HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-28 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesal • I I • ' I I r ' • • ' Co•~'9. Tr~~~'!.s .H-s.~·'-'Pll . . . . ' . . . o,,er S@x Edu.eation: .. EIOJ; ' . '\ • ,. • •1:1..+.i ~1.f-1~ : J, ' ' • ' • 1r -or Pia.po Boll. Ql-..~.s • • MILY•PR.OT ...... W ..... a....n LAGUNAN LOSES HOME, PoslE ss iOtils ,,,.. MUO SLIOE . Winston ~levin1 M.lneiH • .Grim Smile •nd • Tune -~u~ky-or Not.? . Jx°igunans'. Home Crushe(J ·by ·M'!-'1 ' • Rl£llAIID " NAU 71-year-dd uncle;· Sig NybOJm, l{i hli4 a . By O.~oioi ·..n, ,.,,;,·i.,,, smill rt.ndoieec ·» feet-to =; 11 !'J'Jl .ne;rer ' t.ou4;b, I rhuuper ••·I Jiad.•beerlr q..u.t the ·bcaale dQn't" w.ant to see a .hammer or • uw by ~tb6 · '~Ud> 11Je waa: '"in again." ·'" · . shock. ~"" • , This was the reaction today al Wl'I-'"Ille -wu oourlnl In Ill °'"'• In • .., Blevins . wi,.. 'waa sleeping In the anotbor mlnule Ii woold bave goet.n hillside LigUna .. adt home he had hlm, "·Aid lll>vlna. built when;;rruif avajanche wa"ed ln G<tt, "*' $tl,GIO ,worth al i-ions ·th wall y iullocatipg bin!. ¥d hiS llld·~lllllB!tYlna'had·bll/ll. nllulll \;; . ' . .• ' and ealatpd ..... ,a. ~ years. • •337. LeweUY~ Lane,. cr~its . g.r.o,..-~oom•houa!>, w_aa his,a.'" :·· son ·~ow,'Wltl).~vlng .. ~-·· ·1 • \#:::,··' "~ , ~ thein biit!i· ::~1jS;ant•muddi'<lr•w; , \.' i'l'. • , · , of~ His wife, SUsan..WllS{treated for ll.:badb'._ ~-'"'·*... . . , "f ' .. '":f~f!."'• cu~oot.th · u al moo ~at !i;£l· · ·· · .. :<IJ:Q'~' e;wa ~ '~0 ·1-~ ~. 2:30 .. Mondb, the ·sefl<!I'. UUl ._ ~. • ~ • , )JD¥*t•~ ; wcra,. p:..,a::thelr...soo,;.unab .IA>, jllde ..... =ta\..,...~~· ,,...,,."""in the'.livJnil~-, ~---, i!j'~m· ctmt.Jt,t=· The'Blttlns ~ • ..... ' -' . ' ""l'l(~ An1~11ils' •. tllli'd., ' '. )l.'.tiolf~JF,ln~;~ , . " Ill>< .fNlrtg'l'OOlll crished thtoUlh Drift .r.fMrelfyn lae.c-lllli de-kitchen dlne~e and Uvlni ,_ where dded, "h's a very dln&'!ous place IA> ll hit th. big baby grand pfll,IO and ll•e."· -· . -· -. -~ _,_ carried It through a wait '"--:-.\ -- Suddenly the famlly WU~ in =WfllilllOl(--and~ mud. Blevins, a tall mah, WI R -up • . • ~ ~=-lill that 1tiis .t~ to his neck.. He was helpless-a mcment ' ~ ~ •• •l'a>' or wi:: of awful panic IWOll llo!'lnl w\111• l Pl !rlencl. His son cauiht WiMton Blevina' hand ·tbe bauli? Well ••• "l .hullt it an(! and Blevins in tum C9111ht hit . w\WI added alt ta It at ft Ccodd atranl IC and hand and they lloundered, and dngfol -' ..-'If· I bWll • nice.-.'' each other IA> the front door llnllllb W..ud lie ... II apln · w!lh, his iOWll the dark rooms hahdll With JU< "'11natloo than bit· Blevins said bis SOi\ .wfh Utebtlp rA. 1 tmelt, ~'alld, "I;&n't nbt to'aee··• neJgbbcr omui Clay U...rllCUld tbelr . ha_!PW ar..uw -ap.IA.11 • r I,'· • JI I • ~ \ ·~ ! . ,. Stiner Attorney Bl. . i · ·ti' ) ; ~ . ~1 1 • )as . s:~·· ' ' ''' ' ' ' ., 'Wh·i.te . · Raci's·is~.· · ' 'l 'l I . t· i ':' , J .. l.'~1 ~ :11;.. .\ {I I I as .. '-'.io..~. ~I ~11'1ii' 1.~.t•~ l'\o;· :·Jtw.ij ."1Y• tda~ '?' ... ";c.'L· : , . . . . l 'tj • _..,.,, '?' s;<j< Sit;! 1 ' • .._ z .., ! -P _,I ' ' . t . ·' ., r_u ~· • .1-w;;%;:$ ......._ ,1.._.-•1 !I'! r f ~,.I \ 1 , ..,,....,....,. ,,;., t(· . I •l ~ti Shuthland "Gird~· :· . ft • .ti I ,.·~'.l A b . Ei:JeiilUJWei.-. : Convictien ' .By·TOMB~Y Of ............. """ For Ne.w Storm A Superior CQart jury which found the Stiner brothera guilty <11 lour major criminal cbarpa 'lbartday wa blasted within moments ·of the verdict u "lJ w!dle raclstl, !rled llllf true" by - attorney Frank · EVIDI --I Negro, . . ~ WU neter· any idaubt ht ..., mind u ta w!lal Ille vmllit w...W be." the .aeetbln( Enno eommenlad In the corrldor outalda ,inc1ge Byron It. McMillan'• eourtream. "Al you know, I tried several 1 times . during the trial to .get a new'·trial'lor the Stiner boys but the .judge woilldn~· 1i1ten. "Certaln1y, Itm aoing to' a~" the Los Angeles lawyer Aid. ••11U work out tpe basis for my appeal when I can get IA>getber with the boys later IA>d11J." Surpri!:ing]y, Evana made no attempt to appeal the verdict ti. the 11 women and one man on· tbe jury when ht went back infi> the~ cwtb'oom for an aimOunCemi!nt' al the .e.tencJni date. Judge McMillan ordeftd ~· 22, an4 Larry Stiner, ll, IA> l<IUrn IA> COlirl 11.arcll II for. llnal. dllpooWoa "' lour counts -attemptal murder, !ddnaplni; armed robbery and barllmT. E.-1mlated m the Indlv-1 po11ini al each juror ... each"' ... --dellwnd for each-· And ba watcb> • ed the Jury lnleOlly u each membir •• uted: 1'Do 'J'OU,. • ,find the def• I -pllty .. tba-.. ol ... I" . . Wet, weary wort crews -convicts and hlgb icl>ool boys tolling side by side -readied the Southland ·for a new storm today, , as . damage in .the worst winter .me. 1881 bit 1100 million ud lS persona were l1lle • dead. The· -Pacll1c iquaJJ bearlni down on weather-battered Southern California iJ not 11 .evere u firlt expected, but evtp m1Jd ltiowers are a threat to the saturattd ·Jandacape and its brimming dam11.. : "We're in trouble if someon·e even 1pita," rtmarked one observer today: . Nowhere in the state have Jives or propertle1 been 1pared, bµt the worst devastation today centered ·in Ventura County, JVhere ,work crews raced time to repair an eroded Santa Clara River . levee. ... • . . ' Raln npecled today tbreattn! to send a wall of water burlltlng through the Weakened earth barrier and racing ~ \bl lll)lll, awamped city .of Ox- nanl. l:V.ICUATION PLANS 14U Joob: bid," Aid A.P. Stokes, V..en- tura Comity direct« of public works, 11 ~ plans were preased to evacuate ~;OOI penons, one-third ol. th~ nalcltnll. ' . • The l'OUJld.UJe.clo batlle conUnued CcnrictiCll ... the ~ -count alone calla for a · a ,_. 1o today In °'1111• County, meanwblle, IA> life -tmce. A,.,..,_ o1 the 1uD conlaln the ruipqln(-waten al sanUago lerml of the . ..,,....,., _._ ... ' creek. sJ11Nnc • wldenlJJC scar thtouj:h • ainllnil to .... Ftnal,(lodo,. coald add -~-. . ' .. . " .. Up' to ..-. tolll':.t ,_ tlila• • Y<'? ' . ·~. ·o!Ma.rt ~ An(elea· 11r..,.. lll lltalo iri-. • ml oofletle and bigho acbool ltudenta. " The jury aciiePlo!i. after tllfii· -' labored IA> dultlp old 'autO bodlel and deliberation, the·, arplllllll ol. 1llo R lll!'lbaP al"" the crumbling banks• atcutloft .'.'lbil'··a.t-'Nilll'O o-.Ult oil ..... IA> the rav-. r!Ver. brothers -boGt ... -·d Ibo -In the 11111'.and' 111111 block' of ' . •(laa ifiHM4 ... I) Weal RI~ Lone and the 1100 block . ' ~eatttf Board '""Wed t i ' ,,. of Riviera Qrive· totter on the brink of the .creek awollen by overflow waters from Villa Park Darn. Marine Corps helicopter pilots ·are flying In a\I the olil· cor l>o<tlOs ·~ta Ana author1Ue1 can buy, but the supply is rapicfly,dbninlahlnc. · · 1 • HOUSES DEllnlOYED Two swlnut!ing pooli and porliw of two luxury Hou~s ba"ve already lettered and ·lhen dropped cruhlng into the~­ ing flopd . and a score of homet bar.e been evacuated. 1 · Patrolling police officers are assigned to guard against looters. Water flow Into Villa Part Dim is now down to 2,CXM> cubic feet per second -t,ooo Jcus than Tuesday'• crtsil - while flOw out 'of the flood eite1 ls d.own to 3,500· from 500 · niore 'at 'the"' peak. Floodwaters pouring out of the Prado Dam 0'1 the Santa Ana Rlver ii ~g regulated by the Army Corps of · Ehlf"«r" at s;ooo cub IC-feet W l<clnd, still causing serious erosion downstream. Delth has struck in tarious fomui, from the five Sllverado Canyon mucbllde ~ictima killed in a Ort: station refugee center Tueaday to drowning victfms swept away. A D-year-old ~ Luis .o~ Coun\y man was drowned when be tried to croo& the n«maUY dry Salinu River which today loots lite the Mlululppl. SCOl11'S HOPE DIMS Llltle 'hopo'Temalna •for the' lour BOy Scouts and their adOll le_ader Wllo vanJab. ed In 1a bllzzlrd -~arl,y a week ago In the · Big BW irea of 111e• ~­ Bernardino Mountains. . S-1 . .. thrOuihout cailfomla moon- tain ~ cloted tblf, weekmdc and.: '(Ste NEIV·ITORM, Pap lJ Sex Class· Trigg~rs Furor f '"!="~·~~·~: lruat<ea on, mu!ta' ol Iba ,..,... .. ..r Lyle Gulpre, 'ooe of u.I boailf ..elnb.n. wbo had' been prouiRi fir dllcloauft, said lie W<iuld aeW. for .that tatha' than brlngjnf • liWIUI)· .. -. ll>t, superinteDdent. ' 1 In~ Ulrmlah, ll>t .~ ma- jority of Jdnlin. ·Gulpre ml I'll ~ voted down Dr. Dale Rallllon wbO wlmed -(iltl' BllX n», Pip'•) ' ' Develops· .. . ' . Pneuniohm ' ·· ' ! •· ' I wASilffiaroli fAPJ ~ r...m... Mo dent Dwight D. El8enholm', ltnialb\I to retoftr froin 1l ll!rie1 ol beait •ili¢kl ,;nif.!Jlil>risl< aurprr 1aat s.Dday, bal cteve~ pngumoi>ta, Anny ~ J"eP.Ori:ed today, 1 II'' I J. mo,.mg ~,rmn W:illa'Il!ill Arm 'll'oeptW ·Aid the 1f,W'1i9' genJ.r "la geiiOnny·..wet'·llllS inlP.f• ing,, )?ut Ui cooperaUve ,~ ~1 to overcome tbiaJatest com~·"';· But ii. ad!IOd:' 0 i1 1ta , 1ao"w1y Ill determine how. 'be 1'lll.~phocl' to trlUo menl" It wd iie·---'".a"-'1-· _,_,,.. • . . ~· ··-~~· Eisenhower, at the bospltal alnce ~ April alter lllflerlni a heart attadt <Ja, callfornia, underwent_abdoml11).1Ut1f11 Sunday alter docton found 111 """""'!" obotrudlon that tbreateHll his ll!e... , '~~\; IJulleti!ls -,•liar.•U.. ,.,,9111 , called attenUon IA>·the f..._ praldmt'1 progteu,·lricluding a1atiteineat ~ describing his recotl',tjr u .. lltUe ilaii of ranarkable" and uyloc ~ had .. progreued IA> tlle"-'P,Oliit:.-.Jlo · felt well enough to rtld._ ._ Doctars' reporta remal,.i ~ Wednuday, ~, ~. "POll-iti.e coune hal.-.i\ ''"* CQOCled jal' Im!" and~ hli ...Wlipl li&ye' (il<e WEii, P>Co I)"" ~ , J<•t.;! • , t • I 1"9-q.,. . I I . • •' ' . • -- I DAl\.Y I'll.OT s F~dor. Flilr""J 2e. l'M NiXoQ, De ,Gaulle .Talks Off to Goo~·a~ginnillg I ' French Give President Cordial Welcom e ' I PARIS (AP) -President Nlxon came the worlds, "Long Jive ll\e United Nii:oR's-hOpe r0r ·Etit0pe~1·tuture and a· to· Parll to a a:nial , ,.elcome Fridly States." stable peace. At the Are De Triomphc, and met man lhan two houri rill llller .tandlDI wi1h clooed •Y" muing, Charloa de Gluua to wbol tho rr.nc!t MOVING CEllEllONY " a inuffled JOI! of ....,,. aod a bu&Je calP Alter a moving -Y 111 wblcb la honor of Frliii:e'• ci,ad, Nixon min- called a 1ood ...,..,.. to tho dbiloctlc" Nilan pr<Sided fl the,pllcln& of a ..,..lh &iOd ~ with a lhronc oi talks ol the Anmclll lelder's 't.oui'. • • on the mernor!al to France's mkoown ~ :' ~ trom~~;,, A 1pokesrnan f.or tbe French prealdent soldier, the Amedcan Prealdent iiru en rwte to the Elysees Palace and hlJi at lhe Ely!et Palace aald the !alb driven down the broad ChamPI Ely-, · fil'1I _.., wilh De Gaulle, he ordet'.ed lalted z boon aad JO mlnuteo to a crowded wilh well-wisbers, to De Gaullt'1 )Ila limousine. stopped when he 1po!t<d "frank amt cord1al atmosphere." El)'lttl Palace for tbe first of a, 1e1'iet lfrll in the Champt Elysees crowd "This Is 8 good begi.nnlng tor the of meetings with the French leader. ' carrying parasols ol Stars and Siripes convenatloos which will continue tomor4 Nixon underscored U:ie importance he fabrics. row," be added. attaches to this visit by devoting JO To the dismay of security men, Nu:on hours <i his 48-hour. stay ln France to leaped Crom De Gaulle's spanking neW ' n.e·wntm: IMh:atlm If wbat _.. ta1b with De Gaulle, some In -private, limousine and apP_roached the Sidewalk jects the two chiefs of stale discussed. • some with advisers of both present. The throng behind police barriers to shake President Nixon said to his arrival ad-tallol coocem the mOI! llfl'"I problems buds wilh.tlle ~ •1'1'. dress that he had ccme hero aeeklng faj:lllC Ibo ualtoil ..... ~ ud ' ' • . .. ' r--' . .' ' De Gaulle's help jn efiorts to "build Alia. • ~ -_ · , · · . 11.A.GITATID.~·r. · ~1.; ~""• a new atnle of. Wutern ~" and i'1 ~dlicuuiGn'l;came~aba$· • Nmia. uaJn.~Hnc bll llPlt.?t~ to aoelt a "Juli and luting pea<e." ii"""" of st,ralllO\I U.5,-Freoch rolaU-' men, bad !iliDie!I boooled to the lllinl' He had ur1eCI that old quarrels be forgot, daUor mlny yeait Blli'Nlmn exp-.fl tho llmousi!le ag he ""'1d wa.-baP' ten in the search for a better future. ~1ie, Would be joined 1)1 tht Ftendl pJy at lht crowdl two and Gree ._. BALKY ALLY J i.Q kdlal forward ind forgettfnl pad' \:00 ,either, side ,of tt;e broad avenue. 1be aar••aifooi. . · . c:fowd chanted "1'1iXon! Nhrnn!" \~" ;i De Gaulle long has Ileen 1 balky ; ' ' , . ''Ille ffioldalll bad,beeit ~ dVdo; ally ol the Unllod 6tatu nT, JIAl'PY 1 • , • • ; ,the ......ai.I, II Ille ~ 1'4·'do. ' UPI C..bl• .... There WU little 1lp olbostillty &mon1 ·NiloniCOll\bJUe<l ·lq Jdot Ill in4, bapp7 'l'riomlilt, ~ of Jl>o ...-,, .aoljllil' the crowds who welcomed the U.S. chie.f despite the grueling schedule since monwnent. Afier the Tituat e'nded, ne DIMONSTRATORS SIT DOWN IN ROME STREET IN DEFIANCE OF RIOT POLICE Offlc1n Ch•r11 Into Students to Break Up Antt-Nlxon, Antl..Govemment Disorders e:recutive to this "City of Llght." The-Sanday when he began this 10,500-mile moved into the crowd, grasped on• oUtpourlng was not massive, but it was tour. France-is the fifth capital of French woman by tbe hand and told her. \ , "-\.<( •. "' • • Anti-American Riots Flaring Through Rome ROME (AP) -New anU-American riots erupted in Rome and a tumultuous Senate session dissolved into fiat fights Friday before and after President Nixon departed for Paria. The fresh wave of violence, following a nl&hl of bloody domonltnllonl, caUled deep Ql:nhaloD.at the VaUcan. where Nixon wllh:all, Oii Pope Paul VI Sanday' Riotm aet l!ro to an Am<rtt:an-owned printing plant, SIDBlhed window! at lhe American Express; office and burned Ult liq• to the streets, In Yll'ious aectiom of the city rioters adopted a novel tactlc. They moved in amall IJOUP91 threw Molotov cocktalll at police, ind then faded back Into lhe crowd.. At lout 10 persons ,,.,. injured and three wore irrestod, In the Senato, Interior Minister Luigi JloAlvo alllW<iod a barrage of questJons .. boos. ~ Resilvo told of slonel, tron tube!, 1tlcl<s, .and flrocrackera used by , the demormtlon, c.mm-loeilalei'i Ii:·' terruplect Body of Youth Found on Beach;, Drugs Suspected The body of a youth to his early 20I wu d.llcovered· thlJ morning under a-k of a bouH In Nnrport Beach'• hippie heachlront dtstr!cl ' Dllaotlvo Stlt Ken 'nloml)llOO aald in- vuttca*km indicated a. tentaUve ldentJty of tho victlm,-bul ll . bas yet ~ be conllnned. The body, clad In oon!uroy panll and aboes:, was found 1L 7 a.m. covered ptrillll)' with a car coat. It wu under • danip Blllldeck at lit Z3rd SL Two other youths were brought In for qilestlonlng this morning after In· ¥e1U,.tor1 at the scene alleged to have overheard a conver1atlon between them about an apparent overdose of drugs. He uld the body bad detlnttely been moved to tho lhldod area under the lllndect from a point necby. Tba long-haired ynuth ball not been dead more than a few hours. 'Ibe body wa remoY9d to Baltz Mortu· ary, Coron• del Mar. DAILY PILOT ....,.,, ~Ii " ..... , ...... . LetllM ..... .. ...... ,..,. • Coft- CAUPOlNIA OltANOI (OAIT l'USt.ISHtNG COM .. AN't l•lt•rt N. °W••~ ,, • .....,...,..~hlwr 1 ....... , 11: ..... u ~tltv T ... 11111 A, M•rplii~• MMt""" lflltt P•11l Nl11•• "'...., ....... Olrttfllot CM•• Mn.f: sn WHI • .,. ShMI J>I-' ... l>tlt: 1111 ~I Dllbo9 9'111"••• .__ lffctli m ,_, ,._ """'J<oittM enc111 • "" s"m .. . I .. • • Jt markedly ..warm to the American viJitor. Ni:ron'1 stop-appropriately, he i;:aid, the "We hope we can deveJop policies for 1'1e COiMiUftlst .: party bad e.ned.._for lut ~ the allied capitab. ~s again peaee and for the future so that n nl'I C t B ttl $200 000 anti·Nlxon demonstrations when he ar· underlined the importance of France in longer will have this kind of ceremony." Oun Y a es rived in the city. Infonnants said fear ' , ·of violent Red demonslrations kept ma~ Santa Barbara Oil Slick Flood Threat From Pit While refugees poured from Orange County's mountain areas and homes were being threatened and washed into raging Santiago Creek, supervisors Thursday found themselves battling another flood threat at a cost estimated at $200,000. Threatened were up to 200 homes north and west of the mlle-long Burris Sand Pit east of Anaheim. Levees and dikes containing a aeries of lakes inside ~e pl\ are eroding. The pita are along the Santa Ana River from Ball Road to South Street. Pumping is being carri~ out but of- ficiall see real anger of erosion of the west wall unless pumping ii increased. Floyd YcU:llan, Orange County direc- tor of building and eafety, said today that omclals are concerned with the strength o( the west bank of the Santa Ana River through which water has been seeping into the gravel pits. The county took over the waler pum· ping and seepage repair operaUon Thurs- day -,1111..,,...tor o1,t11o•llOd pita . appealed for help, saytna they w're running ,out of money. • . The Burri& Sand Pit CO. had b e e n carrying on the pumping a n d repairs since the-January floods. At the .. same time they took over the pumping, the supervisors declared the Burris operation 11a public nulunct" thereby layJna &mJllCls for 8ISeaaln( lhe firm for ·the cost. Th1s ~ction brought an angry reply from attorney Nonnan Smedegaard, representing the sandpit firm. -He threatened court action. "To say I am shocked lJ putting it mildly," Smedegaard told supervisors. "TMre is no evidence of excavatlon violations and if you think you're going to hang my client out to dry, we'll go to court." The sand and gravel operation has been going on In the -area for 25 years. McLellan aikJ plt operators were charged months ago with alleged digging viola- tions. Meanwhile, the supervisors have been warned by Geortt Osborne, chief engineer of the County Flood Control District that they face an expenditure of up to fl million to repair the banks of the Santa Ana River f r om recent flood damage. Osborne said the riverbed from Katella Avenue to Imperial Highway, a lllk-mile stretch was in danger of breaking out and flooding communltles unless .!Wtft action was taken. Caborn• Pl<JposeQ~p ,of tile -'' of the river and "drop structure" on the river bed lo slow the water flow. He said the mO!t criUcal area ·wu from Ball Road to the Carbon Creek diversion channel on the east boundary of Anaheim. Osborne said the increased ' now or river water from Prado D am , necessitatel ~ the recent· heavy ra1nl.. influenced his recommendations for early action . From Page I SEX FLAP ... to hold the nei:l ses education hearing in a large auditorium. Mitchell abltl.fned. Jordan aaid it bothers him that peopl' seem to feel sex education programs are on trial and board member1 are sitting u judge. "Our original intention wu to inform ourselves," he said. "We never intended to sponsor public meeilngs." OVERFWW CROWD Rallison said be could assure board memben there would be an ovel'flow crowd for lhe hearing next Tuesday night and suggested the other trustees "don't care about the people who elected us to office." The hearing will be held tn the County Schoell Office board room which &eats at the most about 100. Speaker will be Dr. Melvin Anchell, Los Angeles physician who is a well kno~'ll critic of sex educaUon. The night meeting is a departure for the board, but Ralllson said that is the only Ume AncheU can speak. Two weeks ago Anaheim Schoola Supt. Paul Cook described his district's ae:r education program. The second hearing at which members ol the public were f'ro111 P .. e I EISENHOWER remained stable." n,e vltal 1lgn1 refer to IUCh thing~ as blood pressure, pulse and breathing ralt. Observen felt Thursday's bulletin seemed more guarded as it reported Eisenhower "continues satisfactory con- sidering his age, past medical history and thl fact that be: 11 iitill in the cr!Ue1l )O&toperaUve period..'' That was the last bulleUn until today's wtdch aaid the general "e:rperi~ some .respiratory diffieult1 during the night wblcb II due IO pneumonia which bas developed In the rllht hnla buo!' And , for the lint thne, the bullet.Jn •H rel•yed flnt lhrouP the Pent&(oo before belnc rel••sod al the hospital. Eisenhower's wile Mamie and ion Joh.a returned 10 the hospital from their Get· tysbura, Pa., and Pboenixville, Pa., home1 for his surghy. John left Wed· nosd1y bul the fonnor Firat Lady rc.- malnod In a hospital suite oex1 to her husband'•· f . From Page I NEW STORM • • ·the state Division oi Hlghwafl blocked alf all roadwaya to prevent motor1stl hecomln& lr1ppo1L Deep snow piled up on a dor.en buildings in the Squaw Valley recreation art•' lhroatened to rupture rooltops aad wU being cletred b1 priaoners from conaervaUon camps. Tho latest otonn due to hll the Southland Is expected by tonlaht. but clearing lhouJd follow Saturday, ac· companied by gusty wlndl left over from the squall. Bad weather hu 1n fad, apread throughout the nauon, with bliuard.9, rain and heavy winds whlch closed roads with snowdrt.IUI a!I aoon u they could be C'leared by work crein . ParlSlB.nS away. Nixon at once utended tbe band of friendship to De Gaulle's France. with which U.S. policymakers hive long been •at odds. . · In return. De Gaulle recalled tradJ. tional French-American friendship and said he attached the greatest importance to the exchanges he will have with his guest. De Gaulle ended his brier Y:clcome address at Orly Airport with From Page 1 STINERS ... !ncreases After Slowing SANTA BARBARA (AP) -An oil Jeak in the Santa Barbara Channel in· creased today after slowJ.na: to a lrickle Thursday. A spokesman for Union OU CO. uid the leak was "flowing about like it was Tuesday" when a second well began spurting oil Into • fiuure charged by the blowout of anotbt:r well four weeb: ago. ·1 On Tueeday; Union would 'not estimate the lncreaaed flow, but said It was "greater than" a 2,000 to 4,000-gallon-a· day residual leak that had continued since the fint well that blew out was capped. ' The leak slowed and several oblervers said it stopped Thursday, houri after mud and cement were ·pumped around the cuing of ·the second Well at IOO feet.. . . '" A Union spokesman 1ald the leall:'ma7 have stopped for • Ume from natural causes. Four weeks ago the fint well blew out an~ squirted 21,000 gallons of i>ll a day into the channel for 111hi day1. i A realdual flow cootlnued and incre11e4 Tuesday when a second well on the offshore drilling platform, being pumped- to relleve pressure on subterranean oil - fonnat!om, alto developed a J.eat. : Crew• working from Uie Unlon Oil platform were dr11llng through 1 concrete plug in order to pump sealing compounds and concrete into the bottom of the 3,000-fookleep undersea well. The exact am"Ount of flow COiii' not be dolormtood, · ' OU from the original leak, which once formed an l>kquare-mlle slick over the -ocean, wa1 reported Oil mllea aouth of Sacta Barbare on Wiii Ro&en State ~each between Malibu aad Santa Monlca, 'The Cod Guard said oil wa1 mlled f,tth surf 'In · • seven-mlle stretch of eo11tline off Los A111eles County. * * * * * * Relying on Oil C~mpanies' Surveys Blamed for Leak Sen. Edmund S. M111k:le of Maine, chalnnan of the Senate public works 1ubcommlttee. before which,HJckel ap- peared, uld that oil CGmpariles are swayed In the extent of prelimln1r1, samplings they take by the cost involved. "t think you've hit the naU right on the head," Hickel said. "That's u- actly the problem." He aald that at lust J,000 feet of casing should be required for offshore wells in areas such as the Santa Barbara channel. COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE ' • EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST~ LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CltED IT NIWPOltT BEACH 1727, Wntcllff Dr,. 642-2050 OPIN NIDAT "flL t • INTERIORS p,..fn1lonal Interior LAGUNA IEACH DetlgMrl 345 North Cent Hwy., Avallabl~ID-NflD -•lttAT '11\ t rtt.e T.n ,,,_ M• llf 0,.... c.nty 14t-U•I 4944551 I I B•10.gto~ Be~eh . EDITIO~ . VOL. 62, NO. SI', ~ SECTIO~S.-42'. PAGES " ., . --• • • FRIDAY._ l'EfUARY 2f, "1969 · • • " . ~ -N.Y. steek• Ike Develops Pneulllollia I • j - THREE HONORED -Hunllngtiln Beach Ezcbange Club marked Crime Prevention Week Thursday by honoring this trio. From left are student Richard Goodell, Police Officer Charles Holl!ngsworth and student Nancy Chenoweth. Charles Hollingsworth Top Hunting~n Officer Police Officer Charles HollingBWQrth of.. the J{untington Beach Police Depart- m~t WP named "Officer of the Year" by the Exchana:e Club 'I'hursday as part ol .tbt croup's Crime Prevention Week pr'osrlJI!., , . . . ' ' . Jn iclalUon, Chairman David Linder iave .;1n1. te~ Richard n:· ~ Oraqe,i:<>ut Collea• police sciillce slu· dent 'OI ' the ytar and to Nancy Cbienbweth an outstanding pollce science . . student at OCC. Tom Lambert and Ron Golde·represm- Qlig Kirk Jewelen at Huntin,gton Cent.,!r p<esented.both Hollingsw<>rth and Goodtll with wrist watches to commemorate their selection as outstanding persons connected with law enforcement. Each year the Eichange CJub honors a police officer selected by his fe~ow officers as outstanding Jn his profess100. Jn addition the HwiUngton Beach club .electi an 'outstanding law enforcement 1tudent. Hollingsworth, wbo is married and baA five children, has been a nsldent of the city since 1955 and connected with the poBce force since 1968. In 11155 be was ass.igned to the detective bureau and bu worked In all phases d. lnvestip.Uon from theft to homicide, tpecialll::ing in auto theft Investigation. He is a· graduate of Taft Union Higb School, has attended Orange Coast Colle1e and California State College, Loi Angeles. In 11161 he became dHply Ir.- wived with devlai.ng me&!l! to detect ~tXorcycles with altered identificaUon number•. Goodell. 19, •u selected on the basil «,. _,. ''"'!li'fllnc mar ...u.jlr.1 111e cbanilnc ro\e ol the polJce ·lllllcer in a cl>all(lrg IOOlety. It. ~ at Orange Coast Collqe, he plans ., to grailuate in J...,. and attend pouce Science cJaaeS at It.ate college. He lives in Garden Grove. Miss Cbeoow.U., II, allo ·• llC>phomore, plans tO -. 1 )>Ollce sclenct major in college and enttt ta• enforcement work after graduation. She lives in COila Mesa. Chief Sellur emphasized that the need for well trained law enforcement officers has never been greater with a crime rate riaing futer than the percenta,e, of populatioo. lncrt~se. Chief Seltzer lashed the court decisions which have resulted "in a complete r&vision ol. the Con.n.ituUon by a small percentage of federal and lllaie judiciary members. "We are all involved in the cost of crime, said the cbid, pointing to the coot ol the Slrbla B. Slrban murder trial in Loo Angelu. "We will all have to pay the hills because our laws are in IUCh. • coofuatd state as to permit all lhll cOlt in what (See TOP OFFICER, Pa .. I) Nixon Greeted Cordially By De Gaulle. ht France ~ PARIS (AP) -President Nillcn came to Parts to a cordial wdcome. Friday and met more lhan two hours with. Oiarles de Gaulle in what thO French called a good heilnning to tiie clilnactic talU of the Amerlcan1eader"s tour. · A ipOkesman for the French president -it the Elysee Palace said the talk~ lasted 2 hours and 10 minutes in a "lrar\k and cordiaJ atmosphere." said he •ttached the ptaieJI 1-tance to the eschanges he will ban with bis gueet. De Gaulle ended ldl brief welcome addr"8 at Orly ,Airport wllh (See NIXON, PIP II Stunt Former President Weak, Say Doctors . . WASHINGTON (AP) -Former Prosi- dent. Dwigbt D. -· alnlQlin( to recover ·from a aeries ol heartattacb and blgl>-rlsk sur'gery last Swiday, hu developed. pneumonia,. Army doctur1 reported today. A morning bulletln from Walter Reed 'Army Hospital nld lhe 71-yeaN>ld general "is generally weaker this mor~ Jng, but is cooperatl,ve and cteletmined to overcome this latest complicaUon." But it added: "It is too early to determine how he will respond to treat· menL" It said he spent a restless night. Eisenhower, at the boapilal since last mnalned stable." The vllal ~ nfer to _. lhlnp u biooc\ ·ihian. pulse and lrialhing rate. · Qblervera felt Tlwrsclay'1 bulletin ~ more 11Uarded as It r~ Eilenbow• uconunuea 11Uafaetort coa--alderinC 'tilt ..... put Diedicll lllltory aod .tha. lacl that . ht la attn. in .the critical pNtoperaUve period ... Tbat was the tut bulletin until today's v.;hic,h , said the genera\ "uperie~ aome respiratory difficulty dUring the night which is due to pnewnonl• which bu developed in the right lWll ba,., .. Trapped at Big Bear Beach Girl Scouts Rescued With cheerful moraJe and daily chores, 55 HunUngton Beach girl acoull and adult leaders spent four da)'I atranded Jn the mountains near Big Bear. "We k~w an hour ahead of Ume that a storm was going to strike Suzi.. day," said Mrs. Fklra Smith, a troop leader, "but we had no transportation to leave our Green Valley Lake camp." Girl Cadets and their leaders from Ckean Vlew School District went to the mountains last Friday for a weekend snow canip. they •ere finally rescued lrom lheir lllOWbound area Thursday morning. "We were really 1faJrJy ~ble, dlvided Into lhree dlllerii>t cJ!ti111! Uid ~ Sirhan· Lawyers 'Not Sure'. How Client Will Act LOS ANGELES (AP) -Attorneys !ot S~ban BW>ara Sirhan upressed appre- hension before opening bis defense today over whether he will "behave hlmsell'' when he takes tbe witness stand "We just dotr't know how he 'll react." said Russell E. Parsons, one of the three defense attorneys. "We don't want to take a chance on film blowinc oo the stand." Whh the prosecutioo neediq but .1 little Ume to wind up Its .cue qainlt lhe 14-year-dd Jonlaniln, clw8ed with murdering Sen. &IJert F. Kenne<IY, Sll'- ban's lawyen still hid not decided on their-wl-. On the lilt ..... the delenclanl'1 55- yeor-dd molher, Miry, and hil bro!h- ers, Adel, :ti, and Munir, 11. Abo listed were a bOyhood friend from Jordan, Ziad Ashhneh Of Chicago~ and a ml!'n described as being with the · United Na· tions, Sarkees Nahu. Sirhan has aat quietly and attentively most of the time during the trial,. now In il! eighth week, bu~ on occasion has risen In anger and tried to interrupt proceedings. Judge Herbert V. Walker warned him in chambers Wednesday U..t he would be brought into C0\11'1 In • r..trainlni jacUI il necessary, . 1be state •ound up ita cue Wedftel-. day ''to all lnt'enta and _ .. but said U would not rest until • few more items were introduced Into c o u r t - Cy.elist wllh our ICOUt wor~ to keep us buly," nld !frl. 8mllh. Food and telephofte service WU pro- Vidtd by a store about two miles away. "We kept In dallJ contact wllh lhe parent8 ln Huntlngtbn Beach," explained Mr1. Smith, "to they knew we were in no real danger." "At one point It aOOWl!d or bailed for IO botrs," the. aald delcrlbin& .the cold mountain ~. "it wu piled nearly eight feet hl&h-Bl!! the girll, really· handled thllmelvtl·•ell. and even wut able to play ~ 111 .tlni'ee." '.'\II• kept b!ify , ~. and · cookiq and workinc -• 1ecut ~eeta." "A trllDllJtor redio llllo be1ped keep the prls hll\'PY,• ldded 1,1n,·~ . 1'111o.l!di .,..i. 4 uw,_......,. ... ., the tood _,, fll li>w, but they held up flne1 "' lbl }>Olnted out. Whal ......... Unitl finlllJ ...... they transpoitod the llrb lo·RunnJnc 8prinp', just off llJi!lw•r IO, where achoo! bulel waited td bring them home to Huntington Beach. Mrs. Smith observed on re.scue opera.. tions that 11at firJt there didn't seem to be 1111 Cl)OrdtnaUon between the Hlghw•r Palll>l,' lhe Red Crosa or any of lhO -iri>liPI, but 1'ben Ibey finally fO( 'lill•lher they really move!! fat" . a . ~ ' . Ooe . eoo4 ~ did come out of lhe atom> -all the pril paased. their emerpncy, preparednesa .chal1'1!1e in. fQUl' daya, ~ a nine-monlh chore. "lt'i hard jo f"¥! an emer1aicy test Uli,,..., ~ .. MJl, limitll-.... ,,, . . --... . .• --Suuihlantl Braees .~gain ' . ' . As New . Storm Threatens : Wtt, wtary work cre:n -' convicts and high achool ·boys toWng aide by side· -readied the Southland for a new storm today; u dalr.age in the worat wlnter alnce 1814 hit •100 mlllton and lS persona were liste · dead. The ne'if Pacific. squall bearing down on weather-battered Southtrn Caillomia la not u aev<re II firat tlpected, but even mlld ahow'en are a tbrut to the lalUrated landacapo and Its brimminl dlma. "We're in. trouble il IOmeOM even aplta, '' remarked ~ obHrvtr today. .Nowhere in the ltlte have Uva or p<>pertles been apared, but the worst dev1staUm today centered in Ventura County, tvhel'f: ·wart crews raced time to repair an eroded Santa Clara River levee. Rain u:pected ·today threatena to send a wall o( water bursting through the weakened earth barrier and racing through the small, awamped city of Qx .. nard. EVACUATION PLANS '"lt kioa bad," Mid A.P. Stokes, v~ lure County director of public works, u emergency plant ~ preued to evacuale·IO,OOO 'penonl, ooe-lhlrd ol the r~demL· The ~lock blttle continued today, In Oraqe cGanty, .....,.bile, to Visits contain lhe rampa&ini waters of SanU•p Creek, alashl.ng a wklenln& aclr through Santa Ana. · Marinu, off-duty Loa Angflea firtmtin aod colle1e and high school sfudents labored to dump old auto bodies and aandbap along the crumbling banb, olferlnla to bit ravenOw: river. Hom.. in the llOO and lllOO block of Weal Blver Lane and the 1100 bloclc of Riviera Drive totter en the· brink of the creU:' swollen by overflow watera from Villa Park Dam. ·Marine Corpa helicopter pllota are · flying in all the old car bodiea Santa Ana authorlUes can buy. but tbe supplJ ls rapidly dlminJahlng. HOUSES DESTJWYED Two swiminlng pools and portions of two luxury houaea have already teetered and then dropped crashing Into the roar- ing fiood and a score ol homei· have been evacuatec!. Patrolling poUce oCflcen are assigned to guard against looters. ·Water flow into Villa Park Dam ii ,_ down to 1,000 cubic feet per aecomd -9,000 leu than Tuetday't crisb - while Oow opt ol the flood plea la do!rn to l,lOO from llOO more Ill· the peak. . I Floodw1ten pouring out ol the Prado i Darn oo the Santa Ana Blver la· bdng ..... ,.led by the Anny Corpa of Enllneen at s,ooo·cublc feet per-. atll1' ..w, eerioua m>tlon do1rni(rt1m. "This Is a good begiMing for the conftllaUoos which •Ill continue tomor· row," be added. Peterson School Children Get Advice From · Daredevil De1lh bu llruck in various fonna, from the flve SJlverado Canyon mudaiJde vtctlMI k1Ded Jn a ftre •lit.Ion rttuaee center Taelday to drowning vidtml awept away. A lt-ytar-old San Lula Obbpo Cewlty maD WU drowned when 1\1 tried to crom ·the ,normallY dry Sallnu ;aivu which kidaJ 1oob llk1 the Ml11i1i!Jilll. .J.iltli hope ~ for lhe',lour Boy There wu ·no indication o( what sub- jects the two chiefs of stat. discusled. BJ TEllRY· COVILLE President Nllon said In· hll arrival ad· Of ... ...,,.,.... ttlft' drels that he hid· com< hert seeking Evel ~ ;tokl<lt)'~ 11 .wu for De Gaulle'• ·help In efforts to "boild the kJdo 'af l'tlli• -'l1lllnclay a new .eme ol Western purpose•• and afternoon. • . to oeek a "just and Wlil!C •pell<!O-";· • 1 He mired ~..J:lr' mol<ir<Jdes He !Old urged that old quarrels be•forgok 'In 'w --.t· mt 1ilm to t... a the •ltth for a heller future. Show·tlle kJdo·that brolLl!n splrlt hurtl De Gaulle loog has been • bllky ... a lot m.,.,ilw>.._ -; · Illy of tl1e United Slates. ' ! • 11'11' the: 'ualnflilllcd, .. gye1. llMwl, at TbUe was UtUe sip or hostility among 29 is considered the world'• ~ atwit oie a-owdl who welcomed the U.S. chief ..;,torcyclist. executive to this "City C!1 Ught." ~ SOmttlme" bl Ute iMr tuttn.e he plans outpouring"~ not,. ....... but lLns -lo"l"l!'I' J-1 ...._ '°'""' !Mi Gl'llld markedly wann to the Amesic:8a ltlltor · CinYOD ~. .,. to ._. a ccmtmkment." The Communist P"rtY had called , for At the blddlnl af-... School Prin- 111U-Ni100 demonstrations when lie .,._ clpal, Robert~ 1n old friend E .. l ri•ed in the city. Informants said fear took a few mot jentJ of a llUly .cl.edute of vli>lent Red demonstrations kept m1111 to tallc to ;;,; 111111 and ail!h l>'•d• Parisians 1way. ~~ Nhon al -eltended tl1e hand of lludentl It·--' ltlMdahip to De Gaulle 's Ftance wllh oace.-a jU\'eo1le _'n>uslaboul blmseU, w1ilok_ \J.8, polieymlken baV. lq been Evtl told the Ulll U..t ooly God' ktpt 11 odtll: -. . h!m ;oqt -d<jlll ~ .,...,11 100•1 ln ....._ De .qa,iµo :ecallod .lredi· 1ears of crlme. Uoo1(i~-Amenc.n lrl~ mid "'Ll!1"1r f1dl ol 11111 •nd downs, Just I " / like a motareyde·ride,11 be told them, "and -you ... ddo!n )'OU ....... 1et blck uP and blf golq." To demoostfate, Eri1 ahow!d the youngsters two lilmr ol motoreycll Jwnpo lhlt dlc!oi work. In one he went tumblin( enckv<Mllil when be.. Jnlaed~ a jump over • wal11' fonntaln at Cldar'• Plla<e In w vefl as. Nev. Jn the oths'i be and the Q'dl! llllWhed Into a car 11 he. tr1t(io 1Mp ~ ~ t:-you !elm by -k~ but in my buainess mlaillOI can ldD you," £\!ti ASd. ' Ht then lldmonished the &!1 to lllud,, " ..• learn all you can aboul.1what JW want to do, so you won'1. man • many roiatakel." • :, When -~ ~ -"'!to abdllt ldl pr_..t Gl'U\iJ ~~ Evtl Itnevel tonk a aharP blut ~t10iii\ii' Secrmry ol the Interior Stewart Udlll. "U Udlll hid !<&i>t bit ...-4 1-Wdd hive alttady jwoped'lhe CuQoon. • Mid • (lol NK1f 8TOllM, Pilp 11 • ' .. ' ' -" ........... DEVELOPS PNEUMONIA New Crl1l1 hr Ike River Keeps Rolling Along Near Beach · • Old Man Santa Ana River· jult ~ rillllnfi along, 1"'1 Orange~-­ Control District o!lidala don't l<inleo a.Y ietuii for• ~-dal't c 'JIOl!lbll ween~ ·' _ · · 1 ~1YJ hf,ve to. dl:ain the water. dowa· to-a •'"1e Ievel .bel!fnd the~ ~· said llobcrt Dor~ ~ djvjlkllJ;t.dllilCIU for· Ille '<Uaillclf1 ' • .f!i< y.s. ~y Corpa~· F.niineers ls cumnUy releuing I, . cubic feel of-9er. per """""'.u.m . Dun. F)ociil contldl = have up villa Jlaili ,m:;J;'Tt11be -1'1.te· ·o1 .l.IOt cbbfc· feet per lecorKf.· '· · . "Reaidenls,llq• the $anla Anl 1111"1" ~· ahould be .concerned, hl!t ~ a}anned by the flow ol wate:r,"~llid Burke. Rumors have spread faster thin' OOocl waters among reoidtnta In Huntill(ton Beach, Fountain Valley nil ~ 11- lhat the dam. are breakinl or Ille r!vt( will overflow ita banks. To atop these ruDl°'f B!.U'if uld, .. We dOn't believe the mer will ...mo.. or break Its lfvees1by any· means~ b)e. we feel we can control anJtJdnl that hapP,flDS. 11 "The' !lOod control dlltrict .... - nel constantly pain>ling the Santa ADii River and we have abored up ~ spots aS fast U they appear I ti be· Marines ftom El Toro and Santa .Ana, along .with. other volunteers, have ~ placed nearly 400,000 aandba_, aloi;JI the banb of the river, and the Wttk goes on. "Sandbagging Is merely a ~u­ Uonary ·nieasur~ to str.ngthen the. un- protected higher levels· of the but;'' explained Burke, "it d~'t mean 'we think the levttl wtll brtat." Burke ~eptaled bit 'fanll1ff U..t r,esidenll iioofl the >JI...-llmlc llloold lie conc:erQOd '1!111 ·aw,ve 11;.n 11mes qi wliat ls happening, but nol to be ~I~~~~*' '. , . I . or .. ,e , Weatlaw ' . We'll cet that lOl!l·fured rala I tonight,' but ' the ~ '~.ttil '.clear up'.~ lbd'teep· C:alm aver the' ~eiiil I wilh temperMu!oe """" a to· a alBnj U\t ·--: . . ' INSWE TODAl' I °""' ClllOIA.,_ ,~ u..--1211f . I «me -:-Dia1)tilf<loci .... 'A'"°" <d COM!lly dlU... nd gT'Ollpt ""'°. ,,. ... .so.. ..-. -' I m.i hJIOIOCI t~• c:all ot d•ty. I PbgC f , ·=--== .... si c: ............................ .. ~ =' =..=--. 1--·--"t ~ '. =-, ... ..,... ,_ ' , .. " ....... •11 · if-:;·. ""' '* ' I ::. .. l:... n -·=-" ,_......_.,,. Pt IMt -, ' ' . I • • 1 r ----------------------------------------------------- • . 2 DAll.Y l'llOT H Sex. EdU.ciltio~ Spar s ~reaTIJN& ., ...... , ui.. . • Ill-flanil .._ coonly ichoOl otnc:llll 'l1Nnd01 over h .. rlnp befon 1111 ~. l!oord ol EducAUon on !<" oil~ ln Ille ochools. '111t1111 between boltll membtr1 alsO lnwlved Ccunly School Supl lloberl Petenon w~ some board members ac-a.td « Wf\hholding informaUon from ._ . ' PlillrlOG ,.ruoe.r to cllscDe resuJis ol ,lo. J>Oblle opinion 111rTey cooductod by idi olllce" lul Octobtr beclllle, he &aid, it included a quesUon on It.I educa· tJon lhat could prejudice the current Stiaers Gt1ilt11 ••• , .... I ' ~ -.. • '. ID ..... Gk ..... ti.N ... •Ai 1 •1 +.<ii lllo -I teJ '"Jorlil<il, ..... =N-r .... ~ · .. -,.~Dmllld :=~~-.:'$. Jordlft. HI ~don\ hel JGG lllve" tlle In a large audtlorlum Mftcbett a aut.borlty to wlthhokt-.thla." Jct"dan sald it both'er1 him that peopl; Board President Clay Mitchell, of Soulh seem to feel sex education programs t.acun•. aa1d he thinks Peterson does are on trial and board membtn ·are have tbai authority because he was sitting aa ju<ige. elected to office aparate frpm the-board. "Our original intention was to inform Peterson •sreect to informally brief ourselves," he said. '1We never Jntended trates 011 resultl -OI the · IUI'Vey and to sp<>naor P,Ubllc melllnp. '\ Lyt6 Olilpre, oae <ii U.. board members · llallilGll uJd be COllld ...-. tioanl wbo hlCt. been preasJq for dlllCJosure, members tbere would be an o~w said he woWd atWe for that ralher crowd for tlie hearing next Tuesday than bringing a Jawault again$t the night ~ suggested Ult olher trustees 1uperlntendenL "don't care about I.be people who elected ' • Attorney Blasts . J A 'R . .. ~. ury s ac1sts' · Jly TOM BARLEY mind u to what the verdict would be " . , °' a. Ddr '"'"',.... the aeetbing Evana commented in the A Superior Court Jury whlch ~found idor outside Judge Byron K the lillller brothers guilty oo lour major , .. ' crllblul charga: Tbunday wu b cMillan s courtroom. As you know, within. moments of the . verdict u • 12 I tried several limes during the trial white ndlts tried liod true" by defeble to get a new trial for the Stiner boys 8 ttohiq Fr~ Evans _ tilinltlf a but the judge wou1dn't listen. Nepo. . "Certainly, I'm goin' to .. ~ppeaJ,". the "'l'bete w ver aD'! doubt m· my Los Ans:eJes lawyer wd. J 11 wort out u ne . the basil for . my appeal when I can get tocetber with the boyl later 1nda;y.• Surprisingly, Evans made no attempt to appeal the verdict of the 11 w6men and one man on the jury when he went back into the courtroom for an announcement of the aentenclng date. Judge McMillan °"'erod Georgi, 22, and Larry &tiller, 21, to return to court ~arch JO for final dllpo8ition on four counts -attempted murder, ltldnaplng, armed robbery and burglary. Murder Attempt Suspect Sought In Orange County By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of t1M Dtllf' Plllt 1'9fl A manhunt spread througbou\ Orange County today for a man who police allege shot his former boss. Thursday night when the vlclim came out to a.k why be waa lollmlli al the Coela Mt.!A baftry where bli had worked. The mspect is idenWied as Eugene Smith, II, a Sanla Ana atta resident w11o o111cer1 wen fled 1rom the llCe!le on foal and ii rtlll at large today. Wllllam Crooad>er, u. ...... " the German Home Bakery. 1S4 Coounerclll Way. WU shot in the left elbow. but is reponed In 11Usfadory condlUOJJ loday al Hoof Memorial HOlpllal. The ilc:Ulb,,if" •"-' P!lee, :~ M..,, Widemiit"~,;. a .:IZ c.lliW . bullet . ......r Thuriday night Iller" ij!e 1:15 p.m. shooting. . Poll~ were sen& to the bakery 'lburl- day nJahl Iller an ·qqapnoo1 telepbpoe tipster reported 1mneoae had been Ibo~ then hung up. Offlcei' Bob ArnoJd. arrived on the sc.ne an d found ~ wounded, but he · Wai able t.o t.ell what happened, according t.o Costa Mesa Police Delective CapL Ed Glalg-Ow. The detective bureau chief II.id Crooacher ldentiflod the allempted munler 111specl u Smith, an employe who had worked for him unW a lhart time qo. He Wd today there wu no known , malice .or dlsl>ute between the former employer and employe over wages or circumstances of the separatloa but that Smith showed up at Ute bakery for IOll'lf! reason, Thursday. Cronache.r told Investigators he W3S about ~ close up when he went outside the building, aaw the suspect, and 11ked what he wanted. One witness told police of hearing lhe sounds of a violent argument., however, followed by one pistol blast. Detective Gerry Thompson was ass.Jgn. ed to the aUempted murder case, but wu out for lnvesUgaUon and coukf r:.vt be contacted. OAllY Pl lOT .. OllANGI! CCA$T l'UBLllM1N• COMPANY leMrt N. Wee-4 "'9ldlnl eN l'vb!lllW Jeck •. c.,,:r Via p,_kllfnl aM Golnll" ...._..., Tho1Re1 Ketwll ·-n ...... A. M11r1thlt1• ,,.,.,..,1111 Efllw Albert W. 11 .. t WHll1111 11;,,, Anoc:!•lto Hun!lnttoll BMdl E41tw Qty lllllor He•,......•._...Offk9 lOt Ith St,..1t M1i1l111 M,,.. .. , P.O. la 7tO, t2641 .,__ """"" letefl~ ttn w.1 ....... t«t1tv1re , (•I• IMM! iao W•I ..., I""" U.U.. leldl1 m ..... A- Evans Insisted on the individual polling of each juror on each of the four verdicts delivered for each brother. And be watch. ed the jury intently u each member wu asked: "Do you, ••. find the defen· dant guilty on the charge nl ... ?" Conviction oo the attempted murder count alone calll for s 15 year1 to life 1entence. Application of the full terms of the rerna1ning sentences, ac- cording to the Penal Code, could add up to 1 total ol more than BO yelf3 i!I lllate prilon. The· jury aa:epted, alter· tight houri deliberation, the argument of the pro-- seculian that the Nyro nationalist brothers -both are members of the mill-•gnlaaUon us r;-; '11""1 two nf thell!N llluked bandila\lflll lf.i>tined thelr way into the Halladiy Inn, last March!. They left with nearly $4,000 in talqngs and they ·left palrm Charles Blllpno, 24, wrltlJlng on the blrroom Door wllh a bullet Jn his stomach -put there, Deputy Diltrlct Attorney Ted Millard &aid, hy George Stiner. Blligano'1 testimony ·wu obviously a vital factor in the jury'• aSlf:S,!lment of the guilt of the tall, lean Los Angeles Negroes. He told the court that he recogniud George Stiner aecoods alter the brothers and their compaolon buitled through the ning doon. He recalled that he ealled out "Hey, George, what are you doing here'?" and that the stocking.masked Stiner Jmmodiateq felled btm with a ahot from his automatle. "Otherwise," Mlllard asked the jury, uwhy would George Stiner shoot him? He put a bullet in him for one reuon -he bad been recognized." District attorney's investlgators were cheeking with their opposite numbers in Los Angeles late Tbunday on the possibility of the SUntr brothers being ~hipped back lo Los Angeles County Jail pending their return to court here March ZO. Both men face murder charges in that city. They are accused of being the two gunmen who shot and killed two members of the rival Black Panther organization in a fracas on the UCLA campu1 last Jan. 18, a dlspute that erupted when the two groups each sought to have a member eletted to Uie newly created post of director o( the Westwood unlvenlly'I A/ro.AmerlCID Sludy Cenltr. Oass for Future Citizens Off e~d Spaniab speaking non-clli:ens art being offered a dual language ciUsenshlp class by the Huntingtoo Beach League of Women Voters, according to Mrs. Leroy Baricldnan, LWV regbtrar chllrman. .. How to Become a Citizen of the USA" Jnstructlon Is ottered by the league u part ol their Voter EducaUon Program. Information wUI be given in Eqllsb with Spanloh tranalaUoa by league members. The clul wUi be held In the Huntiniton B<acl> Communllf C.nltr al Main Slr..i and Glrtleid Aftnue titP.nlng al !:IO p.m. Monday. Those interested in the cllsses'roa,y rqisttr at tM flrat ses&lon. Striking SF Teachers Vote to Stay Off Job SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Strlklng teacllm at San Franctoco Slate Collep have voted to lllay off the Job onUI Monda;y -and perhapo loaaer. T1lt vote came alter a seven-boor meeting 'lllur1'fa.Y that left I h e m deadlocted. UPIT ......... A STITCH IN TIME? GM Inspector Gregory $10,000 Awarded For Preveritwn Of GM Problems ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) -The same day ~ral -?>.fotors announced I\ was recalling Z.4 million automobiles because of po!Sibf! exhaust fume leakage, 'in Inspector at General Motors' Fisher Body plant In St. Louis received $10,000 for a 1966 suggestion to eliminate such leakage. A comJ)any 1pokesman said the award to Edward A .. Gregory was timed t!J coincide with the recall announcement. Gregory, 52, a solderirtg inspector presently on sjck leave because ol migraine headaches, bu bad a fairly tempestuous history wlth Fisher Body. Several years ago he romplained publicly that he was being moved off the in- spection line because the company con· 6idered him too :r.ealous in his work. "I'v'e got the money, but I've still got the headaches and I'm still going to be as good an inspector as I ever was," Gregory said today. "I think General Motors want! that." Gregory 's system involves sealing the lower quarter panel of the body through. a baffle hole, to keep exhaust fumes out of tQe pagsellier comparunent. He said Fisher Body has a more effective method of originally sealing cars, but that his system, as refined since he first submitted it, Js the most effective method of repair sealing. Gregory said he resubmitted his sug. gestion a month ago because he knew the company was aUll working on the problem. The award was made under the current suggestion program, for which $10,000 is muimwn. In 1966, $6,000 was maximum. Gregory suggested that General Moton found It necessary to reeall Chevrolets from recent model years becauu In· 1pection procedures then were: In- adequate. "They were inspetled, but noL aa they have been since the latter part ol. the '68 models," he sald. .Fro1n Page l NEW STORM • • Scouts and theJr adult leader who vanish· ed In a bllaard nearly a week ago in the Big Bear area of the San Bernardino Momllalns. Stl mdrls throughout Callfomla moun- tain areas are closed thtt weekend and the Stale Divtslon of Hlghw1ya blocked off all roadways to prevent motorllts becoming tnopj)ed. . Detp mow plied up on a dozen buildings In the Squaw Valley rec;natJon area threatened to rupture rooflopa and was being cleared by prisontn from conservation camps. Tiie latest storm due to hit the Soulhland It txpec!.ed by tonight, but clearing should follow Saturday, ac· companied by pstr winds ltfl over from the 1qualL Bad weather hu in fact. tprtad throughout the nation, with bl1JW11a, rain aDd heavy wtncb which closed roacb with rnowdrill.1: u IOCsn as tbe7 could be cleared by work O"tWS. ' ! Sc~9ol .Board Dispute Ill It ollljlo.. •• fte ..... d 111 MW In lboCalsllt -llllol _. room wllldi leafs at 1111 -111M 100. Speaker wlll , be llr. Mei"fln •AnebeJI, to. Angcler pbystc:lan whc> ;, a well known crllla of SeJ: education. The night meeUng Is a departure for the board, but RallllOll 11ld thal Is the ooly time Ancbell can speak. • 1'lo weeb ago Anaheim Schools Sapl Paul Coot described bis district'• ,.. educaUon )lr<lgram. The BtOOlld hearing at which members d. the publlc were Jnvltea to speak wu held Thursday. Seven mothers and the Rev. James Carner, wbo said !eJ education has ~ _.at ..,... lp$o ,ln _oppooltloa~ 1,111 ·-..... ""C':m All -.... lived -u.8 -dl!trict and most til ltlem allacked Supl. Cook, Several or t.tte mothers who said they had wllhdrawn their daughters from 1e.x education cluses were very emotional • One of the chief complalnts was that sei: edllCllUon eeema to have spilled over into other cla&Se3 and casual atudent d!scusllon. Mn. KaUtryn Mooers aald Ute aaJJooal PTA ls In favor ol au ed~Uop,_wllbout morall or "'raw 1e11." Mrs. Ruth~" said h<r daughter had nlghtmareo about ,.. c:haqe operaUom. Mn. ll8ymood llunll aaJd ltlldenllobur<ed ...... pip ----"'-" ' j • ,,,. ....my _. llolni''P Into -' educaUon study .,.at lhe request of. Rallison, a member of the John Birch Socitty who rocenlJ¥ a\eered . the board' ihto a poeiUon It bter reJect6d on ban· .. nlng the John Hersey book ••HiroshJma." Board PrWdent Mitchell, who sup- ported Rallllon for awhile Jn tbal ll.lbl, c:oocodod Tbunday the county boaril'hu no jurisdiction over tl!achlnl ot· 1ex oducaUon by local ICbool board3. "We'll have thll one more hearing and that wm have to be the end of it/' be said. "It ia 1 matter ol local control." Jail l111prove111ent Seen Huntington to Consider Move Touched 'Off by 'Plight' A move toward Improving the Hun· Ungton Beach Clly J all, begun by the police chief and brought t.o public at· tenUon by the pllght of a man falaely aCCUJed of murder, goe1 to . the City COWlcll Monday with an excellent chance for approval. City Adminlatrator Doyle Miller 1.!on- day afternoon will ask the councilmen to approve spending $41,500 for an ad· dition to the jail, including bringing the. jall up to standards of lhe state Board of Corrections. Police Chief John Seltzer told the coun· cil on Jan. 13 that the present jail was built in 19%7 to serve a city with the populaUon or 2,500. In 1968, aocQtd.ing. to SeKzer, nearly three time. u many pr boners as ·the entire poilulaUon d 111'1 were procela.ed throogh the Jail. On the eame da;y Norman Coatoey, 41, of Loa 0Alamilol, l'U booked Into the city Jail oo ·charges bl murirer. He spent three cJaya In the facility befOI"<! he wu cleared of any compliclty in the murder. Coatney, who lived a nightmare pro- testJng hill innocence while accused o( a bloody knlie slaying, emerged from the jail to make a public plea for new faclliUes . CAiling the jail a "stinking meu," he pledged to "do everything poaibJe t.o clean up that sty. "The jail needs to be cleaned up and the treatment improved for those human beings accused of even the most .From· Page l NIXON WELCOMED IN FRANCE .. the worlds, "Long Ji ve the United States." After a moving cere1nony at which Nixon pre.sided at the placing of a \vreath on the memorial to France's unknown soldler, the American President was driven down the broad Champs Elysees, crowded with well·wishers, to De Gaulle's Elysees Palace for the first of a series of meetings with the French leader. Nlxon underscored the importance he. attaches to 1his visit by devoting IO hours of his 43-hour slay in France to talks with De Gaulle, some in private, Planners Switch • Stand, Approve Development The Larwin Company today has a reprieve on a plaMed development for 50 homes on 83 acres between Talbert and Ellis Avenues and Newla~ and Magnolia Streets in Fountain Valley. Planning commissioners T h u r s d a y night reversed an earlier denial of the request. Commissioners said they felt they had reviewed the proposal in haste originally .and Thursday in a special meeting gave it a 4-0 ge>ahead .. One commissioner, Tom Grafton; phon· ed his vote in from the mountains, where he is cnrrenUy snowbound. A legal techrticallty revealed that the first denial ol the small lot ~uest was invalid be~use the planned develop- ment met all zoning requirements. ( ' I some with advisers or bolh present. The talks concern the most urgent problems facing the United States in Europe and Asia. These discussions came against a back· ground of strained U.S.·French relations dating many years. But Nixon expressed hope he ,_.,ould be joined by the French in looking forward and forgetting past aggravations. Nixon continued to look fit and happy despite the grueling schedule since Sunday when he began this 10,SOO.mile tour. France is the fifth capilal of Nbcon·s stop-appropriately, he said, the last of the allied capitals. This again underlined the importance of France in Nixon ·s hope for Europe's future and a , stalile peace. At the Arc De Trlomphr. ' after standing with closed eyes during a mufned roll of dnims and a bugle. call in honor of France's dead, Nixon min· gled enthusiastically with a throng of French and American well-wisher.~. Cou11tian ·Dies Of Crash Injury A Fullerton nlan died Thursday night at St. Jude Hospital of injuries surrere:( in a traffic accident last Dec. ZI on Carbon Canyon Road. Coroner's deputies said Roger E. Young , 24, of 1606 Nut.wood Ave., y,·as injured when he apparently fell asleep at the wheel in lhe early mon'llng hours. His car crashed into an oil cOmpany boiler-house, broke a steam plpe and Young was severely scalded by the hot vapor. 7 vile ol crimes. They might not I>< gulilf. It happens aometimel,0 COatney llld. ·II• Jaler cl!lcuuecf the matter wltli councllman~Jerry. Matney who brouabt 1everal of' the objecUona to the attentlan " Chief Seltzer. ' Several councilmen made a nW:ini&ht visit t.o the jaU faclllties a few weeks ago and found the place "filthy," ac·. cording to one of the councilmen. The sanitary conditions are being lm· proved and' facilities for showering and ~ving -Coatney wu denied a shower or shave for three days -being installed, according to the councilmen. · The jail is used ·main1y for holding· on a temporary buii prisoners while they are being processed for transport to the county jail or for release 01! ~ bail. Weather Cancels Brotherhood F ete in V all.ey Threatening foul weather has forced postponement of the Brown Cultural Society's Brotherhood Festival, sche'duled for Sunday at Fountain Valley Hif:b School. James Luna, Society President, said members decided Thursday night to · postpone the festival because of predic- tions of another rainstorm this weekend. ' The festival was to have been held · outdoors. around the school open am· pitlieater. A new date hasn't been selected yet. Luna said, but members of the Juaru Colony-based Brown Cultural Society will have new arrangements by next week. ~1ore than 14 groups from Fountain Valley and Orange County were set to appear in the first annual Brotherhood · Feslival, .Fro111 Page 1 TOP OFFICER •. appears to be an open and shut case.'' He said that contrary to the In. terpretations of some jurists who "put modern connotation! on the provisions of the CoosUtuUon and say that this·. is what the framers had in mind, our forefathers really wanted only for the Jaws to be applied fairly and jusUy to all." DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS Truly •n outst1nding ch•ir value, featurini 1wivel or ~11t., b.1e. Al10 •••il•ble with • C\llfOl'A IWlYel calfer. b•1e, •f • 1li9ht eddition•I ch•tg•. lliese c.h1ira mvtt b• ••en to •ppr•ci•f• their unu'v•I 1tylin9 end terrific-comfort, Yovr choice of • wide telection of qu•lity ftbrict, tm•rfly ityled to enchance •ny home. • COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENllEDON-DR.EXEL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TIRMS AVAILAllLI ON APPROVED CREDIT NEWPORT llEACH 1727 Waatcflff Dr. 6'2.2l)5() °"" 1PllDAT 'TIL ' • INTERIORS Prof•slonal Interior Deslgnera Avallablo-JUD-NSID LAGUNA llEACH :lolS North CNot Hwy. 494-4551 OPIM flllDAY 'TIL t I 1 ' i ... .,. ~ HONORED FOR SERVICE -John Lawson of Disneyland Awards Commit- tee (Jett) presents plaques and cash awards to three winners of Disneyland- sponsored community service awards. From left are Lila Zali of Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Company, Lester Col.e representing First Step House of Costa Mesa and Bill Miner of Orange County Teen Challenge, Anaheim. For The Record • r11day, r._,. is, 1969 Disneyland Gives Citizens Honors ~ brJnilq lo almoot three Umts cine education In Orange Loque of Anabeim, Jobi 111 committee wbo jucfCed - ANABEill -Tboso wllo do aa many boys u had been County." Teena, Anaheim, and Temple from 114 .............. 18 .i. a little more tor otbtn had previou.aJy en.&IJed, the values Those organizations receiv· Beth Em et Br a 111 e dltlon to Sparseoo. .... their dey 'l'buncloj' 11tho11th aod nperlellCOI ol scoutlna·" lnl $1,000 awanls were the Tranacrlben, Anaheim. Edgar F. EllJtrom, J'llllerlal annual Dilneyland Community -The. lndependencia Colonia Garden Grove BeauWication Winners ot '500 awardJ, in John B. LawJOn, LapDa AwardJ hmcbeon. Community Council, $2,SOO, for AssoclaUon, the Orange Coun-addlUon to the Fint Step Nlgud; Mrs. Joaepb A. Laal. Tatln& the top '5,000 prize "preparing the pre-school ty AssoclatlOn for Retarded House and the Laguna Beach Santa An&j Mrs. Norman V. was the Dave Wllkerson Youlh ch 11 d re n of Co Ion I a Children, the Ofange County Civic Ballet, were Holy Faml~ SaJaeb, Anahtim, and Albert Rallies, a unanhnous aelec-Jndependencla and ila work Medical Center Aux 111 a r Y Jy Madrecltut Au.iplary co r Solomon, Garden Grove. Uon ol. lbe 1981 awarda com-In leading lb people out of T e en ·A n & e I· Te en-Aide Holy Family Adoption Servict, With thla year's awards, mittee, •ceordln& to Chalrmtn Volunteers, the Easter Seal Martin Luther Hospital Guild, nearl y $200,000 hu been Wllliam H. Spurgeon III or the isolation of employment SOclety tor Crippled Children St. Joseph Hospital Volun-donated to Orqe County Newport Beach. and educ:Uon which typjcally aod·Adults, the <>range County teers, Symphony Association organllaUons through IM cub Orange Cout winners ln-confine many ol the naUonal Teen'Cballqe. of Orange County, Parent awards. This years awardets eluded the First Step House minorities." Also, the Orange County Involvement Council, Inc., and represented more than tlfte ol Costa Mesa, •1 ~i award -Goodwill Industries 0 f Ha i rd r e 1 r e r 1 a n d the Junior Auxiliary of the mW ion hours of community for ••its In a P r n g e.n-Co amelololgrts AssoclaUon , Assistance League of Orange. aervt~ by nearly IOZ,000 couragtment. usist.ance and Orange County, •1.soo, for "a the Young Women's Civic Members of the awards persons. charity lo men alflicted with broaderprogramolrehabillla-1===:c:----------------..:_ _______ _ alcoboliam,u and the Lquna lion that bU raulted In Beach Civic Ballet Company, 409 071 hoon of ... 1.1 •• aod $1500, ••for achieving a st.an-' .. ...u&.16 dard of professional excellence ~ employment for 223 ban- wbich urned jts recognttlon dicapped workers." u a naUonal bonot company." -Becauae We Care, • IJ'OUP 'lbe Wilkerson Youth Rallies of five Anaheim wom.tn !!ere cited, in part, for $1 ,500, for "coolributing near~ CODIJ>\CUOUJ success in devis-ly 3 000 gifts 500 e&rtonl o( Ing and executing ima~inative, used' clothlni and other ef-P:Scti~l programS> aimed at feclive demonstrations qf a dir~ youth ~ward con· helping hand to more than structive, productive goals · · · 15 institutions and organita- for extra or d In a r y ac· lions." com P 1 i ~ h men t . i n -Orange County Acidemic demoostratmg dramahca11y Decathlon Association, $1,500, the wbole~I!'eness of ~e for "insUtutlng competition in large maior1ty of today 1 general scholastics, for engag- young people . and for . I C· ing the interest of atudents v~ the bi~ American and their participation, for prmciple of servmg both God providfng rewards responsive and country through to effort at several levels of leadership, dedication, loyalty natural ablllty, and for enhan- and courage." other winners 'included : -The Ollldrtm Hospital o1 ..---------- 0range County, $2,500, "in Tho FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR· MAINTAINING $581 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hours: 9:30 •.m. to 9:30"p.m.; Sat. 10 •.m. to 6 p.m. acknowledgement of the ftnan- , F lli....,dli: SS_,. cial assistance resulting from ;;; ........ ., .. ., .. 111w .. ., ........ ..., ... ,....,..,,.. ...... ..,., .. ~.~•W11W ....... ;a..,•c.,.,o Orang• Coast's Most Complete ~ .... ,.. .., .: "'"' -.,.. :c .... .... -... ... .:i: ...... = ~ ~ ~ .: ~ ~ -: ·'!'"ii .,... ... ,,. Meetings trltln Hvnl1"91at Buell llcl1tY Club-i'::!i'?'I l1Kh Inn, Hunll,..tvn "!irlMj!/, 2:l,.:."" Club .J N-t ·~'''' Stull Shfrt, 224f W. Cotll 1, ·r.· NtwPort &tlldl. 12: 1! ,.,,,, Mer II .I M1llOlll<: lodtll, M;'..:::i !'"'"''· 1«11 lstll St.. N" 0r1~· l::.r·mR.,.,1• ,1,rc11 Ml'°"• No.. 15', Huntl ... l<ln lleKh MllClnlC t::r,1t. i,r~• tnd P11m. Hunt1nlton N!-,,t f: A.rn"t:ir R1dlo SociftY, Jl,(' .... tlor> 8ulldlnf, 11U lllbool Bt\'11 ,, N-1 INdl, I p,m. Sl hN' .. ' Cllrltll•n 81.11!,_u .,...n'1 ColTll'rlll~. lttbot l 1y Cl\lb, NewPOrt lttdl, 1:)0 1.111. 1tlarriage Licenses ..... 11 ,1,1i.11 lladter.. SS. 1ncr Ellullllll l lc!a Sctwnclclt, JO, both of Huntl1111ton ·-· !rwln H111f'l' Shupp, 5', of Hunn...ion ltlctl, 1t'ld Ellubtm 811t.y, "levtl t•t," ol Lot All..,lkK. t""'°"" °'" l'llTlll. :M, .ncr ,.1rM11 Jo Mllltr, 2'. bo1t1 o1 Cmt1 tMH. , .... u Htrwy A. Mendott, 3', of L"un.1 ludl, Ind Ann Nt¥tdl Chtrry, 11, of Monlclelr. W•YM C. Newtw, 4 , IM GllMI D. kaft, :W, boll! of Cotti Mffl. b1vld Pttrld; Dtlllncltrs, 11, Ind Dfllltll• T1rr1ll Morrison, 21, both of Hunll ntton le1ch. ll011er Tl111 F11, 21. of ,1,tllnllc. low1. ... :Z DEATH NOTICES BALTZ MORTUMllES c... del Mar .OR 1-1111 Colta Men ~fl UCt BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 'It Broadway, Colt.a Meaa u~ DILDAY BROTHERS Hwttlnp1 Valley 1,,..,, Monuvy 17111 kacb Blvd. Haatl.lgtoa Beach IU-7'171 'PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARI: CemelerJ e Monury Cbpel .. Pacific View Drt,. Newperl lleado, Colllonlo -PEEK rAMJLY COLONIAL FUNEILU HOME w .. 1m1mter llWDI SMl'J'll'i: MOR1'JARY 1Z7 Malo ~ llullqtAlo Buch LE Miit 7881 ltolH Ave. Wl!STaJfT MORTUARY 111 & Utlo SL, C-Mell - ) •nd Donn. Jvn• Hutton. 20, el' 1:• ""'· c.r tJN, ltt4 llh• the dedicated eUorts ot Its Caot1 M11o11. •:11 t.rn. Mtdlcel 11d, 6"1 S.l'lt9'e ·1•· hich aJ< ··'bl CKll "· OllrOSI, 5'. Ind Vll'd• Ev•nr. . gw ....... w m es po~ e '°'both of w .. tmrftlt.r. !:· ~l'l'I. Medic.II i ld. *' IClolldlk• the quiet response to the plea "u111t1 0111 Al"11. 35. of lffl l11c11, 6:52 '·"'· Mldlu1 11d, 102s Gelaln of any child in netd." Ind C1rolyn Murry, 30. • f W11t w .. tm1n11w. --Orange Empire Council, ,_!11111 Vlllly CKll 0 . CllHck, "· •t'ld JtrYtl O•F .. n· , ••• 11 Boy Scouts $2 500 for "the .,., .U. both of Wntmln1!1r, 4:16 1.111. Tr"" ti,.., f lit Gtrfllld ' ' ' 1um1n1 Ernt11 o,y, :n. of cm11 HV•tfM• .. cti precision with which I t ~~,:': ... ~ Jun P'l•rce. 31, ..... JJ brought its resources to bear PRINTING SERVICE ''i''''"' Phone 642-4321 ~•Id Llo't'd u1rt¥, 211, of Hunt1"'""" lo:a •·111• CM rrr1, ntt G.._ic11 upon-a specific area and COD· ( • -~ -" • I c • II l• 1:20 "'·"'· Mllllu llld, 1'711 •W...rd o1'W~1m~~':r.r~··· e. • ' • s:4 """'· stl'\ldv,., m1 Mld>onlld d!Uon of juvenile delinquency ·-----------~ l(OCH:JONES, .uimes A .. 2t. °' 1t1 lt:M ".in. M.i1ui •Ill. ... Alblt..-and for jta achievement in Grtnd Ht'tlf'I I ncl PhYlll• F~ lt,, __ .. _·-------------------------------------------------------------~-----of 591 Gr1ncl H1vtn. both of cm111· Mou 8UJIN~ll:8EL1AN. Gtr1rct W., 3.l. of 119 4Mll st .. NewPOrt INdl I nd Htlen K,, :U, ol 119 40l1'I SI.. Al>I, A, NtwPOrt 8t1cl'I SMITK-IEEZLEY. Ttrry L., :tO, of 1191 Terry tnd LYnnt 8., 11, ol llft Terry, bofll ol H11nllneton llKll EVEll:S-HEDll:ICIC, Jdvl P' .• '4 of ns llrotdW•Y, COii• MHI lfld Ch1rlene D., 22, -of '17 MIMll, Santi AM M~f;tlLIN.ffOLGENOOllF, lllY· r'nm'lll T., J.4. of !111 Mlrllllll Crl'I• tnd llU!t M .. .ft. of 1'01'1! s..rtl'tldlll St., bolll Ill Muntlrwtoft IHC.11 8.11.!ASTROM-C088, K~ l ., 0 , f!I '1' E. 8.1lllo.I IMI.. 8.1lbol at'ld FloY /..,, U. tll Intl Elll'lwood, G.1rden Gro¥1. f,1,UST-WILSON, 1Ctnn<1lh L, M, of 1"591 W1ktfltld SI., Wntmlnttrr Ind ~ F., m. ot 12951 1o11v1r Clrcl•, G1r6eft G""'t JENNINGS-WESTLIE, Sh9119ft I!:., 111 , 26U Hu11tl11111or! Av•. Ind lonll!t J., lt. of 1'34 Glern:o9, both of Huntlnglofl 8t.1ch JNYDE!R-PITTS. Edw1rd l ,, 15, o1 1:101 Hunt1!1910ft A.vt,, Hunllntlofl 81Kh tnd lftllt ,I,,, It, of 111" Rtdwoocl, Founllln \'tit.¥ DANIELSON.CASTILLO, ltrtY l ., "' cf '1t6l lr<Mct St., N~-1 811eh 1nd Merit G .. 20, Of 115 E. Md"ld- cten, S.nlt Ant WALTERS-LILLESKJ.U, 00!.ttlff M .. If, of 2G1l 1C1m11t Orlv1, Colli ,,...._., ~ncr Nom'll e.. is, o1 mi Elll1, All. o. Huntlntton IHdl. Dt FR ENNE·ELLEJIT, Wllll9m I',, 1', of 16 8•f(•lon1 1nll "•Wldt A., lt, of '°' Sel'lldcr, both of Sen Clemente. P'EDDY·HUTSON , Bruce A .• 7t, of :JO Hsrtlcr lsi.ncl · t nd Hlll•rv A., 71, cf XI H1rt1or hllnd, bot!! ol Ne_.rt Beach. 8.lllOGES-K.ING, Cll''" ct O., ,., of 2tl Slfl SI,, S.1J •••di Ind CM!YI 0 ., 2•. cf 2\S "II 51., ~ l!ntlon ludl. JOSHONGEV,1,.JOSHONGEV,I, frHN'· ~1111) Wtltef', 77, of OM 111"'°"" ........ •t'ld Jucl'I. "· of °"' "-•-........ both o1 $1111 Cltmtnle IEEBE·LANEY, Cl1ucl1 C .. )I, ol 11101 lll'f\11-Drive, Stti11el Bndl •nd B111Ve A., l!, of lSJJ Ole..,. Cht11t, Gllnd11t. I'll. ll lllUSHER0 PORTILLO, ChrlllwMt l~ Jt, of 3111 Waoclllodl II.Old 111d Sa-rin, II. of 11012 ll•~r Orlvt, botll of Los Al•mllot. ll'ICH·Fl,1,GG, Culllfl' ,A .• 26, of IU52 14tto St,, ""'· w;' Sltn1et l11ct1 tnd Ktthletn M .. lt, of Ull Vivi.., l..IM. NtwPOrf 8e1ch. FOlllG!E·R,1,0!JI, Jofln 0,, 21, of 17tt Conw~v St,. c ... 11 Me1• tncl Jtnlt J ,, 1t, ol 9341 L• Jolll C!rtla, Hunt· 11111""1 8-<:h. McOLON!-NAOLE:, l-'F., 20, ol !lit MIM~ S1., $1nt1 AM IM K11herlne c.. n, of 2"11 Mttll1 Dr1ve, Min ion VltlO NOVAK-TEN9AllG!, l1r1T ,1,., 26, of 104 C1rmelo i ncl Mlrli,.n M., lt, of !!1 krr1, bo'lll ol' llntl Cle..wn!fl I EN-EZRA -DAWSON. Onld, ti. of .OU Ctnlul'Y llvd., l.,...,._. tnll ...... rkll'I Jt., 11 of 18'0 Ttrnll Sl4 F-111.n V1llrt l OUNSll!llY-SEISIONS, Vt~ll I .. It, of 1111 FIDr.1, Slrrlll Ant 1111 JHn M., ..._ of 170! E-..t (lrclt, Hunflnttol\ Btlacll MAGOAL ENQ.MUNOl, Mlc1r1e Ill., 71. ol lol.U W. lltth 51., Loi. A"'''" llllf Mlr1M $., 1t, ol l M! lt!Nf!Ulu l-. Hunllntfon lttcl'I Fire Calls ""· !1 1':lt JI.I'll. "vDllc IHlllll!a, ,4J I'. ... ''lol 1.m. l'ut111c 1ul1t111C11, 1n 1:. JIOCl'letlll' , ••. 17 10:~ 1.m ... ~bile ISlhl, Nlvtl Wh~ -Sl1!\oll W"'9111•Mf , ... 11 AUTO LEASING All Makes ·-· 1969 Tltmllderltlrd 4 Dr. Lancia• S11t.lt,_. _... CORT FOX lWlll6 224 0. W. Coast Hwy. Newport hach,. Call!. 642-8440 The d looks like six grand. Costs like $JM6.I The less-than-f9ur-grand pnce is manufacturer's suggested retail. It includes a lot : 350 horses. All- oynchro transmission. Strate>-bucket seats. Hidden radio antenna. Vinyl-covered con· sole. Nylon·pile carpeting. Soft-rim steer- ing wheel. Recessed door handles. Plus what makes the Grand Prix so grand-longest hood in the industry. 118' Wide-Traci< stance, utterly distinc· live front end. Q So if you always thought the Grand Prix was a $6,000 car, your only problem now is how to spend the $2, 134 left over. Have a ball on Pontiac. ) ' -· • i I l ' • Je 'DAILY PILOT Peru to Lead """""' -bul!dinJ b " ............ in&lstry in 1lle United Stites, but Peru soon ..... -1lle l...S .. builder o(.lllo·larJolt lll>erllaa boal. 'l'be SouJh Ainf.rlcan oaUoo. world volume leader among fisb .. c1tt:til"I nalloos, is to lauDdl a IS-loot !lbergtass -In Mar<h. II wUI displace 500 &om. 1be l arce•t llllorJlaaa boat built in the United States reported I y displaces llO too... The Soviet Union WIS believed to have held the lead until now with 1i'.lhlp displacing :ISO ton<. H -WILL YOUR SALARY DOUBLE BY 1975f .. ltCOfJ/d._ .A few hours .at the I 21h Annual Orlllgc County Manastmenl Conference, Saturday, 8 1.m. March I, can ahow you the 'w.y. Your choice: of two symposil filled with vital rnanaae· ''9tnt know-how. PJus a stimulating keynote address by one pr the naUon'a most aucceuful business leaden. AD for a SS ticket oblllnable at the door at cal.ifornia State Coll1p, FuUnton. Besides, Jt's too wet to play golf or mow the Jawn.. Contact the Orange County Chamber of Conunerce, 774-285 I, for further dett.il s • .. When .. " PROGRESS, PROFIT ANO RESPONSIBILITY -THE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE IN THE SEVENTIES Rome ... -. .In . .. He Did LEASE WITH FREE ·MAINTENANCE ABSOLUTELY FREE! OIL CHANGES, LUBE, TUNE -UPS, FILTERS, BATTERIES, BRAKE LININGS, HOSES, COOL- ANTS, ALL PARTS & lABOR COMPLETELY FREEi IGAS, I TIRES AND TIRE REL.A TED PROBLEMS EXCLUDED) • • • • '1969 CONTINENT AL -40,000 miles of FREE Servic e )969 MERCURY MARQUIS-24,000 miles of FREE Service 1969 COUGAR -24,000 miles of FREE Service • EARLY DELIVERY LEASE WITH OPTION MARK Ill • • FREE LEASE BROCHURE "FAMILY l'LAN" CALL HAL SANDERS, LEASING MANAGER Job.DSOD•SOD LIHOLI comlEiTAL• unm· I EICllY•llllAI 141•1111 t Easy to do ... just call or come·in. .... , .... RO« ... Joa n;., 4 JJl~a...tr"' MUTUAL SAVINGS 2867 [Ht Ce01I Hla!MY • C-Dol llM, c.t'~. 92625 T...,,.,_ 875·11iOIO -tf'llCI'• ,_ 31~ r. COlOIWIO ll'fll. •MWOM, CM.. t i ' I Anshutz Promoted ., l ' ' ' .. " '· , . . , " .. • • ...,--·. FllU,, P*-J 21, l... H > • DAILY PILOT J f!~ • • • ' _j I l : l It DAILY '1LOT Friday, Ftbtllary te, 1969 . - • • O'KEEFE & Mnl•TT'S 25i• GAS ·RAMGE · ~REEi PRIZI: DRAWINGI ZODYS LOW me~ $ ('...:-~"I ' . • • ·t I r O'IUIR & ••PPln WllH SUPIR WIDI 21" OYlll CLOCK & TIMIR CHICK ZODY$ . LOW PRICE •S.)*'-wide' 25-inch 9iant capacity IMl$r Oftn •Low temperatu'9 140° fflemostot •Deluxe r,_.of·Day c:lock -.rith tignal timer •OMd.d cook top with wtd• work 1urfoc:e •Pa110n1mic blade alas onn window •C..k Gold accut9d decD1ol01 ponel with chrome frame • Awl1able in Whit., CoPf:*'loM and Awcado · •Nw cooking .tegance, new cooling ta~ •Uft.off easy to d.ae °'" ~ _ •2-pieca .asy clean 1111obl .. l:i;oil•r . . •Super wide 2.5"' giant capacity ..o~et oven •Divided cook top with wide work surface •Perfect cooking results )f'ith eyen the most preci .. and delicate recipes •New thoughtful•*' touc:hM, even ._ ............ _ t.•QuolHJ""91-· by O'ICHft & · '* ~aoftwa •Available hi...,..,~ and -· O'KIUI & Ml!Ulln'I "DOUBLI OVIN'' RAHE I EYIUYIL "CONftMPO" I CHICK ZODYS LOW PRICE •Temp-0.Matic 0¥911 iontroJ -both OYensl •Color Mertie SeMllN siloss CM1n windoW5 •Even fla• miiO.. ~nd cl eon star jet bu mer • UfHff °"" doot1 • f111U widffl fluorescent light • Supef<Wichi .DglMI f&o.-lar-1-Que bniiler •Awita.,le Jn HCJM!lt Gold, Avocodo, Coppertone, White O'K..ft eN Merritt ..... ..... 1 174-Mlt ••ck•rl .. II St1ru MHtl #lrC•4 ' DtllH!lite llfrltwelsr ·•hit m• -..... RI~ ' .. FAMOUS I , D FAMILY·SIIE RlfRIGERATOR·PRIEZD ) IPORCILAIN INTIRIORI $ 98 Compare at 169.95 • Pu1h-button defrod convenience • Jhermosklt contral dependability •Porcelain eiiamel interior •Full width vegt.lt.c..t cti1pcr •Door lpOC• for •991, bottl", cheese, dre11ing •·Thi•wall foam insulation •Interior light .•Special hig h cold intensity meal troy CELEllATlll• JODYS llEW DPAllDEI 4PPLIAriCE. DEPT.! 'NO ~1-CUSAllY JUSJ.FUL IN THE COUPON, •. DiPOSIT IT IN· ANY ZODYS APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT ~------------------• ~~ I ! ADDllSS ~'. ; I c I I ITATI %IP I •, PHONI I ---....... ·------...... ~-------~~ FAMOUS BRAND 2·DOOR REFRIGERATOR·FRIUIR I AUTOMATIC DEfllOST1$ I I 8 Compare at 179.95 •Sig 8 cu. It. ref rigerator with "walnut" grain exterior •New "Humid-Cold" refrigercition system maintain1 a proper balance of cold a nd humidity fo r better preser· YOtion of food •Sing le thermodalic control •Automatic defrost in refri gerator section • Pla1ticized aluminum interior • 2 ice cube troys, 2 crispen AS LITTLE AS NO MONEY DOWN ••• UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY .•• NO PAYMENT UNTIL APRIL, 1969 PACKARD BILL SATURN ASllOIAl1'~ POtrAILE TY s79 •HiP fidelity pictvre tube •s.-•• botM:led cirnif'l •ttith lid.fir, $0Vnd •13.500wlt...,_,..., •Ylf~Utff oll dla...& ,_,. •-:etoH ....... VHFfi• .. nh19 •a..t bo;ge h;.i..poct pl-.. .., fl ... p hoodlo Pnckard B o ll 1 ICJ NOaWALK PACKARD BELi. SOLID STATE STEREO WITH AM·FM STEREO' TUNER Packard Boll : !1;J s299 •High fidelity eighl-1pealter sound syttem • Duol channel tolid tlot• a•ifierwltfl 30 .atta · e ·sOlidstateAM/fMftNOhlner ,_-ith SvpMlleterodyM ci1a1itry · •-All hardwoodO«Otlstk:al toUnd chambers for optimlNll · petfonnance • HattehoiRe ScondinOricut detig" in rk:lt, 1MUowwolnvtfiniah PACKARD BELL COMllllATI0.11 COLOR TY AND AM-FM.fM·STERE~ , now $998 -•$1295 •Scandia woln11f MClftrpiece ..,i~ •Solid date li,M.fM stene tlMt' •23""" alo,.,,oof true color pkt.Al hlbei •Two l~'#OClfM, two.t•mid· ranoe. two31h•tweeten • fwten'IOI speaker io<b .UfC.f•VHFaltd UHF 0 Dia1011ol t1teosu,.ment PACK.DD BILL DILUXE COLOR TY CONSOLE I 2ts so. INCHES I Compere at 599.95 s519 • 2'-' ... I~,. with htgli fidelity, rarw .earth true color •A hll 25,llOO ....... of p;m,. powff •..-ftent fodnt liigh fidelitr 1p1alter •T,...;stortnc1 UHf "'"""· ...... ~forget"' VHF fiH hH1i119 •HoMlaoftwd amo. hardwood tobi1ttt Pnc:k..nrd eo11 : IC] IMPlllAL MWY •. AT STVDAAKll NOftMIHI llSIU llVD. AT DtvONSNlll MODll LO•O HACll AllAHllM••UlllA PA•K L IOUTM ITllO AT CMlllT llACM llVI. & UNCOLN WUTCOYINA AIUIA AYL AT PUlf'liTI •EDO•DO alACH NAwtNOINI ILYD. AT SO.IAT CINlll AllAHllM•PULLDTON OIANOITMOIPI At LIMON POWnAI• YAWY LhO IU.CH HUtn'IHTO• llACN IUllOI aa.YO. Af IWIMll LOI COTOn1,INIH• & WOODIU•t GOLDIN WllT 6 IDINOU OA•Dlll O•OYI CANOGA PARK SAllTAAllA CHAPllAN & lltOOKMUllf .... JllMANDO ILVD. AT IUIUNI fOPANGA CANYON ILVD. AT aoscot N. OIAND AYL At 1 nM lflllT l•Olt W SAYI AT :ZODYS M .. DA'Y THaU PRIDAY, 10-A.M. 'l'O 9 P.M. -IAT. AllD SUN. 10 TO 7 . ( . I • I • ' :.'Ol: 62, NO. 51, '4 SECTIONS, ~2'·PA&ES • . . . . •• ' . ORAN6E OOUN1Y,1 ~ I ' • """ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28; 1969: • D . . ' ~ . Ike-Develops Pneumonia Former President W eak, Say Doctors WASIUNGTON (AP) -Fonner Prell· dell! Dwlglit D. Eisenhower, strugglloi to recovtr ·~ a· aeriM ol burl attacks and high-risk surgery last Sunday, bas deve1optd , pneumonia, Army doc,tttrs reported today. . . A morning bulleUn from W,alter 1R~ Army Hospital said the 7&-ye&Nlld general "la generally weaker thla: mom- inJ, but is cooperatiye and dt1enniaed to overcome this latest compllcaUon." But it added: "It is too early to · determine bow he will respond to treat· ment." It saJd be spent a restless night. , Eisenhower, at the hospital since last April alter lllflerlng a lleart allad< In !Allfornla, undtnrent al!domJnal llll'Pl'Y Sunday alter -fOUl!!I .. lntelUUI obslnlctloo that lhleat.nod hla Ille. Ji .. p11a1 bolletins artier ·thll -k called attenU~ to lha fonll!i' -"1eai'• progreas, lncbtin1 a atatelQeat TMlday desert bin& blr r.,,,,.,, .. u ·~ l\10rl of remarkable" and aaylna: Elaeohower- had ptogrwed to the point whore he felt well enough .to react a>ctOn' reports ttm•ID'd encourqina Wednesday, aoyJq hla "pootoperaUve course hu followed the expected pal· tern" and reparting bll "vital a1gns bavo Trapped a t Blfl. ·B e a r remained stable. 0 The vllal sliM rtfer to llllCh thlngs .. blood pre.wre, pulse and breathing rate. · Obaervers felt Thursday'• bulletin seemed more auanted u it reporW.d E!Mnhowem "contbiues aatisfaetory, coA- alderlnr ·1111 • qe, put nledical· bjotory and the Ja<t. that he II .tWI hi Jbo crlUcal postoperative period." .. That was the last bulletin unW today's w,hich said the general "experleiw;::ed some respJratory difficulty durliig the nlgbt which Is due tG pneumoNa which has developed in the right lq base." DU.Yf'MTltlft ..... THREE HONOREO -Huntington Beach .Exchange Club marked Crime Prevention Week Thursday by honoring tl\is trio. From left are student Richard Goodell, Police Officer Charles Holli.ngsworth and student Nancy Chenoweth. Beach Girl Sco.uts Rescued Charle s Hollingsworth Top Huntington Officer Police Officer Charles Hollingsworth of the Huntington Beach Police Depart .. ment wu named "Officer of the Year" •' by the Exchange Club Thursday as part oC the grouJi's ·Crime· Prevention Week Jrligr~ '°£. 1,' .'.'. "~J..6,.'• ,.. I' In "11'!1""; ~ ,...,., l.liiljr Angeles. In 1961 he became deeply In· volved with devi!in& means to detect motorcycles with altered identification ' ' nwnbers. With cheerful morale ~ dally c~es, S5 Huntington Beach girl scouts and adult Jea~ers spent f0ur days .stranded in the mountains near Big Bear. "'We knew an hour ahea~ of Ume that a storm was going to at.ri1te· Sun- day," said Mn. Flora Smith, a troop leader, "but we had no transportation to leave our Green Valley Lake camp." Girl Cadets and their leaders from Ocean View School District went to tb-! mountains last Friday for a weekend snow c_amp, they were fm.ally rtacued from their snowbound area Thunday morning. "We were really lalrlf comforlal>lt divi<led Into three llillfti¢ cal>iill ;;! ' ~ •1 ., II lo wlth our scout work lo keep us busy," said Mrs. Smith. Food and telephone aervice wu pro- vidtd by a store ai,out two miles away. "We kept in dally conta<I. with the parents in Hunilngton Beach/' explained Mrs. Smith, "so they knew we were ln no real danger." 11 At one point it snowed or · bailed for 30 hour•," she aald describing the cold mountain scene, "It was piled nearly eight feet biih. But the glrb really handled thtmletves well, and even were able to play outside at tlmea ." "We kept busy cldbinl ·an!. cooking and worllna oa our acout projects." ''Ji.. tranmtor radio abo befped keep tk g1r1111&m.• added llh.'Smllli : ':Plo !Jllrll<weol UtUt~ wheu , o"4.f't 1 •• ,~. . • • the food supply· 11'>1 low, but they held up fine," she pointed. out. When resdue unJtil finally came, they transJiorted the' girl& to ·Running Sprlilp, just oft H1ghwly 30, where school buses waited to bring them home to Hllllllngton Beach. Mrs. smith observed on rescue opera- tions that "at first there didn't seem to be any coordination between lb~ ' Highway Patrol, the Red Crosa or aqy . or the other grOups, but when they liDally got together they reall' moved • fast." One aOOd thing did come out· of, tbe storm -all the &irla passed , thetr emerli:eocy preparedneu challenge in four daya, mnnally a~niot-month thore. "lt'i bard to find an eme:raeq::y test like tliat/' iald ,. SmitlL ; ' . Jr1t 1L .J :..t~·~• '.\ cave awards td Richat'd D. Goc!!1el1, Orange Coast Collei:e .Pollce·lci~ stu- dent of the year and to Nancy Chenoweth, an outstanding police science 11tudent at OCC. Goodell, JI, ,.is aelecied .. !)le basil !JI, f'1 .••1..ii111~•·111111 lilt 4'•1Wlf ..-~cet't!ll a .. etp)C·~.j A ~ 1.1 Or-Cout Collq<, lie Jllal!I to .,..!iate In • J11111 lad• tlloW police acienOe. clusell at ltate cou.,e. He lives in Garden Grove. Sirhaµ La wyers 'Not Sure' How O ient Will Act r •.• Southland Brlices Agaip . . Tom Lambert and Ron Golde represen- ting Kirk Jewelers at HunUnaton Center presented both Hollingsworth and Goodell. with wrist watches to coinmemorate their selection as ouUJtanding persons connected \vilh Jaw enforcement. Miss Cben<nfeth, 11, also a IOphomore, plan.I to pllrlut a police science major in college and enter law enforcement wi>rk after graduation. She lives In Costa Mesa. . As New Storm Threatens Each year the Exchange Club honors a police officer se!ecl".'1 by bis fe~ow officers as outstanding m hb profession. Jn add.itlon. the Huntington Beach club selects an outstanding law· enforcement 1tudent. Hollingsworth, w~ is married and baa five children, has been a resident of the city since 1955 and connected witb the .po11ce force since 1958. 1 In 1965 be was assigned to the detective bureau and has worked in all · pbues of investigation from theft to homicide, 1pecializing in auto theft investigaUon. He is a graduate of Taft Unioo High School, has attended Orange Coast College and California State College, Los Chief Seiber emplwlz<d that the oeed for well trained law enforcement officers has n~.er been greater with a crlme rate rJ,slng futar than the percenlqe of popalatioa mer.a... Chief Seltzer Wiied the court decislo., which .have rtsulted "in a complete rev1sim1 of the ConltituUon by a small perooi!oit of federal and otate judlciary members. "We art' all involved in the .cost of crime. said the chit!, pointing to the coat of the Sirhan B. Sirhan murder trial in Los Ange1ea. "We will all have to pay the bill! because our Jan are in such a confused state as to permit all thia cost in what (See TOP OFFICER, Pase I) Nixon Greeted .~rdially By De Gaulle in France PARIS (AP) -President Nixon came to Paris to a cordial welcome Friday and met more than two houn with Charles de Gaulle in what the French called a good beginning in the climactic talkl of the American lea<!er's lour. A apokesman fer the French prealdent at the :&Iysee Palace said the talts lasted 2 houri and 10 minutes In a ••crank and cordial atmoapbere." , uid. he attached the greatest lmporlanct to the exchanges he will have with his gueat. De Gaulle ended hll tritf welcome address at Orly Airport with (See NIXON, Pip I) Stunt LOS ANGELES (AP) -Attorneys le< Sirhan Blahara Sirhan expressed appre- hension before. opening his delei* Coday over whether he will "behave blm.selC'' when he takes the wltoe.o stand. "We just 4oo't know bow. he'll react," said Russell E. Panons, one of the three de.feme attorneys. "We don't want to take a chance on him blowln& GO the stand." Whh the prosecution needinl but a I ittle time to wind up itl cue against the 24-year-old Jordanian, clwpd with murdering Sen. Robert F. KenneclY, Sir· ban's lawyen still had not decided on their opening witness. On the list were the defendant'• 5>- yea~~ld mother, M~. ~ his broth- ers, Adel, 29, and Mumr, 21. Also lilted were a boyhood friend from Jordan, Ziad A!hlmeh of Cblcqo} and a man described as being with the United Na- tions, Sarkees Nahas. Sirhan has sat quietly and attenUvely most of the time during the trial, now in its eighth week, bu( on occasion has risen Jn anger and tried to interrupt proceedings. Judge: Herbert V. Walker warned him In chambe" Wednesday that he waullt he broogbt Into coort tu a restralnlnr jacket il ne<essary. The state woond up its case Wednes- ==~ "to all lnCents and purposes" but lt would not rest until a fnr more items-were introduced into c o u r t 1'COrds. Cyelist wit, weaey work crews ·-convicts and high 1ehoo1 ·boys tolling side by side -· rtadlec1 the Southland for a new 1kJnn today, as damage in the worst winter slnct 1814 bit s100. million and 1J perlODI WUI llste ' dead. The new Pacific squall bearing down on Weather-batttted Southern California is not as severe as first erpected, but even mild showert are a threat to the saturated landscape and its brimming dama. "We're · in trouble lf someone even apita," remarked one observer today. Nowbtre in the at.ate have lives or propertlea been spared, but the worst devastaUon today centered In Ventura County, where work cnwa raced time to repair an eroded Santa Clara River levee. Rain expected today threatens to send a wall of water bur1ting through the weakened earth bariler and racing throug.b the sinall, IWlplped city of Ox- nard. ·EVACUATION PLANll "It looks ·bad," said A.P. Stokes, Ven- tura County dlrtctor of public works, U 'emergency: plaz:is were pressed to evacuate 20,000 peridns, one-third of tti~ residents. 'MM! round-the-clock battle continued today In Orange County, meanwhile, to Visits '"nls is a good be'""1m.i for the conversations which will continue tornor· row " he 1dded. . · · There was no .indication ·of what sub- P-ei.enon Sc lwo l Ch ildren Ge t Advice From Daredevil jects ·0ie ·two Chlefs of state dllcussed. BJ TERRY COVJUE like a motorcycle ride," be told them, KneveJ. Prelldent Nixon said in .his arrival ad-attt1t..,..,,..,., ••anc1 when you IO downy® have &o •ff fiad Written pefrnl!slon from him dreaa that be had come here seeking Evel ~~I told It U~e it wu f:>r zet bact up and keep pin&.'' in llM to mate the jump/' explained De Gaulle's help in efforts to "build the kids at Peterson School Tburaday To demonstrate, Evil showed the Evel, "'as Jong as it wu outside Grand a new aense of Western pur-pc:tt" and afternoon. , . youngsters two filma ol. mototcycle CMyon fiaUcnal ParL" to oeet a "just and laslln& peace.'' · He ml>ed metapllori wiih motorcycles jwnpc that didn't wotk. "But Jual before n nre Nady for He bad•--' that old qlJMl'ela bef(qat.. In 30 '-·of·--'• aftd ·flhn to · In-·•· went twnbll--~-~ ·~ 1ry ,.. noelwd ~~Udall'& -o•• ••·-..,...... ~ •~ ·~~•a--•.:'C -~·~ ten In the seardl for a better·~·· IOOw the -~ 111at.-.. spirit hurts when he m1Joed a jump over 1 wa!Ar ofllce""'"' could not 1-!rmt go•· De Gaulle long hu been a balq, a lol-·tllalr--fountain at Cwar'• Palace In Lal v.., .,_ ooll," bo ""1tlbued: ally ti. the United Slata. 1".W. 1111' -· .Efel, Knml, at . 11, Nev. In the other, bo and the CfCil "I made a~ to the public the 1:as ..1f.!.U~~~ ~s~ II, II '*"ldered the world r top llunt smashed lhto a car 11 he lried to leap 'a when I Kid rd jump, and I 11111 plan ~ llrlng of. can. , to jump. ill<· Caioyoo.' We're working execuUve to this "Clly of Ugbt."-Tbe Sometime In the_.,_ he plans "They Af you learn by 'l'lfr:lal<' ij~.~111' il!<j'lq~-~~ outpooring wu not ma!live. but It"" ta, jump u q>i!es ·-the Grand bul.Jo Dl1 bmlneas mlrl>bi'... ·•#•lilfh:i-.~~. ~m~:~ topa~ ~caDed~ ~ ., ...... ~~ ··•111d1Mtf,il" 1f1Zr £\rel Aid. .' ~ ·""·-· _ .r ·~~-i :· .·~\:~ . , ~ ·" anU·Nix'!'l demonlll',t1on1 when he.,.. ,Attbobiddlnull~5do!i>I~ • .,.111·~-sbed,lht-~j:f 11\irtd'icr..taal·->~il? rived jj\ ·llie city. lnfofmanls said fear cipal. 11obertµpu, .. , .!'1"""• Ewt "." Jw\r all you cu, · •, · · • ... !bat. t• ·the *1. lie i jlllilpo of violetit Red demonitratiom kept many took ., rew iuou Mf•'11f .a i ICbedule want to do, so )'OU • t • I ~ bt ~.to.mu..~, mnu.~ Parilians away . • . to \alt. to BO flftb and IJxth a:rade many Jlllltakea." 1 • fnn\ ('l••Da'dil.rlet*i ;. ;,• . , .. "I Nlxcxi at once extended Iha bani of ~at P-' When eqer ilni' "'1· "~-~ lilo'.i-J 1,-... , friendship to Do Gaulle'• Fra....., wtlh °""' •. )lftalle . .-.baul hlmaeU, aboot hll Jiilj)Clild jump, ~ iO' 'Ila wllal ~· ~' which U.S. pollcymalr.m bavt long -~ laid Jtho lllila 11111 only ·God l:tpt Eve! Knenl tool: a . ""'"" l ~·lad I Win bop __ , ..• at odds. .... oat .., jail ~ uveral YGOlll llecrtlarY of tho-· ..:~Jllal'a -jje'•tolll Ibo ld6t'\at! In nWrn, De Gaulle nocalled lradi· 1'ml ol crime. "U Uclall bad ~ bis; • · P ......... •"Ill 'soi>d Oir: .....,ij# ~ Uonal FHncb--.,, lrl•11dabfp and • "IJfo ll> fldl· of UPI and' down!, )Ult •. have a11u4Y ]umped • ~ 1 .llid~· ,....._. """"'"7"' "40:>' <,. · .. , .. ~"'1'·~1'11': ·' I .... l . ~~ ~ ~ • '· ' .... , .. , 1~ •• ~.1 \ • ---~-----~--~---------------- ,, ~ • ' conlaln the rampaging waters of Santiago Creei, slashing a widening acar· through Santa Ana. Marines, off-duty Los Angeles firemen aod college and high school students labored to dump old aulo bodies and aandbags along the crumblin1 banks, offerings to the ravenous river. Homes in the IMll> aod 1600 block ol West RJver Lane and the 1100 block of Riviera. Drive toUtr on the bl-ink of the creek 1wol)en by overflow. water• from VIili Park Dam. Marine Cor-pa helicopter pilots are flying in all the old car bodies Santa Ana autlloriUes can ~. but lbe supply is rapidly dlmlnilJhlng. HOUSES DMrROYED Two swimming. pools and portions of two luxury houses have 11lready teetered and then dropped crashing into the roar- ing flood and a score of ,homes have been evacuated. Patrolling police offlcera are assigned to guard against looters. Water Oow into Villa Park Dam la now down to 2,000 cubic-feet per second -9,000 lesa than Tuead'ay·s crisis -, whtle flow out o( the flood gates is down to 3,500 from 500 more at the peak. .Floodwaters pouring out (I( the Prado Dam on the Santa Ana River is being regulated by the Army Corps of Engineer& at s,ooo cubic f~ per BeCond. atJll callllng ..-IOUJ etOlion d""1111rum. Death hu struck In various !Dnlll, from the five Sllverldo Canyon mUdaUdt vlctlma kllled In a lire lllallcxi ~ center Tuesday to drowning vk:tlma 1wept away. A II-year-old San Lrila Obispo County man was drowned when be tried to cross the normally dry SaJJnu River which today lookl lite the M11si.lslppl. Little hope remains for Uie" four Boy (Set NEW STO)IM, Pq,,I) I Inf ant Beaten; Father Charged ............. OEVELOPS PNEUMONIA N.,,. Crlala : fw lk4 · . River .Keeps {lollin g A long N~ar Beath Old Mao Sanll Ana River jUlt keeps rolling lloni. and Orange Cc!un!Y i'lood Control Diltrict oHiclall don't f~ iny ldui> for ' aeY.ril da)'I or poulbl1, ..... ! ,i '.-wa bave ·to ciraln the ·-·-. to a iafe level ·behind the ...ireim clarqo,. aai<£ 'Jtobert Burt.. J1lllPll ill•~ Jeduijc:W> for Ille <!Jllrld. : Tl>f. u.s: Jonny cirp, ol ~ ls iurrenUy re1eaa!hg 5,00I! eu'bk: feel of water per -.! from Priolo Don,i. Flood control peraOnnel hivei opened up Villa P,ark .dam al the rate of. J,IOO cUblc" fttt per second. , . "Realdenll along· the Bania Aioa Rlftr ~ should he concerned, ~ . not aJarmed by the flow of w.ater,,. Aid Burke. Rumors have spread Cuter than llOod . "l•lera ._. relldenta In Hunllnltoh Beach, Founlaln Vallty and Colla ·- thal lha d11111 .are breUfq or the rlnr wW overflow tla 'bankl. · • To atoP these rumon: Burke aald, .,,. doni· beueve .. the· rtve:r · will otet&w. or break 111 lev.., by any mbJll --ble. We fett we can control ~ that happens ," "The Oood controhli!lrlcl ba1 -nel constantly palrollng· the Santa ,\U River and we ha~e ah<red .UP ~-mk spot.a as fast as they appear.'' be aildld.' Marines from El Toro and SaD~·ADI, along with.other voluriteen, ~ve ~· placed nearlf 400,000, sai:i<fb'aga llacil· the banks ot the river, and 1the wen: goes on. "Sandbaggini Is merely a , incaa... Uonary rrieasure to strengthen, the 'a. protected · hlglier ltvelil 'or· the 'bink',"'' explained Burke, "it doesn't mun' we Uifnk the' levees will break.,,. Burke roP,!ll<rd Iola war¢rie that o:ealdeni.I ~ Iha rmr 0bailt lh!>uld be concer.-.,t all!! ....,. ti all times of what Is happeninz, but not to" he alarmed or panic. t.11t . ' We'll get that long4eand rain lonJ&ht,. bot ' the wOatllt!nnaa Pl"~ Jl11 clear . up ' sa~ ' and keep· calm . over the .... 1 with ~perltum from a to e; afong the coast. . INSIDE · TOD.\ 'Y I ' • • • I . I r I \ ff ' • ' . Se~ Education _ park ., Scti~ol Board·· Dis.pute ., ..... fta"IUHB ___ ,__. Dl!pu!Q ffiuia .,-; county IChool ofllcla1a Tburacla,y over hwings bef0rt the COUn&J ~ of EduclUon on aex educillon'tn lbe ICboola. Tbrrtft •between bolrd membm also Involved County &hool Supt. Robert Peterson wha, some board members ac· cused of withholding in(ormaUon from lbem. • P.temm ~fuaed lo dlaclOll .... u11s cf ,a public oplalon BUmY cooducted by his office !Utt October" because, he said, it included a question on sex educa· timi that could prtjudice the current Stitter• Guilt9 . ' . burlap. \ I < • ' I "'~ lldmiib_ Iii 'lloord ,,J. Ill lo -H l :!:·.:..:': ~1:;1~;: ~:='--~°ti~::~ . .::~ ~==.ioJ".tia: ·, '• •to 111N 111 --~.....,. 11 lllo---100. Speaker wW Jonloli. 1 '•1 &OI ·~ ·lltYI ·1111 ' 'In 1liljO1adltarlw1t iliitdilBallllllnod. be. ?Jr. lleMn ~. Lot Angelt1 authority lo wl~ 11111. · Jardu llld It botllen 'blm thlt people pbyllclln· whe la 1 wdl, laiown critic Board Pmldent Cloy Mltcl!eJJ, of Soulh lftm lo fed 8tl educ1Uon prolfl'am• of 1t1 edoclUon. Lagun1, Bild he llllnkl Petuson does art on ·trtal· llld bolnl memberi m The nllht meeting la a departure for have that authority because he wu sltUng as judge. the board, bul Ralllaon said that ii: elected to office separate from the board. . "Our original tntenUon was to inform tbe only Ume Anchell can speak ..• Petenon •veed to inttwmally brief ourte)ves," he aaid. "We never intended Two wetb qo Anaheim Scboola Supt. -. oo · raultl of lbe sum7 and lo ~ publio metllnp." · • P011 Cook .described l>Js diatrfCt'• "' Lyle GuJpre, 11!1 ol !be board membm ~· old he b>u1il .-. ~ edu<allon ll'Olfl'llll. The aeconc1 hearing who hid betn Jll"lllhfl for cUIClosurt, 1 memberl tblte wotild be an ovtlflow 41 wfllcb members of the public were said he would aetUe for thlt rather crowd fer the hearing next Tuetday lnvited to spelk "" hdd Thursday. than 'bringing a lawsuit against the night ana auggested the other trustees Seven mothers and the Rev. James superintendent. "don't care about the people who elected Gamer• who aaid ae.1 education bas Jail ; ~"\."':.,:ot~.&"' .,t: one llfed· wlldn lhe""T.:'i:'im' acboal ·dlstrlc:l llld mOll al !hem •ttacked Supt. Cook. - Se•erai ol the motherl who old Ibey had withdrawn their daughten from aex educaUon cl&Mel were very emotJonal. One of the chlef coinplalnta waa lhat so: education lffDll to hlv& apilled over Into olher ~ llld caallol lludecl dlsc:uNloo. Mn. Kalheyn M-. ,~tho~ PrA la Jn fiver ol -iduc-ribollt morals or 1'raw 1D.n JIM.J\ut.b.JoliutCMt old ..... d1ugbter bad-·~ - ... clwlp --lfn. Ro,ymoud ""~• llid atudenla ol!str•ed cul~• ¢is, ~·-.... . The coanty acbool bOord got into' ..X educaUon atuidY at the request ot Rallisoo, a member ol the John Birch' Society who =tnU7 •teered the ~ Mto 1 poelUon It liter lejeCted on ban•" nlna the John Hersey book "Hiroshima." BOard President MJtcllell, who sup. -ported Rallla:on for awhile in that fight, oonoeded TIJunday the oounly board has no juriadktl.oo over ttachlna of sex: edueitloo by Ioctl llCbool bolrds. "We'll }}Ive th.i.I one more hearing ond Ullt wW have to he the end or jt," be said. "It ii a matter of locaJ coolrol" Seen Attorney Blasts Jury As 'Racists'· lmprove~ent Hunti11:gto1i to Consi.de'r Move Touched OH by 'Plight' A move toward improving the Hun· !ingtoo Beach City Jail, bOgun by !he pollce chief llld brought to public at· tentiOIJ by !be plight of 1 man falsely accuaed of murder/ goes to the City Council Monday with an excellent chance for approval. entlt< pgpulallon ol 111'1 Wert procewd lhrough tho jail. On !he ..m. d"7 Nonnao Coalney, 4J, of 1.ot' AJamiloo, WU book<ld Into the cily jail· on cbilies ol -· He spent three dayl in the facility bdore he was cleared ol. any compUcltf In the murder. vile of crimes. 'l'_he1 miglil not he gullly. It happens sometiuiel," Coatney said. Re later ·dilCuued the matter with. Councilman Jerry M1lney who bn>Qpt teYeral of. the objecUons to the attentloo ol<Cblel Seltur. . By TOM BARLEY °' ... oaur """ ..., A Supericr Court jury whlclt found the SUner brothers pllty on lour major crimtul chargea: 'l'bursdly wu bluted withln mcmmta: of the verdk:t u "lJ white racllt.s, tried llld lru<" by deftlllO attomoy Frlllk Evw -blmoelf 1 ' N'IJ'O. ' "There wu never any doubt In my Murder Attempt Suspect Sought In Orange County By ARTlllJR R. VINSEL Of ""' °"'" P'lllt ll&H A manhunt spread throughout Orange County · today for a -man who police allege shot his former boss Thursday night when the vicUm came out to ask why be was loitering at the Costa Mesa bakery where he had wcrted. The suspect is identified as Eugene Smith, 28, a Santa Ana aru. resident who officers assert Ded from the 1eene on foot and ii still at large today. Wllliam Cronacher, 53, owner . ol the German Home Bakery, 134 Commercial Way, "IL\ aliot .Jn. tho 111! elbow', -but ia: reported lo aaUafactory condlUon today II Hoq Memorial Holpllll. . The vlcllii.,«.JK,Alllert Place,'liiil&I. Mesa, uDdei"went ~ for a .32 cii&ft' bcllet wound Thur..i.i night aftei tho . 1:15 p;m. sbootlng.· Police were 1tt1t to the bakery 'l'blln- doy lllpt after an .. onymoa, telephone tipster tepgrted someone had been .ho~ then hung up. Officer Bob Arnold 1rri ved on the 5C'eDe a n d found Crunacher wounded, but be ' was able to tell what happened, according to Costa Mesa Police Detec:Uve , Capt. Ed GiBlgOW. The · detective bureau chief aaid Cronacher identified the attempted murder l'Ulped.. u Sinlth. an employe who had worked for hbn unW a short time ago. He la.¥. today thft was no known malice or dispute between the former employer and employe over wages or circumstances of the separation but that Smith showed up at !he blkery for oome ......... Thursday. . Cronacher told .Investigators he w:is about to close up when be went outs:lde the bullding, aaw the iuspect, and asked what be wanted. One witneu told police of hearing the sounds of a violent argument, however, followed by one pistol blast. Detective Gerry Thompson was assign· ed to the attempted murder case, but wu out for lnvestlgaUon aad could l!llt be contacted. DAllY PILOT ORANGE COASr PUIL.ISMIW!I COMl'AMY Aoliert N. Wee4 f'rtl!Oenf and Publllolltr Jetk ll. Curl:r Vitt l'~ldlnl .,... Gtner Ma1118'r Tho/Ms keevil .... Tho"'•• A. Murphine Ma""lflil Edl!tt AINrt W. l•t.• Wfn1 • .,. A1ed AN«l•ft H""11ftMM ~ EdllW O'Y Etllftw ............. Offlee J 09 itii $tt••f M•m"I ,Yd,..,11 P.O. I•• 7,0, t2MI ...... _ Ht'Mlll't lffdl: n11 Wnl .. lbot "-lorwrf Ce&tl Mu.I: QO Wtlf In Sl'PWI u...... a.wi: m ~ .... ..._ ' mind u to what the verdict would be,'' the aeeth1ng Evans commented in the con1d~ outside Judge -Byron K • McMillan's courtroom. "As you know, I tried several tlmea during the trial to get a new trlal for the Stiner boys but the judge wouldn't listen. "Certainly, I'm going to appeal," the ~ Angeles lawyer said. "I'll work out the bull for ·my appeal when I c1n get lo(elher wllh lhe lioy1 leterlod1y.• Surprlalngly, Evans made no attempt to appeal the verdict of the 11 women and one man on the jury when he went back into the courtroom for an announcement of the senteocln.g date. Judge McMillan orderod George, 21, and Llny Stiner, 21, lo "'!um lo court IV.arch 20 for llnol dlapolllion on lour counts -attempted mlD"der, kidnaping, -armed robbery and burglary. Evans insisted on the individual polling ol each juror on each of the four vetdlcta delivered for each brother. And be watch- ed the jury intenUy as each member was ulted: "Do you, ... find the defen- dant guilty on the charge of ••• ?" Convict.loo on the · attempted murder count alone calls for a 15 yean to life 1e11tence. AppllcaUon of the full termJ of the remalning sentences, ac- cordinJ to the Penal Code, could add up to a tot.al of more than 60 years in state prlson. 'l1ie jury accepted, Iller elgh( bour1 deliberatkin, the argtiment <Jf the pro- secution that the Negro nationalist br.otber1 :-both are members of the ~ GrOnlxlUcn US r ~ two of the·~'illuked blndl-lioi(«med their wat Into the Halladay Inn, WI March 1. They left with nearly $f,000 in ~gs and Ibey left patron Charles Bitlgano, 24, writhing on the barroom floor with a bullet in hia: slomach -put thert, Depuly District Attorney Ted Millard aaid, by Ge<rge Stiner. BLsJgano's tntlmony was obyiCNSly a vital factor in the jW)''S aAwment of the guilt of the tall, lean Los Angele.s Negroeo. He told the coort !hat he recognized George Stiner aeconds alter the brothers and their companion busUed thrOUjb the swing door&. He recalled that he caDed out "Hey, George, what are you dnlng hert?" and that the stocking-masked SUner immediately felled him with a shot from his automatic. "Otherwise," Millard asked the jury, "why wou1d George Stiner shoot him? He put a bullet in hlm foc one reason -he bad been recogniud." District attorney's investigators were checking with their opposite numbers in Los Angeles late Thursday on the possJbillty of the: Stiner brothers being shipped back to Los Angeles County J all pending their return to court here March 20. Both men (ace murder charges . In that city. They are aCCUlled of being the two gunmen who shot aod killed two memben ol tht rival Black Panther organiuUon in a fracaa on the UCLA campu1 last Jan. 18, a dispute that erupted when the two group.1 each sought to have a member elected to U>e newly crtated post of director of the Westwood univerilty'a Afro.American Study Center. Oass for Future Citizens Offered Spanlab speaklna non-ciUzena are beinJ offered 1 dual language cllhenahlp class by !be HunUngton S.ICh Leque of Women Voter11 accord.Ing to 1'11. Leroy Barickman, LWV registrar cbalrmM. "How to Become a Citii:en of the USA" lnMlellon Is olfered by the leogue as part of their Voter EducaUon Program. JnfonnaUon will be given in Engllsb with Spanllh trwlllloo b7 league members. The chw will be hekl in lhe Huntington Beach Community Cenl<r 1t Milo Slriet and Gerfleld A.,..ue heginninfl 1t 7::!0 p.m. Monday. Those Interested in the ci-may "'Pier at the l1nl ....ton. Striking SF Teachers Vote to Stay Off Job SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -Striking lacJ)m It Sin Frllllcllco Slate Collep hlYe ..i..t to atoy oil the job unW lolondoy -Ind perhapo lonier. 'lbe. vote came a/tu a MVen·bour -un, Thut1day Illa! left I b e m dadlocked. u,,,...,.... A STITCH IN TIME? GM Inspector Gregory $10,000 Awarded For Preventwn Of GM Problems ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) -The same day General Motors announced it was recalling 2. 4 million automc:lblles because ol posaible exhaust fume leakage, an lnspectOr at General Motors' Fisher Body plant in St. Louis ~ived $10,000 for a 1966 suggestion to eliminate such leakage. ' A comp1111111pokesman said the award to Edward A. Gregory wes timed to coincide with the recall announcement. Gregory, 52, a soldeflng inspector presently on sick leave because of migraine headaches, has had a fairly tempeatuOUI history with Fisher Body. Several years ago he complained publicly that he was being moved off the In. 11pecUon line because the company ~ sldered hlm too zealous In his work. "I've got the money, but I've still got the headaches and I'm still going to be as good an inspector as I ever was," Gregory said today. "I think General Motors wants that." Gregory's system involves sealing the lower quarter panel of the body through a 1*0e hole, to keep exhaust fumes put of the passenger compartment. He said Fisher Body has a more effective method ol ortgtnally 1ealing cars, but that his system, as refined since he first submitted tt, ill the most effective method of repair sealing. Gregory said he resubmitted his sug- gestion a month ago because he knew the company waa aUll working on the problem. The award was made under the current suggestion program, for which •10,000 is maximum. In 1988, '6,000 was maximum. Gregory suggested that General Motors found Jt necessary to recall Chevrolets from recent model years because In· 1pection p~ures then were in- adequate. "They were inspected, bµ1 not 11 they have been sinct! the latter part ol the '68 models," he said. From PSfle I NEW STORM • • Scouts and Ulelr adult leader who vanish- ed In a blltza.rd nearly a week aa:ct in the Bi,( Bear area of the San ' BemardJn6 iilouritalns. ·Ski ra<irU lhrooiboUt Calllomll mou .. ti.to areaa ire closed thla ,weekend and the State Dlvlalon ol 'Hlghwoy1 blookf\Cf ol! all roa<h!oya lo pmtnt motorbtl becoming trapp¢. Deep snow plied up 1 on a dozen Wlldlnp ln.Jltt.~uaw Valley rtere1Uon .,.. lhrtal<ned~ rooltopa and · was being cleared by prlaonera from conae"atkln camJ)ll. The latest 1tonn due to hit the Southilnd It NptCted by tonl&ht. but clearing should follow Saturday, ac- ccmponled by gusly windl left over from !be oquall. Bad ,...ther has In foci, spread throughout !be naUon, _ wltl1 bliuardl, rain and heavy winds whlcli closed roads wllh anowdrlft.I u aoon ... they could be cletred by work cnws. < City Administrator Doyle Miller Mon- day afternoon will ut the councilmen to approve spending $41,500 for an ad-- ditioo to the jail, Including bringing the jail up to standards of the state Board ol Corrections. Police Chief John Sell!er told the coun- cil ·on Jan. 13 that the present jail waa built in 1927 to serve a city with !he pgpulallon of l,liOll. In 1968, according to Seltzer, nearly three timta as many prlsoners as the Coatney, who llvf.d a nightmare ~ tesUng bJJ imlocmce while acdlled of a bloody knife slaying, emeried from !he Jail to mate a jlublic plea for new acllitita. I .• Calling tbe J4iJ. a 1'ttlnkinc mesl," be • pledged to "do evelylbfog poalbJe 10 clean up that sty. "The jail need!: to be cleaned up and the treatment improved for those human beings accused of even the most Sevttal councilmen made a midnight vi.sit to the jail facilltles a few weeks ~ago and fowld the place "filthy," ac· cr6dlng to one of the.councilmen. The unitary conditioos are being im· pt09ed ·anc1 faclliUes for showering and - abavin& -Coatney was denied a shower Or ab.ave fer three days -being .instalJM, according lo !he councilmen. The jail la used mainly f" bolding on 1 . tempcruy basis prisoners while they ·are being processed for transport to the county jail or for release on bail. ' From Page l Weather Cance~ Brotherhood Fete in Valley NIXON WELCOMED IN FRANCE .. the worlds, ''Long live the United States." After a moving ceremony at which Nixon presided at the placlng of a wreath on the memorial to Franct's unknown soldier, the American Preaident was driven down the broad Champs Elysees, crowded with weli-wlsherr, to De Gaulle's Elysees Palace for the first of a series of meetings with lbe French leader. Nixon underscored the importance he attaches to this visit by devoting JO hours of his 48-hour stay in Frilnce to talks with De Gaulle, some ln private,. Planners Switch Stand, Approve Development The Larwin Company today .has a reprit!:ve on a planned development for · 50 homes on 83 acra between Talbe~ and. Ellis Avenues and Newland and Magnolia Streets in Fountain Valley. ,Planning commissioners T h u r s d a y night' reversed an earlier denial of the request. • Commissionen said they felt they had reviewed the proposal in hll!te originally and Thursday in a special meeting gave it a 4-0 go-ahead. · One commiSsioner, Tom Grafton, phon- ed his vote 'in from the mountains, where be is currently snowbound. , A legal technicality revealed that the first denial of ijie small lot request was invalid because the planned develo~ ment uiet all zoning requirements. ( some wilh adv ilen of both presenl 'Jbe taJk.s concern the most urgent problems facing the United States in Europe and Asia. These discussions came against a back· ground of strained U.S.-French relalloM dating many Ye4l'S· But Nixon expressed hope he would be joined by the F!'ench in looking forward and forgetting past aggravations. Nixon continued to look fit and happy despite the grueling schedule since Sunday when he began this 10,~mlle lour. France Ix the filth capllll of Ntxoo's stop-appropriately, he said, the · last of the allied capitals. nus again underlined the importance of France in Nixon's hope ·for ·F.urope's future ancJ a· stable peace. At the Are De Triompbe, after standing with cla&ed eyes during a muffled roll of arums and a bugle call in honor of France's dead. Nixon min· gled enthusiastically with a throng of French and American well-wishers. Countian Di~ Of Crash lnj~y A Fullerton man died Thursday night at St. Jude Hospital of injuries suffered in a traffic accident last Dec. ~l on Carbon Canyon Road. Coroner's depulies said Roger F;. Young, 24, of 1606 Nutwood Ave ., was Injured when he apparenUy fell asleep at the wheel in the early morning hours. His car crashed into an oil company boiler house, broke a steam pipe and Young was severely scalded by the bot vapor. Threatening foul weather ha! for~ po6tponement of the Brown Cultural Society's Brotherhood Festival, scheduled rm. Sunday at Fountain Valley Higb School. James Luna, Society President, said members decided Thursday night to p()Stpone the festival because of predic- tions of another rainstorm this weekend. The festival wu to have been held · outdoors, around' the · school open am· pithe"ater. A new date hasn 't been selected yet, Luna said, but ·members of tbe Juare1 Colony-based Brown Cultural Sbciety will have new arrangements by next week. More than 14 groups lrom Fountain , V!llley and Orange County were set to , appear in thi? first annual Brotheihood · Festival. From Pagel TOP OFFICER •• appears lo be an open and shut case." He said that contrary to the in- terpretations of some jurists who "put modern connotaUons on lhe provision! of the Consti tution and say that this. is what the framers had in mind, our forefathers really wanted only for the Jaws to be applied fairly and justly to all." . :Jei:.~ .s;,.c:/) DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS Trufy ·•n out1tandinCJ chtit v•lue, fe1turinCJ 1wival or c11t11r b.11. Also av1ilabla with 1 cu1torn 1wival ca1ter b11e, 1t I 1liCJht additional ch•r9e. The1e chairs mus~ t. be •••n to 1ppttci1t• th1lr unu1u1I stylln9 •nd terrific comfort. ,Your choice of 1 wide selection of quelity febric1, sm1rtly styled to enc.h1nce 1ny home. 'I 19:C. COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR, HINREDON -'DUXEl.-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER nRMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT NEWPORT IEAi;lf 1721 W11tcllll °"• 642·2050 0PtN AIDAY -rlL ' f INTERIORS Profeulon1I Interior Dui9ner1 Anllabf~~SID LAGUNA BEACH 34.5 North c-t Hwy. 494-6551 orlM NltAY 'TH. t I' I! • I I 11 , I I: I I I I • • • I ' ' Lagu~na · Reaeh I EDITION ' f N,Y~ seeek• . ... .. . . .. --• • • yoi,:. 62, NO. 51, 4· SECTIONS; 42. P'°'°6ES , , • , ' . ' ~· • ' DAJL·Y·;""" ,....,.,._~(CflllMll" I · LAGUNAN LOSES. HOME , POSSEsiroNs•1N MW siinli '· Wint ton Blevins. Mo-a Grin'. Smll• 1nc1,· ' :ru~ Lneky-or NPi1: •... Lagunans' Home Crush'ed by Mud By RICllARD P. NAIL 01 !tit Dalb' Pllft Stiff "I'D never touch a hammer ••• I don't want ·to see a-.hammer or a saw again." _ Tbis was the reaction today of Win· st.on ·Blevins who was sleeping in the hillside Laguna Beach home he had built when a mud avalanche pushed in the wall nearly suffocating him and his wire. Blevins, 337 Lewellyn Lane, credits · his 20-year-old soil. Remlow, with saving theiq both from an instant muddy grave. Hb Wife, Susan, was treated for a badly cut loot. Mrs. Blevins is the daughter of long· tirM Laiuna newspaper· ~tum·ntst .'™1 cartoonist Reinlow HarrlS, w~ ,lives nearby. When the wall of mud de.scetKled'·at 2:3ff a.m. Monday, the senior Blevins wen asleep and their son, unable to sleep, was in the llvin'g 'room. Tbe Blevins were awakened . by . their aon's shrlek. A boulder a third u large u .the Living room cr'ashed through the Jdtc!hen, dinette and living room where It bit th~ big baby grand piano and catrled tt throliglt a wall. suddenly the lamUy. was enguUed in mud. Blevins, a tall man, said it was up to bia neck. He WM helpless-a moment or a'WfuJ, panic. · His sOn caugbt'Wihston Blevins' hand anct Blevhu 1n turn caught his wife's hand and they floundered, and dragged each other lo the frooi door through the dark rooms. Blevim said his son with the ~p ~f nel&hbor Orville-Clay then rescued their I ' ... i; , .mi·.~ '" Joining Oil .Battle \ ,oil sanduarl!!, Hurl!>W't ,elJ>lalned. Hurlburt aiid Wheaton aPpar<nUy set tbem righL ~ "They just weren't' aware of ,wbal's gQJng on beltind the _.. and didn't know the implfoaUona al oll ~Wltatklo in federal waten,".aakf Hurlburt later. He and Wheaton pointed out lo the gathering that once oil ii pumped from federal watql adjacent to s·t ate sanctuarlu, the state, bf law, coUld be ,...,.,,_ lo move lo prolect Ila own c0ntlguoua oil pooll. 'l1ill means drilling would be 'permitted within . ·the state aa~es .. "We brougbt everyooe up lo data oo wlllt Orange Cjiointy ta dob11. and we told ttiem about {Aloemblyman -) Badhai:ri'1 bill,'' Aid Hurlburt. Badham, alonf with State Sen. John G. Schmits {R'Tultln), la opqoaortng le&lJJatloa thol wau1d i.iulre the State . ' ,. Landa C.Ommlsalon to give advance qotlce lo coastal agencies on alljutun ~ for ~'geologtcal survey11•· in waar1 en- cornpuoed by the Shell~ Act. The tands Cotnmissloo 'lburidiy ~voted pennlta granted Jul Jan, 'J to Shell OU Co. ~d seven oUM:r ftnns for core bole drilling off Newport Bucb, . san Clemente and other cities. The coastal city manqera agreed to present a ~led .front agajnst oll lnduatry , , I --~ . inttullo111 Into stale t!cle~. Hai1llotrl reported. -'$ , A full·Dedged ....... u.n wltbln •·I.,, weeks In SUia 'Blrblra wu lllo •P. · proved. "We 11m lnVHe .iii. Iepr.t.n, city councllmen and niunlcipll 'ld- mlnlstram tO ·Ibo alfalr, wblch . Will probably Jul two day•, .. "Hurlbart Pld. "We want everyone to know wbat'11olne on and wjuoJ .. ~\.~.,.lie doqe :oa the {See D..........., Pap 11 · . . Eisenhower NoW • "I , .-' Suffers . . Pneunlonia, Gets Weaker Cleanup C:Ontbaaes . South Coast on Aler( ForNeivWeekendSwrm lt was a bract yourself, wait-and-watch Drive were ~ advtatd' to keep ·•W•J operaUm alooc ~ Southern Orinae r-.!J!eli' biina ·bOcluae ct ille.imiable Coest-lllill1\lngwillo'thst·lila~q,, ~· wJ!!c!l. l\'4 ~'-~ k . the •"-Weuld lllN'e lie rulnooio.i!iixl end.roe!:~-· · ' ' , ::,:~':,\~' '" '"'\, ·. " ... ·~~-·~~ ·"tii« e\lmpaDT oiiksai• ~ ""9-it1~'¥aifi'lli ·11;io 1t.1r1·in.· : .... i!' ~· ' Ille , ..... ~ .... ' 'liolftd. ~:~~ • • . •. . rite< nialn .. · 'li·ople ICiurce \rtli>PIT not be .Joo In 'llGn,til .-. U kf'Lli;iiu 'ioqpi't:Qana. hid been ili1ll illl;#lb atlliSMooday. It wu. bid Clp<fltlon thia mofoiq Mann said f~ ani! lillsinesses ruaJiini water lo, U.O dlp!etod au}lply along Ocean Av~ had ~ allowed in local reeervoirl. The stcrm had broken to be occupied UCept for ooe old Jaun· the. line in M:crro CanJoo. dronJ,at mucturt near Forut Avenue. EvaC1Illed reoldenta ol Canyoa Acrta ~;frqperlle! 111.!'.'IieOn undercut by waler In the .ldjacent flood chaunel. Jtisepb Sweany, director of public '. . " .._ . ' . .,. ~UPI~~ '.: DEVJ,LOP,S. PN,EUM9NI~. · Now Crl1l1 •for' lk~ • -• Come Rain, Sl¢et, works, said. ciewa worked ·through the -... r -• night sandbtgglng dot!riora!Od portioos ' · · Or Snow, Surfing Cat Race Slated Rain, sleet or ..,.,. , pie. Lll)l!'I Beac;h sutllng contest and catamarb ,.... will be held this . weekend in finale lo the Art Colony's Sixth Annual Winter FesUval. . Vice Mayor Joaeph 0 1·Su)J 1 van I chairman of the two-day events, aaid the only thing that would cause the compeUtion to slrlke ifl, Colon would be too much wind or cmp lo perform. O'Sullivan sakl about 135 Mien have signed up for ' the competltlon. 'It is lo begin at 8 a.m. both Saturday anil Sunday at the foot of Thalia StreeL Brennan "Reva" McClell~ will an- nounce the competiUOll, a United States Sur-Ong Auociatlon Western Divillon ' Surfing Contest. . There will be awards to five places in bolh lllrfinl anil catamarin rac"!4, O'Sulltvan said. Surfin( .,..r.i;, win lie Ii"'! 1boul noon or I P·'!L ~y. The C.tamoran, sleet 14-loot, twb>huD craft -big 111<1; • wiD be launched from the Main Buch. The race wm ~ at Thalia and' cover • four or five mile course. . Qne or two perlOlll may in the CllOmlranl, the turflill .,.. . ...,... •aid. , liul 'Ibero ii a we\lbl mlnlinam · al 1• pounds. • He -,the 'JmtovaUV. catamaran race u a rul·~. i_ . 0'8ulllvan aaJd I b·o Q t lli lo fl" calamlrwueapected. .. .t l of the channel which la a key lo SUC• Ballet 'Dro~ms' ceuful canyon d;rainage. ~ • Sweany laid bia latest ,veather in-, ~ , =.:-.~i:.1es~. ~~ ~; · Makes Premiere · Wt4iber ~ rby1 , ~ and anqtber two · · · inchel or mqn Monday and ~IY· n..,; . s·a· ...... . _.,_'da· y ·City emplOjea ll'fl on ltlndby for the VU: ·.l\~S. . ;:,~ .. , polSible storm, aald both MaM and Sweany. Detour W arnin:gs Set on Freeway Highway •lins went up today directing motori.4! on a detour around a closed· slnce·Tue!day sect'on of the San Diego Freeway -Wei;:· 1nd from the Santa Ana Freeway i ... wrsectlon to Laguna Canyon Freew.ay, A State Olyision of Highways spokesman s81d a bridge approach was damaged in recent rain and flooding. ~ cloaed section ls part of the final link al. the San Diego Freeway O(>ened but a few weeks 110. A ltII'Vey ~party thla weekend was to determln~ the eitent of damage. NEW YORK !:;.. Tiie llock llllrkel clillli<hllihtly todlJ' Iii moderate iradlnJ. (See«111olltlona, Papt 10-11~. ne Daw Jonet ind\lltrlal average at . 2 p.m: .... up UI polnta at IOU!. . T~ p.sychOlogical ballet "Dre~;, ~jl1 premiere in · a Lagtma B e a, c h· performanCe Of the' Civic Ballet Corripedy Saturday d~,the Winter Fest!V~. The ballet will be at the Laguna ·sea ch High ,School AµdUorifl!ll. Curtain· tlme is at 8 p.m. The · prtse:nti.UOn iS · referred ·to by choreographer Lila Zall as a modern psychological ballet. It ls set to the "COncerto for Orchelitta Dance Suite11 by Bartok and'featutes 21 Orange County dancers. · Also on the program, in si)arp c;ontraat to the Bartok are the classic and highly technical "Delibiana" and Peter Warlock's "Capriole Suite," an· abstract ballet. . . Lilal Zall, ·aru.ttc. director of the com- pany, did all chi>reography. · Lea,d dancers .are Odile de Witte, Merilee MainitsOn, ~lsU Moorhead, Hal O'Neal, HoiJO Sogawa all\! Gene Wilke!. AdinWlon lo lb< third Civic Ballel Company prograni' of . tlie season Ii free · to members of the company. Mell for non-members are " tOr ~ti :anct $1 for students'. They wiD be available at the box qfflce. t' Ex-presidenl Det~tmi~~fl ToRecove:r Oraa1e . Weatlter ' We'll .let Illa! loog4wtd, rilD tonight, ,bul , the '!'lli!ormm. promtaes It'll , clelr · up Salarilq 12'1 ·k~ ·• """· ttie "''"'•' with tompera\!lftl from a lo a along the COiii. INSmE TODAY .. --~ ~-'--.... _,·--A - . ! ' I I I ! I ., l , -- I t IAILV I'll.GT L in "' .. .. . . .., \ Wot. _,. wort. cmra -coovlcts "U Jookl bod,"'aaid ... P.. St~, v-)w~-., -· 1*N a4 1811 *' idlool !olllni &ldt. by . Ion Cowily dlnc!or af ~'w...,_ . .00tllll111.aed <ftallioa tht:rqoo. ,.... I 1•11 lflo .. thll for a , ·u enlergwy pllal ":,tC;;' I la lal -........ '1 ......... -ICDml today, w dlll'_.lt In tbe ......... Ill .. ,._, al the br~~' ll!iii '.'.'\'' , , • ...ni_wlnler alnce 11114 hit 1100 ml!Uon ,..idmta. . '. P1""". Q rl and /I perton1 ,.... u.t. · dead. ' The • roond·lhe.dbct ba!Ue -mu..! lo Jo(lln. • • • · 'ltit,..W PacUle squall bea~ down today in Oranae COW1ty, meanwbile, to Water fiow into Villa Park Dam 11 Gil weatber-blttered Southern Ciillomia contain the rampaging waten of SanUago now .down to 2,000 ctWic feet, per second ls not u 1evere u flrat expected, but Creek, &.luhing a widening scar throush -.91000 less tJlan 1'ue~~Y.:E ~l1LI - evea. .mild tbowers are 1 thnat to the Santa Ana. while flow out of tbe -flOOd ga es fa saturated ,11nd1e1pe and ltl brimming Marines, off-duty Los Angeles firemen down to 3!SOO from 500 more ~t the dams. aDd college and high school students ~k. , . "We're ta · trouble Jf aomeone even labored to dump old auto bodies and t!!ioodWl-~5Pourlllfn.:U_i!f ~r~ apl\si" nmar~ one oblerver today. sandbags along the crumbling blnb, re ~~!t ~ ~~ Arm verC.O • o1 NowllUe in the state bave· llyq_ or offerings to the ravenous rivtr. E~neers at 5 000 cubic rJt per~ .. propertlb been spared, but_ the worst Home~ in the 900 and 1600 block of still causing se'rious erosion downstream. d~vutaUon today centered in Ventura West . l_Uver ~ne and the 1100 bl~k Death has struck in various forms, ,, Coun\)', where 1'0tk crews raced JJme ol Riviera Dri ve totte.r on the brink from the five Silverado Canyon mudslide to rtPib' an eroded Santa Clara Rtver of the ~reek swollen by overflow waters vlctima killed in a fir.e st,.tloa refugee levee. fr'bm Vills Park Dam. center Tuesday to drowning vicUms Rain eipected today threatena to stnd Marine Corps helicopter pilots are swept away a wall cil water bursUn1 through the flying in all the old car bodles Santa A 29-year.:Otd San Luis OblllPo County we.atened earth barrier and racing Ana authorities can liuy, but the .!upply man was drowned when be tried to through the small, swamped city of Ox· is rapidly diminiJltlng. cross the normally dry Salinas River mrd. Two swimming pools and portions of wbich today looks like Ult MtulssJppJ, Viejo Endorses School District Override Plans M1Dion Viejo Homeowners Association board bas endorsed pq:age of the March 11 override elecUon for Tustin Union High School Dbtrlct. ·The electorate will decide that day Whltbu' tbt tax rale for the diatrJct ahaD became •1.SG per '100 l'"tMd valuaUoo. The prtlent rate is .•t.>:t U:• piru June IO. ·If the elect.ion should be def,.led, as Urie others have, the district would revert to the basJc rate <>f 85 cents. School .offlclals maintain that even !!.:JO hu -loldequlle, clrainlq dlltrict ltlUVtl. ' They poiDt to the bU1 aystem. The newtat bus ii a 1151 model and some have more than 250,000 miles on them. In a "position paper" the bomeowne.r1 group utlmat.es that the 15 cent rate would reau1t Jn Joss ol ft.5 million in rtveni.le! that would be 1eneraled. by the f,1.IO. rat<. Commenting an the e1Umated dynamic atudent popu]aU.On Jncrt11e, the board tenna the pogslbllity "absolutely un- thinkable." llB I Lagunan Wins Fight to Save . '" .. H ': : : · .• 1, ., .. 5. --1'.~~1 orses m, torm .~ ·~ .. "WI came ~.pretty wen~:-.: ooly 1aot two nmw .Jr,-bu1 11 ·If raina qain, bo7 ob:Jioy. • . Blf'l'1 Seyderl. ljlbte ol the fl&!lt throup the •torm· ·'too 11ve the Jlftl ol abeut 100 hopei' ll Wlllilllll Boanflac Stable alone J;quna:Ganyoo Road 1111r El Taro Road.. Snyder, owner of Snydera CJemwa, 211 Bcoadw1y, llkl, that volunteen bad wortec! on a 14-bcJw, ~· ahullllng the anim•1• to blib lll'QIDd and aoothla( them 1'i-i panic.. DeaJiite the .uoru. be llid, .... hone drowoe4 and anoll)er died of a broken neck. · ' Sll;'ller ~. help lbiaJJ, arrived lo 1andbl1 apimt the water. However, he feared the effects of mart r&Jn <>n the ri&ble. Snyder nld the drainage creel< is filled with and. The horse fancier, who went without 1leep for more than ·nro days in the battle. to save the anlmall, Aid, "you jwt can't let those poor critters die." Teacher Not Guilty PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) -A Negro teacher who said she punished a white pupU for chanting a radii nunery rhyme wu acQUitted of uaault and battery cbarps brou1bt by the child's pannb. . ' DAit Y Pt!O I ClllANGa cOMr PUli.ISMllllO ~ .. N,. l1Mrt N. Wttl Pri.1\ftfol -l"vttr°""' J,, .. I . C1rl11 Yott l'r11loertl tiNI ..._. .. Mtlltttr Tli'"''' I Mwil .... Tl\1..,11 A. M••,t.i~t ~ ...... Jltlltt4 P. Ntll P11I Niuen L...-ltt(fl . ·-·i.i.., e11., a11... Dll'ftltr .._ ..... Of ... 122 Fer11• A••· Metrr.1 M•••ui r.o. 1 .. ''" t Z612 --Cnll M•M' tH W•1I .. ., $tl'ftl ,.,_,. kKll: J'll Wt1I .. Mita ewi.w1r• HwlfiMIDll ..... , 1" ~Ill S""I ! ' ~ ' -"'I .;,# !I"< , I OAIL y PILOT ....... w .leek aa-n .:·· .)IEIGHBOR MOViS'C LOTHING FROM ORR HOME Th,...foot MUd Plow Destroys Belongings Lagunan Flees Home 'Kicked Out' of Trailer Park 1'You know, there really are a lol of nice people around here and you never l'tlllly know U11tll something, like this happens," said Palsy Orr, a sprighl· ly 50-year-old Laguna Beach grandmother who used to live up along Canyon Acres Road. She doesn't anymore because her rented home is filled with about three feel or semi-liquid goo that inundated her place early Monday. Mrs. Orr said she figured that the $7 ,000 she had just spent fumlshing the home was gont along with most of her clothing. "My boss called me and said 'Come to work Patsy,' and I said 'T cant', I haven't even got a girdle,' " she quip- ped "Not much of this stuff is going to be able to be cleaned up. I don't know why those guys keep going back in there to get it,, but I love 'em for It." A corpg of neighbors had rushed to her aid and, said Mrs. Orr, just about everyone has been just great except "I had made arrangements to stay at a friend's vacant trailer. He said it was up for sale and all. - "We had just taken the second load down there after working all day (Tues- day) and lhe manager romes out and says 'don't you put another thing there, you have to be voted on before you can move in here." "Can you imagine that -well, T told him, J'd raUler pitch a tent on. the beach than Jive in that place alter that.'' Right now the spunky grandmother is living in a beach motel, and she plans to start aJI over again. "This is the third house I've lo.lit (one by firt, one by hurricane, one by flood). You just have to pick up and start over. You can't quit." l'rom Pnge 1 BOARD DIVIDED ON SEX • • • members there would be an overflow crowd for the hearing next Tue!day night and suggested the (lther trustees "doa't care about the people who elected us to office." The heari(lg wP-J-be held In the County Schools OfH'ce board room whJcb seat,, at the most about 100. Speaker will be Dr. Afelvin Anchell, Los Angele!! physician who is a well known critic of sex education. The night meeting Is a departure for the board, but Rallison said th11t i.! the <lnly time Anchell can speak. Two weeks ago Anaheim Schools Supt. Paul Cook deacrlbed hi• dlltrlct'1 .aex· education progrun. The second hearltW at which members of the public were lnvited to speak was held Thursday. Seven mothers and , the Rev. James Garner, who said sex education has no moral bue, spoke in oppoaltiOQ to the au tducallbn programs. All ·but CN Ul'fd within tht Anahdm school dJalrlct and moot of them a!tacl<ed Supt. Coot. Several of the molhera who lald they had wlt.bdtawn lheir dau&hter1 from sex education cluses wert very emotlonal. One of the chief complaintl wu that HI education seems to have 1pilled over lnt.o other cl1111e1 and casual student dilcusslon. Mn. Kathryn Mooers said the national PTA is 1n favor of sea educaUon without morals or "raw sex." Mrs. Ruth John..!ton Q said her daughter had nightmare!! about sex change operations. Mrs. Raymond Bums Ilia stude:nt.s observed guinea pigs mallng in science class. The county llCbool board 1ot into sex education sludy at the request ol Rallison, a member of the John Birch Society who recenUy steered the board into a position it later rejected on ban- ning the John Hersey book "Hiroshima." Board President Mitchell, wbo '1P" ported Rallison for awhile in that ffgM, conceded Thursday the rou.nty board has no jurisdiction over teachina: of sex .cducaJioq by IQCal school bolrd~ "'We'll llave ·this ooe more heariag .and lhit will have lo. be the e.nd m ii," he said. "lt is a matter of local control.'' Hayward State Hit By' Student Riots HAYWARD, Calif. (UPI) -Seventy· five demonslrators jammed Into the hal1 oot.!lde Haywarit' State College Prt:aldent Ellis McC11nf1 office Thursday, shou!lni "on 1lrlke, shut it down." The crowd of Third World Liberation Front supporters tried to push Into A1cCune'a office after an illtcal rally et the campus caletert' but wtte kept out by a pair or security guards. If·, · So111eone Spits~ ~tie '°Po •• drz /or the four ilo1 -llld 111*-leadtr who Vantol> .. Ii • ...,_ -i,·~ -· la Ille Ill -area ol 'the 'San --·11...... ·, Sid relCl<la dii<iualiout C&IJ/omia m0W1• taln anu 'are cloled 'tlill weektDd and the State Divl!:ion of ~IVl:hwaya blocked off all roadways to prevent motorlats 1>ec9ming trapped. Deep snow plied uP .on a dozen bulldiogl In the Squaw Valley recreaUon aru UhaltnOd to rvptur• rooftops and ,... 1-lDI'. clear.Id by pr~ from con.1etVatfon camps. The latest storm due to hit the Soulhland I.! expected by toolgbt, but clearing_ abouJd follow Saturday, ac- companied by IU'ly windl left ov.er from the oquall. Bad weather bu in fact, 1pread throogboul the nali<ll>, with bllzzardl, rain ~ heavy winds which cbed r~ with mowdrittl u aoon as tbey cOuld be cleared b7 work cmn. Laguna Police Arrest Girl, 20, ' On ·lliug·Charges •• A 20-year-old San Francisco girl ·whose youthful looks prompted questions from a Laguna pollceman Thursday afternoon has been charged with dangerous drug possession and suspicion of intent to sell. . J07Ce Ha.stini,. wu charged followinl the arrest at the IOO bloc.t <lf South CoaJt IDlhway. Polee are holding at evidence 200 multi~olored pills. The girl had been approached because she looked so young, Sgt. David Brown aaid. The officer asked the girl wha t was in the small leather pouch attached to her belt. Sgt. Brown Wd the girl then opene~. it and the policeman saw some pink, blue and white pills. "He asked her what they were and he q'uoted iler is saying most are LSD, but some are TCH," Bro,vn said. A fur- ther search of the girt at the station un- covered more pills, Brown said. _Policf weren't immediately !W'e what TCH is. Ballet Honored By Disneyl and The Laguna beach Civic Ballet Com- pany Thursday won for the second tin1e the coveted Dimeyland Community ~lee :Award.. , · . The award, cons.iitlng o( a plaque and $500, was made in recognlllon of the group'.! all-around contribut!Qn to cultural enrichment of youngste!Tof the community -dancers· and a u d i e: n c e members alike. (See photo, page 9} The acUvitie1 iDcluded preaentation lo same 5,000 Orange COUDty younasters of the program, "This is Ballet." It is a fast-moving lecture-demonstration blendiilg the choreOgrapbic ,talenl.s ot Lila Zill, arUstlc director bl the group, and narration by Douglas Reeve, its general director. Laguna Beach Civic Ballet COMpany was also recently named a national honor company ,by Ule Ballet festivaJ As.socia- tion. Antique . Clock Taken An antique cl~k of undetenn.ined val ue has been reported stolen from the Laguna Beach re sidence, 1980 Catalina St., of Mrs. Donald Marquis, '15, of South Pasadena. Entrt was apparenuy made by forting one ot the borne'• doors, potlce said. 7 ( • DAil Y "ILOT Sllff "Jwtt LAGUNA CANYON ROAO CUT BV CAVE,IN Pavement Falls Into Gully Nur El Toro Road Nixon · Greeted ·Cordially By De Gaulle in France PARIS (AP) -President Nbcoo came to Paril to a cordial welcome :rrtdaY· and ·met more than two hours with Chlrles de Giulle in what the French called a good beginning to the cllmactic talks of the American leader's tour. A spokesman for the French president at the E!ysee Palace uid_ the talks lasted 2 hours and 10 minu tes in a •·frank and cordial atmosphere." "Th.is is a good beginning for the conversations which will continue tomor- row," he added. There wu no indication of what sub- jects the two chiels of state discussed. Prtsident Nixon said in his arrival ad- dress that he· had come here seeking De Gaulle'• help .In ef{Qrts lo "build a ~"' se11Se of Western· purpose'' and to seek a "just and lasting peace." He bad urged that old quarrels be {orgot- ten in the siaTch !or a betler fulure. ·0e Gaulle 1ong has been a balky ally of the United States. There was little sign of hoi;tility among the crowds who welcomed the U.S. chief executive to this "Gity of Light." The outpouring wu not 'roaS&ive, but it was l'rom Pege 1 DRILLING. • • stale and federal level lo obL:i in crcn\"r controls over the oil indust ry. "And we v.·ant the convocation to tak" place in Santa Barbara so all tho~'! attending can ta~e field trips and sec the results of the problem." Hurlburt said he and Wheaton were 1'extremely pleased'' that the Land.! Commission had reacted so swiftly to protest.! against the Shell Co. permits. "Thls should spur us on, knowing that the state is so responsive to our con- cerns." markedly warm to the American visitor. 'lbe Communist party had called for anU-Nixon demomtratlons when he ar- rived .in the city. Infonnants said fear of violent Red demonstrations kept many Pariaians·away. Nixon at once extended the hand of frlendshJp tO De Gaulle's France, wilh which U.S. policymakers have long been at odds. In return, De Gaulle recalled tradl· tional Frencti:American friendship and said be attacbed the sreatest Importance to the exchanges he will have wilh his guest. De Gaulle ended his brief welcome address at Orly Airport with the worlds, "Long live the United States." Laguna Ending Basketball~l,ate, Pl,aying Faculty Laguna Beach High School's buketball season may end with both a bang and a whimper. , The .!Chool's varsity basketball t e a m will be pitted against the faculty in· the rirst All Laguna Basketball night Fe1J. ~. J\'iercifully, faculty member.! will hav e the weekend to recover. Prior to that 8 p.m. confrontation, a team from Aliso Elemenlay will play on':! from El Morro. Then Aliso will p I a y a team from Top (If the World= which will , at the conclusion of that game, lake on El Pt1oro. Elementary school learns w i 11 start playing at 6:15 p.m . At 7 p.m., SI. ~atherine) will play~ Thurston Intermediate. Tickets are 50 cents for students and $1 for adults. Profits go to the Let· term en's Club. ' DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS Truly •n outst•nding ch•ir v•lu•, fe•turing swivel or c•ster b.1e. Al10 •v•il•ble with • custom swivel c•1t.,. b•se, at • slight •ddition•I ch•rg•. Th•~• ch•irs must be seen to appreci•f• th eir unusual styling •nd terrific comfort. Your choice of • wide sel•ction Df qu•llty f•brict, 1m•rtly. st yled to ench•nc• •ny hom• • .. COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HINREDON \....DREXEL-HERITAGE to DAYS NO INTEREST -LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREOIT NEWPORT IEACH I 727 W"tclllf Dr• 642,2050 OPIM NllAY "f'IL t • l!'fTERIOltS Prof .. Jonal Interior Dolllfltrt Avllllabl.......AID-HSID , .f1e LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coaat Hwy. Of'IH NIDAY itL t 4. ,.455 I I I I I ti 11 I r I I I Ii • _CHOP~ER. DROP -Marine Sea Knigbl 'heli~r drop; \vte4~ car into Santiago Creek in . effort to stop. eiiilioo. Blong-Jtive.r L&ie. ~ San~ Ana .. c reek, s~~en by fl~·wa!.ers, has cut deepJy into tienk mdangenng 'OIJ!'"'Slve lJ!!mes d~enta ·ara fleeing: .. : · ' • . • ' '1'"\ ' I ' . I' . ... •: l . , Co11;nty's Stor~,~q.~g:e I Figured at $1·0 Million. ' ' • 1 Oranp Chunty officials begin usess-. Ing storm damage today ond · eotlmated that repairs 'will run·t.o ·$10 ·mlllion or more. . . Flood Control Dlstrid Encineor Ge0r1• ' Coast Unharmed · . . . . ~y ·Two . ·Quakes · ' From Desert Area Qr..,ge C9eit pol\Ce oUicials .aay no Joca.11 effed.s: were 'f~lt from two ·gerlue roll~ earthquakes which striick sparsely popUl'te(t -d.e,ert •i:ouptry . OVF. the s;.n Andre8:' 'Fault '11uirsda'y 6igli~. ' · 'I'tJe quakes, centered ·35 m 1·1 e·s n<r.UieaSt of Los An'geles, 'lasted for nearly a minute at ~l:M p:m. ud '"lislored 4.3 on the Rlcbltt·ocaJe,. liO- carding to sei!mologiab at the CalH<nia Institute of TechnoJ~'in Pasadena. No serious damage waa reported. A sheriff's offlc~ lix milts from PalmdaJe said telephone servitt between Palmdale and Lancaster WU CUL at the Ume of the quakes. , . "The lines may be down," Deputy Charles Jenson said. . The repcrts of thosei who, felt it came fiom. isolated communities throughout Che metropolitan area north. northwest IMJd northeast of. Los Angeles. 'Said Jen'°": "It felt 'like the llOor was rolling." , 1Two fluorescent lights fell from:tbeir fiJ:tures at the sheriU's staUon in Palmdale. Stit~h • Ill GM Inspector Ger.s $1if.J~ooo Blinlis ' .. ~,· . ' ,.. , . ~ . ··.1 ,,... ;.f,1, ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) -The nme ~ 'lN · . '.~.-;1>l ' f: day General Motors announced it was ~~.1~..-. ., recalling 1.4 milllon~autcmoblles became' of possible exhaust fume leakage, . an :k inspector at General Moton':Filher B!odY .~ plant in St. Louis received •101000 tor a 1966 suggestion,. to eliminate ~h leakage. : ,tcompany spokesman said the award to -Edward A. Gregory was timed to coiltcide with the 'itcaU an~t. ' ~gory, 52, a soldering Inspector preaenlly on Sick ' le§.ve beea~ cil migraine headaches, has had a fairly len)PeslUOllS bislnry with Fllhtt Body. Several years ago he complained publlcly that he was being moved off the U.. sp!CtiQ!1 Jioei becaUle the company con· akftred him ·too JUloul in bis work. "i've aqt Die rnobey. but rve still 1ot lht headacbell and I'm llill 1olng · to 1be Bl SoOd an lnlpector 15 I ever w~," Gregory said today. "I think GeMral Motors wants that." Oregory's system involves aealinj: the l~r quarter panel al the body tllmJ"1 a .. m. hole, to keep ·..iiau,t 11unes out.of the pauncer"~ ; " ~ .. • l .., ............ \le said Flihtr Body ..... ,..... OOOS)'S~IOK ' ollfctive method al ~ .llpling , OM"IMflll·-~ c~ cm. but that h1I 1)'11.em, a ftAned · ' ) , · ~ .., • lhice he first Sllbmllted I~ Iii the moat '--'-'-'-• ' · • • r Wll m-.,.u'I"""' . .mctive method al npoll"INiing. • ~~~Oeneral ·Moton Gregory said he retUl>mllled his "'I· lourid It ·.-rt""' -rieall aim.loll lfSUon a month ago because be ~" from ·recent model yean 1beeaole tn.. the' COll1J>a111 wu lllll wotttnc .., lbe tpecllon pnicedur.. 1llon woro in-adequate. problem. The award wu made wwter ''They were inlpected, ooi'tnt 11 ~ the cumont ,_.uon _..,,, for haVll heoft •Ince the fltlft-·pek a1 'l1Ni which 110,111111111 maximum. In ,... .... ...---.~be oalil. • : - ' • ' • • 1 'I • f' ; ' . Striking SF\t~,cther~ Vo\e to St&f ;o.tf· J~h sAN'. FRANc~:~A!i>~-·~s1.1~c teachen at Sa~ Fr~ ~ <;i>lj~ have ~ to : stay·1 off~.~ ... job Uriti1 Mond* -ond Pofba1111 ·lil1>1e1'-: ·. The·~ivote ·came . ~:i a1;seyt?-bour' meeting Thursday · tl\ali ,let( ~-hie m deadlocked. .' '.. • .~. ·,· : f Ll Stlaer• Gtillt1 . . • . Attorney .·JJ~, . Jury As 'H~i$~': ' .. ~ .. ,•-j/ ~ ' By TOM BARLEY ol IM ... ,.ol .• ~L---~-~ .L...., • I Of .. Oelfr.......... •-.-U'~"'!I""" •'-P!t l ~ •• • + ' "'"' .. """" ~ •• '11".-J A SupeHor Court lurY 'which 'f"'81<1 ' He to~ lho·coart !bit' he ,.. I 5' the Stiner brolhen guilty on roor major Gewre'Slintt -·-the;:..._ criminal charges Thuraday wu bluted ond lholr compulm buptlod u,ir...., Ibo wllhln momenls al lbe wrdict' as "!S •'!lnl doon. HO ~ 11111° bo.~"!l'P!"" white racists, trled and true" by ....... out uae,.,. Geor1e,' •t ... W111'1 .I ~ hen?" ond ~ Git' ~-.· .. attorney Frank Evans -, himle1f a ~tr ~ feDld i blm Wllll~ a~ Negro. &hot 1nR!! bis ihatle. . \~""' . ~ ''There wu never any dcN'bt tn .my ' ,.. ' -mind as to what the verdict wwJd bet'' * · jr * . (• t ... , "' ~ •eelh!,ig Evans enmmen!ed In r. Los Ang' e' --D'\~ : . corridor outside JtJd&e" B)'roil • ~ ~ 1 McMillan's courtroom "A.a you know • ' r ·.'~<"" " . ·~om¥ienlo~etive stamp honor· ing 'Apl)Uo 8 moon mission wUJ . include · Words : I')~ the-begin· 'oiq[-QOd '. ... :" from Book or I tried se.eral times' during the triai Hails y erdict to get a new trJal for the s-~ ~· but the judge wouldn'\ listen. • ' · J S • .. • "Certainly, I'm going lo ap~I," the n . t'iner -TriiJL .' ' Loa Angeles lawyer said' ... I'll Wort out • ' · ·,'flen~j>. Change in · o,rlginal · ·,desigii, wa,s ll!llij~ lit· l'es'pohse . ,llr ; nidny req\i_ests. · Alitronaut: · . w;µ;;~ Mlfers, '.sp0~e the wqrds wli~, AJ><>!lb , ~ orbited moon last.Cljristrilas -EVe..' . • ' L ' • " the basis for my appeal wlWn.<.l .tein get ~ether with the bo)'ll liter biay." Surprislngly,.Evll\I rriade nO~.etempt to appeal the verdict of t1ii ll 'W01Deb . and one m~ on the jury 1 -wheiii. he went back into · the CcQ1room ior 'an announcement Qf the aenteai::ilt« 1 di.le Judge Mc!'tillan ordertd Geep,; 21, ~ · · . . 1 .. · · · Larry Stiner, 21 , to return to · court Be .. n.ef,i_t.·to ·,Ai.d.: !\:arch 20 ror linai ·dl~l!"'ill•n 90·,r.ur 'f"': counts -·attempted m~er. kf~inc. Florid Vicl'itbs . ar~::.;~:z,t:: il::ef'~ pom., . i 1· • •. ·• · .. 1-. oleachjuroron:eachoftbe'.f~·~ . \~gµna .. Be~oh, ·,ri .. ,.~ own·er~ del~verqd~foi"eac:h hrother.·~.hi!'a*ck- !Ucharo Chilllis .. 11. lauJichln• . a Jund ed , the ,jury lntenliY u · <i'1:h~·~ . dri" .and· art ·1i<nenr,t<1;~ili.,.Laguilons was asls"4: "Do you,. • """ · ...., olrfck~ b)o the fl!IQCI 'dls~ ' ~anl ,ullty ne'the charp il;';-:?•.·. :"'°" Challis said iulwls will bO ;..,gQl from Conviction on the attempted · 111]11'du all· W¥,R~ .\fhp. iulf1ei:ed _ llttle Or '.no C9U11t alone calls for a · 1~ -~ to damage .to aid tho'¥. ~ 'J..,agµna Beach lif~ ~tence; ApiJIJcatlon, Of" the Mt '"'.110, J~ r tlomes, c~es, 'ahd other t~ or .ttie remainlni, ~eft~ '°' ~so~al'pps~ssiOtll. • . · , CMding to the Penal CQde;·:cOdlif· a.a ~ ~ Beach ·art!$, be said, up lo a total « ·mon lhaft I&' ·' ·· wiD be aSked to donate . ~1 lea.St. one in state prison. i!I• ; ; ~ work whlch will he preSented ' for• aale. The jury accept..r; fler ~I b&iiw The art event will be held at the Festival deliberation, the argument ol the pfo. '>! Arts grow;ids, if .that ' locption is ~ . seeutlon tl_lat the Negro nationalist ~.. . 1 1: 1 br_olhers -,both. , are rgembers of""the . Chilli& said: "lh<icdi~Ulih·~-n\illtailt orgiliiZa'llon 'US r.... w"e l*o moiiles; baaed' oli the ~egrO.·or P<r.0~1 of the threeitlillil!d -llnrbn ~~ need,. ~II .be ~ade by a cammitt.ee their way Into the· Halladay bin. lut: no( yet named. Mrs,-;~ Keeley, March 1. . ~~:1tr"'.er't'..11ft~V:.·\~~~l~· ~~~~,,~lyc:t~='. ~lll·aald JM _drive tiaa th~ bleaslJig ~. wrilhlns on lhe ,bamioni ·lloqr .with of· 'il,l7or . GleM Yedder. ·He oald a a bullet In l)ia atomach -pat there -~J,ias:hei:I! Ml 1111 ,opd~ De~·lllaldct p\H....n.7,, Ted 11"JJlar.i mayl ~macre ·to t_ .......... ~. .., .. ;.t1 r~AtJo-:-. , v~~~'it"7.~i~ ". ,,,;-;: ~~me '' .. , ' ~ • .;.i..,l... ""'"•"J ~'' """''' ·-,y.,.. s .' ~· l"IN -;;, . :: '. ' .tf . . .. ' • . E¥ER·lTt11JtG-IS . •• , 0 '; ,.,:,::s~tl ' .. I . ' ' . . ' .. ',':.:: . ,· ·lAST .QAY . , : , ··., 'MARCH 1·st . ' . , . ' . , ' I\ • °'. • Jubilant Loa . Anlolel· c.u.11 dlltrlel . attorneY,1 invtsUplon'!balled tHe1sttnet: trial verdict Thurlday as "'JUlt !what the doctor ordei-ed... ·. - .:.Jt'i eiactly ~ we ' lint tblm: dOwn~ to Orange County,:• ~ a IPC'tfmn !or iw-utor Ly1urc.>inpeqn. -".Y~ told . -lhal. we .wer~-. toklni . • 'iii ~ by sendlns lheae ·CUl1l1!"1 dcritil'.,i lbere but obvlotislY it's pafd on.~'. ·:: I i Trio! of the br_gtben for the '!ll1fiss ol. two· memben'· of the Black Piaua.w organlzaUnn will no( be ·acbedulell antlJ ~ return, he said. "RJsbt MW Wl1 have,to ~k out ,with the Or~~~ l!</Y•,Jusl ,wl/<n we. wlll-~e. lhein .bocli .,.. Pi>Wbl after Uielf Jtuch ' • )' . ' • • I01 Mlt\ ~'d~t~. ' -" ·, ' . l Se,n!~ng ~.tbf1 SU~ wtµ'(~ . . uslsl , the ·~lion, In 11oei. Loe. Angeles ~ die apjllr, .. a ad< .ded: ''W• 'wonl;'-to -p 1to:.i;:;; • a crlmlnal dQailer, oo:i 1f>eae ~ 1-varl'I" ...._. a11cr0ie"ierdlct ........,.,., means tbat wf:~~·:tae .ukl. prr-· And-lhere wnt.be'iio 're(Uln;'Gt llll' rigid ieeurlty 'lhilt l"~•al!e<r·dla!l,( 1"" Oranae County lrial;·lhe apokeamall likf.' " Spectakn and newsmen were "lhakea' down" · evei-y tiibe~ th!IJ _.... · the enurlrpj)m ol J11\11•'1!1riln·~·~-" And I heavy gUardf 'w,atChlid~twa~ Negro ,naUooalilts· U \~ went tti and IT<lll\-tbe coonty Jail. • ·' .' • "I ··ww be 'Uie same In Lal Anct1a: .. ~ .._ pramlaed.··•wl ·-~ ·--fjicldeata ••lid '11'1'11> ~ • h~... ' .. ' .c~ ~· ' .... ... I • ' ' I :: •• - ., r " SAU Rtgular SALi Regular SALi . li.99 ;,. '. ' .. 4.99 22.99 . : . ': •.. 7.99 4.99 ' .. ' .... 1.99 6:99 ' '." .... :t.99 \ 6.00 ..... , . 2. 99 I , '. '. 14.99· ..•... ~ 4,99 ·r·100 wNs 1 • . ' . 12.99 " ..... 6.99 ' '39,9:9 ... ' .. 10.99 22.00 ...... 11.99 .' · I • ··24.00 ...... l4.99 . I " I•" i '• 6.99 ....... 4.90 I ~·· P. R I'S I 5 • 30.00 ....... 21.00 ___ _.. I SWEAT.RS 1 , . . 5 I 'i'i ' 8.99 ....... 3.99 ·• ROalS 10.00: ....... 4.9, 10.99 ....... 7.70 ' I 12 ~99 . ·~ .... 6.99 16.99 ' ..... ' 7.99 20.00 ....... 14.00 ' 16:99 ....... 7.99 29.99 .· ..... 18.99 I0.99., .. -. • :'1.70 ' .. . ' ' • • '• I ' Marian's 14 Mllnd!I ·~ """°"'~ ' ....-Ht•z -llACH. CAI.I'. OFF 8£8ULA'R P·Rl'CES., · • • ·: ' :1 ' ~ ' ' !· ' ·I " '. • . • • . ' l • • ( • i I • t I • I I I I ' TM-lllllk ol America recenUy · .~ 'fllll.:P.&e nOW!paper ads re· ., ~ lll "4vo IDOll wanted ~ank ,I ~" Tho lod. were carried ill ~, 'newspapefs1 in Sa.n Francf~ I' OM•ond and l..os Angeles last De- ', eelnbor 'and included pictures ol :.. the~ tl.f• robbers in action. Four •t bawcalnce •been arr<Sted. "II ·pays ~:i to advertise,'; th. bank said. ' ., ................ ...,11111 ..... 1 " :t : '1• ~1 ~­.... ..., •r .. ... ·'· '.Qit Colorado House' of llepre- 1tmotilrit1 dt'c~ to' p-.&blicit1 the apring.like wtather in Dm- wr fJr bolding a 1euioft out- doon. Th< legisfaton U>er1 ba<k ia their chambfr1 after a fttD mtnuti1, hoWt'vtr. TM ttmpcr- aturc toa1 onlw 49 degree1 end a brillc: wiad mode. U teem '"" cooi.r. Th< l<llDmak«n qolcl<l~ poapd a reaolutlots pnriring Colorado'• weathtT b e f o re heading baCk inside to warmer temperature~. :: ................ .. •• • ; In Coventry, England l1n ·• (.,.blao) Aln1bury, 19, w a• · • so moilly In love will! Chris, be •• c:oalt!n't keep It to blmself, .o fur ~ . -weeks everytlme be &ot on a bus :, he -biJI pen arid scrawled ·' ''Bulibtes lov• Chris." Soon near- •. ly all.· the d\1' • 300 busee bore tlte ;:: _llogan di most of tho town's dti· zens !mew &bout the love aHair. FIDa1Iy pollce tnlcked down the : _.cu!~! and Alnsb ury was filled $24 -lilld 'ordered to pay about '3 in Costa. •.. • Marines Disc.over ·-HugeArmsCac~e SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Marines moving lhrouih the mountains overlooldn( the Communlsll' A Shiu va11., IUPPIY route have clllcovered the blgelt aln&le Red arms cache of the war -D> torus of "bl:fnd new" munlUons, fro n ~ dlspatcha reported tod1y. -. A po_llo Cre w · Do i ng Better, Says Doctor CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -Their coodllioN Improving, !he cold·botbered Apallo t -uta tod1y jogged . and exercised and then climbed I n t o apoceoblp -to praclice for !heir to.day earth orbit miuion. "Tbey're an dolDC better... reported Dr. Clmleo A. Berry, chief 11tronaut pbyaklan, after examining the trio this mornin1. The launc:hlng, oriJlnlDy scbeduled for today, WU postponed unW Monday becauae oC aore tbrolta and stuffy noses 'au!!erec! by 111 lbree ..-. Alter waklnc at 7 a.m.,, Air Force Cot. J,amll A. }4cI)lvltt worked out for •boot' JO Diln!itis In 1 gyqmulum in the crew quarters. Air Force Col. David JI. Scott and civilian RolleD L. Schirtlf:Ur\ .. ch jogged I mile. Alter, \bt. mediCll•.Ulm, Scoli entoud a ~ module 1imulator ·and If· .and• Scbwelcklrl climbed Into a hm&r mmluJe trainer. They practiced rendesvbul and docking maneuvers that ~ Iii. -~ during !he lli1ht. ' llllcoYerJ' "' Iba _ ........ llorn North V---·-.mck to tba OmmnmW.• ftDial offlaltve \bat hu --t.J• -. U.S •• Bii bomben ,.,.,..... their bt&Ylest bomblolds In monlhl ...,. Sile• in 1nother blow to end Iba 'Rod ]IOllh. UPI <OrTelpClllCfent Daftl Lmnb, wllh the -a tba om1llant porl of . Soulh Vlelnlm, lllicl1tlla munltlam were found in two .eparate cachet 1n a vat bunker complei on a .peaJc overlooking the valley and nol for !nm the border of Laos. The Marines were looking for others. Military hesdquar\m In 5 I [ ( O n reported one caChe of 100 tona but Lamb ~ said a seCond cache of 130 tons was found nearby a lew boun later. 'Ille !ill of mllllillolll e1pt11ted by Marines of Bravo Company, lit Bat· talion, ttb Regiment, waa ataggering. It included 4,000 1Jll mlllmeter mortar shelll, 20,000 rounds of 37 mm anu- aircrall ahells, Jt,IOO JI mm mortar rounds, plua thouaandJ of rlfle grenades, anti·tank miner, ti mortars, 11 anti- aircraft artillery guns, 30 machine- gum .•. Marine officers. at the 1Ctne said it wou1d be lmpoulble to remove the weapons and ammunition from the jag- ged peak and !he CIChe would be blown up S.turdly. Eich~ Bii jell swept in from Thailand and Guam and aplatttrtd 1,000 tons of bomba Into Saigon's northern suburbs whert U.S. infantrymen batUed Red infiltrators within teVen miles of the capital . Twelve flights of 5 to 12 of the high· altitude bombers recorded their heaviest strikes since last Oct. 31 in the raids Thursday nighl and urly todly qalmt the 65,000 guerTl!las wllhin •lrlklni distlnce ol the capitll. Rockefeller Backs Nixon Over Reagan on D~order -~-----·- HOWie Div ided Bystander examines "split level" home ol Mr. and Mn. John Fletcher at 15224 Earlb.,... St., Paci11c Pallil~dee. The Fletchen bad the end ol tlteir ham• sbean!d off to take pressure off the rest of Ille , . boUJe. Wei&ht of the shared off end WU cauabtg the eotirl houae to -u a result ol earth move-ment aioni Poam o Canyon. Heart Too Weak? Transplant T eam Cites Rejectwns 'American Wa y' Means Apologies Not Flights Now NEW YORK ('AP) -Dr. Dentoa A. between tissue match and the eventual NEW YORK (AP) -Thousands of Cooley's 1heart transplant team warned CJ\ltcome ol the ~ase In all ol tht men passengers are rectiving apologies in-today thlt the ·human heart · appeart than 100 human cardiac transplants stead of s e r v I c e from strikebound to be far more vulnerable to rejution already performed, before going ahead Ameriaan Airlines. The lucky ones made by the body ·than scienlbb thought a coonect.Jons, despite delays and round-year ago. with any more traruiplanb in badly about routings, aboard otbtr airlines. Baaed on their 11 trlDllplants in 17 matched patients. Slnce the nationwide strike by 15,000 patients, tbe tet.m aaid that in ~ cue "It must be concluded," the report ground employes hit American at 12 :01 of poor Uasue· matcbinc betWeen dOOOI' said, "that human cardiac traruiplan- a.m. Thursday, olher lines have made and reclpjent. rejecting seems to be taUon at the present time ii an in· effortl to provide seats for those scMduJ. ·~xorably P'O£fess1Ve." vestigatlve procedure which has minimal ed to fly American. •\.-ha For w. reuon, the Houston, ·Tu., clinical application." M0&t major airlines roi1111l ve routes transplant team laid new methods mu.st But Dr. Cooley 1ay1 all this il!I no m-ved by American increased their be found to overcome poor Uaue reason to halt the transplant effort. ground personnel and flight traffic to matches if heart tram:plantaUon ia ever "We have made a beginning," he said, mlnlmiu inconvenience. • .. "--1 "' .,.,,.VUle commonp ace. .. "now let'a proceed." Dr. Cooley criticiJ.ed Meanwhile, American SWipended all I · r . WAB!llNGTON (UPI) -Gov. Nelson A. Rocketliler Cllllt oul of Iba' Notiooal filght operationa , unW at least 6 a.m. Another way to attack the prob em, critics o transplantation among the lay be allowed lo Interfere with educational Saturday. Airline and Transport Workers they said, would be to aet up regjonal public and the medical profession and Opportunity. 'Union repr!'WltaUves met today with and national pools of donors and reel· said they ahare some of the blame for a ' Govemci11' Coli:l:tffnce 11· l.'"Ctwm>lon · al ~ Nllon.-inhdnlioe ipinot Gov. ' .. • Jlilillld 8-Gii It ieul --""--4'1:• the CllllJIUIOI. Gov. John' Bell Willi~ of Mi'aaluippl the National Mediation Board i 0 pients whose U.Ue is typed in advance, recent shortage or donated hearts. sough1 to preserve the subN.nce o( Washington . ~ ,e_,mer,.,_g~ -~~tioo of pa-He said he hasn't done a transplant Reqan'1 propoaal with an 110endmen1.1 _ Unde(;a mutual aid aareement betwttn. ~"" ""' ~i.eu. ...,., &ince last November becaUJe of the lack wu on .th& winning sld& 'to llqiport ... a hill .and c<inu>lete1" in-._ the IMJor airUbet, add.fUonaJ profits The report wu made by .Dr. James of donors -"the stream has dried vtstigaUon Into the JMl.liators, causes broua:ht by a .strike agalnlt one airline J. Nora, Dr. Cooley and 10 othtn to up." ·· a ruo1udoa Jftlllna Pre!i· and effects" of campus vlOlence. are shared with the struck aJrlliie. In the annual meeting of' the American Meanwhile, Dr. Cooley sald, 24 ptrlOU Rockefeller, the New Yorker who com-1966 when lour other airllnel were College of Clrdio&ogy. have died in the Howton area waiting a!Ulttdi towll'd demonslra· ..i..r.tu... ne.f'relldltnt•a own position had been In~~· lough stance qlinlt peted w:itb Reagan against Nixon for atru~k. American plid. them a t.olal of Dr. Nora and Dr. Cooley aaid a careful for tranaplanta: and there are eight the'1911 Republican presidential nomina· $19~m·ill~io~n.liiiiiiiiiii•liiiilliiii, iiiistuiiidyi.iiiahouliiiiidiiibeiiliimiadeii;iiiofi theii;iiii'"illl•till.£"1111i1Shliiilpliiipel'IOllJiiiiiiwiliill!lliiiiniowi.iiiiiiiiiiii 1~ pl rs. It was not tou&tt : ,. ~l ~ .;Reagan, whose . ttate of tJon, Nici the eovernors had evidence • that inYUUgaUons were all't'ady 1olng on. He IUUested that It would be "ex· tremtly presumptuous" for tbt-aovernors lo llh the lleqan.Wilillml lpptOoch. ,\ Cllllorilli'':i bad more thu Ill 1bare al ' ' . . onstraUoo£ • \V6W • ,. tnoming to j'4 ~ .. made public Mondaf, Nixon netD ...,. ar ~r housr Is .i, •PP'nt.'1 -.Ibo Rev. Tbeodore M • .,."' • iurpriao• _ f.•peci4Uu fOf'. , BilburiJ>. ~dent a1 the Univer1iil' ._ Heyns . Calls OL·f ll!UO f.uear·old bot/. But th< lo 11f1i1 G111olr(DitDe; wbO lhrulened 1tudenll -'< ' ""'" r<aching '/lpl.f -v up a ..-.. w!lll" "'-""' and -1slon H !hey .... ,".u~. ;i.;,;;u.1°' Jeff•-..... 1orce-a1n11on11pemm1on. T lks strik· ing 'ot Bewrl», Jfaia.A rtconl-~. All«ReaJllllmind•llbegovemon! 8 . OD C stona 11as d""'floiil _,to 81 incllu of • ~, m~ Thm'ldl;y, 11e Aid be """'° .. _,.,.,,.If_ lo tar · ......, lhe Co•lrUCIC4 to ult fllJon for BERKEJ.EY.(AP) -<lumcellor"llo!ler -~ ,._r a JlllUce Department ~ ot Heyns. after a da.J,..of liudent vlo1ence --"'°""· 11 .,. > ,,· ~---~auono. '· · · hi b ... Jn tar t USDOQRr in w c w. ~wn ui Cf was a ge 1111 ~utlon called for an inquiry for rock.a, tw broken fllf negotiations In Douglas, Isle of Man, the fnto whelher naliollwlde planning lay . wilb llriking minority sludents at lhe mourners at J•l'MI Wllkl•'• fun. behind the disorden and whether feder111 Univrnlty of_ Callfornia. eral thought it at.ranee they were aid should be w:ithbetd from students Two large rocka Jay on his desk as alt:ed for their names and addres· and institutions involved. Heyna akl: "It is absolute nonsense HI before being seated. A few Reagan offered his resoluUon In the to &it In this room di5CU.5llinl the strike daya Jaw, they Ieunec! why. Wil· closing minutes al <the conference'• finll i.saueo-wbl!e duckill(:" ki8y a lifelong beche1or had set business ~ ~"11<1a;y. It wu no1 The rocb wtrt thrown lhtoua:h his amt9 llO pe;rc .. t cl hll ~te to be P"i\.,~.8 c:f.°1n~p1on or Utah of· =• ~.;·~: ~rg~~~: divided among ~e W h 0 fered a substitute· uaing the language Liberation Front students, Heyna said. showed up at .the· :\_._.-.. Nearly of a s~tanent approved by the con-There were BCUffle1 bttweeln police 100 pe!'IOrll will'*""' Ill part of f<renco .. ltUU,. commlllee 1 dsy and hlt·nm diJlidenll 1n day ThundlV. Wilkie's estate. the value. of which fllrller. lt ~J support for Nf:lon'• Fifty "Nindow1 were brotm and U: bas not yg beeQ{4itormlned. po&!Uon Ille! llld l1wleesnw could nol persons urated. Gale': Winds Lash · Tatoosh Egad! Mo re !fain to Hit Comt This Evening s-. ·-· l'llla 'ltlOAY S.:. tow .............. l:U 11.lft.. .... --Jllllfl .... '". "''"""'"' tATUttDAY """ ................... 1:• •.111, M ,.'"' Mil! .............. 7111 11.M. u k(tfld .................. 2:••-t.6 *"" " ..... '' ..... 1111 ....... u I UN DAY ,Inf 11'W ............... l ::ll1.1111.1A ,,,,, .................. 7:ft l.M. 1.7 -.w .................... ):It • .,.. . .., tfCIMll ..... ,, ...... 1 ••••. l~M II.Mo U ' ·-·--M All111te '""'""~ •1-r0: .... ...... "-c1nc:r ...... '1 <-..... , .. _ "'"'' ·-· --·--H-tulv ..... k-Clty l•• v-... _ ...... Ml-M-• _..._ .... , .. -..... ·--P11."4••i. -· .. ........ •-c llM 11u Hllll ltw ,,_. M ff " . ... ... x-24 .11 .. . .. " .Ol • n H M n tt .01 .. " • > ... .. " . .. ,, " .. " 41 "' '' ·• n " n Jt .M 4 ,, .. . " .... " .. • n a H " JS .U . ~. JI ••. ,,, a " "' '' " '" ... ~ .. a n .. . • • Jt .... .ts ~ " $t • .JJ " a .., " .. . " .... • u ,, ~ .. " .. ~ lt ,, n " 0 .. I ·ELECTRIC ·g LIGHTING m Victoria Street, Costa Mesa <Across from Nuneryland) SALE ENDS MARCH lST ' SAVINGS FROM 50% •· 70% ,::~ ON All OUR ENT.IRE STOCK OF FAMOUS IMPORTED and DOMESTIC • CHANDELIERS • HANGING LAMPS • WALL: FIXTURES • SCONCES •FINE TABLE LAMPS NOTHING HELD BACK. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT AFFORD TO Miss THE EXCITING AND 'INTRIGUING VALUES YOU WILL FIND V SE B ANKAMERICAJW OR MAS'.l'BllCB.tlt6B, OR OVR CONVB1'/IE1'1'.I' LAYAW AY PLAN. ELECTRIC & LIGHTING m Victoria S•reet, Costa Mesa (Across from Nurseryland) I 646-3737 Special Courtesy to Buildera Ir Interior Decoraton I - "' ..i ,.. nts :ad ily or! ... In· >al no id. ed ay nd I 'I 1nt ck ed .. ng !>t • ---..-·---------~-------~-----------------------...,----------~~-------.. - Berlin Election Site Firm BERLIN (AP), -MIYcir Klaua Schuetz uld today lhot tbe elecUon . tot W • 1 t Gemw>y'I Off pn11dent Wlli lll<e place In w~ lltrllD on Much 5 ss planoOd., Schuetz told a niwa con~ ference lhe adf.Ibilt.. .. 1tand W<en by tbe l:ait ~ans toward negoUl'!k* ,1th his government made further con- tact Impossible. , Tbe East Germant !>ad In- dicated they wpukl Wue paases for West Bertmen to vtlit frlelds a~ relatlws in Eul Berlin It ~ lf the electioewu......i1r<on (' • ' . ' ..,.. Ai:fillier 1 ' Hunt Futile . Till· Spring? BetUa· But U. West German ~ aid lt would cllmp lbt voting oo1y ll the Eld o.maos gave much ---~ nil _.1--1 Ulis- tl)lt,~ Gnlierl,.inet with Eut -Slate Secretary MlchloJ J(Ol\l in West Berlin Wedsblay. Ob Thursday, Ille East Gemian fOVetmllelll ~ tbe West Berlin 8-18 thlll the .Xplari1ory talb ~·no1 continue anUI the aectiaDs were·~op. Gra~ IOad~ two 1~ 'J'lourldf1 lo -I -' .. ' meeUnr In Weat Berlin, but I prtlldent, h'tm . II*& t!>o Kohl llnorecf hlm. · surl1ce ---· Silt West German Cbancellor Gennony to West Bertin. Kort Georg Kiealnger lald on 11111ead the· electora will televlaloo Tbunday nJcbt thllt come bytllilM ....,..lbt Eaat he assumed the elecUon would Gtrm.u baM no cootrol over be beld In w .. t Berlin u 1 the air~ 1 _,_ . , plumed. -• I The SOv!tta ~ ·1i1.. an- Tbe East Germans and the nounced troop liLIDe¥Ytl'I wed llusslanl object to the holding 1 of Berlin nut ,,..t, but thll of the electioo In West Berlin saber rattUna:' did nol furce because it is a demonstration I a change.In the eledtkin plam. of West Germany's claim to Schuetz'• anDQUDCtrDellt will I h e•fmner Genn1n copltll. , probably, _,1 olf ..,.. pro. To blr-the election, the I papnd1 ~ Jroin Ellt EUt GermlD.' blrred all Berlin aiid Moicow tbit will members of • t h • Federal I lncreue In fnlenlfty over the .i"°'"fily, wllk:b wUI elect th! 1 weekend. . P0werful Earthquake ,Hits Spain, Portugal ,UP1T ......... Aetreas JU ' Actress Mary'• Martin, is suffering frOm dJver· tlculifu, 111 in!Alstlnal disorder, forclng· cloa· LISBON (UPI) -The ' . ' sent shocl: waves ruml)linf for ing ol the Detroit run 15 ··-'-After~·-30 ol her bit show "I Do! . DAILY "10T IS ,..J F""'1, ~-m, 1'169 1Jnder 'Dfkt Seearlty _ ( • lsr.ael Buries. lt.s P.re~r I i I . - Alli KA!IEM, lsr1el (UPI) reopecta. --1tlhe ... .,.,,. -r.ratl burled Prftnltr Lev( Tbronp etllmated lo tolal After I brllf acidrloo b~ -·todlJ In \be.~ JIO,oeiO' llaed the_._ """'Oeii.. -- .Jailoahlllahehldllllodua ol -w,eot Jmllllom lort ' :!t~·'l'J~~ -. --.In cllfe( :.11~...! :;,~d cfelenclell u 1 ~l•cinf the ltneaiet , len!IJ;~J'..~O: Eabllol'• casket, draped In FOii' ~ d1p1r,;rij. Jll'IY!il' ,!!.Ji"l~.-the natlon's star o1 Dlvld from around the W«ld. ln-,,,,.,, ..., 'l!jDilr1'• pmt. flll, moved toleiimly don cludinf U.S. Health; ~· deiii.' Zllmaii 5hulr, lot J-.lem's ancient streets, tloe ud WeHore Sectellr\r· -1. -uoodlte of then ... Into tbe --Robert Finch, -lid lo Eahllol, -hll -·1 trys!de; Hellcopterl whirled hoU brtd -to Elbtof, won: 11 1ft1Di1r ud polill- , -.I ud -ol aol-Jd>o died Wedneoday of a clllL -.... clfers, their submlchlne ,... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiii:iiii cocked, stood guard. ijl Slowly the con.,. -up the slope ol Mount Herzl overlooking the Blblftal-vll- ~ of Aln Karem. From the top, the view C{lmmands the Medtterraneen to the West. Bethlehem to the IOllth ud the Dead Sea to lbO east. Old World Mediterranean Spaniah Furniture R ... lvod c1ncolletlon of $21000.00 Sp1nllh ind Mocfltwr-Pvmltvro AINewfep.....,llmf!I"-' hclr .............. o. ....... .. ' HAWTHORNE, N.,/(AP)-- Ari airliner wtlb' !'' P.,....- -Id's atrong,.i earthquake R\.vaua. --.;JUI I Dol 11 secondJ long followed. Houn ________ _ "I'm no city man,'1 Eshkol often had said. "I'm a fallah (lumtr)." He wished aloud . to his friends that ·he wanted to leave his busy office and rtWm to the billa he b I d fanned as a Yount man fresh from RlW!a. Items 11 follows: Georgeoua 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separata loose IJiUowa with heavy O.X trim decor IUld m1tclilng chair, 3 _ ma1¢1>1ng oak occasional tables, ~) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chaln swag lampa lboord, missing far II dlys In 1now<0vered mountaiu along the Nevada-California ~. may ncit be found until ~. • search official 81id todsy. The Mineral County Alrlinei OC3 vanished early Feb. 18 while Milmlng 32 1amblinf casino patrons from Haw- thorne to Burbank and Long JlelCh.-, It ~bad A CfeW of. , 1 three. ' -) Snow, wiDd and icy cold Si Dies have · k e p t search planes 119er grounded much of the time. One--time movie· and "It looks like it may be a Broadway singjng star loog time," said Civil Air Pa-John Boles {shown in trol 'Lt. Col . .Louis Del!amon-a 1949 photo) died lea .. "We may not ·tind it ti11 Thursday in Texas of a the sprlng thaws come along." heart attack. He was A pause between winter 68 stonns allowed 25 CAP planes --·--------and seven military aircraft to search the DC3'1 mute ~rs- day. "It looks like we won't be able to do much," said Della- monica. "However, we're planning a mulmum effort again Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting." Bucher ' To Testify Second Time ,Jn ftve )'!lfl , and teVtral aftenbocQ rumbled across Spain, Portugal ud Morocco todly, killing three persons, injuring dozens and aending frightened thousands tnto the ltreets. Jn 8ale, Morocco, two aparl- ment buildings c r u m b I e d under , tbe quake's onslaught ~ ,twp, ~soos were ~illed. ·Another deatb wu reported in· Raba't, Morocco, where 50 penons were treated · for shock. A hall-dozen parked cars were cru&hed beneath the front wall of an o.ld house that collapsed in Lisbon. The city was withou t power or telephone service for 1 5 minutes. Pajama-clad residents fled their homes. 'lbe major quake, the first tn this area in five years, later, just bofon d"""' ltill another tremor shoot the region. Jn Madrid, reakienta worried a bout relatives and frJendJ tn the stricken area bmTied to telepiGnes, Clualnf what "(l'IS described u the worst telephone j am in the city's history. nie qua,ke was felt u far ~way as Madrid and shook virtually every town I n Portugal. 1be tremor was believed centered in the Atlan- tic, near the Azores. But Sonia Maril' Airport, In the Azores, reported it had felt nothing • Thouunda of P9"U1uese an<t tourists Oed llOmes and hoteb, dressed in their pa· jamu, and sat for houri on street bencbu and ,tn cars, fwlR11secoadlrlmor. Ex-managei: Files Plea SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The wealthy former bualneu manager ol the K.lnpton Trio, Frank Werber, has pleaded innocent to a federal in- dictment chariinr him willl conspiracy to fly 58 pounds of marijuana from Mexico t@ his Marin County nome Jast fall . U.S. District Judge Albert C. Wollenberg aet ftfarch 28 for a heiring . on a motion by Werl>er'1 attorney, Dani.ti H. Weinstein, to suppress evidence seized in 1 raid on Werber'1 Mill Valley home. Todu the tiny nation Esh· kol bad led for five yean:, including six days of war in 1117. honored his wish. Mindful of the Arab nalgh- bors who threaten lhe country and who considered Eshkol a mortll ~nemy, ls!'lell _.-tty for the burial wu exception· ally tough. 1111 eoffln was bome on the shbulden of six anny colonels and four police commanders. Hundreds of police watched every street as dawn came over . Jeiuaoltm ud thous; ands ill mcUrners treld<ed Into the city to pay their last' COMPACT The DAILY PILOT hits Y"U fllorl -111 llh •P•tl -•v•'Y d•y •Hut your commu~ify th111 •rrt othor 111w1p•por 1lo"t tho s,..,t Or1111i Co11t. • ln wrought Iron. an 8 piece king lhe muter bedroom suite in pecan ,panelled Joledlternn- ean style with top quality 15 yi. Wll!Tlnty king Blze mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dlnln~ set. etc. WW. ........ ._ J911._ S1ui.M ::~~~~'.~1~.~--........ , ... _ .. $698.00 Any Pl-Can le Pvrch-lnclhiolualty Terms Av1ll1bl1 -N1wCOnM1rs to C1Uf. c...,..;1 ApPrond lmmodi1toly f J 1 JJ F11naittwe At Hwbor Blvd. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mela flllly Evory nlalit 'Ill 9 -,Wod. Sot. & s-'Ill 6. A half dozen CAP planes searebed out of Hawthorne Thursday, but there were no ground parties. "'Mlere were CORONADO (UPI) -Cmdr. no leads. nothing to investi-Lloyd M. Bucher of the UM gate on the ground," said Pueblo will testify 1 llOCOllll Dellamonica. The White Mountains soar time at the Navy Court of In· above 14,000 feet along the quiry into his ship's capture state tine. High elevations by North Korea. ·s· ·I "' • have as much as 20 feet '(If· A court spokesman. said snow. It's feared the airplane. whi(e ·with bl~ trim, may be · Th.ursday the decision to bring buried under the snow. Bucher back to the witness table waS made by the Pue- Biafra Dead Buried in • Marketplace OZU ABAM. Bialra (UP!) -Gravedigtrs turned 1 once-peaceful marketplace in- to a cemetery today for the scores of men. women and children killed by a Nigerian ,jet bomber Wednesday. Authorities said the death toll had soarfd to more than 250 persons, mosUy women and children, from the attack which leveled a church, a clinic and five native stores. UPI reporter George Nhadi accompanied the b u r l a l workers into the shattered town and reported human bodies lay where they had betn blown to bits by fivt;; bombs and were decomposing in the sweltering heat. blo skipper's civilian lawyer, E. Miles Harvey. No date has been set for Bucher's ~d appearance. tt coold come ne:d week, aft· er the court rmishes hearing testimony from 74 Pueblo en.. listed men on their 11 months In a Communist prison. Four more Pueblo crewtne11 were ca11ed to testify tn o~ court today,. 'Mle court went into secret session in the aft- ernoon for four other men . all from the vessel's espionage i unit. - Eleven mo're men testified Thursday raising to 44 t h e number who have told their stories. No reason has been advanc- ed for Harvey's 'decision tti call Bucher back for another roun<I of testimony. tt could be an effort to Ughten Buell· er's case as inucb n po&Sll>le before t'he court !tarts delib- erations. . Among the possible recom· mendations by the five admlr· als ls a court martial for Bucher. JET -;.-· , J ',. ~ • .-<-. · NOISE By Jou Tbil week'• news from Los school chief .. ,.,. "but we Anp]es tells us that a flne might come up with something elementary IChool near Inter-thllt would be about JS feet .ac. national Airport bu been closed h1ah to wan pllcU nay.11 due to U>t noise and danger. * * * -11B Ill, how many Aloog with the IUbject of the <If our schools are under the fli&hts over school!:, we have a Orange County Airport filght former stewan!eos who live! 1t paltem. Hen they ore : New· Newport Rlviel'I, who Wis 111 port Harbor High 5¢ool, eo. about last week's 0 nolslest a~ rona dtl Mar High Scbool, craft of tht week." Heilil · K at~ er Intermedia!e, Seems a fli&bt to Oranre 1ior1<e Enlian, Abraham Lm· County landing from Ille North coin, Bay View Elemen~, at 11:00 a.m. dipped so low I! Corona del. Mar, _Harbor _yiew, it banked over the Vista School Harp<r, iJDdberibi Mmners, thllt tbe children ran to the Monte ~ Newport. New-window to see "what wu hap-~ port H~ts, and Woodllnd. pening." The school's 1111pertn. • 'lllat I I total of filteen teodent coofinn<d the stoey- scbooU -eight ol which 1re -I et •-too •-. .,~ li of th ••! wv e "' ww over our " m uuc.;• ne e runw..., children! * * * Somebody wooden H the ld-Meanwhlle, ''the airport over verti1inf m.tn who wrlta the the ICboof problem" <antlnua Id-and ~ says. to make nen. In Buena Part. "-_. -Gett frN. wf¥re the FAA bu Jaued • you .live," lives iD NeYqlort warning lo pilob flying ""1 ol Beach. Fullerton Airport. See you ne>I 'lllllday. ~ Ben Staf!Oll, Asliatant Super-us a line a< slop by GUI' hood-' = ~~ ~F~; rffi,T,-!r.::' ..:..1: i::! fdea thllt they would lfllll'OVO --In Cooll -· We 11'1 -some kl n d of identification Crom 10:00. o..r phoM ii: marker on the l'90f of each &a.f404 . school), • blrrll• blliOCOI. • . N '· ..... chom>tet puta i""1 !Int 11ain ~llrinl the Value Showdown. . · For not onlv are IJ)&DJ J>O:oular a.tru priced lower for 1969, but 11169 Che.tolet.e sive you more built-in value. Tboee loWfr priced n!Mo include automatic tnlllmiooiom. bic .V8 engilw and power clioc brabo. All J>rioocl • than they were Jut,_, . Tho many now built-in •aha inolucle a tao oteel -~ beam" In ...., ~~'every Caprico.·lmpa~~ Bilc:ayoe and ti--= . :-• &tate, J<lnPw-'. ~ ...... Btcolnrood. And then th-'• our ,_ lock. It Iota you loclt the n-inl n.I and ohift lovor, alone with the icnition, to protect your dfllirable now Cir from undelirableo. (Only Chevy baa .it in our S,eld.) To protect agamst corroeion: an· extra set of fenders uf:e~de the~ fenders. While tbree ed~n coo.ta of touih acrylic lacquer protect ..-m.;/;;t about everythin1 elle: the IUD, tho the rain, the yeus. Bo protect younelt. , Mue"""' ""1 lalOw wbit ,....,. -'tinl (111d not settinc) for,...,. money, ··1)' d and W..0-Ille ll'tlo di!er".n.:'.' clurin1 your Cbnrolet doaler'o Value Showdown. l'llttllll,... .............. l •' I • ,. '1 doubt H fty would con-A1rport OJ.Jt'. uu"1Mllt $ider 1 barrage balloon." the Committee __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=---=======~~ ---____________ .... ______ -'----=-~"-' • l .. " I • • IDAILY PILOT ~~DIAL P~GE J .----------------------------..-::'"""!··· '' I Crucial S·chool Election Ull:e a desperate •wlmmer st:u1gllna to keep i aolnl U11der for the fourth time, Tullio Union SchoOI Diltrlct Is counttng on Ill electorate for a e- ilne Mardi 11. That's the date for an override election tlµ\I will decide a proposed ,1.!IO tu rate. If the electiol\ falls u ~ others have in recent years, the district would revert lo the bulc 8$-cent la.I rate on June 30. . D11tricl ·officials consider the $1.!IO flgur:e a • mini· mum just to bold their own and maintain existing l'n>- grama in the dremaUcally expanding district. Tiley have backing in thu contention from solid cltixani of the dbtrict who have independently studied school li- IWICial needs. Tile district has been operating on ,1.20 tax rate but it's losing ground despite the earlier contenUon of c<imervative element. that maintained thil was au!· ficient. Reserves drained during tho ,1.20 financtn1 are about gone. Teacher recruitment la impossible unW the election outcome is known, although this aliould be a recniitment period. District Supt. Robert Dahlberg bas estimated that ii the override should fail, the district wOuld have to pare it. teaching staff by about 45, despite predicted enrollment increaSe of 600 to 700 youngsters. Classes on already large. 'The m~denl has said that the teacher situ. ation is even now erodjng, Small wonder in an -a~ phere of uncertainty with growing demand for teachers throughout the area and better salaries coming. gled· group of bua .. ," adding: "We said three yean llO·ihey WI!" about,lo"fllll•parl" II la slcnlllcant Illa! Dahlberg has 1\0 ax to Jrind. He Is removln' billllel! from the district June 30, As he phrased It: 'I'm not banking on It-the klda are." The Mis Ilion Vi.Jo Homeowners Association. has backed the override. Other groups .should do the same. . . The electjon is cructal·lo Tuslill Union High Scllool Diltrict's future. A fourth defeat could badly stunt the educational program for • many thousands ' of children. • Vital Ambulance Service Laguna Beach councilmen will be comidering pro- poeals from at least three ambulance firma lo set right a temporary weakness that bas developed In emergen- cy service. The former ambulance contractor-a firm located within Laguna Beach-found bU arrengenient with the city unprofitable. 'lbe firm received. a $200 monthly subsidy for han- dling city emergency calls, but the ambulance service found !Uel! with about $5,000 in 11ncollectable bills for emergency calls in 1968. The in-city 1ervice for Laguna Beach was discontinued. City Officials made artangements for a temporary service from the El Toro area until a new permanent agreement can be made. ' I I • • One byproduct of the inadequa)e funding has been deterioratiqn af ttie .transportation system. The newest bus· la a 1958 model and some have more than 2M,OOO mil .. on them. . Dahlberg bas said he is aShamed of the "rag, tag- Even if it costs more money, the city should make every effort to see that an ambulance ls on call within city limils. ' The minutes· that an ambulan~e siren is howling are pM,,cious, sometimes crucial, for the waiting victim. ' ' ~--~~ VpJaea v a l in Med ical Ed ucation Specialt y: F a mily M.D. By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. graduating 10,000 doctors every year. Most medical ltudenta todaJ came from families with an annual Income Ask any newcomer. whether ~ lives ir. Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Hun· till(foo Beach, Laguna. Beach or •any other Orange County community, bow he fared when be tried lO get a family doctor. MOit likely, be had to call two or three pbyalcianl before be wu ac- cepi.d 11..:e rOIJlhly hall of all generaliJta have closed pr a c ti c e 1 • Alr.,dy overwor\:eel and baruled, they cannot comcieotiously accept any new of at. least $15,fXX>; nearly all. bead for patient.families practice in mote or • affluent com- Actuallr .,.,;.,. 1n ,.....,1 praclice munlliel . But the l!OO" health COl)dillons are in a 'mlnorit liDct molt medk:iJ of ptto blacks and other minorities h I -..... 1 """'!' -'iel -· In ~eel areas undencore the :t;,,f;' J,dr-.;...i.a ~.,_.a !" ~!la, lbe quality of , medical . fields. 1'~ n . =-GP' iip',;' .-~1111111111* U.li. numbmd apeciatllll 7' In al; lodq . there an: no men thu , JO GP"a 1t. NO "ONDD there 11 a current every ., opeclalilla, Al a-consecii-. a)li)eaval In med!col educaUonl M11J11 there an: too many aurgeoru ind tar ~cal ~11 have undertaken eJ· too few family docton who are trained . teDsive curricular revilion to provide to sleet paUenll to specialists ooJy JI . nexJblllly In. wbal each 1tudent lludles. needed. • · · The usumpUon that the gradU>le lhould • be prepared . to handle ony problem no l'ifORE PHYSICIANS are be I n I longer holds, for thoee who 1nteod to graduated than ever before -217 men 1pecialli.e do not need eXJ>OIU:Nl to· all in 1968 than the ,.., be!.... and m ol the couraea reqUlreel in Ibo pasl. more than In llllO, bu\ not neorty enooigh And ln4lead GI a smatterinl o1 lo flll the enormoua de!lcll of· trained everything. Ibo· pileraUal -· deflnlta manpower. By 1m. the 100 or m:n dllll in ~ thole-dllorders for U.S. medical schoolA ah o u Id be ·wl>lcb apecialbed lalenll are nqulred. pl-. the ability to deal e!!ec:tively wltli moot al the other probltms h1I patients brlni to him. IN MANY MEDICAL schools atudents now can elect those couraea that will further their future careers; tn a few the entire senior year is elective. So it ii possible that some graduates may never-have Jet a_ fracture,,.111tured a lacUation, CieMvered a·"baby jor removed &llr a~ -;. just as nilnY, skilled 1pecialista bavt never· P:erf«med !ucb. procod-~ Wavlng·tJ!ldicil ·~ciol. An encotsnpil1'treod bl ~uate Ir'"""' ii the recocnitiGo oC.-jamlly practice ' u the IOlh llllliloltJ> After Jan at·;;;Ji.i'~ ADM ;Aademy Gla-.li~ ~-·the Qproval! ot'. lbi JJ4A•1 'Council' on MedlcaLl!:dufatiaa. 10 that l\t.D.'1 '111' ~can becoml•r recoptied 1peclallats in family medlcf!ie after completing a tllree- year •Pet relldeoc1 and pushlg a compr · ve exaDiinaUon for board certifjcaijon., · . ' . , NEXT JUL'f, Hoag Mmiorlal Hoopital will be&in ·• ol IS piooeer residency p<ograma In family medicine in the U.S., wllh·Dr. --u director, '11ie H .. 1 ->estdoiley will -.be affiliated with UC! Collego·ol Medlclne and cUnlca lhrougboul the county. Sirhan Rejected Gamble LOS ANGELES -The Slate Depart- ment apeciflcally aJ>ll'IY'd an qreemenl retched here Jul weet by which Sirhan Sirhan would change bit plea to "(Ullty .. In ucbange for a 1e11.tence of life im- prlaorunenl. Loi Angelea rn.t. Atty. Evelle Ywnger advised Sec:r<tary ol Slate William Rogers in Washlnlton of t b e 1 e possibilities In the bar1aining between his office and the Sirhan defense staff and received approval from Rogers for the plan. Here is the story. Sirhan, of course, faces a conviction of flr:lt.degree murder ind the gas chamber for the US&1Sina- tion GI Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. He did not plead insanity, but Instead entered • plea ol nol guilty, although be and his attorneys have never denied. ttiat be did the shooting in the Ambassador Hotel here tut June. UNDER CALIFORNIA Jaw, It 11 possi- ble to demonstrate a "dlmlnished capacity" of mind, a sort of mid.station between sanity and insanity, and thus eKape a convldion for murder in the first degree. Finl-dtarte murder con- vicUom -of coune -requirt proof of premodltation. EV<n U convicted of first-<legree murder, slrhln woald then, . under -----Friday, February :18, 1969 Tllo --01 tM Dallt l'ilol ... "' lo iftf""" """ -llloll -"' ,,,,,,,.11ng lllil ......_ra opinlolll and """' ........, n 1o¢C1 of lftl4mt and dofol,_.., b¥ prooldlftg • f"'*" "" Ill< '""'""°" of .. , ....,., oplnloN. mid "' ,,,,_,.,,. tM dtom• wf<>o. polftll of lof~ obi...,,.. and ~ °" lopja of Ill< ... Robert N. Weed, Publbher - California law, undergo a second trial by jury to detennine whether the pmtl!b- ment would be death or life im· prlsonmeot. ODce a jury was aelected and testimony began, Sirhan'• plea al not guilty .....,,. eel a double Importance. II would permit a showing ol -capadly, 11111· g,.ted by h1I aUorney1 In their opeolng · statement, either through drunkenneu or an irrational hatred of hr.el. In addition, it woukl permit him to "tell hia story"; that is, to have h1s moment of worldwide publicity In whicb be could recounl the events of his chlldhood which fonned -allegedly -hia viem. ON THE OTHER hand, a plea of guilty would eliminate the necessity of a lrial. And if · be could receive a guarantee ol Wt lmprisonment in rt:tum, there would be no risk ol death in the gas chamber. Thus, there t..an the kind or" "plea bargalninl'' familiar to mOll criminal lawyers and most dlatrlct attorneys tn which 1 leuer plea ll accepted tn ~­ change for a lighter sentence. Sirhan -In abort -wa1 prepanld to cop a plea. Ilia -· olfered a guilty plea to J1nl,<llaree murder ll they could he -Ibo dealh peoalty would not he ~· Al that point Dlsl. Atty. v......, w'111 to WuhJnlton for aome forelppolley advice and pt I~ JN CONV11118ATION8 with Secretarr RO(en, be wu advised that the Slit< Department -as a l1laiter al U.S. lcnlgn policy -would find the propoeed dtat lCCO!llnble. n Slrban ..... lo pl•sd IJUlllY and receive life lmprllOMlenl, the ream!ng wl!:nt, ft could only have a beneficial l!:ffect as far u the Oette ' and violent Middle East passions wtre -· In lhe first place. Sirhan'• "telling hla otory" would be avoldec!. and the ttory -one of allqed lsradl acllons d1aing the 1M8 Aral>lm'Mll war -was bound to be an infiammatory ..._ ln addlUon, a Paleotiniln Arab 1n .pr11on In the United Slltes . ii fir lea likely to provoke worldwide conflict than the Ame man under aent.ence of death ror months, perhaps yean, or the worldwide story of his execution. ARMED wn'!I iloprJ' appn>vll. Younger returned to Iha ,..... ol Iha trial here and ·-·eel Ibo bar&aln. All that· was neeaed wu the cooaent ol Judge Herbert Walter, To the ulonilhment of both -. lhe Judi• n!luaed. He ins!Jj<d Ibo!' evtn U the plea were changed to rullty he would submit the penally quesllon to the jury. which might sentence Sirhan to death even If the prostCUUon did not uk. for il Sirhan rejected the gamble. And BO the trial proceeds, and the opportunity to defuse at least one dangerous element in the Middle Eut was lost Younger, of course, acrupulously refrained. from using lhe foulgn-polley argwnenla in court, and Judge Walker was entirely unaware of lbe State Department pogiUon. Never hu the RparaUon of powers seemed more aeparate. Dear Gloomy Gus: Jn hor11 parlance, U you're not • mtJdder you'd better stay out of Lquna Beach. -J. L. T. '""" ... _ ,...... ...,.., ~ ..... ... ....,.,, Ill-. .............. '"" .... "' ........ ....., ... Oeltt ,.,.,.. Ill •opv T~AT HIS SW gE A RM'IER AtlD MlN& A CUD~t.'' Two -thirds Bond Vote Faces Test .~-..,.)[~ e"pQrt · ; . . . ~, . j '·-'" 'II: .• '4:1' Should the Ofle-man one-vote principle prevail on ·school bonds as it does in tax and candidate elections in California? The Alhambra City School District i!'I ~ing a court test of this interesting ~r and is uting other school . -ell' r., moral \upport. · ~t issue~ accordinJ !o E.. Maylon Drake-, Alhambra IU~ is wbelber .C.i'll'f or n 1 at'lCliistlwllooat t amendrrMit'ftquiring a'~· ma- jority Yolt.for approval ·iJ ~J- 11 conotifullonaL Does JI fqUare With , ~e 14th Amendment of the u:s. Constitu- tion -equal protection under the law?· ' ... DJµKE, ~ do many ,other .school - · officials 11nd -pareriU:, poin_ta out there" are nume.rous ,tnstancu Wliere-the ·ma-' jbritj' of the e!ectotaJe liaa favored bond luues, only to have them 'fail ~ - d the tw<>lhlnls requlmrlenl. According to the Calllornla Ttachers A>aoclalion (CTA)' ,...arch ·itepartment, for example, during the 1917~ school yesr ooly 45.1 pereent al 115 bond eJec. Uons passed. A big number of election failed (54.9) percent) because . of the ~ requirement Had , tlle re- quirement for voter_ apprvval .t>e-en a sllUpie majorit)', as in tax elections, i8t, or'9'l percent, of the bond jir_.i.. would have passed. DRAKE REPORTS 1th.at if Alhambra decides to make \he court teat, the COii ol the Jegol beltle will l)OI be -by the· -dlltrlct, but by private ooitllde aoun:es,' llOCh u pro.bond parent ·IJ'OUPI, contracton and ardlllect.s, lnlemled In getting the con- atltullonll queatlcin oe!Ued. Draie also reportl that the Alhambra board currenUy ls under great loccal Pe>UUcal pressure to~ forget the whole idea. However, be says, if tbe board decloles to fight. the first step wlll he at the cotmty level. The board will ast the ' Loi Anplea Coun1y Board of SupervlaOn . to .sell boncll recaiUy re- jected by unlnority of Alhambra 'OO!ers. :rhe bonds, while favorid by 11.14 pmenl ol the V-. dido, make ii becauoe ol the 13.'ll per«rrt minority. or COUl\SE, it's expected that the L.A. llipervisors wlU reject the request. The diltrlct will Ulen seek a writ or mandamuS requ~lng them to 1<ll the bonds, hopefully al the appeJltte court level to save time. If this fails, the next step will be the State Supreme Court, then the U.S. Supreme Court, U necessary. Drake point.ii: out that since Caliromia is one of four states in the nation lh1t requires the two-thirds majority, and since 32 other sts.te1 requtrt a bare majority -with the remainder having other rtquirements -the issue should be cleared up. MANY PA.R.ENl'S, too, especially those who have tupported bonds so unaafe schools -Id be made sate for the puplll, wondtr If their children an get· Ufll equal JrOlecUon under the Jaw. Drake notes thlt the one-man ont-wte principle WU uplield by the U.S. Supnome COurt on the realignment of congressional dlltr1cts. "! c1on·1 .,. why this lhouldn 't apply to school bond issues as "ell," he said .. Quotes Grl~ Wllllamaport. Pa. -"When Eskimos -~ they nib ...... . . ' Amuk&M rub fl!llder1." Treading · a . Fine, Delicate Line One reason that parenthood ls the most difficult discipline in the world -far more difficult than any academic discipline -lies in the fine line that parents must draw between what the child la and what they want for the child. Many children are "loved" in the loose and sentimental sense of the word - but at the same 'time the parents want him or force him or expect him lO be 4Wuenl. _And, to the child's nascent mind, their wanting· him to be different means he mu& be WI.acceptable as he II. I Lo ' • .ur ·BE COMES to believe this, and tatei it for granted, then be bu given up as a person•lity in his ow:i right. He becomes eell-le11, and turns into a tbxl of automaton, reacting to parental pressure -and It makes little differenct: if -he reacts with conformity or with rebellion. In either case., he is not an authentic personality, but a blil)d responder to external forces, often for a lifetime. But the parents have a legitimate claim to 0 develop" the child, even a duly to civilize it, to instill values and shape attltudea and correct maUunclions and misapprehensions. Being a parent is being a teacher, only on a deeper level. TIDS IS WHERE the problem and lhe paradox come in. The child desperately needs to be loved for what it is, and yet the parent is continually prodding It to become otber than what it is -lO eat better, to look more j'~,· j attractive, to strive harder, lo meet lhe standards of the !amily and the milieu and the society at large. So that the parents' drive to be aatiafied by . their children is in constant danger of being interpreted as rejection by a child; and Lhe more the parent.'!: bold· to aome object).ve, abstract standard of what a ••aatlsfactory"· child shoulil be, the more the real child lose$ hil own feeling of identity and worth. AT BOTl'OM, the emotional task for the parent is to I~arn how to tread this fine and delicate line between ac- ceptance and change. Someone has said or God that "He is always pleased but never satisfied" with human beings ; and that states the attitude nicely. Children must be made to feel that parents are pleased with them even though they are not 11tWkd with . what the children bave made of themselves. The attit~ of pleasure, of joy, of acceptanCi! or a fresh and uliique personality is mucll rarer among parents than we like to think: most of them have an abstract model of "the child" in their minds and want the real child to resemble the ideal one, usually for reaaons that h11ve more to do with parental vanity than the wellare of the child. Judges Reveal Finances? WASHINGTON -All federal judges, Including the members of the Supreme Coort, should be required to file detailed annual reports of the ir outside incomes and holdings. That's the demand of Rep. H. R. Grosa, R-Iowa, in a bill he introduetd that would make such financial declar .. liODI mandatory. Joining the veteran eccnomy champion in this significant legb:laOon was Rep. ·Durward Hatl, R- Mo., another leading economy advocate. Uoder their far-reaching measure, federal judges would have to submit to the comptroller general copies of their tax returns and statements Ii.sting tht stocks, properties and other holdings owned by them or their wives. TH~E REPORTS would be con- fidential -the same as those now required of members of ·Congtess and certain congresslon.il employes. Like thDM!, the judici.i reports could be er- Rrnined only after the adoption of a resolalion by e.ither the Senate or the House. · In stressing the necessity for this legislation, Gross cited the disclosure last year that Supreme Court Juslict Abe Fort.lls had been paid $15,CKKI to deliver a series of lectures al American University in Washington. Thls came to light durlng lhe hearings or tbe Senate Judiciary Committee on his appointment to succeed Chief JusUce Earl Warren -whk:h wu wtthdrawn after a rtonn ol protesq, .. It Is lol1g past lime," d<clsred G ..... "for legislation of this nature. The piembers of the federal judiciary en, no less thJn mtmbera of Congrtu, public servants holding high trust. My bill ~ \•ides a strong deterrent lo judgea of the United Statu who might be ttmpted, in lt.5 abstnce, lO engage in questionabl e, unelh1cal or even illegal pr11ctices . 1·t At.t NOT ACCUSING any federal Judie al dllhooesty. Bui to anyone who belieVi:S th~t a judse . is automatically removed rrom temptati~ by his eleva- Uon lo the bench, t would recommend that he read the well--documented and 5Cholarly '1be Corrupt Judge'. "I do not want to hear any cries · that ltils legislation will make second- class citizens of federal judges. The American people have righUy demanded that their congressmen be held to an accounting to whlch they are now sub- ject. They have . a right to insist on at least as much from those: who sit in judgment upon them." Failure ol a federal judgt lo submit the required reports would subject hirn lo impeachment by Congross. By Robert S. AlltJI .... J.U A. Goldamttll ,...---B11 Gee,..., ---. Dear George: , I'm a bachelor and have betn quite content httt in my apartment building where the rent I 1 reasonable. Lately, however, J hava a problem. ho young 11dies have moved in doW!I the hall and several Umea now one ,.. .the other hu knocked on my door, someUmu quite lite at night. to borrow 1 cup of sugar. My problem ls Uli1: Do you think It ls proper for them lo do this as we haven1 eYen ~n formally introduced? CONCERNED Dear Concerned : No. it 11 lerMblt etiquette. I'll bet they don't even briOI y(lnr iuprbtck. .,,. • ' ! ' ' •. • In for Fete "GuUdlo 111Ceh" ol An10111o< de Oro'• Sprinf Ball, 1'.bic!\ wlll take ·place Aprll .11.ill the Balboa Bar Club, were honored dllrinl a drop-In pa- tronesa lmJ!'heon rt~,Y in·llie aew Unda Iale holl\8 of Mrs. Betly>Hall. A ~'"' of YellOw tµ!lp1 and daflcdll•, '1arrylng out th•·'.&old . theme, sr.-Ille qrln& season wblch is juat. around the coraer. • Mn. 'Emeal S&ft!i, pa-cbalrmu, welcomed. guesta as .they arrived. TIMI luncheon 'was plailllM.by Mn. Marshall Nled~er, asaisted . by Mrs. ClllfQnl Hakes and Mn: o. W. RI~, . 1 "-~'-' PatiOOeeaes._ the Mmea.'Danl•l G. A!CltlCJl Jr.;Dwllhl _.on, J.C. Axeloon, Harry W. Axerie, Virgil P. Balter; Baldwin M. B8idwln, AI· thur Jobn BalUD, Richard Bertea, ~el Benvenuti, W, Max Bllll'lran~er, George, Bradord, Frank L, Brei, c ,,S.,Brokaw, Stanley S. 8'!frlll, t Dewey Callahan, ~urmond Clarte, E~ Avery Crary, Tllllyer·l'li>pln,~t·. trum C. Coffey Jr., Henry Cole, John Curcl, Jesse W. Cwfu, Andrew f>oa. sett, Richard F: Dwyer and Cbriltlan Ebsen. • Others are the Mmes. Paul Elmquist, E. L. Emett, Everett P. li""' Iey, Frank C. Harrington, Rolla R. Hll}'s Jr., CllHord E. Hughes·.Ft'eder•· Ick M. Hughes, Myford Irvine, ThomU T. Inch, Samuel S . .rack, Wilbur B. Jager, Ward E. Jewell, Emett Jones, Howard B. Lawaon, John B. Law• soo , Jobn B. Lavelle, W. Douglas .I.of .. Lester C. !.<>we, Jobn E. Macnab, ·Harry Joblt March, Warren Maudlin, .w. Phelps •Merlckel, Jolln Robert Meserve, Shirley E. Meserye, Rob<!rt J. Merrili' and pon Metzger. Still others are the Mm~. Alan Mickle, Maurice E. McCray,: Nor· man Nixon, F. Donald Nb:on, WesleyJ.:Nulten, J. HowlandPaddock,J'aul A. Palmer, Harold w. Pearcy, Edw~. A: Raulston, Kenneth Reefsnyderl Harry S. Rinker, Thoma• Felt"'1-Rlley, .Joae Rosan, Bayard Ryder, Ear G. sawyer, George C. Scott, John Howard Sj:ruggs, Walter H. Selbert, E. H. Skinner, Richard Sleele and Muwe!lSturge1. Completing the J,Ist are the Mmes. James F. Simons, Robert C. Suhr, John J. Swigart, Ralph Tanclowsky, BJron Tamutzer Sr., RaymOnd Teck· lenbl>rg, Jobn Stevens Tedord, Glen" W, Thomas, Edward F. Ward Jr., Jollri Wayne, Thomas C. Webster, CrawfordJ E. Westering, Cbarles S. Wheeler, A. James West, Roscoe White, .Elvin K. Wilson, Horace S. Wilson, George Yardley Jr. and George Perkin& Yule. The traditional event .ls given in appreciation ol the financial. sup. port of patronesses. . . Tb.is group is an auxiliary of Orange County Big Brothers , at}d 1t supports Big Brothers in their elforts in Siding fatherless: boys. '.The gplden angels' major ·s·ouree or revenue· is through donauo~ to the Go1d. Book, a souvenir calendar which is given to each guest attending the Sprmg .Ball. . . 'HALOS' GREET GUESTS -Warm ·welcomes. and words of ap. predation were express~ by 'Aiigejitos.: de'..<lro yesterday when they entertained patrooes~eS of their annual Spring Ball: Chatting over cup5 of c<iffee are.l!efi to right) the Mmes. Betty'Hall, hol-. . , . ' , tess; W. Douglas Lee, 1p_atroness; Ernest Saftig, patroness chair~ man, and Thomas C."Webster:, a~ther patroness. . . .. ·: . . JEA!i cox;· 49+9466 .. Educq,tt>r · ·ex:am i nes ::~_. Women Who.,Work ' "What Is a Nice Girl Like You Doing Here ?" is the ~itle of a tall< Dr. S71Via·Tuci:er will give· before L!\&UIHl.cJ.l.i!ach.Brancll, Al/'eri~ · can Association of University Women members and fuests next.~ daynightat8:30. · D~g her appearance in Lagµna Beach H~ School's aud~ t.orium, Dr. Tucker will focus on · the relationship between men and women in employment situations.· , Dr. Tucker received her doctOrate in..education ·from UCLA in 1964 ·and has been working in the field of education at the high school, junior college and university level since she was graduated from the University of Northern Iowa 'll years ago. • She married R. Frank Tucker ln.-1943 and is the moLher oi two .. sons. ·~ ' . ' .. Currently a member of Gov. Rona1d Reagan's Commission on the Status of Women, she recently was direct.or of Project Upward· Bound for the University of California , Riverside, where she served as dean of women from 1964-67. . Or. Tucker presently teaches g'raduate courses in education at UCLA and Claremont College. She serVed .a1 a counselor at Santa Monica City COilege' and Palos Verdes High SChool 'and was dean of girls at Klimath f':llls High School , Oregon. . · According to Mrs. Allan Barnes, publicity chairman, Dr. Tuck·· er Views the status of ,WQIDeQ 0 not 3S 3 battle or the. se'xes, ,; but from a hmnan standpoi.Iit' and flees Women confrOntiiig a ~eries of Problems which must be, o\rercome so men and wOmen rt1ate\to one another as indi~uals rather than as stereotypes. .A business meeting will take place before lhe-progi:am at 7:30 p.m. Invitations have been extended to LaJ!u!la Beech High School coeds: and menibers of sever.al ~ups including South Coast Chapter of AWARE, Lagµna Beach Assistance League and Laguna Beach Woman's ClU.b. Further information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Deruns Denny, program ch.alrman, 499-1738. ' r • _:·~ l'rlUr, ~.......,., a \Ml L , .. 111 Las Madrinas Pickfng · Vintage Grapes · ' The 1vii1.tage served at the wine-tasting party and. IJuffet supper planned by Las l,ladrinas Chaplet, Autlliary of South Coast Community' Hospital will not be .homemade. However the Mmes. Rtcbard ' Dickey, Terry Chastain and Stan Allen Jr. (left to rfght) gel in the ·sPtrlt for the March 2I event on the rtlncb of the Jose Rosans. DAR~ ;Put ,.,,i 'rfmphasis On You-th .. . Patience Wright Chapter, Dauahters of lhe ,American Revolution, will place the emphasis • on youth · durln& their luncbeon and --In the Hotel iitsuna at 12:15 p.m. nm TUelday. Members will focus on education dutjn1 a talk ct•en by Dr. ~rt . !'.•tenon, superiniendent of O r a n 1 • Coonty Schools. tn addttion, the D~'s Goo4 Citizen Award will b • p ....... ted !luripa,IJM! ~ to Laurie .Bird, a· ..ntor at Laguna Bach High 5d1a0!, Mrs. Wllllam D. Bird' Jr., her mother, wU1 be an honored _ chapter pest. ' Tbe award II glyen ....,.,0,. lo a high llCbool ~ c;oed who exblblll qua!Wel ol, de p e nd'ablll ty, ..nt..,. leadership l\ftcl polrtoUsm, ... cording to Mn. Fr<d C. Roa, rirst vice l'f:atnl, who will make the ,pr-.taUon. She said the winner Is ch<il<n by the 1ludenls and facully"°"'lt the high llCbool. A1ao on the agenda is a report fro~a. Albin Wethe, state vice ~ of the ' . ' DAR M"'F."'• who Will ex· etaln the tnmeum's policy aoverning the acceptance of glf .... The meeting will clole wilh a report on the Third Annual Patriots• Di.y Parade which WU C<Hponiofed by the chapte laal Saturday. It's a Shame ... MoneyAlso Qan Buy .Na ,me as Well as Fame . . . . ' . DEAR ANN LANDE~: For years I have been reading in eliquefte boob and most recently in your column, that a widow should be called Mrs. Joe Blow, not Mrs. Mary Bklw. 1 protest in the name of common sense. l live in a city where no one knew my lmsbatld. 'J'tiey tnew rrie as ttie owner of a thriving beauty __ salon. U someone wilnted to canctl or make an appointment after hours, they looked in the phone book for Mary Blow, not my huaband Joe. , · A socially promJnent divorcee or wldQW ha.a lhe privilege of be.Ing knowl'I as Mn. Cbarlotle Fon! Nllh:hoo « Mn. Mary Lasker. But heaven help a wornan if she b 1 nobody. J remember so well whet Alice • ROosevelt Longworth said years ago, "l'm me, not my dead husband's shadow. Please call me· Alice Roosevelt Longy.'orth.;:. And lhey did. -AN· ONYMOUS MRS. . . DEAi\ Miis' l am aot a alave If any OH • etlq._ 1 book. I've Hid ,.~ledly tut pod m .... n are baHd Oo cOocl .-e. u·, widow or dlt•c:ea woold ,.-lo lit! called Mn. •Mary Blow, llW 8Mld oeW. IL ' DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'd like to siy a few words io the wife who decides lo lleep quiet and aaffer in silence rather than break up her marriage with 1 nice but immature husband who indulges in an occasional affair. .. ' .• A·wGDWf,oefd not go completely 1lo piecu . merely ,beca.uae' her hlllband behave..tike a jackass from time to Lime. Many a good man has become victimized by a predatory female aitd doesn't know bow to escape troni. her clutchet. Here are a few rules for a wile who suspecl& ber husband Is having an affair: 0 1 Don' beg ,him lo be fallhful and don't cry or threaten him. Thls sort hUlband lo the chlklren, lo his mother. to your mother, or lo anyooe, for that matter. When be regains bia ianitJ he'll appreciate your loyalty. (5) Mlle Iovt,. not war. ·lleU1<111ber, . , a m ab ha ·onlf so much Nu. Wl\al . ol noise goe1 In one ear llld . out the be upenda .at honte· cMni>I be upended other. • elsewhere. -EDERIENCED· · ' DltUI BXPERIEMcEo', v'--I (%) Be matllft, coJm .and steady. Let 11 -. -and _,ic.i: II'°" him know you havt no lntenUon of 1 nn., .,..... .. mrrJ ft tff~ "-"'u. breaking up your marriage, merely Nol all -an eq9'1 IO lL · becauae"he Inslst.i on acting like a fool. • 3) In I •--in _, "-· · CONFIDENTIAL TO WHY DO THEY ( v le coup~ •accept '!inll=~· DO IT!: Drug -. do II for a varlely Stay in the IOcial swim with fll1lllyl of ,...... -dllappointmen~ Inoecurtly and friends. to gel out of the dumpo, to .eom1>4i (4) Never utter one word qlinst your fallaue, to eacape bcftdom, to remove Inhibitions, lo induce sleop, to feel l>OJ> pier ·and ·a I as, lo expel'lment with . sOmethlng. they hav<1 been ~ -I so they can &ay that they, too, have bad the up<rience. It alctlMllpa a cllleulT 11tw ~ l 1M .-... lftilldt la 'illen o eve? Rud a.. ll:Otklet t1A1c1• Kw ,- lhpe .... 114.n "1 Am I FfJrt. -11...C.lacola-;-.. ..-.. ~ ,.., •&amPfld. l\lf •Mm••• ,.velepe. Aao ......... wtII ........ Wp )'Oil wtll ,... ............ ... to l or 11 c ut II ... DAILY PIWl'I nclodng • stamptd, ' ... t'r 111. e1•elepe. ' .. , • ..... _, . .... .. . I DAll.Y Pll.Ur f'ltdlir, f*-J 28, IM Nuptial Vows Recited In Huntington Beach Sb. Stmoo llllll J u d e CllMllc Oiurdl. ~ Beach WU Ibo ,lllllloc f• lhl double rln( nupllala Jlnklq G«qla Wqant and Dj1m11 Harvey .JaobM. 1be bride, dalllbter ol Mn. llarold i1llnporlh ol -Uaclm Baach. WU lfwn ln -... by her 1lepfalher. Shi -a Ooor lenglh lace --..... lublooed w!lh a -~ ol aelln aad a • train. e.. -1qlh ...ii WU eaqbl fD a fabric bow and no.nn. and Ille cmle4 a cuctdt et white roea. 11Je brtde'I IO"" WU made by her mother, llllll lhe hea<l-11'-by her matnio ol honor, Mn. Dale Mather. tbe brtdt'• alster. . Servlq II brldesmaldl Wlft Mrs. '11lomu 1lllllporlh and Miss Diane Hua. 1be ·~ tendlllls .......... "yellow dolled nlu llllll carried yellow dableS mixed wilh blue Son Francisco Honeymoon MR. AND MRS. DENNIS H. JANlSSE Double Ring Caromony Conference Notes Sorority's Founding Popping Corks Open Little League Benefit Linda Moody · Bride Of 'Darrel Stoskopf Tiny -.. will burst Into home runs for the Huntington Valley Little League following a bene- fit wine-lasting party taking place between 8 and II p.m. In the Mercury Savings and Loan building on Friday, March 7. Sampling some of the vintage • Couple Making Home in Texas Larp baskets « white Brooklyn, was Ibo bridesmaid. IWloll. lllock, allna cm,.an. 'Ibey dcxmed ,eilow emplro wine which will be served during the second annual fw\d-raising event are (left to right) Mrs. Don Jlib. bani, chairman, Mrs. David J. Spaeth and Mrs. David R. Ccwan. :t;;"~ ~~vadorn-e·-~ lull lenglh gowna and held ~ ,.... """" 1wo~ cucadlng .bouquets of .1 Preobylerlan Oiureb In Loog miniature rooes. --Diana Susan Diehl Thomal lmlg of Laguna m:iwnpd wedding pledges Beach wu h1a brother'• best w!lh Rldlilnl Allim Imig. man. Usberiq Ibo 1!0 g.- 'lbe Riv. Hugh D av I d ta lhelr pewa ...,.. Jahn Imlg Burcblm performed lhe al-ol Canoga Plrl; and Wllllam temooo 1JQP11ab far I h • 'Imig ol ,.111m1n, I be daqblfr of Mr. and Mra. 'bridegn>om'• brolhln, - Henry a.an.. Dieb1 o I and LI& Newporl Beech, and lhe "" Followlq a churdt ....,. ol Mr. and Mrs. Jooob Henry tion lhe lrlde'1 P'"'lllS booted Imig of Omaha. I family dinner Ill -home. '!be bride eel<ded a peau '!be ,,.., Mrs. Imig Is a de """ 1own of embroidered Phi Bela Kappa p-eduale ol alenoon lace and beaded Slanford Unlvenlly llllll In peorll w!lh a malcblng train. 1963 WU I Les Fleurelfe A -llOldploce beld her dehulanle o1 Ibo La Canada nd nlllng and she carried Tbureday Club. lier huaband a ca......., bouquel of wblle ls an lllumnua ol Slaoford ~ -·-• , ,_.. M . where be pledged Phi Kappa '™ ~ ~ _,. """'• Psi. lhe bride's lblfr from Santa Sped& ,....ts II Ibo wed- Ba!tora, WU m.a-ri honor ding were Mrs. Hobelt E. and llfra. Wllllam Truman Elmann ol Tan.be-and Lm, --from Mrs. Harry c. Temple ol Omaha. Tbe newlyweda wlD hi mat. lug lhelr lm>e 111 Sa - Anteaters Will Sing ..--MRS. RICHARD ALLAN IMlG , Racl!wa Wodcllng Pl.,... . Dltltlf.R ' WfKH Write to Mad Hatter Uncle Len ;====~~=======­Party Set !iwintln9 P°l•n• l•t 3344 I. C-t Hwy. CdM A Mad Halter party to sweep prospective members oll lhelr feet II being pls!med by Della Bela E p s 11 o o chapler, Bela stima Phi The rus11 party ... m tata place In lhe ilunllogtou Beech -" prealdenl Mrs. Don Shel1nn a!1d Mrs. Kmoelh Sul1<lo, IOCfal chairman, II In c:bari• of .........,..ms. Asdstlng will he Mrs. 1lidlard . Freudenthal and Mn. Richard Sherrod. Ana women wiahlug ta lwn more about lhe cbapter -mKacl Mn. Sherrod. membenhlp cha1rman. IQ. 41C7, « Mra. SuUoa, MT~ Uub 11 I I 11 ••• UCI Ownber SIDI 1r1, --~~--..----,.------­the ·--PAMELA ASHWOOD Future Bride June Rites Scheduled Pamela Aa.hwood, a 1-e aria teacher for El Morro Elementary ISchool, i..._ a-II, will become lhl -ol l!lrine Capt. w-. N. Keefe In Our Lady of ML Carmel Chu rch, atdlnocd, N.J., June 21. lllla ~ daUghter ol )Ir. .., Mra. Harold c. -"' Rldguood, .... ..-ol Cedar Cnll Co1Je1e. AJJeofDwn, Pa., llllll ...-ly II wortlng far her -._ al UCL She ,_ m JJalboa laa1ud. Cap. Keele II offica.ln- -., ol llle radar _,,,. -· U.S. llarllle CGrJ> Air ~.t,.i::: bll dfcrft I o -lea II -Coll ... llld Jo llle am cf ldr. and Jin. ' -l . lteef• ol ....... 11,Mua. clireded by Dr. Maurice Allard. will enterlsln Ibo Balboa Gioup. Orange Couoly Pbllharmoolc Soclely al a meeting 111 lhl Lido Ille home of Mrs. Allio Kllqemmllh nexl Monday. Assoct1ta ID the aroop aod prospective memben bave been lnTiled fD allend lhe monthly h1ncbfoo meeting. Assistinc Mra. lllnpnsmllh wilh --will be lhe Mmes. Clmuct Smith, V l r g I n l 1 Bollman, Jame: Owen, Jack Rool, Jou Visel and Ricbard Miller. Dr. Allard, uslslanl pro- fessor of muslc at t h e university, organized the Irvine Community Chorus last fall and in the past misted Dr. Charles Hlrt at the University of South e r n California. Escondido Destination IAmcbeon In Lawrence Welt'1 Wellimno !mi, -. dido ls Ibo -ol 1-8 1 I ch ~llillll!ICt 1-'1 nCll boil Ir 1 p w-.,. lbrcb 11 '!be bus wfD ielVI Boot CC> ;ion Sllooob>I Center II 9,30 a.m. ml Jw.a..cm b Included In Ibo P"ico ol Uckeb for suo.--hl oblalmd by calllng Mn. Wllllllm e..iwa,, •H ., lbe1-11Gu1e,19Wt77. . Toostmistre1ses Called County Clubs Gather IuWnalionalT- ea ClDbl « CoundJ Sb will PlbOr for I dinner meeting led by Mrs. Oieater Briner. COllllCil -chalrman, al 7' !O p.m. In G"'911brler lull, Garden Grove next Monday. Mrs. C.K. Freucb o I Anabelm, pr<sldenl ol lhe Anaflelm Phllfunlla Club, will lead memben ot Orange O>unly clubl In an llUdlence llU1ldoation -'lblnk Tank On What Makes a Club Program Good. Mn. French Wll I pro- feosiona) radio llClrm In Growth Theme Denver for 11 yean llllll hu had articles published In F G th • severa1 magazines. or a enng Tou1m1sirn. c1 u b,, • .,. Growing Together in Christ cording to Mrs. Fr a n c II: "ill be the theme for the Young, cooncil cllairman, are meeting of Church Women "organizations for w o m e n devoted to the Idea o f United or Laguna Beach at 1eadershJp and gr e a t e r 10 a.m. Frid17, March 7, In ....... 1 · 11-Sl Catherine's C a t h 0 t I c .,... wclpawvn In citlzenstUp ~ .. ~ •·-· Beach through the art of oral ei:· ""•w ... u, --& .. na . pression.,. Ml.a Laura M an e t t a • Council Six. lhe chairman chairman for the day, will explained, provides a mediwn be assisted by Mrs. Jame.s f ___..__ ol u •• _ •-Wgoer and Mrs. JaJnes Shae. or ~u1a11ge IUCIY 111:\"'ten Mrs. Frank lnterlaodi will be Ibo nine club< In on.,. Coon- tbe 80loisl tyCaunty women are invited 'nl1s year'• Call to Prayer to call Mrs. D om 1 n t c t -written by Mn. Harper Conbinori Aoabebn, 77Hal' SlbJey, fCl'mer national presl· for lnformaUon about area dent. Women Imm Africa clubl or reservalioM for the .-11ie U-, ICJipture and meeting. Feb. 20 to Mu. 20 J J n.c Joseph's Ring Shop 1423 So. Coast Hiway liguna Beach. ;,,. 494-5060 ~.,..._ 1i""~;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I .;_~= "!i~ Brld9e Lessons --------------'--! clllallon and healing 1n 111e ~.:-:.=.~-:. The DAILY PILOT na1kn at a time of urblJ1 • •• c:--•1• crilll and ecumenlcal mlnlsfry :':-~ ~~ o11111ero11g1ous -t 1n vtet-.... •-w•--'Stdeks it to You' HIUN ClllD-MJJ441 IW!I. "-~~~....;....;;.;...1 I::_-_________ _ I:, .. I ------11----- ,, I ' . ,/ I --- •hor .... ' N.~ .. l••~t'~ • .EDl·TION ,. .. L ' .VOL. 62, NO. 51, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PA&iS; .1 --~ - ' ' ·Ike Develops Pneumonia Former Pr~sident Weak, Say Doctors WASHINGTON (AP) -Fonntr Presi- dent DW!ghj D. Ellenbower, llrullllnfl to recover from a aeries " hw:t.~lts anil bllb-rkk 1111181'1 IUI s~. ha• developed peeumonla, Anny doctora reporteil today; . A moi'ning bulletin from Walter Reed Army Hoapltal aald the 71-year.-old general "la generally weaker this morn- ing, . but is cooperative and det.ermined to overcome t1liJ latest compllcatlon." But It added: "It ia too early to determine how he will respond to treat- ment" tt said be spent a resUess night. EiaenhoWer, at Ille hospital since last Po~e Probe April altar lllllerinl a MRt allack In remained steble.'' Cllllornll, 1llldmfenl abdomlnal 1111!'1'1"1 The vital ai1J11 refer lo auch tllings Sllnday altar clodon laiiid an lntatlnal u blood prU1ure, puilt and --obstrucUoa that thfeltened blJ •Ufe, -rate. ffC!lpl.Uii bUnetinl lll'llfr W:. weet 1 Obaerven felt 'l'hw:ldaY'• bulletin caUld attention to the former preilident'1 seemed more guarded 111 It repmted ,.....,.., lncludlnji a ltalemenl Tueadlly Elsenhow,er "conUnu.. 11tllfactory oon- d..criblhg bia reeoverr .. "llil!e . abort siderlng bll •••• post medical history ot rerdai'kAble•• and aaylng Eiaenhower ancl the . fact that he la ""1UU 1n the had progreaaed to -the point where be cr!Ueal postoperaUve period." felt wen enough to rud. That was tht Wt bulletin until tod&J'• Doctoi'!I' report. remained encouraging whJch said the general "experienced Wednt!lday, 1ayi,ng hl1 "post.operative some respiratory difficulty during the course ba1 followed the erpect.ed pat-night which i11 due to pneumonia whk:b tern" and ·repcrUnc hie "vital aigns have has developed in the rlgbt luo& bale," S<>;uthlnnd Brae~s A-gain . ' uRRIER DESIGNED To ~o~TROL oc1AN w1LL LEAKS Youth's D~th 5'."'I Pl•!n w ... w ·-.i,. 1• FM! """ Ar~ ~·11 ' . . ·-'< A$· New . Sto'rm Moves in ' • · ·: · -••. ·_·,!j'.: ;-~-" In ·Newport _. ir . ,:... , , t1>· , ..... · .,. .: .. , ~ 'f. ~~i; •• :;.-.. ,:·., Bi·n d .Ar•QD o . ·.·1· ~ l..ry .'f. ~ ~Ill Jn ~ earl¥, .. a!~".:1~°'~~~ ·:": .. ~~':r:r .. ~-== • "' . • " ' . " • ' . 209. ..... d•-ecl lllll ntomlJtl'....... ~ -~ .tfle H for' I i~ illl"il ·~ ill ~ ....... bal . ..,_ p.,,Ei.0,s'"PHEuMoNI~' -,~, ....... , 11Undeck;'J.1iiwtmNewport'6~ nli#•.lllorm· tod_,.,:\as ... bi '!be •vta·ffl{;~en cl~ lbral·te t1t1 Newport Man ZerON in on Pollution blppi•~-=t::.:=.i:.::.:m1m.. 11ll!rttec1'llJldlcape anc11ta <brfmlafiil Detective ~ Jtm 'l'bamPIOD ·Aid J> , d11111. ·\ . - ' • , • ~lion Receive$ 117 ,l.()HN ,'I' A!-TDll • Ol•Odr ....... ~ . A circ111M, floatlo( bortlir l!llde OI oteel, wblob woold' -...-·-p!e!elJ elimlnat.d" pollullcJa lroln the Santa :Barbara oil well leab,.ls bein& patented by a Newport Beadt man. 1 Eugene Greenwood Sr., 41, who mates · bia living designing ollsbori drlJlfng equipment used In ID percent Of Calllornla's offshore'riil, toda.Y ~.land bis ~· lot lbe lloalinr lllirtir. A pat.Ill for Ille Idea k J)endhla,-Aid Greenwood it 411 Pt"8p<CI 81. 'lbe apparatus, whicb .invotva curved 1ted plates with'• f1oat auached, would conlaln Ille flow of even 11r...-allca than thole lhal have aurt1ed up -offshore wells' In Iba Sinla Barbara Channel >.> described by Greenwood, Ille bar· rim, usembled in a IOt te· 1,o8Noot.. dlame&er ring around a Jatinc well, · would measure up to 10 feel high with two thirds of the sheet subinerged. 'I11e section above.waWr would curve Inward towanl lbe Ira~ oil lo keep the substance from 1plashin& out from * ...... -. . fbo del!ln' colll for Ille enllro rin1 to lie ·-1o ca1aon1 rill!ll m lhe -Doer. Tbi desip w!)Uld allow Ille barrlor to hQld I flow I~ tllDft "1'UW ·than Ille rillJor I~ Iii Santa· Barbara lor five .daJs, Jn eues wbel'* ltOf'mli at ,.. prevenl6d pumplni ,_.. i-::tf,. up Ille lrapped goo wltll spedal ~.to ·Gree.ilwood's plaN, Ille barrtor -be kepi in pla<e -ur i.-;-•·«lllln( platforms !!ti' -opened up and -lo allinr for puup ol boOta' to oervke Ille well.· . ' 'Ille COiis, -blP. teem 1111.U conipmd to ·a. -" Ille p1llform and lbe value GI oil qJnJ beneatll Ille oCean Door, be alld. Cool for ""'*""'loo and lllllallalion would vaey '-'2141,008 lo 12 million depe,ndiq o0 lbe·~r'1 1lse, Ille depth of the w• and accessories required, llJCb .u warnirw ·lilhl hookups, foghorns and· machinery !or sacking ollt Ille !rap- ped oil, Greenwood said. Santa Barbara Oil Slick ' l lnereases ,After Stowing; SANTA BARBARA (AP) -All oil the Clllnl. ol Ille oecond 'Will ·al 1111 Jw In -Ille Santa ~blra Chann<l Jn. feet. , • creued today aner slowing lo a trickle A Union apcttuman llid the ltd'lllly u... ...,._,;., for 'I. lime frolil aalllrll Tlnrraday. -...... A spote.mwi for Union Oil Co. Iii<! -· ·' Ille lru "" "flowing about llle It l'eor -alo Ibo . finl 'Wiii blelf wu Tuesday" wben a IOOOllCI well began oat and · aquritod ·l!;llt pna' GI Gil •Jl'll'llnl oil Into a e.iure .,.ed by a "1 .... .., ~ lll6.,.. the blowout of another well four nus A resktaal ftDlr w1' a J·at lnc:rtu!d . ~ 110. , ~1 when • · _.. well C11 th• On Tueeday, Union ...Wd not e<llmate • oltiilaro tlrllJbls pfillclnn, beiliir f>ampes file lncreued flow, but WI ft -lo relieve·~ ..,. aubterr-oil •greater than" a 2,000 1o •.ilo-tailon+ r.nliiUcill;ailo'c!Cv~a.Jeat. day residual leak I.bit had contlnufd "trtwa workl'n; tn>rii ' the Union ·on ' 1inct the first well that blew out was .. plaUQl'lD Were driDinl .a...up a concrete capped. ~ PIUI In orW to -p ~ compouncta The leak slowed IJld sev~al .-.,, and ·~ i... • bolloa>-GI Ille Aid ii slopped 'l!iupdlf,' ~ -0 l .. ~alt ola ...0, · • } . mud and cement """' ~ -.id '..;w'~--·Jl lloir,.....,111 "61\. Oil Imo • arlifaal Jell, whldl once 1ormoc1·., .._u. allck over the -WU,tijiiilfod',• mllel IOlllb of sa. ............ WfD "llopn Slate -behrteo Xallia ind SUbt llonlcl. ne,c:--11Jo1.o11 wu -wJUt .sf In I lfY-1\t otreldl Of <Wllit.S-Lol Anpla CoanlJ . • , · •\we're Jn. trouble 11 •ir.enm ~· ._ •,.., Sirh_ a. n Lawy~rs •pli;, .. ""'ll'led ... 0~ ~· • veellgaUon indicated I tenteUYe ldenllty Nowhere In .Ille Nie ho•• Dve .• ~Fro.......,De ·Ga~ 11-" Ille· victim, but it bas yet lo be proper11.,. been spared, but 1111 'iijilit .....,. ~ ICOrdial W elco.me confirmed, 'Not Sure' How devas1auon ·loday ~ 1n ven1ura ·' ·•' The body, clad In corduroy panla and PAJllS (AP) ..:' Praldenl' lllllii! ..... shoes, was found it 1 e.m. covered County, where wort ~crew1 raced time to p.,U to . a cordial WlllColne ·~. pirtlally with.• car coal it WU undtr Client Will Act ~v!!~ ID eroded SUia Clara Rh>'1" ml 'met more than two ........ a clamp aundeck •1 Ill 23rd St. ' Rain upected tool)' threatens lo mid 0.1'1 de Ganllo· Jn -Iba FNilili -~~~~~ . ~-for quelllnnlng tbtal momlnl aller Iii-·LOS ANGELES (AP) -AUorney1 for a wall GI water bunting tltrouih !h<I cal1id a good bellmlac to .,. ·n;o "1 Ille _, ·""'-' to •-Sirhan Bilhara Slrbae espreued •ppre-weakened eartll barrier and l'¥Jnl ll1D ol·tlle Amori<an llldlr'a loor. . • vtsllgalon al -~ ..... ~ -" ._.. bef ·-•-... •-~-,_, "-.. ·• ••-1m•" nam.....t dtr of ..... overbeard.aCC111v~lheln ;,;~.~be"""=.:g.:~.".';:.~7. ••~.--..., "'"' ~ A:.,._...fortltlrr.d111 ~f5t -~• ~ ai ~.... -"~ ""' ~..... nard. , 1 •L~ .h-n-•--aald ·~ "-~ _,ana · a,.._. wh<atbe·W.,.tJle ,wib>OllllaDd., "lllooks .badf'·,lll!fA.P.S\ofllll;Ven' a .,. . ..,_ r~. -,- He •id . boclJ bad <fellnlti,ly been "Ile jllll doli'l lmow bow he'll relCI," tura Coan!y odlrei:loi' ot ·pobllc wirb, ~/:l' houri and It ~ ...... mo\led to the Wded area under the sald·RµuellE.Panom,oneoftbethree as emer1~ plllll were Preued to 11fr8$:.iid~!·~" ·~ ,._, •lllldeck Imo I. polnl DWbY. def..,. ojlomeyl. "We doli't want to evacuate 211,illll perlOlll, ~ GI tltl •":lllU' ta-a .. poc1;•1i!i-., *""• Sports . Car Hits Newport Boy, ll An 11-year-old Newport Beach boy playing Jn a croawalk on Dovet Drift suffered. ~ injuries Tbunday eveit- lng wben a sports car blt hbn. Police Aid Pu O.vld Broodslreet, -Conunodcn Road, ---and neck Injuries In Ille 1:11 p.m. iecldent. lie Ira lilted In oerioua C<llldltlon In ~ ll<morial llolpltal'• lnfllllf"' care Unit tlila lllOl'lilnl, . Tfie/ acddenl oCcurrad al Dover Drive 10t,.. equtll <I ltvtno:A"""'·. " WI-lofd poflce · they 11w tlie bof ind I filOnd runnli>i In IDd oul Ol Ille crooowalk In Ille darknell, then heard ..... atlil. The driver of the auto, Cordon GU, 41, GI. JIO Waverly Drive, Nowpcrt Beach, ..U DOI cited, pollce uld. tab a -cbuce on him blowing on the residents. · ~.:....~.will._...,,, •• ~ 1tand.'' """"Ill~~ ----r,-Tbe rotJDd.;the.clock. battle conUnued l'OWj," bl.fldded. , · 1 ""i Whh Ille pl'Olecutlon needing but a today In Ontqe CoUnly, meenw)llle, to · ?lwe·wu·oo•lndlliatlm GI-.,.; Jillie Ume to wind up ltll case agalmt conlain the nmpqiac wlterl ot Santiago jec;tl· tlie riro cblifa ol.: atm. dliiC z t tlje 24-year-<ild Jordanian, charged with Creek, slaabln1 I wldenlnc IClr lbnluch· l'ieeideol N--Jn bJa -... murdering Sen. llof>ert F. Kennedy, Sir· SUia Ana. , c!rm'tllal be bad """° ... --ha~'s lawyen 1t!U bad no! decided on Marin,., off-duty Loa Allgelea firemen ii, Gaulle'• belp . Jn ll!orta to ''~ their opth1ng witnes!I. , and colle1e and hJgh achool students a new 1e111e of Western purpoee" and On the lbt were the defendant' a 55-labored to dump old auto bodies and to seek a ujust and lasting peace'.., y......,Jd mofher, Mary, and h~ broth· saadbags along Ille crumblinl _, He bad urged tllal old quarrels be fcqot. ::'ell A:'1boy~~ :e':· l~ ~orU:.~ offerings to the raveno\11 river. ' ten in the search for a better future. Zild Ashimf.h of Chicago, and a man Homes ·In the 9GO and llOO block of De Gaulle long bu been I balkr. deScrlbed u be1:.1tll the United Na-West River· Lane and the UllO block elly of Ille United States._ lions, Sar-N • of Riviera Drive totter cm Ille brink. Tbere wu llltle sign ol boellllly llDOO( · U ·• o1 ,,_ k lle tl>e crowds --Ille U.S. cbJef Sirhan baa Al ~ and atten v.,y . ~.., cree swn n bY overllaw walera -·• to tbJa "OI>' GI Upt.• Tiie moot GI the time dUrlnl 1he bi'1. ,_ ltoti! Villa Park llm!>. . o¢Pourlnc wu'ilot muatve, 11111 It waa In Ill eiptli -~ but on· e1ec111.., ha• Marine . Corps bellci>pler pllbta are ... ,.,,.., .. warm lo tbe American VlaltorJ riaen In ancer aDd tried lo Interrupt flying In all Ille old car bodies SUta -..,.-y,. ' · · · · · . · ' ~ v. Walbr warned hlin Ana authorities.can ..,y, but Ille IUPPIJ .. Jn · ~. W-ay <that he woOld ia rapidly cllmlolshlng, Or .... be brauibt lnto court in • restrain~. Two ~wlmmlng pools And portkm or jacket if Meaaary. · two luxury bou3U have already teetered Tiie state wound up lta case Wednes-llld lhen dropped crublng Into tho roar· da "to all ln(enta and purpoees" bul Ing flood and a '!COi'• of borne! .bax• · ai~ ft ·would nat rest until a few more bee"n. ·evacuated'. Items were tntrod.ced 1nto co u r t Patrolllfti police offleer1 an usigned reeordl. · lo guard agaill!lt looters. Weadaer We 'll aet tllal loog-fwed nin lonllht, but the -, pro-It'll clesr up Satunll1 ·Sex Class Triggers· Furor . :. apd keep', cllni over the· -.;Jeek.m. I w1111 • tm'p<nlOta i-a to • alone Ille .-. INSIDE TODAY Once CIQCrift ;_ for the ISA ( mo. -Dim<rland ""' h""°" td countv dfimt.I ond grovpa wM haw, ' doM· nrvict llbON l and' f>cvond th1 cnU of dutp, Page P. ' . ' , .... , .. -• 1 DAILY PILOT N ' ... Floating ~·.:.Jun . . - Still ••• Ill By JOHN VALTERZA Of ._ 0.ltJ Pl .. I Ill" .A • ot finely ~inced flood debris atuddecl • "1th ch~ · ol lumbor and oralli• .fl .Wt piquing vess.U in Ntwport Harbor where an engine of a power cruiser was heavily damaged Soldier Admits AWOL Charge, Not Desertion A nervous, balding Santa Ana GI-the first American serviceman to be tried for d~lon from Vietnam-entered a sur~ prise 111!11.Y plea today to a simple AWOL charp. ~pec/4 Edwin C. Ame\t, 30, asked !or a trial on the more serious charge of desertion with intent to shirk important duty, however, when the court-martial board at Ft. Dix, N.J., rejected the lesser plea. Being ea..t without leav. (AWOL) could brin8: a maximum of one year In the stockade, wbl1e the stiffer desertion charge may yet bring a five year fed- eral priaon tmn fOl' ArnetL uy es sir... Arnett answered eight times today when asked by Law Officer !t..i ~ = ,J-J:1tw~LU~ly-= 'Ille of!lc#.~ II .Jn effec~11~•a ju~ out thal I cl p17• chlllrflt Cll1 the list of PotentW proaecu· tlm Wl1neu<s baa featlfled the AWOL plea _,,, ll)conslltent. · 'Ille dill""""" In the two degreea of abHDCe o!f.-la that ~on Im· pl!• ~anent action, while AWOL chargel-mean the delendaol planned to relur)I to hfl unit aometlme. .. ' .. Harbor by the muck Thursday. Harbor Ol~ltic\ patrolmen notJced smoke-comJ,ng frorp tbe 80.foot. crulHr "LJttle G" ln the afl.emOOft out&ide tbe harbot entrance. . , The boat's owner, Edward Goldstein of Los Angeles, said floating junk plugged the exhaust of the $175,000 vessel and caused a fire in the engine room. It resulted in several hundred dollars in damag~ to the motor. The boat's bullt·in fire extinguishers put the fire out quici1y. 'nlere were no injuriu. Harbormaster Al Oberg exprused con· cem about more such mishaps, Including the possibility or damage to the depart• ment craft which are waging an arduous battle agalnat the juDI<. The tiny bill ol debris cannot be stopped from enterinJI boat eeglnea by !landard grates covering underwate.r engine intakes, harbor official& aaid. Sue· lion from boat engines can ~w the plant 11)&terlaqn~ the motor, clogging cooling l)'llemL • 0 1 don't knew bow Jong oar boats can operate tn thls junk. So much of lt is 10 minced up it can easily fouJ an engine," Oberg said. Th.:i material is being scattered by tides and winds, which are shoving it into congeated dock.Ing areas. The water tn the open channels ls relatively free or the junk. But Jn the boa.t slip areas the problem still is serious. A net apparatus built 'lburaday with chlcken wire and floats "is working out fine,. but we sure C()uJd use a larger one," a harbor department apokesman said. The net ls being dragged through the debrill anu by two boatll. The collected junk is brought to departfhent docU for rt:moval. · · Crews are working an day long 1awing up huge timbers and loge stUI fioating into the_ bay from fiood runoff into Upper Newport Bay. DAILY PILDT 11111 f'"*1't CREWMEN PREPARE CRAFT FOR DEBRIS DRAG Junk In "'ewport Harbor Endangering Boats ·-~ . ::::;;;:;:::::;..: - Balboa. Club Lease Fees Set Record • . The Balboa Bay C_lub JiU ilflned Over to the city ol Newport Be~ch a r~ total or lt21,W In leole lees for I~ . tt ,w• ~ today. the city it ...,,., ot the U.acre property m whicb ~club mnda. The city's taie was up $30,000 from the previous year. Richard Stevena:, club vice-president, noted that the new lease payment rep- resthts a lOI> percent boon )n the last five years. He a.lao said that during . the same period, the chfh's aMual pr_operty tu:es have climbed from f50,000 to i1so,ooo •. DAILY PILOT,. .... W JtM Vllttn:a Stevens explained that the increi'Ha Jn total munlc.lpal revenue were madt poosible tbroulh the club's 110 mlllton · investment 1n club facilities. ' Death in Newport Coroner's depuiles lift body of youth Into van in N:BWPOit Beach waterfront ·district. Police specu- lated unidentified victim, about 20, may have died > from drug overdose. Body was discovered this moming"under sundeck. Autopsy was set this after- noon to ccnfiim cause of death. (Story on Page!), Murder Attempt Suspect Sought In Orange County , By ARTHUR JI. VINSEL or tlM DlllY Plitt lt•lt A manhunt :spread throughout Orange County today for a man who police allege shot his former boss Tburlday , night when the victim c.ime out to ask why he was loitering at the ·Coata Mesa bakery where he had worked. The :suspect is identified aa Eugene Smith, 28, a Santa Ana area resident who officers assert fled from the acene on foot and is still at large today. William Cronacher, 53, owner of the German Home Bakery, 134 Commercial Way, was shot in the left elbow, but ts reported in satisfactory condition today at Hoag MemorlaJ Hospital. 1'1e victim, of 20I Albert Place, Cost.a Mesa, underwent surgery for a .32 caliber County Battles $200,000 Flood Threat From Pit While refugees poured from Orange County's mountain areas and horn~~ were being threatened and washed into raging Santiago Cree.It,. supervisors Thursday found themselves battling another flood threat at a co.!t estimated at ·$200,000. Threatened wert up to 200 homes north and west of the n1Jle.Jong Burris Sand Pit east of Anahei m. Levees and dik es containing a series or lakes inside the pit ar-e eroding. The pits are along the Santa Ana River from Ball Road to South Street. Pumpig.g ls being carried oul bl1!' or· fi cials see real .anger of ero~ion 'of the west wall unless,pumping is lncrea~ed. Floyd McLellan, Orange. County dlrec- ,' ,.., I . ' tor of building and safety, said today · that officials are concerrw!:l"~tb.~-"8 • strength or the ,. .. t ' bjtnk ,\ii thll ~ Ana River through which wiJ!er h., !*n seeping into the gra•el pits. 1 . • .., The county toot over the water pmn. ping and' seepage rt pair operation Thur• day when Jbe operator of the' sand pits appealed for help, &aying they were running out of ~oney. The Burris Sand Pit Co. had b e·e n carrying on the pumpin& a n d repairs since the Januarf floods. . Al th! same time ·they took over the pumping, the supeniJon declartd the Burris operation "a public nuJaance" thereby laying groundll for assessing the ' firm for the cost. bullet wound Thursday night after the . .., 8:15 p,m. shooting. flro11& ' r:age l Pollce were sent to the bakery Thur~ day nl8ht after~~ •Qonymous telephone . RQ.A~yTnED ON SEX , , , ,,,11po1er,.._if11<1som..-,~~'~\ol!O~ ,,.,Jlf,,, ~ · "~- then hung up. mefnbers there wou ~an o&now had \Vithdrawn Uleir dauahters from sex · Pfflcer Bob Arnold arrived on lhe crowd for the hearing next 1\j~1y education classes· \Yere vety emotional, scene a n d found Cronacher wounded, night and suggested the other ~ees One or the chief cornplaints was. .that but he was able to tell what happened, "d , · ........__ 1 h , 'ifected sex education scr.n1i; to have spilled according JACosta Mesa Police Detecli\'e . on t Cllll' about .~'f."U~ e w 0. . over into other classes and c;i.s ual .ctJt'cnt Capt. E'1.0l~gow. us to-office."-., .• ~<: , '. discussion: · The dette\lve .. bureau chlef said ~e hearing Will be: held ~the ·.County 1'-frs. Kathryn ~ooers 'said the rialional Cronacher identified lhe attempted S~ls bfnce board room which aeats P'TA is in favor of sex e:iucat'on 1vitr.011t murder SUIJ>!cl as Smith, an employe at the~ most. ahfxn '1!)0.: 'Speaker will morals or "raw sex.'' Mr!!. Ruth John!!ton who had woc;ted for hJln until a· al>Oft · be Dr. Melvin Arichell. tos Angeles said her daughter had nightmares about tlme ago. J ·-: physician who is, a Well kftown critic sex change operation!. Mrs. Raymond He said today there was no known of sex education. Burns saio students observed guinea p)gs malice or df'S;pute ·between the former The night meeting Is a departure for ma Ung in science class. employer and employe over wages or the board, but Rallison 1aid that is The coonty school board got into sex circumstancd of the separ4Uon but that the only Ume Ancbell can speak. , · education study at the request of Smith showed up at the bakery for some Two weeks ago Anaheim Schools Supt. Rallison, a member of the.Jo~n Birch reason Thunday. Paul Cook described his district's sex Society who recenlly !ileered the board Cronacher told investigators he w:-.s educaUon program. The second hearing into a posiUon it later rejected on· ban- about to close up when he wen~ outstde at wh1qi mem~rs of the publlC were ning the John Hersey book "Hiroshima." the buildlng, saw the suspect, and asked invited to speak was held Thursday. Board President Mitchell , who sup- what he wanted. Seven J:Dotbets 'and the Rev. James ported Rallison for awhile in that £1gi11, One witness told · police of hearing Gamer, Who ~d sex educaU~. has conc~:d piuractay the county board has the sounds of a violent argument no moral base, $poke In oppos11Jcn tc no Jurllidiction over teaching of sex however, followed by one pistol blast. ' the sex education programs. 411· but education by local school boards. . Detective Gerry Thompson was as.sign. one lived within the Anaheim ¥hool "We'll have this one more hearing ed to the attempted murder case, but district and most of· thtm. attacked Supt. ~n.~ that ~ill ,,have to be the end of we oot for investigation and could r::i>t Cook. 1t, be wd. It is a matter of local be contacted. Several .of the mothers who said they contro).'t City offldala are currently studying a tease ertenslon proposal from the club. The prE!l'ldtt lease expires in about 30 yeen. The club wants (o e.1tend it for another 20, offering to pay· the city a larger percentage ol gross sale.s in e.1· change • flrom Pqe 1 DRILLING ... state and federal level to obtain greater controls over lhe oil industry. "And we want the convocation to take . place in Santa Barbara so all those attending can take field trips and see the results of the problem." Hurlburt said he and Wheaton were •"Utremely plea~" that tht Land.9 Commission had reacted so swtftly to protests against the Shell Co. permits. ''This sh(llld spur us on, knowing that ~ Jtate is so responsive to our corr cerna." * * * N~wport_ to Host . '• l\tanagers in '70 MONTEREY -Newport Beach today was named the site of the 1970 California League of,CiUes' annual city managers' conference. Newport was selected by the Leaguc'a city managers' division board of direc· tors here after propo!ials were submitted 1 by five Cities. Competing with Newport were Palm .' Springs, Beyerly Hills, Anaheim and Fresno. The conference will · be held Feb. 25·27 next year at the Newporter Inn, Rotary Donates Trees to Schools Tiro thousand trees will be donaltd . to Ne\\·port-Mesa elementary schools on Arbor Day by the Balboa-Newport \l"tary · Club. It was announced today. , Graham E d e l b I u t e, Rotary Club , spokesman, said the project is be.Ing co-sponsored by Hines Nursery, in Irvine, v•here Rotarlan1 will pot-the trees Satur· day. They will be dislrihuted March !I to • some 25 local schools. The students themselves will then plant the •.. _s, wbich , are "golden fragran~" pittospor- ums. small evergreens with blnssl\m~. 2 • :Jetrua"';f ·s,,eciai\. Countian Dies in War Pvt. Norman M. Hannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Harmon, 1316 South Peckham St., Fullerton, died this week as a result of hostile action in Vietnam, the U.S. Defense Depl announced today. DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS OAl lY PILOT Lueky-or Not? 'Truly •n out1t1ndin g ch •ir . ' ' value, fNturin9 1wiv9' or c•1t•r b11e. Al10 •veileble with • cu1tom 1wivel .c11ta( l:.11•, at • 1litftt edditionel cherge. Th••• chain must ) \lltt Preildtnl 1111111•• l'11vll l!dilOr Tli 1 ... 1t A. M ~1,lli11 .~•-'"• '"llOt Jir•""' F. C1llin• '•ul Ni1un 14"w-1 lttoell A<f••rlil">t (11'1' f;,liot Oir"<;!\,f N.wp•tt hecll Office l211 W11t l1lb11 l oulew•ul' M1i~111 M~•IUl ,,0, ••i 1171, ,1,,, 0--(IOll ~··; Ull Wnl ••w Sitt•' L..,... l,c1Cfil: JIJ f-tl A"'"UI H\ll'lfllltlM ... tu-, 3't SI" S""fi • \ • Lagunans' Home Crushed by Mud By RICHARD P. NAIL Of tlll DllfJ •• .., ..... ''J"ll never' touch a hammer ••• I don't wanl to :see a hammer or a 1aw again." This was the reaction today or 'Vin- ston Blevins who was sleeping in the hillside Laguna Beach home he had built when a mud avalanche pushed in the wall nearly suffoca.tin& him and his y,i_fe. BleYlno, m 1'wellyn Lane, c:rodlll his .,-ear-old son. Remlow, with 11Ying them both from an imtant muddy grave. Hia wU"e. Susan. was treated for a badly cut foot. Mrs. Blevins is the dallibter or Ion(· lim• Lqun& newspaper colwnnlll and cartooniat Rem.low Harris, ...-bo lives nearby.' When lhe wall of mud dttctnded at 2:30 a.m. Monday, the 1enlor Blevins were ulttp and their son. unable to aleep. wu ln the livtna room. The Blevins were awabned by thtlr IOll'I shriek. A bou.ldtr a third u laJ1e u the llvlnl room craabed th""'lh the kltcllen, dlnetle and livlDC room where It bit the bl1 b.py rrllld piano and earned n tl>""'lh a wall. Suddenly the !amlly w~ ...,..ued In , mud. Blevins, a tall man. said ll wu up to his neck. He was helpless-a moment o! awful pan!<. His son caught Winston Blevins' hand and Blevins in tum caught hill wtfe's hand and they Ooundered, and dragged each other lo the front door through the dark rooms. Blevins said his son wilh the help of neighbor Orville Clay then rescued "their 78-year~ld uncle, Sig Nyholni. He had a small residence 30 feet to the rear. It . ~d been ~ against the big house tiy tho mtid and he w11 tnpped. In ll)ock. i ' . • "The mud was pouring In all over, bi aoother mlnute it would have gotten hlm," said Blevins. Gone was ·Sf0,000 worth of poaealOlll and house that Blevlns had built, rebuU& MK1 enlarred over the y~ yean. The two-sfory !our bedroom house wu destroyed. Burled under a mounta,n of muck were the arcumulatlon of a family's yeani together, the orlent'al• rugs, Rem· low'• paintings, the piano, the furniture. Ble\•IN, a Jand.sC'ape gardener, said thtre wu no insurance to cover the Jou. Ril hope now is some type ol dllasttr Ullstanco to help •<quire another horn<. But ii ""°'t be in "l'PU Canyoo Acrea Drive cr Lewei!Jn l.ane. Blt'flnl baa de-e!~ "11'1 a wry dlngetGUI place to live.' be •••n to •ppr1ci1te th1ir unu1u1I etyling end terrific comfort. Your cholcl of 1 wide 11l•ction of quality fabrics, 1mo1 rtly 1tylo1d to enth1nc1 an y hom 1. COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOii: HENRIDON-DUXIL-Hlll)TAOI . : 90 DAYS NO tNTEREST-LONOIR TlllMS AVAILAll:I ON APPROVED CRIDIT ' NIWiioltT IEACH 17'27 WMlcllff Dr., '42-2050 OfllN NIDAY "nL. t INTERIORS Proteulonal Interior 0..1..,. .. Avallablo-All>-HSID LAGUNA llACH M5 Horth '-ttwy. Oflll ..... , 'flL t ..._, ............... ~ .... llU I 494-6551 • . l I • . l I • ' • I • . - DA!LYPUr $ . Firm trader '.DCht Seprity Israel Buries Its :Premier. Berlin Election Site BERLIN (AP) -U.,or Klaua Schueb ..Jd Joday thsl the electkln of. W • It Gennany'1 new president :wm lake place In West Ber!IJI on March 5 u planned. Schuetz told a news ca&- Cerence lhe adamant aland taken by the Eut Germana toward negoUaUons with his government made further con- tact irnJ>Cl")ble. The East Gennau bad in- dlcited they would issue puses (or West BerilDera to visit friends and nlaUve.s in Eut Berlin U Easter U the election wu a:ioved from Airliner 'Hunt Futile Till Spring·? ' HAWTBORNE, Nev. CAP~' -llut tbe Wat Germ•{' .., • .._.Aid ll would chaofl _'!"1votblg Mly U the Eut u.inaN 1ave much ..... thao thsl. Tile_., persons! assls- lan~ H<nt Gr-._m<I with Eut German -Secretary Mlcbael Kohl in West Berlin Wednesd"1' On Thursday, the Eut Gennan"10vern"""'-i<>ld the West Berlin Slmale lbal the izeio<story tallm COllld not continue unlll the el~ w,er, cal1ed off. 1 Grabert made two attempt.a ThursdoJ lo aft'llll(e a secood meetlnc In West Berlin, bul' Wl!I the Kohl Ignored him. llD'face • --Wesl German Chancellor' · Germin1 West Berlin. Kurt Gecrg Klesinger .. 1d oni ~d ~ = ~ lelevlslon Thursday night thst' GennsM bffe no coatnll ow be usumed tbe election would be held in West Berlin u the alrlanes. planned. The So¥letl 1\IO hive m- The Eut Germana and thej nounced troop maneuvers west Russians object to the holdin1· of Berlin nut weet, but ihll of t b e election In West Berllqf aaber rattllnC dld no! !orco becauae it Is a demonstraUom · a chanp:.JA1&be electioo ~· of West Germany's claim ~ Schuetz'• ·*1motmoement wm t he former German capital~ probablY, ~t. oH, new .PFO- ;o •llarus Ille -. the pqlnd.-bluta ·-Eut ' Eait Germans bmad ~ Berlin ml Moocow .thst will members m I be F~I Iner-ln'ln!emily .. er the • "'-nbly, wbkb will elect the -~·nd. ' ' , AIN XAREM, larael (UPI) ,..pec11, bout ltlodt 11 the ~71. -I1rael burl<d Pnmlu Levi Tbrooo -atod I<> tOlal ~O:. ":'1omo ~ Eabkol,Joday In the rollilll llO,liOoliMdtbew;ldea .... cblit-dloplohi 'ol the 1lrooll 'JJM!oon b1l1a be bad llboc1 u a ~.:::..!:"'.::;'0 ~ armed "*-. Jen.llm'I . farmer' an d defende\l as a the ~".:,' fadn( the Kneaet chief ,_,. i.• Y-1111' stU-ao. (par ent). ' 1-. ~ the l!lb-Eahkol's casket, draped In Four lllCJUland cJlpl(arleo pr~ m jaollfk:ation. the nation's liW' ol David from alOUnd the 1Workli In-1llea, the . .,.1ry•1 pnoi- , flq, moved solemnly clown cludJnc U.S. !fealll>.,' UiCa-denl, ZllDiU 1!l!aDr i. JM'Ullllern'• ancient -· tlon and Wellsra Secretary decadeo a dole ~ ol , tlle!!· Clol Into the illlllllY eow> Roben Finch, -lid to Elhtol. r'lloted hll -·• . 1t7Slde. Hellcopten whirled heir brlel -"' Elbkol, Wort as pnlnier au4 pollll- Oftdleld and dOIOlll " 1o1-w11o died w-111 a1 a ctan. 1!l!aDr 1Npl. ' dlen, lhelr submachine ..,.. -i;~~~i;iii;ii~i;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;ii~i;iii;iii;ii~ • cqcli!d •l<>od guard. II' Slowly the cor'lege wound up the elope of M<Mmt Hen! " overlooking the Biblical vii· Powerful EartnqU(lke ·~" ,......,.. lace of Ain Karern. From the top1 the view commands the Medlterraoean to the West. BetbJebem to the IOU.th and the Desd Sea "' die wt. . Aetre•• IU • Actr .. 1 Macy Martin, is suffering from div.er- tiC1111tls, ID ln!A!stlnal d!JOrder, forcing cloo· Hits Sp'fin, Portugal. aenl -•-• rumbl'·· f ing ol the Detroit nm LISBON (UPI) -The world'• ~ earthquake in five yeara IDd ·1tveral altenhoctl rumbled across Spain, Portugal ud Morocco today, Jdlling three persons, irlju.ring dozens and sending .:wui.;a wavt.a '"'A or of her bit ahow 0 1 Do! 15 seconds. Atter..aocu 30 1 Do!" seconds Jong followed."'H~•-~----~ .. -~- later, just befn dawn. .UU '· another tremor shook the region . "I'm no city man," Eshkol <>lteo had said. "I'm a fallab (farmer)." He wilbed a1ou<1 ;o. bll friends that be wsnted to leave his busy office and return "' the b1l1a be b a d farmed e a youna man treth """' Russia. Today the tiny nation Esh- kOI had led (or five years. including six days of war in Illfl. honored hll wilh. Old World Mediterran«zn Span.Uh FUmiture ..._. -llatioft .r $22.QOOAO Spanish and -ll•n'-,,,.-. ... _,,, __ _ •••• , ........... .._Ot...,,. An '1rllner with » penom aboard, mlulng f« 11 days In IDO'tV-COVered mountalna along the Nevada-Califonita..border, rn1,y not be found u'ntll spring, a search official said ~Y· The Mineral County Airlines OC3 vanished early Feb. 11 while ret'urning 32 1ambling casino patrons frofn ' Haw- thorne I<> Burl>ank and Long Beach. It bad a crew of · frightened thousands into the streets. In Madrid, residents worried about relatives and friends in the stricken area hurried to telephones, causing what was described u the worst telephone j a m in the city's history. Ex-manager Files ·Plea Mindful of the Arab neigh- bors who threaten lhe country and who considered Eshkot 1 mortal enemy, tsraell -security (or the burial was ezcepilon- ally tough. lteme. 11 follows: GOOl'l(eoue & It. c:uatom quilted sofa with separate loole I>llloWI with beavy oak trim decor snd malclUn1 cbalr, ! malcblllg oak occasional tab!.., (2) 58" tall decwalor I.amps, banilnl cbaln sw11 I.amps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king alze· m.&1ter bedroom suite In pecan panelled llediterrsn- esn style with top quality U yr. warranty king size mattress & boz sprlnp. Spanish decor dining set. etc. . thtet. I U,.T ......... Snow, wiod and icy cold Slft9et" Dies have k e p t search planes OntHime movie and erounded much ~ the time. "It looks Jike i may be a aroect.way; singing star 1oog time," uld Civil Air Pa-John Boles (shown in 1n11 LI. Col Loojis Dellamon-a 11149 .. photo) . died lea. "We may not find it till ThundAfin Xexas of a the spring thsws come along." beart attack. He was A pause bet'ween winter 68 1tonns allowed %5 CAP planes --·--------and seven military aircraft to !learch the DC3's route 'I1lurs· day. "It t~ks Ute we won't be able to ~o much," said Della- monica. "Howeve.r, we're planning a maximum effort again Saturday and Sunday, weather permitUn .'' A half dozen ~AP planes tean:hed o u t of Hawthorne 'Ibundly, but there were no JrOllDd parties. "There were no lead!, nothing to investi- gate on the ground," said Dellamonica. 1be White Mountains soar above 14,000 fett along the state line. High elevations have as much as 20 feet of ll'IOW. It's feared the airplane. white with bl .. trim, .m>Y be buried under the mow. Biafra Dead Buried in Marketplace OZU ABAM, Biafra (UPI\ -Gravediggers turned a once-peaceful marketplace In· to a cemetery today for the scores of men, women and children killed by. a Nigerian jet bomber Wednesday. Authorities said the death toll had aoartd to more than 250 perlONI, mosUy women and children, from the attack which leveled a church. a clinic and five native stores. UPI reporter George Nhadi accompanied the bar i a l wcrkers into the 9hatttred town and reported human bodies lay where they had been blown to bits by five bombs and were decomposing hl the rweltering heat. Bucher To Te8tif)' Second Time CORONADO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher of the UM Pueblo will testify a secontl: time at the Navy Court ot ln· quiry into his ship's capture by North Korea. A court spokesman said Thursday the dec ision to bring Bucher ·back to the witness table was made by the Pue- blo skipper's civilian lawyer, E. Miles Harvey. No dilte has been sel f o r Bucher's second appearance. Tt could come next week, aft- er the court finis~ hearing testimony from 74 Pueblo en- ~sted men on their 11 months ln a CommuniM. prison. Four m1>re Pueblo crewmen were called to testify in open court today. 'Ille court wtnl Into secret session in the aft· ernoon for four other men. all from the vessel's espionage un it. . Eleven more men testified Thursday raising to 44 th e number who have told their stories:. No reason has been :ad•anc- ed for Harvey's decision to call Bucher back for another roun'd of testimony. It could be an effort to tighten Buch· er's case as much as possible before the court starts delib- erations. Among the possible recoi;n· mendations by the five admir- als is .. "Cwrt 1T1artial for Buchef'. JET -P-, ' 7 ' ~-~· NOISE By Jou Tbll weet'1 news frcm Loe school chief uys, "but we Angeles telll us that 1 fioe might cune up with IOIMthinc eJemeoW'y ochool oear lnte-thst '"'1ld be ahaJI 35 feet mtlonal Airport bu been clooed bigb I<> warn pilots ._." due to the noise and danger. * * * Someone ub us, bow many Along with the subject of the ol our achools are under the Oights over schools, we have a Orange County Airport flight former stewardess who lives at pattern. Here they are : New-Newport Riviera, who tells us port Harbor Hi&h School, Co-about last week's "noisiest air· rona del Mar High School, craft of the week." Heinz K • i • e r lntermedil~, Seems a flight to Oranee Horace Em~, Abraham Lin-County laikfing from the North coin.: Bay VJew Elemen~, at 11:00 a.m. dipped so Jow " Corona d~ Mar, Harbor y iew, it banked over the Vlrta School Harper'.v·t.lndbergh, Manners, that the children ran I<> the Monte • iN. N""'°"' New· Window to Re "wba( WU hap- port H~, and Woodland. penlng. • nie school's superin- That s a total " rut.en tendent confirmed the 11cry.:.. school• -. eight m which are 500 feet Is too low over our 1n direct line of the runw.,-I children! ~ * * * · Somebody wondtn If the ad-Meanwhile, "the airport over vertising man who writes the the school problem" conlinU<S &<I-and lignboord-lhat 1ay1, to mate news. In Buena Park. .. __ -Gell you whero the FAA bu 1asued a stern you Tiff" Jives In NiewioortJ warning I<> pilots flying out m Beach. ' Fullerl<in Airport. . Ste you nul Tuesday. llr<>P Ben Statton, As.sU1tant super-us a line or stop by our heed- lntendent m the D1atrlct, oug-quarters upotaJn a( 411 Eaal gOlll (in -"'the FM'•17thSl,-olthecomermlrvlnl idea that they would approve n eo.ta Mesa. We are open 10111e tin d " ldentilicalloo fnxn 10:1111. OUr )lllorle ll: ' maw an the roof " each -. school), a bUT1ge balloon. • ,1 -W Ibey wauld <Oii-Airport NolH Abo!tmf!lt In Sale, Morocco, two apart- ment buildings c r u m b 1 e d uoder the quake 's onslaught and two .persons were killed. Anotbtr death was reported lD Rabat, Morocco, where 50 persons were treated for shock. A balf-dorun parked cars were Cl'Ulhed beneath the froat will m an old house that collapsed in Lisbon. nit city wu without power or telephone service for 1 5 minutes. Pajama-clad residents fled their homes. 'nie rrlajor quake. the fiist in this area in five years, The quake was felt as far away as Madrld and &book virtually evtty town I n Portugal. The tremor was believed ea'ltered in the Allan. tic, near the Azorts. But Santa Maria Airport, in tbe'M.orea, rePotf.ed It had fett nothing. . Thousands of Portuguese and IO!iiim D!"f homes and ·hotels, dressed in their pa· jamas, and sat for hours on sweet benches and in cars, fearing a second tremor, SAN FRANCISCO CAPJ The wealthy former buainess manager ot the Kingston Tno, Frank Werber, has · pleaded innocent to a federal in- dictment charging him with conspiracy to fly 51 pound! of marijuana from Me.Jico to his Marin County home la.st fall. U.S. Distl:ict Judge Albert C. Wollenbera: aet March 28 (or a hearlnc on a motion by Werb&'a 1ttomey, Daniel H. Weinstein, to suppress ev:ldence seized in a raid. on Werber's Mill Valley home. His coffin was borne on the shoulders of si.J army col.one.Ls and four police commanden. Hundreds of police watched every street u dawn came over J erusaJem and thous· I ands of mM'Dtl'I trekked into the dly lo pay their lll( COMPACT Th• DAILY PILOT hilt 'fOll ll'IOfl -In IP1 •p1&1 -..,.,., cl1y 1b1ot ~ C•iiilftlt11.., fii•n •ny oth•r now1popor •lont tho 6ro1t Or•nt• Cooit. • ....._...,..,.,.._llUUI ~:~::~llFICI_ .... -.. ··--$698.00 Any Pl-Can Bo PurchllM lndl.Wually Tarm1 Available -New-11&r1 to Calif, Credit Approved lmmodlat.ly f/l/)F•rn•t~ At Harbor Bl"'1 • • 1844 ... wport llYd. Costa ..... ""' Every night 111 9 -Wed., S.t. & Sun. 'ltl '- 1s.: Chevrolet pull you,fil'lt asaln dW'i"I the Value ShOwdoim. . : ·, For not only Ue maD)' oouU.1-r estru priced lower for 19691 biJflli69 .Chem>leta cive )'00 more bu.ilt-m value. Tbooe lower JJ!'iced emu include . automatic ln-~!J'.!.~ and power disc bral<ao. ... ~ -than they were lul year. . 'The many new bWlt-in nluel include a etronc at.eel "Pie-~ baun" in fffJ!Y door of rnry Cajlrice, lmoola., ~w~ Biacayne and thiOe wqoni: Kin Eotet.e. Kinpwood. ToWDOllllUI and Brookwood. A1!d then th8"'• our new lock. 1,t lala you lock tlie 11-ing wheel and shift 1.,,er, alo111 with the ipiQon, to protect your deoirable new caz &om undOlllrab1"'. (Only Chevy bu it in our j\eld.) To protect apimt corrOllon: an edra aet of fenden ui:,.fid• the~ fond-. While three eel-on coall of tou"1 acrylic lacquer protect againo\j,.1 about enrythin1 elioe: the aun.-the'frind, the rain, the yeen. So protecl yOuraell. • Make MIA you know 1'b!at 700're' 1•ttinr (and not ,.W,,,) for,_ money. Dig deep and uncover the -dill'erencee, durinJ your Qberrolel dealer'• Value SbOwdown. \ ... ., . C*11•1aldV ... _l~1•••1. sider a burlC' balloon," the Committt1 -~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~,-,-··-~~~~~~~~,_,_.,_.,_.,_.~~,_,_.,_._:_,_,_.,_,_.,_.,_,_.,_.~,_.,_.,_,_.,_.,_.,_.,_.,_.,_,_.,_.,_.~~~ •' I '•I ,, " • , I • • ....-----.....,...,._....---......,.-----'""':'rrr""t-· . ' !DARY PILOT ~ITOBIAL PAGE) .. ' ·Gap: P olice and PUhliC When IDall)' of u. were young, the policemen we knew were ceoerally easy-going fellows with plentJ-of time for a cup ol coUee and acquail\led with Ju'st about evefP.J01 .around. !Ul'Q have changed mightily. The inagnltude of society-and crime-ls now . so great, so complex, that the typical police Gflicer .bas ~reclOUB little personal contact with the people be serve•. Thal" view doesn't originate with us, alt.b.Ollih we subscribe to il It Is the view ol police lclence expert Derald D. "Dick" Hunt, of Oraon Coast Collage. "The black-and-white patrol car-Call white In New- IJOlt Belch) is actually a ·suit oC 1?1DOr " Hunt told a b~Y PILOT reporter last week.. ·~oday's officer doesn't know his public the way tlft pollceman of the past did." • t Hunt, coordinator of OCC police aclence programs since 1960, suggested that the situation Isn't helped any by the fact that today's policemen. serves more than one segment of society, more than one ''pubUc." "One public wan.ts no &ttention and andther feel s he (the officer) is remiss in not gi,,ttig more attention to the other." ·. Consequently, said Hunt, the officer ofteo feels be is "literally a soldier without an army, tequired to cany out conflicting orders without any •l!PPOrt from behind.'' Hunt's point appears unarguable: There is a grow. lug communications gap betWeeu ·the police and the public. How can it be cl"ed? Put the cop back on a walking beat? We've all heard that before. And it can't be done-not ln a society u heavily mobile as ours. All Jawbreakets have wheels. So must our policemen . tn any. case, there are no simplistic solutions to ·the problem. Pollce ln moet communlllu, our1 very much In· eluded, are W<>rklni b&nl towald ov•rcomln& It throuih public rel1U~m p+am•. f!1 our city, these range from talks "before 1 aud comlnunlty lf'>Ups to b1· cycle rod°"'! . · , . The big question,. \l!Oll&b, JI what .ta the public do- ing abolll It! What 1111'7ou dol111 about It! , Are you µ-,Ing to Wlderatand the lawman'• Jol}- and why.lt's o touih ! · ·II the pollceman'1 lole is Ul-dellned In the public's mind-your mlnd-tt ls Jll-del!ned 'ln bl1 ·mlnd. Even the commonly UMd tenn5 ''enforc:ie the , Jaw" al'\d 11malnta1A ~e and onler''~1¥ 1uggest some 1reas for misundentandb!c. .. You, through""'Your eloeted representatives, have given him the laws ht must enforce. He is, in a very direct way, following your orders. Even th.~i "style" IJ~ emphasis in policing ln a community lnevnably Is di· recily derived ·from the wishes and concerns of tho community. Once that Is generally understood and accepted, we believe the gap between the police and the public will rapidly elose. Extraordinary Challenge A. Laurence Wilson, Newport Beach's new Plan· ning .Director, bas his work cut out for him. A lot of it will be directly related to the Newport Tomorrow study and its findings. , Wilson's predecessor, Ernest Mayer Jr., did a fine job in puttiog the city-ciUzens project into shape. Wilson's task will be to crank the recommendations tha"~ will be coming out 'of the study into future city planning programs. We wish him well as he takes on that extraordi· nary challe01ge. -"-~ ·1.-i::......,. JL~·-· --- N •opp'r~AT HIS SHo~LD B~ A RAPIER Al-ID MIN~ A CUD~L.'' Vpheav al in Med ical Education T wo-thirds Treading a Fine.,: Specialty: Fam ily M.D. By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. Aak any newcomer, whether he lives jr. Newport Beacb., Cost.a Y.esa, Hwi· tlngton Beach, Laguna Beach or any other Orange County community, how he fared when he tried to get a family doctor. Most likely, be hid to call two y' or three physicians before he. was ac-• cepied llince rouibl1 hall of all aradualiJli 10,llOO•doctOrs iv.,.,., .... -. generalists have closed e r • c ti_ c f: s • Mott medical students today came AlreadJ overworked and blrused, they from famUies· With an · annual incoJJie cannot :comcientioualy accept any new d at least $15,000; nearly all bead for paUent..famlllea. practice1 bi ·moi'e'. tit less affJuent cont· Acl1l411Y, doclon In &eneral pr~ ~ml!lliU~. B~I the poor health ci>ndilions are in ·1,_ i:n!nmitl.ec= mott ~ ., Of ~ ·blac~ .•'1d. .other Qllnorities l!Chool ~ · '1p0dalilll•d •.Iii·~··~. onderi<ore the limit tbelr pnctlce to lhaJr partleulat d~ In lbe quality of ' medical fieldJ. Fony years qo 'GP'o~, ~~.Jrill!h\ lbeitJ.S. i numbered IPOdlUlll 18 lo 10·t ·>O'c• '4 • ., ' there are no more tbu 111 GP•1 i NO WONDER there is a CWTtnl evtry 80 speci•lists. ~Al a ~ueoce, tipienal ·in. medkaJ education! ·M~ there are too many IW'lflOM az>d far ~ t1CbOo11 haV! undertaken u- too few family doctcn who are trained tensive. ~ rev~Oll to provide to steer patienll 1o -lllli.lts only JI flexibility m what each iludenl ·atudJes. needed. The ...,..Rilon lllal the graduate sbould · be prepared lo l!acidle' aily problem no looier bolds,-for tboOe wl1o Intend to speciallle .d6 riot ICed exposure · to all of the ...,_ "'tUlred In lbO put. And lnalead ol a mnalle!lng of . everything, the ,.....alllt needi• •le okfi1I In ....... Id ... -cl1lallleij , .... wiich apec11nw1 tatenta.111 r~. MORE PHYl!ICIANS are b t I D I £l"Bduated than ever before -217 more in l!IA ,jloon the year before Ind .m more lbmi In lllO, bat not nearly ....,.. "' fill Iha -moui ·cMftcit of trallled manpower. By 1975, the IQ) or roort U.S. medical schqols 1 b o u Id be plus the ability to deal effectively with most of the other problems his patients bring to him. IN MANY MEQICAL schools students now can elect tHse courses th.at will further their future careers; in a ·few the entire senior year is elecUve. So 1t4 ii possible that 10IDt gradu~ may , hf:wr have 11tl.1 a fradure, sutured a l1c:5eratlon, delivered. a baby or removed an appendix ,-'just u l'll"Y skilled 1peciall.sta hl'o!t 'l'l[tv~ ·Pl.fform.ed such procedure• IJnce leaving medical School. An encouragtna trend Jn JK111-crac1uate training •Jo, 1he freCoplila,~GI ~mlly practice as the• ;IJth IJ)ldiltJ'! 1Atter Y•Jfl~. , Ibo~· Academy ~ • won the --"•al~i( AMA'l(I. · on Afedlcal ~ to ~Jt{:o.~,, now ~an bec«DI ~ ~.ilbts in lsmily mediclnt alfer completln( a three- yesr approved· 'realdeni;y .lllid 'paa~og a compreheasivt examination for board cert.lflcaUoq;. " NEXT JULY~Hoag M~ Hospital will begin one: of 1S pioneer rt.Sidency programs In lamll1 medlclne In th• u .. ~ .• wllb Dr. Robert Rabl·u .dlr<clor. '!be Hoag mlilency will be alfUlaled .wflb UCJ C:OU.ga ol-Medlclna alid clinics llmioghout the County. - Sirhan Rejected · Gamble. . ' LOS ANGELES -'!11• State Depart- ment spedflcally approv<d an agreemenl reached here tut week by w)dcb Sirbln Sirhan would chani<! hiJ plea le "guilty" ln exchange for a 1mtence of lite tm- priaonment. Loo Anpl" Dist. AUy. Evelle Y-er advised Secrttary of Slate Wiiliam Rogtra In Washington of t h e 1 e pooslblliUes In the bargaining between hi• office and the Sirhan defeue staff . and received approval from Ropn for · the plan. H~ Is lbe story, Slrllan, <i c:oune, faces a comolclion ol ll!wl-<legne nmn!e< and the gu chamber for the -ulns· lion <i Sen. Robert II'. Ke!Uledy. lie did not plead lnaanily, 'but inltead entered •. plea of not guilty, although he '!lid his attorneys have never denied that he did the 1hooting in the Ambauador Hotel here last June. UNDER CALIFORNIA Jaw, ll is pmsi· hie to demonstrate a "dimini1hed capacity" of mind, a sort of midstaLion between sanity and insanity, and thus eiicape a coovk:tion for murder in the fll1lt dtiret-l'irst-dqree murder ~­ victJona -of courae -require proof of pmnodllalicm, Even If convicted of llm<iep:ee murder, Slrllan ;tfOU)d then, ubder ----Friday, February 28, 19611 n. tdlloriol page o/ tit< DoUv Pi.lot Htkl t.o tnform and •tffn. utau nadtrs b11 pte!e,.Cing Chit nNfPCptr's opinionl and com- tMntarf on topiu of tnkrc1C o!ld oig1olfi<an<•, bv prouidlng • ,_ tor Ille •%JW•uioft •I ""' _,.. "opjlliou, one! bv prllMldllf U.. dlvcrst a.. pollUa of lofomled obs.,.... Md ,,..,,,.,. on topfel of U&t d4 Robut N. Weed, Publishor California law, undergo ·• seConct trial by jury'to determine whelher the puniah- meht .would be death or lift im-.,n-L .. once• jury was seleded and tatim.my ....... 5lrban'1 plea <i DOI &ulJty - eel l'doable Importance. Il would permit I -.. ci diminished capacity, llUI• ,..ied by hiJ stlorneys in thelr opening statement, e1ther through drunkenness or an irrational hatred of Israel. In addition, it would permit him to "tell his story"; that is, to have his moment of worldwide publicity in whlch he could recount the events of his childhood which formed -allegedly -his views. ON THE OTHER hand, a plea of guilty would eliminate the necusity of a trial. And if be could receive a guanntte ~ ll{e imprisonment in return, there would 1 be • DO risk of death in the ps ~Imber. 'lblS, there began the kind <i "plea ,bargalnln1" famlliar to most criminal lawyers and most district attorneys in which •Jeaer plea i8 acetpted in ex- chango for a 1ight<r -· ~~han -ln abort -w11 prepared to cop • plea. . 1Il1 allo"rney1 ollered a guilty pie lo f~ mun!er ll they could ,.... the death pmaRy would not hnpoged. At that point Dist. y. Younger went lo Wubtngtoo for forelp-polley advice and got il IN CONVERSATIONS with tary Rogtra, be w11 1dvised that State Department -a1 a matttr of U.S. fonlgn policy -..... 1c1 find lhe propoKd deal acctpll.blt:. lf Sirhan were &o plead guilty and recalve Ille lmprilomnen~ the reuontnc we.nt, Jt could only hav• a benelld1I erfttt aa far u the flerce and .violent Mlddl! East panions were coocerned. Jn the first place, Sirhan's "'telling his story" would be avoided, and the story -one of alleged la:raell actions during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war -was boupd &o be an inflammatory one. In addition, a Palestinian Ar~b in prison in the United States la far lesa likely to provoke worldwide coaruct than tht1 1ame man under .a:entence of d~th 1or months, perhap_, yean:, « the worldWide story of hia e1ecuUon. ARMED WITH Rocen' approval; Younger returned lo lbe ..,.,,. ci Iba trial bere and apprwed the bar1aln. AU that was needed wa, the ~nt of Judge Herbert Walker. ·,To " the astonishment of bolh _llde1, the jUtlge refused. He insisted that e~n If thfl plea were changed ~~iflilty be Yrould submlt the penalty .q'\iestlon tO' the Jury which might sentence Slrhan to death even if the prosecution did not ask for it. Sirhan rejected the gamble. And it0 the trial proceeds, and the opportunity to defuse at least one dangerous element in lhe Midd1e East was lost. Younger, of course, scruPulously refrained from using the foreign-policy arguments Jn court, and Judge Walker w11 ~Urely unaware· of the State Department posJtlon. Never hu the RparaUon ol powers aeemed more &ep&rlte. Dear Gloomy Gus: Why don't they build • lootlltld1• ICJ'OSI the Bick Bay so Corona del Mar H.lgh atudentl •Cl'OSI the bay could waJk! ft would uve bu¥lni mon buaos. -B. B. R. '* ...... ""'"'-~ ....... "" IT .,., ""-fl "' pea ewer . ...,.. .,.. "' ,..,... ........ , .... 0.11, ""'· \ ' Bond .V ote Faces T est Delicate Line f ~ , .' .. '"\ One reason that parenthood Is the ··1 • ~ " " .~y.,..,.. l most difficult discipline in the world ~ ·:'.fi1! tJGue ·t Report · j -fir more difficult than any academic t . ' _.. .... ,:. , ; discipline -lies in tbe fine line that \. ~-~ _ :~ 1 · ~~;ft"-;.~·· ·~ ,i parents must draw between what the • ShoWd.Jft: one-man one-vote principle child is and wbat they want for the prevail on acbooi 1onds as it does in child. tu and candidate elections ip c,lifomia! Many children are "loved" in the loose The Alhambra City School ' f>Utl:ict. is and sentimental s_ense of the word -~ 1 ctll1ri te.ft of th.is inter8sttrig , b~t at the lallle _time the parents. want , qGlltllirh,:f and Is' •*Ing other school , hyn or force hlm or ex~~ him to ,districts lor mO!'al suppqfl.. be·tilffertnl And, to ~ child s ~ascent . -:;.&i_ ~ accol)ling 'to · E. M,aylon mlnd,.thetr we~ him to be different ·~.:··~~bra ·su~ is means he JDUtt}l ·uacceptable a1 be ·-·~··ca·ttfornJa t~'-· ttidonal 11!--\" , ' · •requiring a .. "' ~in•-**JI · · ~ ''•.W.flit ~pproval w•l -· If, -· ~ to behove this, .and ls ~tlsuonal. Does it "" • -re. With tales d :10f' ~. ~ . he has g_iven the liti-'Antendme t f the ~!eonsutu-up aa • perso bty Jn hls own r1~ht. . n ° · , He becomes HU.Jess, and turns into lion -equaJ P~tectioo under law· a kind of automiton, reacting to parental : D.JltUtE, ~. do many Other school pressure -and it makes little difference ·officia1' ~nd parentl, po.inti -out there if he reacts \f,ith conformity or with art numerous .instances where the ·ma-· rebellion.' Jn either case, he is not an jority. of the electorate has f.avored bond • 'authentic personality, but a blind islues,. only" to ·hi.ve them fail becau&e reaJ!OOOer to external forces, often for of the two-thirds requirement a hfetlme. According to the California Teachers But the pareuta bave a legitimate claim AasodaUon {CTA) research department, to "develop" the child, even a duty for e1ample, during the 1917-18 school to civilize it, to instill values and ah.ape · atUtuda and correct maHunctions and year ooly 4S.1 percent of J'15 bond elec· mi11pprehensiOrµi:. Being a parent is lions pa.Ssed. A big nwpber of election being a teacher, only on a deeper level. Wl"1 (SU) percent) becattse ol the two-thirds requirement. Had the re- Ctuirement for voter approval been a aimple majority, as in tax 'elections, 181, or 9Z percerit, of the bond proposals would hate pas.sed . THIS IS WHERE the problem and -the •. parado1 come in. The child de1perately needs to be loved for what it is, ahd yet the parent i.S continually prodding it to be<:Ome other than what it is -to eat _better, to look more attractive, to strive harder, to meel tbe standards o{ the ra'mily and the milieu and the society at large. So that the parents' drive lo be 1aUsned by their chikti"en is in constant danger of being interpreted as rtjectioo by a child; and the more the parents hold to soqie objflClive, abstract standard of what a ~satislactorJ" child stxiuld be. the more the real child loses his own feeling of identity and worth. AT ~BOTTOM, the emotional task for the parent is to learn how to tread this fine and delicate line between ac· ceptance and change. Someone has said or God that "J{e is always pleased but never satisfied" with human beings; and that states the attitude nicely. Children must be made to feel that parents are pleated with them even though they are not 11Usfled with what the children have made of themselves. The attitude of pleasure, of joy, of aca!ptance of a fresh and unique personality ls much rarer among parents than we like to think ; most of them have an abstract mode1 of "the child" in their minds and want the real child to resemble the idea] one, usually for reasons that ha ve more to d9 with parentaJ vanity than the welfare of the child. DRAKE REPORTS lhat it Alhambra decides to make the court test, the cost of the 1eiaJ battle will not be financed by the achoo! district, but by private outlid_e~IOUtce.s, such as ~bond par.ent groups, contractors a n d arthitecta, interested in getting the con- stJtutional questlon settled. J u d ges R eveal Finances? Drake al8o reports that the Alhambra ~ currenUy h under great local political pressure to for1et the whole idta .. However, be saya, if \be board cfecJdes to Jlcb~ lbO fint step will be ' al the COUD\y Juel. Tbe board will ISi< the Loo Aqoles Coonty Boord <i ~ lo sell'.-...... u, .... jecled by a minority <i Alhambra votera. Tbe bonds, wblle favored by llU4 percent of the votera didn't make It becau11 of the 33.78 percent minority. OF COllRSE, ij's expected that the L.A. supervisors will reject the requ~t. The district will then seek a writ or magdamus requiring them to sell tht bonds, hopefully at the appellate court level to save time. lf this fails, the next step will be the State Supreme Court. then the U.S. Supreme Court,· if necessary. Drake points out that since California Is one or four states in Y>e Dillion that requires the· twcHhlrds majority, and since 32 other states require a bare majority -with the rtmainder having other requlrements -tbe issue •bould be cleared up. · MANY PARINTI, too, especl•Uy those who llave supported bonds so unsafe schools would be made safe for the pupils. wonder tr their chlktren are get- tJng equal protection under the law. Drake notes that the one-man one-vote principle was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court on the realignment of congressional di!1tricta. "I don't see why this shouldn 't 1pply to achool bond issues as well,'' he saHI. Education News Servk:e Quotes Grt~ Wllllanuport, P•. -"When Elklmos mee~ they rub "°"" . , , Americans rub fendm." WASHINGTON -All federal judges, including the members of the Supreme Coort, should be required lo file detailed annual. report.. of their outside incomes anit' boldlngs. 'l'blt'1 the demand of Rep. H. R. Gmll, R-Iowa, in • bill he introduced that would make such financl1I declarl* tiohs mandatory. Joining the veteran ec6nortl_1 champion in this significant Jegtslaqon was Rep. Durward Ha11, R- Mo., another leading economy advocate. Under their far-reaching measure. federal judges would have to submit to the comptroller general copies o! their tax returns and statements listing the .stocks, properties and other holdings owned by them or "their wives. 111ESE REPORTS would be con· f1dential -the same as t.ho.se now r~uired of members of Congress and certain congressional employes. Like tliose, the judicial reports could be Ol<• amined only after the adoption of a resolution by eiUier the Senate or the House. In atreulng the necessity for lhts legislation, Gross cited the dlscl01ure last year that Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas had been paid $1~.ooo to deliver a series of lectures 1t American University in Washington. This came to light during the hearings of the Senate Judiciary Committee on hls appointment to succted Chlef Justice Earl Warren -which wa.<i withdrawn after a storm of protests. "It Is long palit th;ne," declared Gross, "ror legislation of I.his nature. The members of the federal judiciary are. oo less than member5 of Congreu, publk: servants holding htgll trost. My bill pro- vides • strong deterrent to judges or lh• United Slal8 who mig)>t be templed, In it.s absence. to engage in queationable. unethical or even lllegaJ pracUces. ••t AM NOT ACCUSING any fede ral judge o( diahonesty. But to anyone who I ) believes that a judge is automatically rem9ved from temptations by his eleva. lion · to the bench, I would recommend that he read the well-documented and scholarly 'The Corrupt Judge', "l do not want to hear any cries that this legislation will make second· class citizens of federal judges. Thr. American people have rightly demanded that their congressmen be held lo an actounOng to which they are now sub· ject. They have a right to insist on at least as much from .those who sil in judgment upon lhem.'' Failure of a federal judge 10 submit the required reports would subject him lo impeachment by Congre~. By Robert 5. Allen aDd John A. Goldnnltb .--~-B 11 Georre ---. Dear George: I'm a bachelor and h<!ve been quite content here in my apar1ment building where the rent i 5 reasooable. Lately. however, I have a problem. Tv.·o young ladies ha ve moved ia down lhe hall and several times now one or the nther has knocktd on my door, Mime times quite late at night , to borrow a cup or sugar. My problem Is this : Do you lhin.k It is proper for them to do this as we have11 't even been formally Introduced ~ Dear Concerned : CONCERNED No, it i1 terrible eUquetlt. I'll ~t I.hey don't even bring your sugar back. I ' ' . • • ' • I • ' • ! • m ,_-_ i"'~··' ; ~~ . ~~ ' .. r In for • :et.e • ''GUll'llim on1eij" of An&"1too de Oro'• Sprlllg Ball, which will take, Place AprU-11 In lbt$ Boy Club, were lrilnored.durlng ·a .dr0i>ta pa- "-' ~ )'ti In the,.... Ul>da IJla home ol Mra, Betty Hall. A pnb!GG ol y · luUI!' IDd ,daffojlill, cwYtnr' out the · gold theme, 1rlii.i the, IJIMna -wblcl( ii just aro.Wld the comer. · •, Mn. lmest Sattif.· ~ clWnrwl;: 'welcomed ruests as .tlleY arrived. '1'119 luncheon wu plonllet .~ Mrs. Jlmr1hall Nledeeter._ as&1111ed by '!\!!:I. Clllliird Hates ·and Mrs· o. w. RlchaJdf ' : . . Pa~ltl are the Mmes. Dflllel Q, Aldrll!!\ Jr., Dwlght.Ander19n, J. C. Axtl..,, Barry W. Axene, Vlrtll P. Baker, Ji8k!Whr M. BaldWiil. Ar- thur John Baum.· Richard Bertea, lfanaet Benvenuti, W. Mu BIJllwonger, • Georre Bndord,. F!'ank L. Bn!I, C .• S. Brokaw, ~tanl•y S. Bunlll. A. ' Dewey Callah'!Jr;'lburmonol Clarke, E. Avery Crary. 'lbayer Cr!Jpfn, Ber-. trum.•C. Coffey Jr., Henry Cole, ·John·CUn:I, Jeue W. euitla, Andrew Do .. ' sett, Richard' F. pwyer an<! Chriltian Ebaen. . . . Othtrs·U• the Mmes. PaUI Elmquist, E. L. Emett, Everett P. Had· ley, Frank C. Harrington, Rolla R. Hays Jr., Clillord E. Hughes, Freder- ick M. Hughes, Myford Irvine, Thomas T. Inch, Samuel S. Jack, Wilbur 'JI. Jager. Ward E. Jewell, Emett Jones, Howard B. Lawson, John B. Law· aon, John R. Lavelle, W. Douglas J,ee, Lester C. Lowe, John E. Macnab, Huey John March, Warren Maudlla, W. i',belps-Mertckel, John Roher! 'Meserve, Shirley E. Meserve, Robert J. Merritt anct·Don Metzger. • • ' Still oth~rs aPi the Mmesc Alon Mickle, Maurice E. McCray, Nor- • man Nixon, F. DOnald Nixon, Wesley L. Nutten, J. Howlond Paddock, Paul A. Polmer, Harold-W. Pearcy, F.dw&rd A. Raulston, Kenneth Relifsnyder. Huey s. Rinker, TbOm._ Fellliil Riley, '.!Gle Rosan, Bayar.d Ryder. Earl G., Sawyer, George C. Scott, John,l!oward Scruggs, Walter H. Seibert, E. ,H. Sklilner. Rlchpd Steele Ind llluwell,Sturge1. Cqmpletlng the li~t ue the.Mmes. Jar.net F. Simons, Robert C. Suhr. John J. Swigart, Ralph Tand'oivsky, Byron Tamutzer Sr .. Raymond Teck· . )enborg,.Jolln Stevens Tedoro, Glen W. Thomas, Edward F. Ward .Jr,. John Wayne, Thomas C. Websler, Crawford E. Weslering, Charles S. Wheeler, A. James West, Roscoe White, Elvin K. Wilson,. Horace S. Wiliion, George Yardley Jr. and George Perkins Yule . .ll'he traditional event is liven in appreciation of the finan.cial su~ port ol petrooesses. · This group is an auxiliary of Orange County Big Brothers, and it .supports Big Brothers in. their efforts in aiding ~therless boys:-Tbe golden angels' major· source of tevenue is thro\Jgh donations tO the GOid Bodk, a souvenir calendar which is giv.en to each guest attendi.µg th;e Spring Ball. " •H;\LOS' GREET GUESJS'.-. w;;.n; wetcom~s and words of ai>-• , . I predation were expressed by Angelitos .de Oro yesterday when they entertained patropesses of their annual Spring Ball: Cl>Jtting over, cujii or cpft,ee at~°'.(l"!t ,lo nght) the !ilmes. 'Betty-Hall.,Jios- tessi w,-Doug!as Lee, ·piltrooess; Ernest Saltig, patroness chair- man, and 'lbo!Illl,S C..Wellster; another patroness. ,, ' ! ~ . ·' -~ .. \ . .'. -~J.·. :, ' . " Card . Games to Ante Fund s for Expan sj on ' . . . . ' ' . . ' The Zonta Club of,Newport Harbor built a'bui!dillg· In 1963 and now it's been outgrown. 'Assessing the need Corf added facilitie~ for the Harbpr Area's senior citizens, the Zbnta Club hes. deci4ed to put Qn the carpenter's apron again and' expand the Senior Citizens Recreation Center, its major service project. To'raise funds lor the builc\ing projec~ Zonlians have planned a Day of C8rds Friday, March 7, in the center, with an afternoon and evening session to include a buffet luncheon and dinner, prepared and ·SerV.ta·MJZOfii.ians. ·, · -..., ........ ,. 1' I '·. · · : · ' · ,. · .· • UJ ' • -. . I ' · 'Card:buffi 'will find k.,.~etition in'.b!i\11e,be,a'1S.-pip,OObl~, canasta, poker, tripoley and oth~r games. I Target date tor the start of construction is.~aitji: !}, ·an.ii $12,000 Is-immediately neeileddor worlt to begin. Chairmen of the project estimate the iota! &st of the addition to be $25,000, which will add 1500 square' feet tO the much-used Community meeting place. The :$ehior Ci~en~ R:_ecreatioD Center was the reslllt of a vislOn ·of a past Zonta ~Club preaident, the late Mrs. Eva Aspin, who re.a· lized .t.lie need of older citizens for a place to gather and find. com- panionsh!p. · · · . Makilig arr~ge!ll~nts for a Day of Ca.rds ·ts Mrs. Jack Reinert, . ways ·and meafts 'chalrman, '\VhO is being assislejl b)' the ~es. ROier ·Barrow· and Bruce· R. McCartney,"decorations; Robert Gi'izzell.~'t!oor priies'; Ro~rt L.: Bacon, iuiictteoo"arrangements and Lucille Wardle, buffet 8f1'811gements, I Committee members are the Mmes. Joe Carlos, Joseph L. Car- ver. LeS\er·Kemp, 11Jlbart"Lond, Ciµ-Jeton, Mears , Richard Sheets, Er- nest Soderberg, Chester W~ty, <;eo)'ge P. Zebel, Virginia Luther and Lila Mcintyre.· · ' Anyone wishing to purchase ticket& may call any of the com- mittee chairmen or Mrs. Reinert, 548-~12. • , J ; ' . ' .. • '. i ! ~ ~ .. r • · 1· I . , j . ~ . ' .. ). ' .. ... ' ..,.. ... ' ... NAME YOUR G,AME -A ix>ituJ 'of money is hoped tor by Zonia ell$ at NeW]>9rt Harbor \o expand tho Senior Citizens Recreatiiln Cente'r. 'Filling the cotters will be · a Day of Cards, ;pl'"!'ed for'Friday, Mar<b 7, in the cen.- . ... ' ' . ' ter. Checking the games to be played ~re ,(left .~ right ) the Mmes. Robert Grizzell, Roger Barrow and Jack ' : Reinert, ·chalnrian. . • ' f,. ' f • \ It's a Shame ~ .. :Mon~~ AJ~o Qa :~.· :.B,µy N a~e .as Vf elt a~. Fame · : "' · I · . . · 1 • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: For years , Roosevelt ., Lonporth said years llO. • • · ' · bulband to the ·chlldrtn, to his mother, lnhibltloM, ~ Induce s1eep~ to feel pep. I ha Ve been reading in etiquette booU . 1'I'm me, not my dead hwband.'1 shadow. ~ y o u r mo.lher, or to ID1"" (O{ tblt, .. peri and , a l a 1, to' upUlment wltb and most recently in your column, that .Pluse call me Allee Ro o 1 e v e I t .matter. When he'regalnl bla iilftkyl M'li · scmelhln& they have been bearlol about a widow should be called Mi's. Joe. · • "· • ·" .....-.....1.. · lo al that the Blow, not Mrs. Mary Blow. 1 protest LoitPorth. And they did. -AN· a.,..-. .. te your y ty. , so they can .say y, too, have in the name of commoo sense. ONYMOUS MRS. . , ($) Mate love:, D9t war. Remember, bad the aper1enceJ .. ·-,. -...... ,· ' ...... ' . I Uve· in a city where no one knew DEAR MRS: I am l'lOt a tla~ ~ .. ~ .. , · r • m a·n 1W on11, • ~ eneru. Whit my husband. They knew m• as the 'Ill' -~ -. I've -A •omsn --~ not -comp! ,..,. to ~ no"" •oea .. -ear and out !be be esperoll al boine-C.-be e,<peoded Is alcGbolllm • dloeue1 How cu owner of a lhrlvlng beauly s8lon. If repeatedly ti.al "'4 maanen .. Uo<jl • 1~ , ~ly beca • •· he ~".'.1__. • ~ ~ • w ~~ e--.e. -EXPERIENCED lhe alcolJolfc be treated! Is Ilion a someone wanted to cancel or make an ea ,... ,.., U a wklow • divorcee P mere use r u~iu other. .D£AR WERIENCED: Y• c:euHI care?' Read &be boo\let "AltoWlaal - appointment after hours, they looked would pnllT to .be called Mn. MatJ behaves like a jackus from lltn• to (If Be malure, •'1m and steady, Le\ ta . ...., or•o+' ad ll"JldleoL JI takes Hope and lldp," II)' An Luden. In tho ~ book fl/I' Mary Blow, not -, lial ~ MUie II. • Ume. Mlllj', a aooct man hu 1*come him lmow you. bave 11!1, Intention ol a lllnllC,....; to '""711 elf, ...,ever. ~ 15 ceall to ctla wltll y-re. my huBband Joe. , vlclimtJe!f br a prodatory fmlale and ' ~ up 'I""' man1qe mmlf Nol al -an -.al to Ii. ' q ... t' ... • loq', ,..mpecl, ..u.- A oodaJl,y prominent dlvor<oe or wld°" DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I'd lilte to <IPeanl lmoy )>ow to ...,.pe from her beca-be 1n11111 Oii acltnJ like a •ooL • . . .eavolope. . hu''lhe jirtvti.,e al belag .-• • Ill' a few -to the wife who~, d-Hin IN·.a 4.., rulet for a ~-,_. ' l "'--ociNJPmENTw. TO WHY DO 'niEY Ala Luden wlll be 1Ia• to )dp Mrs. Charlolte Ford Nllrchoo or MrL to keep quid and suffer In 1Uence rather wife who -11 her bUlbond la bavlnc (I) lnmc coupla.., oc:cept,llJVlta-~ DO tr?, Dn11 -. do 'M 1or a variety 1": wltll yoot ,,,we.u, -- Mary.La.!ker. But hca"W' help a womsn than lriak up her msrriage with ,a ·an affair: , ' ' • . SllJ In ' the llCldal mm With flllllly ol n--dllilppolntmont,,lnllcurltr.. to -er la c an of lie DAILY~. if she'll a nobody. nice but bnmature husband who lndulget ' I (I) Doil, be& him to be faithful and and.-, ' . ·, to rel out al the d-, to C0111bat -In( • olimpecl, sell olfr- 1 remember so well what Alice in an occisional affair. don 't cry or threaten him. This sort ~ (t) t/ever~uttc Got word qainst your falipe, to Heape bonidom, to remoVe envelope .... I ' ·' '~· " • 1 - I ir. tin oil he dO< ., . ., ge " ca I pa .. .. J~ lk "' th •• th lo lo •• " in m .. m u. " n & Ir p I R t • ~ I I ti • • h h I b c b e fi v 0 r .... Nuptial Vows Recited In Huntington Beath J • Son Franci~o Honeymoon . li1"da _ Moody . Bride Stoskopf ' ' C k 0 L. 1 L s 1· ;, ·Of _·D_ · arrel Popping or s pen 1H e eague ene 1t • ' --~. ; .. - Tiny bubbles will burst Into home runs for Ille wine which will be served during Ille secood annual · ID •, E'""'t''PI """""'1 Huntington Valley LitUe League following. a ben.. lund·l'lli.sing event are (left to right) Mrs. Don Hlb. In G...0. .U-llatllqdllt' flt wine-lasting party taking place between 8 and har4. chairman, Mn. David J. Spaelll and Mrs. Churdl, Lane BlidJ, Linda 11 p.m. in Ille Mercury Savings and Loan building David'R. Cowan. · Mq\lorlll lleodJ ol .Looc CID Friday, March 7. Sampling some of Ille vintage •.,. Jleacib' 1t!f1 Demi •-___ ..:.;.. ____ .:_..=_ _____ .:_.-----------.,--""~-..., . ....-. • .... ,,, ti !ilDIM .-... •• Couple Making • Home in T exa·s~ · Lari• lmket.. ol whit<o Brootlyn, was tile bridesmaid. llod!nl•, llock, Olina dleyW> They clmJnod yelloW -rmpln - ....... 111111 -admn-' lull length -and held ed the altar ol the Coavmant caacadlng b o a q a e t 1 of. ~ Cllutth In Lang minlalllr• ....... --Diana Susa Dlebl Tbomu Imig ol Lacuna arh!'Rr' wedding pledges Beem wu bla bn>Ui<r'• belt w1111 Rlebord Allan Jmli, llll!I. Ushering tile llO gueots The Bev. Hugh D av I d lo lheir pews were Jolm Imig Burcham performed tile af. ol can.ca ~k 111111 )l/llUam -DlfPllall ltr I h I Tl!\lc o1 • ~ I'' 1 daught<r ol Mr. and Mra. ~·· .,.-., -Hemy Cll11el Diehl o I .-,~ .. • . _ 'S-. ,:f .• ,··w..,..¥......- '';. . Tbot'"" 1\11) ....... 111111 .... iif:I(;, Dflfn. - ' . II. .....,,. al~--: ~·~~=..-::."' To .. , bor .,,,.., Ibo bride seleeted a· loal empire ..,.. ol bridal •1111.·dellaed wllh a wedding rlq-colfu and a. chapel train, embellbhed wllh embroidered aiencoa lace llp- pliqua. Her btadplece WU • ma""'tnr pllJba wbldl caugbt a ohorl veil, and ber bridal bouquet WU an U. rangement "' pbalaenopois lll'Chldl and ~ wfu"ta ~ U:: :-~ MRS. D, W. STOSKOPF'. ...,. ol po1a1 pink !!Ill: cq11> LOllf llMch RI ... .. wllh lll!rllm<lJ accents. ------Maljl ol baacir W.. Mia Adele MR. AND MRS.:OINNIS H. JANISSI; , ~lo ""9 Caremony ... Conference Notes Sorority's Founding . . ~·· Sec:retaries the AJpha Memorial Scholanhlp and Loan Fund. Hlghligbtlng . tile hmcbeon tomorrow will be an address by Mn. Axel Peteraon; na~ tlonaJ president. T'1e collqlata breakfast will honor members d cbaplon al Unlvenlly al California at Berkel<y and~ Angeles; Calllanla state Colo 1eo<s at I'-.. and llum-bcild~ and Nevada Sootlleno · UolVeralty. Morning study ..... ,.. for collegiates and aJumnu will present discussions on the Status of Women, the Genera· tlon Mix, Phi Mu scholarships and loans, Project Hope and the sorority's educational and philanthropic foundation. " Area women involved in tht At l:Jt p.m. ew61 leCGad sessloos are Mn. R o b e r t ..__,_ women of Babia J w L um. ,._ ............ , . eaver, aguna lUIL:I; .... ,,. Ch apt 1: r of Nat 1 o a a I Merritt Conroy, Westmi.rmer, Secretarlm• A I 1oc1 at Ion and Mrs. James R. Hannon, lnlematlona1 usemblo In di!· Anaheim ferent ·1ocaUOD1 to attend!.=='==·======. meetings. Mn. Sallie Fleming at m'3IO may be telephoned for additional infcrmatlon. DINNER LUNCH Newport Beach, and tile _ _. Po11ow1nc a dudl - d Mr. and Mra. Jacob Jlemy llon tile lrlde'1 pe.-1.-i Imig d Omlha. a lamlly-In --. The bride IOlocled I pelll 'Ille new )Ira. Imig 11 I MoodY and attmdanta were Mn. l>onald -and Mra. David Wilhelm. Tbelr bouquet.. Wert old-tublaned nosegays of pink baby l'CRI and pink Cir· nations . Writ8 fo Swingint r.a110 tar Mad Hatterr=~U~nc~le~Le~n~=$:1=144~-1.==::eoast==::H=""=··=et1:::::M Party Set ... .... ..... d -Phi Bela Kappa graduate ol - -loce and beedld Slanftrd 'U!llYenlly and In pearls with a JMtchlng train. 1111 Wal I Lii FJearelte A flower beadple<e beld . bor . debalaote d tile La Canada net •elllna and .. -,,.,,...,.Qab. Hor -a ca1eading booqDet ol wld*I II a .-...... ol stanfard ..-. . wllero ... 'ploqed Phi ~ Mn. Ruall Llo7d Merril, I'll. lh• bride'• !dller lmn Santa 8pedal pall at tile -. B1rbara, WU malron ol llon<r dlor ...... Mn. Robert E. and Mrs. WlD1am Truman Elmaaa ill TaJlthtss~a Ind Lake, another ..... '""" Mn. . 11""1 c. Temple ol Omaha. ni.newbwedl will be mat· lni their -lo San Antonio. Anteaters Will Sing MRS. RICHARD ALLAN IMIO Reel ... Wl!ldlnt Pled9" ~p ..... CUftGa lteltll ""ed u best man IUld l'rlnk D e I n e 1 , Martin C.. and llurlll Adams -........ ..-. A "'-pi ncopUon In tile Padlle CoMI Club follow- ed Ibo """"-where lhe bridal <OUple t<eted 250 ..,..u. Aller honeymooning In San Frudoeo, Ibo newlywedl have eotablllbed their home In Naples. 'lbe new Mn. Stoskopf is a graduale of Huntlnglon lleadl llllh School a n d · California Stale College at Loq Beach. Her lnuband is an ahmmm ol Hollfnlt<m llllh School IJld Kamas Slal<o Collqo. A . Mad Hatta perty to :':..~":;:: by Delta Bela E p 111 o n chapter, Beta sr,ma Phi. 'Ille rulb party will lab place In tile ll!mllnglon - -" president Mn. Dan Sbelloa and Mn. Kmnelh Sutton, IOclal cba.1rman, 11 In charge o f arrangements. Alabllq will be Mn. Rlchml FreodonlhaJ and Mra. Rlcbard Sberrnd. Area women wishing to lwn m<n about tile chapter may ecdacl Mn. llbemd, membenhlp chairman, . IC-. 1117, or Mn. SUiton, 1174112. UCI O..mber Slng1r1, -----------------[I ·the --PAMELA-ASHWOOD Futvn lrldl June Rites Scheduled Pamela Aabwood , a language art& teacher lor El Morro Elementary School, Lq1ma Beach, will became tile bride of Mulnl Capt. WllJlam N. Keefe In Our Lac!y ol ML Carmel Church, llldawood, NJ., June 21. Illa Albweod, da .... of Kr. and Mn. Harald c. -d J!ld&ewood, II I ~ d Cedlr ()Oii ~. Allentown, PL, and <Um!11Uy b working lcr her mdml degee at UC!. Silo -.. Balboa lsalnd. Capt. ltede Is olllceNJt. cbarwa of tlle raw cootrol -· VA Marine Corp Air Ill ..... El Toro. A "8ldenl of 11:: -. be earned .... ~ d-In, ......... Bolton CoOqie ml II "° -ol Mr. and Jin. -l. lteefe of _.. ........ • dlnc:tod "1 Dr. Maurice Allard, will ente1aln Ibo Balboa Group, 0nDp County Pbl1harmoalc Soclll1 at • meetln( In Ibo tlda Ille borne of Mra. A11eD ~th nal lllaodaJ. "-!ates In Ille -and .._u.. -hi>• l>een" -to ·-lhe mOalhlJ -.-... Afdllb>I Mra. Kilnlomml1li wllh """"" -will be tile -Clannoo 8mllli, Vi r g 1 n I a Bollman, J1mei Owen. Jack Root, Joa Visel and Rlcbard· Miller. Dr. Allard, usislant pr<>- fesror of mmlc at t h e university, organhed the lrvine Community Cho!'lll Jul fall and in the past assisted Dr. Ct!arles Hirt at the University or s o u t h e r n Calllomla. Escondido Destination • • Toastmistresses Called · County Clubs Gather m i:i,., C.K." nencb •I mm Amhetm, piemdeat of the Anahelln PhllamOJa Club, will lnletnatlooal -• Clubs of Council Slz will plher for I dinner meellJlg led by Mn. Cbeoler Blfnu, coomc11 \>lee cbalrinan, al T:IO p.m. In G.-rler Inn. Garden Gmo nest MGl!daf. lead members " • Oranp rm Cqunty clubl In ID audl.... Iii ~~rr::::.~ B Mrl. Frmdt WU I ~ ll:I lealonal radio actma In Growth Theme Denver for 1J Y"'"' and hu W had ortlcles publi!hed In llll F G th • several magail.nes. r:'I or a ering ToastmJstress c 1 u b,, ... 1w Growing Together in Christ cording to Mr1. F ran c k ffiJ will be the theme for the Young, council chairman, art Ii] meeUng of Church Women "organizaUon,, for w om e n l':'I Unil<od of Laguna Bearh at devol<od lo Ibo Ides •I llll 10 a.Ji>. F'riday, Mardi T, In leedenblp and I rt a I er lfilfm Sl Calherlne'1 C 1 t h o I I c participation In c:lilwwup Cburch, Lacuna Beacli. =-,\be art o1 oral ... Mia Laun II I n t 11 a , Council Si>, lhe cbainnan lfil chairman for tile daJ > wUI eiplalned, pmldes a medium Im be -.,,, Mra. J1mes for .......... ., ..... below rm Zeio-IJld Mn. James Shae. Ibo""" clDbe In,__ Cotm-mm Mn. Frank lntfrlandl will be --.· llll the eokUt. trCounty women are invited was wrlttee by Mrs. Harper Corabin<> ol Anaheim. 774-581~ n:i ·Feb. 20 to Mar. 20 J l n c Joseph's Ring Shop 1423 So. Coast Hlway Laguna Beach. Ph. 494-5060 Tb.11 year's Call to Prayer to call Mn. D o m I n I c l ~m . Sibley, former 1111\iooal pml· for information about area denl Women from Africa clubs or ~•lions for the ~.:!'.'lhrme.scrlplureand··-m.et-:u.r:::::.~7.:::::~-,l~m~------~------I Special projl!Cll ltr lbo ,..... lri ...... • -----are a ministry ci reoao--.... ....vna ciU1Uaa and healing In the .. ";.. ~=- nation at a lime ol tl'bin • ._ c.r.. -'" cr1l1a ucl ICllmenical niJnSmJ =-~-:.:.; ::1~~ ~ of In,_,...._, wor• In ••~1~::-:J•:-="~"'"':1-::...J --.-. .. ...~ HILIN c.• p I .. ,.,.., lllJD • The DAILY P.ILOT 'Stocks it to You' to thdr 11 ~ I u ... . ~­Club l'(J l11tenatlonale. 3 Great Foreign Vacations For One Very Low Price :Sc2t.e4t.:C: .. ::.:~::=:o~-~ Ollt.tD, au-.. a.,;. Tllt*'lce 11,...., _ .. _\_ !ftoilop-•»dli-----'!Wll == .. -.Al .... ,.._, __ .... ...._ r,.:r::==--::..~~. ....... ..... ... , .. *,.... .~ .. ,..~ :ie--kY;~.t:e~ ~· .. Plfdlorll.36'~ la: ...... dllptm'm N; __ .r ... ,.. .. ,... ....... __ _y ___ ... __ _ -·-"'tliel"1 ---.. xmdDIDln<lali. wocbma~'fia.JOll. Far_ .. __ bbalfb~-.... 10., .. ·~ •&n1J11M'ri .... ·"'"-~·-.... -. I ------ I • 1 ..,.., Cl.UI INIUHATIONAU "'' -............. -.. (-1) "*-= m..tai ... Ql.40il I ;......,.,..FloeOab'• •h•tnct.r.at ..... 11,·· 1::* - 1:1•• -------------m-.. --- --~--==-=---------_,.,..._ -~-~-;--:-----------.------~~-~------~---------·-· ---• . ... -~~.Mesa VOi:. 62, J'IO. 5 I, 4 SECTIONS, '4 . Police Httnt ' . S1;1spect ·.in Murder Try By AllTllllll 11. V1N11EL ., .. Mir,. ... ' ... J, mlnbnnt <loreiod ~Or .. c.antr -1 91 • DW\, who ...... aIJete sbOI' lils former boss Tburiday ~ when the-victim C<UJ1< cul lo .,~ ·wey he was lolterlq at the Costa Mka baruy Where be had Wortr.d. . Th! suspect Is Identified as EIJ.gel>e SmiUi, 21, ~ Santa ' Ana area usident Who officers assert nec1 from the scene on foot and is still at large today. William Cronacher, 53, owner oC the German Home Baktry, 134 Commercial Way, was shot in the left elbow, but ls reported in satWactory conditiorf today jt.l{oag·Memorial Hospltal. '. Tllo'.vidim, of ,2111 All>m Pia«, Costa Meu, tmdlr'wm~ lm'lft1 fGr a .32.calibtr \Juµet wound Thunday night after the . l :ts·p.m. shooting. Pollcf wert sent to tbe bakery Thurs- day night after an ._ ... t.lepbono ' tlpller' r<ported IOnlOOlll "had been shot, then hung ~p. . 9fli~ Bob .Arnold arrived on the scene .a n d found, Cronacher wounclt4i but lte was able to tell what happened, accordlng to Costa Mesa Police DelecUve Capt. Ed Clalgow. The · detective bureau chief aid Cronacber identified the attempted murder suspect as Smith, an empk;re who Jiad worked for him antil a abort time qo. He aaid today there 'WU no kDown ,,..nee. or dl.spul< between the former ~.and eJJ!ploye' 1over. wa1e1 . or ~-"'the Ti\ 111t that Sa\ida....,.. 'IP.II the :'. for~ ~-~Veallp .. 'lie~ ...,,.,.~ __ , .. entoutlly Ibo bq!\dl,,a, uw jhe .1u!1[ti:t, ind >-!'!ii 'tt'hat he 1ri..tlted. i • , ' ~ ...., • f0nt -told Pollot O!~~ .. the -ol • violent .......... ~ .....,., , followed by cme.pillol !Wt. net.dive~ nio,_ wd,.W,,.. ed to the attempted mQl'der c~ but "u out !0< lnvaUgalloo .and ctiUkl iNI be contaeted. Santa Ana River Rolling Along~ • • Off:ic"iah Wary ' Old Man Santa Ahia. River ju ·t.;ep. rolliog aloo(. and Or-·Coomlf J'1ood c.otrol Dlltrlct olficiala don't .~~ any letup for several day1 or j>oulbly week& ' "We hive to drain the water down to a safe level behind the ;pstream dams," said Ro~ Burke., Jllannjnj division techniclan for the district. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Is currently releasing 5,00l' euhlc feet of water pee. sec<M\d from Pndo Dim. FlOod conttol peraorinel have opened· up V.!Da Park 41m at the rate of 3,500 cubic 10<! per second. "llesidents a!Oll( the San~ Ana - bailb should be coocerned, but not alarmed· by the flow of 1Pler•" uid Bone. , ·t , "1roon: lla ve 1pread Cuter than flood \ra'iOn among ruld-II> "Hantlngtnn ~ FoontaintVaUey aad Go9ta1Meia lhal the, dams _,, 1nakq « the -river wtD• overflow Jts banks. To st~ 'these nunon lfurke said, "We don'.t believe the: rtver J will ·overflow or ,break it.s levtet by uy meam pou>.. ble.i We fee.I we can control ao)'thln& tba haPPen,s." . . . EOIT'ION ·SOUGli,T. BY POLICE Suspect Eugono Smith Ctew.s Hustle As N_iew Storm A pp1roaches ' Wet, weary work crews -convicts and high &chool boys tolling side by side -readied the Southland for a new storrd today, as da1r_age in the worst winter since 1884 hit $100 million aod 13 persons were liste · dead. 'lbt Dft' Pacific squall bearing down Oft' wtatber-battered southern California is. nit U severe U first expected, but eveD mDd llhowetl ar•· a thr.eat to the satti-atld land!cai>e and its brimming danii. ' · 'in trouble if someone even ~~ -'*""''' toc!>Y· ,II Oil ~ hlVe 1 Hve11 or ..... i!J4red, but tho worst li.n today con~ In Ventura where work cr~1 rtlced time an eroded Santa. Clara River 1ov-:, . Ralt.apedJ!d today thruteils to .end a win <l witer bursUng throusJt the weakened earth barrier and racing throuih U. small, swamped city of Ox~ nan!. "It looks bad," said A.P. Stokes, Ven- tura County director of public works, a.s 'tmer1ency . plans were pressed to evacuate 21),000 persons, one-third of the residenta. ri'be rOund-th«lock battle continued tod.,-In Orange County, meanwhile, to cilnt.aln· the rimjtaglng waters of Santiago Creek, slashiq a widening scar through Sula Ana, • IWina, oil-duty l.m Angeles llremrn Ind. mDece· Ind high school. •tudenls labored to dump old auto bodies and unilbap aloq the crumbling banks, offerinp to the ravenous river. Himel In Ille 900 Ind 1600 block ol Wea IUftr Lani' and the 1100 block of Rivitra Drive totter on the brink of the creek swollen by overflow waters lr ..... Vllla Park Dam. . Marine Corps helicopter pilots are flying in an the old car bodies Santa Ana authorlµes can liuy, but the supply • (Boe STORM, Page !) * * * Scouts Help, Out Disaster Areas I More thin 200 Orange COUnty El:plor<r Scouts and thelr leaders are now belplng dlsuter llruck areas by giving enJtl'gen- ey service1 and aandblggtng flooded areas. A eontrol cent.er has been aet up at the _ICOUt office, 3811 S. Bear St., Sanla Ana, from whid1 the 11COUta are ~toneededarua. ftailtt needil« IDM!'pncy terVice can can Iba ... at-all weekend. • ' I FRIDAY, FEIRU~RY 28, '1969 • i . , .. . ' . . ~ • • ·Pneumonia~ . ' ' · . • • ~ • .. For~r Pr~i4ent ;Jr:~~ Say D~mrs :· . . .. . ~. .. ' ·' WASHINGTON (AP)'-Fwmer '!'rell-·. A(liil :-·lilll<iioc ••·•In dent Oirlcht •D. }:llenllawtr, Rnal1nr Cal1lonla, ...,._ ab' ..... ;iW"" to l'tCOver from a series ·o1 beart•attacb Sunday after dod«f lcmd u ·lidlMloal bl blgll-rlsk 1111rgery Jut Sunday, has obllructloa 'thai·~-1111"·- ,ileveloped pneumonia, Army doctors Hospital bulleUm wlle:r thls weet reported today. called attention ~.the I~ ~1·1 A monting bulletin from Walter Reed progre.ss, iDclodina 1 ltltement Tuesday Arrny Hospital said the 71-yW'-<lkl describing his reebvery u "little abort general "ls genera1ly weaker Utls mor~ of remarkable" and uytn1 Eisenhower ing, but is cooperative and determined had progressed to the polnl where he to overcome this latest complication.''. felt well enoush to rud. ' · But il added : "lt is too early ta Doctors' re~ 'remained encb.aing rJetermine how be will r-:spond to trea\· \Yednesd&y, sayfitg · tili "poltoperative 1nent. '' It said he spent a restless night. course has followed the expected pat~ Eisenhower, at the hospital since last tern " llnd reportlnt.his "vi~ aips,bavt Reveal Choice Monday r~--lllble." I• , 1l>e vital. alp nfer to l1id! 11!lnrs .. blood ~·· Ji\1111, Ind ~ rate. , 1 ••.• .Qbacrv~ !•~--~~··. ~ ·~ed JDQl'O ·-... j1 repqrll4 Elaanbowor ,"coollll11t1 11.IWacj<IOy coo- 11.derlnl hla . .... piai ~c:al . bl!tnrY aod the Itel that be !J . .uu ,.Jn. the c~iUcal ~~perativfl ~~~· "" · . That was the laBt bulletin untll ·toda.Y'• , which· sa1<1 the · -·t" "-.*""<! some respiratory dl.fUculty durlnl 1the night which. is due to pne\l(D(llla iWhkh hu developed in the rl&ht lq "'"'·" Planners Mull Ro .ute ' Aware of technical, economic, and-now· huma n factors involved, the Costa Mesa Planning Commission Monday w i 11 recommend a Newport Freeway route, after study of criUcal details o! five · possible choices. The advisory panel adjourned a freeway hearing featuring more than 30 speakers -from corporate interests to a sea captain's wife with cancer -but made no decision Thutay night. Determination of a f'll4le .following Newport Boulevard or one of lour II"" posed alternate alignments will be made at the close of· their rqular 7:30 P,.m. study session in Civic Center conferei>ce · TOOll\S. ' . ' Commissioner Ch;JrLcs Beck Qbd spec:ilicaDy that city ~Ina 'Ml'! be ir-01 'lrilh overJoY tiiapl .lo iiiiit plaMert1 about off~ IDCI on~IDd the croaseWrr teaffic now elieets of the S.7. or 111!<81104 Rod ,Route: The Red Route diffen inOlt drastically • Tough rrOm the Creen ROute alignment along Newport BOulevard, but Planning Com~ mission Chairman Nate Reade reminded clUzens Thursday that all five routes are considered. SenUments by those affected seem to lie most strongly alOng the Red and Green rol.¢µ, while the three other poss!· hie cbojcee: have aln;w>st been for1otten in the heat of public debate. ., Discussion 'Ibursda)' on the route to be comldered by the City Ccxmcll Marlll> 11 --·oqully dlvldld 1111a..r ol °" "' . m1111aa ~-Roolla; :ancl , tJie fell DifiHoo ljA!d Roule (lrtller '!.!!L · • ~~: • m&f),~ '!~:., adamapad.t ~ ~ 1~~~ , su'""' no·one e-~ . .~ · "rm agalnll -all<fi......,t!!'."~·' ~· ll!!illl>"ll llOO< Vlei«>~ draw!!tc 110 .... from the~ COITI• --~taklng .. --1o..,qi..of tl!f •eall In councu chambers.. r;>o1p1t• ~ lll*i ollob1btitid anbnyinouaiy ·to '.tit ip property owners Cookie Name Wanted for Vietnam Drive Operation Cookielift? Taskforce Tollhouse? Project Putry? Macaroon Millles and Ginnies? Glngennap Surely you can suggest scmethlng better for the name c1 a Harbor Area vietiiam Cookielift campal&n b<lng - ducted ,by Mn. Robert L. Oliver ol Colla Mesa, with widespread public support. .. Although Ml'I. Oliver Ind her lieuten- ants stUl need-as announeed earlier- coold<Hlaken, two and throe'poond cam with lids, boxes to hold cam, tape, and postage money, they now Deed a name. So the idea evolved to conduct a Cl{ll· paign among Harbor Area residents to give the voluntary operation an olficial title, wh1ch bas now become a legal requirement. A trust fund has been 1et up to deposit postage money donaUona, with Jim Vli:k· erman, manager ol the Securlty·Fli'lf N0\-1 Bink bl'IDCh at Hllrt>or BouJe. vard Ind Wl!Jon street 11 <041gner. , "We have to have a name ao deposits can go into the account," explaina Mn. Olivw, who will accept contest entries malled to her at 3077 Yukon Dii.ft, Costa Mesa. Deadline date !or , entrla 11 April 2'5 and the winning contalln(, cbooen by 'the women behind Operation Cootiellft. wlll be Interviewed by a DAit. Y PILOT feature writer. Donations for pootag~ cents Ind up-may be sent lo the bank bruch handling. the accwnt for Mn. Oliver and !he -belpins -olf ship- menta ol cooties for ..d.Lstribution to mltllary units. one cub dmltlon by the Kiwanis Club and 50 gallons of pre-popped popcorn, used u edible cargo cuBblon for -lhe • 10.000.riine Uip~· La Petite Cale. have i!Jo boon • ved. · Mn. oiJnr· ·· her co-worken will tta .. uoe · ol :lie vacant fourth l1oor of the Costa Mesa Civic Center for the en- tlro month ol April to peel: p..-ly tons , of cooties for maUini. She (ll'tviOuoly belped engineer • maulve Vietnam Cooklellft •while living ' in a &aer.mento County suburb before a job change for her ·aerospace engineer husband bniught them to the Harbor Ar ... Inf ant Beaten; Father Charged A Los Alamitos baby girl II In e> · tremety c r it 1ca1 c0ndlt1on in Los Alamltoo Genenrl!dlpttal as the ' ""'11 ol h .. d lnjuries imd "lier lather today la cbara<d with felony child beating. Police have jailed Richard Allen Oll!i>, U, ol IUll Green St.-, Apt I on the cbJ1d beating altegatlont. 1be baby, Deborah Olson, two months old, wu token to tho hospital Wodneadty nlghL Hoopllal authoriUe1 notified poll ... Loe Alamlt"os detective Tom Hlcb uaisted by detectlve Tom Conlt•Y of the Sherill's Office, after investlption, booked.tbt ltther Jn Orall(• Coomly Jail .. ' . and renton llvllll ID 1111 4:1-mlla J!ith of the prOposed. Aed Route, Tburld&y•a hearing was relued and orderly. Most ol the eccoomic. and practlcal arguments against the Ne 1e port Boulevard route chosen without public hearing In 1~ have already ~ widely presented in prior hearing! andliteetings. "We had a lot of facts and figures before,'' commented Commlsslon~r Doi) Hout at the elose of the hearing, "now Nixon Receives COrdial W elcom:e From De Gaulle weHballe Jhe bumano!. ~~·~, ntoc# 1rom' • t p~ifiS·fAPl :_ )'r0s!&e00ftm. ~~. ere. are .fOllle' . -_ COIM'le Paris tO ·a cordfal welColnet FndSii the ~IJlm: ,~tereili~ and, ~ ·. whn add• Met ' more· ~ •o• houri "Wlttt ~.lenil,~ liuman .sldjj~ ,lhe djipgltJi!I Cllarleo· de :Ga•li• In. what tho ~ ~i\\~~ ":11'.'fiolt:M'" ~~:·E"1~'"11!>1tho1•1~ . c6ilt· ~:i ,.~~ '-&?'~. !4 ~~Ii*~·~~ . or'IOtii'!~ A '°''~-.l!illi\t 11 1bi Eij<,.. ~alace tald · · <lidka o ........ liMbe Vend A~~ ~fnl 1.-1-..-llil'1'"m-:c.1ii .a In· the P1'9pose4 Rod l!outf-pi\£ ~ ' • " and MJa1 a~" , hive Mil plenty iif' ~" -t~~. · · • • · , ~· "Tbe..bttsinessmen Oft ,°'tw'f~ ' ~I .1 ' ~' Iha 1t'6alriyr.ibt11em.';ih<i '· .. 'n"[ ,bl ' ·: '"·'l!fill · . Ropruent!ng the • ......,, W1tn ~vt In -..aa r.o1bidl<ltion ol 4.1)',,\ - Jtawall, abe went on to charae' 'that ' Ht"° cbWa of state dlli:ci111J. 1.lOO city handbllll lelllng of lhe state " ·Ktda'1of1nhla.arrlftl'• hearing ~t wee~ )'er< not dlstrlbul«(. dieoo· t· li· liaii ~ · hera ilio!lln. to ~} ......... -~1>.1.-olheil ~ GJulie'l liilP Iii· elforts· lo : "1iUllil Jn the 'c:rowd. · · ' '' ·' ' ·· a ·neW' lenlte ol''Wqtini ~"I.~ ~lstant , ~ty Attorney l!ol>ert L. to oeet a ' "JUst ~ lutllig N>O!" Hwrip\lrtys, . bowe>:•,. co ii~J'rJP e d · Hii biiH1rpalhlt'ol<I qiJarffil be~ ChairrMh · ROcle'i 'conte!tlon • 1111\ lhl 1"1 ln'the •trcb for a belle' fal!Ue. • law was, more ~ ~at~IY. ~et in De Gaulle k>n'a his beitB -. 1 ilrla;y; terms or advance notlCe. ally Of•tile"Unltt!id Stales. . • I ·"II lhly .,. all open, then 'I think IMlere wa UU!o l1gn ol booWlty - Ille Clreen Roule should ,be cbosen," the'-w1tn W.-Ilia U.i\. ddel said 1jamona llar!Jhom, of 111111 ranona elediUV• to . thll'~'Cily ·o1 Upt." "l'ba St .• becau>e It tak., :out'enty ,33. otoroo ooitpobrlng wu not ·~ ... but<ll:W• c<impared . to !to homes ' on •the Rod morkOd1y warm to1bl --· . Roule .. The Communlat party had ca1Jod .... . "1 ie.i lhll the ·Rod Roule-Jo .tho anti-NliOo -' wllln''llt>\ ... leHI obnoxloua," tald 'John o . rlviil 1n tlle.dly. illlWmalltl ... ,..., · (See FREEWAY, Pap I) ol. VIolepl lttd jkmonl1ratlooo ~--. Parislam avlay. · . . ' Nbon at Oiice e~lended the ~ fl, lrlenda)llp 'to l;iO Gaulle'• Fr~ iil!ll , l which U.S. polleymUera have tqJitia , al odlp. . · · · . Sirhan · Lawyers 'Not Sm·e' How Client Will Act In return. De GaOlle re<alltd~trad­ Upnal French-American lrlendsblp ~ said.lie allacbod the gnalest lmporlance .. , to ·the euha.ngtl. he will ~ve wtth bis gu~, !Je ' Gaull.e endeil hll ,b\.i~ welcome "'lddress at Orly ~ with tl)e worlda:, ~·~ 1 live · the U~ · LOS ANGELES (AP) -Attorney• !or Sirhan Blshan Slrban erprelled appre-· henslon before opening hll def...,. - over whether he will 1'behave blmaell" • when be takes the witness stand. "We juJt ·do91t· know how ~11 react," sai4)11qRll J;, Ppaona. !"!" ol the three oio!We. ~-l•jj,, .o.•'!.lflnl to takt • cUnce .. blm bi'O'iitns ... the stand." - Whb tho ·proll<CllUOD needi<11 ~ a l~tlo tlJDO ¥. wind !'hill Cfll' q1tml the ll-1ur-Old Jordarlliri, dWa<d 'lrith munlering Sen. Robert F. Ke°". Sir· ha n's law)-m .tlll' haaf nOt deiilded "'I their opening witness. · . States." , · ·After a movln& ~ at .. WhiCh ' Nlron presided 11 t1ie placing of a wre1ih OD the memorial to ~uce.'1 llakmw"-f ap!dler, Ille, ~t ,... criven down. -l:ll'Olifr~1 Elysees, crowded witb:~'(d ~ Gatllle'• E1y,.., Pa1oae;r.r llie'ft'rii bl a aorteo 1 ' ~ meetilfp with the FretK.'h 1eldlr .!. r • 1 . c..n " ·' .,,,e l1ood control ditlrict hu penon· nd..conslanUy pa=tho, Santa Ana JU. add we baVe up any weak ~-::,~·:~:.~. C:••rt ··~d ,Di.,ided On . the 1111 ...... t1ie defendant '• SS. year-old mother, Mary, Ind· hla brooi>- en, Adel, 29, and Munir, lt. Also listed Well, a ,boyb®d ~ fllilll Jonlu. Ziad Aohlmeb ol OJ1c:ajp>. '11111 a man delcrlbedl aa beln« wllll Illa 'United K• tloni, Sim. Nlfiu;..ft t. .. ;.. •. ~ ~ ' • ~with-YO bno already plltied n.rty 4111,i.t llndbap oJoni lha-banb ol the """· and tho -t ' -""· -~ftl la merely-•,_.,.. ti.,.,., .......... to ~ the .... prW!lcted higher levels. ot the la.rt." Sex Class Triggers F_ur6r. · Slrballclll& NI.~' ~·~~1 · :;:"t~·:k'.vtar=·~I riJ!p In -'""\ llitd to ~; ~:v,~~~I ~~?~·'I ujl!ained Burke, "~c-~ ,_ we ljo THOMAS •PClllTIJNE tbilk the leveea will br'e¥·" °' .. "-"' '"""" ".,. lllirte repeated his wamll( lhlt Dlaputes Oar<d -county 1ehool rdldenta •Jona lhl rive• bant ill9il1d olficiala Tllunday .... bearings before be concerned Ind ~·~I an dines lhaJ °"""'" -· o1 Ec1acat10o .. ,., or 1'hat " haJlperung. 1* ... .. be -lo 1111 llcilOoio. <1mnod or panic. ' -;,,. r1ll bet..oe. board memben abo • " Involved CoaolY &mooL Supt. Robert Pet.non who tome board members ac.. c:aaod ol 'lritMloldlq --...Uon ·from &llim1. •. , •• --:i.·<lladoll! -115 ol a pobl1c' • GIJinlc>n. IUrVtT conducted 'by 1lli -IUt • Oclober beca .... , be ..W.-.oLb+'W • quMIUOl'I .. lll'"llhtcJ.. tlon thot could prejudjce the cumhl hearings. "Al a member of the board I feel t am enUUed to know," said Dooald Jordan. "l don't feel you have the authority to withhold lhil." Board President Clay MJtcbell,,ol South Laguna, said he lhlnu Peterson doe! have that authority because be WU elected to office oeparato from the boanl. Potonoo agreed to lolormally brlel tru<llttl on· ....its ol the IU?Vt)' ad Lyle Gulpre, on< of the board ll>tlDllon who had been presoln1 I« dllclolure, said he """1d lelllO l<>r that rather . I than brll1l1bc . a lawllUlt 'agalMt the superlnltlldeliL . , In -Jk1rmWi. tho b9an1 ..... jooily ol Jonlan, Gulpre aild Pat Arnold voted cto1m Dr. Dale Rallison who want.eel to hold tqe ,ngt ,.. educaliori bearlnc In a tarp audltorllllil..llltcbell ablil1ned., Jonltli ald"lt liotha-blm.thel ~ ..... ti> !Ml,.' -lducaj1oo --are ,.., trial and 1loard thomberl aro llttiDI'.,...... "Our.~ waa .to •lnlonn ounelvea." M llid. "Wt nntr'1illmded to -pobllc -....· llallllon l Aid he !iou1d . -'boaRf (IN .o,UID1 Pap I) jacket' ' ' • ., / ,,, ' .. • ' .. .. ..~, ' . I ................. == ...: =..':: .. -. "'-~~ -··p ·-=·--•:V." ~'.1·:·. ..... • "' t'f!" ... . ~-""'"' .............. ... -..-;" .: =·"' -~ ... i.-.. ! " ..... ·' .,.. .. ,-.... , .... =-.. . ~ .. ' . . . . l . f I l I I Nil y l'llOT e Cftlller !!lt?!pl Floating ~.iunk . iit ·'ly JOHN VALTEUA ...... ,. ....... A llCUlll ol·lbMlr minced flood debris ..... , ,Wflll ........ ol lumber ud ...... 11 .fwl:~ -1n .. . ., ' N,-l·llailfr-;"bofO • qlne ,,, • --.... bta•U, damqod Soldier Admits ' . AWOL Charge, ·Not Desertion ' I Harbor · by the muck ThW1dl,y. Harbor District patrolmen noticed .,.,... tomlni from the IJl.loot ~ "UUl• C" In tbe afternoon outside the baitior'Wtbaoce. · ·n.-·boli't OWntr, Edward Gclldlttin . of Loi A,,,.i... lald llollln( Jw>t pluped tbe uhaust of the tin,ooo vessel and caused a fire in the engine room. It resulted in aevtrf] hundred dollars in d-to the motor. . Tlie boat'• bull~ln ·fin utln(ullllm pul the ·n1.-out quli:kly. Then wele no lnjurlu. lllrbonnu!M Al Ober& exprwed -corn about more 1UchJnlsbaP1, lncludlnl the .~bJ!llY. ol damqe to tbe dePlrl- ment cratt'whJdt are w1Jin1 an arduous beW. aa4lnll the Junk. . - ' • DAILY PILOT ...... IW,... Vt..,_ ' ........... 1 -FREE\VAY ••. '1 " MacDonald, of 131 Mqnolla Sl, al 11\1 cl.,. of a Joni ta~-~ taUcm. l . " . ~ . . -" ';t":.!Jl" ' . , followed , all ,_. llJIUjh traffic wDI 1ii flll<fd ~ ... '~ .,.. .. i!f. ,•lit-fr!f, •hort ltaW.," llMl~Harbor "ftM 11¥tJ. • ..,,., llarold.Cooper,.ol Loo~--' Attorney Tbomu W. HeOdfnon jr.1 representing eoaia Mesa ~:rs }!1· ~i1:.W it".:: :-: Jeari ~;-;. kee~ c!OwntoWn trattlc nmbk. "Some people will be luut and the Red Roule quita possibly w~I d""9Y my borne Jar 21 yoari and ~ .o(ficer' llld civic, leader Clalle M. Nabcn, of 4lO Bemmf St., addinc that It Is time to li[et on with ii. "I, Dr we, strongly recommend f:he Red Routt,~ • ·~d " ~tant ' Bob Willian\s. SJ>Olking ipr p;.ot,il ~Ml Tomorrow InC.. and as a former itate and county highway and road engineh, ci~4e"th~t:~e~ooh:u been , dead no 1lll1 11111 o1 dellril caimot be llopped from enteHna boat ....... by •tandud arai... COYUlna ...ie,,.ai.r enP>e lotal<M, llorbcr ol!JdalJ llld, Suc- Uan from boal e,,.tnu ..,, draw the plant.malMW Info the motor, cloalni coolln& · l)'lleml. llODY DISCOVERED llNEATltNEWPORT BEACH SUNDECK LOADED FOR TRIP TO AUTOPSY TABLE · · Pollcp Sook ldontlflcotlon Of O..d Youth Found In Waterfront District • for years and U the rocte •oes down N""fl<ri lloUievmf. H will clea'n' up tbe ...... " 18id Elmer Dudek, cl· 12$ Fl°'er St., DWDet of other downt0wn1 property. '1 dan't mow how loq aur boat.I can oper1ta In· tllJI Junk. llo mach of It ii IO minced up It C111 eufl1 foul an t:nglne," Obers uld. Thi material is beiOI SCIUered by tides and winds, which are 1bovin1 it. Into congested docking areas. .1J'be water tn the open channeb: is· relaUvely free el the junk. But in the boat · alip IRIS the problmi still b --A net apparalul built 'lburlday With chicl:en wire and Aom _"ii working oul flM, but ....... could 1111 a larpr one," • harbor department 1pokemnan aald. . . ·.no l!tt ·is beln& draaied throuP the debris -by two booll. Thi colltcted Junk Is brouCbt to deparlmtnt docks for.....,..ai. Cmll an -JdnC all day long Awln( up· Imp llmbm and lop itlU floating Info the bay Iron! flood nmof! Into Upper Newport llaf· ·.l'nMPqel . ' BOARD DIVIDED ON SEX. • • Rer(Jrts Dig Out; Condiiioll.$ ·Good . Uallof Pmo latenalloul Sii Ioli operaton ftpott Southern Call· lbnll old .....u ... dlalng oul a. d Olpecl to be operatln( for Wftbnd old· tni. stUnc will be vory good al an ,.. .«ts. .......... -Tll,......1'111 ft, °""ttlnt d11lr U• cwt TU-.r. M91NeJ' "'' -Tl!,,__ ft, °"'ttl1111 llllllY. TNl9 Mwtlt ... -l"our,.111 ft. °"9rlflftl S.lyr. d•Y Ind Sllllf:l1r . --\111i.r -Six-II ft. O-•llr111 S.tu .. •r ,..,_,_ Mt. , ... -SwWI ft. °""''""' ,.,,,,,.,,., a..tll Sund1y 1or C!111t-eOllftll'Y 11<11111, 1'Dbottl""IM t n41 anow1lfr. a-~ -l'l_,, ft. °"'"JM t1111'\1, s-V•""' -srx .. 11111 ft. ~.,,,.. t1111Y. JVM MW!lfllll -Flv•1t.. ft. J1C1wd1r Clll S·ft ••t._ °"''""' d111r. M•111""'9I ..,,.,,'-.., l'wr-flve ft. MWlftr •vtr 2>-2' ft •. IOttl; Dtllr. Mt. llHY • 10 ft. 0.1r1t!nt dtllf , The roads were ltW cloeed to Kratka Ridge: and Mt. ·waterman, but wm: ex· peeled to be opened S.tunily. Police Probe Youth's Death ht Newport The body of a youUt in his early 2o. wis discovered thiJ mornlna: undt!I' a . .....,k of a house In Newport ,Beach'• hippie beachfront district. Detective SgL Ken Thompson said ln- vesUgation indicated a _tentative Identity of the vlctlm, . but It has yel 16 be confirmed. . . The body, clad, in eordW'Oy panll and shoes.' was found at · 7 a.m. covered partlally witQ a car coat. It was under a damp Slllldeck at 111 J3cd St •. ·Two other youths were brought In for questioning this mornlng after In· veat111tor1 at tlJ,e acene alleged to have ovtrheard a conversation between them about an 1.1>parent overdose of. drugs. _He said the body had definitely ·been lT!OVed to the ~ded ar~ under the eundeck from a point nearby. From P .. e-1 1 STORM ••. b rapidly diminishing. Two swJmmin& pools and ~lions ol two luxury_ h~ have alrt~ i.e,tered and then dropped crl!hln( Into the roor- ing fiood and ·a score of fWmes have .beel\.'eyacuated. · Pa:trolllrig polke office.rs are as:dgned to guard against looters. Water flow into Villa Park Dam is now down to 1,GOO cubic feet per second -9,000 les.s than Tuesday's crisis - whlle flow out of the fkltld 11te1 ls d9wn to 3,SOO from 500 more at the peak. · Floodwaters pouring out·of the Prado Dam on the Santa Ana River 11 belng regulated by tbe Army -Corp• of Engineers at 5,000 cubic lee! per IOC<>lld, sUll causin1 seriou.! tl'Olion downatream. . DUth, .. J1.a1 •truc.k in VariOUI fonru:, from the five Sllverado Canyoa mudslide victims killed in a fire staUon refugee ctnter Tuesday to drownin1 victims swept away. A D-year-qld San Luis Obispo County man was dtowned when he tried to cross the normally dry Salinas River which today looks like the Mississi ppi. Little hope remains for the four Boy Scouts and their adult leader who vaJUsh- ed in a bliuard nearly a week ago In the Big Bear area of • the Sau Bernardino MountaiM. [IAll T PllU T OltAtt.a• .CW.IT PUaLSIMffll& COMfl'A!'"f ~1.M"lf N; w,,, -Lu~ky-or N o1~ Pm'*"! '"" P11t1Ht11er J•cli l . C11f1•y \llQ Praidtnl .,.. OfN•el ""-"''" Th,111a1 JCq•il .... Th'""'' A. M,r,hiH ~··iw ,,,1 Nl111• --,,__ ..... · JJO W11I ley StrHf M1ikllf M4Htt: P.O.'" 1160, fl6J6 Lagunans' Home Cruslwd by Mud By lllCRAllD P. NAIL Of -Deity '"" lt9fl "I 'll never tcuch a hammer ••• I don't want to Ht 8 hammer Or' 8 tlW aaain:: , 'I1liJ: WU the reaction today of Win stoa Blevins who was lleeplila In the hillside Laguna Beach bomt lie had built when a mud avalanche JIUlhed in Illa Will Milly --·him and ~· ..Ue." '. Bltvtlls, SJ7 LfteUyn Liiie, crocllll bis ~d-. 11em1ow, wtlll aavmc .them both from an lnl(ant llllldcll' ...... 1111 -, SU&an, WU liealed fer I bid'1 cut foot. Mrs. Blev!N i1 the dllllhter of Ion&· Ume Laguna ne..,p&Plr Cl>l>imnlat J!l'I • cartoonist Remlow Harris, who llvt1 near1>1. When the will of mud delcended at 1:111 un. Mooday, the lfllllor Blevlnl ... asleep and their -. unable to altop, -lo Illa living --' 'lllt Blerins ...,. awabMd l>y thtlr ,..., obrlek. A~a third as llrP .. the llvlne unop tltt -. -..., ..... i!htn II lilt lht bis baby crand piano and olnlad II tllrouP a wall 'Suiden!Y ' the family WIS tngulled in mud. Blevins, a tall man. u ld It was up to his neck. He was helples&--1. moment of awful panic. His son caught Winston Blevins' hand and Blevins ln tum caught his wife's hand and they floundered, and dr1gged each other to the front door through the dark rooms. Blevins said his son with the help of neighbor Orville Clay then rescued· their 7&.year~ld uncle, Sig Nyholm. He had a small reside"nee 30 feet to the rear. It hlfl bau -pusbtd against the big bouse by the mud Ind he .... trapped, in 6hock. ' "The mud wu pouring ln all o~r. In another minute it wculd haft gotten !Um," Hid Blevins. Gbne l"ILI $40,000 worth 0£ poaes,,ioftl and house lhat Blevins had built, nbuut and enlarged .over the yeal"&--*l years. 'l,11e twMtory four bedroom house wu deM>yed. . Burled under 1 mount1in or muck were the IC'C\IJDUlatlon of a fam ily's 1"1".r:thtr, the oriental rugs, Rem-low'• otings, the 1'1ano. the fumltu ... Bk t landscape 1ardentr, Hid there was no insurance to cover the Joss. Hts bopi now ls IOl'tMl type of disaster -to help-acquire anotbec home • But It won't be In upper canyon Acres Drive or-Lewell,fn Lane. Blevl111 hu de· dded. "Jt~a a very d&Ap:l'OUI pl1ce to Jive." l li . Santa Barbara Oil Slick increases After Slowing SANTA BARBARA (AP) -An oil Jeak in the Santa Barbara ~nnel in- cteaat.d today after · 1lowing, to a trickle Tbllnday,' . . . A spokesman for UAion Oil Co. said the leak was "flowing about lik~ it was Tuesday"'. when a~ well began spurting oil Imo a /imu'e ~barged by the ·blowout of another will !.our weeks ago. On Tuesday, Union would not e3thnate the Increased flow, but 11aid It was "greater than'' a 2,000 to 4,000-gallon·a· day residual Jeak tl'l&t · had continued since the first well that blew out· WI.! capped. The leak slowed and several observers said it stopped Thursday, hours after mud and cement were pumped around the casing of the second well at 900 feet. A Union spokesman said the leak may have stopped for a time from natural causes. • Four wee~ ago .the tir\Jt well bJe\v out and sqillrted ·2f,OOO gallons of \Ill a day into the chaMel for 111h days. A residual flow continued and increased Tuesday l'lten -a , MCOnd . !eD O~. the olfshore drlllinc platform, b<(ng pumped to relieve pressure on subterranean oil formatlorn1, also developed a leak. Crews wor~ from_ Ute l!~~-~~ platfonn were ()rilling through a concr.ete pl_ug in order to pump seJling ~ompounds and concrett: into the bottom of the 3,000.fookleep undersea well. The eu.ct amount of flow could not be determined. Oil from the original leak, which once formed an. 80()..squ.are-mile slick over the ocean, was reported 90 miles south of Santa Bl:lbara on Will Hogen Stale Beach between Malibu and Santa Monica • The Coast Guard said oil was mlJed with surf in a seven·mile atretcb ol coastline off Los Angeles County. * * * * * * Relying o~:Oil Companie~~. . 1 . . . Surveys Blamed for Leak WASIUNGTON (AP) -S«:retario 91 the Interior Walter J. Hickel said today ,that aoverrunelital reUance on 1eological information from oil companies ma y have been a contributing factor in the recent offshore oil well blowout lhat contaminated miles of C a 1 i f or n i a beac hes. TesUfying in be.ha\! of tougher legisla· tion to protect water from such pollution, the interior secretary suggested Ui;t his departmfl\t might ' have to atart 'doing lts own ~ simpling In offshore m-eas. Sen. Edmritid S. Muskie of Mairie, chalnnan or the Senate public ·works subcommittee before which Hickel ap-. peared, said that oil c:ompanlea are swayed in the extent or preliminary samplings they take by the cost involved. "I think you 've hit iht naJl riibt on the head," Hickel said. "Thal'11 U· actly the problem." ,,,. · He said that at least 1,000 feet of cising should . be required for Dffsbore wells in areas sucQ as the Santa Barbara channel. Noting that "we are the real ownus, Lhe pubUc," Hickel said the aovemment should acquire information about possible geologlca1 faults first·tland, rather than from the oil companies. Muskie agreed with Hickel, 11ayinc "you ought to be on top of the whole situation."· Jn calling for legislalion .to require those responsible for offshore pollutlon to assume liability for cleanup, Hickel made it clear he included 1itualiorn1 wlthout negligence: "I wild! to i<t · vtolenUy against !ht Red Route.'' declared Mrs. G. D. Sch<bleln, of 830 Plumer s~.. wife of· a 1ea '-plain wllb choae COiia M~· as home because of Its pridetehnined freeway route. FAVORS YELLOW "I'm on the Yellow Routt and l favor that one," said Mrs. Lotti'e COdy, ·of 527 Center St., who bas been unable to sell her property. "As for myself, I c1n take the freew1y one way or the -other," said pharmaci&t Stan Crawford, ot 215, Magnolia St., "[ · feel · sorry for those who art «OID.c to · IO!t and I feel IOrrY for mylelf." "I probably won't live to see, Colta Mesa as the metropolis it will,.1·l;lt," he explained. · •· "Temng up NoWpori aoulevanHieatd sterlllze the area for two ye.ari' tbell last looger," aaid Red Routa pn>J>Clllllll Vincent Jorgensen. of 1567 AnUgua~ Newport Beach. · · . . , ·* "You're · goIJ1i to see a comm • explosion downtown and a reslden explosloit on the west side If the freewaf goes down the Red-Blue route," added the Costa Mesa income property owner. "Downtown Cotta Mesa is not ~ead" •1 said bank eucutJve Al zjegler, "sleeping ., maybe -but any tiger sleeps to recoup its 1tnngth before going forth to hunt again." · 1 LOST BER HOME • "l have a warm spot ln my; .heart : for the folks whose homes are threaten-· I •d," aaid _ Betty J. Beecher, !'I. 200 M"l"'!li• st., but adde\l .that !!lie. 1,.t ~ I a hotQe to 1 freeway oncf: .in:cf ~ ~¥n't _ too bad. ·• ·) "This ap~r1 ~ be ~i. ~ of truth." said Commissioner Jic\·nan,:' melt, at the close o( the heltinl:,. "we , have f.acb, figures and now the bUman ~ equlltion." · '4 "The oitier commissloners Jiave .ruhi~ "' med up, my thought. thoroughly.'.' ldaed :. CommJufoner H.J. uJhnmle" 'Wood~"' ~ "some of you ~le will love us :and some of you will hate us." · _. ~But ttiat's par for the cour~," ·said ., the· longtime Costa r.tesa resident and • civic leader. · •' German Boy, 12, Held J ' . ' On i R~p~ Charget1 ; SAARLOUIS, Gmnany (UPI) -Police • said. today they had arreated a IJ.year_· old 1>oy·cri charges of raping four worn•~~· in Saarlouls during the past two mootltf. ·l · They identif1ed him only u DeUel J., and aald he had confessed he was the "powerful young man" tl1' women reparted had· atllc:ked thein llt · night. DEEP TUFTED CHf.iRS "' -; Truly a"n out1t1ndi111 d<teir v1lu•, ~•11turin9 •-rivel or cester ba11. Al10 •v•ilable -~· with • cuqom swivel c1st1r. b111, et • 1ll9ht "clitioft1I ch1r91. Th111 ch1irs must be 111111 to •ppreci1t1 their unutU.f styling ••ul t1rrific comfort. Your choicii -ef • wici• !•l•ctiort ef quality f•brics, sm•rtly sfyl•ci to ench•nce •rty hoM•· •• ·'· • .. ' COMFORT & STYLE AT A .REASONABLE PRICE " EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HEN REDON -DREXEL-HIRITAGI VO DAYS NO INTEREST -LONGIR TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVID ClllDIT NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wtttcillf Dr, 642·2050 OftN .. ID.AT "rlL f . . I INTERIORS Prot-.1 lnlortw DelitMrs Av11l.Oi.-.AID-NSID I •J • • • Bl!l.,. l'ILIT IS Berlin .EJectjipn Site BERLIN (AP) I ...'. MaYOt BerllD. · I · nMllnc In w .. 1 Borllo, but ll<'*ldenl. 11'8 · · • 1111 '. lJatle• ·'.Jlpt See..ritr · ls (WI Buries lk-Rr~,,.r ,,,· · Firm - -na• Gtmw\y IO Wort' Berlin.· Ille electloo of w • 11 -I • uld jl West 0....... ObM<d1o< ....... ··-~-will Germany'• new preddenl will dllnll tM V.U.C oo1J Ille Kurl Geoff KJatnaer aald on : ----• . ' .. . AIN KAREM, llreel (UPI) rtopecla. .itae!<lllil•lf'll. Klaus llchueta nld ...i., that •• ~ -~ 0 • ·~· Kllh1 lp>ored him. ...n.c. ~ ....... take pl1<1 In Well Berno oo Eul -.., .Jlft ucb lelevlai<Jo Tbureday nlghl Iha! come by plaM siace lhe Eu! Marcl> 5 as planned. ,.... -~t. he wwned lhe eledlon would G<rmans-llo1-.! ._ I Schuetz told l ...,, .... -Tbe ..,.,.1,penoo11;a be held 1n w .. 1 Berno u I Ille a1t1-< • f ' 1 , ference tbe adamant 1tand , tant. 8-'fl QrPer\ UM wttla Planned. 1'1le Sovleta alao have M- laken by lhe .Eut Gel'llWll Eu! --etary The Eul Germ11111 and Fhe nounced ~ -era well lowerd neaoliatkm wllh bl5 MJcUe1 lob! 1n1flll' In Rualona objecl to Ille holdinc of Berllo -weelt, bul Phil -lsreel burled Pmnler Levi Throoo tlllmai.d lo t.lif An. a '~ -by ~~· I ·~· · Ille -"'·• lil0,11111. lined lhe wldt ~-Btfr. 0... -Goran. ~,.o .-.Y m ·-.... al ........ J ......... ....._ ddll ~-ol ,l!!_~,U Judee hllll he had lllled II I ._ ..... ~~ __ ,,I flrmor ind defende<I u a ~ ... ...,i. Mf"ll .• m.. dllel•nlilil. liir'Yolluclt u .. llafesmln. (per~j1"' Ibo ......,.. lodnio,. ~'Ibo, Hobnw Eahkol'a ceaket, draped In Four ~ d!p!/.rlei P'fJll'' al Jl!lllli!adloa. lhe ·nollon'a Star-ol David ""'" lround lhe wOr1d; m. · · 'lbalo·lbo ClllllldrT• ..._1. flq, moved aolemnly down cludlnl U.S. lleillh, -. delill z.lrDoo ·-, '"' Jerusalem's ancient slreetl, tion and Wtlfan See:nllry ._..... a a.: UIOditti ol then oul Into the 1UJ1DY .,,..,.. Ilobtrt Flndl, -bled te llblrol, relotod Illa frilo!d'• tcyaldt. Helicopters w!llrled hefr brW lrlbulto te &llllDI, wwt 11 -"' ond polllJ.. pvemmenl ~ furlher con-W-lf· On 0 tbe ol 1 he eleclloo In Well Berllol tabor reWlng did nol force tact impossible. Eut Germln eov told bee111&1e it ls a demonBtrallon a change 1n the election~ i The Easl Germw had In-lhe Weol Berlin · .. (... of Wiii Gennany'• clejm lol Schuell'• announe<menl win . L>l!t- dicaled Ibey would Issue lhe uplontory ~ .,,;,{ \tb e former German coplW. probably. 'l"I • oil . oew pro. puses for Well Betlloen to conllnue ..W Ibo' 'Tl> -the eleclloo, Pho ' pagandl -lr«n ~I : villit friends and relativts in were' called oa. ~ Germani batted all Berlin ind Moscow tll&t wlll Eut Berlin at Eater lf the Grabert DUldf two ' ' ~ " t be J'edenl ! increase in tntenatty Oftr the overbeld and -111 al IOl-~~:w~tio~d~led~W~-~~IJ~of~a~· c~lori~~-~~· ~-~·~ii;iiiii;iii~ dlws, their submachine guns cocked. stood guard. , , ' i ' ! ' I , 4 I I l • • • ' ' I • • ' ' • • r • • ' • • ( election wu mclved from 'I'lnlrldlf1l monp ...,.b!J, wbl<h will elec:l lhe weekend. SloWIJ the coriege wcund ap Fhe slope of Mount Hen! ... ;looking the Biblical vll· Airliner Hunt Futile Till Sprjng? HAWTHORNE, Nev. (AP)- An Iii-liner wllh 35 _,s •board, mJalns f ... 11 cloys In ' snow-covered m~ aJ&ng the Nevada.callfomla border, may not be found untll 1pring, a !Y!'Ch official said today. The Mineral County Airlines OC3 vanished early Ftb. 11, while returning 32 gamblinc cash>o patrons from Haw- .Iheme to Burt>uk end Looi Belch. It had a crew of . lhree. Snow, wind and Icy cold Slngno JHei .l!av, k•.P.I ..arch .plane• on~• movie and grounded much of the lime. "It looks like it may be a Broadway singing star · 1q ljine," aa1d ·ctvt1 Alt Pa· John. Boles (1~own in tml LI. Col. LooiJ Dellunon-a 11149 photo> died . icL "We may net find it till Tbunday in T•• Of a . the !JJr1llr Iha~ f"""' along." heart attack. He was · A pause between winter 68 Bf.omis alloWed 25 CAP planes --·-------and seven military aircraft to search the DC3's route t1lurs· day. "It looks lite we won't be able to do much," said Della- monica. "HoWever, we're planning a maximum effort again S&turday and Sunday, ~~~planes IUlCbed 0 u t of Hawthorne 'llrunday, but dWS"e wen no ground parties. "'lbere were no kads, nothing to tnvesti- g1te on the ground," said Dellamoolca. 'lbe White MounW... aoar above 14,000 feet aloog the itate Hoe. High elevatiom have u much as 20 feet of ·-.now: n•s fttred the alrplant; whlte with blue trim, may b• burled under the snow. ~ ' I Biafra D~d Bucher." · To T~tify Second Time CORONADO (UPI) -cmdr. Llayd Bucher al lhe USS Pueblo testify 1 - Nny Court al Io- bl5 ship'• coplure Kom. apoUsm•• uld ay the decision to bring back to the witness tabl wis made by the Pue- blol,skipper'1 civilian lawyer, E. •Miles Harvey. ~o date bas been ~ r 0 r cher's JeCOOd appearance. could come ne'd wet. aft.. er the court f1nbbes hearing testimony rr~ 74 Pueblo en-.,usted men on their 11 moaths In a Communl!t prison. Four mare Pueblo crewmen OZU ABAM Biafrt (U I)' ivere called IO leslify In _. · ' court today. The court ftnt Buried in 11 Marketpla ' -Graved1ger1 turned • into secret seuiol'I tn the aft. once-peaceful marketplace ernoon for four other men. 111 to a cemetery today for from the vessel's espionage Acoru of men, women unit , ~hlldren killed by a Nig n Et'even more men testifitd jet bomber Wednesday. Thursday raising to 4441\ he ,Authorities said the d lb number who bave told their toll had aoared to more an stori~. 250 persona, mosily women No reason has been advane-at1d children, from the aUack ed for Hll"Vey's decision to which leveled a cburcJ, a call Bucher back for anolher cUniC and fivt native 1~. rountl or U:!«Umon:v. Tt coold UPI reporter George Nhadi be an effort to tighten Buch· act0mpanied the b \If I a I er's case as rnucb m poss111le ""'ken Into l'1e •titted befM'O the court •lllrls dellb- t!Jllift and ·reported 'human erations . bodies lay where they , had Among the possi~le recoi:n· been blown to bit.s by five mendations by the five adm1r· born and were decom · C als is a court martial for tn the eltering heat. Bucher. JET .,,_ :J -. NOISE llyJHO Tbit news from 14 achoo! chief II)'!, ''but wt Angeles lei ua· Fhol 1 line milht come up w!Fh oomelhlng eleinenW'y 1 near Inter-that would be about 3$ feet nellooll!"l1Pf1.hu been closed blgh to wem pilots IWly." due IO Fhe uddonger. * * * us, how many Along with the subject of the are under the flights over schools., we have a Airport flight fonner stewardess wbo llvea at y are: New· Newport Riviera, who tells us School, eo. aboul lasl week'• "nolllest air· mp School, craft of the wetk. ti "'1lil~\~i! Seems a fli&bl to Oranr• -· • County landlq from Fhe 'NorFh Elemen~ • at 11 : 00 a.m. dipped ao low as . Harbor View, it banked over the Vista School Mlrlnen, Iha! lhe cblldren ran IO lhe . . New-wmcJow to aee '"whit ns bap-port Hti&hl'I, oOdllnd. peoin( • 'Ibo llCbool'a lllptrin- Thll's I IOta ol -lendeni coallnned Fhe atory-ochooll -ellhl wtllch ere 500 f~ '· ·-•-er In cllrecl line ol tlil _,,,, chllck;! ~ --"' our * * 'i SomelJodJ' wooden II lhe U. M-1\111, "lbobpor\ om vertiaillJ men w11o 'ljilee Ille Fhe ocllool problem" -Id-a<!, ~· llYI. 10 mue newa. In _. l'lrk, "-- -Gell )'OU when lhe FM hu ~ •lem ~i.., • lives In Newport wamln( IO p0ota oul al . FuTiertnn Airport. , See ,.., 11<11 Tutscia,. Drop Ben Slaffon. AlsiNfi>t Super-U1 I line ot liop by «D' JMod. lnlendenl al lhe Dil1l1ct. lllf· l)llll1<n upolaln I( • Elll 1eots (In answer IO Fhe FAA I 17th St.,....i Ibo -ol lrrioe !cite lh•I they would _. .. -In Colla -. Wt "" Oflt'I some k Ind al ldenUftcollon lmn 10:00. OUr Ill-la : merker on lhe roo1 !If eacl> llJ.4lOI, ochoot), • barnre baDocii. Ai~t Nol.!• Abot"""'t "I ci«Jbl il !hey would' con· · , •. ikler a bmtge baTJoon... the Commit&tc B'OU)el'ful Earthquake "" -Iago .. Aln Karem. From lhe Aetreu JU · ~ Mary Martin, top, lhe vi<w commands the Medllllrranean IO lhe Wea~ Belhlehem lo lhe IOUlh IDd lhe Dold Sea IO dio .. .i. H . t s . p • z · lil ltlllerlng from diver> . f, S . pain, Or 1>Uga ticulltls, an lntestl'l"I dlsord... forcing cloo- "I'm no city ~" Eshkol of1en bad said. "I'm I fallth (former)." Ho wllhed tloud to hl:s friends that he wanted to leave bis bully office and relum IO lhe hills he h I d tum.eel as a young man fresh from Russia. '. LISBON (Ul'I) -The WGl'ld'• aronPst wlllquue lb, On ,_. and 1ever1l . afta'lbocb 1'\UDbled ac?O!S · Speln, l'1lrluiltl and Morl>Cco lodly. killing lhree perso.,, ' lpjurlng dozens and sending ,.frlgbtened thousands lnto the -· In Sale, Morocco, two aparl- mmt buildings c r u m b I e d und• the quake 's onslaught and tWo persoru were killed. Another death was reported in Ra~t. Moroc:co, where 50 ~ were treated for sbock. A half-dozen parked cars were CPUlbed beneath the front will of an old hotm: lhal collli>aed In Lbbon. The clty w11 ·without power or telephone :servict for 1 S minutes. Pajarna-cJad retidents fled their home.s. The major quake, the rirst ln this area in five years, ' ·'-' rumb"•• f Ing ol Ille Detr<>it run sen • .....,.wa... '"'""' ol horbit lhow "'!Do! 15 seconds: AfteNf*b II I Do!" second.I long followed. Hours--------- later, just before dawn, still another tn!mor shook the region. • In Madrid, l'esident:s worried about relatives and friends in the stricken area hunled to telephones, causina: whit was described u the w o r s t telephone J am in the city's history. The quake was felt u far away a.s Madrid and shook virtually t!'lf!r'J town I n Portugal. 'I'he tremor was believed eentend In the AtlaD- tic, near the Azores. But Slnta Maria Airport, In Ibo Azoru, r<ported It had lett nothing • Thousands of Portuguese aJld toumta fled honlel and hotels, dressed In lbelt pa· jamas, and sat for hours on street benches and in cars, fearing a second tremor: · Ex~lD.ana.ger Files Plea Today the tiny nation Esh- kol had led for five years, including six days of war in 1967, honored his wlah. •Mindful of the Arab neigh- bors who threaten Ille country and who considered Eshkol a mortal enemy, Israeli aecurlty SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -for the burial was excepUon- Th1 weallhy ,~er business ally lough. manager of \it1:: Kingston Trio, His coffin was bcne on the Frank Werber, hu pleaded shoulders of ab ermy colnnels innocent to a federal in-and four police. commanders. dlctment d!:rging him with Hundreda of Police Witched couplroey lo fly Ill poundl •"""! slreel u dawn came of marijuana from Mexico to over Jerusalem and thous· bl5 Marin County home last-<nds of """""" ~ed loto fall. lhe <111· lo pay-. lhilr leel U.S. District Judge Albert C. Wollenber& ael . llarcli. 28 for a hearln& on a motl.01\ by Werber'! aUorner~ Dani•! H. Wtinste.in, to IUPJl"SS evidence seized in a rald on Werber's Mill Valley home. COMPACT Th• DAILY PILOT hllt y•v . "'~ -111 lffs'1p1•• -_,., day 1bnt Y"' u1111•1111lty tlr.111 a11y •thar 111w1pap1r a1011t f~1 GN1f Ora11g1 Co11f. • Old W4Jrld Mediterranean S~hFu~e a-Ind .. ;...11.11on ... w Sponlth w1 M1dltwr-,.,,,...,,_ .. -··-·--D•cee..,.... ....... Oi ...... ltemJ aa followa: ·~1 ·a . ft. C1111Dm quilted sofa with aepante looea JJIUOWI with heavy oak trim decor and m1tclilng cbatr, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 68" tall deoorator lampa. hanging cbajn •:inc lal!lpo In wrought Iron, an 8 piece killl ilM muter bedroom suite In pecan panelled .Mediterran- ean otyle with top qu•lity lS yr. warranty king size mattreaa a. boz sprlnp. Spanish decor dininJ! set. etc. .. ................. 1 ..... ::'l,::~IPI~ -·····-·--$698.00 Any Pl-Can le Purdlaoad lndlvlcluolly To,,.. J..qlloille -Now_,. i. CaHf. Crodlt Appl'Oftd lmmodlotoly lr""lP'!' • r fJ J] Fanalttwe . · .:Ai Hai:bor Bl~ 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Me141 w1r Evwy nlaht 'Ill 9 -Wod .• Sot. a 'Syn. 'Ill 6. ' 1s: lever, alone with the icni?>n. to Jl!Ol8ct your deeiroble new cu from undemables. (Only Ch8VJ' bu it in our field.) To protect against oorroeion: ID oztn oet of fenders up inside the~ lmder1. While three baked-<>n ooata of tourh aaylic lacquer P'!'lect qainot iu!I about oYerytbing eloo: the llUD, tba 'll'IDd, the rain, Ille y..,,. ' ' So proteet 1oanel£ ' Mab oure JOU~ what,.,.,.,. rettin& (od mt pEting) .,..,_money. Dig deep and unoonr tba· tnJa di!Femiceo, durini "'"' Cbem>lel dealer's Va1ue ShoWdown. l'llttlnr ,.u irst, ....,. • tint. .. . '• -'' \ • " l ' • (1tAD·Y P~ -~ ·~~El . llelpiµg YOUR · Hospital •• . . l ,,. ' Mo 111atler whe(e the Newport Freeway or the P• • ;c:lac Coast Freeway la :outed, Hoer 1i111-1a1 Hoopitill f ', lias' jlO!Ved tbtt part al. tu expansion dUemma and la . <ft am ~ With .an_ amb!Uous plan to enIBree. Tbal·~ the wot'd from hospital ollicials and Now· pqrt Beed\ city planners, who last week gave tho •13 in!IllOll project their blessings, · . llbu1, a big hw'dle bu been cleared-(o• It had ~ t been teared for many years that·a~opted freeway align- ments In the area would curtail Hoag's plans for much- needed additional faclllties. , Another hurdle,. ¥d a major on.e, remains, of coane. And that ts where the commuruty at large can • hejp.-OrgauizaUons, firms and 11ldivlduali will be asked to contribute a total of '3 million toward the construe- " lion of the 11-story Hoag Tower. ' The rest of the moriey will be borrowed, on a par· tially matching basis, from outside agencies. "Hoag aJ. ready has $1 million from prior donations •. Here, cletlrly, is an instance where those Newport illld Coota Mesa ci\izelB who contribute will likely be btilpini themselves or members of their families. If not now, eventually. By definition, Hoag Memorial Hosp ital•Preebyter.. Ian .Is 'a · community qospital-that means' it Is yoor hp<pltal. Explosive Growth;...1960-68 In the past eight years Orange Coast College has grown big, fast. Golden West College bas mUJbroomed from nothing. ·They've had to. Orange-Coast Junior Coll.e~e Dis- trlct:·lw been serving an area· of explo8ive popillation , IMUI.· . , •'Ile· mcr.ase. in population served by the district •u llnwwt •. qndt., ., ~ mlllkm -1••1rom i• 1o . ~ ._..,i lo U.S. Jim-. at Cenlu1 and Oranc• Countt P1lilli!ililc ~~ea .. 'l11e i-,=· • CGUi Jwilor eou.ce D1'lrlel pop-·ulatioa wu 110, II)' 11ea it was 328,&80 -an in· crease of 1111 · · ·~ t • ' . Durtn1'th• IAllll perlocl-.the populaUoa ol !lie coun-ty ,_ allgbtly Ieu Illa bait u ~a\. ' Collece)dllt\lb. lllM> locllted ... P tho ltcures foupd Hun~glon~ ·~·801'""'e•t tro'iii l.1,4112 paraohs to · 103,SSO. Fountain Valley crew 1,223 pori:ent from 2,068 porlODs lo 27,311, WoatiJJbater was up f"1Jll ~. 750 pel'SCll\l lo iiS,010, or 121 percent growth. Elsewhere, Cotta Mesa crew from 37,550 person• lo 73,140, up 1115 .por<:ent, Newport Beach went from 26,- 1164 ponOl!I lo 43, 710, up 64.5 percent. Seal Beach grew fnlm 6,9H penom lo 21,820, up 212 percent. The re!ult al. all, thia·populll,\iQll crowth was a com· blned 'day and evenlng enrollment hlcrea1e fn\m 9, 719 •tud"'lf.s to. 23,700. In other words, the jilnlor college distrtct bu ~ ad!llnJ f, 7•7 ltudents per' yea'r. The .P'!J\i!atioa inc._.. may not be as great the !lezt el~~Y~ bµ~·as :more youngster1 gro)V uP to Junior co!nge age the district will face continued en· rolhnent pressure. Street Name Perversion Costa Mesa bas suffered for )'••rs through the •111· barrassment of having its Broadway called "Broedway Street" on a conspicuous downtown sign erected by the •&late bighway·.people. Now those same people bave re- n'!'!'ed !1ewport's ~ous .Ja,mboree Roa~. It's "Jam· OOree 89u1evard'' oa ·.all directional . sjgns along . U:le rlew~ stretch of tile~ Diego Freeway. · Next .they'll be calling Harbor Boulevard ':Harlior Pface~" , · I ' " • I l . ' l -' -.~q:: •• ...,. lCl 'OD~ TfJAT ~IS SHo~LD gG '~ RAPIER AND MINE A CUDbf.t.'' r l/_p~aval i n Jtfedif!al E d uca tion . . . ' .... ~j ' . '• I $pec1~Jty; Family· M.D. · T wo-thirds Bond Vote Trea4ing a Fine, ~ ·' .. By·NORMAN NIXON, M.D, Ask any newcomer, whether he lives lr.~Newporl Beach, Colla Jv.esa, Hun--ti Beach. Laguna Beach or any Orance Countf community, how ared when he tried 14 gel a lamiJY oclor. Most ttkely, ht had to call two l or three pbyalcians before be was ac-> cepted · ~· routlhiY ball of all graduafulc;!O,tot.docton every,year. gmerallata have doled pra.e-tices, Moat medical students ·ioo11 cunt Ahul!Y ovtnrocUd and haruMil, they from famiJ!ea wjtll an annual tncooie ' . . ' .Faces Test Deli'cate Line plus the ability to deal effectiVely with mQSt of the other problem11 his patienta bring to.him. 1 ~ 1 '. ····,~. .-, • ..,. ~ One reason tdh1at pal renlh°'!. is tl1e i -::~.~-,"'.'·~;· r',f,.,,li,·~X"."'1". /.!,, r , • , , + £ " 'l' most difficult SCip ine in ~ world ·~ ~'io*'°~(I J, -• ., "".': 'l,,~ f~, , ;f {' IN MW ~ll!iDICAL ochools students , '"",• 'GUestReport -far more dtfficull than any academic , , '~!..e-i~' W ' i " ~ now can e.lect those courses 11\lt will , '~ · ~ , ', '*' 1' dl.SCipline -lies in lhe fine line ltlal ;~·~ .I~ 1 1~ 'I.~:___ , _ • • further their fut~ .careers; ln a few ;.. .,. ~: ·~ ir "' parents must draw between ~at lbe :· -~ -~·'Ir~ p;_f./f) .. ~. · the entire seruo~year is elecUve. So ~· ·", __ :;-_..__ "ai-.'."·.· child ls and wbat they want for Jle ... ~?;_,..,, .. ~~-·~ &r·-·-"' -~ it l.! possible that some giaduita may prevail r.;nu-:-vw:t ~Ip~ child. -; 'I attractive to strive harder to meet never have set a .lr!lcturt, llltllred a . ""-" ~ 1 • ., Many children are "loved" in ~ ~ ' ,. · . ' laceration, dtllV~ ~ JJ:aby or_ removed Lu and,candidate ~t.D Callf~8:. and sentimental. sense ol the word t-th~. standards ol . the .am.ily and the ' CIJllJO\ CX1111Cieotloola!y accept any new of al. !wt ,15,IGO; nearly all "'°"' fW paU-. l!fldiee•ln'tm<nJ!l',lea 0111JM!o1 ~ ~,' doctors In -•l .pnct1oe ~ )lul tiie poor health condllions are in a. mloority lllnct mclilt ....ucat ct.'~· bl-;ts IDd other minorities school iraduat .. !"'<P m· . ~n areas utldeneore the limit tfialr . pnctioe !M -'~ , )4IM! quality of inedlcal 1ZJ apprmdit t-·J~ :as may skliled ·· The ~ QtJ ScboOl ~-18 but at the same1 time the pareota w~t mdteu and the SOCiety at large. ~allsls ljav~ lleV~I" ~ IUCh =s '*: :T~f ~e=, .l>i!D or. force i!iJii or expecl hirii, ~ So lhal the parents' drive 14 be : ~ proced~llrdleav1ng . . IChool. · motiiw g bi!_differelt. ~.·w the child'I nuce aathfied by~thefr children is in constant r ·~n. e~~~gd ~m... . u~te ~ . .,. At ' ~:;.,,.6.,.11!-:..· . _ -· mml, their wl,!lli.ug him to be dlfferen danger or ~ing mterpreted as rejedion I trJJ~I'" '. 1N'-OID'\kl;e • .family 1-~~......, • -~•Y1fs roe"'! * mat1be unacceptable as ht by a. child; aad the more the parents fields. ~)' yeatl • ,.:.~~thla._ :11..s. • numbereil •J>N18""' ft 81 ao:i: tcmf.., 14 '"-• there are no more tb.a .JO GP'I'.( W ll • m1. WO~DEll the.re ls a current every IO apecialilt8. •la i ~ upheaval. JD medical education! Many there ~ too many' ~ ud far medical ICbooll~ have undertaken ~­ too few famll)' ~ 1'hi are intaod ' ti!nalve curricular revwoo to· l'<O"lde 14 steer palien&s • to Opoda!Jsls''ooiy )f Dexll>Wty in whit each lludent -... needed. 1 The ...,WlijJ!IOntthaMhe graduale should be ""~ed tot!• ,,ey: problenl •• ~IORl; P11YS1C14N11 ·ara be 1'1 c lonpr .l!o!dl,. U-. wbo Intend · to gradru' ated ihan ever!bef<n:... Z17 -' IJl!"'Jaibti'do . neoct ._ '14 all in 1 than the YNr. blfcn ud ·~ . o( Ille ~ required In lht put. mor than In 19!0, but a•h•rlJ 81\lCb -. And hlltei!f , of • arnaUerln( of 14 ftl1 the enormous· dlflelt. cl lnli!'d everythinji, jlll'piieraUat needs dellntte manpower. By llm1 lht 100 or .-Hl1ll in.~ U-dllorcltn for U.S, medical -1 ho u '14 'je. whlcb specliibid talents are required, •' pracbc jjli; · 20th ,• Aller : • 'ii ~f( • 1 onal ik" t "' \ hold 14 SOllJ' ob1ecUve, abstract standard year~ , Am ~ , Aftdemy • ~ 9 r. D , ',. , ~ • , '\\ of What i ' ''satisfactory" . child should ot Gen ~ ~-' 'won the ; · . requiring • . .:, , • . . ~-' .. if JIE COMf.jS to believe Utis, .and be. th! more the r~al child JoW! his approv~ •Of ~ AMA .s COuncil on :i; r~~ af PPf:eaJ·f "-; 'irit: tates tt· for gr8.nled, ~hen he has ~ven O\Vn feehrti: of 1dent1ly and worth. Medical .Ed~c~on l;O that M.D.'s no.w r n · s _ : · .i,. up .as ~ personpllty tn his ow:. right. can. become . ~cognized spedall9ts m .,'t~e ltLh Amendment of the u;s! ~: He:, ·~mes 1elf..Je11, ,!Ind tUl_'l\8 into ',AT BOT'fOM. the emotional task for family mtdlcin, arte_r co~p~lng a. thr~-)Uon , equ~ protection ~~ the la1J;:1 1 a kind ~ automa.ton, reacting to paren~I ~\le pare t is to learn. how to tread year ap~~ed. res~cy . W-passtng .,. Oh.AXE M do many4 Vlhlir sCioQI i;!re&Surff. -and ~ makes little difference this fine ' and delicate line between 1c- a co~pr~i~e ·ex:aDUnlltioO· for bo~' oUJcJats ~ patents, f.9inti 'out t~ it he rtacts with ®l\fonnjty or with ceptance aod change. Someone has said certllicaUOU: .:i ·; are miniiroua initinees·W· ~~~· rebelliod. Jn ei.ther . C'-5e, he is not .an of God . at. "~e !S always pl~ased but Nn'T JULY' Hoa Memorial Hos ital jority of the 'electorate hag favOref.bixil'. authen~ pereonality, but a blind never sa 1ed w1~h hum!l" being~; and will'lb;ctn me~ ol if pioaeer resi~ncy ' laaues, only to hive them tall becaole,. res~fr to t~mal forces, often for that s the attitude rucely. Children programs in family • medicine in the of the two-Utirds requirement. i ~ a llfetinliC. must be made to feel that parent& are U.S., with Dr. Robert Rakel u director, Accdrding to the Callfoinia Teachers B~.t thi Pai;~nts have a legitimate claim pleased 1 Ith the~ even though . they The Hoq residency will I! affiliated Asaodation (CTA)·research \i"'811ment, to . de~lo.p lt!e ~hUd, even a duty are not atUDed with what the children with UCI Co)Jege·of M~IJKI clinics for txample, durin& ·the 1tfi..g school to ovlliie it, to ulllill valllei and shape have ~or themselves. . lhrou,gbout the county. year only 45.1 perCent of_J7SiJl'.ood eJec.. attltudd and. ~rrect .malfunctions~ The tude or pleasure. of JOY~ at lions passed. A big ruunber. Of election m1;Ypprehens1on:s. Being a parent ts acce . of a fresh and uruque Sirhan .Rejected Gamble faUed . (st.t) ~1· becwwt of the be.in, a teacher, on1y on a deeper level. persoo Y. 1s much ~arer among parents two-thirds requtlem'enl ,uac the re-than we hke to think ; most of t~em ,;,_ .. t f voter. -· ~ been TlUS.: IS WHERE the problem and have an abstract model of "the child" qr"' .. ...,.n OI' .: ~pprov, · . a the Wadox come in. The child in their· inds and want the real child aunpll . majority, al .in ,~· .eiechoos, despera'i.eiy needs to be loved for what to rese le the ideal one, usually for 161, Of 92 percent. of the liond proposals it is. and yet the parent is continually reasom t have more to do with woukl have passed. prodding it to become o&ber than what parental anity than the wellare of the Ul.S ANG!:LES -The State Deport ment apeciflcally approved an a,reement reached here Jail week by which SirlJ&n Sirhan woold change hia plea 14 "gullly" in exchange !or a aentence of life lm· pri.6onmenl. Los Angeles Diat. AUy:Evelk Younger advised Secretary .of state William Rogers Jn Wuhin&ton of these t>OYibllilies In the barPlnlng between his office and the SlrUn defeme staff and received approval~ from Rogers for the plan. · Here is the story. Sirhan~ of course, faces a conviction of fint.;degree murder and the gaa chamber· for the uusslna· lion of Sen. Robert,F. Kenned.J. He did not plead inaanlty, but instead entered • plea of not Jlllllty, althctutlh he and hia aUomeys have never denied that he did lhe shooting 1n lhe Ambassador Hotel here last June. UNDER CALIFORNIA law, it Is possi- ble lo demonst.ratr: a "diminished capacity" of mlnd, a K<>rl of midstalion between sanity and insanity, and thus escape a conviction for murder In the first dearee. First-degree ·muraer· ,cen· vk:tions -of course -require proof of premeditation. Even H convicjed of Ii~ murdlr1 Sirhan ,would then~· ,'liMter -----Friday, February is, 1111111 • ri.. e<111or1a1 """' •I t11a Dallr "Pilot seek& to inform end ~ ulotl r~ad.er.s b., pre1~ um M10tpaPfr'1 optnionl ad COM- IM!llc'l/ on 1epla of .,._ Del <fgnlfican<•. 1>11 prooldlilf • ,,,,_ ,.. .,,. _....... of -midm' •111•1-""' bv ji4 51 D#fto tJw dfNt• *'°'" ,...._ of l•f,,,_ .,,,.._,. ................ '°"""of tlla .. , R1tlltlt Weed, Pubu.ber - i CalifOl'Pia, Jaw, widergo a lleCOftd ttial by jurf 14 deleimine -the punlsh- menl -'lfOU1d be death or life J.m. ~eo,t.. 0nCt O•jQry WU aalected and testlmony bepn, Slrhan'1 plea ol DOI illJilty ......,,. ed •.doulile 1-rtance. ll would permit a •limrinc ol dhnlml'll!d capacity, IUI· gated by hia attorne11 In their opening statanen~ either through ' drunkenness or an irrational hatrtd of I1rael. In addition. it would permit him to "tell biJ story"; that i1, to have tlia moment of worldwide publicity in which he aiuld recount the evenll of his childhood which formed -allegedly -his vieWJ. ON THE OTHER hand, a plea or guilty would eliminate the necessity or a trial. 1~ ~ U' he coold recei ve a g{Jprantcie ol llie imprisonment in return, there wOujjf be no risk of death in lhe gu chniiJOr. , . Thus, theie be1an the kind ol "plea bargllntna" 'amiliar to mOl'lt criminal lawyers ~ Zll05t district 1ttorney1 in. which a ~-plea la accepted in ex- c!Jange for a li&hter senmic.. Sirhan -In altcrt -"u prepared bl cop a pJea.. • • His attorneys-ofrered a culJty pita to llrakl<,... murder If they could be sure the dealb penalty would not be Imposed. Al lbal point Dts1. Atty. Younger went to WuhJncton for some forelp.poUcy lldvlce and (OI ll IN CONVEllSA110NS with Secmary Ro(ers, ho was lldvised thal the &tale Department -as a matter ol U.S. fonip policy -,,..,,d find the 1""-' deal acceptable. U Slrhao ;,,... to plead rullty and receivt IUe ~t, the reasonini went. it could only hu• • beneficial effect as far 11 tht nmu md viol~ Middle Ea.st paulons were Qlilitf5 tied. Jn the first place, Sirban'a •·telling his story" would be avoided, and the story -one of alleged hraell actiorui durlnc the 1948 Arab-Israeli war -was bound to be an inflammator)' one. In addition, a Paleslinlan Arab In prison jn the United States is far tesS likely to provoke worldwide conflict 'than the aame man under sentence of death for months, perhaps years, or the worldwide story ol hia eucullon. ARMED W1'nt Ropra' approval, Younger returned to the teene of the trial here and approved tbre. b&rgaln. AU that was needed wu the coosent of Judge Herbert Walker. To the astonilhrpent of both Ii.des, the jud1e refused. He insisted that even if the plea .'vere changed to guilty be would submit the penaJty question to the jury, \vhlch might sentence Sirhan to death even if the prosecution did not ask for il Sirhan rejected the gambl e. And »0.tht trial proceeds. and the opportwlity to.dtfU&e at least one danierous element in lbe Middle East was·lost. Younger, af eoutse, scrupulously refrained from using the !oreign-polJcy argumentl in coUrt. and Judge Walker was entirely unaware of the State Department J)Olition. Never has the separaliClft Of powers seemed more aeparate. ..• Dear Gloomy Gus: f1 "old "' downtown Coota Mtu reelly worth 11vtnc at the ex- pense of dbplocl1111 laa families! Red Line indeed! -M.O. nit fMfWt ........ ....... ...... ... •11uur'lb .._ • "" ••••• • ._ ,_ --• •i-r ... °"" ....... ( DRAKE REPORTS that if Alhambra it is -to eat better, to look more child. decides to make the ·court test, the coat of the lega( ballle will nol be financed by the .school district, but by private outside IOW'ces, such u pro-bond par~t gi'oups, contractors a n d architects. kl~ In getting the con- aUtuUonal queatJon, eetlled. Drake allo reporb that the Alhambra board currently ia under great local polltlcal pressuie to for,et the whole idea. However, be says. if \he board declclea 14 fight, the flrat atop will ho at the COlllllY lml. Tho board will u1c !lie Loi · AIJ&Oles County Board of Su~ to sell bonds recenUy re- jected )jy a minorily of Alhambra voters. The boodl, while favored by 6'.24 percent of the voters didn't make it because of the 33.76 percent minority. OF COURSE, It's expected that the L.A. supervisors wili reject the request. The district will then see~ a writ er mandamu,, requiring them · to ttll ·the bonds, hopefully at the appellate court level to save lime. If this fails, the next step will be the State Supreme Court, then the U.S. Supreme Court, U neeessary. Drake points oot that aince California Js one of f9'1r slates in the naUon that Nquires the two-thifd:a DJAjority, and since 12 other states require a bare majority -with the remainder havlng other requirtments -the Issue should ho cleared up. MANY PARENTS, too, especially thooe who have npported bonds '° unaafe tchooll would be made aafe ·tor the pupils, wonder if their children are get· U1111 equal protedion under the law. -Drake notes that the one-man one-vote principle wu upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court oo the reallgrunoot of coocrealonal districts. "I don't .ee why this shouldn't apply-lo echool bond il&Uf:.I as well ," he said. !'id1caUtft News Sen1ce Quotes Grit, WllU1m1port, Pa. -"When Eitlmol mee~ they rob _, , . • AmerlclM rub lender1 ... \ Judges R eveal Finances? \VASHINGTON -All federal judges, tnchzdlng the members of the Supreme C.ourt, should be required to fUe detailed annual reports or their outside Incomes and holdings. Thal 'I lhe demand of Rep. H. R. Gross., R-Iowa, in a bill he introduced that would make such financial declar• lions mandatory. Joining the veteran econont' champion in this signlflcant legislaUon was Rep. Durward Hall, R- Mo., IMtber leading economy advocate. Under their far-reaching measure, feder..;l judges would have to submit to the comptroller general copies of tbe.ir tax rtturM and statements lii:ling the stocks , properties 1od other holdings owned by lhem or tbeir \Vives. THESE REPORTS wouJd be con- ridential -the same as those now required ()f 1 members Of Congress and certain ~e1slonal employes. Like th.Ole, the 'judicial 'report! ~Jd be ex- amihed oitly after the adoption of a resolution by <jthel' the Senate or tho House. Jn stressing the necessity for this legislation, Gl'OS3 cited the disclosure last year that Supreme Court Justice Abe 1orlaa hod been paid ll~,000 to dtHver a eeries of lecturts et American Unfvtnity ln· Wublnlton. This came ta light during the hearlngs of the Senate Judkiary Committee on his 1ppointment to succeed Chief Justice Earl Warren -which was withdrawn after a storm of pntlestl. "It ii long past lime.'' declared Gross, "for legislation ·of this M:tUJ"t. Tbe members cf the fftteral . judiciary are, no less than members of Congress. pubUc servant.I holding high lnJst. My bill pro- vides a strong dettmnt to Jud~ of the United St.ates who mlabt be tempted, in its absence, to engage fn quesllonabl~. Wlf:lhicaJ or even llleaal practices. "I AM NOT ACCUSING Ill)' federal Judgt ttl dishonesty. But to anyone who { . .;f ~!~sliitl1 .. r •• ~ •• l' I believ~ tha~ a judge is hutomatically removed fro11 temptati by his eleva. tion to the bench, I w recommend that be readi the well-<! mented and scholarly 'The Corrupt J ge'. "i do not want to ar any criel that lhis legislation wi make second- class citizens or r _ I judges. The American people have ghlly demanded that their congressme be held to an accounting to which y are now aub- ject. They ha ve a ' ht to insist on al least as much fr those who sit in judgment upon . Failure of a feeler judge to submit the required reports ould aubject him · to impeachment bJy · ngress. By Robert S. Alie• . Job A. Goldunillt ' ,---BJ Dear George: I'm a bac¥or and have been quite conttnt bere In my apartment building wqere the rent i 1 reasonable. Lately, however, I have a problem. Two young ladies have moved in down the hall and several time.s now' one or the other has knoc:ktd ord my door, sometimes quite lat.t,at night. to borrow a cup of supr . My pf9blem is this: Do you tl\ink it ,J& proper for them to tlo this ts we haven 't even been f ormaill" introduced! CONCERNED Dear Ccrlcemed: No, ff is terrible etiqueUt. I'll bet tbfy don't even bring your sugar back. IY WlWAM ' REED •••••••• In the Wind ~ • Speaking before the Huntington Jleach-Fountain Valley Board of Realtors membership breakfast and the Huntington llaacb North :&tary Club !hi! last week, City Attorney Don P . Bonfa expanded biJ appeal !or citizen parUclpaUon ln local government Citing a need for 41citizen in .. · volvement in the rD. u n i c i p a 1 legislative process," Bon!a called for citizens to become aware of pending city legislation and to rilake their commemts known to the city attorney's office as well as to city councilmen. 0 -Complimenting the Huntington Beach Chamber o( Commerce upon the excellent work being done in reviewing currently p e n d i n g ordinances by its Legislative Ac- tion. Ccimmittee, Bonfa pointed out that more ieneral citizen review of laws in the making will be of aid to ttJe lawmakers as well as providing robltabtial protecU01lto the rights of citizens. · * Rather than have citizens come before the council to complain after an ordinance has become effective, the city attorney au g g e 1 t ed·, citizens should make their feelings known beforehand, while t b e ordinance is still being considered ~or adoption. commenting upon the obscenity ~sue ,.,.hich came before the coun· cil a feW months ago, Bonfa rec8u- ed that he reComrnended that the council ask the state Legislature to create dual legal standards for obscene inateriats -one for minors, the other for adults. "The Legislature has heeded t b • message of this and other cities,•} Bonfa s8id. . Two bills will be heard by the Senate Judicial , Committee next week, he noted. One define9 'harmful' and prohibits ufe sale or distribution of such harmful matter to children under 18. * The other would amend the present law on obscenity to ma\e r>bscene reading matter that is • ~mmercially exploited for the aake It Its prurient appeal." Los Alamitos Man Held in Cattle Breeding Swindle A I,oo Alamilol D11D -of belnl an organber ol a syndicate that persuad- ed more than D persons to inved nearly 13SO,OOO In a-herd of cattle bas been a~ted by district allorney's investigators. Scheduled for arraignment t o d 1 y in Superior Court is W i I Ji am S. Eichelberger, 44, of 12100 M<mtecito Ri>ad. He faces charges of eoospJracy, grand theft and violaUon ol the state's Cori>orate Securlliea Law. ' Two of Elcbelberge.r'a auociatet in U\f alleged catUe breeding nindle ftl't -algned In Superior Court last w .. k. Jqlut S. Sa"", IO, and JOIO!>h E. Wltzennan, 48, both of Long Beoch, and prindpoll In !be Sarver and Witierman Advertising Agency in that city, are due to return to court March 1J to file pleas. Deputy Dlatrict Att«ney Chari" Herbert Wd today his office wu bopln1 to rope In !be fourth member of the 1yndlcate -Doro B. Fcnlund, 5Z, ol Princeton. ore. -"pretty IOOl!i.'' Invuti.gaton allege tbe four men at- tracted DI lnvfS!Dn to depoell a total ol 134<,00ll Jn a project deocrll!td U lhe Saddle Butte Ranch ht Oregon. The asking price for a cow which was "iuaranteed to be pregnant" was MOO. Inve.ston were allel'JCD,J tokl that at the end of lix years each invettor woold be the owner of a herd of 10 eon ol breeding age. It w• a 0 pj1amld" type ol openllon In that -la•- wu al>o .......i that hll 1*\lllll-....ad accumulate u each cow. came of breeding qe. Jnvestigators found that the Saddle Butt• Randi -located In Iba -of Crllle and Prlnceloo, 00!., -did ~eed exist.. But there WU not a COW to bt found oa tbe sprlWllnt .._e, thl)' laid the Onnp Countr Grand J11r7. Fourteen -have teati!led against the four men In Grand .Im')' hearinp. I ' . \ • • (S) Morton lns.tead oi Chotiner ' . . \ . . . . ' . .. ~ P!-llbm·bu-·-1111 llnl major lnlr111'111l' ,._ .., -.. llll1laod ~ lloflrl C. B. -u GOP ullooal $1noan and nillatlnC Newport Beach lawyer lolum1 Cloollnlr, bis former campalp adviler t .to a DOD-pulblc role. Morton told 1 -• c:udv..... W- d.,-bl -lo take !be job Iller be 11111 a.otlner bad "qroed that bll (Cbollner'I) experleoco and caplClllel could be better ..un..e!Hwben" than 00 the committee. --- 0l.ILLIH4 . . ., { ., . . . . .. ,,.,....,. 11</lt. -~··· ~,.~··~ ·~ • t ' ... I · '"' !A"1.0R. :. , . . . BARRIER DESIGNED TO CONTROL .OCEAN WE(,L·L~.f.XS. Stffl PlolH Would . Form Rlnt 10 F.,t High Ar<Kiftcl. Woll 3 Top Musician~ Selected : . ' . . . ' ' .. ' . . ' ·'. ! At Valley Solo ~ estival ; ./ .~-.·\ ... ........ lo bl Iba -director director "' «>mmunlcaU-, -of lbl Commlllee. But Morton bilked ,,_ lbl Wlllte HOOle that Nixon WU at liavbti P*IDer nfn the -wblle recommendlq !be towerJna:· ~!Ud Ila~ u lllJO npt man. · • -~ !or c:IJUman. and cbiilii.: ~I """llanll .--. -W noi·be.oo lbl ......Uttee. wlio "Wu lloor muqer for NliOn al ' il4cers Morion -II ab uitra.(an. llte lllaml Beach ~ting <00venUon, servatlve, aparaely popilated dlJtrlct <JI that be -~~ have lo take Chotlnor Maryland cm the. ea!ltrn lhon <JI !bl II lie ~the clllirtllu&blp. . Cheap<Ue Bay: He hu malntalnid a But 'Morton lnobted he w1nted direct moderate Yotln& record In the 8-. wont from Nixon · 11111 'Cllollner would Cbollnor said be wootci remain In not be mi !be COlllllllttae. Wasillnltoft 11111 bad beeo offered' a job l\lor\Olt"IOI that _....W_y when In Iba admlnl.!tnllon, which be reluoed • Herlieil 'G: Klelil, tba a&nliilllratloo'1 to dlJctua. ' • • -"steel :liiarrler ' Coast Man Makes Ring. To Control Well Leaks ... By JOHN VALTERZA OI .. Olllf "Ill ,..., · A circular, floating barrier made ol 1teel, which would have "completely . eHminated" pollution from the Santa Barbara otl well leaks, is being.patented ·by a Newport Beach man. Eugene Greenwood Sr., "8, wbo ·makes 1111 living designing oflabore drilling equIPment uSed in 90 percent of 'Califomia'1 offshort rigs, today disclosed ·his plans !or the OoaUng barrier. A patent . !or !be ldoa ii pendlq, uid G"-""wood o! 418 Pnlspect St. The •.PP,Gl'•tus, which involvet curved steel ptatt1 with a float attached, would contmn · the flow of even larger sticks thaii those um have gurgled up from offsbore. wells ip . ~e Santa Barbara 'Chanriel. As deScrlbed by Greenwood, the bar· riers, assembled · in a 500 ·to 1,~foot. diameter ring around a leaking well, would measure up to 10 feet high with two lhlnls of the sheet submerged. The aectlon above waler would carve Inward toward the. trapped oil to keep the substance from 1plashing out from wave action. • The design calls for the entire \ ring to be attached to caissons rising from the ocean floor . · barrier would be kepi In ploce ~Uy around olhhor• drilling ptalfonns with sections opened up and secw-ed to allow for passage of boats to service the well . The costs, while high, seem ama11 compared to the cost of the plaUorm and the value of oil lying beneath the ocean floor, he said. Cost for coostruction and installation would vary from $250,000 to S2 rp.iWon depending on the barrier's size, the depth of the water and accessorle& required. auch 111 w~ llght hookups, fogbornl and machintty tor sucking out the trap- ped oil. · Library Gets Film on Citru.s 0 Citru1 In Motion," motion picture which ahows the importance ol cltrUI fruits to the state, ls the newest film to be included ln the Public Llbrary Film Circuit (PLFC), according to Hun- tington Beach Librarian Walter Jolmloa. Shown In !be Olm ... all llte slepl in plantlng, inigating and harvesting of oranges, lemons, grapefruit and tangerines. New automated bulk blixmna In the fiddl and machine pactlq ol th_e fruit ls demonstrated in the film. "''·~ . ' . . TO LEAD PARTY REGULA'll;S Now GOP Cholrmon Morion "'- Murphy Again Asks for Fl~ Control Funds WASIUNG10N (AP) -s,n. GeOrp MurPhy (ft..Callf.) 8galn asked the' Ntion admlnistraUon on Thursday to tncrease the amounts budgeted · for Oood~iroJ projecll in California. Many areas "- the state have again been hit by floods. 1n ldrnt1ca1 te1"1'am• 1o ~enc Nbon,. Secretary ol the ·Army ~·~ R-and Budget Director Robert MBY., Murphy · said it would be "the wont form o1 false economy" to !ail to provldo lull fundiiig for 11iunerous lop iriortti projects. A aimllar telegram was aenl . Feb. 10 but In 1111 Ulegram ol Thll!"'la1: Murphy gave special attention _ to · • number of specilic projects. The..-proj- ects, the amounts originally budgeted for them, and the new amounts reqtielted · by Murphy are o Three of the top musicians in Fountain Valley School District no kmger have to toot t h t I r own horm on mus)cil ability. in the· San Bernar<lill! lllOlllll!"!' for tw<i iiGks of music · \ial~g · tfils •IUD" The design would allow the barrie.r to hold a flow JO times greate.r than the major leak In Santa Barbara for five days, in cases where storms at -· prevent.eel pumping vaee.111 from IAicidng up !be trapped goo with ipOcial ·snora~ I. The loca1 library is a member of the PU'C along with H other libraries In Soulbern. CaHmill. ,.,.,. -In the district mq. cbect out ant or more films. for a 24-hour period, JOO.... uld. Sacramento River bank protectlcll, 1:1 mlllloo to 13 milllon; Lytle and Wann ereek, nothing to 11.5 million ; Santa Paula Creek, nothlllfl lo llOO,OOO j Buchanan Reservoir, $150,000 to $1 million; Sweetwater Rlver, $150,000 to !650,000; CUcllllODll Creek, notbjog to ~·, Hlddep Relervoir ••• Cmq. ta II.I million and Alhambra Creek, Dot!i1iit They .are 11ow recogniud u outstand- ing musicians in the district by every- me, thankl 'to tile recent Fifth Annual Solo Music Festival. Finl, -and third place winners Wlft chooen from a lfOUP d . 40 'llh and Ith le"'1 musiciam competlnc Jn !be festival sponsored 11J chapter :111 · of !be Callfomla Scbool Employes' AsloclaUon. ' Top "1nntr "wu Jeff Gallandt, a 7th level lludent at Werdlow School who played "Suite In II-Flat" major by Cor· elll on !be alto uxophooe. Second place went to Bill Semler, an ath level student at Lamb School who played "Andante and Allegro" by Guy Roparll on the trwnpet . Thlnl pl1<e honon were taken by Kathy Hmry, an Ith levd .-1 at Nleblu Scbool who )llayed ''Theme and VariaUooa" by Hoven-Leonard on the clarlnel AD three studentl received certHlcates of merit In addllioo to trophies for their per!onnance.1. Gallaodt and Semler also w o n IChollrlhlpl to Amlwbear M111ic Camp 1906 Building To Give Way To Bus Station Pmnill for demol!Uoo of lbe old bulldln& at the nor1llftll c<rner or llalli Sine! and Walnul Avenue In H1Jlltin&lon Beach bsve been taken out by .,,..... Dao GUlll to make way · for a bus · llallon and cal•. The wooden bulldln& wu bulll In 111111 and now boulel lhe Jack Robertson dothlnC store and housed !be Waite's Drug St.ore for many yean. Gilll.s bu been Issued I 115,000 bulldln& permit lot Ole demollUoo and rebulldlq work needed. Robertaon II upected lo remain open during !be construction. Chamber Directors l'o Meet on Monday ' . llin<lon of the llunll1l(lon Beach Chlmber ol. commerce meet at noon lllooday at !be Treasure C h ., t Restaurant, Algonquin Street and Da..,. pm1 Drive. Prelldent C.E. "Bill" Woodl .. Id !be dlrocton will dilcusl a full range of topla -me !be -opentlon lncludlnl a nq1llll f!om tht J 111'*9 for --In • lflorl to haM Ille J14y 4 ............ Dance Starts . Season. Fountain Valley LIWt l.eqm becn Ill 1• _, with a I'! ~ dance on March IS 1t the Garden Grove Civic Women'• Club. Admillloo lo the ' p.m. fundralltr II It.lid and lull lnfannat1"1 on raerva- llom 11117 bl -by cafllnf SbM;J" Carrall at -. r mer. According to. Greenwood'• plan1, the lo $111),000. • EVER·YTHING IS ON SALE LAST ·DAY 'MARCH 1st I DR,1ss1s 1 ..... 1._T_o_P.._s__.l I JACKETS I SALi Regular SAU 14.99 ...... 4.99 4.99 .... ,', ·. 1.99 6.99 ....... 3 •. 99 22.99 ....... 7.99 12.99 ....... 6.99 39.99 ...... 10.99 6.00 ....... 2.99 . -----... 14.99 ....... 4.99 I GOWNS I 22.00 •••••• 11.99 • • ..• 24.00 ...•.. 14.99 6.99 ....... 4.90 I c A p RI s I 30.00 ...... 21.00 ~ -I SWEATERS I· 8.99 ....... 3.99 I ROBES I 10 .00 ....... 4.99 10.99 ....... 7.70 '12.99 ....... 6.99 16 .99 ....... 7.99 20.00 ...... 14.00 16.99 .•..... 7.99 29.99 ...... 18.99 10.99 ....... 7.70 .I • Marian's OFF REGULAR PRICES 14 MSlllOll llLAllll WCiNIU • IVBTl'lllNO MUIT 001 •· I \ I .... ,_ • .. _... ............ _ 'lbt Bank ol America ncently na fUIJ.pa&e ae~ ada re- prdlnc Ill "flvo rm.t wanted bank , , lllllben." The &di wen carried In • nenpepon In San Fnpidlco, ~ Olkltnd 'and Los Angeles last De- •t comber and included pictures of ~ tbl ·five robbers in action. Four -: haw·since been arrested. "II pays ! to ad'hrt.ise," the bank said. · ~ . .; '· ·. , " , • zao Tons Marines Discover HugeArJ!!sCache SAIGON (UPI) -U.&. Marlnet movln1 lhrOIJlh the mountalnl overlookilll the Communists' A Shiu Valley supply rou te have db<overed the blgaut alnlle Red mna cache « tbt war -230 tona of "brand new" muniUo111, fro n ' dispatches reported today, Apollo Crew ' Doing Better, Says Doctor Discovery of the ...,,. J>rouabl In from North Vietnam could dell a new tetback to the Communlltl' wanln( ollenstvo that hu cost them 1,100 dead. U.S. 8S2 bombers unloaded their heaviest bombloadt In moolhl near Sallon In another blow to end the Red push. UPI correspondent David Lamb, with the Marlnel ID the nortbent port of South Vietnam, aaLd the munltlona were found in two teparate caches in a vut bunker complex on a peak overlooking the valley and not far from the border of Laoa. The Marines were looking for others. Military headquarters in s a I g o n reported one cache of 100 tons but Lamb aaid a second cache of 130 tons was found nearby a few~ later. • •' f ;: -: •• •• .. 771< Colorodo HotU< of Repr .. .smtatiott decided to publicize &ht rpring-lUct Wf:athn in Dtn-- wr b11 holding a 1ts.rion out- doon. TM ltgi.slator1 weTC back in their chambtr1 afttr a ftVJ minutt'1, h0t0evn. Tht temper· atMrt toC1I onlJI 49 tkgrttl and d brisk Mrind tnadc it lttm et1f1I cooltr. Tht lawmakers quickl11 praucd a re10Jution prairing Colorado'• weathtr b r f o r c heading beck inridt to warmer tempttOturts . CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -Their condlti<Ea improvin&:, the cold-bothered Apollo t astronauts today jogged and exerciaed and then climbed i n t o spaceship traintn to practice for their lo-day earth orbit miss.ion. The list of munlUons captured by Marines of Bravo Company, 15\ Bat4 talion, 9th Regiment, was ataggering. It included 4,000 120 mllimeter mortar ahells, 20,000 rounds of 37 mm anti4 aircraft thellJ, 19,toO &1 mm mortar rounds, plua tboUJandl of rifle grenades, anil-tat1k mines, 12 mortan:, 11 anti- aircraft artillery guns, 30 machine- " I ' . -. •• •• ..-; •• .. ''They're all doln& better," reported Dr. Charles A. Berry, chief astronaut phyaiclan, after examining the trio this morning. guns ••• Marine offlctra at the scene aaid it would be impouible to remove the weapons and ammunition from the jag- 1ed peak and the cache would be blown up Saturday. . I ... .. '· •• .. ,. . ........................ .. .. ~· The launching, originally scheduled for today, wu poatpooed unUI Monday because of IOl'e throats and 1tulfy nosea suffered by all three utronaut.s. .. . . : After waking at 7 a.m., Air Force Col. Jama A. McDivltt worked out for about 30 minutes in a gymnasium in the crew quarters. Air Force Col. David R. -Scott and civilian Russell L. Schweickart each jogged a mile. E:lght~ngine m2 jell swept in from 'I'hailand and Guam and 1plattered 1,000 tons of bombs into Sati:on'1 northern suburbs where U.S. infantrymen batUed Red infiltrators within aeven mlles of the capital. :: In Coventcy, England Ian ~: (Bubbl•) Alnsbury, 19, w a s <. 10 madly In love with Chris, be ;: couldn't keep lt lo blmself, IO for. •: ..-weeb everytime he got on a bus ~: be toot biJ pen and scrawled . • •'Bubbles loves Chris.'' Soon near· After the medical exam, Scott entered a command module simulator and McDivltt and Sclnreickart climbed into a lunar module trainer. They practiced readem:lul and docking maneuvers th at !rill bo c<nducted durin& the fiipt. Twelve flights of 5 t.o 12 of the high- altitude bombers recorded their heaviest strikes aince laat Oct. 31 in the raida Thursday night and early today against the 65,000 guerriJlas within striking distance of the capital • .. ly all tbe city's 300 buses bore tbe ; ; slog en and most ol the town's citi· '· ,,_ taew about Ille love affair. . . · : F'lna!UY police tracked down the ; · culprit end Alnsbury was fined '24 ' ~ and cmlered lo pay about '3 In coots. • Waking vp 111 Ille morning lo fl1ld new IMUI' aroud rour house ii GI.- tool/I a rurprt,, -espedallu /of' • UttZ. '1/e..--old boV. But th< to fl1ld moao f'tachtng half tOOr "P a 10fndow wu naUy a aurprin for Jeff Mcm"" inQ of Be0trl11, Jlcm. A rtcontl"'°'°" ''°"" 1141 dumped up lo 3J Indict of mo10 09' ealf.m& Jf~UCUI IO /tJT -end mori ii upected. • In Douglas, Isle of Man, the mourners at Ji1me1 Wlikf•'• fun. oral thought It atnuige they were asked for their names end addn!s· ,.. before being seated. A few daya later, they leemed why. WU· kle, a lifelong bachelor, bad set a.ride 30 percent ol his estate to be divided among evm)'<Jlle w b o showed up at tbe funeral. Neerty 100 JIO"Ol'I will 8llare in part of W11tie's estate, the value of whiCh has !IOI yet been determined. Rockeleller Backs Nixon Over Reagan on Disorder . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Gov. Ntl80n 'A. Rockefeller 'came out of the National Governors' Conference as a champion ol the Nlson admlnJstratlon againat Gov. Ronald Reagan on at least one iaaue -d1ICll'der Oii the campuses. Rockefeller wu on the winning side In oupport of a resoluU011 pralalni Preai· dent Nban't atUtude toward demonatra• tlolllalanlftnlU... Tbe Precident'1 own position bad been interJ1l'lied u a tough stance a&ainlt alodent protestors. It was not tough enouab for Reagan, whose state of California bu had more than ita thare of. c&mpll demonatratiODI. In a letter, made public Monday, Nixon applauded the Rev. Theodore M • Hesburlb, pretldent ~ the University , ol Notn Dime, wbo tbrut<ned student. with smpemloa and apilllon ii they med force inlteld of rational persuuion. After Reagan arrived at the governor&' ,,_ meetlnc 'nmrlday, he nld be wanted the iVf&Dtil to uk Nb:on for a JU.Uce Department lmulli•Uoo of demonstraHOT11. HI• resolution called for an Inquiry Into whether nationwide planning lay behind the disorders and whether federal aid &hould be wilhheld from students and instituUons involved. Reagan offend his resoluUon In the elostng minutes of the conference'• final busineu session Thursday. It wu not put to a vote directly. Gov. Calvin L. Rampton of Utah of. fered a substitute using the language of a statement approved by the con. ferenct encutive committee a day urller. It declared support for Nixon'• poelUon and said lawlesmeu could not be allowed to interfere with educational opportunity. Gov. JohniBell Williams of Mluiasippi sought to preserve the subatance of Reagan'• propoaal wlth an amendment to 11.1pport 1'a full and complete in-- vestigaUon Into the Insti gators, causes and effects" of campus violence. Rockefeller. the New Yorker who com- peted with Reagan against Nixon for the 198& Republican presidential nomina- tion, AW the governors had evidence that Investigations were already going on. He auggested that it would be "ex· tremely presumptuous" for the govemora to take the Reagan-Wlillams approach. Heyns Calls Off Talks on Strike BERKELEY (AP) -Chancellor Roger Heyns, after a day of student violence in which his own office was a target for rocks, has broken off negotiations with alrilting minority students at the UnivenJty oi California. Two large rocks lay on his desk as Heyna said: "lt is absolute nonsense to sit Jn this room discussing the strike issues while ducking." ~ rocks were thrown through his windowa u be awaited a bargaining session Thursday with Third World Liberation Front stu4.ents, Heyns said. There were scufOea between police and hH-nm diasidents all day 'nlundav Fifty wlndow1 were broken and i% persons anested. Gale Winds Lash Tatoosh Egad! More Rain to Hit Coast This Evening Tem...,..aturea c ... tat "'IMvt .. vt Andl0!°- All1flt• llalr.f'rtflt'ld 11-rdl. .... Oa"' c,_ Clnd!ll'lttl ,_ .._ ..... .._ °""'" ·-· ..... ... .. ·--.. H-lul11 "-'"' K-1 Cltr Nitti Ltw P're<. .... ~1 3( " M .. g M 1• .11 .. " » ,. ,., " " ~ M :n n .ti .. " ...... " " SI •J A1 1' 3t ,. ., .... ,, ·• n " " n M u l l M . " .... " .. o.tr ~ .. "*711"9 ,_,. wlWI """' Miii ..,.,.. "' .,._ ... ,.. W""9 ~. lt • ,. kMf'L T ... l""I 1111111. '# It a. ll .S. S•n1,...r11 " ., •• , -"'"" c-.. _, " h Mine.I ....., wtlll tlwnclto >'- en .. tilftlll"' ..,.. d h -btrt. ...,,. lnd'IM. .. --... ti '""'""' ""'-lft ........... W. ...W ~IM L11 Vtttt Lot A,..._ M l""l Mlh•'lUlk" Mh'llM .... lt _ .. _ N..,Y .... .... _ .. " " M .. " ... .. " " 4 .n .,._.,., ......,..."""' r •"' '• ........................ """ .............. _ .. , .... A ""' --...._.. ... -.... .. -s-. Moe11, Titles ,IUDAY t.Cllllll -.............. ,,,, '·"'· u ltaNtltllfl . .t:lt ,.m.U UTUllNY '""" ................... I:• 1.111. t.t ''"' Mlfl .............. 7:U 1 ..... t.J kallll .... . ............ t:• 1,111., ••• ..... ftltll! • • . . • t :ll '""· .... SUNDAY "'"" "" .............. 11• ·-, .. , ..... """ .......... f :ff '·"'· t.f ..... ""' .......... ,:. '·"'· t.7 ...... '""' .............. ·~Sf '""'· •.J llWf'I _.,Ill St. UUll •lclltd "" tw. klCfl9. 'rwo Ira. .... ftoll at """" ..... 1.0 .. "*'"" • hittl d ts ~ ti ... "" .................. Gel9 -ml"" --"" .... ,,. ""lfk Coout '""" Tt lOOlll 111111111, w1111 .. • "°*"' kif, c.nt. Tri....,. ._.1'111,.1 _,. "''" flt !tit ll'llddlt Miii"""' Vall.,., ll'ICWo lrlf MlolMne _,.... llf M.._rl. 11- 11 ... IN lowl. A """'W' -.. ,,. ... "' .... ,.,. '"'"'"'t.f'" ·-· .,,..,,,.,.,.._.. ....... ,,..,,, tllt '-'" CIMt VII"" t. flit mlollcl .. Gvll' C..11. " l"tcllle ,,_ "'°""' '""'"' .,_ "" ... , , .. ,, ef °"""' i. (tfltnil C..1Honil1. WINll '"""" 1¥ ,.. 111[111 -"""' ,, "" ... ~ Ill Or--. J, -,... tt•• ,_,.,..._II -· ,.lfhbu ... Jri ........ lltPkl ClfT It .. '""' ._, ""'""""' 5t, LOUii ....... S.lt l•~t CllY ... .... Siii l'",.nc:l.ct .. 1111. llrhtt ... ... -·M T'"""'< ..... _ , I l2 '' "" ,, ... .1• .. " .... " " .. " " . "'' ... .tS ~ " Jt ,. ,1J ..i l2 .J7 " .. . " .. u ~J ,, "3 .. " " ~ " " 1J u u " House Divided Byitander examine,., "split level" home of. Mr. and Mn. John F1etcber at 152U Earlham St., Padfic Palisades. The F1elchers bad Ille end of their home sheared ott to late pressure oH the rest of the house, Weight ol the sheared ott end was causing the enliie bOU!e to sink as a re.sult of earth movea meut a!Gag Potrero Canyon. 'American Way' Means Apologies Not Flights Now NEW YORK (AP) -Thousands of passengers are receiving apologies in- stead of s e r v i c e from strikebound American Airlines. 'Ibe lucky onea made connections, despite delays and round- about routings, aboard other airlines. Since the nationwide strike by 15,000 ground employes hit American at 12:01 a.m. Thursday, other lines have made efforts to provide seats for those schedul': ed to Oy American. Most major airlines that have routes served by American increased their ground personnel and flight traffic to minimize inconvenience. Meanwhlle, American suspended alt flight operatlpns until at least 6 a.m . Saturday. Airline and Transport Workers Union repretentaUves met today with the fiational Mediation Board i n Was hington. . Under a mutual ald qree:ment between the major airllnel, iddltlonal profits brought by 1 strike against one airline are shared with the struck airline. ln 1966, when rour other airllnea: were atruck, American Pilid them a total of $29 million •. Heart Too Weak? Transplant Team Cites Rejections NEW YORK (AP) -Or. Denton A. Cooley's heart transplant team warned today that the human heart appeara to be far more vulnerable to rejection by the body than scientists thought a year ago. Based on th eir 11 transplants in 17 patient s, the team said that in the case of poor tissue matching ~ween donor and recipient, rejecting seems to be "inexorably irogressive." For this reason, the Houaton, Tu., transplant team said new methodl must be found to overcome poor tias:ue matches il heart transplantation is ever to become commonplace. Another way to attack the problem, they said, would be to set up regional and national pools of donors and reei- pients whose Ussue .is typed in advanc!e. "with emergency transportaUoo ol pa- tients to selected centera." The report wu made by Dr. James J. Nora, Dr. Cooley and 10 others to the annual meeting ct the Amerlce College of Cardiology. Dr. Nora and Dr. Cooley uid a careful study should be made of the relationship between tissue match and the eventual outcome of the case in all <:A the more than 100 human cardiac tranaplants already performed, before going ahead with any more transplanta in badly matched patients, I "It must be concluded," the report Jaid, "that human cardiac transplan-- taUon at the present time is an in-- vestigaUve procedure which has minimal clinical application." But Dr. Cooley aaya all this is no reason to halt the transplant effort. "We have made a beginning," he said, 11now let's proceed." Dr. Cooley criUcized critics of transplantation among the lay public and the medical profession and said they share some of the blame for 1 recent shortage of donated hearts. He said be hasn't done a transplant aince last November because of the lack of donors -"the stream has dried up." i' Meanwhile, Dr. Cooley said, 24 perlCDI have died in the Houston area waiting for trall!plants and there ·are eight perlOnl walUng now. ELECTRIC & LIGHTING ' m 'Victoria Street, Costa Mesa (Across from Nurseryland) I SALE ENDS MARCH 1 ST I SAVINGS FROM 50% 10 70% ,::: ON ALL OUR -ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS IMPORTED and DOMESTIC • CHANDELIERS • HANGING LAMPS • WALl FIXTURES • SCONCES • FINE TAB LE LAMPS NOTHING HELD BACK. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THE EXCITING AND INTRIGUING • Special Courtesy to VALUES YOU WILL FIND llSE BANKAMERICARD OR MASTERCBARGE, OR Ol/R CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN. ELECTRIC & LIGHTING 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa (Across from Nuneryland) 646-3737 ' Builders & Interior Oe coratora ' I ... ' > , I i • l l I ! ' ; ... .' ' • , I ~ I { I I I f I , •• I • . > . ' ' ' i '· r ' • • I ' ~ • • r • ' I • • t ' • ' ' I I ' I 1 OAJLV PILOT 5 Berlin Election Site Firm · li•tler 'l'IP*' ~9' lsrctiel Buries I t,s Premier ' . ' ' BERLIN (AP) )lnor lli1lo. Klaua Schuetz said '°'111 thaf. la& U. Weat G er m a n the elecllon:Ftll = rj oald JI """1d G<rml!>l''• new · wW !Ill tolln& oo1y H the take pfi<ie in W I •8orlltl cm 1111 ~ ,,.. much Marcb 5 as pl . JDGl:I llM ihoL Schuetz told i Miio --, ftl ...,...._i assil- ference the ~-t olaNt. 1iJ,~· -~ met with taken by the BaSt Oomiins East'-llUlt lecretary toward negoliallons wrih his MidbMI Mil in West Berlin government ma1ie fur0er con-WldeMday. On Thursday, the tad impossible. Eu\ Gti1nan goyemmel& told The East Gt.rrnat'll had iD· the WISt Berlin SlnalAI t:Mt dicated they Woufd i&sue the ~tOC"Y \allll catlld rd pas.wi for West Jerllnlrs to cont1Q111 1lftll tbe tleeUonl visit friends and relal.iyes in were. c\lted .eff. &ast Berlin at,.Elllter U. the Grabl!tl-.di' two attemiU elecUon w movld Ir m Thurociat 11· 8rHlll• a .....,. .. • maelini in weat Berlin, but preeldent, from ttlnl Ille Kohl !snored him. IUl'I""' r.iteo. idiot !Ml West German Chancellor ' Germany to West Berlin. Kurt Georg Kleslnser said on lulfad the e1e<1ors will leleYllloo Tbunday night that ccxne by plaoe ~ the East he uauned the election would Germ.ant Mtt no OOllk"ll ., be held In w... Berlin u the 1irl- plaMed. The -.. -... The East .Germans and the oouncedlrlop-wtll Rusalan1 object to the bokllng of Bellin -...,., Ito! Ullo oll'h e electlo1iln 'l\'esl Berlin saber rlllllna dJd i.OI. ,_ because jt.is a demonstration a change ln the .... JIW, ol West Gumany's claim to Schuetz'• -i will t be former G8man capital. probably set off i'itw ~ T• liataio lht 11Mllon, the paganda b1u11 from ~ • ~ Gamans bamd_... Iii Berlin aJl4 Ii-!hat will .......,, ol t h'• Pilllral ; incr~ae ID lnf«lljl1 .. ., Iha AaoealbJy, wtllab wll1 oi..t !be weekend; · . . .. , ., Powerful Earthquake Hits Spain, Portugal ""t ...... Aetraa JU Ac,re1s Mary Martin, i• 1uff1rin1 from dlver .. Uculltl1, an lnteoilnal cllsonler1 forcing clot- LlsBON (UPI) -The sent shock •n• rumblltlC for in& oi IDt Dotroit run ' A1N KAREM, Israel (UPI) '"peel.I. heort attack It the ... ol 71. -Imel buried Premier Levi ~!_.:atlmatee to toW Aller a brief -by Etlllkol lodly In lbt .rolllJtc :~~i:,;"l: =; ~~ = J-hllla he b.ad tllli4 .. a ~·-· 1'llU II ..... ' ' Jel'Ulalom'I ,......, I O d deftlldoll • a 1111 ... !bl .1-.W ........ ""' Ylbuda Ut> olatesman. (par ). • lorma; ,-, lbt Hebrew Eihkol'o cuket, draped in Four ""'-1d .,.itafieo Jll:ll1V ol ~ llte nllloo'• Star ol David ''Olll ~ t11e world. 1J\. ~ ij,j · _,iry•1 presl· lllf, moved anlemnl)i ..,,.. cludlJll !I.I. Hultli, lllilca-dttlt, Zaltltln Sbulr, r.r _., onctent slreoll, tkln llild WeJlm ~ dOClidas 1 ei.o uaoclota ol lbm 1111 Into the -eootn< llotwl 1'lltdl, -rillod lo liltllkol, ralaled his frttad'a ~ Hellcoplln. -ol boat brlal -to llllllkol, _,, • Jlf-llld pollU· ... rbead and -.... who dlad .,.._., ol • clan. -...... dian, lbelr submaoblnt ,_ · coalltd.1toodguanl. llowty the col't'ege wound Up 1111 alope ol Mount a.nJ ..,..looldng the IR>llcal •11-lage ol Aln K...m. rr.m the top, the view comm• tbrl Mediterranean to the West, Bethlehem to the -11111 the Dead Sea to ~ aut. Old World Mediterranean Spanilh Furniture ... r. ... 11..-i11ttan .. mAll0.00 .,. ... h .... Moolltwt-............ All_,,, __ _ Airliner Huri.t Futile Till Spring? . HAWTHORNE, Nn. (AP)- An airltnrr with 31 peram aboard, mlssll'lf for 11 dl)'s in snow-eov.ered mauntalm aloha the Nevada-callfornll border, may not be found unW aprlng, a sllrch.offlcial sakl today.- of her hit show 0 1 Do ! · wwld'1 IRraftltlt W'lbquake IS seconds. Alter-shocks 30 1 Doi" in fite Jtll'I 1nd aeveral seconds lona follawM. Hour• -~------­ aftslboc:k1 rumbl4d across later, ;Ult before dawn, .un "I'm no city mal'i," Estlko often had said. "I'm 1 lallab (farmar)." He w!INd a1dud to hls friends that. be ttlnted to leave hLs busy ofllol aod rebtm to the bills be h a d farmed as a young man fresh • ............. .._o......, lte~ u follows: Geargeau.s 8 It. cu.slam quilted ••la with separate l"':Jnillows with btavy oak trim ~eoor and m ~· chlir, 3 matcltlll1 OU occatlollal tabt.., (J) SB" till decorator lamps, banging chain ;wag tunpa Ill wroulbt Iron, an 8 J)ite• ldnl tdze master bl!lrOGm lllita lll paean panellttl Kecllterran- ean ltyle with top quality U 'ft· ~ly king 9jll matlnll • bos 1P11ng11. 8pllllWI from llussla. . flsllln. Partqal od Morocco another tttmor shook tbe · :' ,,..._,, killing three persons, region. Ex-manager Files Plea · Toda)' the tiny nltlon Est). kol had led for flfi ,.anl, Including six days of war in 19!'!1 l\Onored his wllh. The Mineral Counly A~linel OC3 vanllhed earl)' Fib .. II while returning 32 galiibllnl . casino patrons from Haw· jborne lo Burbank and Looc lteach. It had a crew o! three. '"" ,....... soow. wind and icy cold Si,.ner Dle1 have II• pt aean:h planei ~~. d grounded much of the time. One-time mo~e an "It looks like it may be a Broadway singing star lonf time," said Civil Air Pa-John Boles (shown in l,l'O Lt. Col. Louis Dellamon-a 11149 pbotb) .died ica. "We ml)' not find it till Thut9day In Texa1 of 1 the spring thaws come along." heart attack. He was A pause beiween winter 68 storms allowed 25 CAP planes --·--------and seven military airctlft to search the DCS's route Thurs- day. ';It looks like we won't be able to do much," said De1la- m on i c •· "However, we're planning 1 mallmum effort apJn Blturday and Sund17, weather permitting." A half dozen CAP plat1es 1earched o u t ol Hawthorne Thursday, but there were no ground parties. "~ett were no Jeade:, nothing to lnvesU- gate on the iround," said Dellamonica. The White Motfntains soar •bove 14,000 feet along th< slate line. High elevatlOh! have 11s much 115 20 feet of 1now. It'! feared the airplane, white with blue trim, tnay be bVrted under the mow. Bucher To Testify Second Time CORONADO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher of iht USS Pueblo will teatlly 1 second. time at th! Na'I)" Court of ln- qulry into hi.I slllp"s c1pfure by · North Kore1. A court spokesman said Thursday the decision to bring Bucher back to the witnen table wu made by the Pu&- blo skipper's civilian laW)'tf, B. f a Dead E. Miles Harvey. 18 r No dale h11 been set for Buried in Bucher't . second appearance . ll could Come nen week, aft-'e~ the coutt Oni~he• hearinQ: te.timony from 74 Pueblo en. M k I listed men on their tt months Br etp ftCe In ·a Communist pi:lson. Four more Pueblo crn111e11 ozu ADAM, Biafra (l,JPi) were Called to te!tUy In $1!'1 -Gravediggers turned a court loday. The court Went once-peaceful marketplace in· Into secrel 9mlon In the •ft· _, In Madrid, rtaldtntl worritd lDJuring dozens and sending about relatives and friends in fttlitened thousands into the the st.rlcllln aru hurried lo ltttttl. telepbon111 CIUllng Whit Wll 1n hie, Morocco, two apart· described u thl w or s i JIMftt buildings c r u m b I e d telephone j a m 11'1 thl Clt)''I -the quake's onslaught history. and two persons were killed. The qUlk• w11 ltlt 11 far AnoU>ir deaih wu reported .away al MidrW _,)(( ltbook ln Kabat, Jlforocco, W'here SO-virtually evtiry lo*n I b persons were shock. treated for Portugal 'Ibe trtmor wq believed. ctl'ltered in the AUan- Uc, near the Azores. A hall-dozen parked cars were cruJbed beneath the front wall of an old houte that collapsed ln Llsbot1. The city wu without power or telephone service tor 1 i minutes. Pajama·cl1d reatdents fled their homes. • 'nte major quake, the first ln this area in five years, But hnta Marla Airport, In the Alcx-e11 rtpOrted It had fell oolhing. Tbousandl of Portquese aod touristt fltd homll and holfls, dr-In lltllr pa· jtmas, and sat for hours on street benches and in cars, faafilll I -lrlJDOI'• SAN FllANC!SCO (AP ) - The waalthy lohnlr .bullne11 m1na1er rl. t1te Kflll'ton Trio, J'ran~ Warber, llal pludad lmtocent to 1 federal Ill' dtctment charging !llm wllh conspiracy to ny II pounds of marijuana from Mexico to his Marin County home lM& fall . U.S. District Judge Albert C. Wollenbtrl set March 28 for a hllrinl on I motion by Wert>m''a lltornl1, DfirUel H. Welnslftn, lo oupprw evidence seized in a raid on Werber 's Mill .Valley home. MIMfUJ. of the Arab l'il.l&b- bora· who threaten the oowtfry and w!to considertd Elhlrol a martal enemy, WMU -rlly for tbl burial was et:ceptioo- alty toogh. flll coffin WU bOrlle Oii 1111 llhOlildm ol obc orrny ..tonall and loor police co01l!landers. Htlndrea! of poUce watched evory street al dalftl came over Jerusalem and thous- . andl of mounters tral<ied lllto Iha city to pay theft 1111' COMPACT Tltt OAIL't' PILOT Riii )•11 ' MeN -111 fM• tJM:• ....... ry '•y •b•lt YMP llllHftl'llffy tft•11 l llJ etti., llt WIP•1t•r ., ... , tho Grott Oro111• Co•1t. emoon for four other men. l ll to 1 cemetery today for the from the vessel'!! ewiplotl1g1 SCOT'ell of men, women and unit. ~hlJdren killed by a Nigerian Eleven morl!! mtn .teatlntd p Jet born~~ Wedn~ay. '11lursday Tai!ln1 to 44 th I Authorities a1id the death number who h•ve told thflr toll had soared to more th•n ' stories. 250 pertona, moetly women No reMOl'l hi• blln advlJM!o and children. from the attack. ed for Harvey'• dtcilkln tti which 1eveled a church, a call Bucher back for another clinic and five native stores. . round of testimoriy. Jt .could UPI reporter George Nhadt be an effort to U&tlten Buch· 1CC0111panlld \ht bur J a I e:t'• eaae 11 mucl'l as ~If! -ker• Into the !hatttted before tho COllrl mm dolJb. town and reported human erations. ... bodies lay where they had Among the possible rec~· been blown to bit.s b)' five mendationl by' the fl\'e 1drrur· bombt and were dttompoeln1 1ls is a court ntarllll far tn t.ht swelterln& heat. Bucher . JET .,_ . ' •NOISE By Jou This week'• news rrom Loi 1ehool chttf 1ay11 1'but we Anfel.1!1 tel.II lll that • fine m.l«ht come Up With IOmflhlnt elemtniatf tcrhool near Inter· t.h1l would be abcM » feel n1tlonai Atrpott hl1 been cloeed hllb to warn pUotl n1y.'1 due to tht ·ncriae an4 danger. * * '* Someone uil.'J us, how m1ny Along with Ille subj<ct ol the of our 1ehools are under the fiightl aver schooll. ~ have i Orange County Altpol'I nl8hl lonn.r ~-Wbo ll"f ti f>llla'll. Hore Ibey ate: New· Newport lliv!M, wile !file UI Port Harbor msn 11c1>001, c.. aboot Jut -1<'1 "nollll.,t air> rona del Mar Miah School, mft ol the fltk." Hllnl K-1 i I t r lntennedia~e. Seems a fll&ht to Oranp HOl'ICe EnliC!', Abraham Ln> County landlng !rum t110 Narlh coin, BAJ View tle!Den~, at 11 :00 a.rn. dJpp@d 1(1 ltnr d Corona de1 Mar, HarbOr y1ew, it banked ov~r the Vista School Harper, • ...-'11!, Mannon, 11111 the childton ran lo the Monte Y~ Newpott. . New· window to see "what 1'U hap-. port Heights, and Woodland. penlng " The school's auperln- 'Jllat'I a • total of flhttn tendenl confinned tht ·~­~hoola -. 11,hi cl which are soo feet Is too low CNet our 1n dlrecl hne oC ti. runway! children! * * * SOmebody WOllden U 1111 -6-MMnWhife, "lb< alrpcl!I -verfutn& man who 1'ttlas the the ochool pi,,blem" Cdlttl!llfl 1<1-a~ l~t ..,S, to malte no•~ Jn Bueni Piri, •-~ ~ o.u y..i ·.mer. the FAA hu LsNtd a ltrrn )'otJ 'Uvt," li•et in Newport w•mlnS to pllotl flytng wt ol Beach. . Fullerton AirpOti. • Ste you DUI 'nM&dq. Droo "Ben Stalloni. A!llJtlnt SUptt· ., I Jina ar lllop br "" i-f. lntendent of IM l>illri<I. !'!t· quarters ll]lllllrl a 411 &lit 1w ctn anner to ll!e rAA • [7tll st.,...ai 1111.,...., ol lrvtM Idea that lhlY WOllld aPf)l'OY• -in Cotta Mell. Wo .,. -oomt k I ad ol identUliation !ro1n IO:DI. 011t ~ II : marker on the roof a& etd 842-4404. oc:hoDI), a l>arrof• babOOll. A . N . Abnt.m 1 "l doubt lf they 'Would ton-irport out rn ' ' ' Chmolee\:"Jr' tm ttpb>dllrin1 tlie Valut wn. · For nol CID!y u. maoy poJJUl<!r •trae oriood lo-for 11M19, bul lMtl Cbovrolata it•• youlmore built-in value. . . .J-11iooe lower priced. ..tru incl""" automatic '&.,'*"loliom, blr VA Obtlneo and po-braltlll. All iirlco4 leM I.ban they ""'" Jui yeot. The many new btillt.-111 nlu• lnalude • alrO .. •""'' .. ~ haam" Ill ...., do« of eYtrf Qapftt», llllt>lle. Bel ~ Dlooa~ anll dMite ~' Kln11• Eotate, ~ TOWmman and 8-kwood. I ,_ And then there'• our -locL .1 .• ta YO\I lock the 1i-1n& wheel aod obifl • 1-, llloftr with the lfnlt.lan, to ~t ~ t1ea1roo1e -.., &Giii itntlialrab~ (9111Y Ohe¥t baa tt In our ftel4.) Ta protect agalnttt oot'r061an: an estra set ofl'enden up iJlside the rerular fend.._ While three baked.-on coats of t:ough ocryllc lacquer prolA!ol opimt lull about .. erything elae: t.be aun, Ille whld, the rain. the yean. . ,, So prou.ct yotihleu. Mal<• ...,. ,w laiow i' 100l°l'e fettln1 (and Mt ,ettlni) E£ moll<!)'. Dia dsep and uboo•er dift'erenceo, durlnt '°"' dealer'• Value Showdown. decor dinin2 set. etc.. . __ "9..,...111- MUIT IACIUl'ICI •.• ,. 00 fOI OML'r --.... ··--• Arrr Pl-ca.. 1a l'urchloool IMWWuatly T.,,,,. Av11l1bla -Noweoman 19 C1IH, Crtdlt Approved lmmtdlotely f JI JJ Funaiture At Harbor Bl"d. ' ' 1844 Mewport lmt. Costa ..... ,,,.., 1....., nl!llot 111 9 -Wtd., Sot. I Sun. 'tt1 6. • ' ' •• skier • ba!Tig• ·bal-• 1111 ,,. C-ltttt .:::.::-=...:::.:.:::::....::..::..:...--~ ... 1-----~----~-·~-fo---------~~..-~~~~-~-~~~11---~-~-----t,.----~~~~---,c~-~-;::--~~o-ji-­, =~------- . I I I • . ' I • ,. • • ,, o!. .. ., 't ~ • ~ ~ :.· ,. " • .. .. .• " ,. -: •. •• •• <' .. , . ••• •• ..-; •• -:J • .. .. ' '· ' .. 1 •• •: •• ·: •• .. ·.: '· •• •: ••• •• •• ... . . .. •• ,. , . • I .. . . ... • • ·1 .. "1 •• a l DAU.y rnm EDITOJUAL PAG~.I . . SchoOls Win Support Voters '1n the Huntin&ton Beech City School 01 .. trkt delncn•tra~ that not Ollly are they friend• ol the district in fair weather, they will turn out at the polls even.on·•ow days. While the rain poured on Tuesday th• ~ -:-2'l.8 percent of those eligible -approved a $4.75 mllllon building bond issue and a 15-cent tax increase. The bond proposition ireceived a favorable margin ol 71.2 percent. A two-thirds majority was needed for passage. A total of 2,299 voted in favor with 927 'voting no on the bondsi Passage means Utat the district can go ahead with cOnstruction of the six schools it needs now. In order to operate existing schools and the ones to be built, the district asked for and received a aolid majority vote in favor of a lkeot, three year tax in· crease . The rate !'ill increase to $1.40 this year and to $1.M in three year~ by kent jumps. The measure was ap- proved \j'ith 2,140 votes in favor and 1,0'(~ against. A quiet campaign aimed at bringing. In the vote in the newer areas of the city together with a continuing campaign to merit the faith of the paren!a In the dis· trio! is responsible for this strong support. Welcome Richly Deserved Each Wednesday members of the Huntington Beach Exchange Club, suppo~ by various clubs and civic organizations in the area, plan to meet airplanes at El Toro Marine Base bringing' back the veterlll)s ol Vietnam fighting. . lnlllal l'8lpo!lle to the trip to El Toro on Wed.II• days ~as been lees ~ ·enthu11astlc, leaving those who have met the. returiling boys surprised-and unhappy. Th~ vol'!J11• of penons a!tending the welcome home events 1s 111\ety to mcrea.se as ,nore and more persons do go to the field a!Jd see the combat veterans file off the planes. It Is quite -a sight to see the ·response of the boys as they spot the bannen of welcome and hear the band playing over the shouts of the crowd. Those who would llke to join in the tribute are in· vited to participate. Co-chairmen Doug Atcher, 008- 2784. and RObert Terry, 536-3022, or Pat Downey of !he Boys Club at 819 Yorktown Ave., have all the detail s . It is a program which d .. erves strong public support. Tool to Fight Blight Establishment within the building department ol the Hwitington Beach city staff of a housing section complete with its own building inspector gives the city a new tool to fight blight and help provide decent hou s· ing. In the past the city staff has taken a .look at poor housing conditions as manpower WRS available. With the constant pressure on the building inspection staff from new housing tracts, it has not been possible to keep a person assigned to inspection of poor housing units. Department Director Ollin C. 1'Jack'1 Cleveland has done an excellent job of ridding the city of housing unfit for humans and in encouraging property owners , to keep rental property_in, reason~ble condition. / ' ' -' .. ' .. • • 1 Until now the Marin .. returned to the cowttry from the fighting quietly, without fanfare, without ' the ac- colades·due those who have rfsked their. lives in -a nUS- i;ion Qldered· by the leaden of·their nation. The process has not been easy. The City Council · has iidded a use(ul .tool in helping 1Clev~lai1d keep Hunt- ington. Beach a .healthy place to live with ·creation ·of the housing .section. · .($) --~~ •ooo TIJAT HIS Sf\OU~D ~EA RAl'1ER AtlD MIN& A cuDblL.'' Upheaval in Medical Education Two-thirds Bond Vote Faces Test Specialty:· Fami.Iy M.D. By NOIIMAN NIXON, M.D. Ask' any newcomer, whether ht lives ir. Newport Beach, Costa ll:esa, Hun- tington Beach, Laguna Beach or any other Orange County community, how he fared when be tried to get a family doctor. Most likely, he had to call two or three physicians before he was ac-. · cepted since roughly half of all graduating 10,000 doctors every yeu:. generalilla: have closed p r a c tic e s • Mo.!lt me!1fcal ltudentl . ~. ~ame Already overworked and haraased, they , from families with an .aiinuN .·1~e cannot conscientiously accept any new of at_ least '15,000; nearly all head for patient.families. r;,. practice in more or less. ~t .corp· Act~, ijoclon Jn i......t e· _ muniU. But the poor health: conditi'!"s< . . . ·t: -~ .. . " ol ~ blacb and other m!oor1bes are in a• AUDorl -· ·1n .,_.;.:._._.,..od .. ~--"-school graduates · 1pec1.um -.-··~ ll'UI_ wan:i~'\lle .wn:o limit their practice ·to ,their ~ ~· la the quality ol medical fields. Forty ye a f'I qo GP'1 ... ~,care wtthln µMi U.S. nwnbered speciallata 'Ill to 30;" loda1 . there are no llKft tblD 20 GP'1' to NO wpNDD there I! a current every 80 apecialilt&. "-a co~, upheaval .in medical education!. Many there are too many surgeons and far tqed1ca1 schools have undertaken ez .. too fe\f family doctor& Who are tr&mec;, tensive curricular revlsion to provide to steer patients to spedalists OriJy if flexibllit~ in what each student ~. ueeded. The assumption that the gr~uate s be prepared to bllldl• . any prob!< no longer bolds, for those who intend' to speclallU do not need ._ to all ol the COUl'HI reqU!red In the put. And IM!ead • ol a sma!lerlna o1 ev<rytblng, the gonerai!lt aeedl definite ot!lla in recopiztnl !llOIO d!lorclen lot which lpeciallJed talollla are itqulred, l\IORE PHYSICIANS are b e in g graduated than ever before -217 more in 1968 than the year before and 879 more than in 1960, bUt not nearly enough to fill the enormoua ·.deficit ol trained manpower. By Ul75. the 100 or more U.S. mediral scboola ab o u 1 d bl ~ . plus the ablllty to deal effectmly with most of the other problem11 his paUents bring to him. IN MNQ: MEDICAL schools students now ~In elect those· courses that will further their future careers: in ' a few ( , .. -~. r''·~,~.,. ·-yr~~·-·-:1 ! ~.,~ U!,'.ilt Report '1 ,, 'Ii'~ ' .·"-'~ . ' J ~. "''" ~.·~t .•.. ,. .. • the entire senior year is elective. So · ·· · -. . it is possible tbl.t some graduates mir, Sho~ the one-man one-vo~ pr1nc1p~e never have.,._t ~~;frBdure, sutured ~ prevail on schoql bon~s ~s 1t ?oes . 1~ laceration . ·~ti babl;·9,_f removed lax and candidate e~tchons. 1n ea.Worrua.- an append"IX 7tf f,jd8fis 'Many skilled : Tb~ ~hambra City Sch~l~.Djstrl.ct. 1s specia~lllfti· .med such '., ~1~g a ~?rt te.st. of this 1nteresijpg~· procedures' tei.Vloisci sChool. • ~~~ and is • .#king other school An e . .. ' .trend Jo'. aduate . ··dim:I~. f.ot moral eup~L , training Js1 ~teco~\ 1·;iamily 1; At lSBUe, aec~g .,ti>.~!!· MarJ~n practice 'u tbe' 20th ·IJ*ialtyi After .Drake,. Alhambra supermtendent, ·IS years of .eftOrt. :the American ~emy · whet¥1' C a 1 i lo. r. n i a,• s Co~tutional d GeneraJ ll'n receiaUy won the ~~~t requ1r1ng a two-thirds ma· approval ·' the AMA's Councn on ~or1ty v~te. for approval o~ "school bonds Medical · atlOn eo'th-1 M.D.'s now lS constitutional. Does it •square with can .. ' ~ -$peclallsts in t~e 14th Amendment_ of the U.S. Constitll4 family m ' •Iner comi>leting a three-tion -, equal protection under the Jaw? year a 1 ~ .~ ind ;~l).g DRAKE, AS do 'many .other sc~l a ~m . Ve exa,unalijm fqt -board officials and 'parents, PO:int~: out there:' certificatl 't. • · are numerous ·instarWes ,.-here the ,_ma •. NEXT JULY Hoag MecnoriAJ Hospital jority of the el~orate ha~ f8".ored ~nd~ will begin .one1 of 1$ pioneer residency issues, ·only to·. have them Jail because' programs •in family medicine in the ol the two-thirds requirement. U.S., with-Dr. RObert Ratel· as director. According to the California Teachers Tlie Hoag· residtncy will' ·be .affiliated Association (CTA) research department, flltb UC! Coltep o1'~ JlfJd cl!n!cs for example, during the 1967-68 scnool 1hrollgbout•tbe Q:JUDty. , year only 45,1 percent of 175 bond elec- j:ions passed. A big nwnber-ot election Sirhan Rejecte4 Gamble ,fi.Jled. (Sf.9_) percent) becaus~ of the two-thirds requirement. Had' the re- quirement for voter approval been a :11Ir!ple majority, as in tax elections, 161,' or 92 percent. of the bond jlroposals would have passed. LOS ANGELES -The State Depart· ment specifically approved an agreement reached here last week by which Sirhan Sirhan would change his plea to "guilty"- ln exchange for a &en.tenet! of lUe Im- prisonment. Los Angeles Dist. Atty. EVelle Younger advised Secretary of Slate William Rogers in Washington of the se possibilities in the bargaining between his office and the Sirhan defense staff and received approvtJ. from Rogers for the plan. Here is th"e story. Sirhan, of course, faces a conviction'»l first.degree murder and the gas chamber for the assasaina· Uon ol Seo. Robert F. 'Kennedy. H• did not plead insanity, but instead entered a plea ol not guilty, although be and his attorneys have never denied that he did the shooting in the Ambassador Hotel here last June. UNDER CALIFORNIA law. ll is pos.sl· hie to demonstrate a "diminished capacity'' of mind, a sort of midslatkln between sanity and insanity, -and ,thus escape a conviction for murder in the fin;t degree. Fir~ee murder. ·con· vlctions -of COlp'Se -require proof of premeditation. · Even if convicl.6' ol first-degrte murder, Sirhan 'woWd then, under California law, undergo a ·second trial by jury ·to determine whetber the PQOisl> ment would be death or life im- pri10Dment. ' Once a jury was selected and \eatimony began, llrban's plea ol not pllty.....,. od a double Importance. It would pennil a lbowlDi ol dlmlalahed capacity, IUI· pll<d by bb attorneys In tbelr opening statement, either through drunltenneu or an irraUonal tialttd of Israel. ln add1Uon, It would permit him to "tell his story"; that ii, to have his moment of worldwide publlclty in which he could recount the eventl of his childhood which formed -allegedly -his views, o~ THE OTHER hand, a plea ol guilty would ellminate the necessity of a trial. And .. U be could receive a parantee ot;file·tmpriJonment in return, there wfAa)cl· be , no risk or death in the 111 chamber. Thus, .there l>egan the kind ol ''plea bargatnlng0 familiar to most criminal Jawytn and most district attorneys tn which a lesser plea is accepted in tJ:4 change ror a lighter sentence. Sirban -in short -WU prepared to cop a plea. ilJa aUGmeys ollered a pllty plea to llnt-dqne murder ti tbe7 could be aurt. the dealh penalty would not be wi-. At that point Dst. Atty. , Younpr went to Wublocton for some fon!p-policy adYk:t ~ pl IL IN CONVElllATIONI with Secrelary Rogm, he WU advilod that the State Department -aa a matter of U.S. l""'ICn policy -"°"Id find the proposed deal acceptable. II Slrhln -.rett to plead guilty and receive life lmprilorun<nt. the reasoning went, it could only have a beneficial efrect as far 11 the fierce and violent MJddle Ell4 passions were- coneerned. ,I, 1n the first place, Sirhan's "telling bis llory0 would be avoided, and lhe ttorY -one of all~ Israeli actions ·during the lMS Arab-Israeli war -was ~ to be an Inflammatory oner In addition, a Palestinian Arab in prison in the United States ii far I~ likely to provoke worldwide confiiti than the same man under sentence of death for months, perhaps years, or the worldwide story of his execution. ARMED WITH .Rog~' approval, Younger returned to ~ ~ ol the trial here and approved the bar1sin. All that was needed was the. CQQSent ol Judge Herbert Walker. To the aaloolabment of both aides, the ludie refused. He insisted that e,ven if the plea were changed to guilty he wou)d submit the penalty question to the jury, Which might sentence Sirhan to death even if the prosecution did not ask for it. Sirhan rejected the gamble. And so the trial proceeds, and the opportunity to defuse at least one dangerous element in the Middle East was losL Younger, of course, scrupulously refrained from using the roreign.policy arguments in court, and Judge \Valker was entirely unaware of the Slate Department position. Never has the separation of powers setmed more separate. Dear Gloomy GUB: The HunUnfllon Beach school bands won by more than the two- thirds vote needed but the unfair · requirement should stjll be Chai· lengtd as unconstltutl~al. -D.S. C. DRAKE REPORTS that if Alhambra decides to make the court test, the cost of the legal battle will t)Ot be financed by the school district, but by private outside sources, such as pro-bond parent groups, contractors · a n d architects, jnterested in getting the con-- stitutional question settled. Drake al.so rePQrts that the Alhambra board cui'rentll is under great local political presSure lo forget U\e whole idea However, he says, if the boar-0 decides to fight, the first step will be at the county level. The board will ask the Les Angel• County Board ol Supervisors to sell bonds recently . re- jected by a minority of Alhambra voters. Tbe bonds, while favored by 66.24 perci!nt of the voters didn't make it because of the,3.1.76 pertent minority. ' OF COtl'RSE, it's expected that the L.A. supervisors will reject lhe request. The district will then seek a writ of mandamus requiring them to sell the bonds, hopefully at the appellate court level to save time .. If this fails, thC next step will be the State Supreme Court, then the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. Drake poinl.s out that since California is one of four st.ates in the natian that requires the two--Lhirds majority, and since 32 other state3 require a bare majority -with the remainder having olhef roquiremenl~ -Lile i:;suu should be cleared up. J\IANY PARENTS, ~00. cspocially thoso who have supported bonds so Un&afe liChools would be made safe for lho pupils, wonder lf their children are get· ting equal protection under the law. Drake notes that the one-man one-vole prindple was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court an the i:ealignment of congre$slona1 districts. "l don't see why this shouldn't apply tn schaol bond issues as well," he said. Education News Service Quotes Gr!I, Williamsport, Po. -"When Eskimos mett, lhey nib nose~· . • . Americana (Ub fenders." • .... ·Treading a Fine, 1 · Delicate Line One reason that parenthood is the most difficult Qiscipline in Ille world .._ far more difficult than any academic discipline -lies in the fine line that parenls must draw between what the Child is and wbal they want for the ch.ild. attractive, to strive harder, to meet the standards of the family and the M,any children are "loved" in the loose and senWmental sense of the word -but at tb"e sam& .time the parents wan t milieu and the society at large. him or fore~ .hi'P.: or expect him to So that the parents' drive to be be ..... d~erent. And~ ,to the child's .n&¥ent -·. ~atlsfied ~by their Children is in constapl niiJild; t¥t wan~ng him to be different ~anger '.of being inLerpreted as rej«Uoa meaJ:l!I tie mll!it ~ unacceptable as be by a child; and the more the parents is. • • hold to some objective, abstract standard IF HE COMES to believe lhil. and takes it for gr~te$1, then he has given up as a perspnality in ~s own right. He becomes seU-less, and turns into a kind of automato-Q, reacling. to parentai pressure ..:.... and it makes "little difference if• he reacts with conformity or with rebellion. In either case, he is not an authentic personality, but a blind respoi;ider to external forces, often for a lifetime. But the parents have a legitimate claim to "develop" the child, even a duty to civilize it. t.o iii.still values and shape attitudes and correct malfunctions and roisapprehensions.: . Being a parent is being a teacher,.only on a deeper level. ' T.WS JS WHERE the pioblem and the paradox ,come in. The child desperately needs to be loved for what it is, and yet the parent is continually prodding it to t;>ecome other tha11 what it is 7 to ea~ better, to look more of what a "satisfactory" child should be, the more the' real child loses bis own feeling Of identity and worth. AT BOTIOM, the emotional task for the parent is t.o .Jearn how to tread this fine and delicate line between ac- cePtance and change. Somwne has said of God that "He is always pleased but never satisfied " with human beings; and that states the attitude nicely. Children must be made to feel that parents are pleaied with them even lhough they are not aatldltd with wh<&t the children have made of Uw:mseh The attitude ol plet. ure, ol joy, ol , acceptance of a tmh am unique personality is much rarer among parent,., than we like to lhlnk; most of them have an abstract model of "the child r' in their minds and want the real child to resemble the ideal one, usually for reasons that have more to do with parental vanity than the welfare of the child. Judges Reveal Finances~ WASHINGTON -All' federal judges, lnclUding the members of the ·supNlme Court, should be required to filekletailed annual reports of their outside incomes and holdings. That's the demand cf Rep. H. R. Gross, R-Iowa , in a bill he-introduced that would make such financial declara- tions mandatory. Joining the veteran economy champion in this significant legislation was Rep. Durward Hall, J\. Mo., ahother leading economy advocate. Under their far.reaching measure, federal judges would have to submit to the comptroller general copies of their tax returns and statements listing the stocks, properties and other holdings o\vned by them . or-their wives. THESE REPORTS would be con· fidential -the same as those now required of members of Congress and certain c:Ongressional employes. Like those, .the judicial reports could be ex- amined only after Uie ·adoption of a resolulion by either lhe. Senate or the House. In stressing the necessity ror this legislatiQn, Gross cited the disc\asure last year lhal Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas had been paid $15,<m to deliver a series of lectures at American University in WaShing.ton . This came to light·durlng the hearings of the Senate Judiciary Committee on his appointment to succeed Chief Justice: Earl Warren -which was withdrawn aftu, a stann of protests. "It Is long past time." declared Gro.<15, "ror legislation of this nature. The members of the federal judicjary are, no less than members ol Congres..,, public servants holding high trust. My bill pro- vides a slrong deterrtnl to judges or the United States who miaht be tempted , in il~ absence. to engage Tn questionable. unethica l or cve:n Illegal practices. "I Al\1 NOT ACCUSING any federa l judge\o{ dl.shonest,y.11ut to anyone who . Allen-Goldsn1it}i. believes that a judge is automaticaJly removed from temptations by his eleva.. lion to the bench, I would recommend that he read the well-<locumented ind scholarly 'The Corrupt Judge'. "I do not want lo hear any cries that this legislation will make second· class citizens of federal judges. The American people have rightly demanded that their congressmen be held to an accounting_ to which they are now sub- ject. They have a right to insist on a( least as much from those who sit in judgment upon them." Failure of a federal judge to submit the required reports would subject him to impeachment by Congress. By Robert S. All<• i.nd John A. Gotd1mlth .---B11 George --~ Dear George : J 'm a bachelor and ha ve been quite content hl':re in my apartment building where the rent i s reasonable. Lltely, however, I have a problem. Two youna ladies have moved 1n down the hall and several times now one or the other has knocked on my door·, sometimes quite late at ni11ht, to borrow a cup of sugar. t' My problem Is thl" Do you think it Is proPcr for them lo do this as we haven't even been rormally introduced ? CONCERNE!1 ' Otar COllCCrned : No, I\ is terrible eliqueue. 1'11 bet Oley don't even bring your rugar back. - . -------------·-------- ' ' ' rrlda;, f'tbf'11ary 28,'196' · OH NG W. Be~lin Frie11dly,. BUt Calm fOr Ni.~~b ' ' • • • ~ • ' + ' ' • • • • BJ MDlUMAN SMITU had a typical Berlin February deter mined demonstrator tenanta Urouah every window fllood or !lbe1 city . apparently NlxOn r(lde ln ,a ~ J o a. ~·ct BERLIN ·(UPI) _ Prtlldent 'day -wet, coll! and slushy would have been somewhat and root top. bu chanced considerably in llmou.slne P. .appPecl to aa Nlmn recel~ 411 eueptlally ~ :~:rt:et!:o~hlng discouraged by the aise of There wu no· comparable five and a half ye&rs. open tourihi e;ar. wbfch ,1Jteo. frl<!1dly welcome· In 'West Althouih bJa &erliii visit the ~lin police force in their frenzy In ll<rlin 'lbursdly, The , The >!tathel' wu glum and nedy Uled., How to· Judge ~yie Legs of a :W ~man Bellin '.lllundoY I'll there was I-~~ -•• boo min new riot •••m"'• who kept I ·~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;; ... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~"' no dinYin. an unilmt.,.aable bl~-1m::'.~ a .t~ leuteaof the .Amert~;;;;clili,1 execuUyel r ._ fact ·-II · b<n little or no 1· ,..... "' -!"!OP -Uy &urrounded either reaetnblance ·to ¢e'furiouSly thla cit.y isolated, 1¥ behind on·footorabo&rilnlotorcyc~es. •MPICURY IAYINGi''!R' em.otJonal weleom9 given the the .Jron eurtain · aeemed to One . • .. ,.. FOR YOUR po1i....11surti youtlio~ la•-~••-t John F, K--grow with each~ block. sign w•• occurred '":f ..... - Kl .-.--. ........ repeated)" alnria the rate of int.mt for irmrracf..vklp. nedy when be wu here in He introduced several new ; ¥•"0 uau. ~ elements to whl_;h""' ~r~rs ::!~~~a:e ofw~oun~e i:"u!e:. CONVENIENCE From Nil~'s viewpomt, were.not accustonn;u, we prlfl-It said simply: j'Open the , . however, be Should have been cipal ope being the freqUeney Wall, Richard." • • • • Fuifds earn il\t&l'll!st frocn di I of 1 • I r receipt funds recei\ttd'by the tlfrth ol the month ••rri inta•t tron1 ttiit first Interest cam'pc)undld <clinY- BONUS ACCOUNTS AYAtl.AllE. By LM, BOYD. ·WRITES a MaJihattan models agent: "You can't pro- perly judge the ~· of a. woman's lep when ,abe'a 'walking Iowan! you. N~ fnlm the aide when she Walks· by , ,you, You m\1111 see tier u she walks awa1 ·from yOa: more _tb4n aa¥ed· with the with ' which he stopped }\is lo idenWy, by • .me. "'!bat's nature~and me ~the turoout. enormOWJ ~de t'o climb TheNJ · seemed to be only a destroytt," be said. "You Hupdreds ol tbou!lpds of on either the trunk or the one dissenting sign of any note can loll by JLt wake. Each Ber~ .. siood in cllity ·llush hood ,of l)ls White House and · it was held. aloft · near different lh:iP leavea a dlf· aJDit bia i\lotorcade route and 1unousµie arid shake .bands his car by a grinning woman. ferent tlDd Of wake. You don't nlost' by .far _.ned llad .to : with hundreds of his admirers; The sign said "Bia,. bla bla ~ to aee the veaaeI. just see bini. ·•. • . The JocaUons for the people---Nixon isl da". Our Savings Department , will OPEN be SATURQAY.S • FREE SAFE D£f'OSIT lciX! for Mercury s.vtr.: m11nt.lni111 minimum Nl•nct -. $2,0oo. · • • That is why IO few ladies really know whetbet they .are the possessors of truly wen. shaped legs. They never see themselves from behind, the lucky girls." the water it goes thru." Can The' t.,:t· _that be ~ated to:people contacts we r: e . Essentiall¥, . the co.i:itrast airlinl-'p11ots do that? .Intend UWe. emotlc:ipal electriclty wis generally in friendly tenitory between Nixon in Berlin and to ask tqe Dal· cne IUcb who plainly e"*nt. but ccwn.paring -at the Airlift Memorial just Kennedy in Berlin Reined to . hapQeas by. his 'Berlin Crowd wi~ ·the two out.aide Tem~lbol Airport and be as much a matter at mood C'~"~ SERVICE ,.. rriWion 4eqreamlng B!efliners along the Kurfuerstendanun. as volume. C ~· ~ $ ~ov•-n ' '" Who l$1od-Kelllledy ,was un-There bad been 1ljre warn· When Kennedy spenl about MER ·UR.Y S, 1w'N S "THAT )>Otm whh the line.. precise measurement of-such 1ngs of SOGUed " 1 tu dent three hours parading In-JO,,. 'I have been fallhful to thee, lblng~ ' demonstr. atioos agalnlil Nixon credlb, Iy . packed streets lhe Hun't"ington Bee. eh ·-·. . ·""' ' ·~"" 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. "'-·-a In my faablon,' by "'"' om .. , am •-0.ttKoott."";·-•,\ 1 ..... "'~ ' J\ennedy was here on a but these did not materla1ize, people were in wbat appeared N"" ....,. •r_-Ernest DowsoQ, ...'!.. who was • be ta,.,_ bout ally'" A brtDiant midsummer· day just at least by· the time he had to 1>e an almqst holiday mood, lauttn Offiw: , · · '. " . RECAU. the °"' M·I rifle of World War II, gentleman! ll «>St '31-Tbe M-16 ROI! used in Vle\nam costs $150 , , , AV B tt A·G E CAR MECHANIC iround Chicago is getting ~97 an hour. That's a shade higher than mosL Jn fact, Chicago salaries in numerous jobs are the highest in the c<iuntry, , , ,AMONG PYROMANIACS, the boys out· numbered the girls 22 to 1. And three out of four are under age 21 ••. 0 00 TOB.lC- ~ COMPANIES dilute some of their smokes with a high quality aHalfa?'" A. Such is the inquiry of a friend in Idaho. Don't know, never heard that. Maybe a Carolina customer can enlighten us in this matter. , ."IF YOU WANT to save money on blades," advises a client, upark your razor between shaves in a cupfuJ of baby oil." ·A ~!a wai~ n~med ~his 1u cc e a·s f u 1 con· reached the giant Siemens throwing balloons and 'confeitt OffiCe Only MerturySIYinpBuil4irW:H1111tkP-llldl · Adelaide Foltinowicz. He is ~tattoo .of Soviet Premier Electrical Works where he in·tmnendous quantities and AcrossfiomHllfttl.n~.~ ' . ." ' . saidWhaVe~vedbermighil· ~Nilii~·~·~ta~S,~Khrush~~c~be~v:_'.m~tb~e~d~e~liv~ered~~bl~'s~c~Um~'~a~x~speech~~~·~v~ery~buU~·dln~·~g~and~,a~pa~rt~m~ent~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1y. But she ran off with a.I· CU~( missile crisis. Nixon of the day. Even·the hardiest house virtually dis1orging the smooth waiter. ~ .Q. "DIDN'T DOROTHY LAM'OUR in- troduce that clit\Y called 'My Heart Tells Me'?" A. The record shows Betty Grable was first to put that one before lbe public, ,;,, • ,Q, uwELL, OLD SPORT, what does your Name Game man say about men .called Beverly?" A. Men called Beverly? Nothing. YEARS AGO m the servlce I hitchhiked a ride over aalt water on a mllltary plane. The pilot pointed towanl the horizon, toward what looked like hardly anything, toward a speck. Couldn't make it out. A ship, in fact, but impossible TRICK IS to do this puzzle in your head at tht dinner !able without paper or pencil. Say you bu)' a horse for $135. Then you sell same for $S more than you lost. Now bo'1 much did you sell the horse for? Simple. isn't it? Took me less than 30 seConds to get it wrong. Your que1tiotU and com- ments are welcomed ·and wili bt used wh.never possible in .. Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in care of DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, .Calif., 92663. 'Australia the Place · ' For Sunken Treasure SYDNEY, Australia (UPI) -Shake out the diving auit; fill the tanks with air. Australia is the place . to search for sunken treasure. Hunqre4s. of· ships have been wrecked off the treacherous coastline in the last 300 years, and historians list at least 17 of them a11 treuure ahips carrying gold and specie worth milllons. One Dutch merchantman, the Batavia, sank off west Australia in June, 1629. Aboard was a quarter of a million guilders, each worth $20 today. The ship went down in the chain of shoals and reefs tha.t stretches for more than SO miles north of Geraldon. The islands, known as Houtrnan's Albro1hos, were named by the Dulch -In Portugu,.. - as the "open your eyes" islands. SHIP1DOWN Another Dutchman en route to the East Indies went down in Genthesume Bay, 300 mlles north of Perth. She waa the Zuytdorf and reportedlv bad $5 million "'Orth of giilders and gold pieces aboard when 1be broke up on a reef. · The west Australian waters became the graveyard of the Dutch treasure ships when the Dutch East India Co. ordered itlt captains to UJe a· new route from the Cape of Good Hope. The route saved the Dutch hundreds of miles, but cost them millions in lost ships l unk in these uncharted waters which are considered Unusually danaerous even to- clioy, Most of the old wrecks went dow in relatively aballow water, aod their locaUons are generally well charted. Bass Strait, which separates T.asmania from Australia, is ahother lucrative h u n t I n I ground. The British transport Neva struck a rock . off King Island and sank in 1"5 with " ll00,000 payroll on board that was being taken to the ' Tasmania pnilOn. The Loch Leven was lost in Bas.s Strait 36 years later. She carried a cargo estimated at close to ball a million dollars. The richest prize of lhem all is the Vergulde Draeck, the Gilded Dragop, which sank with a losa of 111 lives 1n April, 1656, .in Dynamite Bay, west Australia. The abip'a papen: showed the WU Cir· rying more thin $3 million in gold guilders along with valuable trade gl)Ods for Java. Sixty e.lgbt iurVivors made it ashore. MANNED BOAT Seven were selected to man a small boat and attempt to reach Indonesia. They made it after great hardship, and a relief erpeditlon wu aent back to rescue the cutawaya and , 11lvage the Cll'JO. No trace was ever found of e.ltht!r. A g r o u p of Philadelphia divers working off t b e Queensland coast lJrought up three of the tis cannon Capt James Cook tbtew overboard in 1770 when his· ship, the Endeavour, went aground. The Am.ericam used detecUon gear to locate the cannon, Even Sydney bsrbor ls listed as a burled treuure lite. 'Illousanda of dollars worth of silver and gold coins were stolen from' the vaults of the Bank of Austrilia in 1822, and supposedly buried in one of Sydney's numerous baya. To this day, not one of the stolen coins hu ever turned up. Australia Ms been by·pass- ed by treasure hunte:s because « th,. lawa which rtatt that any loot dh:Covered automatically becomes the property of the governmenL The receiver gf ~ will repay the salvate co8bl and distribute a "fair share" of the treuure to those who discover It, but everything recovered -and that included Captain Cook'• cannon - becomes the property of the government. ' FAIRVIEW BA.PTIST CHURCH , presenLt A Dramatic P-lon " ~ "ROGER WIWAMS AND MARY" ; by Albert Johnson 1 Dll'ftlod by TllMtre In tM .Werld Saturday •itil SuMay, M•rch 1 and t-7130 P.M. I 1111 FAIRVIEW ROAD, COSTA MESA Adml11lon SOt< Refreshments -Petite Art Sllo1" ; Follpwln& Eacll ' • For People whO ano --.......11>out-.r. Pllrtldpallno °'81119 -rolling back prtc. Cll ~ modele Ill celebrate RCA's 50th Anniversary. the sanford .. , big 295 sq. ,In, picture in a han~me cibinei; * SUPIR POWERFUL NEW VISTA VHF TUNER ·pillla In both' color lllld bllcl< - -plcluno wHh utr• clarity and aharpnua, •lllninlllel ·...,._II Ille -po•orlul YHF 'bmer In the 1-..oi lndallrJ. ' * 11IE ilL11IMll!HlmYE SOI.JD STATE UHF TilllEll II ..-ion 'rpglr'ullid~filler,...._,,...,..... ~ , ~ * Ollll 11!1' Wiii' FINE TUNING COffTllDt. M I " tiff -,15u ten• to ....... lleot ..... _, .... * AllTOllATIC dtRDllA COH'IRDL cNiliit bipe -lntwllJthe _, JllU~l. ... •q~.colarfdngor-...-· ...-. '!f c:lll11(llng, ..... coridlllona. • $4.95* .......... ~,.!:t:.'=.'.:'l ........ UICI,.... ...ic-...•1111-=~..,._,_. .. .......... --- _ ...... ... a __ .,.....,_ ---·--........................ ·------.......... 111 .......... $79.95'* Tiit c:.$l'W • .... ""' .... SllllMl ........ = ..... -.. r......, • al I Uc4- ==l"':.:." --- YOUR CON.VENIENT QEALER ·:t:!~W" .... • 1' f • • ..,. . ' . '{] " ... J. ~ j , • ' :.. I --1 8 DAll.Y PILOT Children . Perish . . '.lh Fire IAll AllOILlll !UPI) - "'9 dllldr8 dJed early tod•y · -., • -*'tnc mallr"' oaughi ftre Ji their IOUth Loi Angele1home, Firemen said they found one •· ehlld an the root al the tlfOo •· ltory 1bome and two others n on bath the front and rur halcodlel. They were re.9C'Ued _, ladder. Inside, flttmen fouod twe ... __ .. .. •.MUM WA\lf£0 • ~ ~ON chiklr., lbelr beds, ap1par<!l!tly ; deadfl'oili~ tlao. I : 1be dead were i eotified ·is ""' Regina Junior, 4 and Aftnet.te !. Junior. S. Verba May Jllftlor, .. t, who was removld from !' the roof, sull•td mlnlt bum.. ,,,,. The other two chUdt~. both ~-~tt, i lllenlbfrt If .lbe -· famll!'. 4< \" Lar1'I' Curry I, Ind CIN!n -~~:'.:=====::~==::::'.::::'.::::::~ ::. H .. ~ 1(1 ""!" llllinjured. · Flrt!!ndl Aki diey fOWld the : Chiktren.11 flfhir In a nearby " pool hall. He told them be· J:! L ~ s • :: .ad Jiull!Ut I llr• hT I mat-~ w aptn d .... tress upstam several hours ~ ... earJilr, then "tilt out to find ' ~ lliao:.u•.fireman suffered • Next Guv Race Shapes Up •. J1llDOr back injury. D1ma1e to tho !louse wu lillld A SAii FllAN~l8¢0 (UPI) -mayor. exttlllte; . San fraMitcO Ma)'ot Joteph A1\oto rtJ}tied that 11lt would ·-· L. AHliO an •.-1,man lie a bad llhame for J.,. to J• Ull'Ub hlYI l-_11 14-wute the U...ll!dfe be has : Ki.I--vletlor--: 1alneil Jn the Ltgiililltlt by • UIUl_per ' F<T111t Uy ambltiori! you l .. vlnl it." . ' might have to be governor. 'liie San rranclsco "'81'0r ' F D h Jn a joint appearance Thurs-recalled that the Bill Pran-... 8Ces eat day night that often resembled cisco Bay area'. ll1d~ given political dinner. the I w o 4001000 vole lead lb his Bena le ' f a laugh-in more than a Democrat Alan Cranllon a .. 0 Demod'IUC leaders matched, race 1181.nJt Republican Max ... quJpil in 1 ftttndly e&ehange. . RlfferJJ or IO,-, mort Ulan • ( ) -1 MU, l1tl the two man wtll hlo !toll vk:loey margin. · ;:. Ra!elt Lee lloof, --.k llnll lor the Democ:rall' And ·Huliert H11111p!lrey car- ir-of'~-the 4~~ ,Ublmatortal nomination next rled tbt bey area bi tllt,000 : a Clf: a Nlt.b1 11¥.tlt Hiifl )'llr. while l011ln11 • thl ttlte t6 ~ ~,... • .__.., ' nrw "Bin l'rU<llco ii 1 great RiclW'd M. lli1on by 100,GllO. ;. ~f'MI .. ..._,.,,1 !!:-e1t11" .Unruh oblll'ved. "l '11f 1D7one thinU I am mak-• ~'!&die i'•'fl:llliid.W'iit ean1 undlrllln4 I»w anyone 1n1 a plea on bthlll ol lit& ~ w It ti ta t who ltf• btre would want "N.orthem c 1 I I t ., r n l a c1n- pos!ibifity of -..ie: to••/' Unruh 111d. He pro-dldatn, th1l reallJ !Jn't true.'' Because the bot, ltanle)' mlJld Alioto 1110 OUl IUJlporl the ml)'OT Cillmed 'With I Stalford Jr.,. aan.td lei tft.. for r1tledion In 1971" 11 11mllt. juries wMa '81 apfttl rim- med 0.W11 ear 'lfter an Au1. 30 ... iotUI throup -Loi AlllJtleo, the' kld!uipln1 cmtll U D d e t Clllfamla'I sttle& 1'Uttle Llndbfr&b" law, Sup or lo r Court Judf• 1-lllti.ntiand Nied 1llndo); , Tijuana Also Ravaged , By Storm, Mudslides 'llli -111 pllMI ol the 11111 .... Mollcliy. ' IJM)< --., 1 ... ...... ol lddnif!lnl .. lller Sii ............ -.., • 1•11 "'---a..-. °"' -........ the al> dtlallan ol tbll "'7 for lll0,000 -· Tbt .... dlarlld n.c,i, 40, wttb t•c1na lhe bot'• motblt, Jilnne, to move """ ... part ., her home toanolller. ' ' TIJCAIJA, Mealco (UPI) - Tl)UUI ~ llruck llJ the 1om1 ram: lftOW and mud1Ude• b•t- terlq. Cllllornta north of the bc1rd« -ha1 1uffered It.I mllllliil (U.11.) In dama1eo , with 1bout • 1,00D pel'IODs homeleta, olfkl1l1 111. Thi city 1overrment m11de tht d1mri11 estimate Thurt- ~~!> ... AYinl lltltttl and rupw•r• liad 1>1en badly pockdwilld, brldfll acrou Panther Makes :i Tt,:; Nl:, d~~;:~; lhleltl In poor lldlona of the :Probation Bid c1ir w11hld .... ,. . ~ Tllty clanlld rlpOl'ta that !WI rllAlfCllCO !UPI) -oome dlllUI had to be opened .. to r,ueve the pressure ' of bac~ed up r1Jnw11er. B~""' and mud 11lldes hive cm:·· TiJu1n•tnHnad1 co aif ·I HllhWI)' at .90me federal "officials said. r.f.·~'./ He.11dquarter1 of the •rtftb JnI1ntry Battallon, which .~ plied troop11 that helped Jiiali,i' residents out of a r e ( 1. threatened by rl1lng wa*'· ar mud1lldet, e1Umated l,8DD pmona either IOI! their h- or had to leave unufe ar •. ~ Stver1I hundred •ere l~ld In the bltt1llon'1 barrack!i~'/'· flcer1 11ld, but the Almy not have the facilities to hou them all. Goai:I• . .....,, Murr1y, tha1,ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;m;;m;;;;;;;;m= :u::.om:...Mt~":u~ ENJOY PEACE OF MIND :' :":.':. ~da~i~ HAYI YOUll INCOME TAX .. 11111 bid for relaaoe from COM,PUTIRIZED J.i"-)Gr Court Judie Harry 14 MOUi INTl"11W lllwtcl-YOUI HOMl-OUI O"ICI I. IWattll granlad tod•r'• CALL: 675-5994 ~ :rit :n CHAl--aAHD ON TOUI NllDS 1'rllltdloo ltoto COllqt whoff ti ,..peno1on ;,;, one of th• G GI flnanclal consultants causes <l the pr-atudent 3355 VIA LIOO • 5UITI 304 • NliWPO~T llACH strike. STERIO SEN 'Ille colorful sound or On111e County M•lc RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island , Newp t .-~~-~-+---~----~~----- • • • -------------------------- SlafH!.,l!'fl Pre~lf ~ . . 3 Bombings L1,iked? LOI AJIOJ!LES (AP)-Ar-'°" Hporlt .... I llnll todly betweert bomlls tbol htve rocked lhree Lee A.stiff ore• coll..., thla waek and olfi- clala lncreuld sewrit1 forces amid a report al. ll<lllty fear. small...U... r ••oh or be-'hMf,-111!' tht onlf ti1j1lry In Clll!e he f'""' !ho -ing 1lle .bamblnf' • •oultl bt lnllr)lrNd is • •iln . J..,. ;;la .i1 tJ>tM ,..~ ol I opllt within tlll BIV. , Urii. 1-bs. GajvlnliOd ~I Lee wu liltGI Wi!dneld1y • '""°"a ".-Y ~" au•· .--II< •l'llt td !he • ,... .. mllllot IDll a -· umpu1 fat • IMU meetiJ1&. iulf.bMI-tlmtnc '11YIGe The •!l\liillnil ,. .. .,. rlport-""' principal componentt In od ll'1lll 'llilitoda7. Lee .-ict the Southwest College bolnb, the1 a~· wu not poiilic-ht sal~. Johnl:too said m1&er-1hy Jnoi • . · . · llli at s.tll!I* and Polnqno Sa\. J &lid "tbete 1'etl lhl! Saal• UCffit ~ p_ ln¥estl1•lotl alao P."obtd to learn wbelher a shOOt!rit inci- dent at a '""Ith eolleee mlfht be related ta the vlol1nce. Ronnie w r ll<y•1r..Jd for- mer ptelk;lent Gf the Black 8"'4eiltf u-1t Loi Anplts City Collefl, wu lhol od the camp11 live tlmtl tn the back. hu Id bt • -·" lie-·,,.,,def llld 11.,, .. )'lejd. ·' tw-ljio borribo that Hplod-''1'ht f1oo CllMllGlll i<!mtis ..i ot looijj,""' c.n... 1n and i1ie .,. a1 !!Cu~ inil' Lee AUelot in W~ noflim b<e1 Ille ""'* cl nlfllll all4 !lit oho< that ti-...not!,• J"1tM/on "id; ·~ pliid<d a ~ eal'ller on Clar.. ' !hey were '° nelliy ldeiitJcal, mm! Co11<je'1 l'Olll<lllll and , end the trUJbles at Ille '..t- llctlpps .. ...., .. ,sttm eam-l!Sef have been '° slntllar, ........ . that 1lf will al -lt'y to SPECIAL SELECTION· ••• j Offlclab ' at tho colle1es and aheriff'1 depuU11 do not link the BBU or aJ1l other grollp delthlt.17 to the •lo- lebee. Howt¥tt 1'itboi1l elab- orallng, Sgt. Wallet Jillln•ton of lhe sheriff's araon 8hd ei- ploeives unit okl campus administrators report ·dl!JOt'd- en center •f'Ol.tnlf "one dts1l- dent 1roop lhll 1119 m<mbtr organtllllOM lhroufll"UI the Itel." Lee, reported In lllllfactory condltlon 1t • holpttaJ NfUlld to uy Who ahot him With the TV WEEK Tells it Like It'll be . ·' A »ye1r .. 1d ""1d.lrl', bad-fliil .,.1 .. helher there la mt.· ly btm1ed Mi t~ face and a eormnon ciiulN!." • 1 Jack Albertson Martin Sheen IXCUISIYI I rulltlzer Prize WlllMI' ,,..._ -H-llltt ActHU • Atter p]U. David Niven "IMP~alaL& YIAat"' LID 0 , REDU·CED r I • SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd HOUIS: 12 NOON TO 5 l'.M. 58 ~ASHION ISi.AND 644-0980 • Opposite lrCK1dway .-.-:FASHION ~·. ' . Tttt., ••0•111s "tTATIOMEllis ' .. ·~ ~ -' . ' .JSLAND ' . • SEMI-ANNUAL SALE! - \:. '· .. . r•" - ' ~·~·' ". 11 ·' ~· • '~ ... ~ ~~ ' ' 1 OUR REGULAR EV~RYDA Y LOW PRICES! ND ., Sunday Hour11 I 0 •·•· ~· 5 p.m. • . . , \ 50 fashion Island Newport Beach -644-0981 OPIN 7 DAYS A WEEK .. '' ' • · ... .. ' ! ' ' ' • ' 1 . ' • • ' ' • • • • • ' • • ' ' • • • ' . , • • • • : I • ' • ' ' ,1 • - ... .• ~ • •' • ' •' , -• • , " , • • ~ ~ • • • • • .• .. ' ' , • • • < -. • • • , ' • < • . • ' ' • • , • ' l • • ' ' F•iday. Ftbllq,y 28, 1969 DAILY PILOT 9 Disne;yland _Gives Citizens Honors ANAHEIM -'l1looe """ do • little more for other• b&d ~ day 1bunday at tbe ltth annual oi-ylaad Community Awardllwicheon. Taking the lt>p 1$,000 prize WIS the Dave Wllkenon Youth Jlalllet, a unanimous aeJec- Uon ol the 1911 awards com· m!Uee, acconllng 1o Chairman WUllam H. SpurpOn ID of Newport Buch. Orange-Coast winners in- cluded the First Step HOUJe ol Costa Mesa, a • award for "jtl in1plrln1 en- couraaement, asslstance and charity to men afflicted with alcoholism," and tbe Laguna Beach GIYic Ballet Company, $500, ''for achieving a stan- dard of profeu.ioDAI excellence wbicb earned lta recogniUon 11 a national honor company." bringlq 1o almost lhr,. Umes u many boys as had been prevlouly enaaged, the values and aperience. ol scoutlrJI." -The lndependencla Colonla community Council, $2,500, for "preparing t h e pre-echool children of ColonJ1 lndependtneia and its wort In leading lta peoflle out• ol the iaolaUon of employment ind educaUoo which typically confine m1ny of the naUonal minoritiea." -Goodwill lnduatrles o f Orange County, $1,!iOO, for "a broader program of rehabllila· Uon thal hu rc...""Ulted lo 409,078 boors of tr1inlng and employment for 223 han- dicapped workers." clng education In Orange County." Those organlzaUons ~iv· lnl ft,000 award! were the Garden Crove BtauUficaUon AssoclJ.Uon, the Orange Coun· ty AsooclaUon for Retarded Children, the Orllll!• County Medical Center Au x 111 I r y T een-Angel·Teen·Aide Volunteers, the Easter Seal Society lot Crippled Children and Adults, the Ol'ange County Teen Challenge. Also, the Orange County Halrdre11er1 and C o lmetololgsts Assocla.Uon, the Young Women's Civic League o! Anaheim, Job& lor Teen1, Anaheim, and Temple Beth Emet Braille Trl!llCflbert, Anaheim. Winnen ol llWIO award!, in addiUon to the First Step Howse and the Laiuna Beach Civic Ballet, were Holy FamJ- ly .Madrecitu Auxlllary f o r Holy Family AdopUon Ser.lice, Martin Luther Hospital Guild, St. Joseph Hospital Volun- teers, Symphony Association of Orange County, Parent lnvolffil\ent Council, Inc., and tht Junior Auxiliary of the AMistance League of Orange. Members of the awards ""'1lllllloowbojudpd- f""" Ill or1anlaatlool, Ill » dltlon to Spurcton, wen Ed1ar F. Ellstrom, Natani Jnhn B. Lawaon, Lquna Ni&Uel ; Mn. J.,.ph A. Lani. S11nt.a Ana ; Mrs. Norman V. Sataei.., Anahelzn, and Alber! Solomon, Garden Grove. With this year's awards, nearly $200,000 has been donated to Orange CGunty organlzaUona throu.&b 114 cash awards. This years awar~ rtpresented more than ttiree million hours of community service by nearly 102,000 persons. FRtE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR; MAINTAINING $588 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' HONORED FOR SERVICE -John Lawson of Disneyland Awl.rds Commit- tee (left) presents plaques and cash a wards to three wiMers of Disneyland- sponsored community service awards. From left are Lila Zali of Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Company, Lester Cole r'epresenting First Step House of Costa Mesa and Bill Miner of Orange County Teen Challenge, Anaheim. The Wilkerson Y oulh Rallies were cited, in part, for "con.JPiCUOUI success ln devi!- lng and uecuUng imaginative, practical programs aimed at directing youth toward con- •tructive, prodix:t,ive 1oala .•• for eitrao rd lnary ac- eom p li1bment in demonstrating dramatically the wbolesomene.u of the large majority of today's young people and for ac- vancing the high American -Because We Care, a group o( five Anaheim women, $1,500, for "contributing near- ly 3,000 gUts, 500 cartons of used clothing and other ef- fective demonstrations (If a helping hand to more than 15 insUtutions and org1Jti18. lions." --Orange County Academic Decathlon Assoc!Auoo, lt,500, for "insUtutlng competition In general scholastics, for engag- ing the Interest of students and their participation, f6t providing rewards responsive to effort at sever!'.} levels of natural abtuty, and !or enhan- principle of serving both God ------------------..-~--------...... and cOu nt ry through leadership, dedicatibn. loyally • -• ". ~ ·-~ For The Record and eour1ge." Other winners included : -The Childrens Hospital .of ~--------~! Orllll!• County, 12,500, ·~n Th• .•. .-~ Meetings 4-I'•~-11 ~ Alltil\ Jtodern. JJ. 1!1d E!!11betto Lid• -<r. Schmoklt. 50, botto of Hun11,..1or1 ·\,lo ... th. .., Erwin Htnry sr.upp, 5(, of Him11..,1or1 ·"'" Attch, i ncl EU11be1h ll11in, ••ie.11 ~... tft." ol Loo A.l1mllos. ~ lll'nOnf DIY F1rnl1, 2', trod Ptmel1 •i.. Jo M111tf", )6, bo'tll cf Cotlt 1MM. ~ l'tb. ti ... H1r....., A. ~11, 3'. vi t.1tvn• llHdl, Ind Ann N1'¥..i1 Chern', lt, at Matittlelr. ,,,. 'NtYllli C. NIWb'I', 4 , ind GllMt .. . - 0. kll'tl, 3'. both d Cosl1 Mn. • Dt vlcl P1tr1a: D11Hnckr1. ll, trid Orutlllt Terrell Morrlt(NI, 21, botto et Hunflrt11fon Seith. ._.. 11,.., Tim F•"t', 21, al o\lltntlc, lowt. •. DEATH NOT1€ES -~.-----H-O_L_T ___ _ ... Illes 1,,., Holt. 1'5 Roclluter St., ..., COlll Mftl. ~N '5; c1111nty ,...111111ent .·• !or n """' dllt of *-'h· Febn.o•rY "!". U. SUrvlwd b'I' twe dtU91'1tlfl, Ori •":-M.lv Het:.on, et S.nt1 o\rwi, 1nd kl-,. •'-Clllllwll, Coot1 ~Mt; 1l1ler, El· • ..-tit Jt'ffrln, 011!1hom11 tour 1rr1,,.,. • dllldnn 1!1d -1rtt1-1rwn«lllld. s.rvlttl wlll bl Mid S.lul"llll"t', M1rcl'I 1. arown Colonl11 .v.omi.,.,, 10:30 1.m. ~"-'""'""..,' 111111 1o1tow •t "'' o\bblV '" A."lhtlm. ,,,,..,, Co1Dn11I Morlua,..,., -. .. ' ., 20C W. 17th SI .. 5.1~1• o\nt, Dl.....rnws. CHURCBilL L•li. ~er Cllurdllll. AM 11, d 4" COIN MtM SI .. (Olli Mew. Otll ol dt9111, FtbnMIY :M. SurYlved bY O.utft. ..... Mn. Mlo-terfll McWllll1m1: IPl"Ollt- '"' RCl'I' ...:1 JIQtlll'I ctlurdltll; sl1tw, ~ M,.._ Mlldl"lld ,,,,_.. 1M Mn. EIHnot ..,... Flodf: two 1rwncktllkl""' trod """" -... •l'Mt....-.ndcfllld...... s.t'l'lcn WI r 1 hllcl todev. Frld1v, J PM, Wn!mlMltr" "• Mlr'tlclrif,I P1rt ClllHI of JI-. ·:. Wntm1Nfl1" Mlmorit l l'lrt MOf'lllal"f', . ...-. DlrtCl$'1. • • ~ '- ,,., ... • .. ' # ... -- ... •• • BALTZ MORTUARU!S Caroea del Mar .OR s-t'5I costa Mna ltll I-UM BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 'ti Broadway. Col&ll Mes1 uum DILDAY BROTHERS Runtfllgtoo Valley l\forWary 17111-Bmf. Hatfllgloakw Ut-'1111 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAR& Cemetory e Mortoary ~pel JSel Paclfic View DrfTt NetrfOR Beacil, Caltlonll "'4700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FllNERAl. ROMB Weatmluler - BMJTll'!: MORTUAllY 117 Mala SL e • .u.p.~ LEMllt 7111 lltlla A.._ WE8'roLIFP MORTUARY U7 E. 17111 SL, Colla Mt11 - acinowledgemtnt ol the ti.nan-Orange Coast's cial assistance resulUng from Incl Dcw!n• June Hullo#\, ft, (If l :• ,.m. C.r 11 ... ~ •11111 the dedicated efforts or its Most Complete COlll MHI. 6:22 '·"'· Mecllaol 1ld, ''" '-"* ch ak ibJ Cecil •. Durool, .s6, .,,,, Vlrd• Evin.. guUds, whi m es poss e PRINTING '°" bolfl °' wntrn1n,1er. ~,':' ~"'-Medkll i ld, ..,.1 Klondllce the quick response to the plea Russell Dllo! o\lltn, JJ. of Seil lle1tl\, •:52 1.m. Medk1I •kl, l412S GolOln ol any chikl In need." SERVICE 1!1d C1rcl'(I\ MUrl"f', 30, 1 I w1,t westm1n,11r. ~•nne' Empire Council, f'Mllllt.111 VIiie)' ............ _ Ctcll 0. Cu11dl:, )9, l!ld JCl'f'Ct tkl'rM· l'H. 11 Bo Scou'• M 500 f ou\.. · Iii "'' '4, boln ol W1:1tmln1ltr. Y ""• ..,, • or YM:: -•:16 1.m. 'T,.._111 llr11, flit G•rtltld • • 'th hi h · I • 3 ,1•.-·--RlCll.lnl e.,..,, o..,., :ri, o1 eos11 Hllllll'IM ... IMdll prec1.S1on w1 w c 1 ... Mna. •nd Dofll'll Je1n Pierce. ll, ,..._:,, ...._,,...,t Ils resources to bear of Slnl1 Alli. .,. v...,... Ger11c1 LIO"t'd Ulre"t'. ~-er Hlllll'lnaton 10:0 '·"'· c..-tlrt, nn Gr..,,wldo unnn a ._,.inc area and COD-I ... ,,. Phone 642-4321 • ... o< , 0 , ' O' '' 3:20 11.m. ~ t.ld, 1'711 autMN ...--·~· o1·W~1m~n•m~''' .. " '.. ·,.~'5'o~·~·=·~M:"""""::~"'~':"'~'"-=:•:_~di~·u~oo~of~j~uv~..U~e~d~elinq~· ~u~ency~· ~·,~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KOCH-JONES, J1mn A,, 28. "' lfl lO:N .. "'" MtdkaJ '"' .. "..,,... and .for it• acbievemait-' ln Grind N1,,... •nd Pnv1111 I' .• If, Dr. ef Ml Gr1rod H1wn, bolh fJif C0.!1 ~/ · .... IUJINS-ORllELlo\N, Ger1rd W., ):I, "' 11' 461'11 st .. Hews>orl audl •rod tltl"' K.. U. ol lit .oth SI., ,t,pf, ,\, NtWPOrt lletcl'I tMITH·llEEtLEY, T!l'n' l .. 20, of 11t1 TtrrY 1nd Lvnrie e ., 11, ol 1191 'T1r,.,, botfl "' Hun!ll'!llto!I BNdl EVERS-HEDRICK, JoM P .• 1~ ol 125 llructw1y, Cotlt Mesi Ind Ct<lrl1ne D., :!1. of 9'11 Mlnnlt, S."h Ant McLo\UGHLIN-HOl..GENOORF, Rt'I'· mond T .. :W, of-mJ Mat~1 Drlvt 1nc1 J1 1t1 M .• •2, "' uon Sl:H'l,.d•te St., bolto of Hunll,,..., IHdt IJURSTROM-COllll, Kanntlto L.. "3, of '26 E. 81lbol; llYd.. 11111»1 1.wl Floy A,. ,,, of 122'1 Ell'rlwDod, Gtrden Grow. folUST-WILSON. Kll!Mtto l. .. W, o1 1ut1 Wtk.ileld st .. wntmlns!'tl'" •"" DorottlM F., m, ol 129$1 llollv•r (lrclti, Glrden Grove JENNINGS-WESTLIE, Slwtll'llfl E., 111 . Ul4 Hunllnoton A..... 11'1d Sonl\lt J., 11, of mt Gltncot. both of HU<1l!nt1lton llHd'I SNYDER-PITTS. Ed'w1rllll l ., 2J, of 1Xl1 Huntl119Ton """ Hunlh,.ton Betch ind Lnll• "·• U, ol 111ff Redwood, Founlaln Vtllev DANIELSOH-OST1LLO, lllrl"I' L., 11, ol 1'CJ Broad SI.. NPWl'Ol1 llHcfl Ind Mttlt G., 20, of IU E. Mcl"ld- d.en, Slnt1 "'"' WALTEJIS.LILLESIC ... U, Dou91n M .• 1t, of 201l IC1rn1! Drlw, Ce1!1 M"'-" ind Ne,.,.,,• e.. 25. of m1 EUii. Apt. D, Huflllnt'Gn lletdl. Ot FRENNE·ELLEJl'T, Wllll1m I" .. H, el 10 ll•rctl!lnl trod P1trlcl1 "'·· 1,, of '°" Sll'Ytder, botll of Son Clemente. PEDDY-HUTSON. e ruct "'·· n. of 311 Hlrbor llllrod Ind Hlllll"I' A .. 21, of 30 H1rbof' l1le,,.,, botto o1 N.->tl Plttcll. aRIDGES.ICIHG, CI I t In c • D •• "6, of ,,, Sin St .• SNI 8e1dl •'Id ChffYI 0., tJ, of 2U llfl St., Hurt- llntto!I lud'I. JOSMONG!!V,1,-JOSHOHQEVA l<Hrolt· r111el W1llw, 27, of Oole 1111..-1 Ave. 1nc1 Judv, n . ol an. 1111..-1 Ave., bolfl ol Sin C!emrnte llEEllE-U.HEY, Clt\lde C •• 31, of 1ue1 lltl'llltw Ori~. Sl.>Mfl aucfl •'Id l t#Yr A., n , of US! (lllv"f Chlsr, Glendtte. ,, .... u RUSHER-POJITILLO, Chrlt!llPhet l ., lt, o1 3111 Woochfoell lllo.11 1nd St- r1n, 11, ol 11012 Jl•rtnr Orlvt, bolto of LOI ... l1mlfol. RICH-FU.GG, Culver o\., '6, ol 11U'! 2llh SI.. A,r. a , SU""! ltldl tncl KtltolH!I M,. lt, fll 1511 Vl'i11n L111t. N-rt ae1c~. fOtl:GIE·lllADl!R, Jefln o .. 21, et 122• Conwl'I' St .• COiii MftlO 1nd J-J., lt, ol n.a La Jellll Cln:lt, Hunt- 11111ton 8"d\. McGLONl!·N~GL'E, LHn F .. 20. ol 111' Minnie SI.. 51nt1 o\111 I nd 1(11t!erlllil c.. ?2. o1 Hiii M1!11t Drive. Minion Vlelo NOVAK·TEHlo\lllGE, l1rT'I' A •• ''' of JM Ct11Mle 1rod M1rl1J'fl M .• ,,, "' n1 Strr1, 11o111 of s.nt1 Clllm1nte (IEH-EZlllo\ -DAWSON. Otvld. 25, ol 44S Ctn!U,., 81'1'11., L"t'flW'OOCI llld ~rlOll R., 17 fll 16511 Tlf(l{I SI., ,wnttll\ Vt lln' l OUNSllElllY·SESSIONS, V1t111t I!., '1. of 1111 1'1or1, Slnt1 o\111' •rod Jun M., Ml, of 7'02 Ewrut Cln:!I, Hunflr>11ton 9ffd'o M"GDALENO-MUHOZ, Mlc1r1t R., '11. ol 1JJ.I W. 1111'1 Sf., LOI AnHln l'nd Mirr.,. s., 1t . et ltotl K"l'lutu L1n1. H1111llntlon lt1cr. Fire Call• ""'·p 12;1' •.m. Public; 1ulf11nc.. 1~J 1 . .,. J::W P.m. Piibllc 111ltltnet. !ft £. Roct!nlll" Siii INclil ,, .... , 10:45 t .l!I. Pvblk 111111, Nini INN,._ -St1llotl ··""'"'"-' ...... AUTO LEASING All Makes ,_, 1969 Ti.nderbird 4 Dr. Landu $11t .tt,. ..... ;{ORT FOX lWll6 224 D-W. Cont Hwy. Nawporl Beach, Calif. 642-l440 ,_,... A11therl11d l11•lt1t S,tt.fl'I The IOoks like six grand. like $386(;.l ' . The less-than-four-grand price 1s manufacturer's suggested retail . It includes a lot: 350 horses. All- •ynchro transmission. Strato-bucket seats. Hidden radio antenna.,Vinyl-covered con- sole. Nylon-pile carpeting. Soft-rim steer- ing wheel. Recessed door handles. Plus what makes the Grand Prix so grand-longest hood in the industry. 118' Wide-Track stance, utterly distin c- tive front end . So if you always thought the Grand Prix was a $6,000 car, your only problem now is how to 1pend the $2,134 left over. Have a ball on Pontiac. See the Grand Prix at your Pontiac Dealer d11rin1 the Great Break AwaySIJe. IManufadum'• tuwsted retail price includinc Fedenl ad.e tu and MIUMted dalu new car prtpaBtion charae. Dmlinltion char1a. ltate and kal tues and opticml equipmalt tddltiomt. , " =-------- I I • I I I I Jt DAILY l'llOT ($) Fridlof, '"""" 28, 1969 Peru to Lead ~ boll '"''ldlo( Is • ..........., _, In lbe Unlled 1S1a1ea, but Pm! _, '!Ill tab Ille load .. builder G( tlla lqeot&qlass boat. TM liaalh Amerfcu oalioo, -vOlumt leader -11111.-lq natloos. is to -• IS-loot lil>erglus boot ID Mardl. 11 wlU displace * c.oa.. Tbl I aTgest ftborPo!i b\>ai buill in the United Stat.es reportedly dlsplocM llD tom. The Sovie! Unkm WU believed to have held the lead uoUI now with a llilp cn.pladog llO tons. WILL YOUR SALARY DOUBLE BY 1975! It __ A few hours 11 the 12th Annual Orange County M11111ement Conferen~. Saturday, 8 1.m. March J. can show you 1hc way. Your choiu or lwo symposia filled with vital m1nage· mtnt know-how. Plus a stimulating keynote address by one of tht" nation's most succeuful business leadcrL All ror a SS ~t obtainable at tht door at Caliromia State CoUegc, Fulletlon, 8tsl.des. it's too wet to play golf or mow the la.wa. Contact the Orange County Chamber or Commerce , 714·21S I, for further details. When J PROGRESS, PROFIT AND RESPONSIBILITY -THE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE IN THE SEVENTIES • 1n Rome .. ... He Did Randall McCardle found time during his 10.wHk economic survey of seven European countriff to "collect"• fin•, old lt•li•n beard in the Rom•n tradition. But, clPn-shaven and re-Americanized, he's back now at his desk as DAILY PILOT columnist and president of the Real Est1ters firm. Visits he h11 mffe to more than 30 countriH in Europe, Asia, Central America and Africa undoubtedly het;; him hendle "Questions and Answers,'' his WHkly column on the DAILY PILOT'• S1turday Real Estate Page, even if he is no longer a bearded oracle ••• just 1n oracle who once sirew a beercf. In Rome. LEASE WITH FREE MAINTENANCE ABSOLUTELY FREE! OIL CHANGES, LUBE, TUNE-UPS, FILTERS, BAmRIES, BRAKE LININGS, HOSES, coo~. ANTS, ALL PARTS & LABOR COMPLETELY FREE! (GAS, TIRES AND TIRE RELATED PROBLEMS EXCLUDED) . • • • '1969 CONTINENTAL-40 ,000 miles of FREE Service '1969 MERCURY MARQUIS -24,000 mile s of FREE Service 1969 COUGAR -24,000 miles of FREE Service • EARLY DELIVERY LEASE WITH OPTION MARK Ill • • FREE LEASE BROCHURE "FAMILY PLAN" CAU HAL SANDERS, LEASING MANAGER J'ObDSOD+SOD u1;1ll ClmYllEITIL . 111Hm• llEICll'f•UllAI 141•1111 •• Easy to do ... just call or come in. "'-~-l/OAlf ... e INf, a.JJ/l••et. MUTUAL SAVINGS AHD LOAh ..._ •• OCIATION 2161 r .. 1 ecast Hii'-Y • c..na u.1 ...,, card. 92625 Toltt>hono 675-~10 -tma·.-lllr. ttJl.D!l•OO IL'nt. •~·~~.ti .. ' Anshutz Promoted Phfllp L. Anshutz o t Newport Beach ha3 betn pro- moted to atnlor manager or commercial development for the Irvine Co. ~nd i t s whsldlary' the Jodustrial Complex. le hll oew po1ltlon. Anshutz will direct all eommerc:laJ nil estate development for the company. He was formerly manager of tommerclal leas- ing. Anshutz graduated w I t h hooors rrom the Unlvenll)' or Southern California. where he w:IH rectlve a master's dell"" In bUJlness this June, l f .. , ., \ ti1ck\ll th II Pr H1lllt1! H~• H~• li1m,,. Hal)dlt Halld~ Hanoi H1nn1 Harr? H1rr>1 Hlr$C HitrS, H1rv Hal C Ha!Cc Haw I/ Haves Hauofl He<:la. H1!n1 Htl<tl'o Hell • Htllt• liel~· He!'"' HetrN Hem I ...... Hore Her.II "'"'" H1ut11 H~• H!<1~ lolin"' 1-1nco H ... .... Holld Holkl .. ,. Ho Uy ·~ liOlll!' ·-.... Hotel Hoo• ""' -HM Hooo HM Hoo• Hoo• .... "" ·-H.id• .... ~ ldtl Ill I ltl C 111 t 'm• I~ tnC• .... ... '""' . .. '"' ... In<" ·~ '"' ••• Int• '"" ••• ·~" "' '"' '"' ·~·· '"' '" •• '"' Int ••• '"' '"' ••• '"' ••• • •• '"' '"' '"' " ... 1~· I: .. .. '" " " I: " " " Ir " " " • rhurSday's Cl«>sirig-: Prl~ -~lete ·New OA!LY PILOT York .. • • d I r " ! h • ' ' I I I ' . • . I I I ' .; 12 DAILY PILOT ---' F'rldaY, Ftbnlary 28, 1969 - ~KIEl'E & M.RRITT.'S 25'' GAS RANGE FRE11 '··PRIZI DRAWING! ' • ' ' • • > : I ' ' . • ,1 • • ;;oDYS LOW PRICE $1· · EU GANT "SCULPTURA" ' t I l . \ .. • I ti j ' r I ' . . O'KEIR & •tRRITT WITH SUPER WID. 25" OYIN CLOCK & TIMER CHECK :ZODYS -LOW PRICE ' i •S.per .wide 25-incJ, giant capacity master own •law fMl.,.mtvre 1.&0° th~ •De11u T...-of-Dcry dock with signal limer •Dmded cook top with wide work surface • Paaoro.ic black glcm awn wi.Sow • __ •c.a.;c Gold CICClt.nd decooalot panel with ch...,.,_ fra111t1 •Avoilab1• '" Wlta., Coppertone and Avotado' •M.w cooking elegance, new cooking eas' • Uft.off easy to cl.an cwen door • 2·p1ece easy cl.an lll'IODI .. broil tr •super wide 25"' giant capaciiy ~er oven •Divided cook top with wide work · •uriace •Perfect coo)l;ing resulb _with .ven the molt precise and delicate recipe1 · •New thoug htful master touch.,, •ven ·new modtm colortovches , •Quality engiftffring by 01Ceefe & • t '-Menittcraftsrnea •A'failable in white, coppetfot'I• and °"""do O'KEEFI & MERRITT'S "DOUBLE OYEN" RANGE I EYELEYEL "CONTEMPO" I CHECK zoi>Ys LOW PRICE •Temi>O~ic evwn conlrol -both oYeM! •Color Mag~c·Set!'fhN glass-Oftn windows • &eft. flojN ~and clean star let burner • Uft.off 0'¥9n doOrt •full width floortseent light •Su~magna fla .. Bar·~e·broiler · •Wable in Ha~·Gold, AV01«Jdo, Copperione,'Whit!t FAMOUS llAND FAMILY-SIZE RiFRIGIRATOR·FREEZER • !PORCELAIN INTERIOR I $ 98 Compare at 169,95 • Push·bl:Jtfon defrost convenience •Thennostat control dependability •Porcelain. enamel interior-• full width vege!o ble cri~per •Door,spac• for -sgs, bOttl~, cftffse, dm1ing •thln-'Wa ll foam insulctticin •Interior light ' •s.Pecia! high cold"inte~ity meat troy CEi.EBIATIN& z•Y'5 NEW'I EXPANDED APPllAiCE DEPT.! . I • ' NO PURCllAS&·lllCESIARY JUST FllL·iN·Tl:IE COUPON ••• DIPOSIT·IT IN·ANY :ZODYS APPUANCE DEPARTMENT p•••••••••••••-•••• I !!AMI I I . I I .&DDR!SS l; : I c I I }TAii P• ~ I PHONI I I _....-. ..... , .. , ... ---------~-------~~ FAMOUS BRANP 2·.DOOR RIFRIGERATOR·FREEZIR I AUTOMATIC DEFROSTl$ I I 8 Comp!Jre at 179.95 •Big 8 cu. ft. refrigerator with "walnut'' grain exterior •New "Humid-Cold"' refrigeration system maintains a proper bolonce of cold and humidity for better preser· votion of food •Single tf1ermostafic control • Automotic defrost in refrigerator sectiqn • Plodic ited aluminum interior •2 ice cube troys, 2 cri1pers AS LITTLE AS.NO MONEY DOWN ••• UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY ••• NO PAYMENT UNTIL APRIL, 1969 PACKARD BILL SATURN ASllO•AUT''> POITULE TY t1c SO. INCHISl s79 •High fidelity pid11,.111be •Space~·· bonded cin:uih •ttigh fid .. ity sound • 13.500 wit pictu~ power •VHF-UHF all channel tuners •-Set-and-forget" VHF fine tunin11 • DeMft beige hi-itltpOd plastic COM; flip-up handle Packard Dolt I [CJ llORWALK NORTH LONG 81ACH IMPlllAl NWY. ·Ar STU DllAKll l. SO':fTM sr11n AT CHlllY fOll:OAlll YAWY LONG 8EACH MAllOI llVO. AT IDtNGll LOS COYOTIS,SPllNG & WOODIUFF PACKARD BELL SOLID STATE STEREO -. . WITH AM·FM STERIO TUNER . Packard eo11 11c1 • •291 • HigJ.<fi«Mlity ei9ht-1peakff sound,fYSfem • Duql c~annel aolid state !lf•pliflerwith 30wotts •Solid state AM/FM lhtNO ht net · ~ith SUpem.terodyne circuitry •AU hOrdwood occoUstical toUnd 1 • Chawiben for optirnu"' ...-... 9 Hc111'dlorne Scandincivian deaig1t in rich, ....Uow walnut finish PACKARD BELL COMBINATIOll'C0LOR TY AND AM.fM.fM·STEREO •••$ 1295 no• $998 ANAHllM•8UINA PARK ANAHllM•PULLERTOll lfACH llVD, & LINCOLN OUNOUNOIPI AT LIMON HUNTINGTON 81ACH SANTA ANA •Scandia wolnut inosterpiece serin •Soiid state AM-FM ste,.o tuner •23"• glare-proof true tolor pictur• ti.I be •Two 1rwoof•ts,two.c• mid· rang•, two 3 ~· tweeten • f~mal speabf i«b •AFCforVHFandUHF •oiagonal·MeaW,..nt WISTCOYINA AZUSA AVI, At PUIHn GARDIN GltOYI PACKARD BELL DELUXE COLOR TY CONSOLE j 2ts so. INCHES I c ... ,. ... , 599.95 •2'5 sq, i"' pictvre witfl high fidelity, rare earth true c~lor •A hll 25.000 volh of picture power • ..(• fnMtt facing high fidelity speaker •Tral'dhtorincl UHF tuning, .. Mf.'n-forgat"' VHF fine tvning •Ho•aftwd wstoM hardwciod cabinet Pnc k..ord Boll , jC) NAWTHOiNI llVD. Af SO. IAY CINTll 8U.8A* CANOGA PARK GOLDIN WIST & IDINGll N, GRAND A'lt. AT 1 nH STlllT CHA•MAN & llOOKHUIST SAM fllNANDO ILVO. Af·IUllANl TOPANGA CANYON ILVD. AT IOKOI ••o• AllD IAYI ATt%0DYS MONDAY uau rmDAY, 10 A.IL TO 9 P.M. -IAT. AllD IUIL 10 TO 7 l ) I • TRADE SECRETS SHARED'-il<1YS, too, have !earned Iha! baby· sitting is an easy way to earn extr.t money, and1 they will be in- vited to attend a baby-sitting clinic sPQDSored by th.e Huntington Beach .Junior Woman's Cl~b on Saturday, Marcb 8. Rick ·Steph- enson picks up some 'sitting lips from Lynda Ryan (left) while Maureen Sunurierill' feed§. i4 monlll,old Rhooda Hall. There is no charge for th~ clinic Wh(ch is Qpen to boys and girls 11 or older. Sunshine _Face $.hines : ' . .... ),. ,. ' .... -:--.. J. .. ' ' .... . -. -; New ·:'aolbt·k .. -Pare hfs Swing Into Action .. . I\ Block Parent program to provide youngsters wil.h a safe place lo turn should ·Ibey n~ed help has ~ initiated by the Sc\ulb Coast Junior Woman's Club in Foun~in Valley. More than 9J block parents and•a board of directors were reg- istered during a January meeting, and the program now ts in effect in the Arevelos Elementary School area. Directing· the activity is Mrs. George O'~are and assisting is Mrs. Carlson Nippe], coordinator. Parents who attended the initiation meeting were shown a movie, "The Child Molester," and a representative of the Huntington Beach Police Department was present to answer question~. Block'Parent homes .will· display a Men')'> Sunslrine face In the · win~o':Y; .atid children are being irifomu~d-of the Sifn'~-p~e in .their , classrooms. Should the children be approached by a ·molester, become lost, or frightened, they will be encouraged to seek assistance from· the block parent's home. The program, whic}J has proved successful in other areas, is receiving full cooperation from schools and the police department. Additional information may be obtained by calling Mrs. 0''" Hare, 962-3134. The Juniors also ar.e serving as chaperons during school dances sponsored by the Fountain Valley Paris and Recreation Department. The dC}llces, for seventh ·aoo eighth graders, are 41king place between 7 and 9 p.m. in Tarnu.ra Elementary Scboolt-Usual attendaLce Is be- tween 2f)()'itnd 300 stude'nts. Juniors chaperOned dances in the school last November and this month under the direct.ion of Mrs. Lloyd Satterthwaite, youth chairman. Additional information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Satterthwaite, 962-6981 , or Mts. Jon M"cKibben, dean of chainnen. The club plans to continue sponsoring the dances when they take place in the new community recreation building. ~ ' ., . YOUNG ARTISTS CREATING -Demonstrating the talents they will display 'beginning ·at 10 a.m. tomorrow are (left to rigbt) Elizabeth Hardy and . / Marc Fra~ente, supervised by Mr.s. }fenry Duke. ._ ______ .., _____________________ .,. ' ln recognition of Nurse,.Y Education Week, these ' • . ' J OOEAN HASTINGS, '-1. ,,,..~. ,...,. .. "" • , ... 11 Baby Care Em -phas·ize·d -NOtooger-is·ii8by.sitting str!cUy a feminine method of earning extra money, and tnvltlhg boya to attend a day-Jong baby-sitting clinic are members of' the Huntington Beach Jµnlor Wom,an's Club. The clinic will take place from 10 a.m. t o 2 p.m. Saturday, March 8, In the clubhouse, 42010th St., Huntington Beacb. The class is free and those interested in attending are request- ed ·to call Mrs. Willi.iii Biss, 1142-7361, or Mrs. Jolln Miller, 536-78411, by Tuesday, Marcb f, for registration. All boys and girls-and especially those belonging lo scout troops-and experienced baby-sllters 11 years or older are invited to attend the informative clinic. t. Instructions . will .~ude care, handling ~d entertainment of , young children with ~mph,asis . on safety preca~ons and . procedures. to follow while mother is away. Mrs. Peter Greor, RN, will speak on care, )>andling and feeding of infants. Mrs'. D{lvid Steckbauer, teacher, will discu,ss ways to keep children amused and what mothers expect of sitters. A demonstration of rescue breathing will be given by the Hunt- ington Beach Fire Department and there WUl be a Disney film, "Have a Wonderful E vening." Sgt. Robert Freckel from the police department will lec- ture on what lo do in case of !rQ&jble and Dr. Burton F. Willis will dis- cuss what to do until the doctor arrives. The class will conclude with a quiz for those attending and c.er- tificatea for those who pass. Participants are requested to bring a sack lunch, and soft drinks and cookies will be served by Juniors in- cluding the Mmes. Jack Hall, cbainnan; Bill Lowance, Biss, Jolln Miller,. Karl F .. s, Wendall Emde. and William ldcCourt. Tots Draw ·Attention To T al~,nts--1 I Art forins in all media wiil be demoll!ltrated by_. ~ddina: art!Jts dUl'ini a d ii p I a y recognizin1 Nunery Educa- tion Week tomorrow in the Huntington Center Mall. Beginning at IO a.m. and continuing ,until 2 p.m., atta nursery schools wtll offer demonstrallons. of euel pain- ting, carpentry, puzzles and musical instruments. North Huntington Be a c h Nursery School alao will con- ducl a. -k-long open !>ouM beginning Monday, Man:h J, and lnleremd parellb and childre'il are 1 n v l t e d to attend. The school, a DOnil'tAlt parent partldpaUon arpnlza- tion,, ii located In th e Redeemer Lutheran Cb~, 16351 Springdale SI. ' Mrs. Slanley Helllnca It prealdenl ol lhe parenlt' IR"P and Mn. ' Ray Rodolph is teacher f« Ill three aessions, Three-year-olds attend classes two days each week and .f.. year-oldl attend three classu. Other schools participating In the mall dbplay will include Happy Valley, Hill Top, North Huntington Beacb, S m I 11 World, Sunshlne, Tu I t i D ' Westminster and Santa Ana. youngsters from the North Huntington Beach ·Nur- sery School will join others from the area in a cre- ative display of activities in the Huntington Center Mall. Mn. Owen Miller I 1 cbalrman ol Nunery Educa· lion Week for the Southern SecUon and Mn. •Michael Townsand ·b cbalrman for the North School. It's a Shame ... Money Also C·Qn Buy Name as Well as Fame DEAR ANN LANDERS, For years I have been reading in etiquette booi.s and most recently in your column, that a widow should be called Mrs. Joe Blow, not Mrs. Mary Blow. J protest in the name of common sense. I live in a city whert no one knew my husband. They knew me u the owner ol a thriving beauty saJon. 1f someone wanted to cancel or make an appolnbnent alter hours. they looked In Ibo phone book for Mary Bloi<, DOI my bua:band Joe. A IOClally prominent dlvcnee or widow hu lhe privileg~ of being known as Mrs. Charlott. Ford Nlarchol or Mrs. Mary Luker. But heaven help a woman il she la a nobody . 1 remember so well what Alice Roosevelt Lonporth said years ago, "l'm me, not my dead husband's shadow. Please call me Alie!: R o o s e v e I t Longwortb.11 And they did. -AN· ONYMOUS 'MRS. DEAR .¥1J:5: I am IOt 1 slave " any ·oee tUqlleCle boot. I've uld repealedly jMt pM mmen ore hued oa goed 1e11ee. U a wldtw « •vwcee -,..,. .. k ealled Mn. Mary _, ___ II. :DEAR ANN ~DERS: I'd Ill« to say a few words to the wife who decldea to keep qulel ud IUller In silence rather than break up her marriage with a nice but immature huabmJ who indulges in an occaskmal 1ffalr. ' . ' ' ANN LANDERS ril A woman nted not go completeb' to pleees mert!T' because · her hwiband behaves like a jackass frdm lime to time, Many a good man lw become viclimiud by a predatory female arld doesn't. know bow to escape from her cl!,ltcbet. H1re jte a few rules for a M!e who ""pecb> her husband b ~ving an affair: (I) Don't 'beg him to be fallhlul and don't cry or threaten him. This sort ' ' of noise . loe.a tD one W' and out~ the other. ~ (2) Be ma&ure, calm and ateady. Let ltlm know you have no lntention of bre1kloi up your marrlsge merely becaUJe he lnalllo· on ..un, W!e 1 foot (J) ·lnv!U! eouplu In, accept lnvlloUoaa. Slay In th• social swlm with family and lrieodJ. ( 4) Never utter one word agalnst your husband to the children, to his molher, to your mother, or to anyone, for that matter. When he regaln.s his saJilty he'll appreciate your loyalty. ' (5) Make Jove, not war. Remember, 1 m a..n bu "117· so much enero• What be UWlda .• r-cannot be erpended elsewhere. -EXPERIENCED ' ' DEAR llXPEIUENCED: You <OOUllel lo -•-Ible ..i pnctlcal. 11 takes I .... wtmU te CUTJ k efl, Mwevtl'. Notlllwlffl.,.eqpltoll CONFIDENTIAL 'I'll WHY. DO THEY DO rt7, '°"'8 users do 11 lor a vsrlely of reuon1 -dtal.ppolntment, lnle<:Urlty, lq get oul ol the dumpo, to combat fatigue, to esc1pe boredom, to remove inhibitions, to induce lleep, to feel pep. pier and a I as, to aperlment with s<imething they have been hearing about so they cln · aay that they, tOo, have bad the experience. · !J,llcoliollom ·-1 u.w ... theakollolle•-?h ...... C'lll"t! llead dte lliooklet 1•.ue•1"m - Hope 1911 llefll," by Am fttn. FMJeee JI eeail ii Cllll wtOI ,.... ,.. qtltl& .... ,..,, llampef, .. ?,, 1111 .. ..... Aa i-n wlU • 1to• lo..,. Y°" wtui 1"' pr1llil•1. S... .._ 10 •• r 111 c aro ol Ille DAU.Y PILOT1 ..+e'q I .... .,.., .. lllc:21il.I tll'tlt••· OAll Y PILOT Fr1dol, FlllnllrJ 28, IM •· • Nuptial Vo~s Recited In Huntington Beach ' ~ .. cant•<:.-.. aw. .. Wt srvm'• mllllD. •• -.-PL . , ,,,. ~ -ti llr. --J .... d ~ ~· -1111 -.-J ... lollo IU hell -. van _. --.LonyJ-ud a COlllln, Jl'nlil< w-. -11111 the bride'• ....-.. 'l'Oll1 l'llhlelwutherlo(.bearv. Mn. Rid' JuilM ctroalalod the guest -durinl. -tloa la the cluhbollle d Hui> tlngton Conttnental ~ Aalalq won Mn. Rlclwd Bai.., the brlde'a aant. IDd A*rf!J Holmes. '!be bride II a .,-d Newport -lllch &:hool .... ·-Oraqe Caul Collqe. Her bushand also It a l'Ocluate o! NHHS and .0.. II oen!ng In the U.S. Alr l'«ee, tlttlClled al -- Alr '"""' "Bue wher< Uiq will mid<. San Francisco Honeymoon MR. AND MRS. DENNIS H. JANISSE Double Rlnt C•r•mony • Conference Notes Sorority's Founding . Popping Corks Open -Little League Benefit Linda Moody Bride Of Darrel Stoskopf . ' 11! • ..ndlellpt ..._, lil Grw United Methodist <Jmn:h, Long Beach, Linda Marperile Moody d Uw Piii Mu'• .. Oraqe c.unty will celebrate lhe IO<Orily'I fCllllllio( tomamnr In San Diego at the Bahia Motor lloleL the Alpha ·Mem orial Scholarship and Loan FUild. Highlighting the Juncheoo tomorrow will be an address by Mrs. Axel Peterson, na• tional president. The collegiate breakfast will honor members of chapter! at Univenity of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles; California State Col· leges at Fresno and Bwn· boldt. and Nevada Soothem University.· Tiny bubbles will bunt Into bome runs for the Huntlngtoo Valley LiWe League fOl!owing a bene- fit winMasting party laking place between· 8 and ll p.m. in the Mercury Savings and,Loen"bullding 111 Friday, March 7. Sampling IOOle.of the vintage Couple Making Home in Texas 1-heml& o! white Brooklyn. was the bridesmaid. .,...,., llock; Clltna dleyaan-'Ibey donned y.U.W empire themnma and """'pmt ldom-full length gowns and held ed the altar alibi CGavenant carading b .o u. q u e t I of. Pnll>yterla O=:h .. ._ miniature ...... --Dllu-Diehl 'lbomu "1m1g o! Laguna nchac..i -. ......._ u-~ hb ~•~ ~ wltb iiidi.rd A1Utm1f""""" -= u":rt.c ii.ii:.:::;; N Rrt •. !IDlh D a YI d lo their pewa were John lmlg ....... .......,.. lhe al·,., COoola Part lild William . ._ ...... 11 !« t b ... Jmi1 d B.11!1mn, I h • . ......... d Mr ..... Mrs. bddoca-·· ~ -11emy Owin Diehl o I ud La!& .. Nowparl S-. llDd the P l'ollowlnl a dlm'dl· ,_. d llr. 11111 Mn. Jacob u...,. u... .. ·lrile't "perenta ha!tod lmlg d Omalla. • • ~ dllmer In --'Ibo bride telected I l'OllU The new Mn. lmlg II I do oolo pn of mibrol~ Phi Beta Kappo ~ o! a1en<m Jae< . llDd beided Stanford University and ID peerll with I matching train; 1111 WU a Let Fleurette A -.r headpiece held bor dehutante o1 the La Canada net •eillnC llDd ohe cmled Thnnday Club. Ber husband a ca_,lnl b<Qquet o1 while II an alumnut d stanfdrd · roles. wber< he pledged Piii KoJlPI Mn. -ll Lloyd Merrls, P11. wine \vlilch will.be served during the 1ecood annual fund-raising event are (left to rtght) Mrs. Don Hib-. tiard, chairman. Mn. David J . Spaeth and Mrs. David R. Cowan. . . . Bead! and Darrel Waller ~ el Naples donpcl nddlnc· ..... and rlnp. ThQ' .re 111e ...,.....,. 11111 · ... <ii Mr. Ud Mrs. lllcliard Joi.-~ o! -Beach and )Ir •. 11111 Un. . Walter . ~ o( JloblDgtoa. Kan. . ro·..., .,., ,....., the - . -a lonl empire pn or bridal aatin, designed wllh a Wedding. rl"$ collar and • c;bapel train, einhellished with embroidered alencon lace ap- pliques. Her headpiece: wa.s a matching pillbox which caugbl a short veil, 11111 lier bridal bouquet WU ID ar- rlngm>enl d phalaei"'l"ll orchidl and atapbanolll. ' Mrs. Gene Manell, presi· -o! the area chapter, has ai«OJl!f'ed tbl first Biennial cantomla State Coo!erence for lhe IO«<lty which began an Mtn:b 4, Im, at Weslyan · O>llege. = Ga. The .,. begin! wilh dinner toolgbt and CC11Cludes wltb a Founders' Day service tomcrrow afternoon. Members will donate pennies for each · · ,.ar since the loondlng to Morning study sessions for collegiates and alumnae will present discussions on the Status of Women, the 3enera- tion Mix, Phi Mu scholarships and Joans, Project Hope and the sorority 's educaUonal and Secretaries philanthropic foundation . Area women involved in the Ai ~:30 p.m. every second sessiort.!I are Mrs. R o b e r t 'lbursday women of Bahia J. weaver, Laguna Hills: Mrs. Ch 1 pt er of N •ti on a I Merritt Conroy, Westminster, , ·Stcretaries'·A11oeialion and Mrs. James R. Hannon, · · Intemltlonll asSemble in dif· Anaheim . .Ji':.~~ ~ MRS. D. W. STOSl<OPF gowm o! petal pink 1111<....... , Lant Boaclt Rltn t...at 1ocatioos 1o atten<1 1,=:;~~======. meetings. Mn. Sallie Fleming II l'/U3!0 may he telephoned for additional l:nfonna.tion. DINNER LUMOI .. wllh hurJllDlfJ ----------Mald o! lloa<r--~ Moody and attmAW-wtn Mra. Donald -ud Jira. David Wiiheim. 'I1>elr bouqaelll were old-lashloned ,_gays o! pink ba"1 ruaea and pink car· nations. Cllllon Kolth tel'Yed .. hell man and Frank Deines, Martin Cox and Murlll Adami aeated wedding guests. W fite to !iwinging Pitno 91r Mad Hatter;==U~n~cl~e~Le~n~~=3344=r.=c .... ==H"'=·=· c=dM:o. Party Set A Mad Hatter party to sweep prospective members olf their feet u being planned hy Delta Beta Epallon chapter, Beta SI-Phi. the bride'• lister from Santa Spoclal 1""11 II the wed- Barbara, wu matroo o! honor ding ...,. Mn. Robtrt E. IDll Mn. Wllllun Truman Elmann d TillWll!ftl! and Lake, llllCllbor lister lrom Mn. Ban7 C. Temple of I A champagne recepllon In the Paclflc c..tt Club follow· ed the ceremooy where the bridal couple gr..ied llO guests. Alter 1vbCIJ-.e-1uw~Ung ln San Fnnclaeo, the newlyweds bave etlahllshed their -In '!'be rush party will take place In the Huntington Beach home ol president Mn. Don Shelloo and Mn. Kenneth Sutton, aocia1 chairman, It In charge o I arranpmaU. Wisting will he Mn. Richard Freudenthal and Mn. Rlclwd Sherrod. ~aub --PAMELA ASHWOOD Futvre Bride June Rites Scheduled Pamela Aahwood , a 1-en. teacher !or El Mom>. Elementary School, ,_ e-11, will become the -o! -Capl. W!Dlam N. lteele In ~ Lady ol ML Carmel Church, ~H.J., JIDIO Sl. Albwood, da~ o! llr. 11111 Un. llirold c. Mbwood d Jlld&owoOd, b a .,.-o! cedar OS ~!qt, Allentown, Pa., 11111 calftlllly II WOltin( I« lier c rtm ...... at UCL She .-Cll 1111* lalnd. COpl. Keef• II olllclND- -.0 d lhe radar --.., u.a. Marine c.rp Alr -. El Toro. It. .-1 d Laguna Buch, he earned ldl ...,_. dtgr<e I ft -al BollM Collego _. II lhe -o! Mr. and MN. Wllllmn J. K<ele o! -lndale,- l Omaha. '!be .... 1ywec11 will he mak· int their home .. San Antonio. Anteaters Will Sing MRS. RICHARD ALLAN IMIG RocilH Woddlnt Ploclgu cw..,...,, Naples. '!be new Mra. StoUop! b a graduata ol Huntlnglon Beach lllgh School •• d Calllomla State College at Long Beach. Her husband b an alumnus d BolllngtCll lllch School and Kama State College. Alu wnmen wiahlnc lo : learn men lhout the chapter : may cootacl Mn. ~ memberablp chairman, 141' ·, ~7. « Mn. SulUia, lfl·llJI. . UCl Qwnber s lncera, -----------------Iii m Iii Iii the dlroctecl hy Dr. Maurice Allllll, will eotmaia the Balboa Group, Orange Coonty Phllharmonlc Society II a 1""ting In lhe Lido lale home or Mn. Allen Kllnpmmllh next MOllday. Ataoclates ID the l""'P and prmpectlve memhera have -lnY!ted lo atlend the moolhly runci-...ettnc. Aas!stlng Mn. Kllnpnsmllh wllh -dutiel will he IM Mmes. ClmDce Smllh, VI r g In I a Bollman, Jamer <>wen, Jack Roal, Joo v ... 1 and Richard Miller. Dr. Allard, usistant pro- fessor of music at th e university, organized the lrvine Community Chorus last fall and In the past assisted Dr. Charles Hirt at the University or S o u th er n California. Escondido Destination Luncheon la Lawrence Welk'• Weikmnw Inn. Elcon- dldo .. the ............ d L1c1ma B ea c b A .... ..,. Leque'1 DUI bus tr Ip Weclneoday, Mardi 11 'Ibo '"" will lea .. Boat Can-,.. SlloolMI Center II 1:30 a.m. and lunCheon II Included In lhe price d tlcteb I« IUO, Reserv-may he ohllJned "' callln( Mn. ~a...._, 4li-SS4$"' the~H-.-. Toastmistresses Called County Clubs Gather m Mrs. C.K. French o I m Anaheim, pr<Sldeot o! the Iii Anaheim Philomela Club, will .:r • International Toutmbiress- el Clubs of CGuncll Sb: will gather for a dinnu meeting led by Mn. Oiester Briner, coond1 vice chairman, at 7:30 p.m. In Greeahrler Inn, Garden Grove next Monday. lead memben o! Orange Ill.I County clullo In an audience mm participation program. Think Tank on What Mates .a Club Program Good. Iii Mrs. French WU a pro. Iii !essinnal radio lclr<SS In Growth Theme Denver I« u years .... has Iii had artlclea publbhed In Iii F G th • several magazines. r:w Or a ering Toaslmlstr.8' club1, ae-11:1 Growing Together in Christ cording to Mrs. F r a n e k ffi] will be th;e theme for the Young, council chairman, are Iii 4 meeUng of Church Women "organizations for w om en l':."I u · of La devoted to the idea o f IW ruted guna Beach al leadership IDd Ire ate r l':."I 10 I.Ill. Friday. March 7, in ··••cl tlon I cl"-· 1111 St. Catherine's C a t h o I i , ,_" pa ft ~·~hip r.i Church, La,,,1na Beach. through the art of oral u -11:1 o-pressioo." r:1. Miss Laur• M 1 nett a , Council Six, the chalnnan 1111 chairman for lbe Gay, will explained, provides a medium ffiJ be. assisted by ){rs. Jame.a for eicbange or kleas between m Zel.gner and Mn .. James Shae. the nine cluhe In "-·-11:1 Mrs. Frank lnterlandl will he -·-· Coun-l&J the 90klhl tyCounty womeJl .,. Invited Iii 'IbiJ ytar'1 Call to Prayer to call Mrs. D om I n I c k m WU wrltteo by Mn. Harper Corablno o! Anaheim. 11~11, 1111 Sibley, former naUonal presl-for informaUoo about area rm· Feb. 20 to Mar. 20 , J 'D c Joseph's Ring Shop 1423 So. c.out Hlway ~Beam. Ph. 49W060 denl Women fnim Alria cluhe or ....,.,lioos !or the liJ chooe the theme, l<rlpture and meeting. liJ ~al project> for the ywro"".~.:• .. = __ =,_=_= ___ ;;;;;;;.I _______________ I ate. I rn1nlslry of recort-.. "'"19' lilWHVlla clllailon and healing in Use J:---=..=. 111Um at a tJJne of urban • ._. c-w -111 aisis and ec:umenlcal mlnlstty ~~':..""~-; ~ tA lnterellgious work In Viet-"'"• • ._.,._ "" HIUM CUD-14744ff Mm. '"'~~~.;;;,..;.,..;....;...1 The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' 1 to 11 I I u ... -------11----- -----~~~~~~~~~~~------------------------------------- ' ' ' ' • ' • r>ld1y, '""""' 2!, 1'169 DAltY-13 fforoscope • t { ' QCLUSIYll ,. __ -·--·-... Ac'"-·AcfW Gemini: Relative' s Reques.t ·u ·nrea.sonable SATURDAY MARCH I By SYDNEY OMAllR "The wise man coolrols his destiny •. · • Astrology poinla · the way." 1 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Romantic interests dominate. Emphasis on creative activity. Social event provide s pleasure; you obtain needed relu:alion. Be flexible. A change of scenery would be constructive. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent wi home.centued ~­ tiviUes. SUck to familiar ground. Be. considerate of cider person. Remember past obligations, resoluUon1. Check safety measures. Don't be stubborn. GEMINl (May 21 -June 20)' Short tTip appears to be on agenda. Busy day. Confusion ei:ists. Relative makes what may be unreasonable request. Straighten out d o m e s l l c Second in Series misunderstanding. Be wuy attracUve. Xey ls to relu, with what you write. be receptlv~. CANCER (June ZI.July 12): llCOllPIO (Ool. Ji-Nov. II): Accent on possessions, budget. You · uude 1 kind o l Early shopping could result mqneUsm wblcb 1Ilrocta ,op- in fine bargain. Give aUentlon po1lte au. People have ~ Io special lntemt, hobby. fldencef dllptay vital nwmer. Discuss acquisitions w J th You can pin objective by k n o W 1 e d g ea b I e indivi· appearin& sure, cer11ba. Do dual. Could save money. ' 10. LEO (July :IS-Aug_ 12), SAGmARJVs (Nov. 2$- Per son al appearaoce ls Dec. 21): Good lunar aspect emph•ij"". M0011 In yoor sip lodl7 coincides db Joni- b lgblipll persoaolity, im-ralll• pLsns. K 1 Ip com· pression you make tbrough munlcatlon lines o p e n • v:isual means. Fine f o r Favorable for w r 1 t 1 n 1 , meeting people. Take in-p.1bliatinc. Journey c'o u I d itiative. Utilile showJumlllp. bring lrullflll ruulta. VIRGO (Aug. :zs.Sepl_ Zll : • CAPRICOllN (D<!c. II.Jan. Ex<;ellent '6!' J>8.l!lclpatlng m 19): You investigate; answers pro;ei:t :-vruch J n v o I v ~ 1 are obtiined. Be cooperative. orgaruzation, group. Charity Jncome is dlscussed wUh one affair wotd~ be· ~rk~ with who hoJds ,key 1 to ad- succe.ss, '11lrow offJobiilltlo~,. vancemtnt. Dis~y V«'latilt· doubts. Accepl responsll)Ility. Iy_ s. ... of hum«' tool&hi UBRA (Sept. 13-0ct. 12): is ..... u.1 Lunar spotlight on friends, • wishes. Excellent far social af. AQUARIUS (Jan_. •Feb. fair. You could meet ·some--l8):Accentonmamqe,le1al ooe who will be dynamic t l e·1. Be 1 war• o.( ' responsJbtliUe.!1. Don't overlook detail!. Study program of public relations. Protect yourself in clinches. B e thorough, knowledgeable. Judge Tapped Bruce Sumner PISCES (Feb. 19-Man:h Ill): Give attention to work, health. Improve re.laUons w I th associates. Brine forth i!t- t.llectual cur1..i1y. lllJft,. inters 1a hobbl" o1 o111en. 'l1len you llin friendship, "'"' port. for Seminar Methods of Effecting Change will be the topic pursued March 4 in the second seminar of a series being sponsored by the'. Wom en Associates of the l! C I Interfaith Found,ation. The second criginally tcheduled seminar, a panel led by the Rev. Edward P. Allen, U C I Episcopalian chaplain, was c a n c e I e d because of inclement weather and was rescheduled !or March 18. Discussing the topic next week will ·be Judge Bnlee Sumner and Dr. John Gay, UCI vWtlng faculty member from IJberia. Sumner, presic;t.ing judge_ of Juvenile Court· of Orange County and chairman of the California Constitution Revision Commission, i! a graduate of lhe University of Minnesota. He also serves on the advisory committee to the Orange Coasl League o f Women Voters and on the Orange County Mental Health Advisory Board. In addition to membership in professional organizations. he serves on the board of the direct.on of Big Brothers of Orange County and is vice chairman for the advisory council of St. Joseph's Hospital. The judge's pa st ac· complishments include serving as assemblyman in the California State Legislature Findings 'Dug Up' , A m a t e u r anthropologU.:l Howard Wilson will discuss an archeological finding he made some years ago when he addreS$es Laguna Beach Ebell ClUb members and their husbands at 7:30 p.m. next Monday in Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery. Wilsoo had discove~ a sk'ull in Laguna Beach wb1cb opened the door to specu]ation and excitement in t h e archeoloiical world . Orig\naDy called the Laguna Man, the .skull has since been proven to have belonged to the Laguna woman. The speaker's Indian relics and other artifacts will be available for viewing. Refreshments will be pr<>- vided by a hostess committee dlre<:ted by Mrs. Gordon Brown. Peering Around IN 11IE receiving line, when District Attorney Evelle J. Younger addresses Town and Gown of the Univera.lty of Soolhern CaWomla will be Mrs. William E. Fortner of Balboa Island. The luncheon will take place March 4 on campua. We Cover Boating METHODS 9,_..-su,;, .. , and deputy public defender of Orange County. He was selected in 1957 as one of the five outstanding young men oC California. The four-week series i~ themed Living With a Charig· ing World. Sessions take place each TUesday at 10 a.m. jn the lrunge of the U C I Interfaith Center. Registration may bt ac· complished by writing the University lnterfaith Center, 4201 Campus Drive, Irvine, or by Wephoning ~I. A fee of $1 is charged for each session. MARJORIE BROWN Future Bride May Date Selected For Rites Miss Marjorie Brown o( Van Nuys and Edward F. Colligan of l\CIJlhatlan Bem:b will a - change Wfldding vows Jll•Y 10 before lhe Illar ol ()Qr Lady of Mt Carmel Catho lic Church, Newport Beach. Their engagement bu been anJlOWlC<d by Mr. and Mn. Gordon Brwn <i i;wpo1t Be>ch, pa1'Dls ol lhe future bride- M:iu Brown is a &radUlte <i Glendale High School 11111 allended Glenclale C it 7 College. IF TODAY IS YOUR BmTBDAY you are semlti'fe, Broadway Musicals Selected Tbe Broadway s t a & e w.., transported to the Balboa Bay Chlb Jut Wedneoday, when !he WediiesdaY Momin& Club of . ' ~ Mesa w• ente.rtalned ' w\:ti ICllfS from f a m 111 a r "-'· Preaeolinl the IO:SO a.m. program wu J u 11 e Hand, Eqene Dorian, Ken Delo and George Gooldin&. smcen and actors with television, sum· mer stock, and · o t b e r theatrical accompliahments to Lheir credit. · Mrs. E. B. English, presi- dent, introduced new inembers, the Mmes. Richard Aston, Gale.Dalmann, Eugene Stracner and Allee Cattell En&llsh. Aller the meetlnl there wos a drawillg for tht t a b I e centerpieces dulined by Mrs. Cline Waughtal and bet com· mittee, and thole who wilbed played bridge. Club Only For British Britiah women, by birth or anceslry, are invited to a meeting of the Cav al ie r Chapter, Daughters of the British Empire in the Security Pacific Natimal Bank, Harbor and Wilaon Branch buildin1, Costa Mesa I p.m. next Tues- day. A ll"JllP wilh chaptero throughout tbt c 0 a. D t r )' , Daughters of the Brltilh Empire is a philanthropic organliaUon whlcb Usts ita: main object as the support of retirement homes for aced arttlsh people. Cavalier Chapter welcomes new m e m b e 1 1 • Int.erelted women may obtain furtber Jn. formation by clllinc Mrs. Patrick O'Shea, 5ft.4m, or Mrs. Robert B. Sesml, 116- 9852. Not Ju1t A Helr~O.­ But Superb Styllnt •I MALLIE'S rl'I' A'K>INTMINT- 1 5'48-3446 PEDICURES AND MANICURES Her fiancc, soo of Mn. MALLIFS Kalherlne Colligan al Canion, Mass .• is a gliduate of Boston Co 11 e g e Hill!i School 1 n d BEAUTY SALON Slonehlll College. N or t h ZIO.O L 171• Easton, Mus. He alao at-H ........ tended the Univerally of Noire C:.. - Dal)l<. ,._ __ ~----- ~1Uve. You have 1;ectaJ IJBRA'. Special word t o eeuion 'lboilt where to 10, W..ta which ,1~ due 'lor CANCER: lUlrd•~lon. what to ,,..: AllIES Is In-. .., ' ' ,,, ' arutet recojp>ltlon, PrOjkl MENllTIP: 1'1aml>ta; fllm· vlgoraled; spe<,tal hoy or glrl bqijD last year ii about tO ~ toe 1 dlabe.s, 'f~s . 'wfil'. bi! apprabes wt\b "new ~ye&." bl~m. -. · ~Uy ~ated tonto,11. LEO should wear something GENERAL TENDENCIES; TUN DA'11NG HINT, • dif!mn~ unique. CANCER ·Jack Alb8rt8on Martin Sheen Cycle hl&h for LEO, Vll!GO, AQUARIUS mml mllJ<• ,c:On-RW c))eck-~~~~~~~~~-= Coats are showing up everywhere Lookin& better th.an eve<·in black and white checkS ~with black traid. ')1Ml classic coat dres5,'4M. Tht Cllll COSltttRe ·O'lll ~s own chain-belted waisllill dress, HM. The rio-steeved coat dress toPllilC pant and-crepe blouse, complete, 11,11_ Nt>'sleewd coat dress, a~. 11.11. Sportswear Balltiqllt, . ' u· ITIS' ·' ' ' . ~UI DtySd Niven • '°'~llLI YURI'" • llewport Center· 11 Fashfiii ls~ifd ·• 6'4'2200 • Mon ., ThursH Fri. 10:00 till 9:ll Olher days 10)00 till 5:31 " { l I I I I l. ' • Jf DA!lY PILOT All-American Started. Practice as 3-yeaf-old '. 1""A YETl'I, 11111. (AP)-l'ur&ll'1 Rid< -dldll't ~ an All-Ai-by l!cddenL , ... f-bid blm looolo& tennis balll =a-4CIDat11P 3 in pn> for a• trtbtlJ areer. · Biii Mount.. !lilt -Thuraday on loarnlnl he had -selecled a m=tr tf ftl HM I ,,. Prtlt All· A-ic.-wu: "Bow about Henn!"• Mount. M Purdue junior and Bil Ten • ~':~~rmtnc,_,iu.. p~.u~at~~ ~.': ~ "TbaVa ....... 111c1< beamed when , the back porch and had Rick t.111111 ln/onned Gtlllom made the AP haooral>le a tennlJ ball lhrwlb ~ whoa the meetion 1111. . . younpter waa not yet 4 yean aid.· ', Attalnlng the hlebeot honor lw a col· Now, durinJ the ~.'Rick lb09t& lep hdUlllall playW 'II not a hap-at least :llMI lliots each altermml,'thtn p<NlanCe wltb MowiL • · play• lo two or · three plck)lp - Ilk fitbs, -Pete. wu a four-year each eveniri"g. ...,.iar at L<bjlnoa Ind., H I ( h School Hts num~ of practice shots 'varlel and led the 1M3 team as far as the because be refl15eS to quit unUJ be bu state prep tiUe game. hit 10 stral&ht from \larlaus spots.~ HITTING THE DIRT -Dodger skipper Walt Als- . ton shows Ille proper .Uding form duting a Thur ... day workoot at Ille Dodgers' spring training com- .,,,.,..... pound at Vero Beach, Fla. The Dodgers u. lpllld- ing extra duty this spring In the &lldlng pltl. Aldta's Girl .Joekey It's' Tuesdee on F_-r,i.day~ Cheers , Boos in De~ut ARCADIA (AP) -Miracles don' hap- pen too often around race tracb and none dkl for pretty Tuesdee Tata • U. flrlt gal to ride under allka at tradition-bound Santa AW~ Nobody really eapecled one. But dark-haired, undaunted Tuesdee, lifter ftnlahlng last Thursday 1n her debut at Sl!1ta Anita. aald today ahe'll be back for another wbact at tht boy jockeys. Hopefully, if the race fills, she'll pilot Buz On in a race Saturday. '.,"ueldee, who confided she is really 27 and not 25 as previosuly nported. ltlmd up a mixed storm in her ap- pearance tn the 1eventh race on a 23-1 lonpbot, 7-year-old mare Gallarush. There were wann cheera and loud bool. Tbe boos: "You expect thal," she a.id, ecbolna aenUmenis about ract track fans often upreaed by such male heroes u BUl Shoemaker and others. The cheen she loved. The remarkable part wu that It wasn't Tuesdee who abed • rew tears at the cheers. lt • wu a hardened rider aboard her lead pmy. .. I pess It was just an emotional thin& with him, the cheers. It just got to h1m. He uked me U I had a handkerchief," said Tuesdee, who didn't haft I hanky handy. Dkl the boy rlden have anything to , IQ' tn the parade to the starting gate? "Notblng much, they were mainly kid· ding the pooy boy moet of the time." Bucs End Season ~~t~~e~e ~~l~s~ -lni huketball seasoo tonllht ;tiliL San Antonio College in an Eutem Ccllferm::ie same against the MounUes. 'J1paO wm be at • o'dock. MAKES HISTORY TuudH T"t• Sellout Tonight For 49er Tiff With Rebels LONG BEAOl -Cal State (Long Beach) and the University of Nevada. Las Vegas, will lock horns tonight in a rematch of their great overtime strug- gle in the gambling city a month ago. The 49ers of coach Jerry Tarkanian lost that one, 91-86. If you haven't a ticket, forget il. It's a sellout •Gabrielson,- Osteen StiD H~ven't Signed · ' VERO Bl!;ACll, Fla. (AP) -The IAls ~-~ RY II lln' that IW rigltllwtdel' Don Dryadale II a hoidpul .:... jllll that be bun'! liped hll 1119 1'pntract or reported for duty. • But whether Drysdale is or Isn't, the Dodpra do hive two genuine holdouts in tbeil 40-~ roster: pitcher Claude Osteen and oat Delder Leo Gabrielson. Al Cunpanla. t b e club's diced.or of player pertmmeJ, a.id 1bursday be is not clasdf;)'Dl& Dryadale as a holdout. "I talked to h1J11 and we're reasonably close," Campanls aaMI. "Osteen and Gabrtellon are something else again," be fdded. - "We're a ways apirt with both of them and each has uid he won't come to Florida unW we offer more. Well, we've made adjustments from our original offen to them and we aren't about to blJdae." Drysdale, catcher Tom Haller, first baseman Wes Parker, infielder Paul Popovich and outlielden Ron Fairly and Andy Kosco are all expected here btrore Sunday's first intrasquad game. Only Parker and Kosco have agreed lo terma. . Pitchers: Don Sutton and Bill Singer arrived Thursday with second baseman Jim Lefebvre in time for their first workout wUh the club. The situation with uillity infielder Ken Boyer WU uncertain. "We have been unabl~ntact him al his borne in Harmann, P.fo.," said Vice President Arthur E. "Red" Pat· tenon. "We are hopeful be received our wire asking him to come to spring training whether he has signed or not." ''We are hoping he is driving down here with his fami1y but we aren't cer· lain .•• 1ta.rU over qaln. • A ~ .,.oeatloa ...it>r, he .._ lo ply prG{ .. IGoal bultetholi for ...,. yeara Iller he -his .,..,.. in J .... ll'lt. a-, lootlll( 1ur11ter h>ro the future · he hopes, to md:e 1 place for hi;;;;!r m'.I be tiltol-""f'ld --be retires """' bultetheft. • . Moilnt does virtually everytbln( left. handed ucept llhoot, tick, tltrow and swiD( I 1JOU, clttl. 0. h floor, be II amhldulroua. i ''/,I·: ~ hovtrl a1'IMICI the »i>Oln~i ''Oh, U I shot 30 or ti Umtl 4 aame," Mount said, "I'm ue I'd acort , 40 ct even 50 potnta a came.~ 8'11 hll clµdly jump <bola from I ranr• up 10 t1 'f '"" propelled from hll ,rjpj wn.t. "1 -I'm juat kind of m!Jed op," Mount !ltntlPd. "8'11 I think It baa helped me I lot. I can dribble u well left.handed u right, And -and shoot just llhoot u ftll." "I'm lltlaflod lo sbool 18 •to 15 t1mu and do olber thinp, too, .. ~ Aid. 1'W• have good balance and there lan't Dt reason for me to lhoot 1ny more that I do. ' "If I did shoot mort, ma)'be wt'd be !Oline in!tead ol leldlq the s;; What about hll scqrtna, wblch 'now Ten." ~ Mays Signs for $125,000 I . Health Still. Beats Wealth ,Among Pro Baseh~ll Crowd BJ ABSOCIATED PRESS Healtlt 11111 beats wealth, and that'• Why TOii)' Conigliaro and Rico Carty nlllll by the happleat players hi aj>rh>g tralnlna. Sure, Willie Mays and c a r I y;.aiwndl ea c b signed for $125,000 Ollcl 11,ft It. Loula Cardllllll are uth>g for ~ "1$,000 in aalarleJ. And, of ...... , mljOo ._ players got their eua -pem1oo p1u. • • But Dlj CIDI can·-convtnce Cooiglfaro tbal lllf. amount of money ii worth •I~ lell 01e, and Just try and perauade \ ~ Uilt money can buy a Bood set o11...,. CcioliJ,&lro, you remember, suffered a l<rioul l"11l!'Y lo his left eye when he w11 lalt by a pitch in Aug. 19&7, and he -lite rest of that .. ....., and · all ·of 1911. Hll bloS!Oming career with the Boatoa Red·Sox appeared over, .. . But the u.,_..ld slugging ou~ ·iJ .back this IUIOR to try a comeback and· be uil lllf lied Sox were happy. wtlb hll. llJ:ll wortout Thursday. "I l.,t .,..i." Conlgllaro aald, altbaqb .lddltll that the vlalm In the eye "wiD never be 100 percent, but _ .. "He loobd ·sreat for the first time out," commented Manager Dick William,, after watching Conigliaro hlt five mlnut.u. "He says he doesn't want to bl treated as a special case. He told me he'd Ute to go through the a.me procram as the other guys, so M will.." <:arty, one of the few active players Ill b m a j o r leagues with a batting aM'lp over .30rl, is coming back to Allma followinc a year I~ after ht wu stricken by tubercWom last """· 1111 four-year veteran outfielder with a ..-career average also said he felt fJae and proved It by hlttlnJ a few drivea in balling practict. "My timing ii: off a little, but otherwise 1 feel the same as always," he nid. "I feel like I played all winter." His big problem is weight, having gained 30 pounds from last l]>ring, but he plans In cut down from 220 lo 1115. Meanwhile, on the mooey frmt, Mays received a lesser degree of happiness Anteaters Test Tahoe Cagers In Home Finale UCl's NCAA-bound bJlsket~I team puts the wraps on its 1968-69 Rplar season schedu1e this evening at Crawford Hall when the Anteaters play tiny Tahoe Paradise College. • Since his club has already been invited to play in the west.em regionals next weekend at Las Vegu, UCI coach Dick Davis can relax with thls one. Hil club rates as a lopsided favorite, anyhow. Davis scheduled the game last year as a favor to Tahoe coach Tim Vezie, who was a fonner Davis pupil when the Irvine coach was at Glendale High School. Since it's tbe last home game for five Irvine seniors, Davis will start them tonight. Those five are also the players Davis coached when he wu the freshman team coach three seasons ago. The starters will be Nick Sanden and Dave Fontiua at forward, Mike Heckman at center, and Jim Farley and Charles Brandt at guards. lrv}ne leaves nut Thursday morning for Lu Vegas where the regionals be1an Friday. So far, it's lJCI and the Unlvlfli. ty of Nevada, Las Vegas, in the Cold with two more clubs yet to be named. A vlclory ,loaig~I gives Tr"'"' '° tH rtCOnl. when he aDi'eed to sian today· hls fourth stral1bt $125,000 contract for San ·Fran-1 cisco, joining Boston's Yastrzemski ·in ' that brack~t. Yu signed Wednesday. But the Cardinals are having money problems. They previously signed Tim McCarver and Vada Pinson for about LA. VER, KINC TOPPLE FOES PORTLANJ?, Ore. (AP) -Number-One ranked . letutia pllyers Billie •Jean Kini . . of Albany, Calif., and Rod Laver of Corona del Mar were vielarious in the International Pro Tennia Invitational ThW'lday night in the M e m or i a I Coll!eum. Mrs. King defeated Ann Haydon Jones of England, 8-3, 6-3. She won $475 and · M"n. Jones received 1325. • Laver defeated Loi Anjelea" Pancho Gonzalez 7-5, M, M. Laver won $750. ,Gonulez received fl50, $60,000 each, but the stakes are pttln1 hightr. Amoog the stars who hetped them to a second consecutive pennant last season, Bob Gibson reportedly is utint a raise from $90,000 to $125,000; Curt Flood 172,500 to 111111,000; Lou Brock $711,000 to $100,000; Mike Shannon $a,500 to $7fl,000, and Dal Ma1vlll $37,sao to $55,llllll . Orlando Cepeda wants the aame reported $80,000 he got in 1.•' 'and Julian Javier wants the 1am~ reported . $4.1,llllll. Several other clubs are having lesser problems -Montreal with Matuy Willi and Rusty Staub, Baltimore with Booe Powell and Tom Phoebus. Loi Anceleli with Claude Osteen, Atlanta with J~ Tone, Pittsburgh with Bob -Veale, Cin- cinnati with Tony Perei, Alei: Jobuon and Jack Fisher. Also the Chicago White Sox with Tom- my John, Tom McCraw and Wiibur: Wood, B-Oston with Ray Culp, Jble San- tiago, Dick Ellsworth and George ~ and Minnesota with Dean Chance. .. ~•t ....... WI NN ING FORM -Germany's Gabriele Seyfert displays champ- ionship fonn during the free sk.ating portion of the world figure skat- ing championships in Colorado Springs. Miss Seyfert won the champ- i0111hlps. ; ' • ! ' .. Mt. SAC ii one notch ahead of the Plralll bl the IX! race with an eighth- ,.... record of 1-10. 0rlllge Coast la a.11 ID ~ff'tnet: action and 11·11 for Jjle-. • .. Whm the two dubs met earlier in Ibo -11 at Orange Coast, Mt. SAC lillld oft a cloldng Pirtite surge to ~ • tltrtllllC •n vldory. Long Beach is 22-3 and has faint hopes ol an invitation to the National Invitation Tournament with 1 victory over the equally potent Rebels, who are 19-5. .Skating Title Slips Away From Yanks IMT8bl COflll'llllJtCI " L ,.,,_ PA ........ ,. • 1m 1w . ii'... U 1 lMI 1m H•1•ua • w.t 11 11 141 IJM ,::::-l~ :f ~5 i§ - 7 It 1M6 Mil 4 1J 12" HQ .. _... • tJ ,. 1•1 ,.-:_ .... :--~.~ ...... HGndo ia , .......... _ c... tt lirrlt. &.~ Mttlnl ......... ..... a.:::.... Both clubs rely on their expl01ive fast break attacks. Nevada's No. 1 scorer ia Bruce Chapman, alar at Orange Coas~ College for two .seasons. An intemted spectator tonight will be Tim Tift, UC! ual&tant coach. who will be 11COU11nJ Nevada. UC! and the Rehela are competlnc In the NCAA coll•g• dlvi&loo rqlona~ at Lu Vqu next weettnd. Tarkanian will attempt lo apply the clamps to hot-11hootlna: guard Tom Watkins, •· h o deatroyed the 4ien in Laa Vegaa. He bJt IS of 16 shota from the floor -most ol them lrom lon1 range -and wu particularly devastating in the overtime. I COLORADO SPRINGS. ~lo. (AP) - The wo"men's champion.ship in world figure skaURI has gone out of the United Slat.es for the first time in four years, but a 20-ye•r-ol:d Detroit star, Tim Wood, is favored to bring the men's crown back lo thia coontry after a IO.year ·-· Gabrl•I• Seyfort. II-year.old -e from Eut Genna~. won *"8-womafa t I t I e in the Broadmocx'. World Amia Thursday night despite a,la.ll during her otherwise beautiful free skating performance. She alao is the EW'Opean champion . Anotl1er round of !rte lkatiq toolght 1 will decide the championship ~ng 18 men skaters from 10 nations. The ice dancing event will close the com,petiUon Saturday night. A 17-year~ld Austrian girl, ltatrict Schuba, who beat Miss Seyfert In the compulsory figura earlier UdJ week, finished second in the over-all ~. 'Ille glamorous East Gennan dwnplon was picked first Jn free stains 1iJ' all nine judges for the best ~bit ordinal acore of nine . She ~ed u~ a tolal of 2795.~ poinlll lo 1'\°9·4 for Miss Schub11.. A pretty 18-year~ld Hungariae, lsulu ''SUsie'' Almassy, flnlahed third with ~~ 2701.6. The best of the Americans wu 17-year- old Julie Lytm HolmM a Colorado College fre>bman from South P-dtna. Calif., who finished fourth ahead of the U.S. end Nor1lt America dtle winner, a.yur· old Janet Lynn of -· m. Misa Holmes, hot bnmetle beauty IC· cented by costume ol shocking pink, aaltd Gnlwly ffl< ...i polnta to •u for the little blonde f"'"' m1no1s. Mlsa Holrna turned the tablts on 11111• Miss Lynn, who beat Julie In the U.S. meet last monlh. Some oblervers aay Ibo blond o RGcltford (lrl h11 not Rated here up to her form in the r earlier competitions. . Wood, who won the men's stnglea at both the U.S. 8nd North American dWI\-, ptonsbtps, drew first-place votes from every jud1• in the m -pillory fllurea and colloc:ted 1.300 poh>ls. The E..._, cltamploll, 0 a !'.:J l<epell of CzechoalovUJa. WU , with 1173.S. Then came P•trtd: Plrl of France at 1147.1, Gary V1lconti c1· Detroit with JOll.t and Jay Humpbrq of Toronto. Canada, at 1Cl7.I. · Visconti WU listed ahead o( the ~ dh•n because of • slightly better ~ in ordinals, based m placlnp: by the nine judges. ' •. ' L. s ( Ila c:ht ""' of 1 1 , .. ol6 ,,i ( Its 1-1 ... w w .. 1 all i wil i"l ( In "fi fia off s1 tho ' Mi of ... Sl 'i M; a IC c:Ji pl< . ho pb te; Ai Ki ad 1.: (P ch di tm I I lb tli SI: IC th ao di' M to en In .. th M I.I 11( le w; wl " • "' er " t. • . • • • • f •• • 0 a l t I • ' · l • .flA!l.Y,fJJ:Or 17 '8King~,, s~.~thony Apaches Menace Oiler Win · Streak I - l '!;~e -Tonight. ' . ' • By GLENN WllM .... o.w ........ Sunset Loque cbamploo llulltiqtoe Beach Hiib rliks lb !&-game win slreok toolibt when the Ollen entertain Cen· llnolal'• tall Al>"""' In round ... ol 1111 CIPClass MM buketblll ~a. 11poll !a 111. ~Elmer Combs' bolts -to be In '"""'1 aplnst the Couto JM&Ue runnmup. Tbe Al'lcbes bout a subllal>o· iw bellbl· advan\ase or ~ iDcb<s per n:ian. ' j ' And they have excellent outalde sbootlllg: 'lbelr oo1Y .,..-appears to be :laclt GI olfwive continuity, plus ib8" Irie -lbootiAg. I • I I. ~al came cklll to ura•lttlac --COmpton la two -and bu a .~ve 'M -Die Apacli'8 hove -11 ol their Int 14 ouUop, including the pllr of setblcka "' Compton. -Tbey ore pKM in oooiiac by M forword Lee lfellcupul ad .w auord Heney Moore, eecb al whom tpGrll a 15 point per 1ame aver.... : In the vltal --dtportmoot - oho of tbolr cllief ---Rlcbord Shofner is the b1i IUD 111-7. c:e.ntennlal can average Mlk per man in its •lal1intl lineup U coach Jim New-goes with· 1-2 l1iard Bob McQueen In place of !lot stan Olapman, .., ..... ww-· ... _ ... _ JP c G a 1cea -Roy Mllltr Ind Mlle Coolloros -the 00 City ftvo II •-· Cootnru, Oranp <;ounlr'• player of the yeor kt t•, la 1bl flabilllnl flll • 1.......i who can bit from onywhere !'Ul dlVut•tbtt accuracy. He's averq· file 11.7 points w aame, altbouP C.... 'IYI he his yet I<> ploy•up to c:opidly. Miller, the incrtdtble 1-l ployer who ...US hash-of taller rlvall, come Into. old form last week aglinll NIWtlort -he -32 points, baaed •• -· blocked shots Ind "*' lo---· Rowevs. the OUen 1re not 1 two-me continpnt by any mean.s • SenlGt IUlfd Mork Wb!Welcl bu been vital with koon ball handling, lharp' pus- in1 and escellent oulllde shootin(. Pellow ""1or Tony Bonwell has con- tributed heavily with Jlla inJpir1nJ . . I ' . , . Oilers· n ·ominate All-area Elite ' .. F'C Guard " , .J . . s. . . . ·Key '~o .'filt : ' ' ,, .l ~ ·. __ '1 . If~ IJ'inl. '!ilh Mqnolia fo< the crown. sl. Anthony fained ib p!oynfi role with a second place finiah In the Angelu> ~ ..... behind Piuo X. Coach Bill Bloom of Corooa de! Mar's 1"'"1e Loque co-dwnpiOll! bu uid, .. ,irlt team to ICOl't 30 wins." - . Aod 11< might just be right 11 It tiJureo . that when oomeooe hits that ~~ the game may well be in the iniddle of the final qlllrter. Ai that time the ball control offenses figure to go into a deeper set of tilht offensive patterns. BJoom Ind COICh Jack Errion of the Saints hive indicated they 'll not change ~ otyla ol offense agallllt eacb other. The key to aucceu for Corona del Mar moy very well lie In the ability o1· the Sea Klnp' forwordo I<> hit from oullfde pbia Jolm Doeb'• play aplDSI St. Antboo,y'1 Miiie Moorhead at the ~fouled out in the llrlt half against ~lia the Sea Kinp' attempt ot a iweep th the Sentlnels in leque action and that we the end of their cliaiiceo f on outright loop cbam. plqi!,lhip. . . It.marks· third Olrl!lht year Bloom hes"gqldOd hb Seo Kings into the C1F plal'olfs. . AREA COACH OF YEAR CdM'• Bill Bloom Randall Wins Two Events, Estancia Falls Jn! 00 aeoond-p!Oce li'vine League t.A> . adYmlced to the fjUarla'flnais in . . AA """'° bOfare lalllq' to San llarcol. ~ . aenior Doo ,ll!litd'![ ~ t~o ,6ill lut yar,--, tha ~·~Seo ,. •""""1~ .but· I)!• Eagl'8 were KillC' ~. Ille,. B"'8,li)ld llliyer ~ : by a holi'· point at "Mwovil adv-totheAM~ithelore . boo!' lrl 1 " faJliJil to Muina at Cal s t a t e High Sc m a angu ar IW1ln meet. !Jl'Ul!erlon). Upland wnn the m .. t. scoring 531\ It •mt1rall OVtt again tonieht. to Eltlncla'• 5.1. Monrovia had 45%. ~ d. taalcbt'1 ba~. atands to Randall won the 200 freestyle in 1:111.9 chaDitnft undefllted Clarelriont Tues~ . doy. '!'be .Wolfpack meets Busetl !Up and the 400 free In 4:20.9. Anolhtr "m~, tonight at bomt. · Dave DeGrasae, won the 100 back m 11.t. MD Spiker~ ' Look Sharp In Relay Test Santa Ana Valley and El Modena were the pace-setters Thursday afternoOn at Uie f1. "It dlJ'• 1ession of the Shorty Snilth,Re)lys at Santa Ana College. Birring ra'in. the lar1e achools were tcbeduled to complete the two-day meet thlt allenioon. . Vallty rolled up 31 points . on tho olrtncth al Ill sprint depth to . win the diVlakln three dwnplonahlp while El Modena reeonted 21 for the division four.~ '!'be bllbelt placlni Orange Cout ..... entry WU Mafer !lei, with eipt•pointa In divilloo three. Top COut ma performance wu a second place fini.5h by Mater Dei in t~ second boot al the 440 relay. Tho Mardi i..rn al Rick J...,inp, Paul M~ Mork Dowlin( ind Terry 11($eoo nearly bHt the .-, Vllley le<ll1 in ill beat. ' ,,. .... ~'Gt'.;..-. bow ..... :~a.lie·=~~=-old"'= r-fJf 11:11:1 wllb a blallnf lO:tl.7. Jt!l!la -~ llieliind .. -\ritla,' at:• mllo lie """1 llr. OllW-ICbOo1o -tne lo tho m,.t weft 1lln Clomeute Ind Estancia, fiye ........ Colla w-. ·-Lopoa 8COl'til I atncle point In division four. Nert meet for the Eagles ol coach Les Cutler is Tuesday at Long Beach Wilson. CdM One-hitter Tops Laguna, 4-3 Corona del Mar scored four runs in the ...,.th Ind final Jnnlng Thursday aftemooa to O\'eJ'COmt Laguna Stach, 4 • S. In a ncm '" league bueball a:ame on the w!Mer's diamond. · . -"•-. _ i Cmlna de! Mar got -t pi""""I from 'Keith Somueis, wbn worked the. 11r1t three innings. Ind Don Sll}'der, who worked the 1111 four. Tbe only hit WU I oinale off S.,... wjtb "fO oat In the Int lrame. ' C..-fllMW(tl U..-... ot .,.,.. .,..,.. IJnlt.cf 4 1t t~.c.t1t• ,..,_. ,.._. a t I 1 II,.. a I I t t It. ................ ~cf 1 ••• ..,..,.. . . . . . .... .... O. """r' ff I I 1 ! K-•· • J I I t s-... ~· • • • • '1-"'1¥1. " ! ••• M8\0tt, • I 1 't t I.ell ... " 1 t t t Mow, t• I t t O Md!'*W, I• 1 I t 0 ~ty, c 1 1 1 I AbMY, a I t t I ,. .. ,,, ...... , .. ,. ,,,. C•'-·"' 1 111~ .... ltlf To!1ll 2A I t t ••• , ... ~,, ooooot......, 'I ' Contreras, Bloom B4g Special Recognition Huntington Beach High School'• mighty basketbill teem domi- nated the All-Orange Coast area seleclloos as. picked by Ille. DAILY PILOT: ' . Two Oilers made the first team Nhlle another was a ..-econd .. team choice. And Mike Conlrera$, the player of the year in Orqe County, was acoonled limilar hoooro ,or l!leC-Oe1I arei. . Corona de! Mar High's Bill Bloom. wu named coach ol .the year after .leading his.Sea Kings lo an Irvine LNgue ce>dwnplonsbip with highly-regarded Magnolia. · The latter was considered a cinch champion before league bOs .. tilities began, but was forced to come from behind to tie corona del Mar fQr the loop title. - Bloom's contingent finished the regular season }Vith a 17-t mark after notching a !).7 record in pr ... Jeague action aia!J\st top-rated op- position. . Elmer Combs of Huntington Beech, with. bis ~· racking up another undefeated Sunset League champinllship, finiahed Hcoad lo Bloom in a split vote for tbe~c IKinor. other Oilers lo make the elite lilt were llof Miller on the· first team and Mark Wbltlield on Ile ncond squad. N ewpoit Hari!or junior Lee Haven, lllr:e Cootreras and was a unanimous choice for first unit honors. r, Others on the starting five are Jell Powen of Westminster and Eric Christensen of San Clemente. Contreras, Miller and Powers are repeats from last year's all· area outfit. ~NOE COAST AREA First Teo1m Pl•y•r . Schoo• H·a· ci ••• Mike Contreras Huntington l!fach Sr, Roy Miller Hunl.ington Beaclt 6-Sr. Lee HAven Newport HarlJor Jr. Jell Powers Westm!Mter 6-Sr. Av9. 18.7 16.0. 17.3 . 19.4 25.l Eric Christensen San Clemente :;.10 Sr. Steve Leech Dan Broderick Rick Mosier Ralph Chandos Mark Whltlield Secand Tu111 Corona del Mar Westminster Marina 6-3 l>4 6-1 6-5 11-0 Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. 12.1 13.7 13.8 16.1 9.5 Mater Del Huntington B°"ch Motorists to Ski Areas Urged to Be Prepared It has been .feut or famine this yur for snow. The season first dragged on without enough snow in local mountains. Now there is almost more than operators Over 150 competitor1, team officials, and others art at the area for the international Worli1 Cup Races which COlltinue tbroueb Sun41Y. can handle. Eleven countiie. e itllt their belt They are not about lo complain, _ alpine 1kler1 to te in the first however, for they would rather have of tJrl5 seuon's Wor events to too much than too little. The extra be held in the United State&. slope packing is worth the effort. Roads Upcoming World CUt ·eve will be must be kept clear of snow, too, so March 15-11 at Mont St.·Anne, Quebec, skiers can get to the ski slopes. Canada, and March zi.ss at Waterville Some roads to local ski areas have Valley, N.H. been closed d\D'i.ng the week. Make aure Sun Vall~~:· will close April roadl are open before starting out by 8 after a 1euon. The . area Esther Billings ******IH'ittt••• calling the area or the CaWornia State Highway Patrol. If a Southern california Automobile Club member, UUs agency can provide road condltton information. Remember that one must use tire chains to have control on a snow~vered or icy road. · In lddltion. to the risk ol a fine, tt ii foolhardy to uswne you are the ezcoptlon I<> the rule• of safe\)' wblch require chains. In talklng with ...,. student! wbo skied Mammoth last weekend they erpreaed surprise at fine.! levied in that are1 for drlvinl without chains. . is now eas.ier to reach with new alr transportation in dally operation between the Sm Valley-Halley Airport Ind Sall Lake City, Utah. Air Vtah Flights IOO and 200 conne<ting the two areae make good connections with W"'"'1> Ind United Airllnu.llllbb from Loi Anpieo lo Salt Lake City. Dorice Taylor, Publicity Director, Sun Valley, Idaho, baa infonnaUon on transportaUon.and accommodatlona. United AlrL'oea offers a Sun Volley ski report ot (Its) HU 2·2000 io Los Allfeles. Sun Valley's hold reprt&O"'l taUve In Los Anaeles ls 1t (21S) 316-3700. Wailers Ski Ciub, Rokka race cham· piOOI in 1M7 and 1961, ls OJI its way "' the !NI title. The club captured 10 of the 32 \ropbie.• In the -00 Rokko event II Mammoth weekend before wt. ·Tbe Iii dubs eom- petinl tD tbe .W ..W meet again al Mommotb Mardi t and April ts. The wlnDlnJ ~ will ftOOlve the Rok- ka Jropny at the .r.W.8.A. convention in tcott.dale, Arlsolll, Moy t-11. . . ARl!A PLAYER OF YEAR HB'1 Mike C-.trer11 Tritons Erupt To Clobber Artists, 86-60 Incredible San Clemente Hl'!1 1 ei· ploded for 411 points la tlie fourtb qdlrt<t to.;festroy Laguna Beacti'1 Artiall, -. In Thursdsy oflernoon's ~ League buketball fmale at the ~inners' IYJll. The victorioua Tritom aot behind lbelr br"d and butler stsrs Sal Lomhordl w L •• •• FDOIMll i " ' ... ... Iii~\ " ' "' on VIII• f'I"-• • "' .. Sen Cltl'Nnt. • • on "' M!Jf,ltn Vhllo I • • "' "' .. _ ' " m ~· Tutt111 ' " '"' m Lat-INCfl ' ,. Q' "' TM!nllr• 11#9 S.n C ............ U.-IMCll to and Eric: Cbrlltelllen lo demollsh the -Uj)llt·minded inbuden. Laguna had polled even afttr tbiee quarters, *"'"· However, the Tritons 1ot wheeling after that. Lombardi canned 11 pointl while Christensen -an All-Orqe Coa:st !Ilea first team choice -went> wild, with 11 ln thoae c1osing minutes, before fouling out. Christerl.len wound up tbe day With 29 points while Lombardi setiled for 25 and mate Bill Allen pumped in a dozen. \). San Clemente's tremendous scoring splurge woufd indeed be tn the runntng as an all·Ume bigh fbl' Orange County. If the Trltons would have maintained that pace for four periods they would havt tallied 160. And if Chrlatenaen could have held ht.I pace he'd have bad 72. Laguna made Ua move in the third stanza, outacorlng the bolts by I 20-12 mar1fn to pull even. The·-Artlstl were led in the scorinr porode by Mike Hefty with 11 points. * \.lftlll Oil ,.,,,,., lll C ...... lllt 00 .. ",."' 1 J • 1 "'"' ,,,_ (lllt...111111 ..... ...... """" ·- , .. , 1 • S II l1nl1ml11 • • t u OOt!wf'llchlnl A I t I "tiers 112 2 Ml~ll '• 511 Allll'I 1 ttto1wklltl : 2 • t L.ornti.rdl u-C?trbftf!MI! McOtlnlelf 21 11 2' ff Tottlt _,,_ . ' . ' ) 0 , • •• 1 • I I J It , . . . • ' J" ·,:: :,: t 1 ' 1 n '' n " !ti•,.,,_ .. 1f1flt•-• N~sed lo winter .... tber In the ' 'Ill< .lh!>olhl did' oat -• tO them to pt cholna for the trip. 'l1ley _,, oat flnecl, but had to P1Y · the uln blO prices olt.n charpd kt -In Ibo mountains -u., llt It I primlum Iii --' 'Man From Golf' ~ ~ -f<1r1o1-MIAMI (AP) -T.,. Show -bo'll • In --.. ... ..-.. -Nil hlo IOlllllC -to Amol!I - -la -for 111< ...itat.:. far a """"' GI ..... AIW -· A cnolcod 'i!IPa -Ii·--· 1-~,,,~ ll'd~~· -it tnim'!llii _.,In tb1a....... Dani Open Tournameot. Mlle -........ ml -In juot ..... = .. ,..,, '. -.....irJ,· . ., n. .,_ flload wit -llall. Wttb .U 111.tY. ~ CC111Hdsnd Ill, hu 9lll llll;y woe man__, thll bead for the hli!I and ,,... I llllL Palmor • lllt -lllfa 1"fi loat'belefl ~ ... fa-• wllb -In Andt Ind .. -... -flf .... ---' hind .. 111 -Into_,.. -At Squaw Vllley the olle of Ibo 1111 .-1ea111alh,m.-....--11o11 Olympic -Games ls re'Uvins ...,. wltll a.od1-.. Doa -of its past glory. Palinw 11111 t • .,.. lllt 7...,Md r por 72 Dorol !11'1111 In !hi, first •top .. "" """' r!cb -toUr: Slbl, .. -" the FIGrlda Ollck-.. Baran hecau.o.GI hllJ'lorlda frlod ---and-,wbo·••1• his tolflna motto II "•~."'each lashbied-11-u-... Tbundoy' to do the--1"1-by -~pion Griw Jll4-. Shaw, far,hb lirlt victory oft- • • Jllll Gli the tourr credlled Ma per- f-to lqor drt"' ud • lllorlor llalftal, lill'o' Olld he's added II to 1' I .. • 1. .. : ~ ·With ~b~· ~-'_;,; By JOEL 'SClrirAliz' .. : ' --. -Of............ . . Most. oblervers regard ttie. i-..,.. hukelbo1I ........... ""tty-IH!l-~ lot the Eutqi> C<mlerence. • • . . • •• -~ With the .esceptlon of Fullerton Jllllj,.. ' Ci>llege, w h.1 c n waltUd _ 'tbroulb .... :l agonlJlngly !Ong 20-tame coilereric<! ' schedule undefeated, the talent in the EC didn't ruri very 'deep. 1 So how doeo Fullerton, champion' ol a; relatively welt eoafei"enee, ataek Up' ' •&'"'81 top.flight teama from around the ~le and San Diego City ~ , In pltticulor, whom the .Hornet.i . Pi.Y' • SatUJ:dajr in a. ch4Jleng! pme far~~~ , state playOlls! . · • I Very favorabie iii ~ e~, ,of .~;~ conlerenc> coaches ,wliO ' laced bot(t ' Fullerton and :san Diego ' . -' C)l1illtj'1 · Barney Newlee and Mt. San Antomo•1 ~ Gene Victor. ' , Victor, wbo saw bi5 team lose three • horrowine -... to Full ....... -thinks ·tbe Hemeta can win the state champtoesb;p. "I'm very impreaed with ~" he said. They have g:re•t phylical: •lrenath and a gr_est pair of guanls , In . Chris Smith and Ctaig ~ , Those guords hive plenty of ~ ODCf , poise can be very important In a atate toumame.nt. Fullerton only beat Mt. SAC by five, two. and one points, the last game ~ ..... lilto overtime, while San Diego7trilin)ed ·r1o ,the MounUn, 'INt. , "San Diego ls a 1ood club, but Fullerton ia a 10lld one: They' hive to:be)-theJI lleep .. wiDninc --lhoulh they hs4 Ille ·Eutem Ccmfe'euce wropped up weeks ago," Vlclar oayo: Newlee'1 . Cholley club trimmed .Sa Dieao, 13-81, hut lost to Fullerton twice. "We ;ployed su· Diego In o.r oecond pme of the yeor and . r 11a ..... 1 ..... -llince. But they ..... ' pbyUcal match for Fullerton ,i that Ume, ln . 0$Csr Foster and Johri OU., they have . t\!O good big"meD," Newlee Said. '4,. ''They were much Welter in hrkcomt ~ · • than Fullerton,. Fullertm bu • "" .... ' " at guard and in e%pel'ience over Sa ·~ Diego," New lee added. Sadd!ehack coacb Roy Stevw, who lost to . Sin Diego twice thls Y'af and ' Js familiar wftb Fullerton's perionneJ, : t • thinks it will be 1 cloee pme. · · · !J. · uNeither team will make a runaw.y: .~1 of it," be said. ..San Diq:o i.a just r'''li aa plJyllcal ~ P'ullei'lon on the fi'Obl . line. Oils, Foiter IJid John Oliver 11111!• ·cr up as good a front line as ~ Js Jn the state. rr "If San Dieao has a weakness its ~, th the backcourt where its• guards make •11 too many simple miltakee. in. both of ~' our 1ames; we'd be out· of comentian ~ and then all of a sudden they'd mu. , · "J four or five turnovers and give us o1 chance ti) get bolck in the game.~· i 1· When thoee two clubs ·med Saturday s·i niibt. It PalOll\11' College two oC the i. state's longest winning slreaks wUl be • tn jeopartfy. Fullerton hu won 28 pmtl!i, ,,: more than any other team in California -,..; Including ill !Ill St. ··w San Dle10 bu the state '1 third Longest .• .q stein 1t 14 pmes. LOYOLA ALUMNI · .. , _j MEET IN NEWPORT;· 1 " Memhor• of the Loyola Univenity Football AIUmni club wlll convene. in t" Newport Beach Thursday, Moreb :ts, •t- the home of Larry Sorts, I07 V'ta Lido Soud, Lido Jsie. I The meeting w111 begin al 1 · p.m. • .,,.! wlll conclude with filmed hi&bllll>b of Loyoi1'1 1911 football ....... ahowu r by bead Loyo)a ci>acb Jim Bmn!fl~.. ~ Special guests will be Bill Cnloe, lltl!e All·~CID tackle formerly of Sa- !Ugh In Aniheim and Steve Crank. all-,, American ,from Mater l)ej, nOw '~ : r.. Newport Beac1t reoldent. , ) Further inform1tion can be obtainld. ·tl by calllne Soro 1t 113-43a. "' Fires 6'5 ' ·'1' .u ' . ~-• . ----·--·-· ·----------------------------'----------'--'~~ .. ------------------------!""-----"!""------~---------~-----~"!""-------... --..... -~ ~ ~ .. -. -. ~--- Start • Your " Engines! . ' by Deke Hou/gofe • The · only good to come out of income tax Ume this ,at 11 truit it providM a ttady txcuse DOt to indu~g~ the family ln ~ impulsive buyinl: sprees that fmd you acqwrmg : A new bot car or a skJ boaL or • dune buggy, or a aowmobile or a 'racing machint.. A racing machine! Yes, mare and more Americans are turning their leisure hour.I lo atislylng their racinl blbiL -. In a nat.Mm ol blgblJ competitiw men and women that " la fascioaled, you milht say .-dnlU<d. by muhinery Md wbeela. Jt sbouldn'l ht SW']Jl'isiJll that more of us are • _.... radnl today. ... Those who resist the temptation to try 80Dle sort of toeing macbine -ju>I fer fun, ol course -att b!<aming. .' more closely touched by olben who have the competition . bug. , ()u teenagers inhabit the. drag stri~, where for a couple .. llf buc:u m a w-.y ni&h1 they can -the Wnlly t-~ tedln. into a tirffquullnc drq racer. . ..,. Our subteem: devour automotive boob and long for the • a., when they can con the old man Into cettinC them a • lninflike, or a go-kart or -horror or all bomn -a : ........ midg~l. • ilt may not seem like it, but the plain fad k lhal .. lnOlt of us art making enough money to be 1t' 1east partway · In the speed market. In the Houlgate household the subject • ~ a minibike ha! come up mort than once, and the oldest ~ lioy Is 13. ; What js it all leading Ip~ ... Three trends are emierging, accoo:ling to a comemus of pPerts we have talked to during recent months. L The greater awattneSS ol younger peopie for the '; llGl'ld around them, combined with their higher comparalive , , ldac:a!ion level and better grasp of common sense b making .... lbe average young ~rican a better equipped person to · · ldt behind the wheel ol an automobile. .. :; · 'Jbert'll be arguments over that one, no doubt, by 'adu~ ":..~ Jrbo can recite titles of neighborhood steet racing. in which •1 tbe participants disregard their safety as well as everyone ·~~ . · • The fact remains that most boys and girls who drive ntcmobiles these days have a greater appreciation of what tbeJ are doing, take better care of their cars, drive machines (bey have made safer by addition of high performance equipment llhid take m<re pride in their ability to handle a ~ar in ema:gencies. .. , They don't learn these atUtude! in high achool driver 9!ocation dassell nearly so well as lhey do at the local cfrag' llrip. 2. More people are g,etting Involved in high performancr mos, boats and motorcycles, and this fact is creating a _.bonanza for the aatomobile Industry. B11lgh19 •t the Se•m• A few weeb •&• tbe Speed Eqllipme.t Manw.facturer1 ~ atqed a eo.veatiem ud trade 1Hw la AllUelm. Nol ..,_ wu Ge ...., Mipc at Ole IUDll wldl elllhltor1 '1 ... '111ten, l.t tM affla.ee .t ..... tf fdlOWI wlto :::.. •be Nckyanl mecUnlet n1 q.tte evldnt. ~:. · 'Sellbir 1peecf etmpoH!dl i. racbig eatlnnluts •as madt ~;• IDIUinatfts'.r Mickey Tltompte111 George Hunt, Carroll Sbelby, · • Clrf·Sldefer and a ICGfe GI oUten wH.e names art household ·· tenm· t. a generation llOt mac~ younpr tan our owa. ,. You erpected to see Ute blc IWDe CUY• la T'4 .. ir11, with , . pa. uder die.Ir nan., bat &My all looked like Utty bad .~ ~ villted Jay Sebrin& for a $15 Uircut and were working -6muelva ap te pose for a tportl eo11t ad la Playboy. •' 1' S. The groancb:weD of aeatimul for hot can, ltot boats ,' ~ Ud . two-w .. eelen evidenced MW 11 ft•• wiR mate motor .. nc1q Ille domlmal sport ol Ille '""· .. ,· gh1 S~fwol Roundup ' . •- • Chee-king Ar.~~ Te~nis ' ' OVR:OMING TlOUllf SliOTS The nfXf tim•youwia~yw hocJ . 1 o:J•~"* clu\linyour ~lllO that Y. O?Uld •OGP• rrorn ''°"" hie, mertly· toke your right•hond ... Cosi• Me•• Scbaolm'varallJt..W.. , Coacb Ktith Btilnick, has Costa Mesa 1 High Sch"'J'' eight retwning varsity let. tennis pcospecll wert stag· te.rmen back for thit year'• g&-ed by t be loss oL two edition and says his ju11\or players vla graduatlon and varsity is very Close to bis another pair who are not com-varsity, talent-wlse. ing out f« the team lhi! Returning fer Helmlck a.re ipring, Muk Niekart, Wayne Dur- Cary Deaton, the Irvine band, Mike c.oppen, Brar!. League singles champion and Grey, ))In V~la. ~fark Jim Smith baVe since Hollinden, Vinet Parnell and graduated while Ken Deaton Brian .Gabrycb. Js out fol golf and Bill Adelaon OnJ.r:Gabrych and Dorband will be concentrating on spring are se.llioq, so it appears the football. 'I Bi!O,t;1S :WilD be plenty touglt So, coach len Sluart hu the f0Jlowiac year also. four r«urtilng: lettennen-bact Freshinan: Mark ·Tenda! I~ for this year's edition. also a Mrq candidate ror The qdartet is composed or the varsity. Mark Goodman, Tom Malec, Helmick says his club has Jtm Jdyer1 and Roger Moore. • as gopcl' a cbapce .a.s anyqnt Elj)Ocled !o IW some holes 'ill 11141 Irvioe Ltaguo ~lrlWl•' ln tbe UQeup are Dennl1 Ciolli, andrlisll Corona del Mar and Steve 'Forsha; Mas a Loara as <his two biggest Ku.amamote and H a r r y hurdles. Shlgakl fn111'1Jast..year's junior varsity. Mesa will'be going with Its best in doubles compeUtion. Inexperience I! the biggest problem for Stuart's outfit. Coron• del Mar Coach Ray Turner has five returning lettermen back fram last year's Irvine Leag'\le champiooship outfit. causing the Sea King coach to say, "We're equally as good as last year because of good depth. "Players who were fourth aod fifth on last year's team are still fourth and firth.'' Corona de! Mar was un· defeated in dual matches in the Irvine League last year before dropping lo eventual CIF runnerup Newport Harbor in the second round of playoff competition. Returning are Tom Heileman, Rick Neisser. Ken Neisser, · Steve Taft and Joe Berney. Up from the junior varsity ls Karl Killefer . Fre!fiman Dickie Miller is expected to be either the No. I or 2 player on the squad. The Se.a Kings picked up a transfer in Steve Morris from San Diego. Graduation losses are Gary 'Godshall, Ben Taft and David Selbst. D11nd••toJa Be"!Cllt ' .. , Huntington Beach ll i g h School will have a solid nucleus of returning varsity . lettermen to rely on in tennis but coach Henry Le.lcht(ried is harboring DO dre'1DS <If t;king the Sunset , League chainpiqeshi)> · With powers Newwt 'J!arllor and Santa Ana in the same cirt'uit. However, the Oller bou does see a high fin.ish for his chaps with eight returning lettermen centered around three brothers. Kent, Kirk a6d K e i t h Orahood will be back along · with Jim Barsit, Scott Lent. Jim Harrell, Steve, Eddy and W.ark Hard&rave} Five junior varsity performers figure to give the varsity retilrnees a_ run of it for starting spots. They are Todd Lee, Scott Flanagan, Bl'ian Soucier, Alan Awata and Mike Miller. The Oilers were third la .st year iJ;1 the circuit and Leichtfned says his club should be as strong this yeor with overall team depth lhe forte for the Oilers. Laglln• Jfeula ' . Laguna Beach High· School 1"ill be a strong, contender ta 1l1e CraMll> L<ague Utle la tetip.flJ Jw,1.lb; 1even1 varatty i.ttermeo retuminl /or. the AttWs. . Coach Ari Walil l"'t only one· 1thletc fla ·graduation, lltilsey Williams, last year's No. 1 player. Back are seniors Rick England, Mike Doureous and Ste-ve. W~a.ki. atqng with Tony tryer, R<ICC'O DeMateis. Greg Schoenleber and John Enfield. Bolstering that conticgent are jUnlor vanity lettermen Mark Taylor , Ben Schiff, and Brad Stttr . The Art ists went with fi\'e sophomores in the starting lioeup last year and Wahl says the po!}.$ibility of a league • cllampj.mship is depelident an how Well that quintet bas ad· vanced. Wahl says if the lower three spols on the team come t.firoU1li hls Artist squad will have a good chance of winning the title from defending champ Foothill. iUarit1a Marina High lost its lop three tennis players t o · graduation and coach · Bob Duesler must come up with some able replacements if the Vikings are to make the first division In Sunset League ac· tloii. Gone are John Toulouse, .Jeff Grethitr and Dave Gil· be rt. Slated to lill those spots are returning lettermen Kim Commons. Eric Vermee.ren. Greg Narog and G~ Clarke with help from junior varsity returnees Je!l Redd, Steve Cowen, Ray St.ratl'ord, Bruce Michaels and Jim Hanna. The · Yikes picked up two tran!fers In Ken Wardell and Chris Neilsen. .Marina has good depth but oo one outstanding player. N.,,,,porl llarbor Orange County's tennis tac· t"' .. , -Newport Harbor High s ..Al -once again is an oddHn choice for the Sunset League championship and a E1tanri• Pirates' Dump Rustlers In 6-3 Tenni s Verdict singles matches. Or111M c ... , (') ni Gold111 W"I Sl111ltt Olllt COCCI atl. c;r,v (GWCJ, 1·5, ··~111 IOC'J def' lholl'lpson IGC .. 7.J lt'N v 1&!c1 def Jenklnt !GWCI .. 0a1::.:erttt!I COCCI '"''· KttM IGWC l, 11-0 •·I i'.lverirree! IGWCl def, Otv!e• (OCC l, 11-l. 2'41 !01vln l<1IUrfdb, Clifford !GWCl <let. t rou• tOCCl. l-!, '·I .... fl GOl!Slllll tfld HNlrll IOCCl Oli. ll1ten111tl1 end llerkl>o!f !GW,1 ... 1, ... Ogle llnd OIV~' lOCCl Clef. GrtY t"4 ThorN>50ll IGWCJ, ,._,, .. ,. 11-3 J tnlln• tl'd ~tlOSI !GWC) a.I. a1,9e0i.11 ,..., Oe1n111• 1occ1. 1-S. ... Coaches Tab l1·vine Star!' threat to the CJF title the S.ilon woo in 1967 and evaded them lJst year in Ole finals. However, eight or the 1% starters from last year's jug- gernaut have since graduoted and coach Pat Wilson's farces wUI need to fill somt huge gaps to maintain the normal supremacy that prevails in Newport tennis. • Back to fo""i the backbone of the club are Bob Ogle, Rob QuiOingham, GleM Cripe anCI Bill Hart. All are capable of gOini doubles and singles and Wilson says that is one of his team's biggest assets. Amocg some oulslanding candidates for starting roles OIJ the Newport team are .Bill Paley, Bill Brock. ~ Charles, Kim Perino, Mark Jones, Rick H~ a'nd Dave Haskell. ed 5.:;,onaM tum it ui:-id•down oncf odcfr. It left .. hondtd, ca I" om doin9 tn th• illU!ill'Cltion. Thil' ihot con .1ov•you o stroke , If you know how to molcf I~., He.-. ore socn• tipa to help you pull it orr: Fiist, you will hov•· lo con• c:entrate on lc:e•ping yout'ri# a"" ..... rather.than th• left-" stroi;ht. -. ., .r; Wilson claims one or the major problems facing the Bluejackets is tha,t there have been so many outstanding players at Newport Harbor for the past· two or thr~ years that the current junior 5CON. in •t• .t' mp. bunlctn, ftllgh ..d Oownh111 lia -with th. and senior candidates have Nip ArMld ,.._. .tf;n you in 1 hi1 bookl•t, "Tnluble Shott.• A con it J'CM'. fw ~ .._. with o stOll!p'd, .1f..addr1..ci 1nwlope •rt t.o not had the opportunity to ADW..,_.,~ , • .,..cfffliii•w..,.r, facetopcom~tioo., L.,.~'..,;.·~...,;~~~~~.;,.;~~~~~~~~~ Only threat to Newport 1n • the Sunset League is Santa Ana. Pii:ates Lose , 2-1; ·Jaycees Play Today San Clemeate A solid nucleUs ol eight returning varsity lettermen are back for San Clemente 11igh's tennis team with Terry Plowden leading the list or returnees. Plowden, rated third in the Crestview League last year as a sophomore. is being touted as a possible successor to the No. I spot this. year. Others in the fold are Glenn Schwighardt, the man who will be used in doubles. Robin Sepe, Don Ralls, Rick Wagner, Bill Forrester. Rick Limberg and Joe Squillace. \Vith the all-veteran lineup the Tritons are seeking to im· prove on their second division finish last year in the league after going undefeated in practice matches. Foothill and Tustin are rated the tap contenders for the crown by coach Harlon Chambers. 1¥estnalnster \Vestminster High v.•ill be relying on five returning senior lettermen and a sophomore who stands to be the top player in its Sunset League tennis picture. Returning for coach Lyman Clower's forces are Alan Rice. Dave Selig man, J\.1ike Valenzuela. P.1ike Tracy and Jim P.lcLaughlin. And, transfer Pete Sandvig from Washington will be counted on heavily to take up the slack in doubles com· pelition . Greg Johnson. a sophomore up from the junior varsity, is currently the No. I player for Westminster. The Lions compiled a IU nmrk overall last year for their first-ever v.•inning tennis season and finished 7-7 in Sunset competition. Prep Tennis ' Orange Coast College finally opened its 191P Eastern Confeience balseball season Thursday afternoon and, given a break by the weatherman, the Pirates and Golden West will be in acUon thi'i af. ternoon. Today's schedule s h o w a Orange Coast at home in a makeup contest with Mt. San Antook> College while Golden West plays host to Citrus in its postponed EC debut. &th games are slated to get underway at 3 p.m. Tf Pirates' season opener OCCHosts Net Aces The 12th annual Orange Coast College Invitational high schoo l tennis tournament v.·ill be held at OCC all day Satur- day. Tourney director Maurie Gerard said play will begin at 9 a.m. and run through late afternoon. There is no at Citrus Thursday afternoon was a pitching duel wl!h Orange Coast coming out on the short end of a 2--l .~re. Gary Dunkelberger went all the way on the mound for the Pirates. giving up onl)' thret singles, but some first. inning wildness cost him the game. The Pirate hurler yielded two first inning singles and then . with two outs, walked three straight batters to force in both Citrus runs. lfe went the rest of the way, giving up but one more harmless single and striking out eight men. However, lhe Pirates had no sucetss against Citrus' Mel Alpi after the first inning. Orange Coast's only run cam across in the top of the first on a leadoff single by Bill Jenkin s, a fielder 's choice and a single dribbled into leit tie Id by Mike Bailey. . In addition to their garne.~ today, Orange Coast and Golden West also will play makeup conference games Saturday. The Pirates are at home against San Bernardino while Goldet1 West is at Santa Ana. admission charge and spec· J'111!i"' 11 tators are welcome. ~~1, Jti ~ : ~ , O••nte c ... 1 fll .. ' ' n r~I ' . At least 12 area high schools C•lleY", If J t 1 ' J11mer, t , o o 1 'ti d th I'"' Mlll"!tlfl,T'f ~ 0 0 0 ,,. sen mOfl an w s.e1i,eri. n , 0 0 0 athletes to the invitational. := ~ ~ ! i ! Newport Harbor won the ~i1~1 ... • ~ I 0 : tourney last year after a great Toii1s (llrw 1ff 1 ' 1 battle with Corona del Mar. S•••o:Mn, l b ~~ 0' 0" '-: Gerard said that Newport Ker>....,\· 1 ' • 1 1 ~ ~~c::i:~ ~~~: will be back to defend its summ~n. ss J' , , , crown this year. Other school~ ~'::nr: 1~ 1 ; g ! competing will include Costa i1f~1;n· t ] g : : Mesa, Estancia, Corona del 0111' tc"" llY 1".;f"''' J t Mar, Huntington Beach, San· ~~:!9 ;: i,;: :, :i ~ ~ tiago, Fountain Valley, Lai;===========::; Quinta, Westminster. Villa Park, Orange and El Modena. Play will be diVided into four categories. There will be singles and double! com· petition for varsity player~. and singles and do(\blea for non-varsity. I ~Why Not ~Change Your Lunch Habit? C1clrt•il1 • Art 6 1ll1'l l344 E. c-t Hwy., CdM Here's • Tiger-sin opportunity. If you want a cereer that.combines fast-growing opportun- ities in wholesale ll)BJ'keting with job slabil· ity. come talk with Humble. :\s you may know, we're America's Lead· lng Energy Company. Literally No. 1 among alf U.S. oil companies. Our new refinery, to •. be completed in '69 at Benicia, will greaUy ,expand our \Vest Coast markets. So we're staffing no\\' with people interested in a mar- keting career. You'll sell end give business counsel to Enoo dealers. the people who '1Put a Tiger in Your Tank*!" You'll have specialiud training. And the kind ol indlvldual responsibUlty and challtng- es \bat makes a sales career solidly re,\lard. Ing. 'In Anaheim at the Disneyland Hotel !or in. tervlews ii P. T. Mcltinney of our Paclfie Rcl(!on olllce. Ht wUI be available !or Intel' views from 9 e.m. on February 28 througb March 2. Call him collect at (714) 635-2942. Humble Ot1 & RdniD;' C>..,,...y A PklM for ProQr.N and Equal 0pPOrhJnitf Empk.y .. r ----------------·-·-·-· • ~ady Skipper -Shows ~em • Hand That .Racla rlie Cradh Steer1 the Tiller """' Mlllor. Ibo anlJ -lemalo lliJlnl -~ II eonYlocfd 11111 Ibo I oolY • ., to Joun to ..u II by llPOlldlni lq 1-'I .. Ille seat ol your ponl.S In Ibo cockpit ol a sailboat. : SAILING SCHOOL MAR'M -Pego--Mlller of Long Beadt Is the ooly female sailing scllool operator · Jmown_ Since 1962 she has graduated more tllan : 2,000 students at her Academle of Salllnt at Long •. Beach Marina. , Five Cal40 Sloops Seeking Lipton Cup Five Cal-40 sloops were ·amon& the nlne entries listed Boat Show in the Lipton Cup challenge race by the dd""11ng San Diego Y~ Club. Deadline for enbies is today. Thi! will mark the lint time that the Cl1"40s u a c:1ul have quaillled for tbt nee under the r1l1ng rules ol the Lipton Cup. Entries listed today by SDYC were Primera (Cal-40), Sailboats, power cruisers owned by Robert Metme.r, Del and trallored outboards will Rey Yacht Club; Gypsy (Csl· shau equal billing at H. 40) Harry Moloobco, Lone · Wernu Buck 's We.steru N• Beach Yacht Club; Tetua -•tional Boal and Marine Show (Cal-40) Art Walker, Csbrlllo ·Which opens at the multi· Beach Yachl Club; Jobr m. .. opening 'Next Week million dollar A n ah e i m (cal-40) Bob Leslie, Lo s Caoventlon Center comptu: 4'zlples \l!acbt>-ClubJ Abuna March a. The show will con-II 'ceai-«I> ADm Pucbtl, tlllle thnJulh March 11. Balboa Yachl Club; Molero 'lbe big arena section will (K..oll) Rk:hard I 1rae11, be dmnlnat.d by cli!play of Southwestern Yacht Club ; venous divisions of -Cimarron (not noted) Jack Cmp. products -lncludlng Green, Silver Gate Yacht the Columbia, Coronado and Club; (Amorla (Ericson-ft) Kettenburg line of sailbolll Guy lnsbaw, Sooth Shore Sail- and Trojan and-Bertram ing Club, and Hallelttjah (Recl- power. boats. Also on display line-41) Marty Gleich, San Dle- wUl be the Life Sphere, a go Yacht Club. virtually indestructible space Southwestern Yacht Club .are lileboat. and SDYC Is the defender. A large portion of the 100,000 was the original challenpr square loot ExhlblUoo . Hall . and SDYC.iJ the defender. will be used by memben of. Leroy Wright bas been nun- : the Orange County Bo a t ed by SDYC u fhe chairman Alsoclation, featuring a wide of this year'• race. : variety ol the latest models 'Ibe 111dden-death r a c e ol trailered outboards. These March 30 will be the 5'th nnge from tiny craft to bJ~ dden&e ol the famed cup Illa pawered speedboats sullable It ,.., dedkated by the lamed for a variety ol Scottish yachtsman 65 years ·lncludlng fishing, ly cnris-ago. San Diego YC will.Jiave ing, Ui!1 dlvin;;'1ici just loaf· defended Ha Um" In llle-Up- iq. coming nee. ANCHORS AWllOH1 -_Cynlllla Paden declares: .. ll tt floats, we've got tl" as she hauls anchor to publiclu the Westem National Boat ~ Marino Sllow which opens at the Anaheim Convention Cen- ter March t-16. -' It II tllll <GOvjctloo thal mak<1 IJ!r' c:urrlcuhnn at Ibo ~ _ol Salllng In Looi • Beieb Mlrinl abort 0 • clulroom U-, and loo( oo actual sailing. 'Pew and her husband, Paul lllartod the Academle ol Salllng In 1111 after ht lf&duat.d from the U.S. Naval Academy. S1nce Ulen -they have taught IODle S , G 0 D pertonS the intricaclel of maklllc • aailbolt m o v e tbroqh the water tn the dlree-- • t1on they want it to 10. Stuckatl bave ranpd from I to A yean old with about IS pm:ent being dodan and :15 pe«ml lln&le ...,, be\WffD the -ol Ill and •• Ea1lre lamlll<I ollen "liMr In the sdlool. for the lnatruc:tion -....,. from basic aall-lng throqb celatlal naYig• lloa. eour-are allo allered In raclng ladles and c:rulllni· Pegy admll.S lbat <ertain people b.-.e natural apllb>lu for •lriom oporll and other .activities, but Iha _..... that DO (Ill la bom to do ..,um.,. They -to ht . ·=-~ learn from ... In cue ol any aeptlellm ol PeaY'• ability to tach. lhe need ooly point to two ol her students -Jack Soderlund ol Newport Beach and Mike Kane ol Balboa. Both are now salllnC their own eraft araund the world. Kane II booinr' to ht the Dnl maa to dmimnavlpte tile lloht In • 1rlmeraa. Pegy bu ....,. D llnl place tzophles to blr endlt, IDOOlly woo aplnst male eom- pellllon. Pegy hmel! leuned to sail at the U.S. Naval Academy while her bl.llbmld W I I tachln( chmllstry t h e r e. Always athletically lDclined, she became aboorbod In 1all- lng and punued II w!tb eo- Solon Urges PEOPLE n.t', wh•t It'• .11 '"''· 0... ef th• "'''' ,., .. 11r 41lly fHtvr•• ef tll1 DAILY PILOT h P1.,I• kff•• lf1 •" 1M.f •I.II!> c1111111e111n, 11 .. b 1"4 d1r'Aehn -,.,,1 •. • • • •• • • • • • •• .. : ......... ·--.. .e •••••••••• ~·~···,·· ; ...... --1-... .-.. --"""""' to Landert • t • • -= II l\AllY, ftLOT I ~~,,:St~tes · . ' . . , QrdeJ.!i~g , -St,~:r~l.· ~ation > ' • I ' ' . . . ... •.. .. . ~ ~. • ., EXCLUSIVE! Nlltlm Prlff Winn... " .... Actrtu·Acr.r . 'Dl~ David Niven "IMPOSlllLI YIAIS• LID 0 . .. By lllt Anod•ltd ,.,.., Tile ~ ~ 111'.ed U the aclli14 Is ~ed lo lfundttda tA mentally IU Mood1J te ll"lllt a beartoc 'be "in the best lntensts or American• hi ve been sub-to 'a Ntbrub wc;imaa wbo t.be paUelll aad of IOCietJ." il'·· chall<q<d U.. riCl\I of Nie IA Maine 1 IObject\ lo a jecled to inyoluntary lter ~· of!icllb .to ha .. her llfrillloe(t. state inl)llr*..i ;;;. ,11 1 tion in . -t years In six She .,.. Gloria C#ritt, f7, lterilbed i,. ...,.;ol et states whose Jaws on the aub-of Grand lslandl, who baa d1u. Cit rer.uv. Gt br C ject may be aU11Cled by ~ ~Nd ,~~k~""'~-!·~· onler. 'lloo ll"'f~ GOO Supreme Court re.v~w. """ •"• ~~u ,lllCb ea., ln wip ilve Indiana, one or •the .s,ixl onJy tO'' .~s,. of . i.tJto lyeanr. ". , sterilized 'lll6 malt•'.•nd mo ·neatrlce 'sllite'Jlome lilt t1iO , Miine rt .... not 111 .. females from 1!)36 to 1962. / Feeble Minded prov~1 that tnatliutkm mA1 b8 l\.lriflted In_ 1caJifomi' sterilizations sterUlza.Ugn may be imposed upon Utt .,.rorval Gt a three- totak!d 2L in 1962; 19 in 1963: by 8 bc>a!d of examiners ; as doctor bol1d b "tbe preven- 11 in' 19'i:t; 4 in J96S ; 19 in 3. condition for ·paro~ ,.or l1on ol ~of further , 196&; 10 in 1987; 7 in 1968. dJ.SCharge, Mta:.. Cavitt 11 ao feebt&-inindednels or for -======:.:..-:--:-:---'---:::--:--======:::;;::::::;:::::;::=:==-1 inmate at~ home. ' therapeutic treatment ol cer· In 1964, 19116' ·and 196&, lain fonru ol mental d!Just.'' Nebrll!fk& sterilized 11 males SterllizlUom in UU category and 16 females. average about flve a }'tar. In CaliComia, the mecµc:at Wisconsin law authorizes the direc\Qr of a state basJ>ltal sttrilization of institution in· can order the sterillz.aUoo. of matet U there is unanimoos any mtn~7 ~ . ot agreement by a SW'geon, mentally _ill .patient, sub1ect psychiatrist. and lnsUtution to the obJeetionJ of relaUves director that "procreation, is or friend!. ·'lbe objections inadvisable." The state has may, however, be overruled oot sterilized anybody in the by a court. past two year1. Dr. William F. Sheeley, The sixth state with a commissioner of'tbe Indla,na steriliiatioo law Is North State Department of Mental Carolin" Mr1. sue L . Health, ordered on Monday Casebolt, executive secretary the sterilization of two womc!:n of the State Eugenics Board mental patieDll -the first says: "l can't remember the such orders inltmontbs. la1t time we had a hearing." "It's a job I don't like," In North Carolina cases may he said. be brought before the eugenics Indiana law provide1 for board by any penal or sterillJ.alion. after open hear· Charitable institution, mental lngs, of the feeble.mind~, hospital or welfare organ.ila· epileptic and hereditary insane tion . Stea111-Return .. CHP to Try It Out iri Cars the next sl.x months and then put ·through six months or tests· tiy the patrol : fitst at . the cilP track In Sacramento and then on lhe road. Wh&t are the Bull~~Eye 811ys af the. ll!reek? Ev11y Dodge D ...... hu .._ IUdhaiilii i, e11•r •·sii_1ci1l b'ailli•'ilrice ach weR oa silectld IJelltt lnOdtls. Ylll'l11ttoim smngs on en ..i.truclcs ... enn·Doilgt Wbila HllS)llCi* 111.iMINed. Sali limittd. Huny! " SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tbe steam car, virtually as extinct as the buggy -whip; Will :it- tempt a comeback durJD,J the next 12-months in UM!,ColorS of the California Higb~ay Patrol. Officials think the steam engine may be their ultimate weapon against automobile- produced smog. The patrol announced Mon- day it had accepted offers from Lear Motors Inc. of Thermodynamic Sy~tems Inc. of Newport Beach, Calif., testing steam engines in patfol cruisers. When the legislature passed a tough new auto smog ·control law last year, lt also directed the highway patrol to ex- periment with steam-powered autos to see if they . provide an acceptable alternati ve to . • DART Western SporlJ Sptclal, designed and priced for this 11ea only. Now an IYIR greatar v~uo during Dodge Bulls·Eye BuyL The car1 will be marked the same and b4' the same size ljs the pa\rol's 1.800 gasoline -powered, smog -pro- ducing cars. Assemblyman John Francis Foran, D.san Francisco, noted they ''may be rather noUeless" but if it is a C~IP steam ~ar f,hat pulls you over. it will still blow its siren." Two of the experimenlal steam engines will be placed in regular auto chassis within regular cars. Foran, chairman of the A s s .e m b I y Transportation Committee and one o( the legislature's smog experts, said he's oplimisUc. "We're not talking in .terriis ot the . old Stanley Steimer," Foran told a reporter. "You're talking about a p r e t t y sophisticated piece of machinery. It has a great deal of potential ." Also under Fordn 's sponsorship, the Assembly will test four steam-powered buses on regular commuter runs in the San Francisco Bay Area this year. · Match yourself lip with Bonus Savings! BEACH C·ITY DODGE . -------________ .,... _,.. __ _ HARBOR DODGE LA Providing Youths With ~Hangup' Help 16555 BEACH BLVD. (Hwf. 39) HUllTIN6TOll BEACH -U 7-9631 2111 HARBOR Bl VD. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Youngsters with a hangup, be it set: or studies, pick up the telephone in Los Angeles and talk it out with adults -experts, sympathetic ~d anonymous. COSTA MESA-540-llU -============================'--Th:.:::_e kids' private listening ·(f} ~.., MARINERS. SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION WESTCUFF AT DOYER, NEWPORT BEACH -PHONE 642-4000 CONDENSED StATEMENT OF CONDITION Assets C.•h ind U.S. Government BondL ........ -........... --·-.. ---·$ 3,188,190 loan• on R .. I E.talo --· _ ........... 31,259,490 Contrach of Sele of Real fatale ........... -.... ·--· .... _ loons to Facilitate Salo Qf Real E.t1te .. . ...... _._ .................. . Loan' on Real Estate Held for Development ---..... _ .. __ II.al E.tate Owned .' -----·--- RMI E.tato Purchased for fnvostm1nt ·-·-- Fecl111I Homo Lc..n &.nk Siocl: . ...-........... -... -.......... _,_,, ··-- Offtee Premise' •nd 5,982 65,175 350,576 160,502 120,000 320,700 Equipment (Not)-....... -....... _ 208 ,186 Other Assets . -·-·--.. -. 906 ,806 TOTAL ASSETS .. __ .. _,_.$36,585,607 l AT DECEMBER 31, 1961 Ll.trilltles C•pit•l A111I llesert1es Savi ngs Accounts ................................... $3-2,737,930 Advances From Federal Home Loan Bank ................. . 0 th L' b'l't' er 11 111es -··················· Deferred Income -···········-· TOTAL LIABILITIES -···-···· CAPITAL AND RESERVES Guarantee Stock, 870,000 388,340 209,987 $H,206,257 Reserves and Surplus ---...... _ 2,379,350 TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL AND RESERVES .. __ .. __ . _____ $36,515,607 1 service is a surprising sue· cess. Hot Line has received an estimated S,000 calls -an average of 18 to 20 a day -from boys and girls anxiou s to talk directly -and anonymously -with an adult about intimate problems. "Many parents and adults generally thin k their kids simply do not want to com- municate," says Dr. Dale Gar- rell, director or the sponsoring Children'1 Hospital Adolescent Unit . "Certainly this is not the case it the conditions, the atmosphere, are right." . Of the fint 1,000 calls. about 20 percent concerned boy-girl relationshi~. 17 percent con-ructs with parents and 7 per- cent had to do with drugs. The stafl of 30 listeners on hot line include graduate students, psycho!~, doc· tors, lawyers and s o c I a I workers -all screened and modes tly paid. Other pro- fessional specialist.I in major fi'elds art available. The project was launched on an eight-week funding from Children'1 Hospital and coa· tinued on a similar basis for six months. Now, another year estimated to cost $25,000 is assured by a grant from the Rosenberg Foundation of San Ftanc.ilCo. ' , Thi project began without pubUc '-aiif'an as 'pupils at four Loo Anleles ~ echools were given 1m1U cards with this~:~ "AN '°" o ~ witlo o hangup? Call ll&-1015. We'n! .-llert to llsten, I p.m. to 12 p:m. dally, I p.m. to I 1.m. P'rldl7 IUld Satunloy." (jerold Bisalrl, I I ta II psydooJoglst Clll the project, thinks 1voU1bUlty ts the by. ''Wl!tn • ,..,.,. peopls ..... "!II-· they -theTri OOW)11 be 51,)11. ''Tomorrow .,., bo ""' Ille.. . ..,,. mu., m:-1 moollJ gltli. Bui -lllnp up bel<n he gets the problem off hi> chest.' • ·Relief · " • I ; • After Midnlte tttonday, we pay taxes on all -chandlse In stock! ~ So c-'t lit tonlte, or .5at111'Wy, and save as never befofe on these speclqls LARGE SELECTION OF FAMOUS BRANDS • • • Frltldl)ro, RcA, ' '5ylv•nia, Sony, O'KMh & Merrltt 1-1!..--'1--' ..• Though not In all style• or colors ....... FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS '· ... ... " 11_ --= - ~~~;.~~=:.-=·.~~·:~.~~~.~~~~ ............. ~7771 AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER, AU FROST PROOF $298" 14.tat/ft,. wht.111 tit."'8-, ...,... ....... 1 . ...,s..c.-.we. ~· ..... 1+.3 CU./F.T. FROSTPROOF Wlllo '.152 LI. FRHZIR $37777 lllowhMJ .W, .............. 41•kli .... -·""" , ... ..,......; ..., ...., •,;fllpqsklllce-i.ctw·1 Hry •.• ~,.i,•o ;.,. ••~··•••••-:••••••••••• •• • S!DE-IY-SIDE, llG 15.9 CU./FT. CAPACITY $38811 Wltll 1tl lit. ab9 'llftlc .. frentr, 1009iW .......,,. .. , ,flewhit ceW •Ir 'Y''•"'· Deep .. .., ......... fllp ••Id 'Ice ejecter, 31 . ...._ w~ .......... : .. · · · · · · · 19.3 CU./FT. CUSTOM DELUX~,SIDE,BY-SIDE s43911 AH Fte""eef, Z46 llt, Y.nkel P ,,.....,:MY 19dilltNWe U.h'n. Ice ;:;~;~;.:-";T';":.:-;'o'::"T;~~-:AKEi!............... $488" All Fre&tptOOf, lt.) U/~. wltlt blt-146 Ht .......... frMmt, Jake..,. .., •tt, Adjut.W. S.._lftl, Fl•wi•t ceW •" drui.tM., DMp 4.., IMIYfto 1 Hly Cele1*1 Cepper ...•••• •.• •.•.•••••••. : ••.••••••••••••••••••••.• ~ •• -OTHER UNCRATED AND DISPLAY MODELS AT llG $$SAYINGS!- f'OOD FREEZERS llG 546 LI. CAPACITY UPRIGHT $21811 5.fvll-whttll....,. ...... -1 tat,,... .. ~,.... 5,...... w_,..,"' . oM 5°yem Proftct W..,-1111ty, Wr1p ...... .-, weWH ... ..,-. caltlHt eM 11.., •. D..., •Mel •• I ••ly price. ut t• (!flt ...... ,.. •... , .......•.......•.• , ...•• FROST.PROOF UPRIGHT 5 247 77 btftl 1.,...i .ti ~ ce9StntetJ.ll, ~11-wldtll .lll:lce ce11 ••lftr, a1telll9tlc l•tet'ler lltkt, ceMpMf a 1 .... JO" wide.-If Pf•" Wt• I •Illy •...... · ELECTRIC RANGES ELECTRl-CLEAN ISoN Cl-lfMJ O.ool 30" COMPACT l"f111lr. i.ot ftltckt, tllrff I" a11d -I"-~ 111ltl, Pera .. 11 •lpHwti 1 "'' ..••.. : .....••.•..•••••• ' .•••• ••••·• ......•..... CUSTOM DELUXt;; INFINITE HEAT SWITCHES GI .. wlMlew.M e"";SfN'lltl~ tl'ltlt,,,._....W. .-4-, appll111u Ollf• let, -1 111l"ffr c111trol, hlll·wldtll fl•llf'OIUllt ...... 1 e11ly C.IOAkll copper. WASHERS AND , DRYERS CUSTOM DELUXE 2 SPEED wlllo SOAK CYCLE $18818 Wosii•N•w..r cycle, JCftfy lld 1wftc .. ftiMMt s.,.. ,.,,. • .,,...,, , ... , ..• CUSTOM DELUXE DRYER $14811 D•robJe ,,... cm. fw -"•• d°"°'-floWlilt IM9t, r•ce111 -..-1 ..... lll· terief, ...... cycM, .etoct.ble ""'°' .. : ......... ; ............. ' ....... . AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER -$138" Tl_.. cyde 1p .. 115 ..... ....., .....,_, "it.r.w. ,..a cer9 cydil ..•• . . . .. ' . . ' DISHWASHERS · · A llG CAPACITY, MOllLE TOl'-LOADING-(" Sil: let Ktid ...itr CW-. dhllet. c.,.cfty'.12 t.bM.iitttl11p. _, l•Ctll"'t, co1111ter-bo'91tcltlll IW. ente .. hlue, Z oily ; ••. A'KM. i. Will,. ••••••••• , FRONT LOADING, BIG CAPACITY . Eay loocll19 and .,.rcttt • ., 111per-wrp wehlflt •M• cleui dff11. Drift *" wrtt.Mt ,,...,h•tlflt. 2 .. 1, ..•..••••••. , •• : •.•••.••••••••••••.•• • CUSTOM DELUXE FRONT.LOADING UNDERCOUTER IUILT-IN 2 cycln, 4°lnel .. ,....,..,._ wodthit ec:tiH d•.i ......... ..,...,., f111901 5 178" tip cel'trel , ..••• , . . . . • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • •• , • • .. STEREO SYLVANIA CONSOLE, AM/FM, S..,.. Chalft«, MM. Styte .....•••.••••......•...... .' ••..•...... RCA 6-FT. CONSOLE, AM /FM, Stereo C'-'"lft'• 4 Tnick Sr.r.e Tepe Dollt, S-S1to ••• , , , , •••••••••• , , • PORTABLE TELEVISION BLACK & WHITE ~~:/Y~2;: .~~-~?!!.E ... ~ ............... , ... ; , ............ : . . . . $8811 FAMOUS SONY 4'.' TRANSISTORmD s99ts O'°""'" o• lZ'""t c. w lteat MtMry eM 11S""tt MIM t1rN1t, UH,/YHF wJtllteteKepl~ ......... 1.,.ly .......... .•.....••.••..•.•••••.•••••. l COLOR TELEVISION RCA PORTAILE. IEAUTIFUL, SHARP, CLEAR PICTURE $27777 UHF/YHF NCOptle1, 1.,._ ,arts .. _,..,.,.,, lO;Z MJ. 111 Z ..iy , •••••••••• , • , ~~~.~~=~·.!~~~~ .~.~~~~-~~.~~~-~. ~~~~~.~~ .. ". $ 439 95 ~~:!:.;~.~~.~~ .-::. T~~ .~~.~~.~~.~~~.~~.. 5 488 11 SPECIAL USED VALUE~ RECONDITIONED TELEVISION MAGNAVOX 11" COLOA ON AOLL AIOUT STAND ••••• ,, ••••• ,... $219. P'ACKAAD llLl JI" COLOR, U.ILT A1illl. CAllNIT W/D00'5. ••••• $149 .• 95 STLYA=~~ 2:i~;~.~o:u::1~~-~~~~.' .. ~~ .. ·.~~ .~~~.~.'.'..::. $299.50 MAf!PNAYOI COMllNATION Z4" TY AM.fM RADIO I 4 SPIED $99 50 STEIEO IECOID PU.TIA _.:. llAUTlllUL CAllNIT •••• ; ., •••• •• •• • • REFRlwERATORS,. , USID "AS IS" $'Mt 50 GE COMPACT NllDS CLU.NIN• &J, FIUGIDAlll WITH IOTTOM Fllml , •• ,, ,, ,, ••.,, •• , •••••• , ••••• llG FllGIDAlll WITH ICI IJICTOI ui•• IOTIOM Fllml •••• WASHERS AND DRYERS ltNMOll DILUXI. WASHl!l SILi-CLIANIN• UHT FILTll , •••• , , , . ' WHllLPOOL DILUll 2 SrllD·WASHll , , , ••••••• , ••• , , ••• , , • , ,, , Fll•IDAlll IMPlllAL WA.SHU COLI WASH a SO.Al Cl'CLI , • • • WHllLPOOL PAll.Dl!LUXI WASHU & Hri:t. I SPllD WASHll, 'CTCU Dlftl IOTH,OM\Y ,, •• ,, •• , , , , , :. ,•, •• • CUSTOM DILUll PAii. Pl15'1oiln WASHll AND •ma IOTH ONLY ••••••••••• ··~ •••• , ,,, ••••••• , •••••••••• 15 AUTOMATIC WASHDS J CLOTt\11 DmH 1 DISHW.Alttlt 1 GASUNM $9.'.95 .... • AS IS "lOU HAUL .... ,.... ........ ,..., ... s... ......... . . . . $88.50 $119.59 . $124.$0 $119.50 $139.50 $199.50 s1n.so 411 E. 17th -COSTA MESA Daily 9·9, Sat. 9-6 646-1684 ( ' I -- ' HollywO?~, Back Stage • Jly VERNON srorr u,1 twb'Wlllt cerr1w1 ••t H'ILLYllOQD -Hone pliyll'I m a rare breed amorie motion plcture .iid televiaioa atan:, most ol whcm came up the'bard way and1lave a traumatic res: peel for the dollar. Alllooi lhi actlnl fratemi\y Walter. Matthau, Jimmy Durante, Don Adams ond. Vince Edwards Ile the lfeltelt bet- tors. Others may spend an lftemoon or two at the track, but the quartet - above are ·addicted. Edwards admits that any day he isn't working he's at the track ..... Usually the $50I window. · Reminded that all bona players die brokel the U·Dr, Bea 'i&SeY srlnned \l!f"CE E:OWAROS like I guy wbo just gol word from the Jockey that. lib bone couldn't lose: 0 Noi: me. After 10 years J'm just about even." "This may be my greatest campaign this year, based on all the knowledge of horses I've picked up in the past." Edwards, who·wOrks in feature films ncnt'· and· n!cenuy cut a new album, "I Got the World," would rather talk about other things. "1lte ooly~e who ~.hone plafets are other' playen,'1''hf uplllntd. Vince can visit Hollywood Put, Sula Anita and Del Illar apj>rolhnalely· oeven ll1<llltb5 a year. All ue within drlvlnr cli!- tancc;r>f his home. The rest of the time Ile \'lsits tracks iii the ellit. m.. wile Linda. joins him on Satordajs. "Playing the horsu is a lcience;· llke with chess p18:yers. Very few acton leain to b.lndicap a hone. u·the caadltkp are right and I'm familiar with the nOtd, _my · chances of picking.th~ winner .,. rood. • "I don't bet on every race. U I see three· er four horses have about the same chance, [ lay off." Edwards doesn't favor girl ~ys, wornlng that they're line in an ordinary race. But if trc¢1e occurs duriag· a race he is afrald they'd freeze and ~ n.t of the riders ~wou1d be hmt. He also make& it clar-be doesn't_ bl• II al17lbinl but the pci!les. . • . • 11 ~ dice and card:pmes f.OU don.'t:ba.ve I chance," be said; "But you can·blndi· cap hones. That's the big difference. The odds aren't in favor ol the hou9e if you kmw what you;'re doing." Vince has no plans to buy.a hone. 'lhe: thought repels him as rnucti as ~ · It window. · • · · "To buy a horse right you have to pUt out ·~ta qµarter ol. a milli41P"bucb," he said. ''I do!l't minddSetlln;·.., them, but 1 refuse to feed them. "And-tbere.'1 no challenge in bettlng only ,'2. U you're &•Ulng in the pme, you"!e got to play big. I always bet. the dail:ii dOuble ~ -of the ume !·bet to ;a.;;:::;;;;i to pllCe w: lhQw. • . , -. "1lte Clilly lhlog thll liatbera me Is that after I handicap a horse and flpre him to win, Linda pleb a horoe -becaue Ille like& the way be· -· I blow 15110 ind' •Ile ,.Jns a '2 bet." . Edwards ·liac1 ~ rma1 bit o1 adV!ce for tieallng the ...C..: "1lle aecm to win· ning-ls never nm 'Cd" Qt''monet.'"be con- cluM ' · ~Ell i INSmE m'ftJUS · Ancient 'and modern· wandera .f mpublic of ,... Ile -to Southern Calllornlam '" ·tlcht-bour . et IJlillb. See travel fea- ture. ~ap D. ~taFn Art- Cutom ....... Oat 'fl' A""8 S.F. Opera --uve ...... r M-llldll q,,e.lo' -TVVl<ws i--Lts -------------------------------------·-----. . . . . ' ' . ·, • .. ' J ·•t Jl.:J~,1: ..... ·"• · .. ,.,..:.:,~ . ' ........ . , ·l· . ' 1. -.(. go "' ~-:t· ,. ••• Wllere to ' " ••• ' . . ~ .... _, " • .. I " .. . .. . • -... .;t. ' -. 'DOLLS' BY SALLY ESHER, SECOND GRADER AT 'NEWPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ' ' r INTEHMlSSION ~- l , ' T 1 ' ~I .JEANEAN ROMBERG ' IS COORDINATING THE ART FOR SHOW . ' . Riker ,Carries , On "' ., . By TOM TITUS . Of Slllf DAILY PILOT Stiff f. "They uked me to sort ot ke.ep an eye fJll tblnp,'' the new president of the Laguna Community Playera board quipp- ed wryly u be discussed the progress or Laguna's new $400,000 playhouse. Hts remark met with a bit of nervou s laqbter, for "an eye'' is all Geoffrey ruw ~ 1e11. A freak accident reminiscent of a scene from an old Laufel and Hardy movie left him Without the algbt of lib )flt eye. 1111 fall. Now, ift<r'' ,.. · tensive eye SJJrgery, GeiOff facf.I the pr.>. ! blblllty that his sight . Is now permanently impaired. - It all bappened lut October at a recep-· tion fdr· his artkt .90,,ltl • ~ Mary-Who wu opening a new show. , Geall .~ a bottle' of chaippagne and toot.ith&lpOpping cOrt .fun force in the eye. -·"Atillnt the doctors aaid they dicln'• thiDt.tbe eye would remain in my~·" Geoff says. "Now it's pretty certain that l'Dleep 'thi,eye; but Wlittber I'll gel the alghl· bKk II prOblematical.11' lllker,;&Uq1lng lib iecond time arOUll!I • as play,boule prr.si'dent, also has been a famlllar figure on the Laguna stage, hav· .jng '"lppeiftd In · ~v." "The Odd Couple,"· '1Inberit the Wind" and other prOdiicticn. "I cOuld prilbably act without the eye ' ... .. palch," he 'say» '1 rea!Jf haven't th!lUJhl much about it." • , ' Right now he'i '&ot a few other things to think about. In· addition to hi! .eye and real estate business, there's a little mat- ter of that new playhouse going up in Laguna , a project he's been assigned to keep his good eye on. * WHEN ''NIGHT OF January 16th" gives its final perfonnance next Saturday night, it will mark the end of the Rancl\o Community Players Association with the servicable Mission Viejo High School ·auditorium . Thus, the two-year old South Coast grpup will be without a home, and with no place to stage its planned musical, "The Pajama Game." The players· have suspended production at least until sum- mer. During the next few months members of this yourig but enthusiastic group will be looking for a theP.ter in the El Toro- Misslon Viejo-Laguna Hills area. They're not aboUt to call it quits, as other groups before them have done under similar c~pumstances. We wish them success. * . TRA VE{JNG TONY BRANDT is back from his European trip , a little earlier than expected, and wasting no Ume get- ting back onto the local theater scene. He'll play IAlther Blllls in the upcoming Sl,iuiterbugs in Element .. . On Krwtt's Camera Day Theme. Contest pictures may be black and white prints, axto or 11x14 each mounted on a 1111 ~ b<>atd . Color elides submitted must be S5 mn:. Open judging for the even! will be Saturday, April 26, at I p.m. in the To\m Hall lifeeling Room, lndependenee Hall. Trophies and Knott'• glll pacb will be awarded to the winnera. Entriei must be received by the Public Rela· Uons Olfll>e no later than April 21 to be eligible. AddlUonal tnfonnaUon, nles, a map and tebedule will be malled to anyone on\erested upon ~uest Of the Public RelaUOM Office, Knott's Berry Farm,' Buena Park tol20. Phooe, 1-612-ll!t. Knott's ii klcated In Buena Park on s .. ch Bouli!vlld ju.I bro miles aoutb of the s._nia Ana Frteway. 1 South Coast Civic IJght Opera production of "South Pacific" in San Clemente. Featured in Costa . Mesa Still on sabbatlc:al from the Anaheim School District, Tony has joined forces with his old teammate from1the Anaheim Playhouse, Kent Johnson, to produce a weekJy TV show over the Newport Beach Community Cablevision station. Titled "The Green Room,'' the half-hour offers J)ackstage glimpses at community theater productions around Orange Coun- ty. It's screened Tuesdays at 8 p.m. over Channel 10 on the cable circuit. Brant is· the emcee, white Johnson directs the show. * "The Imaginative World or Chil.dren'11 Art," an· exhibit hung annually by the Junior Ebel! Club of Newpo~ Beach, wUI be on view Man::h 1 and 2 from noon to 5 p.m. in the Pomona Elementary School cafeteria, 2051 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa. This is the eighth show put on by this organization which feels that the viewing of art for art's sake .~uld be a way of life and should mclude the younger generation. Certalnly, the members think, producing a show of the children's own work is a first step in their eitjoyment of art. Thirty-three elementary schools, from kindergarten through ~ighth grade, in the Newport-Me$& Unified School District will be represented in the show with over 1,000 pi~es of original art work hung in a gallery-like setting.. . " the woik will be framed arxfdisplayed with the Young artist's name, age, grade, s~hool and picture Utle shown. A project which will be enterea into by all the members of Junior Ebell. BACKSTAGE -Mike Farrell, a fonn· er favorite at the Laguna Playhouse be· fore t4klng ~ "big step" to Hollywood, is cary..ing out a TY career for himself ' on the' soap, opera, "Days of Our Lives," on· Channel 4 •. _ .• Mike and 0 his wife, Judy, starred in "A Thousand Clowns," "'Ibe Fantasticks'' and "Mary, Mary" at Laguna ... , . Another local actor currently making The artistic endeavours of the children were choosen for their chann rather it in "the city" is Costa Mesa's Bernie that talent, and this part of fhe elhlbil Simon, we!! known around the Huntington project fell to Jenean Romberg ·and ~ch Playhouse .• ., , . Bernie will play 1 Mariam Easten, arf sJ)eclallSUI and Mr. Stanley in "The Man Who Came to traveling art teachers for the ~ool Dinner" at the Hollywood Center Theater. system. 1451 N. Las Palmas . , , , . the show An ad~ltional .lure to the ~how this ks M h 19 22 d 26 , year as 10 preV1ous years, will be the runs two wee • arc -an · continuous technique demoostra~ions by 29, " • • • · the studenta dU'ring the two dait· They Also "moving up" in the world isFoun-will be 1 showing their skills tl)e .area I ' :' of crayon resist, collage, water colorf poster ' pain! · and c~iout.' )' ~Ir e ~ ~ dimensional-objects ,•I clsy, ', ~Jl!!ll' mache. and other media also Wjll be demonstrattq,. ~ The finale, for all-the children who have exhibited .during the .1'\lll. oJ , the . . ' show, will be the awarding of a a~, ribboned certificate recogniling ~ir participation in the event All lovers of ctµldren's art itp>uld.coual this exhibit a m\liSl. More tun caoacit be had by an adult that to Rt the world through the eyes of children. _Jt cl'n be an awakerling eXpertence. There is no charge for admfsmn. ' . Jarre to Score 'Damned' Film Maurice Jarre, the distinguished com· poser, who won an A,r,artem_v Award f his "Lawrence of Arabia" score, bu been signed by producers Alfrtdo Lev1 and Ever-Hagglag to'-the -music "The Damned," LUchino Viaconti'a MW · moUon picture for Warner Broa . .seven Aris starring Dirk Bogllde and Ingrid Thulin. Jarre, whose 'most recent scores hav been tor. "lsadora" and "The Filer.' ~as arrived in Rome, tV(ber~ "'.fPe Damned" is be.ing'filmed under Viic_ont!'s direction. tain Valley comedian Don Lucai who makes his Hollywood debut next Tuesday . • • • • • Don has a month's engagement .it Red Foxx' club, 339 La Cienega Blvd. 'll~chel' Entry Weekend Highlights 1 In Rio Festival "Rachel, Rachel," the Paul Newman, PrQduction for Warner Bros.-Seven Arts: starring Joanne Woodward, has been seiected as a United States entry to i c6m]>ete in the International Film . ' Fes.UvaJ at Rio de Janeiro that begins March 17. W.iss Woodward won the best~tress t aWard and Newman was honored aa best director for "l\lchel , Rachel" •l t the recent New York Film Critics ~n­ tatJOa ceremonies. The Technicolor film is the lint to be directed by Newman. ,._ i·Ftruan•s Rainbow," the Warner Bros.· seven Art!: musical starrlnJ: Fred Astaire, Petu~ Clark and Tommy Steele, wlU be shown out of compelltloQ at the Festival. The Tec:hnlcolor·Panavlsion film 1 wu ptoduc:ed by Joseph ~ i.. and directed bf Frllldt Ford Coppol1. 1 ~,. • • • BENEFIT SHOW!-Sammy Da\llJ Jr. wUI be the headliner in a·ahow to raise funds for high school student, Suun Ma.We, who is awalUng a kidney transplant.. It is scheduled for the Arena ,at the Anaheim Con- vention Center Sun., Mar. 2, at 7:39 p.m. Tickets are $3.50-$0;5'. A~ p4!aring . on I.he show will be many star11 'Of moticn pictures and tele- vision including the Monkees, John Provost and "Mod Squad'' c1st members Mike Cole, Jew Lipton, Clarence Williams, Ill and Ttg Andrews . COUNTRY MUSIC -Johnny Cub and Marty 'Robbiils will. perform in concert at the Anahet?n Conventiott et:nter; ·~at., Mar. 1 'at t :30·p:m. With them will be June Carter, The Carter Family, Carl Perkins and the Stader Brothera. · • : . WlNTEI\ FllTIVAL .._,Tbe Laguna Beach Winter FeaUval will hive ''. lo operate on a -w .. lhOr 'permltUng ached ult, 1or Outdoor actt'1tlaa1 with ' the following caleilra-·lo be lleld l..r&i all A.Ott: Flt. l :!t p.m. I Gourmet dinner at Victor Hugo Inn; Sat., ctvJc Ballet, ,.Dlurnl;,. ·I 1 p.m:. at the High SChool; Sun. noon • I P-111-.Art Auction, Hotel Lquna. • Wtalher pmnitUng aclJvlUa include catamaran racts oil. ~ ~, t Sat and sun. at·nQOll; ourflnc "°""'I' al Thalia SL belch. SWi: •,•.jji;, and YMCA strett d1nce .Sat. ~t I p.m. on rorrut Ave • 1 t , ! See-·ttFu,PapD ' •I J . , , I ,...._...,....,......, .. ~*'l'"""'~~dt.lq~~-~~~.,..,~Pi!tl ~.. . . ' l ----··--------------------------------------~"·-~ a . ; e 4,. $ SJJ!GJ.f! U .tM# P. ..• ~ ii . ' .... , I U JS 0 ' •• "'':.! • ' ' ·-· -.. ,I!!••~,_ , . a. Fete . ~:· ~~ , ~ J)~lling ; • • rlll11Jlh-1 LAGUN4 WINTER FESTIV4L -Eventa ocheduled for the ablh lllJUIJl !..Uva! lbtouih Mar. I including sporting ..-., w•the< ponnlttlnl, are allows, a play, gourmet dJmlor and a ballel Admluloo to IDlllY ol the eventa an !roe, otl1'ft have a chqe pooled. P-61-1011 fO< further informaUon. Jl'DlllJAllY !1-MAllCll I ' PIUaANO CONCERT -Julius Weehter, Jonathan Moore llllf lbe Baja Marimba -will join Fellduo u ~ .... o1ar1 al MelodJland 'lllealre Feb. IMlar, I. P<rform- -al I :• p.m. Fri.: 7 and 10 p.m., Sal, and land l :IO p.m. .. -Tk:kela, '1-50 to ... 50. -1·711-TllD. FDIWAllY lf.4PIUL I • -llAID -'l1m>lllblnd bent rac1nC al Sallla Anita Port. • w. lluntlnstoo Dr., -P'lnl J>o.i -Tllol. ~ Sal, U :• p.m. P-1-(IU) 417.Un. Sal., Mar, I, II ,Ollt Santa Margarita. , . MAllCll 1 .oc PBILllAllMONIC OONCEllT -'Ille ~ County .Phil- ..,_ Society will brine a touch ol Splln to their DUI ·:i:..., 11ar. 1, 1n eraw1...i HaD a1 ucr a1 •:• p.m. ,,,. Anplel Pltllhannoolc Orcbelllra wfll be -lbe dhctloe "' Rafael Frubbecl: De Bmpo -JlllqU!n Aehu· ...., plant oo1o1at. Tlcbta a1 14.ao ~ -.11.'ll for 111> -. -m aaJe al lbe Pbtlharmonlc alllee, •1 Weal COOlt mpny, Newport lleadl. Pbooe llMIU COllNTllY MlJllC -Jalltmy CUb and MOrly ltobbinl will bt -In -... Mar. 1 al lbe ·-Connntloo ~ al l :IO p.m. Abo appearin1 ell lbe -are Jun< Olrlor, Carl Perklnl, Corter Faml!J 'i"d the ~ Jlralb. ,.._ Tlobb, IS. to 15. avallabl~ lnxn bcD: olllco <r United Calif.Bank---. 1-. :· m11vn or IOUNDI -'l1le •lCalifomla Sun" will be -ol lbe _..,,.,,, In tho Felltral ol siignds at Knott'• 8'rlf farm at 1:• p.m. Sun. Mir. 1, In the Gbort Ton Wiim Camp area. Other semi-finallJts are "Today Genera~ tkn," ''The Graduates" and "Souncf Plus," sGme of which w1D be btard on Sat. Mar. 1. Performances are acheduled for -Sal and Sun. al l:IO, 4:0tl' and 5:!0 p.m. Knott'• Is lacated In Buena Plfk on Beach ·Blvd., just south of the Santa Ana Freeway. ' , MARCHI IYllPllONY CONCERT -'Ille Ual"""ity ol California Ir- .vino Bym""°"' Orcbelllra wfll ,,_,i a e:-ert, under the bllon ol Pettt Odepnl, Mar. I In the Science Le<lure Hall on campwi. Worb by J. S. Bach, Arnold Schoenberg and Crawfml Gates will ·be pl1yed. Admission la tree. MARCH I BBND'IT SHOW -Sammy Davia Jr. will bt headliner at benefit show to ratae money fa< bilfh &eboor •-t Susan Maule'I tldney trl!llplant. Appearing with him .,. Vlfious members of "Mod Squad" cut m:l other teleNion and 1 -p1ctur< penonallUes. Jobn Provoot will ...-. ~ Tk:keta at tbt door, $3.50 -$5.50. ,. M4RCB 5 TIA.VEL SHOW -"A Mountain Odyssey," an account of the rutb uoent ol 11,000 foot Mt. SL Elias in Alaska. Lecture and color slides by Paul Gerhard at 8 p.m. Wed., Mar. ~. In the Science Lecture Hall at ucr. Tickets at the door, $1.50. Phone ISU459 for other information. MARCHI NOON CONCERT -Mannheimer Musik: Chamber music by w-ly clmiclJtl, Lenon Coral, flute, William Firmin, violonctllo, Grover Stephens; harp11lcord, Robin Prucott, Marpret Hildreth, violins, Cllllord Kahn, viola. At noon, Mar. I, on rocm 171 of. the Fine Arts Building at UCI, 1601 Irvine Ave., Irvine. No admbsfon charge. I MARCii f.11 ':.·NATIONAL ORANGE 8801' -1be S4th IMUal Natimial { tlnnp· Sbow will be staged at tho Oran(e Show Grounds \I ht Saa B«nanllno, M11. I lhr..,P II from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally. Protiram lndudel enta1alnment daily in the • ,,.m.tand aru along with agricuJtural and commercial .. mhlNta For informatloo phone (114) 1-11$.alOI . • MARCH 7:S ~ OONCIQIT -'Ille d.,.-u ol danco and music will " -·in a ·run lltqe production ol Carl Orff'• "Catulli ~ Carmina" with the University Chorul and Corps de Ballet Gii Mar. '1 aod I at 1:30 p.m. in Crawford Hall, UCI, 7601 .. 1"lnl Ave., Irvine. Tlcketa. $3.00. IA on Alt at lhe UCI ir Pine 4rta bo1 Olllce. Phone ID.ell!. .. 'lMARCH 1 •• "> BUDDY lllCUTr lllDW ~ ~ Buddy Hacketl will .. be on stage at Mtlodyland 'l'bealN Illar. 7, I and I with • opodal guest star, jau planlsl Ramaey Lewis and hta trio. ..., Ptrfonnanca 1:30 p.m. Fri.; 1 and 10 p.m. Sat., and 5 and 1:'8 p.m. cm Sun. 11cketa, P .50 to tf.50 avallable at the boz: ... ollke. Phone 1·'1'11-74'0. .. MA1ICll a.11 .. IOAT IBOW -'Ille w-. National Boil and Mar!nt .. si-la NI for •M11r. a.ti al lbe Anallelm C..venti«I Ctnter, , ~ KaleJla, Anabdm. AD types ol boata fr<111 cllnPIOI to • llllUr1 ylchta will be ... displaJ -· with boalinl -•. -. Sailing and boallnl -., will be given dilly. The ~ -ii open from I p.m. Mm.-Frl. and !nm nom m1 Sat. 11 and a... Admlulon, II.If fer adclll, children 75 ctnta. • • MAllCll M • ..-..r SAN Wll UY -Ari Days m scheduled 1,.. .,, Mar. I llllf I al llllaloo 11111 Lull Ray, tint miles Inland -_ .... On ahlblt will be ,.....,.. wood WV- ~ :.r.~ ~ -'"""the stJ -day~ "' I ) ' '• I • DAILY Pft.OT..., ...... Raw Lions a:· , -... . , Over1,;;,.:·1iuying . II)' MllUAY 1. UOWN .., __ NEW YO~ -U )'OU ...... think!"' ol brtD&lnfl -_..,,.._I !rom'~ boQda1 -.. lm->'O'I" frltndl, IUCh U a wlld b1nl ,.. oiitanMd lion 1lldn, for1et it. And don't anap up any 1>ar1ahll In clpr• made la CUbe <r a~ min c- mlll!!Jt Otlna, North Vietnam w NmihKona. '!'be importation of ouch ltema Into the United Slltu ta ""'1>iblted by F~ laws :'..:!:,,,~~ .. -rated Tbat'I tbt wunlaa COD• talned In the -''Cultoml 1llnll for murninc u . s . resldtnta" publllbed by the Burellil of CUltoml. 'Ille bootlel not onlJ Informs the -what be cannot briol In but aJao what aod bow much be piay. It provides other helpful lnformaUon .., CUltoma, llJ'icultun.I I n d other resutaUons, too. packages tallllna .... ltt In any -~; .. sift encloled" and .._. idce ol 'lbe coatenll ·m, ........ poet.... .. . Amerlc1n1 are ·~ 1 iplnlt trying to OllllliW't tho """""' oHicen. '!'be booklet note. that some mercbanta 1broad will offer to provide. bllil.ol u ... -....... , • ~tW via." dlcit. could not only del1y clearing throuch cutfoml but ruult iD confilc1Uon ol the lrllcle and a fine. lrispectors ttoer.Uy tnowthenlueolthemo<I popular fonlpmlde good& . pralllllUed ot illml, -u oi llmif on what Iha American can purcha:sa abroad for personal o r houaehokl use. But duties and tar., mU!I be paid on ev~ above the duty.free exeiiiptlons. Coplu of the booklet can be oMajntd for 10 ceaLI eacb by wriUng to the Superin· teDdent of Docwnentl, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wuhington, O.C. IOl<D. In tile Galleries 2 Ar~ists Share New LagunaShow ANCIENT CINTER OF INCA EMPIRE -This ls ·Macbu-Pichhu, Lost City of tlie Incas, virtually llltact today and never discovered by Ille Sp,uilsb Con· qulstadores. Lost clty'ls high atop Andes mountain at 7,400 f..t in elevation. Tours from Cuzco operate daily. lgnar111Ce ol the laws la no ncu1e and vtolaUom could rel1lit In the loa ol the article u well u flnea and pmaltles. 'Ille bootlel notes thal more than II mlillon In finel and penaltle1 were 1 1 1 e 1 a e d agllnat travelers wbo failed to matt proper declarations in ooe year. ADd Jt addl, f!agrsnt violatoH lfO IUbject to criminal pnlleC1lllon. LB. AllT ASBOCIATION-30'1 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. OD abibit In the Main Gallery noon to 5 p.m,. daily and 1 to 6 p.m. Sun., retroapective sbow oI husband-wife artists, David Sclmabel and Jane Aytts. No admission charge for memben and ooe guest. Othera 50 cent&. TRAVEL SO. C4LIP. FIRST NAT'L 11ANK -171:&2 Beach Blvd., HunUnaton Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, oil paintlnp by Maurice Gregoire. Wonders· of Peru Under current regulalions, Americana may brinl back up to $100 worth of noa-proo hibited or non-restricted goods from abroad without paying duty provided they were out ol the United States 11 lea.st 41 houri and had not uted the nemptloo In lull ... In pert within the precedJni 30-day period. Tbere II no minlmum time limit on vlalts to Mexico, however. CIVIC CENl'Ell ART GALLERY -3lOO W. Newport Blvd., Newport Beacb. Hours: Mon. through Fri., 1:30 a.m. to 5:!0 .p.m. Currently on erhlbit paintlnp and aculptun by Robtr1 Jtriecer, C. Bruce Piner, Donna Sharkey, F.dward Bater, Ralpb Tanlan and Michael A. Niel, faculty ol the Oranp Coast College Art Department. By THOMAS MURPlllNE Of llM Dtllr Pitt! Staff U you .yearrf to walk ancient alrtetl of the Spanish Con- qulstadorel, probe ruins once ruled by Inca iods or view pure· pld· 'artlfact,, of · ancient ~' Peru-JI· your kind of P . . . . . 'Ibe Republie of Peru today la a m.lxture of dramatic con· trutl. It Ja a South American potpourri •. Peruvian 1ndians in native mu CID be i een e:r- perlenclna: their first escalator rides. Modern skyscrapers rise nur old and majestic Spanish cathedrals.. Chrome and glau ojeisel trains hum across whit was once the an- cient 1nca Empire. I \.'ET PERHAPS just as J.m.. portant to adventurous travelers, Peru today is only a brief eight hour and IO. minute overnight j~t flight Irom Southern Cil.lifornia. Most air passengers arrive In Peru at the modem caplt41, Lima, where contrasts in the country become quickly evl· dent. From Uma's 'Tl e w In· ternatlonal , Airport, visitors travel a modem highway to downtown Lima, past crude barrada homes of the poor, familiar Coke signs a n d modern tract' housin1 abuild- ing. Lima ltaell is contrast. Fine hotels, such as the Crillon or Bolivar, cater to the whims cl North American guests. Fine cuisine, native and U.S.- domelltic, is offered at places like Roger Piaget's Pavilion or the Thirteen C o i n s Reslaurant. WITHIN WALKING distance of the h o t e 111 , however, visitors may view maenificent baroque cathedrals and s w e e p i n g plazas with fountains and slatuary that date back to the Spanb:h Conquistadores. One such, the Plaza de Armu, is flanked on one side by a gold-leafed cathedral where the Spanbb conquerer Francl.sco Piu.aro laid the cornerstone. His mummified rmnaim att entombed in the cathedral. in a glass casket, so all may view him. TOUR GUIDF..S also may be •ble to steer you1 to the privately-owned gold museum of millionaire Jose Mujica Gallo on the outskirts of Lima. lt is 11id to be the most ettenslve collection or its kind in tbe world. Within has been painstak· tngly collected the glory of ancient Inca and p~Jnca clvlllzallons. Solid gold h .. d- dressa, eolden armor' sttef:ls or gold, artifacts and weapons are all on display Jn quanUUu: to bogle the imagination. Even the lrK!a and -pre-Inca funeral dress was fashioned of a:old, down to golden 1lO"es to cover the hands ol the deceued. Another collection of Peru· vlan artifacts is avaD11ble to the public at the Lmo lier· rera MU:SeUm where ancJent objeds depict actlvltles rang· tng from cooking to lovemak- ing. The historic artwork even dtaclOlel that the ancient In- cas practk:ed such delicate surgery normally aasoclated with the modem era $UCh as Clenrlan blrthJ and brain DAILY PILOT Stlif , ..... In addition, travelers returning from or via the U.S. Virgin lslands, A m e r i c a n Samoa or Guam are granted an extra $100 uemption, or a total of $200. This can i.n- cialle -pllon of akobollc bevuages, compored to the one quart allowed adulll otberwlle, 'lbere is no limit on the number of clglfOllel broughl in for penonat uae. Cuban cigars are prohibited but each returning traveler, regardless of age, may bring in duty free up to 100 made elaewhere. MIJTV4L 84V1NGS EXHIBIT -21167 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Currently on exhibit are oil paintinp of landscapes, ~ape1, stilla, portraits and clowns by Rose Marte Jolly, during regular bu!iness boun. MARINER'S LIBRARY -200S Dov.er Drive, Newport Beach. Hungarian folk art by I Mehci Schoptal In olll and encauatlcl, in the Jr. Ebell Elhibit during regular Ubrlry boon. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, Newport Belch. CurrenUy on exhibit during regular business houn, mixed media paintings and drawings by John Hack· forth. UCI GAl.LERY -Fine Art! Building, 7601 Irvine Ave. Irvine. Hours: 1 to 5 p.m. Tues. through Sun., clo.!ied Mon. CtzrrenUy on exhibit, a one-man exhibit of geometric ICui~ turO .-i!dlous by toey DeLap from 1963 to 1988. Tben 11:.0 --charge. · c.JI: ABr WGVE GALLERY -513 Center SL, (:oota 11 ... Roan: Sal and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Continu~ exhibit ol mt .w<rl: ID ·•lri..,. media by .\rt 1ngu, memben. No -'mfwlre~J ~ niiqC .LplltAll'f ~ --Verde Drive East, Colla Meea.' Oli eshlblt duri!1I ttgular library houra, acr1lic paintlnp 1ncludllijj landlcapes, portralta and 11111 life by Kay Gray ol F°""tain Valley. OCC ART GALLERY -Orange Coast College, 2701 F1ir- view Road, Costa Mesa. Hours: I a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. through Fri., 7 to 10 p.m. Wed. evenings. On exhibit draw- ings, setilpture .and oil paintings by Walter Askin. TORTURE, ANYONE? -Ancient incas of Machu· Pichhu even· built stonework torture chambers wbe:re victims were hung within niches. The booklet stresses that the customs exemptions are ap- plied only to lhOl!e articles In the pouession Of the traveler on hiJ return to the Unlted State.. Purchases m a d e abroad and shipped home are sub}ed to regular duUu and taxes. ClllRLES BOWE;RS MjJSEIJM -2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Hours: Tues. through Sal, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.; Wed and Tbun. evenblga, 7 to 9 p.m. No edmission charge. Currently on erhlblt, portralta in oil by Vivion Bun:hby of Laguna. CllALIJS G4U.ERIES -1!80 So. Col!! Highway. La· guna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Currently on exhibit palnt.Jnp of outdoor scenes and figures by Warner Baird. No adml!sion charge. lobotomies. UMA OFFERS m a n y wondrous sights, r a n g i n g from the anclen1 ruins to modem surlboarding areas like the beaches of M"traflore.s. Yet for the real adventurer who is steeped in ancient lore, no visit to Peru would be complete without s e e I n g Cuzco, ancient capllal of the Inca Empire and a visit on inland to the "Lost City of the Incas" -Machu·Picchu. Cuzco is easily reached from Lima on · a $a-minute local ;et flight. A city of 120,060 population, Cuico is nest1ed in a fertile valley of the tower- ing Andes Mountains at an altitude or 11 ,150 feet. Because of this altitude, visitors are well advised to take .a ·nap and do as little as possible during the nrst three hours to allow lungs and body to become ac- climated . INCA LEGEND has It that Cuzco was founded in the p~ Columbian period by the first Inca, Manco Capac, who was sent to earth by bis· father, tne sun. Thus CulCO became the Sacred City of the Incas. In t h e ~t-Columbian period, Pizarro conquered and sacked Cu.u:o in 1$34. Both Spanish and Inca cultures re-- main intact today for the delilhl ol the sightaeer . Ptecl!lon ol Inca engineer· tng is 'evident in finely-match- ed stonework of w a 11 s , buildings, streets and even d.ralnqe and water systems. So atroag was lbe Inca stonework that the Spanilh built their cathedrals and other strudures atop ulstin1 ·•ocaworts. Earthquakes over the years have Iha.ken down much of the Spanl&h constru<11on. But tho ancient Inca enatneen knew what they were dotnc In an earthquake a r e a • Virtually all of their basic corutruction h a s withstood rav11ges of earth shakes over the year~. For North A...merlcan visitors, ~ two Urst- class hotels, the Tourlst s.nd Savoy and others at more moderate rates. CUZCO IS also the take-off point for visitors fA. tour what must be ranked as ooe of the wonders or the ancient world, ~fachu-Picchu. Lost City of the Incas. However, Americans oversea1 may send gilts tolat. ing up to $10 to friendt and relatives ai borne without pay- ment of duty or tu provided the recipient doea not receive SOUTH lW TROPICAl RSH CONTEMPORARY 4RTS GALLERY -499 No. Coss! 'Highway, LaauM Beach. Hours: 10 a.m. to I p.m. daily. CurrenUy on eshibit, worn by Diet G<iger Utled "Affecta ol Dlmenaion No. t," color on glass. *N•wpol'.+ Harbor Cruise* Dolly Cruise-2 p.m. Machu-Picchu is reached by modem, wide:windowed rail car from Cuzco on a three- hour, 66 mlle ride up the lush Urubamba c a Ji yo n Largest Selection of alongside the often-rag\ng Tropical Fi I b A: Saturday & Sunday Eoch Hour -12 to 4 Urubamba River. Many Inca Supplies in the area. hlly• ,_,.,.. 90 MIHf9 Cr•he Ar••H tM W•rllll'i ...... YedtH..._.,, works are seen on the .way. H-1 I.Miiie• ·A1', the encth or tothebra1111ne1·, ,.::•.~;...·.'!"::: ...... '::~. Fun Zone Boil Co.-lalbo· L73-0240 vi.s ors c ange uses or tn.o, 11twrsld9 or.-~ 9ud'I ........V ·, a breathtak1ng half-hour ridell~'~"~'"'~ .. ~·~"'~°""'~~·~·~·~-~~!==================: up a series oI switchbacks to the lost city perched amid the clouds on 1 7,40().foot mountain. Believed lo ha ve been a secret Inca haven for sacred virgin.! o( the sun. Macbu·Pic- chu is said to be D)Dl'e than' 400 years old. It was nevir found by the Spanish Con- quistadores and no wonder. AMERICAN EXPLORER Hira m Bingham discove~ ~tachu-Plcchu, covered with dense underbrush, in 1911. 1t is a complete cll.J, fuhicmed of then-while stone, with lcio separate stairways, towers, a scared plaza, temples, a solar clock and more than B granite bulldlnp. A tribute to Inca enafnet.r\. lng, water still runs in atone baths once bullt for the luxury of Inca kinp. Machu-Plcchu has to be rated u an e;s:perience of deep Impact for tourists vtewm, all the wonders of Peru. Today, Peru and the Intl empire WIS cpeoed t 0 Soulhern Calllomians t b l a month when Braniff ln- ternaUonal airline tnauiurattd DO<Hllop Los Angela to Lima e1press jtl fllghll Oii llCMZ jets wUh accornmodaUom for 164 passengers. Braniff also offers con- necU.on suviOH to vtrtu11Jly all of South America. Fllghla Jeave Los Anltlu tach MtQ- day and Friday at 10:50 p.m. and arrive In Peru at JO a.m., Llm11 time. ' LET'S HOPE IT QUITS RAINING! (We've Had Plenty) Our strawb•rry 9row•r has ]6 act•S of thote beautiful Santa Ana be"i" r•ady to be piclc•d, lht was off•rN $]6,000 an ecr• for tfi• land, why h• •Ytt 9rows strewb•rri••, I'll niYMr •now I, but if it quit• rainin9 we'll hav• thos• lusc ious strawberries in our store 1tartin9 S.iturday, March I 1t and naturally we'll 9iv1 them away Iii•• w• atways cio) et 3 loxes for $1.00. That's why we're famous for 1trawb1rrie1f - , S...I S...I S...I AM Now'°"""""'' quaflfy 19 -I ....................•..••..... - • L•"I'· taltfern'a • CMChel~ v.11., • °""" llu • • 0 • • ...., ·I"" • Dlllcl-• • • ra219e1 • Grapefruit • Artichokes• : 5~ : 6:. : Io:. : • Llntlt 11 L... • Lhwft 11 • Limit l • • wi,.nhc-I --c_. I wtt11nhc-• ·······~· ..... , ........... . Ct•pa• ...... ...a S, 1949 The•• fine restaurants will not "cut the quality," that's why they demand the fine1tf That'1 why th•y. ffature NIWPOIT PlODUCI •xclu•ively. Petronis• th•ml Th Ma••· H ..... ._ .._.; lw;W111t"1 .,_ ttte SkJ"'; ..... P.. ,...: Alb 1 .... ,, ..... .., a.. HOW AIOUT YOU CAWNG US? -PH-ONI-:-, N'WPORT 673-1715 ;,. PRODUCE Or•• Ceunty'1 , .. t.:.. .,.... .. ,,..""" °'tenllltkNt 1616 "...,... ""' "<Ir ..... , .. , ..... t ---------·---·•-~.--r·---.~':.O;;:;;o:.;.--...·,===;==--===.,,,,..,------------------~-------........... ---.--~-~--~'!'!!'!!"!!''t I WEEKENDER 0 u T. _:' '··N I . Prtdlr, F"""" 21, lM ., JXBOUT • . ' DAILY PILDT W .,. NORM STANDY ORANGE COUNTY:' S RESTAUR"AlllT,· NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAIN M,'E NT ~CENE 'I Good As Anyw~ere That evet..so-ott.en question came up again Ille other day. Does out 'n' abouter honestly feH restaurants hereabouts compare favorably with lllose In more highly·touted places? Well, call it chauvinism, home-town pride or plain boasting if you will, but Ille unhesitating and straightforward "yes" is a sincere response that in no way compromises our sense of integrity or honor. And Ille view seems to be shared by many natives who've been much furtileT afield than this dining adventurer. THEY SAY ''YEA'' But the strongest affirmation comes from residents of those "better-known" locales we've had the pleasure of squiring to some of the area's showcase establishments. Their uniform praise rates us right on a par With the best ••back home" -and lllat's covered a lot of territory on several continents. Orange County is often criticized -rightly and wrongly -but never let it be sentenced to the back woods in the fine restaurants department. It's right in there holding its own with the most : celebrated claimants. 1 Those whose experience bas already led them to thi& conviction may be surprised by only one factor. Aware of quality, lt'a a matter of catching up on !he quantity of toP"fiigbt spots. There's simply an astonishing number of such prime attractions. Even the most dedicated. out 'n' Shouters will be hard p u t to cover the whole field. It's a rewarding pursuit, however, and like NOW OPEN IN NEWPORT'S NEWEST HIGH RISE LOOKING DOWN ON THE IAY FEATURING SEA FOOD AND LIVE MAINE LQBSTER ,!,UNCH -DINNER tUNDAY BRUNCH ACROSS FROM THE AACHES AND NEXT DOOl TO VILLA NOYA ~ ••2-42tl ~ ALL YOU CAN EAT 51.25 DINNIR Special •·• •.M. Mon.-~oAST s1RL01N °' - Tues. Sl'A6HITTI .. MIAT IAW W eel.-ENCHILADAS J NIJOLIS Thur.-IAXID HAM 'N YA.Ms . , . , .. • !".-:I,'" ..,.Inclined· readers, we'U .dtilvor to ftllsh each: to Ille fullest u Ume and nl,al ricpiliemelila pennlL ' ,.···:: ~ l • > Ben Brown's Buffft:t An excellent case In' Point verif)'ln( facts is Ille Wednesday go~t IJU!lel dinner juJt In· troduced by Ben Brown's, loeiited at Ille La(una Beach Country Club, 31106 S. Coast Highway, Soulll Laguna. • ~ Aclnally, thls..place took a commllldlng polll- tion oo Ille honors list when it oPene<I last oaober; While any outing here will result in a navorsome treat, It's something e 1 s'e :agiiin to tie Into the new Wednesday evening buffet, which is served from 6 to 10 p.m. f . : NO STORM· DAMAGE In spite of the l!Oodlng in Ille Laguna area, the management of !he LBCC tells us Ille only thing aUected at the dub la Ille golf course. The dining room I> open for breakfast, luncll and dinner, dally. AN ESTHETIC JOY Talk about a feast for eyes and palate. Ii> like may be equaled -a task esceedlngly difficult in iUelf -but no restaurant anywhere ia: going to bring forlll anything to exceed it. Even as you start down Ille line of s~ly endless offerings, you realize it viaually aurpuaes any pictorial spread you've seen of bOant!flll tables In publications from Gourmet throu.b Holl~ mag'91'eS. Now ensconced as a regular mid-week ftature at Ben Brown's, eac:ll buffet is created by tile combined cullnary artlatry' of !he head chef, a visiting guest c:llef from o~e of' the comiti:y'; majOI' restauranta, and general manager Don Rose., OVER 100 DISHES Your out 'n' abouter ii still reelin& from !he gourmanclizlng over-1'04Ch of Ille ln!Ual . bullet: If you don't believe In tlle old adage about Ille eyes being bigger lllan the atomacli, ""'11 until yuu•re confronted wllll someWng in \he Delghbor- OPEN TO PUBLIC . THE MARINE RESTAURANT * Excellent Menu * Fine Servic~ LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS ''°"' 11<10 A.M. R.ser .. tions rocomJMndod 644-1799, Ext. 554 MUStC K>l YOUl LISTIHIH& AND DAHCfN& PLIASUll Hl&HTLY, f~M l1M P.M. IN TU UIM LOVNGE l\(lOd at 100 different .clbbes,,eec:ll lllllre· lamplili& th811· Ille .ocller, · · » Tiie .bill !of fare . Wm . Vary' from wpe!< to week u each v\JitlJlg cljef adda1 hll· specials, but IDY' oe<uion ·la iolng to provJde a. banquet lllat defies aJl previous norms of consumption. At Ille ldck-<>ll bullet prepared ~er Ille supervision of chef Al Alsted, there were exacUy 93 different goodies, not counting Ille assorted breads and rolls lllat were av.ailable . In a general breakdown Or categoriel, this Included appetizers, sal8ds, co)d ·and bof entrees, molds , dressings, relishes, fruits, cheese and desserts. APPETIZERS For a starter -which can be Ille finisher if you don't take it easy -the appetizers were celery Victor, asparagus vinegrette, chopped chicken l i v e r s, herring cutlets in wine or a o u r cream. marinated artichokes, m a r i n a t e d mushrooms, deviled eggs, pickled walnuts, jumbo shrimp, fresh 1'llamook oysters, smoked salmon, smoked bland cod, king crab and bull lobster. Moving on, the salads were chicken, ahrimp, crabmeat. potato, creamed .cole slaw,.: 11.iced tomatoes vinegrette, kidney bean, Ruaaian, green bean, cottage cheese and chives, tolaed green and pickled beets. ENTRIES -HOT AND COLD COld entrees were aouase, ham chaud froid , turkey chaud Jfroid,: smoked ox tongue cbaud froid , salmon 't.11 gl ... , cold prime rib en glaze, duckling eq g!Qe, 1sweetbread1 vinegrette, chicken Galan- tine. Hot entrees: Baron of beef, chicken cac- cialnre, Veronlqu,, Anna potatoes, vegetable · ''Wli.re ·It's Happening!" llLL MARTINI COCKTAIL LOUNG! .----.,-.,.--·, 111 L 1M COSTA MDA am Martini ,,. ...... Direct from L•• v ... , JUBAL'S CHILDREN for Yoqr · Dinclng and Uslening Pleasure DON'T READ THIS UNLESS YOU'RI fED UP WITH BLARING SOUNDS 8 WAtrr MATURE MOOD MUSIC Donclnt To THE ODD COUPLE TINY 8 BRUCE .... UN ROSE IONGITRlll IXTltAORDINAIY J ..... ......., ---Prime HUI Petite Fllet or Steak &: Loltster Comff Complete Dinner Mon. lhru Sil. $3.95 18582 Beach at Ellis Huntlntton lloach (Town 8 Country) 962-6666 Dining With an Ocean View SWOOD, STEAKS AID GOURMET Bl1RW * FROM $2.95 * EntertaiMlfft and ~ Nltfltly AT THE PIANO 808 PERGRIM 8:30 to I :30 o.rn. BANQUET fACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONI llWlll 117 OCIAN AWL HUNTtN•TON llACH ' OYIRl.OOKIN$ THl PACIFIC OClAH AT THI Piil DON JOSE' ----Hayden Causey Trio • Forestiere, rice pilaf a la greecbe, llooton bokad beam. Molds: fruj.t on upi'c, aunshine 1alad, am- brosia, cucumber mousse, avocado mo u 1 1 e, watercress mousse. ~ Dressings: New Orleans sauce, cocktail sauce, thousand island, roquefort. I Relishes: watermelon rind, hearts ol celery, cherry tomatoes, radishes, carrot 1ticts, olives, Mrs. Neuachins pickles. Fruits: fresh pineapple, fresh papaya, fresh kumquats, fresh' cranberries, applesauce, Indian peaches, pe'iite pickled pears. Cheese: Tillamook, Port Salut, Daniah blue, Edam, Monterey Jack, spice. · DESSERTS Desserts: Black F,iirest cake, miniature.fruit tarts, eclalrs and cream pulls, terman c:4ocolate cake, pistachio Napoleons, cheeae cake, Caramel CU8tanl, tea cakes, fruit au vent, mushroom cake, rum balil, profitalose, Danish Kipfel, rupberry swirla and currant swirls, cherry and blueberry Brunswick, Dobosh torte, buches. 1 .... Now anyone who can manage more than one good bite of eac:ll item In all Illa! eilller bu tO have a bottomiess paunc:ll or an appetite without precedent. But half Ille fun is learning just . .bow many you can tackle. As if quantity and quality didn't furniah ouf· ficient motivation for trying Brown•a buffet,· the mere opportUnity to. see this wondrous apectacla is worth the price of admission alone. Food bu never been displayed willl greater !!air for eye appeal. In addition to Ille zesty preain- tatlon of each dish, dramatic ice sculptures, butter mo!ds and decorative embellisbmenta augment this masterpiece in food showmanship. Numbered among Ille latter, for Instance, . Continued on Pae-24 · 11 Di• .I.ewers. R ....... 1ons: "'44574 \ • LUNCHl'iotil · • 01NNl'ilt •• IDTAUUNT AND e $UNl»Y uuNcit e LA.Tl! SUP'l"IE" I COCITAIL LOUN•I Oll'llNG • South Coot's nawNt, moat •lepnt oc••nfren( dlrilnt. ,..p· Towon Wint of Svrf ond S.nd Holel 1555 South Coost Hwy. L""'no looch, Collfornlo HOWARD'S RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS 4001 W. Coat Hwy., Newport Beach BREAKFAST ANYTIME WE ARE SELECTING FROM OUR REGULAR DINNER MENU THE FIVE MQST POPULAR ENTREES AS SPECIALS, ONE EACH NIGHT, . FROM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY FROM , 5 P.M. TO 9 P.M. THESI IXCIUINT YA.LUIS WILL IUN RllUAIY AND MAICH MONDAY ••• Flavor · Crisp FRIED CHICKEN .. 1.85 TUISDAY.,. Old Fashioned BEEF STEW ..... 1.45 WIDNllDAY... , U.S. Choice Top Sirloin STEAK .. 2.85 THUISDAY ., • . Choice ROAST BEEF, au jus .... 2.25 PllDAY •••. Local FISH of the week . . . . . . 1.95 Choice of SoulLS Salad -Potato. Roll 0 ... A VARIETY Of CHILDllN'S PL.A.TIS AT $1JO ; • • • • • • • •couPoN• •••••••a : GRAND : I I •• • I • I • I I • I • • • • OPENING SPECIAL • I • I • • TAC(j 9tj.~ ~ With This Coupon • • • • • • • TACOS 5 tor St!.'~ • • ..... 2k-• I . • c,_.,, Siiia le.... nr. ~ ....... • ......, """'*"' M18t ............................... ~ .................... , ... .............. _.......... . : DRIVE • THRU SERVICE Ill with Authontlc -ICOft l'ood 1 11 ·'-~~~~~~~~~--~-..... 2851 "* llYd.: : Codi Mtsl ' . : •• • • • • ~ " • •• -----------------·-----------------------·--------------- • . I ' • • • • . • . • f 1111. Y PILOT Frid>j, F GALB<\- ..Viftcat, non viTlCCS, amcmUJ" "'Wif' or U., we love you" Uf 'tN. ABOUT ~ Ycm'U win wht11 VDU dtcHm to dint at Villa Romo • arad '*1Z ~ ioat •f Vol' don'&. Lit tU lhOW "°" OUT low bf dtoori110 ut co givt 11°" tht grtote.rt mtal VOM'OC net to'"'- (C.,.tlnuod Fl'Oft\ P~ 2,1) • 1 , w~r• whole hard-bollilcl eggs feNon.4>wtth com- pletely edible particles that gave them the ap- pearance of fish or penguins. • 011 ;';t~ee1, s'a , 1""11 ~ boqs~ spe<;ialties, •ana . OI, ~aJbne, eo teh plates ,and ljl}ads. Llkewise sfde orders, desserts, fountain items and W•µt ,Grove .. l Tfll' 1'I M%t ti?M ond JIOK'U agTttl -6S dtltctabll entrttl and wt'rt open from 4 p.m. dail_y. ~k»td Tut$da"$. VILLA ROMA RESERVATION$, PLEASE! ' • I" • ' • The tab for Ben Brown's magnificent gollrmet 445 N-N-11\od., Newport -.,, '46-4929 bullet is pegged at the unbelievably low sun{ of $5· per person. Tliose whose disceiiunent will lead them ·to selection' of such a noble· Bild moderately~ priced repast are cautioned to ·make reservaUons early. " Howard's \llolb -ea&nole ! .. ;., mlicMg enchilad.15, ••• tM111UzinJ ixos ••• robust l'tfteno ... iasty t1males,,. and other ~theMlc South'-of-the-16rder ~l~ aerwd Ul'lld I~ colorful 11mosphert af old ~~- ico. DeliJht{ul wine cockuils 11nd beer, IOO. [vtft if you're not . . ' an aficioo~ of Mniun_c1.1i· Sit'le, you're 11.1re lo lff<e our Notte Americario fll\'Orites. Often the major problem eonlrontlng 'night owls is finding .a good re1taurant •and coffee lil9p with 24-bour ·service. ''Whtl'ei ''7""""tbey perpetually inquire, "can 1 roost with gOod food -and.' coffee . at three in the morning as well as three in the afternoon?" 'Ha'tt l1,1r1 ch or d inner ill Al'rli1os •.• the West's most : huuftlol Ma ion rtst1111.1nts. DI~• SJ.SO to SJ.SO />ton(o 1 Tak~HOme food,100. The answer, my fine-feathered friends , if you haven't found it as yet· on your own, is Howards, 4001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. • BREAKFAST. ANY'flME allllCJOS PAMft.Y lm'AUIAHTS COSTA MESA-42Sbll1,_.5t./M1-42'1 ---·~·--...... _._,_ Besides that all-lmportan\.)><>licy of breakfast around the clock, Howftr.dS offers a full selection B_illingsley's GOWEN BULL RESTAl)RANT STEAKS -PRIME RIB -SEAFOOD -COCKTAILS DANCING 5 shows nightly Wed.· Sat. at 1:30 Sun. from 7 p.m. JOHNNY SMITH ud Ille ALPH.\BETICALS in tll• Gari!H Raom BUSY EXECUTIVE? BUSINESSMEN'S BUFFET. TUESDAY THRU FllDAY -11 :30 A.M •• 2:30 P.M. IN THE MARCO POLO RO.OM . VARIITT OF HOT ENTREES AND SALADS WITH VEGETABLE, POTATO AND RICE PILAF • t • • ·FRENCH SQUR DOl,IGH BREAD RESTAURANT ... 2241 W.C-iHi6'uvq N.wport&ach (714) 646-5057 PRESENTS • DAllC816 TO DI CA J~!...e~~!ER -Sil& BROS. ..... SAT. ONLY AND I YOU'LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAEI\ .SUNDAY 12 P.M. TO 4 P.M. ·!FM~ Fi11t Dining Since J965 3801 EAST Cn.lsr Hi;HW41' C'DRoNA DP.L MAr. CwfmHIA PHONE! (714) 67$-1374 RM~· ttr.&1'Al11WIT Contl111ntal Cultlno Cocktails S....m>g l.ll!ICM ... cmd DiMcr Monday tllTOUQll 'SatunlaV. · CloJ<d SUlldat/! Op<ft for Private Pamu Onlu W• •t• located ntxt to th• M1y Co. in South Coast Plaza. lJJJ s......, c........ '41-ll41 11~ , wukJ61s 1erv1tl. in the Grtlll4 M111Wr • S71 S. MAIN; ORANGE a....-: S42-3S9S 1(a.d SUaday) Chinese Restaurant 1llE ~,. ltOUSE ('1 of HYUN T.it• ~llulilr• Ill "'-lnl ChlneH Buffet Luncheon Tu., •• fri. -12-1:10 fl·"'· "' Sunday Brunch $1.85 •. Ir )(elwt Knight Room KEii CERVI TRIO • '!'DMI. Sun. -9Jl.m.·1:30 a.m. DRIF'fWOOD LOUNGE Grand Opening $tlnday, Mcwcll 2 . --------' E..,, ....,,.oy Night w~ ~bmlng Couple $ D 1 :._. .lllc:e1vn $2S and 250 pin ·-,... JIB-est become• Elll!lble for w-..,. ... , 'L Grand Final 11\ward or .,.. 1• ~ide Dr .. ,_.ewport Beach 675-0200 COCftAILI NOW s11n1 IN The Dr1gon Den 41t HOADWAY LAGUNA IU(H 4f4.nl0 . bev.erap!-' ·~ entrees and sea food specialties are served wllb c)lolpe· ~ tomato juice, cole &law, soup or salad, l;boice of. bubed browns, French fries or, between '5 and 10 p.m., baked potato, roll and butter. · •'. · 1• ' • ..... {d\' .·.' 0 . . Jl.epresentative offerings and prices incl~e halibut nuggets, $1.95; New England scallops, $2.25; grilled. eastern loin pork clioes, $2.50; grilled baby beef liver saute, $2.65j broiled top sirloin steak, '3.25. · '-· Proprielor· Ftaul Koch holds a firm grip on th•)>e!Jn here, and fPll• can be assured .or a yery satiafactory r~turn on your dining dollar.· ll's .Wo a place you·cl!Jl take the family without dropping the fUU con\ents of.1fallet or purse. MARCH SPECIAL During the 'JDODth of March Howards is of- fering ~ excellent nighlly dinner special1 served from 5 to 9 p.m., Monday through .,Friaay. For these ,(bey~v.e selected five of lb~ most popular entr~s .from the regular dinner menu arid reduced the prices. ' ' Monday, Yon'0ll ·get fried chiCken, $1.85; Tues- day, .bee'f'stew, $1.45; Wednesday, top sirloin•Steak, $2.85; Thursday, roast beef au jus, · $2.25 ; Friday, local fiJh of tlie week, $1.95. . ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE ~EATURING · l!BtRY IWlliA ·TUD .· THIU SAl .. PIANO.VOCAL STYLIST Nl5HTLT t.. ' . Lunch•s from 11 :30 " b 4 ,aY •• C.pt Sund~y Dinn•r from 4: 30 Nightly ENTERTAINMENT Nir;ihtly •xc•pt ,Sund•y JONY FLORES His Songs •nd Gu itar ' . ~----~---~--~~--~~ • Fabled in aong and legeocl, thou clever lituo swallows will be r•tuminC to Capiltrano within the nm few weeu. U you're going to take In the big SL Joseph's Day event, or stoppln& by the lllisalon any day soon for a moment of quiet contemplation, you would do well to visit a nearby dining 1pot. lt'a the Walnut Grove Rutaurant located on Orte&• Hipway about a block east of lb• Mission. Doo't let the fact you're ID a town flirty noted for Mulcan restaurants deceive you In oo far as what you'll find In the way of food here . Everything Is well-prepared delectably pleas- ing and served by the waitresses with the utmost friendliness. The menu encompasses a wide variety o( items i"ncluding steaks, open-faced, hot and deluxe sandwiches, a la carte dishes, 1alads and desserts. Steaks, all served with choice of soup or salad, hot rolls and French frl .. (baked potato available from 5 to 9 p.m.). run from a low qi $2.llO to a high of '3.90. A la carte specialties, allO served. 'With soup or salad, the aame choice of potatoes, dinner roll iu!d butter, Include deep fried ,fis h and chips, $1.&5; center cut barn steak, $1.95; Harrison's abalone, $2.25. The breads and pastries are especially good, all products of the Grove's own bakery on the premises. Whole loaves, pies, cakes and rolls can be purchased dally after 11 a.m. The Walnut Grove Restaurant is open 15 hours daily from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. You'll always enjoy breakfast here, too. . 1raMois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE f•mOUI For FLAMING DUCK Op•n I I :00 A.M. -Clos•d Mond•y HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1.1151 IEACH ILVD. '142-1919 Real C1nfonese food oat ........ . tllk•- STAG CHlllSE CASlllO 111 21st pl .. Newport Buch ORiole 3-9560 o,.. , ......... ...,. 11-11 -M. -let. 'ti J ...... . FAMILY RESTAURANT 2200 Harbor Blvd., C<ltta Meta (K Mat't Ctnlar) 642.a274 "'-I,,_ 11:11 A.M. -4:tl P.M. ........ _ ChffH EnchUada, Taca, Tamale, Relletto or Bean Tostado s.'\IN .................... s,... lla I .... c.ffM. 1 .. •.sett Drlilk 1 IMPORTED & DOME~TIC BEERS . "'91n: ~..,., ~ n 1• •·""" • •=• ....... • .......,. l b • ...... ,,. ,.... ......... , -.. t:• ........-c ..... ~ -"•=• """" FAMILY STEAK HOUSES HUNTlll6TOH llACH I COSTA MESA lllWM • C'OUtnlY HILLGllEN IQUAflli .... -I rv.I IE.HIND TEXACO lTATfOfi4 • NWl'll '6P4tl:L Intl A S.. AM SPECIAL SIZZLER BROCHETTE ...... • IU of llCI '1.39 •"'IOLLN IVTTll •••·••··•···•······· TOP SIRLOIN 511AK ...... $1.39 NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1.59 l11elud•1 l•kM ., Fffncli fn•llll P•t•fN .. l•ll •1 htfw, CHILDUN'S POITION Y: PllCI IU..... 12·Y ... J M.\n MONIAY NtetfT YOUI PAMILY M....,- TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Only s.1 ~ l11ch1d•1 l11rff •r Fr.11ch frlN '''''"'· ~•II' a hltw. ClallLDllN'S POUION Yr PllCI IU ... 12 y.,..) ..----1.mtdieoft Speclals---· 11:00 A.M. TO 5:00 PM. ~~Af. = .:.~~--~~~~-.:. 79c ....... ,... ... -TO GO ORDERS - I -Opera Visiting LA . , ... Sqn Francisco Troupe Here · March 1-2 . Two ol the moot popular Jn Moscow, wbo Is .......,uy and Don B..uio. operu Jn tbc 111 n d 1 r d per!onnmc leadlng rola with "Turandol" wU be repealed npertolre. Pucc1Di'1 ''Turan-the Duaae1dorf Opera 1 n on March 7 at I p.m. and dot'! --.I n~...t-:•1 "I I Germany. n-..&..1 &UU nuuauu "II Barbiere dl Slviglla" 1& "~were" on March 15 at Barbiere di Slviglia" will be perhaps the ~ssic opera 8 p.m. presented ·Ori the opening corpedy. ~ _dBilhtful love The repertoire of. the Los weekend ol the Music Center-stary, presented In Ult.famous Angeles seuon bas several San Francisco Opera's irt-Gunther Rennert potducUon, productlorui which are new to augur al season on Sat: Mar· "J 11 star the Jovely Mary local aud1ences, i n c l u d i n g l at I p:m.-and Sun. Mar. Coat& u Rosina w1tb Italian ''Madam Butterfly" (March 11 2, at 3 p.m. baritone En»-Sor de IJ o and 30). Verdi's '' 11 ''Turandot" was Puccini'• performing the intrigues of Trovatore" (March 5 and I) last opera and ooe into which · the Barber. It will be and "Ernani" (March 14 and he poured some ot his mo.st Sordello's first appearance 19), Wagner's "Das Rbe- stirring and emotional music. with the company. The atarry. ingold" (March 2.8) and "Die Jn the title role will be eyed Count Almavlva will be Walkuere" (Marcll 2' and 19) British -•no limy Sbuanl, the bmlsome yoomc Hallan and Berlioz' ''Lei Troyen:i" a regular art15t with London's tenor Pietro Bottazzo. (March 11). Other productions Covent Gerden, Milan's La RamOn Vmay aod Nicola being presented ·are Donlzet- Sca1a and the Vienna State Roul-Lemeni, two 11 v f n g U's "Lucia di Lammaermoor" Opera. The slave girl Liu will legends ln the wtrld of opera (March I and 23), ·• and be Jane March, winner of the who are well known to local Mozart's • j Don Giovanni" 1916 TcbiUO\'&ky compelillon audiences, Will be Dr. Bartoio (Marcll 16 and 2%). : S ~ ~-Caribe Room • ~ ·®.································1 • WA ~ PRESENTS • 'TURANDOT' -Amy Sl111ard, soprano I! costumed • fnr the tiUe ·tole In Puccini's "Turandot" opening : ' • ENTERTAINMENT-3 SHOWS NIGHTLY-DANCING • the season In the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, Monday tbru Saturday • Mar. I. 'Ille opera will be repeated Mar. 7. • GRAND OPENING ENGAGEMENT THIS WEEK •. 1------------- VBrsailles ·. Room CAROL YN STEIN Sonsational Australian · Songstress & JIMMY VANN TRIO 11:·~-· ..... Starli!e Theatre All-MAR68El · SllY JAi MURRAY IUUSlaHOSA FEB. 13 •MAR. l L FEB.19·MAR.11 OftNINO MM.1J-CAROLCHANNINO OPENING MAR.12-SHECKY' GR!ENE FEATURED DINNERS · COQ ,·Au VIN ..................... .. ... : 3.75 4~50 ·, . VEAL CUTLETS c.-.............. : ... .. PRIME RIBS OF BEEF ........ ,,. 4.95 ~: S·eafood Treasure Chest ,,.; ... , 10.00 MANY ADDITIONAL INTllll All ....... wttlt rel ... My, ... •..,_.., ~ .. 119 .... cWce.,,..... ., rtn 1111:-"· SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL • =~D:,::, ................................. $2 75 1045 Bayside Dr •. 67~200 Newport Beach Clesacl .-..tay Russian Pianist . To PIS:y _in LA .. 'Tickets , are now available Planist Artur Rubinstein will in the Music Ce~te~ box ofl(ce 'also play iwo different prG- and at all agencies throughout · grami, Saturday Diight. March the. SouthJ~nd, for th.e four ' 22 and Sunday afterooon, ma1or musical attractio~. to • Mirch 23; and v I 011 n I 5 t be brough~ to the . Pav11Lon . H:enryk S.zeryng will be beard of The MUSIC Ce.ater tn ~~ch S~ night., March 30 and by S. Hurok in association · ~y ev~ A{rll 1 with I.he .southern California · ' Symphony·Hollywood B °' w 1 . Seaovla wU1 honer a long- Association. time fri~ when he plays Emil Gilels, eminent Soviet musical unpressiona, com- pianist, will play two different poaed ">' M. Ca.atelnuovo- programs_ 00 Monday, Mal.ch Tedesco for the Guitar on JO apd Wedne~ay, March 12; ·~,hapteMI from" the · boo k and classic guitari!t Andres ' Platero ~d I "!1tten by Segovia will play TueSday the Spanish poet, Juan Ramon .night.. March 11. Jimenez, Nobel prize.winner. ' · Segovia will play 'the • com- '• ' -I • Lu1/1;z -·..,...,-ii?ici ... ..,.._ ~ ... · •'CAMELOT'' St••• McQu••n "THI; THOMAS C,ROWN AFFAIR"' , poolilonl 'In tribute to tho memory d . the composer. He 11'lll a1lo play Variation& on ·a theme 00 ·Handel, written by the r'isiclent composer 'Albert Harrfs, wbO wlU be in the audience at t b • Pavilion, March 11. Other Rlection1 will include those ol Bach, Albenls, TlllllDlll, Sor and Milan. Mill. GlµND ;q!IElllNG SPECIAL MJiM[jg ~ 1 FRE£ DIN.NER <=ii: 0ne (GllPllfl Pfl' .. 1s11, tau w ,,, .. , 111. W11t1 ~ <:;s: 'Of , ...... <::;;: DON'T MISS A GOOD BARGAIN I You1 cH01cr. ANT o• tiovn·.,.,m. SHCIA.L DINNllS ONLY . , fOOD1C>GO-IMMniATISIATINa . GENERAL YEN'S . . . · 1 CHINEI• aUTAljllAlft -1 ... AM• A'M'lriM . + .c;.. ••••• .. , ...... ,;,, ' Good ~ Din Orll>t'; Mon 11VV Thlilt, Uftttl fMrdl 6, ltff ~-~ ·v.ina' ·Hafmer Trio "'°""" .thru Saturday D_ick ·~~ell Trio . , Su •Y . ..,.. ••• _... a..1 Olme" ' Ap -"-11111 Irilb comedJ will be ....... al the LllUJll 'l'la1l>ault. Ill Ocean Ave., 1-'l!eodi. Wad. 1hmlcb lill. al I :• p.m. doolnl liar. .. 811 tatkcii -.... 1. •""no Nlphl J I l'J lldl" · •A -1zocm drama, wblcb ----" the ... . ~ U j ...... wlll«IDI Fri. an•Nlol.,,11 l:*i p.m., cioalq Gil Mar. 1, at . tbt Mlaloa :Viejo lllch -1111 le -.--1-11'1· !:!10. Huntington Due Touch Of Mexico Enjoy th• wermth , end infonft•I ele9•..c• ~ while dlnlnt amid open firtplec" ,, IF..mo.Jy Chol't Inn) AL (J)l ltD ROJ) u..i .. 111. -" .._ of Aleja~ro IAftxl Mej4won• (fenMtt, 16 y..,. ............ , •ncf strollln9 troubadours OPIN SlftN DAYS fOI DINND-COCllTAIU l'OPllLU PllCD I DININIW 4:00 P.M. lo MIDNIGHT ,,. COCKTAILS 'TIL 2 A.M. MPLE PARKING · 3201 EAST COAST H15.,WAY COIONA DR' MAii •• fl • tr .. , Ray 011pjiaot of latuno ... ch ' 'I "9.tfffrt ef WeM._ stt.. . FOR .RESERVATIONS CALL 67s.0470 .. 1 . •• 11111~··1 .. ,.,.~1 dally P.ilot DAllY PILOT 21' Sc ............ ' '1'HI WILD, ,WILD l'LANIT" Aho . CARTOONS AllS....- --.... Wil\'M • C0U. • I -a.. c:.-y • cot.Oil. "lllALUO" EXCLUSIVE ARIA ENGAGEMENT Out1tandlnt Action P"'tr•ml "COOGAH'S Blllf'' · PLUS D =•::r. I ti-------..... ..... -- j ·1 I I f . • .. I l j • l • 1 I . ----------------------------------------..-;...-.;......;;.......:...~ • • Preview of Brma%e Al Terry, Festi~al of Arts technical director, examines a clay model be made of ••The Rocket Thrower," a bronze sculpture by Donald DeLue which will be recreated on stage during the Pageant of the Masters which will run July II througb Aug. 2Hhil year. Douglas Boosting :W-ays With Wives ' 4'The best way to atay mar· ried for a lcmg time is make your wile a part oI your work." 'according to Kirk Douglas, star of ''The Broth- erhood" "Too many men," Douglas stated, "make it an unwritten law to keep their wives in the dark about' what goes on at the office, factory or studio." "Actually, a wtfe can be of Immeasurable help if you diacuss )'<Klr problems with her 1nan-t&man.' "After thir- teen yun of happily married life to the former Anne Buy- dens, Dougla! declares lhat his wile has been a vital force in h~ very successful screen career. "To begin with," the actor 1ays, "Anne was a former professional who gave up her career to devote all her time to mine. I talk over every role I get with her. And it isn't because she wears the britches In oor family. but o~ly beeause I have IUCh a high opini91\ of ber judgment. "All through the years, 1 have always talked things out with my wife after the day's shooting at the studio. "On the other hand, I know of men who act like mutes the minute they arrive home for diMer. If their wives ask a question about their work they snap like hungr.y turtles. They keep everything locked up inside and soooer or later . there's bound to be a violent explosion. ·:Actually, wives, like JllY· chiatrists, are made for IJ. tening. There're a lot of thin&s a man can g~ off his chest at night, that were placed there during the day, by tak· ing h~ wife into hi.I confi- dence. "But the average guy who has a tough time at the office comes home looking as if be 's harboring an impacted wis- dom Crossword Puzzle 1 ACROSS 40 Annoy 41 Api•lsr's 1 Ctrb.I• concern: Ynterday's Pl1l?lt Solved: ''sorts 2 word s S Swiss . ()Kind of Clnlo11 fishi 'Tobie.co ftssef pn:iduc.t Vw. •4 Si11p1,•s D.4 E1c.laJ11. of c.ocnpanicm 1 .. p1Umce •5 H11To• Q5 Fencing strip of we1pon wood a,, OpUc.al 46 ParUal countHPJl'f. refund Palart,ce Not So 'Heavy~ ' " Always the ' '"heavy," it seems, .in his rnQllon picture roles, Jack Palance drops a lot of bistrionJe "weight," to keep his fans off-balance. as the hero in hls latest fi lm. Wilmer Bros . ..seven Art s · "They Came To Rob La., Vegas" is now playing in local theaters. Palance portrays a Treasury agent trying to solve the mysterious dJsappearar>ee of an Impregnable armored v1n, hol<iq nilllions in cash ind gold,' In ·the' middle of the Nevada desert . The Warner Bros.-seven Arts rnel9drarna, paeked wlth fast.moving action and thrills, stars Gary Lockwood, Lee J . 1Cobb and Elke Sommer in addition to Palance. Directed by Antonio Isasi for executive producer Nat Wachsberger, "They Carne To Rob Las Vegas" was filmed in color on location in Spain and Nev1da. Palance, who is a master of rnt.,;ace in motion picture Camel'Q, bas twice b e e n nominated for Academy Awards for his c h i 11 i n g performances Jn ' ' S u d d e n Fear" and the class i c Western, "Shane." He also played a sadistic killer in his first film, "Panic in the Streets." Palaoce won an Emmy Award {best actor ) for his sympathetic portrayal or the boxer in "Requiem for a Heavyweight" on television. :'Bluff~ Adult Rated ' OPENS FRIDAY A,._M ..................... ~ ! "DEATH Of A S4WMAll" (BdUor'1 Nok: Th f I lpmtei' tcbool l.eacher tn,,. and Olivia Hussey. 11• ,.._-T•1110 na, '"'"T•~ -COSTA M1u.-w-1w _ __._ -u... .._ ......:...-..1 r:: In ~ __ ., ·-Id FAMILY CMtLOl:•N'I TfflAT•l-"'Ttllf lfMP'l•O• • TMI fllllHt'TIM .... LP -.,_ N t'''"'t-''"'.. -KD9U WWII WOI' Ai OEL.IGHTFUl.. OJUINTAL. MIME-MATIHEE SUND.r.Y • l a. S ,.M. 11r tM Jil!!" """""If .. of thiolOOVle. LQNEMIME COU.GAR 'l1~i~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~ ff-COllltdl PT A. Mn. SIW'..AltO: A -lem In Disney animal film about a Robni Sorman · u priri-whlt:b four E u r ope an forester and an orphaned U.tandJln:.HortStotmtLf· arlstoCfata, an American cougar cub. fDJ] ii ,. u.. .. u <O!ll!lllH., ella!rmcm.. 11 MUk1t and Jill wile go on SW IS s F AM IL Y l IDlOI .. •• .., - q U.tlftdtd GI a N/«rff&Ce I buntlnc uped.ltion in bosti.le ROBINSON: Walt Disney's ::'.I c .... s..Ht ,,_ J ,.-. .. ....,_.&...£....: iuitablc Aplcbe territory, Sean Coo-spirited tale of a family NEW,OIT BEACH, • OA.3-13SO 1 ....... s..m 6:4S ,,, __ --1 .. --~~ . nery, Bridgette Bardol star. shipwrecked on a de!erted , ... ,.. or 1,...-r111111 agt TllB SUBJECT WAS island is tailor-made for the fl'O"PI aftd toill. GPIJ<OI" JW6ES (G): A family drama entire family. Stars John t.c:ietklJt. Y 01W fM1Dt are about a hou.Rwife who for Mills, Dorothy McGuire. toUcittd. ·If ail tMm to JI o-years carries penonaJ crosses * • * tM Gt&fdc, oort of ' 1he tbat hive b:pt her husband The letttr im'.""l.E'diately DAILY PILOT.) at arms length. Adapted from after tht titlt indicates the * * * the Pulitzer.Prize w I, n n in & rating given. the p,icture by . play. Stars Patricia Neal, tht Motion Picture Code. , ADULTS Jack AJbertaon and Martin Tht Motion Picture Code COOGAN'S BLUFF {SMA)' Sheen. Arbona Sb er t ff, Clint TEENS AND ADULTS And Rating Program· may ,.~........ ~... -to N y c bt jound on the motion -•w....., ~ · · CAMELOT'' Lavllh. roman. to bring back ID e.eaped tiller tic ••• dr u_.11 picture page. held by the ._,..._ and get& • ~ ama~y movlng·-=========.11 ,....._. screen "ferslon of Lerner and Ir tlra"llll into IJ'OUP of dnlg ad· Loewe muskal retelling lhe dlttl before he COl!Qlleles bl! heroic '-end of King Arthur misslob. '"" 1 LADY 'IN , <: E M E N T : ~ the Knights of the Round Private-eye Tony R 0 e table. ~!chard . H a r r I s , (Frank•'-·•·) fi·•· blmd Vaness~:Redg'rave'. and Franco ~-a uu11 a o~ Nero star.· . e~ ,m: cement, -his · HElD'IGllTERS.(G): John gt~!f!iend a1ao murdered, in Wayne roars bis way through this tale of violence and this f'lm tbe h d THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATINCO Pl(>•µM The Motion Pi~ure Codi 111d R1ti119 Adrnini1tr•tio11 1ppli11 Hie followi119 r1ting1 to filrn1 didrlbul1d in the U.S.A. Pie· FIRST RUN HARBOR AREA ONE OF THE TOP TEN 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS crime, with Raquel We)ch. . 1 . as ea of an A LOVELY WAY TO DIE oil well fire ~I company. (SMA), Kirk Douglas . II a The majetty ""' terror of detective ..,.aged u a the fires, and the lecbnlcal bodyguard for a seductive aspect of_ oU -.tell control make beauty, Sylva Koscina, who the story secopdary even U accused of killing her though tenderly Jarnantic. turet r1t1d 6, M •r II: qualify "THE fM fh1 C.cf1 S.11, .,. weaJlhy, elderly husbaod. With ROMEO ~ J UL I E T : Eli WaJlacb. Shakespeare s classic becomes PETULIA (SMA): Brief en-v!vldlr new with s~lendor, ex· counter 0 f unpredictable e1tement and stagtng of the young bride who bu wearied young . l~ver's tragedy under of her jea!Oljl husband, and 2.effirelli s !Tesh C8'ting . and jaded surgeon who h a 1 direction. Leonard Whiting p;,,,. ....... x ......... ,,. A IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" 1 Seil, The r1ling1 •pply to V MGM f:U'ArtllOl Aa llEJIOCOlOll CD picturtl rel111ed 1fter No.,-ern· 11:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lier I. 1961. Pictur11 rele•11d btfore thet cl1t1 ••• d11crib· ed 11 pre¥iou1ly I E£'lllt •nd/or SM'AJ , @-Suggelfed for GINEIAL eudienc11. [SJ-Su99elfed for MATUIE wearied of tbe world. Julia eudieru;e1 IP•,erit11· cli"' =,j ~b::i.m.8 " t t • Mala Powers ·~•;., .,,; .. ,,. NOW AT BOTH EDWARDS OllEMAS • PR-POISON SMA [8)-l!STllCTID -Pertoii• '""'-'-1 ( ): Off E vnd1rl6"ot•dmltt1d, 1 ~ ·w·......,U'· Murder tale of m·· n ta 11 y to urope '"'"' .... m'"'" by . Wl:IY DID 13 -- disturbed youngman oo ptoba· p•rent or •dult 9u1rd· .OPBN THBIR DOORS tion . and cold-blooded girt Mala Powers, having can-i111. T. O THI! BOSTON Tony Perkins and Tuesday eluded her co-star role in Weld star. Mark Robson 's new suspense @-P9no11s •11d" 16 ••t STRANGLER ••• fihn ••o dd • G AH odlftlttff. Thi• ,9, ,,. s E c R E T CEREMONY: • a y s one • wr ttririio11 rn1y be hC,IMr WILLINGLY? 'Miss Farrow and Elhabeth ting," is orf to Europe tor i~ cert•i~ ., •••. Check THIS IS & TRUE. Taylor portriy 1 couple of a three-week vacation. She'll theitre or id¥ertiiing. . A sickies in this bizarre film.i~v~w~·t~Lon~d~o=n,=P=ar=is=,=Zur=icJh~~~~~~~~~~ll AND in which an orpbaned helttss and Rome. Rl!llARKABLE refURI to believe her mother MOTION is dead and 'brings home a PICTURE. prostitute reaembling her. · · tl1e-rnesa ~ -' . ,•, · ' '• , · '' t ::'' jr •1:~ THE THOMAS CROWN AF· FAIR: Faye Dunaway and Steve McQueen star in UliJ sopbisUcated film about a , crack inamance sleuth who becomes an intimate com- panion of a thrill-seeking mlJliooain whom she suspects of masterminding a bank rob- •. '\'.')' ,ir r.ND 11;,PaOR ,r, .,_\_lSTA ·.~lSA -- bery. MATURE TEENS AND ADULTS THE BOSTON 811\ANG!r ER (SMA)' Thl1 film the events leading to the arrest of the J)isychotic, who hu never been tried for the mutilation and murder of 13 women, and the probe of a diseased personality follows. Tony CUrtis and Henry Fonda. THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER: A gentle, lonely deaf-mute, seNJitively played by Alan Arkin, moves to the "TEUPHONE 541-1552 FOi INFOIMAnOK TWO BIG ONES TOGETHER ELKE GARY SOMMER L.OCKmOD LEEJ. JACK COBB PALANCE lHEYaMEm ROB ·1A us ·/T; ', \16'5 home of a crlppled man andl":;iiiiiiiiiij~iiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ his teenage daughter (Sondra/I Locke ), when his only friend is commiUed, and by ez- tending bis help to many in the community brings warmth and understandlng to those around him. THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS (G): David Niven st.an as ••• I· - l nd FHti1,. at Cl._ Wnt --- 2nd Show et Hntl1 ... 111 •~•-.ills · JUUE (lj~l5flE ·.Gm! ('fill --- HARBOR at ADAMS. COSTA MESA, PHONE . .S.C6'3102 WINNER OF: Cl7 Belnv. Sp. 4" lllned Ila 1925 Nobel buildi1t9 prlz' winnl!t stone 2128A9 a professor vf psychology who 31 u •• ...s. Hayes Aboard spec1a11zu 1n problems of ··~···· . . .•.•...•••.... * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS 11• Oa the -53 Obsernnt 5 Rouse lo l2tl H•dwar' 54 Tailor's action , itm product 'Je•lsh 122 DisHtll tro. 5S L~e vestnient dominant Qia.pl&ia*s 7 Use a sickle '"''"' -La 8 -France r23 Ke,nty Motte '9 "shwsh!'" desirous 54 Drendi tn JO COiie forth 24 llluslc.11 c;le1n Wil let' into t"iew c;ompositlon 57 Ceremonl~ 11 Bts lO•'d 25 Volcano ac.l 12 Brings to a feature 58 Instance s lit' fft :21 •ASA 59 ConSIHlltr for ast VIP of food 1J Have ·1rust 132: lndllc.t'lf fl> 60 Did tbe 21 •orwgiau f ~:~se 61 ~~~he, •ilil 22 ~en: ~ 2 words wide spot.It 24 l11plt!11Ml 1 k Mid of look 25 Slope t .1._ doll~ DOWN upward .:c.estol'J 26 Z1'9feld tn R•sslan l Wed aukUJ produc.tion , sillar 2 Spanish 27 Sll)'in9 ~!.." drl J Conc.,ming: ).9 Upr ight _ 2 words 30 l lsapplJ 3ft PoliUcal adolescence and diSCGven the nbdh'lsS. HOU.YWOOD (UPl)-The confusion teenagers can inlllcl 37 ~1:['= grand dame of the theater, even on the most enlightened 31 Distorted Helen Hayes, will play a star-pamrts. spefdl ring role in the movie version RACHEL. RAmEL CSMA): 40 •~c.h •IY of the best-selling novel, Joanne Woodward is a 4l r~~,~~e 1'11=·=·Airport.~' ;;;;;;;;;;··~·~=~:;:neurotl;~e~·~tenre~~~and~. ~real~!="' dlsttlb.ted :~ =-:-J·· ·-F••x•OUTH COA•T 46-ell'lll 8RAL PLAZA~ 41 L•b C0'111l1Mll Son Diop f-· 1r111o1 -, --546=27fl 41 ~'::.°' 3rd SMASH WEEK . 4'9 B••t "' .. , ·-OPEN DAILY 6:00-P.M • ~ • ..,:..-. Sat. & Sun. Open 12 noon 2 words ) 510""""' \llAl'T'N~~ 5Z C1rlbo11's ftftLI Uhlftl; I \J f~ltiY• NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 WINNER OF: ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS ST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR -~:.. BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY I BEST COSTUME DESIGN 'DAZZLING! Once Jllll see i~ you11 never ~n pictu~ tomeo&.Juliet' quite llie way you did briore!" -UFE • Best Picture -....... ,. ,....,. • Best Actor-.,., .,. ....... """" • Best Actress -'?.;;: .. ~·.~ • Best Supporting Actress EJtelle Pano-"lodwl, R1t1:Mf" S.11*-Loc.._"He.t 11 H111ter" • Best Screenplay-........ ,_. i Rooia eftr;reen 28 Fooled , ~ G1.-e lorft, 4 Fumilurt' ll Pot1sSI• ,.~ light designer nlb'IW 54 Spanish lille: Abbt~ NldOl.lfrntlUla,..... ·-- Yiho c•r11 •bout a 35 year old virgin? ' .,-r.:;--r.;-.:::-ir::-•i 134 •71 'IOn12u .. : • ' ~ • • • " • . • . . . ' JO • t k-t-+--+-•• • I • ; I • , '. ' . ' • • • ' • ' - , ~AUO "CHARL\!', THE LONESOME COUGAR" WID fHUIS. 'fll. MON. I TUIS, SWISS 'AMILY IOllHSOM .. rJO & 10 P.M. -COU•AI 1:41 SAT. & SUN, SWIU 'AMILY IOllNSON 11:JM·7:41 COU•AW:4Mill a t ill -FRANcoZEmREw -· -ROMEO c8"jUIJET ft, ? 't 2-....L t.•• ltf -·----- -.. -( .... --(-... --.-~" ..... ,,,. .. ,. .. . .. . . ..... ... . .· .• " . . •. , ' ' , ., ...... "" .. i-(<) , ...... --(&) .. -tcl • JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPW Q•1llty Prf11tf .. 1114 O.,.n41W• s..-.-1 .. ,., 111•,. "''"' • °""" •' . C.dwr(. 1211 WIST IAUOA ..... NIWPOIT lllACH $1'VE ROPER MISS PEACH . ----------------------- r· • .. + By Harold Le Doux r Heft 50 .. llT' 10 MAKE 5NE..l1l 60IN6 TD SffK ,,.,....,OllM. MEl.P~ By Gus Anlola ,,....----~ By Mel T ' DAILV I'll.OT f7 ly"'" 1111..-. TELEVISION VIEWS Good.News Or Bad News? By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UP!) -Growing public sophis- tication about mass communications is causing serlou1 professional thought about ~~w news media can alter their generally trad1t1onal BP"' proach. Not the least of the problems ls how the news media can adjust so they can attract tile. new ~en· eration with its individual values and its beliefs about What is truly Important and significant. f MORE AND MORE, one bears the old, and legitimate question about why good news cannot more ofte~ be considered newsworthy. This ques-- tion ts frequently asked in regard to why the good and notable achievements of the young generation are not covered as passionately as the negative doings. But age Is not the only factor in this query. A priest recently wrote to me of his dismay at the space and attention given a gangster who recently died. The priest's cry was a familiar one : Why should a hoodlum get such attention while count- less persons do not even rate an obituary despite lives full of good deeds that have helped their fel· lows? AS I SAY, it is not a new question, yet the massive effect of the young generation's concern with moral values -the quality of life -some- how gives questions like these a new pertinence that must lnevltebly cause changes. In this regard, ABC·TV will present on March 17 a two-hour documentary that is significant in Its concept, particularly if it is a sampling of future network programming and thought. The program, Jumpily titled "Three Young Americans in Search of Survival," and nBJf'eied by Paul Newman, focuses on a trio of personfl passion· ately committed to helping people, and preserving marine life and wilderness areas. IT IS SURELY not the first time television documentaries have taken sue' a positive ap- proach. One. thinks of ABC-TV's Mission to Ma- laya." about nurses, and of Charles Kuralt's 11 0n the Road" pieces of Americana for CBS-TV's eve· ning news, and of other broadcasts too. But a two-hour prime time documentary l!I surely a further major step, and important at this time, and, one hopes , a sign that the pursuit of quality in Ille Is very definitely considered by the networks as l'.fiajor news nowadays. Jn short, that good news -and not just the occasional tearjerk· Ing feature -can be big news also. THE ABC-TV documentary will focus on Gary Smlth, a graduate student at Utah Stale University who is concerned with savlhg. wilderness areas; Harold Haskins, an associate in community plan· ning at Temple University and a worker with ian~s Jn North Philadelphia; and Mary Margaret Goodwin, field director of the Caribbean Conserva· tlon Association and a researcher of water pollu· tlon. The broadcast was produced, written and di· reeled by Stephen F1elschman for ABC news. Deianis thP MentreP ~ I l i • I • U DAILY I'll.OT Hall of Famer Connie Mack baseball leader and veteran umpire Bob Wigmore gets plaque and hands~~e from Costa Mesa Chamber of C6mmerce President Jack Hammett (left) cited as recenUy Chamber's· Febru- ·ary athletics award winner. Baseball season is just around the corner and Wigmore, 44, of 3019 Fern- heath Lane, may be too busy to pause for such honors. Wall Remains Symbol Of Red Resistance BERLllj (UPI) -Th< wall dividing this city stood today as a grim symbol of Com· munist resistance to the desire (or G e rm a n reunification President Nixon shared with his West Berlin hosts. Latest Western hopes to open a crack in the wa:U col- lapsed less than 24 hours before Nixon's brief visit here Thursday. And no further East-West meetings wer e scheduled for negotiating a passage $rough the wall irf' exchange for moving the site of the March 5 West German presidential elections out of West Berllnm The consequences, as the Connnunists already h a v e demonstrated, will be further harassment along the isolated city's air and land lifelines to the West, western officials said. The official Communisl par- ty newspapers of both East Germany and the Soviet Union marked Nixon's West Berlin visit with edito~ials charging that elections Jn West Berlin violate the l!HS four-pow er agreements on Ute city. In Moscow, Pravda said the elections "cannot be tied to any conditions" and "must not take place" in West Berlin. Otherwige, the Soviet.s will in erpret the agreements in the strictest sense, the newspaper said. This would mean, ap parently, a blockade of all but allied militai-y traffic on both air and land corridors. Negotiations designed to resolve the latest Berlin crisis lasted one hour and 45 minutes in East Berlin Wedn esday befort West Berlin chancellery chief Horst Grabert and East German State Sec retar y Michael Kohl walked out on each other. Both had demand· ed precommibnenls or the other that left the talks hope]wly deadlocked. Grabert insisted the East Germans must agree to open the wall on a long-term basis before the election site could ~arantee bo\h West and East Berliners passage through the wall on unspecified holidays for at least a period oI several years. As the deadlock tightened, the East Germans said the West Berliner must agree to Communist precondi1ionS before further talks could be held. This demand apparently ruled out the possibility of further talks. The officiat East German news agency AON reported after the talks that Kohl restated the Conimunist con- tention that West Berlin is not a part of West c«many and, thus, cond ucting presidential elections in the city is illegal. The West Cf:rmans did so without Com- munist harassment, however, in 195-4, 1959-and 1964. The East Germans already have barred overland travel to West Berlin by the 1,036 memhers of the West Gerplan Federal Assembly, wh·o Will sil here as an electoral college to choose a successor to Presi: dent Heinrich Luebke. They also have disrupted the city's traffic and delayed motorists by suddenly closing checkpoints on access roads to the three highways leading from West Berlin across East Germany to the West. In the skies, they have jam· med ror short periods of time the navigational equipment of U.S .. British and French com- mercial airliners flying the three air corridors into the city. The Soviet Union has an- nounced plans for war games with the armies of other Warsaw pa ct nations near West Berlin in early March. West German and allied of. licials said the Communists possibly would use th e military maneuvers as an ex· cuse to close the overland routes to the city as well as to send military planes flying through the Western air corridors. be changed. Kohl demanded.----------1 that West Germany must pro-1.----------,1 mise not to hold the elections LOCAL in West Berlin before the wall could be opeDed. Kohl offered only to open the wall at Easler for West Berliners. Grabert demanded No othor newsp•por tolls you mor1, '"''Y doy, •bout wh•f • 9oh19 011 in th o ,,., .. , Oron90 Cood tho~ tho DAILY PILOT. an agreement that wouldr----------'I ~ I l l See by Today's Wanl Ads e Show He1 This R.1.ne. And 1he 'll follow you anywhere ••. a brilliant diamond, 1n a 1-0< gold mounting, , . up to date appraisal Is $630. v.-lll sacrifice for $350! e Cato u 1 in g Cluanova. BeautlfuJ. ~ Beagle and ~~ CaM&nova puppie1, a love. ahl:t 6 weeks okl. neecl good home and loving companions. • .$5 each. Another bargain, adorable Shophml ColUe pupple• with hJah!y unusual color- ing, 7 pupptes at 7 weeks old. only $10 euh. • Canary Cruller: Excellent 1966 Jaguar XKE, canary yellow roadatu, in beauu. tat condition, with besl offer 1uxepted. ~· ~· -.. .. . ,, ... ,. -·"' ' Mindsze-~tY·. )Vill~ .. Neve·r L ·eave Hu .. gary .i · · ' 'li , , l l .) I . • V.\TICAN Cln'.,(UPI) -clolm to~ll>O <ar<!l'\ll'•• to ~~ u.e:;:l!f-4ld a~.of1l1e<oun1ry. . that the Votlcan'a , r<eelll .Minduenty I< knoWnJo ¢· cu,:uoa.i Jozsef ... MfndsUnly mind. 1. U \.I J.. '~ 1 .cardiml _ ai;:t • his The coulitu~on pro~ agreement witb H u n I a r Y,. fer from a prostate eond.iUon. pro6aljly .,..ll\ never> give up Preas~Jlavt oflell lnJ lwW •.. " 1• • that R lbai ,,...,.,ri were alil which enabltd Pope Paul VI Tllert h&I been .om. quid S dicated tllit ~ who ; -ll!llr<tO 1 a y of Ibo ~· or indl.<poood, to fill 10 hlCh churdi posts . · In clwn:ll cirdea , his uylwn r In the U; · took retup· 111 the' 14'uoo !Mindarl!lltY. demail4o not• only the Cl!hMlc) primal• wu to in the countiY falls short o1 aptCU)aUOll' • Elpbaasy in "BudaP.,t and when Sovie! tUks crusWchhe peisooo! ~ bul the reJflJl In bJ1! al>otiice. Mindsienty'.1 d~es. 'that he might decide to ,P ~ come her< -to ~· oot hJJ Hungarian_, u~ ID _.1956,j ,restoratQ ol '1111 R<iman Thll .JI'~! l)arke<j l>ack Sbottl)' alt<i thiiagrffment lo V,i~nna for ·~ operaUoo ·: li{e..in txile, qualified sources would .agree. .. &o come_..iQut. If ~ce.~Oturcb fP the plloe to me41"eval ~ There Is was 1lped, Card In a J. --. givwg the Uruted ~tates, ~, ?ef!O<l. the red r<gim• In Huneary U held in HUnprian life prior no paralfel tor \I iii the FranziskU> Koenig of Vl'f'U' Hung~ and the Vatican ' I Recurrent reyorts .&bat he formally• absolved hlM ol the to the Communist takeover CatbOllc ~ : bf'rJtiifl.ay, wegt to. »udapest to .see convenient Way of closing the ' will leave are ap~reOtly bu-crimec of whlcb he was con· in 1947. anywhere lo the. world-It iSj Mirldszent>: proijipting repQr\s case: •l : ed fess on reality than on vtcted .in 1949 -h.lg6 trea8oft' 1biS is 1 mere formidable a measunf'bf the 1'11l4it)" of •(ram· us~y ~liable-Vat.ltan But Valican SQurces say "' , hope. i • .' ' . and currency dialinl•· ~ ' .. cJ!lm tha11 anyone not Mbtd.atnly'J character .:...·and sources that" Koen1g would Pope Pa·ut will never order , '.fbil is a picture ol the But the M.induenty f.lOry ' familiar with H u n 1 • r J a n perhaps a reQection of ltow: , .aeet Ill"' .tcr, p e r sup. d e Mlncbzenty out. lq~ ll to ·~ Minds:Zenty case pl e c e d is more compJex than ~ ~ might Ullnk. m\lcb 'lllskry has .passed him Mt,ndszenJ:y to leave Hungary. the cardinal ff) make bis own together ·by Unlled Pra8 Fu.ndameDlidJ ft 'ii t tilt Until 1"5, the Catholic by• -that be clinp to this-Vatkmi•infonnant.s now say deci.\lOn. That decision for the International from talks with story of an in>n-wllled mail, cliurch In llunpjy wu not concept of the role of the the•eire!IQ<ll were erroneous f,.......ble futur< -perllaps Vatican s o u r c e s , 9ualilied ·Ill equally unbendlnc pwrb-only a religioua lnitkuUon but church. -taat KOenig's mission was until death,.-is lo stay where • diplomats and Hungarians wbo ment,and a ~who~ a ;ot&t element in the power In this light, It is evident of a ~purely religious nature -be is in voluntary WJe. e t2JJ I. 17ttl St., Con ..._Sl:sppll1 c..t, C.M. • 13122 .....,.,., St ... w.1111..--.w-*-' c-tor. •.•: e 1JtM Map De St.• T~,.,.. c:.se-. P.Y. ~ e 6127 W....,.., et~ Wost, Wnhal...., • 11961 , .. ..., Ylilw ... a.,-.... -Ecn ... ,._,Ci.Go . • 10142 ..... , • .A'M ... flldM ................ e.. .•.•. . '"' c--.......... ,. '!' '0'-tn c...tt-"-s. •.• ( e ..... & .... llvr4.-H•I 111a .._. l.1ppl .. c-tw, H.I . e 1460 w.1•....-0S4ll .,..._. st.-ldl1.., Csstilr, S:l.-1 '. & •2 ea;.Yalues Spring 'Jewelry a Plower PIM • lnpns ... Pltrcod and PMftM LoM.lanlnp•l"'*"9 ................ - fl..BY.i.W .... a .............. . ~~···· Wed .... AVIUIJO • ,...,. ........ . !:i:t"" ... »s1411 -Y-·Wlcbr .... .,. 'et ~='=63~ ........ .,......, ,_..,.. =-........ 97' $8" Val. 1 0-Pc. Hair alpper Set H•••W.D .. G5'::r~ s544 ,. _, 'Dldftr ...... ..... -.. SPECIAl ,,,.._~fi/ DISCOUNTS S...,Blll Mid Med T•1tt1 I e 2JM ..... llWI. II,.._ ....... C.... C.M. ez1111.,..1W.•-..,H.t.' ' rAi llepHt of I farmer Sellolltl . ~ Hazel Bishop -Beauty Spectacular •I .lye Shadow '1t 3 3 C 1'...mtie bmatJ ..,. , o • .... JOG CID l/J 11( tM .,, .. Joob" ..i it((o • a low-'I11riftr -·m-~-.... ''-~n......, • .,. .......... ..... • • ....... •lk ... ......_.AOllN. ...... 14c • .. ........ • ,.................. lk ..• r=.!: c.....I ....... !:!! • ~ .., ..... ""' c .... J)o .• ,,. ~ ............ Ii: R ... '5.91 . Tether Ball 11111'911Set llendod In kothlmil Scotch Whisky $466~ ......... ,""' Buth Shirts ~·,.... m $2•• Wt...._n•c:ll:. C'tHon. $iltt Jl.jl. w .......... .... Itfran Pants ""::. '7,,, $391 .,,.,._ AcrJtic" • ~ C:Ol.IO'IU t l•tlic:la:li. ... ... -kc ,.... ...... -nr: cf;.t. • ~ 1'- I. Men'• Knit Shirts --2:$5 . . . ---------- $19" Deluxe Cerainic Large Table Lamps a J ~ Os. C...11 s;,..., 51" Vicks~~-....... . 73' ll Os. Plol11 ., Ml11t s• 8~ Phillips :::.,:. . . . . . . 7 ......... 63" 99' Bufferin Tablets . . .. · 11/.t O.. .... oihl•lm 66' 981 Bengay Rub . . . . . . . . . . , htHoofl 53' 79''Sominex Tablets ... . hltt.ol60 $)33 $2" Chocks ~':'..a:t ...... . -~40T•w.tt ... 1J-.~wi4 $)91 2 Gentol ................. · Plldr. flf It Tow.t. 66 98; Super Anahist . , , , . . . ' ..... MlatMIShYtcr..-11--. 54' 98' Mennen ::'0111 ....... ..._S,111 llld. IOcOH•"""91 54' $1 Mennen ::"O: ..... .. Os.""· Dry ... Oily 42 651 Breck :..0..... .. .. c 4 Os. """' ..... lat'-59; Com Husker's .... , .. 42' , .... A--' c.. -,~Faultless::=. ..... . 53' ,,_ 494 Wlndex :::: •....... ..... 791 carter's :r:- 59' to w , •••• ,, Whltmcm's UW:l IOX CllldJ . r . S ... s -~" ,,. ... MlfkCfMJcof• Peeut CtUsttrs POUl"D 14G> 2:$100 .. 1 ......... DitHriaiit .. d\oc. • :· ' ,. . l ' I J . l i • I • ' t . ' • • • . • ' ' • . • . . I ! ' • " ' ·' • ' ' • • .· '' • " ' • . .. I • . ' ' . r • • , • . • • • • • • I ' i ! f ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' . ' , f Ull.Y Pll.OT • • .. . ~ •• HlS 'EM ••• 'THE CAR OF THE lf~~~ ··············~········· : 'New '09 VALIANT • ,.... ' . ' . ; 1-, .. ~ME.RIC~'S, , . .. . ·c e ·:COMFOITABLE . . •' " ' . ' ' . e '~MOfqR · TREND" e •GAZINE'S . :cAR of the •YEAR :coMPACT .• ' . !· 1UTOMOBllE !ROAD !RUNNER • Li9hf p411ck19e, automatic tr1n1misslon, r1dio with rur 1Hf spNket, he1t1r, nylon c1rp1fin9, h11vy-•• • duty braking system, dual 1xh1ust system, front arm rest, glove. boll light, front door courtesy li9ht switches, 1p1ci1I beef" be.ep, 1imul1t1d air hood scoops, heavy duty 1usp1n1ion, 1n1r9T ebsc.rbing • • ste.,ing coklmn, 111t belts front •nd rear, vinyl roof, cl1hix1 wheel covers, whita siclew•I tires. • !ib3orf70X114. "'-5 $299 $99~~NTH · ! ·. : 7 1 DOWN : 36 MONTHS : ......................................... ' ' SAVE AS MUCH AS. $2. FINAL CLOSE OUT Oft ALL 'l's -THIS WEEKEND QNL Y ! GOOD SELECTION OF MODELS , "DON'T WAIT! YOU CAN SAVE UP TO $2000 .... ' '66 PORSCHE . 4 speed, radio, heater. sharp. Lie. WAF275. $3695· . · '651urc1 LE SABRE. Automatic trans- mission, power brakes, power steering, white walls, electric seats. Lie. ROG 048. $1595 '65 CHEVROLET NOVA. 2 door hardtop. 8 cyl. 4 speed. Radio, heater, white walls. Real sharp. T\V942. · -' '&5 FURY • Dr. sedan. a cyl., automatic transmission, radio, . heater, power steering, ~brakes, air condillonlng. 112. r $895 ~&1 DODGE DART. 2 door. 8 cyl. 4 speed. Radio, heater, etc. #311164. ~495 '64 RAMBLER Stati~n wagon, VS. radio & heat. er, automatic transmission, Lie.· IIN95S. •AICIV• CAU ltt..US TAX I. ltt. · '67 COUGAR Auto. trammhwdon, rad,io & heat· er, power tteering & brkes, 'WSW, bur'Jlm, vinyl bucket seats. Uc. 882. . $2695 '68 PLYMOUTH 4-door, automaUc transmission, radio and heater, while sidewalls. Lie VWM2til. '66 PONTIAC Brougham BONNEVILLE. Full power including air condition-1 ing, radio, heater, power wln-' dows & seats, ·Real sharp. ~995 19. WATS TO PINANCI ,.,, ...... flt, .. ...... 1 IOAC) I s9· · · oo s95e9 i e DOWN Per Mo. e :. ................................ , AMERICA'S RNEST PRESTIGE STATION WAGON LUXURIOUS 1969 CHRYSLER $4195 Town & ·Country · Station Wagon INCLUO,S AU THIS lfUIPMINT; Pew•r 1fHrint, pewer cll1c M••ff, till 91!1 1c11ff cl1111, 1hip p.1cl, e11tern1- tic tr1"'111i11io11, tln!N wl11cl1hl1lcl, ,.rnol1 co11tr1I fllirror, h11!1r, Dual hr1H11t 1y1h111, p1cld1cl cl11h, clw1I ricl91 11f1ty rlrn1, road1ld1 w1min9 f1a1h1ra, 111! h•lh front 111d ra1r, 11f1ty door loc~, 1laclric wi11d1hl1ltl wlp.r1 ind W11h1n, lilc•Vp Ujhh, clu1I op1ni119 t1ll 91ta, r1clio i nd 1.15xl5 whit1 1icl1 will tir11. 1 .. M1t111t1 tlMl•1ry. Cl'4169CI 66016 ONL y $299 DOWN $134.19 per mo.• 36 mos. O.A.C. t••··~································· e $ · '00 DOWN • CASH or TRADE WILL • : . . DILIYER ANY "EW CARI : • . . . PWS TAX AND LICENSE e : . . ON APPROVED CREDIT!-. • ..................................... , . ' . '65 Chrysler '388' 2 DOOR HARDTOP. Full power, plua air conditioning. Uc NQW 000. -$1495 '64 PONT_IAC 4 door hardtop, automatic trans- mission, radio, heater, air con~ ditionlng; Lie. NMC 147 I ~Q?5 . '59 PLYMOUTH StaUon wagon. VB, automatic ~BDBmisaion, radio, heater. Lie. GBD 923. $99 OPEN ·7 DAYS A WEEK 1:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. ' ' '68 PLYMOUTH 2 Door. Power steerin~, auto- matte transmission, radio, beat~ er, power brakes, white walls. Lie. RTC 923. $1·595 '64 CHEVROLET MALIBU convertible. 8 cyl. Ra· dio, heater. Nice litUe car. SKR898. $895 '68 JEEP 4 WHEEL DRIVE. Warner hubs. Electric winch. Less ·than 3000 miles. Lie. WAF·llllo. $2995 - 'U"DODGE GT 2 Door. 4 ipeed. Radio, beater, white walls. JIZZ 190. $595 '&1 NEW YORKER 2-door bardtOP.i full power, faCto tory air conditioning, radio and healer, balance of factory war· ranty. Lie. 0073. '2895 '58 CHEVY 2 door sedan. Automatic trans- mission, radio, ~ter, power ' steering. Lie. GMV1089. ' ' . $ ''' ' 149 . ~ ... • Stt .... w11 ....... ...,.., _. ... ,,_ _. ..,._11l11tlea. AT THE LAKEWOOD TURNOFf OF. THE SAN DIEGO FIEEWAY FlOM ORANGE C:OUNrY ·+ ' . •• • ~ •• ~ 543·6663 '527~2341 426-17301 ~r .... ~_!l'-mll!~--~r--~ ........... ~~ ............. ~~1 ............. -..~ ... -.ilii.,_ .. ~,_~~~--~~~~--~t,..~~~ .. ~~ .. ~ • I ' ' -- , . ' II.: " •. A: ' ' B/I . ' ' ' I/I Ill y~ WORK I Pete /Jarrell /ea(l'J-. JUST LIS~E~I Attr~:ve home on Ocean-T,1"c:,Duv~~ •• ~= 18:.EGE REALTY OPEN'<:· . • THIS WEEKEND • : , _, :FINER l:IOMES ' ' !ront.cJoso to Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Ille In -allflrin& th"'J albs bedroom two bath BEAU-D.re6t1nl4 4 Bedrooms, 2 ba s, built-in kitchen. Si>•· TY! Ell,.rtaln """" b'lendl 1 · cious liviQ.g · room w /high beaiD.ed ceilIDg in u. re1axln&: •wimmlnc WAllM & l'IUINDLY -WEST· CLll'I'. Newly lilted -excellent ""'"''"°"" Homey kitchen-family room, 4 bdnm, 3 bathl. Well priced at ta.GOO. NEl!D ltOOM TO GROW? Absolute- ly 1he best buy In Bayaest area - just listed. 5 bdnm al only '47,850. IMMACULATE -LIDO CORNER. Move-in coDdltiOn, vacant. .3 bdrms, dining room, 3 car garage. Large lot with sunny patio &: maximum pri· vacy. Call .for Bill Bents. SMALL COMFORTABLE HOME on large R·3 lot, cl°'"' to .17th Str~et Shopping Ceoter. Our birgaln llittng -,15,000. . ' ~ and used brick fireplace. Owner m~ving to pool, altr&cttw """""°' northern California. $67 ,500. <r pUtt!ns .,.en. Be a part Eve. phone -.MS-&966 cat tbia EXCl'l'ING ~>Tar- OPEN DAILY 14 P.M. Balboa Peoniniula. ~P~~y~ 1354 E. -Oceao!ront. New 4 bedroom and del\ • $25.9!0. OWNER WILL EX· home, many extru, electric bullt-\ns, ·1u.s11 CHANGE FOR BAYFRONT carpeting, wet bar, nice fireplace. , . $96,500. HOMEr , . Eve. phone -~ . . FIRST T·IME LISTED! Beautiful condomJn. luml Tllroe bedroom•, 21> baths, carpeted throughout including kitchen and patio. Fire- place in large living room, spaciona dining area. Double ·garage. OWnets ·must leave area due to business feUOns. $250/month' covers 'J;rust Deed payment, interest, insur- ance, taxes arid inamte~ce. View of Ocean ,..om second Ooot. F.uJI ~i~ ... ; .... "','ISO ' · EV« pJIOne ~.s11 111169 ! • ,, , BIT Of SPAIN NEWPORT' HB&HTS . ' llSl Country Club Dr. Br•nd New Llttlng Immaculate 4: Bdrm, family room, formal dining room & with over-sized patio & pool· alzed yard. Owner transferring out o! state. l'otMlllon In %' ot 3 weeks. All spacious rooms, most attracUve decor etc. . 2'70 Jova Rood A Mesa Vordo Spoclal DESPERATE.OWNER FACING POSSIBLE TRANSl'ER. Huge Colonlal home, \!a block to goll ~ourse. Listed at $41,500-make your own appraisal. ALL OFFERS CONSID· ERED -must be sold! '- • • • • HARBOR HIGHLANDS! MoY!na-mu•t•M!Jl( • ._1 3 bedroom &: den home on Corner lot.' New You'll be impressed wttb tbll t h r e e hfd:room home'• chamiliw SPANISH INTER- IOR! ArchW9¥1 divide for- pl d1ninl room and p c- bll living niom with mas- 11~ atone fiftplace. Freahly d9carated wUh line carpell and eicltinl ll&ht flxtureL Entertain OD )'Out, COi)' brick patio with outdoor BBQ. CoJ'Qll.ete your hobbies tn your U'x24' worialhop; Boat storage too! YOU CAN AS- SUME EXCELLENT EXIST- ING FINANClNG AT 6% 2946 Mau1 Pl11ce, Mesa Verde Builder'• closeout/Sacrltice -One-of-kind 2 level (not a 2 story), brand new 'custom home near tile Mesa Verde Country Club. 4 BRs, large family room wlth wet bar, din· ing' area, etc. 2455 sq ft. Don't be sorry - see it today & let us know what YOU would buy it fo r. Beautiful 3000 acre Sonoma Coanty ranch. Cattle, sheep & grapes. Good buildings. Clear. $1,650,000 -good terms. OFFICE OPEN S1tvrd1y1 & Svnd1y1 1605 WESTCUFF DRIVE Ne.,, l~h .642-5200 t'Jlgs & ~rapes in living room: ...... $31,500 Eve. phone -673-0479 ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX! Near Ocean at 48tb Street. Spacious living rooms, 3 bed- rooms or 2 and den, 2 baths in each unit. Built-ins. Reduced to $49,500. • · Eve. phone -642-3287 BEAUTIFUL LIDO ISLE HOME! Spacious living room and family room surround love-- ly landscaped patio. Large corner Jot. Street to street to street. S bedrooms, 3 baths, for· mat dining toom plus additional room for office or den. Shown by appointment only. Will consider exchange for . Brentwood or , smaller hOme on Lido Isle: Plea!e call Mrs. 1500 AOAMS ot HARBOR,' CM {near Clnem11 Theatre) 546-5110 ~· Ro~ valiie '" lovely McHlel ·Home $32,950. HURRY.. . by IVAN WEW ~nin&:li Call 673-6116 ASSUME 514 GI LOAN AT $120 PER MONTH A really sleek 3 BEDR0oM, 2 Bath beauty with BIG FAMILY ROOM. Complete- ly draped &: NEW CAR,. PETS. On large c:ul-de-58.C lot with room for b o a t. VACANT! AVallabl& NO DOWN Vets at . a TOI'AL PRICE of $21,900. DELUXE DUl'LEX New 3 BR Unit&. Blt-ln R &: 0, dohwohr, <ar>etod. On !be Peninlula • just •Pl fP Octan A Bay. 7% finlmO. Chancelor Home Fay ......... , ......... : ... :,::: ...... $10S,ooo Irvine Eve. p~one -~966 $3,000 ~RICE ·REDUCTION with a gorgeous "Forever View" of the Upper Bay, <t BR J ha, formal & in!onnal dlnin& areu p 1 u .1 famfJ.y room with parquet floor. Every decorator touch in draperies, carpeting, waD..- papers & futures, Unusual "L" shaped pool & tull land- .scaping. Thill home hu been one ot the most admired WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee kO< ................. $59,9!0 PENINSULA POINT 3 BR home. Xlnt location, SO' x lCKY lot • room to ~ large preRnt home. Don't min~? $42,500 • •uum•bl• 5!1% Loon Bay & Beach Retdfy,· Inc. e 4 Bedrooms _ 21Ai Baths 90 I S On thhl huge two story family home. l..DCated in excellent aree of Newport Beach, this home is surrounded by beau- Ivan Well's models. N,OW 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams available for sa:le. $84,500 s.tS.9491 e Lea thlUI 5 Yrs. old 1 Dover Dr ve; ult• 221 ,.Ntwport IMch , e Upgraded S7,000 (Profes-645-2000 1 ' . . • ' ' ; , '. 54&-69'6 complete 'lncludins tCemak.o.· . Open tll 9 PM . laH•1 Real E1t1te Co. -~~-:~ ! --.: ''.T I ' •Pri«~.91().T<nm TRI-LEVEL Fo~li,~'~ er refrigerator. -=-~=---=~,.... ttllll ohldl -·and a coon-Roy J. Word Co. ·Less Than Rent IY type •tm"'"""'· r... (Bay"''' Olfk•> 168.00 total pmt. hires 4 Jarae bedrooms, plWI 184.2 Santiago Dr 646-1550 Joaephine Webb, Realtor 'TOO E. Ba1boa Blvd., Balboa ""4140 Boy & Beach . , . , »motha&"m""' ...,, · tI>e Rulty, Inc. Eastside ontinuT. •Newport lleigh• deri, plut family room, plU.B · No qUa.l.eying, anyone can u- furmal dining, plus huge -sume existing 6% GI loan. yant and .....,;JJcont POOL. COSTA MESA 4 bdm,,, 2 "'""' pl" "P' 2401 E. Coast Hwy., CdM C--M--charm with· tlie oxpootd 67S-3000 · v.•t1 •-beam ceillnrt 'and wood Low intmlt insura.nt"t" Joan a rate den. custom floor to may be: auWned without '"'• celling rock_ fireplace, bit ----~--3 BRa + Wnily ...... 2\1 """""' -· -DAILY PDDl' WANT ADSI batlll. doulie Pltkil. expm. country tltchl!n,·and print.e· ========-========J aiw carpets " draplt. auto. prden patio, Three .bed-· ..... In lnl<mt. Full prloe DELUXE 4-PLEX ;.,., """" ill heating. now $49.500. SUbmlt four smalltt One large 3 BR 2 bath with shag carpeting, Best Costa mne on CMlr pan.ntee .ale C!OYINd patio lc: ThrM 2 BR Meaa area. Call 0-.rlif 1000General , 1000 matlc 1anae door opener1:, rooms plu.s a rueat 1part. J.===============::;'.· I sprlnlden tmnt A ~. Call ment with private acce11, plan, 2 bath unit&. Ideal for own. WI. SELL A HOME ar ...,, for tu lhe!ter. Call ·!VERY 31 MINUTES ,. for dotalls. Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Udo 4 .'tR. Pier & Slip 4 yr. old custom Sponlab bwlt as builders own homo on 2 loll. Pool terrace & olip le>: 50' boll lmmac. tllrout ... $149,500 Joe Clorbon · Custom Wells Home-$59,800 Best Baycrest llr<et and prof. Jandacaping describe the aetting f<lr this 3 BR, 2 BA hor:.e w/FR & FRM & DR., blgb celling, beaut decor. w /many extras Greg Wohl CdM D..,.ex For Land Volue Splendid income units close to ocean, on 2 Jots -xlnt Joan available. Both lots worth pr!~ of $58,500 -See this today Walter Haase Price Reduction -Lido Isle Reduced $3 ,000. 2 BR home on corner stra- 1 da. 53' lot. Plenty of room to add. Thts has • to be best buy on Lido at . . . . . . $48,500 Mrs. Raulston ' Reduced In Price . But not in charm. Large walnut panelled den, 3 bedroom•, 2 baths, beamed celling throughout, f a m l l y room, 2 fireplaces. Owiior anxious .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. US,500 Mary Lou Marlon Excllllive Westcllff 1 Excellent value '42,500. 3 Bedroom with . '. convertible de:n, freshly paj.nted, profes· sionally decorated.· Lovely covefed patio Mary Lou Morion • View Lot-Emerald lay : In Lquna jjaach. A wonderful place to ! live. Lot located neor alepa to beach. Plans J for dre,uny homo avail Fee land . $35,000 'I Mr•. R.aul!lton • ! Income-Corona del Mar • : 2 lovely homoo on 1,\!a lots. Prime locaUon . l Larger home -4 bedroom, 1tudy & pool- 1mallor homo -3 bedroom. dinlnt rm • Mary Lou Marlon ' .' View llvffs Open ·House j 2019 Vist.1 Caudel ofl Del Oro -beat bay vlew 3 BR, 2 baths plus powder room & wetblr<-lmmedlatc occupancy-446,500-- 1·5 Sii& S.m WaJterH .... COLDWELL. IANKER & .CO. 2200 I. COAST HIGHWAY NIWPOllT llACH now to Rt:. : periect for the in-law. The $32,500 "'""" hoi bougbt out of the are• and the price bu been Newport reduced "' 126.900. Colesworlhy & Co. I J~ Victoria 646-8111 Yaur Dream House 642-7TI7 OPEN EVES: • 88EB NbU&f. DO RUSH! e 2 rentals (tum) • 4 doors to l&Dd • Wide street • Oo.se to shoppinz e 6% Financing can b@ auumed! • ~.950. Walker & lee S68,5oo $550 Newport •t Victoria 646-8811 TAX SHB.TER ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 64~94 WOULD YOU BUY? A squeaky clean S Bai hard· wood floor home with a bJa: $18.400, 5% % FHA auum- able loan for only $23,950! Of course you would ~ but you'll have to hurry. · -•ERNIE-.. CLEVELAND Hu jmt been &tl!d. This h\'O bedroom and den or third bedroom home ii: Jn like new condition. Many extru such as a new aluminwn COftftd patio. Even the price ta • dream •at $21.850. Gor .. 0.S Sunsets RllJCilll REALTY ' 2025 w. Balboa Blvd., N.8. • 67~ are th!: total costs & down pa.yme?it lo a Vet on th!!! FAR EAST QIARMER. Complete orlmltal decor enhanc- es this beauty with J BRI, DlNING ROOM +HUGE RU?-.tPUS ROOM. Ot cou~. all the built·inll too. Full price only SZ!.900 - to ta I payments $190 month. Four 2 BR triplexea that the owner must sell qUickly. I1i.S baths each., earpet.1 &: drap.;s, &'~~· North Cos- , ta M'eaa ana, Price $33,950 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiil•iill '""" Call for particulars. JUST LISTED AND OCEAN VIEW. You own t..l:Ml land. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths + guest apt. Sfcluded patio and P>oJ. 2 double gar. ages. Lot 1lze 126x.140x183x 151, Rose garden and green- house. Corona Highlands. $97,500. JEAN SMITH, RHllor 400 E. 17th St., C.M. 646-3255 ·fortnal Dinning $500 total down to vets Income Units $72,000 Monthly Income $850 -·- Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. 1310 Newport Blvd., C.?-1. S.S-1129 E\lft. &K-0684 • -COATS & WALLACI !llAL TOllS I' \l I •\\ 1111 l. ~I \II\ \ll \\ ll I \I T 1 ( t i 546 414t-UIJ3 Baker; C.M. IOpon lvon1"9'l CLEAN n,...e Wishes y,., "''"" u • ''"' msh\Y U pea~. comfort, locatSon painted, newly carpetl!d plut are important to fO\I, look. maror extr:aa. 3 BR. Mesa this over. Convenient to Del Mar home. Priced to Newport He 11 ht s gn.dt tell. •• -... a11-''pllll" n on 1 street lined with 40 tt. pine trees. this cbarminll: 3 1 i==::::=zz::=m=: bednn 2 be.th home ha.I a 1 i lll!P. formal din. rm .• l2x20 covered c.nclORed pa. Uo 1kiar to ceiling ftrepla~, enorm- OUI kitchen and wall to wall earpetifW'. All for onl1 $25,too call today' achoo!, and all •hopping. I 13~ blks to new park. Only features. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathl. fll'lplaot, •cptl. an:I S4U Eut Cout 11\\'Y. ' ORANGE COUNTY'S LAllGUT 293 I. 17th St, 646-4494 A Dirty lafCJaln 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage, ptiaC?e Verde stonlt tirepla<ie oyermed Jot llJ'ld its near IChools and llhop- 11irW'-No monl7' down to Vets or nlA. Below market at $22,500. Farrow ~alty 29.1 E. 17th St. 646-4494 DUPLEX 2 -l Bdrm Units $22,200 DAVIOSON Rulty ~ Ew.~ MISSION VIEJO ' bdr. l ba, larre fa.m nn. lonual din rm., .le.nda.ped, air cond. 21XX:>+ Ill rt. $36,450 Owner 337.7449 Pool· Tralle,...Addltion? Room lor all on this liO x 135 tot. 3 Br Wtu bf1, hdl\'!I fil"ll $2'l.OOO. t f'lf!r. MS-76n ''Am' A.OS! Dolphin Terrace Irvine TetT. West Price Cut-442,900 !poUe511 2 BR & Dea,, :l'1'1 Ba minimum maintenance • OV• tnlzed prate PLUS lar&e' cove.red boat.port. CURT DOSH, Realtor drapes, double garsee, ~ Corona del Mar 675-3745 crete drtVe, larre fenced baclt yard on 50xl30 IT. R-2 T wr. n.. .. 1s ..,, ,, much BEACH KOUSE available . in this part of Oldt!r Home oa large euUlde CM. Huny. OWN· 135 x 95 ft.) R-2 Lot ER. WILL SELL FHA I ! 1 block to Beach su.a? '· s:n.sm CllEAPIE DUPLEX Georg• Williamson Realtor 67J...f350 Eves. 613-1564 1730 w. Coast High\\ray Cute older units with i .. -...lil!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6'2~72 EVES. 673-3468 ......... detached double i' a r a I e. p , C , ( 5 BORM -"POOL" N•ar 5Choob & lh<>pplnr. llme OmmefCli $220 mo income. Aaume 6~ MESA VERDE private loan . C.Omer 19th 1: ~ C.M. Eirecutlve home. 3 btths. fuD $18 950 next to U 1to1:y"'fild&. F:ive dining room, ~G free form. • stores f'llUy Jeued at $)COi/ pool, •bund•nt decking, Iulh mo. PotenUal unlimited. landsc:aplng. A 11 electric $110.DI» r IP .. 29" down & built-in lcttchen, Distinctive owner wm CU!7 ]Jt Tt>, residenee. MO-lncl Ge R1 -TARBELL 2955 Harbor ""' IY Co. ,.., SQ FT PRESTIGE * 642°1n1 Anytlmo * Mova In NEW ENGLAND 2 .story. 4 -----Tomorrow Hogt LlYintl Rm. Fonnal WESTCLIFF 1 &dn>om. 2 both !smily Dinln& Rm. Sep. Fam. Rm. Abandoned b>' trUlllUftd home kitchen bu elec. built. 4 BR. 3 8&. R<duced llllOO owmr. -livl .. """" lilo. -61ldq &lu& doon ID $'1,500. OWnoqt. w/belp with open beam ce!llrw • 2 from IJl and Den. -to 1 J1nance 646-1205 Ice' e,wt. brick t!repl.acn. Mow in ti> ccrYmd pat». _ 123.950 INCOMPA!l.A8LI! ....--. $40.9!0. ni. R<&l lust $UIO down $22.500 -4 IDllM F.o1atm. ""nn • 5'6m3. ni. R.al Eatatm. '*"313 ',..~"';;~.~~ $13,950 ~~~RM -$21,750 brick patk3 v.1th Ith tired 1 BR + den or 2 nn, 11' ''0$'' DOWN G.I. BBQ. DrcAm kitcllcn Y:ilh baths. Big Eastxldc lol 2 IC~te tt...lbl, den, dinifW blllll·in n.nrc, ovtn a n d Excel terms. CALL ?-.fR. room, bWlt·ln kitchen, f!R- dishwuhcr. 540-fno NELSON 54().U51 (op~ n -place. Patio, fruit troe•. Col. TARBELL 2955 H~rbor ev~5J 11eritqe Real ~tate od'u1 t hnlbl and nov.<trs. For DllJ1 PUot Wat Adi. .5t0-1720 _.......;D!s=.I..:.111U$11::..:.:-";j;~--' Dial eMm k• R~lll!'I TARBl!Ll 2955 Harbor • • • TWIN OCEANFRONT DUPLEXES 2-2 bdrm each (F\lm) 7.years youna Excellent rental I.ft• Submit tradcs.S'lS,000 ea. HARDLUCK SALE Owner fl.ciJW pouible immi- ne nt transfer. SacrWce h\11'! Colonia:J 4 &. famlly room, forma l dining room, impres- sive 2 story with curved driveway. Listing is $41,500 but any oiler considered, ~5·5180 ne .. cinema thatlt) LEGE REALTY Adlrns II Ka111ot,tl& 17G' of frontage in hot loca· I.ion C.M. Consensus o( opin. ion Newport Freeway will enhance value ol property by creating a top comer loc&tSon. • Great potential. Let broker l'xplain the prop. erty, Call CHIL T ROBINETT REALTOR 64,.;-0128 UNBELIEVABLE I $23,500 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Exclusive location • amidst Prtltiae homes. Muttt siJe bedrooms, at~tive den. Very bospltable ll\'tr11: room. Pool abe )'Ud. M0vt In eon. dlt!oo. SI0-11~ TARBELL 2955 Harbor SACRIFICE! SOS Irvine. NewPo rt 3 BR. llM. BA, 2~ garage. Assume $191150 F1·1A at 5%. $168 Month lnclode1 taxca. ·• V aca.nt. Make Offer. ~tte ~:r 54s.= H,\RIOR ISLAND.,..,. The only available <,ltoine on beautlf111 wooded Harbor Island. 3 BeClrooms, stuly, large Uvlng rm, pier 6: . slip, Priced under ~ for Immediate sale. Ap)il only. , ... '... .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . $175,000 ·-~ . BEACON BAY '-3 Bedroom home In this desirable community. Private beach, com· munity pier, Boat, tennts court. Apartment may be added, immacullate condltlon. Asking .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . $59,500 DOVER SHORES -Panoramic View home, 4 bedrooms, 8\!a batlla, family nn wlth wot bar, new carpetmg, l~UJ window treat· ment. New Anthony pool, solar flo outdoor heated. Exciting terrace on baysido. $112,500 HARBOR HIGHLANDS -Largo 4 bedroom home newly painted in.side &: out. With beau .. tlful panelled family rm and courtyard en- trance. Across from Mariners Park It ll· brary ............................... '40,500 iohn ma en ab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Oo .. r Or., Suite 120 642-1235 Like A Picture look ac 1trtet with 3 BldroomJ, r • ' I i I I ' ) DRY Nt.Utd on & ~ cul<le- 2 B&tm; ...... ..,.;.., P"· tlo. block~ •urmmdl the ; WARM -,,_,,. Kitchen .. ·' tult• built i. and h1.1p eat. , Cl r I U inc area. Priced •t $22.1'.X> U:An and terms avall1ble. I WE SELL A HOMI AIR EVERY 31 MINUTIS ':..~' =:rl., ·=.:...':"'*,~ Walker & Lee .11 derful opportunitlu · await the \VISE INVEsroR in this 7682 Edinger I fertile valley? Ideal area for 842-4455 or 540-5140 i'f'OWbW Alfalfa, nuta. ap:t. I ;;;;;;;;°"'i;;;;i;";;;D;;;•;;;Uy;;,;;Ill;;;S;;;' '°;;;;;;;I ., cots, raising of fish, etc. A 11 'i """"' ... .,.. 1n whk b to WESTCUFF 1 Uve A: enjoy the bounties o1 )'Our own MAN M ADE 3 BR I dinhlc room. Beau· LAKE (approximately 120 tiful 1nDte corner location:. lakes NOW IN AREA\! Many custom extras. Shown INVESTIGATE by appoinbnent $45,000 ANO INVEST In YOUR Tomorrow• OU~ by owner 841.Q;tO After 6 PAI I t ~ . 333 E. 17th St, C.M. ........ J Exclu&ve China Cove home •1 "'""'H"o"r11""'11"H""'or"1"01"1..,.I 'll. year around living • best Santa Ana lle!Ptll. 66 x 200 Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, with 2 bedroom home + 2 I priced to sell Wt at-$69,500 car 1araie. C.OmpleteJ¥ fenc-•I • By appt only ed. Great term!!. CORBIN-MARTIN $23.SOO Call or come In. \Ve have all 1 ' REALTORS VA and FHA information. 3036E.Co11tHwy,CdM n.. R<&l ,.,.,..._ 546-2313. • 675-1162 .... nn Open Houses THIS WEEKEND KHP thl• handy dlrKtw with yw this week-end •1 yew go holllMuntiftt. All the t.c1t..._ ll1tecl !*ow are dffCFIW Jn ~ datall llf Hv-ertlthtt 1IMwh1re In .... Y'I DAl_LY rlLO WANT ADS. P1treM lhewtftl •" tt.uHI far sale or te rfltt •t• uf'll4 t. lid IV<h lnfwma-tlon In thl1 column .. ch FrWay. 12 Bedroom & Don} 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) Cd~! 642-6472 Eves; 673-3468 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 13 Bedroom & f•mily or Oen) 1290 Conway (Halecrest) CM 545-0225 !Open Sunday) 1107 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar 644-2867 (Sat It Sun 'til 5) 1206 Pembroke Lene, Newport Beach 642-4251 !Sat.Sun 1·5) 1518 AnUgua !Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Open Sat Onll') 14 Bedroom) 3036 Garfield, Cost.1 .Mesa 548-1168, 675-1977 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 2871 Ellsmere (Mesa Verdel Costa Mesa 77~201, 548-6726 (Open Sunday) * 101 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda hie) NB (7141 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2218 Puente, Costa Mesa 546-4159 (Sat & Sun) 2211 Vista Hogar (Tho Bluff.I) oU Hidalgo NB, 675-3433, 644-0990 (Sat " sun Hi) 14 Bedroom & Fomily or Oen) 1354 E. Oceanl'ront, Balboa Peninsula 645-2000 Eves: MM1165 (Dally 1-S) * 1642 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Dally 10-5) 1218 Polorls (Dover Sboreo) NB (714) 542-8235 (Sot & Sun) 3079 Roalloke Ln., Colla Id .. 540-1720 (SUD 1.S) (5 lodroom) 008 Chestnut Place (Eaatbluff) NB 845-2000 Evet: MM1165 (Sot • Sun 1-8) (5 Bedroom & F1mily ot 0..) *2118 Windward Lene. Newport Belch 542·2598 <Sal. San 1.a) DUPLIXIS FOR ¥U 711 Marigold, OorOl\I del Mor 873-8550 • (Sat & Sun) *""' ' .. " • j • ---------------------------------------------- ' i I , ' l ' ' .~ ' • l • ! • J • ' • ! I • > I l I • I l ' I \ l ' ' ' • HOUtff•ftll IAl.I HOUllS l'OltlALI 'rl4lf1 ,.., 21, IM 7( DAILY l'UT 31 UAL ISTA" "-'HOU=l;;;IS;;;.P;....O;;;ll;;;IAl.a""";:;.,--H;..;.OU=l.;;;;1;;;.I P;....Olll~·f.\~LI:;:.-HOUSll 'OllM~I .HOUlll POR SAti ·llNfll;S UNTALI !· ci-11 . , , 1a o-r11 IOOD _.;;Gio.;;·;..,...;..;..''<'-----,-·-'· t 1• cer.. till-Mer '1211 Up-~···-1711 lie r111 U.f•z.tl•'*' H1w11 U.1h4 *W , ~ 11Clll SAVE TAX a;'..Mn _,., ' ~ .. 1 • " -"!!:~It!'! .... ,_... 321 • 1.,,, DOWN ild&4-·-: ·,, NICEJbdnnlo_ ...... •10 c., .rc1a1 Lot Bi ,. , ~ tu ·u·~~· . • •... TOQI-. • *WHY'PA:Y·-.... ..n•-·m.No .. NMr Harllor t1..i. lldllwt111...,i-1111c,. •• . .d ' I ' . -i.ra...i-on1v. 'J!!J!!D. '°"'11 .... Aft,·,.., lSU Clll HUGE LOT 5 bdf1'Dll or 4 A a dA top q!Wity shal ~ 2 1IOt)' ftoor plan, -~ t1Nl trfts. tlW' parlc .-.a.an ........ ..... -~~•••ti;'!'; -00 St,°""'-. .. cco 'J · h 1 t 1 Dol~~;I, st• Net0...l P,l<INY4ow. 0 Dr.._'1219 .,~ :r 0... tnldoul. I -========""-I -.............i.a11-.. _ ... & Ft...! 161h A Tvat"'-c..t• MIN ---v ... '""...,. C-....iMor H.fl <•t>P« ...,.hloc, PA -. -•IN, lo--lilvlo UOO ..... -h: lmn>odlaltly. built • .., --m i:. 11th ·si. .c... · EJcellent .location, nur -11. lbollPiDI "'lit.~ $36,900' 'l ' -, . ' ' ' . ' ' . l. ...... 1 ••• " .!' 546·5990 ;""~a:;_~ .. ";!: _._ '. 616,ms =~te~• ~ ~-~ """Wiiii MINl .~CUTI . • ...... ftn Walle to Westclift lhoppiic. · 1 ..., Ith -......_ 1"~ Ith 1""' ~ DoD 1-r · • r--·li Pri<ed 1o ,.11 JOBS A ·IMl'LOYMll(I' "" w _,. _,..,. -n,. W "'" -on ·1¥-: 11tviNE· OOVE -' Q11llity C ,,,. 2nd -.. pilnts _;29 -...... ,_ -..... --~ ...... 'li11h ;..i. ruu. -•• 64l<m5 · .... ..,.,. • w·-1soo "· and • 11111 ""°"" ni.oi-. u.-·-· '···-~-* LACHENMYER • -".' ~. Priced fnai 'SJ0,150 9-SJJ;tSb 1pdblePftri.Nearc1w> n.;;;r.. ... q..,;~o;;"..;.;; , 0Pl'OR1VNITY E I 1 •-.. 1 and · ....,.., beach. A livtna "'°"" _,.,. dll>llW lS YOUR AD IN a.A.SSI· 1_ 2 "--~ n.al ~-1at. XC ,ua ve ..,._... Jf!'A1el, Red\lced to 13SJ5C). rm s .. _ .... _ r..."''t '" --· FIEDT Som<one 'will be --·-~ ~ BURR WHITE . Rllf'. ' -· -·-·-~ rl"S Be.di .11cqs nm.. Bl&-Jookifw: far tt. Dial ~ people. YOdf own dWc I: • . 2801 Newport JUvd_ N.B. bufJet • cablneta •• $19,SOI ~~";,!:!:: "" .-. e111c1mt -:=-= ~ p. a. palmer incorporated 675-4611 .,,.. iQ:na EldERALD a A y _ ..,..,. CNt.t locadoll Jn ffslUnl· tm Jancb .on ~ten A'ft • between Bnll*bunt .W --.-...... -Quality .l I: • bedNoms. 2 6 3 hath.a, all one ator:v homta. From $31.40:!. Mon~ ............ ltom _., tncludtor p~ ......... ..,...,., ' BR. S Ba., ttt,. ra... d-. <pis, patio. $21$. Adib, ,.. peta. l'l5-ma 11'6 -$IS1i ONE BR. ... tractlw modem Apts. Don v. -. Rib" m.2212 -NOW! eusi= -1o o!fioe. Wallr to tra!!ic, GOocl 3377 VIA .LIDO BY -2 '81', 1 .... f<plo. =...-....-..":"'.:.=bl! DIAL clnct -, ....,.. town. "" DAILY PILOT -. to"°"' on. Tr•ct Ph: Jolt.5113 f....,, L..IC C.JI MA L..., bllllr; ......., • ba. But •-2 ... ~ bit·'· Id'~ Oeer!fkd leC'l:ka. S.Jt w. E. Laebl!nfD.Y.el' R.eal~ ..._,, _,.. ..,.... 11' ~, ,..., ..i. the 111 bam """ .....,,, -6 ......_ ...,. ,,.. Newpmt mvd., CM . • Lido INI' $C4.m mu view <1«k> ·..me. .. Sjt,500 It,.._.,. a..,._ Vttl'.H':'·-"'.~l-"11-..,-1-11-dt-,=I you can mow Jn wllbout 1 __ ~_...::;_;..;..;..;...;.;..;..;...;..; I one penft1 clown • • • not • BR. -~ ~ -.. ""' -...., ..... II • ......,. Eve. m.<51? ' I iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiii._jiijjiiij ~-~::=::~==~~~ITURNllt ·ASSOCIATll - ,) ' am. ""~ ~ ... new even ClGltl. cpta. $140 yrty J•. 3 dilld Deily Pilot Classified CLASSIFIED INDEX Ad11•rtl1trt maHllOI tMlt adS Illy t.l1"'ent. Phones Are Open 8:00 a;m. -5:30 p.111. 9 to Noon Saturday-Closed Sund1y DIAL D.IRECT 642-5678 · Sole.s throu9h the Multiple Ustin9 Service of the Newport Herbor- Coste Mesa Board of ·Realtors , totaled $4,565,250 for the first month of 1969. This represents 114 unit sates end an increase of 331/J •/0 ove.r January of lest' year. un ,.-.,. .. _ . ...,., • ., --. '" w .. .., -· c.. -.., Li.+ your property with o Realtor ea No. Ctiut: mw. u• 111o us1 t.aa-Bea<& mu .... u,, wt1h =r.::r..:.tlnc DvpMit• for Solo 1'75 3 BR + .,,.,. BR. 2 b&tha. NEW llpaoloh C19 31tb St. Fea'tUii1 fOr comfort. '5' Newport Ide. $3t,500 Own'. lot. So. patio: $95.000. . ~ IT5-5111 . R. C. GREER. R"'1ty 3355 v~ IJdo mao lltlNTALS H1u111 PumllhM Huntt ...... -h 1400 Root1ls te S"'r• 2005 nu.. .. -. ---M-U, 1$11. Wall<er6 Leo, Sal<I ,,... .. Open l4 'til --... SltERWOOO fSTATES by Ille SU OK. NI' Bach Bl. A: Slatu 1'165f Van Buren. 14'-?m 2 STY. 3 Br. 1%: ha condo. wahr/drytt, pool, t>Otio. $195 Adlta. 535-2382 ; 331-1116 IMMAC. l Br. 2 Ba. home; avail. March lit; ref&. $189 Mooth (213) 358-0368 iit>: 3 BR. 2 Ba. O- to Dourlu; cptll, drapes. bit-tu. M'f·l62T RENTALS fMStr.t ................. w .... A--. ............. :J ... ;M ..... S..&S... todoy. WORKING lirl to lhare • . Unlventty prk h o m e HOUSES FOR $ALE 1t1wl'011T auctt .. o• ... "'"'• 'lll'llC• d NO PAYMENn w/111.me. Daya 5f&..0921, ,._ R..,111 S.Nice Apia. ,..,.._ to home ownen and tenants l--'------44-C>...,DO WE SILL A HOME -·I elNIUL :: :::::1 ·:::::s ::: =~~:= &INTAU :: evel. 13S--1Sll r;:::,.A =SA MAit tJ• WISTCLIP'll 4111 FllNCIQ .wt F.,. \V with ..&.:1.1 _ .. __ MIU. n:aol! 111, vN1n11s1TT PA1t1t ttU ,LOOU ,.. YI H Ne.,ert' .. Hh 1• oman one ~ ~ coLL••• ,. ... ic 1111 = :tJ,,. t : :~:::;:.:r~•·=-'"' ew ome 60 DAYS mce 2 BR 11ome. tJ'O inonth. ::w:o:; :=::,., ?: COltoNA OIL ...... 0-f .... .. ltlJl .. llMwt• "" Jn E:ttlmive lrv1ne TetT Costa Mua. 64.S-0813 IALMIA CM ..... O.WIM• 6611 t •M• Doi "" T * .,__ •L.a&. * wourn -..... ~··t --IAL.tOA CO'lll Ull IAY Ill.ANDS ._ llM•ltAL ... YIClt ~ a J.JI~ p......., UTaCe 1119 9flDD S, f. 5 Bedroom .Hccntl ,_n "' ~ -11 ••wPo•T INOll•1 1~ LIDO 11u: at 1uou. .. ntte1n .... wann, Spaniah ltyllns OPEN SA:' a.: Sl1N 1.s Coral Shioree s bdrm', 2 N. banu1 nn. U.YCflllT l!b IALSOA llLAWO ,.., IL.AU --"" fn-11 •• room with • ... ham• w/dtvitWcee I: --U.YlttOllll ,',,,"' ••• , •• .,.. ••••• -..... '"'™' ·-&Hl6ol,T ..,..,ceptlonal • Br (S Br a IA oovn 11t01t11 . ,-"' ... ,_ ... ma.saive brick fift..i .. ;... """' • Btwn Beach I: Brookbunt on Untvereitu _....,. l33-0927 : · WllTCLI'' lm f'OUNTAIN YAi;u: , • '"' _..... Den) 2 Ba, The popular K v r-... EYEfltY 11 MINUTES Walker & Lee mlllarborBM.al.\damo -()p<n til ·I PM ....... ' ... "Not _,,. HAL llACN * N•Al.TN CLUll •nt 4 Bedrooms, l Bath& _,,._ "'-•• ....__ _,, Garfield, H.B. WORKING~ to-•·-..... • ..... LI»t• IUCM .... MAULIN• .,. _.... ...._....... .......... ...)"' • 1n•> 982-1353 ..... ......... new UNIY•lltlTI' PAlllt ~= ouNo• COUNTY .._ MOU11CLIANINI 611' tantutic day .Ii: l'lite view Brkfut area, in kit 2 en-tum l Br. 2 Ba. bouae. CMte Meu · 3100 ~';_~·:--.,,. 1141 oAun 1•0¥1 4'11 1.,.. • ._ o•couTtte• •m completely abd bn.utifUIJy closed pati0«, J»Oob, catii.n-l111a.,lnatlon ·& Util pd, wubtr/deyer. Rell .... ......,.....,. .. HOME u:ITILUF' IMI W•STMINITlll: ~It INCOMI! TAX .,... furnished • all for . -'-1-.,, ted F • ~M 111.VINI n:•U.CI IMI MIDWAY cm 4'1• lllDM, Clrlllllll... .... '1SI ....... soo na.. Walk tai atott&, -SPECULATION. 'Mils cute wan • .v. area. .... 1313 3 bdrm newly -~~. -CMDNA OIL MAfl UR U.NTA ANA 4'141 lflOflllllll ms ....... tannis club ,.1: paJ:k..S3G,950. 1 BR in 2 BR _...<cw. IAL•o.t. PINIMIUU ,,. SANTA AHA NllSNTS ""' '"'"LATIN• •7'1 Call \Vally Hallbers B li75-3U3 "4.m9D ·2 BR atntto with bic fta&· apt "' Park car,, diap, fent;ed yard f(ll' Ill.CO" t.AY ,,. TUSTIN 4Uf '"'UIU.MCI .,,. Res: "2-4290 y owner) • -. ,, 81onl! OOl11ef' fireplace can Aw, 3 bib tD bet.ch. $80 baby or -t AcfOB5 .. 11 ... • l"MDt '"' COASTAi. .utl INY.n"leATlfl9. """"""' •nt D..--... ... ..,. .,... ...._:J u;, 1 ..... ,. u.ouN• 11ACN .,. .IAIUTIMIAL ,,,. be a decor&tor'I dream. [)e.. mo. ·~· --... Vista MrkU. Adults. Ref. ~~~'1ILAllD ,,,,,: u.ouNA •1•u•L 47t7 J1w1u.v •••A-. ..._ "" Like te iitert•ha? lira.bl)' located ntlll' beach-req. ·$150. lat. Avail ·Mar MU .. TINGTDll lllACM 14'1 U.N CL•M•NTa 011 U.NOICAPI... &tit ._ -•• ..__ ........ , n" ,. _ _,. U-.-2100 1 ·-·· ... OAMA POINT .,.. LOCKSMITH ... See tbia: 3 BR, pbll 3 bathl. es • --on ............... .r\."16 -· ,,.... • IENT I flt-Fumltvre $25 Molltll FULL <PnClf TO BUY IRelrle<ra-•vailabW No deposit o.a.c. H.F.llt.C. FumlluTe a.n1111 Sil W. llltll, CM. ·-liQ w. Ulcln. Anhm Tf(.2IOO DELUXE, .Jpldoul 1-Bdnn. Furn. apt ;:t35 Plus util. 2 8r • I: den $1liO I J'lua util. Healed pool. -... ·-No cbildl"m-No prtl I J .NUNTINftOlll MJ.11-v 1 TlllPLI" -~ 4M MASONllY, afltclt ... lot ~---~ ·•-IOO L-~ -~-·TY f'CIPlfTAHt .lfi\LLIY >'•11 CON00Mi1111UM etl MO'llQ A JTOU•I 6111 cozy ~/famib' rm J . ~ ,...~ .....,, -. •-a.1 Sm 1 llr. '& ,..._ ~ UL IUCN a., ~~ pl .. ~-·-•-Buyer ean rint it dQrUW .. •'" • "'""' .,.... SIS W, 19th, ho -1965~CM. '• =,....,,...,,:-....,...,.-'-,-I " $195; 2 BR. duplex, ·w/w, ~ uUUUn pd. Avail. now. IUllSIT IUCll t• R"NTALS PAINTIN .,........ ... ..,,...... ...... IUI" -1 -•• -.~u - •• •• t41' 'Ii •AtMTI..., .... 6111 pool table or ! Enc:ioled crow. ~te JIOIR9lon. · ,...... ....., NOW a'-" ' •• 1~ .... 9AllOIN ° 1"' Apts. Unfurniahed PATIOS tNt Tod W Riiy ,... • .-siref. '"'-1-.., P • t ... _ .Dn. "' LOMe l•KH PNOTOllW"NY ... pool with le~ PlQ' IY • ·--I• .........., I" Clean SLIS/mo. -W. 2f)th LAJCIWOOD llM OIMl.llAL -•LASTlll ........... -vud for $52,500. . ··----~ ··---st., ~ u ~-~-·-~ OIU.Nll C~TY 1• COSTA MalA llll n.11·~·-.. J _,.._ •• '--111.o ~ ...,........... T 0" COUNTY· Utt MIU. VlllOI 9111 S n• + J -•' Hu . ., ........ ,... e.....a A.. .. 1.1 ......... _ _. OUT OP STAft lffl NIW..OflT IWll .. PIT ·-llll• .... W•lker ltNity ™"' .un ap.. a ·~NI 2225 ~ nui.i; ...... _..,_ ITANTC* . 1•11 NIW'POllT MlllllTI ltlt ~L ...... •vtc.•,,.. ........ ··-Via..... . ....., ~ total oi.• ~ l finPlaca. -. ~"';;;;:m55;;;:;;;,..,:-::=-:---, Wt:ITMIJtSft• 1•11 Hl.Wl'OflT SHOlll!I nte ~~ ... ·IPYl<I ---••~ --1140: l·BR. .......... 1'ncd • yard, pnp, W/w. :: --•• INCOME UNITS 3 cu prqe, vppwled car-f BR. 2 Ba. avail. now. MONTICELLO T--...... ·--., MIOWAY cnY 1•1• w1nCLIFJI n• ll:OOflN• ... .. .... ......._ .. UJn"A AHA 1nt UltlVlflSITY PAIK sm IU.010. ......... ltc. "" .f, BDRM + 5th or den. lam\. pets • drape&. Won't lut. thN ,"(Wiie. Priv. bch, am. Bl'. 2 Ba. Dahwr, attch'd ;. __ ,, u--4100 SANTA ANA NITS. , .. tAClt IAY SHI I l•A• .... Need l'l:IWI lo ~ '"--t .. 1iw. -Mo .._.,. •~ ..,.i:: ...VS ,._ OllAN.. 1w 1An aLuir., ntt 1t MOO•t•::, a .:rc111:, .,. EASTSIDE C.M .• ~ BR ly rm, l BA. Bet.utiful!Jf, ....,.,., • ~ ...... ..... • .....--... rar. ....., mo. Open House rusT1N l~• COllDMA Ol!L MA• su. •,....., ..... ,..' ,,.. land•••~ wl -w 38' • z •• 2861 Bl.Ythore Dr., NB Sun l.G-5. Stl)..20&9 • r $25 un.. Up NOflT" T!JSTIN MCI IAL.10.-SHI I.WINI ~ .... Units, 12 years old and \\•ell. ..... .,.,.,. .... • .... . ...... ANAH•tM I... IAY ISLAllOS •H• llWINO MACHINI lllPAlll:S 'HI kept. Good Income of. $660 Anthony automatic p 0 0 L . L C....n• !!el .Mir 2250 6'6-1411 • ShKilo • Bach apt& . tLY10D0 CMYON . ''",. LIDO ISLI un SIPTIC T~KI ....... lie. '"' Time clock Ip rift k 11 r • • -• BR, s BA. family rm, • Incl Utlll!I ............. ........ Mll,.LI . . I HUNTl..STON llACN J4tl TAIL.09:1NO "" mo. $59,500 atereo thru-out G • r •I e all I.If ' 2 '"·-~ .. •••••• •"••"'"••"· · "" f'OUNTAtN vALLaV 54\1 TlllMln: co111Taot. !Wit SHAKE ·ROOF CdM COMPL. fum., newly ...,.. ns, atory. l.IM! new! e Maid Service • TV aftil. ...,. .. tm 11.&...0A Ill.ANO sa TILi!. Cenmk! "" NEWPORT ~ Beach with ationp. Many atru I: )'DU lllAUTY redec. 1 Br. house, 3 blkl 0oM to e\'er)'thblc. $115. e New C.. A-Bu- N'Ct.llMPff 1"1 SIAL IUCll MM TILi. UMteum a Mt"'• "" own tht Jot. An Ivan Wells Leu for --IJ1S JUAN CA .. llnANO 11't LONO llACH ... tt•• ••Vtel ... partial Ocean View. f • two f Bdrm, 2 bl.thl • hardwood to beach; walk ""to atores. • ) 2371 l(ewport Blvd. sa.1755 KTllANO 1ucM mt OllAlllH COUllTY ,.. •T•L•Yt110ft. ....... -. .,. BR homn A Guest Unit Dbl , _.,."' .. ='ty"°,=54,..11"'°'.,.='°'' =-="=-~ . ....__! ""'--·l•-e Jot No yd.· work. No peb. 2M-S252 CHATEAU o • POINTE oANA ioo111T ,,,. oA1tDn ."" '"' u,NOUna., .,.. , . r•• 1 --.. """"' .E.AU• -· .... aUl&D . 1ra wa1TM1NJT1•· s.11. w•LD•,.. ..,, pr, 134.m BOAT & -IL R with traili!r 1ate. Oean and Adu.It. only. Rd. req . .$15.'.i 2 lm. ·car. pat», opts. dips. _ • SM :.~:: :: =AA~~ITI' ::: JOBS & EMPLOY.MENT ' e .Pt.nty fl. apace nest to .... lharJ!, only $23.900 GI or Mo, )'r. lae. '1>-1540 ltove, refric, Tnlpicd .... Loftb' fum. 2 BR apfl. Off •• •1'•1t1to• COUNT'!' 1• u.NTA ANA K111•NT1 u. '°' wMITlo.,... ,.. ~ ' -4 bedroom S bath. Ba1cDaJ nL\ tmna. See this one for L · •-·-• 2 ttna. For &daltl, 1 blk. to strM ~ carportL Htd • NCKll•I TO 1• MOYl9 t• TUITllll .... .109 W"TIO. ,-19 •. ,4=-11:. with terrific view ol. Back .m'e! aguM .,._,. 705 lbopa. $160 mo. 5M-41I) poo2. Adult&, DO pefl,. $lM. '• COlllDOMllllUM 1W CDAITAL l7't JOI WM'nlD, -•1,..__ -Excl · ••• •••4 1JQ POMONA 'VE. CM ~ n.1x11 "°It U&.• ms u.1uNA a1.u11 .,. MSW a WOM•111 ..,.. 1 I A t. T y Ba.Y. U&ve. .....u P•ul J.,.1 R•alty T.mpanry home ., BR fum 3 'OR f mt.. "cpts, drpa, • • • • ,.,AaT .. lllTS Jl'O• IALI 1"I U.IUNA NIOUIL "" DOMl:ITIC Mii.fi 7m N-• N8 ~t Of<. «o•••4 ' "1·1286 Evff. 536--, 7124 util _,._A·-"'~.~.' bl'-iN:; .$250 por m0nth $1Z. lzs 1 BR, dean, QUieL 1,' U.N .1UAM c•PllTllANO sm MIL.fl WANTID, Miii ,.. J .,!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""""""""'"' UP TO W.4 COMM. -'June 15, $175. -497·1025 SC5-5lll !mi. Demit · Jurn, nr market. ~ RENTALS SM CUMINTI Jnt AllJtCllS. .... ntl ....._ cUD VTV".-.. fi ~;~ J ......., vau. ....,.. ,....,. Houses Fumished OANA .-OINT ,,. AftNCllS. --,.. w Jiff a Ddt. • la~ £si.t! + BONUS . 4 Bk, 2 BA, <.""'ts. .1--. WI 1hr, dryr, pr, AduJta Clft.-I llNlflAL ... REAL ESTATE, NIL .. WAlfTID, ---,... •stc: uy -. - - -~ ... '"A"" y lllNTALS TO ........ --.Gen1r1I ~~:~'=. ~ ~-= 4 BR, 2% BA home. Larie R._E. Sale11men ~men-V1c1tfM llentaft ~ ~.-. ~~ ~ mo. 881 Vic-• Jn>.D w.U..oe; c.M. cOltTA MllA 11• TlllPUX, l'IL ,,. sclfOOU a 1111JT1tUCT1D111 ,.. ldtcb &: flm nn w/ fittpl. BAYCREST .~=.••·' 1.1-• now ..-..... or · ..,.. .... •••• •• ' MAO 1111 -"" ~··--• • • FOR n--"·---· G·---J .-. •·-coN~tlM "" .io•, l"tllPAAATIOfl ,_ K., .....,.. •--n-.. _.:.:' 4 .... ,. .t---ii......-.-or-;.,;-...... .rw:..iT' • -0 nJ&Ulll1Ql.IJ TOWNHou~ 4 v~• -~ Ml.IA .,.ltEll :nit fllNTALI W4'fTID ...,. iTMU.TlllCAL 1'11 _,_,, .........., ......... ~ • uwu, • ..,. .. __..-..... ___ r-'M t I ~ · ._. Bl'. ~ ba. UUI paid r---N i:OL\."' PAIUt m1 aDOMS ""••NT "" MERCHANDISE FOR . Ltod REALTY, Inc. pl fam. nn. phll I 9L lflJl1. Confidential can lair. o u n a n . b1tns, pool· children I peta • ..._..__ r . """'°" ••Aa. -flOOM ~ IOAflO .,,. 3400 Vla Lido m.8830 UI • Kory FIRST PIONEER lll!!t!pll •. 6'l5-41SO O.K. $250. ~ Oranp A 17th. $14 a • NIWPOllT MOTS. :: MOTIU.. TflAILllt COllltTS ,.,, SALE AND TRADE 51i9,; Loan. Owner trans. H!-4421 .(~H 'ALi 646-7634 \ MllWPOllT •H0••1 mt ou1.n "°"''s '"' ,,,..1111TU•• -E.~.···iw~1:..... $42.950. Prine. on1y. 1&12 .;i •AY1H0••1 ..., M•tc. ••NTALS "" bP.,tc• •u•1111TV•• ... •1 --· -T--'-"''"1231 PRES1l6E HOM HeUMI UntvmlthN $911.50 1 Br furn. utila --· ...... -* 3 BR ··-· ,__ -hi! UYU~. ~ E N rt ... h -~ _.... INCOMI! Pllo•a,. • • ... OP"Plel IOUW'MlllT .,1 ,.,....., • l&lU ...... • .... ..,. C •.£¥¥ Ad\llb:. CkJM tD ltorea. U..,,.._NIYWfl~i;:., PAlllC = IUSINIH PllOfllflTT .... IT'Ofll •caut .. MINT tt1t ins, cpta/drpg, lOIJ"O dn, .. w·~llff .... ~.... 0.-11 30G0 -·~! •-• ~-U • -TllAILlll f'AfllCI -Clll.,L ••STAUllMIT 11'4 _,._ ••...-IMMACULATE S BR POOlr .,......., • .wcw rwuuna. o-vt• ~~v :: •,.•,".,"",",..,'""'•·AL .... ..,. •...,.A•~!""-"' .,_s sume 5%.% IDlft, $23,SOO. 3 bdrm, 2 ba .Ii: tam nn., SpuicU.nc 4 BR 2 bath home. HO"~ l ... ~ -'"es! 1-BR., Very nice; bltnr. ;· IMT"ILUF' 1NI .. ..._. * 3 BR home· $19,SOO, OllJ,)' beau.tifullydecon.ted, priced Aaume 5%~ FHA loan. Owners Afttntlenl . ~ .........,.. ... .,ui "' l':A "::~;:. ;;: ~~=~:~~~L PflDPllT't = ~:~UCTION = $750 dn. Micbt lie option, below uea, $39,950. Owner. Excellent ~•. Do )'OU have J"eiital unit. f ~.ewport.. '"~Imo. , FBuotil,yr .,· • ... , r w/w ~ ~ ~· c. 1M 1NousT•1AL ••MT•L ''" AP•uANCn '"' Rltr. 642-9730 Eves • .sts.4720 ......... ,.., R. D SLATES Rltr · v .,....., .. 1.ALllOA LOTS .,. MTIOUll •n• ~& • , • • W• haw aood tenant.I from ~1f.l .... ., ~-";"!'°' = •ANCNIS ,,,. 11w1• MACMINU .,. Own1r'1 s-tat U?-3519· . Evet. 9'Vl3i9 previous years :and need .. w...,..... • Nassau. Palmll • ~i.aOAinMD 1m c1t•us tflDVll •1n MU.I~ n11t11uMIN1 .,. CMt1 Men 1100 r--and l ·i:pt 2 bath home. Back 1 Ir~ BR.· Pool 1 MUNTOIOTON 11r.cH ,... ~:A:~iwo•e : ::C,":16 ottaAMS :}: 3 Br .• or 2 Br. I: den, CUI-YACAJIT-MUSJ SEll ~.:en~ them. BQ: Dble frplc:, Ip or. tn E . 22nd SL 64WN5 :; P"OUMTAlll vauaY M: •llOflT PflOPlflTT •1111 TILl.Yfltotl - l BR 1"'4. bath!, ICl'Hoed tom Weatcliff home, many P'.· ... _,.OW' ...... "'-t Jot. L&e or l1e/option LOVELY 2 Br. 1% ha. ;1· ••AL llACll !.. OllAll81 C1:1. P&OP•llTV ..... ~ •• ITlflSD •1• patio. built-in ·~ in-.. .. __ ... ,_ I/ I/ LOAN ... ...... .... _.. -1tno A·-" ,. .. _ __.. L tlo -LOH• llACH --oUT o• STATS ••o'. •• T,.,I lllCOllDIU tut tercom, ... 11.. --ted a utru. nr orea • _,...... ASSUME 511•'1• and let US live JIOU the RED .µ,., · v-~ E-&de; pool, I* ; •u.,...1393 OltAtlfll COUNTY MOUNTAIN .. DUlllT dll tAMlltAI • IOUIPM•Nl -~..,...,. -.-Phone GM-40« SUbmit on Down Payment CARPET treatment. fDU d&-60-4387 2310 Santa Ana ~2933 :r::~~l~;: =~: ~~~IV~~~;. ":::wa ~~; r:::i.N~": = draped, newly p 1 in t e d • BLUFFS 3 BR i;"owni1Due, l BR, tam rm + din ·l"ODm. terve. the best! PANO.Bayview xtra I& 3 br, FURNISHED .tudkll $99.SO. i SANTA AMA 11111Nn tllUf It.II.. IXCMANCI •m •1MOCULA•L scoP11 = $23,SOO. By owner. Mf-6743 1 yr. old custom decor. Split HAfFPAL REALTY RED CARPET lUty 2 ·ba, dbl pr, pool, eolf, 1 bedroom apt $llil. N•wiy • 1 . ~C?A•"•"•, ... ,. u,,.• 1.BU .. SlwN""'Es's"onc1 me::~.·~-=· .. ,. 4bBR.ltn•1." BA.lr&Hdwdyarlln,d. lev·Inuned. oceupancy 1740Wamer SU..WOS Rental~t f13.3El63 ~.CdMb1$350.66-llll decorated,2UlEld@nAve.. 1.' Uou:f! llllOUIL 1111 fJ•••NCIAL MACtt1'M•1tT. • '* S28,500-owner. ~~ $22 518 :ll25 W. Bilbo& Blvd., N.B. BEACH House 6 docn to BACH. Apt., tum. '915 Month, IAN 'CLIMINTI ml """ LUMllfl .,. $24,500-owner. :ma Puente ' aoe 2 BR. Uo I ""',.l\JA'1 CAPlnllAMO ms 1u11•n• O'l'Ol:TUNITlll "" JTOllA•• .,,, or 5i6-41S8 aft. pm BY OWNER, l Br, 1% Ba, ' an. pa ' pr, incl, uW!ti1!1 I C.APISfJU.No ••ACM me au11N111 wAMTID ..,.. •u1t.D1ff MATftlALI :: huce fsm nn, aer porch. GI no dn. 3 •·. B"· 1• ba, IRVINE TERRACE _ 2· BR )'l'ly $160 mo ma 615-4130 S55 Mqnolia St. wa..n.12 I DANA' POINT n• INV.ITMINT °'""911tW f.111 IWAPI · A$UME 4" % GI Joan. 4 Ex __ _. Harbor ffC .. 1.1 .. ....1.. .. n.. ,.._ .. . , 11.1v1rcs101 COUNT' , .. INV.ITMINT wANTID on i..ETS end LIVESTOCK Br i v. ha. n.-ts ...,..., o;u... ... ....... -. -•~-ta/"'--FA beat i.. &: dl!n Fantut!c Vllw '· YAClllTION ••NTALI = :::.::.:::::::, :: ~ITLffNllW. -0Pm7irouSE"s:Jtl-1iil 64&-lim ;::tlo.~'lot .... beau.mid condltinr -mi !'!,wpert ......... 3210 ~..... 4200 •, l5'~~~•u,'ta11-_,. ~~':.T.~~i.':..,. !: .::S = Doyle Co., Eves m...tm BAYFRONT with boat allp, BRASHIAR ltulty per mo. at'..uuaNa 2 bedroom A AVAD.. March lit 2 Bll RENTALS ••r.L lfTAn LOA1t1 .,.. NOil.in ..,. BY Owner 3 bdr, 1% b&. 1arp 4 BR 2 bath. 1$6o,ooo UJ-85.11 Eves. ~7090 BEAOON BAY -2 BR A .._ 2 bl.th home. w/w 1 blk to bch. Yrly be $115. .1, HouMI Unfurnished =~~%~"';"' °"" :: (AijfoRNIA LIVING' lam nn. very cheap, Medi ~~down $XU1. v .A. NO~ very dl!an ~orp~~:;~ ~~~ ~ =Beach Realty. :: OINllUL -ANNOUNCEMENTS •UllUfl... '"' fixin&:. $22,000. 615-07!8 aft 3 BR Watatront No. a 4 B.._..R. Bl"" .. • ~~n ..... ~ ....... -mo. p'-I: ......... NJ e I J, ' eon• MnA ",,~ and NOTICES SWIMMIMO l'OOLI ""' 4 -...,... ___,., .-..... .... .-.-ON The ...... .... T ,..__ I I MIU DEL MAit • ~ATtoS Wll BaUx. Co9e8. $10, I 0 I , :'~ 4. 4Sn· n •• ~ .. H8 John Mena~ Raljy Cb. yard, COYeftd ...-;,, ,,. • .......,, MllA VlltDI: 1111 FOUND fflrM ...... .. • .t.WNIN81 .,,. HALEX!R.mr By owner, 3 _..._ ._ .. _ .. _ ......... ....... rua~. .. .... _ p "tlo, ••• , •• , •• Br .. priv. patio, util. pd. f COLUllt: •Al• 11lJ LOST ._.., vM:ATIONI .. r~ "....., .....-~ a • v-t ·-" -•~ l"Wl!OflT lllACH mt •••SOMALI .. BR CoJ'l)er lot $23.~. 1290 wm ~ other. Sf.8.-TTTI 2 BR Condo-stove, re1tt1. net&hborhood . $195 pr. mo. -apact av ..... ,_, • :.w,oaT "~Ts. m1 MNou•c•MIMn '41t T,... RAnNaS~ ... !!ATION -eonw.y. Open iSun· 5f5.:0225 washer,· ""--. o1-.. cpts. e-1!111:., 2 BR., 1 ....... ~ "-"-hie~ •--~•-te..,. BACHELOR Apt uw ....i. -,, NallO!'.ctflT INOlllll lHI llllTllS Hll • '"",.' ... :f"'' ,,.._.... --"""'"''"'" -.v...... -· UJ............. t"' "''"" t.t.YIMO••• ms P"UN11tALI .. 11 i:':.~ .. n _,.,. Sl.T.~. (213) '30-IDI yd. W/w; chUd O.K. cuancy, Write Box m e/o mo. El Mu Motel 3lD E. DD'f•• 11tOlllP mt PAID 0.ITVAllT '411 Ill CflU ... fllt Ml•• 0.1 Mtir 11U laycr..t 1222 Broker5M-8980 n..n. •• Pilot Balboa Blvd, Balboa #lft'CLIP".. JUt l'UN•flAL OlfllC"TOll ..,4 ID-llCI IOATI ... II 1410 ~ uNM"l•m P••11: sm FL01tlST'I "" 10AT 111Au•1 ..,. •-.· t Thi• Floaoco'"' BY --R Feunt•ln V1 ey !OCKtrTO'EMI QIARGE m Dial IGt.fTI tar RESULTS fltYlftt: -CAllD 01' TMAMU .ct4 IO .. T MAINTINA..CI -D.-wnniio tAClt~AY aMf IN MIMOltlAM tRJ IOAT LAUllCNlll9 tl:M 4 BR. 1% BA, $24,100, exist-BAYCRESI' POOL I ~:::.:Lt'!t:i.ta = ~==~==~ ~:i',n :::: ::f~111:L:~.:o... = q Gt 1o&n at llJGo. $21,500 S bdrml, J1Ai t., del pllO NO DOWN G.t. tfufttl ....... leach 4'1!1HuMI ...... INch 4400 Huntlngfett hach 4400 CCMtf"A OIL MU ,,,. CalMATOlllll .. ~T tl"l"tten ... -fl price, $2,o» dn. nr. all entry, Jee lfv, rm w/frpic, !harp 3 BR, J bathl, blWll, . ~ -MIMOfllAL •AlllC.I '411 loA"'f lllllTALI park. fam dish ube tam rm, frl!k' ~f~ ~DI = :::T': llllYICll = r.."..'nt~MA.:..':' = ~ •.,ftw,E'' :-:~ln wl:i.w. .;:: ~ ~tlo, well • ta.: '1'111'0'-i\"fl. '.-f)-C. ~~· • •• ·-····-nss TllAV'IL ,_ IQATMDYINI ... Bob~ .. Rl._ -=••""'-•-.. ...:i.:.. 2 ...... ....1 """""""' m dor,in -~ ·P.C'U~~ .'lfJ;.lt.rP N.;;o.T W.ST am All TltA~TATION .... IOAT ST'O•A•• .... ~n. ..... .._...._, -........ ,, rm, car sanp. --~ and o!i..._ ......... 'm' '4UltTIMOT.Oll IEACM Mlf AUTO TllAHlf'OflTATtOlf ... •o-.n WANn• .... Cultom. drpe I: plUlh crpta:. GI or ..,,_ dOW1l . .. Soloit•,SWlpli~~u~..N "OrdJIWl:IJeforca..cJclt llU"ftNITDtf MAll•OOI Mii LiOAL NDTKll ... Alacun .,. Meg Verde 1111 $15,000. IG-2698 •u.me loin. •t;;;;;::;;:;~:t;~;:;;~::===::::;:::==\ •OUf\TAIN V&LLIEY 141t •••MAN • TUTOlllNI .... llLYINI LllSONI ._,,. -WOODWARD . -~ ~ s•.t&:"SIACH ~,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY ~e .:t":' ....... ..,.. ., .. -' ...... ••ovs JMt AccoullTtn _ ticYcL•• :::: ly Owner c.,.... Mt Mer 1250 Real Eatat@ · IOur wO•t •w W. ._. Lo,.. ••Ac11 .. AN1wr••M• •••vie• .. tLecT•IC u•• ... ---ft.-. ·--Uon ac Adam.a. Huntmcton Bch '::"":::i .. :f.'°'r•;:;;"'"'r::'"';;;.;;:;;i;· ...... COUNTY APf'Lt.uK• lllPAIU. p-4.111 MIW• lllCIS mt Pacuetltt, ~ .. --By 0 w NE; R • n e w I}' 1162-.Uf.3 r. . . • l&i: ANA ~-n A"'MlllNO em .otGacftLIS ... Mea Vude. 4 BR, 2 ti., --'~ted ,,_, heme , .w ff· ·D'A I ' . n 11tn1• ... ""'""LT, 01t .,. llAOTOllKOOT••• ,. 1 .. -tot / •-·--·~• ·~· 1111 ' AY CITT "'"AUTO lllPAlflt ,.. AllTD snvtclS a PAt'h ... -•" w many-v~ EnormOu1 fam rm. y /'--•"P IAlfTA AIU Mlt9M"tl = AUTO. ......... ,_ ...... AUTO TOOU. """· ..... mt11tl. lkQln' can uirume wffrpic, .,. din :rm.-h . IClll 1111~ ,i. ~ 81ACll -•A•TIITTlllll ... TUM.ma. ""'"" = '".,. 1o&n.. 2S7l ~. nn w/b"plc, 3 BR 2 ...., ~ lllllVll ft ::".lie..~ = ~=t ~ ,._ 714-0Jl fir Sf.6.m&, OPEN S bole puft1nc IN#~· $89,:iCIO. S BR l balht, ltlll IQ tt. ~::: .. -:WTI = =~~~. llflYICIS = ::.n = SUNDAY. Open Sat/Sun 'tit $ .. b1 b1tlc. bit.Ins • ~- CA,IJTJIN40 UAt:lf ,,,. CAT•••• .. ,, DutllllUMm .. BY OWNER:' BR 115( BA. •ppnl 1101 GOldetnd Ave. Lowdo'f'll:aumntexlll:kw OAlllA P'OINT :: CAlllllTIAA9C1111 .... IMl'Cl•TIO MITOI ·r. fatnU", -•c, Choice 1oc9o-661-21161 Joan. QW'ner wDl Pit)' aD COlffl9MINIUM W1I CAflP•lfTillllNI ""' tl"OllT CA•I ftlt 1 u r Uli\.i!ll:ll UNl'V•11. (IMlllT, C-... .... Alll'l'IQWL CL.Ania HI Hon. Walle: to IChll. Owner Bmadmoor ffartlor V f I.,, cost.a. RENTALS c111LO CA1tl, u..t11 "'' ltACI a.•" • ..,. ... _ trMI. Anurnl! S%% FHA. uui. TRAOIWINDS It.LTV. COMTltACTOllS ..,. AUTO avorn .... . ·-...... ...... Fuml1h.ct Wl•IT CU:ANI• ... AUTOt WAWTWD "" $77,200. 540-lllO Moat poJllU1lr plu with .... M2.SOU or • ,,__.... 11iill6AL , -C:Afl,IT LAYIMI ft llll'AI• -MW CMt ... ..,. OPEN u-.-... ~ _ ... 3 UR Exctlleot cond. -'-_ _, COl'TA Ma1A .,_ o«AP'll... ... Alrf9 L&f,SIM •--. ;uuvcy W•l.A -v l.-..... -llWtA naoe fill olMOLntOll ... .,,.. can ... 2 bath • WnD,y fOClh:t.. extru. By Owmr. June ;::z.:;.;;: 1705 ' . , Altume 5~" loan I: OWMt" occup. . will tab 2114. 541-mo -.., cu b& _....... 1-UllltiJ II)' -Pripc ..., HIMymon Spocl1la ~ Pitt 1115 ccc.2210 Lo<. .., ~ o1 Hwy. llO .... -Baadl. .... ' Bit A tam no. ' ba. LIVI 110 pt. oo!ltt, ne<do paint a ep1a, drpo, ...,.i.ir.. ftplc. on Bii' Coron& 8-11. 0--a<nml -pC). h1 11~000 al 4\1~. Price or will -.wltli 11$.GllO TENTIAL INCOME~ 12"860. %ollS Le..,_ Pt down. ..... -dowb 'lot CIZDIN(l-$141000 .uOOi.U.. Owner. l40-Zll locat _...,,, , LT. Price •;!llO. '' j BD!tll, 111 Ba. QIWp Dr1"9o C.-Prsp1rty MISl!lllN ll;E.U.1'Y - pone -lar 'ale by 332 M ....... i. ..,,_ II&' Omt.1-°"""'· --.. ·· r I I I • .. .1 • I ,, • . " ,_ I· 'I -.. ,. . ' . . .~ . . . . . ..... . . -•••• ''I'• ' . .. .. . .. .. . . . . ' . . . ... -... -· -. ..... . ------ ,•,.::!.'~ 1',1 • UNf"L\'~·~·~-~~_Mt ·~· "'··~~·-~..,..'ft,;· .. ~:. 'DA&.·li+Afi··· \,. :· AHllCMiclMllffs' '11f ......................... *lltSllMCI DIUC'TOI'(~ 111'fl'": fwrl .. •f .t Alta. u~ ~ u~~\!: 1>0ow81 • , '•' :ll1•rol ., ", -....r NCITICIS , , ; ; ; ; ; ,._m,. T·· •• ·r..w t1o1 Mir 4uo ~rt a..ci. · · .s2.00 'i..tl-...... ·ms --• .,.... -,,...,. a Dooott u11 ~ ·• · M111 - - I.GI!!·,--l-N'l?I'. iltolld Db. -BEAUTFUIL .....-2 STRllT ,RONTAGI 1-1Clt1ft.\L ...,. *1 >le ..,... cell., nrri.. A d\opie1; 13 a-. 2 BL Cots. BR for ...,., -loul O.:•B<iocli Blvd.~· &o. ft. Ill . ~ hierft 8-61,llMl·RB. ff...,. IOI _..._ .onlf. 41u ...... ....,.. 'Elec. btu., ... ...,..,..._.ww---ldoolloilliiar.,. ..'~\.. • .... ..,..,._ w. fD.6180t m.rtr. Ptu. llip.. Adults No 4!HM53 Rltr • .,.etc. (Bet. ~ and.' ~ m..aa l ' ·--...... '! '75.l WW. dO tromnr in m:f ~ $1.21 hr. C.M. ..... - BAQIELOR APT. -..... $350 Lot.~. RIAi: UTATI Cerrilool s1 ..... -. WAftl-WATEl .u-cH.\N HOUND - ed. 2 ans llO ""'· -~ Ent lhrff .-! .. ,, -•ol lliiO mo.10Sl5o llMCll mw, EYQTWHERJ ""--<• Falrvtew, "'·pet. -. • • e -e ' AND"LOT$ Of' DROPS C.M. ~ · ' e NEW DELUXE ·• toncM!n!..iurn ' . S CHOIC!l ~A Mil!f\ TO. D}UHK-'111111 ..... 11PX "' ;b.sc a wbtte ,..._ .... .. llsoo .• . 4300 3 Br. 2\1 ba. apt., I" ieue LEASE ~ g Jitlnn.' ~-. ~ ~11";..f • ' . , & • . 8"""" Cen• -Lot. CLEAN a.,:tiolor Apls. Ind. '""'· iutr. suite, din bonua mi, 2 ll&. , lq)lc, .ID, =~'i:· l~ ~· LOl'S DF Oil.OPS 1'0 l'1LL ~ !IG-'1211 • • I Poot Min's Friend CUSTOM LANDSCAPING ~E_lll~::: ~~·::;rPi!au~ =~)~Mo.. ~tobm.-.ntii· ,YO~~~E,~~I ......... , 640S BAU!OA 61l$1$ rec. ...a. Nr: Cetbollc roR Rent• Blclr. 2380 Npt . CALL tTOtflll(D OUT W!IMllya WMSt? WhMdy1 Oet'I cz,,,..,. A .,hool ~ C..... bntolo YI""""' 5'90 BlVll. ~ta -,4141) llll• ABOUT THIS UNIQUI ~~·~,l~!_~D-•v•-Sl'ICIAI. CLASSIFICATION fOR • --* ' Huntl ...... _., 4400 ""Mu HO:h. -. tt. Pbooe 518-6817 AREA -AND HOW .,.. •• -·----NATURAi. ·IOR!f SWAPPlll$ . _,,: :L_. y i:..·. N.8. wo .. ~~ ,wboomman• -~1---· ·•allb+.f lzh.ncl . MUCH WATER ~~.~ ~~-''.'!.~!3n... ·s,...r.1 Rote ' . Mooenry, lrlck "30 PltlCI J QUALITY . CUS1Q1I .l>AND6CAPING ..... _ ... fURN Bach. l1lG wilh utll. ~· -~ " --'!'"! ...., TH~E IS UNDIR ~~ ·~ ~· -~ 5' U--5 ti._ -5, lsUcb I pai4. '(loee tq .beach. Jtltr. C.dM or Npt N!• _pret Call Cb:llce ot' Two. $1liO I: il.15. •. u ~ . . ' '9U13&.10 .u.£.10 PM· ,, . >ttulil. -"" MUIT INet.VD• sc.5011 c:r M2-5012 Corona del Mar ~ ~1775 · ~ . ' ' .. , IUtr, 6C4ll55. • G~ "°-.CSAlitM SPECIAL $2 READING ...w111t ""' ,..,.. • ,,... ~· ~ 'MM •,,..... I !:."!!n•.-4705 NR vicr6R H\igo's nice 1 ' br, & }f& 2 bt W/ frp)C. 1 $145 to'$19S. Mar. L 4Sl--5081 ATI'RACQCE, ckan 1 BR. 1 near beach A-town, near , new. $135 lease. 49t-2882 i ~ 2 BR. near' beach. I S22S mo. Year lease. Adults. :oc -. I ABOUT w AT THE ~'l'OUlt """" WlllJ• ........ ...... ..... """"-. • LAND.~O~DS .•·· Office ll9ntll . MtYll ~fCQV:EREO WAGON'~· LADlE& are )'OU Mil:ii or ......oTHIHO FOfl! w.a -TltADU otu.v1 ~-F1l£E l\£NTAL SE!IVl<;f: -v POLKl·KNIW.t.ONG ""'Utoplat Yw...,. win l'HONI 642-5671 "' --LAGUNA llACH 'ONG &Aft # I Is"'. 1 ... movie.... Te !'toe• Yew T;..,., ........ -M ~ . ·-· ·-~-w • ·~-•• ' "--~-'.:'.. . • ,. _,, ---.. Pio& .. • • ~. ""W--• • uuanl "'' _...""'"99 • , ,... • .. · • 'n.e'Uqilant. as.at :Remodeled~ BR HOPll! on ' Lquna Beacn JU&ide:nUaJ. de ...... uni home to Jae. ON l'OR!3't A\IJ:NUZ If TllBY could.DIAke It E-mM ......,. Sot. W.000 -nll&I lnoOmt, ...,_ ON TEN AO!ES Xlnt. ,.11, 1146-6133 DeU 1p1ceo avdabS. !ft to Silver Valley 18 mj. Attrecti.. Expert· ..WI>. Want• &side ' In-meWal ar ..,..,.. For ,. ............. ......... PAINT )'Olli' avera1• bathroom. • $10. I haw ........... know-· yois furnish walls A matrrials, 1 coat. 548--(,690 aft & PM. 1 6 2 BR. ,-,... A Unfum 3 -BEDROOM "'°""' ...... --dlloo' ...._ al E of Bar&to • . they . YOUNG •WOMAN . come unlb, Sul)lvan 64&-property on OallU, llAwall, f'rplC! I Pri I Patkls I tile. 'linoleum 1loorL No ,PrllDe locatkn Ja downtown ~ .. th · th w, ould dancer wDJ ta.ch yau all !226 or ~ Bkr. 49f..l330 POo!a. Tenals • CoftlDti')lk· ....,,.. ·nMm . IAlun& Biadi. Air -. ew , ere ey w .. ..,. ....,, ,Call ArdeSI o,;:.:..::.=.:...____ , Interior P•lntln1 bt. 9.bole ?utt/Gften. · • tkmf!t, OU)tttd •. ~atlflal fin.d wa~r.~ ,YOU :~ 213: 581-4538 1-10 PM WAN'!. Condomlnium. Salton Sea lot boucht open-,Qtl. or houses by job ar 900 •·-, --, Olli 144-26U R-· ' ~ R t .-. paneled .f&l'U.....,'-T" 0 find -land, water, * Selecttw .--* house. or units in 1ood il1I' wkOO 1956 <val $3500) room. Low Ott seakon n.tes. (Ma~nr. ())UtHwY) l'l!'r .,. '~ • .., •. •t:receil: '' ~ ce cle~ .~ &\r ~ hilb ·OimpamonsMP. .. ~ area. HAVE.up ~l20f:Cl.'9 tor aallbol.t er powtr boat 892-8643, Anytime i RENlALS . LARGE Room. lowly home,· FClflllt,,A.~-t.~ ~to, .desert and land lDV!it-Jntro41uctions Confldentia) ·~=: ::.=· ~ R.W. Canon. 1881 Wuatcb VINYL wall coverlni,_ I do kit privl, ... l'drta. patio, llolloljil _, .... ,l&O men!;-land to grow 'al-f25'2\) &C-9fll S.10 PM I ' • : .'· ; Dr., Salt LaU City, Utah. opecia!UL KiL bath •• I Aphl. UnfVrnishld COroli Afl'S. oar. "6-11439 .• • .,. -tit, 1"' -1>1111 falfa, .. nu1 tree• -le !IPri-DON'T let ,..._ i<mely .TIW>E• Doul>Z< Soi. Fair. !01= Matttial & labor. E3t. Newell Aaociates 4M-6594 : General 5000 2 BR. unfum. Penthouses-PRIV. 'en~ b&tb Ir TV. ~tdlaln a'f&DUI• tor_. .. cots, fish raising,· etc., weeJwid IO byt Socceed tn. .haven Omletery for 2 studio type condo. 2 very M.7~1659 ! . street .ltveil-aiudbi. All elec. $75 Mofltb' .... ,_ ............ etc. Own your ·OWD 4athl& wttbiut reall:t trrtna. HORSE TRAll.ER will pay II br, 11,9 ba. E'11de. Tnde ~P"AINTIN~::.,.G-, ,-.-.-. ,-,-0-,-. -... kitch. di.shwashen; tome ~2840 . ·~ ~·fur $10. lake! ~ Bch 49f..4m ~erence, Phone~ for dbl. wide (40') mobile tmor, v er Y. ~! .. •-I • --All allllU.. paid U<tpt . · .alt. S pm.· •--n ... G u!• "~~-Call --.... .., w •carp.• .... ._... GENTLEMAN ; pool, tennis, telephone , ' BACHELOR tetlra ~ Fee VI , '""-'""'· ._,,, a "'.~-"' ="'""""~='-'...,..--~' 2 car dll'JIOl't. Pool $17,0 to beach.. V!c. ~ch Blvd, Ii; DAiLY PU.Or Call 847440 eves after 6 PM girl to 40, under 5'4'" for ew lot Baycrttt N.B. R. E. 540-1151 open eves. PAINTING, iDM .• extaiar ;200. Otildren O.K.. m.J.n8 Paclllc Cst Hwy. SJ&.8518 222 FOREST AVENUE ~ ta\&. !Or~· datet arid companlonsblp. :75 X U2%' value $45,000, $53,000 equity in 3 bedroom, State -lie. • bonded. hee =~~~ 4102 E. Cout Hwy, CdM ROOM w/kitch. privil. for LAGIDJA 'EAQI ~nt. --' ~~ ~~~unf:. lanai, Din . Rec, 35x50 pooL estimates. M2-623I I ADULT .. FAMILY CHANN!L Reef l yr be respectable lady.oozy. No ~ hchlnt•,1..E..62JO J.EB(.JE 547-4019 . CRbanaw/2dttuinr:roomJ. Paperhanging,45)'eUI $fiOO mo. 2 BR. 2 BL drinkers. $17 Wk. 536-1674 NEAR AIRPORT ' CALL IA. C.anada. Want Npt Bch experience. can Fred! VEN DOME • SECTIONSAVAii.ABLE Waterfront, boat ,f;liJ, CLEA·N, ·Quiet ~Au..cond. 20X40tt., lotsof8LDR' bu lG QJ1Ha ·in &Gl331 ;tTl'tout:tiOii'i:lforltadon rea.Jean~th'Rltr.n+. *5'M903* ~ CIOH to,_Shopplntl. P•rk "6~75-5483='-'---~~-w/home ·Ir ldt.cben' liW!viL window•. Ideal for Jt.E. or ' WeatmimttT· under de~ ALOOHOL:ICS \wqon or auto of eqaal,vaJ,. 646-3255. ROUSE ~ Qualit:1 at :: : :i::;.Br'~, 2 Ba 1-BR. new cpta. Ii dtp8.; Phone lli ~ 6"-ou9i• ins. Santa Aha Ave Pall.. runt. -$42,000 anmal ~ - -~ iue. Phone IG-4990 ' Have bear wheel aJjpment a fair ptfcet l'lW ett. C&D t Pool . stove l ret, aar. :lint Joe. ROO ,_ · · adea Rd 20048 .... .! .. _. .. _ come. wut trade to $150,000 ~honeo ~.'.!-~'!.1!1~ to '.$ilsoo .. Baier • Fairview macbW, like new. co 1 t Rick, "5-22'l'5 , 9SWim ,Pul/green $155 +util.sn.&a0t M.....-~tlnnice,quiet ·· ·• .~ ...... eq.W:'~bOUseonoctan ·-··-~......,. .. ._... 1.Afea.:&BR.~~'-'"aH St200 Wlll....,.;_f . dn e Frpl, lndlv/lndry fac'ls home 1or ~ .... penm Ave., S.A. Ht!. --.... " .. _ ~ • · 'Ii~ 0 r PAINTING PaperiDs 11111 1 1145Anlihe' A 2 BR. electric kitcbeD, KltprlvLiiiiitl · · 548-JmO OR 539-7934. _..,,..,. ~nn.,..,...;.nta · 6410 ,dhlaar.~ ~.fer ~ton mcome·propnV inHarbot~Ucltbcal- :· •m · ve. washer/dryer, pool. Adulta,' -· f.P " · · ;lot. TD~'!? PM. Onl1 ~ · 549-3* ed.Refsfuftt.~2356 1 . COSTA MESA 642-282< $195 Month. 673-<769 '. . Mite. Rent••• . 5999 * ·Modern Off!ces ll E. W•nted ' 6240 REPERrORY Thaler .... -· -12 Rancho .,,. Iota near I FOR SALE OR LEASE NEW l·Bdrm., g a rag i ·, .-....;;...=.=;.:..-~.:..: Sin&le ,O! ~teL AiJ' c:oncS-: WANT ·mcidft'atdy pricftt Wortd pn.enta •-• Ro I e r :Whit(£) you •v-to trade? Lake San Mateo1. $9000 Pl•stering, •---ir 6llO 1 Channel RMf carp., drapes. bltna. $150 FOR.• RENT • barn. for t~ parldJJr, aecretuilJ units or: bQule on Jt..2 lot. Wlllian\B and Mary" by Lilt it' here -· in 0ranp each. Clear. Exchl.np all _,,.. f Lease. Adults only 673-6635 lrtorqe. M is $35 month. ~·-~ntJ;d location,. . Prtftr. Eutlide, C.M. 114: Albert Jolm9ab, Sat A "SUn. iO>antf~ largest reid ~ or part. e PAT'S · Pluttrfn&. AD Penthouff .Apta. I BR .APT 2524 Newport Blvd., Costa C. nooim Nattren·Realtor ._1824 , , -, .. 1 Mattb 1 A-2 at 7:30 p.m. inapott-.&ndmake-adlal. BKR. 494-U30 type!. nee eattmata. c.D I $550 per mo. to reliable par. Mesa . 230 E. 17th Street • ·at the Fairview Baptist 2 lif..l tnl.. ...,.__ ..,_ HAVE 8 . 11_.,. ftN\ • S«)..Q25 ties only. Chet Saliabury For Information, 613-1130 Costa Men GG.105 BUSINE$1 .,.. ~ .2525 l'ilz'Yitw 1'do, · .r •. _.. 00 r--; umta, .,.....,......,eqw. ==._,.-,..,-.,--,.- : Realtor.673.6900 :::::=::::=::::;::::;:::;:=IG=e~.~en:_:.rJ!T?1c~FINANCtM. · ;:_sa:::•tlaD ~ :1~tl:!.~"°'~· '~~~~~u!e~iocal 1:itP=~ i '!'ti.:' ~;';'. ·.~. ,.= ;B::•::• .... =----''53=00 673-l'llS ' ' ...acw:l!\P~ ~ ..... 0,pomnltleo 6'00 ATTENTION ·=·Full ·Pr'"'!°''»<" ~ ~ Rlty ec.1m ---I',~~· • .. , o.K. Bllr c=o,:i~ ~-= 1-"'''*": . ,ff.1-F;.~~ i "LITTLE liUSINISS" l;X-NAVYMEN ' * .* '»·' :. :· *·. '. * "" '* ~·:.; .. ._ __ -2 •• 2 ••,.-••ID .-•J ...... ..£.-.-.•1•.-. ,·eOperatefnm.)911."bame Cea,n ·out the -old ... bq ··.1":; , K pi;·n~~a ·-·~ :,,t--------~ ~ C:ta , . ~ .· ·.-&41-6032 OR f1S..St&4 · e Full or part-~ and help ·oat • i064 cause. ·-. N:;b~ioo ':nlUQ i Cotti Mou 5100 draperie• Poot eoav aUpa ,_. & Av,acoiloo DELUXEdltcel near Civic e Hli~ ..,...p· . Gl'fP ...... ol4-(Qll. llRYICE DIUi!'fl!RY SIRVICE DIRECTORY e 642-3128 • 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ for h!nants. SUbtenaneu °':~.''\"";:to.~ "'°P', Center ,.,; :welt Onnae •No exsierience __,,. ICoiO (~liji.n ID,tbe -• •• _ , II parking. 613-3IXLl p..._... • .d~ fl•ch.: Courthouse. 29c per aq. ft: • ~.tainhllipn:wnm Scout:f. Need blues, whltN •. Cement, c.ncr.t. 6600 G1rclenlnt 6680 PLUMBmG NI br ""· HARBOR ======== Frplc. Low down .• 136,000., rm we,~~tei: Ave .; • Eam While luminc aea-ba(s, etc. M2-51U . . ---~----Work quar, lie, ins. remo4, I . L1·dolil• 5351 .CANNON ll!iALTY .' Weltml.!iler:894"1337 '•l3500Inv•-•tbuy• *M .. D .. M c•a•a MxlntORR~-~.~~ a.EAN·UPSpeclal1't!Mow-ftpalr,rooter ..... 531-19 30.14 E. Cout Hwy,.•'M581· MElll"u ,.. -tlOiOilij .-,)nv,Mtory , .. " ......,.. ~~~ •--•~ -Ing. -,odd Jobs. i;pt "REE NS UPSfAIRS. 2 BR. 2 BA. . , , swtel~:· ~:-ea.tom •For :blfonnation write ~ ~INGS $35. Goll clubs · cart Ir moving. Reul ~ Remodel •• Rep1lr, 6MO Q blt-irui, crpts, drps, frplc. LIE · on ~. #lb °:" pler,. remOjl~ _ avail. t ST S 2· e Boat. A(-¥9 ~y Pilot ean. 2l3 • tJ5.lR3 baa $50. 54>603S eJAPANESE GARDENER IF You. need mnodellrW. BACHELOR. 'ONFuRN. $225. mo. ~ally leue. ~~c_. .. ln ~.~ .. ~ ·"1thin Ma.in St., Hiprt. Beacb'. Oilt& Mn.. ltadlnc 0ruwe Auto T rt •u5 * CONCRETE work. ~ Maintenance 4 CLeamlp painting or npain. Call from $100. 81>a2' " ii;;;;L•n.acl.~Piexllebw <1.:U)em& . JaJ1uJ.°'"8 ,131ito$IO,OOO. ""''" ...,. .. ~ Llo!med. °""""'" Call 5'&-2572 Dlck.642-1797 • • builder 14'i!IOO 847..J95i y OFf!CF<,1'.i>i'I'~•-· 30'onot,...._ . ,_, wamN -............. Awing AL'S Ganlenlng Service ========I ~·~V~ Hun~""""-llNch S40i1 .. ' . w~ -.AU ··-Ji'IAN ·SMITH, RNllw lloQ•ID -(lout Pima PblltiP' Cement. -Lawn maintenance, prdm. Sowl"I "611 I Heated Pools. Child C&N I:;;;:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Busl-P ....... rty L#Ut.ft GrWltb Bide.,. .,_ . ..,._ 400 g 17tb st. ·'1'1a thru Sat. JtB.m7 Culfom L•ndtaflh'I Inc It clean ups. 141--3129 -.,,.;.;_= ... Tl-ON-S-,.-.--,.;;.;,;;.~~ I . Center, AdJ. to Shopping _ I• ·-· . -r-. ~~ Lido. ~·l!lM* ' <loolo .._ · ""'2111 TllH, Wed, F,):t AM. or BUr JN CONCRETE Cur • Edp Lawn -·~ m I No pe1' -· EXCWSIVE STRATEGIC HIGH' NEWPORT ,.._, -~Cf! M&b......,. 1anytlme -• .... 1234 • l\Wntenanoe. Ucemed :S.. ~ :::.';"" ~lpllar 2700 Petenon w~.· a.l Har-ON THWEACH BulldJn&: '735 111 n.. aftll. 1'0ulit:to Untt.t Req'12 bn WOUU> ·Ltllt tt pt-In car CEMENT Wert. no job too 548-4808/6'5-2310 aft 4 i bor•~O>ota.ll .... 2 1.i1a11roomAph. RISE OFFICE sm :::!::":.5::9....: ;t\::.c:t.~~~ :':US:~1::,Ntau.S =H~·~· y.:.'?c..c 1 :.-.. ··r~w~ ·o.;~;:-~,1!!!! .• !!!!!!.!!! __ !!!!!!_,~·!!!!!!n!!!!!!~!!!. !!!A!!!._!!!,..Z !Luxury llvbW 10 pleue the ner °"'""...._·llli/lnontb · WANTED 'OU.sale ~ 51•·y ICE Dl•-o•y e CUSTOM PATIOS e lprinlden, mtotlll. 64&--5848 Al~r•flon-••• •••• ™"' ......... -., -v.._.. most dllc:rim!Jll.Urc· Notl' SANT~ A,.A ._ utilities tnc:fw'!l'L 10-'56Q Ucenee tor ~ Coantp · " · .:"' " aoncrete aawinl' A nmoval JAPANESE Gardener, com-•• --j 3/1 • 2 • l Br. furn $130 available at Outm.ndllw ~.comer, LGE. Office rm. tor illil. ' . Can: IU-8139 . . IUysfftlnei, ·•sJo State L$C. ;e•tplO plete yard ·eeMce, tree Neat, accurate-, 20 yn. exp, ~ up. Heated pool, no pets. The Hu·n11·n-aton' pl .. • •• ·--~ ott ' ltm t «M1332· r baby 1 ' .. ey, "''"'• ~ ........ iteU. 13116 w. Coaiil ' . • ' ·•-y1' 1.n1NO • BEST 1N CONCRETE .. • ... -T I I • R I 6915 ~ ok. 887 Momwia, ice bldga near tbr.bevt of· H..,.; N.e· S4g..• ..... '\ R,al, ltt•~ta L.eM A40 DIW Wall<s, pool dockl. .....,, ... ft • ev 11on, epl r I' 646-475.1 ' -• OraqreCount;y'1CivicC-e~· ~J, ' •. LMN ', . • lnrnybome.NearJdaanolia .,,IU'":ANESE Gard·ener f IMMAC. 1: dlx. 3 er. apt ter & finandal diltriCt. 300 Sq. Ft. Office · .. H~• \.()ANS · am Edlnpr St; W.estJnina. Patioa. Pb?r;!! KJ.1514 Complete Se.rvlc.e. Ex· CAU. us FOR CX>LOJ\! ·, : .. Ba., garb. dap., ...... P1ci6c ' rm c .... ._... • -Coo1' -· ..... ,,,. l\IONEY AV.\!1-(BLE .... Fencod yanl, bot...... ~-~~ ~~ perienoed. "'11able......... =-~,!6·~ Guar~ 1. I CpU. drps. Maximum 1 \l!:J flow $250,CKXI. . • -Call for detaila. on todl.7'• indodild. can Uydme. . "Jt"' • JAPANESE GARDENING '! . child. no ptls. $lSO. Aft noon 7U Ocean AW:.; HJt:"" SUBMIT TERMS It TR.ADEs lnd..,..f: lhftt1I . 6090 ntea 1or lst 4 2nd. TDs. , . . MT·118T Call 54s.m& ~53· 1-~~~!P7' pl.andlca.m. p. Uphol1tery , 6'90 ......,., n11l ·536-1487 · RICK ALDERETTE, . . .. . -·Orua1\ ComltJ tor BABYSTITING, my home Child C•re "10 "• •~u• , s ~ ~~ $1!<1...,.Jmo~ I~~~~!"!!!!~~!!' .· .. RHltor, u . 12 "PG c., Ft.· '!.~~M~-~-"Inc. M... de! Mar. ""' .,. ------;..:.....;. a.-•• S.m-_,_ c z Y Ko s K 1 • s °"'-....... v ·~ • 2 BEDROOMS i .-BATHS, 171K -N.Rou . 114/SC7-M0::1 .. •~ ·""I· _:--:-t ,, ..... '!'-"" welaomed.546--8003 EXPdilldcin-«la ,!1'1Jidme .. ~ V'pbol.stery. Euro peaf!: ! ouL cal'pf!tS, · drapes; built-ins, · · ' Sprinkled. 9%c Per tq. ~ ·· . ~ J:;. lTtb St. .. ·.. ilQ:NS£D dl,y ~ Pn1 kncd yrd, tOya 1c· act1vi1J. cJiYSTAL JANrroRIAL A: Cr a It• man• h l p. 100 ~ ftQJ.ton best location. 1 blk to 5 --~-----. (Smaller.unib:.available) &e-nn ·. ~ Wld1 Lquna Nipel. C95-4461 Window Onnlng. Compl Financing. St2-1454. 1&l1 541--7125 Points, ~ater, atofts, etc. 8u1lnn1 Rental 6060 Well~·nlle, Rltr1. Eyes. 67?;71&5 6C-115T ~ !:'vt:!. = janitorial service. Buain. Newport Blvd., C.M. !IS ll1'PEE ..... 2 BR, ; childrea Olt m% ~ U caAnu g. $135 pr. mo. 1701 Ellis, Apt. . 1310 ~ewpott Blyd.,, C:M. ' .._;,;,,.,;, · · ·r·.o, _..-... Bl\BYSITrING my home, Centr1ctwl 6'20 resideti or constru. Free JOBS • EMPLOY MEN D. 84U303 or call owner HUNTING'l'ON. st. ACR 541f.T729 Eve&. lf4.06Mi .. , • ..,. ....... , . ·• .~ eatima•-... -1 00-2S35. • · · I• • • • · , • v4c. 1tb SL, Hunl Beach. """ '1'l0'"0•.l GOLD KEY SUITES FOR Jeue ~ N)pil. . HAY! "°,000 . Reu. ntu. 53&-7900 ADD=<>"'~~ . HAULING. Cleanup..,....., .Job ~nted, Men 10; 5IM'J'1"5 3 BDRM, 2 ba, blt-ins, !enc- [ 2 BR. ,... ..,.... Jnsbly td yanl. $1£5 mo. painted. Jltila. .l1Zi mo. lean=====:"::'__,.,.::;: 616-@<i I· SPACIOUS Del~ 1 Br. Apt. prv terrace $100 ht 'A-lut mo'• in adv. ~- 2 BR. Unfurn al9o 2-tum 1 l Br's. 998 E. Camim Dr. L .. un1 llo•ch 5705 100 CLIFF !)RIVE LUXURY PURNl\lNFURN Yearb' Leue..1 • 2 Nrms. """" to . -• Shop< OceanView from every Apt. ~m $lSO 'mo Up. lease 194-Uf.I Executive & Sela1 , : of! SU DielO FwJ' i.t QWa Private tP one y invQtQr YOUNG mothu will bll.bylit. Designinc 6 P1arurlnc ;:.~ ~ est. Jim SELF-employed bua:lneumen Offl Valley, nn comrnm:lal • wants to bey· *&soDed lit my home week days only. Kltchena-Batba, etc. z "'.'==:;:=:=:;i=== needs add1 work, Hoer, daf. cea ·, induatrial unlb:. Ddti~Uec> "'2nd~ ~~edit-,$25 ,wk. ~· IJc'd &-Bonded. Free eat. I~ Experienced. Own trans. 1 --count H•ulln1 1730 Box p -~~. ~'~ tric-Dl:/I • 131. 400: ~·-~ Sattln """"'""·O>. Inc. IWIYBITl'ING t11f home A & B CONSTIWcnON .,~u~ ,~, . . * Air-cond & utils 1' Carpe1' A d<PS •. Reception Rm ' ''1i~Amaint • Telepholie ~ lee Secretarial Service avail Town & Country · Shoppine Center 49!Ml98. . . 33( E." lTm st. dlyl pr n!tea. Newport area. W2 Pauiu1no, CM:. CLEAN LotJ/p.rqes etc, Housework wanted 3000SQ~wanhooal:Aottlcesc.2iTl·.· ,-· "''scsmJ ~motherMll-3ST4 ' •54Hkl* tree remov, dump lldp Coodrefl-owntrans. + 'fllXMI 1q ft pi.td A fenced ~ f13.'iaGS .'.. .iGlUT BABYSITJ'ING: ·My home' Add1Uon1 * 1lemodelinl backhoe, ·f!J.J lf'adt. ·~45 -=•="::.'.;;d .... SG;;;.,;1:,61:,7=- yard. 1855 t..acu.na Cul)'on . . . Meat., Vtrde am sfr1 2 to Frtd H. Gtrwick, Lie. . LITE Haulin& 4 cleanup. PRACTICAL NURSE · l\4. · (n4'> CMal88 or <n4) ANN.ouNCEMINti.. ' , 5 pref'd. ~7 673-«Ml * 549-2110 Reasonable. Any area. Live out • ret'~ncu. =-~·rl.11-i ,..C. ,;,,th' '.•nd.NOTJC:IS. ' · IWIYSITTlllG'_."" home C.-' Cleanln1 '625 l-;=;;:ean~,:642-0657~:;-=-===*="'=._.-=::*== •• f , -•' •.I.I.;. · . • • ._. ...,.. 5Qc. hoUr. --'r-• Haullng-Gonp Cleanups Job W•nted, Lotly 7020 front office; drive .in rtat OUna (r'!'t."AIW '"MW' mother. ~C.M. 5'8-5771 PROFESSIONAL . 1t ..... ._ Trim Hedin, Treff. Reu. 1&582 Beach Blvd. door. 1308 Lopn , St. C.Y:.. . , u-cz.-·-• BIG . JOHN -. 'IJO.«>JU . ! BEAUTIFUL oceantront 2 (al Elli.a) Huntington BCh $196 mo *°611' , . l'OUND: Litlo •ltle, • N.8.' EXPERIENCED mother will • Top COLLEGE 1tudent 19, Costa 2 BR.. cpta, drps. bltns, BR 2 bath, 1pacloua rooms 962 ... 7 , · er.am. «>IOftd.·· la r 1 • care for Want tn my home. ~ guara:nttfd rewll:I; H · •-s Mesit, wants po 1ltIo1 prgp. Adult&. $145. 3005 Ir. tlreplaoe, garage. Lwe. ST0RETILsO \ N.OW LE~G .• New. ~-~ Shepherd-lib doc; c:aD • S96-IS72. Seal Beach. Allen 'a ~nance ousec1Ni,1nt -· amwering phone, ll&ht !>? Apt 1, CM, 546-04S1 Coolidp 546-4021. SG-<M33 ~w;;m~lurnWL~· ~494--6453:;;;;;;;;;==~~:!:!!!!!!!!!!!!;!!!!!:~~ IndustNl ~ 1quare ~ ident.i(y, 67W310; s.nn BABYSITI'JNG In my home W-4063 or eve• 6G-352I CARPETS, .. windows. fin. in& C40 wpm), _fillnc, Thun NEAR .0.C.C.; ~. 2 Br. ,. . $1M/DJ.o. Aaefll I0-1_. evt3 . ,., , llna Vnde full or Put CARPET A: J'llrn. c;taii@nc; etc. Residen. or COmc'L tbru Sun mom« aftmxlOL 2 BL Bltno, """· ..... I 'H-'-u"n"'tl;.;;ngtei=.=n..:llo=••::h:..:;5400::;;:::;H::u:.:nl:;ln:;i ..... ~::..::llo::::••:::h:.5:;400::::::.1!':!!! ~~...:,...;.. _ _..~l!!!!.HONEY • -·micnd ""' -· Sll-1862 ""...,.' cloY -• ....... Xlnt """' ..... , Rell. ~-,,;_1::,692c,...~~~--Cillldren welcome SllM)336 I -•• ' ' lreclded tac., Jong balr ,.. a.~~----• C. M • call Sterllng I« 5IMll1 RN W /2 child. SillJo >r -ELEVATEb . ~--'LaU collar. Vic Cd!( beaclt. '2122 ':':!:•y·-... ~!.,_~"!'.:'.-. • l>riat>inePI 6'Ul2G fsACK Bay Retreat! 1 Br., ......,,_. _o;_ uun-.. .,. Dilcount Qnnlqs ServiCll borne. Exchl nlte l1Ul'llnl den, petlo, carport, privacy; lot Panoramic .vW of dub 675.-J360 tG-1407 Aptf ·'Carpets • \Jpbolsttey Shopping, chot'ft. T?c.-f.S22 quleL 1125. 51H6S3 hie, · Bayr -' !"'"' BLACK A -'lamall ..... C.61MI Loyl1 & e Fut Service sat.le& • 64&-51!1 , PY . ho tap. Vie -LOVINGC•re•~• .,.1r"2' DELUXE 2 Br . .tudk>s; cpti1, drapes. pool. $130 1' Up. .1 Child OK. 646-04.96 GORGIDUS new adult 'apta. 1-2 BR. Forn/Unfurn. m> PA.RSONS;&U-Mm I BR. l % bll.. Ollldren MlOOn)e. $150, Mir· 862 W, Center Apt l ; 10 Ltn.-4 p.m. S BDRM. unfum. n•1 Mo. 2 Orlldren ok, tt))l:I. drps, blt.tm. 545--0262. Ko peb! $90. NICE 1 Br. \Pd., 1~ A-~ Matuft only. m.A Mqnolil St. 54-2171 BACHELOR Ai>L -Nm. $85 mo. NR OCX:. 984 D Camino, c:.M. lt6W050 • I.qi li!IP I QiilA!iii Now Rtiillnc tmz ... I lsf'Zll st., Jlllt llottll of AdatM ~ '-h-(714) ~;itll 1.;:=======I Pa.WOO. Bal. llH517 ,...,..,, -· 'LOOR ,COV.RINOS 1-Tu 6740 De11t11tlc Hole 7oal 1,R;;;a;;;n;;;cheo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;61;;;50;:1P A IR dar1r ·prescrtptlon Carpets (nylona, wooll, pol)'-H. -~ Clar t Accta lav. George Allen Byland A&ft.'Ol:I I' • ." slaws, South La1una, l~Mlllntp,lltc. atus,) 'Vinylll ·IJ!d~Tild. IDiCom• tax. per1ona1 or EmplQYtr Pays Fee 'SAN ' TIMOTEO. ewm . . . '' "'° Latest '"''" Pl colon. -... your home .. otc. 106-8 E. 16th, SA 5'7.QllS c FOIJNl) Lona balr 8Zk. Kt• Comme"'lal and Reotdtnttal. 20 yrs exp Soc lirm. e HSEKPR. 5 cloY wk. Top RAN , H , : :"" -s..,.. old. r ..... ~· ~ "'r" i:.pert , ...... _ · ~or 66;'.aic ,.., ""' Avail tmmecs. :MIO """' nocb. BmJdlbp A talD Valley IQ-40'll' 1ry ;,: •er~, ILANKINSHIP e THE TAX ADVISORS Aley. '4W7fS equ;m .~~e!;.wor1h000 ~th•PP--.. · BU.at hmale GERMAN ·~~~...: . •-i·"" f;LOO~S .... ~ Yeuroundotc.S21No. Orlneseli~.a-rrul.' u.;. ~.bed:~ .er& SHEP. Fow.t. Taken to .-......, ;,w-,_ Nwpt Blvd. N.B. 'Reul Permanent Experlenmd1• ..,. .,.._ ......-Hu -N.B. C•-nMrl"t D In '6JO Call 66-0400 t« appt. Fat Eut Ageney MU1111 water~.-·--·~ '590 roper SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE .,.iem. Pawd road -...., '40I ·. e HAVE ~ !'11'°111 YOUI' home. R•uonabie. Help W•nted, Men 7200 •· Nttr Redllndl ·lft-Atv-CARPINTl.Y madetor~IPORTVAN. Eves. Hannan Mana =;.:...:.:..c=:::..;.=~::PI enJdo °""'"'' J'1111 Prlot LOST: llock & white MINOR REPAIRs. No Joi> Call -• "51114"'="'321~=~~-- l380.000. For --fluffy cot. I yr 0 14 -1'1lo ~ CabiDat ID IV' . 11,<CK HARRIS · Tax s.rv. .mation. pltue ~ Glum rn•le. Ne C9lla·r. Vic. qu " 9th•r. caldnttl. lltctrle1I "40 ttb :yr .• 3117 Roolevelt. ThomPtOn \rith . Shaflm•r· Dr., C.M. ft• 5«5-11~ If M anrwtr leavt g LE CTRIOAN Liclmld. CM. Appointmta, ·5t049n Eckho!f & Af-1 lllC.; word. · ""I at 116-2372. II. 0. bondtd. Small joba Malnt. e PHOFESSIONAL TAX 1811 ~~ '!"·.. -I er 54M517.. Alldenon ANpalr. 5IS-020I SERV.-acc11ntt. Sil-'621, EY8-wkndia >rH • .fft'f PURPi.!l cc;ulJ' With "-", '\ $19, Oompltt.! 1 ~ ....,...,. -QUALITY lbopail'I.-Alttn-ft-~--· U10 w·•t H ~~-•-'· P • !~!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!~· !!l!~ ....m 'bji. IMall lheic "'""' °"" . l'ew-by hour -~• .... _ u er . , ~·~--· . . llUtled •Mold. Loot vlclnlty "" Cori6ott ~ ANTH.....,'$ Income Tax Smilce -nt. I ci--t , 6210 ,$Ania :Ana A UntwnSI> '-' ""• · ll<U'lOI "' "'5-ISStl avo . Cook Apply In,..._ REUBEN'S-- COCO'S ' . " ·" -~ ~ .. .a...... -~ RJl'.t.1111. ~TZRATltllG 0.nlen hnlce elNOO~ T'~e I A "'· U-L --".'""• ~ ' --c--' .,.~ ,..........,. -;.., 11be Job. 646-IMI -~ IW W Ado S.000' el. Wlr PIM lllJIO. 1.oq !'.lit z-".* · 14-f!U' . Done In iour "°""' . ma SS on. m.mo a.II A.II. rEML Oilllo ,._. "' ii& ..;,i.... 14 pr i!:..~':: ~ = 63$-ll&OO e ~ -· - aat;;:;,,. _____ _,.1 ·tqs. 91bJ'1 Pit Vic bOar~°);.--. ... ·~ Monthb' DI, l1•a Tlnl Pftlll'l'ld c.... , RS - . 1lqnoUa St. A. ----Exp. --home, l<q lorm ccm-w/and jar! .dme. NM! ... IUllllrl' -wait.,, j • T.v. ~ sn.ai•' . ·. AilB( liiOi · '**'· sis.. M.am . :":t ~ N.U.,ble 0: '~f61.!)' .~· f'JU1I LOS;Z'; Sl>lld. ,..Ja -IS yotiJt AD 'IM CI.ISll• GAIU>ENDI mn>ENTB PERSONALIZED, ••Ptrt pablZC. aood ftpo Appq ...._,JI'¥• dll:rcol1, Wldlpped;" "1c. nmt S•1a w1D Ill -'Of'kiiw their WQ'·thrv col~ TlX .mo. Year round otc., tn pmon, BoUdq. HnJa. -·-..,. ~ Uth ....... Alla. ,.0.1. -.. ts it. 111\1-..... f:Rerlo.nc.d, ..... 64M7l2 s,a. 2300 Barbor •J!l -.... :!f: .--~ml -·-·-· --Jlor 4**. ~ . ...itt. IWl'J:MfD.... 1>1ii1 ·taarr1:t0r1JiitiLiS _C_M_. ______ . ' r I • I I • l ' ' I I I • l • I • • I 1 • • I • • • • ' . r I i • ' ' I I . . I • I I ' • • ' J .. ••• Be5ause I'm The · Kind Of W Ol'llCln Who's Smart' Enough To Use DAILY PILOT · Classified ~clvertlsing . Bolievo mo, l~ero's nolhiftg around our homo tnymort Iha<! iln'I being usocl -boco ... ti. minute I discovtr somotliing is .no longor noedod, I sol ii, wht'lo a· stil . has mo~imum volue,, tlwough •n ineiponsive DlilLV PlOOT , Classified Ad . Tliot woy, _inslud .of .a clutter of th1ntt ' wo don'I use, I havo tho extra cash ·thot lots· mo hovo tho · newtr things , .• the 11erir111 thinls my whole famity enjoys. Here's what I mHn. .. . 4' . ·Tho cash I got for Iha good dollies aoil trys tho dtildreo. hacl outgrown .bought mo tho d-olor lomp I'd........ · wao!ing. Tho musical indrumont nci one pilyH piitl for a big part of .,.. portulo mr.. unit. Tho powtr l6ols . rodecormd.,.. dauglllt,'1 room. Aod, fust for tho fun of ii, tho good clwoir that juot ~idn't motch onylhint anymo,. too• my hoibond and mo 'out for a foWous llinntr ol !ht fanciosl roslo"'anl in iown. '60 thro~gh your homo. Ma•o • Jst ·of ol tho w01 lhwho1o things .you find that-·· being ,....., ty .. ·1 " ...,,.. • of tho nulnbor you tum up tho fnt· limo.) 1'hoti. .dill 642-5671 ony limo i..t-I 1.no. ond 5 p.ftt!"M!I ' • '.' ' . giv• your 1st ... a fi:londly, arporioncod Ad wriftf. '!!lot'.• . •• !Mt. is lo a. It's i~teol 11 ..... ~ .. ~- .. PENNIES A DAYI 1 " Wei, -that you bow my secrtl -Isn't II tljM, j'11 ' got slertod towll<I bettor, ...;.,,,hop·&Yint wit!t DAILY, PILOT Oollifled Acls? Start liolj,g • •it-I ·of w-wt.o pis wliot * wlllfl teday) . . .. •• I ' .. ,CALL NOW·'..· -642-:1618 ' ------------~-------------~---... ---~--------------------------------------------.. ,, . f • ':. '' • :nrwsco · ' . . .. INDUSTRI~· . ·· EN&INE£R . . . Opportunlty.to-1&11> ... perie,Dce nnckr a ~.1 IE Jn -.. ·"'I>-· i .... . ....... .......,. ... . anaJyt,is. and,~ =:-!:·:..~ •""!l( ............ ~- apply •in\ pel"lb\fl,•or\ ~ eonfldential reunit to. -·oOJiiY·-mtnta to Penonnel. EQuAL10PPORTUNJTY EMPLOYER. _, 1485 """' w.,,, ~ -Phone: -(ttf). > ' MWl •. JIUIGll BIGUIER -For · deajp A: evaluatbl of Wuminated p u i h button' sv.itche1. J;xperienoe with -~~---amtm dnliatilit. O:Jnt&ct; Marco~,~' 207 t.o. Helena. ~ .mfl.5.15,SJIT *llUSBOY~ys Applylri·ponan ' " . RUBi,:E. IJE JSl .E. CNit,H ..... ay ' llo-'-'-"' ...... · i"..... ' U.S. Dir.en Com'pllly 3323 W; Wnr . Sarita .... JANITOR . ' . ,.,,, .. I \ 1 I ' Cl·E~. SALESMEN . ~ ' } '·. ' .. S,. Ille Humble· 0.1 . l Refini!\9 ' Cemplny • ad in the . . s~· HCtioft, Yoanf liry Cook ... Kitc .. 11 Tralllff ' APPLY lN PEllllOll ..... ••a.v 154 E..lTlh Stieot a.ta- MAIS Full time, dqt. • .. ,· ., ICU. A - Apply· "I ,,.,,...,... REUBEN'S COCO's ·· . . ' - See-llnceat' ·m~t:x.c a,illly Operators DAILY P(LOT U., S. Oilers · Comp11y ' 3323 w. w •.•• Santa Alla -·XPl·l~.lfCIDI­ . lole . ' • Tiller • . , .. J'. c. :Penney Co. Fuhlonlllud Nowport- Hu cpeninl' for ' *COOK*! R.ectnt IUCCdltlll apnim:e in all phaRt of food ' "" la -· Competlti .,_, ..... __ _ includl'W PJ'Ofit lharili---~, · ' ' . ') " ~ . Apply in P.tnian . 10 AJI:. fb ·5' P.M. -thru Frida> J. ( . ..,co. · 24 Foohlon lllond An equal _..,. •mployer . . c~J I .. 'CURK I HOIJlital experience ttttH Excellent frlna:e, benefltal Call . Mrs., Miller. Slf-77 ~xon. Frt;l :30. a PM. ' $1anton 'c-....ity H..,_ ... • -·~----- ' ' ------~-~---------_ _:_• __ -·--------------------' ----• ---------· -------------~ .. -_J__ ----- • .. • IL_ -·-· ..... ·-----...... ' ......... ······ ... ·-----. ··-----... ... .... ---·---· .. • __ ._.... •• ..--4 ..... ' , .. - ",l''U DAil\' Pl.LOT , fridjr, ,..., Ill, ~M . , , 't 'flillJ. · • Y~ -•CHANDISI ..0. ~ICHANDlll POil ' ·~lCHANDISI l'Olt MllCHAMDISI l'ot! MhCltlNDISI ftCa MIRct/ANDISE FOi 1,,, Mlllo w-750llJollo Mon, w-7500 SALi AND -~ SALi AND TRADI SALi AHO 'rAADI SALi MID TRW. SALi "AND TRADE SALE ANO TRAOI S•llbo•I• 90lO TRANSPORTATION I.... * Mt1,khlsts Requlrtcf * fumliw. -Pumllu'9 IOOO HI.flt. S-1210Hl·fl t. Stereo 1210 fo'l-11•0-, q '600-1111-l600 I .... ...., ______ -' • ' I • . ' • Vaca~ ulll for a number of catogorles In njacbtiu! lllillp, 'working on small, stalnle11 steel pan. to cloae tolenDcU: Band screw IDIChiDe operator, lathe operator, cbucker oporalot an:&neral maeblnlits. Also some vacancies · tor electronic assembler t:alneer. Muat bave basic electronic school· Ing. One year Jr. college preferred. • Opportunity for young persons lntoresled' .in becoming electronic technicians. Work on a variety of interesting missile. aerospace and fircraft electn>-mochanical instrumellt.s. E•· Ceuent beoeflla:.Pro!it sharing, hospttallza. u°!'i hol1<1a¥s. , · .- Interviewbig 9,a.m. to 12 or call Jim Hyam1 for eveninf er ,S.IUrday intorviews. · DAYS IVIS. '42-24CIO ~" , ..... Gulton Industries Inc~ 1644 Whittler Ave., Coit• Mtu 1911AL OlfOITUMnY IMPLOYll fl' . ~ Wom. 7500 MJRCHAMDISI lt'Oll ·•1 SALi ANO TIADI fumllvre · 'IOOO '~:::& TAX il\.<!i TUNl2~~fi:E~E!EAR 'SALE c ....... ,_ . ~~..s.7· ....... u;:-'3~ P'Wler FM-200 $ 98.00 LIQUIDATION UDO 11 Ni·"'· eowr a -REDU-,.nnN ' SALE• '=~1~~l~·(~:~wave ~:5 PUB1Ric:l"'"ucii0Ns =:~:.:: . ~ Y • At,liiu;11:is a PRE.-AMPS. .. ~ staued .,..,,..-.i •,... S. I I 0 v · Marantz Motlel 7 Storeo Pre-Amp. 129.50 · F"t'I"" TV "Ti'•-· der. m-4163 : pee G nee-a• 1.ear Fi>her AOOc Storeo Pr.,.Amp. · &9.50 o or -treo 7 n.ay5 -L MARCH 1st ONLY "· SA-iooo Stereo Power Amp. 180.00 .,~ II .0 •• !lOA J• " 1• 30.00 ~i.a , IO"' , .. I J .B. Lanllng·SE-401 sweo Amp. 185.oo °'fiii!i"ar:r, * Up fO 71 . .HI! ~S1 _ Mcintosh MI-65 Indus. 60 W. Power 100.00 0 SS THIS Altoc lM5 Mixer Pr.,.Amp, 75.00 ! ! . D NT Ml ·! • J . B. LaMif SA-«>O Stereo Amp. 325.00 Heath, Kai t, fl•her, Elco, $$ SAVE · DOLIJARSil $$ DuKane others from $10.00 to 55.00 \ , , , • • • RECO)tD PLAYERS lank Ttrms * StO!~ :cb~ ge ff ~~~~~·¥:~~~:ipt1on nec. 5Danfs~ l Mediterrtmn,,an Ptayer·w/Amp. AUTHINTIC SPANISH: Bedrooma, living CARTRIDGES .& PICK-UP ARMS rooma, game se\3, dining room secs, tables, Ortofon, Empire, Grado -$10. to 20.00 lnnpo, wrought iron ind accessories, et<:., TAP.E Jll~RDliRS etc. r· · Tanllbel't MOiie! &,' Stereo Rec. 149.50 'APPROVED FUltNITURE ... Panasoru.c RS755S Storeo Rec. 110.00 to 35.00 19.50 SATUROAY -MARCH iCt 10:30 Nii t. 6:30 PM ' . l.__s_llND __ A_v_-_MA_R_c_H_2nc1_-_1_:io_P_M __ I Dealers and Apt. Owners be sure to attend this •ale. Everything will be sold! Special consignment for Sat. nite sale. • 60 NEW Uving Room Groups, all kinds, • SS NEW Bedroom Sets, all sizes. • NEW Spanish end tables, lamps, decorator accessories. • USED Mahogany dining rm sets, buffet, carved china, leather top end & coffee Imported AulOI 1:0ME RAIN OR SHINE • .THESE Be1u~ Salon Manager .... " . otlien; Ampex, Revere from $45. to es.Oil C G ri 12 ?~::. :!-?!~Jo~~ets SPEAKERS t. ENCLDSURES 395.00 85.00 35.00 -tables, 4 Pc full mahogany 4 poster BR set, 5 Pc twin maho~ BR set, Spinet & Upright Steinway pianos. Pool tables, mattreas · aetl, pictures, lamps, 6 True Fte~ch BR seU, office turn, chairs, desks, files, drafting table. 10 Hospital beds, Uncoln generator, Vox sound equip. VW's ...,.,.,,. Bozak E-500 Spinet Encl. FULL TIME Mutt,hM • .,...-.. LlcenM necnMry. 1 Jl.P,.p ••· ~4 J, B. Lansing Hartsfield Systetn r ••• :.r. ~ s~.=::yy ~-~S ~;·' " C-50 Olympus Encl. MedHerr1--S4J-9660 < Wharledale W-70 Encl. w/10" .,._ -.. duaJ.-cone Spkr. R ... lvod -notion I==~~= J . B. ~ing C-13 Encls. w/115-AC ofS22,DIO,DISpanllh f • IOOO a. II llOO ; 1 '. l:'Natworks (2) ea. 149.50 •nd Modllorronoon umilu'9 ....,.p an<n Altec'S\5 Tllea~ Woofers (4)" 39.50 35.00 35 Appllancu: Washers, dryers, refrlg's I 'MUST ~~ran~g-•s_,_ov_•_ns~--c_o_1o_r_TV~'•_._sc_e_reo~•·~ ' lxcellont Employ" lonofll1 APPLY Personnel Office Thlrcl FIOor The Bro1dw1y 47 Court• of f ooh Ion FA8HJON ISLAND Nowpof'lllooch An -()ppartwtlty - 1. c. Penney Co. Fuhlon hl&nd Newport Beach N- MERCHAMDISI RECORDS CLERKS Full OI' s-ft time. ~nt aueeeafll1 experience in ""' ... bookkttpU,, .... ferred. Participation in an outlt&tlcli1w benefit -·Incl-.... pitallatlon, discount on .....,...._ ...... llW· Fumltuff 20 PC. MODERN • SPllX:1Al. PURCllASE • ll<)zak .q.t-20M Column Spkrs. (2)" 180.00 Banko -Finance Co'• -2 EotolH All Now Top Quollty ,,.-.,..-, aulomatic Mt.cl 8'! to• 12" Spkrs. $3 to 8.00 HouoefuDs -Partial F)lll. Rain Damaged. Brend,..,.,.. 3 ROOM. GROUP ...-. A .u..,,,-•P. Warehouse Lot -Several Consignments. Decorator'• DrHm InclQdes Fknld.6.dwr pliancel trbm. model homes C.C.T.C. 3 Large Repo11es1lon1 HouM on Dl1pl•y ~ walnut ~.s~ .... lfnpa • at !antaatic1!Cliamunta1 No ' Conrac AV1.2d.Receiver 180.00 '""" u tou .... : ~ <:0mpldebtdrooJm.~quilL ~W•""""'·~;ot Pblllils C.C.T.V. Camera 395.00 AOK Commission GaDery: Inc. f:"' .. '·''wi~~; .. '"'"'"'-&'pc. atnett•, FdSTEl!·s· Pacli'ah! BeJ!'C.C.T.V. Camera 495.00 7722 GAROEN GROVE BLVD. ~~~~":.1. •le. All 1«$zj7 }~.,":;' Ftn ~~ AkuJtroEnA " " 175.00 <! BIOCk West <!_Beach Blvd. off G:G. Fwy.) china ehalr, 3 ·matchlnf Hodown-Pmtr.,~'10-NORGE Aulomatic Wuher, N MUSICK CORP '~""!!!!~~~ oak oocuional tables, (2 ..,. .. ;r late model, like J)ew $75 • ;;;;; 58" tall decorator lampe. w••lf•r-w••rllftl1t1C 847-lll5 . tl>lq fl~centl• Ave., Coif• Mesa Mhcell•MOUI l600 MllClll1neous 8600 an 8 piece muttt bed· Ull ~ DlllUVA 541-1671 room oulte In pecan pan. ADMIRAL · •pt·---•; ' ' . ~ :1111 . FLOOR COVERINGS elled Mediterranean 1tyle 600 W. 4th ;St., SaldiJ Anl 2 yelll'o41 copper. $8S. · -, F hi T ds Carpets. Vinyls. Tiles, latest ~~ ~~ 1i ~ Open Daily t ·• 9 * "4-4171 * Antiques 1110 Plan-. A ~ 1130 rlllrlNI r1n . atylts and cWors. eomnkr- •-.. "L 5.-.. i~t. decor Sat. 9 • 6 Sun. ll. G }'l'.AGIC Chet Stove ( ) 1 "~UE dock from 'C'.._ • • • , CUSl'OM D8ESSMAKING clal &: Residential. Expert din~ aet,v;t~ . SCRAM~E'l'S .cu ::.:.: ... Showu Sat" sun.""... New Pianos & AL~TI~NS, installation. WhOle hoUHfvtl Was i I ~'! old, '?ntl 195. 9G-3141 •,¥..-* 432-2100 * WURLITZER .l BRADBURY Plus an ~cl~ mlicUon 642-1403 540-7262 I $12tS DI . ===~;;-' =-..,..=-All atylea a: finishes, all of ready mades ~.acceaor. ========II rs9uar • ANSWEH PHILCOllcufthlot-Free ANTIQUES&CLOCKS Amedcan·nwle .,_de! ;e,, Mlsc.W•nlod 1610 MUST SACRIFICE' ... __ ,.,._ .. u.m """""· rosrr·· ANTIQUES W· ...... a tuooci. Ptlce·;tart. N•wport Sh>ttl c.m.r $568.0f) ~ -t..oi-ra .... -v.,,, "°"' '°"" 185. 519-3654 6U<133 1ll03 ""'•ru. CM ""' at 8199. I~~~~-~~~~' My .i....-can be .""'. •• Truty -TWEL~ Antlq-•• ' 1110 Sowlnp Machl,,.a 1120 W,l!'lfiftr ·Organs I~ Furniture e •pplltn<M chUecl inC Tpday"a )'O'J.th ·11. more so-, , -. · e NEW e 2 BIKES. boy & girl, 3 spd, "" TERMS -:'We CUT)' our phistica~. ll ~ 1'al1clnl· ANTIQUJ!: Spanish and Mex. 1968 IJNGER oompletl! with llaey other make1. Many 1 pr giri.!I 5tioe skates 1tze C:olor TVs • Pianos own account&.. ton were to write 'Seventeen reliP>oifUttrm. amaU pvt. ~t ~n.sole. Due to atylea 4 fhilw.. Prices 6'Ai + earrytng case. Ha.nd ETC. !k today, he would have call~ rollectlon.. 18th C. paint. San diYOftt! .a~tlon-repossessionJ start at lawn mower + oatcher. 3 Cash in 1/2 hour I, I] It TWELVE. ._ Antonio w. ant frame; Mex· $.!7.88 of .. ume 12 paymll $595 pc green seetlonaJ, platlonn 541-4531 * $29.4' * teltn curciflx, • m a 11 , of $3.85' ~· Button holes_ · · . rocket, good frame. 1 single """'""~~~...,~·II - - ---3 Piece Braided primitive w. !met mlrrorl; blWI htmi; overcuts etc. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC bed with bookcase head-CAPTAINS BEDS wantro b •WANTED • GO! Month-End Specials '68 VOWWAGEN C..-. IYSl·lffJ $1745 '68 VOl.KSW AGEN I I•. ·IWIE·7ft $1745 ll•rtdtllre at HARBOR ILVD. •OVAL RUG SET • 17th c. lllu m l~a.ted No attath nwed ed, ·Beach Music Cenler board,complete,'61Allstate . l@ party Good cuJ NylOn ~nd. revenible, parchment.: tin pamtinga. GuaranlH OK. 526-fifil6 · Motor Scooter, '69 Llc. ~va bl .,:.,. .,....., • Sellltbly priqet;I • acbanae ~ 548-3668 n.casona e. J"t<Ts-w• l'o'67 VOl.XSWAGEll Bn>wn. -"'·...,.. ,,. ...,.,:i•d!rlA -Mi,oa•rlriit. 11•• • Fac1ory ·~ • Servic:e 1'w"'ANTED==-,""'u"""",.,...""=....--,. -18" llnport Blvd. Cosll Me11 '1 Apply 10 am ta 9:30 pm , _ Sizes: I Jr.10, 2 x 3. 2 x ii 645-2&29 . :l.::: . ~ Dl:fl112 noon tn t, Sat 9-5 • tin & 518 .. exterior plywood. AL'S UNUSUAL ~-·I H...,-17j(M Beach mw., m""' 39l ttnnnm LllRl(S FURNITURE VAST ~ilQlit" Eut -ttr __,,,uorten 1\lmL 'So,SaJl'!il.eohy. MlllUI 11!1' _<99-_t!l!IO _____ _ $147·5 _ ............. . •.· J. (. !'fllllY co. (ollly) Evtry nllo 'Ill t Wod •• J 0t., ·Sun. •in 6 24 F•lhlon, Isl.,,., .,, _ _.,,,, empkiyer ' ·- I PRINTING. dupt ...... -· aim' Hunthwtaa Beach. Exoo .17, Pc, l(illlJ Siu ledroom LI.rat ........ dreaet. m1r0 tor, 2 bedlide ltUdl. ~ pertenot A.B. Diet or KlllU. Mlllt wm"lr: wtthcmt llllPll'\lil- loo, omal1 ...,.,. -eDOI deslnd, wiU ClOlllider .... -· -P.O. Box 106l H-Beach, 92&17 e EMPLOYMENT e Small Newport Beach o1llce, just q>tned, nee<"..i teWn.l ---quilt· ..... __ _ eta. etc. <llotce of 8panhh ' ! or Modem -Sty'll: All ' for $Z~9 No down • Pintll. orily $9 mo. ' full time emplgl'ff1, male WELX'S WAREHOUSE I: !emal~, 2CJ.2ll yrs old. Sal 600 \V. 4th st .. Santa Ana SllO. wk U you meet tF-Open Dally 9 • 9 ' reef a. "2-SllO Sat. 9 • S Sun. 11 • C F=======ISPANISll """"""' from ~ Men A Model Hamn: on ale at 1 ~ w-... ' 7550 lea than wboleaJe! Grvup ' 1~~~~~~~~ inclodel beautifUl 9 I • • I s.c. ,., -.. S550 1 Typist , • , , ••••• ,. •• •• • $450 quilted ao1a .l low seat, Part 'Iim ~ 13 50 hr 3 Spanish oak decorator 4 e •' · pr table&, naa: or table lam pg, I, Rate Clerk Tme •••••••• $325 __ ,, la Id ~~--••-+ w11UL p cque, nr. queen, wo1.u•u .... • •• • ••• ''' _.... or full aizt bedroom suite ~ ' Sale& •" •••• ·' •• ·' ·'' $650+ complete ·\ncl box springs, r { :~·;;~~·;·J: mattn!a. linens" boudoir M h p I lamps. Spanllh oak 6 pc • ere ants ersonne dlnini aet priced elsewhere ( 2043 Westdlff Drive at approx. tl195.00 ALL Lobby Otfict FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, Corner l?lb 'A Irrine $4.99 per week I out of Ne:wport ,Beach state crdelt OK. W i 11 6'S-2'Tl0 ~ 5'5-5685 separate tor qu1c.k sale. 20th ( rt Century· l'urn1turt, 9 7 i' 2 nawpo · Ganlen G-BI v d ., Personnel c.n1.. G ..... Jlaily , ... Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 Come i .., &gancy in or call ITI4) 533-&10 P rofessional Service ITAL. Cblt.emp. din. nn. 9tt, L. ~-lo 2 m&rble toP. buffets: BR. """ ..,. .mp yer St!t v.'/cireaf1', m i r r o r, and the appllCant night thin. o'aia twin beds. W Dover Dr.,!<l.L """""" ' . c t '°"'Z' · '549- 2743 20 PC. "MADRID" J RQOlll Gl'OllP ntOM MODEL H6llEs Iocludol: QW!ted .... .. cba1r -2 tod tahltl I: c=of. ff:"! tabie -2 lami--~ er -mirror -headboard - quilted box •P~ ' malt. l't'8.~ -5 pc. dlnirv room: LA.tile lt 4 hi-back chah"L COMPARE AT $749.93 $399 No dowo-Prnll onl,y $16 mo. 17881 Beach Blvd. furn a: clbCb: La r r "I e NEW and USED e H~ ~Uh-14:7-1536 ...,FOR SALE Huntinaton Bea.ch ~ Moraan Antiquea, 2f21 l'ender e vox e Standel PETS and LIVESTOCK Newport.JN.VJ!. cv . e GIBSON e MARTIN WE'RE In our new atatt. Remnants, samsQa It Mill -20 Pc. Maple · " .""" ' • Wll.SON • YAMAHA Ou• tantutlo aaie ot Plano& end• Sat. Onl1 a a.m. lo 2 Cab 1820 3 ROOM GROUP. FREE TO YOU D•NNmEWHaondodlJqSEOuorto•ro • Organs now ""'"""'' at p.m. 929 Baker, C..ta M• ... I"".;.:;. ____ ..;.;;,.;;.: OJinae County'• only piano HI-Fi CUrtis Mathis AM/FM HIMALAYAN B P, hyb. ·lncludet: Llvinc•room .et !• LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO &: organ "super market". Stereo mac ca!Jinet $'10. male, by champion, 10 mo's tables • lamps .. • bedroom ORGANIC Ftttilizer, .... ' ,._ 11elect1on wttll new 4 Pil.nc9 from $UIS. Orpna T v 19 .. ""'..:... Se·--.a '¥.'· , neut., mqnif. coat. -·· llom l1Z . . ~. -·· ·-· 4,...237, .et. quilted mattm:1 • ma. hor.e IDIJlurt combined pc. mets and cymbalt start-WARD'S BAt.oWIN STUDIO $105. Recliner mntour $20. i ======== pie dinirw room. AD for , • • with wood abivhip. Good 1ne at $99.50. Pmala, bi-bat.I 1819 N-CM. 642-848( Cottee le ebd tab I e a , 0.... llU $449 mulch. an= or 5IM931 Uld oeta-AD mnall ·-~· nevamar topo. $2). ,._1,=-------- No down. Pmta. onb' SI.I mo. betw I I: S J4on thru pu1:I, a~ I: eymt.11 HAMMOND • Stleinway Ya. $2 . .:. SS. ~754J ALASKAN Malamute, AKC, Fri. 2121 in stock. maba • new I: ued planol lemale, 4 mos. Exotllent WBK'S WAREHOUSE FREE .. -with ....,... EVERYTHING m MUSIC " 111 --""" ,. * AucnoN ·* ,., . ._ p-... IOO W. 4th St, Santa --onl,y. 111·-... ""' Belch Music Center So. ~~'en. 11 you"""""°'""' ~.~. ~ wtih w!Ute Fox Ttn'ier female dog. l90T N. Main, give Wlndy,a try ........... 15" Open Dall,y 9 • 9 HU had all abota. Very A ti ~' 1 30 MIN. Silver Poodl .. male 10 Sat 9. 6 SUn,_ 11. g loVabfe. M8-1'186 313 Factory Sain a Service Sant.a Ana uc ona ·~~· : p.m. Daily 12 1100n 'til 9, Sat~ Windy's AUCtitin Barn wits.: no papers;" putt lftd ANTIQUE Bedroom set; 3 f PUPPIES Mother Daeh. li'40t Beach Blvd., (Hwy !9} S.10. 545--0ll8 f:t~!n_alnu~ ~= =sr·~ ~. 835 1% m1. Sa. San. Diego Fwy. T11ev111on nos ~~ndN=~. ~~ 1-.~K~c~RE=o"'P~ ... -,,-,-. ~T~.,~ .• Double bed, 6 drawer chut. * An)'timt * ~~G BeHacb 847~ LOOK HERE ! SALE. Cosing March 14th. °' 'M~;~ 0~ ~7-S59t drtuer 'fll/frame Wt mlrJ'or 311 '"'""•rui, Oyer guitar, Zenith 21" Black &:. white 2()..5(1% off. l m port 1 , w/bevded &).us. SI O o. I-::=-:-=-,-,.,-:~ like new. Will 11&.criftce Walnut~. like new $50. statues, home deccr. Alm AKC Tiny Toy Poodlea 5t6-33S1 FOUR happy, be al t bf, $J85.. * ~ 642.Q'78,· dlsp'n .. i.hel.,_ t • b 1e 1 , white male puppies, Champ ~. miaD. trl I zed ._ ._, be...___.. $i'S. 545-43«1 '61 VOLKSWAGEN $1475 '66 VOllSWAGBI $1*L29'5 '65 VOLKSWAGEll WlllN. ISID·710) $995' MtJST .U DOW! Pullout coucb bed I: match's etir, ~~==-i;:.;. '·65 YOLKSWAGBt German Sbrp'pipl; 56-7440 El.EC. Guitar &: Amp. SONY Purtablt TV w/bat· l'Ug!, vacuum. 551 W. 19th ._ ........... · , · , 3/1 Good condition Ill')' p.ck pi&)'a on AC er St. CM. ~1914 lood cohd $50. Ro u D d MALE German Shephtrd. S ftdwood table I: 3 benchet )'l'I. old. Good watchdol and -:=" ..,. • dw'gu. Silver Fox Jackel $15. Odda n' end1. &'OOd With cblldrtn. 5C9o388I 8B8 DunD St CM. 6G0&46 S/3 NEW walnut bunk bed• • 2 PUPPIF..S 7 wka. old Part mattresses, perfect mnd, Cockft' I: Poodle paid $2004125. Walnut end , * 546-6689 * tables '8dl, $10. 644-n6 ==O"':=-:-,--.,.-aft 6 pm. BOSTON Bull • 5 yr. male, M~o~v=IN~G--~Mi.c--tum--1..,.-, newt1tic but loveable, a'OOd ~' with tenced i yard, couch, Br .et, lots ot rood with kid&. 847-TllB 311 h>uae:bold itemL (No tdrla> 64&-0'ifl ONE BROWN, QNE WHrrE ======== RABBIT 4 PIGEONS Offlco furnlluiW I010 OUlot deU: " chair. Like new noo. 540-1m lar Equipment 1015 BO'M'\.E Cabltt MO. 3 table• A: chain: SI). Luae bamboo polet $2 eaeb. 673...e9l9 --..,..,,.-----Oarap sile I022 FEB.:181lI.Mul~2: -·-13!1• l!ln, IU rai..-1'5-, maple dinltW rm. .et $60. Y<N name it. we've got It. f15.U or 673-:ml ; U2 Diamond, Balboe Isl. DRESSERS, vatumut. roll._ ........ -bod, ·-· I: mbc l1t1na. l\J'tttnoOna It all 'dq Set k Sun. 9'A 5111-3346 •• 311 ND GD hm fl Famib' remalt' Cat has lbo!JI " All~red 64617«1 A f t . 5:30 Sil GOOD HOME NEEDED Fer a Puppita put ,Poodlt! 962-8918 3--3 7 Mos. old female P"ISO'· Ha• had lhota_ ~bl'obn. N~ a "°'11" 51841'1 Sil SELECTION of l!Mutlftll cats I: klttena. H.8. a re a. G'r.>4'131 311 GUPPIES I: babJ' llWOl'ds. AU in tw1le bowl, 2S all to- pther. 846-0'lltf 2128 FEPtfALE Welmat'IJ'ltt, well bred. 4 yn old. fl"l!!t to aood Mme, ~ 313 GUlNEA Pip wl.Ui 'cqe -13111 3/1 E. Ball>oa 8"d, - H OUSEHOLD J tema, TIGER Ctt-Spa)'ed female, WODWn'• dotbhw. mt u. 1'{.ty artecdona~. almoat 2 yn. old. '7Mm. 2128 l'rl.I Sat. It: ~~ lDVING lbnt w/c:bildmt • p.m., ~·~ a ,.,. ....... tor ""'""'1' RB, 147-mt !!l>anlel hnmed. m.stJl4 1121 HCO! a bod. ndlnlnc dr, BLK. Mind -~ Mai.. ptt l'f tbt, d re• 1 torsn.' ~- pt-t. P.,.ns· , 113~ Grand Opening OUr new orp.n depe.rtment ls now open featuring TIIOMAS ORGANS wH11 the exOUIM! Color-Clo and Playmatt. FREE Lawrence Welk family music course, a $100 value, tree with eveey Thomas Orpra. Pricel lltlrt •t $5115. Coast Mnic 113? Nowoort Bl~, CM Com?r of Newport I Harbor -646-0271 Used Org1n Sale Hammond Ml'1 Spinet S9'<fi Hunmond AlOO Con.sole $1800 Hammopd RT-2 Concert with HR tO ••••• :.;; ....... $18$ Hamm.olld C3 w/spkr •• Sli'50 llammood 11-3 • ""1le l21!i<1 G-• PremJu only • months dd ••••.••• , ••• $33!li ALL PIAN~ ............ .. 20» or mo~ Savirvt! ! Open Mon A Fri eves. l!A'-UifOND 111 OORONA DEL MAR 285-1 E. 0:>ast Hl'.y .• G73-89:ll PIANDS & ORGANS Fam0111\ Na1M Branda from $529. Allio USED Instrumen11 Gould Mu1lc Compony 20tS N. Malil, """ta Ana ~.so. ol rzt.eM,y 5t1'0681 11"'1 a Fri 'IU t S<nloy IU ANTIQUED PLAYER PIANO * m5 * fl3.821 2 * vacuum clcanrr. c d M. Pupp1~• 3 ado r • b I e 673-6733 . 642--2312 J..3 UPRTGllT SchwnaM PIAno (2' 10 fl Palm trtts. F'ret It. lknch. l\ttlnlshrd INot for dlat:lng. fi.16..5622 :l-4 1111liquca). Good tone le t'Olld. N<-cd11 kt)'I J"eCO\•crcd, AD<fRABLE Klttt:n.. whlteii $100 ~· and btseb. $45-4IOl S-3 --:P"RIV=A::TE:""P"'AR=TY=-- 11 Weeki. 892-9579 W (ITU 122) ·c:,.,~~-,,,';;' ~. C..~J.,3500086• •crih, $100 TRANSPORTATION $1 o· 4· 5 Aft. 5; 675-2022 ...u· even na-s BOits & Yacht. 9000 21 " RC" COLOR TV BRILLIANT Olunond Ring: 817-3798 l4 oara~. yellow "'" * SPECIAL * . mounting w/up to date a~ Columbia 28, 8 mos old, bow '63 VOWWAGf.M ---prl at $6lll, w:rilice $350. Hl·fl & eo 1210 642-6278 pulpit, life lines, inbd eni.. ....,.. CFMa.747) --------radio, main jib&: 1e11M. $89 5 STEREO 19ti3 solid state ~ DEMOLISHING H~ Phis cround tackle le safety soJe. Never used $8S. A190 t u 1 s, frcd air fll(naee, equip etc, Absentee owner 6 ' / .w a I a·~ t A.U: /I'M stove, df!>I, fixtures, tum, mmt selJ .••• Asking $10,500 nmltJplex, I qieUer audio misc. 308 S. ~ Bal 27 Kinp Cnla Qp ,Y,t•m. Nonnatly ..ns kr h . 675-4214 lmmao ......... ' 11400 '63 Y"' "SWAGEN $489.95, sacrifice • $250.IA'~oo=RAB=L~E~She~p-her-d~~Colll~e SS' Faroilone Sip ,, $15,500 VU\ ' ~t, Dept. 536:$ Mix puppies, 1 .,,.ks (7) «I' Marconi N.,,.ptr •• $26,900 WMt. S.-..t • : ==::::: DAVID L, FRASER INFC .. Jtl !~ipe R9corders a22•,_~~nu~~-a1_"'_1""""~-'-'~0 • Call: Chuck Avery $.695 I . 3424 Via Oporto, Newport MUST &ell ·Tape Recorden. Klrby vacuum cleaner w/at-67J.S252 * 494-3916 eves. SONY seon. auto ~ tachn1ents. Take over 1mall 1 """"'""'"!'!'~!""'""'""''II $25o. S)NY 22$ $130. TEAC pymnu o.r ~ oft ~ t • NEW ~!..~·v:'°~"" °' 136 ~~.i.s°'•t. KETTENIURG 41 11 -'6"'3_V_OlKSW~-A-G_EN_ S I . A-• .. _ • VACUUMS • 29$Co1Stvo29 TllouMll/B nd1 $ "--.... port "I...... -$10 ... ""pain l -' loaded !9900 IUf .. tJI 2> G lnct Reuoneble. Cout Yacwm ~· Hem:r.hatt, absent ownr $. 7 9 5 .~..!.u~t ~ -., 333 E. 17ib,. CM., .0.1510 .....,..,, ...... ..,, 112.000 . .. .,,._.. -rfttlod 38' Kettenburs '65 Gray. 1111. S1S-«m ·. Oriental R•CJS •P•cmc YAOIT SALES• -9Xl2 OrlneSt" A: Varioul 3446 Via Oporto, Ntwpert Mi"'lleneout 5 't 8600 siies. Call QR s.m 24 Hour ~ 6iJ..157tl 2 ·YRS HoUdQ Health spa 11' FRIGIDAIRE $40 . Ii' FT. Performer. Ialander e DOT • mt'1Ubenhlp'% price. Wrltli Jleyv•ood-\YaJ..~ld dretBer Deluxe mod~ {all ntier. P.O. Box 783 RB &: leav-e szj. Single htadboard ns. s!a.uJ outtmrd. CUiiom ph. no. ' 84ti-l4«1 ... snap down eover. Bia wheel DAf s CARAOE ·Sale; refri1 •• Q U ALITY king bed tJ!t tn.il,r. S'700 or ~t oU· UN•• v.·shr. Uv. nn. set, Mini• ~·/quilt~ mattress, comp. tr, Phon!.'*"4687 afttr 7 pm Bike. bicycles; beds &: etc. Never med .$98, worth $25(1, GLASPAR SC?afare Sedan 75 10042 Kamuela. HB 962-3452 8(2..&\16 hp JohMon elec •tart. Jrg r~air .ie. watnvt \JPHOLSJ'ERING _ $'19.50. 2 whl trlr, full covt.r. Immac AUTMOlrDD DIALll · Apl1coC. MJJO pc, (European cnltsmen) thru-out call 6'73-61689 aft 6. Huntington pd 'Ii ad. O.L • FM at., .... -115 PRIVATE J&"1 wants 16' -_, tnO. (1) -Main, llB "~·-IWlioltr, must be xlnt -l>iCOfiA'roR.'8 Ubdlbned LANCE 'f'llbiC•nder wllborwlthtvt_.tor.•C*JS) dn.'"7', • aD' U.... Ulht w I swedJtr I: cutter, pro-I ;:,131,,."""'=-=~-~--New and Used Cars sblda ownmed.. ~· .l l°"" di., SHARP 16" boat w/t:tJ'tlB'a, Cempl,.ta Service MG.am 10 ant-' pm. ftuonabW. ~ '1 • l'fi\~l ~ats, 40 hp mOtDr 1 anCI P•rts SEAIJTIFIJL . II 8" .. to II MINI-Bike:,,.. ... '2.·tlrn<JO! a lrallu. IS. 6IUl3lt lllll BEACH BLVD. Cnsaaqova puppies. 6 \Yks, new: SUMlnl bi~, .. tood S II'-· 90IO 142·77*•-540-0442 loveable. ~ tach. ~14 OOfVI. After 4, 548-4046 • -ts -------t'<l2. 100% N"l'LON rut• NEWPORT &ac.h Tennlt AQUA CAT ~ sailt ;':;.! t:'.'f!-.::: leach 1 Y1t. old Blk ' Wbl Mbced Wants to buy piano ~ Dae. ~ 2121 "" Cub. 213-17T-11135 bluc/Rlftn h.~. hHo oat· Membt' :shlp for Nit. $400. .t: trailer. $150 or rnab of--·"' -i ''"' w. 5l5-Cl40 _ 'Odl 'f=111t". -- . ·"tor. •te1 -r -·· -,.. __ .., ... _-". -----~-~------_____._ __ ~~-~-----------~-~-----~"'----------"~~---~------------~--- ' ' ' . , I ... _,,,_,.. ..... .? ' frkUf; ,_, 28, 1'69 ' DAILY PILOT' U i . T~l'OITATIOH TD,lll'°'!liiiR TUNSFWIX!R* t ,9100-Ciro 9IOONowC1rs ·9IOO-C1rs flOO CONNELL : CHEVROLET'S· lJSED .~: CA'R ·.€ENTER SP,ECIALS . :1 1 , • I ,...'65-C-.M_IW_'. 11111·fil!lllN-O ... VlliiiilA"' • 4 ~r. 6. cylind~!i-auto., PS, Rl:H. Tur-quoue with mau:ning interior. Lie, No. RQH-174 - ' '1395 . ' ' • . . '65 IMPlei 'I' Sport coupe. V-8, auto., PS, RilH. But• ternut yellow with black vJ.ntl Jn~rior. Ll<. No. uSt4)95 ·'·'4' ·, . • , ••••••••••••• , • ORANGE COUNTY'S I •SAVINGS. HEAD9UA11!1S 'I ::=.=,~,=F=o=· =R=D=.v=:.=Tft=.N==· = • ~o.·.·u~.·~.~~M~~:~~~~-1 Custom. 327 V.S, Auto., factory air 11_ ~""' No. ll ~ •&a' EL CAMINO ' ' J cond .. PS,,.RA!I. Milt '•u• w•th bluo Piokup. VS. '"'"-cadlW1' lloet;c, Dam • $1395 . ~~·N~~fli.9§ w~ty whit•.~ s;;·4;5-ll ! '64 IMPALA :::::::::::::::::: ::;::;' ======= 1• ~hardtop. VS, autolhatk, PS, p •• -~ -' · · l factory air oondtUonlft&, ndlOi , ttt, OTM122) • '65 Pi.YMOU1'M· '•'8 o'obGE 0DARt : . s1095 1· Sport Fury eo~rtiP* VS. automatic, "GTS" Spt. ('pt>. V8 4 ...O. P~falt,!, power steer11 f\1110.· h8ter, (NBV894) ween w/dark green ;:"'~~ foci. • - $ ~ ceptional. Brand new ~;;d ltM l"A. 0•95 (VBP•6S> • '66 MALIBU SS 396 • . ' g: ' ' -$ ·1 ~~fi":;.~·· ·it.~·~~;~'!! ·1· : :;:::::::::::::::: 'f!W Sl!t Of r line WWII! Offtl "ti.re, '67 CHEVROLl'r 2 Dom-. V-8, A.1., P.~., •'H-'Mirina blue with mltcblng-interior. Lii-, ·tto. TRE137 I k•r'~~, .,. s9sclt -· bU•• I DeJUxe Station Wagon.lnv..a,. auto., PS, • R&li. Gold with Fawn terior. Lie. No. I · KQV-84;. f •595 r ; O · · ,-;..tion ;~.!._ ~~E!0.-18", '62 OLDS F-85 radio and heatfr. 1Q~)~-~ .._ ___ ... :.' ~395 • '-.ip,_., ... i""!l!O'!!-J""!!!IT~. >P!!L~~A"""'N~S •.· &n-W.. Va, 111-llO.· ndi~ h•at- i •· ~-~r'a95' ! - ~1395 1"·~ , j • ' ' ' -. '66 DODGE Polara 4 Door. Automatic, air cood., Power gteerina:. radio, heater, gold wilh belre Inter. Below wholesale. (SIN486l . s1395 - '•7 ·TOYOTA tand Cruiser. 4 wheel drive, excellent COndition, low mUeaa:e. (TRJ019) $2195 ' '69 IL CAMINO Cuslom V-8 Stick, l .Andeau top. Buttrr- nut yellow, 4,000 original miles, factory ttew car wan1lnty. Lie. No. 37792C $2695--- • '67 DODGE 1/~ TON f.' Sw~. ~d• &)8ku~.' V-8 ':lf!.°'• 4 •pcl , eas _t an 10, or~al m . tactory ~Ahty ~N&9s -~ --,..._:;.'"'""'. ~ . ~~·~ .... .-. . · jt1 IUICk .~ · ' .. , !>I• ·~ S•h"-,~'· ~ ~t Jlj. · ·•· ·~ '~'' ·. '\ • .-• •. • I I ·~ , ! ' ' '/ I • '61' IMPALA ' . , Sport Coupt 327 V-8, AT, PS, ractory air ~ditlon, Rlc.H. Maroon with black intertdr. Lie. No. TUX459 '2195 . , . "•l CORVAIR ' Coupe. 4 speed, radio A: heater. Uc. No . OWN.302. s295 ======!l ·· •~t ~~~v!~u~~~~&H Roman ,l tet, .. fiftWt ~th vinyl interior. Lie, No. T!1tt·515 '. ~189 - , '66 CHEVY VAN Ath.omatic, side doors, rear \\"indov.'s. Grl?t"n .1l<lth tvhite tu-tone. Uc. No. V29328 $1695 I • ' . ··~···1····'!·· 1 HE 2828 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA I ··~r.~ 546•1203 ~A~ 546•1200:. LEHMAN 10' T. SELECTION ,' ~· Mot's 111' ROD & REEL ,; "Veer Rouncl .. .. VERY CLEAN . .rMeallt.~Bon\9:~~hg1,_ 4 'bOJlH&""f~e. oven & brlr. Fiberglas Sailboat ~dJi(;e ~. }11fl1..i.11',!f~J'.Ji'~-r, Dbf\ ·~i. elec \VH, elec with sails licensed tdtlff · · ~ Mtii ~ 1,., ..... r !!rrti;.'!~1ct box con1b. Nr ="'===91!1! .-:·-'i":..,.,.. ~ ,canvuAXWer£.r...,ii..UJ~ :~ i~z~..._ "...:h.i . Jfll''M'.MW_llt'",_·:<, -z, ' ,.., · -'-t 'Um" Bav u•<bo~i ~:iww· tires -spare T I.: W . ., , .. -ltllin. 1116:..,.14111} " . . , ...... ~--. . !!illll'loiw.''l\oaW!liti. II Of. CORONADO 25 Sa"! UoUSP, f·lometfe, Cele r1ty, : , • t 3\Y~Y Sahara. well t'xpenenced, $.1911. price $5995. CORONADO .14 lZ WIDES * 54;>-569( * Sailaway price $17,995. Info 40._4~.45._50._55.-60'-64. on new Coronado 23 & 30. From ;J995 Sabots $280 complete. Open'til 9. &IJ..-0810 *CAL25 * 1 year old Call 644-4177 GLADIATOR 24 ' Sloop; rig- ged for racing & cruising. $4500. 54&-945.1 Trucks *SPORTSMENS VAN* * TRUCKS * They Are All Hire At Fantastic Discounts Do you riM<i ti el•llll w •I on \~ .Hett •rut..-r-t ,. ' ' '67 DATii · I '\_,;.,;;,.,..~ 4 DOOR :.... 2 DOOR • El Dor1dos • Calais • Coupe de Yilles • Sedan de Yilles PRICED FROM $4995 AU Carry New Car .. ·~11ifl "!: :. OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC '66 Dod9e w•oo• $159' , A•to~JNM,, ,...., ......... & ltnlliin TID '7' · ~ . '66 El Camino $177f · A•f'9 trollt., ,_.., """8f, Mio, llffter '66 Ford STATION WA60N COUNTIY SQUlll .. $1995 t p•11a11r~ ..... "-·• pow ..... IPl 217 , ., 't4 Volkswa9en .::!':. $9t' -...sh.HMll4f •66 Ambassador 'I:!!~ $17t ~ ...... trc1u. pwr. INof l ......._ ..,,. c.... f t '67 Opel ! =-~~/:.,':;, $14t~ ro4 ........... HOI t1 Z f' '66 Rambler •-:.-...:.:-$16•J; Alt• rn.u .. 111.c.W '""'· ,_,. IMrmtl Mt. f '67 Cortina • .;!.:. =.. $149 . -..... '1 ''4 D'art GT "!.~. $11 J , A ..... tr tr f tt '•'6 rfflo ....,._, OML 1 ti ....... •or~ 4 DOOi SI•••-• $74f ' .. r • -A1to tr-.. ""' llWftitt art4 !wan. qsc 770 · •' ltD ~AlPET , SERVICE FOR YOUR CAL • • HOLIDAY . AMl•ICAN lllOTO t ( Sales & Sen OPIN 1 tAYI ANDmNlffl FOi YOUI CONYINll ' 1969 Harbor Cosl1 Mes. 6.42-6821 • • I ------------------------------ I I • ' I • ' ' ,.._ • •• •• :1 • • ,,---- ·- • _ ..... _,.,...., ..0 --.,. _. .. -;. -~,--.-•• -.--;,,~,~-..;, :;.,;;.,.;,;,;;. ;;-.~;;:..,;;;:;;-• .,.. '' _r, __ .,.;::;::.;~...:;;;;,,.;;;;:;::;:;;:,;:_;.;;~:::=::::-::_:;:;:::===·-=-=·==-:=::;::::;;;;::;;-:;-;; __ =:-. -;-. ;-. ;-, c;,-,;;;;==--------"""m 1968 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Super 2"'Ctr. H.T. le1utiful ••-v• told ederior w~ metct.t'-t bucket 1Mt11 black land1u1 roef. f\illy fac+.ry *lul--4 plus •~trans., Rl:H, P.S., P.I., fectory elr. 'Orf••• 16,000 "'ue,, cer.efully main .. tel".d t,y •rlginal owner. X9A 421 $2995 • l967 .MERCURY MONTCLAIR 4 Doer Ma rd top. Airlomafic, radio I he1ter, fie• tory •ir, power sfHring, ·power br1ke1, fully fie. t.ry equipped. Lie. No.: TUY J It $1995. • 1966 CONTINENTAL S1xony yellow exterior with golcl interior, 1ufo· mfitic ' tr1rumi11ion, radio end fleeter, air condi· tiening, full· poWer, steering, b;1ke1, 6 w•y 1e1t, tilt 1teerin9 wheel. SVZ 040. $3295 --"EX~CUTIVE CAR" -- 1968 MERCURY CYCLONE iT f•tf~•c•, &mi11• whit• •wt.ri•r with 1:11.tNJUlltily lnl•r" ior -t11tom1tic tTa111111iuie11, rtdio, hoafer, p•w•r 1loor- i1111 ,..,, brtkot, ftclo.ry 1ir co11ditio11i119, coMfort wt••• ~Ht ltth, f11n.e111 390 c•. io. 0119i110 wif)r. perftr111111co h111lllint ptck•t•· It-off new wide ,,,r 1;,.,, Tt.h cot h11 only .IJ,000 lllilet-• Jeh111011 l ·S.,. ctr "'''' pnrit111ly 1old. Uc, WXF 124, SAVE $1 oio.•• -.. $369'5 • 1966 CADILLAC Seden OeVille. Beautiful <?old Ml1t finish :-1th blond beige leather interior.-EcfuippM with .• U the luxury features: auto. trat11. RIH, P.S P.L J P.W,. 6-wa'( sett, auto. factory •ir con~ition,· etc. Only J&,000 original miles. lie. SIS 145. · $3795 • 1964 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Automatic tr1n1mi11ion, r1dio & heater, power steering, Power brekes, factory 1ir conditioning. MGF 615. $795 ,..__ "EXEC!ffiVE CAR",-- 1968 COUGAR CO!JPE With yotr'1 bi9ft1t 1ot1ln91 011 t n11t 111w cor. Ho1' tuptt J02 VI, block odord roof, 11l1ct 1hift, w wtlft,1 co1111olt, tilt whtol, pow Ji1c Lr••••, pow '"''· whi1p1r' oir c:e1uf., rodlo, d1cor 9roup, ti1t 9l1H, 11111 li111t1iNr 9111rd1. Novor ~i1torM. No.-'4111, SAVE $1 .159.28 .. Poler Whit• finith with 'l'ftlrin• Wue interior, •q_ulpped with 1ut.. tr•n•~. r•9'• I heat.,, P.S., f'.J., ~:W.,., 6-woy ..,t, olr-ooti, ti~· 11-lnt 'ffh,.1•1, f.ctOry •ir ceMiti_M.~ 1.-vtffvt. I· •Wl'I., .••• rMint1I_. Ilk• new. lhr Miles. Lie. TrT 210. ' $~19$ • 1964 MERCURY Coleny Perk Station Wegon. 9 pai1an9er. Arctic White f!nish with rff •i"YI il'lterior. ~Uy ~uill'pt:cl w!th aqto. lran&., r~ie, huter, ,.wer ttffrln9. power irelte•••ncl fectory •ir cenCllti•nin9. Cleen •• • pin. Uc. LOX 12.f. . . $1495 " .--"EXECUTIVE ~All" 196~ M~R<;:URY COUGAR ' ' htuliful ftw",t stltd s~lft, w w1ll1, ;tw llltc l.rtko1, pow 1f11r, ,;, co11d, rodl~ tiltf ''"' """'" 9111er.l1. lo milt1 I .,...,. r-Yi•111ly 1elil; No, 311. SAYE $1Q09A1 ... • • • $459J ' • 1967 MERCURY COlONY PARK ' ' ' ) • Pl•••nt•r st'.ti~ft W11on. Arctic White with tutqu•i•• int•rior1 •uto. tr1n1.1 r,1dio • hNffr, •Jr coMlltion,.,.wtf ftaer .. pewer '-r•k•a. ~c~ter fee. int 'thlrtl .1p1f, IUfttv1r1Ck. jual eden t1ffg1t•, on• own.r car. Uc. UIH 717, $2695 • 1961 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE Aut•matic. . tran1mi11ion,· power steering, p•wat bt•kes, po'i\lt'tr windows, power seat, r1cli• an4 ~eater. &tod coriclitlon. Lie. JLE-27J •. $995 --"EXECUTIVE CAR" -- 1969 COUGAR XR· 7 M14 ttld -ttlhc r11111h •ltli lioltclc ,.Jnyl re•f aute fr•n•, flll•r·tl••• t;; ... ,_ •lncl•w•, 1p•rll c•n••I•, ,... ,,..,: I tlltt Wtb1, air c•lltl. AM/FM 1ltn• r1111ll•, .tiftt 1111~ a ~lllllNf' 1111_N'-Tliis car h11 enly • hw thftl•ntl• -"••· SAVI $747.JO " ... . ' ' ' ,, . " AND THE ·MARK , II(~ rCQt4TINENTALS, MEICURYS ·AND COUGARS ·-ARE .JHE -. GRElJI - ~ ... " e .P•llrTtnns ' LINCOL N fll!ERCURY LEADS THE ltl'A}'t ~·· • l ... I rn 00 ©llil OOY/ a .(ffi©l!JJ@£00 ' ' " . ' 2626 HARBOR . •OULEVARD1 COSTA MISA . . . , - • .. • ' , -------- ·" " ' ' --------. . • ..... _______ _ ) ... .. ... ) • 196 7' ·MERCURY ' ' " CY<;lONE ·{f.T. ·Hcr~!op coup•, i..lutilul 1qu1 : w1tft , ON ck: c~mfert ri.ucket· •••h, c•n1ot., auto; ' ........ R&Hi !>.$.,· ., ••• ,. •le. O<l~lo1ny 9!1UIJlllM with ·flbifrtJ!•• 4ir :,~oop hool, · chion\e 1 wh•~•Jc. wiclt o..-1 ~lrt1t handl1n9 peck•t•· Thia 1peediftr b In excelltnt coMitiO"~ lie, tJVV 'tl7. · ' ' $2295 $1495·. • 1966 CHEVROLET- IMPALA. Hardtop coup•. ltrmude Green mtt•I· lie finish with m1tc.h1ng interior, fully fectory equipP.ff, tufometic· frensrni11ion, ·radio, h..ter, powtr. 1tetrin9, eir c.onditionin9 in b•autifW con• Jition. Lie. No. SM ll 5 $1695 --"EXECunVE CAR" -- 1968 MERCURY COUGAR ' · ., F111!1hN 111 lltht•1no11y yellow e114 fo1dH with •II ftif lte1t •,.tlet11 ,l11~ ,ow disc br1k1t, pffl' rte1r, whl1p1r 1it c1nd, 0 1111 ·eff1r14 with f11ll f1~'.w•rr1nty I yrs· 1r I0,000 J11tl11, SAVE $1009 ... 1 ' .. ' , 1966 CONTINENTAL' ¢0Ul'E 1949 MUSTANG L..c.el ..., :~et;i wit~ ~~rr, .li!o66 .ialy. "mil-•. • . ~uy· factory ·.qu111~.d.• 1100 •ctuat mn ... fiftlihM ln lti:e~ut1ful1 It~' .l:'ttaf Oreftt~ .l.+ter , yas, · tt,,11 efew .. n>'handracl _mil••· Traclff ht 9n ........... \111 '"!'•· "~d (t'o luHy '...,.u.HOI l.if)l~ll· ·· ... w · •r.cury Col~y. Park 'wtg0o. lie• Ne. II.a< llftllt f..:....._ ·option,. Uc. SRW' ~6l. , Uc. N • tlCS 77J, :. I -... , •''3 •• . . '' $321$· ' 1.· . ' $1.815 , ~ i -• • l964 CONJINENf.Al • •I • ' , 4 Door $.,f-n., lteutiful Ebony 'l)IKlr' with ltlflclt leather int.,ler. ~1.uuuy •,quippecf, buutifully cared for •. If has VI,· autom1tic trensrnl~slon, fee; .. tory .W1 pow• st..,lng, power brek••,: power windtw~ ,-ow ... suk,,_raGio1 h .. t.,, w~it• .walls ou tinlM gl1H. lie, OMM 111 $1995· • 196;8 CONTINENTAL Coupe. 6olcl bei9e metallic finish with iYy gold l•.th•r. int.,ior. ·Dark 9'••n landau roof and tilt steering1 whMI. DriYtn only 17;000' careful ·miles. lie. No. WFX 451 $$505 "EXECUTIVE CAR"-- 1969 ·MONTEGO· WAGQN h,ultr MX. · 1t1H1~ ... ,, .,.,r•1 1ni1te1t 11•!1111 •. 11tl1 S47oo.oo · ,,, h•• f1i11t •••ryttiin1. JSI 4 v va ••• r •• t shift, y11ht 4~ ,.11111. ,..,,'tide I r••r' wirtdewa, ·l•i cenler, JN sl•f, ,ow 1+.1r &'bt•~••· e'lr coetl. r1dl1, tint tleM, er ... c....try peck•t•· Uk• 111w. Ne•er nwi•· ''""· • • 1 • SAVE $81.9.20 • 1967 CONTINENTAL 410oor Sed1i,. Attr1cfiYe Pletinum fin.i1h with dtrk blue lt?1ther interior 1how1 .•• c.nant Care. va. automati.c t~ansmJ1sion1 factory air conditioning, power rietr1n9, power brakes, . power windows, power ••tits, radio, h_eater, white walls, tinted glau. lie No. TEY 961 $3895 • 1964 CONTINENT Al 4 Door. Beautiful metallic gold finish with saddle leether, i~t.rior. Fully luxury equipped, automatic transm.1sst0n, AM/FM, factory air, •l•ctri-c win· dows, electric seats, •peed control, etc. lie No. FOX 105 ' $1495 "EXECUTIVE CARS"·-- 3 1969 CONTINENTALS WITH YllY 0LOW MILEAGE AND PIUCED WITH Ttl llFIC SAVINGS . ASK fOl ITOClt ~ #lli9 A 2 DR. COUPE #1112 A 2 DR. COUPE • # 1110 A 4 DR. SEDAN .ASIC FOl -OUl CONTINENTAL SPECIALISTS PEl' -GREEK PE(E"USES, IOI MANGAN, 61LIElT LOISEL•-. , . ' 1967 TOYOTA CORONA Polar white finish with turquoi•• inteMr1 ... dM with ,e;formanc• and 9Conemy, Automatic fraM• tr•n•mittlon, radio, heater, whit• wan •• lie. No. YLY 414 .· ' $1:595 0 1967 BARR-ACUDA 2-DR· H·T. 2 Door HerdtOp v.11 4 speed tr•nNnlsslon, power steerln9, radio & haater eM so forth. Very clun, low miles. Midnight blue m•ialllc with matching interior. TXS 773. $1 .795 • 1967 TORONADO ·1 Deluxe I. Grecian gold , finish with setiq bl.ck in• t•rior .. Deluxe coupe, full power factory air con .. ditionin9. I owner, lilc• new. Shows fastitlious Care. Stock number 4244, $3195 . "EXECUDVE CAR"-'-.. IN KEEPING WITH THE f'9LICY OP SIL ING THEIR EXECUTIVE CARS FOUR Tl/tll A YEAR RATHER THAN ONCE OR TWIC JOHNSON'S OFFER A GOOD SElECTIO OP, LOW.,a.\ILE,\GE EXECUTIVE AUT ' . llLES ATEXTREMElY REDUCED PRICES ·• :lJEIT : NEW· CARS WE~VE SOL.f> IN OVER :~ FIFTEEN ·.YEARS :.1A :: THl t HlRBOR .: 'REA .; •. f • ·' •• W" r..~ ·;~ ..... . • ·: .i. It';. .-.. ~ .. /' "' ... ' ~"fi ~) :;·' . -· . ~·- • lest Buys . ' •• · .. ' ' • l l l l ~ I I j I I . 1 l I I •• . 1 1j • I ~ I f l l ' ' ~.,.. ...... ~~~'"""""" ........ ~ ............. ...;· ........................ ...; ......................... ~ .................................................. .. .. • • ~-' """---'-..:!. ~-----" ._ . ...:l.....1 <a l ;: • :· . :: . '· • ' . :· • . . • " l: !: ' . ' " j: I. ,. nsT · DRIVE THE MINI BRUTE - '67 ;!,~.DG-IT__.M --QJM;-~-~-'"~-~-w-; -w ... -' • .; !~'!!.1 • ~ ·~ ... 1tJI!';. Rdstr, -II~ 4 ~ dlr. -. Wt. mt-· . """'· :is _ ...... ... 1 ~··o, ~ <><cellerit ""'"'"' ooNI. "'"° If, 150. S46'99ll • 1n ~. l'lUO. Ailli' I i(&i ·• ' . "'' u ... ""w ..... 1a. ''""" .,h, .. ~. . ... • M"o· It. ltts .. pm ..... . . • "One \\'ii.ft 9,000 ml1es1' -.. ~ -2 . 66" Ex<ni Nice pl""' black Int. Drl""n !QI '65 iifllAULT.D a ii~ e • "Ooe wo·•• .... -nd " !Utle 'ole ml.II~ .f.Attuai. a"to ...,. -~· ( -·• ,..._ •• -1. 185 Cuh d8t; Will ftlie Pl"f. 1961 MORRIS Minor 2 DR. '400,' .....m5J I -• -~."!:::!·:.!,-• All ~ atilrp, aai W'llh ra-pc<y. L e. UOF 593, m.m3 R/H • pd ·-,_ -• diOll & heaters and one wilh , or 5'15-0034 ' s ~ti • all' •~nd~ilioni<li 1!165 MERCEDES·2'l0 S .• "6~2 ~M~G~~,..--,.,-.,~M-~-, SUBARU '. VOLKSWAGEN • P/b, p/ll, auto tranli, air-S47'. A .a tiidlii •hitit 'ti/ OPEL 1~ "''~U'' (j i ~ 0 ' ~ «>!¢. Kint cond. !.tust sell, bl~ top. 846--0565 17422 Chap-· \_~~ ~ ~ '81 ' l' .~.' noently ~bllilt • ~ wh! '""'"'°'· B'• i '< . ,,.,.i j,, H.8. '11OPEL4 IP!I. '°"' -· b.t~e = &P ~ ~::'~ ~ • . • tl:ll''14' -• •8§ MG Midi>( """" .... lap. U400 pri ...... 1"'9 K t Iii Kets \'fl'&::" .... , '. ' • •. , '61 MERCEDES Bem ,,_, "°''· Hu nH·<(i>gthe, l1M24I c O •-'--, C•.,. 0 •~-• '!.. ~~. T,l'!'.'.. :::~dlalm • •v~" 220 SE. immac cond • SEE • !!00. ~ * --------SCi aaar 1'll. .,..,.... ,...... nu., ...,.lS\ • TO BEJ.jp>E? $1 .. 0 . POUCHE ............... ____ · ... 1 . .;;."°"";;;:;..=-.. o;ltal.;::::,.;ll.,1rt1-..' ,,._.;;_o!IO ·~ MGA TOYOT" ·"\'ti'ii...Tm .. 1 • 54MIHJ-t7 .. 11tt MG ----' ' • · "· ~ '66 Porsche 912, " Tk. Mr pymfa. Good Cond. 54t-llis-47l-11tt .••• JUST ARRIVED: 1 '1~~A!,1rs~'~· ~1c ·~i;:i~ire':1~~~!;h.~ Like new. '69 TOYdTA'I rf": ~=·new top, ' ''1~:;~SC:,'.,~~· • 54" ,,,.... $4,000. 536-4627 • ANOTHER BIG • MERCEDll BENZ """· ''"'"'" """'' 14<0. ~~ '67 PORSCHE 912 Coupe Lorgo S.loction ~'."..'.:. ~!';:!!· 55,000 mi. '66 vwll""', xln.t "'""· ln1111~"!1a1 ... IX'l11·cry. AM/FM h--'-t _,,_,., FOR ~-• ~,. 1'36Tltd-,J-.... ........ with ...... 1· - aiilht!J boa~ I bell """""' w!UI rear end. 1 '40 l'ord bOOd deluxe & l ville de- hbct. &rt of back seats for V. W. !Jus. Phone 53&.atU H.B. Ask for Bill. SHIPMENT OF • ' ~.-' ·~-: • .111 ""''i' Mfll "111. w1wh11e 1n1er. """ S1mEmEoc1U1a110 ,;i•A"'y . ., vw eem..,, ""' enr. * 642-2294 * , I 1969 • IOO!od Ml .. 230El!CEDESS Ali Be~ z 1' 673-2585 Eves. . Neff tttna. Comp. eqUlpped •fi&""VW..,.:oedan,'oi'::..:::;rn::;,;;,, . .,,.,_=IC•'.""utot-'.""W7'a-nt'.""od7"-9::700= Ii • Mir ~ . t :s 1"7 DRAFtED, mu1t .en 113 ·ft· rolidiE' Cab. Red ~ .. Cab: 596-6830 dttiori. m new tiresf"=:::,.==;.o...-~""'I : o'PELS : ~·~!l~:·:.: ~~~.:. .. ~==~~bl;,: ~ ~2.-~.11:~ ·;~ion~~~· WEPACASH · : DIAL direct 642-561!. D:W"ge 3100 w. Coast H\vy., N.B. Is Your Ad In our classlfieds1 '66 roR!Cil£!i2; extris, IJ1PORTS '64 vw.·~~ii o~r. R/H, * 6'1S-«n5 * \ • YoW' .i.1 \hlen sit back and &12-9405 540-1764 Someone wUl lie l«*lnt far clean! 111-B 39tb St., N'pt. TOYOTA-M.,YO f111ine overhaul~. good '59 V.W. ex~lleot coril. Belt f.ot tilled cars & trucks just a WITH AUTOMATIC • listen ta~ 'ibci)11 rifle:? Authorized MG Dcalrr it. Dial 642-tA'fl Beach. 67J.--0654 1966 Harbor, c,lt ..... tlln. $T::i0. 644--0136 otter. 962-3873 eall Ut for free estimate. I TRANSMISSION • N c GRO"'' CHEYROIET • ew ars 9800NewCars 9800NewC1rs 9800 NewC1rs 9800NewC1n 9IOONew C1rs 9800 N.w Cari 9800 ID I --·--~~---~~~~---~~~~~...;.;.~-~..;_~~--'""'-';;c.;.,-""""-~-:-~":'-';;;;.;''""""'-~~.,.;.;,;;.,;_.:..;.:.......;c:c:.:_~......;;::.:_ I • -• · .• -. ""tv . -. I • I • • • I OUR OPEL 11tlCllS • i siT7Ti7 ~- I ASK F • I • I DEMONS RATION • I DRIVE ODAY! • I I I :J.I ~ door. Aufo, "'"'"'··· t&dio, httftr, Show1 ••-• 1 .. pfiontl ctrt. IWNAl551 • :. $1895 • 1..------~-· I '66 TORONADO • IPull po-r, f&cftry •i•• leond, CS BNll21 . • • $2695 • ·-. I '6& TEMPEST • I Cvatorn cpe. R&H, •1110 .•• ,,,S,. f•ctory •ir condition- ..... fSTDl77l • I $1895 : I '6S IUICK • .Sport W•9on, F•ctory 1irl &ond., t•dio, h••t•r, p•w-• let 1l••r. IVZX24 I J · • • .. ( • THI! MOSf IXCITING CAil OP THI Yl!Alt I GRAND PRIX COUPE . . ~~196 ! l irntlltht trien elltetlor with green in+erlor. 1urbo-hydl'tmaf:c /;e.tsniist~On, Cush it1i1ttilp '/.lie, het+er1 deluxe ... t belts1 P.OWet &t•erin, ... front pewilr 4ii&e ril~e1, finte windshfeld •nc:I' .white side w• I t:;.,, ~jltg1f zff1SJ. - h• ltM &rantl Pifilt--..titlle all-nnt mry HrforrMHI c•t• tt't'fltl kln4 of 1oto"'o~ll1 tfllt t <ltt h1 om~• ,., .. ,. •nd f1i1 IHll. &Nilld·' fttlx 4idinctioft ls.ttttintd y a newly; ttjli4" ftflrior ~· W~h t)t1 l.ntttt ' ~ hood of any Amef1C:1n made c•rl and • most unique coc~p1t-1tyl•d inler- io r. It has to be seen to be appreciated. -BRAND NEW 1969 HARDTOP FIREBIRD -.-s2152 .. t Beautiful Carousel Red •utomobile, •quipped with special painf. 1-70xl4 red line t ires, deluxe wheel covers, delux• steering wheel, wheel openin9 mould· in 91 , custom metal trim pJates. 22l379l60149l • .. • • t· .. Alie tor St.Ies M•CLW t is2h Beach in~. · Huntil!gt6to l!taob l<I S-3331 WE PAY Wll FOR YOUR W ·: COlilMIU. · ci:IMlOLtr · alial1 ...--~.(\ u Costa Mesa 546-lM> , • A NEW LIFE ON LEASE• 1969 Camaro. V-8, 2 door, Hardlop, Pwr steering, air. $89.00 24 mo, lease. SOUTH COAST ·i. CAR LEASING 300 W, Coast ~bway ' Newport Bcb., 645-2182 , ./ ALL MAKES l : $2295 • • • : '6l ClimLll I ./ COMPEl'El'IVE PRIC&S Cort Fox Auto Leulna 224 w. Coast H1&hWQ' ::: -r:, '. ,,. ~- Utod Cui fflici •""''"' Yor••r h•rdlop coup•.• !It.II pow•r. f1c1..., •i•• cend. CNHA 154 1 I $1995 • • c-------• II '63 GRANO PRIX : . IMte tr111,., pow•r d1•r., a reclie, ... 1t1r. IOHZ 11251 . • $1295 : r:::u·A·R·~ • HEADQUARTERS : :.C.mplete Siles -Serv·• ""'• and P•rts Oep•rt-. Wnt foe JAGUARS. • I S•• n.. bciti119 • '''' J•9••• roc1., • ·······: • J34 E. 171h ST. : r •48·7765· E ""°'1-Frl 1:30 •m • to9pm • , • Sllurday 1:30 am • ii to6prn • Sundays 10 am • to' pm • ...,.,, •• ,a,.e • • <EACH AND EVERY "CARVER.CARE.CAR" WITH OUR 100% WARRANTY ON MECHANICAL PARTS '66 CHEVROLET · '66 PONTIAC lon111"111._. ,911,;. Vl1 ,,I., P.I., P.W., llltM, f••t. •Ir, WSW, lllk "I'· ~I•. t1,.' 111111 11111•11 .. ,f1, t UA· 411 ) '61 CHIVROLIT s,,,,t w19111, r1tll1, httft r, •~*•· trt •1m111!1n. IVfL 11t l " • .. '66 CHEVROLET M•libu 2 Or. H.T. VI, •11!0., P.S., r1dio, .. ,.1,,, WSW, bu ,k•t ••1h. ISVY 941 ) "66 VALIANT V-200' 4 Dr. p•11•n9•r w•9on. YI, •uto. ,,I,, RIH, WSW, 22,174 mil11. !TIX J761 '61 MUSTANG IRAMSPORTA TIOlt CAR S,tlf , Credit problem? See us lor instant delivery, low prices. easy tenns. We decide en your credit. Call or come tn today. 54M392 • BLUE CHl'P - AUTO SALES 2145 Harbor. Costa f\.1esa WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR, PAID FOR OR NOT ! Newcastle Mota~s Good only thru Feb. 21 '61 C.Orvair Sta. Wag. $15 dn. $15 mo for 24 mos. Tax & lie incl. JAM oil . '62 Falcon W;ii:on, autO. 1 $20 dn, S20 mo for 24 nlOI!!· Tax & Lie incl. QGN 416' 2186 Harbor Blvd, Costa Meta .., ..... BUICK '63 BUICK lnvicta wagon, full pwr, delxe int., light beige, Priced lor quick sale. $845 PriVAte party, 847-7-R) = 'i li&UIOC Riviera, full ltn:rnaculate con- CHEVROLET '66 EL Camino 396/325, ruld, w/ rnd lnl 4 spd. I 11595. 847-6217 • '67 CHEV SS. Pwr SU, UH. 11\r cond. Lendea:u top. Xlnt? Sec! ~9858 , '61 COR Van, reblt eng I; clutch assembly, c I ea n , Good tires. $750. 548-293! '57 CHEV. 2 Dr. seda4 , 1250 CASH MT.all • • - --:1:1~-,,----.,,.-----;-;:---c.;;,;: •. -;-.:;::c;;;;;=::;:;;;.;;::,.::: ....... ::: .. ;::, .. :,;:~::.:::;:=:::;:.;;;;; •. :-;::::;::::::;-;:.:;;_=··::.::_:;;,.::: .• ;;.:-. ::. =-:.,;:;.-;-•. ;;.==··;; .• -:.--:.7: .. -:.-;-. .,-.... ..--. •. •>C.1> ••• ••• •• ······-----... ·~··. ······~-...... ----~-----.... ..,,, I ' I , ' ) .. • . I • I d I d • ' 1 D " . • Ill•" ~· . . . ••• ,. !15 ~ ... 10 -- • "· ;,, G .. r '8 ~ =· IG "' '" '" In t (S •• •• . fl. 111 ... 0 Ill .,. t . F 1 ... II l j7 • i. iu . • '. r . ·-. - • .• ' . . Fl1dly, ,...., 211, 1'164 TRANSPOltTA TION T• lNSPOltTATION .TllANSPOltTA TION -T""ltAfuN'°S""l'O>ilt;.;Tr.Aritir.IONm--..==,,.,~~;::.:-.!!!!:. llOONowC:.. " -CADILL C tor NIN-ETEEN S·IXTY-NINE- -~. - fJECE 'FROM TJfE . CRJIFISMEN ·oN DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OYER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM ----~- 1968 SEDAN DE VIL~ 1969 f!ORD Sbowroom frah with only :MOO miles, Lux· w1oul LTD Hardtoo Coupe fhrlahed in meW- llc l1"ftll with blai:lt -top and plu.h black brocade deluxe ·1ntmor. Full powe~1 1act017 air conditonlne. Stereo AM·FM Mulu Plu. All deluxe lnterlor. <xrr 421) 'SALE PRICED 1966 BUICK CU.tarn LeSabre 4 Door hordtop. Spar~ t.1 blue with matcb1nc Interior. l'aetory aft condllloalna, aul<>matlc tnntmltllon, ...,.,.. lkcfnc, '()O'ftr brakest radio, httter, etc. TruJy a fine automobile that must be seen and driven to appm:i&te.Jb ftne value! (SIW· '99) SAU $1888 PllCE 1967 CADILLA~ Tbia loft)y Sedan DeVUle bu Alt popular power_ .. Incl--I-J>OWC' brakol .,._,, windoM, powec •oat and cad· Ulac's famout factory air condlUoning. This beautllul autcmoblle bu been very .~fully driven and abowl onlY the finest ot care by lta previoul owner. ('"5) SAU $3777 PRICE 1967 JAGUAR MKll !.8 Sedan. Aret1c white exterior with black leather lntrdai'. J'uQ;f' eq\&lpped with auto- matic -.,....; 1i..rln1, ill·nf radio. 'r:hrome wtre wheels, lea than 20,000 miles and is a local one owner automobile. (TSJ002) SALE PRICED 1962 CADILLAC Coupe D<Vllle. This maJestic tuxedo bl&<k c.adillac with ~te leather interior baa al-most all of the deluxe fe&tures that cadlllac ii f&mOUI for includlria' power ateerlng, ~ brakes. power seats &bd power windows. Allo bu Cadillac factory air condltionlng. You must drlve Urls one. (JRH532) SALE $666 PllCI 1966 CADILLAC r' Sedan DeVillo that It abtolutel7 .......... ,..,,,.... In, St>anlth Silver wlll>' -cloth and leather intmor, fulb' ~ ac. eentod with ...,.,.. .--seata~oor lotjr;I,, AK·nl ftdlo. auto. eruDt control, vremlurft white llde ·wall tlNa and factory a1r ooMttlonlbl· (RGN29'7) SALi $2999 PllCE 1966 THUNDERBlRD The sporty 2 door hardtop :hi fully equipped. with pawu 1teertn1, power brakes, power windowl, pov.tel' aeat and Ford'• tamoua fac- tory air cOndltloninl:. A beautitUt satin allvtt exterior with black vinyl interior. Must be seen and driven to fuUY appreciate! <RTU· 3311) SALE $2222 PllCI 1960 MERCEDES BENZ • f NABERS CADILLAC HAS THE LARGEST ' SELECTION OF LA.Tl MODIL, ___ llREYIOUSLY OWHID CADILLAC$ IN ORANGE COUNTY THESE CADWCS ARE All SPECIALLY PRICED NOW ' $3771 1967 BROUGHAM Fleetwood Brougham. M~t!c rep! allwr wllb black padded top Ind black tapestry &nd leather interior. All power tncludin1 1teerln& brakel. wtndOWI vent wtndows truck lid re- lease. Stereo ndk., tilt and; telescopic 1teer- ~)wbee1 plus factory air ct1ndltionlng. (UKV SALi $4333 PllCI 1965 CAl>ILLAC Th• popular Md&n DtVille modll finished in · lovely burgundy with blaCk vinyl top and black leather interior. Hu pow1r. ateerlnc. power brakes, pov.·er windows, Ult steering wheel. AM-FM rad.lo and !actory air condl-· tionlnf. This 11 a beautiful autom~ that is priced for a quick sale, (NQX514) SALE $2333 PllCI • 1966 PONTIAC GTO A very •port{. hordtop that II llnlthed In allver with b at:k c=ll l bucket tett Jn- teriOl". Fully loadod Bii VI~ trl0power t speed power I • ln&, p)Wer bnJcn radio and1heater. air cond.lttonihl'. You won't want to mill one. (SAA49'l SALi $1999 PllCE 1963 CADILLAC Thll II a Hardtop cou~that ii IOld tn color PopUl&r 190 SL Roodoter with both topo. 4 FOR THIS SALE ONLY wtth bet., top and • cloth and ! .. th. speed !n.Mmlsslon. rad.lo and heater plus er interior. Has automa c transmission, pow- many oth;er de-luxe extru. Muat sell this one er steering, power brakt!!L. radio and heater '"" a loW, low pri"'. (1'.QE048l SEE US TODA YI •nd 1!r <ond!Uonina. U<IN·r09) SALE $1555 PllCE • SALi $888 PllC! 1967 COUPE DE VILLE . 1966 OLDS TORONADO -n.iia.. .. IOmonld ---..-C!Oth mUrlor. ruu -lnclud1>C poww ~ power brakel, poMl' wm.. -tilt --~ -air ........ ttontn1. Low mllea1e and alllj;olutaJ;r aorp- oua throulboul (SVX120) SALE PRICID · . 1964 CADllJl\C C..00 DIV1lle. Slmlnlna -uat .. 181"'0<~ with sold" clotb &D1 lather interior Ul4 ·bladt _...._a.._. __ brak .. --an4 ol-~-alr­dlt1onlne. Lovely car. (RD'253) SALi $177·7 PllCI 1961 IL DORADO The ...,. JlOpUl&r El Dorado. 1'lnllllecl In ~ .... -with --root an4 -Interior. Tilt -.i; ...,.. tteerln&. - -· -win•°"'· -... ~ -vent windows. power trunk lid releue, St.ereo 1 AM-FM radio. and me.n~ more IUXUl')' power featura tndudlna C.d!Jf!.tl factory air c:ondla 11on1nr-BttW ... ....., ant !VTL'l67l . SAU $6222 PllCI 1967 RIVIERA Gran SporL Lovely mldnla:ht grttn ext.aior wiUl black .n .~l lnWior. Hu~ at.aer--lnf,..,..... ___ die.._. in& wheel~ spedi1 hl&h 1t;yle Cran Sport whffla ana 'ot ~ tadory air concUtfoniq', Thia automobtlt •howl the tlnest of care 1$' itl ~ owner. MU1t see. CTSDal> SALE PRICID -----------SAi.ES DEPARTMENT OPEN------....,,,...---- SALE PRICES EfFICTIVl THROU&H TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY ..: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SA TU RDA Y and SUNDAY VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE ME SALIS l SOVICE CENTll • WI ALSO STOCl~.~L Oll&INAL l'ACTOIT 119u .... 1NT naa. s39•;. INCLn1119 llOVlmlltJ.ULl-a llCm TAX • FREE PICKUP AND DBMRY CON1ININTAL Your Fad'Ory Alithorlzed Cadlllae Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2·600 Harbor Blvd.,. Costa Mesa 540-9100. SALES l SEllVICI . OIDSMOBllE ' . IMMACULAT!:I Vl,~·­--lolomlla. &cket.eat..$885. • ------~~~~~~~~--~--~--------.----................................... .... • , I • I • • . . . .. . . . ... . . ~ ~ . ' -.--... ·----.. • .. l ••••• .. , .. a. AAU.Y P)l.01 fridq, f"""1J 28, 1969 , l DUNTON FORD BRAND. NEW 1969 · FORD. L~T .D~ • ! ! ' . . -• f • "\ 4 DOOR.. .. • ·· · •· ... --' -- ' ' I whitewall tires Ji whNI _,, , . opti°"!I $2·649 66 -.OIDll - I' : ElECUTIVE CARS AT TIQENDOUS SAVl.NCiS Whitewall Tires & •• Wheel CtNt Opti°""I OlDU NOWI I· . BRANI> NEW 1969 . OltDEll NOW ~' '"°'Yfll .. Tlr• o.!lon1I 428 CID 4V V-a engine. Ra1f4 at 9'5 ~r. 1be cbusis match· t5 the engine. All-syncbronized Hpeed floor aiWt. competition &US• pension with staggered rear lhocU .. You'.e never aeen so mqch perlonnapce per dollar before,· · · · ' ... ) "''1 . . ,, ~ , plus tu & licorMe AlllfGOS Y VECINOS " ~&5 MUSTANG ,..,_ • ~~ llld: ... lft, ,..... ..... ...... ....... WIW n.,. 9IC. {P'IT415), -. ~ ' ,. ' $9.9 5 '63 Chevrolet ' ' ...... IS '"· ' cyl. """ "{r..._ All" I Qnll. l'w.. s-. AM-"M. 11:..no. Hrr. , ek. OtWlll»l. . • ORDER 'NOW • 48 MONTHS -J1111C111 AVIU llU • ON AP1llCMll CREDIT THIU~.-' BRAND -NEW -1969- MUSTANG • • FASTBACK .. OR 2 DOOR HAROTOP · ' · '68 DEMONSTRATORS • · AND EXECUTIVE CARS '· I AT SPECIAL: .. . . . . PRIC.ES · .. THIS WEEKEND BRAND NEW 1969 . . - -CUSTOM 2 DOOR SEDAN Full,;., 121 Inch ,;~· .. 1 s· 2 2 7 5 be1a, carpets, hffter .&: fl.ill f1 ctorr aq'uipm;ent , included. White t 1r11 ; &: wheel covers option· al. I PLUS TAX & LICENSE $995 ' • j • ! . ' -' 'c '64 Alfa Romeo i" ROADSTE R. 4•$flll., ll:"lo.,-H-1 ... IOPl<ml . .. ~ . . .. . . '&7 MUSTANG . '&4 T-BIR·D $1495 '&5 .FORD . . .. · ,.,_ "'-•""· ,,._ ,.... •-" ~1895 ::;:.;,..~;::,. .. ::"';:'.!: .:.'.':'~ GALAXIE 500 4-DR. H.~ $1295 . R.•H, S...... Okk. ll:Mr _, lltl. • l wWidowa. ...,_. -b. llecllll. H•~• Y~ ~tk, Air, ,._.. lletrl~ ----------· -- (TYWlnl. • tHGP.e) = cMtti'i:) ll.iilo, HHter, Tllllld ~ ' ~· • -• \ ~~---------- ! I --------- t • ' ... .. - • ' • • " llAHD NIW '&9 BELVEDERE 2 DOOi ~O. llUI ltl nlllt • DAll.V Pll0r , 4 J' • • ' . -' .. ,. ' ' • :ON ENtlRE INVENTORY of 'bVER 200 NEW CARS - • • • ~' ' . 11 " S111111a ·.•·1~e - raff!E 5 DAY 1a "' jr ,,,. ~"ru~NY OF ~!fffus~Nf:f , ~!"--U# llOO it..i.J>. . . ..... sm THIS ..... ED ·cl: . _. '· ...... . ,•. • ., '87 ~Ill.ER "«KENO ONLY.,f ,,,-'.; """"'s···"!~ ki . --=.-::-i:::~.:-:~-~~"' ssr 7 '179--~iv':':i,'.'-· 67 MU S'Q;'~)"· ..... U<. ... !~ ANQ :.:..··" .... l'l.r1om ,, . -· ,,;.r;::,r.. ·-.. urr ,,, .... _ 2 Toa 'U ,. •595 .. '811 ·-l\flOfl1H . . ' $ 2 I 5 oowN r1us rAx AND uaNsE ~"::....-~ •. so ._,., ., DELIVERS ANY ATLAS . •14· . ·~·Q-r:...,,k."""'ftt••. NEW OR USED cAR. 95· -~-Ill. lla..t. IJI ON APPROVED ' CREDIT. : Si~,·~~~~"'. All PllC!I UI PWS TAX AND UClllll I $$ . 11.0CU iouTit Of THE SAii DINO 0 PM SUit MUCH t, 1969 ·~.-, ', " I • PRICES GOOD UllTu. l , ' llllWAY ON ILWOl ILVD. --· CHRYSLER .PLl'/tfOIJTff . "IMPERIAL · .. • ' " l I i l I ' -• .. • ; ' . . . ' ., , ' • .' • ..,, ' I 'f ''r.e ~ ~'f{P""i t ~ GET ·R·ED HOT ·SAVINGS· ·o~ SPECIALLY EQUIPPEP . MUSTANGS, "·~A-IRl.A.NES,. ·& $ALAXIE 500'5 . . n;... U.ique 1969's w.te ·~-'Y i;uilt to ... , you milniy on the most wanted 1969 extras! Come in, ... the om.izing jjlvnings wa·,.. offering on such optionol equipment .s air condiiioniftg, .. e.21 whit.waU., vinyl -roofs. deluxe wheel covers, tape stril'9f,: body mouldings, etc:;etc. .._ ---------------------------- • " •.. mw »• ·•rsH irola>s Dll.UD .• DOOi'• DELUXI 2.DOOR's •r 4-DOOR'a •r f.DOOR'• -Statl•!!I w ... . '.4 s, ..... Alltomdtlea .. . ' 0 0VIR~AL FACTORY INVOICE )' WHILa , INVINTOll~ LAITIJ . " NIW 1fft ' . • ' . ' .. PIC:IUiPi. • ,. , ·• • 1 • . •· t M llOCI Hll -IY TO.tAT - , ' ~ •' ............... ,~ ........ ,,.,. ............. d.h.•t(~ ....... . .1w·,., Ot:fLY Sf!~~ factory .. .hiYo~ C1i191"11t ..... stlck1r1 wffh,; ..... ...,. ..... \lo IC!llftl't these ""' . • '*!-1111 ~f-1•:~ ·oi:!-1 ..... ~ ~e ·'9-11~.1fa!;·1 u. tory lh!pments ot·1 Y61 JllOcleh. · .• .-• 'NIW l?M *HILBY· AMERICANS . •T·IOO's .. • .• ' ·fiT·JW) ' ' '". FiUT liACI$. COIMR111LES 'j 4 Sp·~·· A.lemailca () ": .. ~ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE WHILI >r~INT°'IU LASTll • • TM6d~ Robins Ford, orange .GO.nty's . 0 N L t " Shelby Arrierican DO.ler, proudly ~ the uncommon GT for '69! GT·350, GT·5QO NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. •)'' r •, • ... . " 4. S..it .. ii .,....... -Wllldt, ..... UM, --· Oier lO -1ed -· ..-:Oil ... , lay .... ......, for l!Mledl. " ... ~l'I' HASON CAMPER SAYINliSI BRAND NEW 1969's P..210· ~ ..... .:. .. ,·-a...,. Mtll.... ·. '. $~.~·?§ .... '2UlllffJI Seobt'Nllt ~ If complfttly fvm~ wllb .Jee box. ,....,. .rte. Slttpe; '-,,_ pickup hu 300 ...... •mo &o11......., 1'50 lb. ,..r ._.._ 151 I .• x M.5 I •..,. tubelnl tlrn. ... """" ..,., dlf!Wtw •. etc,~ .. a.. ,,_ • Tlllt llrbl • . ·;t t o T ..... --~· . . -. . . ·-:-~~~~~~~~~""-·~~J ~ CO!IYW'tlbl9. 4 apd. ltlJ'I, ......,. lfMf"lng, (UJCSlll) lkle BOOie prk;t IWO _,., dDwll w trldt. t fULL , ,_ JI . Pl.let ....... HU CORY.All CORSA ' MO. ll&H CllNll4'11 lkN hok price 111$5 M -M-OULL PllCI ..... - 1964 CHMOl.ET IMPALA 2 dr. HT Y41 AUfO a&H PS Air COnd. PW .. S..ts · IPDIUlll 11 .... 8«* prlQ IUU 20'!i down or trld1. llUU. hr JO PllCI Me1tlll • 1964 LINCOLN COllTININTAL F"uJly 1t1ulppN. full "°""'' •Ir cond. (ULF17tl l lw 9G<* prlct tltU ~ down r trllff. PVU. ·,_JO PllCI ....... • Im. dri!~~~ ~ ..o?·!.:O~!d..;. IEYlo .. , 111ve Book prie. nus 20'Mo dOWn ... ~· FULL Pef 30 PllCI . .. .... 1961 FOiD 'WAGON c.itrv W.11. \' ... 1uto. IU.H. CJGHf1SI Tilt & Lie. doWllortr-. OULL PllCI ' 1H7 IUICll GU.N° SPORT 400 ' ·2 tlr, R&H. Y41 AulO. PS. (UEZ17•l 111111 look prkt UM wwn or trllle. FULL .... J6 PllCI . M•tttlll 19'4 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE l.ll'tll llld Yolk1w11tn INNNINI. 11111 lloolt price 11"5 .. ...,.. tr trldl. FUU. .... JO PllCI MMtlll 1964 IUICK WAGON t ...._ Pully IClll""9d Le SQn, P.S. R .. H Au~. CUIU1271 IJut ._ prlc.t flMt ~ llowll er tr.le. .. • fUU. '9r JO PllCI MH* HH. T .. ID WDAU ,t.111y r.,._. Air CMll ....... ~ & --.. (OYGal) ~lul I.a .... Ul7f ~ doWll tr lftft. :~. • ... .. .,_ HH P0aD •Al.AXIi ;IOf v ... Altlte. Utt MJlll,) l tv• .. ,,. ., ... ft 111own or tr•. NU. j J. Jt. .HICI II- • TAX 1RIFUND DOI!? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW -PAY LATER IASY PINANCINa AYAILAILI . 1'67 MUSTANli HT V ... Autio. R•H, PO-ltwrlng, Alr Cond. (TF(. 510) llut 8oOk prla 12415 20% down or tr.ii. FUL ..... • PllCI .. _ 1964 T-lllD HAIDTOI' Full ....,..,, Air c.M. COMICD74), ltw ._ tl7tl ft llow" w trade. PULL ... ,. PIJCI Melltl!ri 19H CHIYSUI ,.._ HtwpOl't StUn, f~ ""= Ml _., llYVJttl 81119 look prkt II r w .,.... .... .. .. PIJCI -1963 U.MKll ....... IACI Eq111#M lt&.H, Cll'VflO Ta • i.k. *'-II' trldt. . OULL ...,. rllCI .. _ ltst LINCOLN CONTININTAL Fully ~ulPP9C1, tuxvry ttlruout, ll"NG•k Tilt & Lie. down or !ride. PULL ..... PllCI . !I•- ' 1963 PO.Tl.AC . HARDTOP c1111Ln1, tull flll-· tut.. 1U.H. CGEMIDJ I hle 90C11t Prlc1 sm 3Cl'!i dOwn or tr..,.,· FULL ..... PllCI -.. _ • 1t6J. MRCUIY WAMN t "'L C.iDll'( Plflt. F11lly .... ,,...,. Nr, CMI. Full flCIWt:r (~7~ 11111 ICIM ••• .,. ._,... or trMlt. •au. ·-~ ,.2• PllCI - 1H7 MUST.AN .. HAIDTOf.1 Y.t. avte. UH, PS, flctDry 111' ·C:Oftd. (UJllO) llUI ... Ptltl 111495, 20% ~ .. tnclt. ,. .puu. PllCI ~ -. . ltM MRCUIY WA50N 9 ,...._ Plllly 911U1ppMI, 1lr 'cilnd. Cllony 1"11'11: P11WW _,., ,.,,....._ ttc. CJZV7311 llut llOOk prkl ~1161 .,., doWll II( "'"· ·-.-fULL .... PllCI Melflll 1964 CHEYILLI V• W..-i. bcllo I. H1tltr, ,iw.r 11 .... lnf (0MJ1t\J .. 1011k ...-kl •IOU~ doWll tr trtc11. fULL -Pw Jf PlfCI ....... 1965 OLDSMOllLI DRTA II Y.f. I llr. HT, PS, Aute., R i H. IPl"'"°J •I• lodt ,.,. 11'15 20'!i .._ OI' "* NU. • ,., JI PllCI -.. _.. 1965 ,PLYMOUTH FURY 111 V4. 4 tit. fllR ti-r, tlr Olld,. ICltl. ll'DDftl'f'I• •• IH'k9 l 1$1J .... tlDw!\ .. frldt~ . ' -FULL · J Pwll f'llCI , ......... 1964 PONTIAC HARDTOP c.t11i... Ytftflrr., fun ...,.., v-&. coswnu 11ue lode pl'lq '10. ~ clcl'lllll or trMt. • . FULL ' r-11 PRICI ....... TRANSPORTATION SPIClALS" ·Now lfff' .. lnt 11 un ,.. we.k tlri1t c•n M retalltlll-at whe1 ... 1e tti the pulWk ... , the tlNi.rs on tttMe ohhr c•rt. . SAVEii ltH MUSTANG HARDTOP ·puny ttiulllltM. (W)(~J. 20'llo '-ct or t...clf. . FULL ~ PIJCI 1964 FORD •AU.XIE SOii S.n. \l.f. •""1t. fullY tcWfpCIMf. (TWWI) 2(1"' doW" """'· ... .... PllCI ltff FORD V-1 ... " M111tH • dr, IUIO, -r 11"rif11, ncllt & hnler. (Ent. I a.J512'4tU) lllire lltak. prkf ~ 20'!i down or trade. "1LL hr J6 PllCI '-J Mlatlls 1'67 FORD Y-1 ' dt., Au~ II Ii H. flllly ""''""'-le'•. I 1Jll2127) llklt ... '1Bt ... """" .. trtdt. .. "1U. ... j' .,.. .J, .,..ca ,,~-·...- . ··~ ..... , -'PllCf· t964 PLYMOUTH YALIANT Y·20t ...._, fullY e«itiiMd. IUlaltJ tiu. took "'5 ~ clown Of' lrlllt. .... , . t \ ?' hr JD .: ...... lffS CHIYY MALllU HARDTOP \l.f. Olftlllli' fllll -· •lr COllCI .. l"S, Mite. (PHYJlO) llllA ~ ,,. 111• . .,., clDwll ~ tr.O.. .'~ -. ~ fUU (!()hr JI , ... PllCI .. · ......... 1961 mc0N PICKUP ECOl'IDll-. flilllr -llolld. (flJll'2'0) '°"" *"" er !ride . --.uu. ,,..,. . NICI .. _... \ USED CAR SALE P\ICIS.iFFlcTrvE ... Houas UNLESS PREVIOUSLY SOLD -ALL PAYMENTS FIG-UlED OH APPllOYED cREDIT. . ' . . 1941 FORD STATION IUS An "" _,.,_ R. & H. 1Hxano a 111e Boe*. s11:ll. 20'!i dGwn or !ride. ~~;,: PULL $38 Pw 14 J..J PIUCI ~ HH CHEYROLO 1/2·TON PICKUP l.0119 bM Pldlup, heller. ('31UA) lllr.. lloat SU,. 20'!i clown or. Tradt. ~ ..._., PUU PRICE $43 :..: .. 1967 FORD F·lOO FullY e~ul~ pldlup. (V301'S) 111._. &CIClt price SltlS 211% down or lrtlle. ' • ~ ,~-FULL ct39 .... i6 PllCE "fl' .. ..... 1967 Lt.MILER AMIASSADOI "° M!!.,iow 1111r..e.. full ,_., 1rr --. cun• 111 ... -prll;e saa, _,., wWn or tr.._ • " ' FULL 49· ... u · "' ~ /'_e "'-J PllCI ....... 1'67 T-lllD LANDAU PKtllry ~. tllt lllttrMI, ,_., Wlfllllil>, ,...,. ... 11. W/S{W, Hlflltr .............. 111'111e1,. _,.., tr-. •Int l'#IY ,~i. ,...,. ~ ¥lftri • ,.. l't'CKll21 -...... ~ .. ')J!.fts .. LL $73 .... .. '~uy· n1c1· .. .... <, " re ini. SERVIH SINCE ,.: 1921 ). ' 111"'"'1:1 ;t_, .._,_ 111M #4'1 (ltM.l~ I V ._ ... •• 2060. Harbor · .. l'Ull f"O'C« to.I ~ Cqsta .Mesa® 642-0l>1Q« ---... ---•-"' --.-..-______ .......... __ ,., --.. ··-• .,.•r•• . -. ____ ... _______ . ____ ,.., ------·-- •