HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-05 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-.---.,...----... - • . ' WEDNESDAY. AFTERNOON, M~RCH 5, 1969 "' VOL. & MO.' 5'-4 SICTIOML M PA•ll ~ ..................................... ~ .. ' r ' • -, ,, Moon . . Maehine ' ' ' . Makes Debut Space Flight . ' - -. r • "; • * * * * • -er ·1n u * ' * "* oa ,_ - . ' * * * s * • . • ·-u · I • ' ! . , "'ti , . . r ·'' . ' P. .d ,, ... res1 ·· ent :s . . . ~ .......... -.i! ................... ..1 .. ~ Cl;lp sules. Seized . Cong Ignore Threat, Vow to ' Esca~l-ate . ' · Me sa Narco OffiCers· ~ · -· : · Renew Demand -..... - aul·--:-Sii k'3riltai~··· u-··s·-.· ·i · ... -1• •·•· l" -lo· .... ' ·}·1 · ' " • '._ cg . :, -;..;~b~::r~ ' ·-I"';.''· '],_, ~ ~. · .. • · -· · -· · · _t·v·_-.~_-e1:r .. '1··.·rr·.-ri~ ..•..• ~--.· ·:. -~ By,~TBUa It·~ .I · C~ aid .Ille~ ~ ~ el 'iA team .:i°' t,;tpi';. ~b I-ieifch · tilree ·*islanc, cb>ttea aM lac~ :.,.. "1JT~'is!ue<J after a cltp.en;s t!P Bided raignment r today .. .in Harbor Distdct · • 1 i ' · 1 a :Costa Me8a aplrtn\ent alleiei!fir \i"d , Judicial CoUrt.. _ ' , PARIS ,(\)PJ) -.'iJ>e Viet Cong tociay ' ll~ally as an UD &Upermarket TueSday ·Judge a.E. ''Ned" Rutler }a. ei:pected brushed .Skit! President Nikon's threat . night. Officers claim~ they confiscated to s.et'•"t"b'Bil f \fo then '. dull ' of 'an :•appropriate ~·· to the, 1 ii'. 16.idrug capsules. · · · · ": · igure. r: ~ t1 · · Soulh nd Id Occupants and other.s arrivirig after suspec'ts ctuqed wdh ; po51e:!fslon of . offenswe ; m · :VtetnaDl ' 11 ·~ _1 .-· -1 b 1-__ ,__ dangerous_ dntp, p<>sseSSion ol narcotics •. they woitld Jceep llghiing, ! : 1 ""' ,.., p.m. · vtSI Y po ice 1~ pirapbemana and'· ril.ainWnin · a p1a· '· · · ..... 6-.. meq_Sn4 a woman -were arres~ 1 where •~·--are ,·u·~. , .B •. e<:.. • : A• si_>bktsman for bl u.ian:al I.ibft'• ~ ..... Is to ,.. .. , -tron Fron!• '(Nl;I')' doltpllm loi tho ' "'!"'~ 1lw°P more• .auspec were . ~; Tbiy)~ JdenWled a&i : \ , ' t Vieb:wD. 1tilld .said ·Nizon'1 warain& ~:!:/li:du~1thr·il/~1 ~-· ,-""..-.,. ~ .~{~i. o1 >201t1 nld""t deter· 11>o. .. v1e1 .~ IJ'om1 '."!" · . · . l'llliiil! T 1'1>mon~ Av<./ Ajll,"ll, -Ute~ · contlJlulng their-fight "for· inde~1""1!<'0 -1 .:.. -...:.:::.;.,:_~·-w.ere_J'Olmded ·up -wUbout -iDc:Kleat .by and national sovereignl)'/' .J. four police oftlcers. "We have told the Americans OOy ·wguna Youth . ~ c. Corr, a. ol 2811 Pomona times ~thai If they want peace. 1 Ave., Costa Mesa. it is they w must. stop the war and • • -Jmes R. Enrb m. ~·a UC ·1rvme Withdraw their troopl "-from our home. ~ahhed m LS D, c~~~~olls13·Finley BebiWSOlrleiPagef \-· Ave., Newport Beach. Jand." the imnkHman said. ''Threats r w~~~ngan.:r · ·: EJ~ts;, P.m.id~:qt '. · Despite Bl~k -· Marl.). uana Ra1"d --Mary F. ,_, n. who gave an •ucb as Nlxm-i;;JUDO( make .. cbln_.Be . exclusive· San. Marino P!,l&hborhood ad· our coorst." ... · , dress. . . In another part of the city, U.S. chief From wtnt Senlc:ea ~Federal narcotics agents Tuesday ar· The other five suspects arrested at negotiator Henry cabot Lodge met for .BERLIN "'1' '.file-Ruulana closed all . ·•rested an 18-year-old Lagunan and claim· the apartment. and as they arrived while the second .successlve day with South thre'e taf,d rt>lite1'1o 1weW ~erllo . for '-they bad set'zed a nt11•nd of basbi.'sh police were present, ate Juv, ,enlles, 16 Vietnamese Vice ~dent Nguyen Clo fbdr.hour1 Ioday:ln~' ·-' aoalfist West· ett 1'1"-and 17 three ,.;.,1.,-r In Ky to discu11 the aUled. bargalnln'g p&o o:o~ " Worth $100 per ounce,. s'oine LSD and • rem-..,'6 . ~custody today altlon. French foreign minl!try aourct1 Oern'laD pteaideil.tla 1electlo'os being held: ' lj I ' · d · L a Beach a'n(t lwo"ttle•ied to tbeit pari!:nts. said Ky wwld ny home to· Saigon Thurs-• • in rthe · cltY. •• The·• elecUdnll went_ 'B:llead f rpar uana n a rai in agun · Sgt. Calnon said the palr of boys day for ~u-t•--with ~i~nt . , . ., . , , . . ':'Pl 'T""""", • , : as ached•'.,, r ·, , '. -, ... , ..... Larry Charles Bowman, of 475 Cress released are char<OM only with Jack ................ 1UU1t ~ 1 "'" vc l,PU• [ •-Nguyen Van Thieu. · • WARNS HAlt0.1.011 A'rTA~KS ', It was the oecond tline.·since Ille· SL, was taken by federal officers lo o parental control, but one of the others In the ~-ong~. •·-·a-Ultd by U.S. Up •1.... i h Who ' =-'"'31 · ~:.. the aid au-c•H ...... .,... Presldint Meets Prff·1 1941-fiBer -u~d.etbe]lus1_ans,. · a-.:e ~-An I !or rralgnment today . '° up 'uwwg . r WU olflclals s111CO.' ~. 'i,.._. J-~--ordered u.is gees a carry . 1 __ 11 . t o1--~J i-1= .. -·, uu111tun • • shown. their powe~ over Berlin's \~¥nd.• before a United Slates commissioner a 'ouuw..amoun .. n11111 uana. the halt of bomblnl om North Vietnam link& ·to thj, West bY.'. c1 .... 1~ .. -all Wee Tbe • two ieinainlng · IUIPt<ll.' • Oct. 31, Nl>OI\ warned"l'utaday night of ~' ' -• • on charges of sale of h"hish. "1Ddscllper, ape! • COllqe student were "an apprgprlale _., if the Com· PILOT.· A' : ~R-DI~.G .' • lilgh~iys used' by ~e ""1· · ', • AJents allege thaL Bowman was in-· JI!)( Jelen~~ ~ lnyesd&ators said they munist olfemlve-now in lb 5eCQ9d week :.n. 1-·1, 'Justice )finl!ter GUrtav Heinemann fotved in 1 sale of the hashish, a refpied had an appo~t to .surrt'nder; ar· -continue&. · . l. . ,. .· , · ' , · · · ,· 1 : • -was deCted prelidtnt on1the' tilltd blnotr marl'1'uana, to a federal olficer. Ag_ents ~--tiy·' 'N~ •• -.-. altblney ~am. Nilloo did not'divulge the nature ol TICKETS" TO SHOW to succeed ailing President lf-cb· v.11KU. tbe poqible ftlPllDI'.. but re vu.led a Luebke. , Hit reCelVed Ul vuLel •to 506 aald th~ .hashisb. 1 selb fork labout 1100 N°'~·w,. ,of!~ when the mumptlon of the bombing was one ol You Cl!I ,!ind aim-Oot , anything you !or Delemo Mtlllli~ter Gtr~·~er.· per~ on the 1 ltc1t mar c , .. four olllcen "llri•ecl 'l'Jtefday nipt. the contln«~!;""•il. want In DAILY PILOT clollslfi~ ado ~ flnt,1!.Jro ., ''ft!l JocODr/lll_IV,•: oftfcers said that lhe suspect came knocked aftbe dobr and shoWed a aeareh The stem ........... was apected to be when neliper,1 ~ c~ ~Jorib', ~ .iiletly following the 4 p.m. arrest at warraot issued JJy Judge Rutter, Sgt. repeated aero. tb1 barpining table -even free bolt illiow't tickets tlii-. . He1na•apt·iltbef1rltSoclall>emocrat the cress residence. A loaded revolver Calnon old. when tJ:ie four. deleptiml to the peace week. N&mef of· ~aoae ,Cout ilrea. to be . elected: 14.. tbe llr'aelt cseinoniaJJ , 1'ellriedtobeo!.22 Eallberwure(l9tle6-The •·llll[IOClod LSD labl<IJ, wcrib ~ Wb gaiber 1!landa1 far their seventh ""lden!l·will rbe IC•~---the, pOsl\of <cblef al lllile ln:four ~""del. • Jy found In the.hOme. about-'"'9 . wr the llllclt market. phll Hf.Eon. ••want ... ,. dilly from today througb, IC •al Wiit GerinalJ'•· most pnittacted/ FOderal authorities laid the case had --.JiijecuGD ldll and mariJuaq• and 111"~ :!ti .. ~ Pl!,."'fd: ,,m'weifneldn, llireb l1 ;-· ind. ~11 aot poolwar ,.Iect!Onf ~n under invesUgation !or some time, ~ pipes • ...,.. found lnsldl the ered 15 a sip o1-..," Nlson said, ' ~~I ""* name apj>ean tliere' Tiie Commanlals can.a 11 •, pmdea\kili lilt would no! say how long. resldmce, police said. ,-relerrini to the · Communi.t nflemlve t: .1.n .-; .. ...!. ne...:... .,., n v · ~ ind mllda, II tho ~Pt ol weeb-Iqo\g Bowman, who atteiided local schools, • ,Officer Norm Kutch provided ~ ·~we will not. tolerate\& violation of .~ ""T"" • _, .. -. v-v-, fe'eaaurt!. 1 , ' • ' • • ! listed' his 'OCCUpatlon a.s 0 arUst" .-He ,formation which aet up the raid after und~" ce IDd , claim ·a ,plir1 pf ,fret ttcuts1 ' For Schroeder, 1 onetime ·gOidert (bo1' was alone in lhe residence at the •time getUlji • tip from .,_,,, two '411)'1 The United Stat.. ba1 said that in !:'~;~=~~.I IL. ;;.'!_/er-M·.· a.!1/"'11 ol G~n pollU~1: ,aod , Pfatent ea.-of the •ri:est. . . earU..-, ~Jo ~gl Calnon. • agreelnC to the bomblil( hilt II!! !all ~Hr " ,..,., """'""'' ol ~ leclerat ~btl!lr. It \nark t~e, Property •elzed In the raid, 'l'hJ<h PalrabDen Dave Sorenson and Ron the Communilll qroed not to vtolale the 11 lb< Cert • Look !e<O~ !'lback h). 1111 Jl4 for' of fie I-, lnvoJved rour Laguna Beach police units . 1~ ICLS...,D ~~~m to the demllitariud(~ VIET-OONG(DMZP) and11 ~ to ~., Y,ou ~ 1 ~;-on. r. ' • ~n 1~, ~-~u ~P to-K · <}tor&. " blicJNp suppO.!. .;., alleged io 'be· • _ ' -~-· -• age ( ... llEllLIN, Pqe I • ':.S.~=-=::= 'f iart.,h~el). Get Vie W: 6f\J\lO oll F~ifty" ,: · : ~"Jjetroit Officers ·· , . . . , . , ~ . · . ~ ~ ' , uniehed -in Beating SPACE cOOEa. Hoost"I (AP) lhollmarmodlalo. Schwelctart dld •,,d ...._.Ill fti module and Scolt bidWald ........., • ' Jamea A. McDlf!tt and Buuell L. The third Apollo I cmnnan, Air Force ible to pbform-_ iii(~ .. !!iU!laoi space. D!;l'llO!T (UPI) -Four Deiroll Schweickart flew the bug-like moon Col. Dovid R. SC0tt, llayed behind tn lorily, bat o!hd~ '..ail 1hir9 ',.U a "'lllat'I• pi;etty, amooth," Mid !icoll policanen were punilhed Tue!dar by machine !or the first Ume Wedneaday. the command 'l'OduJe. poalblU\y hll-•·~~ re< from the commind m<>dltJe d.\rlnc tho a police trial bolnf whk:b bas· been t1ley gave earth a televllion glimpse Space. agency af'flclals announcfd Thanday; rillght"befcmQled.. J , ·-· r burn. 1 ~ 1 ,- ..... inveatfgatlng tbe alleted beaUng otNegro of lta cramped cabin and then auc--earlJer that SChwelCkart su.Uered a 1leae McOlvl(t fired 411e 1,w ---=--.1 ht i• ~J' 11'41 McDlvkt ,,boifd ~ Ute )ouths by off-duty policeme:n following cessfully fired the 'rocket designed to .of nausea before the ipace trwfer 0,.._.,.. moonsblp. "lt11 going •lone like a 1 a dance at Ute , Ve\erans 1'iemorial land men,on the moon. -atarled . • desce,nt tJlllne G.. lhe ba..,, of tht ltm. ar_ ........ _" """-.. _ -.a..t.....i "'""~ I . -. ...~., ,, .. n --<i '""''•Ill\ , Building last Nov. 2. Schwelckart' and Air Force • Col. • McDivltt, the Apollo I commander, module, pos6Inr tbf c.•~m b-1 n ed. hungry." .. , t One patrotrn'.aft was fired; two N.:cDlvllt became the ffrrt American .:..-.told ground contr:oUer•• or he Uinta 1p1Ctetatta.-eastward, but changlnc, _the .~rJ McOivttt coaunenW, j•Jt· J00k1'! ileraeanll were 'dernoitd to patrolmen ,aatronaµll .. to trwftr from ~o 1i e In 1 "private .. • awivtraall90 wllkh wU 110!.mDWigh or~ only iUabtlJ, like everytJ\lil wu fftltY clean.1,__-f.- '"" a fourth palr'olman was ordered --all to another when they noated • wllhheld ll'Oll\ -· .•• , The lwo jpocedalt an licked ti>{fethti '!'be ctn rtpOl'ted -ins chunu !'/ Jo forfeit some 15.000 In pay. A fifth lrom the commlnd module tlu'Olllh a Mllaion conlrol announced later thal nGl6 tO :,.,.. alld• the 11l1-ailnllll rocket loti from -!he luair modllle flY · -ilffie<r WH found innocenL 32-lncl>wldo tuanel tnto tho cabin of the illaeu WU brief, but I b If llrq &..uJ propeUeCI -..and < '( .. ll!OU.0, Pap I) ; .. -. ~-t'1 t > ' .' } .. ,r 1 ' .~ ' 'JC. • I r 1 I' Oruge,. I (;ea& I' ' . . . " ' -· • '-- L J OAll.Y pYT s W1• f1!!dJ OfeNdlon ' ;,. ,_,. s. 196t . ; ' Allies ·Bottle P· .. Assault on Hue "· -'S.UGON (UPI) -II-?: t,GIO U~ -llJrtDio 11"1 South -In: ,f .... ,_ CXll¥luded • _,, ·- drift ~ Ill& A Shau Vllloy todly, ·llld Allied eoni!IW!deri Ille! tlll )IUlb had ltCllll>l'I • ...,... Commanlll - on Ill& old Imperial capital of Hue. Tbe valley S'IO miles norlheul ol S11p w1nc1s lhnMlgl! JuoaJes near 1.aoo lllld II North Vlelnam'• main oupply luJmel Into the upper mch.. ol South V1ebwn. Ill Salgoo, South Vlelnameae Prem!« ,Trait Van lluooi abruged oil a dllDll)' ........ lion alttmpt but Allled aecurity .leaml IJtrln&ll>eoed anU-lerror potro1' ,In advanee ol the arrival ol U.S. Dd .... ~WJ Melvin IL Lllrd In a facl-fin. dill( -fer l'rllldent llDoa. Lllrd was flying In from Wathlngton for hll first visit to the war zone as Pentagon chief. Two terrorists who tried to explode a mint near Huong'• car were seir.ed Wedoeaday durlnfl the noon boor as 1>e was driving to hls home far lunch. The mine failed to explode, and Huong ·returned to hla office in the afternoon. It WU reported the Allied forcil in the A Shau killed t,• North Vletnimese regulan and deolroyed oimost 400 tons of Communist munitions in the drive called Operadon Dewey Canyon which bePD Jan. 20. Dewey Canyon -the U.S. Marines at least 117 men killed and IQ wounded , . ... .,.._ llld. ,,,.,. ....... -. cl cuuallllo 1t110!11 the 2,900 South Viet- ..,.... )n>oJol who partldpoled In Ill& _.uoa. Me). 0.. llQ?nood Davia ol Ala· andda, VL, eommaoder ol the ilrd Marlnt DJvJalon, llld. the Communists bad hacked • road from Highway 122 ~ to within 17 mile1 ol Hue, -· ol ...,. ol the worst fighting In the 'fft ollemlve a y..r ago, Dnll said the road, u extended lllOthet four miles. """1d have put Hue within range of North VJetnamese .. · artillery and opened Pae door to a new Jnvulon ol the dty u part ol the cumnt Communllt ollmalve. Troopo ol the U.S. Isl Alt .eavaliy division swept the A Shau Valley Wt April Jn a mustve operation. Paratroopen cf the 101.at Airborne _ dMzion made a zimilar push In August. "You have to go back into areas like these conUnuaDy:' Davi! said. "We caft•t commit large numbera of troopl Just to watch over them (the Com- munists). It will take the enemy a while to build back up in A Shau. Then we'll go back in and 'unbuild' il" By Wednesday night, only tcattered Marine untts remained as a mopping-up and walchdog r..... Helicopter& -cla~ ta'lng over fog-<hrouded peab alrllfled the bulk of the Allied force out of the area. -Nixon Highlights. __ Vi.etnam, Mideast Top Conference From Wirt Servlee:I WASHINGTON -Pruldenl Nixon, In a lk>Jnute nallonal!y televlled pna coat.....,. Tuesday night, dllctail!d U.S. fcnlgn polley questlom ranging from Vlelnam to the Middle Eaat. lllghlightl of bis remarks on foreign lssues in- duded: VIETNAM: The U.S. "will n o t tolerate" contJnuaUOG of the enemy ol· ftnllve In South Vietnam. America will mate "an appropriate response" if at- lacb contJnue. He dld not d<talJ what the response ml,rit be. WEST BERLINI UJ. think I oould predict that the SovW Unioo will uae Ill Jnfh ...... to cool Jiff the :Wl!!ll Berlln e!Jnallnn, --to heal II up." TROOP81 Tbll AdmlnlllraUlll baa no plw for · liplllcm U.S. Ir o op wtthdrawal from Vietnam ln the near tu-. TBE ~: Hi.I European trip was ••a necessary JftCedellt" f« ~ with our Allies before any llllDlll1ll ...,, ference. MIB8ITJ1'8: He will doclde the llnt d aexl week wbelber or not to - Oiurch Burglar Gets Micr.ophone eruit1 In the -.u c:ropl. ~to the church, Costa Men'. police dllc:looed Tueslay, with tbell o1 a ft'li mierOpbooe · f""" the chapel pociiu!n al Southern Calilarnll College. student Edward V. Chav.., lll, ·ol Temple Clly, oald hll,aound IJlia WU clllcovered mllliDll from the . place ol WOl'lblp Monday by a fellow '°'Degian, RuslellPeavy, '.!lie liberal aria C&mJllll al 1515 N""PCl1 Blvd. 11 affillaled with the Southern Calilarnll DIJlrid, All<mbllu ol God churrl>eL DAILY PILOT .....,.,. ............. " .... --·--.,__ CAUH>INlA Ofl.ANGE Co.MT PUIUSMING COMl"ANY kokrt N. W•M ,.,......, ..... """'"* J1~k l. C1rl.., Vice PNlldtnt encl 0.-.. ~ Tli•JM• K11Ylt """' 1\111111 A. M1rpht111 ~lcllfw Po111I HI ... • -~ .. .. _ -C.I• MIMI m wnt..., .... ,....,.,, IMdl: 2711 W..t ............ ... ~ 8"dl: In ,.,.., ... ......... HWltlnflOll 9Mdl1 Xlf '!fl ..... cooatrucdon ol the American Sentinel And-bllllstlc mlul!e (ABM) ll)'llem. II II up for cJllcuasJon todly before the N~ SecurltyCoundl meeUng. l!OUTll AMERICA• He has no Im· mediate plant for a South American trip and uprmocl hope of ..Wement with the Peruvian ·government of ex· ·proprlation of a U.S. oilfield the.re In order to avoid "• domino effect." of ~tf!CI anti·U .S. aenUment in an of LatJn Am<rJca. MIDDLE EASTi If consultations with Soviet Ambuudor Anatoly F. Dobrynln continue at their "preaeot rate of pro- gress'' there will be f~ talks to help seWe the volaUle Middle East situation. · THE llVllIAllS: "! think la that ovmrhelmlng fad, Ill& t..i that H the zilnaUoo Jn the Mideast and Vietnam Is allowed to acalat., II II that fact that it mlghJ lead to a confrontaUon that Is giving the Soviet Uoloo ~ thoughtl, and leads me to what I would say the cauUoua· concluslon at this point, that the Soviet Uolon will play J>Oll)bly • peacemakJhg role In the Mideast and even possibly in VleCnam.., . . Leaders of Both Par~ Applaud Nixon's Address WASHlllG'ION (UPI) -Conire'llonal leaden from both part1,. today lauded Presldesi Nb:on'• news confUenc. on lonign pollq but deal! glng«IJ with the qualloa d an "appropriate ,.. apome'! to the new Communist oft'enalve 1nvi-... Senate Democrallc leader Mike MIUlS- li<ld called Nixon'• one-hour perform- ance "• flrsl rate, good Job" and added, "He was cancli4 lD his remarb and aajd wba( be ..Wd without bruting confi. dences.'' Houle RepahJJcan leodtt Gerald IL Ford tald, "II -ln!IJ reomublo lhat an American President woold bring lhe people as fully Into the wontnos ol penomI diplomacy and the lonnulatloo Ii foreign poJJey at did Mr. Ni.on. "Thia ..-belp but estahllab a reel- ing ol tn111 between l'ftsldenl Nixon· 8lld tha American people In tbe ares ol foreign poliey, jull u the President has created feellngJ ol mulnal trusl between hlmJell and the leaden of Western Europe u a reaull or his European lr!p." Mlll!fleld 18ld 111'oa appamitly wants to see the resulta fl b1a mee'dnga With South VJ-.i•1 V1ce Pranler KJ and with the United Stalts' dllel negotiator, Henry Cabot Lodgt. Mansfield taid, "A!J ! oee 11, be Is try. Ing to walk a Ughtrope between escala~ Ing the war on ona hand and !Urlbering n<gollallom through addiUonal ...,,,.. lions that be probablJ di>cussed • , ." Sen. Albert Gore, (!>-Tenn.), ·-the views ol othen. said be could nol cornnt«ll beclUle ••(don't know what ht mndden ID appropriete mpon.te." ' 1'rOM P .. e J VIET CONG ••• s1aga allacb ap1m1 populatloa cemm. North Vietnam denlea this. "l!ut more than lha1, wa will not toler· .... heavier ·-lrldc:h mull in belY· !or ._.iu.. lo----al .. Uma lhal "e an honeatlJ "1fo( to -~ al lhe coalumoa tabla In Parlo, Nixon said. • U'ITllePMNI GI -Wearing grenade pin chain as helmet strap, Spec. 4 Carl Pine, 21, Clinton, ID., lakes smoke break during lull tn action near Thu Due, 10 miles north of Saigon. County Asks For Runway ' . Repair Bids Orange County supervisors voted Tue. da)' to ask for bids on resurfacing the county airport runway but not unW Newport Beach representaUves had ex· tracted from them a ~romlse that the jmprove:ment was not a "cover up" for preparing lhe airport !or larger planea. Planiied ii: a five-Inch asphalt overlay on the main runway u 11oon as posalble. Airport Manager Robert Bresnahan led the battle for the repair work, brought on by the heavy rains this winter. He said the runway had been under specifi· cations for 95,000 pound planes for more than two years. Building Services Director J osepb J. Smilt!t to~ supervisors the runway wa1 in criilcal condition and could caUJe - ' . -. , ... _Miner _A !'1&Qiog Beseue' , ---,-- • • F .. D S-. 1 ive. · ays~ urvives Trapped ' I ~Ulah (UPI) -Re&cue'. worl:era des<rlblng' the Jncb.by-loch tllorl ·t<» rm OllJclall of Unlled-Slilor Smel! estal>lllhed vnlce con~ early today hll friend ol IO•)'WI. ' . Relinlng and MJnlnl Co., taid II • wltlra-.etenn·mJner trOpped live dayl -Tbe dlulna _.11o1i1 -limited ·be thll evening Wore "™"' are , . to hand tOOla~auu of the natrowness to remove Jones. ,, ago by • rock .Ude deep Inside • honey· ol the luMeJ and lean ol another cive-Bullock Ille! bet wu trapped .!ti combed Jead..tnc mine. Jn. Crews allct ·allea>pjed lo 1'loimer an"!'" nine feet 1quan1. An exporlam . Tbe _.. ..., the late ol WUUam thl)IOlll pipes lo~--1J11-...-, Jo~ la belleftd lo have ......... v-Jooes,. father ol II children, er.' GQpn and ent. ~ 'clealb by dinging to a wall _ 1 wu broken lhorllJ afltt mldnighl when Coolact with the miner, who had ·been •xOlfldals taid the caYe-ln ziio 'l• be caDed out to mcuers; "Wben are glveo 'only a "l,IDO '.to one" c:han"'i · deep Inside a 111ocmtaln aoulllweal ,ol you going to get me out ol here?" ol lilrVJval by anolller veiar. miner, Sall Lob· Cil;y,. Tbe plllla PQlial-d Staio .mine inJpeclor Tony Bullock, was ftnl eslablJahed by Kea Squlru, tbe ll))ne 11c:onsidttedtobethe1,000.fool ' who <mersed from tbe mine after a 58, and· lloy Kocherlwll. , level ' :ti-hour reacue -. esllmated 10 lo "Hi. fJrll worcJa to at -'Wben To reach that area, -tora baff 1J feel of aand and roe< slUl separate are you. l"lnl to gel ma aul ol ben?' to travel Into the mountala aboul fGur rescuers from the ll·year-old Jones. Then be asked for a dl'lDk of water,•• miles, drop down to tbe tJOO:{oot le,o.I "M!lll, that's dangeroua COW!trr.'' said Squlrea repGrted. He said JOll6 lndlcated and then to another hall mile Ji\to tbe mining engineer Louis AIVeraon in be wu not hurt. · · mountain. • .. From P .. e J ., . APOLLO MODULE TESTED<·~. off during lhe rapid acceleraUon ol tbe burn. "We just threw a big chunk down at the ground there," saki McDivitt. "There goes another hunk." "Yeah, I saw a few pieces go, too," said Scott. The outside of the lunar module con. slsts of many layers of cellophan&like aluminum foll laped Jn place. Loss of small pieces would not caute a hazard to the cre.w. "Sure lOl1ng pieces batk there," Scott said at another point. "Some of the foil'• coming off." "Yeah," McDivitt replied, apparently unworried. During the last seconds of the burn, :rlcDivitt took over throttle control from ,,. the on-board computer and raised and lowered the power of the thrust, testing the ~trol criUcal to a landing on tbe moon. "It lookJ like it's doin& a real good . job ol stetting," he said at one point. McDlritt and Scbwelckart turned a televiaion camera on for nearly seven minute! several hours before the burn. Tbe camera, is designed for uae on che aurface of the moon. It gave I clear ¢ctu:re ol the two astronauts wort· Ing al the lunar module conlrol&, buJ voice communication with the momlhlp crewmen wu lost during part cl. tbe telecast. Oil Leak Slows, Nears Last Gasp? Schweickart, a red-haired, ~-old dvlllan space niollie, made the fJral lranller Into the ,,_ship, . Scoll ftnl' opened ihe tunnei by remov· Ing the eommand mod,ule haJch, docllinC hll'(lware and the lightweight lunar module halch. This opened the !I-Inch wide llllmel Into the moonship. The astronaut turned on the lunar module P!Wer and talked to the ....,00 controllers, using the code n a m e ~Spider." The command module became "Gumdrop." The lunar module. code name comes from ita spidery appearance and "gumdrop" was pinned on the com- mand module because of · the colorful wrapping used on it while being transported to Cape Kennedy. A half-hour alter Sc hw~lc kart' 1 transfer, McDivJtt, helrpetleas in, the pressurized tunnel, moved over to the lunar module. . Scot!, aloue !!' the command module, Ulen started JsO!atlng hla leamm.\leS Jn their neW"spai:e·wm:bOOUL "I guess you don' need me ..,. -. ln the tunnel,'* aald ~ "So. I'll go ahead and close the'hatch." "All rigbl, see )'OU later, Gumdrop,'' Aid McDlvlll. - Scoll replacod the docking hardware and the eommand module hatch and ~ .. it feels solid." ..AJlrlabt:r, .. said McDivitt from the 'tW'.mhip. •'I'll see you later, I'm kt'llna d~~ -~ s::.: =tatm).'' ''We will." "l'H get dinner ready wbea you're ready,~ Scott added. I "'4U. .. ~ McDl-vltt, "llD 1 hungcy." .... ":'' . Seal Beach . -.~ :v . ... Votes to Keep Harbor Boar'd ' . , " ,' Tbe Seal Beach City Cooncll voled unanJmoualy Mnnday nlglll to opJ>O!e dissolution ol the Orange Co\lnty Harbor District, pointing out that there are many _ unanswered questions about the propoeed . diasolution. Principal · quesUons in the minds of councilmen involve what would happen to' the assets Ii the district and who woold perfonn the functions noW c~ !or by lhe district, according lo CllJ Manager Lee Risner. • While the cooncil ls on record u opposed to dl!soiution, wiolllcially ihe idea of dissolution or at least serlavs renovation of the di.strict ia favored by councilmen, they indicated Monday. 1be city does not want to become Involved in harbor patrol, but at the same time it does not want to pay more for harbor service1, said the clt.,r' manager. Until some of the major quesUODlll are answered clearly the clty cannot favor dissolution of the Harbor district. councilmen wd,_ SeaJ Beach and Garden Grove so far are atandlng agalnsl 13 cities wllich hava 8'ked dlasoluUon ol the dlslrlc~ Ten others have taken no action on the dissolution movement. • ter1oua accJdenL SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -on • UC Academic'iSenate 1'Tbere are new potbOJes every day, .. workers and Interior Department ' · •:>:,. c .. The county League ol Cities II leading a drive to dissolve the dlstrlct. a drive which began with HunUngton Beach com- plaining that the city and harbor d1'1ricl provide some of the same servicei in the harbor arta1 ol the city resulting In double tanllon, according to lhe' City olllclall. Risner aald that the movement ' wilt come before the Local Agency ,Form!!"•• Commission IOOll and that be bellev.s ,tbe coounllzion ahoold detaD what would happen to the .... 11 ol the dlalrlcl and who would tate over the functions ol the dlllricl. he warned. obaorvert looke4 for more encourlging • B. -1--'JU'!.::>. ·~ '~ A plan to put a concrete aurface alps today lhll an Irregular Jeal: be-) . a ...... UJ,Jµun .• , .. ,l'J8ll oo 1,000 feel Ii ihe touchdown area would neath an ollahore well platfonn Wal . not be done now because of weather nearing HJ last gups. BERKELEY (AP) -~· Unfffraity condlUona he said. He hJnle'1 that lhJa The n... lrom the leak fell to about ol call!orola Academic senaJe •I could be done later and add to the 1,000 gaDoos Tuesday, a decrease cl Berkeley favon creatkm of ID ethnic runway length. 9,000 gallons from the previous day. stud.la deparlment on. campaa: -a ~ve City Attorney Tully s e y mo u r Eugene Standley, who beacls an Interior toward meeting demand& of atriking 12 Million Autos repreaenled Newport Beach and said Department team from Wuhlngton studenlL hla City Coanell wu coocemed over aiding Unlon Oil Co. olllciall, taid the Bui Chancellor l!Dgtt Heyns, In adding SACRAMENTO (AP) -CalilQIT!la increuing the weight capoci~" drop in Dow wu considered lo be steady his approval Tuesday in a lpeOch to regl&W<d 12.67 mllllon motor vehicles Supervllor Wllllam J, Phllllpt aald the progreas. However he would not offer the llllJ faculty memben, dodared 111ch during 1118, Including U mlJdm·Jn Loll runway """1d .have to be lengthened a predlcllon wbethtt the aeepoge would a unJI lho\lld have;...., more allkllom,y Angelet County alone, the Motor Veblclea for larger l)n:rall and · lhla wla not soon 'tDCL and no lai than anr ezllllllg 111111.'' ~I said today, poeaible with th• San Diego 'Freew17 IF============;:===="""=================; and Pallatd" !toad u harrlen. . Bruoihan nole<I that the 15,000 pound limll applied to plaaea with dual wllee1'. He said a lJC.10 air bu weighing I00,000 pounda ..Wd land on the runW1y becaiJse ii has 10 whee1'. Dan Emory ol the !larbqi-. Area Airport No1'e Abatement Commltlee agreed there was a slioty problem but quot'ed a Federal AviaUon Admlnistntton state- ment saying airport operaUODA can be controned by local. operatorL He asted for and wu glven assuraneta that the 95,000 pound llmil """1d be adhered to. Alan Beek, preaidenl ol the Bay Area Citizens Council. was the lasl Newport representaUve to urge strict regulaUons. He said if the auperviaors did not control the airport they should spend no money on 1t: . Smisek estimated that if bids were received at once, as they will be, wort could start before April 1. Fro111 P-.e J BERLIN ... KJealnger In the Christian Democratic partyt1 cauCUJ for the nomination of chancellor. Throughout the day the Russians, engaging Jn wldeapread mi I I t ar y maneuvers wttb t.be East Gennan anny, had played a cat...nd-mouse game with traffic over tbe maln road to Helmstedt, 110 miles to the west. They opened and closed II at wlD 1n a demon.stratlcxa of power. At 1 p.m. Uiey closed down their checkpoints on th• Berlin end ol tha only three highways the West may use to travel through Ea.st Germany. The center road leads to Helrostedt .00 Frankfurt, the second lt1cls aouth Iowan!' Munich and the third north toward Barn. burg. We$l Gtrmans may use all three blgJnvaya. The United States, Britain and France under roW"-"power nalea must llmll their tralflc to th1 Hebmttdl autobahn. Today'& cloalng halted Wellerll aIDed mlUtal'J lraffle let Ille fourth time alnct the harassment started Suoda7 • • Nixon Appo~ts Paine WASHINGTON (UPI] -Praidllll Nixm today appointed Dc, Tbomu 0, Paine u bead ol Ille II at le o a I Aerooaullcs and Space Admlnlllratlon (NASA). ' -CONV1'NIEHT • TERMS iANKAMERICARD MASTER· CHAA6E 0 Time told the Roman way ••• by OMEGA Whether lt'a oo F'dthAYe1111a !a Now York or v;. v ...... 1n a ....... the-wrialwatchea feature Rmnm n......J clWs. Omega styliata haYO otlliled these cllolinclin diala to eemplemont the cluoie'lbnpUcil)' of each~ Within beats the worJi!-W... °""""--which under!-hadredtol~- blueprint to "'"' -i.1y to ...... m-..t timQeeplng depmaahllity. J. C. J-4,npMed (}ewe/er It2J NEWPORT AVE., ,COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE-SAME LOCATION I '. PHONE 541-J401 I " " , • \ i ji ! I I I \ • • ' -. .-. :~Hun ·mgtQ~ -~~eh ED ITIO N • .. 1 ·Maotl Machine Deliui 'Success' ~ 1 ... • ·-, '· ' ' . ·:;.,Earthmen Get :T.V ,Look at 'Spider'·tU ~S~chweick~rt Gets Si:ek >,iJ>A¢g . CENTER, H..;ton (AP) - :Ja.,,. A. MCD!fltt and Russell L. ~":*kart ·flew the bug.:lite moon "*'1'111 jor the first .time Wedoesday, -'lllr.r: pv1. earth a television glimpse ·~ Jll a: amped , cabin ·and then sue-- . ci9fillty fired the rocket designed to llod'men oo the moon. :-'Scbwticl:art and Air Force Col. V..cDlvlU became the first American ~ts to transfer from <l n e ~t to another wbeii they Ooated " ' . . frotn the conu;nand ·module Uir~gh a 32-inch-wide t&irmel Into the cabin Df the lunar module. . The third APollo 9 crewmao, Air. Foree Col. Dovid ,R. Scali. stayed ~ in th< command -ule. spa.Ce agency officials announced , earlier that Schweickart suffered a &U!ge of nausea before t.be space transfer s_tarted. • _ ... McDivitt, .. tbe Apollo , 9 commander. told giowid cOl!trollers or the Ulness . ; ~1t.i' Pll.01' lt~ff l"lltt9 . . ' STILL Sl'.RUMMlll'' ON THE ~~a:NJO Huntillflot\ .c-.rla,..Nalh 1111 ~~ :Jlanjo Strummin~ Cente narian Ente rtaim Patients By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI • ~ Of tM Dalb' l"IMI Sti ff • ),-ailing a live-siring-banjo .1~ down- l>Q:ri;e Tennessee l\lountain fashion rc- q\ii{ts nimble fingers, speed a n d cQOrt1inaUon. But what happens \\'hen the fingers aDd the mind guiding them arc 100 ywa.old? uNo problem," says Nathaniel Ellis 1'tilo 1fill turn 100 March 12, "I just can'~ remember the names of the tunes." EDis, a patient at. Huntington Valley COilvalescent Hospital, plays his in-stiument every day, coaxing syncopated tunes from its strings to tbc en- tertainment of his fellow paUents .. .. ''.When I was younger; J used to . sit down all night long and never picked the same song twice," he recalled. To- day, be remember.! most of lbe melodies but not the titles. It doesn't make too much difference to Ellis though, since he can keep himself amused with his instrument until the llig birthday comes. The century mark nearly rOlled around for Ellis a year ago, bu( 'it turned out· to be 'a 'false alann. SoDtehow, be got h111 dates mbed up.' · . in a 0 private''. convenaUon which wa~ wlthlield from newsmen. • Mission control a.nnounCed later. that lbe illness was brief, but t h a t Schwelckart did voffilt onCe. He was able t.o perform the transfer satisbc-- torµy, but ofDcJals. said tbtre was a possibility bis space walk, scheduled for Thunday, might be clll1Celed. , McDivitt fired the 9,871}.pound thrust descent engine on the base of the lunar module, t>Ushing the c o m b I n e d After 32 Yeai·s spactera(la eastward, but changlnc •the s10.m1J>'hl1h arblt ooly slighUy. . · Tbe two spac<cralt ore:locked togetbtr DOS8 to noee ·and the a~rilinute rocRt flrlni actually propelled Ille c«mnand module and Scott )>ackward lhrouah space. "Tbat'1 prtlly IJllooth, • ,.id • Scott rrom the command module durinc the burn. uveah,'l said M.cDivtµ aboard the moonship: • 0 It's going along . like a dreapl." Then be added:· "Get, am I hungry." t.aier, McDlvltt cnnunented, "It looks like eVer,thlna: wu pretty clean." The crew rel)Ol'ted seeing chunks of · loll from .Uillde the lunar module fly of! durlng the rapid acceleration ft' the burn. • "We just threw a big chunk down at the ground there," We; McDivitt. "There 1oea another hunk." ' _Chief Seltzer to Retire By TERRY COVILLE Of ttw DellY Plllt Sti ff , , On July 30 Huntington Beach Police Chief John Seltzer will terminate 32 years of service with the ctty. "I've spent half of my life. with this department," said Seltz:er Tuesday, com- menUng on his Impending retirement. The chief will be 64 next July 7. Seltzer submitted his surprl.!le resigna. tion to ,the City Council Monday night. Councilmen accepted bis resignaUon and asked him to meet with them at a later. date to discuss a replacement. Under his (Jve-year admini.!llration as chief of police ·the deplrtnient bu acbleved several .remarkable objectives in a 'time of rilpid growth for 'the city. An immediate · prograro to. upgrade· the department waa inllalltd. by Seltzer . u. 1;;;n I¥>li"" o1nc'fs )l'ere.r<Quired Ip ' . :a., liql!C< ·ae~e 'l"!iiM ol.fOred : ~y i!f¥. l>!:li!.'l•;~ly~~. Oll"i<:erfl Acadeiriy -m~,w:ft·h Qranp, Coast College. " .l The HUntinl\pD ~ch ,depirt,ment wp, Ute seventh In Califorpia.,,ta:-·cpmply 1411 ~t wit.b ·r~ons made by ~ CaJ..i(ornla , • On Peke Ol· licers Stand.artts and Tra1Qin1.. . . "We l'equlte every new cfficer to have al least a beginning certificate from the <!ommlssion." said $elJzer, "which is nonnally obtained throu'gh the police :,cjence course." . Upgrading of the department 's, tduca· tional level is alSo a continuing process initiated by Seitz&. "Right now our average educational level stand.I at just " 0 ANNOUNCES ,RETIRIMENT • • ' 1 . Poll.ca Chief ,Stiller under two years of college for our meo, .. he said. . Iri 1965 the chief recelvtd· some' notorJe- ty on his own accord w h e n. a group oC under~er men used to combat unru- , Reagan Urges Sweeping State Housecle~illg SACRAMENTO (AP)' -Gov. l!tagan proposed a sweeping reorganizaUon of state government todiiy, with elimination or consolidaUon of 31 boards and com. missions -Including the Franchise Tax Board and the State Board of Equallz.a- tion. In a message to the legisla ture, the governor recommended that t h e Franchise Tax Board and the Board of F.quali!ation -the state'! tax col· lecting agencies -be consolidated into . ' a new Departme~t of Revenue: ' ·The 'move lD bring all tal collecting funcUons under one roof 'baa ~en pro- posed in .the put ...... and re;icttd by . the legislature. · ' 1 • Bue th!! Ume Reigan saJd : · · "Thete 11 no 11Jn1le Item of rtorganiz:a· lion proposed this· year which will 'have a greater long term significance for California's C'Ui'Tent and future dtlzens than this matt.r of wt,admjjUJtraUon. "l urge you to oveo:ome any and all obstacles in Carrying out this organluUonal ·reform ,wbli!h. Jw, been "' unUormly supjiortel and to repeatedly thw~•o.' I ; ~ : •• Jy bUchgbeia were n t c k • n a m e d' "Sellzer's Sandmen. '1 "We still uae the aandmen to keep an tye on the beach and all part.s of the city/' he added: ... Another honor came to the ~ force In 1966 when an in-depth study by the crimlnology department of C&lifornia State College at Long Beach rated, Hun· tlngton Beach and Fullerton as the two best police departments in Orange Coun· ty! "The two proudest accomplishments of recent umes·bave been the acqubition of a hellcopter ior the department and Monday night's council decision to im- prove our jail facllltits," 'added Seltz.er. "I feel 1· have a· tap notch police department, 11 1ood u any in the COUJl.. try," said lbe · cblef. "Wt have vr:ry. capal>Ja. int•lliient men ~u· to 9., ~~·.·· ·~· ~ ' Seiber began hill· polict ~1.reer as a-r,,troJnian at !ht age of'3L . · · 'I wp the sevenijl man Of1 the d'ejart. ment ~ere," i,, teca111. ""fY first four tears w .. t ob tM . ~esk ~d I .;enc ::i::i•1nin1~,fleld Wot.e 1,ntidf When h:e received. that 1950 ·promOUon, under then police chief B,en Dulaney, Seltzer organized and·headed Huntington .Beach'• first detective section. • . "I spent seven yeir's aa bead or detee: Uve1, then I becaine the department's only capUUn in 1967 .arid, in 1914, I succeeded the late Howard Roubidoux , (See SF;LTZSR, Page !), PILOT AWARDING TICKETS TO SHOW. ' You can ·find almost anything you want II) DAIL V PILOT classllled ads -even free bQlt &bow tfckels this week. Names of Oranie Coaat area residents will be scattered among the ·~want ads" daily from today through nei:t Wednesday, March 12. Anyone whose name appears there can -Call at the nearest DAILY Pllhr ofilce and claim a pair of free tickets to the Wutern. NaUonal Boat & Marine Show which runs March I through 16 at lhi Anaheim Convention Center. Look now. You already may hive won. • • , \' ·,· UP1 ~ WA~NS HANOI ON ATTACKS · Pre1k11nt M~t1.' p;111· Con g· Scoff .4t Warning From Nixon . PAR!~ (UPI) -The Viet ~n,K today brushed. aside Pres)dent N~on's u;r,at ~ an ' ''appropriate reSpOnSe"' to ~eit oliensl"' · in Soo\h Vletoam pnd said they would keep' tigllliJ>&. ' , · · · .A~ for U\IJN.uoo.I.,µq.it, llM· riont (Nµ') .c!elega~-i> to ll>•- Vletnam · talks said Nix°'? s w~ing would not 'deter th< Viet Cong from contirw.lag th'ir fi&b~ ''tor indepencience and natlonalcaverplgnty." · "'We~-"· AmerlcanS .llW\f t1me1 · · " · lhal'"u they want pe.ce. tt 'Is they w , musf ~ the w~ and with~aw llt~lr· .troOPI froin our bbme- r Related• Stones Page f. llnd," the spokeaman .!laid. "1breatJ such as Nlxon'1 wUI noi make us cbqe our course." · In,another part of .the clly, U.S. chief negotiatoi' Henry Cabot LOdge met for the second successive daf wjth South Vietnamese Vici Presidinf'Niufeif C'ao Ky to discuss the allied birgalniJ'fg .. sition. French fort!lgn mlnbtry ~ said Ky would fly home to Saiaon 'lbW's· day for consultations wi!t! P.resldent NgUyen Van 'Jbieu. \ Jn the strongest lane':lage uetd, by U.S. officials since' l>ttsident Johnson Ordered1 thelhalt Of bOmbing oVer North Vietnam Oct. 31, Nlxo111 wamect Tuesday. night of "an appropriate rupOnse" it the• Com·) munist Offensiv&--oow hr Its second week --Continue.!. . . Nixol) did not divulge the. na\ure ot \he possible response,1 but revu.led a resUmptlon ol the bombing-was arie' of th'e Ccnfingencies dlScussed. · The s.tern warning was expec~, to be repeated across the ·bargainlni 'tlbl1 when the four delegations to· the peace talks gather 'lbursday f6r their seventh session. ' "The fal.'t that wt' have sho1'n ,patience and lorbeerance should l'Ol be coil>ld· ered as a 111.gn of. weakness," Nixon.said. referring to the Communist olfenslvt. "We will J'IOt tolerate a violation of an understanding." * * * Coast It seems to be officlaf this year .!lince Ellis Tuesday mornlng received two of· tidal birthday greetings, one ftom ·(flee CENTENARIAN, P11e !) NEW YORK .(AJ!) -Gains led loses , at the stoot tnap:et close today, but by a nafrower m.ar1ln than they had held drlier in the tesaibo. (See quota· lions, Pages 20,21). In "a110Giii · major · P"'l)Oilal, Reagan C.Ood Rr • lloportin<nt Of ·NavlcaUoo and ·°""*' Dov<lopment to come up with • plan for Ul8 of I.be 1tate'1 ·ocean resourcu. Nixon -Highlights . . . ' ) WeatJier ;fnose balmy March winds gel. a r PUJe brisk Thuriday, but clear ,.., Wes and warm weather are in '\ Jbe of ring with temperatures: in the middle si1ties along the ·eoast. ;. INSIDE TODAY ' ::. Tht11'.,-e goin g to .. Light Up &ha Sk.11" at tht WclfmintUf' Community Tltealt1' Ff'id.pv <CJ.I• · a h4ftd/ul oj other live produc- tions in tht area lotoer their ortaint. Ste Enttrtainmtnl, 'POI/I 18. . .-: :;; •. Mffl.... 11 ...... 11 Mlllllal ....... .. ......... , ........ , Of ... ,_,., 11 '" M --. --.... IMf'f'f 1 .. 17 I Of,..,..,... , li.dl #Mrt"I 1MI 7~ lt -" -. ...,.. ..... 44 . ' • ;· .4 lnvestme:il.t Firms Sued .. $1 Million Suit Filed on Behalf of Homeo "1f)ner$ A II million civil suit chlfllnl lour Orange County tnvestmeilt companies with the ddraudlni d bomoownen rac- ing f....,losaro ill Oii file-today In . Superior ~ ·' • · ' ' Named in the complaint flied by Distrtct Attorney Cecil Hieb-on behalf of Slate Attorney General Thomu C, Lynch, ani the Mlltual Investment Co., COastline ProperUea Inc. and Tax and Investment Associates, all ol Garden Grove and C aod II Inveslment A>lodates ft Anahelm. SUperlor Court, Judge Claude Owens 'l'lleaday s\gnod a c:oort order that wlll temporarily 'bait buailleJ• -aU0111 of • all four firms. IndMduals tamed ln tile ictlon are JIJT1 llurtan, Jack Cliap-• peD, ~-: Vildez;. Ahdy l\nderlOll, Henry Gad..., and <lbarl .. -llerJc More than JOO homeowners an: 11le1td ,. victims .of the four firms during the and that they would receive tbeiP full put elgbl months, lnveattgaton clalm. equity "Iii I' lew:~ tjme." Deputy Dlattlct Atlorney Joe Dickerson Tbey never It« thelr equity, Dickman tods)' said U-ii a "strong posaibllity" said. What , they dlil •gel •wu· a, flnal that cclmlnal chargu will eventually notice of> fereclOIUH' ffoib .tbf bank «' 'be filed agiinst tbe Onns and individuals mortgage company wilb 'the discovery named that the home they val:lted had ' beeo D!ck;rson said !10meo~ lacing mited. liy' tho lnvatment : flllll Im· foreclosure action "'1 their properUcs mediately •alta<· lllOy, left. · • • were the victims of the firms named · The: mortNe holder; Oic:kenon111id, Jn oporaUons that primarily oovered the wu thfl1• r-i •!\Ith the problem d Anaheim and Garden Grove areas and evlctlnl the 1111117 jenantd ~he property. some Los Allgelea County communlt!ea. And lnvesllgaUons had clelermll1ed l\llt He · said v!cllnu ,..,.. asked to pay in l,,.i\ d the ._ ~ -~ 1100 dePosll which would "protect their or the mortp.,ot 1>omes had pa)d theli grant deed" and enable. ~jinvestmtnt J!nt and 1111\ -~~In advance. counselors" to "relieve obugallon ol tho , Tbe ~· aqil tM lndlylduala. named 1rua1or.., bis oo1tand Jl'1(41 <¥od·" µI ,cli,U:iJ1~*' ,~1uc1u1 .. ~ Dkkeraon aaJd lhe borueowner1 .were .m¥lil4.~ •ad~ and then penuadad to .l<ate Wirtprvpoity Unlafr 'tr ·.;...all VloliUooi with the P"'liibe that the ..._..,.,, ·111 ·th& lla!e'l:>biil1bed iii! pi'iilliialaiil would arrana:e the aale ol the home coci. l ' • ' 1 ' Vietnam , Mideas t · Top .Confer ence ' ' , From WlreSenlces WASHINGTON -~t Ni.Ion, in a *minute ·nationaU:y telvlsed press conference Tuesday Dflbt, dlJCUUed u .s. foreign policy questions ran!dn1 from Vietnam lo the 'Mldcflo Eut. lllghllghts o1 bis nmarkl oo fmtgn lauea in· eluded: vumlAM: The U.S. \'will not tolerate" cootlauaUoo ft tho enemy ol· lenslvt in South Vleluam. Amor1ca wtl1 mab uan approprta&t l"elpOalt" if at. lacU conlblue. lie did IOI delaU ""-u.. ._,.. mlJhl be. Wai: lll:llLlN: "I think I COllld pwlkt tNt Iha 11ov1t1 u-·wtu ... Iii b-lo cool elf the West Berlin altualloo, ratber -to heat It up." T1100PI: Tbe Adrillnlllralloa has no pi..s • fot •i&nll!caol U.S. tr o o p • wtthdr1Wal · rrom Vietnam· in !ht near Mure. ' THE ~: 1111' European trip WU • 11. rwcea~ prectaeol'' Jor mnlU.ltaUoo wltll .. • ~ ll\lC mmtlt - fertnoe.r .ta I JOMi\ '. he 1 • inrt decljlt tht llnt of next week •bKber or nOt ·to resume constrUcUon ot the Ametlci.n 'Sentinel I Anti-tiallistJc mlulle (ABM) system. lt is up for dlacuallon today before the 1 National Securt(y Colµlci! i!ieeUria. SOUl'll AMERICA: He olw,no_.lm- rnediate plaiis for a Sooth 'Ainenc&n trip and ·~pr""';~ Of ~~ent with• the Per,uvla'n governnumt--J o1· u· propriaUon ol a ·U.S. o!lfi<ld ·lhm> In --i>rder to avoid "a domino effect" of escalated anti·U.S. sentiment in all Gt 1 ~Un America. • M\Dl>LE EA&')': I! con1ullalions with Viet Am-Allo'°'1 F. lilobrynln pinlinue al their "prtlelll •Hie 'Of• 1"0' ii«#" there wlll ,be rour-powu talks to help ..We the V1JllU!e Middle ENI sltuitloo. · TIW RUSSIANS: "I' think • la thet ovohth.!!mirig fact, the lact thal V .. altuaUon ·In the Mldtoll .-d VleWm " all<wtd to .. 1a1e, it la lilaf. !act that ll mJlhl' ltld to a conllontaU!i! thaf Is c!v~ 1111 ;Sqvltt'VMin - thoq)U, llld leocil me to -1 -A!/ the ciodilus '~Jll WI point. lh•• !ht &viol ,Unloo -wte plty-pclOllhly a Jli'IC<~ "* in 'Ille 14kieUt llld even poia!hly In Vltirlam." , ,, . ., ' I ~·• I ' ·-1 ~ .. I I: ~ " - ~ DAll.Y PllOJ _ H WednHd.11,'lllr<li 5, 1969 --, .. ·Seal Beach ~· Hate for-Israel· I : ""· ' l . . ' ~ Rapsllarbor • J Dissolution • Tbe Seal Beach City Council voted ,_ ~ Monday nJabt lo - dillolutlon ol th• Orlll&• CoonlJ llarbGr Dillrid, pol•Una out that tbll'l an lllUl -quooll<111 about the ......... • -... Pr!nclpol --In the -ol c<V'dtma 1nvo1 .. wllal would ..._ lo the aaebi ol the dlllrlct ud wllo would perfmn the f1mctlGal -Wld let by the dlllrlcl, acconlloJ lo Cll1 ManqerLoo!Uma. Wblle the coundJ II ee .-.I u apposed lo dluolutloa, 1lllC)lllcWlf the idea ol dlloolllllee er 11 lwl -raiovallon ol the cllltrlct II favored by eouncllmen, they Indicated Monday. The city doea Doi WIDl ' lo -Involved In harbor patrol, bul al the ume um. II clou not want lo pay """ far harbor ..mces, aid the city "'='iome d lhe major ~ ""' ......,.. clearly lhe c!IJ clllllClt favor dlaoJut!on of the Harbor dlltrlct. """1Cllmenaald. Seal Beach and Garden Grove ao far ... lllandlng against IJ clil.. "'1ich havt uted. dlasoluilon of the diatrict. Ten othen have takt.n no act.Ion on. the dlSlolutlon movemenL Tbe counlJ Leagui d Clilee ls leading a drive to dluolve the diatrict, a drive wblch belan with Hmdlllgtoo Beach com- plalnlng lba1 the city ud -dlltrld pnwlde -" the ..,.. -In lhe harbor ...... ol the c!IJ resulllng In double tuatioa, ac<Ofdlng lo the dly dfld•la, Jilin.,. uld lbal the ...._I will come bef<n the Local Agency FormaUOn Commislion soon and tha,t he believes !he commilsloa should delall wllal woold happen lo the uaela cl the di!tttcl and who would take over the funcUons ol the dlalr!cL From Pafe J CENTENARIAN Governor Reqan and one from President Nbiao. "l don't know bow they got m1 name," oak! EUii, ''but they l!lllll bave folleJ ii through Ill the voting I did." Tbe SOD ol I Marin County farmer, Ellis crew up near tht Tamuaee River and later moved lo Tampa, Florida. LEABllED CARPENTRY Ha earned the carpentry trade In Florida by bulldlng abool '15 booaee and late built -ud mamera lo be used on the Tenneaee River. . "'lbm's bardly a$Jnr I bann'I done e>oepl fire tbe boUen' C11 I bol~" sald Iba -balnd old ..... He dldn\ IJ!'IT11Dllll be WU • Y""' old. Bia wife, Killer, If, abareo a room wllll him al Ille cmvalescenl bolpllal. Bia cblldhood sweelheart died ud Ellis il>o<JChl be '""'1d-aever gel murled unlll be met Kdlu. 0 1 med to have wblaten down to my chell and one d'!J' the putor of my chun:h cllled me In and sald be wanted to ctve me a shave," ED.ii recalla. BRAVED BY PllEACllEll The putor penonan, admlnlslered the cHppen al bis home, w1111lng a rpruced up DWI lo lntrndtlCI lo Kdler, _ '!'be two IOOO look I Uklnl lo OllO -and got married. Today, Ille eecs cootlnned bacbelor admlla lbal ~ me can en:r toe her place. ... A rellgloos man, EJliJ cred1la 1111 ltqntty lo living according lo lhe Bible, ''Al rar as l'm concerned, It kept m7 bod1 u Jt WU when I WU first born, .. he 51,}'I. EW. doesn\ know wbat be will do during the nut year:. However, he doelll'I plan lo pve up playing Ille banjo, or worry about lhe future. .. J had a dream once that I would live lo be 400," be milled. DAILY PILOT . OllANGI CQUT "-ltLJSHINI CCWIAHY lteMrt N. WM ,~ ............ Jtc:li I. Curlw Vlca ,....,.,.. lflllll aewJ ~ Tlt•-• K•••" ..... Tht111•• A. M•r11lth1e IMIWflnt ldlfw AJkrt w. '''" wnu .... 11: •• , l.Modetl Mllflll!wton ttiteft adnw Cltf ldltw H•tfitttM .._. Ofllee JH Ith Str.tt M•lll111 A4MAi111 P.O •••• no, tl'641 --....,.... .... I Utl Wtlt ... '°"11eflrt c:.-... , -W-9 "" '"""' &..-...,. m f...t .,_..,,. I:""" "-OT, ................. .. ... ,, ............... .., ... .... ................ L-.ii. ..... ........,, ..... c.;r ..., """"""""' ...,. ........... V.lly, ltMt"""' I ........ """"' a.-c....t .......... """'""'~ .. fil ttll Wnt :;:-........... <.-. .::.:"" ..... .. ?t' ,, aa m4J.......,. "'-w111 ' s a ~ ..,,m n •'""••<'a....,,.,. ~ .... er.. a..· '''""' ... ~ ........... ,, ........... .. ~......, .............. ..... _, ......... ...._ ...... . . ...,,....,_., ----··--__ e.._ ...... ~ ...... .... ···-·-... -Sl!llwY .............. .... DAIL T Pll.OT Sid Pllltl A Beautiful Idea • r- .. rr~gge,red Sir~a* LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Slrltln JI. Sirhan 1ay1 that whea be la 0 provoted .. , ne could kill -Robert Kannedy, Lyndon Jolinaon, Arthur Goldberg or anyone else ~ favon the Israeli cause. Tl\O U.yelM!ld Arab lmmlcranl aol hil. chance In court '{Uesday lo present 1111 views and be IOI loooe with a diatribe whieb muat ba.ve utlsfted him but wblch also could send him to the 1u chamber for the alayiq of Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy. Sirhan cursed the Zionists from the witness stand. He aaJd when ht saw p1cturtl of Moshe Da}an anil Israeli 110ldle.n at the Sua canal be •would have tiled ~if be could. Tb• delendanl sald the "God damned ztonlat&" Collected !' P70 mlllloa to -I s~nglben the IJraell .-omy alt<r Ille aiX4ay war of 1957 whlle PraNtnt JobJ!loo "'.U b_rin&lna·troops bople from Germany to \iep dollara In ~ When defense attorney Grant B. Cioper reart from notebooks Sirhan had wrft\l!h. the acused slayer of Kennedy '~ that when he beard a radio brdt&att saying the oenator felt jets 1hould be l!Onl lo Israel !or delenu, be looked into a mirror and saw Kennedy's face instead of his own. Today Cooper· was continuing to lead Sirhan through two scrawled notebooks in which be Interspersed love notes about girls with such declarations as "Nasser iJ the greatest man who ever lived on. earth." Slrban said he respected Robert Ken- (See SIRHAN, Page 41 W. Germans Hold Election Despite Action of Reds From Wire 8ervloes "Don't litter, make Seal B~ach beautifu1," is the message the wire "Trash Man of Seal Beach " is trying lo get across. 01' Trashy bas been set up on Pacific Coast Highway al Bay B91llevard by Boy Scoot Troop 3, which is helping in city's <jtan- up drive. BERLIN -'lbe Rmti•m closed all llln!e land rutles lo Weal. Bertin for four hours today In ~ against West German presldenilal eledlees being beJd In Illa city. Tbe electlOlll went ahead as acbeduled. Frankfurt, the secorid leads south toward . Munich and the third north toward Jlun. burg. Supervi~ors Ask for Bids On Airport Runway Repair Orange Cotlnty IUJ)en'1Jon: voted Tu~ day to Mk for bids on resurfacing the county airport runway but not until Newport Beach representaUvea had e1:- tracted from them a promise that the Improvement was not a "cover up" for pn!pariac lhe airport for larger planeJ. Planned II a five-!ncb asphalt overlay on the main runway as aoon u possible. Airport Manager Robert Breanahan led the battle for the repair work, brought on by the heavy rains this winter. He said the runway bad been under 1peeifl- cationa for •.ooo pound planes for more than two years. Building Servieet Director J°"ph J. Smisek told JUperviaors the runway was in critical condition arid could cause a serioua acc!dent. · 1'There are new potholes every day," be warned. A plan to put a concrete 111rface <XI 1,000 feet of Ille touchdown ma woold not be done now because of weather COIHHUons he said. He hinted that thl• could be done later and add to the runway Jength. City Attorney Tully s e y mo u r represented Newport Beach and saJd his . City Council was concerned over increasing the weight capacity. Supervisor Wllllam J. Phillips '"'d Ille runway would have to be lengthened for larger aircraft and th.ii waa not ...... ..., ....... CHA.SE SUSPECT -Pollco . cadel James F. Taylor pockets notebook after securing •lolen car lllJpecl WUUam Panell ln ner Hit of pollc• cnd&er. Wild clwe kepi aeveral West- mllllter offlcen bwy Tu~ nlgbt possible wllll Ille San Diego -Fr...,ay and Pallsadea Road u barriers. Bresnaban noted -tbal Ille 95,000 pound limit 1pplled lo planta wllll dual wbeell. He sald a 00-10 air bus w"'1>1ilg I00,000 poundJ could land oa the runway becau.se II bu 10 wheels. Don Emory d the Harbor Arta Airport Nolae Abatmenl Committee agreed tllere WU a oafely problem but quoled a Federal AviaUon AdministraUon Btlte- nftnt saying airport operaUons can be controlled by local ~atora. He asked for and was given auurance. that the 95,000 pound limit WOWd be adhered to. Alan Beek, proidenl d the Bay Area Cltlzem Councll, waa Ille Jul Newport repr~ve to urge atrlct regulaUom. He sald U the superviaon dld not ceelrol the airport Ibey lhould spend no money Oil IL Smlaek estimated lllal II bids were received at once. 11 tbey will be, work could start before Aprll 1. Hig~ Speed Car Chase Ernh With Rear-end Crash ~ A high speed chase Involving an allegedly stolen aato ud Westmlmt« police units ended in a Gardtn Grove street Tuesday night with a collision between a police qr and the suspect'a vehicle. The fleeing auto WU caught ahortly after I p.m. at Enloe Street when pollct aald It wu unable to tum around ln the dead end street. Officer Charles Miller'11 patrol car then slammed Into the auto, his brates-haVing faded lo Ibo point ol Jallure during the chase. Minor damage was reported to both vehlcles but DO injuries were caused by the amaobup. The suspect, 21-yeal'Old Wllllam Panell d Hunilngloa Beach, wu originally clocked on a apet.ding charge In Hunt!ngtoa Beadi by Olllcer O..e Lallue but began fleeing when the dflcu attempted to pull him over. Three police unlta were dlspalcbed In attempiln( lo ap(ll'Obend Panel~ who wu Aid bf off.loen to be tr•veJin« In excess d 100 miles per hour during the chase. OUicen claim they later de termined the automobile lo be ltoltn from Wllson Ford in · Huntington Beach earlier that eveajng. Panell was· booked In Westminster city jail and will be charged with grand thert auto. Also fa cing the same charge will be his passenger Marllyn Ford, 19, ol 6892 Batel Sl, Huntlngtoe Beach. ........ p .. ,, J SELTZER ••• to police cMef.... • lllalng 12 ,.... here. Seltaer haa witched Hunilnglon Beach grow from a 1<>wn cl C,l\00 raldenls In lour oqu1re mu.. lo • booming city cl 1116,000 reaJdentl in a.$ lqUart mllea. And the d•parlmenl haa grown from Wien m<mbera lo a penonnel llsilng cl 110 -"-<n- ln summing up 1111 csmr S.ltur olmp- ly 1111, .. rm happy to have been Jn poll<t wort long enough lo ,., us reach Iba high llandarda l'Te fell all law enforcemf.Dt l(tnclet lhould be."· "Now I'd rok loot abetd than behind,. he adds. -Beach Planners Deny Tract Plan For Waterfront The annual Huntington Bedcb Fourth of July parade ham't been televised Jive yet despite past efforts of the Jaycees to raise the needed money, but lhil year ,the Jaycees feel the patriotic event might be televised. The Jayceea have an agreement with · KOOP Televklon Inc. for two houri of live, color television from 10 a.m. ' to noon on July 4 ff tbt Jaycees can raise the needed $7,500. Chamber of Commerce directon: were told of the plan Monday and have refer· red the idea to a committee for study, In the put the chamber bas approved the Jaf""l aellciling donatiCXls.and paid advertlatng lime from local mercbanta, - but each year the participation by merchants bu'be<n too low lo guaranle4! the television time. ! "Calilornll ljlltory" 11 Ille Iheme "-' the 86lll running ol Ille parade In !lie downtown ma d Ille clly. Nixon Appoints Paine WASHINGTON (UPI) -President lilion today eppolnled Dr. '11lomu o. Paine u head of the National AeronauUcs and Space AdminlltraUon (NASA). II WU tbe -lime since the lMS-49 Berlin blocbde the Jbwalus bav• shown their power over Berlln.11 land linka lo the -Weal by closing all lbree highways used by the 'li"etL Justice Mlnllter Gum• Heinemann WU elected prealdenl cm the lbird ballot to succeed alllng President Heinrich Luebke. lie recelved ill -lo 506 for Defame Minister Gerhard Schroeder. The flnl two ballola were lncoocluslve When -.tllllr got a clear majority. Heinemann la the flrlt Soclal Democrat to' bi ei.cted lo f!te largely ceromonlal pool d clilol ol stain In fonr decade1. It l'U West Germany's 11t011 protracted llld dramatlcallf aet postwar •lectlon. The Co!immista called II a prvvocallon m! ·~ II Iba tarael d ....W-long _.. For i!cbroedor, eeeume 1olden boy Ii Gtrman pollilcs and ,present dean ol tbe federal cabin<~ II m11rked Ille a~ aelllact In 1111 bid for hlib office. 1' ltll, Ito WU nmn<l'<JP lo JWrt Georg IClellnsir ID the CbrlsUaa ll<iioCrailc party'• caDCUI for the nom!D.ltion of chancellor. ' 'ntrGugl>oul the day .-..i .... enaaglng In 'Oldoll!rJl"4"'' la r y W-wlllt tbe·Elli\: - _ army, bad played • ~'""'" wllll traffic ,,. .. lhl main road la 8"lmlledt, no lllileo lo Iba west. Tiiey opened llld cloaed II at will ln I d-ilcm ol power. Al 2 p.m. they clooed down Utetr cltectpolnta Cll lhl Bertin end cl Ille only -bilhways the West may uie lo travel tbroagh Eu! Germany. The center road Judi · to Helmstedt and Fountain Valley Slates Hearings On Zone Changes A proposed wawtront tract In Samet Beach was turned down Tuesday by the Hwitinglon Beach PllnnlnJ . Com- mission. 'I1le tract, located on 5.2 acus southeast ol Channel Lane between Admiralty Lane and Broadway, wu to have cootained 30 Iota each measuring 5,600 aquare feet in size. . Commission Chairman Robert . Buil uked for denial <i the ll'llcl appllcallon and a coodiUonal exception for alnaDer lots, saying, "I am of the firm oplnlce that we should not deviate from our r.qulnd Joi siu. ''We sbouJd upgrade our standards nther than downgrade them ." Bull referred to the 6,00) square foot minlmmn lot size lhe city recenUy adopted. I , Jini Nachazel, apokesman roP Aetna Savings and Loan of Long Beach who 'submitted. the appllcatlon, argued that if a ctndlti011al exempUm were not granted, the Jots would blve to carry limilar price tags to premium' Iota in Huntington Harbour, thus malting them toug1t 1o sell. · . . I Opposition to the propoat.d net wa1 also voiced by aeveral citizens .grwps. Their objectioDJ cenlmd ee potuilal trallic cong..Uon problems, lllrTOWlng the aln!ady confined channel 111 Ille property and a boundBry dlapute between the Huntington Harbour Corporation and nelgbboring property own.era. Time told the Roman way ... by OMfJGA ; COIMNIENT TERMS IANKAMERJCAAD MASTER CHAR&£ ,_ \Vhethrz h.'1 on Fi.fthA.TeDue in New York or Via Veneto in Rome.,,the new wristwatc:M. feature Roman n"amera1 diah. Omega 1tylista have utilizod Iheme diatindive diall to complement the dueic aimplicity of each cue.dedgn. Withia h..b Ille world-famous 0,..,. JnOYement w!Ud> undag-bachoclo ol lmpocti-_from blueprint lo bal _,,.,lo ..... muimum timeli"'l'ini dependability. J. C. .J./umphri16 '}1w1fer !Ill NEWl'ORT AVE., COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION ' PHONE 541.1401 . • . ' • ' l. • • •per td -be led :ace .ead <>ks JOU! ""' ved ;.,,. [l r ... 1 by m· ns een lo Ing azil ion ller ion our rds :oot illy Ina vho hat not rry in em I fU IP"· tla1 lng the ... tnd WEDNESDAY llAltCH • ' .'I "I I ''I j , C) M•lltllt-lrfllMtf (Cl 130) ~· • ICHFIELD PRESENTS ~1i(LOS ANGELES KINGS r !"~;VS. TORONTO ' ' ~ :• Klnp Kkk'1 (Cl (21h lnJ Jl111 r ,l ~d>on11d cell1 !ht 1ttlon 11 th• • . ......_.A. te1m rntets Toron~ In !ht :...-' ~llpt1 Lui G1rd1ns, Ont.Mio, C.u11· ,,. di. THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE ~ * Rock Hudoon-"BACK TO : GOO'S COUNTRY"...(;olor • ' ~ ' < iJ Sil O'CloU MIN: (C) ..... • Gtts C:O.RW' (•dvtnlurt) '54 - Rock HudSOfl, M1rti1 Handtrt0n. Q I "1 (Cl (601 ~-IC)(!D) ~:';t-,.QT) (Jl-..... (Cl ~•A•• ... _..a ;aw.r.r1 Ntw? (JO) "Junior Rod· 'l:, .. T~." Hllh tchool stud1nh In Ill· ~'&lneerina compt11 in 1 racket 1111· ~;:\tlld• COflUst with rnod'tls th1t 111ch ~PMdt el 400 mth. -m Mll!flt stn Allt01 ·" .. m KPLM Ntw1 (Cl "lll· f$ KNBC NEWSERVICE ~SPECIAL CLOSE-UP ,ON •THE PRIVATE DISCO· THEQUE PHENOMENON D 11.NIC ftlwlervlce (C) (60) OJ Yopp tt thl ltltt"' ti tile ... (C) (60) -::..-li:l(l)Hwn...,.ltllklty (C) • ""E Ttlll:I Wll:ll Pnnb (60) "Gl'OW!JI cif"Mor1I Judamt!ll" Ann• Bini Ar- ..,.; Mid, p1rtnt ltduc1tion te1ch11 for • th1 LA. City Schoo:s. llct11f11 ind ltlb with 111 1udltnct ol pe11nb a Cll ID ill al Km !Cl • ·II CIS I.mine Nn1 (C) (JG)I ... •'Wl/lt1 Crcnhilt. )'..:,. ... ~ '!fJ Wh1f'1 MJ line (C) {30) ~J.. :m Pmwa1d 1c> (JO> .' ., ~ @@ Jou Ask1d IOI" It 11! ... INllC) (30) Autho< WI· l!i"111, M111d*tlf talk1 about lllt 11twllt Not "Tiit Alm• o1 Kr~p,,. •••• D KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Robtrl Goulet, Phil Sll~ettwm._ 8 ID C1J tD Kratt M11lc Mill (?) {M) "A Nl1trt Out Wftti tlle Boys." Robert Go11let holtl. Gutlla 1rt Edwtrd Vlll1ll1 and The l1tt11· min. Phil S~vt11 Is ••edtl 1uut. 8 Wflllldc (C) (60) Dick L1111 la rlii~1. QJ In for T111t Utt (C) (60) ID hn I~ ht.,.U.. ctl (W) £11)1N' ....... t:IOBlllHJl '-""' !Cl !301 Mtr r•rNdinr 1111 lint "1111prlt11 print In ttie!r llllfrillt l!nnse, LIN and Oliver Douall• llllCO'ttf fhty Wiii Ktl.llllY liclllted ti tttttltl dentistry Wlsteell of rn1nil1e. U11 ordtr1 Ollwr out or th1lr bltdrpo!!! until ht rn1k11 111 "hond wom•n" I out ol htr. CJ""" (C:) (30) Ted M1ytrs. 1 10:00 G 121 tlJ H1w1il r.....o (C) (iOl An 1msa1n ftlls 1 s!IHlent pllll!St l!lder dur!n1 1 conlront1tion In H1wai! betw11n 1 1raup al studtn1 !>Met demonstr1tars and 1 proml· 11ent ier111r1! of 1 Fu Etsttfn n1- tio11. 0 llJ (!)Ill Tho 0-w (C) (60) "H1ndl1 With Ctrt." On 11· ll1nment fOf 111 lnsur111U COITIPlll1 ltelnj llM'l'J' loSlu i"' • rllil ol lnkk robbtr\tt, Dnid R.oss J!OSIS '' a tloOd •nd lnllttralts • hil•U· ln1 rln1. um• ... !Cl 160) G M1111Ml Dlnoa (30) m T'lllt Slllw <'! (30) "A!ld Tht11 H1 Wrot1 • • . Jult sttn• and Phylli1 "•wm•n 1uest. G!)SM Tll {30) 10:30 m Mowit: MCIJ " l•W•" (dr1m1) '6l-V1n Htnln, limes MICA rtl!Uf. m """ itl (30) ~· , 9 Cl} ll'ltlif HQlbil1i• It) .,...,·: 'fDW1ndttlvtt (C) I ?. "" 'm Trvtli " C1nMt1ucncn (C) " ' ..... ~,, ~911111 CIM,Mll (C) (60) m Art '"' Arlk1I (30) ''Thi l.n1· 1@1 cauntry Chu1ch." A film stucly al lht chLHcll'• r1t1tionship lo Ena· li1h hidary 1nd Ill 11clli\ec:lu11'1 rt11t ionship to chu1ch lli1tor1. Sllown t tt dlurthes « l'Corn11n, '"ldlM~ Gothic i nd r1n1iwnc1 d1sl1n. I . D ~ ITl 11) T"' •<r••• (C) (IQ) "Eliun." CllJ Gr1in1er ind hit Sfliloll hinds lhwut 1 kldn1p-1111 .... Sill Hillll'J. I I . I:. ln1 1nd h1lp 1 }'Olllll l•dJ "rrow up." Dtbbit W1bon. Richard Yin Ylett ru~ as Eilun and lier ti111t1, 11:001J D @I)""'" (C:) who hirts Oii •t Sblloh lnco1nito. IJ ~ ltlkltceU D lHJ(])mK111 C••• tli• mun Cl• (C) (30) 111611 (C) (601 "The Crimpers..'' On 1 buslneu t1ip to Port Ant;ll11. J111my 1ftd .lostlue Bolt ''' lh1n1· haitd, le1vin1 Cork( lo return ta Sttttll •Ith 1111 ntlVI. Raum•~ DI C1mp 1u11ll II Mrs. nttclltr. 0 Millie• $ Ml'tlr. "Kil' Meelt" ..r .. (wufernl 'S2-t1ry Coop11, Gr1c1 ... ~"'Kelly. 11:30 8 M1,i1: MC.ant t!I• H11111• ·-~ (w1at1rn) 'S3 -M1cdcn1ld C1111. ..... r .. m Trvtb er C..n511fulnt11 (CJ (30) TtttY Writht. .... ..,...~ · ID ltrr'I M110n (60) D@ (Il IE T111l1kt SMw (C) .if!! bl!cllll ILi ta hzt (JO) ~ a rn Bisi ,, lh11ywotd -. • Iii) Un An11! "' ti F•np 1:00 m Hml (C) (30) 1J Ml'rie: "$pin 1 D11• Watl" (d11· m1) 'S6 -f1ith Dcmt11u1, l11 Patttnon. a @m m• ... 1Cl mi"""" Qll(J)h• """1 (CJ fJ!) Tiit City M1klrt (C) (30) Gtol· ri• l1Fsl1tor Julien Bond joint 01. •• Kenneth Clark for 1 lao' 1t the 12·00 D tm Cl) II Joe, Jlllttp (C) • .-; .. poU!lctl pow1r within th1 n1tlon's • ~ urban lrtlS. m 77 s.r.t Strtp ;; :m M1nt1 .. Mullttt r J2:;20CJMl'ril: "l \rt In lltonl 13" :S (myst1ry) '6l-Brl1n Dcnft\'J', All· 'i:JO IJ Ille Cud Cuys (C) (30) llulus dm Sqard. ~: • it dri\'ln to dtspll'•I• 111111ur11 le ~ .... ~a•t rid of ·~ ufl'l!l'elcon'I~ l!cu51 ,12:l0 (D Ad*! ntttr1: "Soie' of th1 ~ 11/Ut whtn his budd1. 81-T~m. Air .. ..r.r mavts i11 11111 1 t11ht will! ~IS w1tt. · .• • A11n Htlt ruests. · .. · o Wi11 With tllfl suri 1c1 130) 1:00 DD Ntws CCI (.tiff RObtrttan Ind Jlobtrt• Sh11· 8 Co111111111itJ •w!lttin IN!4 (q wood lut~I. o @rn m A1c w111•1•d•' tifowll: (Cj 'iTM Yount U.111" (d11· #",1 11'11) '5B-M1rl0ft Brando, MonllOfll· • , "Y Clift. Dttn Mtrtin. Mnlmililn • Scl\111. B1Md 011 Irwin Shtlf't bts1· 111llin1 nc'l'lll. thlt film ii tht ltl)f) of Cllristi111 DltlJll, 1 dldic.tlld cfflcet In 1111 Gtfman 1rinJ wllau dutlnr Is lnttrtw!Md with tllt du- ' , t111iU ol two Amlflun toldlua. I, I II-· ,,, T HUP~OAY OAmME MOVIES C:Lll' THIS AD AND SAVI OJ frt11 lilt 111.Wt 0111 (Cl 1:15 fJ httirie: "TM f1r1w1111 If c..,. tiTii llled" (advttrtun) '50-lo111t H.,..1rd, P11Jli:i1 Mld1M. 1:3Q ID M-JllCJtt Sitw: "Rotd to OIOf'f," ''lilll'lt Unto N!(ht," tnd "Blondt 101 1 Der." tO:OO CJ 'Tift ••"-Mtld' (ctmtdrl ·et~fli• ~IC$, CJ• Cllel1SM. l2:lCI OJ "Wit"* • ..,. (dr1m1) 'I~ -.lelln Mll1t. "Atli111td te 1111..,... (1dvtntllrt) '4a.-G•M Rl)'l'llOftd. T.V. '7.50 OJrf TOUll Nm SllYICI CALL !Oflff" 1•,lr" M•~ J1 , lfOJ SALIS I. SllVICI ZIN!TH ,.., b"" & ._ti"-Sttvke: 642·9742 275 E. 17th ST., COSTA M_ESA JUDGE PARKER '#MA.f"S WRONG, Ml;,_ P.i.l!;KE( •• c.i.r oor 'f0\111: TI>WGllE? OICJ "°' A.SK. ™E JUCIGE II" ME Rffll\EM· IEll:S !"M"T DA.Te TMIS IS? MOON MULLINS Mun AND JEFF S?l,.\S\o\ SPL..4~, 'l •:iPLA SH , -rt .. ~~L~~/f GORDO -\\.~,f'·;:~ --·---·--··-· MISS, PEACH 1 • "-C'-l.."'f SC..t\Oo'-• OU"M~'tlc. S'oc.1fi'T'/ j I I ' • e ,., , .... .,." "~~tO • Jl)U £T" S°'"-1'1..iC' LINO.A ... JU'"''".,. At..r• _..f',~An.tJJC ; '!f\A I f"'llNlJ,.it ' ~ ~. Arl.THUtl, ,._ M,ti.n.c.1-". • I 60TTHE CONWf 01-UES, AN' EPIC'S GOT THE HORSE BLUES JEFF, T+IAT S'mANGE NOISE IN YOUl1. +IEAO· ~.~AT··· I +IAO il!XCUPS OF COFFEE T+llS MORNING' W+loN· EVER I OR.INK. TOO MUCH IT SPLASHES Al<DUNO INSIDE MY +loAOI //OW CAN w~ 61/0W QJR /llSAffi!CT/ON! SAY, MAAGlA yq11•U, Nctl' THE :/;TAR OF THE SHOW1 1 AM! Saunders and Overgard n. .._~ nt1 ""'1'fLmR;\lll/Hs.•T' TIE ""-Kl ....., POOll JIOOY DOYtR ""'5 MUROIRIP.f TMEY WNlf .J:> \.oQC OVllil MW~ -tot NIVCUl!S 't> TUE ' MOTt\'I/ By Harold Le Doux A!! A MA.TTEr OF FA'T. t'fll\ JUST 601NG TO KEE, YOU GllffilNG ~R I.. WHtl!, ALAN! SIT DOWN .. WEtL f'A'IE A l>!.UE-IN By Al Smith YOU ALMOST YEH SPl.JT YoUR I WAS +IEAO' GOING> OPEN . ON A . -· COFFEE e.R.eAK By Gus Arriola MUSICAL • VARIETY ~ Robert Goulet above • ' ' t hosts the MuS1c Hall 's "A Night Out With-the Boys," tonight on Channel 4 at 9 p.m., in color. The musical-variety will have as guests~ Phil Silvers, Edward ViJJella and the Lettermen~ .Skit features Goulet and Silvers as the first two people on earth. TELEVISION VIEWS Nixon Uses TV Easily By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -Preiident Richard M. ~ixon's r,ress conference format contin\le~ t~ .Work effective y for the President and hf:!:lpfttlly for the television audiences. , The President in his Tuesday night report on his recent European tour stood as usual before a microphone on an unadorned platform and spoke directly to the reporters and cameras in front of him. The session lasted just under an hour. THE PRESIDENT opened wlth a brief. state- ment, expressing hopes for a new international at· 1 mosphere oI confidence and trust .and then laid down the ground rules -any area of foreign policy coul d be covered but he would revea1 nohe of .the confidential and personal conversations with Euro- pean leaders. . Then, in response to questions, he covered su-0. jects ranging from our response to attacks ·from llanoi, the West Berlin situation. Ar'ab-lsraeli rela- tions and our relationship to France. He answered fr~nkly, carefully and briefly. lie seemed com· pletely at ea.se, seemed fresh and untired and at his best. TO MAKE ROOM for the press conference. ABC preempted the· one--hour "It "Takes a Thief" and sli pped in the half-hour Jong ''N.Y.P.O.," at 8:30 PST. CBS skipped 11 The Red Skeltdn sbow"'in favor of the shorter "Doris Day Show" usuaUy seen an · hour later. N.BC just dropped the first hour of its t\vo-hour "First Tu~sday" news round-up . Earlier. Jacques Yves Cousteau and his ln- trepid divers·took viewers undersea on a very mod- ern treasure bunt. The hour-long ABC prbgram v.1as one of the most fascinating in lhe thoroughly delightful series, COUSTEAU and company located the skeleton of an old sailing ship that long ago sank on a shal· lo w coral reef oil Puerto Ric'o. Since a Spanish gal· !eon, a treasure ship, was k:noWn to have broken up and sunk in that vicinity, the crew of thaf float· ing laboratory: the Calypso, tµrn~ gold·seekers. As usual, the undersea photography.· was the most int!resting part of the program, but this time there was , for added interest, the sight of the equi~ ment used by 20th century treastire hunt~rs. THE DIVERS were aided by a powel'ful under· sea vacuum cleaner that sucked up coral and other debris from the ocean floor and poured It into baskets. The crew turned up cannon, cannon balls. metal plates, cups and other table \Yare they ex· citedly believed 'vas rare Chinese porcelain. But no treasure. - AFTER DAYS working on the coral floor, they turned up a ship's weight that bore a 1756 date - 100 years after the Spanish galleon went down . What the Calypso had found , it seemed, was a Dutch merchant ship which had been carrying a car11:0 of rum and crockery. The crew was disappointed, but it was a Cine hour of television. Detanls the Menace / 1 I I • 'Only' ~1h% ~se_j_n Livirig .~osts? 111 SYLVIA PORTEii You wculd be no more than bullhlly cynical If you ...Ued .-blt -1t-N-t-s e D Admlnlstnlloo'• wtll publici>- ed detdrnl.oaUoo to slow our rate ol lnDIUoD to .. ooly" 3~ ...-In t• -partlclllarly since llJe ,...,. .. ,..,. nt• of rile ls cumotly at more than Ill por<a>t. "Ollly i ll percenL?'' you mJPl II)' ... Johmoa &aid tblt WIS h1I coal looj wt dldn'f' hive lo eled a Republican Prtsldtnl lo &et I b I I 'bold 1ttack' on the price aplral!" •YJa!, ONLY " I would retort to you - ' aOd we will be lucky, I ith llllbri>lt, if we achieve thla degree~ 9f alowdown in remaining nine months of . The bi~t single re~n ls the ooe I've been trying to pound home in my columns over the put few yean. In brief, lhe cost of services - accounting for more than 35 percent of total consumer spending now and otlll a· panding -has been cllmbing at a f percent annual rate and with few e1ceptions, the coot of servlce! )I h o w s absolutely no signs of easing. If anything, many major services (bosplt.al c o s t s , education costs, automobile in· suranee. persona.I services) art continuing to become ever more costly. And the blunt fact b that unless we achieve a sigrdftcant slowing ln the 6 percent rate of rise in service costs, we Can get relief only U we bold down the rate of price rise: in goods {ranging from clothes to cars. from food to furniture) to the 11h percent T8.fll?e. THE ODDS on attaining this nicavune rate of ri!'.e tn costc; nf all goods In 1969 att: n6t high. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CllTll'IC.1.Tll 01' •UllNf.11 ~ l'ICTITIOU$ N.1.MI TM unll1tll.,.... clo ~1f'I' ttlly trt r:on11uc11nt • W.lneu 1t C&1l1 Mew, Cttlfarnlt , ll'llOl!r "" flct1llOVI l!r"' NIN el "NEWPORT 8UllOING MAIN· TEN.1.HCE" Incl ,,.., UICI fll'lfl ls (Oln- POttcl el 1M fo11ow1.,. per-. ......,,.. l'IM'\U 111 ,,,. tl>d tlKa el r~lde!ICI ..... follc!wl: Roti.•I J. I I-1..d Z..ln Ot8or6f, •SH~ WHI 11111 Strfft, Colli Mn.I, C.Nfornll. Otll!lt Ft'Pl'Vlrt ,s, 1 .... •• ,, J. •1- l1ln Dt&orde 11•1• at C1lll<:irnl1, Ori.,.... Coun1y: On Ftt>nl9"1' ,S. Ifft, blfflA mt, I Natl"" l'"'°Tlc I" ""' for 11loll Statt, l'e<llG""ll1 •-••!!It Robert J. 11.1">1 •n<I 111" Ot&orde known hi ~ l'O bot !he Pffl-......,.. M"'" tre wt1Kr111o- -f lo ttw w1tlllll lnstn'"'"'' ""' t CllnowltOltcl 1t1n 111.KVIM tl>t 1111'11. IOFFICll\L ~E..1.L) JosllP!o E. 01m N~ltry Publl(-CtHfO'"lt Prl!IC!,.t Ot!kt I~ 0rl"9t CovrifJ' M' C-lsllDn fkfl.., J~ 21. "1' l>ubll•P'ltel Orlf•llf Cotll 0.llf flllO!, l'ltbf~rt ,. '"" Mire" $, 11. 19. ... .... LEGAL NOTICE -We an duo! IOI' 1 levtlln( ln food price l ncreaaes became Ct'fat.tr suppllel are In-Iha o111o1__1n---(OO<I cat.egoriel. We abo are due for only ~ moderate lncrtues Ill aulomobU. prices boc.l!uoe no major new safety features are · scheduled for next fall's 1970 models ud U!ed car pried bov• --Ually., Bllt all ,.. can hope for ls •~ modest 1lo'lfdown in lbepace. -01,e of our moat powerful anf.i.inllation weapons -tight a n d hi.storically expe.naiire credil -Is In IJstU con- trlbutln& lo the •plral In living costs. All u:tra dollar spent &o borrow _money ls one Jess dollar in the poctet: tbe im- pact on living colts is tbe sam< "' though th< dollar v.·ere spent for food. -WHILE UNION wage PRE-SEASON SWIMMING POOL SALE GIANT lh41 POOL·FILTH·GIOUND PAD·CHIMICAL DISPENSER e.,t.\t ......... w.1.11.•AMTY ...... "'°. "-""·· • 6" TO' IAIL 6"' UP'llOHT NOW ONLY POOL TABLES 7 Fl'. a FT. 9 FT. • n.•UNIWI llLUAU TAIUS •295 ..... IM\9" ... Ol'IJI 1 I.An 11 TO 7-:SUM. 11 TO ' SALE SALE MWUll TOUl TAlD NOW! LIFE TIME SU TE ~~289 OM •• OYER THE COUNTE.R $1 Billion Suit Filed Against State S&L,s LOS ANGELES (UPI) - California savings and loan associallons were named Mon· day In 1 $1 billion suit charg- ing them with obtaining that amount in illegal interest nnd rees during the pa st four years. Four savings and loan associations -American. Vic- tory, Columbia and Home - were s~ifically namtd plus "all other savings and loan a.uociaUons in the state of Callromla similarly situated." The plalntlrrs were llarve.y G. Cooper, a Los Angele.s at· Growth Con ti nues. ConslrUCtion In Soulhern California has il'ICreastd each month during the pest )'(!ar, 1ccordin1 to the economic research department at Security Pacific N • t I o n a 1 Bank. -A- ' .... !..:! ~t! e :::-~ ~j tU • 11~ !+~ If'~ •s !ii 1¥"a t ~ -· ·~ '.: .. ::~ -11• t+1n ~ + ~ .. _ .. • + •• •• i-ll~ -,, i -1 ~~ ~" +. I + \t • t +· .. • +l<t . _, .. • + ~.; '" ,_, '·~ I .... , .. '. ,_, .:.: 1\ t + ., ' -'• _ .. '+ '• -" ,+ +~ + "' -" _ .. +l''t -+ ,,. .:.: ,.(' t" v, + ·~ . " +• + .. -1'" -.. + " -" +1·~ ... .:.:··· +1'"1 +1·~ -.. _,, + •• +,:: _., -··~ _,, + '• + .. t"· t" .. -,, t .• '• -'• -1•• ... ... -,, . .. -'• "" -'• " -'• -'• I •, t". -'• -'• • _, . " ). I~ ... -.. ,, ~ ''• . '• _, -.. . .. ·l'i . " • \i _, . " _,, .. , ... " .. . " ' _, " ... " ·• " ... -~ '• ' •• '• " • " • .. .. .. " ., '• .. •• • • '• .. '• '• " '• '· '• .. .. '• .. '• .. . , '• .. .. , '• '• •• •• .. .. ' • " " " .. • • • • • • t , • • • • • • • • I I ' ' . , . w~~ay's , • Oosing Pri~-~mplete New York ----.. . '-• Wtd•••4'>'. Mu<~ 5, 1'6t H Stock Exthange List ........ --~ -' ... 1 11tli ~' I" .! . v•:ir: J-t! ft ,JI" ~ + • zlrc1 ,..11 " as " -~ ' "'"' I 1 I I • I • ' .. Wodntlda1, -S. lW.. RQP,RlllER HE~IQUARTERS FOR :-; ORANGE COUllIT . --! ' • '69 ROADR'llNN•il USED LOW LOW MIUS. $577 • Pl"' Ta• • & Lie. $19 Down & $19 Monthly '65 MERCURY ' Sedln, •111-1111; rMIJo, he•!.,, '· 11-1119, AIR, NMK 1611. $877 Pl•• Tax & Lie. ... $29 Down & ·: ''.$29 Monltlly . '64 OLDS-,- '62 MONZA Coll~. Rfdio, ~fft.r, ',peed. KHJ 227 s377 ""Tu ' lie. · ;SJJ Dow11 & , -, ~I~ Mo11tldy '65 YW ... :~ail v.w .. ' . YA.CU1NT IMS Wll!Ofl. R&H. ' sPMCI, "''" .11 •• s.s9'"7p ~ P\11• Tu . r /11k. $29 Do""' &. 529 Mo11thly < -/ rldk> I. 111.rw. , RIK t1t) s9.77 '"·" , Pr1co • $33 Down $33 Mo. : Sl•.D••..& SI' Mo11ttly '64 CHEV. IMl!llU S.S. 2 Cir. H.T. Y ... Ill. "· bud.ft Jfftl .. _, •• W)(lt •ll. $777 $26 Down & $26 Monthly '63 CHEV. $.t 77 Pl"'!•• U & lie. $23 Down & $23 Montltly . ·~aoDGE p5•1rt.,,:.T .. 11:1.H, ,wr, 1tMr. $)7,7 :.~:~ $11 * $13 DN. 'lO. '&T OPEL ·KADETT ll lollv• $)1'~ 2 Or ~ ~ "-o!er. '!e' 1oe.i1. •••l~ii ' llr•OO!. U E 3'. s117· 7 PI••'.•• & Lie. $39 Down & $39 Monthly Any Used Car With Gold Seal • HAS • • ' . PILO'llADV!RTISll... 1969 .\(Ai;IANT uiii1 LOW, LOW .~ILEI .1 IMMfDIA:tt' ~ll!YllY • ' . • ¥ ;voLuMi stu1NG·iA1Ails YOLuM\ sAY!MGs · 5 ACRES OF NEW CARS TO CHOQSE FROM WHY PAY :MORE . . ' ·. } I . • . ' I I I '· • }I ' \ ' "' ' Wtdnt!dq, M11t~ S, 1969 WASHINGTON (UPI) The Nb'on admlnf.straUon has announced a crackdown on the ••subtle fonns" of school 1egregaUon in 14 norUlem and western states. Secretary 'Robert •r. Finch of Health, Education and Welfare announced the "Na· tionvi'ide Title VI Compliance Program" Tuesday in a report to Congress. The department will send 11 more agents into the .states involved to in- vestigate Sf':grcgation com- plaints. Finch announced Ute new steps in a report entiUed •·Establishing a Nationwide School Deliegregat i on ------.... '· "I -It'• stupid-bat wh&t -me! rm watching it •••• .. I WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sprint missilu to give added LAS VEG AS, Nev. (AP) _ President Nixon Jnd the Na· proteeUon to U.S. offensive An FlllA 1 · fight tional Security Council , held missiles in their underground sw ng-wtng ·1 er-a tw'J-bOUI" "full discUM1lon'1 silos. bomber craahed on a training t o d a y of .th e Sentlntal -Using Sprints to protect flight Tuesday, the 13th loss AnUballlalic Missile (ABM) some U.S. strategic bomber ' of the two-man, $6 rnilllor. system. Nixon says he will bases against surprise attack plane that developed from the announce next week a decision by Soviet submarine-launched controversial TFX program. whether wort on the system missiles. This also involves will be resumed. building radars so that they Both pilots ejected safely. Delense Secretary Melvin It face .to sea as well as toward The crash came while planes Laird told newsmen after the the missile approaches across searched deserts and moun-meeting that no firm decision the Arctic. tain.s oi Nevada and Utah for was reached. The Wl)ite House Proposals along these lines another FlllA, Jost three said there was a· '' f .u 11 have been drafted in the v:eeks ago. discussion" of the matter. The Defense · Department for con- President told his news con-sideralion by Ule National 1\-laj. William Baechle, 34, ference Tuesday night that he Security Council and Nixon. af New York, and Maj. would weigh the ~&tter the I f a~pr.oved they wou ld be Edward Schmit Jr., 36, ol-rest of thls week. proMSed to Congress a! Prescott, Ariz .• ejected safely After more than a month changes in the Sentinel ABM f P t lud ·bl system planned by the last 80 miles north of here. They o en agon s y, a poss1 e administration for the mid 'tl'ere taken by helicopter to nhtw anU~thi.ssl.lte pll.anbeis takllied' g 1970s. Pr9gram Under Title VI of ---------------------, a. hospital but the Air Force s ape, WI 51 es 0 mov ....;;="----~----! farther from big cities. ~ a;aid they were unhurL The' IKE i.tAKES PROGRESS the Civil Right.s Act of 1964.'' The report was requested by Congress in. the Labor-HEW Appropriallo!! Act of 1969. ;'Every effort has been rriade by this department lo comply with the Congressional mandate for a nationwide ap- plication of Titlf': VI," Finch tiaid in a lf':ller to House Speaker John \V . W.cCormack. "Justice carmol be served through t h e unequal en· forcement or any law." Nixon told the news con- Senators Hear Tale plane crashed and burned in ference he would make a.d- six inches of snow. ditlo~al sLudies in v o Iv in g Eleven fliers have been kill· Defense Department a n d Of Prison Tortures f':d or reported missing in the "other experts" before Jnak-WAS HINGTON (UPI) Fill. ing his plans public. Former Prsideut Dwight D. According to informed Eisenhower "continues to The Air Force say~ ... the sources, Defense Department show satisfactory progress" in WASHINTGON !UPI) -Al the Virginia PeniteDtiary, a prisoner was locked in solitary confinement "without speak- ing to another human being for five and a half years." J. Hirschkop, an American Fil l's accident record is"'b:et-thinking now leans toward : rec<1ve ry from surgery, his ter than that of most fighter· -Moving proposed AB~f doctors reported today. Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) bombers. Spokesmen claim its silts away from big 'cities, With Elsenhowfr's ·condilion lawyer who has worked for innovations such as the mobil e including Boston, Chicago and steadily improving, and his years On behalf of Virginia wing a n d . terrain-following Seattle. heart remaining stable follow- prisoner.s, said there was no -A strong recommendation ing the Feb. 23 operation for radar would make it likely to tbe White House to exf':rcise an Intestinal block, Walter sign cf change. to have some accidents in what has Jong been an option Reed ~· Hospital issued CELEBRATE WITH US! OUR . SECOND BIRTHDAY ALL NEXT WHK MARCH 10. U MY&l'ERY SHOPPER will atroll the mall and pay ror your putcb&ses. You may be surprised M the cash regiii.er wheo your parchllM: is paid fO<. Bring the cbildren. Tbef ride THE CAROUSEL FREE! Also, free balloons! YOUR HOROSCOPE: In the Carousel Court an Wf.f. 082 makes ~our personality analysis by astro1· ogy an exciting uperieDCf':. Pickup dr•win9 slips for ell e xp•nsa p•id trip to Hawaii, Magnavox ll inch Color TV, in eny sfor• next weak! 5outh foast ?laza ... - TiUe VI bars federa) finan· cial assistance to any pro~ram or activity that disc riminatrs on the basis or race, color or national orig in. Guards at Cummins Prison Farm in Arkansas caught a canvict planning an escape. They whipped h i m, stuck needles under his fi ngernails and toenails, pulled hi s genitals with "'ire pliers, cracked bis knuckles with nul· crackers, burnf':d his stomach and legs with ciga rettes and kicked him in the groin. "The public does not care ea~ly stages. in ASM planning: Employing only 1 one.tine bulletin today. about the men it aends to\--:--'..:___.:::_c ______ __::::..:.:::~::::.:::~..::::.:::::::'.~__'.'.'.:'.:'...::'.'.'.'.':'.'.'.'.:..'.'.:'.'.'.~~~'.:._'.:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ex-Garrison Aide Rapped NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Following up Clay L. Shaw'$ conspiracy trlal acquittal with a salvo or legal charges, Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison accused his former research assistant with illegally aiding Shaw's lawyers in their defense . Garrison .charged Thomas Bethell. Tuesday with sup. plying Shaw 's attorneys with a secret list of. prosecution witnesses prior to Shaw 's trial on charges of conspiring 1o rnurder Pre.sident John J•. Kennf':dy. Bethell left Garrison's staff last fa ll . At Lorton Reformatory, a youth institution o u t s i d e WashiDgton, D:C., a df':fective metal press used to make District of Columbia license tags smashed the hands of its convict operators year after year. Repair requests were ignored. These and -otheT tales of toa;t.ure and neglect were un- fdld~ befOre tbt Seaate Juve!lle Delinque'.ncy Sub· committee Tuesday in its in· vf':stigation af prisons. The witnesses, f o r m e r Arkansas Penitentiary Supt. Thomas 0. Murton and Ph.ilip PRE- EASTER prison," Murton testified. "It does not care whether or not prisoners are beaWi, exploited or subjected to inhumal\ con- ditions. The public does not 'Yant prison reform because it actually does not want to know what goes on in prisons and thus the inmate Ls at the mercy of his guard." Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rocke!eller·told a Little Rock news coo!erence the atate would seek "equal time" before the subcommittee to rebut Murton's acCU!ations. John Haley, chairman of the Slate Boar< o! Cornctlon, chatged Murtan's '!'attack wa s scurrilous, nprebenlible and wi)hout fooodation of tact. ''Tom ls a bi{ter and" vindic- tive man bent on attempting to injure Arkansas with his distortion and picture of wha t existed yf':ars ago," Haley said. SALE MARCH 6·7·8 DOWNING STREET PRINTS Dacron (polyester) Ir AYril 45'' wide, pemM111ent Press. R ... price 1.59 PRINTED VOILES 98' Docro11. "Poly.st•" & Cotton 79' R ... 1.4' .1.6' -SPECIAL DAN RIVER CHECK GINGHAMS 1 oo•;. cotton. l/4 "' 1/1 .. ancl 1" checks. R ... 79c COHON SATINS 59' Many handscreened, fin• 19lectl0tt. R ... 1.H • 2.49 1~49 DOTTED SWISS D«rH "Polyetttf" Ir Cotto11. 45" wide. R ... 1.n 98' RUSSELL R1BBED COTTON Ribbed Cott ... it5" wide . R ... 1.6' 98' II COSTA MESA H•IMr C"'" 2300 H_..., IM. • DAN RIVER SHORTS Checks. thipcs, pi t. . ..:;, Valu11 to l.2' LEATHERETTE 69' 60" wide, R ... 2.91 ) SPICIAL 2.29, DACRON -"POL VESTER" DOUILE ~NIT 60" wide, 4 95 Good color selection SPECIAL o DAN PRESS SOLIDS ~=;Polyester' & Cotton. 8°' R ... 1.1' 7 FINE QUALITY COTTONS CLOSE OUT 2 ,~ 51 HOMESPUNS LI•" type, Prlob I. l'loln1.1 49 45" wlcle. ... R ... 1.91 o COSTA MESA M ... C•ttr 121 L 17111 St. Do the •Pring tbingi Pluck a lr,.h QualiCrafL ahoe ab.ape-like• black manmade pata.t pump with the'hi·rise in front that'11 on top today. The toe obapeo a round curve, the heel stands full and hi11h. For 9.99, it'• one or the way• Qu.aliCraft keeps you up on the news. See city oandals. fresh 'Pectaton, oolter pastel• and pale neutrals, brw buckles, refined brogues, ro.tic stacked heels. 6 99 10 99 Great. or '69 niooUy , to -, • ....... v.,.. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON CENTER SOUTH COAST PCAZA COSTA MESA ' ' HUNTINGTON •I.EACH • " • • • • --~·---~-==----= !.c ;,. Tiiu.yp~. EDITo~ PAGE I ~In T ime of Trouble A disaster brines out the beat and the worst In people. The 1t.onn that devastated the Soulh Goel! and other regions of california was ~. ~ception., M01\\y the good rose to the surface, the' human compaS5ion for others in trouble. Laguna Beach may have been a mlcrocoam of the "'"JlPl1S" that trouble was brinJjng In many places. Take Dave Greene for instance, a long.time La· guna Beach resident Ii• knew immediately that the downtown was in tniuble early Monci.r JJ)oriliDJ when Iha drainage channel aloog Broadway was blocked by debris and began overllowing. · Despite age and poor b.eallh,, Greene waded Into the torrent and bepn w""Ulng !~er and other ma- terial aside so the water could pass. Downtown bull• n .. smen and residenta owe blQl " debt of lflltllud" The bighly·t.outed generatii>n gap seemed to have melted in the flood waters also. Certainly the young people were much In evidenee, They helped Dood victims, filled and hauled l!Bndbags, shoveled mud, aided evacuees and did 1,001 otller vlW chores. Laguna's Explorer ~u and many otbera pitched in. . Laguna's hippies. too, were in the main stream of things, helping a community !hat bas pretty generally scorned them.· Their cODtributions may be worth re- membering during the next intolerance session. That old cllche, "above and beyond the, call ol duty," certaiiily can be hawed out again and poli.!l!ed up for the city work force and other employes o! pub- lic agencies. Many worked to the point o! exhawtion In bitterly adverse conditions. 'Ibe street department, firemen, water dilltrlct employes and even clerical workers in many cues put In a phenomenal number o! houn; to gulJ'CI their city and It. people. · There was the dark Bide too. Would·be looters prowled the bard~hit canyon, human scavenaera ready to prey oo ddwn-and-out fellow humans. But people 1enerally came through like champs. They sheltered the displaced, o!fered lood, clothing and ' pllyslcal asmtance. Lagun01>s can be proud. A group calling ltsell "Coocerned Parents" bas zeroed in on sex education at C8pi1trano Unified School Dilltrict. _ The •erm ••zeroed in" mu.st be taken in a pretty broad sense since a broadside lllst week was not only wide of 'the mark, it was fired at an illusion. The sex education spectre projected at a meeting in Fon;ter Junior Hilb School had the elements of a meJodrama thriller: a Communist conspiracy that could trample religious convictions and produce per~ verts: It had ·llttle to do, however, with ·the Family Lile Education program presently in use in the district .or with anyttiing that h contemplated for the district. The optional program now in use was worked out carefully with participating parent groups and was more than a year in development. Anaheim educ~tors have proved that a well pre .. pared opt.ionaJ sex education program can have a val· uable role in th.e schools. Concerned parents would do well to consider the spec\fics 'ot the Capistrano program rather Uian con· juting up a jumbo Pandora's box ol evils that don't u!st. (L) DeGaull.e Way Relocate Orange County Airport, but • • • ' . Is Persistent Anrwyance WASHINGTON -'ll1ere are two way• of vi<w!ng Pr..i.imt Nixon's trip to Euro~ There la our w~. And ~ is De Gaulle's way. Our way -the American way -ls rt1111urin& and familiar. We wou1d rather not noUce the De Gaulle_ WIY -and yet there Jt is, a mild and peralslent ~yance -like crumbs in an olhuwise com- foriable bed. In our way of vieWinl the President'~ Grand Tour, everytblng the ~ Nld realJlrmed """"' and est.-principle. Of coone we will defend NATO; of coune n have a specW relationship wlth_England; of coarw w,e ,..k Wooleni Unity. Even Mr. Nixon I declaration that we are all Berllnerl was hut a mild upgradln( of what John Kennedy taught UJ to believe. It Wll all at customary u the bouRbo1d furniture. TO BE SURE, it WU pun ctremony. Nobody actually believes that Mr. Nlxon accomplished anything ei;cepl to ahow the Europeans that he was not Tricky Dick, 00t a oeriOWI and friendly cblef or a great l!tate. Tbe true value of the presidmUal trip can. be summed tJP in the ancient and bucolic couplet: The cow kicked N eUy in the belly in the ham; Didn't do her uiY good, didn't do her any hamt. And yet Jt did reaffirm what we believe. Or did il? There it is agal:o. that haunlin& U...11 ol Do Gaulle, cuilng doubt upon cur awn innermoat con- ~ciences as though we were not prin- cipled leadt111 of a grand alliance but mere men, looking firat to our own 8kim. DE GAULLE DOESN'I' belleve what \\'e say. He doesn't believe we believe iL He aays that there ls in the world ••a new and gigantlc fact," nllDd1 the ability of the Soviet Union to deltru7 the United Stat.a. Beca.,. ol lh!a !act, he lmpljed, we will not defend Europe. Dol!pile all our phruel, we will looll first to ourselves. . tt wu after the mislilt c:rllla o1 October, 111112, thal Do Gaulle pul farlh this view, and be U!ed the mlJllle cr!lll to rupport il There ia truth to hll logic. For In those 13 daya of drudtu1 danger we did not aak the Berllnerl If they were ready for invulon. We did not uk the Europeam whether they were ready ror nuclear war. We dealt with the Ruulans as one to one. We thought firlt or ounelvu. Dear Gloomy .Gus: 1 Mr. ,..,. ... will the ml mtm- bffl of Lq)ma'1 CIU-Advioory C"!l'l'tl ~ -1lp. 1' --G.T.M. •s._. ........ ..... _11' DE GAULLE'S LOGIC lmplleo • queo. lion: W011ld we ollo think Im of ounelvu lf Soviet Jroopa: marched fntl) BerllnT Would we 'ftaUy rilk some 20 m!Dlon dead in • llnlle nuclqr elChango in order to prove that we are an Berlinen? Or that we believe In Euro- pean unity! Or thal we have a special retaUonahlp with !;nilllld! Even u Mr. !/lxoo reallirms the faith, the devil's advocate gains converts. Former Sec. of siale Dean Ruak bas espreaecl f-about a new period ol 11o1au.n. The area1e11 part o1 the u .s. Arrey, lar from beln& ready to defend the llfand alliance, la boaed down in Soulh" Vldlllm.rAnd who ·Ji to say that the young· men of. America, many of whom view the wv in Southeast .Mia • such ~. would look upon a con.frootatlon In Europe as a duty? Porticubrly, a duty pu""1 on to them by a ....,allm Ibey do. not hold in hlP tqanl! 'tHI DE GAULLE view is un- comfortable and ohamlng. And yel alter the Manball Plan, alter the Berlin airlift, alter NATO and a united Europe, alter all the forgotlen -phruel, there la that naulnl leor that he mfgbl be right. If be la rtghl, he wUl oot only have ouUivtd Franklin Rooaevtlt aod Winston ChurchUl; he wlll have reversed thtm -and obllteraled the lesson. of hlJtoey which they thought they bad handed down. By Frank Mukfewic:I n d Totn Braden Work fo r It f1111, Te-. N1W1·Berald1 "What la ~1 Iba moil senaibll Idea to ,coino out pl Washlniton In a iood maa1 ,.an II th• one madt by a con· _.,,, ..... that ahll·bodlod "'"" ... · r.iltf Jd]J be required to Clo 1om1 work ill exchance for tbeir cheek•. oa. Polllblllty monUoned was ptcldns ap d"ebril>oa\onf publlc roads. Man:I 1Jmllar fil>ea of work could be con· aide.red. This suggesUon ls probably quite .appalling to most of the present gener.ation of reliefu1 who have been broueht up in the belief that tl)e eovernment owes every man • living, but those of us who can remember \he deprell51on days of the 1930's arl!I made to wonder how, why and when the idea of performing some service ln return for government support wts droP- ped." AccerdlDJ to the publlcattoa. ''The JCanw R11taurant ,•• ''Food marketing 1trvlee1 have increased 117 percent slnce 1940, while the volume of food marketed has 1.ncrtagect only 70 percent. Therefore • large part of the price of food ts not tor the product Itself but for costs Involved ln eettin& food from farm to table mort np!dl)'. maklnr foocll ,anilablt all , .. ,on1 of !hi year, prt>vkfinl buDMn COD· venlence1 'fTV dinners, etc.) e1· pa.ndlng parking facilities 1t the retail stort. Ud other factors which make poulble quicker 1bopp\ng, leu time In th• lllt<ben and a variety of selection which is tbe envy of the world." 'Leave To the Editor: I I become ao irritated and irked by unlmqtnattve and unreallJt!c people when I hear them l!Uil•sl that El Toro llhould aban !ta laclllUes with the private atrlim or move to the desert u one reader auuests bocaule of the problem of increased air traffic in Orange Counly. • I think El Toro is a .. vital link in tho defe.,.. system ol lhil counlryflllnd ahould not be di!turbed by clvillan11. U the Marines should move to the desert the economy of the county would suffer. MARINES AND their families buy and rent homea, spend their well-deserved u larlea in many areas of the county and contribute in numeroU1 ways to the communities in which they reside. 1be families who were recently evacuated from flooded disaster areas were more than grateful~ to have our ,,.uung Marines come to their aid ao quickly. '[bey would not have been of any ualatance out on the desert. 1 favor reloca11on of the Orange County Airport .hut I uy "LEA VE EL TORO TO THE MARINES.'' ¥AJIY JANE DUGAN SPITZER Airport Con.,mlmre To the Editor: To lhe people with a bumper sUcker on their car reading "Ban Jet Planes At OranJe County Airport," and all the other nolle abatement whiners, may they have to drive to Loa Angeles Interna· lional Airport every day for a week with their entlrt family, including pets and a acreaming baby that never atops. May they all be packed into a c;ar that II black inside and out with tho doors sealed lJld with tho wlndowl OJ!}y opening one half lnch, plus DO air con- dlUonlng. May the temperature outaide be t9 to 103 degrees and may there be a "smog alert." May they get stuck for three hours In a trafllc jam and may I.hey not be able to find a place to part once they get to tho airport. And, finally, may they miss their plane. IF 'MUS DOUN'T teach them what a coovtrueoce they have in their backyanl and they" llUCCeod in 1•Wn1 Orsnp C.W.ty Airport moved to Doath Valley, I 1UJ1POSO their next project wUl be to man Niagara FallJ nolseleu. Tilt amoant ol Ume, ellort and money spenl 111 their project could have been tpenl tn lnstamnc acoostical tile. etc., ..---B11 Geor1e ---. Dear George : t have a problem and I believe you are just the one to help me. I am D years old and lnttruted In meeting and becoming 3.C- qualnted with the hand!ODle young motorcycle policeman as1igned lo the $hopping center where I work. I've tried a couple of Umea to !trike up a cooveraaUon with him In the drugstore, hut he's too Illy. llow can T get him to speak to me and to remember me! WISTFUL Dtal Wl.Uul: Speed a JQI. DeBr George: When • woman gets 1 divorce 11 tht man :iupposed to hock her ~111emtnt ring? LOUISE ll<&r 1Ariw. . ft 11 not mandatory, e:Uquette experta aarM. I personally feel that • min his no right lo bock bll ex-wile 'a tngageme.nt ring. He al>oold ha•• though! of thla before the divorce was final. El Toro to the M . ' ar1nes · / Letters from rtader1 arc toelcome. NormcU11 writer• ahould conveu thei1' tnf!UCgc in 300 words or less. The right to condt.nlt. lettef'! to fit space or eliminate libel is 7'eserved. AU letters mtut include signature and mailing address, "but ttames may be withheld on request if sufficient ,.ea· ion is apparenc. to soundproof their homes. and they could have turned their attention to more worthwhile projeet3 such as starvation in tht United States, etc. AN ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT LOVER Slap.happfl Motorists To the Editor: Wow! What a story by Arthur Vinsel Utled, "Jt Can Be A Very Personal Thing,"'i.n the March 1 DAILY PlLOT! It took me back to the days when I did some research on ambulance driv· Jng. What I found out then was appalling enough, but today the ratio of horrib le accidents his increased ten fold . Mr. Vinsel's story is a good cross-section of what is going on everywhere. PEOPLE A.RE in such a damned hurry to go somew~. and come back from IOJ?lewbere, that common s e n s e regarding the dynamics of speed is ut • terly ignored by (J) the slap-happy pleasure motorist who is oblivious or the danger, and (2) the shipper wba puts caravans of merchandise on the road without proper inspection regarding the hold-dowm: or the materials, which too often separate from th,. load and are strewn on the freeway to block the oncoming traffic and cause 1 crash. I have seen this happen repeatedly. MR. VINSEL'$ story shauld be copier! and presented to fulure drive.rs as "must" reading before they gel thtir license. Of course I would nol want to be quoted aa being oppaaed to "progress," but I do think that Mr. Vinsel's story on traffic safety has a rnesuge for nll of us, and I hope that his meS8age wlll bt received by all motoriJts who want to stay alive. MILT BASHAM Faretlous T11pes To the Edi tor: we live in the Glen Mar Tract just north of Adams and west of the Santa Ana River in Huntington Beach. In the last 24 hours or rain during the recent storm, the city engineers saw fit to . reinforce the soft spot.s in the river bank with sandbags. The Adams Street bridge and bank were full of policemen and Marines. rt is my belief that A1arines and policemen are supposed to reaMUre and calm the citizens in case of emergency, and even more important when tht:re is no emergency. Bllt we evidenUy had a couple of facetious types, One tDld a family to go · home and move their valuables upstairs, another was told the Santa Ana dam v.·as going to break. another was told they could get ready in case they had to evacuate ! WHILE THERE was not one official word said to the re sidents that were staying at home out of the way, and the papers stated as plainly as possible v.·hat the facts were, on the misguided remarks of a few individuals (who should know better), this is what resulted. The rumor lovers, still with no official word or facts , spread the stories that the dams were going to break, the bridge was swaying, the river would overflow and we would have to flee, the children could not get out of the school, etc. t know that emotional. hysterical people like drama, but I Utink these things are dangerous. Even when you try to give th em facts, they do not .want to listen. Certainly, if we were in the slightest danger, v.•e would be notified door lo door in .plenty of hmc. I 00 FEEL tha t it is the policemen 's responsibility to state positively that there is no danger and when there fs, the people will be notified in plenty of time and 1iven any needed help. This is the kind of reassurance and encouragement people need, not ill~n­ sidered rem arks that encoura1e hysteri1 and nimors! It is impos:iible to \:etp the curious away from danger spots, but much trou· ble could be avoided by giving them proper information. L. M. PENGRA I nep t Procedures To the Editor : It is regrettable that one should have to make the following criticism about an otherwise excellent Patriot'• Day Parade (Laguna Beaeh, Feb. 22). The procedures involved in the judging of the entries and the presentation of awards were so inept and appar~tly lacking in' imagination and feeling a! to be Ult.ally unprofessional. Specific grievances are : t. ON AT LEAST two occasions awards were publicly announced only to be followed, after con.siderabll! and plainly visible confusion, by ·thei tlbnlsaion that mistakes had been made and that the real winner wa1 somebody else. Such insensitive announcing brought upon an emotional wrenching that was vi!ibly unbearable to most ol those young people who had trophies at stake, as well a:J to many other onlookers. :!. L\IFURIATING to many was the publicly and privately admitted Jack ol knowledge by some in the review stand about certain entries that participated in the parade. One official, for exaqlple, was publicly uncertain whether one Laguna Beach junior high school was an elementary, or junior high, school. . The same junior high scho61 suffered an additional indignity by receiving thti handsome Theme trophy only after it l'.'as announced that the crlginlJly )IUblic· ly announced winner of the Theme trophf did not atttpl trophies! The effect. then, 0£ the Theme trophy for the junior high was like a win by defauJt, or even ·wor se, a consolation prize. :;. THIS PEltSON vividly recalls 11: qnitc: similar judging spectacle at the Patriot's Day Parade two years ago. and could scarcely believe his eyes when he sa1v a repeated poor performance. 11lerefore. and mostly out of respect for the hundreds of young people who !ipent weeks of tedious preparaUon. for the parade, it is insisted that jud(irlg procedures and standards be re-evaluated before next year's Patriot's Day Par1de. THOMAS H. W ARBEll Teacher. Thunton Intermediate SChool Wh y Jesus Wak Sent to His Death Tbou1bta"1lt Larae: .. • Si<l r ]. lt:~rcis It Is worth rememberin& that Jesus was sent to His death by the hRoman officials not al all for any religious re11.son, but because lie was considered ' t l1...,..,,.,... ... :~ii'~~~~~l">J a "trouble-maker." 1n "anarchl!t," and. no doubt, an "ootskte agitator." lo the abort run, everybody loses frotl\ • • .. • strike. and e~rybody knows it~ yet The world'• store of (actl bas Just while we· ctn deviJe tbe JMSl 1ub1le about doubled In the last 11> years: and IOPhlltic1ttd Instrument. to 1tnd and most of us, psychically. are In mel\ orbittng through spact, we cannot, the mood of the old farmer who aa1d aeem to mate an lnstrumenl of IOdal he didn't want to learn any men things pciUcy that will tettle disputes wilh tlie, "bccau~e I alret11dy know more thu aame cooperative facllUy. I cari understand." • ,. • • · * • A fool who It smart enouah to be One of the campaign alogll\S I lea:st aware (J( his llmttatlons can 1el •loci n11derslood last fall was about Gtor10 far better In the world ihan a wise '\'allace "havlnlJ coornge" -since whto man who is otin.llt to bl awm hbs i1 t.ltui "courage" to be mean. --ol 6i~. uglv. selfl.sb, spiteful, narTOW, •nd •P' pea°llng to the most IJTational lnstlncts In your fellow men ? (lndetd1 precisely the opposite would have Indicated "coura.ge1' in Wallace -to brMt with his past and repudiate his backrround .) • • • In the I~ run, and aometimes even • • ' The beat brief definition of a "lady" I've ever heard fa Russell Lynes', "A Tatty ~· 1 woman who makes • man beha c a aentleman. •• • • • fi.len •ho own and dllplay elaborately carved and c~nslve che.sl seLs ire almost never good chw p1ayer1; for good players refuse to be districted by the pieces. and play wttb the simpl~l st.unton.flesign sets that c1n be purchli~ ed Jft afl,)' dime store. ---W- iVednl!.!day, Maid! !, ~ Th• c<lit.>rtol j,.q,. ., tAo n.a, l'ilof ... ru io mfomt ...i 111n> 1114tc r...S.r• bfl'prunlillg this -'• Ophtfotr and -""""'rr '"' 1op;c. 11, i.tn...c aftd ligntrtconce. bt1 ~ • tonim lor the uprn.ricJtil., o/ our readers opfni6?t1. and b11 prese11lfng tilt dfotrse ti t• points of informed oburvcrr Oftd 1pt>k.f.ffnt11 Ofl lopb Of the d<lv. Robtrl N. Weed, Pub!Wior ' I I I I , .. : • I t • l ,. .. • .. , . . ;La guna .... . . / . ;.,~ N.y. Steekl I • - By,RICHAJID I'. NAIL , Of Ille OtllY ,lilt ... II · A-tnulti-story /hottl aJl!i convention center bu been. recommended for a portion ol Laguna's $.1 milliOI) Main Beach acquisition. . . In h~ ,.P.rt lo the coundl, City MaJll(er James D. Wheatoo1hi.i recOm- meaiied additional land acquWUon to &!Yo deptll to a 150 to ·200-<oom faclli!Y ' . --~ COOW!ntipn space for 200 ~o 400 . ~-s.'' . ·' I "· ,. .. Cj~Seeks Disaster Designation ' \ City ~vnc[lmen tonight are exfl¢cted I tQ de.e• ~na Beach a dbast,er • &re'-u a ftllllt of recent. storms that. Pounded the city destrJ)fina: pu~lic·workl 1 '[alng. .. . 0 • /' 'J1. action is a tecbnical. stepping stone • 't. klng · stite or feder':l' 'assistance • I right tll• damage: } · ·~r v.ana!Jam,.·D. WhUton uid ' ~ l•ooMi 1" yet to, pht· tlO<!n the \ 111;: '\i."r gh .. "'lhnite of $506,009 1 1,~.d i'nage to public worb bid been~--¥it4 .,\ \:'Wheaton said final estim~~s will entan 1 geol0iilt1 reparts on atabihty of slopes ot. banks. "Quite a few are in precl(iou~ l . "tilli tile storms. }>Osltldna," he said of hi11slde homes. "Extent of street da~e also is still being asseased. . . The rouncil is also expected \o approve ' a charity solicita,lon permit for the Lapn)l'Beach Flood Victims Fund, The orgauization which I n c I u d es JUG'bard B .. <lla1lis and Mrs. Helen.Keeley ltJ attempting to raiae fundi for loc:at · ~Ctlmf who 1061. homes to the · flood or ~-other mishap. '1'ht group would solicit through newspaper appeals, direct mail and the telephone. In other business, the council: _:.win coaslder a proposal to accept Christian Abel as architect for a $12,000 restroom on the beach at Anita Streel to serve the surfing beaches. -U expected to approve plans and a~atioos for a four-way traffic light atlark Avenue and Manzanita Drive tti& would be financed jointly by school disti'ct and city. -Will likely pass a resolutioo giving notice. to the St.ate Department of Hous- ing and Developmtflt that the city is enforcing a lo:cal ordinance prescribing 1tandards equal to or greater than pro- (See COUNCIL, Page 21 Stock Marketa -~ .NEW YORK (AP) -Gliins led loses ·\.lt Ute a:toc:k market close today, but b)'-a ntrrower margin than they had herd ,earper in the session. (See quola- tl~ Pages 20-21). Oru110 Coas Weatlller 'Those balmy P.1arch winds gel a . liWe brisk Thursday, but clear skies and warm weather are in the o!Iing with temperatures in the middle sixties along the coast. INSW E TODA 'Y · ~ · Thiu're 'going to "LtQht Up • th• Sky" at tht We1tmimttr Community Theater Friday OJ •• 0-ha7~fut of other live 'produc-. · • tlon.s in the area lower thefl" • curt.aim. See E1ttertainmnit. _; Pngt 18. • • llrlllt It .,,_ . • ~ c.r..r ll . ·=:-~ -" • , DMfll ...rkw II ~~.. 1t ..... let ,... • I~ II -,.,, .,,. '"" n -u --t~ .. -. ~ .. sw.kt , • . ·- ~...:· i :: lilWhtal ,.... • """""""'" ... Or ..... CwlltJ 11 'TA M ,,,,. .. ,..., " ltCill ..... »cl ~ ... ,, Df, ,.......,. ' ,.._ """"' »n T"""'""" 1 t -.. ·-. --.. Tte depth would' avoid 1 w.i.11 effect along • .O>it 'HlgbWiy simil8r to that creai.d "1 tlie Balboa' ~ay Olbb in Newport Beach. Wheaton eltimates ac-- quisitlon of the triangle of property bounded by Coul· l!!K!lw._EL1'a.so.- and LaiUJli1,Avenue mlJht,cost $500,000 based on sales data from the Oct. 29 beach pqrch&Sl'.. . The recomrfiendations will be taken uP by ,councilmen tqrllght in a meeting lhat be&ina at 7:30 p.m. . c ·onventio-n Ar ea·s· ' . ' j • . . The city mapa~er uses benellclal el· . Newpoot Beacl11 Lquna Nl,iliel, tag1lll& fects to the economy, ol the city and Hills and tlaeWDtre. ils li<Jsinessea ill support of bis proPosaJ. "A major h~ projeCI would show Noting that f.Durism is a majOr factor to our -businesl peOple . that the city In the e;conom,y of the city,-be states · believes· in °"m and their future and Lhat Ute time !}as come to economlCally ~s wllllQg to play, an appropriate role . "stop holding .our own and to begin m that future:'' • · . buildlog a betJthy ind dyoamic en· The proJ><rtt alrtady owned bf the vlrdriment for +conomJc g:rowlh. city in it& beach acquWUon that would "Wilhaut a ,dedicatie:q to this Jdea, house a Portion of the hotel . would be our businesses are goiiig to succumb near the uJ.sUnc Hotel Laguna. to tbe pressures oC shopping areu In Wheaton deflned. .it u "that propertr ·- I ~. - \ ' . fri>m La&una Avenue, -ly to Qcnn Avenue, or lest." ProPertY Jtlll rt· ' maloing for beacll park1 use would be from Octan ~Vi!DUe w¥er1y to and Including the BOys' Club. Included wilh Whe,.ton'1 · tcpol1 1 is . a propoul from Bu·~ Hol.scher le . Associates, In.c. to .. manage the package project. Wheaton recomm~nd1 the coun: cit accept the proposal hnd authorize phase one. .. He ducribed the firm as "a brand ' IXO ll Re~Plan I To Continue · Viet Attacks ' PARIS (UPI) -The Vlei Cong today brushed aside President Nixon's threat of an "appropriate resP,Onse" 1 to their offensive in South Vietnam end' said I '• ' I ' ~Y would ketp fl~~'!i·. ,. . A spokes\naQ for th& National Libera-tiPn •Front ·<NL.F), d!legatlon 1~ to ;~ Viet'Datn .~ said1 Nii.on's warning ' -1<1-JIOI delu I~ Viet C-Ong · ~ • I JEN ~!. -~11!1.Y • : \I~,g~.d.,;; \ ,' ~ t , t ,I '.I J t : ''' new kind cf COlllUlllnt ·In lhat U,., have' tbe Capa'.blliij' 'wilbi.o' tbe or~ lion ·to do n8ryUUac •. They. .Mve architects. eo~ ceoeral • colltrle-' tors and Mtel oPtraton. : t J , · "111ey would be , the cruise tiltecttr. T~ey w<lufd get-us , started and .Jhq woold bring us back to port, l'!leY''WQlld ; be doing what I W11Uid be doing It .... didn't use them." · The• linaoctng would be divided In (See B.EACll, Pap I) -1 .. ' ' . ' . . .l • . " • I t' I ' •• fa;JCI/' . . t . • . '' . . . . . ' . ' . ' ~ their fllh!. "for ind~ode!JC!I . .... --.. 'l!llllnty:. \ '. .. ' "\Vee.t llavee' 1 ·~Uti·'· ~erlcan . 'manJ 1 1 tim. ·t11at · u Jhey waht' peace, • · II "11......, • ,_ itop UM war ..a : ~11:••,¥,,l"lf. "lllWaw lhe1r troops ~ oun' horn .. :Oltotled .•torl11. on Piftkl<nf NU> oi&'I Tttclda~ ,pres• c~/trence mav bt foulld in todav'• DAILY f lLOT ' °" Pao• 4. , , "' . ·1 Wo~i· Peci.estriltn Hurt '. ... '! .. ,..,..,.,,..,,...--,-...... --~-",....,."-. laDd," the sf.Pkesman • 1aidJ "Threats , such as NlJon I will nOt· make ~ CbJnie . our course."' . . . . _' ' • I Unidentified.· passerby comfotls Mrs. Margaret Flanders, 61, of . Long Beach, as ambulance · ar· rives to ·assist her. Mrs: Flanders suffered a bro- car while atternpw\g to 'cioss Pacific coast High· way near Third Street in ,South La'gqna. WomEin drive r of car was 'identified by Calilornla High- way Patrol u Julian Schartz, I&, San ·Clemente. In another part of the city, U.S.. chiel ' negotiator, Heqry Cabot Lodge rqet 'for . the seconii successive day with South Vietpame~ Vlce President Nguyen Cao Ky to discu!s the 8Illed bergalning po-, sition. French foreign ministry ~rct!I said Ky Would Dy horhe to Sal&on Thurs- dan,for consultations with Prealdent Nguytn Van Thieu. . ken leg. Tuesday afternoon when she was hlt by ... Astronauts Test M ooli Laguna Youth Nabbed in LSD, Marijuana Raid In the Slrongest language used by U:S. officials since President Johnloo ordered . the halt of bombing over Nortl) Vl~am OcL it, Nixon , warned Tuesi:fay nlibt JJf · "an approprla~ responae" if the ¢om· mun!st olfen1Jve-now in its second ~eei: 'Spmer' Landing €raft -continues. · · . Nixon did not divulge ·the natur~ of the pouible response, but reveal"1 a reJumptlon of the bombing was one of the contingencies dl.scussed. SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) James A. McDivitt and Russell L. Schwelckiut flew the bug-like moon machine for the first time Wednesday, They gave earth a television glimpse of its cramped cabin and then suc- cessfully fired lhe rocket designed to land men on the moon. Schweickart a!¥1 Air Foret C-01. 11.cDivJU became the first ·American astronaut.! to transfer from o n e spacecraft to an"other when lhey floated from the command module through 11 32-inch-wide .tunnel into the cabin or the lunar module. Another Cl.aim Filed in Crmh . Of ·Cable Pl.ane . Another, claim for Sl' million l:Jf 1 San Clemente couple was filed Tuesday with the Orange County Board o( Supervisors as a result 0£ -the -death of their 11-year~ld SCID_..IJl the Nov. 2.1 crub of a Clbl OOmmuler Airlines plane. JJ'he cl • wu filed br Bruce W. and Jld w. Hollex ol 508 Calle De Sot.a, .. San Clemente, for tbe dealh of their IOll 1jobert. The cfalm aJlqes , that the airport Is inadequately' equipped· to handle air traffic In foggy weather and that airport aulhoritiu Cai.led to provide advice and mrormaUon neceaary to a safe landing. De£endanll named are the county, the Alport C-Ommisslon and the Boord of Supervilon: • In addiUon ID the Ii mllllon, lt,!00 11 uted for funeral and mlscellaneou1 damagu. Tb< claim was debled and refemd to the County Counsel. Prevloualy c!aJl!>I totalling 11 million had been filed on -behatt of survJvors ol other \>fctfms bl the eruli In t'bich nine Wert kUJed . I , The third Apollo 9 crewman, Air Force Col. David R. Scott, stayed behind in the command module. Space agency officiall announced earlier that Schweickert !liffered a siege . of nausea before the space lransfer started. McDivitt,, lhe Apollo 9 commander. told ground coritrollera of the illness Jn a "private" conversation which was withheld from newsmen. Mission ~ntrol announced later that the illnesa wi.s bptf, but t h a t Schweickart 'did ~t once. He was able to perform the transfer satisbc· torily, but offidall sild there wa1 a possibility hi.J ~piCe walt, scheduled for Thursday, 'mjght be cinceled. McDivitt f~ed the t,871).pouod thrusl descent ,engine on the base of the lunar modu.J,; push\ng the c o m b I n e d 1packraft.s eastward. but changing the (See APOU.O, Page ZJ :Fetftr.i.t J,~ics . ageiits . Tuesday ar- rtsted ,n 18-'fear-ol~ talunan. ind claim· ed they had seized a po~nd of hashish w'orth flOO per ounc;e,. some LSD and marijuana in. a raid in Laguna Beach. Larry Cbarles Bowman, of 475 Cress SL, was taken by federal officers to Los Angeles for arraignment , today before a United , States commissioner PILOT AWARDING TICKETS TO SHOW on charges of sale of hashish. You can find almost anythlng you Agents allege that Bowman was Jn-want in DAU.. Y PILOT classWed ads volVed in a sa le of the hashish, a refined -even free boat show tlclfeta thil mariju·ana, to a federal oflic~r. Agents week. Names· Of Oran1e Coast area Id 111 h bl h lls I bo t .loo residents will be scattered among lbe u ' " u ' ,. or a u · " t d " dail I ·~ y "-··• per· oimee. on the illicit market. wan a • Y rom wua .... V\06• . Ofllcen eald tllal' the · ausgect cm n<rl Wednesday, March ll. · .• ._ 1-'•-1 th ..-... Anyone whose name appears there qw~ ... ,, uuvw 011 e .t P·~· arrest .atr can call at the-nearest DAILY PILO'r the Cress reslde~ce. A loaded revolver oUJCfl and claim a pair Qf lree Uctets belleVed ~ be of .22~ caliber waa reported--tO the Wettero. fiaUona1 Boat " Mariie Ir foond m lhe honle. . Show which runs March: 8 thrQugb II Federal authorlUes u:1d the case had at the Anaheim Convention Center. Look been under investigation for some Ume,. now. You already may have won. but would not say how long. · . Candidates View Future • • Five School Aspita•tts Qt Bqard Meeting . t' By JACK CHAPPELL 1n ~ race ·to ~WQ ~lr pmitlpn~ t.aken no ~bllc 1position on the override ot-..., '1111 *" :Dr. UIJom!1 talk i~ facts ·about yet. ·• ·,. , , Laguna Beach school board candldat~r tbe 41.strii;:lJ• tlx. rate aod, a cpmparfaon . ·1n oUttt action, the school boar4 aareJd Tuesday were given a look at the present 1 of ll}e · l..aJUZll .Dlslr~ with ~lher. school to c6ntlfiue· lnvesUgatlng tbe ~ polslble school board in acUon and. a gllmJ>I.' <llatrlda.. • , . purchase of the Church of Latl«-'.DiO>. of wh.at they mar hope IS In the:ir He 1;1ld that thf. numbtt o[· ttuaentJ salntl,: 'fC Park Ave . • • ., j · luture -a rtcOl'd short mttUng. In I.he district ICOOols has almost doubled Board• membert . aUthOrlzed Bu.tneia r The nye candldatet were also given in u.e-.~l ~lght,,Years, ·while ·the: "'co5t ~ Ed Hind lo advertiH for blck' a fO?t·h1gh stack ol Hterature on the per student bu, llayed abeUt the 11tnt ff# tbe rental of eltctroruc dalz Pft. dislr1ct and 1 *kground tall! by desplte.tnfiatlon: .. ,, • ceasing mtehine1 for u.se 1·at Thurston Superintendent W~am Ullom. In repnt to 111tli;ed valuatl9fti UlJom lntennedlalt SchooJ. · .''' · i 11 The new candidates are Mrs. Jane 11ld I.he taguna distf1Ct w~ th6 •eCOnd .Bldl are a J gal nectll)ty 1\lhouP Boyd, Dr. Jetome Kirk, Mrs. Catherine rtchot ot nine dlab'l<tl 1Juitied· In .Lof llie speclllcaUons wlU call for 1B1f equit. MacQuanie ON! Mrs. Shirley McCall•, -Anftla Ind Ol'an1e.".coaocy, but that ment. Th< eie<tro.ic geor'f0r Thuntoli'• all competing !or II>rte echool board it had, tile ~ loi!Wt tu rate., fltxlble ICbedtlllj>f mte111 wll[ "8,rtnt:li _posts. •Th< 1.afuna.dflttl<! ta . ...iw., •oltf afa t:oot'of I"',·~.• " T Two or lhtse aea~ are now held by ap~val of Uietnt tu o--Vemdf tfte\lon Four· films on ll(t In eommuolst n1-• lncumtenll Dr. Norinan 'Br..,,. and ' April 'U, ~llool board .a.-ru who tlonl ,..... apprOVtd !Or 'tholwln( Jn db- Wllllem \llllcoun i'olh ol whom art wW bo tiec:ted at'..IUL aJeotJon llP• ltld -la. • • \ •• ·1,-I I •·') ._, •. ,·.twt ~ ' ' • ' • "f"7"T"":l" _, wli.Ii~S ·H'ANOl ~ON ~Tt.Acl(s-' -7 P~lila!Jt ~ Pross ' ' · • fl ,( t'~r-•• 1' ' I ,' "' '. ( j ' I ' President Gives'· . . Wide-ranging . . . . . Policy. Talk . • . ' Tram Wire - WASHINGTON -·l'ruidatt INlxon, 1n·' a 56-IDinute 'nal\pna11y, televised ; Preis· • I • ' ' ' -confer'l'ce TufS<jay'lllght, diac\l!sed. U.S. forel$11 Pollo/,' ques'tioy.s.' r~i~ •troiri. : Vleinam to the, Middi•. Ea,!. Higblll)# r of his remarks on foreign i~ea . iD--, cl~ed: . ·, ,. , .' VIETNA!'tt: The U.S. "wilt U'O t ' tolerate" continuation of the enemy...Of ... • tensive In Soulh Vietnam. Amirlca will" make "an appropriate response'' if aµ tacks continue. He did not detail what the response might be. ' · · WEST BERLIN: "I think I coufd predict that the Sovl« Union will• me lb influence to _cool off the We.st BerUa &{tuation, rather than to beat it up." 1 TROOPS: The Admlnlstratiooi hos no 1 plans for slgnlficint , V.S:...., }r·0,o_p withdrawal from Vietnam in the near future . 1 • • : ~ THE SUMMIT: His Europeai\ ITlp W8' ' "a necessary e~nr' for 'consultation with our Allies before any sumn\Jt ' am- ference. ' l\USSILa: He will decide lhc first of next week.whether .or not to resume construction of the American SenUnel Antl-balli!Uc niisslle '(ABM) "'sfslein.1 It is up ror discussion today be(ote the National Security Cpuncll meeliGg. · SOU1U AMERICA: He bas no Im· 1 mediate plans for a South , Arnerl~ trip and expressed hoee or settleinrnt with lhe Peruvian gbvernment of ·e~ propriatlon of' a U.S. oilfield there lo order to avoid ·''• domino effect" ti escalated anU-U.S. . ltnllment In all al Latin.America. MIDDLE £,\ST: If consultations with I Ambassador Aoatoly<F. iJ1?brYnb1 ue a( tbelr '1present rate oC ~ • · £here Wtll 1 be tour.poWer tatU td http 1ettle the ,vol•Ule 1MlddJe1 Eadt • 1 1ltuaUon •• ·~ , THE RUSSIANS! "I think Is lhal overwhelmlnc foci, the fact tiiat W tho 1 silu1Uoo In the Mldwl 1!14. VleU\a!e Is allowed lo e.cafai., II Is ·Iha! fact · tliat It mlahl lead to a ~ i thal II g!vfii(i tile Soviet -tln!oo """" I thoughU, and Judi m.. to whit' I woul4 say the cauUoua ianchJslun at tbll·poto~ that i&e Soviet Union will pl•Y ~ 1 pe~cemoklng l'<lie In the MidWt IAd even poml>IJ la Vietnam." .. ' • I I I j j • J DAILY PILOT l Frotn Pqe I APOLLO MODULE TESTED •.. \ . ·· SIG-mDHlllh irblt only alighU,. off during the rapid aoieleraUon or the The In -aft are locked to1ether burn. n0se to nooe arid the llH>loule rocket "We just threw a big cb1mk down firing ~ propelled lhe command at the gronnd there," saki McDMtl. module ml Scott baclrwud through "There g ... another llllnk." . epace. '"That's pretty smooth," aald Scott Imm the command module durln& the burn. '1Y eah... said McDtritt aboard the -P· "lt'a lolnl llq lib a drum..t• 'l'bal. be added:-"Gee, llll J buqry.• . Liter, McDbiU crnmmfetf. '1t 1oob Iii:• everJtblni .... pretty clean. .. '11>1 <If" reported oeelnc clrunb of foll from outalde the lunar modula llJ West GermJtPy I Elects President Despite Blockade "Yeah. l saw --a· feW .picces go, ~,. said Scotl The out.side of tht lunar module con· r;lsts of many· layers of cellophane-like aluminum joil taped In place. Los.s of 11mall pleeea would not calZ:!e ,..a hazard to the crew. · ••sure lo!lng pieces back then," Seott l&ld at another point. ''Some of the foll'1 ccmlng off." ''Yeah." McDivitt replied, apparently _.,med. . Dur!ng lhe Ill!! secoll\fs ol the burn. llcDivitt took over throttle control from the on-board · computer and raised and lowered 1be power ol lhe thrmt, te!lln1 the cgntrol crlUCal to a landing on tbe moon. "It looks like lt'a: doing a' real good job of steering," he said at one poinL McDlviU and Sclnreickart turneil a tele9illan camttl en for nearly aeven mlnutea aevenl boon before the burn. The camera. 11 designed for uae on tlle llll'face of the moop. It gave a clear picture of the two .astronauts work· ,.,_ Win -ing al the lunar module cont?OI!, but .. n--_ The Rulllans dosed Ill volca cmimnnlcatlmt with the moonshlp ~.. crewmen wu loll during part of the 1breo Und routes to WNI Berlln for telecut. . foar houri today ha protea against West SchweJckart, a 1'1d-baired, 33-yesr-old . • G<nliaD praldentlal eledlonl belq held " civilian IJ>8C" rookie, made the llflt ·"'··d tranafer' into the moonship. In the city. The .elecUon1 went ~ Sctltt first opened the tunnel by remov· as ICheduled. "Ing the command modu1'; hatch, docking It wu tbe ltCODd time 11Dct th1 hardware and the lightweight lunar · 1-Ber!l'I blockid1 lbe -l•N "'-'·' module halc:h. Tbil opened the :Il-inch lihcnm tbt1t, pciirer ovei Seilln'a liiid >vid• ~Into !hi m~p. J-to Iha Well by clolblr Ill three Tbe ll!!ronaut luined on the lunar ... .._ naed ,_ the 1Vesl module power and talked to the llJ'Olllld .,... ... ya "~ cootroDers, using the code n a m e Jutloe Mlnimt Gastav Helnemanri 0 Spider. lj The Command module became "u eleded prW!eot '"' the third baUot "Gumdrop." The lunar module code to auc:ceed alllDg Prelldalt Heinrich name comes from ltl spidery appearance Luebke. Be received 5U ""' to 1111 and "gumdrop" WU pinned on the com- fm' Delensa MiniJter Gerhard $chroeder, mand module becaaae of lhe colorful The first two ballots were lnconclusive wrappln,g used en It while being when neither 1ot a rlear majority. transported to Cape Kennedy. Heinemann ·u the flnt Soclal Democrat A half-hour after Sc b we I ct art 1 1 to be elected to the largely ceremonial transfer, McDlviU, belmetlas in the post ol cblef of lllate In lour d~. pre3SUl'!zed tunnel, moved over to the lt was West Germany'• most Jl'OtractfAI lunar module. and dramaUcally set postwar election. Scott, alone ln the command module, The Communist. called It a provocation then atarted Isolating bis teamm~tes in and made it the target of weeb-long their new IJ*t workroom. pressure. "l guess you don't need me any more For Schroeder. ooetlme golden boy In the tunnel,'' said Scott. "So I'll go of German politics and pruent dean ahead and cJooe the halcll.'" of the federal· t;ablnet, II -tad the "Ali· rtlbl, aee '10ll lalor, Gunidrvp,• oeco.Jlll setback to bis bid fer blih of!lce. oyt McDlvltl . In 1916, he wu rmm••'•I"~ ~1(1'!' ll"!"'t =repl~ tbl docking hardware Kleldnger In the Chr1atllD llenfoer'lle<. · '11d .. 11Je CODlll'illld module hatch and party'• canoua lot !ht ....... lion ol r •11·1eOJa eolld." chancell<r, ' \ · ,. "AllrUdlty! ial{ Mt,l:!Yltl tiilin lhe Throughout the day tbt Rulilaftl, · mocimup; ''I'll aee )'Olf•la!et, llm' goona enp&Jng to 'll'idetpreod' m-11Ii-ar1' <la!O the. 'doot (h10&r module hatch)." maneuv ... wllh tbe Eut German apny \ "'Have a ~ce·ttme." &aid Scott. had played • cat.-and..moum came with "lfe wilt;" traffic oter tbe main road to Hebnstedt. "l'll11gtt dinner ~eady w~ you're 110 mne. to the west. realty, Scott added. They opened and closed It at wil1 "Man/' Jllid McDivitt, "am Thungry." Jn a dt.monstration of power. DAILY PI LOI OIWIGI COoUT P'U•LISHIMO COMP/I.Wt loMrt N. WeM Pneldlnt 11M Plllllllfw Jee• I. c.rt., , Vb"'-ldlnt""9~,,....., Thom•1 Kentf ·-Tho1t1•• A. Mur,hTtto ~-1• lllllltot R.idler4 '· Ne11 rewi Hh••tt L"""'9 9tKh AdYWtlllnl CllY f.dllot Clrecf« Lert ... a..dioffke 121 foro1f AYo. Melnflt .....,,,..., P.O. ••If .... t1612 . --~ Mlolt • W.I ._.,Irr.It .....,. ...,., '71t ... , ............. "' ............... 1 ... ......, David Schnabel ~" To Exhibit Work *4 nblblt1mt of ...n by painter na~ Sclmabel . will ba In the l.aiuna Beach Art Awd•Hnn Gallery, '11 Cliff Dr .• lhmlP llfin:ll.13. The rell'llllf>ective exhibition b r Sdlnabel · In the Main Gallery Ia com- plemented by • <011ectlO(I of painlings by hill wife, Jayne Ayres. Also showing at the gallery are ''Teacl)en' Pets," selected works of the loculty ol the Lquna Beach School or Art and Deslfll. COUNCIL ••. vlllon1 of the stab! code. ~WID Jll'Oblbl7 bu1 a "Moon Rocket,. piece ol play ~t lat 12.298 to place to Bluebird Part. -to ~/~lie bealllls on an appeal by II. Jennings whoa ~Y .... doclartd by the planning c:ocnm1ubl to be ooe bWku111 sJte rather than two. -WW bol4 1 publle hearinc on 1 than«< ol dlslrlel applicaUon by Mr. ani1 Mn. Lawr<nee G. Adtm1 to chang1 !bl -Ual IOOla('• a lot at Cleo ud Catalina S!mtl from fl.I 1" R·I. ,. to IMlf • publlo baarlnc on a lllllall lmirovtmeot -Ind ••let ~to-··-·­~""' Baja Slnlel.Ja Aldi Bwll ' ........ --• ... ..... ..., ..... 1 CHASE SUSPECT -Police cadet James F. Taylor pockets notebook after securing stolen car suspect William Panell in rear seat of police cruiser. Wild chase kept several West- minster officers busy Tuesday night High Speed Car Ch.cue Enih With Rear-end Crm.h -· .. l .Defense SJ>ellding Hit ' . ' .~rofs~ C~ngres&~n-SfJe.!!k on~Mis;use at UCl ' 111· '"'°1iAI Foll'l'IJNE Tbr<e m.ct..i ~·• beanl the talka 111UDru1 could ' be eliminated Wilhin an -'l1lrwl ·,..f"'-.:" ~· In Scleoce Ledin Ball ao a day -hour. •it is IUcb a IDOllllroUJ thoulht crttldzed hea _.. upendlt!., def aimllo! prosrams were held a t we tum from U," he aald. ~ In !alb on :!m..i rm-': oct= ollpll~'!!_'."; ~~the ~· The day He said II ls compleldy unrea,...bl.r' nlwunu w,..•uuC a...,..,. misuse ot and lrraUooal to believe anU·ballislle ~·{i.~ ~i• (l>&ln Fran-aclence bad been In~ .!!1 prolesaors ml Miles' could ·stop every iocomiJI& c1sco) aald the def-budget I! ~-) ID ··~'cular :'" "! T<-c:lmolotlY warilead. He menlloned such de[~ "abtolutely atqgerlng" w6ne money and ICBll' ,.... , ~ the aotl< loundlns lactor1 aa the tremendous speed ldentUlc tnialJect la needfl(l f 0 r · · , . ol the mwiles, tbe short time for buminllll'lan problem1 • ....., •• for toJu. "lie dldp1 havalritoauoll· =.. wll<n delivery, muIUple warbeada that spread ,, ... _,,..... our country slid eY« h>-tn several direcUons, and decoys. ~Cl De f Ph . al Sc' volvement in that lmmcnl WI? called .A defense much leas than perfect would Frederick :in~ .,,,,kl~ the {~IFy ot Vietnam,"' Congreaaman Burton aaid.. be of little value, he said. In addit ion -~ Be aald he ls CIOI .'tfbo had hoped to lhe initial effect ol a bomb, he pointed spending blllkm: on an 1nU.ballllt1c at the end of the war 1Uwie would ool, there woo.Id be uncontrolled fires .mlllUe ll)'ltem he ~·t believe would • p e a e e divJderd mher than havin1 fallout disease, dilrupUon GI com: ever be reliable eoO\Jgh to stop every bllUonl of do1lara paurtid lnto a new nfunicatlon and electrical power, stazva~ IIliuile. weapons sy1tem, Uon · · Stopping some or even most m.ias!les · cotrying nuclear warbeads ti not good N().MENTUM GROWS ASKS QUE.WION enongh, be argued. "H even one get. Congrusman Burfal aald a grul deal · He wu questioned by Dr .• G. w. tbroUgh you .. e had tt. I think U'1 IOl't of momentmq has been p&cked up in Mahman, an Autonetics employe who of that simple.'' · tbe Wt couple o1 weou ~ going oaid he works on ICBMs, who' asked: Cbalrman of Orianlm\lc Bl o Jo I y ahud 'with "the W.adrillil AICBM.'' "Don't you lltlnk as a phlloaopltical Grover Stephens spoke oa tbe overriding He. aaid be bd1evea: COogreu wUl defeat matter it is better to have a defensive(_ threat of wcrld famine, and UCI it. system than an offensive system?°'' Biochemist Calvin McLau.gblin wamtd Dean Reines NM! nuclear warfare Reines answered: "Wllhout In any of the devastating possibility of biological would be 80 devuta.Ung that for the sense trying to be impolite, l'll say you .-mare. first Ume in the history of man entire didn't hear a word l said." Laguna High to Give Musical Play' Brigadoon' · "'Brigadoon", a musical fanta sy set In tho BcolUah Highlands, will be this yw'1 mUJlcaJ production &t Laguna BeaCh High School. It will be presented March 21, 22 and 2S at the school auditorium. It wu the flr1t Broadway musical to eant the New York CriUcs' Award. Fiona, Glenn Daniels, Merbee Magunson, Renee DuMoucbel, Mlke Stoddud and Dick Deniloo. Lagunan Held Stephens said starvation ls pre1ent today in undeveloped countrjes of the world in much larger proportions than lk generally recognized. This year, be said, eight million babies less than a year old will die from relatively minor diseases because they won't be fed suf· fi<;_ient calories to give them the reslstence to survive. He gave such sobering ·statistics as "our food support to o~ coUntries ts only 1/45lh of our defense budget and that is misleadingly hig~ because we give away surp~ food but.;d() not teach people how to go grow their own." He sa id, "Support for birth control research is so pitifully bad . we don't undersland the mechanism of the tW() most effectiv e devices -the pill· lllld the loop. \Ve discovered them empbic- ally, but don't understand how they work,'' Ray Haqard and J4ck Kreftlng will 0 · M • • ~'Tb;ii~:. .. dlrected last year's ll arIJU3ll3 REAL PROBLEMS In addltian to the big cast, tbeA will p • R · He . concluded by sajini. "l aubmit be ID additional 5' students working ()8se8Sl0ll ap lo you the threat of famine is 80 slgnifi• bac" ...... while 1 3().piece orChestra tU:ts canl it is the only real problein we ... -e fa ce." to the p!L 'Ille amaII Oap ol a plutlc bag led McLa ghl I bis ,.,. •. , '11>1 !Ml Brotdw•• bit deal! with two to the arrest of Barron -·· 18, u in, • ......, remar-..., .... ~ the United States spendl mart oa ~ TDDm11 and Jeff, whe loH ol Cajon Slree~ Laguna Beach, 00 marl· research into blological warf>re than tbemlelv.. In the Scottlth Hlgblandl. Juana cbarpa Tueoday wben a patrolman 00 cancer mearch. 3'bey nm acroa a mange 1illqe 1'bere went to investigate the report of an He said a hall pound of bacteria plague ' A high speed chase lnvolvlnc IZl all JI preserved 11 It wU 200 )·~ illepl]J parted car. spread in an &erOIOI over the Loa Ange!_ey' allegedly stolen auto and WestmiOster lg(l. Freeman wbO police aid a:ave no strej basin would" be as effective m a 'R':. pol.1ce uru·•-ended in a Garden Grove TommY falls in love with a Jass named addrta, bu been charged w i t megaton nuclear bomb _ causing 1·;,ir. 16 Flma but ltarns that be mu1't give polSUlion of marijuana and possessio million casualties. ' street Tuesday night with a colllsilHl up everythins 1f be la to remain with of marijuana for sale following the 11 :1~ tiforeover, he noted, such an attack between I police 'car and the suaped•1 her. a.m. arrut and alleged seizure of five could be carried out by saboteurs from vehicle. , Tommy and Jeff are played by seniors ounces of pet in the 200 block of Cajon a fourth-rate power. The fleeing auto was caught shortly John Chamberline and Nick Enright. i streetl ~t • r f · f. CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, aker 8 p.m. at Enloe Street when police Other .tan include Cindy Carter Ul Police LL Robert Mfttitay"aa.id Ulat Y.cLaughlln sald he doesn't think .. said .ft· was unabJe ,to turn raround in when the patrolman. arrived to in· science can control Itself because scien· the dead end street. r,._ 1 vestq:ate the cu report, he noUced tisl! cannot extrapolate far enough poten- Officer Cbarlea MWer's patrol car then .1:.r11lerprise Returns Freeman and another man st.aoding at Ual uses ol their discoveriea to vtsualizl slammed into the auto, hia brakes having the rear " the vehicle. ~ weapons 1ystems1 faded to the point of faUure during HONOLULU (AP) -1'ht world's The offteer went to question the men But, he said, he thinks man can control the chase. largest wanhip, the Enterprise, returned about the car. MacMurray said the technology. He said be believe! it is Minor damage wa g reported to both t() sea today two monlha after a fire patrolman noticed a flap of a plastic possible to negotiatl an internatklnal vehicles but no injuries were caused and e1ploaion that killed 28 crewmen bag stictiog out af Freeman'• pocket. arrangement on biological warfare and by the smsahup. The suspecl, 21.year-old and Injured 85 others. At the olllcer'a lnstrnctlOll, Fr-•• keep It honest w1Qi detection aysleml. Willlam Panell of Huntington Beach, Orl(lnally the Navy thought the removad the baf. Police charge that "Scientists ahoold do mire lobbying,• was originally clocked. on a speeding nuclear-powered aircraft canier would be bag and four others found In • he said. "We have to overcome 1ama.,, charge in Huntington Beach by Ofricer ::!...~ .. ~ctioo al least three months IW'Chjuana.:ie:er~:'!~ nw:i. ~~RJ~~alwe':n~1~talkin&on.• Gene La Rue but began Deeing when Y"""' • -""'"-.... ~ • the ofOcer attempted to pun him over. 1,.:;:======================================""'==~, Three police unlt.s were dispatched fn attempUng to apprehend Panell, wbo was· said by officers to be traveling In excess of 100 miles per holD' during the chase. Officers claim they Jater determined tbe automobile to be stolen from Wl1aon Ford In 1f1mtlngton Beith wHet that evening. Panell w11·bookad ln•Weatmlnaler cl1l lall and will ba' ~ged with grtlld. tl)ell. auto. Also I~ the ume Chait• Will be bl!'-er Marllyo Font, 1J, ol e892 Beitel SL, BU!lllnl\"" Beadl. From Page l BEACH •.• what the City man.aaer dtserlbed u ••a typical way of dOlrl& these things." The city, throogh lta non-profit cor-- ;:uatJM, would acquire the land and pay for the CODl'enUon facility. Private financt!11 would pay lor the hotel that wouJd probab!J ba part ol lhe <ObV<ntloo ccrnplex. 'Tiie city would then · 1.... the W.d and the convention faclllty to the private Int.ruts to a caieluU, wcrted out Je&al agreemenL · Wheaton atd these lea&es would help fina nce the Main Beach acqulsiUon. It woul8! he said reduce the amount of moneY 1.he city bas to come up with annually tor its non-profit corporation to pay off the bonds that financed the purchase. The city manager said the firm be ls recommending to manage the project 0 Ls the Ofil;y outfit that I've been able to dig up or come 1...a that baa the capability In one organl!atlon to put tll ~ !Otletber." He deoCribad the firm u _...hit Ulllque In the COlllU!tln( field ·and -Iainlng the ablllty to "suec<""1lty and objectively tvalu.a~ the problem.11 Ashes of Steinbeck Put in Family Plot SALINAS (UPI) ...! The ashes ol. novellrt John Steinbeck, a Nobtl Prlze winner wllp brolifhl conlroverq ud fame to th1s farmlnc community, were placed in bis fsml11 plOt 'l'lleldtJ In • llmple certmOCQ' •• "'Jbln .. bardb' IJO'ODI ..... ul4 u altendalll.al the Gmla> ol M- Cemetery. f CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASHR CKAA6E i..1 Time .told the Roman way ... by OMEGA Whetlterit'a cmYdtltA.,.... iaNewYorl: er Via Veneto In Rome •• ,tba..W-tcbta feat""' Roman nmnenl dial., Omega otylio"' haft utili.d t1*e diatmdiTe di.ala to complement lho cJa.ic aimplicily of~ cuo..£..ign. Wilhin ileolll tho wvdd-famoua OJnega m........t which •ndag-handreda of hupodione from · hlaeprint to inti -=bly lo ....... 111axlmnm tilNboping dependability, J. C. J./umphie:s '}ewe/er !Ill NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA ZJ :YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION • PHONE 541-14~1 • l t :i an jilt b1r tie mg ,.. ad !or ad 1ld on ed ?S, ~- 'I• 11. bo II '"" 1y "' nt 1e -.. " a " (. " " ~s d ·e h >l 't 0 d ' y t ,• e ! l J ,,,. • ' I ' I .:= 'Allies Halt t ' , ' ~ Cong Attacl{ : ·, . :·!round Hue .. SAIGON <UPn -Nearly 1,000 U.S. Mlrlnel and South Vlebwnele lii- fantrymen. .concluded a cOsuy 11J:·wetk. drive through the A Shau Valley tod1y, and Allied commanc!en said (be push hOd stopped • rujor Communist' attack on the ~ imperial capital of Hue. The .valley 370 miles northeast of Sailoa winds throuih jangles near Lam and b North Vietnam's main supply funnel into the upper reaches of SOuth Vietnam. . In Saigon, South Vietnamese Premier Tran Van Hoong shrugged Ot:f·a clumsy ass11slnalion attempt but Allied security ttama atrengthened anu.terror palrols In advance ol the arrival of U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird in • fac\.fiJ>o dlft1 mission for President Nixon. Laird WU flying in from Wubingtoo for hil first · visit to the war zone as P.entagon chief. Two terrorists who tried to uplod~ a mine near Huong's car were seized Wednesday during the noon hourt as he was driving to his borne for lunch. The mine failed to explode, and Huong retumed to his office in the afternoon. Jt was reported the Allied farce in the A Shau.killed 1,405 North Vletnamese regulars and destroyed almost 400 tons of Communist munitions in the drive .called Operation Dewey Canyon which bepn Jan. 20. Dewey Canyon cost the U.S. Marines al least 117 men tilled and '62 woonded, spokesmen u.ld. There was no breakdown of cuualtiu among the 2,900 South Viet. nameae troops who participated in the operation. Maj. Gen. Raymond Davis . of AleJ:. andrU... Va., commander of the 3rd Marine Division, said the Communists had hacked a road from lUgbway 922 stretching to within 17 miles of Hue, scene of some of the worst fighting in the Tet offensive a year ago. Davis said the road, if extended another four miles, wou1d have put Hue witlµn range of North Vietnamese artlllC'y and opened the door to a - lnvailon ol. the city as part of the current Communlst offensive. 'l'n>opl of ·the u .s. lit Air cavalry" divillon IWept the A Shau Valley 1881 April in a muaive ope r ation. Paratroopers of the 10111 Alrbarne c!ivlaloo made a almJlar push ID Aupst. ' • U1"1T.._.. GI -Wearing grenade pin ~chain as hehnet strap; Spec. 4 Carl Pine, 21, Clinton, Ill., takes smoke break during lull in action near Thu Due, 10 miles north of ~gon . R us sian Ves sel . To Comb State Coastal W ate rs SAN FRANCISCO (UP!l -A Soviet rtsearcb ship will be allowed inside califomia coastal waters this month to help in a fishery study, the State Depart·· ment of Fish and Game announced Tues- day. The Soviet shlp 1'eryugin, together with three American research vessels, will collect data wilhin 10 mil~ of the coast off-Pigeon Point. San Mateo Coun- ty; Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara Coonty, ~off Del Mar, San Diego County. , The cooperative research cruise is alm. ed at providing aclentific data for pro. posed agreements betwein the U.S. and the Soviet Union to ~ the Pacific bate resource. Bake, a valuable raw material for fi!h protein concentrate, iJ a member ol. the cod family. S~pported ~ L'TjJa ~~ 2-Porn~gr~ y -Bills -Suppo~t~.a SACRAMl;NTO (UI:Jl -The senate Judiciary Committee bas clearad two. bills described by Atty. Gen, ~1 C. Lynch as needed to control a lfowlng ttallic in pornographic malertals. In a r~ personal appearance bef~ · a legislative committee, Lynch told the Senators Tuesday lbe annual gross· ~l1Jms· from ol:!sceDe .... and sexu~· oriented, material in the state now tot.aleel · mon! than 119 milliOI) \ year. He said prosecutors had been limited· to such an extent that pornogr;:..,Jy sellers "now are '8)'lng there isn'L If law on the books that can touch us." The two bills. 'by Sen. Robert J. Lagomarsino CR-Ojai) would forbi~ the sale ol "harmful mate-ta!" ....... ddined , ai obscene -to children. They also would clarily provisions against mail order delivery and advertising of smut. The mjljor objection came frotn, Charles Marson. representing th e Northern California branch ol the· American Civil Liberties Union. "\Vhat we're seeking to ouUaw here is really a matter of bad taste," Marson told the Senators.. "We don't even pay Up servje< to the prlnclpal that this El Toro Copters . f, • Jo rn Search For Lost Scouts Helicopters from El Toro MCAS today crisscrossed the snow-b~nketed IQOun· talns of San Bernardino County for the near-bopeless search for four Erploru Scouts and their leader, tnlMlng two weeks near Big Bear. Steady clear weather aided the hunt, but no one is optimistic that the five ski-hikers who vanished in a severe blizzard will be found alive. _ A team 0£ avalanche experts allO flew over three fresb mowsllde acene:t to determine U the Areu were safe .for ground ieircbers, but so. far ha\ie not made a report. ' · · A aearch fon:e of 20 -IH'1 deputl" were involved Tuesday in' the huqt for the scooters, wbo Jelt a cabin at · Fawn.1kin on Big Bear· Lake to .akl 10 miles to Green Valley Lak<. ·.: i · < • material Is lwml111. Wa )lat come out and iay ...... oattaw1og !l!' Both b1111 ara ~;by GO•. Roaak1 Reag111. They have clearad the ~ IOI' the put two· years but have "'°" defea\ed in the Allsembl)', C~u~ty !:irms \. Name'd in Suit Fo r 1 Fraud . -' . A 11 million civil suit chargini four Orange County investment, companies with the deftiludlng or homeowners fac-- irig foreclosure ls on file today tn Superidr Court. ' Named in the complaint ftled by Disll1c(· Attorney. C.Clt Hicks 00, behaK of State Attorney· General Thomas c. L)'llCh. are the Mutual lnmtment Co., CoJSU.ine Properties Inc. and Tu and Investment Associates, all of Garden GroYe • and C and · H IDvestment Associates of Anapeim. Superior Court Judie Claude Owens Tuesday sJgned a court order that will temporarily, halt business operations ol all fOOr firml. Individuals named in the acUon are Jerry Burton. Jack Chap- pell, Larry V aldei, Andy AnderlOll, Henry Gadlen aod Charles Berg. More than 200 homeowners are alleged victims of the rour !irms during the past eight months, investigators clalm. Deputy District Attorney Joe Dickeraon today said there 11 a "strong poaibllity" that criminal charges will eventually be filed agllnst the flrma and lndivlduall named. Dickenon Aid bomeownen lacing foreclosure action on their propert.lea were the victims of the flrml named in OpeJ'ltiOM that primarily C0Vered the Anlbeim and Garden Grove1 areas and some Loa Angela County communttiu. He laid vk:tlms were asked to pay 1100 deposit which would "protecl thelt grant deed" and enable the "investment counselors" to "relieve obligation of the trustor on his -and trust deed." • OAILY· r1LOT stlfl' '*-M Co11"t" Tltlbt Miss Orange County for 1969 is Ilsa Cowley, 18, Anaheim. Cal State Long Beach student won ,tlUe. d~ipg annual Ana- heim ·Soroptlmist • sponsored- beauty pageant Tuesday night at Disneyland Hotel. Defense . Rests ' ' In Army Trial Of SA Soldier Winding up their case with the testimony ol .• key witness, an uniden· lilied clvlllan, the defense was expected to rest today 1n lhe Vietnam desertion court martial of a Santa Ana soldier. Spec/I Edwin C. Arnett, 30, admita pllt to .a simple charge of being abetnt without . leave (AWOL) but the pro- aeartion seeks the stiffer conviction and the. FL Dix, N.J. ~ re!uaed his plea. The c:.ook who ~ned his post at Cam Ranh Bay, while on · a rest leave in Japan, spent seven months In Russia and neutral-Sweden, 'then ntumed to the U.S., ·possibly to face five yurs in federal prison. -• · The defense won a point Tuesday when the aeven-member board's law of:Dctr, or judge, Lt. Col. Tbom11 Niclloll, idUSo ed to allow testimony from an ArmJ warrant officer. (l) DAILY PllOT lt 1\sks For Runwa~ ~ ' Rep i ir Bids ........ :. . Oranp Courity auporvllon ntod 'J'UQo day to &It fCll" bl4i .. ~ tho count1 · alfporl l'llllW~ liut DOI unUI Newport Buch repmentaUvu bad ex- tracted from them a promise that tho ' . fmprovtment was . not a "cover up'' for preparinc the • airport for far&et planes. Planned Is 1 fiv..mcb aspbalt ovula1 on the main iunway as IOOn as poalbJe. . • Airport Manager Robert Bresoaban led the baUle for tb;e repair work, brought on by the heavy rains thil winter: H• · 11ld the nmway had been under specifl· cations for 95,000 pound planes for more than two years. Building Services Director Jmepb J. Smisek told supervisors the runway wat in critical condlUon and could CIUH a serious acciderit. · • "There are new' potholes evf:tY day,• he"wamed. · A plan to put a concrett;-.surface .. 1,000 feet of the tOllchdown -...Wd not be done now because ol we..Sber conditions he sald. He hinted that Uti1 could ·be' clooe lat..-and add to tho runway lenatll, ·" ._. City Attorney Tully S e J m o u r repr.,..ted Newport Buch·; and llid his City eounc;u ·was conc:eraed over lncreasing the welghl cap,aclty. Suj>ervlaor WIJllam J. PhllliJ!P'. said the runway would have to be Jmgtbened for larger aircraft and ·~ wu not possible with the San ,Diego· Freew•1 and Pallaades Rold u ~ Bresnahan noted that the 15,000 pound limit applied to planes l!ith dual wheels, He said a DC'IO air bus weighlq 500,000 pounds could laDd on the runway because it bu 10 wlieels. Dao Emory of the Harbor Area Airport Nolle Abatement Committee qreed there wa a safety prohiem -i..t quo(ed a Federal Aviation Admin1stration state- ment 11Ytnc: alrpor:t operatio~ can be controlled by local operators. He asked for and was given al.!Ul'ances that the 16,000 poond limit would hi adhered to. Cockroach Tumors . Eyed For UCI Cancer Research The Loe Anceles area residents ·,.ire Dr. Mlcbael Putemlk and Eiplattr Scouta Rob Rltlmaytr, Albert Sllverburg, Eddie Mam and Burton Ellil~prth. Minority .Group Business · :»oosted: Dickenon said tbe tiOmeowoera were then penu&ded to leave their property with the promise that the counselors would arrange the safe ol the home and that they would receive their full equity "in 1 few moothJ tlmi." . They ne\'er got their equ.itf, Dickeraon said. What they did get Wal I final notice of foreclosure from the bank or mortgage company with the di.6covery that tbe home they vacated had been TC'Jlted by the inves~ent firm im· mediately alter they lert. The mllltary tnlelJl&tnoe detective questlontd Arnett· shortly 11\er he ar- rived tut September IDd quoted him as refetrinc to bis $lfsappearlng •C$r as dmrtloO. He would also have told !l\<i officers decldhil ,Amttt's lite , !bat ..-said hi would' not· have left . if tte had been In Gennlll)', but protested his Vietnam duty. • ' " Alan Beek, president of theBay Area Citi.zena Council, waa the lUt Newport ~live to urge ltrlcl regulations. He said if the supervisors did not control the airport they should spend 1¥> IDOll<Y on it. Sn¥stt estimated that H ,blds were nceived at once, Is lhey will :tie. work coqld start before April l. ' Liz Taylor Enters Hospital for X-r ays By THOMAS FORTUNE ot .. l'.lellY f'lllt Staft The ·study or tumors In cockroaches Is the, newest line of attack on canCer under way at UC Irvine. Such is the research to be conducted at a new Center for Pathobiotogy on the UCI campus. Formally approved by UC regents last Friday, the. center begins nperation as an uteMion of a U.S. Public Health Service restarch grant. Center atudie.s lnltially will be con~ centrated on diseases of invertebrate animals (those without b a c kb on a s , mostly inlecta), But Dr. Edward A. Stelnbaus, dir<dor of the Patboblology Center, believes researdl lindlngs mlgbt be of greal _. ..... to bUDllllll. "PerhaPI the answers to dilease lie down at the bottom of the evolutionary tree, wbtre man had his it.art.'' be said. "Insect.s have all the di9eUl!I of mah -everything Crom cancer tQ.centUc diseues to infectuous diseases." Tbe ·P.atho&iology Center bas been a Jong time ambition of Steinhaus, former cbalnnan of the department of in- vertetrate path::IWgy at UC Berkele7. Steinhaus, now $t, WU the very "first facultJ member at UC! in the lllllUller of 1ta,when be became deao of the Sclloof of Blologieal Sclenca. He agreed to tab the poet with the provislm that he would later step down and resume _ his .-~ne dld . itop down and now be bu the PalllobiolotlY c.nter. . The new center wu· apptoved .. • conUnuation of the expiring HeaUh Service grant, but eventually tM ICOpe will be broader. The inltia1 grant was ror '150,000 for five years. ste.inblus is working on con- tinuing federal funding w it h ad· ministralive costs or the center to be paid by the university. Steinhaus said there is good historical reuon to believe study of diseases of Jnverlelntu will pay dividends in knowledge of hwnao dileue processes. He said the first proof that germs C1U1t dileue wu done with silt worms. The knowledge that white blood <tlls • Invade germs to protect the hoCY otme rrom w«k with waler Deas. Theories of genetic mutalloo came from lludylng •boormalltles in fruit rues, and other bulc knowledge of 1enetlcs was obsmred in,....ai.oppm. "11M reuon,'' Steinhaus said, "Is these smaller •nlmal& have simpler systems in wtllch we can more frequently u6- deratand • complicated dbeaae process." . IJ'llf!da •llo have a abort life lpln and are nadlly available. In fact, Dr. StelnbaUI 11 food of pointing out, t7 pm:<nl of all animal llfe II Jnvertebrate. The two prlDclpal tbrulll of research at Jrvine under the prior grant have be<n stud1 of the baa1e oature of'tumon • HEADS DISEASE CENT &~ UCl:1 Stolnhau1 WASHINGTON (uPI) .. -,President Nixon today directed the Commerce Deparlmenl_ to establbh an Office of rttinority Bu.sinus Enterprise to promote <;apilalism by Negroes, Me J: i c I n • Americans, Puerto Ricam; and American Indians. The announcement was madfl In 1 White House statement during 1 meeting between Nixon and his key cabinet of· ficers and leaders of minority grom>s. The P.resldent directed Commerce Secrelary ¥aµrice H. Stans tO set up the new 'Of.Ii. t /, ' The mortgage bolder, Dickerson alfd, was then laced with the FOblem· or evicting the 111gry tenaDt of tlwproperty. And investigations bad determined that Jn most of the cues the new occupants of the mortgaged homes bad paid their first ancl lait"monthl rentlla in advance. The firms 111d the Individuals named are chatged with false, fraudulent. misleading and decepUve advertising and unfair trade practice. -all ylolatlons of the 1tate•s business and profesalons code. Gold Price in Etirope . ' Reaches Record Low LONDON (AP) -The. price of &old hit record levels in Ellnl!!!! today and some .dealers aafd the 1pu'it in buying was Ued to a feellna of uncertainty about the French franc. The price for an ounce of gold rose ln Paris to $47 ~n ounce from $46.SJ: TueJday. In London, the price hit a re:orc1 tq 1~ ounce. .tWHOLESALER To make room fer 1t6t inceml"' lnv•ntery WI mUlf-deii M el tHI ,... tern• •ml lpl!Ckll run1 ., .. tiueriti.. ef aupet. UG. 10.95 CLOSE OUT SPIC!At BRING IN YOUR R~1 SIZES- . FOR FASTER sil11CE HOLLYWOOD (AP) -A e tr e 11 Ellubeth Taylor, pllgued by, conUnuiog back painJ, will enter Cedars 'oC Lebanon. Hospital for eitena:iVi tests and X-rays, • spokmnan old Wednesday. Miu Taylor'• phyaician, Dr. Rex Ken· namer, said the •dress • bas a "degenerating dJsc" In her -spine, the result of an operaUon sever4J years qo to. Me two dilcs. Rolls, Rd&• From car 11n .. ',..,.. tlH, •"' •v.r 500 .. MMnls. "''"' 1 89 s.i. ''"''" o . Ytl. . , .. ' ' and of tmmunologlca1 ·pio!nCJpi... Dr. llYJ.81 · SllAI . 'kDIEL SHAI Now4.99 ~: CAll'IT OM. Y lhlPONT &01·1 Ronald Taylar bu be<n llludying wound "P8ir and tumor r-th Iii cockroa~ aiid llr. Pbyllls J~-~ is~ the ', / Immunology ~upect. Whtie iniUal emphasis is on di.!eases ,, or invertebrates, as the center growi it will branch into compara~ di!ease of invertebrates, higher anlmali and planta, Steinhaus said. • " The approach will be biological rather than clinical as in most previous study of disease, cluslcally, in medicine. Center activiUes, besides reteareh, will tnclllde collection and dis8erilination qi infortDltS9n about dfsease through e.i· hlhlta of opedmens, • Jllrary of joumaJ. reprints, computerhed courses, and ao- counll of center activities. Steinhaus has written for aim.liar centers in the Journal of Invertebrate Pat.bolop. He has an international reputatloo In the field, being recognized particularly for his ptooeer research In areas considered vllal in the world-wide batllt apJnst famine . In his lime away from invertebrate pathology, as dean of UCl 's biological sciences, he also pioneered. He organlud the ICbool arwnd problem areas, with departrnenlJ ol or1anlsmlc biology, molecular and cell biology. population and environmental blolol)', 11 n d poyebohlology. Harvard and Stanford have slnft copied the 1pproach. AV•lllAGa INITALLATION ~ ,._ ft. • W1 Mllt\I,.. It • W1 1111 It • WI 111, It • W1 tie I YWJ'thll'lt & 1t lhl• _.., •rl" COMPLETELY INSTALLED $179.QO WITH TMll eou~N EXTRA BONUS OFFER! WITH Nfr !NSTAll.ATION Of 30 SQ, YDS., OI -· Youhl•llllClllfi• ;t . DURING THI! NEXT 5 DA'(S W'4., .... M~ -.... llltl If Y ciu Can'.t CorM 111 -'Call UI for Free t-..ijllllft -54913'9 1 ........ ..., ..,., .,;, ...... ............................. .... w ............. ,.u. .._, ........ 11111 AT OTlll STOllS FOl L'5 PB SIL YD. OUl !'RICI 4.29 ~: -CAlPIT ONLY- WOOL SHAI ..................... _, _ ... , ......... _,,_, .. -T1tlS CAllPIT SltOUUI Siii AT 11.'5 PB Y• =-6.95 INITALllD.OYIR .-Yl POAMP- ....,· .... · -........ . ..,... .......... "' ... _ .............. --..... ·--SOLO AT Ill-STO«IS FOi 1.'5 P11 YAlll OUl !'RICI j• 92 ~ COMMERCIAL TYPE TWEED Tldo 'lo • -"'' ltvy a1141 e fanhllflc ,n.. • AT 2.lf SO. YAID 'OUR . 199 SQ Pl!CI , YARD 'CAIPlf O!llY • 0,.., .. Ille' .... -~ ...... ............. ~ . ..................... -"""....,._,a.-... .._.,,,, ......... SOLO AT UADlllfi ITOllS FOi 10.ts FU SI. YUll OUl !'RICI 4. 98 ~: CAllPIT ONIY PLEASE PHON~ FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 HOURS DAllY t TO l :IO SAT, t TO S SUN. 11 TO 4 NO -DOWN AND ~TOM MOS. TO PAY L & J ENTERPRISES INC. ORAlllE COUtm'I UllElf WHOLESALE WAIElllDE 2416 S. 'MAii SAITA All -Phone 549.3349 .;.. ' ' • ' • Wo!nndoy, ..... 5, lw.t. • _N~xon Warns Reds to Cuth Offens~ve . ' (Ci...,. -~ a.a; ............ An · airline pilot' radioed Love Fielil in Dallas, Tex. for emergen .. cy landing clearance because of trouble with his cargo, a large bear that had broken out of a cage. Airport employes and sheriff's depllji~ •l"'nt the 11ut hour and .a hllU gettutg the bear to a Dallas zoo. Nobody was injured. • Sir Garald Nabarro, a member of Parliamen!, cut the ribbon at openjng .;:eremonles for a new car wash in Kingswinford, En~land and· }>raised its efficiency m a speecb. He then sent his auto \hroQgh the car wash -the first car to use it. Tbe machine tore a hole in his exhaust pipe and knoc):ed oft the car's insignia. • WAllUNOTOK~~l) -1Pnlilmt Nbm 1M Meii!I V...... Oil ---to c:w1> lll ~ ott..iva whlc-·haa doubled ~ ... cuuali1 ratea In Illa south or suffer, ••an 1 p p _r op r lilt reiponle." . ' • "' did nol .., wllat the -would be, but tba cblef mcuttve made il gravely clW tbat Allied loreb<aranco had UmU1. -• 1 "We wlll 1111 lolerale attaea wblcll result In hn~ cuualtla lo ...-men at a time thlt we 11'9 honelUy trytna to seek puco U. tho conlerence ·tabla in Paris," be told a 1\leldaJ ~ Wbltc • • • HOlllO_<Ollf......_ ~All~ rtlpooM .. u.... auaelll Wllf .. '!!\Ml lf they COQtlnue." Tht P...ideal mt! 1'1111 at nporlln In a ....... lek91oo4 --· to toll< Wfely -!Ill -~ trip. Al•inll Ille bacqmm4 ol c:oatlnued Comn\unl1t ltrift• at AmericaA J>01iU0111 and South Viltnamoe towns, ·bcnpever; the Soullleut Aalao w., tclded lo d o m I n 1 t • the qutlt1oft.and.auw.er -· Nlson 'WU .COl!vinced Ille eumnl ol• fWlve rtpNICted • vlol1Uoa of the unWltondla; •'*'bl' U.S. bocablN o1 Polite Hijaeker 'Nice (;uy' Robs Rick, Not Poor . . MIAMI (UPI) - A Nqro. wearing a .Fu Manchu must.ache and a beard hijacked a National ' AJrllnet plane CM· rying lS persona torlr today and robbed its pasaengers as it flew to CUba. Cuban autborlUet: retul'.ned the purloin· ed funds lo the -en· when they took the hijacker into custody. Ctewmembers said the bljackeT lden- tif~ himself first as Tony Bryant, then as Jimmy Carver, a native of San 1Bernardi~ caw.:· who ,,. •• _released from priaon about' three months ago after strvinc an ti&ht-year term f~ selling narcotics. Ke told the crew he &Old narcotics "to support my wife and family." One of tbe pauengers wu naPpin& when the hijacker atruck. ·•1 thought it wu a joke," said Raul RaWm&ri, a 51.leaman from Miam.i Buch. "J wu uleep. He put a aun 1$ my head and ao I gave him the money." The hlja<;ker took 11,700 In caah from Rawman, a nervOUJ Cuban exile who had Oed hll llamtland )JI llll. • ~ be collected t!IO •1.700 from Rawman, be ntumld Rnllle:r suma to two other _,... hi bad robbed previoualy. Dco Tucktr and -n lleroont. both or l'iorth lltl!llard, c::om.; aalcl 111e hJ. jackar took QI ana 138 fl'Oll! lllem, r<l]IOCllvely. . "He wai 1 belluv1 'nice IUY to siv• us back our money," Tucker commented. The hijacker wu ~ about whom he attempted to rob, aaid an airline stewardess maldnc the trip u a paasen1er. "He took nothinJ from nlce looking people and Negroes," 1aid Cheryl Jamieson, a National. stewardw from Miami who is very nice Jookinl. A aoldier on leave from n. Fis:. N.J., Anny Spec. t Jamea Tucker, 111d the hij•cker "came to me and asked, 'Are you 1 rich man or a poor man?' I said 'Poor man' eo be didn't bother me." SIRHAN ON STAND • • • Ill< North was balled laot Ocl. 31. "Wbe~r we rtach the conclusion that the l'.JolaUon i1 to · 11lgnlflcant that It , ,_.Wra actl(N1 on our part· ii a declalon we WUI be reachlna .very toon if thole attKb· continue at their present magni· tude," be aald. Def.,,.. Secretary Melvin R. Laird wu leaving for South Vletnam today. Nixon uked him for an oMhe-ipot ap- pnlaal or the 1itueUon. "We have not moved In a prteipltate fuhlon/~ the Presldt:nt told reporters, "but the fact that we bJve shown pa· Uenct and forebearanct ahou.ld not be Finch Reveals Piao to Study TV Violence CCdidllrecl U I ai&n d wtakntu." Ill. Parla. lat Sanday ~ liiol '!'Ith South Vlettifme• Vici ...-nt Npyen · Cao Ky wl1o JaUr rtplrted ~t Nl1011 spoka to him ol "new ~" lo the war. ,, 'Iba Pmtdenl uld thla r.r.....illo "~-tic lnltwlve" •bid\. int1ht be · lo , break the deadloct Ji the PllfiJ ~ -n1aollaUoiul'wblcb be felt had ~ "~ two lD wblch we wlll . hav~ hard 1>ar1olnfnl GO lhe major polntt VI dlll°""""." He s.aid he wu ~culerty. plealtd lo find that K)' "wu -cooperaUve ln lndkaUng his desire to atternpt to find ll'ld explore new aPP.!'91chff It the confert!nc6. table rather lhan 1imply resigning ourselves to a m 111t1 r y dtdlfon.'1 'ft\.U.S, Nixon, himself, Sttmed to be trylog ~veral approaches to the Vjetnam $141ation. lie sought to be firm about not permltUni the new enemy ofreqsive to gO d6Cliected, but he imisted he· ..,as noJ. U.,eotening. He !bought the Soviet Unloo would like to see Lbe waf t.nd, ~'that. eomewhat ambivalently, RUS!i& ,... oupplylnl 80 peroent of North Viel· n&m'I fnl'if'e sophisiticate1! war materiel. *'* * l * * * PresidentBankson VSSR . ' . . . TQ H~lp ,Cool Off Cr~es WASHlNG'fpN (AP) -Pnlidtnt Nix· Berlin. They see lhe Kremlin leade!'!hlp on is placing broad hopes for a cooling u divided between hard aod soft liners w ASRINGTON (UPl) . _ H E w off of international crises on Soviet Jn. with unpredictable and thus dangerous tereal in avoJdlnt a nuclear showdown results. They rate Anatoly F. Dobrynin, 5ectttary Robert H. Finch announced with the Unlled State.s. the Soviet Ambassador to Washington today plana for an JnveaUgaUon of the Vietnam, Berlln and the Middle EasL who has been the maln Soviet contact effects on viewers of violence on are potentlaJ nuhpoint.s ·where the so far with the new President and television. Kremlin may prefer a peacemaking role, Secretary of State. as likely ta mus The head or the Department of Health, Nixon saJd in voicing "cautious con· the Kremlin's more pleasing face to Education and Welfare told a House clusions" at a Tuesday night news con· Washington. Commerce Subcommittee he is trying ference devoted entirely to foreign policy. Nonetheless Nixon sounded an op- to put together an impartial panel to "The Soviet Union recognizes that if limistic theme about the Russians conduct the inquiry. He said he was these pt:ripheral ateas gel out of control , throughout news conference questions fincHna that difficult. that the result could be a confrontation ranging around the globe and into nuclear But he 1ald he hoped to gel the \Yllh the United States." he said. disarmament. investigation started in 10 days or two "And the Soviet Union does not want d . ed ,;. E'· a conlrontatlon with the United States, The Presi ent v1~w ·~ ~uropean weeks. any inore than we want one with them, trip as a bast·touching w i t h the Finch, in his first Capitol Hill ap· because each of us knows what a con· \\'estern allies that was likely to be pearance since his confirmation, declined fronlation would mean." followed by an East-West summit. to take • stand on a Federal Com-There is room for plenty of argument On Berlin. he said "the Soviet Union municationl Commission (FCC) proposal about the Krtmlln-peacemaltJng theory, will use its influence to coot off the to ban cigarette commercials on radio as Nixon himseU acknowledge<! in saying situation rather than heat it up" because ~ tele~on.. Soviet pOiicy Is ambivalent on Vietnam Moscow does not want to jeopardize He. aald be eod hi1 aides were con· and the Middle East. He noted the U.S.-Soviet progress on other items. slderlng a number of recommendations rnwons of dollars worth of Soviet arms "Let's fact it," he added, "without I.or broHening and Ugbtenlng 1 current· supplled to Hanoi and Arab states. the Soviet Union's cooperation the law requiting that <)igareUe packl carry Some U.S. dJplomats maintain Moscow Mideast is going to continue to be a ~ bealfb wlminc .labeL ts pushing harder than it has to on terTibly dangerous area." E~1 a/ ora'nae1 .was ~ or· du of 111< <f<>v. ar . Rhonda Brolccw, 18, (rig~!) "ltl'SU< Cornwell, 18, In Los Alt.defer aftef 1Sfie ·flew. 7,0DO milt& to help croum t1ie 1969 NOtion· al orange' Sftoto Queen ' at. Spn.' BIT· 1tardino~ S#e is .tht Quen of the' Bay of Pldi.ttt Ofange Ft1tfvdl in Tci.llran-- ga, Nett1 Zealand and .Rhonda. is Queen 1of-tM. NdtioMl ONmge ' Show (Continued from P111 1) r.OOy until he uw 1 televi&ion documen- tary showing Keonedy hatlinl Isra•li independence. He said then he haled Kennedy. Pruldtnl, Viet Praldmt, etc .. down the.------------------------------------- laddtr." for th~ Jltar. · •• . . 11'411 Came, the iock-'it-fo.me girt on tht> Rowan and Martin "~~·!•'' ·~· ·ii . book . home in -htT nat£vt triUode of Ch•rch Bra\n~lon, Englond preparing for· 'mamaoe. Jud11. 29, 1cdd 1M'.U .morru 24-year·old Deem G~. a photographer who met··her while 1?f,e wcu 07l the , recritilit'7 tnd of a cuatm"d pie. 1 The wtdding will takt plaa in 1 a few ~ys, Thereafter.) she • 1ald, it'• from ·tu1tafd PJe 1o cordon bleu cooking . ., A tohile ago,'' aht ·•aid, "l couldn't.boil an ~gg. Now I'm a real home bodv and 1 th.all cook liU erat11:· • • · Sh1rloclC Ho1m11 has been ar· rested. For Dallas police it was elementary, W a ts on. Officers checking drivers: licenses turned up a man they bad been looking for-Sherlock llolmes. HL5 offense -failure lo pay ·a speeding Ucket. "Did you write that·Roberl F. Kennedy must be assassinated before $ June, 1968?" COoper uted. , "If you (lie) were in front of me so 11elp me God, he wtruld have died ·at that tlme," Sirhan aaid. Cooper read to bin\ scribblings whtre Sirhan wrote aboul · usu1inatin1 "the ·Vice President and down the ladder?" ·~pld vou write thaf'you would have 'uiUaln~led L)'lldon JohMon and the .. UN Envoy in Egypt, But Atmosphere Cold By UNITED PllESS INTERNATIONAL United NaUona Envoy Gunnar V. Jar· ring arrived in Cairo today for a new roond ol Middle Eut peace IOW!dln11 but the atmosphere was cold. Egypt ..,as reported prepa~g a record defense budget. Al Abram, the semi4fici&1 govemment newspaper.· ssld PrWdent GamaJ Abdel Nassu would · confu Sund11 with economic and finance mlnlaten to work on a budget for nest year "wbJcb will give for defense purpoee;s the arutm. allocaUc::lm in Egypt'& bl.story." "I .mast have been· a maniac at the Ume," Sirhan aid. "Well, dld you .WJ'ltl tt?" "That 11 what J thought and must have felt at the time. 1 would havt bias led anyont. '' "Did you eftr have In mind killinJ: Lyndon Johnson?" "1 must hve bten provoked. 1, bated him. But it IOUnd.s like 1 crazy man's writina;." · "You thlnk you are cruy? Do ~11 think yoU are normal?" ' "1 don't think I 1m crazy," Sirhan 1ald. Sirhan aaid he MW ambulador Arthur Goldberl duriolJ dablta alter tba 1117 AraJ>.11....U ftl'. In Wbich Goldberl pr<> claimed t11at 111e temlorfat 1n1e11111 i>I all llato lllloold be raapected. '"Did ;.., Itel he 1hoald dle fl" that!" Cooper uked. "If· I had seen him· I would have (killed him). I hated him," Sirhan aald. Cooper uked · him how he fill 'about the Jaraell vldory in the 111'7 war. "It affected. mt, sir, very deeply. I didn't lit~ it. Where 11 the justice in. volved, slr! Where ls the love, fir, for fiibtine for the underdo1. l1rael is no underdo1 in the Middle East, sir. It'• those refuiets that are un- derdop. And beclWlle they have no wa.y of fighttn1 back, sir, the Jews, sir, the Zionists, just keep bu.tb)I away at them. That burned the hen out oJ me." Roeky Mountain Snow Belt Storm System Extends From New Mexico to Kansas ~~~'!!!rrft~IM """' lllYlEWOfUSAWUnDWllPOllWTtOJ:ffA,M.IST ~·6 • .,. ~go.r!Mrfl (111~1• •Y wllft' _,,., ":!"!Ql.z; ~ tO ft M. W;~~lld .:!'':~'f.,.kld;:.,, *='11~!: 11atn!,.:;ft l -\[ 1 -~~~... ! ym, and 9"tr.tM -t.Ji>L ~ .. ·~-~AINZ ) 1--\ "'"91t Milt• T ..... 1 h"f'l """"9f'1M1 •I l" °'"" °' "/ PlllXINO ~ IUIV ~ T" '\__ ...... ""'" ·-"' ,... RW ._,_. '""" I~ ••& ; vy~ If-.. r..,.....,... -•mum. ln'tt•• ll•ecft .,.... flail """ n!Mllnll• 0, _ ..... ~s w1111e n!Ml1 1ew111 "' "" "*'"'''"" -.-Jl • , ...... -JD. OUtrll ''"'" lf'Oln v ~Ilk II '8 "' h llll'9f ¥111e\'1 ta ......... IS ifl .. i-r ¥1'"'5, • Tll1 1..-A""41!9 buln .... frw Ill '~· M ta h -IY w~1. l"' w .. lfllr •ure1n ,,,.,..c,., '~ c1llM IW our>~ c!Nr ....,..._ w1111 !~t~,... r*l!1lok'll "" ,... _,,, •Kif! '11111 INNlrt1 dU~llil tri. ..... wod. • •• ~leflt -rue.41¥ ,,.., ~l(h!d lliet>9 l!lllt• lrlc:lude L-••di ""12, Stftf• 'i'lonlm -..,S, turtMnl( 41·101 Mt. '#fl<. U"' 42.... 1'1~/t $.MO, ttJvtrlldll ~. ""lfll Stw'lll91 ... 71. 8Jkl'1fllMI ,,..,,. kl! D'tn *45. $11111 ll1rto.r1 ...... LOS .lJfGf:lll ANO VICINITY- ~~""1' •nd Wll"ll'I TPNniillY. (Ifft tnd «>Cl bl"l'tl, low !onltllt 4 tfld 111111 '~"l'Jd•• n. C.O.\STAl ANQ INTfJtMt:DIAlE V.t.LLEYS -i<ln"" 1M •Nlf TIN,. d•Y CIN• t"!I tolll i.tl19111. l ... i. "~' ........ °"'' ""-nttltl ••• 1 ... lo 3' tcol<lf•I lllltnd t!WL 14ftha T~rto.y 61 lo 16. MOONl.t.!N A~l-'S -~_., trot t '""' ••"""'· c~,, t11o1t net t1Ulte .. coif • ..,,,, ' INTllllOI! ANO OESl!llT 11•01°'41 -lviWly Hd I l~!lo ... -~· C11t1r !Wt "" _,,!'°" •o wlf lellltM. L-Mllfl' H '" ii 0-W tPl!I Mo tel-Wll'""· 1' to 4 _I_.. ~ ........ t/111 • to 4 lewtr -. ' co .. lal $UM'( tf'MI wtl"IW• llt!!I !flt cotlll .,. WIMI .,_Nblt. 10 .. 21 rn.t.11 T"""" flllfl. 0 to tl. Y"liklT'• ""'""'"'rn rt ft• I 1111 . '""" • """ -'5 fl • -" IS. tfto ltnllll ,_.turt '""' "'' 11 to .. ,.... """ trn\ttrl!v~ -" ....... Swn, "foon, '.l'Wes '#IDNISDAY .ltc'llld low . J:ll '·""· 0·1 ~ hlOll 10,01 '·"'· ... THUtlttD.lT "'"' tow . .. . .. . 1:n '-""'· 0.1 f'lf1! hl!lh ............ "11:17 t ,lft, U Sic""' low ............ ''" """" ,,, htoncl ttllfl .......... lt:U t ,111, J,I Mllfl JtleM J.:4 '·"'· "" 1:6' '·"'· S•• It-•:II l."I. ltti $:02 "'""' \Mt.. ..... , .... ,,,,.r. 11 Mir. 11 ,,_.,,ti ... ''". "'"",. ""'· , M•W ..... --Wlf'9 •111111 ,,_ ""9 -..NIN t M Mf't!IMll9•n ArlrtN Into ,..,,..,.m tM _...,, Mrw #MI~ ..... fe Wu1'11tiltiml (Ii. ••61 .,.. Kl .... . l"Wr lrlcW It "llli't of ._ WIS eutCllllll 111 lftVdt 1111 ttwo bin, -. -flllllel ff fht lhrHI Ill 11"8fll Wlllllllil •J"llllUC1111 t>rtwrulvt llllrlnl"" •111111 --· ln •K•rteM 1-1 -~Ht- "fldil ""' Art119111 -Ill "" ll'ldlu of --t.11 .. ,,., ...... . '"'" ,,.., .. ,,....,.,, -... 111111 .. Ql!lll*'-""--'"""' '""'"' ,,.. -· Int. lt.IH. ...... , ... ,.1 .. 1e1-n... lftllll •-flWft ct.I.,._ .... "" ~· """" "' "" _, Mlllhli..I Y•JltY, Find Your Nime Among Classified Ads • Win Free Ticketi r-11er.c• .... """Lew"""' 3' 17 ,,, ~ IS " .. " .. '6 .J Tr .. " .. " .... •• 11 " II . ,, ... SI IJ '1 17 " a " .. " .. " ' II tf .. ~ .. .. ..... .... .. .. • • 14 n rr .. " " " " .. ,. n .... .. ft . ... .. " 51 0 ... n ' u a .. " .... " n " " " .. .... .. ... .. " • •1 ,11 " .... " .. " .. WESTERN NATIONAL & MARINE A specially-equipped BuickSkylark Custom Sport C.oupe at special s~s . Five popul'r 1969 Buick Skylark models arc now specially equipped with a lot of extra things. Things like door guards, remote control outside mirrors. CO?vcniencc groups, vinyl tops, whilewall tircs,<lcluxe wheel cover.; and bell rew:al moldings. And l~c offered JO you now al spc>:ial savings, too. The reason? Simple. We want to make your b1zying a Buick right now a d~lightful decision. ·Your Buick dealer is waiting. It\ Delightful Decision time at your Buick DWers' now. Be1·e's Bow To Win: J"'1t tc•~ lh• ''''' •' t.d•y', cleuified 1d¥ttfi1lft9 11cfi•n. U fOlt f'lnd your 1111111, ye• wht two fret Ile••._ t• lh1 W11l1t11 N1+i•~•I 1111 I M•rlnt Sho•. C1ll fw tf4k1h 11 '"Y of tht fo •r DAILT' PILOT 1Hh.•t •n th1 Or-tfttt Cotti . JJO W. a., lfrMt """' -ZJ11 ...._ ltY4. N""91f ..... . . J°' PIM SffHt H ......... ..... 112,...... .... ... i.a-- Tickeu Good Any Day -March 8 thru 16 -Anaheirn Convention Center 1 - ~ -·- , ' I 1 ' ' , I ' • I· • I I ---~--~~~..,...--~~~~~~~--~------------------------------11!1! ' . HEW Vows ,_au_EEN_1_E ____ a...;,y_Ph_n_1ntet1_a_nc1...,1 • Crackdown On Racis~ -~ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Nixon admlnistraUon bas announced a crackdown on the •1subtle fotll\I" of school segregation in 14 northern and western states. Secretary Robert H. Finch of Health. Educalion and Welfare announced the "Na· tionwide Title VI Compliance PrQgram" Tuesaay in a report to CQugress. The department will send 11 more agent!: into the states involved to in· vesligate segregation com· plaints. Finch announced the new steps in a report entitled "Establishing a Nationw ide School D-esegregat i on "I know it' a atupid-but what about me! I'm • watcb.iDg it o o o II Program Unde:-Title Vt of ---------------------- the Civil Ri ghts Act of 1964." The report was reques ted by Congress in the Labor-HEW Appropriatio!! Act of 1969. Senators Hear Tale Of Prison Tortures • Dtscuss WASHINGTON (UPI) Sprint missiles to sin added LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) _ President Nixon and the Na· protection to U.S. offenllve An FlllA swing,wing fighter-tional Security Council 'held missiles In tbeJr underground a tWo-hour 0 full discussion" sil(lr.'I. bomber crashed on a tra..inlng to d a ~· of the Sentintal -Using Sprinl!J lo pl'(llect flight Tuesday, the 13th loss Antiballlstic Missile (ABM ) some U.S. strategic bomber of the two-man, $6 million system. Ni1on says he will bases against surprise attack plane that developed from the announce next week a decision by Soviet submarine-launched controversial TFX. program . whether work on the syiitem missiles. Th is also involves Both pilots ejected safely. . wi~-belen'seesSeumcreed; • ..., •1e1,1·n R. building radars so that they vi:: ...... .1 ., face to sea as .well as'toward The crash came while planes Laird told newsmen after the the miuile approaches across searched deserts and moon-meeting that no !irm decision the Arctic . ta ins oi Nevada and Utah for was rea ched. The White llolltlc Proposals along these lines another FlllA, lost three said lhcrc wu a ''full have been drafted in the discussion" of the mauu. The Defense Department for con- weeks ago. · Pre;;idenl told his news con· sideralion by the National ~laj . William Baeehle, 34, rcrencc Tuesday ni ght that he Security Council and Nixon. of New York, and rilaj. ~'ould \\'eigh ithe 111atter the If approv.ed they would be Edward Schmit Jr., 36, of rest of this week. proposed t.o Congress as Prescott, Ariz., ejected safely Aller more Utan 41 month changes in the Sentinel ABM ·1 r p ' tud .bl system planned by the last 80 ml es north of here. They 0 en agon s Y • 8 possi e admlnislration for the mid ' . WM-, Mor<h S, 1969 GAILY PILOT ' CELEBRATE WITH US! OUR SECOND BIRTHDAY All NIXT WHK MARCH 1().15 lllYS?ERY SHOPPER will stroll the mall a.nd pay for your purchases. You may be IUtpriled •t the cash regiattt wben your purchuc is pa.Id fOI'. • ·. • were taken by helicopter to new antim issile plan ·is taking 9705 sh'!pe, with sites to be moved ....:1=:;·--------1 a hospital but the: Air Force farther from big cities. Brmg tbe children. T1tcJ ride THE CA ROUSEL FREEi Also, free balloons! said they were unhurt. The Nixon told the neY!'S ron- plane crashed and burned in ference he would make ad· six inches or :snow. ditional studies in v o Iv in g Eleven Hiers have been kill· Defense Department and IKE ~IAKES PROGRESS cd or reported missing in the "other experts" before inak· \VASHlNGTON rUPI) 1''lll. ing his plans public. Former Prsident O\vight D. YOUR HOROSCOPE: In tbe Carousel Court an IBM· 082 mak.ea your penonallty analysil by utrol· ogy •ll exciting experil!Dtt. According to i n f o r m e d EisCJlhower "continues to The Air Force says. the sources, Defense Dep41rtment show satisfactory progress" in J . lUrschkop, an Ameri can Fltrs accident record is bet· thinking now leans toward : recovery from surgerf. bis ter than that of most fighter· -hfoving proposed ABM doctors reported today. Pickup dr•wing ,lips for •II exptns• p•id trip to H•w•ii, M•gnavox 21 inch Co lor TV, in •ny itote next wo•kl ·- ·'· "Every effort has been r.1ade by this df'partmen t' to comply with lhe Congressional mandate for a nationwide ap- plication oC Tille VI," Finch said in a let te r to House Speaker John \V. W.cCormack. "Justice .cannot be served through t h e unequal en· forccment of any law ." \\' ASHINTGON (UPI) -At the Virginia Penitentiary, a prisoner was locked in solitary confinement "without speak· ing to another human being for five and a half years.'' Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) botnbers. Spokesmen claim its sites away from big cities, With Eisenhower's ~ondilion Couth P.oast 'DJaza. lawyer who has worked for innovations sucti as the mobile including Boston, Chicago and steadily improving, and biJ CJ \' , . years on behalf of Virginia wing a n d terrain-follo\ving Seattle. heart remaining stable follow· , prisoners. said there was no -A strong re<:ommendation ing the Feb. 23 operation for BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, ·,•. Guards at Cummins Prison Farm ln Arkansas caught a convict planning an escape. They whipped him, stuck needles under his fingernails radar would make it li kely lo the White House to exercise an lnlestinal block, Walt.er sign of change. to have some accidents in what has long been an optio n Reed Arm~· Hospita l issued f ''The public does not care early stages. in ABM planning : Employing only a one-line bulletin today. ~ TiUe VI bars federal Jinan· cial aaaistance to any proe;ram or activity that discrimiiiates on the basis <lf race , e<>lof or mlional origin. about the men it sends to'J __ .:.__:c.: ______ _::::...:==.c==~='.'.".:?.:'.!._'.~'..:'.'.'.'.'.':'.'.'."'..'.'."'.'.~~~'.:...'.===='======:::;:======:::;===:i prison;' hiurton testified. "It ! ' Ex-Garrison • Aide Rapped and toenails, pulled hi s genitals with wire pliers, cracked his knuckles with nut· crackers, burned his stomach and legs with cigarettes and kicked him in the groin. NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -At Lorton Reformatory, a Folltwing up Clay L. Shaw's youth -IMUtution o u t s i d e COO!\)h'lcy trial acquittal with Wasbblgton., D.C., a defective a s;.Ivo of legal charges, Dist. metal .press used to • make Atty. Jiin Gani.son accused District of Columbia license his fonner research assistant tags smashed the hands of with Illegally aiding Shaw 's its convict operators year lawyers in their defense. after year. Repair requests Garrison charged Thomas '''ere ignored. Bethell Tuesday with sup-These and other tales ol plying. Shaw,'s attorneys with tortur and ~eglect were un· a secret list of prosecution folded before the Senate witntsaes ·prior to Shaw '.s tri3' Juveni!e .._Delin~y . su.b· on charges of conspiring to · .commit.lee Tuesday in 1Ls in· murder President John F. vcstigation of prisons. Kenned y. The witnesses, f o r m e r Bethell left Garrison·s staff Arkansas Penitentiary Supt. last fall. Thomas 0. Murton and Phi lip PRE- EASTER does not care whether or not prisoners are beaten, exploited or subjected to inhuman con- ditions. The public does not \Vant prison reform because it actually does not want to know what goes on in prisons and thus the inmate ii at the mercy of his ~ard." Arkansas Gov." Winthrop Rockefeller told a Little Rock news conference the state \vould seek ''e<tual time " before the subcommtttee to rebut Murton 's accusations. John Haley, chairman oi the State Boarc. of Correction, charged Murton 's "attack was scurrilous.--reprehcmible and. withou t foundation of fact. •·Tom is a.bitter and viodic· live man bent on attempUng to injure Arkansas wilh his distortion and picture of what existed years ago." Haley said. SALE MARCH 6-7-8 DOWNING STREET PRINTS DacrOft (polyester) &: Avrn ~S" wide, ,..,....., ,.,..,.. .... prf~e 1.5' PRINTED VOILES 98' Dticroo '""""""'" " ·c"!"'" 79' .... 1.4'·1.6' -sPfCIAL DAN RIVER CHECK GINGHAMS 100°/o cotton, 11•"· 1/2" and 1" checks. .... 79• Moor"""4hcr"""'· Ito• Hlecttoo. R19. 1.tl • Z.4' OOTIED SWISS D4ICtOft '?ofyeit•" &: c-.O" wlH- R19. 1.69 59' RUSSELL RIBBED COTTON Rlbbe4 Cotton. 41" wfd• .... 1.6' II 98' COSTA MESA Harbor Clfttlf ZJOO H•bw llY4. DAN RIVER SHORTS Checks. stripes, pK.i ... :, v-to 1.29 69' LEATHERETTE 60" wlde. .... I.ti SPICLlL 2~29 DACRON-"POLYESTER'' DOUILE KNIT 60" wide, 4 95 Good color stlKtioft SPECIAL o • DAN PRESS SOLIDS ~?.t,ni .. · .. Coll... 8°' • ... 1.1' 1 .FINE QUALITY COTilllS Cl.OSE OUT 2Y• 51 HOMESPUNS Llnlft type, Prl•h I. Plol"" 1 49 45" wkt•. .... 1.tl 0 • BE COSTA MESA M ... Cewt« Ul I. 17 .. St. • Do the ljlring thingl Pluck a fresh QualiCrall oboe llhape-lilt1 a black manm:ulepatent pump with the bi-rill In fn>nt that'• on-top-today. The toe 1hapea a round eurve, the heel 1tand• full and high. For 9.99, i:.'a One of the wayi .. QualiCralt keep! you up on the nan. See city widal!, !reob 1pectatorl, llO!ler putela and palo neutrab, bram buck!.., refined hrosum, l'Wltic •lacked heel& 6.99 to 10.99 Greats of '69 mosUy -"-•v.,. •• •• ' .. • ' • • • • • • ' FASHION ISLAND HUNTINGTON CENTER SOUTH COAST PLAZA f NEWPORT, IEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH COSTA MESA f '"-------~~~~~~~~~~ ...... .___~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~- f I , ·1 ......... ' 1 ' • • lnmv •JLO'I' mIToRIAL PAGE I --Police · and Community Chari .. Holllnl•worth bas been named "OUicer of lhe v...-· by lhe Hunlini1oo Beach E•chani• Club and Richan! D. GoocWI clfec1 as an outstanding police Id"""" atudenl a\ Oranie Coast College. '111e citelions were given ~ -pert·of"the erlrne.pre- vent!on pfOir&m of lhe E1change Club. The annilal program seeks to encoura1e better police work lh.n>ugh recognition of better men Md women tn law enforco- nient .. Officer Holllngsworlh was selected by fellow ol· ficers u "'Officer of lhe Year" for hi• 911t.tending work In inv06ligatioa an!I, particularly m attempt. to devise melhods for ldentif!caUon ol motorcycles with altered numbers. He has been wllh the department In some capacity sine<! :958, movinJ up from patrol to lhe detective bur• eau. He WBI d"'crlbed by Police Chief John ~tzer as "an outstanding police of1icer la. every way,$" Goodell, 19, is looking forward to a career In '1aw enforcement at a llin~ when law enforcement desper- ately needs all the bright young men and women it can recruit: · . Crime ii increuing at a rate faster than the popu~ la\ion growth In Orange County and elsewhere. Young_ mm and women are going into higher paying jobs and Into pooitiom with more prestige. While the policeman has emereed from the cloud of being nothing more than a legal brawler with a night.tick and gun, bis present po5ition as a college- \ralned professional has not eliminated some of the 1Ugma-associated with the distant past. Programs ·such as \bis of the Exchange Club help to bring the policeman and lhe community togetber. Spurred on by recognition programs SU:Ch as this, the police-community relationship can be improved. Feeling the sometimes strong lack of public ac- ceptance, the police sometimes draw ~way f~ ~e community and forln: a aub community ot. itself 1n which the real ind lrnagiiled tack of social acceptance and community 1uppor1 are mainJ!ied. Ratber than flndlni a .common ground for all to live together 1n the commun.lty, any 11eparati11t movement becomes the vehicle for the spread of divisiveness by extreOU.t groups, either pro-police or antl-police. Hunllngt.on Beach bas a line police department ltafCt:Cl with professional law enforcement officers who for Ill'\ most par! are backed solidly by the community. The Exchange Club crime prevention program re- late& the policeman to the community he serves and relates the community to the· policeman. LWV's Helpful Guidance With school board elections coming up next monlh, the strong hand of the Huntington Beach League of Women Voters again is being felt in the area guiding voters to sources of information so that they may cast ballots intelligently on AprtJ 15. • The league has been -very active in registration of voters for all elections. Members have set up registra-- tion tables in varioll$ locations and brought the papers to residents who might othenvi.se never vote because o! a lack of regl!tration. At every electioo the women prepare factual in· formation on the candidates and the issues for distri .. butiQll to the public. They know an infonned voter will make the best choice. · Added now to Ute services of this outstanding com· munity group are classes for Spanish-speaking persons who would like to become citizens of the United states. The women involved in the activities of the league show daily the interest of women in the political realm and their outstanding conlribution through non-parti· san presentation of the facts has improved the quality of government In West Orange County. · (5) . . DeGaulle Way ls Persistent Annoyance Relocate Orange County Airport, but ••• WASHINGTON -'l1im are two w•)'I ,( viewing President Nixon's trip to Europe. 1bere lJ our way. And ther8 t11 De Gaulle'• way. Our way -the Mlerlcan way -is reassuring: 1;nd lamlllar. We would rather not notice !he De Gaulle way -and yet there It i.5, a mild and persistent annoyance -like crumba in an otberwl&e com- lort.ble bed. In our way of viewing the President'• Grand Tour, everythh!I the Praident iaid -ucred and ..ablllbed principle. Of course we will defend N'ATO; of course we have a apeclal relationahJp with England; of a>Urte we ieek Wes1em unity. Even Mr. Naoo's declar~tion that we are all Berlinen ·was but a mild upgrading of what John Kennedy taught U11 to believe. tt was •II al customary II the bouaebold furniture. TO BE SUlt.E, tt WU pure ceremony. Nobody actually believa that Mr. Nixon 1ccompllabed anything except to show !he EuropeaM that be ..... not Tricky Dick, but a serious and frteod.ly chief of a great atate. The true value of the presidenU.1 trip can. be aummed up in the ancient and bucolic couplet: The cow kicked Nolly in the belly In the barn; Didn't do her any 1ood, didn't do ber any harm. And )'l!t It did r .. n1rm what we believe. Or did It! 'l1im It ll·qaln, !hal haunting theall of Do Gaulle, cutlng doubt upon our own innermost con- 5eiences u though we were not prin• ripled leaden of a grand alliance but mere men, looking first to our own skins. DE GAULLE DOESN'T believe wbat v.•e say. He doesn't believe we believe it. Re says that there ta in the world "a new and giganUc fact," nameb' thl ability of the Soviet Union to deltroJ lhe United Siiia. BecaUIO ol tbll foci. he implied, we will not defend Eur.po. Despite all our pbrues, we will look first to ourselves. lt was after the rnlllslle cria1a of October, 1912, that Do G•ulle put forth this view, and he used the m1alle alsll Io oupporl It. There II lnltb to his logic. For in those 13 days ol ~adful danger we did not ask the Berliners tr they were nady for tnvaalon. We did not ask the Europeans wbtthtr they "·ere rudy for nuclear war. We dealt with the Russian s 11 one to one.. We thought fir&l ol oune!vts. Dear Gloomy GUB: Mlo'a to uy who 1hould and who -·t blllld hoopilall! Jj this free entoprile or l!o 't it~ -&.11.S. ,.. .....,. ... , . .,. ~ .. ...._ "" __ ..., ..... 9' .,,. -· ...... .-"' .,. " •'-• o-. Dllnr NII&. _.,,, ....... "' 11111. .... ....,. .. ,r DE GAULLE'S LOGIC lmplles a ques- tiQn: Would we 1l110 think flnrt of ounelves if Soviet troops marched into Berllo? Would we really riak IOme 20 million dead in a single nuclear exchange tn order to prove that we are all Berllnen:? Or that we believe In Euro- pean unity? Or that we have a special rdatloasblp witb Ellil•nd! Even as Mr. Nixon rulfirms the faith, the devil's advocate ealna converta. Fonner Sec. al Stale Doan llu!k has expreued fears about a new period ol isolation: 'lbe greatest part of the U.S. Army, far from being ready to defend the grand lllltanco, II booed 00wn In South Vietnam. And who Ii to say that the young men of America, many o( whom view the war in Sauthe.as:t Aaia with such loathing, would look upon a confronta.Uon tn Europe u a duty? Particularly, a duty puaed on to them by a generation they do not hold in bi.F regard? THE DE GAULLE view is un- com!ort.ble and ahamlng. And yet alter the Marshall Plan, after the Berlin alrl~~ alter NATO and a Wiiied Europe, alter all lb< forgotten pbrues, there Is that nagging !ear that be might be right, I I U be is fllht, be will not ooly have outlived Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill; he will have revened them -and obliluated the lwon al history which Ibey thought Ibey had handed down. By Fruk Mutltwlcs ud Tom Bradt• Work for It ltalJ, Texu, New.Herald: 11Wbat ls probal>ly tho m0<t senllhle ldU. ID come out of Wa.ibtngton in a &ood .·many year1 la the one made by a con~ ..-mu. , . that abJe.bodled -. oo relief rolll be required to do 1ome wort tn e.i:cbange !or their chects. Oho poulblllfy menUoned ..,., pkldUJ up debrl1 •lODI public roads •. M .. y similar types of work could be con~ aidered. This suggestion ii probably quite appalling to most of the present generation of rtllefers who have been brought up in the bellef that ~e goVUllmtnt owes every man a living, but those of us who can remember the depression days of the 1930·s ~rf. made to wonder bow, wby and when lhe idea <>f performing some service ln return for government mpport was drop- ped." Ae<ordlnc ta tho publication. "The Kanaas Re• t a.u rent,' ' "F'ood markettn~ sttVlcts haveJncrt'.!as~ 117 percent since 1940. while the volume of food marketed hu incttased only 70 percent. Therefore a laree part of the P.11~ of food lit not for the product itself but for costs lnvolved In getting food from fann to table more rapidly. ma.king food• avail•ble all aeuons ol' the year. provldlng built.to con· venlences itv dinnus, etc.) M'· pandine parklng facilitie& 4t the NII.ail £tore, and other factors which make possible quicktr shopping. less llme In I.he kjtthen and a varlet,y of fflee:Uon which Is !be enV)' ol lhe world." -'Leave To the Edita" I become 10 Irritated and Irked by tmimaginaUve and unreallstlc people when I bear them suggest that El Toro should share lta faclliUes with the private airlines or move ta. the desert as one reader suggests because of the problem of iDcreaaed air traffic in Orange County. 1 think El Toro ii a . vjtal lint in the defense system of this country and ahould not be disturbed by civilians. If the Marines should move to the desert the economy of the county would suffer. MARINES AND their families buy and rent homes, spend their well-deserved 21a1aries in many areas of the county and contribute in numerous ways to the commµniUes in which they reside. The families who were rtcently evacuated from flooded disaster areu were more than grateful to have our wUUna: Marinea: come to their aid so qnickly. They would not-have 'been of any assistance out on the desert. I favor relocation ol the Orange County Airport but I say "LEA VE EL TORO TO THE MARINES." MARY JANE DUGAN SPITZER A irport Con.,ealence To the Edllor o To the people with a bumper sUcker on their car reading u.Ban Jet Plane5 At Orange County Airport," and all the other noise abatement whiners, may they have to drive to Los Angeles Intema· tlonal Airport every day for a week with their entire family, including pets and a acttaming baby that never stopii. May they all be packed into a car that II bllck Inside and out wltb lb< doors aealed. and with the windows onty opening one half Inch, plus no air con- ditioning. May the temperature outside be 99 to 10! degrees and may there be a "smog ale.rt." May they get stuck for thrtt bours In a traffic jam and may they not be able to find a place to J>&rk once tb<y get ID the airport. And, finally, may they miS5 their plane. IF TIU8 DOESN'T teach them what a coavenialee they have ta their backyard and !hay -In getting Orange Counl)' Airport moved ta Doatb Valley, I -tbelr nod project will be to make Niagara Falls noiseless. The lmOUnt ol Ume, ettart and money spent on tbelr proJod could have been •pent Ill installing acoustical We. W:., .----B11 Geerge ---, De.ar Gtorge : l have a problem and I belit\·e you are just the ooe to help me. I am 22 years old and interested ln meeting and becoming 3C· quainted With the haod90me young n1olorcycle policeman assigned 10 the shopping center wbtre I ·work. J've tried a couple of times lo strike up a convttsation with him tn the drugstore, but he's too shy. How can 1 get him to speak to me and to remember me? WISTFUL Oear Wistful: Spee<! • lol Orar George : \\1he.n a v.·oman gels a dh·orre la the man supposed lo hock her engagement ring? LOLISE Dear LoWse : It Is not mandatory. etiquette ,.,q>crls agree. I personally fetl that a man has no right to hoek his l":C·'!'"ife's engagement ring~ He 1hould ha\'e thought of this before I.he divorce was flnal. El Toro r: s;:..,,~--.;7-.,...... ~I';: , .. Letter.s from. rtaMr1 art tatlcomt, NormaUJI uwitn1 1hould eonvt11 tMir message in 300 fDOrdl or less. Tht right to condtnat lttttr.s to fit space or eliminate libel i.t reserved. Alt Utter.! mu.st include signaturt: and mailino oddre11, but names may be withheld on request if suf/ici.tnt rea- son i.s apparent. to soundproof their bome5. and they · could have turned their atlention to more worthwhile projecta rucb as starvation in the UrUted State:!I, etc. AN ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT LOVER ~laPo,..PPll llfot orlsl$ To tho Edllor: Wow! What a story by Arthur Vinsel till~, "It Can Be A Very Personal Thlng," in the March 1 DAILY PILOT! It took me back to the days \vhen I did some research on ambulance driv- ing. What I found out then was appalling enough, but today the ratio of horrible accidents has increased ten fold. fi.1r. Vinsel's &tory is a good crosS-scction of what is going on everywhere. PEOPLE ARE in such a damned hurry to go aomewhert, and come back from somewhere, that common 11 e n s e rtgarding the dyn1mics of speed is ut· torly ignored by (l) the &lap-happy pleasure motorist who is oblivious of the danger, and (2) the shipper who puts carav1n1 of rperchandise on the road without proper lnspecUon regarding the bold-downs of the mate.rials, which too often stparate from the load and are strewn on the freeway to block to the · Marines' the oncomlng traffic and cau6e a crash. I have &een this happen repeatedly. ft-IR. VJNSEL'S story should be copied and presented to future driven aa "must" reading before lhey get their license. Of course I would not want to be quoted as being opposed to "progress," but I do think that .Pttr. Vinsel'5 story on traflic :iafety has a message for all of us, and I hope that his message \\ill be received by all motorists who '"ant to slay alive. MILT BASHAM • Facet ious T ype• To the Editor: We live in the Glen Mar Tract just north of Adams and west of the Santa Ana River in Huntington Beach. In the la.st 24 hours of rain during the recent st1Jrm, the city engineers saw fit to reinforct the soft spots in the ri\•er bank with sandbags. The Adams Street bridge and bank were full of policemen and Marine.s. Jt is my belief that Marines and pelicemen &re supposed to reassure and calm the citizens ,in case of emergency, and even more important "·hen there is no emergency. But we evidently had a couple of facetious types. One told a family lo go home and move their valuables upstairs, another was told 'ttle Santa Ana dan1 was going to break. another was told they could get ready in case they bad to evacuate! · WIULE THERE was not one official word said to the resklents that were staying st home out of the way, and the papers stated as plainly as possible what the facts were, on the misguided remarks of a few individuaJs (who should know better), this is what resulted. The rumor lovers, still with no official l\'ord or facts, :ipread the stories that the dams were going to break, the bridge was swaying, the river would overfto,v and we would have to Dee, the children could not get out of the .school, etc. I know that emotional, hy:iterical people like drama, but I think these things are dangerous. Even. wben you try to give them facta, they do not want to listen. Certainly, U we were In the slightest danger, we would be notified door to door In plenty of time. I DO FEEL that it 11 the policemen's responsibility to state positively that there is no danger and when the.re is, the people will be notified in plenty of time and given any needed help. This is the "kind of reassurance and encouragement people need, not 111-con· sidered remarks that encourage hysteria and rumors! It is impossible to keep the .curious away from danger spots, but much. trou- ble could be avoided by giving them proper inform ation. L. M. PENGRA Thoughts i n P rl11 t To the Editor : It's great to read the DAILY PILOT especially when th ere are well Y.Titte~ articles and editorials pertaining to your own cause. \Ve realize ne''°spapers in· fluence public opinion concerning public issues, and it y,·as gratifying to know that you agreed with our cause and put your though~ in print h1ay "'e take this opportunity to thank City Editor Biii Reed and the DAILY PILOT f.or helping U11 auC'Ceed with 11 71 percent "yes" vote on the local bond issue and a 66 ~rcent 0 yes" vole on the tu: increase. ' · It has been a pleasure to work with ?tlr. Reed. We are looking forward to the future with tbe same feeling or cooperation. S.A. MOFFE1"1' District Superintendent Why Jesus Was Sent to His Death Thoqllll at Larp• It Is worth romemberiJ1i !bat Jesus was sent to His death by the Roman ofHclals not at all for any n:llgiou reason, but because He was considered a "trouble-maker," an "anarchl.sl," and, no doubt, an "outside aaitator." • • The world's st.ore or facts has jus( about doubled in the last 10 years; and most of us, psychically, are in the mood or the old farmer who said he didn't want to !urn any mort things "because I already know more than 1 can understand." • • •• One of the campaign slogans I le.1st understood last fall was ab<>ut George. Wallace "having courage'' -since whtn has it taken "courage'' to be mean, ugly. 1tlflsh, aplteful, n:irrow, and ap- pealing ID the most lmlional wtlncU In yoUr fellow men~ (Indeed, preclse.1y \ht opposlt.e would have Indicated •·courage" in Wallace -lo brelk with his past and repudJitc his backlf'OW'd.) • • • In the Iona run, and sornetJmea even in the short run, everybody loses from a slrilte. and ewrybody kno..-·s lt; ye~ while we can devise lhc moat subtle and 90PhisUcattd Instruments to send men orbiting through spare, Y.'t cannot seem to make an instrument or social fKlllcy that will settle rti~pults to'ilh tht' wrie cooperallve farilll y. • • A fool who l.s smart enough to be •••re of bll limllatkms an get alone I ar belttt In the world than. a wtae man W'ho 1.s too obtuse to be awatti al his. • • • Relig\on ustd to prevent people from thinking: nowadays science performs that same flU\ctJon, by posJting pleasurea to come on earth that religion only promised in heaven . • • • Those persons are happiest who are happy wltbool knowing Jt: . to beiib to realltt il is already to ~(fer a dlmlmrtlon of tb<.state. • • • Leaming a new language is not mtnly a matter or "translat,ing," as I\ 'ff'tl"t. one's old ideas and c:otJCtpCI ' trom Engillh lnta •notber ton111e. K" 15, In a real sense, acquiring 11n extra facet of per900alf'Y1 and btconting oUier Jlnd Jarger •lhlft..)'Gll were., In spirit llS much as In iaoauo;e. . • • Men who own and displa,y elaboratl'ly carved aod expensiTI! chess seta ire almost never good chess players: for good players refuse to be distracted by the pittts. and play wtth the simplest SU111nt.on-deslgn sell that can bt purchas- ed In any dJmc store. • • •• • Tbe b!!t brief deiin!Uon of 1 "lady" 11\<e eY"PJ" heard It Russtll Lynes•. u A lady is a woman who m.ak.u a man behave lik• a gentleman..'' .. ' • • •' It is good for the young to be concer:\led wltb "ldl-exproasion," but it, II , bad for tbem to oet &hoot it ~ they have developed 1 character lhat & WOrtb expressing . • • • Old people become "M!led.ively .. ·deaf -they don't bear what they dO(fl care to hear, but can pick up the mmst "·hisptr if it concerns something you don't want them to hear. ---~ \Vedncsdl!)', March 5, 1969 The edllorial _. '11 ui. · Ddr P'ifot Ufb: to fnftnm G.nd 1U., odat. "•den bv pru•tlillg th!. M1otpllper'1 opbtiOM ond C0111o ...,.ta'il on lopla of WtMt and lignlfiCane«. b11 pt'O\lidlno a fon.cm for ~ t.?Prcufa.a. of our rt"f'trltrs ophtfona. ·and~ presetthng tht dlVfflt vft»- poinU of lnfornud l>bun><n cmd ~kumtn on ropics of tAt c1ov. Robert N. Weed, Publliher llL.------------------------~·- I I ·* :VOL: 62, NO. 55, 5 "SECTl<:>NS, 76 PASES ··~ . ' • .,. ;-Joi, • oµNc;e COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1969 ' . ) . Beac~n Bay,_,1JBC Le<ues on Bcillot~ • • • ' • City Seek~ Civic Center Without Tax Boost·. -~- By JllROME F. COLIJNS • Of .... ~tr l'lltt $tiff Nell'P'!'I l!e!lch votm may soon be , flb!cl· to endorse a plan that would ~ a new civic center, a central Utirary and other municipal faciUUes 'f\tbo~.addlng a. penny to the property tu rate. ' · .i'bt proposal, now under study by the' ~.city staff, involves renegotiated l~s of city-owned waterfront pro- ~ and development of the aban-• ·Astronauts ~rade Ships : First Time SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) - James A. McDivltt and Russell L. SchWeickart flew the bug-li ke moon machine for the fltst ..time Wedn~sday. Tfity pve earth a television glimpse Or it. cramped cabin and then sue· ceAfu!lY 'fired 'the rocket designed lo rand men on the moon. SChweicltart and Air Force Col. McDivit't became the first American astroQauts to transfer from o n e ~aft lo another when they floated from:: 1he command module through a 32-inch-wide tunnel into the cabin of the lunar .module. -The third; Apollo I crtwman, Air Foret c~ D<'!lf R. pc.ti. stayed behind tn ~-·· ,:. • •· gency olficlail announced e lhit Schwelckart suffered a siq:e (I( nausea be.fore the space transfer • tbel Apollo 11 commMder, 'controll<!ra ol u,e •. illJ>tAS. f1om newsmen. : control anhounCed latet that ~ , ss was brief, but t h a t Scbw_e i did vomit once. He was >/I!!• tO )letl<ii;m Ille ' !rWler · salisflc· !Grily, but 6ilicials said. 1befO was a poalbllity bis opace walk. scheduled for Thunday, might be canceled. · McDivitt fired the 9,87().pound thrust descent engine on the base of the lunar mcidule, pushing the c o m b i n e d ~arts eastward, but chanpng the 3l~mile-high orbit only slighlly. The two spacecraft are locked together nose 'to nose and the six-minute rocket lirlnl actually propelled the command module and Scott ·backward through apace. "That's pretty smooth," said Scott fnin Ute command module during the burn. "Yeah," said McDivitt aboard the moonship. "It's going along ·like a driam." Then he added : "Gee, am I hungry.'' Later, McDivitt commented, "It looks like everything was pretty clean." 'l.'he crew reported seeing chunks ol f<lil from outside the lunar module fly of{ during the rapid acceleration of the f>ufn. _Newport Lawyer Sues Harbor Yacht Firm ! ~Newport Beach attorney Richard A. Wghle Js claiming $5.216 fr~m a_ bar~r bt (firm. in a coo'lpla1ut 1iled 1n or Court. ed as defendants in lhe action are Fred Longman and Oceanic Yacht Sales Jnc., or which tongman is said IO» bt an · tmploye. Higbie's suit states lhlt the amount claimed represents an unpaid loan. doned city .i!Ump. • P~ won informal .,reement lrqm . Vice Mayor tJnd.Sley Parsooa, who his cou.ncll col.leagues to mGve ,ahead 1.• Pf"l'lnr fi>r eirly action on the wjth Ille. plan. . . scheme says .. It .. ctiuld' gerierale an As outlined by Parsom-, dW is what eilim.tM flO mllllOft In added .municipal the package cills for: i.n'Come over the next 20 years. -Exten&ion of the Beacon Bay lease ."You can buy a' lot of civic center to 50 years in exchange for a hike buildings, a new library, some park . in city rental fees from the 11-acre sites aod fire stlUon& with that tind residential tract from $6,000 annually of money," he said. "And there might to $180,000. even be a TeductiOn in the tax rate.'' -Extension of the Balboa Yacht Basin At the city council's last study session, L lease ·to 50 years in exchange. ror an · ':... 1:'1••)'1:1.:,••J •:i.·.~ . l ~ ! 1.:1 • I ' -:· s" • .'. •• DA~Y P ~•ftifl,... THANKS·! !AGAIN '-· Newpbrt•lifegllard Robert 'l'MijlietOll chata with Pall;~ .'Doln~ ·and her; motlier; Mri. Pat Dom~q, In ftont . ol gaard ·.!ol!.er' ~t .<n;mge Street b~~. scene of Templeton's 19113 rescue, of,·Patrtce, Wa.ter r~ue sparlted-four-year writing project for Mrs. D°'!Jecq ..:. a .bi.story <if Newport lifeguard s~rvice. Long •Tha~k You!>· Motlier P~ns Lifeguard History By JOHN VALTERZA Of •·tlf'l'I' Pllff Stiff Jn llil63 Newport •Beach Lifeguard Robert Terhpleton saved a 16-year-old girl Crom drowning in a West Newport riptide. The girl's 1molher" obviDusly grit.el\JI, departed from the usual repeated words of thanks and made a personal vow. Her "thanks'' have taken more than four years o( work to accomplish. Mrs. · Pat Domecq of 328 Prospect Sl decided to· show her graUtude by writing th• first dellnilive history ol the city's llleguards whose service uved the life of her daughter, Patrlce. TAKING CllANCE'i Her history, (:9mpUed through in· terviews, ~h into city records and observaqOn 'of .the ¥a'rii)e Safety Depart· rnenl · at wort,· star1ll at · a point in Newport's history when swimmers took their chances when they went iato the water. , ll was in lttS when a IA! Angele.a physician iost two meDibus of his family that a algnificant step was taken to provide a measure. of safety for swim- mers in Newport-Beach. The. grieving Dr. Lowell C. Frost Presented a device cal}ed a Pulrnotor to the ~ity of Newport Beach which became the city'• first resuscitator. Besides the machine the doctor donated cork life rinp and ropes to be placed at strategic points alona the beach, buL there were 1Wl no lifeguards around to. u.se them. A trapped swimmer had to hope for an involved citizen to save his Ille. FIRST GUARD By 19"l<I the ctty had .°"" guard on the payroll. He worked from the Balboa Pier and used his own car. His equip- ment was simple-!-& metal buoy. Firemen pitched ht dllrlng an e·mergen· cy, piling lift_· the llleguard'I car and speeding to the l'f9C\MI IC!ne. The old car gave "ay to bicycles In the early ll20I, and, Mrs. Domecq's history revu!J ht an interview wtth the late Donald NOvis; "a bicycle for the boardwalk and a tin reJCue buoy were all we had to wort With ••• " Novi!:, who became a singer or co~ sid erable tame., or1aniztd an aMual swimming' competition In the early '30s not '.without a lit~ Hollywood fanfare. Jn 1939 the winner was Flash. Gordon Serial star Buster Crabbe, a champion (Sec LIFEGUARDS, Page I) increue in clty fffs' from '6,IXXI annually to fll5.000. • · -Emn$lon ol Balboa Bay Club. lease tO 50 ~ in ~change tor a booet in annual city TeVenUeS fron) 1 currenUy eithitated $11141.000 to 1111,000. -Turning over the 49-iiicre abandOned dµmp si~ to a property development finn . The. dump'• value has been pegged at $880,00(t. A seven percent rttum on tl\at would yield the city about $80,000 annually, according to Parsons. The city is now getting nothing fro,Jn the property. _ . The leas~ income figurea, Pano!ll · -pointed out. are• based .on proposals already made, or about to be sqbmitted by representatives of the lessees. Homeowners in the Beacon Bay area, which lies off Bayside Drive and fn>nta on the Balboa I.stand Clwmel, for years have sought a new lease arrangement with the city. The present lease tenninates in to years. ' Four years ago, the city j~ted a Beacon se proposal in ciose loUng~ ParlOlll sa.fd, that fmt plari was 0 too complei" and offer~ Wtle income to the city. The new proposal Is based on tilt findings of George Hamilton Jones, a prominent Orange CoUnty appriiaer hired by the Beacon Bay Community Alsocia· lion. Jones concluded that the highest (See CENTER, Pap !l · Cong Rebuff Nixou Vow to Push War Despite W-arning .. ~: . -\~ PARIS (UPI) -The Viet Cong today brushed aside Pmldent Nl:a:on'a thr,at of an "appropriate respome." to their otrenalve in South Vietnam and &&id they would keep fighting. A spoktsman for the National Libera- tion Front (NL.Ii') delegaUon to the Vietnam talks said NI.ion's warning would not deter the Viet Coog from conUnuing thflr fight "for -pendenct and national aovere.ignty .. " . "We have told the Americans many, Schools Ask _fqr~~ce .On Afr. Noitt , r• J ... , on.. llll1lor .. ,. •k'lrill~ ~ ..... b<tlI,el ... •t~ ·,tod., 14: Newport..M~ Unlflfld ...,... Dlit{lcf -. . Memb<n oNhe ICbool· board Tuetclay · ni1ht cllose not to jump with bol,b feet jnto the fight. but did agree to send letters to-~ ~ty Baird ol Supuvilori and C!Yil Aeninaulica Board (CAB). The letters are simply to · point out lhat there are ni~ acbools-.beneltb the takeoff pattern llld to ut eonsideration. ol noi.oe and Afet.1 factor• reLtling to thooe llCboolJ. Tnlltets asked llCboo1 administrators to lnves1111te in depth what delrlmental factora might be. . · :l'hey'tlms-llown, for the pment !nt01, Dan. Emoly, dlali"man ol the Alrporl ' Nolle Ahattm~nl ·Collll!llttee, who rtqUated u.ty act to oppoae ad- ditional jet fliihts out ol the airport. Emory told-truJtees 1he ~ mllllon pas&enger-,· per )'Or i Uling t.ht airport will increue to the ultimate airport capaclty of five or six million well wt thin 10 yet.; s. jle ·iWcJ they can e:ipect 200 l&keoffJ per day, or one every l~~ minutes. · He said the Los Miele.a school syatem bu had to abandon a school because the ·cost ol IOUDdproofing is • o a.stronomk:&l. and bu JOit la'X base because of. decreasing residential pro. perty• values. Mrs. Jolin LaMontagne\ ~''° of the Airport Nolle :'l\batem.n Commitj<e, Ahl abe ,il•prlmarlly cqocerned for }tfe· ty. "[ am 1 aware lhat playll'ounds are. a lar1e area a pilot in diatrw: mi&ht use for landing, 0 stie said. · Sop!. William CUnningham •aid he had surveyed 14 achools and found classes are being disrupted only at Mariners and Monte Vista JCboo111. They are the two achools nearest the center of . the Back Bay t.akeoff pattern. Trustee ~Um "Bud" Franklin said (Sec i!CiJOOLS. P ... I) times already that if they want peace, it ia they who must stop tt>e: war and withdraw their troops from our home- land," the spokesman said. 'I Threats such as Nixon's will nm' make llll change our course." · In another part of the city, U.S. chief negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge met for DetaUed stories . on President Nix- on's Tuesdat1 pres.s conference may be found in todar'.s DAILY PILOT on Page 4. the aecond aucctSSive day .with South . Vietnamae Vlce ,frelident Nauyen Cao Ky to discuss the alllfld bar1alnlnc po- silloo . .._h 1..,ip min1slr)' llOllrCOI iald llf ~Ill~ to·~,,...._ daJ .tor CGlllQ~> wttli .P.ntW., Nti; r~eu~e . . ~y U.S. :-:~ r~;;!::; ~.~-=~1'.':ll,·~ munlsfQll!niJVO-:ncnrfn II seConcl Wed:" -cOnUnaes. . ·. · Nixon did ·1191 dlvilllie the nal11r< cl me posslbl~ respoflae,. but· revealed .a, ~umpUon of the 'bolTjb~n'g was one .of the contingencies dlscussed. , The stem warning was expected to be repeated. acroa the bargaining ' table when the four rJelegatlom to the peace talks lather Tbui'aday for the.Ir 1eventh session. · "The fact' that we have abown patitOfe and forbearance shoukl not be consi~ ered as a sfgn el weakness," Nixon satd, referring to the Communist · offensive. ''We wlll not tolerate a violation of. an und~standing.". 'Zionist' Hatred Triggered Sirhan, Defendant ·aallits LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan si.ys that when he is "provoked", ne could kill Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Aithur Goldberg or anyone else who lavon the Israeli ·cause. The 14-year-<>ld Arab tnumgrant got hia chance in court Tuesday to pl'e.'lenl his views and he let loose with ·a diatribe which must ha Ve' ·satisfied him •but Which also c:Oald send tum to the au chamber for the slaying of Sen. Robert F. Ken· nedy. . ·r · • • Sirhan cursed the Zionists fn>m the witness stand . He said when he saw pk.1.ures of Moshe. Dayan and Israeli soldiers at the Suez canal he would have killed them ir he couJa. 1 -. ---.. .............. .. W,o\Rli$ !iANOI ON ATIACKS • Pri11dent Mfft1 P.rea_s . PILOT AWARDING., . . T1ctii's to silow'. . . r You can. rind alni.~t ~~-·y~: want In DAILY PILOT cla.s,ifllld ada -even iree boat ahow tickets .~: week. Names of Orange COast aru., resident.I will be scattered among the "want ads" daily fn>m today throligh ' ne1t Wednesday, March 12. Anyone whose· name appears thefe · can call at the nearest DAILY Pn.or office aod claim · •. pair Ot 'Irte tickets · to the Western NaUOOal BQat 6 Marine ' Show whlcb runs March I . througJI II. at the Anahelm .Conv'biu0n Center. Look now. You already may have won. Ceaa& 'feather 1 '.Nassau Skippers .Tell Storm ·T.~:rror_ The defendant said the "God damned Zionists" collected $370 mllllon lo strengthen the Israeli economy alter the six-clay war of 1967 while President Johnson WP bringing troops home from G¥.rmany to keep dollan in America, When defense attomeJ Grant'B. Cooper rut' from notebooks Sirhan haiJ written, the acused slayer o( Kenn!.dy admitted that when be .heard· I radio broadcast sayklJ tho .. IU\tor fell Jets JhoUid b8 ·senl to )srael for dee..... he looked into a n,Urr:or and ap.w 'Ke~'a. fact instead or his own. • • . Thole bilmy March wimls get I litUe brisk Thursday, but clear skies and wahn ~ather are in the .offing wi~h temperatµrea In the middle sixties alohg the coast. . . INSIDE TODA.11' • , By ALMON LOCKABEY °'"''"" ........... NASSA U, Bahamu -eoriunu1ni tale! ~ tmor trickle into this Bahamas re.sort '111uday ni1ht as the la st of 105 starters fiT the storm-tossed l\.tiami to Nassau )'acbt race limped into port. bne of the narrowest squeaks from. 1 ~batard •hlch strikes horror in the hprl$ ot all yachtamen was experienced bl Don A.yrtll Jr. of Newport Harbor f"~ht Clu!J. owner-mpper or the Cal to Melee. . 0ne"' or MeJeeis ~w, Bill Allen of · NHYC wu thrown from the coc~pit Into the turbulent If• when Y.ilte bfoKhtd under the impact of I parlicularly heavy sea wblle bombing ~I with a 1piMaker set. -------· 'Die crew ol Melee hurriedly cut eve.rithlng. ~ and came about to pick up Allen who was tt:ported to be In the water no more than 10 minutes, btelee was leading Class B when the mill¥ overboard incident occurTed and might have won her class excepl for the delay in getUng under sail again after retrieving Alle~ 'Allen i!: the owner aod skipper of another Cal 4 O , Madrug&dor, out of NHYC. N~ltber. Ayru, nor Allen we.re available for~w.otledly,Melec wu the thirteenth boat to finish and wu second in her clasa_ oo corrected time. There Wert other rtports ol' one boat being aground In the Berriea Islands 1011Je IO m.itea lrom Naaau, a crewman from ~ Jacbt received a broken arm .1n the r11ee. There were 1everal othtt rniships, none 0Rrious. The American Eagle which lost her mast midway in. the race was reported being towed to Freeport, Bahamas. The.re were no injuries reJ)orted aboard Eagle. Two other yacht.I were dlsmuled soon nfter the start, but both returned to nearby Florida poru under lbe.ir own power. The biggest ha&Sle her• IOO•Y ls getUnf accurate informallon on the corrected lime winners. The computallonl were belng, handled by 1 computer. but 1everal errors we.re detected in \he unolflcl.al results. Lively Lady, a 30-fool i loop owned and 1klppered b)' Mike Shea o( S.n .. ' Fr&ncisco, \,.. tirlt ~ a) the O'letal\ and '°"' l> .......... •but later •reports from the race committee TQeg.. day ntilit placed liei Iii fourth. But wbeo bumlft mlndl 101 bold of the Oguret this morning It was found that Uvely. Lady '!'a• lndted the winner And wlth the 1trong winds holdilll all day .11>"!!11 M turned out to bO a 1111an boat <ace daplla Ille atonny eoo- dllioo1.' ' Wllh cla111e1 1tartina af JO minute 'lntf:rvals, It was Ulou&lil thaL antral " the earlJ ...,.. COllld ~ allrlbuted 'to ........ feeding the computer ,-.- atarth~ Ihle ~nlorinallo~ "'hlch ~ !lee WAICA 11ACS. .... II • ' Tod!y Cooper 1'•• contlnuin1 lo lead Sirhan through two ocrawled noteboou in wtUcb he inttnpened love notfs about gtrli wllh au<h declarailons a "N....,. IA the greatest ftiati who t vtr UveCI on earth." Sirhan said he ..._,peeled RobeR l<ert (Sec SIRHAN, Pore II Siocft. llfcrke,t• . ' NEW YORK (/.P,) -Goinl 1o!i ~ at the alock .market cio'IO ·lod1y, .bu.t ,by ,, oa,....w,er. lll'ICl!,. lh4n they .ho\! beld urller in the ,...100. (See quot~· Uonr, Pa&• 2041).. • . . . , ' . . . . ' Tl1ey're ooing to "Light Uf) Cht Skll" ot tht We.1tmh.itCT Comm10Utt1 Thtatir Friday 41 o hand/1'1 of othtr Jive prod111> tlort1 . in the area i.no.r thrir ca1rtaftu. Set Entlrt4Uunt11t, Pagt lB. I -.. =,....: ................ ., .... '-' " .... . ·--. ............... S-W I •• ,, OJ ........... 1 SJ'ICll ~-fl Tt"""""' '' = ·: --tt I I • . .. • .. .. '' .. • .. '.:!•-. . . ' 2 . D.lll Y l'llOf H 'A faln ol lnvestlplors with a seatth warrant Issue.ct after a cillzen'a Up raided a Costa Mesa apartment allegedly used literally lu an LSD supermarket Tuesd,.Y nl&hf.. Officers claimed they confiscated 8& drui capsules. · ' . J i>ara~a and mabltalnlng a pla~ wi.,, druP are uaod. · ' They ... Identified 11: -.I..... L Mclloi~ 18, of 2019 P.O'mODI Ave., Apt o;.whtfe the suspect. were rounded up wttbout Aincldem by Occupants and otheri arriving ati.r (oiJr po1l<i oflicerl. ' • the I:~ p.m. visit by police -flitle -0.W·C. Carr, 18, of:I019 Pomon1 mell· aod a woman -were arrested,, . Ave .... ~ -'Mesa. ~:' · whllo two l!llll'< '"'peels weno lo llJl\o" .-.J-H. l!rw!a ID, 18,:a UC lrvhle render at 2 p.m. lodly with an aitomey'. campwi dorm!lor)' mldeoL' Vice and Intelligence dlvtsioo Sgt. J~ ~ a.· PIP..a,.a, Of 3513 Finley Calnon said the adults were booked on nvt., Newport Beach. three specific charge!' ind faced ar.. -Mary F. Flodin, 21, who gave an rallllJll<lll today In Harbor Dls1rlct exclusfve San 1dariDo nel&bborbood ad· Judlcill Court. dttsa.' Judp J.E. "Ned" Ruiter ls ezpected The other. fiVe. upeCta arrested at ---------.:. -------· ··---· ... • • ps · or Profs,. Congr.~~f!Wn Speak at l!t;l on. Misuse ·lJiSSOJUttOB -11 nK.us l'OJm!NE. '.. aru1 ,,;.u.na1 1o .bellav~ antt.i.auiltt. -~. i18ht mlliion~b~e~ ·~ .. than • ~ .Stal Btadl C11J Coundl voled . unanflnoualy Mooday night to oppose dllleluUon ol the Oranre Coonty l1lrbor Dlalrlc~ pointing Ou! that' there are 11111\1 unanswered queauan. about the propoMd dWoluUoo.. Principal qu,.llons In the minds of coundlmen· Involve w!lal would happen lo tilt .... ta ct the cllllrlct and who would perform the functions: now cared for by the . dlatrlct, according to City Manager Lee Rlnr. While the council is on record 11 opposed to dissolution1 unofficially the Idea of . dilaolutlon or at leaat aerloua renovation of the d.lltrlct is favored by councllmen, they lnd!cated Monday. Ttne ~ • D9lf' f'ti.t 11.,. • . mlaallea could itop every incoailng year old will die from relatively minor er!Ucbed boa....., ~t!.,""?" warllead. lie mentioned Aldl def........,. dlleues because they, wonl be fed au!· In !alb 00 ."Z.rtac! .._ ':/ 1c1:: . fOUlldlnr lactor1 u the.~ aj\Oed Hcl')!I ca1or1 .. , to rive them th• Tuelday at UC Irvine. of the mls!ile.s, the abort Umt for reslstence 'to sUl'Vlve. U.S. Rtp. Phillip Burton (D-San Fran-~elivery, multiple ~ that spread He gave such Sobm-ing .statistics as claoo) said tbe defeue budget ii 10 several dlrectlons, Md decoya. ••our food support to other countries "absolutel;y llaggerlng" wbile mooey and A delenae much 1<11 than perfect would Is only V45th of our defell!e budget and scientific intellect is needed f o r be of little value, . be said. In ~iUon that Is misleading If htgb because we humanitarian problems "crying for solu-to the initial tfiect Of a bomb, he pomted , tlon." out, Lhere woulct be uncontrolled fires? give away surplus food but do not teach UC! Dean of Phyalcal Science• fall~t dlae~ diR'upUon cl com-people bow to go grow their own." Frederlct Reines spoke of the folly of mumcaUon ancc tJectrical· power. atarva· He Wd, "Support for birth contro1 spending hllllona on an. antl·balllatlc tlon; rese~ is so pitifully bad we don'& mlal.Je ay!tem be do!sn't believe wouJd ASKS QUESTION ~erstand lhe me_cbanism of il_le twt11 ever be reliable enough to stop every m~t effective _i::lev1ces -the pill .a~d mlssile. He was questio~ by Dr. G. W. the loop. We ,discovered them emp1r1c- Stopping &Orne or even most missiles Mahman, an Aulooetlcs employe who ally, eut don t understand how they C•-'•• nud• .. warheada b not good said he works on ICBMs, who asked: work. _,,.,. ~ "Don't you lhillt u a philosophical enough. be argued. "U even one ,ets matter it la beuet to have a defemlve ~AL PROBLEMS to set. 'the ball ngu?e for the flve ~t the apartment, and u they arrived while ouspects charged with pwesa!on of police W'lft -~ on juven!lti, 11 · dangerou.s driigs, poeseo!lon of nareotte1 and 17, t11iee remallifng In coatoc17•today The city doea not want to become Involved 111 harbor palro~ bul at tha same time it -does not want to pay m.,.. for harbor aervlcea, lllid lhe ctty manager. through youlve had it.-I think It's Iott 1yatem than an~ve .... ict--?" He concluded by aaying, 1·1 aubmit of that ~-ple.h . , .. J......... · 111W Reines anrw : "Wltbout in any to you Ute threat of famine it so aignlfi· Chairman of Organlsmlc B IO 1 O g Y sense try1Jig to be impolite, I'll say you cant it is the only real problem we. From PaiJe l LIFEGUARDS • • swim.mer. While the lifeguard service had its personalities and suPPortera, the offidal credU for Its blrtb soea to Amar Derlga, who In 1923 1larted the Bafboe 11..i er.... Lift Savini( Cor;I. rattfllld by clly COWl· ci1 action the same year. PLAPPER ERA . If the moo. of bea,ch vtslton; today cause immense problems for the -city's sophisticated lifeguard operation.. the ~-conditions of the flapper · era caused 1Cme even more immense· pri1b-• !ems, despite lhO amaller crowds. Blanchard Beatty, who started as a lifelUMd in 1925 at $100 a month, re- calfed for the author the heavy riptides and cumnta In the Balboa area when · tbe ·Newport Barbor entraiice WU much 61111ller and' men tteacbitoos. A morkof211at30 ,.......In a day In the area waa not lllllllAlll. The emanc!patton of , women i1ur1ng that era added some color to tbe rants cl tlle IUlnfi, and In 1921 lhe dty'a om -.tllllrd. kMwn onlJ In records u ' llllda, Joined the ' foroe. Hlldli worbd fer two )'WI. Tho --bJr!ng ct girl guards wu In Wcrld War n, · wben manpower wa1 laoklng. .GIRL! AT WORK Durtna: the war years the girls worked the Balboa !&land beach,., records ·-' . 'While the Dnmecq manuscript touches ... Ille colarful •past ct llfeo&vtng Oil lhe llll'bor arel'1 beaches, the c:tommentls hardeel look b at the p......,t llaff of bt&hJ1 lralned guards and oophlJtlcatod ~ dirJ. rilhe--~ olalf ba'9 borne ~ near .J!t'focl al<CJ record on palroll..i beodiel lii the put a .. ·-'Ollly ... penoo bas dJowned In that lpaD. 6o the hundreda ct houn and ..w- ""· wrillng, rmatng, llld mmtlng are done and Mrs. Doniecq, a Harbor area nert-llmt jouma1l6I and gr:ateful mother haa = ber aelf .. ppolnted taat ct cle-almoet. •n•s out that the wrlt!nt and the other work isn't the most dilficult part of it ah'er all," tihe mused. "It'• finding a publi!her. That's the tiardest part ... From Page l SCHOOLS ••• he Dvea lalrly cl"" and ba!D'I . particularly noticed alrcrlfl noiae. •aur policy ii lo con'1d8r ·thing• In dqUi. • be told Emory. "I don' feel .... -.Id be q1(al!fled "' advi.. ..., pemmental body of reputf;;" Truatee ?t.n. Marian Bergeson llld, "I do llve UDder iL and·tt is· intolerable at times. But I don't think we should get Involved with a ~le application (referring lo Ille Paclfie Northweat route hearln& Emory aaya will determine the tubae of the airporl)." DAil Y PllOT OUNOI COAST PU1Ltlt41NO COMl"ANY Rokrt N. 'Wttd ,~,_., _, l"ultltihtr J1c.k ll C11rl1y Viet l"rt1ldmW tfllll OIMl'll M111111tt Tiiom11 w: .. ._n Ecl!IOI' Tho11111 A. M•rphl111 MllMtl"' Editor J1rom1 f, Colll111 P111I Nls1111 NrwPOrt Bf.c.h ..t.itwrlltlft9 CHY lGll« DlrK'M' tffwpM .._. OHi• 221 1 Witt l1lbo1 10111.,,,,, Mallbit }.dd,..au P.O. lo• 1175, •l66J ~-Cl* ~~ DO WttT llY lt'9ff U.. lleltfl1 m ·ttomt AWllll' H1111niw1on .. Kii: .,. 11t1 llrM1 and two "1eaaed lo their parent.. . SgL Cafnon lllid the pair of boys r<leued are charged only wfth lack of parental control, but one of the others who showed up during the raid was carrying a small ~ount of marijuana: The two remalnlng suspects, a Ian~ and a college student. were not ldenUfied, but investigators said they had an appointment to aurreoder, ar~ ranged by New,pqrt Beach attorney Sam Cohen. ' .A No realltance wu offered when the four offlcen arrived Tuesday IJiibl, knbcked at the doo'r and showed a search warrant issued by Judge Rutter, Sgt. Calnon said. The 86 suspected LSD tablets, worth about .1216 .on the flJiclt marke~ pl"' narcoUcs injectlon ldt.s. aJkf marijuana· smoktng ·pipes were found inside· the residence_ police saJd. • Officer Nonn Kutch provided in• formation which ,set up the ra!d after getting a tip from 110meone two days earller, accordlnt! to SgL Calnon. . · Patrolmen Dave Sorenson and · Ron Palnler accompanfed them to the suspected UiO salea: ~enter. * * * Laguna Youth Nabbed in LSD, Marijuana Raid Federal ~colics agents Tuesday at· rested an ta.year.old Lagunan and'"c1atm:' ed they had selzed a pound of hasblah wu1h 1100 ~ "'!"Ce, aczme LSD and '1"'\J~ ln,a raid In Llguna Beach. , Larey Cblrla' Bqwmp, of fli· er ... s1:, wu taken .,y· federu orncen to Los Angelea foe arraignment to'day before a Unflod Slates commlaa!oner on cliarges ol lllit of.bUblah. Agents allege that Bowman was l~ wived In a Ille Of the halh!ab, a relined marijuana, lo a federal. officer. Agents lllid the haahlall ..ns !or abou\ 1100 per ounce on the illlclt market. Olflctrl lllid that the auapect came . ' ' qui.Uy following the 4 p.m. arrell at the Crea residence. A loaded revolver believed to be ol J2 caliber wu reported· Jy found In the home. Federal authoritlts uld the case had hem andd tn•..uptjoa "" ..... 11me, but would not aay·bmr ·Iani.· Chinese.~R~ian Bickering Grows HONG KONG (UPI) -Peking called on the people of Russia and Communist Chica today to unite and "burn these paper tigers•• in the Kremlin. "We have to gather together ud throw them out of thtlr rul1na poltl," Pekitic radio l&id in both Chinese and Rusal•n· languqe broadcalts. ' .,,. The caD for the Ollllor ct what 'Peking called tb• •"new Cura" ta: tbe X1'l!IDDd btPll«lded the third day" publlc -Ing between the two COIJuqlm1lt &lantl over a border baWe Stmda,. have altered the elapaed time1. Also caualng the tiarrltd ract com· mittee some concern wu the protest by Bob Jobnaon owner.fltlpper or the recordlnc aettln1 Wlbd'f<ard P....,e, agatnll. the race conunlttte, clalmln( tl>At the rated dlatance ol the race WU from ..... lo leO mllea loo Joai. thus lncrtulllg the lime allowance Windward Purage 11 the acntch boat had to glve to the reol pl the field. The race 11 raled al !U miles, but J-and hll navtaalor Btn Mitchell. ataie that the dJltanCe is belwetn 174 and 171 mllea, plu.s the !act that the yachts gt! btlp from the gulf 1lrum ovet a portion o' the· .race. 'J'htre bas been no windward work in thls race since 1960, John$on contends. The proldl wu ac'oMed lo be hoard today, but there ..ems lo be litOe hope that tt wtJI alter this ytar's raet. It maJ bl the fUbJre, however, 1tad lo I mtU., ct tht nee. .-ding lo on.-dllclal who did DOI want to be named. • . '!be lint all boots to llnlsb brob Until , aome of the major quuLl0nt are &l'lswered clearly the city cannot f avOr diaaoluUon of the Harbor district,. councllmen aa:ld • Seal Beach and Garden Grove ~ far - are standing against 13 cities which have asked dissolution of the district. Ten others have taken no acUon on the dissolution movement. The county League ct Clttea ii leading a drive to dissolve the· district, a drive wblcb began with Huntlnilon Beach com- plalnln1 that the clly and.harbor cllllrlct provide aome of the same services in the harbor areas of the city resulting jn double taxation, according to the city off!ciall. From Page l CENTER ••• Grover S~ spoke on the ovmtdlng didn't bear a word'! Bald." face." threat of world famine, and UCI Stephens said starvation ts present McLaughlln, in his talk, remarked Blocbemlat Calvin McLaughlin warned today in , undeveloped countries of the the United States speads more on of the devutatlng possibilltJ of biological world in much larger proportionS than research into biological warfare than warfare. is generally recognized. nm year, he on cancer research. Three hundred students heard the talks In Science Lecture Hall on a day when similar prt1grams were held a t universities acrosa the country. The day of national warning about I:Q:1.suse of science had been called by jftofesaors at M1u1ch11Rttl Institute or Tec!mology (MIT), In particular lo protea! the anU· ICBM. "We didn't hive IUCb meetlnp when our country alld Into ever-lncrwlng In- volvement In that immoral war called .Vietnam,'' COngrasman Burton said. He aald be is one who had hoped at the end of lhe war there would No Extra Cost Harbor Trustees Vote To Save Kindergarten a peace dlvtden~ rather than having Newport-Meaa school trustees Tuelday Nett year, under the approved plan, billions of dollars poured into .a new night readily approved a plan to save the pupil-teacher ratio for all aeven weapons system. an extended klndergarlen -Pro gr a_m elementary grades, inc I u ding Jc:in. MOMEN'hJM GROWS without spending MY extra mooev, dergarten, will be 251!.i to 1. r--·-• .. ~-Id t d-·1 " Not only does the plan retain the -...--·an ~~" " a grea ~ Previ"oual•, ~.~--had regret!"""•· · f t ha •·· · k·' In ,, UW'~ .....,. ur gains in kindergarten .this year, it and best use of the property. Is its 0 momen um · 1 Ul;'l:n pie au up d1cated tk-. ... 1..... have to cut back JSl.ttngthens the program far next .,,.,, .. t B t b Ind! led • t the tut couple of weeks againat gclng ..... , .......... .,,-currea usage. u e _ca prtodes ~ abead With "the DJ-advised AICBM." to shorter, tww.-daY' le.SllonJ becaU&e by reducing the average clua size, ac- lease fees are woefully low for ay s He Aid hi believe1 Congre!!s will defeat the longer kindergarten daY' lnlttated cording to school officials. Average claS!ll market. 1 sizes of the other grades are increued The Balboa Yacht Baaln oceuplea aeven t thil year wu loo coatly. ooly slighUy. acres of clly-owned ttdelanda adjacenl Dean llQea lllid nuclear w..W. The added cost wu In hiring 1w1ce Mrs. A. J. Wevm, a tlnderiarten to Beacoo Bay. PlllOlll lllid operator• would bt ao devulallq that !or the u 1111111 ldnderim.n teacherL Under teacher at Newport Helgbta SCboo!, told cl the fadllty have told li1m they would . ::le!'"' ..!\d thi! =.:i ":t"uJ:~ Ille lbo!t<fay mangement eadt teac1Ju the board, "I lee! ·we are doing a very, · like to be Included in the Beacon Bay boar ... 1t 11 1Uch a monstroua thouJht .wauld teach two aesalcm:. very fine thing saving children from proposition. Based on Jones' analysis .we torn from U,'' he said. 'lbe new plan b to have kindergarten failure." of Beacon Bay values, Uiat would mean teacben spend additional time teaching Supt. William Cunningham said hls an aMual lease Income of $115,000 from He aald It la completely unreasonable other grades and thul 1ave teacher tlme st.atf had talked to kindergarten teachers the basin. "That is 2,000 percent more to offset cost.a:. -and principals and doesn't think there tllan what we're now aetting," said . It sounds a lltUe complicated, but wilt be any serious discord . Parsons. '49 Harbor HS here la bow it will w,ork. Instead-or He said iL is appropriate that kin- Two months ago, Balboa Bay Club teaching three houri and going home, dergarten teachers teach four hours, the vice" jlrestaenr·'"Rlcliafd Stevens asked · each t!Ddergarten teacher will teach four same amount as primi ry teachers, the city to consider a new leasing ar· Reunion Slated boars~ three bours ht i J'efUlar kin:' because, under the new: staffing u.Uos, rangemeoj coyerlng the u acres the dera:arten clus and an additional bour -kindergarten is considered an integral · I In 1C1De other c:lasa. · part ct the primary program. , club C10CUP "· The club wants the ,,.11-1 IWl>or llIP School claaa • The mra hour will for the moat "We are pruentlng b.Wc 1wnfng \ termltlatlon date ulended !rorn 1191 lo ol 'ff wm hold' 1 ~ remtlon Jllay pert bl llp<lll on l[lldal lteeda ct chJldmi akllll In aa much depth for JllO'lt chlldren ' 2018."l'hll Would allow the dab lo b<rrow 31 at lnlne Coast Country Club! In · lljlCb u ~Intl a ~ re!dln& in klnd!"larten at In the prlm1t1 m...Y fir further e.p...!oo. Stevena N--' Beach. • -m '11ila 11 -!bl becauae ... •• gr·•-" he Aid. 1ald tho city would receive ln "change MJ;"jOIUI Muoo Semler, 1'eBerVaUon.a U:.~ ~ ~ teaC!Jer"j;; ib'.: · ~ noted Ille new program , for the extended. lease 1ales tax and chairman, said addresses of graduates clamoom, already ii in the syatem, should b~ even. Hiring doublt the leaae revenuea averasing out to 111',000 are needed lo cnmplle a mailing n.t allocated from flrat lhroullh aixth grade. llUlllber of ldndergatten teachers coat yearly, about double the present asking the whereabout.s of other All that wu necesury, then, was the district #10,000 in added aalartu rtvenuea. gaduate.s. to redistri~ the teacher time. th1.!I year, be aald, while the rmr plan "I dep~ the fact that the city ls Robert Yardley is chairman of the This year the average pupil to teacher figures to save $213,000 in teachen not In the re&l estate buslneas,.. said diMer-dance program. Members of the ratio for kindergarten is 30 to 1. For hired for other Jrades and bonua itate Parsons. "But the fact does remain class should write to P.O. Box 268, grades one through six it is 24 and aid for teaching the longer kindergarten that we are, so we should get all we •=Col=ta=M=.e=sa=.=========='ll=•lu=den=ta=='per==lnl\l'u==c=lo=r.======ses;•;lo;n;·==========-, can out of our properUe.a.1' Ii For each week of delay In --lm- plementl!lg the total financing package -all leasea, plus develOfnl.ent of the d;nnp -the city lO&el 110,000 In potenUal income, he said. For this reason, Panona and other councilmen 1>,ave -the rmmtdpel llaff lo report beet u ..... u peea!blt With reconimendaUooa on lbe nrlouJ propoealL Clty .Manapr llarvay L Hurlllorl f1 wuttng no time. On Monday, lit planl to preaeal to the council • tabulaUcn ol all the dlacuaed propertlea that woold be llJbjecl lo further analy81s by Iha etty•a own consultants. Hurlburt satd Panons• suggestions "are very, very logical Tbe1 have my full support." Tbe city's votm would have the final aay on any new leastng arrangements, Par!Ona emphasiled. '"It's required by the city charter," be uplatned. "Cons.Ide.ring the city'a need for a new civic Cfltlter and otbtr facilities, and considering the need lo keep the tu: rate u low 11 pouible," concluded Panons, '1 thlnt wt'd be almost dmllct In our r<aponolblllttea II we dldn pu1 thla plan beloro the voten. • the former elapaed time record held by the yacht Escapadt. But as the wiod changed and brought the survivin1 sl'nall yachts home on a booming 1pin- nak~ run, neither Windward Passage nor · allJ ol the Clua A leaders 1i.od a dlanco ct 11vlng their Uma. Windward Puaage finished 59th on oorrecled time. Eighty boail flnbhed within five boon and · m"llJ of them were Class c and D ~of the JIChta ...,.llnllhed "' ' ,.. 1"le ~ nlglll. -and third overan -t to two Cal ~ 1loopl bull! In Colla Miia by Jenoen Marine. DulB!ler1 Biil Larrwortb Gd buDder Jack Jensen were sailing on the number three boa~ NauUcal llclpper.d by O.J. Young of New Orleant. Here are the prtllmlnary and uno(ficlal corrected Ume atandlnga: Clw A: l, Salty Tiger: 2. Bikini; 3, Panacea. CJw: B: 1, Otae:kt11; 1, Melet; J. Flrtbrmld. C!ua C: 1, llultltr; t, SC:onmoucbe IV: I , Jeme!. Clw D one! Omall: 1, Uvei1 LldJ; 2, Stamp; t, Nautical. CONVENIENT TERMS IANICAMERICARD W,STER CHARGE 0 Time told the ROJDan way ••• by OMEGA I Wbetheril'• on Fifth.Avmue in Nn York(lr Via Veneto In Rome ••• the:MW wriltwatches foa-lloma• n-.1 clJalo. Omega llyli>ts hne otililed th.. clist!ndive dialio 1o·comp!-t the cl-1c almplia"ty' of each cue<leaip. Within b..ta lho world-W.-~ -..t.kh .. ""'-handrtcb ol lnlpediOlll from hiuepm lo bal-"ly to .... --~ clepeoclUili!y. ·--..... ~ .. ,,. J. C. .J./ump/uw {}flw11f.r 1123 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE 548-3401 1 , • • f· • • • d • h ,, 'I • d y it j. • d • • '· •• ,. "' it tr e-.. d " Id y, n is " .. •· "' '• •• ,, :\ '1. .. .. II .. .. >I le " J ' WINofq, Mllt!I 5, 1969' HEW Vowsr-QURNl-:-.-E-' ---'av_Ph_n_lnterfancl_,; • Crackdown ·~ On Racism ·. \YA5JimGTON {1.1'PI) -Sprint missile! to gl\'e added WASHI NGTON !UPI) - The Ni.Jon administralion bu annouoced a crackdown OD the ••subtle forms" of school segregatioi\in 14 northern and western states. Secretary Robert H. Finch af Health, Educatiol\ and Welfare announced the "Na- tionwide Title V[ Compliance Program" Tuesday in a report to Congress. The department will send 11 more agents into the slates involved to in- vesligalc segregation com- plaints. Finch announced the new steps in a report entitled ''EslabliShing a Nationwide School De seg r egati on "I kDow it' a 1tupid--but what about me? rm watch jng it ••• • LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) _ President Nixon and the Na· proteclloq to U.S. offensive An FIIIA swing-wing fighter-~oi:!~::ur~!TunC:~~ . i;ui:.les in th~lr underground bomber era.shed on a training t 0 d a y of t h e Sentin'tal -Using Sprints to protect flight Tuesday, the 13th lol! AntlbaWstic Missile (AB?i.1) some U.S. strategic bomber of the two-man, $6 million ·$ystem. Nlion ·says he will baus against surprise attack plane thatJ)eveloped from the at1nounce next week a decision by Soviet submarine-launched controversial TFX program. whether work on the system missMs. This also involves will be resumed. building radars so that they Both pilots ejected salely. . Defense Secreta~y fl.1elvin R. face to sea as well as toward The cr&!lh came while planes J...ll.ird told newsmen after the the missile approaches across searchtd deserts and moun. meeting that no firm decision the Arctic . tains ai Nevada and Utah for was reached. Tbe Whlte House Propogals along these lines another flllA, lost tfuee !iBid there was a '' f u 11 have beeh drafted in the weeks ago. discuasiOn•; of u.e l)latter. 'FhC Defense Department for cop. President told his news con-sideration · by the National Maj. William Baechle, 34, ferenct TUtsday night that he Security Council and ·Ni.Jr;on . of New York, and !'.iaj. would weigh the malter the Jf approved th~ would be Edward Schinit Jr., 36, or rest or this week. proposed to Congress · as . Prescott, Ariz., ejected safely .~ter more than a month changes in the Sentinel ABM f P t l d ·bl system planned by the I~! 80 miles north of here. They o en agon .s u y, a poss1 e administration for the mld \Vere taken by he licopter to 1ie\v antimissile plan is taking 1970s. shape, with sites to be moved -----------] Program Unde:-Title Vl of---------------------a hospital but lhe Air Force farther from big cities. tiaid lhey were unblirl The Nixon told the news con- plane crashed and burned in ference he would make ad- six inches of ;now. ditional studies in v o 1 vi n g IKE ~IAKES PROGRESS the Civil Rights Act of 1964.'' The report was requested by Congress in the Labor-HEW Appropriaho~ Act of 1969 . "Every erfort has been Yi1ade by this department to comply with the Congressional mandate for a nationwide ap- plication or Title VI ," Finch said in a letter to House Speaker John \V. W.cCormack. "Justice cannot be served through th e unequal en· forcement of any law." Se1iators Hear Tale Eleven fliers have been kill· Defense Department and ed or reported missing in the "other experts" before mak-\1iASHlNGTON (UPI) Fl I I. · ing his plans public. Former Prsident Dwight D. According to i n f o r m e d Eisenhower "continues to The Air ·Force says the sources, Defense Department show satisfa ctory progress" in Of Prison Tortures WASHINTGON (UPI) -At the Virginia Penitentiary, a prisoner was locked in solifary confi nement "without speak- ing to another human being for five and a half years." J. Hirschkop, an American Flll's accident record is bet-thinking now leans toward : recovery rrom surgery, hi s ter than that of mOOt fighter--?..loving proposed ABM doctors reported today. Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) bombers. Spokesmen claim its sites away from big cities. Wilh Eisenhower's condition lawyer who bas worked for innovations such as the mobile in'cluding Boston, Chicago and steadily improving, and his years on behalf or Virg inia wing and terrain.following .Seattlt. heart remaining stable follow- prisoners, said there was no -A· strong recommendation ing the Feb. 23 operation for radar would make it likely to lhe White House to exercise an intestinal block, Walter sign of change. to have some accidents in v.•hat has long been an option Reed Arm~· Hospital issued CELEBRATE WITH US! OUR SECOND BIRTHDAY Ai.L NEXT WEEK MARCH 10-15 atYSTERY SHOPPER wiU stroU the mall and pay for your purchases. You may be surprised 1t the cash regist.u wbeo your purt'hase is paid for. · • Bring the children. They ride THE CAROUSEL 1-'REE! Abo, free balloons! YOliR HOROSCOPE : In the C.rousel Courl an m~f. ·082 makes rour pel'll(lfl.a!ity analy.si.s by utrol· ogy an exciting experience. Pickup drawing slip1 for •II expeni e peid trip to Heweii, Me9nevox 23 inch Color TV, in eny itor.-ne .:t week! -· South Coast ?taza . . . . t1R1sroL A! ~ 'n1EGO FREEWAY. '. ' ! Tille VI bars federal flnan· cial .assistance to any pro.i;;:ram or activity thal discriminates on the ba sis or race, color or national origin .. Guards at Cummins Prison Farm in Arkansas caught a convict planning an escape. They whipped h i m, stuck needles under his fingernails and toenails, pulled his genitals wi th wire pliers, cracked his knuckles with nut- crackers, burned his stomach and legs with cig.arettes and kicked him in the groin. "The public does not care early stages. in ABM planning: Employing only a one-line bulletin today. about the men it aend1 toJ ---'--''---------'=::.:==::._.::::::::::::~__::::::_.:.:::::_:::::.::.:::::.::::::..::=============;:::======= prison," Murton testified. "It · ' 1 .. • Ex-Garrison Aide Rapped NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Following up Clay L. Shaw's conspiracy trial acquittal with a salvo of legal charges, Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison accused his former research assistant with illegally aiding Shaw's lawyers in their defense. Garrison charged Thomas Bethell Tuesday with sup· plying Shaw's attorneys with a secret list of prosecution witnesses ptior" to Shaw's trial on charges of conspiring t.o murder President John F. Kennedy. Bethell left Garrison 's staff last rail. \ At Lorton Reformatory, a youth institution a u t s i d e \Vashington, D.C., a defective metal press used to make District of Columbia license tags smashed the hands of its convict operators year after year.· Repair requests were ignored. These and other talcs of torture and negle.ct were un- folded before the Senate Juvenile Delinquency·· Sub- committee Tuesday in its in· -vestigation of prison!!. The witnesses, I o r m e r Arkansas Penitentiary Supt. Thomas O. Murton and Philip , PRE• EASTER does not care whether or not prisoners are beaten, exploited or subjected to inhuman. con- ditions. The public doe!I not want prison refonn because it actually does not want lo know what goes on in prisons and thu s the inmate is at the mercy of his guard." Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller told a Little Rock news conference the state would seek "equal time" before the subcommittee to rebut Murton's accusations. John Haley, chairman of the State Boar<.'. of Correction, charged Murt.on's "attack was scurrilous, reprehensible and without foundation of fact. ''Tom Is a bitter and Tindic· lille man bent on attempting to injure Arkansas with his distortion and picture of what existed years ago," Haley 11aid. SALE MARCH 6°7°8 DOWNING STREET PRINTS Dacron lpolyetterl l Avril 98' 45" wide, pennan111t Prns. Rot. prlco 1.59 ~ PRINTED . VOILES Dacron "Potynttr" & CottOll 79' R'"l. 1.49 -1.6' -SPECIAL DAN RIVER CHECK GINGHAMS l 00°/o cotton, l/4 ... 1/z" and 1" checks. R.19. 79c 59' COTTON SATINS - Many ltanclscrelfttcl, fin• seltctlon. Rot· 1.91 • 2.4' 1~49 DOTIED SWISS Doer°" "PolyWtr" l CottDft. <45" wide. 98' R ... 1,jf RUSSELL RIBBED COTTON Rlbbtd Cotton. 4S" wide Rot. 1.'9 98' COSTA MESA Harbor Centtr 2100 H-llYd. DAN RIVER SHORTS Checks. stripts, pk.:i.:;, v.1 ... to 1.29 LEATHERETIE 69' 60'' wide, Rot. 2.98 SPECIAL 2.29 DACRON· "POL VESTER" DOUILE KNIT 60" w;dc, 4 95 Good color s•lectlon SPECIAL o DAN PRESS SOLIDS =::::Polytit"' & Cotton. sftc Rot. 1.1' J FINE QUALITY: COTTONS CLOSE OUT 2r•·, HOMESPUNS u ... typ•, ,,, ... l Plol••· 1 49 45" wldo. Rot. 1.99 o COSTA MlSA M-c..tor 221 E. 1711t St. Do the .•Pring thing! Pluck a fresh QualiCraft l!houhape-like. black man made patent pump . with tht 'bi--rise in !i-ont thaCa.an top ·today. The toe Mapes a round curve,. the heel etands full arid high. For 9.99, it'• one of the wayt QualiCra!t keeps you up. on tbe news. See city ADdals, fresh 1pectatora, 1ofter pastels an d pale neutrals, braM buckles, refinl.'d brogu,., ru.tic •tackl.'d beet.. . 6 99 10 99 Greats of '69 mosUy , to , ......... v.,., FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON IEACH SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA .. ~­•• • • !~ • . -. • i •I • ' , • , • -• L..------------------------------------...11·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----v::::: • • • -•:...:ilmL~ PILO'r EPRoRIAL PAGE I Two Point·s of View Newport Bea<:b and Coata tdt1a apparully aren't flyjng united on a proposed ~rtaae in Orange County Ai/pOrt jetliner 1ervice. Newport city official• are on record in vigorous o~on to the prospect ol 111gbts from the county faclllly to the Pacific Northw,sl..-. • Costa Mesa's City Co1111Cil voted 3 to 2 Monday. night to support the flight awards at a March 25 bear- ing before the Civil A_eronal\lica Board in Washington, D.C. .. • Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin i:. Pinkley earlier had hinted broadly that bis council would support a reaolu- tion urging the Olgbb. The Costa Mesa Cbambe( ol Commerce adopted' 31.fCh a fegolution :several weeks ago. \ "It seems to me/' said Pinkley. ''that we probably shouldn't go bocil: to tho horse and buggy days when it comes to the jet age." · The Costa Mesa councll now •land• with the Costa Mesa )>usiness P.?mnnµUty on the issue. . Pinltley' prodi~ 'this last week when be wd he believe• the city -ii it Is decided that a }l06ttlon should be taken -would back increased jet traffic at Orange· County Airport. • . . lb 't ti Obviously, the two cities are seemg e 11 ua on from vastly different points of. view. Newpoi:t Beach is concerned about noisy: (Ugh.ts bver its territory, and could not car-e less about' the ·economic impatj. intensi- fied use of 1.he airyort ~ould have on industrial and commercial development.in ·tbe area. Costa Mesa, on the other hand, isn't worrying iil>Out jet overOJghu.· There aren't any of consequence over Costa Mesa territory. The city is concem.ed, a1 is the Costa Mesa chamber, with the need for ~and bene- fits o! the Pacific Northwest 111gbt5. needs. The two cities. of coune, do work hand-in-glove on matten of mutual concern and po'5ible mutual benefit. These include ro-routl.ng of the Newport Freeway, &am• long-range planning matters, and certainly 1chool growth issues. · But where there ls no dove-tailing of ptunicipal ln .. terests, one can hardly count on a dove-tailing or 1nu4 nlcipal minds. · That is an unhappy fact oflife. Costa Mesa .had IQ face up to it not too long ago when ii fought Newport over tho. Keys Marina project and the Coastal Freeway_ , And neither city was exacily neighborly to the other when both recently unsuc.;essluJJy &aught to annex po- tentially lucrative industrial property near the airport. The 1ite for a new municipal court is another case in point. It comes down to the· simple fact that what's good for N&Wj>'!rt Beach ls not nec..,artly good for Costa ?l.fesa. Alid vice-versa. It always has been that way. II Is unlikely to change. SDS Man a Candidate M~bers of the political New Left claim to be the new wave of the future. Soon they'll have a chance to find out just how big that wave is in the Harbor Area. John L. Vaughn, he of the movement to establish a Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter at Orange Coast College. has. filed for the school board. In fact, this ambitious office seeker is running !or seats on two school boards-Newport-Mesa Unified and Or· ange Coast Junior College. I -' . " • . • The differences in attitude are understandable. eo.ta Mesa olflcials were.not elected nor appointed to fret about Newport'• problems. And Newport olficial• likewise have no mandate to 'WfYlT'JI about Costa Mesa's His chances of success don't rate very high in eilh .. er race. But as whipping. boy for the other candidaU!s, protagonist for his own cause, or whatever, the elec .. tion campaign is bound lo take on additional sparkle- or sparks-becau.se be is running. 1'Tms flME 1]:_NIBSL£ YoU /0 DEATl·L·~ DeGaull£ Way ls Persistent. --Annoyance w ASJUNGroN -There art two ways of viewing President Nixon's trip to Europe. There ls our way. And there ts De Gaulle's way. Our way -the American way -is reaasurinl and familiar. We would rather not notice the De Gaulle way -and yet there tt is. a mild end pen;lstent annoyance -lite uumbs in aD otberwiae com- fortable bed. In our way of vlowinll tile Pr<sldenl'• Grand Tmr, everything the Preslderit said mfftnned sacred and f!d•hllahed principle. Of "'"""' we will defml NATO: ol course we have a ipeclal re.laUonship wlth England; of course we uek Western unity. Even Mt. Nixon'• declaratiOn that we are all Berliners was but a .mild upgrading of what Jotm Kennedy taught us lo believe. 1t was all as customary as the household furniturt. TO BE SURE, It was pure ceremony. Nobody actually believes that Mr. Nixon accompllsbed anything except to show the Europeans that be wu not Tricky Dick, but a serious and friendly chief of a great state. The true value of the -presidential trip can be 1UITU11ed ~ Jn tile onclall and bucolic couplet: Tho cow licked Nelly In lhe belly In the barn; Didn' do ber any Sood, dtdn'I do her aey harm. And yet lt did reaffinn !'hat ~e believe. Or did it? There It 1s aga.m. that haunting the.sis-cf De Gaulle, casting doubt upon our own hmennost con- gciences u though we were not prin- cipled leaders of a grand alliaru:e but mere men, looking flnt to our own 15kins. DE GAULLE DOESN'T believe -t we say. He doesn't belleve we believe it. Ha ays that there i8 in the world "a new and gigantic fact," namely the ability o! tile SOviel Union lo destroy, the United Slat.a. Became of tl>ll lad, he implied, we will not defend Europe. Desplla all our pbrU<a, we !111. look first to ounelves. ll was aft.er the missile crWs of October, 1962, that De Gaulle put forth this view, and he used the missile critis lo support it. There is truth to his logic. For in those 13 days or dreadful danger we did not ask the Berliners U they were ready for invasion. We did not ask the Europeans whether they were ready for nudear war. We dealt with the Russians as one to one. We thought first of oursel\'ea, ·-. Dear Gloomy Gus: Smoe peqi:te WOa1d rather have kids ride the!r mlnib\kea in the •lreN lnotead of finding a loaal plaoe. .)' ,...... ~· .w ' t tl.. ........ nfttdt ,.....,., •I"'"-llotf ~ ....... 1 ................ ... ,_. ...... " .......... °"'" f'li.&. • I ,p 'II m fW 111111. llw, ,,... .. ,r DE GAULLE'S LOGIC Implies a ques- tion: Would we also think first al ouroelves U SOvlel troopo marched Into Berlin? WouJd we really risk soIM 20 miDlon. dead tn a alqle nuclear u:chqe ln order to prove U.t we are all Berllnen! or that "" ~ 1n Euro-..... un11yr or that we hm a spoc1t1 relallonsblp wllh Enl!•nd! Even ... Mr •. Nlxon realflnm tile filth, the devil's .e.Docate pins converts. Fonner See. ol stale Dean Rusk ·has ezpressed tears about a new perlod ol iaolaUon. The crealert part o! the U.S. Army, far !t:om being ready to cie!eJ)d the grtl1d .u;..c., la 'boQed down In Sooth V!etnain. And who la lo say thll the young men of America, many of whoni view tbe war in Southeast Asia with ,!Uch loalhln&, would loot upon a confrontation In Europe as a duty? ParUCularly, a duty passed on to them by a ceneraUon tlley do not hold In blah rqmll · ·THE DZ GAULLE view Is un- comfortable and lhlminC· And yet after the Manball Plan, afler tile Berlin alrllll, l!ler NA TO and a united Europe, after all the lorgot\on phrues. there la that nauln1 fear that ho might be right. If be b rlgh~ be will not only bavo ootllved Franklin Roosevt1t and Wlnston Churchill; be will have reversed them -and obliteroted the lesson of hl.tory which they thought Ibey hod handed down. By Frank Mutle1JIC1 and Tom Brade• Work for It 11aif,.Tual, N-orald: "What Is probably the mOBt senllble tdu. to come out ·ot Wublngton tn a good many yur1 ii the one made by a con-- greWDan ••• that able-bodled men on · relief rolls be -required to do some work: in e1cbange for their checkl. One po1sibwty mentioned was picking up' debris aloog public roads. Many slmllar typea: of work could be con· !ildered. Tbis suggestion ls probably quJte appalling to most of the pre1ent generaUon of reliefers who bavc be~n brought up In the be.lief that ll:ii government owes every man a Uvlng, but tho.!e of us who can remember the depression days of the 1930's are made to wonder how, why and wben the idea of performing some service in retam for govtrnment support was drop- ped." Accordln& to Iba pobllcatlo:i. ''The Kansas Re sta u r a 11 t,'' 'Tood markeUng services tiave tnercased 117 pucent e:ince 1940. while the volume ar food marketed has lnCN!ased only 70 percent. Therefore a large part Of the P.rl~ of rood is not fOr lhe product 1t1elf but for costs Involved In gettin~ food from farm to table moN rapidly. meli.ing fooda available all scuona of the year, pnwldlni bullWn · ~~­ vtnlences (TV 4\nners, etc.) ex· µand.ing parking raclUUes at the retail 1tort, and other factors .,bicb make possible quicker 1hopp1J11, less time In the kitchen and 1 vvtely Of aelection which 11 the en''Y or the worSd. .. N " Relocate Orange County Airport, lnit • • • ·'Leave To tile Editor: I become 1e Irritated and Irked by unlmagtnative and unrealistic people when I bear them auggest that El Toro should share tta faclllUes wt~ the private alrlinea or move to the desert u one reader suggests beeause of the problem of Increased air traffic in Orange County. I think El Toro is a vilal link in the defense system af this country and should not be disturbed by civilians. If the Marines should move to the desert the economy of the county would suffer. MARINES AND their families buy ~ rent homes, spend their weU-desen:ed salaries in many areas of the county and contribute in numerous ways to tbe ccmmuniUet in whkh they reside. The lamlliU who were .-ntly evacuated Iron Oooded disu\er .,. .. were more tJian· grateful to have our wU&g Marloel come to ~ aid so quletfy. They would not have been of l.ft1 us1sta.nce out on the desert. I favor rtlocation of the Orange COunty Airport but I say "LEA VE EL TORO TO THE MARINES." MARY JWE DUGAN SPITZER Airport Convenience To the Editor: _ To the people wllh a bumper stic\er on their car rl!ading "Ban Jet Planes Al Orange County Airport," and all the other no1ae abatement whiner!, may they have to drive to Los Angeles Interna- Uonal Airport every day for a weet "Ith their enilr_e family, lnclwling pets and a acreamlnr.baby that never atopo. May they all be packed Into a car that ls blaclt lnaldo and out with the doors sealed and with the windows only opening ooe half Inch. plUJ no air cofl<o d!Uonlng. May the temperature. out;ide be 99 to 103 degree!!I and may there be i. "smog alert." May they 1et stuck for three hours In a traffic jam and may they not be able to. Jind a place to part ante they get to the airport. And, finally, may they min lhelr plane. IF THD DOESN'T teach them what a coovenllftCI they have in their backyml and tlley l1ICCOed In 1etUng Orange Coonly Airport moved to Death Valley, I suppose tbelr nut projeo.t will be to make Niagara Falla nolaelm. The amount of time, elfort and money spent on their projeci could have been .---By George ---, Dear George: I have a problem and 1 believe yoo are just the one to help me. 1 am 21 years old and interested 1n meeting and becoming :u::· ciualnted. wlUt the hand90me young motorcycle policeman assigned to lhe shopping center where I work. J've tried a couple of tJmu to strike up a conver11Uon with hlrn In the drugstore, but he's too shy. llow can. I get lllm to speak to me ind to re.member me? WISTFUL Dear George: When a woman gel.s a divorce Is the man suppt\5Cd to hock her engagement ring? LO~ISJ:; Dear Lou!"': n ... nol. ma,ndatory. etiquett e eX'perts agree. I ptrsonalty fee l thal a man ha.!i no r ight to hock h1I u -wife:C engage.merit rln.g. He should have thought of this btfore the divorce was floal. El Toro Letters from readn's are welcome. Normally tDrittr1 should convey their message in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit .!pact or eliminate libel is reserved. All letters must include signature and mailing address, but names may be withheld on request if sufficient rea· son i.s apparent. spent ln lnatallint acoustical tile, etc., lo soundproof their homes. and they oxzld have turned their attention to more worthwhile projedl 1Uch a.s starvation In the United Slates, etc. AN ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT LOVER Slap·laappy Motorlao To the Editor: \Vow! What a stot}' by Arthur Vinsel titled, "It Can Be A Very Personal Thing." in the March 1 DAILY PILOT ! It took me back to the day:i when I did &0me research on ambulanCe"'driv- ing. What I found out then was appalling enough, but today the ratio or horrible accidents has incrWed ten fold. Mr. Vinsel's story is a good cross-section of what is going on everywhere. PEOPLE ARE In such a damned hurry to go somewhere, and come back from aomewhere, that common 1 e n s e to the Marines' regarding the dynamics of speed Is ut- terly ignored by ( 1) the slap.happy pleasure motorist who is ablivious of the danger, and (2) the 1hipper who puts caravans af merchandise on . the road without proper inspection regarding the hold-<1owns of the materials, which too often separate from the Joad and are strewn on the freeway to block. the oncoming traffic and cause a crash. I have seen this happen repeatedly. J\tn. VINSEL'S story should be copied and presented to future drivers a! "must" reading before they get their license. Of course 1 would not want to bf: quoted as being opposed to "progress," but I do think that Mr. Viristl't1 story an traffic ulety has a mesaage for all of us, aod I hope that his mwage will be received. by all motorists who want to stay alive . MILT BASHAM Facetious Types To the Editor : We live in the Glen Mar Tract just north of Adams and west of th~ Santa Ana River in Huntington Beach. In the last 24 hours of rain during the recent stom1, the city engineers ,saw ftl to _ reinforce the soft spols in the river bank with sandbags. The Adams Street bridge and bank were full of policemen and Marines. It i.!I my belief that Marines and policemen are supposed to reassure and calm the citizens in cue of emergency, and even more important when there is no emergency. But we evidently had a couple or facetious types. One to~ a family to go home and move th11r valuables upstairs, another was told the Santa Ana dam was going to break, another was told they could get ready in case they had.to evacuate! WIDLE THERE was not one officia1 word said to the residents that Were staying at home; out o! the way, .and the papers stated as plainly as possible what the facts were , on the misguided remarks of a few individual~ (who shc;iuld know better), this is what re.sulled. The rumor IO\'ers, stiU with no oUi~ial ..,.·ord or facts, spre~d the. storie~ . ~hat the dams ·were going to break, the bridge was swaying, the river would ov:~ow and we would have to. flee. the children could not get out of the school, etc. 1 know that emotional, hysterical people like drama, but I think these thin1s are dangerous. Even . when you lry to give them facts, they do not want lo listen. Certainly. if we were in the slightest danger, we .would . . , .. ' . ' ,. , ., .,, "• ' be notified door lo door in plenty of .i time. u .':, • .. I DO FEEL that It ls the policemen's responsibility to slate positively' that n •: • d ·. there is no danger and when Ulere ·~· is, the people ..,.·ill be notified in plenty d ; ... of time and ·given any needed help. This is the kind of rea.~surance and ie--' encouragement people need, not ill<an-~ , ~ sldered remarks that encourage hysteria ~ and rumors! ft is impossible to keep the curious ·s, :~ .. a"''ay from danger spotl, but much trou .. . ,. ble could be avoided by giving them proper information. f-.:: L. M. PENGRA ' Why Jesus Was Sent to His Death ·~· 11tou1bts at t.au;e: It is worth relnembering that Jesus was sent to His death by the Rom.an afficlals not at all for any religiou.s reason, but because He was considered a "trouble.maker," an "anarchist," and, no doubt, an "outside agitator." • • • The world's store or facb has just about doubled in the lut 10 years; ·and mosl of us, psychJcelly, are in the mood af the old farmer who said he didn't want to learn any more thing s "because I already know more: than I can understand.·· • • • One of the campaign slogan~ I let.st understood last fall was about Gcor1e Wallace "having courage" -si nce when has it taken "courage" to be mean, ugly, selfish. spiteful. narro .... ·• and ap- pealing to lhe most irrational jnstincLS in your fellow men? (Indeed, precisely the OPJ>O'ile \\'OUld have indicated "courage" in Wallace -to break with his past and repudiate his background.) • • • In the Jong run, and sometimes evtn ln the abort run, everybody IOHS from a atrlke, and everybody knows It; yet while we Cl.11 devise the most .subtle :ind sophisticated Instruments to &end men orbiti ng through spact. we cannot seem to make .an lnslrnme.nt of liocial policy that y,·il1 set lie dispu tes with · U1c .!ian1c coooerative raclllty • • A tool y,·ho is smart enough to be aware of his llmltatlon!I can gu. along fllr bellt!.t 1n lhc world than a wist n1an \\'ho i~ too obtuse lo be aware or his. • • • Tht best brier derinllion cf a "Jad,y" l 've ever btard Is RuSlell Lynes', ·•;. l r ~ 'W': 'I lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a genUeman.'' ' • • • Aten who own and display elaborall:ly. carved and expensive dtess sets are almost never good chess players: for good players ttfuse to be distracted hy the pieces, and. pl1y with the simplest Sla\mlan-d~fgn S€lll that can be purchas- etl in any dime store. ' • • • Tht rea80fl I.hat Negroes resent Ubetat11 more than they dislike a\•owed racists is lhat they consider liberals as mere sentimentalist1: and, In Wilde's accurate Y:ords. "a sentimentalist is simply one who desires to have the luxury Of an emotion without pa.yiric for i\." • • • There is not a perlOO tlvin1 wbo doe£ not believe lhat he tnl\)' 1eekl •'the truth"; yet, since. ao many contradictory things appear as "truth" to dllterent people. then either an objecUve trudt does not exist. or most people are nm- nlng away rrom It rather thin seeking ii. • • • America is one of the few countries In lh11 world whtre l\\'D men In tl'leir 50! wlll meet. af&er an absence o( ye,n. and talk al len,ui about thflr college dayi; lilS perhaps the most. n1timor•hlr of lheir li ve!: dots this nostalgia not say s01nethlni: about the bleek quality af middlc·agcd life In our AOC.let)'" • • • Leaming a new l1nguap Is not mtrely a maUtr of "lranslatlnJ,." N it were •. one's old ldea.s and concepts rrom • English into .another tongue, It b, in a real iense, acquiring an extra facet of ,personality, and beconlinc ether and larger than you were, in zpirit as much as in language. • • • ReUghm uffil lo prevenl people ln>m thinking; nowadays science perfonn:it that aatne function, by ~iUn• pleUlite:it to come on earth that reli11on tnly promised in heaven. • • • H. is good for the young lo be concerned wilb "se.U~ion.'.' ,but it.,ia 1 bed for lheni to-set abc.6t it until tbey ha\'e deVeloP.M a character tllat ia worth expressing . • • • Old . people be come "selectivelY'' deaf - they don 't hear what lhey rion"t cart 1 to hear, but can pjck up the merest whisper if it concern! sometbinJ you ' don't ""'ant lhein lo bur. --·-·-- Wedno!day, Marcll 5, 19«1 The tdllortc& poae o' Uw Doa'J Pilot 1e1kt to tn/orm and nm.. ulatt ttadm bll pre.srnd® th& n.cwpaptt'• optn;on1 mu! ~ mentoru on lopfca ot tntf;rCll and sigrnl!t'tlncl!. bu ptot1kttng • torum /or lht l'%pf'trsion 0/ our renrltrs opi1il<ms. mul·~ PTf'St1tt1119 lhc diverse vteto- noints of tn.farm~ obstrl.)trt (lftd spokctmt1'1 an Copict "of tlw ctav. Robo}'l N. Weed, Publiaher • ' ,. " I I I I I ' .. ' ;;:· '· ,..,,- ' ... '!} .. ' ' .. -:· ... . .. . · .. "• : .• . •• ,,._ .. " .. ... . . ---........ _ ..... ' * ''• ~r'••' I I M ' .. 'M ···~··11· :·· .. ' • I t "-t f.. • , ~. t ' • ; .. :oon ;· ae·: ·:1ne~ ' ' •' I J • 1 ; ' l ; " .. ,, ,.,. ', 1' l l • •' ' ' ' " ' .. -J ' .. • .. ' • ? ' •• • t• .... 1 • ·. . . ' • • ' t I ' ' r ., • • .. I ~I De·hut ,~Success' • ' • f: • . ..... '· ·Ehr'thmen ~i.··1~·~o~k ;ai'.~Spilkr'·w; :schweickart Gets Sick SPACE CENTER. Howton (AP) - J8*1 .1;: McDlvltt and' Rusoell L. &ctawel~kart fie'!' the bug-like moOn JUchm< ror ·the first tim< Wedpesday. 'tbttla.ave earth a ~ev~ion glimpse Of ~r:<rim'Ped · catiin and then sucw ~Y fired ~ r?Cket designed to lliJ!it-""1 the moon. : &:hftl<llirl and Air Force Col. ~cDtYi_W became 1he "'first American ~ti 'to fransfer ·from one "'aft to ~other . w~ the~ floated ' M,esa Police Ruid .LSD . ' Supe rmarket . Wea~r · ' I > '!'hose balmy. Marcl) w)nds gel a r !illl< brisk Thurodliy; . but clear-f lklea and wwm weather are in 1 the ol(lng with temperalures Jn , tho -• -along lite· . t . ....i. I .~!iµ}E TOD.4 V ,. .Thtti'r~ uot11g to "t./otu '11' , · ; I/II Sk~" at th1 IV,.,,,.. • com.fnUJiitu Tlitatlf Tddn .Pf . • • a haii<l/ul of other IW. j>roduo- U~ i11 tht arta lowtr tlttir . 1 Cur(ain.._ Stt £11leri4inrne11r, '·t'aot-18. ·•I ' • • "from the co®nand 0in~ tlftooitt I "In a "l!flvlle" converu~Qll •liic:fl l!'U apacocrafls eastward, but chanJing the 3J.ii\ch-wlde. "!Mii 11nto . Ille .. c0bln oj wlU!held ~I"· ne'fsuWi· 311>-µiile-hJih orbit only sUghtly. the 'luhar mbclUll.-.: · . • MlUiod control announctd later thlit Tfle two spacecrati ~e Jocked together n.e thlrd·Aiiollo 9 Cre~;Wr FOrce 1he • illDess was brief, ,but t Ji' t • aose to nofe and the sll:-minute rocket Cot David . II:-S<ot~ ·.•~ ·beJ'h>d. In Sch'f~t did vomit "'I""· He ns 'firilll actually propelled the COl11mand · ·the command -modoJe. -, 1• •· • -··--abl~ to perform the ~er' .aatilfac· module and Scott backward tlv'OUgh · Space · agency offlclah · lMouriced ~,: 1biit offlctals1 &a.id there' was a ,space. earlier that•s'clfweickart 'aaffertd a 1lege ~b11jty .hi,s ~pace.wllt,i ~uJed tor "Tbat1s pretty smooth,'' said Scott or .nausea btfcare the space tranafer 'lbursdliy, might be canCeled. from the command piodule during the 'startect.· .. -... ·.. -· . "' . McJ)t\ritt fire'd the· 9)°701;oi,md~ thru'.st 'bUni. A1cDlvitt,. the .Apollo 9 icommander. descent .e;nii10e on U)e base 1of the hmar 1 "Yuh," said Mc:Divitt aboard the told grOWld CQntrolleri of the illness .mociuJt, · pushing the comb In e d moonship. "lt'a -a:olng alona: like a ., • , • 1 • • ' • : _,,' ' • dream." Then be added: "Gee, am I hungry." Later, tifcDiv itt cOmmented, "Jt. Jook.s like everything was pretty clean ... The crew reported seein( chunks of foil · from outside the IUnar module fly off during the rapid acceleration of the burn. "We just"' threw a big chunk down at the ground there." sai6 McOivitt • "There goes another bunk," Viet Cong Rebuff . Nixon's Warning • -< J • -- WARNS HANOI ON ATIACU Pre1ldtnt•MHt1 Prus --- , t DAii. V ftl.OT c Red Tactics .. • ~ I 1 . . . Fail tQ -Halt _: ,-:redt11JefaJe• Protftt . • Staff ~·-·Eairview. . . . . . , Heai_s '.··pp:_ ~lie~llii·yt,k . • • eud A long•immcrlng feud between rtv1J • )mploye groupa at sprawling Fairview • !late lloopilal lo Costa M,.. reportedly tealod' up lodO)'. u technlcl.w ...... IOd .... bonds lo protest alltged lisc:l1mlnaUtm b1 nunea. no 11o1e-1ra1ned poychlatdc technl· · Schools Ask For Clearance On Air Noise 'Ibe Harbor Area'• afmaft noise foes tave hesitant new allles today 1n lewport-Mesa Uolfied School D!ltrlct rustees. Members of the sdlool board~ ughl ch"" not lo jump with both feet oto tho fi&ht: but dJd agree to Miid ettua to the county Board cl. Sapervilcil ind CYil Aeronautics lloanl (CAB). The letters are simJ>ly to point out hat there are nine tchoola beneath the akeolf pattern and to uk C<lllSldtraUoo t nolle and mely f•clo<• rellllol to • boa< sdloou. Trustees asked IChool admlnJstralora o investigate in depth what detrimental actors might be. They thus turned down, for the present !'YW'Y• Dan Emory, chllrmln of the Ur]>ort Nola< Abatement Commiltee, rho requested they act to oppose ad- UUooal jel flights out of the airport. Emory told trustees the If. million iassengers per year wing the airport rill incnase to the ulUm1t.e airport · • ia,paclty of five or a1x mllllon well ritbln 10 yean. He .aid they ean upect llO takeoffs per dO)', oe ooe uuy 11> nlnutes. ~ He said the Los Angeles school system ias had to abandon a school becaUJe '• he cost of IOWl<lproollog Ls • o otronomlcal, and bas loot tu base iecauae ot decreasing residmtlal pnr ierty values. Mrs. John LaMontagne, also Fof the Urport Noise Abatement CommJtt•e, oid liht! is primarily c:oocemed !or ..i .. y. "1 am aWare that playlf'oundS are 1 large area a pilot in distreSs might "' foe landing," she uid. Supt. Wllllam Cunningham said he bad urveyeci 14 schools and found classes ire being din'upled only at Mariner• ind Monte VIila acboo1'. '!'bey are tho piro IChoola nearest the center al the lock Bly takeoll pallet11. 1'rDltee Selim "Bud" Franklin llld (See BCROOLll, Pap I) . ,. lives !alily c1... aod hasn't IArUcullrly -llrcrall nm... "Our policy Ls to -tblng• lo leplh," be told Emocy. "I doo'I feel re would be qualified to advise any 1overnmental body of repute:'' Trustee Mr~ Marian Bergeaoo said, 'l do live under it and It is intolerable tt times. But I don't th1nk we should ,et involved with a ~ific application treferring to the Pacific Northwest route! ...ru., Emory says wtl1 determine the ~ of the llrporl)." FroM P .. e I ROUTE POLL •• a( Newport Boulevard down Superior Avenue · -The Green-Blue Route, :r.ast llde of Newport Boulevard down Superior ~Y<nue -The Yellow-Dluc Route, West side through 19th Slree\ • Harbor Boulevard JntersecUon through C.Osta Mesa Park down Superior A venue. -The Red-Blue Route, Westerly ai Anaheim Avenue down Superior Avenue. DAllY PllOI ' Oll-'N(;E COAJT l"Ull..lltU~O COMPAM'I' ltoMrt N. W•-' ,,..IMl!t ..... '"""""" J1c.k l. C,.rley Vb Pr.klml eftCI GeMI' .. Mlnltlf Thom•• k11vll ""' Th1M11 A. M1rphb11 Mennllll l!<llttor P11I Nl11•11 .ldYll1blftf Dlt9der c ........ ~ llO Wt1t It';" St,.,tt M1ilin9 Addr••t: P.O. 101 1160, ,2,26 ........... H"""' 11~: nu wnt 1an., ...,.....,.,,. l•""" tleld'I: m ,_, ,,....._ ""'"""'' .. ltldi: • ""' '""" ' • clarl.1 clllm· nur1e1 take over aulhorlty, cr!Uelre. lb<lr lbUiUes to µ,. point of outri.gttt ~asament and make concUUons toogb lo general. • $pokesmeo lot tho Dlll'IU aod the ho1pUal tdmlnlstr1Uon Jtlelf could QOt be rucbeo! durlna the nqoo 11our to ttve the.it •Ides of lhe brewing con· troversy. have done nothing but nve yeirs and ii it isn 't mded iol>n ii wlll 1<1 more cr!Ucal," said a volunteer worker a_t the ·hospital who uked not to be named for fear of reprisal. 1'Nunea are tellin1 tbe technicians now that their job Is oot to do aoylblng but scrub ,patients and floors," the woman charged. Under the state horpltal system's methods, psytblatric t«bnlclaM are cluaed u trainees durlnl a one-year lralnlog period, including eipl months Jn classroom education. Alter graduation with certlflcate, they are ltgally qualUled to adriilnister medlcatiom and many continue on with more specialized training, depending on dedication to the job. The same 'feud -technlcians-versus· nurses -erupted Jn 1963. when the Btate-trained worken said the more ln· depe'ndenUy educated nurses. were laking over tbetr roles in the system. Some factions charged that the in. fighting amon1 employes at the state's treatment center for the mentally retafd. ed ulllmately hurts the polienia. Anti-cookielif t Stand Brings Positive Response U you can't .aay 10mething good about a project to mall cookies to Gls in Vietnam, say eomething -anytb1ng - bad about it and watch the poSitive re.rponse. Overwhelming support flooded into Mrs. John W. Oiiver'a 0 per at ion Cooklellfl Tuesday, after published ob- jecUon1 by a Costa Mesa taxpayer to use of city hall apace to pack the cookie cargo. ;'It's just wonderful," said Mrs. Oliver, of YJ17 Yukon Ave.; CosLa Mesa, hinting that TheOO.ore C. 11'ed" Bologb'1 llnique counterdemand for c:lty 1pact received AO small amount f'( attention. Bologh aald no clvic center apace should be used by IU!J'ooe !or ID)'lblnl but offJcial m1mlclpal bu&lntss and he wants ncnr to stage a nutritlonJJ and anti-venereal disease clink for hippies there. .Mrs. Oliver and tnUruaiuUc 1upporter1 in the Harbor Area lrlll use the vacant . fourth Door of the !aclllty all during · April lo pact tho morale-boolliJlg cookies for Vietnam servicemen. U they get It, the twice-unsuccessful Costa Mesa City Council candidate charg. ed, then hlJ non4flclal city buslneaa project deserves serious comlderaUon loo. No matter what the outcome, however, a veteran oblerver of munlclpal politics predicted today that U Bolop makes a third attempt to bold omce be ba1 deflnilely lost the cook!•-· Mesa High Swap Meet Planned 9n Saturday A swap meet to be hosted by Colla M.,. High Scbool lludsl! al the campua parking lot Is ICheduled foe this Satur· day, not March 18 e reported lo an earlier announcement. Selling pennlla wtl1 be 1vall1ble for $3 each and the fund.raising affair ia slated to nm from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with proceeds goine for student cafeteria ltunlture. ...... __ BERLIN -The Rulllaoa cloaed all three land rout.ea to West Berlin for fourbootl todO)' lo prolelt ~ Wu! Ger!lllJI pttaldentlal elect!Olll·baiiw hold lo t!le city. The elecUooa went lhud as scheduled. It wa1 lhe aecoud Ume sine• the lMMt Berlin blockade the Ru.ss.iima have shown their power over Berlin's land links .to·tl)& Wut by e!Dling all three hlgbw1)'1 used by the Wut. Justice M~ter Gustav Heinemainn was eleded prealdent oa the third ballot lo succeed al11ng Prealdenl Heinrich Luebke. He received $11 votes to 506 !or Defeme Mlnimr G<rbard Scllroeder. The first two baJJott: were inconclualve when ~eJther got a tlear majority. Heloem11m Ls the tint Soclll Domocr1t to be elected to tho largely cemnooial post of cblef of state in four decades. It WU West Gennany'• most protracted and dramaUcally set poa:twar elecUon. The Communlltl called it a provocaUon and made it the target of wetU.long pres.sure. For Schroeder, onetime golden boy of German poUUc1 and preHDt dean or the federal Cabinet, it mark'ed the second setback in his bid for high office. From Page l CENTENARIAN said the wh ite haired old man. He didn't marry unlll be wu IO year• old. His wife, Keller, 14, I.bares a room with him at the convalescent bolpital. His childhood sweetheart. d!td and Ellis tho!lgb.t he wOW.d Dever get mariled unlil he met Keller. "I wed to have whl.U:erf down to my cheat and one day the pastor of my church called me Jn, and II.Id he wanted to &Ive me a *have/' E1lil recallil. The paalor p<l'IOllllly administered the 'clippers at hJ1 home, wanting a 1pruced up man to introduce to Keller. . The t\\·o aoon took a liking to one another and got married. Today, the once confirmed bachelor admits that ''no one can ever take her place." A religlow man, Ellis credill his longevlty to llvinf according to the Blble. "~ far a1 l'm conctrned, it kept my body· u it was when I was first born," he 1ay1. E1.llJ doesn't, know what he will do during the ~ ye1r. Howover, be doesn't plaJi lo .&lye up pl1ylog the banjo,.or worry about the future. "I hid a difu,; once thal I would live to be 400," he milled. FronaP~l , LONGER DAY very fine thing saving children from failure." Supt. Wllllun Cunninibam Slid his staff bad Wked to klnder1amn teacberl and prlru:lpal1 and doesn't tblnk there will be any aeriou1 dilcord. H• Slid II Ls 1ppropriale that kin- dergarten leocher1 toacb four boon, tho same amOunt •• primuy teacher-. because, under the Dn" ltafflnt raUaa. ktnde'igamn Is -a~ered u lategr&I part of tho prlmll'J'.JIRl'llll. •we are llftRllllDC baalc lumins skJllJ lo u much depth for most dllldrtn in kindergarten. as in . the priDwJ grades," be aaid. Cannl.ngbam noted the new program should bruit even. Hiring double tho number of klodergamn teachers cost the district 1110,000 in added talariea this year, be said, wblle the new plan figures to save $213,cm in tuchen: not hirtd for other grades and bonus state aid f« leacblog the longer kindergarten ses.sJon. V sed Car Lot P.rovides Key to Arrest in Hol,dup A rookie policeman bnoliq 1 Ytllow getaway car found one on a lale.s Jot, leadiog to the m<St line! arraignment today of I Costa Mell bandit llUspecl who 111egedly lest-drove tt and retuned wtth cash for a cheaper model: Georp D. Davlea, 271 ol. 2109 Federal Ave., was arrested by detec:UTU 1n a.dondc> lleacb Monday nllht. five boon aft« tho flO holdup_ of a bobby shop stalled by 1 looe w"'-'"" clerk. Officer Jim Fuliy opolled the cu In question on I Harbor Boulevard dwer'• lot. resu!Ung in the arrest of Davlea only Ove honrs after the cue )'U flnt rtpoNd. MrL Ruib Myon, elm II Park Avenue Hobby Shop. 18111 Park Ave .. told OIOc<r Norm Koch that a llllD robbed her II 2:20 p.m. Monday, alter beylog I !ken! tube of model llrpllno aJue. He wu rather UPIJ she llkt, and he twtqed from a bottle before leaving hit yellow ltnpurted car1 parked outside with the liceme plate visible. :rumtoa back fmn the wh rePJer alter the amal1 purctwe, Mn., Myers fOWld the bandll looldng 11 bu with /, bloodshot eyes over the bmel of a .22 caliber revolver L "Give me the money 1n your relJ{ster," he •aid. "You're dnmk," llid lhe. "I know," 11ald he, "but give me the money anyway." Uslng a description and license number aller he fled with the cash, Mn. My<rl notified police and Offtcer 1'111ey louod the brl&hUy palottd cir at an undl.sclo<ed dealership. . Employu lbire P•• . Wcnn11llll! lelding to I Fedml A..,,ue· ldd-, where pollco confllcaled 1 .n ullbn re.olver 'II evidence and learned 'i1ieri Davits ""'Id be found lo Redondo Belch, driving a newly bought 116 -ur. Amstod and cltT)'lnc only 311 ctnla, Davle1 told police be Wll Winally broke bei:a\lle ho wu out of Jail only U... dlys 111« aervlq -lot barsllry and hid· no job yet. Som...,. elle, .....-, could b"• found hilm<I! In 1 -pndl ... meot lempor1ri1¥ U J''l'"!Jlllft. Farley hadn't made UM ftrtt aict in the case by flodlog lhl y1Dow .... Sborlly alter pollte lei\ th& lot. " WU wold. }, Def~nse Spending Hit 1, . .. . =· '. • ., F<lll'l'UNE • ,., ... .'PUet '''" 'l'lli'eo pror ....... 'iad I _....,.. crWdloli heavy <Xpellditum OD delenae lo Wu on userled mlruo of llcleoce TueadoY al UC Irvine. U.S. Rep. Pbllllp 1lw'lon (fl.San Fran- cilco) Slid tho delenae budget Ill "abaolulely lllqgeriog" wbUe money and scltntlflc tnl.ellect la needed f o r humanitarian problems "crying for !OIU· tJon." · UCI Dean of Physical Scl~s Frederick Rtlnea spoke of the folly of spending bJlllons on an anU·baWltic rnl.sslle syllem be doean't bellue would ever be reliable e.t>OUgh to stop every mi..tle. StoppJna aome or even most missile.a carrying nuclear warheads is not good enoqh, be argued. "U even one gets through you've had JL J thlui: it'1 aort oC that simple." Chairman of Organismic B i o I o I y Grover Stephens spoke on the overriding lhr<1t ol world fainlne, and UC! Blochemilt Calvin McLaughlin warned of the devutaling posslblllty of biological warfare. Three hundred sludenl! heard the talks 1n Science Lecture Hall on a day when similar programs were held a t unlvera.iUes across the country, The day ci naUonal warning about misuse of science bad been called by professors al Mlaaacbuaetls lllltltule o! Technology (MIT), lo par1icu1ar to proteat the aoU. ICBM. "We didn't have such meetings when our country alld into ever·increuina: in- volvement tn that immoral war called Vietnam," Congressman Burton said. He aald be Ls one who bad hoped :.W._ ~ ml1llm lilblea leas • )'e,4? old wUI' die: .from relaUvely mlnor bllllolll of dolllrl poored Into • -disuses -they ....,, be fed 1111· wt•PoDI l}'ttem. fldent calorkl to give them the Congrtasman Burtoa·sald a crest deal res:istence to survive. of momentum . bu been l1icUd up ln He gave such sobetb1g statiatlcs u the 1111 couple of weeks IPinll I~ "our food support to other counlriea ahead wltb . "tho •UHd;riaa4 AICBM.' Ls <lllly V45th o1 our def._ budpt ml H 1 .,e llkl lle·bell-~wiD del<1t that i. mllleldingly high becl\oa< w• • • · give away llUlplug food but do not lelch Dean Reines · Aid lMldett· warfare people how to go grow their own. .. would be so-devutatln&' that for the He aaid, ••support for birth control fil'lt time 'In the hlstorJ of rma utire reaearch is so piWully bad we don't nations could be lllmlnated rih1n u understand the mechanism of the tw('I hour. '"lt la such I monmou. thought most effective devices -the pill and. we turn from Jt, ~ be iala.. '." the loop. We discovered . them empiric- He llld lt Ls CflDP1e!oi1 -ble ally, but don't undenland bow Ibey and irnUonal tO' believe antJ-balllsttc wort." mWiles c:ouid atop nery inc:omiQg He concluded by saying, "I submit warhead. He mlllUoned lllCb ~ ....... to you the threat of famtne la IO slinifi- fouoding factorl u lho. lrelll&lldoljl tpeed cant 11 is the ooly real problem wa of the mLssllea, the • -.time !or face." delivery, mu!Uple wuheadl .!Mt lprUd MctaUlhlln. in hlJ talk, .....,k<d fn several dirtctlom, and decoys. the United States spendl more on A defense much less than perfect would research into biological warfare than be of iitlle value, he raid. In addition on cancer research. to the lnltial effect of a bomb, be pointed He said a half pound ot: bacleria pique . out, there would be uncontrolled fires. spread in an aerosol over the Los Angeles fallout disease, disruption of_ com-basin wou1d be Ill effective II a 20- municaUon and electrical power, starva-megaton .nuclear bomb -caml.n.g four lion. million casualties. He wu questioned by Dr. G. W. Moreover, ~e noted, such an attack Mahman, an AutonetlCB ernploye who could be carried out by saboteurs 1.·om &aid he works on ICBMs, who asked: a fourth-rate power. "Don't you tbl.nt as a phllOIOpbical N.:cLaughlln said he doesn.'t think matter it la better to have a defemive science can Control itself because acfm. iystem than an offensive system?" tist.s cannot extrapolate far enough pot.en• Rmles answered: "Without in any lial wes of their discoveries to visualize 1enae trying to be tmPolite, I'll say you weapons aysterm. didn't hear a word l llld." ' But, he said, be thinka man can control Stepbem said starvation II pruint technology. He said be believes it is today in undeveloped countries of the possible to negotiate an international world in much larger proportions than arrangement on biological warfare and is generally recognized. 'lb1a year, be keep lt honest with detectioo. syllems. Tijuana Brass in Town Mexican Officum Play (Golf) at Country Club JUll llb tbefr focebear• cenlutieo ago several for1une bunlm beaded north from Malco arri•ed in Colt.a Mesa today, led by A1frtdo Lopez-Gutierrez. Thll tbne, they found a country club en route to the Seven Cities of Cibola. Costa Mesa Rotary Club members were acheduled to stand the Lopez.. Gutlerra Ptrty to lunch, but-like their forebean centuries ago-the group is lao<f.hwlgry. · He Ls &1IO the authoc ol a . letler o!!erlnf the Costa Meaa Cily Coomcll 11,000 to late pooaesplon of the munidpallty, malled to counter similar propoeal by the vice mayor to buy BoJ• Callfornla. • be. conUnued. "We 1re wil1lng to negotiate variooa aspecta of our oiler • • • if r<Uued o! the reaponllbllity of alto accepllnc its present city council, we are wOUna: to pay 4,000 pesos," he wrote. ' City (',olmcllman Wllllam L. St. Clair helped .,,...,e f..-the dub to boot Gullena' Fr-Regional Ile Aec1on Politic:a (FRAP) after a morning of goU and bowlln& but it wu a short morn.Ing. Robert M. "Baja Bob" Wllaon's SUf' geslloo late 1111 year that the U.S. acquire Baja California as a Slat state and develop It for recreation was recelv· ed willt great biter.st in Mulco. Gutterrez Aid FRAP did wait some time after Vice Mayor Wllson'a Nov. 11 Bil• l'lln:baae proposal to make Its oiler to spot.annex Costa ldeaa to Tl- jlWll, but for I good l'UIOll. "We ask to be forgiven for forward this counterproposal to a newspaper' rather than to some competent author" ty." he continued, since the diplomali -or undiplomatic feeler, however you view it -came to the DAILY P'lLO~ / · firsl V"- 1 "Unfortunately," be concluded, """ , • don't know ol iU1J' compelenl aulhori Sitllng lo 1lne bdtind llCOl'etl ol other mot.odl&I in c:.ood mcmor'de fumel at the &at Ylidro border cheCl:point, per· haps, tlte1r entry WU delayed aod they barely llll'lved by noon. Gullena u dlreolor of towim !or the city of Tijuana. B.C .. and wu u- pecled to bring gifts of good wtl1 to th• simple, sunny pea!anbl of the bospitablt Harbor Arel • Se.nor Gutierrez' Tijuana post Is rough- ly similar to that held by Costa. ?i.1esa Chamber of Commerce Executive Man- ager Nick Zlener. One entft moalb WU required to draft lhe!r -"We bereby offer to !>IY the awn of. 2,000 -to acquire the· city 'o! Coat.a Mesa u a recreational area," wrote Gnllenu, who wtl1 further discuss the lllllter here lo two -U. "W• !blnk· advantagu 'llOll!d be oJ>. lalned· DOI anly far Mulco, hot !or Colla -u ....n. -Colla Meuns would resent ua or not we don't know,'" be added. 0 Tbey 1eem to be a genUe people,•• in Costa Mesa." Gutierrez and bi.a party of seven FRAP colleagues are due, in any cue, to meet-some of the city'• authorities at the March 5 BoWy Club -ioo, w is truly designed to promote Baja Calilomla. "We have a variety of things planned for them," Councilman St. Clair 1aid. Friday with great entbualum, '1even a tour of the P>llce department." "If they want to, that ii," be addtd, •ince few Ylllkeea find tho Tl)umtl Jail allractlve and the feeling moy ba mutualj 0 Time told the Roman wa.y ••• by OMEGA CONVENIENT TERMS BANl<AMERICARD MASTER CHARGE Whether lt'1mf'tlth1....,,. in New York o' Via Veneto fa Rome ••• the llft' wriatwatcli.111 feature Romu......1 olWo. Om.p ..,.u... hmo ulilbecl ti.. disoindi,. clials to cmap!...,.t the m.ic limpticity of wL vse +..ign. WitlUa hlllll thiwodd-famom ~ mut&l&ll whlch oudeis-lumdnds al~ from bl~ to h&I • •obly to_,. maxin'lum. timekriepinl dependability. J. C. .J./ump/a,.;•J 'J•w•/e,. 1121 NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE Hl·l401 ' ,, ,, d e " ·, -• l . ' ' ' • ' ' l ' In ,j d . • • e "· j:. . ' )I' •• - :<I ,f •. ; • • HEW Vows r-auEEN1E,;__ _____ av_Ph_n_1nte_i1anc1--,1 13th Flll ~ixon, MilitQ,ry Crackao,vn -~ On Racism~ Fight@r -Discuss ABM Fate C1•ashes 1================== . ' \'IASHINGTON . (UPI) - The Ni:r:M administration baa announced a crackdown OD the "'subtle fotms" of. school segregation in 14. northern and western states. Secretary Robert H. Finch of Health, Education and Welfare announced the 0 Na- Uonwide Title VI Compliance · Program" Tuesday in a report to Congress. The department. will send 11 ~ore agents into the States involved to in- ve'stigate segregation com· plaints. Finell announced the new steps in a report entiUed "Establishing a Nationwide School Desegregation WASHING TON (UPI) Sprint ml!sil" lo pve added LAS VEGAS, Nev, (AP) _ President Nixon and the Na· protection to U.S. o[fensive An FlllA swing-wing fighter· tionel Security Council held missiles in their underground a two-hour "full discuS!ion'' :silos. bomber crashed oo a training t 0 d a y of t h e Sentinlal -Using Sprlnls to protect flight Tuesday, the 13lh loss AnUballisUc Missile (AB1'f) some U.S. strategic bomber of the two-man, $6 million system. Nt:1on says he will bases against surprise atl4ck plane that developed from the announce nut week a decision by Soviet submarlne--launcbed controversial TFX program. whether work on the system missiles. This also involves witl )be resumed. building radars so that they Both pilots ejected safely. Defense Secretary Melvin R. face to sea as well u toward The crash came while plants Laird told new&men after the the mWUe approacht3 acroas searched deserts and moun-meeting that no firm decision the Arctic. tains r1i Nevada and Utah for wa.s reached. The WbUe House Proposals along these lines an;ther FlllA, lost three said there wa11 a • • f·u 11 have been drafted in the weeks ago. discussion" of the matter. The Defense Department for con. President ·told 1his new s con· si!leration by the National Maj. William Baechle, 3•, tere'nce TueSdly night that he Security Council and NiJ:oa. of New York, and lifaj . would weigh the matter the If approved tbey would be Edward Schmit Jr., 36; of rest of this week. proposed to Congress as Prescott, Ariz., ejected safely After more than a month char\ges in the SentiDel ABM I P ta tud ·bl system planned by the last 80 miles north of here. They o en gon 1 y, a possi e administration for the mid were taken by helicopter to new antimisslle plan is taking l9?0s shape, with sites to be moved --"=;;.·--------! Program Unde:-Title VI of ----------------------a hospital but the Air Force farther from big cities. uid they were unhurt. The Nixon told the news con- plane crashed and burned in ference be would make ad· ~x inches of snow. ditional studies 1 n v o Iv l n g IKE MAKES PROGRESS the Civil Rights Act of 1964. '' The report was requested by Congress in the Labor-HEW •Appropriation Act of 1969. "Every effort has been liiade by this department to comply with the Congressional mandate for a nalionwide aJr plication of Title VI," Finch said in a letter _to House Speaker John W. M:cCormack. "Justice cannot be served through t h e unequal en· forcement of any law." Senators Hear Ta"le Eleven fliers have been kill· Defense Department an d Of Prison Tortures "other e:r:perts" before 1nak· WASlllNG ON (UPI) ed or reported missing in the ing his plans public. T Fill. Former Prsident Dwight D. According \o 1 n r o r m e d Eisenhower "continues to The Air Force says the sources, Defense Department show satisfactory progress" in WASHINTGON !UPI) -At lhe Virginia Penitentiary, a prisoner was locked in solitary confinement "without speak· ing to another human being for five and a half years." J . Hirschkop, an American Flll's accident record is bet· thinking now leans toward: recovery from surgery, his ter than that of most fighter--Moving proposed ABM doctors reported today. Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) bombers. Spokesmen claim its sites away from big cities, With Eisenhower's condition lawyer who has worked for innovations such as the mobile including Boston, Chicago and steadily improving, and his yearson behalf of Virginia wing and terrain·tollowing Seattle. heart remaining stable follow- prisoners, said there was no -A strong recommendation ing the Feb. 23 operaUon for radar would make It likely to the White House to exercise an intestinal block, Walter sign or change. to have some accidents in what has long been an option Reed Ann~· Hospital issued CELEBRATE WITH US! OUR · SECOND BIRTHDAY ALL NUT WUX M.UCH 10.15 MYSTERY SHOPPER WiD. stroll the mall and pay for yo1.r purchaaes. You may be surprtaed at the cub register when your purdwe ii paid "'· Bring the cttildtm. They ride THE CAROUSEL FREE! Aleo, free balloons! YOUR HOROSOOPE: I.a the CIJ'ou.sel Court an mM. 1182 makes your peraonality analysis by ast:rol- OIJ' an excitirc experience. Pickup dra wing slips for •II •xp•ns• paid trip to H•waii, M•gnavox 23 inch Color TV, in a ny stor• n•xt w••k! (outh Coast ?Iaza .. • TiUe Vl bars federal· finan· tjal assistance to any pro~ram or acUvity that discriminatts on the basis of race, color or national origin. Guard!! at Cummins Prison Farm 1n Arkansas caught a convict plarming an escape. "fhey whipped h i m, stuck needles under his fingernails and toenails, pulled his genitals With wire pliers, cracked his knuckles with nut· crackers, burned his stomach and legs with cigarettes and kicked him in the groin. "The public does not care early stages. in ABM planning: Employing only a one.line bulletin today. about the men it sends to l __ _:_::::::::.__ _____ __:::_:=~==~..'.'.'.:!'.'.~~_'.'.~~'."'.'~~'."."~~~:_:===================== , Ex-Garriso11 Aide Rapped NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Following up Clay L. Shaw's conspiracy trial acquittal with a salvo of legal charges, Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison accused his former research assistant with illegally aiding Shaw's lawyers in the.ir defense. Garrison ch~rged Thomas Bethell Tuesday with sup- plying Shaw's ,attorneys with a secret list of prosecution witne..sses prior to Shaw's trial on charges of conspiring to murder President John F. Kennedy. Bethell left Garrison's staff last fall. At Lorton Reformatory, a youth institution o u t s i d e Washington, D.C., a defective metal press used to make Disbict of Columbia license tags smashed the hands of it.s convict operators year after year. Repair requests were ignored. These and other tales of torture ancf. neglect were un- folded before the Senate Juvenile Delinquency Sub- committee Tuesday in its in- vestigation of prisons. The witnesses, f o r m c r Arkansas Penitentiary Supt. Thomas 0 . Murton and Philip PRE- EASTER prison," l\turton testified. "It does not care whether or not prisoners are beaten, exploited or subjected to inhuman con- ditions. The public does not want prison retorm because it actually does not want to know what goes on in prisons and thus the inmate is 'at the mercy of his guard." Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller told a Little Rock news conference the state would seek "equal time" beiore the subcommittee to rebut Murton's accusatiOlU5. John Haley, chainnan oi the State BoarC: of Correction, charged Mui-ton's 0 attack was 8CWTilous, ~eprehensible and without foundation of fact. "Tom is a bitter and vindlc· tive man bent on · attempting to injure Arkansas with his distortion and picture ol what existed years ago," Haley said. SALE MARCH 6·7·8 DOWNING STREET PRINTS Dacron Cpolyesttrl • AYril \ 45" wlcle, ptmM1Rent Prn1. Rt<J. Pl'lu 1.59 PRINTED VOllES 98' DacrH "Polyester" &: Cotton 79' Rt"l. 1.49 • 1.H -SPECIAL DAN RIVER CHECK GINGHAMS 1 oo•;. cotton, 'I'". 'fl " encl 1" checks. .... 7'< COTTON SATINS 59' Muy hanclscreentd, fl•• selectl•· .... 1.n. 2.0 1~49 DOTTED SWISS D.uet1 "Polyester" & CottM. 45" w1de. .... 1.69 98' RUSSEll RIBBED COTTON Riltbttl con ... 41" wkl• .... 1.H 98' COSTA MESA H•bor Cnter • JJDO H°""" It.cl. DAN RIVER SHORTS Checks, stripes, pi;.:..;~. Values to 1.2t lEATHERETTE 69' 60'' wicle, .... 2.tl SPECIAL 2.29. DACRON·" POl VESTER" DOUILE KNIT 60" wide, 4 95 Goocl color s .. ectlOPI SPfCIAL e DAN PRESS SOUDS ~=;Potynttf & Cotton. 8fk .... 1.1' 7 FINE OUAUTY COTTOOS CLOSE OUT 2 y~ '1 HOMESPUNS u ... typ .. "''"" ' .... , ... , 49 45" wklt. · .... 1.fl 0 COSTA MESA Mna Cnttr 211 L 17111 Sr. • Uo the spring thing !~Ptuek a fresh QualiCrafL Woe Mape-Jike a black manmade patt!nt pump with the hi-rise in front that's on top today. The toe Bhapes a round curve, the heel standg full and high. For 9.99, it'& one or the wayi QualiCraft keeps you up on the news. See city 1811dala, fresh 1pectat.ora, oolter pastela and pale neutra1s, brass buckJes, refined brogues, ' nl!!ic stacked heel~ 6 9· 9 10 99 Greats of '69 mosUy • to • FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA l • ,. . . • - - ·1 DAILY pJLot EDRolllAL PAGE J Tw~o Points of View I - Newport Beach and Costa Mua apparenUy aren't needs. . lly!ng unlt.d on a propc>ffd lncreue In Orange County The two cit.ies, of course, do work liand-in-glove on Airport jetliJier IU'llce. mal.ttn of mutual concern and possible mutual benefit Newpo<t city olflctall are on record in vigorous These include re.routing of the Newport Freeway, some O!)ll<llWon to the prospect of fll&h.!' !rom the county long-range planning matters, and certainly school facilll to the Pacific Nortbwul • growth lasues. . . . y , Cl Council oted ~ to 2 Monday But where there ls no dove-tailing of murucipal 1n-. ca.ta Mesa 'thru ly ht rd v t a March 25 heal'-teresta, one can hardly count on a dove-tailing of mu· n1gbt to support e g awa 5 a _.,_ nicipal minds Ing before the Civil Aeronautics Bo8ld In Wa .. uugton, That t.. an'.unhappy•faclof life. D.C. . L Pinil Ue had Costa Mesa had to face up to It not too Jong ago Coota Mesa Mayor AlVlll · d eyportear r sol when tt fou&ht Newpo.rt over the Keys Marina project , h~ broadly that bl1 .council woul sop • re ~ and the Coo1tal Freeway. lion urging the DJgllts. The Colla Mesa Ohambor of Arid neither city was exactly'ne.tghborly to Uie other Commerce adopted such a resolution several weeks when troth recenUy unsuccessfully sought to annex po- ago. .. 'd Pinkly "that we probably tentially lucrative'lndwtrial property near the airport. "it seem> U> me 581 • • Tb ·t I nl · al rt · oth · ~houldn't go b~t ~ th,~ bone and buggy daya when po~t~J e or a new mu cip cou 1s 'n er case m 1t comes lo the Jet age. taod lth th It comes down to the simple fact that what's good TheM Coelab ~esa counclurul 'tynoown the• lssu' •" e for Newport Beach Is not necessarily good for Costa Costa esa u511less comm · M And · · Pin.kle redicted this last week when he said he esa. vtce-versa. . . believes t!. ~ty _ If it i. decided I.bat a position •bould It always has been that way. It 1' unlikely to be taken -would back increased jet traffic at Orange change. , ~~vi=~ the tw• cttie• ar:e seeing lb• s11uauon . SDS Man a Candidate from vasUy difierent points of view. Newport Beafh 1s Members qi the polltical New Lelt claim to be the concerned about noisy flights over its territory, and new wave of the future. Soon they'll have a chance to could not care less about the economic impact intensi· find out just bow big that wave is in the Harbor Area. fied use of the airport would have on indu.strial and John L. Vaughn, be of the movement to establish commerciaJ development in the area. a Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) chapter at Cot;ta Mesa, on the other hand, isn't worrying Orange Coast College, has filed for the school board. about jet overflight&. There aren't any of consequence In fact, this ambitious office seeker is running for seats over Costa A1esa territory. The city ia concerned, as is on two school boards-Newport.Mesa Unlfied and Or· the Costa 1'1esa chamber, with the need for and bene-ange Coast Junior College. fits of the Pacific Northwest flights. His chances of 1uccess don't rate very high in eith· The differences in attitude are underslandable4 er race. But u whipping boy for the other candidates, Costa Mesa otticia:l1 were not elected nor appointed to protagoni&t far his own cause, or whatever, the elec- tret about Newport'• problems. And Newport o!ficiall lion campaign is bound to take on additional sparkle--''THIS TIME i'L~ NIBBLE YotJ 10 DEATH:" likewise have no mandate to worry about Costa Mu:a's or sparks-because he ls running. (C) DeGaull.e W ay"C Is Persistent AnJWyance W ASlllNGTON -There art two ways of viewing President Naon'• trip lo E~ 'Ibere la our way. And there is De Gaulle's way. Our way -the American --h rea5IUrlnl and familiar. We wouJd rather ooL noUce the De Gaulle way -and yd Ibero it i!, • mild and pen\!te!lt """"''""" -like crumbs in an otberwiae ~ !ortable -lo cm way ol viewing Ibo Praid<nl'• Grand Tour, evef7lhlng Ibo Pr.adent Aid reafllrmed uc:r<d ml Mt1hH- prindple. Of --... will delmd NATO; ol coune we have • sped.al relatiombip wftb Epg]•nd; of COlD'1I we seek Weatmi unlly. Even Mr. Nim>'• declarat.ion that we are all Berlinerl was bot a mild upgrading ol what Jobn Kenned;J taught WI to belleve. It WU all u euatomary as the bousebold furniture. TO BE SURE, it wu pll't cemnony. DE GAIJU.E'S LOGIC lmplia a qu ... tioo: Woold we alao think first or --tt Soviet lroopl marebed Into Berlhl? Would we nan,. rilk some 20 mlilicm dead in a lln&1e nuclear excban&• in crder to P'OV• that we are all Berllnm! Or. that we beUeve ln Euro- pean unity? Or 4ba1 we have a special relalicmbip --. .... Even u Mr. Nim> rulllrml the faith, Ibo devil'• .mate pliis convert.. Former Sec. ol Stale Dean Rmk bu expreaed fem aboot a new period ol iaolaUon. The greateat part of the U.S. Arm:!, far from balnc ready to defend the grand alllance, t.. bogged down in South Vietnam. And who ii to aay thlt the you~ men of America, many of whom view the war .in Soutbtu& Alia with auch loathing, would look upon • --In Europe u • duty? Parllcularly, a duty puoed on lo them bf a pnerolilln they do not bold In blch regard? Nobody actullly bellevel"tbal Mr. Nixon accompllabed anything acepl to ~ the EuropeaDI that be WU not Tricky Dick, bot a seriOlll . and !riendly chief of a great state. The true value of the pruidential trip can, be summed THE DE GAULLE view is un- up in the ancient and bucolic couplet: com!ortable and Wmlog. And yet after The row kicked Nelly in the bellY the Manhal1 Plan, after the Berlin in the ham; alrllll, after NATO and a united Europe, Didn't do her Ill'/ good, didn't do after an the forgotten phrases, there lier 8IlJ banIL • ii that na,ggjng fear that he might be And yet it did reaffirm what we righl believe. Or did It? ~ it Is apin. II he h r1gbt. he wlfl not only baYO that bauntln& thelil ol De Gaulle, cutln& ootlived Fronkllo -.e11 and Wlnslon doubt upon our own innermost con. Cburchi.D; be wru have reversed them sciences as though· we were not prin--and obliterated tbl lesson of history cipled leaden: o( a grand alliance but which they thought they had handed mere men. looking first to our own down. •l<inJ. DE GAULLE DOESN'T believe wbat "'e say. He ,doesn't believe we believe IL He aaya that there ii ln lhe world ••a new and gigantic fact," namely the ability of the Soviet UrUon to destroy the United Stat.a. Because of thl• tact, he implied. we will not de£end Europe. Despite all our phrases, ~ will look first to ourselves. It WU after the missile crisil of E>cloher 1962. that De Gaulle p.it lorlh this vie;,, and be med the mbllle crlsiJ to QJpport il There is truth to bis logic. For In those lS days of dreadful danger we did not ask the Berllnerl If they were ready for invasion. We did not ask the Europeans whether they wer1 ready for nuclear war. We dealt with the Russians as one to one. We thought first of ourselves. Dear Gloomy Gus: SOmd>eW I aot lhl nauina f .. lin( that llll't DOI beina told 111 the city ot Colla Mea about the prob- lema,al l!la,p! clllb. ' , --ll.F.11. .,,..., """"" r'lflloch ,....,,. ~..... ... -'It ... ., ,.. ,, ....... ... ._. ........ ti 0'-'I' ... DIUr l'till. ' ByfrukMuklewla and Tem Br.tu Work for It I&al.J Tuu, New...UeraW.: "What ls probably the mo.t senlible idea to com1 out of Washington in a good many yun I.a the one made by a con· ~man .•. that able-bodied men on relief roll& be required to do some w<rk In' ex.chant• for their check!:. One poutbillty m .. ttoned w11 plckinl up debris alone publlc roads. Many similar type• of work could be con· lidend. This 1uue1Uon ii probably quite appalling ta moat of the present generaUon of reliefers wbo have been brought up in the belief that . t~e government owe1 every man a living, but those or us who can remember the depression days of the 1930'• are made to wonder how, why and when tbe idea of performing some ff?Ylce ln 1eturn for government support was drop. ped." AccordJnc te the publicatio:i. "The Kansas Re 1 ta.u rant .'' "Food marketing 1ervtce1 have increased 117 percent since 1940, while the volume of food marketed baa increased only 70 percent Therefore a large part of the f.Mce of food Is not for the product 1Uelf but for eottJ lnvolved in eetUnc: food from Imo to tabla mono rapidly, malting foods a..Uable all ......,. ot the year, provlifln& bnD~ln con· venJences tTV dlnners, etc.) ex· µanding parking faclUUt1 at the retail store, and other factors which make possible quicker &hopping, leu time in the kltcheo and a variety of selection which Is the envy of the world ." Relocate Orange Co1111ty Airport, btat • • • 'Leave To the F.clitor : I become to Irritated and irked by unimaginative and unreallltic people when I bear them suggest that El Two lhou1d share ita facilities with the private airlines or move to the detert u one reader auggesll becallMI of the problem of increased air traffic in Orange County. I thJ.nlt El Toro is a vital link in the defense system of thia country and ahould not be disturbed by civilians. If the Marines lhould move to the desert the economy of the county would suffer. MA.RINF.S AND their families buy and rent homes, apend their well-deserved aalarlu in many areaa ol the county · and contribute in nmnerous waya to the communWes in whic;h they reside. The families who were recently evacuated from flooded disaster llUI were more than grateful to ha•e our willlna Martnes come to their aid l50 quictfJ, 'Ibey would not have been ot any 111lst1nce out on the desert. I favor reJocatlon of the Orange County Airport bot I· ny "LEAVE EL TORO TO THE MARINF.S. '' MARY JANE DUGAN SPITZER Alrport CoKvenience To tbe Editor: TG tbe people with a bumper sticker on their car reading "Ban Jet Planes At Orlllllfe County Airport," and all the other noise abatement whiners, may they have to drive to Los Angeles Interna- Uonal Airport every day for a week with lheir enUre family, including pets and a screaming baby that never stops. May they all be packed into a car that 11 black lnaide and out with the doors sealed and with the windows only opening one half Inch, plus no air COTI4 ditioning. May the temperaun outside be 99 to 103 degrees and may there be a "smog alert." May they get stuck for three hours in a traffic jam m::I may they not be able to find a place to park once they get to the airport. And, finally, may they miss their plane. IF TW8 DOESN'T teach them what a convenience they have in ~r backyard and they suceeed In 1eWn1 Oranp County Airport moved to Death Valley, I suppose their nest projecl wlll be to make Niagara Falls noi.s.elees. The amount of time, effort and money spent Gn their project could have been ,---By1 George---, Dear George: l have a probltm and I believe you are jll!t the one to help me. I am 22 years old and interuted iD meeting and btcoming ac· qualnted with the handsome young motorcycle policeman assigned lo the lhopping center where 1 wor k. 1·,,e tried a couple of Umes to strike up a conversation with him Jn the drugstore, but ht'• tOG shy. How can. I get him tG spesk to me and to remember me? WfSTl'UL Dear Wistful: Speed a lot.. Dear Geora:e: When a woman gel'! a d1\'orce la the man suppos«I to hock her nipgement ring? LOUISE Dear Loill>e: ft ta tu>t m1ndatory. etiquette e1perta ogree. I pef'IOflatly feel that 1 man has no rfaht to hock his ex-wife's engagement ring. lie should hive thought of this before lbe divorce was fine\.. ' El Toro Letttr• from Feeders are toelcome. Normally writers should convey !Mir message in 300 words OT' less. The right to condense Jetttrs to fit space or eliminate libel i.t reserved. All U'tkra must include aignature and mailing address, but names may be withheld on request if sufficient -rea· son is apparent. spent in installing acoustical tile, etc .• Lo soundproof their homes, and they could have turned their attention to more worthwhile projects auch as starvation in the United States, etc. AN ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT LOVER Slap-happy 1Uotorilt• To the Editor: \Vow! What a story by Arthur Vinsel titled, "It Can Be A Very Personal Thing," in the March I DAILY PILOT ~ It took me back lo the days when I did some research on ambulance driv- ing. What I found out then was appalling enough, but today the ratio of horr ible accidents has increased ten fold . Mr. Vi.nsel's story is a good cr05S·section of what is going on everywhere. PEOPLE ARE in such a damned hurry to ~o somewhere, and come back from so~'wJ>ere; -that common 15 e n 15 e to' the Marines' regarding the dynamics of speed ls ut- terly ignored by (1) the slap-happy pleasure motorist who is oblivious of the danger, and (2) the !hlpper who puts caravans of merchandise on the road without proper inspection regarding the hold-downs of the materials, which too often separate from the load and are strewn on the freeway to block the oncoming traffic and cause a crash. l have seen thls happen repeatedly. MR. VINSEL'S story should be copied and presented to future drivers as "must" reading before they get their license. Of course I would not want to be quoted as being opposed to "pro~s." but I dG think that Mr. Vi~l's story on traffic safety has a mes!age for aU of us, and I hope that his message ~ill be received by all motorists who want to stay alive. MILT BASHAM Facetlo11• Type• To the Editor: \Ve live in the Glen Mar Tract just north of Adams and west or the Santa Ana River Jn Huntington Beach. In the last 24 hours of rain during the recent storm, the city engineers saw fjt to reinforce the soft spots in the river bank with sandbags. The Adams Street bridge and bank were full of policemen and Marines. It is my belief that Marines and policemen are supposed to reassu re and calm the citizens in case of efl}ergcncy, and even more important \vhen there is no emergency. But we evidently had a couple or facetious types. One told a family to 10 home and move the.Ir valuables upstairs, another Was told th• Sant.a Ana dam was going to break , another was told they could get ready in case they bad to evacuate! wm.LE THERE was not ont official word said to the residents that were slaying at home out of the way, and the papers stated as plainly as poWbl1 what the fact.t--.were, on the misguided remarks of a few individuals (who should know better), this is what result~. The rumor lovers, sUll with no official \vord or facts, spread the storielii that the dams were going to break, the bridge was :swaying, the river would overflow and we would have to flee, ""' the childrt:n could not get out oC the school, etc. I know that emotional, hysterical people like drama, but 1 think these thinp are dangerous. Even·wben you try to give them facts, they do not want to listen. Cutalnly, i£ we were ill the slightest danger, we would be notified door to door in plenty or time. I 00 l"EEL that it is the policemen·~. responsibility to stale positively that there is no danger and when there is, the people will be notified in plenty of time and given any needed help. This is the kind of reassurance and encouragement people need, not ill-<.'On- sidered remarks that encourage hysteria and rumors! It is impossible to keep the curious away from danger spots, but much trou· ~ ' b\e could be avoided by giving them prGper in£ormation. L. M. PENGRA Why Jesus Was Sent to His Death 1bougbts at Large: It is worth remembering that J esus wu sent to His death by the Roman officials not at all for any religious reason, but because He was considered 1 "lroubJe.make r," an "anarchist," and , no doubt, an "outside agitator," • • The world 's stote of facts has Jllllt about doubled in the last IO years; Ind most of us , psychically, arc iif- the mood of the old farmer who said he didn't want to learn any more lhil)gS "because I alre11dy know mart than I can understand." • • One of the campaign slogans I le11~t. understood last fall wu about O!or1e Wallace "having courage" -s.ince when has it taken "courage" to be mean, ugly, selfish. spiteful, narrow, and ap- pealing to the m~t irrational lnstinctS in yGur rellow men? (lnd!ed, precisely the opposite \¥Ould have lndic11.ted '"courage."' in \Vallace -to bred with his past and repudiate his background.) • • • In the long run, and sometimes 6Ven in the shorl run. everybody !OMS from a strike. and eve rybody knows it; yet ¥-"hile we can devise the most subUe and !Qphisticaled lnstrunienls to send n1cn orbiting through space, we cannol M!em to make an Instrument or 1oclal policy thnl will settle disputes with the same cooperative facility. • • A fool wno is amart enougt t'o be 11ware. o{ his limit.aUons can &et •long far better in the world than a wise nian "ho Is loo obtuse IG be ••are of his. • • The best britf dtflnlUon of a "lftdy"' l'\'t ever heard is Russt:ll Lyne51, "A Si dnf'.y ~J; 11.ar~is ' •*•' ·Ai·· ,, ........ . lady is a woman whb makes 1 man behave like a genUeman.." • • Men who own and display elaborately carved and expens.ive chess sets are almost never good chess players ; for good players refuse to be distracted by the pieces, and Pl!IY ~tb the simplest Staunton-desigd seu that can be purchas- ed in any dime ~tore. ~ . . The reason that NeFQCs resent liberals more than they dl¥!ke aYOwed racists is that th<!y consider liberals as mere sentimentalists; and, in Wilde 's accurate words, "a sentime~list is simply one who desire.~ to ha~ ,lhe IUJUl'y of a.n cmGtlon "'itbout pa~ for ll" • • • The.re l! not a ~ living who does not bellev& that he truly &etU "the truth"; .yet, since so rf'lany contradictory things appear -ll.S "truth" to dlllerent people, then cilhe.r an obJettive lruth doe8 nol ulst. or rnost people. are run- ning •way from il rather lhan &e.4king ii. I • ,:e I Americ i& one ~if the few countries In the w<tld where two men In U.eir SOI will m¥t, aruf aa abltb " Jean, end talk I\ lengtll about U\e.ir collcie days as perhaps lhe mocl , memor1ble ~r their Hves; does this nostalgta not say something about the bleak qua Illy of middle-aged life in our l»Gdety'! • • • Wrl\lng a nc\• tancuage is nol n1crtly 11 mauer of "'transletlng.,. as it ''ert. one·~ Gld ideas and concepts fron1 English into anoLher tongue, tt ts, Jn a real sense, acquiring an extra facet of personality, and becoming other and larger than you were, In spirit u mu ch as in language. • • Reli1ion used to prevent people from thinking: nowadays science performs that same function, by positing plea.sure., to come on earth that religion only promised in heaven. • • It is good for the )'<>Un& to be concerned with "'aelf..eiprualon," but it is bad for them io 9e\ about it until they have devtloped • chBr.acier that is worth expresalng. • • • Old people become "selecUvely" dear -they don't hear what they don't tare to hear, but can pi ct op the mere~t "'hisper if it concern!l ~amtlhing you dGntt u·11nt them to bear. __ .. ___ Wednesday, March 5, 1~ The editor&a& page of the DoQv Pilot aeclc.3 so inform mtd ttfm. lllatr r<odm b~ pr•-llnO uu. ntt01paprr'1 ophdoni and com- mentarv on topics ot mtercr& and ngnl/lam<e. br prooldJllQ a ,.,..,. for Utt _..,,, of our rt11dnr' opinlont, and ,,_ prestntino lh• dlvml! vi"°' poinu Gf tn/omied obttrwra and f1'0k"'"'" on U>pb of Ille do~. &bert N. Weed, Publisher .. • • • I \ ($) DAILY PILOT 3 . BY .. ---2 orirogtapny· ~ REED \ . · . . . Smog· ~aftle Thwarted by Reeds ••• -~il~s .. Support¢d · Government • . In the Wind . Tons of dirt have been in the wind the past couple of days as gusty \vinds haye swept tfie beaches and at times made Coast Highway look as if it were on the Sahara. Only a chronic complainer like 01' Greasy Murphy would com· plain after au· th~ rain we've had, and sure enough 01' Greasy. was In this morning to complaint about lbe weather. "Too darn nice/' he began. "I tinda ·hoped we'd get some more )f that heavy weather so's Ray Picard, John Seltzer and Jim Wheeler cou1d get into this storm ·publicity what's been goin' around Uie county." * 1 finally d~covered that what be w&s discussing is that the city bas escaped serious storm damage arid that those responsible for the situation get little or no credit. It's true to a large extent. There has been litUe damage and the CTedit must go to those who have prepared the city for the kind of emergency we have just seen. _ Wheeler long has cried out for better· drainage systems and has ione a good job with litUe money to insure proper runoff. * Picard and Seltzer have worked 11ut \Vith their top aides detaile4_ plans for evacuation and citizen and property protection if the heavy water flows of the Santa Ana River became too mqch for the levees. The time for correction of • ' ' I SACRAMENTO (UPI) -: The lltna\e Judlciary Committee hu clell'Od two bllla delcrlbed by AUy •. Gen. Thoma~ C. ~yncb, u -ied t. conlJOl 'a growing traf!lc In pornoj!<aphlc materials. · In a rare personal apPe.arance be!ore • ·Soviet S-hi p ' ) • ...._ I To Ply State Coast Waters SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A Soviet researeh ship will be allowed inside California coastal waters this month to help-in a £ishery study, the State Depart· ment of Fish and Game announced Tues· day, I The Soviet ship Deryugin, together with three American research vessels, will collect data w:lthin 10 mlles of the coast off Pigeon Point, San Mateo Coun· ty ; Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara County, and"oU Del Mar, Sail Diego County. The cooperaUve research cruise is aim· ed at providing scientific data for-pro- pos_ed agreements between the U.S. and the Soviet Union to protect the .. Paelfic hake resource. Hake, a valuable raw material for !ish protein concentrate, is a member of the cod famlly . The research ships also win collect data beyond the 1%-mile limit' under the direction of Dr. Alan R Longhurst. head of the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries at La Jolla, Calli. . drainage problems is not when the . rain ls falling, but before. 'Ibe downtoWll section of Huntington Beach-ls faring much bet!e~ th&!l ......- -there was· any reason to ex~t · following the rejection a couple or · three years a~o ~f' a ·pt_an ·for an l assessment district to cure the • !tainage problems. · ~ Developers have paid h u g e drainage fees -which t h e homeo\vner actually pays in 'the long run -to install a reasonably good drainage system in the tracts end city planners. administrators and the council should be com~ mended for .the stay-dry system which has been installed. -Communit y Series Of Concet t,s Set ' A community concert series, featuring · Southern California artist!, will be presented at the Huntington Beach High School beginning March 23. Participating in the concerts are violinist Adrian Holland and his string ensemble, March 23 ;the Choratee.n:, April 27, and the Air National Guard Band, Junt l Serles Uckets, priced at $3 for adulta and $2 for students, will be sold at achooll in the Fountain Valley School District during luoch periods. Tickets are atM available by tetephcin- fng Mrs. Connie Schuman, -presldent ·of the Fountain Valley Music Booster Cfub at~. · • Stude nt Dunked Mary Kulera got a pitcher o! water over her head when she tried to take the microphone from members of. students for a Democratic Society after the SOS had driven speaker S. L Hayakawa, president of San Francisco State College, from stage at .University of Colora- do Monday ni_ght. Talent S~ught · Sc hools Combed. by Exchange Club A search for Went among bial elementary and high ICbool 1tudenti: t.. being conducted this month by the Hun- Ungton Beach E:1cbange Club. The program ii carried out each year by all Exchange Clubs throughout the nation. Winnen will be: selected in junior and 1enior divisions during the local finals, ocheduled for RobinwOod Scllool MU<h 28. The contest b open to student.I who have reached their seventh birthday by ?.fay 31, but who have not bad tbe_ir 19th birthday by May IL Conlettants appearing as 1 group may not exceed four persons. Local winners will be: eligible lo participate in an area contest-•here Huntington Declares 1969 'Demolay Year' In honor of Dunolay outstanding youth work, the Huntington Beach City Council tlu declared 1969 Jnternitional Demolay Year. Demolay organization~ across the na· Uon are currenUy celebraUng lheir 50th year or acUvlty, and councilmen joined with many otheri in applauding their •ort. .• Winnen will qaln be selected lo perfOQO tn a dlfilion contest. · - State finals are held during lhe aMuat convention of the California Exchange Clubs where the aweepstai.es winner will receive a trophy and a $250 liond. Win- nen. in tlll! junior and senior divisions will be awarded 1 $100 bond and a trophy. Prospective contestants can mall their applicaUons to M. M. Suchan, Security Fint NatJonal Bank, 18911 All:9nquln St., Huntington Beach. Deadline for ap. plications ii March 15. Zone Change Bid Set fpr Hearing A proposed zone change lo allow apartments on property northwest or the Warner Avenue and Newhope Street interaection will receive public hearln.g" tonight before the Fountain Valley Plan- ning Commission. Planntl"I will med at 7:30 p.m. In tho dty halt . The rtquest ls for change rrom R-1. single .family resklenct. to R-3, medium density multiple family ftlid""'I, a legJglaUve «>ll1llliltee, Lynch r.ld ·the Senators Tuesday the annuar gross return&. from -and oesualb'· oriented material in the state now totaled more than $191 ~ •~YW. • He said prooecutors had Ileen limited to su¢ an enenl' Iha> pornocrapby sellen "now are saying there isn't a law on the books that cap touch Ull." The '\wo bills ·by Sen. Robert J. Lagomarsino CR-Ojai) would forbid lhe • pie of "bannlul materlal" -dtflned as obscene -lo children. They also would clarify provialons against mail order deliyery and advertising of amuL The majot objection came from Charles ·Marson, representing _ t h e Northern California br&Dch of the American Civil Liberties Union. "What we're seeking to outlaw here Is really a matter of bad taste," Mar50n told the Senators. "We don't even pay lip servlct to the principal that this material. is harmful. We just come out and say we're outlawing It." Both bills are backed by Gov: Ronald Reagan. They have cleared the Senate for the past two years but have been defeated ~in the Assembly. Solon Proposes Loosening Laws On Sex Behavior SACRAMENTO (AP) -Assemblyman Willie L. Brown Jr. is sponeoring a bill aimed al "freeing cops from being peeping toms" by giving consenting adults more freedom 1n their .se1:ual behavior. The' San Francisco Democrat, who claims his district has more homoaexual1 than any ·other in Ca1Uomia, said the bill introduced Mon.day would legalize certain homosexual acts between con- senting adults in private. Such acts now are pr,ohibited in wbllc Ind private. . Tbe measure also would inU:e legal oral.cop¢a,Uon betw~ men an;d womeu, now a fe\!>lly, and wipe· from .the books a pr'ovlsion already knocked down by the courts pi:ohiblllng sesual lntercoorse between unmarried ~ults. . &rown said the bill is 1im.ilu to a Mndd . Penal Code provision In IlliooiJ, l~nUctaJ to 1 la'.f.1 ncenAY idoi:it.d in ~. ·acct llRder Stlidy . b)" the Cillllcrnia .Crimlnll Law Review Com-1 mission. , ... \t 1 "I .. any c1oni ·~rany1101i"1 op- ·posul<ili frorii • 'J>eOpte wbo ''have philosophical differences," he said, 0 but I think there will be considerable prac- tical political oppOsition based on people's feelings towards homosexuals." Marina High Litera ry ' Magazine Now on Sale The · first edition of "The Runes," a literary mag8%ine published by the students at Huntington Beach's Marina High School, is now on :sale. Copies of the magazine, which contains poems, short stories and essays are available through the school'• English department. NASA~ Moon Ferry Diagram of lunar module being .tested in outer space during the Apollo 9 flight shows essential parts of the complicated space ve- hicle. The module will ev~tµa.Uy be used to land astronauts on the moon and return them to their ship for safe return to earth. .. College Setup Overhaul Advocated by Educator SALT LAKE CITY. Utah (UPI) - An overhaul of the nation's educational system was advocated today by a University of California at Berkeley of- Baja, State Set Joint Drug Study Drue: problems on both sldes of the border will be studied by an inter· governmental committee made up of members ff'Of?l California, oBaja Califor- nia, and Baja California Sur. Assediblyman Pete Wilson (D-San Diego) will head a local subcommittee. "The problem of juvenile dru~ ab.use has grown so acute on both ' sides of the border, that we must take immediate measures to solve it," Wilson said. According .to the San Diego legislator, the main <Xlmmittee will soon sponsor a conference on drug abuse involving law enforcement, education and public health of!icers' of the three political en- titles. . Concerning Mexican and American of·' ficials at the conference will be curtail· ment of the availability of drugs, in- tenaification of anti-drug educaUoa and el!ltablishment of a rehabilitation prQ- ficial to 0 cope with the present genera· lion of students." Dr. John R. Searle, special assistant to the chancellor (or student affairs, }Vamed that today's institutional struc· lure was obsolete and "not suited to handle the tidal wave of students." He addressed a morning convocation during the second day of "11\ring issuel!I week" at Westminster College. In a talk iltled "Confrontation and Confusion on the American Campus,". Seai;le said, that today's stu~ts-are better pre(l8re:tl and want m<!ft. from college than ever be!ore. • • Tt)e motiv14tion for coing "to .-college has c,hanged, Searle Said. Instead o£ the lraditlonal economic motive of the past1 ~tudents now 4!ke prosperity gor granted. "This creates a moral sell conlidence and gives them more time to be con· cemed about the pllgllt of others," he added. Students tend to strike out against the conrlning authority becaUBe allhoogh they are concerned about Ute plight of others "they can't do much about · it while in college," the California educator said. He added that protestors have found they "can win" and the "iniUal success at Berkeley brought about imitations all over the world." WHOLESALER To make room for 1969 incoming inventory w;• mu,t clDN oyt all· 1961 pat- .. t•rn• and tpMiol runs or oll qualltlft of ca~. ·acRUI SHAI ~ r -. Doop, rJcfl ..,._..,._,.... ff ~&-.·~ ...... -.. -..... l!G. l0.9S ClOSE OUT srmAL Now 4.99 ~: CAli'ET ONLY l ROOM SPECIAL Cl!• ... t,..,., I toll ~111llty "Y .. '" Wl•11t a.r.otl..,. 1t C•lo,.. • T1•llll"ll OININQ "OOM·LIVINO "OOM· HALL AV•ftAGa INITALLATION 270 •ll• ft, • w. Ml llUl"I It • w. _cut It o W1 1114 R 0 W1 t!: 1v1rythln1 & 1t Ulll ltw 11rlc1 COMPl.ETEL Y INSTALLED $179.00 WITH THll cou~ON EXTRA BONUS OFFER! BRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES F.Ot FASTER SERVICE D1PONT &Ol·N iw..., cl11ty ,.,,., .-1• Mlllt ~ Meli. kewtlh.I Mfti • ._ .-, "'"'" ..... w ... --.. ..... ......... .,ff wtil .. . S!IN AT OTHIR STORES FOR l.9S rH SQ. YO. OUl PRICE 4.29 :r -CAim ONLY- WOOL SHAI The ,.._, hlt,.,M -' _, .. "' .. • "''• •11}'911• .... ....... THIS CARPET SHOOLD SILL AT ll.9S P!R YA!O ~~~E 6.95 tNSTAlL!D OVIR HEAVY FOAM rADDtNO NYLON SHAI · • • v~ .., .. ........, .... .... ~,-.... -... _ wtlll llM.y hffk. 0... .., ~ • ·--SOLD AT UAOING STOW FOR 7.9S rH YARD OUR l'ltCI 3.92·~: ' COMMERCIAL TYPE TWEED Thia Is • .,.dal buy and a fanta1tlc p,.c., AT 2.89 IQ. YARO ~~;E 1.99 Y::n CARHT ONl:Y LOS ANGELES' (AP) -caltfor111a'a chief deputy attorney lenei'II IOld today the onUlnlll divlaloo cl the Jlllllce ·Deportment and. auto manufacwr,,..· are lhwu:tln& lhe stafe'a atlempts to reduce amog. . "California has had a Jq and dtscouraglog relaU011Bh!p with t b.o automobile Industry Jn atlemptlnr to coo- trol •ulnmobllei>roduced amog," Charlot A. O'Brlep testified at a Htalth, Edtica- lion and Weliare Dep8rtmen1 bearlal. O'Brien said federal attor'mi9'1 ·lbrew roadblocks In · front of state ·atlern!U to get information from Wallllce IJmihe, former director of Los Ancelts C-ount)t-'1 au,..._ tesUog laboratory. Llnville is now employed by HEW. · Accori:Ung to O'Brien, Linville wu will· lng to cooperate in · the state at!otnq general's smog lnvtstlgaUon, but federll attorneys said Linville could not dlsc::ua anything pertaining lo a federal anUtnnl acUoo to enjoin major automobile manufacturers from restraining the .ue of smog control devices in California. O'Brien appeared at a hearing on wal'l- lng federal smtig nhaust standards to allow Calliornla to enact even tougher regulations. · Also testifying was Msemblyman John Francia Foran, who said it 0 11 a matter of life and death,. for federal officials lo give the usent which will .lr!uu the state's rl&kf new allllamotl law. . ' ... Ediwr.ial Pag~ Cited by Council • The DAILY Pn.oT edltorlal pi1e won a pat on the blclt from the Huotlogton Beach City CoWlcn Monday night tor its winning d{ort In state competition. First place went to the D~IL Y PILOT editcirlal, .page ln.-cOmpetlUOn •PoMOred by the CaUiorrUa Newspaper Publishers Associ~~on. Albert .W. B•les, edllttlal -editor, was ainiled out for--pralae by councilmen for bis outstanding work and contrJbuUon to the city. Edinger Avenue Spe~d Cut Due . , .. Twenty-eight days from now,' drlftl'S on Edinger Avenue mmt keep their speed down•to.00 miles per bour. Montlay niHl!I tllO Hwiu.,toa Mich Cliy 'Cliahcil Bliopled'lllll -spMitlllnlt for Edinger Avenue · frGm 8 • ·a.e b Boulevard to the west city limit. ·The ordinance takes effect 38 days afier its passage. , Woman Falls Through Glass Door, SuccUDihs An Orange woman died Monday trlabt of injuries ·suffered Monday afternoon when 1he evldenUy feU-UJtougb a 1lldln& glass palio door In lief home. · Orange County Coroner'• or f I c e spokesmen saJd Mn. · Madge M • McArthur, 52, of 3098 Westhaven St., suffered a cut on tht thi&h which severed .. an.ry. 1Fr1Nn car 1ID to room tin, and ov•r 500 lemnonts. rricod 1 89 Sq. Prom n Yd. IODE 81111 0--'"' IMdi. v., ,,... ,... .., ........... ,,. 1.Mbllk.t-.1, ............. . -m. .,... 0.-......., ... ..., elhfl. SOLD AT LlAOING STOllS fOl 10.9S PER SQ. YARD OUR l'ltCI 4n 98 ~: CARPET ONLY PLEASE PHONE FOR.HOME EST. 549-3349 HOURS OAILY 9 TO 1,30 SAT. 9 TO S SUN. 11 TO 4 NO MONIY DOWN ANO ur TO ,. MCI. TO PAY WITll ANY lNSTAUAllON or IO IQ. TDS., OR M-' Yn 11t •111t 0Wii Stulpa DURING THE NEXT 5 DAYS L & J ENTERPRISES INC.· w.1 ..................... 1 ... .. If You Can't Come I ~ -Cal! us fOr F,., home estimate -549-334' .j • ORA•IE COUNTY'S w-.r 'llOl.ESALE WAREllal 2406 S. MAii SAllT A ANA . ONE ILOCIC S. Of WARNn .... Phone 549-3349- • ' - & ...... " .. Uh .,..., mtf) .• An· airline pilot radioed Love FieW ·in Dallas, Tex. for emergen- cy 1anding clearance becawe o! trouble with bis cargo, a large bear'that bad broken out of a cage. Ai<Wrl employes and slieriU's deputies spent the next hour and a ball getting the bear to a Dallas zoo •. Nobody was injured. • Sir G•rald N1b.wrro, a member of Parliament, cut the ribbon at opelijng ceremonies for a new car wash in Kingswinford, England and ·praised its efficiency in a speech. He then sent his auto through the car wash -the first car to use it. The machine tore a hole in his exhaust pipe and knocked off the car's insignia. · • ~" .. . .. ) ' .. , . iWASlll!IGTON" (IJPI) -Pr01 . !lboo put North Vklll&m on llOUce lo!l&Y to I curb Ill ..,. ollwlve "bl ch bu dQ\lbled -~ cuua11y r11e1 tn '11>e l,IOUlh or wtfer "an appropriate fe&poo11." He GI: not "1 what .Iha reapon1t would bl; .. but the chief execuUvt made It gravely° dear that Allled fonbearuce had llmlll. . "We wtll not .lolerale attacka which result In beavlet, cuualtlea to our mtft at a time that ft are' honestly tryln1 to --peace al1 the conference table in Parll," he told a Tueaday nlgbt Whlta · ------·~-- ' I ' • HOOlll ilcws coal ....... "An ll't"'tate ,..._ lo -IU&cb wUl mada JI" they conUmae." • Tho PrOlldont met wtth Ill n.,..1.n tn ' -teltvloocl """"""' lo· talk · llrply allooL hJa ..-f lllliopeu trtp. Alalnat the "'~ "'ctolloaed Commlllllll 11rlk .. at Ari>lric1111 Polill<ol and South Vktnamue townl, faowtver, Ibo Soulbwt Aatan War ·tendtd lo dominate Ille q~ ... 1on. !lllOll WU ... vln<tcl Iba Cll!"'1i of0 ~:r;:lted a vtolatlon ell the Wbareby U.S. bcimbloc qi Polite " ' Bijaeker 'Nice Guy' Robs RiCli, Not Poor . MIAMI (UPI) -A Nern> wearlni a Fu Manchu nlUltaChe and a beard hijacked a Natlooal Airllnel plone car- ryin1 28 peraon1 e,lrty today· and robbed · ill paasengera 11 it flew to Cuba. Cullan autbortu .. •,.tumod Iha purloin- ed funda lo the puaenaers when they . look the hijacker lq1o cusl<Mly. · Crriiinemberl WI the hijacker Iden-· " tijlod 1>Jimtlf first N Tony Bryant, then t 81 Jimmy 'Carver, a naUve of San Bernardino, Calif., who was released from prison about three months ago after serving an fight-year term for selling naccotic... He told the crew ht sold narcOUca "to 111pport my wife and family.'' One of the pUsen1ers was napping when the hijacker ltntci. · "I thought it was a joke," s:aid Raul Rawman, a salesman from Miami Beacb. "l was: asleep. He put a gun at my hearl and sol gave him the money." The hijack.er took $1,700 in cash from Hawman, a nervous. Cuban exile who · bid llod'hl• bGmeland In 1111. ·When be collected tho '1,700 from RaWlDln, be "tumod amoller auma lo two other -be bad robbed pttvloully. . . .Don 1'1cker and Robert R.nion1, both ell N..U. Bracllord, COnn., ·aald the hi· jacker look l20 and l20 from them, mpecUvely. • "He wu a helluva nice 11JY to pve us baei our money," Tucker commented. . The hijacker was choosy about whom · _he atfempted to rob, aa1d 111 airline stewardess making the trip u a paaaeng<r. .. He took nothing from nice looking people and Negroes," said Cheryl Jamieson, a NaUonal atew.ardeas. from Miami who ia very nice looking. A soldier on ltave from Ft. P'i1, N.J .. Army Spec. 4 James Tucker, said the hijacker "came to me and asked, 'Alt! you a rich man or a poor man?' I laid 'Poor man' so he dldn'( bother me." SIRHAN ON STAND ••• the North was halted Jut Oct. 31 . "Whether we rtaeh the conclU&lon that the violation is AO slgnlO'cant that it reqWrt1 1cUon on our part la a decision we will be reacbtn1 very toon ~ lhoo attacks continue at the.Ir present mainl· tude," he said. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird wu leaving for South Vietnam today. Nixon asked him ror an on-tbe·apot ap- pralaaJ of. the slt11.1Uon. "We have not moved ln a precipitate fashion," the PrtsJdent told report.en, "but the fact that~we have shown pa· lleoct1 and forebearance should not be Finch Reveals Plan to Study • TV Violence WASHINGTON (UPI) HEW Settetary Robert H. Finch aMounctd today plans for an investigation of the effects on viewers of violence on television. The head of the Department of Health, Education and Wellare told a House Commerce Subcommittee he is trying to put together an impartial panel to conduct the inquiry. He said he was finding that dlffieult. But he said ·he hoped to get the investigation started in 10 days or two weeks. Finch, in his first Capitol Hill ap- pearance since bis cOn!irmation, declined to take a stand on a Federal Com- munications Commission <FCC) proposal ta ban cigarette commercials on radio and television. He said he and his aides were con· sidering a number o1 recommendations for broadening and tightenJng a current Jaw requiring l.ba~ cigar.ette packs carry a h .. llJi warning label. ' • considered as a 3lp.of weakness... 1n IOdical.ln& his desire to attempl .lo In Par1a last Sunday. NiJon met with find and explore new approaches at South Vietnamese Vice Pretaldent NIU)'en the confertnce table rather than simply Cao Ky who later, reporttd tb1t Nllon rellgning ourselves to a m i 11 t a r y 11!9,ke to hit" ol ""'• apProacbel". to declaion." the war.-• .,._ ,_ 'ftw4, Ni.Ion, himstll, seemed to be The President said this rtfei·red to tryJlli several approach~ to the Vietnam "the diplOma~c lniilative0 't'hlch migh~ sitution. He sought to be firm about be1 us,ed t6 brtak the deadlock in "the· not. eerniittlna: the new e9emy offensJve Paris nqoU.tiOnJ -negotiatlQl'll winch "*° gO Unchecked, but he insisted he was he :felt hid reached, •'phase two iii Wliidt , 'n!W;·Jhteatening. He thought the Soviet · we will fiave ~ '.\>afa:all,'llng 0!1 'µ,e · Unlo:n would like to s~e ·the war e~, major points of difference." , ''but that somewhat ambivalently, Russia He said be Was particUJarlr .pleased w_at sppplying 80 percent of Nl;lrtb Viet- to find tba"t Ky "wu most coopera'tive nam's more sophisiticated' war materiel. * * * * * * ' PresidentBanks on USSR . . . To Help Cool Off C.rises WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on ill placing broad hopes for a cooling otf or international crises on Soviet in- terest in avoiding a nuclear showdown with the United States. Vietnam, Berlin and the Middle East are potential flashpoint! where the Kremlin may prefer a peacemaking role, Nixon said in voicing "cautious con- clusions" at a Tueiday night news con- ference devoted entitely to foreign policy . ;'The Soviet Union recognizes that if these peripheral ar~s get out of control, thet the result could be a confrontation With tlie United States," he said. "And the Soviet Union does not want a confrontation with the United States, any more than we want one with them, because each of us Knows what a con· frontation would mean." There is room for plenty of argument about the Kremlin-peacemaking theory. as Nixol'I himself acknowledged in saying Soviet policy Is ambivalent on Vietnam and the Middle East. He noted the billions of dollars worth of Soviet arms supplied to ijanoi and Arab states. Some U.S. diplomats maintain Moscow is pushing harder than it has to on . Berlin. They see the Kremlin leadership as divided between hard and soft liners with unpredictable and thv.s dangerous results. They rate Anatoly F. Dobrynin, the Soviet Ambassador to Washington who has been the main Soviet contact so far with the ne1v President and Secretary of State,· as likely to stress the Krem.Jin's more pleasing face to 'Vashington. Nonetheless Nixon sounded an op- timistic theme about the Russians throughout news conference questions ranging around the globe and into nuclear disarmament. The President viewed his European tMp as a base-touching w i t b the Western allies .that was likely to be followed by an East·West summit. On Berlin, he said "the s-Oviet Union will use its influence !Cl cool off the situation rather than heat il up" because MQscow does not want to jeopardize U .S . .SOviet progress on other items. ·"Let's face it," he added, "without the Soviet Union's cooperation the Mideast is going to continue to be a E*noe: ·01. praff'.es' W4I ·the. or· der of 'ti>< ;tlqy~dl ~ Brokaw, 18, (Jlilhl! iiilt ·su!'.Comw.ir. JS, in Los A?l,g'tlts aft~r Sue flew 1,000 ntiltl to htlP. crown the 1969. Nati<1tt• ol orcrl.sfe S~oto 'Q1lf~ ot s.,.· B'r· Tiard~. Stit is~ Q;uetn'.Of t~ .Bay of Plnty 01anae''festioal 'in Taurqn.- 9a, New Zealand aitd Rhorida' is Queen of tli.e National Orange Show (Condnued from Pa&c J) terribly dangerous area." President, Vice President, ttc. down the1------------------------------------------- jor this year. •· Judy Carne, .the tlOCk·it·to-m.e girl o,i the .Rowan. and Martin "Lo.ugh-In" ihow, is back home in her native village of Chun:'1 Brqmpton, England preparing for marriage. Judv~ 29, l4id she'll marrv 24-uear.ald Dlan GOo<lhiU; a photowapher who . met :Mr whi~ 1he was on the ~ receiving end ·of a custard pie. The wtdding; witl ta%e place, in a JeW ·c1ays. Thireafter, the said, it's from custard pie to cordon. bleu cooking. "A while ! at;Jo,'! •ht !ti.id, "I cbul.dn't boil r.·. 1 , an t1717. "'Noto I'm a reo.l home . . body and I shall cook like CNJZl/ .• l=------' • Sh1rlock Holme& ·has ·been ar- rest~. Frir Dallas police it was elementary, Watson. Officers checking, drivers' licenses turned up a man· they had been looktnr for-Sherlock Holmes. His offense -failure IO pay a speeding ticket nedy until he saw a televllion documen· tary showing Kennedy hailing Israeli independence. He sald 'then he hated Kennedy. · "Dla you write that Robert F. Kennedy must be a.saaasinated before S June, 1968?" Cooper a&ked. "If you (1ic) were in front of me s~ help me God, he would have died at that time:• Sirhan said. 'Cooper read to him scrlbblinas where S\rhan . virOte about . was1inatlng ''the Vice Prt.Sident and down the ladder?" "Did y~ write that you would have aaasJlnaltd Lyndoo John.son and Ille UN Envoy in E~t, · But Atmosphere Cold By UNITED 'PREIS INTERNATIONAL . ' ' United Nations ·Envoy Gunnar V. Jll'· ring arrived ih Cairo today for a, MW round ·of Middle Ea1t puce IOWldina:s but the atmosphere. wu cold. E1Ypt. waa reported preparing a record defense bud gel Al Ahram, the sefni-offlcial government newspaper, sald President Gamal Abdtl Nuser would coiifet Sund1y with economic and finance mlnlsten to work on a budget for next year 0 which will give for defense purJ)osea the g:ttatest allocations in E&YPt'• history.'1 ladder.'' "I must have betn a maniac at the time," Sirhan said. · "Well, dld you write it?" , "That Is what I thought &!Id must have felt at the lime. I would have blasted anyone." "Did you ever ha\.'e in mind killln& Lyndon Johnson?" "I must hve been provoked. I hated him. But it sounds llke a crazy man'f writing.'' "You think you are crazy? Do you think you are nonnal ?" "l don't think I am auy," Sirhan 11id. Sirhan aaid he saw ambQAdor Arthur Goldberg during debates after the 1117 Arlb-lmell awr In whlch Goldberg pro- claimed !hat the terrll<>rial lntegrllY of all statea ahould be rtspected. "Did you f,.l he should die for that!" Cooptr asked. "If I hid setn him I would have (killed him). I haled him," Sirhan ,.Id. Cooper uked him how he felt aboul the Israeli victory in the 1987 war. "It affected. me, air, Very deeply. l didn't like it. Where is the justice in· volved, 11Jlr? Where ts ·the love, sir, {or fighting for th e . undtrdog. Jsra!I is no underdf>s in the Middle East, slr. lt'a thole rtfUlets that are un- derdoes. And btcauae they have no way of fighting back, sir, the Jews, sir, the Zionl1ts, just kftP beaUn1 away at them. That burned the hell out of mt." Rocky Mountain Snow Belt St.orm System Extends From New Mexico to Kansas California Siirlr+llkt· .,...ilflw ,,._..\ltd ,,....r Soutl!itrfl C1IHomi. todey wllfl , 141MV ·~~' .•!llf 1""'1 l'flldd•v HonHrtf\I,..). T~,.. ..,,.. tustY wlfldl"!Hlw' c1no ro;:.,;~ :; ~~.:.:!!1':1· Los A,.. ~~":: ~·..,~~'...,. d•Na t1om &Hd'I -· JIU Iii.ti l"ftdllltl ef 65 "<11'11111 '"«f iltttl !If !fie ll'\(IU/lflll .. ~;:;;:" .. ~ :· :~;--=~~ IS 1" "" ,_r YI""' T~ I.et """"• !Htln W•• ''" Ol ~""'°' due hi -_,,.1y WIMIL Tiie Wfllthlr lb,_..,.; Jl!v.Dtv Fcoraqtt e11n'4 f.,. fonlJlll.lld ci..,. Wffthtt wlOI ~r•lltrw r•r!l•!nl.,. "" "* Wtml •Ide but .,.., ... dllr'"9' ~ weMJ. Hi911t Tut1d1y -"11 J1"1f1Cttd lll'f!I' !odfY lnCludf l°"f It~ ... 12, Slllfl Monie• ..U, l vl'tMtnk '7·~· Wl1· !Of> .,... il'lll'fMI•.. "'"611, """"''" .\'·M. Pellfl S.l'l11t1 ... 75. lekolf"llltlll ~i~. Slfl OJtto '°"'S, S.1111 l•rber1 ""'· LOS ANGELE$ Al-IO VIC:IHIT'l'- Su"'1J lflCI w.rm Tlou.,.dey. C!Mr 11\d cool """9ht. LPw li:MIJlll Ai6 end Jllf!I ....,."".,.,h., n. CO.Uf"L ANO IHlEltMEOIAll VAll'E'I'$ -Sim"" l!'OCI _..,.., TI!UI"$• dlY. Clelr 11\d cool tonlDl\I. l.ws !Oo- 1119111 f,,,... q O~• 1!>t «111111 ,i.1r11 It :r1 ~I !~!11'111 '""'" Hlt"1 Tlly1ldly .. 10 U. MOUNTAllf .. REAS -!Ulln'I' 1...t I lltltt '"""'''" (11'1r '*I not "U"" '° toe. ltllli!ll. INTEIUOlt AHO OE5!JIT REQIOHS -Sullll'I 1 1111 I I~ Wlfll'lf T~1t~. (.!Mr W _,,.i 411itt 11 ( .... tionllM. I.."'° tollllht • le » 0Wllft1 """ M· ~h:iH -nhm, JI fo .0 l'flMI...., uPMI' ,,.,~ ""' JI 10 45 '°""'' .,,..,.,., ' Coutal lllM't' .... •"* ..... Jiit __ , todrt. WllWI Vlrifibll, 10 ,. Jt 1'1'1·11•11• Tod!IY'• lllsh, '2 ,. 66. YMl'lt'\lm ..,,..,,_,_ r11111• ff'Clll'I I l'lltfl llt '5 1-I ..., of U, lno """ ._ .. ,."'" "'""' -71 "-... Tiit Wfl"°'" lt>fnl'lf•lll,.. Wll M "'""' .. Sun, Moon, '.l'Wu WIOHalOAY s_...i tow ......... , .... Jill 11.fl'I. •1 SIC:Ofld 11i.11 •.•.. IO:tl 11.m. SA THVllOAY Flral 1ow .......... ,. 4:02 1,m, O.J Fl~! 1119'1 ........... ., IO:•f 1.1t1. U SKOl'ld 10W .. • ••• " •••• •:O' 11.m. O.S $tc:ond llltll ., ..... ., .•. JO;)l 11.!'l'I. !.I ~ II ... 1:0 11.lft. ltll 7:6' 1.m. 1•11 •M ''" '·'"· S.11 S:IZ '·"'· ltft 0 . NIW Pint 0. ,lltl Mir. 11 Mar. 11 ""-'· )I -.r. J V.S. S•-•rv A tltMI tvtlt!'h W.Mttlllt "-1.,.1fi. em lttdr;y Moul'lll"'• wm. snn m....a " .... ,,. today. HteW tllt# Wtl'fl!NI .,.,. -11111 ~ "" maM!alftt .... ,.,....,.,,. A.-IS'W In'--""""' '"" ••i.t'll N1w Mtl<ICI. 1N1 .. ll'IV1Mll-Jtrll Colt-rMlt llW !(,..,,. .. F ... r IMMI "' "'*'" Of ,_ Wtl 1~ 111 llWdl • #II IHI!, COin• ""'""" .., ""' lllltll et ., ...... J1'1"4• ~1111 ••ltftll... •r1•t1... •114 blOWl1'4 •Mw. " In K4""" ,,_, llt C•llrl .. , N~ v.W 11111 A•I--._ ~ 11'CJlt$ f!I MW .,,_ l'tll .. rty !Idly. Liie Md•' "'9 1"9l'll'I w•1 1•1HC1M .. -'"'" lfll• .... -111 '"""' 1M "'°'"' 1nlt T11111 ... ,....,,_ r1111 Hl9fl l'lllll •11111 tfltlif ff'lfrl Otltlllnll 11"1 tM ce11tr11 "i.rrii hi "" ,,,_,., M!Mlt11Hf V1J11Y. Find Your Name Among Classified A.ds Win Free Tickets I Mltll lw Pt9'. lll ,, ·" " .. " " " 4 2t -3 Tr .. ,. . " .. . .. " " .. • ir .IM SI 1) ., 17 .. " il .. " " " . IT ,. " .. .. ,. " 4 " a .... " " " n ,., .... " n " .. " n .... 4 " " " .. II .. ..... " ' .. " " " ~ ;i " " " " " •I " '' .. " 4' " .1• SJ a .13 " .. ~ .. WESTERN NATIONAL & MARINE • A specially-equipped Buick Skylark Custom Sport Coupe at special sa~. Five popular 1969 Buick Skylark models are now specially equipped wilh a IOI or ex1ra things. Things like door guards, remote control outside mirrors. convenience groups, vinyl tops. whilewall tires, dduxe wheel covers and bell reveal moldings. And theyteolfmd 10 you now al special savings, loo. The reason? Simple. We want 10 make your buying a Buick righl now a delighlful decision. Your Buick dealer is wailing. lt1 Ddightful Decision time at your Buick Dealers' now. -· Here's Dote To Wita: Ju•+ 1c•n Iii• p1911 1f tod•y'• cl11,lf11J •dv1,thint 11ctitn. If y11 f111d y111 r "'""'· , •• Will two fr•• t ic•••• t1 tli. w.,,.,11 Ne•l•1111I It•+ & M11l111 Show. C11! fer tic•a11 11 111y 1f tlit 1111 DAlLY rlLOT tfflc:1• Oft '"' Or1n91 c •• 11. llO W. t.y StrMt Cott• MeM 2111 .... llW.' ""''*' .... .. JH FIM Strnt "'""""" le«ll 212,...... """" "'''"' '"'• Tick.as -Good Any Day -March 8 thru 16 -Analiei1n. Convention Center • • -·- WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Nixon administration has announced a crackdown on the "sublle forms" of school segregatioti in 14. northern and western states. Secretary Robert H. Finch of Health, Education and \veuare aMounced the "Na· tionwide Tille VI Compliance Program" Tuesday in a report to Congress. The department will send 11 more agents into the at.ates involved to in· vcstigale segregation com-, plaints. '-/) .!.-> /J• Finch announced tht new . ~ :,1eps in a report entitled l-_::::;::::~~~:;;::::;:=:~...::::!=!:::::!!::'.;!;_:;:::!..J ••Establishing ;i •Nationwide *'I kDow it's stupid-but what about me! f m 13th Fill Nixon, Military 1 CFighhter Discuss ABM Fate I rases , I ' WASHINGTON (U PI) -Sprint mis.slles lo give added LAS VEGAS, Nev. lAP) _ President Nixon and the Na· protection to U.S. offensive A FlllA · · r· hl lional Seeurlty Council held missiles in their underground n s wmg-wing ig er-a t~·o.hour ''full discussion'' silos. bomber crashed on 8 training today of the Sentintat -Using Sprints to prot~t flight Tuesday, the 13th loss Antiballlsti c Missile (ABM) soine U.S. strategic bomber or the two-man, '6 million systen1. Nixon says he will bases against surprise attack plane that developed from the announce next week a decision by Soviet submarine-launched controversial TFX program. whetheri work on the system missiles. This also Involves Both pilots ejected safely. will be resumed. building radars so that they Defense Secretary Melvin R. face to sea as well as toward The crash came while planes Laird lold newsmen after the the missile approaches across searched deserts and moun· meeting that no firm decision the Arctic. tains ai Nevada and Utah ror was reached. The White llouse Proposals along these lines another F'lllA, lost three said there was a '' f u 11 have been drafted in the iveeks ago. discussion" of the matter. The Drfense Department for con· President told his ney,·S con-sideratlon by the National !\1aj. \Yilliam Baechle. 34, ference Tuesday night that he Security Council and Nixon. of New York, a n d ~1aj. would weigh the matter the If approved they would be Edy,·ard Schmit Jr., 36, of rest of this week. proposed to Congress •as Prescott, Ariz., ejected sarely After more than 1 month changes in the Sentinel ABfli 80 miles north of here. They of Pentagon study, a possible system planned by the last · · -1 1 administration for the mid W.r...r.,, MM<h 5, 1969 * CELEBRA.TE WITH US! OUR SECOND BIRTHDAY All NEXT WE Ek MARCH 10.15 P.fYSTERY SHOPPER will stroll the mall and pay for your purchases. You m•y be surprised at the casb register when your purchase is paid r ... School De scgre g at ion watching it ••. " Program Unde:-Title VI of ---------------------- the Civil Rights Act of 1964." were taken by helicopter to new antlm1ss1 e pan is laking l9'70s. • hospital but lh2 Air Force shape, with sites' to be moved ....;.;.;.:;c._ ________ , fa rther from big cities. Bring the cbildreo. They ride THE CAROVSEL FREE! Also, free balloons! The report was requested by Congress in the Labor-HE\V Appropriaho!! Act of 1969. "Every effort has been rr1ade by this departnient to comply with the Congressional mandate for a nationw ide ap- plication oC Title VI." Finch l:laid in a Jetter to House Speaker John W. McCormack. "Justice cannot be ser\'ed through t h e unequal en- forcement of any law." Se1iators Hear Tale said they were unhurt. The Nixon told the news con· plane crashed 3nd burned in ference he would' make ad· six inches of snow. ditional studies i n v ~Iv in g t::leven fliers have be en kill· Defense Department a n d IKE ;,fAKES PROGRESS cd or reported missing in the "uiher experts" befbre inak· \\'ASHJNGTON tUPI) Fill. irig his rlans public. F'ormer Prsident O\vight D. h According lo I n f o r ni e d Eisenhower "continues to 1' e Air Force says lhe sources. Defense Department h · r Of Priso1i Tortures \\'ASHJNTGON (UPll -Al the Virginia Penitentiary, a prisoaer was locked in solitary confinement "without speak· ing to another human being for five and a half years." s ow sat1s aclory progres15" in f'IJJ's accident reeord is bet-th1"nk1' I l d J. llirschkop, an American ng now eans owar : recnvery from surgery, his ter than that of most fighter--!\1oving proposed ABM doctors reported today. Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) bombers. Spokesmen claim its sites away from big cities, \Vith Eisenhower's condition lawyer who has worked for innovations such as the mobile including Boston, Chicago and ste1dily improving, and his' years on behalf of Virginia \\'ing a n d terrain-following Seattle. heart remaining stable follow.. Prisoners. said th~re \\'IS no d -A strong recommendation ing the Feb. 13 operation for ra ar would make it likely 1 lh Wh'l H sign of change. • o c 1 e ouse lo exercise an intestinal block, Walter YOUR llOROSCOPE: In the: Carousel Court an IBM· 082 makes your per!Ollality analysb by aslrol· ogy an elciting experience. Pickup drawin9 slips for all •xpen se paid trip fo Hawaii, Magnavox 23 inch Color TV, in any 5tore ne11t week! South foast ?taza • Title VI bars federal finan· cial assistance to any pro~ran1 or activ'ity that discriminates on the basis of race, color or national origin. Guards at Cummins Prison Farm in Arkansas caught a convict planning an escape. 1'hey whipped h i m, stuck needles under his ·fingernails and toenails, pulled h i s genitals with Wire pliers, cracked his knuckles y,·ith nut· crackers, burned his stomach and Jegs with cigareltes 11ind kicked hini in the groin. lo have some accidents in what has long •··n an opl1"on R ed A H h bl. d ~ e rm:· Ospital issued "Tc pu 1c oes not careJ'_ea_r_;ly_s_1_ag:.e_s. ______ _:i•::..:.AB=:~~~•:::"="''" !:_'· !:'."P::l~y:'"·~gc_,:::I:_::~~~'.::_.".,".:'."'.''.'_.'.~!.:_'.::=====================·-...... , on y a one-ne bulletin today. -about the men it sends to ~ pr ison," f\1urton testified. "1! Ex -Garrison· Aide Rapped NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - FoU"'ing up Clay L. Shaw's conspiracy ttial acquittal with a salvo of legal charges, Dist. Atty. Jjm Garrisort accused his former research assistant with illegally aiding Shav/s lawyers in their defense. Garrison charged Thomas Bethell Tuesday with sup- plying Shaw's attorner.i with II secret Ust or prosecution witnesses prior to Shaw'S trial on charges of conspiring to' murder President John F. Kennedy. Bethell left Garrison's staH last fall. At Lorton Reformatory, a youth insUfUtion o u t s i d e W•shington, D.C .. a defective metaJ press used to make District of Columbia license tags smashed the hands or its convict operators year after year. Repair requests \\·ere ignore~. These and other lales of torture and neglect were un- folded before the Senate Juvenile Delinq~ Sub-• committee Tuesday in its in- vestigation of prisons. The witnesses, f o r m e r Arkansas Penitentiary Supt. Thomas O. Jl.lurton and Philip PRE- EASTER SALE MARCH 6·7·8 does not care whether or not prisoners are beaten, exploited or subjected to inhuman con· ditions. The public does not Y.'ant prison refonn because it actually does not want to know what goes on in prisons and thus the inmate_ is at the mercy of hi s guard." Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller told a· Lillie Roc"k news conference the state 11'ould seek "equal time" before the subco'mmittee to rebut Murton's accusations. John Haley, chairman oi the State Boar<. or Correction, charged Murlon's "attack was scurrilous, reprebensible and without foundation of fact. "Tom is a bitter and vindie· live man bent on attempting lo injure Arkansas with bis distortion and picture of what existed years ago." Haley said. DOWNING STREET PRINTS DAN RIVER SHORTS Dacron Cpoty"ter) Ir Avril 98' 45" wide, ,.,... .. , Pren. Rt9. price I :st Clllecks, Vrlp•li, pt• .... , v.i-.. 1.n 69' PRINTED VOILES O<icrH "PolyOll_., & C-79' .... 1.4'-1.6' -51'fCIAL DAN RIVER CHECK GINGHAMS 100•1. cottow, 1/4 ", 1/J" a•cl 1" checks. .... 7'< COTTON SATINS sr Ma•y hoftclscrenecl, fht• selectl•· R09. 1.H -1.4' 1.49 DOTTED SWISS Doc'"" ''PofyHt«" l c-. 45" wide. .... 1.6' 98' RUSSRL RIBBED COTTON RlbiledCott ... 45" whl• .... 1.6' 98' COSTA MISA HDrbor Ceftttr ZJOO H«Mr llYd. 60" wide, R09. 2.H LEATHERETTE SPIC~L 2.29 DACRO~-"POL YES TERN DOUILE KNIT 60" wide, 4 95 Good color seltctlott SrlCIAL e DAN PRESS SOU OS ~=-?olynter' Ir CottOf'. enc .... 1.19 1 FINE QUALITY COTTONS CLO Sf OUT 2,., HOMESPUNS ~~trr· ""'" & -1 49 .... I .ti 0 COSTA MfSA Mnm Center 221 f . 17tt. St. ' Do the spring thing! Pluck a fresh QualiCraft shoe shape-like a black manmade patent pump with the hi-ri!e in front that's on top today. The toe shapes a round curve, the heel stands full and high. For 9.99. it'5 one of the way> QualiCra!L keeps you up on the news. See city aandal., !reoh •Pectators, BOiter paatels and pale neutrals, braM buckles, refined brogues, t'U!tic 1lacked heels. 6 99 10 99 Great5 or '69 m06Uy , to , ..... v.,. FASHION ISLAND N~WPORT BEACH • HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACl:f SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA ' •!; I • • - c .. • I ' !DAILY PILOT ~ftORIAL P AGE j Police , and Community Charles Holllngswortll bas been named "OUicor o! the Year" by the Huntington Beach Exchange -Club and Rlclwd D. Goodell cHed a. an oul.!tanding police .ctence student at Orange Coast College. . The dtaUons were given as part of the crime pre- vention program of the Excha.nte Club. The 8Jll1Ual pfogram seeks to encourage better police work through recognition oC better men and women in law enforce- ment .. Officer Hollingsworth wa.a selected by fellow o,C~ ficers as "Officer of the Year" for his outstanding work in investigation and pa.rtlcularly in attempts to devise methods for identification of motorcycles with altered nllmbers. He has been with the department in some capacity since ;956, moving up from patrol to. the detective bur- eau. He was de.scribed by Police Chief John Seltzer as "an outstanding police officer in every way." Goodell, 19, Is looking forward to a career In law enforcement at a time when 1aw enforcement d'espe.r· ately needs' all the bright young men and women it can recruit. ' Crime is increasing at a rate faster titan the popu· talion growth in Orange County and elsewhere. Young men and women are going into higher paying jobs and into positions with more prestige. While the policeman has emerged from the cloud of being nothing more than a legal brawler with 1 nightstick and gun. his present position as a college- trained professjonal hu not eliminated some of the stigma asscicialed with the distant past. • Programs such as this of the Exchange Club help to bring the policeman and the community together. Spurred on by recognition programs s~cb as this, the police-community relationship can be improved. Feeling the sometimes strong lack of public ac .. ceptance, th.e police sometimes draw ~way f!'Om ~e community and form a sub community of itself m which tbe real and ima&ined Jack of social acceplance and community support are masnlfied. · Ratber than finding a commOb ground for all to live logetber in the community, any separatist movement becomes the vehicle for the spread of divisivenMs by extremist groups, either pro.police or antl-poi1ce. ' Huntington Beach has a f)ne police department gtaffed wiUt professional law enforcement officers who for tile most part are backed solidly by the community. The Exchange Clu.b crime prevention program ie- Jates the policeman to the community he serves and relates the community to the policeman. LWV's Helpful Guida nce Wllh school board electl<>111 coming up next month, the strong hand of the Huntlngton Beach League oJ Women Voters again is beln~ 1elt In the area guiding voters to sources of infonnatiOn so that they may cast ballots Intelligently on April 15. The league has been vqry active in registration of voters for all elections. Merbbers have set up registra- tion tables in various Jocatioru: and brought the papers to residents who might otherwise never vote because of a lack of registration. At every .election the women .prepare factUal in· fonnation on tbe candidates and the issues for distri- bution to the public. They know an informed voter will make the best choice. ~dded now to the setvices of this outstanding com- muruty group are classes for Spanish-speaking persons who would like to become citizen:;: of the United states. The women involved in the activities of the league !how dally the interest of women in the political realm and their outstanding contribution through non-parti- san presentation of the facts has improved the quality .of government in West Orange County. ($) Relocate Orange C:o11nty Airport, bait • • • DeGaul'le Way ls Persistent 'Leave El Toro to the Marines' Annoyance WASHINGTON -There are two way• )f viewing President Nb:on's trip to Europe. There is our way. And there Is De Gaulle's way. Our way -the A.merican way -is reassuring and lamiliar. We would rather ool notice !he De Gaulle way -and yet there 11 is a mild and persistent annoyance -Ji'ke crumbs in an otherwise com- fortable bed. In our way of viewing the •President's Grand Tour, everylhlng the Pres}dent 1aid reaffirmed sacred and established principle Of course we will defend NATO· Of course we have a special relatio~shlp with England; of coUrae we seek Western unity. Even Mr. Nixon's declar•tion that we are all-Berliners "'as but a mild upgrading of what John Kennedy taught us to believe. It was ,11· as customary e.s tbe household rurniture. 'SI ncll fir 11111. In, mn ••-Ir DE GAULl.E'S LOGIC lmpli" 1 que&- tion: Would we a1ao think flnt of ourselve. if Soviet troops marched into Berlin? Would we really risk some 20 million dead in a single nuclear exchange in order to prove thaL we m all Berliners? Or that we believe lo Euro- pean unity? Or that we have a apecia1 relationship with England? Even ai Mr. Nixon reaUlrms the faith, the devil's advocate gailll converts. Fonner Sec. of State Dean Rlllk has expressed fears about a new period ot isolation. The greatul part of the U.S. Anny, far from beln& ready to defend the grand alliance, 11 bogged down in South Vietnam. And Ylho ls to II)' that the young men of America, many of · whom vieW the war tn Southeast Alia TO BE SURE, It waa pure ~ny. 1 with such Joal.hlng, would look upon ~obody actually be~evea that Mr. Naon a confrontaUon in Europe u a duty? •ccomplished anything except to show Particularly, a duty passed on to them the Europeans that be was not ~ by a generaUon they do not hold in Dick, but a serious and friendly chief high regard? or a great state. The true value of the presidential trip can. be summed 11p in the ancient aod bucolic couplet: The COW ldcked Nelly in the belly ln the barn; Didn't do her 11ny good, didn't do her any harm. And yet it did reaffirm ~hat we believe. Or did It? There it 11 again, lhilt haunting thesis of De Gaulle, casting doubt upon our own innermost con- M:iences as though we were not prln4 cipled leaders of a grand alliance but 1riere men, looking first to our own 5kins. DE GAULLE OOaN'"t' believe what we say. He doesn 't belleve we believe it. lie aays that there ls ln the world "a new and gigantic fad," namely the ability of the Soviet Unlon to destroy the United Stalts. Btcawe of this foci, tie implied, we wlll not c1erend Europe. Despite all our phrues, we wlD look first to ourselves. 1l was after the m!uile crisis of October, 1962. that De Gaulle put forth this view, and he used the missile criait to support It. There ts truth to his logic. For ln those 1! daya of drtadful danger we did not ask the BerllMn Ir they were rtady for lnvulon. We did not ask the Europeans whtthtr they were feady for nuclear war. We dealt with the Rualans as one to one. We thought first of oureelvea. Dear Gloomy Gus: Wbo'1•to ..,. wlto &hoold and wloo ahouldni bWld hoopitJla! II lhls fm tnt.eJiprile or isn't it? ~.R.S. THE DE GAUILE view is un- comfortable and abaming. And yet after the Marshall Plan, after the Berlin airlift, aller NATO 8nCI a united Europe, after all the forgotten phfase1, there is that nagging fear that he mighl be right. II he II rigllt, he will not only have outlived Franklln RooRvelt and Wln!ton Churchill; be will have reversed them -and obliterated the leaaon of hlitory which Ibey thought they had handed down. By Fnat Maaklewk:I ud Tom Bradea Work for It Jtaq, Teus, NeH-BeraJd, "Wbat ls pr9'>&b1y the moot .. lllible Idea to come out of Washington in a a:ood many years ii the ont made by 1 con- gresnnan. •. that able-bodied mea on relief rolls be required to do some work In exchange for thelr checks. Ooe poglibillty menUoned. wa1 picking up debris alona: public ·rGads. Many similar f\Ypel Of work could be con· odered. Thll •Uil••Hon IJ probably quit< appalllng to most of the present generation of rellef&-1 who have been brought up In the belle! that t~e government owea every man a living, but lhoge of us who can remember lhe d~pression days of the 1930·/J 11re n1adc lo wonder how, why and when the idea or performing son1e service In return for government support was drop· ped," AtcordJnt to the publication. "The Kan111 Restaurant .'' "Food marketing services have increased 117 percent since l!HO, while the volume of food marketed has increased only 70 pt#tDt. Therefore a large part or the r.rlce of food t1 not for the product itself but for cos-ts involved in getting food from f~ to table more r11pldly. making foods available all sea&ons of the ytar. J)fOvldloC built-in con· ve.Alences (TV dinners, etc.) ex· µanding parking raclUtles at the retail ~tore, and other factors which rnO\ke poS&lble q11lcker shoppl n~. less lime In the kitchen and a variety of selection "'·bitb ii tll-' envy of the world." To the Editor , I become so Irritated and Irked by unimaginative and unreallsUC people when I bear them suggest that El Toro should share its facililies wllh the private airlines or move to the desert as one reader auggesta because of the problem ol increased air traffic in Orange County. I think El Toro is a vital link in the defeMe system of thl!: country and should not be disturbed by civilian!. If the Marines should move to the desert the economy of the county wou1d suffer. MARIN~ AND their families buy and rent homes, spend their well~eserved salaries in many areas of the county and contribute in nwmerowi ways to the communities in which they rtside. The families who were recently evacuated from Oooded dJsaster areas were more than grateful to have our willing Mariilea come to their aid so quickly. They would not have been of any assistance out on the desert. I favor relocation of the Orange County Airport but I say "LEA VE EL TORO TO THE MARINES." MARY JANE DUGAN SPITZER Airport Conllenlence To the Editor : Te> the people with a bumper aticker on their car reading "Ban Jet Planes At Orange Couniy Airport," and all !he other nql.se abatement whiners, may they have le> drive to Los Angeles Intema· tional Airport every day for a week with their entire family. including pets and a screaming baby that never stops. May they all be packed into a car that is black inside and out with the doors sealed and with Uie windows only opening one half inch, plus no air con- d!Uonlng. May the temperature outside be 99 to 103 degrees and may there be a "amog alert." May they get stuck for three hours In a traffic jam and may they not be able to find a place to park once they get to the airport. And, finally, may they miss their plane. IF THIS IJOESN'I' Juch them wbat a convenience they have in their backyard and they succeed In getting Oruge Counly Airport moved to Duth Valley, I suppose their nut project will be to make Niagara Falls noiseless. The amount of time, eUort and money spent on thtir Jl")ject could have been spent ln lnstalling acoustlcal tile, etc., .;- .----B11 Geo1'9e ---, Dur Georg" I have a problem and 1 believe you m just the one to help me. J am 22 yean: old and intere.sted In meeting and becoming ac- quainted wJth the handsome you11g niotorcycle policeman a~igned to the shopping center where I work . I've trled a couple or Umes to strike up a conversation with hln1 in the drugstore, but he's too shy. llow can I get him to SJ)!ak to me ind to re.inember me? WISTFUl. Dear \Vlst!nl: Speed a lot. Dear Ceorae : When a woman 1et.s 1 dl\•orce ls lhe man su pposed to hock her engagC'ment rlng 7 LOIJISE Dear l.oulst' It I~ not mandatory, etiquette txperts agree. 1 personally f~I lhol a man has no right to hock his fJ:•WlfC''s engngement ring. He should ha\ie: 1.hougbt Of Utl5 before lhe divorCe wu final. Letttn fTcnn rea/Urs art iotlcomt. Normall1,1 10Titer1 .should CORVi!y thtir mts.sage in 300 tDOrd.s or le!s. Tht right to ccmdtnse lttUr.s to fit space or tliminafe libel iJ rtserved. Att letters mu.st include signature and mailing address, but names ma11 bt withhtld on rtq~st if .suf~nt Tea· ion ii apparnit. to soundproof their homes, and they could have tunnd their attenUon to more worthwhile projects such as starvation in the United States, etc. AN ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT LOVER .<jfap-happ!f Jllotorlsts To the Edltor : Wow! Whal a story by Arthur Vinsel titled, "It Can Be A Very Personal Thing," In the Mareh I DAl!.Y PILOT' It took me back to lbe daya when I did aome research on ambulance driv· ing. What I found out then was appall ing enough, but today the ratio of horrible accidents has increased ten fold. Mr. Vinsel's story is a good cross-section of what is going on everywhere. PEOPLE ARE in such a damned hurry to go somewhere, and come back from somewhere, that common s e n s e regarding the dynamics of speed is ut- terly tgDored by (I) the slap-happy plea.sure motorist who is oblivious of the danger, and (2)-lhe shipper who pull caravans of .merchandise on the. road without proper inspecUon regarding the ho1d-downa of the materials, which too often separate from the load and are strewn on the freeway to block the oncoming traffic and cause 21 crash. I have seen this happen repeatedly. PitR. VINSEL 'S story should be copied and presented to future drivers as "must" reading before they get their license. Of course l would not want to be quoted as being opposed to "progress," but I do think that Mr. Vinsel"s story on traffic safety has a message for _ all of us, and J hope that his messalfe \\oill be receivei! by all motorists who want to slay alive. MILT 8ASllA!ll F a cetloua T 11pe • To the Editor: We live in the Glen Mar Tract just north of Adams and west of the Santa Ana River· in Huntington Beach. In the last 24 hours of rain during the recent storm, the city engineers saw fit to reinforce the soft spots in the river bank with sandbag s. The Adams Street bridge and bank were full of policemen and Marines. It is my belief that Pi1arines and policemen are supposed to reassure and calm the citizens in case or emergency, and even more . important when there is no emergency. But we evidently had a couple or facetious types. One told a family to go home and move their valuables upstairs, another was told the Santa Ana dam was going to break, another was told they could get ready in case they had lo evacuate~ - \VlULE TllERE was not one official word said to the residents that were staying at home out of the wti.y, and the papers slated as plainly as possible what the facts were, on the misguided remarks of a few individuals (who should know better), this is what resulted. The rumor lovers, still with no official word or facts, spread the stories that the dams were going to break, the I bridge "'"as swaying, the river would overflow and we would have to fl~. the children could not get out of the school, etc. I know . that emoUonal, hystericaJ people like drama, but I .think lhese things are danger911s. Even when you try to give them facts, they do not want to listen. Certainly, i( we were in the slightest danger. we would be notified door to door in plenty of time. 1 00 FEEi.. thal it ls the policemen's responSibility to slate positively that there is no danger and when there is, the people will be notified in plenty of time and given any needed .help. This is lhe kind of reassurance and encouragement people need, not Ul-con- sidered remarks that encourage hysteria and rumors! It is impossible to keep the curious a"·ay from danger spots. but much trou· We could be avoided by giving then1 proper inrormalion. L. M. PENGRA Tho119hts 1,. Prl11t To the Editor : It 's great to read the DAILY PILOT, especially when there are well written articles and editorials pertaining to your own cause. We realize newspapers in· fluence public opinion concerning public issues, and it was gratifying to kno\f that you agreed with our cause and put your thoughts in print. r-.tay we take this opportunity to than\{ City Editor Bill Reed and the DAILY PILOT for helping us succeed with ll 71 percent "yes" vote on the local bond issue and 21 66 percent ''yes" vote 011 the tax increase. It has been a plea sure to work witlt ~fr, Reed. We are looking forward trJ the future with the same feeling of cooperation. S.A. MOFFET'!' District Superintendent Why Je~us Was Sent to His Death T1ooo1b1J al I.art., lt la worth rememberlna: that Jesus wu lf:nl to Hll death by the Roman otfldals not at all for any religio~ reason, but because He was considered a "trouble-maker," an "anarchial," and, no doobt, an "outside agllatar." • • • The world's store of facts 1\a5 jaM about doubled in the lllSl 10 year&; and most of us, psychically, are in the mood of the old farmer who iald he didn't want to learn any mort things "because I already know more than I can undenland." • • • One or the campaign slogan9 t least understood last fall was about · George Wallace "having courage" -since when has It taken "courage" lo be mean, ugly, 1etnstt, spiteful, narrow. and ap- pealing to the most Irrational lllStincts 1n your fellow men! (Indeed, -preclstly the oppoelte would ha.ve UK!lcated "courage" In Wallace -to ttt.k with hi:i: past and repudiate his background.) • • • ln the Ion& run, and someUrnes even In the short run, everyOOdy loaes from a strike, and everybody kno"·s It: ytl while we can devise the most $Ublle and sophistica ted instn1ments lo R:nd n1en orbiting through tpAct>. we cannol sttm to make an lnstrume.nl of socio! policy th&I wlll seltle dlRputcs wi th the same coopel'lltive rac\llty. • • • rar better. tn the world than a wise man who Is too obtuse to be aware of his. • • • Religion used to prevent people frO'm thtnkinfl;; nowadays science performs th,at same function , by positing pleasures to come on earth that religion only promised In heaven. • • • Thou pe.rt1ons are happiest who are h11ppy without knowing it: to btgfn to realizt ll i5 already lo suffer a dlmi.nuUoo of the &a\e. • • • Learning o new language Is not merely a matter of ''translating."' .as 11 wer~ one's old ideas and concepts rro~ English Into another tongue, Ii i$, in a real Jemf', acquiring an utra f1cet of pcr900aUty, and becoming other and Jarger than you were:~ in spirit as much as In llJ!iU38C. • • • Men who o~·n and display elaborately cAtved and expensive cht!I! set3 are· almost ne ver good chess, players; for gOOd playrrs refuse lo be distrnrtC'd by th! piect>s, and pity wlth the. simpltst S1aunlon-desig11 .sct£ lhat cao bt 1>urchas- ed In an)"'fthnc store. A fool who ls smatl enough to be • " • • •ware ol bJ1 limilaUons can get a.long Tbe btst brief dtflnhton of a ·~tady" I've ever heard Is Russell Lynes', "A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentlem11n." • • • It is good for the young to be concerned with "sell-expression," but it is bad for them to set about it until they have developed a character that is worth expressing . ' . . Old people become ''selecllvely" deaf -they don't hear what they don't care to hear, hut c::an pick up lhe merest whisper if it concerM so1neU1ing you don·1 want them to hear. , -------Wednesday, March 5, 11169 The edtrortcJ paoc ot the Daati Pilot s1tb Co in/orm and niftl. lllat. rtod<r1 by prcmieilt~ 1111.i ft11Dlpaptr'I opfnioftl and C'Om- tn.en.tarr on topics 01f mtaat and slgnlfkanu. br 1>n>•l<ll"f • fonim for 1111 tZl?f'e.rfima tJf our reacltrs opfnlon1 . and bu- ptet~'1!1110 the dtvtrit ~ poliits of tn/orni~d obi~ and spoke.rm.en on loptcJ Of tAI dou. Robert N. Weed, PubllJbtt 1Jtl "'. he al, nk en do we tld of ,., .. , !re oly Ip. nd lll• .,. ••• ... ~n1 \A 'L en ur in· lie '" nd nk .Y • ml 011 th In or ;"!' nt 'A an al re ·st JU I I ·- CHECKING •1UP • What Is the Ideal Leg Measurement? says ber husband.'s g r a y By L. M. BOYU THAT SEARCH for world's i\JOl1ert poem ls over, l lhink. ConsiQer Rod Bar· the whiskers are so tQijgb he has to put baby oil on his faee every night right-after dinner so he can get a decent shave before he goes to bed. "At first, I objected," she says "because the runover messed up his shjrts. But it resulted in a face so smooth, I even- tually came to appreciate the practice." In the evening, he • sit:! in front of the fireplace, watching TV, sbe Says,· and she knits across the room, looking up occasionally at the reOect.ions of the firelight dan· cing on his chin. rows' classic entitled, "Conversation Recorded when the Wife or the . Spanish Ambassador Called Lon the Wife of the British Ambassador." It goes: '1'?" "C ! " . . . HO\Y DO YOU fike your steak c ooked. Prefer mine medium rare. That's the exception, however. At least in the army it is the exception. A survey of service cooks shov.·s four out of five military men like their meat weU done. "WHAT ARE the ideal leg measurements of a girl ll-'ho Is 5-feet-f>-inches tall?'" in- quires one of same. Extensive research was required here. But finally found a statement in a book by a sculptor who says : ·•A woman of med ium height is perfectly equipped if she has a ?~'.!·inch ankle, a 12lf.r inch calf, a lJ.inch knee and a 19'k-inch thigh. In length , the leg is perfect if the distance from heel to hip is exactly two-thirds of the distance fron1 heel to shoulder." A MEDICO REPORTS in· somnaics seem to sleep much better when the barometer is rising ..• .IT IS A COMMON PRACTICE among those pret- ty young ladies in beauty con· tests lo dab petroleum jelly on their teeth to make them glisten in the spotlight:!. . • .DID 1 TELL YOU there are 2,350,000 grains of sugar in a pound? That's correct. . . , SURVEYS SHOW a little less than a third or the high school girls go steady, and a little more than a third never date at aU. . . .AN EXPATRIATE now living in Africa write!! to say he )las 5een frogs there the siu of fox terriers. HERE'S A CUSTOMER l<i10 CUSTOMER SERVICE < Q. "ARE there any moontains in Florida?" A. Not a one. Highest elevation in the whole state is 345 feet. . • . Q, "HOW LONG JS a window air conltitioner expected to stay in good working order?" A. Average longevity of that piece of machinery Ls listed at 10 years •.•. Q. "HOW rttANY FBl AGENTS have been killed in the line of dut y since the Bureau got started ?" A. Believe Z.'I. NUJ\1EROUS SCIENTISTS in Utah and elsewhere now are engaged in highly secret research on baoterlological "'arfare. A client asks whether the wives of these SCi'entisl! are permitted to play bridge regularly. Don't know, bu t possibly not. T h a t bac- teriological experimentation is said to be as sensitive as the early atomic b 0 m b research. It has been disclosed by Dr. Joseph C. Morris that wives Of atomic scientists once ,,,.ere forbidden to play birdge on the theory they talked too much during such games. Your questions and com· ments aTe wetcomed and will be med whtTever pos· sible in "Checking Up." Address ynail to L. J\f. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, NelDf)Ort Beach, Calif,, 92663 Boulder City Ready To OK Liquor Sales BOULDER CITY, N e v . (AP) - A move is afoot to legalize liquor sales in this resort town, which even bans church bingo games. The fed e r a I government outlawed gambling when it formed the city in the 1930s while it built nearby Boulder Dam. When the city in· corporated in 1959. residents decided to keep this Jaw and one banning sale or hard Ji. quor. Since then, Boulder Cily with a population of 5,500 has become a tourlst c e n t e r because of boating at nearby Lake Mead. Many visitors 8pend evenings at Las ~gas, 23 miles away, where they can drink and gamble around the clock. mission askep the City Council Tuesd ay night to -put a measure on the ballot lo legalize liquor sales. The measure has the backing of business groups but is opposed by churches and the older government workers. Three of the five council members frowned on the pro- posal 11nd said they thought the measure should go on the ballot by an initiative petition. a move which lost by 83 \'Oles last time. No vote was taken Tuesday night. "As recent as the last elec- tion two years ago the people or Boulder City told us they did not want liquor," Mayor Morgan Sweeney said. "As cooncilmen we exercise the wi ll or the people and I am not convinced myself that li- quor is what the people want." Age Not Any Bar To Birth By Peier SWocrohfl. rim This letter from a Califor· nian wlll interest those women who are apprehensive about being too old to have a baby when they reach their 30's: DEAR DR. STEINCROHN , l 'm aurprised at how many people are afraid to have babies later in life. My girl friend bad her flrst cruld when she was 38, her second at 40 and her thlrd at 45. She LS-very happy and quite active in chUfth and school affairs. Does it make mothers old before their time? You'd never trunk she is 46. She DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE really looks about 29. I think having babies makes one. feel younger. Especially if you learn to acce,pt the responsibility with love -in- stead of with resentment. After all, what greater joy is there in lite th'an raising children to be good citizens? I have six children. My first arrived when I was 26 and my last when 1 was 37. l am busy every minute. So much beauty in each day. So much to live for. By the way, my aunt had her iighth child at 48 about 20 years ago. 'nlat child is very beautiful, active and talented. The prettiest of aU her children. My aunt is still living. She gets around well and is quite perky and healthy. I do hope my letter will bring courage to other contemplating a baby late in life. COMMENT: Many women in their late 20s and 30s con- sider themselves too old to have a baby. They'd like one, but say, "It's loo late." For those of you wlio have any doubts or rears, the letter I've reprinted may bring some comfort and fortitude . I have received scores or similar let- ters from parents happy with late babies. Of course, there are lhose who disagree. Who say it's unfair to both the parents and lhe child. As in all things, I suppose it remains a personal problem. \Vhether Mrs. X or Y ll'ill be happy or unhappy with a "late baby" will depend upon many facton: upon their own philosophies, upon t h e i r husbands, upon the en· vironment, upon fin~ial con· siderations; and µ.pon in· numerable problems a n d satisfying joys which the newcomer may bring into a household. MEDICALETIES (Replica to Readen): * * • ror l\1rs. 11: Hydronephro- sis'' is a condition in which there is obstruction of the out· now of urine from the kidney. If untreated it ultimately re- sults in damage to the kidney. * * * For Mrs. 0.: "Nabolhi an cysts'' are small cysts con- taining m u c u s , !Ometlmes present in the cervix of the uterus. - For 1n lnrorm111ve booli:iel on 0• ~•ust. "Wl\1! to Do lor Ch•M• o1 l l .. ," -I 1$ (IMI In coin 11'14 I "'IT!Ped, MIP.ldd,_UH tnVi!'IOPo! 1'0 'Dr. Sltlncrolln, In cart ., 11115 ._. NPtr. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hours : 9:30 •.m. to 9:30 p.m.; S•t. 10 •.m. to 6 p.m. AVAILABLE NOW ... A111111111N .. _lilbk1t1-_. .... lflOrtintl ""' dlllllt 1t111:ctiua •usat Tlllilt ll111Nltioftu S11111n - Nollhlfawi.•-INll1-it. . _ • , B. IlO ANAHllM H4 N. Eucli~ 535-llll Mon. thni s.t. I 0 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. NIWPOlT 47 Fa1hicn lsl•ncl 644°1112 Men. thru Fri. 10 a.m. fo 9:30 p.m. s.t. 10 a .m. tc 6 p.m. OAll V PllOT l • LONG-STRETCH STRIPES WHIRL IN Capturing your sp rin.gtime mood, the new Easter-fresh loo k of stripes circling dow.o, down the elongated tunic line . ..• brea king away sudd enly fQ a flutter of pleats. By Eve Lo Coq in • mar:velously crisp and cool seersucker o...!_ Arnell' triacetate and cotton, red/white or navy/white, sizes 8-16. A. Sleeveless, 1 on o camisole, 28.00. B. Long stretch · - coot dress, 33.00. Moil ond telephone orders invited. " Windsor Misses' Dresses, 49. ' "'' ,, •• . .!' " •• •• l A..Yl HUNTIN•TON llACH 7777 E~i"9" A••· 19 2-lll 1 Mon. thru S•t. 10 a.m. to 9 :10 p.m I f - , a DAILY PILOT WtdntJday, Mmb 5, 1969 Egg on Fa~e Off~rs Fired f or Raid LOS ANGELES (AP) - Carrying two dozen eggs, the thrtt husky fellows. neatly dressed and with close-crop- ped hair, laughingly sauntered into an area frequenled by many hippie-types. EveryUme a fellow with shoulder·length hair and slop- py dress came into view - pow! -he was met with a well-aimed egg. Things went so · well they deeided they needed three dozen more eggs. The three called police. Iden tifying themselves as off. duty officers, they exhibited minor wounds -one had been hit once. by bird&hot, one hit five times, another seven limes. After listening to wltneisses, police officials launched an investigaUon. Chief Thoma s Reddin an· nounced Tuesday the three egg tossers tlad lost their jobs. He declined to identify them or the man whG fired the shotgun, saying c r i m i n a 1 charges could possibly be filed against the ex.of1icers or the man wounding them. Jt ·au happened in Venice, Dismissal For Ab sent SF Profs? Returning, the)' spotted a pink-painted b u :s that some hippies had converted into Jiv- ing quarters. Plop! Plop. Plop! The eggs sailed merrily. Out came a man carrying a 12-gauge shotgun and fired ·an area with many rundown SAN FRANCISCO {AP) _ houses and apartments near . . twice. th p iii Ocean. The e have The big question facing San e ac c r t Francisco St.ate _College ad· One of the hipple-baiters pulled out a pistol and fired five times. The fellow vr'lth the shotgun ran -unhurt. been man~ clashes he7 ministrators today Is whether J>:etween police and w_hat 0 • • to fire 22 teachers absent from f1cers_ refer to as hippies and classes Mcinday. beatniks. College officials declined Taxi Firm, Bank Asks To Employ Policemen LOS ANGELES (AP) -Off. duty policemen may work as tul drivers and bank tellers In a city move de.signed to provide incre~ed protection against robberies. The lint official ap- Dontanville Gets l lo Lile POMONA (AP) -Anthony David Dontanville has been sentenced to one year to life i{l state prison on a convict.ion of molesting a 6-year-old girl. Superior Court J u d g e Howard D. McClain recom- mended Tuesday that Don· tanvllle serve hh. sentence in the prlron ward cf the California Medical Facility at Vacaville. plicatiom to hire off-duty Policemen came from the Bank of America and Yellow Cab Co. The officers are en- titled to carry guns off duty and presumably · will do so, a departrnent spokesman said. The bank is hiring: them as tellers ... Officials said the ap. plications are welcomed in the face of increasing robberies of banks and ta1is. Willlam Cutbirth, Yello'v Cab's vice president, said Teamsters Union officials represenun·g the f i r m ' s , drivers have agreed t o cooperate by waiving contract provisions that require drivers to join the union. Policemen are prohibited from joining a union unless it is composed entirely of policemen, a department spokesman said. Tuesday to identify th e teachers and said they would wait to see how many mialled Tuesday classes befor e Q_eciding on disciplinary ac. Uon. The college had warned teachers lhat those. missing Monday class.es wo11ld lose the class and face dismissal. '-- Gary Hawkins, president of Local 1352, American Federa. lion of Teachers, said be hoped t h e administraUon would reschedule classes for the 22 teachers. The union, which claims 390 members, voled Sunday to end a tw4>month strike and urged teachers to retur n to their classes. Apologies Made DENVER (UPI) -Tho governor Df Colorado and the president of Col o ra do Unlvenity both i 1 s. u e d apologies Tueaday to 8ct1n1 San Francisco State College President S. I. Hayakawa who was booed at a talk at the university. Saturday! At Santa Anita! The s145,ooo Santa Anita Handicap!~ Whenitcmiea to big races, they don't ame much bigger than the 11' mile Santa Anita Handicap. 'lbisOllehasitaD. 'lhldition: (Thisis ill32nilmrming.} Money: (With a plize of $145,000 gwmmi...1,it's one of the lalgest pulB08 in the raciDg world.) l'1eolip: (Onlylhecounlly'stnpjocke,s. and&leat oldartbomugbb!eds.) Don't mm the llClitla Sa~ at s.ntaAnifainnearl>y .Arcadia. I! ~--; ··•···· .• •. a5:~,~~t@l··:~··r-"l!!I ·~~Jg'T, .... ~~ .. ;::::•_ .. ,~:€':-~~·-· ~, ., \ ·• • ~--..... - -. ·*''. • ~· ·. '• r:O",.. ., • .....,.._•-"" . . ,,. ' .. ·-dlllb' TuMda:v tlmJugh S.tunloy. Poot ,limo: 12:30 S.turda)>s. 1:00 ~ Qilldzon W1dolr oislAeD !roe w1tb a para11.L Tax 1-tef orm: Rea_gan Scr3:~s Plan· 2 SACRAMENTO (AJI) mflllon. amounts ol money back lo "Bui I endorse and aupport assl&ned the job lo the Gov. Reagan, after ICripplng "NaturaUy. I'm disap.. local government to pay for the concept and the aoals," Flourooy commiaaion. hia second major tax rtlorm pointed"," replied the com· mounting COit.i of la" tn· • 1a1d Bagley. piopoaal in two years, atnt mission chairman, State Col\" forttment', ICbools, welfare, Reagan rejected the plan Ill"---------. bls ·fJscal experts to work on troUer Houston I. Flourno)\ recreation and other services just over a YQl' after \he \ yet anothef tax plan today also a R~bllean. "1 wish prgvlded by citles, counties found unsaUsfactory the first CH1rles C. Scott, M.O. and lofd Ulem to produce it him well m his efforts to and llChool diltricls. lax ,.form subml)led lo his ANNOUNCES in "a matter of weeb." put together a program." Flournoy said th.It be would admlniatratioll. That proposal THE OPENING "We are going to alart Im. The commi.uion proposed a apeak for the conuni!aion -prepared by a group « OF HIS mediately," the governor said stJlewide property t • x, report U it is introduced as businessmen -alt r acted MEDICAL OFFICE ,Tuesday, after rejecting the withholding of personal in· tegislaUon, despite Reagq's widespread opposition because 5911 Hell Ave.-Suite D major provl1iona of t h e come taxes and extension of. stand. A likely candidate to it ,uggested extending the h massive revision of tbe tax the sales tax to uUllty bills introduce it, Cb air.man salestaxto food,amoDgother Huntln9ton leac tru tur __ ..., b "· d •· let f l · ---··•auo... ,,,.+ic• ""'"'" t. trt•t!Mtlf •' s c e pr..,.._ y ~ an w a var Y o serv ces Wllll1m T. Bigley CR.San i~ ...,, • .,..rw•ltlrtt ,,t1,111 ,114 "''di••' Advisory Commluion_ oo Tax ranging from auto repairs to Anselmo), of the Auembly Reagan then turned to hls i.v,110 ,;.. Refonn. shoeshines. Revenue and Tuation Com-Finance' Department for help, Reagan pr<dlcted th e plan The obj.Ct ol the big slate miUee, said he hadn't d<cided ai>d when the llate olllclal< 146-llll wculd .coat taqayera "75 tax increase: Funne.l massive what to do. 1 failed to prodbce a plan, be .. Commencing March 1 CAIJFORNIA FEDERAL • • Thenation'skrpthderalpa,s~_,.day,frnmtheclllyyommillpaiereceiml to the day lhey'.re withdrawn, and compoands ;your eam!np daily at the lriJhest rate uailable an1wbere on inslltt4 .pwboolc savinp. There's no minimum time period, no waitlag till quartet's end. PLUS ••• ftmds ;received on or bdon: the l Olh Of aay mOllth will earn dilidmch r-the ht when. m deposit at the end of the quarler • Now, -than ever, the money yo11 can't afford to ri!lc bel<lngs at the nation's lap fecleral! . . ' 5.25% Bonus AcceDDt: (A.ftllaMe ill ..idplea of $1000), l:lrns 'A~"'-e9Ch ym abon regular passbook nte wllm W4 3 years. 5.13%P~bookActount:S.13%-i}leldoa~pl&!book1~•lllll all sallnp tmddhldmdsremdaaym-, lftlle !!9' cw1mt d nte II r W±1i 111111...,.,.... illll1far a,_. California Federal Savings d. IJ:e Asw :it+•• JI Olkw •Amil...-Sl.j Biljoa · NATION'S LARGES!' :n!DERAL ' ANAH!IM/EAST OFlllCI: 1717 I; LINCOLN AVE. • 71W7llO ANAHEIM/WEST omca: eoo N. IUCUD AVE. • 77Ml22 COSTA MESA OFFICI!: 2700 HARBOR BLVD. • 114&>2'00 HMd Olllco: 15170WlllH1111M1.. l.o1Ang9oo 141-7273 A us :1••.....,1.ttt1S.---/Co•W.oftt.IFeMll9nfftelateenlillllnce~•,...._....,."'-.,.t1..,..bfl Ootwscwt. / !Sl DAIL V PlLllT 9 Orang~ Coast Are~Men ~n. ·Serv·ice Around the \V or.Id TwoOranceCoutmenbave service. Course at the Naval AviaUon ol Mt. and JrtrJ. samuel '50 Catalina rwtve, Nnport 8eacL .. airmaa ii a,_ craduatt ot 1Uvu pilot wlap u po a -lo San Dttp •boanf -. Schoo"• Oommllld, P....i., •d-• <>I l,lll liullb<ooll Btochj bu bOm •uip.t lo " -Wtatmlnller Rlgh School and graduatfoa at V•nc• Al"B, the •tloclt •ltcrall wrler Eu. -.. C. 00.. Jr., l'I•. · Dri .. , Bmlllnllon Beod>, bu It-,A18, Miu. Io t , Mriu!r .... L. -· llltaded OtO!l(e COAlt Coll•C• Oklo. . 11511 Coollellotloa whldi baa ,.. <>I Mt. and Mri. Robert Ho · wm uitu tbe !lllht blell .•ulped lo • un!t of tnlnlnr·U a ""11111unleallone "" .i Mt •. aecl Mrr. Cl•vln boloro eolulng th• atnlct. He wlll TtpOrl to Gtorp ... plated Ill foutlh tour <>I c. GUllOO Sr., olllMl.Aupu, pte-Uon I ch oo l at Ille . ;weopoce Rucoe and eloclnmlOr ayat.ma spldallit. i,. Br-Of 11970 Nevada, AFB, f0< fl11ni cMy with a .~bit duty la Vietnam. S&n Juan Caplltrano and hut-Penucola to continue bis Recovery Service, Viet.Dam. 'lbe alnnan is e USS Westmtn+r, c<>mpleted basic U. Robert B. Ortoa, aon unit of the T1ctle1l Air C~ '!be l'Tltn who .atNtld arf: ~ of tbe fonntr Mlsa tralnini undtt the Avlltlon · 1rirduate of Newport Harbor tr&lzilftc 1t Lackland AFB. of Mr. and Mr1. Robert Orton mand . Lt. Orton 11 a graduate -llwabo'a Mate J.C. T'tHy· tlltlJUno Cotton of Hiit JI:. Program.---' A l r m.a a B a I ~ W . HJgh School and received 1 Ttx. and h11 been as!lgned ol MU Crllll Palma, HW> ol Redlanda HJp Schc>Ol Incl W. c.curr, USlf, aon of Mr., Bay Front, Newport Bucb, MCO&Uodd:1 son of Mr. and B.A. degree In 1968 from to Sheppard AFB, for tra.lnbt& lington Beach, bu been studied at Sin Bernardino ind Mrs. Everett G. Condiff completed the AviaUon Officer Lt. S&eplten JL Lobtlls, SM Mra. Clartnce McCullouch of C..lifomia State College, Lona in. aircraft maintenance. 'M1t awarded. the U.S. Air Force Valley College apd UCLA. ) of 10111 Volley l'or1• Qrlve, • · HunUncton Beach and ~ A,,..... J<lfrey W. FltN, "" ol Mr. and Mn. Fncltrlck ~ Field of 511>1 Bruce Cres- cent, Newport Beach...... :. 1•. sat. s1e;;B,1~. is. 'USAF, IOl1 of Mr. ml Mrr. Kenneth M. B1ylw of 31111 E. C..st Hlgh)l'a~. Ntwport Belch, is home on leJve after MrViJ11 II mooths 1t Clork AJ'B, Philipp ines. The aeraeant bas been promoted lo er"' chief on fighlu jtt enginea and molnleunct. A graduate of Corona del Mar High School wbue he wu a atar backfield football ployer, he •tlended Santi Ano Colle1e before entering the ,,. Stockbroker President of . Shrine CldlJ Coela Mesa mobile home park owner Gordon Martin bu been succee ded b y stockbroker Richard MWer, as president of the Gold C..al Shrine in colorful ceremonies at the Newporter Ion. More than 200 persons at- tended the affair, at which Dlck Sisemore, Potentate of the El Bekal Temple, presid- ed. Martin, owner of Four Staaons Mobile Estate!, was prsented with a lifetime membe.rlhlp, whlle Sisemore received an honorary lifetime -~mberahip duri~g the Shrine ceremony. ... Other new officers are Allen Kllngensmith, first vice pcesi· dent; Burdette Harrison, ao- cond vice president ; Earl King, lhlrcl -ptesldtnt, and ~ar&hall Ro 1 e , leCJ'ttary- treasurer. N nt directors are Robert c.ooneUy, James De Vine, Rus&tll Ford, J..,_ C-, Danltl Murr1y ml Bart Sewell. ·rt . ~ .. 6-cent Stamp To Celebrate California . ' A pottage stamp ccmmem- cntlng lhe :IOOlh annlvenary cl the settlement of Calilornia wlu be Issued with lint-day ceremonies 11Chedultd July l& at San Dieeo. Collecton wishing lint day cancellatiom of the I-cent at.amp may se.nd self-address- ed envelope.! together with lnoney to cover &:he cost ci the sllmps lo Ille Postrrwtet, San Diego, Colli. ISIOI. 'lbe outaide envelope abauld be eocloned "Fin! 0.y Cov· en ken! Collfornlll Bl.cen- tennlal Stamp. ti Orden for cove.rs must be placed no later than July J& 111<1 must nol toclude requall • uncanceled at:amps. Design details of the com- memorative stamp will be made public later, according to U.S. Postmaster General Winton M. Blount. Ow. o.'F" $'~. Spray Mist ., d;)PRINCE MATCHABEW ALlllTO "YM" . u 11 oz. IWISPIAY Wl9 llll I ir. $1n ........ lrrllllo~ ··-1.69 1.98 Ufantasia" 1ft'll'Ul Scarves C-1""""! coorfllpill>llli solid Hlors ii large Siles. '"' .. 2:1.00 VOS Hair Dressing IC.llitilllr ... ftl.., 1 98 ulnl, -1111111 '*· -1.111 ... sn • "Tame" CRDIEllHSE lllW •II Ari'id" SPIAY DIGIOUllT ...... fir- """' 1.G l & $1n 89~ "Dllwny'·' fAlllC SOFTBB .. _ ... lw_ 1.llllillln 1.19 "loil~.less" "pHisoHex" 11Anacin" TAILllS , .. , ............ .......... ....,.,., Mt11111r ... l.111WI I COnlplniDI Clatnl •1--aac • ... 1.11 l ll. Sin Q. Clta11Silil Cream fl I• :z,s:~ 2 00 .. ::I 1'1LSiu I . ~ I •WlldSong •n. • PApllecy • Bllmd •Clldellltm •S~nri ., i11t1 -£.ols ·~ """" • .. 5·9c ""'rllofts ty, n,..ny llair. 1• • IL Ibo . l1ll•11ttrlal, S1•tl111 89 Sll1 Cluaar for the 11t1r1 family. . 3.0411 IL Size • 1J 111. Sin £AC1I 2.00 PJIOllI-ITH Shoe Metalizing m Crllll "" ... ~It ... ·~ ---· ... ·129 .... -piles of""" -111$111 • "Paonacr Math Prmnlatives C1oo11 m lOOS 1C1M Pn !loll =a~W:; 3il .00 11 lnnocent Color" All 69C 1Jl SilU ... IJ!Olll ... Slampcoiabairl 69 colOrkHIOltld!Mdes. . 2JS Sill • 8edy l.Jlioa or Glyceri111 & nc°'0' • Bakeware l ' . r"' .,rJiCl 11 • .,. JriCI. • Sq11111 Calli Pin lDll f01 2" • Cookl1 Sheets JOx 141 % .. ll1l&1.a• • Readr 1111 Pn · U1912" , .. *1c1 ·47! :!JlllltMllftll9CM•llll••---"" ·1 IJllU' Scarves ..... Tiet- 1ooi -~ ... , toklrfll iriob ... '"'" 1 •7'""9"~ ... .... I _ "Paoli" 100% HUMAN HAIR ~ ~·' Jackets. ) LADIES' Jacket Choose from ,.. sorted styles 'lritfl hoods & •it/lo!Jt. Solid cotcn, two- tonn 11111 conw will! agpliQlltS. f.24 •s. 2-4, ~l 2.98 .. Lon1 sl~ve with ri~per f/'Otlt, 2 lultoo -2 fl.,,.i 111!11 ,ock1ts. W1t1r rep1lle•t .. ..., ii Oll~2 98 \ ::1tt••· .. MEN'S Jacket W•I• rep1llltll lOOi lyloo sll<ll wiHI 2 buttoB storm conar, 2 pee- l~ "r:~t: 2 98 S·lll-l·IL • n. Rosee" .. 75c 1! IL Sim 1111....~ Wild Bini Seed "Crin Yl1!lf -! bai.,J, ...m.ot~-lllatwll 39 llellghf""' "f-frie!!IL' c . s '"· rµmx "living" Gloves ·._:. :: : :1.:i ~· ·: • , • Extr• lan1Cllffs ... 88" !Oft, -lio~ .... f& ,. loll colon ii ladles' siUs. 100% ~UMAI IAll Eye Lashes c .... fTorn bl>;I ~ ~ .. 1 50 -llllt .. lri,...""' fAllleRd, self-adlleslft. ,.-. • . ROllSlllOID RDIO Envelopes Clooll fn>m lot of 45 lt!•I size OI 100 letter dze. Pliil 33 111\ltt will ".Minf' flnorld ":,': C . Ull'TSUIP1 TAU · .t. a -,. a "Sominex" , r.r IOOS s.ro ... fM ""'"'""""''"' .. 1:1r1 -·-Prizes Set For Student Film Contest .... ~--~~~~~~~~ ...... "Mustaches" 2 (.(.!.J -""" .. ~ Prilell will be awarded to hilh tcbool -from three area achoo! dJstricta for abort subject movies at a film ftstival ICbeduled for 7 p.m. Mitch II 1t Cella Miia High School. Aclmllllon to the f..Uvll, to be held In the school's L1· ceum. 2550 Fairview Road, ia $!.Oil for 1dult1, I. 75 .tudentl. Clmer• and &lit certillcolt1 will be awarded to the win· nen In several categories, including drama, comedy, e•· pertmental and a 11 i m a t e d mofies. Competlni In the ·-are lbout ·20 .tUclenll from t h • = ... lkllool Dlltrlct. Sdlool DIJlrlct ...t School Diltrlct. A paMI of dram• lnltnle- lorl lroro Onnc• cout Col· Jea:e will ad u Judlts. Wins Degree · DorotlU' R. Lln&, 2 111 ll"'port Blvd., Cofll M,.., hu rec:dved • ma1ter'1 deiree in German fwm the Unlveraity of New llompshire. I 11 1 'I I .. l!I I 'I fresh-start llyPONDS Clans ad CIAf!i OilJ Ski1 HllJS Dry 1111 011111shs MIOICATlll Cleansing Gel 2 ... '"' Try NEW greaseless Fresh-Start LOTION "Kiwi" Boot Polish • ·--·---·--Ill 1111 23~. ~ ·l:3.98 ~ 100% HUMAN HAIR "Sideburns" A ~ Bll<i,--'f'\.-Ulll lllm. PL 4,98 NIWPOllT llACH ?.:..11l:';~ HUNTINGTON IEACH .!:.T.n1 HUNTINGTON llACH GlUITTI "T echmatic" RAZOR-l . 1.98 sues . SDPPllRI' HOSE Wllll -FRft Spn Tie -s1l!Cllll lllt !ooh booL t'riof4<s i1osor nPIOI for tired ltp. mild Yari<:mt ftlas llld · lninor It& problems. Sall & 11111 It I fl 11111.rll 5.95 ' • • . ' . . • ...... , ...... ~ ..... , •• ,.1 •• ~.c.it..... ' . • , .. , ... ~-···· ............. , .. ,e-w ..... ~ . . FREI ROil . ·tf·FIW llsfMI Kodlcolor ·" •@:L,, Black & Whit 11.6,120-127-620 · 99c Women's • C.e1s.ual . . Skimmers ··~-·s,.lop$' 123', .... ,._s_ • a.u'· ..... T,..,.., • .• :r.:rfWWlfW , .... I .. ....... ~ . ' . ·$3.98 Women's : Nylon Shells =~.=.~291 knit. • & I'll~ . colon. Full Quart Harkoff Vodka ~~.=~$)49 Vodka. We 4oii.'t thbllt )'ob. can buJ a ftner vomo. •t any pr1ca. · ' ' . ~- ' ' J . · Wellington · Straight ·-Bourbon :!. 3 F $10 A ewitom dfi. =r~ : alone. -· .. •' - Wedntsdiy, M.,.h 5, 1969 6-PILOT·AOVERTISlll ' ' .. _ ... "1' • • ' ~ -. , \. f'(ll 'C.tt I ..... • ""2: '1 • 0 1&" ce...; ..... ~~ ........ ~-:~·· ........ ,.. .. ,.~;~~. . : ... • ~~:=; ....... 'it.· .. ,...,._"""' c.,.p, ....... ,.., .. . • ............. " ...... ~., ,,, •• ~JI·. ... . MEN'S -.1. WOMIN'S l \;. Flt9'pus a_iA"i;> , •1 ,, • ' ::\ · $'r';;+o.~1oralues I < I I · "': \ . 117 ·1ewel, ~·Watches . _lngcilash· ·· '.\ 1 •19•1.a_rgeMod ·Stuffed · Animals · Choice 99c: Yoar .WOlllell'sSprlng _ Pant Shifts · $398 s a t.t r·aetlT• atylea to diooee ftom.Jletalled to look d ollar• mo..r e. New ' iiprtnr prtn.ta a:. c olor& m.. 8 · to 11. .Eyelash.Kit . . •2~9. Metal · Personal ,' File &lnd•x CHOICE OF COLOlS! · 12~2:10~5~" ......... _ •.OJtJl f ll& Hdldl Up to ...... ..._ UV. .......... ._.... $3.98 Value 7·11 Perfecto Seconds . . Ciga.-s Box of 50 $298 Slightly irregular! ·ot nationally famous cigars made in Tampa. Light, rich, mellow smok!. Enjoy a fine cigar at Thrifty's super Savings today! ' vl~M 2"'$1 · nN . . . . . .. $1 .69 ..... ,.. Boxer ;. Jeans · 4"'$5 .. . . .., 4; ...,. $1.7&. ,.,. -... """ h lg h tenacity polyelt.lr for U • tra wmr. sou re-- I e a• e flJ1lah. · 2 front poetet a '"With rm.ts. :t.-7. • ' ' .. . 1·d s· . . · ''I" 21 0 I . fat• · .' · · .~: · Persoll•I :_ . Ra~lo ~~ $· •49 •to $691 Hard Cover • Novels · , ReCJ. 1.39 '.Norwich . Aspirin Gl,.s5ecurdess Nylon : Panty Ho" Men'• Conon Mock TUrtle · Neck T·Shlrts 75!~:?5 .. a31·c;;1i 1c=:~. ;2i-~.~ ~·$129 100% 1tretdl DJ)oD. • • • ntD. .proof: Jock •ti tch far Janpr wear. 'Choice of many &ttractlve ahade& Cboo8e from . al.u s 24, +ft '1~10, 12-1'. Exciting TV Toy speedllne Can """""Cf . fut, -77 .. ... _ .... _ .. ll!JPIDllaD. low. ftio-tloa Wbeel bearfniw. ==-$1'' Oll>oM ·fr am u . Mftder«ne e ol or .. .................. .... ~ ..... ...... ....u. ...... ----....... . ' .t,29•8rcHlley6s Chicken e»ut Game A fut aa4 ~ $133 ' r•m.• tor 700JI&• tte,. ap I te ll. J'or 2 to ' pl.,..,.. .... .f2•·Villue! ' ' ' ' • j • \ f • .. •,..ayllct••. .... --$198 YO!he .eea. lt on TV · • • • naw set it at -'J'lllUtr.. . J ' .f3HValuel ' lattll• Jops . ., ,,... $r' Jlic). • ..... ' JOllort, . 'acorllW JN!llt 1 .WU... '• . . -at-llbeet of w.a.. '' ' . B7'clAokoNor";::;Nnc~~ Off La.k . 54• , SPIAT 'DIODOIAHT ' . . 40,_wlttlfrffD-..-· , · $1 ~ Polidenl :~~~-: 7 · · P. . 65 Dilp11~ $:11'·Pl1 I ~ 1 ' 7f Congespirin $f -• -- • • . . . . 5c:.& 1:9~~ Libby :·,.,, va11 ·1t1g1un. -. . .. BluellGreen1••• • i.uUdous Oriental .. . :i ,.: · -· Glassware . . . .. ~, R .... . . • • ley ... 11V2-. .... .....-.441' • hy a.11 .c. ... ~·Me Sparklinc glaaa ~~ tD. lovely· blue-~ OOlor ·:., _ .... ttoday._~ fQt'_1*z'.o ware or ever)".day VIie. Choic9 "' -.,... ••• .n "Wlith Libbey Nie edge-, ot <...-..! ~ 'cly Esther :?reity Face 7" Women' ~r -P.ack of 2 .-.. P~rtable . • :: . 'J ' ... c . ;: ~ os.me_t1cs .... Mo~-., ·Auclioso•ic ' Raclio-Phono Hair Brushes Cassettes Combinalio• 49:. ~288 ..... Hlfill C..._ · -Dl=NT $1r. $,,,.. -~;. SSc Value Havoline, ' . • t • . ' ' . . ' . MotQr .Oil FULL 91JART ~;t31.c :t a;:;;-, ;~·i1•~c.12i• .s1aa 73¢' • ~ ~ef165Tablth . If '11.9 Excedrin " -.. 1~0---. ' -. ' i4~ •9 ~9 Scope ::.~H~-. r ~., n Yotlool S•~iff _so Norfo1ms. • .. 1· • . -• • --. \ ' ~-•r - - -$3.91FfoworMI 'ToteB. 111. attracttnJ:flow....S ,.. ............. Joe s·r ~-... ·lb· -l~S:S%."... . ..... 29cTuck Coll• Tape 11· -· b1 1000" 11 c: long'. H&hdJ' toT . ;:._ool, 1'I o m • or o~· ' . ~ -j ' _45,c~• Ru1t....,co•n1 ' An exCeu.nt .,. •• "" 2' . 7 . '"' on papor -, C -...... """"' kJo. . .... ... ""'""-' paper., .. -. i-' 6 Foot Boaeh'· &_Lawn ...... Rott • 'tOIDfortab?• 1 • t:'l;.'';":'i!,.~ T' CIOf'll' • tlOftl d... .. • . ,...... ' --~ '-Ollllc8 11q 2: 29c )!Int ... _.. l . --~ . Apothecary 24. Oz.Jars Ultf'lll ucemOiy for ••1 -Jroom 1a 1th• I I ,. boa& Holds eandJ, ._ b:l.bbl• batb,, eott.ob. ~ IO&P, .C:a. Wlth ... . , ........ ... TtuyUnon -~··~3'"44c ..... ~tit 0 . .......__ l - in.1 .. •· ' t $1 A9.i5 POUnd ., ....... , ~119 ' . Rugs.·. ~_' $ 95 . I» 4-yd.JRoll _,·Adhesiv• Shelf Liner . $109 a.oc.. ·ft>oa 10 mDlt; pop:a.. . larJIOtt<!ml ... -~~ .. , ........ 0. ~---..... . ra.a. far Mill . =-=Into« ....... ' Glflware Col Ioctl on A.ttractl••lf' bOJ:ed 9f --tbrllvlftt· Jncludea uh, trays. . ---~....... -~ .. --. I BfffyBalh loWllllvah ' :::.~~ s211 Jtd, eoata1ur. 'Chole• ......... : Hew ti(~fetrillJean: look , $1495 Val. 3lix44" -- .' · S anish PictUres ~~··· • ·.'J'( ,• . ' With Hancfsom• ·Hanel .: . Carved Look Frclnits 1iiur . _Choice $ . 94 .~ .... r....-.,r · WW.. H'ta ._ • ....._Ill*. al'" ..... ... ......,\ ........ . w .... ~$-2 .... ~2"aa" _.. _,,. -' ............ . . . ... · OU t1,nt,,,... P,1'!09 . Bamboo Drop -· Shades -~p=$2-· 22 :pull•J•t • 41'' -$1.11 • w• -SJ.f.t •1td' ···-----.Sl,9t ' Reg. 13' .waor Knitting Yam '•"'·'······33·. -""-. ( Or' ctuallty°"1rlfa wool. B•ll•on• 'beat colon. Xot.h· proot 67t Fluorescent -9f Pla}: .. Ball. -, . Lofte, 1fvl4 .,~ ]9 ""' -~ caat l(Jft •hciin. '""'·"' !>J'1111U• •• '· .--c· t.tarf l'Dr'I beacft, }'at4 or poel niL ALWAYS PiBnY Of fRfE ~·NG • r=:f T 'C • ,. ' . ' • ., ___ =. • ··~·--• I --... J J DAILY PILOT • 81.2,008 i'roJeet For The Record . Sand Pit Erosion 'fest Set DEATH 'NOTICES McCULLOUGH M1rterv McCul....... Dt .. fl •11k. M••dl a. "'9 n. 1m CO.v•, L.Nu"" llqda, S41rvhoM "r Ill.I ..... W•ltv MtCvllw1111 tw ._.._, Mrt. Me•· •erv ""-Miii ~ "*" H1r .. n, bolh of lei-'-di: ... •'-""· Mn, C..JWtrl C9VllW. ~-Ida. -Mr1. Clw!. AMl9ft, .... Yft1 lhtll' •"'*-' -................ , tr... •rNl1111nddll..,., swwc.. --hekl Wolll'lnd9y lf 11 "Ul'lo It ~ l """' INdl ~ °"'91. SCNl-ler·Lt111t11 loMdt M9r'IU1ry, Dl~. llAMLET H1rrllt Htll'li.t. 0.tt of dll9tfl, M•rcll '· JOllll Sollltl CMtt HllhWWY, LMllfl• 8e1cfl. SllN!vwd ~'I' brollltr·lfl.11w, H1rrv Olllt', Ltl!I.,. I~. Prlv1ro .,...,10:. wlll k lltld. k~·L11un1 llt1ch ~,.,, Cl!l'ftOlr•. BAYES t1Urritr HltYtl. o.i. of dealll. Mire!> ~-:m" 8 AWnlde """'-· SUrvlvMI by wi,.., °'"""" HIY911 allt.r, Mrs. Gl9dn H-1 llallll'lfel', Mn. Cl1lrt 8-'I: nllm, Mrtr J1nk1 SMwl: four ,,.nddllld-. ~ wfll he lleld ~'I' 11 I 1.m., .ldllfflr- l.-8-.dl Me1'11MIT oi."4. ScMI'• •er·L""1M ~ Mwtutrv, DIAi> ·~· LE BLANC Edttr J. l .. 11111:. Dl19 el ..... "'-•cit •-'"""'*" will 1-,.Id lfl L 'flln, MUs. .. ltz, C•ll Mew. Ill d••rte el 1rrante!Mll'h. MILLS ll:tlplt D. Mllh, Jr." »lf2 Cr1imtr L1no, Hvntfn9lofl IMdl. S<.l,.,twd 11'1 Plrfflh, Mt. lf'd M/'1. II.Ii.fl N,1111: brottlef", Fninlr. Miiis; 11*ttr, KIN" Mlll1. Mal llf lfle At!ttls Tllundly at t 1.m., Sti. Slmorl .iid J~•• Hllfll- lnwf"Qtl 9"dl. 1"M11: F1mlh' .iMrtwn-. Dlr.C:1on .. LEVINSON BALTZ MORnJARIES Conudelllllr ORU. Como M-Ml WCI BELL BllOADWAY MORnJARY 111 Brelffay, Celt.a Meu ' Ul40S DILDAY BB0'111ERS Rudqtft Vlllley M""1llrJ 179U -lllri. I "'711o"'° 11uu 141-'l'Tll PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL P.o\111: CemelerJ e M_,, cu,.i WI Padllo V1nr Dme Newport llua, Callfonla Ut-!'IW PEE& PAlllLY COLON(AL Jl'UNDAL llOllE 7111-Aft. wm-....,. ••us SMml'I llOllnJARY m .. 111. fleJ·~c:~ WESTCUn MOllTUARY al E. J1Clo sl.. Ooola ..... ..... ' . ' SANTA ANA -'lbt IJood. · the pit to bold lbe ballk." • ~-U to --~ ~ filled Burril Sand P11 north Be'aald lbe eotlmatod --•--ol Ball llold aJooc lbe 8anla ol Jl!llhpliic will be .-. "to ol lbe lllld pill •lower Ana River In the .-. port ~ · 1 day at the cumnt hltld ~~• ... " :=i.: ol AllabeJa WU the IUbjocl pae<; Cool al the -': to fl the ,_ '° o1 more emergency odloa. prevent Wlw:e of•the i,vee lloocl -llJled lbe 1>111, Tuet<loy by the coonly Board CWTentlJ c:ot1a aboul . !700 1 .--=-=.:;:"l'lf=to:..:cocml7=c:...:collldlll __ .• _______ _..,,, ol Supervllon. • clay. F. G. MOLellan Jr., direCtor "U no further lloodl oe<or r------------------, ol building. oDd safety pl It It lll!ldP•tod that It w1J1 permllllon to !lire • IOil be _,., to <\111-both ....,..r1n1 firm to 'cblclt tbe' lbe J>UD>Ptng and bank pi;o- erosl• ol llopoa ol the river tedlon .. ort for ...u.r two levee alOl!&llde the jlil. 1be w-at the mtnlmum," job wlll COii $11,000, lit llld. . O.bome· mealed, " 1 n d . ·• M,.n..hlle, Flood Cantrol perhaps for an addltloiW tw .. Engiowr H. G. Otborne Sald -period at a -tem- ·emergency action bas been po cornopoodlnt to - t.bn to llreollben the -rtl-fmn Prado Dim Into pit alope o4jocent to the Sula the ~ver. . Ana J\lver at the nertb end Lui week the county toot of tbe sand and sravtl opera· over pumplnJ" water <l\J\ of lion. the sand pita when 1ep:taen- Remedial action CGlllltled a1 tau ... o1 the Burr1a Sand Ptt placini large quanUUes ol Co., wllo said they hid canted broten concrete pavement and on the work since the Janu~ _ other-tJiert !riiterliJOti!iliiiiir--.lormr,da!ml<tthefllm WU from a nearby Anaheim dump. niMlng out o1 nmey. TRU EAR XI. Behind· the~Ear Hearing Aid . The Lad"-€"11~-Deeide- Marsba Worley of Tustin, bedazzled hy roster or stars lined up for Sixth Annual Orang~ Co~~Y "Up to this point the pro-County supervlton declared Sean.Lo .. Price $239 M • Press Club Headliner Aw~rfts Dinner Apnl 12, 1s 1n arrt•ges . a quandary over which celebrity she wants £o meet L .%--... first. Russell St. John, director of community rela· gressive failure of the bank the pit a "public nuisance" , has been arrested at the norlh thereby layinJ: the poondwort e nd,'' 01borne told' to~Vtrthecostlf.romthe supervisors. "In view· of the owners. :SO MODY DOWN • lean ..., Pa,_-t ,.... . n::etases tions for Anaheim's Marlin Luther Hospil!U and a eu1tNS-011&EL1'A'i:; 'ber.,d w .• ~.: Headliners entertainment committee member, f.· U'11•~ \'f .. :.0'1. i!rW'~ tries to help her decide. Tickets priced at '8 per J,.:f1f£.wEYJ..!!T6 0-11 H . 11. o1 person for annual black tie affair at Anaheim Con-!~ c~'·'~ -V. 1'i""~Lfrct.':',: vention Center are available through Press Club, ntreme damage that a At the acUon the attorney breakout of the river into the for the finn threatened court pit ...Wd p~ce, tt .appears essenUal that the 'wort be · • Best a.ooustical quality aid with behind-the-e&l'. conTe.nience • Low -medium -hi1l1 power r• spaue ••• for listenins eue .a!t'il.-· . .J::"k .. ,. ~ P .O. Box 93, Huntington Beach. 1731 Mtldltl 1nt1 An1 •M P-19 _...:_ ____ _:_ __ _:o.._ ____________ _ A., JI, of E"19 Unt. ~ continued In this Ioc1Uon lftd Court Cost Cut 1n a few other locations alonJ w~Wrs..~r.U'G. '\.lblrt •.;,.,~,, of h":.2°t11 ~~ t~ "· .,' = T~'ll~e~utntL~"5~,,Mt·.. n. ,,, u•it Slldllnl Foo.rntt1'n ~lllllY IM g er11dlne A., 2>,. o1 771 Kuaaon. Mu°fLt~,.,MAM. E119tf\. lJ, of J206 Mon1tlll A~ .• Catt. Me11-.....i LH L .... of •r'h Wt11mln.1t1r. M\.!11.~"H~tll. f'r1ncl1 M, ._ll, of ~I Go~t 111111 P1u1<nH I(. 17, ef 1)6G T1twi. SI .. bath ~ Doctor Says Baby's Injuries Inflicted ""'ll:rJh~u~. ''"'i=\t e.. or 11t I H · 1 net County Sets U.p Special Week Rites -....1.111h1 •"" s~~':. 3ANTA ANA -A Tustin Anaheim Genera oap1ta a " "'""' '·· "'"' "f' d Tu ·• suli b e11.-MOuNT, wm11"' H;g ''· pedialrlc:ian tes .. ~ elM.lay the fractured Jes ·ered Y SANTA ANA -The Board . ., lU Wtvmouttt 'l•C1 •Ml 11111 in Superior Court that the another Hubbs child, HeJdi, or Supervisors T u e 1 d a s -:;,,n, ! L:,u~t11'!et..cwt HI .. ,, maulve in1"uries suatained by at the age of two monn,.. •11 LOCkHEAD-IHltENK, """" 1t.. ie. n. ·Id H 1 Sey! ...,. adopted three ruoluilom: C-11"" °' 1111 s. Ml'l11t 11 •• S.11!1 A1111 five-mon1.1rv anae · er All three children were tng attenUon lo var.loua up-'~· ... "'""'.,~11111 • "· of ntv. Tut· Hub'· were "willfully · jn-he hJI I ........ ua adopted by t ·c d e.ss cou-coming events. · I Dieted." f'ltt:L~sMtK· , .,,.., E., ,,, pie. A "Salute to Bus Drtvers of tl~ . 11rw!r Drl.-..1.. ""· rif0ed ~1 ~~~,...,•g:111~1r.l.J:· ~. a1 Dr. Colin Hubbard ve 1 Heidi , now 3, lives with her Week" was set for March l&- 11Xi'i11.-sooE1tou1ST, Jahn L .• ,,.. in the non-jury trial of Grant adoptive parents. Taken from 22 at the requeat of the :'nc1SW.rf. ~~1 J''n~ )1f"Ol~7. L. 30, and Virginia Hubbs, the . couple at fibe tim' ot Southern California R a p 1 d L(71011.c51~i~NG~. cMr11s 47, of Anaheim that he ex· their arrest, slle was returned Tranalt District drivers. SANTA ANA •-The lMual rental for ab: ocurtrooms lo lhe West Oranie County JudJclal Diatrlet In Westmlnlter bu b&en rtduced from $158,IOO to 1142,115, the county Board of. Supervisors baa learned. The Or1nge Co1st'1 Most Complet. PRINTING SERVICE ---Pl-. '4Mn1 R.utq AMI An 4..U... ai Ule 11'.uo.tq ._,. -: _...... ....... .... -·-I Sears I --·---·-...... ....,... ... __ --·---·-............. :fa• •~..-T.;~ A.~'';ii,'1iit 11~~~ amined the infant before and to the Hubbs home when $1,000 °Ce.lebrate WUh C o 1 or H~a\"l11~~'N0Rr11~r,r(.,n-o .. 11. after his death. He told Judge bail wu posted. Judg& Bruce Week" was set for March 7·15~========== ~.,!5J~11_a;Av.n11:-... ;.~'.M~~ James F. Judge that the Sumner authorized her return. to commemorate the state's N~ome~NN, Er""'' E .• f.; massive ikull fracture, three Conviction on the two counts 200th birthday and Santa M_, '.L1 " 1~«; ::ni. ~.":.. Ji::.," broken ribs, bnrlles 00 the could mean a 1-10 year term Ana's tooth birthday. 11' ... ~0lt'll'Jl !'."N, 11o111~ 11.. head and injured kneea could in state prison for t h e Finally, Apn·1, 1961. was 20 of ·31....., nC1f.; L111t. s." not have been suffered in an i"""'• ~ o .. io. "' •-· ... •1m couple nam.., "Ci"'• n-auty Month." o.t.Mv, l'u1 rm. accident. -~-~-~----· -------"'--·--------! ' E L • ltot!ttt J •• "\::°' . JO. fll "~ C.:~~ "'n; Dr. Hubbard aaid the baby w1'0~~1 , .19111'1 s .. it . of 11t11 boy's injurlel mus\ have been r;.,,eJi').w,.·~~~ :!;f. 1:t 1u.staioed in .the lour weeks TA3=Z~\i· • .,,.,,--T .. n.---..-lhal-elapitd between the Ume Jn.• CJ•Y tJ .. H._-t ,_,. •ncl he Saw tbe child .and itl death Fire Calls in ChiTdrens Hospital ,,,:ay 2 .. The child's· parents are ac- cused of felony child abuse , __ M9•<11 J ':11 •.m., fllH l ltrm, M11rioll1 Ful!e11on '" and willful cruelty to a child. Their defense to the grand jury indictment is that the baby's iDjmies were ·ac- cidentaJ . H....--! IMclt ...... l :S1 '·"'·• -•Ice c111. J....,bor1t "cl· 1" mile from ~ 11111 ';f:li.fn:"• ln¥ttll .. 1'9n. :r700 I!", COlrt l .,. hfl_!~ 12:U '·"'·· C•riT",., M111\b!DuM, San oi.. Frww•v w~ 10:111.m~ ~~·~ lr"llllr.,.,...r11 •:11 ·~ "'"'"' ·~·Jf'!,f, l•uwaod J:l2 ~"'-~-,-'II' •• 1 :n 1.11\. Trwlll , W.rT8" t. ~"'"'-' 1:• 1.m... s:r.:.:f'. F.a""'l'•• Mir. 4 U :01 "·"'·• ...Wth'ftJ llr1. ,., "· ••rtio.o a1v11. S:U •. m., Minor S!f"\IC1vf"t "''· J-UT Vl1 o-to C-= ~ Atlempls by Deputy Distrlit Attorney Mite Capilli for the: introduction of e v I d e n c e relating to earlier ehlld abuse charges filed against the Hubbs coup!& have thus tar betn rejected by Judge Judge. •:20 "·"' .. Fn 'r..!11ti..11et1, N"'"" l lwl. Capiui believes the court !'ihou\d take into consideration the death in 1986 of six-week· old Hansel Stephen Hubbs who ,.. di!d of massive injuries in Brilliant double play oombination. 0o ,._ ~1111> Son)''s stunnitlg Sf~ FM/ AM "'°lo, a filtle powerhouse of hteftke sound. Its fuxur,ious resonant hlrpwood cabinet (\Wy modem) conculs sottd state circuitry and a big, potent~ front-mounted speaker. These too: operates on battery or '{;, special flywheel tuning for easy station selection AFC switch fot more .accurm, drift·free FM, Touch 'N Pf.ly switches for easy-on FM end~. eaS)'--to..read slide rule dial. On J'OUt Jtfb Sony'soptiMll STA-48 lldaptor that trafl'fonns 8f-18W lnlo llJll--Fii-TlleSTM8odlplorhlslls own plug, wlilm0 OJl-llld--lfl#it. Just plug~ in to BF"48W-i _,...., ... :r.w~ 80Jit• ©DAVIS RROWN -SINCE 1'47 - 411 I. 17th St. COSTA MESA -Tolopheno 646-1614 · Dally f ·f ; S.hlrclay M l\Nl~A ,.Allt am °" Tiit 111111 TA a.1541 •~ ,..,.c.,..,.., 11.lfTA AHA --au W. "" St. ICI J.Jt~ TWO SINGER" VACOUMS .§i!!WJlllllillll bu triple action vibrator to deep clean,sweepandalr- wash carpelll and rugs. Plus your choice ot §J.agar canJl1or CIOlllll high. lo!' hard-bget..,t placee. Comes withflYe acceesortes for an cleaning -, OAllOIM t•OYI COSTA M•IA AHAMllM "u Clltflntn IXtt "•rt.r l lvd. SlS "'· \.Mn At-401t 1(1 ,.llff Uf.lttl Or•llt• c.-ity ,t.11 HIH'W C.,1.-Al\AM\m CM!W COSTA Miio\ ~utlTINeTOM atACN ., .. ,. ..... ltMf f:lllnftr ., lflldl • ... "'» "1·*1'-'°"'"' Cotit l"ltt• Hunt'"-'-c.nttr ( rA ' NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED I INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL! per annum compounded daily ASSETS OVER . ~25,000,000.00 MUTUAL SAVINGS AND L.OA~ ASSOCIATION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coest Hi&hway, Corona Del Mar, Calif. 92625 telephone: 675·5010 • HEMIOFflC E 315 E. COiorado Bl"!I. Pasadena, Col~. 91109 1e1ephooe: 449·2345 OTHER BRANCH OFF1Cf.S Covina, Glendalt West Arcadia • - '' ---· NOT ALL \YAGNER . There's a more lilting note (or musicians who a r e ciuallfied as teachers as well Is perfonners -more will be needed in the years ahead. lJerman Kenin, president of \Ile 250,000-member American Federalion of Musicians, is 6trong . on 1 this point. In a ~ .,....,. lltl-llon$ ._ flrllol~ c0111mn toPla lo I'. J. L.in, Col,.... Comer. °"ILY .. ILOT, P'.O, em xm. SI. lculs, Mo. '3'14'. Sorry, nD m.11 •ns•rs C•PI be 1!Y111. My ,...., whoi.e letttr It H'M! bnis of • M11re COi"'"'" win re<1"'9 • frM ROl'l l MM· cury IHll1•bl1 IY-•••· !D!1trtbuted W M!;N111t'1t Synclluote, Inc,) ,. INSIDE AND CORNEil MOUNTS Complete Line' of Fir1pl1ce Acc1110ri11 ........ , ... t.ctwr C1ll for free 11tim1t1 • Complete Line of Gas Flame Lo9s Santa Ana 2202 S. MAIN Tent and Awning Co. 545-0491 SANTA ANA V~a~, M"'h 5, 1969 DAILY PI Lot J 3 • INSURANCE TO $15,000 e FEDERALLY CHARTERED AND SU PERVIS ED e WE PAY EARNINGS ON YOUR FUNDS FROM DATE RECEIV ED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL • FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH EARN FROM THE IST e SAYE-BY.MA IL, WE PAY POSTAGE BOTH WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAVE. l',;,X c.RTIP1CATU'IUUD IN MULTI~• 01" 11000 ,.Olt S Vl:Alt Tl:ltM CONT It ACT SOUTHERN FEDERALSAVINGS .. ' ' '· . ~. Sears ... the Comp1ete Department Store has a Credit Plan ' ' • '' to Fit Every Family ... Every Budget ... Every Shopping Need Just fill in the answers to tliese few questions .•. an d mail the form t r , R. T. Klei1 Sears, Roebuck and Cc Dept. 75~ 300 Cypress Ave. Alhambra, Calif. 91801 "" ,,,, __________ .. .._ ______ , .... __________________ _ -n W)h'1 N~., Finl"---·-----'-"----'"~----"•rrletl 0 'NhloYrld O ~II<:. Ne._' -::--.c-c,..,--- "-'-~'"' ~--------1a1rf n "'"'"'~'v 1!"1t.,, '°-..tA-Owft 0 ltfll Q M«f.-O-Pl vmlflh---------"----- ...,,..,,.,. Addrtn !If Lnt ,.Mn t VHfl ltt ,rHffll iUW,.HI ------_,--------------(:'.<----------- S!rHI Cllv E,,.il'l'fi''------------""°"------------•MS!llt ____ .._ ____ _ H-L----------' '-le! Moolll'llTB -... ~111111 ---------------!,1rnl1191 _____ w.111, ...,._i;,,....... "--------"' Ill Lftl Thi" 1 Yr. Wlltl ,,_,I!...,!....., -----------C --------,---- H-ltt ·--•I Will'• WW.'i ~------------Wlff'I l!..,.i.y.,. _____________ W•"" "'"""- H-rl ''"°" City ~"'9~ '~""L'------~~-~""'"'L----------~-·----------.... , ~ '"'""' B" iffrl Acl!llllUll!t Yn '""'"" ••• C'Nllll llMferencft lhn~1, st-. Cl'llll!I UfllMs, Ftnlriao C.'1, ek.I •fief C-ltite l ist ltt ALL Dolbtl MIW OWl!ll. Allltell AIUl!ltMI Mltll If Ml'l)lllMVo HMM Adcin'tl Acd. Nt. I i 1llt!Kf I ..... .,t111¥ I I ,,~,,,..,. --------!---------!---------- • ! I I ---, r--i--t_..,,... __ I •hlltrllllllt O,C,D.P. ti) • I Do it now , .• and BOOn you may be a member of the Credit Club that offers you the opportunity to get your merchan· dise requirements on credit no matter where you travel or move to in the 50 United States. Sears" SEARS, llOEBUCX AND 00. - ' ' • • I __ J I I J • • J 4 DAIL y l'aOT . WtdntsdQ', Mi«h .5, 196' DAILY l"ILOT ...... 11.r aldlanl 11: .... 111' HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH'S BOND NICHOLS llN WHITE) LOOKS MORE LIKE HE'S IN A RODEO THAN A BASKETBALL GAME AS HE GETS BOUNCED AROUND BY TORRANCE'S BOB FERNLEY (13). Coach Says F oshury Flop Not Harmful Defensive Pride Carries HB-, CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) -Dick Fosbury's coach, Bernie Wagner, says he has never heard of an injury resulting from the Fosbury Flop technique o( high-jumping. His comments were in reply to warn· lngs sounded Monday by a noted orthopedic surgeon who said the Fosbury Flop was dangerous and could lead to broken necks and quadriplegia . Quadriplegia l.s paralysill of both arms and both,.legs. Wagner· aaid the Fosbury Flop. where the high jum~r goes O\'tr the b~ backwards, face up and lands on his back, is no more dangerous than the more conventional style w h er e the jumper goes over the bar with his body parallel to the ground and lands on his front or side. "Hundreds of people are doing it." \Vagner said. "We have reCeived letten from all over the world and have not heard o! any injuries. I have spoken to lots of coaches since the Olympics and no one has heard of any injury from using Dick's method." . . Wagner said any high-Jump t s dangerous into hard pits. But, be added. as far as he knew, i.11 universiUes and about half or the naUon's high schools have soft cushioning material to absorb high jumping fall s. Or. J. Treacy O'Hanlan or Waynesboro. Va ., wrote in a ri.1.arch 6 article in the semi-weekly ~·ledicul Tribune and Medical News that the Fosbury Flop is dangerous if the landing is in a hard pit consisting of several layers oI foam rubber. old mattresses or sawdust. "Tbe style may be copied by high school boys this spring and encouraged by lheir coaches," Dr. O'Hanlan wrote. "These boys, their parents and their coaches must be apprised of the inherent dangers in this style or jumping," he ~'rote. "It is the duty of all team physi- cians to ~ aware or lite hazards of the jump and to warn high school prin- cipals ol them." Fosbury won the Olympic gold medal In Mexico City with an Olympic record leap ol 7 feet, 4Y, inches. Dr. Donakt Slocum, a Eugene, Ore., physician, examined Fosbury and his jumping technique tor the American ~1edical Association Corpmis!ion on the~ medical aspects or sports. He concluded that the Fosbury Flop melhod is "not any more dangerous than pole vaulting, othe r forms of bi_gh '5umping and som~ forms of gymnastics." Slocum said he has been informed that the National High School Alhletic Federation will consider the pa.uibUity or makin& It mandatory for high schools to ha~e tofl cushioning pads. The federa · lion wiD hold Its .annual meeting in June. By GLENN WHITE Of tt>t Otlly l'lltt Jltlf Defensive pride is something not taken ,lighlly by coach Elmer Combs and his nifty HlUltington Beach High School basketball team. In fa ct, a good way to get icy glares from the Oiler boss is to suggest that an opponent might score as many as 50 points on his Orange and Black varsi- ty. As Combs pointed out in the dressing room at West Torrance High School Tuesday night following his team's 62-41 demolishment ol Torrance: ''Defense was the key. Anytime ynu hold .1 CIF pl.1yoff learn to 12 points Lakers Drop 116-108 Game Tu Baltimore LOS ANGE~ (AP) -"We on1y use our press when we're in trouble," says Baltimore Bullet Coach Gene Shue. ''when we need something to change the tempo of a game." The tempo of the game had already changed once before Baltimore went intn its press, changed it back and gained a 116-108 National Basketball Association victory Tuesday night over the Los Angeles Lakers. Baltimore built a 2S.21 (irst-quarler lead before the Lakers came back on the shooting of Mel Counts and Jerry West lo hold a 60-54 advantage at halftime. Los Angeles went on to a: 70""60 lead early in the third quarter before the Bullets put on their press to retake the lead and hold it. "We wanted th em to change the pace of their offense," said Shue. Earl Pi1onroe scored 35 points and \\leslley Unseld pulled down 23 rebound5 in helping Baltimore stretch Jt,, Eastern Division lead to 31/i games. Jerry West's 29 topped the Lakers. . Forwarrl Jack Marin came in for special praise from Shue "'for the fine job he did .. handling Baylor. The Baltimore fonvard aJlo\ved the Laker star only four goal5 on 23 attempts during the gan1c. •t.LttMOlll' lOS ANG ELES G't G'T LD\llll'lf:f 1 '' II l •rk>f I J .I l l M•rln • 1 1• Cl\&-rle~• ' •I n MM~• 14 1 lt J) co~M1 ' 11 JO Seo!! JO •S 1• E~n l •·J I Unstld o 1 • wnt n I-• :it Ell!• ( 1 J cer1v I O·O l Mt""l"ll Ml I Cr~W!O•G • 1·1 10 ll•rM!!I · 0 ).J 2 Ht ... lnt 1 1-S' ' Htwltt o M 1 Tot11• ,, n-n 114 Tott!• u n.J1 1ot llt1'+mort " JS J• 11 -11' LOI A"V911$ 11 Jt 13 2:5 -IOI Foultd ..,, -lot Allf•l••· co.,,.~. ToJel _ .. -· ll•lllmort 21. Lo. ...... 1 .. H. Allend•nct -U .. .o.I. Mag~zine Reveals NEW YORK tAP) -spon. Illustrated said today In 1 copyright article that tract 11hletu 11 tilt Muko Qty Olym· pica or llA recdved an estimated 1100,0GI In call> Ind l)S0,000 In equipment from rt..i Well G<nnan lhoe IDIJlul"" ~ blddini for ... ol their products. Tho ll1lde, by John Underwood, quoted Dick Bat ol Bevertly Hill" who at ... lime repraenled the AdldlS shoe company 11 MJ'inf "there were no more than _[jve U.S. medal winner• in track and n Id""" did not 1•• llOl!I< money.• Thi rtVll Wed Genll1n m1nuladurln1 firms are run by brothers, Adolf Dassler h<adini Adidas, and Rudolph operalin( Puma. The J)aymenU: to athletes came about. SJkt the 1rticlt, because, "'l'boul;h track shoH reprucnt onl,y 10 pen:<nt lo I~ percent of both companies' production, each considm It asenU1l ln its ad vertisln1 that ll shoe the world'• fastest f~t." No athletes were named, and the story said lhe paymenti extended to com· pelitorJ rrom other n1tlons besides the United Stat'f .. • in lhe second halt you've accomplished aome'thing." !lnd so it waras lhe Oil Ci ty throttled the Tartars with great last half pressure to blow o~n what had been an agoniz- ingly close struggle. Combs threw his press at Torrance, forcing the Sky League runne~p into 12 ball turnovers ·the final 16 minutes. Torrance·s rattled forces got off only 10 .shots the last half and made but two. Additiooally, the Oilers positJoiied lhemselves perfectly and pulled in counUess crucial rebounds ori missed free throw attempt!-or blown Torrance shots. "This Is probably lhe smart.est defensive team l'v!! ever had -you just tell them what to do and they do it," Combs said . Huntington was in ghastly foul trouble as officials counted off 51 infractions on the two teams. Mike Contreras, Tony Bonwell, Bond Nichols, Lee Walters and Roy Miller each had four fouls by the last period. · And the Tartars were in just as bad shape, eventually losing three TW-!n vi a fools. Huntington went on one of its patented scoring outbursts early in the third period After the ho&ts had taken 1 31-30 lead. Five points by Miller plus single buckets by Bonwell and Nichols · gave the Sunset LeagUe champions a 38-31 lead and they never again were to t.tail. However, Torrance whittled the gap to 38-35 before the final and most devastating Huntington explosion setUed the issue. Miller and Conlreras headed the parade this time and ·when the smoke hl]ld cleared Combs' troops were in com- mand, 48-35. Af ter that it was simply a case of by how much. Reserves finished out the clo~in& couple of ihinules for both sides. Miller led both sides in scoring with 20. Contreras wu next with 18. Nichols did 111 eicellent job as a In Forum Net Classic -Laver, Ralston Square Off LOS ANGELES -Rod Laver of Corona de.I ·Mar begins play in the $20,000 Los Angeles JnvitaUonal Tennis Tourna- ment tonight against Dennis Ralston of Bakersfield. The Los Angeles title eluded Laver last year \\'hen veteran Pancho Gonialez upset the redhead in the finals. In other top matches tonight,. Roy Emerson or Newport Beach tak es on Australian !\en Rose"·all and ~1arty Riessen of Evanston, Ill. \.\'ill be shooting for another upset against Aussie Fred Stolle. Riessen will be trying to prov e that his victory Monday night over sccond- seeded Tony Roche of Australia wasn't as big an upset as evei:-yone is saying. Riessen h&d no trouble whipping Roche 6-4, 6-J. Roche is considered one of the slicke~t singles players in the game today. "l'n1 starting to beat some of these better players,'' said Riesse n, •·and l"n• gelling the confidence I've needed. ··There·s really not that much dif· ference among the guys on our \Vorld Championship Tennis tour. All of us are young. It I can be among the top four, then I tetl I'll be doing all right," he said. Stolle, who drew a , bye for f\.1ond:ty night's opening singles round, and Riessen haven •t met since last Sep- tember, when lhe Australian \.\'On ID-3. 6-4, in the fourth round of the Pacifi c Southwest Open. Both Stolle and Roehr play the same kind o( game -spin-and-power. Said Riessen of the Roche match : "This court here is slow enough to help my returns. Tony was serving to my backhand the other night but I seemed to get every ball back." In the other singles match tonight, Ray hfoore, South Africa, face s John Newcombe. Australia. In doubles matches, ROSC\\·all and Stolle face Ralston and Earl Buchholz, St. Lou is. and ~ioore and Gonzalez. ~1ali­ bu. oppose Riessen and Tom Okker, r-;ei herlands. IN ACTION TONIGHT Rod Laver ... Wooden Named Top Coach NE\V YOHK 1AP) -Johnny \Vooclen, \.\"hose mighty UCLA Bruins have won 87 of their last 88 games. today was na med the college basketball Coach of the Year for 1969 by The Associated Press. The S9·year-old \Vooden thus regained the honor he lost last season to Guy Le\vis of Houston arter Hooston h&d snapped UCLA 's 47-game winning streak. The defeat did not keep UCLA from going on to win the national collegiate championship, a feat which the Wooden \Vonders are expected to accomplish this season for an unprecedented third straight time as a grand climax to the l,e,v Alcindor era. Wooden, a native or Martinsville. Ind. Olympic Payoffs ' The article quoted Horst Dassler oC Adidas, Adolf's son, as sa.ylng : "Before we started to make 1ny real deals with athletes we Informed the AAU (Americ111 AlhleUc Union) about what was going on and we al&o told the different American coaches who were resparulble for Mexico. 1'Thls was done in Sacramooto 11 tM AAU championships, where We were represented by our C 1 n a d I a n collaborator, Ray Schiele. 11e telephoned me and I told him to •U them to atop iL hThe AAU people were very aware of the situation. They said they could not do anything. Later, the MU blamed I.he shoe manuafcturtn. Ollan Cassell (the Mtrs dlnoctor of track Ind fiold) said: 'You shoukt not throw atones from a glus house.' He wu talking about • what Adidas had dont at Tokyo (the 11164 Oames).11 The arUcle declared that ' • O n e American opportunist sliopped from wagon to wagon, back and forth, until he wound up with $Hl,00Cl. making him (See OLYMPIC, Pace II) ' and a Purdue basketball slar in the early 1930s, won by a vtlde margin over Lou Camesecca of St. John's of New York In the annual voting by' 329 sports writers and broadcasters. Wooden polled 113 vot!.'I to 37 for Carnesecca. Harv Schmiclt or lllinois wu third with 30 followed "'by Adolph Rupp of Kentucky with 23 .and Dean Smith of North Carolina with ZZ. Roundin( out the top 10 were Dick- Garibaldi ol Santa Clara with 11, Ken Hayes of Tulsa with 11, Fred Taylor ol Ohk> State with nine, Frank Mc:Guire of South Cwolilll with elihl Ind Tom Gola ol LaSalle with .even. Wooden '• UCLA !elm.ii the only major unbeaten team in the country this year with 1 uo mart and a currerit winninc streak of jQ, lncludlntl the ti gama la!lt aeuon alter the defeat by Houston. The Bruins hlye won 44 llraight league games In the Pld!lc-8 conference and have. never been beaten on their home court •t Pauley Pe•IJlon, whieh opened three yw• qo. 62-41 reserve filling In for Walters, who was in foul trouble early. Now the Oilers, winne.rs of 20 1lraighi and owners of a 26-2 record, face Freeway League runnerup Sunny J:µlls this wff.kend at ~ng Beach Arena - possibly Friday night at '· pe-f a meeUng today at the CIF office. th111tl11t*' ·-~ IUI "fl ,, ,, ' I ' • 11 Ttrr-1 1•11 Conl11e1•1 Wtlrtfl Mllll'f ........ Whllfitld "'"'" "'" Hort , ....... Tl'lt ls 1 1 ~ ' I ' ' 20 I 1 5 3 I ' l • 1 1 5 J IOIJJt 1ptr llllatk ... I I t J 21 20 t' '' TO'lt .. k.,...,. ... ,,.. HunllnflO!l BMCf> IC U Ttrran« 1' JJ ft fl,.. 1, 2 2 ' ' • • 1 0 I 2 S ..,• : ; l ~ •• 1 • J s • • l I S '' II If 21 " Card Payroll Will Approach' Million Total ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) Julian Javier might Jike to make the St. Louis Cardinals a million dollar ball club, but General Manager Bing Devine woul~ jwt as soon be spared the honor. Javier, the wide-ranging s ec O'n-d baseman, is the last player unsigned. · He is due at lhe Can:ls' training c~p t<Xiay and is expected to quickly agree to ternis. club sources indicated . The Cardinals added shortstop Dal MBxvill to the signed list Tuesday with a contract in the neighborhood of '48,000. \Vhen Javier signs , the club will miss paying out the million dollars in salarie!I, "but not by much," Devine said. · "It (the payroll) should be around $950,000," sa id Devine who apent a bl& hunk of the money Monday when he signed pitcher Bob Gibson for around $125,000 and five others for about $300,000 more. St. Louis now plans to have on1y one player fro m last year's National League champion roster in tbe llne·up for Saturday's opening sprina: e.J:hibilion season game against the New York Mets. catcher Dave Ricketts. Manager Red Schoendienst said right- hander Mike Torra and lefty Bo Belinsky will be two of lhe three pUche.rs he will use. pevine said he is against any rulea experimentatioos -such u free use or pinch runners or using a plncb hitter fa< the pitcher with the pitcher remalnln& in lhe game -during exblbiUon pines. He cootacted all the clubs the Cardinal' will face on the spring nhlblUon cireuit "request1n1 that they ttfralo from uain& these rules id gun(> pl.,..S wltb 111. "I don~ tlilnk we lhooild -•le on an oo-apilHlll-apln blsls.'' De-lldd· ed, "and neither doei Red." SATRIANO SIGNS WITH ANGELS PALM SPRINGS --Catcher Torn Satriano lw qr<ed lo temu with tl1t California An(els, 1•ttln& 1 raise ~­ places his 1169 salary In the $3$."b range. Satrlano ·, slgninc 'J'uaday. ~ .Jill outfielders RDger Rtpoi Ind V1 ' DavaUUo mlJaln& from the Ancel <1mp. Rtpoi ls expected here IOO•y to dlo.CUSI his contract, Dtv1Ullo11 contract haa been mailed , but the Venezuelan hasnl arrived in the United St1te1 yet. , • ... (13). I IO 'Was traighl , face I ljlJIS ena- linl • "' ft ,,, ,, ' . . . ' . 2 S .,.A : l ~ . ' . ' . . • $ '' It 11 '1 -" -" ,P) - !ke the :ar baJI Devine ooor, C O'nccl led. . ~camp ' agree lp Dal 1y with $18,000. 111 miss alaries, around ta big ben he around '300.000 ·e only iational line-up hibition kMW, d right· lly Bo litchers y rules ... use b hitter ~· ;a mes. vdinal! circuit n ma Ill. rate. on ""odd· s r Tom rllh tht l ;::f: 1111 Jill I V·h •lml'· di-• >Cl hal 1 hasnl • , ~· ... DAILY PILOT JS Corona Come ·s Clase, -. ~ ¥e.rdlct ··Drops ·43-~Q ·. ·~ .~ ~ , • r llJ llOOll!', CAlll.SON t McWUUam1 hit • (IJlll' of !roe throws 0t .. Dlllf' PIM ...., to· draw to 41~ and then Steve Leech .CHINO -Jt w.u clOM -aDd Corona .:.bagged two gr•Ua,lbota with 25 aecondll \erwards, "This "" the toughelll team We've.met all year." de). f>lar , 111'11 ~ool had lti cb:mc<I lo go.• - ·• 1t knocklnc lindeleated Cl~oot out "Thal mode It tl-lt lo "1 lh.• pllCe ' of lho CIF AAA buketboll ~ '!lth into a feverlish tem(>o. ' 1 . Cosch BIU,Bloon1'1 Corona oullil had glven the llii<f<!eate<I Clal'emool !Iv• 111 it eould band.le, farcb1g1 e_lght turnover• In tho first half. · ' But tho seeond half delen!M '"'" by the winner,s turned that !lpi,lroond arM! Jt was Corona del ?tfar with the vital turnovers that swung the !kle in Claremont's favor. , . · a desperation dgbt•footer with seven SeOOhds later the Coronl club regein- aeoooclf to 10. ed ,pa&ses.sion and sped downcourt for However, Mite McWllliam.S' attempt a1Ut attempt at 'victory. al the wlnnlng bucket ""' off target Wlth no timeouts lei\ ml Chris and Claremont went on· to post 1n easy Thompson oo the beoch with five fouls, 'Mcwilliams took an off<balanced lt--llyup with ~ ,,.cood to go .lo pull · tempt, mls!ed, and Claremont snalcbed ' oil a tMO chiller al CJiino lligbCSchool victory with lho key rebound ol lho TueldAy night before a roarfn&' crowd game. of l.,IJOO. -Defeat dropped Corona del Mar out U wu a stunning def@at for the Corona of lhe playoffs and ended the Sta Klnp' del Mar faithful as the Sea Kings had season with an overall 11-10 mark. Liken It to· the San Anttlnio League Wolfpack coach Jack Smith nid al- . champions, posting a 2G-14 lead at the C.l'MI fa !Mr (•\ ft ... ,, " ~ .. ~" M<Wlll!.ms 4 ' J It WllWldlt 1 I 1 t lft(tl I I I Ml tlotii •• • I • CltAfMl!t '(q) ...... tp 1, I I 1 s •• ,, t • .. • J 1 s ,, J .. • 11 . . .. . "'"" ,.,,_ "'"""' Withrow ..... ·~-14 12 U • T•rtl, ,, " '" n k ......... """ Coront dRI Mt r I 11 1 ll -• Cltr1..-1 I i l• 11 -•J half before falling apart midway thrr;iugh the third period. Then, with a 25-20 lead and 4:27 left in the period. Claremont solved the Corona de! Mar pressing defense and slow down . oUense with Its own pr~ to force Corona into several turnovers CIF Cage Playoff Scores and bad shots. The Wolfpack ran of! 15 points to two for CorOna an~ with 5:38 to go Jn the game it wu ~27. Claremont. " With lime running out it seemed liopeiesi lhat lhO·eold.sllooting Sea Klngs would be able to come back and make it close. ·r·,. .. , "' ,.:'.:~EY MOMENT -Corona del Mar's Steve Leeth ~ (left) begins his move toward the ba sket in Tues- day night's 43-40 CIF AAA basketball playoff loss to undefeated Claremont at Chino ' High School. Leech scorid 10 in his final game for Corona del Mar. Claremont's Gregg Brown (right) defends on the play. ... .. OLYMPI C PAYOFFS REVEALED • • • . . · · (Continued rrom Pa1e 14) the highest paid amateur at the Games." Reports ot rhoney found in the shoes oC Olympic athletes were carried at the time by The As.sociated Press and others covering the Games and an in· ,·estigation was opened by American ~D Prep Track Olympic authorities. The article went on to say : "The 'investigation' began w Ith trumpets -dark hints of life suspensions and m~al forfeitures -and e n d e d with a piti!ul toot or a plea from officials for 'information' on lhe payoU:s. Nothin g Tars Def eat Fullerton; ' ,. '. •. Vikes Edge LB Wilson '" N..-t 7L 1'•11-tt lot -l. Armt/111 (NI 2. aoi ... 00 1. \lttlclre!I \Fl Time: 10.7. 220 -l. Arlft•nd !NI t. •olt!" Ur() 1 Stt!s !NJ Tllftf! 2J.7. "' -l. $1111>1er (ll) ' KN,.., fl<l ,, Fllltllflr (NJ Tlr!M: 1 :111.1. UH -I. Cl>l!lll'°" (Nl f. Ptriddt tFI S. ll:C>bef"-(NI Tl""': 1:26 1. uo HH -I. ll:rHr CN) 1 tltl!t oo J, 11:o:i.11 ... oon CF ) Time; 1 .7. uo LH -I. !llentr (N) 1. Roberio~ !F) J. MU""1 (Fl TltM; 1'.6. UO Rel,'1' -1, Mt""°" Timit: l :U.J HJ -. C"9t111oft INJ 2. eurrl11 IF) J. l ulm1n Heltllt: H . LJ -1. :St1l1 IN) 2. 8ol!r {N! 3. """"-mb•U•I !Fl tlllltTKt: 17·'· PV -I. Wooll.-, CF) 2. Mors {N) l'IO third Htleht: JU . M' -1, Albrlt•an (NI 1. DtTt 00 3. &enMtl (N) Dl1t1nc;t: '1·7. '" lllC -1 .... ~1M'1.'~1!j~1~111 ff,, l . lllcclllTI !NI Timt: 10.1. llO -I. H111111tt (N) f. ,t,mltl (10 J. Ct!llfll IF) Tlnw: 1•.J. 6114 -1. HolcOft'lb CN) t. Kol.!1ftldt (Fl J. Clln. 00 TinM: 1::16.2. !310 -l. Mwtrd (NJ t. Drlt .. (Fl ). ll:llllY HO Tllftf: 3:J2.•. !1'0 LH -1. Hoil1eff (N) 2. l r.ce INI '· IC:o11Dws-I (Fl Timt: IS.l. ~ lttlty - l. ~·Tl,,..: M .•• HJ - 1. Sh.ot" IFl !. tit ~ llwd (~I n Clint (Ptl) H•l'1!1: 4·1. U -1. Amli!s +NJ !. G.nlOll !NI :l. Mtl(Gl'll IF) Ol1~: 17·1D. PV -I. Kt11'°""'*I (P'I l . Clt"9 {P'I ,. ll'llrd HtllM: ttl: 11" -1. IM 11"1 f. ~ IFI J. TllCbr (NJ Dlrtttte•: . happened. The bargaining continued and when it was over about 200 alhJetes were paid." The story quoted Horst Dassler as saying he went to Avery Brundage, presi· dent ol the International Olymptc Com- mittee, after the Gemes were over,.and told him ''Athletes have been paid." The story went on to quote iTorst Dassler as saying: "My proposal. and Brundage seems to appreciate this idea .•. is that each indi vidual federation in each country · should buy all equipment before e;ich important amateur meet and that each federation should try to get the best possible equipment for every athlete, @ven if it is obliged to buy different brands of shoes for different events." The article said concerning the clench- ed fist salute of two American athletel: "After the notorious Black Power demonstration by Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who each carried a Puma shoe to the victory stand, word got around that an investigation was brewing at last. •·smith d c n i e d there was any significance in the shoe. He said he and Carlos just. wanted to go up there in lheir black socks and didn"t want to leave the shoes lying around for somebody to steal." • On Nov. JI, after the Games were over, Doug Roby, lhe president of lhe U.S. Olympic Committee, said that aome American athletes in the Gam@s were paid "'big money from West Gennany." "We can't prove what they got the money for," Roby said, but added the matter was being investigated. ''We have pbotostats of big checks rrom West Gennany. We have facls, but as of now, no "..aJe. This was money from Germany given to Americans, and we can't prove what they got lhe money for. "It's a strange set or circwn:stancea." I . FJC, SA Top Relays; Shields IJigh Jumps 6-6 AZUSA -Golden Well College high jwnper Don Shlelda turned in the top si ngle perlonnance by an Orange Coa!t area alhlete hert in the Eastern Con· ference track and field relays Tuesda y afternoon. He wu the area's only winner:-casil y nabbin& his specially with 1 leap of "' That mark wu under the new school record ol M 'h be establlshed WI Saba- d&)' in Long Belch, but Shields didn't elect to try another jump at 1 dilferent be.i.Cht. It WU the third meet be participated ln over the last five days. No team acores were kept in the 11'\fft, which had been rtined out on two previous occulons, but Fullerton and Santa Ana dominated the-acOvlty. Orange Coast had .:several f I n e P'f{onnaoces In the running events. In the mUe r@lay the Pirate lbursome of Ed Shipley, Jeu Baker, Terry Sclunit. and Dave Stephens llnllhed In 1 deadheat wllh Santa Ana. Both tums were credited with 3:26.1, but the judJis awarded fint plact to the Dona. In the 440 relay, Shipley, Baker, Mike Ogden and Ralph Kelley zipped to a 42.2 clocking, u.nder the old relays nconl of 42.J. but had to •Ule for fourth place. Fullerton•wllfl the event ln a..nat. $t>rlrrt ft\Odloly -I. ""'""'°" t. S.•!• AN J. S." •er'*dil'IO. ._ Or.,.~"· ti-: 1JJ%\w' !ohvttlt llUnlles -I. C t. l"_,lol :t. Mt. $AC ... $tnl• AM I. Qr CMIL I ". t-m1H'R18' -l~uti.rt.1 L a.Hw :t. Mt. SAC 4. ~ Wnf. t : 7: .... !.... , '«' m.., -1. -=1 .. t. "'"",,.., :a. 1o11 aornHtrtt ... ~ CM1I. TlfN: G,t . tll1f~lhlldlwY -I. ..... ,,_ L 0r9llfl c .. rt 11r1on, limo!: , .. .» .. . llO " IT -• l"vtltr'IOll .t.. Ora <ont > Gol-... , .. ..,. ._,..,., ,,,.,..l . ... Mlle ~ -I ltnl• ... , J. -C-• J. Clltl!W) '-Mt. SAC. Tlfl'lt' : i. F11Ur-Mlll! ll:tllY -\· 11n11 Aft.I 1 Mt. ''" ""tDlllo ). Qelcltl'I Wfff. 1-: lt:JJ.t . 1llOI ,.llf -1. CttllUrt IC\ 1. jlttllrllf. !Pl 2. Pt!W .... rOw1 ~. lt .... r CMI. AC). TIMtt .n.l11. O!Kon. -l, Ct""'.,' (Cl L ftdlt (OCCI Di1lt""°' 1•1. J1w.ll11 -I. C~r. !SA,) t. Miiter IMI. '"'I ). krvt"H CM!. MC • T~ ...... Tr olt Jum. -1, k"""I IM SACI J. ltlllNlofll !CN) '· Trltr CllJ. '*'=1 '1. . l*dll« ii;r .:'U'r.111M \;., ... ~ll'fll,.t. tlllll'ICU '-' --· 1· -, .. , t, ...... ""' S. SC1i1n1 (Mt. A() A. ""'J:thl (Cj. Dl1t1nc:11 '"'" \ Finally, with 46 :seconds remaining, •••••••••••••••••••• . ~,;-; I GOOD,YEAll When you bvy the frnt "Poww Cushion" lire 1t rqul1r price plu•Fod.Ex. TIX on two tires. NotJade.in ........ CHECK YOUR SIZE AND SAVEi f Wl'!lt. .. ft ltt Tiro '"' rhn FM.b.TU T1Hleu ltplH Tlltr ht Tl,., Ml .... ..... Pll:ICI ,.,.. ......... 7.35x 14 "' .. $1l 5CI $1J7 • Sx 14 l'U5 111.511 IL~ LI " 137.00 ltllO $2.20 • '14 .00 ltllO I& E·7GX .. n.W. "' .. ll0.511 :mf= l xl4W.S. 7.00 t!UI •111cirw.11 let Tirt '"' .... , ... b.,.ft r.-•••• .. r. ... . Tlltl' hr Tl,._ fH "u .... N ICI ,.,. ......... 7.00xU wUI ltU I 11.a& '1> m.so 11 ~ &.55x 15 1'~70 l l0.50 ]l;U "POWER CUSHION"TIRE la• tiro 11111-• •llY fiM _ .. ,,.. •Low profile-contour shoulder for better steering control • Tdple-tempered 2·ply Polyester cord body for durability ·auv NOW on our EASY PAY PLAN-FREE MOUNTING! 'WORKHORSE" TIRE POPULAR SIZES ON~-~2~ J:~ICE •21~~~ ''Traction Surt1·G11p ·· ::.""''11111 • 400 Z..Upff sroov11• lioloil lht read Jor lett •l•rt1 • e11d •lopt; • .. T 11ylo!I cord t1\:e1 punl1h111111 of tniclt op1r1tlon1 '4t111ter. • Jl,...tre111d kdy r.on1\ructlo11 ... 1111rd1 1phul ln•t'f"Tlc• 1h1tcl. 1rowtb 111d tmd fmcklh1. 1.111:11 tubt-ty,. '1.M k1J tu Min• '1.ff1T4 lulil•ln • $2.7' r.t .T. ····················~·················· SERVING ALL SOUTHER!lt CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. THEODORE ROBINS FORD • 1596 NEWPORT Phone 54t-9383 COSTA MESA 412 OCEAN AVE. Phono 49~ LAGUNA 2060. HARBOR BLVD. Phono 642.0010 - COSTA MESA ' .\ • I • I , .r • - Jf IWl.Y PUT SC Ace ls Top Scorer San Clement. lllgh Scliool's Eric Christensen. was easily the high scorer iJl' the regular prep basketball aeaaon for tbe Orange Coast area. The Triton flash, a.n Alh Orange Coast area first team · selection, scored '649 points in 25 games for a 25.9 .average to outdimnce Huntington Beach's Mike Contreras. Contreras fini shed t h e regular campaign with 1 19.6 average after 26 games. Other leading scorers were Jeff Powers of Westmiruter (19.f), Lee Haven of Newport Harbor (17.8) and Ralph.Qian· dos of Mater Dei (17.4). COlltONA OOSL ,:":rcut~ AVG L~tl 26 120 IGl 3-11 IJ.I lf'lomPSOll n 105 61 2n lS.! Playing in NCAA Tournament McWIU141m' l S 7' 7• 2" t.o wnb••"''' 1s " s1 nG 1.1 This is the UCI basketball team that will invade Las Vegas for 0otiu 11 1' 31 •s ~.• Friday's NCAA college division regionals. Bottom row, from left ·. Nettl1$ 11 ii ll '' J.t w1""' '' u n ~ 1.1 Mike Barnes, Keith Bean, Dave. Fontius, Jeff Cunningham, Jim / In R'IJ Toumefl . -, I . , i 11.-· Barons Stagger. --Ai coach Tim Tift, Ed Burlingham, John Farwell, John Glavinovich, Mike He~kman , Gene Zeeb, Bob McConnick, Nick Sanden and coach Dick Davis. • CIF Champs,· 2-0 .~; Fountain Volley H I g-h 't BarcN reaiatered tb'e first major 0r"'I• (;qomly Jl"P baseball upset Tuesday when coach Al Ty500's team stun- ned de!inding CIF champion S.vanna, U , in the first round ol the Huntillgton tournament 'nle man of the hour on Fountain Valley's campus to- day I! Ken Davis. He gave up only one hit to Savanna and struck out six. l\e had a no-hitter until the sixth Ur ni!lg. Other tournament action Tuesday saw Foothill healing Marina, s.o: Pacifica taking Westminster, 2-0, and Hun- tington and Servite playing to a 4-4 dead1oct because of darkness. ff• who had reached baae on d : ; error, u hed Keith Arledge. ~~ The seoond Baron run ~ ')' in the sixth on a Tom Boyl• sffi&le, a Duane Di ff i • sacrifice and a Dan Clarkson double. Westminster could rap .~~ two hits against Ptciftca. pitching and advanced ~ ~. beyond first bal!le. Two Marina runners reach» 1 ed third but Foothill choke4 ,. things off twice at th;it 1)0in~. 'The Hunting t o~rv1te.. deadlock was called in th:e., ninth inninJ. The Oilers haa 10 hit's for the nine iMings '' and Servile just two. l"OOTMILL ff) .. . J1ck,on. st NeNd•I, d Bltdlll*e, p Ktltf1, rt Smlltl. ( • • ' ' • • " .... • • ' • ~~~........ ': 1~ 1! ;! ::; Farley, Steve Sabins and Charles Howenstine. Top row : assistant Flnlev I J ' I 1.0 ___ ....;. ___________________ ..:. ___ :c__.::_ ________________________________ _ The Barons beat tbe Rebels at their best. On the mound was red·hot pro prospect Andy Blelanski. """"· .. HtnMr, 2b Sh1un11. If S~CMr, lb Tot11s ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' • • ' • ' ' • ' • t.:f~ • ' Wiiii•""' 2 I I l l.S COITA MEIA 0·111 Eol11n• Y•'11.eV ~ume1er lttltf Austin •n• Devi• '~" -·-Oln Wetlin C.•rson G l'G FT Tl> AVG 2S Ul t( 36' i..I 72 Ull SJ 257 11 .1 11 ~ jQ 162 1.l 2S 52 3' UO l.I 711 l1 lS IOf 5.( lt l2 lt I) (.l 72 J.t ll 11 3.7 lt 11 If 55 2.t II 10 JI 31 7.1 n • 10 2' '·' • i ' 19 2,l 3 11 11 l!STAHCIA tJ.ll l W1ll1•m• ""'" H1vs 1!11tnett Drvlll Hovi S/'leviines.v $.ml!~ V1!1ece "~ l'vlt G l'G FT TP AVG 11 uo tG l60 1(.4 13 " ,, 11-' 1.0 n 11 » 113 1.1 7<1 .st IJ 119 '·' 70 51 •I 157 1.1 U :ti Sl 101 •.I tS JI 11 Sl J.1 " " <I 50 •.l I !S IS •S S.I i ( I I.I i 0 ' 0.1 jll(!:UMTAJllf YALLn' Cl .. 12) • ,.. •t TP AV• Redmond 25 UO S1 331, 11.S Dlflle 15 106 50 262 10.S Httc~ 12 10 31 171 I.I Vtlbuen1 n U lO 166 1.0 Hiomm•r 25 I.I 26 15<1 I.I ~~" 10 n 1• n u Wtlker n J6 5 n 6.• Vtlth lt Jl U 1' 40 SIM11ev !1 ll 11 JI J ,l ltUMI t 9 1 1.S 2.J lfllw J 11 2 11 1.0 Cre1mer 3 ~ O I 3.0 HUMTINfTON •UCH (M.l) Clll'T!titrat MUllf WhllfJotlO WtlJen. ....... N!ChOI• "'" w ... Prlddv Sllvcler Htrrlngton Wtlkft JKkK1n • P• l'T Tl" AVS 1' 20Z 106 110 It.I 11 ):16 l06 Jll )<l.!i lS " a.s lft , .. t 2 " jO IU a.A 2, '° 1S 115 .... 12 ~2 2t ll2 H.O ., lf 12 " 1.1 1'll•n•.O 9 11 11 JJ J.6 tl2•l0 3.l 10 s 1 11 1.1 ll ' l IJ l.I 1'21D S,0 LAGUNA •EACH !4>201 '~D Hilty WleibDwsl!;I KIDtlarYNn RudOIPll Wllbllr ... , ... r •1tt11ev khmllt Handv M~ •• et Iv•~ Bai'lf .... ""'" Str.itor~ Dtv1dJOn Ne-um1n """ Jor9nSOll GllloDtf Mesi.ell w- G l'G FT TP AVCO 2• I! 11 23.S 9.1 21 76 •l lfS 1.S l7 6J 52 171 •. 1 22 SI 39 155 1.0 ll •I 21 lOf I .I ltll 21 U.(,l IO li 11 '' •.4 It )I l •1 •.t JJ11t.l 23063.0 MAIUNA 115-111 G FG FT ,, lll 126 26 l-16 59 21 Ill tt 11 103 J• }j 31 "" " ll 22 TP AVG m u.• JSI U .S 219 10.4 ''° ~-· lliO 6.• 92 },/ !• l7 1~ Ill 6.l •1n 1J"S.} ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' . ' 0 • ' • I 7.0 ,, • 2.0 1 1.0 I O.S MATlllt DEi (I0.1t) #ltclhntm1n "'~" Ht11~rl "''"" Frhi G FG flT Tl' A.VS u 1~ 11! (35 11,4 U lot SI 276 11.0 :U 7t XI 70I t.I 2) .. 17 195 '·' ts 4 ll Ut 5.1 lt ll2•'7•.• 11 17 10 •• 1.• 11 14 /J.IJO t! 6 • Ii I ,• J I l I I,, J t 4 l.S MIS510.IC VIEJO (1~111 G1tdl'>t1' ...... kr1!t Glo1ler Wt•I "'''"'""" Hartn O'l!lrlen l(.Osk! Clttf~~ CO FG FT TP AVG ,, 162 101 45 16.0 '' IOI A 2" 11.2 1• n st 2U t .O 70 4o1 It 1.U 7.1 n " 21 115 1.J IS lt 12 jQ l .l 16 t<I 11 •• '·' J ' ' II ~.1 J J I I 7.J I I 0 1 1.0 Ml!Wil'OltT HAltlOlt IU·UI H1vtn Holm<!~ l..fncbleG't MtllnDtt Gtlfflltl £«"' PM• T""I ..... Mc:Anllt T ..... .... G l'"G FT Tl' AVG 21 10 145 m 11.1 1J 171 70 126 11.0 11 IS ... 2M '·O J( " " 2J.I '·' 113115111..2 HllUU•.• " lt 21 ,. 3.2 ltJl 7 ..,2.S 11 11 10 " l.• '''11.S 211S~.t 1101 2.1 SA!lf (\.IMl.NTE (15-lfl ChrtslH>M'f'I Ltmbl!"jil ..... ...,lt mln G1uJ01n ••• Mil<JltK OtrM<lehln\ ....,,,.,. McD.nltlh ..... "'""" G ~FO flT TP AVG :>! 251 1 ll I_.. JS.t JS Ill IO l"6 13.1 15 17 15 I., 5.t H •I 11 111 1.1 14 Jf 21 IOl •.J '1 JI 20 12 ,,I }ll)l !Jt.>J.l. )11 1!U51l.O It I I II 1.1 I I I 1 t.• l~O•l.J 0 !G Wf"lTMIN$TIJr 11 .. lJJ ·-~ •rodtrJQ. ....,.. .... Sm•!IWOOcl ~ WllltClf ..... -~ ......... _,, ··----~ lw1·11 !I f9 l'T TI" A¥• n 1.» 111 41'7 1t..1 >.s 1u " m 11.1 ff lOJ D 21J 10,, 1S 1' M tll M U I i 4 l?S 1,0 21 'I ~ Ut '·' It *2 21 ti '·' 1JUJ1Jt(,t • J • 1~· •. , s J l • I.I t I ' ' 10 J I I \ 0' I I 6 ) ) O t t , 1.e fl 11.-0 J I o' Lagun~ MV Lose In Baseball Laguna Beach and Mission Viejo High Schools both Jost pre-season baseball games Tuesday afternoon. The Artists couldn't get un- tracked at La Quinta and were routed, 12--4. Mission Viejo dropped a 6-2 decision at Los Alamitos. ,~ La Quinta com d the Artists for eight ru in the first inning to decide the issue at the outset Four of Los Alamj.tos' runs were unearned . coming as gifts due lo fi ve Mission Viejo.errors. La Quinta's barrage Jn the first inning came (10 three ~iiogles, a double, three walks and two errors. Steve Shapard logged Laguna's only ertra base blow, a triple. Tom Gardner tripled for Mission Viejo to drive in a run. \,.A OVINTA (11) .. ' ' ' ' ' H1ven. lb f!ommelllneet, so H1itlsrt, If CalCll>r, lb MOOdv. 7b Hlm:u, n Mor.n, Cl Jllllfl, c Suvldllt• " Albettt, 1b Fntt, rt H1~. d OfhDrlng. ( lleril.in•, D ll;aneop~~. I! TDlll' ' ' • ' ' ' ' • 0 ' ' ' ' ' 0 ' 0 • 0 " " )~ 1) 1.AGUHl IEACH !ll .. ' 0 MtPonald. ::it> SiltloV!, 'b P0\19 Schmitt. cf Sh""'rd, lb Kessler. H McEltlanY. • Spenctt.lf Pe....y Schmitz. ti Abt>ev, c • ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • aoll••· • Tota Ii ' 0 ~ ' sc-., ~ 1 ... 1111'11'1 l..~M OOCI 002 'J.-' I.• Q\111111 llOO 211 ic-12 MISSION VIEJO CU HOl~. c! G~tdn!r. u Cilrtt, 1b Gttv. c l..N tller, Jb Pe.vv, :lb H111n, P !ett!. P Hldlt v. rf MerrlOll!I, • Hanttn, " NI_ lb T!llals .. ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . , 0 ' . ' 0 • • 0 • • " ' 1.0S A\.AMITOS (0 !.evler. lb H1m;11on. " Tlcet>urst. c i.::eoMw. 1b Gtlm\\IOC!d, • All.i, rf C1m!'lll'• Ill SfUpy, Jb MUfll~Y, If H ...... lns, P TO'ltfs; .. ' • • • , ' ' ' ' ·' ' ' . ' 0 0 " " . ,_ ,, lllflll'I .. .. t Dl • ' • ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' • ' • 0 • • ' 0 0 • • • • 0 0 0 • ... ~ r~• • • ' . ' • ' • • ' ' • • ' 0 ' ' 0 0 • ' .. ' . ' ' • 0 ' . • • 0 • 0 • • • ' . • • ' 0 • • ' ti rbi 0 0 • 0 ' ' • ' " • " " • ' ' " • • ' Ml1tlan Vlllo 100 000 0--l. • S L• AIMlll'Ot on DJ) x_. ' 1 Prep Net Summaries Pirates, Rustlers Win On Pair of Three-Hitters Golden West and Orange Coast colleges scored 6-1 and 2.() Eastern Conference baseball victories on the road . Tuesday afternoon behind the three-hit pitching or Gary Mark s and Gary Dunkelberger. Golden West's win over Rio Hondo was the Rustlers' third against one Jost. Orange Coast's s h u t o u t triumph against Fullerton was the first conferen~ win for Dale Wonacott's club after a pair ol close losses. M a r k s and Dunkelberger both pitched maslerful games. Dunkelberger, who evened his EC record at ·l·l, only allowed one Fullerton baserunner to gel as far as second base. He struck out six batters and yielded Om! walk. Orange Coast supp l ied Dunkelberger with the only batting support he needed in the top ol the second. Mike Bailey opened the frame with a double to left and, with one out, scored on a Fullerton throwing error. Rick Seibert was safe at first Newport Rips Eagles; Mustangs, CdM Beaten Newport Harbor High was the only harbor area prep baseball 'vinner T u e s d a y afternoo n. The Tars bombed Estancia, 12-5. Costa Mesa lost a S-4 decision at Katella High in Anaheim while Corona del Mar was losing to visiting Mater Dei, 6-2. NEWl"Oll:T Oii .. ' ' Hln\e'I. ts M.lriln, c Struble, lb 1.fnbv, 3b \l/1rntr. cl Flemlnt. d M1llncll, lb Fllll!r. H Scl>otrtltr. ~ Bl•ntcn, • 101a•f • '. ' 0 ' ' ' 0 ' l~ 11 EST.i.NCIA 4~1 lD•~ln. t1 011ran18. d PDWl!ll, 3b 1!1"'11..-d ••• Pow~n. ( Mel>onev, P Cornuke, II 1.emke. l b Stint, 1t V1ller8. lb Pvie. cl Tot~li HaUPOfl, Cl M1111lr. 10 Meyer, Jb Wtrb!nefon, ~I Htller, 2b J. llnMrl, 20 EllOIO. 11 MV.\.00.., rl Gtblt, <; ....... ~Ion. tf Ftlt?, II Wiit, p Hemt11ttn, " .. ' ' ' • 0 ; ' ' " 0 • ' 0 • ' 0 , . '" . ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' • • 0 • ' 0 ' " .. tbl • 0 ' ' ' 0 • • 0 ' • • 0 0 ' • • 0 Newport's first game was a smasher. Tar second baseman •loward Struble started the season off with a long home run at the Eagles' diamond. He added a tingle later 1n the game and scored three times. The winning Sailor pitcher was Steve Schoettler. Bill Powell was the bulk of Estancla's attack, collecting a triple and a single. The Sailors broke the game apart with four runs in the fourth inning and five in the fifth . COSTA ME$.i. 0 ) .. ' ' . Fielder. 1h B•tlttn. 11> Hinsley, c Clark, 15 SpeH~. !! Ad•m<!ll, lb F1rre-ll, rt Pklm~. cf Oul1Mbtfry, P Kn lohl. p , Total• • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 • • • ' • • • ~ •&! 0 0 ' • ' ' • ' • ' • ' 0 • ' • 0 • 0 ' on the error and came around on Mike Leech's triple to left center. Marks was overpowering against Rio Hondo. He fanned 13 Roadrunners while walking only two batters. However, he didn't enjcy a comfortable le3d until the ninth inning. fn the top of that innirig, the Rustlers broke open a 2·1 game with a four·run outburst. OltANGIE COA!T Ul .. ' ~c~lewski. Jb P•11I. lb Jtnk!ns. " eallev. er Kimpton, II Sel~rl, ti 1.eecll, ?b Pal~, e Oun~alber'91r. • Tot1lf ' 0 • • ' 0 ' ' • ' ' ' ~ ' • 0 • ' l'ULLl!ltTON IOI Vermen, lb Slnn1rd. H Molt. 1b• T.,.t!ll, lb StlClclD, U ow.n~. r;f Gulino. c Stro1!9r. .. 1 Jtck•!ri, P r.erocu1, p~ FIDre,. p Tot11s .. ' • • • • • • • • • • • ·' ' ' l ' ' Or1~0 Cci.11t 010 ~ l)')O F11l!tr11>r1 000 OOG 000 001.0IN WEST ", Ptulson. 7b PJnn, cf !awen, lb Rlcllatdson, Jb Mari~,, • 1'ttct . If OeGHr. u Sl\ll111e, c Henstrlc!tt, n Tat1l1 .. ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l • • 0 ' " . f!IO HONDO Ul .. 'larlnw. cl l ' ' • , ' ·" ' 0 ' " ' . ' ' 11 •nri~u~. lb Redican, ~ .l,n17tlc, lb Cr~'.•letd: cf Mirandl, ?b r.a•t1. !f V1l~nrue11. •• Smith, p Tollh " ' SC•f'I II' tnni~91 0 • • ' • ' • ' 0 • • • 0 • • • • ' • •• . ' ' 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • ' • ' " 0 0 . "' ' ' ' . ' ' ti rbl ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' • 0 0 0 ' ' ' . ' . " . h tbl • • ' 0 ' ,• ' • • • • ' ' 0 • • " • 0 ' G.ol&n W~sl ltlt Hondo 001 OOt ~· ... ••• 00'-6 10 ' 000-1 3 • I. ~Inner•. • T<>I•'• .~······•••a••••••••attt•••••••••••••aa•••• ~ . Ctrt n1 'el Mi r (II I • • : WESTERN NATIONAL Parmu. • Mly!r, 1b ••rt1 M11 ' ' 0 ~ 0 0 G • • R. Snvcte'r. S.· p CrlDl>fft. lb D. Snyder. c W1rd, » l ' 0 0 • l 0 0 • • t 0 0 1 : 1 0 0 I • • • • • • • • Enrll, d •ss a,,.., ti l 0 I f ) • • 0 S•11. If Tottl1 l I I 0 2' 2 J I AUTO. •• . ' ' ' LEASING All Makes ,.._.., 1969 Thunderbird 4 Dr. Landau SIJ9.IO ,., ...... CORT FOX lfASING 224 D· W. Cot1t Hwy. Newporl llooch, Collf. 642-1440 ~ A11tfreri1'•il L•••;119 Sr-t•111 :~-~---~~-1---'~~·~G~~U::..:.:TO~llllURY;:;;:;::..;:TlalTS);;;;;.::.- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UCI T~ps Bucs, 8-1; GWC Falls . UCl's power-laden tennis team won five out of six singles matches a g a i n s t visiting Orilnge Coast College Tuesday afternoon and chalk· ed up an easy 8·1 victory. It was an impressive win "for coach Myron McNamara's Anteaters. since Coast is the odds-on favorite to win the Easte rn Conference cham- plonship. The only Orange Coast singles v;•in Tuesday \Vas notched by Jim Ogle, 1vho defeated UCI's Steve Teal, 9-7. 6-2. Earl O'Neill disposed of OCC's No. 1 mani Mike Caro, 6-2, 6-4. Irvine, awept all I hr e e doubles matches, winning all six sets. In the only other college match of t)Je afternoon, Golden West dropped an s 1h.11.i decision on the road at Gross· monl. Gohlt" W•l• l'•l (t \1) Otou mo"' ;o.f••9~~r !G) del. Grev (GWJ, t-3 • .l.'~~ IGl d•f ThcmP•O" (GW), lnc1mPO IG! def Jenkin• (GV/1 '"'· I-?. • .l~•tJ.l!elcl (G I def. Valenz~l• fGWl, (G~?g:;;54l:J. IGl d!I. Averotreet .?.'16?J~r (G) dtf. C!l!lctd (GW\. 01ull .. 1 (G~~'.1~~~vt~. ~Gl !ltd Grey-Thcmpson lncarii~H~~ln$Oll -Vllff'tlue!t ll~r~oU (GWI. 6-2. 6-1 1.c~et-lllanslleld !G) def. l!lelo~ Jen~'"' (GW!. 6-1. 6-fl UCI Cll Ill cir1n1tt1 C1111 Sll'llttl O'N'°ll (I) del. Ciro (0(() 6-1. 6-•. ()gle !OCCI cl!'f. Teel (IJ. f.7, 6·1. Hardi~ Ill clef. Godshtll (0C:C ). 6-1, ,.,, Nachor.d (!) de!. H~.i~ {CCC!. 1·5, ~··· PaYI" (I) de!, 8i~rst1ff (0CCl. 6-1. 1·5. Wis~ (11 d•I. 01vl•s (OCCl. '"'· 0.2. D<iubln tl!!!l!dge-Ou~klw (11 ae. Ct ro-God- sl\all (0CC), ,.1, 6-1. ONton-Harvev (I) clef. ()glt-He11v IOCC). 1-6, 6-1. d!11ul1. P111~WIU~ms (1J clef. l lggers!afl· O.vl" (0CC:), ,.1, 6-1. Fountain · Valley scored the only nm it needed in the first inning when John Carroll singled to score Mike Roberts, """'"""""' ···(~ (0 ... -·· Va111et1,. Mul'Phv. ,. Ct"ITell. -· rl R"'er, )II Svmon1, rl Moats, Bitr9. s.~ ltulr, cf McQuon, lb ea•lv ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' • 0 ' . r : Tota It " ' ICIJrl ,., lnntn .. H llHI • 0 • 0 ' 0 • • ' . ' 0 ' ' ' . ' ' ' 0 0 ' " ' Servile 'Oil Cl"~( i Huntln11on !l~•cl'> fl"" 101 ~ 10 • SAYAHN,\_COI • -- "' r h rb4 Ctmpi..11, 3b l o o Molner, r1 3 o o o c:anen. " r o o o H<>r9an, lb ) o O G Gro.5. II 1 o o o l!lurkett, lb G 0 0 ,t.k1m1n, 7b o 11 o SJ>frrln, • o II II l!lielanslcl. ~ t o o Cl Brcolllier. er 1 O o O Mexon,c 1 O o G To1als t1 o 1 o l'OUNTAIN VALLEY UI .. ' ' ' ' 0 ' 0 ' ' ' 0 ' . ' . ' . ' 0 h tl>i 0 , 0 0 ' ' ' 0 0 0 ' ' 0 • • • • 0 Jl~tts. 1" ArleclQ~. JC C1rroll, II 8ovll:, lb Olttle, ti Clarkson, rf Wllkln•On. c HI-. SS Davi~ D Tol1ls " ' sc .... ,, 11\!lll!ft ' ' Stwinnt FOunltlll V1ltev • ' .. °"° 000 0-4 1 ' 100 001 ~-2 3 t " MAlllNA (II .. ' ' . • 0 ' ' ' ' , ' 0 • • 0 • WUllck, If Ftemlng. lb Huroll, rf Moll, c c..-.tf c.n>pMU. 2b Mlllll'r, P MOtn, •• Crttl, Jb ' 0 n ' Sc«e -y 11\!ilntt Tot1l1 101 1)()4 0-' ... 000 ... W11tmillf.t11 ttl HIVl'\e5, lb Clrnennlng, :lb B1nt, cl s~eebtr. cf P. McC1r1nev, 11 B11tkl•ncl, If Wevll!f, c Membrllt, c J. S•l>dlez, lb Reid, lb W. McC1rtney. rt Plott. rl Dl!Grlck. 21l .. ' ' . ' . ' . ' 0 ' 0 ' 0 ' . • • • , 0 • 0 0 ' "' --' . ' Q ·~ ~ • • • 0 ., • 0 • 0 • 0 • D ' •. • ' . ' '•o • • ' "~ .. _ .. : • 0 ' . 0 • , • "'' • 0 • • • • ' . O II ... 0 11 •, • • • • • , . • • ... ··~·~ . ,. . .. ,. 0 0 0 .... • ..... 1 I) 0 0 " • I 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 •.••• 21 020~:· Ptclllct UJ M. S•n<:htz. 1b Hog•n. '' Mllnt, •~ MIK!I. P McDontld. p Tot11$ G<M!~slng, 7b ll~1tiwell, " M&nn, :ro !!er.di, P Ntwr~n, c MabtY;',b ' McOlll, cl 0111lcl1on. I! BLoek, rf Toti!• I~ r II rM·,• 3 I I o· 1 1 o 'n •· · 0 I II •'. 0 ' !.: -. ' , l 0 0 fl .I: I , • ~ : : (•·'·•·' 1 I t • ~.;' 27 2 1 ,J ! 2 . Sctre 111 l11t1ln11 .~ It M ···.•:• ••1---11 1 ' .......... a,• Artists Try Rebuilding ·For Next Cage Season .. ". . .... .... .. . ... -. A conlplete rebuild ing job is in order for Laguna Beach High School's varsity basket· ball f()rtunes. The Arti!ts, who po5ted a 4--20 mark the past campaign, will graduate every squad member from the varsity and Gary Norton has stepped do\vn as coach to assume other duties at the school. To say that positions on the varsily level are ·wide open is a gross understatement. Laguna Beach vi'ill be rely· ing on its junior varsity returnees and Bee performers to take up the slack. ' .. ' Lead ing the list of hopcfuts ·\" is Denny Schmitz, a $-11 guard ~:: who'll be a junior. , ~ .. Others are Bart Tabor,. a S.-2 forward or center, John , Harbold, a 8-2 forward end · • ' Mike McMurray, a S.11 guard .~.~ candidate. , .. Others who may crack 11'.~ · starting lineup are DociX ~ • Corwin, a $-9 guard, Steve ,,·, Allen a 6-0 sophomore in th e ' fa ll, and Hal Proppe and Chris Po\vers, t\vo 6-0 juniors. · .·· The junior varsjty, like tM.': · · varsity this year, conctotrated ' . on a deliberate style of Of • .' fense. "- ... WHY lS IT THAT BOB MANGAN SELLS SO MANY NEW CARS? , ... WELL, ONE REASON IS THAT HE SELLS SOME OF THE FINEST AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS ON THE ROAD TODAY. THE OTHER REASONS ARE THAT HE HAS BEEN WITH US A LONG TIME • •. SO HIS CUSTOMERS CAN READILY FIND HIM FOR ASSISTANCE WHEN THEY RETURN TO THE DEALERSHIP FOR SERVICE AFTER PURCHASE. HE'S GLAD TO HELP. 808 IS A 8USINESSMAN AND AS SUCH HE REALIZES THAT SERVICE, RELIABILITY AND PERMANENCE ARE IMPORTANT TO HIS CUSTOMERS. • • 808 WILL SELL YOU THIS 1969 COUGAR, BRAN D NEW l READY TO 60, HUGE SAVINGS JOb.DSOD•SOD lllllll mommEmT&L • llHlm• llEICHY ·CGIH· •H "Anot IOUll'IAI•, CWTA ..... IU·lllC === ' -_J • ,--i '1\ l t.."J '"' ••• .. • ,. II> ' "' le.' ,, .a . ,.,, ' • ' • ti ' '-' ' ' "' ' .: ): ·! ~. ~ • • • •.' • 'fl • ' ' •• ' .. 1111.• • • • . ' . \: • • • • . -• • • ..... ~·· • • . ·-''' 1411 • '·• : ,, .. , ... ~ .. ·-· ,. ' , .. 'a ' . -· ~· . ' ' , .. ~ ' .. ...... ..... . •. .. ' !Jts .: • 1rd .: ' ' " .. ' •hn . ind .• ' •• trd ' .• •' tl!.e ':· ' •O~ •• !Ve ·•· · !he ' ris tfie': . 'ed ., ~.· . ... ... . . ' '· ' •' . , HIT DOv.N ON TEED IRON SHOTS Miot ·;...1 .. th• boll wMn tli.,. play 1..n thoto .1 ... ............ ---..,,_ _ ... thlltk It~ ....... ~ lo ... the i..11 ........ """"'Md hit the shot, wlthauf • t•. l'l!b only ~••r••••• your .sdJ of hlltlnt•·A>lld ...... I thlolc ,,.., wlll be .nich ltettor elf 11 you hit thoH 1.W I ... sholl j._.I •you.would TlllHI boll wore Ml the filllWIY• That ii, hit dowft on the hall, ciontocting It fi.t ...,.._,,.., talceyou<dl'°' ~ .. 111,.,..;..,). Ar..,, -nl blow loto tlHt boll will IHtlp you.,_...the fini left side and Rn11 left ttTlst you ftttCf for.,.... con· tn.1 · .. th.•sMn W.ieh .....,._tz:ediNction~h.r thon _...,. d'lltanc•. .. e .,., WAI'\. i-. ..... ...,, ' Mesa's Whitaker . Cracks 2 Records ~a Mes~ High School's swimming team scored a 5.1-33 vidoey at Long Beach Jordan Hi&h Tuesday .afternoon with the Mustangs winning eight out otlO varsity eveals. Thia happened while another Long peach prep aqua power, WilSoti, was trimming Estan- cia in-Costa Mesa, 63-22. CoaCb Don Utter's Mustangs shoot-loose for lhret new school records against the Panthers. Dave W h It a k er clockid a ' 1:~ flat in the 200 freestyle and a 4:08.Z in the .t:lo ~ for a record- breaking double. Th«i other Mustang record· snapper was Jay S'ponagle, who lowered the 100 breast mark· to l :08.S. Estancia also bad a record- breaker. Senior Cave DeGr>ue churned through the 100 bacbtroke jn 58.:J. reduc- inf tbl former acbool record of 5a.5ohe set last year. Nu! ouUng for \he Eagles Is a triangular meet with Foothill Ind Millikan • t Foothill. • \11""1' WI""' U. En111o11ti tt tae Mtdlrf' lleltll' -1. WIMon Tll!'lll 1:4.J.I. 100 ,,._. -1. Gr111tm (WI 2. Cllffwrrl CE) .S. 11: .. U (fl Timi; l;ll..&. SI '"" -I. 8rou1tnl CWI !. ••'"-'-IW) 3. 01vls (El T!rnt: 23.J. 20f ltlllv~I Medliw -1, H...mb CW) !. AnffrlOll (WI S.. Hlfhl111n Timi: ·!111.7., 1~ ,l'Y -1. McMlU111 IWI 1. U.u IWI a. Davis (El Timi: 51.'- lot arlt -1, SlllW fMJ 1. DIGoll1 (W) ~ • .,. (E} Time: Sl.J.. IOI 'lt(W• -1. DIG•"'• (El 1. A~ ·IWJ :J.. Grl'htr'll !WI TllTHI• SU. 000 ~ -I, HeMl<b (WI. 1, l'Jilhlrd (El !. Rttw:11ll CEI l lrn1: ''°'·'· !OD "9rHll -1. lrou11rd IWI '!:. H ...... 1n tE) 3. GoodJHr (El Tlmt:'l:05.7. 000 ,,_ Itel.., -I, WllMl11 Tlrnt: l .29.1. • ·-l'ft-11 4"' W1""' 41 !'00 Mldlev ReillJ -1. E1t1"61 tll;1"'1bt, JohtlllOll, Willer. Wtb\~r) 1'11'111: 11N.a. 200 ii'--1. Evins fWI 2. Sluncle" (E) .t.. SllWMnt CW) Time: 1 :112.1. !Ct f'NI -1. MeF1rlllnd Ui l '· "'•"" (W) J. J•ckMlll (W) Time: }J.I. IOI t1'!..tvldu•t Mtcller -1. ll;ello \i::.~'••'.~"' l!I '· ...,.,m l<l 10CI -I. W.1111" CEI 2. J~ IWI "k (W) Time: l:e:Ll. lot -1. S.U!lde" (El '· Sh~ !(Wl a. M<F1rl111d IE) TllYM': 55.1, om~mck -1. K•w11>r-!~I '· 'Nebo CE) S.. Fos"r !WI l lm1: l :M..' olOI -1. Evlftl (W) 1, Wtllet IEI ~II (El Tln'll: 4:11 ... lM ~It -1, Ktlllo (WI 1, ill S. .,lol\rtmln !El l lmt: " I Ii I : II . ' Ii ' . ii Ii r· ' ' i' '" I ' ' ..\ <IOI Free llelllr -1. Wiisen Tlmt: l :-16,,, ••l-l1H.WllMt!JI 'HO MedllY Relllr -1, t1!1i..:I• IGr111t, Bullol, •11tt"1Mri. Oth1nel) Timi : 2:03.a. ZOO F~ -1. ltlchlt (WI 1. Smallwood (El J, .1.111111 IW) Timi: 2'~·'·Frte -I~ D1ll1nes CEl 1 . DOli8herty ~) ), C1u1r1 (WI Tlrnt: 11.1. lOCI llldlvldu1I M.C:llY -I. l ull1 !El 1. ~rl« (Wl l. lteoec!J \El Time: 1:10,,. SQ FIY -I. Fo111 (WI 1. llllttttm111 (E) ). Fr1Kr IE) Tl mt: :n.&. l!Ml FrM -1. Richie IWI 1 • Sm1u ... oo11 (El l. Oowlltrtr tWl Timi: J1A • 50 B1ck -1. Prlc1 (W) 2. Gr•M tEi 3. krllOtt (W) T!mt; 32..7. SCI •rnft -I. Bull1 IEI :t. lttta'f (El l. Fr111ktnf11d (W) Time: :M.J. ZOO FrM Rel11 -1. Wlbon Timi: ''"'·'· '~" Ctsll MHI (UI IUI 1.• J .... 11 lOD Mtdl'! R1lay -•· CO>ll Mei• \Mf$1olek, panavl~, Gtmmlfl, ROI'). l~: l:f;!e - 1. Whlttker J.CMI 1. Pumtm (J) i . H•ll ICM>. T1m1; 1'~·0;.," -i. Solum CJ) 2. '•rrln !JI 3. Roy (CM). Tim.: 23.1. 700 lndlvldll•I Mtdloll -1. l'ulml11 (CM~ 1. Wunche!I I l l. l.un1ford (JliJo 'W~ 1~'-~·. Gtmmon {CMJ '1. Hell (CMI l. H.olft' (Jl. Timi: ~~ Frtt - l. Solum fJ) 2. Horn (JI J. ltor (CM). Timi: Ji.O.. loo l1dc -t. MltlOllll: (Ml :t. ~lumlfl (CM) I. WundMll (J). l ill'll: 1 :02.l, a l'rw -t. Wl'!tllktr ICMt a. ~uln1rn (JI l. WUlln IJJ, T!m1; t:~?, 8rHsl -1, SPOlll91t fCM) 1. H1dl9'f' (J) 3,. Dod'llrly (JI. Timi : 1:•.$. ICIO F,_ •ttirY -J. COlll MtSI f~men. P!Um1fl, Ml1lol1k0 Whlll'kerl. Tlmt: J:n .!. -. C ... t1 Miu (Ml 12') l.1111 •11c11 , .... 100 MtClll'f Jl.tll'f -.l_i•C9"11 Mesi f!Ut1t, RlchtY, "'lldflrg,, EMl'id'llJ, Tira:: ~~~4. -l. •111n011 (CM) !. Kllll'Ol'I (CM) 3. MDl'M (J). T!ll'll; 2'~·3.FrH -1. Enodlll1 {CM) 2 • loll (J) J. It-(CMlj·· >I lmt~ ».5. 100 lllefl¥iduel M.ci ty -1. Altlllf011 \~I 1, ltkrwY (CM) l. O'lrlll'I {CMJ. '"'" 1 :Of.6. TOO Flv -1. W1kMllclt CCMI 2. C111i1rn CJ) ~. 1t;n1pp ICMI. Time; 1 '~U· "'" -1. '·~ 1CM1 ,_ Boll (CMJ 3, E111otl CCM). Tifrll: 51.•. • 100 1.ot -1. KIMI (CMJ ':t. T•1 (CM) l. litMel (CMJ. t ime: 1:11.1. 400 Fl'll -I. K~ ICM! 2. Mor1t fJ) l. l lnqvlsl ICM), Time: •:2'.'-100 B•HJI -1. O'Brien ICM! '· Robtrt~ (J) 3, P1tr1n {J). Time: 1:11.6. •OCI F•H Rtltv -1. Co1t1 Mttt !Klll1, Wtldl!lldl, •111non, ll;lnYOll), Tlm1; l:50.I. ,_ CMll MM& (&S) {11) LOMI •H~ll Jt,....11 200 ~leY lttllJ -1. CINll Ml~I IC1r111n11r, O'N1ll, FIUmor1, Gll111J. Time: 2:02.'-WI FrH -1, Mc.An...., (CM) '· B1tl (CM) 3. Woll (CM), Tlmt: ,,ot,1. 50 Free -1. Cot1rH IJI '· Glint {CM) tnd l.lrdrirltl (J) .Tlm1: :16.t. 1CO llldlvlduoll Mtdle'f -1. c.,.111111_, ICMI \· O'NiU (CMl l. l.ulld (CMJ. Timt : ;01.J. 50 1'11 -1. Fntmort ICM} t. Bear (CMI s.. MliY~ IJI. Time: JD.~. lOCI Fret -1. Mot.n11ey !CMI 7. Wolf {CM) 3, E11nl1 IJI. Tim~: se.s. 50 81ck -1. Clrrwmter ICM) l. l11\dr11h (J) J. 1'1""'9f'I (CM), lme: ll.O . JD 1,_sl -1, O'Neil !CMI 2. Y1.-...vod IC.¥1 J, t.'ll<JIJOUry ICMJ. 1'1me: :n.e. ~ ,.,... llMIV ..,. l. CMll Mn1 (McAn....,., Mlrl'Oll, IMI. Giiion). l lmt I ,.,,0, ' DAILY PILOT JZ Saturday at Cerritos Van Opens ~F9otllall <'.:linic 1 ' • • . ' '·. •' ~. . • • . ' AnaM!ai~Deoacl> ~ Fiotball',Co,o.thes wltlbeu!em and mldwmem Claire Yi. , . • : 1tu I'-.A.aocla\!00 ·91q! a1 Cerrito• loothau; Our .otaff .. IM!nds thing Uct1!t ~ <oachel ~ge, · • 'cllnfca· at Sa~ Diego' State, 1poallic1ll)lf.i1Choolclinics, fbO~JWbo n,ijuJarJ3, attend USC, UCLA, Lu Vegas, Ille j'Wh~ ~tOu · ~v~ ~~e S~ ~is,,:llke JW9Ung\oi.. X'odak clinic •t Santa ~onica coad>oa· ,IOc:\tt'lnl to l1iib 'Beach Hjgb coaob Kl\!l MO>!~ and sev11;at olhers and I think school~ .. you have an aay, VanHoore!M;~e'' e,lini •is -we get more out ot this one.*' e1perl~'-JIP that is pnlty tbe best .one-going. ~ · ·""As a · matt.er ot ptillcy dilficult to O"'.~e,". Van ·''ThiJ is. tbe. only·clirtic we Vaµ8Qortbeke Invites two ol uys. . _ atteOO•that relates directly to the naUon'1i leading high "Jn some cases, tbt CQIJege .higb school programs./'. he sch<>Q! co'ctres to· lecture to coach bas :never coached at says. some 50(t C.alifornia, Arizona the bigb.JCbool "vel and can't .. lt also givea us a cbance and Nevada· prep coaches. relate to · high sch o o I to compare Callforol.a football Thil year's speakers .are co.\Chini." Ac:cor:diJfCly, VanHoorebeke • Marv llleben. of D a v l d Douglaa Hl&b ;ln-.l'ortland. Ore., and To.m Dean, he:id coach at Ealt Orange Hl&h, Eut Or~e, ]'l.J. In 14. 14:a.sons ·at Douglas, Jliebert has \!On two state .c!lampi~ps i1Rd has a 76.. 18-6 record. He was 1~1 las SJJifsoq. Dean, In nine years, ls 67-11· '3 at' Ea.rt .Orange with three .state championships in lhe books. .. will raise tht curtain ~tu.rday on his 11th annual two-day Southern: c.l!lornia HI 1 h All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Sa,U1'clay SignupSet ·For Boys' B'8ehall Registration for the Harbor Area basebal1 program for boys in the fifth gadllf and above will stirt March 17 ac- cording to coouniss.iooer Rod MacMl!lian. The program Is open to boys attending 1ebools in th e Newport-Mesa Unified Sc:boot District. R.eglstration -will be held through March 26, at a different middle school at- tendance area each night. Registration for f i ft b graders will be held at g p.m., 6th sixth graders at 7 p.m . and seventh graders and .above at 8 p.m. each night in the respective middle school multi-purpose room. Here's an area by area registration schedule: March 17 -Kaiser School attendance a r e a including Bayview, Harper. Monte Vista, Lindberg and Woodland elementary schools, '-farcb 19 -Rea School at- tendance area i n·c I u d i n g Pomona, Victoria, W 11 s o n , Whittier and Canyon elemen- tary acbool. March 20 -Fzis1gn Sc:hool aUendance •re a including Newport Helglrta, Mariners and Newport Btach elemen- tary school!!. Marclt 2f -Davis School attendance . • r t a including College Park, KUJybrooke, Paularino, Presidio a n d Sonora elementary schools. March 25 -Lincoln Schoo) attendance are a includM:g Harbor View and Corona aet Mar elementary schools. March 26 -TeWinkle school attendance a r e a lncluding Adams, C8lifornia, Balearic and Mesa Verde elementary schools. Mesa Cagers In Tourney Costa Mesa Is one of 16 teams entered in the final! of the 14th annual Southern California Boys' Basketball Championships Tournament at Culver City Saturday • Play starts . at I 1.m. In the Vettra.na• Mt mo r l a 1 AudJtorium, 4117 Overland Ave., and at Culver City HJgh, 4801 EJenda,Ave • AUTi ~CENTER I • THROUGH SATURDAY ONLY! Penneys New Glass Belted Tn! WHlli TUJliLESS C7S.14 (fed. tax 1.90) 700-13 (fed. tax 1.86) ,25 Reg. 28.95 NOW Size .... Price E78-14 30.95 F78-14 32.95 F 7S.15 32.95 Size ..... Price G78-14 34.95 H 78-14 36.95 J7S.14 38.95 G78-15 34-95 H 7S. l5 36.95 900-1 s 38.95 plus fed. tax _. old tire Tex Now529 2.18 2.36 2.SO phn fed. tn: Hcl olcl tire Tax 2.44 2.68 Now 532 2.86 2.68 2.77 2.71 plus hcl. t•x end ohl tire • 2 ply Tiber gloss belt gives you extra mileage and reduces squirm • 2 ply polye,ter cord! This gives greeter strength to the tire, smooth, quiet ride • Wider tread puts mora rvbber on the road, gives a better grip, better cornering - . to 6.95 saveUP • I eachl1re•. FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE Glflf*'ltee 1g11inst treMI w•out 1 f your tire wears out during the first hatf of the guanintee period, return it with your guannt. cstificate and Penneys will repUce your tire with 1 new tire. charving on ........... --.SM.L\91 ·• 2 ar •'fllfll " __ ,... .. ; •Ii "' VOU 60% less than Ifie cUfrent selling price including Fad«.! Excise Ta>1; if yaur lire wears "out during the second half, you pey 26% less than the current selling price if'ICluding Federal Excise Tax. Gu#Mtee at1inst f•ilur-. If we replace the .tire during the free-replacement perKxf, theni is no charge; ;t we replace the tife 1h .. th• free-replacement pWiod. you ~ 5°" or 25% Im tt'en tt. current selling price of the tir• -- including Federal.Exel• Tix. Commercial U• This guwantee is void wt.. pauenger tires .,.. used on tn.d:s, ulld for bu5iness, or driven OYr 30,000 miles in one ye&f'. .....,.., h-your llU.....,. ....,. flMu,._.,: E .... .-..... l*)od ...... ....._. F,_..,._IWt,.nod •• 1.a"""""9 uea VDUA l50'1' eff peiriod' ......... 21-30 "°'°""" E~ zw..,,....., .......... 3t...o_.. STEREO SENSATION! ~'6~~11-~~~~~~ TODAY I The colortu• '8•d of _ ......._ 01'111111• County Music .. .am RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach NEWPORT BEACH · (F .. hio" lila,d) HUN,TINGTON BEACH (Hu"ti"9to n Center) [ \ • J • Ja IW\.Y PILOT Wld"!day, 11111\11 '· 1'69 Stores HandJe Play Tickets Theater' Notes DON'T Miii T l ct:et1 ror ''T.h e -ftea1art--able Mr. ~ J't)'plCker," the ntxt. pro- duct.Ian at the Costa Ate&a Civ~ P~. are now • TMK ... '* ........ -------,._..Lii •• p lf'lft" CICll.Oll., lllWlf s BALBOA 673-4048 °"" 6:45 '"r. .. ,... .... ,.., .... -· 41..AN Alt.Ill .. THE HIAIT IS A LONILT HUNTll" ,,. JOAIOtli WOODWAllD "U.CHEL U.CHIL .. NOW-Exclusive Art• Showing- Origln1I Uncut Version Ex•dly u Shown at 2-Year L.A. R01d1how l FOR All YOUNG LOVERS WHEREVER YOU ARE A MAN ACADEMY4) AWARDS ANd A WOMAN """' - ''" ll-.cll·11W11•'11191'51S ... "WINTEI SPORTS-nALIAN STYL!" I "AFllCA. UNAIMED,. tl1e-rnesa ' -· F " · · A .-. , · · , -, , , ~ I, - f,••:.P ,pf AND H1\RBOR 1:J CO')l..'J.. '.'ll:iA TWPHONE 548-1552 FOR lllfOIMATIOM TWO BIG ONES TOGETHER ))can Martin ., Ewe1d119 Sllow Shlf'tl 1 p.m. Conti1111011s Sat, from 5 p.m.; 51111. from 2 ,.m. to Udo Ide W1JD!of2! At tM EnfTa"c• Collf. Su11day from 1 p.m. N[W'°ltT 1£AClt • Oll'.3-8350 Ev ... Show Storts 6:45 FIRST RUN HARBOR AREA ONE OF THE TOP TEN 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS Bed Actreu -Petrid• Nttl !t~I Supporti"'I Actor -J t clr. Albtrhan "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS~ 0 ~~"' P-'11-'~lllOll AID •OIOCOl.DK CSl '"""" Ff ii-SOUTH COAST '""'~ PLAZA THEATRE CORP\lUllOlt San Diqo FrNWay at Bristol • 546.2711 . - 3rd SMASH WEEK OPEN DAILY 6:00 P.M. Sat. & Sun. Open 12 noon WALT DISNEY'S ...;.~v--- J-ALSO -· ..... _ .. _, .. ..... -- "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" Wl:D THUU. Pll. MON. I TUil.. SWISS 'AMILY l011N50N·6:.lt l 10 r .M. -COUGAI 1:41 SAT, & JUN. s·w1ss •AMllY lOllNSON 12 ilo· .... 1.-.1 COUGA l·J:4M:.JO I t :SI By TOM TITUS Of ftlt ~nr P"" 11111 Almo.i t u H It were pj,anned th1t way, tbere'a only one ploy opening aloog the live theater circuit this wttlc:end. Th.is would be ""Light Up lht SkY." Mo.11s Hart'1 inside look at the theater and its ldlosyncracles , which in ttrts writer'• book Is one of the funniest comedJes around. But since we 're directing the show for the Westmiruter Com- munity Theater, th6e words may be a bit subjective. Prejudice aside, however. It's a good bet that ~ CIOR to the footlights .in Orange County's 1oc1 I playhouses will especially en-- joy "Light Up the Sky," since it deals with the theater itself. It's a comedy of characters and their personalities - wtµch prove to be; about 1s stable as Southern California's recent weather. 'Ligliting Sky~ at the playhouse, 319 Ocee.n Ave:, Laguna Beach. Tit:kets may be reserved at 494-al&l. * * * "Barefoot in the Park" returns Thursday to the San Clemente Community Theater for three finil daya. Mike Sut- ton and Faye Sanon star in the Neil Simon comedy with Richard Andersen dftecting. "Ni&ht ol Jeouary _16111" b ICheduled S&turday lli{hl by the Rancho Community Players. HO\lard S o Io mo n dlre<ll the A"1 Rand drama. Je~ Baker, Clark Far· nll and George Shu!U play the prlndpal roles in the ahow, on the stage of the Missloo Viejo !Dgh School auditorium. Theatergoers may call 837- 1753 tar reservations. * * * Up in Fullerton, t h e Footllgbten' J!foduction of "Picnic" ck>ses its three· weekend run Friday and Saturday at the Muckenthaler Center, 119 Buena Vista Ave. Burt Warner and ~ary Lynn Shea take the leads in the William Inge drama, under Lee Hollenbeck's direction. Tickets may be ordered by calliDg 77M441. * * * At Golden West C.Ollege, two in th e communicaUonr bulleting. Ticket& are free II Ille GWC bookstore. * * * Retumlog Thursday night 1t South Coul ·Rept11ory b Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman," directed by Martin Bell!on and lllarriJll! Jack Davis in the rolfl or Willy Loman. Mamle Oberbeck, Clement Davidson •and James Baxes complete the Loman family in the SCR Production. The drama is staged Thursday through Sunday at the Tbinl Step Theater, 1127 Newport Blvd ., Costa Mesa, w l th tickets aiva.Uable at 646-1363. * * * C.Ontinuing its six-weekend, nm at the Long Beach Com- munity Playhouse t! Ne 11 Simon's "Come Blow Your Horn," directed by James Brittain. THIS ,_,.UM _.. YOU'LL HAYI A PllPICTLY · Playing the leading roles in the Westminster production are C a r o I Faulstick u a "Tallulahi~" actress and Alan G. \'Bart as a high· voltage producer. Jenniffer Murray partrays the actress' aharp-tongued mother, while Rick Gunst enacts tbe naive yoong pl1ywrlghl who gets a short but effective COUr!e in dealing with these varied temperaments. The abow iA being ltqed al the Cabrillo Playbouae, ;211 Avenida Oabrillo, in. San Clemente. The reservation number is 492-0485. * * * On e finll perfmnance of fin1! ~ormances remain for ''Biedermann and the Firebugs,11 a satire on Hitler directed by GWC student Diane Baty. Don Hayes and Denlse Dunne take the leading roles. Performances are'given in the coUege'a Actor's Playbo1 Andrew Haw~eS, -'Michael Lorenz, Joe Carr and Darlene Chaffee head the cast of the show, playing Fridays and Saturdays at the playhouse, 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach. Tickets . may be ~;~~~~~~~=~:::: ordered by calling (213) 438-l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0536. Ed Little appears as a damp-eyed director : Helene. Ash is the producer's flashy wife, while Ray Scott takes the role -0£ the more seasoned author. Rounding out the cast are Janice Miller, Dick Jef- feris and Joe Del Rosso. "Llght Up the Sky" opens Friday night for t h re e weekends at the Westminster theater, located in the Westmillller Center at WestmiMter Avenue. and Golden West Street. Reserva- tions f o r the comedy a r e being taken at 893-5443 and 893-5M2. * * * Elsewhere io Orange Coun- ty, five current productions ring down their curtains this weekend in Laguna Beacb, ~lissiOO V i e j o , Huntington Beach. Fullerton a n d San Clemente. The Laguna Playhou s e moves tonight into iU third and final week of "Philadelphia. Here t Come" under the direction of Bertram Tanswell. The Jrish comic drama features Rob Andersen and Michael Speer playing dif· fcrenl facets of the same character. David Itosen, Sally I-Jayton and Susie Scott also take ma- jor roles in the production, \vhich plays through Saturday 'Outward Bound' Set By Santa Ana Group The San Clemente Com- munity Players wi ll present "OUtward Bound," a comedy- drama by Sutton Vane, as their next production of the season. Opening March 14 for three SC 'Clowns' Tryouts Set Tryouts ror the H e r b Gardner comedy 1' A Thousand Clowns," the next production of the San Clemente Com- munity Theater, will be held Sunday and Monday, director Richard Andersen has ;:in. nounced. Sunday's reading• are scheduled for 2 p.m. and Mon- day's at 7:30 p.m. at the Ca brillo Playhoue, JO 2 Avenida Cabri llo, San Clemente. •' A cast of four men, one woman and -0ne young boy is required tor the comedy, which will open April 17 for three weekends. weekends, the play dealc; with the inevitable "judgment day." Ross Corbin ls directing with Lee Howington handling the technical direction. Cast members are Gertrude Horn, Betty McClure, Howard Glauer, Ernie Brown, Dennis , Griffith, Frank Ruggell, Lee Howington, Margaret Boyer and director Corbin. The show will play Fridays and Saturdays through March 29 at the Players Theater, 1020 W. Bth St., Santa Ana. Reservations are being taken at 541·2188. SCR Slates 'La Turista' South C o a s t Repertory's next Jll'Oduction will be a new play called "La lfurista." which will run for thr ee weekends only at the Third Step 'Mleater in Costa Mesa. Written by Sam Shepard, the play wtll be directed by Russell Leslie, a new member of the repertory company. Crossword Puzzle ' Cast members are Susan Burns, Squire Fridell, Austin Kelly and Jerry Corney. The producUon will open March 28, playing Thursdays through Saturd1ys unUl April 13. ACROSS . l Kind of skin inllatiort 5 lilascol int na•e '9 FemJnint ""'e 14 Mother of Castor and Pollux 15 Seru11: Co11b •. form 1' "Kiss .. , __ .. 17 Chemic.al c6m.fiound 18 I . e11I· sphere country 1<1 llachlnt tc~: 44 Su11 paid for I prlYlltft 4S SJ•est, e.,. 46' CoftftdS1lia asslst.nt 47 H1rdt•s relaUve 49 Apple . constituent 53 Zinc or lead: 2 words 57 Business place 58 Sisal hemp source 59 Italic s: Abbr. bl King of Norway bl Capture · S Europnn volcano; 2 •ord1 Cl City of . ,,.,,. .. 40 On~t•~ 1 • tulm of Persia 4? Nephrite Peppard Stars HOLLYWOOD (UPI) George Peppard and Columbia Pictures got together and signed the contract for the act.or to star in the title role of "The Lord High Ex· ecutioner. '' RK•'™"""" fw .t.Qlhl Ptltr Cullllng COLOR "Com1ptfo11" Edel l!lyr!lfl COLO" •·r.y111e11t 111 llOIHI" {OSIAMf".A PAUlO Tll• Orultsl Adv.,hlN 9' TIMrll All I COLOR-Wi ii Ol1nty'1 "SwlM Fa111nr lo\h•-" Frid MICMurrov COLOR '"TlMi HapplW Mllll_I,. .. ' Aced1my Awuil N1m1Nt\M5 ltKlrn~ fw A!l.Ylh JO.flftl WGodw1rd COLOR "l•clilfl, l•clMol" Al~n .\rkilo " COLOlt "TM Hffrt I'• Lo11ely H1111t«'" """:::· .. • 147..JHl RH1mme!ldM tor Ad11h1 t;llrlstoJ)'11r LH COLOR "Dracula Hot llw11 from the Gra11" Ptltf C1111llr19 ''Corr11ptl011" Edd Byrnes COLOR •• ,.,_, hi 1109CI" 1t1Ct1r11•...,n..,. Ad111tsl I: JI ..... Rao.rd COLOR ''lite Nltht They llalffd Mh15lty'1" Ztro Mostel COLOR ''Tiit' Prollacm .. *•·····~············· ···---··-----·--··-...... i Pllll ! NluuillM i II' 1111· 20 Bitterly bl Bavarli. Europe 43 Kind of ~ungent t ing · 0 Smlhng t~Jer: • • •UCH • • T •LU• • \••••-••••••••••• ""HTINeTON •IACH • 947·•90• 22 ale t.4 Kin g of ·.1 Viet squad asslslanl 3:t!" actlw lty 2 WOfd S !:5 n rlo 12 ltstem 24 Kind of mustl• canal U.S. river 26' Stipa 66 Kind of 11 E11cluslvely 27 lklglite ntgiltiv t 21 Ft11ales: 29 Pnwlde .... SI,. supc1ort for ti7 Mil 23 196 . 30 Bu11p Dtf: lontNal . Sl•g DOili ..... 33 Very lit-2S Marin• fr1qvtntl)': l Iron plate lllh 2 •Dnfs on a shoe ""''C' 37 •ot bflght 2 Foc this 30 Afr u 38 Bitter-rt_ISOll. n•lwe 39 Btc0tmlng , ... 31 Flsb sm::e 40 TllrlM>ll bt1111r lo lZbtt• 41 l•••lf-4 Bluft!Jn JJ r .. ,.,. .... Utt H IOI r:ers 42 Slr11ts 5 Homed •lptt 34 nJ ,,. bttwettt • fOl'll • tht wllNI 11.C. Ind op la Jon 35 Color •nh::F."" 7 City In ,._~, )WO S France .37 '0• f"S .. ..... •s ""'"'"r I Nltrla .117 ••bee' 41 FasttlOMllJ 4rtsHd 50 E11pty stare sltte ··-51 N1Uvt of alosl• nation 5ZAtnot .. t 5J Ant)' .... t Abbi. 54 StawNd product SS AkDllDllC ......... 5' •otH • ti•• 60 Pltc• •f ,. .. lltlila FIRST AREA RUN SIEIOER Sl'.UNS ASii •• 'IHE SERGEANT Tiaw:ou• 8• • IN ni• WWST'MIN9TI!" CENTER 'tlMII DBIEY _ SWlssfAMILY lt@Jf~!f ,. ............ . ,__ __ ALL WALT DISNIT SHOW Co11t. Sot. fro• 12:l0 p.r11. S11t1doy freM 1 P·•· ~hOOG: ~ . FRANCO OOIRELLI -· Roi\fEO <B'.JULIBf SPECIAL SATUIDAY MOINING STUDENT SHOW 10 A.M. -$1 .25 WITH STUDINT CAID EDWARDS" HARBOR at ADAMS. COSTA MESA, PHONE' 546-3102 NOMINATl'D POI! BEST ACTOR 6 ~L.AN AIKIN ACADIMT BEST ACTRESS AWAllDS -INCLUDING JOANNI WOODWAlD BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! Best Supporting Actresses fSTl:lLE PARSONS -"ltACHll" SANDllA LOCll-"HIAllT" Best Screenplay "lACHIL. lACHIL" jJ®IDm)Ui)@ ~M -WHO CARES ABOUT A 35 · YEAR OLD VIRGIN? U1lllUIJMI!-• , ·-.raclleft.~ hlChel TV WEEK Tells it Like It'll be f •• ., I •• ,T\t I ll Jhwt (C) (60) JttrJ l ""'· \ .am ltll11t11,.lrll1llty (() (30) • . 1RICHFIELD PRESENTS ' ' ".LOS ANGELES KINGS ,..: ·•vs. TORONTO 1-:~ 'D lllp KIWJ (CJ (2'/r hr) Jlus (': •• McDontld Galls the 1ctio11 11 the }. ..... L.A. 11111 mttls Toronto l~ lhe ~>" M1pl1 Lui GJrOena. Ontario, Ctn• ~· ''· i>;lll'THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE { * Rock Hudson-"BACK TO GOD'S COUNTftY"-Color D Sii O'Clodr; Mtrit: (t) "'llcl at (. ~'W'a C..11rJ" (1dvtntun) 154 -t Rat.II Hudson, M1rci1 Hen6tssall. &'J I "' (C) (60) . di lat.II (C) (31)) ~1)\ICii -O•lltl• !Cl "-"'';fi\tur. Hew? (JO) "Junior Rock· ~thy." Hllh xhool studtn!s In tit· nterln1 comptlt In 1 rocket alt!· ,. 1 cont1st with rnodt11 th1t nach :~ apertb , of 400 mph, ._. lmMllieraSinAnltr -:.,.r (D KPlM News (C) ,,,. 8'KNBC NEWSEAVICE •·s~ECIAL CLOSE·UP ON '' THE PRIVATE DISCO. THEQUE PHENOMENON 0 llNIC ~ (CJ C60) m v.,.,. " tt11: tott1• ,, 11 .. S.. (Cl (601 • ...._ .... @ @ Huntl.,·lrin-l•r (C) • I 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Aobeft Goulet, Phil Silwert-Ltttermen 1 D ID (j) IJ 1t:r111 M••k Nall ('I 1IO} "A Niaht Dul Willl tht !IOJS." Roktt Goultl llOlts. Btlul1 1r1 Edw1(!1 Villalll ind Tht ltHtr• men. Pllit Si!vtrs is l!lfdal'auut. II w• (C) (60) Diet Lint It ilii(sid•. • ' ID •• Ill TM Uk (Cl (60) Ii) lflWI In hFSJ11Cliw1 IC) (60) ti) S)Wll J (ftr~111 ''lO Ill 9 CIJ 0••• lcn1 I~ t3<ll Airer rt·ttadina tha fine ·tlu11111i111 priftt in th!lr mtrrl•&t lkense, Use •lid Ollvtr Do11t111 dltCOYtr ttley w111 1elu1111 licensed to pr1dict dtnllsttY iMINd or lll&flil.&1. LISI ordtrJ Oll't'er out or !Mir btdroom unUI ht mikes 1n "ho!Mll: womtn" out ol her. D filWI (C) (30) Ttd Me~us. l•OO D 3(JJK_. 1 .. 0 ~l 1601 M 1ssenln l1U1 1 11.Udent prottsl l11dtr durin1 • confronltllon Ill H1nii between • f!VUP of sludtnt pMct dtmonstrttorJ Ind a PJOml- 111111 pner11 of 1 r11 E1sttri1 111. lion. .. ~ 1m TtlQ Witll ,.,tints (60) "Grow!h I' . .• of Merri Judament." Anni Bina Ar· II !D 00 m TM OIJbi611 CCI (6()) "H1ndlt With tart." On IS- si&nmtnt lot 1n i111ur111U carliNnJ l1cin1 huvy IGsxs in t rt&h at true:-robbtriu. David RGas JQStt 11 1 hood i nd inlill11!11 1 hil•tk· in& 1in1. -· J 1102 ... 41!L" ,. . I • .. !!ill ..... nr ·~ ... ...., :-.. ::... nold, 11111nt 6dut1t!on t11cht1 ~r .... • .. lht L.A. City Schools, lectur11 i nd ta!~s wlth 1n 1udienc1 el l)lttnts. a CIJ III llH!l ,.., ~' '•. ·~~· .. ·~ IJ CIS [Hnln1 Htwt (t) (30) :q ~W.1t1r Cronklh . . ;.-; :-g Whit's Mr LIM IC) (30) ~~ ~ m l'nnotd (Cl (30J ....,.. .. .... ~ O @ Yeb WK for It .r ~ 9 Cl) knrlJ HUJbilllft tt) :..: ... :. ,m W•lldtrtust 1c1 ;! :.. al Tnrtll 11 C1n11e111111CU (CJ ~ '· ~Ji 1J 51tt1 t1111pbtn {C) 1601 ~,.-,O @ ri'l @m TIM Yirlinill1 IC) 8 ID lfrn ~ (60J 0 M1rtlltl Dill111 (30) m TINll SMw (C) (30) "And Th!n ir. W1ott . , . • Jule Stynt 11111 Ph)'llls Ntwm•n l\lUt mcm T•& 130> U)llcia 1Mff1 10:30 0 M•ie: "CIJ ff lttUt" (drtmt) '63-Vtn Htflin, J1mts MtcArthur . m Nm (C) (30) fil) Art 111• Artilbl ilOl "Tht En1· Ii.sh Country Churdl." A film lludJ ol Ille chU«ll'1 rtl1tiorutrip kl En1· II.sh history 1nd tt1 mlli1Ktu11'1 11t1ti1nsllip lo church hislo1y. Sllown 1r1 church•~ tf Norm1n, mldiwal, G.otllic ind rt111isunc.1 desi1n. clO) "Elfien." Clay G11ln111 tlHI hil Shiloh htl\ds thw1rt 1 'idn1p- in1 Ind ltelp I )'OUOI lady "rro• up ." Debb ie W11Jon. Ridlltd Vin Y!ett 1uut 1s Eiltt1n ind her 1i1nc1, ll:OO II B II Ntwt (Cl who hires on 11 Shlloh lnco1nil?. g AlfrlCI Hftdlnd fJ @tJJ GBM11 1~1 lht mLiert CIW (C) (JO) l ridu (C) (60) ''T · 'Crimptn." On 1 businus lrlp to An11l2s, m MIVll: ''9#1 Frtll M1•k1tt1n• Jtremy i nd .kitl1u1 8olt i re sh1n1· (dr1m1) '48 ·-Do1otfly l11n1111r, IUiBd. !11~in1 Corky to rBtu1n lo Geor11 Morrt(Qmuy. Seattle with !ht news. Rosemu7 DI @@ m Mm (C) Camp suests ts Mrs. Flelchtr. soo -0 Mllllon $ Morit: "Hl11t Noen" (wtSl.ern) 'S2-G11y Cooper, Grice ...... ,'I tl:lO 0 Nt•ie: "Count th1 Htrn" •• ,,,c,7, )'53 M d'· • ~ •: • m T .-•• 1~ 1301 (wet tun . -aedon11 .... 111. _... rw.., •r .... M1qu111e• .. , Tuesi Wnaht ... ·~~· . ... -: .. •· mr•rr M••R c&01 a @oo m Tte1iht Shew <tJ fil) tlftdtG 41 11 ltUI (31)) • 4 ~ ~ (I) lilt " Hollywood €I1 Un An&tl 1n tl r1n11 IJ Mtril: "Spin 1 DIR WM" (dfl· ma) 'S& -F1itll Damt11ue, Let P•tt11'10n. l ;DO m HUii (CJ (30) m I LM lllCJ fD TM City Mtktn CC) 130) Gier· Qt ()J l"ttl Karvey (C) jli lealsltlor Ju4i1n Bond joins Dr. lt:tn~1!h Cl1r• I~.• look 1t t~• 12:000@{])EDhtr l blltp (C) politie.1 pciwtr ltllh1n lht n1tlon 1 .. ~ •• urti•n llllS. m 77 SlllJllll ~ ~:.,II) Mltraln Mlltiu l ) IZ:ZO 0 Mwir. "lirl 111 1•1'11 13" • (m)'Stary) 'll-Bri1n Danlny, AA- l :JO 1J TIM llOld Curs (C) (301 Rulu11 drM S.11111. ..._ Is drl'ltfl to dt$plflll mu1ur11 q l. , 111 rid of 1n unwllcom1 house 12·30 CD ktiH n.tri: "S~ies ii tht q:, 1u1st when hi• buddJ, Bii Tom, · Ail." .f:f" move' rn 11!11 • li1ht with hit wife. · ~ Al1n Halt 1u1sts. ., 11 Win Wit\ t11t Stln tC) (30) 1;00 DD Newt (C) Cl\ff ll&btrllOn Ind llobtr11 Sh11· 8 CH!M11nltJ lllllttin lo.1• (CJ ""'·-P.2 ~ ,f.. ~~cnt wL:!:l'<:~~ ml) '5&-M1rllln Br1ndo, Monll6ftl· ffY Clift. Dun M11tift. Mulmllien ' Schell. l •Md on lrwi11 St11w'1 btSt· .tlln& l'IO'l'll. ttils film Is lht llOfJ ol Ctlrbtl1n Dltltl. 1 dtdk:11td ottlur In !tie Gor1111n l fmJ whost dtstlll)' b intlftWll'ltd wittl the du- tlftlu of two Amtritln toldlus. THURSDAY ..... . ,..~ ........ ,,,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,.,::,-- ·:.. : • ._ • .,:D:::A~m~M:::E:..M:::;O:,:V-IE-.s_ , .. CLIP THIS AD AND SAVI 1:15 IJ MtW!t: "Tiie ftrtUftM ti c.,_ tirir llttr (1•v111\ur1) '50-loub HtJ'IHfd, P1trid1 Mldinl. 1:30 m MJ.Nitltt--= "Road lo Clerr," ::inpt Unto Plil.ht," and '1~nde '°' • n.1:· 10:00 Cll """ ltlffl kt.rt" (oom•'-l 'll -£Nl!1 ~"" C)'lt Clltriut. lZ:lO m "WMtrlM ltMt' (lktm..J 'C! -Jollll MltlJ. .,,_1nM ti ... ltr" (a4wntu,.) '4&-Gtnt Rt)'fMl'ld . 1:00 11........_....,. (htrrvrJ ·•s -Vlrilnll Gr11. fl!ctiu.i Otnnitl1. T.V. '7.50 OM YOUI Nm SllYICI CAU iOUtt IK!Ml'ft M•r a1. ,,.,, acA SALIS & SIRYICI DNITH For Elttfl 6 lhflttbi. ...,Q ; 6•2·97•2 275 E. 17th ST .. COSTA MESA P!ANUTS JUDGE PARKER 'MlAT"> W~, MlS. Po\lKEl •• '-'T OOT 'llOUl ~E? DIP VOi .t.51( THE JUP6E IF ME ffEMEM· I Ell!5 WW"T PATE THIS IS 7 MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS . G.ORDO ·---...... ·-...-...··- le"!ic°i:Nw~Tfv ~M:.~r wsr1Tt)T!ON.S J,IJD \IA/.JJes! W~1Rt AlllSADY M<ll!F<X>T ! J~~ MISS PEACH L l ' • ~Cl-l."< S::°'&·~ 9lA'°""'A'Ttc. S°OC:.l~'f e ",.. .. ,._, "l<'~E'O • :J' Ull £T '' s 0\1'-1'.. ~r; ~!NOA -:Ai.;,.. ~l.S· ~''"""''~: 'l'M , ff\.ltNC.IJJE', l.H-ntl'• "'rt.l'H\.11\ I ,,_Ml'l.i.f1.\. ... • I . \ Bv Charles M. Schulz .-~~~~~~_.:., • I 60T 1\lE CCNl'rWY 11W£S, AN' l:PIC'S GOT THEO HORS!: 13UJES JEFF,' 'l'+lAT STA.ANGE NOISE IN YOU~ +tEAO· oH,"ltlAT ... I +IAO ~XCUPS OF' COFFEE T+l lS MORNING/ WHEl-I· EVER. I OR.INK. 'TOO MUCH IT SPl.A~ES AROUNtl INSIDE MY +IEAD! ,WO MOST OF us Allfl!ADV .5M"'4. ,4 J.tr1U tMMl!Yf SAY. MAAGIA YOU'l't Ndr TH£ STAR OF THE SHa.¥, I AM! . By. Saunders and OverCJllrd ~l ornioN 1)lM!-;.,,. L<re~ "'"fSSA,ii TIE POuC'.l IN5t$T POOR JIRRY DOVf.A: 'llrt'.S MUAPliltP/ TMl!Y ~T lO LOOIC OVIR HIS ilioOtio4 ' -·rol Nl'fCWfS lb TNE: ~!Yf"/ By Harol~ Le Doux A~ A IAATTR Of i:"CT. t 'M !U~T 601N(J TO ll:EEP VOii 6 UE$1N() l=OR A WHILE , -'L"M ! o .)<,, o.t(,·· I JUST W,A.NTEP FIVE: MORE MINUTES. By Tom K. Ryan · By Al Smith iJI ,.s ,., I, By Gus Arriola By Men ~Su·o1,• too..., PF fAn'IOOS Ac:l.tflj- l'\4MCIA l'\A f~"'1. S>IOW ME ONE (.IJOR.P !AMKM SA~S "S1'AR r • "*' • P1t• 1111TI; r ~,E'C.IAt..!t Ot=ffCl~l.~!! 4 I I I DAILY PILOT MUSICAL • VARIETY -Robert G<>ulel, above, hosts the Music Hall 's "A Nigbl Out With the B9ys," tonight on Channel 4 at 9 p.m .. in color. The musical-variety will have as gue3lp, Phil Silvers, Edward Villella and the Lettermen. Skit features Goulet and Silvers as the first two people on earth . TELEVISION vmws Nixon Uses TV Easily • By CYNTHIA 1.0WRY NEW YORK (AP) -President Richard M . ...-.. Nixon's press conference format continues to work effectively for the President and helpfully for the television audiences. The President in hi s Tuesday night report on his recent European tour stood as usual before a microphone on an unadorned platform and spoke directly to the reporters and cameras In fr0nt of him . The session lasted just under an hour. THE PRESIDENT opened wilh a brief slale- ment, expressing hopes for a new international at· mosphere of confidence and trust and then taid down th e ground rules -any area of foreign policy could be covered but he would reveal none of the confidential and personal conversations with Euro- pean leaders. .. Then, in response to questions, he covered sub-- jects ranging from our re$ponse to attacks from 1-lanoi, the \Vest Berlin situation. Aratrlsraeli rela- tions and OUT relatiorlsh.ip to France. He answered frankly, carefully and briefly. He seemed com· pletely at ease, seemed fresh and untired and at bis best. TO MAKE ROOM for the press conference, ABC pr~empted the one.hour "It Takes a Thief" and slipped in the half-hour long ''N.Y.P.D.,11 at 8:30 PST. CBS. skipped "The Red Skelton show" in favor of the shorter "Doris Day Sho\v" usually seen an hour later. NBC just dropped the first hou r ot its t1vo-hour "First Tµesclay" news round-up. Earlier, Jacques Yves Cousteau and hi s ln· trepid divers took viewers undersea on a very mod- ern treasure hunt. The hour-Jong ABC program \Va s one of the most fascinating in the thoroughly delightful series . COUSTEAU and company located the skeleton of an old sailing ship that Jong ago sank on a shal- low coral reef off Puerto Rico. Since a Spanish gal- leon, a treasure ship, was known to have broken up and sunk in that vicinity. the crew of that float- ing laboratory, the Calypso, t~rned gold·seekers. As usual. the undersea photography was the most interesting part of the program. but this time there was. for added interest. the sight oi the equiJ>'" rnent used. by 20th century treasure hunters. THE DIVERS were aided by a powerful under .. sea vacuum cleaner that sucked up coral and other debris from the ocean floor and poured it into baskets. The c re\v turned up cannon. cannon baus, metal plates, cups and other table ware they ex· cited.ly believed was rare Chinese porcelain. But no treasure. AFTER DAYS \\'Orking on the coral floor, I.hey turned up a ship's weight that bore a 1756 date - 100 years after the Spani sh galleon \Vent down. \Vhat the Calypso ha'd found, it seemed, was a Dutch merChant ship which had been carrying a cari!'.O of rum and crockery. , The crew was disappointed, but it was a line hour of television. Detinis the Menace . . I " • • ' ' .. ft DAILY ,PILOT (5) y..,. .Meaet'• Worth ., &YI.VIA 1'01\TEll Yoo would be no men than bWUlll)' cynlcal u JOU ""''ed • btt al the Ni:1on Admlnlltrallon'• W.U publich· ed determination to slow GUr 111.a'o( inflation to "on]y" S!tS ~ In 1110 -particularly a!oo'e the year.to-year rate of rite is currently at more than 4\l pcrcenl 1'()ofy Sl,i percent?" you mllh! say. "JoMoon said lhat .... bi. goal too: ... dldll1 """" to elect • Republican Pmldeot to gtt t b I s 'bold attack' on the price spiral!" .. YES, ONLY," I would tetort to you -and we ~II be lucky, I herewith submit. lf we achieve lbis degret of 1lowdown in the remaining nine months of '&9. 1bt biggest single reason is lbe one I've been trying to pound home in my colwnM over lbe past few years. In brief, the cost of wvices - accounting for more than 35 percent of totaJ consumer spending now and still ex- panding -has been climbing at a 6 percent annual rate and with few exceptions. the cost of 1 services s h o w s absolutely no signs of easing. If anything, many major services (hospital c o s t s , education cost!, automobile in· IW'IDCt, personal services) are continuing to become ever more costly. And the blunt fact is that unless we achieve a significant slowing in the 6 percent rate of rise in service costs, we can get relief only if we hold down the rate of price rise in goods (rilnging from clothes ·to cars. from food to furniture) lo the 1 ~~ percent range. THE ODDS on attaining this fllca.vune rate of rise in cost.;s of all goods in 1969 are not high. LEGAL NOTICE -W•~art.doo far a levellol in food price lnc re11e • because areater suppllet are In lbt olllnf...lu ..mosLlood cateaories. We also are due for only modtr•te lncreues in automobile prices ~use no major new ·safety featurts are scheduled for next fall's J970 models ana used car prices have softened IUbsta.n. tiaJJy. But all ft CID hope for is a modest slowdown' in the pace. -Olle of our ffi\lll powerful anU..ltdlation weapom -tight a a d historically expensive credit -ii in itself con- tributing to the spiral in livirig costs. An extra dollar spent to borrw money is one less dollar In the pocket: the im- pact on livinc ~s is the same as though the dollar were spent for food. -WHILE UNION wage ... --.. plrtnc ... being renegotiated thb yu.r cover ooly 2.f mllllon workers in )lrivale illdustry u a,llnsl U millioq ....W. WI y•ar, this ls only part of the tale. The rest ol the story is \hat a record f.1 mUUoa worker1 will be getting fat P•Y hikes automat1call1 iµ>der long-tenn agreeme.nu ~aottated In 1967 and 1961. Whar1 DlOrt!:, the New Ytrk lo~ hoye just woa a 29.1 'percent thl'tfr YW' raile: the Machlnlsts· Uoioo wants a whopping 21 percent three-year pay hike for aircraft mechank:s. And, in case you missed It, 1.5 mil· lion lower pald U. S. workers· just became eligible for a minimum wage hlke o r. coverage under the Federal Wage-Hour law. ',J'his ls not a background su gg est ly, g .really bnportant progress in Scientists to Discuss Sound Wave. Viewing A new method or using (hologram) of what the sound sound waves tb set will be waves perceived. described Thursday and Fri-The technique can b e day during an international employed to "see" through symposium at the Douglas opaque materials be c ause, Advan ced Re sea rch sound waves are able to pass Labora tories in Huntington through substances re~stant Beach. to light waves. The conference is expected How the technique is used In field s such. as to draw about too acoustical 0 c e a n 0 g r aph. y, medical holographers from eigh.t na-diagoosi.s and p e tr o I e u m lions ·in Europe, Mia and engineering will be the subject North America. of several papers presented I at the symposium. Acoustical ho ography · an Other scientists wi n discuss e x t e n s i o n of optical refinement of the acoustical "holography, makes use of holography technique to pro- sound waves rather than light duce three-d imensjonal images waves to produce t h r e e _ in the three basic colors of red, blue, green or yellow. T·JllM dimensional pictures. rather than in the one color ,u,.1.•t0• cou11t o" ,,.. The process was discovered har t · 1· ol I STATE 0,.. CALl,..O•MIA "Oii c ac er15 IC e a r y TIIE COUNTY QI' OU ... I. in England in 1948, but only holo~rams. ,.., ,. .. ni• . th I lhr h --I NOTICt: 0,.. HEA•INO °' •rtlTIOM Jn e ast ee years ave I UC 5 y mp 0 s um was P"O• •ttOIATI 01" WILL AMO scientis• t.s succeeded in pro-orgaru·zed by Dr A F CODICIL AMO !JG• • · • LlfTTl.llS Tt:sTAMl!NTA•Y ducing acoustical holograms. Methe rell. pr inc i pa I i n- Ert•"' ct PAUL F•ANK •055 •ha Recently perfected lasers Vl'<ili"ator in a c o u s l i c a I _"° ..... as. l"AUL F. •OS5, DftH.ed. l'I NoT1cF. 1s HEREaY GIVEN That are used lo reconstruc t the holography studies at th e M•'tY D. 110<~ hit lli.d !M<'tfn • d nd b · · Don II Do I h Mii'~" 1,, Prabllre .,, will .,,. coc11cn soun waves a o ta1n a ti·.c ne ug as researc ~..a 1or 1u .. ~11e~ .,, Le"'" Tn11rnen1 ..... 1 three· dimensional image facility. 10 ww pellrioner, ~rence lo wtlldll-;;:::;:::;;:;:;;:;;;:;;;;;::;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:::;:;::~ 11 m1de f01" fvrttler o•r'lkulerl, I r.d i t1111 I~ !!me 1nc1 pS.C. of llffrlnf ~m'S ~ ::: ,,:~~. :'.~ :::'. ........ ";..= . y. STAR GA'ZEKj(-~, ,. """'"'"'et'' "'"' , of Sllld ~' ., .. 11 100 WW E 1 t" th Slrwt. '" 9lt • Br CAY I.. POLIAN Cl1Y .,.. Sant• A,.., Cellfofnl.9. 1l wn Ji. y Doil .l.ctit-""' ~ Ji. · LlllA Ollt'd: Fil:bNllry t1, !Mt. /JM'-?I -, '/ "T '>U'l. 2l 4i1l W. E. ST JOHN, tounlY Clerk ' Accorcl11g to 1i.e Ston. , · _,, oo n =~.,;.·~:.,ow.:.: ~UtM ~~~ To de¥elop messoge for Thur~doy; ~lJ-28.:19 ,._., ..,.._ c......i. nwa ~ read words corrlt$p0ndtng to rµ'l'lbers ""°""'''--"'~ T.i: 11.........nn of )O.K Zodioc birth sign. 1-,._.,. W ....n1t1ier l'ullllthed Or..,.. Coast 011'1 "lie!, ~m. .. s. 11, 1"9 3'5-ff LEGAL NOTICE ...... Cl.ITl,..ICA.TI! 0,.. IUSINl.11 "ICTITIOU1 NA.Ml. Ti.t lllldt .... '-d • artlfy !'lie• ... CON:!<1tll,,. • tiu.lnlv .t JP1' C•1n11111 Or~ H~ INd'I, C..11f9ml•, Ulldtf -tlctllicion """ -Ill FUl..LEltTON Al• PART1 AT O•AHGE COUNTY .,... 11\al .. 111 "'"'" It. -" ol' ~ hllklwlM -wtw9e llMnft ill tu• tNI •IK9 of rnl*Me .,. •• ta\..,,: M. w.re G.rlllnd. "21 l llfllirlt Tne Or,, Corww, c.nton111. 'T1>orJln J. Fu "" 1712 "ort Slleffield Pt1c1, K-' INdl. C.lltonil1. 0.lld FebnllrY It. 1Kt. Thofnt• J, FMrn M. Wini Gl•ll"" "''-ef c1nfwn11, Or•llM C0\11\tv: On Ftll. It. 19", beforl me, 1 Nelli"' "ublk ill Wld for ulcl Siik. N11CNll'I 1-rM M. W .... G¥*"1 eiid "flwNs J,Fffnl~fonieloblllw --wtoos. MfTlft '" rubKT1bld tol'lle ... ftllll~l"'ll ~ M ,....., necvt'fd "" -· !OFFICIAL SEAL! ..-. ........ Nol.,.., l"vbllc-Olllotllllt PrlMiN t Olfla IR 0r ..... c ... ,,. l"ubll~ Of"•,,... GoMI D1lh< Piiot, Fltru.,.., IL t5. » •"'II M.lrd! •· 11, •M ..... I You'• "' """" ..... S T"P 6 Vole• 7 Todcr\1'1 I W0<nt"9• ,,..,. JOG" I L Your 1 2&.c~--130- ,. fot ""' 1.s11.._.wr 17 Mentionong llT.rrc 19Cto!ocisooi """'' 21 F"''"°" 221~ 23 G,,,. 240.hH "'"""""'' """ ,,......, 21v-" ""'""' JO Affo,,.. ~Good ,.,,,1.21 'f~t to Buy Fuller, Dees LEGAL NOTICE PRE-SEASON SWIMMING POOL SALE Cltl!Tll'KATI Of' IU11Ml.ll FICTITIOUS MAMI Tllo! !ltllfen\wofd di Cill11fY """ .,. r:i:rdUCtlM I l!vsinHI II (Olli AAftl, C111f11"11ll, undlf l'lle flctlttllw "''" -ell "NEWPO•T 8 U I L 0 I H G MAIM· TEMIJKEH 1M Illa! 11lcl fl"" II Cllf!'>- -"' "' "" fo llow!"' ~ ~ NINI hi tun '"" 11Kt• of rakle~ ..... fl>llawi: ltobtrt J, Rippe 1!'1111 l•"" Otlorde, ISl\'I West 1•1t1 SITMI. C..11 Mes.I, C..llfornll. Da'" F~rul,., 1J, Ifft. •obwl J .• ,_ l•ln ~&or!k $late o! C111fomlll, 0!'111M C-IV; On Ftt>r .... ,., 1$, 1Nt, blfor• - •·Nol•.., P""1k 1n '"" ,.,, 11i. st1i.. ~llY 1-1rM •lltbert J, ll!Hoe •"'II llifl O.Borde --,. ,.,. hi ~ """ ""..,... -,,.,.,.. ,,.. Wblcrl9- " "' ~ ... 1111Jr1 m m-it ...i ~le09fod '"" ,..~, ............. lOf<fKIAL SEAL) Jml!'Ph £. Divis Nol.,... Publlc<:1llloml• Prirlc.lpll Offk t 111 °'"'" c-,., MY C°'""'ll•ilol blolrn J-ti. ''"° P'vbll.,..C Ori"" C..st 011"" "llOt, "'°""""' ,. ,,,., Ml•dl $, ,,, It. ... ..... U!XlAL Nal'ICI! -...... • '"...':t tANT 11x4t POOL-Flltn-GIOUND PAD-CHEMICAL DISl'EN~ cr,~\.t ~,..,.. .......... .... UGI LIMI• SALE---SALE ~~~5 299 ONLY tb24-1'"" PMAMCIMO MU.SUll TOUI TAii NOW1 POOL TABLES -IN"° f't ... OPIM 1 I.An 11 fO 7-MIN. 11 TO 6 LIFE TIME SU. TI: 'X:t~289 II • • OVER THE COUNTER $1 Billion Suit Filed Against State S&Ls LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Calilomia savings and loan associali~ were named Mon- day in a $1 billion suit charg· ing them with obtaining that amount lo llle1a1 UtttteSt and ftes during the past four years. Four savings and loan usociations -American. Vic- tory, Columbia and Hom«' - W«'re speclfica.lly named plus "all ot.btt savings and loan a..uoclaUoos in the state of California similarly situated." Tht plalnUffs were Harvey G. Cooper. • L4S Angeles at· Growth Continues Construction In Southern CalUornla has lncresst<I eaeh month durin.g the past year. according to the economic rMUrcb dtparlment al Seeurilf Paclftc: N a l I o 11 11 I Bank • • . -A· ,.:: DAILY- ~ !.~ - Priees-CAJmplete ... ··u ,.. 1'1"• ft \ :jl" ~r '*' .!!! -i: J" ::~ I ••• l 'i , .... ...... I~ l~ • • .:..:: .. . ft _,. _;,~ ,!;. -~~ ~-,t~ -· -, .. + " -,. + t~ r~ • • '. \>;> ' , . " +·~ -· -2\'i +• +1\.\ -·· t " " ·-· ·::::,~ ·+Iii> 't'* ~~t -· t~ •• -· .-" i~ •+-. +• ·-· f~ i·~ +· ... tj~ .:.:··~ + .. + ... ;.:·.,, +1 -.. +··· + .,. ... .:.:: ..& ... +• +"•\ ti1 " • -" .:.::,~ +" " -" -· _, ... + .. -· +I +·,,.; ;_ '• _., .+1u. -" +• _.,, =~ -· -.. +• -· r. +:v. -· +·-. -· + tt ~':! +··" +"· +?."' _, ... .:.:··· -· t •~ t l·" +• _,. +• +• +·\.; +~ _, t~ '" .. -· !~ t1" +·• ~ .. -· ii -· +1• I i·s ..... , .... f.~ •• ··~ f ~ ,• Vi •• ,. ·• t:: +• r. f1 f~ • • w-.,, -5, 1969 / • ' I .. . • • '65 vw \fAijlAHT Ult$ Wfo!IOl'I, lt&H. • •~. W:..."' Urn. UtPP ~7 , ,,. 91 _ r1,1 Ta· · rl & Uc. SZt Dow• I SZt Monthl.,. .. 68 Y.W. • -, ·-•""° .. htt111'. . · ltZI( mi : ~ Full -Price · $i own $13 Mo. '64 CHEY. M.iillbu 5.1. 2 Dr. H.T. v .. "" H. tluctll'I !Hi's I. -It. YiXK l ll. $777 $26 Down i $26 Monthly '63 CHEY. , ........ 2 dr. H.T. A~tlmtllt. r.dlo, ~!••· _., 11eeri,,., ft~!°':' ~i(. ~YHl0 tm $617 Plus ~1'.'x .' & lie. $23-Down Ir $23 Monthly '63:bliDGE '8l0Pfl • ICADETT It~ ~ 2 Or 4 iceed, .~., .. ~·~-;~. ~;:g ln &.Ltc.. f39'Down & $39 folonthly Any Ultd ·Cu With Gold ·Seal ' • HAS ··' ,. CUIARANTEE ; ' GODO FOR .. 100 DAYS OR 4.000 MIW : . ' · -. ' WNICHEVll UJ!IJS l!~l · . • . . . · A! no.cos! to 'JOU' -Parts or 'libo.r on n)otor, transmission and rear end. This seal slates in writing that lee Wtiitt·guarantees the motor, tr!flSmis.sion ind rear end lOOS 1g1inSt ·defects for 100 days or -4,000 miles, whichever comes first after purctiase. · · ' "'· ....... -""! .. _,,.- Wedondq, .lllltll 5, 1969 PILO'llADVERTISlt., $1077$36 * FULL PRKE DN. 'M Plym. Banacuda YI, r.clia, hHter, A speed. (UOL tl1l GOU> $tAL CAR i'A,,IOH WAGON V.f, A.T,, It H. f td. Alt. !UMM OllJ. , __, \ ,. ,• Coo}. -Re v am ps St)t l_~ . -· '. By J()~ "' the ~ franUc luknbwll are due, 1Dd when they arrivt A spl~ chart done ln Of ... ...., .... ,... ' ' k . . u you're invited to ...\'Isl rush that etpS 'her worklla abl -11 freah and ready 14' reverie enables the cook &I . Lecia and Lynn Doliln I'! di!> In the :;, • lnltµd ol :'; greet them. select her v!J!IJ.bl~ ~ ol!!!! . • ner -"fn thtir sPicfous 1lear ~ Dillin ( ho k, 1 I.a '.her comfe@'table modero basics, then see wbat 1ptc. .: Beach home, don't worry if ~ 5~ ; 'the.~kitc= home,thepetiteauburn-haired to add, rather than readins · · Lynn '~ts~:::::::~~*\ nd eook ln.,1 le ol llie .. ,... cook, who bu j>un\led a th! "1Ure chart lo find the • ~=Mes~ ' ~ . • her ""bbok), .belled ~t U,. career encOD\P"SJing mu1~c, ba.lc then make the cbolct. ' She hain't forgotte~ ·th·t ea of_.ataYIN m the kitchen joutQlliam, Jllbfie l'el9tti• Each recipe is given wU.h ·· you've come for dlzmel ...., toll cool W~· she and i: and art, revUled one ~of her many variaUom, permlttl~' she JX'Oba .. ~?-ihaslrthed ·•~ b°andeg~~=Y P~ aecrets of s_~l-·a well· easy .subsUtuUon.s wilb .. Wha&1 meal l pre ..... ~ a ea Y1 6»,.. ~1___ • --' • ed 1 ' • haa-j>laced It to bake ui th• mwent f.lguru in ~·art aoa slfiC~ pantry. ; ' -is on hand. Also, young coot1 ' oven ; and chill in thtf mu.sic "9fkl.~ . With a iupplf·ol gourmet wbo host larg:e flmU7 gal~ relrfltrator. U~ppy , slaving h1 tbl and , buic c~ e o o d s ings will find a good selttti• Sia.Jing out of the kitchen ~-~~ thelnlutlhelnalill!iil. alwaysathand,as/,ecisJ.mW of gourmet dishes to ie"rve I M Dallln' ·.u }'<'&~.._were v ng • --s ra. I lpectauy, SO a.he d lennln .a •~ or dessert 'can be prepared 15 or more. mutlt 'her forte that she's writ-reom, e eo.1 w . tea ;a' book about It: Calltd prepare m e a 1 s completely mstanUy wl~ only a 1ouci1 Browsir.g through t b ~ the.·''Stay Out of the Kit.cha before her guest.a arrived and of the electr1e can opener. ~ookbook, one finds recipu · Cooi:lp>i " It is designed e..,. let the f09CI coot while Dt Many such recipes are iJl. such as Chili con QueJO · preisly ~ 1tt the homemat• talked. eluded in the cookbook, litled Rosalie, a dip that is bake4 prepare gourmet meals whlli AD her dlnnen now an Can Opener 9'.dcties and served with com chJpa. she entertaina aPCI yet avoid ready an hour before ·tu• What makes a cook a good 'it's easily assembled with soft ·, one? Mrs. -Dallln, who was American cheese, chill c\}lt ; .. ·•.· .. . ' • , ..,,., . ' ~.·Md-.. 1• • P•tD taught by her Frtnch mother carne withou~ beans, grfca to cook at the tender age Oflioo, chopped green chili• of 7, f~· that a good cook and liquid Jiepper. is one -who likes to cook and A tasty sounding salad It pracU~1bec!use she llkes ,to. ,Heavenly Fruit Salad. It'a It ' She remembers that Hr mother enjoy~ cookJDi a.id combination, _that must bl •1 made it aeem run -a n d made ahead, of fresti'and cao- rewarding, not a drudgery. ·ned fruits, nubs, sour cr9.rn When' a coot learns to use and manDmallows. Also tbert spices and ·a few -specill is Part7 ~el Cake, a touches, _Mrr. ,Da1lln stresses, foolprool dessert spectacularly ordinary •mea.la can · be made with bakery angel f<ni l(ansformed into feasts. -·cake, wbij>ped cream, !j:elatla. Several unusual sectiOTll cruajled icaDdy and nubs. Thil mate the ••Stay Out ot ·the too is .made ahead Wiii Kitchen Cookbook" a valuable J'.efri.gera~ guide for the boinemakei' who Whether Y"'' start frODI is too busy to spend hours ,.... In the kitchen bu( Who likes scratch or ·take a9\lt4llage ci · Ith n • .,. prepare_d l,oci<!l,tlhe oecret Is <:: ~ to e~n; w a u.u I in the ma~W the bakln&. ,...,. __ .,.....,,-·""",.,...,. .... _____________ ,_..,._.,...._.-I Mrs. ,,Dllun· ~·contends. Adel -·' • , .... f' your extra · touch or put a ~ -· · '1ogethta neW wa,f. but .... ... ~ ' . Grapes of .Wrath?. .. ' or all, plait . to do it 111"1 and get out ot the' kltct·"· DIVINE CHICKEN DIVAN SOUP KITCHEN DES!RTER Lynn Dallln Soup Cou p ( ,, •• .. .. Chicken Divan Becomes : A First Course Tre.at Why do you suppose . this wasn't discovered before ....: what delicious soups you can make when you copy great main dishes! It stands to reason -ir a certain combination of ln- gredlenls tastes so good and gains fame as a main course, it's bound Jo make a wo~der~ , ful tasting soup, as well. . ·rake chjcken· divan, ·for ex· ample. This small masterpi~e of culinary art is ·on the menus of. (ine restaurants everywhere. lt'1 a standby with ·hostesses who make a big succeas with little dinners. It'1 one of those famous Frtnch-inspired dishes that almost everybody likes. So· why shouldn't the divan combJnation of. chicken, broc- coli, cheese· .sauce and sea'son- ings make a dJvine soup, too? It does. And' with condensed cream of chicken soup to get mucb character, it takes little more to make a meal A big salad. A bot bread. A lush deuert. Just be sure to make enough ao everyone can have a refill. lt'a hard to get too much of•a really good soup. ClllCKEN DIV AN' SOUP 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 tablespoon -butler 0 r margarine I can (l01h ounces) con- densed cream of chicken soup ~~ ~up can milk 1,~ soup can water ~~ cup shredded Cheddar cheese 1,3 cup diced coo):ed chicken: I~ cup chopped conked broccoli · Cook onion li1 butter until tender. Blend in-.oup, millt and water; add remalnlng ii)~ gredienls. Heat Ultil cheese meJts : stir now and then. Qo not boil. 2 to 3 servings. ,, SHRIMP CREOLE SOUP 1 1,~ cup diced cooked him ! 2 tablf,!Spoons silVered 11:edri pep~r . , 11,. cup·sliced celery 2 ta~les))OO&\! butter margarine 1 can (10% ounce.a) · it oft to a delectable start, you'll find Chicken Divan Ss>up one or the world's easiest ways to make a coup with IOUp. . • · Shrimp 'Creole Is another famous <Osh that has a . stauf1$h following. Patienlly made In a Cajl!n kitchen, this deep-South favorite t a i e s hours to prepare. Made with denied tomato rice '°f P condenled tomato rice aoup, J soup can water Shrlnlp Cl'eole Soup Is hot II cup cooked allrlmp I ~-In minutes . ~'f!~1:l:~c1er .ml> • li>'1'!' who •~~ ~c ( foil. -a New Or-· Brown ham and cook II'""' leal)I • ft •• .., :i>it!I who pep)ll!I' "~ celery ln ~ _,.t) JI 'ftll e1110f ..,·ti>;, until lender. Sllr In remalniJiC 5lant trhunpb! · .... ~ liigrtdlents. Heat; aUr now .Soup;. ;lll<o :lhtio have so i and Jhen. I to'l suvlnp. ,,,...,., ,,·'' 1' • • . . .. I . . , Menu _;ERi 6y.a b l.~ -:-~-ri ytime ~ ;t radi tional Patrick's St. Day ' ·By DOllOTHY lJENCll on.. ('Miltr ..... ~- 'you dbn•t baYe to be lrilh' 'to enjoy cornoct-i...r, nor do Y°" need lo wait uf'IUJ st: Patrick's Day. But St. Pat11 ·~H.om e News and Views I c Day _., lo be .the ,.. •ar for It whlch ls the moet economical. -hall the. corned beef marketed ii PE'.1' F0'™1JLAS Narketed for M~h 17. Dlffel'Jlt ~ UYe. Uteir tn 'Wbal js corned beef anyway1 Vr:ry '·,pet 1-'fer ..... -... !. 1imply It Is beet cured with salt, spices -an_, a!W, -11a¥1_prlle or and herbs. Any cut ol beef may bo plcUq .,,_, er -. -. If ,... an "corned " but brisket and' ""1ld are ll-._ "*Ille --II~ tAe usw:i ones. Ht btWi: ' The tradiUonallsll consider the brisket COmtd ~ can . be tough and ltrino · .. al" -~ b..-1 unlesJ you cook 1t properly. Jt needa · 16 be t h e only re 1.• ·~ cu and to tfe 1hnmtred -below the boiling 1£ usual!)' coats lea per pound than ,point -for many houn (about an hour tbe round. But corned beef round has per pound) to tenderize the meat. If iW waste and usually will give the it's not cooked long enough, or if you most meal for the money. b o l l it Instead or simmer It, it may not be lender. You can count on 2 to 3 servings lrom a pound of corntd beef brisket, lfld 4 from the round. 'tbat doesn·t a~low for aecondJ, but It helps you decide This presenu a problem to the working girl wfto can 't be home all day on ~l. Patrick'• Ony tor any other work day) aimmerin1 her corned beef. I've developed a neW method which solves tilts pl'Oblem. I simmer my earned ·beef in a low tmiperature ove11· -225 degree -all dly, J put i~ in a covered pan with enou&h water ·to ~eo.,.er it, and put Jt In lhe oven In Ibo morninf before I leave for~-wort:i~·Mter ICboo1 one of the chlldreo adds Ibo whole ·carrots .;., potatoes. ·By the time t get borne the meat and vegetables are cooked, and the cab- bage "edgi:s can be added for a brief cooking Ume. The corned beef, when cooked this slowly and this long, is unbelievably tender and delicious. HANDY HINT If yoa don1t bave a bclpcr at bomt: wbo can add the vtgtlablt1 lor you , 1lmpty put some of Utt Uqukl from tbe meat latt:'a. aaacepai ll:IMm )'OJI gel 'bomeJ .W )'GUI' prepared v~bles" and' boU lllem oo lOp ... -"..,,,.,,,I bo done by ,.. -yiia 1et tloe. table setaad ... ~tfllkmealnady •. _ A rJw type or corned bed,. prOduCt<i by one, meat packer, can Hfuallf be oven routed. It neodJ no llq1!ld •nd • no cover, yet 'It will rout to the fork tender staae, they daim. The brlaiet Pi-welil> 2 lo 5 pounds and can bo roasted In I lo I houn. Just follow the directlona on the label A final secret lo leoder <orned be<! ls to carve It across the. grain. Ir you carve it with the &rain, you will 'end up •Ith long strlrtp. o£ me.at that will be hard to cllew. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED Q. SomeUmes when J cook pork ro11I or turkey, even though It 1eem1 done lhe meat ta 1UU pink. 11 ll safe to eat when It la pfnk In color? A. Turkey, fresh Pork. or veal will occasionally remain pink when thorou&h~ cooked. The reason . for lhe ' pink color.< IS• the same as the reisoo. that a red cqlor develops durin1 cooking ·of cured ham or corned beef. Pinkness occurs when meat or ·PQYltfy I! expoeed to certaJ.11; 1ue1, such U."' carbon monoiidt and niltle Olide, 'tfbich .a.u, and ~ cheaply by. • 'boll • choice of foods than by IMlyinl • ;rw• supplelil•QL Tho belt llOU!'Cel·ol••Jll'Ol<J are meat. ttlh, poultry, @, mil ~: ·Mll!Utl~ pe&llfl but~~r. and dt buol and peu. .. ' I• l • ' I are ronned when meat II cooked ln ~ • .;. ...... either a 111 or electric own .. These ,, .. •Q. ...,J ;Mve • alllrllc elm ... gases combine with tho' hemoglobin oc •"1 !!n,.nut lUI I -... the meat tissues to !orm !he pink color. -.,.._.. • ., al a.. f..U I 11aJ If what ever telti you \lie far ~ ~ Stmtdmel • label .._ Mt Indicate Ibo meit ts -ed., and yot lqNilioll. '"''" II .WI? AaJI II the moot' Is pink. JOU -111a1 -'"1 "1"1 I .. !!>ii oat - the chemical chaq,. have labn plac>. --tala?. • It ii sale to .. 1 lhe -t. A. Some !ood p<OC)ucts, like .. ~ • droulng and jelly, hne "lland~~ Q. A !rleod ol mltoe IJa1' a ''pnlell ..Opes which have been approvad l!T supplemtnt" wt.Ith Me atves te Mr' the Federal Food and D r 111 ftmllt eveey ,ay, She clalma mOlt diets AdminlstraUon. A product which ~ an low la proldn. h tllil ht!' ~ forms to the at..ndard set br.JL ~ A. No, It is not tru~ of American not have to include I lilt ol ingredltntl di elS. Most people in this t'OUntry more on the label. than meet their protein needs from food . To obtain a complete. llat of u.eM Those who do not get enough protein standardized foodJ and their Jngmtlentl, from foods due to economic reasons write the Food and Drug AdminlltraUon, or poor !ood habits can do thll more Wuhlnilon. D.C. IOIM. I • • I ' ) I I . I I J I ... . '{"" .... ,......_ ...... ~ ......-...-~-~~~--~.-.,.~-:--""':'~-~"".'"'.---..... ----------------------------- • . . \ . !f DAR.Y PILOT Wodntsd.11, Mm S•l'l69 ;··~ood ~ci'nJ~!ita·n~ ~Rep~y~' T rav~lers' ·F.aitb _in _Humanity DEAJI ANN LANDERS: We ~IO · , much .-dlY' obout bow people ""*' '' to help eodl other -bow Ibey look -.°'··the ~ w~ when someone ls tn troll· \,"~ti& l WU begiontng to beUevt t.be world I • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our teenqe daughter came home from &ebool today with the statement tbat aypbilis can hide in the body for years, DEAi\ ANN LANDERS: A rebiUvo moved into our ne.lghborhood two weeks ago. I belpOd her find t~e houSe. Now I could kick JUyoell . Three tlmea thlJ week we'~e been _ D.EAR CJJJCK: Nul with an la.sensitive el o d like t • at. U yoa are lucky abe'll get mad ud luve you aloec, pena. ueiaUy. ·~ Alcohol is no shortcut to soctaI success. • : .. wu coin& to~ in a handbukel And then my h~ and I needed be'Jp and we learric!d differenUy. Please print • ~ story, Ann. It proves somelhing. '' • My husband and l .,. moving\ across . the COUDtry. We paCked everything Wt .• own in a:traner. Yesterday, as we ap- ' , IJOOCbed Kingman, Ariz, we hit an oil • , ollck. The trailer collapied. Our piano, .... ~. TV, the -d applilillCOS, \ • our clothes, even the pots and pam ~. *1'8 sUewn all over the highway. l)>o 'men cllrected around \IS. then Ibey belpOd load the II-Haul. ~' Canted ill, Ollf lo OM aide Ways, I TM ~ ~~ Well .u men, wished us well and we went Our 1epara of the highway. , 1\ 1 -I J don't know the .,woe of a single Berore marriage l bad an unfortunate affair with a man who, I later )earned. had syphilis, or so the story ·went. I've been. married for 18 years and have fine heallhy children. I'm now worried sick and cannot confide in our doctor because he is a social friend. Help me, please. -~UGGED1 · jarred out of bed before 7 a.m. by ber pounding on the front dOor. She ellher wants to u.se our phone or borrow iOl'nelhlng. Tbls Jnomlng we pretended not to hear but she stood Wldf:!r our bedl:oom window and hollereij, "Get up. I know you'r\ in there!" If you think you have to drink to be accepted by your 'friends, get the facts. Read "Booa:e and You -For Teenagers Only," by Ann Landers. send 35 cents in coin . and a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request. ~~· ~e car:s stopped at once. People • , :UJllll from aD directions to leod I hand A man drove my hl!llblnd to tbe persQD who helped ua, but I do know ~ares! town to renl· ·a IJ.Haul and &el . ~ are pleoty of good people left a repolnnu to fiz the , triller bllcb. to the world. -REBECCA B. The~ . it..., lbeo ......... -• DIAK REBECCA: I llope lM oplrll to t4e any monq . me "be felt 10 .,... ~ II t't8tqleu. Braw for sorry for us. · • -..._ . .... _,IDIU pod llmllttut! lt'1 Four people wiilill' I« an • a pltaooin .. ]lrilt a lel1er Be ,-s. hour 1mtil my -..i '""'1 'lllaol: yoo for "1'iUq. DEAR BUGGED: lt'1 poa!We bit a• tremet, unllkeq. Go .. yoar doctor and Ilk for a eomplete blood (>I.-. People often do tllfl .H tky feel uda!J My husband baa wtd me to tell her off. I'm alraid il l do. H will be the end of our ftiend&bip. Is the.re inother way? -CHICKEN Ann Landers will be glad to help .you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT. encloiing a sell..,ddreued, stamped envelope. . ' -fatlped. · "·~----------....... -~...;;,,~-----------.' .. 1 " . .. - •;. ,. ,'-.: ~ .~: ;J ."\ ~ ~ " ,l-, '! , .. • ..... "';..;. • ;r "'· ·1 EPICUREAN DELIGllT -Whipping up some exotic Pan- amanian appetizers lf1t the four1b annual progressive din- ner, IntematiomO. walk, is Judith Carmen Grannum, an ex- change 1tudent a~g Corolla de! Mar High School. Eagerly waiting to sample the dish, which is one of many foreign 1oods comprising the med!, are (let! to rlPtl Mrs. Earl Spang! .. and Mrs. Jack H. Adam>. The event will take Place Sunday, March 23. Guests Travel . International Path Exchange students attending Corona del Mar High School and their foster parents once again will be intro- duced and honored during the fourth annual International Walk, sponsored by the adult committee of American Field Service. · The event, a progressive dinner plaMed from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday, March·23, wij.1 take guests to three homes in the Sborecliff area, which are in walking distance of each Other. · . In each home, exchange students and their foster par- ents will serve as co-hosts with the owners, and dishes to be served will represent the native countries of the students. In the John Killefer borne, partygoers will meet Judith Cannen Grannum of Panama and her American parents , Mr'. and Mrs. Gene Adains and Matilde Mas-Ivars of Spain . ' aOd the James Whartons. The first course will feature na~ tive appetizers and Spani~ wine. Dej Bulsuk of Thailand and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ed· miston will be honored in the Willia.In Fisher home where Kaeng CU?Ty Kai, a native Thai dish will be served. The final home on the tour will be that of the Edgar Witm er& wher.e Anne Smith-Kielland of Norway and her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Bell will greet guests. Here a nut-<:offee torte with coffee will be served~ This affair bas been enthusiastically attended In the p~t. so early reservations, which are limited, are advised. Tickets may be purchased from any committee member or with Mrs. Henry Porce11a, reservations chairman ai 67~129. :· · -Faith 'n Begorra, It's an Irish Celebration I Sh~ring hono~s with St. Patrick during a celebration end variety show 1po11iored by St. Joachim's Catholtc Church, wllJ· be the Rev .. ' Thoma• J. Nevin, pastor and a native of Ireland, who will be feted on bis blrtllday. The party is planned for 8 p.m. SUnday. March 16, In the parish hall. Ready to help the honoree In blow· ing out massive candles on his cake are (left to right) Mrs. David Desmond, Mrs. Paul Rolfes, Ladies Guild president, and Dick Lennert, director or the variety sho\v. Serving on Mrs. Rolfes' committee are Mrs. George Regen, decorations chaihnen and J\1rs. John Stoneman, refreshment.a chairman. ------ • ' . . ONE MORE NEEDEO -Mrs. D. M. Hummel gets on the phone to find one more person to make a bridge foursome, while Mrs. Clyde Phelps (left) and Miss Catherine Briggs stand by. The trio had no such problem at the Laguna · Eeach Panbellenic brtdge party today. AFS Benefit Told Greeks Play Bridge ' : . ~ . Laguna Beaeb Panbellenic, which has supp0rted Am~ i>;eid Service for several years, staged an annual brtdge benefit In itf.,b!.!llalt this afternoon in the Three Arch Bay home of Mrs. D. M. H~.. . , Mrs. Clyde Phelps, benefit chairman, served dessert wl~ ~·Ii~ sistance of the: Mmes. William D. Bird Jr., Henry Roberts, Jathes T. \Vylie and Miss Catherine Briggs. During the past 12 years, in an effort to promote international und· erstanding arpong students, the Laguna Beach Chapter of AFS ·has brought 20 students from 16 dilierent countries to Laguna lleach High School. . • ' Each year two foreign &tuttents come to Laguna Beach and attend the high school. Cd.rrent exchange students are Diana Baralt, who comes from Caracas, Venezuela, and Nick Enright, who is from East Maitland, Australia. Dreams Become Realities Turning dreams into realities -the club's theme for the year -are mem .. hers of the Huntington Beach Junior Woman's Club, which has been work- ing to raise funds for rescue equipment for the city's fire department. Mr1. John F. Miller receives a demonstration of gas detector operetlon from (left) . Engineer Ed Thompson and Battalion Chief Jim Gerspach. Other equipment includes jack sets, first aid supplies, army stretcher, arm and Jeg splint!, rescue knife, two ring cutters,. block and tackle and three resuscltaton re· tooled. • • I • • '· ' s I, p n . d ! "' ·' I [)Qgs · in for ' Treat • . It's _·Bi .rth:day ·Time •• For .Campfire . Girls . ·' • COiia Mesa Campfire Girls and ruue Birds have invited their fathers to help them light the candles on a birthday calte for Campfire Girls. Two gala events w)ll celebrate Carnpfjre Gld• Birthday' W~. with Campfire Gir!J bost.ilig their dads ne:rt Friday at a Falber-<laughter ·Ban· quet and ruue Birds repeatiai the Invitation March 18. · ' Thompson Hall al the First United' Methodist Church, Costa Mesa, will be the setting for both eventi. -· For the Campfire Girls banquet, Illdian designs, the basis of the Camp!ire program, will decorate the tables. · · The ,, 10 and II-year-old glr!J will entertain their fathers witli a skit tiUed ·"Growing Wlth'Campfire," and olher skits will be presented ·by the Mmes : Paul Hill, Don Buib, Tom Durham and Che( Baugh, guardians. Singing soogs will be. the MmOI, Will Baden, Allen Peck, Lee Gri(- litbJ, Richard Brace and Rpr P!el!fer, alao ·auirdians. Dinner plans are being coordinated by Mrs. DUr111im. . . Blu9 Bird dinner-decorations will~follow their tradjtional red, white arid blue theme, and entertairurient will be pro\>ld_ed by fl groups, ,accord· 'ingto Mrs. John Zorger, chairttla!l-' ' · Both dinnen will be serv!"I by the Oltiponka Horizon Club, bigil • 'ScltoOJ· Campfire Girls. 1 • ·' The Indian-lore based orglnization for girls 7-17 years of age was -. founded in 1910 and incQrPOrated i 1912. . Ho(oseo~ ·Libra: Be Confident • -THURSDAY MARCH 6 spoUigbt. Best rot you to res-praisal Is essential. D a y pond rather than take lead. features gain. By SYDNEY OMARR "'Ibe wise man controls his destiny •• ~ll'Olo17 points the way.''.; ARIES (Mardi 21-April 19)' Permit mate, partner to have Get expert advice on legal AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. affairs. Wait., observe -news 18): Acctnt on ability to is on the way. Approval in· understand , P.r ob I ems of dicated. others. Natural humanitarian TAURUS (April 20-May 20): . qualltiel'CQPl~ to 'fore . Adhere Be" diplomatic, especially in to golden niTe. Your influence rel3.tiom with ~worken. One today is far-reaching. Yoo Will who strives to irritate will be rewarded. Rob~r-t ,Hamp.ton Weds " . . During Home· Ceremony I • Pink and white camelliu . room where champqoe toasts banked tbf Uvtn1 r 9 om of were p~ by Rlchard the R.L. Hampton home at DIJJ.Jela iiid E.H. Wllllti', and 1 Foothill Ranch wtlfn. Mr&. cadapes served by tht h08tl Emily Bru~~er and ~bert and the Mmes. Everett Tilson, Hampton J 'xcbangei:I tbejr A.E. Daniels, Richard Daniels marrla1e vo s. • and Willits . CoaducUng the ce~emony Out-Of-town guests attending was the Rev. Fred C. Huts tar the weddlhg included Mr, and Jr., and attending the rites Mrs. R. Dean Chambers, were 30 friends and relative.s Downey, Mr. and .Mrs. Robert ol the newlywedJ. A.I Pitcher, Long Beach; Gre;ellng guests were the Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson, four daughters of the new . Santa Ana, and Mr. and Mn. Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. James Robert Sattler, Corona ai~I Cw-Us and Mrs. Gary Plaza Mar. Alse.atlendlng...,. ~" and theli bu.sbandl, and Miss Orin Wade and Ar\hur Bunch • Karen Brubaker, student at Hamptcn la ... member of the San Jose State College, and Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Miss Pamela Brubaker, who The group then tr,veled to attends. Newport Beach High Glen Ivy ~ :whtre they School. , • · were ~ )y Dr. and Mrs. Also. assisting were Bob E. F. Walllban and Mrs. D. Hampton of San Mateo and Loeb ?a1Y fOl' luncheon Jn Greg<)rll Hampton, who • :at-the dlning room. · · • tends' the University ot ca.Ii· .Mr. and Mrs. Hampton and fornia at Berkeley, sons ol the Miu P~ll. Brubaker now brJdegroom and ?.fiss 4f't residing ln Ba~boa. Ellzabeth Daniels, grand·nitce of R.L. Hampton. '' · Following the c e r e m o n y guests adjourned to the dining . Historian To .Speak Dr. Giles Brown, cbalrman 1of the department o/ hlstofy at CalUornia St.ate College at Fuu.rtoo, -II the keynoter ._ell bT Newport Harbor Jl'.ullness a n d Professional Women. Meeting in the. Villa N.ariqa tomorrow for a 7 p.m. dinner, lhe IU<JUP will hear a t.alk by Dr. Brown afterward. The speaker is listed In "Who's Who in the West, Die- t I u n a r y of lnternaUonaJ Biography and American Men of Science." On 12 overseas trips, he hu visited every conUnent and almost every m1jor eapltai ol lile globe. ' • Wot-. M11<h 5, 1961 DAILY "LtT. U TERESA BREWSTER M~y Rites Nuptials Plann·ed _In Spring -~e1ing~ Around • MIBSMICHELEBeth Solomon haa pledged Alpha Chi Omega 110tority at San Diego State College. ENJ9YING a le.day ~ the graduate of vacaUon in Aspen were'*'- Weatmi!111er High Sc boo I and Mn. Rlclilrd Crool Jlnd plans to conUnu~ her educ•· daughtira, Lea, sara ~ tlon at' the University of Laara ol Corona del Mar. l Southern California or ~ University o/ Oregon with the ~ de~~~~°!:.-~~lhtr. , Scholarship attends the University of . . • · Kanaas and 11 a member of Fund En nch the varsity track team. He · · ' recenUy b • c a m • afflllale<L.. Heralding sprlna wl~tl!e· with • Sigma Alpha Epallon anwal bridge benellt · bf fraternity. the Faculty Wlva of TAXING their Grade I exam Mr. and Mrs. James R. in ballet r e c e n t I y ~ Brewster of Newport Beach Beth P....U ol Colla Mesa;' ~ave dl!closed the betrothal . Julle.H°""U, Newport Bead!; o/ their daug)lter. Teresa Suaa Stott, Laiuna Beach; Brewster to Greofrev O.Uour ·Sheri Croft Huntln&ton Beach, WiCkeU of Balboa ·llland. and Cindy' Belllngor, Corona California State Colle..;' • Long Beach. 1 ~ Tbe event will like a1 u,30 p.m. -s. ;. on campua, and proceedf emich the llCholanblp j,lftl . - A recipient of Ille 1 .. academic year .wu ~ol Arthlngtoo of Hu a II a I to a Miss Brewster and her del Mar. fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. ''!be Charles M. Wickott Sr. of --- Fullertoo, wtll be married ID May in St. Andrew'• Presbyterian Church. · The bride-elect is a graduate ol Corona de! Mar High S<hool and a buslnes.! collegt. 1be benedlct-to-be is an alum,nus ol Fullerton High Schqol and Fullerton JllJlinr Coll~ge. , Beach. '· .. GOSSARD ·IRAS&. FOUNDATIONS ' ... tire. Maintain poise. Accent PISC~ (Feb. lf.March 20): on health, well«ing, ability llJterest ,.centers l:l'ound the to make do with tools at hand. hldden:Puzzle pieces' Can fall GDUNI (May 21.June 20): into place -~or fun and pro. Great opportunity for sell-ex· fit. .Know this and . be en- pression. Charm a b I n e s thus1astlc. Welcome aid of one through; you get what you who proposes new methods. want. If single, romance IF TODA y IS y o u R dominates. If married, you BmTHDAY don't be deceived gain renewed understanding of by individual who talks big PAM TAYLOR To"M•rrY Engagement Announced The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You ' 250 I . E.st 17th St. Hllltr•11 s'q111w• '4t·54JQ, mate. but has small bank account. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor CANCER (June 21..July 22): You tend to be generous, of Huntington Beach have an· Dialog necessary between artistic. You are undergoing nounced the engagement of family memben. Don't fortet period of preparation. Avoid their daughter. Pam Taylor promise made to parent premature c,ction. to Jerry LaCues, ~ of Mr. Spotlight on basic issues, and Mrs. John LaCues of bom. rep"•;~, s-·•i'ty. Hunch T• find our w11c1·1 1ucMv tor You Chino. _...... .,~... 111 m_.,. 1nd lovt, or!H!r 5vdMv should be' followed _ pays 0marr'1 11oa1t1e1, "Sec.rt• Hint• 10• The bride-to-be Is a junior ff Men • ..., Women." S.nd b!r!~daTe at Fountain Valley Hf g h O , ind SO cenh "' °'""'' i111tr~'""~ , secre11. ni. DAILY PILOT. aa~ »«1.~ School and her f1ance is a LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Gr1nd centr11 St1tiol>, Nitw von:, N.Y. ho I Cha. ff Coll Some wbo oiler advice are,-'-"-'"---------'°-P __ m_ore_• ___ e_Y __ e_g_e. . OFFERS TALK Dr. J. S. lnner1t Freedom League Gathers confused -includes close relatives. Best to spread horizons; accept social in· vitalions. Relax. You can't force issues today. Keep in touch with one at distance. vmG-O (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), Please family member with gift. Display affection. Recent dispute can be settled. Take Initiative along this line. You'll be happier as a result. Keynote is harmony. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22)' You get answers to queries. Those who had been less 'than enthusiastic warm up. Make Dr. J. Stuart Innerst will contacts. Be confident. Sales present Uhclerstanding China ability iS high. Personalit)r is when· members of t h e dynamic. Get going. Women's Jnternational League SCORPIO (Del:. 23-Nov. 21): for Peace and Freedom gather Excellent for a t l e n d i n g March a· for a luncheon pro-theater, pirticipating in chari- gram at Chapman College: ty project.. You have air of The guest speaker was a mystery. Others are intrigued. missionary ln·China from 1921 You can gain cooperation of through 19'17 and for several club, group, organization. yea11 worked In Walhlngton, SAGITI'ARWS (Nov. 22- D.C. under auspices of the Dec. 21): Wishes can be fulfill- Quakers. He received his ed. Key is to be alert. Friend1y masters from C o 1 u m b i a contacts pay dividends. Be University and his doctorate gracious. Qne who pays com or dlviniti from Otterbein pliment 11 likely to mean tt. College, Ohio. But be pra,ctlcal in denum1!1. n-. Imterst, a former CAPRICORN (Dec. zi..Jan. minister 1n Pasadena, return· 19): s ·t u d y SAGl'n'ARIUS ed last year from a tour message. Yl>U get special months tour· of New Zealand, honor. Evaluale·lt. Don't think A~•· Taiwan, Hong KonD it can get you more than and Manila. ····it's"" worth. Means reallstlc ap- Ticktb for the morning ar-----------• fair D>ll' ,be resemd by call- lni Jllfl. Richard Petherbrldge at 54U4M. Kids, ·Ask Andy' ..----·-VIRGINIA'S-----. SNIP · 'N' STITCH SHOPPE . .. 3334 Ea1t Co.st Hwy, •· c...on.ti de! Mar Phan• 673.tOSO hn't II t'••t •••l11t .. 111hl111 'tt1l11J H•v• ftii11ff ••• 111, M•llY •• , 11lc• c•tt.-. tit••• P••t r1!11y we•kt. Mt wN 1!~11 ft th., 111 twch lft;,.,,i,1. w•ttfi.,1 Wt'vt 1119' th1 r11Tfty dty1 llflJl•t~l~t Mtty Jr.l,..11h 1f .,rillt -4 t•"""9r f1iltic, plvt trlMffllflf .,.. l11ff111•. Dt •i1it ., ..... 1114 ... f., yet11r1•ff 1W we!Hltl'ftll t1ltcti-tf f•thln feMlc1 1•ltctff ftt ell •ve• 1114 •11 ~t.11len1, W• i11vif• y111 ft feli:t I "pH•" l11'te •lllt be1fl111111t r•tlft, 1110thtr r1i11y 1us111 1n-pltsl1"wie11t. W•'v1 tft· l•rted ff. 1dcl1d •-111w firi111,t1 11 It( "'1111lt •11l1r t• 11l•t.f 1llk1 btfti 11lid •PHI 1'ri11t1, O•tttr w11l1111, •h:., wlttn )'•• •r• ''•tly t1 tr••t• Y.-' ii•H•r cl1fti••· Set you •oon; . • VIRGINIA ' I '. . Now ... P.icturr-your child ht a Parson,lifj Portrait by Pannaya I J 3 495 . ' are just ; . ••• lal,1 fw'Yew, •ttd rwe $a7 let th leMUy •Int>"*' chQd kl now· ond 6-our lulenMd·pMfog· ,ophet C9'fvr• tftal 1porlr.Df\t look fotwtrl Cot11e IR while thoppln1 ,, .110 appoifthflfnt MC .. ..,,., .. •n<' teiMftibw. YoV can chor .. It at '.nnay'•I •VlL(tt'T'Otf Gr"•Mff411r ~..,.. .,. floor.171-ad ttUNTINeTOM •u.c" Kiin!~ Center w "-• ..,.,n, fflWP>O•T l lAC" FW.!.i 111•1'1111 hfn-,'"4Jll All Penney Stores Open Everv Night Monday Through Saturdci., ELGIN .• • • AT LOW ANNIVERSARY PRICES I All ARE 11 JEWns . ' .. f AHTASFIC COWCTIOH Wf GAfHfltll> ISNCIAUY POii THIS GlllAT OC'CASIOH YOUa CHOICI Af OHi £OW Nlcf ' Yoo eao nnd 'fNflt'f style for fNflt'f accasiclll II tllis special """'-IY -.!! Elgin watches !or _,,...,. .•• dlW, SIJOrt, ca-, dlomond, pachet, outwnolk, 11>1i'·1111117 ll)OIO! And ~ .. an priced • ~"'" . ~ " . . OIARGE IT AT YOUR PENNEY'S RNE JEWELRY . DEPARTMENT 1,1 ' ... _ rM l'I IJ 1ls. a-......· ····~ ... __ FUUERTON Or1111•f•W C•11t1r H,,.,,, at Ot11111thtt,• HUNTINGTON BEACH-,...",t'"'•"' .c.11+.r ttlt111•r 1t 5111 Di•t• Fwy. NEWPORT BEACH N1ltl111 lil111.t- M1cArttl11r 1t ,,c, Cit. Hwy. • • ' ' ' • , • .J ' • l • • • • ' \ • ----------------------------------------·-------- •• \ I • ' ( ~~~·• ,,..,,~·r-.-c,,.-:-~...,...,.~~""'~-..~-~.,-,.~,,,.,..,..,..~,.....~~~~ ...... ..,..,,....,...,.,...,....,,....,,.....,..,.,..,.. ... ..,.,...,.., .. ..,.,.. .. ..,.., ........ ..,.., .. ...,..,.,..,.. .. -·Rolling' Out. to a Skating Party 'Chivalry is not lost as Mark .Duncan asSists Dorothy Parsons (at left) and JuHe Joyce with their skates. Rea students will be "rolling" their way to Har~ r Roller Rink on St. Patrick's Day for a party. . . . Mrs. Vernon Schoeder'.i; class won free ticket& from the candy sales. Ducats will go on sale from 8 to 8:15 a.m. next Monday at school. 1 Units Engrossed With Work FV Council 1\1r1. Ronald ~turphy President :REPORTS: Mrs. \V i 11 i am Kowaleski reported on re- cent lun cheon to all un it presidenls at Roundtabte Meeting. Vickie Hix and Sherrill Catherman . students from Fulton School. gave a, report on their visit to Washincton O. C. for· the tnauguration. :· FV Hi9h PT A ' l\1r1. WUJhm Masto President REPORTS : Frank Sc bot t, •• cha irman, reports the Drug Abuse Comm1tltt will meet every \Vednesday night, in the high school ... Rules. )tights and Responsibilities 'in the Community were discussed by a panel last night. consisting of Mrs. Ru· dolph LaBlanc, parent: .Det. Sgt. Fred Nourse, Fountain Valley Police Department, Narcotics Division ; Donald Champlin, faculty, and Casey Spencer, Caro Ii n e Lammers ind Dan Roark, students. Hi.r per PTA • : Mn. CUrles Upol Pretldent COMING UP: Theme c.f t.1arcb U ~unit meeting is JnnovaUoo inT ea chin g . Lancuage Arts will be discuaed at a p.m .. in the music room. Officers for the comtnc year will be elected. REPO~; Mrt. Charl ~s , • Upot wu recipient of the honorary life memberthip. 41'esaN.td by Mrs. William Mal!Ofl., chairman. Founders Day procram wa11 under the direct.ion of Mrs. Frederick ' • Voos. Congratulations to the Winners Joseph Tardie was lhe recipient of lhe honorary life membership award for the Huntington Union Council of PTAs and l\1rs. E. 0 . \Villmore won the continuing service award. They were feted during a program attended by PTA units from Huntington Beach, Seal Beach , Fountain ' Valley. Westmin- ster ·and Ocean View school districts. Youth groups will h,. honored during unit meeUng at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March II , in the kindergarten room. REPORTS : Honorary 11 re member s hips were presented to Mrs. ri.fark Tidgewell, tee ch er ;ii Newland School and Airs. George Cross , artist and parent. day. beginning tomorro"·· for 25 cents, to ra ise money for their 11raduation party. REPORTS : Mrs. J ames Ra,·. mond is the new Pio 11ecre tary ... Pifrs. Lo"·e'I Brink attended the ann u;d Blue and Gold dinner of Ci;h Scout Pack 552, "'hich the unit sponsors. Wardlow PTG Mrs. C.eor1t l'\leehan President Beckstead, James Gurshon. Jess Carranza , L e I a fl d Nichols. Robert R y a n . Charles Oirksmire a n d James Patrick . . . Unit has taken over sponsor.shi p of Bluebird aroup ... G1it from unit to school will be an overhead projector . . Nevi chairmen appointed are Atrs. John Waterman. music and 11-frs. Harold King, youth activities. • School Meeting.s Specialized , ....... tteot.1 ,, .............. • ""'' JMM, ,._., MKll. u.-~~· f'U:•. .r'" .Adams PTA Atn. 'cart Leuck President COMING UP: Board meeting a( 9:30 a.m. Friday, March 7, in the home of Mrs. Wendell Williams. REPORTS: Servin1 on the nominalln1 committee are the Mm.... John Cooper, Raymond Ceccarini, Williams and L 1wr enc e P011M • , , Mra. WIJJiim MIMiol: 1"1rded l h e honorary life membership lo WllllBm PeytM, Newport- Mesa School Board member. Helplnt in the prtunt1tion were Dr. C.Vl Borwell, past Superintendent of C 0 S \ I Mesa Scboo1 District; Stliln Franklin Jr., achool board member; Alf G. Clrtu Jr. and Robert Miller, principal -Canyon PT A Mn. Denis Miller Pre.!lident COMING U P : Aasocialion m"tlng •I 7:30 p.m. Tues· day, MarCb 11. Officm: will bt, elected • • . Carnival frorit 10 1.m. to 4 p.m. Salunlay, March 15. Games, IWTY c~lt rides and muaical cake watt will be featured. CdM Ele. PTA Mn.~Waltol Pruident COMING UP: Special meeting 117:30 p.m. Tueadly, Much 11, at C«ona del Mar Elementary SchoOI. Parents and teacben from Harbor View, U:1fl.,Junlor Blah and the ICbool are invited to attend. Dr. John De an , curriculum coordinator f« the Newport- Mesa Unified S c h o o I District, will speak on Fami· ly Life Education, Pas:, Present and Future. Dr. Dean is a former teacher and principal. CM Hi9h PTA Mn. Omer haer Preaident COMING UP: Rummage sale from t a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 7 and a, at 3S3 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Donations may be delivered from t a.m. to noon tomorrow, or by calling Mrs. Jack Hall at 642-38.12 for pick up. Estanc ia PTA ltlrs. Mark Geodyear President COMING UP. Board meeting at 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, Jn the fac:ulty lounge. R E P 0 RT S : Membershi~s total 141, ,_ted Mrs. Del Lewis, chairman ... Mrs. Raymond Ceccarini waa ap- pointed ' clmlrman for the Spanish dinner. Harper PTA Mn. Harry Koll.out Presidenl COMING UP : Gener1I meeting and science fair at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March It, in the multipurpose room. Certlflcatu will be awarded. Science Fair New Fare for Students Scientists in the making? Stephen Pearson and Phil Kaylor (left to right) are among students from Harper School who will be participating in the Science Fair on March 11. All entries \Vill be On display at the general meeting on March 11 at 7 p.m. Certificates will be awarded. tonisht, In .the cafetorlum . Dr. John Dean, curriculum coordinator ror the Newport. Mesa Unified S c h o o I District, will speak on Fam i· ly Life Education, Past, Present and Future. Mr s. William Godejohn w i 11 report on the awards and scholarship committee. Me.so Verd e PTA Mn. James A-fangu1 President COMING UP : Association meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tues· day, March 11 , -1n the multipurpose room . Fifth and sixth grade chorua will present an inspirational musical. Officers will be elected. Newport Ele. PTA l\1r1. John Scapple President COMING UP: Mrs. P. J . Ha ll . director and coordinator of the all-chUdren talent and art ahow , invites parents to attend an evening of en· tertainment at 7 p.m. hfon· day, March 10, in the cafeteria. Newport Hts. PT A P.1r1. El1le Armour President COMING UP : General meeting and Junior Great Book demonstralion 11 n d discussion at 2:15 p.m. Tue~ .• day, March ti. . . • A rose bush will be planted in the name of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peeble.r. Peebler is a teacher retiring in June. Sonora PTA 1\1rs. Donald Mollie• President COMING UP: Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 11. Or. William Cunningh a 1n, superintendent of t h e Newport-Mesa U n i f i e d School Distr ict, will speak. REPORTS: P.1rs. Raf Denno was presented tbe honorary life membership at tht February meeting. TeWinkle PTA l\lrs. A. A. Johnson President COMING • UP : Mad Mod Fashion show from I to J p.m. Saturday, March ti. in Boswell hall. Tickets went on sale today and may be purchased by calling Mrs. Ralph Boqel at 545-2418 rr l\1rs. Robert G. Campbell at S-45-8630. Fashions from Wet Seal. REPORTS: h-tiss Di an n e Prince was awarded the honorary life membership. St. John A~x . Mn. Robert Reid President day, March 15, Jn the school hall. Donations will be pick· ed up by calling Mrs. John. Hartl at 54e-25n, Mrs. Emit Deyden at 546-4389 or Mrs. Robert McCormish at 540- 377 I . Mrs . Wayne Armstrong, Mrs. J o s e p h English and Mrs. Walter Trotechaud are serving rn the committee. REPORTS: Mrs. Roger Gib- bons and Mrs. George Johnson are leading the sixth grade studenls in the Great Books program . . Voluntten for the hot lunch program may call Mrs. Walttr Hoffman, chainnan, at 546-1003. Wh ittier PT A ltlr1. Robert White President REPORTS: Honorary I i f e memberships were awarded to Mrs. John Shannon and Mrs. Robert White. Past presidents from Whittier honored were Mrs. P. M. Thomp!Oll , Mrs. A. L. Pi11.kley , Mrs. John Archuleta and Mrs. John Clark. Bake sale netted ~I! ... Members u sisted Miss Ruth Ryden, nurse, i n physical fitness tests last Friday. Mrs. T o 1 h i k o Yamami was chairman. Wils on PTA Mrs. Fred Simpao1 President REPORTS : Physlcal 1ki11 tests were administered to Rea PT A COMING UP: Meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 13. Sister Jo Anne Eannarenoo will speak on All That I Am . . Rummage sah~ from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Satur- COMING UP: Candy apple !ale at 11 :30 a.m. 2 and 3 p.m. Thursday, March 13. the fourth arade atudents Airs. Kell.II KeUoq last Friday • • . Officers President ' Grandmothers elected "'' th• Mm ... B. Cactus Society 0. Lindsey, pre a I den t : REPORTS : Officers elected 10 At noon every second Thurs- Charles Hansen, J o h n serve are the Mmea. Donald Orange County Cactus and day the Newport Harbor Campbell and R 01 er Jackson, prealdent : John Succulent Society meets the Grandmothers' Club metll in Georie. vice president!; Ktlly and Robert Sankey, firlt Wednesday at noon in the Costa Mesa GoU and .Jack Perkins and Geor1e Vic.e presiden.ll; M. D. Grosz. Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa . Country Club. Mrs. Dorothy H ·-~-~ p 1 treasurer; Robert White and Mrs. Roy Jones at 548-5065 Van Marter at 962.m7 may owe, aa.;lll\&l.~es: au Ora Childers, sec:ntaries, can be contacted for additional be called for m 0 re io· Harris, treuurer; David and Marion Hartley, auditor information. · Darst, auditor; David Ross, 1 ,=======================fo;:r=ma;U;:on:=·=======, historian, and Harry Kohout, I parliament.arlan. Mariners PFO RoMrt E . .\Merson I ?resident COMING UP: Meetin1 at 7:30 Library Hour Costa Mesa Library Is tht scene of a litrary story hour ' every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Something Old,Sometl)ing New ... Some things grow more beautiful with age. Th is fact was never more evident than in these enduring weddirig set designs from another day, beautift.illy, recreated. From Our exclusive Antiquities Collection: From the top: Delicate flower design w ith interlockiriri feature, $275. Marina High PTA ~tn. George Walton _. President ,-:!',Jl£PORTS: Mrs, ~ Myers t ;-.. -. and 11-frs. BUI Witherapoon Spring View PTO Mrs . Vemal Oay President COMING U P : f'ather-~on Spaghetti Oinnt'r at 6.JO p.Jn. Friday. P,.farch 14. 111 the multipurpose room. The. Apollo film, "Flight to the Moon" will be sho'll'n after dinner. REPORTS: Assisting ?II r ~ \\'illia m 11-fcAdoo. hea11 h "''elfare chairman. wi1'· oeulatlons \\'ere the P.t• \\lllliam Harden , Don 1 "•llAT T'IN•S TO •O NA TIYI IN" Wide rin gs accentuated by unusual designs on black enamel, $200. Solita ire diamond excitingly displayed against jel black. With matching wedding band in b~ushed finish, $225. l , ...-assisted Mrs. Loola KNeger on the honorary I I f e membership committee, b)' t • «lectine Miss Mary Lou , Nicholl, vice princlp1l ol SW:q' Junior High School, u this years recit>lent. • l, \lewlend PT A Mn, V«1 Dart Pieoldent ;QMJNG uP: Board meelini( 11t 7:30 p.m. tomorro\\, in the te:1chtr1' Jounce • • . Tamura PTO !\1rs. l.olftll Brink President C011-11NG UP: Ground cnvtl pl1nting ctremony at 1 :JO p.m, Friday, March 7, com- mcmorallng Arbor Day •• Eighth graders wlll ~II hamburier1 every Thur.,. Silver Sand • The first and thi rd Tuesdays Al 8 p.m. men1bers 0( Sliver Sands 286. Nalive Daughten or the Golden \\'est gather fo1 meetings. Lake Park Clubhouse in Jfuntinglon Beach ls the mecling place for the first 5C~sion. Mrs. Jack \Vllson, 548-lfl9, will furnish loc::aUon on I he nc.xt mcrting d1Ue. •• ',. Solitaire in nugget finish, with matching wedding ring, $175. Use our divided payment plari SLAVICK'S Jewelers. ilne• 191 7 I I F•sh ion ltl•nd N•wport 8•ech -6''44.1 310 You, Ch1r91 ActoMflf W1l•elft• -l111•Aw.•t;c1rl'. M11i1 r Ch1r11, t11 o, .. " Me11. Ftf. w11tll •:JO '·"'· .r • .. .· ' • -- 1 ::i . .. ,~ • l~.:· !;: ~ . I " .-.1 • .. 'I I . ' • • - :· .· 1 ' 1 ! , r , ' ! ' t 1 ' I • • " • .. . . . f 1: 29 ... c ... c • • DAILY ~ILOT •17 • Frerich-~~t _ Style ,for_ Ha~te1_ <;:Ws1in_~ -~ ~:~?t &::;~::. u, CECILY BRO~Nll. Al Kl'VUll lime. ...... •llOUS• 10 DOid _ .. m I Jara• whole •u• 10 maia I QIPI: -Ullo _,, cocil: 1111111 -Oft¥iGl!i MJl"F.INS bmlt1. Fill madlupi. u onct. In • wldlO )'OIL Hu .cuatard s..a. Joto I ~ • l!nlla, 1&1a'. ~ bl v. taupooo Yll1illa -.... , ·lln1'7 m. d I um. ~I•. coata a inelal -... li>oul . cllag multln CUPI bal{ 11111; :;··In to try your hand ,1 produc1ns disha; float a ~. oo piled, but. th1' lllak.•• aervinl Milk loll alter poachlnl \aadc:epu· heat unlU liubblel 10 mimllel· aauce will be thin. 1 Pl • (H • u • < • 1 ) baiter wltll -·~ ,,,... ..... an bautuulsloe deaMrl, whip each JIOl'll9o; apooo alrawber-dlllicull bo<ause it II hard merlnguea ' • • orange mul!b(mlx ··~-.. up a batch of Fr-ii SJIOlll rlel tYOf Olllard Sauce. to stpara\e them•· iOd otW Extra milt appear ltOWld edge. Slirrinl Do not boll or ovucook, "' l cup ~ d r al n e d Wttb. 1111ar. • I Eus. Matea I servillp. teep tlJem whole.' Scatter In a mall mlzlng bowl, with vl10t<llW)' u you do IO, add Cllllard llllCO wlll curdle. u n 1 w e.a l e n e d f,,,..,, Bake , In prebtalojf • To _prepare thll deutrt, you WoM1 Deutrt m1y be terv.. 1tr1Wberrlel over Cu 1 t a r d a whlak, 1enUy but to1ethtr a lltUe (about \l cup) . ot the Trll\lfer 1 a "c e-to a bluebtrrlu • de&ree 0 v • n until ~ ~merlnlueshlmllt; then ed from a larie shallow bowl. Sauce. the ,eu yolloi, wbole •IP• bol milk to tile •U mlxtw'e; ttfrllerator container, covet ' Yllll ,""•)he mitt foi; a c....tard In this cue I"""' Qlltard CUBTAllP SAUCE sugar and vanilla. etlr back Into mllt 1 n and c:hlll at ooce. Uoe ,u Grated rind ol 1 or,aap mix· tater lnoerled In Cllll!f ·~· . _ Sauce into 11; lloat.metlnlUU 4 larao•H yolb To mut left alter poachlna 1tucepan. directed hi nclpa for "?'1<h ed wlth 1 libleapoon sugar es out clean of baud.-II To crown the merbliliea oo top. U bowl 'ii-not wide 1/S cup sugar meringues, add enough mttk Over low beat, 1tirrin1 ~ Snow Eqw. / Mite up muffin mb: u to • mlnuits Maka l and:sauce, you add fruit. Here1---'-------,------'-.....::--~----=-..:....--....:-------...:....-....: ____ ..=i: ____ :.._ ____ --'---------.:.·_· __ _;;...".~!i-. - wbo1e froz:en strawberries, / · thawed and drained, are oor 4--""" choice. Thty add just the right Cil er 1: w •-.. utlt ., flavor, color aDd texture to ,., ....._., ..... .._.. T-. the dessert. c.11 w.r 'M ... FRENCH SNOW EGGS 4 large egg whites .. teaspoon salt ~i teaspoon vanilla ~~ cup sugar 2 cups milk CU!tard sauce, see recipe 1 package (l pound) frozen whole strawberries i n suglf syrup, thaw.td and dralzied. Place a clean tea towel fold· ed. in half on a counter near the range to receive mer- ingues after they are poached. Beat egg whites and salt until sUlt; add vanilla. Beat In sugar, a tablespoon at a time; conUnue to beat until vei'y stiff, glossy and sugar is dissolved; t.o test. taste meringue -you should feel no sugar granules on your tongue. Gently flatten surface of meringue and mark off YOU SAYE MORE ON YOUI TOTAL fOOD com AT VONS •••. AND YOU GET BUIE OllP STAMPS . ln10 eighths. In a 10-inch skUlet, heat milk until bubbles appear around the edge. Disregard any skin that forms on mllk while meringues are poaching. With a large kitchen spoon -the ktnd that holds almOl!lt ~~ cup -take up one-eighth of the meringue; with a small spatula, spread surfa~ into an oval shape. As meringues are shaped, drop 4 of them, as far apart as possible, into lhe scalding· hot mUk; make sure milk does not boll -surface should barely quiver. Cook meringues 2 to 3 minutell on each side, turning once with a large slot- ted kitchen spoon or slotted wide spatula; remove to tea towel. Cook remaining mer· lngue in 4 portions in the! same way. \Vith a v.·idc spat ula .! care.fully remove all the mer- ingues to a flat surface dish or shallow baking pan; cover: chill several hours o r overnight. Reserve milk used for poaching meringues for making Custard Sauce (see recipe). Lemor Sauces Seafood Sauces should enhance a food but never dl.sgulse iL Lemon sauces using both the peel and juice do just that for fish and seafood. A lemon wedge sprinkled with chopped parsley o r papri1ta makes a colorful garnish lhat heighten11 the looks as well as the navor of all seafoods. So get that fresh lemon habit. \Vhen serving shrimp or seafood cocktail, you'll want to use thill exciting new dress· Ing. The combin ation of fresh lemon juice with a touch of curry in a mayonnaise blse makes a quick and ea11y dress- ing wlth a surprise flavcr. Serve the sauce in lemon boats made by halving a lemon lengthwise, scooping out the pulp, reserving the juice !or the dressing or other uses. CIJRRV SAUCE Vi cup chili sauce l tablespoons fresh I y squeeud lemon juice 1 ~ teaspoon curry powder 1.~ cup mayonnaise Combine thoroughl y and pour into lemon boats to serve. Makes 1 cup. Hert's an ·excellent ~auce lo serve with tuna or salmon casserole, or as an ac· companiment to fried rish. canned salmon is listed by the Department of Agriculture as a pfemlful food, a fact that alert& the budiet<0nsciou1 housewife to use in plentiful amount.II. QUICK LEMON MUSI' ARD SAUCE I can ( 10~ ounce) white ""ce I teaspoon prepared mustard I teupoon freahly srated lemon peel I tableipoon fruhly squea· ed lemon julct ~ cup mayonnal,. Jn aaucepen, eomb!M:Whtte aauce. mustard and Rrattd peel. Cook over medium heat. itirring frequenlly, l lo 3 minutes until hol. Blend in ~-s...iw..t'-~-- ·SALMON -=·""" 89 W#Jla. PIKU TO loll!',, ~ aH111 ans t1111 LL ................ :-... -:-•t" ~ Northern HDlibut ....,,... ,,.._ ...... l5c Fri.i Scollopl ~ ,._. rw.. ,..._ ....... $1..W Co,,.._. Pith coi. .._. ,,_ .......... <45c Comcrflofl PW! Sffcb -.. ·~ .... ... .. ftc: BONELESS HAM ~o:;'~~11l..' McCoy's lttf Sauslgt :0:-4/'fN Ta voo1 r.....;. .= 11:. TURKEY PARTS ~ ........ 29· 1·--5fo Kt. -Ill Wlll!ll MIAf. MOQ-llCI.- .k'@dlj=, ~ ..... , .. 1oocr.99• ~ '"'"'Pfrlti.. ITL GllLETll TEOIMATIC llAlll ....... ::";TI• llECll CRUM llMSE ........... "::;.".'.:ll'. D' S-•y flG., llUlt 111) !ICU, ..... STYU HA• rlUI ••.••.... u~K'"''°· 11--0J;t. .,.. l'f\J/o/MJSl1i1'6'l''''.J,1 :11m ORANGE JUI«. .............. ~~~ 3n .- :J.COURSE DINNER ........... u:::'. A' OH IOY CHEESE PlllA ........ :~'II' PEPPEIOHI PIZli .. !;111 IO'I !':'.:~ 9 MORTON CREAM PIES . .. ,,,... 29 ! Voriel/e1, 14-0Z. C · FroDn SIU ; O-... CMlo.-.. -................. 11 .... -•• n. c: ...... .._ llR.,.. .................. 11 ........ nc C ... Dot ..... I ---....... ,,.,IJ ._,,,.,n. ,._....,.."' .... ,.,.,, •• ,,., •• ,.,,, •• M -···""' 1 -~fto •.. , ...... ,.,, .. , .. , .. ,.M ._,,,.,n. ~-"' .......................... u ........ ,.. --·0-............................ .. --·~ ........................... ... .... i.o-.,(-(ol;o ............. 19 ....... ... ·· I' .... -~ ho•••"•••••••••·• I ........ :U. • • •. COUPON I• •• • DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS. • with this coupon on tho total • • amount of ony purchase oxclud· • • in9 liquor, tobacco •nc! fluid • milk products. I coupon p..-I • eustomor. Coupon good Thurs- • day thrv Sund1y, Marek 6 lo • • March 9. • ••••••••••• SLICED BACON ~59' h/911 Jtlil ..... ~ ... w-- 7-llb. ?WI. Bun EID HAM .=:. 59~ BONELESS llAM-'=':""-'I~' WllOll UMS •• ~. 59;, 55~ 59~ Fresh Leg O'Pork '""..:t::..~-­ Fresh Pork Roasts ,~~ ... Pork Spare Ribs "~-::::.'cf::' 69~ Skinless Link Sausage '1:':: 29c Fresh Ground Chuck ·~·=.=· 65~ B11111U ClilCk ROiif ••• 19~ lt1111U Shovld1r Clod ,: • 9~'..! Sliced Pineapple .. ~~&r 29' C·H·B Presemfs ~ 2~49' Libby's Pork & Beans "U" 23' Grapefruit Juice ..;,,~Jr='"' 46 !! 43' Nestle'sehocolate Morsels~25' ,.,.,.,,. JUICT, llOf 11 YITAMl4 C ••• ._,,...,. flUll CAllOTS :: ::: IBL P9PllS =-..:: '····----....... 10' 10:. IT- MWjl 111 b 0.. ,.3:'".,,. 11' )....,,... """ .: ::::'.. ll' WALNUTMUTS ~~.~ ... 89c Mott's 1ict ....... 1111~ :"' • 'I ,000 WINNER Etirl W Sutton <;Ati Dlf' 0 PILLSBURY CAKE MIX [ ,.::.. J FRIED --HALIBUT •• Van do Kamp® flODN .... 1-0L PKG. -~ HEllZ KRCHUP 1<-0Z. m. . "FROZEN IEGRABLES WlmAC ~­"tt;t ~a:' 20 ~ -- GIANT BOLD DITlllaT ,_,,,.Oii --Qoolly • $q1#iwfc4 , -. --_..,.. ,.., . "' -CJM, ..... IOllCIUll 25' lemon ju ice and mayonn1lsc 1011 until smooth. Strve. lt1akc~ Adams Ave., at lroHl!unt, Huntington 8-L 59ll Edlnttr Ave., at Sprt111•1e, Hlllllfntton leacli 17950 MC!fJnolla, Foll11tal1 Vally 1·213 cups. -----------------------------------------· ' I l r ' J BETCHA CAN'T EAT J.UST ONE Ca.lories Spice North African Dishes North ·Africa i.s no place [or the wef&bt-watcher. for here It !.! .«lllSidend good manners for the host to exteod th< most lavi!h ho<JMtality and ror the guesr"\o make ever)' effort to eat what is heaped on his plate~ Gastronomically, N o r l h Africa includes M o r o c c o, AJieria, Tunisia and Libya. The cuisine mq also be divid- ed llCCOl1linC to that ol the larger cittes1 IDIDI! of which have plcW ap · a French ac~ cent wttbin the Jut century, llld the food eaten by nomads ol the Sahaia. Tho lamws dlsb ,af ,this parl of the world ts nascoa1. an elaborate steamed semOnna d.iah which can be made in many different ways and which requires a variety ol meats, vegetables and spices. A1utton· is the preferred meat in these Mobam"med.an lands. Lamb kebab! are very popular and the cook who wishes to excel broils them over aromatic woods. North African food Is lustily spiced with ••as much red pep- per as can be borne", and lrith cun:Un, corlan{er • mint, anise, ~. ci~OD and others. Onion and garlic are U3ed generously. It is a .mall wonder that North Africans lOYe spices, for !plce-trading Phoenicians setUed in Tunisia about IKlO B.C. and "toundtd what was to become Carthage. Fifteen hundred yes8rs later the Moslems invaded, bringing not only their spices, but citru!I fruits, almonds. sugar cane , Pocketbooks Plump as Sausage rice and varieties or figs and dates. Some North African dishes are excellenUy flavored as for instance the Spiced Fish Fillets and the Anise Tidbits made according to authentic recipes tested by h o m e economists of the American Spice Trade Association . KRISKLETl'S (Moroeeu Aid,. Tldbill~ 3 cup! sifted all-purpose Door 1 cup sugar 3 teasj>ooo1 baking powder -11 teaspoon salt 2 tablesJXM)ns anise seed1 <:rushed 3 tablespoons salad oil Sift nour with sugar, baking pl>\¥der aod salt. Stir in anise seed. Add approximately '4 cup water, a little at a time, mixing Until all flour Jn bow1 is moist (dough should be slightly rubbery). Add oil and work into doogh. Shape dough into pencil thin rolls by rolling dough w~th the palms of your hands on a lighUy floured board. Cul each roll into 1h-inch pieces. Place on greased cookie sheet! and bake in a preheated moderate oven (350 F .) 1~ to 20 minutes. Ciool and &lore in · a dry place. Serve with minted tea. i( desired. Yield : Approximately 1112 pounds. HOUT MKLE' !Fried Spiced Fllh Fillets) 1,4 cup salad oil v, c1,1p lemon juice 11c ~ parsley flakes 1 tablespoon paprika 1 tablespoon ground·Cumin 1 teaspoon sail Forebears Knew How to PRESCRIPTION FOR BU DG ET BLUES 2 ieaspoons iMlant garlic powder 1 teupoon ground coriander ll te>spoon ground blaot pepper 2 packages (1 pound each) frozen flounder f i 1 I et s, defrosted Flour Oil for frying Combine oil, lemon 1wce, parsley flakes, p a p r it a , cumin, garlic powder. cor- iander, ,salt ml blaclt pepper in a medium bowl; mix welt Add fish fillets, coating eaeb fillet well on both sides. Dredge with flour. Fry in l·lnch deep hot fat, about 8 to 10 minutes, turning to brown both sides. Drain on paper toftling. Garnish with lemoit slices and ripe olives, if desired. Yield: 6 to a portions. Most everybody's pocket· books are sagging somewhat just before income tax lime. So during the late winter months the best way to eat, . budget-wise, is often the cheapest. And so we go back to our forebears, the English, for thls succulent Sausaae Stew -an old and economical dish that British housewives keep on the back of the stove during the winter months. Not only ls this an In- expensive dish, but it's quite delicious! (And quite, if you read Mr. Webster, >neans positively!) The flavors of pork sausage and knockwurst (a sausage spicier than a frankfurter, made either of all beef, beef and pork. or beef, pork and veaJ), blend lusciously with carrot!, celery, green pepper, beef bouillon, garlic and Taba!co liquid red pepper 5'8J(>r1ing for this quiet and · easy atew. The stew cook! in half an hour, enough Ume for you tp boil the potatoes to accom~y it. Thi.1 ls a joy of a recipe . to file not just for wintertime but any time when you're short on precious hours. SAUSAGE STEW 2 cans (101.2 ounces each) beef bouillon ~ te&spoon Tabasco f to 6 bed knockwurst or frankfurters, sliced 4 carrot!, thinly stk:td 3 stalks celery. choi>ped I large green p e pper , quartered · 1 garlic clove II poond port ,.usage links Heat bouillon with Tabasco In large saucepan. A d d knockwllnt, Clm>ll, e<lery, green pepper and garlic clove. Let simmer about 20 minutes. Saute pork sausage to remove rat. Drain rat and add saUsage to stew. bet simmer C'fltl)' about 10 minutes. Seuon with salt. Serve with hot cookrd potatoes. Yield : 4 servings. • • ... , ii: lpple Pie • • • • . . . ~-:;79' . . •' Danish Pastry • c.s DeliQoUS Breakfast ... l'ISb'J. ~d Yarietl!!. 8 1 333c for :: ~---.-•. cake of the Week -s• Raspberry Rum -Cake • • .. w Spociallza 111 Caicos for All !ilill =-.mi••91••··= F.'1!111!1!1!1!1!·= Vodka s31s Ka-itana-80 Proof Qlart Dry Gin s31s Stantcns-8l Ploof Qnrt Scotch s4ss MacllailS ~ PIUOI Flft~ Bourbon s4ss Old eathoun-36 Proof Qtart , • ht R m w;,.,. .. Cup $<1t29 Lag u so proof ""• · ~ W• Moolrtai• C1$6• ..... $1 2' ane Table -••ttll Light Beer =•::;:.7f d tl!ristian Bm $529 Bran y so Proof • ""• 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna I ! I '" .. - SAFEWAY EXTRA VALUES Light ..... 2r.39' White RHr = 5 ~ H1 • Zucchini Squash ,· Y<i•h-••t,. 4 11«. S'IOO ~arje. h iin Oliar'Jly. ""' .,.-I • Peas r. Cnlst.... '::' 25' . . --- ==::... 6·-'100 ........ ..... . •llilllllll..... .... ' Gillelle Tech111atic Razor ... 'I" &111111 Toothpaste · s::-7~ • _.,.. -. • Lilll hs r::.· '::" 151 •Ktshr lllls=r.o::: ::481 .SIMI lllili:~3'1:'1" Lavoris Moulhwash :-1. 65' · · I.mp Meaty Cut ·IUA Cloice lndo Bod.~' -1111 T• As lllQ A -W-C.81.I., lb . -'"'_..,,.,.,_ ........... . c ...• .,. _. ..... Spences: Steaks Ji. '17' Cooked Hams luer's Qall1y ar f1111181' JDtil Brads c FryerDtumstkks Boneless Roast=,? .... , .. 79' ·==~· .. 69' Boneless SteakE:~i!t .. 79' ~~!-.... •3• &c Midget Turkeyset~16.~ ... 4t ~ .. -.... ... 7-·--r-;=Jolllilacall -Leg Of Lamb:-:== .. 89' .lla'J'81:j f•l'.llllrlM I • 61 .. ~Clll:t= .. •1• .... &lvW =:-t..if:t:.t-a.19' :,:'.:."::'. , ... 59' Lcmll a.1,11:'i:::."'..::r.•1". lccf H1ml1~ ...... o.11' .... ,_ ..... fl&. ..... •a1 ~,.,.0::.,69' ..., ••rt -=.., .. 3,. ._ ______ _. ........ C:t=.:::=' ........... Oat••=--== .... .. l•rll •1111 =" ::39' F1Mfw1W1 · ., :: SJt ,.....,.., ....... :;394 UlkS••• =. ::29' s.,... :';:/:'" . ,,. LENTEN SEAFOODS ,_,..A: •. ,,. M ... 1111 •t• Filllltlcb ::..-..... Nial ;:.=-:;77' CM !:."::.::" :; 57' Slirl ... ;.::.•.:= o::tl' ...... =. ",:'It' Bayer Aspirin :r:-:":" ='In ..---...-... Effenlent Tablets: 1t 56' Dl·Gel .Tablets :::::::. :t 64' ••• of Magnesia ::-w. ~ ::::68' Dristm ..... Mist ':: 99' Mulfl.Vltamin1 -::9f WWlcaa• ..,_.....,. ....... I vw.. Alcahol Eye Da ••• ~~ 16• :;:-'18 . DAIHY-DEllCATlSSEN Non-ht Milk ):;'; .::.-.:: 19' ••• .,.. Milk ::::::i...2::.. 73' ...... , .... , ... i=.-:;:; 37' ...... 1r1a1 ... =.-.:; 39' Reel APPies 5~99' FHESH BAKED lk. ..., FrtsliCablolls =.: •29' Grapefnaff llirlli.., W" . 15c •'Mii. . ..... _ .. lilli...... s:.:.•1• ..... "::"' 2.: ... .GrMll len• ; ', ; • 29' C .. •111 l.':. '::., • I' I '•••·~· 1::.":. .. a ....... =--2,: "' 211E.171h SI., Cosla Mesa 1000.Biyside Dr., Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna _636 N. Coasl Hwy., Laguna Beach Sanla Ana freeway at la Par, Minion Viejo f1lnlew Ave & Wilson St. ·--------------- - I I ,. r. •• • .. "' a """ ~ . . .... ... I f • . ' • I .. "'""'"---.. -. . . . . . . . . . • • • ' .• t Fiii~tof Sole "~~: 79c S '"h'"~ ,,.,.., lt.-lo~ I Ol. enc: nmp • • • • l'J.G. a- \ f1 '-O!.PKG.,,$1 ... 1•DQLJ!«l,$l.Jt) ·~,,-~..., Be~f Fritters • ..,.gee w.,wi.w,_ Crab Meat. n , •ool M<C:.., 51~,o 4nc: 1 Pastrami ••• ~i \I ~ ' ICOl!N(OltEr.S'kJ s-;.lami Chubs ';.~ 95c l ll.ol..11.171 I i01. $1.47) ,_t.,.jG,,tQ....t,c.-dl...~ 99c Bacon •••••• l .. • ....... ll•ktto..llAll .... •AMMool 60c' Bologna ••• :~ " "'""""a.li.!All..,. . 55c Wienen .•••• ~~- !"lll tff flANkS. n c1 ~AL.Sil( IVORY SOAP PAo:Of .C BARS 28c DlOooW<T ""'' SAFEGUARD 3 MTH 51 C BARS • l'"<L 9· ()fl IAltt) ' . . . ... ~ r . . . . . . . . . U.S.D.A. CHOCf: lENOUAT l lANO l fff (-Z C~l.AltGE MrATYINO age Rib Roast •••••• oL&. . DASH DETERGENT SO-Ol . l'<G . (INCL, 17c Off LABEL) • ,. ,.,.... ...,,. hdroih. l\-GM. ·Sf!99 Cossack Veda .·u 1 .... n...ot1 •• -:---...... '$1R91 Ancient Age • • u ·· , ..... Cl-. ........ ---$11199' Scatch •••• ""-u" ",,..... ...... ~..i,,.;... U!99 Airliner Gin • .,.~ ·u i;d';ii<e"ni~ $]99 • HILLS BROS •. COFFEE 1-lB.CJ.N • - Gola.tAtC..(lnd.4cOll ...... 51; Cheese Pizza;~ • (1<ift.Ql..""80Nl.6k) •• • • •« W.,.'--lV...... ~' Rice Mixes • .... , , ..... ..... _ .. "'-"' 270 Vinegar •· • • "" , HMul'Mrilt910W 'Jlle Vinegar •••• :: _... -, · °"""" ~· ~ 71c Jell-0 ••••• ~ · · ' --(!..d.J10lll.at.ll 340 Electrasol •• ~ -... ,.. Ice 11?1: Cat Food ... ':'.: u- """ 16c Dog Food •• "~ IAMOUS FOR DEEP-CUT DISCOUNT PRICES! I SAVE 14< I-···~!!!!!!!!!!!~ WI Alf PLIASID TO ACCIPT U.S.D.A. FOOD: STAMP COUPOHS IN LOS ANOILI• COUNTY 110111 NEWPORT BEACH.-.llOOlol .... '4; .. JlttSA • 11111,..._Aft. IW.mllff rl..r:I e SANTA ANA~'" ....... " •• e COSTA MESA"i!t!.""'""'• e HUNTINGTON BEACH-'::!..':.'~ ..... e FOUNTAIN VALLEY .... !1~ . . , ' ' .J f.ish -Bo ri edom ccf n Be Erased With .Ma-gic of Wine~Acce rifs -.....---• ' ---.. ---~·--.1--·i...< ------ . -· DAILY '1LOT 3J .In'• cUn... rMbi.. lhe 40 111.1• of ,tent atalt. !DOii ol us. olf· 00 I lone, loo( 1WOi1 or ,INfood. To J11llll' o1 111, 1'ill -seafood JlllJ>ily ~ -.....u.Clen ol dull, drr•lobo of sole. waten and h'eeh fish can be tho9e ''°'"" fill.,.) but boltleo. But -ber. what llAVCE SA . ES 1 CNm d lo 2 mll\u)el). Im< I\ aip minced lhalloil Place In oven ,.-sod to -.. ~tine ~ you ta11e a saJmoo. turbot,crant flH, can Y"' dolt' .., lot ~ can ~cup "'tter ..-mtdlately ......,. from llUI 1 cup ...-,S lllctd • ....., ad -Ulllll loot~ tile provender or our ooly be beltmd. be uoed u a refreabln& I bblelpocw cold butter and beat In I ~ cold ' talilapoons olive oil 11111 --1-heal lo . l •u yolU I\ lemon m ....,_ Mtl -toe about • ••ten tbrou&h !he eyes ol Pl>achlng b euy. And, the cocktail belore dimer °'an l bblesJ>oons !tilll« (I aip butter. BeaU., Ille',.,. With All and pepper .J ml11"41 mon. P1-full lllOlher lllb lovlnc part pt_Ame win< Is used · 1o make • be ele111111Y strv<d during lbt fltb -bolled down wire whip, pour on melted panley sprigs on platier ud pour wine and the world .:.. Bordealll'.. a sauce (it is rathtr Jike meat Always serve Sauternes tO 3 tablespoons llqu.ld) butter by droplets until sauce Z/3 cup Sauterna: mu.sbroom aauct on top. In !he .arut vlqeyards of hollandaise. and as easil.Y -;wtll chilled, bu& not lced. big pinch of salt · • ' begins to thicken into heavy Heat olive oil, add !hallolt Can)lsh wllb sprigs of parsley Bord here dr hit de) Nacurally with this pepper . 1 cream. Pour butter 1 little aod mushroome. s4ute until and thin slices of lemon. ·But,' atiimet uau•lly ~ aeafood wonderful -'> ..,.ilfilll. lttib brook lroul. sumUts and baas from a. mowrtalrr I t j. e' I m, bluefish eaUJ:, .... y, "f e, ~a · ' ..,. SXLMON sciu.oPS more rapjd!y. Omit milky , .. .SWee\ 5aqtemes are madt , the d1sh1 you drink 5auternes. 1 Beat egg yolks f°'"J l,minutc L: ~·· 'Yi°T)' u,htJy browne:c1 0G jAcit Seryes 4. delicious W"'.ne Just naturally Sau~emeS· sweet navor is plean and skln . lmon. Cut in saucepan. Add lumet al'ld r~ldue al ooltom. Sea.son'wUh slde. Ughtly •It ·arid pe'pper • • • the list is eadJe:ss. ~t does not need lo be ttie. !iJh drUrles -and •P.rinl"fllUll!BU days of open companions the abuf'l<tance of more ptea~ant to. many an into bitwi:ed pieces. Cover salt. Beat ror ~ inlnute 'nlOl't. salt and pepper .• Setves 4 to nlets. ~dd to frying pan and fresh flsb and seafood. American palate than lhe bottom or scallop shell with Add cold butter, don't beat. 1· • saute.runtil ligbUy. browned, .Zipped Into a baking fish'-1 ·more astrtnient . dry, white Sauternes siuefl. Fill salmoO Place saucepan over very low FlSH POACBP JN WJNE (J td2 minutes on each side·). N'ew Taste pan, it addl a tang nearly wines. pieces with sauce ~and place heat or bar'ly simmering AND MUSHROOM. ,SAUCE Plact fish in )uttered bakinJ. _ Tau-abredded Cheddar « perfect. Bl.it, the best dilb If you·re not used to cooking in abell. Top with more sauce water -and'-stir the ea yolb J~ paunds flal\ ftllts, Htt cliah, P o u r in ,,. c 11 p · AmerictD cheese with hot btzt.. is poached ftSb ~ ~ny white with wine, it'~ a good idea and cook ln tbe 1_oven at 350 with a. wire wtUp until they or fro&en (ttiawed) sdt, SaUtefues. A~umsbroom and · tered rice, noodles or hominJ fislJ is great (which helps to start out with eeveral half degrees for fO ,l:Jlbmtes. slowly thicken into a smooth Oounder, baUJJut_ .If' shallOt -quce on top of fUets. for a. new side-dish taste. Leaf Motif ... ' • 720! £,,AG.e 'B.-& Raised tezture or leav~s add! '.Interest, I u x u r y. Everyone will admire this aljMn. Add-A-Strip Leat Afghan - knit •. five f..inch strips in 3 Shades ot a color, all one or contrut colors. Pattern 7IOZ: directions, c o Io r scheriles. F"'1'Y CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add 1$ .cents for each pattern for first-class mailinC and special handling; Send. tb Alice Brooks the DAI· LY P-JLOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., BOJ: 163, Old Chelsea station. New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, A~, 7Jp, ~ Namlter. Giant, new Itlll l'!eedleuaft Ca.taioc - nver°' ... 200 des1gns to choose, :1 Im patterns printed inside. Senddlll· cents now. · NEW! "SO INSTANT GIFTS" -0fabulous fashions, t0y5, ;decorator accessories. M~Jt today, give it tomor· row? Ideal for a11 occaaloos so ·ctnls. 4•]j .Jlfty Rap" to Dtt. citlcbt!l, weave, sew, hoot~ 58' cents. Book or U ~AfPus. 50 cents . Barg~ift!· Q.Ot Book 1 has LI byUUfU1.patterns. 50 ce nts. Iii ..... Qalll Book I -pat· teins,'IW 12 su-i}erb quDts. 50: eMl\1'. r Book 3. "Qallt1 Jor °IWl7'• Livi.,". 15 patterns. socm... --.Drapery Cleaning tfn provecl A, pilot drapery cleaning ~ upected lo be the ~ for Penney's na· ~'operations, is beiftc eip:indfd to serve the greater Los , Angeles area, J. C. Pen- ne1 Co. bu announced. Tile pilot pla.'11, located In Montebello, has been ln opera- tion' on a limited capacily bmis for the past year. The plant handle1 cleaning of dtaperles, blankeil, scatter rugs ml. )>lllOWlJ lot both hOmes.and commercial establlslunenla. · Sun, rain, humidity, kitchen and dilmney tuma and even auto' exhaust ate among the lhlnp tllat ca""' draperies and o1her i-hold fobrics \o.ttlin • deteriorate. . -that chemlclls and i!lilltiGD Uled In lrlditJonol ddolng -may accent ~ stains and in some ~ caute deterioration or Wwq led Penney'o _into . ~ oo Improved cleaning rDietl>ckh, a c o m p a n y s~an sold. This led lo --t ol ....... ~draptrJ cleanin1 - Gourmet Feast I A balrl of ordinary chili con 1 cprne-with or without belnl -when topped with • goodly! amount ot dairy 1our crtam bec3mes 1 aourm'et's feast. 1 'T"'~;;,,1\' :?6? ~" L\";" • ...... , ' ~ • ;; 'I• ••· • '~ ~:'"·~ BABY FOOD ::.':'."'~-----9' JUNIOR FOOD.::::.."'~ 13' GERBER'S CEREAl ::=.:.-~_..35' MJB COFFEE , ................ 69' MJB COFFEE ............ _.•1 11 MJ~ COFFll -.... _•J" MAXWEU HOUSE :::.:.69' MAXWEU HOUSE COFFEE ~ •111 MAXWEl.L HOUSE COFFEE :::: ... '1" • -YUBAN COFFEE '"'---.............. 73' YUBAN COFFEE ·~·~ .. -·---......... '1" YUBAN INSTANT ::r"-·---.... '1" UPTON JEA .,._ .. ____ ..... 81' lllCAR INSTANT :Z..,, __ ...... :'1" ~ ..... /:I/&/--; APPIAN WAY PIZZA PIE MIX 12·0UNCE BOX a&o FRUIT COCJITAl(m.. ... _ ....... -25' STOIILY:Al'PllSAua .... ~21' IORDO GRAPffRUIT:" ...... -.29' DOll PINEAPPll r::::..,~.-.... -... 24' Lii.Y'S PLUMS m:.'u ...................... 30' PINEAPPLE JUla :!:r:'.l.'' .............. 27' CRANBERRY JUKE :r.'.':::::. ......... 55' PRUNE JUICE l:'.'r:l'n~ ... -....... _ ...... 48' Ra. ••.. Kiy&r/. ~ LONG GRAIN MAHATMA RICE .tl·OUNCE BAG POii & IEANS ;~~ --··-25< GREEN BEANS ~~~--29' ~·H~T DAYCORN :=":.15' DEL MOITE PEAS ""~-....... 25' LIBBY'S SlUERICRAUT ,..._,.._.ft' PRIMC;EllA.YAMS -...... --...... 33' PEAS W/ONJOits ;::~ ........ __ ... 27' REFRIED IEAllS ='!.l.--.--29' fila. • • ... Kiy&r/. W ADDU FADDlf -SNACK 7-0VNCE Pl<G. .. 33c STtWDI TOMATOES ~..:"'--19' TOMATO JUICE ::::'u. __ 33• CARNA'llOll TUNA =--.... 35' TllY TOT SARDillis ~~ .. _33• CORNID l&F HASH :...._ ... 47' lYNDIN CHICKEN ::>'~ .. -... -.. 47' ITAUAll DRESSING==. ___ .66' IRAFTDRISSING =.:. 38' UICIY MAYOlllAISE --47' """"-C........•r.r•._......,,.._ 38° ~ 'llOISEllOl.I ITEMl .~ ·~ 1vi>IYsoiii FLAm ,.~-·-34; SAL:VO PEWTS ='=-.--75' DUZ DETERGENT :::r::;"" 83• GAIN DETERGENT MK .................. .79• DASH DfTERGENT •• , ......... _ .. 7 4 • CASCADE ::r:~·.'.~.~;,~~-~~-~; ............. -.... 69.' · JOY LIQUID :ri:.-:::.... ................ : .. _. 58' WINDEX ·-~-~""'"" 28' ...,, llffnl. ... -... -...... _ ......... -.. .. ENDllST :".:t~---... -.. 83' IORATHM ~~-·-·--SJ17 ~ •.... Kiy&rf.-....., 'l(;J' SPAGHITTI SAUCE MIX . BANQUET DllllERS ~--.. .37' !lllQ•-.uut•--·"'"'" ... '''"'~--_.._ •Kl• IUU W/tll .... aA.11, ltCJ.NU W/M-. ""' fltllJIMft STRAWBERRIES =:.':l!~~'... ......... 33( ORE001DA POTATOES :::.~~ ..... -20' AWAKE DRINK ::r1:.:.._ .. ____ 35• ORANGE JUICE :=_ ___ 28• '.lrl~Van de !Gimp's•• AN OUTSTANDING VAllETY . OF FRESH 1A11111Y GOODS IAf llOITUICO Sfllllt ........... -.-........................ ..,. ._.............. .. .......... , .. ................. ,..,.. .. ,..,. " .JURKEY .,.DQU .. ,; .. 29c U.S.D.A. GIADf A PLUMP AND TENDER ••• ROAST OR BAR·B·Q .lk. HIN TUllliYs .. ::-=.:tt:~ .. 39,: • o~r...t.it-....t....I CHUCI ROAST •••• ~'?!'~~ •.• 49 1~. ·.o···~---~---.....~ PORTtRllOUSE .... ,::\'~ .... 11:: SIRLOIN STtAK ; .. : ........ 98.t. IAlfCll .IOllll LINK SAUSAGE. •• .'::~:~, ... 29' ri:... •.... 4&rt.--w ICY POINT PINK SALMON l SV2-0UNCE CAN eec MOININI; FllSH TOI' QUALIJY fllSlf flUtn AND. YEGfTAlllS ••• AN D THlY All, DISCOUNT PllCED lVEIYDAY ••• SlfDP AND CDMPAIEI CHIQUITA HAND · ·BANANAS , .1-l..tfwtat 1 ·i'OIJl'ID ... ,,_, '""~ 10' <•l .. ih ,...... "' /DOK FORltEY BUYS 16-0UNCE CAN :l.?o COTTAGI CHEISE ::,:;:"_,,,, ____ sa· PREMIUM ICE ClllAM :='l/._,79 ' SOFT MARGARINE ::'.1. ... ___ ,,29' .... MAZOlA MARGAm ~:35' !~~!~!!!.'!.~~~-·-·' '19' ·~ ~'!!.'.!'.5.~ .. ~~L.~ ............. 68' ~~~~~.!~'·~2·· lUCKT IOUllOll :-,.:•.o;:::w.u · U,S. NO. 1 IUSSIT POTATOES " 10~~~:49c ~- SECRET ~Bl PRELL • . SUPlaANTf· UQUll! lflAMPOO PllSPllANT ............. IPIAT ............... ,,.. OIODOIANT CREST ... ...., ............ .....,...., ....... --=-:: -· ~ TOOTHPASn OUI IY111"MY """"""' ......... l.Z \l:!'l.lt =~·CS ·-·~ ~ ...... ,...,... $1 ~5 ~ ....... Mt...,. -lt~s3c · "'' ...,....,.., """ 69c JOHNSON &JOtlNJOk · BAND·AID IRANO PLASTIC , STRIPS 74c 1(0.,T NEWICOPE IOTTll Of J6 TAIUlS 71 C .... ,.,.... ........ .,,_.....,. ...................................... _ ... ------~--------- • • • , a DAA.Y PILOT Wl'fnt1d11. Mm 5. 1169 1 I ' I I _.. ...... ..... -]' • FRAllS _ .... 5.5' DAMM.A SUCID I ' ·COOKED HAM ....... 51J FIESH-UAN-GIOUND'HOU:llY . I •• :!'::ot:::: : ................... ll. 53 c .a9pt1 ... 5 . A .• -USDA CHOIGEOR STATER 111os:cE11T1f1~0 BEEF . , · . BONEL~S •• ,. ti. 89' · .. ·i:' 79~ .. USDA otmiOll ..., STATER BRdS. $1~09 ... , I . ' JAN-U-WINE GROUND BEEF ....... 43.c uso•CHO•c•o••r•n•u0s.c .. m1.10•111 79c ME'ATLOM,, . . .... LI. RUMP ROAST ......................... LB. 0"~~Lio~~K · · · 98·c TusoO"C!tp01CEoS•srl•Rn•L1100s:alnN1"'""" $139 ~~~No ' .49'·~. USDA CHOICEOI STATll nos. CEITIFIEO lflF .. .. LI. . STEAK ......... LI. ,_ . ._....., __ , IJSOA'.WoiCIORSTAm-.aRTl~IDlffF , 9c USDACHOIQORSTATilll0$.arTlllD.lfl'f s 11 9 AJAX CHINESE DINNER STEAKS ~~ri'l.b?: TIP ............ . CLPB sn••• ....................... LB. PORTERHOUSE STEAK ....... LB. • we 1ENA0NaNER ·. •••i.oil.y1Dt-l'OUNDPAQCAG• '9 c MANHATTAN 1-l'OUNDPA<KAG• 4 7 c L · ::~~~~~~~~.~~ ~~a;..lCMMIGER ~~~~~~s ;;~;Jii~O:·::~···· LB.· ..... "39' . , . sic . POIK·BEEF 79( CMICKEll ::! · MUSHROOM • • A ill"• • family Srre c • • . . , iiiir•IW IOHIUH .................... -........ ~-· L~ J·tc Ui'FiHOilTRiiiS~~~ ........... ~ .... ~.-~ ... L~49< ROUNDBONiROAir ...... ,~~ ... _. ... ~. L1.49' .. · .. ~>X«<·X~. 1,.,?1! s-IMP DllllU :.!.~~·'".!.~~---"' 99'): ' ,..·~ nil $ & 1Yo CAM11 ¥ . •OODLE ............. .. , 'It;.. SOY SAUCE ... --·-''°': 1': • -~««-.~ 'PORK & BEANS ~~"-· _ 2 ~~-~45' CLOROX BLEACH . ..... .. '" 61' MAZOLA MARGARINE ................ ," 39' FREE WAX ................................ "OUNCE 11.09 . SPRAYSTARCH t:~~'.:. ....... Ji 49' 5t 69' MJB INSTANT COFFEE ........ 100< '1" GARBAGE BAGS GLAO ............ : .... •o.49' TY-D-BOWL ~~I~~".. . ./.... ""' 79' SUPERIOR T~MALES .........•..........• o,.10' . SCOT TOWELS .............................. "G ,oll 33' GEBHARDT TAMALES ............. ;ir, 33' GLAD WRAP ............ '"" rr 33' '"" "· 55' i SCOT TISSUES ""'-" ....................... '" 38' CHILI ~~~"t:."J~ wn H "'"' .............. ~z: 39' SPRAY & WASH . -·-·· . , o,. 89' YUBAN COFFEE .................. "" 73' "' '1" f ~Fii''"'iiNG SIZE ........... 99 ... , "ALLPUllPOSESHOITENING 3 fSNOWDRIFT ...... .'.•R.cAN67c . FAMILYSIZE 9 f.WESSON OIL ......... 4a.oz. 7 c piAiGARINE ...... 3~~:ss1 · 'fii"AttUT BUTTER ............... 89c · ·oaANGES SKIPPY I DOG FOOD .................. 6 2:A::·5 ROQUEFORT ~~.~:~~:.~ ................ •o' 49' TARTAR SAUCE ~~~! ......... coz. 39' SEAFOOD SAUCE ~:~~~ .... -· •o< 39' WOOLITE _ .......... ~8~'.~79'~&.'79' CASSEROLES ll:::i.~:8".:".~~-----· '"" 79' )OTATO BUDS ~rn:',,,. ·--· "••< 73' ~H SUGAR ........ _ ;~:, 1111 ,: •. 58' SA VE 15' COUPON ~~::DOG FOOD HOISEMIA T Ol IEIF SA VE 1.5' ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY TWO CANS I #u(H'ln r.ood 01 .•• STATER IROS. l<ttko/ ... MARCH6-12 • -J .ui1111GER BITS~t.'ri!:, ......... -lln 79' ~ PDlllOL 59' -;:;---~~~5:·J· --• CUA••DISNKTANT 1 _J./ 11.oL ...... ______ .... L SdJlbcM. o.i 'fw~ ......,., 9 , _,.,ARGARINE i.~,~rJ".~.'.'' ................... ll. 37' r 5 f ~i1:~o°o°D:g~~~~i~'~~~-~-~-~2~l~~ EGGROLLS ....•·06' '"~,_0,.S 1 ~ FRESH DIW :gr.t~~""" ....... ,.0, 57' ...... A. SH BROWNS ..... srv" ....................... ,, .• , o" ,., 29' BIROS EYE RICE -""" no I HEINS HONEY""'" 79' H """"'~;·.,. .. "°" 39' COCOA MIX ~~fu~~-. . ...... ~-2a.oz. B!r ' CHILI & BEANS-L -•oz. 39c 11110581•L"E""'E u,i.,eil io.oL 3;' !~[Yt~ONJOfl loC ~u . ·-35' t TAMA.Lii 49c VtGETl8LP t.11XfO -... •Ol. oJl!·IDA '"'"'"°'' "'°""'""'"~?s"" 39' ONION RINGS .. --'~'7nc •• "" _____ ............ · · .... FRENCH BEAN -·--'°' 39' """'"'' ;, MIXED NUTS ~~~~~~11R5 ........................ 1J·OL It iiiDS,.,.£YE8£ETS -,o.ril HAl\BUl . . , .. -2'·'9' C 'PEANUT OIL ~~~i~~~67~ ... _ ......... 12.0L37t uvsn• AKI IREAKfA$T .. ,.ot. )N~TANTCOFFEE ~t~'.': ....... •~•<5 1" AW ORIN(.............. • . 69' A·INSO ~~IT •9c rlCICA~ , . _ ...... "'y' PIZZA • Ol OH 80 ........ l .. 99, 1;1 11MIMS ASSf 5 l .41 s1 • ,,.,.11, .. o,. MEATPIES --7.9, 1A9Q£DSTEAKS..... · ~ ro11otot:tCOCMTAIL ()11IO'f•SSO"'Tf_o12-01. 3; MEAT BAUS __ 1, oL s111 MEXICAN DINNERS ......... ""'"""'"''"' .,,. .,. 39' IQ F SHRIMP ----""" s1 8£Ef TACOS --· ,:.ot '~t~.Yt:tt 1z-oz. ... ,,. 4 ~~·~' .,, ", .7 i~f~OR:'.A~NO~E::lU::l::CE:,:._._'_~_, BAii O PIZZA"'"-··_ _ LARGE FANCY SWEE:r NAVEL 3 33' .............. LIS. SMALL FANCY WASHINGpTONPLREEDS DELICIOUS A · swfiuACORN~:°..~~........ .. .. ..... 3 f0R29' lAlGl X.fANCT <•UN 19' LONGTINOHCllSt s IO' BELL PIPPEIS ...... LI. CUCUMBER -·--IA. . -· • thru WED_~? MARCH 6-12 HAND CREAM HUl!T'S TOMATO IUIC£,,.~31' "" 34' HUNT'S TOMATOJUICE --l ""Wf 29' '·'""' HUNrs PORK &·BEANS .• 1 ... , .. ,13' ) . .. Wiit LtNCOL.te. AltANlllll .... IDllllOllt Ai'I•., HUNTtHtTotl a1ACM 11M Wl•T llOADWA'I", NIAMttM tall MlMll AVIHUe, WNlntllt fl• Nd,.._T I OVLllYAID,li ltA MIU. 1M IMT COL.i.11111 OliAM•I 111 WllT tflll STllllT, C: .A Mita Mii WUT trtll ITlll~, IANTA AWA .. Wl'fTMlltnTll ILVO.,. TMllflTllt -IOIM .. ll ITllllT, IAHTA AH,t. -( ..... MA .. AYllfVI. e.llDIW HOVI' ••• I, 'ACQUllG llG.t. Dn ~l 59c ~:.s 89' • GRAHAM CRACKERS .... -. .... " 35' HUNTSAPRICOTS.,. ,.,,,,,.,740 TILLAMOOK ~~~~~:~~.'.'.~~"6"' ~8:I?t~:r'rl•ES . -"F'~ CHEESE :8~2~~~,~~?N ·-11.01 79' NEWPOTAToa:::: --·-"··-~-2 ~".:s aac • . • ' • ' . 1 " . ' . I '· 1 . - "' ; . I . , GIANT SIZS 8-oz. Cans· Choi(e_of many flavors . LIQUID DIETARY . Metrecal: .. . WedMsdaJ, Mltdl 5, 1969 J>AILY. PILOT IJ3· GOOD 9MLT AT IAl•AtN IASnJ • . -' . ' ' ' MAYONNAISE .. Laura . .,.__ ____ " SCUDDIR~S . :· . Quart Jcir .._ __ _ ' " . DIP COLA TAB GORDON'S . , BREAD FOREMOST IMITATION MILK~,:_ SPRINGFIELD ··,8•01:., P.kgs. FISH STICKS ' . e NooClles ROlllCliloff e Spinach Souffle ' # ••.• ~ . "Mix .or Match" ·e Potatoes Au Gratin • lraccoll Au Gratin Veg~tablt in butter sayct end cookin9 ba ,. • Cut Gree" 1 .. 1 • Mlxtcf Vqet•bles La"I• Loaf • • • • SPRING•llLD Tu NA .~' LIGHT MUT • CHUNK STYLE FRESH PRODUCE _ ____ ., ORANGES Tube of Thrff Extra Fancy Sweet 'n Juicy Ari1ono Valencia . TOMATOES 4 lb. 29' _, _..,.._· . .:...· --·--~ .i:ir. Thlck·M•at•d ------·----· ·BELL . PINEAPPLE PEPPERS Fresh Hawaiian C YouJMJ 'n Tender · 2 L 2. 9 .. , Local B C ea ' BROCCOLI s . ;: Chris Pitts SWEET PICKLES ,. ... 1 .. hll Brand MIXED NUTS · ,. ..... . • 49c ' Nabisco DUET CRACKERS -, ... ,... '39c ·I Pacific RG SODA. CRACKERS , ••. .... 2sc: 79c Body Soft HAIR SPRAY 11, 11 .... ..;. 49c Tek TOOTH BRUS~ES 4 is\ • U.S.D .A. CHOICE T-BO.NE STEAK IAR·M wumN .STYU -·- POLISH' S~UIAGE ,, --. IAR4" wunaN sm1 '' KNACKWURST lillADID -HIAT 'N 50¥1 FISH STICKS NOllTlllRN FILET HALIBUT ·-· U.S.D .A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE . SIRLOIN TIP TOP · SIRLOIN STEAK STEAK 09 49 ROASTING : CHICKEN ·; · Janet Davis Rock Cornish 4 to 5 lbs. ' ' • ' PRICES EFFECTIVE: . • Thvn., Fri., Sot. & Sunday • Morch 6, 7, 8, 9 : Prkel -subject to stock wt hand. $1~9 -. _____ .. 69fb U.S.D.A. C.HOICI PORTERHOUSE STEAK ' . 59~ 59~ 59~ ~ IAR·M wunlN sm1 BULK WIENERS " WIUON CORN • KING BACON 49~ I ' 59~ WE GIVE ILUI! CHIP STAMPS con& MUA PLACENTIA .__ __________________ . WE GIVE iLIJE CHIP STAf<il'5 19111 and Pl1tlllfi1 710 w. Chlpinl1 -------~-·-----------~--------------------'-'---~---'-·~-------~------ I ' -p ,,-,-.-,: .... 'ji ••• SCC ,4' •• £ e, • • ' ~ o I ' • . .. . .. ... ;r:ao :pp as ;sr;: .. 1 ; ~-t ,,. ... I s I I a a a a . ~ . . . . . . ' . • .. APPETITES AWA'.KiiNID". -L ~ ,. ' . Canned S.uhiin ef.-iffoi,t Cheers Winter Morn · Oh, the joys of the perfect 2 cups peach syrup breakfast waffle! Crisp and J 'Ji tablespoons cornstarch golden brown ••• tender to l/4 cup (in stick) butter CHIFFO)f ·T,t.R-T~ _!¥1TJ.I ~~-BARJI·-.. ~· ' the fork, delightfully ligb.t on-~ te.QP.OOfl almprid extract ...... ~ ~e. . . ..i•T"~ ~in-a '"'iim.lng bowl combine · :With the time-saving paclr-biscuit mix and mace. Com-.. :.. aged" biscuit mixes on the blne milk. sour cream, butter ma11iet, you can make &,;'9lr ·and .egg~ jllllid to dry lngredi· ious warn~ like t.rus ea_sy1'~· ~ just -~n blen4e<1. Pour toast. The ·interesting twist: A.._ 'batter into center of ·a pre- teasPdon of mace, along with heated wafOe. baker, spread- real flavor makers like sour ing if ~sSary to cover &Ill'-' cream, milk, butter a"!I e~t-face. B,ak'e unW golden brown. -Jt's • • ' . Rhubdi6' . , . .. . Tart . Dess.ert • • i • ~ T re~t t~ fat . Whi!' your warn~ are ,~ l Drain ·P-eaches · resef.vtng browning merrily away\lll the~ s)TUp (add water/ necessary ~aflle.'. baker, heat up the to, make i, cups • In a 1 in- peadt sauce you . made ~ ,quart 4a~an gradually add ~ have ready. tn the r':frl.K~ . -~ .tjTUP' to cornstarch. ~~l'.f It lW a flavor diffet:. COOk over medium heat, sUr- ence .too ..• a subtle dash of ring constantly, until thick-Washington tip~, house rhu· crop of fully mattired r~b a~ ex~~act. . ,, ened. Cook · 2 -additional ~ barb Ls grown· ·on\J' in the stalks. The pl~ is the&, dis,. And:i the go with refresh-utes. Relilove from heal; stic. Pu, yallup Valley Tn 'the foot-ca.rded. PuyalluP Vajley ls mtnt "could ~ an .UDJ1$lll _ in • butter until melted. Add ~ th~ only weSt Co8St source .breakfas:t drink called: .~ot · peaclies and almond extract; hills of Mount Rainier. " for hot house rhubai'b. ·. Chocolate Raspberry f?r~ ·over lgw~He3t bring to serv· '.. The bright _J!iilk,. succulent RHUBARB CHIFFON l'AR'.IS ll~.s -~e ~ig . lift bevef"age, i~ tem~ture. (Makes ap- and tender stalk& are lhe·:re-Pastiy mix' for" 2-Crust pie m1rk, Jn d1sgu1Se • : . made prox. ~·;~). Serve warm tulll ol FORCING. Thl.s is 2 ~ rhubarb · -w.iµi . ~ of the quick cocoa over-wafflM'. Makes 3 waffles, Uie process: 1/z ~~ suiar . miles and red raspberry -pre-9 inches each. , Each fall, alter freezing 2 tablespoons orange juice serves. HOT CHOCOLATE J'eather has c~ the field 1h teaspoon grated .-orange PEACHY GOOD WAFFLES RASPBERRY DRINK grown rhubarb t,Ool. cl\IDlps to peel • : Waffles 10 dormant, the1e. cllflbps. are l en,velope unflavore4 gel-2, cups packaged biscuit 11, cup quick chocolate fla· dug up by a sp&ial machine · &tin · ' ·mix vor mix and placed in "dark houses," 2 tablesPQOnS water 1 teaspoon mace _. 3 tablespoons seedless red t.e. unli""ted, but oil heated 3 eggs se!("' ated 11,1 cups milk · . ' }'M»berl'.Y preserves •" ' 4 cu-i, ''th. •.• ' iorcing aheds, up to 100 feet dash sat' •.2 cup dairy sour cream " ~ ~g. ~-4.~~_Sll{ar . 2 tablespoons butte r, ln lJ,tqufirt,sa~an com- 'lbe root clumps, 3 years old .wntpped ere~ melted m.o. ChOcolate. mix. and pre- wtien taken up, are huge ; _ .• l'i:t.J!&l'.t pa.stry d\lx •~rd-1 egg, slightly beate.n HrVes; gradually stir i1fmilk. ~ften they weigh 50 pounds. 1ng to directions on package.. Peach Saa.ere Heat to serving temperature They are placed on top of the Plac~ In 7 to ~ tan pans (d&-• ,1 ·can (I pound 13 ounce) · stirring ~, otiisi_onally. Makes · ;roun<r-not reP,ianted-in .the pending on siz.e). Bake and · __ ._ . .!·pea=c:::h:::•:::ll:::"'::' _____ •_:P.;_P_ro_x'_1lil_a_~.;_.IY_l_.cu~!P'-· -:--I "dark houses,'! -ana.. are kept cool. M mots( by mist spraying. ~r~g. rhubarb,. ~ cup. ~£ In 5 months 'tt>e' dormant sugar and orange 1ui:ce to boil. .root.a have producid their one Simmer until rhubarb is soft. 'Cherry ··· Cobbler ' . . Add-oralliJ> p>el SOftal-gela- tin in water. Add gelatin t'o . hot rhubaril ; • !tir· until ~dis­ solved. Mlx small amount of mixture with·egg yolks: . Return to pan and. sunmer several nilnutes, 'Stirring cori- stantly, until mixture coats spoon. Chill until thick. Beat egg whites until stiff, grad- ually beating in l/4 cup of ' sugar.· Fo14 .into .g~tin mix- ture. Sf)oon into.. ~ shells. €hill until fl:ml; Garnish with Nulritiws rolled oats go i~to . whipJ>e<! cream. Makes .7 kl 9 oibe topping oI this pudding. tarts. Tempting . , CHERRY COBBLER J ca"' <each 1 poon<I/ .tart .. So lod' Platter 1 red pltted cherries • ; . • 1 ~ ,1 ~ . 1 l YS cup augar :.,.. 'E 't' / .~tablespoons cornstarch ggs-,q 1ng J teaspoon a1mond extract , '' 1 '1 cup sifted noor Aisa\al J)la"6' ia convenient \14 cup gugar because1il iS·~rtpared aheatl. 2 teaapoons baki ng p,owder curull:Eo' EGG SALAD Va te11spoon ult . eµ:rtER, l'4 cup shortening 6 hard'-cooked eggs . 'A: cup quick..cooking rolled 3 tablespoon.s mayonnaise '{.oats I tablespoon cider vinegar .... .., egg I/, teaspoon salt ~ cup milk I teaspoon curry powde r brain cherrtes, .. rtservint 1 1 can (J pound) .wbole green <I/I liquid: il ~ add lJeanl,.· !q 1.n.e ~-and elf'J'P ·wale! ·19_ .mJlk•. lh;it marinated in .oll-vtnqar . anwunt. In a m e d I u m · dressing 1 .~pan atir together the 1/3 1 can (1 pound) small whole ~ augar and the cornstarch; pickled beets, drain.~_ :.tir in cbtrTy liquid, keepin1 ~~l~gr~, i . ien~w~: IMAGINATION DOES IT ~· mash yolks ind mlx with 4t.ining constantly 0 v e r mayonnaise .. vinegar. salt and ~um be1t. ~. P.nlil boll· curry powder r spoon back into u.'. clear and Ouc~ed ; cool whites. Arrange stuffed ~ggs, tctrifukewarm; stir Jn ex.tract, ~~ans· and betts on salad .W cherries; .sprttd Jn a gi:eem on 1 platter. t.la\U Sleepy Heads · Enticed -· ........ cake Piil .~I. by I by 11.rv!ngs. , Eu.r/y Morning . Treat J~~ -..._.,_ ... !lour u. Add a touch of lmaginati cn -·=r -~ ' ~ -' p· -· baliing powder •"Ii c . Dessert tzza ' lo an ordinary breakfast. . cut in shortenlna unfir . , . • _ . ..• .. Try piping hot 04tme.al stud- jilrttda If' fine : stir in oatt. • ·Flatten rerrla:erated baking ded with juicy red 1trawber- jle1t.,. ilightly, add milk I powder-bllCuill 16 four-l och rtes and sprinkled wjlh .outa =but &o combine· add to c:lrclel Oil ,ungreaaed baking and brown sugar. mbturt and Air only abett-. SPreMI each blscult Then include 1 basket of ing:redlents are round w-jth butter. and .top ... o~oa· nrlrl dougbnutJ and lal'~,ever ohtr .. with jaro •sucUJ-boylt'ribetty you'll .have a breakfast to en- rtl&. ~Jif"p!healed f75. or plum, sprinkle willi' nutme5 tic& even the ,1eepl\!St ol Setire -warm wlth califotnla "atnuts. Bake 1t • I JO-ounce package fr02en iiilrawbel'TleS II cup nuta, .,OOpped '14 cup biown sua:~r PriJ)ari oatmeal 1ceordlng to package instructions 'and then add the thawl!jl strawbe(- rles and v, cup nula. 1.iix tM brown sugar and lhe other V4 cup nuts tOgelher. Serve oatmeal and sprinkle with THE a.jlCI< ~ ,, ' f. ). • . "' ' • ·- • --· Tbe mosr~ra~ IUpe!'"- rnarket Jn town has a bull ......... Jn ~ltlon lb our tolt OVft'o be&d llcht, oCan mood m11- alC and warm ttd carpet!; we chance our decor f times a year to loan JnMt; exclttmtnt to ·)'OW' happy •Mwills: hour. Thi clock bU t_-;~~%:~~ 'trig 'the' 1riclle 1eentef·ct cm "staif'' abcrvre the me.at, de- ~ent Our decoraloJ'! · oVer -"the •ryears, have ap- p~ ·ctock~#J1h.~nt , feelings . "11 be~ ,WJth • .. nprtt<ilit"'of "diitoer.1fu;:~-, 'Mast ·hi\.-e .,tone on: ·thefio vJDerry artiitJc ~· conl- '_i>i.\ely '""°""" tile ~ blttit bu fipmitne.tl_llWV'h-J:i in the · oen~r-, ,u.· one , thing that 1hoWdn't be~tbere. •,' A few have been tdcf,'ert~ to cover ~the old tickei aP' r ,t comRletel)f, ~!Jt'W~t~bQwt:, Our ever lovfu 'people w1f> come here to shop, dote on . that clock, It gets them to the dent:ilt on time, to the bridge club, You know the ioute. The" today way ia to always be coming or goin&. Sonw9oe thought they had • better.-i ~· -aDd made the · cloclt ·tnto--' a_, &tin. 'The • howlJI carried a different ~-"It takes m too long to find it?" THE TIME REVOLln'ION IS TODAY Big, bold, and beautiful · witlf an elqaot 'red face, black hands, and gorgeous black and KO]d numbers 3 time• u 1arat. Jt has gone into the nostalgic er,. of grandfather '1ublimene5!, spindles and tadderbackl, painted shocking w h i t e. Which all goe1 to prove, if you've got 110mething you have to live with, even il )'OU don't want lo, play it up, . make it tremendous, and you 'll love it. Our 9 to 1 hats arc olf lo our Margaret Starks who made our clock big decoratiJI.&: newii: inste1d oI the l:i!Uea, Ard to pay tribute: to the clock. el~ant pop posters, aglow all around with ~ up mirror bulbs • • • cutout. · of soup cans, price tags,: pot roa1ta, jars, and banaras, all interacted happily to broadcut our yummy Cle= partmental ware1 .... A de~ icatessen where tbe ~le-. Due waves a~ >~·'Qle ~ \o •tbe Fblhermin'a Wharf , ·..i. ..... .:.\' ~ A ----A ...... "\ -~-· ~. ··~v. . -, where the dark, sweet p1tt~ · bing canned che.des ·v1e·· for honon with the''VWmia Q)oc. 04lte T\avortd pancake mix \"'! • ." A produce where the .fresh pineapple· bloom all )';eat long • , , A meateroo where ~lia:ht meats .et :the · gourinet scene and the treS'h _ground beef travels the count;y over. MEAT.,. TJJE HEART BEAT iN' YOUR ·FREEZER ~· · •• To make the meaJs.go round and round • , • T'Nl.ce a year our meat boys put on a ftOCk .)'OUl' freexr with ~t sale , •• The;. time is now. All' choice fOrmula fed beef; hting to enhance the flavor and tenderness . , . The love- -b' trimmed bee.f loin, a beautiful lineup or all the .posh cul!· in bee.f ••• top sirloin steaks, 1'-~nes ,and Porterhouses. ·or you ct.n have filets or _New York, according to your steak fancy . " . People drlye J11&DY mUe1- to fill their lrtezirs with Bee! the Richard's way. They like to discuss the-· cut- llng iMtruction sheet, the size "or their famillea . They like sumi:estions as to how 1111! meat shou:ld be wrapped' to suit their wry gpeclal need1. They lift the way the meat is trimmed and de- boned so they ~wi·t have any p~paratlon after it is un-' wrapped. Roast.! smiling and ready , •. 1round beef, aJI -pattied out, with papen ln- betwee.n Jor euy undoing. The hindquarter is the moat popular with !ti line-up of T-~s. · porterhouees, sir. loin tips, round. aJlr!I 1wias • , steak or rump . .roasts. • . lllORE FREEZER LORE .,, LAMB AND PORK ·- 12-0Z BOTTLES DIET-RITE DoL MONTE CLING : PEACH HAL YES . ' ' , I LB. ... ... No. Y1 CAN 2111 C•• - 59~ 4 $1 ..... DEL MONTE CLING . . SLICED . P'EA.CHES Jl/1 <u 4. ' -~..;;;l· ,_ fw'' t,;, 1 .... DEL . MONTE 46-oz, Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink DEL MONTE STiWED _TOMATOES ..... . ' IOI 5 .... $] DE~,,MONTE . . ~i.'.~· Cream. Style CORN " IOI DEL MONTE s .• $1 ~ :,. ' ,. ·- ,J .< ' '. CUT GREEN BEANS IOI 5 ;.;'1 -·-·· ....... DE L MONTE FRENCH GREEN BEANS IOJ 5 "'SJ ., DEL MONTE SLICED · ( 'PICKLED B.EETS 1" 4 ·Ml . " DIAL .SOAP ·::~:i ... ; .. , J-peck 2+~ '~- ,, ., •: , . ·, ' • Sedill Ille .Free ' . . FROZEN FOODS :_" BIRDSEYE . ORANGE PLUS , oz. • .... 3t :It PEPPERIOGE FARM " Apple, Cherry or Blueberry ·Sfrudel .49e BIRDSEYE ' ' Quick Thaw STRAWBERRIES " 10 ... 4, ·'"' '1 BIRDSEYE QUICK TH)IW CHERRIES SUPREME MRS: FRIDAY'S , · / ' ... Gourmet Breaded SHRIMP I Ill. 4 ;..s1 " " . ' ·. . .• 1.29 C&'fl BROCCOLETTES ,.,, , 3 _h. SJ ' -C&W Italian Style Vegetal5les tt'-: i 3 tw '1 C&W CHOPPED SPINACH 1i .. 5.,., SJ C&.V{ Vegeta~I¥ ,Delideuic ..... ~ h. 'I \ .... • -I IFLOV(E" ~·-· A VERY' CONTINENTAL ciJSTOM-" BRING HOME A BUNCH OF FLOWERS FROM YOUR FRIENDLY, NEIGHBORHOOD FLOWER SHOP! GLORIOUS, SPRING ~AFFODILS 59'~EM -? J: ' • • (I ·J~ 3. \Vhole Iambs or Iamb ad- dles , , • A saddh! la the 2 hlnd lep, pllll the l?Mll·and lsiye loin Iamb ct>Opl ••• \Vhole pork Joins, all the nice tenderloin pork rout, won- droos countly 1tyle rib., and - IWclou.I cllOPI part Hett 1t 'IUmard's. the ~ Store, "''We1l lill )OW'•pileyor~r frMier. ~te )'OU!' hou.91!, and S""' put a b:>tlquet of ftel!l rotel on )'OW' coffee la.bit'. •sppg9-9's s -. -% 7 q 7 a 7 RIP SJ FT Pd L 7 -rs r 1 2 JP F J _ - MARKET FlOWER SHOP brown sugar and nut mixture.. ) ............. .. Top wllh milk or crtam. =I e 1 '1t'eia :· aboilt 30 and finally add c h o PP e l l9ejpf heads -· cream: fhkes 6 ~rv· .ur degrees, five to 1i1 FR~T NUT OAT~1EAL ..... 1 • . ,, , minutes. ,._ '·I "l"I~ CJ1lmul, OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 !• f .~ .. I . I . . • - -~. . .... 1:. ·i ... \ . .f ·I " • ~ •• • • • ~ . • " • • • ~ -· ~-. -· -~-~ _ __, ) .. ,. ~ ~ .. ... -·... ' ......... j -. . ... - ' Organ Serenade F.., Your · I , tasurt . ..........._ ' .. i ."' •"':-:... ;,-; ..... _. .. . by . . ·' • ' · ". Bemico Fay ' . . ·' . . ' ' ( . " FREE M.ONE.1 $100 ADAY GIVEN.AWAY 2-$50 .WINNERS EACH DAY ..;.. MARCH 12 -15 and MARCH -17 :.:_ 22 DRAWINGS DAILY AT 4 PM • · ·SURPRIZE PRIZES TOO! FREE CANDU:LIGHT DINNERS Wodnftdor, M"'h 5, 1969 • • ""'" . ' • l .. "THE WQjtj:O'S ~EST" ' _ TEMs gyit.,~Etr...:_: . · ~ ~. · ·· GIAP!llUIT -. , ' ::f, , ·a FO~ ,. "~:.>· . ~· ~. '* ' ·r • · : aox OF 4o ...,. $4.a5 ~... . . ' "FANCY, :CRUNCHY " . ,. . ,, • CALIFORNIA DELICIOUS . . / .· :.A~.~~· ~ , "'".5. LI~.~> -· • • . :'"4:t.; ·.~1. . ~· . ! '·.' •. ~"~ '.:t•4 , ,. , 9RISP, GA~~ESH .• ' ' ... ·~ONG.GREEN . -.' · • •. : ·: ~tfCUMIERS .. · .. .. ··2 FOR:·1:r :: , ·~.<:; ' . ' RNE· liOR TOSSED, SAl;ADS : . FIRM, RIPE. RED, Cl'IERR'i' .TOMATOES . . lt!i • I I • , .• ~;r. .. . ' ,-. ' . -\''f ~., · . ., . . • r' DELICATESSEN.: ... REESE IMPORTED MARINATED • • • 4 • ARTICHOKE HEARTS ,. ... 69c TYNE BRAND ENGLISH "' -·1 I . .. ,. ., 1•.; WIN DINNER FOR 4 · AM the fixingz for a fabulous dinner p_arty· for 4, even flowers. JUST SIGN THE BOOK IN THE LOBBY AND YOU MAY BE ONE OF OUR WINNERS! .. . Imported PIESu;,, •. 99'. '· < . .. •• "4l ' ,. .. ·. flRST WEEK! C/taft~,@~ :f and aO the . trimmings for 4. Comp:.it.i menu in Lobby. DRAWING -FRIDAY. MARCH . 7, at 4 P.M. SIG ~tfi ~. ~OQI) ~~ THE l9:BBY' TO WIN! • I • . ' ,,\l l/ _,. t' : . " ; . , ' I ~-. " I ' " . · . " -.,, -MEATS·. . . .. .. Fill YOUR 'FREEZER WITH MEAT f.RQM OUR "P RJ V ATE LABEL" S.TO.cK; CHOSEN • . 'ESPF;CIALL Y FOR US fi«;jM TOP . BREED FEEDER-LOT CATTLE, FATTENED ON 'CON.' TROLLED, GRAIN:IUCH DIETS: All MEAT CUT, DOUBLE WRAPPED & QUICK FROZEN. BE'EF · LAMB · s:\!V2 STEER l~o u:AvE RAG~ · 65~a. WHOLE LAMBS i:'io so LB. AVG. ~IHHINQlUARTER· 145.1~0 \)~AV~ 6~a; LAMB SADDLES 11·to.,U L8. AVG. ' ' ,,_ l, I :)ifO!fQUARJER· 1so LB. AVG. 55~a. . PDIJJ( _ .. . . ~TTRfMMEO , LOIN~· 45 t. 60 ~a. AVG. 1~39 u . ·Whole . PORK LOI~·~· 'ti.'~Jt 7~a. :wwh·o·· ,. e· ... ·sE· .ff RIBS · ,_ · 8°' Fresh Legs of :PORK tt 1~:.~. 6~,. • . ' 35 to 42 LB. AVG. 7 LB. " . . "{ . . ... . ~.. . . . . ~ -( . <JI' RICHARO'S LIDO BRAND HAMS -14 to 16 lb. Avg, NEW ·SWIFT PREMIUM BROWN and .SERYe· SAUSAGES \ ,, .. ' ~WWHD.LE HAMS ·SHORT SHANK · f a ilfff~:;~.SffAHK .HALF · ~J LfM · GROUM~ ~EEF '; 65~a. ·6~a. 49~B. SAUSAGE Ml~NO, KOUNTRY KITCHEN, . SMOl<ED FLAVOR or BACON a~d SAUSAGE DEMONSTRATION· FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 59~. •s \ ":~I . .. i; G ' ••• -1,. •• • J ' • ••• . . . "· } . ' ,.. ." TUR~EY ·ay· Tti(~IECE BREAST Whole or Haif · · ' . DRUMSTICKS or THIGHS ~~· • -~~,,,,p~ ~··-.;: ,(/J.hf'.e~~~. lldARINT~D IN ORANGE WlNI SAUCE "' · V CHESTNUTS .AND PARSLEY DRESSING · 7 • -: • • 89Ju. 49cu. ;-:: WE CARRY A COlj!PlETE SELECTION OF EXOTIC SEAFOOD and U.S.D.A.· "PRIME B~" ,,. ~ a• ~ 98c ... 49cu. 1.39u. . ' ' . PEPITOS I ' PEPITAS 4 ... 49' PILLSBURY HUNGRY JACK Buttermilk Biscuits ... 19c ' KNUDSENS FLA VO RED ALL VARIETIES ;, - YOGURT • 01 • • !BAKERY HAMBURGER BUNS WITH ONIONS ON.ION BUNS· . . Dutch Crunch BREAD ·-~. '. 6,.. llc 43c ORANGE FLAVORED ROLL .. AND ICING ORANGE ROLLS 6 ,.. 35c GERMAN CHOCOLATE PIE " • " .. . . .. THE ALL AMERICAN FAVORITE' SALT ·WATER 'TAFFY ' . \ ' · I LB· BAG 65' . ' . ' 1.19 HOll\tE&GIFTSHOP . ' LOWElf,t~VEL . . FOR GRAPEFRUIT· -. CASE DELUXE ' GRAPEFRUIT KNIFE . . COMMUNflY. STAl.NLESS GRAPEFRUIT . SPOON-. ' NEW, "JIFF-CUT", 3.00 1.25 7 A •"'*ruil-9l'~nae . :wo.dgor, vogotablo ditcovor •nd sliCOJ',, · .. . • ·.w...,.rorfUI ·kite~· holo.r. ' • ·. 2.98 ' I .. ' ~· ' " ~ t I ' l i11211 ;nn ... ~· .TlViJL _ 4 n; n .. uaruz•nt1t11rtu .1t•nr?J£ Mziat# azizp _zn.••zn ShbbslllsWa 1 --'" _ • ,,. • . , 6 SIS :HOME & GIFT SHOP. • LIDO Yf--CHT SHOP ... ANTHONY'S SHO.E REPAIR 5HOP 7 7 9 . 7 • • .a1sussaasusu •sa;uuna CLEANERS .Y l -6 •• •• r-· OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 •. DAILY t .5:10, SAT. 9.5 DAILY 1130-6, SAT. 1:30.1 I • ~-----,~. ' ' " ' I ~· " 7 ., \ 1 - ' ,- I ' • ' ' . . --:.'.':.~. FREE _ COUPON · BOOKS~ OJ!Eil /JS -MILLION EXTilA.BLIJE ·cHIP·STAMPs· GIVEN TO' Ol!B . DAI LY PILOT CIJSTOMEBS IN ·THE FIRST 6 WEEKS EASTERN PORK ·cARLOAD -SALE .. PORK ROAi., BREAK~":!~rECIAL FRESH SHOULDER culs "~.f RIB IND 6-RIB . · SLICED PICNIC .ROAST •• 39~. ~ BA~OJt BUTT ROA51· •••• 59t ·~ CUT LOIN END 3V2 TO 4-LBS. ',· • ~:·.:o~~;.;;; .. ·,:::4 794 ,POlK:Rc;»AJT • • • • • • IL . PORK •oA•' :::rV .. ~~;oo. ;c;;it SAUSAGE • • • • • 39t · 5,c. ·• . SPECIALS· FRESH ALLETS OF lb · RED SNAPPER OR Ocean Perch 69~ ~II ENO • : CENTER CUT -RIB or LOIN : FAMILY P>.CK WAFER THIN PORKCHOPS!PORKCHOPS!PORKCHOPS ' . 59~ : 79~ : 89~ . ' COUNTRY -STYLE-LEAN MEATY 5 9· . 'N•' ""'" '""' '" 79C . , . . c TIU COD • , •• , • , •••• , ••• lb. SPARE . IBS ' HHllhllNodod P" 69C · , PllCH FILLETS , • , •• , , • , • lb. lb f•ney M~xie111 Gr1t11 p•r 1 98 ' • • .IUMIO SHllMP , ••• , , tb. • · ' h "4•r IS llitl HILLS BROS-ALL GRINDS RIVERSIDE &RADE "A" "CALIFORNIA GROWN" - Hen Turkeys FROZEN OVEN READY 12-14 LBS . l!'ROJBlY FOODS c. ... 11. • .. ~ ·-flSH sncu . . . . . . . . . . ,~,. 7"9 C.rn•ti.. 12·•s. 3 ... F4SH cila .......... P•t · 7" c•""•ti•• fill.ti .F 1.1•. 6 9C SOLi ••••••••••••••••• Pkt. Kirlcpaftick East.1,. 7-.11. 79C OTSTIU •• -••••••.•• -• till M"' fri t1.1y'1 lr.1.19•4 11.4 °19. 1 9&. C SMllMP ••••••.•• •.. P•1. • ,.. • \4n. f,iUy'o t.9.F. 7-n. ·-. .SMllMP • • • • • . • • • • • • . Pk1. •l!' lu,.rt Fri ... w/S1uc.1 91/:i·••· 69t' HAUIUT ••••••• • • • • • • P•t· Tu,.k M.1ck Clr.11tl1t1 '' Pl.1i1I 7a. YLU. cun..m •..•..••• 1.11t. 79 , LI Ho11.1., Suc•I• F.il Pin 2 'iii -llt. 2 91 • TUlllT IOAST , , , • • P'kf, • ASSORTED COLORS 4-ROLL scon FAMILY PACK ' . ' COFFEE TOILET TISSUE · · . c LB. IARBARA ANN "VERI BEST" WHITE OR WHEAT 10·oz. Pk gs. SLICED BREAD ........ t:~ 2sc BIROS EYE -FROZEN 16-0Z. PKGS. : BIRDS EYE -FROZEN c~e:.RATE JIF-CREAMYorCRUNCHY-12-or.Jor TINY TATERS l AWAKE DRINK PEANUT BUTIER ...... 39c 4 '" $1 00 j 1 ~A~is. 3 "' $100 $ 00- 4·Roll Pkgs. " A.l.C. -FROSTIES, GRAHAM CHIPS or CRUNCHIES COOKIES .......... '.';~: 39:. IRIS -GIANT PACKAGE DETERGENT ........ 49' ~mi¥.~::.39c iliiWiiiRIES 49c ::~',:,~n,5-:,;~11· R.l.D. KELLOGG'S JANE ANDERSON GOLD MEDAL I-OZ. PKG. CORN FLAKES OLEO 19c 2 1·-Ll.29c CTNS. ./\l:!UI DILICATESSEN SPECIALS BUDDICYS SLICED MEATS BEEF, HAM, CORN BEEF, PASTRAMI TURKEY or CHICKEN U"UOR DEPT. SPEC:IALS KARASOV -FIFTHS VODKA '2'' LONDON 111~1 s399 SCOTCH ................... "'""' HILL l Ma-«lHTUCl'f WHISll.rt l llHD s399 IOUllON .............. """' 3.0:L PKG. c M~C1;ii;~J9! VIENNA PURE I EEF PROD4CTS-12·0Z. : VAN DE KAMP 'S -I -OZ. JARS KNACKWURST 69 c ! SALAD ~':'°u~~~"0 3 5c er PRANKS • • • " ! DRESSINGS ••• IAl..Alirr -11~ 0111le ...................... n. !11AFOOD•TAITllSAUCll0.1i. J•ri •••••••• lk JANE ANDERSON -SING~E WRAP SLICED t .Oz. PKG. 3 SC AMERICAN CHEESE FOOD • • • - COMPANY COOKBOOK NO. 9 DO-AHEAD PARTY COOKB¢QK NO; 10 WOSTU'S NIW 20Tlf CINTUIY DICTIONARY W1TH COUl'Ofrol AND PUaCHASL VOLS. 2 tlt.ni It, 9tc ••· llNDEI ••..•••• $1 .t9 PRODUCE DEPT. SPECIALS PACKED BY CAL-FRUIT-CALIFORNIA SWEET, FANCY NAVEL ORANGES LL IAG c CAISP SOLID llD-6.0t. CIU.0 IA$1 3 ' 25• RADISH El ............... POI GAltDlH 'VALLEY-WILD 5 39• BIRD SllD .... .. ... .. .. . :t. WASHINGTON STATE EXTRA FANCY GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES. 5w.s100 PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., MARCH 6, 7, 8, 9 e 13922 BROOKHURST. GARDEN GROVE e 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 1308 W. EDINGtR, SANTA ANA - • I ' ' U:S.D.A. GRADED QiOICE . .. · LIAN TINDER .·CHUCK ·~-S1'EAK .( lb. Woloudly, M1tth 5, 1969 DAILY PILOT ST U.S,D.A. GRADE A FIVER 58( WHITE FRONT'S LOW ADVE J/.TISED EVERYDAY BEEF PRI CE:> .. OHIL!$.$CHUCICW4GONSnLI 88' · LEGS AND THIGHS .......... LI. ' U.S.D.A.GRADEAMEATY 58' FRYER 'BREASTS ------LI.. . . SIRLOIN STEAKS fUucur ...•••.•.••.....• u. $1.01 TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ....•....................... "· $1.48 CLUB STEAKS ...•..••...•.. ---·-····-· u SI.OS IONELESS CHUCK STEAKS ...•.•.•...•..•.. ll.11< PLATE BOILING BEEF .................. -«lie CUTFRYERS u.3h BESTOFTHEFRYER-t•51' BONELESS BEEF STEW MEAT ............... :11. 71c WHITE FRONT'S LOW f:VERYDAY SEA FOOD /'RICES 3-LI. CANUMIT 1 . LIMIT 1 COUPON NI ADULT CUSTOMla Offll GOOi) MA•. 6 THlU MAI. 11 ELSEWHERE 19< . 65' ; DILMONTINO.l'h; 2"' PEACHES .~ll~~"~~~'''.. -.,- DILMOHTI,., 21 SWEET PEAS ''5E~;··.· ' DRMOHTEJOl ' 23( CREAM ·C-ORN ."2,~.~· io°MA0 fo'SiucE ., 1 0' lllCHNUTSTltAINID 9' . BABY FOOD ... ~'.~~~.·~~·~····· coiiAGi'cHEESE 29' MJ.I. COFFEE •.. ..... _'"'·'I. 99 .... 69' M.J.8. lllSTAllT COFFEE .......... """·'1.19 I 1/-./,/(,,·I //·,..,~/. \ GlllllSTIAINm . 10' BABY FOOD~.~..-~.~~.~.·· SUNSWRTQT. 47( PRUNE JUICE 11'';'.~ ,INU.PPt.146.()l, ' 2"' DOLE JUICE~~~~.~-~~.'. '7. 1111 ..IUICI 46-0Z. t 3ftc GRAPEFRUIT~~~ 7 io'Miio"cA'isuP 19' GlllNGIAHT11-0L ILSIWHlll27c 20' NIB LETS CORN ....... . DILMOHTIOITlOl ILSIWH11127c 23' GREEN BEANS ............ .. waonu-oz. . 36< GRAPE JUICE .'.2·~~~ HUNT'SNO.~'/I 30( AIDUllND.~fflDl~Z. 39' TOMATOES CHEESE AMOICAN,SWllC .. ' ":SIWH<l,El~'. OR PIMlftrifl'O ...... -... H\JllT'SSTIWEO 300 CAN 2 3 ( ciiii°DARCHEESE .... 85~. TOM~TOES ~~·~-''. . RIB STEAKS ··'·····························--.. --··· LI. Uc RUMP ROUTS BONE IN •...•• 11. 71c BONELESS SHOULDER CLOD __ u.11< LEAN SWiii STEAKS -"· 71c FRESH GROUND BEEF ----u 43< FRESH GROUND CHUCK -·--·---·· "64c CHUCK ROAST ..... La. -·-i:t'·Gm 98~· STEAL.uss .. ..La. · · • SLICED BACON ~ HOFFMAN'S BmERMAIO 1-LB. PACKAGE .... NT'U6-0L IUIW-lt< 29' ·r.;<iiil> TOMATO JUICE ......... Ii · FU()/,/~\ 1·000." i»oiii rfiiiNs .... 24' . ·1-cE"""'cRQUEALITYAM,. ..... ~.,. 5• M ••• ,,.IRSQAT.CLE~WHIP .... 54' SWANSON'S'AUTt. --: _,·-· _..,. . CHICKIJl·TUlllY·lOAST lllf 46 CHICKINOFSIANO.>ICAN'. ~ T. v. DINNERS'":""' I . c CHUNK TUNA ...... !'.~ .... 29' SAIAL8llOZIN BSIWHIMl9< 69' . . CAKES EXCEPT STRAWBERRY co·11·ED aEEF~59< ... ,GIPOIUl .. ~; .......... &CHERRYCREAM 49, iOMATii'PisTE 15' ~~~~~ 17, BEITTTEW~~~_.~57' MEAT PIES .~=·· .. 28 GINO'SIS,-O; ~ll< 55t (Oi'ii:LLms'. . c CHEESE PIZZA . .. GINllALMW10'h..OZ. 35' CHEERIOS .'.~~..-~·~' .. '.'.'. ... GINO'SOWA ll·OZ. 79c PEPPERONI .. ~~~~~~~~-~.'.'... . . · AIDINltlfr KSIWHRIJ5c 49' SOUR CREAM ........... . ii'usAQ'PizzA ......... 79'-I . ciiiPP'iifiAii Ts ..... 3~ s 1 ~·~~] I, 11:11/ \/Iii "II I 11111 ." I \/I I I I./ I 1/:1 I.., .. i'U.' MEAT FRA~is 591~. . EXTRA FA~cv wAsHINFTON "Goto EN VlCTO<'SNIW T,Olie ~, •• 29' APPLES DELICIOUS" $ SAUERKRAUT 1-ll,l•G • ......................... LBS. DRESSINGS ·~o1:>,,.~ .. s9 ~" 89 ................ -7' 1Dw";'AJUICNYJOU PEARS 3169' OL' Yll"lllA COOKED HAM _.so'"~" 55' CUCUMBERS ...... :........ . ....... EA. ••-•nSH . irotMEL KoLaAsE .......... -··-----""'"G·•" .A.-R. 1'"1c'"HoKEs 2i 2"' CARROTS TENO!'~YOUNG 1"' • ~IKIOUS MOZZARELLA ·-60t 49' 1l-OL 69' ............. '7,-"TOl'S OFF' •... L~. v . l23%HAR-M.Vl>. MON.. TNIUSAf,. 10:00A.M. .. t:1DP.M. IUNIAT. 1NI A.M. TO 6:H r.M. COSTA MESA llllSTOI. AND PAULARINO ~ TMlUl•AY, 11:30 A.M.wf:tO•.M. SATUIDAY.t :JOA.M ... ·t:>O•Mr '• AJlhT, It A.M. TO 61Jt P.M. • • • I I • I I · I . ' SI llAILY PILOT W>dnesdoY, Marth 5, 196? P~rk--:Sparer'ib$ · Seas~ned .. t ..._ r Jo With -Far · -East -Intrigue ·: ' ' Tile lllltlp of Far· East lrJlll'lucenl. Add ~ . to Ii tupooon •• ,...,. • cool<eey iJ·llle Iheme el many. q<UODl ·•l'\'g '.''lb ':Ii!, !>!Own • t te~poo~.on!Gn powder , a<uty tn!Eee. In thiJ dish, .U~ an~ curry, pi)~. ~ teasPoOii gari\C der • the mellow flavor . {If fresh ~ver and s1~~er f<11; IO Parboil ibl ':'water · winter peal! jgins °"-~armU> m1nu~es , or until •. ~·· 1"'' ,10 cover fo~Jninutes Drain of curry ;Jn • a tano. ao. tender .. Serve '!)th -_Savory ·Rub sparerjbsf.With irun~: com~ to pork. ~Parer1bs. Makes# ~Q l "$erv· 1,,or ~I~. pepp,er, cayenne,'onjon \ Slices·of keM winter 'pears mgs. . · "•, powder and garlic pl>wder~l are Sinuftirtd With onion SAVORY .~P~REIUBS .Place in shallow bakilli pa.i. ~ quarters n; a browj silgar 3 pot1nds sparerib'1 · Bake 1 hour "Gr untif done · glaze. 1bt addition of curry l Yr teaspoons sart ' ··at 375' degrees. Makes t:serv- ' .. • • • colon the pears and gives ~ teaspoon pepper , , t 1 \zlgs. • . J them a pleasing spiciness: 1----:----------~~---'---;--;-::---:;;------'--'---,--""-------~-:--:-"-r--;----T-_:~7'--'~"-.,....'.-.~7~~.....Ci:;r.--The natural sweetness ·of fresh pears blenda perfectly with the illusive curry to create the cbarac.teristic Far East nayor. Served with savory Spartribs, the spicy sweet pears are a satisfying contrast to ~ ric,h flavor of the meat. Fresh winter pl!ars have a "built·in" juiciness that makes them a favorite. for 'cooking or fresh eating. T h e i r refrtshin& ·taste stands out in combiDJUon with a variety of spices and flavorings. Eaten fresh in lunches or in salads, their disUilctive Oavor is a welcome treat to· appetites. Yooi'll usually find fresh win~r pears ripe and ready to eat at your favori~ market. Ripe. pears yiel~ ~ gentle pressure regardless of CQlor. YOO can . always ' buy finn pean with confidence. They'll ripen at home in a few days at room temperature becom· inc sweet and juicy, the way you like them. The market f,:>r fresh winter pears lasts from through May. 'Ibe light.green Anjou tw the longest season, p r o v i d i n g delicious eating from October through May. 'the BoSc, which hu a russet;brown skin, is available from September into Man:h. Besides being a bundle or flavor, fresh winter pears con- tribute valuable nutrients to the diet. They haye a mOOer.:_ ate supply of vitamins and minerals plus a sugar content that provides quick, long- lastinJ: energy. Calorie-wist, they contain approximately 75 calorie! in a medium-size pear. Intrigue your guests with the charming flavor of fresh , pears by 1ervlng them glazed i with the color of the East. 1 CURRY GLAZED PEARS WITR SAVORY SPARERIBS 3 fresh AnJou or Bose pears 2 medium onions S tablespoons# butter 1A teaspoon salt l/S cup t;rown sugar 1h teasP>oo curry powder CUt pein in haU and core. Slice in ·mnicircular slic'es. Peel and quarter oni6ns. Saute · onions in melted liutter until Slimming 9382 SIZES 3~.1£ Follow 1 dashin& diagonal path to Spring flaUery ~ sew Uiia slimming, young dress in a Ou.id blend. Note son, craceful gathers at hip. Prinled . .Paltem 1382: NEW Womtn''s Sizes 34, 31, 38, tOJ . C, 44, 46, 43. Sile 36 (bust 41) iu .. 2% yards ji.incJL' llXTY·FlVE Cl!NTB' In ' -for each pattern -add II· cent.I for each pattern far . _ lhkll11.maillilg and special ......... .U..rwlle thlnJ. duo dollvel')' will take th,... . wteb « mott. · 8eiid to M•,... ljln -th e DAILY Pl· LOT, 441 PMkm Dept., m · """ 11th SI., New York, N.Y. 1111!. Print NAME, Al). -~Slztand mt& ' ' I AlG! 47< f)lllA DOl FRESH CORN m> SEUCTED YOUNG WA TY. LEAN PORK HEN .. ~ TOM ·· SPARERIBS TURKEYS UANEASTE.RNPOIHc PLU~P~ATY , ' " lb '' 100 !!!!!l~M!! Wrth h JM'chose of_.,., of the folo .... meot Mm1. , ~2.~~~!J~~J$~_ ·-·. 45' fill.~~~.~~~.·-·· . . • 98' ~~f~~:~!i~~ c~1r _.,_89 ~!J,prAJ~~~~!R •. 59 ' maQfair Dtl.Ceatc&st.tt FESiivif ous""' 29 HAMS_,,~':" ___ 1., · aNTllQIT DIUCIOUSWOCIDRAVOI SMOKED 89< PORK.CHOPS •. . ' . UJ.D.A. QtaeCILJ.IGI MIA TY CUTS .BEEF RIB 98< SRAKS --• K~:~m~~49c . U.S.D.A. CHOIQ BW STANDING RIB ROAST WIL1AGJl)TINOEllROAST . Jb GIANT BOLD HOFFMAN SWUT, CURED SMOKED ,, PICNICS EA$TftlN·l'OllJC •' 3 . ~.R9~~,.,C,!!Ej~~.f 00~~·~-·~ .. __ 45c DETERGENT ~;~~. .. ......... . CHEDDAR CHEESE 8"'-ClitPPED MEATS !".': 3· 5' ,.,EDIUlll. AGEO,l Y I'* PJ((l -H-Iii. 7-al.' \IJRG~A AS5TO. ---~-. !!-,J:,."!~~J!~~NKS ___ 59' ~i!!,'!!!,~i ... -~-it IOD'S SALAD DRESSINGS lOCll ISlANDot •0t.~5E 16.0l..~' $9_1 ~1~ Ht Ol' VllGIMIA SLICED COOKED HAM H -~--xiz. '"C-1::.liGE SSc HOtMEl: KOL8A$E ;!f1::1Miz.ltc 'PRECIOUS MOWRRLA1.oz.49c12.0Lffc LADY SCOTT FACIAL TISSUE .. ''.\~~~.~.'.. 4is.1 AR·DEN INSTANT BREAKFAST .... ;~:~_.49c MAHDARI N ORANGES POIZEC..;P. .. ,;,,, ~-StSJ CRISCO COOKING OIL ,.oz•om<oEAl'ACK . 39c ' ?·LI. $\.JJ MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE :~:.cs;;.·~·-··· ... 67c ,---ma]ifair Fruik Ii Ve.gc,taMt,s-...._ RUSSET POTATOES 10a~G49• CHERRY TOMATOES ~.-2t CUCUMBERS ..... ...,, ___ .. _ .... 10' I . WWl\lll'~WWW Van de Kamps Sl'£CfALS llllrr. ...... l m H Dutck Rine CoWee Cah ..... , .... 35' , Cllocolall .C.ifi 39c Gttkie.s ,..,..,,, •. I" t(. I c1.t.• htlll'Wlllt 33c llu&ftllllt.......... . '1'flJJ\JJW\IJ\IJ\J1 GERI.ER'S ~T R.AINt:u BABY FOOD ~~~:;:BlES ............. !::::~!'.... · ma]ifair Froztft. food. g,l!~~!~LUS ".'~:::"_ 43' VEGETABLES '111105 EYE PE.t.S, C011N,. •-Ol. CIO Sl'lMAC!1 l'\G 3 • 89' $1.l(fOCA~llO'S, • 0 fftNCH CUT GIN. KAHS --.. H..... • GD Dni"!f Sp~! ARDENSOURCREAM _'::::25' ~l 49 IMITATION ICE MILK __ ,.:~~::,.., 31c ' CRESTTOOTHl'ASTE s· ft< •• EX!tAl~Slliot.Al,PU. '7- ~~!t~ESH IA~--4J' . ,--~ Liquar-"" ANGENTAGE kENTl..ICJ:fiT .... ION ' -4 Y£MS Ol.O 16 l'tCX>f'. S11M: SUIO i$:: ___ $1 o~· · !~'!!~!~'°..!~~--,. s31• FRENCH BllNDT S"Ht IO'l'Al"O:CASION•NC>Of-• ~ ~SICYVOD ~_;S)'t SILVER .PEAK BEER """' 6 ge. COlOIMIOUOH!•N.MJ.lCIP_CNlfi _ 'll!Cl • ~~ . BELL PEPPERSS_. __ . _ .. 29' ·CRISP CELERY ,,,_ = 15' . SPANISH ONIONS :"' ... ,_2!25" \ ADVEUISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 1 FUll DAYS . l •, THURSw MAR. 6th thru WED., MARCH 12th ~ · MAYFAIR MAllET-175 EAST 17TH STRID, COSTA MESA ' 20» W .. l1t ltrett, S.Ma AM ftH Wfftmlntter, Gardt" Groft • ' ( .' ., I .. • 1. I 1: ... \ ~ , •r.;;' ,. ,. .. ' ' ' '. ' 1··· ' " .. ' .. ' " " " • I: ,. ,. ' ~ ;,· •• ·~ ~ !r .. :: ... i I! I "' •• -~ i: ~ • ,. .... .~ ::: .. .. -.. .. .. ... E ... • • • '. ;. .. • • DA!l'I' PllOT W ' -:: ,· Fo•lalll V..,-1'6042 · M111111l1 Hlintington .. 1di-191l . . Coi:-del _Mer-3049· Coet HWy~ --. , _. --+-- PRlaS GOOD • s11i ""'· MAR. 11 (HOICE' 'aiicl • 1 -- IONElESS . ,.-,> . . ' . ··R,AM~ ·11·~,· ~ . . ~ ' . ~ . . STEAK - 0~s.~;A: Center cul! . . .. ·:HUNT'S . ' Tomato !:RAMA: , ••• FROM· THE COUNTRIES LEADING PACKER · :, , .Of QUAUTY ' ·' "lOMATo.:iW>u<:JS. , ... :< .. ,:, ' ' _..., ., > . • ' ,. '.;,'i··- Deodorant ""....:99c · ...... 68e-11 · Su'*' c-.it • ~ lozenges ,.., 48c ~ Qjf~;rin . .. . 39c I .... 1.ot lreck Shainpoo .... 68c . flash Frozen : ,;foc»os· · -llnls-Eye ·4· ftC · Cool Whip 7 QT, . tiff flD QUAil MlASUlfNO CUP) GREEN -GIANT · llllfer' SIUce Yep. 5'!~ 3/89C CllAM SPINA~10.S. P'kf • M.tc. Blended tk:S.: 2/33c CHOICE · ;... ()-BONE SWISS STEAK "" 59c 1=. WHOLI' OI HALP PORK LOIN ROAST ..... ,~. 59c ... •• Chuck Roast~:;·~."" 69c ~~ = •c~~ .~:. .... , .. 55c . A=~N 4 Beef Ste '""" ... ~ 79c Sa' I ..,.,,.,." 79 PLur.\1. .. Ju1cr W ,_ c, .. , .... n.. ._ m_9n · C:.•olot, V. •• Wholo ~ C . Pork Steak ~'::1.•·~ • • ., 49c Salmon Steaks ...... ~. 89c O · · M · · Spareribs::,; ........... 11 .. 49c Halibut =:''."." .......... , •. 49c scar . ayer Sausage ""' ""' ........ "" 79c True Cod v.t ....... , ..... 59c :;.=-"··~ 69' ~~-12 .. L 13':. MUNT1S HUNT'S . HUNT1S HUNT'S if5,~u .... , 79~ ~~/~.!'L" 59• . ·Tomato wid;Skin Tomato Tomato KRAn· ·ROUNDS · . SAU.CE Tomatos JUICE PASTE :::~.:. 89• ~~~ .... 99•1 NlW OAF! GIACICll . 1 09 10 ~i~ 51 . 5 :s ., 28~ 2~0!·29c KRAFT1=~~~:;;~:.~ :.~59• ...._ ........ -----~· . .__ .... ...,.. L.i>o----~ L.----· ..,. . · ·~: ~ · . SLICED HAM ':~~-•14~ 59' I ' . CATSUP """'" ·-.,11,. ..................... 26c CAKE MIXES =-~~~~ .... .. .. ..· . 3 i I. .. ~ ... ' .~.,., ' ' DETERGENT .,--., .... '"' ;,.,, ....... :~ .. 89c ·' , .... . CHILI SAUCE "'"'" 11 ................... i, ... 26c COCKTAIL t·,~: ~".':' .. ~.. . ... ,.. 5 i I. PORK & BEANS ~:~.~'::"..'.° 12 . . 5 I I , ·-~ CHILI BEANS . 15c Hilnt 1 309 tl11 .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . CHUNK TUNA Holl Hiii, W•.......... .. 411 ' : TOMATO PUREE "'",.' ,...._ "" .......... 16c COFFEE ~!;:;;,:::t .·:...... . ....... •• 1.79 ~ _J •• P~_TATOE~ ""'""--.......... : ............ ,. 14c OUYE , OIL ::::".'. '.'::' .. :'!t ............... , .... 96c ._ -4 ' SWE.ET RUBY RED · $' ' for APPLES =A~~~~.blg59' .SQUASH CARROTS ~:!: 2 ::~ 19' ON.IONS . ' ' . ' ' SAVE 10c PABST BLUE RIBBON ' .a E E:R ~124L CANS O*Y •1.1 s AH ""*"'-" Ph!k CNABU~ . .. .. • .. g1L 1.39 lkftel1" c.n .... ,,.,. THICK MEATY BANANA ... lb • NO. 1 MILD YRlOW .. lb. .. ·, LEMON MERINGUE ·PIES TANGY LEMON FIWNG • FLAKY CRUST • Mllf HIGH MERINGUE Old Fashion CINNAMO'N ' ROLLS . . . ' . ' ' I Clisp I&.· LOii FRENCH ·'BR~AD ' 4 :o~ _JOO ·. . ; 4/JOO \ ' AT ITOtllS WITH llWIQlll llAICllY • '' · ': · i(arry'1 .~Poorboy . · Sandwiches 69c WINE .......... f g1L 1.79 I . ,.._,. yi.,,_ ... Al~ BRANDY ......... Sth S.29 ' . . .Albitrlson's v. .. ,. • Ice Cream ... 59c' lijht CtnHMIJa11 LeN Cah1•rt . WHISKEY , ~ ...... Sth S.49 . s..,. " Ger..ret1'1 \.It 001!•11 CRYSTAL GIN ........ ,.99 • llJWRA I He.W .. 'MllHlw ltrll, - ANAHEIM ' 1 0,.11,. 9f l ,...hurtt ~NAHEIM' • I 'MNA PARK . ,, • ..,.,. 7J~ et h•t o ... ,,19~ - I I • • ~· DAILY PILOT No PTA Blues Jeannie Sings -For Her Supper II)' JOllNA BUNN LAS VEGAS -"Lately, I ld"'t~ht"' havai, hid ti.me to cook "'·"""""' lllJthlo( ucepl two fried egga ud tine bolled ·qp," singer J...... Rlley &aid, tn ii< IUJlratloe of her IUddtn shill from llouHwUe to lour million record Mller. Shi WU flnlahlng off her sapper, • grilled c h e ea e 1ond1rlcb and grapefrull juice, bttween abowa It the FJam- iQIO where she wu the star .-. "l"Ve betn ua1ng thole- pallWlol -tbole litlle, purple, anlle-taltlni Wnp -like they're going out of style. They belp to keep the throat well lubricatel:I." She uld ahe had been going without relt and her voice had slw:n her aome trouble. But the Jooktd as pert 3.S when Ille bid first zoomed le> IUCCIU lt'lth the record "Harper Valley PTA." Thi Nley brand of con- versatloa. ntbtr ''shorlhand'' in s!Jle, I> cblnning u oho alternltel between soaUer- brained jarpn and down-to- e.arth stnR. Htr favorite aub- jo:cts are bu famlly, her career and her IO\'e for aouthem cooting. The ~st part ol IUC'Ctll for her was meetlng and working with entertainment stars she J1ad long admired, like E I v i s PrelleJ and Joey Bbhop. After ~ recent appearance on Joey Blabop's 1how she wu ·Jnvlttd to his home for dinner. 11Jt'1 s u ch a lovely house, and be'a so naalus." "He's a meess?" her visitor s a Id, auemptlng Jeannie's Southern accent "Ob. he'• that, too, a naahsa meeu, that la." "Mess" in Dill• vernacular ls t h e. equivalent ot saying •·the greatest." "The Bishops live just like we do back home." Back home for Jeann ie is Anson, Tex., a town of 25llO people where her parents, Nora and Oscar Stephenson, live. For the past two years she and bfl hWJband, Mickey Riley, have been living in Nashville. PIE Al!ID PTA??? Jeannie Rl~y Rail there that's marvelous. lL's real soulbern with old wood J)IIle!lng. It's old • fuhioned comfortable. But the best is the Staie Coach Inn, 40 mUes outside of NaShvllle In Hopkins. It's so southern. The food is served buffet style. You get all the food you can eat tor a dollar u ven- ty-five and go back for $ecOnds and thirds and wJdd.le away from Ole table." Recipes from the country· music Texan follow: JE"ANNl,E RD...EY'S ~ TEXAS TACOS 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (or"lanll - 12 1 a r g e torUllu (fresh, frozen or canned ) SUp one tortilla at a Ume into the hot oil (or lard). Heat until torUlla blcomea pliable. With tong.,, remove half-cooked taco, (fi:ild in half, drain on absorbent paper. Ha.U fill with your favorite filllng ; fry in hot oil (or lard ) until crisp; drain well. Complete filling with garnishing , gucamole, and/or sour cream or hot pepper sauce (available in cans in gourmet sections of most. supermarkets or food shops apeclalizlng in Spanish or Mexican foodstuffs). Makes 12 tacos. Sbe wu asked about her hit record. At Ole time she made It, she was a $50-a-week GROUND MEAT FIUJNG in: pound lean ground beef (or chorlzo sausages) secrei.,.. "Harper Valley did well tor me. Slnce then everything has opened up. It all started lhe last Fridliy in July -the day we had the recordlnc leUlon. Six days lat.er, It wu mastered and prtued. Shelby Sing 1 et on (bead of PlantaUon Recon!J l saw to thal Once tlley heard it, everyone. 1ot so excited, they worked nl&hl and day and air-maUed. it all over the country." This montll Junnle will receive her latest honor 1 the Utle of Texas Woman-of· Ole.year. Duerting the kitchen !or 90111 ltft her with few regrtts. "Cooking'• not my main hob- by, but I do Utt making Mex· ican food like ticos and en:- chlladu and lemon icebox pie. I juat love tbe pie made with cream cheMe, a recipe I got from a cafe in Texas, but it's ao thick and fattening. hall green pepper, diced small yellow onion, peeled, chopped 2 teaspoons vegetable oil {c.r lard) small peeled ripe tomato, chopped pinch sugar pinch ground coriander 2 teupoons cbill powder salt. freshly ground pepper to taste i,4 1 c u p pi miento-stuffed olives , chopped, optional Brown beef, green pepper and onion in vegetable oil until vegetable s are softened : stir often so me.at is crum bly in appearance.. Add t o m a t o , sugar, coriander, chill powdr er, sail and pepper to taste, and olives. Cook over medium heat, sUrring often until sauce has thickened and reduced In volume about one-third (about lS thlnutes), Set aside 'Jnlil ready to use. JEANNIE'S ICE BOX LEMON PIE "My mother does a great Job in tht kitchen," she said. She introduced her mother who was In town for a visit. "Her pot roast with carrot~ and potaloe.s iJ so iood and For lhe plecnat her red beans and cornbread 11/4 cups graham cracker are dellciOWI. The combrud crumbs (or crumbled is mtde from white cornmeal zwelback, gingersnaps or and comes out fiat and vanilla wafers) .swffl" S tablespoons soft butter (nr Junnie's taites we r e oleomargarine) broadened when abe went lo 3 tablespoons tu11ar Vt'Ort as a waitress in a tru ck In miJ.lng bowl combine stop when she was 16 years graham cracker or other crumbs with butter and sug11r. old. "I ate things l'd never Press crumb mixture into bol- eaten before . For u ample like tom and sides of an 8-inch shrimp was way up there. pie plate. Bake In preheated ~~ l~~~r kids me about 325 degrees F. about 10 minutes. Cool before adding "Sbrtmp'i 1Ull way up there," her mother aa.Jd good· lemon filling. naturedly. • . For lbe fi1llu1 "Oh, I go for l.hings like 2 eggs separated bolled lily pads and pickled can condensed. mUk caetua juice," Jeannie :;aid, 1n: cup fresh lemon julce t w It t I n g her mother. 1 teaspoon finely grated "Anything fattening, that's lemon rind (or y, teaspoon what I love to eat." She sound· lemon extract) ed a lltUe homesick. "I write \~ cu p sugar lonJ letter• back b o m e , Blend together egg yolks, IOmtUmts I write 20 or 30 condensed milk, lemon juice C:-I call now and talk and lemon rind (or lemon ex· : I tali., u you can aee. tract). Pour lnto cooled, cook· I couldn't live If tomtone cut ed graham cracker plecrust. my toque out." The 1ntm1-Prepare merlJllUe topping tloo in htr face made her by beailng eg whi tes unUI lOolr like Elv~ Prealey'1 bartly sUff. Add I U g Ir beluUlul kid 1toter, gradually and continue be.lttng "My aienLI want me to at.ay unUI mlrture la thick a thin. If my 11ent were her• ' 1Jouy. Pile llgbtly to cover rlJ:ht now, she'd take this lemon filling. .8ak1 In aandwJcb Olll of my hand. preheated 3%5 dttrte fl'. oven Wbtn I otdtr somtthlng, 1he about 1$ mlnut.ea (or unUI lhek .. her head at me," Je1n-meringue la li1htty browned.) nle uid. · Chill well before cuttmg. "I do rn1 belt eating near Serves 6. NuhvJJlf. There'1 a Brilu ,,,..,\twtd•Y· 111t. --- PRELL VICKS '44' COUGH DISCS VASELINE Petroleum Jelly 59c SIZf ••• 94c 2·77.c Slltl ~ ' SUPER STAINLESS STEEL WILKINSON'S BLADES 110 COTTON Q.TIPS IWABI 19c SIZE 2.Pkg, 99· C .,, 98< ,-,c Siz• SAVE 112.M l'flAIOHT kfNTUCn IOUUON$1098 •2.00 ANCllNT AGI · """ GAL SAVE S 1 i." 10 l'llOOf VOOIC.\ ''·'' SMIRNOFF PRYDINLUND IMl'ORTllJ"NORWIOIAN BEER 6::~·119 CASE Of2• , .... , . , .... $4.53 YlllTAOI DAHD-DI RUOLI POUILLY FUISSE IMPORTED FllNCH DINNIR WINI CASE OF 12 FIFTHS $21 .49 CHICKS CASHID & American Express Money Orders SOLDHIRI tt """ Snes Tirnef "°"" """" Sne Stepsf . Pay All Yotr Ii/ls with ''The Safe Money'' COff[E-"'1 GRIND$ MAXWELL HOUSE ALLSWEET MARGARINE I ·lb. ton ...... 69c 2<b. con ... Sl.3 7 3<b: con ... $I. 99 1-lb, pkg. 29' fAUlt:I JOHN • ' ( , MORRILL YORKSHIRI POLISH SAUSAGE SLICED BACON ltATH'S BLACK HAWK SLICID BACON fAIMER JOHPi UNKS-:SklNlESS 3 Soi. $ , .. PORK SAUSAGI ,,,, · CIY.Q.VAC l'ACKAGf $ f 29 McCOY'S PASTRAMI ,., : 1-lb. \.. pk •. fltfSH GtOUND-lfAOY.'fQ.IAKf 69C Seasoned Meat Loaf .. ~ HORMEL-IROWN 'N-Sf""E 69C ' Breakfast Sausage ~:; :. I FRESH KIST -ASSORTE~ FRUIT DRINKS " 4 ...... $1 con• I ..1 , fOOD GIA.HT ..., LIQUID Detergent Pi11k or Aqua 22·oz. plodic FRESH KIST-HALF Sliced Pineapple FRESH KIST !!E~O & Beans Green Beans , MAHATMA Long Grain Rice NEW SAVOIY STEW OrMf:AT TRIO Alpo Dog Food FRESH KIST t~~ 39.'i i ' j 4 toll $ill con1 ~ 39c, " 5 toll •1 jOJ . corn Stewed Tomatoes CANNED HAM OOLDIN CRIMI FLAVORED YOGURTS 5 ····•1 ""' • BONILlll • COOKID r3-L8.\ \.!!!J fOOO GIANT ALL MEAT $ BOLOGNA DEL MONTE VEGETABLES 98 '·'b·69c pkg. fOR BABYS NIW SARA LEE CHEESE CAKE S!rawber"i' ,, .... 95c: .... 9. -BANQUET 1- SUPPERS ' i' • Grovy & Sl iced Be.f • GfcrVy & Sali1bury St90k • GroyY & Sliced Tur\.., l·llt. pkg. s12t : BUFFET CANS (ulGrttn.a.onl. ······2 for JX ST~Tomotw1 •..... J rl)(39t SWIFT'S MEATS CHIC K!~ CHIC-E CAT ~ ! Spinoth ...................... 2 fOf 3~ Green limei ...•.........•••. ~tor 2:k. Zuethlnl •• ,. .................. 2for3k CrwmSryleCorn ..••••••••. 2 tor 39c · Tomoto Wtdot• .•..•.•••••. 2 for J9t Whole ti:ernel Corn··~· ••• 2 for 39( Swttt Grttn Ptot .......... 2 IDf JSc Strointd or Jun ior i~ 27c 2 b'>n: 29 ~ con~ 2300 "Barbor Blvd. at Wiison St., Barbor Shopping Center, Costa ·Mesa • ! . ' • ~c j. ' I I ,. I iE . I 1c 1 , -T 1 S' •• T ' - ..... ' . U.l.D.A, CHOICI allf ONLY . PAMll.YOR RIB STEAKS . 9~. ' allCH·NUT STRAINID BABY FOOD 3 RIG. 29c 'ARI AUNT 'ANl'I IClaERG ICKLE SPEARS POLISH NO GARLIC KOSHIR 2•.01.49c 'AR ~ :~ .. PICTSWEET ~~-YIGETABLES .:pin_., CUT CORN Ct-j,OPPED IROCCOU iEl.f .SPINA.CH ~"~ED S"NAC" 510·•··'1 pk••· .. - P.Ji:TSWEET-FOKDHbOK OR BABY LIMA BEANS . ' -' ~ '"·"·27c pkg. PICTSWEft-PACKAGE Of FOUll EARS 45 C C•N·ON·THl•COB VAN D• KAMP'S RlllCll FRllD liaOIUT ."': •5c ~,. . ENCHILADA . DlllllllS i••f Or Chee'• 57c 12-01. ClllCKlll . PllS G-ot. !'k(I. 37c U.l.D.A. CHOIO UU ONLY ROLLED CRO.SS RIB ROAST 89.~· 'ltllH PROZIN NORallT .HEN , f ,URKEYS '39: . HONEYSUCKl.f-fllOZlN Wmt GIAVT SLICID TURKIY 3 ~~. $1 r RATH'I IOCllT1' Cftll·flUH-flOZIM BRIA.ID IHRIMP SUPfltlOI-•tol.EN FllH ITICKI ,.,;,., $1 •• p~ •. , ..... 59c pk9. BONELESS HAMS 79.~. , ;::::: '1 3,! . ~ ··~· "'"-----..;...._--"' ftllflS Of FRllH OCIAN PIRCH PlUftS Of' BRIADID PIRCH CR~EN TIEE LUNCHION MIAT '2·•L 39c ••• aATNROOM A.MEllCAN 11scu1r, VAMIUA, Ct+OCOl.Atf. CRIME lanclwlches CHIFFON TISSUE a ·r.~~~··1 pkgt.) GEIHAIDT'S-WllH lfANI CHILI CON CARNI ~3Jc ••• ;::79c ~!~65c PINll( LIBBY'l IALMON ..... CORN-ON-THE.COB KINN • • :r1N••...: 4 '::~ 2tc. !~~!~!INIS 39c sw•n MUIHllOOMS y,,,b. Flt!SH ITALIAN MAGNOLIA '"AKfAST SQUASH P.RUNIS CHEF BOY-AR-DEE BETTY CROCKER 'EODORANI so~· COF~U-ALL ~HOS PIZZA MIXES !tlt!I KW..._-'I '""" 54' -69' .S~'HL 17-0L SPAGHETTI DINNERS \'11th M111hf'oom 17-0L59c or Meet con Moihed Potato lud•. lkL ..... 69c .~.)<1111'1 Hoodln (ontonnt, 5-oL ......... 4Ye Strogonotf, .ilh-oL ..... , , ..... , , .. "9c R.u IClriyoki, S~t. ............. •9t MexiCouerolt, 6Y.i-OL ........... & Romanoff. SlG-oL ···~·······-··'51: DIAL 3 ~. 39- . HILLS BROS. 1-lb. con ....... 69c 2~b. con .... $1.37 3-lb. con .... $1.99 .2 3 00 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Harbor Shopping Ce-nter, Cos ta Meu ,. l ) TROPICAL, SUBTROPICAL COMlllNID • Fresh Fruits Flavor ·Foods To combine lhe food s from various cultures II· to create a feeling of hoapitllity among peoples. Combine sub-tropical frulta Ute Oranges w i th tropical coconuts, b r o w n sugar, or coffee. '.fhese foods have played a valuable sociCHCOnomic part ln our past. Coconuts, brown 1ugar and coffee products are 1ynonymous w I th the SUC· cessful growth of the tropical regions of Hawaii, Central and South America. • Oranges, thriving In favored areaa of the world where sub- tropical climate prevails, have thtlr own romantic story. Groves of orange trees were planted by early Spaniards to supply the missions o f California and Arizona. These Spanish m i s s i on s were the center of hoapitallty. Hungry travelers and curious Indians were welcomed by the padres to share in food and drink. To create a feelinc et hospitality and lnternaUonal living, why not serve oranies as a deuert., e leca ntly flavored with coffee, coconut and brown 1Ugar. TROPICAL DREAM DES8EllT 4 California orange1 1/3 cup flaked coconut 'It cup coffee flavored ll· queur .v. cup dairy sour cream 6 tablespoons brown qar Peel orangea; 1llc1 into cartwheels. A r r a n I t In shallow dish. Sprinkle with coconut ; pour liqueur over al). 'Cover and refrigerate for several hours or overnight. To serve, 11poon oranges and sauce into shallow deaerl diahes or on dessert pl1tes; top each servinl with 2 table- spoons sour cream · and t tablespoon brown auaar. Serves 6. Sol id Silver Slivers Garnish Indian Foods NEW DEUll (UPI) -merin1 the leatber envelope:. Chlckep curry with silver? Four hours later, if he workl That ls correct. SOlld sllv~r. steadily, he has 180 lhetla Vilit'll's to India often react of silver leaf, each about five with di.sheller when told that inehes square. the shiny gamiab on thelr din· The 10 irams of 1Uvfr rt-- ner is pure ailver. quired to make the 160 lhtet.s · Then they wonder ir they coal about &1 American•c:ents dare eat It. and are &Old for $1.20. Worklna: But this silver it hi&hly edi· an eight·hour day, one man ble, and pre ctitioncrs of an· can turn out only two tn· cient Indian medicine claim velopei of 11lver leaf, eunln1 ll is .good for lhe health, • daily profit ol only 74 ce:nta. Saheed Udln. 50, la lypical pirticularly the bearl. ol the 1uver pounden o( lndJ1. The UH of sil9e.r and gold He llarted the occupaUon u leaf to · 1aml.sh food and a child and hu been at it aweeti on auspicious occasions seven days a week e'ver llnct. In India i1 centuries old. "We have to work •dily L<genda say that an Arab stralaht lhroqh the mantll physician who st~ lhe because the profit ii "' practice of. eaUnc 1Uvtt med 11mall," Udin aaid. Tberl ar• • · It In hia medicine! oJMI no holidays. cuaranteed M"Vlval of hi1 pa· Udln bu operated hil awn Utnb no mitter whit the all· shop In Old Deihl lot IO yeara. ment. He pay1 two helptr1 about Ope sheet of 11lver ~af colb 53 Cllltl Per day II WICel. ,only 7.5 American centa, but n.e OC!Cllp&tion hu il! it Uk .. four holln to make. hazarda. The rhythm ol poun- 'l'he proceu ~ with the din& getl out ol whoci wllon . p.irchoN ol a ,ribbon ol silver the pounder lira· and lhe wl\tch 11 cut Into teo pieces heavy h&mmert can tp11$ a each teit than ... incb · flngeniall. I aq1111e. Deihl hos abOut 2,000 illv• The silver aquaiot are in-pounders, bat the ..mbor fl tertA!d btlw,.. 1P1Clally ~ dwindling rapidly bocluM fl "'""" lbetla ot , .. , lktn. the poor profit. Then the 1ltin and 11Jver are Udln, who rtfu.Rd to lel put In a leather en•elopt. h\1 ~hlldttn become lil••' SquatUng on the floor. a pounder1, JA)'I that tome day 1 111"1' pcolnder bqlna , ham-tt·w!ll bocom• a loll arL. -- -------------------------------·------------------~----------·--- I I ·' • ............. s.1-. :@ DAll.Y I'll.OT ~~~~~~.~~~~~~~-' ,, ..... COMPLETE . l!RltiTING: S:ER.¥1CE • • lu9'n• ,__ ........... • ...... £. •"'-·0..- e LM_t..tt•1•1 ....._c:. .. ...... • TlcRlt .,, , t • PILOT PRINTING 642-4321 . . • = ..... • •• t .i r --... --,_. .... ..... -· - • -· L IL ..... ' 1 r.: • l.IH&. ~ .. ""' lllTI~. ,,_ -c..... .. _ = ---· . "" •• -· . --• = •. ,,, . = ..,,.., ~ .• """'' _,, ... A --... -= .... """ -·-..... -..... , ..... -· " .. . • M -...... .... --=· ""'"' ...... -~. """'' -· ...... ·-..... .... ·-· w-~!?!! .. ;;;io ..... - L , CAN ltUST 11:00 r•flon '"' "'"" <••WI' ... ...... :.. "' ' .... ~'"'" ISLIC ••• ' '" ..... .... ... ,. rltht, -T"d -... ' .. ·~. "' •11111'1. ...,_ -"' .... '91'111• ' ... ' .. " .. -' '" -... M • -,.,. ..... .... --... ... ·-. .. I .. . -''" ' . ""' --· . .. ""· -· -:!:\ -;:; : •• I • -· ~· ... --... ~ " 14 • .,. "'" --1 -· "" I '"I .... tllf: ; 1:: l _, =-' :s f ... , .. ,. --.. b ' ·. . . . .. . -• • --.f, M11th ii, 1969 • ,' ~LYmOT =Q- ' I .... • I • • . T ,· • " ~-. I • .. . " • • ,• -·-· • • " • ' B_'·:flancl'J -. iJ~~~~.-'iU'!'P~~it:·SJ!f~nti witJi· ,,, .~ ·1 "• l ~to .... .._._.• I '•. . . " ·~· ' •· -. ' • ' . . .. ,. ·. . ,• ' ~ _'I ' • ,. . ' ... • ' • .._.~, ' " . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' $uper-:Fresh produce in every El Rancho Garden PatCh is no idle claim. It's a fact because orir produce is delivered fresh · · • • • 1 . 1". ., • r ,,. . . '-. . ' ' I I · '. '· . .. each da1f. Variety? El Rancho alwaY$ carries the standard items plus those out-of-th~-ordinafy delicaci~~ that give yorir family a si>ecial 'treat! ~ .. . .. . . '. • • • ./ ., • ' . " l\ lqBl'IJ/IHI • '" I ' :•::-· Large· otalka ..• extra fancy ... so tender ••• frcm tip to tip! ~(~i-:1n6n.//11ns ....... • , ·. Sn.appiiif crlsR ... smooih, well filled pods that prom~e flavor I Rid Yams ............... & ·:ve1vtiY,·golden in~J.i •. ·• deliclo~s with 8pare rib! or pork toa!t! . . .. ' ' .. ' ' •• ... ' .. . ,,. "" . .. ' " ... ' . ' ' Supe~Shopper GrQCeig Specials ' ' .. I .. -· -~· - --_. ' . ---.~--~---1 .. . Pillshu.ry · Flour.: .. :._: ..... : ............. : .. ~.~:.:~~~ .......... : .......... : .. ; .... ; ~9! .... ,,~~· The·r• 1·.! a differtnce in ·the . I '1 · qudlit11 ~ •. the fruhilua • • • I ·£ the variety .•• at El Rttmho! Compare! I -I I I I Ripe Papayas! I ~lpe Watermelon! field Ripened .f'll!eiliple! 8elgl111 fRclve! Mexican Jlcama fresh Ginger! I I . : I · Fresh leeks! Chinese Peas! Luscious Kumquats! I ·' I ____ ._ ______ ,:...._ __________ JI • Super-Shopper Specials from the butcher shop . ... .... ' ; . .. , ., . ' . , • :::: Triapgle Tip Roast ................. '1'- BoneleM Sirloin of Beef •.. incomparable rout!. · .. '. FriSh Sea Bass .............. : ....... 89tr. .• l>ell.cious baked . . . or so good broiled I . '• " ' '.'.. . Super .. Deli Bargains ::~ . Shrimp (ocktail .................. 3 ."' '1 . ''""" . ··· . Luco •.• diJU and aerve in the 4 oz. glus ! ~· t • • r' ;,:-Sli~ AJrierican : ..................... 59t Clurfleld 'i\roc&oed ch,.,. spread •. , Indi•ldual- ,,., I,y wfabpeil 1Uce1 ... 12 0<. ... , lpBPDlibl have plenty of napkins on hand I fl/! Pork Tenderloin .................. 98~ • Se"'' Oven Baked Pork Ten4erloln f1>r a mat mal Get our. recipe at our 1ervice meat counter ! ~ -. . Stuffed Bell Peppers ............ 39~ Ready to PoP in the ••en and bake ! Meat Loaf ............................... 69~ . Precilion rround •.. wholt egp ... perfect blend I ·super Liquor Values ' ' Mt..Recl Claret ..... , ...... : ......... '1:27 ' ' Almaden . , • delicioualy dry I . , , lifth. HolldaJ Timd Vodka ........... '3.99 Quart .•• 80 proof! ••• smooth 'mixer! , Bake llO many. Sood 'fliinp .,Ith ·Pill!bury ~ •• and know that oueoe .. ls ~red I , , : Save 14c, too! Imperial M.,-garine ... : .... :.::·3,,; '1 Good enough for royalty! ••. I lb. pkr. · Hunt's Catsup ·~ ... , ........ , ..... : ....... 25* C&H Sug ' . ' 53« . · ar~ .. ~ .............. : ... ;:: .. ; .. Pure cane.: ..• from Hawaii! ••• 6 pOund baf, Potato iuds with Onions .:.411r •1 .. ' . '. . . . Save 6c on the big 20 ounce aize I Instalit'Jl(>!alotll wllli a dlfleroncol Bett)o Crocloor; Taco ·Casserole ................ : ....... 49* . .. -. ' .. . Tamale Pie ... : ......................... :.59- New! ffom Schilling's •• , ready in minute.! Honey Treat Grahams .............. 29* ·SdtillmK .. ,j,µeo J\.fo ~1 to ,.rve thil favorite! . . Creiined. Chippecl' Beef . . ... .... 4,. P&effic ... 16 oz. package! Sweet, crilp, dellci.ous ! .S\v&naoti~i .: • frbien •• beat and aene tYVer t,outf GraiJefruit Juice ............... : ...... 39~ Jeef.Rigout .. :: ........................ 5,. Cal Fame ... 46 ounces of goodn ... 1 Healtliful! '· 8wanaon! : , . .frozen mw with a ·wm~i Facial Tissue ....................... 4 .~ 'l C & W Petltf Peas ... : .......... 4"' '1 Lady Sc,otl with •. deeo,;,,tor'o touch.I 200 cl pkgs. Tiny, ,Yeet an.d 1<naer •• '. fr<m!n .•. 10 or. pqi. · · Bold Detergent .: ....................... 69*. JoJmstoti' s AitPle Pie .. : ..... : ... , .. 5,. Bis 9 inCh alae '..tender cruo~ plump' with fllllni! Gla~t size package ••. for bolder bri1hter. wuh! Cascade ............................ : ...... ,59' . Royal .&,st'lte Cream ... :~ .. : .... +r Bir 35 oi. pkf: of diohwuher de\ervntl 'Hlilt pllon •• , c&\erinc quality ••• all fl&•onl Janitor in a Drum ................... 79* lllUs ·Bios. Coffee : ................. 67~· lnd111trial strensth cleaner for ihe lmmt ! Quart! . ' . . . ,. ' ... .. . . Two poun~.~n,. ·;:J,83; ·Tluoe paund,can •• 1.N • m I Pri<t• i• •lf•cl Thur. thf'OllQh Sun. J . Mafch.~1 7,8,9.No;alutodeahra. · .' · • ~ Alk the manager about our connnlent Charge A~um S.NI~ . ''1 m . . . · leo' s Sliced Meats ............. 3 ... '1 Wahr tl)ln 111"'5 ... choi"" ol 39c vari~l LI G Whistey .. , .. ., ................ '5.19 Stralrht whlakey '' lor.alppln' ormixill'l •• 'qt HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Wan'ler Ave. & Algonquin •st: ' . ' HUngiy'·Jack Biscuits ... : ... 2"' 35• , Flaky biacuits from Pillsbury, reg. or butt.ennilk. * . -• • Diet Tab ............ :.:.: .. :~ ..... ~: ...... .'4r. · NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 'NewpertBlvd • 2555 Eastbluff ·Dr. (Eastbb1ff Village ·Centir) carton or .u 10 oi. bottle•! Think thin I A/so conveniently located stores in Arcadia,.Pssadens and South PasadMi II ' • ---~·----· • " ' ' . -' . , . . ' "• " • .. • • ' v " . • " ., " • • • • " " ' . . . " " " ' '• "' . ' • • • ' ' I • \ • . • • ' ! " • " ' •• • 1Alpfii Belai Man· in 'Blue .. says: . . . • , . . • \ ''AH eJ8 .. YfPtlf~a1,ays ... find ·:: •. Rsb pdlduG8: •. p!•:·, ;·; > ' ' ' • • ' ·~fantastic tOtal discnwit savi '.·L '.· . .-.qka.lhe s10:2s·o~lfii"'8U,~ .·.··· \ ..... ... _. .............. ,.. ................... ltlillllli'lllW-f hll ....... 1'111 .......... Cll._l,,.._ ..... -....... it •• $ I k , . : . . . -' . .. . ·, .. . Better Protlute ;d. DISCOUNT PIKES! ' .• GOLDEN RIPE • COORAl AMERICAIJ ··BANANAS . . . ' . JUMSO SIZE AVERAGE'. WEIGHT 4 LBS. ,, . '\ M: PINEAPPLE cut for your C111Mai1nce: •••.••• 211 • PAPAYASGE 39! 39c FRESH • TROPICAL ·coCONUTS .tlEGlET NOOR • 20 OZ. PKG. DATES ;:=s 19.! . ' - lHl!E PIQllUCE'PIM:!S !lllCTM TllURSOAY -· -Y. ll!llCll S llwqil 12 IOTA! Ol)LOL!NTS EWlRY DA~ SOME AU'tll IETl STOR!S DISCOUNT CllMIOl ,JIOE @ MONSAJCTO •In P!'. 1: 25 JT, ROLi. HEAVY DUTT• WAT?RPROOr HUNDREDS OF J<;llS ABOUND mt: , • · . pl:f~si:t1ng 3• s2•• STORE lfOllRS, MON.""' fRl.-10 ~11.;ID 9 P.11. SAT. 111d SUN.-10 A.M. ID 7 PJI •. IOTA! lllSCOUNIS !VERf [JAi' . " . ' SAVE WITH AlPHA BETA'S 12,178 TOTAL DISCOUNTS -Save even more with • • Double Discotllls' . nn,. .m •ftll tor you. Ml<fo P!'!'!I'! by lpld~ ""' 'dla• With tlll ettt nUtiollll ....d .... /,... )aol ltr tho> 'hroll~ Ull slDra. " 1u4'.tf#e' DUTCH IRIS 78~ !UIA\ OllLU.JNf, f~[RY OAY SOME ALPHA·ICTl STOllES OISCOl.lf(J' CKMG£ PRlU fOIAt 015ClliiNTS l~!RY OA• I . . I \ -rucll"TIBLETS . 89' 731 \!la OUNCE ME 671 .. • """ , al D OllTIEIT . 81•.. . .. i'liim•sic COllOlTlot!EA 3" •3" liRECK • 1 OUNCE Bom.! 971 ABY SHAIPOO 1• PRDTE1i'21 CREIE ea• 781 !IO'TTLI OF la?TA!lu:TS • W/IftO!f '273 OllE A DAY YHamlns 321 ¥o"=scwER11n: 1• 791 /)@~frs~tfrToowASTt7!J' 601 " · · · · lilCRlilOIOuraw 1sH 1° *I 11 ., . . c'ltlulltlils isPiRii1"'39c 211 ' .. ~· .lwiiiuiioRAIT 1• Sl 11 ' , . . " . . . . @il'"ii&ililliE°" )ac 371 .. 11-0Z. CHOCOLATE.or llANAKA:CRIAW @ 12 OZ. COCONUT CA&AM -le::'· 10 OZ. LEMON MtlUNGUE: 551 JELL-0 PIE MIX 61c WEBSTERS .. Ntw TWENTIETH CENTURY ' . DICTIONARY UNABRIDGED . . ' ALPHA BUA 1vtc11r1 1'11111 BONELESS RUMP ROAST OR BOTTOM ROUND . 1,1, GAU.ON • FAMILY pA{ • ll9c VALUE 591 ALPHA BETA ICE CRUM . GtITT:RAL MIUS • BUGLES • WHISn.ES • BOWS ' 391 SllACKS: ~~~Pi~!" Vl1TIZS 39c · Your ALPHA BETA Nei1hborhood Butcher !the Man ln'·tht Red Apron) Proudly Oiiers B·ttTCHEl'.S PIIDE MEATS MIAft YOU'U. U PROUD TO SUVI . . • 01$COUNT PWltm • QUALITY & SATISfACTION GUARAKTEED •U.S. GOYERHMEflT 1NSP£CTED COLORADO BEEF . ALPHA BETA · a cun 1'1111£ D£PENDABL£ QUALITY GROUND BEEF ECON~ PAI< J.lBS. OR • OVER c r@En ~-: ms" FILLET OF ROCKFISH ' 79~ .. ' CllfJB[IM • f'llOlbl tu.~ PIRC~ mLETS @ '491 KAPTAlll OUSTT • AOnlf • l'M.I. PKG. ~ mu TtJtDER . JVKY · • nE..sUSOJlm • Wff" Mitt • IREADUI ~ = BONELESS 98f• fl!SH . 59' . 2U. PACI.II[ 99-SllRlllP TIDBITS , .. ROTISS!ltt ROASY MEATLOA~. • • TillCk SLIC£0 ® Spt \ · • AllAA WR .I~ 11111 em • u.~ CO'lll!IN!llT INSPICTtO • :~t.iiiiioiiii ·mp" 51'. •D•• I IOlfn~. I BEIF • , s°"aiss ., CHUCK . L~~'·" ""'"" . . twin rtl[lllli.N : f&ni ltlAK CLOD . ' SllOllT FAMILY aoAl't t1'UWI'•• lt'.i·ll, l'q, SLICED BACON . l!~ ~· Ml CUT aoAiT ... ITIAK 81.IDE CUT (ii:;" UUW! @li.k"S::ic~s"-77r.. 89f• 99r. 431. 98f• 53:. ~ w. !"!SE Mt.IT Pl~!f!Jllt!Mi 11AJRSOiY tlw•tli W!DltlSO!Y, MARCii I th!°'&b II ~ COSTA MESA-241 E. 17th St. HUNTINGTON BEACH-9045 Ad•m1 HUNTINGTON BEACH-18611 N. Moin St. FOUNT,AIN VALLEY-30 Worner ~GUNA--30122 S. C6HI Hlw•y \ ' ., v ' . • , Mlllth 5, 1%9 PILOT-ADVERTISER-I$ DAll.Y I'll.tr 4f " ' WI CAN NOW DIUY· II THI MAlk Ill OP YOUI CHOICI IN T"lm TO SllTY DAYS AS Ol'POSID TO OYll POUi MONTHS I ~I· YIOUSLY . OIDll T~U-~OWI 1967 CONTIN~NTAL <t door •td111. IN11tif11I pawdtr blua fini1h witk dark blut i..tti., i11t•ri.,.. L11••ry fl11Ulp1Md with aufo!l'ltflc tr1ini111l1•i-*., rlijio, ~••t!'r• ftt:f'!ry ' tir, powar ,1..,. , '-t• P9Wtr.' l:'Yk•1,, 6 wey' p~· .. e,!.,;ttt•, ownar cart· ..-itally; -mt.iiM, UcA.TEY. t611 .' 1966 ·CONTINENl'J.L RECUt-IVE-CAR -.SAti ! . 1?41 MERCURY CYCLONE ., ....................... ......,.......,_~ tronc·te·bp ........ ......,., ............ ,.... ....... ....,., •Ir -...... ...... .,.... ....,... ...... ._ --...... ,,..,,... ..,_. .._.... ,....,._ ""-..,.,..... t-.t--. 'nllt..Plf Ml •IY I~---• ...... l "9ut..._fit'll..,... ..... IW. Wl'XIM. , . So've $1020.4'8 I TODAY'S IEST IUY 1968 'COUGAR COUPE · ,w1"' .,..,.. •lflffl UV ....... -r -ur. M•• s.. .... Jft Yt. Ii.rt . •'-" ,..,, tellct ....,., _..._ -i.. 1111 -.... ,._ ,iic •r1k ... ,._ 1tMI'., ~r 111' ....... l'tllllle. ._., ,.._, tlilf .,_.., """ Mll\lllf' .-.,. NM'er NI ........ 14111. • .f.. Save $1159~28-. . \ . ·-196' COIJGAR COUPE. A ...... CW ....... \lllll'ft • ..-tlllllfl,......., . ...,.._ ... .... ........... ..... . ........ , ........ .., ................ ._, ......................... ...,..,., ... _ ··~· ..... ,, lfrttell a ,... """"' • J . ·' ' 1966 ,CONTINENTAL 1:0UPE ... • • ' I.' IHI-MERCURY COU6AR 1 I ........ i1inf.,., ......... --................... ....,.. ... . I' 1,l ,'3 ._ ................................. ......... -r··· . . .. ·,..' ::'8v~ $-10o9.41 '3 --1Ht•CONTININTALS , EXECUTIVE"CARS - w~ vffy ltw 1111 ..... '" 1WlcH Wiii! s.mtk UVhlta.· ...... , Sled! Hfi 1)1t ~ 1 Dr, c_,., N9.>lll, It Dr,'>C ...... Hl.11 .. I 4 Dr. S.-.. .... ,...1 .. .,""' ~·· ~ ..... , ..... ,,........ .. MMelll w ...... ~ • • • ,. s ••• ,.., v•ll•w 111t1rlor with 9old lt1t1ti1r, iuteinatic tr•11•mi11io111 rtdlo 111d ¥•t-r, 1ir co110itio11J11f, full . p•wer, 1teilr~119, br1ke1, 6 way 1•1t, tilt 1t1erl111 wkiel. ISVI 0401 . B1111tif11lly m1i11t1i111ct Loe.ti •n'• ownar witk 011ly ll,000 e'~w·111il~•· fl~l1k-:' i11 011utif)il l96t Bur11t Or111911 b•tf•r· fntr,Y •'r./'1 Hi11 •n•, A11.,-H'1 f111ly •q•ipp•il witk elf fht f111'11r f1c- t1ry 1pflo111. Lie SRW <t6J, . , '1?~1 :c;-oNTIN_ENTAL CONVERTIBLE Auto, p9f.ir' 1t••rl119, .p.War bfeltet, Jl•w•r windows, Pow•r 111t, r1di• I lieit1;·, 90od i:o11clitie11. JLE 27l, $3~95 $3.195 $3195 $995 '' ' -' .' ,. 1967 OLOSMOBILE TORONADO 11 DelllX• coupe. l1a11tiful tvy 9old fi11lik ' with 11t111 bite~ i11ttf!or. luaury •quipped of court•. Aulomttic tr1111ml11io11, rldiO, h9tt.r; p•W•r 1k1rln9, power br1lt11, poW•r windows, 6 w1y. pow1r 111t, wonder· fully cartd for. Todt}') ~1t b11y. Lie. !RAX 167 1 ' SAVE $630 $2995 1961 CHEVRPLET JMPALA c..,,,..,,. 2 4r. li1nft•p. Aich "'"'"' ... ht Wu• 111.t•f· lie linl•h• E••ipped wiffl ..i11t-•ti• tti111mi11l1111 r1di1, li1.t1r1 powtr 1fteri119, power br•••I, factory SAYE $SOD $2495 1966 THUNDERBIRD 1966"MERCURY PARK LANE 4 Door h1niltop. l1a11tiful 9ro•• 9re111 mi1t fi11i1h with malchln_f inlariilr I Ivy 9old l1ndeu top . .411 tfit. fi111 acc111ori11, 1ulom1lic tr1n1mi11ion, raOio, h1eter pow1r d11rin9, powar br•lt11, powtr window1, fie· lory air, E'tc: Lie. (RUM 1)2) SAVE $510 $1795 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 4 .i,., h•"'t•p. •tfr•ctf,,. 1191 9old fi!Wtli with 1n1tcki119 l11ftri•r, 111fM111tic tr•111mi11i•11, r1di•, h11t1t, ,.,..,., 1fNri .... p-.; lw•k..,. f1ct.ry air, 1tc. Pric1d to 1tll ttil•.,. Lie. lTVV l It I SAVE $700 . $1995 1964 CqNTINENTAL 1965 FORD LTD 4 door li1rdklp. Palm wliitt 'fini1~ with black int11ior & ll1ck Landau roof, 111lo1111tic tr1111rr.i11ion, r1dfo, h1at1r pow1r 1l11rin9, powar br1lttl, power wini caw1, pow1r 1e1h, f1ctorv air, tlC. l ic. !NOY IJSI ' SAVE $200 $·1455 • 1966 ilOpGE CAMPER n, Sporl111'1111 Camper. VI, l •1,Hd, Mavy 411ty .a"'to• matic, r1die I k1tt1r, r1fri91r1lor c1rd1m fYP.IY cu .. tom l11ttrlor. H1t.y i11ty 1prl$J .. 'pow•r lpclt ilff1r•11• ti1I. ]<t,000 1ch11I mila1 • r1tl. 1l•tpw, prl~cl I• 11U Save $ $ $ 1 t66 CADILLAC S1d1n D1Vi1!1.' l1a11tiful GOid Mi1t fini1h wtih b\~d 1968 OLDSM,OBllE CUTLASS S"'P· 2-dr. H.T. 111..,!ll ... I ••t• told 111t, w/mtchn9. liu1lt1t 11111,bllt. l1rid a_11 ;oof~ Fully fie. •quipt, + •11t1 tra91., RIH, PS, Pl, fie. •ir, Dri••n 16,000 Mi., c~r•fv lly mii in. by ori9 owntr. XOA. 411 '$2995 196'4 CHRYSLER NEWPORT A11to. tran1 .• rtil1 a '1111t.r, ,ciwtt 1teeri111o , .•. , br1 k11, factory air cond. MGF 6 15. SAYE ~O $895 1967 MERCURY COLONY PARK • p111 . litlion w19011 , Arctic Whil1 with t11rq11oi11 ' Cpo. l1111liful Altic gold i11t1rior with melchin't in> t•rior. >.11 th1 l11J1Ury •q..,ipm111t vou w1nt, Automatic tr1111Ml41 ion r1clio, h11f1r, ,_,, 1t11rin9, pow1r brakn, ·~P.4""'' wirld1w1, ,_,, 111+. Factory 1ir, otc. full ••t •f Radl•l·,rry tr,. •. Shew• ••c•ll•nt ""' Uc. 4· door .11d111. Arl•c gold fini1h with 1acldl1 l11th1r i11· htior, Fully luxury 1quipp1cl, 1•toin1tic tra1111'11i11ion, .r•dlo, h11t1r, pow., 1!11rin9, pow1r bra~11 powtr b1i91 l1alh1r inter. Equ ipped with tll th1 lvaury jt•· int1rlor, 1~11. tr111,1 ., r1dio I h1at1r, 1ir cond., pwr+ 1f11ri119, pGw1r br1k11, c111!1r 'f1ci119 thirO M1t, 1119-'"''''; aulo. fr•nt,. RIM, PS, Pl, PW, 6·w1oj 1at, 1uto. f1ct. air cond. ate, Only ll,000 ori9in1I mil11. • 11111, f1ct9ry 1ir, etc. l11utif ... I cir, ILIC I 05 ) 9a91 ,r1clt, dual action t1ll91t1, I own1r car. Lie, UIH 157. SAVE $655 Lie. SIS 145. SAVE $225 $3495 ISllU~YI $310 $2395 ' ' SAVI $460 s·1495 , Prices, at Johnson 1969 eomet Coupes Start as Low as · & Son ' on Brand . New .. ' ' $1588 • INClUDIN6 FULL FACTORY l:QUIPMlNT PLUS 'AUTOMATIC ' TRA,t4SMISS ION, lt.ADIO AND HEATEft. NEW 1969 2 DOOR HARDTOP .COUPE' COUGAR M .. COUllll' ilOnt l«Ml!olftt for In llftCOF'tl Yov'cl btittr Mlilltt II. Vlr1~lly WffYll'lifll II MW for , .. ,, fr- 1.11 .. 1111 IO lmlft. TM Clllllllr can.....,lbll II unmlll1klbl1 MW, IMrt lllln .. II t111rly llYtrfll'llng Ille. Tlllff'• -ntW lfYl•,•WWWJ 8nd 1"llA t'luld W'l'lh 1. E.111111"1ft ftllr, Fl'Orll •'*ltll-l'l'W. srllll 1o·wtalllf'l!Urld •1<11' _,..,..., "" ur liDlkl ~«. •lllkll': ·L..., 11y mon ffllil :t11r11 lnc:hls, wldtr 1J1 "'°"' . ...,, two. M-. r-., tor Y'"' Mid pur frltnll1, mor1 rtllOl'll for )OW ......... Fot !"', irnn ""' fwl +.rill; Is r1llf"lftr 10 ...,, r11cn to Collllr"I 11110t. Pric:es at Jahnsan & Son an Brand N,~ 1969 CGllCJClfl 5tQrt as low as $l.·998 • PRICE INCLUDES FULL FACT0RY EQUIPMENT, .PLUS AUTOMATIC T~NS. MISSION, RADIO l HEATER.. 1969 Continentals, Lincolns, Mercurys and Cougars are wailing for you ... today •.• at Johnson and Son, great cars, great prices, great terms -and great:people.to buy .from! • ·' ' . . ' . e ALL PRICES PLUS LIC. & TAX e --$- $269'5 ~ ... ' ·~ & fffi ~~ TIIBI 0 • llil ~ mi© rnJ fffi w· ~ © ® w@·& [ffi . ' ' ' , . ~\ ' ' 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD; . .COSJA MESA • ·-, . , • " ' . • ---------------~------------ ' ' • .. , '" ' I \ I .. I• ~ P El=ll=ION --,, .. ·.·· .... Income Units $12,000 Monthly Income $850 Wall..M<Cordlt, Rltrs. 1310 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 Ewa. SM-0684 w~.-1,IM H sas ,Oii SALE . -16th a Tustin -Cotta Men Exceu .. t location, Mar schools, &bopping and beaall. Only a few lei!. Bey now wblle · Interest rates are only - - - ·w, with 20% clown -7Yi% with 10% Dn. no 2nd -no point• -2t Yr• on !>-1- Priced from $30,850-to $33;950 Exclutlve Atl•nt p. a. palmer incorporated 3J77 VIA LIDO Tract Ph : 540-S113 F""" L.A. Call MA s.11134 SCOTCHMAN'S . • • 4 bednll , + bonus room SPECIAL . --.. .. .... , .. HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR $ALI HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR 5 E HOUSES H a F -GeMr1l • • 1000~1 1000 Gonortl 1 000 _o.._-_..,_,_1 ____ 1~ Catto -1100 Newport -l20ll lw_,.iiiiii_,--~.,.~--~. --.-.--·--~i-j .;;;;;;;;;;~D~R~Y~;;;; Garia ... •_! Wo~ iS::,!~AP1:s:: ~ifs ·Yoiii. ~11 Sel ei th rough.tb,e.Multi p~e Lirlin~.. •--jfW"~ ';""--• .. -cove...i pal.lo. ~·Wit Look at llrll 3 Bdmi «>mer Servi ce of the Newport Harbor· · ~·~~= remodeled kltc..., lot tmmacWlta ·bo<n• In Cost a Mess Board ... f, Re.eltors WARM . "'.':i ....._::ti. boat wl•lt-1... Ille. • ....._. !Ublonoble eaowuu lt •W ~ -~ ~ U. nook d.Wunuter, }Gads· of turn you on. Appl only. totaled $4,565,250 for the first Clllll :"";,;:-... two :''=-.w1: '.!."".:: Deloney RMI E~~ month of 1969. Thi s represents ""'"-. wt1h extra IOlc. w/Jarae -. , ...,:.i... 2128 E. Cout llWY .. ~ I d f AIR \ ioul muter bedroom and 2 -us ~--Ile m.J110 ll4 unit sees en en i ncreese ·o ~le bath. won kept .. ~~ ... ·-;;;;.., 3j 113 .,. over January· of last year. llltrb "'"'"· Slh•tl' Valley II """""" In NEWPORT tt1n, -· -•le. =· VIEW ANYONE? /4 ¥1. .East o~ Bt.ntow. W~ HEIGfl1S area. FUD price ftnt FHA appnl la S22 850. A beautiful view 4~ the List your prop'erty with a R&eltor d•r!Ul oppor1wdtiM aw.it OJ>ll.Y 11:1.IOO -CALL "Pl' Buy lrom ownor ... in'.m day, btuth~ It nleht. .+ode-'. theWISE~Rlnlh;. APPOINTMENT. , 210:! Walla«. Phone Our ... c1ua1xe1 MM-04 _ 7 lertileo valley! tdell art& for 54G-8644 or S'8-0.198 lDr 1 1 • You want a new home •You own a lot• e You nttd finaneif\I • You desire style •You care about savings e ¥ou demand quality CALL· 537-0380 • A distinctive addreu in fashionable Bacycresl luxurious 2-story home with 4 bedrooms, 3 batba, family room with 2-story beam celling e.nd massive stone tl.n!place lovel1 \ftU kept aarden . 188.000 Call: John Abell Res: &'B-7365 irowtug Alfalfa, nuta, a»ri-llEUllM\ltiJ llf IGtlTS I ., .,.... ""'""'of •"II. etc. A r&nrVll '=· ............................ , ~J)::;·~lte~Jl~n~l;:"::m~t-:;.• I wonderful atta 1n which to I -I -live & enjoy the boontleo oi Well located ottractlvc ..... Swimming Pool o-r'• c.~1a1 ' your own MAN MADE bedrvom. l" bath home Hot weather i& ccmin&; • .ee "' ... f" ~· LA.KE (approidmately 120 witb HARDWOOD n..ooRS this pool. Nice l BR home 3 Br .. \ of 2 Br. le den, C\19> laJw NOW IN AREAl ! and pluter wan.. Laree pie-on Eutalde prime area. tom Wta:tcUif \bomt, tna.l'IY INVESTIGATE ture v11w window from~ $3500 down and take wer extru, nr atom " achW · AND INVEST living room overtooklng 5"-% k1an. $26,950. * Phone 644..40'4 * Jn YOUR Tomorrows beautiful rarden. JICach.. ap. • O DLX CondO, fple, pool-2 br. Ottered by owner rieot and plum orchard. ,,\;I, 2 ba,-xtru. ~ pou. i 847-6640 After ~ PM Double ga.rai:e plua . work· .. ....... $5000 dn J21,500, a It, l shop • easily convert~ to SSWXL 494-6081./673-llA · gueot quar1on. Stott yoUf l ! A t T Y -Ne&r 'NB Post ore. 646-2414 Newport Heights 1210 $24,950 $500 Down 111 1,.,, aYallable to ,.... This home 1!I aituated on a quiet cuMIHoc \n a real prestlre' un..-lt bu ' -sized bdmis •• 2 beaut. batha Pl1ll a 450 sq. ~ bonus nn. up stain. 11.S been complete- lY ted~ted with neW car- peHn&, panelling l: bl.t In OOok cues. Owner is leaving area and must iell for a re- duced price of $27 ,900, go VA • FHA or auume exist· in& Sl,4 % loan al $168.00 mo. Make otter. OOlle frotn our detiam· Plans can be varied tO salt yourDOe<ls. l'LL GIVE IT TO YOU STlAIGHT boat or trailer from paved alley. Full Price 0.n I y $.ll,950. Owner will help fin- ance, ASSUf.tE 4%. % GI loan. 4 Br. 1% ba. Pyml! $138. OPEN HOUSE 5 41-1168 Doyle C.o., Eves ~1B77 Ocean & Bay : On this 4 b@droom, Z bath Payment. including tans. family botnr. Oose lO eYl'I')'· $142. per month. l.ocat!d thing. Jwit introduced to the near C 0 L L EGE PARK market. \Von't be around School. New\y -decorated 3 long! S130 per month includ. BR l~ bath horM -vacanL es princlpal and interest. Exclullve with: we S!Ll A HOME Newport EVERY 31 MINUTES 11 Walker & Lee MOYE IN TOMORROVlr 4 Bedroom. 2 bath family home kitch· en bu: elec. built- ins.-Sliding glass doon from LR and Den.-to a covered patio.-S23,9M. just $1500 down $20,950 Beautiful remodeled Bil kitchen w It h walnut cabinets sets off this choice 3 Bedroom with block wall fence. -No down to vets -or FHA - $1150 Oown lllO IONUS. 4 Bdrms. + 20X30 pia,room plumbod for bath or wet bar. 4 yn. new, near schools k shopping. Vlc!orl• MUl11 This R-2 Has Everythin4jl Newport Heights Area 3 bedroom • 2 baths, beau- tifully remodeled dream kitchen with built.\ns and dishwasher. ('.ozy wood bum. Ing nreplace -hardwood floors and lal'&"e enclosed pa- tio for fun and hobbies. Two big double garages, Qinvert one to i-ental unit and rWl have plenty of parkln&. 103 down will buy. Colesworthy . & Co. 642-Tm OPEN EVES. ----·-- ''THINK INCOME'' ... 4 eye catcbln& Rentab cam. pletely fumiatied; :ftttplao. es, cJ:iolce location near pop- ular 10th St. Beach • always rented 1ummer and winter ·S61.500. for tlili quality prop. crty. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Thrff Wishes U petLce, comfort, locatlo are important to YoU, look thls over. C.onvenlent lo NewPort H e i 1 b I a grade school, and all ahopp.lna. 2 Nks to new park. Only $25,500: and all these "plus" features. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace. cpts. and drapes, double garage, con- crete drive, large fenced back yard on 50xl30 FT. R·2 LOT. There: ls not to much •Jn n"IOlt Or.1';e County and other approvt!d areas. STANCO Builders Inc . ' Open 1 Days 10066 Weatminster Ave. G81'deo Grove Balanced Power Home9 EMm HOME + FHA· TERMS Equals Opportunity to purchate ~Is ror:Y Ell.'lt- aide 3 BR 2 bath home lo- caled dote to shopping & school An excellent buy at $23,950 ~ - PEl=ll=ION iJ , .. -......... ~ .... available In this part of * 642-1771 Anytime * easlJ!lde Cl..f. l!urry. OMl-/,.,.."l"'!'::':'l. !!"l~~""""' ER. WILL SELL FHA!! LAND BUYS 6"-4687 15 ACRES 2 FOR f $400 pr acre. 20% down. 6% lntert!st. '80 ACRES $200 pr acre. Trade or turns. ... ACRES $100 pr acr-e. Trade or terms. RIDGECREST 30 acres. S200 pr acre. 80 acres, $40, pr acre. 20'1o down. 10°/o DOWN NO LOAN FEE- 30 YEARS 4 bedrooms, 21,S baths:, 2487 ¥1 ft oI living area, master suite you've dttamed about: 30'-long &: hu it's own fi~ place, hua;e closets & dreas- ing area. New carpeb & drapes. Completely redeco- rated &: landscaped, Over- liied double garage. Don't wait on this one! $39,500. Rltr. &16-39'28 or 642-0185 * LACHENMYER john macnab DOVER SHORES Panoramic View home, 4 bedrooms, 3~S baths, family rm with wet bar, new car- peting, luxuriol!ll window treatment. N e w Anthony pool, solar 1lo outdoor bea~ ed. Excitinc terrace on bay. side. $112,500 By Appt. 1714) 642·8235 001 Dover Drive, Suite 110 Newport Beach Evenings Call 646-5300 U )'OU are interested tn a good locaUon (Colta Mesa, Newport }lel&hls are&), close to Newport Heigtil! grade achool (1'$ blks) & new city park (2 bllcs>. shop. ping, S min. to beach, a very quiet street, bl& R2 lot Croom for boat, camper or rental unit), 3 bed1'00nU (or 2 l: , ,..,.,.. ................ ... a den) 1~ be.tbs, fin!place, aidewalla:, paved allry, dou- ble gara:ge, large Jenced be.ck yard, then phone me at 6f4..4687, I am asking $25,500 but U )'OU come run- ning (I'm in a hurry} with check book in hand, Cas low a15 $1750 dqwn) I'll give 11 to you straight, I'll save you SlOOO. (Tbat'• u: •traight u I can gel). . JUST REDUCED . NAME YOUR T£IMS FHA / GI or CONY' Al Vacant 1794 sq Jt home 2 story 4 bdrm I: family room, completely repainted inter- ~r, rich ll)'lon w/w carpels & drapes, terraced kitchen with built-in electric eye. level range & double oven, dl.shwaahe r. Jlua:e muter bdrm with own bath with white pullman top ~ oval basin. Kim!itock .eamleSI shower, extra large ward- robe closets. Buy on no down VA tenns or lO'iii down. Price $30,750 -great value. I' \I I • \\ 11 11 I ~I \!(\\II \\ "I I I I ' < <• Mes• Verde 1110 BY OWNER: Rust!~ Privacy Unique 4 bdnn, tara:e Wn11Y room with beamed ce\llngi:, panelled !iv. rm, wed brick f.rplc, lush atrium entry, many extra!. Near a;oU course,' 1reat neighborhood A view like this Is seldom of. ' foml. Wkle Ocean by day, , and sparklina: 1llaht.s by night. 3 BR, 2\1 ~t~ fire. place. Hobby 6.rit, triple &at-, age, 0Uer1 $40,tp) on this. . . ' E>~ ~ ...... ;E AL TY Near NB PO!ll ofc. 646-2414 -==-for kidl. Owner/brkr. Ask-Irvine 1231 Ing $35,950. Call $0132 ·.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;~! aft 6. -e BY OWNER e UNIVERSITY 4 BR + lam. 2 BA, .. wty PARK redec + shag crpl'f, patios, Live in a "planned comr'nun· etc. $26.900. 54().9410 ity" • only mln~tes to ua le Fashion Island. where we Coll19e Park 1115 have complete recreational BY OWNER: 3 BR. 1%. BA. Family" nn, !rplc, loveb patio. Assume 5% % FHA. $24.,!o:l. 540-5566 1200 facilities (tor pool, tennis courts etc), acres of sreen park 'areas, t1ew shopping center &: even an 18 hole golf course? Newport Beach ;;;;;;;:;;;;;;,;;..;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;; I At the present time, I have l'ltr. John Vance a good selection of 2, 3, 4 & 2025 Wallace 5 bedroom sepan.te home 6 Co.sla :r.leaa, calil. Townhouse resales available . YOU are the winner of a l!uge 27SO sq ft home in lovely P.,f E SA DEL li1AR. Priced hundreds of dollars below com- parable homes In · the area. 4 big bdrma, 1pac- loW1 den, lara:e break- fast nook & FORMAL DINING ROOM. Why be disappointed by wait· iI1i ! $35.«IO ~ .l.l 1003 Bal<tt, CM. S4&.5f4{l pair ot tickets to the Boat Show at the An a heim Convention Center, Mardi 8 throua:h 16. Come to any ol. our 4 branch offices and pick up your FREE pa,pes. in the $24,950 to $.34,950 price rana:e. AU have fireplaces, carpels .t drapes, at leut 2 baths & kitchen built-ins. ~COATS ~ wA.:'LAc! •IALTORS -->'546-4 ...... 141- (0,..n E-lngs) Pele llineH Really New Baycrest Listing Stunning 4 bdrm & den ----Li~• to Entertliin? Call today for an appoilll· ment to Inspect these choia! properties. perhaps v:e have -the zi&hl one for YOU! $32,tsO WONDERFUL WISTctlfl' Sparkling bright clean descrlbes thi! 3 bedroom plm fam- ily or dinin& ~m. llQDilli Lovely 3 bdrm plus de- lightful chlldren·s play- house. Quiet location. rlean house, Jirge lot & ava.ila.blf for immedi- ate occupancy. Asking $26,500 . anxious. Harry A. Boggs REALTY 52~37 968-3505 ON ·-,·c1wE IHcH. home PLus •omlly TH ..,. Custom Wells room • 1onna1 dining Exclwtivc China Cove home -Home • $59 ,800 =~ :th al=~ ~---- See this 3 BR, plus 3 baths. cozy dining/family nn 2 frplcs plus hua:e room for pool table or ! Enclosed pool with separate ~ yard for $52,500. 808 PETIIT, Realtor Specializing in Universlcy Park properties REALTY 2025 \V . BaJboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 •) l ~.:s,l\: I,\\")\.: ,1 l t'' 546-599 0 Bay Crest Exclusive Walker Realty year around living -be.Rt Best Bayctftt street and yard for children or en- Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba. pro/. landscaping describe terta.inlD&'. 1.Iany oM 833-0101 Large 1fWlmm1ng INCOMPARABLE-Big 4 BR, 2* bath, family priced to sell last at • $69,500 the selling for this J BR, 2 excitinJ fee.lures. Call By appl only BA home w/FR le FRM & to see. 3336 Via Lldo 67&5'09 Eastbluff 1242 ==;;...;. ___ .;.:;..;.;. [ poof completely fenced plus large separate kiddies play aren.- $49,500 EXECUTIVE HOME·. NEAR THE BEACH -4 +FAMILY- $19,900 Wow -4 bedrooms + f.am. ily room, 2 baths, bullf..irus &: breakfut bar in dttam kilc~n. New cll!tom drapes wall to wall carpets. Forced air heatina:. Room !or boat or trailer. Fenc:N yard - only $19,000. Better hurry won't Jul Call 6G-0303. FORESI' E. OLSON INC. 7299 llarbor Bl\'tl., C.M. BDRM rm., fonnal dining nn. + $22,500 -4 . H/F pool. Low malnl yard, 2 baths, fireplace, isolated prof. landscaped, AM/FM rear living room. Large intercom. Best location, All brick patio ·wUb Pl fired this + more for $55,581!! BBQ. Drtam kitchen with f "ring" built-In l'llll&C, oftn a n d • • ' dbhw""''· ''"'"" . •"' •SPRING CORBIN-MARTIN DR., high "iling, boouL ~ REAL TORS decor. w/many extra!. 3036E.CoastHwy,CdM Greg Wohl 675-16'2 !!!!!!!I .... ._._A. - .....ai~ ... lfill> Westclill Dr. · NEWPORT BEACH 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 IN ONE of Newport's finest Balboa CoVH. $ 6 o , o o o . family arcu; large: lovely Prefer trade for acreage S Bedroom, 3 bath home. or will consider other, 548-Call Jor a p p o I n t m e n I • 71TI 644-1192 642·5200 1=======-=='====-I Decorator's delight with 5 spacious bed· rooms with closets galore. 3 luxurious baU... All plus pool with board and slide -$51,900, a real ex· ccutlve home. Al'PllAISID $2~.zJO No down to Vets.- lmmedJate possess- slon. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, has large !iv~ Ing room with fire- place, carpets and drapes-$1400 down~ to all $22,2&> gov't. ··- or 646-7171 THE ~EAL E'°;TATERS HARDLUCK SALE Owner lacl!Jg possible immi- nent transfer:Sacrlfice huge C.olonial 4 &. fa.mlly room, fannal dining room, impres. a.Ive 2 1tofy with C'Ul'Y~ """'' .. "· LIJting Is $<1.500 bu.t any oiler corll.idered. 546-5110 (nqr a-.. them) LLEGE REALi;.'! , 1500....._a!Karbor,--. 4 e.drooms 1 o/4 Bath Newly decorated, carpeted. room foa. trailer, dose lo shopping. $2100 doWn. ERNIE._ .. CLEvELANO TARBELL 2'55 Harbor J •""•REALTY ~· "an .. time" DELUXE DUPLEX • New 3 BR Units Peninsula 2629 Jlarbor Blvd., C.1'1. adj~nl lo Ocean & 8a.Y &iANFRORf $59,950. 7% Iinanclng. BA VIEW Balboa Real Est•t• Co. WITH Y 100 E. Balboa Blvd ., Balboa East of Main Street 67S4.140 . Oellgbtlul corner location. ""~!!".'l'!'!'"l"~'l"l'!!".'l!I!!!!/ Allking $69,500. for 2 story ; OPEN HOUSE born• • 3 """"'· ' baths with Sun deck. SAT & SUN 10 • 5 p.m. New Spaniah Contemporary house, comer 500 Tustin & Cay, Newport Heiahts. By Owner. -5 BDRM -"POOL" MESA VERDE Executive home. 3 baths, full dining: room, 26x42 tree form pool, abundant deck:lna:. lush l.armcaplfli". A 11 electric built·ln kitchen. DlstincUve residence, 540-1720 TARBELL 2'55 Harbor llDDllli REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 --- 8EA!t:t HOUSE Older llome on large (35 x 95 ft.) R·2 Lot 1 block lo Beach 127.500 Geor1• Wllliamaon Realtor Newport Heights m<3SO ""''· 613-1564 s BR. 2 be.lbs. dinina" room. ji!!-~!!!!!-i!i!ili!!!i~ frplc, bl.t·ina. Lee lot with Poof.:Trailer-Additlon? alley aocns. $27,500 Room for all on this 60 x 135 143 Bro way .0111 DAVIDSON Realty Jot, 3 Br we.II bit, hd\\-'ll Ors Evu. 642-8453 646-4579 546-5460 Eves. 548-8584 $22,0CC, • ner. 5'&8-7677 Owner says "Sell" Coltlwell. Banker & Co. this lovl'ly 4 BR , 2 ba, beach home, 7 yrs young, Priced $34,tXXl • submit all oners. CAYWOOD REAL TY 63C6 \V. Coast Jiwy., 548-1290 LOVELY MODEL by IVAN WELLS \vi!h "Forever View". 4 BR 3 ba, 2 dining rm areu + lam. rm. "L"' shaped pool. Roy J, Ward Co. 18-i2 SanUago Dr, 64ft.15SO SACRIFICE! SOS .Irvine, Newport 3 ~R. 1 %. SA, 2'Ai 1araa;e. AuWl1e $19,100 fllA at 5"-· $166 Month Includes taxes. Vacant. Make Otrer.- Petitte Realtor 54S-O.l22 4 BDRM -$23,750 1'0$" DOWN G.I. 2 separate batm, den, dining room, built-In kltchea, fire- place. Patio. fruit tre-es. Colorful shrubs and Dowers. 54()..1 TlO TARBELL 2955 Huloor Dial 642-5678 for RF.SULTS 220ll f . COid H!t/t'lll•' Ke"'POrt 9etldl. C•lllornill 111:1 t-J»I 0 1 f.2111 CONDOMINIUM Luxury living al a minimum cost. 2 large Bits, 2 baths, dining, nt'\v carpets & titt· place. Askin&" $21,500 or trade tor traller hOme. CAI.J.. 54().1151 (open eves). UNBELIEVABLE! $23,500 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Exclusive locallon • runl<lst prestige homes. Master size bedrooms, atractlve d e n. Very hotpitable livi~ room. Pool siu yard. Mo\·e in con- dition. 540-1120 TARBELL 2955 Harbor BY 0.,._'TM'r: 4 Br ~1ESA VERDE Repu b\lc split lcvoel $37,950 also 4 Br. 2 ~tory NEWPORT SHORES $31,950 646-5616 1000 General 1000 General 1000Gen•r•I B/B OCEANFRONT TRIPLEX! Comer In be1t rental area. 1968 income over $7,000 from 2 units, owner occupies third. Three bedrooms in each un-· il. 2 units furnished. Partial- ly book~ for swnmer. Al- ways 100% occupied. Full price -$1).0,000. Good terms! Bay & Beach R••lty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB SUl!e 221 645-2000 E•t1 548'6966 =-=.-- Five Bedrooms Beautiful Baycrest ho m e with lovely pool 1 bdnn suitable for maid's room. Excellent Antigua \Vay loca. tion . Don't miss this one. Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th St., C.P.f. Realtors 646-7755 For Daily Pilot Want Ada. Dial &t2-567l S©ll~lA-ltt-~s· Solve •Simpl< Scrambt.4 WMd1'tzzl< fOf'• Ch11tklc HYWOS I' I I I DEDIC 1 r r 1 ~ r An employM about her" bos., "Ht·· laodin; the "'"'.I such a rat race, wt'r. golnU rH".":'E "'E "'p ~11:----., on 1trik1 for men -.· 3..0 ,......,, ......... , -,.-., ......... , -i 0 ~ i:-.. -=. ~ • • • • • ""' -'-...... • 1"1ow. (!j "\'t!s~~~ IEITHS IN r r I' I' I' r I 6 1'\~N=lfmRS \ \ I I I [ I i I ·---... ............ SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASS. # 9600 1000 Gantrtl 1000 Gtntrol 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ----...;;";;""';;;.;''1:"4;;;.;"".;;;."';;ca';;;"'_,••.;... ____ Opn lwllllttp 2043 Weatcllff Dr. ait Irvine 11 Open Evenings LIKI A PICTURE IOOK 9u1n COUNTRY IN NlWl'OIT llACH Nestled on a trel"·llned cul-dt.>·sar. s t.reel V.'ith 3 bedroo~. 2 bathw, huit C'OVl'r-Cllrf He.Wh .ls offerlni; you one or the few Pool homes In this dl'Slrable 8.tt8.. ·ec1 paUo, block waU sun-ounds tht lush green<'ry. Kitchen features bullt-ins and This pool was built by an executiv~ of Anthony Pools for his °''"n Ui5e. H~ted le huet: eating area. Priced at S22,600 and all terms avall•ble filtered '"Ith extra decking sl't on " home slll.t' Jot. Brand nc\v carpets and drapes. WAITING FOi A IAl•AIN? Tu•o quft'n sized t>.ths. \\'Ith masttr dreMing rOGm having lren1C'ndous closets. Jfett's a sh:a l on 8 3 bedrooln, 2 bath, great html<" v.·\th 11 grNl d('ai. -Seller has Flrepl11ce S('l In man1moth livin~ room with slidini!" glass <loo~ lcodina: to oool moved and v.il\ ria,y buyft"! cloidng cmta. Priccod al f;t!V't apprt.isaJ ot $24,900~ area. OJM' of ll kind! $3>1.950. OWNER ANXIOUS~ SEE THIS ONE! LUXURIOUS MANSION -$36,000 IMMIDIA TE POSWSIONI 5 bMrooms. 3 baths. drttm home built for a dl§C?'i.min&.Ung ""eeuuve and hi.!I $1.00 'total cuh needed. MQYe right tntn thi.5 3 bedroom. 2 bath beauty near dcservtn.1: family. Delightful decor. Large living room, hu1:e rAm.uy room Land- Gokknwest Coll~. Ftt.turtng brick flttplact, wisely la.ndscar>ed, plua fnlit-scaped ~th an eye t™-'8.rds be:aut,y and cuy maintenance. Located on quiet, btt.rlna tn'!M. VA appralaed at $24,900. Seller will pay all coets. llurryl It won't cul-de-sac strfft. If you can afford a $36,000 Dream Home, you'd better see this last. tm v.·eekend! today. GI NO DOWN!!! Submit YoUr smaller home on our suanntte sale plan. PLUSH AND LUSH HOMI AND 'IOUISTHOUSE (Msrlooklnit a be:autllul KQlf t.:ourte. 4 king lized bedrooms. 2 luxurious bl.I.ht-. Great 3 bedroom.a. 2 be.lbs, home with ch1tnning 1 bedroom cuest houae for tJfi,&I ankle deep carpeting. Lovely drapes. Submit your old home in trade mother-In-la"" BulJt.\n eltctrlc kltt hC'n, Including di1hwa1her. Wood burning will hRndk'. "-flreplaet'. Alley (Intranet for boot or trailer. A rare find only $29,MIO. Submit HO MORE your home on our guaranlff trade plan. 11eire'1 a loYe.ly 3 bt>droom nn " hu;t> cul-dc-sa<" lot. "ith !hf' larp$t bedrooll\5 IA YCIEST AIU ~ / In &own. Luxurious carpe~ a.nd d"'pn.. Dtotp grain panelln11: and "'ti blr, Sf.lltr EXCf'Jillonal family h~ nf'ltlcd aJnoris: tov.·f!rtng it.hadt t ffft and lx!auUful tra~ and sa" M.'11 VA or f'llA or Submit. Ttttlflc bey at $25,000. Don't ihl"\ll)!,, A thick shake roof sdds l'it'ga~ &.nd charm to lhla •E&ck>us home \\'Ith 27'0 HAUO=-l~IL~VO~. "'.'.".'.~~~'."""....;:O;.i:p=_,., h=tn::::1"91 'tll t P.M. IS MISA YDDI YOUl CUP 0, TIA? Then thl•-•l!ltt'ly beauty u:ith towering shade tret'I and gorgeous landacapiJtS 111n·oundin$( muslve covered patio, ls for you. Tasteful livini room adjoins ma F~Y ROO~f. each v.'ith Its awn SEPARATE FIREPLACE. FORl\fAL DINING ROOl\f off the cxcitina bl,dlt-in .kltchen! Lu.ah Ct\rpt'ts ~ dr&.pec thrOl.lJhoo.t. Four tlumpUom bedrooms A 3 l11rur1ous baths. Best buy BY FAR in 111esa Verde al ONLY $41.500 wllh excellent financing. COSTA MISA CUSTOM UST SIDE PRESTIGE You'll thrill to OU. eustom built het.vy sheke roof~ be11ut)1 v.•lth J HUGE bed-rooms and luxurious bratN plus F AMil..Y ROOl\f adorned With beautiful carpet. • drapes. TWO mulfVI! Door to O!'lllng fireplatts In warm living roQ!!I_ and py tamllY room. VERY PRIME LOCAnON. Best of all, usume tJ~ ATJ'RA.CTIVE exlsf!!!.~ loan on ONLY $28.000. snncH OUT FOR $25,900 lf'! thts 4. l\MCIOUM bedroom. 2 hon1riou1 bath l\nml' with BIG 15xl8 DEN and rQRMAl DINING ROOM! DctUnk kJtchtn w1th built Ins. Large COVERED PATIOl And pt t.hil • • .HUGE 177 foot d~p pte aharicd lot. ONLY $144 per month Incl~ everything. NO QUALIFYING ON NO DOWN GL NO GIMMICllS · 140 TO'l'AL 00\VN VA, nn t'Xti'A cnil for thi~ T'f'!\lly lnrgl'.' 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH' homt> on bh:: CORNF~ LOT. 2 car ir11raa-cl NE\Y CARPETS! 1'"E\V PAJNT IN• SIDE! You'll lovt thf' B&Ai\t ED CEilJNGS as "'"ll u !ht l&.rlff'. COVERF.;O PATIO. lt's vacant and ready to mm.-c In at ONLX S21.!'IOO. PR.A ttrms 111vallable. mU. thll. hup:t' bfl('k yard In a J)llrk-llke atm01111hcN'. LA~ btdrooms. QUctn 1iil!d bnth~. ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!llll!ll!!l!!!l!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~A:"~d:k:•~T:lf:k~•~ll:c:l~tt~l~rl:c!bu~llt~·~l ":k:l~tc~h:on:.~S..~:l~ode~:y~!~$4:~~000~~·:S:"bm~l~t :yo<~"~'""'~~l:l·~!!!!!!!lll!l!!lll .. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!I!!• ~ ;;-;E~~··;·;;;~ EVERY 31 MINUTIS ::: " --~-~··--------·-~ ~------------ I • • . ·--· ·-·-···· ........ -~ .... w~.-5,191.9 DAILY PILOT 47 HOUl ES FOR5ALE H~~~~S_F_O~~LE ~•N IALS E~1tblulf 1242 H1v11u l ak• 1'15 H.vNI UnfUrf'1the4 RENTALS • ~ENTAlS ~ApfL Fumb'*'---AptL-Unfurnl1htd UNTALS ---r.:r AJlfl;"Unfumllhtd REAL ISTATI ANNOVNCEMENTS Gener•I FINANCIAL orid NOTICES -----Gen1r1l 3000 Havasu lake, Calif. --· -Gt.,.,., 4000 Costa ~ . 5100 =:;.;;_ __ _c.;..:.. DELUXE, qtcioul 1-Sd:rm. Lagun• l11ch 5705 100 CLIFF DlllVE OFFICE Ip hiol oU!c8 avaU., --Olf(C. fll!ml -~-6070 ~lea 6300 :;;.;Los"-!'----· -~'-'~ _$32,SOO r ! il &: J bdnti bon\e~ Iro1t1 $12.500, Lil.l"KfJ R-1 !Otl from Cham--U•.t .. -and a bett $1995. Call Agt. ~ or ..-..·-... qo 9Gtf&:i6 eves. Owrier1 Attentjonl 1'-'urn. apt. $135...:Plwl uUl. Do YOil b&\'C rental wilts? 2 ar. & den SltiO Plu8 util. W2 baVe ICood tepanlf b"Om }leated pool. An1ple. parking prev~u. .Yea.I'll arid netd • No chlldftn.-No pets HARBOR GREENS LUXURY FURN/UN.FURN w/recept. nn. All ii.a-. Ytarly 1:..e«M. l 6 2 Bdrm& GriUitb BJltr., downtown tltPI to Shor. I: SbOp. Lido. $100. rr>6383 Oceanvie• from every Apt. 1N"EWPO==a=r-oN'"a"Jiono-.,-l ~Ba=nk Important Holice BLACK • tan female German-Shepherd -w-1 t 1t &ilwr choke It fie& c:oUa.r. Vic ~ Co. airopct. Ans1ve.rs , to Babe:. ~"Ud • Call Dave K11 l clt1alc:I 833-3)00 \\'kd)'I only. pt1Ce. Most house Jor dol· 1:==::=,;:c:::;=====-1ar value in llie carefree • • - SUMMER ~ WINTER • and 196$ PonlOnli. CJ\1 ANNUAL nmtala for them. •~I 8.ACJlELOR _ UNFURN. from $lSO mo "-"· ltase Buildina 135 eq n, avail. "9f..2'449 W 69. 642-092, ~ Bfufrs. 1850 i<I n. 3 BR, 2~ L•gUna 8e1ch 1705 Pleue WI our rental dept. llOO: UTIL. pd. ~.," f $100 and let WI &'Ive )'OU the R.t;0 clean bach apt, Wf\V, patio, 1 rom LRG 2 Br. 2 Ba. Uppe.r 300 Sq. Ft. Office • • • • LOST, Bl•ck & white fluffy .. 1. 1 yr. old - m a le. No colJ•r. Vtc. $t\11imar Dr •• C.M.'R .. bath.!i, Z.slory like new homf'. AbMntee owner, Wied week- ~nda o~. ·V1tcant • aqucaky ~Jean. • and inove-ln lttsh. Bette.I· e&lJ. toda,y, EASTBLUFF REALTY 241 4 Vista Del Oru Nev.'port Beach 6"4·1133 , £veg, 64~..(15()5 A. Touch of Class Lusk built 3 Bdrm home at re.i, ol quiet cul de sac irt~t. Dining l'OOln + [am. ily room w/ parquet fioor • in1mat'. c.'Ol\dition. Lal'ge Jot • Ideal home for the !an1ily ••Ith small childJ-en .. $-43.~ rerer Dobbs ' DESERTED SPANISH VILLA "UP AT A Vll..I.A. 00\VN 8'{ THE SEA", localed on Laguna's famt'd Riviera Coast. Nestl91-.in the ROCK R1BBED HILLS TilAT 11.ISE lN A1AJESI'IC SPLENDOR. ~'ITH A NEVER ENDING VIEW OF THE SEA. De- tailed Spanish styling, fea- tures RED TILE ROOFl.JN. ES PLASTERED EXTER.. toft. FRONT COURTYARD ENCLOSED W I ADOBE TYPE BLOCK \VALL & BLACK IRON GRILLE CATE. Obie. doors open lo entry hall and massive liv. nn. WIT!{ 15 FT. HIGl.f VAULT· ED CEILINGS OF llPEN Y.'OOD BEA!\1S SUPPORT· CARPETb'N.tn'lent-youAI!-carport. Central loc. Bkr. ALSO AVAlLABLt'. ' • 5M-69lltl • 2 Sf!l'\•e the ~St! ' 1 • & 3 BDlt.\I. RED CARPET Rlty -lleated Pools, Olild care Rental Dept. i73-3G63 Costa M... 4100 Center, Adj. to Shopping -··--- ::2trl5="=W=.=Bal::-::""'::::::B::IW' ::"::N::.a:: I $Z 5 Wk. Up No 1~1s .now..i 2700 Peterson \Vay, at Har- • Studio A Bach ap'4, bQ .· & Adams. Costa ft1esa. IRVINE TERJV.CE • 2 BR & dtn. Fantastlc View, beautiful con<Utiot -ST':iO per mo. BEACON p;;:y-:-2 BR &: den, 'or 3 BR. Connnunity bt'ach, pier, tenni.! cout - $450 per mo. John Mcnab Realty Co. 642-&235 $100 ; 2 BR. homf' _,, ilO\'e; kids.\ pet 0 .K, Brokf'r 534-6980 gar .. $195; LGE. 4 BR. 2 ba. home,. wl w, drps, ftp!, Fncd. tor children. Bkr. 534-0980 e Incl Utlls & PhoJte 601'\1. . )16-0370 • r.1aid Service • TV avail, _ "!!!!-!!:!:!!!!!!~ • New Cafe & Bar ' iii 2376 Newport Blvd .• &48·97'""5 !i!r. ~'rank Cortese 16.17 \Veslcli!f BEAUTIFUU.\-FURN. Nr,v1)Ql't Be11ch, C11.lif. Imniac. clean! 2 br, porl.:. Adulls, no pets $lli0. 2272 Alaple. 5"46-556fi, 642-4807 A'ITRAC, Return: w I \V crplo;, lrg cupOoar ds, closets. Gas pd $75 lease. 642-7148 YOU are \\•inner of a pair of ~ickeU to Ule Boat Show tll tht' Anahelm Convention Cenlt'l', fiolart:h 8 through lG: O:l1ne to any of our ol branch offices and pick up yow• * 1 BR t-,-.-~ t'REE passes • ., gar, p1v '<LL..,, '""""""""""""""""""~ no pets. 174 l\1onte.. Vista Ave., CJ\!. l1\fli.1AC. &: (il)l. ! BR. apt. $110. Very nice I-Bdrm. Apt ., 2c Ba, garb. disp.. stO\-e. I pts, d1·ps. 2 Child. OK. adu ts only. 132 \V, \Vilson, C.l\I. Apt , 8 No pets $l50. Aft'noon 548-8797 duplex. fl"ple. $195 or $2:10 Co51$ Mesa. 646-2130 tul"n. 494-6081, 613-1166 x 2104 REAL ESTAT E General Rent•I• Wanted ·-. S990 ROOM ~·anted, sleeping: ror lady fiirview emplOytc: "·alking distanct. lteply Box P-478, Daily Pilot. e LANDL<ll!DS e FREE RENTAL SERVICE Brokt'r 534-6983 Rooms for Rent S995 lnduttrial Re.nt1I SPACE \Vanted ~ In Newport Beach, CO!ita Mesa or Santa Ana, for light e~trical CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE • • • • ward. \ 644-5361 or S4MS37, OOBERMAN mix, M, 3;; lbs •• 7 mo. Redlbrn w /tat!i mrkgs. '\'ello\v e,yu, ~ tags. Vjc 9lh & Balbo4;, Bal. 673-6058 a s sembly manufacturing. Approximately 400 to 600 ljQ\18.ro' f@et. with electricty, We h('nt and plumbing, Area rnust be clo~d oU from other activities. Please in. dicate the monthly cost and availaiblity date. Address l'l!ply to Electronic S'Yiite:l11ll An out.:starxUng oppor· FEML Collie ''Palcbts" nu tunity tor a distributor to tags. Baby's pet. V I c . earn excellent il)C(Jn1e 1or 1.ta.gnolla St. &. PrelldenUI few bolll'S weekly work {days F.V, Reward! 847·$139 or evesl __ Per10n1l1 6405 Co .. P .O. Box 1712, Newport Beach. Calif, 92663 LICENSED IDEAL room tor employed liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio lwe Are Looking For: gentleman: prlv. entrance 12,000 Sq. Ft. Spiritual Readings, UW. 646·5689 Sprinkled. 9%c Per sq. ft. Reliable J)«rty to devote on all matten1. 1111 S. !l ROOM for rent. Nice, qUk>t (Smaller units available) 2 to 10 hours per week re-Camino.Rea.I, San., Oementl:. honie; for \\"Orking 1W>n18n, Wells-McC•rdle, Rltrs, fWin& &: collecting money 492.9136. 10 AM·lO PM kit. priv. 642-47!14 1310 Newport Blvd., c.M. from new & unique coin op. SPEClAL $2 READING NWPT Bcb, room, prlv bath. 548.7729 F.Ves. 644.-068t erated-dispensers in Orange Attractive Expert ED BY lfEAVY CROSS ' ;;C;;o;;ro;;n;;•;;d,;;e;;I ;M;,a;r:;;;1;;2;;,;5~ T I l\I s E R s. l\fEXICAN -SI'YLE FIREPLACE OF $60; NICE older 1 BR. hon1e, !ncd yd, child & pet \\'eh."Ome. Nr. everything Bkr, 534-6980 $170; l BR. 2 ba, gar. r•ncd. Family &. pets welcome. Broker s34-69so NICE Bachelor Apl. $90. u!il 1-1:..C:.B~R~.::....unf-urn--S-l-C<-.-A-""'-l incl. Adults, no P " I s • 3/!. • 2 • 1 G1·. hwn $130 548~28 W kin ~!!!!!!~""'~""'""'!!!!!!!!!!\"I County &. aurrounding area. YOUNG \VO MAN or· g girl. Breakfast. $15 :: (Handles National Brand v.·cek. Call 64&-5216 at! 5, FOR lease Laguna Niguel, ,..~ ....... &. Snackll), To qUalily dancer wiU teach you all or San Diego Fwy at Crown ....... ...,, latest stepa. Call ArdeU Gl:NTLEf.IAN: pool, tennis, Valley, new commet'Cia\ l you must have good c.ar, ref. 213: 5914538 1·10 PM OWNER MUST SELL REDUCED $10,000 2 BR, 2 bath home on Cd?.i beach. Owner will finance. Orange~ Coast Property 332 ?t-largue.rite, Cd~t 673-85j() ORNAJ\fENTAL ADOBE BLOCK &-RED . T IL ED HEARTH. Liv. rin. over- looks terraced ~tio & a1· -·--------- up. Heated pool. no ptts, • Nassau Pahns • baby ok. 1Sll7 J\·Jgnrovia, 1 .t 2 BR, • Pool 646-4153 177 E. 22nd St. 642-.16.Jj 1 BR duplex, with gal'age. beach. Vic. Beach Blvd. I-industlial wrlts. Delta E1ec-erences &: $1,650 total cash ---------- Pacific Cst Hwy. 536-8518 trte. Oayii: • 831_1400. l.Ves • to invest. No sellin& requit· COUPLES &. Singles -don't ed. go around ''mopian'". be a 4:99-4198. UTOPIAN. Join the 1wina: Guest Homes 5991 3000 SQ ft warehouse k office fords an ouTSTANDlNIG Co1ta Meu 3100 Newport Be•ch OCEAN VIE\V. Con1plete y ··-----4200 Clean & IJUie l, $90 nionth. 577 Hantilton, Apt H , PRIVATE room for elderly + 6!XX> s<t tt paved & fenced We Offer· yard. 1855 b.guna Canyon • Lo mare enjoyment Call ; Jl.lS..9:191 GOLD MEDALLION Rd. (714) 494-8066 or (714) ATIRACTIVE girl to model 1300 modern kitchen hai; ornate tlle counters, ALL BILT·IN B1lbo1 Peninsula RA NGE & OVEN. DISH-f ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I \VSHR .. GARB. DISP., etc. 2 BR d u p le x, carpels, drapes, bit.ins. 5'18-695<1 lady in licensed gut's! home. .WOULD you like to li\·e on 1 °"'"=='======= Good food servtd family rNev.'Pl)rt Island? Lovely up-I· style. 646-3391 per apt., furn .. on lease. Newport Be1ch 5200 I-=='===='="===== $46-jGBO An unparalleled oppor. a few bourz a v;eek,. 2tJOO s"Qc.-t-J-. ~,,,c_~1-,-,.-,-.-wt~t~ht tunity to join a leader In this generous pay. Strictly for Bye Bye .-BU.Y ! & opens lo lge. dining: rm. \VIDE CENTRAL CORRI- Doll House on Pf'llinsula boR \V/tile floors, leads lo large fencod yard for childr en & pets. Private garage, SU Paul· arino. 549-17-46 Prefer cple., no childn.•11 or pets. Space for small lm.L £73-0472 N'PT. Island Ox!. upper duplex: 3 Br. 2 Ba. Cpts, drp.s, frpl. Elec. b!tns, refrig. Pier, slip. Adults No pets. $350 Lst'. 64z..342:; Income Property MAKE OFFER field. Financial lleCW'ity for fun. no exp necesaa.ry. Rep.. fronl office; drive Jn rear you &: your family can be iy Bo.~ M-658, Daily Pilot doo1'. 1308 Logan St. C.?.t ~ours_ in thi,, proven &; boom. BACHELOR see~ beautitiil point: three bedrooms, one and a half baths, fireplace, lge dble garage, Near chan- nel and public beach. A Jewel. Reduced to $38.250. BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 N"ewpo1t Blvd .. N.B. 675-4630 EvH 642-2253 lido l•le 13S1 .57• East Bayfront Pier & Slip 5 Bd, ~1,ii baths, e..xll-a tge ma."Ster Bdrm & Jiving roonl dressing room, s1>01ve r, and bath oft lhe garage, µso,000 R. C. GREER, Realty ?Z5 Via Lido 673-9300 LIDO ISLE BUY lmmac ;i. BR hoine on 2 over. sized lol<>. One of niost beau. Hful patio/gardens on Lido. Outstandin~ valuf'. $79.!':00. LIDO REALTY, INC. 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 BY Owof'r 2 br. l ba, !pie, bltns, pl)TITI & ba, Bt'st Lido buy $44.500. {714) 675-5023 ~ntington Beach 1400 $150 PER MONTH including taxes. 3 BR t~ bath. $1942 do1•.'n, 1'.Jecl;tllian home, bit-in t'lect, range, oven & garbage disposal, gas FA heat. v.·ater heater. \\'/w cpts/drps, dbl garagf', patio. Ctnced, ll'Pl'inklers, landscaping. l' ''!'41:'''*'"' 96M471 :::: 1 5"46-1101 NO PAYMENTS For 60 DAYS 3,.4., 5 Bed1~iv Homes Coral Shores Etwn Beach & Brookhurst on Garfield, H.B. (TI4l 962-l~"l SHAKE ROOF BEAUTY 4 Bdrm, '.! baths & hanhrood noon;, too! Extra large lot \\'ith traller gale. Clean and zharp, only $23,000 GI or FHA tenns. See this one for awl!! PauJ Jones Realty 347..J266 Eves, :i.:;s.7124 Assume 5 '/< 0/o Loan SUBMlT ON ON P?.1NT :: BR. family room + dining 1·room. \Valk to btach. . HAFFDAL RHlly •·Homes to MatCb Jnc:on1t>"_. 87.JO \Varn!r, FV 842-44()j DOWNTOWN Cotner lol 2 BR &: den _l ~ baths h(hvd firs. S3500 cash ·-~nt'r "·ill take: 2nd, BRASHEAR Rt•lly 141 ~1 Eves. 968-11 iS ' · FOURPLEXES 6'h•/. LOAH NO VACANCIES $39,950 J.1RST PIONt:ER 842-4411 1 BP~ Cond0.o stove, rclli;, ,wul~r. dryer, drps cpU. ~li.300. (2U) 430-822G 'fountain V•llay 1410 ~ac1nl/lmmed Pos. i BR 3 bnths. 1600 sq ft, lrp\c, bH-ins &. tl t\11\\ asht'r. 11.ow dOl\'n & UllUnlC eX'l!lling loan. Ownl!.I' will puy all ~ta. ~ RADEWINDS Rl TY, fC2.00U ' t!lr &12-5012 $195 n10. 646-0681 ~ field. girl to 40, under 5'4" fat NO\V LEASING • New M-1 dates and companionship. 3 HUGE BDRMS .. SERVJC. ED BY 3 BATHROOt.tS. \VI W cal'pets & custom drapes thru-out. Thi! uniquf' Villa styled ho:ne has an the GRACES OF ''OLD \VORlD CHARt.I" combined v.•ith U1e modern conveniences of a nc11·er home. H's an ir- replaceable buy at, 2 BEDROOM house in court, single garage & front yard. \Valer pd. $130. l.1'.o. 1st & last mo rent reqd, + S25. cleaning dep. 230 A Cecil Pl, C. f.L ON Bay, nr. Lido: 1 Br,, pvt, pto., util. pd. $'175 Sn1. boat spc, 673-6-150 2 BR. 2 Ba. Condo, trplc, OCEANFROl\'T 2 BR, util pool, t'Xtras. $250 or $275 paid, adults, no ~Is, $145. furn. 494-5081, 673-1166 x n1onth. \\'intt>r. 67:r.'II.27 I 2104 6000 sq ft oWce bldg. Beach Blvd, HB. 30 car prkg. see this 1st class bldg. O"·ner anxious~ R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 847-3519 Eves. ~7840 LIE '()11 t.each, fish on pier. picnie In park, all within \\'alking distance. New Hunt. Beach +Plt'x, by builder. $65,900 84T-39:i7 IndWitrial 1350 square feet. Urgent. 492.¢386 "1"155""'/"="'o:·o::A.:•='="'=64:l-o::';;1'=85=00 I Reply In Conf id enc• _ * Seltctive Singles * lot• 6100 FOUNTAIN VALLEY ,3 lots, 50 x 120 @ $5000 each Phonr For more information & dt'taih, 1end name, address & phone number to; CompanKinship, Sincerity Introductionz Confidential (25-551 642-9676 5-10 Pl!f DON'T let another lonelY weekend go by! Succeed In dating witbout really tryina'. Laguna 8cb 494-4479 -------------------$l 50 MONTH-- ~ &droon1, one bath house. Large co1npletely ""Tt!nced yal'd. Call t'venings ot \\'eek· ends 673-fi568 Balboa 4300 East Bluff '-'-'-'.;;;;_-.,...--- CLEAN Bachelor Apls. 5242 $42,500 FULL PRICE Lower On. Pymt. 0.K. 'MISSION REAL TY 985 So. Coai;t H\V)'., Laguna Phon{' {TI4) 494-0731 HI & Dry Dplx, nr Victol' 1-lugo's; good inc. $6500 dn $34,950, agt. 494-5081/673-1166 2 BR. gar. patio, crpts, drps, stove, rehig. TropicaJ set- ting. For aclults, l blk. ID shops. $160 mo. 544-4780 2 BDRM house, avail. 4/1, crpts, drps, frplc, adults, no '}>ets. After 5: 30, 642-8268 All ulil incl $i:; up :ll5 E. Balboa Blvd. BALBOA 673-994j Huntington Beach 4400 e NEW DELUXE e 3 Br. 2~; ba. apt. for-lease lnct. spae. inst.i·, suite, din rn1. & dbl. garage, auto. door O?E"ner avail, Pool k rec area, Nr. Catholic ChUI'Cb & school & Corona del Mar High. e ONLY $280 e 837-STI An1igos \Vay, N.B. Busineu Property 6050 LAGUNA MOTEL Prime location, 27 older unit!! on large tot. Great for own. er/mgr, larg~ equity. Harry A. llocJgs REALTY 17199 Brookhurst 96U637 968-3505 PAIR of 30' lots. 217 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. $32,500 each. 675-3539 R1nc:hH 6150 ROUTE DfPARTMOO P.O. BOX 3846 ALCOHOLICS Atioeytn!)\A$ POOne 542-7211' or write to P.O. Box 1223 Co11ta Mesa, AnnoUncementt 6410 RENTALS Ho'uses 'FurnisMd Rentals tO Shire 2005 Newport Beach BAYCREST HOME 3200 WOii~ Coron•_d_e_l _Mo_r_S_2-50 Spanish style, dccol'ato1· fu,.n. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shag carpeting, self ch!an- Uig OVCIL>;, private entranct & prlvalc Fundecks, Adull living. near !>Caches. 1 .\: 2 BR. 2 BA ltoin $1 iO to $22ii. SUB?t!IT ALL TRADES OR LOW 00\VN PAYMENT RICK ALDEREl:TE R•altor 1704 N. Ross 714/547-6469 BE A RE.SERVE DEPUTY, Orange County Sherilf'.a Depl Needed now to S N TIMOTEO assist in patrol, jail, .. A ANAHEIM, CAL. 92103 court, re5cues in nigged RANCH ·lerrain, technical ser· 360 Acrt ranch. Buildings &:; .vices. Volunteer work, equipinent worth approxi-1~========~1 ,monthly meeting!!, la\Y 2 BR. 2 Ba. apt ,,·/tnaturc n1a!c in Co.-;1a i\Tcsa 011/y, Res11·1ction 1'0 ci;;::ru·cltc:<, C1ga1·s, pipe, f'\C. 01 .... $75 OlO P :l14 Daily Pilot. \VORKING girt 11·ishcs to share homt' with same, 22- 27, ~. blk to ocean, yrly. Cati r.tiss Rice 534-3081. Aft 6, 673--0963 \VO~IAN to share beaut furn J bdrm, 2 ba, bonus rm, home w/n1other & son in University Park. 833--0927 RESPONSIBLE Mature lady 1vill Shatt 2 Br. 2 Ba. 11.pt \\•/same. Call 646-9784 aft 6 pm. 3 Bcdroon1s & Den. $370 a 1nonth including gardenet'. J'\o peis. Realtor, 646-:~ l~Il\IACULATE 3 BR POOL- HOJ\TE 1 block rron1 \\'e!oll Ne\vport Beach. }'amily on- ly, $330/mo. Broktr 546-4141 ai'aJ.tfo:rfilan ~APARTMENTS 19822 Brookhw-st TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2~1 ba. (jlllit No. or AdainsJ ' 1 Huntington Beach Wf\V cpls, drps, Jrpl. incd, TI' 9G2 ~o patio, elcc. bltns. 2 Car l "!l!J!!i~l!!i!·•~I '!ii~·~·=!!!!!' !!!!!!!!' gar, pool $'275• 642-7219 l·BR. 11edallion Condo. ELEGANT Bayvie\v, xtra lg \Vshr~ dryer, bltns. rcfr!g. 3 Br:-2 Ba. Pool, golf, grnnr. Patio & pool. $125 Mo. Cdl\l Hi. 64.>-llll 67~ Newport Heights 3210 ~•gl.!na Bttch 4705 ~-~~r.:.-~ ON TEN ACRES . 1 &:: 2 BR. Furn Ir: Unturn Frplcs I Pri I Patios I Pools. Tennis ~ Conbrt'I Bk· fsL ·9 bola £\JU/Green. 900 &-a Lane, cm1 644-2611 (f.1acArthur nr. Coasl Hwyl CHANN'EL Reef 1 $600 mo. 2 Br. waterfront. Boat 675-5483 yr lsc 2 Ba. s Ii p NEW 1·Bdr1n., garage; carp., drapes, bltns, $150 Lease. Adults only 67~35 Business Rental 6060 I IL'NTINGTON BF.r\Cl-1 GOLD KEY SUITES Executive & SaleJ Offices * Air-eond & uUI$ 1 * carpets & drps * Receplion Rm * C1eaning &, mainl. Tt'lepho!lf' Answering I: Secretarial Service avail Town & Country Shopping Center 18582 Beflch Blvd. • enforcement training ma1el.v S118.000 \vith inve~ Mortga• .. TD 'a "4S ___ . -• ..• • • • -Sgt Evans, 834-,, 3096 lol'y furnished. Son1e ac1~ ---:_..:;;.c.;_;;..._ 11-~0::..,,::'.:~'.::,,+;:::;::...~ I ~, under irriga!ion. Has HAVE $60,~ ATTENTION 1.ater rights. well&: pt"Css111'C Pl.1vnte .nt one y investor EX·NAVYMEN systen1. P11.ved road lronl· "'ants lo buy Ra!IOned ht Clean out the o~ aea-bq age, Near Redlands in Riv· &: :tnd TDs. Reuonable diJ. and help out a good .cause. enide County. Full price count. Give your old unilonru: (OfJ. $360.000. For further lnfor· Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. icers &: Enlisted) to the Sea- malion, please call Glenn 336 E. 17th St. seouts, N:~ blue!!, '.Yhilel. Thompson with 642-2171 545-0611 sea.bags, etc. 642-5769 Eckhoff & A1soc., Inc. Eves. 673-7865 642-115J ALOOHOLlt;S Anonymous 1818 \V. Chapman Ave. 12% RETURN Phone 542-7217 at write to Orange, Calif. $'30,000 1st TD. $300 mo, ln· P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. 54.1-2621, Eves-wktXis 538-6727 cludinr B%, 3 yn:, Level I_.='======::=::;, I hill top, magnificent Ocean Cemetery Crypts 641' View. Large cash down, -Mount. &. O.sert 6210 atrong buyer. Discount will NICHE 38, AICOYe ol De~ ~turn 12%. 494-1138 tion, Palm Court, Paci!~ ROO!\IMATE \VANT ED FEi\1ALE. Balboa Island. Avail no1v. 673-2664 after 5 PM CHARMING 2 bedroom & den, 2 bath home. \V/W carpets, drapes, Eastsicle Costa l\tesa.Close to shop. Charming 2 BR. near tx>ach. --~------­$225 mo. Year lease. Aduilt1. Ne\\·ell Associatet1 494·6j9'1 (at Ellis) Huntington Bch 962-6607 STORES ALSO . BIG Bear hideaway • ne:ar VI M 'al Park ; •• , .tore' •nd two ski lifts. U% Small Investor, 1st TO ew emon • a .. ,..e. $140 or offer. ~9565 NEED girl to share 2 bdrm beach house yearly. $67. per 1no. 673-7444 after 5. ping & pa.:i·k. N i ce l y RENTAL$ landscaped yard, covered Apt1. Unfurnished p a t I o , v e r y q u i e t I _...:_::::,:.:...::.:..;.:;.;.::::;..;.:_ nE"ighborhood . Sl9'J pl'. mo. Gener:il 5000 YOUNG nian ~·ants to share )'OUr apt., in Ne1vport ai·ca, Call ?.like 675-1496 alt 6. ROO!\fi\lATE 01vanted, lady iv/same. Reas. Great Joe. Bal. Isl. 613-2383 NICE 3 bdrm ro respon long term adlt tenants. $225. No dogs. Aft 5 pm, !all Clill Dr 548-7289 ~vp3!8!1~ \~~l~m~d~~e c% I •iiiiiv~E .. N~DiiOiMP.~E······ Daily Pilol HAVE 2 Bedroon1 apartment 4 Blocks from Beach 646-5739 after 6 PM University Ptrk 3237 ROONIJ\IATE ·wanted, lady LUXURIOUS 3 Br .. bonus 1\•/san1e. Tustin area. Age rm., 2 baths, lrplc. $300 19 thru 30 Call 832-0626 r.10 .. lease. 833-0927 . . - Cost1 Mesi 2100 I Huntington Beach 3400 NE\VLY r em ode led · Free Rental Book dccoraled & furnished, 1 ER Drop In and Brow•• IMMACULATE AP1'S! IMMED. OCCUPANCY ADULT & FAMILY SECTIONS AVAILABLE Close to Shopping, Park e Spacious 3 Br's. 2 Ba • 2 Bedroo1ru .._ Sv.im Pool. Put/green • Frpl, Indiv /lndry fac'ls 1845 Anaheim Ave. CO.STA l';IESA 642-2824 $155: DLX. 2 Br. atudio. i''ncrl yd., 'v/w, drps. Child OK. Bl...T. 534-6980 Cott• Mesi ' ba. patio, & pot 5100 Balboa S300 GRACIOUR Adult Living. Ocean & Bay vic,v. Spacious 2 BR. 2 BA., walk in closet<;, beautiful carpet<; & drapcrles. Pool. Boat slip!! for tenants. Subtcrra.'lean parking. 673-3003 NE\V Bayfronl 3 Cr. 2 Ba. Frpl., dbL gar., laurodry. Yrly. Dock avail. 673-2599 lido Isle 5351 .STREET FRONTAGE. 01 Beach Bh·d. 1•180 Sq. fl Model home ideal !or i.nsur., Rltr .. etc. (Bel. Katella and Cerritos) Signs, lndscpd., $250 mo. 10650 Beach Blvd, • 63&-4120 • Balboa Island Choice ol T\1·0, $'150 &. $'175. Rltr. 642-9555. Cozy furnished N'O becltoom all due 3 years on Laguna I ~---------· I house v:ith hugt' living land. For appt lo vle'v call room. \va.ter. electricity and 494-1137 gas. \Veil located on JO' $20;;;;;,.~000""~2.~xJ:--.TO~, ~l"O~'J<i_.,,3-yn;=. x BG' lo1. \Villi sell for 20'}/, Cli~count ($4,0001 $34 $11,SOO. t'qllity $6,500 or l.1 eq. 494-39&1 tra~e 1?r desert P':°pert?'" ANNOUNCtMENTS Let ll dick.er. Call &f2-62j(t d NOTICES alter flvc. -•~n~.c.c.;..c.;c;.;;;.;c.... __ Havasu Lake Found (frH Ads) 6400 SERVICE IJt~ECTORY lloby•itting u5o • BABYSITTING In my home 5 full days wttk, nice home near Westclitf Shop. ping center. Fenced in yard, hot luncht's, excellent care. Please call Mrs. Smilb First Time Ollered FOUND: )'vllfl& w h I t e 1,.0,54;;.8-4...::;5.18::..., _____ _ Persian cat vlc HU11tington LJCENSED day care. Pn!'l . Harbour, can le identify wkly 2-4 yrs. Hot J~ -----Commercial acreage, imall 846-1432 ba1anced activities. 546-1539 UPSTAffiS, 2 BR, 2 BA, Office Rental 6070 or large parcels. Havasu - bit-ins, crpts, drps, lrplc. "----Lake, Calif. Agt. 642-4994. or POODLE, pink: c o 11 a ~, ~ABYSITl'ING my . hoi:_ne $'Z25. nio. yearly lease. LAGUNA BEACH 962-1856 evf's. female, charcoal grey. Vic. days 50c hour. Exper1eneed Air Conditioned ?t1esa del Mar. 546-6985 mother. C.M. 548-S727 673-382-1 5 A. Nr. Hemet. Hklt'away1~=~~--~--....,-____ ON FORES'J' AVENUE '.1,000' eL \Vtr, game $5500. ~I~E Sealpnt Siamese cal, BABYSITTING My home, Huntington Beach 5400 Desk space!! available tn S5S Dn. 633-TilO 1-10 A.M. has fiea collar. Vic Neptune £-me C.M. ~ft'r weekly. newest office building •: 11.gt Homes F.V. 968-3185 1f 548-1557 • prime location in doYltltown 3 MO. Old Bue: Pup }"em. CHILD care, any age m,y EXCLUSIVE • ·--"· h •· -•1 au~~NE~S and -..w•a ~ac · lT t.Vl,,. -Fnd Vic-Edinger A Spr· h om e • $ 2 5. .wee t. ON·THE·BEACH tiooed, carp.ted. buutilul FINANCIAL -inger. 897-7067 T"<her/moth•1" """°"" paneled partitioning. Tw o 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. entrance•· Fronta&e on Bus. Opportuniti" 6300 F~f. Blk. 1 ftton. Old 8-1 k ~.. ..a ... , • · · Shephard "'arid"-r r C • -tonry, .. ,c. Luxury livifla: to please the Fores.t Ave., f!ar lea.ds to --''LITTLE BUSINESS'' under Chest·~~, ' 6560 Guest House -very private '.! Bedroom Homes, Good -la~ garage. ·Nr 17th itl Condition. Beautiful Pool 01-angc. Util pd. $ I 4 0 • "'ilh huge covered patio for 6<$6-7634 thjl.t big party. For Rent at 3 BR .. 11.:! ba., frpl., wshr~ $100 Ptr monlh. Great Lo- r11ccl. yd. r.tature adlts: no caUon. pets, no drinker!!. Av11.il. WE SELL A HOME March 15th thru Aug. l5U1; EVERY 31 MINUTES Vl06t discrlmlnattna:. NO. MlmClpral parking loti. ~ e Operate from your home 1-====,.·=====- STUDIO 2 BR. 1 ~i BA. Just available at per m~th for sp~ De~k • Full or part-time L t 6401 BUILD, Remodel, 'Rept.ir 1he Hunll'ngl~n and dian ITailab.• !Or IS. e H;•h ••rn;""' OI Brl<k, block, c o n ere fe, re<Jec. New crpts, drps. Util 8"""'--""----' "O #~ <m, closed gar. Day s u 1D1:1S uvw-• «nsw .... ng • N perlenc neoe sary LOST: Female, while P~ crpntry, no job too amaD. 542-3524. eves 546-0689 service •vaHable for $lO. • ~~ining ep~ dle. collar w/bells; vie. Lie Contr. 962-694S All u.tillties paid except e Earn while learning Woody'• Wharf. N B 2 BR. studio, uni. Cpt~ Drps, Pac1'f1"c telepl;one. ' . BU.in ... S.nlc. 6562 . ~~y~10 ,~~~':'. •m , Walker & lee bdrmhouse, r('ar of yd, palio, l adult. C1ose in. $ll0. 616--21~ . 7682 Edlnf:er 842-4455 or 540-5140 Open f) .. ily til 8: '.' bll-lm. 9M El Camino. $14'. DAILY PJWr • !3500 Jnvestm•nl buy• 1 ~61~,_..~,,'......,~-~..,,--1::::::'7:':'=:~:.:.:;~~:'-:I 962-5050 222 l'OREST A VENUE complete lnwntory $10 reward, Siamese, blue-B U S I N E S S · CA R. D S Bock Boy 2240 OLD ' 2 BR. .i;hort rental $120/mo. P&ul Jones Reall.1 1 BR House, rear of 11) ac. 847-121$6 n1 Ocean Av" .. ll.B LAGUNA BEACH e For inlormaUon p,lnt (enWe. Near Canyon PRINTED 2 BDR, 1 ~~ ba, crpts/drps (n4J SJ&.1487 49f.9466 •Call: 54&-6740 evei.. View&. Temple HW.. Dr, La~ Mon-Fri AftmJOOrnf o'nly. Adlts, bU-lns lndry nn. Ga.r I ijiiii.iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii: * Moel Offi SACRIFICE est.ab vend!na' euna Deb. 494"2U8 Costa Mesa. 540-2888 , . $140. aft 6 pm 541).8616 em ces Spanish ' -Route.JOUnll1.Req'12 hn L OST, whi t e fe mal e 2 BR. New crpt'g. Fre!lhly . 51,Yl•, •ha&: caz;:pet. Single or auitea. Alt com-wk. $1200 cuh. C.M. area. inlniature poodle, vie 0e1 Carpent1tlng '590 $105 l======-co-====== 270 Santa Isabel 545-9050 Laguna Beach 3705 painted. Bltlns. $111 mo. 1~· sell cleaning ~m, itioning, parking, secretarial Call between 5 ol 6, 642-4527 Obilpo + Calle n-'--•.a-, 1--'----''---'--,.•I 646-504.5 pnvate entrance ~ pnvatll zervice, «ntral locaUon. "'"',., ........ Corona d•I Mar 2250 2· BR. n.....s &: bltns. $l20. Fundeck.~. AdWt liv1111. near c. Robert Natln.'Js Realtor ATTRACTIVE BE A 0 TY San Juan. 493.-3109 CAR,ENTRY 771 Sh;;J'i~ar Dr,. 01 or beachts. J &: 2 BR, 2 BA 230 E; 17th Street SALON Lido area. LOST: male Beagle in area MINOR REPAIRS. No Job 001\IPLETEY furn., newly call 893-4487 from $140 to S190. Costa ?\ltsa 642-1485 * 673-5930 * of Thurln t.: Vktoria, CM. Too SmAlL Cabinet in car-manroJi\l.at\ NEWPORT <;IVIC CENTER WANTEO : Ofi'·Sa.le liqUOr Mo11tly blk. "''/Whltl' dla· ages & ot her cabinets. l't'dec. I Br. hoUS(!, ~ blks ti 3 BR. ,., ''"· Child-.. 4 BR. family hou,e. p Y "" ... to ~ach; \1'alk to 1tores. funi. 100 Yds. 10 beach. ,1•elcomP. $1.50, J\lgr. 862 w. No yd. 1\'0rk. No pets. r.nil . 494-JGll aft 6 p~f Center Apt I; 10 a.1n .-4 p.n1. Adults only. Ref. l'l'q. Sl!i.i 1\lo, yr, lse. 67o>l540 Eves. fCtH IAL~ 3 BOfu\1 . unfurn. $1"5 t.Io. _. Apt&. Furniihtd 2 Children ok, crpts, dl'J'»l, ~APARTMENTS Ofiices ault11bll' for Com· license for Orange County mond on~~ 5'5-8175. it-no ailSwf!l' leaw mercial. Medical, Dental. Call: 64.2-813!1 LOST: Ponittanlan. male. nu1 Al 64&-2372. H. 0. l~ Brookhurst tJusT No. of AdamsJ 1714) 96'1-2981 Alr-corxl., crpls, elevator v\c, Wil110n ~ Harbor, CM Andcnion F"ROM $70 Investment Oppor. 63IOI,.;' :;:"";:d.,:•:::hll:::dtt::.:::•:c· 543--0850::::::" =·~-l"'7====--..,,~ 54l-50.12 OR 67"~246( COSMETIC mta It whse. LOST kC)'8 on chain at Town QUALITY Repllin -Al~ Huntington Be1ch 2400 4000 bll·ins, 54&-0'Ml. ~0 petA! Gen•r1I GORGEOUS new adult ap!i. Went P r ivacy? Newl 4 BR. 2 Bflth furn. hom~. I"-"-'-'-------I 1·2 BR. Furn!Unfurn, ONE Blls NIJAR OCEAN DELUXE 0Hit.-e1· near ClV'lc \Viii ~U Z'ft intettsl in l Country ~ter. Jta lions -New const. by hour Center & We4t· Onu1le Co. for $15.000 to active 897....SS.U OJ' Contn.ct '46-3442 nr. Golden West Jr~ Colle&'f'; RENT 2000 rARSONS 642-8670 $132 mo ($147 Fum) garage Courtbou~. 29c per sq. ft. or inactive p&rty. Need ctW1 GER. Short !)air pointer, REPAIRS, -A,J.TERATJONS 8732 \Ve1tm!Ntcr Av fl·• to expand. 542-4761 UV'flt color "pet". Vk C.M. CABINE:J'S, Any ~.~ ... f185 Mo. yrly 1.w. 891-0032 3 Rooms Fumitur• BAO< Bay Relf'flatt 1• Br., ~ ~ 1411. 536-1319, 673-1784 We1bninsttr. 894-1337 Reward. S4!H91& 2S )'n. rxpe:r, ~•u S11n Cl•m•nte 2710 ----4 BR. 2 llv rm, nt!rtlc n1odern, 2 blks lro1n benr.h in \\'OQl:ff"t'I canyon. l..caM'. 497-187;) 11 an1. i pro V1c1tlon Re ntals 2900 fOR n~1' l-"11m ltt11.mmotb ?ti o u n t a 1 n Condomtntum sl«pS S. 6'J~f:ll $25 Month den, patio, cat'JlOrt, privacy; FULL OPTION TO. BUY quiet, n2S. 548-8693 (Rtfrigcratort Available> bACHELOR Apl, pnrtia.lly No depo51t n .... c. fum, $83 Mil. NR OCC. 984 H.F.R.C. F~1 Can1ino. C.t.I . 96i.ro:io Furniture Rent1ls 2 BR. 2 BA, b!ln~. crptl. ti17 \V. 19th. C.~I. 5~1 drps, 181 • 1-1 Ocl ~1Ml' AVf'. 1005 \\I. l.ncln, Anbm 774-2800 $14$. ':>ls.8278 aft 6 pm. JS YOUR AD O'f ~1· $!ti; 1 BR wPJ'ltr: •rreab pnint, lockl.o&: fOr 8. Dial HUlQI. rw:w cpl., dispoMI." porch. f'IT.Dt !Om.• di bl: W-cide O.f. m..r,'29 I ..;;.;::::...::::::...::::..:=.._ S•nla An• Haight• 3630 -----*3 BR. House. Stove lo. Rclli· all utll pd. $160 month. 546-03.Ji ~fEDICAt. ~ Proffsslonal Reil Estate t:un1 6340 BOX of pink & whitt' yvn. MASl'ER carpenter, 14 Pft' SUit es for lease. C'ulltom HOME LO •Ns Harbor Centtr Parklnc Lot. hour. Remodelln& • Repain. rt:modtlina: avail, l 8 7 8 2 "' 50-2279 ""~• 72J• &G6409 or Sl6-3900 Maln SI., lh111t. &ach ~fONEY AVArt.AnlX 1;.i-;;7,-';'"-i--7,•,.,.,,.,-= 1======;,,=:::;:i (1·213) ~ enn for deWls on toda,y'sCERl\fAN She:pherd Cement Concr11ta '60D rates for ht 4 2nd TDs. Sa.tnQYtd I monthli aid, IO!lt .;;.:;;;;.;.;;;:•...;;;=.::.;:;;:.~;.:;:: 0 t.JOOERN ofc. iq>ft.Ct"; air· Scrv'""" n-.... , County tor 212G. lWNafd. 642-.Sm e 8E$r IN a>N"'°~ ~guna 8e1ch ~-S __ .. rk' -• Joe ,..... "'» ........... ~·· 0 -~-..... ,ll.I, pn g, •"""" " :!II 20 )'Ul'I-&JANY WONUEH.f\JL OP. Walks, ~ decks.. floan. CAREFREE 2 BR Pf:nthouso ~is~ lo l500 IQ. fl. Sattler ~tort&aP Co. lnc. POJnVNJTt&S lla'f9 btto Pati0$. Phone 6tU51. apt, # dirtttl)' O\ltr ' Jf\1rf. 336 E. 17th St. d!IOO\'lrtd in ClaMlflld Ms. • CJ)NCRE'r,E :;;ac; fli Table ·Rock P<lin1. Le•• ~ QUJqa:R. .IOU SW. &4.?4ln fie5.0nt 1'Url "'*Jo H.,..,_, Op.' iypa. Pool Otds • ....._, ~-c"':.:~·:.:"'°;;;:.:· 6'S-0=.;;119:::._ __ .....:.THE Qtllcmt 'IOU C.W.. ""'"' "'3-71b.~ CG-J.IS7 -..i ..... NOW! -'C>ll=-!Ws.=Ull=----.J • ----- l ! • • DAILY l'!LOT C...llt, C.U•MOO .. OONCREtt --.i.-.-·-~ °""""' -Custom Lond oca""' BESrlN~ ·-· e C\JSTOM PA'MOS • ooncret.e •....i.tw • ttmoval Stlte Uc. • 84).1010 W · ,. ... _ ' Cont<octon 6620 ADDITIONS.REPAIRS REMODELING Whlddyo Wont? Whoddya Got? SPECIA~ CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAr PERS Spoclal ltoto De""'11nr. -KitchM5-Baths. etc. 1Jc'd le Bonded. }"rte est. 5 LlnM - 5 ti.,.. -S bucks •uLES -IJ> MUIT INClUDe 1-Wftt! "°" ~ ... lie .,.... ~ ')W Wi id Ill fr .... )-VOIJ• !"*-lrMll/ ... .--. .._. ll11t1 fll adftrtlllft9. ~HIJtCI FOlt IALl! -TIIAOl!I OHLYI A &. 8 CONSTRUCTION 112% Paularlno, CM. .. 56-t!Mt * PHONE 642-5671 To Place Your Trtcfer'1 P1r1dlM Ad Additions '* Re1nodelil• 17 !"t. outboard Jor itat»n wqon or auto of ~ val.• Fred H. Getwick. Llc. ue. Pho~ 642-t980 S73-QMl * 5f,_117U I ==oo--=,.--""'",.-,-$26,500. Baktt • F•irview Carpet Clunlng 6625 AttL 3 BR, 2 BA. frplc, att dbl pr. Trd $6500. eqey for PROFESSioNAL Rue ' lot, TD ~ ? ! Prin. OnJy Uphllsttry Cleanin&. Top 546-1890, 64UCK5 quality, parantffd result&.• 1 ,,~M=.\-lil+.,-l·U-p-,,bl"dp-, -on"'°"'P""ta. Allen'• Maintenance ........... _ .. ~ .. _ centia,, C.M. i 1-.w:: tqty. ~ or eves _..._ + $95,500 for T.D. or prop, CARPET f; :rum. cleanlnt:; $45.ocn NI Pr. Sl50.000 .• for 1 day aervice • quality 541M2. .. 'Ork. call Sterlin( tor 1 'u~..,.'--,~k~u~.,~,..~in_,San,..,,,,. btightneu! 642-8520 Ana Hei&bts &: Costa Mesa. Carpet Laying & Repair 6626 Trade for land in LouisiaNi. Qwner.Agenl . """"' I Salton $e. kit boua:hl open. Inc -1956 (nl $35001 for sailboat or power bo&I. R. W. Canon, 1881 \Vuatcb Or., Salt Lake Ot.y, Utah. 801..J28..2031 12 Rancno liJe Sots near I...ab San Marcos. $900'.I each. Clear. Excha.np all .. part. RKR. 494-1330 HA VE: g units, $44,<m eqUL ty, room for 4 more. \VANT: H01.1$e • Jo c a l attn. Perron Rhy 642-Im t-.1agnilicent executive home finest Meaa Verde Area. Fa,buloua view, over 4500'. Trade J.ara:e eqty for land, T.D. '! '? Bkr. 547-&t69. RUSTIC 3 Bedroom. bmne Newport Heights, e.1:tra : JOU a LVLOYMI Ht JOBS a EMl'LOYMIHT JOBS a EMPLOYMENT IOBS a EMl'LOYMiNt JOIS a EMPLOYlillHT rtolo w-. -7200 11o1, W~ Mon 7200 Holp Wontell J.C. ....... Co . Fulllon hWld N ....... Beodl ll&t lull time openlna "" * Auto. Service * Specialists rtece:nt pperic~ In bt~a. fiont end alip. ment, alr-cond. inaula.Uon a nd 1uneup ttqUlred. Con1petltive aalary a.r- raswement,. Top fUa:ht workine condJUons with newtat anil f1neat equip. mtnt ~Del"Olll benerlts lnc:ludina oo.p!taliza.Uon, f'mployee: dlaoount and profit sharinf. " Apply in person 10 AM to 9: 30 P ?tf ?i!ondA)' through Sa~ J. (. PBlll£Y co. 24 F ashion Island "" equal opartunlly employer FINANCE CAREER NaOonal finance firm, 800 offices, seeking applicants aJ potential branch manaa:- ers. Promotion in 18 to 36 months. Experience unnec- essary. Outatanding career opportunity, excellent bene- lits. At leut H.S. education required. Contact Geora:t Downing Publlc Finance Corp. 138 E. 17th, C.M. ......., --Womien WANTID Yoww mu wtlb dratt:irW ex---........... ...-""""" llooro! lure--cttto mamd&~ firl'll· Must ht able to read b!L.lt prints. rnUe production drawq,s, learn qL>Ot.ationll It Priclnt: prooedurel, help lne~,COltact'OW1L tng &: lnven~ ~· F\Lt~ opporllllUt,y to enter la!ea deoutment, enalnff:r- il1C arid/or quall!y control. PrerequWte•: Married, 25 to. 30 yn old. --enct, blah IQ. can Mr. Larcome ~71lT USED CAR LOT MAN f.fust have expt,r\ence. Excel· lent comparl7 benelita: and workirw: condition&. Appl.y in peraon to Bob Ropllki. NABS CADIUAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa MAIDS >'1111 " "· ...... EXPE i ENCED Apply pen ~ olfloe1 3"1 DOI' • \ T1I B AY llW RT No. 47 O:>urtl or Fuhion Newport C1nt1r Aro "'"" opportUnlty emrlO)'er UNIGARD lnsur anc:. Gnup • TIRED OF A LONG COMMUTET Unlprd ·tn.w.nee Gf'OllP ll row hirlns tor our new di- vWon omoe oputrW approx. "'15)119 m lfuntlnaton Botch. ""' ott ... s.n IJj. 4fgQ Fwy. nw.. politk11\I will require a abort tn.fn1na P!riod of 2 months: iA our Los Anaeln ottite, bl!foN tht "MOYe. M.leap will be I paid d-lhlo ..- Immediate Openings In th• followinv a r111 CODING • sttRE'I'ARY e Short. Experienctd or tralnee In hand 80 wpm, typ1na 80 fittl 1-/0l' cuu.alty statisU. wpm. Minimum two )'e&n cal coding. Math aptitude office experience. Girl re-lltt6Sl1'Y· qui.red to take charge. With inltulti•e, typing ""'°'"'" ACCOUNTING ~•pondence, purchase~ Type 40 to SO aceurstely, qubitlorur, ~ ordera etc. Some exptrlence or aptHuM ~ opportunity f 0 r tht with fi&ure• helpful, Ll&ht ng~ cirL customer contact. ---------1• Departmental Cerk _ • RATING Ute lyplfl&', mall delivery CAREER OPPORTUNITY! and general clerical duties. Prefer at lea.st one year nl Call 642-2400 Join todl.)'a f.uteat powlnc ask for Jim Hyama. Servon- proltuion-Mutual Fund Wet ic Dlvllllon of Culton Indus. No experience necelllll')'-tr!ta, Inc.1644 Whittler Ave., We train • full or part time Coata :r.1esa. An equal oppor- Mutu1I Fund Advlson, tunlty employer. Inc. " RN'i fire or casualty ratlna: exper. ience. Opportunity to ad· vance into multipal line rat· i~. KEY PUNCH 7400 RN DIRECTOR OF NURSES Cballtn&hlit poilUOll wtth excttffnt potential with multlpal convslt10tnt w- 1&nb&Uon, l,ynwood arr& to st.art. Phono 64W03G e OPERATORS e Sport1v.-ear. FJ. or PL Ume. Expd, Top pay. 4001 G. Birch St., N.B., l b1k. E. t)f o.c. a.lrport BOOKKEEPER. Poltlna: t)l'I addo-x poatin& m a c h. Blueprint know bow dts. but not nee. ~9373 Jolto Mon, Wom. 7500 Purchase Order Typist !\hat be t.aat, accun.te typ- ist, IBM electric, trainin& ~.· experience required COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree Rot1d Newport Be1ch .101» • t:M .. LUYMkNf Jobi Men, Wwn. 7500 Ancient Morlnot 2ti01 W. 0..t Hwy. NEWPORT BEACH Now taJWw a.ppUcationa dd.1 lot • Lunch Ho1t111 • Daytime kitchen holp Appl.y d&ib' between 10 It 4 p.m . *DRIVERS* No Experltnc• N~euary! Must have dean C&llfontll driving record. App\y YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th st. Costa Meu Wanted: WAITERS A: WAIT- RESSES. Lunch aod dilnr .l!hift. Apply attrr 5 PM JOSEF'S 2121 E. Coaat Hwy CdM OR 3-1180 NEW Salon openinc in 2 weeks; ' of>en.ton w I t h following: pret Guan.nlM plus comm.; good worklna: cond. & pa.id vacation. ~1010 for Interview • COOK • top cook on Saturday and Sunday e GENERAL Kitchen help. For new Convaleacent Home. Top .u.Iary. Call Mon .• Fri. only 646-9601. CARPETS (nylons, woola, Pl)1yuters,) Vinyla and Til- es. Latnt 1tyle1 and colors. Commercial and Rftidential. Expert inltallation. BLAN\{INSHIP FLOORS 60-1403 M0-7262 Lquna Motel, prime loca· tion, 11 older units on larie' lot. Great for O\\ner/mgr. tarre eq. Trade for land. T.D. or ? Bkr. 547-6469. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2% ha. Bf:aut. appt'd. Priv. patio. pool, cloAe to bay. Val. $32,000, low dn. or T.D., Car or ? Owner 616-6654 1966 VW Bua: fm: VW Bus. Man· s diamond ring for trail bike, washer & dcyer or color TV. Antiqur rifles for carnen or ? 673-ffi98 l!AVE 8X3S ft trailer, A-1 condition! \Vant 10x.40 fl trailer \\'ill pay di!leren~. Call betw 2-7 pm 54S-n89 room in 3 car gar. 14 M eq-1 ---==~,.,--- uity. For 1 o c al condo. GENERAL Npt B. um Wmclitt &U-6422 S.A. 1212 N, Broadw17 51"133] ICU & OB Cruffr openina: Jor operaton With at 1east onf! year ex· perlence on Alpha A: Ntu- meric IBM equip'ml Da.y ahift. All applicants reviewed on merit with no bias toward Race, Color, Creed or Sex. OOES an AVON Reprelll!n- tat!ve call on )'OU? We may need someone in y o u r neighborhood. No obllgabon. 54(}. 700 546-5341 REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't you be selling the hottHt area Huntington Bnch! Village Real Estatf' 962MTI DRAPERY Workroom trainee fabric cutter. 900 \V. 17th, Costa. Me• a 642-5776 or 548-S.240 eve!. Dr1perl11 ' 6630 • HA VE Draperies custom made for your SPORT VAN. 10 Ac•., on Min View Rd. UJIE MECHANIC 4 Miles from Palm Sprp. Suitable Tn.iltr Pk location. Trade $3000 t(1Uity for car, mobile home or ? 536-1131 c.n- Electr ical 6640 ELECTRICIAN LlcenRd, bonded. Small j(,\is MainL I: ttpair. 548-5203 $6000, 1/3 acre with key to private beach So. of Santa Cruz. TRADE $3900 equity tor do pymnt Orange Coun. ty land or boat ~ ' 661(1* * * * * * l~S!i!E!!l!RV!!!!!l!!l!C!!!!!Eil!D!!!llt!!!E!!!CT~O!!!!!RY[!!!·!!!l!!!SE!!JR!!!V!!!IC!!JE!!!!D!!!!!l!!!R!![!EC!!!T!!JO!!JR~Y Glrd1nln1 Allen Bros. Gardeners StucMnt• wor ki ng their w1y thru col· l .. e. E x per. -Lie· tnMd -Reas. 6.46·•203 -ANTHONY'S • G1rffn Service 646-1941 BUDGET LANDSCAPING PnlM ••• P!ant ... Pftpare Monthly Malntmuce Exp. Horticulturilt Hou .. cl11nlng 673S PAYLESS Cleaning S er v Apts, Bld.!!, Reik!, & Comc'l. Xlnf v.'OT'k, fast aeivia:. low rate. ~. 673-l!lll5 CARP~. windows, firs, etc. Reliden. or Come'L >Ont work Reas! Reta. 548-<lll Diacounl O n ninl; Service Apt, • Carpeta • Upholatery e Fut Service 539-1456 e WILLIAM'S Cl.NG. SERV, C&rpets-fum.compl h.!!e. And Apt clng. 642-816f Income Tix 6740 P1p1rh1nglng • P•lntlng 6150 Interior P•lntlng Apb. or bousea by job or room. Low oU aeason rat.es. 8m643. Acytimo PAINTING, Paperina; 16 yn in Harbor area. Llc " bood- ed. Re.fa furn. 60-2356 Plastering, R•paiir 6880 e PAT'S P1utmn&. All types. Free estimate. Ct.U 54Q.<l825 INT. Pluttt, ext. stucco, dry wall taping, aoDWltlc I/or textured ceillnp. 54&-QlOl 6190 TAKATA H.K. C lar k Accte Serv. J APANESE .NURSERY Income tax, penona1 ar PLUMBING REPAIR 546-0124. Complete prdentnr buaioega. your home or ofc. No job too amall · Hwl-·· ... --.. 20 yn exp, 1or. firm. e Mi.3128 e le?'VlCe. ., ........ ""~• -&U-6183 at 6'15-41'2 evts I ~===,.-~~ -all your nursery~ PLUMBING lf hr 11erv. ALLEN BROS e THE TAX ADVISORS Work qU&I', lie, tna, remod, GARDENERS SJUOENTS Year mind ofc. 328 No. repair, rooter lltt'V. S31-7566 worldna their Wl:3 thru col· Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reaal Jep. Experienced, lia>nsed-Call 645--0400 for appt. Remodel., Rep1ir, 6940 REAS! 646-4203 SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE IF You need remodeling, J1panes1 Gard9n9r Your b 0 me· Reuona.blt. painting" ar rep&in, Call Exptr, compl yard aervicel ~ Norman Ma !'I z Dick. 642-1'1'9T Free es.ti.mate. 548-T!M. YARD CI ea nu P. Tree l\1ACK HARRIS T~ __ ;;erv. , I 9tb )T., lll7 Roosevoc.t, aeMce, new aw n a , C.l\f. Appointmb., ~29n sprink1us. rototill. 64&-SMS JAPANESE GARDENER e PRO~ONAL TAX Complete yard Rr'Vice, frM SERV. Hmne-quick accurate. Roofi ng 6950 A Rooltt not a saleama.n. Leak5 stopped, all type roofing, New er ~ work 1:t1ar. 536-&M4 e1timateL Exp. ~1332 n9• Complete!! 9fiS.3403 Walter H. Fahtt:Dhoh: P.A. S.WI 6960 JAP~ Gardener, o;:m. Income Tax Service I ;;=;,;'!II,._ ____ .;;..;;: plete yard .ervice, free 642.QOf, or 545-1391 eve. ertlmat.eL ~1332 e INOOME TAXe JAPANESE G a r d e ll e r Done in yolD' horn~ Complete Ser v I c t! • Ex-$5 And up. 639-2600 perlenced. Reliable. ~ e JAPANESE GARDENING INOOME Taxes prepared your borne, Iona: fonn com-Service o~anup, Larxbcap-3422 ing. 531·7034 aft 7 p.m. biJled, $15. 49'- PERSONALIZED, expert JOHN!DN'S Gardeninf serv. Tu: llft'V, Year round ofc., ~I equip, expert yard ftU. 646-8T12 ~! Reu! 962-:m5. Alterations--642-5145 Neat, accunite, 20 yrs, exp. Upholttery 6990 CZYKOSKl'S Cuatom Upholstery, Euro p ean Cra It sm ans h tp.100~ FiJlancinr. ~1'54. 1131 Newport Blvd., C.M. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT INCX>ME TU Serv .. Notary CLEAN·UP Specialist! Mow-Public. Reu. Evea. 5&13'0, in&. -,odd lobs. lllht 2361 Zenilh, S.A. Hta. IDCMn&. aeu! ~ I"'"'-=='===== cut• Edp La"" Lonclscaplng 6110 Job Wanted, La"" 7020 ?.1aintenance. Licemed -•r M&-48(1/645-2310 all 4 Poor Man's Friend OJSI'OM LANDSCAPING * &e.UM * DAY Work. Genen.l Clean- ing. ~enced. O w n ""'"" e JAPANESE GARDENER Maintenance It-CLeanup Call 548-2572 AL'S Gardenin& s er v t ce Lav.11 maintenance. garden- U. '-clean ups. 84&-3629 5U·986a or li~14 #Mtonry, Bric~6~0 1--8~""""'-----.""-1"'-· - PRICE & QUALITY "'liable -513-1871 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING Call aftH' 5:00 -·I SonlCM ~!-===·="'"=""=::::·== UGHT Hauling, T r a c t or Lrwlin&. Clean Up, L\Jht Demolitio n. L"hlin S a w w .... .. 545...;..rno .. TYP I N~G-­ IBM Exec. Retwnt~. 1'n.-.is. Phone dlc101ion. pick up • deli\'tt. ~4 M~ haWin(, clean.in&: • JUdt. Jota. l&nl'" etc. • ~. Tom 146-0IS7 HAULING. Oeanup ......,_ ..... "* ""' -.... Jim 51U3Z.- t 730 Paporhontlnt Palntlnt 6150 PAINT your a v trace bathroom • $10. I have equipment&: know bow, you f'Urnlah walls &: materials, J coaL 54S-'6'90 aft 6 PM. VINYL wall c overln& ~ Kit, batha. Mat.erb.J. I. labor. Ell 347-1658 lNTER or Ext. PAINTING, !MMED. SERVICE. Local re:f. FREE Ht. 54-1627 PAINTING, t 11 ter Io r , tx· terior, • t T '1 ftl.900"1*! c.n-a.EAlf Lotllprqtl etc, PAINTING, inter. · exterlnr tl'ft mnov. dump lklp Stale lie. • bonded. f'rte bM:ldloe, tut &nde. !m-17~ tstimttet. '42-0238 Ul'S llaulq: A del.19.1,.. HOUSE Painting. Qua.:llty at Ralonable. ltrf1 area. a lair priol! Fret tSL Call -Cllll 51"157 ruct. ~ llalllq.(;uqo °'"""l'" Dally l'lloO w... ... .. Trim Mecftt& Treu. Rlu. NMd a GuMstanJJet DomMtlc Hole 1oas Geoip All~ 8yla.nd A.tenc:,y EJnployer Pays Ftt l(g.B E. 16th, SA 547-G39S Chinese liYe-IM. ~rful Pcrmanent. Experienced Fat EIUit ~ncy 642-&?03 Holp Wanted, Mon 7200 * WAITERS BUSBOYS lmrMdlala ......... """'rl- encir MUSl&IY, Expind~ stall ror enlarpd botel oper. ation. Conta ct J: Ravln in """"' THE NEWPORTER INN 110'7 J•mbottc Rd. Nrwpart Be•ch f.1ust have Cadillac Experi- ence. Excellent company benelita l!tc. ApPly in person to Bob Roga.l&ki. NABERS CADIUAC :?600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mtaa SECURITY GUARDS Newport Area Apply 1M6 N. Tustin Avt. Suite D. Oranet, Calif. 10AMto4PM • WAITER • APPLY IN PERSON AFT 5 P .M. KARAM 'S SDl 30th StrHt Newport Beach DISHWASHER Full Tlmo Apply in person THE RIGGER 16 Fashion llland Newport Beach MAINTENANCE MAN for 60 Units. Mwit 'have knowledge of p I um bing, clectric, carpentry, garden- ing etc. Excellent l&lary. Do not app\y unless corn· pleteJ.y quall.fitd. References. Write Daily Pilot Box f.1405. e INsrRUCI'ORS -Full er/and part time. Neat ap- pearance. Must be able to meet a.nd deal with the public, good figure. Apply ln penon. Holiday Health Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. WANTED: Serv. Sta. Attn'dnt. 5-U pm shift. Pref coll. student Full time, no gu jockey. App. in person, Bayshore Richfield :KQ., \V. Coaat Hwy .• N.B. e HELP \\I ANTED f.JALE • Day shift. ~lcOoMld'a 16866 Beach Blvd. H.B. Appyl J to 5 Mon-Fri. Fringe benefits. free linen. MAN for Shipplnl: ~ Recelv- ifli Room Oriwrs license nec. S day wk. 3-5 PM. Apply 4360 Campus Dr. Newport Beach, Cal. MANAGER TRAINEE \VANTED, O\.°t!f ~ Profit sharing with benefit!. Appl)' 'rnE BURGER. 4501 \V. Coast liwy. Ntwport Beach. EXP SET-UP & ~EADMAN for plutlea moldina abop Call 546-3370 btwn I am-5 pro FRY Cook, relief ahitt. Start $2 Hr. 18 or Over CottAre Cottee Shop $l W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa \VANTING Entrrprlsing yng man part time, 9:30 am to 1:30 p.m, $2 pe.r hr. 545-1681i SERV SfA. t.IA.i'l. E,,;pt.r. brnkt~ 41: tuntup. Ray Carey's Oevron 604 S. Cout Hwy., t..auna KENNEL llelp wantrd: Part 11me, montlrWI onl1 a to U . Wrtte DaUy Pilot M 313. PART time. piece. work; da,) .. ; no hlpplt1, tn.nl a, mU1t. Good polentlal. 64~ ' EXP SerW:rl station al· lendant, comm • ulll')'. Apply 24.'62 or 2-'°85 EJ Tom> rut, La&una Hills. MG .JOMH • ~ fWI '-wtth t....,.. ad' --------'-"'---'"""'--'--" -------- BE YOUR OWN BOSS PatJdrw aNentlant, blch tn. ramt', m.rnt all u l'MJOn. . \ * BUSBOYS-Days Apply in peraon REUllH E. IH 151 E . Coast H ighway Newport Be1ch NEW CAR DETAIL MAN Top salary, excellent \Vorklng conditions. CALL Bob: MARQUIS MOTORS 900 South Cout wpway Laguna Beach 494-7503 GENERAL PRODUCTION 2 MEN Ex~Uent frtt benefits. Per- E.~cellent workin& condlUon.s. manent, steaily work. Our above averqe salary and policy ii promotion trom fringe benefi~. Call Person-within. Your fl:l.ture ia deter· nel Dept bet 8:30 AM • 5 mined entirely by you. New Pl>il. Mon . Fri. 521.7744 modem office, friendly, Stanton Community Hospital Office SECRETARIAL Local. Iraura.np A g t'! n c y , pleasant atmosphere. l"or Details and App't. Call Collect PERSONNEL (2131 384-1213 UNIGARD Harbor area. desires full INSURANCE GROUP time Girl ~with top l,,,==------ ski.lls. PleU&J1t odice. lllli, OFFICE exp helpfUI. Salary open to Prep1re Now right person. Call Bev. For >1&-mo '"' appt Your SPRING FLING TOOLl..tAKER SHARP GAL! to build and maintain ama11 To auist manqtr o1 El'00\1Y WORK TODAY production equipment ~uti~. Permanent posi· PLAY TOMORROW Apply in person Hon with roo~ far . ad-Temporary usignment.a 1987 Placentia A\'e. vaneement, with rapidly available for secretaries, J. C. Penney Co, Fashion lsl&nd Newport Beach !las open~ for * COOK * Recent succeu.ful experience in all pha.sel ot food indU5o try ii required. Competitive wagea, outttanding be.nWts including profit aharing, A.(lply in penon 10 A.M. to 5 P.?of. Monday thru Friday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Fashion Isla nd An equal opportunity employer -GOOD Hair Stylists wanted for busy salon 60-7800 or 642-'l1'11 Agencies, Men A Women 7550 File Cerk, Mature, % fee $375 RN, Doctors olllc. •••••. $550 Gal Friday • , .••.•••••••• $4.50 OUice Mgr. (free) •••••• $585 Chief Acct, fee paid Sl3.000 yr Engr. R&O ........ $12,00Cl)T Stock Clerk ••.•..•..• to $520 Driver (trainee) $2.00 pr hr, Merch1nt1 Personnel 200 WestcllH Drive Lobby OIJlce Corner 17th & lrvine Newport Beach &tS-2770 -S4S-M85 Costa Mesa growing orpniJation. Ex· typists, bookkeepers, and =~=~-----t pe:rienced pl.a onl)'. call eenera10Uice. UNUSUAL EXP. HI-Fl c 0 m P 0 n en t 1or appointment Schools-Instruction 7600 sales traintt1. Salary, .x.l.Dt THE LOOK 641-2400 COME lN TODAY future,........ • SUPERVISION " Opportunity sc.!7 :"B.l':'r.... Women 7400 Full time. MUJ1t havt'! neat liltl •rt .lllC!. The Independent Ordtr at FEATURES: Help W•nted SALES WORK . ' appe~. able to deal Foresters have opened a • Electric typewriter.1: wlth people. Apply in per--·-· .. ---·-new ollice in South Oran&e e Dictating equipment MISS EXf( AGBl(Y ,... County, Requil'e int•lllgont • Moiem office proc<d.,.. Holiday He1lth Spa man or woman over 25, Col-e Bruah UR G-Shorthand ~~Ha ~ Bl d Anaheim 1784 W. Lincoln I I n Should ·--F •• Paid """"' ruur v ., C.f.1. ege no ecellllll')'. e Per&0nal Development Santa Ana Ph. 540-0325 a. -· • ling' So<ty/Sales, ne• •.•. "un.'P Factory Tra·1nffS .... ve expenence in mee <Ask obut our apeciaJ. otter .,.,...,.. Costa Mes.a 2700 Harbqr public. Dignified lite time h. h · clud •-typ•-Sectttary/P.R ••.••. ··• $500 F ma! "-·-I 1190 hr An Equal Opportunity ~~i • E . w tc in es ..,.,.. .. ., ._..__ •Ultl e c, ._,. .. , o . _.I.ion. am1na oommeno-instruction.) ;)<:l,;retary ••• ...... •• ••• ......., APEX Employer es Immediately. Should be ~!Legal, nee ···• to S500 Employm•nl Age-COLUMBIA iri excess of $250 v;eekly. 646-0ISJ Exec Secty (split) •••• $475 l8TJ H bor Bl d·~ LIFETIME Gitt, typewritinc. Gen1 Office (spl!t) •• to $360 (1~ block~ th Iv 19thY Teltphone: 492-8700 between Oilldren, 1:11LM.chlldren. at Lab Tee~ (split) · ·· ··· $350 c.oat'. ?tfesa u 0 548-3426 Employment Agency 9 A.i\f .1 PM Mon, thru Fri. younell! Individually tutor- Appl1cant Pays Fee C.Ontrol Clerk ••..•. to $560 g AM • 12 Noon Saturdays eel Oillcoat 10 lellON lypizl& Escrow Ollicer .••. to S500 CASHIERS RN, medical ofc , ..... $550 for appointment school. 113 Del Mar, CM, Bookkeeper ........ 10 S500 CANOY SALES Sec:retarit'! (manyJ • to S5SO 548-2859· Acctg Ok/Keypunch , to $450 Students only Legal Secretary •..• to $500 I""""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""' I 'P"IAN""'o"""i"...,-.,.-, _,BA,..,..-d~,---1 G.irl Friday ........ to $400 Appl)' in person. Secty/Bkkpr •..•••.• S475u.p •in mll!ic. 1 hoU1' $4. f.1y FOX THEATER ?oledical Recpt .••.•• to $450 * w "t home, Cdi.'f 6'fl.M49 410 W, Coa" H~hw•y 3410 S. Brutol Typ~t> Cmony) "" to 1'33 a1 resses Newport Beach 646-3939 Costa Mesa Ban.'< Teller ........ to 1425 MERCHANDISE FOR u ousEKEEPER. c.m. SE WING MACHINE M"'"'' .... ' .......... 1315 * Busboys sALE AH~ TRADE pan ion tor e Ider I y OPERATORS. Expd. lUind Se~sse• •••· to $3.SChr Furniture 1000 gentleman 1 i v 1 n & 011 hemmers ol sportawear'!' Ap. 'Troruc Assembly • • 10 $2.50 * Cook peninaul&. 64G-8S20 aft 5 ply: JAY·MAR INC. 2907 l\1ANY MORE JOBS PM. S. Oak Santa Ana. 8 to l\IULTIPLE USI'ING e EXPERIENCED e 3 pm. ~Newport, CM 642aI2 S. Brilltol, SA 546-8560 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Telephone reception 709 . Anah, Ana.h 774-6491 to owner, small mfg. oo. work. Apply between liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii f..lust be dependable and 1 p.m . & 5 p.m., 162' good at detail. Start $500. E . Maywood, Se!1ta Immediate Opening for: Genel'al oU\ce worker ......,., An SARAH COVENTRY ... •• GIRL FRIDAY optninv for full or pllrt WANT ba.bytltter, I I i b t Permanent position: Ubera1 time sales. Pleasant Y+'Ol'k, housek~ping, my home. (! benefit.I. For appt. pleuc no inv ~stme n t , no )Told.) 2 PM to approx. call: deliveries. For interview 8 PJ\.f ?.foll. thrv. F\'l. Balboa call 540-0614 f!Th-3466 aft 6 or v.·knd1. 540-"280 Wonted-EXP M•ld CAN YOU QUALIFY? Apply in Person Housewives who want to SADDLEBACK INN ""'"' port time, 10 boun per "'·eek &. make $65. call !m-9321 betwn 2 I: 4. &9fi W. C.O.St H'o\'Y Laguna Beach GENERAL PRODUCTION FOR FEMALE Apply in person WO~tAN WANTED. night shlft, part time. No exp. nee. z-45. App., ?.fr. Donut, 135 E. 17th St., C.M. 1987 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa ..., WANTED: Full I: part time BARMAID. NB, Colden WOMEN IO pollah • mult Anchor. 675-2375 btwn 3-11 fiberglu mold&. Apply W. am. D. Schock Co. ~ So. ==~~~~-­Glftnvllle, S. A... NEEDED Babyal!tl!r tor Dow Cornlne Corp. 150 McCormick Ave. Costa Mesa An Equal Oppty Emplcyer RN or LVN Full or Part T ime Sunllte Newport H1rbol" Conv•lascent Hospital ~n64 walker: nr Bayvie.w Sehl: CURTAIN " d rs pe r.y 'l:JG.9:30 a m, )'Our home or 1s'~u=R-,G~l~C~A~L-/~M=E~D~IC.U.= salesladies .. A.pply UdoH a mlnr, 549-4195' att S. tranacriber nttded at once. llome Furr11ah1nga, S. Coast DE..'ITAL Ullisl&nt, 110nie ex· E>.perience in hp av y Plfiza, Costa Mesa perlenCI! ,..ces.ury. FuU surgical dicbiUon. Haun EXPERIENCED \\'8.ltrf'.u lime. 962..J329 Jlexiblt. C.011tac1 f.f r 1. y,·anted Apply Ir. per1110n. , . . Alagna. Sant~ Al'lll Com- Sv.·iss Chalet, 41.f No. \\O~IAN for rhild care. 7.30 n1unity, 600 E. \ruhlnrt011 Now-Blvd N B am to 3 pm. ?lion thru Ave s. A =""'~~~· ~· -· ~~ Fri $35. Own trans. &G-<181$ •• • DENTAL Ms't. " Scc1'y. Work Neer Hom. .. denial oUk<: ....,, or BABYSITI'ER all ocbl. 2'31). SECTY'S ( 6) llCbool tn.intd. Stnd resume 5:30 plus school holidayL to Boic-M-411. Dally Pilot. !i40-&57 att. 5:3) PM. --By Appolntment- MAT\IRE 11w-111, "'lid.,.,.., COUNTER GIRL Superior Aetncy bouJtkttpn". 5 Day .. -eoet· NJ&ht 111.'0rk only. $2 per bour. UST=~ Cbl~ N'ea priv. rm .. F.V. &n-22'1'i ' c.Jl l33..(l60Q ext 2036 Call first 6G-TI.fl SALESGIRL. •1U tn.ln ?.It BABYSrrrER nt'eded g AM &at One Hour Cle~nera: lie 5 Pt.I: Founbiin Valley T~ll t~N~ SOU11;i_roRS m.330fi Co d 1 M aJ'ft. ~11..3230 E\'6.. tune, ouro ... ~, rona e •r. llow·\y rate plu1 bonu.~ \\',\.'il'ED: t.fatu~ "'01nan 10 \VAITRESS. Part llm~ Apply In ptortOll ~bYJft r.1on. 1hru F'r1. 2 OVER 2'.I CAl.L 11ol1tl11¥ Ht lllh l\J* und"r 2. ~ls::ll Aft 10 ~ ;, Pta. Shopping Center A~f • BARMAfO * llunUnglon 8'•ch 00f.1ES'T1C eJCPtritnct, da)'I ~ptr\11nce Not Ntttasary WOMEN HEJ,,eER.'I • rN- n r (' Y t n In ( s • 0 "n 83&-2Qtt 8tt1'.'ff!' IM SPE(."TORS. °tltamln mfl. trln$portataor\. ~ Whitt ~ti! DimM-lme plant, For -opt. 8*-3931 Apply Jn person COCO'S REUBEN'S IS55 W. Adams Cost• Mesa Reil E1t1te Sal" Men a. Wom1n Expanding ap.in. OWce # 4 openinp available far licensed men Ir "''Omen. ~ stant income .I: training. Mr Gardner. S pr i n 1 Realty, SllJ.4824 \V M'TED: handy older cou- ple lo htlp manage small tnolel on tolorado River. Apt. furn. plua util. &: small salary. Free U8e of boe.tg. P.O. Box 147, Bullhead CU;y, Arizona 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP Includes: Flora! ao1a. It chair • Y+·alnut tables • lamps - complete bedroom with quilt eel mattress -5 pc. dinette, ete. All for , •• $277 No down • Pmt!, only $10 mn, WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St., Santa ADii Open Daily ••• Sat.9-6 Sun.11 .1 20 Pc. Maple 3 ROOM GROUP Includes: Llvinz room set · tables • lamps • bedroom ~t . quilted maUreu • ma- ple dining room. All for , .• $449 No down • Pmts. only $18 ma. WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE e EMPLOYMENT e Small Newport Beach nUict, 600 W. 4th Sl, Santa Alla jtUt opened. needs ae\.'a'IJ ()ptn Dally 9. 9 full time emplo)'ttl. male Sat 9 • 6 Sun. 11 • I l female, »28 Yl'll old. Sal. T\VJN maple ~ 11et, mat SUO. Y+'k it you mCf't our JTOO. Sell for $400. Dbl bed req'1. 642"SUO Ina.me 'o\1/headboltrd a: mat· EXP. La.hdllCape sa.le~men lrt~~. $15. Bf'l'aklasl stt, or trainff'. Sallu:y +comm: round !bl v.·/4 floral cM!n, qualifltd Jeadi1. r r In It S@. l~s lS tlln wool ti1;, bPnttlta:. Call ~ frri. 501 :Wth St. N.O. 6i3-2968 e COUPLE lor Assistant I ,,;=~~=-~-­?11anager 52 1Jnlt A P t BUNK bedt {2), metal, com- Complex. £ x per I enc e d plete with foem nibber mat. lered ..... " ,,,_~ -trtues, bed sprr:ada 1-pre: -...... .,,.,..,_ sheet•. 839-lG"I' after 5:30 RESTAURAKT JlELP pm, E:cce:lknt condition far * ~ad\ Art11 * only $50. 64~.(Yru a: m-0100 ,.UA LITY kil._ bed TELEPHONE u.l~~: Hcktta:. wlquilted mattrna. comp. E:<p. p~f 001 wltrain. Nrver u~ S9I. 11U'ttl $ZO. fltr. Ct1.rnr:H, ii-i~l S.12-6-"1 .. ,. HAllt Bl)•liSt"°wf(Qlknl'l~ JULJ , .~u.-5100,-tiniicl- lo ttnt 111 Lido Shop. °'11 1~w! 2131 }!arbor Bh'd., m-591 _Costa ll1tY 642-79)J OLUEP~T SHOP requlrel NEARbY new 7' Bl!lclan dtUvery driVttS, bh.1tlil'lt llnien Don.I cooch. SJ!! trimmt'.r opnatorr. MM373 541).UEJ • --· ' . --------· -----,--------·---------·--------------~~-------------~--...,-··--~---:""'-:-...,..~ MtiRCHANDISE-FOlt MEltCHANDISE i'Oll IALI AND TllADi SALi AND TRADE Funil...., IOOOFu'"lluro IOOO ~~~!~ea~~ Bought Mlnuf1cturer'1 ~49 Showroom S1mp&e1 At Tenlftl ..... I S,.Clel Del ....... ,. 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man'• chair or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w ib\•ck or avocado framed chain; 8 Pc BR set !klr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 commodeo, decorative headboard In Spanish oak design with matching bo• springs, mat- tress & frame. lt•rn• Sold Individually Shop Around -Before you buy ... US! VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 or tenns., low •• $4.66 per w"k Use Our Store Charge Plan or Bank Financing No Fancy Front -. BUT Quality V.alues Inside Spanish Mediterranean Received cancellation of $22,000.00 Spanish and Mediterraneo1n Furniture 8000 OIESr of drawers, 2, $10. ea, Maple dinettl'! set $15. Dbl bed comp!, new $45. 84>-W4 e OCCAS. chab Recliner Rocker $20. Call 842-8224 $1 0. LIKE new Colonial &: Prov, liv. rm. & din. rm. furn. Reuonable 213: 592-5803 Office Equipment 8011 ADDRESSOGRAPH Recond., w/supplie1 774-5200 Household Goods 8020 M•~CHANDl5E FOR MERCHANDISE FOR DAllY PILOT 4alt SALi AND TltADI SALi AND TltADI Fumltvro IOOO FumHuro IOOO MERCHANDISE FOR SALi AND TltADI ..;;;..;;===...;..;;;;..;;;,.:;.. H.,.... NJO Tr1l11r, Travel 9425 j::::::=====::= Ml ... na-l600 XU<T wni...n ...,.. ...., U' ROO • R£EL ! • l ·! ••••••••••••••••• • Al.,.,_ • tar qp'd ridtr. < l'f old VEl\Y Ct.EAN AU\.INn pldla&: \4 bone 6 Ara.-4 burnu 1tow. °"*"A. brlr. 1--------- RUG SALE bl&n. $ol00. l'J3.0629, Dbl llnlc. e1'!o WH. e~ Wl!D NITE -MAR. 5th TRANSPORTATION tttrlc • lee box comb. Nr 7:0U P.M. nrw llres -apue T le W. Top Quality Merchamlae BOits & YKhh 9000 A real b1q at $88&.D. au11<11 *NEW & USED* NEW ;;: :..;.~~. """""" ~~~~':::' Coloa-KmENBURG 41 * -* 30' AIRSTREAM ·3Pc. AOK $ Sa•• Tho1,.and1 $ ~.ooo. Ali;, 5 PM 29' Col 29 t/B loaded $9950 ... Comml11lon Gallery 35• llerretcbof.t. ablent ~ * 839-'11! * SET Tm Garden Grove Blvd. de t ~· 000 spera e, • ·' ' • ' try -· T ~-t500 l Rik. w. of Beach. 38' .. Kettenbura •as Gra:r.1_r_u_,_~------~ ..,.. .... oUOiGOi. v .. · • .. """ .... • ...... i •PAOFJC,YAC!rr SALESe ,60 STUDEBAKER l'xlO· """· ,,. • 2'•3' 1111.)6 ..a&.11 S'aUNl[e ,,.._,....,._.,I Alll ..... l, 29 44 14'TJIQZ ................ , .... ..., .. ,..._. ~,......, ............ -. ......... ' Hours' Mond•y·F•ldoy 10.9 Sot. 9-6 Sun. 11-4 JlS f /Jnusual lornilure 17111 lfl( .. llVO .. HUHTING10N lfltH_:la1.a••• ~················ -3446 Via Oporto, Newport · Mn~ R. C. 1'"ttderickso.n 24 Hour Phone 6'B15'10 1901 GlenM>Od Lane 11 PU N•"""" Bead>. Calli. DAVID i.. FRASER 12 Ton V-3. 4 tf)ffit, (M17365l YOU art the "inner ol a 3424 Via Oporto. Newport $595 ·* SPECIAL * pair ol ti~ .. ta to Ow Boat Colwnbia 28.,, two hoe.ts. Show at lbe AnaheJn\ O:M'lvtntlon Center, ~larch Llke newt One at $9000. ATLAS 8 through 16. Come to any Can: Ouck Avery of our 4 branch ottlces and 613-5252 * 494-39US Ews. Q{RYSLEJt.PLYJ.fOlITH pick up Y9'U' FREE pu.wa, e ThHe Boats in Ntwpert e 29'l9 Harbor Blvd. QlRJS Craft 3 5 • Com-Colta Mesa 5f6..1934 2 BikES, boy II. girl,· 3 1pd, nder Flberglu I> hn. Open 'Ill 10 p.m. ~if'+g;r~ :_1e1 ~ r,:._ S!Ps 6, -3 ..uu. *SPORTSMENS VAN* lav.•n mov.•er + ca~her, 3 Sell or trade fot 27 to 30' * TRUCKS * pc green 1ectkmal, platform fhr&:ll 2 Yl'I or nev.'f:r. Priv They Are All Here At roc:ker, good !Ml.me. 1 sill&le prty, M2-l23l F1nt11tlc Discounts bed with bookcase head· 17 FI'. Performer, Islander board, complete. '61 Allstate Deluxe model (all tiber- Molor Scooter, '69 Lie. glass) outboard. Custom . 548-3668 snap down cover, Big whet! ATIENTION tilt trailer. flOO or best oH· TREASURE er. Phone 644-4687 alter 7 pm R.eady for lmmcdlale delivery BEACH CITY DODGE HUNTERS '68, 17' THUNDERBIRD !~Beach ~lvd., (Hwy. 39) Gardlnei-electronic transi• wflOO . JU> Johnson. Loaded 540-2660 Piano. & Or91n1 8130 Sporting Good1 8500 tor metal detector, niod@l ''"/equip. Over $4,000 ll!t HunUngton Beach HAMOND ORGAN GOLF clubs, 9 Irons, 3 200. Max range 4 ft. \VW when new. Owner v;W ~c. '68 Chevy 'It ton pickup, ra- LESSONS wood.I, Palmer Series. Xlnt. sacrifice for $75. Call 646-213: 592-1036 Hwit. Harbr. dio I heater, custo1n cab, •~ Bag .._ __ _. , __ , 1987 after 8 p.m. 25' CHRlS OVERNITER, 17())) ml, lurbo-hydro tnuw, ENROLL NOWI -· • ~· ·~· M0-1165 KNITTED FABRICS •IP• 2. radio, <."Ompl oquip 327 V8 •nalne • , re•! b"'h> $16 for 8 weS course very clean. $2i0. 644-1311 truck,, $2589. G4-3653 You do not ha~ to own an SCUBA Gear. Tank 72 cu · • •-~,,. '58 CHEVY lib Ton, Van AUTHOJtlllO DEALO : : i' HUNTINGTON • NEW • j BEACH • • Now ond Usod Con • 1969 • I Comploto s.,.; .. l Ports • BUICK •• I 1813 5 BEACH BLVD. • 842-7781 -5411-0442 • $ •. J.1t l "'11•1 Se. Sen Di•t• •. 2444 •• fwy, e11ll J111t • f-111l11vtet Norlh el A41rn1 '69 DATSUN Big sedan_ 96 bp, ow.rhead cam ena .• dlr, 4 lpd, radio, beater, W11W tires., loaded! 1200 mlln, under factoey warranty. Bal $1715. T&k9 $75 caah dell or older car. L.B. YN\VWr. Call after 10. 49'.ml. SCRAM-LETS ANSWER·S FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imports Lid. Or- ange Coan!¥'• only autbQr. tzed dealer. SALES· SERVICE • PARTS 3100 \V. Coast Hwy, Ne\\'l"oru't Beach 60-!Mf.6 541).1194 Authorized MG Dealer • IMMIDlATI DIUYm • • • • • • • DllYI IT HOMI TODAY • I ~l . •· : s2444:. : . : • $199DOWN • I . . " Plus tax & Iicensa on ·~. ; •proved credit for thJa ' •Nl'!W Buick Special. No.• a <133279Z600349. • I .1; • • I • • POOLE'S FINE USED CARS • • • 'U IUICK • • f1tctra coupa. F.11 phet,• ·/ .f1c:lory air. -. • instrument Free practice ft. $40, aepar gun, '"'11 ...,...., ..,.~OR SALi S.llboat1 9010 body Reblt motor. Good ttme avaUable. CLASSES fins $5 (new). 5l}-893() alt FIAT START Beg•----M·-" 6·.30 Remnants, samples & Mlil cond. '69 Plates. $950. : u .. ..a.,., '"""'' 1======== ~ Onl 8 2 642-I----,.,,-,.,-- s1a95 :,I • • 18. Tuesday, 7 PM. lntl!r-• Sal Y a.m. to LET'S SAIL' 9012 '67 FIATBOO Spldu • •·I All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dre•m House on Display Items a.s follows:· Gor· 1eous 8 ft CUJtom qui!· ted sofa with aeparate looAe pillows with heavy oak trim deror and mat-ching chair, J matching oak occasional tables, (2J 58" tall decorator lampg, an 8 piece master bed- room 1uite in pecan pan- elled Med.ite1Tanean style with top quality 15 yr. v.-arranty' mattres!I: & box springs. Spanish decor dining set. etc. mediate, March 13, Thun-Mf1cell1neou1 8600 p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa_ NE\VPORT 20 SLEE;, ~ '62 'Ai. ton Olevy Truck wllh British Racing Green KIRBY vacuum late model. day 7 PAI. Excellent teach-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I ROY AL elect typewriter $85. D' tt G he d Barlow or without teardrop .fr camp. * 646-7910 * Like new, full priCf! $79.9.5. er. AUCTION Underwood print calculator W:::h~ G= ~ck, 900 lb, er. 5'8--8497 alt 5. •66 IUICK • f •wndc•I '4 dotr. Factory •air, 1uto., pow1r tMtrlftJ,• .RIH, CSVX 0161 • Terms $7 per mo. 638-2247 * * $?5, Burroughs elect a~. Fixed keel O/B Bracket! 69 GP.IC % ton, heavy duty REGISTER NOW: Fun, E~ mach. $60. StauUer reducing READY ro' GO• ' $349S to tr 4 000 JAGUAR • $2595 • Whole hou1afull wes regular $1295.00 MUST SACRIFICE $568.00 Any niece can bf! pur· chased individually • • • TERMS -We m.rry our o;•j}/] Furniture •I HARBOR BLVD. 1844 Newport Blvd. Cosla Mesa (only) Every nite 'tll t Wed., So1t., Sun. 'til 6 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer dreS8tt, mir-. ror, ~ bedside stands., kin& ail• headboard, frame, quilt. erl mattres.., abeets, blank· els, etc, Choice of Spanish or Modern Style All For $249 No down Pmls. only $9 mo. WEIJ('S WAREHOUSE G1r1ge Sile 8022 RUMA1AGE-GARAGE SALE Ne\\'PQrl Harbor Emblem Club No. 394. March 6th, '1th, ath. 1830 Fullerton, Costa Mesa. 9:30 AM· 4.:30 PM. Appll1ncea 8100 e SPECIAL PURCHASE e Reirigerators, automatic washers Ir: other major ap.. pliances from model homes at fantastic disoounta! No Down. We service. See at: FCIDER'S 17185 Brookhunt, Ftn Volley <So. or Warnerl 968-1234. KENMORE Automatic washer, Late model Ex· cellent condition. $ 4. 0 , 847-8115 W H I R LPOOL coppertone refrig. w/frzr. $65; blk. &. wht. Magnavox TV $(5. 645--1605 or 497-1294. G. E. Electric dryer Xlnt condition. $6S ........ Deluxe model washer New! ~. 501 34tb SI., N.B. 673-2968 ADMIRAL apt size refrlg. 2 yean old, copper. $&5. * 644-4171 * Antiques 8110 O.OSED store, have a.nlique camera. clothe5, je\li·elry, purses, chairs, pictures, rugs, mannequin, 1 am. p shades., gift &: Oirisbnu 600 W. 4.lb SL, Santa Ana ilemi, new ihirts. booka. Open Daily 9 • 9 Need to sell all. Dealers Sat. 9. 6 Sun. 11 _ 6 or pvt pty. ~6 SPANISH Returned trom VA.Sr Stock Amer & Eur Model Hornes on sale at tum &: clocks. L arr y J.ess than wholesale! Group Morgan Antiques, 2 4 2 8 Includes beautiful 9 6 • •. Newport Blvd., C.M, quilted llOfa & love 1eat. i ..:-ANT"""'°1~Qc,UES=''°'&-Cl.OCKS='=o=- 3 Spanish oak decorator FOSTER'S ANTIQUES tables, swag or table lamps, 642-6138 • 19CB Federal, O.f Sewing Machin•• 8120 1961 SINGER, touch'()-rnatic oompl with wal cab. Illness forces repo, $39.50 tull price or $4. 75 mo. Automatic zig zag, bution hales, blind berm, overcasts, some fan- ey stitches etc. No attach needed. Guarantee good. O>l-6616 Musial Inst. 8125 tertaining, Knowledgsble. FRIDAY . MARCH 7th 'table w/ attchmt.11 $75. · •••• · ~p, ps, au aru, · R il bl d 642-28S2 John Granath, Yacht1 rru. Mu1t aelll 962-7900 JAG. '60, A·I ent organs ava a e ur. 7:30 P.M. .. • ..,, v· ~~-NB~ "70 I"""' ,.,._, ~ .,.,,. . t I s· ===..,,,,,...,.--,.....,,..,. .,....,.., 1& "'""' 1.U, <H.>-VJ '65 GMC PaneledJia.ndyman ~"" .• -.-.v. party, ;J<M.-"l:>l,J'I 1ng enn o course, ign up NEW & USED FURNITIJRE MOVING SALE • woman'• Auto., radio, heater; sac:_ now! Avoid the rush! from Bankruptcies & Repos-3 apd ~!cycle, auto-blke LEHMAN IQ' $1050. 642--3956 Inquire for details! sessions: Bro.room sets, Din-rac:k. port.able TV, woman'1 HAMMOND ing room sets, Divans, Hide-clothes, tape player & lots 9510 in CORONA DEL MAR a-beds, Chests of drawerm. mot'e. 317 Heliotrope, CdM 2854 E, Coast Hwy., 673-8930 Lamps, TV's, Stereos, Din-673-2687 Fiber&Ias Sa.Uboat complete MILITARY Jeep . Chev V-1, • New Pianos • ettes, Mattre~s. Bunk BUNKS w/ trundle, $30. with sails, licensed trailer Corvalr Bucket Seats, 23 beds, Rockers, Commodes, Dinette tble. $7 .50; White & canvq cover. AIJ In xl.nt &al ias tank. Surrey top, WURLITZER&: BRADBURY Coffee tables, De!!Jts, upright port. sewi11g mach. $25. condllion. $295. m.1497 new 1100xl5 Urea, many All styles & finishes, all Piano, Bars & StoolJI, Olin-642-3)20 Mk tar Mr'!!. Rel). C I 9020 mon! extras. On front cover American made, 88 note, de! ese gong! Vacuum cleaners, ner. Power ru Nl"1 Feb. J s sue "4-wheeler" w-bench Ir: tuned. Prlet! start. Oriental piec:es, Chandelier, Magui.ne. See at Mea ing at $400. .Refrigeratora, Stoves, Wash-COCKER Spaniel, b Ion d, SACRIFICE I Union Station Cot. Fairview Wurlitzer Organs eni, Dryers & Freezer &: AKC, 3 yrs, gentle female; 36' Cruiser w/65' mooring: & Ne rt Blvd, s.>2380 f.IUCI{ MORE!! pool tabJe. ~2462 top cond. f.fust sell by week. l=,.'-~wpo='-''=~-=- Many o~~E:~L "fany CO?.IB BROWSE AROUND 14 CU ft Philoo Retrig $40 end. 548-8691 Aft. 6. '58 JEEP Military, Q)evy ,.,.., 6 lin"1>e~ Price• W'NDY'S AIJC110N Stand -wht b&thtub $40'. V~; IDt•lly ,"built. Mud a xlnt oond.. 54S-968l aft S. S__.-Skl Boats 9030 ~ to believe. 67l-3408 :start al ....--- $595 20151> Newport Blvd, M;sc. Wantod l6IO 14' GLEN L r.-boat. Campero 9520 EVERYTHING 1N MUSIC Behind Tony'1 Bldg. Mafls. =--=,;.;;I New glass overwcod. New Beach Music Cenler ~~~~~; ~ wcE APAYSMoHRE ~~~s~~:~:i~~ Factory Sales & Service GARAGE ~E: Washer, Evinrude 35 elec:trlc with Daily 1l noon 'tiJ 9, Sat 9-5 naug. couch k. chr, pwr generator. New battery. vw Bus & Campttr SPEOALS. KARMANN GHIA GHIAS J • 6T1 LIM new ··one with 9,000 miles'' 2 -66's Extra Nice "One with a1r cond." All extra sharp, all with ra- dios A: heateni W one wtth air conditioning. ~,~, ',t" l'4t0 0JOJ-67J011 ti 1 t70 HAllOl ILYD. COSTA wn• ··--------· • '66 TEMPEST • I • • Cudo..., cpt, RIH, a11to., •P.S., f1ctory air 1.01111liU••• 'I :''•· 1$ws95 : I • • • 'H T·llRD •Full powtr, f1ctory •ISLI '4'11 • • '''·· • $2695 • ·.--------·1 • • •6s CHRYSUI • 1 N.w Yor~•r hardtop co11p• .. Full pow1r, f1 ctory air •co11d. INHA 1541 • : $2195 : .,-------.I 1 '66 PLYMOUTH I I 4 door. Awto...,1lic, rodlo,. httltr. ITEZ 5121 174CK Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) mower, bookcase, boy & &lrl 'For any near new or wed Good trailer with new tires. .60 Carn $399 11h mi. So. San Diego Fwy. bikes, full bed oompl, youth 1umlture r eol Excellent buy at $495 tem11. , per • ·••• ...... • LOTUS • Huntington Beach 847-8536 bed 1 -" , ' •PP JBl'lces, or-642-4321 ext '70 weekclaya ,64 Bus ••·•····•···•·•· $999 I $1395 • • ! ! FIRE SALE 11 Our gorgeous n e w store burned! The pianos &: or- gans 11\lffered no water dam. age, but they are smokey, dirty, dusty & scratchy. We moved them all back to our old location & marked eve.ry- thing at FffiE SALE PRIC ES! So, if you dig that "Old Time Smoh-y FI av or'', come & get 'em, and at prices you won't believe. \\IARD'S BALDWIN sruoro 1801 Nl'!wport, CM, WM84 GULBRANSEN Organs, Pi-anos. Lealle speakers, Ry- thrnn sections (fit all or- p.na). Used ora-ana. Free 1es90ns. Take anylhlna: rea~ sonable in trade. E-Z Temu. No down.• Electric: Org•n Asso,,. 333 E. 17th St., Cost.a Mesa &JO.<lllJ (In ba ck of Pancake HOU!M!) PIANOS & ORGANS Famous Name Brands from $529. Aho USED InstrumentA Gould Music Company 2M5 N. Main, Santa Ana So. at Freeway 547-0581 Mon & Fri 'til 9 Sunday 12-5 HAMMOND· stelnwl.y Ya. maM. • new It uSl!d p!anol of aD makes. Best bu.ya in • , rg oval rug. Must -ul ed TV 1, stereos, pianos, or-. A !lo Boat 6f Sunroof Bus ........ $1499 LO S 30 • 962.-8452 frl or see at c n TU Group 7, Grand gall.II, 1toves, re. gerators, "'-ke 21622 ~--·t Hi '65 DlJL: Bus, 9 J>!S .•••• $169'l n..ix ,,.,.~ •-M• • '67 CHEVROLIT • FOR Sale ~ ll01a, brocade beige, 8'. Loose pillow back. Very rood condition, Maple coffee & encl table, wrought iron headboard. 546-1879 bedroom M?ts, dining room U<v rs, """"" way '67 Ola Bus. I pu, ••.• $2199 .-' · ~ car; no .... .,.., c 1 c f "'"· ottice furniture. 1 piece at Beach Blvd., Huntin&ton ,.,.., Cam-·, -"t ••' eJec, lncomp'l, eng. Modified for I •pr c• r•. acfory •Ir,. Beach 5J6.-8891 9 ' .,.. • .,...., .. street use, Sac. 968-3758 •aute •• PS. (UXC 072) • ~-as~·h• °'~~equip. 903s r.i .. ~················l2599l,M=E=R=c=E=D=Es~B=E=NZ=1.• __ s_2_2_9_5_: CARPETS, Vinyls.. Tiles. lat-16' DORY • 25 hp J,, $400. o~ ~ '66 PONTIAC • est styles and colors. Com-~-~=~==~~$ Bendbr: F. Metft', $300. o · merclal &: Residential. Ex~ $ WE BUY Gllnet, $50. Loc~r + bait ' s I Sfarchi•f 4 J•.r. F•c, 1fr,ll pert installation_ $ FURNITURE $ box. $200. l lshlng 1 ear. A -0: •'iVT'","'atlc1. powtr 11 .. rl~t·• 642-1403 S4Q..'7262 Reply Box M660, Daily ~,,t p • 1'47 • -.,.,,--~--,---I APPLIANCES P•lot. $1795 Silver Fox Jackel c.1 .. '"~"'""-"······ c,_-----1 • • I ri•c• e• Ho111a Full 14t.OOJ-67l011 t0 •--------· Coit $J.j(] -sacri(lce $100 642-0036 evenings CASH IN )0 MINUTES Mobil• Hornet 9200 1970 HAUOI ILYD. • COSTA MUA • 541-4531 Coste Men's 7. HOLIDAY Camper SheU, WANTED: Baby 1troller, Y1e a~~ Round iood oond, $125. spring suapen1Km, l & e . Mobl • nome Show 675-0161 QUALITY kln&; bed w/qqUted matttaa, comp. NeV-. used $98, worth $250. ......,,. wheels A 1turdy; alto need 16'-20'·22'·24' le 34 wides walker: both In top cond. From. $6995 Camper Rent•l1 9522 =:;;;:===== PERSIAN Rugs lx4 $4. 3xS Call: 642.-0107 CAsa Loma, Bay Harbor KH.1-"--'"-'-'------MG &: 4x6 $20. 6x9 $33. 8x10 $49. I.,,==----~-,,,--, Carlbee, RoD·Away, Towne COACH· TRAILER USED or wrttked Honda RENTALS 9x12 $85. 842-7890, nd Holl!le, Homette, Celebrity, with iood 90 ec engine a Aft..... --•-F1REWOOD for aale. Walnut 1 Sahara. It's none too -...., to nUll\e E cal . ' 147 SO a u t o rn at c transmission 12 WIDES re11eTVaUot11 for Sprin& 1-lol· u yptus, Apnc.o., · 549-43.la eves. 40._43·~·-W-55'-60'-64' id""S! cord $25 ~ crd. Del. & 1---------~ MG Sales, Service, Puts Immediate Delivery, All Models •64 CHEVROLET • I f...,pola 4 door. Awto'"•"•·· • pow•r 1ft1r, IOTU '4JJ) • $1195 • • • I '63 GRAND PRIX I •Aulo fr1n1 ., powor lft•r.,• 1r1cfio, fttal•r, IOHl 6211• I I $1295 : atack'd tree, Cl) 688--0846 PETS and LIVESTOCK From $3995 WEEK·END OR WEEKLY UPHOLSTERING -$79.50. 2 b tYou can paYb """'bet'-546-0'J91 '63 OLDS . C 8820 u you can t qy .... r I C~tl•u, a11to, l'·I. fWFH·. pc. (European craftsmen) .;;;•.;;ts:_ _____ .;..:;;.; Parka available tn all areas. Imported Autos 9600 11111 • • • Free est., de!, pickup. 21.S REG'"~ER Bay Herbor $995 • Main, HB "D-·" 536-G405 ""'' AUSTIN HEALEY • -.. ~ SIAMESE KITI'ENS Mobile Home Show LANCE Tubing Bendtr * st6-8ll8 * 1425 Baker St. 3Ul0 W, C.out HW)'., N.B. L--------· ;:;;:~;,. 1:4 ~~"Ji:: Sl•meH KJtteni 'ifi block East ot Harbor Blvd. ~:!.eF!T.' J:'t!r 142-!HCri 540-1764 • •u MUCUIY • •··--hie. ,.,.., _,. on Baker I ·-'A:.:u::thorl%0d:.::=:...::M::G:..::Deal:.::"::__ • M , , 1 • ...... -•bi• ..,_ '"""" no: ....... ,_ ~~w .,.,, "-•-TO p ,....., .,...., 011 orty, ao, • r, llie., '"' • ~1 ())ala f.fesa (Il4) ~·u · · • ....,......,""· • PRIVATE )arty want.a l&' .. 1960 AUSTIN-Healy 3DOO, •t1.5 P.1G Midget, needs • P·•· IGEX ltOI =-• t be Int ~ Dogs -U2.5 SEE the Dual Wide Roau-Rill 0 0 ·-~·ot ..i-'"'ork. Ha.s new ename, • $795 ,...-.er, mwi x """" -=------'-'-U1ld' Pan Atoerican Para· , .• ncuu en11 .. ""• * $800, 675-&47 * with or without motor. (Sffi) AKC Silver poodle, toy, 2'.i mount. Ellie and General ~.OOD mJ. $1KlD. 675-2120 • • • wall placque, klni, qUeen, or full size bedroom suite complete incl box springs, mattrtss, linens le boudoir lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc: dining set pri~ else.where at approx. Sll95.00 AU. FOR ONLY $399. P> down. $4.99 pep week I out of ltat• credit OK. W 111 •parate tar quick sale. 21th CenturJ Furniture, 9 7 7 2 Gl!.l'den Grove B l v d • , Garden Grove Dally 1MI, Sat :J.G.6, Sun ~ Come in or call (Il4l 530-5240 Gu itK Heldqu1rter1 So. Calif. right here. 831 .. 156 yn old, low• <hldm. well mobllo bom"""' " DAILY Pl1m WANT AD6 ••••••••• NB TENNIS CLUB bebowd. Now home m"'t D11al WJde Sales 1"='=='CllAR:=:,G,:"E-=rr=1==.'.==B=RIN=G=RESUL==='='TS!= • • 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROM MODEL HOMES Include.: Quilted IOla • chair -2 end tabln I: rof. tM table -2 lampl -dreg. er-mirror-headboArd - quilted box 1prina: le mstt- reu -5 pc, dlninc room; ta!U • '4 lil·back chairs. COMPARE AT $749.9$ $399 No down-Pmts only $16 mo. e NEW and USED e SCJ-lMIDT MUSIC CO., Fender e Vax e Sfandel 1907 N. Main, • GmSON • MARTIN Santa Ana e WI18)N e llAMAHA UPRIGHT Schumann Piano Drum .Headquarters &: Bench. Refinished lNot e NEW and. USED e at1Uques). Good tone 1: UJDWlG, ROGERS. ASI'RO CObd, Needs keys recovered, Large selection w:ltb new 4 l~SlOO==-==·===== pc:. sell and eymbab: start· in& at $99.SO. Pedals, hl-hatB T1levl1lon 1205 and .eta repaired. AD small Pft-rllf, acce&90rle$ Ir eymbal& in stock. EVERYTi llNG TN MUSIC Beith Music Center REMO'fE oonlrol 2 1 ' ' Motorola black &:. while 1V, Good condition $40. 673-1162 * We1lingbotde 21" * WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE Factocy Sale• A: Service o.Jly 12 noon 'LU 9, Sat 9-5 600 W. -4th ~. Santa Ana lT.OC Beacll mvct., Cltwy 39) Conml.e; Llke new $35. Aft. S:. 675-2122 HI.fl I Sta-.::.._..:1::;2;.;:10 membenhip/W., 673-T.!M"" be ......... by owneno. $611. 1• •• JAGUAR • 543-7295 Ol•pman Mobile Hom es tnc. Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autot 9600 ALASKAN Mala t AKC. 520 N. Harbor, S.A.. • uraNU•AR""• • FREE TO YOU T MON'nt old f~e, black Lab A Sprlnett Spanjel to px1 home. Needs fenced )'ard. a42-3595 3/6 1 ~ YR. old ; part L•b/Welm., gentle w/chldm. to a:ood home. All sho~. 549--3456 3/7 BEAUT. Brn/Wht 6 Mo. old Pla.yful Pup. Hu Uc. A T•P· 962-Ull J/7 2 PUPPIES 7 wka. old Part Cocker A Poodle ·-· female, 4 moo~u.;;.,,lle,. 5'1.U71 • l1UUl\IV IUU • tor •how pm1pect1 and 8xll, DECK. metal awning •Compl•t• S.Je1 .. Serv-• breedini. Black wtih white I: •tonsw. Vel'f neat! $1750. ice •nd Parts De~rt .. markings. 492--0403 !33 W. !kJ St. Sp 19, C.M. :m•nt for JAGUAR.s,. • *SILVER Tcy Poodle puppy, Mini Blkn 927S ELMORE MOTORS ' "• n. holff'f • fem~78 all 5:30 pm. -e GO·KART .---15300 llACH ILYD. WISTMINSTll IN.JJ22 ~ 1'6' Jaiu•r T.11., • Toy Poodle Pupple" AKC N.,. MCI~ many '"""'· ......... . Call afier 1:30 Reasonable. 833-0261 Evetl. 4' l Ol 111.--------• SKYE To~1;1~,.. AKC M;;rcyclos 9300 /J /O : 23• f, 17th SJ, : Ownp. sired. A.art, calm. 'fll HONDA SCR. l2S, 2600 ''"k fl"''"l"T ,,,.u,011 '" tlutty: pet" lhow. $t9-2547 mllta, xlnt oond. $42S. lta11lr •ppro"• tf cr•cflt. •• 541•7761 •. KALE. Golden Rttr1nltt, I Weekda)'a. Phone MM33Q. Open Doll1 M 116 mL So. Son Dlqo ..... Sat. H SUn 114 Hunttrvton Beach 8'47-15311 St'ER.W 191!19 Solid Nie deluxe a>nlOle •km). t ANTIQUE Bedroom tel; 3 WANTED: Piano1 A~ ~ ~. Lelt on lay ..x.. old. AKC ,....t.....r. Alter < pm. w .. _ FAEE. FREE FREE 5 mo old male Bully Afttt 5 -PM, call 96M025 142-:inl Mk b J'ohn. ...... """" • .. 1 •• d. .. ... ..n. -... StJZUKI 80. -""' Lu Veqas Vacation • _,rt l ::IO -• • hit pm • pc corYell Wolout 811 CJWP, C"'1 pole! ~-• -·~•-late Vktl:lrtan.19lb Cent\lry. * 6J6.363J * away. 4"-J Ou ..... _.. .... b&J. DoubM ._. I dra'fi'tt ehe.lt. l========o I ance or $76.00 or terms. ......... Credit Dept 535-7289 dreuer w/tnme tilt mlmlr Pl•nos & Orv•n1 1130 W'/bc:\""eltd &1ua. s 8 0 0 • "4&-J3>1 PIANO TUNING .t 'Repair Exptrt, rea!CU'Jable! Albrrt Aamess 67a-6967 PRIVATE PARTY Wantl to buy trtano fat Ca1h. %13-1'17-.103S T 1pe Recorders 8220 MUST ldl • 1'ape R~en. SOr.'Y 5600, auto l"!'vene $2;0. SONY Z"J5 Slll. TEAC S>3A I head, auto m\itnc S715. AAk tor Vu 646-.fl89S ""11hY. lllmloMi. 119>-7182 Barld,. 0-'111 AKC IO 9T CC; tunod cxbauot I DAYS I 2 NIGHTS-===----!17'-' 11 ~-..::!60-:.:;....;~:,;.;;.=...._ A Dllnlop U... $165. ~'1612 FOR TWO BEAUTIFUL heallby J>Ut>P)' AKC REG Poodle:a, Toy"111,;:"';_:':;,· ,,,....,.,..,..,..,....-="'°"= 8 wk1 old, needs iovtfll &: Mlnl'a. S3S I 11p, '86 BSA LIRbtnlnr 6SO CC. homt'. 494-31111 317 547-3851 or 547-9S9t Bf!at Oller ovtr $700 4 PUPPIES, approx. 2 mos. AKC Ttny ToY Poodltl ~7577 old, molher Cockapoo; nrtd .mtw male puppies, Champ '64 XLCH Sportattt. fully good homes. &l).(£1J 3/S hllckpnd. $75. !WM34D chopl)t'd A cusklmbtd. $1]00 YOUNG male SI.amt• cat AKC ~h\llldl J Mmales Call: 645.-1078 15300 8Qch Blvd. Westmlnsler 89(.)322 O'IN 7 DAYS • Satunlay ,,30.,,. • . "''""' . • I • Sund'YI 10 em to 6 pm • • • !/J~BUICK .... 1. ~· -~ ~ .. [~ \\.f1b Q('a collar_ 6 Witt. red/bin, 1$50 ea. m: mE QUI<Xrl\ YOU CALL. ---'-==--3'-'17 9'in liter 5,30 pm. rnE~~Q~UIO<ER~~:_Y~OU~!:m~J,,I~ ---!!!!!!!l!!!BI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""'""'"""'"'""!! 1 ·--------I COSTA MESA • • ---· -. --. ~--~~--~---------""!"""--------------------, U DAA.Y 1'11.DT W~"""7. MM,, n8' • '· TlAHSPOitfATIOll TUR$POlTAT16H ~ASPOITATION TRANSl'QRTATION NSPOllTATION TllANSl'OllTATION ~ TRANSl'OllTATION fRANSPORTATION 0Md<:1,. 9900 I ~ •-~ ~ Im·_.._, AutM HOO tmporlld Au'" NGO Autoo W1nl9cl 0 700 UMd c... 9900 UMd Can • 9900 Utod C1.. 9900 UMd·C•,. -CONTINENTAi: .::•··--_,_ 79UV P""'~ 1 -'--------1 OPEL TOYOTA • VOWWAGEN W£ PAY CASH CADILLAC CHEVROLET CHEVROLET> CHEVROLET 1969 MARK ·m BILL MAXUV 'IS vw ""'· Oun. Xlnl 'fOR YOUR , ... '6T ~. El D O,U d,o. Bob lfum<r -iiiiii!!iB!iiiLu•iiiiiE!iiiiiiCiiiiH~IP-'lie' n. Cimino 390 '"''"'· cotmuarrAl 'lfOPEL4Jpd.,JCIW'nilln&'t· li-A-eoncl!-OJstom ttiil· etc. \JU( AM/FM 1ttteo plus all the 4 &peed llklc: thltL i1750. null ~""' 110 "" prty. !TIOIY: IOITIAI moo 913-2631 CONNELL = :i.:.;• ~ -"N~"-"=..= .. ~.. AUTO SALES ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Ooo• hanlto• Full ""'"· ~ '63 VW SUNROOF tires., 21.00IJ Ml. Havt 3 ·~ tbemtel, 6 eyl. if94..TI40 factor" 8.ir. Landau top. Less PORSCHE lalll tl!AOf ILVD. ~ Ntw cl~lch. Xlot cood. CHEVROLET con. need o.U, 2. $S500. YOU ""' !he wlnntt 01 • $99 ======== lhan 3ooo miles. Sho""'°m Hunt BNch '47-1555 S900 .f99..t9'11 282{ Harbor Blvd. Best 1: lawttt prlce tn So. pair 01 tlckets 10 the Boat tresh condition.. cxsruti6) •• FORSCl!E 9U· all.,.. 3m!N.o!CoutH.,..onBch 'MVWconvmt,..,newlop, eo.i.Mtaa "46-1200 C&IOO,OOOMl.1t.vicepolicy Show al the Anabtlm \''"-~ ~1 -M CHRYSLER SAVf $$$ • . .. .. 1 .. t. int-v. .. , ~(ID ml. ---i-••· ''9' I L,. c Convention Center, March 8 .... n11..1u1.1r,......,., eaa -~---·,-·· tru. s s:pd., 3 band ndt0; 1968 TOYOTA Corona, air ........ ~ '. -.. IU .... ~........... • through 16 Come to &ny 0 3 2 • &U healor. $3,960. 6T3-08'lll concUtionln& 17,000 mU•~ ,Slwp. 1 Aulo L..nl,. 9114 Owner .... ,... ol"" I~°'""" ud 54 -4 9 1968 CHRYSL£R '16 PORSCHE 911, chrome xlol cond., rnult sell. below 61 vw. exod •nt cond. p!63 COUPE de V l l l·e pi& up )'OUI' FRF.E l'IURS. ATLA.S ...-..is xlnt runnlog cood. hluo hook. 64~1' ......... """""wheti. ..... A ·NICW ''FE -· .. , .......... pwr, n ' 'M'Chov. 4 Dr. M1llbu .)<awe>, heai.1-. """'" ....... $1700. 6.S-5650 . tru. f780. 5'&-J82l . ~....,. , ~ air, apttlal Cad/paint, gold ----6 ~-· au~. Jt...H, metallic if111 power bralre1, elec!rl<= · ~-. VOLKSWAGEN '66 vw Van, wtui. .... , , ON LEASE • ""'"'" ntw 1;,,,, ball"" BL E CHIP """· Lo milea. Vocy clean. •wlndo ... ''"~'' ... 1, '""'' O:IRYSLER-PLY?o.10tml 29'l9 -81..I. Costa l\leu. ~l!l\4 Open 'UI 10 p.m. '68 Porsche 9Xlnl2. , ·-~00·""'1o VW clean, rear tQll1nd proof. .....,. ,,..__·_:._ v.a 2 .1--etc. Perfect cond Sl395 AUTO SAW OML769 top, lactory air conditioning. w/ blk int. ro • ~ t..atiw.JV, ' ....,...., O ~ -'795 !X'l"L7'191 645-1319 Priv party, $1795. 541-7012 Hardtop PwT •leering &lr. wner. "'~"""" • . ,,. mi Mili ott«. '6T vw Bua. S13SO. $89.00 2' mo.,,.,., ' '62 FLEETWOOD, clean, '"8 O>evool•I, ><Joor, aulo. JOHNSON & SON $3195 CORVAIR · ----iitoi 2R1;-·-SIMCA Price Speclalt Call after Iii PM. SOUTH COAST pov.-er, extru. Below blue $199 Lincoln-~1e.l'ClU')' '60 B~ .............. S399 * &'B-6847 * CAR LEASING bk, mwit aell. D •YI t!KI Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 ATLAS 1--7-S_l_M_C_A_l_0"'.0"'.0:-I '.'1 Bugs ......... ••·•• S499 300 W. Coan Hiahway 675-7321, eve &ll-0350 %lta Harbor, Costa I\tesa + '6 62 8""0v·.·,",."'vw"':,·" 15.99 VOLVO 'Nowport Bcb., 645-2182 '59 CPE. O.Vill•, xlnl co. od; .... cm;v. !""VI., ... •"'• .. c;.L.S.D.L.R., 4 •pd. WI 11 ha 540°4392 IWl. ..,.SIPS B"t ottu. take $50 cub.. to del, takr ~:~s~ 1965 VOLVO 122 S. Xlnl *AUTO IWING* ~. =iTI tte_ry, tires; 673-2236 am.YSLER-PLYMOl.ITH 2929 Harbor Blvd. AUTO SALES Costa l\1eu. 546-1934 Open 'til 10 p.m. '61 Corvair, 2-door, aharp! $399 _.,. ol $30.86. LB UJB cond. 11295. 5930 W. Cout •55 CAD 4 d "°"" nd. '65 CHEVY IMPALA 9M CtJ1 Pat after 10:30 AM ~ Hwy. N.B. ./ ~• ... MAKES R&H, ~ U~1·, clean~ Hardtop, V..S, fact air, dlr, l!f.i9 EL CAMINO. 217 Kno:c '94-9773 -.,.,.,.._. 5"""' local car. Ecellent conditiOn. Sl As is, air-o:>nd, R&H, I\ ~ Antiques Cl1slia 9615 # COMPETE;I'IVE PRICES !168-J.42S $Sf' Cuh dels or take foreign $400. 642-&.16 n45 Hari>or, r.ta Mea 540-4392 SUBARU ~~ ~ ' Cort Fox Auto L .. 1ln9 '64 CPE. DeVIUe, ·1 owl'W!:r; car in trade. \Yill fine prvt 1963 Chevy ll Nova SS CONTINENTAL • 1 '36 Ford lriJle, 2 rur doors 224 W. Coast Kiahway 25,000 I\U, air, full pv.T. party. LB TXJ 484, 494.9773 Take over pymts/ + ? ! ! • 1969 SUBARU 'A -complete with giua, l bood Newport Beach 642-8440 fl.000. 673.-2715 err 54S-0034 ~ 1963 HARDTOP ·rrom $1297,· 66 MPG ~," sllihtly b@at, 1 bell housing u d c ~ 9900 1 Chvner '65 Corvair convertible, t&h, with rear end. 1 '40 Ford M irt _ DIAL d1nct 642-5618, cbacge '56 QIEV -Stick 11i" • rull!l '57 CHEV. 2 Dr. sedan. Carcfu.ly 1naintained yellow/black, power top, 4 Qimplele foreign car Sl"rvice L--.a d•' • 1 ~" d Kosta Kustom Kars PUUU c.ouxe""' ........ e e-TRANSPORTATION your ad then sit back and fine, SlOO. Good brakes&: $250. CAS~l Jcalher interior speedbox.rea.dy-$795.0ne 14t·Dl01-67J-llt0 luxe •. Set ot back au.ts for ' listen to' the phone r'i.t11' battery. 642--0896 847·1516 $1295. 673-7549 owner, 673-8839 145 Babr, C.M. 54G-591S 1970 HAllOI ILYD. V.\V, Bua. Phone 536-Mll ~--===°===-:._=========~...::=========·;;=======:_,======= TOYOTA ---'c'-'o"ST"-A'-"'M=U'-'A--· I ij.B. Ask for Bill. CAR SALE New Cari 9800 New Can 9800 New Cars 9800New C1rs 9800New C1n 9IOO '63 V.W. SED. Autos Winlocl 97c;) -=iiiiiii;;;;;;~iiijjiiijj;;;;i~~;;;;~iii;;iiijjiiijj;;;;i~~.;;.~~--;;;;i~~~~~--~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii~ A mi one, 44000 miles. '-'-'-..;.;....;..;;;_____ Credit problem'? Stt: us for r '69 TOYOTA'S Very clean. \VlD288 WE PAX.,,... instant delivery, low prices, r-1 $995 c SH ea.sy tenns. \Ve decide on L•rg• ~1ction JOHNSON & SON A. i:::!~o"'1il. Call" com• ln lmmedl1te Delivery LlncolJ>.P¥1el'tUl'Y 540-4391 SEE US TODAY lM1 H""'°' BIV<l. 6'2-!050 ''"'"" '""' • tn>eks juol BLUE CHIP L • "' .. •.,,Du~ •• ~"'1,;~;, w,:; oal!GRO"'TH'" ""cHf'v'"R·m.oal£11•. AUTO SALES 11111 •nti I ''6 """ :!145 Harbor, Costa Mesa tWt. UUIO battery & brakes. Split iront WE PAY CASH FOR seats. x1nt cond. Best ouer YOUR CAR, PAID IMPORTS owr $1800. call alter 2:00. Ask for Sales Manager FOR OR NOTI 543-"1 1 18211 Beach Blvd. TOYOTA.·'WOLYO ~-'-'~-~-~-Huntington Beach " s v w v '" . · " KI 9-3331 Newcastle Motors 1966 Harbor, C.l\1. 646-9303 l'ngine-1600cc. 4 new tires, e Good only thru 1.far. 7th. e Th!PORTS \VANTED brake11 relined. $ 7 0 0. '61 Ford Cntry Sed, 3 seats, 673-1488 Orallp Cwntie• S23 dn, $23 mo. 24 mOli. Tax TOYOTA HEADQUARTERS '58 VW, good trans., or dune BILL TO~~OTA & lie incl. Lie No. LXD 648. buggy; S2:JO or best ctfer, 18881 Beach BJ.vd. '59 Olevy sta wag, 2 dr, $18 ELMORE 774-1010 Ext 230 or 646-407~ IL ~ach. 'Pb. 847-3555 dn, Sl8 mo. 24 mos, Tax &: After 6 P1.l lie incl. Lie # QSH lll. '6T VW Squarebaok 1000 Will Buy 2186 HMb<" BlV<l, CM 642-<666 AI\t shorl·wave radio; seat belts front a: back; top cone!. Call: 673--5206 1\lE SUN NEVER SE'l'S nn Cusifled'1 action powtt. l'OI' an ad to sell •roond the clock, dial &4U671. '63 VW C11mper Good cond. Call 548-2402 Your Vollcswa&ft • Poncbe I: pq top doUarL Paid fot or not. c.ll Ralc* 673·1190 BUICK * '66 Bu.ick Riviera, full equipped. Immaculate eon- ditSon. Call 644-2448- New C1rs 9800 N1w C1n 9100NowC•n 9800 NewC1r1 9100 --~---~~-~-~--- Greatest Selection Of Previously Owned Cadillacs IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA '68 CADILLAC ALLEN OLDSMOBllf CADIUAC INC. ELDORADO • , , Brown with brown vinyl top, hound1foofh $5995 inferior, Full power, factory air, new car warranty. "61 CADILLAC Eldorado $6195 l u•••ndy, white vinyl top, whit• int. full pwr., f1ct, eir, n1w cir ~1rr111ty. '61 CADILLAC Coupe do Vlh s5295 Gold wit~ b.i91 Yinyl top. full pwr, f1clory 1 1r, new cir w1rr1 11ty, . '68 CADILLAC Coupe d1 VIII• s5295 While wi!h lil111 Int, & top. f11 ll pwr, f•clory 1+r, 11-cir w1rr111ty., '61 CADILLAC S ..... de Vll1a s4995 Gr11n wi!h 9r1111 int, full pwr, f1clory air, fl-ct• werr111ty. '61 CADILLAC Coupe d1 Vlll1 · s5295 Gold wllli told vh1yl top, b1ig1 int, FvU pwr, f1c:i1ry 1\r. N-''' w1rn111ty. '68 CADILLAC S ..... d• VIH1 s5295 Y1!11w, lil1ck 'l'inyl tip, fold 111!, F•ll ,...,, f1clory 1ir ntw c:1r w1rr111ty. '68 CADILLAC S ..... d1 VIII• s5295 l ro ... 11, b11cli: vi11yl lop, l11i91 Int. Full pwr, f1ct1ry eir 111w car •trT111ty. '67 CADILLAC ~ d1 VIiie s42·9· 5 Gold, bl•.ek ... ;"Y1 lop & int. f,11 P""'• feetory •••• lll W Cit W41r1'111ty, '67 CADILLAC Coup• de YI .. $4295 W\it1, lll1ck vinyl lop, .... hit• IHir i11t .. f11ll pwr, f1 ctory eir 111w cir w11r111ty '67 CADILLAC Soda• de Vlh s4195 l it1 blue .• "i11yl lap I int. F11ll pwr, f•ct""Y t ir, ti•• 1•1 w•11•nty. 'S6 CADILLAC $695 One own1r, LIKE NEW ll '68 OLDS Cutlou Coupn s_2995 J lo elioo1e from, •ir concl, ntw et r warr•nly, white b•it• 9olcl. '68 OLDS 442 Coup1 $2895 6500 mil••• 9olcl, n•w ctr w•11•nly. '67 OLDS Vista Cr•l1er s2595 St•. w•g, wliile w/blu• lnt, Air corw:lititntcl. Sktrpl '67 OLDS Luury Sodaa s3295 Air cond., htrquol1• w/beigt .,[11yl ltp en.I turq., int. Full pwr, lik1 flt•, '67 OLDS Cutlou c .. pe s2495 15,000 ,,.a, •. Lili• 11•wl l 1r9•n.ly. '67 IUICK It-. 225 s2995 4 ileet, "lu• int., f11ll pwt, oir. '66 LINCOLN CONTININTAL s3295 2 dtor. k•rd.t•p. lilt lihr• w/bl1111in~ lop, blue lthr. int., f11ll pwr, •ir con.I. '65 CHEVY II c..1 .. Plchp s1795 v.1," tp.4 , 1ir en.I, t11rq11ehe. 14,000 mile1. '64 OLDS Lmry S-s1395 Wlrii ... w •• lttt:, f11ll '"''· •ir c•rwl. Slitrpl MANY MORf TO OIOOSE FROM. OVER 30 1961 CADILLACS -GIVI US A RY IUOll YOU IUY - ALLEN OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC INC. 1150 S. Coast Hwy. • 494-10&4 ' 547-3101 _ l1gun1 Beech $99 OVER INVOICE! NEW 1961 ENGLISH FORDS DELUXE 4·DOOR's DELUXE 2-DOOR's' GT 4·DOOR's GT 2-DOOR's Station Wa9ons 4 Speeds, Aatomatics $99 OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE WHU:I IN\tlNTORllS LASTS! SH~LIY AMERICAN FOR 1969! No sales expense charges • No preparation charges • No delivery charges. You pay ONLY $99 over actual factory invoice! Compare windaw stickers with our sale prices to convert these trul.y unusual dis· counts inta actual dollars-and-cents savings! Final Factory Shipments Have Arrived. No More When Present Stocks Are Sold! ACT TODAY! NEW 1968 SHELBY· AMERICANS GT ·SOO's GT ;350's FAST BACKS CONVERTllW 4 Speeds, Automatics $99 OVER ACTUAL • FACT ORY INVO ICE WHILI INYINTOltlll LAITll Theodore Robins Ford, Oran91 County's 0 N L Y Shelby Americon I Dealer, p•oudly presents the uncommon GT !°' '69! GT-350, GT-500 NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. GET RED HOT SAVINGS ON SPECIALLY EQUIPPED MUSTANGS, FAIRlANES & GALAXIE 500'S These unique '69's were speciafiy built to save you money on the most wanted 1969 extras! Come in, see the 1mazing savings we're offering on such OP" tional equipment as air conditioning, E-28 whitewaHs, vinyl roofs, Cfel~xe wheel covers, tape stripes, .body mouldings, etc., etc. UMIIBI OUANTITlfS! HURRY WHILE THEY wn 1967 T-BIRD LANDAU r 1964 PONTIAC HARDTOP Fie. •1rr. tilt •he1I pwr •i~. pwr. t••h , C•t•lin• Ventur•, full po•er, V·I. IOSW· w/w, p1, pb, •ulo. l'Win9 •w•y wh"I pwr. 7111, l !u1 look pr ice $1010 lO ~ down or lock1, .,jnyl top. IVCKl 12 ) 10% dn, or ltd. tr•d•. $2695 FULL $73 ... " $695 FULL $25 ... " PllCI Motttts PllCl Mettth 1967 FORD SQUIRE WAGON RIH, V·I, •11111 .• p1 •ir c•~d . imm1c. (VHM- lll l l lu• look S215S 20'/, d.own or h •dt . $2195 ~~\~. $60 .::.~: '64 T.BIRD HARDTOP Full pow1r, •it c1n d.ition. IOMK 074 I. 20 % Dow11 •t Tr1de. llue look price $1 755, $1095 ::::. $39 ~.~. 1963 FALCON PICKUP Eco11oli111, fully •q11ipp1d., ! FJF 250) 10 'I. dew11 or tr1d1. 1tL95 OULL ..pg PllCl $29 ..... M•tttllt TAX REF\JND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW-PAY LATER Easy Financing Avall•.ble '65 T·BIRD LANDAU fully ·~ulpped, eit, pow1r window1 •nd. s••h. IOYG 1121 1. 20% Down or Tr•d1. l lue l ook price $2270. s 13 9 5 :;;·:. $48 ::::.:. '67 MUSTANG H. T. COUPE V.1. 11110., RIH, P.S., f•c. •i•. IUJI 1571. 20 'I. Down or Tr1d•. l lut look pric• $2415, S 1695 ::::. $47 ~-:.:~ 1950 FORD 'h·TON PICKUP V-1. 4 spe1d, !M21495J T••-I Lie. down or ,,.d •. $199 ~~\~. $14 ~ .. ~ '65 MUSTANG H.T. COUPE F~lly equi pptd. IWSX 395l. 20~ Down •r Trelllf•, St95 :;;:_ $ 31 ~':.'.:. USID CA.a SALi PllCES IF•ICTIYl 41 HOUIS UHUSS Pll'flOUSLY SOLD ALL PATMINTS JIGUllD ON APPIOYID CltDIT o.!::~~·" OPEN SUNDAYS 540·121 I fro• N.,."'11 o,. ... CO•tt'Y C.n HO·l21T TRUCK SALES· SERVICE SUPER CENTER " F-100 Pickups to Heavy Duty Custom Rigs. Spe- cial Fleet and Lease De- partments. OFF SEASON CAMPER SAVINGS! BRANO NEW 19691 f.250 PICKUP aod SCOTSMAN CAMPll ·~~ 53495 41119. N•. F2Ulll"lll Scotsman campt_r II t:orn- plctely furnished with kt: box, 1to1•t, ttc. SletlJI 6. F-lSO pickup has JOO eng .. amp A: oil pugts, 1950 lb: ~ar springs (S) 8.00xl6 . .S g. ply tubeless tires. dlx. heat-~r and dtfroster, etc. Many to choose from at this prict! Sll~ cin E1dorado, Fou-,.. winds; Goldllne Scotaman, ' Over 30 varied floor plans on display and rnd;, for lm· media te delivt.ry, " '' j _ , / a.'11 ear.. ot th• mot1 modWl1 Ford ..... •IHI ,.z ~ ~ Mfvte.f~ll"-ontMW•CCMft I 1,111, to t '·I"· Men·Frl e S•I I •·"'· I• 'P·"'· Sw" IO •.m. I•' 11·"'• ,,1/ ,~~The.odore ·Y''-:~~ Robins -~~ Ford:":" ... ~ = ~ ~ ---..... -.. 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa ®642-0010 PARTS & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY 1 •·"'·I• t p.m. Mott . 7 1.1¥1. t• 6 , ..... 1'~1t·f•I I •·"'· +. 6 '·'"· S•t • ... .. . _ • ....... . ... •• • -· •ordl '· 1'69 -DAllY l'tlG~ IJJ I :="'"' ,,_w,,.. ~•m•M ,,.,..,.,., .. '":''°"'"M~ •~W''""...:'::"""'" HW,_,~ j -',CADILLAC for NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ! . . -· • · MJJSTERJ?IECE 'FR..OJvl THE ' ON ·DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO $ELECT . FROM-. .....---:-=-----. ' 1968 COUPE DE VILLE € 1967 COUPE DE VILLE ' BeautifuJ Silv!:r Plne Green ·exterior with black ptdd~ ~P and ireen cloth and leathtt interior. Has power Jtffr- lri't, poWer brakes, J>o..vtr seat. power windows, tilt aiid telHcopic steering wheel, slinal seeking wonder-bar radio. Hu very low mlleage. Beautifully well kept Cad· lllac. Mlist see this one. (XSP 691) '¥-#I!z,-i ·f5333 • $4222 Coupe Devtlle. Beauutul Boroque Gold with covert cloth leather Interior. This car ii excepUonally equipped with factory air condltlonlng, power steering. pOwer brakes, power seata. power wlncJows, tilt wheel, ~ Jocb, U&ht 5entlnel Stereo AM-FM radio. (VEW 558) Showroon< in!!!~. ~~roo mlltt. LUX· urlous LTD Hardtep ~Cc.UPI ftnlthtd ln metal· Ile ....... with blod< .. -top and P!Ulh b•ck brocade delUR ittteJior Full ~~ ""'°"air .--. ai.,.. 'AM·nl MlllU Plu. All delUM l!MriOr• (XlT 421) SALi PRICID 1969 THUNDERBIRD 'lbe most po~lar landau model Stunning morning &old with gold landau top and Broug- ham interior. This one is absolutely loaded Including power steerlnr, power brakes, pow- er sd.ts, power windows, stereo AM-FM, air conditlonina. Jn fact this car h8ll every Thun- derbird accessory available. 1'1ust See. (XTG· 761) SALE $5222 PRICE 1966 POfmA~ . "' Citallna 4 Door "hardtop; Lovelr white .auto- mobile With rtd lnterloi, J'ulJ¥ tQulpped with automaUc tn.nsmluion. power 1t.eer'ln1, pow-er braka, powtt seat. ~ 'Windows, fac- . ..,. air --rl4lo 1114 hlotor, Ult. ,_ -and Wl!lt• iklo wall U..... You muit """ lhll one. !8LU'!2SJ · IALI '1666 °PRICI 1966 CADILLAC . Sedan DeVllle that is absolutely gorgeous. Finished in Spani!h Silver with matching cloth and leather interior, fully power ac- cented with. power steerlng-brakes-wndows- seats-door locks, AM-Ft.I radio, auto. cruise control, premium white &ide wall tires and factory air conditioning. CRGN297) SALE $311 I PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD 1967 CADILLAC -•-1·;:~ ....... _ n..vme hu all .......,,Jar The spol'ly 2 door hardtop is fully equipped _....,. ..... ~ '"""' ,.....,... "ith power 1leer'lng, power brakes. power ~ ti lndudina power 1~r windowl, powel' seat and Ford's famoua lac· mac's C ~~~nd1~ ~ ~ =~ u:~·~A :t"=o::'':dU:~lv~ beautiful autotn':bo.~ 1*'n very ciNfully lltn ...... ,.. to ·~·tel CRTll drlven Md oh-""" Iha a-t of -bf llllJ ---• NABERS .CWILLAC HAS THE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL, PREVIOUSLY OWNIO CADILLACS 114 ORANGE CO.UNTY tllUE CADWCS ARE ALL lu orm..,. -$4' C4"112_2l 2 . . IALI $2222 PRICE SALE PRICI SP£CIALL Y PRICED ' 1967 BROUGHAM Fleetwood Brougham. ?i1ajesti c regal · silver "'llh black padded top and black tapeatey and leather Interior. All pov.·el' including 1teerl.ng brakes. windoW1, vent wlndQws, truck lid re- Jeue. Stereo radio. tilt and telescopic 1tetr- ln1 wheel plus factory air condlUoiling. CUKV 239 ) SALi $4333 PRICE . 1965 CADILLAC Th.e popular sedan DeVllle model finished In lovely burgundy wlth black vinyl top and black leather Interior. Hu poWC!r 1teerlng, POWel' brak6, po"·er windows, tilt &tetring wheel. Ahl-Flt( rall.lo and factory alr condi- tioning. This ii a beautiful automobile that is priced for a quick sale. (NQX514) SALE $2555 PRICE 1966 PONTIAC GTO A very sportr, hardtop -that ls tin~td In silver with b ack all vinyl bucket t ln· t.erlor. Fully loaded including Big V8 line, tri-power 4 speed transmission, power" 1feer- tna:, poWff brakes, radio and heater', J'actory air cond.ltlonln&. Yo11 won't want to mill th.II one. (SAA494) ' SAlE $1999 PRICE 1967 OLDSMOBILE 1964 CADILLAC Tho~tom D<lta 4 Door honltop IWohe<I In • " NOW • 1966 OLDS TORONADO A beautiful black converUbll with contrut• a rn. O blue exterior with black \'Wl root FOR .THI"" SA. LE ONLY Hardtop Deluxe. Emerald gree n exterior with tna: white t op and black fuU 'ltather interior. and 1 lnwrsor. ~ eqWppe4 wtth·pcwftr ~ green cloth jntcrlor . Full power incbidln1 Has power steering, po\\•er brlkes, power ~wtf bralltll!1 power windowt. Utto • .... powl'!r steering, power brakes, power win· MaU, power windows, AM-FM radlo. and fac..1 , ..at. "1r oondluOnlnl Dlut ~.eU11r SEE 115 TODAYI dows, tilt stcerlni wheel, factory air condl· tory air condlUonlng. Thl:l'.onc Js JU.t 1bea\ilt· t •w fll Ul'ft, lh4M't metiaul~ Cirl' b.Y ¥ 1 ' tlonlng. Low mileage 'and ablolutely 1or&c· tut CHHY 487) · lft\1N owner. (ftY 744) ·' ' ous throughout. tSVX120) 1963 CADILLAC This a a Hardtop coupe that ii .1old in color Y.ith bel&e top and belle cloth and Jeeth- er Interior. Hu automatic transmission pow- er 1teerlng, _power braJc:!!l..radlo and beater and air .condlUonin1. (NJ'l 109) · · SALi $888 PRICt 1964 OLDSMOBILE The popular Starfire 2 Door hardtop model flni!hed in Tahitian turquolae with hannontz.. in1 buc)C:et 1eat interior. Fully equipped wltb. power sleemg, powel' brakes, P.OWtt window.. power vent wlndowa, power antenna, power trunk lid release, air conditioning, wonder· bar radio plus much m~. This car ls a local one owner and has only 47,000 ca.refulb' driven miles. (IOZ 240) , SALE $15$5 PRICI 1968 EL DORADO The ever popular El Dorado. F1nilhed in t.r.. otzue 1014 with bela:e padded rool and aohf interior. nit w_h!!~ power steering, power bl'llkes, power wmaowa, t>OWtt seat, power vent wtndowe, power trunk lid meue, Stereo AM·FM radio. Md mony .,.,.. luxury _.. features lncludlna: C.adlllac factory air condl_. ttonin1. Better get be:re tint. (V'l'L367) SALi $6222 PRICI 1967 RIVIERA Gran Sport. Lovelr mldnliht arttn exterior with black all vinyl interior. Hu power at.eer- lng, power brakes, power windows, tilt atetr- ln£ wheel, •~' hlsh 11.yle Gl'M Sport wheels and of course factory air condiUonlng. This automobile abOWI the finest of care by its ptevlOUI owner. MUlt aee. (TSD498) SALE PRICED SALi $1990 PRICE •• IALI :PR CEO ".-. SALE PRICED -------'---..,...,.·-SALES DEr!ARTMENT OPEN----------.. SALE PRICES ·EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MARCH 11 , .1949 M~NDAY thru FRJP.· ¥ -9:.00 AM t~~:OO Pfv\ .. S:6-l:URD/'.:( and SUNDAY , 8:30 AM to 9100 PM VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE ~ ,-.. .. •... "":'.... . . ., • i'' j."';'' Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast .Harbor Area SALES I. SERVICE CINTIR • WE ALSO STOCK ALL ORICSINAL FACTORY 19UIPMINT TIRES. NABERS s39·:.. INCLUDIN5 MOUNTIN .. IALANC:IN• & DClll TAI • FE PICKUP All> DEUYERY 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 FORD OORVETl'E ht bk. '66 FORD COUNTRY 3271315, 4 opd., Hunt SQUIRE WAGON linqt., adlL owner mlllt Dual facin& rear llf'att, V-i, aell, _1.JO!n& to Eu. r o P ,e. · auto, air, P.S., p .e., etc. AMl{M. ..,.. '°""· 12lJl5. svxrro <B-1)S2 $2195 roaVETl'E '16. m14l5. 4 JOHNSON-& SON spd, ·2 topl, pwr wndft, U"ncolfi.Men:ury AM-ni:. Mlllt lltll $2!81. 1941 Harbor Blvd, 64J..71CJO 541-1'89 ''5 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN COU5Alt Sia ..... dlr, V-&, pwr ...... I--..;..-....:.---I q, Exctllent condition, S50 '61 COU&Alt """ ••11 or ta1<e ,.,,.u ,.,. Lime wltb black pedded top. eip car. Fine prvt J)l't)'. $.19 • Loaded and air conditkAitrc. Month. LB UEV 484, Call iiBOO. 1'. Stoffa K2-6611, Pat,~ O&' 494-9'm. l.'Em.="'"°'962=-1006=:-,;;:--.:-:=:-''4 FORD GAL. 500 •n CQUGAR XR7. an powtr, Conv. V-8, auto. P.S., etc. , fact air. AM/FM, wkl.e oval Except. clean. HBX969 ...._Mollo-· llM1TT $7'5 JOHNSON & SON , __ F_A_L_C_O_N_·_ 00 =':~imo '63 l'ALcON l'UTURA '67 ford F1i~1111-T. Q1e. v.a, auto, air, am- ' ploi.111 ......SU-end 500 2" E ... mdJ'. GBE051 p.,.., St•rlnt, UH. -$995 $1750 JOHNSON & SON -SIM*116 - IMPERIAL 1967 IMPfRIAl CROWN COUPE MERCURY '63 MERC.COL. PARK 9 pa.a. wagon. V-8, auto, P.s., P.8., Rool rack. etc. JYU211 $995 Fu11 pow•" tactory a1r, ..,.. JOHNSON & SON Seoul luxury automobile. Uncoln-1.fercury ~~ 15,CO) miles. IWO 1941 Harbor Blvd. 6'2-7000 MUSTANG MUSTANG '68 lt!USTANG t Ir HT, 289 V • 8, R/H, PIS. Lota ol ex!ru. S2600 or o f I e r . 847-381J PLYMOUTH 1967 'PLYMOUTH PONTIAC '&I GTO Conv, 11µ1lire red w/ white top I: Int 4 gpd stick, po1ltraction. Xln t, '62 RAMBLER C1U11c 4 dr. Pwr,.• tac all', pod body, tires, auto, S300 or beat ol· fer. John. 642--8249 Fury III 4 Door hardtop, YB, orig own $1200. 675-1084 automatic, Iac.tory air con-,.=o-';,.,.,'""=_.,,.,--.,---ditlonl.nr. power 1teeriqg, ra-61 CATALINA. Ventur a OLDSMOBILE dlb whit ~d Ill "' lnl., •"-cond. Xlnt rond. 11 Your Ad In our cluo!ll..S.! (niw9ii) 0 e w eg. SlOOO. 64>0514, 545-8194 Someone,,wlll be lookin& fa iiiiiiii!Biiij[ui(iiiiiciiiAiiijp!iiiii• I $1,195 CHARGE m IL Dial ~ AUTO SALES ATLAS 9600 lmpamd ~Ufoo '6' Olds ·~lie. QIR~SL~~y.:t~':"l . ~~t'?l7' amYSLER·PLYMOunt ,.._,_ M · m1n~A ~Ll~U~ 29'l9 Harbor Blvd: va enatne. radio.and htRler, n 45 llarbor, Costa Mesa . l.oUlt~ eu. . ........ ;J,>'I R L Colla ?i-fesa 546-1934 power ateerlng, etc. CPIX 4.'3) 540-4392 Open 'ti! 10 p.m. WE A E ON y #2 . $3495 ATLAS 1965 MUSTANG · ()po• 'lil ' 0 p.m. $1295 l@!!l!!!!!!!UN!!!!!IVERSITY!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!l'l'--::PoNTIAc So We Try Harder '63 L:ic~L~ ta• CllR ATLAS ~SM08s1Rllfv1c1 ~':1:~~.r!~~ ::;.~... " ·: For You , nr ~.'! ;;:..nm J,.~J:!:YMBl~UTH 'OlDitl · c11r.' pwr atoertrc, buckei -41/a'"/o BANK FINANCING . -Wtury ~ ... _.. .u. , 1e1.fs • .Excellent OObd. Own-~•"J·'!'· RGN~.:'! co1o< com~ ,11110 54&-1934 OllO -11¥· 1oc1 bf nui. 'ole lady 1n San • 15°/o. DOWN · ~ -•· -v~• p.rn. °""' --. 0.-n!o. l50 Cull deb or On Apjirov1I of c...i1t $l4'5 '6' MUSTANG CPli -Uotd C....-.... ,.... .... ""'· Can !Inc 41-llM .. nk ,,_...,. --JOHNSON & SON Pi. P.a .. v.g, '""'· ... Mo. '68 OLDS, 442. .,..,., r.-•rvt ""'· l.B}~"c 2111• c.11 WI NOD 'Y:OUR Llneoin-Mercury ne &old w/matchh\r Int• w/ blk· bit. Mtu:t .ell • Pat 49MT13. • IN 1"l lk-Blvd. Ml-1tl!O tor. .:.C.Utnt condition. but ooor. 1 • ...,.. !l4Mm '81 SILVER ....,. L<Mana; TRADE 11 "65 4 DR. Loaded! XJ.nt cond; RQHT79 aft 4, blk. vlt1)1 Landau top, 1tr, AS« AIOllT OUI UA11 PLAN Uncoln-M1rcury 19'1 Harbor Blvd. 642-1000 b<"" w/ llhr lnL $ll00. !J.ff5 ·~ OLDS 4 Dr hdt ..._ t'!!_TM, P"· olttr. 6 fl• Llmi4 o ..... r. 540-al JOHNS..,N & SON " · ,_ :.r·· ~. XI•~ -· l2300. 'IS FAIR.LANE w / TtNn-titer., brkl: ·air, Very &f2...94U ~ derblnl eng. 4 Nu tin:• Ii: Llncotn-?tftrnUl')' clean. Ewi, Gf6..'239 '•iJJ>o"NT=!A°"C-=TEMP==ES=r'.1 IMPORTS '6.lFALCX>N • Futura I Auto • Dr a.an. !ISO. Cull Alt. t;m-..m ballery. 112'. 541-MIO MERCUllT 19!1 Harb<r Blvd. 14~1000 ·n OlJlS !S 4 dr. Pwr SIB, new molar, ""°" titto. • orot~WOLVO l.ll.•9JOJ •u rAIJU.ANE wqon, a Cyl.. '~._2~t.op, auto. p/11, RAH. rd tlrt1 l ens. S3!IO * Mf.&3:ill * ...- Xlnt oond. llJOO ""1 VIU.AGER .,..,., I ~ """' xlnt oond. or but oil. '41Mf14 m SUN NEV>J\ SETS .., 1966 HAltlOll; C.M. '7>7'157 paa .;.Auto., P S IP B , _1we_,·,.,-~===.--I '5\.:. FORD Falcoo Station ""'"'M'1 ·~ power. AM/FM, atf!n!O tape, air, '67 MUSTANG Wqon. New tlrfft sood f'or an ad to 1ell around DA.ll.Y PllDr WANT ADS! n.tOO. tTJ--3849 Oood cond 6tU279 cond. S325 67Wt79 U.. qock. dial 60667l. • ' • • • • • • • I Ill • • • •a••••••••••• • ------~ -------- Uoed Cars 9900 RAMBLER · NEW '69 Ro.mljoor. Full me compact., 120U + 1ax and lie. · ~~ '42"'°23 ''4 RAMBLER AMER. 440 2 Dr. Bed. 6 cyL, auto • Actual 37,IXKI mf1a.. 0012%0 "'5 JOHNSON & SON . 1Jncoll>M"'1lry lM1 Harbaf Blvd. 642-'TWJ · T·llltD ILU! CHIP AUTO SAW 'II TJllrd, fUll ........ 'SZ99 214$ ffartlor, Costa Mta 540-4392 -------------TEMPEST • • ..J • ,,q,,.__llA!I;_,._~"'' 1_1L_o_T __ . ____ w ____ ,~·-M_..u_1._1_wi_ PILOT0ADVERTISl!t-n Beautiful Carousel red 1utomobi11, equip- ped with special paint. B-70xl4 red lin9 ·tires, deluxe wheel covers, deluxe steer·· ing wheel, wh.eel openin9 mouldings, cus• tom metal trim plates. 223379L601492 . • FlREBIRD • ~lrand.~ .HAl.DTOP,. ' . .. -' FIREBIRDS ! FIREB IRDS ! FIREBIRDS ! OYER SIXTY IRAND NEW FIREBIRDS IN $TOCK AND READY TO GO! SPRINTS, 350s HOs, 4 OOs ••• YOU. NAME IT, WE'VE . GOT IT ! COMPARABi. Y PRIC~ D ! .. , , ' . RAND -~~ BONNEVIU:E : ·--: FOUR -DOoR-HARDTOP . . .. " NEW .1969 TEMPEST SPORT COUPE .. f,.l!y ;•ciuipp~a with · eufol'fl•fic tran1mi~ion, power it•anng;•1woild•r fouC)ll, white side well tires, c:loor ed9•·tu•rds, 'cfel\nr• 1•at :belt11 deluxe wheel discs, .soft ray wind1hiald, head rftts. Beautiful· bpre110 brown with cameo interior. 2332792600290 ' . -$2869 .• ' THI MOST EXCll'IN• CAI OF THE YIAl! SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7,30 A.M. lo 6,oo P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN s,oo A.M. to 9,30 P.M .. EVERY DAY '66 CHEVROLET Family wegon, 6 'cylinder, auto. metic, redio, heater c1mper equipped. ITSIOOOI NEW 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Limelig~t green exterior with green interior. Turbo·'hyclram1tic tr1n1mi1~ 1ion, pu;h button rad io, h11ter, deluxe Seat belts, power 1teerin9, front power .disc. breker, tinted windshield encl white sjde wall tires. • 27U79P22175l IREAK AWAY FROM HUMDRUM And you'll experience a kind of driving that you thought was for VIP's only. That's the feeling you get behind the wheel or any one or our '69 Pontiac Break Away cars. Wide·track ride , •• powerful performance •.. comfort and safety. They all have it. From Grand Prix to Tempesl You name il And we'll deal on it • at ROY CARVER PONTIAC • • '66 PONTIAC OTO $2377 $1677 Sport Coupe. Vt, 4 speeclv/swr. steer., radio, h11ter, SW, ,;,yJ top. ISSH 2781 , .. . . '67 BUICK GS 400 $2777 '68 PONTIAC GTO $3277 va, hydr•matic:, power steering 2 Dr. V8 hydr1.ma.tic, P.S., r•d· & brakes, r1dio, he1ter, WSW, io, he•ter, WSW, f•c:tory •ir. fec:tory eir, vinyl top. ITPY5191 IWIC 0671 '66 PONTIAC $2377 '64 CADILLAC $2077 Bonnev ille conv . VS, P.S., P.B. P.W., R&H, fact. 1ir. WSW , Coupe DeViU9. V1, hldr1m1tic, blk w / blk top. Red bucket P.S., P.S., P.W., P.S., 1~tory 1ir se ats. I RIA 4511 conditionin9. (ULF 203·· '68 CHEVROLET $2777 165 Volkswagen $1177 ' Sport w•gon, redio, he1ter, R•dio, heeter, 4 speed. 1uto. tr1nsmi11ion. IVTL 2891 IN PMOIO I '66 .rlYMOUTH · $1977 '66 CHEVROLET $1977 Fury II 9 p•11. wagon. VS, for· M11ibu 2 Dr. H.T. V8, 1uto., quefli9ht, power ~teer., redio P.S. r1dio, he,fer, WSW, buc:· ~e1t1r,, f•c:~ory 1lr .. tSSU I Il l • ket u•h. ISVY 948 L ' ' • '66 VALIANT -. v.200 4 Dr. ~··••nger "''Ion. V8, •ufo. P .. , R&H, W W, 22,874 mHe•. ITBX 376! '65 MUSTANG 6 cylinder, 1uto., r1dio, heater, WSW. I PEV 305 I '65 CH~VRO.L~T~ : M. I i bu S.S. va. .b+om-~iC, .. power steefing, r'1iilio,"" lit1ter, •· wsw, 35,475 miles. I NQX79l l -• ~63 PO.N·TIAC- ·teMens 2 Door. v.a, 1utorn111tic, r•dio, he1ter, wsw. IOSC973 I '64 PONTIAC C1t•lin1 W•gon. V8, hydr1- m1fic, P.'S., r1dio, heifer, white wells,. f1 cto'iy 1ir. {T24,4AI ' ' $1877 .$1477 ~1 -1 :77 -, s977 $1477 COSTA MESA ' (A1rl>or ShoppFng e.nter) The etock·up-onci·sow dr.ta thlrt event you've been wail1"9 forl Not (uet oddt a ..,., but a complete fmhlon auortment of ..,, famollt quality TO'tWICI aft· ._ lhlrtal Here .. ~ and "'°" ...... styt., ~eolian or .,.oct or button- ....,, al h MIMI and colon to ,,..,. the 111CKt dhcrl111lnattftg , ...... Ch.tee'" he 41..,..tOM .....,, elaule wflht er colorful pfnetr1,... f\IJ .. lont·weorlng ,.., ••• , ...... Wenda .... ,.,.,. ,,.. ........ """' '*' lroting wheft tumW..d111A Huny to lfadt. vo savil!Qs .• tfnuoh Soturdoy O"" ' HUNTINGTON BEACH -(Hunttnoton Center} ' . .. .. . ' I • I I I .. . . . ) .. I DAil v I'll.OT WHiu•, lllrcll 5, lM ' . ' .• . . . · . ...... ·. COSTA MESA (Harbor ShQpping Center) HUNTINGTON B~CH (Huntington Center) . . NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) ' Al ,.ftMy ..... o.Mn Every Night Montlay Through s.turdtlY REDUCED thru Saturday only! Girls' Orlon· sweatshirts ........ up hw ploytime with M>ft Orlon ~lie ... • ; nld•1• ... tm00th on the out1'de Gnd t1..,._. IOft on the fit.y inside, In an OVW• .........,,_ ClllOftment of colon! FCN'Ori ... ot ...... psto. and wper-heroH al thele llmlttd- ""-~ pt'lc.11 sa .. 2 to 6J( 2 s3 R91. '2 each NOW fot R•g.~;::ch 2 $A NOW for .... Flare-leg pants · play in plaids! COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) Co,.W. Mr ...... plcry.tim. outfit Wttfh Mr~ cottolt/ .... _,..cleNni onkt. pantl !ft pfenty J pi.-.. f'W<h' s3 $A tltMlte6X 1IH17tt14 .... HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Ctnftr) .. Penn-Presf triple-play sister sets ..• sure winners! ,,, .. 4n9 1 te14 e7 look what '1 buys·for babyl ,.,,_, ...,.. ••• Wtrly cotton boxer lontfee "' _..., . ..,. ..tth wppy tlaetic war.e. ... paff9rned cotftn lldf,... Ill "'>''°" 1rwip-ahould« lfytt • ..._...._... pele1hlrt1 ef1Mft,.J fJ tlH11te4 2f., $) NEWPORT BEACH {F11h1on Island] ·, • ' 4 DAILY PILOT COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) AU ,P•nn•y ·S.tores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday U SATURDAY ONLY! Our own Adonna® shape-makers ••• famous for quality, comfort, fit CroM•OVtr p•cldecl coll.n bra with nylon lo<t upp.r cupt, 2 s5 Oocron• polyeetw fibtrlitl padding, nylon-Lycra• apotid.x Reg. '3, eloltic H<tlone. Whitt tn A. I ond C cup elns. NOW for ''•moue crot1·ovtr cotton bra with nylon loct uppef cupt, 2 $~ royon-cotton-lycra• .tponde>e•nyton 1loetlc Mdlon. Adju,toblt Reg. 2.50, .tretch stropt. Whitt In A, I and C cup 1lm. • NOW for Lont let pontr 1trdle of nylon-royon.lyaa• apond.x power· $ 7 net, reinforced with crln-cro.. Helanco• nyJon.~ned elastic Reg. "91 bonds. White In CIVIi'~ slatt S-M·l·Xl. Toll 1i1" M·L·Xl. NOW HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) NEWPORT BEACH (Foshion Island) Q • COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) -W1«a1•, ...... 5, lM HUNTINGTON BEACH {Huntington Cent.er) • -SPECIAL! Sce>Pf> up. these Spring 'n Summer fun-time values! ............. 399 J ......... 11 SPECIAL • NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) • •' • f DAILY PILOT 48x54" or 41xM~ l'I true! 'leoutiful dainoslc print clrCJfJ!tries ot thls omoail'IQly low price I Macie of sturdy gku~ fiber to resiat IOil, r,, •• You con wash them yourMlf -llO ironing Meded. YOllr choice of'white, gold or gree11 In 2 popular llin;tht. You con't afford to min this buyl . .. -· .. " . ·-...... ~..... _.., ........... .,.. ( SPECIALLY PRICED! Nation-wide famous quality sheets Save on white cotton muslinst They're Penney't own brood so YCMI know ttiey meet our high stondords of quor11y. Stock up now ot ~ speclol prices! Twin Eloslo·fit' Sonforiiede 1 64 bottom or 72xl08w flcit • fuU EJasto-fit• Sonforlzed• bottom or 81x108• ffot .......... 1.84 PiUow coses .............................................. 2 for 9 4 • . Pick a pair of pillo~ values! Pf""'P 20 01. Dacron• potyester filled ~lllew, $4 non-allergenic, odorf.,1, moth ond mildew rflistont ................ . Ret!Uont 20 OJ, foam latex filled pillow, $A slppered Sanforiied' cover, odorless, mildew re$istont ... ,." ........ ~ Quilted bed rest fn colorful prints Curl • with a book ond o comf~ bed Net pillow in lots of colorM prints 'to motch your decor. Greot ot tfWt P~w price. 2.99 COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) {Harbor Shopping Center) , · ... I._..,..-. -.T.-~.t_.-. --. -- 1 a ..... .... # .. ... .., "'-.;.• , REDUC-ED thru Sat. only! I ® Our own Penncrest, color televisions SAVE $411 15"* COLOR PORTABLE Reg. 349.95, NOW Enjoy oll-chonnel, lru•color receptM>n. Set booth 24,000 \loltJ of picture po.....,, buttt.sn color puriller, pr_.._, VHF fine tuninv. Hardwood cobinet in mople oi wolriut finish. SAVE •411 15"* COLOR VOLT PORTABLE " .. ~~:· $248 feotures keyed AGC f'Of unifotM picture controth, outomotic degouuer, oll-chonnel reception ond pre·set VHF tuning. !or- phOM jock ond .arptloM lncklded. SAVE 31.811ALL-CHANNEL12"• PORTABLE le•·2~:· '218 fea ture• 20,000 volts of pidwe power and 3 1toges of •i9nol· boosti119 power. Also Includes bullt·m color pur:f;.,. I« C'OIOf' actv· rocy. eorphone jock ond ~. • pkhKe ,,,_..., ole.gonr ·, -1' •••• ., ~. '- , * f ,...,, 111R11 S, lM DAILY PUT l AU Penney It~'"-~" 'Every Night Monday Through Saturday . ·REDUCED tHru Saturday only! · Our own famous · Penncrest• appliances SAVE 21 .951~5"10,16-LI. WASHER •••· 2=· $188 A Mlting for eYer/ type of WCHhl Feotusea woter savw ood W.Och fountain. All-over porcelain finish in white, coppertone and ovocodo. Sovings lost thru Soturdoyl SAVE 21.951 16-LB. PROGRAMMED WASHER •ev. 2~~· '208 I programmed wosh selectional Washea 2 to 16 pounds ond lets you choose from J woter levels. Woter 1over, bleach fountain. In white or coppertone. SAVE 11 .95! 4-TEMP. GAS DRYER .... ':!>!.:' • 1s8 The perfect teammate f« your Penncrest wo,her. Quality features include 1 JO.minute timer with 1peciol cool-down for wrinkle frH Cfrying. White, eo.,,,.rtone, ovocodo. '4•temp. e&.ctrk ~.,, .... 139.95, NOW '121 SAVE 51 .951NO..fROST17' RERIGERATOR lteg.3-4.:0!.:' $298 Custom model feahirH automatic lc•mokerl Holds 138.6 lbs. of frou n fooda .•• ho1 12.69 cu. ft. of fre1h food storage tpace. White, coppertone, ovocodo. NO MONIY DOWN .•. USE ~S TIMI PAYMINT "-AN • NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH · (Fashion Island) · (Huntington Center) I . . ' ' ___________________ ,, _________________ ____ All Penney Stores 0 en Every Night Monday Through Saturclay • GET ABOARD OUR BRAND-WAGON Your best buys day in and day out ar• Penntya own brands! We test endlessly to assur• what we say in our slog<ff 11afways first quality." We sholt constantly .Jo assure competitive pric.1. " THROUGH SAtURDAY ONLY! , PENNCRAFT® GUARANTEED 1-COAT PAINTS J, C. '"•nney Compeny eueran'-that thlt prod· uct will provide one-coat 00\19r11Q9 and w Ill be W•heble for f ive yu,. from th• date of pur· ch•• when applied over • property prapa'9d aur· face at daecrlbad In dlrac• ttona on l.tlel. ~Ilea· tlon must not axceed .... Ion cover..-rtat9d be!- for each type of .aurf-. If thla produot does not J' perform• ttatlld, The J, C. P•nnrt Co. wlll iwt>· ply, f,.. of cti.rgl, enough eddltlonel pafnt to compteM c--.i or ,_.oat, or et th• cuw· tomar'1 option refund the pun:h .. prtce of th• s*nt. COVERAGE-Up to • PrevfOUlly painted 9Ur• ,_-«)O eq. ft. per gallon. •PMOU1 M•cmrv-100 to .250 lq, ft. per ........ TODAY I ~EWPORT BEACt:i (Fashion Jsland) Save on our Premium Interior latex paint or latex tint base ! Reg. 7 .49 ga1. NOW 4.88 gal. Forget about a bothersome second coat. Pre.mixed colors cover completely with the first coat of smooth.;. flowing, dripless paint;-Dries quickly and leaves no pointy odorl Save on our Premium one coat latex semi- gloss enamel now! Reg. a·. 99 gal. NOW 5.88 gal. Amazing semi-gloss goes on smoothly without drip- ping. finish remains bright, won't blister or peel. It's . guaranteed washable for 5 years • , . ideal for all interiors1 walls, woodwork, trim, furniture. HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) ' SA~ UOI PENNCRAFT• 6'' BENCH GRINDER REG. 39.99, NOW 29.99 P•Y 11 lfttl• 11 $5 per month Powerful ~~ HP, 81h amp motor develop• 34SO RPM.· Tool resh, sofety eye ahields, wheel guards, 100% ball btorlngs. SAVE •71 PENNCRMT " 16" PLANER ltiG. 36.99, NOW 2 9 e 99 P1y 11 llttfe 11 $5 ,., month !i HP, 6 amp motor devefop1 14,500 RPM. 2W' cutting width, depth adjustoblt 'to He". Gulde late ad(ush to .45°. ABOAAQ OUR BRAN.D-WAGONI r.. ..... buys .., .. Gil --out .. ~ .... .ronc1a1 'W• ... .,._ly to aaure what Wt tel)' In ow alooana .. Cllwoyt fl'.'t quot~ ... ~-....:.. Wt ahop conttantfy to a~ comp.tftfv• pri~. Penncraft9 7" sander polisher with bonnet and discs included Reg. 36.99 Now 29.99 · Pay at little H $5 per month • ~ HP ••• 6 omp motor develops 3400 ond 1809 RPM • Needle and bronze sleeve bearings . • Polithtng bonnet and sanding discs ln~luded , / • Tool rnt an~ auxiliary handle included SAVI f71 PENNCRAFT•. % HP ROUTER UO. 36.", NOW 29.99 Pay " flttte •• $5 per month ~• HP"outer develop• 20,000 RPM. lronie and ball bearings, W' collet for atandard bits, adjust depth cut to 1 ", SAVI •71 PENNCRAFT • 7%" CIRCULAR SAW REG. 36.99, NOW 29,99 Pty 11 I~• 11 $S per """th l ~ HP, 10 amp motor devefop1 5200 RPM. 90° to -"' angle ad(uatmtnt, motor IOV• drf¥•, duat chute, rl guide. ,, IAVI •71 PENNCRAFT• W', 4 SPEED REVERSIBLE DRILL ltEO. 36.99, NOW 2 9 • 99 P1y 11 llttl• 11 $5 fMr month ~~ HP, 6 amp motor develops 630, 730, 2200, 2400 RPM. Needle and bronze btorlngs, lod<lng trigger awltch. USEVDUR EN NEV CHARGE ACCOUNT TOl:IAYI NO MONEY DOWN ••• USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PLAN . NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Foshion Island) (Huntington Center) I 1~ I All Penney Stores Opel'I Every Night Monday Through Saturday . GR AIOAID OUI llAND-WAGONI · Your beat buyt ""1 .. w 4lcly out are ,_, .. 11 ftlt flnndal W• t..t ~••tr· Jo ..,.. what w. -r In _. llttant •atways ftnt qYOftty". Wt ehop ~onstontly to '--~ OtlUN eornpetitivt prlce1. THROUGH SATURDAY ONLY! NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) Get organized! Steel storage shelves will do it for you ••. 36" x72" x 12" unit Reg. 7.88 NOW6.88 • Silver pebble grain finish shelves, 23 gauge grey tandem posts, 300 lb. capacity. • 23 gauge grey tandem posts, split to permit alternate arrangements of an unlimlted number ' of multiple units; extra shelves, too! 72" x 72" x 12" shelves Reg. 13.98 NOW 11.88 36" x 72" x 18" shelves Reg. 9.88 NOW 8.88 TD DAVI Big Penney value I Four foot flu9resc;ent light lulb1 Included Reg. 10.99 NOW 9.99 Thts big four foot long fluorescent light is Ideal for home workbench, workshop or office! Put a new lfght on your work at savJ,.gs now! HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) ---,, • AH Penney Sto T--- Get aboard our band wagon I· Yow beat burs ""' In ond clay out aN.,....,.,. Own ~ We test encn..ly to CllMt9 whot we 1C1Y In O\W slogan; "always first quality." We shop CONtontty to _.,. com~titive prba. THROUGH S~TURDAY ONLY! Time to fix up,-Mr. flan.dymcin, make us'. y~ur headquarte~• ·for ·hand t~ols . ~ --~ ~ Reg. 6.29, Now 4.99 4 PIECE WOOD CHISEL SET 1te9. 7.49, Now 5.99 4• STURDY IENCH VISE Reg. 6.99, Now 5.99 • METAL MITU IOX Reg. 4.49, NoW a.ft 26" 'HAND SAW Reg. 4.4", Now 3.44 16 0%. CURVE CLAW ' mEL HAMMEi Reg. 5.98, Now 4.99 , .. llNCH ,LANE ---~ ·-. NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) Proper storage sta1"'9 with a steel cabh1et· Reg. 5.99 NOW 4.99 2" drawer. cabinet has splllproof see-through-plastk: drawers. adiusf- abfe dividen. . .: 6 piece ope• ••cf wreac• s.+ ••• drop for.-cf dHI Reg. 6.49 · - NOW 4.99. Set con1i• of sizes ~ x"" "xJ(., · }ixJt., 'Hax"J<., "~%, %x~ In plmtfc~ . . • Pe1111eraft• electrlc glue gua ••• 60 second bond Reg. 4.99 . ,NOW 3.99 Glues wood, feather, cloth, plastlc1 sealer for bathtubs, sinb, boats; no need for clamps. Heavy ga•t• stHI "'"H•lc'• tool box . Reg. 6.9,,· .. ftft , NOW· •"'"'· 20'' mechanic'• tool box with 2 · drawbofts, OM wfth padlock .ye arrangement. ,, . HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) ' ' COSTA MESA (Harbor· Shopprng Center) f'\ ' -AH these ~ l:Jeautiful .. towels REDUCED thru Sat. only! REG. 1.75, NOW -:~~ ;;:'~~w 77~ bath 1 35 ~~ ,. wash cloth . 44e tow~I a RIG. 55• NOW W • LuxurJowly thldc. wOnd..-fully absorbent ••• OUf' own famous Fashion Manor9 lop- . value cotton terryt-now reduced to give you even more for your mon.yl Scoop r.• up ICIY!ngt on richly textured jacquard weavet, color-splashed prints and dobby· • · ,. bordered aolldl. Mo/Ke up matching .,,sembl ..... for yourwlf, for gifts! The ll'npol'tont thing la to buy now and serve I HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) NEWPORT BEACH (F1shton Island) --