Na n1 ed To Head SEC WASlllNGTON (UPI) - President ,Nixon hel named Hamer H , Budge chairman of . the ~rlties and Ex· change Cc>mmJsiOn. Budge, 58, is a fonner R e pub·l lca n Congressman from Idaho. He sucteeds Manuel F. COOen wbo ruiped u chairman for ''pel'.IOll81 reaJOnS.'' The only medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Most comple te 3--way rellell. This important development· in hemorrhoid treatment comes to you after five years of scientific: and clinical testi ng. Not only does Countern oid* work by lessening pain fast, and by coating, soothing, and protecting injured tissue, .. but unlike every other hemorrhoid product Counternoid also works a ,third way. Thanks to an exclusive formula with DS$.i0 u1 only Counlernoid gets to 1 major uuse .of hemor· rhoids: Painrul hard constipation. Without irritating laxative 1ft'ect. Here's hew: lri holpiUf X-fl1 tests doctors·~ava demonstr1ted that th1 remerkable Collnternoid fomli>-. latian with DSSJI ptftllrttH iii minutes to lht tap If the: recW area to soften tht stool Ind tlH thtbowel movtrnent. · It is this unique attil)fl thit does so much to m1k1 Ntural he1linr possible. So. if you Jive wilh the pain and felt of ttCW"ring minor hemonlloid troubles, get tempwary relief with medically.tested Countemoid. Actually, used as directed, Coun- l1rnoid offers the most complete l·WIY r•li•f )'OU an pt without 1 prtSCription Dr Without surp ry. In st1lnltu Cl'M «afC!Olilorits. ,... At 1U '*'LI CIUltlrl. ,"f,,.,_tf ........ o Ull••Me. The Colorful So•nd ot Orange County Music! RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM FROM FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH • • UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK'S new and unique SAVINSU-RANCE PLAN pays you INTEREST ON SAVINGS! 'NO M.INIMUM DE-POSIT REQUIRED! . ~ . ••• and it's backed up with LOW COST LIFE INSURANCF' 1 2 3 4 5 that guarantees your savings goal! ' it pays you a big 5°/o interest on savings compounded daily · there is no minimum deposit required Isome banks demand $1,000 or $500 initial deposit) ••. not UNITED STATES NA- TIONAt BANK you have immediate use of your funds your SAVINSURANCE PLAN costs approximately 25% less than comparable cash value insurance plans issued solely by life in· surance companies . • premium payments are automatically paid from your.savings account Check it out today-call Or send in thia coupon for more infot1u.1t1on. Huntl119fon Beach South CHSt Plaza Costa Mesa I 714 I 536-936 l 1714) 540.5211 17141 646-3291 Make sure you have enough cash for all the trav- eling you plan to do when you ret ire ... or for that second honeymoon ... or the kid s' college edu· cation. Or enough to provide them for your family if you're not around. Today-set up a savings plan thai pays you a big 5%-with interest compounded daily-and backed by life insurance that guarantees y0ur savings goal! r---------~---.------·----. IOI t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , United States Nlllonol Bini< S~vlnsurance 1'1811 Dip~ P.O. Box 1505 Orange, C.lllomll i2fJilll Yes, I would .Uk• lnOf9 Jntormedon-wifl no otiilgcJon tit.,._. United Stites N1tlonal Bank'• Sh'lnll.h'1.nee Pl•"· Address ______________ _ City ______ _ ·~---Ztp Code Telephone Nunlbt:r ___________ _ l.------------------·--------' UNITED Th• Full S•rvlc• B•nk th.rt m11ka It •11 • littt. HalM S1_MTES with 62 officas Int,,. flw ,,,.,.,, count/•• of Sout,,.m C•llfomt. N.KJ'J ONAL •Life and Disability Protection under this plan is provided ex· elusively by special arrangement with Westa;ate Life Insurance Company and Its licensed •cents. --~~~ " • • • .. • • "•• .. ~,' "" •• ... " .. ' .. ~ .. ' ., ... ,., " "' " ~ -.. ... " ... • -' ~ v .. • " •• ... ~ ~ ~ , # .•. .. -~ • .. ~--• .~ • 4 ~ •. ·• ~ .. • • • •• ~ • ~ M • • .. .. .... -.. ~ .. ~ ,._ -N • ~ -~~ ... !i ... -~ • • l • J J.1 _GAILY PILOT Mondly, FtbMIJ 24, 1969 ·Reserve Planes • Ill .Pue·hlo Sad Crisis WASHINGTON (AP) responsive. They cou1d not be warfare w a 1 Impossible," given to our reurve during Navy hai. reassessed U.s a\. Am.q other t.bincs, tbt act. Navy Reserve fijhler and deplo)o<d iboml ship wil!Joul Mlcbaells lllld. their IAai:Uve dull'• liolDlhg tltude toward the mervet and mlral uld, recl!llr !la.y of· -bf< oquadrooS called to 1 dw>8< o1 aircraft and much The tw<Mtar admiral said periods ,.., lnldeq-w ;., Wl<lerialllng· a llcnlllCfnl ficert and enlisted meo ba''' ..u" duty alter the Pueblo traWDc." it became ne<eaSa!)I, a11er He prabod .t\ie~ eiiort to u~ the,.,...., Flooer bee!1 uslped to se!ecled capture IUt year were unfit n>e-tralnlng planes "were squ~ were mobilit.td, to of the lncYvidatal • rtlltt'Yilt5, to the repiir Naval establish· reserve ~ u n l t I to provide for deployment beeause ~ir I take aircraft "from otber • .vi.... .. • .._., , dtmonstrall.'d ment. • : manv crltlcal akllls. bs I I ad not only outmoded for dep oy-~ "'" ,..,, ·o ·• ~ ftdWC ••• e s.cr.to1rW .......... liuur&K9 ........... ,,"' 'planes were . 0 0 e e, an · ment aboard carriers but alriildy austere fleet patlence wlUa. 1temingly In· "We must r.plac:e ..-.antt Mkhaelis allO indicated the m~:~ sa.i!dm. Frederlck H. oblolete to 'such an extent reaoutees and transfer them" aurmount.aJJle obltaclet" and we are gMng .(IW'M.tva a Nav: ts revamping previous Pt.on. M"'·elis said heavy battle !bat reali.oUc training in to \he reserve Wlits. u!Umalely ,.oelled. maximum ..t lllree yem -thinking that ,,,..,., Wlits ~1_1_.w •• ~ "" 1753 .MM721 e 0..-ttl At•llthit :Sin Vietnam had forttd Jw~e~a~po~ns~de~U~v~ery~, ~fire~con~tro~l~~t.oo~kln~g!bk~k~,~Mi~'c~ba~elis;' ~a~ls~o_!~l~n~the~·~w~a~~~o~f~thl~•:i'~'·--all~~ol~our~~flch~;ler~an~d~a:tta<:k_;could~~be~deplo[:yed:tmm::edi.o:t:elyJ~~~~-~!"~-~~~~-~~~~or~~~~~!i! the rf'gular Navy to pull com· 1. systems and e I e c tr on I c s said ••we find that the support perienee, ·Michaelis said, the airera.ft," ):llcbUlla aaLd. after callup. bal-wortby planes from the reserve. In return, he $lid, reserve units got outmoded training aircraft. His statements 1mounted to the first official acknowledgement that the sis Navy Reserve fighter and at· tack sq uadrons were in such shape v.·hen they were mobiliz- ed Jan. 26, 1968. Michaelis, assistant deputy chief of naval operaUons fJr air. disclosed the situation in a speech to ! Reserve Officers Associltioa lUDCheon. He said the Navy is un· dert.aking a major program to modernize reserve units with such planes as the F4 Phantom' and to provide better training and support for the Naval Air Reserve. The six squadrons were released from active ..;uty in October. "Our units were recalled w i t h o u t deployable equip. ment." t.tichae1is said. "Therefore, they were not in 1 position to be iminediately Voting Act At Stake in South' Study WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Ni.Ion ad.ministration is making the first attempt to survey Negro and white voting · patterns in the South during a presidential election. Under the direction of the Justice department's c iv i I rights division, the govern· ment is trying to determine the effectiveness of the 1965 Voting Rights Act in six Southern states and part of a seventh. Jerris Leonard, assistant at- torney general for civil rights, said in an interview the study of the 1968 presidenUal elec- tion in these ·areas will be correlated with a study of local elections, throulf>oul the Sooth this spring. The statistics produced by these two sb.idies -in com- bination with census figures and past Negro regi!tration data -will form the basis for Atty. Gen. John Ji. Mit- chell's recommendation Ao President Nixon on whether to extend the key section of the law which expires in 197tl.· His predecessor, .fonner At- ty. Gen. Ramsey Clark, urged Congress to extend the section whkb allows the goV1!rnment to move wherever it finds discriminatory voling prac- tices over the previous five years. It is understood Mitchell will make no recommendation un- UI be has results of the survey in hand. "We have an obligation to present Congress with some statistics," Leonard said. Just one month dn the Job, the new civil rights chief, 38, a former Wisconsin legislative leader, could not recall that t h e r e have been any com· plaints about interference with voting rights in the Nov . S election. But he stressed the dif· ficulties in the alt.empted survey. The division has nowhere near the manpower to conduct 1 ,full , acate. study and is faced with the problem of trying lo go back and detennine ·which voters were white and which were black. The act applies in any state where Negro voting in the 1964 presidential election num· bered less than 50 percent of the state's voting age Negro population, or where less than half of the registered Negroes actually voted. Wilderness Meet Slated "Wilderness. the Edge or Knowledge" is the theme of the Elevent.b B l e n n i a 1 WUdemess Conference. llpol1IOr<d by the Sierra Club and the Sierra Club Foun- dation Man:h 14-1! at the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco. Most of the ball-day con- ference sessiooB wW b e -lo Ala!ka, the unique quality of wi~rne.ss and Ute difficulUelJ I n v o I v e d In -hJglt. Denitl B.-· .uten, Ltctla'er 1D Geography at the Unlver»· 11 o1 Calllornla, will be coo-tennce dWnnan. Abo on tbt .provam will be rormer ·~ or the tntertor. 8lelrut L. Udall. In this fi:re;-'S-qaea1ing,~tarq~e-oot world,~is tb~re a: ·pl~ce for an automobile that can stoP-: heroically? Merc_elles•Renz thinks so. At a traffic light, a num6er o1 5leek, snarling domestic can can. blast ahead of the sedate Mercedes-Benz 250 pictured at right. So be it, say Mercedes-Benz engineers. So be it, ,ay Mercedes- Benz: 250 owners. A _question of empliasis • • , It's not th:at tlie Mrrcedes-Benz en~~rs don't know how to build a potent motor car. Their 6.3 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL, for example, recently ap- praised by Road and Track.as "merely the gfeatest sedan in the world," is the fastesf series production sedan ever made. But that exubuant machine is inten'dedJor the autobahns, and other wide 'open spaces, where high speed driving is relatively safe. And it sells to a rather rarefied clientele at a rather rarefied $14,450'''. For their bread-and.-butter models in the $4,500 to $10,000 range -cars for everyday people in every- d.ay traffic-Mercedes-Benz engineers take a much more pragmatic view. Stubbomly refusing to sacrifice a driv- er's poclC.etbook to his libido, they insist on striking a sane bala nce be- tween engine size and fuel economy. Result: the new 250 is endowed with a 6-cylinder, overhead-cam, 7- main-bearing gem of a powerplant. It can hurtle this 3,000 pound Mercedes- Benz along indefinitely at the highest posted speeds in America-with en- ergy in reserve. Yet fuel consumption rivals that of the lowliest domestic compacts. The liot-rodder who torques out in front of a Mercedes-Benz 250 scores a Pyrrhic victory indeed. Turnabout The owner of a Mercedes- Benz 250, on the other hand, can con· fidently challenge the driver of any domestic seda,, to a stoplight duel-.it stopping. The blunt fact is that not one domestic sedan, regardless of price. comes with 4-wheel disc brakes. But every Mercedes-Benz, regudless of pric~lilc.e 200-mph Grand Prix rac- ing cars-Comes with a massive disc brake at t:O~ wheel Why do experts rate discs su- perior to conventional drum brUes7 Beca~. in a variety of situa- tiom-ln rainy weather driving when bn.kff may get wet, in downhill d.riv- int: with continual braking, even in one: unokins panic stop after another at .- Tht iso comts with .f-wlu:tl disc brakt•. No domrstic itdon dotf, Somrthini to ~lop i:ind lhink i:ibowt. C)l'.treme speeds-disc brakes are far better able to dissipate /1cal nnd n1ois- h1re, and thus to resist fading or lock- up, the most common typcs'of brake failure. Me rcedes-B enz. engineers Uc- licvc 1/111t Ilic brak es should be tlic n1ost pou.1erf11 / part of any car. In a Mercedes-Benz, they are. One-upmanship As you might expect, the Mer- cedes~Benz 250 also handles and cor- ners better than all domestic sedans- even the newest 1969 "dreamboats" to roll off the assembly line. Scrapping the solid rear axle system of conventional cars, the 250 uses an all-lridept.ndent suspension, plus anti-sw.Y bars frontandrear. The result is leec~-lilc.e roadability-even on rutted and potholed gravel Janes. Thert is no sloppy play in the steering, either. You are blessed with the "fed" of the road. When you turn the wheel, the car reacts Instantly.Sud- denly, you are a more confident driver. Many cars are designed to win ad.mira ti on for their owners. Mercedes- Benz ca rs arc designed to win admi- rat ion fro 111 their owners. Quite a distincti on. The pinnacle of safety Of all the •.vorld's motor cars, concluded Car and Driv er magazine after road testing the new 250, the cur- rent Mercedes-Benz line "represents the present pinnacle in safe car en- gineering." This sober judgment is based in part on the remarkable responsive- ness of the 250, its almost uncanny ability to evade blundering motorists. But it reAects, too, the extraor- dinary measures Mercedes-Benz engi- neers have taken to provide prolective packaging for passengers if the worst happens-measures that go beyond the letter of U.S. safety regulations. The 2SO's entire passenger compartment is built as • sturdy "safety zone." Doon are designed to stay shut on impact. The front and rear sections of the car are engineered lo crun1ple in a violent crash at Q controlled rate, ab- sorbing shock and reducing the threat of serious injury. "My car was wrecked,'' r:e· ported a Mercedes-Benz owner after a serious head-on collision, "but thanks to Mercedes-Benz safety engineering, I escaped with my life." Flat-out in comfort The 250 is as habitable as it is roadworthy and safe. Probing with steth'oscopes, en- gineers tracked down and winnowed out irksome harmonic vibrations in the bodywork and drive train. "There is as little inside noise at 100 mph as at a standstill," observed a joumal.ist after test runs on a racing circuit. Slip into the seat of a 250. It reclines-for catn-aps. Oteck the rur shelf. Carp<ted. Nudge the door closed. A satisfying "ka-chunk." Bomtohlst Your 250 is built wttR uncom· promising care to make it & durable investment, too. It is not bolted into being, like an ordinuy car, but solidi- fied by thousands of welds. After S0,000 miles or so, you ?NY begin to wonder lf it will roer rattle. More than four coats and :C.C pounds of paint and primer rust pro- tection are lavished on each car at the factory. The insides of the hubcaps are coated. Even tlle lineS are designed for: durability. Mercedes-Benz scorns planned obsole~ence, and deliberately gives all its motor cars the same daS- sic look, free of faddish touches that can readily betray age-and erode your investment. (Sidelight, While this similarity between Merc~es-Benz models and vintages is a boon to the owner of a 250, it may be a hazard to some: driv- ers. Consider the traffic-light dragster who guns his engine at a "250" -only to writhe in the ignomi!'Y of having taunted a 6.3 Mercede!-Beru: 300SE~ instead.) [£you think the 250 soun.Cls like an unconventional car, you're right. It is. Defiantly so. Mercedes-Benz does not build conventional cars-and never will. 24-page brochure For more details on the 250, a shrewd $5,299• investment, mail the coupon for a colorful 24-page brochure. Better: yet, drop by the showroom and "rrange to test the car, Driving is be- lieving. Other models to ponder: 280SE Sedan-the most road- worthy car you can buy in the luxury class, fuel-injection engine, $6,577•. 280SL Roadster-a sports car for grown-ups, combines soul--stining performance with comfort, $6,885•. 220 Diesel-the only diesel Mercedes-Benz male.es, gives small<ar economy in a big, safe sedan that may well endure for decades, $4,7eo•. 600 Grand Merc<des-the uJ. timate motor car, $23,759•. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : Merc'fdn·Beru of Nori!\ @ : : America. lDc. • ~ nm Slemons Imports Inc. : • 120 West Wamet' Avenue • : Santa Ana. 'Callf., 9Z70'l • • PleaH smd me: a 24-pap. fall-color • brochure on the new 1e11eraHon of : • mot« e&n from Macllli•BlnL • • • • • . ...... • • • • A.008.0S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OTT fJA'l'I EP • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CC..,.t&Mt•,llklao••• •--'Mrilo.ma..._ •wut Coa11 portt of miry, a.dualve of traruport.tton, optlont, 1t1.le and local taxn, ii anJ. Jim Slemons Imports, Inc. i2ow.warnerA:venue,Santa:Ana,4Jifornla92101Phone:714-546-ttt4 ' LEGISLATU RE BUDGETED -Saving for a day in Sacramento to watch state governing bodies in action are (left to right) the Mmes. Joe Carbo, Thomas Doh!, John Don, Hany Burford and Paul Hutton, members of the Leegue of Women Voters of Hunt· ington Beach. The league is inviting. area women to join them· in· a flying trip.to the Capitol to·vi:Sit the assembJy and sen~te, .lunch. with assemblymen.and attend aome committee sessions Reserva.: tiOllS may be made by calllng Mrs. N~·Sallee W-ll007. . ' ' . ' Distingu is.b ed Guests- .... , . ·' . .. ... . . lol'\~,l"""Pl'·f~•ii·; r ~ • •,.r'' • Church Guild Reveals ·Ladies' Night Out' Distingulshed speakers will be heard during the second annual Ladies' Night Out sponsored by the Ladies' Guild of Sts. Simon a nd Jude Catholic Church, Huntington Beach. 'I1lc meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, htarch 5, in lhe Sher:::r.ton- Beach Inn. Principal speaiter will be the Rev. Peter Curran, a Dominican priest who receiv- ed his doctorate in sacred theology in the University of SL 'Thomas, Rome . He will discuss The Modem Christian Juniors Collect Coins Fo r Project Con ce rn Pennies for Project Concern will be collected by members of the Huntington Beach Junior Wrr man's Club on Saturday, ~1arch 1, in front of the Sav-on Drug Store, Marina Village Shopping Cen- ter, Edinger Avenue and Springdale Street. In charge of il display showing items from un- derdeveloped countries which can be purchased for pennies is Mrs. Ralph Stephens, international af- fairs chairman. WOllWL Tho Rev. Curran has taught In the Univenity of London, England, and the Dominican Colleae, San Raphael. He ls director of St. Thomas Aquinas IDltitule !0< adult educallon ~t a c bf: I ~ theology at M t st. Mary'3 College, Los Ange 1be Rev, I~ Jltlter, 1 ' missionary pilot prQt >who. spent 17 years ht New-Guinea, will relate his uperiences in that country, and Provincial Allen McCoy will come from Santa Barbara lo attend. Other special guests will be Mrs. R. C. Immegart, vice president of the Los Angeles Arcbdiocesian Confraternity of CbrlsUan Women, and Mrs. Nell McElrath, praldenl of the Oronge County Dwlery. . . l • JODEAN HASTINGS, -· ~r. ,..,...., M, ltff I , ... 11 'Come Fly With Me' Invitation .Extended .. Huntington Valley women are urged to start saving their pennies for an interesting and informative experi .. ence to take place Wednesday, March 19. They all are invited to join the League of Womeg_ Voters of Huntington Beach fOr a day in Sacramento. CUrrently 30 members of the league ar~ pla nning to fly to the Capitol for a first-hand view of our slate govern.. ment in action. Although plans yet are tentative, the league has contacted Assemblymen Robert H. Burke and Kenneth Cory for their assistance with the arrangements. The group plans to spend the entire day in Sacra· mento, flying out of Los Angeles at 8 a.m. and return .. ing at approximately 7:35 p.m. Air fare will be $32, and women wishing to . share the excitement of witnessing government in action are requested to make reserva• tions with Mrs . Norman Sallee, 847..0007, by Saturday, March 1. Mrs. Sallee is making arrangements for the tour. . During the morning women will observe the assem .. bly and hope to sit in on some of the committee meet .. ings. Following luncheon with the assemblymen, plans include talks by Senator John Schmitz and Jesse M. Unruh. The group hopes to observe the senate during the afternoon. · Included among league members who are planning to take the trip are the Mmes. Albert Andrews, Leroy Barickman, R. T .. Cutler, 'I'h_omas qohl, John Don, George Edmiston, Gerald Finley, Franklin Gilchrist, Raymond Hampton, James Jones, Robert Kemp, Ken· netb Marl)>n, Bernard O'Laughlin, R. E. Potes, Joseph Ribal, Sallee, Arthur Tonelli, Norman Whipple and John Wrigllt. • • • .. r . ~ . Other-activities of the International affairs Se<:· tion include collecting tools for a Catholic Mission School on the island of .Majuro in the Marshall chain. The Rev, Leonard Hacker maintains the in- terdenominational mission school and has set up a community band and workshop. Instruments for the band and tools for the shop are needed , and anyone wishing to make a donation may contact Mrs. Stephens at 892-3233. Mrs. George Gautbler, pr.sldenl of the Ladles' Guild, bu requested reservation.! be made immediately 1 l n c e seaUng capacity b limited to less than 400 people. New Group of Delta Gamma . Alums Ascending Juniors a1so have donated to Meals for Millions, American Field Service and Project Hope. Two original oU paintings will be offered as prizes dur· ing the meeting. Rising on the Huntington Valler horizon Is a new chapter of Delta Gamma Alumnae. The new association. recently elected officers and plans its next meeting next Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the \Vestminster home of Atrs. Larry Hudack. Presiding will be (left to right) the Mmes. Roger Weninger, president; Victor Bullock Jr. treasurer; Hudack, secretary, and Marry T. Riegel Jr., vice president. AH Delta Gammas in the area are welcome to attend the meeting and learn more about the new ·associatio.,. Coed Clobbers Compla.int, DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a !"' au.ggestions ftf' the guys who complained about the abortage ot female at Michigan Technological U n i v e r at t y otherwise known as "Da Tech.' I went there so I happen to know a litUe ~mething about "the problem." First: If you guy• would wash your clothes once in a While It might h e I p. You fellows whet complain the loudest about "oo dames up here" are the ones who wear the u.me T-lbirU ud jeans for a whole atmelter. I cannot promise Instant results, boyl, but rm 8UJ'e u )'00 charming gont1emen "'"' a shade neater the gtrlJ woold be a whole Jot friendlier. Sean!: If yoo guys would stop calling the coeds 0 Water Buffalo" In the achoo! ANN LANDERS ~ paper they might be easier to 11t along with. Third: I suggest you lads cbeck the sumiundinc ton1tol7 H '°" 'dilel -anythin(f ,.. 11 k • .. lfouPtoa. My griduatlng clus In Flnlander (a lllllll town nearby) b I d H girls ..i thrM boyg. Every girl In the clus .... better than average looking. 'lliey cooJd COOk, sew, type term papen and troa shirts. Two of the gtrlJ had latben on the HOUJhton police fore<. (Thi• can be one beck of an asset.) I hope you print this letler, Ann. ~ mepo up !hero need to be wised up. -AN EX LOCAL.llAKI DEAR EX: nub for ._ ~. I .... Mliti~tdJ. at Da Td tacb tlilo -la .. llollelta -la ._ maia UIL It coUI ...... I "" u-. DEAR ANN LANDERS :' Our only Cites Cleanliness as Cause da\llhter II llW1'ied and bu t•o adorable ebUdren. tbey live on the other aide of the state. It's a good 1even hour drive from here. Bertie Jo married a nice young man who bu a colltge diploma. My husband can't stand him. I've tried to find out why he dislikes Herbert so much but all he will aay ii. "That (eJIOw's northern accent gets on my nerves." I thlnk our aoo-in-law talks right nict. I have oo trouble understa~ him, but my hUlband Insists Herbert Jllls on t h I I Y.-toll: because be tmws It rubl 10rDe Soutbernen the wroac way. llertie Jo and Herbert come lo viii! UI -0 7'11' ud atay fO< two dayl. 1 CIJll 1e11 you oow I look r ...... ud to seeing oar adorable grudchlldren. Thil 1111 trip WU the wont. In leos than an hour 1 my husband aald 10mething rotten to H~, a n d Bertie Jo and J were tenseCnp all day long for I e a r the men ·WO\lld come to blOWI. They lert an hour ago and my husband didn't even say good-by. He spent the last 11ix hours sitting in his car listening to L'lc radio. Please, Ann, tell me what to do about this awful situation. -TROUBLE IN TflNNESSEE DEAR. TROUBLE: Take a bu er I tnQ Ir I .... llld 10 viii! lltl1ie Jo ... •lilllllJof--Y• -----·· pipead--.... ,. 9 II .. nbi di MaM te "' ,,_ ........ -......... Md -· " eptltgltt wkl 111 1ea't-e. - CONFIDENTIAL TO SHOCKED AND DISAPPOINTED: Genuine gold ri~ can turn the finger green, too, Dearie. It hu to do with the alkaline balance of the indlviduaJ, so reserve judgment, please. Drlnklnt may be 1•tn11 te the lllla J'M ru wkJl -Mt It cu ,.t 1" 1W.- f1r keeps. VOi eae CMl it ud 1111 popular. Ruel "Boole ud Yoe -Fer T_,... Olly." Sead •·call la cot. .................. "' .... ~..-,... .. , ..... A.a '••en will lire 1.1 a• • l•• •· ,.. wl.._, ,_. Jl'•b's·· a.t ._ • ... la care ol .. DAILY,PILOI', - big a aetr...cldrtntd, .............. . <• > -. . .. . • .• ' .. • . DAJ1.V Pit.OT Indian Maidens Learn Modern Techniques YMCA Indian :r.taidens from Huntington Beach's Choctaw Tribe deserted their teepees to attend a luncheon in the Southern Cali· fornia Edison Co. in Huntington Beach. After learnin,g tlps for Horoscope Leo: You're or. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 25 By SYDNEY 0MARR ''Tbe wlM man controls hia dellin1 ... A1trolo0 pointl the way." ..uuE8 (March Zl·Aprll 11): Cl1I ltom ... lll authority CGUlil lead to jaunlq. Handle ,........blllty. O...~ objecl ·to ,._ aulpment. Check Ioctl; !lpros -Ir)' to gel travelfng done early In day. TAlllUJS (Aprll IO-May lll): Take.,m!UaUvt. MooeY earned in unique ID4lllltt. Profitable coatacts iDdicsted; exude coo- fld~ce. Be -original and In· dependent .Personal magnetism ratlng is high . GEllllNI (May 21.Jun< lll): You may change your mind about lndMdual wile appein -L· Favor ti performed for you. ctrcmnltanctl react ln your favor. Move ahead. Obtain hint from TAURUS ......,e. CANCER (Jun•-11.July II): Some unusual event.I occur wblch dlrectly aflecl you. Frlmdl are involved; 10 are hopes IDd wllboo. Cooperate with one wbo sUttl apeclal iotertll Shire' tnowled&e.. You're I wlm>er. LEO (July IS-Allf. 12): You meet people IDd go places. Social activity In ere a 1e1. Display · aI>owmansbfp, """' of humor. Be venaWe. You are invited to join apeclaJ group. Answer ill affirmative. VIRGO (Aug. IS-Sept 21): Study detalfl, be aware of Traditional Honor Junior Club to Fete Seniors at Luncheon the Go subtle nuances. H&nd.11 cur- rent duties with aplomb. U thorouab, you I m p r e a 1 auperion. Talk of promotion could feature day. Study ARIES messaie . LIBRA (Sept. 23--0ct. 12):- Planl are made and cbanied. JnvoJves travel and wrttte11 word. Strengthen p e r s o n 1 I pl>ilosoplly. B e perceptive. Find reuons why. Tonight newa coma c oncerning career, commun:lty project. SCORPIO (OCt.13-Nov. 21)' Family di!cllssion concernlng accounll, upeodilures ls ia. order. Seek harmony, but face facts in realistic manner. Study legal documents. especially as they affect money. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 11- Dec. 21): Ava.id sell-deception. Take oU rose-colored glasses. Cooperate where partnerships are concerned. Accent on le&al aflaln. Obtain bfnt from SCORPIO message. . CAPRICORN (Dec. :.Jan. 19}: Give attention to co- workers. You need ald from those who serve you. Be bulc. Outline needs. Show that yo11 appreciate and are capable of reciprocating. , freezing leftover "in jun vittles," the maidens and their guests ; enjoyed a · light luncheon and presentation of dOOr pi:izes . Funds received from the event will hl!lp tribe activities. Mrs. Liz Lynch, Edison home economist, shows Mrs. James Campbell and Mrs. Dale Conrad (left t o rtght) just how to place their freezer.ready packages. Thursday, Feb. 'rl has been selected as the date when the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach will honor its spouor· ing club according to trad1Uon. supported the Simple Simon production by selling 7 3 tickets. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-F•b. IS ): Display interest i n youngsters. Day f ea t u r e s romance, change, p o s s i b I e travel and variety. You are active and exude air of ex- citement. This iJ your tlnd of time. -~-=-=---~--=-~~~~~-'--~~~~~--'-'--~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luncheon guests will hear a report by Mrs. Roger Sherman, health chairman, on the recent bridge luncheon which ra.l.sed hmdl for educa· tional materials for the Com- mittee to Eradicate Syphlfl!, Inc . .. . , •• ,. ·" .. . . ... _ ..... ,., .j :r: ·.• ' •• • ' • • ' ' MRS. JOHN W. COMBS JR • H1w1ilan Honeymoon ___ / \ Get the prettiest head .. start on spring with a Penney "Treasure Creme Oil" budget permanent! 8.88 frosting, 14.50 Complete Sh1mpoo incl set • • • • • • • • $3 (""°"" T-oiid Wed. only) PV&Aa'IW MutlTWITOll au.at Qi 0 ~ -~"""" ....... '""°° ' JIM! ........ 7'11 \ Combs-Kistle Nuptials Solemnized • 1n Newport The chapel of St. Andrew·s Presbyterian C h u r c h in Newport Beach, was chosen for the wedding of John Wesley Combs Jr. of Newport Beach and Barbara Mae Kis- tle, who said their vows before the Rev. Dr. Charles 11. Dierenfield. Parents of the bridal couple are Mrs. Moille Combs of San- ta Ana and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kistle of Corona del Mar. daffodils, daisies, b a b y ' s breath and fern . B r adley Combs of Bakersfield, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and ushers were James Hog se th and Walter McGonigle. After the ceremony, guests gretted the newlyweds in the church's Fireside R o o m , where Mn. Harold Fidler of Costa Mesa circulated the guest book. A delayed honeymoon trip lo the Hawaiian Islands is plan,ned by the new Mr. and Mrs. Combs, who will reside in Newport Beach. The bride attended Woodrow Wilson High School. Lorig Beach, and Santa Ana College. Her husband attended the University pf Mexico and the University of S o u t h e r n California. Sculptress Gives Talk Officers of the Ebell Club of Newport Beach will be guests at a luncheon and pro- gram beginnlng at 10 a.m. in the Ebell CJuJ;bou1e, Balboa. The health committee will sponsor a showing on Feb. :le of the film "A Quarter of a Million Teenagers" which deals with the problems of venereal d Is ease. Parents from 2S area schools and the public have been invited. Junior president, Mr 1 • Edwanl Whitehouae Jr., will welcome Ebell officers, the Mmes. Clayton 1bompson. president; L.H. Mc:Qrl.de, first vice president; L. W. Jenks, second vice president ;· Freeman Fisher, third vice president, and H e r b e r t Puterbaugh, ways and means Club Seeking chairman. Members and honored ( d Pl guests will enjoy • program a r a ye rs presented by the Foundation for the Junior Blind focusing Star Club, 'Order· of the 00 the summer camp program Eastern Star, ill offering an for blind c h 11 d r e n , Cam-afternoon and evening card perships at f75 each have been party next Friday in Laguna given ea'ch year by the Beach Masonic Hall. Juniors. Dessert wlll be served at Mrs. Gus Chabre, fine arts both the 1 to 4 p.m. gathering PIBCE!l (Feb. If.March lll):' Take stepa to improve home lile. Accent on bulc domestic bsues. Property llhould be repaired. Doo't by--aafety meuures. Live up to put commltments. IF TODAY IS VOUR BIBTHDAY you are intuitive, at times moody; you are more the introvert than vice versa. You are about to embark upon new project. GENERAL TENCENCIES: Cycle high far GEMINI, CANCER, LEO. Special word to PISCES: greater freedom indicated tonlghL For the morning rites, the bride chose a long gown of chanlilly lace over s i I k organza, encrusted with seed pearls and sequins, fashioned with long sleeves and a chapel train. Her silk illusion veil chairman, will aIUlOUDCe com-and 7:30 to 10 p.m. sets.loo.· "-1 •~· M 0 11 1 nd ·"-Mm G M V pletlon of the Pennies for Art Tickets are $1, and Laguna Book Group · OK:U p .. .,.,., rs. e a u..:: es. · · ance, h •~ I Beach Winter Festival vbitors Fischer will be a 5....,.ial H project w ere .,.,., was co -....... orace Dobson, Earle Klep-I ted •-s pport the Hallmark are inviled. Fur t be r in-The Book Discussion Group s peaker for the regular N "' w u I h . f W . per, Orman Christen.sen and Art contest award. The group formation may be obtained of Newport Beach Friends of -was held in place with a head· piece of matching lace and seed pearb, ind she carried a bouquet of white roses . baby's breath, stepbanotis and lemon leaves. unc eon meeung 0 omen s John Brekke. also contributed $10 each to by calling Mrs. John Williams, the Library gather the last Society of Christian Service, ·All church members and the Council of Arts and the 494-0686 or Mrs. Arthur Stead, Wednesday of the month in Ch~~ UtnitUed30M e t h ~~ i s t ther friends are invited. Children's Theater Guild and 49f.6644. Mariners Library at 10 a.m. wu.. a ; p.m. wmor··i ;::::::::::::::::::::::::==:=:::::::::=:==::=:::::=:=::;:;=::;:;:;:;:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;::::::::::::::~ In silk organza gowns of lime, avocado and forest green, members of the bridal party were Mrs. J e a n n e Vanderburg, matron of honor, and the Misses Joy Stephenson and Lois Tollefson, attendents. They carried arrangements of row in U>e church. II Hostesses will be Mn. James Russ and Mrs. Carl Caldwell and the Misses Lob and Lari Lyerla and Carol Bartu!ch. The program, Including final chapters of the study book, "Christ and Crisis i n Southeast Asia, 11 will b e presented by Miss lJJis Lyerla CALL fOI Piil UTIMATI AND SHOP AT HOMI SllYICI O•r ,..ett11!0Mlly tr11n• •--let' Wiii -.. .,...., MllM .,. ... kt , , , •1y If Wlftillt •. , .. 1111 lfll '""' _,.... Mltcllel " ilrl,..,, tr ~·'"' Mrn,..._ NI ellllfll .... " _...., flOM TOUl AHA CAU 548-8242 INTlll STOCJ: OP. fAIULOUS DIA.NIT FAlllCS llDUCID TO 2D% TO 40% A.def Colorf11I ExcUtft'lellt 10 Your Rcom Ol«w ..• Wllll l old New klus •rid Otsl11nsl •"'-" ..... , .. CUSTOM MADI ... ,. DRAPERIES S4.t5 y-4 HOW ONLY A 111111-. eolleclllft llf 1'11911 ~Ill"( dtc:OI'•""' f1brlo Mellmlr4 IOCIO's Of y1r0s Ill l'llQll alYle bou<.les. m:r""'- 11-Ind dlmtlks , , , 111 Wle P<k lld. 01 540..6617 DELIVllY IN 1 DAYS "'"'~" MC•ute •• ,,.,,11 ..,, ..... c11i.ni "'111"""' t 1•"'9 ,.... lfth>f". t11trw .Ulc'-"1 ..... 1c1. 11:11y .,. u,ritlll tor tltl'I_.,. tlyllllf, t11e llMlt ,,_,...,..,,., lll--1 ~-•••Ill' 8H ),.. 11111111"",.. • • .• -• • • .... QUI WDllMANSHl!t IS SUPlll PllO,llLT HAIDWAll & IOOS CUT TO 011:011 EIUTIPLEI CAU POI PIO mlMATI SHOl'-AT.ffOMI SllYICI DRAPERY & CARPET 548-8248 TllMS: UP TO JI MONTHS TO PAT he's yours .. : at the drop of a Flutterlash Be his big-eyed girl ... All eyes end excitment. Faberge plens it thet wey with eye lashes for your every mood. If you went to pley it de· mure or daring ..• we heve got the styles for your quick-switch· ing moods. Flutterleshes, 5.00 • 6.50 • 7.50. And with each Faberge purchase of 5.00 or more this week, a hend-cere gift for you: Hand lotion Extreordineire, Cuticle Remover Extreordinaire , and Ne i I Spray Extreordineire: Cosmetics, 17 I lCJ..l'.1 ANAHEIM 444 N. Euelitl IJl-112 1 Mon, thr11 Sot. 10 '·"'·to •:JO"·'"· NEWPORT '47 fo1tri i ... lala!14 '44-121! Mo11. tft,. fff. 10 a.m. .. f 1JO Ill·"'· Sit. 10 a .... to 4 •·"'· HUNTINGTON BEACH 1117 Ui11tw ""· lf2·llll Mp, tll.. Stt. 10 a.11t. to t :JO ,.111 . I •• f Secretaries to Hear Brief on . Legislation The Revere HOUR ln Tustin lf!!l be the scene of lbe Feb. 17 meeting of Orange Counly Legal Secretaries Association when John Lewis, assistant county clerk of the Supefior Court In Orange County ls spey;.r. , Lewis, a clerk for the past 1S years,, will have u his toplc New and Pending Sisterhood Temple Sharon's Sisterhood meets the fourth Wednesday of lbe month in Temple Sharon Religious School, Costa Mesa, at f p.m. Legisl&tion.' Those attending will hear of the third quarterly meeting of the Board of Governors Of Legal Secretaries, Inc. which !not plat!e In Pasadeoa. R e pr e sentativet of 51 Calllornia Asaocivtlona gathered iII Puad<na in- cluding Orange Count I an I Mrs. Robert F. Matthews, governor. pro tem, Mr s • Theodore C. Bangs, parllamenWian, and Mrs. Lester L. Levasseur, hlstorian. Reservations for tbe Feb. 27 dinner meeting may be made by c11lling Mn. Doris Crlbbes, 543-0L'll, en. 344. • MRS. MICHAEL TAYLOR Exchanges Vows, Rings Nancy Brechtel Now Mrs. Michael Taylor . ) June Date Selected ' ' '' • ' SAPPHIRES Af.ID SIGN.ETS Rings for the man In your Ufe. Clockwise from 1 o'clock: Oval signet. 870. Sapphire, 985. Smaff signet. $29.50 Black sapphire with diamond, $395. Center sapphire, $135. ' D.\ILY PILOT Jf Yo11r Chtr9• Account it Wtlcome .,. Dowo at the Lido this """"t net's top film P''l'llll c1ra ... to a copcluslon tomormr eve- ning with the final -· of the dual bill that liouts of 'Ibey Came To &b La V-plus ne Producen. " Elizabeth.Arden face treatment is much more than just a facial An Elizabe1h Alden expert in Buffums' Red Door Treatment Room will help you discover del[glilful beauty secrets. You'll have a face trea~t and emerge with a luxurious new makeup as well as ·a radiant feeling. Complete treabnen~wlthmakeup,U.08 Beauty Studio. lllewpart c.'8t •l Fnhkll I.._ a 144-22111 • • Mon.., Thtta..FrL 10:00 t111 t-.30 Ollllr Drys lt:OD a me HB Auxiliary American Legion 'A?xmary of Huntington Beach gathers in the American Legion Hall at 1 :30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month. On the third Tbursd8y members may call Mrs. Arne Jensen, ~2m. for locaUon. ~~!c.- DELICATESSEN PARTY FOODS jaeob's small 10Idea paff•-pull P,H- try biscuits from Englend. Split end serve f1ll•d with ch••s•, lobster, shrimp, chicken, or with fruit and whipp•d creem, or 1 l % 01. 4tc aoaek HAlaml stlekll -5 spicy 1tlaml sticks in • can, A popular cocktail addition -to serv• alone or with tiny cocktail onions or pickles. From Belgium. 61/i ox. 1.ot old fuld~ eoektall oraa1e-wod9., cut from fresh orang•• and claliciously su9ar cur.d. A fun way to flavor a drinltl 11 o'L 1.39 8!'0\\-"Se our aia1e you11 discover foods (rem 29 countries to plque )'OW' appetite! • colora lnstanlly -and shampoos out wben you wish! • needs no peroxide, no alter-rlnM! • colors to cover grar1 to tone bleached hair, to 'refresh faded hau ! ~Beach, Calif. C•ta Mo.a, Calif. .... '" •• 111'1 "'"' M.nl't lllUI ....... """"''" '-'""' ,...... 6'J.ltlt ,lllr!I ...... Artesia, Calif. O..•:ir.4:!!!· 11ru ~""-' ,., ' ~ .::J:t' CMltr --· Ceeta Mooar;,. Calif. · ,,. Meteor • • :=.:11:. Stnta AM, Calif. ,... WllfnllfllfW -"""' -- l1nlrA1111ric1rd, ¥•d1t Ch1r91, toor SLAVICK'S JewelersSlnc:• 1917 The former In Teclmtcolor gives .fUm fans Gary Lockwood, Elke ·Somrl}er, Lee J. Cobb and Jack Palance In cne. thrilling movie filled to the brim whh suspense. Tbe l'ndtl<Ul ls all lbout iwo shady Broadway characters rho make a fortune In Jobt Ou of Oops on the stage. So they come up with a hft. 'lbat .~eins \rollble, Zero Mo<tel tops 1he cui of lbls funny film Cloilng shop at the· Lido tomorrow eveitlng. Reinember the letter "G" appliet to a picture °'J( ls IUg• gested for "the general au~ without consideration of age". according to ·the code ldoph!d by the Motion Pldure 'A5Socia- tion of America. '!bat "G" ~ longs (o Tiie Impeulble Yun scheduled for openen at the Lido Wednesday. Starring !Ja· vld Nlven and 17·yeer<oid Christina Ferrare here is a happy film about the S&alled generation gap. ' Free passes to the Lido tr il>e M-will be malled today ,to E. S; Webb, 4«lO W. Ba- Blvd., Newport Beach, F • .J. ~y. 191) Oat st., c.ola ' at ... , w. L. Allyn, l05 Ir!r. eoroU de! Mar and EUzahc!h Lewis, 110 -· Balboa Uland. $225 ' :i.: mA~~-........ _,_ .;;;: ~~al=.,...~! 111-, .. 'l'looMa! do hope that ~ will be lncludid CAiiar S ,.... -·-.. --$2.50) In our list ol "Picture P .... "'" s.t., S.. ---$J.OO guesta one day ru!, real - CeetaMMa~alil. Fountain Vellff, Calif. . ·i::·~ ,,.._,. Grab your Master q.rp tr v~11w~ ---your--,... f.nt1 AM, Ctllf. _..., Velloy, Calif. want to eojoy a lino IDm 11.:: -,.. "'""'-.............. LldotrMaaa•al&bt-_.._ Y•ll9r = ,,.. ... " --b•ppen In ha .. Ille -*"' . ,,; . ' • --------------··-------------------------------------------------- New/yWed Meades Baltimore Ho.me • 1n Arrsnpmenll ol w h l le chryaantbemuma. camatloaa and &ladloll adorned the Melbodlll C1nu<b of the Good Shepherd wbtn BeUo Ann v.,... became Ill!> hrlde of Wllllam B. Meade. The Rev. David Walktr performed the douhlo ring ceremoey for the dauehter ol Mr. and llln. Rlcbard v ... of FOWl!aln ValleJ and the ... ol Mr. and !In. Wl1!lam H. Meade of BarUemDe. Okla. Musical Interlude· Awaited • 1111 l!uthlull -ol Mn. Du Baylell wlll be ffDed with llllllle nm Wednetda1 wbtn the Colla 14.,. Hieb School llrq quartet perfOl'IDI for the Eutblull P!llllwmoolc Alaoclales. • \ J'ollowioc tbl 11 a. m. bo•~--ting c<>nducMd by Mn. John Hanlb>C. cbalntiln, Earl 'l'rtldlel, -ol ln-atrumonlal mualc at Colla 11.. llllb School wlll in- troduce the -. Manbtrl ol the quartet Ir• Deborall Calma, Ch I~ le ft I Hendrlcboo, David Gutel and Cindy Hunl Luncheon wW be served alter the pJrfonnance. 1948 Classic Helps Arti'sts 1be Colla Mesa Art ~ VaUihD U leodl<r. ncelved a double bonll wbtn Membtnhlp ln the league James H. De Maras Jr. joined bu topped 300 wilhio the past 1.be roster of the leacue'• year. Recent new members patroos. include Mrs. D.C. Mafl<>Cb, De Maru, associated with Mrs. Jeslle Kramer, Mrs. the BltfP Cun n l n 1 h • m Jouila Took, Clarenc. W. SorensonandGordooAPJw, Museum, doftlled a .valuable all of Colla Mesa, and Mrs. KNIT 0NE, · PEARL ·TWO · ••. They're All Here plUJ Free Advice!! The KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Low•r M•ll Acrou fi.om Woolworth'• lriifol •f th• So11 Djogo Frwy. COSTA MESA 1111 Cluolc to the leque and. Dwtll>l Y°""' and Mrs . It wb resold lhroulh the ef·. Slilrley · Howard, Hunlioglon forts ol Mr. and Mrs. Qwleo Beach. Stanley, with the profit goinglr.=======§§§§§§§~ to the scbolanblp and bulldll\i L CARPET!. CARPET! I fund. WOW1-----,,....,,.."0:-:'"~-:--:=====-='· 1,~:; i\:~.::;,e.:,: 1000's of YARDS of new art cluses at Costa ROLLENOSI REMNANTS! Given to marriap by btr father, the bride won a VJc.. tori.all gown of wlille dllllWJy lace over aaUn. Her elboW length veil was caught to • petal cap of lace and - pearls, and forming b er cucade were white roses which covered a Blble. Mesa Art Gall•ries, t be OFFGOODSI CARPET FROM MRS. W. B. MEADE league's showplace. TRACTS! RocttH Vw1 Mn. Jaycees A claas for btglnnen is LOW, LOW PRICES lllla Judith Ann BertoU of Hunllngton Beach, maid of honor, won a chiffon over taHeta ,.... of hrlChl pink and carried three long-alen>- med pink,_._ sister from Lu veg a•. scheduled Fridays from 1'30 Carpet. Warehause ·•-ulaled "· re·•·•-la the Huntingtoa 'Beach )( r 1 · a.m. to 2:30 p.m., instructed 1753 S th R"t L-S t A -· •~ ....-J -~the __ , . ., by "-~--'d Biel d OU .. I Cr19Y • In I na 60 m•e~· a"•""'"" the -~ ayceea •-• -mOI> -•· ~ , an , OM ~ ..... ......_...., ,.--day of the moatb al • }.Zl'l. worbbop clUsea will be CN•w,>ort Ft••way to Edlnt•' ·-w. to Rl"·•YI In aolter lhadea of pink and carrying a alngle rose were MW Jeannie Crumpton of Huntington Beach and Miss Sarah Duffy of Marsballtown, Iowa. Jill Helle10 of Las Vegas served as flower girl. lion ln the home of the brkt,e'• LocaUon tnfomWlcm may be Saturdays from 1 to fi p.m. "·-,~---_o_,._"~' -"""'-~' ~'°~'~ ... _,· '-'-A_.w_ . .,. .. .,.•_•_.w_.="-'_·•_o'.,.'_, parents. Asslsllng were the "-•• eo..t•· Mmes. James Helleso, Las recelved by caDfn( Mn. with former · v·-·· G oomy Gus Tells it as You See it Vegas; Jack Murphy,,_Ml_cba_e1_B_roo_u_._111-_'IOll. ___ eo_11e_1_•_lilltroctor_. ___ D_•_v_l_d _________________ _ Westminster, and David Ren- MRS. BARRY T. TAYLOR Newport Beech Home Vows Repeated By Harborites , ltoneymooning at L a t e Boudreau of Camp Pendleton. Attending as best man was Thomas Cline of C a m p Pendleton, while usher duties were assumed by Thomas Crumpton of Huntington Beach, Diet Veren, the bride's brother; GleM Spranger and Dale Girt, both of camp Pendleton. Mathew Vint of Lu Vegu WU the rlng bearer, and Kendall Henry ol Huntington Beach waa the organlst. Mn. Denis vtnt, the bride's ner, Huntington Beach and Mills Sandi Ramsay, Orange. Special &Uests were Mrs. Harry Veren, the bride's grandmother and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Verr.n cf Minerva, IoWa, her coualns. Following a abort San J;>lego boneymoon, the ..W!yweds will rulde in Balllmont when !be brldegroom 11 atalloned with the ·u. s. Mar1ne eorp.. The new Mrs.. Meade ii • graduate of Huntington Beach lllgb Scbool, and ht< hasbaJM! ts a gradoate ol College lllgb Scllool, Bartlesville. Tahoe and in San Francisco A r r a n g em e n t s of are newlywed Barry Todd chrysanthemums and gladioli WH'-"''".""':1mf*!!.1r:m:.,.mJ1-.,..;&;:iw...,_,.,, • ..,, • .,._,,.,,. .. ___ ..,,, Taylor of Newport Beach and and candelabra decorated the his bride, the former church. Peering Around Margaret Eleanor H I c k i n , A reception for 75 guests daughter of Mr. and Mrs. followed in the reception bal1, Stanley !Ilcldn of Costa Mesa. and afterward a champagne•-----------------•! St. John the D I v I n e buffet was served to the wed- Episcopal Church, Costa Me!a ding party and close relaUves RECEIVING her cap, wnich was the setting for the in the home of the bride'• the EbeJl Club of Newport Beach. candlellgh~ double r l n g parents. Mrs. Harold Cr06by ll}'Illbolizell IUCCelaful tom• ceremony performed by the of Costa Mesa presided over pleUon of the probaUooary Rev. John Donaldson. 'the guest register. period for a student uurse, Al the galbtrtng I librarian from Costa H.,. pve u in- teresting review on several new books and the life of Onassis. Given ln marriage by he r The bride attended Northern was Miss Kathy Andras, father, the brlde wore a white Illinois University and Orange daughter of Mr. and Mrs. peau aatin A-line gown, trim· Coast College. Her husband, Joseph Andras of Huntington med With chanUlly lace and who received a discharge from Beach. The student, .who is featuring a watt.tau train. Her the U.S. Marioe Corps, is Btu-lraininl at H o 11 y w o o d English · illusion veil was dying at Orange Coast College. PreabtyerJaa fftwpi&eJ, It a caught to a cluster of fabric He attended the University of Hunilngton Beach lll&h School CM Overeaten . roses and seed pearls. She Richmond. graduate. Overeaten A no n y m o u s carried a white Bible, received The o e w l y wed 1 will gather tVf!l'1 Wednaday at in Rahibow for Girls, which establ.iab their first home in MRS. ELVIN Wllaon was 8 p.m. 1n Bear Street School, was topped with . an ar-Newport Beach. bolteSll to Boot Section fi of COit.a M._ rangemeotof awhlte orchld, -;;;;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::::::::::::::;! baby's breath &Id lllles of r · !be vaDey. Att...ilng as matron of honor wu Mrs. Vance Hlckln; the bride's sister-bl-law who came from Honolulu for the wedding. Bridesmaid w a 11 Mlss Kathleen Taylor of C.Ov- ington, Va., the bridegroom's 'oimr. Bou, wore powder blue frocks and carried cascades or blue and white camaUons. Tbe bridegroom, 1SOn of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Taylor of Covington, asked Alfred P. 'Jensen of Newport Beach to be his best man, and ushers were Hickil' and Arthur 0. . Chairman Include~ Area lalk Alpbo Delta Pl natlonal Panbelleolc conference cba1nDan. Mn. B e r n e Jacobson of Se.atUe, will speak for the area alumnae chapter Thursday, Feb. 27 when the group gathen in the. home ol Mn. Robert Rauch of San1a Ana. Abo to be guests at the 11:30 a.m. luncheon are: Mrs. Howard S. Mason of Glendale, Southern California s t a t e membership chairman, li-1rs. William A. Morse of Laguna Beach; mem be.r of Lhe stan· diDI eommlltee ln charge ol awan:l:I and Mn. Peter Nelson of San Diego, province pres!· dent. Asslltlng with luncheon ar- rangementJ are Mn. Tom Sl-ol Oruge and Mn. Rlll>ert .McCalla of Santa Ana. Plan1 are under way ·for a nunmage sale March 24 and 25 al 403 W. 4th St., Sant.a Ana. A!l:yone wishing to don.ate items may contact M r 11 . Rooald Barnett. 54:;.im to have them picked up. Court Stella Membn of Coon Stella Marti lt48, Catholic ROBI N'S ADD CLAIROL® SUNSHINE TO YOUR HAIR! You can't always trust the sun to put highlights where they belong, so let our stylists r ipple lt through your hair! With finger-tip frosting, Or streaks of l ightening. Or blonde on blonde, Do It While our Frosting Special ls 20.00, Including shampoo and set. Come In, or call for appointment, In our Beauty Salon. OUR FUN.COIF CUT: IT STAYS WHILE YOU PLAY! With our furrcolr cut, your-hair stays In place ••• the secret Is ln the s cissoring., .our own unique technique or supar-styllng to give your hair built-In shape. The cut, 5.00. Shampoo & set, 5.50. FUl'l-COtr wave, 15.00. Dna1*n ~ Amer!~ m~t L..!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..J -_... and fourth Mon- daJ at I PJIL ill SI. Joochim'1 ROBINSONS NEV\IK)Rf • FASHION ISLMJD parish hall, Cosla Mesa. . 644-2800 What are all these good magazines doing in an aCI for a newspaper? Th•y're h•l~tn9 "'!le• th• ~1nt th1t It talces 1 lot of m19a1'n•• -1ptcT1ll1ln9 In 1 lot of fi•lds -to c.over 1 ft the. lnter~st1n~ t+ungs the DAILY . PILOT tells 1 you ebo~t •.v•ry cl1y .. We cover sports, f11hion s, government, ~u11n11s end finenc.e encl other th1n91 you wont even find 1n tho11 sltclc n1tional m1911ine1. Our own special- 11t1 track down tht fedi on th• loc•I 1c.ene end 1 globe! team of skilled reporters cover the rest ol th• world for our deily "1J:•911in1." Tli• DAILY PILOT 11 • 1t1ttnMr ef The Al•ocl•t• .. ,,. •• .. JUDITH WYNEKIN E1191gocl July Set For. Rites In Midwest July 11 ls the wedding data seleded by J11dllh Ann Wynewrof Balboa Itiand and George Allen Matson of Moun- tain View and former resident or Newport Beach. St. Charles CaUtolic Chureh ln Peru, Ind. will be the mar- riage setting. Miss Wyneken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Wyneken of Peru, is a graduate of Buller University in Indianapolis wbero alle plodged Kappa Kappa Gomma aormty. PreoenUy a11e ta an elementary licliooI -1><r with the Anaheim City School DIBlrlcL Tho benedlel-elecL aon of Mr. and Mn:. George M. Matson of Duluth, Minn., at· tended Santa Ana High School and Santa Ana College. Rummage To Bec;:ome Treasure Trinkets and treasures will ho exchanged for l!Cholarshlp money aa the Alliance Fran- caise de la Riviera Califor- nienne sponsors a rummqe sale table at the Laguna Winter Festival S u n day , March 2. Funds raised from the table at the festival !lea market · will be used for the Summer Studies in Paris scholarship. Members and friends of the alliance are invited to con- tribute small objects and books which may be left be.rore next Friday in the main festival building In care of Mrs. Emalie Schneeberger. Monetary gill! are tax- deductible and anyone wishing lo contrfbute to the scholarship fund may wriic to William Hubler, treasurP.r, 940 Hillcrest Drive, Laguna Beach, 9'l651. spring spectacular: THIS WEEK GNi.Y! 10 SPARIWNG PORTRAITS Of YOUR CHU, ONLY $10 OM 8:1110. IPlrM &.1 •ttd six "Uel-sli• ••. 9f"CM,jlh for you •nd fw'111Y rtftsl J3RC>A:r=JWA.Y HUNJIN6TON IEACH Phone 892.JU I bl. 211 . ----~~~~~~~~~~~-"-!' ........ ------------~,.._----------------------~ the vested dress ••• part one • of the totql costume Gel yournell together, juniors .•• the look of planned perfection is revolutionizing your fashion worldl Haphazard dressing la out , •. composed clothes are in ••• in a drees and vest-male, plus Ideal ooceesorles from May Co. Everything'• right ••• no room for error In the young, sophlltfoated. Total Look or '69. Fiom NIDdy JW-. 't'Hted COllamn. ... 5 to 13 a. Rayon aepe dr""8 and vest. White with oo:ty er aquap b. Cutaway vest-ocat over palslsy dress; white with lilac er yellow 28.00 · c. Buckled paisley vest,· over solid dzeiis, beige with geld er navy 28.00 The spectacular Speclalor accessories: By Incr8dlble. slunky, chunky, punched-out shoes in taupe and while with chain trim 18.00 From"Jwess. a junior size shoulder bag worn nexl to the ribs •• In navy with brmisy trim 12.00 _may co young signature drallSeS 94. Forecastdressshoes 125,handbags26 co iv.c .A. ·-y . J ·c:: C) ........ ,......, 24, 1'169 • J' • i ' • DAILY-J J7 • ' , . I may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol costa .mesa; 546n9321' shop monday through saturday, 10 am to 9:30 pm · I . ' ·---- ~-~-~,--------..------. -~-------. -............ . . . ----M•------ Do\11.Y I'll.Of (S) ' LEGAL NCll'ICl'l Insurance Fitms . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Ult·1114 IUNltlOlt COUllT 0,. THI: ITATt: 01' CALll'OllMIA ,.Oil TH• COUNTY o" Olt•No• Cue NIHll .... D-ZlUS 5UMMONS OLDEN JORDAN, Pl&l111lff VI. HAZEL JOROAN, o..i.-111. · l"EOl'L• o" THI! STAT• 01' CALll"OltMIA It flN •Mw .,_.. ~ A.;'~ ,,.._ "-•!'br direct.., to flit • written ple.011111 111 r~ N tM • "Wrlfled camPl•111I ol tt'le •boVI' Nmed • IOS.lntltf wllll the c:lert. ol 11>9 •lllMt ... 1111111 c.ourt In 11>e 1boW eiillli.cl tctlon bro\tPht 11•11111 YOll 111 llhl court, wntll11 TEN An .,.... ,,.. ""'kt! Oii .. '.'YOU o1 this wmmons. If .ervtd wltllt11 "'th,; •boW n•IMll county, or wUhln '.'THIRTY Mn 11 urved elseWfle<.-, • .. ~ Tou nw herebv "°llfltd '"'' v11i.11 ._ lr'Oll '° fllt 1 wrltten retpOl'llf~ pll'edl!lfl, • .. 111 pl&lnlltf will t1k1 ludement tor : .. llY moMY f/T d1m111n dfllNnded 111 • 'tt11 verified c;omp .. lnt •• 1rlsl"' llPOll • .o:iontnct. or will •PPlv to lhe Q)Ul't ' for •llY other ••lief lhlm11\ded In the , w111t~ com•i.1111. Y• -l' 9"" t11t l4Ylc1 9' 111 Face Big NEW YORK (UPI) -The Insurance indllllr)' In lho Unlled Slai.s ll w>dergoing Ulo moot drastic mlruelurbll! In ltl hlotory. The chaftlU wUI be ol grul slplllcance to!nmton. For ... lh!ng, MW life ,in. aurance cc:mpanfea are not belJlrg cre1ted u rapid1y aa Uloy used to be. "lo ~,. .,aid Arthur Mll!Ga, a ---brOker spt'd .... alp1ur1 l'lct sec•r-lt1etr _ "Jt ls now ....,...b(y certain lhal ll'OWld !Oil ol the. allllng 1,700 Jlfe companies -plus a lot of fire and d.sualty companies -will be merged out ol es· istence in the nest decade." The second basic clw>&e " a pereepllble erosion ol !lie 1rlldltlonal oeporolioll ot. Ille !naurancl from the fire and cuually. "Of coune," Milton · said, "we always have ~ IO!fte big multi-line carriers such as the Travelers and the Con- tinental group in Chicago. Now, life and Casualty com· panies are hurrying so fast to join forces that inve!!lors and security analysts are ha v· ing: to restudy the whole business." . The third trend i.s lo dlversificatioo outaide the in- surance lleld. 'lbll may lake lbe form ol poldnc llllurance N.American Gets2 New Directors North American Rockwell Corp. has elected two new directors and declared two quarterly dMdends. Sbareowners at the annual met~ elected to the board Frederick G. Larkin Jr .• chalnnan of the board and cblef aecutive officer of Security Pacific N a t 1 on a 1 Bani, and Bruce M. Rockwell, vice president of First of Michigan Corp., Detroit, th .. largest Michigan investment banking firm. Shateowners also re-elected 17 directors. Following the a n n u a 1 meeting, the dir ec tor s declared the usual quarterly dividend of 50 cents per com· mon share, payable Marth 24, to shareowners of record Feb. 2.8. Directors also declared the regular quarterly dividend of $1.1875 per share of ,Serie& A .prefemd stock, payable April 1, 19&9, to shareowners of record Feb. 28. • '1ttwMY .. ltf" "'•lier _..., wllfl .. _..lftl .,. 11111 ""-· suct11------------• ·-• .iwo..11111 M c1f11un.., wlllllll ,... LEGAL NOTICE tlnM lt1111t 1111 ... In 11111 '""'-*•------------111111 I Wl1fltl ... NIM tt Ille C11118&.lll!.1· o.ttd oaoWr tt. 1M11. •••. 1 .. SUPlltlOlt COUltT 01' TMI STATI! 01' CALll"OltlOA l"Olt TMI COUNTY '01" Olt.ANCil! (SEAL) W. E. ST JOHN, Cit•~ llY Wllll1m P. Jort6 D@i>UIY CMi'k Ne. A-4n•2 ?ETEll l'l:LICOl"Ell NOT1CI! 01' HlAltlNG 01' l'l!TITION l'Olt l'ltOIATE. O" WILL AND 1'011 Ll!n1:111 TaSTAMl!NTAltT • .. ,..,.,,..,. 81 L.IW 14.11 ..... •"1'91 S..I• ..... C:.llfwlll• E1t•I.--d JOHN J. CONNOLLY, DecHHd. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN Ttwt """""' Mf'-4165 AltlnMY ,.,. 1' .. lnllff • Putillsl'llll OrlftH Ca111! Dill-l"llot, Aile• M. c-llY hn fllld ~!11 I FeOol1rY 10. 17, 2' •NI M1rch l, Ptllllon fDr' .....C.tt d wm •nd for 1"9 t'-'.ff 1uu.11e1 ol L..tt..ft Tetl•menl1rv to .' •------..,.,.,-==--'etlti-t', reht'llfla ,. wllktl Is m•lh! • N~CE tor tvrtnw ,.rt1ar .. ra. '"" tt.t1 11w • LEGAL v11 11me 1nd PIKI of hurl111 tllt Hme -----,,-c=-----"'' bten HI for Mfir'dl 14, 1Mf, II l'-12516 t :llJ 1.m., In 1tle eou'l1room ol Dl!Pltl- Cl!aTll'l(ATE 011' 9USlllll!1S mtnt No. l di 'Mild court. It 100 ll'ICTlTIOUS N•MI! Weil Eltlhlll 5trel'I, 111 th• City ol TN urlde"lgMCI do nl111Y lhlY ire S.nt1 A..a. C1llf1lml•. concluC:l11'19 1 bU'llM5' ti ?•U j, 2•111 Dlled February 70, lfft O.ltW•f'll· UlJ j, 261' Ef>9\tnd, HUii· W. E, ST JOHN, tlnvlon BMdl, C1ltf0f'nl1, under !ht! lie· CwnlY Cieri:.. llllovs firm · n•m• ol DELAWARE HAHM AND HANN, STUDIO APARTMENTS 11\d ltlll uld 9r A. HALI! DINIMOO•. 11rm 11 airropOMd of lt!e lcllOw!"o Pfrton1, JOI l!nl C.llrltde 181,11e¥•f"ll, Wllo!il fllmel In lull end pltcet of SUlll Hutr1Mr .... r11lde11C1 i re 111 follows: ••l.ldtM, C1'"9nlll tllll, J1tek H Mortll •1111 Roll" '°· Morrl1, T•I (IU) 7''"tltl m.-c·1ubllou1•. Newl>Ol't '"'"· All...,,..,. i.f l'1t111111er. C11!loml9; Clllrlel M. Sullertltld Ind Pvblltlled Or1"'• Coa't Diiiy Piiot. YlllM L. Svtlt!rfltld. lM £. 1tltl Febrwrv 22, 2• 11\d Mlrd! l, lNf l.669 • S"Mt, God• "°'"'' C1llfoml1: Wrll11m A.. SmltlY •nd ce111 E. Smli.v. 2a LEGAL NOTlCE M•r9•ref Drrw. N..,.rirt Bt•c", ------==---·I c.n1on1i.. L•OAL NOTICI! D91"I ~r SI. tNI. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ll>el JllCk H. Morris 111.-folklWIM ltl!'ns o1 fouNI or ........ Roun A. Morri1 ~ IM've btt!I Nici ltr¥ t11t l'ollc:e Cl'ltrlft M. Su11trtlt lcl D-rlnwnt C11 llw City o1 Cooit1 Mn1 V.tM l. Svttlrfleld for 1 ""1od In uceu of ninety 001 WIRllom A. SmlleT d•r1· Cdt E. Smiley W-'t IOI~ -tdl ,,,_y twa St•I• lf1/I Cllilltor..11, Or-County; n aL l\lfl:llNllk •tsfol.. •lrl'1° blll.t. Ofl Oeetnoblt JT, lMI, blf-"'l!t 1 blvt: tlrt's bltl;t. _,,._ bike. Vtllow Not•ry l'llblk: 111 Ind for Hkl Sl•te, bllt• -·:r. -Nd Wlllllm A. Smllrf' NO f lCE IS FUltTHElt GIVEN thtl al\d Cit!' E. Smile¥ k-fa 11'11 If 1111 OWl'llf' ...... rs INI PtO\l'fl "It ta bt 1111 Pl"O'"' whoM Nmll lr1 ~-o1 1111 lllftPlll'r1Y wltllln HWn subscribed fa tM wlll'llt! lnttnim.-nl •NI !1) o.vs folloWllll the P<>t>lkltlon ot •dnowltdlld Iller t•ecuted I"• lhli Nof'kl!, 1111 tllle lllereto llwlll ...u1 wme. 111 ""' flftder, H lllere bt Olle. or (OFFICIAL SEALI 1ft l'lle City or Costt Mell, 111 wtolch w...o. E. B•rnet c•u ttw pr-tlY ari1t1 bt w ld •I Nm"' Pvbllc.C1lltor11l1 P\l'bllc tudlon 91 1 tlm1 tnd d1lt P•lnclPlll Office In 19 bt inflOU'IC*I. ar1119e Count¥ DATED! l'tbrVMY u. ltH, Mr Comml11IOll E.lo!te1 II. E. NETH JUM II. l'n CHIEF OF l'OLICE STATE OF CALIFOlllNIA 1 J>ublltJlfcl <>rinH COlld DatlY l"llol, COUNTY OF Olt;ANGE I 11 Flllruirv 24 1Mt J.11 _,t On D«:lmbtr 31, lNI, ~ JM,1---~~cc-===---flle U"°'"ltllled. I Nol•t¥ Pllblk: Ill LEGAL NOTICE •nd fOO' ... ,, $1111, """"''.,. _,,..,, Jld: M. ""°"'' and ROI.Ill "· Mon11l-----,,-:::;:------j ; "-to -"' bl ,.,. ,...._ ..._ ....,,, l\lfMI .... .W.U!Md .. thl wlttlln caafll"tc:AT• °' •USIMllS lftll"""""' Ind KllNIW""9111 tf me l'ICTJTHM.IS 111.t.Ma ltllt fllft' ltlkultd 1111 -.. TM .-.n..-... -1lf¥ tit 1' WITNESS my Pwnd .... ll'lklllol -L conductlnl a ........ 91 111·Hnill Slnlt, (CWFICIAL IEALI Colll ,.,_., Cl,...._ \lllOlr IM rk· JMlu E. ~"-tmou. flnft -d CHU•'S MACHINE ,...,., ~tlo-Cllltwnl• SMID" .,,. tfWlt ..., firm 1& ~ c-ttolOr-ol "-..................... -Mot ComrmN1on Eolrws In !\Ill 9fld ,-. d raldlolc:9 II u Mflf 11, 1... ~· STATE Of' CALIFOltHIA 1 ooitAui E. W11-. 111·27nll COUNTY Of' LOS ANGELES J • Str9t1, c..19 Mfll, C•lllw"ll. On J_.,. )1, INt, bllor9 !flt, lilt p.,_ JWIWl'Y JI, I ... Uoodel ......... 1 ~.,.,. l'Wlk: In ...,, D. I!. WITIEll:MAN tor ..... Stltto, ...,._11V ._...., SllN o1 Cllllom ... Onlltl COUlllY: Chlrln M. SVttwf111t1 •"" Vt~ L. On .,_,., )1, I.. bifW'I mt, 1 l<ltterfletd ~ to .... to Ill 1111 Hof..,. l"ublk "' ...,, ..... ..Id ,, .... --"""*e 1191M1 •re IUbKrlblilll ..... r I .... I.' _.. DONALD l'lle .... ,,. ... lflllr-t '"" Kkrlcl¥o....., WITll!ltMAN k.-Jo "" ta be it>t tlllt tlol'Y tmtVtH lllt ....,., ..,_ M'IDM llt!M la tvbKrlbN to WITNESS m• ,,. ... tftll otflr.l1t 'di. 111t wlthlll IM'""""" Miii M:llMWledtl'CI (OFFICIAL SEAL) M tnclll .. h -· Mlldreil E. R""lre1 {OFl'ICIAL SEAL) Notary ~llr-Cll!lor"141 Jlttllll l. Daw "rllldNI Ofl~ In NcQrf "ubllctCeltforrlll L8' Mlt* C-ty l'rll'IQllllol Oflk:I II MY<&i1Z1LI t ~ ~ CWMt'f Octobll' I, It" Mv C:-lelloll lhllrw PuMI ..... Qnlnfe CwnlY Dtl!t' l'flol, ~~': F""°""" 11. 11, M .... AIWdt '4i .......... Coltf °'"' l'llOI, ,,. ~m..i """""" .... "•.... lllMO Who Can Read Just One 'Peaputs'? Changes companie1 under the whl:I or a cona:Iomerate. The recent announcement that Jnterna· tional Telephonl!: and Telegraph Corp. want.t to ·buy the huge Hs.rtford 1'~ I r e insurance Co. ls a case In Point. More frequenUy, the in- surance companies, having large Uquld funds, diviersify into other businesses. Mutual funds are 'ln at· tractive diversificaUon field with scores of life insurance firms and agents involved in their sale. Some have created their own funds. Real est.ate, mortgage bank·. log, and mortgage and title N t A••% -t • Ad ') !nsuranc< have a l l r a c t e d eX 'VHS IOU VQQCe • • several insurance companies in the last year or so. And Showing promise as being the next major breakthrough. in aviation is this re- a trend is developing to go tracted rotol" composite aircraft. The craft makes helicopter takeoffs and land4 much farther afield. ings, yet is capable of flying with the speed (more than 400 miles per hour) Liberty Life plans to move, and range (500 miles plus) of a fixed-wing plane, according to a Lo:ckhe.~· through a subsidiary, into California Co. engineer. Tbe plane could be in operation in five years. broadcasting ,motels, shopping -------~-----------------------­ centers and beauty salons - as a managing operator no! just an Investor. Other in· surance companies are in electronic date processing, are considering buying into nurs· ing homes and various medical and hospital servicing fields and even are flirting with the idea of chain garages. Save on Taxes·-5 How to Judge Joh Expenses Herbert Goodfriend, an fn. surance llocka speciali!t ol Bear, Steams and Co., a Wall --. Aid this l'el!nJo. luring portendl a new loved· ment era in insurance stocb. Mllron apressed similar sen-timents. ' "The merger trend Is bound to be helpful to Investors in insurance stocks," he said. "The reducilon in the number or companies.should make the . shares easier to market, particularly if more Insurance com panies decide to list their shares on an exchange. Many investors will get shares in bigger, stronger companies rot their present holdings." Ford's 1968 Earnings Set Record DETROIT (APJ -R<cord sales and earnings In .the last quarter or 1968 pu.abed Ford Motor Co. profits to 462i million-$5.73 per share of common stock . Sales of the year's last three months were $3.1 billion and profits were $164 million or 99 cents per share, according to figures released by the company . The yearly profit report is the second highest in Ford's history, topped only by 1965's $703 million . In 1967, the firm reported a profit o( just $84 million, or 77 cents per share, but said it was hampered by :t lengthy United >.uto Workers strike. A new contract, agreed to after the walkout and effective in 1961, brought higher wages and fringe benefits. By SYLVIA PORTER Significant court decisions and Treasury fUUngs which yoo probably can't find even In the ,olficial. Treasury forms pacbge can 'vi!ally lffect how much you, at an employe, will deduct on your 1968 tax teturp. If you are a teacher, you generally can deduct the costs of taking courses connected w'ith ·your job. the Treasury has 'in the past interpreted this to mean that you stlll bad to be on the job or on l~ave of absence to deduct the costs, ~· barring a deduction if you actually. quit ·your Job to take courses that woold improve your teaclling ability, lead to a better posi· lion, etc. LAST YEAR. an appeals court rejected this view and allowed a teacher to deduct the cost o( a year o( graduate study where thi! was a normal incident of teaching. even though she had actually quit her teaching job to take the course. The court couldn't see why she should forfeit her deduction just because she hadn't arranged for a leave of absence instead. 'l1le Treasury then an· nounced it will go along with this decision if the teacher quits "temporarily" to take a course (a quit would ordinarily be considered tern· porary if the teacher resumed Total 1968 s~les of $1 4.1 billion were 34 percent higher than 1967's.and were well over Jo the company's previous record of $12.2 billion, set in 1966. Last year was the aulo in- dustry's best in sales-t h e 9.6 million cars sold on the U.S. market beat the pre\ious mark by 300,000. General Motors e a r I i e r reported profits of $1.7 billion. or $6.02 per share on sales of $Z2.8 billion , and Chrysler Corp. reported profits of $290.7 million or $6.23 a share on sales of $7.4 billion. Both r e po r t e d increased sales but only Chrysler claim- ed a new earnings high. Skaggs Ne,v Secretary Of NARM E. R. SU&P, vice president of Babcock Ekctronic.s Corp. 1nd general manager of the relays divWM. has been elected secretary of the Na· tional Associ1tlon of Relay Manufacturers (NARM). Among his responsibilities will be monitoring of the MIL specilication l n d u s t r y ad· vlsory, pubUcation and publici- ty commi ttees. Named Maaeger Walter N. Holtz of Huntington Beach has been promoted to man· ager of power planl en· gineering for Western Air Lines. U.S. Savings Rate Drops U.S. consumers have drop. ped their rate ot savings from last spring's ~7.s percent to a current rate of 6.5 percent\ or over $5 blllioo leu, reports Fortune maguine. The drop indicates, the magazine says, that a good part of lbe federal tax surcharge is being paid at the expense of savlngS. teaching within a year.) pense diary, that will be Jf you are a union member, enough to protect your deduc· you can claim your union dues tion if your return is audi~. as an itemized deduction. But This is only partly true. what about the non-union A court decision in '68 employe who chooses to pay upheld the Treasury's right a service charge instead of to disallow your deduction joining the union in his place even with the finest diary en- of employment? Can he tries iI you don't have other deduct these charges as the "documentary" evidence to union member deducts his support (l) your lodging ex· dues? Yes, he can, sa id the penses ""hile traveling away Treasury in '63. from home, regardless of IF YOU, an em p I o ye . amount, and (2) any business itemize your deductions, you entertainment expense item of can deduct the fee you pay $25 or more. u you are taking an employment agency to get deductions for either or both a job, But the courts and the 'n'easury won't allow you, of these categories, safeguard an employe, to deduct for lhe those receipts, paid bills, etc. expenses of trying to get a FOR INSTANCE, say you job, whether you try on your take several customers to a own or pay someone else to business luncheon. The bill try for you. To illustrate: an comes to $24. You pay cash employe paid $1 ,100 to a firm and don 't ask for any receipt, of executive recruiters lo help but you do make an ap- him get a job. 'The firm propriate entry in your p~ prepared and c i r c u I a t e d perly kept business expense btochures to selected com· diary. The Treasury cannot panics. The employe couldn't challenge your $ 2 4 en- deduct the $1 ,100 because il tertainment expense deduc- was a cost of seeking employ-lion . ment, said the court; only But suppose the bill came the costs of securing employ. to $30. If you handled it ex• ment art deductible -and actly the same wa y, the the costs of seeking a job Treasury could disallow your don't become deductible just entire $30 deduction. because the job is round. This would be despite your U you take deductions for fine diary _ if you didn't busine$ ' travel away from have a supporting document home and for entertainment such as a receipted bill to expenses in '68, don't -don't prove the item came to $25 -throw away any supporting or more. receipts, vouchers, o t h e r proofs. You may think that Next: Commuting and Mov· if you keep an adequate ex· _l_ng_E_x_p_e_nses __ · ____ _ Open House Set at New S&L Office The new office or Newport Balboa Savings and L o a n Association in the Financial Plaza, Newport Center, will be opened on March 3 Agnes Blomquist, president Qf the assoc iation announced. Headquarters of the associa· lion will continue to be located in the 5--story building at 3366 Banker Via Lido, but the interim Corona del Mar office, 2166 Perry Carter of Pia· E. Coast Highway, will of-centia bas been . ap-ficlally be closed at the end ot the business day. The new pointed vice president offices wlll be staffed with and cashier. of Newport the personnel from the Corona National B an k. He del Mar address. served in the same ca· Newport Balboa Savings pacity at University plans a month-long "open National Bank which house," including a dl~play merged with ~ewport rrom Its . more than hal! National in December, million dollar coin Collection. On exhibit will be y,·hat _1_96_7· _______ _ Newport Balboa S a v i n gs terms its "Odd and Curious '' collectlon. These will include Babylonian clay tablets dating back as far as 2000 B. C. · and. metal gongs used in the Dutch Eut Indies as recently as 1914. Bank to Pay Stock Dividend SAN DIEGO -Dirtetora of United States National Bank have voted a l.S perCent stock dividend aggregaling 20,2SO shares, increasing the capital account of the bank to $13.702,500. Disney Sells Debentures WASHINGTON (AP) -The Stcurities E 1 c h a n g e Com· miMion Ii.as been notified by Walt Disney Productions of its plans to sell SSQ mllllon indebentures to be.Ip pay for the Disneyland-like amu.o;e. ment park now under con· strucUon in Florida. The SEC said that ac(·ordlrig to the company's registering statement $24 million has already been spent on the park near Orlando, Fla., $Cheduled \o open in 1971. The new par"k resembling the original Disneyland in Anaheim. Is expected 10 cost • Our 'Home Team' Makes_ Almost As Many -Shots As The Lakers (Or Whoever Your Favorite Basketball .Team Is) Tht DAILY PILOT's photogr•phic team cov•r•d '44 .games in the first 50 days of the current bt1ketball 1eeson. led by Chief Phot09rapher Lee Ptyne ltop, in photo aboYe 1, our f•em, includ ing Petrick O'Donnell I front I ~•nd Richard Kaehler ,will get around to •bout 76 high school, junior college end collage cag• battles fi•for• fhe •••son closes. And they'll shoot an •1fi. meted 2,705 pictures to m•ke sure you 9et to •e• the actlon et the g•m•s they •ttand. Here'1 the most exci ting tip.off in loceJ basketball. You'll see the beif shots in the DAILY PILOT -• ,. Ray Sk1111s joined U.bcock, a sub!!dJary of Esterline COrp., in 1955. Previously, he was president and engineering manaa:er o( United Control Carp., and vice prtlident, 1eneral manager of Palomar Bclenllftc ()orp., a United Con· trof oubsldlary. T a x es and savings taken together, Fortune obst'rvci::. now ::account for 28 percenl or disposable income, a fourth more than the historical norm. The magazine found that for a dozen yeara. ending with 1965 the sum of laJes and savings, as a per.ctntage of disposable Income, rtm.1lned roughly \he ume; i.e., 1s lat"· ff went up. aavlngs came down. If approved by the con;ip- lroller of the currency, the stock divtdend wt.n be paid March 31 to shareholders of record 1t lhe close of bu.siness f.1arch 10. $185 million when comp:eted. '~-------------------_.) ' ··-·---~-----r--::'~~-~~~---r--~ 1 .. ---- • All . l,000 of Us Had a · ~usy Day Toda.y We created and delivered: aniither fresh editwn of The DAILY PILOT ' . TEAMWORK produces eacll dN-'1~ DAILY Pll.o'f,. ~ ~ • ista like Thomas Fortune (le!tl, • >be.I ll '<•ducljlOi>, work wltll a slalf pbotograph<r like Patrjct 0' P ti Jel tho atory botll In ...nil and -pictures. The staff sh4 . 7'.000 IJlio\ri ·!ail yeai' to ll)Ullrate ,Ille varied story oC Orange Co..,t Ufe. Nol!Ody lrnow1 how many · local llorle1 we wrote. Not even us. CREATIVITY helps ~dvertisers tel{ their ~ iiod ,.,j 1b11r IOOdl 111 Ille allluent market served by the DAIL t PILOT. OOldaa Chwford (center) of <Jjsplay advertising department ;.a-wltll 11J0111 orllll Sutle Cunderson and DAILY PILOT Stair AiUJt Bob N.,.. an Id wllldl wW be ready to appear in the newspaper Only hours after NOJM JIU\.I Cina! touches_ on ;irtwyrk·and R ~ .. ~VIiie adv...U..., a looal ,... tail JDel'Chant. • "" .;,z":°-. ' . . -~ .r-. ' ' ' QUICK llANDll place U.. Gl. lyplf..':: aad oull (1111 IMlai platM 1lltll to reproduca$)" ln!o -. U 1111 dq'I prodltol btlllll to · take sbape. tor o\rlllft Mallillil7 II Gtll)r , ..,. al 1 plafocm of printers who 11 11 the DIWI PllM under 'Pl'tllln· of deadlinel, work· ing against !ht cloot to lirlnf """"" Ille Illes! available inlormaUon In each edition durinl 1111 diy. . DELIVERY of the newsaper is a speed event, too. Conveyor bells carry the papers through the mailroom where lhef. are automatically Ued .in bundles of SO and tossed to waitlni circulatiOn district managers (like Blaine Roberts, shown here, right) who speed them via a ~vehicle neet to carrten for deitvery. Mailroom foreman Georae Arauz (Wt) and hls crew can move 20,000 newsp<1pers an hour . • , ' . ' l, ' ,- vu.vial II Ille "'-'!· al .;;; Copy Desk: DAJUY PILOT eopy .Desk Chief Norman 'Andonian (J'IPI) aliled by Tom Titus, (bacqround) and other --..,.., daJ lllfts, checka ·anclc edits m<n wire r<porta Crom war~ newt ...,_ than the average weekly news magazine pub- . UU.. EcWora IClll tDough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 21 hours. Speed, bcirn of eiperlence, helps them keep It. all fresh, too. . . . . . TD 1101U11 art Nllr. Klrjirta ~ .... em. •tllllll Into a 125,000 ,.....,, a DAWY PUbr -In ljlaltl ..S -IL'Y. whlcb uses a llJllO ~ to.~~ 'WGi'dl1il II ~ ~ at the rate ol 1,000 a -and pUjidMt 1,p Iopa ,illlcl\ 11111 icllTlll IDOther machine far •-•UClllJ ..itltic ·ll'fi al ~ ..-. '!¥ ..,..,. can &el type at II* nlo " .... -_poo.bollr. •. MAC~ hasten the processes or preparing plates for prinUng the pages or the newspaper. Here, Charles~ Haubrick (foreground) and Ed- ward Quinn operate a casting machine whlch molds curved plates to fit onto high speed pre&lllS. The DAILY PILOT keeps In stock more than 40 tons of type metal which is used, melted down afKI uaed again In the continuous job of prinUng 100,000 words a day. · ft.10DERN equipment helps the aceounling department keep up with the :'today" pace at the DAILY. PILOT. Even as the day's newspaper 11 being sped to itl readers, Bonnie Cha1.1vin begins feeding figuret into 1 computronic bookkeeping machine that helps keep lraci ol blllinis for ads and subscriptJons. The machln~. forerunner of a brace of computers soon to be added, handJes 5,000 accounts a month. ' • I '" If' . · • ' 'I' 1\~ {t•1 . ~·~,~¥ .•:ll .. ' rt v.l.·, ""'"-' 1.--. RAPID communication is the name of the gaJ'ne. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of "ad-visors" .handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone, resulting in publication of 5,000 cljWlfied ads -words which help people buy, sell, f1!llt or I ease ... even find lost dogs. A-fany of the DA.Il.Y PILOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged in here, the classified advertising de- partment, home or "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines .. PICTURES, too, aet the bmefil of akilled, efiiclent bandllng by master craftsmen who re-photograph then\ and then transfer the images· to a sensitized metal plates which are Wied to reproduce the photos u read· en will see them in ·the newspaper, Hert, Chuck Ryan takes a really close look at a negaUve which will be used to etch the image on the metal-plate. · FINISHED PRO.Duer is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chief, even as high-speed press~ continue to roar at 80,000 impressions per hour completing the day '• run on press units which repruent an investment of $3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew will reed into these machines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110;000 miles long in printing the DAILY PILOT this year. ALMOB'J' be! ... tho Ink II dry, the product of oor busy day I! toaed de!Uy OQ ,.... lawn a< perch by·ono of O\lf 71lO n'""J"llil!r~ Who an lmporlanl llnka In the dWn ol people It takes to bring you t'od&y'1 news and featurea todlJ' In the DAILY PILOT. And 81 oor young Independent merchants, like John Melton here, make. th,lr deliveries, we're gearing up !or another busy day -all 1,000 of us. The 'Now~ Newspaper for flll The Communities ' . ~ The Growing Orange Coast ' 0 DAILY PILOT ~ ' --- If CWlY l'llOT Biafra Now Eyes U.S. For Help T ranspac Air, Case ·Like Mystery Novel UMUAHIA. Blafra (AP) - After &elilnl I -of ~ from France, Blalra II aoin1 att.r the diplomatic Jactpol -backing from the United States. The accea1oa ci the Nixon .ldmlnbtnllcm, I lllarp !J> cruae to private and pven> 111<111 ..tlel aid from the United Stataa for rdqeea and--------- visits by U.S. -have given the Bia.tram the idea tbat the time ii ripe fer wooing Wuhlngton.. No w What nie Blafrans were pleased by the visit ci the first olflclal C • U.S. congressional delegaticm OfflmttteC More competitors on loog- to go to both sides in the haul Paciflc routes could even- Nlgerian· civil war. Tb e ·Js M;n e,? ·tanlly bring lower.~ rara. · delegation, headed by Rep. ~ • Combined with jumbo, jets '' Charles C. Diggs Jr., ([).. and supersonic a Ir It n'e.r,1', Mich.), left Saturday nlglit W.ISIDNGTON (UPI) -In cheaper '""" could t"""1 oil after 1 two-day stay. two weeks PreaideDt NlJ:on an economic boom ln the Earlier Sen. Charles E. has cruled more committees Pacific that would bene(it the Goodell, (R-N.Y.), vlsltad bOt.b tha• anyone CM1 uep tract American economy. ,_ •--• Lagos and Blalra. He said ci ~ Including, apparently, The statistics seem w • ~ he wooJd report · to President at least one of the committee up such predlcHons. In 1959, Nlton and to Secretary of members. a total of 300,000 Americans .1 State William Rogers on his n.. D ·e1 p M .... n... visited the far east. By 1970 ~ "'' • ant · o,, .... -n, Hong Kong alone is expected return. White House adviser on the The avowed aim of both cities, confessed Monday he to get a total of 1,1.50,000 tourists a year, most or' them visits was to study ways of was not quite sure what the Americans. relieving famine. But the diUerence was between two Last · year Hawaii got more Biafrans are confident the comm:ittees he is on. than 600,000 visitors. By 1970 congressmen will report on In fact, it was news to the total is eXpected to .reach the political and military M,oynillan that he was on a l.500,000. One airlihe _ TraruJ situation as well second comm:ittee -not to World -claims that traffic For tbe American vWtors. meotioo the fact that be is from its pro~ route could LL Cot Odumepu OJuRu the cbalnnan of it. improve the U:S.balance of and Biafra'1 other leaden had 0 1 am??" he replied to a reporter who read him a press payments by at least $20 om ma1n t b e m e -t b e y million. ttprd relief u "I palliative reieue announcing fonnatlon The out.come of the at t....t ,. and .... the United of the second committee. 'lbe I I rtant ·.: ........, .... ,, commlttee Involved is to· ir even more mpa '"" States should rHValuate Its undertak a "critical review lJle airlines involved. To SOJM, / entire policy toward m .. eria the revenues from a :new or · fafrL ~ .. 6 of welfare programs." and B L Mo}lllb.an is alrtady eJ:· expanded route may be the 1iie Biafram have been ecutive secretary of'tbt Urban• last chance t o stave oil vague and at Umes con-Affairs Council, whicb.alsO·bls mergqr.~ w•th a bigger com- tradJctory in saying what they 1 subcommittee that· u: stu-pf!ti~rfl'o;"others... ·aa.'award want from Washington. . • ' repr~'•'<banc• for need- Ojukwu has said the Ullited dying welfare ~~~· ed n · .l 'iooorne 'in ~ period Slate! has "a great potential The dupllcattoa· tlOt unJ,. when , : lb)e iproQfs·.• down for peace" lo the region and que. and · · }{r'..t.·· can be • mediator u it acts Nix~ bU ,r~ce .. l-v·e.d ~ '. ;j!"-,; i up oometbil>g call.ell .the ~ · to-. }~.' the quickly. Bui outright IUppOrl rlad," a w ord '...uiod GJr.--pU(I '"'1 Iii· ·con- woold please moo! BWrans Inc the Ela e •·-:o w·e r ad-· '' r~ ..,,;; try to more. min11trat1on. It ·~11 tjJmpoled .feto1 . · ·., 'j', ·' Only a fnr months ago, the of tha Treasury~·lli"' sbli · ' ·aieuh want Blalrans .,..,.. coodemnlng the budget director, the clu\IQIWl . lo lint: "·"O..•·""'.cif major United States abnost a• o1 the Feder;al lle!erve ·B<lard. Amer~;eiii;:·';iur points !lrooi!Y IS I b . y do Britain, and the chalrmaa of_ the ~ In the l'..WC: l'reai!lenl : because American recollleu cU of Economic Advilen. Dw'~ ~ .. -.... rifles '"" captured from the "The Qua<lriiliP. la._.t the,...,, ·ilii ·iflo'~losln-~ ' Nigerians. Now the Biafran to advise the ... ~ on of •·T -' t il6ioo w~ • Jearlers say they are immediate ec~nelntc pro-refuaecllOM:¥11Ve~or1gjna1 .. prepared to believe" that blem.s. But there Ii ·-another Civil · Aeionaulics B o a r d AmeriCan anru frr Nigerlra ~that also.;Jm a 1'mllar· (C,AB) awards made In the wu never a matter ot U.S. 100 ....... the ~-.cmimtttte transpacific case. pollc1. · ol! economl<:fOllet. The case dragged through Britain bas aupplled arms 'tr.h!Colly ___ • <l tbe od-the John F. J(ennecly ad- to the federal govm:mneat ln mfm:ltiatkn'• fl·~lt ~ minlstration while th!!' board graal quanUty. Tba Blalranl COll\Wflll ..... a ._ from 111 ...,;-the en t Lt.e pro- clo llOI _,, to aped Im-ln!Oniiil UTiDj!iiiliOI --~-·... -. portant • u PP or t from the ·usual commlttee struc-A~lrtl••••I =~:..i~.u:u: ''"l!"i ... Uian. week'• time Do FALSE TEETH lft8'lll lime. They aay they Moynihan got together with R • Sll.d Sii 7 have "glvm up" on the British offldals from the Just.ice OC•, • or P • D:e0 • Un ln feou' of rai. MYl government. and that there department, the Dl!trict of ,..,,_.,n1, wobbl~ ctropp1Di Jun is no hope of the African Columbia and the Department :!:ti~!!::tt.. J~~ nations aetUlng the wa r of Housing and Urban llttla PA8TZBT8 on 1our Platea. bee 1 • , -..1.... PASTDTR bolo» falae tt!eth tinner. ause 'outside power&' -Development to get ... v ... '6 Mat• •tma:-1er. No puty, .-1 Britain the Soviet Union and On .: "'Mgram to combat crime ia.w. Bels-cbKll "denture bre•th • • rv Dmltlll'llll \bat ftt &ni euenU..I W the United States -bear and revitallz.e ghetto. areas In ~th. see J'0\11' dentlat r~u.l&rtf. responsibWty for the conflict. Washington . o.t.PASTUJ'Bat&Udfua'COUDt.a.. S(lf (MPlOY(D ! NOW ... THER£'s A BI! AND BmrR WAY TO SAFEGUARD YOUR FUTURE Thl -llberw~ Ftderal#.d HRlO, effective LAWYERr ....._,; 1. 1968 establishes a TAllllJIUmlll llEllRIJIOO l'DISION TIUST I ..,.. -:roucan-$2,SOOar ID 'J(, of )'OUt annual lnc:cme, -11 -In., -Siwlrws Retl""'ent Pension Trust P'ro1rW'9' ••• end·daduct ft from )Ol.I' Income tax. All eaminp ... ·-U¥lfllS (5'.I(, per ....... comj)OIOldod ~win -accumulate tax•frt!e! y.., can also_,,, lflflT-for your employus. It'• .. _ os fimncout-short fO<JTlsl --·-·-KlWMl IUIS-• -"'! ·-~-1111 ~ --1'9m1111 ll1llLI M l --~ _ .. \ -.......... ,;:.. • .-........ t:,::., .... ----_,o.-............... __ ........ 1 ,,.:., .. , __.,, • -... ,..... :-....-~----\ -... ·.:: \ ... ::::=---::::;.--__.JJP-t __s1t.ii------. -----===---::: -·-'Whirlpool PERMANENT PRESS PAIR Quality Whirlpool automatic washer features ,_ super SURGILATOR agitator, 5 eytle selections and 2 speeds, MqJcaaansetf-deanln&filtarand1utomatlcbleoch drs.,.,,..,, Matching 5-qtle, !>Mat sol I clfon dryer has Tumble Press Control and dJJlngradlfcrs•OllWs and sneokln. Beth haV9 special..,.,._,, action for~ Pressfabrlc:s. Wasller LTMlSOO Dryer Lre.SSOO Whirlpool FREE! UllntDTillE ONLYf Ha-14-pc. ralripmDrhowl and ---puid I I of _..,... EST•15Pll """. R~nmwWith keMagic4t 15.1 QL ft. ofmist.fnesixnl!l ..... wtib hllf.wldUI lld)ultable .................. door, lllldl-1 kldudll1W1>11illlc k ellll!IC"lcl....,, poll ii lntllln~llld Mil ... Mll:rlhllid I t.a•Wlill•k1" ~Mlpu 1 Ii GrHfln pointed out ne"'1'3per storteo reporting that Walter Jeilkins and Cliff Caria', two former ~ assistants to J-. -work for Braniff. He aid Con- UDeotal was represented by • ..... firm In whlcb Clatlt Clllford,' JolmlGn'• -~.11 a'pertnor. Othen polot4d ..,~however, that :Amel!eoa 1oal oat --Uloulli le, lt Smllll. Ifs .... time ·P'-nt. -Com-merte ~ •·a d er J-~--~ recaUed the CMe, thn WU rumon thlt bil dechdon was Influenced by lobbyist fOI" lh•1 losing arllnea. • The Presldenl .bimielf made1 one -thing plaln last week - there is tmne.ndous pressure· cm the Wblta House from all sides. In -• memo sent lo the -ud """· memborl of c.aiiao . Nixon M¥I hi! ':WU! not ;;he comm•ttinos froal atr1 aource on 111e •~ jecl ci the trwpaclflc die." Bis .......... 11o. said, ~ be b a i e d -on l"tCOID- --f{Ollt the <State and Defer. departments and bis n1Uonal security advisers. Ai" ••• PLAZA TV '\Vhmpool LAUNDRY SPECIALS Automatic Washer has 3. cycle selections, 2 speeds, super SURGILATOR agitator,.exclusive M<lgic Mix filter. Matdiing 5-eyi:le dl)'W has 3 drying heats; fast drying system and exlra targe,dlUlll. Bolh have .special Cooklawn . care for l:"ennanent Press fabrics. Buy now and saw I •&• Whirlpool Supreme Slim-look Automatic Di111wllher Autanatic: pushlUml ccmd ·wllh4CJ<les,-•tollc rt.........sltidlspm-. dual...,_rKbfcrOIS)' loadl0£ Speclal water flew f 01111111 fOr nonnal faucet use while dishwasher is runnin£ "Nl¥Ol'Toucl1 tt• selt.cleaniii( fitter. Rated hllhest by CGllSllll8r.lll Help lblnp Out Mlle dblw11"*s "": $20995· FREE'DEUVERY AND NORMAL INSTALLATION ON -ALL WHIRLPOOL APPUANCES PLA2A • HUNTINGTON BEACH -10115 ADAMS AVE. e WESTMINSTER -15372 BEACH BOULEVARD e SANTA ANA-3328 WEST BOLSA STREET SALES & SERVICE ( .. OO~~UIST ) 962-8913 PHONE 897-6851 531-0520 _,.__....._ _____ ~-------~~-------'b~--,__. -----!..==-~=~· . ,_ .. ., t· " - ,,. ,, -. .-.. .,, . . , DAll.Y PILOT 2J l)avis Cuppers T~¥)\g.ain to Bq,c;l\.~iquid Sun Wheelin' and Dealin'·"at Dayt.ona SUNDAY DRIVER -Bobby Allison of Huelown, Ala., spins out .of control in a 1969 Dodge Charger in front of another Charger driven by Charlie Glotzbach of Geoqielown, Ind., in Sunday's Daytona Biggest Payoff Yarhrough's Skill • Wins Daytona 500 D&YTONA BEACH, Fla. '(AP).,. Sheer the tast 100 milel after llonnll A1llaon d.-u.i akill bnocbl 1.e0 Ray -w11o · w rr of (be'. !II 11p1 u..i Yarllrougb 1111 blggeat payoff In eight the Umile·lll,ii. banluld - yeiis Gt big time atoclc car rados. tba wall and !oat llOllle Gt 1111 ~ 11111 •j>lt crews wW debate for a Jone '!be O'Udal tire chao(e -IO·miles limo wbetber a tire change might have before the flnlsb. Yarbrough Pitted 21 ~difference ~ ........ -\1llQIF11tA · tt•.•~'e·jj.,,M.cblli .. and"1'eco11d.place • Clllrll• ·Glold>ach In ed the left -lift. the Daytona 500 Sllll\IJY·. ' Glotzbach WIS 1n tbe pil only II In Uif bockgrouod of the mechan19l seconds, Just fuel. contrOvtl'lj were two former champion "We J>Qt on 1 ·IOU Ure/' said Herb drivett -JunJor-J~ who prepared Nab of Yarbrough'• crew. YarllrouP'• 1111 Ford Tallodega, and e.otton Otnis. •ho did ~ ume with Golbhri'• lllt Dodge Cborgtr 500., UPIT_.... . "500" auto race. Leell<>y Y arbrougb won !be rece and took home •$38,950 in prize money. . ... Today ls ) L(;ist Chance To .Complete Tourooy I I By EA11L GmUY Of~ """_, ... ~ • Till lllh . Balboa Bay Club IDYil!'UcNI tennla• l«iolalDIOt WU billed . U ~· moot prellill'l!JI .... lleld !all ~ But 11 evinll ~ve nvWed,, U JI a1ao tbe weltelt· ud It ·may bo tbe fint never·to be comp&eced.. That WU tbe ..... l"iU09k this morning alter tourney dlnctor Hl&lh Sjewlri call· ed.olf Sunday'& acbeduled eb&mpionship play at 1 p.m. when ,dfivtnc. rain put the nna1 day's play ·uunder. ' . Weather pennlttlng, Stewart tried to complete the tournament today. The singles clwnj>lomhlp match !Jo. tween Arthur Ashe Ind Charles Puarell WIS schedllled for thla momlq, to I!" followed • by t,.., . lftl!ll!nal , dql1blel • matches and the tiUe match. 11le Sunday rainoot put a crimp in the doublea schedule beca111t the favored- team of Stan Smith ud Bob LatJ are both use ·-t.. •nc1 baa to 11o 11 morning ~ loday. Only two singles matches were com- pleted Sunday before the 1kles opened. Panrell lofeed a mild UP"'t by whipping Smith in the lint singles semi, t..s, U,H. Smith' WU the No. 2 seed behind Ashe and Paaarell wu the No. 4 seed. Ashe summarily dlspoaed of Lutz. W, ' f.I. Should the. toumanwrt bo wubed ool again ~ay,, they'll live up. It can't bo curled oo ony fllrtber than today, becaoMofodler-~ Tllo presence " Diet Leach ud · lflt• \ Macbatll In ooe ol the llellllllnal doablel matcll.. Is aomethlng of a ~. U-. they llnoclcld off ICMJl'tblaeeiled Roy Barth and Steve TidbaD Satuntay, M,H,H . Kuhn Sees Qqick En<J To Dispute ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. IAP) Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn said Sunday he thinks the pension dispute between major league players Ind club" owners can be setU~ thJs week. He aaid he planned to return to New York "to do everything I can to help get tbe people together." "My place iJ in New York in tlU 'Situation. That's why I'm eolng back,·• saJd the new ~miaioner, who has ,/ boen vacationlll& with his 1""'!11' In lled-dfuiton Beach, Fii., and vialling some ' of the advance sprtne training camps. He said he would fiy to New York lite Sunday night. "I tblnt tbere Is a dl!posltioo on both aides to make: reasonable con- cesaions," be said. "Tllo whole thine coold bo solved this week. I expect to be back io Florida _1 Tutaday or Wednuday. "I can't act aa ID arbitrator-in my position, but I wW do everything in my power to help them reach a fair lettlement." Kuhn, who vi.sited the New York Mel!' training baae Sunday, said H the deadioc~ cootlnuea In penaloo negotiations and eltlbllabed players remaln away from llJldnl camps, bo tblnb the clubs lbould IO abead with their eahlbltlob llChedules. Mike Burke, the New York Yankees' club. prealdent, said Saturday the ex· hlbltlona might be wiped out if the dispute iln't resolved quickly. But Johnny lllurpby, tbe Meta' gene,ral manqer, said Sunday biJ club intends to play JU exliJbJtJon games "even il we ,have to call up Triple A players." He said General Manager Bing Devine of the St. Louts Cardinals, who meet the Mela in the eJ:hibiUon opener for both cluba, had -him the Cardi inteoded to follow tbelr schedule ...... Philly Hands Y•la..P,-was ~·Jn belh the lluloi>a-llllO\ 11111 Fkecrlldter 400 al ~ lntemtiooal SpeedWIJ tast y-. paged a-... -1r;;m Lakers Fourth -ud l!rdsbed a ear lenfth In !ml~ "You can't perpetrite 1 fraud on~tbl fans/' Kubo aid. "But u Jong u the f flnl bow who you're fielding, I thfnlc you &bould So llheod ud play tbe games." "l wu 'fOlng flat out ud I couldn~ . sllopbol Pait him off t11e fomtlHurn,'' Globbacll'lald. Y11rbroo11>; lllvin&. hla. accoonl ol the nna1 laps,· Aid: "I actually uughl him on the lap before but. decided to wait till ·tbe last · lap, where he coo1d not gain ellOU(b momailum to pass me back:" They woged I •tWe><or duet tbroiJ&b . ' Althea Gibson Back in Action; Emerson Upset OAKLAND (UPI) -Althea Gibson Darben, once the world 's top woman tennia player, begin.I her eomr.J>act tonight at the age of 41. Mn. Darben, former Wimbledon and U.S. Natloeals tiUlst, faces Ann Hajdoo Jones of Great Britain at the Collseum- Arena In the leomd round of the 111,IOO lnlmlatlonal pro tmnll lnvlta&oal It mark& the fin\ to1>filebl teonls compellUoo for Mrs. Darben since abe quit the game at the peak of bor career 10 years ago to concentrate on golf. "U I didn't think I coold play," sald Altbta, "I wouldn't be trying this. However, I still have to prove 1 few thina:s." Mrs. Jones, second seeded Jn the four· day event. downed .Rosemary Casals. oC San FranclJJco U , H , H In the operung round of the tournament Sunday. It was switched from outdoors at the Berkeley Tennis Club to Indoors at Chabot CoUeee In Hayward becauae of ralo. Injury piqued Damis Rabta ol 8-, apiel llewporl l!Oacll'• ROJ Emenon 1-1, u , f.3 In the opealnc roond for 1111 flnt ......-t win ol lbe year. Toot Roche, leadiJll plOyer · In the WO<ld lhroalh t b e early month& of the season, advanced with an M , 7.$ dedsion over fellow Australian Fred Stolle. Roche allowed no breaks on his service and repeatedly aced Stolle wtlb a spinning leflhlnded stroke. In· the other men's singles match, Martin lliessen dropped Ray Moore of Sooth Africa 7~, f.3. In doubles play, &che and John Newcombe beat fellow Amtralian¥ lttn -all ud Stolle t-7, 1-4. Pancho Gonsales and Moen doneil ll>,lslon- Riesaen U, u , M. ' Straight Loss INGLEWOOD (UPl)-Tbe Los Ange- les Laters' lead in the N1Uona1 Basket.. ball Association Western Division atood at ooly two games. OV<r Atlanta today foll...ing tbelr fourth Joel In nve games . 'Ibo Liken bittled tbe Philadelphia '"" down to tbe wn Sunday .night be!on ez-Later An:ble Clark dropped two fret throws with two -. cm lbe c1oct 1'o Ice a lz.IJI victory. Loa Angeles w!D try to bl<al: . the. slump Tuelday when lbe &!lttle SUper- Sonics invadt tbe Forum. The game was a teHaW blttle until the~ dmr oul .to a'!~ leod with ·1:11 remaining after Ille Liken' Bill Hewiil and coach Bill van Breda Kolff were called for technical fouls. It was van Breda KoJff's BeCOnd of the game and be· wu ejected. Loa Angeles wu ·able..lo battle baclc to witbJn two points with eight "°"""" remalnlng, but Elgin Baylor was !Ofted to foul Clarie u be came down <OUrt. to keep lime from running out and Clarie met the cllall<ngo, WUI Cbamborl&ln poced tbe Libra with 31 polnta ud Baylor bad 31. Los Azlie!es 1galn wu without the servlcel of Jerry West, wbo r&J=d his left 1.. five g1D1e1 aro. 'lllLADi°UotKA &.0t AHRSI O,T .,T ClllW!lnglleni I U 22 aaylor 1J f.1 " G""" 9 M 31 CMll'ltlilrillftl' f.1J :M llllllotf 9 f.2 11 Crwwftlrd I s.11 14 _,_ J UlJ!"~ 2 W • W1Mt... 7 .. , 1• Hll~IN ' 1..J 11 Ci.rte 7 :t-J 17 0aourrt. 2 f.I 7 Gollk11 4 l·I I IEatn S 4-4 I• Wlbln 2 t-0 4 Kft<ltt t 1·1 S Tot1ls SI 2).27 tu T1i.ti q 21.J1 121 "'lllckol~i. • W Jt JI -Its La "'*... • a1 • • -121 Foulm out -...... Toti! fouls -"''llcMIJltlll 27, lat A11i;iel• Jl. ... ,..,. __ ,..,., THAT'S NO BULL -Al "Bull" Ferrara of !be San Diego Padres snags a tly bell during a spring train- ing workout in Yuma, Ariz., Sunday. Ferrara~ V,IT ........ es to-the Padres from the Dodgers, with whom he was the club's MVP in 11167• He 'was· San"Dielo'• 15th draft choice in !be expansion draft. Tucson Open Winner Putting Does'. It ,for TrevinQ TUCSON (AP) -Lee Trevino dropped putts in the wind, rain, mow and also in the sunshine as he won_ the $100,000 Tucson Open Goll Toumlment and observed : "PuWng Js like a wife. SomeUmei she'll be good to you." The •year-old ei:-Marine from El Puo, who hlt the jackp6t . U.S. Open with biJ first victory on the pro goU tour In 1968, vtsited the winner's circle for Q0,000 Sunday. He met one· early challenge and then new off to· a seven·stroke victory with a 68 on his final round, on a balmy day, and a 27l·total -equalling the tournament record since the event moved to the Tucson National Golf Club -course in 1965. "If you putt good, your game goes good," declared Trevino, who will leave the tour for a week to vis.It hi& wUe and 3-year-old aaughteriln El Paso~ "You know, I cal:ea my wtfl oo Satur· day nlpt. ud tOld her I had a fiv .. ltn>ke lead, and 'she d16n't believe me. I wish she could have been here." Trevino, had. nttd a • Oii 'latarday In mlserabfe weather and tben .lldded . hi& ·II< -par. On· SUnday, lo aplure a UUe, 17 -· rtlUlollon ficurea f .. ' tbe 7J.hol• ....,,_t.' . Miller Barber of Sherinan, Tu., ~ eel aecond with a g.m, with Bert Yancey of'Tallab&slet, Fla., third 1t a-279, Trevino carded1 seven birdies and only one bogey "" his final round. "At the fourth bole, I saw the handwriUng on the wall" be obeuved. "You have to have some luck to win." At the fourth, Yoncey t...i off lint and put his ball II feel beyond the cup on tbe 11$.yanl, par.S hole. Trevino wu oU the tae nnt.•Hla &bot hll Yan- Driver's Death_Brings Safety R~Y.i~w . DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -'l1Mo d<ath ol driV<I' Don MacTlvisb durinc a stock car ratt here this: weekend will bring about a •rMeW Gt aalety pn1C&uti-at tbe hur• Daytona 'Jntuna. tiooal Raceway. A 1peedw1y spokesman &aid f1lms Gt the ,........,. acddenl In which MacTaYiab died Sablnlay will bo ltlldled and a mlmrte inspection made of the oectlon of the trlCk wbera k o<(Ul'l'ed. MacTaYiab, a lf.y-vmran 1n>m Dovtr,. Maa., WU tllled when he IDrlt control of hi& car, apm Into tbe grarid- llnd;wall 11111--"rlrlulll7- oo by a car drlno by Sam Sommefa ofSa~GL · MacTaYiab '• car' actually rammed Into a boaY}' &tael wire &a\e that - one of five entrances that carry spectator lraUlc across the track Into ud oot Gt the vut speedway lnfltld. 1llJJ'lng ncea, a-ptea an -and . become pert of 8 «llCl'lte Will that Mll•tlle eolln lqtb ol the ....... stand ltrallhtaway. OIMr cit{.., llld _, tllll la -of amnl "lndilt'.pota•'cm;tbe_,. tblt ·tbey·Cllalof'""_'_ - racln(. · .. We watch for them." Mid Bobby AWaon, wi1o drove In the llknlle·nce In -~ lo&t bl& Ille. •u1bey•re no more dll'lietwl Uiln other polntl on the traclt, Dilt· the -• MacTaYiab hit la probably ,Ille wonl becauae It II located It a polnl where ,.,..,. at top &peed C<llllJns Git Uie f<KU1b'Wl'o," AlllloO 'uld. MacTavtab, · bamlllnC · d •w n the ainlptaw11 a abaul 111 mllel an -. llllddliilJ .......... bilo'lbo ,Wall, '"'th tbe 1llaea' )lirUcii . lit' Ibo -Ind» o1bli·cor~the~1itrt ..... • . Tllo sj~. ol tho .. -tbl car back--,tlie tnd, """"' k - flit eame ' for Soinlnl!l'a. """ i..t· .. chanco to ovoid ·a colllllon. MDII ol tbe. drivm ·who competed In tbe .. mllea of radna Saturday 11111 _, '-llilc'l'aYtili'I cnab. -..... ol tbl ,.,,.,_ •tbll tbe Ner Bi:111-"" aJmplJ IO&I -.I _. Jor.ofNllltlnl • · ~ ....... ,.., Mlohtlob ... drhlbl -1111 _.. ir,tie'tO -up.JD1lllidct. ,· ' • Guessing Game: Who'll Bruins Play in NCAA? \ a, u.iw Pnn 1nter11111ou1 Coileee bastetball'a post....,....;,.... · meat pmlla beelna to take &hapo tbil, week IDd It """' be much of a mY1terJ: In &lartJng Ille 111essing eame H yoo olmpl)' loot for the blf piece colored nayY blue ud aoJd, shaped lite a baby boar ud Inscribed with the letters UCLA.. Top.ranked and unbeaten UCLA la un- d,oubtedly tbe eulest part ol tbe pomle but finding the remaining piecet fot tbe NaUonal Collegiate Atbletic Aaaocia· tloo (NCAA) tournament will take a little mOre time. The millrtY Bruins from Los Aqeles moved a mp neam tbelr third alraf&bl Pacific E!P1 CGillenoce title ud an . automatic berth ID tbe NCAA teslonaf -Satm'day nlglJt by trouodns Orqon,lOHt. StYerll other teams ICl'Ol8 tbt naticn alao Improved tbelr tournament creden: tlail tbe put weekend u H of the IO schoola lo tbe United Prus lnteroa. tlonal ~ coUeee COICbes rankiop 1alned v!Ctories. Second-ranked Santa Claro, bounced from the rank& of the unbo-cm Friday night, rebounded with a 11-71 triumph over UC Santa Barbara while No. 3 North Carolina tuned up foe tbe ruued Atlaollc CU. Cooler<nee toumameot witb . an euy !GUI conquest of The Citadel. Fomtl>rloked DIYldMm-d. i •• d Vlil!nla Tlcb, i.11, .... • ...... Ccdwa<o -Kemlucl:J luipwld Ila .... .,_ wtl1i aJ-.._. ., 1-... -. Tbo WUdclta .... ""' -· -IMU(ll hie -.vtcli tallled. polnll ID raillq bll'lwo ....... oulpal ID 2,lM, lnaloC tbe NC.vi -mm of·l,116. •· Y':f. Jolin'& ol New Yark, lop at-11rp -Cllldldata from Ille -.... tbe oltloo'• seventh ranhcl autllt1 poatal ~: " tbe -· beellaf l, EJchll><lllked Purdue &to1ed ... top of the lite H .......... by ta.m. Ms-.m 111... No. t vm..o.a &lopped ,....... !Ml lo ...... ' Ill .-to .1M,--~ Vlrlllill •11, ad !allt dnW D 4 r IHllltCW1-. l I /, ' I I ' ' r ' 11 Technicals Put OCC in Embarrassing Light -' By ii• V<r/ nature buketball Is .. emotJooal same. Played in an enclosed and conOoed arta, il easlly tDflainel the pasllons ol participa11ts, CDIChes u1 fas all~. tt'1 a game where the oflldals have ta maU comtaDt judgement calls, and lhole docislClll .,. aub1'CI 1o lb& scrutinY of players, coaches and Ii*", tator1. &cause !hole calls are the Jud&mont or -man Ibey frequenlJy ""' di5putod. AboJJe burled at an ofllclal's Jucliltmenl ls a common occureixe on the basketball noor. Once in a long while, hoWever, that abuse gets out or hand, completely disrupts a basketball game and creates chaos. · That's eucUy what bappeoed Friday night at Western High School in an , ' £ulenl. CG6fereoco 11m1 bet w e e n Oran,. Cout and eypr.., coll<11e1. In a diqra<eful exhiblUon, Orange Coast coadl Bob Wehel and his team , wn cbaifld < wl. II lec$nlcal foals, WeizOI wu 'jectod from the game and the Plrala were ·~ il they com-mitted anoUler lnlonllonal foul the game would he slDpped, II look 11 minutes to complet. the F"lnll !:91 of tbe ;.me, Which WU turned into 1 farce bJ .the chlkllab antics of first Wettol mi"Ulee hb players. No cue can d.llpute a COlch'a: rlght to stand up for hi.I team and complain about decl!iom called against it. You upect a certain amount ol it But when a coach completely loses tontrol and turns the Pme into a traves- ty, it'110mething else again. Ami I06e ""11n>l ol hb emouons Is esacily what Wetzel did Friday nJabl. Dlapu~ ~. ~ 111.ihl Ion&. Weuel Oil .. ,~ ,ti,cau!om, liidly ban(ld hb iii EA.tit tt•tt**M , "JOtt. SCIJWARZ ,. ...... , ....... . hand on a chalt or slammed hi! foot to the floor. All the wblle, he wu directlng com- ments at the two officials, Tom Keough and Tom Farrell. Many' of tboae comment.s are un. priDtable and all« the same the otllclal CdM's Bloom Coach.of Year; Owls Stun I , All-Irvine Team Bill Bloom of Corona del Mar High School was named Coach of the Year in the Irvine League in today's release of the official All- Irvine League basketball team as selected by lbe Orange County Sportswriters Association. · 1 Bloom's team finished in a tie for the league championship with powerful Magnolia. Gary Redmond of Fountain Valley and Steve Leech of Corona del Mar were aCcorded first.. team honors from . the Orange Coast area and three other area playeni were named to the second .team. Estancia'• Skip Willlams, Costa Mesa's Gregg Erskine and Cor- ona's Chris Thompson were selected to the second team. Dave Murray of Magnplia was llamed Player of the Y • a r in an extremely close dec!s~ nosing out mate Jan Adamion for the honor. Bloom guides his Sea Kings into the CIF playoffs for the third consecutive year Friday. Redmond and Leech made the first team despite Iq-w a;cc;>fing av- erages. Bolb players were on low scoring teams for the IP~Jor!ty of the season and· selection was based on the overall value each player was to bis team and the effectiveness of his play against opponents. ALL IRVINE LEAGUE •. t '· Player Jan Adamson Dave Murray Ralph Redington Gary Redmond Steve Leech First T11m ScMol Magnolia Magnolia Loara Fountain Valley Comna de! Mar Second T11m Cla11 Sr, Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Skip Wil!Wns Estancia M Jr. Gregg Enk!ne Costa Mesa 6-5 . Sr. Chril Thompson Corona del Mar 6-1 •• Sr. · Denny Nicholas Loara &-0 Jr. Doug Omer Magnolla 6-1 Sr. Player of the Year -Dave Murray, Magnolia. Coach of the. Year -Bill Bloom, Corona del Mar. Sports In Brief 16,6 15.1 10.5 12.1 14.2 llU 15.6 10.0 ' 11.2 ·......-... Reviv~ Kings Aiming For 2nd Siraight Win LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Kings, fresh from snapping a five-game Ioatng &treak aim 'or blck·to-back vie-: tories tonight when they host tbe Min- nesota North Stars at the Forum. With Ted lrvtoe slanimlng b!>m• ¥ la.fool f!oal In the third period Sunday n1f!b1. the Klnp scored a 4-3 vicfDry over the Seals in Oakland and moved within seven point.I of the second-place . Se al s ln the National Hockey League's West Divis.ion. Alston Inks Pact VERO BEACH, Fla. -Walter Alston, dean ol. major league managua, formally signed hb 1969 contract Sunday u ·the Loa Angeles Dodgeni opened spring training minus 13 of the club's top players. A1stan11 ,contract cal1I !o:r an est1maled 185,000 * year. He baa been with the DodC<rl 15 s\falf!)d .. -. 1 ..... than any olher .....,..t major leque manqer , Pirates, Rustlers Finish 3rd, 4th In Swim Relays SANTA JIARBARA -Oran1e Coast CoUeee ,.-lmmen won two ~vents on the ieoOnd aJ!d last day ol the Gold Coat Sw1-"" lnvltallooal bero to ==-=to• llr'!"I th~. 'l!le 'llool ~San~• Frosh walbd ••1 with Ram bonon, ICOrin& 431'.i .............. ~ Jllllior Colllp'• m. u. ~ Cout """"1 :115 H · flJr tldnl, follOft!I by Goidell We&! College in lourth with 210 points. Fre<llJler tDouc 'Sebamherl ... the »yard lllflot In 11.5, the -futeat Wiii ever ncorded in the event by an Orq'e CoNl swll:!mtt. Lala be ....,,... with Brad Smith, Mike Inr1e, Bill Luther, Gary Tbompoon and Mll:e ·AllhriPI 1o wiD the JOO.yon! f.-tylo ~lo,y. The Plratea' •lnnlne Umt WU l;JU lo !hi rardJ bdd eftftL Paul fhllllU tumod In a 11nioC pub-lor !hi -In u.r lllt rreea1y1e ~·'"· 1oalnJ ~. Randy Coutta or Su Diego &lllO on !hi touch. has been with any one major league team. So11lets Triumpla . SAN FRANCISCO -Dynamo Kiev of the Soviel Union won tbe first game but the California Clippers showed once again they can play on a par with the world's best soccer team. Speedy forward Anotolldy fyzach scored all three Dynamo 10als SID!day as the Soviet team beat the Clippers 3-2, in the first game ever played between the United States and the USSR. A crowd of 11,815 who turned out on a cold and rainy afternoon at Kezar stadium saw the Clippers dominate the action in the second half. Yo1111f1 TKO'tl SAN DIEGO -George YOUDl'S last indoor two-mile race was the fastest in hlsl«y but a toclmicality leav .. him Ued for tbe world record. YOWli, 31, was clocked In 8:27.1 Satur~ day Dlgbl lo the San Diego indoot' Games, OOe-tentb of a second faster than Kerry Pearce's world standard set here last )'Ht, 1be technicality is an international ruling that record time in Jong dtslahce events la rounded off to the nut even tenth ol a second -8:27.2. "'I'd lite to have the world record " said the disappointed Young. "It belonis to me -not Pearce. "1\fe never betn beaten by him, and he bas never done better than 8:40 sincf! setting the record." a. .. w .w•-er• LAJq: PLACID, N. Y. -.A bukher, a baker, a mechanic and a plumber Jl"'Vided the winning comhination f0< Wed Germany over the weekend in the World Foor-man Bobsled Own-plodalil~ Mouot Van Boevenherg. The w edged the favored 11allan team -headed by a hotel owner -by a split second for lbe victory. Setter De ... loch GUATEMALA CITY -HalU liod GnWmala 1·1 in a IOCCtl' game SUnday to win the rilbt 1o meet the Unll<d Stales in the nut round ol elhninaUona for the World Clip tn Mezl<o nm yeer. With Ule· lie, H•IU -up the aeriea of games here wtth six points. Guatemala hjld IJ>e and Trloldad IWO. Picked ·t, Cq'A.GH OF THE YEAR .J •• ~". '~C~M'1 Biii Bloom · 'Pmites Hope For .50Q .f?inish l -••• In EC Action By JOEL SCHWARZ Of IM DllllY l"lllt Shll A .5(1Q finish is the best Orange Coast College's buketba1f team can hope for after dropping a pair of weekend Eastern Conference games. But it's going to be a tough trick to pull because the Pirates, who are now S-10, close out their conference schedule lbls week Tuesday and Friday nights on the road at Citrus and Mt. San Antonio colleges, The Pirates dropped their second stralght game Saturday night at borne, 7U7, to Chaffey College. A combination of some tight Chaffey defense and some miserable ball-handling by the Pirates, did ln Orange Coast. The Pirates committed 27 turnovers against the Panthers, 17 ,of them in the deciding second baH, and only shot 37 pertent from the floor. Orange Coast led most of the first half on the shooting of Phil JoJllan, Rieb Stlckelmaier and Mike Flaherty. ll was 36-29 with a minute to go in the half, when Chaffey turned on its fast break to rattle in nine straight points and take a 38-36 lead lhto the dressing room on Frid.die Hicks' banking jumper just before the buzzer. The second half was a see-saw battle until the final 8:45 when lhe floor- leadership of little (H) Caesar Garcia who was playing despite two sprained ankles, helped Chaffey break the game open. With the score knotted at 57-all, the Panthers put on a 9-2 spurt that sent them in !root for good. In the final 80 seconds of lhe contest, Chaffey went on another brie.f tear, outscoring the Pirates &-2, to brtat the contest wide open. CMftty (71) G••tl• ·-· B•~ C•Plllo '"m Hlc-1 ,, ff pf ,, " ' J 12 • 0 2 • 1 • 2 ,, ' 1 2 7 I J J It 1 • ' 11 Of .... CHtt fUJ .. "pf ,, S..1ver 211• T11rlty 2 0 1• Klnd•lon I I I J Fittwnw 1 ' J 11 J&t;OIMn I J f s McC1rll~ 1 I 1 J Kardl!ro"I 1 0 I 4 Stlc-•h1'1i.r I J l 1• JG1'1111! l 2 11 S..rv.ri1 '''' Toltlt 31 1J U 11 T011l1 2' If 11 17 Hllf!Jl'!W 1cor•: (lyfllY JI, 0<'1""9 Coe1t 3'. Rustler: Five, 80-65 With lis hopes of f~g second ID the Eastern Conference now almost mn- eziJtent, Golden West College'• J>utet. ball team iwinp into the final weet of coolemx:e play with two pmes against toup foes In u many mpts. Tbe Rust1era: aaw their shot at second nearly evaporate s&tmday nlgbl u Jut. place Citrus u]ll<I Golden Wat In the Owll' rooot, - The Rutlen, now lM in EC play, trail l'WlDUUp Cballey by ttl'o full games LUT•ltN COHl"lltlMCI W L 1"~1imon lt 0 Chlffq 12 ' G9ldln West 10 t 111111 AM If t C~ It t Rl-.JH 10 t Of'.... (OHi I lt Ml, SAC t It Rle ..... 711 $111 ...,.rdlno :I JJi ,.,,.. .,:I u ........ ._. CllaffW "" ar..tl °"" ., Cllrw a a.... Wiit &J ' ............. " .... "·"""'*" •""-* 1'. """' "'-n . cypr., ''· .... ..,_... " --Mt SAC"" o.litlll w.I .t OCC .°'9!11tf ce.t II CltNI Rlf Heilclf It Rlwwalilil Sin ~ ., Clllffly cwr-" ........ ""' '" l"A '"' "" 1-01 1.ut 12ft 1.U 1m 1m 1M 12U 1CI IMJ 1417 ,..,, ........ __ ,,,, ....... ....... and share ihird pUiCe with sarda Ana. All the Rust.Jen have to do to tie 'tor second II knock off ML San Antonio Tuesday .night and conference champion Fullerton Wedoeaday while Chaffey Is loaJOs ill llna1 pair DI starts w· 5an BernardiDo and Cyprua. The -will be playlns blck.to- bact pme1 this' week a:s ~. favor to Fullerton coadl Moe Radovich. lladovich uked llultler coadl Dick Stricklin 1o move up their Friday game, so bis club would he rMed for a challenge-round game in the state playoffs Saturday and Slrk:klln agrttd. Goklen West's loss to Citrus followed a familiar pattern that has bothered the Rustlers all season - a cold shooting first half. Citrus, which has only won two Ct>n- ference games prior to its encounter with Golden West, opened up a 42-25 halitime lead . Only the shooting or center Dave Prather kept the Rustlers from being blown oft the court. The 6-9 center tcored 21 of Golden West's first 30 ··points in the game, but ran into foul trouble late in the opening 20 minutea. Citrus won the game from the free throw line, hitting on 32 of 33 charity llhots. Both clubs made 24 field goals, but Golden West only cashed in on 17 or 28 free throws. 0.N• Wat I'll ""pf ,, C•lnllblll t o 1 • Jol'ln'°'1 1 o I 2 M1rlln 1122 Mllltr J 4 l 10 P1yntw 6 J t 1S l(onllli OIJO ~r11t11r f 7 J 25 o ..... •ti• Jt~ ltJ I H•"'lrlO 0 1 I 1 Cllrvt IMI Mt 11 J•l'nl1 . Mc1"111 M1111 ... in ·-~ -~ ,__ H1wlltl1Jll ,_ " " ,, ,, 2 • 2 ' l ' • J 1 I 1 2 J J S IT s t1 t n s • s '' •• 0 IJ • ' t 0 I • I ' TOl11• !4 11 U " 'Tltell 1l JI :n • H1JUlmt tcor1: C!IT\IS 4. Gold"' Witt U. Jaycee Golf Or1t111 Cini IHI Cll) Ml. SAC M-.111t-MM1htll S1v191 IOCCI, 17, ll:Ofl CM.,._ btt"tln !OCC) 71, l(lft Cody IOCCI n, u,.,., Ml,.. '°"' (OCCI 1:1, O.~ tlbb, (OCC), 74 Gwdon 1(1111 tOCCI 7'. 0.Nlll WM! l•l (ti ("'" Kin Ktlb91 CGWC) d~. ?ttol"I (Cl, 1>-7'1 Nitti· t1!1 tGWCI cltf, McC.l!trty IC) 7Ml1 Ht.,.iilll IGWC) at. Clll'Tlll ICI, ,._1t1 Gt'Onlll IC) lllJ. Mod« {GW(), INli kl'IWlltln {GWCJ dtf, lt9Y11 CCJ, .... :UCI (16-8) Eyes By EARL GUSTKEY 01 rtie D1itr" f'fllt Stiff UCI'1 basketball team , which bad plintM it.sell into a eorntr by loaing to UC Rivenide last wee~ bu leaped to a more strategic posiUon wllh ib come-from-bthind, 101-86 victory at We.st· mont Saturday nlgbL That win glves lhe Anteaters a 16-8 record and a. fairly good clwlce of landing a berth In next month'• NCAA coUege dlvblon regionals al Lu Vegas. UCJ baa two games Jett and will be the heavy favorite to win both home contests. Coach Dick Davil' team pla)'I San Diego State .• Tuesday night at 8 and Tahoe Paradl.M Collese Friday even- ing. It look some perfect basketball for the Anteateri to put tbemse.lves where they are today. "Wt played a1 cklle to perfectly u we've played all year," Davb com· men led, "We were down at halftime and we decided wt were &oln& to have to gut It out on defenae and make them tate bad ihots and that'• just how it lurntd aut. 11 Westmont'• Dalla1 Platu ICOrtd 11 In the lint ball but had only 11• mort In the second hair. UCl'• Jerr Cun· loio& CD oil the court that WU •ID' 11...mc the·-·· Keoa,11 hu been re!.-Jng for 1S years, 10 ol them Jn the E4sttrn Con- ference. "I loll they -·t playio& boWtboll · at .Illa end ol !hi P-W1tm they llarled 1o foal dellberately I had 1o wara -I'd call !hi...,._ ··1 fell ' -btidl' could ltt lt>Jurod ... the ·-·m!pl aet ......... , ol hllld and we'd llf.Ye a fight. "We cooldn1 keep the 1ame moving hec1111e Oraop Cout playtn ..... laughing aliout the fouls 8Dd ..... ciolnl uytlllng 1o keep U from going on. '"lbe coach (Welzel) waa utiog ro, what he got, aUhoulh be,. ... , direct!nf! llWl1 ol hb nmaru 1o me. u be ...... to -lotentioaal toclmical fouls by d"'-1lac the pme, that'• okay by ' me, althoup r c1ao·1 -,. If l juatlllable. ' 1-!l'VI· nrver MID anotbtr eoach It In 15 ye a r s and when yw're ~ you don 't pin much by it anyway." ). "It waa an lnter..tlng el(periance, Keougb addad, "bul I dldtt1 eajoy It and aelthCr did !hi ran.. who dicln1 bow what ..... ~.. ' Frlday'llllbt'1 ' by Welzel 8Dd hb -th• &Ind ol !hint ev..,tiedy coocernod woulofllb 1o fora• But tt'• bard · to true It from the '"!"1Co.c11·1 Joi> is _.. tbaA •lmplJ heljilng a )'OUlli .,.. develop hb alhle~ skilb. Ideally, oports and a coach cq help an athlete mature m<ntaily and emotionally, u well u polilb h1I pbysic~ ~oitwwelJ. Bob WtlRI failed ~ clo,tliil Friday lllPL BLOWS COOL -Orange Coast College basketball coach Bob Wet- zel was the recipient of. five technical fouls and was ejected from the gym Friday night in the Pirates' 94-84 loss to Cypress. Reliable !ources say Wetzel will resign at the end of this season. Martin Cracks Record But UCI Loses,6.6-37 Mike llarUn broke bis own school m:ord ln the 1,000.yard freestyle event Saturd8y but It wasn't enough as his UCI teammates went doWfl to a 66-37 defeat to powerful Cal State (Long Beach), Mart.in stroked to a 10:02.l clocking and a second place time for the new UCJ record then won the 500 free in 5,00,1. Nezt meet for UCI, now 4-5, is an away meet Tuesday with Santa Ana College. UCI's Bob Wilhite suffered one of his rare de!eats in diving as be lost to Long Beach's Rusty McCarthy, who scored 490.10 Point.s off the one-meter boar<!. C1I Sl•lt IL.1111 lHdl) 6'. UCI S7 CIO mtdlty r.i.t -1. Uni BMdt Tl'"': ,:&.7 I !Am lr""ly .. -I. F•~ It.II 2. Martin • IUCI) l. ltJ111. (LB) Timi: 10:00.t 200 tr" -1. "''""' !Lil t. e:.._ even .a. llou ILi) 'Timi: 1:'7.1 '".J 511 ff'le -l. 1"1"""" 11JCO 1. GrJnvn (U) iti; A)'tM (LBJ 'Tlmt: ns 200 Jna. mid. -I. LDWn (LBI l. HuMt (UCIJ .1. Y1loYlftfl ILi) Timi: t :'4.7 I~ C111YI -I. M~rll'l'I' (Lt) l. W11111tt flJCIJ J. IEH!Ofl (Lii Polnll: 410.ta 400 tly -I. Oltwr (LB) 1. H1hn fUCll l. HIHll (IJCI) Tlmt: 2:00.S 100 ''" - 1. I!:•-(UCI) 2. 1'1 bt!"'""" F•rmer CUC!) at'OIJ A•ll'lfl'O (L8 J Tl..,.; '9.1 200 btdr; -1. B1rlltll (Lii 2. Mllltr !LI' :t.. Ollk1 CUCI) 'Timi: 2:111.t JOO ''" -I. Marti!! flJCI) 2. 0¥111 (LI) I, 'Tllompson !LB) Tlmt: J:OO.I -fll'lllf -1. vni.r1tt1 (LBJ 2. (Goplf (UCI) l. Still! (LBJ 'TIJlw: 2:U.f CIO ,,.. ,. .. ., - 1. L,,.. ... di T!rnt: a:U.) ..... San Diego State nlngbam bad ll for the winners and teammate Mike Heckman 21 wllh 11 rebowxis. John Gi1v1Dovleh helped keep Irvine close in tbt lint half. The junior fcnard from Fresno City College came in in the firtt half wben Nick Sanden was taaed with hb third rout GiavinoYl<!J IU8dt. b.l.a flrll four 1hotJ. UCl'a frosh team alto cme from behind to wiD, aplllln1 Westmont by an M-11 acore aftu traillng by seven at bllftlme. The Jtmlor Anteaters are !W and play Sao Dle10 Slate's frosh Tuesday evening. UCI UO """" l:f 1 I 11 c--.... ~ ""'-..... .. _ ··-l'"•r-..11 • • , u 117•1' s ' ' 11 2 ) ' s • 1 1 10 0 I t I UCI 0 111 r, ff pl tt Wltllt • ' 1 11 MoorlP J l I II ~ ''' n Fw t712S Bit-101' WIUM''""' • I I I ~ I•> 6 \ti.fl"I I 0 I I • ..,_. '""' 11•1 ..... Mlle~ 1 I t '' OI ...... 'IJ1f K"1cer"°" J a ' t W1!111f1 llJtH tl)'NI • S t 11 'To1111 J4 lt 1J 14 'Te1111 >1 U 11 71 Ht!lllm1 Jcort: W91tmonl l'ra1~ .S. UCI FrOlll a. • iA lllW L EC.t UC • .._ .. "!...*-'"'""=°"!...~~ ,.__ ___ _ ---- • ' u ' At ........ Be.Ja Ne~rt Sparkles In Swim Relays Mes•n Stars in Big 10 · • • . . , . ........ Dan Kinsey of Cost~ Mesa is one of the top per- formers on the rings in the Big 10 conference. A senior at Michigan State, Kinsey is averaging 9.04 points per performan~ for the conference's defend- ing co-champions. He is 'also an honor student. ·. Katella Duo Gauchos Fall, 92-71; Tops S~rs 7th Straight Defeat Prep Season Ends Tuesday Final regular season prep basketball in the Orange Coast area is on tap Tuesday with two Crestview League en- ByBl'EVEANllllElll or .. ~ "" ""' N1wport Harbor wu the on- . ly Oranie Coast 1rea tchool to poll a victory In the ftCent CIF ,.lay flnala held at the Bellnont Plaaa PoOl In Loni -· The Tar C... placed fourth Jn· their dMllon Ind nilldlod two flnl pt-. -In the -tr.eslyle and the other In the -butterfly. Newport lotiled SI points lor Ila nipt'a .,...t; but tnlled champion Pafos Venlel (U), * * * Katella High SchOOI walk~ SAN DIEGO -Pacific San ·Diego's Jotm Oliver counters wrapping it up. off with the lion 's sl\Rre 'of Southwest Conference cham-scored 16 of his 2.1 points L.aguna Beach will host San '•100 lndo. mtd:-1. 1"1i. V•'*9 honors in the release of the pion San Diego City College in the first halt, as the Knights Clemente at 7 o'eolck follow-, outscored Saddleback 36-11 in tore through Saddleback's ing the Villa Park-Mission Vie-""° 1iw.tv1t-1. ~ H•r110r t. 2. L•IUllft 1. ,otlhlU TllM: 4:0:5.7 CCI, ~ .... official all-Orange L e 8 g u e the first IO minutes of play zone defense to decide the out-jo tussle at the latter's con-Jorde,. '· W1tn11 Timi: 2:n.1 •--• tball I 1· · ~ b,..mtr•-1.,,.,1n "'"* t. ~r.e se ec 1~. and went on to hand th e come early. fin.es at 3:15 p.rn. l1we11 l . 1tMC11o Time: t :M.4 CCII'" Tom ·Danley ci>pped l!oa¢h. Gau'.chos their .se'Venth slralght Saddle back was without the Villa Park will be trying n:-:1 bvtltrllY-l. MtwPOrt Herbor i. or tbe y~ laurels while Jkib . iosifhere Saturday night; 92-71. services of starting forward to clinch a second place "in Mlr•lt'll• :l. Sul'll"l'f HUii Tlmt: l:llA Sherwin, a guard averaging · Saddleback which ls now Randy Lawrence, who was ac-final hoop standings with a .uJG i.ck11ra11-1. SuMr Hllll 2. 24.2 in league' cOtnpeUUon. 8-19 during its first year of cidentally kicked in the calf win at Mission Viejo while '"~~.v=~~tt.J!.!':9~ \'.:.!,, grabbed player of the year basketba11, cJoses Out the in a game last week against San Clemente (7-t) and :t s_., HUii TlrM: 1:1'.J honors for the loop cha.Jpp10ns. season "l\tesday night against Southwestern and was unable Laguna Be.acb (2-11) are going Adi """''"' ,..,.._,. '"•'-v.,.. . to I trictl f ...... ~; 2. Mlr.lftte a. ~ TlrM: l:Sl.I Aloot:•"" L1Ae u1 the Cal : Western Frosh at pay. s Y or .,. ...... ge. <c•P ncant1 l"la-,w, SO:,."' T""'Ht. t........... Mission Viejo High School. !---'--------------'---'---------------· s1wm. e re. M Sr. '°·' Marc Hardy, Bill Noon and Grlm'llfOCICI. L• Alaml1<11 '"' Jr. lJ.~ HaJ. Boyd scored 25, 17 and Albtf'tol, IC.lfell• J.IG Jr. 11.J W•IT!lll. .s.c111letl9<k .M sr. 11 14 points for the Gauchos, si.w111, K!iteU. .s.11 Sr. 2•.t d ch ~ T••'" but they coul n't mat San H~ v11tnc1e u sr. 1•.~ Diego's balanced attack which kel~ llddlebeck Ml Sr. 11.J MOrrll, Sanor• .._. Jr. 11.1 saw all five KniRht starters ~.Et Der• '°'Sr. lo..& w•"nd upM _, __ _ Sod9rWrtr~• .r.1tm/1os '"1 lr, 11.0 ° · -fli;.;i' of t"9 Y•t-e~ .Sllefwi11. 'IHll._.dr 171) k~etl" ,.. ,,.T '"" Tl" C~ch of IM Ye1r-Tom Dt~lev. • ·aovd· • 6 • 14 klltlf!i, • Willie~ I 2l ' • Cee Basketball l'wnl-"t V1i.t 11') OJI C•h Met.a Hdlll't I•) F (11 Pu.C.U Hert I•) F UI lfl:Ok!.f,11 Ferrero (lr C l•l Archsr L.-0. (G) G !llJ At1tWr Ebl111 (SI G (l) MtVMi. scor1... 111111: Fwnt•in v111no-Br-.i f, l'M.......Gft"_,. J, kl111 2. ~-t. H1ltllme: F011fll11n V1!11!1 ,, (Dll1 Me,1 It H1rdv 11 ' 2J Me!'rlll 2 o o • Moon l l 111 S'"'1•an I 0 I 1 HftlOl'I 71 1 5 TDlllS 'll • 1J I~ 11 ""' ouwr Foc.11r EIH:tl , .. , .. rretl .. ~. "~~ ""'" Tot11i S.i!D .... (n ) . l'CJ PT PP TP 7 I I IS lt J l 'll 1:· ·! ; ~ ' • l 11 ') l 1 J • , • 1 I I I l G 0 1 0 .u1 1t n Pro Cage Standings "" t 1tkrn Dl'llile!I WM Lod Pct. S111ifHf B1tthnore 4 17 .7ll PM11drilllll1 •• 7'I .•n Hewvoi'll"-U 1l.1-11 BoslOll lf 16 .600 Cln<llln•lt :M 32 .JI~ Detroit 1' (I .3111 Mllw•Vll!!e 11 l5 .JU Wn'9r11 Olwlli.ii • '" • "~ ,, l}('J l DI Ant<e let .U 1( .6-42 - Alltnll l1 11 .'°9 7 Slfl ""MIKO :J1 15 .•11 11 $111 D~ 2t 21 A l l•V. (hlcqo " «I .lt' 11\li Se.ttle U •1 .llll 111~ Phoenl• 1• SJ .209 1'I S1lvni.v'1 Jln•lt1 Mllwtl.lk~ IOI, Detroit 107 S111 Dleto IOI. M9Jf YorK IQ.I Bo.ten 124. Pllofnlx 10(! Phli.delPl'lla ttt. $111 1'r11Klico 1n Onf'f M/l'Ol!i ICl'ledultd . s. .... n "-"' 81lllll'IDl"t 1:111. Clnelllllllll lot '°"!l..totl"""9 m, LOI Alltele1 12! Alla"'-122. &An Dltoo n Se.tti. 111. llollool 116 Mll'nuk .. JG7, Pllolnlx l03 Oni'f ''"'" ~ltd t•rt .. IMI ChleMo If Siii fl'flllltlKO Detroit C .B•ltirr'lort' Only .. /Ml acfleduted T--v'• .. -S.n Di-. •I Mll•1llk9 l"Melllx n. llOsttll 11 New Ylfk Atlen"' •t '°'" York SOfT SEU SAM ~11ti. 11 l os All9t'le1 ,ltl~I• 11 ClnclnNll Cl'llcno •I 5111 l'r111<lxo Onl1 119mq lchechlled ... E11ttr11 Dlvlll•n W°" &..11 Pct. •ih!IMll Ml1ml 11 2J ,55, - Mln'IH.011 JI 'Ir .UI kentu-c:lr., 71 '' .~ 1ncH1n1 JI :n .m N~ Ycrk IJ olO .Ml WMtotr.Dll'b'- Ollr.llnd Oenv-e• Nfw Orleloll!I D1ll11 LDi A111'Clel Hou11on 45 11 .I04 JA '' .JU JO 'lt .soi ll 1t .O J ,. " ,,11 11 31 .321 S1lllnllr'1 ltftull1 ken!u<lr.v 111. tnclll"I UI New Orie."' 139. Mtw Yortr. Ill 011r.i.nc1 101, Los A"lltifs n On!r t1mf!t schNuled SllfHllr'I I HUltt; Mlnnl!t0t1 llW, Olkl111d Ill Houslan Ill, Mtw Ytrtc 121 Ml1ml I", Oe<twr !Oil Onlr fl!N$ 1chedu~ T....,.I Gl- Olllr.land 11 D1lla1 Ml1ml 11 liou1ton Onlr l lP'l'MIS 1e!leduled T9111hon 0.lllft Olkllnd 11 New Yorll Htw OflHllJ •I Denvtt M1*11'11 11 llldlllll ~ M IMI idloedulecl • '" '" " " "" "" 11'.'o "" By Ma"ln Myen VUrMpioyN,Elf . COM EN oli I =:::l:::f::\=:::"':::==,_j-1~ ·~ /¥P I tEAYE Nl LAJT ~? Ml.L IT MU JORT (¥'" A /'!Oblr/8 Rl//'16' A CWT ~ SAOl-T.'' -~nne111 AUT8..CENTER ls that t : under the hood the generator? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. And ·maybe it's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of timelnf:~"Jr (and a lot ofyour money), trying to find out. Drive into Penneys Au to Diagnostic Testing Center. In less than one hour, we put your car through a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint 'ny existing problems -and warn of potential ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission. Electrical and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tallplpe. You watch the results come out on ari electronic typewriter. A skilled diagnostician goes over the report with you. If you wish, he'll g Ive you an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems now, before they develop into big problems costing big money. And, If you wish, Penneys will makethe repalnt- qulckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could prevent a needless highway breakdown. II you prefer, you can take the report anywhere you like. Charge Ill The cost? Only 9.8.8~ Pretty reasonable for an analylt, th.-daYI- NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) • • • Luuen (II), Ind 1kmn1 111111 (31). Tho vlctorlaua .. tr.eslyle team traveled the -In • lllaby 2:11.1. The oquad Included John Wlkox, ~ay· Farrer, Kevin Albe, Rlct Seydel', Jim 8lDllb and Kevln Clarles. Wilcox, Farrer, Albe and Smith allo ...... lor the champion ae butt erfly founome, Tbelr lllDe Wll a neat 1:$1.1. No o4ller area ldlool bad a top-· allholOib -' cla battly, mlued; "tClllllnC In foortll ' -throe llmei; once In the Cee -and twice in the Bee - Bee B'asketball • • • 1 ' ~I ' f ' ' Admiring Big Cod AUTO CENTER WHEEL ~~~ALIGNMENT f-Wheels wobble? Car wandoriftg? Get our front end alignment to: • Correct camber, caster and foe.In a Eliminate whoo! pull • PrOlong Hro "file ·~to'°" SERVICE SPEC .IAL YOUR . CHOICE 1-2-3 Ll$E SPECIAL HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: • • Oil change (5 quarll H.D.) • Now off '""' r 5.88' most cars HUNTINGTON BEA~H (Hun,tington Center) -, ' l I l I I l l l I I - I I ,, JI DM. y l'!l.DT -· ...... , 24, t• • . , Last Day of Mi d wihters By ALMON LOCL\BEY ... _ ~ ...... .., ...... Fish Harbor, LOI Ao&eles Yacht Club'• home on Terminal Island. ruembled nothing shot! of • diluter area Sunday 11 yachts limped In from the final race of the Southern California YachUng Association Midwinter Regat- ta. One boat WU sunk and ll least four othen aJ.RDUUd before the catutrophlc day wu over. LA YC was the only one ol the seven bolting yacbt clubs which scheduled races as usual in the teeth ct ~knot wi.Dds and mountainoul· gear- bustlng seas. WORST ACCIDENT The wont accident was tbe coJlfJi<lo of two Cal-411 4)00Jl'I outside the Long Beach en- trance. One of the boats WU slammed against the briakwatu and sunk u a Coast Guard beUcopter pluck· cd the seven crewmen from the sinking vessel. Two or them were hospitalized 1:ith injuries. The accident happened when the boats poked their bows outside the Long Beach en· trance on a beat to the en- trance bell buoy a hall mile oot. Dimwted in the collision was Argonaut, owned and "' skippered by Mort Andron of Santa Barbara Yaclrt Club. No one aboard was injured. But the Windhover, owned by Tmef Greene of Calllorni& Yacht Club wu thrown out of eootrol because of other gear failures . and slammed against the rocks where it started breaking up in seas that were breaking <1ver the breakwater. The two injured crewmen were identified as Robert Taylor and Robert Levin. YACHT DISMASTED Alta mar, a 46-foot Cal-32 sloop owned and skippered by Jay Jones of Los Angeles Yacht Club was dismasted in the heavy going but no one was injured. It was the second time Altamar has lost her stick in 13 months. - The aluminum' mast on Al Martin's L-60 Sumatra looked like a giant piece of spaghetti when the yacht limped back to Fish Harbor .after being dismasled near the Long Beach entrance. 1bere were rePorlJ that a PC and a Star boat were dismasted, but no one ln the PC class knew of such a mishap. The dismasted Star was not identified. A crewman on B i 11 Ravenscroft 's Cal-48 * * * CYC Sailor Winner in Power Races 8AD DAY AT FISH HARBOR -Aluminum mast on tJ Martln's Lapworth-M Sumatra looks like giant ipaghet!l alter it came crashing down In stormy seas during final race of , :~win/ Regatta. Sumatra w,as one of four boats dismasted. Another was s~ Malaguena, Santa Barbara Jr., SDYC. (5) Green Fiash, Ben Mitchell, YC, was knocked unconscious ~5 (20) -(I) Supu Log, ABYC. when he was struck by a J. Hobson, CBYC; ~I) Vyn- jibing boom. The crewman jammer, Surtas & ·Vickland, was taken to a hospital by Palo Alto YC; (3) Tom the a m b u 1 a n c e after lbe Cheap, H. Downlq, SBYC. Malaguena returned to port. CORONAD0-15 (29) -(1) Mirage, B. PurctlJ.. North GEAR FAILURES Belfast Ireland YC ; '(2) tJe Gear failures kn o c k e d between Torqula Tardon, R. several other boat& out of the Martbl, MBYC, and Sllppery ract, but most or tbemclr ~.om. WMQ Wet, J. Linlky, WYC. pleted the ll·mile cw .. 1 VICTORY (11) -Canuck, third of which Was sailed H. Fuch.sl.ock, WYC; (2) outside the breakwater. Hydra, R. Walker, OYC; (2) Besides the wind and break-Ailsa, 1v,-w. Muldoon, KHYC. ing seas, the fleet was pelted SMALL BOAT ARB. (8) - with driving rain that felt like (1) Sal1ejiiieda1, W •• Hartman, pellets being hurled in the SI BYC; (2) tie between No faces of skippers and crews. Name. M. Lenem.an, SMYC, Every boat started the race and Fan Sea, J. Ealen.ui, w!th reefed mains'ls and small CBYC. ' " heads'ls. P-CAT (20 ) -(.I) Copy Cat, The skipper of one medium Bob Baker , CBYC; (2) siie: boat told of dousing sails PaciUcus, Paul Allen, BCYC; and running before the wind (3) Loti, E. Thornburg , at Uve knots under bare poles. CBYC. '!be crew would hoist sails TORNADO (I) -(I) Tie again when the boat came between Sokitoum, B. Stewart, on the wind. CBYC; and Force 10, It The first two days of ~""Jewett, ~YC; (3) lie among regatta were without incident. l>ay Tripper, K. Rolkopf, Large yachts at LAYC started CYC; Sand Piper, J. Neale, the action Friday and got in SDYC, and ~' Lynn a brisk sail under moderate Kauffold, KHYC. weather conditions. All seve n MULTI-HUIL ~-(14) - yacht clubs joined in the ex-(1) No Name. D. tstael, MYC; travaganza on Saturday when (2) Switch Blade, Nell ~arvey, 1,008 yachts turned·* up for SBYC; (3) Backlash, T . starts under ideal sailing con· Taylor, CBYC. diti ill6. P-28 (5) -l I) Tie between This meant that" all of the Second Love, J. Frost, CBYC, seven participating clubs, ex-and Galatea, E. Tabo~ CBYC. cept LAYC got. in only one TEMPE ST (!2) ( 1 ) d f ·ng Mo.st of them Sukoskl, M. Hannon, SCCYC; ay o rac1 • (2) Sunset Express, E • scheduled two r&Cf:' on Satur-Kobtich, SCYC; (3) Fair day. Elaine, P. fi.1athison, SFVYC. LARGEST TURNOUT Alamitos · Bay Yacht Club had the largest turnout with 273 entries; LAYC had 176, Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, 164; Seal Beach Yacht Club, 140; Long Beach Yacht Club, 145; Little Ships Fleet, ~. and Huntington H a r b o u r Alamitos Bay Yacht Club SOLING (22 ) ( I ) Greyhound, Burke Sawyer, NKYC; (2) Koki, Wade Hill, CYC; (3) Bellwether, Tom Plctanl, LBYC; (I) En Passanl, Bob Andre, SDYC; FL YING DUTCHMAN (I I) -(1) Super Mongoose , Martinez & McDoo Hoc, WYC; 12) No. 128, Jim Al~ CSC; (3) Disaster, Stan Teel, ABYC. INT. II (27) -(I I White Tornado, Roger Welsh, VYC; (2) Happy Warrior, Baird Bardarson, Corinthian YC, SeaWe: (3) Brltannla, Dick Rose, CYC, Seattle. FINN (20) -(1) Luftmeister, Fred Miller Jr., SSSC; (21 Zig-Zag, Larry Porler, KHYC; (2) Petunia, Lou Nady, CSC Berkeley. SNIPE (38) -(l) No. 17388, Jeff Lenhart, SDYC; (2) Blivit, Argyle Clmpbell, BYC; (3) No. 17397, Robert Maw , SDYC. NATIONAL (9) -( I ) Lemon Twist, Bill Crane, ABYC; (I) Brlgatta, Clyde Ellerman, ABYC; (3) Rustler, Alben Reid, ABYC. FLYING JR. (14) -(I) Psyche Ill, Bob McNeil, LAYC; (2) Finesse, Mary Griffith, LAYC; (3) lnsomnia, Jim Barber, LA YC. OK DINGHY (2') -(I) Ferdydurkey, Chris Boome, ST.-FYC; (2) Panic I, E. Kim· ball, ABYC; (3) No. 6.10, Steve Taschi, Inverness YC. SABOT A (25) -II) Birch Bark, Jack Klein, ABYC ; (2) Snoopy, Kurt Wiese, BYC; (3) Cutty Sark, Curt Olson, CYC. SABOT B (41) -(l) No. 6058, Robert Bush, L&:; (2) M.ustard, Melvin Wells, CYC; (3) Super Sabot, Scott Soble, ABYC. SA'l!OTIER (8) -ill The Roach, Rick Horn, ABYC; (2) Black II, Betsy Black, ABYC. LIDO-HA (t5) -( I) Frenzie, Don Wiese, BYC; (2) Femurs, Merlin G a y m a n , ABYC; (3) Viva Gib Marshall, ABYC. Bob Welsh's Shipmates £rom Yacht Club, 25. California Yacht Club was the Burke Sawyer of Newport Turns Into · , Catastroph ~- !J ..... SIMIBar-. __ :_j ' WlljDW Al\D SAl!O'I' n~'ll Squlml Coce. T.-· LeweCi<. CYC; (I) 'lbe Great Pumpkin, R. Hood, KHYC; (I) Super ~. M. Helped, KHYC. Loa Aqelel Y-aafl lies111ta DOI avallable. Will be Plbllshed later. Sealah 3 Returned; Tests :Due . LONG BEACH (AP) Seafab ~ wu. railed to the llirf-'l'uoodioy IJld uperta aid Ila 1.W cooJd be re~', But here wu no word ... 11'.ben tho -· ~ l""'i"am, held up by , the fatal heart attack it an a(iuanaut, would be resumed. GOOD DAY OFF POINT FERMIN -Yachtsmen in SCYA Midwinter Regatta enjoyed one good day ol sailing Saturday as weatherman smiled and spinnak· en blossomed. 1 Navy spokesmen said much would depend on tests now being made on the body of diver-engineer ~erry L. Can· non, 33, stricken P.fonday as he was trying to enter lhe underwater habitat to plug the leaks. LIDO-HB (15) -(I) Lov 'a Pete, Peter Gantz:, ABYC; (2) Eslralllta, Don Bracken- bury, ABYC; (31 White Wash , Frank White, ABYC. IJttle Sbfpt Fleet CAL-20X (11) -(I) Spirit, M. McNaughton, ABYC; (2) SenUmental Sam, Jim Martin, HHYC; (3) Chicken Noodle Soup, Allen Hughes J r . , HHYC. CAJ,.20 (26) -(I) Hustler, Art Glasier, ABYC; (2) Brisk II, Paul Merrill Jr., ABYC; (3) Mar Vaca, Paul Merrill Sr., ABYC. COLUMBIA-22 (11) -(I) No. 814, Archer Pratt, ABYC; (2) Savoir Faire, Rick Adams, SI BYC; (3) Novis, Dick Lowman, SI BYC. SANTANA-22 (ti) -(I} Valiente, BUI Heintz, LBYC ; (2) Brigadoon, Arthur Knox , HHYC; (3) Suzann, Le oc Sheridan, SMYC. VENTURE-2t (8) -(t) No. 29, Edward Walsh, SFVYC; (2) lmpulse Three, Bi 11 Hai sman, SFVYC. Y FLYER (I) -(I) Flying Wye, Harry McKinney Jr., soYc:· 12> Dipplty noo, Harry McKinney III, Coronado YC; (3) Clndet, Rlchard Zwaschta, PVSA DAY SAILER (t6) -II) Quiver, Harold Lee, FYC ; (2) Mucho Gusto, Mike Dunmire, SFVSC; (3) Wlndsong, Lewis Wagoner, FYC. Long Beach Yacht Club CATS (Over 24 Ft.I (!) - (I) !ml Loa, Vic Stern, SI BYC; (2) Makal, M. T. Colich, CYC: (3) Toru, Tom Sauter, SBYC. CAL-23 (13) -(I) Puff, Glenn Thol]l', SMYC; (2) Flyaway, C. Manning, CBYC; (3) Conge, J. Grubbs, CYC. ENDEAVOR (11) -(I) Stormy, J. Amies, VYC; (2) Deuce. J. M. Owen, BCYC; !3) Aphrodite, Bill Langjahr, sssc. CAJ,.25 !23) -(I) Sea- quasious, C. RosteUo, LBYC; (2) Retreat, R. A. Smith, PMYC; (3) Puller, R. L. Palmer, CBYC. SANTANA-27 (8) -(I) Aloha II, G. Retd, SSSC; (2) tie between Anita, J. Beery, PMYC, and Blue Chip, W. A. Corbett, SDYC. CAL-24 (6) -(!) Ginger If, D. Johnson, CBYC; (2) Ma Jolie, Peter Ebeling, CBYC. GLADIATOR (I) -(ti Felez, D. JessuS!, BYC; (2) Spartacus, C. Humphrey, ABYC. T-BIRD (10) -(t) Tatoa, R. H. . Simpson, SDYC; (2) Bravo, J. N. Ofria, WYC; (3) Terrt.ita, G. ~. WYC. CAL 2-24 (7) -Results not reported. RHODES-19 (!!) -(I) Salt Shaker, W. Bauer, SFVSC; (2) Dulcinea, M. McDougle , SFYC; (3) Great Pumpkin, F. H. Gledtk, SFVSC. LUDERS-16 (10) -(I) Kildee, Ben Hromadka, LYC; (2) 1.ephyr,.·A. M. Warner, CBYC; (3) Witxlsong, W. Fundenberg, NHYC. CHALLENGER ( 9 I .Resulta under protest. Seal Buch Yacht Club ERICSON·23 (8) -01 The Fox, Jay Tharp Jr., KHYC; (2) Andlamo, Dick Elliott, KHYC; (3) Baggy I, Robert Badgley, SBYRC COLUMBIA-26 (!) -(I) Westward, W. M. Martin, WCYC ; (2) Skinny Dipper, Don Wilson, SCCYC; (3) Therapy, A. Youngerman, SI BYC. NEWPORT.JO (9) -(I) Sea Chase ti, Chet & Bill Gall, St BYC; (2) Nova II, John Jordon, KHYC; (3) Wild Wood, James Wood, SI BYC. C 0 L TJM BI A SABRE- ERICSON-32 (5) -(t 0) Damare, David RoSs, WYC; (2) Luna, Roscoe White, SMYC. MORF (8) -(I) Goldilocks, Eddie Arnold, BCYC; (2) Redon, Rex Bender, VYC; (3) Gold D.lst, Henry ~field, ABYC. - S OHOONERS, Kf:l'CllES, YAWL'! (PHRF') (19) -(I) Saliy Dog, Walter Pregler, LSF; (2) Manu Tai, Stan Llebennan, DRYC; ( 3) A Navy spokesman said lily decision on resuming the pro- ject which calls for five nine- man teams to spend 12 days each living and working at a depth of more Pian eoo feet,. would come from W8!hlngton, where an Inquiry is under way. The spokesman :'!laid recovery or the 'ro-toot-long habitat from its site on the ocean Door off nearby San Clemente Island required nine hours. Examination on the surface showed the Sealab, pressuriz- ed 19 times normal to resist ocean preuurei, was leaking air ariJund ·holes where power and communleation J I n e s entered the hull. The spokesman said the leaks would he plugged by re-packing the boles · wltl'I: a paste that solldifies In water. ~""· Wbttney Collins, Woman Plans PHRF A (24) -(I), Whimsey, Milt Handman, p~ if" Fli ht CYC; (2) Gosling, Skip Elliott, aC IC g NHYC; (3) Sin Miedo, Jack COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) _ Phillips, LBYC. Mrs. Jerrie Mock, the flying PHRF B (2I) -(I ) housewife. has announced · Maestro, D. L. Armstrong, plaN to Oy to an Island north SBYC; (2) Contagious, Leo of Australia in April. George, WCYC; (3) Bay Bee, tf the trip to New Ireland is Lee Thompson, ABYC. successful, Mrs. Mock will be- PHRF C (18) -(1) No cOme the first woman to fly Name IV, Ed Feo, Jr., ABYC; the Pacific solo both ways. (2) Graciela, Bev Fredendall, She has flown here from Ha- CBYC; (3) Patina, Robert wail. White, SSSC. Jp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Huntlncton Harbour Yadlt Clab KITE -(1) Duke, John Daigh, NHYC; (2) 7-11, C. Williams, BCYC; (3) Leakin ~ Injured Racer at Head Of Power Standings SAFECO INSURANCE all d Cl B · Harbor Yacht Club won the over an ass wmner Dave Shane. a Los Angeles Beach. Darrell Jenkins of Jn the Midwinter predicted log Olympic Class Trophy at restaurant <1wner who spent Bakersfield is seC<lnd. April 26-27 for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your F.eimily Auto In su rance race for power cruisers held Alamitos Bay Yacht Club by 40 T p B D three months in a hospita l Saturday out of Long Beach winning the Soling Class with op ower oaters ue last year to heal a shattered Next event on the POPBRA Yacht Club. 22 entries. '11te trophy goes left leg, heads the Pacific schedule is the race from \Velsh had a low total error to the largest Olympic Class. Offshore Power Boat Racing Long Beach to Ensenada of ..589 percent. His win gave The Soling was rec e nt 1 Y A•·oc· t'o • fi t · t ta M h ~ H. hU h · I h fl lnvlta"o•• have he-l••"ed "We naturally hope '"at measures, but the 14·18 fool ..., ia 1 n s irs J>0111 s n-arc .<.4. 1g g t of the him the Bobr1ck Trophy. selected as one o t e ve "' ..., ..... ...,,,. "'' dings bulletin of 1969. J There were 29 entries in Olympic classes. to a select group of 40 leading everyone we have selected wllJ boats are still expected to Shane, 3J, injured in an ear· year's racing will be the Long ihe Z1 mile race which Following are the winners power boat racers !or the be able to compete in our hit speeds of over 80 miles per Jy 1968 offshore event, earned Beach Hennessy Cup classic covered a course fl'Opl the in the various classes: April 26-27 fint aMual World race," said Zytes, and that's hour in the three-quarter mile 400 points toward the Casale Aug. 22. Loog Btacb Breakwater to the Invitational Marathon cham· why we've malled Invitations slralghtaways. The en t Ire Perpetual Trophy by driving Current standings: (1) Dave Pl Fermin Buoy and finiahing Cabrtllo Beacll pionshlps at Long Beach so early. We'll issue new invi-course will be In view of the hi! Swinger II Thunderbird Shane, Los Angeles, 4 o o at Huntington Beach. Yacltt Chb Marini Stadtum. tatiom. U necessary, to get spectato~ along either side to victory this mmth in the points; (2) Dami Jenkins, Class A wlMer wu Bob GEARY·ll (11) -(I) Nug "Our committee selected the the best po5Sible entry lists." o( the Long Beach facility. first Long Beach. Catalina Bakenfield, 300; Bill Cooper, Hubba.rd of Hunt In Ito n gett, G. Gordon, SBYC: (2) pe<>ple to invite on the basis Marathon races tradltlonaJ\y Ticket prices and details Island Cruise. Marina del Rey, 225 ; (4) Peter Harbour Yacht Club in Kimo Marauder, K. Nuh, CBYC; of past experience and success are held on large, wlde-<>pen have not been determined, ac-Defending POPBRA cham-Rothschild, Newport. Beach, III with an error of 1.007, (3) tie betWeen Ravager, J. In marathon and closed course bodies of water such as Lake cording to Zlkes but in· pion Bill Cooper or Marina 169; (15) Ed De.Long Jr., The Class A winner takes Hamilton, SBSC, and Con-racing," said Mel Zikes, pro-Havasu <1r Parker. Ariz. The formation can be obtained by del Rey is third in the stan· Burbank, 127: (6) Robert home the Brittain Trophy. fusion, D. Schibler, MBYC. moter of the event in coopera-Long Beach event will mark writlng Matathon, 666 E. dings, according to the list Brandt, Los Angeles, 91; (7) R.unner'Hlp in Class B Wert: THlsTLE (11) -Golda R, tion with the Los Angeles the first time the big high-Ocean Blvd., Suite 1108, Long compiled by the association Nick Douglas, Long Beach, John Dillon's Okobo11"1 ~Yb EverJ!tt Ross, BYC: (2) tie Speedboat Club. powered speedboats have ever Beach. Calif. 90802. president Sandy Kemp, Long 71 : (8) W.rs. Robert Carson Shark laland Yacht Cub, wit between Lively Lady, J . Tu·o separate three-hour en-tangled in a closed course,.,; r;i;;;;i;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;~~;;ii~~;;.;~;;,;111~S~a~nt~a~~~fo~n1~c~a,i;;S3~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;J an error ol J.191, and Calvin Brown, CB Y C, a n d duros are involved -an event stadium convenient to a large II Reed's Intermission, HHYC, Shenanigan, R. Van.st Ries1. for 20 outboard racers Satur· number of fans. I See by Today's l.~d in Class A waa Fred SSSC. day April 26 beginning at I Fields for the two races Woodwll'Ci's Ronjumar 11 . MERCURY (!) -(I} Ra-p.m.; and another the next have been limited to 21J boats Wan! Ads Beach YC 1 063 and diant, J, Nerdrum, Ventura day for the inboard.!i, also and Le~1ans-type starts will for'69 Bob Paley an d Auocfatn INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 ~ wu Polona~. SkiPperect YC; (2) Tilt, G. Patter.ton, stating at 1 p.m. be employed u safety 111ace M lfi!YC CBYC; (I) Lollipop, S. Harris,1--....:..-..:... ____________ _ ~~-~:;·the ~ S~: 110 (I) -(I) Amw, ••• , '' ••••••• • Cute ContinentaJ: Giw your wile all the snob aJ>- peaJ ln the world with this 1962 Continental, alr ~ diUoning, and an the ex- tnu. in aood condition, for suoo. it's IDEAL LEASE TIME wu -In the l!Pt JllR8d Charles Rodgers, SDYC; (I) • ....... \ ""'...;... NO ANSWll • of • to J.034 for the lint tie betwen I.Inf, J . Black, NO <1a1n piiJl;;ibol;;;;;;;IL;;;;;;;=====SD;;;Y;;;C ;;;and;:;;;;N;;;ufani,;;;;;i;. ;;;Al=Frost;;;i.J • ..._ -. • • • -I • DELTA SUPER QUALI TY Tires Cost Less! e COMPUTI UNI AY.ilLAIU e W!Dt!' OVA.LS CS-,...,IM•l -SUPElt l"ltEMIUM -POLYESTElt ltA.01.ll 5POltT$ - • U.HO 11\JGGY -CAMl"E, \PECIA.L.-\ -.. AU ,s1z1: TlttJ(I( TlltEl. IANU.MlllCAID MAJTll CHAl•I BERG'S DEL TA TllES 2tt1 WUT IM. U WTA ANA -141..... • 141E.17tli St.• Costa M--'MA010 °'' ......... ..,. • • What'1~ • • probkm? • • 1Pe've1011M • _, • • •-. • • • IW .OI · · • ••••••••••••• • , • Aisle of Joy: H~lp iUJde the brides In )'OW' job u Bridal Consultanc. Par1 time to start, SJ.00 ho\lr. You mtt~I bf' ,,·~u groomed and drh·e. e Dashing DogtH: D o g aroornlng shop, spec.ialll- lng in croomtrw poodles, with highest artistic work. and un!Nl'p&SSed creative 11obl1U,y. PlenQr of love and tender c~ tor your Utile .... ._ Now! Exd--EIK--._;;: C.r Loa"°" The Idell loaM JS the ... that P'es you comp""8 protection from lplQ.llltion on tht future of thli Uled cer malbt. Wllhourexduslw looM, It Iha ond of 24 - If th9 male Vllue of )'OUr car'ls hllf't-ttle profit 11 yours. On the other hand, If there's a k>u, we absorb tt For complttt details, call £.x.cutiw today. EX E:CU'I'IVE · CAR LEA.BING C O MP.ANY9 2202 E11t Is+ Street, Senta An. ,,,...,_ Kl 7 3011 ,,..,_ ST J.1211 " DL 4-5000 .. . ~·· .......... _ ... " ~~ONOA'r ,. l I • ! I ! . i---- ' '· TUESDA Y • JOB PRINTING (41t1M) '49 -ltfblll $1tlhfYC\ Wtndlll Cof'Y. e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Q111t llt'( ,rilllflnt tl'l4 Otp•ll4't\l1 St,...lct fir "'',. Hitt • O.trftr tf • C1nt11ry. ,,. Dl1 WIST IAUOA ll.-YI. , NIWPOIT IUCH STEVE ROPER rkw THE 6tRL FAILS 70 ~A/'F£<R AFTtRA ~~PEOllT:' $TEVE 1 HAS DMD ,., 10 RESCUE HER! WILL! YCIU'i.t. BEGIN TO GET THE ID(A (M fOLLOWUtl )'()U,MISS/ GORDO WHA~s T!/15 PILL THEY'~ )JJ. TAL.J(1Ne A50tJ1, °""r MISS PEACH . ' ® -·~ ·'~-··~ • • •• I..• I Wl>&AN a=JCAL. ENGINEER! YOU AN ELECTRJCAL. ENGINEER? . . ... MAJtC/A . MASO~l'S '13EAUT~ tourtsE" WISI-/ TO llE" ? 1..0 vEL. '1 . /tAA/IUtt'> iEAVTY Hl/>ITS U.tl MA\IE Yti> THI< &tf-L OF 'fOVlt-,l>U/\"'f, • .. . . .... . . .. -, ... · ,. ,,.., ... ' By Ferd Johnson t l KNEW ITWOULDN1t { Bo A CA8tNl'T LEVEL l'OST, BUT AFTSF<. --' /' AL~"ll-IOSE G!UIOSTIONNA IRES ) i i"XPECTSD 5oMcTl11NG··· By Al Smith NOW l'L.L. .GO SEE IFI CAN O\JRN 'EM ON FORR.M.N. By Gus Arriola • . ' 'I): Mef ADMIRATION -Arlene Golonka and Buddy· Fost- er are infatuated with a pooch he hopes to own, on tonight's episode of "Mayberry R.F.D." at 9 p.m. on Channel 2. Regulars on the series are Ken Berry, Frances Bavier, Jack Dodson and Glenn Ash. TELEVISION VIEWS No Messages, Just Jokes By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The thing I per>onally prefer in show business entertainm~nt -whether movies, television or the stage -is amusement. Puerile messages by juveniles who have just dis- covered lhat the world is not perfect bore me. l sympathize with the producer who suggested that if be wanted a message, he would send for West- ern Uniop. Comedy" is my first love in the arts. Al!hough many of the· foremost comedians are difficult and sometimes neurotic in private life, I am enraptur- ed by them onslage. In watching almost any tele- vision, stage or nigbtclµb show, I am impatient ~ til the comedian comes on. The gift of laughter 15 incomparable. I think it is perfet1/Y logical and right that Nell Simon is probably richer than Ed- ward Albee and Harold Pinter. AS AN ADMIRER of comedians, ii has been in- teresting to note the impact of Rowan and Martin, and the Smothers Brothers, in an area other ijlan that of their racy and often controverstal t.elevts- ion humor. Forget their rnesaages~ for a moment. For what they have done for sboW business is to help bring back one of the most enjoyable tfpes ·of acts the entertainment world can offer : the comedy team. Years ago, sh~~ business was flooded with great comedy teams : the Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy, the •iµtli ·B!l>thers; •Dean Martin ... n d Jerry Lewis, Ab~ ;md Costello, George Burns and. Gracie Allen, and on and on. In recent years, though many minor teams appeared, very, very Jew top ones emerged to blockbuster status. Perhaps ·the single ~ajor exception in televis- ion was the partnership of Jackie Gleason and Art Carney, who ;__ for years now -have proved them·. selves to be one of the truly great comedy teams in the history of American show business. The prob- lem, however, 'is that they are only together now and then on Gleason's series. And when Carney is not there, the series at once becomes just another variety program, despite Gleason's undeniable tal- ent.s. ROWAN AND MARTIN and the Smothers Brothers are, however, on every week , and have shown th.at they Can sustain themselves so that the auctiep.ce attraction remains at a hjgh level. And as for the m.essages, although my own favorite comedy is.lowbrow, I try to remind myself of what George Bemard1 Shaw once said when asked hOW he wrote: He said he tried to think of the utmoot thing to say, and lhen tried to saY "it with the ut- most levity. · · Well, as ·1 say, I try to remind myself. But In my heart, 1 would rather pass up almost anything on the stage except "Cyrano" in order to hear Phil Silvers. Joey Faye and Jack Albertson sing, "If you wanna be the top banana, you've got to start at the bottom of the bunch." Veteran televiewers must have got a special kick Sunday night in 'vatching Hefschel ·Bernardi perform numbers from hi s Broadway musical suc- cess, "Zorba," on CBS-TV's Ed Sullivan Show. AS ANY FAITHFUL video viewer knows , Ber- nardi was the sytnpathetic police officer of the old "Peter Gunn'~ series, and bas done counUes1 other things on the home tube, including even a dellihtful tuna-fish commercial. Which is si>me kind ol ver- satility, considering the fact that he has also starred tn '1Fiddler on.the Roof." Detanis the Menace I l J l I \ I .. I • ' -- Jt Mll.Y l'IUIT • ·- Fine Perl ormances Flavor Mwwestern Dra~ 'P~nic' . . . BJ TOM Tm.JS ... Dtllr '"""' 519W Arnone the most definitive thtatrical depictions of rural, Midwestern A m e r i c a is William Inge's "Picnic," a llory which tastes the flavor of itJ Wne and finds It not loo dlst.nt from our own. As presented by t h e "l'ICJOC" A dram1 lw WUllllnt 1-. •ir.ctN Irr LM He•t•ibedc. Mt dHfm "'° .oi. ..._ _,. .... '""''"" ..., Gwtf Grtold; -IN bv trl9 Fvllifrt.11 FIDl'li.tfln. Frid.In •""' S.iuro.n "'""'9fl "'9rdl ...... ~Ill' (.,lw. 11' a-Vitt• Dttw. !"in. """'· THO CAST Hit C.r .. r . . . .••... &ltt W•rrw• M9diM OWMI.. . ..... "'-rv l yM IM• Miiiis-Owens ....... M9<C.ltt Gl'tefMOOd R_.,..ry Sidney .•..•..... J ... 0-.. At.n .se.,.maur ....••• , ...•. 111:....,. Katn9 Flo C>wtns ...••••.•..•••.. C•l'OI MwMv Helt!n Potts .•..••.•.... H1rri.t D&~ 11ow1rd 111'¥1111~····· •..•. 11111 ,._.,. Irma Krtlnlllfe , . , . 011"' 1111 Christi,,. Sl!oenwllofl!• .. Jin L-1"'°" Bomber .. , • , ..... , . . . . . . Geoff Gl'MCI Fullerton FooUighters, this romantic drama takes special pains with mood and at- mosphere, adopting a leisurely pace which, though sometimes • little too lackadaisical, nevertheless achieves the pro- per spirit for it.s balanced blend of the comic and the dramatic. s~ by some excellent performances in the m a j o r roles, "Picnic'' becomes a most appealinc production, limited .~ .it. ia J>y ,1the dimensions of . the t 1 n y Ful l erton staa:e. Lee Aollenbeck, who m o u n t e d Fullerton's 1 96 a highlight, "Night of the Iguana,·• has staged the Inge drama with an eye toward maximum utilization or av a i I ab I e facilitles .. The Fullerton offering cap- tutes the rustic air of a small Kansas town with its excellent use of the dramatic pause, never being cou:ed i n t o speeding the tempo if a scene should be lagging. It does, however, show a disturbing deficiency in the ensemble , DAtLY PIL.OT fJd.,._ Slae's Best Act ress . Patty Brodenck of •the San Clemente . Coriimunity Theater accepts · the DAILY PILOT'S Distinguished Performance award ·as best actress of 1968 in o r:. ange County li~e theater for her performance in the title role Of ''The Heiress.'' Presenting the tro- phy is Tom Titus, DAILY PILOT .entertainment editor. Crossword P111.Zle At RO~ 44 Shak~ Speltt, 1 l ac.hklt JOr one part 4& A1:1stt&li•n 4 ll,ely ctovH fera danc• 47 Strip of ' R•Uglon ~' conc rtlt 111an 49 UodfrSUINI 114 Labar gfallp: 50 Hue's ..... _ .. -lS PJ1ce af 51 FMale · enttrt.&in· suff1r: "flit 52 Feline I• Fart-: 54 Soundfd l'lnnJpeg's resutAnllf old n1111t: 58 Poss•sses 17 UnMltt: l.O Deface 2 words lril L '9ht 19 BecoMe phe~ 1111 Wini '2 l ortH 20 lte111 on In ae11ls th• wolt •4 Tendiag schedule to repellt 21 Prior to '6 -Pllt, 2Z Plus Calif. 2J Long.end or N.J. ..... 1 l 7 Negatl,t 24 l t•tlwt· ft,,, •M's wd '8 Ldtet 2' a lld Olttl ,, P•sl!ed 29 E:rcln•Uol 71 ArldltJ ~1 Amffku 71 ••• or kHll• fr1tlftll 2 H•r: ""' C..b. .... "'1 Tille of rttpect )6 PMIONled •t the l •t 31 S1or11i ... , ..... 1 3'I Stuct 41 Alrllnt ' pilot's concern •3 Gift In a ~ng oo n l Ceft1T11ty 2 8151 word In Hawaii 3 l111p1r1er of 111otion °' Matlatot's concern 5 "·-Yo11 H1vin' Any Fun?" 2J24At 6 Si•ple JS ProteicU.e •1chint cover 7 oorressitt J7 Growl 8 Re atlng to 40 "You 111ost a SO\l'CI' br ---1 .. cf origin 4Z Ti•b« ' -Callfl!lt deuiy: l a Vffflote• 2 wo rds 11 ••Srfta 45 ••Mr or a Hearts,# ccllqe .e.g.: 2 Wonfs te• Jt Mtal SU. 48 l l'llbW of I 13 Martk1I · 111o1slc1f eliala J'OlltJ 11 -Ptoduee-Sl I USkll mte 24 Tiit Orit lt: 55 Kktleg's 2 •rds COtlllPllllOI: 25 Sab)l'tt of 56 New and a lease different 27 Kind of 57 European acid 59 Not bar1- 28 At4lraliart foottd wild dog 61 De~e JO Seed-•2 FNlll•" producing rival of tlant TCU 33 5h0t ill 6J P1rti1t: bllllards Co111b. IOl'll 34 Fully •S Befuddled, de•eloped 19 ScoG•d ' l .,--.,,,...,.,., --.,,,....,~ t 10 " 1 tJ " ' " », ~enes when ·the alim "bench 1!1nniih" of the -pany beginl to show. SUPERLATIVE "PlcnSc" ls most notable, from a paroch.ial standpoint, lot . the' .s uperlative performances delivered b7 a palr of Wel!!lt Orange County actors well known on the H~ tlngton Beach aiid Weslminster stages. Both BUrt Warner and Randy Keene 81' at their best In the Fullerton play. . w .-' pilyinfl tbe ltadlng rol'I: of the muscular arid egoUstlc drifter, Hal Carter, reaches several levels above bis past· perfbntiance1 to cap- ture the riaggffing, physical· ly doinlnatlng charicter who disrUpta the lives of thret women in a Kansu' family. Warner's later transiUons to ='~ .~ ~~1 ·:; ~Saleinian' in Crisi•'-. ~mplilhec!. Play;_i)g 'the tragic Willy Loman, Jack Davis (right) accosts Heath Park ·In an An eqUally super Io r emotional scene from "Qeath et ·a Sale11man.~' opening Friday for five week· perfom)ance JJ given by ~ary ends' at South Coast Repertof)''• Costa F-fesa theater~_ LyM Sbea 'u the"beautlffil~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~'--~-'-~-'-~~~~~~~-,-­. . , Madge who b tired to the point of deaperaUon from being known simply u "the pretty one." Miss Shea pro- jects a compelling picture of inner turmoil and serultivlty mi .she . lamenll that' "I ·look into. the mirror just to prove to my sell I'm alive." The ~oooishhh". Girl Actress Bares All in LA's 'Faustus' !"Jer !eserved,"1&.n~amorou.s suitor is given fult dimension by Keene, whose breakdown Jn the final act is done with gripping credulity. It is an emot\on'I reach ,which be handles moet'successfully. WGllLIGlll' Anii!her,. 111ghllghl or the 8how :~s :Jan D u n c ~P '.s praisew~y. portrayal m the f r u z_a t i;_ d old, maid ~~.· com:ed' from her ~., by liquor and desperately reluctant to re.- enter It. Young Mar ci a Greenwood ·gives a fine in· terpretation of the intellectual brat who is Madge's younger sister. Less Jmpre.ssive are Carol Mooney, as the biller and suspicious mother ; · Harri el Dasher as the neighbor who befriends Hal, and Bill Feeney as the schoolteacher's suitor, all of whom fill a bit short of the potential of their roles. Ef f ective In l es se r assignmenls are DiaDe Bass, Jan Lewinson and Geoff Gread. Despite a bit of opening n i II h t uneasiness -two characters arrived on stage before their "cars" stopped running -"Picnic" is a generally well staged and thoughtfully interpreted pro- duction. It continues Fridays and Saturdays for two more weekends at the Muckenthal~r Center, 119 Buena Vista Drive, Fullerton. Top Salary For Barbr a By BOB mOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP ) EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ..... ~~~ .._.._.... "8B;llET CEllEMCINY" I AOBERi MiicHUM I ~Fiix~~~ ~ S... Di1CO ,,_, ot Bristol • 546-2711 OPEN DAILY 6:00 P.M. Fri., Sat. & Sun. Open 12 Noon WALT DISNEY'S • ' Irvine Symphony • P,anning. ~noon Now jn .Iii ll\lrd year, the Sympl>oOy Orchtslra of tbe University ol Call(ornia at Irvine has sdleduled its sf>l'lnl concert for March i at . 7: 30 p.m. in the ' SCience Lecture Hall on campus. Ad· mission ii free. ' An lntuestlni varjely of worts, ranging from lhe tra- ditional to cootemporary com- po1iUons will be offered uDder the direction ol. Dr. Peter OdeganL The traditional fare ls res>- resented ~y ·. J. S. ·Bach's Brandenburg eo-rto # 1 and the ·liltlng Sdwbert Oc- ie~ Op, ' lit, !O< Clarine(, Frenc6 Horn, Bassoon and String Qqlqtet. ' ' The newer ilem.!i Include Arnold Schoenberg's Varia· lions, Op. 4.!K: The ·.or11¥ version, Op. ~. 118' writ-ten for concert bapd, but Schoenberg re-orchestrated the work when popularity brought many requests for an orchestra version. Another work, Symphonic Allegro, by Crawford Gates~ prolessor of music at Beloit College, Wl!., and conductor of the Beloit Symphony,· fol· lows accepted harmonic pat· terns but wilh a marked infwion of conte10porary or- chestral effects. Gates is a well-known composer of Mor- mon Church music, including ,....,. 7:00 .... 9:11 hotft 7:21 .. t.:40 \~ ; ... ,~ .... ... ALSO SHORTS Conti nuous Show FRI.· SAT.· SUN. FROM 2 P.M. tLKE GARY SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK CO BB PALANGE lHEYaMEM ROB :~ us ~ \'iMS _,i-_ 1 mOllUIDOlllll ...,iata....,.. from !he Boot al Mormonl re- corded by Ille Utah ~)'IDJl!loey. z.d;Top Act! .. Sllow "'40V.£l. VOtiK JEUMY KEMP -~~ STARTS WEDNESDAY 2 OS~ NATU~LS ~' .. • . VI ALSO-"'llST PICTUll + IUT ACTDl"-MY CllTICS ............ __ ! STARTS WEDNESDAY 11.IZAIETH TAYLOI MIA PAl lOW IDAIT MITCHIM zno MOSnL ST.UTS WEDNISDAY ~Mt!.,..,,.. ,,. • .,..., "the producers" ~ : ..... n.c~~ .. ...,. __ -.<"!!:. COlllPW -n1 SHOW ST Am 1:41 ITR·-- -PEGGY ASH:FClF I R<WElA EIROWN -Al.JO "CHARLIE, l'HE LONESOME COUGAR" C:ONT. SUN. FIOM 2 P.M. •UJit lt'========'il ... _.. 1 •TKllll CDUNI• I "COOGANS BLUFF" I ' . WID, THUU. MO~ •-TUU. SWISS FAMILY IDl lNSON·•:JO'I ,. ,, ... -cou•A• 1141 ,I I. SAT. SUN. SWiii PAWILY IDllNSON IJ:lM-7:41-11:10 CO~f4Mtlt·• t ill ~ow in Our Family: Family Weekly --... .- . . • " 'l i f 1· ,. I ' '' .. ' ' ' . • . • • • . I· i . . .... • -' .,..... __ . _ .. ' ' .. j Are You Letting Cash . .. \ Sli.P Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of ·These Things A DAILY PILOT '. f: • I< ' WA·NT-AD . Will Sell Fast! 1. Stove 29. 81cycl• 57. Electric Tr1in 2. Gultor 30 •. T~ter 58. Kitten 3. Bally <rib · ~1 . Bar Slools 59. Cl1ulc Auto · 4. liioctrlc • S1w :~ i\.: • • ! §1.', Enc-/clfpodi1 60. Colloo T1b1e S. C1mere 33. V1cvum ·Cle1ner 61. Motorcycle 6. Washer 34. Tropical Fish 62. Accordion 7. ·outbo!lrd Motor 35 •. Hot Rod Equlpm't 63. Skis 1. st-S.t 36. Fil• Cabinet 64. TV Set 9. Couch 37. Golf Clubs 65. Workbench 10. Clorlnet 38. Sterling s11 .. r · 66. Diamond Watch 11. Relrlgerelqr . 39 •. V1ctorl1n Mirror 67 •. Go-Kort 12. Pickup Tr'!e5,,. ·.".~ 40. Bodrooin S.t 61. Ironer 13. Sewing Mldilnil •1. ·snilio 'i>r.1-r f>9. C:1mpl09 Troller 14. Surfbo1rd 42. Lown 'Mowtr '70, Aniique · Fumlturo 15. Mich Int T 0011 43. Pool Tibia 71. T•pe R-rd•r 16. Dishwasher 44. Tl ... 72. S.llboll 17. Puppy 45. Pl1no 73. Sportl c .. 18. C1bln Crulier 46. Fur Coat 74. Mollren. Box SPiii 19. Golf C1rt 47. Dr1pes 75. lnbolf!I Speedboat 20. Barometer 48. Linens 76. Shotgun 21 . Stemp Colloctlon 49.Horte 77. Siddle 22. Olnette Set 50. Airplane 71. Dllt G1me 23. Pl1y Pen 51. Orgon 79. Punchlnt 819 24. Bowling 8111 52. Enrcyclt 80. Billy C1rrl1ge 25. Wa .. r Skit 53. Rare Books 81 . Drum1 26. frH%0r 54. Ski Boots 82. Rlfle 27. SultclM . S5. High Ch1ir 83. Desk 21. Clock 56. Coins 84. SCUBA Gtor These or ony other extra thln9s arounC, the house may be tul'l\td Into cash wltll 11 , DAILY PILOT WANT-AD s·o I • • • Don~t Just Sit There! · · DIAL ·DIRECT 642 -5678 (YOUR CRIDIT IS GbODJ ' ' DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! t In On The Action ·Today! " , . , • • • HOUsES FOii SALE Newpert 11 Yldorl1 646-1111 6 DICulCE 3. BR. .~NJTS. l,IKE t,tEW ~1 oew~on. % ure:, qvn. pletely block wall fenced. Each unit> h'8 2 Ml' baths, FA heat, fully carpeted & separate wash rooms. At.. aunie 6.6 financlne • no lo&.o foe . $840 I Mo l11Come " -PERRON -J , ..... ..,,"7"0, .... $159S .Down - ~nta less than rent for thl5 roomy 2 BR home with w/w cupeta, bullt-in!!i, fire- place. WIR trade for unlta. Only $15,950' l!\s;iI~G .«-•REALTY •• "anytime" 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. . f...., 24, 1"9 16111 lo Tustin -Coste Mew · Excellent location, near school,, 1hopping and beach. Only a few left. Buy now while · btterest•taw are only --- 7% with 20% dPwn -7~% >(ith 10% On. no 2nd -no poln/1 -2' Y" on ' bel•-* Almost New * , Prlctd from $30,850 to $33, 950 3 + Family + Den Exclus l•• Agorit Double dqor marbel entry. • Cuz• ll""" room with mu. p. a. palm•r inc-rated slve atone· fittpl.ace. Dream -· r-kitcheii ·with dining area. 3377 VIA LIDO ~'Iii~ down ~Uy room Tract Ph: 540-5113 with 'Y'jt &.r al'l!l bath. . . I...a.rge muter with private ' bath I: loads of cla&etl. Jl""""""""""'---- car garage. FORRESI' E. COSTA ui:ra QL.SEN,.....,., -,,. HAJt. ""·' SOR si:-vn. 4 br-s.o;S,* DELUXE .4-PLEX Owner anxious to move and One large: 3 BR 2 bath with wants to 1lve you this 4 BR covered patio & Three 2 BR 2* bath, pool palace. Seti 2 bath unltz. Ide.al for own- Baycttst location at S55,5Sl! er user for. tax shelter. Call • Save our Seller! us 101 details. $68,500 Newport ------l.Gsr of ·~ Small Spencltn llere · is custom charm for the budget minded. From the wood shingle root to the stylized briclt: entry this eul· side home gives a warm Mlcomt". Large panelled liv • ing room with picture win- dow and cheerful ~ bum-I ini raised hearth. fireplace. Bright country kitchen with u.ttnr area. 2 larie bed- rooms Pius convertable den.' it Double detached prqe wi"1 Viet I a11ey • ..-. Extrl -2629 Harbor mvd .. c.M. or • hr boe.t or nna-, Priced IAB61¥iiit LOTS ~11 fO' tho fl"CU\':"" II ~.150. ~ ~.!.~~';;!!";,.~1 .... "'"'~~-"'"'"" ColeSWilthJ ,. ~o. value. Sell or trade equity RELAX! 642."rTTl OPf:N EVES. for income unlta or amall in the coziest room h town. iiiliiiiiti1 ........ !'""-• I -· No-rt .. eo.... 1100 ... tt. o! "'90rt ll~. . Pniclte Cove de! M.ar. 3 spacious BR's, 2 tiled • • . .,...,.,.. · RED rwiln=r baths, 100% nylon carpetlz\J: gru.-LJUlrtl t/o. Plus sep, pani!led famlly MakuiOebt 51~ houie ·u i -· room •wtth hla:h beam cell-wtftt ••Ubow ~m," -lo. R E A L T T Ing ~ ;otcn hearth fire.. ca(ed on · neu:IY. o~ ac're 4 BEDROOMS 20'JS W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. place. 11 you want a heated of luib ~sc:;~!~. ~au,U· 1600 !llCI fl, heavy shake roof, 67!"'* , , and plte~ pool, It bas that, fut pool 4 paµo, -custom patio, front kitchen with -. too! T Pt~ I Price $27,llOO decor ............... $189,SOO bull. !""",· do"blo -n, J•-· i..l•-, FHA-VA. ... Mni. Harvey. · , firepl;~ In ~~m, ... bi; · MUcJe R81Pp1A 1 • • ' • • -' • • • bedrootn1. Just rJgbt for the R~m· ~ IO'Owinr famlly. 4 BR home, l'li•batba. bani-ORANGE COUNTY'S. (eldwell, llltket l (o. l'@~l_®_!il ~ ""°"· -..,.... LARGEST 1' . --t=-' 'Wltf'l"'!!i'lam :.:~Mccardle, Rl.tr1• 293 E.-17th_St. 646-4494 · ~tm ·'ac:',:W" llliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii \ l3Ul Newport Blvd .. C.M. Thrff Wishes · j z::z::=mz::z::=miz BEACH HOUSE 548-1129 Eves. 644-0684 . . · · ~•llK. · D"k' i..l._.• .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ...,~111 peace, comfort locatlqn \JIUll!'I' Ul'LCI _ Olde• Home on llu'go r4(llfl(f att Important to 10U. ""1< {35 x 95 ft.) R-2 Lot J this over. Convenient ~· Otte Oldtr" dn1trwttJ( i.rre 1 block to Beach Nire· Eastslde 3 BR, den, Newport J:l .•.lght1 grade. detached double 1¥ice. $27.500 school, &nil ilD shqpping.,'l Near • G Wllll built-Im, carpel!, I enc e d blks to new • n•n•k. n...i.. ~mo · · eorge am son · ut "" ,__ ..... ..., -Realtor yard, $23.300 • FHA .. .,. -"" $25,500: and all these ''plUI"· private "'1oo1t"'' "'''"" 67J..4l50 Eves. 673-J.564 ~.i.!~ down. Immediate fbaeatures;,_3 bedrooms, 2 $18 950· lll!l!!l!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!I!!!!!!!!' \ ......,..,.."""' · ths, .~place, cpts, and • , iiM;o;iie-ll;o;R;o;lt.;y,. ..... 541-... •22•0l•I ........ "°"""' ..,..., con-~ ---crete· drlve, larae fe~ Prime · Comm~rcial P E R~ON FABULOUS back yan1,on SOillO FT. a.2 Corner J9th & Pomona, C.M. Artisti .. ally d-'~ 5 bd. nn LOT. There is not to much next to lB story bldg. Flft 4 bath .. ~~. 1 bed-available ..;,i)n this part of , --..11 ... • ••• , •• stores ·fully leued at ·$1006/ room suitable for maid's ~utsldeR. ~-~';.;.!·Hurry. OWN-* 642-~nl ~"nytfrm:* mo. Potential unlimited. room. DelighUUl pool. ..........,_ ~"" .!{';.~t."~ & Arnold & Freud . B/ PRESTIGE 'LIVIHG Genco Rlty Co, , &G-4422 388 E, 17th St., C.M. B at the BeaCh · Rraltors 646-7155 Newport Shorts, NB Whit.• ~-n~' Dime-a.Uno PENNINSULA POINT .._. SPECIALS I + 018.rmlrw:, well built cottap., *"''A" triune 3 BR. f"ba, NO .MATIER f.urnis~. 3 bedrooms, 2 $24,500 baths near Bay and Ocean. * A ·dream 3 BR, 2-story Ccar property, 11eller 'l'IUI· loadeQ. w/extr&J •• $.13,400 C8JTY fint 'J)'ust Deed. rzil:. * Like rletl 4 Bit 3 bl JM,000 ed at ........•..... S41J(XI * On the Wattf 4 eit, 3' Bay & Beach . """'' .... , .... : .. , i45.500 RHl!y, Inc. Ceywoool Rlty •. 541-1290 901 Dovet;Di:., ·NB-SUiti;.~ Ol·W. Coaat~Jfl\ll'ily, J'l.B. 645-2000 Evts. 673-0419.. . am ooflON . . . . 1W HAT S BEDROOM I -I IT IS • • • SPLIT LEVEL 3 baths, l.al'le family room w I t h fireplace, clean throughout, un- derground utWUes, cor- ner lot $-ft,950· _.. • · ' ilroncl Spenlilr\g NOw · luat. com»leted -'/£ Pt a -WEST COSTA ME. It. ' ""°" drive ctr Ptlmorl to Mesa Vente'• lTthl ~ YOU CAN 3 8'd......,. l'li bath'" Bit '""' "'""" CW.to~ -· S16,cro, 5% % Joan $132 Pl1I now ottered by builder at SELL IT .n. ci .. n. , ' oacrlfioe. 4 + lam ...,-,... .--ERNIE bar etc'. HWTY -• W. ITH A CLEVELAND ~· 5'6·5110 (---~) ._""l'Re•llor OUEGI REACTY .. l5CIJ-~-CM. . DAILY . PILOT 143 Broadway 64M111; LL ~-J ' . Evts. 642-1453 64M519 )bELUXE lilJPLEX WANT AD l.afJ•ila r Beac•~ "O:.i.'.: .:'~~ View I.qt " .-\ 159,tl!O. 1'11_ ~fur. I ' O..an & c.a.ar.. w>o1> a..11ioe ltaol ••t•li ~o. 1 1lructed View rM % ~-'11XI £. BUbpi ~vd., Balboa -.foti:Fast Servi .. & ~ °' =@ , dJuOJe r'° ( • Pwner""' ft ..... : I ! .OC!IA>KIDE ~pert As111l1nce 1 Or-Coeat 'l!,.. • , -~z;:;r f:jt: ' ' • 1 '332 Marauerlte il ..: ' ON·1'!E B£¥l!, NEAR DIAL ·' DOYH i~ld · ·~~.~~~ Designed. ba1lt~,;,,·;ivAll ..... X1rlt .llriit>' -. 642•5678 WELLS. UO<q\oaled' for"""" 181,500. OORETA NC CREA. it> & ,, .. ~. vu!W. •· -· 1916 s. '!Ill .. -DIRECT Bdnna. 3 blll'ir. atrium. " • ' <n4l 'J29-.UB1 R~~~-RELAX l8'2 Santloao n... -. -_,... EnJoy 1""' froe 1tf""' ......,, . ---, l " . ' ( : •" ,. L.,'J~~ ... ILf We are u cloM q )'Ollrpllooe-H ... lnfonil&Uon! ••• We have It! 646-7171 . ~13 5 *·VALUI! ·s21.H1 BeeuWul remodeled B/1 kitchen with walnut cabJhets xts off this choice 3 Bedroom with blOct' wall fence. -.Nt1 down to vets -or 1llA -$1150 Down Move In Torno,.,.., 4 Bedroom, 2 bath family home kitch· tn bu elec. bWl~ ""~ Sliding -doors from LR and Den.-tD a covetea patio.-:523,950. lust $1500 down Newport Heights No other home in this area can boast of dining room. kit· chen nook, dilh., washer and a l!!ix30 workshop which could be eonvft'ted. let a mammoth play:. rOom. -, Room-for ~~boat.- 1,0% olqwn ,' 646-7171 5116,o2S13 WESTCLll'I'" Aba.ndoned by transferred owner. ,Spacious J 1 vJ pa room ' itlth' 1open bee;m. ceill.og.2 Wick" firoeplacet. MoY&.iD t.omorroYo'. .... ~ ~·''° · Mau del ~r, ~~cul~~.~~~ Bedroom. 2 bath with famtly and lallndry roorria. Bl~ in kltche;n all refin· lsbed. Big ove~ 1 back -yard. -. . $27,500 ' . ' . ' BALBOA PENINSULA . L<rrgc family Mil have ,room to'~ 5~ms3~1*U.. l blOck from N .H. Yatht Club, ·1 ll1ock to beach. Lots Ol privacy on this "°"' ble R·'l l'>t. Roducld $5000 to $H ,JOO WONDERFUL WESTCLIFF S08l'kllnt1 · l)rlobt cfean deScrlbel fhll J bedroom plua·fam• . ily or, dlni~ ~e complete)y ftpced · plus laip se(l8l'ate klddies play ar,....,-· · ' $49,SOO 20 Professional•~ To Serve You! MESA VERDE · 2·STORY Ideally located clOle to schooll'and thop. ping. 3 mammoth bedrooms 3 baths, fonneJ dining room. All new car.pet. and drapes, and a Pll'k·. like y11f'l1, l $40,900 Hor-I Honei~ '&u>ta """'"'-· 86x200 with 2 lied: room ¥me ,+ 2 car garage. Cotn.pleteijt fenoed. Great terms. $2J,500 • • Call or come In. We have Ill! VA lnd FJlA informa 1 Uon. Appr'ood $22,250. No1down to Veta.- Immediate poaea.· slon. 3 Bedrooms. 2 ba!N, hll ,.,... ltv- 'lq ........ wltll °""' place, c:srpeu.,1nd dra~1400 aown to an Ul;250 ·10Y't: •PJrils<d. QVi.t He.,,n 3 . Bedrooms, . 2 baths ,In a q\det non;trafflc~treet­ca;zy llvl room 'With brick replat!, »tit<ihen wtlh au eleitrlc built-Int -a dandy buy at ~.900 with 10% flown. Owner will consider trade for 3 or t units. MeiedlthG• ........ .. _. .. _ nd.-orttor's delight with 5 'apacloua bed· rooma. with cloeets re. 3 !unlriou.1 ~P.!'-~~= =.$5iooo~ a reaJ u-ecutrve tiOme. THL ;~/1 ,·.,:. JC:'T .-. -: . : ... r ... ~ .. -, Clil)llcl. 1211,zo..,,. '--'"-..::..-.....:.-=:~• P~AILY ·.~ !Dom.\. E~ant 2 SR~..,;·~· lost-~ lllJ. Diii DAVI~ ltNlfY' ""!!! • ' ' 'i i l!Ao:;Mll:;;;,.Jl-..:"""";:;=.;;l!Ao=3E= • .i...;...::::::;;;~:;:::::;:::;,..;_ I ,. "" ., • • .. ~ ........ -~ ...... ~-.--.-n--· . . . . . .. . .. ... . . . .. ... • #. .. ... • • •• • • • • ·~. .~ ~~-~"""~ ....... ~~~~-.~.~.~.~.~.,..,.,...,.,,...,,..,..-.-.-.--:-.~ ...... •.~-.~.~.,......~.~.-.--:-.~.~.:--:.~ ........... T.~,~.~.~ .... :--~r:;:;~:;:;;;;;:;:;::;;;;;;;;;o:oit;:::""~:::::: . . .. . . . ......... ,. . -... I ta 0.111.Y I'll.OT U..,, ,_, Z4, 1'6t AlllJW POI Slll HOUSES POil SALE HOOSll ·Pa. IALI HOUlll 'OR SALi UNTAU . RINTALS ENTAL$ RENTALi llEAL ESTATI !?:!~!!.!~~~~:::::====-;;lUI;;:-1• Lid.I;; IUI Hits"' U-....... A,11. '""'""°" "f!!: Unfvm""°" A,11. U.........., ....;Get:.:;;;,.,::.1::.:1----:-'.":':I Im,. 1m1m.. ""-'"'" ._ ~ ._... -cm.·..-5100 ''I'.-.....,, . 5195 1.,1 .... lltnt•I '°" BUILDING UROl 1 IOOD ::--~..,.'::-'.:-:-"'.""""-·I--...;.----!:!: !!.!!!. -~~--:.!!'.!~ J ::;=:::...:.;.;.;;...;.....--:-:c':'I TURTLE ROCK HIW * The 111"5 * UlllQue, -vWlot SUO; l..811. -.. .,,. 1 BR. 111 ba. a.Odftn IOI CLIPP M1V1 CHOICE COSTA MESA ON THI IRVINE RANCH . OPEM llUN. 1~ ..... ""--· ""... *WHY PAY 1111111 UWJtles p&ld -· l1lO. Mir. 1162 w. LUllUllY rtmljlUNl1)llll' Location; ..., lOOO ... IL ··' thir -~Wiii -411rl1Br.a -to-Slioor '"'!!'!11 --Oenter4"l.·JOLJ11.~p.m. Y-i-.1•2-.... lnbuty17thst ...... •-,..-oU·~-• for ..,e, e IW~u • -•·· -· ~ooo .. ~ .~ •-"• Month. ~•, "'w• Den) 2 Ba. Tbe flCllllillr K • -· ·--Not ONI l'l"'NY -$195; 2 Bdrm Doplex 3 BD1U1. """"" Sll!I Mo. -tD 6boro ....,.. ~ "nw .. -nJ•t 1m1le It 1plll • level 3 & 4 bedroom p11n. °""" --. IL c. GREER, -~ voii ... ..,;. w/W; utllttlol p&ld 1 Oilldml ""· ..,.., ..,,., 0.0 •low -_., 4"-· °""""' to -· "6-TD vo -HOMES. -.. .,... la ldl. 1 "'!-m Vll Lido -la lm-l•IOIY -53f.a> bit-Im. 51M11Z No peta! -Sl:iO mo up...... ---... 111 ~ m ""' __ ,........_ ' .... --· -• These model homes IN m1cnlflcently 111" -. Wall< lo - -H-'!f'!" lloclt 1400 G--ta llunQJ>s· Colle -4100 $81. NICE 1 er.,:'; ~ LAGUNA llACH Pointed with the very finest of carpell-minil 'chlb .. ---• .... % ,_.., too Biodl .. H&mllloo Ave. . ~ ~~21Tl lllAL ISTATI Air c ..... _ ilnpotr _ Wlllpol'"": plus every model la II'/ j""'· C· -5 Br 2 Ba_ .. ..., lallll" -. --t and, $25 Wk. . Up LIKE NEW I Br., new cptL, ~I ON FO!Wi'/ AVll:llUll prof...ioit1J11 landlcaped, special ~ ....._ _ _,_1 C-..Jal -. lteoV)' lholoe, -~ -'"-to tho e Studio A Bach -drpe. blt·bto: """°"' ne ltlnt11t WMtlotl 59'0 D'9k ...... oV&llabl< II .a. potlos provll~ one with rwlmmlnl pool. ..,,....,.. ..,.... -•-211cu-• ..,-.. e1no1 Ut111•P11oao-. ·,.u.--_,., a111ce balldlnl c S Br'Y or 2 Br • .l den, a. ClOGCftf.e drlw. Fully land-~ e Maid Service· TV awJl. -PEACE• QUIETt prime Joratlon fn doWDton These homes anr placed on quite Jorge & tom wntdll! -· .,..,. -. A<oao ,. 1 ..,.. Quolt'1 s ·" • bedroomo, • N"' cato "Bar .....,.., -5200 Einptoy.d ,qi. ,,,.,, "-1-na .,. ..... Air -very private lob that may be either leased extra. nr •1-A ~ putr from JWU' ~ 2 mu. 2 A S bdbm. all one storr 2318 l'.lewport Blvd. Mf'll5 wants to rut 1 bdrm apt doMd. cupet.t, btaudfat or purchased with 1 grant deed to lull land Phor>o &#<OH to ...,,. -.._ Will< to -"-'32.«ll. MOfttb. CHA TEAU la POINTE N"'1'. Jol•nd Dix: upptt or ....n home 1n vi:RY -led ,.........._ T w • bi I BRA Y OR .0 """'1o •-•·~~ oo11eoe, Ir ......... from '288.21 -; ! Br. 2 Ba. CpU, QUtrr AREA, ;n C.M.. mtrueto: ,..,...... • ownel'll P· Pl';. ~ Back i:?,E!2.. Lo<atod u:;;;; 8"dl. lnc!•.ti>Jr PA~ ,_. 4 It>-Lovdy tum. 2 BR opt.. ~ -l>P--· him.. N.B. or Tu.Uin. P. o. Box ,_ A .. , ..., 1,.., to Follow the signs to TUR'l'LE ROCK HILLS, w.., lot with room tor boat c.n owner m.wo. ..,..,.., , ... , -· CU1>0111. nlr!(. Plor, """' Adulu No 1'1S6. Oranp. Umid><I ,._ lot>. I mlle EIS! of the Un.ivel'llity of Calllol'IUI a ...,,. V e.. loc 5 I DROOMS pool. AdulU. no ..... S1!0. Peto. 13511 Lot . ...._ NEWPORT °"' 1-na per .... 111 for -.,... at Irvine, just off th. e intersecUon of Campus · r. ery t a-I u you. .,. • qualified Vet l!Hl POMONA AVE .• CU. GOLD Mtd&tllon 2 BR, 2 2 bdr apt <1t ~. must and dWrt aYl!lable tor •· Drive & CUiver Dnve. boa. MMU• Try S3000 cub dowa to ex. you can mow tn without 1125. Lrs 1 BR. cJe&n, qWtt. BA. cpts. m,,... bltm. encl. be clean quiet A nu. Adlb. B:a•"'riw llourl uneriltl fi :o; , -611. !'o n!A Jou liil ---.. • • · not &out furn, nr momt. pr. 42!0 Hllolia W111. ne peb ., chlldftn. ,.. to """"" milUlo t.w llO. 1,.,.T,;,;•;;"';;,'.;';,;J,;,:S.,;,11;,;02;.,F;.;°"'"'i'F'"u'"rl'"he'"r!l!!!ln.,"'""l!l!!!!-!!!!!1!-I o.tt. !nl Lto~ l10I ...., monthl>'. 1'0rmil .... -....... Ww, ..,,., .... Adults OObl $U5 lie. IWl ........ S141l. Wrtr. P.O. -1112 .AD atllltllO """ ...... I• 1;~ -;:::.:;:-~-~~:;:-~1 din. rm, lli batba. SHARP! OU... tp>Od oni,. u...p. 1.9200, W.,,.... C.M. Elcondldo, Ca1ll. ,.,..,..,.., HOUSIS FOil SALi t' YR. . Did Qiotoin llulll Dl!,~~~!E9~R hbnmy 2f. -WILSON w .. 1 1 BR -. loot lhoff 5242 so. Co'• Ou eo. .......... DAILY PllDr HOUSES FOR SALE ~ ~· • HN.W PoOI. util t n c 1. . _,.. 3 BR ,_ """'"" llt J'Ollllft' AVD<UI: -.1 1000 Genorel 1000 -t Br, 3 Ba. lamur.&531 ~ Sft-'*I Wollrer4LOo.--Adults only. su-sns, e N"' DELUXE e -wlthoplllXl.i.oc.Eut UGUNABEAal ...... ~"!12:.:'.'~ VET'S WEALTH (lpenlO'tll--.,._mo IBr.•llba.opt.fo<ll-of Harbor botw .. • - VACANT-LOTS · lnl• y.,,_ BAYFRONT with boat o11p, BUILDER w .w oo~':'.s~~ ... ~ :":W."':;:."~.:': ~.n.:s.ra1r. = ~'! ~:"k ":i LoftlyTalwll&,...,__ lazp f 'BR 2 bath. '80,000 o•~-•BR baO.,' ~ lllOO PARSONS su.a;m d= -e..U. l'llol 4 -· 2 o111<o units, 1 lo * R.-1 Exclusive SJ'. HlJ. with 3 Bedrooms. 2 bl.tbs mbdmum • down SIQt. u.c-N d !_... 1l'S · ; rec. area. Nr. Catholic EMPLOYm t.d7 Medi 1 '80 "' ft. w/f oUlcea + BERT WOOD, Tultln •• boautilul """" ..... with tn•l --· SOLA·T·1'.s'"" .Rllr SHERWOOD ESTATES • Nuaau PubM • Cb-" ochool ~ Con>M BR unfUm Apt, ....... ..... -Pilon ..... 2nd lo ... • ••• • •••••••••••••• • $15.950 atone ftreplace • llldet 3 BR Watltrfront No. S2 R. D. ' _.. ..;_ 1 &: 2 BR. • Pool del Mar Hli;h. to SllO. Carport or praee tcvttve arta, 400 sq. ft. * R·l UPPER BAY CUJ.de. out to private patio e.lbol. Coves. I I 0 ' 0 0 0 • U1-!519 EvU. _.,.....,. b lh ft I 177 E. ZZnd St. &f2--3645 e ONLY $280 e nee. ~ aft/S p.m. Avail tor g mo, call after sac Street ........ llT.!illl pooklde tam!lr nn and l'ftm trade t.w ......,. or HUGE ADDED J I JUI LOVELY• 2· Br. 1\t ba. 831_,.,1 Am .... Way, NB. e LAND~ORDS e 5 pm 838-3455 * 1"2 65"23'' wtu ~·~ """"" -ldtclltn will .,..,_r other. 5'3-'ITll FAMILY ROOM E-""e; pool, patio; 11>13'µ FREE RENTAL SERVICE NEAR AIRPORT UNITS • •• • · •• •• •• • ~. low maintenance )'ard WNER with S'Mdiat. fiftplace. Pink 2310 Slnta Ana M.\.293! Coren• .. Mir 5250 BroRr S3+Ql82 Alt-cond. 20X40 ft., loll o1 * ~2 l26'x13S' 'tX)o"~·~ art1sticaJly dtllfned OBay a: Ji!~~5oo~~ A white ta.rm a1yle_ill model IRVINE TERRACE - 2 Bit ALL UTIL PD. l BR. Mature WANT C:arage tor Boat stor-windows. Ideal !or R.E. or * R-2 240' x 2 •n(XX) home is spotleu and 34th St. NB 613-6536 condition. Corntrlot. cupeta A: den. Fanfutic View, adult Ill $100. ..,, are. $10 mo. N.B. area. ins. Santa Ana Ave, Pali> UNITS ••• •· · • ••• • • _., priced to 8tll at ' ' tlJro\iihouL Seeinc is be-beautiful oonditloc. -$'50 Zila Elden Ave. ~· v 67J..&434 eves. ades Rd., 20048 Santa Ana * C2 75' x 360' HARBOR $52 500 * BA1: VIEW Fee lot 85' lie~. Only $23,900 _ $3300 per mo. ~ S.A. H BLVD frontqe thru to Call· John Abtu x 195 wt planL $34.900. down A: usume 11iA loan. BEAOON BAY -2 BK. A: Newport Buch 4200 ...... \ Income p--...v 6000 ~ ~R 539-'1934 back .... _, ...... m.ooo · Ra: 613-1365 Owner5'S-'1"9, -P•ul J-• RNhy .• ,.... .. * 1"1 (mtrided) 2111 ~ 3 BR. 2 Ba. Eut mua 11o1n<. &17.""' .,__ 536-1121 ... or.' BR. Commwdcy ATIRACTIVE ' BR, 2 BA. ON TEN ACll!S * EXCHANGE * Modem OHie ~rnsmE, ~~ I» ~. -n•-Aw. beacb, pirer. t.emn. cout -.. _, bl~· B t • .. u-~· ri-~ V'lll'lri-·----p 0 _,. COMM. $'50 ·.,..cony, ...... e w en 1 ~ 2 .BR. Furn ...... u HAVE· 13 newer units m.cm Sinale or suitea. Air condo ... at°""' $5,000 lot. N"""" s..."1. "'471!1 u T+ BONUS ,.,::r ~b ...., .. Co. bead> & bay. paiot"' $188, '"'*" I Pll I Patloo I oqi,i,,;. WANT: land ...... ·--· ...,..-:~1 ·..t1 .1r.1• 'JT ... REALTOllS 673 4400 &O..n3S · water pd. 549-3643 Pools. Tnd:IJ .. Omtnt'1 Bk-R-3 On.nze County. lltt\'ice, central locaUon.. pN~•=·~~~rt~H~•lfl!'!!;!~:1~2~IOI ~"::." ;;..:.":"'; llCEANFRONT 3 s.,. bltns, flt. 9 bolo ?utVG...... * " unns e $175,DOO C. Robert Nattraa Reollo< I; new Uoense. Tra1n1ftr PfDo JJ,70; 4 BR. 2 t.. townhoule prqe. $250 Mo. Til June; !m s.a. Lane, OW &Mall Annual aroa: $24 ln> Near 230 E. 17th street Outstandl119 View ...... Coolldentlol. Coll Mr. w/w, :.~-=OK. $775 Mo. yearly. 673-4121 .............. °"" s..,1 Euclid .A Ball, ~;,,;. Co.ta Meso 642-1"5 s.. this oeldom ottered Kary FIRST PIONEER * I Unlto e $12,500 NEWPORT CMC CENTER ~-~-~ " a~ View 3 ......., Coot1 -uoo c ....... del Mir 4250 Coroffdo Apts. IS.000 down. 30% tttunl. Will om.,.. ,.;table for eom. •J.SM .... ...... ...... ~ v exch&rWe. Call Mr. Krau.ter ~rdaJ, M~lca.I, Dental. EwninpCaD6t6-ltl50 Pete Barrett Really =~;;.~=~VACANT-MUST SELL AVAILABLE on or bet~ 2,:,~~to:'p=tb$1:2~1~:~~~:;. or~.Fei'zuaon .. ~t ~Fio~8·$~~kr J•.0.;i;;;;iil&iiOi•iii•J ol $41),000. March ]ft. 4 BR l% bath month. Hal Pinet$ & kitcb. diahwuhen; some Dept.1546-231.S ' • _.. SU--5032 OR ~246« DUPLEX DllGHT Presents ASSUME 5Vc% LOAN home on corner lot. Jmmae. 392 ACTIVE FAMILY I 4\ SUbmlt.., Down l'Qmtnt ullte. 11!5. month. C&D """"· '7>-1 h-plco. w/w carp." drape• MEDICAL • Proleu!onal YOU will be delizhted wlth the 3 lup bdnru: in each wllt + pent- 1 hoQlt J:m.tlol, beautttul ea .. Cod -a lmt • )'e'&n )'OWW. 2 blodcl tD the beach (Newporl that ts). Dust ott )'O'U' bUdnl A: lt'l down to SEA. $51.9!50 is tbe fff. , COAT$ J&..WAL~CI ~ ltlALTORI 5414141- R)pon -...i Your family can bet u lf!I. Vil~ 3 BR. tam nn + din room. Brltts: Er n le Oevtland 2 car carport. Pool. 1110 to SuJte• for lease. CUsttnn acti"" u they p1...e • ~ HAFFDAL REAL TY "'5<1181 "' Rod Calderbead l1lboo 4300 $200. Chlldnm O.K. 61'-3378 ""'°"'""" a.ail. 1sTg2 room for evet)'tb1nc • • I A l '1' Y 8760 Warner M2M<li 646-«65. CLEAN Bachet .... ~02 E. Cout Hwy, c.dM , ~ St., Hunt. Beach even the 3 car prap Nev NB POlt Ok. 642(14 or A.,_ CHANNEL Reef 1 yr ,111 (J.213) 435-8226 bu been panelled &:: ·~~jj\'j~~";]Wl::""l!-~~·~ln~'JV~1~l'-!!__!!l4!!1~0 ~. •-!~~MS ... ,.,2 315A11E.ulilBallnclboal15m~~ SEO> mo. 2 BR. 2 &. ~-~ .~~ .. on..!.':!.: SMAIL office on busy cor--p=on • • -PLUS ~r .,,.. ~........., ._.. .. BALOOA ,;;:· ,_ !!~t, boat s J I P • P"'u"" ~ _.., -.u wu • ......, heated for your pJeu.. ~N ......... "' I . carpets. all built-ins I: Jove. ,.,~ 111~ walldns diltantt Nie w ner Costa Mesa. $55/month .... Spilt_,' bdrm. 3 a.. 2 Ba. New avt.. -YIClllf/lmmed POS. Ir yard. Lease 11"'/mo. Hunt. Beoch 4-Pl<x, by utilities lnclud,.,. 6<><560 3 t.th • bup ltJIUl.tle bib& 1400 lllo ft. Dtt. dbl · · CALL AL BLACX 5'1)..USl PENINSULA POINT NEW l·Bdnn., I a rag t: hWlde!'. 185.900 147-3957 LGE. Office rm. for ina. 1amllJ room. AO for pr wt alla_!,._~ ...... By 3 BR 3 baths. 1600 sq ft. Heritage Real Estate 2 BR 2 Ba. Carport; ~arly carp., drapes. bltm. $150 A et.c. Reu. 6.106 W. Cout $58,900. .:~ ._,,. • ...-•v• frp1c. blt·lnl A: dlahwuber. 3 BR, newly pa Int e d, ~~~~.SO. Lease. Adults only 613-«iSS Butinen Property 6050 Hwy, N.8 . 548-1290 u. rt S'--1220 LowdowDA...,.,,.-""""" patio, fDc:d yd. BR. 5300 l 1&05 Westclift Dr, swwpo ._.. Joan. Owner wm l*1 an Adults $145/mo. Jt 1 tr . $95. \VINTER Rental 1 BalbN 926 E. Balboa NEWPORT B!:ACB BY OWNER • penonallty costs. 642-9130 e 673-9749 e GRACIOUS Adult Livina. FOR lease La,ztma Ntrutt. p1u., nr. beacb. 2 BR. den. TRADEWINDS RL TY. 2 BDRM.....,, Coopleo only, °"'" & Bay v~w. Spacious Ritt Offl(f sm: oe Son DiecO Fwy at Own I. 642 5'200 2 ba. $2!1,!illl. oc.3321 altu Bl2-5llll or m"'1l 2 d>ildm> ok. no pets. $125 Hunli....._ llooch 4400 2 BR. 2 BA., walk in A '" Valley. new -A ~~ • 4. -• + Sli dep. MS.:l637. ......... doeets, beautiful carpets • iftdustrial antt& Delta Deo- Corona del Mir 125o l.8pnti luch 1705 ~~~~~::nu: =-~~:ita~~u=:.= autata!:T~A corner tric. Days -131-1400. E\u . lnduttrlll lt1nt1I STRATEGIC HIGH ~:s•:nw.-~~"°. Income Units $12S. 288 KMX st C.M. ::, Br. 2 Ba. r~us i::·= :.,;e~o:f =~warehouse A office 2 b&tba. Full ......, room Rustic: Channer Hondymen Speclels . Oran&• County'• Civic c.n. + llOOO"' tt pam ~ tenctd LJ. b Carpeted. •Sputdes lib ~ 3 Bedrooms, 2 b&thl, Ocean Loe. on Oceanside ot HW)', Ne:-porf &..ch 2200 :;:1ik!bl~v~.' ~~·Yr-ter & financial district. yard. 185.5 Laruna Ca1l:J'Ob ._...n ~cna ''Jewel".ExctJlrntl.tl!!L mvd. 150 )'d• from Bea.ch. 4 lce 3 BR 2 bath home. Bade Spanilh1tyle,decoratorturn.J.=:=:=:=:::==':::'~I GrH.t expo&ure &. traffic Rd. tn4> ~or cn•l HARBOR ISLAND 540-1120 0r1.,.eC001t Property Apt units, .....,,lll!int .. 8aJ Dble ~c. lao car. Sha& c:arpetin&, sell de,,,. HunH--5400 SUBfiowMIT. S250TERM,OOIJ. s&-'DES~ ·-·--SQ,,.,....~!l-.~M~·l------~.th-1 TARBELL 2955 Harbor 332.MIJ1ruerlte,QfM6'13.85M lood ,enenJ. clwlup;. ro lot. We or l•eloptlon lng ovens, private entrance1:::::;;~;;;;:;:;;;;1 •.n.l'I. --..--~ w• Thi onJy a~ home m1~~::::=====:::.:;li~~~!!!!i!!!!!!!~1TENTIAL INCOME EX· $275/nm. Avail March L &: private fuldeoks. Adu1~1t RICK ALDEREnE, front office; drtvt: in rear beautitul Harbor llland. 3 1100 CEEDING flO,tm ANNUAL-642-4387 JMnf, near beaches. 1 .t: 2 Rultor door. 1308 Lopn St. C.M. BemoomL -· ,_ u.. c.to,... 11111 ... ""''MUii 1300 LY. Prico $19,!EO. ELEGANT Bayvn, ...... BR, 2 BA from S11D to 1225. 1TOI N.""" n</517-6<69 2195 mo. 646-0081 tzw rm. pier .. llllp. PrtCtd PENDING FOllECLOSURE MIBSlON REALTY """31 3 Bo-. 2 bo, pool, 1"11. ... ~ RESrAURANT .,.,.01 timel·N..:O:;W;:,..;:LEASIN:.;.,=~G~-~N~•,,-=M-'""·1 ....... ....t far Im_.. $995 """""' ""' In. • BRo MINI • CUTE .. So. Cou~ Lquno -· CdM H1 -3llx3I buildU!g C-2. Sdl, Jndustrtal 1350 ...... feet. M -$175,tm By appt. 2 baths an built.Im, an1aen 645-llll 2030 $1S5/mo. Apnt &C-1485 onl.f. u·.i-room A: '*-1 --. DoD HOUll on ptn!Nl!]a LOWER 3 AROI BAY, -====:-::=== 1"""" Brookhurst -1='.,.=·=trad='=·=5'S-==== (714) '42-1235 901 Dcmr Drtw, Suite m Newporl_,, -= -== -=-= -.,_ ••• -·~ potn ...... _ -.,. __ one ' BR •··-tio -...u~ ~ .. , ... •"'le, shag carpet--Ml-A; N'pt Sch; 450 Sq, CAlJ.., AL BLACK ~ll5l •; u""'"' .....,......,.,..., ' p...., ....... .,., pa ' N rt H I h~ •210 {just No. o1 Adams) --· v II I R I I 6060 IL -·" -•· • I ·~ Heritage ~al Estate and a ball bathl. tlttpiace, cltnu tttes on large level ~ I I •• • t.rw. self cleanin( ovens, I ;•;•;nMl;;;:;·;;;;'~"~I~~~; j ~ .. U&. o c; -=-..,""===,-==c I ke dble praae.. Near chan-ocean view lot near beach Huntington Beach private entrance It pr:lvale 11 Sq. ft. storage. 642-2809 S:~ IN& ~~~.1!'~~ nel and pubHc beach. A entrance. Private party. CHARMINd 2 baG th2 hobedroom /~ ==='=TI=<l=962->98l===::::::j Fundecb. Adu1t living, near HlJN!INGTON BEACH 1 _._ 6100 .......,.,. ,......,.. ..... ""' ~ Jewel. Reduced to $38,250. Box M·704 o.ny Pilot en, me. "' w beaches. 1 & 2 BR, 2 BA _,. 51.4% loan • no loan fen. BURR WHITE, Rltr. carpets, drapes, Eastaide S. Ana Heights 463 from $140 to $190. GOLD KEY SUITES 4 BR, 2 bath home in ex-RE LS C.osta Mesa.Close to shop-ECONOMY ..., .. t ,.oldeutial areL 29a1Newponmw.,N.B. NTA ping & part<. N;cely $1lOM0.,2BR.new"""'t.. ~~ ExecutlvolaS1los SPECIAL I Cub talbl CALL 540-1151 675-46a Evn M2~22SS HoUMI FurnlsMd landscaped yard, cover@d drapes, garagt!. I child OK. .......,_,. Offices Just Uated. ~ Bedrooms each (open eves) Herltap RNl I Shi 2005 pa ti o , very q u I e t 1542 Orchard. UolL NMr Oceon and Shop. Estate Lido life U51 ltlnlo I lo ,. "'i&bbo""""'· $195 pr. mo. LOWER 3 AR.Qt BAY I..arae: level ocean view lot near beach entrance . $35.00J. Private part)r. Box M-704 Dally Pilot pq. Fee simple. Dtwrce ':::::.':=======1---------ILAOY alone wUbe1 to abaft Available tor immediate oc-RENTALS neoealtates qukk" Ale at .. new home with one or two cupancy, Write Box 612 c/o Apts. Unfurnlshtd 191122 Brookhurst (jult No. of Adams) Huntington Beach tn4l 962-2981 * Air-cond &. utils *CarJ>elo ·-* Reception Rm WATERFRONT lot, at Cl.· nyon Lake, fresh water. Vac. Priv, plan'd comm. 55x128' 535-1502 'llw • ...,,. ,...,. a1133.500. Mn• v1n1e 1111 GNat Location ..,,,.,... 1.<11 ... """"" =Da=="'=Pllo~'"===== 11-Ge-.. -'-,.""1---'=5-000-1 ih-"'1m& * OPEN HOUSE Loftlr 3 °'""""" S BR. 2 BA home own bedroom. SJ&.2034 tit C•-no '·I Mor 3350 "' 2 bo, tam rm new a ... of Lido'• prettteo11=•,,PM==...-=,,-= -· "" FOR SALEORLEASE EXCLUSIVE --.-=---==---- * Otaninc It maint. Te~ne Aruiwerinc &: Rtnchel 6150 ~ crptc, bltM; ·.,..., -ROOMMATE won"'1, ,1ng1ol ·Sl-15-.---11$---0,-N:-E-BR.._-,-,. Chonnol Roof THE BEACH R E A L T lnclacd w/•-'t '"" boat l!fl.000. -pl 19-:11 to ""8re tractl,. modem Apia Don Ponthouse Apl1. ON· • 21125 W. Balboa Blw., NB. -· owner. * 546-2830 LIDO REAL TY, INC. C.M. opt w/Hme. Bn..1232, v. lnnklln Rlty . .,,.;,,. $550 .,, mo. to ,.liable par. 2 la 3 Boclroom Aph. 18582 Beach Blvd. SAN TIMOTEO 675-aOO OPEN HOUH. Lowly 3 BR MOO Via Lido mu ext 4317 or 646--0385 e\1111 ties only. Chet Salisbury Luxury llvln&; to. pleue the (at Ellis) Huntington Br:h RANCH Secretarial Service avail Town & Country Shoppl119 C1nt1r 2 bl.th &: family room. Woman with one child. share Huntington Bach 3400 Realtor. 673-6900 tnOSt dlscrin'linatina:· !"(01" 962-6607 Assume 5* % loan & owner nice 2 BR home. $70 month. I-"--''------$l30; 2 BR 4-pleX, tncd avallab&e at STORES ALSO 360 Acre ranch. Buildinis Ii ON THE .EACH will .... 2nd. 516-1170 Boyfront Duplox•• Costa M.... 6lS--08'13 ' BR., •m. '""' yd, "'" patio: W/W, stov•. re!rig. "'e Huntlnal~n <qulpment worth ... ..,;. BY OWNER sought after $11Xi,000. 2-thrff BR'• cpts. $140 yrly lse. 3 child Broker 534-6980 \II STREET FRONTAGE. mately $ll8,DDO with lnve"' Eldm:tw QUna Cow bome. Republic 4 bdr .... Ht level. ~000. 3 BR Ac 1'rvo BR.'• Newport ... ch 2200 OK. Nr Beach Bl . It Slater Or. Beach mvd. l480 Sq. ft. tory fundurnished. Somlono a"'H · )'Ml' around ltvlng • bHt _. with nttplaCft 17654 Van Bunn. BU-7823 $ll5; l -BR., patio; w/w, ~ B.llf' er irrigat . u Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba. ;$36:::;,9l!O.==M6==-===== J Walker Rutty 3 BR. 2 BA. fll>lc, dup. 2 STY. 3 Br. 11n ha cxindo. drapes. Child & pet OK. PKlflt Model home Ideal tor insur., waterrizhts, wen j: preuurt prioedtoaDfutat .$68,500 3336Vla1Jdo 615-52)0 ~bl.ocean.$3)0moyrl.y. Wlhr/dryer, pool, patio. Broker5.34-691t' Rlb'.,etc.(Btt.Kmllaand ~Paved road Iron" -_. °"" Colfete 1'1rk 1115 ~ ~~ Adib. 536-2362', Cerrito<) St1•• .............. Nw: Redlandt in Riv-_, n b'plc, •~ c .. 10 -5100 'Ill Ocean A,.., H.D $2!SO mo. 10650 Beoch Blw. m.te Coun'1 Full price CORRIEIANL·TMOARSR N Jco':.:,.. ~ •1rp1~ BJ~-·i ':: 1""'nf) Huntington IH<h 2400 :-::. >BR. d"' 2 BA i~!i!~~iiiiiiiii.l~~,;.m;•~l~5.16-:;;u;ri'!"!"\! • 63M120 • ;,..,,ooo. For iurtt..r ,__ uw. --Lido ~-2\1 '?HARBOR ·~ 1 •• • ., __ to lalboa hlancf matron. pl..,. coll Glenn aME.c...tHwy.CdM ht $13,000 et ~~..:.,"PL~ 675-M/13 -. l BR. 2 81>. ~~~--avail April L 12111 "~"~ -v ~ -·--'lbompoon with '75-l6'2 U4,,950. 2508 ......._,. bll., mmp. tum. ~ mo. Qildftn OK. 5J6..40'72 beach. w/w cptlna, drp&. OdctRltr .~ ~ $150 a U'15. Eckhoff & Anoe., Inc. Owntr.51)..:J511 DAILYPILOT'WANTADS! OK. $210 to $22511.B.Mo. 'E!1 a BDRM l" bath, 1 ml GREENS ~!;ins1 a re:frlr. Vlew. • ...... "'Ml. 1111 w. Cllpman Aw. -------Ftttport .Ln. ..u: --.. __ ...._ ri1111 mo. Phone ., ....... mo. n"S A riE\"ELATION U1e n....-n..u• i:O..=IW=:.:•~l--;===1:00:-0::Get::.,.::'°:l:.:===l=f)=OO=Get=:·:,.:'":l==--....:.l.;.OO;.;oO -;s:'71" -Rltr. 812--Slll or 8l2-0012 ....., -,.. fllld lo !!'1.2G1,v;;;:'.;.i:;;·..,...,.., I BACHELOfromR .$UNFURN100 . ~SOCKWbllerrEl'ro•han'EMta;_ ~ell .... -a.I< -.... !!!!!!"""~"""~""""' 151 ·-"-c_1e_,,,._•_1• ___ 27_1_0 S.nt1 AM Heights 3630 ._ White Elephants? SCUM L111 ANSWD IN CLASSIACA TION 9000 • 4 Br. 3 livinc nn, rustic modern ln wooded CUl)'On. $260 mo lse. ~7644 eve Vac1tlen ltent1l1 2900 TOR. JtEN1' Furn Mammoth M o 'II n t a I n Condominium sJ~p• .. 6'15-fU) 3 BR. 3 Ba., 2>x40 pool ; on ~ acrt. Rm. f<r hone• or what have you.. Lease avail., 1325 Mo. 64~-6606 .... 3 BR. house; pr., leue, $1M mo. ..... ,,., RENTALS RINTALS H-U~ ,.,._ ''""""" AL.SO AVAILABLE 1 -~1.JBDRM. Heattd Pools, Child Care ~nler, Adj. to Shoppina: -No pell allowed 270:) Peterson w~. at Har- bor & Adams, Costa Mesa. -------l BR 1%. oatbs. $150/mo. .....,. ............ lnskle • OUL We..lls-McCardle Realtors 5'11-7729 • 1-~Sl'EVEN==~VILLA=~~..,.,,.=,. l:Go~~·~~~r1~1~~;:;;;~~faa~•~1!G~a~1~ra~l"ii~i"~44~DQO o....n Atht~ .... , RIHT "' AVOCADO, c.M. DD'°" baft ....... unHIT i ~ -htn ,... I BR., ........ ..,,., Wo havt -_,.. """' $15 Mont• 1.,"';:."'~"." =-.......... "'°" ud need • l'ULL <Pntil 10 BUT ~ .:.=: ~ (RdriCentanN -AY&SlabltJ 2.~. ~d~d~°; Plitue call our rtntal dept. o o.a.c. no pe:tL $125. SGS Wibofi and ,_ ~ ~-••• H.P.lt.C. SL !l4S-lllllO ..,1 us .,w you Ulll n..c.u Fumltvre lent1l1 CARPEr tnatmeftt ·)'OU de-t BR. Ntw crpl"J. Freshly ·-'"" ""''· 111 w. uaa. c..M. M1-MS1 , ~ 81.... s·~ -•• ·-w , ~-•·•-71 • .,_ P8 nt....... w.... ~ mo. RED CAR.PET Rlty ~ • ._...., AJ\llU'I -a-Ml'.N 646-:i(KS Rental Dept 613-3663 ifOUDAY PLAZA D5 W. Balboa Blvd., N.S. DELUXE. 'J'llciou• 1-Bdrm. 1'W'n. apt. $135 Plus ullL VERY NICE 3 BR, 2 ba 2 Sr. A mi n60 Plus ulll. 2 BR. Untum also 2.furn 1 Br'•· 998 E. Camino Dr. Aptl.~. 54G-0451 ar\flml hooM!, Cbrona del Heatrd pool. Ample parldq 2 BR., cpts, drp&. bltn&, Mar, yrl)' rental. Otet No chlldttn-No pets prap.. Adulta. $l43. 3005 ""°""""' Rf'1 -!Jiii -·CM -Coolldp 5'M121. - '~--~-------------. ---·· ~ .. . ..... " ... -..-.... . . -l Ao-rt 6210 Povnd !PrM Adtf 6400 Carpontorl"t 6590 GREY mixtd sCb.nauaer, ~1 DeSerf! moo., ftd collar -no ...._ • CARPENTRY Vic Prospect NS. Injured MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Tht Whooldya Wantf Whoddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL llORN SWAPPERS Special It.to ~~-----6950 ROOFING llEPAIR. no leak tDo nalll •91J&..2362• Roof LulC1 Stopped Work guaranteed. 536-8444 ...,.,, Ntlla>7 24, IM DA!l.Y - !We WontM, -7200 · ~-• llMl'•OT•IU JO L COASTAL Helo Wonlod, Mon 7100 .w,1w...w. - INDUS111B NOW HIRING FULL TIME SWING SHll'T PART TIME 6:30-ll PM New company needs 40 men on all lhlttl. No experience l'lteea&ey. Complete corn· pany tn.InJns. We wm pay lop atartinc wqes lo men wUUrc to work and team our HUGH~S NEWPORTllACH requirement lot a and S.Wln9 6960 tnde. fv11er1l Counsellng • ""'"'"""'"'·Au.ta"°"' CALL Spoclal on Homa MR. NELSON PLANT PROTECTION OFFICER Beautiful P a c If I c ... 6f&.64t8 * . SATtJJtDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.t.f. Wlth-t tnduatrlal -•··t A1 .... 11---"2-5145 ·-· ,_.. ~ MONDAY 9 A.111. to 9 P.M. security experience, Dutle1 ' View Memorial P.Mk WATER WATER by cu. 642-6832 • Tott Small. Cabinet tn ~ ' ., -FOUND &nall chick'" Vic .... A olb•r ,,....,..._ EVERYWHERE Monrovia & 19tb C.M. !'tlooe ~1?1. U no .,,..,.. lea"' 5 Ll--5 tlmoo -5 buck& lltUlES -AD MUIT INC\.Ubf 1--Wllet "°" ,..,. "' ,..... ~ ""' "''"' Ill ffMl.. >-'l'OVllt ...-.. llMIW ....._ t-4 Q"" of m1rt11J11t- Neat. accunte, 20 )TL exp. Sf0..*1M will ~ude pbygJc:al llfrt'l.lr- lty, loci< • ...,, -and TILE, Coramlc 6974 *INT!RNAT IONAL* !Oprnc<d,,,...Aknowledae Is located on the hill- side overlooklnc tho Newport Bay area. ' AND kOTS'OF DROPS 646-129T. • ~ 646-2312. H. o. ~THIMO !"Ott SAL! -TltADES OMlYI * V•me 1!le Tile Man * MFG. & DISTRllUTING ot nm Aid wtll be helpful. PHONE 642-5671 TO DRINK-'mm fOOd BLACK Labrador Retrlver To Place Your Trider'& ParadlM Ad C:U.L....,;. In&tall & ,....... . FIRM & 2/JJ. cau_ "" """56-01l6 1Q'"'u"AUTY=~.,,--..,,.~---AI"----LOTS OF DROPS TO FDJ... ._ .. YOl..'R MAN MADE u.KE! ! Lost 6401 :mo,;=~ by boor CALL TO FIND OUT PvRPLE collar with bell, REPAlRS; ALTERATIONS ABOUT THIS UNIQUE worn by small bl.acit kitten CABINEl'S, An)' die job. AREA -AND HOW named ?.told. Lost vicinity 25yrs. exper. 548-6713 MUCH WATER Santa Ana A University MASTER • ...,...ter, 14 "" THERE IS UNDER Drivo, C.M. 543-$93 Blier -· Remoddtne-n.pa;n. GROUND * LEARN 6'00 P.M. .....,. or 5.16-3900 196S Ptytnooth S&tdltle 9 pass sta wag trade far ear- Uer model transportation car. C.a1l &fter 3:30 • 536-1919 • 22' Century Inbrd., has all extnu, C.G. •PP· eqUfp.. + SIS RT. Sold new $7500. Winter price SC295. Trade fur smaller boat. 546-9872 ABOUT WHAT THE UlST' Shaggy Mln. bl&clc . ''COVERED WAGON" female Poodle ; red rollar; Cement, Concrete 6600 C-1Iot80~, Twltin. val FOLKS KNl!W-LONG name "Susie". vie. Vic~ * CONCRETE work. Bond--$45,000. for comm 1LONG AGO I I I ~ •. probd. ?>ttom ed &: Lictnsed. Ooncrt:te bldg, w/lncome or Palm tee.th. Children grieving. . Springs House. Robt Wheel- 548-1136 sawq er, Agt. 42 Plua, o ......... , il THEY could'make it Phillipa Cement. MM380 538-1723. · ·-.. - to Silver Valley, 18 .mi. LOSI' 18 mo. old black &: e CUSTOM PATIOS e I ~=~-~~-- ! Bar"lo lb gold German ShepbelJl.lut concrete •-'-A: removal WANT condo. House, or . E. f\! S W, ey November. Vic Santa Ana .State u: ..... 1142-lJllO units in good area. llAVE kne there they woul4 Ave, CM. (Belongs t 0 · up to Ul a«ns at S300 find ater. YOU can disabled Vet) REWARD • BE.ST IN OONCRETE per acre. Matchem Really find -land, water, 642-8158 514-2324 · \Valks, pool deckl, floors, 646-4831 clean, dry ~ -high LOST Mayfair C.M. ~ Patios. Phone ~4 I "BA"'YF""'R"o"NT"""'&"'d"'oc"'k"';"'2"BaJ'"'. desert and land invest-& Terrier, 10 wits old. Beige • CONCRETE work, all boa Coves, NB; eq. $52,000. ment, land ·to grow ~-&: Mu It i co1o-re<J. Ana. types. Pool decks & cuatom. Tr8.de far T.D.'s or ! ! ! or falfa, nut trees &' apr1-''Toni" Call after 5:30. Call 548-13l4 lease I option. Courtesy 10 cots~ fish raising, etc., 675-6175 CEMENT "fr'm'k. m job too brokers. fi75..4331 etc. Own your own LOST Female s~se cat. ~· rea~h!e. Fr e e Want smaller car w/pwr & lake! wearing gold oollar. Vicinlt)i estim. H. Stuflick. 548-8615 !act air. Trade·~ 98 Olds Fullerton & ~ St. Child~-.,10 w/pwr It fact air+ $1W> Reward. 548-1628 after 4:30 _,. -eq in 1% acr nr Palm Spga: Bal S895. $15 mo. 536-1131 CaD M7.a;40 nu after 6 PM and talk to Ownfl'· LADIES Wristwatch v le CHILD Care my h:>me, (~~'!l"~~~~~!: \ Marina Village S h op ' g former teacher, pre-school, Trade New 23,500 sq tt 5 A. Nr. Hemet Hideaway Center. Call to ldenti!y. any hours. 546-3390 multi-ullft Indus bldg, flilly 3,(XXl' ~ Wtr, game $5500. 893-7669 leased Harbor/Warner 10% $55 Dn. 633-1710 3-10 A.M.FO --UN-0-,-N-r.-E-.-,-1-w-o-od Contractort 6620 net n!:turn for Oceanfront agt Sehl w lminlter Duplex W /Newport. 548-0122 DEJL • ...,.,. GOit coune view · '!, ell · . ; , small ADDmONS.REPAIRS l.W\.J:o bla.Ck dog, Terner -DOxie REMODELING TRADE equity in '69 GM:C Anowbead Home. every heritage 892--ll31 Designing A: Planning % ton pick-up, H.D. ,., lux. ~. $34,~. ~7994 1· KRYSTAL mow llki vie Kitchens-Baths, etc. pension; auto, trans; ~ Exc•--ll, R.. E. 6230 Beach Blvd HB. Nevada toe Lic'd &: Bonded. Free est mi, FOR equity in 3MO' ...... & Marker heel cable, 2114. A & B CONSTRUCTION' !18ilboat, 962-7900 HAVE: Ortgon a.creage. $100 53fr2919 1122 Paularino, CM. Car Waah. w/Beer Bar- per a.ctt as down ptyTnent LOST Black Ii: white f1utty * 545-4941 * Restaurant • 5 tum Bach into house or .small units. c:at vie of Sb&limar C.M. Additlonl * Remodeling units. Sall aemente. FOR Agent 64&-9683 d a YI, Reward. 646-5361. Fred H. Ge:rwick, Lie. I&' boat, land, units Or ! . 64fr7531 eves LOOT Orange Tiger Ca t ~l * 5&-2110 ~~4) ~ or Eves. R. E. Wantod 6240 :;:'.~:""" " Pm>ona C1rpot Clollnlng 662S ,;;TRAD,;-;:;i;E;,., "»"'· "'ea"b°'tn"enn.."""'-r. PRO~ONAL R I. twin ~· head. galley, Ui' carpeting, val approx $4500 6405 Upholsta')' ae.nq. Top for airpp' ot similar val. ---------1 quality, guan.nteed rftlllta. . 84'! 2360 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 21,i i.. Beaut. appt'd. Prlv. patk>. pool, close to bay. Val $32,000, low dn. or T .D., car or ! Owner ~ No job too small. Pluttt SWISS patoh. lakln& 1 bow er EXPANDING TO .. pair. 84T-lll5T-ORANGE COUNTY SCREW • 1966 COLUMBIA Mobile home, beaut. cond.., In 5 Star Pk, nr. ocean-trade for lrl-plex or duplex, locally. ~ Televftlon, Repair 6915 CAIL US FOR COLOR! House c:all $6.95 Guar. work l ntemat.lonal TV ' &U-99U NOW HIRING PERMANENI' POSITIONS AVAILABLE wrnr ORANGE OOUNTY ASSOCIATES Upholstery 6990 WE need men to work In aD ===,;.:_ __ _;;.;..;.~ I depts. No experieoot: ~A- MACHINE OPERATOR With Torno experience. The abUlty to do own aet-Upe ls dmr&ble. 17 Ft. outboard for station wagon or aulo of eqital val- ue. Phone 642-4980 CZ Y K 0 SK I 'S Outom aary, a1 we train. Uphols"'>. E uropean TOP STARTING PAY THESE POSITIONS OFF- C r a J t em an 1 b Ip. 100% AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES ER AN Ex:cEl.LENT FU· Financlfl&. Furn. boats Ir START WORK TURE WITH A GROWING 10 acres In Octanalde, M-1 :>r Cmunerclal · zoning. Trade for Apts, Co~r­ dal or ? ? ! Sll0,000 equl!y, OtAner 642-2945. auto's. 642--1454. 133 1 IMMEDIATELY COMMERCIAL DMSION Ney,.oport Blvd., C.M. FOR INTERVIEW CALL OF HUGHES AIR.CRAFI' JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MONDAY I: TUESDAY COMPANY, A RECOGNIZ- 3 ED LEADER IN THE Job Wontod, Mon 7000 Wn.l. Care for block or apt Me, very reaaonable rate. Phone Pete MS--8166, C.M. ---'-"'-4---725 ____ 1 FIEID OF ELECTRONICS. Contractors field o I f I c: e trailer, top cond, walnut panelled interior, carpeted, Sl.int value. Trade for .? 675-5582 I-lave 2'l' 1teel hull cabin cniiser with motor A: tlir, wW exchange tar pkk up truck ol equal $600 value. 49J.<6Tl TRADE: Very rood Elec- tric drye.r for Gu Dryer o.f equal vaJue. * Eve1. 642-1606 * Job Wantod, Lady 7020 HOUSECLEANlliG by da}' or week. Rellabl e, transportation. 5U-9863 2 LADJ&Ci desire ·bousecle:an- ing experienced -haw own trana. call B-5410 APPLY 11'1 PERSON Bob'• Big Boy 154 E. 11th Street Costa Mesa 500 Superior AWmH! Newport Beaeb, C&lll. Equal .... ~., emplo)w • M .1: F HAVE,~6,600eqtnChann-cDo_;;;;.m;_11~1--lc'-H--•~lp'----'7--03-""S ------~-l·~~--~~~- i1!i' tum Duplex In North--FRY (OOI( shores S&Jton Sea (or some George Allen Byland Agerq> h) f Coast o-Employer Paya Fee cu or 534-l?24 ~v... 106-B E. 18th, SA 547-0:e; SAlARY 'OPEN 2 M·l tilt.up bldgl. on Pia· Chinese Uve-i~ tbeerful Pmnanent Experlel'llid' 4:30 pm • 1 am shift centla, CM. Ttade eqty. Far Eut Agency 6U-3703 $95,500 for T.D. or prop. + Fl.I'll clau workln& condl· $45,000. Full Pr. $150,000 .• Help Wanted, MHf '""" tions wlfh m~rlt raille11 in a 548-1542. ~;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;=;;:;;, \ well e1tabliahed. teeure, Laguna Beach -3 resider.. • bu.sy reltaunuit t1a1 Jou 126.51Xl. will trado R.E. SALESPEOPLE up for bu.lldinc 1ultable u Progressive young Newport garage. Newell, Associates. Harbor Corp, ollers:-lm- 494-6594 m~a~ Income; aggressive Laguna Beach ReslderrtiaL adW'rtlslng; bonua plan; ~ Id tla1 . 11urance; vacation, etc. res en income, com-Retkienttal/Investments =: ~Jb.~: PROPERTIES WEST MAllllllGS Inc. El Tmo Rd CUesure World) Lquna um.. .,.,..,,. m JABSCO Prefer someone with mecbanical URmbly ex- porience. Good benefit& ml wwk· Ina conditions. EQUAL OPPORTUNl'IY EMPLOYER 1485 Dale Way, Coat& Mesa Phom' 563251 m•> Cemetery lqta crypts and niche" Before n • e d pur~ chase plan. A fast growing com- pany wilh complete s e r v l c e facilities. Mortuary, C 11ape1, Mausoleum and Cre- matory all within the cemetery. We want two emt>- tionally mature men. No experience ne- cessary because of o u r professional training. Do not pau up this opportunity. Phone 644.02U Darrell W1rd VI .. Praldont and Dlroctor of S.laa. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH IS SEEKING AN ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT To assist Senior Account. ant& in ampUU,. labor, material an d overhead """'preparing - taking trial -and PRIVATE Party will pay up *> OP1. ·M G.L fQr F .H.A. F.qtdty. b'" 3 bdrm +. bu,e famil7 rm. 6J6..280J, Bus. opportunltl11 6300 Bkr. 494-1330 1028 Bayskle Dr. 615-4130 LICENSED Allen'• Maintenance • Spiritual Readings. advice ~ or eves 642-352; Clear 125 ~ 170 resldentlal on all matters. 108 s. El CARPET & Furn. d eaning; lot, pob!nllal Apt lite. Vlll What do )tlU have to trade T GUARDS Cook ---------1 audlt.IJw .ublkliar,r lecfaer& Camino Real, San Clemente. !or l da.y service A quality Nu;yg area. $16.500. Want lbt U here -1n Otanre Fu& &: part time positions Apply In por&Gn AFFIL. . 49'1·9136. JD AM·lO PM work, call Sterlin&' for boat. ~!~~··Owner County's largest read trad-available in C.&plrtnno SPARE TIME INCOME SPECIAL $2 READING brightness! 64U520 ~ 1zvpost -andmalm adeaL Area. Unifarml&~pment REUBEN'S = ~~~: 1::. ti=~ A~~~~bv~~~rt C1rp1t Laying & * * * * *-* !:1m~ ~~~t~ COCO'S MATERIALS TECHNICIAN work. (Days or•Evell.) No dancer will teach you aD Repair 6626 telephone requlrtd. Ca 11 Hughes Newport Beach hu experience necesaary. Han· Iatellt steps. Call Ardell FLOOR COVERINGS SERVICE OIRICTORY Par:rh1nglng 54.1-1387 or apPb' 1416 A So. ar: immediate openin& fDr a die supplies and collections 213 591 ..,. 1 Main St., Sant.a Ana. 1555 W. Adams Mattrlall Technician for a only, in Orange County and 1 --~' ~~~-="-·!Jl;:;__Pc;M,:._ Carpets (nytons, \YOOhi, poly. H•ullng 0730 I _P_a_n_ll_n~•-___ 6850_ ""0"01-~"',~.AN'=o-m-G~O~P~Pl"l~.-.1 __ _,,Co:::•::l.:a_:Mo:::::•::a:.__I weU-eqtrlpped MOS facllitl- ne.arby area. AU stops {fac-* Selective Singles * esters,) Vi-'1Yll and Tile!l. :.:;:c::;~---_;= PAINT your aver ace For dynamic young men di-. tory and commercial only} WI do w ed-eingle-divoroed? Latest at;ylts and colors. CLEAN Lots/garage11 etc, bathroom • $10. I have satisfied with their present set up by home office. ..~~Talk, Public Invited C.OExpemm~ial ~lndttoResldenUal. tree remov, dump 1kip equipment 1 know bow, you earnini:s, but willing to $1650 TOTAL CASH V't.C·;,v•i:i l-10 p.m. rt insta a n. backhoe, fill grade. 962-8145 furnish walla • materialll. \\'OI'k hard to earn $18,000 required. For Immediate In-DON'T let another lonely BLANKINSHIP 1 coat. 54s.-W10 aJt 6 PM. first year. Hearing 1id in· terview send in Name, Ad-91\'ekend go by! succeed in FLOORS Hauling-Garage Cleanups surance or d.lred borne 11tll· dress, and Phone Number dating without really trying. 642-1403 540-1'162 Trim Hedges, Trees. Reas. Interior P1intlng tng experience helpful. to: Laguna. Bch 4!K-44'19 1-"======== mG JOHN • 60-4030 Apt!:. or bouaet by Job or Phone 54l41n 9 am to 5 "WHOLESALE DMSON,. COUPLES _ ~_...., new ln Elldrlcal 6640 I===-====== room. Low otl leUOft rw.tea. pm , 549-4335 eves. P. o:&x 58 area ''The .,~~ians" are · Houteclunlnt 6735 __ 89Ul&<l_..--•_A_nyt;me"-·--• INSTRUCl'ORS -Full NIGHTS APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. lH • Tbl1 position requires a bacqround in the p~ 11111& of .emkonductor ma- terials and the aaembly ol aeml-conductor devices. A bulc knowledge of planar techniquea: would be help- ful. POMONA, CAUF. 91169 comina:; Fri. 5 PM 635-92)1 E LE CTRICIAN IJce~, LITE HaulinC A cleanu VINYL wall c 0 v e r t n 1 or/and part time. Neat • CANDY SUPPLY (FormertyThe-) ~-~be M&int. ............. ""1...:: opeclaliot. Kt~ b1 tb 1. peannce. Mull be able to 151 E.Coo11Hlghw•y ROUTE ALO)HOIJCS Anonymous;I,;=:=:="===== can 642-2657 Material A labor. Elt meet aacl deal with ·tbe N port Ila h AJ>pty In -"' -resume to: Full i· p-SU.721T ·i. to !---=:::....:=::.:..~-841-1659 public, &OOd t;gu,.. Apply ow ac HU G H ES <Part or Time ""-~-wn Gard1nl-6680 CARPETS, window, tln, In -11ou•--n.-~ ---=---:--1 J!:lir,o!l.lent Income for Few ~P:;·:;o·:;llox::;::;==:::~=:~::M;:oaa.=:= \·--;;;:;: .. ;;;";;;;;;,;:--etc. Restden. or eomc·L PAINTING, Inter Io r. a -..-DO Harb: Bl aJw Aircraft Company HrL Weeklfu'11~r~J~,_'.:; A 6410 ANTHONY'S Xlnt work Reu! Refs. ~~I .;_ ~:25r y tl!asonablel 1~~~~---~-~-~vd~.. Exp. finance Min Eves.) re "'& a11u U>I 'C\;L" nnouncem1nts Garden S.rvlct 548-4111 ~ ~ ing Money .trom Coin Oper-HAVE A PARTY I 646-1948 ~D::,,_,,~=-,-,a~,-..,,,.~~ .. -rv~tc-e e INT -EXT, ANY 81ZE ExT~1ndou1 PotJob~~~I You maY quailly for a poll· ~ Superior Ave. Newport Bea.ch 92663 ated Dispensers in Orange ,.._ __ 11 u holste JOB Xlnt k ...., .. ence or no. uwi:t'I lion with one of America'• Coun~ and , .. -.. nd lng BE DIFFERENT! BtJIX;ET LANDSCAPING Apt. -...... .,.. -p 'fY • wor ' rdl, lift unllmo·t~ op-~uniN for " area. ...,.No selling~(H'ahdtes Have your own authentic Prune .. , Plant• •. Prepare • Fut Se~ 539-1456 • est JIM. 642-4669, 64$-3749 ambtt1o': pe~n~ ...,. ~~~~les~n~~~u/y~ N~e Brand Candy and Oriental 11tand-up cocktail Monthly Maintenance PAINTING, Jnt'1'. • exterior 800 S. El Camino Real must have n minimum of l Snackl) $1650 total C8.!lh re-party, we cook it &: l!Cl'Vfi I --'ExP"'. °'.C,H'Oortl;;:"cul=ct;:ur;::•::.• _ :,:ln:;:COl::::;;me:::_T;cox:::;_ __ ...;6:.:7..:.:40 Stale lie. -bonded. Free Suite 215, San Clemente year experience In !be con. Equal-ity employer. M I F quired. For more lnJorma.-It in your own home, all AU.EN BROS BE A Satisfied Client with estimates. 642-0238 10 am ·l pm 11wner finance field. Phone l--------- t1on and details, eend Name, you supply are the people, GARDENERS STUDENTS Harris Tax Service. 9th yr. PAINTING & paper han&ln&. SERVICE station Manager, or apply in person 521 W. ZODYS Address, and Phone Number MW LILY SAM 642..s353 ~Ex the.~~ 1 1 1hru col-locally. Avail. 12 mos. 3ll7 tl!uonable, 25 )TS exp, mechanic & atteni:lants. Fulll9tb ·c__~S-'t .. _CM=·~""=mo-=~I to: aqe, peri.:u1..~, cenaed. Roosevelt Way, c. M. references. 642-1322 & part time, Must be exp - ''ROUTE DEP .~~·~" ATTENTION REAS! -... -i ai -·-Good --'·-· 1n1Au1111n. DEU. n.n11u~•• ''Mack" omr£;J11 HOUSE Pab:IHne. Quallb' at w/oc '~ ........ ; U llAftl P.O. Box 3846 ,.., ___ EX-tNAtheVYoldMEN bag CUt&~Lawn H.K. Clar k ,_,.,. "'--·. a fair prioe! Free at. CaU + comm. Apply 1000 E. HAS OPENING FOR •-'-'-caillomia 92!IJ3 ~· OU II!&· Maintenance ... , ___ .. .nr.."" .. ..,.,... c H NB ~--~ and hel t .... L,oOl.ZJl~<l ·----taa, --nal OI' Rick, 6:4$-2215 out wy, ' PlZZA take out and dd.lvery .. Work 9 bn. 6 days and net over $1.XI> with only $7,150 ~st. $50(J) down. Listed yellow paee ad • Kood beach area loc. • · 10w n!llt. PRICE REDUC- ED FROM S13.0XI to $'!,750 with aome tlnandng. Ill health totteS sale. The Real Estaters. 646-nn uk tor Van. "LITTLE BUSINESS" • Operate from yov.r home • Full OI' part.time- • High earnings e No ~~ neoeuary ...... tnlnl!w- • Eam whUI ltvnillJ ·---complete Inventory e For~wrlte e Bax M-4691pafl1 POot A'n'RACJ'IVt Beaub' 5Ull'I tor ..ie. ~t c.II GJoria. 90-1232 WANTED 'Oll-&le liquor -... °'""'" Coun!J' caD~ 6Gll39 p OU a C&WN!. ~ aft f .UIUI....,. ..-- Give )'OU!' old uniforma (Off. busiDells. your home er ofc:. PAINTING, Paperhla 15 yn Car Wash H'ip ~bl&~~> to thebl~~-J:~~ a:=: ~ ~or~: eves firm. :.~:~bond-Full tlnw or Wk1ndL """vu • """" ae11, W o.co, __...~.__ ,..,. •-Min '18 ..... 1 .. La ..,._,..,. sea-ha.gs. etc. 642-5169 """...um .... "'-~ Gordon N. Warren, PA .----~ 'cAR'wA.Si! ...... J1p1nue G1rd9Mr 18th )ftt. Appt. m.3345 PAINTING, Sign~ 6155 481 E. J7th Colt& Mesa *MADAM CLARA Expe•. compt '"" "'"°"'· C.ARD READINGS Free estimate. 548.7958 e THE TAX ADVIOORS IRONING -80c an hour MACH; Weber aptCial equip. Call Year~ ofc. 328 No. Please bring hanlen needs Turret lathe, milllng -----'"""""-=---IO.EAN·UP Speclalllt! Mow· Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reas! 251.9 Avocado, CM 54U221 h •-310 s Ing - odd jobo, u.... mac . OpenlUA•· • SERVICE DlllECTORY ' ' ...,.t Call 64&-MOO for · appt. Center St., S.A. Call Kl :;.;;.;.;,.;.""-';;._;;-'-';;;;:.;;;;:.;.;,.;._l"~mo~vl~ne~. :-."'~"~t:._548-<95!1~:"!'"-.._ SKOUSEN TA.'X SERVICE Pl11t1r1ng* Rep.Ir 6880 '!-:>95 Btbyslttl"I 6550 e JAPAN'ESE GARDENER Yoor b om e. Reasonable. -cFULLc::::....• __ part--Um~e-hel-p Mainte!')IJ>ce il 'Cleanup Eves. WotmlJI Manz • PAT'S Plutmnc. All wanted. "n:>p ftit!J, chance WILL babysit my homo 9 Call 5'8--2512 54!>-6328 ~Free nUmate. Call tor advancement mos to 3 ~ prefer'T'l!d. AL'S Gardenin;'. Servlee PERSONALIZED. e11:p e rt METRO CAR WASlt Days, ooca.sioned, part or Lawn maintmance prde.n-T y -·-• ofc INT. Pluter, ext. ttuCCXJ, dry _,. ,,_....__ mvd CM full timie. SOc htly • Ul 'lng It dean ups. ~ ax -=rv. ear """... ., wall taplnc, aCOW!ltlc il/ar ..,""" mu.....-' wkly. 548-1395. Ex· rcu:. 646-1'112 textured ee.Ulnp. 545-«J03 SERV. fITA. $ALE.5MEN. perletad. Near Harbor YARD Cleanup. Ttee Walter H. Fabftnbob P.A. Men to "10rk fuJI time, Sbopptne ee.nter. lltl'\lice, new I a " • 1 • Income Tu Service Plumblnt 6890 "1irc llhlft. See Cylde, BABYSITTING -·--84UI04ar!ll5---. -:lSflON.....,.mvd..C.M. DI my heme. Nnr MapoUa JAPANESE Gardener eJNCOME TAXe PLUMBlNG REPAIR EXP and-St,W~CompleieServlce .Ex-Doneln,....botne N~~"':ll SET-UP&LEADMAN ""· F.nced ,..m, hot nWaJt periencied. Reliable. 6C-4389 SS And a.P. ~2600 for plastlc• moldinc ahop 1nduded. Call anytime. • JAPANE.9E GARDENING l{NO)ME TU Serv., Notary Pt.UMBlNG 24 hr tel'Y. Call 546-33'70 btwn a am-5 pm 84'1·118'7 Servioe Ottnup, Land.lea.po 1 PubUc. Rfu. Eves. StS-1340. Woric quar, Uc. Ins, tl!mod, BRAKE a: a 1t1 n m e n t UCENSEO dq c.att. Prd lfw. 53].?034 aft 7 p.rn. 2361 Zenith. S.A. Hts. l'l!psir, rootu lft'Y, $.'ll-'1596 mechank. exp only, many ~1dy""' yn. .II!>' :~Go-•• Som-e612 "INOOME ,.,,_ prepoml Pot Grooming -""""""" bonollU. Apply balanced a.c:UV1ties. ""°"~ _ )'OUr tnne, kmg form com-Yourc • Lane Titt, 412 BABYSJ1TING my hJm&.CRYSTAL JANITORIAL• bioed,$15.04-.am SONIA'S dos 1 room ln1 . OceanAve .. l.agu~Seach IMI IEitafe'-L .. M 6340 v'c. '!th SL, Hunt. Beach. Window Cleanb\f. C.ompl e PROFESSIONAL TAX a pe cia l l1ln1 1tylillh SALES CL ERKS Reu. rate~ 536-7900 janitorial ltfYkt, Btlllin, SERV. llome-qukk accurate. penonallty cu~ t« poodle•. ruu I put time, Apply HOMI LOANS BABYSl'JTINO my ·home rtstdtn or mnttru. FYtt '19. Complete!! 968-3403 lllgt-at &rUIUc w o r k , Montrue1. N'pt. Ctnter ltONT.\' AVAJl.ABl,£: dt,)11: or nltea. Newport aru. estimate sa..-m Ul'llUrpUltd cttative ablll· The Tobl.oconlst Inc. Call for ·deialll on 'todl)"• Exper mother 64&-38'74 HAUUNG. Ceanup p,....., Ironing 6755 ~~:nma.~;.te BMl= Fuhlon hland, Newport n.tea ft:r ht • 2l"d TDJ. Bab)'llttirw "' •'ttl c. M. ode: jot. etc. J"rN e1L Jlm ..m':i hospl~pe~ BUSIEST ~ In Owr 21. will train 1f necn- ury to make aandwlches • related dell itemt. Apply in pet80D only. DEU SllEF 10039 Ada.ma Aw. at Brookhunt, H.B. PART TIME $250 PER MO. NO EXPERIENCE NEC. CALL MR. REID 54().2(ll4 Liquor Oep.ortment Meneger APPLY 11'1 PERSON TD STORE· MANAGER ZODYS FOUNTAIN VALL£Y 16111 HARBOR BLVD. SATURDAY s AM to s PM T t T--" I la Mon -Wed&AMto9PM ltS ..... nc: n •ADMINISTRATIVE• ;~u:r:. =p,!'~,! ASSISTANT tronlc equip, Skill& comp. for new, expanding, aclentil-to a competant TV ttpair. le testlna 11rm. Em.Uc boon n'W1, famlL w I all bJe1 but unllmi~ opportantty. al translltor drcults It oper. Some coUese prefd. can • ol dectrooc ttlt equip. Per- 10 5 wk. di.Yi '15-'181'5 IOftll not pomitAlng such BUSBOY Wantod &kill& """ not apply. T to 3 •hilt. Mull be Can 646-'611 out ot IChool. APPLY DENNY'S Rest. 12924 Beach BJvd., Carden Graw CARIER OPPORTUNITY! IU.000 LO NOT TOO MUOI Joto -)'I ,_ -tor man over 40, with car, prot'wkln-Mutull FUnd ..iet to take ahort auto trlps near No ~· nect'd8l'1' Beach Oliff. Alr mail P.E. We tn.tn fQD or part lime Pate. p,..., T"""' n.llnery Mutual fund AdVI"'"' Co111., Box TU. 1'ori Worth. I Ttx.u 'MlOL . ~ W~-.... IG&C2S AR01lTF£1'1JRAll NP! a -- A lood kDoWledp ot ec- muntfrw theory and a ~ lmum of industrfal experi- ence is ~. Recent -aicountlne ....... ence ill acceptable. Please apply In penon. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH rm Superior Avenue Newport Beach, Cali!. Equal opp>rtwtlly employer • ld A F JANITOR Immediate openina: far a steady, reliable man to work with .2 other janitors on cur 3rd lhllt (ll:!O p.m. to 8:3tl a.m.> We pre.fer a minimum ol 2 )'I'll· lndUltrial Janitorial ex· perlence with knowledp ol power cleantns equipment You muat have a stable ,-.·ork hWof)'. Good 1tart1rw ra.te, 5hilt premium A ~ efit.s. Ylriln dill machines A VAJUAN SUBSIDIARY 2m Mlchol..., Drlvo (Adj. Oranr• Co. Al>port) Irvine, Caill. 92664 An equal opportunity emplo~ MA: F JANITOR EXPERIENCED Excollant lmployw lloM/11• APPLY Personnel Offlce Third ~1- The llroadw1Y NEWPORT BEACll 47 Court• of Fashion FASllION ISLAND Nowport llooch AnEqualOportunl!J' Emplo>'" PART TIMI! SNACK llAR e FRY COOK e ~ to _,. I.A. Ul2sJ'.ini-...,, on Iara< Apt project.I A Pot<lrtla1 lldl time to -........ -... ~ l!llllth FULL Time DeU4ood to p -· 111111 bl 2L • servq ~ ~ for arm. You furnWt h,.. 548-&ZS, anytime I RONI NG 1Sc pc. ~ kMI A te~a mN~ towa. n. OAILl, PD.OT u years. 6CS-lf07 dUSlZST ~ th You Br l1"19 H19r1. ~ or aedattvu eVft' ut-Cl...tfttd e:tlm.. S • •• S&tti.r _ .. Co. 1nc. MANY """°DllUL Oi' ..... Tbo DAILY PILOT '42.2151, -1 ed 0oty . btalth1 anlmall ......., -A ....._ Lootl ""'11teet. N...,,... Blach HI TIME DELI HVNTINOTOM ta-TISI ""E. 17111 St or. SIACLIP! II ... a_, QUlCKm !OU CAil. ~ Ci. 1W ~ wt!> ,,.,..,. &di THE QUIO<EI\ YOU SELL ,.... 338 E. 17Uli St. POll1VNll'IEI ..,.. blm a1Mlfkd wtkn. "" ~tcd by appotntmcint aowlll , ~n_-=I dlwwwttd .. ,.,,, ........ A*, moo,_11111° thQ A effort. Looi! 'ME QUJCDR YOU CALL. Pick 01) • deliWQ'. ........ JoJOJJlNN0 ... ;-;1nwiiiiiiciiin~IDiDtbliiii ,,_ ••r•-.,,-,,...-badf ID'"'-Op-• QUJa<ER OU DAILY Pllm' "Alff Alltll SOCK rr"'1 'El'if! oortunldt'I" NOW! Dial 6(2.,~ far RESULT3 nm y m.i. sooc TTTO 'EM! MHim r • 1· M DAILY PILOT Monoq, ifOl'\llrJ 24, lM -A W\.OYMEN'I , ~A EMl'\.OYMiNl lCiiS & !Ml'LOYMENT 1-------Holp Wonltd, ...._ W...... -1'200 11o1p W•--noo HaJp w1nr.1 w-7400 * SEARS * * * * ANNOUNCES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES at Cost& Mesa, tor experienced TRUCK BRf SAWMBf Opportunity for management unRmlted. * * * EXCELLENT EARNINGS PLUS PROFIT SHARING. HOSPITALIZATION, * GROUP LIFE INSURANCE. PAID VACATION, EIGHT PAID JIOLIOAYS. 40 HOUR WEEK. EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT * * * APPLY AT Personnel Office Monday thru Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM * SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. SO. COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ASSEMBLER "B" Exp. required In spot-wtlding .r. some metal cleaning, plus ability to solder stainless steel. Good Co. benefits with future for right person. AP- ply at; Personnel Office U.S. Divers Company 3323 W. Wamer Santa Ana An equal opportunicy employer Assemblers We have an immediate rM!ed for electronic assemblers with a mu:imum of. 1 yr. exp. You mU11t be willing to work. On the lat shift from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Knowledp of color code, component p,.rts I: aoldering la manitatO'&. Good ltarting rate + eJcel- Ient benefita includlrW ' 12 da.Y• vacation during the l.st ~ar of ernplO)'ment. Varian Data Machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michel1on Drive (Adj. Orange Co Airport) Irvine, Colif. 92664 An equal opportunicy employer M·F PART TIME * REXAIR INC. * Large International C.O. Expanding to Orange County WE NEED 25 MEN FOR DISPLAY AND ADVERTISING WORK 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. TOP STARTING WAGES NO EXPERIENCE NllCESSARY ASWE TRAIN FOR INTERVIEW CAlL MR. JAMES MONDAY &: TUESDAY 774-72S1 * SALES ENGINEER * POSITION RECENT mechanica l graduate who rom.municatn well Rapidly growing 10 year old comme:reial pro. ductll fiml. specializing in precision mo l ding of pluUca component a,.uembly. Caree r o~ porblnltywith ex ce 11 en t tJcnd1ts including p T o f i I -· CALIFORNIA INJECTION MOLDING .:i Bri"1 Avenue o:.ta Mesa. Calif. lrYine lid. Tract -· MEOL DESIGN WET SUIT CUTTER Min. I yr. exp. ln cutti,.;: IUlts trom txJ&ting patttrns. Good co.. bttltfitl .t worki.rc roncl's. Appl.y to: P•rt0nMI Office U.S. Divers Company 3323 W. Warner Santa Ana An equal opportunity i!:mpJoyer w-7400 UNl&A•• ln1ur•nca Grwp TIRED or A LONG OOMMUI'Ef Unlpnl I-G1'0Up U. now birtfw for our new c& ""'°" olllco -approx. 4/l!V"' 1n Hunttacton B<&dl, lult oU "" Seo DI-... ....,,.. ,,_ poaltlono wUI require a lhort traini,. period of 2 monUu in our Loa Angelft otnoe, before the mow. MU:eaa:e wW be ...... during thb pertod. lmmodlat. Opening• In the following a.rut CODING Experienced or trainee in fire Wor cuualty sta.tisti- cal codlflC. Math aptitude nece.....,.. • INVENTORY ACCOUNTING OONTROL. Type 40 to 50 accurattly. 6U-266S N.8. Sportswnr Some experienct or aptitude Manut.acturer with Ugures helpful Light customer contact Agencies, Women 7300 . jJ_ newport . persoi\nei _agency 833 DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 642·3870 Our special goal Is to Mlp each indivklual achieve h•r special , .. 1. Plaa'° talk to u1 obout the following opportunltl•s •. Mtiny are fff paid by Iha employer. tom9 are '" paid by tho appli- cant, you may chooff. Steno $500 RATING Prefer at kast one year of lire or casualty rating exper- ience. Opportunity to ad· vance Into multlpal line rat- in&'. KEY PUNCH career openin1 for operatore witk at least one year ex• perlence on Alpha &: Neu- merlc IBM eqUip'mt. Day """L Excellent free benefits. Per- manent, 1i;teady work. Our policy i.. promotion from within. Your future is deter- mined entirely by you. New modi!:m olfice, friendly, pleasant atmosphere. Sharp girl with top typ- ing skills. Legal expert-For Details and App'I. encc helptul. Cl\lt Collect Acctg Clerk to $4GO PERSONNEL S<hooling or work expo<-( 213) 384· 1213 lence. Payroll .t accounts """• 1 •· UNIGARD .,~~1~:,!: •. ~!,., 1_1NS_u_R_A_N_c_E_G~Ro .. ,_uP figure: typing. Clerk Typbl i. $§1S General office ex~ri· ence good fl~ ability, type 55, pleasant tele- phone persona.Jlty. Hostess Apply Jn person REUBEN'S COCO'S Secretary to $550 Construction background help!ul. Sh 100 +. typing 75+ must be self start· er capable of working with busy e~utJve de- partment trc,_ds, Oppor· 1555 W. Ac11ms tunJ"'•!!! -'3 Costa Mesa Clerk Typi1t to $450 Work Ne•r Hom. Busy offk:e requires abil· • AccounUncJBkpa: tty to dq detail· A follow • Seeretarial up. Type 65, shorthand helpful •Reception • Typbj• S.Cr•t•ry $500 Superior AgMCy M1111t be sharp, good sh Established 1946 &: typing + ability to co-1857 llarbor Bl, Costa Mesa ordinate &: supervise. Call first. 642-nfl Girl Frldoy lo $525 PART TIME Construction background Need 3 women to WGf'k u helpful l!..lso familiarity bridal ........ n--•-rs·, ,.. --• wtth computer coding. .. ...... M:.W "' ... Bookkeeping, light sbort-per week &: 4 hours Sat. hand A: gooa typing. Ev-Start $.1 per hour. Must be entuaUy will head lar$e well groomed & drive. For staff. interview 836-7479. R•cpt/Typist $375 • MAIDS. Full or pa.rt time. Beautiful location & com-Must be able to work week· pany. Opportunity to ad· ends. vance. Type mlnimwn 60 K NII M I &: usr call dlrecfor. •n. es ote 1021 Bayside Dr. Rec•ptionl1t I NewPOrt Beach Gal Frld•y to $350 Telephone rec:•ption Combination receptiorii.st work. Apply botwoon & 8.Sl!istant to bookkeep-er. U1ht typing with 1 p.m. & 5 p.m., 1626 ability to function in E . M.ywoocl, Santa country club atmosphere. Ana. W• han rn•nY more fl~• CAN YOU QUALIFY? l••ch erea ~nltln too numerous to ll•t. T•I-l lousewlvcs who want to e phon• lnqulrl•• are ..-1-work part time. 10 hours com.ct. per week & make $65, call ""'""""""'""'"'"""'""'"'I 8J8...S321 btwn 2 , t H•IP Wented e OPERATORS. Ex· - _W::,:o::,mo:::;n ___ ..;7;,..400;;_; perienced. Good pay. e HAND FINISHERS. Gar- ment experience. 642-2666 Jru1ur. Underwriter · · lo $5511 N.8. Sportswear Mfgr. F.C. Bkkpr ••••• ... to $541 CTIVE Girl --•-1 Secretarii!:S. man)' ,. to $500 ATI'RA lo u..-: ••98 a few hourll a week. Clerk Steno • • • • • • •• • •• • .,, trl DMV ................... $475 generous pay. S ctly for General 01lice •••••••• S400 fun, no exp nece8SU)'. Rep- Typist&, many , .•••• to $375 ly lo Box M 658 Daily Pilot PBX • . • .. • • . • •• •• •• .. • S338 e BUTJ'ON A: BUTI'ON Tmee L.epl Secty •••• $375 OPERATORS; Ex· Tmee Typl.st& ...... to $375 perienced. App. 8 to 3 p.m. Trntt Med Hoates.s •... S346 JAY MAR INC. 2907 S. Oak. Tmee Girl Frlda,y •••• S340 Santa Ana Tmee Sleoo ............ ml 1 ""'MA,.,..,~T"'"u'=R~E~W~O~MA~N~ Trnee Teller ·· ....... ••• $.125 For telep~ survey. our Tmee Nuniea Aklt · · • • $303 office. Full ot pt time. Gd AUSET AGENCY Collta h1esa pey. Ph. Mrs. Pihl 64&7753. 9:30 arn..J;30 pm dail,y. WANTED -Matta't-Spanish p;peaking w om a n for 431W,19th 642-61!<1 G~GroYC babys l ttlnc & lite 12291. llarbOt BJvd. housekeeping by the Mo., 6J8.5150 day• only. 548-591~ aller 6 pm. ---------1 ruu. time dental rttep-W~: Mature lady for tkKlilt owr 3S, ~ req. bab)'llUi~ w/ 2 mo old Send resume to Daily Pilot baby 5 days wk. 54!)..2i22 nm: M 5&2 before 10 a.M « a1t 6 pm. 1..::::.. .. =.:. ,=06:..--W~ANTED=~-· 'WM"R ~ ~ MOTJ:IER'S helper. live in. 2311 Newport Blvd., Costa ' ' perm. Pr.rt nn A-bath. $125 Mesa.Apply ln pertlOl'I. J'ar ~ A tnluation of mo. 60-9JT4 BABYSITTER needed 8 AM iDumJaated p u • h bu tton nitcbrc. ·Experience with \VOMAN WANTED. night tr 5 PM: Fountain Valley ,mtn!al:un Prt~ mccb. lhift, part time. No ap. area. S3l....u::.J ~ a*" ~ Ci:Jntad: 11K. 56. App., Mr. Donut. WANTED: ~vt>. ~I· JrW'Q) OU fDdustrics 1l5 E. ttth St., C.l&. Oeient, exp'd, f'ront desk ':IOT r.o.. Bdem. Anaheim GALS, I haw an kb! SmaD pl lor Dmtal ofc. 89'k'l6lJ (7lC) m«l3"7' ~ b "t t n t: 1-1 BABYsrrTER ~ I AM l:XPDlJo«:£D ll!f'Yb Jta. JAi'• set our tie ad • to 5 PM : 'FOl,lntaln Valle>" ........... 1111 tlme _.., -borl -...... 531-. -..... .... "'"'°'~ MOTEL MAID TE L EPllONE Answering ..... ta et• a al c a I ex-EXPUUe:NCED Srrvb. Exptrienced need ... -i**'•4541M'm &D W. a.at H"1. N.S. ~. -' ' Coronet Employment Agency Serving all of Orarrge County. Those selected po•i· lions or1 with Or- ongo County firms "/Jt.d for oxcollont working conditions & job security. We In- vite your inquiries on thaso and other fee p • i d or oppli""nt paid career oppor· tunities. · Contracts AdminlstratiYe Secretary to $490 Righi h • n d to de- portment h • • d. Broins & skilk needed here . Shorthond 80, strong slalislicol typ- ing. Financial Secretary Export slotisticol typ- ing requireC:I for con· !roller, plus short· hond & some book· keeping bockground. Room to grow in this' 0 range County's most fascinating cor- porolio~.. S • I • r y commensurate with exper~ce. f r o m $350. Steno to $450 Stepping stone posi· tion. Assi st secretary of marketing mane· gor. Shorthond 80. Opportunity knock· ing here! General office Min. $433 Enjoy ,dotoil? Posi· tion requires "te~e charge personality," shorthand 80, minor posting & phones. Gal Friday $450 Shorp & young to as· sist production men· ager. Must be fast, accurete Vpist, have lnowledgo of ship- ping, receivin g pur- chasing etc. Grow fost with this expond- in g firm . Keypunch Operator to $450 Garden Grove com- p•ny. Ont yeor IBM 029 Alpho numeric gets the job, bone· fits too. Clerk Typist s3,r Fee pa id. $ponish speaking for sales de· portmonl. light of· fice experience will quolify you ii you ore neot_& trim & type accurate SO wpm. Coronet Employment Agency 1202 E. W1sldnoton Pl. 10.and & S1nt1 Ana FN0W1yl Santa Ana 541-4171 JOBS & EM~LOYMENT -11o:.:...~ 7400 SECRETARY , , lmmedllto opeoioa ,., • """ ttt&r7 with a m1n1lmlm ol thrM yean experlm:f.. ---·-lift, ftlPOlldble PtrlOft w1tb excellent shorthand and ~ hw akllla. You n:wt be a Rll starttt and be able to work w l t h a minimum amount cl dlrteUon, a.s you wSU be wotJdnr' for a fltld aa1es manager. You wUJ be worldrw for Na· tlonaJ. Electronica Ilk'. (a Varian IUbGdlary) at tbl Varian Data Machinel olf. ""· Good starting u.1aty plus ex- cellent benellts, and located In a flew air -conditioned plant, In the llvine Jndust. r1&1 Complex. EVENING INTERVIEWS ?ilAY BE ARRANGED Yarian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 MlchollOn Drive (Adj. DnlnJl:e Co. Airport) lrvlnt1, C•llf. 92664 An equal opportunity emplo)rtr, M & F MISS EXEC AGENCY F•• Paid Tech Illustrator. relmb to $600 Secretary laplit) , •. , to SS50 secty IRl!:9earcb , , • , •• to S550 Secty/Saleg ••.••••• to ~ Secretary IPR , ••• , • • • . . $500 Secretary/Legal ...... $500 Secretary .............. $500 Inventory Control , ••• to $494 Girl Friday· (split) •• to S450 Lab Tech, no exp (~plitl S350 Applicant pay1 '" Exec Secretary , •.. , • • • $512 Secretary ••....••••••• , 1475 Secty/Gen Outea •••••• $450 Receptionist • • • • • • • • to S400 Girt Friday ........ to S400 Eaerow Trainee •••••• to S350 410 W. Cout Highway Newport Beach 64&3939 AOVERTISING JOIS & EMPLOYMINT MlltCHANDISI l'Olt MERCIV;,~DISE FOR Jilll Man, w..: 7 IA:_LI AND TUDI SALi A D ntAOI l'Umlfvl'o -~""""'... -' UNUSUAL Opport11ity TelephoM: 49'U700 between t AM -l PM Mon. lhN Fit. 9 AM • 12 Nooo Sa.~ for appJintment.. DRAFTSMAN Able to read and Inter- pret blueprints and acht-- matlcs. Prefer printed circult bom'd experience. Coll Panonnal Dept. (7141 494-9401 TELO·NIC ENGINEERING CO. LAGUNA BEACH Equal OpPOrtunlty @mpioyer ACC~ANT ~e in Businesg Ad· mlnJ1traUon, major in Accountlnr, preferred. P leue 11Je application by Feb. 28. City of Costa Mesa TI Fair Drive P .O. Box 1200 S>i.;r,o OPPORTUNITY for 2 Licenaed Real Estate people. Your own desk &: phone. Good adv@rtising pn> gram. With well established office. Walk in traffic. Good leads to work on. ·, ,'. E. Lacherunyer Realtor 1860 Newport &vd., CM &J&.3928 Eve. 673-45TI YOUNG English Executive engaged in trade w I Europe, requires French man or woman for private professional tuition in oral French; minimum 3 hrs per wk until Uuent. C a I I • • PP.TAX~ REDUCTION SALE! Special Once-a· Year 7 DAYS 'TIL MARCH 1st ONLY ' OYerstocked * up to 80% Savings ! ! DONT MISS THIS ! ! ' SS SAVE DOLLARS SS Bank Terms * Store Charge Spanish & Mediterranean AUTHENTIC SPANISH: .Bedrooms, living rooms, game aets, dining room .. ts. taples, lamps, wrought iron and accessorie!:, etc., etc. APPROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA 12 Years same. location-same owners h__' s!~:~ ~·~s,,. ~ ~'S4S.9UO ~ Furnltvro 8000 , 20 PC. "MADRID" . ·----~ Sparush 3 Room Graup MedHerranean :rnoM MODEL HOMES Includes: Qulltm so!a & chair -2 end tables &: cof- ft"! table -2 lamps -dress. er -mirror -headboard - quilted box: spring &: matt· ress -"I pc. dining room; table & 4 hl·back chain. Received canc•llation of $22,000.DO Sponl1h and Medlterr•nean Furniture All N1w Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Drum Houff .., Dlaplay Items as fo!Jowa: Gor- geous 8 ft. custom Quil- ted irofa with separate loose plllow1 with heavy oak trim decor and mat- chinr chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, {2) 58" tall decorator lamps, an 8 piece master bed.- room 1ulte in peCan pan· elled. Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty mattress A: box 1prlngs. Spanish decor dinln&" set. etc. Whol• houseful! was · r99ular $1295.00 MUST SACRiFICE $568.00 COMPARE AT $749.95 $399 No down-Pmf! only $16 mo. WELK'S WARfllOUSE 600 w. 4th st., Santa Ana Open Daily &-9 • Sat. 9-6 Sun 11-6 Gar1ge Sale I022 GARAGE SALE Sat/Sun/Mon 9-t; misc.: racin&' bike, etc. 7 6 O 2 Ontario Dr., JIB MISCEl.LANEOUS ltems of furniture I appliancea. 755 Hudson, s.s.-0806 or 540-0017 Applloncn 8100 MERCHANDISE FOR SALi AND TltADI Pl1noo & o;..... I llO •New Pi-• WlJllLl'IUR A BRADBURY All ctYIH • -an , American made, 88 note, del w«nch &: tunm. Price start. ~ a.t $499. Wurllber Orgat15 e NEW e Many other maltel. Ml1t1 lt)'lea I llnishtL Prioe1 it.art at $595 EVERYTHJNG IN MUSIC Beach Music Center 1',actoQ" Sales &-Service Dally ll noon 'tll 9, Sal S.S 1740f Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) 111 ml. So. San Dleao ~· HunUrvton Beach M7.s536 Used Organ Sale Hammond MlOO Spinet $995 Hammotxl AlOO Console $1800 Hammond RT·2 Concert with HR 40 ................ $1895 Harn.tnand C3 w/spkr •• $1750 Hammond 8..J A: Leslie $2150 Gulbnrlllen Premier only 6 rnontha okl ......... • • • $3395 ALL PIANOS ............. . 20S or more Savings!! Open Mon & Fri ews. f HAMMOND In OORONA DEt MAR 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 673--8930 Grand Opening Our new orpn department is now open featuring THOMAS ORGANS with the exclusive c.oloT.Clo and Playmate. FREE Lawrence Welle family musk course, a $100 value, free with every Thomas Organ. Prices start at $595. Coast Music 1839 Newport Blvd, CM Carner of Newport I: Harbor 646-0271 PIANOS & ORGANS Famous Name BraDd& from $529. Also USED Instnunentl Gould Mu1ic Compeny 2M5 N. Main, Santa Ana , So. of Freeway 547-0681 • Mon & Fri 'til 9 Sunday J2.S ; WE'RE In our new &ton!. ~ Our fantastic sale ol Pianos ~ & Organs now oont:inues at Orange C.Ounty'a only piano &: organ "super markef'. Pjanoo ..... $195. Orgam from $195. ' WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO ~ 1Bl9 Ne'wport, C.M. ~ . HAMMOND -Steinway .Y8r I· ma.ha -new & med piarm of all makes. Best ba;)t: ii: ' Secretary/ Bookkeeper Any piece can be pur· chased individually . . . e SPECIAL PURCHASE e So. Calif. right heft. .. EXP. Dlnner Waitress -TERMS -We carry our Refri&eraton, automatic SCHMIDT MUSIC 00., 1)46...7473 Walter. Cocktail Waitress. own accounts. washers A: other major a~ 19117 N. Main, Busboys. ' J I /] pliancel from model homes l--=~San~la~Ana==-R•sponslble, top level BEN BROWN'S REST. at fantastic discounts! No PRIVATE PARTY position for sharp, tak• at th• Down. We itrvke. See at: Wanl5 to buy plabo cha~ girl. Must h•ve Laguna Beach CC FOSTER'S for Cash. 213-877-1D3S exc• l•t skllls Incl. moss. c.ou1 Hwy, Furalt•re lc71B5So r""'°w khunt.1 Ftll .::,ap,:~ ANTIQUED PLAYER thorthand; h•ndle lit• So. Laguna Beach 499-2663 at HARBOR BLVD. · 0 arner ........ ........, PIANO * $125 bkkpg; billing. Under R11l Ellol• s.1.. 18" Newport BIYd. W~lNGHOUSE aulomaOc '-===·====*==I' JO.: Call Barbtira. (714) "-n & 'Wo-n Jf4 washer, 1 year old. Like 1 - 642•3910 .,...::;. . ....,. 'iii"" # Cosli Mesa .'"w. 1100. 341.,oim Tolov1110!' 8205 i SURGICAL/MEDICAL 4 opertirwa available for Antiques 8110 RENT TV $10 1 tran9eriber needed at once. Deemed men It women. In-(only) Nt Deposit · Free Delivuy• ~ Experience in he av y stant income &: training. Mr ANTIQUE Spanish and ?tfex. 534-0-IU or T72-911D l surgical dictaUon. Hours Gardner. Sprln i' Realty, Everynlt.e 'tllt rellgiougartfnn.smallpvt. PACKARD Bell Color : Dexlble. Contact Mrs. ~ W-' S I 5 'l'I 6 collection.18th C. paint. San Console. 21". 1967, "'w pie·, ~., a ., un. I Ant nlo ·1 !ram M Alagna. Santa Ana Corn-PRINTING.duplicator oper··i '"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"" o w.g1 t e; ex· turelube.OUers!&:G-6700 ~ munlty, 600 E. Washington ator·Hunlington Beach. Ex· 17 p K. s· i0\11 curclfix. s ma 11, Aw., S. A. pcrience A.B. Dick or ~Iulli. C. lllCJ_ 11.9 primiUve w. Inset mirrors; Hi·FI & SterH 12~1~.· For that JUST RIGHT Mufl. work 1,\1\thout supervis-Bedroom l7th C. 111 u rr. I n a t e d _. ion u -"' parchment!; tin paintings. STEREO 1969 solid state con-, Po1ltlon • • • • sma cam7ra ex~ .. Large 9 drawer dreSl!er, mir· Sensibly priced or exchange !!Ole, Never used $85. Al.soi i Com<! in or call us today. ence deillrcd, Will consill~r ror 2 bedside stands king for good nautlcill antiques. 6' \v a In u t AM/FM : RUTH RYAN AGENCY part tim~. Reply p.o . Box s~ headboard, frame: quilt-~2629 multiplex, s i.pcaker audio 1793 Newport, CM, 646-4854 1Q66 HunUngton Beach, 9'l647 ed mattress, shee'• •. blank· ..:..::..:::=------,._ "" VAST Sloc:k Amer &. Eur system. Normally 5e1.U1 for 17931 Beach. H.B.-, 847·9617 1'.EAL &5TATE. Shouldn't ets, etc. cl--•-L ••~ 95 aacrll'-•= I turn & u.:iu. · a rry '"°"' • ...,., -.....,... · 100 W. 17th, S.A., 547.&481 you be se ling the hottest Choice ol Spanish Morgan Antiques. 2 4 2 8 l="""==";Dep;;L=s.1>-='1289=== l HOUSEKEEPER/ Bah. ... ;t-area Hunlnigton Beach! or ~todern Style 81.~ C I ter, live in mature wo~n. :~~'1 F..state 962-44n All For $249 N=~·~ ~ Misc•llaneou1 a600 . Laguna Beach. 200some ===="""'=== Nodown-Pml5.on1yS9mo. FOSTER'S ANTIQUES 7_PC. Jivina room set ftlt1•,IJ1 En&lish -refs. $ mo. ~... _. ..,..176 Sc'-l•ln1trudion 7600 WElf('S WAREHOUSE 642-6138 • 19111 Federal, CM °'"""' .. 1. ' '°"'"· ""'I' FLDERLY womi(JI wanted LIFETIME Gif typeWli ---stove, S25: washer, $40: refs ~ • SIOO mo., priv. room &: Children, ~children,~ 600 W. 4th. st,.. Santa Ana S•wlng_~~!!.i~"-~12~ ~i 6-~ lclkorn.pl~!,e ; board. Nice family. Refs. youl"!lell! tndlvidualJy 'tutor· Open Daily 9.9 1968 SINGER, Zig-Zag, ucuroom St'!, e new,""":[' Dana Point. Call anytime ed O\ilcoat 10 leuon• typ1ng Sat. 9 -6 Sun. ll -6 touch-0-matlc. Wal cabinl!I twin bed complele, ex-1 493-4700 ~~28591. 173 Del Mar. CM, 20 PC. MODERN Incl. Service man leaving ~~en~ikc$s~; gi:UbLe ~~1 ~ KITCHEN Jlelp • 2 days ......,... 3 ROOM GROU area forces repo! $39.8..'i $10-$18. 1550 Superior, Rear,1 '1 •12 H' -p cash or assume $4.66 mo. 7-4. 1 eve. v-• 1 J ime PIANO lessons, BA . d........., Costa MeM 646-9180 cwn-1 Dell '"' E 17 h ~&·~~ Button holes, ove r cast catessen, ""' . I in music. l hour 14. Begin. Includes: Floral sofa &: chair ings 642-56fi6 SI C., •-T Ll • .~, blind hems etc., without at--:'--~===~~I ' . ,. . """"' eny ., .... ,...... ners Pref. 673-5849. -"''Blnut tables -lamps • -* AUCTION * tach. Guarantee OK. EXPER. back office girl complete bedroom with quill 526-fiGlS over 30, non·RN; part-time, MERCHANDISE FOR · ed mattrm; • 5 pc. dinette, -"-'--'------If yoo will sell or bll,Y ., progressing to Ml time in SALE AND TRADE etc. All for . • . 1968 SINGER, Zig Zag give \Vindy a try ~ 2 mOl!I. Urology. 54&-2241' 8000 . $277 automatic with wal cabinl!t. Auctions Fridty 7:30 p.ft'll. t Furniture Take over 5 pymnts of S7 .25 Wi d • A t' B •ft DRUG CLERK. Three years -No down. Pmts, only no mo. per mo. Call 5 2 6-6 61 7 in y s uc ion a •• ~;~:~~~=~= MORE CASH WElf('S WAREHOUSE IM ,=·:='=:~m=:=1'=1n"ot=.===8=-12-=5 .?~~L'/~=· .! CURTAIN 1 d r a Pe r y PAID FOR 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana ----. --. -_ Engine good. trans. bad. ~ :;'.,:."'~ su~ Furniture s.1. .~n Dally ~.'11.. G~1~•:,.H:.,'°t\';;':" Running""~·...._ ! FREE TO YOU PW.. CM. Colored TV'1, Plono. SCRAM LETS Fender • Vox • Standel MATIJRE. liw In child can Appll•ncet, Antiques • e GIBSON e MARTIN ~.. ~ 5 d ...... · e Wll.SON e YAMAHA ,~,..-.,... ay ••·pvt. 1 Pioco or ANSWERS rm. r .v . 837..zzJ5 H f II De":wH:,:9~~~" PART.nme babyoltler ouse I LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO Corona del M&.r; hours Rarefy -Pecan -Bribt :..... varied. Own trans. 6'7>1735 11 Our S:~l•ltyl Canine -BRAIN JN Large selection wlU1 nl!W 4 636-3620 Sarcastic remark about 8 pc. sets and. cymbals r;tarl· BEAUTY Op ER ATOR 24 HOUR SERVICE dumbbell: "He's eoi'llt into ing at $99.50. Pedals, hi-Mts WANTED Full or part tlme, llUYER. ON DUTY 7 DAYS the MlpllaJ for a transplant. and 11eta repaired. All small Bill. Isl Call fiS.3701 ........ ..... ..... ___ ... _ ............ ba)g •""' surweons are putttrig a _.._ ~·fq"' ...,.~ FOOD • Coclctall .......... 20 Pc. Maple "'w BRAIN IN... In sloek. Apply In ""'""' Henry's 3 ROOM GROUP '* $29.44 * EVERYTHING IN MUSIC =~..,. 1or lnduc1et: uv"" ..... '" . 1 """' Braided Beac• Music Center tabln • lampa _ bedroom e OVAL RUG SET e 1 yr old girl. My Home:. Nyloo blend, rnenible, Fa-. s.ln .. Serv~ Laguna Niluel ........,. ett -quilted mattrf:&& • ma-n--"""3 -Mon. Wom. 7500 *DRIVERS* No Experience Necea.y! J.hat haw dea1. CAllfornll drl\11~ recard. APJllY YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL a.ta M,.. Waltrtlll A .Bamnden * Call &C-'1831 * lllOf) W. OIUt ..... N.8. pie dlnq room. All tor • • • DAl'l'n, ooppertone, green. Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-S $449 ....,, S x 10, 2 x ~ 2 x ti. 17IOI B<ado Blvd., (Hwy !9l AL'S UNUSUAL 11' 1111. So. Sall Die&<> f"'1. No down · Pmt&. only Sl!mo. FURNITURE· Huntington Beach 847-8536 WEIJ('S WAREHOUSE 11881 ...... WYd. 1'.STRING ,,.,.... ... ..,. HunUnaton Beach ~ Jllrr new. Will ACri6ce En. W, 4th St., Santa Ana 14 FT REF'RI~ cna--top \_;;'1;;15.;z*~.,._..,.;;,;==== Open 0.Uy 9 ~ 9 freezer. 3 yn old $140. S.L9.6 SUn.11.6 Batto~vlbrator lllO chair f75. 2 dreue11 w/ EL EGA ff T Sp an I & b mlmn 1 • S20, 1· ·i.ntiquc UPRJGh'T ScttGmun Plano tumlturt. !I rooma 1 mo m &IS-3423 1: Bendl.. RtJlnlabed CNot old. °"' . -...... "" ~:...:.,::..:,:=-----.,,~-1 ~~ -• all $2IOl. ~ 13.lJ .. U AL I TY kine bed """"" • _......, ..,.,.. .,. Pallsadet Rd, No. 11. &.A. w/qullted mattrnt. oxnp. cond. Needl *YI~ N..,.,. U9ed 190. '""1h -_,11::;00::..:.-::_,:· "'"==~~ DAILY PlLOI' WANT ADii M1-«130 DAILYPilDfWANT ADS! .;.;;;_;;;;:;;._ _____ ~,.:...:;;;:::;:..;:.;;:;;;.;....,..;..;"'-'.;;;.;; , ORGANIC Fertilizer. qtd , bone manure combined 1''itb wood &bavlllgs. Good mulch. 833-M32 or 546-493l betw 8 &: 5 Mon thrn Fri. 2128 : l PURE whit!:, albim, long haired eulnN. pip. 2 ~ f e·male , 1 male. Ml-&141 2124 FREE LorirW male black : eat. 1 yr old. Vny al· • ~ti!" I ch 11 d re n . , 6'2-23611 2125 : . MIXED II puppies 6 Wb. \ old. Mother Poodle [Md • unkwn. 9D-891J 2124 ~ HEALnry Male Pup Beagle-• • strain, G wka. Needs good home. ~lMS. 212' N'EED flOOd home for Gentle I..avaNe Fern. Cat Blk/Wbt. • 89J...62&li aft 6 p. m. SELlrI'ION ef beaut. kit· 1 tens I: catL For APfl't call: '1$-47ll! 2125 : 'BABY Bae1lnette &: Batblnette. ll3M'21S 2125 • j awwzm ! . ' M°""'Y, '""""' 24; 1169 DAil V I'll.OT J ! MIRCHANDISI l'OR ME RCHANDISE l'OR TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Naw ca,. 9100 TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'OltTATION TRANSPORTATION TRAHSPORlATIOH ; SALi AND TllADE SALE AND TllADI ~--•------='--";;;;;...--~:..: • 1-;;:~;";::=7'-"'i~;&;~~=;--'~~~l~-~·~-~·--~-.....!'300~ 1,,,,....... Aut• HOO lmportod A-f600 A-·w-'700 u...i Can 99llO NoowC-9IOO IHI-Pl I 11oroo 121CllNI I S-1210 Ml1cell1neow LE llM la" MO DA1SU,N .. WE PAY. • • COU5 AR ONCE A YEAR SA *UT.-* _...._,. ______ , '63 MG -Xlnt Cood. CASH TU= Fit~c11v1 Rs , ._00 Aute s.mc. e DOT e . • ::S. di~ ~':it~ '~ 3111 ci::~ : KariXT·l 55.00 I Porto t400 DATSUN • nsT ,.,. .......... alrudcaju.t ::"'::1~ .• ~ Tedi. Radio 1111·1 Short-Wave 60.oo .,. 'OUJS ~. ftl>IL !80: H"uUTNHOr"r'NEOGoEATLOuN • . • OPEL ..a .. ""',,.. _ .. _ -· z.:m mn... stW Kellwood Tit-HO (New) 2911.00 ,.. Dido"""'--. Pl: 8 •1--_.....,. ___ GROJH OfEVROlET under or1clm1 dealer wv- 1'it:,=J..~A~Amp. 1::: iv=.:~~: New~~~!~ c.,. : DRIVE : ~.iL ~.~f. A*~=~ ~~= :: . ~"lOOD~~"!'""V."P· i:.: ...,,,_ .. .,... ___ ~ti':'ilA::lr.tSii'.": THE • roRscHE __ "_""_""""'""KI'"t='""'Beacl>-'---1 'i:d.d':.St.r::~= k't.fo:'~.es~~~: 1.o"':ir ~=:: :"I':::,. ~: •,~!;~'!nl" S.. 5!·g1!:~ : MIN( . : -:;rroRSCHE 912 Coupe WID lay =: ~---. Al.tee USS Mixer Pre-Amp. 15 00 __ ,_ Of The D""'" Fwy. •1141 l\ltl • few Min... • AM/FM, headrest. radiall; roa:r vonm.aae or Pcncm·I ===:::;:;=.:=== • --..... ·-"'"~ '1 -"'••• • DODGE J.B. Lamif SA-600 Stereo Amp. 325.00 w/W q>ll, Bay -.e air 169 DATSUN 8 • blk. "''""'" inter. $43llO 6 .., top do11-. Paid 1or Heath, Knl t. Filher, Eico, cond'r. Spare wheel, TV BR • 673-2585 Eves. ar not. Call R&l»b 1-------- DuKane others from $10.00 to 55.00 :::;-•~-'!!.',J PM, 8!.-.:': !. ':'~~~ 8 8 UJE 8 Poncha tl2, 673-1 190 '61 Dodge Ch1rger -· ~ •• ter H~ 1~ • .&...11 ' Like new ftlDnD'Pol' w·~ Local car, V-8. pwr •tr&. fact RICORD PLAYER S '63 CHEV. 1> ton pick""": J;;. .;,.;::" .;;;.,";; ; •. • . J UST ARRIVE~ .ooo. ~ a;;;•.,..;;;:.~ a;,, <lli, biaci< landau lop. Tbortn• turntables to 3$.00 !WI. bvy, -a .... , WVl"IU>N ••• ~-Talm .... ~ TOP I "OYER honoy yellow ""-Take lore. Newcomb TrlWcrfption Rec. call all.' PM~ 115 ,..b"1,J;' .;'~ car. • ANOTHER BIG • '~65 .. ~~~ BILL MAXEY TOYOl'A la• cu in trado or 185 ash Player w/Amp. 19.50 Trucb 950!> !'-.!';,..!!'W'B7· c.n alter J.O. .• SHIPMENT OF • '""· """'""' rl>IL '4<-21191 UISl lleodt BIYd. "'"· WU! """ """ P'IY· CARTRIDGES I PICK.UP ARMS ~"~ 8 R. BoAcb. ~ NI.-f9<.9Tl3 or 540-063! r=::!~1;~~rado -$10. to20.00 *!,~~li¥!1': FERRARI : 1969 : ~ ~~~~ ~ 'AViO~=;LMllilt;:=~==;,.~10' ~~~!~ TandberJ Model 6, stereo Re<:. 149.50 Fantllllc DI-nit I ---F-E_R_RA-RI--OPELS 8 8 ~'!!· ~ Good O>lld. !lr>O: • A NEW UFI Panasoruc RS755S stereo Rec. llQ.oo N....,... -Ud. o.-• -O" LEASE e FALCON Others, Ampex, Revere from "5-to 95.00 D~~ trr lmmodlate ~-~ -~ ~ 8 • ....., .... ~~a ---U lll69 cam.ro, V.S, a -· 1981 FALCON ale wag. R/H, PEAKERS I ENCLOSURES BEACHCITY ~~VICE. PAJITS : WITH AUTOMATIC • SUBAR Hanllop, Pwr .-.. air. kilo Iran& Like ......... J. B. ~sing =el~=· 31l5.00 DODGE 3100 w. 0out Ii..,, 8 TRANSMISSION 8 1969 SUBARU :U~ C(;,..s"T· Runo -· $250. cn.i Bozak E-500 ~et ~L ~:: 16555 Bach Blvd. OIW)'. :is> 60-MU;Newncrt Belcl> ~1764 • 8 from $1297; 46 MPG CAR LEA{INO ~!roN Sprint O>nvt. W•-Jed-t-w. Encl w/10" ...... -..... ... .__. __ .. MG~--• • • ()lmplete tore!ln car eervtce 300 w. Ccut ~ -• pd M -~-• =• ""' clual..,.ne Spkr. 35.00 u.....;"....... A•-~ ~"' • Kosta Kustom Kan N...,,..., &h., ~ i97S, ~,,;,, "llY -·-· J. B. Lansing C-111 En els. w /llS.AC MEa!ANlC'S s""' _ FIA y 8 8 • 845 Baker. CM. """915 *AUTO IWING * & Networks (2) ea. 149.50 .,. a...,. ll Tun PU. 6 Allee 515 Theatre Woofers (t)" 39.50 cy1, • apd, lplit ..-$2ll. FIAT SPYDER 850, bright • • ~-T_O_Y_O_T_A___ ., ALL MAKEs . --• Bozak CM·211M Column Spkrs. (2)" 1608.0000 "2'49'J3 rod. 1'6"1. Xlnt rond. • OUR OPEL PRICES• -./ COMPE"l'EnVE PRICES IS6l FORD F.0-...., 500 < Misc.S"tol2"Spkrs. $310 · '68 CHEV.,% ton, vs. 4 Onoownor.$1600. 841-8169 • STARTAT . • '69 TOYOTA HJ CortFoxAutol.eulni Dr.SlaWag.Rcbit289V8-c C T C 11pd pogl.traction R &: H • 224 w. Cout ui-1....--ena. P/s, aut~ trns. $700. ·~P~anrck. ~anl·~ ~~~VC~C~T::.,V·v::Caamera 5:5 ~-~~0~!u., 6 PANIC=~~.,'""· .: s17 7 7 : MA=~RAS ::::"" ·-::: =:: :~rd': Akutron DUU • ;, • • " 839-MSO nam., must sell~ XKE • All Models Fr. $1770 town! Cherry red sta wgn, l7S.OO '58 Cl!EVROLET <:nnvert. Dark blue~ • IMMEDIATE • L•..,; 1 TRAJISPORTATlOM ~1.,Pl~I =. w~ JEAN MUSICK CORP. sai",,:. .:;:;..~ int. Best otter. 714 ' : READY FOR UlllCI '""" =>I! -6'1HOO 2010 Pl-lo Ave., Cosio Malo KARMANN GHIA CAR SALE """'""2958 ''""· 54&.1671 J 9510 • DWVERY '66 FORD l========,,---------1·--~"'-:::-::::::::::------------1. • TOYOTA·YOLYO '6:' CADIU.AC 4 door bard-Econoline Bus · TOCK '67 BRONCO GfflAS • lt1ZIOOJI • 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6f6.9303 top, flll1 power, factory air, Windows all .....,., a.round. 3 ·-Pm end LIVES ndi"·-· --~ evvv Hdtop, radk> & heater, n!ar • TOYOTA ,co ....... une •••••···•• ,.,.,., .eat!, radlp, heater, dlr, Dogs 1125 teat. f wheel drivt', red & : • 61'11 Like new • • 59 T.BIRD Full power $2951 auto, excellent condition. Ra.- OUTBOARD Gu tank $4, "-"'"'-------I white exterior. In Xlnt Cond! "One with 9,000 miles'" • '60 FORD Convertible. Auto-dlal tire&. $50 Cash dels, ar CorvaiJ' pU'b. 4 Spd trans. ALASKAN Malamute, AKC, Never been oU the road! 2. &i's Extra Nice • • HEADQllAR'l'ERS matlc, radio, hel.ter •• $199 take trade. LB SVE 504 Call di.sassembff!d $1.D. Rear IX• femaJt', 4 mos. Excellent Not beat! 879-ID!S Fullerton. "One with air cond." '62 JAGUAR a ELMORE '62 OLDSMOBILE F45 4 Jlm 49U'l'13. ~:~en~~-..:~:m ~ ~-.. ~.~. Bla".'."""""k. -~":"',. MILIT~Y Jeep. Chev ·V-8, All extra aharp, all with ra· •.l.1 4 door. Auto. tr1111.,• ' door. Radio. heater, au.t:_ 1959.=-ro""'RD=-'~s1a_tl_o_n~\=w...,-n, ;'ps .... u ea. G:.t W/W tire IX-..CUkh; 49iMm ...... CorvB.Jr Bucket Seats, 23 dlo.s & beaters and Cine with r•dio, h••l•r. Show• ••.• lS300 BM.dl Blvd w.unnm .;a~ui(i''2''&,;:··~ Xlnt cond, lood tires, drive & wheel $1 Cbevrolet 3rd mar s. gal gas tank, Surrey top, air conditioning, • c;•ption•I <:•r•. IWNAl55 I• Phane ~1 • -heattr ·automaUc ..... , U9 It & eetl $350. 644-0185 mem~ _..,· need I OOBE 6 mo red male AKC, new 1100xl5 tires, many • $21 95 iiLUE CHIP '58 FORD hrdtop <:nnv Good ~$1 Falcon hub Cl.Pl ahobl & ear crop includ. more extru. On front cover • • 11.IUMPtJ,~ tram. ~ble! ' "' o1 <, 15, 56<ll06 Champ "'°"" $100. -Fob. 1 • • •' "f.wheeier" • 8 AUTO SAW Phone """"91 MALE, German~ Maguino, See •1 M,.. ''6 TORONADO 8 '58TR3Rslr.To~~tion. 2!451iuborBi-.d. 1-===a,·==== FLOOR COVERINGS AKC. '* ,,.. -.... umm SlaUon Or. Falrvi... • ... 11 pow... • .... .., .1.. Not ........ w .... Dunlopo. Costa M... MERCURY Carpets, Vilvb. TDes. latest J.im children. $'l5. 962-1233 4 Newport Blvd. M>2380 •cond, (SIN11 21 8 Top. Side cmtainl. SUVlce 642-9700 54M392 styld . and. cokft. Ovnmrr. . record. $5'lS. MM576 aft cial a.-. Expert srANDARD 1'>odie ....... Campo,. 9520 • $2995 • 7 PM ' ~.1 N _ __,_ Mototn '67 COLONY PARK installation. &mi-bowlebrlm, S75 u P • -• \ -ew~.._. 9 pus. WJft. Air cond., PS, &e-1403 540-'72G Ownp stock. ~2732 YW Goo4 only thnl Feb. 24th PB. R & H, lugg. rack, auto. M...o .,..., '· BLACK Groat Dano. 27 mo 14f .. J0>-47J.1 tt0 • ''1 Ol'll. 8 VOLKSWAGEN '61 T-Bilil. l30 dn $30 "'°• lrana., roar tao. 3rd sea~ .. , ~ old female, AKC ca 11 Bus & Camper 1t10 HA.DOI ILYD. •spt. c..p., 1..41 ..... ..,. 24 mos. illclt tax&: Uc, bJa ClD q ., dual act. tall Ltaht' Auburn F•ll sc.s2i1 ·· --SPECJAIS COITA lrllSA 8 4 •P••d. 1 OWTt•'· (VOf.m YW o.a.c. VD DI ptc. new wsw tires. Low Pd SI-•ac $25 ••01 J '61 Ford O:ltry Sed, $20 dn mileap. $2,450. 548-3263 •-' TRANSPORTATION MERCEDES BENZ $ 1495 8 12<1 mo, 2f mos. incl tu A , 54M537 Aft. 6 p.m. ,_ '60 Camper • , ... , ..•..• $899 • • Price Sptci•ls lie, o.a.c. LXV. MS '62 COLONY Park Sta Wag. KirbY vacuwn cleaner w/at-Bolts & Ytchts 9000 '64 Bus ................ $1009 '60 Bug .............. $399 2186 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mea PIB, PIS, P/seat, P/wndw, tachments. Tab Oftr mnall '64 Sunroo1 Bua ••••• , $1499 • ,65 IUICK I '61 Bugs .............. $499 642..f666 R/H, Fae Air. Good tires, pymnlao<..,ofl......,, KETIENBURG 41 '65Dixl!wl,9pu. .... 1!689 5 w F 1• '63Bqg1 .............. $599 good run"1 rond. $650. of $36.12. Crmlt Dept. $2' 975 r-11 -I . '61 Dlx Bua. 9 pu. •••• $2199 I podt d'on.h •cfor/ •A Ow-r '15 VW'I BUICK 644-1414 KE ., -' • ~ IWay '67 Cam~r split seat elec • COii '' r• lo, tot.r, pow ih ""-Ira Sh .,...,~ 29' Col 29 I/B loaded $9950 " .-' " ' • • 1r 1l••r. IVZX2411 • 4'Q..,,.... arp MUST ldl '65 Colony Park PRIVATE party kavilll U.S. 35• Herreacbott,, •baent ownr rif ................... SS · $ • $.199 to"$1999 * '66 BUIQ{ Riviera, full g pass wagon. Full power, wls ... ., "'11 oil fmn A -·· ... -v ..,. $12,000 , 8 2295 ~ oqu;pped. lmma-la .,... air, AM/FM flufio. 1 hoUlllbald ttema. Everythlne ~· Kettenburs '65 G~, ' · • dlUon. Call 644-2448 OWMr., prv prt;y. $1795. !eu than 6 moo. old. -U....U.. varienla + 0 · ' "65 CHRYSLER 8 o~ ~ "' --546-3665 -•PACIFIC YAOIT SALESe 1965 MERCEDES-220 s. • • 0 CADILLAC ... MERCURY llr<e•eWa.Y. ' ' •··II f ,.. ~ s Pit pb, r I: h, vinyl int, $lD up, Replin: Ir put&. U Hour Phone ~15'10 . a cond. Xlnt ~net Must sell, .::nd. ~NwH,\ 35:~tory • ~A ~·; '62 OOUPE De VWe, factory $1001. Xlnt cond, 54U254 Reaaonablie. Cout Vacwm 17 n. Perfonner. Islander W.. will sattifice. Eve•. • $ • Wl.. AIJ'"' air, leather, xlnt cond. 333 E.1"11lt, CM., 642-1560 0e1 .... mndei Coll ftbo>-'\ 833-274& 2295 • ,,. Privato party. •.....U alter OLDSMOBILE ~tAGIC Qd apt. am com-' c\UI) outboard. Custom 14to00l-'7J.1190 1966 MERCEDES Benz, 8 • 149.0J0,___.71-1190 '1 or wkends 1-------- bin. e1ec. nrwe. rd. .laink. snap down COW?. Bia wbed 1970 HA•IOI ILYD. Model 230 s. All ~ incl • '67 COUGAR • 1970 HA•IO• ILYD. '58 DeVlLLE, full JIO'M'r, 1811\ftftfnv 26 G.i. aquarlmn w/ftlh. tilt trailer. f700 or best off-COSTA MDA air oond, auto trans. pis a COSTA MISA new trans, R5 Is, $SS. UftllUUll I stand etc. Offer 6'13-ai3S er. Phone 6G-4980 .lfttt7 pm p/b, etc. Perfect cond. New 11.IH, •uto., PS, •ir condl.. 4~1900, So. Laguna. ' ' ;._ R 9 2 tlt!s $3950 54'7-6469 •tionint I own•t IUCX·• '66 VW, Sunroof, one crwner. ====='====I APT Sim rdri&, auto pa SHARP 16' boat W/eoftrl. -mper ent•f1 52 . . 8 9121 ' ' AM-FM.Ex c e 11 en t con- beater (ll>o now), !.<I awlyol 9'ala. 40 hp motor COACH • TRAILER 8 $269 I! • dltion. .....,,, Maytag man&)or. MAKE • traller. $"150. 64>-0261 RENTALS MG ii' • '66 VW, xlnl rond. OFFER. 66-0039 Ji' OilUSCRAfT .Fibeqlu. Ira none too early to makt • 8 $1250. '65 CHEV. Impala. Wagon, 2850 Harbor Blvd. NEWmodelS h o p 1mlth, Inboardoutboard.$19Xl-pvt reler\lationJ!orSprinaHol-MG • "66 OLDS "ti" 8 *6f2.229C* pwr 1tr,-britl, Prvt pty, Costa Mesa .. b' _._ SCS..-Sal rvi n........ ~fake oiler. Sa' Sun, eves. 540-9640 URd Can 5fQ.888l evttY a cce1aor,,. .. ..,.. ida)oll es, Se ce, racu. •t.imiry 4 doOf'. Full p•w•r,. '64 VW convi:z1:ible, new top, " woodwoddnr, lllcenew$400. WEEK-END OR WEEKLY Immediate Delivery, a fi ctory •It, ISUPlllJJ paint, lntcmr. 55,000 mJ. 546-0864 '62 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 548-81SO S.llbolll 9010 54&0091 All Mod•ls • $2495 • Shal"P-640-5278 '61 CHEV Impala Hanltop. 88, f Dr. Pis,. p/b, - atereo hi ff n•• a Runs good. $399, colJd. $350. 1015 Callforrua WASHER. • SANTANA 22. Race crui11 • '68 VW Camp-Mobile, February Clearance Sale! St. HB. 536-4696 TV all need Ute work $10 equip. 1 hp Jorw'cin OB. Dune Bunt.. 9525 • law mileage, like new, 548.5294, 54U5ll ,67 OLDS 4t2 red 2 dt Htdtp, each Cll" $25 tabs ,alL $4350. Q) 524-05f6 8 '62 CHEVY • Eve~. 494-9834 493-4889 1966 • '63 IMPALA; low mt., aJ.r. P/S, xlnt cond! 1-Clwn, 4 bed DUNE BUGGY PIC KUP • VW 'ean66 Sq,!!·.~~~ock. <:nn<!., pwr. •teer., dean. apd $2400. """'7 QUALITY klhl Mlrlne Eqvlp. 9035 •R•dio. h••l•r. l ''"'• •~ Be I 11000 ••• ~-"64 ~AR 88 2 dr RT w/quilted ---mmp. 3 "---H NB !I over • , ~· """~"'~ • ' ' ....... .,_ IOOW,\..A..U>lt wy., · • •IK6l951 1 Id--•"• Never used '98. worth $250. 1 -ni KW KoblR marine Reidy to Go 642.9405 S4Q.1764 a VOLVO '67 MALIBU 327. SHARP! go • ,...,..,..c-""'"', 1 own., 84l-6536 diesel renerator set, 110 v . $1699 Authorized MG Dealer • $1195 a ---4 spd, r & h, tinted glass, xlnt cond. $1095. 646-82'll FRANCISCAN dinner .,.,., 220 v AC lJ 8-Cl617 ~ '67 MG MIDGET I • '68 VOLVO 2 DR lo mi'"· $21'0. 54>-0931 '58 OLDS lfoJJday sedan Apple pattern, aervtce f<r Rdstr, ~lark Ill, 4 spd, dlr, • '65 OLDS Delta 18 • • '60 CHEVY Statton Wagon, Runs lftll. $115. ~ ~~!tra serving J>CI, $65. Bolt Sllp Mooring 9036 o ~ · 6 cyl. Very Oean. Aakin&' * 644-2187 * ·~~ ~ excellent running ~nd. Wtre ••Of. H.T. lllH, eut;., PS.a MANY EXTRAS $300. 847..oo44 1962 F-85 Cutlass Convert. 3 BURNER W I o. Butane DOCK $1 per ft. Up to .n wheels. cream white body, a •ir condili•nint fMOY·• EXEC CAR ,56 ""'-n•, Xlnt eond Good cond. xlnt tlfts.1 day ~Jt:'=: ~:::.:l"':o ,,~»" :~·=.~~S :"" $1695 : fi::L•-=· ~~~~lelll ~.evnm.&m ~ prty.L.B.UOF593,f9<.ml • -UlllCl l=======I PLYMOUTH ·~~ ~~G • fi9.!IO. ' •-Ha rbor or"""" CONnNENTAL ·-------ur~·~-· -•tsmon) -r 8 '62 GlAND PllX 8 IMPORTS ' ,. pc. (European ""'.. Mobile Homes 14t-OJ0)....47J.1190 PLACE )'OQI' ftnl lld .-bin --------i'58 PLYMOtn'll cmtom 2 Free est., dd, pk:kup. 215 16' -20'-22'~' & 3f wides 1971 HAUOl tLYD. tbeJ ar. )octirw -DAJLT •Aut.11 "'"'·• pow•t •f••'·· TOTOTA·YOLYO GIVE your wife .U. tbe snob dr w.con. pwr str, w/w, Main, RB "Berny" 536-6«15 From $6995 COSTA MB A PILOr cl&atfttd! MWf71. a '•d10, h•1t1r. COHZ 62151 . 1966 Harbor, C.M. '4&-~ appeal tn tbe world for Mt, tiuah button trans. SONY 500 Storoo h•• !>WIDES • • $119i • SHARPEST"' in town. H•M,1'62Coatloont&i,alr,1:;"""""':::;====== ..i.t. with 40' 6'"-45' A'N-55• .. n·~· I --• Aulot 9600 I --• A ~-~ ....,.,....,, com~--w w moon -mpo~ utoa ~ ••••••• ,. Chrome w..,... Fira--~llon.17W171 1peaken & mikes. Flrat From $3995 ovala, custom I n t e rt or, -PONTIAC 1185 """'· ..,_..,, Pui<I avallablo in oil .,..., 8 8 bite lorlor new cluld>. '65 f DR., loaded; ldnt .; 5 PIEx:E dlnotto "' $21. 19._l:S.n:.""~~Bivd E"':I~. ~nn . JAGUAR • ;.....~':.ut.;cyl.&~ =,;!;:ld"1C Jnter.l--,-6S-P_O_N_T_l_A_C __ 8921 c.omet Circle Weat-· l.J~~ut.:.J • • cyldra. Eng. Just rei.nwt. GTO Convertib le mlmter. 847-TUT· , Cotta M.:: ~) 540-9410 • ,HEADQUARTERS • _nrna .,.al! l11!0. 542-0001 CORVAIR Sky bl,.., buclrel seal>, pwr Mltc. Wonted '610 .... KIT. 1 bdrm., ..... ELMORE MOTORS llComplele s.1 ... s ..... Ant!!!""· Cl111lct 9615 '82 MONZ.!., 4 """"· 1 ~· :t!:""iio ""'<:! ex.i:; turn. &lr-eond. dl.sp.: Sl9XI. •ice •nd Parts D•p•rt .. 1 '3S Ford ....ni .. , 2 rear doon owner. BeautlfnDy mam. or older car Jn. trade. Will 2191 -·CM Sp. U. 15100 llACH ILYD. WISTMINSTll ff4-l322 •m•nl fo• JAGUARS. 8 comp!•" ;;.jb glua, 1 hood lalned 54(;.11789 line pryt pni., 1B NRC 208. • WANTED • SEE tho Dllal Wltlo RtlO>l s .. n.. '"'"'• •• , ..... bea 1 bell -tKmS-.. - Appl' UDlr Paa ~ Plr9o 41V: ~ • '''' J•t••r J.d., • "" ..,, t, · Fumltv,. • •--~ lllte tllld -.. 8 with ....., Ind. 1 '40 Ford CORVE 11 I 'n PON'IUC a Dr. RT, PIS Color TVnc• ~1a-mobile --•t 2 0 .,eeeeeee • i::'.' :,'~ i!J :: :; '88 coRVi'ITE .,, .. ,., i.:., ~~'\.':'." u':: ~ Casll Ill 1i2 hou !:!n ~~ Jkm5:': :::t ~;:~;!j :;·~~:~. ea : 234 E, 17th SJ 1 : ~ f: Im Pr/:U: ™411 :':.:hr~ :~~ '"':'s .: ~ aro ~ O>o- . . 541-u31 520 N. Harllor, S.A. . 8 • • -aloo w--. -· oil ..-.' 13.000 S2l.ml FREE-FREE 548-7765• Autoli Wanted t100 -11rea.!mmftctllato$fl)CI mJlal!ll()().m.'1136 AINS BEDS wanted by LOVEL y beach bw.e for • 49t-OU9 ,.,..,, party. Good """'· ..... , man .. un111m1 l.Js V~as Vacalinn • Mon-Fri 9:30 am • WE PAY CASH '°''88~co""R~v=,,=n=E~s • ..,.,,... • ..,., 1 RA.MILER Re.....,bl._ 5&-239'l htlo. cl•-· pool, PfV 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS 8 lo 9 pm • • -· oum, olr, AMJrM, 1-------- MachlMrY, otc. 1100 = otMi'::!i ... ~ : FOR TWO • Saturday 1:30 am • FOR YOUR w "" ... "''"';::"~"':,~ ... l\AMBLER Am<rl<:all ;.,,.,.-J, N• '•rc!rl11• N1c••••l'1 a to 6 pm • •tc, wry Xlnt lhape. $6CXt or Bttt LANCE Tublqr Bender ..,,615-1672 Sundays JO am CONNELL "'"2432 °""'·-all' ;:=. .~ •"":\7-: J: Molorcy<leo 9300 15300 Beach BIYd. ~ 10 6 pm •. CHEVROLET 5!~.":"'°..:t :;';: ;::: VAUANT FORD CHEVROLET SALES I SIEllV IC E OLDSMOBILE HOLIDAY RAMBLER Invites You To COMPARE AND SAVE BRANO llW · '69 RAMBLER FuD Size Seats 6 128 H.P. $2043 Plu1 T I l-orl1r iM1y BRAJI> ICnY '68 JA YELIN ' BIG ENGINE . BIG SPACE SMALL PRICI! $,386 '1111 T I t--1279'6t BRANO lftW '69 REBR THE PEOPLE CAR $2436 Phu T I L-11711?12 BRAND NF# '69 AMBASSADOR AIR COND-VB Tl_NTED GLASS etc., etc., etc. $3286 .. Pl11 T I l-$11021t Red • Wliite & Blue SALE FREE-Car Radio Power Brakes VlnylRaof SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES ''6 FOlD STA. WAG. Countcy Squlro ........ enaer, auto. trans .. pow- er 1teering. $1995 "64 VOLKSWAGEN Rad.lo, he&.ter white wall llMR549 $995 'H AMIASSADOR 990 2 dr. hardtop. auto. t:rarui. power ilt.eerl!c II , brakes. Extra clean • $1795 '67 CORTINA HoUda,y GT 2 door, ~ speed, radio, heater • tRV MS $1495 'H lAMILU Ro... 2 cir. hanllop auto. tram., buckei seats, puah button radio. $1695 ''1 OPEL 2 door Rally Sport, ~ =... "i:3'1 ~ rod!o, $149$ '64 DART GT 2 dr, hardtop. Auto. ~:! radio, heater. OMl.195 $1175 '64 FORD 4-Dr. Sodall Auto. trans .• pwr. •-· 6 brakes. Q~K '170 $745 CAMPER SPECtAl .... .,.....,_ ,..., . ...,, ... 1595 '" 11 ~ '1·775 ............ lap• ............. HOLIDAY . w.as.mc. _,_._ fwYM' C-u• 'r 1969 llirhr "'' .......... -'61 YAMAHA zo '" low Weslnllnsler 2828 a.-Blvd. Beat olltt. -. =~=~~ =':,_~~nd. 194~3322 DIALa:::.::.:-<lwp ''3~~ 1962 v ALIANT ........ ""· COSTA tiltA M. tire~ rad»:= 642-6023. JtUr °"""Pilot w .. t AdL For°""" Pilot WSDI AdL OPEN 1 DAYS ,,.... ad, -Ill -ud * -* Dial IC.5m Dial gc..58'71 Ultm to tbe phone rtrcl QL\RGE m CHA.RGI!!,_.'""" Od ...,..'I &,-------~· ..... . ...... _______ , ___ -·~·---·---- i ' l I - n 'ua.v l'll.01\ Hubert Exited In Style MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) -Former Vice Presldtllt Hubert H. HUJl>llbrv came -first cJ.w; courlOsy ol the man who defeated him lo< the presidency, Rlchll<I M.Nixon. "President NI.Ion told me that after he WU defeated In 19!0, he had to fly hick to California in a commercial plane," Humphrey r«alled 'lbunday, "and he had to get to the airport in a taxi." But, Humphrey said Nillm told him wben be was ready to return to ·Minnesota be would not have to buy a tourist ticket, but would go "First Class." And so ~e did. PREfilDENT JR"!' A J>mlden¥ '/f1I Air Force je~ almllar to Air Force l with gold carpets a n d stewards, carried the former vice president~to-be-(rO­ fessor, his wile and cartons of records and beloogiqs hick to Mhmeapolls. One ol tbe first lhlllp the Humpbre}'s aaw as they entered the plane's VJ P department with its white linen-covered tables . was a vase containing two dozen American beauty ,...., A band-written cll<I said, "With best wishes for the years ahead, from y o a r friends. Pat and Diet." - All of the ... ts on the right Bide ol the hick hall of the big je~ In what coold be called the toorlst comportment, ,..... covered with cartom and bol- es containing the t h 1 n 11 Humphrey-was moving from Wublngtoo to Minnesota. "Holy smote," breathed Mrs. llmnpbny when ahe ..,. ll all. Z H.OOR FLIGHT "We may bave to fly like this," said Humphn!y with bis arms m-.i Jib wlnp bul the right arm dlqling vuy Joor. The l,IJIO.mlle flilbt took aboot two hwra and lO minutes flyi·ng .over Pittsburgh, Cleveland •ad Milwaukee. "We toot ,all three,•• said Norman Sbermon, Humphrey'• ,_, --,, ol his boa' --ln-dtles. Ebermu Is n ow UBlstlng Humphrey In prepar- ing I boot. It WU Mn. Humphrey's l'lth hb1hday and • hl1f -or so Hmnphrey . a Id t 1 aerenaded the womu they caned "Their ·First Lldf'' with I chorus d. "Happy Birthday." They allo had a song for Humpbrer, to the tune of "California, Here We Come :" •'Minnesota here he comes, right back where be - from, ••a°" fair -• mayor everyone knows (Humphrey wu mayor d -polit) '"'lbe Senate -we ran It -!nm dawo lo dusk ~ no rubber hose, 14AJ V.P. he went through thick and thin, "A 1'elbr man would have lumed lo gin, .. Open up the campus wide, "llumpbrey'g baclr: -no place lo hide." REDUCED STAFF A reduced staff ol Secret Service and aldes y:ere pro- 'fldod for Humphr<y under an eacutin transition act for 11z-. A> vice praldent, most of Rgn~re1'1 trnell were In I amall I.Jr Force Jet star. 1111 lrlpo .. Ille big '/1111 ...... 1lllllilJ limited to overseas --. To tbe frlmdl and newsmeo wllo greeted him at the airport, Humphrey cncked, "Y• DOie I 'traveled In a Jet star·under tbe Democrlll, loot .mat the llepuhllcans haft clone for me:" Humphrey beglm his iec- twlng at MacAleoter Colle&< In St. Pml --. He ..... lo -his time Wallll Mhwwgt1 ID d 1'7",-............... • .... -lmtlll, spetn~ Bee Set March 20 . . ears. .. BLACKW ALI.8 7.00xl3 ·1 ·l.94 6.95sl4 ·1 1.96 , 7.35sl4 ·1 2.07 : 7. 75sU I 2.20 · 8.25:rt4 I 2.36 N'O HONEY DOWN When :raa 1111,l' Toar Aatontofl .. N°""" at SMn e11 Croclit • \ --. F'iru" 4-PJY;- Nl'.WN Pre-Season Sale! SAVE. MO Now on Sears Auto Air_, (;onditloner Regular $169.95 12977 ----------------------------------~----------~----, I -!"STA~1111m •-G1UF11 . ....-.i1Eu121 ...,WIMalZ _,. __ , -~nr ·, I ~-· -Ol S.IOOf, QjMtl1 U'W&OOIONI W!ll -111 S.11~, .... NM!, 'IW~ -"°"""'fX ~I -PO ~ •. fM '" I -ll:lllllftal,llf:N761 ........ llOMNI -637..2100 --ll7-33TI IOUlttoAsrfWA._ --l'l~I I ~..... ..._C:. e.mt PllWM\MU 1~211, ll M:nl • ''«IM2-1S11 ~-------------------------------------~------~ . "Sallif1llllelz ! 1d•'f:•Mm1,..... "* r~ .,,...,,... I I .. , .. I I I; ~ltMOPA .. • ho.--..-...-<-::e-~·-------··------~ r·~· '