HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' J Hawaii Gunmen Strike· • • I ? =--« ' ' • ..... .. . ------• •• • ' . . ~-• • " .. ' ' ·iSirhan: Dr uni .. -' To Benae111ber Slaying• '• . THUMOAY AFTERNOON; MARCH 6, '1969 ---··.OU ' - Mesa Surfer -siam: ~s 2· pifE:·Wat~h BJ AllTlllJI\ II. VINSEL ' Of ltti DlllY Pllll lttrf , A maiihunt' spread in. the Hawaiian 1~ today for' three cold-blooded Oriental bandits who executed a Costa Mesa surfer -to dramatically intimidate his huddles -after a $450 holdup In their rusu·c beach cottage. T~ m~urderers,.c~ri;i.~eisJ~ .. ls !!9\J.!~ 1 • 1'ith1silenCets ln a fase grotesque eriOi@i - to be a television script, according to the story given lD detec.Uves by the two Harbor Area witnesses. . William Pond Jr., 19, of 269 Alberl Place, died three hours after being shot m the head by .• small eallber revolver a!: his horrified hosts watehed Tuesday nigh I. . One was Steve L. Chula, 18, of Costa Mesa son of well-known Orange County attorney George H. Chula, and. the other was Theodore D. "Teddy" Hogen, 19, • HURDIEilED ~ Wuliim Pond . of -Costa Meta; shown.'!' 1965 pjlol<J, was-shot to, dealh Tues- day near Sunset Bea~' on island of Oahu, Hawaii. d. Newport Beach. · • "There was no reason. II was ap-Enem-v Terrorr.sm P.Brently just done to create an im-· J pression," said Honolulu Police Detective • . u . John Dickson today. Curta!J -Peace Young Chula's mother, a nurse for f,;1.3 e Costa Mesa physician, said Wday that . . · • • her son and Rogers were told they Talks :n Paris wou\d also be killed If the'y talked to . · ~ police and may return home in a few da PARIS (AP) -"-losklll! o! enmy ys. -· According to investigators, the three rockets in Saigon echoed in Paris today bandlts walked into the little A-frame and brought an abrupt e.nd of what cottage shared by three roommates near a: ·u.s. spokesman called a 0 short and Sunset Beach on the north shore o( grim" session of the Vietnam peace Oahu late Tuesday night and demanded talks. The atmosphere was charged with money.~ . blttemesa:. • Mrs. ~ llld t..111 aller a .telephone A> a mark a( lls energellc protall converuU. 'WIUI bOr;,. !hot tM-touruf • agalrut 'lhe llfelllilC of SalJOll, SoiitJi 1111r1 .. * !'1c the cottqe and •tl<n!llnc Vletnun's deloplloo suddenly moved Id· JlmMr ....._ Mike arm.au, WJ¥ nay journmeot, ol lllt -th -ion Im- at tho llloi. medlal<l,y oftor completion el ' formal 1 Collecting a total of about M50, Chula statements. beclae "an 1tmolplme tbld his mother. one of the three young favorable to useful di.9cussion does not (See SURFER SLAIN, Pqe 1.1 (See TALKS, Pqe l) A~ed Slayer HeM • ' Schweickart . SPACE CENTER; HOUiton (UPI) - Apollo 9.astronaut Russell L. Schweickart spacewalked for 3714 mblutes on the front ' porch ,of his lunar landing craft today and said: "Boy, oh boy, what a view !" The rookie spaceman, feeling so good ~at part of his once;canC71e4 ~$p8cew~al.k was reinstated, stepped 1nto a ~lr or fiberglass "golden slippei:s" mounted on the platform outside the moon Janel er. He jolted with his two f e 11 o w astronauts, photographed the earth and the 53-foot-long tandem spacecraft, observed the moon. watched debris noat from the open batch: 'of the adjacent commandshlJl and even noUced a washer between two window panes. Scbweickart ·even floated up along the outside of the spacecraft, hanging on to hand raiiB. He was called back into the tpaeeeraft about 9:4.5 a.m. PST and the moon lander's hatch was Jocked five minutes lat.er. The space agency logged Schweickart's spacewalking time as 371h minutes. The lunar lander's hatch was open for a tolal of 41 minutes. ''Tl)ere, that I o o ks· comfortable,'' Schweickart uld as he guided his booted feet lnlo the allppers. Scbwe.ickart was performing the key test of the ' fourth day of Apollo 9's IG-day orbital trial run for a fl.1ay moon flight Schweickart was exposing America 's cumbersome "moon su.it" to the harsh vacuum of space for the first time. Calling himself "Red Rover" as be swtRI 145 milei hlgb over lhe Un111!<1 Slates, SchweleWI· said .. hiJ spacU1ill wu .. very comfQl'table." lt is the suit that men will wear when they Walk on the moon. ~'Ooh, that IWl LI really" \lftcbt," be Ca Ufomla's Democratic presJdentlal (See APOU.O, Page II •. Hearts Cut From Bodies TRURO, Mw. (UPI) -'lbe hearls ..,. cut out and mming from three ol ~ dismembered women'• boclle1 louDd lil lhallow graves In thll Cape Ood lommunity, Dill. ~Ill!> Edolw¥I S. Dlnl.s laid tod0y .. 'lbe prosecutor dlstlot<d deUii!J of ihe blw're deaths lhortl7 before An- Costa, 24, a ProvlrlC<lown carpenler and Amateur, LUidennllt, WU 1irOllCbt IO coort for arraignment on two CCIWlta: of murder in connection with 1he cue. Three bodiet Including U-el lwo missing -llland women wtre found ,Vedoelday In shallow (IT'ilws In the !and:1 plnelandl 10 mll<I from the .... inertbne '°""'"nd or artiltl, writers, and llll'fllel at Prvvincetown. '1•,I •• .. I , • II ..... the 1r1mn>a1 lale •ol murder lo ·unfold since ihe BOlt'on Strq1or killed 1J women bet~ June, 1• .md Jm-uary, ltM;--. - Dinis said.the -aloo,,.,., -maru ml..,. "aitJnlo u m..,. parll u there ,,.... jolnls." He said the heart" were removed but were not found In ihe graves. "We're r.cUc a bllam: 11ru ... lion. ... Dims Mid. Two ol the bocla found W-daJ ·~ -.. the mllslnll ........ Patricia Wallh and Mary Ann WylOCkl, both D and boOt from Prv.i.lence, R. I. Only • -IDd port ol !ha -ol the badlJ-,.oed lhlrcl ~ .... found, and H -not eeiu;n bnmedl· ately Wbetber the Victim wu a min ot , a woman. Costa, muJtached with long sldel>urM and wearing .. granny'" g1assel WU a""""1 'Wednesday night In a Bailon aportm'!)I. .An innocent ,11lea laler wu entered !or Costa at his arraignmenl In Provincetown District Court. Judge Ger- lhom D. Hall ordered Cosla held without ball and to undergo 35 days oblervatloo Ii Bridgewater Slala Menial 1lolollaL Costa wort U. aame clothes he had oo wben bo -amsted Weclnelday-a )Jehl blue turtleneck ahlrt, chlno panll and I NIVJ blue jacket Min w,lob, a llCCllld·arade I<acb<r, and Miao wyoockl, • co~ -· dl>o appeared !Ive _.. ago Wlollt ncallon- (loo BODIES, Pap J) ' ' . ~ --. ~?'~ & MO. Iii 4 SICTJOMI. 44 PMll • .arI-S-a • Youth .F.ouiid D.ead . .. --. .... t _. i1 ..... -\ . . . . ' .. . ..... . --~ -~· Qr.ug 0t~rdb3~ ·s·uitf4e ·p,.y._. ~ . -. , The boclJ ol Kevin ftlchle'.r death actnlo •In· llie mllllc ·11ore.1~ :m ;Nii,~----=..-in.a . Forderbrugen, )'OUllf ~r' ol a BalboO · Marioe Avenu.e; lllotbii' '""* .:.•· and lllli Island music store, wu found sptawkid ' No-cause of death has been det~.~ !¥1 P."11,""sj'*' _,.~J. •• , onthefloOrofhiashopearlf'Wednesday ~~Thompson lnd(cated 1·pollce a;e •)ft. Forderbruger had Jum. r;e-ce n.t lJ all N rt n. h II · "ed ve1tlgatlng possibillti .. o1 drug<Jverdooe, · 11Ul'cl!.,..t.1l)e1 ~~~ l>!"loeu. ~rnoon, e~po ~ac P9 ce repoi1i . sµl(:ide or a~ental deatli. , . Police. inveailgators ¥lf!J·iaaid .thlt an t?ct8,y: O~ange County. Coroner's JnvesUgators · empty· ·plaStic pr;escrlption, ·bot t l • Newport detective Sgt. Kenne th said no cause of death will 'be determlned Origlilaliy Cotit~niNi: A, tranqUlliier • ThompSon said. that Fm:4erbrugen, 21, before Friday. found near.the body. had just ~ll/•fWst6'.1;~iY from . . Police sai4 Fo~derbrugen'1 bosly \VU , But Qiey a~., sug'gested' tblt de.Ith Ot'kngl! "County Medical ~ after found on lhe rfoor or hla store by his was no' due q,. an overdoee of Ullt being treilted for an overd~ or the twi~1 1iste'rs, Carol ~ ?(.ary, .both 30,' drug, v~ium. '. . ' illicit drug heroin. and ·a cousin, Brad FitzJera)d. Fotderbrup] been livjng with hil Thompson also said that 1sever~ · Offl.~rs ~ tbeo vj~im,'1.J~X:(.Jtl( >·.AanilY·•·' · "'•'Avenue in "baUoons" oI heroin were fOUnd i t lh~ ~li1g!Ji'e1h~f.tf'd5Poimn'Clii iijielit' • ~· , · .. :-... ~. ~.~ 1i .. • • • ' 'C., ·;ia ,, .,. ..... ,,(,,.,,.,.,, ' • .-. •. ·'''/>,,.·'I·:,-\, -• > • .~ . .-).,. ~·~··!'ti S . ha R . . b.; . B ' : , , : .. ru~ ":fud'l"D-f' .. -. ir . . n e"!<e"! ers ei11g ~':"i~P~r~1 ~~~e : · · · · · . LandS :ii,! ··Fjetd Drunk But 'NO.t··S'lwtJting. ·' ;.,;;,;;~;~;~/~~bis · . · · craft safely to rest in a vacant field mar · tOS 'ANGELE~ ('AP) -·Sirhn Sirhan said today that he does not remembel! shooting Sen. Robert F: Kennedy. 1 I-le testified at his murder trial that he wandered into 'the Ambassador Hotel on primary elecUon night last year; had had several drtn~s, felt himself too Intoxicated io dri•e his car, and went lookln_i for coUee. He was in the kitchen area, he said, ,when he found some cup!. "What happened nut?" asked defense attorney Grant B. Cooper. "I don't remember." ... ~"Wh,,,!t ~ ~.n~t .th~,.Y~ r.e~~ ... -oer . • ·· • ' · "I remember being choked." ·. Two dozen witnesses te1t1ned. Sir~ fired eight 1hotl In a kitchen pantry earlr the Jr!ornlng of· tut June 5., Three struck Kennedy,_ who had , jull '00\1 primary. Kennedy died the nf;Xt day. . Sirhan said be: bad gone to the Arq. bauador .and wandered into a part(, being held for Max Rafferty, who WU seeking the Republl'Can 1 en a. t or t a{l nomination, aod ordered a drink -· & Toi:" • .:=oUins. , · ~ Asked why he went to the Ralferq party, he aaJd: "I was ,hoping to lej Halferty or his daqhler Kathi.,.," • > I ~\111~11't <f\~l.lfd }!1\qe,,~,"a cliumate. · . . He • boughl a second drlnl, he .ai.,, and walked toward an area vthtrt two days Wiler bo bad ltlended I prH!e<- tion party !or S... Kennedy. : Slrhan 11ld be: retwned to hls car, where the revolver he had used for larg••· shooUng thll day WU Jybig In the back eat. "I felq wu qull< blgh. I wu aloi1e ind it I &ot more drunk riobody would take care of me," he aaid ... "I decided to go home. "I tried lo 1 .... • my1elf lo drive bol 1 was too &frald to drive.'' . He added : "I decided lo go back lo the bor to lei colfee and IOber , up." Q. otd you pick up the gun? A. I don't remember. Q. In the · view of what happened you must have. . , A. I must have but I don't rem~mber. · Once back in the Ambassador, 'Strbid ~Id, 1 he !found a. m,etal qoz th&('·~ saJd contained cups and saucers and as he. wa.S poui:ing himsell ~rree 0 , girl came up and wanted coffee too. I like lots of cream and suear ! a,ld tru,t's the way sbe: wanted it too." , , "What happened next?" asked Cooper .. · ''I don't remember.': "What ii the-~t tl:ilng yw remem- ber?" . "I remember being choked.'' Earlier, Sirhan uJd h11 prestDCe• at the hotel was due to an accident - his 'mls~Jten . read!pg Clf ...... 1u~wspaper aqverllle.,.ht th<li• da}t ol the' 1laylljg Talbert' Avenue west of Beach· 11ou1 .. an1 Wednesday after his engine fallecl an~a pleasure flight. ' . _ CU!!ord ·Pi Moen of 1'131 ', Brlnil)all Lane, Htmllngtod 'lle¥ch; was '."!'1Pl~ i"'d Jill single '!lgjrie Piper suffered '!"l minor .damage to tbe'l"Jeft ,wlng,.pollce said: : . Moen said he was flyln("'ova the:llU wheri-the·englne !aDed.-He spotted th t vacant fleld.t and llDded wtOi whee1i louching:doWn t1n1. , 'lbe plane n... Jded 11V«• IO!tled back ' . on lls wheell aiicMhe left winl ~·to .the • groWld, he Aid. He could ·al" no reason for the engine fallun:. . ' .c... j '" ~lJune .... ·'' .... , , ,.'.,, ·• The ldverfuemenl 1~ a prp-1 , ._ : •· Isr~' papicft!, 'tM ·~~:rdr • ·. • · -. Israel" '!h\l:klnS .!.h.@ !firJ!l"·~ary '' . t ' , """...,..' _ , Or''"'' .U:<til,y' ""':bt!lwl•·• ' Jm . 'c1ow1y ski .. .., ..... r.e w!MS IJld•(he;aabs'JajJtllt:' I T ' ' .oL...: J ~ a((•-• '·~ ·~-1.j,.'I.f 'm ' ·.!•1,• ·•IF'•~ c\W'&,orrn ay,1 •·-· -~ •.,. ·.. "'1"' ~ , ~ ;. !!'f· , uae.i;at11tr •eracle1 wltll,t<liopor .. , ,, t "-"' • .,. ·. \.-jt-.....'.61.111tdni~IO ~ '9 .. oout • 'T ..... ,. • .... < ·; ..• • ,.1o. ~. ' ?:~d!' '' hlgber'"w-sl ' • ~ . , • . 1i"nd a rt' egrea ~ Sfudents ·?~'·Actio~ iNsmJ ToDA'f , F o_r'.·Barri.n ·.,Recruiter In ...., of """''• golll{I .,. -;-~ • now betwt" UOO Commwnist . SAN moo (UPI) -The Unlftntty l giailli, ........ ii l>cill{I -iftd,. I ol Cali!ornla al .San Diego will prea ttl of Mao TN-llmg'• """* ·n. • dild~ dlatgei aplnat lludenll and : lfotCOIO 19 11tar• avO· l'aOC 7 •• a fiiculty ni.mber who barred 1 Iofaric{e CoftlO recruller (lvrn Ille camJl'll. Chancellof William llcGUI said Wecl-n...tay. - About Ill lludenll and a Pr<J(euot blocked the entrance of Marine CaJl(. Dlvkl Sloul to the campus placement office Feb. 21, McGill 111d. II WIS ...pol'ltd that llO!llt ol the mllllanll ..... membert of the UCSD cbopler of Sludenll !or a llemocr•tic> l!oclll)', if t1~ " --. -. . ........... 111111111• •i 1•f• ,... 1•11 , ... ~ ' .... _ .. -,. ... ""'"' II ·-. ' -. =,....: __ .. --. --" 9'dll ...... 1>M --............ ""''! -" -. -. --.. ' "'· • • & DAILY l'tl.OT s T~o Newport Yachts .Among 1;op 10 at ~a~sa-?l Do• llul<dl'a Cllobllco lrOlll NHYc.' March 17. ' the dtlaJI In &•llln& Wldtr 11U apln lhe llprtl II wu found !hit Llvtly atale 11111 tbO dlll•-II bol~ U~ 1 Cbubb)' pulled up &mOOI tbe leaden Wllldwud PU111e w1!J be oul lo smuh a1tJr rtlrle>fi>i AHeo, Allen 11 lhe ....,... .Lady wu Indeed Ille winner. And wltb and I'll mUea, pl1ll the ~ tbat Iba I by virtue ol Iler per!Ol'DWlCe In tbe Ille elapsed Ume record In the race and sld-o1 anotber' Cal ft, Ille llllq wlndl holding all day '1'lleld*1 yacbll 1et belp f-· do •pl! -; NASSAU -Wlth one race to go., two local yacbl! llJ amoq lhe lint 10 in the overall Point ...,oc11n1s ol lhe Southtrn Ocean Racing Cln:ull whlcb ruls mort tblft 100 crack ,acbta com- petlna: rrom all over the country. Miami-Nassau rae<. Two yoar1 •&o she -held by Tlcooderoga, formerly.,... Mlldrugldor, out o1 NHYC. ft tumod out to be a mutll bolt nee , over 1 portion ol Ille rb, '1llll< llu~ wu fourtb overall In the COl!lerence. ed by Johnaoo. Tbero ...,. olhor 1"porll ol -~.t daplte the. llorm)> c:ondlllons. beeo no wlndwud wort lo tbll ,_ I Prior to tbe <Us.,lroltl Mlaml-Nuuu 111 •llndinl In the race wu a brighter belnl a,,....r In lbe Bmlea llludl · Wltb cJaaa llarllng at 30 minute' alnceol• Jolmaon ceallocia. I race, 'ltd Turner"• American Eaglt was note for the Melte and ita crew wtucb IOme ll nillel from NUAU, • ~ . lntervall, tt wu tbougbt that teVeral ne proten wu ICbedaWI to ~ belrd: > leatflatl the conference and Bob Johuol\'a IOI caUlht In ooe of tbe worat mlah•pa (IQll1 anotber yacbt raved a biokm ol tbe aar)¥ ..,.... could be al!rilJutetl loday but.Ibero -lo be lltllo 11opo I Wlndwud f""ge wu 1 ctOle ...,..,.i. • that occ;urred 1n· I he troubled Miami· arm In tbe rlC<. Thm were aevtral to ...,..ne' leedlol the computer"""'' thel ' wUI JJl!r tbll 1fl''p ,._, lJt 1 Standlng in second ·place at the con- clusion of five races, including the rugged Miami to Nassau race, is Don Ayres• Cal tO Melee from Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Melee: ii leading Class B. American Eagle wu out of the running Nassau ract. other miabapi, none mlou. ltarUng Ume lnfOimaUon w_hlch would may tn: the flJture bonver telld lo I because or a dlamutlng, and Windward On-e of ~elee.'s crew, Bill Allen of The biggest hassle ·here Wednesday have altered the elapsed times. a rerating of the 'race ~ to J Passage dropped to 11th place by virtue NHYC was thrown from the cockpit waa getting ~ccurate information on the Also causing the harried race com· one official wbo did id want to be ~ er her poor handicap showing in the into the turbulent sea when Melee corrected time winners. The com-mlttee some concern was the prolest named. But Melee bas no chance of wlMlng the overall_..liUe u Jack Powell'• 47.foot yawl Silty Tlj:tr sewed up the staodin1s with a first place in the Mlaml-Nusau race. Miami-Nassau race. . broached under the impact of a put.aUona were beinj handled by a com-by Bab J~ owner-skipper of uM. Here.aretheprellntlnaryandunotficial Jlln Kilroy'• Ki•loa 11 from NHYC particularly heavy sea while bombipa: puter, but several. Uron were detected recording attlnc Windward Passqt. conected Ume itandlnp: wu io 2Sth plle< 1oln1 lnlo the last along with 1 spinnaker get. "' the unoff1da1 ,.Wll. agalnal the roce ~. claJmlna Cllll A: I, Salty Tl .... ; I. 8~; ract. The crtw of Melet h.lrrled!y cut Lively Lady,. a »foot aloop owned that the rated ""distance fJ/. the race s, Panacea. The GOvemor'a Cup race is a SO miler , everything loose and came about to and skippered by Mike 'Shea of San wu from •ven .JO ten .mil~ too lq, Clau B: 1, otsekda; 1. Melte; I. around the buoys off Naaaau. pick up Allen who was reported to be Francisco, wu flrst reported u the tbu.s liner~ tht t1me allowance Firebrand. With only Friday's Governor'• Cup race ldt, Salty Tiger hu 883.75 points and Melee hu 829. After the SORC many cf the boats in the water oo more than 10 minutes. overall and Cius D wlnoer, but later Windward Puaage Q the. scralcb boat Class C: 1, Hustler; 2, Scarlmoucbl will return to Florida where they will Melee was leading Class B when the rtports l'.rom the race committee Tu~ ha4 to give to ~ rut of the field. IV; S, Jemel. , compete in the 800 mi.le Miami tO man overboard incident occurred and day night placed her in fourth. The race ls r•ted at ·114 miles, but Class D and Overall: 1, 1Jve1J· Lad,y ; Montego Bay, JamaJca race starting might ~ve won, her claa u:cept for But when human minds ~ bold ot Johnson and hll navigator Ben Mitchell, 2,.SCainp; S, NauUcal. ln ellbtb ~ce witb ?!3.50 polnll ~ Men .on Pa~ade . ~ . . '• I · . . . .. . ' ' l + • , ' • DAILY ,ILOT 11"9 ,....._ BOAT NECK SHIRT Bob Shapard LOUNGING ROBE Roy Marcom Jr. JACK OF OIAMONOS Tom Trullis Men's Turn to Strut Laguna Businessmen Parade Latest Styles in Sliow By RICHARD P. NAii · , -the Cham~r ci,C.merce Muters~o 1 J),Ol::~tal strl~I · .was ~a~ bf, . °' "' "" '"" ""' perhaps it wali a0o!etliln1 bl a· f-"°"'"' llacb."llft 2fpper<id~lf·J>O<;~ f La v ••• , otel ---·' · , (so you won t Jose your wallet 1n a ,Ju.rt ancy, gun.a ~ ...... 111 ,_.,... baWe of the Riel with the Olambtr'• stonn or Ensenada boat race). · Jtoren Haneline in a svelte yellow jump -Mermaids who bad earlier strutted theit Tom Trullls had the n!al ace In the ..Ut with aiUt Apache . scarf by Don stuff. hole. His casual beach jacket was r..oPer. "As long as lt'• wild, they'll be wuring embluoned with a jumbo Jacko( Hearts ; Or imagine Roy Marc<m Jr. in a Po t~" predicted muter of ceremonies Shan and Queen of Diamonds. Pua hat with a ilinky' lounging Jacket Trowbridge cf current men's fashions. "This la the year of the peacock for adorned by great orange and white That was true Wednesday at any rate. men," said Trowbridge. "The brlght, hibiscus blossoms. There was 1tock broker Burdett Har~ brilliant plumagf.'' Laguna businessmen made a great risen in tan safari coat and bandida And although basic coloni don't change. splash Wed.nuday. It was the rainbow scarf - a cttnblnatlon that should im-fashion colors appartnUy do. after lhe storm. It wu enough to make press any Ug:ms, · How about sweet blue, asteroid gold, a gray-flannel suiter flush and clutch Banker Bob Shapard might havt been Scot green, planet .green, glacier white, his attache c8$e far security. boulevardier Bob Shapard. His loi;ig shttpskin, Mars brown, London gray ·11 was a male fashion show starring sleeve knit cotton boat neck shirt with or mercury gray. From P•9e 1 SURFER SLAIN • . Orientals then shot Pond at close range u · a warning of what might happen to them too. "Their lives were threatened," she said. Honolulu pollce said today they have oo leads in the grotesque ~urder case and that the killers were total slrangers to Chula and _Rogers. The murder victim graduated from Newport Harbor High School with Chula and Rogers in 1967, vi.sited the islands for three months, then returned ~ly. • DAILY PILOT .....,.... ...... ~ ...... ---·-c--' CAUPOIMIA • ~ OltAHO. COMT f>UIM.llHlltO CCIMl'AH'( •• ~.,. ~-w... .. '°'"""""""""' .... Jt &\ l. c.rtey Vke "' ........ -......... MIMttt n.-. KewM ·-Th1111tt A. M.,,hll11 oWINllntlflW ,,,f Nltt1111 ........... 0•-0-C•lt MeM: DI W..t lrf llrttf -~ 9Mcfl: m1 .....,., .... , ...., ..... ~ lffdli ttt ,_, ·-~-.. _, -""' ._..... • • siJ: days ago. He 10t1ght the warm sun and the big surf, but' found only serueless death. "He wanted to make the islands his home," the victim's mother said today, ''it's such a shame something so terrible had to happen in the place he loved." "Bill was ju.st there a w e e k -we hadn't even heard from him," added Y.rs. Pond, who was noWled cf the Shootin& by a physician at a small emergency clinic on the island of Oahu. The doctor who telephoned l'.rom Kabuki Hospital laid lhe Pond family that their eldest son wu gravely wound· ed Iii the bead and would be rushed to surgery at St. Francis Hospital, a :JO.minute trip. "We called back in about a half-hour," said 0 Mrs. Pond, and a neurosurgeon, Dr. Kim, said Bill was very critical and the wound was affetting his breathinj.11 BODIES •.. Ing on the cape. Neither of the other bodies has been ldenll!Jed. All four bodies ftre found near the &ea, in a desolate area where crude !.lgzag trails c:ross a aaody Wasteland. A teenager'• body was found Feb. a. l.n the early n'ages of the aearcb for UM: mWing Rhode IslaDdetl. The car in wblch they wert: travelln& had been ,fOllnd nearby abortly aflU their dlSI!>' pearance with "a note OD the l'indshleld saying it bad beto left because it wu out ol gao. Police returned t.o the scene when the women 1"ere reported missing. The car wu Jone, bu( the searchers saw a strap .Ucklng out of .the sand a few yards away and by digging In the .,... un- earthed the teenager's body. The car turned up later In Burlington. Vt., and authortUt1 said Costa wu drtv· Ing 'ft. Ht WU questioned but WU reJtued Whoo he prodUC<d I bill of aaJe which apptared to have betn algn<d by MIA Walsh. From Pllfle I APOLLO •.. said. But he said his refrigerated long johns were keeping him comfortable. While Commander J ames McDivltt re. mained close by inside the cramped lunar module's cabin, Schv.·eickart swung apen the 32·inch square hatch at about 9:02 a.m. PST. The ship's cabin axygen was vented out in space a few minutes earlier. "The hatch is apen, no sweat," said McDlvltt. "Hey, that's quite spectacular," said Schwelckart, looking down . at earth as the tandem spaceship whiu:ed above in orbit at 17,500 miles per hour. David R. Scott stayed behind in the corrunand ship and opened his hatch at about the same time. He planned to reach out and retrieve two spacecraft skin samples. "Everythlng's going along fine up her,," sajd Scott. "You're cle~ed to do snythlng, go as far as you want to," said ground communicator Stuart Roosa. "How you feeling, Rulty?'' McDlvltt asked the spacewalker. 1'Feeling fine ," replied the 3a-year--0ld civilian spaceman. He was wearing a backpack breathing unit that kept him In constant radio communications with his other two Pilots. All three astronauts were, laking pie-- tu res with stJll and motion picture camerss. ''We're all taking pictures of everybody taking plctures," said Scott. "Rusty, why don't you lean over here again?" said ~fcDivitt. "I'd like to 1et a better plclurt ar the whole scene." McDivltt and Schwelckart transferred from thelr command ship to the attached landing ship "spider" betwetn IS and 1:48 a.m. PST to open the second day of teat.a of the moon lander. Quits State Post SACRAMENTO (UPI ) -John G. Veneman, undersecretary of Hea lth, Education and Welfare, has officially resigned as a state assemblyman. Veneman. a Modesto Republican, sub- mitted a letter of resignation Wednesday JUMP SUIT Loren Ha neline California ns Favor Lowering Voting Age SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -California goes along with the national trend toward lowering the legal voting age, the Mervin Field California Poll said today. The survey ri!ported that more than 53 percent of the voters appear ready to give the vote to 20 year olds. Laird Renews Warning As Shells Hit Saigon I SAIGON (UPI) -Guerrillas fired &even rockets into civilian dalrJcU of SaJgon today in a tw~minute barrase ·that killed 12 perJOJIS and dre• a Item new U.S. warning tbal they rllked massive retaliation. Another 50 persons were wounded in the 6 a.m. -attack from launching Rids in the rice paddy area southeast ()f the city, All the yictims were South Vietnamese, and the total slain was the heaviest toll in any sbelllng of the South Vietnamese: capital. Eighteen hours after the tocketln&, U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird ~ived on a six-day fac;tfinding tour ·and warned, as President Nl.xon already had, of ";:ippropriate response" unless the attacks cease. "We will not tolerate continued enemy escalation of the war," Laird said on arrival. He warned there were "several options'' available to the Allied forces, but declined to specify which one might be used. H~ prepared to open la~ frlday with Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, l!.S. military commander in Vietnam, and U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker. All the victims ol. today's rocket bar- rage were civilians either asleep or preparing to work in a slum section on the Saigon river. The Saigon attack and 35 others Uke it against cities and bases across the, nation open~tbe J2thlay of the Col\- munists' natlonwtde offen sive whose firlJ week shot both Allied and guerrilla losses to their hlghe.st point In 11 months. U.S. headquarter• reported lut week's cu11alties today: 453 AmtricaM tilled and 2,59.t wounded, 521 South Vietnamue soldiers dead and 2,1172' woonded, •· clvlllans slain and rn wounded, and 6,752 Communists killed. Today's _barrage into Saigon was the fourth since lhe CommuniA offenaive began· Feb. 23. A total of 45 perlOM, all Vietnamese civilians, have died in those salvos, aceording to Allied figuf'u. Pfjlitary spokesmen said 17 homea mi at least 10 cars were destroyed « damaged in the attack, which centered in the riverside alum dlstrict.in Sal&on'• 4th precinct Stretcher bearers fought their w17 through masaes cf onlookers in the Dl1'.o row alleys to ,get to houat.1 amaahed by the blasts. Fourteen persona lay dad Jn one shanty. The wounded and dead were evacuated in a steady proceAlon of jeeps, fire engines and ambulance11. .From Pqe 1 TALKS ... yet eJ:ist." The South Vietnamese quickly atrtaed they had not walked out and were not boycotting the talks. Asked about tbll. a Soulh Vietnameae spokesman pointed , out that the Saig"on dele11Uon bad P.,,. posed the nut seulon be· held nest Thursday. Then he adCied : "It all depends on what happens in the nut few days." al .JI. J. (Ja rrell ~ IT'S HE.RE AG AIN!! OUR ONCE· A ·'EAR WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF THE STORE 17 SOFAS and LOVE SEATS R111. $349.00 To $795.00 NOW $159.00 TO $399.00 33 OCCASIONAL TABLES Rag . $59.00 To $149.00 NOW $29.00 TO $69.00 UP 22 CHAIRS R111. $139.00 To $299.Gq NOW $69.00 TO $139.00 39 TABLE and HANCilNCi LAMP.$ R111. $50.00 Ta . 100.00 NOW $19.95 . TO $39.00 64 PICTURES and MIRRORS R111. $15.00 To $150.00 NOW $5.00 TO $59.00 DISCONTINU ED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS H.J.GARRETI f-U RNffURE ~ROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 2211 HAUOl ILYI>. COSTA MESA. CALIF. 646.0271 64Ml76 • He has now betn charged with auto theft u wrJL.a.s murder. to Assem bly Speaker Robert T. Monagan. '---------------------------------------- • t I • I I I I I 11 I I • • • • VOL .. 62, NO. S6, ~IONS, +4 . . Earth Moved for Harhor Huge earth movers haul portiOOJ of cliffs over- looldn& new, $22.5 million small craft harbor in Dana Point for !Ill in east basin of project. ·East basin .eventually will include launching ramps, boo.I ,.pair yards and related facililles. Harbor is bpecled to be ready for first boots In li70. Fifteen Cities In Count y W a11t Harbor Brea kup By JACK BROBACK Of"" 0.llY ,1191' 11111 The Orange County League or Cities campaign to dissolve the Harbor District lllld suhstllut. a regUlar coonty Depart· ment of Harbors, Beaches and Parks bas been· approved by • majority or tbe county's Z5 cities. · ~ Sims, La Habra councilman and ~·of.the leque'I -"' ~ -· --)odoY: th8t 15 cities hive .iop.tM resotuUons approving the program to inlU&te diasolu· tion proceedinp. Approving cities are Costa Mesa, Foun· tain Valley, HunUngtoO' Beach, LO!! Alamitos, San Juan Capistrano, Westminster, Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Placentia, Santa Ana, Stanton, Tustin and Yorba Linda. All those cities, with the exception of Costa Mesa, have adopted resoluUons directed to the Local Agency Formation Commission requesting dissolution. The I.AFC re!Olution ls scheduled to be discussed by the Costa Mesa City Council ·nerl week. Four cities have voted agains\ the league program. They are Garden Grove, La Palma, Orange and Seal Beach. Two cities, Anaheim and Laguna Beach, have withheld action pending answtn to Que!6 lions concernJng disposition of assets and control of tidelands In the event of dissolution. Three cities. Cypress, San Clemente and Villa Park. have members of their city councils who also sit on the LAFC and they have been requested by the league not to take a position to avoid any possible conflict of interest. Newport Beach has adopted a resolu- tion, stating that, in the event of dissolu- tion, "It is essential that the city be reimbursed by the county for ti· penditures by 'the city to provide harbor facilities and services which produce regional benefit.s." The league's timetable in the campaign calls for the LAFC to hold a hearing Jn April lf the commissioners approve tbe dissolution, a J't!COmroendation to the Board of SuperviJorl that a coun+ tywide elect.ion be called on the issue is eipecled. Beach Teacher Suffers Burns , Fint and second degree bums were n.fiered to the right hand of a Hunting- ton Biach grado achool t.achu ... h • att.mJll..i to extinilulsh n-on his 11~ OW,. Wednesday. Flr<mtn .... 11n1 aid lo Gary Rebolb, · 24, ol 111853 L'1res Lant, sbor11y alter the fire broke out at 1:11 p.m. Sirhan Remembers Being Drunk But Not Shooting LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sirhan Sirhan said today that he does not remember shooting Sen. Robert F. KeMedy. He testified at hil!I murder trial that he wandered Into the Ambassador Hotel on primary elecUon night wt year. had had aaveral drlnU, fell hlmsett too lntoJicatt.d to drive liii car, and :went ioolll!I for ~ lie -111 "' tn<:btri ~ be tild. Wl!!s .-...., _ _, . "Whal haJIPOl!lll nut!" wed delwe •ilornq Grut B. COoper. "I don't rtmember:" ''What la the next thing you remem- ber?" "I remember being choked.'.: Two dozen wltnesSes lesUHed Sirhan fired eight shots in a kitchen pantry early the morning of last June 5. Three Sailor Facing Hit-run Charge As Man Injured A Long Beach aaUor facu felony hit aod nm charges today resulting from an accident Wednesday afternoon in Hun- tington Beacb. Neal Francia Lawson Ill, 18, or Pomona, stationed in the U.S. Navy at Long Beach, was booked into Hun~ tington Beach City Jail at 5:30. p.m. on charges of felony hit and run, possession of dangerou1 drugs and driv· Ing under the Influence ol dnlga. Police sakl 'LaW30n struck a car on Pacific COut ~ay driven by George James Huser, 50, of 2141 Pacific Coast Jligllway, Huntington Beach. Hmer'a. car was hit from the rear, wen! out ol coolroL And rolled down a lo-foot emblJlkment toward! the beach in the bluffs area near Goldenwest Street, police saii:r. • Huser wU reported ruting com. fortably today al Huntington Intercom· munity Hospital. Officer John Hauser arrested Law!On near the Newport Beach boundary on Pacific Coast Highway after bearin1 the radio broadcast of the hit and run ac· cident. . Witnesses said Lawson'a car had been seen speeding and weaving on Pacific Coa:st Higbway in the sunset Beach area. • He II being held today In Huntington Beach· City ·Jal! for arraignment on all Ihm chlrlb In Wes! Orange County M~clpaJ Coyrl In Watmlaottr, , struck Kennedy, who had just won California's Democratic presidential ~ primary. Kennedy died the next day. Sirhan said he bad gone to the Am- bassador and wandered into a party being held for Mu Rafferty, who wa1 seeking the Republican s e n a t o r I a l nomination, and ordered. a drlnt -a Tom Collins. • ,..,. _,,be ~ !hf ~r. aaJapTYU ~ -~ .. .ar"hll dau;hlor; _ • .. .•.Kiiiif.,!ii, be , IOid, had once been a classmate. He bought a second drink, he said. and walked toward an area where. two days earlier be bad attended · a pre-eleo- Uon party for Sen. Kennedy. · Sirhan said he returned to his car, where the revolver he had used for target shooting that day n·as lying in the back seat. "I felt I was quite high. J was alone and if 1 got more drunk nobody would take care of me," he said. "I decided to go home. "I tried to force mysetf to drive but J -was too afraid to drive." He added: "I decided to go back to the bar to get Ci){Iee and aober up." Q. Did )'OU pick up the gun? A. I don't remember. Q. Jn the view of what happened you must have. A. I must have but I don"t remember. Once back in the Ambassador, Sirhan said, be found a metal box that he said contained cups and saucers and as be was pouring himself coffee "a girl came up and wanted coffee too. I like· loll of cream and sugar and that's the way she wanted it too." "What hapPened next?" asked Cooper. "I don't remember." ''What ls the next thing you remem .. ber?'' "I remember being choked." Earlier, Sirhan said hls presence at the hotel wu due to an accident - his rnislaken reading. of a newspaper advertisement the day of the slaying last June. The advertisement annonnoed a pro- Israel parade, the "~tiracle March f<*' Israel" marking the first anniversary of the ai:r-day war between the Je'A'I and the Arabs in 1968. The parade was scheduled for the (See SlllHAN, Pqe 41 Stanford Protesters PALO ALTO (UPI) -A 'group or 2t Stanford Unlverslty studenU, con- . vlet.d Ill ~Ing a Board or Trustees meeting, lald Wednesday II would nOI ply fines IOtallnc ll,900. • ' . ~Y'•.l'lnl I . ., . ... JEN .CEN)'s Peace Talks Cut Saigon Protests Continued Red Terror PARIS (AP) -ExploslODI ol enemy J:O!'kels In Saigon echoed In Paris today and brought an abrupt end of what a 1!-S .• spoftlijll~ called a 0 sbort and grim" a:essloo of the Vietnam peaice ta!U. The atmosphere wu Charged with bitterneJI, I A!: a mart of ill tntlgetic protests against the shelling ol Saigon, South Vietnam'• detegallon suddenly moved ad· joununent of the seventh ~sion im- mediately after.., completion of formal st1ctements, because "an atmosphere favor4ble to useful discussion does not Schweikart Spacewalk: 'What a Veiw' SPACE CENTER, Hou!lon (UPI) - Apollo 9 utronaut Russell L. Scbwelckart spacewalked for 371..2 minutes on the front porch of his lunar landing craft today and said: "Boy, oh boy, what a view!" The rookie spaceman, feeling so . good that part of his once-canceled spacewalk was reinstated, stepped into a pair of fiberglass "golden slippers" mounted on the platform outside the moon lander. He joked with his two f e 11 ow aslronaull, photographed the wth and the 51-foot-long tandem -all. observed the moon, watched debris float from the open hatch of the adjacent comnlandshiP and even noticed a wuber between two windo" ~ ~op.-.... ~=lbt ...-.i111o~ ..... to bani rails.· He 'wu catwsdi>ld Into the lpacecrall about 1:15 a.m. PST and the moon lander's hatch wu locked five minutes later. · The i;pace agency logged Schweickarl's spacewalking Ume as 371,i minutes. The lunar lander's hatch was open for a total or 48 minutes. "There, that Io o k s comfortable," Schwelckart said as he guided his booted feet into lhe allppers. Schwelckart was performing the key test of the fourth day of ApoUo 9's ltM:lay orbital trial run for a May moon flight. Schwe.lckart was e1posin& America's cumbersome "moon suit" to t h e harsh vacuum of space: for the first Ume. Calling himsell ''Red Rover" as he swept 145 ralle1 high over the United States, Scbwelckart said his spacesuit was "very comfortable." It is the suit that men will wear when they walk on the moon. "Ooh, that sun is really bright," he said. But he said his refrigerated long johns \vere keeping him comfortable. Whlle Commander James 1\1cDivilt :e.- mained close by ins ide the cramped lunar module's cabin, Schweickart swung open the 32-lnch square hatch at about 9:02 e.m. PST. The ship's cabin oxyc~n was vented out in space a few miriutes earlier. "The hatch is open, no aweat," said McDivitt. "Hey, that'• quite spectacular," said Schweickart, looking down at earth as the tandem spaceship whizzed aboye in· orbit at 17,500 miles per hour. David R. Scott stayed behind in the command ah1p and opened his hatch at about the 1ame time. He planned to reach out and retrieve two spacecraft skin samples. ''Everything's going along fine up hert," said Scott. "You're cleared to do anything, go as fllr as :tou want to," said ground communicator Stuart Roosa . "How you feeling, Rusty ?" ~fcDivitt asked the apace:walker. "Feeling fine," replied the 38-year-old civlll8.n spaCeman. He was weal'lng a backpack breathing unit thal.kept him In cooatant radio eommanicaUons 'With (let .\POUO, Pa,t I) yet tlial •• ' . . The South Vletnamese l[Uictly streued they hid not walked oUt and were not • boycotllng the talU. Aated •bout this, I South VltloamtR spoteamu polated ou\ tbal the Salpo dtlqatlGo had pro. posed· the' -....... be btlcl -Thunday,_Tben be addt4: "It all depends on what bappw ln the 11¢.few days." "We don't want•to make any thrt1ts1,. he said. "But we will have an appropriate response to the Cornmunlst acttom." The seventh sesalon ended after only four hours, ihbrter by 90 minutes than 41\Y ol the precedJnc alx. • Tbe United Stat.a and South Vletnazn angrily presented their protms qalnlt the sbellliip In Vlelpam. Tiie, Nallolllll Liberation Front and North YJftn1m re- jected' I U:S. warning, voiced by PresJ. dent Nlioa, of "appropriate" rUponH· In Vletoam tt lbe shelling• continue. · "It wa5 a short and grim meeth\r. overshadowed by 'the terrlble events qf last night In Sal,on, when women and childreo were killed in another tn .. di'scriminate rocket attack," said Harold - Kaplan1 the clilef U.S. spokesrDa'n. - , Oriental Bandits . ' - Execute By ARTHUR 11. VINSEL ot rM O.itr """ ltlff A manhunt spread in the ffay,•aiian Islands loclay for three cold-blooded Oriental bandits l\'ho executed a Costa Mesa surfer -lo dramatically intimidate his buddies -after a ~ holdup in their rusUc beach cottage. The murderers carried pistols equipped with alltncers in a case grotesque enough to be a televialon scrip~ according to tbe llory pven to detecllve1 by 1111 two Harbor Area witntsaU. Wllllam . Pond Jr., It, of . 211 Albert pi.c.,, 4led -boun alter btili& abot In !lie bead by a 1mall caliber revolter bis ilOrrifltd b6sls watclled Tutad.11 • f .-Ooo wu t.ve I. .Ch!lla. U, ol 1looto Meaa aon iii well-koowil otan1e Cd!m'1 •ll«M' <Mrge JI. Cllula, qd_1Jle otber waJ Theodore D. ''Teddy" Jtocera, 11, of Newport Beach. .. There was no reason. Jt was , ap- parently· just done to create an lm- pre11Jon,'1 aald Honolulu Police De tectlvf: Lt. John Dickson today. Yp~Ung Chula's mother, a nurff: for a Costa Mes~ physician, said tod•Y that her son 'a'bd Rogers were toNf they would al!o be killed Jf they. talked' to Police and may return home in a few day1. Accordl.nt to inve&Ugatora, the three bandltl walt:"1 into the little A·frame cottaie lhared by three roomm.ot.I near sunset Beach on the north ahbre of Oahu late Tuesday night and demandff;i money. Mrs. Chula said today after a telephone conversation with her son that the fourth surfer 6harlng the cottage and attending junior college, Mike Gruteeu, wu away at the lime. Collecting a total of about $450, Chula told his mother, one of the three young OricnLals then shot Pond at close range es a warning of whit might happen lo them too. "Their lives were threatened," she said. Honolulu police sald today they have no leads In the grotesque murder cue and that tbe klllers were total !trangers to ctiula and Rogers. The murder victim graduated from . Newport !jarbor Ht1h School with Chula and Rogers in 1987, visited the lslandJ for three month.!, then returned only_ sis: days ago. He sought the warm sun and the big surl, bu{ found only aenaelw death. "He wanted to make the ialanck bis home," the victim's niother said today, "it's such a shame something so terrible had to happen in the place he loved." "Bill was just there a week. -we hadn't even heard from him," added N'.rs. ·Pond, who wu noUfled of the shooUng by a physician at a 1mall emergency clinic on the llland at ()_ahµ. The doctor wb(l/telephoned fronl Crippled P~~n~ Linds hi Fiel~ · Mesan . -MURDERED :._· Wlliiam Pond ' of Costa Mesa, shown in 1165 photo: was ,sliot to death :qit•· day neer Sunset Beach on Island ot Oahu, Hawaii. Kabuki Hospital told the Pond lamlt'r that their eldest aon was gravely wound- ed In the ' bead and would be rushed to surgery at SL Francia Hospital, a 30-mlnute trip. "We called b'ack in about a half-hoar, .. said Mrs. Pond, and a neurosurftk,j Dr. Kim, said Bill was Vt:rf er and the wound was affecting : hll' breathing." "He said he h{l:d no hope," she added. The vJctim died within one hour. Ironically, Mrs. Pond's cousin, Mr•. Robert Howe, lives in Wahlwa, just a . 9hort dibtance froin the savage murder scene and heard of the bizarre caae on a radio news bu1letin. "He had been over there auch & short time he hadn't gotten around to vi&lting 1 them and they dldl'l' realiJ.e · lt ·waa· Bill," Mrs. Pond aald In an lntervieW, today. ''That's about all we know," pie added. "Oh, My ·God, not Bfil Pond," uid, Mrs. Gonion Conley, ol the Newport Seach Surfing Association. Sh~ said the victim, as: wel I as Otula and Rogers, who were hoallng him ufttil (See SURFER !ILAIN, Pap I) Orange Cou & w .. ~ ... Cloudy 1kle1 ~ . psty 1windl, II !hi picture for Fiiday, 'afflnnl ~ wealher'cracle, wtdi !<'l'pera· -DUdilnc • aJonc lllo c:out and '• 1.W'dfireoa 'blafier tnWid. I - INSmE TODAY Reboin, a third grade teacher at Ptl'- ry Elementary Scbool. Huntington Beach. was later released to a private ptiysiclan. Three fire engines and a snor- kel unit were dispatched lo combat the. bWe wbk:h caused $500 damage berort. St was e:rtlngui1hed. GWC .. Slates Racism Dra:ma The pli<ll ol • llflllt ~ ~ Ills crall wely lo rat In a vacant fleJd ntar Talbert Avenue wut of Bndi Boulevml Wednesday altel'" hll eogtna falltd cm rr pleuun night. Clilfonf P Moen ol ism Brim\illl Lane. Huntington Beach, wu unlnJ.r.d and his slnate engine Piper suftertd on11 minor damqe lo Iha left wing, pollee said. ln 'vielD of 1111'oi'f, going on "9W. biuoe111 tloo c.,,.,,.unllt gionU, "°' °"" ii bt'rig rtmfnd- ti:i of Mao Tff·t1u10'1 won1' bJ Moacow J9 111a.n BQO. Pagt 1. • j Stol!k Market. NEW YORK (AM -The stock market w'a1 down sharply at the cloae today, wtth 10SltJ holdins a four to one edge over aaln4-(See quotations, Pages 1~11). The Dow Jonei J.Ddu1lrlal avtrai• at 1 :30 p.m. wu olf 10.19 poil'lt.s, or 1.1$ perceM. •l IJJ,C. A penetraUni loolt at contemporary l~ lllld community prot>l<ml' beglM at 7:30 o'Clodf tonight with a dnm1 oo preJudlct at Golden West Colkae, Huntington Beach. The plly, ''The Cllldren Are Ustenlng'' r. the lint ol .• f,..._t ..n.. to be preaented at the collep during tha Thuraday niahtl In Maleh. The wfal II olftrtd u a community -· •• service by the Golden Weal Evening COUege in cooperation with Family 'Service oI Qranae County and Plays for Living, a prolesaJonal theater group. There Is no admission charge. During each or t,pe prGJrlllll a half hour play will set the staa:e f« audience partlclpaUon In amal ..... p dialogue aesslon1. Olhu dat.i In-the aeriel ·art Marth • Ja, wben the play will be t!Ued "Fent'e&." and the audience will diSCUS8 lntegrallon with particular emplwls ori'lbt schools. '"Mcket for TomorTOW" will be the Moen ntd he wu Qylng over tha ..,,. when the t1n1lnt! filled. He 1potted t h e play March 20 and the dbcusslon will vacant field, and landed wtth wheeb be on the r<bclllous teenager and his · touching down !Int. 1truggle for Independence, The plane-then l10Hd over, ltllled back ll'be On•I pl11, "Vloltnce In the on Ill wheels and the ltll wlnl dlppad to Streets,'' will II: I c k off dl.scusaton on the grouqd, be 1ald. He could atve no the ..,. ol force. rwon t.r the enflnt laDure. • ' • ' I I IWl.Y PllQT H Two Ne~P-Qtt Y:a~h)s :~mc)_ng Top:-10 at Nassaril •' By ALMON LOCl\ABEY Doo Baaktll'• ~.from ~ -........ -Cll\bllJ PllW 1IP ~ tbt ~u -Wiiii ..,. nee to p, \ l!r Ylrlui ~ "* ·~ two 1oCll yachts ,,. amooa the lint ~~-:. ~ ... 10 In tbe overall polnt 11andlngs or PrtGr tb · tbe -i&onl-11- tbe Southern Ocean Racina: CircWt which race, Ttd Turner's American Eagle w11 h11 more than 100 crack yachts com. letding lhe conference and Bob Johnson'• peUnsirom all over the country. Windward Passage was a close second. Standing in second place al lht con· American Eagle was out of the running cluslon of five races, lncludln& the ruaged because of a dismasling, and Windward Miami to NU11t1 race, is Don Ayres• Passage dropped lo lllh place by virtue Cal 40 Melee from Newport Harbor Yacht of her poor hand icap showing in the CJub. MeJee 11 leadinc Cla&S B. ?.tjaml-Nassau race. But Melee bu no chanct or winning Jim Kilroy 's K..ialoa JI from NHYC the overall title u Jack Powell's 47-toot was in 25th place going into the last yawl Salty Tiger sewed up lhe staodlngs race. with a first .place in the.Miami-Nassau The Governor 's Cup ra ce is a 30 miler race. arouf)d the buoys o!f Na&sau. With oaly Friday's Govemor•s Cup After the SORC many of the boat! race left, Salty Tiger has 883.75 poinU will return to Florl~a where they will and Melee has az9. compete in the 800 mile Miaml to Jn eighth place with 713.50 points ii Montego Bay1 Jamaica race starling Fro• Pqe 1 SURFER SLAIN ht could set set.Ued ln ffawail, were acUve, dedicated JW'fer1. AuthorJUes in Honolulu said today the1 have not completed a post mortem ex- arninaUon of Poncl'1 body and the caliber of weapon u.ed to murder hlm ii un- Cft'tain. Mrs. Pond said funeral services are only tentative al this point, but the family hopes to arrange riles Monday al 9 a.m. in St. Joachim's Church. Burial will be in Good Shepherd Cemetay, HunUnJ!oo Beach, loQ.Wing Catbolk: aervlces .for the youth, who worked with his lather In the electrlal buslnesu before moving to the island!:. Survivors include bis brothe.r1 Martin, lJ, and Jame.;, 10, as well as hll parents. !rite victim ha•hnltred the Wu! Co ... Surfboard Clll,mplonahlpa In Hunt!nllon Beach, u weU as competing in San. Clemente contests, and was well-known In Harbor Aru turf oociety. Cotta Mesa Police Detective ROICoe Bnld wu contacted · todly for Jfl6 fOnnaUon about the proper new1 IQUl'Ct lq tho Honolulu Police Department, u a ·former lawman In the ,1eepy llllndl. "What 11 th!1 world comtna to?" Jlld tht Hawlfl-ralled detectJve when told of tbe brulal murder. . Accident Victim . Still Critical A 10U1111 Stanton WOllllll -In ==·=':l:i:\:r';At qatrol of her car on Garden Grove 11Y n<ar Mal"'lla Simi pod ci;ull· fn • tbrle-car ptletip. -,,, ' u utremel,y er!Ucal toda1 at Boacll Memorial HOIJlllll la Sandra , Ill, of 1131 Cerrlloo Ave . omla lllP"llY Patrol olllcen llld WU drfvtnc Wut Cll Iba -11 her car ltrucl: the center divider came to rest In the Inside Jane. · veblcle was then hit by ooe driven h Larry Eva111, :1:1, of 13133 Illlnola S ,. Wmmlnlter and lmockod into the c*1ter lane where it wu struck a second title by a car driven by Robert Brown, el( of Compton. ,Evans was onJy 1ligbUy injured and Bf-WU not Injured • . . • , f'roM P .. e 1 A.POLLO ••. ' DAILY f'ILOT II BOAT NECK SHIRT Bob ShlJlord JACK OP DIAMONDS Tom Trulli1 . ' •-~ill lll,out lo 11111oh Mi=7, ' tht llino -ID' Iba .... ·-11;,._.,., lorinerJy ~ td'bfJ±tm • ' I~ ltandlq In tbe ract w11 a briihtor note for the Melee and Jtl crew which got· caught In one or the worst mishaps that occurred in t h e troubled Miami· Nassau race. · One of Melee's crew, Bill Allen or NHYC was thrown from the. cockpit Into the turbuleot sea whtn Melee broached under UM!. Impact of a particularly heavy sea while bombing along with a spinnaker set. The crew of Melee hurriedly cut everything l.oose and came about to pick up Allen who WN reported to be in the water no more than 10 minutes. Melee was leadini Clau B when the man overboard incident occurred and might have won her class except for, LOUNGING ROBE Roy Marcom Jr. hil olher two pilotl. All three astronauts were taking pic- tures with stlll and motion picture cameras. Men on Parade ''We're all taking pictures of everybody ta.king pictures," said Scott. "Rusty, why don't you lean over here aaaln?" said McDlvltt. "I'd like to get a better picture of the whole scene." McDlvltt and Schwelckart transferred from their command ship to the attached landing a.hip "spider" between fl and 1:48 a.m. PST to open the second day ol tuts of the moon lander. 01\ll Y l'lltll OIAHGI CO.Ul ~•ltlltlH• <CMPANT leMrt N W11I f',..Jtllftl Mii l'vllllthfr J•cl It. Curl:T ¥kt Prt1klrnl tllll G-r lrlltntttf Tk•"''' Ke••il alfl'9r Tlt1rn11 A. M11,•hl~• Mtflll lllf flflfw ... l~trf W. l•t11 WllU1m 1111 "-''" HllfttlrltMll l tkll Elfflw ("" lfltw "'"""""'···*om.. IOt Ith Str11t M1lfl11 "'4,.11, P.O. 111 7'0, •t641 --....... ~:ttl1WR1 1e ... ~ • c.-,.,,_, • ._, '" ,.,... .....,. a..c-: J12 f lrl'QI A- Lagunans Show Latest Fashions By RICHARD P. NAU. 01 tilt 01llW !"Hof Still Just fan cy Laguna Beach motel mogul Loren ·Haneline In a svelte yellow jump suit wilh silk Apache scarf by Don Loper. Or imagine Roy ?.tarcom Jr. in a Po Pua hat with a slinky lounging jacket . . adorne<I by great ' otange and white hibiscus blossoms. Laguna businessmen made a great splash Wednesday. It was the rainbow after the storm. It was enough to make ~ gray·flannel sulter flush and clutch h.is attache case for security. It was a male fash1on show starring the Chamber of Comme~ce Masttrs. Also perhaps It was something ol a fashion battle ol the sexes with the Chamber 's Mermaids who had earlier strutted their sturr. "As tong as It's wild, they'll be '1.·earing It," predicted master of ceremonies Shan Trowbridge of current -men'• fuhlons. That was true Wedndday at any rate. There Wll •Lock bro\er Burdett HU· rtson 1n tu safari coat and bandldo scarf -1 combination that should Im- press any tJiren. Banker Bob Shapard mlgbl ha" boon Wall of Mud Forces . Closure of 62 Wells VENTURA CUP!) - A wall of earth toosenrd bY rtcent rains "flowing slowly Ute riioluses" through the Getty 011 Co. field In School Canyon hu forctd a shutdown of 82 producing wetll. 1... A. Bradtn, coastal di!trtct pr~ ducUoii managtt, tald t.otal losses could ruch $2 hl!Uon trom lhe &Ude which has covertd to acres and burled 1.1 "'ells. ---------- boulevardier Bob Shapard . His long sleeve knit cotton boat neck shirt with horizontal stripes wa.s balanced by boating slacks with zi ppered back pockets (so you won't lose your wallet in a storm or Ensenada boat race). Tom Trullli had the rell act in the hole. His casual beach jacket waa emblazoned with a jumbo Jack of Hearts. and Queen of Diamonds. "This is the year of the peacock for men ," said Trowbridge. "The bright, brilliant plum1ge." And although basic colors don't change, fa shion colors lijlparenlly do. HoW about swttt blue, asteroid gold, Scot green, planet green, glacier white, sheep!kin, Mars brown, London gray or mercury gray. Coast Men Cl.ear In Robbery Case Four Orange Coast men arrested on Sl1.$picion of armed robbery have been cleared or the charges following fW'ther inve.stigatlon by the sheriff's office. Released .from Orange County jail were Jack E. Burnes, 40, and George Kannlos, 22, bolh of 13071 La Pat Place. Westminster and James, J. Grose, 23. of 9922 Krepp Lane, Huntington Beach . Their companion. MichaeLDean l~orton, 22. also of the Westminster address 'must remain In jail to face other charges. The four men were arrested Sunday In Midway City '1.'hen of(icers noticed a shotgun and other Cirearms In their car. The quartet, two of thtm 1A·earln1 llesslan·ii:tyle le.alhtr j1ckeU, had bttn halttd for a minor traffic Infraction. Horton will be arraigned on milide- meanor charges or J)OSS'esslDI 1 awltch- blade knife. Iba ~ lo Ptllac under aal! •Kiin the tlgure> It was round that Lively allar retrte"' Allio. Jen Ls the owner • Ledy 1'U )odeed Ibo winrler. And with o,.i NIP of , Col 4 I , tlll tlnlalf ;plndl .holdlnc aU di!' Tuelttay Madlltpdor, Giii ti 1 ' 1 tt lifted out to be a mialJ l>oat race ,,,... -..-re or one boal d..,Pte the stomoo <OOdlUooa. belnl ........ In lhe krlea llllnda With classes lllrtlng ot 30 minute 'iome IO miles from Nassau, a crewman Intervals, it wu thought that &everal ·from IMther yacht reeeived a broken of. the oar~ erron could be ottrtbut~ ann in I.he race. 11:iere were several to someone feedinl the computer wrong other n)iahaps, none serious. starting time lnlormatlon which would The blfierl hlllle here Wednosda1 have altered the elapaed Umea. was geUing accurate lnformaUon on the A1ao caualng the harried race com. corrected tlme winnera. The com· mttlee some concem was the protest putatlona were being handled by a com-by Bob Johnson owner .. i.Jpper o( the puter, but aeverll erTon were deteded recording . .setting Windward Pusage, • in the unolflclal iuulta. against the race cOnimlttee, clalming Lively Lady, • 3Q..toot sloop owned the& the. rated dlstan~ of the race and 1kJppered by Mike Sbll of San waa from aeven to tea miles too long, Francisco, w-•s first reported u the thus increasing the time allowance overall and Class D winner, but lattr Windward Puaqe u the ICrlltch boat reporla from tbe race comm1llao Tut-bad lo ••• lo the rest of the field. day ru,ht ploced her llflOUrih. The· race la rated at Ill mllea, but But when lnmw1 mlndl pt hold of Johnlon and his novigator Ben Mltchdl, • Acea.eel Slaper Held slate that the dlatance ls between 174 ~ and 171 ml)a, plUI Iba ' foci lhll l!Je1 1achtl 1et help from .~ r,!! ......,. r over a porUon of the race. 111ere has t bte.n no _windward work in UtiJ race ~ 11nce 1911!, Jobnloll cootendl. The protal WU lclJeduled lo be beard I today, but tbert seems to be UlUt hope 1 that it will alter this year's race. tt 1 may fn the future, however, lead to 1 a reraUng of the race, •coordlne to • one oUJclal who dld not want to bt. • named. · Here are the preliminary unoffici'J co~ time standings : 2. Bikinl; Class A• I, SaltJ Ti ), Panacea. Cius B: 1, eketij 2. Melee; ,, F.Irebrand. Cla.ss C: 1, HuaUer; 2, Scaramouche JV: '· JemeL Clw D and Overall: I, Uvel,y uey;· 2, Scamp; '· NauUcaL Hearts Cut From Bodies TRURO, Maaa. (UPI) -The hearts were cut out and mlaslng from three of four dlamtmbered women'a bodiu found In shtllow ,,.,.. In this Cape Cod commun111. D!lt. Alty. Edmund S. DlniJ said today. The pl'Ollecutor dllc!Oled deiailJ of the bizarre deathl shortly before Antone Coot.a, 24, a Provincetown carpenter Bnd amateur taxldennist, was brought to court for arraignment on two counts of murder in connection with me case. 'lbree bodlOI Including thqee or two missing Rhode Island women were found Wednesday· in g'fia~low gravea In the sandy plnelands 10 mUes from the sum· mertime playground of artists, writers. and hii)piei at Provincetown. It was the grimmest tale of murder to unfold since the Bost'on Strangler killed 13 women between June, 1962 and Jan· uary, 1964. Dinis said the !Jodie:; also bore teeth marks and v.•cre "cut into as 1nany parts as there were joints.·• He said the heartl!I were removed but \\'Ere not found in the graves. "We 're facing a bizarre situ:i· lion," Dinis said. Two of the bodles found Wednc&dfly were those of the missing \\•omen, Patricia Walsh and Mary Ann Wysocki, both 23 and both from Providence, R. I. Only a band and part of the torso or the badly-decomposed th ird body were found, and it was not certain immedi· ately whether the victim was a man or a woman. Costa, must.ached with long sideburns and wearing "granny" gleses was Provincetown District Court. Judge Ger· shorn D. Hall ordered Colla held without ball and to undergo 35 days observatton at Bridgewater State Mental Hospital. Costa wore the same clothes he had on when he wu urested Wednesday- • light blue turtleneck ahlrl, chino J>lllU and a Navy blue jacket. Miss Walsh, a second-grade teacher, and Miss Wysocki, a college aenior, dig.. appeared five weeks ago while vacatlon-ina on the cape. Neither of the other bodies hu been Identified. All four bodies were found near the sea, in a deJOlate · area where crude zigzag traits cross a sandy wasteland. A teenager's body was found Feb. 8, In the early sl'ages of the search for the missing Rhoo;le lllanders. The car in wh lch they were traveling had been found nearby shortly after their disap- pearance with a note on the wi~ie1d saying it had been left because 1t was out of gas. Polloo returned to the scene when the women were reported missing. The car was gone, but the searchers saw a 1trap sticklng out of the sand a few yards away and by diggln1 in the area ~ earthed the teenager's body. The car turned up later in Burlington, Vt., and authorities aald Costa wu driv- ing it. He was questioned but was released when he produced a bW of 111• which appeattd to have been signed by Miss Walsh. He has now been charged with auto thefl as well as murder. 7 Valley Residents Hit Lot Sizes inOl('d Tract Critics of the proposed Larwin Com- pany tract near Talbert Avenue and A-1agnolia Street lined up to fire several volley11 at the Fountain Valley Planning Commission Wednesday night. ·Seven residents of lhe area criticized An apparent misunderstanding In· volving lot siies in the tract brough& the criticlsm. Residents indicated they originally thought lot sizes would be fi,000 squar• feet, but now note that 25 percent of the lots will be 5,000 square feet. Planners, however, said tbt Larwin tract ha~ already been ,approved and furtheP action cannot be taken. arrested Wednesday night Jn a Bo.ton the com1nission for appr ovi ng the pl~n apartment. An iMocent plea later .,.., a develop1nent proposal Jdurlng a spect~l entered for ·eostlt at·,hla •rrat~ ~ 1 meeting last Th9rsday.. . • i ~~---~~--~--~~~~- al jJ. J. () ' '::f Cl rrell & IT'S HERE · AGAIN!! OUR ONCI ·A ·YEAR WAREH-OUSE • AT THE REAR OF THE STORE 17 SOFAS and LOVE SEA TS R ... $349.00 To $795.00 UP TO 60 22 CHAIRS Reg. $139.00 To $2n.oo ... NOW $159.00 TO $399.00 · 33 OCCASIONAL TAIW Reg. $59.00 To $149.00 NOW $69.00 TO $139.00 39 TAILE and HANGING LAMPS Reg. $50.00 To 100.00 NOW $19.95 TO $39.00 NOW . $29.00 TO $69.00 64 PICTURES cmd MIRRORS R ... $15.00 To $150.00 NOW $5.00 TO $59.00 • DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS H.J.GARRETT fURNll1JRE rAOFESSIONAL INTHio. DE.lt&NQS 0,. .... 1'llln. • ,,._ - I 2211 HARIOR l l\'O. COSTA MESA , CALIF. M6.-0175 646·0271 l I ~ I I I~ For Tlw Record l!!'l•nor lturll G-. ltnldl11t el YUfl\1, ~. SUrvlv.d W 1111 .. nd. !"'"411 cl1111hllr, Mn. It r c 111 r d P:!Hfltft. 11:-.1rv, t P'M, flllllelll. 11 .. ,.ulerrl Ma .. , 11 AM, l'rld1y, llel1'I ti SI. 1--ture Ctltlollc Otttl'dl. Dl- l"tcitd Irr Dlldt\' lrelMn MorMry, tom1. WHITECAW Marki A. Wllllli.w. t20YI °""1l. ltltloll hlllnd. hloYwd ""°""'" Ill Mr1. F...,_ t'ldl I. Vltld of NtwfOrf IMCh. .,,. C1H'fM !', M.t~. Of lf11th101 •r•ndmOftlw d Mrs. Urry l . uw11, Jifl'm' 111d J-"'911 Vlellh tlld SCIM1er Mt"'--. ""'"*Ill ..,.... ka9 wttJ i11t Miii kfurUy, 11 AJ.1, 1't It. All*-'• o.-1. Ml St. A~ .......... ,,..,., ,..,., wfltl Dr. It""""' I. lrW!Mw effkllltir.. SBROCCO AllfPionr "· ..-. ._ n. "' 21n HlfW' llW .. (:Mtl; Mew. Grw-NI ..,...._ ,,,..,., lt AM. H.,.., ltllf ~ l"trt!'. OINl:Md W lefl lrwdWIY ~. 110 ,,....,..,, CMtl MIN, POND JR. Wlllltll'I H. """· Jr. AM' lt, II :Mt AbNt ,.leA, C.ta M9H. Sul'YIVld lrr Nrtnh, MT. lfld Ml'I. Wllllllm H. ,...._ Sr.1 two ~. Mtl1tn ... J11M11 ..... .,..,,,., MT. 111111 Mn. H.,.low I . """"' tnd Mr. 111111 Ml'9. lAo H. """°"'' kt''flcts 111!111"'9 11 hit ltmdwav Mortlltl'Y· 111 '"°"" _,,, COlll Meu. ROG.IN Dvl(1 A. MoNn. 3001 W. Ottllllfl'Gllf, N~ Bffdl, l"Dl'rnll' ~ of N......,,, l..c:PI 11!'1!;1. l"tned tW.Y l'.tioruerv tc. Fuowr•I MrYlclH -"' ti.Id l'.iwvtrv tt In Honol\llU. ,,,,._ ""rltl cantrlbuttOl!t 1111'1' ~ _. 1't ""' AITl«klln H"rt Aueci.t1on, !AS N. kuklll SI .. HonokJJu, Klwtll, WM~ Cllf Mortuerv. """*"- BAL'l't MORTIJAIUES CenuMllllrORUGI c.ta H• Ml HOC ' 'BELL BROADWAY ' MOllTIJAllY J -""'1. Colla Me• IJ Wal • DILDAY BROTHERS Rntlactn Valley ·i l\lortury 1 i'llll 'Beacb Blvd. , JluUnito• Btac• W.i'rll . PACIFIC \IJEW MEMORIAL PAll Comelerl' .. Marlliuy . Clll,el .l'Mllle\'ldl>rln Nowparl lleadl, Calllorola -\ L!~JAMILY wwNIAL "1NEllAL • BOHS I '1111 Bella A ... IJ-r INIUS .. '\U'tll'6 MORTllAllY I m Miii Sl. .~ ... -· , · tzum WISTCLIFI' J!ORTIJAllY ~ £i 1'1111 SL, c:iita Mela f -···· Fire CaU. Mer. I --1:l5 1t.m., MNICll •ltl RMI-.... -...,... .. --· ll:SI •·'"" Ill-, 7"! \itvcnl"'9 6:0 '·'"·· ,lte lnvMt1t1llon, A.IMCIM ....... ... _._. I Crittenton Seelr:-.;;... '·.n.auo . $600;000 EL MODENA -T he ,_ CrltteatCOI Home ol ~ COunly, • -blned ICbool -and uo11Wice cenler for tem-qe unwfl/d mothers II mDW>tma a lw .. Jll'Olll'd campatcn to raise '900,000 and to eet ff.vorable acUon on a buJldlq slle. 'lbe home'• board ol rune-"°" ~ decided to aak boUI lhe COWlty Planning Com· mlulon and Board o I Supenllon to review action oo re:ll'.:nlnJr property on Bond Sinet In El 1!'.odfJll, ~ a11e for !be home. Tbe d1recton have1htred at- torney William Weake lo-ban- die m>lng mini baloro tbe county boardl. Cr!Uenilln boanl pruldent Rlcllud W. Taylor llld about $111,000 hu been railed toward the bo!ldlni lund. Re aald alternale sliell bad been IUlltsted, but DO acUon wlll be taken on them until hearinJs on the El Modena site ue concluded. No dates have been set for the hearings. Oranae County school.I es- perlence about 500 teen-age unwed mother dropouts an- nually, Tayt<r uld. c;rtfte.n~ off 1 c f al s tm· phulzed lhal no babl .. wcluld be delivered at the proposef! facility, but intenslve cooud· in& ICboollng, medical care, guldanco In nutr!Uoo, family adjustment and OCber 111bjecls a r e covered by many civic agenclu cooverglng tbelr ef. loris around . the Crittenton centers, already established In (7 c!Ues througbout the na-tlod. "We think the teebn1ca11Ues of zoning should no longer hold up the ba<Jly-nffded facility In Orange County If it's human1y possible to avoid it." the Crittenton president concluded. • ' ""'"4lY, Miid! 6, 1969 D.<n. Y rlLOT 9 C!'unty_ w Rule onModelHouseSetuP,'" SANTA ANA -Wha t' may liecome a precedenl·lftilnc decision will be nwl.e by tbe counly Board al Supervllon Marclt 11 on the request of two Orange Cout developert to construcl a mlldel home comple1 alone the Santa Ana Freeway at Jeflrey Road. The aubdlvlalon to bt ad- vertlaed by tlle model home setup ls three-quarters of a mile awa y at Valencia Avenue and Jetfrey in the heart of the Irvine Ranch. It comi.11.! al 414 bulldlng lots. Developers John W. Klug and Frank Ayen and Son, both of ·Newport Beach, ap- pealed the rejecUon of the aalel setup by county 7.onlng Adplliihiralor Ray Reed. But supervisor• Wedne8day refer- red the appeal to lhe counly Planning Commbllon for ·ID- alyall. and recommendalloo. Reed said be opposed tb• potential commerclalh.aUon along freeways and that gran- Ung of the request for a two- year period woufd lead more buJlders to try the same ap- proach, new to Orange County. In effect, the approach would mean detachment of sales and advertl!Jng from the sub- dlvlsloo ltsell. - -------,. -.. ...,.. __ They have otter.eel to delett Board iJI s up er v I 1 o u !lie ilP l'iij\ltit. -Chairman William H. lllnl<ln lllui..ID!LAY•n ol race .. ~ ter Homer have uked for a merchlndllln( C'"'1plu ol Tbe ~ contend the llld the Jda -be aubdMlloo 11 only accealblo welully studied "bat lllt =1. ~~~ policy ol the -.1:1= elgbl model -· a -·· jlloY ll'U, 3S part. 1nc-.twooa1e1olllcea' aocl two 10 by to-loot alpl. cleared lD lw• ;run and the 111111!1 too much model -taken to tbe 1111>-alool lr<eways. II I • dlvllloo. ~ ... OUR CURRENT ANNUAL RATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHE.N COMPOUNDED DAILY & HELD 1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT e INSURANCE TO 111,GOO, e PIDElALLY CHARTERED AND SUPERVISED e Wl PAY U.IHIH•S ON YOUI FUNDS FIOM DATE RECEIVED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e FUNDS RfClfvED ON 01 IEFOll THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH IAIH FAOM THE IST e· SAYIE·IY0M.All. WE PAY POSTA'91E IOTH WAYS, A CONVlHIDIT WAY TO SAYE. l\4IC CllllTU'tCATW-IN MULTJllLDMt1• PIN t YUaT'lltll COMTltAC1' SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS • -· MULLEN BLUETT • • SAVI I CIWIQE IT Titb 1ptt 11 90tlfll kl paywltl'I your Mll!ltn I. 8'lttt or Ctodlnl ecco11nL .. llMllll!tcttd «Mi ster Ch119t Sorry ••• 1ll 111ff aubject lo: AL TEMTIONI A.T COSTI ~ C,O.o'll HO OlUVtRltSI N$) WJl OA !'HONE OADERS! . GRODJ:NS ANNOUNCING A PRECEDENT-SHA TIERING SLACK SALE! Your Choice of 20,000 Pairs• Originally Selling Fortt5 To*45 Reg. Now Reg.; tl5.00 *7.50 S29.95 18.95 9.46 35.00 20.00 10.00 40.00 ' 21.95 10.98 42.50 23.95 11.98 45.00 Now t14.98 1-7J50 20.00 21.25 22.50 •Fair Traded wash pants excepttd. SELECT FROM: DRESS SLACKS, LUXURY SLACKS, CASUAL SLACKS, GOLF SLACKS, TRADITIONAL MODELS, TAB·WAIST MODELS, BELT LOOP MODELS • . . Soon, a new 1111111 for Mullen & Bluett. Right now our atockl muat be clell'ldl That'1Whywe'Yelfuhld our alack prlcee In hilt-and you hive the choice Of the houM, tool Pick your favorite oolort, patt11119, flll~ca lncludlng wool wontlld1, lllllo womlld1, Dacrone -•d•, rev1r11 twl1t1, g1b1rd1n .. , .thaJklldne, hoptadlt, bengann.., doetkh)I and ~ Don't 111111 thlt ar.t sr.cft aavfngs opportunity. Come In to- day, and 1tock up for Spring, Summer and all occasions. • • ' ~ • • • • '" ., • • • • • .. • • • " ~ , • • .. • -• . .. .. .. •. •• . ~ - • .. -.. • ' -• --.. • • -• -. • -• • • • • • .. I , l G DAILY PILOT , H Mutual Fllllds • -..,L. !' OYER THE ·COUNTER . ·.....:: ·DESERT AIR HOTEL and RESORT Ry in • . . Drive in COl'P'ER IROILER ROO"' DINN!RS l -11 no • for vacation fun company can your family · ••• is a Mass Mutual Agent The ~Ught 11 on -' Our Min of th• Month for F•bru•ry . ' "' " . ' " WAYNE D. HOPPIE for hi1 l11c/1nhip i11 1v1ry phtll of our A9111cy octiwlty Thomas C.L.U. - L. Thorkelson, Manager lSOl Wtstcliff 0 five Prices of Things vs. Non-things Suite 225, Newport Beach, C•1 if. Toi. (714) 642.0351 MASSACHU8ETT$ MUTUAL. 'LIP'C INSURANCE COMPANY 9~1110<.ir1&LO,M ... llACHUIClf$ • OllG,liNIZl:O 1111 l!y SYLVIA PORTER COsT OF LIVING CON· Gloomy Gus· Tells it as You See it "l'RAST, ONE : The average. cost or a clothes wa shing machine rose 2.S percent last yea r. But the cost of sending your soiled clothes to a laun· 'dry jumped nearly three times as much -7.3 percent - while the cosl of having a daily household worker do your laundry zoomed 9.4 per- Sometimes you can become so preoccu- pied meeting day to day obllgations- taxe s, bllls, etc.-you can forget there's •tomorrow. Wiishire Federal Savings would like to remfnd you ••• and suggest the best and 11fett way to assure the availability or ·money for future plans. or just futuro aecurfty, la by syatem:a.tlc saving. WUa~lro Federal paya the highest re· tum on Insured &avlnga allowed by Jaw ••• 5.f3%, when the current annual pass-- book r1te of 5°/o la compounded daily and held fora year. Additions Hy, you can earn 1 .25'/o bonus on 36·month certificate 1833 NEWPORT BlVO. NEAR HARBOR COSTA MESA. CALIF. 92627 • 642-4711 Home Office: los Anttfts; Otlltr Officu: Cll•tSWOflll, Mcnrovi1 accounts In multiples of S1 ,000. Start providing fo r your future today with a savings account at Wilshire Federal ••. then add to It regularly. * funds tarn from datr. received [O date urith.drOW1!. * funds rectivtd by the lOlh earn from Ott 1st if left to end of quarter. ------~--. ---. ---------- cent. COST OF , LIVI NG CON· WHY IS IT THAT BOB MANGAN · SELLS SO MANY NEW CARS? WELL, ONE REASON IS THAT HE SELLS SOME OF THE FINEST AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS ON THE ROAD TODAY. THE OTHER REASONS ARE THAT HE HAS BEEN WITH US A LONG TIME ••. SO HIS CUSTOMERS CAN READILY FIND HIM FOR ASSISTANCE WHEN THEY RETURN TO THE DEALERSHIP FOR SERVICE AFTER PURCHASE. HE'S . GLAD TO HELP. BOB IS A BUSINESSMAN AND AS SUCH HE REALIZES THAT SERVICE, RELIABILITY ANO PERMANENCE ARE IMPORTANT TO HIS CUSTOMERS. • BOB WILL SELL ,YOU THIS 19H COUGARo'BRAND NEW I -READY. TO GO. HUGE SAVINGS JobnSOD+SOD Ll lHn CtWTi~UUL • llllH m • llEHHY. ~~UIU M16 MAllOl IOUlW ... ,.CObA ••& IU·l=U=I====== ' ' ' . ·-A~ ' G ·~ • G G G G 2 G G G G G G ' G ' G g ~ g G G ~ g ~ g I g G I G G g " G G G G G G G G G G G g G G G G 2 & G G G H ~ H H H H H H H H > > > t > H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H ·1 H H H H H : I H H H H H H H 1 · H H H H H I H H I > H > H > H ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I ' ' H DAIL v PILOT J I ·, Thursday's CTosing Prices-. -Complete New Yorlt Stock Exchange List ' • : -~--~ -----1 ----~ ..... .... Wit ... .. .. -.... ~111;.if!M 1 ii ~·a ~0..!t.ltt-;; ·-• .. ... • • • I I I, I I ~ I- J! DAILY PILOT Welfare ~ Attitudes · ~urprise · WASHINGTON (UPI) -A stu(jy · ol attitudes toward So- cial Security over the put 30 years indicates that the Amer· ican people are willing. to speild money for Social Secu~ ity and the poor -perhaps even a( the prict ol higher taxes. "Welfare expendiltires are, and have continuously been, popular," fl.11chael E. Schiltz wrote in the conclusion to bis twO:year study. The itudy· was <lone by Ute Nalionil Opinion Reseaidl Center for the Social 'Se<:urity Adminislration (SSA) of the Depanlnent of Health, Educ&· tion and WeUare. A synopsis appeared recentlr ln HEW'• Welfare in Re•iew. The study indicates a general acceptance of Social Security -the pro- grams of old age, survivors and disability insurance, and now Medicare. SEVERAL SURPRISES Schiltz told UPI he found several surprises. One is that "the public is really mucb more w~g to spmd public monies-for the poor than people suspected, u Jopg as they unctemand 1t ii going to lhooe who rftlly·need it." 'nil!, be said in hls'-- ,..port, is a legacy of the· de- JftSS)oo. "Nor , , Js there any doubt that the horrors of the early th i r t.i es implanted 1n the American people at least. one value change which was -es· senLial and enduring: they be- came permanently and appar· ontly irreversibly convinced thaL the amelioration of pov· erty was the business of their government '' MANY FOOTNOTES He backs up the report with a volume of footnotes refer- ring to data gathered from 15 national polls during the • year period. Among Schiltz's other major findings: -Whenever tht term "needy" appeared in IUl'VtY questioas, support for IDY given welfare policy wu higher than if ~m\9 such as "welfare program" wert used ; -"The American public ls bewildered by and ill inform- ed about the complex features of social welfare programs and proposals." For example, he said, "in 1941, almost half of the respondents who knew -1bat a Social Securit'y deduc- t1on was being made from their pay envelopes did not know that they would be eli- gible for an old age pension." -Americans have consis- tently believed that _welfare recipients are dishonest. "Two surveys in 1937 and 1939 in· dicate lhat roughly 60 per- cent of the public believed that many relief recipients could get private work if they tried. In 1964, 87 percent of the population thought that some or most persons on re. lief were there for dishonest reasons. percent or the respondents to an August, 1965, s urve y thought that "many people col- lect unemployment benefits even though they could find work." PEOPLE LAZY -While most people be- lieved the government must be responsible for the poor, • 1964 poll found lhat M percent of !hose ~ewed agreed that ''weliare and relief make people lazy.'' Schiltz did not explore "this dualism" cA. attitudes. He merely noted its Wst- ence and concluded: "'I'he bark of the avera~e American is worse" than bts biie: and he is willing to sup- port a welfare program if assured that iL will indeed be directed at the needy." UCI Names Math Head Dr. Ray A. Kunze, prof...., of mathematics at W asblQltorl University. Mo .. will become pro(esaor IDd cbainnan of tile department of mathematics at UC Irvine on July L The appointment was an- nounced by Dean Frederick ,J\elnes of the UCI School ol Physical Sciences. Professor Kunze has been a member of the faculty at Washington University for six years. Aft.er receiving his PhD at the Univenity of Chicago In 1957, he held the prcsligioui; C.L.E. Moore lnstructorship :1tt tht; MauacbU1etta Institute of TeC!molOCJ' f<N' three Y"1S. • 11• lw "°"' IJDportanl reaearch \n fUnctlona l analyais, Dean Reina: llid. ·- " ---- . . • ·-. ·' .. ~ ~· • " ·~ I • ' ~~ • I . . . • ! •• • . - ' ' ' " • • . . ' ·' ANAHEIM " ., 444 N. Euclid 535.8121 Mon. thru Sit. 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m." • • -· l r - " ·---~-__._._ . . • .~I ll_ NIWPOlT 47 Fa1h;on bl.nd 644.Jltl Mon. thru Fri. I 0 'e.m. to 9 :~0 p.m. S.t. 10 e..m.• to t :iO p.m. I • .. 'f'): I I I .. -· .----- ONCE-A-YEAR, ONE WEEK 15% . SAVINGS EVENT EVERY SIMMONS HIDE-A-BED"' ON OUR FLOOR! , Reg. 239.95 -399.95 NOW 203.95-399.95 Now's the time to make a selection; from rich textwre~. glove soft vinyls, custom qiulteds, luxurious velvets or indestructible Voctro® Olefin fabric . All 1969 cove11 include ·scolga•d® soil and strain repellent. Ple<>se allow 3 weeks fo~ delivery. Sleep Shop, o9. SAVE 15°/~ Ohl .EVERY* SOFA, CHAIR, LOVESEAT COVERED TO YOUR ORDER DURING THIS ANNUAL EVENT 11 o.4s-552:4s · · Expertly-crafted. impr0ssively styled by such famous makers as Kroehler, Sherman Bertram, Hiat, Guaranty and Me_yer Kay. Velvets, linens, silks, cordu roys, textures, tweeds, damasks ond vinyls in rich colors fo stimulate your decorating ideas: in made to measure lengths. One week only on this yearly event. • Reg. 229.95 -649.95 solos, now 195.45· 552.45 • Reg. 179.95 · 369.95, loveseats, now 152.95 • 314.45 •Reg. 129.95-209.95 chairs, now 110.45· t78.45 'bt•pt Feit f,..494 S..ti"t Piec••· Furniture, ~8 ' HUNTINIHON HACH 1n1 Edin9•rr Ave. 192.)331 Mon.thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m . --~ ~I 'I ' I .\ ., I' " I· ,. . ' r ".I ' " ,, ' ~ Ji ,, .( • • ',. I ' I I I - • I ~ - • - • .. Fountain \:t··-Stoelm VpL 62, NO. ~6. '4 SECTIONS, +4 PAGES ( THURSDAY, t'4A CH Ii, 1969 TEN CENTS • Peace Talks Cut Saigon Protests Continue<), Red Terror PARIS (AP) -ExplO<iOlll of enemy · rockets ID Saf&oo echoed In Paris today and brobgtit an abrupt end of what a U.S. spokesman called a "abort and grtm" seaaion of the Vietnam peace talb. Tlie almOapOOo WIS charled with bitterness.· M a ma?k of its , energetic, protests against the lblllllng of llalgon, Sooth Vleln1m~1 delegaUon 1uddenly moved ad· journrnent of the Seveqtb session im- mediately afler cmnpleUon of formal statements, because "an atmoipbere favorable to useful discussion does not Earth Moved for Harbor c1 ba,.,in eventually will include launching ramps, boat repair yards and related facilities, Harbor is expected to be ready for first ho<!!• in 1970. Schweikarl Spacewalk: 'What a V eiw' Huge earth movers haul portions of clifis over- Jooking new, $22.5 million small craft harbor in Dana Point for fill in east basin of projlfl East Fifteen Cities In County Want Harbor Breakup Sirhan Remembers Being Drunk But Not Shooting By JACK BROBACK Of Ille 01llY ,llool Sl1tf The Orange County ·League of Cities campaign to dissolve the Harbor District and substitute a regular county Depart- ment or Harbors, Beaches and Parks has been .approved by a majoritt or the QOUnty's 2i ciUu. Hal Sim!:, La Habra councilman and chairman of the leape'1 commiltet on Hatbar District dissolution, said today that 15 cities have adopted resolutions approving the. program to initiate dissolu· lion proceedings. Approving cities are Costa Mesa, Foun: lain Valley, Huntington Beach, Los Alamitos, San Juan Capistrano , Westminster, Brea, Buena P a r k , Fullerton La Habl'a, Placentia, Santa Ana St~ton Tustin and Yorba Linda. Ali those 'cities, with the except.ion of Costa Mesa, have adopted resolutions directed to tbe Local Agency Formation Commission requesting dissolution. The LAFC resolution is scheduled. to be discussed by the Costa Mesa City Council next week. Four cities have voted against the league program. They an Garden Grove, La Palma, Orange and Stal Beach. Two cities, Anaheim and Laguna Beach, have · withheld action pending answers to ques- tions concerning disposition cf assets and control of tidelands in the event cf dissolution. Three cities, Cypress, San Clemen~e and Villa Park, have members of their city councils who also sit on the LAFC and they have been requested by the league not to take a position to avoid any JXlSSible conflict of lntere»t. \ Newport Beach has adopted a resolu- tion, stating that, in the event of ~lu· tion "it is essential that the ctty be reir~bursed by the county for e1• penditures by the c~ty to pri;ividc harbor [acilities and services which produce regional beneflls." , . The league's timetable 1n the campaign calls for the LAFC to hold a hearing in April. If \he commissionen approve the dldoluUoo , a recommendalioo to· the Board of Supervilon that a coun- tywide election be called on the issue is expected. Beach Teacher Suffers Burns ! First and second degree burns were sulfered to Utt right hand of a RunUng· ton Beach grade ._achoo\ teacher w h o attenwted to utlngui.sh name. on his kitcMn .atove Wednesday. Firemen gave first aid to Gary Reboi.n, 24. ot !9853 IAlru Lane, lhortly afltr the fire broke out at 1:19 p.m. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sirhan Sirhan said today that he does not remember shootinl Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. He lflliied at his murder trial that he waJfdered into the Ambassador Hotel on primary elecUon night last year, had ~~-JeVeral cf1111U, fell ~f loo fnlOJ!Ci!M'~o ilrlv4 h!Jr '~ar, a/ii wall li>okinC far ·coif ... · He JrU ID 111<. tud)eo "1¥ -:lie Mid,. when he fbood IOm8 CUJ11. · "wJat bapptned nut?" asked defense atton)ey Grant B. Cooper. "I. ifon't remember." "what is the next thing you remem- ber?" "I remember being choked.11 'No dor.en witnesies tesUfied Sirhan fired eight-1hots i'n a kitchen pantry ear~ tbe morning of last June 5. Three Sailor Facing Hit-run Charge As Man Injured A Long Beach sailor faces felony hit and run charges today resulting from an accident Wednesday afternoon in Hun- tington Beach. . • Neal Francis Lawson 111, 11, of Pomona, staUoned in the U.S. Navy at Long Beac.h, w11 b<iOked into Hun· tington Beach City Jail at 5:30 p.m. on charges of feJony hit and run, possession of dangerous drug~ and driv- ing under the Influence of clmgs, Police sa.Jd Lawson struck a car on Pacllic Cout Blgbway drlttn by George James Huser, 50, of %1441 PacifJc Coast Highway, Huntington Beach. 81.iH?''S car WAI hit from the rtar, went out of •control, and rolled down a IO-foot embankmenl towardl.the beach in the bluffs area near GoJdenwut Street, poliee said. Huser w11 reported reat.lng com- fortably today at Huntington lntercom- munity Hospital. Officer i)obn Hauser arrested Lawson nW' the Newport Beach boundary on Pacific Coast Highway after hearing'the radio broadcast of the hit and run ac- cident Witnesses said Lawson's car had been seen apeeding and weavln& on PacUic Cout .ffl&bwoy ID Utt SWlltt Beach area. Hf IS being held today In l!Untlngton -·B<tch City Jafl for llrrllgrunent oo all three char,.. In Weot Orange County MuOlcipal co.rt ID W~. slruck ~y. who had just won C a Ufor:.i~bemocratic pre.sldential primary. Ker:medy died the next day. Sirban said be lia~ '1one to the Am- busador Ind wanderO<f into a party beflot-hOld far· Mu.--RaHerty, who wu ~ Republiclnl.·I e n a to r i a 1 ~and «dlfet a ~ .... .._, ·111 ~-,,, .. / .. the-'-erty ... .ad: "l iru, bopbls t. He erty ... ~ 1'atbleen." Kathleen, be aaid, bad once been 1 classmate. He bought a secorid drink, be said, and walked toward an area where two days earlier he had attended a pre-elec- tion party for Sen. Kennedy. Sirhan said he returned to hi11 car, where the revolver .he had used for target shooting that day wa1 lying in the back seat. "I felt 1 was quite high. I wa11 alone and if. I got more drunk nobody would take care of me," he said. "I decided to go home. "l tried to force myself to drive but I was too afraid to drive." He added : "I decided to go back to the 'bar to get coffee and sober up." Q. Did y,ou pict up the gun? A. I ·don't rememDer. Q. In the view of what happened you must have. A. I must have but 1 don't remember. Once bact in the Ambassador, Sirhan said, he found. a metal bo1 that he said contained cups and saucers and as be was pouring himself coffee "a girl came up and wanted coffee too. I Hie lots or cream and sugar and that's the way she wanted it too." "What happened next!" asked Cooper. "J don't remember." ••What ia the next thing you remem- ber?" "l remember being choked." Earlier, Sirhan said his presence al the hotel wa.s due to an accident - his mistaken reading of a newspaper advertisement the day of the slayin1. lul June. 1be advertilement announced a pro- Isr1el parade, the "Miracle Ml?'Cll for Israel" marking the first annit.enarY ol the sil.-Oay war between tbe ,JeW1 and the Arabs in 1961. • , ~ The parade waa scbeduled . for the (S.. SIRHAN, Par• 4) Stanford P r otes ter s PALO AL1'0 (0PI) -A group of 29 Slanfonl University students, con· "k:ted of disruPtin&· a Board of Truslees -tlni. said Wednetcfay It would not pay fines totaling $!,too. SPACE CENTEl\, Houston (UPI) - Apollo 9 a1t.ronaut Russell L. Schweickart spacewalked for 371,~ minutes on the ·• front porch of rus lunar landing craft today and sild : "Boy, oh boy, what a view !" The rookie spaceman, feellng so good that part ol hls once-canceled spacewaJk was reinstated, stepped into a pair of fiberglass "gol<len slippers" mouhted on the plaUonn outside the moon lander. He Joked with bl11 tWo f e 11 ow astronauts, photographed the earth and the SB-foot-loDi tandem spacecraft, observed the moon, watched debris float from the open ~tch of Lbe adjacent _...,.•lg·aoll'1ve• "911~ ......... between two w.in~ow paqes.. .. ... Sch.-eicurt Of"l lloated up alq Ille outalde al llie i1J1cecrill, hafllinl .., to hand rails. He was called back into the spacecraft about 9:45 a.m. PST Ind the moon lahder's hatch was loc~ed live minutes later. The space agency logged Schwelcklrt's spacewalking Ume as 37~ minutes. The lunar landP.r's hatch was open for' a total or 48 minutes. ''There, lhat I o o k s comfortable;" Schwelckart 1ald as he 1uided rus bOoted feet Into \he slippers. SchweJckart wu performing the key lest of the fourth day cf Apollo 9's JG-day orbitstl trial run fot a May moon flight. • Schweiciart was exposing America's cumbersome "moon suit" to th e harsh vacuum of apace for the first time. Callini himself "Red Rover" as he swept 145 miles high over the United States, Schwelckart said his spacesuit wa11 "ve'ry comfortable." It is the suit tha t men will wear when they walk on the moon. ''Ooh, that sun ls really bright,•: he said. But he said his refrigerated. long johns were keeping hlm comfortable. While Commander James McDlvitt ;·e- mained close by in11ide the cramped lunar module's cabin, Schwelckart swu.ng open the 32-lnch square hatch at about 9:02 a.m. PST. The ship's cabin oxrc~n wa11 vented out in space a few minutes earlier. "The hatch Is open, no sweat," said ~1c0ivltt.\ "Hey, that's qu ite spectacular," said Schweickart, looking down at e&rth as the tandem spaceship whit.zed above in crbit at 17,500 mllea per hour. David R. Scott stayed behind in the command ship and opened his hatch at about the 11ame Ume. He planned to reach out and retrieve two spacecraft skln samples. "Everything'• going along fine up here," sRld Scott. "You're cleared to do Jnything, go as far as . you want to," aa.id ground communicator Stuart Romia. • "How you feeling, Rusty?" McDivitt asked the 1pacewalker. "Feeling fine," repUed the 31-year-old civilian spaceman. He ,... wearing a backpack bffilthing unit that kept him In ronstant radlo communJcaUona with (S.. APOIUl, Pap I) ' Reboln, a third grade teahe:r at P~ ry Elementary School. Huntington Beach was later released to a private J)l'ly~dc'ian. l'bree. [ire engines and a snot· kel unit were dispatched to combat the b1ate whkh caused '500 dt1m1ge btlort !!-was extinguished. GWC Slates Racism Drama NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market wu down aharp\y at the cl"' today, '!Ith to.aes holdtng 1 four to one edge over aiM• (See q1,1otatlons, Pqes 10-11). 1The ·l:>bw~Gr1e1 .lndustrlal avenge at I :30 ·~.m. was ofC JO.ff points, or J.15 · percent, at tll.42. ' A· ponetrallnc lootr at contemperlJ'Y famUy and camm•nK7 problem htctm at 71111 'o'clock ton11hl .-Ith a drama on prejudlce 1t Goktea Wut College, lfWltlhftell Beach. The Pi.1, ''Ille*'° Are Liltenl-C'' Is the 'lint "He;l)lrl ~f!! .r. be prueiilid . • ·duit¢ Iha Thurlday nll)lts Morch/ ' The 1erlts 11 offerld 11 a community I - II, whe• :he )>117 will he UUed "fencu," ind the,alldlenco .-m dl11CUJ1 fnfqr1uon with partlculu "'1pi1Uls °"Utt 1ehoo!J. "Ticket for Tomorrow" will be the play March 20 and the di1CU1Slon will I ht op .the ,rebel!~ teenager, and h!J . llruaiil f<lr ~· :· 1 111e fjnal Jilay~1 '''Violence In the ,Slreell," Will kldl oil d1"""'loa on , the uui of force. 1 (_ • . ·~· ' . ' ~ l' & yet ez.lst." . The South Vietnamese quickly strtssed they bad not walked out and were not boycotting the talb. Alked about thll, a South Vletnamtse apokesman pointed out that the ·Salfron deleptlon had proo pooed Utt -.... ion be held -Thuraday. Then ht added : "It all depends on ~hat'happeM tn the next few days.':~ "We;don't wapt to make any tbreatl,11 he said. "But we will have an appropriate response to the Communist actions.'' The seventh session ended after only four hours, shorter by 90 minutes than Buddies Watcla any of the preceding 91>. The United States ·Onct SOuth Vletuam angrily presented their prote.ts qalnal tbe shelllngs In Vietnam. The' NaUonal Liberation front and Nor.th Vietnam u- jected a U.S . .-ln)ing, vol~ b)' ~ dent Nixon, of "appropriate'' ruponae In Vietnam if the Bhelllnga conttniie. • "lt was a short and grim i;neet!nr. ovtl'lhadowed by the terrible • events of Jast night in Sai~On, wht'n women and cltildren were killed In another Jn• ~ discriminate .rocket attack," aa.ld Hlrold Kaplan, the chief U.S. S]Xlkesman. Oriental Bandits Execute By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ltM o.ffy '4111 ..... A manhunt spread in the Hawaiian Islands today ror thrte cold-blooded Oriental bandits who executed a Costa Mesa surfer -to dramaUc1Uy intimidate his buddies -after a. M50 holdup in their rusUc beach cott.qe. • Tbe murderers carTled plltola equipped with s:iltnctrs in a cue grotesque enough to be a televl&lon 11Cript. acconttn1 to the story 'afven to dejecUveo by the two Harbor Area wltnesset. willlam Pond Jr., ti, of Ill All!erl Place, dfe<l 'three haun art.ir being lhol il!,jJle ~ a 1"!"11-ei!l!;r ,...,. u Ids ed bOltl •UtchOd' Tlll!ldaY .. ~ ~ °"' ... •ve L. Olllll. II, el. ~ Mua '°" al well·knolm 0r..,e COUnly aUorney ,Geotge H. Chula, and Ill< othtr '!'II Tbeodbre D. "Teddy,. Rogers, lf. of Ne~ )leach. ' i'There was no reason. lt wu .tp- parentlf just done to ~reate an im- pression," 1ald Honolulu Pollce DetecUve Lt. J6.hn DJckson today. Yoan1· Cl)ula's ~mo·ther, a hurse 101 a Costa Mesa physician, aald today that her son and Rogers were told they would also ht kllled U lltty talked to police and may return home Jn a !fW days. Accordlnc to invaU1i1.or1, the three bandits walked Into the lllUe A·frame cottage shared by three roommates near Sunset Beach on the north shore al Oahu late Tuesday nt&ht af!d demanded. money. Mrs. Chula sald today after 1 telephon~ conversation with her son that the fourth surfer sh8.ring the cottage and attending junior colleae, Mike Gruleau, wu away at the lime. Collecting a totil or about $450, Chula told bis mother, one of the three young Orientals then shot Pond at close range as a warning or what might happen to them too. "Their lives were threatened," she said. - Honolulu police said today they have no leads In the grotesque murder case and that the killers were total strangen to Chula and Rogers. The murder victim graduated from Newport Harbor High School with Chtila and Rogers 1n 1967, vis.lted the lslanas for three months, then returned only sl1 day;; ago. He 10Ugbt the warm IW1 arid the big surf, bu( f<J!.Jnd only aenselesa: death. "He wanted to make the Islands hls h9'me," the victim's mother 11atd today, "ii'• such a shame something 10 terrible had to happen In the Pia ct he loved." "Bill wai: Just there 1 we e II: -we hadn't evett heard from him," added 1 Pl.rs. Pond, who wu ndtlfied cl the shooting by a phy!lclan at 1 -small emet'lellC)'· clinic on the Island of Olhu, The doctor 'Who' telephoned -from . . ' Crippled ,p}~ne lands ill Field The ptlot ot • llfli>t pfano 'hrougllt hit craft safely to hit In a vacant neJd near Talbert Avenu• west ol Beach lkldtvard . Wednesda~ lfttt hllr eoclne lalled on a pleasure filgbt. , CIU!ord P. 'Moen ot 11m Brlmbill • Lane; Huntington BNch, wa tmfnJured and his 11nC1e en1lne PIP« lllffer'lf ~ minor damqe to the loft 'winf, pollco said. • Moen nld he w• flylnt O'fW the ma whfn the enafne falltd. fie opotltd t h • vacant field, and 1111ded with wheela toucblrlil do'"! nrst. . Mesan ' ' ' MURD,ERED -W!lli8!11 Pond o~ Costa Mesa, shown in 11!15 photo, was shot to death Tues- day near SUnset Beach. on isl~d of Oahu, Hawaii. . Kabuki Hospital told the Pond !1mlly that their-eldest IOD was gravely wOund· ed in the head and would be ruabed to surgery at St. Francis Hospital, a ~minute \rip,_. ~~~~ "We called back in about a hall.hour," said Mn. Pond, and a neurosurge«i, Dr. Kim, .said Bill was very criUcal and the wound was atrectlng hll breathing." . · "He said he had no hope," she added., The vicUm died within one hoar. tronic;_ally,. Mrs, Poncl'1 cousin,. Mrl. Robert Howe, lives in Wahlw1, just · a sh_ort distance from the savage murder scene and heard cf the bizarre case on a rad.lo news bu.1,letln. "He had been over there such a abort time he badn 't gotten 1roond to vtaJting · them and they didn't reillr.e It was Bill," MJ'll. Pond said in an interview today. "That'• about all we know," &be added. "Ob, My God, not Bill Pond," said Mrs. Gardon Conley, of tM Newport Stach Surfing Association. She said the vlctbtl, as •elJ, u ~ and Rogers , who wert1• hotting him unUI (See SUJIFEf\ SLAIN, P ... I) Oruge · '!'he plane thtft nOoed over, oettleil bod: oo ill wheelo and the left wtq dlppod to Ille ground, bl Hid He c:oUld' if .. 'I" reuon !or tliO engine lalluti.. , . 1 .. t .. ... •\ ' I . . It ~y l'!LaT ff ,,,.....,, """""'""' ._ • Two Ne,WPort ¥ acb;t~· A lly AIMON Lv o. ea.an Olubllco !tom NHYC.. .Marda:lT. , ~ _ ... -""' --· ' ~ .... lip -u. -._ ... "'""" l!fll bt Giil io ....... N.WAU -With ... nee lo .., 1 bf ::::r,: llor ,.... ..,. ID ~ q. ,llillMI ilmo ,Jepd Jn tho ~ two loco! yach.., "•among the (trot ·~-~~~qoh ' nowbol4~1kai....W..~lwmeri1-. be ll ' I land!._ of _____ ,._....._, eel by J-. • ' ' 10 In I overa potn 1 0•0 Prior to the disastrous Mlaml·Nwau It.a it.anding in the race was a brighter the Southern Ocean Racln1 Circuit which race, Ted Tur~·~ Amerlcln Eagle was note for the Melee and its crew which has more than 100 crack yachts com· leading the conference and Bob Johnson 's ge.t caught in one of lhe....w.orst mishaps petlng from all over the country. Windward Passage was a close second. that occurred in the troubled,,.Miami- Standlng in second place at the con--American Eagle was out of the running Nassau ra ce. clusion of'flve race•, includfn& the ruaged becauu of a .dismastina:1 and Windward One of Melee's crew, Bill Allen of Miami to Nassau race, ls Don Arrea' Passage dropped tq _Jlth place by virtue NHYC was thrown from the cockpit Cal 40 Melee from·Newport Harbor Yacht of her poor handicap showing in the into the turbulent sea . when Melee Club. Melee js lieadlnc Clau B. . Miaml·Nasuu ra~. broached under the impact of a But Melee bu no cbanct: of winning Jim K.Uroy's K.laloa It from NHYC particularly heavy se• while bombing lhe overall title as Jack Powell's 47-foot was in 2Sth place going into the last along with a spinnaker set. yawl Salty Tiger sewed up the standings race. The ctew or Melee hurriedly cut with a first place in lhe Mlami-Nauau The Governor's Cup race is a 30 miler everything loose and came about to race. around the buoy, oU Nassau. pick up Allen who was reported to be With only Frid1y•1 Governor's Cup After the SORC many of the boata in the water no more thin 10 minutes. race left, Salty Tiger his 813.15 points will return to Florida where they will Melee was Jeadlni Class B when the and Melee has 829. compete in lhe 800 mile Miami to man overboard incident ocCUtTed and In eighth place with 783.50 points is Montego Bay, Jamaica race 1tarUng might have won ber cla:M txctpt for. F,._ P .. e J SURFER SLAIN he coqkl cet aetUed In Hawaii, lt'U'I active, dedicated. surfers. AulhoriUes ln Honolulu 11ld l.oday they have not completed a poit mortem ex· aminaUon of Pond's body and the caliber of weapon med to murder him 11 un- certain. Mrs. Pond said funeral serviti!s are only tentaUve at this point, but the family ho~ to arrange rites Monday at 9 a.m. in St. Joachim's Chnrch. Burial wlll be in Good Shepherd Cemetery, HunUngton Beach, following CatMUc aen:lees for the youth, who worked with hll falhlr 1n the electrical buslnesu before moving to the islands. Survivors Include his brothers Martin, 13, and James, 10, as wel! as h1a parenU. The vict.irn had entered the Wut Coast Surfboard Olamplonsblpo In Huntlnllon Beach, u well u competlnf in San Clemente contesta, and was well·known in Harbor Area surf aoclety. .Colt& Mesa Police Detective Roacoe Bto1d w11 contacted l.od1y for , In· formation about the proper ntw1 IOl.D'ce in the H:molulu Police Department. 11 a former lawman In the sleepy Jilandl. "Whit 11 thla world comJni to?" 11Jd the Hawlll-ralaed detecuve when told of lbe brulal munler. Accident Victim Still Critical A )'Ollllt -!llantan woman mnotiia ln crtUcal cond1Uon today after she WU !t.::1 ::.., .. "'411~ =... ~ FnewJ¥ near M11J10ll• Slroel IJld cruh· ed Jn I lhrff.elr pileup. ~ .. -ly crlllc:.ol lodly 1! 1"!"I U.h Memorill H01J1llal ii lllndr1 'Bilmllne, IO, ol 1811 Cmtlol Ave. t:olilomll Hllfn•J¥ P1trol ollkm llid Oho WU drt\iln( 1'111 111 lbe lreew1y 1l'btn ber Cl!' llnlclt .tho ee-divider IJld cliiie lo rerl Jn Ibo tnatde lllle. .Her vehicle was then hit by me driven by Lorry Ev1111, 21; of 11411· llllnoia Sl, Wutmlnller IJld lmocl:ed lnlo Ibo center lane wbere ·Jt 'wu ltruct a llCond time by 1 car driven by Robert Brown, ~. of Compton. Ev8118 WU only allghUy injured and Brown WU not injured. Front P .. e J APOLLO ••. hii other two pilots. All three aatronauts were tak:in1 pie· lures with still and motion picture cameras. "We're all taking pictures or everybody taki"-g pictures," saJd Scott. "Rusty, why don't you Jean over here a1i.ln?" said McDivltt. "I'd like to a:et a better picture or the whole acene." McDlvltt and Schwelck&rt transferred from their command 1hip to the attached 1andina: ahlp "spider" between I and 1:'9 a.m. PST to open the second day of tuts of the moon lander. IJ f\llV 1'11 111 CMtAl(M CGll1 ~ILltHINe <"OMl'A#T. leM" N W..4 ..._MIMI tn11 MIWW J1tk R. Curl:r \lb ,,,.-.i -0..0..t ""'"'"' n."' •• 1 •• "11 .. ,,,, t•'"''' A. M~r11lth1• M.Mwtllll lflfw AJ~lrf W. l1t•1 Willl1M ltt' .\llltllll Hlllltlrleltll II*" ll«tw City ••lllr '"Afllttn~ l Ot ltlt Str••f M1Ul111 hhlrtut P.O •••• no. tJ'41 --.......... clu 1'11 W.I ...... """"'9 '*"' .-..1 .. wttl •• , •"-' UllN ~ 122 ,.,... "'*'" i DAIL 't "ILOT SI BOAT NECK SHIRT Bob Shap1rd JACK OF DIAMONDS Tom Trullla LOUNGING ROBE Roy Marcom Jr. Men on Parade Lag4nans Show Latest F asliio1is By RICHARD P. NAU. ot 1M 0.llY Plltt Slltf Just fancy Laguna Beach motel mogul Loren Haneline in a svelte yellow jump suit with ailk Apache scarf by Don Loper. Or iq'Laglne. Roy Marcom Jr. in a Po Pua hat with a slinky lounging jacket adorned · by gnat orange and white llibiscus blossoms. Laguna businessmen made a great spluh Wednesday. It wu the rainbow after the storm. It was enough to make a · gri,Y.flaMel 1uiter flush and clulch his attache case for security. It liru a male fashion abow starring tbe Chamber of Commerce Masters. A1lo perhaps; it was aomethlng of 1 fashion baWe of the sexea with the Chamber's Merma!dl who had earlier atrutted their stuff. ' "As long as it's wild, they'll be wearing Jt," predicted mailer of ceremonies Shan Trowbridge of cun-ent men's fuhlons. That wu true Wednuday at any rate. There: wu 1€oct broker Burdett Har· rlson in tan 11fart coat and bandldo l!Carl -I comhlDltlcio tb1I lhould Im· press any tJgreu. Binker Bob Sblpard ml&hl hive bee!! Wall of Mud Forces Closme of 62 Wells VENTURA (UPI) -A wall ol earth loosened by rectnt rains ''flowing slowly llkt moluw" through the Getty Oii Co. lleld Jn School Cln)'O!I baa forced a shutdown of 62 producln1 wells. l... A. Braden, coastal dlltrlct pro- ductlon manager, 11ld total lossu could reach $2 bllUon from the 11fde which has covered 40 acres aod buried 11 wrlb. boulevardier Bob Shapard. His long sleeve knit cotton boat neck shirt with horizontal stripes was balanced by boating slacks with zippered back pockets (so you won 't lose your wallet in a storm or Ensenada boat race). Torn rrullis had the real ace ln the hole. Rl5 casual beach jacket was emblamned with 1 jumbo Jack of Hearts and Queen of Diamonds. "This is the )'far of the peacock for men," said Tnlwbridge. "The bright, brilliant plumage." And although bulc colors don't change, fashion colors apparently do. How about sweet blue, asteroid gold, Scot green, planet green, glacier white, sheello'kin, Mat1 brown, London gray or mercury cray. · Coast Men Clear In Robbery Case Four Orange Coast men arrested on surplcion of armed robbery have been cleared of the charges following further JnvestigaUon by the sheri!f'1 office. Released from Orange County jail were Jack E. Burnes. 40, and Geor1e K1rmios, %2, both ol 13071 LI Pal Piie<, \Veltmlnster and Jame1. J. Grose, J3, of 9922 Krepp Lane, Huntington Be1eh. Their companion. ~flchael Dean Horton, 22, also of the Westmlnsler addrw must remain In Jail to face other char1e1. The four men were lM'tSttd Sund1y ln Midway City whtn offlctr1 noticed 1 shotgun and other flreanns ln their car. The quartet, two of them wearln( ltuslan·slyle leather jackets, had been halted for a mtMr traffic inftactlon. Horton wHJ be arralped oo mJsde- metoor char1es ol. pouesslng a 1wltcb- blade knife. ., .,....,..'ong Top -~O at:Nass·au a. c1t11y • 1111!111 unc1" ..n •a•ln ....... ,., ... -,tlloa 11 lhe -... ... al •111!1111her. Cel 40. .......,.., GUI al NHYC. 'Dlar'I wn 'ciQ. reports or one boat being aground in the Berries Islands some flO mllea from Nassau, a crewman from another yacht received a broken arm In the race. There were aeveral other mishaps, none seriOU3. The bJg:est ~ here Wednesday was geltlllj: accurate Wanna.Hon on the corrected Ume winners. The com- putaUona were bein1 handled by 1 com- puter, but several errors wue detected in the W1olllctal results. Lively Lady, 1 31).foot sloop owned and skippered by Mike Shea of San FranclJco, wu fint reported u the overall and Clau D winner, bul later reporta from the race committee rue. day nl&hl placed her Jn loorth. Bui when human minds 1ot bold of the ligurea It wu found that lJvely i.d1 •• ~ Ibo -· And . with Ibo......,-~ Ill cl*>' Tueldly it turned out to: be 1 small boat race despite the stormy condlUona. With classes 4tartlng at 30 minute intervals. it was thought that several of the early errors could ho attributed to someone feedin, the computer wrong starting time information which would have altered the elaps~ Umes. Also causing the harried race com· mlttee 10me concern wu the protest by !l-Ob Johnson .bwn<r-aktpper ol the recording setting Windward Passage, against the race committee, clalmlng that the rated distance of the race was from seven to ten miles too long, tbuJ inCf'e¥ing the time allowance Windward Passage u tbe scratch boat bad to jive to the rest ol the field. The race is rated at 184. miles, but Johnson and bis naviaator Ben Mitchell, .iote tbal the -ls bttween 17' ud 171 mllel, """' Ibo lid lW ... 111Cbi. ge1 help 11om u. cull 11n1m over a p:irUon. of the race. There bu been no windward work in thil race since 111611, Johns<la conlendl. 'J'be protest WIS acheduled lo be helrd today, but there seems to be Uttle hope that it will alter this year's race. It may in the future, bowevei:, lead to a reratlng of the race, actordlna to ode oUJclal who did not want to bt nimed. Here art the prellm.ln1ry and unofficll1 corrected time standings: Clau A: J, Salty 'ncer; 2. Bikini; 3, Panacea. Clan B: 1, Otaeketa; 2. Melee; J, Firebrand. Class C: 1, Hustler; 2, Scaramoucht IV; 3, JemeL Class D and Overall: l, lJvely Lad)o;· 2, Scampi 3. Nautical Aecused Slaver HeW Hearts TRURO, Ma11. (UPI) -The hearts were cut out and missing from three of four dilmembered womln'1 bodies found in it.allow iraves in this Cape Cod community, Dtat. Atty. Edmund S. Dtnil said today. The prosecutor dlscloeed details of the biune deaths shortly before Antooe Costa, 24, a ProvlDcetown carpenter and amateur taxldennlst, was brought to court !or arraignment on two counts of murder in connection with the case. 'Three bodies lncludlnj lbole of two missing Rbode Island women were found Wednesday ln shallow graves in the tiandy pinelandl 10 miles from the sum· mertime playground of artists, writers, and hippies at Provincetown. It was the grimmest tale of murder to unfold 1lnce the Bofton Strangler killed 13 women between June, 1962 and Jan- uary, 1964. Dinis said the bodies also bore teelh marks and were "cul into as many parts as there were joi11t.s. ·• He said the heart1 were removed but were not found in the graves. "We're facing a bizarre situa- tion," Dinis said. Two of the bodies found \Vedu~sday were those of the missing \1·umen, Patricia Walsh and Mary Ann Wysocki, both 23 and both from Providence, R. I. Only 1 hand alld part of the torso or the badly·decomposed third body were found, and It was not certain immedi· ately whether the victim was a man or a woman. Costa, mustached with long sideburns and wearing ''graMy" glasses, was anesied Wednesday night in a Boston apartment. An innocent plea lat.er was entered for Costa at his arraignment ln Cut Froni Bodies Provlncelown D~trlct Court. Judf!e Ger· shorn D. Hall ordered Costa held wlth0\11 bail and to undergo 35 daya observation at Brldgew1id State Mental HosD.ltaJ. Costa wore Jbe same clothea fle had on when he wu arrested Wednllday- a light blue turtleneck shirt, cb1nO pants and 1 Navy blue jacktt. Mlsll Walsh, a second-grade teacher, and Miss Wysocki, a college. senior, dis- appeared five weeks ago while vacation. ing on the cape. Ne.ither of the other bodies bas been identified. All four bodies were found near the sea, in a desolate area where crude zigzag trails cross a sandy wasteland. A teenager's body was found Feb. 8, in the early stages or the search for the missing Rhode Islanders. The car in I which they were ttravellng had been found nearby shortly after their dlaa~ pearance with 1 note on the windshield saying it had been left because it was out of gas. Police returned 1o the scene when the women were reported missing. The car was gone, but the eearcherll saw a 1tr1p sticking out of the sand a few yards away and by digging in the area un- earthed the teenage.r's body. The car turned up later in Burlington, Vt., and authorities 1ald Costa wu driv· ing it. He was questioned but was released when he produced a bill of ule which appeared to have been 1tped by, Miss Walsh. He has now been charged with auto theft as well as murder. -.. 7 Valley ~esidents Hit • Lot Sizes in OK' d Tract Critics of the proposed Larwin Com· pany tract near Talbert Avenue and itagnolia Street lined up to fire several volleys at the Founta in Valley Planning ' Commission Wi:dnesday night. Seven residents of the area criUcized the comrnlssion tor approving the plan de\•eloprnent proposal during a special meeting last T~ursday. al _jJ. J. ' An apparent mi1Understandi111 tn·: volving lot 1iwJ in the tract brou&ht the i:rlticism. Residents indicated they ori,sinally thought lot sizes would be 6,000 aqu&re feet, but now note that 25 percent of the lots will be 5,000 square fee t. Planners, however, said the Latw1n tract has already been approved and further action cannot be taken. IT'S HERE AGAIN!! OUR ONCE· A· YEAR WAREHOU:SE • AT THE REAR OF THE STORE 17 SOFAS and LOVE SEATS Rog. $349.00 To $795.00 NOW .$159.00 TO $399.00 33 OCCASIONAL TABLES Rog. $~9.00 To $149.00 NOW $29.00 TO $69.00 UP 22 CHAIRS Reg. $139.00 To $29'.00 NOW .$69.00 ,~ $139.00 39 TABLE and HANGING LAMPS Reg. $50.00 To 100.00 NOW $19.95 TO $39.00 64 PICTURES and MIRRORS Reg. $15.00 To $150.00 NO.W $5.00 TO $59.00 DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS H.J.GARRFfT fURNITURE. PROFESSIONAL INTUIOl D£Sl~NOS ( 0,.. ..... n.n. ......... .- I 2215 HAHOR llVO. COSTA MESA, CALIF, M"-0171 M6-027l - ' l 11 I . I J, 1 ' •• • . ' • f I • • . . ~:••••• ~um ' EDI TI ON • VOL 62, NO. 56, '4 SECTIONS, # PAGES • I ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ----....--1.. . TAURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1969 TEN CENTS •• • • " . es an .Ill awa11 . -•· ... . - f J0,000 Plaase .. . ' • Harbor Area City Beach Study Ok'd by Council Pals.Watch Youth Slain By AR'.J'HUR R. VINSEL Of ... oelY '"" ... ,, A $10,000 fU"st phase study for a hotel and convention center on a portion of Lagwia's Main Beaclt was authorized unanimously by city councilmen Wed· nesday night. 'lbe study is expected to spearhead cmstrucilon of a hotel with 150 to 200 rooms adding about 20 percent to city tourist accommodations. The coovention facility would handle 200 to 400 persons. The proposed complex would be located on the beach frontage between Ocean and Laguna Avenues. Plans also envision acquisiUon of tbe triangle of property bounded by El Paseo, Coast Highway and Laguna Avenue to give the facility depth. Estimated cost of the triangle l! $500,000. The council, after discussion, accepted Ute proposal of Bud Holscher &r ~sociates, Inc. ol Century City. The $10,000 report wou.1d include design criteria site C<lnditions, objectives, pretiniliiary architecture, and projected economic benefits. With the repart in band, the city could proceed, with · Hollcher & As.sociatis, managing the rest of the project for eight percent of tht con- struction car.ri./ · The city Yould finance the llddiUonal land acqulsiUon and the conventJ<:a center through a non-profit. corporation and lease these back to the private interests. Private investmtnt would pay for the hotel. Councilman Roy Holm questloaed the report from the standpoint ol evaluation. He said It seemed the city wu pretty well spelling out w h a t it wanted in the way ot parking, hotel and COl1Ve:ntion center. Holm recalled lhat the chamber of commerce and Laguna Beach Civic League had agreed th<_I the,$) million beach., purchase justified "some" com- {See MAIN BEA.al, Page I) BOAT NECK SHIRT Bob Sh•perd OAIL 't ,ILOT ......_ h' llkMrll "•R LOUNGI NG ·ROllE Roy.M.rcom ·Jr. A manhunt sprtad ln the Hawaiian Islands tOday for three colc\-blood.ed Oriental bandit.s who executed a Costa Mesa surfer -to dramatically intimidate his buddl" -Iller a f4IO holdup ID their ruattc· beach collage. 'The murderers corrled platol! ,equipped with sllencer1 in a·Cf&e g:r~ue enough lo be, a 'television M:J'.lpl, according to the story given to deiecUves by the two Harbqr Area witnessel. William Pond Jr., 11, of 8 Albert Place, died w .. boun oiler being shot Jn the bead by a small caliber revolver as his horrified hosts watched Tuesday night. One was Steve L. Chula, 18, of Costa Mesa IOll of'well-known Oringe County · attorney Geor1e· H. Ohul1, and .the other was Theodore D. "Teddy" Rogers, 19, of Newport Beach. Sirhan Remembers Being "Tl)ere was M reuon. It was ap- parenUy just done to create an im- pi'eulon, "~aaJd Honolulu Police Detective Ll. Jahn lllCboo today. . . Young Chula's mother, a n~se for a Cost.a Mesa phys ician, said today that her son and Rogers were told they "Would ' .also ht IUlled if they· talked to ·JIOI"'°' pd, may reti!r• home ·!• 1· fri ' Drunk But Nqt Shoofiit}g day~ · ·\ · I · ~ ' •' ' Aoc~1 to. lnvestJcfk>ri, the three -wa!Ud. into tllJ llttfe A,lrliDJ oottqe ~ by tbret roommates near ~t Beach on U>e •north ahore of Oahu llle·'f'l-i•Y•llllhl and demandld LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sirhan Sirhan said today that he does not remember &hooting Sen.. Robert F. Kennedy. He testllied at his murder trial that he wandered into the Ambassador Hotel on primary election night last year, had had several drinks, felt himself too intoxicated to drive his car, and went looking for coffee. He was ln the kitchen area, he said, when he found some cups. "What happened next?" asked defense attorney Grant B. Cooper. "I don't remember." "What is the nerl thing you rtn1en1· ber?" ''I remember being choked." Two dozen wilnesses testified Sirhan fired eight shots in a kitcheit pantry · early the morning of last June ~. Thr.ee struck Kennedy, who had just won California's Democratic presidential primary. Kennedy died the next day. Sirhan said he had gone to the Am· bassador and wandered into a party being held for Max Rafferty, who ~as seeking the Republican s en a.to r 1 a l nominatlon, and or$1ered a drink -a Tom Collins. , Asked why he went to the Rafferty party, he said: "l was hoping to see Solon PioPoses Loosening Laws . On Sex Behavior • SACRAMENTO (AP) -AM•mblynwi Willie L. Brown Jr. is sponsoring a bill aimed at "freeing cops from being peeping toms" by giving coment1ng adults more freedom in their sexua l behafio<. The San Jl'ranclsco Democrat, 'Who claims bla district bas moro hom~ than any other in California, aaid the bill Introduced Mooday would legalize certam· bomoeexual a<;ts between coo-- tenting aaulta· in private. SUcb acts no..,- are prohibited ln public and private. The measure also would make legal oral copulation between tDerl and women, now a ~elo~'!1.!~~ ~ ~, . ~vUIOit ' ~ "aoWA 111 I ,...,.CL In tbe ~l;.'QW'l& -axual tercourse belwetn unmarried odU!ll. Brown sald the bill is similar to a Model Penal Cod• provision In Illinois, Identical lo a law recently adopted in England, aod under study by th• Calttornia Criminal Law Review Com- miaekln. "I n!alty don 't uptCt any honest op- pogiUoo from .. people wbo b a • e philosophical dlllerence.s," he Wd, 01but t think there will te considerable prae· Ucal polltlcal QPpOsition baaed on people'• leellnga lowordl hornotexuals." Rafferty or his daughtet K-." Kathleen, he said, had onct been 1' classmate. He boµght 1 second drink, he: said, and walked toward an area where two days farlier be had attended I prHlec• tion party for Sen. Kennedy. Sirhan said he returned lo his ca"' where the revolver he had used for target shooting that day wu lylq in the back se.at. "I felt I 1f8S quite high •. I 'WU alone and if I got more drunk nobody would take care of me," he said. "I decided to go home. -, ~ . "I tried to forte mytelf to drive but I was loo afraid to drive." He added: "I decided to go back to the bar to iet _coffee and aOtier up." Q. Did you pick up the gun? A. I don't remember. Q. In the view ol what happened you must have. A. I must have but I don't remember. Once back in the Ambassador, Sirhan said, he found a metal bol that he said contained cupa and saucers and as he wu pouring himseU colfee "a girl came up and wanted coffee too. I like lob ol. cream and au1ar and that's the way abe wanted Jt too." "Whal happened nut!" uked Cooper. 0 1 don't: remember." "What la the next tbbi& you remem- ber?" "I remember being choked." Earlier, Sirhan aaid h1a preaence at the hotel was due to an accident - his mistaken reading of a newspaper advertisement the day-ol. tbs llayiDc last June. The advertilement mmoi.moed 1 pn- Jsrael parade, the "Miracle March for Israel" marllln& t h e llnt Ulllv""ary of the $-doy war belw"" the J.,.s and the Araba Ill 1111. t1ie J>l!ade WIS ICheduJed far the (See SIRllAN, .... 4)' City· Plan, Tax ,' Discussion Set . JACK OF DIAMONOS Tom Trulli• JUMP SUIT Lorin Han1lln1 Men on , Parade . Lagunans Sho.Ji Latest Fashio ns money. • • . Mrs, Chi!II said lodoy .,rter a lel•pbml• conver11tion with her son that the fourth (See lll1RFER SLAIN, ~age I) ' . Public Access To Salt Creek Before Hearing The question of publia access to. tldelands in the Salt Creek acea r.1ay become an issue during the March JI hearing before the Orange County Plan· ning Commission on a proposed tract map for future ruldentlal development. The queaUon of access to public tidelands between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point was raised at a De,cember BJ RICHARD p , NALL men," said Trowbridfe. "The bright, hearing of the Assembly Subccfhmittee • 111t o.n., '1"' '"" 'brilliant plumage." . on Beaches and Conservatlo{I. Juat fancj Laguna Beach motel mogul And although basic colon don't change, The county last March abandoned the fashion colors app~eotly do. last porUon of Salt Creek Road to Laguna Loren Haneline in a svelte ye11ow jump Niguel """""ration without referring the How about sweet blue, asteroid gold, '"""'...., suit with aili: Apache scarf by Don Scot treen, planet green, glacier white, matter to planning commissioners. t.op;er · abeepskin, Mars brown, London gray The roid represented near public ac-- Or imagine Roy Marcom Jr. in a Po or mercury gray. CU! legally and for practical purposes · Pua:hat With a slinky lounging jacket ~ had for years served as a rolite to d hit • • • the beach. adorned by great orange an w e Q Chi £' Dave Moore, In charge of subdlvislon.s ltlbiscus blossoms, emente e s for the planning department, said, "al Laguna businessmen made a great the present time we are not propc>sJ.nc splash Wedneaday. II was the rainbOw Son Charged in any public accesa lo the beach. after the storm. It WU enougb .to make SOrtfE COMMENT a: sray-nannel au.Iler flush and clu~h ' "We'.ve already had some comment hll a11acihe , ... 1ar -ly, Narcotics Case and are , .... rchlng lo ... u we .. , It was a male fashion show ltlrring require public acceu; we're not sure the Chamber of Commerce Maiten. Alto · · we can. We've uked for an opinion . . Tbe only son ot San CleD).ent.e Police perhaPI it wu aometbln& a( a fuhlon .au~ CllffO(d Murray will appear for from the county counsel." \ battle of_ the lestl with 1the Chamber"a , .11m1n ~..1;1.... Moore noted that concun expruied 'di ho had II t tled .--. • pre~ 1!rJ' court hearing __ ...,,.., Memw w ear er s ru WQI morning on • four felqny cOmplilnts of about the subdivision and public acceu stUfr. narcotics violattons· tnc.Iuding possession wu unusval for • subdivision m1tW. ,.,As·JttNit'swild,tbey'llbewearhjg of hero! and ........... .1 with intent lfe: aaJd.~ had already bad Utree ,calll It," p<l!dided maitu ofceremonieo ~" "-· ......-,911 < about the hearing, , , .....,_ of • f hio ..... u heroin. Ttow-.,... _. '"""' as "'· , , · • The '""''in .question, about~~·· Thal•sa'"~w·•-··•ayol••yrale , steven.E. ,Murray~ 11,.wa.a arrested _ ___...._-1j _1_ ,_ 1 .. ' ",_. =-· -. F b 2 In"· drl of ... !-~"· ~-~ ·~ ·~~·-II' ·11~ Thero wu 11ock·bl'oker ·Burdell Har-' · -veway ~ ~~~ !oloon..s\lme ar1 ID' ocres or mor<. The rllon In ..,., ..wt coat and boJ>dido homo, al 215, La~lllll\ b1 -S "~~ ~ mi~ IClrf -• coDinldon•that alolld fm.. and~~' C!'f.. .. , : "1 I .~.IJ 'lt 't¥'.M~, The course of La&uno'• muter plan preao 1111 u..-. • .,, '.j'i!W..~;J;; ,!!'!,~ ~ ~· C io1Jllitt1Y.·1a 'and the school tu -'elecUoo ~.°:di~~ • . ' "~-d.; .• ~1~or.~t. ~.!a.~1· ~ir.l1 ~ •. ar~ lo be dilClllled· 11 ~-~ ·~;;'11<\iii J~ '.ooi!UIH •• lillPc..llll~' " ' '4'!\'11' c :fr~fAkf lht11hd hao'Jl.4 zon1nc m~lJn& of the Lagun.o , '"*"" •wu bllilic.-.i'~ lii(iiffi{ja& ilnd '800, ~ <lo!l!<brwwld ol!o'w Ot1e resldenUal'"iqtt =dMty~ '~{~~···· Fi:;.,al bbaUng 1!aclil'litliul-8<1 back pock Mi.On·~' ·; f:'21i'1 '"1>( :1or~ueh l#,111111 >1'1"-,ftot, He Alf •--(oo. you "'"''! 1-your wallet' In ,a Y'!"lll Mufray' l! ~ , ··~ •a •-llU ,ni( ,yet ·been ... .ror' Mie • SaMvi~G~~. ~~-·-J .~ • llonll'CJr-hoolr ... ). ·•.pl-<,~~'111o,.~ Mardi Jt·1-rin<1 but lhwld be tel"'' -· ~-~~ ---,._ 'l'nlllll had 111e1na1-1n ~ ' then d.,._ .-.1111e1~ Jlarda'11;'i-,-. .,., '. : -' member cllbenl ldvloor7 committee "' hole. lib CllOll l>each Jackel wia i:holdinc • lrfal. ' • , : ~_,,_,,,;..; • ~ . • the muter plan. w!D report '"' tbe embluoned wUh' jumbo Jack ol ff•~ I ' ';MUoo iald )Ifie,..,~!• ~v•nu• !':!J,"-t'_ ~ . 'u'cl·"" commltlel'a progtSS. • and Queen of Diamonds. ' '~ t W 1 been'~~ •, ,CtW.Lyr:rr:~: ··40l'I r111v1 """eni~i r-'" Dr. WUU1m Ullom, ouperhundtnl of ''Thll II lhe year ,tile peacitd< !be • ·-.llillY~t~tll&,' 1ror 'lhe a~llcl<Mlenl of tbe SfU 'aotet the Lquno Beach UDll!ljl ' l!choof · • ' ~ In 'Ibo • Iii-· )loU • loop which !'·' ooct Coast D1strld, w11! fl£""'! tbe "" for the Ydlaatlon. ' · " llJ&Bway. II wu luliled over lo the !kt>)! ov.rrlde which pa beln \'OlUI lcets Chief Murr1y, who hu helded the coull!Y when the ""'le wu rerouted. April IS. Condid1l01 for the ochool bolrd San Cl•m"'le forte for 11 ywa, "" Th• tenor of crlUclam hu been thol have ba<n ln'1Ud ·lo sift IJillr mwa NEW YORK /AP) -ft. ~k mork•I 11111vailable f0< '9ftllD'OL 'thol coun\y oupervlaon abJnd'-Iha on the taz'lncrwe. wu down 1blrplf' 11 the clooe today, Nan:ollcs' olllcen claim lhal the men. road ...U.. without planning camml11ioo General dilcuuton will follow presen-with JOSHI hoklina: • four to one tdBt Jutn1 wu bidden behind tbt drt•er'1 'hearln1s and th1t I' did not require taUoo of both luueo. over 1.W..(flol.quotaU.O, Paa" II).!!). ,.l ot the jouth'1 pick-up tnd. . (See 11DBLAIG>I, P"' I) . . ·' MURDERED -William Pond of Costa Mesa, shown in 1965 photo, was shot to death Tu~•· day 4 near Sunset Beach on island of Oahu, Hawaii. Ene my Terrori.sm Curtails Peac e Talks in Pari.s · PARIS (AP) -Ezp!01iona ol .. ..., roclle~ In S011on echoed In Pq \0'!•1 and. brought '" a~~ *'1c!· OI whai a U.'S. •Poitmmt ·' a "ahorfi IDllo ..-Im" aesskm of ~ . UOtnam peace la!U. 'll>e llmOO~. WU wrPcf wltla bitterness. Aa a mark of its enerptic ·protesta agalnat · the shelling of Saigon. Soutb Vietnam's delegation suddenly moved ed;. .)ow'M,:len"t of the seventh session ~ medli.lely , after, completion of formal statements, because "an atmosphere favorable to useful discussion does not yet exist." The South Vietnamese quickly streaa:ed they bad not walked out and were riot boycoltlng the la!U. Asked 'about lhJa. a South Vietnamese spokesman Pointed out that the Saigon delegaUon had pro- posed Uie next seas.Ion be held next Th)ll'Sday. Then be added: "It ID dependo on what happens In the next few days." . "We don't want to make any threats," he said. "But we will have an appropriate response to the Communist actions." The seventh session ended after only four hours, shorter by 90 minutes than any ol the preceding six. The United States and South Vletnll1l angrily presented their protests· qalnlt the ahelllngs In Vietnam. The NaUooal Liberation Front and North Vietnam re- jected a U.S. warnlng, vnfced by Prell• dent Nixon, or "appropriate" responR in Vielnam if the shellings continue. "It was 'a short and grim meeting, overshadoWed by the terrible events of tut iiight in Sal~on, when wonien and children were killed in another fn.. discriminate rocket attack," aald Harold Kaplan , ~chief U.S. spokesrruin. Customarily, SO\lth Vietnamese Am· bmador Pham Dang Lam spelb at the sessions belore U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. The order "Was reversed Thurtday, evidently to permit Lam lo make bis demand for ad- journment to underscore his protests. His formal , statement dealt only with the shellings. ' Or an11e "Weadler CIO!ldJ! llkln' -gusty winda II th9 ·pldurt tor · Friday, lfflrmt the weather oracle, with ~ . ~~"jfudltnf·llll'"""'' U.?eoofl .. and •few ctea-<iqtw blland. INSIDE TODAY Jn uitw of to"4t'1 ooino Oft. 1t01D btlwccn hoo Commumic Oi(mti, no one ii being ' remfM- cd of Moo Tt<·tulli7'1 , WOTdr 111 M°'cow 19 flt"'I ogo. Poot 1: • • -I r • 2 DAILY l'ILOT l -baguna~ -~-l'h College , Campus Frohle·ms • B1 JAfr"CIW>PllU. .... °"',.. ... Pr<ll>lemt-1'1ddn ''l -llaJll " academla were ,PUl under a mlcroaeope Wedntsday evening by a newly-formed Ll.guna "Be•cl\ group support JD g Uberallr.aUon trends on campusea:. A panel discussion Jn the meeUng of Citizens for Support or StudenLB, Faculty aod EducaUoo peer«! into sueh divtn1 topicl a:s student unrest, faculty generltlon l•P, h1gb school • 1ctl•lsm, black itudtat power &lid money nttda. . Members of tbe Ove-man panel in- cluded Kameth Font, pr<5ldtnt cl the UC Irvine Academic Senate; Bruno Bat- tistoU, UCI freshman and member of 500: Raphael Hanstn, psychology pro- fessor "at Cal State Long Beach; John K!ng, Black Students Union officer; and John Cummings, Tustin Hlgh School psycllology teacher. MIXED AUDIENCE A mixed audlenc< of 45 people, In- cluding wblte-baired, booted ~a, coUege and hlch achoo! ltudatta and W«kaday aduJta, attenaed the meeting. First to 1peat, Batllltoll decried what he .called the three myths of student acUvimn at UCI. n.eae, he said, were the myths of "Public Opinion/' ' ' C om m u n l 1 l l,.Hdlnis," and "The Irvine Way.'' He aaid that miUtant studenta don't have much faith 1n public oplnlon beclUlt the oplnjon the public bu -and a- preues lD the polls -iJ formed by one-sided reports ol camPUJ struggles. Battlstoti aaid there "b no portrayal of the o the r aide" and charred that the maa media never report& Incklent.s cl poUce brutality, barassmai~ and cauaes leading to coofronlaUOlll. mIDBNTLED 'Ibe SOO member said that CllDJIWI upria1np were entirely student led, 1tu.· dent inspired and student orgaii!aed. He disclaimed what he referred to U the .. Communist! lead them around by the nose theory." Of ~e "lriine Way," Batt.istoli II.id, "we've walked dtrough the open door! and we've talked the meaningful dialogue and gotten nothing." All the students want is a decisive ~ay in the academic decisioru that aUect them, be uld. ·OTHER DEMANDS Cause or the recent diaturbances at UCI, the termlnaUon of three profeaaora could have been resolved by the m: volvement of studenls of the instructora In ~ decision makine proceas, Battistoli 88ld. However. the youth listed myrlad other demands the milltants had made upon the university. KM?tth Ford toot isaue with the pmi· Uoli ~.bY the ~~,and .. $! .bQo. comniiue'!: formed to o:ert preasure for the rehJrln.:: or the three professors. CURRENT ISSUE! , He aald that culrent Issues in the unrest were teaching verws research, the distrlbuilon of university power, and relevance of aubjecta to the modem world. · All three of thoae iuues are merged fn the question of the three untenured indlviduala. "It la my opinion that that statement (a list of demands made by militants) represents an extremist posiUon that la unreuonable and irresponsible," Ford aid. ~ aaid it was his pogiUon that \he demandJ were the opinion of a minorlty or student., not a majority as had betn ,clalmed. ' Ford said a BJ>lil in the faculty that occurred beeau.se of the assist.ant pro- fessors' firings was well on the way to being healed. Current unrest of the contemporary ge~radon ii largely the work of the establishment, said psychology teacher John Cummings. 'I11e teacher said the younger genera- tion has been ''tcld and given the means to find the truth," by the establishment. The result is that the "truths" of the establishment have been questioned and the older generailon is put on its guard and won't listen. The establishment saya we've given you everything and now y o u ' re wigraleful, Cummings said. The younger 111",llV l'll1ll OUHGE COAtT 'f'lltl.llMIMO COMP'A~Y l•'*t H. W•M ,,....,, ..... l"Wlllhff J••• l . Cvrley Vin l"r•llllfrl tM Q.tM•al ........... Tll-11 r: .. wll .... Th-11 A. M111r,hl11t ~11191f!Not llckar4 r. Nill P11111 Nlt1111 l-l.Mtll Ahe!'!ltl• (l!y l:fli.. l)lrH• "-'-" ..... Offlu 211 F1r11t ""•· 'W•lll11t Aclch .. 11 P.O. 111 ••t._ tJ•IJ ...... _ - -C.ta MIM: Siii Wttl a1y 11,..1 "6<111 ; 1111 #nl ... ltiN ..,_...,..,. ...........,. -.-: ., •111 ....... • .-.ua; --v. ~ =-... ....,..,a111 .. ~ ---to 'oddl .. mlotWI, Qimmlap uld. • , '!lie solutloo to the 1ap, aal<f tum. millga, ls 1ncreued commwtlcation. Rapping the m!Utanta, CUmmlhp ..id the aoluUon LI not to take the Vietnam track and say ; 1'It became neces1117 tu~ :td~e19 :;;e~!~ some beginninp of studont activism on the ' ' 111111-w ........ ~~iolioploi'. ......... -.i..,, --·<lhol ... ._'* ... -.... port ....... -'" lrlrlll q,i.., ........... ,.........,. -............. 'Ill--' llkt-::f•.C-"!1'.pd~ .. I 'ti.lid&I .. a I ooms, aria buy ed~ "When l opened i ftlstory book, J · RI 'a'• ~ JI d111:r .. ·~·-didn't see anr;thlPi relevant. AU I 11w "at Cal Stai.e·toni Beafb, lot thi IJ'OUP cbarfed that· tither tbe goverrior; w111 how Black people picked cotton, tl1lt most of the prol)lem.a of the higher nor the •dlslldtnt atudentl care.· what sand, danced jigs, and were shlftless edllcaUon system 1temmed from a lack hlpPenai to the eollege syatem five years and lazy." of money. from now when no tnOA apace ts King said that the facts or Negro He charged lhat Gov. Reagan was avallable and 100,000 to 200,ooo ·quaWied e<1ntribution11 to society were skipped financially starvina: the college system. 1iu<1ent.s have to be turned away. over --"A Black man Invented bli>od Hanaen, also pruldent of the colleg1fs ~ohn King, Black Student Union pluma aod another Invented the traffic American FederaUoD of T • a c b er a minlater of information, told the gather--signal/' lie aald. .&di --.t:F= ........... ~ ed O<ltalU eNJ>llaW, edaca\ion channels, he $1ld. He said the United States' history is one Of bl90d and violence. 11Whlte people' say, 'why are you start- ing up so much violence,' Well, we learned It frotn yoU." Following the. panel ditcusaion, the audience broke into small discusalori groups to talk over what the 1-)'JriaD could do to further campua freedom. Astronaut Takes· LAGUNA TEEN CORNER Walk • By TOM GORMAN WE MAY STAR'J' a mlulnc peraou column this week. Several "Dice to have arouild" people are mJuiriJ:, wblle a few are flnalJ,y obowing·up. Mll181NG: ... baiketball coach to lead next year'• pack ol lnexperienced non·lef.. termen through the rleor• of the Crestview ~e. MISSING: Olie principal and vice prln- cipol. reported to be in San Francl1CO, and alJo upected to retum !odll' to our IChDol to aee what'• new. MISSING: Cooaclentloua objed<n to the war 1 when recruiters from the Armed . Forces visited ice campus and attempted to field hot quuUona from the Door, ranging fro!ll aalM)' u a prlvlta to Chrlstian ethic. MIBSING (for 45 minutes): One eorth science teacher, allo the adviser ol the Progressive Education Club, who for1ot that there was a meeting at bia boule, and tbowed up a little late. M18SJNG: One blih acbool trainer, ooi, cuM 1o .... oi:booi • )'Mr .,. to rap1ace anotJier .w11o 1e11 for -pqtmu. Undertllnd the moo\ recent tnlntr won't be aroupd , much Jonaer. -MJ.ISING1 One rej>ort fmn the city .......... clfke reprdln1 the report 111bmlttad to blm oboul the utlllzaUon ol the old ,Barefoot Bar u a teen center, pooall>ly al...., u Euler weel:. FOUND: Teenqen, muntlnl ,lrom the mountama aft.er an eltended vaca- tion. Mlain(: their can, ltill rtraoded in the lllOW. In the IDO'W. Ml181NG: oae mayor, ttported to be at 'lbunton 'lburaday, Frida)' and Sat:u· day. (Dcll't pt Hdted -It'• only a plug for "When ii the Mayer" being produced by the Tbun1oo lludtn".) lllISSlNG: Ev~ but the 1,'IOO peo- ple who ahowed up for tbe Suun Maue benefit performance at the Allehebn C:O.. venUon Center lut S\loday. lnltead of From Page l SURFER SLAIN. surfer sharing the cotta1• and attend.in& Junior colle1e, Mite Gruteau, wu away at the time. Collecting • total of about !450, Chui• told his mother, one of the three YOWll Orle.ntala thtn ahot Pond 1t close range as a warnin& ol what might happen to them too., ''Their lives were threatened," she laid. Honolqlu police said today they have DO leadl .in._ µit irotesque m~ cue ·and that-the'kllltn .... total --to Chula and Ropn. ' The murder •victim graduated. from Newport Harbor· High School with Chula and Rogers in-1987, visited the Jalandl for three months, then returned only au days ago. He 10Ugbt the wafrn sun and the big surf, bu( found on1y .senseless death. "He wanted to make the islands his home," the vicllm'• mother aa1d todar, •1Jt's sucb a ahame IOmethlng ao terrible had to happen In the place he loved." "Bill was juat there a w • • t -we hadn't even beard from him," added N.r1. Pond, who was noUfled ot the shooting by a phy~cian at a muill emerieney clinlc on the Island cl Oahu. The doctor who telephoned from Kabuki H°'pltal told the Pond family that lbe.ir eldest 100 wu gravely wound· ed in the head and would be ruahed to iurge.ry at St. Francis Hospital, a :SO.minute trip. "We called back in about a hall·hour,11 said Mrs. Pond, and a neurosurgeon, Dr. Kim, sald Bill wu very crlUcal and the wound was affecting h11 breathing." "He said he had no hope," she added. The vicUm died within one hour. Tronically, Mrs. Pond'• e<1ualn, Mrs. Robert Howe, lives in Wahlwa, ju.st a • • short diatance from the savqe murder sctne and heard of lbe bJurre cue on a radio new1 buDet.ln. "He had been over there such a short time he hadn' gotten oround to v!sltln( ·them and they didn't rea1l%.e it wu Bill," Mn. Pond Aid in an interview today. "Thal'• about all we know," she added. "Ob, My God, not Bill PODd," aa.ld Mr~ Gordon Conley, of the Newport Beach Surflne AssoclaUon. \She said~~• well aa Chula alid Roprt, .... were bootlnf·lilm lintll he could 1et ·setUed lft Hawaii, were 1cUve1 dedJcattd. surfers. AuthortUes in Honolulu oid today they have not completed a post mortem ex· amlnaUon of Pond's body and the caliber of weapon uJed to murder him ls UR· certain. · . Mn. Pond .aid funeral servlcu are only tontaUve at thlJ polp~ _but the funlly hopes .to mill(• rllu Monday at I a.m. in &t. Joachim's Church. Burial 1'111 be in Good Shepherd Cemetery, HUnUngton Beach, followin1 Catholic servicea for the youth, who worked with his fither in the electrical businesss before moving to the islands. Survivors include his brothers Marlin, 13, and James, 10, as well as his parents. The victim had entered the West Coast Surfboard Championships in Huntington Beach, as well 11 competing Jn San Clemente cOntest.s, and wu well·known in Harbor Area aurf society. Costa Mesa Police DetecUve Roscoe Broad was: contacted today for ln- formaUon about the proper news aourcti in the Honolulu Police Department. as a former lawman in the sleepy l1land1. "What Is this world coming to?" said the Hawaii-raised detecUve when told of the brutal murder. From Page l MAIN BEACH PROPOSALS • • • merclal development to dtfray the tu bunlen. He said he had a layman'• "rut feel- ing" that this would be th• best war to proceed, but quesUoned crlterl•. City Mana1er James D. Wheaton said criterla on parking and form of tht 'building are a aubject of the study. He saJd the study would have alternaUves that would become pollcy deciliona for the council. 0 Nevtrthelesa, 1 firmly believe thl!I It the use for the property if there ·lJ "to be a commerclal uae put on It," Wheaton said. The ctty m1na1er aaid cl the ltudy' "We neod the ab!litJ to aolvt a Llpna problem, not jUll where do we put a botel and Convention ce11ter." He bu peued h1J recommend al Ion to _,om1ca . Holm 11ked rhetorically, "What ta It we really want to aoccmpllah? Do we want to br,Q even? Do we want a money maker? Do we want to retaJn 75 to IO percent (of the lud) u • park?" Wheaton said, "I lhinlr .tt. 11\e con- clusion of phase one you 1'ill have au then thlnes put before you." CGunctlmu Cllarl\oll Boyd called the step "• cruet.Uy bnportant dec~lon •nd t believe one of 1 strles that can besln t.o return an economic bllance thtt h11 been mfllina from the community.'' Vice Mayor Joaeph O'Sullivan sa1d, "'I look on ft as an utenalon of what we talked obout In tha dlclslon to purthase the Maln Boch.'' Tim Hay, Ill Myatlc Way, cauUoned • 1g1inst letting economics o v e r r l d ti estheUcs of the Laguna dream of 40 yean. Peter Ostrander wondered ii the study dJdn't .cover some of the same area of the art colony's $60,000 cenerat plan sludy already ander way. Wheaton said the study would be somethlng 0( a microcosm ol what the 1enual plan comultant ill dolne for the enUre arta. He aald It woWd improve the tolal ptoctss and the planners would conununlcate. Dlclr Clark, publlclst. said be thouabt from an tc:onomlc standpoint a cori- vanUon center that would seat 700 mlJbt be better. Mayor OleM Vedder uked, "What about the fello'I' who wantl 900 or I.SOO (1eaUnc c1Pacit1)?11 Clart aa!d they could opeak for their point of view. UNRUH URGES DRILLING HA.LT SACRAMElfTO (UPI) -Legl1taUoo to atop oil drllllnt In ltatMOntrolled waters off tbt Callfomla coast "whert there la a d1n1er of oll atep&lf dlaastera" wu lntroductd Wednesday by Aaoemblyman JeQ M. Unruh tlJ. lngle..ood). \ The measure woWd ctve the State Lands Commlsaion authority to rtvoke on oil leaM when Ihm ta "aubltanUal danger'' el tetPJie.. rllllint m6nty for the girl, the coocert lort'Q400. Help! Send money to Laguna Federal, ·m Ocean. TO !IE J'OUND' The Scottish Fair at the ldlh 1ebool, a publicity stunt to promote the coming of Brigadoon. 'Die Fair wlll bt held tomorrow afternoon in the cafeteria paUo. TO BE FOUND: Revisions in tbe Boys' Clothes Board rules, to bt made al a meeUng with the principal. New recom· mendatlons were banded in Feb. 20. MISlllNG: One traffic ligjlt at El Morro 11ebool and at the comer of Part and MamanltL Needed immediately . FOUND: Patrol car aitUng at the comer ol Park and Manzanita, awaiting aome umw:pectlng students. 'lba1's not ao bad, until it's found aitilnl on the wrong aide ol the street. MISSING: One ltudent on school board, to increase communicaUon and iron out differences between progressive young and coruervative elders. From Page l TIDELANDS. •• any other access such aa street ~d easements in return for abandonment. However, the county cOUll.!lel has held the abanc\onment was legal. DurinJ the December subcomrnittee bevfna:, Mn. Helen Keeley, former Lal\IDI Bea.ch lice mayor, tesWied: "With lh1I plectmeal abandonment of Salt Creek Road it appears to me lhat the 0r..,. County Board of Supervisors and the 0r..,. County Road Department blYI totalJ1 disrqardtd the needs of the public 111 totally illaregard!Jll the countf1 own Muter Plan for ShoreliDe Devllopmtnl 11 Ill SPACE CENTER, HOQlton (UPI) - Apollo 9 astronaut RU11ell L. Schwelckart spacewalked for 37~ minutes on the front porch of his lunar landing craft today and said : "Boy, oh boy, what a view!" The rookie spaceman, feeling so good that part of hls once-canceled spacewalk was re.inst3ted, stepped into a pair of fiberglass "golden slippers" mounted on the platform outside the moon lander. He, joked with his two f e 11 o w astronauts, photographed the earth and the 58-foot-long tandem spacecraft, observed the moon, watched debris float from the open hatch of the adjacent commandship and even noticed a washer between two window panes. Schweickart even floated up along the outside of the spacecrart, hanging on to hand rails. He was called back into the spacecraft about 9:45 a.m. PST and the moon lander's hatch was Jocked five minutes later. The space agency logged Schwelckart's spacewatlting time as 3714 minutes. The lunar landP.r's hatch was open for a total of 48 minutes. "There, that Io o ks comfortable," Schweickart said as be guided h.ls booted feet into the slippers. Schweickart was performing the key test of the fourth day of Apollo 9's 10-<lay orbital trial run for a May moon flight. Schweickart was exposing America's cumbersoine "moon suit" to the harsh vacuum of space for the first time. Calling hlmsell "Red Rover" as he swept 146 miles bl&b over the United States, Schweickart said his spacuuit was "very comfortable." It is the suit that men will wear when they walk on the moon. •·()oh, that sun is really bright," he sald. But he said hia refrigerated long johns were keeping him comfortable. While Commander James McDlvitt re. mained close by inside the cramped lunar module's cabin, ~chweickart IWUllg " open the 32-incb square hatch at about 9:02 a.m. PST. The ship's cabin oxyr~n. was vented out in space a few minutes earlier. "The hatch is open, no sweat," said P..1cDivitt. "Hey, that's quite spectacular," said Scbwe.ickart, looking down at earth as: the tandem spaceship whizzed above in orbit at 17,500 miles per hour. David R. Scott stayed behlnd in the command ship and opened his · hatch' at about the same time. He planned to reach out and retrieve two spacecraft skin samples. "Everything's going along fine UP. here ," said Scott. · "You're cleared to do anythinc, 10 as fat as you want to," s~d around communicator Stuart Roosa. "How you feeling, Ru.sty?" McDivltt asked the spacewalker. . ".~eeling fine," replied the 33--year-old; c1v1lian spaceman. He was wearing a ~ckpack breathing unit that kept him 1n constant radio communicationa r1ith his other two pilots. All thr~e as~onauts were taking pie· tures with still and motion picture cameras. "We're all taking pictures of everybody taking pictures," said Scotl "Rusty, why don 't you lean over here again?" said 1'tcDivitt. "I'd like to get a better picture of the whole ~ne. 11 McDivltt and Schweickart transferred from their command ship to the attached. landing ship "spider" between 6 and 6:48 a.m. PST to open the second day of tests of the moon lander. al .J.I J. (Jarrell; IT'S HERE AGAIN!! OUR ONCE• A• YEAR WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF THE STORE 17 SOFAS and LOVE SEATS Rag. $349.00 To $795.00 NOW $159.00 ro $399.00 33 OCCASIONAL TABLES Rag. $59.00 To $149.00 NOW $29.00 10 $69.00 UP · 22 CHAIRS ' Ra9. $139.00 To $299.00 NOW $69.00 TO $139;00 39 TAILE and HANGING LAMPs Rag. $50.00 To · 100.00 NOW $19.95 •TO $39.00 6, PICTURES and MIRl\ORS R ... $15.00 To $150.00 NOW $5.00 TO $59.00 DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS H.J.GAl\l\flT fUR~f{URE PROFUSIONAL INTERIOl OE$1GNERS °"'" ................ -2211 HARD ILYO. COST" MUii, C...LIF. '"4&.0271 64"4276 I, I 1, I I -··-·· ---,.,...,_....,....,,.,.,...,....,,_.,.......--..,..,....,,,.,.,.,~"'.~ ........ --------,_-------·-· .... -~ ' Girls Slain .. 't;I.;..... ____.. - . Hearts:Cut From Bodies TRURO, Mm. (llPI) -l'h< hear" 'vere cut out and' Dhssing from three or lour. dismembe~ wQmeti's"bOdies. found In shatl~11' graves· in 'l.tib . Cape Cod community. Dist. Atty. Edmln'd S. Dinis uld tOdaf. . ·r . . . . '11le prosecutor disclosed "de(ails of the bizarre deatbs shortly, befort Antone c ... ta, ~l, .• Provinl:el9,wn carf>en\er .~d amateur • taxldtrmiol/:,.,11>'-ilrought-to court ror ·arraignment on .two counts ol murder in connection wi{b the case. Three bodies· including those or two miSsing Rhode Island women were found Wednesday in shallow graves in the sandy pine.lands 10 mUes [rom the sum· mutime playground or artist.$, writers, and hippies ·at Provincetown, It was the grimmest tale of murder Jo unfold since the Bosion Strangler killed ll .women between June, 1962 and Jan· uiiry, 1964. Has Spring Sprung? " Thu""'1,.Mlll:tl 6.1969 IL) DAILY PILOT :J r ·n0c,for to Tith Impostor To~day?. By TOM -BARLEY ot Ille P•ll-'1111 Sllff . ·Th~ real Dr. Faster will stand up today. He is e.1pected to &~fore the Orarige County ·Grand Jury to offer testimony that will , optimistic district attorney's inYestig8tors predict', lead to the indictment of Robert Ervin Brown, • 33, on dl.flrgCS" of practicing medic\ne without a Iiceme. · · · - Dr. Glenn F.~tir, whOse name was alleg~y .us~ by -~~own during the lat· ter's alleged five-Week masquerade as a specialist lil cardiology at tht Fullertoil Inter:ria't .1'fedicine .Clink, . was ,met ·by · relativ.es. Dr. ind ~rs. Thine PriCe pl. Fullerton, at the county facility. Chief Deputy District Attorney Jamts . .. Dinis said the bodies also bore teeth marks and were "cut into as many parts as there were joints." He said the heart.5 V.'ere removed but were not found in the graves. "We're facing a bizarre situa- tion," Dinis said. It may be. a . bit early to s~rt looking for spring, but you might have some d1fficu1ty convincing this young couple that the~favorite season of lovers ha:s· not arrived .. Some. heady weather Ju red them to the beach for a quiet stroll. When. your young and in love, even the debris·strewn beaches or the Orange Coast can be vie,ved through rose-colored' gla:Sse's. G. Enri~t said Foster will be the prlil·· cipaJ witn~ in grand jury hearings that , will . produce testimony from 30me 30 persons. The. hearings started today and are expected to conclude late Friday. Dr. Foster flew from Alabama -he . teaches at the University of Alabama medical school-at .the request of ·En- right. Investigaj.ors 1state ·that he and Brown _he.came :acquainted when Brown worked" in'. Birmingham as an electroniC! technician. 1'wo of the bodies found \Vednesday were those of the tnissing \vomen, Patricia Walsh and Mary Ann Wysocki, both 23 and both from Providence, R. I. Only a hand and part of lhe torso of the badly-decomposed third body were found, and it was not certain immedi- ately whether the victim was a man or 1 woman. Laird Renews U.S. Warning The eagerness/ ,of Enright kt prf!ss charges ol prlc iciflg medicine without a lic~nse against Brown was reflected WedMsday when he successfu lly sought ttje abandonmCJJt of a scheduled munfci· pal C?Url hearing, UNDER INVESTIGATION Robert E. Brown . Costa, mustached with long sideburns and wearing "granny" glasses, was arrested Wednesday night in a Boston apartment. An innocent plea later was entered for Costa at bis arraignment in Provincetown District ·Court. Judge Ger· shom1 D. Hall ordered Costa held without bail and to underg·o 35 days observation al Bridgewater State Mental Hospital. R eds Ignore Nixon-22 in Saigon Killed • in Bombing Theat.er Manage.r, Held in Theft Costa wore the same clothes he had nn when he was arre_sted Wednesday- a light blue turtleneck shirt, chino pants and a Navy blue jacket. 1liss Walsh, a second-grade teacher, and Miss Wysocki, a college senior, dis· appeared five weeks ago while vacation· ing on the cape. Neither of the other bodies has been identified. AH four bellies were found near the sea. in a desolate area where crude tjgzag trails cross a sandy wasteland. • SAICON (UPI) -Guerrillas fired seven rockets into civilian districis o( Saigon today in a twcrminute barrage that ~led ·22 persons· and dre\V .a stern new U.S. warning that they risked massive retaliation. ,..........,. · Another SO persons were wounded in the ·6· a.m. attack from 1'1fnchin~ pads in the rice paddy area\ southeast of the ·city. All the victims were South Vietnamese, and the total slain was the heaviest toll in any shelling of the South Vietnamese capital. Eighteen hours after the rocketing. U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird arrived on a six-day "(actflnding tour and warned, as President Nixon already had. of "appropriate response" unless the attacks cease. "We will not tolerate continued enemy escalation of th e war." Laird said on anival. He warned there were "several options" available .to the Allied forces, but ·declined to specify which one migbt be used. He prepared lo open talks F·riday with Gen. Creighton W. Abrams. U~S. military commander in Vietnam. and U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker. All the victims of today's rocket bar· rage were civilians either asleep or preparing to work in a slum section on the Saigon river, The Saigon attack and 35 others like it against cities and bases across the nation opened the 12th day of the Com- munists' nationwide offensive whose first week shot both Allied and guerrilla losses to their highest point in 10 months. U.S. headquarters reported last week's A teenager's body was found Feb. 8. in the early st.ages of the search for the missing Rhode Islanders. The car in w~ich they were traveling had been found nearby short ly after their disap· pearance with a note on the windsh.ield saying it had been left becau~ it. was out of gas. Police returned to the scene when lht women were reported missing. The car was gone, but the searchers sa w a strap sticking out of the sand a few yards away and by digging in lhe area un· earthed the teenager 's body . State High Court Ref uses Antonia Thomas Case Bid The car turned up later in Burlington, Vt., and authorities said Costa was driv· ing it. He was questioned but wa :o1: released when he ptoduced a bill or sale which appealed to have been signed by Miss Walsh. He has now been charged with auto theft as well as murder. Snakes Sneaked From Pet Shop Snakes alive! No'v they're stealing them from pet shops along '''ith rabbits to feed to them. Gordon Joblinski or Anaheim, owner of the Pet Corral, 11801 Harbor Blvd., Buena Park, told police today that some- one broke into the shop \Vednesday night and stole $645 worth of snakes and rabbits. The snake burglars also killed a South American hawk valued at $200. ti.fissing is an eight·foot boa constrictor. 11 four-foot python, a six·foot indigo snake, three two-foot king snakes, 90 baby,rabbit.s and $100 in cash. The burglars ripped a hole in the 1ide of the pet shop to gain entry. ' Anolher aveaut or appealfor convicted murderess Antonia Thomas c 1 o s e d Wednesday with the rejection or her plea for a new trial by the California Supreme Court. Los Angeles attorney Dudley Gray, the San Clemente woman's counsel in lwq Orange County murder trials, said he was notified of the high· cOurt's verdict late \Vednesday. But the veteran lawyer said a new appeal will be filed - this time with the federal distr.ict court. Gray. whose earlier appeal was re· jected by the Fourth District Court of Appeals in San Diego, said he objects to three phases of Mrs. Thomas' second trial : the "shoddy" investigative work of San Clemente police officets and their in1pairing of what could have been vital evidence ; Judge Robert Gardner's alleg· ed comment that "this is a simple case. ei ther sbe 's guilty or not ~ilty" and the judge's approval.of a "pleilsure outing·~ for the jury during the course of the trial. Gray said he will lake the "Sam Sheppard route" in pursuing appeals for the 26-year-old Filipipo woman who il'I currenlly being held as a "model pri soner" in the Frontera Prison for The DrEg Story. Series to Explore Vse of Narcotics ''Drugs States today. 1969" i!I the story of the use and abuse ·or narcotics in the United It is probably one or the most ambitious al· tempts ever made by a mass communications me- dium to probe the v.•orld of infonnation and mis- , :~ information surrounding the ever.mounting use of mind·bogglirig drugs and narcol!cs by a11 age groups in this nation. Alton Blakeslee, one of America's top sciCnce writers, a staUer of The Associated Press, spent 1 months resear\'.!hing tht subject. . I Blakeslee talked to addicts, psychiatrists, other j medical experts and law enforcement authorities throughout the Ullited States to galber material •for the 10.part series of articles which will begin Mon· 14-Y in the DAILY PILOT. Aimed primarily at parents, the "Drugs 19119" , • 9eries offers advice on how to safeguard children r from falling into the "tumo11" trap. "How can you tell whether your teen.ager Js smoking reefers, gulping pills or injecting drugs ? What is the best way to keep him from coming to such a pas,, or to oonwtnce ·hlm ht lhould chan.ge his ways?" These are que~ions Blakeslee's series ukB and answers. AL TON BLAKESLEE Accurate information and cold, hard logic- not Oaw·ffUed panicky argumenta-are the best weapons for parenta, BlakesJee says. His 1eries is designed to furnish reliable inlormatlon that parenta can pass along to childrm. ti may even prove to some parenll that tbclr childre n already know more about marijuMa, LSD, "gooCballs" aod all the real of that icene than the pmnls do. Poli~ chiefs through0t.1t the Orange ~11l recommend the scrle1. II &hould be J)flrt of every part11t'• modern edu\'.!aUOf\, they 51Ly. Women. '·We'll go all lhe way to the U.S. Supreme Court," he said. Mrs. Thomas was convicted last May ! of the murder of her seven-day-old son by pouring a caustic solution down his throat. The infant died three week s later. Mrs. Thomas was living at the Beach ~1otel in San Clemente at the time of the murder. SeQtinel Called 'No Threat' to U.S.·Russ Talks WASHINGTON (AP) -Resumption of work on deployment or a thin Sentinel antiballistic missile (ABM) system would not harm prospect.s of arr anging U.S.· Soviet negotiations on limiting nuclear weapons. the new head of this country's disarmament agency aaid today. The official, Gerard C. Smith, added that any expansion to a thick system oriented against Soviet missiles would '·have a harmlul effect on. the outcome'' of any Such talks. Smith was the leadoff witness as the disarmament subcommittee of the senate foreign Relations Committee opened a aurvey ol the ABM issue. The controversial antimi ssile 11yslem Is now under review by President Nixon also. He has promised to announce early next week a decision on whether to COntinue the d~ojrment work suspended .a month ago. When Smith testiiied that resumption or · work on a thin · system would not hamper prosI1ecU of arms talks, Sen. J. W. Fulbright, (D-Ark.) suggested the White House had arrived at a conclus.ion. "It s~rns to me that what you are saying .ls that the decision has already been made to go ahead," Fulbright told Smith. . , Smith replled : ''I ·can say categorically the decision has not been me.de." Californians Favor Lowering Voting Age SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Galifornla g06 along with the natlot1al trend toward lowering the legil Votina age, the Mervin Field California Poll said today. The survey rePorted Uutt more t.hafi 53 percent of the voters appear ready to give the vote to 20 year o!ds. c~sualties today : 4:>3 Americans killed and 2.593 wounded, S21 South Vietnamese soldiers dead and 2,012· wo~nded, 20& civil ians slain and 677 wounded, and 6;75.2 Communists killed. Today's barrage into Saigon was the fourth since the Communist offensive began. Feb. 23. A ·total of 45 persons. all Vietnamese civilians, have died in those salvos, aocordlng to Allied figures. Kilitary spokesmen. said 17 homes and at least . IO cars were destroyed or damaged. in the attack, which centered in the riverside slum district in Saigon's 4th precinct . ·Stretcher bearers fought their way through masses of onlookers ia the nar· row alleys to get to houses smasl\ed by the blasts. Fourteen persons lay dead in one shanty. The wounded and dead were ev.acuated in a steady proce~sion of jeep fire .engines alid ambulances. Santa Alia Muqicipal Court Judg'e Robert Ri'c_kles· formally cleared the bewildered Bi'oWn who was promptly n~·arrested on Enrigl;lt's new warrant. · Tl1~ ·techniCality enabled · Enri ght to schedule Brown· for appearances before the grand jury 1m:t a predicted indict· ment. Enright said relatives of four persons wno died while under "Dr. Foster's" care will be ·amon·g the parade cif wit· nesses called before the 17-member panel. And testimony will be offered by several of the 87 patient! examined. by BroWn during his five-week sojourn. at the Fullerton cl inic. Coroner's officers are currently inveS. ligating the death of a 7~year-old heart patient who was treated by the bogus Dr. Foster. It Is believed that death ma y have been caused by the administration of drugs that would not normally have been prescribed by an experienced cardiolopst. A B1,1ena Park theater manager who anegedly financed his own kind of en· tertainment with receipts from .lhd theater will fa ce preliminary hearing \Vednfs<iay in North Orange County, M.unicipal Court. Police charge th.al Melvin F. Bieker, 33, of Anaheim, took $3,000 [rom the Linculn Orive..In Theater safe and financ- ed a ty.•o-day gambling and tiigh living spree in Las Vegas. Bieker is accused of going into the theater office while on vacaliOn last month and taking money from the safe .• His arrest came after a long in· vestigation by Buena Park police Det. Darrell Cate who said Bieker failed a lie detector test. HOUSEHOLD NOW! WINDOW SHADES THAT SHUT OUT LiGHT & HEAT http rOQ/11.a' cooler 1n 'ummtr Ol!d 1llGl"m1r in wintu De lite 6·~-Wldo APPLIANCE VALUES! 10" FRY PAN with Scr•tch re1i1t1nt chrome cookWare. • WATER HEATERS REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20-Gollon ...... '42.88 Reg. $9.95. • •• SALE t79 t JO·G•llon ........ '44.88 "·Gollon .. '. .. :'49~88 SO·Gollon .... '64.88 INSTALLATION single . turntable • twin turntable Ideal for uie in cabinets, on ~o\vu "1toothly on sletl dinc1tet1bleoriolinenclo~t. ball betrinp. Spins needed Sp(n~ needed item(' dgbt 'terns u.p t1ont. Tiered for tO'you. • ' dwble capacity. Siu: lffii'~diatn.x ~"high 1SCze: 1~11 diam:xs~ .. ~ah ltEGU~ARLY-· ltEGULABLT"l~ NOW 77': NOW•lru! AVAILABLE Thi1 qu•lity qu•r•11!11d 9l•n lined will' h•1+1r i1 •q!lipptd witlt 11f1ty +imp. 11 r1q11ir1d by l1w. W1 htYI 11m1 d•y int11f. l1tio,. 1v1i11bl1 if you wi1h. All nor1T11 I in1!1ll1tion p1•h ind111f. 1d. C1U by noon -ind1ll f111t ol1y, Aho •1•11•9•ncy in.t1ll1tlo11 1v1il1bl1. AU .work do111 by m•i*•' pi111nb1'5. JOHNSON'S J WAX KIT Cle•n8r-Wo111, Pre-Soften· s 1 09 ed ~r ·.~,y· •pplic.•tion. , Beauty and prot•ction for , • your car or boat. REG. $2.09 GA.RIAGE DISPOSALS lN-SINK-lRATDl MMel Ne. UJ """1" .$SUS '29 95 OUft PllCI •. -..... • . -1 YtJr OIHlr~nt~- ·M~tl, N .. SSS .............. '46 95 0Uft PllCI '. .. .' ... ,.. • -a1Yelit Ou1r1nttt- M-4t1 N., 77 l'f•l•r Vt.ts '49 95 OUlt PlllCI ' .... ~ .. • -• y.,.,.,o..-rant .. - -· IHSTALl.ATIDN AVAii.AiLi -. . . .. I I , ---- 4 PAll.V PllOT Road-Shut ~Agai Reds Continue to Harass Berlin Traffic tt-111 ........ ..., C<Jncerned over the IOoa of•bua!. ness to ~ qulck·aervlce mack ·bars, the restaurant In the Hotel Ar011y Bill:a In Budapest baa put 10.mlnute hourgla1Sea on its tables. If a diller'• o*r la not tak111 belore the sand runa out, blJ pieal la oo the house. • Goo. Ronald IUOG!Jft•Jokcd to "" ovto indlUl!'ll groop 11111 IOft1c that all WI not fiM fn California ond pnlV<t' """"~ h<IJ>lno. "The land II """" 100,ter, the ocean ii undtr ofl and tht campmta ar1 undtt tllo•. 1 oot 10 discouraged I c:o!l<d Dial+ Prayer -and ·thq hung up on mi!~ A Baptlst mlnllter from Pino Bluff, Ark., apparently fean for the ..W. ol Jegillalors who voted. for the rei:enll,y passed h1JI to al· low mind drinb in Arkansas for the first time since World War I. ..J'he Rev. T•I Bonham, invited to 1give the opelling prayer for the day Jn the Arkansas Hollie of Rrepr .. ~ves, prayed specifically for itbe legillaton who helped the jllleasure gain passage. • B?ii!Sh .. i'ilm lar Loulae Ruoh ~bowed up at the Tunbridge Wells, England, sallll8 bath for her ngu- Jar appointment. She wu enjoy· tng the beat after a cold day on the •et and wnpped in a huge towel when a portly man walked in, tightened biJ own towel around bis I.am end nt down. Due to a -· by the reservationll'b .both bad been given the same ap- pointment. "All · I cculd think to by was 'Do you come here often',"· Min Ru.h said. ' . A 1hort Mirdo and lipstick were part of the murimage Joan ~Betz who haa ;u.st finioh<d a gU<tl ipol on "The Smothtr1 Brother• Hour.'* The folk sinCer aet a coffee hoUlf trend of long hoir and beodt during the beatnik era and Ml maintainff that image through f'ecent 11e11rr. • Mary W•rd was quite excited when she won the drawing at the Margate, England horticultural 50elety's BID'lual dinner. Then ahe found out it was 100 pounds of horse manure. She gave it a neighbor. BERLIN (UPI) -Tllo Colllmunlsts demonllrallna tlltlt conlrol over lhe hllbw111 to Berlin -.i trlfllc otr and on loday u U.., pleaaed. Check. points opened and cloled In capricious fashion with au. can and convoys. balled and otben allowed to ...... 'lbere were UOCODflnned report.I a abot WU llrtd during the night at a U.S. military train. \J.S. mllllal}' aulhorlU• aaJd I train window WU broken and the melll rnme dll!ted bu! lhat no bolJet wu llred. Tllo Commllllllt& claimed cred!t fir avoldin( a aliowdown wllh the Allies over West German presldenuat electlons held In Wtst Berlin W-y over Soviet and Eut German protesta. And toollbt Soviet and Elot German !<Adara exclw!pd toull II a nceptlon In Elll Terror Bomb Wounds25 In Jerusalem ll)'Uel..,ip,_- • A lemirlll bomb aplodal "todo,y In lhe Hebmr Un!venlt)' library cafeteria In Jtru&llem, wounding 15 -· elabt aerloUlly •. A -bo!nb "e11plodecl Iiii.r 1111r an !lraell bank In · the Renuilllh dlatrict al Not\h Jerusalem, but dllDUli• wu vrry minor and there were no casualUes. Bqbdad radio said lhe Popular Front fr.r !lie LlberaUon al Plleltlne, an Arab commando aroup that c l a I m e d respcmaibillty for attacu "" two 11rae11 planes, aaJd JU: commandos were respoulbJe for th• Jerusalem bwt. !lraell-Ell'Pllan claabea broke out loo day along --the Sue% Canal where the United Nations bu warned the al.tuation grows more aerJOUI d&Uy, and there were daylon1 •tirmlaheJ Wednesday alq lhe Jordan and Syria cease-fire linel. Adding to Jewllh uger wu 1 Bqbded Radlo nport lhat new !lraell apy trial& were under way In Iraq. Some of t b e alleged apJe1 were reported to be Jewish and Baghdad said Wedneadly thole fOlllld guilty would be 1>an1ecl regardl111 of world pressure. hraell police moved quickly today when a bomb believed to be made of two pounds of dynamite exploded In a window boi: on the inside of one of lhe hqe Ooor-lo-<tlllng glul -· -f<X'm .... wall al the colelerlL They Aid ........ , of ll?'lltl Ud been made. Berlin alwn by Sovie! Ambulodor Pyolf AbnDlinov. The olllclal Elot 0ennu·new1 aervlce ADN l&ld· Allroulmov lendortd lhe recoptlon In honor al a deporlinl Sovlll deler111on beldecl by DeJIUI)' Pttmior Vlaillmh' Klrlllln. . The main Berlin lllghwoy WU C- twlce for lhrte houn. Eu! -German -aealecl "' both -of lhe llO<nlle aulobalm to West Germuy at 9 Lm. and opeoecl It •I nooo. II l1lo WU doled from I p,in. to t p.m. while vlrlo111 checkpoint& opened and cloled atn,~~iect Slllel and Its Alllei , In Berlin prolelled lhe move but tilt Rlllll1n1 npllecl lhe bl-wu Dec.tllU'7 became · of C o m m u n S 1 t UPIT ........ I'll GETS ITS GIRL KklMp Suspect Nobbocl Girl Sought in Kidnap · Was Working as _Carhop OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -Hooduru- botn Ruth Ela:emann-Schler, the only woman ever to appear oTi the FBI's UR of 10 mOlt-wanted crlmlnals, faces arra.illlillent today on a charge of taking 'part In • Georcta lddnaplng In .. hlcb • college coed wu buried alive. PeUte, 26-year~ld MJ.ss Schier was urat.ed Wednesday In nearby Norman u she worked as a car hop at a drfq.Jn rtltlatant. In Oklahoma City, U.S. Commissioner James Bullett aet baU at •.ooo and cootlnued lhe proceedlnp until today after Miss Schier asked for a court-ap- pointed attorney. MJ.sa Schier and Steven Krill, 23, are charged with the ,abduction of Barbara Jane Mackle from a Decatur, Ga., motel 1ul Dec. 17. Krilt was aptured last Dec. 22 after a wklupreld manhunt near Punta Gorda, Fla. Miu Mack1e, »year-old daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Mack.le, waa found burled but unharmed 1n a box about 20 miles northeast of Atlanta after an M-hour underground ordeal. '11le kldnapen bad directed rescuers to the spot after Mackle, a wealthy Florida real •te develt>per, paid fl()0,000 ramom. Practlcally Ill of lhe ransom money wu recovered. DIJL Ally. Richard Bell of DeKalb county, Ga., sald be would lnatitute pro- ceedings \o have MW Schier brought to trial 11 aoon as possible. Ml8I Schier, known in Nonnan 11 Donna Willi, was arrested after she applied for a job as a nurse at Central Slate Hosplta1 in Norman. Snow Carpets Dodge City . .._,_. Rain Band From Mexican Border to Great Lakes Cellfornill s1111, 111-rurea ,..., .... . ~ '-' ............. A:•.-U ...... flltll •• • • •• 'It:• ,_ '-1 NIDAY ,.,.., ................... •:• •• Ill.. ... flf'lll .................. lttSJ•""· ... llCllflf W "••••••••••• <ldit 11.fll. I.I ~ llllft ............. 111•1 ..,n. J.f I v.s, s--... C: ... r till-. ...,. ~ M N"' "' ... ~I l'ftl"" "'-'°"',,._,,, • lllXklft tnoil ,._ l "tllftd MrlY .... ., •• ""'-1'111• .., Ill • lww rnor. lltk• Ill fflt forlll ., ... 111 and ll'IOW. Tr1"'4trt .. 1'111111 Wl'lf't Ill tflKI 1W .... ,.. -' ICI-tlld MllMlllFI bl-- CIWlll "' ....... ...... .... rtfll-lo•" fll • MM tf ...i.ltttllfl 1trttdllllt ......... Mftit.11 .,.., .. ..,. "'"" _ ... _ ~ C1'Y .,.,, ~r. lrl Kt ..... _..._lrldl ___ .. ,..,. ,.....,, """' lltfrt •11111 K11"'"1ol -.. llN "-Kaftll1 N'1ttwlirC. """"" lystM\ -W11'1l"""" ... ... -"*' "' .....,._, •1ffl "" 1Wtt ""'* 1M t1lrl. DM to t1M lllCMI fll ll'lft 9'11 lrl lllthtr t~ll1n1 ., w..ll"-1111 .,., lfllt _ ...... ~ h", n. .,.,,... "" ..... ,,. ""' Nlr lrl-"""' __,, ...... -.f\Ut f!'ll ....,.,._. Ml 111111 """"'11ftor• tlllf .... _ A"1u.....-u1t --...... IM!tnflitl.i ........ 1•N ..... ... _ ........ .,_,. ..... ,,,_ -·---·----......... l 11 v.... l•A-19 Mllntl 1..0 Mlllftvht M-· Nrw <>rlM,_ "-vent o.ic111111 ..... ,. ... Jta&ttt Phllllllleflll -"'"""'""' ....... ll11N City lllll llvll' =-.... I.wit s.nt1t1 Slit llllt Cltr Siii D .... ltll '""'*" Stflt1 •• ,.,. ..... -~ --( . " . " SI JO Tr « .. 'l l Tr ._ H .1J .. " .. « .. .. . .. a ,, .., 11 .... .. " Tr . " ... .. " ,, " " " .... .... ..... " .. " .. .. ft .... Al 7t M tf ,. "" .. .. ,, M " " ,, .. .... " n .... .... . " • )I ·'' " .. .... " n .... . .. " . U M Tr " " ... : : .)I • 11 31 n " " . mlJllar1 um:lw lo tho .... Unulli wlJl4>ll tbt lllghwq - TIM Incident lnvolviol the -Amr/ train m.uctil eoajllctlor reparill frorn .Wftl German and U.S. •llklli• Well German CU11om1 -. 11,id at least one pJJtol lbot wu flrtd at •tilt train .. ..... from Berlin to Fr-..rt. But u American 1poliaman uld lhll While a -WU -and Its !tame deniod, '11 del!nitely WU not ,a. bulle\" tllal Cl!IOld the -.Se.· No liljurles ..... rtporlld. Today'I irlflki blocUdt WU the lillh' In I 11111117 dayl. 1!'11fenl oftlcloll l14vtt ~the Cqaunu•IN wltb- ly haAulioc , tralllc to llld from Well ---at. Zill -and Sotlet -over the di)''• ..... ,... the Well German eledlooL ' Hickel Okays Opening Well To Stop Leak SANTA BARBARA (AP) -ParUal reopening of the orlginal leaking oil well in the Santa Barbara Cbannt.l has been aulhorlied by Secrelal}' of Interior Watter J. Hl_ckel in efforts to bait the 11low seepage of oil from the surrounding ocean floor. mckel authorized Wednesday Union Oil Co. to drill to • total depth al "not more than ISO feet vertically below the ocean fioor" at well A·21 to relieve oil and gu pressur. pushing the oil from the upper sands. A-2:1 tprung a leak on Jan. 2S and spread an oil slick whic,b once dartened 800 square miles ot!'ocean before it was capped Feb. I . Later the preient residual leak developed nearby. · Meanwhile, City Councilman Frank' Arguellu: propoted Wednesday a n ordinance to impose finet of '100,000 • day against companlea polluUng clty waters and beaches w:lth on. '1'be ordinance would apply to oll spilla d. 100 gallons or more from offshore drilling platforms, barges, transmlaaion Jines and installations on abort. An ad- dlUonal $10,000 ptnalty would be assessed against companies falling to noUfy the harhormaster Immediately of spW. ud clean Jt up to city approval. The huge oil spill ls aUll noticeable on tbe ocean surface near Santa Barbara. Argoellet taJd UnJoo OU bu dcne "• good job" cleaning up the city's !horell.ne and waters. Inlerior Department off I c i a l s ex .. plained lhe original leak originated from a lower level and the withdrawal from the upper sand should pose no dana:er of renewed leakage. Thi; well had been filled with cement to shut oft the leak, and Un.ion would have to drlll through that cement to tap the upper sand. Hickel had directed the company Feb. 21 to tap the upper sands and relieve pressure which bad been forcing oil and gu to continue aeeplng slowly into the water. But one attempt to do this through another well already drtlled from the offshore oil plalfonn somehow touched off renewed leakage of oil and had to be stopped~ SIRHAN ••• (Collllilecl from p.,. J) ne1t day but Sirhan, a Jordanian-born Arab, testified at hJs murder trial Wedn ... day be thought il W81 that nlghl He saJd u po n reading the an· nouncement "The fire started burning jnsJde me" and he set off for downtown Loi Angeles 11drlving like a maniac." "Did you have In mind to shoot Kennedy at that lime?" ubd defense counael Grant B. Cooper. "No, sir, I did not," Sirhan uld. Sirhan saJd he bad come from a rifle range where he pracUced with his .22· caliber revolver, h.ad a anack with a friend arid read about the anniversary celebration. "That brouaht me back to the 1lx days in June the prtvloua year," Sirhan aald, his voice rising in anger. "The fire started burning inside of me, sir, at seeing how these Zlooists, these Jews, these Israelis or whoever the bell they were, sir, were trying to rub in the fact lhat lhey hid beaten lhe bell out of the Arabs the year befoni." Sirhan said he parted hJs car and set out to find the parade. He wandered into lhe brigblly lit campaign bead· quarten of Tbom&ll Kuchel, a Republican seeking rwlection to the U.S. Senate . There WU talk "that there WU a bigger party dOwn the rtrtet at lhe Ambaaaclor," Sirhan A.Id. "Cllrlostly fcrc<d me lo go down there," be llld. On tbe ..,, be teltltitd. be noUced tn • store a Jewllb or111llza. Uon lip. "Alain lhat got me bollln( beca111t the main reason for me to be on W1la:hlre Boulevard wu to au the parade," Sirhan said . His gun, at that time, w1s still tn the back seat of his car a few blocks away, Sirhan II.id. At thla point in hill tes\lmony court adjoumecl !or lhe day at Cooper's req\J9l Russ Launch Satellite MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union today launched Its thin! -anned ntelllte In two dlya._ 'Ibo ""'' ll'llCY TUI said all equlpmtnt ahoud Coomoo l70 WU !lmcllon!OI norm1ll7. .. PICKET OUSTED AT MUTINY TRIAL MHvi Hlroahl Burned Mllltory Ju1tlco Codo "'IT ....... Medals Stripped Six Mutiny Defendants Charge 'Humiliation' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The com. bat ribbons ol a wounded Vietnam war veteran, one d. siJ: soldiers on trial for · mutiny, were removed Wednesday by a stockade guard who told him he "wun't aulhorir.ed to wear them any more." The six prlaoners said they had bttn stripped and humiliated during a noon break in their court-martial at the Presidio by a squad of soldiers "specially trained" by Marines. Pvt. Edward 0. Yost, 23, of Vacaville, Calll., said lhe medal! the guard took included a Purple Heart he received when he was wounded by a booby trap. Later in the day the ribbons were returned to Yost's civilian attorney in a brown paper bag with the explanation they had been taken throogh "an honest mlltake.•• The siJ: privates whose trial began Wednesday are among 'll accused of taking part in a mutiny at the stockade last October. They refused to go to work details in protest over alleged in· human conditions at the prison where several of them were serving sentences for being AWOL. Four of the Gls were found guilty in earlier trials and received aentencu up to 11 beara at bard labor. The a.Ix who went on trial Wednesday, including Yost, were: Pvts. Rlcky L. Dodd, 21, ol Hayward, Calif.; Lawrence J. Zaino, 21, Toledo, Ohio; Michael E. Murphy, 19, Concord, Callf.; Harold J. SWanaon, 19, San Leandro, CalH., and William H. Hayes, Z2, Heald>burg, Calll. When Yost's attorney . Wed tbe coqrt martial board's pr_eaiding offka, Col. John Lee, ·what authority the guard bad to remove the ribbons other attorneys rose and complained about the DOOD incident. Orie lawyer said the iuardll who had stripped the prisoners during the break were "specially trained" by Marines and wore no name tap. Another said that in an earlier incident hll client's glaues had been removed by a guard and crush- ed under foot. "I'm sure I don 't know," Lee reapond- ed when a.sked about the guard's aufhori.. ty. He advised the attorneys to direct their complaints to Slzth Army Como mander Lt. Gen. Stanley Lanen. Military defense attorneys said tbeJ received orders at mJd-day Wednelday not to talk to newsmen about the trills. Capt. Emmitt Yeary, a Vietnam com- bat veteran, called the order "a ll'OSI · ln!ult to my integrity at an attorney." Defense attorneys asked for a miJtrW Wednesday on grounds the board wu improperly chosen. Thia was denied. They also moved for a change or venue because of antiwar demonstrators. About 10 demonstrators were in the packed courtroom while 200 were outakle. An earlier court mart.lat was moved to Ft. Irwin in the Mojave Desert to avoid demonstrators . The defendant in that trial was given the llghteS:. sentence of any of the men convicted, four years. Pueblo Cook Says 10 Bags Of Secret Papers on Deck CORONADO (UPI) -A cook from the USS Pueblo says he walked over "10 or more" bags stuffed with the !hip's secret papers when the North Koreans led him into captivity. Commlsoeryman 2.C. Ralph H. Reed, 30, Danville, Pa., Wedneaday told of the documents' apparent capture before a five -admiral court of inquiry into the Pueblo affair. Three more enlisted·.men were sum· , moned today by tbe court that is hearing testimoa,y on tbe behavior ol the Pueblo's 82-man crew during 11 months of cap- tivity in North Korea. Also called to tuUfy in open swlon wu Dunnle R. Tuck Jr., St, .Richmond, Va., one of two civilian oce.anographers wortlng on the Pueblo when it wu captured Jan. 23, 1969. The court went into closed session during the afternoon for testimony from enlisted men who worked in the Pueblo'• electronic esploa1ge unit. The five admirals appeared startled. when Reed told them he saw 10 oranie bags crammed with papers lying on the deck outside the upionqe unit dur· 1ng tbe North Korean attack. .. Are you sure there were that many?" oald Rear Adm. Edwanl Grimm. "~ about It." ''Ten or more, sir," Reed rtplled. Reed said he knew the bags were atill there when the North Kortana took controJ of the Pueblo because be walked over them as he was being led blindfold- ed Crom the sbJp. The bags were weighted so they would sink in the sea when thrown overboard. They appareaUy were not dilpoeed of because the North Koreans bad the Pueblo's decka covered with machine guns. Other witnesses have tesWJed the1 helped stuff similar hip wllh secret papers bµt have dilclllmed knowledge al what hawenecf to them. Lifeline Works Trapped Miner Gets Food Via Tube LARK, Utah (UPI) -A lfltty miner trapped by a cave.in fiv~ days aio breakfasted on bouillon, coffet, tg nog and cereal tod&J whlle rucuers inched thdr way toward him through aolid rock In lhe deytha al • leld·idnc mine. •1we are a I on r way from out or lhe woods," said Min.. Supt. Don Willie of the """"' elforll. . But, William Vernon JOlltt, a »year· veteran " undetlJ"Ollfld minlna, wu deacrlbed u belllf In "excellent tplrlts" and now able to straighten out hJ1 lf1• In his nlne.f'oot-equ1re unctuary. A two-Inch pipe that WU hammered throua:h .a feet or boulders was used u a llf1 llne. Water and food In four ounce capsules w1n pulbed throuP the pipe to JOllOI. Willie .. Id Joneo, who had been In a crouched position, dua aw11 1eme of lhe debris llllh bl.a bore -and ""able to llral;llleo out bl.a lep. J-toot bl.a Ont water at 1:2$ a.m. ud momeota llt<r, altar"""""""' 1 second capouJe al water, told ,_...., "Man, that sure tasW s:re•l" ./Willie said food portion• ""° now belllf doubled. "' t.Umatecl lhat about 15 feet of bDulden .UU 1epar1tt swea\. aoa.ked rescuer1 from the trapped miner. The SO.year-old Jones wu trapptd four and one-half miles bentalh the entrance to the mine. l I • -----··-·---·-:--::"'"--------:""---.---------~-------"""'..-..---~--~ Reflecting Proud Tradition . These championship banners that ad~m Hunting- ton Beach High School's gymnasium portray the long, 1uccessful basketba11 history of the Oil City institution. 'The Oilers are currently :z&.2 and will meet Sunny. Hills Friday night (9) at Long Beach Arena in the CIF quarter finallo. 3 Seniors Lead Mesa ··cageHopes Broderick Key To Lion Chances Coach Herb Livsey of Costa By ROGER CARL<;ON Of tt11 O•llt Pllel St.., MeSa LHigb SthOOI e1.pecl3 to A highly successful· buket- carry only three seniors on ball season at Westminster bis basketball club next year. High School was conclu<led With a program figuring to when th~ Lions posted a lf..12 be dominated by sophomore!! overall mark and undisputed and jµniors a.loog wilh another third place in the Sunset rugged.acbedule, the Mustangs League. do not present a formidable However, It was done with forct. nearly an all-senior lineup and Heading the senio('s is Bcb only one varsity performer Austin. a 15-2 forward who is will return· next year to coach an ~cdlent jumper and con--Do ' •• sidered · ·the: only' pure n ~vey. ballpl4yer by Livsey. Leavey, in hi! first varsity Guards Dave Davis at f>.9 coaching assignment will have and Dave Dies at $-10 rouhd . to ~uild his team around out the threeson:.e. second-team A I J -S u n 1 t t A!ter lhat il.-'s going tG be League center·Dan Broderick. a wide open scramble with Broderick was instrumental several good candidates vying Jn the Lions' attack and was for the open spots. exceptional on defense. JunJor varsity candidates "He's definitely a blue chip are Stan ·Wallin, 6-6, Ken ballplayer, but with only one Deatop and Greg Jordan. returning letterman it eou1d With Davis, Dies and Jordan be rathet' difficult,'' says playing football in the 'fa11, Leavey:. Livsey doesn't plan on getting lt'll be up to the returnees that group until the basketball Crom a junior varsity con- season la nearly under way. tlngeot that posted a 15-9 Two IOOil-to-be sophomores mark fo fill the gaping holes that Livsef is counting on for Leavey's outfit. to fill pping holes are Doug At the top of. the list is McLean and Rick Desmet. Steve Mc:Leodon, a M senior Liv1ey compared McLean lo in the fall. McLendon and Bruce C'bapman. Broderick are slated to see "McLean is very similar to double duty as center and Chapman as a freshman. He forward according to the has good endurance and is Lions' boss. an all-round athlete," says Two 'outstanding candidates Livsey. Chapman was one of the for guard positions a r e all-time greats at Costa Mesa Richard Mann, >-9, and Phil Newhouse, 5-11. High before going on to Key to the season could be Orange Coast College and the University of Nevada at Las wrapped up in what the Vegas. following four candidates can Another sophomore w h D produce: Bryan Thomas:, a 6-3 could help Llvs:ey's Green and forward; Cbuct Robinson, a White ts Alan Moore. &-1 swing man; Mark Pearson, ''The key to our season a 6-2 forward ; and Terry will~ simply how much they Hawley, a 6-2 foi'ward. want to play. Desmlt and Among those only Pearson Wallin could be a big factor will be a junior, giving tht In the success of the team," Lions another s e n i o r • aays Uvsey, dominated club. SWIM ACES VIE TONIGHT Some al the nation's finest colleelate swimmers -includina: many Olympic Games competitors -wlll move Into the Pacific-& athletic spoUlght t bi 1 weekend Jn Long Beach. USC and Stanford, two of the nation's leading swim- ming powers, are upeded to blttle it out for the team crown when the Paclfic-8 Swimming and D I v I n g Championships oper. a three- day stand at the Belmont Plata: Olympic Pool in Long Beach starting tonight at I. The meet figures to be the finest coUegiate cham- pi~nshlp meet tn the U.S. this year. Sunday Runs EndatOCIR Mesa, pl~ing teams from Leavey .says be likes to run r.tiJ_~-w k Las Vegas to Yuma in and ·press and figures he .. .I. II.IS 00 geography and from Compton might have the per'SOllMJ next to AJusa in strength, finished year to do a good job with Junior fuel and top gas the put campaign with a 7-11 those tacUcs. ' dragsten will roll into the c:'::ec::"::rd:-.-::-;:::-:,..-,;:-:-:-:,..-,---H-:b-'-Ju...,ru_·or,.--vc:an::.=ity"-....:1::•::•.::ln spotlight at Orange County SOFT SELL SAM By_~ln ~ ~':.""uomiJ Raceway sun- '-/ \\· • , ' .JO be 1;"etk't :~ :r:r.~~ absence at OCIR. The top gas _ \ dragster:s haven'.t been seeo at the tr~Ck since .Nqvember. _ "' The program will ming down the curtain on Sunday drag shows · al OCIR. The tract mlohit Io S.turday racing Marcb.15. !)'\ . ' 1'/J/{Al'J TllE f/0$1.E,#, ~>J? )f:(J ~ ,JW ltJW!l; J!E 7() .sB.L /1,1 />llf's fMil/(/fAt I' .. One al lhe lop-rated luel entra~. on band Sonday will be Gene • Adami al 1!1Jui9o Vl<Jo, .. hci, llol& the notlonat record Jn' .hll claa at 7.• -lir tbe quorter mile. The pr I'-.! bolder ii Johll Polen ol Sonia Monico and he, too, wlll be on hind Sunday. 1111 mart II 7.50. Ron Biiio ol ·Norwalk, a .911rprlse entry In Sund1y'1 AA· gas tllmlnator ahoW; ran off wflh lhe wtnner'1 take of. $1JOOO. His UmM were 1.71, I . '18 ond l.'IS. ''"" much·!>IJbllclzfd Optl Kadett of Big John Mu· manlan made 1 respectab1e showing, loggtne stata ol I.It and 111.85 ~· With the defending CIF In- dividual champion returning for San Clemenlt! H 1 g h Scbool'a goU team, the Trltom are labeled u the team to beat in·the Crestview League. Coach Ray Beaver'a outfit bu five returning lettermen to bolster ill chances for a repeat league championship. From· the • basketball team are Greg Dominchini and Eric Christensen, along with Scott Pomroy and Jay Olson. Pomroy won the C I F Southern SecUon tiUe last year as a junjor. Top candidates for openings ht the starting lineup are Paul Yoder, Scott Mangum and Richard Bernard. Wut111l1Uter Westmlnater ffl&h Is without 115 !Int three players from last ye~s second p I a e e &nset...League golf team that complied a 13-3 mart. But coach Jim 'lbompaon still sees his Lions as tlrst class contenden fOl aecond place in the Sunset dn:ul!, conceding the Utle to Hun- tington Beach, whlcb he U)'I should i,ave an ticellent chance at tbt ClF Utle: Back for w .. tzQJnster from last year's team fll'e Jeff Powers, Mark Swain,.. and Harold Eldridge. Others eounttd on to nu In are Billy Schwlflm. Terry Stevemon aod John Willson. Westminster's three kllRI last year were by · a Potm each. The big three that le<t tbe Liorll, Mite Nkhols, Ken Krlbel •nd Tom Schwltte!1. are currently the top three II Golden West C.lle1<. • Prep Tennis FAVORITES - Mo Listens To Landers? SINCE SHE'S ONE OF • THE '' TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA • • • • • • Just About Everyone Does That's Mo You Can 'Listen' to Ann [anClera Daily in Th& DAILY PILOT • .. -----~-~--"'.':'--.,....----------~-~-----~~...,..-~-~----:7:"'...,..-~-=;:=-·-------~-.... -~-----· --- l I , • • -. y I'll.OT- HOUSIS FOlt sAl,E HOUSES FOlt SALE -.a lllllOGo.Wal 1000 } You have only 30 DAYS to take ad· vantage oC our 6% % interest rate on the beautiful new homes of Ran· cbo La eu .. ta on Brookhurst at AUanta In Hunli,ngton Beach. Our !end<r muat Increase his Inter· ..i rate.. "" April 7, 198~. A'I that la necea.ary to Uaur.-your- self ol thla loW In-,hi your oe- lectlon of one of our 3 or 4 BR; 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homeo & make ,,,.... Initial depoolt or •wo. Call 968-29211:or 1168-1338 any day lrom 10 to 6. IAYCUST SCOTCHMAN'S SPKIAL $24,950 HOUSES FOR SALE Gentr1I 1000 COWGE PARK 6£M ONLY S'U.<m. Aiume 5'4% FHA loan S158 month ln. cludi,.. taxes and insurance. Roomy th~ bedroom. 1% bath, spacious dining room and modern...built·inl. Locat. ed near O.C.C. and COSTA MESA CIVIC CEm'ER. Let U1 arranee the tenns • Call tor appointment to ace! * * * * Olfl y $20,950 OVR JURE F,INO! I Your three bedroom h o m e In EAsr COSTA MESA. Walk to WestclUt Sbopptn& Center • Enjoy the fine neighbor- hood, tcboola, ·park and play- ground. Luxurious HARO. WOOD FLOORS, large fenc. ec! rear yard with trees. Paved alley. easy acceM for boat and trailer. A BAR- GAIN ON TODA Y'S MAR-- KET. -nr..m -built tor -.,...i.-i fam. Uy. llell&btlUI decor. Larae lMna room, huae tamDy room and ttreplaoe. Located on street of openalve hamff, If )'0'1 can afford $4f.IXIO '"..loan a~ to you. Eventnga Call 646-7887 70u'd betttr see this today. Payments lncludlna taxea. Assume FHA-VA-Lo•n You OWN the land. submit Sltz. per month. Located NO LOAN FEES your mnaller home on our near C 0 LL Er. E PARK $ 4 9,. suarantee trade plan. School. Newly decorated 3 2 • ;;,u WE SELL A HOME BR 1%bathhome-vacant. Fantastic Value -3 bed- EVERY 31 MINUTES Exclusive with: :s·m!!:.e li~:,P: Walker & lee Newport ~f.'~':ii1 .!:'."~":,,. ~~ ., ' 2043 Westcliff Dr. FHA·VA loan • paymenta 646-77U open Eves. Victoria only $185.00 per month, this includes taxes k insurance. Formal Dinning 646-8811 Beller hODTY won't tut. can $500 total down now to "'· 6'S-0.1ll3. Foreat I ========= J E. Olson Inc., C.Osta Mesa. to vets I• --· ·· • -·-A Dirty Bargain on • .-t Unod wilh 40 It. BARGAIN HUNlIRS 3 hedroomo, 2 hatba, double pine trees, this chatrning 3 garage, palat"e verde atone bedrm 2 bath borne bas a + llx20 nus 3 BR family room fireplace oversized lot and eep. fonnal din. rm., home in Mesa Verde is to-its near schoola and s.hoJ>- covered enclosed patio tloor day's best buy. Functional ping. No money down to to ceiling fireplace, enorm· floor plan hax 1% baths, all Vets or FHA. Below market OWi kitchen and wall to wall electric built • in oven & at $22,500. FamJW Realty carpeting. AD for onJy range, nice 11ervice porch, 293 E. lTth St. 646--44!M $25,400 call today. spacious living L'p(>m. w/w 4 SEDROOM-2 STORY ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 JOIN tM nwca• tn the DAJLY PILOr lf.Atf'I' ADS! llC-5111 carpets & drapes, fenced rear yard. Good_ l,ocation $28,500 near al\Opping cent-er. Only 2 bath home, push • button $25,950 • VA or FHA terms, built-In kitchen, dishwuh@r. I' \l I·\\ 11111 ~(.\J!\ Ill \\ I! ~ \ I I ' 1 ' 11Uge tamlly .room, tire- pla.Ce, pllllh carpeting, 24 tt. master bedroom ori low· er level. ~1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor USE THIS HANDY POSTA6E PAID - HOUSES FOR SALi 'IOUSES FOii SALE HOUSES FOlt SALE HoUSIS FOlt SALE " Gonenl TOOO(!en•ral 1000 ~Gono~~··~a:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;~~l!.i~~--iiiiii~~S~iiiiiiiiiiii~l~O-~OO~j!N.-~·~P!';'!;;•~~;•dl;-;d1~100~1 · Pele Barrett Real~ . . . WllerfrOrit Duple1 . On A Clear Day You Can See Catanna · P,.oontt IJ~ccofa; G~g/tJT.. Uffa'J" ~,:i:: .;.::; ;:~ Other days just watch all the boats or •wlm SPOTLESS 16th·& Tuitln _Costa Ma•• Atroppi.lcalh~•~·~_!~t~ in your huge circular pool 3 BR, 3 baths 4 bdrm with i tabuloul lam· ---~· -am paneled den. 111 ldtcllon, -<1inUW ADULTS . New can><tlnc. FUm • In> Asking $83,SOO _owner moving to room. OWQet' mq consider Most homes are bullt with ·only childr'en in · mac. Near Ocean a: Lido Long Belch and anxious t_o sell !!! ..-.. !2!~..!Uoa_ w~:..~~edia""'t"•. mind. We have five homes designed· for the shops. Priced at ·t?t.500. ~ ----~ comrorts and llin ol adwts. Beautiful to look Owner/ Ait.!73-9060. 615-1141 DeLancy Real Estate w~ priced at $5.','500. at, room for hob91es, private office, separate ev ... dining rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga-lz==:==:==:==:=z-z-=--::1-zl 2821 E. Cont Hwy., Coron• del Mer 673-3770 '· 1 lall w .. tcllll Dr. rag~,walking distance to churches, WeslcliH Lika lo Enhlrteln? ----· -----== ~ NEWPORT BEAOI shopping, and restaurants. See thll 3 BR. plU1 l bathl. 7''. with 211'4 down -1'h'k with 111'/, Dn. eo.,, dJnin&/famlly rm 2 Oceanfront•Delpxe Duplel(eS ~~ . 642·5200 no 2nd• -no,polnts -29 yrs on balanc• 1rp1ca plu.s h,,.. ,...,, Jor ~-Priced from . $30,1!50 .to $33,950 pool iahle or ' Enclooed Check These Value's · · pool wllh separat• Play Spacious S BR, 2 bath, all bl~ins. plua CUI· tom B B Q. Enclosed garages. Sacr\fice at $69,950 -$10,0(j!) Dn. ok. Thl'ff Wishes IExcluslvo, Agont f d wd :;1:~aalty u i-e. com1or1, 1oca11on p. ·a. pa mer 1ncorpora e 3336 via Lido 615-52<11 are lmpo-t to YoU, look 3377 VIA LIDO ~~ ,'i°;;;'~";,.! Tract Ph: 540-5113 From L.A. Cell MA ~34 POOL & 11!NNIS? acbo91. and all shopping. 2 Plenty ot room. 4 bedrool115 BALBOA tlA Y PROPERTIES b1ks tG new par~ Only 3 bath & forever view CJ! 125,'500; and Ill ..... "'plua" l'LL GIVE ·61L% INTEREST Bad< Bay. 64M414 673-7420 $27,500 NOW VACANT • IMMEDI· ATE POSSESSION. lmmac· ulate 3 BR 2 bath bol:ne with sunken living room, fantattic built-in kitchen, ex- cellent carpetinc & heavy shake roof, Quiet tnftic free Ktreel out at town own- er must tell immediately. CAIL 540-1151 (open eves) l~=I Eves: 67~9117 BAYCREST FAMILY TRUJ 4 bdmls 3 baths, pool, formal dining. ( patios, aide play yard, Truly custom planned for Cal· ifomia living. Fee sim- ple. Asking $69,500. teaturu. 3 bedrooms. ,, IT TO· YOU ,, r: ~ 1 :.~.°.::~..::: ~ STRAIGHT 10°/o DOWN {Ptlt• ?:t£stot,!.) . crele dnve, large fenced . NO LOAN FEE back yard on 50xl30 IT. R-2 If you are_ interested in a -J BR Waterfroot No. 62 LOT, There is not to much good location. (Costa Mesa. 30 YEARS Balboa Coves. $ 6 0, 0 0 0. available in th.ii part of Newport Heights a r~ a), ( bedrooms, 2~~ balm, 2487 Preler trade for acreage eastslde C.M. Hurry, OWN-close to Newport Heights sq ft ot living area, master or will consider other. 548- E R WIU.SELLFHA'' ·grade school (1% blks) &: 1uiteyou'vedreamedabout: 644-4w .. new dt)' park (2 blks), shop.. 30' long & has it's own fire.·1;i;TI71 ...................... -.[ i iiii!i!i!i!iw.!iii!!!iiiil ping, 5 min. to beach, a very place, huge closets & dress-I' &EANFRONT QUiet•tre•t, bigR21otcroom '"" ""'· Now """"''' & Whal's Your Bag! · WITH BAY VIEW for. boat, camper or rental drapes. Completely redeco-' E t at Main ~-unit), 3 bedrQoms (or 2 & rated & landscaped. Over· Look at this 3 Bdrm COI'l>er ' u ., ... .,et. a den) 1%. baths, fireplace, sized double garage. Don't lot immaculate home in , Oeli~htful comer location. sidewalkl, paved alley, dou. wait on this one! $39,500. .fashionable Eastblutt. lt will COATS Asking .$69,500. for 2 story b\e a:arage, large !enced Rltr. ~3928 or 642-0185 tum you on. Appt. only. & home -3 bdrms. 3 baths back yard then phone me * LACHENMYER OeL•ncy Real Est•te WALLACE · with Sun deck. at 6444687. I am asking 2828 E. Coast Hwy., CdM REALTORS llD Diii. -125.500 bul il you «>nte run-HARDLUCK SALE omrro --546-4141 .. ~: _ning (I'm in a hurry) with Owner facing possible immi-. (Open Evenings) I R E A L T~Y 'a',e;t:!?°d·o~ hand) I'll c.~~;ow,.t nent transfer. Sacrifice huge BY OWNER: Be au t 1 f u l ,._.,..., C.olonial 4 & family room, Baycrest home. Fonnal ltv· 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. to you straight, I 'll save you formal dining room, impres-ing rm, dining _rm, den w/ . 675-6000 $1000. ('I'hat'1 L!I straight as aive 2 story with cwved bar + fa ml l y rm, 4 ' IN MESA VERDE·~====~ TWINKLE Beautiful vtew by nlaht ••• & by .... Prim• view loel.tion. Immacu- late propert;y: 4 bdrm 3 bath with elegant ftoor plan, One at a kind! $48.950 ~)1~1.·.s,i\~r,'.-·)i', 1l0f \' 546-5990 BUSIEST mu1P!t:place ID town. .,,_ DAILY PJLCn Otnlfled ~ SI Tl .....,. -• --Locl "THINK INCOME" ( eye catcl\in&: Rentals com- pletely fumiahed, tlreplao. es, choice location near po~ ular 10th St. Beach • a1WBY3 rer:1ted summer and winter ·$81,500. tor this quality pro~ erty. llllDdft REALTY 2025 w. Balboa mvd., N.B. 67l-6000 Cule older units with large detached double garage. Near &ehools & &hopping. $220 mo income. Assume 6% prival.e loan. S18,950 I call set). driveway, Listing is $41,500 BDR.Ms, 3 BA. ~tereo .tbru- but any offer Considered. out. You own this deep lot john macnab '4AMPSHIRE lAJIE A distinctive address HARBOR ISLAND tn Whionable Baycrest The only available home on luxurious 2-story home beautiful woOOed Harbor with ..C bedrooms, l baths, Island. 3 Bedrooms, study, family room with large living rm, pier & slip. 2-story beam ceiling Priced under cost fgr im-and maasive 1tone fireplae9 mediate sale. Appl only • • lovely well kept garden • •· •··· • • • • • .. • • •••• $115,000 188,IXXI 1714) 642-8235 901 Dover Drlve, Suite 120 Newport Beach Call: John Abell Res: B'l365 w/ lovely patio k new 38' 546-~!0 pool Priced below replaee- (nearcintnthmtMl • 548-4598 OLLEGE REALTY 1-m=•=n.:t.:"'='.ct..:cc~-~~ •\500 .... •t"'""·Cll . Owner's Spec:ial 1 :====~===~1 3 Br., or 2 Br. & den, cus-tom Westclllf home, many Five Bedrooms extras, nr stores & schls. Beautiful Baycrest h o n1 e * Phone 644-4044 * with lovely pool. 1 bdrm B•ycrest Bargain suitable for maid'• room. Ideal family home; 4 BR. Excellent Antigua. Way loca. & den, plus :lam. rm. plW! tion. Don't miss this one. 3 Ba. 5~~~'0 loan. Owner Arnold & Freud tram. w.950. Prim:. oru,.. 1612 llVine. 642-1231 DAIL Yi PILOT WANT AD ORDER BLANK ~ lPERRON -J:, ... "fiT"ii'T-• ., •• * 642-lnl Anytime* $1000 OFF FHA APPRSL rN;•;;WPo;;;;;;rl;;,;H;;;e;;;ig;;h;;ll;;;;;;;l;;;21;;;0 1 3 bdrms & den, 1~~ Ba, 1, AND REAi;H ·THE ORANGE COAST'S BIGGEST MARKET 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES PAYMENT ·ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 2 TIMIS $4.50 $5.10 $6.00 Pwltllah ht. •••••••••tl•y1, b1ghu1in1 • •• ••,. •••• •• •• ,, ••,, •• •• ••• •••• Cl•11lfi,1tin .............................................. , ••••• N•ll'I• •••·•••••·· ••••••••••••••••• .' •••• ,. ·········•·•••••·••·••• Ad4r•u •••••••••••• , , •••••••• , •••• , ••• , •••••••••••.••••• , • , , • , • City ••••••••••• •• ••••• , •• , • •• • • • Pf11n1 • , •• , • , •••••• , •• , • , , ••• • • TIMU - $6.10 $1.21 $9.76 ' 12 TIMU TIMU I $10.65 $15.90 $13.10 $20.10 $15.55 $24.30 TO Pl•Ull COST Put only •n• word I• ••ch' •P•'• 1hov1. lnch1d1 yo11t 1ddr•1• or phori• 11111J1b1r. The co.t of your 1d it •t tht end of th1 1!110 011 which tho liit word ,, your •d i• rrit· t o11, Add $2.00 ox'r• If yo1 dod"' '"' of DAILY PILOT 101 11rvlct wlth 11111l1d rt• p!i11. 1-----------CUT Hlll -PASTI ON TOUR INYILOPI ----------- • BUSINES S REPLY MAIL finf 0. ....;. ~ IJ. Cott• M1 ... C.11""9i• Oro1191 Coolt DAILY PILOT • I'. O. lox 1560 Costa Miu, Calif, 92626 C:IUllflld Dept. • Income Units $72,000 Monthly Income $850 Wells-McCardle, Rltrt. 1310 Newport. Blvd., C.M, 548-7729 Ews. 644-0084 4 Bedrooms 1¥4 Bath Newly decorated, carpeted, room for trailer, close to shopping. $2100 down. -•ERNIE-,. CLEVELAND 143 Bro• w•y 111 Eves. 646-4579 CARDINAL HOME panelling:, crpts, d r p s , O & Ba * * * * Mrs. Ronald Siegrist 980 Presidio Drive Costa Mesa, California covered patio. New I y CeGft Y __ ~ r em od e l ed k itchen Aviewlikethiaisseldom flf· w/blt-lns, tile, breaklast fered, Wide Ocean by day,. nook diAhmaster, loads ot and sparkling lights by' cupboards. Within 3 blks of night. 3 BR, 2~ bath!, tire-You are "'lnner ol a pair of t:lcbt1 to the B o a t Show at the Anaheim C onveallon Center, !\larch I ttir ouch 11. Come to any or our 4 brauch offkle!I and pick 11p your FREE puAe•. Coldwell, Banker & Co. Ill .,boob. Big =· lot pla.,.,, Hobby Rm, triplo ..,., mo E. COlllt Hl9hw•'f w/large trees & oversized age, Oller $40,000 on thil-, MewpOrl tltadl, C•llforn!S kl wist 01 J.llOt 2 acr garage. PLUS gigantic Q. I:========~! separate yard for boats, ~~i trln, dogs, kids, etc. Cur-~,,..._ Cuslom Buill 4 BR rent F1!A app...t " $22.&;o. • • A L T T Buy from owner tor $21,850. Near NB Post Otc. 646-2414 2103 \Vallace. Phone 1~~~~!!!!:!!!!!:!~~~; * * * * in Meaa Verde's bet't area on iii!!!i!ijiij!!iliiijiijii!!!iiji!ijjill quiet Cui de Sae street. 2100 BEACH HOUSE sq fl, el" } bll·i ... open beam ceilings in family rm. Older Home on large Innercon1 • all this plus heat. ll5 x 95 ft) R-2 Lot pool 950 Ow l block to Beach ed ' $42, · ner will •2',500 help finance -MUST SELL " THIS MON'TII! George Wiiiiamson 67.s..4343 Realtor Eves. fi3.lS64 DOVER REAL T'l ELECTRIC COUNTRY . "MEDALLION" ATMOSPHERE $22,000 -2 BATHS Immaculate split Jevel cus- Klng sized bedrooms, walk tom built home 4 bedrooms in pantry otr tfte elet;bic le pa.ot'lled fumuy room. "Award'' kitchen, refrigera-Excellent buy. tor, dishwuher &: washer. JEAN SMITI-1 . 541).1720 Realtor TARBELL 2955 Horbor «)!) E. 17th st., CM 646-3255 540-8644 or 548-0398 for I.;.__ appt. Eastbluff 1242 Swimming Pool l;A;;;;;;T:;;;ou:;;;c:;;;h;;;;;;;of;;;;;;;C;;;la;;;s;.sl Ho~ weather ~s coming • Set'! Lu.!k built 3 Bdrm home at this pool, . Nice 3. BR home end ol quiet cul de aac on Easts1de prune area. street Dining rooni + fam.. $3500 down and take over ily room w/ parquet .tloor. 514 % loan. $2&,950. immac. condition. Larae lot E) . Ideal home for the family .~.ML with mall clilldttn .• $13,500 ...,.._ Peter Dcibbs I f A .l T Y N NB P 0·1 '"'°"< 2843 E. O>ast Hwy., CdM ear O!'lt c. .,...,....... 675-500.1 673.00U ASSUME 4%% GI loan. 4 f rNEff family area. web Br. l" ba. Pymts $138. designe<i 5 BR 3 bath-~. OPENHOUSES48-1168 Carpets, draperlea, Doyle C.07, Eves 675-1977 fireplace, private master 4 BR. lmmed. oceupancy. Ranch style, used brick ex- terior, heavy shake root modem kltchen, dbl oven. ample closetll, cpts I drps, block wall fence. VA Or FHA • low, low price $28,950. ' 6U . THE_ BEAcA Owner ••ys "Sell" lijlj_llfJI ... mu Exclwuve China Covt home. .19 4 BR 1~ ba. GI loan $24,7~ suite. Vie1v of hilll. Large :.:M:::•:::•::.•.;D:;;•:.:l.;M:.:.:.•r:.__.;.ll;c;;05 back yard. 2836 Alta Vista. For appointment 644-1192 ~ year· around living -best this love\y 4 BR 2 ba beach 6%-SnKl dn. Submit trade. Irvine Terrie• 1245 -::=,------·I ~ area, 2 BR. 2 Ba, home, 1yrs~-0Pr!eed Own/Agt. 546-558b 1-;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I 2 FOR 1 Lovely 3 bdrm plus de- lightful children'1 play- house. Quiet location. clean house, large Jot & available for lmmedi· ate occupancy. Asking $26,:iOO . 11nxklus. ')l ~i$11'\ :·r~, ')\,· .1! t'' 546-5990 c pnced to sell fast at· $69,500 $34,000 . submit All oflen. ( .,02;;"='====== I• By•pptonly CAYWOOD REALTY M•H Verde 1110 e 1 CORBIN-MARTIN 6l06 w. eout 11,.,,., &18-1290 Do Yau Need REALTORS BY OWNER: a 4 Ba House? J036E.CoHIHwy,CdM LOVELY MODEL Rustic Privacy \Vo have two • 4 BR "°""' 675-1662 by IVAN WELLS Unique 4 bdnn. lar1<' !•mDy with poot.. Irvine ,..,.....,. l ~~!!!l!!~iJ!i!!!l!!!'l!~I with "Forever View". 4 BR room with beamed cell~. with acellent nnanctrw. 5 BEDROOM -DEN 3 ba. 2 c11ninr rm ..,..., + panolled !Iv. nn, """ bricl< S II b It 1ty $25,500 tam . rm. "L" shaped poo1, frplc, IUJh atrium entry, G S U'f eG IIOlated rear Jivlne room Roy J, Ward Co. many E"xtras. Near toll 315 M1rine Ave. with fireplace, walla ot glau 1842 Sandago Dr. 646-1550 counc, great nel&:hborhood Belboa ltle. 673-4900 overlook a manicured lawn for kid~ Owner/linir. Ask· e e Ii: artislic landscaping. Built· $10,500 jng $35,950, Call 546-0T.12 ins. Prestige &'ta, 540-1720 alt 6. TARBELL 2955 Herbor e BY OWNER • Corona del Mer 12.10 ln 1.qunt. Beach. ooob-4 BR + f 2 BA new'" DELUXE DUPLEX '"'"..., °"an ,.;.,. tot. am, ' ~ OWNER MUST SELL Poo~Traller-Acldltlon? Now 3 BR Unit. P<ninoul• bAVIDSON RHlty rodec + .... copt"r. patios. REDUCED $10,000 Room tor all on Utls 60 • 135 adjacent to Ocean " Bay 54&-MEiO Ewa. 546.3851. etc. 126•900• 54(t.S(10 1 BR. 2 bllth home on CdM lot, 3 Br \\1!U bit. hdwd nn $59.950. 7'11 fl~nelrc. OPEN HOUSE Colltge Park 1115 brlach. Owner will linanct. _$_22_.ooo_. _• _n_or_._S..._76'1"1 ___ 1 BalbN Retl Esttt. Co. BY O"'NER: 3 BR. l~ BA. Orange C~•st Prope~!f DAILY Pu.or DIME-A· 700 £.Balboa Blvd., Balboa SAT & SUN 10 ~ 5 p.m. F .,., r I I 1 3.12 Ma.rguE"nlE", CdM 673-&:iSO LINES You ea.n 1l8t the.m 67:Hlt0 New ~h Cont.emporAry anu....,. rm. i:_p~c~ ow YI"''""'!!!!""'""'""'""'""'"': !'!"'~~~!!!'"~~~·I house, (.'OnleJ' 500 'f\tStln 4' patio. A»wne ""11 " FHA. Dally Pl.lot Wan1 Mll!l lot jllsl peMJes • d&t· Dial THE QUICKER YOU CAU.., Qay, Newport Jtcla:hts. B3 $24.900. 540-S5fJ6 ,Need a GarbeTLmn&le? 6'2.:i671 nIE QUlQCER YOU SELL Owner. DAILY PltnrWAN'I' ADS! Tind it with • wanted! -------'- -------- I I I I • --. -~ j • ' VOL 62, NO. 56, 4 SlCTIONS, M PAGES ORAN6E t>OIJNTY, ·CALIFORNI~ 1969 .. • • •• es an _xecute Ill awa11 • Bal-Isle Death • Harbor Area . Body of Youth Pais ·Watch Found. The body ol Kevin Richler Forderbrugen, young owner of a Balboa Jsland llll$1C stort, was found sprawled on the floOr of his shop early Wednesday afternoon, Newport Beach police reported today. Newport detective Sgt. K e n n e t h 7bompson u1d that Forderbrugen, 21, Sirhan Says • He Was Drunk .i\t Shooti11g · LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sirhan Sirhan said today that he does not remember shooting Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. He testified at h.i3 murder trial that he wandered into the Ambassador Hotel oo primary election night 1ut year, had had several drtnkll, felt himself too Intoxicated to driye his car, and :went lookin&' for coffee. H~ 1!U·!q lbe kllcl!en JlU, be uld, Yfhea lie..f~ IOllle cups. "What happened o~!" aslted d~ .... attorney Grflll B. Cooper. "I don't remember." . "What ts the next thing you remem· ber?" "I remember being choked." Two dozen V>'itnesses testified Sirhan fired eight shots in a kitchen pantry ·early the morning or last June 5. Three struck Kennedy , who had just won California's Democratic presidential .primary. Kennedy died the next day. Sirhan said he bad gone to the Am- bassador and wandered into a party being held for Max Rafferty, who was seeking lhe Republican s en a t or I a 1 nomination, and ordered a drink -a Tom Collins. Asked why he went to the Rafferty party,· he said: "I was hop~g to see Rafferty or his daughter Kath1een." Kathleen, he said, had once been a classmate._ He bought a second drink, he said, and walked toward an area where two days earlier he had attended a pre-eleo- tion paMy for Sen. Kennedy. Sirhan said he returned to his car, where the revolver he had used for target shooting that day was lying in the back seat. "I fell I was quite high. I waa alone and ii I got more drunk nobody would take cart of me," he sald. "I decided to go home. "I tried to forte myself lo· drive but I was too afraid to drive." He added : "I decided to go bacll: to the bar to gel coffee and sober up." Q. Did you pick up the gun? A. I don't remember. Q. Jn the view of what happened you must have. A. I must have but I don't remember. Once back in lhe Ambas6ador, Sirhan said, he found a metal box that he said contained cups and saucers and as he was pouring himseU coffee "a git! came up and wanted coffee too. J like lots ol cream and sugar and that's the waY she wanted lt too." "What happened next?:~ uked Cooper. 111 don't remember." · "Whal Is the nut lhlnl )'OU ......,.. bet?" "I remember beln1 cbol:ed." Earlier, Sirhan aid bis presence at the hotel was due to an accident - his mistaken reading of a new1p1per advertisement the day ol the sl•yinc Jut June. The advertisement announced a pro- tsrael parade. the "Miracle March fer Israel" marking the first anniversary of the six-day war between the Jews and the Arabs In 1961. 1be parade was scheduled for the (See sqil!AN. P11e 4) -.~,.,.~ ·· ·s~. Merkeif. • j 4 ->' ' .• NEW YORK (AP) -'l1le llock market WU down shlrpif 11 the clooo illdaJ, wlih loutl holding 1 roar to -edl• over pliis. (Set qUOIAUOOS, P11t1 lll-ll). • Ill Sf ore had jusl been released Tuesday from Orange County Medical Center after being treated for an overdoi'e of the illicit drue heroin. Thompson,. also aaid that HVefal ••balloons" o!. heroin were found at the death scent in. the music ltore at m Marine A varue. No ca\lle of~ bu~ determined. But Thompeon indicated pollct are in- vestigating posslbllltles of drug overdose, suicide or accidental death. Orange County Coroner's iitvestigators said no cause of death will be detennined before Friday. Police said Forderbrugen's body was found on the floor of his store by his twin sisters, Carol and N:ary, both 20, and a cousin, Brad FlUgerald. Officers quoted the victim's family as saying he had g_desponden•, in recent weeks because of_new competition from another music atore nearby · and · that his own buaineM bacfbeen laggliig. '4'i'orderbrugtr ~d just recently purchued the Balboo Island bosineas. Police invesUpton alao said that an empty plutic prucription b o tt I e riginally coqtalnjai a trlllqUiUftr ..... ""!Id...., Jiit """' ,, ' ~ But they ~al!O suilu\ed lliat deaui WU DOI duo to ap Over$oe d that q, vallum. Fotderbru,e. had boon IM~ wilb his family at 703 PolnsetUa Avenue in Corona del Mar. City Powerless To Control Jet Aircraft Noise New!)Orl Bw:b ii powerleaa lo coniroL aircralt noise bf municipal ordinuce, City Attomey Tully Seymour dl!cloaad today. Seymour 1n a repcrt replyjng to a directive from Councilman PauJ Gruber, said several legal precedents from throughout the country have been sel on the is!Ue of regulation of aircraft no ise by c!Ues. "To date, all attempts by local govern- ment to regul•te aircraft noise by ordinance have met with defeat when tested in the courts," be reported. The measures, Seymour added, were ruled unconstitutional beclllle they COil• fllct with federal law, the Federal Avla4 ti on Act ol 11118, which allows the Federal AviaUon Admlnlstral1Gn (PAA) to prescribe atandarda lar aircraft nolae. The attorney'• oplniooa parallel a declJ.lon by Loi Angeles County'• counsel recenUy. He alao said local ordJnancea agalnll nolle at Loo Anples In]fn\i- ti6nal Airport would be invalid becauie ol lederal prttmption. lfARNSl:<IRMING B~A ~ROUP' TOURS FIREHOUSE , ,,.,.. tho fl~~ )~ '""' ~ ah[P ., ~1 ' ,. Siandhig ·.Divided Baja Officials Ge.t Mesa Tour Divided we stand and united we would fall, declared a Mexican emissary i:liscusslng the possjble unification of two California• belonging to separate nations Wednesday in Costa Mesa. · C06ta Mesa Rotary Club members wen bosU to eight Baja California business and advertising men to luncll and a tour of the city they offered to buy 11 a ,countirprOpoial to a sfmilar Baja bid d last ,..,-. Tne obleryer and student of Mexican affairs said tM vliit turned an innocent mistake stralhing relaUons between two countries into a gesture of goodwill . Calta Mesa Vice Mayor Robert M. Wil!on initiated a resolution ur.ging America to buy the Mexican state and territory as a, Slst state late last year, creating hurricane of humor and some bad feeling. Tijuana Director of Tourlsm Alfredo Lopez-GuUerrez responded by offering to "'1f Colt.a ~esa for %,000 pesos - doubling the price if spared acceyting the City· ComltiJ -and the Wedne!day vi.11 muJJed.. . still Jokingly offering a swap of a, Tijuana tavern for Costa Me.sa'1:. five- story city hall, Gutierrez explained to Rotarian1 that Baja is not fer sale at any price. '> ''I think it can be done. I hope It "'·ill be done. And-I Utink il eventually will be done," said St. Clair, who vi siled Gutierrez Jn Tijuana wlth a copy of the official's counterproposal. "I panicked. I wanted to run for the window. I didn't even know where Costa Mesa wQ," sald Gutierrez Wednesday, adding that he and many Mexican citizens had been insulted by the city's bid, I During the congenial international visit, l~e tourist director said many more Americans will visit the ~year-old republic within a year and major In- dustry ii; heading for the border too. ~ He said the Ensenada Airport Is about to· begin acce pting international fllghts, with Air West servi ng the coastal resort, while the Mattel,,..Toy Company has open- ed a plant in the industrious bortler state. · "Simply unthinkable," he said of the proposed Baja purchase, "Mexico could no more think of it than one would think of selUng a brother, a child, a mother -or partl111 wlqi one's right arm." Youth Slain By AR1'1UR JI, VI?o:SEL Of llM o.llY ........ , ... A manhunt spread In the Hawaiian Islands today !Or thret cold-blooded Oriental bandits who executed a Costa Mesa surfer -to dramaUcally intimidate hiJ huddlu -after a !GO l!Oldup lo their rustic beach ;>ottqe. The munlerer1 canted plltall equlpPOd with tllencen .. a cue .,.ieaque enouP to be a teleVlalon llCl'lpl, according to the story given to detec:Uves by th• two Harbor Area witnesses. William Pond Jr,, 19, of 269 Albert Place, died three hours..after being shot in the head by a small caliber revolver as his hnrrlricd hosts watched Tuesday night. One was Steve L. Chula, 18, of Costa i>.1esa son of "'ell·known Orange County attorney George H. Chula, and the other was Theodore D. "Teddy" Rogers, 19, of Newport Beach. "There was no reason. It was ap- parenUy just done to create an ifn4 ptesslon," said Honolulu PoUce Deteclive LL John Dickson today. • Young Chu1a's m'other, a nur.se for a Costa Men physician, aaid today that her son and Rogers were told they w9uld alto be kJll~ if they talked to ~ and "187 'fllltn '!-i.tl' llW days. \ According to invetUPtor1, the thrte\ bandito ,.alked lnlo tho UWe A·lrimf cottage shared by three rOOmmatet nW Sunset Beach on the north short of Oahu late Tuesday night and demanded money. Mrs. Chula said today after a telephone conversation with her son that the fourth surfer sharing the cottage and attending junior college, Mike Gruteau, was away at the time. Collecting a total of about $450, Chula told his mother, one of the three young Orientals then shot Pond at close range as a warnln, of what might happen to them too. "Their lives were threatened," she said. Honolulu police said today they have no leads In the grotesque murder case and that the klllers were total strangers to Chula and Rogers. '11le murder victim graduated from Newport Harbor High School with Chula and Rogers in 1967, visited the islands for three months , then returned only six day~ ago. He sought the warm sun and the big surf, bu( found only senseless death. "He wanted to make the islands bis home," the victim's mother' said today, "It's such a shame something so terrible (See SURFER SLAIN, Pace 2) \... Hoag Employes To Help Victims MURDERED -WW!am Pond of Costa Mesa, sboWtl In U6f' photo, was shot to death Tues- day near Su nset Beach on island· of Oahu, Hawaii. Schweikart Out For Space Walk: 'What a View' SPACE CENTER, Howton (UPI) - Apollo t astronaut Ruuell L. SehweltUR ·,pa~ed roi · :l'lli m""Ma ., 1llo front porch ol hiJ lllllar landln( craft tod1y and said: 0Boy, oh boy, whit a view!'" The rookie spaceman, 'feeling IO .&ood that part of his once-canceled spacew~ was reinstated, stepped into 1 pair of fiberglass "golden slippers" mounted· on the platform outside the mooo lander. · He joked with his two f e.J 1 ow astronallts, photographed the eardi ·,Dd tht. SI-foot-long tandem spaceefaft. observed the moon, watched debris doat from the open hatch· of the adjh commandshlp and eveli noUced 1 waber between twe window panea. Schwtlckart even floated up aJong the outside of the spacecraft, hang1nc on to hani:l rails. He was called bac·t tnto tHe splcecraft aOOut 9:45 a.m. PST' and the moon lander's hatch wu locked five minutes 1ater. The space agency logged Schwelcklrt'1 spacewalking lime as 37~ minutes. The lunar landP.r's hatch was open for a tota l of 48 minutes. "Thert, that Io o k ll comfortable," Schweickarl sald as he guided his booted feel into the slippers. ., Schweickart was perfonnlng the key test of the fourth day of Apollo . t's JO-day orbital trial run for a May mocm fllghl • . , Schwelckart wu uposlng America'• cwnbersome "moon suit" to t b e harsh vacuum of space for the first tiqle.. Calling him.sell "Red Rover" u be swept 145 ptlles high over the Uillted States, Schwelclwt Aid his spactsuit was "very coinfortable. '' lt iJ tbe-11.1lt that men will wm when they watt SeymOW" cited several teat cases, two ol which Involved .sm.n ~ around Kennedy lntel'Dltional Airport in NeW York City. Republic ol Mexico o I r I c I a I s • melJ\whlle, are cOnstliltly r&illng Jts, intrln!ic value through development,''he added. · Gutierrez also said Mexican culture prior to Spanish dominaUon -the floUrlshlng Altt<: and Maya clvlliiations: -are often ignored in contemporsry times. Mexico alao mainlaiN a stable, elected govern1 nent and prefers to keep its own house in order without meddling In the affairs of other nations, he Aid during the Rotary Club talk. Hoag Memorial Hospital employes . on the moon. , Saturday will deli\ter hundreds of pounds "Ooh, that sun ls really bright," he of food, clothing, ful'nlture and cooking ~\ said. But he said ms refrigerated Ione 11le ordlnanc~ against noise were suc- cessfully challqed in New York by American Airline! and A l J t I b e n y Airlines. Wilson, who authored the oriilnal risolution, was serious.· -however, and City Councilman William L. St. Clair echoed that sentiment Wednesdar. items to victims of the Sllverado Canyon johns were keeping him comfortable. "That is whv we continue to have ' (See MESA TOUR, Pare J)·• llood disaster. ·Harbor Breakµp· .Supp~t~d \ . . . The articles, all collected by the employes and staff of the hospital, wlll be taken to a community center in the ravaged ca.rayon area at 9 a.m. Saturday. Hospital service truckJ will be used to take the articles to the diauler vic- tims. Fehruaey floods \ell tcorea d mlcknll In the canyon homel,.. and kUled ,at least nte penGlll. 15 of County's ·25 -Cit~ N'<JW ,&cking Pl'oposal :,ny counc11a .. 1io •• ,.1t .. lbe !Aro Dancing Sought · .. By JACI; BNa\Clt Fullerton, La Habra, Placen~, Santa e1 • Dlllr"" .... Ana, Stanton, TUattn and Yorba Linda. Tllo Onnce Count)' ~ d Cilia All thole ciUes, with the exception camJ>llln to dlaolve the Harbor District d Colla Mesa, have adopted ,...luUona directed to the Local Ageqcy FormaUon and oubsUtute a r,gular c:oonty_pepa<1-Commlalon ~ dlnolatton. The ment ol Harbon, .Baadlet and Paris ~ -lullon la ttbedu!ed to he hu been approved by a majority of,.... dlscuased by the Coeta Mesa City Council the oounty'a 25 clUes. next week. Hal Simi, La Habra councilman and Fqor dUu h~ voted apinsl the cbalrman of the 1eaeue'1 commlttfie GO league PfOIJ'llll. n.ey Vt Gartttn-C~Ye1, Harbor DllU:lcl '«1-lutlon, 1alcl U.Say La Palma, Qr"'11ji ~ ;a<al lleOCh. 'fwo that II cllld iiavo ·~· r"°lutlq!o) <itles;;Anohelm illlil'Lill!"• Beacl\, have ipprovU. tlii Jlripl!ll. lo~-' wlthMld a<1lon ~In& answera to i)lJet-· lion proceedlnp. UON -1na, 'dill>osltloil <JI -la AppmU. dtioi an Colla Mela, r..... and control !JI tioleJando lo · ll)e event lain Vallq, ffimllnllon Bacb, Loo ol diHolutiot: · : _ L Alamltol, San JIWI Ca p 11 tr an o , Three clt!Os, • pan ·~monlo WeotmilJllor., Draa, -Park and ·VUla-P....,_,,,_._,of·tlletr I t• °"7"'- \ t and they have bee11> requested by tho · 1 .. .,., no1 1o t•b a J!OOltloo to avoid For Teen Ouh any possible c:onl1lct of l!Mrext. , Newport Btlldl hU adOt>led a re&0lu-Newi)olt ileoch p I a n n I n I com· tion, stating that, in the. event of dissolu· missioners tonight will cons\der a request tion, "It 11 essential that the ~city be to allow dancing at 1 teenaJen' nlt:ht reimbursed by the county for ex· club In Balboa. · penditureo by the clty<to provide harbor FiM. O. Olsen, ow..,. ol the - filclllUes i and Rtvloet' ·wllld!·.P~ 1.oa1t Dlacotheque, 110 E. Batoa Blvd., ireg!Ol)ll Deliefi(s ... ' • ' -. ·It nQW penn!tted to'hovt recoNed mualc, 'Ole,I0111u1:1 timdahle ill the>ca;.p,ip blltd""1llc,ll ~allowecl. • • .cllls .!or !he LAFc'. tooiiol4 a .~· T1\e ·city plannlJll 1tall Is expected In _April. JI ~ commliakylira ...,.,.... to endorle' the ri!queot. "We doo1t 1t1 the dtssolutbi, a ,,_,_.ialloll:IO ..., obj.ctlon to 11," lald a'apOkeanan. 4 tlle-Joard Gt 8upa~liq(1t .. t I co\&ai> "Kr. Ollen 1alrtady rlw trae .inulc, IO ,t~lodlon be~..,. tho llM Jl.wUl.bepl.,.rwhe!lierihelt1llalllCina ·ti ;r 1. • ~· • w noL" • ,• .. ·-,~·' ,., •• 1 ..... ' I ~. • .. ',.., .... . . .... ., , . • Oran~e J'l ~u& Weadler Cloudy Ulm over py' winds , llttho plcttn.lor Friday, alftnM &be weatha' g~ wWa tempen- ' turee nndllnl .• aloof the -' and a ,.,, ........ hlp.r la1imd. . ' INSIDE TODAY ·f· -~------------~---------- 2 DAil V PllDT " -----................ 14ttt4 • I I c . ' ' ' . ' , ...... ,, • • ---~ 2 Newport Yachts = -· ~ - In.~Na~sa.u Top IO -. , . By ALl\fON LOCKABEY The Governot11 cup, race ls a 30 mller~ 0a11y ,Ult I-" 111111r around the buoys off Nwau. NASSAU--·With one race l\) JO, After the SORC many of the boa.Lt two local yacht.a rre amonc UJe tint will return to Florida where they wiU JO Jn the overall point 1tandlngs of <.'Ompete in lhe 800 mile Miami to the SOut.htrn ocean Racing Circuit which Montego Bay, Jamaica race startinJ has more thin 100 ~rack yachts com-March 17. peting from all over tbe country. Standing in second place at the con- clulk>n of five races, including the rugged lifiami to Nusau race, is Don Ayns' Cal 40 Me1ee from Newport Harbor Yacht Club. MeJee is leading Class B. But Melee has no chance of winning the overall title as Jack PoweU's .J7-foot yawl Salty Tiger sewed up the standings with a first place in the Miami-Nassau race. Willi only Friday's Governor's Cup race left, Saltf Tiger has 883.75 poinls and Melee bas 829. Jn eighth place with 763.'° points is Don Ha.skell'1 Chubaaco from NHYC. Chubby puJled up amori.g lite lead ers by virtue of her performance in the Miami·Nassau race. Two yeari; ago she was fourth overall in the conference. Prior to the disastrous Miami-Nassau race, Ted Turner's American Eagle was leading the conference and Boh Johnson's \Vindwsrd Passage was a close second. American Eagle \\'as out of the running because of a dismasting, and Windward Passage dropped to 11th place by virtue of her poor handicap ·showing in the Miami-Nassau race. Jim Kilroy 's Kialoa II from NHYC was in 25th place going into the last ract. Narco Education Program Slated In CdM Schools A.It intensive narcotics education pro- gram gea~ for small sroup1" students in two Corona del Mar schools will begin h!onday. It will start in clas:sroonu of Lincoln School. Newport Beach Police Juvenile officer Leo Konkel will present the education programs, consisting of film s, lectures, discussion and printed material. A pamphlet on the problem entitled "No Sfcret" is being offered by the Nev.•port Harbor Exchange Club as part of the program. The classes, v.·hich will be given In small groups of students, will last for about six v.·eeks at Lincoln School, then will move to Corona de! P.1.ar High School, where students in fneshman 1 n d sophomore grades will atteod. The technique is a ·departure from thl!: Iargl!:, aS!embly-type classes In the past, police department spokesmen u.id. Frot1t Page l SURFER SLAIN • • • HERE'S MAP OF CITY-APPROVED BIKEV!'.AYS, SOON TO BE MARK ED BY HUNDREDS OF SIGNS. SOMI! ROUTES MAY BE REVISED had to happen in the plac~ he loved." "Bill was just there a we e k -we hadn't even heard from him ," added rt.rs. Pond, who was notified of the shooting by a physician at a small emergency clinic on t.he island of Oahu. on a radio news bulletin. "He had been over there such a short time he hadn't gotte n around to visiting them and they didn't realize it was Bill," P.1rs. Pond said in an interview today. 2·year Study Ends City Blazes Bike Trails -UNRUH URGES DRILLING HALT The doctor who telephoned from Kabuki Hospital told the Pond famlly that their eldest son was gravely wound· ed in the he.ad and would be rushtd to surgery at St. Francis Hospital, a JO.minute trip. ;'That 's about all v.•e know ," she added . "Oh, My God. not Bill Pond ," said Mrs. Gordon Conley, of the Newport Beach Surfing Association. ByJEROMEF. COLLINS which, though mapped out, are ()f there It crosses the Arcbel Overpass, ot ,.,. o.ur ''"' ••att doubtful implementation, pending further · takes side streets up to Kinal Road, Aft.er two years of study, a ~mile ·1 di · th t I I A It In •-rd .,. od . f ll counc1 scuss1on. en o rv ne venue. sw gs w"a networ~ of bicycle trai.~ l ay JS ina ,Y -About four milts In side trips. These the Back Bay at Dover Drive, then an official part ol Newport Beach 1 are now proposed for location In lower travels roads overlooking the bay unliJ Ma ster ~Ian. . •Us in ~ Corona de! Mar and around the Lido Jt returns to Irvine-Tustin Avenue. 1An ,Nli!!!'t~. ~llOll bicyf, la r. , • ,Peoil\Odl,.Olher .~/lrlp••"IO polnla ••• ,.At Pajisadel Aven .. , the .l>ackl>One City are apectecf lo benefit from ~e of interest" would be added to !!'le route heads east ·behind the bay, moves long..gought system, according to Act.in& network later, AW Pfoth. . doie "1'ambo~ Road whe~ it •finks flanning Dir~~ ~n Groµi. w. 11 ~ ~ ~it7 . )?arks ~ Cal'{in -S~rt · to iJf'Jslde: Drive, north of Eastblu(f. 1.The plan will ~ 1.mplemented tile exp1&Jned that 'foJHally the precise plan It sla11 on Bayside Drive east of the d!xt few mon~ with the ln&ta la~on for bikeways wU1 rel.ate to etlstlng ro1ds bay an the way south to the lower oi 'hundreds °! ~1gns mar~ing 21 miles and ~id~walkt only. "This is true of bay. As Bayside Drive curves east, so df the network s backbone route, Groth a maJOr1ty of the routes that are started does the bicycle route, until the roadway f:!d. throughout the natJon," he said . ends in the area of E. Coast Highway i Councl_lmen last week una.nimously ap-"After acceptance of the syftem by and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del ~ved inclusion of the btke trails in the community, lbe routes will probably Mar. ' the city Master Plan. The action came be extended to flood control channel Acting Planning Director Groth recom· on the unanimous ncommend.aUon of l~vees, wilderness pathways and other mended to the council that it remove ~ Parks, Beaches and Recreati~n Com-areas where the serenity of the cyclists seasonal segments that wrap around mission, 1:he Planning COmmiss100 and won't be disturbed by cars." Balboa Island. Port.ions or the backbone the 11lllnic1pal staff. . Initial development costs, as a nsult, route down the island's Marine Balboa The subject of n~ h~mgs will be based on iMtallation of blkeway and Park avenues to the fer;, dock before parks and plaruung commls11oners signs and lnstallallon of a few access would remaJn. Groth also proposed .since ear~ 1967, the proposed network ramps, he sald. . . removing a future trail along the West ccmpriles. . . More than 700 SJgns will be needed Newport shoreline from lhe, precise plan. -The 2~·mlle backbone route, Wh!ch for lhe newly approved plan, aald Councilmen are expected to go along tlJe5 existing roadways and from which Stewart. The backbone route alone will with the recommendations at future future gegmen~ ~an evolv~. . require . 375 signs. The total cost for sessions during which refinements will -Fu~ure add1t1ons totaling 1.3 miles. all the signs ls estimated at $8,360. be discussed y,·ith the city parks staff. These include Mac.Arthur Boulevard and The bac,kbooe route runs along the The network Stewart pointed out is w~ld ~ ~led "at some future poin~ ocean front on the peninsula from lls designed to co~nect ultimately with bike ln time, &1..1d Groth. . . ~astern . end to 32nd Street, where it trails to be mapped out by Costa f\ofesa -Seasonal segments totalling 1.5 m1lc.s, links wtth Newport Boulevard. From and Orange County government oWcials. Ike Makes Progress WASHlNGTON (UPI) -Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower "con~ tinues to progres.s 1lowly but satisfac- torily" from his abdominal operation and subsequent bout with pneumonia, hi1I doctor• 1aJd today. DAllY PllOT ORANGI CO.UT PU•LllHIHG COMl'AN't" ••Mrt N. w,,4 ,.,_llllfll ltfllllll fll.IPIH-"tr J1c• JI. c ... r • .,. Vitt ........... tftll 0.Mr•I Mtl't"f 1\0111•• ICttYil I Ollor Jh111111 A. MurJlhifl• ,,,,.""'"' l.dtlvt J.r1-f. C.!llfl• P111I Nit••~ ~ ••lldl ' AllY'tf1llt111 C11, l!d!lw Olr-.c:W __ ...... 2J:lt w .. t lalMa IMf1.,erl Mttu., M4rttt1 l'.0-. Sort 171, tJ:l•J ' --Q.119 .... I M '#al art 1w..f u...-ivm ~•­........ ...,. .• 11t1"'"" ' Islanders to Stack Junk In Alleys for Cleanup Balboa Island's alleys will be a meis thll Weekend. But not for long-lht junk stacked up In the alleys will ht picktd up Saturday and Sunday by city crews In a massive b land-wide pre-spring cltan~I).· Sponsored by the Balboa' ... teland Im· provtmtnt Association, in cooperation wltht he city"s General Services Depart· ,ment, the project "Ls aimed at 1eUing the Island ready for wanner weather,'' From P•9e l MESA TOUR • • relations with Cuba," he explained, "it Is not a matter ol apj)rovlns or disap- proving." , Garden Grove resident Gile Kern1ht1n, a longtime observer of Mtxk:an aftalr1, "1as present and the visit by members or tbe so-calltd Frtote Reaional de Ac- don Politlca <FRAP) ls a mllesttne. Earlier, the leader of lhe: Tijuana brass vis itors said the Btja Purchase 11 periodically revived by JOme Yankee a&MCJ and alw1y1 lands like a bomb$he.ll on Mexican affairs and emoUons. Kemahan saJd Wed.nllday m o r e dialogue lJ needed. "If we could have: been doln& this kind of thing for two or three aenera~ \ions, we would have saved much strain and pain with our Mui.can friendl and neighbors," Kernahan iald. according to BllA board member JJ Kelso. Homeowners are urgtd to take the opportunity to get rid or anything in the way of refuse, except building materials. "Old bed •r,rlngs, water heaters and any .size bund u will be picked up," said Kelso. Everything shou ld be stacked in the alleys by noon Saturday, he said. Kelso praised General Services Direc- tor Jake 1'.fynde rse and his staff for agreeing to undertake the scheduled cleanup despite a heavy workload stem- nlina: from recent storms. "We had thouaht of canceling it," said Kelso, "buf'Jake said to ro ahead. The ci ty is going t'o a lot of extra effort to make the equipment available:" Huge trucks will start maJcing the rounds at 1 :30 p.m. Saturday and con- tinue lhroogh 5 p.m. They'll be bock all dicy Sundicy, unW tho job la complete. Joining In the canrpaign will be tome 25 ycuapters lrom Lincoln Intermediate Scllool. Tbcy will be out early Saturda1 to start plcldng up ootlles, debrU and as.sorttd trash along the . island's beach-· e.s. Phil Maurer rttnilted tht voluntttr <'leanup tadre with the: assistance ol school offlclal~ Quits Stat.e Post SACRAMENTO (UPI) -John G. Vt;1eman, undersecretary of Health, Education and Welfare, hu officially rt~igned u a slate assemblyman. Veneman, a Modesto Republican, sub- mitted a Jetter of f'eslgnatlon Wednttday to As.sembly Speaker Rfbert T. Mon111n. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -LegislaUon to atop oil drillinl in state-controlltd waten oil the California cout "where there ls a danger of oil setpage diluten'' WU Introduced Wednc!day by Assemblyman Jess M. Unruh (0. lnJlewood ). The mearure would Jiye the State Lands COmmisslon auihority to revoKe an oil lease when there is "substantial danger" of 1etpa,ge. "We called back in about a half-hour," said Mrs. Pond, and a neurosurgeon, Dr. Kirn, said Bill was very criUcal and the wound was affecting his brea t.hing." "He said he had no hope," she added. The vie Um died within one hour. lronicallJ, Mrs. Pond's cous.in. Mrs. Robert Howe, lives in Wahiwa, ju'st a short di.stance from the savage murder scene and heard of the bizarre case She said the victim, as well as Chula and Rogers, who were hosting him until he could get settled in Hawaii, were active, dedicated surfers. Authorities in Honolulu said today they have not completed a post mortem ex· amination or Pond's body and the caliber of weapon used to murder him is UD· certain. Mrs. Pond said funeral services are only tentative at this point, but the family hopes to arrange rites P.fonda1 at 9 a.m. in St. .ioachim'• Church. al JJ. J. (Jarrell~ IT'S HERE AGAIN!! OUR ONCE· A· YEAR WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF THE STORE 17 SOFAS and LOVE SEATS R09. $349.00 To $795.00 NOW $159.00 10 $399.00 33 OCCASIONAL TABLES R09. $59.00 To $149.00 NOW $29.00 TO $69.00 UP TO 60 22 CHAIRS R09. $139.00 To $299.00 NOW $69.00 TO $139.QO 39 TABLE and HANGING LAMl'S R09. $50.00 To. 100.00 NOW $19.95 IO $39.00 64 PICTURES and MIRRORS R19-$15.00 To $15G.OO NOW $5.00 TO $$9.00 DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS H.J.GARRETI fllRNl1lJRE P~OFESSIONAl INT810a DESl&NIAS ,, 1111 HA~tO~ llVO. COSTA MESA. CALIF. M._0171 M._011' 1 ' l I ' • ' . l . ' I ' • . -• -___ ,.. • • ' ' • • f;osia Mes• .... 1' . - -. EDIT~ON Tellay'• n·at - VOL 62, NO. 56, 4 SECTIONS, +I PAGES ,, • "i' • OAANGE COUNtY, CALlf".ORNlA . . ' , JHURSOA Y, MARCH t'-. 1969 • • JENCINU • xec:ute· • •• es an Ill a wan ' -. . • ~r.,. in Warrant •• Legal Slip Frees Drug Suspects. A technical error In the word ing of a search warrant Wednesday brought freedom for 10 persons arrested at a Costa Mesa· apartment where police claim they confiscated 86 suspected LSD tablets. The nine men and one woman were arrested Tuesday night at an apartment at 20111 Pomona Ave., by a team of Sirhan Says • He Was Drunli At Shooti11g LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Sirhan Sirhan said today that he does not remember ahooting Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. He tutilied at his murder trial that h• wandered into the Ambassador Hotel on primary election night last year, hid' had several -drtnb, felt hlmlell tOo Intoxicated to drive his car, .and .... •Joo'Wia , ... cdfee. He wu In the kitchen area, be uid, wlwn be found mme cupa. ''What happened next?" asked defend attorney Grant B. Cooper. "l don't remember." "What is the next thing you remem- ber?" "I remember being choked." Two dozen witnesses testified Sirhan fired eight shots in a 'kitchen pantry early the morning of last June S. Thrl!e struck Kennedy, who bad just won Ca Ufornia's Democratic presidential primary. Kennedy died the next day, Sirhan said he had gone to the Am- bassador and wandered into a party being held for A1u Rafferty, who ~as 1eeking the Republican s e n a t o r t a I nomination, and ordered a drink -a Tom Collins. . . Asked why be went to the Raff~y party, he said: "I was hoping ~? IH Rafferty or his daughter Kathleen. Kathleen, he said, had once been • classmate. He bought a second. drink, he said, and walked toviard an area where two days earlier he had attended a pre.elec- tion party for Sen. Kennedy. Sirhan said he returned lo his car, ~1here the revolver he had used for target shooting that day was lying in the back se~t. "J felt I was quite high. I wu alone and if I got more drunk nob<idy would take care of me," he said. "I decided to go home. "I tried to force myself to drive but I was too afraid to drive." He added: "I decided to go back to the bar to get coffee and sober up." Q. Did•you pick up the guo? A. l don~t remember. Q. In the v1ew of what happened you must have. - A. I must have but J do&'t rtmember ~ Once back in the Ambassador, Sirhan said, he found a metal box that he 1aid eontaioed cup! and saucers and as he was pouring himself coffee "a girl came up and wanted coffee too. I like 1 lots of cream and sugar and tbal'• the w11 lhe wanted.it-too." - "What happened nert?" asked Cooper. 1'I don't remember." "What Is the nut thing )'OU ........ ber?" "I romember being chol<ed." Earlitt, Sirhan said his Jll""""' 1t the hot.el wu due to an aecldenl - his miatake.n reading of a newspaper advertisement the day of the alaytac' lut June.. The advertisement' announced a pro- Tsrael parade, the "Miracle March for Israel" marking th e first anniversary of the six~ay war between the Jews and the Arabs In 1961. The parade was scheduled for I.be (Ste SillllAN. Pip II Stock /lferkeu NEW YORK (AP) -'1'!le sto<k m11ktt wu down sharply at the close today. wllh lossu bold.Ing a four to one edge OVt( &llna. (S.0 quotaUoos, PIJ" 111-11). policemen who had obtained a warrant to search the re!idenct. The alleged drug cache seized by the vice tnd intelligence unit investigators would be worth an estimated $150, ac-- cording to Sgt. JICk·Calnon. The Orange County District Attorney's office refused to issue formal ccmplaints against thf.se five adults wh bad been amsted and boolied .. • ftrlety of narcotics charges. Cleared of an -... are: Joaepla L. McDonald, 11, of SOii Pomo- na Ave., Apt. D. -Cll.arles C. Carr, 18, of 2011 Pomona Ave .• Coota Mesa. -James H. Erwin m, 18, a UC Irvine campus dormitory resident. -Crall H. Plgnona, 18, of 3513 Finley Ave., Newport Beach. -~fary F. Flodin, 21, who gave an exclusive San Mario neighborhood ad- dress. They had been charged with posses- sion of dangerous drugs, possession of narcotics injection paraphernalia and maintaining a place where narcotics an: used. '111e five juveniles &lTt:Sted included two charged simply with ortly tack of parental control and turned over to their faJJ)ill.. It polke h .. dquarten. . 'Pollet who -..! tbe """° whb I ...;rro.&· -,., ~-lllm1<:i 'hr dlcial Juda.I. E.' T. i.Neil• llutta said not an IDiDviduUi ...,. -ii the tlnte . • • • &in~tudillg one Juverul~d up and knocked on the door. of ·the apart· ment, not knowing a raid was in progress. Fairview Hospital Explains Reasons For Staff Protest Psychiatric teebnidans wort maroon lU'mbandJ to wort at Fairview State Hospitll Wednesday to protest I ledUll requirement which bu' ahifi.d iwo top staff positions, officials expllined today. Dr. Anthony M. Toto, superintendent and medical dinctor, said the practice is statewide throughout tbe hospltal syslem and is expected to continue. until some.thing changes at state and federal levels. The crux or the matt.er is cr~ation , of new jobs for two top psyeblalrie techn icians in ~ hospital staff's chain ot command and the.Ir replacement by registered nivses. The. change wu imposed recenUy by the-federal gov1n1ment fnd at.ate of· ficial.s, under guldellne1 f o r 1d-o minlstr1doo ol Medi-Cal 'program1 to certain patients at the ctnter for the mentally retarded. . Dr. Toto laid olher bi>lpiW work forces wear black, llgnilying mourning for. the high posts they believe to be lost, but maroon wu used at the local faelllty. The color choice was made out of deference to the dead wife of one of the two psychlatrie t.echniciam given a new assignment as a result of the change, Stan Powell. A funeral was held Wednesday for lhe late W'..rs. Powell. Dr. Toto said the protest wu essen- tially a friendly one among tbe hospital'• work force ol I,050 trained technk1aM. One-'~ w«ker caDod """'""' Wednesday shortly btftre deadli.Dea to chirp the ilaue WU betWetn the,leClml-. clans Ind tbe rqiltered - Tbt bolpltll'• cblel sal<! l!lo that he hid -.........r ~ olllcW and WlOlficlll chonoeb both th It everyooe WU doin« hit aillped' job and elflclenc:y WU nol 1111f!orlni. Wall of Mud Forces Closure of 62 W·ells VENTURA (UPI) -A "all ol tartb 1006elted by rteeot raina "Oowln1 slowly Uke molwa" Unougb tbe GeUy Oil Co. lleld in School Canyon hes Iorctd 1 &huldown ol 12 producing welll. L. A. Briden, couW dlstrlcl pro- dueticn mnqer, uld t«al loau cou1d reach A bi.Won from the slide which has covered 40 1cres and buried JJ wells. ·' . Harbor Area Pals Watch Youth Slain By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 tllf DtltJ 'llft lllH A manhunt spread in the Hav.'aiian Island! today for tbret cold.iJlooded Qriental bandits who executed a Colla Mesa IUrier-to drtm1UcaU,·lDlimld1te his buddies -Iller 1 $llO holdup In their rustle beach cottqe. The murde.ref.s Wried'. platoll. tt1ulpped with slle.ncen in • c111•grOtaqne enouah .. to be 1 Wev!illon ocrlpt, 1ccor&c' to the story given to detecUves by th1 two Harbor Area wltnesaes. W!Wam Pond Jr., 19, of 261 Albert Place, died three hours after, being ahot in the head by a small caliber revolver as his horrified hosll watched Tuesday night. MURDERED' -wm1.m i'ond of Costa Mesa, shown in 1995 photo, was shot to death Tues- day near Sunset Beach on island of Oahu, Hawaii. , Schweickart 04t One was Steve L. Chula, ta. of Cos!a Mesa son of well·known Orange County attorney George H. Chula, a:nd the other was Theodore D. "Teddy" Rogers, 19, of Newport· Beach. "There was no reason. It was a~ For Space walk: parenUy just done to create an i~ , "'· Pl'~on." ~ H~lulu Pollce Detectlve 'Wh I!..;~~, .. U. John Diciaon today. . {ft a T'°.11:""'~ · · . • • • 'Yoqni ~Chula'• mother, a nurse for ,,.. 1 1 · • ·-•~.r-~•-. a Colta·MeQ J'1'lllhll0, 1&1d16cl'1.~t SPACE CENTE~ (Wl) ·- .1.1 ,...,.\... • ~ .. ~.......... ~ v '" . . -l l=)JI'.:,!, . ""-'" ""'·~~'"'',told \ll!ilo A~n.1~ L,Sch•elcbrt -.. ,,., __ '!lilk9'1ilil-. ~i"r',,. .""!''"~-~ .1711 -,. the · · · -~ly•li do,!L_ J, .... ~ !, I-~of. -Iudlng enll •• T (" ) ' 'l-. 'fi'l>"f ...-.,: ' 'I ~· 1 •( .\." . ~ io·"fity•iiitiifi/ a.-· ' tOd .bl JI '.,.ob .., --st•ndin.s · 'Dividefl, -~='=b~~,:~~~ ·~1 .. :~e:pa , ·'.·· ~· -~ Suns.et Beach on the north shore of ' . .i~ ,· · Oahu late ~esday ni,ru aqd demanded that part of his onee-c.,..._·le:B , Baja Officials Get Mesa Tour Divided we stand and united we would fall, declared a Mexican emissary dilcussing the possible unification of two Califomlaa belonging to separate nations Wednesday in Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa Rotary Club members were hosts to eight Baja California business and advertising men to lunch and a tour of the city they offered to buy as a counterpropo1at to a similar Baja bid of last.)"8r. Tne obeerver aOd studient of Mexican affairl said the Yiait Wined an innocent mlJt.aft !training relaUoas between two countries into a gesture of gOodwill. Costa Mesa Vice Mayor Robert rt.. Wilson initiated a resolution urging America to buy the Mexican state and territory as a 51st state late last year, creating hurricane. of humor and some bad feeling. Tijuana Director of Tourlsm Alfredo Lopez-Gutierrez responded by offering to buy Costa N.:esa for 2,000 pesos - doubling the price if spared accepting the City Council -and th< Wednesday vi.sit ruulted. Still jokingly offering a swap . of a Tijuana tavern for Costa Mesa'• five: story city hall, GuUemz explalned to Rbtarians that Baja is not for sale at any price. Republic ol Meli co o f f i e i a I s ; mean"''hile, are constantly raising its intrinsic value through development, he adcied. Wilson, who authored the original resolution, was serloua, however, and City Councilman William L. SL· Clair echoed that sentiment Wednesday. "I think ii can be done. I hope It wilt be ~one. And I thln~ it evtntually will be done," said St. dlair, Who vlllted Out.lerr~z in Tijuana With ·.a copY. of. the official's counterproposal. "l panicked. I t.'anted to run for the window. I didn't even know where Costa. Mesa was," said Giitierrl!Z Wednesdv, adding that he and many Mexican citizens had ·been insulied by the city's bid. . During the congenial international visit, t~e tourist director said many more Americans will visit the SO-year~ld republic within a ye'ar and major in- dustry is heading ror the border too. He said the Ensenada Airp:lrt ia about to begin accepting international flights, . with Alr West serving the coastal resort, while the Mattel Toy Corttpany has open- ed a plant in the industriow border , slate. 1 "Simply. unthinkable,'>.ht said of the proposed. Baja pUrchase, 11Melico could nO ,more think of it than ant would IS.• MESA 'roua, Pip ll Angry South Vietnamese < Cut Short Paris Talks PARIS (AP) -.Exploajons of enemy rockets in Safa:on fehoed 'in.Paris.'today ·and ~ an UrupL1 end of •what a U.S •. •pc>kamtn .. alJed a •"abort and lrim" ....ion· ol !lie VIOCnam peace WU. '1'!le 1'tinoopbere WIS cbar&ed Wl\l bllternesa. M a mark of lta energetic protesta agaWI the shelling ol Saigon, South Vietnam's ddegaUon IUddenly moved a• joumment of the "Seventh aesslon iml ml!Jljately after com.pleUoo of form&I statementJ, because "an atmosphere. favorable. to useful dliCUS!ion does nol yet exLl t." The South Vietnamese qu1ekly strtssed they had not walked out and were. not beycotUng the telk.I. Asked aboul lhls, a SOUth Vietnamese 1poke!man pointed out that tht Saigon delegaUon had pro- poo..r the neit aesslon be held nut '!1wrtd11. '1'!len be lidded: "U au depends ' on what hi~ in the next few d_,.1.11 "We' don't waht \o mate any threat.a,,. be 11ld. "But wt Will hevt u •PPIOl)lialo · response to the c:ommunll:t actions." The seventh 1 ~ ended ,after onlt , lour. houri; sbor\er by· llf mlnofu 'thin . any ol the pncedina •ix. . Tht Ullltd~'IJlll,So<Jth,=i llll"iiJ' ~ thillt-ptOll . 'tbe .•h<U1nP:ln -~-1.'lie Jl.otloqal. . LlberaUon:Fnlnl end ·Noftb VlelDam re- jected 1 U.S. warnlnl,, TOl<ed by PrW. dent Nix~, ol "appropriate" ·response . in Vietnam U the sfi:'lllrip con11nut. "Jt wu a short and grim meeUni. overaba\fowecl byJ the t1rrJble event.a of last night in Sal,oh, when women and children were killed in another iD- 'diserimlnate rocket attack," said Harok! K1plan , t.be. chief U.S. spokesman. Culiomarlly, SOClth Vietnam ... Am- basaador Pbam Dani Lam. •ee.aks a~. the aesslon1 before U.S. AmhBIQdOr HepfJ Cabqt l.odao. The order WU teverltd Thurld<y, ••Ideally lo permit him \0 ma~ his demand for .ld- journ11W1l to Ulldel'l«n lill. prolelta. ljil ll)nnal llaltfllenl dealt -Oil)' , with illl •bellln&•. . . money. · y,•as rein~tated, 1te_pped lil!f, tM1r ot ' Mrs. Chula said today after a telephone fiberglass' "golden 1lip),>l!ts"·~ on convei:satioo with ber son that the fourth the platform outside the moon 1·1 ¥ .. su~fer P>arlng the cottage aod attendlnj ue· joked wtth bis two f ' l~ ..,, Junior college, Mike Gruteau was away 1 • • \ at the Ume. ' astronaut!:, photographed the earth _., CollecUng a total of about $450 Ch 1 thr SS.loot-long tandem !p&CeCl'lft, tokl hls mother, one of the thre~ ycx!'n: observed the moon, watch~ ci.;bril· ~oat Orientals then shot Pond at close ra ge f!:om the open 'hatch of the adjacent as a warnlni cJ. what might hap~n commandshlp ~even noticed 11waaber io thtm too. between two window panes. "'their livea we.re threatened," she said. Honolulu pollce _aaid today they have no leads In the grotesque murder c.ue and thal lhe killers were total strange.rs to Chula and Rogers. The murder victim graduated from Newpprt Harbor High'School with Chula and· Rogers in 1967, visited the islands for three months, then returned only fill: day~ ago. . He sought the wann sun and the big surf, btn found only senseless death. "He wanted to make the Islands his home," the victim's mother said today ·"it's such a shame aomethlng so terrlbl~ bad lo happen In the pl1ce be loved." "Bill was just there a we e. t -we hadn't even heard from him," 1dded N.:rs. Pond, who wa1 notlfle4 of the lhootfug by a j,byslclan at a m\all e!J!ergeney cllnie on the llland of OahU. The. doctor who • telephoned from Kabuki Hospital told the Pond family that their eldest. son was gravely wound· ~·ed fn f.he head and ~would be .rushed to surgery at St. Francis Hospital a · ».tninute trip. ' "We called back in about a half-hour " said Mrs. Pond, and a neur01Urg~. Dr. Kin11 said Bill was very critical aJ)d tbe wound was affe<:Ung his breathlJig." "He said he had no hope," she added. "The vleUm died within one hour. Ironically, Mrs. PoM's COU&io, Mrs. Robert>.Hore, .uya ln Wahhta, jU1t a abort· d~ the Java,fe-marder , ts0t 1JUU'Bll .SUIJN; Ptp I) . Hoag· Employes · ' . ' To Help Victi~s Hoag Momorlll HosplW employe1 ~•Y win deliver hundreds Of pounds or food, ~lothlng, fumlture and cook1ng Items to victims of the Silvera.db canyon flood dlsuler. Tllo • 1rt1c1a: ill collected by th< employu .,.d IWl ol the hospital. will, be ta~ to . a community cepter fn , &be ravaged can,yon area al I • a.m.,1 Saturday. Hocp\W -~ lnlckl wm be uoed' lo toke t1t1 arllcl" 10 the dlwur •lo-. tlma... . . • February ~ ltft _,. ol rul<lentl · In tho <ll\YG1 home!.,. 1nd killed II r..11 .. -.' • ~welckart eyeJi;·noat..r up-11.ooc Ibo outside of the IP•""'l'lft, banging '"' to hal'id tails. He was called baCk ~ the spicecraft abOUt 1:45 a.m. PST' mt the: mQOp lander's hatch wa.s Jochcl five minutes later. The space agency logged Sehw~ekart'I spacewalkl~g time as 3714 minutes: The Junar Jand~r·~ hatch was open for .a total or 48 minutes. "There, that Io o ks eomfortabl~," Schweickart said as he guided his bobted· feet into the slippers. Sehwelekart was perfornllqg the kef test of the fourth day · ot Apollo l ':&i 10-day orbital trial. n1i1 for . a May. moan flight. . Scbwe.ickart was ~posing Ammica.'1 cumbersome "moon auit" to · t b 9; harsh vacuum of spe.ce for the nnt'.~ .. Calling ·himself ;,Red, Rover'• al •be' swept 145 mile's ·high over tbe .. Unlfil Stales, Scbweic!urt laid lill 11>1cesoit was ''very comfort.able." B ~is the .Wt that men will wear when they walk on !be moon. · 1 • "Ooh, that .i1un . is re.ally· bright,'~ he sald. But he said h1I refrlguated loac johns were keeping hini comfortable, Orange We•dler · ~ ' t • Cloudy akles over ~ "'inds ti the plctuie for rrtdiy, .iliil'mt the weatheo cnde; with ~· hrftl nudilnc . ., .. ...,,, llW'- and I lew ...... bllliir' llJand. • INSIDE TODAY I• vl•10 of "'""t~ going °" now between two Communist gionti, no one ii beinl) r~ td o/ Mao Tte·tung'1 wordl in. M OICOIO 19 'tltor1 ago. Page 7. -' -..... ctr!lftl 17 CnllWI,., 11 ............ ......... . . ~ ..... . ~"':':"""" ... . .... NN c• ' • .,. ..,.." tl ~· 11 Ailll L.....,. ·u -. . 1 ' • • c ..,_ GITS HARD LABOR s.nto Ana'• Amott' n.lod.r ........ 1969 • • • De·s.erter ' Sentenced . • (:J~unty ~l '!e~t,$ Y~r~.H~r~ .~abor • 'Ille federal ~· ; today, un-_the Intent 'to lhlrk Im-oervlcl, 'Ille itd-halred liachelor turned pale derlintd its attitude toward dtstrUon, nam~ly providing food for members or ind tottered on hll ·fe~t momentarily when a Santa Ana or who left hla hla unit at Cam Ranh Bay, since food as court lnart1al president Col. Seth Vietnam duty wu sentenced to fi ve ia basic to good morale. Linthicum, rt•d the aente.na1 returned years al hard labor arter a historic ihe defense -three attorneys, two by the military jury. court martial. of them civiliaf) -maintained that he The sentence is subject to automatic The maximum verdict and the. ma_x. WitS guilty only of being absent without · appeal by a military review board in imum sentence were imposed on Pvt. leave, but the board refused U, accept Washington and Pvt Arnett began an F..dwln C. Arnett, 30, who said earlier the lesser plea enlered last week. appeal to the people of America afler Other homeiick ddectors in Sweden The deCe-clion to Sweden via Japan Knlence Wednesday. would .decide their fulures on the out-and Russi.a. following a flve~ay rest ''I believe the people should express come_ of hl5. leave was publi~ as a war J>!Olest, their feel ings by writ; .... to the ·• He was also stripped of all rank, but lhe defense 5a.ld Wednesday 1t was ,, . ..... presi pay and benefits and ,ordered to be dur to harassment by men in Amett's dent, he said. dishonorably discharged. unit. Escaping just one year ago, Pvt. Arnett A board or six men and one woman Before being laken into military was granted asylum 1n neutral Sweden deliberated only SO minuteJ late We& custody after choosing to return to but c~ to become the first retu~ nelday befOre declaring the bald.J.ng coot America and face charges, Arnell was among Gls who defected after being guJlty on two counts. quoted in news interviews u referrln& unable to get a job and llv1ni od $10 They were desert.ion and 9esert1on wilh lo blmae1f u a deserter. weekly welfan funds. , ~ • • •• J' • • I %•1ear Stud1 Enclr. Bal Island Newport Blaz.es Bike Trails By JEROME F. coLUNs Of ... .,..., ""' ,,.,. After two yean of atudy, a 3S-mile network of bicycle tralll today ii finllly an officW part of Newport Beach's Muter Plan. An -led JJ,000 blcycllsta ln the city are apected to belldlt lrom the I~ .,mm. 'accordln( to Actlng Plannlng Dlrodo< Deron Groth. The plan will be tmplemenled In the next few months with the inst.allaUon of hundreds of aigns marking 21 miles of the network's "backbone" route, Groth "11aid. Councilmen last week unanimously ap- proved inclusion of the bike trails in the city Master Plan. The action came on tha~ unanimous recommendalion of the pjU.ki, Beaches and RecreaUon Com- mission, the Planning Commission and the nmnlclpp.l ltalf. The ·1abfect of numerous hearings before pa'?U'.a.D!lplannina: commiaioners alnce early 19!it.:~ proposed network compriael : "'Ill' -The 21·mile backbone route, which uses existing roadways and from whlcb future segments can evolve. -Future additions totaling 8.3 miles. Tbese includ"'! MacArthur Boulevard and would be posted "at 60!Ile future polo! in time," said Groth. -&a!onal aegmenta totalling 1.5 mil,., which, though mapped out, are of dou_btful implementation, peilding further council dlscussion. -About four miles In side trip!. These are now proposed for location in lower Corona de! Mar and around the Lldo Peninsula. Other side trips "to points of interest" would be added to '.ic network later, said Groth. City Parks Director Calvin Stewart explained that initially the precise plan for blkeways will relate to existing road11 and sidewalks only. "This is true of a majority of the routes that are started throughout the nation," he said. "After acceptance of the syst'em liy the community, the routes will' probably be extended to flood control channel levees, wUdemes! pathways and . other areas "here the serenity ot the cycll!ta :won:t be disturbt.d by cars." JniUal development costs, u a result, will be baaed on imtallaUon ol blkewa,y slgna and installaUon of a few acceaa ramps, he said. More than 700 signs will be needed for the newly approved plan, aald Stewart The backbone route alone. will require 375 signa. The total cost for all the signs Is estimated at $8,360. The backbone route runs along the ocean front on the peninsula from its C?astern end to 32nd Street, where it links with Newport Boulevard. From t h e re it crosses the Arches Overpass, takes side streets up to Kinga Road, then to Irvine Avenue. It swings toward the Back Bay at Dover Drive.-then travels roads oVerlooking the bay unlil it returns to Irvine-Tustin Avenue. ~"' P~'lt¥-, r;\, ¥ES4 Jl)UJi ·: J of YnA\ro~er,~a child, -or partina: with one's right ' G~tierrez+ aald Medcan culture . prior to Spilhlsh dominaUon -the f\Ourlshfng Aztec and Maya civilizations "1' are often ignored In contemporary tanes. ,Mexico al.so mainlains a at.able, eleclm f)vernment and prefers to keep its own house in order without meddling in the affair• of olher naltons, he Hid during the Rotary Club talk. '"Ibat is why we continue to have ..tatlona with Cuba," be uplalned, "it is not a matter of approvtna or diup- proving." Garden Grove resident <ale Kernahan, a longtime observer of Mu:lcan aflairt "'as presut and the visit by members of the s~alled Frente Regional de Ac· cion PoliUca (FRAP) is a milestone. Earlier, the leader of the Tijuana brass visitors said lhJ Baja Purchase is periodically revived by some Yankee agency and always lands like a bombBhell on Mexican affairs and emotions. Kernahan said Wednesday m o r c dialogue is needed. "If we could b'ave been doing this kind of thing for tl'o or three genera- tions, we would have aaved much .strain and pain with ~ Mexi_cljl lriends and nelghbors," Kernahan said. U1'11Y PllOT CIUNE. Co.t.lt l'UaLllHIHO COMl'.llrf'f' J:•ffrt N. W••' "'"'""' ... l'ftll1Mr Jee~ •. c ... 1 • ., ~ l'r•ldttot •Ml <01intrtl '''-ntfft Thofftt1 Kttvil ltllw Tht111t• A. Mu1,llint ""'""''"' ll:t llw P111I Nlntft A4¥wllll,. tllrfftw eo...--)10 w ••••• ., s ...... >fi11nt M,,.,., P.O. lea ll•O. '262, --""'""' ~: m1""' .. .,.. ...,....,. ~ IMOI: 11t '"-l ... ..._ MIMINliM llMfl: ., ... llntt ' ( DAILY ,.ILOT l'lltt'f.,. Pt! O'tltnMll Dldta't Get tlae Message AJexandcr ~T. Kent, 73, told police his stalled car suddenly accelerat~ ed. Wednesday, roaring out or driveway in \\'ide arc to smasQ into home .of Mrs. Elizabeth Fisk, 156 E. 22nd St.. Costa Mesa. Kent. 177 E . 22nd St.. \\'as cul in the accident. and 'vas taken to Costa l'vlesa MemoriaJ Ho sgital where doctors determined he had also suffered a heart attack, which may have led to the mishap. DA's Staff Won't Issue Complaint in Shooting COnfllcUng policies by California and Minourl autJiortUes today hamper the hunt for an e1-employe v.·anted for ques- tioning about the shoaling of 1 Costa f!fesa baker seven days ago. The4 Orange COunty District Attorney's office bu refused to Issue a compl1dnt cluirgina Eugene Smith. 28, with assault with intent to commit murder. Costa Mesa Polict Detective Gtrry 'lllompeon said Smith, who t.st lived at 2080 Newport Blvd.. Is believed to bt tn St. Louis. but investigators there won't arrut him without a formal com· plaJnl Smith is wanted In connecUon wlth -~ .. the woundinl of William Cronacher, 53. or 2M Albert Pltce, shot In the left elbow last Thursday outskje his bakery. Robbery has been menUoned as a moU"e for the incident at Cronacher's ~rman Home Bakery. 134 Commercial Way. and the victim gave Information "'·hich led to the search for Smith. lnvesUgalors said today the dlstrlcl attorney's men will not issue the needed comph1int because they feel that Smith hu been literally and unfairly tried In newspapers. '1'1le·baker was hospltalized for a brief time after bein1 hlt by a .32 caliber 1lug, climaxing a vJolent argument which led nelshbora lO call police. \ Youth Found Dead in Shop 1 The body of Kevin Richter Forderbro(en, young owner of a Balboa Island mua!c store, wu found sprawled on the floor of biJ shop early Wednesday alttrnoon, Newport Beach polic< reported todoy. Newport detective Sgt. Ke n n e t h Thompson nid tba~ Forderbrugen, 211 had just been released Tuesday from Oranse County Medical Center irter be.ing treated for an overdose or the iillcit drug heroin. Thompson also said Uiat several ''balloom" of heroin were found at the death scene in the music store at 225 Marine Avenue. No cause of death has been determined. But Thompson indicated police are in- vesli1ating possibilities of drug overdose, auJclde or accidental death. Orange County Q>roner's investigators said no caua'e of death will be determined before Friday. Police said Forderbrugen's body was found on the noor of his store by his twin alJten, Carol and W.:ary, both 20, and a cousin, Brad Fitzgerald. Of[icers quoted the victim's famil y as saying he had been desponden+. in recent weeks becaUiM of" ntw competition from another music . store nearby and that his own business had been lagging. Forderbruger had just r e c e n t I y pu:chased the Balboa Island business. DAILY l"ILOT "hm llJ lllldl•P't KHll• Haaads Tlaeit•-·Weapons .Japaneses manual self-defense experts Fumio Demura (left) and Tadashi 1-liraoka view sllbmachine gun during Costa Mesa Police Facility tour with Sgt. Gary Shull. Demura is all-Japan karate champiop. Hiraoka is island nation's top college level judo ex- ponent. 4Both are in U.S. to compete in AAU championships. Shull holds black belt in karate. " ' From Page 1 SURFER SLAIN • scene and heard of the biiar~ case on a radio news bulletin. •·He had been over there such a short time he hadn't gotten around to visiting them and they didn't realize il was Bill,'' Mrs . Pond said in an intervie1v today. '·That"s about all we know," she added. "Oh, My God, not BUI Pond," said ri·Irs. Gordon Conley, of the Newport Beach Surfing Association. She said the victim, as well as Chula and Rogers, who were hosling him until he could get settled In Hawaii, were active, dedicated surfers. Authorities in Honolulu said today lhey have not completed a post mortem ex· amioalion 1! Pond'1 body and the caUbet of weapon used to murder him is un- certain. Mrs. Pond said runeral services are only tentative at this point, but the • • family hopes to arrange rites Monday al 9 a.m. in St. Joachim's Church. Burial will be in Good Shepherd Cemetery. Huntington Beach, fo\lowl na Catholic services for the youth , who \1•orkcd with his father in the electrical businesss before moving to the islands. Survivors include his brothers Martin, 13, and James, 10, as well as his parenll!i. The victim had entered the West Ccast Surfboard Championships in Huntington Beach, as well as compel.ins in San Clemente contests, and \\'as well-known in Harbor Area surf society. Ccsta Mesa Police Detective Roscoe Broad was con tacted today tor-in- formation about the proper news source in the Honolulu Police Qepa.rtment, as a former lawman in the sleepy islands. "What is this v;orld coming to?" .said !he Hawaii-raised detective when told of the brutal murder. al JJ. J. (Jarrell~ IT~S HERE AGAIN!! OUR ONCE· A· YEAR WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF 1'.HE STORE 17 SOFAS and LOVE SEATS Rag. $349.00 To $795.00 NOW $159.00 TO $399.00 33 OCCASIONAL TABLES !log. $59.00 To $149.00 NOW $29.00 TO $69.00 UP TO 60 22 CHAIRS Rtg. $139.00 To $29'.00 . NOW $69.00 TO $139.00 39 TABLE a~d ANGING LAMPS Rag. $ • To 100.00 NOW $1 • 5 10 $39.00 64 PICTURES an·d MIRRORS Rag. $15.00 To $150.00 NOW $5.00 TO $59.00 DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AN fi ENI"" rROcHSIONAl INTUIO~ DESIGNUS • I o,.. ...... '""" • M. ..... • 2211 HAHO• ILYD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. •4&.0271 ~t..021' • • ISJ DAILY 'JtOT S ~ BY WILLIAM Q ~f e~s e Spend.ing.· Con(Jemned Huntington Death Trial Reeo.~=1~3 ·Profs, €ongressman: Speak · at lJCI on Science 'Misuse' Co ntinu ed ......... In the Wind .. Although west Orange County is composed of mosUy young pe11Sons the oldsters certainly make their share of the civic noise. The Hun .. lington Beach Senior Citiuns Cltib, ror instance, has some 2_ 6 l members on the roU and most of them attend' the regular Monday morning meetings. . Last year the group outgrew the Lake Park Clubhouse and 'bad to move the -meetings to the Recrea· Lion Ceii.ter. I wouldn't be surprised if soon they \VOuld be looking around for somethi ng larger to ac· commodate the cro\vds. One of the reasons the seniors are so acli~e is th e organizauon·s excellent program. For instance, today a large delegation returned rro,m ·three days in Las Vegas and anoiher is waiting until March 19 to take off for Vegas and three days of whatever people do over in the Nevada city. * The seniors are a busy I:roup • and ba:ve an attendance record that any other club would envy. Doing p'art or the work for J,.~9 ,vill be some pretty active committeemen: Arilla Kading, chaplain ; Eleanor Meyers. p r o g r a m s ; Mabel Sc·hwartzkoff, sunshine I a d y ; Esther Rivelli, kitchen hostess; Millie Tucker, hostess ; Harold Evans, publicity; and Evelyn Bartiey1 M·rs. Meyers and Evans, grievance committeemen. will be a part of the working staff. • By THOMAS f'ORT\JNE Ofllle0.1'-'""'*' Tllrff profeasora 'and a congreum1n 1criticl1ed heavy erpeodlturea on d,efense \ i!',, talks on as.setted misuse of science Tl'.lesday at UC lrvine. · U.S. Rep. PbllJip Burton (0.Sa~ Fran- cisco) said the ·def-budget -Is "abaolutety stagge.rlng» whUe money and ' sCienti!lc fntellect i! needed f o r humanitarian problems "cfying for solu- tion." Uc1 Dean oI Physical Sciences Frederick Reines spoke of lht folly of spending billions oo an anU·balllstic missile system he doesn't believe would ever be reliable enough lo stop every missile. ' Stopping some oc even most missiles carrying nuclear warheads is not good through you've had it. l think it's sort Vietnam," Congre~man Burton said. of lhat simple." Chairman or Organismic B I o I o &: 'Y Grover Stephens spoke on lhe overriding' threat of world famine, and UCI Diochemist Calvin McLaughlin warned of the devastating possibility or biological warfare. Three hundred students heard the \alks Jn Scieoce Lecture Hal.I on a day when similar programs were held a t universities across the country. The day of national warning about misuse of sci~ had been called by professors at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in particular to protest the anti- · ICBM. "We didn 't have such meetings when our countiy slid into ever.increasing in- volvement in that immoral war c,Ued enough, he ugue<I. "If even one geb He said he is one who had hoped Has Spring Sprung:.> .at the end of lhe war there would a peace dividend rather than having billions of dollars poured into a new weapons system. Congreuinan Burton said a JTCat deal of momentum has been picked up in the last couple of weeks against going ahead with "the ill-advised AICB"f ." He said he believes Congress will defeat iL Dean Reines said nllclear y,·_arfare would be so devastating that for the first lime in the history of man enlire nations could be eliminated within an hour. "It is socb a monstrous thought we turn from it," he said. He said it Is completely unreasonable and ·irrational to believe anli-ballistlc missiles could stop every incoming warhead. He mentioned such defense-cwt founding· factors as the tremendous speed · of the m1uile1, Uie short lime for delivery. multiple warheads that spread Jn several directions, and decoys. A defense much less thin perfect would be of llttJe value, he said. In addition to the initial effect of a bomb, he pointed out, there would be uncontrolled fires, fallout disease, disruptJon of con\- municatlon and electrical power, starva· lion. He was questioned by Dr. G. · \V. Mahman. an Autonetics employe who said he works on ICBMs, who asked: "Don't you think as a philosophical inatter it is better Lo have a defensive system than an olfe.Wve system~" Reines answered: "Without in any sense trying to be impolite, I'll say you didn't hear a word lftaid." Stephens said starvation is present today jn undeveloped countries of the world in much larger proportions than is generally recogniied. This year, he: said, eight million babies less than a yea r old will die from relatively minor diseases because they won't be fed sul· ficient calories to give them the resistence to survive. He gave such sobering statistics as "our food support to other countril!ls ls only 1/4$th of•our defense bpdget and that is 'misleadingly high bec1use we · give away surplus food but do not teach people how to go grow th'eir own.'' He Sa.id, "Support for ' bi~ control re:searcll is so pitifully bad we don't understand the mechanism of the twt\ most ef!ect~i devlceJ -the ,pill and the loop_ We d~vered them empiric- allf. but don't understand how they ork... . w . He Cilncluded by saying, "r submit . lo you tile tllreaJ. of.famine is so sighlfi· cant . It is the only real woblem we· face:." McLau_ghlin, in Ilia talk, remarked the Utiited StateJ spends more on reseiLrch Into bloloeical warfare · than on cancer research. ' He sa'id a half PO:und of bacteria plague spread in an aerosOI over I.he Los Angeles basin . woold· be as. effective as a 20- megaton nucltlar bomb -caus~ · four millioiJ Casualties. . Moreover,· he ·noted, such an attack could be carried out by saboteu rs from a fourth-rate poWer. W.cLaughlin said h.e doesn't think sciencr can control itself because .scien· lists caMot extrapolate far enoogh poten- tial uses of their discoveries lo visualize weapons 1ystems. Murdtr charge proceedln&s agal08ti ~ Henry L., Sianez of , Huntington Beach were delayed Wednesday In Superior . Cour when I.he public defender's olfic•: su<..'Ce&Sfully sought a continuance to " March 11 of a motion for dismlual of ch1rges. Judge Robert Gardner aet the same date for an identical motion filed by . Edward Roy Hargrave, Sianei!s com· panion on the night that ~year-old Mrs, Hester Markee was slashed to death. He faces charges of grand theft auto. Sianez, 2.S, of S12 Clay St., and $ Hargrave. 18, or 17392 Marken Lane. also Huntington Beach. are accused ol being the two men who were joyridin&' ilf a stolen car last Jan. 12 when they ~ ran into an auto driven by Mrs. Markee. It has be:en lesLilied that M.rs. Market 1 pursued the two young mep and that Sianez allegedly got oul ol his car, drew his knife and savagely slashed the gray-haired grandmother. Murde:r charges al~o fl\ed ~&al.n$11 Hargrave were reduced in municipa~ court. · Eight Musicia ns- Af Marina High Win Ba nd Honors Eight Marina High School mus.iclJU from Huntington Beach have participated in various hontir band performances open to high school students. . Mike CUdahy, Ann Havlu, Terry ijoward and Steve Thom were accepted in the Orange County All District Honor Band, dil'.ected by Dr. William Revelll from the University o( Michigan. The hand presented its concert Feb. 15 at the.Orange Coast College auditorium. Marina orche:stra studeflts M3rilyn Armstrong, Tom Cairns and Vance Miller were heard in concert Feb. 13 with the: All California High School Orchestra Jt'eb. 13 at the Lobero Theater in Santa Barbara. The group meets eacfl Mondii y at 10 a .m. and anyone who thinks he g.,ualifies as to age and slan}ina Lo. keep up with the oldsters is invited to arop in and see what goeS. on af the-recreation center. 17th street and Orange Avenue. It may be a bit early to start looking for spring. but yot,i might have some difficulty C01?-vincing this young couple that the favorite season of lovers has not arrived. Some heady weather lured them to the beach for a quiel stroU. When your,youfig ;1rid· ii love. even the d ebri~strewn beaches of the Orange Coasti can be viewed through rose-colored glasses. But~ he·.said. he.think! man can <..'Ontrol technol<>O. He said he believes it is possible to negotiate an international arrangement on biological ~arfare and keeti.it ~t wUta detection systeros. Aoothe:r orchestra student C a r o 1 Strange. was a member o( the All Southern California High S c h o o 1 Orcbeslra wbi-:!, presented a concert Feb. 11 at the o'Orothy Chandler Pavilion •4Jbe J.os Aqeleo Musi< Cenl<<. *· •• The Fountain Valley · kite flying contest is scheduled fo.r Saturday Bt Fountain Valley High School beginning at noon. It was quite an event last year and if the weather is good Saturday, the sky will be the limit. Gra-Y Bo ys Given Peek At Go vernment in Action Brig. Gen. Charles V. Col lier. nf 8156 Deerfield Drive. Huntington Beach, recently had the Legion or f\ferit added to his long !1 st of medals and service r i b b o n s • Congratulations. T\vel ve youngsters from the newly formed Gra-Y boys group of the Fountain Valley Y?.1CA took a peek' at city govern- me nt Tuesday night. They watched intently as f'ountatn Finishing 1'out ~1 To Ne'v Paint Job Student Tapped As Secretary Nancy Johnson. 19, lluntinglon Beach, has been selecled "Miss Fu l u re Secretary': al Golden We.st CoJlege. A young artist went to work o°' the J~untington Beach City ~ail Tuesday night, much to the dismay of policemen · l\·ho just painted and cleaned the cell The Golden West sophomore was selected for the award following a wrlllen examination and an inte rview by a panel of judges. pr ea. . \Vlth eyebrow pencil and lipstick in hand a J4.year-old girl arrested for possession of marijuana sc ribbled funny races and pleas of innocence on a pillar Her new tille will allow her to comPJ!l~ for a $2,000 state scholarship awarded through the National Secretaries As· social ion. in the cell area . · Tile miscreant 11rtlst is in Juvenilr Hall tOday fa cing additional charges flf malicioos mischief. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mr11. Carl Johnson. She eicpcctii to bet:ome a legal secretary. Tl1e Drug Story ' Se ri& to. Explo're Use of Narcotics "Drugi, 1969" I.a: tl)e story of the use and abuse ot narcotics in the United iState3 today. It is probably one of ~ most ambitious 11t· !""'i!-:'"'.'>Cl tempts ever made by a mass communicationJ me- dium to probe the world of information and mis· ~ Wonnation surrounding the ever-mounting use or mind-boggling drugs and narcotics by all age IJ'OUPS in this nation. " Alton Blakeslee, one of America 's top science writers, a sLaffer of The Associated Press, spent months researching the subject. Blakeslee talked to addicts, psychiatrists, other medical experts and law cnforcen1enl authoritlc!'I j tllrooghoul the United Stat~ to gather material ror • the 10-part serif$ of .,rticle.s which will begin Mon- • day in the DAILY PlLOT. Aimed primarily at parents. the ''Drugs 1969'' , r.eries affe.r!I advice on how to safeguard childl'(ln from falling into the "turn-00" trap. . "How can you le11 whether your tttn-ager ht smoking reefers, gulping pffis or injecting drucs? Wbat is the best. way to keep him from coming to such a pass or to convlnct him he should change his ways?'' · These are qtJtttlon.s Blekes.lee.'s mies ll!ks and answers. Accurate Information and cold, hard Jogtc- not naw.fllled panicky argument.a-are the best wea.pona for patent", Blakeslee sayi1. His &f'rl'9 Is designed lO furnlsh reliable information that partnl! can pa!! •long to chlldrefl. U may even prove to somr parents thal their children already know more about marijuana, LSD, "goolballs" and all the rest of that setne than the parentii do. Police chltfs throo(hout the OranJJt Coas1 rtcommcnd the series. Tt ~hoold bt 1 J>flli of t'VttY parent's modern educatinn1 they ~y. • v j Valley city councilmen put on an hou r· long demonstration of how things happen in a city. Adult leaders Robert Margulies and Bill King accompanied the boys. King explained that the group was formed last September. ''Ifs the flrs1 in Foontain Valley and we'd like to start more," he said. "These boys are graduates of lheYMCA Tndian Guides program." added Margulies. . For information on the Gra-Y program King sug~emed calliria him at 962-6723 or !\targulies at 962--462G. Delay Granted In Baby Deatl1 A Westminster man accused of in· flicting , fetal injuries on his two-month· n!d baby today 'A'on a delay of Superior Court action pending the hearing of a petition Hied wit h the State Supreme Court. Judge Samuel Dreizen dclayrd until April 16 the setting of a trial dale for .Joyal Robert Hob son Jr .. 23. oi 9002 !\tarlene Drive. Hobson . was arre.sted last Sept. II and ·charged "'ith manslaughter and cruelty to a child. H.is son, Tra cy. diet.I 1he day before in Westminster Com· munity Hospital of a skull fracture and lacerated liver. Hobson's petition to the gupreme Cou rt seeks the granting of a writ of prohibition against his Orange County accusers. Public Notices Change Okayed An ordina~ change allowing the plan· ning department lo forego ma lling or public he:aring notices wa.o: adopte:d Tuc~­ day night by the Fountain Valley City Council. C.ouncilman John Harper was the lone flbjeetor , charging that the ordiniu'ICe change woold inhibit c o m m u n I t y partldpation in community affairs. Harper also aaid that maJUng notices or public hearings was a part of the staffs responsibillly and should not be shrugged off as," ... too much work.'' Supporting the oi'dinaoce change, Coun· cllman-Edwt1rtl Just said he felt the staff 's time could better be spent doing othtr staff work. Just also expressed the belier that posting or public hearings on the property In qu~11ion would sufflee 11> 111lert 111.rea rt!lidenls. •• Reg. $9.95 •.• single t urntable Ideal for use jn cabintts. on dinette tlble Of in linen closet. Spins needed items right to you. Size: 10~" di1m. x ~·high ' REGULARLY 911• NOW77~ t NOW! WINDOW SHADES THAT SHUT OUT LIGHT & HEAT k:tt:p 1'00/llJI coo/d , ... fl.U!llMI' 411d WOl'/7WP" U1 wtn/tr Delile 6.ft. Wldo SALE s799 le lllf!,e twin turntable Rn-olves wnoolhly on lier! ball bearinp. Spins needed iteins up front Tiered for double capacity. Site: 10~ .. diam. l ~IK" hiah REGULARLY 'Ill& Now ·1~ HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE VALUES! 10" FRY PAN with , Scr•tc:h r•1i1t•nt chrom• cookw•r•. ' . WATER H•ATERS REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20·G•llon ........ 142.88 ,._G•llon ........ 144.88 40·G•llon ...... 149.88 5D--G11llen s64.88 ' INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Tlli1 qw•lity qw•r•nt••d 9l1st lin1d water heater ;, 1q11lpp•d with ••f1ty t1111p. at reqvired l.f law. We ka¥1 tlllll d1y in1l•l- l•tion a .. ail•ble if ye.u wi1h. All norm.11 in1taUa!ien !l'•rh lnclw.i. ed. Call by noon -in1taU tkat day. Aho '""''''nty in1t•llt lien t .. 1i11bl1. All wo:ir• dona by rn11ttr pl~111D•r1. JOHNSON'S J WAX KIT Cl••ner-'W•x, Pr•-S~fftn· s 1 09 .d for •••Y •pplic•tlon. lte\lfy end prot•c:tion lor e your c•r or boet. REG. $2.09 GARBAGE DISPOSALS tN-SINK·ElATOI M•el tt..m ....... ....... '29 95 OUR ,RICI ~....... • - 1 'int Gwarat1tM- Mtllllel N• 555 .... i.r s..... 146 9 5 ou1t ra1c1 .... . • -J v .. , Gwr•ntM - M!Mtl Ne. 77 \ ... ulu S7t.tS 149 95 OUR Patel .. • -s Y .. r Gu•r•ntM- .. Agai~ Road • i ,_ Reds~Continue to ll11rlt8s Ber-Zin. Traffic j9, ·~_. .. _.,,......,.., 1' Coocemed over the loss of bu.st .. JitS$ to-nearby quick-service snack ;ii..rs, lhe restaurant in the Hotel 'A;any j!ika in Budapest has put '10.minute hourglasses on its 'tables. If a diner'• order is not taken before the sand runs out, his ·meal ii on the house. • • Gov. Ronald Rtaaan ;oked to ' on auto .indtutry group this week that all WO! not fint in California and prayer wa.m't htlping. "The land ii under watu, the ocean is under oii tmd the campusts are under aitgt. l oot so discouragtd l called Djal.a.-Prayer -and thlt1 hung_ up on mt." • A .Baptisl minister from Pine Bluff, Ark., apparenUy fears for the aouls of legillators who voted for the recently passed bill to al· low mired drinks in Arkansas for the first lime since World ·war I. ihe Rev. Tai Bonham, invited to ;Jive the opening prayer for the clay tin the ,Arkansas House of Rrepre- '8enlatlws, prayed specifically for 1the legislators who helped the ~easure gain passage. • • ! British film stat Loulu Rush ~bowed up at the Tunbridge Wells, !:England, sauna bath for her regu· Oar appointment. She was enjoy• ~ng the beat alter a cold day on the !I.et and wrapped in a huge towel 'when a portly man walked in, ~tightened his own towel around his !waist and sat down . .Due to a e by the reservationists had been given the same 'ap-o tment. "All I could think to ~ywas 'Do you come here often',''· !Miss Rush said. t • : A aho1& hairdo and lipstick wert f>art of the new-image Joan Bae: who h.., ; ... 1 #nuh<d a QU<ot opol Pn "Tht-Smothers Brother• Hour.• .1h1 folk singer st-t Cl t:offtt hotu1 'tTtnd of long hait and btadl during 'Ch• bea~ik era and· hol maintained • ,thlJt imagt-through rectn& vear1. •• '!. Mary Ward was quite excited .)Vhen she won the drawing al the Margate, England horticultural :tlociety's annual dinner. Then she :found out it was 100 pounds of borsCI manure. She gave it a .neighbor. BERLIN (UPI) -The Communlsbl demollltratin& their control over ,the JtlahWayl to llulin turned traffic clf and on today as they pleaud. Checlt· pelnbl opened and cloeed In capricious faahlon wtth some can and convoy1 baited and othen allowed to pats. There were WlCOll.firmed report.a a shot was fired during the night at a U .,S. mllllary train. U.S. military authorIUea sald a trlln window wu broken apd the metal frame dented bul' tblt no bullet Wl5 fired. The Communl!b claimed credlt for avoiding a showdown with the Allies over Weit Germ.an pruldenUal elecU0111 held in West Berlin Wednesday over Soviet and Eut German protesbl. And. tonight Soviet and East German leaden exchallled toubl at a reception ln East Terror Bomb Wounds 25 In J erusal.em By Uni¥ l'rw lnluaotloul A tmorllt bcmb exploded today In the Hebrew Univeralty llbtaey cafeteria in Jeruaalem, wounding 25 persons, ettht !leliously. A second bomb exploded later near an Lsraell bank tn the 1lamallah district of North Jerusalem, but damage was very minor and there were no casualUes. Baghdad radio Wd the Popular Front for the LlberaUon of Palestine, an Arab commando ifOUP that c I a i m e d responsibility for attacks on two Israeli plane!, said Its commandos wtre respoli!lble for the Jerusalem blut. Israeli-Egyptian clashes broke out to day along the Suez Canal where tbe United Nations has warned the aituaUon grows more serloui dally 1 and there were daylong akirmlsbe1 Wednesday along the Jordan and Syria ceaae·flre lines. Adding to Jewish anger was a laghdad Radio report that new Israeli apy trials were under way 1n Iraq. Some of t h e alleged aplea were reported to be Jewiah and B~ aaid Wedneoday those found guHty would be hanged regardlen of workl pressure. Israeli police moved quickly today when a bomb believed to be made of two powxll of dynamite exploded. in a window box on fbe 1nllde or one ol the buga Door-to-celling glass windows which form ..,. wall of lhe cafeteria. They saJd • 11ICIOl'e'1 Of arreN bad been made. kiln glvtJI by S..let Am....,.or l')'otr Abrauimov. The offlclil Eut German -a aervlce ADN said Abrwlmctr lendtred the • re<eption In honor pf a deparilnl Soviet delegaUon beaded by Daputy Premier Vladimir Klrlllln. The meln Berlin hlgllway wu clooecl twice tor Ihm houri. East German aoldJers sealed ofl both ends of the 110-mlle autobahn to West Germany at t a.m. and opened tt at noon. It aJeo WU cJoeed from I p.m. to • p.m. whDe various clleckpolnll opened and closed at random. . The United Staltl and lbl Alllea In Berlin ' prott.tted the move bl.it the -replied th• blocbcle w .. neceaary bec1uae of Communist .,,_ I'll GITS· ITS GIRL Kldnop Suspect Nobbecl Girl Sought in ·Kidnap . Was Working _as Car1wp . ' OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -Hondur .. . born Ruth Eisemann-Schler, the only W!$.aD ever to appear on the FBl's list of 10 mOlt·wanted crimlnala, facts arralgmnent today on a cbara:e of taking part In a Gecrgla lddnaplng ln which a college coed was buried alive. PeUte, ~year-old Mlsa Schier was arrested Wedoesda)' in nearby Norman as ahe worked as a car hop at a drlve-ln riltaurant. lo Oklaboma City, U.S; Commlsaloner , Jomes Bullett set ball al IS00,000 and cootlnued the proceedings unUI today after Miss ~er asked ror a court-ap- pointed attorney. Miss Schler and Steven Krist, 23, are charged with the abducUon of Barbara Jane Mackle from a Decatur, Ga., motel lut Dec. 17. Krlat was captured last Dec. 22 after • a wldeapread manhunt near Punta Gorda, Fla. Mill Mackle, 20-year"°ld dau1hter of Mr. and Mr1. Robert F. Mackle, waa found burled bul. unharmed In a box about 20 mllea northeast of Atlanta after an 16-bour underJll'Ollftd on!eal. ·nie kldnapen had directed rescuers to the spot alier Mackle, a wealthy Florida raal eatat. dovtloper, paid IS00,000 ransom. Practlcally all of the ransom money wu recovered. Dia!. Alty. Richard Bell of DeKalb county, Ga., said he would tnstltute pro- ceedings to have Miss Schier brought to trial as aoon as possible. Miu Schier, known in Norman aa DoMa Wills, was arres~ed alter she applied for a Job u a nurse .at Central Stale Hoopltal ln Norman. Snow Carpets Dodge City Rain Band From Mexican Border to Great Lakes A~Uf • 21 AllCtiotl>M Jt 21 Altlnta SI )I) Tr llttrJ,..ld u n lttm.rdl n t Tr lelif ... " .11 .... tf 1$ °''""" 4 ).! C'll'ltlllnltl • :. ~M :N H °""""' • 11 .., °" ....... ,,. t7 ,., .If o.trolt ._ '' Tr IU!"tU JI 4l .ti '"" W"'1f> 4t ft .tr ,...,.. '1 d ........ '9 U A Honlhllv N ff "°"""' .. JO .0 ~-c~ " " L11 V.... '1 ~ ..., ,.,...... ., n Mleml a.ell 111 U MllWll!fbt 41 tt Al M1nt1M•l1 7t " A7 Nl'fl' Ol'lll,_ SI 5' .n H.w Y... » tt Oftlllll SI 41 ~ •• -.. ---i:., : ... f'llll....... » x ~-" ,, Plltsllvl"lll • ,, ,..,..... • )I .1• fl•,.. Cltr 'D 11 fltdlllltf ,, • fl-It " S...C:rtl'!ltnlO •l :)6 If, LOY1' .. 24 a.1111t1 R 40 S.lt LIQ Clfy u Sc Tr &all °"" .., '1 k~ ,l'afl(kct st "' ..,. ... ,..,.. .. " .. ttlt " .. .Sf .... .,. • 11 ,, flilfl'l'NI 11 # Wttl\Jllltori 7J .. --'· ' • Hickel Okays Opening Well To Stop Leak PICKET OUSTED AT MUTINY TRIAL Motul Hl,..,,1 llilrnod Miiitary Ju1tlco Codo VPITllWlltl9 Medals St,rlpped SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Partial HC>pelllq of the odginal leUlnf oU well ln the Santa Barbara Cbaiinel bu been authorlred by secr.taty of loterlor Walter J. Hickel In efforta to ball the alow "°page o{ oil from the lllllTOUDCllni oceao floor. Six Mutiny Defendants Hickel autborlzad ivednoday Union Oil Co. to drill to a lolol dapth of "nol more then ISO feet vert1ea11J below the ocean floor" at well A·ll to relieve oil and 1u. JlftllUl9 pusblJll the oU from the upper aandi. Charge 'Humiliation' .A·ll -a leak on Jan. 11 and spraad an <>II slick whlcb ..,.. darkened 800 -mlloo of ocean befcn II WU caJ>l!ed Fib. t Loter !\>'· _.m rel1dual lulc<lfftloped ~arbj. Maanwblle, City Coundlman-Frant Arguelles pl'OJJOled Wedneaday an ordinance lo impeaa flnea of •100,000 a day agalnat companlu pellatlnl cl1y wat1r1 and beachea with oll. Tha ordinance would app\y to oll 1pilll of JOO gallons. or more from offshore drilling platforms, barges, transmlaion lines and installations on shore. An ad~ ditional $10,000 penalty would be assessed agalnet companies fa!Ung to notify the barbormuter lmmedlat.Jy of •pllbl and' clean it up to city approval. The huge oil spill Is atlll noUceable on the ocean !lll'face near Santa Barbara. Arguelles said Union Oil has done "a good Job" cleanJna up the· city'a lhortllne and waters. Interior Department o ff 1 c I a 11 ti· plained the original leak: originated rrom a lower level and the withdrawal from the upper sand should pose no danger of renewed leakage. · The well had been filled with cement to shut off the leak, and Unlon would liave to drill through that cement to tap the upper sand. Hickel had directed the company Feb. 22 to tap the upper sands and relieve pressure which bad been forcing oil and gu to con.Unue seeping slowly into the water. • SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The com- bat ribbons of a wounded Vietnam war veteran, <me d Jix aoldJers on trial toe:_ mutiny, were removed Wedne!day by a llockada guard who told him he "Wun't autborlzetl to Wtar them any more." The six prllonera said they had been &tripped and humiliated during a noon break In their COIJrt.marUal at the . Prelldlo by a squad of 1ofdlera "specially !reined" by Marlne1. PVt. Edward 0. Yost, Z3, of Vacaville, Calli., laid tbe meda~ the guard took included a Purple Heart he recei ved when he was wounded by a booby trap. Later in the day the ribbons were returned to Yost's clvlHan attorney in a brown paper bq with the explanaUon they had been taken through "an honest mistake." The sl:r privates whose trial began Wednelday are amonr 'rl accused\ 61 taking part in a mutiny at the stockack last October. They refused to go tO work details in protest over alleged in· human conditions at fhe prison where several of them Were sening sentences for being AWOL. Four of the Gis were round guilty in earlier trials and received sentences up to 16 hears at hard labor. The six who went on trial Wednesday, lncludlnr Yost, were : Pvts. Ricky L. Dodd, 21, of Hayward, Calif.: Lawrence J. Zaino, 21, Toledo, Ohio; Michael E. Murphy, 19, Concord, Calif.; Harold J. Swanson, 19, San Leandro, Calif., and William H. Hayes, 2Z, Heald!burg, <;alif. When Yast's attorney asked the court martial board's presiding .officer; Col. John Lee, what authority the guan1· bad to remove the ribbons other attorneys rose and complained about the nOon incident. One lawyer said the guards who had stripped the prisoners during the break were "specially trained" by Marines and !lore no name tags. Another said that 1n an earlier incident his client's glasses had been removed by a guard and crush· ed under foot. "I'm sure I don't know," Lee respond· ed when asked about the guard's authori· ty. He advised the attorney's to direct their complaints to Sixth Army Coar mander Lt. Gen. Stanley liarsen. Military defense attorneys said theJ r eceived orders at mid-day WedntsdQ not to talk to new_smen about the trials. Capt. Emmitt Yeary, a Vietnam com· bat veteran, call~ the order "a gross insult to my integrity as an attorney." Defense attorneys asked for a mlstrlal Wednesday on grounda the board wa1 improperly cllosen. This was denied. They also moved for a change of venue because of antiwar demomtrators. About 10 demonstrators were in the packed courtroom while 200 were outside. An earlier court martial was moved to Ft. Irwin in the Mojave Desert to avoid demonstrators. The defendant tn that trial was given the lighteS:. sentence ()f any of the men convicted, four years. But one attempt to do lhil thtouah another well already drilled from the offshore oil platform aomehow touched off renewed leakage of oil and had to be llopped. SIRHAN Pueblo Cook Says I 0 Bags ••• (Cootinaed from Pl(e I) next day but Sirhan, a Jordanian-born Arab, tesUfied at hls murder trial Wednel'day be thought It wao that night. Of Secret Papers on Deck He said u p on reading the an· nouncement "The fire started burntn1 inside me" and he aet off for do\llllhlwn Loi Angeles "driving like a maniac." "Did you have ln mind to sboot Kennedy at that time!" aU:ed defense counsel Grant B. Cooper. "No, 1lr, J did not," Sirhan said • Sirhan said he had come from a rifle range where he pracUced with hiJ .n. caliber revolver, had a snack with a friend and read about the anniversary celebraUon. "That brought me back to the' 1br days in June the previous year." Sirhan Aid, h11 voice rising In anger. "The fire started bumJni ln&lde of me, olr, at seetni bow thele ZJoniltl, these Jew1, tl1eae IaraeUa or whoever the hell they were, sir, were trying to rub ln the fact thel they bad beaten the hell out of the Arabs the year before." CORONADO (UPI) -A cook from the USS Pueblo says he walked over ••10 or more" baga atuffed with the ship's secret papers when the North Koreans led him into captlvity. CommllS8ryman 2,C, Ralph H. ·Reed, 30, Danville, Pa., Wednelday told of the documents' apparent capture before a rive.admiral court of inquiry into the Pueblo affair. Three more enlisted men were sum~ moned today by the court tillt is hearing, testimony on the behavior of the Pueblo's 82-man crew during 11 months of cap- Uvity in North Kore1. Also called to tesUfy in open 1t1sion was Dunnie R. Tuck Jr., 31, Richmond, Va., one ol two civilian oceanographers working on the Pueblo when it was captured Jan. 23, 1168. 1be court went into closed session during the altarnoon for lealimooy from tollated .meu wbo worked in the Pueblo's electronic eapl-11 unlL The rive admlrals appeared starUed when Reed told them he saw 10 orange bags crammed with papert lying on the deek outside the espionage untt dur· ing the North Korean attack. "Are you sure there were that many?" said Rear Adm. Edward Grimm. "Think about it.'' ''Ten or more, sir," Reed replied. Reed said he knew the bags were still there when the North Koreans took control of the Pueblo because be walked over them as he was being led blindfold· ed from the ship, The bags were weighled so they would sink in 1be sea when thrown overboard. They apparently were not disposed ()f because the North Koreans had the Pueblo's ·decks covered with machine guns. Other witnesses have tesUlied they helped atuff 11mUar bap wllb oecnt papero but have dlaclalmed llnowledp . of what happeaecl to tl>em- Sirhan laid be parked hla car and set out to find the parade. He wandered lnlo the brightly lit campaign hellf. quartera of Thomas Kuchel, a Republlt:an seeking ro-elecUon to the U.S. Senate. '.... There was tallt-"that there was a bigaer party down the strtet at the Ambauador," Sirhan said. Lifeline Works "Curiosity forced me to go down there," be Aid. On the way, be teaUfJed, he notlctd in a store a Jewiab or1aniu- Uon lllft. "AJalo that lol me boIUnc bec1uee Trapped Miner Gets food Yia Tube the meln naaon for ,.. to be on wtlohlrt LARK, Ulah (UPI) - A gritty miner Boulevud w11 to see the partde," Sirhan trapped by a cave-in five days qo aJf! breakfuted on boullloo. coffee, eu oog His IUft, at that Um•. WU tt1D In and cereal today while nac:uen . inched the bock ,..t ol-hla car a ftw·l>locb-lhelr-•~towmthlm.Umlall aolld-roc owa,, Sirhan uld. At Ibis point ln hi• ln th depths of a lead·l\ne mine. '&eltimany court adjourned 101" tbe d"1 "We are a J on g way from out of at Cooper'• roquell the woods," aaid Mina SOpt. Don Willie of the rescue tUort.s. Russ Launch Satellite MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union today Iaun<llld lbl lblrd unmanned satellite In two day1. Tbe newt apncy TUI laid all equipment aboArd CaamOI 270,... functioning normally. But. WHllam Vernon Jonea. a 20-ytar· veleran of underpound mlnlng, was deld'lbed u belnM: in "uctlltnt apltita" and now able to 11ttalghten out hla lees In ht1 nlnHoot-square sanctuary. A two-inch pipe that' was hammered lhrouib 40 feet of boulder• wu used u a Ufe Une. Water and food In four ) ounce capwlu were puJbed throu1b the ptpe lo Joneo. · Willie laid Joneo, who bad been In a crouched peellloq, dUl~•wa, - o u.. <1.el>ri.~ J1m.Jlld waa able to~ out hla lep. Jonu took hla lint w-ot 1:15 a.m. and momenbl later, alter CG111UJD1n1 a aecond e1pwle of water, told rucuen: "Man. t.hal IW't tastes gre1t." Willie said food Portioni were nolf being doubled. He estimated that aboUt 15 fett o! bouldtrs sUll separate tweat- IOlked rucuers from the trapped miner • The eo..year-old Jones was trapped fOOll and OM-hall mUea beneath the entrance to the mine. • 'Pentagon: Wants 60 NewFll~s WAS!IJNGTON (AP) -Thi p--Is preparin& lo ..t; ~ (O< _ _, "' boy 11 ltaal llO llJOfe ~els (J( Ibo Fiil Dehler-bomber which 1111 Jua1 lll!lered 111 lllh <nab In • months, saun:u ·r<pcrt. The move Is Interpreted by Air Forte ollleen and olhtt ciliclals 1nUm1te!y usoci11ed With r111 production u tbt Nison 1dmini1tration'1 vote of confldtnce in the controver1ial lircralt. Barrinl last m I n u t e bUdeet&rJ revi!ions. about !508 million !or the Fiil P"l- sram will to into lht prcpoaed f11<al ll'IO de! .... budget ... peeled lo be IO<Worded soon lo Capitol Hill. The new buy will bring plan- ned production of th e ' "'"' ..... -.-..,1"M Cook County .Jail Mobst.ers Had P-riva~-Cells ~.'r l'llOT 5 Marine 1Getsi No. 2 ~pot With CIA W~{i10N. (UPI) -Rowan"• oraan!Jol!ao!. lht like anlrilals, ' lo! ol l\IOl'Je llobet.n aot private aill -John Howord Auodal!Gft or would raise their ~." WASHING'll:>N (UPI} complete 1!1tb whisky and llllnoil, ailo found that •tn-11ow .. conlillled. Pruldenl Nlnii ..........i lo- nll'lceraton _ wblle 1... matel bod lo r.ot their alls However, be lald 11 Ibo a, that~ ljarlne lhrenur lo<IWlate pri-ro ,. 1 r 1 and motlrelset'' and U..t II lrlalment -• u aood u 1--i i, belnc broqhl homo be -1118il rQOd prilOOlrl died In 1111 jall elm-11111 (J( anlma1a In -, tr from . Vldl\lnl ,to bec<ma -y illg Ull'I. -be better . lhan °" .. and even muN<rld In "Many o1 !hue CGUld never younc lmnalll wm rectlvlng. depa!J, -el Ille Ctntru Cblcqo'a Cool< Cowl!y Jall, be aplalned," be tatlllld. Ill ltowna told I b 1 1111>-lntAlll-Apncy. Senate lnmll11ton wue told Mid 101111 )lrllooen llltld as coaunlU<e be ...,14 like lb LI. Gen. -E. Cllllunon· today. bavlna died ol _.-..i. ,.. pr!-. In wlllcb -beld Jr., -commander ol 1111 Thi lelllmorQ' -t': by olber t11ne.... bod "dpr jolll, .... -.llooo, ..,. J,..ph R. llG;nm, (J( buma on their bodla llld ported their llmllles and a1tpt 1nl -Ampblbloua lore• a prilM re[ann orianJuUon olber marb ol brutallly." with their wino. In Vietnam, wlD become No. lo Ille Senala juveoll1 clelln-Rowan 1lso told (J( ca. (J( "This concopl will be ac-I olllclaJGf the CIA, behind quency ••~ baaed h,omoemiallly, lnctudlnc thal C<pled by the public," Rowan Director IU"""1! Heiml. Ni'° on • study hi completed ol one tetn-qer wbo wu aez~ aaJd. "{but) because mDlt cor--, lllchUy more lhaJI a year qo ually attacked by IOU\" men recllonal leadm and WO<kero on uked Delma lo otay on ~,!tt" In the bis and later """'1d up In a men> (are not) lnnovaUve " pro-u chief. ,,11,1 tm~ IOO --·• ., tal lnltllutlon. ~. thty will not buy CUalmwi will leave hi1 Vie~ ,. •• ~ ~---"U -llluut<d that ~ cone.pl unlll the publlc nsm poot Moreb • lo ta1t1 be lald, 1ince then, but added, we should trul clellnquellla leado the ny." over Iii> new""' "wt haft lOOperttnt to p.·~-1--------------~---------:..,_ __ Rowan said hb lnv..iJpllon tbowed that cell life WU CC& "1dlnb!y· IOlle!' [or hll c:riJne. l)'ndlcote leaden lhan othen. "Artistry in Moving" aupenonlc Fill lo around 400 Returns to Salinas planes. General Dynamics is alreedy llJP1ed "' turn oul Workman readies 1amilypJot in Salinas, Callf. for burial of Nobel Prize wJn.. 331. And lht Air Force m•Y ning novelist John Steinbeck who died Jut December. The ashes were placed •eek later Ibis ~ear lo go in plot during simple ceremony at the Ganlen d. Memortes Cemetery. In far be~nd 400. . f --' d. his --u Memben ol the Jall 11e1f, he Aid, "were doing loundry !or the tyndlcate peopil. There were refri,.ra\ort for the syndicate men. Wblaky WU bJTl"Jght ln -10 pints at a tJ:me." LOCAL forth ·· 'IEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Cal: Like olhtt m•Jor wupons _o_ .. ....:::•·-~ __ ar_e...;:g_ra_v_es __ _;~c..._-_. _____________ _ N• ....... M Wtfll,., hR1 YM systems, the Flit project in recent days hu been tub- jected lo an eztensive review bf the new Pentagon team of Secretary of D e f e n s t Melvin R. Laird. We Coyer Bo·t1'ng ..... """ ,,,, .~ ... whot'o u ,.1 .. , •• ... th• , .... .., Looking Back; Daley 1 __ B_:est.:...i:.::.n ...... w ...... es ...... 1 _.::~='~o="r=c= ... = .. "="="=·0=·'='v::.......:= Air Force 90urces 'eipeet the Flit pr_ogram to emerge largely intact from um dollar· cutting re-examination o f defense programs inherJted by the Republican administration from the outgoing Democrats. Wanted Sen. Kennedy Official! say the review has dealt with "COlt.-effective'' questions abwt the plane ralhtr lhaft Ill)' leclmical pro- bltm1 whlcb have been en- countered. The Flll accident rate and aoaring cost problems have aUrred criticism in Congress where Sen. Stuart. Symington (0.Mo.), first secretary of the Air For~. is on record as calllna for an investigation of !ht prosrom and po!libly ill cancellaUon. On Tueaday an FlllA crash- ed near Nellli Air F<ret Bue, Lu Vf.CU, N1v., the 13th loss llinco J1D11117 l11'1. CHICAGO (UPI) -Mayor Richard J. Daley said he worked for Hubert H • Humphrey as hard as he could in the presidential race, but the Democratic Party would have bad a "strqer" can- didate in Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy. Daley was asked at a news conference Wednesday what he thought about former Vice President Humphrey's com- ment Tuesday that "Mayor Daley didn't exactly break bis heart for me" in the presiden- tial campaign last fall. "I think the result ot the election speaks for ltfflf,'' Daley aaid, his voice quivering with an,a:er. "Wt carried CUcago by over 4.1.t,000 votes Sealah Doctor Calls Failures 'Unbelievable' SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The series of mysteriotU equip- ment failures which delayed the Navy's Sealab 3 project and contributed to the death of one of its aquanauts were called ''Unbelievable" by the program's medical officer. O.pt. George F. Bond said of the leaks that plagued the yellow Sealab h a b 1 t a t .. laboratory on the ocean flOOT, "You juJt don't have those kinda of leakJ, yet we did." Bond was parUcipatin& in the investigation Joto the death Feb. 17 of aquanaut Berty L. Cannon who was asphyxl11ed by carbon dlo•ide poisoning IUO feet below the surface ol. the Pacific. Cannon and three other aquanaut& were attemptinc to seal the Jeaks in the cylin· drical capsule when he went into convulsions. TnUmony be!O<e the board el brmlilatloo bu diJclMed monitoring· equipment in the personnel transfer capsule which could have Jietected the fatal buildup of carbon monox· ide in Cannon's diving rig was U9eless. It wu ruined when the transfer capsule was flood- ed accidentally s e v e r a 1 months prevlowly and never WIS repaired. The Navy revealed that one of the four aquanauts on the fatal dive was ualng breathing apparatus that didn't contain the chemicals which absorb carOOn dioxide uha:led by the diver. The helium-oxygen mix- ture is continually recycled !or br<athing. The board of officers in- vestigating the affair met in secret today 1n the expe<;tation !hat clwilied material wwld be discussed. A report sub- mitted to the board Wed- nesday on the Mark 9 breathing rig uoed by Cannon was not made public. for Humphrey. We carried Coot County by 220,000 votes. "The reason he w a s de.feated so overwhelmin&IJ · dowmtate is that he dldn't viait much downstate in the campaJgn.11 Daley said he thought Sen. Kennedy CD-Mass.), should have been the Democrallc candidate for President. "I thought we should have had a stronger candidate," Daley said. "His name is the name of a former President of the United States." Aides confirmed later that the mayor meant Kennedy. John Madigan, po 1it1 cal edito< (J( lht Columbia Broad- cutln& Sy1leJ':l:i Cb 1 ea Io outle~ WllBM, Aid Daley, told ' him Jut Ja)l 25 !hat ho .trlod tO promOte ' Kennedy f o r keynote speaker at the con- vention as a Kennedy pm;. denUal draft might be apark· ed. Former LA Writer Dies LOS ANGELES !AP) - Reporter Gene Shennan, whose crusade a g a i n s t narcotics traffic in Lo s Angeles won the lll80 Pulitzer Prize for meritorious aervice, died Wednesday in London of a heart attack. Shennan, founder-president of the Los Angelea Press Club, was a reporter and columnist for the Los Angeles Tbnes when he won the PuUtler Prize. As a correspondent in the Far East, be obtained one of the first interviews wJth Gen. Chiang Kai-lhelc on Formosa. For seven. year1 he wrote 1. Time3 column called Cilyllde. STEREO SENSATIONt Tll• colorlUI sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Island, Newport Beach . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • COMMUNITY EVENTS • •. U-h 9 Arll1r D1y c.r1M•11J fti,. • ~ 1r111M, • 2 PM • • N1wp1rt I• 1 c h fl'l-•Y PROJECTS: • March 11 H•1ri111. 1 PM -C1111cil ChemMri • -. • March Orlflfl C111t C•ll•t• ,, •• • 10·12•14 "'h "DEVIL'• ADVOCATI" • 1:18 PM Or•11f1 Ce11t Ll1111 A1111111I Chfl4te11'1 · • Ck•••· S1y Y" •h•11 ttie U•• C.111. • • • March "THI DEVILS" • 8:18 PM • • • AH 11,.111 ef Or•ftf• Ce1111ty 111w ffrM· • 11•1l·15 fr•• Tick1h 1t l11kt .. ,.. • A1cl'c11h M111tftly S p • r h • March 13 Aw•nh L11••"••-K1pl111·1 • -12 N1111 -C1ll Chic ln1. C1ll J11 M1tc11f 4t S11rt, 140.JJIJ • Cl1rk -'46-1101 0 ·• • • -CLI' AND SAVI POil RIPllllNCa -• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f-!eighborly. Thats what the nation's largest federal is! We're local people, from our manager lo our tellers. And we're anxious to pubficlza all locll community 1ctM11e1. 1r1 our Wrf of matching homo-town frtendllness with th• efficient service or the nation'• largeet fld1rat 11vings asooclaUon. It'• wt>Y w1 have been winning ·so many more friends In camomla every year since 1925. Stop In and open your account now. 5 253 BONUS • 0 ACCOUNT: (Available In multlplee of $1000.) &ml V .. lo bonus each year above regular paabook rate wtien held 3 years, .•;"' -~f .. -." . • 5133 PA88BOOK • 0 ACCOUNT: S,13o/o annual yield on Insured p-book accounts when all savings and dlvldonda remain ayear, llthe5'Yo current MnUal 11te hi maintained and compounded dally for a year. ~ ·.·~ COSfA MESA OFFICE: I ' . . . . I ... 2700 Harbor Blvd. n•r Adama • !48-2300 CLIFFORD M. WESOORF, ASST. VICE PAESIOEllf & MANAGER • z:pa CAURIRNIA RDEUL UVI .... -- l , [B4'D.y PILOT EDITO~ ~AGE' • , . _ . • \ · · Urbatt Spraw!~.~ ·:Price • Whllt ilood contiOI 1' a ina)Or problem of current Superior ~ """11i » IOD( u poalble, be Jo. coocem, it la by no means the whole environmental caled in one pll\Ce, .. j)ecWiy in a ceocraphlcally 1l1llll """'Y Iii orance County today. county. Ula more Ct)l!Yenlent for attomoµ, court lidea, • Cow11y Planning Director Forest Dlckuon ha& plaintltfs and defendants alike; r(corda are kept .in one pointed out that as the area moves from unprecedented Pl"uc. e and prisoners 'lniolved are. us,ually ID th•. counly irl>wtb bi the 1960s to a change from suburban to urban l~ In tile 70s, three choices must be faced; Municipal Courts -the next step down the judicial -All agencies and jurisdictions can go it alone and ladder -are another matter. They handle dvU and aufter the Cj)lllequencOfl. • criminal matters of lesser importance. Their prisoners -A new countywide government can be deated. are usually wards of local police. Dispersion ol Munlo-· -Tbe cities and the county can mov~ toward co-ipal-Courtsmakes sense. opera&n ID general development. The Superior ~ bran.;h operation in Fullerton Dickason finds the third choice the only practical needs a close look. It may bave proved to be an ex· amrwer, since the county ls unlikely lo move Into a periment that did not w9ri. ' metro or countywlde, government. And be put his Whatever the Board of Supervloors dedd.,, It finger'.., tbe big question when be asked, "can we get abould ignore the ward-heeling political antics of >,,. amervative, freewh .. Ung Oranee Counly leaders lo semblyman Briggs.T U hls suppqrt• In Sacramento i1 loot 1eriously at coming urban problems! based "" such !Jsues, he's hardly one to rely upon. A few strews In the wind suggest that those who have major Investments -and leadership potential -are beginning to realize that chaotic urban sprawl can bit tlle!n hard in the wallet. . Apply Now for Refund. In th!J potential enlightenment lie• hope for John Reminder to ~roperty owners; · The $70 on .. time refund on 196 · propmy laxes must be "P.!'lied for betwetn March l and Aprll 15. Q. Public. The Time Is Not Yet Should a branch Superior Court operating with a low caseload, at _great inconvenience to 'attorney and client and at maximum expense to the county, be kept open? Proponlion l·A, appioyed In . the last 1tatewld1 election, Intended this to cover all single family.owner. occupied ~idences. Sludle• are indicating that the Fullerton branch of Orange County'• Superior Court •Y•tem la In.just that aJtuaUon ' and very likely should be closed down. , (Unfortunately Jater interpretation excludes corp- orarte-type ownership, such as in the r~llrement com- munities at Seal Beech and Laguna Hills. They're out of tuck for now, but a constitutional amendment will be on the 1970 general election ballot to give them re11et:1 . In the meantime, ·homeowners who ow.ned. and oc- cupied their dwelling as their principal residence on March ·I should apply 'for their $70 cash refund wiib- Yet the study has produced the silly spectecle ol a, leg!Jlator -Assemblyman John V. Briggs -threaten· Ing to relllse support to any Orange· County issue what• aoever if the court is removed or turned over to an-- other use. out delay. . 1bose who have not received forms should contact the Orange Counly Assessor's office in Santa Ana. i\'bon Was Good Listener it~ Europe Returns to Same Problems WASHINGTON -The parting advice of tbl Jobnaon aecurity idvi!era to their aucceuon was to expect a Viet Cong (l(fewJve related lo the opening or the Nhon adminiatration. They could not have fcrueen that this offensive would be timed for Preaident Ni1on'1 departure , ... Europe. Nor could they have fort.seen that Prflld"'t 1" Goulle would propose a ..,. ldnd of uitlon In Europe depending on Brftalri looee:nina: its ties to America : nor tJwt there would be Communist-i.n-sptr'.ed rieta ln Rome and Paris; nor, even, that new atrictures oo the freedom of Bl!rlin would rtlate in time to NiJon's oveneu trip. Thia .lllustratea: the hazards to an American pftl)dent In v a g u e I y fonnubited fortign policy initiatives. The athet aide does not supinely watch such Wttath'll unfold, Jt acts. President Nix· m's Mmor wu that he did not eiptd: to a«""P"lh miracles In the tottering Wiiiem .Alliance; be went to~ to Us&en and learn. renew old auocl•· tlonl, afve usarance of no lessenihg el America's tnt.rat In .the poUUcal llOd mDllaey lnlqrity ol 1!1.iope. EUROPEANS MIGlll' bavt·been inore lmpnued, IMJwever, U America's house had beat broogbl Into onler before Ni.on· tnftlled to Europe. Some ft8!1stlc ·pn>- opect ti mllnl the VIetnam \tor, IOl1l• ...,. 111111 thlt America 1J mastering its . .,.. lltcal and IOdal problems would -"'11 bave beat m<ft coovincin« to Europoam than a •lsltallon accompanied by riat1 one! a Viel Cong ofle111ive. Tbt Prllidlnt'• ldvilrn and com· munlcakln, u can 'be llellJ<d In the news accounts, emphasized the positive of the President's vim but these acCounts leave something to be desired in meaaur- ing construe t 1 v e accomplishments. Perhaps the only accompllshrMnt, and thls is not minor, was to convince Euro- peans t h a t Prf5ident Nixon does not have horm and a tail and is a good listener. This would contrast with stereotyped European impressions of President Johnson as well as old im- pressions of Nixon and eventually might be expected to lead to better com- munication with our allies. UNl.E§ THE President's ad visers and spokesmen are hiding something, nothing was changed by the NiJon visitation but Pie problems were brought into sharper, and harder, focus. Harder focus because the problem of maintal~ng a h'ee Berlin 1ha1 not Jeaened, because DI Gaulle II movlni once again against tbe Western Alliance, because there 11 a raurgence of Communist prouure in Jialy, Md because a 'common ground In confronting the Sovie! Union II, as bard u ever to find. The '(lr'Oblems were the same, 1n fact, as Nixon had known them when he beCame vice-president II years ago. Even m<re eo, in some respects, because the Berlin Wall did not exist then but WU mctod ID the first yflf of the Kennedy· administration. PllAJllNG DE GAVIJ.E, u did Nino, Is an old custom of American presidents. Eisenhower, Kennedy and John.son all did it, and it got them nowhere. SUrrlng • pronouncements on defending Berlin are not new. ·Both Johnson and Kennedy went to the Wall to do so. It would be a .saa:e man who could judge that Berlin ta.any safer than before all these pronoww::ements were made. It does not .take much.sagacity, however, to perce.ive that there an two Germanies and will conUnue to be for a loog time. • PrMident Nlxon returns. now to the same problems be left, and the major one is what to do about the war in Southeast Asia. Until t b a t question is resolved a truly substantive improvement in relalioM with the SOviet Union is not in sight. ~ AS EVENTS HA VE unfolded ll is just as well that 'Nixon went to Europe. There were no disasters and no triumpM and the President has gotten it out of hls system tllat he had to establish better contacts with European leaders. Awaiting him In Wuhlngton were the final results of an exhawitive survex of the American position in Vietnam, its F,OI and cons and its prosptct.s. Evlluauon. of the rather opUmlaUc military judgments in these reports is t.he hard part.· In fact, as wars 10. Ni.Jon does not .Dave a IJ'tS.t deal of time lo make his judgments. In merely a year's time the·naUon will be projected once agabt into the atmosphere. of the 1970 congreuional eiectlool. II II not likely that Ni.on woold w1Jh to go Into that elecUon period without having done tometh!ng or tried to do aomethlnJ about Vielnam. Smart Choice: Rockefeller If it is odd President Johnson showed JitUe interest in the Europeans, it is doubly so that a Texan seemed unaware of the Latin Americans, who lived just acrou the Rio Grande. Instead , he kited off to Alla for his preoccupations. It does not appear hll successor wUI make the same blunder. You Dy over the back country of Vene.zuela, and your attention Js called to NelJon Rockefeller's spread down there. The big ranch houle is on a hill thruallng up from the flat Savannah, a few hundred milea south of Caracas, Durin( the War, Rockefeller was FDR'• eoordinator ot American affairs, and in 1144-U WU Assistant Secretary o( State for the Latin American desks. He speaks Span!Jh fluently, so It was flttlnl when President Nl1on uked him to undertake a !set-finding mllsirin lo the ICIQlh. He acceptod, but the llarling time i. not yet find. Nt.on, . durln& -a vioe-prelldentlal trlp, hid a roulb Ume ht Caracu, and It impressed him. IN CHOOSING the Governor, NiJon clearly wasn't looting f« a rubber-stamp for tbe old cllches, and he isn't getUna one. Rockefeller reoenUy gave an interview, saying publicly what he hu been aaylng privately for ae.veral years, that he doesn't think the North American at- titudes have betn brilliant since Presi- dent Kennedy iniUat~ the Alliance for "'-In 1111. The Governor didn't altack the Alliance directly, but he Im· plied it was pretty unilateral with Mr. Kennedy. He said it was in the "American trldiUOft" that "whenever we are asked about anything, we always have an aQ.nrer," He is not wedded to this tradi· lion, he said, and when he talkl with LaUn American leaden, he Intends to find out what they are thinking Ind want, or u he said, "take advice" Instead ol giving ll copiOUJly. He think• we should seek a "common ollject:ive'' with the republics. ' IN TIDS DECADE, the Allfance has \mdergone Rlious dialocaUons, and they show in Vtntmtl1. Due to unlqut oil riches, the country Is the most llabie and promising In Quotes •Anuld Valll-M1t4 8COI .... d"lplal S.F. parll fountol1 -"People need mmetblna or iuba:tance. Artistry Is Uk< vltamlnt lo the soul." Anllittoa, All., Star -"Somebody tlst 11kl it: 'Crime wouldn't pt1 U the IQVti'nmdlt ran iC' .. • Latin America. For some years it was a prime target for Fidel Castro, who hoped to get his hands on the oil billlons and buy his way, eo to speak, with a chain of Communist revotutioos down the coiiUnent. But the Venezuelans wouldn't ptq, and now Senor Castro has other ~bles. Yet even the Venezuelans never fully understood that the Alliance is a sharing program, and not a Big Brother giveaway. Under the Alliance the United Slates blS expended aboot I' blliioo in Latin American aid, and of some of this aid, Rockefeller said the other day, "God knows where it goes." IT MUST ASTOUND you that some Americans of the type of William F. Buckley Jr,, conskier the Governor a bit to the Jert, but even they will concede he understands money, and bow to keep it on hand for a rainy day. It is possJble lhat..Mr. Nixon's smartest move so far is the selecUon of Rockefeller for this large and thankless task instead of some diplomatic graybeard whose Latin American ex- pertise ii canceled by fear of his oWn lhadow. Dear Gloomy Gus: They oelu the Pueblo and dlsgroce us. They haYe been &hooting at and Lakins: our tuna clippers for 10 years and nobody cartct less. • -L. J. S. A Rebuttal To Abortion Opponent To the. Editor: Regarding the letter of Mrs. David A. Felde, "Against AborUon,'' awtarinC in Mailbox Feb, It. Mra. Felde should close her eyes,tigbily. so she won't have to set starving cblldre in the U.S. whose families are too lar&e for their income. · • ' She should keep them closed to the overcrowded orphanages where '"'niat Child" needs "That Parent" -the 'one who never comes. SHE JGNORF3 the !act that il eacb person reproduced 3.5 times (as ihe and her husband), the U.S. population would be not 200 million but 700 million In one pneration. And lhe will keep believln& thlt children ~ be born when there will be nobody to loYa "' feed them. MRS. <iREGORY S. HUGHF.S El' Tere lliuulteol To the F.ditor: Several weeks ago l attended a meeting cf the Mis&ion Viejo Home O'W-ners to find out more about the pros and cons ol the use oI the Et Toro Marine Air Station u a commen::ial airport. Unfortunately Mr. Bresnahan was con- spicuous by his able.nee and only the COM were dlscu!8ed. Being a newcomer Ind not lm,oWing much about the sltuaUon, I listened to and read everything available r~a~ to the proposed use of El Toro air base, Now, J 10 back to quot" 'from Mr. Bresnahan: "You've got to took at the 25 to 50 year projection" (editor's note in DAILY PILOT). It seems to me _uslng the E} Toro air base would be a case of frantic expediency instead o f thoughtful and meaningful long range planning. HAVING FWWN much in my Ume, l believe take-offs and landlnp for the big 707s would take a lot of maneuvering and be reany hazardous. Even the ms and DC9s would have tense moments -as would many of the passengers -I for one! It seems to me .also, that if a decision was reached to use the El Toro base It would be obsolete before the first commercial ship reaclftd the runways. Referring once again to the editor's note -apparently Mr. Bresnahan feels Leisure World will be an uninhabited ghost to\\11 IS years hence -and he just could be right if the Et Toro air base is turned into a haiardous com· mereial airport ERWIN R. HANAUER TaJC que1tie11 To the Editor : As I didn't know who to uk the following qutsbon, I dettded to write to you in the hope you may have an answer. The cost of llvlnc and. evtl')'tbing tl8e haa gone up the put years. ytt we ar< still only allowed to take llOO pu penon Income tu deduction. Wll!' don 1 they ralMi thl.s to $800 or •1.000 per person? Thi• would surety help the low.- Income families which c&JUl)I. man1.gt1 on $600 per year JI compand to 15 years ago. · MARGARET CHRISTIAN 0,. Happy Day! ' ~-A Talking Tag An electronic company In California, aome Ume ago di.splayed a new "talking aultcue" to the major· U.S. airlines. Working on the principle of radar echoes, the system attaches a tag to each .Wt· cue which "shouts" U.s destinaUon, and will not leave the airport conveyor • belt unW it ia pushed down the eorrect. offramp. "Hey, cut 'it out," the tag hollers when touched, ''I'm bound for Dallas, and you're trying to send me to Kansas City!" Or,.words to that effect. An echo ' from the antermH>earing tag, the Story saya, '"w~I keep repeating the desUnation of the attached . luuage,'' and the bag won~t move unUl it's shot down the prOper chute. 0, HAPPY DAY! No longer will passengers repeat .sour joku: about lost lugqe, as ht the famlllar rubric aboot the speed of air travel: ""'Breakfast ·in Los Angeles -lunch in New York - dinner· in London -and luggage in Bombay." The new talking suitcase may even be programmed to talk its -own way right through customs, viz: "That's jtist an old family heirloom I'm bringing back for my ailing grandmother," But I see even more glorious uses for this radar (or 80031", if you will) device. JuSt imagine the beauty or being able to send talklna equlpmeDt away to be repaired. It boggles the mind, AS A IDDEOUSLY familiar example of what happens nowadays, last week I left my car In the garage for a minor adjustment -the accelerator pedal was sticking a little, and the engine was idling too fast. When 1 return- ed that afternoon, I was given a bill for $68; two bucks · for unsticking the pedal, and $65 for a tune-up. brake-pads, spark plugs, and other "necessary work.·• In the future, perhaps, we may be able to send in the car w:itb a talking tag. When the mechanic fixes the pedal, the tag says, "That's all, bub." The mechanic looks at the brake·pads. "Uh· uh," cries the tag. "None of that stuff. I'm just here for minor repairs, remember! Don't touch another part of me unliJ my master gets back, or I 'U scream the place down! " SENDING SHIRTS to the laundry of- fers another vision of delight. My shirts would arrive there chanting, "No starch, no starch," and "Third Button from the top missing -sew it on, please.'' A shirt th3t would say "Please iron the collar over again, ifs creastd," would be a fioer miracle than all the "miracle fabrics" so far invented, One can conceive an infinite variety of uses for this magnificent device - not merely in airports, but i n restaurants, parking lots, even schools. What parent wc;iuld not affix a talking tag to a kid's · sweater, which would say "Don't forget to take me home." Talmadge's Blunt Talk WASHINGTON -?.fany slate, local and college authorities are too Um.id in deaJ.in& prompUy and forcefully with student rioters and insurrecUonists. That's what Sen. Herman T1lmadge, former Georgia Governor and chairman of the newly-established Senate Veteran Allain Subcommittee, ii bluntly telling his collealJUe&. ... In bis emphatic opbUon, "The tlme has come to rettort Jaw and order on our camptlle!," am the best way to do that ls for the responsible authorities to cr,ck doWn vigorously and dedsh'ely pn tmibte-'makers. W i t h charactei'lstic outspoltenness, Talmadge told the· Senato: "Tbt.se people want a confrontation v.·ith autborltles. Let them have it. The time bu come \o draw ,the line. Either so-called student demonltn1tora are going to be denounced and de•lt with ai tbe lawbreaken and trouble-makera theY · are, or we may as ·well prepare to see hll:ber educltlon redUCfJd to 1 chaotic shambles." CITING THE FA.CT that one ouL of evsy s1I college 1tuc:lema now holds a tchoW'sbip, loan or grUit from the U.S. Office of F.ducatlon or a bank guaranteed by the Io v'e r nm en 1 , Talmadge conttnds, '"l"here Is no place in &he American society for anarchltte of any kind, .whethet they be ol the .-, -.,. varlel)', or the adllll, fltll.....,.. camr lfl>e." Clmpul disturbers lnvarlab[y-are a small minority, Tllmadp maintains, who lnlrlnge on the rlghls of '1h<mlnds u~ thousands ol COOICltndoua law· •bkll.nC atudentl ... "Decent and honorable studenta are Josini their rtght to aa(ety on the campUs and their right to an education." says Talmadge. "Tu doUltl are going down the drain. A despicable minority of studentt and non•tudentt. whipped into riotous frenxy by professional agitators • / f lnen.;;~l ~s~uiti1 ' , I .I • I .. and revolutionaries, are threatening to tear do\vn the very foundations of higher education. "AND WHILE THIS has been going on, _placid erstwhile do-gooders, including college administrators, have been stan- ding on the sidelines thinking so-called lofty thoughts and . saying such thing~ as 'the right to disaent' and 'academic freedom'. They 'renUnd me of Nero playing the fiddle while Rome was burn-In& lo the ground ll'OW1d him. ''l aay the time has come for the appropriate autborltles, state, local and college, to rpstore 1'w and order on 1 our campu1e1. The time has come for judgt4 to deaJ severtly with student riOterl and demomtrators who wantonly I IJ6ut the law and make a shambles I 'ot our institutions of higher lea ming." I By Robert S. Allen •Id Job• A. Goldsmith I ..---B11 George --- ' Dear Gtorgt: I llve ln a W1l0ded area where 1 a 1ot o( raccoon& aet In my garbage every nlghL 'Milt can I do lo lheml A.W. Dear A.W.: Wash your prbq:e or Jeavt out a baJiin ol wattt -they're very clean., you know. Gee -you must be a very s~eet person. (George will 90tve problems, gh-'tl solutlon9' cheer the sad, shovel snow, swcq> the noor, anythlftg -he's thrte months behi nd In • .. his rent,) DAILY PILOT )' citECKING -~M~9~~-Word~ ~hen. ~ot Heard ~~w • UP. e • · ·· • HONG KONG -(UPO bll lhal an flOo<lln& China Ille 1wo sreal COWJlr\a. China U Mao w•rt coof....,ted wtlh ·Nineteen lUl'1 •Co ' I u t todiy. and !ht &»let Uhlon.'MI on bll urlltr remarlu, 00 SiJ1i>. ~ ,moolh, Moo Toi.1\l!ll'..lood $mAll -...ooder, COnildeilng Ille future of liunwtltf and Soviet , tritodPtip tocjay, _be ...., _____ _. ___ ...,,, In \lie froezlhg airat M~w's lhe lltale ol, relations now :i u;e .. ~':J' of world .,._ would . argue !hot lhere still raUWllf station and spo of between the lWil Communist ro~g.Alsputed t er f.I 10 r la I · At an( both Mao ind are strong bonds between the Why an Eliza~~th . :Was Called 'B·etty warm Slno-Sovlet. frie~p. gicplts. lafrOi. Satlin'•. succeuor f 0 rm e r two peoples. '1~. , w.lll.. . be _..Clea,c:. ~to When Mao spoke those c On Feb. 17, 1950, three d"Yfi . Soviet' Premier 1 Nl.k!ta s. The diffecences, he would everybody that .the ·soijdarjty friendly· words, be was on a alter signing a 30-year treaty Kllnisbcbev tried to-keep the say, ar:e-only between him' betw~. the Sovlet ,.t~~ the · t'wQ-month visit to Moscow as of "friendship, alliance and steadily s®ring 'relalton.! 1 and tht new leaders in the Chine~e j)>e9pte, co~~ted guest of the late Soviet die· mutual aiCI," Mao eni:led hls ·quiet, private aUair. Kremlin, described by·China's by a , treaty, will .. b e ta tor, Josel Stalin, 'first . trip ootside China: with But the rift grew too de. . propaganda as "traitors." ever~tlng',,,ind,estJ:uctlble and During that visit, he and those " a r m word I' ol It broke into the open at the This b the same IDgic tjie tnalle~able, .• he ·w~.. ,J , then Foreign Minlster Ghou friendship. • •.• · start of the 1960s. Tbda)'. Chlileie use to describe their YOU11 MOmtt.f ••• •Pf C-on : ..., 15,000 Ct111ficllo. II llo~ -6 months, prlriclp,111 relluc1t1 bf., checks sent }'DU. fUaH la Ull AS 21111 U,a FllM Tit W1 PASSIOOK ACCOUHT'S • P.lJO IUAITlllY! MrA1MU11t. l\lft9111t1r ., lltll t•ni ,, .. Jal. -·---···-· By I. M. BOYD A ~ INQUIRES ho" 1irls called Eliz.abeth came to be nicknamed B e t t y • 'Thought I told )'OU about thal Approlimate1y 2(1) years ago at England's Oxford, • young men's drinkini club g o t tog~er every Saturday night. Each member drank as many ::lasses ol liquor bottoms-up as there were letters in his lady frieOO's name. But ooe sophomore with a girl Called Elizabeth c0uldn't cut it. So the members agreed t o nickname her Betty, thereby allowing the .lad to stay with them. And the name spread. Look, I didn't dream this one up. It's a ~atter.of record. Tba:t's one, reµi..ack by the Elj-lal negoUated a mutual Sino-Soviet friendsbi~' Mao China ranb the Soviet UnlOn attitude toward! the United FIRESIDEf./!fi!.J their clothing, ,1though they Phn;itse CoromWUst Pa r·t Y defense pa.ct, a. $300 million ·~ aald, .11will .inevltab11 , alongside the United States States -the American people don't ' gerierally go as.'far as cb41111lan )'OU, won't. 1ind loan (sinct repa!d) ~Other bring its influence to bear as .ode .of. her main an-are fine, only the govermn,nt B~ ftnt. He ·shined the! ~lla>ooif.~~al;'.'.lh'.'.,e_:q'.!:u'.'.'.ota'.:,'.'.tlons:'.'.::_:'of:_~agreemen!·=~::ts::_, -'°~me~-~ln~vo~l:'.:vlng~~not~Onl~y'.._on~~lhe~' _!P~ros~pi!ri~ty~ol~ta~'!go~lll!~·-~ts'.;: .. ___ .:_ ___ ls~ba~d. ___ _'.' ____ j:==========-bOttom., ~·~shoes. r r'. , C. F. JOHNSON of f\entoo, Wash., says he once soldi'ered 1imultaneou1ly in a roll call with men named Hoy, Coy, Loy and Foy .... A S~1ART CAm.EMAN can tell you how much a cow weighs almost to the pound by run- ning a tape measure around her girth about two inches behi'Kl her front legs. • • . THOSE THEORISTS w h o judge a girl by her lavo;ite color claim the youtlg lady who most pref en: orange tends to be a lively party goer. • •• ."WHAT MY HUSBAND and I have In cammon," writes .· a Colorado wife", "is -that I'm in love.' with him and so is he.". , .IF YOU BET. your boy he can't fOld a piece of paper in half 10 times, you'll win. everytime. WRITES a medical historian: "I see somebody asks whether Doc Adams on •Gunsmoke' was a real physi- cian, and U so, how long did he go to school. Don't know that, but you may be in- terested to learn the complete medical course at l h e University of Syracuse about the lime he supposedly went to scltao1 t o o k exactly 16. weeb." .•. THE 0'1GlNAL Beau Brummel had red hair. Just read that. Might have guessed. U's widely known most red-haired men are particularly finicky a b o u t cuSoroMER ~EllVICE• Q. "BIGGEST salmon e Ve r caught weighed how ,much?" A. Exaclly 92 pounds. That was a Chinook. One' H. Wichmann pulled it ; out of the Skeena River in ' British . ' Columbia 10 years ago. . . .Q. "WHAT'S YOUR STAND, on the nation's armament spending? No pussyfoot~g. , hear?" A. I think the Pen: tagon puppets and t h e legislative leeches of the nillitary industry have taken us for a 20--Ye'ar ride. All right? How about askin(. for 4fl opinion on campus ri.DtS? . Been collecting off ens Ive . phrases for months with pr&C' lically ni> opportunity to use same. It's dishearfening .•. . Q. "BOW MUCH J;>ID lhe old stagecoaches charge their passengers?" A. Maybe $10 fpr an all-day trip. Average. Meals extra. Fare r r o m Missouri to California ran $225. That took 23 days . REAUZE ·IT'S not neivs Ii> report more men ~ Women have gone swimming in tbe nude. But exactly how many more men than women have not been repqrted heretofore. TwO"out of ·ibree men claim they have Undertaken that ·m- vigoraUng experience. But on· ty one out of five women admits doing likewjse. Such are the latest. findings of the survey-takers: Sti!l can't com· prehend how one ' of those pollsters can muster up the gall to ask some strange lady point blank, "Ma~., ha~e you ever gone swururung m your birthday suit?" Those ~ terviewers must be a special breed. Your quettiom and com-. menu art' wtlcoft'l(Jl and 1 will be used whtr,vtr pqs- sible ~in '°Checking Up." . Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in cart of the DAILY PILOTl Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663 !Distant Tour Imagine Trip to Jupiter ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) - A "grand tour" to Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus by an un- manned space ship is foreseen for the 197~78 pes:iod, Dr. Thomas 0. Paine, acting director of the Nati o.n a I Aeronautics and S p a c e Administration, said. said. "We are calling this 'the grand tour' and it will t-e a very demanding project We will have to have instrument& which can go unattended for 10 years. But it seems it wi11 be practical then.';,,, "I would predict we will want to set up a lunar base in the late' 19709 'or 19009, ' 2666 ·HARBOR 8LVD. 546-7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUIDAY 10 to 5:00 Ll,."""'"'l•lil0111 ~··•m . GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE -, . . , , . ;,.-: :PAiNT · ·. . ldeel lor wood, brick, 1i11cce, concr•I• or primed rntftl. Quick cl..,.. 11p in warm •o•py weter h1nl e11 you fell i11 tfi1 b11ckef ), PAINT BRUSHES Choo11 froni ]", ] '/, '', or 4" for doint th1 fin• fini1hing worlr th1t m1k11 the diff11r1 nc• b1tw111n t pro job or th e kind tht t'll m1lt11 fh1 wite 11y, "S111, H11r ry, WI 1h11old11 ClllJlld fht p11inl11r1." 68c • DON'T BE BARE . IWAWD TijAT ISi PllEFINISHED BUCKSKIN. PANELING Ad~1•th1d 1p1cl•lt 9ood thr11 Merck 12 , ''"'· - '1t'1 tlit up_town ••v to •dd ""cl~» •¥ J¥,:•t• the veh1e ef y011r home. l••1!.tif11I P!•fi11 i1h•d b11cktki11 ptneli11g will lend i:oi1en to your de11, . li•i119 roo111, f&J!l ily room o~ th.1t 1per• roem yo11'..e been 1ni119 ••'"office. INic1 ta• dedwctiori, ri9ht?l v., ...... d e11d , .... ,for irnm1diele i111iellelio", mttchi11 9 moldi"t !:'=:::::---:--. •~, i I 1 ble. 87 4 x 8 PANEL ABITIBI WOOD : GRAIN PANELING GLIDDEN ENDURANCE PAINT A 1ittirkli119 whi+.1110111• i1 1till one ef tlie pr•tfl•tl dH/1 yet,•tfo i1 t-9h1eil bit• paint drie1 to• he•.t lu1tro111 fini•h 11 nd ont c••' compltttly. cov•" flle1t uni•c•1, C errie1 fht f1 mov• Glidden 11vr1nt.e. 597 CPAL 9 INCH STUCCO ROUIR sn WITH .3 n. HANDLE F11t •llV w•y to do th• out1id11 or tht ceiling, l11n9 1.wf1n1ion l.11nd l11 it d11t11chtbl11 for th• ••••• within 1111y •••ch. ltoll11r i1 1up11r 1oft and 11btorb11nl, hold1 Ju1t t+.11 right ameunl of p•int to do a 1mooth jo~ 129 GLIDDEN PANEL ADHESIVE lmpro•ed~ftrnn1l11 C tht y 1111 ' h . • , l•y' t ·~I. for do1111 •. 1.,.,00#. prof••1iontl ,p•n11I in lftllttio• job in r•conl tim11. 99cTUU FEATHER FLOWERS Now th1t yo11'v• 901 the hov111 p•int•d t nd ffi t li•ing roo"" p•n11led, you'll w1nt to dt 1ometkin9 lo liw•n up tho coff1e ftblt or m1nt11I. M1\e •n 1rti1tic flowtr ~IN'ln,.ment th1t will odd brilll11nt •ccont color lo 1ny d11cor1ting · ~•m•. , 37c Paine told an area meeting of the American Physical Society that in the middle of the J970's, the planets will be lined up, making such a voyagP possible. something ' akin to 0 u· r nr.::-----···············-1'9••····································~· Antarctic base," Paine said. • He saici the ship will be aimed at Jupiter:; and the planet's gravity field will he used to swing the ship around Jupiter and OIJt toward Saturn in the manner of "crack the whip.'' "This will pass it by Saturn, or maybe we can thread throujb the rings of Saturn, then on to Uranus," Paine Paine predicted that if the Apollo 9 exercise . to test the lunar excursion module goes well Apollo 10, "in about 21h months,'' will hav~ two astronauts descending to 50,000 feet above the · moon in the module and then return- ing to the ship." He said Apollo 11 , probably next fall, would take two nien to the moon. Afterwards, enough rocket hardware .1ould be. left for about nine more moon trips for research. COME IN-ENJOY A FINE CUP OF COFFEE NOW OPEN! -' BEST Of THE BEST IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE e RELIGIOUS BOOKS e GIFTS ' 2955 e OIL PAINTINGS Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone 545 • 6522 . . KITCHEN FIXTURE !h1 right 11!1p1 ir11n1l11.c11nt 11nd h 1n1p11r1nl gl1 u to 1pr•td litlil without 9l1r•, incl11d11 chrom• nio11ntin9 firlur, b•••· 198 5 YEAR GUARANTEED WATER HEA '1'.E.RS Mtjor Afllorictn bf1H, fully 91111 lin1d, 111folftetlc 1hilt off, ••pid rec1p, f1mptrtlurt ctnfrol, Grt•f fer · t.pl•cement ii lh1 •Id .:111 it\mt ki119 weird noi1t,, lP CPolloo ...... 44" 40 CPaH" ..... 49'5 SANl·FLUSH It llobblt• 11p t. clten 111d dtoclori11 tho to1l1t bowl witt.tilt 1 l•f of 1mibWn9 ond -••i11f ''"°"d. S1nH11ry. prewnh 11npt111tllt '"''" ~it l' 01.. th•. .44c SNAROL -SNAIL BAIT I lik• thi1 stuff C•Utll it 1111m1 th1y hid1 durin9 tilt d1y whon you c1n find tht fl'I •nd throw tl11m int• th• n11!9libor1 y~rtl; min• w11il until dirk to com• out 1nil thin, crunch. Sprinkl1 this m111I 1round: th1y'•• 9on1r1 quidt. 119 1 LIS. • McLANE FRONT THROW . MOWER ltt1I typt, ell r.h ein dri•e, 111f prop1llecl, wp tep ' (onfroh. Thi1 wl ll outl•1f 1ewtr1I cht1pltr••11~ 11 • worthy inwetlm•ltl for ifto di1(rimi1111tin9 homeowner. I 1599~ McLANE TRIMMER E~ER . · luil!_t• l•J! ftr y11r1, il Y•• w1nt tf.it l:o111t, thi1 W"lt, Up te, ~onfr1la, hill ed91 to #1,,. '""111tm1n .. Yo11'll heve "'• N1felf l1wft In t•wn lif y111 do tt11111thint ''""' th1111 1n1l11.I 6995 .. FLIP LOCK S1f1ty d11I, flip ii'1 •P•n, flip it' .. clo11d. I An~ my bo11 11y1 I don't ••telly 1!1111 id115, he cleim1 I ju1t h1wt • Royal WOOLITI ! PC)WD~R lteelly th.lterin9 fltice bretk hire o~' thi1 nt fioii'iltf - edveriited 1011p fer 1111 your fin e hind w11h1blt woolont. •Jutf tho thl"'t for tho ••w orion blell'Clt ilit t re1d, De Not Dry Cl11•111 hlthf •••Y I w1111ted to.I or for tho1t orl9l11•I h111d •11lh yow l1bor1d"'io 10111 •nd h1td •~•t 1nd dtn't w1nt le 1a11 nilntcl. Specially forf11111f1!1d lo meke ttrflltnh r.elflt •ptrkllnt r.l111n Hi cold ••ltr, •li111hri•t•• thrlnk•t• forevor l11111ltt1 'tOI ftin • fow pound1.l • • 01:. • , " I I I .. ~ ·~WeHare 'Pi~~~-'lold .. ,_- Program Calls for Less Paperwork _,,SACRAMENTO iAP) -A J"1te'Pin& o v e r h 1 u I of California's $1.5 billion weUare 'program that would split reci- pients wtio ca,o get olf the welfare rolls from thoee wbo can't was proposed today to the Assembly Social Weliare Commillee by !II -II. The 517-page report calls for a new statewide social atrVice program? a oew type of. social Continued Sale OF HANRO SLACKS & SKIRTS Alsemblyman Eugene A. Chappie. (~ool). f o)" m e r chairman of the S o c i a I Welfare Committee a n d author of the resolution seek- ing the study, said "the report shows that California is not making productive use of. its $1.S bUlion wet f 1 re ex- pendJture!: ... Wnldlff Pini S1'rl °"" Chappie, now head of the Rules Committee, said the -+-+-J---{ \ . I .. _ ---H -J- FUNNY ... THEY l>ON7 LOOK DISCOUNT/SH ... WT THEY ~OE ARE l Our gorgeous stores may look ex· pensive (and they are) -but the shoes aren't. That is the shoes would be· expensive if you bought the same ones in any other 1ancy store -but at S &Ayaucan save from $3 to $12 on each pair! Sty~? Jf it's the rage, we· ... e got it! WE SELL THIS $19.99 BLACK PATENT PUMP FOR $15.99 Shiny, sleek, black pr1tent dressy pump with a smart touch of Pd up front. Sculptured, medium hett as fresb as IOlftOI 1 ow. Thia allot is really 1 drNm wddnc. ' Sil:e$? Jf it's from 4 to 11 AAA>. to B (ladie's) or6to 15 M to EEE ("*1's) we've got it. too! Brand$? We can't tal'k about that. , , but we'ft got ¥9fJ' famous ones! What we h~'t got ·is your feet . Why not walk them in today? They'll be feeling miatrty fit when they wal k out to dazzle the workf. WE SELL THIS $22.99 DRESS UP SHOE FOR $17.99 Just arrived! The "whit's MW'' k>ok in footsie fashions. Choke of black patWtt. Mr! or bone e1tf. Mediura hMI, -.i•rish toe. You"I! Wint 1 peir in '8ct1 color. 464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE '11 ' 333 E.17TH ST. COSTA MESA . lOS MRI" llY!lll HIUS WUTCllESTtl 4012W. s.t1 IMWe H30 W. Pict BWd. 1915$. S.,Ulwlll IW. SNllAllOlllCl llOllH llOUTllOOD SltlllllAN OAIS CAHOGlPUl JGXI WlhWrl 811111. '512 L....i C.,011 ""'· 14645 Y111tut1 N _, __ .... . Y!lll'lllA IMCASIU· SltOf' llMY t:•· I"'! 2290i:..t--70IW . .-M SHOP SUNDAYS 10-5 -. . . ' . "".·,· ·~~~-. -~ ....... , -"--;;;=-... ...... ------. .. 1, Phn lllttricmdt Loses Fingers SF State Bombed, Suspect Injured SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Police Lt. Arva KaMl!to A freshman lost three fingers said Peebles, a Negro, had when a homemade time bomb been seen with two other elljl\oded u he attempted to put it in a locker room al Negroes outside the bulld.ifll strife-tom Salt Francisco State before the blast. Neither of College, police said. Two unei-the others was named. ploded, more powerfuJ bombs The e1 plosion came aner were found nearby. Moments after \he blast In a day or relative quiet on YOURS MONTHLY •• , • $2f UECIC 0. · 11th $5,000Certlficate. If held uad« 6 monlhl, printlpll r1du,1d ~1', chetl;s sent JOU. FINIS ti UTE AS 2M'i Ull Rll ht W1 PASSBOOK lCCOUlf1$ PAID QUAlTEIL1'1 M1 Al!lount. rllMI llfl tit. ' ~.!!.'!.!!~:.~·t.· FIRESIDE f~'.l COSTA MllA- JJOO HAllOl ILYD. the creative arts building the campus where, the spring Wednesday n i g h t , Tim term is getting started. Peebles, 19, East Palo Alto,· 1---..::..-=-----'----------~ was found lying on the floor. The blul ripped IOcken lrom t h e will and ·tore a hole in , tbe .cemn,. • Peebles was held for In· v~IJatfon. D o c t o r .J . at ~on Emergency lfqlpital said three· mangled ftNers were amputated and tl\lf he was barned seriously and may be blinded. • ~ectives said a steel plpe filled with blasting powdfr and connected to a batter! and a clock blew up while il was being attached to a ~k of Jocken. . Police later found two other YOUR OWN BUSlttSS Umlng Potential UnlimitM Ral9e cm.Ue edorlMs CbiaehillM .. JOU llOlllL Small JnveM1De11t. Complete tnirdns ,...,.,-. Woa"t Interfere "iU. pnM!llt eccapU;klL SEND 'l11JS AD P'OB FREE BBOCHIJRE- U!1iYersal Chinchilla Breeders tl• EMt AH Sb'eet., FuUerloe, OUlf. eau: (71') n~•• "'Cbllecl ~ (1"1'> 6•1111 HAIL '1'111!1 AD Officials Tell Solons Campus Violence Views bombs including llx ~ olll----------------'-- dynamite in a suitcase in an adjacent room. An Anny demolition team removed them. SACRAMENTO (AP ) -hour and 45 minutes, noted Legislators looking for way1 "my mail ls very similar to to put down campus violence 1 have been told by the two y~rs," and said suggestions men who bead the state from the public on what to university and colleges that do ranged from shooting the problem can best be students to u s i n g a handled by the sch 0 0 Ji flamethrower on them. themselves. Dumke reported that in the Flight Recorder Found in Critsh "Repression is not the three month-period up to three answer even' if t't s•·med weeks ago, the colleges receiv-= d 180000 · 1· WASHINGTON (AP)-The d••••able. • .Mere force wll·I e , commun1ca ions -d tin 'th National Transportation Safe. not work. If in using force ea g w1 campus Wlrest. ty ' Board announced Wed- we 10 far beyond what the "People are afraid a revolu-nesday recovery of the fllabt a c ad • m 1 c community COb-tion ls atarting in tb.i.s country recorder from the United Air aiders fair and reasonable, tho and It's atarting on the cam· Lines jet passenger linet thit dissidents will find two or puses," he commented. went down in the Pacifie Jan. more recruits for every one Both men said they support 18 witli loss of 38 lives. of them we succeed in remov• 8 few selected measures to The recorder will be flown ing," declared University Gf tigbtenlawsdealingwithcam-to Washington for use Jn an C Lil · p ·d h 1 Pus ~nrest, but urged that investigation of the era·• as a ornia resi ent C ar ea actual dect'st'ons on how best ~ J Hitch was the plane's voice tape · · 10·•-an·dle such matters rema1·n H. u recorder, recovered last Fri· ---------------------is c o m m e..n..t..a -came with campus officials. d Wednesday night in. another ,------------':..Y·----------------------------of a series of hearings · by an Assembly F.ducatlon Com- mittee subcommittee on legislation to cope with cam- pus turmoil. Appearing with him were Glenn S. Dumke, chancellor of the state colle1e l}'ltem, and 'Ibeodore Meriam of Chico, cbafrman ol the 111tem'1 trustees. Dumke stressed that "mere- ly a handful" of .students and faculty members at three of the 19 campuses have been jnvolved in violence. Hitch said there's a real problem of violence only at Berkeley among the nine UC campuses. He told t h e legislators that they can't find campuses anywhere in the na- tion coping with violence "more effectively than we are -it you measure by the right test: Keeping the educa- tional process going." ' He agreed, though, that "our situaUon. • .Is indeed very serious." Hitch, .-peaking and answering questions for an Strict Smog Law Prompts l:=;;;f~~ Arguments LOS ANGELES (UPI) Witnesses testifying before a Department of Health, Educa· tion and Welfare hearing disagree w h e t h e r auto manufacturers can m e e t CaUfornia's proposed emission standards for 1971. Representatives of t b e aulomakers "'ho t e s t I f i e d Wednesday generally doubted the strict requirements could be met. Representatives fram universities, air p o 11 u t i o n agencies and citizens' groups insisted Detroit could satisfy t.he requirements if it tried. lfl'S BE FRIENDLY ll you have new nela:hbon OT know ol anyone movtna: to our area. please t<>ll us ao that we mil' ext<>nd a friendl,y welcom• and help thfJm to become lcqualnb!d 1n their new aurroundina;s. Huntington Beach Visitor ........ , Cosll Mesa Visitor ........ , So. Coast Visilor 494.0579 Harbor Visitor 4N.JS61 *FREE! DOUBLE BONUS SALE UP TO 200 SQ s•f' ·i . , ........ FT. OZITf CARPET O• f ..,.. in doon or Mhide up 200 sq. lo . ft. <Ompteltly lnst1Uttl .CEMENT , llM fM patio alab or walkway FREE HOME ESTIMATES , CALL NOW! RAIN or SHINE I ·• • For ·TM Recqrd Divorces BAL'l't MORnJAIUE8 J:O"ma *1 Mu OB,._ 'f'* lllua Ml .. MM f llELL BROADWA! HO!lnJAllY bt _,,Cella 111 .. IJWCD • ~. DIUIAY llROO'llElll ' .-.... ValloJ ; • lllorlurJ ·11'11BtadlB..._ ·~Bulfii .... lleodl 1 lfl.'IT/1 ' I PACIFIC VIEW I llEMOlllAL PAJll: ~·terJ•_,, -·~ Jssie'Pldllo View Drift tiewport lle1cl, calllonll ~ MW'I• i. ) Pa& FAlllLf cOJ,oNW. nJNE1IAL BOJll ' ~' 'lltl ...... ... ~ ........ ·-.. 'I llOlmJUt ., _ ... are.- ~ "1ircurll' llO!lnJARf ma,Oolla .... ...• ' I ------- E'ire Calls .... _ ...... -.,,,, Mm 6, 1969" D..(JLY PILOT 9 Crittenton County w Rule onModelHo~eSetup; Seeking • $600,000 EL MODENA -The Flortnoo Qi-H-fll 0r11111· Couaty, 'a - ICbool and 1utstanct center !Gr -.... -..i· mothen II IDOllllllnl a hro-proopd ~lo ralla lllll0,000 and ~avorable .cUon on a .... ,,,. •• board fll diroc- .lora baa decided ·1o ut both the county PllMln( Com- mllllcin and Boatd or Supervilara to review acuoa oo .-111( pn>porty on ·Bood Stnet la IC! lloclona, propooed llte for the home. '!lie dlnclon have hind a~ lornly William Wenke lo han- dle ...., miew• before Ille ·<GUDty-. QiUentoo board J>ftlidtot IUclJord W. Taylor llld about 181,000 baa been ralled toward tbe bllildla( lllnd. Ha llld alltrnale Illa had been IUQ<iled, bot no aclloo will be taken on them unUI hearlnp on the El Modtna lite are coocluded. No datu haw hem all for tbe hearlae- Orup Coual7 -... SANTA A!IA -WJ.at moy becOme 1 i>recec!en~oett1111 declaton will be made by the county Boar<l ol Supervilor1 Ilardi II 1X1 the nquoll of two Or1D1e Cout developen lo <OOStrucl a model home complu alq the Slnta Alla Freeway at Jellrey Road. The sobdMlloo lo be acl- vortloed by the model bome Htup is three-quarters of a ptrlence about ' IOO -.qa ml1t away at Valeacla ,\v,.... unwed motbtr dropouts an-and Jelfny la the bwt" ol nllelly, Tlylor aald. Ille Irvine Randi. It COllllltl Qittenlon o fl I cl a II eni-o1 t14 bllildla( lotl. , phHjrocl that llO bahiol wouJd Developers Jobn W. Kiuc be dell.....S at the P'opooed and Frank Ayers and SOn, laclllt1; bol lntendve -1-both of Nnpo<I S..ch, ·ap. toe. scboolln(, medlcel care, ptaled Ille rejecllon of the IUldance tn nutrillon, family salel 1etup by county Zoolna ad)Ultmeot and -subjecte Admlnlltrator Ray Reed. But a r 0 covered by lDlll1 civic 1Upervtloro Wedneaday rtler- aaencles con.ver&iq: tbe1r ef-red the appeal to the county !G<tl around. the Crlttenlon ' P1anntae ~Ion lo< ... centers already eotabillbod elystl and recommendall<& tn 47 citteo tbrou&hout tbe na-Reed llld he oppoged the uon. potenUel commerclallzat1on "We tbJnk the technicallUu alon& freeway• and that sran- ol r.onlng lbou}d 00 lonier tins of the requat for I tw~ hold up the bodly......W year period would lead more faclUty in Ora.nee County If bUlldera to try the 11me ap. it'• humanly poulble to avokl proach, new to Ora.nee County. tt." the Qittenlon praldeat In ellect, the •WolCh would concluded. m ... delacbment of saleo Ind MULLEN . • 11.\¥11 a -IT ............. ,., .... ,... ..... -..... **'MIC. I M ..... ifiMlltllr'Chlfl9 '°"' ......... Miltct •: M.TtMTIONli.T COin NO C.O.D'lt NODll.MMlf NO MM.Oft l'tfONI OM!EMI • Board ol S11per•t11r1 C1Wnnao WUUam H. lllnloln aald tbe Idea -be carellllly lludJed "bat lhe policy fll"tbe boon! baa - ap1nel too much adTlflllinC' aJonr tr.ew&y1. II I 1 lwanloul." OUR CURRENT ANNUAL RATE OF 5" EARNS 5.13" WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY BC HELD 1 YEAR • ." USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ::=. ALWAYS MOs'r CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT e IHSUl.ANCI TO tll,Ht e FH>llALLY CHAll:TERED AND SUPEll:VISlD e WI PAY IAlHIN$S ON YOUll: FUNDS Fll:OM DATE llCEl'llD TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e FUNDS ll:ECE!VED ON 011: IEFOll:E THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH IAll:H Fll:OM THE. IST e SAVE-IV.MAIL. WE PAY POSTAGE JOTH WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAVE. IW' Clllmfteft9-IMM....,,....OPl1111 ... IYUll1'11tMCOllTUCT ~ . ... 14M114 HUHJINln1fll llAClt IMNCHi ti ................. 1 "' -• BLUETT GRODI.:NS -I • .·" . . . • • ' • • ' • -.. • • • • ' ANNOUNCING A -PRECEDENT-SHAITERING SLACK SALE! • ling Entire of sat Your Choice of 20,000 Pairs• Originally Selllng F~r'1.5 To•45 Reg. Now Reg. ·Now •15.00 •1.~· •29.95" tl4.98 18.95 9,48 35.00 17.50 ' 20.00 10.00 40.00 20.00 21.95 10.98 42.50. 21.25 23.96 11.98 45.00 22.50 •Fair Trodtd wall ponluxooptad. llLl!CT FROM: DRl!SI SLACKS, LUXURY SLACKS, CASUAL ILACKI, GOLF SI.ACK&, TRADITIONAL MODl!LI, TAl-WAIST 'MODELS, BELT LOOP MODl!LB. Soon, a new n111111 for Mullen l Bluett. Right now our atocka mils! be tltiredl Thlt'a why we•vo aluhod ourslack prictt In hall-111d you havo tho cholC. ol the houH, tool Pick yaur fllYorltt color1, patt•ms, fabrics lntludlng wool woratods, 1llk· wol'llecll, Dacron" wo~teda, mor111Wlsl1, gabardlnas, .lharlclldnl, hopelclca, bengalln.., doeskin• and baraU-. Don'l llllla.tllll QNll alack aavlnge opportunity. Come Int~ day, 111d atock up !or Sprfftg, Summer and all occ11lon1. • • • • ~ • • •• •• • • • -• " .. • J • • .. • • -· -• --., ~ -~ • -• • ~ _, -· -.. •• .• ~ -.. -·-• .. --• ---• • • -' • • .. ·--• • • • • • • • • • • llNIACLI Mil.I 5570WI "1\rt • llOWNTQWM IOO So. Broadw1y • QLENOALE w;1son & Brond • PAUDINA4'1E. cotorOdo•TOP-PIAZA ~ l'lrtc•UICIWOOOl.lbwood °""* iANTA MOlllCA S&nta Monica MIU • IOunt COAIT l'LAZA Colla ...... ANAHllM tldwy·-c:.-. M-CLAlll Pl.QA-·• IA CUMMa Pl.QA-- ,, J t 1, r DESERT AIR HOTEL and RESORT Ry in • • . Drive-in for vacation fun ER IROILER LUNCHEONS ROOM FROM ERS 5 -II ll:JO COMPASS ROOM LOUNGE COCKTAILS :Jnd1r tli1 p1r•on1I sup1r¥itlo11 of BILL WALSHE ,.0 . lox 1017, P1I"' 01terl, C.Jil, 171 41 l4t.·10il The one thing no other Life insurance company can your family offer ••• is a Mass Mutual Agent Tht Spotlight Is on Our 5.41n of the Month for F1bru1ry WAYNE D. HOPPIE for lrih l11d1r1ltip In 1v1ry ph111 •f our A91ney 1etivity Thomas C.L.U. DALLAS, 'l'ei. -Collins Radio Co. announced that earnings for the first six months of 1969 were $4.2 million on sales of $195 million. Earnings per share for the Jiix months ended Jan. 31 were $1.40 based on the 2,967,427 average shares outstanding. These results are comparable to earnings or $5.5 million, sales of $233 million and earn· ings of $1.91 per share on 2,898,877 shares for the fir st • L: Thorkelson , Manager 1501 Westcliff Drive Suite 225, Newport BOich, Collf. Prices of Things vs. N on-thin8s Toi. (714) '42.0351 MASeA CMUSETTa MUTUAL L l fl'IE' INS URANCE COMPANY ~~.WAft4~MliMTTS • OfllGANfJ:ID in1 , By SYLVIA POl\TER Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it COST OF lJVJNG CON· TRAST, ONE: . The aVeraie cost of a clo1hes washing machine rose 2.5 percent last year. But the cost of sending your soiled clothes to a laun- dry jumped nearly' three times as much -7.3 percent - while the cost of having a daily household worker do your laundry zoomed 9.4 per· Sometimes you can become so preoccu-- pled meeting day to day obllgations- taxes, bllls, etc.-you can for,;et there's a tomorrow. Wil!hire Federal Savings would like to remind you ... and suggest the best and safest way to assure the availability of money for fu ture plan!, or just future' security, Is by systematic saving. Wilshire federal pays the highest re· tum on insured savings allowed .bY law ••• 5.13%, when the current ennuaf pa••· book rate of 5% Ja compounded dally and holdforeyear.Addltionally. you can eam • .2SV. bonus on 36-rnonth c•rtlflceto 1$33 NEWPORT BLVD. NEAR HARBOR ClOITA MESA.CALIF. 92627 • 642-4711 Home Oflrc.. l.ol An(tla; OftMr OffJc:u: Chltswort.h, Momovit r accounts in multiples of S1 ,000. Start providing for your future today with' a savings account et Wiishire Federal •.• then add to lt regularly. * f'u11d.9 earn from date received to date withdraw11. * ~·1~nd! rece ived by l11e 10t11 earn /ro111 tlie l s~Jf ltft to tnd of, quoricr. . - cent. COST TRA5T, WHY IS IT THAT BOB MANGAN SELLS SO MANY NEW CARS? WELL, ONI REASON IS THAT HE SELLS SOME OF THE FINEST AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS ON THE ROAD TODAY. THE OTHER REASONS ARE THAT HE HAS BEEN WITH US A. LONG TIME , .. SO HIS CUSTOMERS CAN READILY FINO HIM FOR ASSISTANCE WHEN THEY RETURN TO THE OEA l ERSHIP FOR SERVICE AFTER PURCHASE. HE'S GLAD TO HELP. BOB IS A BUSINESSMAN ANO AS SUCH HE REALIZES THAT SERVICE, RELlABILITY ANO PERMANENCE ARE IMPORTANT TO HIS CUSTOMERS. • BOB WILL SELL YOU THIS 1969 COUGAR, BRANO NEW ·l READY TO GO. HUGE SAVINGS JohnsOQ.+SOD ,., .... l9Cll ......... C'Oftl -· Ul•IHI ' ' ' • ' • ,. ' ' " " .... -·· ' • Wednesday's · Closing Prices--Complete ' fWl.tMilllL.-C..Qe. __________ _ .... ... \ ' DAILY PllOT New York Stock Exch~e List .J ... , ........ a..cts.~ .... .. • 1 l~ +l'lo ley)t 'ill.~ !i• !k ....... ~ ...... 1' f:ra' -"' X-C. 1 ... \Ii _.. .,_ •..•• Xlrt Ille. MJ•wwa..c-.~ M.J .. '-C-.Ct& 11.,._1_.._c-.-. .... .... ..... ... .... ... .... ~ 'i" • ··!· 1s ·a Qr--· ..... .-=-i.,.. c:.. • u--a .... . ,, ~ _ ... ,, :M ..... "'111111 ,,... a ~ ... 11 .,,,. 14t + 11t .. _ ... • ~ ........ -1.w I "" --" S$ " -.... Mn JN Jll'ill .Mlt -"' .,,,.... ,.. ,. • '. . ; I I • --~---------------~--------------- , JI DAILY PILOT Welfare · -:A1titudes -' ~, ' Surprise :. --r ASHINGTON (UPI) ;,.. It ...,,.. Cl{ 11til111!H• lowll'd .so- eill Secudly over lhe ')>¢ 30 ,.an·indieales Iha\ lhe Amer- ican peopie .... willing. lo opend mooey for Social Secur· iiy and the poor -perilaps even a( the price of higher taxes., ''Welfare expenditures are, and have continuously been, popular," Michael E. Schiltz "Wrote in the conclusion to his two-year study. 1be .study was done by ·the Na~l Opinion Raearch Center for the SociaJ Security Administration (SSA)' o! lhe nepanment o! Health, Edua- tion and Welfare. A synopsis appeared tecently in HEW's Welfare in Review. The study indicates a g~al acceptance or Social Secilrtty -·the PfO"" grams of old age, survivors aild disability insurance, and now ·Medicare. SEVERAL SURPRISES Schiltz told UPI he found -.several surprises. One is that "lhe public is really much more willing to spend public monies for t be poor than people suspected, as ]Qng as they underst'and it is going to those who really need it." This, he said in his 20.\-page report, is a legacy of the de- pression. . . "Nor • . .is there any doubt that the horrors of the, early th i rt i e s implanted.in the American people at least-one value change which wu e&- sent\al and enduring: they.be- came permanently and appar- ently irreversibly · convinced that the amelioration of pov- erty was the business of their government." ~ MANY FOOTNOTES He backs up the report with a volume of foctnotes refer- ring to data gathered from 15 nalional polls during tbe 30- year period. Among Schilt.z's olher major findings : -Whenever the term "needy " appeared in survey questions, support for any g.i v en wtlfare policy wu higher than il terms such as "welfare p r o gr a m" were used ; -"The American public ls bo!wildered by and iU Inform- ed about the complex features of social welfare programs and proposals." For e1ample, he said, "in 1941, almost half o{ the respondents who knew that a Social Security deduc· lion was being made from their pay envelopes did n~t know that they would be eh· gible !or an old age pension." -Americans have consis· tently believed that welfare recipients are dishonest. "Two i;urveys in 1937 and 1939 fn.. dicate that roughly fiO per· cent of tbe public believed that many relief recipients could get private work if they tried. In 1964, 67 pereent of the population thought that some or most persons on re- lief were there for dishonest reasons. percent of Uie respondent! l!! an August, 1965. s u r v e y thought that "many people col· lect unemployment benefits even though they could find work." PEOPLE LAZY -While most people be- lieved the government must be responsible for the poor, a 1964 poll found that M percent of those interviewed agreed that "welfare and relief make people lazy." · Schiltz did not explore "this dualism" of attitudes. He merely noted its exist- ence and concluded: "'nle bark of the average American ls worse than his bit'e; and he i.s willing to sup- port a welfare program if 8Sfillred that it will indeed be directed at the needy." .UCI Names ·Math Head Dr. Ray A. Kunze, professor of mathematics at Wuhington Univenity, Mo .• will become professor and chalrman ol lhe department of mathematics •' UC Irvine on July I. 'lbe appointment wu an- llOUllCed by Dean Frederick Reints of the UC! Si:hool of ~Sciences. P,,tessor KUJ\U haa been •1 member of tht faculty at Wuhlngloo University for sis )ears, After receiving bb PhD al the University of Chicago ;in fl57, he held the presll&ious C.L.ll. Moore instnlctDrsblp If. !lo MMlocbu..U. lnstitul• GI,.......,...,, for Une ywt. .Re .... -• Important ' Jr dt 1n functlon1 l ...,..., Dean Rdnos laid. ' • •• . , 'ANAHEIM «4 N, Evdid • 535.1121 Mon. +hru Set. 10 t .m. to •:lO p.m . I ~ ; . , '"'-., ~ ·' . • • . .. ' Ir 't .. ., ... .... ' .I l • 11 j ·1 • -+ -t-....__...,t--r • , • ~T 47 Feshion lslend 644·1212 Mon. +hru Fri. I 0 •.m. to t :lO p.m. S.t. 10 e.m. to 9:10 p.m. q. ' • ! ~· !tt"'4+ l' \ . ,. • I • ... ' ~..--.-.-- ' ' . . • • ONC~~A-YEAR, -ONE WEEK 15% -' SAVINGS ·.EVENT EVERY SIMMONS . . HIDE-A'-B'ED'" ON OUR FLOOR! Reg. 239.95·· 399.95 NOW 203.95-399.95 Now's the time to make ti selection; from rich textures, glove soft vinyls, custom qiulted s, luxurious velvets or indes truct ible Vectro® Olefin fobric. All 1969 covero include Scotgard® soil an·d strain repellent. Please allow 3 week s for delive ry. Sleep Shop, 69. -. . . ' SAVE 15!/0 ON EVERY* SOFA, CHAIR, LOVESEAt COVERED TO YGUR· ORDER DURING THIS' ANNUAL EVENT 110.45.:...:. 5·52,45 Expertly crofmd, impressively styled by sucli f•mous makers as Kroehler, Shermen Be rtram, Hiat, Guoronty •nd Meyer Koy .. .Vol~ets, linens, silks, corduroys , textures , tweeds, damasks and .vinyls in riCJi, ~olors to stimulate yo ur decorating ideas; in . maqe to me•sure length s. One week only on th is yeo~y event. • Reg. 229.95 -649.95 sofos, now 195.45 : 552.45 • Reg. I 79S5 -369.95 loveseots , no"' J 52.95 • 314.45 • Reg. 129.95-209.95 choirs, now 110.45 • 178.45 Furniture, 38 HUNTIMllTOM IEACH 7171 Edinger An. 892.Jll l Mon.thru Set. 10 e.m. to 9:10 p.m. - . ~ • ' .. ·' ,. <><l I I l I I l ' l " ., .. VJ. f """ ......•rt ? • 'f ' ' . I"' • • , • f'lll 11 . 'Kop Kaper·' Catches Men Men will not be excluded from the upcoming social, Keystone Kop Kaper, being staged by the Aerooutronic Wives Club. Husbands and wives will be together for the group's spring luncheon and fashion show in the Balboa Bay Club ·Wednesday, Marcjl 19. They again will be together when outfits are modeled from the Balboa Bay Club, Henn,ie's Boutique, G:rey Squirrel, Kinney's Shoes, Dohna's Hair Fashions, Veta's Intimate Apparel, Carat's Men's Stl>re and Darrell Dedrlck's Tux Shop. The buffet luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. will be preceded by a social gathering at 11. The fashion show will follo\v the luncheon, and ac- cording to Mrs. George P. Zebal, president, husbands are free to re- turn to work before the fashion parade. Mrs. Terence B. Clark is coordinating the fashions along with Mrs. R. M. Holmes. Mrs. Francis P. Conroy is luncheon chairman and Mn. Willis D. Marsing is program chairman. Reservations may be made by telephoning Mrs. Russel For· sythe at 540-9856. Members modeling are the Mmes. Ron ald W. Lackie; Richard L. Doyle, David W. Erickson, ~oseph Czyz, ~ynl} 5,hugarman and G. A. Palmer, au Of' COs~ Mesa: Robert L. Pons, .. Mission Viejo ; Wil· liam Bennett. and John Rehak, Santa Ana; George :Rllsi, Tustin; H. C. Keith, Wf:stminster, and Zebal, Balboa. · • Meil .participating are Joseph H. Jerger a'.nd ·stan1ey H. Coch· ran, both of Newport Beach; William J. Larkin, Orange; Erickson and Rehak. Men:i~ers are urging their mates to "kapitalize" on their kaper. CRANKING OUT THE NEWS -Members of the Aeromitrortic Wives Club (le'ft to right) Airs. Francis P. Conr:oy and Mrs. Ter· ence B. Clark are on hand in case John Rehak· n·~s assistance in getting his car started for the club's Keystone Kop Kaper : March 19. The group needs ... lots of man power" because bus. bands will be the special guests. ~.;·~,'>~);~ ..... "4"~ Scouting·~~·"- Celebratea Rtmeinber when you were I Girl Scouf? Was it last year cir 20 years a10? While you are recallin& those dell1hUul, carefree days · yoo may take note that the Girl Scout Council or 0r8.nge County is celebrating, along with the nation, its 57th birth- day March 12. County S C 0 U t S I including • those from Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Newport Beaeh, Costa Mesa, Corona del Mar and La£11118 Beach, art planning all-dly acUvlties at Fi!hion Island, Siliiiilay, March 15. Mrs. G e r I 1 d Henpenius, din<:tor, has 25' lioipo sll!'<d lljl • for dlapJlys fi tent ., . campsites, hobbies and craft . projecll, de~atioos ol Hawallan luml luml stlcb, Wbin( and lmcJl,.lylnc. Mn. David Hoeft. ••iatant, llai.d that all the &lrll will make a frlendshlp circle around the f1qpo1e for ·the flag lowering alid · closing ceremcmlel. A ataae show will begin at 11 LO\. .- I OC Auxrfiary Sells Tickets to Preview Income tax woes will be wiped away April 19, when members of the \Vomen's Auxiliar.y to the Orange County Dental So- cl'ety and their guests attend the annual benefit. Everyone is invited to the exciting Sat. ·urday Night at the Movies. Not the typical movies at home, but an upusual evening at Universal Studios in .Universal City. Buses will be boarded at Fashion Square in Santa Aila· at 6:30 p.rn. and cocktails will be serv· ed· on board. ' In the comrhissary a buffet dinner will be' offered. Following, the Casuals Orches- tra will play for dancing and a preview of an unreleased movie will be shown. Auxiliary \ members and guests will return at approxi· mately 1:30 a.m. Mrs. Dale E. Rallison is general chair- man. Assisting her are Mrs. John L. Croat, reservations ; Mrs. Richard Gubler, mailing, and Mrs. O. Lind Jones, refreshments. In- vitations . numbering· l ,000 ha.ve been mall· ed. Mrs. Sc,huyler C. Joyner of Newport Beach 4eoil?led the .invitations. According to Mrs•. Allen V: Cole, •auxill- ~ ary president, this is the only fund-raising eve)lt .scheduled during the year. Pr6ceeds are used to offset .the costs of the many projects accomplished, sucti as the speak· ers panel; dental health education library, models And 'brushes for distribution, book- lets Ori dental health, hospital pamphlets to maternity sections, scholarships to dental students and those in . dental hygiene, the puppet sholv· and Project llead Start. The theme for this iriemlaI year it Values to lWd - Worlda to EXplore. 'lllere are almost 4. · ~ mllllori c o e d s resistered In ICO<ltlni with ap- p=lmately 11,1!$ pis IUld 7,MO adults from 0rllllll" County. Juliette G«don Low founded the orpnlzaUon In Savannah, Ga. In 1911 wlth -11,trli In the orlginl1 lrooj>. GIR~ SCOUTS SET THE STAGE -Setting their sights ahead and preparing for the 57th birthday of Girl Scouts March 12 are -cre1t tonglill Jody Black, Kathy Piercy, Kim Moochy and Beth MacKenzie. These four, 'aloltg with thousands oC others from Orange County, are planning all-day activities Saturday, Mar<h A ·check for $3,000 recenUy was present· ed,to the Ghildren's Hospital of Or~nge Coun- ty 'for tbeu ~ase of eqUipmeht in the denta!'.oot.p8tlent clinic. 15, at Fashion Isla'hd. .. ..,. , . -~~.~----------i.I -. • I It's · No Howling Tale, Man's ~~st ·£ri _end ·is .. ,_ ~ Expensive I • 'I ~I ' I DEAR ANN LANDERS' A whll• back )'OU aald H WU risky to pubi1'h letten about people who act foolisll over catl « clop becaUM every Ume you do, do&ens of re.den telephone l h e publllber, write lo the editor, cancel lbelr advertillnc and llop !akin& the . Even if lhll letter never makea colunm • !•want to WI yoa" irbal · ed to my 1tater. a Uva next door to people who have a pet IC'Otlle named MacTavisb. 'J'he1 ...nt on a trip -recently and asked Dora H abe would take Mac:Tavlsh. Lui year they put him in a kennel for 10 days and be went on a hunger slrlke and nearly 1tarved to deaOt. TbUt people teh!phooed Dora every nilbl to talk to their do(. In fact& ANN LANDERS Ibey put the•?ll lhrough peraon~ .. -for Mr. SafktY MacTavislt1 Dura -held the dog up to the phone and when he heard their voices he cried for three minutes and that was IUppoled to be a conversauon. Are people getUng cratler, Ann, or are the crazy people just getUng more publicity? · Where will it all end ? - BAFFLED BARNEY DEAR BAFF: Do )'Oii know! that Amerfea•1 lpend JnOre mwey OD dos food -•oo !toity food! AOd °"'Y JUI •·eek I read where doc coimetica are 1ett1n1 to be blc bulnes1. Gone an o.t d1yt wbel Ota PoWder was dM: ftly dlf11 )'" COG~ '"" fot' • muu. Now yM can select Poocble Nall Polls\ ll five 1hade11. #perfumes wUlt aama:; HM Le Ct.lea, Tblrd Paw and Arf Peltc. A bl~ ctntr.I pill 11 avallable ror lady dlll who a• __ .._.:. In for planned pare•iltood. ~ di&,~ -lhere11 a boud'• moa&h'lllt ealted · llappr Brutl. Mu'1 btlt. frtaid a1le 11 ooe of 1111 bet\ cutemen. DEAR ANN LANDERS' I want to help "Oregon Grandma." She told of her S..year~ld grandchild who was burned when 11ie·w., 3. The burnl &ealed' .,.,,. tualJv, she aaid, but her once ~aut.llul little face now Ii badly dl.dlgured," t am IW't you know of lhe JI Crippled C h 11 d re n ' 1 H01pltal1 owned and ol><rated by the Shrintra ol North America. 'fou may not know, however, tllot tile SJ\riners now ,have thrte hOipllals devoted excluaive~ to b11m probJem1. They are localtd in · Boa10fl. Oalvelton and Clnclnnali. Like the crip- p!ed llhlldren'• Hospitals, all the youngsten are treated Without char1e. ConaequenUy, tr<itlineQt ii n.trlcted to u.,,.-who c:aonot afford .lo pay. Tbil b the ONLY ratrlcllon, however. Children of all races, color1 and creeds are admiltfd. If you will aend , me ~ •l\IJl10 .. lnd addresa of u,. Oreeon c~. l will put her In toocb wtlla the ...,..t Shrloe Bum HOlpital Sincerely, W.L.S. DEAi\ W.LS.: We dt Mt Mve ltUen Met liter kave beea JMlblillrH. U Ores• Grandmotlltr lff:I &Ills IDd wr:I._ " me, I'll · Mt tUt site Ct&I ,.., .._ lorm10o1. Ta tlM me1ntlme, yoa Uve Informed appr.xlm1&et1 M mlW.,..,.. al tloll lfllendld !fnllct "' die - """ I t1ml< 711. t 11 \bis COIDecUOftt several readers \\ llave wriUen abMt Ultkr orpallaU. w!llclo w..W loelp die little &Ir!. It la ' the. Sodtty fw t1te lleliabitllldto al the Facially DllOpred, be., 561 11'1n&• Ave., Ntw York, N.Y. 11111. • ' .. • 1 .,\Vhen romanuc 11ances turn lo warm . lt!!>l>racu ii It love at chemiltry1 Send • for the booklet "Lo,. .,. S.. ..i -: lo Tell the Dlflet<nce," by Am La--. Enclose a long. stamped, lelf·addmled~ envelope and 31· cent.a in coio with Yf1llt • request. ~ Ann Landers wlll be glod lo help , you with your problenu:. Send lhtlll "' to her · in care of the DAILY PILOTI tncloslnt l atatnped, aeU-addr 211 envelope. 'l ""' \ I - J 4 DAILY PILOT Thursday, March 6, 191>' A.ward.winnin!J Design · 1r¥ine. Coed Pict ured in · Natio nal Ma gazi ne . Mia Wendy Aldriclt of ~rvlne ii plclurtd in the March issue of Sevenleen l\!Jgazlne with a model dressed in her .prize-winning iabric deslcn. 'l'be JS-,ear-old. designer, dauglller of Mt. and Mrs. Jer- ry Aldrich, WOii second prize in )he O..lgn a Printed Fabric competition 1ponaored by the maauine in cooperaUon wUh the American Printed Fabrics COWlcil. presl<lent · of the ll'eshmall class. She. plans to major bt a forelcn Language and hopes to ·become a forelgn suvlce diplomat. Interested in art 1iDce the age ol 12, the coed turned her ut11t1c talenl.a to dealgn-. in& when ahe became a HI Deb for the Broadway depart- ment slore In Falblon bland. Horoscope Good Time for Fishing -. FRIDA y Vlslllna relaUves occupy much PISCES (Ffb. II-March 20)! time. Be versatile.~ Com-Intcrestl ceQter Ol1 faraway MARCH 7 munlcale yoor aCIUal desire•. projecti, persons. COrrespond. By SYDNEY OMA.RR Throw aside fac1de: U trut Oear communication lines. to yourself, otbers respond. Follow through on inner feel· "The wlse man controla hls New opportunity pre I en t s lng1. Don't be dissuadtd by destiny ... AStrology points itself, one m IUtle faith . the Wa"." , LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 2'), IF TODAY IS Y 0 UR ARIES (March 21·April l~): Ke>tp eye ·on possessions. BIR'l11DA·Y, gossipy persO!\ll Accent on how you handl'e Someone may appreciate.them . may make it necessary for financlaJ matter entrusted to too 'much. Don't place tempta· a showdown. C h e c k in. you by another. Means you tion in path or weak people. formaµon loopholes. You are may be handling money not Fine for beautifying sur· sensitive, intr95peclive. Your your own. Take long·range roundings. Pw-chase art ob-idealt-.are higb. But you must view. Forego i~ea of quick ject. • not Jet others take advantage profit. SOORPIO.(Oct. ""Nov. 21): of you. TAURUS (April ;n.M1y IO): You .are subject lo U!>""nd-GENE!w. TENDENCIES: Her floral striped prinl will be in,<:luded in a collection of sprJna-1nto-tummer fashions that will be sold in retail stores coast to coast tbia month, all inspJred by the fabric designs of the eoo- test's.17 priu winners. Al a Ill Deb,. lhi ~pleted the thr,. required deolic pro- jecll during the year, teenage, staponery, teen a & e un-·· derwear, and tbe fabric, win- ning second place naUoawlde with her Strawberried Scel>U. mentl staUonery u well aa Important to keep good rela-down moods.· Aspirations are tioDJ with public. Explain high. They Can be achieved Lunar position is favorable for .. moves, motives. Check with if you adopt a positive at-fishing, planting. e1pert. Don't be too anxious . titude .. Take initiative. eo=========::;; Blendl Fabrics adapted her pink, orange and yellow ,ll!rint in shades of green and blue for a ruffly long-a:leeved dress with a separate apron, design- ed by Gay Gibson. MW Aldrich, a 1 9 6 I graduate of Mission Viejo High School, now attend• Scripps College, where she ls floral design. • With her setecUon and tbe honor or appearing in Seven- teen goes a $250 aw·ard and the chance for further wor~ in the fa1blon desip. and fa.shim pubUcaUon field. The many talented young coed hopes to combine ltudy, lr1vel, fa41Uon wrltlnJ and language study lntertal.s by going abroad for her junior yur 1n colleae. to sign contract. Waiting game after what you need. • Con ii,;ued could be bell today. , SAGI'nARIUS (NOV. Gemini: (May 21..June 20), Dec. 21): Separ1te lllU!i Sale Avoid excess fatigue . Pace from fact. Be practical about yourself. Maintain balance. dutie s , responsibilities. OF Steady raie i! superior to pell· Overtime assignment may be mell race. Sludy TAURUS due. Later, a lecture or at HANRO message. Reunion indicated tendance at theater proves in· with one who shares work vigorating. SLACKS interest. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. CANCER (June 21..July 22): 19): Relationship from pas & Accent creative endeavors. claims attention. Best to con Day features change, travel, centrate on what you hav SKIRTS romance. Social activities in-here and now. Don't retreat. crease. Oisplay seme of To go backward is negative. humor. Numerous contacts Know this and respond ac Curtain to Open . On Next Concert SEVENTl!EN PAGES COUNTJAN -Wendy Aldrich of lrvme is pictured .with a model wearing a dress inspired by her prize.winning fabric design. The Scripps coed's design was selected by Seventeen Magazine as second place winner in the nation in a magazine-sponsored contest and her picture ap- pears in the March issue of the magazine. made; you get feeling of e-0rdingly. satisfaction. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You 18): Accent on hmv to achlev can find genuine bargain. best results. Key is through Takes a little looking _ but independence, o r i g i n a I &J>" persistence pays off. Income proach. Reward due if willing · M to assume added responsibll· potential increases. oney lty. Don't attempt to delegate Pittsburgh Symphony OrchesLra with Dr. William Steinberg conducting will pre- sent the next concert in the current subscrip. tioli series of the Orange County Philhar, monic Society. Confined But Conten t surprise is due . Check assets.f~d~u~ti~es~·=======:!::=w=·="=""='"=u=•-=·='="::;~i Don 't underrate yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 2.1-SepL 22)' I [ CARPET! CARPET! CARPET! '!be curtai!l in Or811ge Coast College auditorium will open at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, March 16. I ' Tots Moms Survive Fu II Session WOW 1 OOO's of YARDS NominaUon of officers, In ROLLENDSI REMNANTS! itiation of new members, and OFFGOODSI CARPET FROM completion of plans for the TRACTSI The program includes Overture of "Oberon" by Weber; SYIQ.pbony No. 6 in F Major ("PastoraJe"), Beethoven: Don Juan, Opus 20, Strauss, and Rapsodie EspagnoJe, Ravel. By JODEAN HA8TINGS Of ,.,. Dfill'f ''"' lltff maintain their sanity they magazines. Ann adds, "Really Region Vilt Conference in San LOW, LOW PRICES have to 'pretend not to notice. I haven't heard too much of Jose March 14-16 wen all on Carpet Warehouse In addition to turning the In addition to the old 'l don't have anything to do.' the agenda for the Insuranc standbys of cha1k and crayons, When t do I dfag out an Women of Orange County a 1753 South Ritchey • S•nti An• Under Dr. Steinberg's direction1 the Pittsburgh Symphony has established itself as one of the six foremost orchestras in the United States, He is cumnUy in his 16th sea- SOJ\ as music director _ and is acclaimed for ~ Inventive programs ranging from world premieres to the finest of the classics. parched-California landscape r. to a lush green the recent './#. rains provided many irea Mrs. Allen let her youngsU!rs old catalog and le t lhem cut a meeting in the Tally-Ho lNew~orf Fr••w•v to Edin91r ...:..... W. to Rkhtvl build houses or trains with,_:i::_t '.'.!up~-::..'.a"'.nythC.".::i"'.ng~in'..'a'..'st'.'.:o"'.rm'.'.':_.'_' __'.':'.:e'"'.'a"'.u'.'.:ra"'.n'.'.:t.~------'~====o='='="'=Da=ll'='='='='=Sot=, =''=·=·=M=. "='='=.M=·="='=·'="='= the kitchen stools. . Tickets, at $4, are .on sale at the society Offule; 211; W. Coast Highway, Newport Be8ch, ·phone 646-Mll, Student ticket! are $1175; . ,1 residents with the opportunity to play the role of Good Samaritan. Among many a heroine whose good deeds went un- noticed in the havoc of the at«m were mothers o f preschoolers who faced the monumental task of keeping their small fry contented while confined. "Actually we'rt: used to· that Mesa Essay School Contest Sweeps Prizes kind of weather," claims Tina (Mrs. Robert) Allen cl\etrily. '"I'm from Coventry, England, and my huaband ii from Bellast, Ireland," she ex· plained. The A11en youngsters, Stuart, 5, and Kate, 3, are Three Rea School students have written the b e s t American Heritage ways in a contest sponsored by the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach. typical lively tots according eighth grade students in the to their mother 1.-and. they do Newport-Mesa Unified School get fed up with being cooped District were invited t o up. participate. Mrs. Allen took them on Winners w e r e presented shopping eipedltions a n d their prizes on a television allowed them to select an in· program taped by Mrs. James expelllive toy, or b,undled f\1urar, Americanism them up and let them go chairman. for the Juniors, outside and walk in the rain. which wu shown to elemen-They lo_v~ ji,_ and it does of~r tary students through cl03ed lfifi\ffie opportUnity to work "They actually play pretty well together. and so I don't mind the mess." Also willing to overlook the mess in order to e-0pe wilh rainy day problOltll Is Mrs. Mel Cooper, who likes to papler·mache as a hobby and encourages Howard, 2¥.r, to use b1I talent and imagination working with gooey paste and paper. "Also I found a recipe for ma,king clay, so we did that one day," Mrs. Cooper con- tinued gamely. Three of their own plus a whole houseful Qf neighborhood youngslers keep things lively for Bob and Ann Redman. but Ann found that setting up a small pool table and encouraging continuing tournaments warmed things inside while the landscape was soggy outside. Linda,·4, and Cheryl, 9, en· joyed playing dreu-up and managed to keep b u 1 y mothering t h e i r miniature dolls. \Vriting on the theme Creal American ·Peraonalitles in Our American Heritage, Donna Keating woo a '25 savings bond for her essay -on 'Three Great Women. Cassette Crum· packer, second place winner, received $10 worth of U.S. savings stamps for her essay titled A Man for America, and lhlrd place wlnner Nancy Hart, who wrote Divlded Inheritance, received a book tiUed "'Ibis Nation." circuit television. off.some excess energy. Judges were Mrs. Murar, Mothers in general agreed ---------- fl1rs. Marlin Sheely, Newport that the house does get a Beach, I i b r a r l" a n , and bit messy and in o~der tn 1l0bl)f. 12, milbt hide In his room and read car Wrile to Uncle Len members of the Americanism1 ___ _: ___ ""'.~""C~----------l Committee. r;:::=================:;i In rerognition or February as American Heritage month, The three winnins students were selected to represent their school by Wendell Rict, Rea School principal, and Mrs. Jon Schoenfeld, journalism teacher. CELEBRATE WITH US! OUR SECOND BIRTHDAY AIL NUT WRK MAlCH 10.15 MYSTEllY SHOPPER Wilt .... u the mall lllld pay for JOUr purdlaM. You DU1 be IW']rilld at Ibo cuil - --pureha• II p&id tor. BrlnC the dilldno. They ride THE CAROUSEL Pllnl Allo, free i..-1 , BaU 'ont dr•••"-great n9W 1tyle fCK golf, groc_, •hopping 0t lu•t godding. Step out In yours from Half-Stz• Shop. from $9.00 Sizes YOllJl llOROICOPP!1 la the Clt'Mllel Court • mM· ea'""'•,,_~~ "7 -~ oO an tsdtJIC cxpe1-.ee. Pickup clr1win9 slips for •11 exptn•• peiid trip to Haw•ll, Ma9navo• 21 Inch Color TV, In 1ny 1tort next weekl ~Ila . Nor's HALF-SIZE SHOP loath Coast ?Iua !!l(lslllL AT INf DlmD ,_Y, ODnA - 1805 Newport Blvd., Co sta Mesa .. v. ...... """ .. I ltl 1"9et" H®"' 9:30 to 5:30, Friday to 9:00 At.. H4 om,.,.., wen, ,.!..,._.. .. ,. FRONT~·· SIDE .. . BACK .. . ALL CURL, ALL COLOR, ALL CUSTOM We snip and shape, custom-curl your new hairdo. Th en we custom-color your hair with your own personalized color. By Fanci-tone, of course-our tint in a new push-bu tton di spe nser that lets us create j1<st the color you want, and duplicate it every time! Natural looking colors for gray hair, toning colors !or bleached hair, and our ultra-sophisticated "Color Originals," the style colors th at set the styles! Fanci - lone color doesn't wash out, conditions your hai r as it colors. BEAUTY SALON 00 FLOOR, PllONE 0-0000 Naw~t leech, Calif. Ji!lj ""' M&lttt •• ,, lc!llM* C°'ta MoN, Calif. '"'1 '""'..,... • loln'f1 r t..-r ~ Uf.lfM ·-- .. '.1kippv11dt1 Be au t y_ . S al o z:i.s • CREAM HA1R TINT with Shampoo and Set, Mo-C-$5.75 Costa MoN, Calif. ,. w. '"" ''""' ,.,,.,. 6G.ul6 fovntaln Vollty, Canf. ,,.. Mttllll\ll _,_ -- S1nt1 An1, C1llf. lM W•lmlnatw S1nt1 An•, C11ff. ""' •. ,.1,....... 1'1~ C•f!Ark ,,_ 4#.lfll U' I T-C...... ,,..,,. .,,.,. .. ----~-~-----..,--------------------------~-~--- • LINDA CAROL PFLEGER Candlelight Ceremony Nuptial Ceremony Planned in August During the traditional candlelight cere-- mony at the Kappa A1pha Theta house, Uni· versity of Southern California, Linda Carol Pfieger:s sorority si sters learned of her ·en· gagement to John George Klein III. Miss Pfleger, ~aughter of .Mr. and Mrs. George Pfleger of Newport Beach, is a grad~ uate. of Corona · del Mar High School and is a 1967 Children's .Home SoCiety debutante. Her fiance , son of Mr. and Mrs. John Klein IJ of Westchester, is a USC graduate where he received a bachelors degtee in business administration and affiliated with Beta Theta Pi. The former Miss Newport Beach and lier fiance. will b'e married in August in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. July Date Selected By_ Couple • )I Wedd!fig vowl will be ex· changed July 19 by Arlowyn Doreen Been and George Herbert Coombes in t h e United Church, Chllliwac.k, B.C., Canada. ARLOWYN BEEl'I Summer Date The couple's engagement has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Been of Cos- ta Mesa, parents of the future bride. , Miss Been is a gradqaf.e of a high school Jn Montana and her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cool'l)bes of-Chilli· wack, is a gradl,tate. of the , Schocil of Technology, Universi· ty of A1be,t8 extensi011- CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND SHOP AT HOME Sll'flC.I . OVt· pl"9fn1ion1Hy lrtlft .. 11Kt111ter wlll <:OIM 19 .,.... MIM .,. effk•· , •• uy or rtt11lnt •.• wllll 1111 """' ~m~1 t111Cttt. el .. ,.,.,.,. or c1rptt 11mp1tS. H• ob11t1tlori. el C"all'"- FROM YOUR AREA CALl INTIRE STOCK OF FAIULOUS DIAPllY PAlll:ICS ·1Eoue10 to 20~ To 4,,.,,., - W1ry Settle ... OrdhMll') D,.,...IH7 Add ColOt"hll E•clltmtnl IO -""" IJf(:or ..• Wlltt Bold H.W ~I Ind Olslgn•I ....... "'"' .. e Tll a.0.1 e Swl" e A<J1lr1llar .... • CIKHH • ViWKn 01 140-6&17 .. ~.-:::.. s1· '~ NOW Of;\ILT y4., CUSTOM MADI DRAPERIES A llli!UIOW collkHOn of hlcll! ~lllf 6-'•IOf llbtb lftelUlllflll 1D00'1 OI y.:irdli of ~lgh sl'flt baveltl, MllTVnl. 11-Incl dllMi.111 . , . Ill 1111 'IWk ... DELIVERY IN 1 DAYS '""'"1t .__ .. ...,.... -.-as""" worll~"' tlvlllt \'911 f1.._, "*" lftlcltnt tlf"fkf. •MV .. 1-.tt Pt19t tw ll~lenla> .. trytlllt. t111 t .... Ml,.,.-., .. Ill'! ..n;,......., Mil ""''""""· . OUI WOaKMA.NSHIP IS SUPl l l HAIDWAll I IODS C.UT TO OIDll EIUTI PLY . =~~~ CAU fOR Fll:ll tsTIMATI SHOP•AT·HOMI SQYICI 548-8242 TIRMS: UP TO )6 MorriHs TO PAY ' ""'""111, "'""' ~· 1'169 olll.V, PllOT JI -~ .Conce rt fo Yo.Utb~Rre~ented -. -. A ltte 'youth concert for S&IW"doy In the · Melodyland cucle the Finl -el . all Orange County students Theater, Anaheim. Beeth0ven'1 rtfth 'Symphony. will be played by the Los Spon!Ol"td by the Orange The SWonta India by Cbava, Angeles p h 11 h 8 r·m0 n1 c County PbUharmonic Society1 Fetes by Debuuy and Xtaft'• New13e Ft :_ Beach- : .Resident Cited . . . . A New~ Beach man has recetv·ed the top a W-a r d presented to volunteers by the Qr~ Countyl,\siiciclation for Retarded Children. orginlzation award; Mr 1. lllchard Ohm, prlnClpal · 91. _ Hope Haven ~. A. Nfil ' Roy«, Hope Haven wor~ superintendent aod Ed.warJf Arthur, membership prla.e winner. a\l l]l<Ci•hwar\!!. , the program wltt be conducted Concerto lot ~ ancl 1-· .. ~-;-; ~--: _ .: . . oe , ,erv1ce . Ricbar~ W~, a· volunteer In; the field of· rotardalloo .for more thin 10 years, was nam· ed Outstanding ' Volunteer at the fifUt annual award.5 and installation dinner in Santa Ana. The winner serves on the board ol dlr<etors &f California Council for Retard· ed,-where be also ii ways and means chainnan. and is a pasl president of OCARC. He served ·as chalrman of the swlmming'fOOI committee at Fa'.irview State Hospital and was instrumental in starting the Family and Friend s Parent Group at the hospital. Other Countlans and organizations cited during the evenlng were Mrs. David Karl of Tustin, individual woman's award ; the California Titan Co. of Santa Ana, Commercial Categpry; Welcome Wagon Newcomers of Fu l ler t on , Elephants Outgoing OOAllC board• of directors members receive:d plaques in recognition or their service. These were Mrs. Phil Tozer of Newport Beach, Alban Holtz of OraniH!, Arnold Anderson Of Sa'nta Ana; ~rs. Karl and William FitzJD.auriCe of Orange. NeW OCARC officers are Oliver Olsen of 'Huritington Beach, president ; Mrs. Clyde Hall of· Santa Ana, first viCei J\IOITH KALKES To M•rry ' April Date Selected · For Rites president; Robert P.enrod of Plans for '8.n April ·11 wed· Tustin, second vJCe presldent ding in St. Paul, Mimi. ha\!e and ~wrence &;hram of Los been revealed by Judith Ann Alamitos, third vice president. Kalkes of St. Paul and John New, members of the board ,. Michael Swiderski of Min-o~ directors are \V a r r e n ~.,, neopolis Knieht, of Newport Bcatj1, · . George Carvour of Santa An!'!, The b r 1 d e • t o • b e , . lhe John Churan of Costa Mesa, daughter or !\.fr. and Mrs. Clay Prough of Mldway City James P. Kalkes o( St. Paul, and Paul Ryan· of Costa Mesa. Is a graduate of Mankato State College in Minneapolis. Traded Her fiance, son of John Swiderski a'1d Mrs. 0 o n Stearns of Costa Mesa, is a graduate of Orange Coast College. 'GET ACQUAINTED -SALE' AT OUR NEW STORE IN COSTA MESA ••• ONLY! I 7TH & IRVIN E ••• NEXT KENTUCKY FRIED CHlc;KEN. • ... -. . a.autlflll 1.J.llll SKiii I THROW ·au•s . s9• .... n.95· ....•.............. ' . .:-.·-----.----. SAllD~U 7S u.n1te<1 s1... · s2 .... 8.95 '··················· ·. ·-----· -----• tlUlCll BAGS • Slllll BUfiRS • KIWI '.SHlllf BUtKUS SAVE & 00.IT·YOURSILF WITH , LEATHER Smooth & Suede ••• ·Mike y..,, Own e J1ckot e Coot , e Skirt e VMI LQTS OF COLORU \ SEE OUR NEW 1969 SANDALS: , 4 CONVEN IENT SHOPS e 3401 E. COAST HWY. Coron'• del M'•r ... 67.J.464'0 e 3433 VIA LIDO Newport Bla ch .,. 673-1620 e 74 FASHION ISLAND Newport Be1ch . , , 644:755 I e 17th & Irvine e Cr1•fvi1w ...• 11!h .. lrvln-.Htltt lo Kt!ltllckr l<rllll Ollcll .. Cosf1 Mesi ... ~1~051 During Swap Meet A trad<r's deligbl is being Wiiliam Smith, c~an. will /J4 ~ C7S·3300/ .;r'agMZ<L ~ ~W Yo// .J'd£ ~S"9'S:233:2. offered by members of the present five American nags Westminster Ladies' Auxiliary to the ci~y's student body •. . Accepting the flags durmg to Veterans of Foreign Wars the 8:30 a.m. ceremony will between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. be F. L. Christe nsen, prin· , next Saturday in t h e cipal, and the ttudent govern- \Vestminster High Schoo I ment. The na~s will be parking lot. used by the high school's Admission will be 2S cents marching band. with those funds allocated to The ceremony will co~· the student body, and money memorate the post'-s founding from the swap meet will be 'anniversary week beginning used for hospit@l, national Thursday, March 20. home and cancer funds. On Tuesday, March 18, the auxiliary, represented by Mrs. Erwin Rilia, president, and the VFW, represented by Jack Woolworth, commander, and Gloomy Gus Tells ii As You See ii GIFT$ e CHINA e CRYSTAL e _SILVER • • • where you'll fin·d the most beautiful china from the world's finest collection .•. Sl\Own •r• lvsl 1 !ft • r'rlcu •r• for J pe. PllCI 111flnp • WEDGEWOOD'S Turquois• Flor•ntint $37.H ' BLOCK'S Flamenco $17.H LANGLEY'S Sherwood $15.'5 FRANC ISCAN'S M•d1ira $11 .00 You r Ch in a will be cherish e'd. fo r many years. Select whe re yo u have a ch oice, fo r we have over 150 patterns in stock. I ' Groovy Fortrel"' Mates . . Bronson grooves 'with a seltr. -lin1 of sailcloth ' rn etch up m•t•• by C1 •n•••*· Seilor colt.r dress f1 eture1 polk1-dot tie end button front,; 17.00. l1ced front jump1 r, 15.00 over fJer.d cepri1, I l .00 it the salti11t, l ong s1l11ve pollr•-dot • blou11, 11.001 tops pi nt skirt with m•tctiing te1h, 1 • 11 .00. Mid mod colors -of Na vy, Brown, Whrte,t:"_ i nd Yellow ••• Si111 l to IJ. ·; " FREE BOAT AND MARINE SHOW rrcKnS • • ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER, MARCH 8·thrv 16. 1 Jnt make a $10.00 purchase-at any Wot S.11 Store on Friday or Saturday, Mer 7,, 8 and r~el•e your free tj et. . .:......;. ___ _..., ' - • ' I • • .. • ~ • • , • ••• .,. ---·· ·"· ,._.. .. ...., -U. \-' I' ' ' ... ' ............ -~· .......... . .. .. . ··-~ ,. . . . .. .. . ~ ......... ·~..... ---· ------• 1• \c>AIU ,n.llT -· -6, l'M " ~:Speakers Agree: HarcJ.-·-Work·, tnvo~lvement, Bring "~Change , • .J ._, ; JO Ol:.'ION lnvolvemenl World ID UC! In le r la II b ftdalo .lallod to lnv•h• tho floor, c:alled !Int !or a "loW In 1111 b1r1J11 and !Iring of odus ltllm unlvenlly .cam-rl@I will be dwJied too. and • •..., '""" 111t1 'lbb was the eoaclusloo Center, sponsored by thfi: vWqen. change wlthln aociety.'' He university faculty members. puses becaUlle of the student· you're rlgbt back ·where you n la "°"Ible 1or ooe penon reached b)' two ol tho U.... Women Aaloclatea. The Idea wu 'lmpooed m related hil ream! experiences caUJ<d unmt recelv.d IUJ> alarled. • dfect dlange In pollUcal speakers In a l)'lllJlOSlum UU-Speaking· flnl WU Judge tho ~ lnlllattd llilb llC . wllb the &hello dealb ol one STllDENT CONSUMER port lnlm many Olber au· The ~ originally acbedul- processes o< social llOllCi1tiom. ed Metboda ct E 11ec11 n I BNce SWnner, Orange Coonty help rr.m them and -of Illa black friwla, tovolving Goy supported Craoe by dlence memberi ed for Feb. JS will lake place but It is possible onlJ through Change. aecond In a .mes Juveqlle C o u rt ' • presiding aequen14' died beclu1e they a pallce offictr and eventually aayln,g that the student ii the Jlldge Sumner sumrrtect up nert Tue!Qy at to a.m. in ~lalo hard work and personal on Uving WUh a Olanglng judge, ~ topic was El· Wd ncl a•IQ)llato ll the Los · Angeles City Coonclt. coosumer and "11ould have a the cooclllSlona ct both blmsell the lllterlallb Center Lowli• fecllng Change Tb rough The -·aample "-· He aald thet "In tho ghetto, voice In decldill( wbelber the and Gay by aaylng lhal on tho CIJl\PUS with tho Rev. Pollllcal Process. He wu Alrlcl wu · tllal' . of an lawa don't mean anything," product ii good or bad. He change la .nct apeclacularly Edward P. ·Allan, UC I • human hair princess cascade 13.99 -II.GO A fashion lialr ..i .. ,... -·1 Wiii! to mllil This lo.ely O!Clcle of blgli qualilr bamaa hair ••• an be ttyled la him! or dud"& aidl, or with 1 wade of ringleta. <mr !Ml colon tD matdi 0< oamplement yow l>W1I. Thunday, Pridq, -.day llld Mooday only., , , !may. real hair lashes 99c nq. l.!O We've oold thoo..,.u at Ille higher pr!« , .• now dioosc block or brown at only 99f, fashion wig bor 7"8--mala floor at llie mal l may co south coast plaza, san diego freeway at bristol, cosla meoa; 5411-9321, 675-8418 -shop mon. 1bru sal 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. HIDE-A-BEDS CHOICE OF COLORS · FREE DELIVERY . followed by Dr. John Gay, qrkUlturol -lo r ID• d that be thooghl Illa friend'• ad<jed that tho lest ol a good achieved, u Crane aeemecf Epiacopallan c b ~ p la In, vlsttlni profesaor at UC! from lhnlup the elloN· « -death was 1 cue of pes:aec<>-unlvenlty faculty member la to feel "II ii drudgery. II IJlOdenltng 1 dllcu.ollon on JJberil, who 1P9ke CID Ef~ man who lived with the Uon ol the black race by white bis ability to make sense out the ndlca1s would spend half Youth'• Seardl for Meaning lecllng Clllnge T b to u g b villagers, {.,;, their con-raclata. • of complei Issues, utendlng their enera In ju!t plalo hard In Change. Panel membera Pel'IODll Involvement fi~ learned their customs "You have no p>wer over bis research into t be work, change would be ef. will be Mark Slafke, Alfred ~dlng lbe symposium and Ulm helped them make the way yoor country ts nm." claMroom, and· the student ls rected mcn u.sily and more Akki Kullh and Craig Harlag, wu a UCI student, Robert the co-op a working vmture 1n&1ated the bearded student. the only one who can test rapidly." UCI students. Crane, from Westwood, • that would meet tbeir own "People who nm the abow his tffecUveness. If you cboOle to wort A fee of $1 ii chara:ed for Junior lllljorlnr In American neells. are mllllonalres. Appelnled A statement from tho au-outside tho O)'llem. that's line, each ..,;ion. Anyone wilhing Sludiea. Speaking on lladlcal U.S. eumpla were In-people do not really repmenl dience that many line faculty the Judae added. II the game. information may call thl Olange, bi1 remarks caused wlvemenl of 1 Protealanl us," be further charged. membera are making an ex-ls cbaqod radk;llly, then tho ..,.1er, ~!. a beattd round ct quelllons cburcb group In East Harlem Through the violence erup-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-::-~;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~=~--~---------tn the period followiDg the where cburch people and ting on many college cam-I ' .,.._.iatlons. m1nilton noo...i mto tho .,.., · p115es, bolb black and white UNDER8TANDING saw tho problema · flntband 511!dents are seeking only Sumner be&an Illa remarks and developed OUecUve ix:o-power to conttol their own by slallng the! tho l1nt step grams speclllcally designed to lives. la eflectirig polltlcal change meet the area's needs. Assign-He flnished. bis tirade of ls Underalanding tho potttlcal Ing local peqple jobs that Ued cbarge.s by ca1llng the U.S. proceal. · He charged that their interests to the programs a "racist insUtuilon.'' uyj,ng many people dQ not un-wu one of the Harlem pro-that the country is guilty of dtnland even the basicl, such ject's keys to success.. . "imperialism against people as bow dtlegatts to national "People who l mm er 1 e In ~·" and that "ber convenUons are 1 e I e c t e d . themaelves are ti\e ones who poll . lnstltuilons support JJkrnlng the pollUcal process succeed" the professor stated. . what \oes on." . to a guDe with rules, ·be said "We really only get tlerlous A vely questton.-answer that to play the game, you about problems we are in-period followed the three ban to !mow the rules. volved 1n." presentations. Crane was at-tacked for his ltatement that "'lbe power of an individual GHETl'O WARNING students should have a voice to effect change is tremen-Gay warned the Orange dolls," he said as bla major CoonliaM li!lening that this premise, "it's almoo!t frighten--area ls one of the few re- lng." He cited exam pf es of maining places where there Sweet Adeline• political campaJgm where one is a chance left to avert a Harborlltes Chapter, Sweet or two workers have meant black crisis. The key is to Adelinea convene every Mon- the difference between success become involved, e d u c a t e dav at I p.m. for meetings $22 • Black • Bone • Wbite BEj Softness and Comfort, smart styling, too 1831 NEWPORT BLVD. and defeat. '-u art School Costa • Also, the power of smaU friends and neighbors, and in Co ege p .. -•ps of Individuals Is evi-shut out the ghetto before It Meu. Mn. Pat Partin, MO-...,,_ COSTA MESA r--ever has a chance to start. 0870 will aniwer questions dent in !Uch cases as the -~er::ane~,~w~be~n~he~too~k~th'.:e_!.re~garding~~~tho~cbor~al~grou~· ~P!:,·_!~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Birch Society in Orange Cou.1- ty and some noted leltlst arouPs· What can the tndivldual do to effect change? Write let-ters; knock on doon, give 1n0110J to tho placea where II will be wisely wed, and be aware that a amall eHort la extremely valuable, tho judit aald. Sumner ended by saying that some individuals see.king change are not accomplishing what they, •ant th r o u g b violence or campus disorder. The conservaUve lkle ls get- ting stronger as a result of the actJom of those oo the liberal side. Nezt on the rostrum was Dr. John Gay. Educated at Princeton. Stanford, Columbia and Union Theologlcal Semlnary, the bearded pro. · fessor wore a typica1 band- spun Uberlan's peasant't lhllt over his sport shirt. PET THEORY Professor Gay spoke of hls pet theory that "educaUon deals with lndlviduah." He is known for his personal ln- volftment In students' Uves, . helping them on a one-to-ooe basis. Gay cited four examples of endeavors in effectlnC IOClal change, two drawn from his 10 years 1n Uberla and two from bis observ1Uons of the American war of We. Finl apeakin« of a U.S. AID attempt to 1Upplement the lowi>roteln diet ol Uberian villagers by placlnc llsh to ponds that would be alternated as rice growing areas, he noted that tbe project failed because U.S. government of· FULL SIZE INCLUDES MA TRESS California Bicentennial Celebrate with in Flowers and Fashions MARCH 'I tbroagh MARCJI 15 ' 3 DAYS -FRI. -SAT. -SUN. EXHIBITS • DISPLAYS FASlilONS • EVENTS Quilted Sofa and Chair RtcJ.s119.oo $6990 Quilted love Seat RtcJ. $99.oo · ·$4C)IO High-Back· Velvet Chairs sAVE! $6CJ90 · COFFEE and 5001.;0 .END TABLES 7• SAYE Santa Ana Freeway at Main, Santa Ana Vlslttht31 cllstinctlft ....... of • FASHION SQUARE I • > • ' • ' I • ' g s d " r g • • " • ·-----·------------------------------------~~----------- THUR~Ct.'1' • MARCH I .,. n !loo .., -!Cl l10l IJunptrr. ' D 1111 "-"'""" !Cl (30) fRIOhY DAmME MOVIES CUP 'IMIS AD AND SAVI oasa--"....,!Cl .. -(-)~,-­..... ,,_,,. ,.., 11:11 ID ..... t .. us a1:.-<• ...,, ... _,,_ ...... "!loo ....... ~ (dNllM) ... - Dtnnls O'Kteft. ON TOU• NDf SDYlCI CAU. (Offfir l"•~• M•Y II, \Hf) RCA SALU l SllYICI ZENITH fllol' • .,..., .. ltflllblli ""'"' 642-9742 275 E, 17th ST., CO TA MESA PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MUTI AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH t I I ! I 1 I ly Charles M. Scliuls By John MRes By_Harold_Le Doux By Ferd Johnson 11ER!''s Pl>OOF ! 1161< F,ANCY MASK WAS l,AYIN' ON ~6" DRESSEi< ! By Tom K. Ryan ' By Al Smith JlONT)t)Ur:;:;.;;;;:r,::::::::i"n:coarrv::::::=::;r;OiAMEE:TING"r1 SWl>J.IJ:NI ~ ---"""' • • . . . INQUIRY -'"What's It AU About, World!" Is the • mltsical inquiry Dean Jones tries to answer in the satirical revue on Channel 7 at· 9 p.m. in color. Regulars Scoey Mitchill, Gerri Granger and Clair and McMahon will have guest stars Kate Smith, Carol Robinson and Ken Greenwald on toolght. , TELEVISION VIEWS Do Ratings Tell Story? By RICK DU BROW : HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Let us start today with, the absolutely correct assumptioo that television ' networks live by the ratings and will probably ' continue to do so from here to eternity . The tbeory b<!hind this statistical addictioo is that, while the ratings may not be exacUy correct -and may therefore affect the Ille span of border-' line shows -Ibey give a relatively clear indi.,.._ tion of the audience appeal of most programs .. • IN RECENT MONTHS, however. many per· sons in the video industry have been seriously que&o tloning one· aspect of the national Nielsen ratings - The moot powerful staUstics of all. In these particular ratings, CBS-TV generally emerges the final annual winner. The network 11 known for its bucolic, folksy series that have strong appeal in provincial areas. Despite CBS-TV's numerous urbane and civilized broadcasts in other areas, it is these folksy shows that pay the freight. The point of contention for video dissenters is whether the Nielsen samplings tn non·urban areas are correctly. gauging contemporary audience tastes in a ttrne wben urban centers are growing more significant by attracting more and more residents. These centers would , of course, include persons living in nearby locations as well. IN SHORT, the nation'& population now ii mostly to be found in the regional complexes bur- geoning from the major cities, So, ask some·vldeo figures, shouldn't the truly significant ratings be those that reflect what 1' happening so clearly? In addition to the national Nlelsens, there is tbt 30-market statistical survey, which focuses on major city audiences. ABC·TV and NBC.TV usaa1· ly do better in this survey in competition with CBS- TV. IT MAY WELL be that the Nielsen !inn, which is intelligent and keenly aware of trends, has been making adjustments in view of the population shift. Yet it is difficult to believe that the adjustment•. have gone far enough. For if they had, then some of the determinedly folksy shows that benefit from the national Nielsens woold surely have been af. fected, The point is that no network, CSS.TV or any other, puts on shows of a certain kJnd because it particularly feels devoted towards them or wants· to shove them down the public's throat. A network is !JI the business of selling products, and it puts '!II the kind of shows 11 thinks will best sell those pro- ducts. If the ratings keep saying such'and·such is your audience, then that affects the programming. THUS THE QUESTION: Who is really the aud- ience nowadays? And , even tnore important than that from a network's point of view. is ; WhO' has the money to buy the good s? The big drive around the network> is for the so-called "young adult" audience. But at this point, at least, the national Nielsens, while still most definitely the key ratings. are also something of a paradox and perhaps a bit of an anachronism. Denni• the ltlenaee ' ' t l. • .. .-........... .. ... . . . ,. . i . ... . . . . JI OAILV PILOT Thursday, Manh 6. 1969 ... --~ ... -.·. ... -... " . . . . ---. . .. .. ... . . ..... . .. . .. De Burgos Flawless on ·uc lrVine Pridium _ W estmimter_ Theat,er Holds Comedy Tryouts Opeh roadlnp1or "Once!«. JoluLMoran. who appear'41 • . By TOr,J BARLEY Cl( .. Dlllr , .... Sll>IJ Whentver and wberev<r the llale of. our musical herttaae -is told we can not omit Spain from I.be reckonlng any more lhan we can !ail t o 1cknowle<fBe the dtep impact of the Iberian lnfluence upon of men whose loyaltiea,. lf ~l the full measure of lt>elr love, lay beyond the Pyrenees ~ Bizet, etiabrter and Ravel c;ome·lmmediattly to mind. De Falla and Granados apart, perhaps, Spain's sons have bten slow ta l.alJd .their nation'l!I glories through the medium or the concert score; nor, for that matter. can we find the Spanish equivalent of a Klemperer or a Van Cliburn ·:our conrert halls. ·1 IL is, to be sure, an i¢1uence tha( has been reflected over the centuries in the music OON'T'MISS THIS PIOlilAW YOU 'LL fiAYI ·A rt:l,ECTLT DILIGHTJUL IYINING '" FD.,.,.,.i'"SOUTH CO~ST PLAZA.Jlt E San Di110 freeway "t Bristol • 'f:IJT 1 lril SMASH WEEK OPEN DAILY 6:00 P.M. Sat. & Sun. Open 1. 2 noon WALT DISNEYS!. . . . ALSO "C HARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" WED THUlS. FRI. MON. & TUES. SWISS FAMILY llOllNSON·6:30 & 10 P.M. -COUGAR 1:<45 SAT. a. SUN. SWISS FAMILY llOllNSON 12:30-4·7:45 COUGAl·1:45-6:ZO & t :SS ROD STEIGER SIUNSAS ••• DIL SERGEANT 1N THI! WESTMINS'nR CENTER ALL WALT DISNEY SHOW C•flt, Sot. f.re111 11:JO p.111. · S.Hr; fttl111 1 P·•· in muslc's me tic u lous1y recorded annals . Times change, of ·coar~. and the splendid concert at the Unlverslty ot CaWornia at Irvine Saturday night may well be an indlealloo that· Spanish artht.s art going to win for thtl.r nallon ils . long overdue Portk>n of podibm and keyboard ·honors. lf the. cur- rent crop art rJJ of the caliber ot conductor Ratael Frubbeck de Burgos and that Jem- pestuous pianist, J o a q u i n Achucarro, let us alncerely hope that Ibey will <mulalt these maplllceet perfm:iners ·by ~I Ulii nau\Jll · and regaling WI .li!b thelr'talents. . Let U!· nulke. no Dones about it, de Burgos is tl}e best"toP:. ductor we have-seen irr this season:1. · serie! of 6raDge County Phi!harmon!C Society concerts. Ana we do not base' that .opiiiion solely upon .his fervent , flawless direction of the 'superb De Falla that end- ed this concert. De Burgos was, as th !! British so delightfully say, batting on his own wicket with his direction of the "Three. Cornered Hat" ballet music and it would have been surpriaing lf his lnterpretaUon of this dellghtfUI, uaty xore: had DOI been something out ot tb!otdlnary~ ·Personal forte or not, what w~ got wu a hesh and utterly ne,. lnslgbt into a score that had never, before Saturday night, made it.a mar.,: with t.h.ls writer as anything more than good ballet music - good, but hardly w:eptional. This disciplined, deml.nding Spaniard gave ua De Falla 'as De Falla ~ust have Wflllted it with a driving, agitated d~ection. that brougbl the very ~ out o( a hard-working Los A n g el e a •Philharmonic 10rchestra. And that was '°melhing that p;irttcularly lmpi'wed us throUghout the concert -De Burgoa' ability ) to get that . little extra out of this eils'emble,' .something· that r.jehta, for all' his brill· iance, has never been, able to ac hieve. · De Burgos was by that timt, and without the luster of that glittering De Falla, our firm friend. And he won his spurs with this crlUc with some good old fashioned elbow grease from the podium in a sterling direction of Mozart's happy OCC Student ·Woltz Wins Musical Honor . Paul Woltz, a freshman music major at Orange Coast College and ·a gfaduale of . Newport Harbor High School, won first . place and a cash awarct of ' $50 at the recertt Young Musicians Competition hfld by the Orange Ceunty Musical .Arts Club. 'Voltz weln top honors for his performance of Mozart's Bassoon Concerto. · The contest is i.n arillual af!air, f!fld.",is, ·ope_n to ,Ul.~r: clas.sitic8tlons ol piano; veictt, strings, and winds. Awards' and cash priieS are given to· a winner fn each classiflca~· lion. Wol tz, as top bassoonist and winner of first place, will be presented in a 5()10 program on March 22, 11t a specia l a w a rd s ceremony at Sad- dleback H!gh School. While still a student :il Harbor High, Paul playtd .bassoon in the Slate Honor Bands and Southern C.allfornia Honor Bands and Orchestras. He is at present a music ma· jor at Q_;ange Coast College TOP MUSICIAN OCC's Pi1ul Woltx and plays sax as well banoon with the "Riffi," the concert band and orchestra, and .the Community s)imphony Orchestra. He also is playing with a local Di.J:ieland group . ··The Happy Jazz Band." £rossword Pu7'Zle I 1 Dull 1 5 "·-Timber· I lane" 9 Entertaiaet 14 Che~ish 15 Operatic wo<t 16 SillJ pl!fs'OQ 17 Individual """' 11 WWII fighting ''°"P.' Abbr. 19 llan s n"l.Wll! 20 Conflict 22 Held I ses~lon ' 24-Walk • heavily · 25 Oriflltal condl11enl 26 Mylhlc1I bolng 21 B,alt\C'Sea .. II .30 lce-J2 Conl1lne1 l6 FJowetlng . •'"'" 2·words . 40 Sole11n . hymn ' 41 ,Briakfasl , food "42 Season 44 Merch.ndls· Ing event "45 Brlttl11 47 Real estate man 49 Soundness of 11lnd 51 fine tree· product 5Z Canv•c product .. 54 'Grand Canyon kalurl! 5S Dwelling unit: Abbr. 51 Electrlcal unit 6l lnf1nt1s food 63 St. . L'lwrence 65 Units of 160 S!J. rods 67 Long narrow groove • Yesterday's Pu11le Solved: .. 0 3/6169 69 Weather lO Somtiimes .\l TV part forecaiter's an odious .\6 NeiQh bor· hood 'llroup: word thing Abbr. .\I Fruit SO Canine 11olse 70 Gllsten · 11 Labor 71 Musical work 12 City of 72 Thl!rl!fore Norway 73 Numerical ll Hautboy, prell• for one 74 Onl! In debt 21 Nonflower· S3 Cowboy's accessory SS Watchful Sb Leroy (Satchel) 75 Unit of In; pt1nt 11ovle Iii• 23 Convulslye musclr motion DOWN 1 Happy state 2 Gambling 'ilame 3 Ur. Brund:age 4 H1lf: Comb. fotm S Sloppy 6 Sun's appa· rent path 1 Th:all1nd's fonnl!f n1me 8 Better p_rotecled lJ Brli'iftO st.Ile flt lor use 27 Electdcal 57 Where lnns- let.o1 bruck Is 29 Wander 51 B c • about idl1 · · ' neighbor JO Steady 59 Us ua l 31 One In the resu lt of trucking a cavity business 60 Fill in to J) Kind of an error hazard 62 Farming 34 Kind of look. lmplem~nt 35 -do-well 64 Southwest 36 l'he Alphabet wind 37 lrlMI 66 --61ss exclam:atlon 68 Shout at l8 Showrr Sp1nlsh 39 Shade of soccer tray g:a11e ,.......,....,,...,.,- and so Tlchly melodic Sym- phony No. 25 In G minor . the Askt,na, '' a fortbComing ht "lJ!tder th& Yum Yum )lt<>ducllon or the w .. tnlinster . Tree'.' and "Tho N1'bt ot Community ibeater, will be ' January lltb '' fot held durin1 the next two Westminster ls ditt<tln( !he weekends. show. A can of seven men, Tryouts will .be condlicted · seven women and two youna at 2 p.m. Salunlay and Sunday g~la ls required. AJ. we noted e1Tller, De Burgos maket hla ·orchestra work. And his flashing batop brought. from hia gralUng orchestra a finely tailored, craftsmanllke Mozart tha\ was a pleasur, to hear and which brought a sustained ovation from a delighted aucllence. That spirited, shlmmering an- dante was a masterpiece in 'Camelot' Auditions and . again Martj!, JS and .16 Auditlons wW be held at !or .the Owen Amo comedy the !heater l>ulldlng In the about a "good fairy" "'ho Westmin st er Center, , grants wishes in wholesale Westminster A v en u e a~ quantities. GoldCn West Steyet. ltsell. And now belatedly, but nonethelesa U.g!!fly, to Senor Acbucarro and a deeply emo. tio~I performance of $er1el : ._.,. d Racbrnanin~·· Rhar)sody on • n.,nnounce a, Ttie~e of Paginlni lhat .won him .lbe~ ovaUon· of the even- Irig. . It wk!'tborouglily deserved. Achucarro c a pt u r e d~ com· pletely \he restless, flicker.log emotioOallsm and the clear, unashamed romanticism of hh 'beiiutiful work with a keyboard rendition that, to us at least, was technically almost faultless and was, in terms of sensitivity, un- matched among recent performances attended by this critic. Most concert pianists cap- ture most atlenUon in this memo l'able Rachirianino(f concerto ·with their hand Ung of that haunting theme, ao very clearly stated but by no means as easy to capture in its entirety as the layman would imagine. Achucarro drew full marks on th.is score. But we were particularly enraptured by his sheer technical mastery of that' ·demauding, compelling finale, one of the most glorious passages in moderri music. Ably hacked by the sym- NOW-Exclusive Area Showing- ~ Orl9fnal Uncut -Mt. ...._t:4I .. ~,........_ Venll>n . . ....... ' Exectly·n-n)t 2·Ytlr LA. Roadshow! . . . . .. FOR .ALL YOUNG LOVERS WHEREVER YOU ARE pathetic baton of De Burgos 1r1-1n• .. ' ''"'•••rt• i•••••111r, th "led AL.AN AJllCIN e gu young Spaniard "THI HIAIT IS A r made every note of this lovely LONELY HUNTll" Rachmaninoff tell its tale. p1111 I JOANNI! WOOOWAllO 'llL ____ .,.; Ra ael Fruhbeck de Burgos "IACHEL. IACHIL" 1111 and Joaquin Achucarro: twol:,==========' Spa~sh gentlemen wbo are CCllllM~n ACtnC r.:oAn,.....,. , Sn1 ST. destined to win their proud '"'Pt" na tion many Jaurel5' in the · concert halls of the world if .-j, • .,.. -~II Saturday oight's vital and -- re!reshing performance Is to -. be our criterion. __ ;;.-; ALEX COllD ''The BROTHERHOOD" Eve. Sllew Storts 7 P.M. Ce11t, Sot. '10111 5 P.M. S111day Ft-0111 1 P.M. JlllWrOIT tlACH -e t tit• •~I­ " le~I-UH hit -01. l·IJSO 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS llST AC'TllSS llST SUPl'OITIN• AC'TOI • ALSO 11.u-.... ,... """'' Peter C11Sh1119 COLOll "Cen•ptl••"' Edd 6yrnes COLOR "l'ayment I• tlo•cl" ALL DlllVS·IJ• lfAITS , At t :• • ' '-a.... ....... 1211111 ~ I \J':>!.l r,1f. 5A PAULO -_,..w 54~13 nit o ..... ttsl Adventur• . llf Ttttl!I AIU COLOlt-W1rt Ol~ney"$ "Swbc Follllly let'1J11e11'" . --.. ..... ........ llKelhl'llltl .... fW 41111'111 JI-llOlltll"ll COlOlt "~!llOllll"f rtt"WES ,..-· -~ ~ . FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI -· ROMEO •lULIEf .-8' .. SPECIAL ·SATUllDAY MOllNING STU DENT SHOW , 10 A.M. -Sl .ZS WITH STUDENT CAllD _,.nw1.1~1waw­ ·rHE dn-+-lf-+--t -IMPOSSIBLE YEARS' -Mn-MGM . .... """'"" lef4ff MIMq'a" lfl'O ~ttl COLOR ''T'W ,,.,...., .. Now in Ourfamily: Also~· 1.,.. Sliew St9tl 6:41 c..t. S-. ,,.. J P.M. Family Weekly ~'Hearl .is a'Lonely Gffuntet" nd '· . a from thi& man who oould not sped or tw-Ji.r, tM 1irl heard m.111ny thing'.\. ~.~""'-'Bo>t.·S-,<A11r -·-1- ' - -------------------------------~------------------------------------------~--------. - Lighting Vp the Sky (1) DAILY ~llOT llell ...... Two images of the. theater are mirrored in this "before and after" ,sequence from Moss Hart'.rcomedy "Light Up the Sky," openilig Friday at the West- nunster Community Theater., Tb~ SY{eetness of the first .act (left) turns &our in the second for young playwrijht, Rick Guns! (seated) and (from left) direc- tor Ed Little, actress Carol Fllulsllck .and producer ·Alan G. Hart. _ ' ' bAl!.Y mar It iiur.- ·..wnca., -~ ,.... . -...... .,. c........ .... __ _.r....,. .... - .. •'IJM #It ' .. 415Ei"' ......,....,,,.. ~Aoot1Jll ~: COUMATIOtf ~-·--.... ,. eo1$'0:"(!.•••m -........ . ,.. .,.._'" ' • ·""=-=.:" .~, ,., . ....._.,.. ....... .., "" :::"C"::' :::." ...... - ..... • .. ... ..... ........ • 4 ... -u .. ... """"""' .... ... ,. .. ......... .. •• r.a ,.,. whldl .. DON MAllTt• MOVI... 1TMI' ~ DI .. N ... ..... tMI TNI COlP'OMTMltf tM ~ fi l.f.C4" ~ ITOMll ........ tt 1 ._ M . ..... ..,..,,... PW111tY I, -........ MOAACW MANN,~ .... ....., .ttfir .... lf•lll .-01111 e I• e11 ........... lh w,.w, n1n•1 till ._ .... ..,....., M ...... _,. _ .. -.. ,.-..:: ~ ...... ~ ............ .,.,~ .. -,.•,.--• ~ w ... ffl ..,,...._.. ._... ta 'h.,.•\Wt e. ........., ....,... ... .. ..... ll*Yllll a.Ml i'lctltlett ' .. ;,. l •. -dlilMlu .................. 111 ..... . ............... ""'""' """' -..._ It INl1lll ._ f11 Qll""' .,_ c.tw-If 1• ........ ~ C... tt .... tllllM .. Ille ...... .. ..,.,., -.... er.,. CN!f'(, C....,.,., ti' OIMINtlQflt ,i..t.IYfCI Ofl ANANllM ~ ..._. _.. ""' ...... __,... N.-. C'.llfltlrlll. 1llfllctt ...._. .-1111 CM -lflt ......... c.wrt. w ll!WW --·~ f1fM ...,.. • Uf, 11111 #llf Miii """ -. ...... f/11 llt ......... "" "'""*"' ., --"""9rW .,.,... .. .. .......... ~ "*" " ,... ··--· ~ ~~ ~ .. ,,., .... .......,,_ --. ' ......... .. ,.... """""' llllkit " '*'*' ........ ..,,., .... '*"' • fl.Ill ............ ~ ..,. .. Ollllt "' .,.,,, "' ""' -...... -..rlltllll ""' "' Ml ... '*' .,-,........ ... ....... .... ~-.. ..... wm.__.. ... ..-,;f,....._lt .. fol ..... IMllf=' WW fM..,._, "-ltL 11t'tM,.._._.,...._,. ....... 1 i.w!h -""'at Wl"OT'I AUCTION &AllN • ._.,.e:.~'c:-'.....:btl ,_.~,_-J: ~-.. c1::r1111 -~ .,..., .. •Hml'lrll Qleni1c.tl ~ ......, W. Ult. sm: ., ....... = =' .--r:::: t.."t-:. c: r.;:= fw tr111Mdlsll ,,,...,_....,_If*' llllWl1tl*I It! r~ =::....-........ ·-....... C~. ~0:-,.,L~~ .. ._. ..,,., • .. ,. .. ..., • *""-.,.,, """"" .. ~ ...... fk'"""-""""' w .....,.. • "" ......_ llldl ........ wmt•M "' flW fltll 1llfl ,.., • "--w. """ 1t 11a .. Ciiek P'M. ""*""' f/11 ....... ...,..,, ..... Wlfll tfll ~ ~ -'= ........,..., .__ ITATI ~ CAL.lf'Ofl:NLI. ) I ' Tfll fllllWllll Id If 1 WW ...a'""" file '-"9 -. .. IM Co\llllY Clltk fllll' « ,_,_ 1' .......... .. TMO#J'tOlrMtAYWAllD COUNTY OI" LOI A .. \.11 1 • " tN _...,,, "" .. ltlf1 .,-~ Clurifv, ...................... ,_,,_ ................... trm --CMSM~\. COMP'AflfY °" "*"'"' f1 "" ....... ... ~ ~ -;:"~r.: .. ~'.~11• .,"~'=v.,.,n.1•. =~~ :..~'"'::~~-J:.:::':1 .:: sn..,....,..,..,.... ........ ..., .. " ,..:t._:.'o.,..,. · ·~~"C ~~~':L11 ?. :._..._.~" ... " .,. .. ,.,.... Jr! MllW"t ......... "* ...... ""*"""" °'"" c....-hi"' ,,.., lmtl " .... ...... -.... ,, , ........ -••• _ ................. ,. .......... WINOV"I AUCTION aAll:M "*"'rt 1t. .. 11 .... ,...-t. .... JL....., "'" '" -. .---•Y•.., ·• • lflil ,.._....., flt IM ~ ef c.-. ,... c..,,... Mll'dl 1.. ...., .,. 't:..-:::-11•:.;:,. :::rv ~ ~ :: ~ r,·:..:..•-:: =r...t. . L .. : .... Or ..... c.ut Otllr PllM "_.,,,,, .. Ii_ =--fllf' ..... Ill tit• .,,.; .._ ,...... """"" ll'4Y Cllf4I-( K'IAt. llAL) ...; .....,.,._ V.t.RooD ..... -. ' .......... ~,.,...Ill<~ =.:··ffldt--Mln:ll ' 11. lM .......,.. on.t ~ Olllr Plitt ,.....,. .. ·'"'-"'4n ~ flt ll'lf fit -~llfwn .. LEGAL N0'11CB c11~~.:.:ur .::::•111 rr'"' 11. -. 21 IM Ml""~:,. ":r¢:"~' .;'..1n"'t...:.~ ~ ... :"°'C.:., .. T"9 ""*"'911H -_,.., 1'IW -...... ef ...,Nflrlllii .._,_lfl OMINCI, #fr ~IMIM auim NW ~Pliuctlflll 1 bultt1"' 1t 1 .. '"""" LEGAL NOTICE tMI , kll1w11Je1J tt 1ne tMt Wcfl '99t. 1-. Ifft Cl•r.:r~CA~:ur •UllNUI COlll .......... C11"-"11, unW Wit ~ T"'~~~~=-~:; I l'llw • ....;. ~~ A"'. T'Ple ::?.: -·~ llhe Is trtlolil nm. t1tlftl ef IUN Mii ttilt tfOTICI TO CalOITOll Mirtllflfo ll9f ""' llelld lllCI .tfllltcl "'" -WffllMte ..... """t'lt __.. ... ~dtralt .. , ~,, N '' ••·-·rd! Jld firm It con.eMd ef "'-lotlllwll!t IUPlafOI COUIT Ofl TMI tffld91 --, Ill• ..., 11111 n1r Ill tfll1 W --· -............ '" .. 1 -• o. -l"' ,1~. ,.,,,...,,, wi'MIM 111mts lt1 f\/H 111d •'-C9filftCll fl ~ in.ti. • · ::J.r "!::'·~ fl~~,,;·:.M~; el rttlftllc• IN I• lollowl : ig~·c:::.:-1::-0~.:tr !OfFIC~l ~Atl -~::.~ .. :-;r. ... ~·'Orlltr' = 'N TUCIC lld 1fllt Id fll'l'll Is --... IOaGE E. l'llEllEllO Jiil,. '72 till, A .. l... lrnw•"' M. Mcl'••llnl of tile 1o~1ow1,. ::.._ ..._., 1111111' ·~~~:~·t C:,'-0~; ,147 weoc1iw, 0:_ ., ALICE E. MAlllAllY, =~~~ ~=111wn11 LEGAL NaJ'ICB• • '· :=1.::!1 .. •rrd •llce of, ruldtftca .. .. S.11tt ..,.._ ..01'.CI II Hlll:IY elYEN • "" IL.of, Afll•llt CWfllY HIWl'OlllT-MUA UMlll'llO KNOCK. uTHt••NI It FoitotltllUGEN .,.,.. Mlrcl'I S, ,... "'"'"" If Ille ....... """" ,...,,, Mr C-IMlon l!ulra DllTlllCT . I Ml ' • MICHAIL •• G•AY !NII '" -1-vlnt ci.1 ........ IN.I ... " ,,n ................. m l"ollli•ll1•· c.-dt r. IOllGE I. l"llEIElG Jlt. "" .. 111 ~· .,. '"'11,.. .. flil 111..0C NOTICE . II.::.-.:.... •iVIW .... g::·~~flllt'Y 11 1,.. $tli_.lf C1llfol'1111, °""" C-tr: "*"• wt11i tt. _,,."' ~ 11'1 PuMlll'lllll °"'"" C-.t OtllY PlloJ, 1ftt '°""'If tf .. .....,.,_ ICATHElllNE • F<i•OEltl•UGIN °" Mlrdl .. ""· .,.,. -· I 1111 ltf\c'I ., ... cln If ........... l'.WV.t'Y tt 11'1111 M•f'Cll .. u. '°' M ... UnlflH k!IMI b\tfrlct "' or...-511'9 If c111ton;i1 or1111t CWnlY· MoterY ""bile: 1" IN 1'r .. w llll't, .,,llllN C!Ollrt. It!' to ••Miit ttlW!I. •I"' 1"' ~ Cwnfr, C1tlforl'll.. "'II f'ldrv. -llli On Flbrl/V'f i1 ltflt ...,_,., Ille .. .--ii-, ""'"" IO•OI E · nt. __,t'Y VII/di.,.., to 1111 -M4i1 1111 fe 11:• A.M, M 1f-. ti" 1 Ho!lfY ""bllc rft and f.,. Mid SNtl; •11;lllEllO Jr. 11'1111 MICHAIL It. G•AV Otn!tft!d If fllt offl~ rlf hit A~,,,.,. LEGAL NO'nCE Jtr tit ~ ,1"f·, tt ·'-,."'*9 _._11y ,_.,,,. ICATHElllNE • klWlrfl'I to "" to M 1'111 ,,.,_ w-. J, 0. f1H1rt, •H .. 11111 l'lowlt llrllf, If Mllll lei.II DMrfCt, ....... • 1'lr. FO•DEJl:•llUGIN ~ " IM t. Iii "'""" 1r1 111bscrl'-1 • 1111 wllll11i lkill1 Ntlfl'llMr sot. I.II At;fl1-. C.llfornl1 _,.. Plfelf!tll A...,_, Qlf9 M1M. CllfwM.; 1111 Hi>Mn -... Ml'M la ••crlbtd IMtrum.,,t lt1f HkfllvlledtH "'"° u-90011, wllldl If 111t _.,... If llM,,,_. ftonc:a TO CllDITOIS '' wlltdl tl!lll Mid lllfl W'lll .. ~IV - -- -.,,,,.. tt.• 111'1\f, If '"' ""'"'!•Md Iii '" iMfllh ,.... ....... 111111 ,... lillt: :. ':. ~~ tM ..:,.,:.•,.. ' 111 (Ol'f'KIAt. IEAll "'""" .. fM tt!Ot fll ,.1111 _..,,,, ~:::::-c~t~::.:r .. ;;: ........ ft It~ CllflMttM Ollvlll • rt-Mel'Y l9tll Mes1M ~ 4 !Nlilllllt 9'ltr ttl9 ftNt -"Clllln TMI COUMTY 01' Oll.t.M•I All bl;t IFI lo .. Ill ··---NlfwY',.. Netef"f PvDl!C>Cam.r11\1 fl ttllt flllllllet. • * A~ Wltll Olltfflol T~ 111f QwMl""'""f*o .. PltlbllllfltJ or.,.. Clllt . 0.111 flltlt, Prlncllltl °"* In oetMI ,_,,.,... 11. 1• t:Jt1tli f/11 ELtll OE U fONTAINI owtltlns ,.,_..., 11'1141 "lf tfll'lclt ' tf ~,, ll. ,.. » ... Mlrdt .. °'#1111 Cwf;tf c ...... L """-.. •O•• •kl lllSI DE LA fONTAINI tlll. ..~."" """' If .... ,..,.. I 1Ht --..... MY c..-...... lulr• b..tw; f!I"" ...... _,_ el1s1 KOlllll DE LA FONT AINI lttrlct, l1$t llllClntlt A.,..., Cltt' LEGAL NOTICE ~· '· 1t71 ""'t-' ...,.., ~I O.CMMd. • ¥IN, C•llfllnlt1. . .. ' ' Z k S ll S UfGAL·NO'nCI M:":-;'a,~,,:-' Dlllr :::.Snit..:.~ •• '"""° NOTICI 11 Hl•EIV GIVEN te tht11;·==r-~v:~1Wll ... 11 ! anuc t; \ ett;ng ~¥:::i::=:r.~::: .. ~a: =c.. ii . .:.:::...~, =":rr::r::=-119~=.'::=,.•(,:)~ =---...:.~ .. ~ ... ... " -.TMl·COUNTY OP' OU.I ClltTlll•tca~.U·:. •WtNIU -"Vll .Ill ., --ftll' .. w ...,., 1r1 l'ffultlCI .. ftlt 11111. .... ...,. .... " ... --' -*-Mml PICTrTIOUI llAMI ' =:-. I YO ClllDITOlll ..... _.... ::::"" ..::' 1t""'t1t1-:J:::" of~._!; fllt N._ltlA\IM UlllfW,kflllf..,,,,,: MOTICI OP Ml!A•IMG 011' ~ITION ,,_ """""19111J .. WtlfY M " IU IO• COVH O> TNI P'ltofll\\ • A l'lilrwll..._ ...... Jt11Y .. ~~1 P fOll llltOUTI Ofl Will. AMD t'oa c:onducll"" I Ml-.t 1Nt ,._,. 11'-*lllllH Or•-C0111J h llr Piiot. liltltlM -rt. er 1rll ,_.,,. tllltrl, WI It ll!t ~· If 1f1t 0~ ace A St d • lETTl!IU T11TAMINTA1tV ''°"'· Coif• MtM, c11111r1111. IJMtf' ~~~T~~l.1::-:t.::: Mll'dl 4 11. -. n, ,,., ID-# =-~';" M'~t 't.,.~t "" ......, llf ~111,. ,. -.r ,.. .,::: mong U 'IOS 1:11111 of Gl..W. ~-ltt11l. Dlc:tlM fhl fldllllw flNll _,. If A 10 Slcvr'lfY '•elfk J<lltloftll 1.,,._ forffttrtr C1111fr1d, the .,,..... ., ._ dlldi . ' ~ 'NOTICE It HllillY OIVIN TI.t r llNTAlS .,,,. IMI .... """ " 1111• If .. ': ~ llilt """"" LEGAL ~B Stell,,.,. Finl N1!1oflll hnk. • Nflltllfll WIU .. ......1,..., ., ... .. ii • :Wion "ior K~~~., fl':n ~11 .J :::"T! ~1:"' .::"':~ -z-:..= " "II\' A. Oullfllft't. 1M kMWl4 " 1111klnl' Auoellilleoi, N""'°" C1nttr Of. t=;...': .::: .::, D= .nr .. AS ' which lllUtftCI Gf ._.,..,. T•iamlMMY "" .. tlllow11 """'911 A. DW!l'*'I. ,.... ..... .. ' ......,., fie•, uo N9-t c ..... r Drive, ~rt c-tr ·"'or.. By _BOB TH0~1 h"Pohrinod r!_Co!Pl':el'u' '-d """"-·· """-*r--~ " ~ J:.~~:iv.::.~llf."' o.ny ·='rc:M~1:~~'?1rv1N .. h ..t .... =~~ c::•'=· •TATI ~1~:" .,c.=-"~ '=°'""' """:0...~1 • .: ' ....... r mtr Wl!MrJW !tilt ...;. NEW YORK (AP).!-Darryl e a -. r,.,....... e n& '°' Nrther · "rtbi"""' W1c1 tMt ""' 0.,.. Flt!l'lltrY 11 tM cnJ1tlN « fht .....,. n•~ _.., .,..-.., tAllPOIMIA In 111 ""t!IA """"1119 to ""' et1•tt "'• Nf'tof If ,.,,,.,..,., r•) -.. tiftW ' F, Zanuck, who runs a movie been chortling o"fer it.;__part :::' r!~ :'.tlKI tor., Ml"::'"'it "1m-Tt J•"'" J....f, or1Yor !!Ill 111 .--""''* cllltM ... 11111 Hit flll COUllTY ...-••N1 of Mid "9Cldlnt, wu111"' !$Ir ,_,,,. "",:~ :f" ::C .,,.,..,,. ,,..,..,_ f h. ' I ..... __ 1 JO 1 IN blturtrwll • D....,,. 1.J!M If C1llfotflll °",.' C.UlllY• ' !tie dllll .......,. 1r• rMul,.. '9 flle .... M"1I •"9• *'-""'' 11u&lklflon of "'I• llOflc1. 111M tit"-.........,. empire from the Hotel Plaza o is gee may have ~ ~' •-~; ~ If .. 10 aurt, · •t 100 Oil I'•&. 11, 1..;, ..,.,.. '"" • ·,..,., ........, wtltl "" .......,,,. vwcllfrt, rn """' ., 11nv 1. w1w•es1. O•* .,..,.,., 21. lKI. :-',.1khool 0111r1d ,..."""' 111e tWtt suite paused one day to the saUsfactlon of mappbig wt11 e19hlh ilrMt i.. "" c1tt • Pllbrtc 111 ,,... for .... ttttt. ...,....,~ tilt "'* ., tht tlll'k "' "" ,...,... Dia•..._ StcurlfY l"1dtk N111on11 ':ir 1rw or ,11 "*" ...r "" ' ' Up the film r1'•'ts to a S•nl• An• C1I~ .. • llllltlred J-_,..... .Oravtr .. ,,..... li'ifltlN aurt, .,. "· .,_, ''"'"· wttfl -NOTICI It Nr•11v ••YIN " th• ..... torm.rl'I' Stclirttf ~ ~ ~ ...... "'· -discuss suclf matters a s e.u W E n JOHN counlY Cl•rk to me to .,. .,. ,.,...,, ..,_. ,.. ..... " 1111 nkltl•rr WIUCfWt. to fll• 11,,. cr.t1lor1 11 lfll •blve MmM ~"'"' Flfllll Nlttonll '""• 1 ":... •llY 111orm1r1ry w '"-fltrt~ restagmg the Pearl Harbor monumental best seller D•lftl Mi•ch",, 1"9 ' iubtcrlbtd to !hi wlltiln 11111r_,,1 ..,., c11n1..,.. •• !hi lfllc.t.., Hit A!lwntr, l!llt 111 ••noM h1vl119 c111ms H•11111 •r: w. C. ""'™'11. n~,:,. ~~- p 'bl • ' Pa-Mi ' ~lfdlM fie 1lllCll!ld fill Mm.. :=. ~n. ~~~ 1~11 ":_:' ::m MN wtlli ~ ,..:;: .. ;:-~ ": ~:'rt~ ..... .-. NIEW~ltT=-U. , attack and how to photograph oss1 y in a sour·gr~pes T,..,.., .. n1v .... c•1111111 <OfF1C••1. sEAll c""'"'11 ,,_ wi.ltfl 11 ,... 1..0,... ~ic. 11 "" cllrk 111 "" e11oY1 c..:xecu9oto 11 "" win u14111110 ,="' DllTlllCT, "Portnoy's Complaint." mood, Zanuck's competitors :: .:::"'S:... 1.,. ~ K~..,. :.::..""" _.:,...: .,.~~ •I = -rt. tr tt ~ ::: 11tMll;' l',,C..~:'.;:' cllelif'"t f,~-: , Ir The onetime boy wonder have pooh• poohed the ~ ~~ ""' flr111dHI Office 9!11 ,11., .,_..., ,......., • ..., ..,...._ ~ It :% ~ ou•YIA. ,., ... erw """ .., ~ Mll"WIP fro)'D Wahoo, Neb., bas been purchase. They reason that ._.. ·.., '"'""-' t."!:.C.:.'1:. ...,_ '"0:: ..,...°"""'., .. ~ CAUitm11 1111 IAAN•t. .. u111tM1 ~== =:;-tnn ::n:.""' Mori! slbwed 80mewhat by a broken "Portnoy" Will be impoulblt • P~ °""" c..t D•tlr Pll•, ""°'·' 14 lfPI n= ~ ':;w ~--a.a 1111 .. -:tc. .,.-..,.:: A.._,.·"'·~ PtMlllllf Ol'•"'9 c...r o.tf)o ankle, but-he still sets the to film with any real accur...W ~di ..... ta.,,.. '1.., """'...., or.... c.t Dlllr '""' t111ttmw".,,. wut ., •:,•~, .. :11 ~ ,.... l"ubllellild on... 0.111 01nr Pt~. Mll'Cfl '-1i. 1M ::; _, LEG -t'ebrwr, .IL .. t7 "" Mtl'Cfl " I.................. tt1'111111 ............ "" ~ Mltdl .. 11. .. 11.1,., IOHll---.-;;::;';'!;-:::::==-== fastest pace among film com-because gf aome uf the 1it: AL NO'l'lw.. '"' NMt ~ _. c:;IWllJ _,.... , ,,...... lflw ""' fl'1t ,.,11nc1ttor: LEG" NOT!,.. 1 LEGAL NOTICI pa.I.,, He has led 20th Cen episodes · • -•• 11cm-....,. L ••••• " ""' """" ' ~ ~ " --' t:alTIPICATa Of' •UllMl&I ~ "8 Ult MIMl..A'flW ._... l'"'-'Y 1-..1"' OUntANCa NO. JN tury-Fox through the shoals of "That doesn't bother me at l'lCTITIOUI MAMI .... --.... ,.. "· M. WIMP't:l5S MOTICI 01' nuiT••'I I.AL• AN OllDIMANC• Ofl TM•~·· bsnl<ruptc d . to a period ll " 'd Za k ' I Id Thi 11M11n11Md ... ee<llf'V IMt k ..... c..-.... Cl,.,.11 "'"' E•eortor UU11' NO. -(ll ., .,... Ct'N COU!f• f an Jn a ' Sal nuc ~ • cou COllduclll"lll • bullMSI II BOit 1176. Cl•TIPICATI OP' IUllM•••· Tl!• (rlf) '*'"'. ,, tt.1 Win "" °" Mirth 21, '"'· It •'-1'cloUI U.Ll~•MIA. .,...~I ... T:.. MIU. of prosperity. At 66, he shows tlln that scri"" in an bour Nl'WP<lrt I etch. C1lltoml1, lllldt• lh• l'ICTITIDUI MAM• """""" "" i-.11111tr11r11r " lh• •bow .... m .. AcMt!'lt A.M, 1'He fllllT AME•ICAN FINAM· N. x" 110 N 0,. c •• T ••• , ... . !in . t • t d ~ e ,.~ ilctllloul fltm "'"" ol HARIOll DOCK Thi ~ ...... 1\111 llOtl Ur'lltv ... b " tile""" .. 1111 1 ...... fMltMt ....... DUIVIA., CA•l'IMT•• .. •A•N•t CIAl COllllOIATION ,.,,. .... ., UNINMA••T• no· me at19n ° 5 ow own. 1n a way that would not offend MAINTENANCE 1N1 th•t 11111 11•m 11 COfllluclln• , bull.11111 ,, 205s soutl'I ..m·"-"r!IHMulll • l.hilMJ c111Mnri" hltk .. utw11 •ucc-tnr•tH ,, ~i:~1111td '""''"' T1•uov1 TO 0 Ttt:•:rri-~:: c:':A Nor , t0 sbQr~ his Company people. com?OS&d If ttie lcllow!n1 "''°"' whou M11n Slrtlf, ltnll ,r.,111, C1llfllm!1, unclor 'llbll.t.llH ~1n11 (otJI C1Uv Plltf, SMll AM. C1~•l1 trF ff\I ur1tl11 Ct.a el Tl'Ull lllltCVfld MllA IN THI COUNTY OP •llAN9• wi•.h'; a conglomerate. nlme In 11111 Ind Pl•c• ol' r111deiic:e llMt 11dlllout fltrn n."'. II Mtrdl •• IS. 20. u. IHI '1\ ... Tiii cno 141-541 " llDIEllT L. A•NOLD 11'1111 l"HYU.11 ll"9WM AffD D. I •• "AT •• Ai .,.,. "There is no need to show II ., fol1ow1: "MOTOllCVCLt:'S INIV•ANCE AGEN· "'*""" .... ••tcutlr M. AltNOLO, liutbtftlll ... wit. INI "COUllTlY Ct.U• JtfHl:TW" ."'We have no plans whatever rythin oen111, P1111c1rd1n,1t11 30th. MewPOrt CV" •lld 11111 Mld firm 111 ~" LEGAL NOTICE 1"utt111111111 Or•nt• cont 0111, ll'lllf, l'tolf'tld J111r 1, 1"' •~ llOlk 7'7t, THI CITY COUlotCIL 0111 TMi to• change our corporative eve g; you can .. ac-1e1c11, c11ttorn11. pt fhe 1011owl119 ,,.,..., wllld ,,_ ,...,,,...., tL -. 21 •• Mtrdi a. .. ., lit., Oftlc:lll •-,.If Ore11t1 Ofl' COSTA MllA. CAllJIOllNI -c'"' com..Jtrh a trNl!llt deal by im-01NS Mtrth 5, 1HI. Ill full 111111 Ill-If ne1"ftao .. .. , ....... • If# ~ cwnty, Clllfwflllo 111f •IWfll " Ht MllllV O•DAIN Al JIOL.' -..,.. 0 setup " be said commeoti ... a ...,._, eo -o.tiillt 1'1ul C.'"" fol .. Yn: laTl,~Tt OP tullNlll ctrtllll Nollc'I ti Clf111tt Int llldltl'I, t~tofl 1 T!lt ...,.. I, • • -~~ plic·alJ10JI:. ~P or&noy'1tt11eof c.1111n111.or'""~ JoM a. McCve. fl• ww 111111 c . J.c.tmeus:~-... LBGALNOTai• .... ., hi'.......,,_,.... Novwr1111ftt19 c~ . .,·c...: t:,.•""llMiflM • on rumors of. a takeoVer 111 .,.._.._1.1..1• 1. a ~~--CO"'"' · on Mltdl &. ,,.,, """' me, 1 G•""* ~i.. ....,. AM. Clllfllnltl. --~ ,· ,, ... ,, ,. -.,.· !!..:}!8 "' 10011 ""' "'" ttl' " "'" -c ,_. -" a larger firm. 00ur-1 hu ~--~ ·-...-,_,..., r&-:':e.t.s•&:.wi': ,.:.dC:::: 011"!..*r'J!"'""· . o.::ci:• •t-st .... w.·Mcfrcjt. • ,..... •'.!t~11t0r:"M~"".: '""~~.'.:'Ma~ been jumping an 0\'t.rj ~ti)&'. ~lt1"0: ~I~, =-.. ---ti "" .. --.... ,,..., If ~,.o.... Cllllllr1 _ ... A¥Wll. =---.. -~.. '~ Clllftl'tCAf,!..~ ,::r,• TNll "" ti llllMIC 9llCf!lln ,.., Gllfl, :, ·:. c~ ~ ......... __ •--· and '··-'·ed -1 -• jl'ft ~ 11 .. tuo .... ti the """""' M. Drl ,...~. 'tt. lfl#11 .._. -. .._ ,Jn;1 hlflll PfCTIT....,I , • M1M ,._., If fflt UllllH llft. If fo h PUil.~. a mww e tyl ...., )'OU don't ·htvt' fo ...,,_, ............... "' _.....I ""'Z ' ...... "'rlf .. ~ =~ :"..=.~Ni:. -:r..:: ~ .......... ew$¥ .......... ~ It ... fNll!t Wiit ""'""' .... c~. ~-= ·~ have 8 hundred id:ed'as-.to ~ Jewilh to a~te tL;9,rie\'At.11A1..1 · ='•·• .. =".....,i;;;: .................... -.Mtiilf•IW •.i,.!"'w. ,;, ••. &r::.w"'.Z:11111:i-.:=.~-:=:..;~11o• .... 1t ~ecllrlnlft,-.. why. J bonesUy don't~tnoW. n..&le .I~ .. u ...... 1... IMtY ..... Mlr1lil ~·ll'lt ... •·"" ..... 1flo. .. ,.. ........ ,. .. ......... c. ..., ... .... ..,., •. P'M'fll ...... Mlle; "'"'-M ~YJ_ ............. "I've taken the positlob that ~ .wu IO ....... lft aw WWA· Netli'Y """noe.llfirft" """"*" .__....,,.., • .,. flli . H9Mf'f c. • ...,...... IC. wi... ot M 1Lle1'l tu""'" w cllY "' SHta ""'' c111fWn11 •II :.,.._. •• ~::,. "'9rlll• • ~l'tfcuterr; I ref 't 1 ing that anybody ctn see a .. ~111e1,..1 Dlfr.:e 111 "" ..,,._ • -wr c11* ..._ ~11. C111e ,...._ 111MY .,.. ~ .. 1111 """ • ..,...... • rteM t1t11 ""' 1t1t1rtt1 ~ A •rai ., .i. :.,.. p er to go 1 a one, as part 1 "---u in t~ book 0•111•e countv IOfl"KIAl. •IAl.1 e.t.llfltfllll. . If 1111 MllJWIN ,......., .__, ,...... "° '*' -1w111 11Nfl' Deed llf TMt t • ..,, Llf· 2 Wftfltet ltf I ' !ways done U ·~ething O WJ•:i.x '"" • Mv COrJwril111on ll!xl'lr-s Jol#ll 1. 01v11 D•* ""'"'" "· 1,.,. "' full •IMI ,.r_ Iii ,....._ ,,. •~ "" """'"' 11tu1,... Jrl fl'lt CW:I"' .,._ ., , -"'· T"9tt ,.._ -. .. ve a • '''"" whether he • s Protestant Alll'll '· 1'71 "°''" l'wtttrc • C•lltoml• .._,,. c. wi11o11 " folllWii: llM lllfit lll<lce'IM:I ., 11 .,... , :•M .. $-' • -beneficial to the stockholders . ,. • Publ!lhed o.-.... C011st D•llY •1111, l'rlnet,,.1 Offlee 111 ..,,llflfl K. WlltO:I M. .... Slitlltr. '3f2 llllnwtM 1111 .~ ••ttt. 111 ..,d • ,..;,.,. ., Or.,. ..... IJ Mliltl. to I'd h to, past Catholic Or Jew, M.l•C11 ._-ll. 20, ff, IHI •lHI Orio1191 c-tr II•" II C.Nforllll, 0t1-.;r, =I '*f• t~jtt cMMsi .... \s: " fl Tl'lct Ne. tllll. Irvine """ Htflcull Ill ._,. ,. c.llfllrilti fta~I~g t': them.a~.·iO 0r1r'==============·====•·==:::=::::;;;:;I ~cr"J#"' ~,. • °:-~ l!· •;,,. 111J1tri":i. ~.--..cJ:.. '· ~ ,;~ ~;..: J. ... , ..... ..,.: -.:i .... i::i.:i,•1:t;;. !'Ve had nothing in coa--''"' NllliM:I DNlltt e..et o.11r Pltll, ,.,..,.."" ...,.. ......, c. • D9flJ JliiilMiy-f,, tttt. 1 · • all(. "-11 M11t111i.-ie ,,.,.,._ :..,""'-'-1:~.;..'1 c"' "Clitti ~·~ C I . M h 8 ,. ,. ... ,,.......... .,,.., '"' ..._... "' w-. lllliWil ....... • .:-.,-r.._. · ,...... " "''"" Co11t11Y. C.ll"°"'lio· "' .:fll'l:ri" .. .. . ...,... form tO present lo anylJa\IY, om ng arc: , ,• lo .... -~ ::: M, =l'.'1~f -~""" °"''" LHN ..... H• ""' :.-U _, .. , to ; "We've been awroacbed " LICl••·NO'l'D :=.::,::.==:...-..--. -=,~ t.-r:r..,... l: 1 ·"1 ~·t.:'':n-:Ai t~~-'l!f~::,~"~ I recently by an Utrtmely R' n· WE kl' ' tUPlllHNl CCIUttf ... TMI (01",ICIAL llA\.I ' ,..,.,., ....... lfl_ 11'1111 ..... MN . .. l .. -. ......., .... h.,...,.,.. • tflle limited number,d 1iiiltltuUans -am·~ '·.LY . ee ~ ~·"• ... CAU .... •IA:f =i_Ji..°Ct.11twW :.-:."' ~ .... ~1111~;.:L: .. :o=. ... t.rJ.'f'a.:.0:-0r~ ~-: :~c ..... "' .. ":=.":":: -less than thrff. The"talks M•covtsAn..rWN := ~ 111 ~-';:'~thlr11eot:: ft::'::~~'Ndlwlllleul --J "' i.e. -."':,."',."'#' C'-J have been strictly exploratory, lfOTICI 01' NIAlllllO 011' ll'aTITION Mv CotnmlMIWI l!•l'lrtl . *"",,,., .-cvtM !tit-· ., W9'1'1!\ly, hPrlllld or 1,.,,11111, •• .-.... """' "" llllfWllM ., P•:;s. t'Oll ,.09.\TI 01' WILL AND Junl 21, Im (OFflCIAl IEAl) " tilt tlllf, ..-IOI! « lfll;l,llftllt1ol!CIO M ......., ... llM Tr.ct and so far nothing has THlil:ll CODIClt..1 ANO l'Clt 11'i,rbU111d Or•nt• Coirt tl•ll'I' P'l1ot. llobtrt w .... ,..... Ill MlldY "" rtmllftlnti .... lftcllNI """ ...... 1 tlit!la tcutfl ,. .. It' tr • developed." llTTE•• n:st.\Ml:MTA-T Ftbl'lflrr 20, 27 '"" Mlrcl'i '· u. Nll•rr .... ~nc . dllO "" "" llOll H'Cllrld " 11fd OMO!I I .... ~,., Md .,.. ...., .... E1t1te of MA It GU (It IT E Z lfft Stt-41 • ...,, W, ,II ..... A....,..., .. Tr111t 111 wlt: 17.UJ," wltll lnl1rttt "'• .. ,. i'en.w.e ltOM II ....... Meanwhile h e continues MACKECHHIE, Deee.t.•td-WI c.nr tttw. klft 1• fh•'"" from Slfttfr\lllr 1 1tM •• • ...,. i. .. ., c-ttr •.. ,._,. dl·r-~m· g the worldwide opera· NOTICE 11 Hl!llEtv 01v1w TMt LEGAL NOTICE • ..,,..,. 9"tfl. c11""'411 ""' •rovlcllef 111 1119 ""' 11t•1111r "'"" "'• .,... ""' -.. m • omcw . ""'~ GOIDON MILlElt MACICICHMle "'' T1h OU) '°''"* ,_ Chl1'911 Ind n--It ff\I Trwtel .,.. ., .... C.U..ty, .... """' lions of 20th Century-Fox, in t11tc1 111r.tn • "'tfktrl tor .,... .. " P'11brl1h1J Ortr.• c .. o c11tr '"'""' 1nd' •udl 11111r """' 11 _., lllWI "111 1Mtrwct"'4 WIWI"" llll'tt .. .,,.. ' Concert WI.th son Richard who ... m 111111 lh,.. cocr1c111 1<1C1 tor 11-"u utfOT1ca Tlo~:~•:J.O\~, l'tbru•rr ''· 211, 21 •n• Mtf'tll " lli'fll iJvl!N:IH t1¥ "" _,. •Jld 110i.r ,,._.,,,.... If 1111 ............. ,. "'-ot l.•lt.'1 Tetl•mtnl1ry 19 P'ttllli>ntr, I l'llllO• 1 , ... ,. Ill• 1Hf HM• If Mid Mii, With lni-1, II lll'OVIJll!f tf 111111 ..... !1 lfllllCil .....,_ .,..,, • · h f th Hollywood refer.,,c• to W!!IC!i I• mefl for Nl'lller STAfl .,. u.,r .. 111 Mid tllld If Trwr Mii IMul!cllrr ~ ,.. • w ..., 1s Jn c arge o e N<llc'lll1rs, •Ml th1t "'-tlll'll '""" •t•c• TMI COUNT'I' Oii .OltA 1 LEGAL NOTICE D•ttd: ""'"'~" 15; IHI • ...,. .. w ........... ...,., ,,,,,CS....: studio. Their biggest operation of l'!Hrl111 !hi ~-h•• llhtl NI .... A.fi.... TH! FtlST .t.Ml•ICAN INI .... ~ ... llM. ... ...,, at th. moment ;,, the Pearl '°' ,..,.rcn 21, ,..,, 11 •:• 1.rn .. 11'1 Ett•ll Gf 'LOllllNCE o. LANNOM. ,.... FtMANCIAL co••OltATION, " t11t rnHt """""" ....,. " .. ;.r "' lhl Ql'Jrl,_.,. et °'"""""'' Ho. ' Ol(OHH. . A t NUS tol'mtrlY l'l•lT AMEltlCAN l.et IJ ........... ,... .,. w• Harbor epic, "Tora! Tora! ol' ••kl court ••• 100 wm llllllh NOTICE IS Hllll•Y GIVIM .. llil t:l•Tlll'IC Tl Of' •u I TITllE INSUltANCI. • ............. lltrtlltMtertr 11111 ., llrfft, 111 1M Cltr It Slnll ,.,,., erlfllltor1 If 1111 •llOvt Mmiill ~ 1!°1dlHIM Pl"'4 ·~ TltUST COMl"ANY lt!f &.If f, 1 iJ1tfariao If IOl.l Tora!" C•llfornl• lhtl '" ""°"' Mvlow clllllll •••1-' THE UNOl•SIGMll!D .. ,,......,. n<llfY IVAUM" KNOX ..... Milo """' "' .. ·.:. "Th two second units 011" Ftbru•rr ''· ""· 1111 uld declcllnl ,,. req1.1!r1111 to fll1 111a1 ""' ,,. ~111& 1 tl!M r1Hl• A••lllllnt '""''" lllllllldlry ., lfW 0 ,,. ., c...• ere are w. E. ST JOHN. CounlY Cli>rlr: lftto'I\, with "" "ectt••l'"I' wvdl•r .. ln MIMS• •I 11,. Htrllor a1v11.. Coth ll'tllllltllld Ntwtort .... ,., Nl'Q ,.,. .. _,... Ill Cluri,,.., Cll/tt """:!· working magnificently, one in P•-ut 11Mt ottico 1t 1111 c1.,1r: or 1111 111ciY1 ,,.,_, c•t1tor1111, 11n0er lh• rrc1111111t eomMi\ld wlll'I oiirr l"llet t Allll&Qt1o11 .... ., CltY °"""'·~ Hawail and one m. northern Newlin. TICkiM!rr.,.. J..,.1111 .,,1111H court. er ti 111t1tllt th.m, wllh rrrm 1111m1., MAllltltV IHOE ltfl'AI• Fllltllll'Y 27 IMI M•rdl ,· 1,_ IHI IO... No. IWt, ...,IN Dtctm.,;, •~ , .. ~ m w .. 7llil 11r1tt, m1 llf(.M&llY voueMrs. II itte ull--11• 11111 M1'J flm! k _,,..., "' ' ' Wltllcl, contlnul -• Japan," said Zanuck. "Both st111 """'"' 1111 dfn'""" •I lht af'l!c• ., LlCIVO E, 1111 filloWl:f...""'"'' wflltl 111mft •~ LEGAL NOTICE llOi1tlM•lwlY !low·-~ ~· ~~ are behind SChedule. but that llWIMlt ......... ILANl'tEO, Jlt. Artwnrt If Ltw. -1111t_ ... _. If r•ldfnc• .... .. ...,. ·-.. w lllldtfte ...,.i,., W ~Cl ......... 17 Vtt °""'-NtwHf'I hldl. Clllf#RI .. fOI 1: JN 1' felt t1WMf ' was to be ex ........ ted. The Tll mJI .,.. ,,.... wl;ICll " fl'll 11.C. " MIMll A. C1lo .......,., 11172 Tul'l .... lU NOTICI 011 TllUITll'1 IAt.• .w ..... ~ 1111v .... ,., ·..:;.· ,,..., r-~ P''*""4id Ort-ca.i DlllY = ., Ille UllfW*lt::.Jll 111 ,.......,. ~ 11 ........ .,...=, ..... 1._ e•MA t1-1:Mm M ... Wflf .,,... • .. ·'°' shooting in the Kurile Islands ,_." n. 21 ..,. Mli'dl" 1• 111111"' " .. " Miii ...,;111, o,.. 0 1.....mi.1._ ll'IC:Ol'v•dt l1111. ""-t..t:M •rm ,.. ar W. W: ';:.1. llitftol.., .:': rth f J has ---n ... . Wt111111 flllt' l'Nlllllll ...... "" ""' """"'" Mllillfl "" Cf II. On Mrn .. 1Nt, .. I:• AM. -... -• , no o apan uec ,.. LEGAL NCn'lCE 11111 If flt!•"'""'· wlfNIU OW' ,.,. till• ,., Qr P'Alllt,11Lo 11lv1c1 cOMll'l.NV • " 1 llllM-W · :;et.-1•• ...,, pecially difficult. They have • DllM .:='J:..::'L.. cl '*r'O.::'L--.... :!~n~':~"~i'T .;,':' ,,:i: ~ et e11,..:_ .,....:ir~= tt:.:o been working with • battleship P.... _ __,_ ....,.111lafl'•trta Wllfll w. wm o.t~i o'7 ~ ....,11 12. ,.,. .atcvlld .,. DONALD ,,::;:-"""' " 1111 ~ and a carrier which we hid HOTICI .............. " ,,_,. " fPlt ........ "" lfATI OP ll'OllNIA l w. Mll!MO•M:KS •Jld P'M\ElA J. HIN• :::.Ort A ............. ,, llM ., Mid ted b d Of' PA•TillQllll' A ..._.. M...i ........ CIUHTV OltAMll l 11 QlllCKI ""'9Ulld 11!d wltt 11\d rMof'Old II' It" VlflWI lhttiel fillr9J W built, and we wan a OllC:OMTillUAMCI OP UOYD •-lt..AMl'llD. JI. .OM THll !till .,. ., l'•bnl•tY, A.O. ~ 17. '"'· .. mm. Ht. UM 111111111 .. !."'· 157,# '"' .... 141 ther to ']] sir te hOW the Ull OP' ,,.M NMll A"-.. j.ft IHI, 'Wfort fM, Ml .. I A. C rntoe. In lioOll fJ7S ••M 2'$ el Olfklll ·-·· -·-•• pnc Md !tie m.tlne-Wea I U a l"urtv1t11 to 1111 •rovl.._ fll Sioctlofl aoa VII .....,. 1 Noftrr l"llltlle 111 1n. fltl' Wit 11ld It! lilt lffl~• ef 1111 CtunlY lltcotdfr ef 1111 CllY f1I c.to M- Japanese fieet ref~led ii\ \503$,f crf tilt CoriDOrlrlMI Olde Int ........ hKlt, Ctlff,...... COlll'llY 11111 It.ti. rnldt ... flltrtlf;. 111111' « O...llSI (Auftf'V, ClllMrftll, wltl MU :: "1.''Z: t:•ktr No. 1 Anfiealtloll h B t thev have Stctllll 1"6t.1 of 1111 ~1vn t.odt of T......_1 cn41 '1)-1721. Je11•11P11urol!9il '"' 1worn, WMllfllY -It Mlle IVCl!M ,. lllfllllt ""Mt ,., ••M • • ,,.._ Ne. 11,.,...... eavy seas. U . d !ht s1111 or c1111em11. Ntf!CI< 11 '""''" .,,,.,,,,.,. .., """"""''""• fllrld "'-D11t HerfldOll 1Jld DIR o. alli '"'"" 11 "'"° 11 11.., 111 "wflll 1 " 1'91, tlltr.a ...,. r .. been tf g the real gales Th T g d B hi •"'•n tn1t t111 lll'ldf!'11a"IJ "rtM". ,1111 Mii 1 ..., 1r111111 •-" rM " " the ...,..... ' " '"'' ,,.,,. .. w ~iv . ge In e ra e y e n heNlolO!'I llllt•td I" bvtlMU u .... r W~~&llfll~()r= Col•t 0111-f P'!i.I, ~ Nlfllt ll't _,.,. ... ti 1111 with-:::-' :,:-~Ull:' it·~~ tlM c::.: :: ~M n:1d llllll! ... bovllflfl', '°'-H Of Winter." tt11 flrm 1111'1\f If QUllTll!ll'5 SOUND Ftbrulrr 17 iJld Mtrlli f, 11. "· 111 lnllrllffl,!d, _,.. odt:-IHiH 19 rl'lf CWrtliluM. Ill tt. City ef hnte Alli lffTtoN ~t ef .... llwitl\9. Zanuck said tbe film has ~~~\-1;511 •i;:.,. Q~r~!!'1~ ~~~~. = 1ftf MMf 111:~ tti;,?,,'fr' 1:' .. ~im,F, 1 111.,. c.nfomi. 1n rltllf, ""' 1n11 1n,.reJ lfll CllY ., t.."::' :=,, ~ :! been budgeted at $1!1 million T d ' G ti G NI""' c.n1om11, w1r1 i:ltlJO"'td u ol , .,.,.. ...... OTICE lltrtunto 111 "'' lill!d •1'1111 efl'lxtd ""'_.,,...,. It IM "-Mid 9r It undlr Or•""• ...., If C1tffWn11, .,., .,.. _ --' w·"'d probably cost "$20 0 ay s ene(a on ap , mldnl1hl, Mru1rv tt. lfft1 11111 ~ n offldll 1111 tM ''' ll'ld ner 111 fll l• .... OM fl T"'*I 111 tlil .,_.,,., •tt-IM Mllll It Mt• •lltrtll tt IMIUdt d.IJU IN.I flltr•fftttr Mld flrl'ft dl«Wlll..Upd' !tit Ctf'f1flttM tlM "'°"' wrl""" v1!9d In lfll Cltr el Colil ~In MN 11'11 Oileve ·-~-..,,,,.,.,.... ..... fk-"'·--:-··~· million or over." He restaged WI Ill NIJ .... _ .... llMI .,.... NII MeTKll OP l'U,t..IC •••• u.. (Ol''ICr=;•IM.I Ccamtr 1"4 '"" Mcrlbtd .. : ClfY-" c.l't Molt, c.um, ., ........ om h Beach dl•IOlvtllll, N ,.,.... Mt! W1111rJ1r .. llH•I Titl !TY C.UMCll. , A~. I.of fl ,t TrlCI No. 4M " Hr &tttt Of C•llfirim. ' the invasion or a a Illa!• ofllll&ltlollt .... ti!' fltl'MI' nr111: ... TNI N ,llltl Flftrt111 -thtrlOI' t9Clrdld Ill leok * tltTKNrt I. ""'' IM ,.,. ct•A ... "~. ian D-Day for $8.5 million. T'ne B HARRY GOLDE"N Thi ,..,_ lft klll '""' "''"" ti c1n .-HUWTl1" vaL1,,IY °'""' ,1 '"'"' • ..... n ., M~lllilllll 1N11J11t1o11 htrl111 .,.,.1,., .,. ,.., .., " i y . rot!ffMit cl~ .. tl!t_""' H fliltWl 1 HOTlctr 11 Hl•I Y elVlll tlilt HN ~ lulr" MIJlt. M tlio ""* fA 111.-, Qlll!fY ftlltll Ul4dlr 1111 ~ f/11 w. llCf film "The Longest Day, S ,lftidr MtM't QulMri lit ,_..1, tn T""°' Mlfdlt IL 1Nf, If I t.. Cc!' .. 1 llCO'*' tf Nlf C-IV. If fliC ..... lflt!We "flf W. ..... tf 1...1-' l ased thi.5 spring •• , ......,... ...... c.cw.n.i1 l'M In the Ctuflell ™lflll"' Clfr MlltMC o,a. c .... Dl!1r ti'\111, ......... wl11"" Nef, ""•ll!IWt ttllfllnl'! ..... '!!l"_IH ltlf """""' to ,Llrnlg re-re e . . . • 1M.M ,...,.. Qllflltlf 11, • .,., ... Miill-1 ... .,..... A"!!:!!!~~,..,,.... 11. ., It ,,... Niimi .. ~111 ., w.rr1t11'i, ..,, ... .,. ~:A: ...,,.;t:r' • ""........., ,..,. and Zanuck 18 starrlDg m 1 This famous aut~or examines oar nation's 191 '"' ....,,.. ...... ~ v11tW. ca....,.. "" i """1• '....., ~~ ,:"'..:"':"~ne ... .,.W ',.J;."' .. ''""' """ t1• televlsionspecial,''0-Day h CNr ... J,Qullttt, l~l-"' ....... 111Nld•.-ullllf:hHrl+lf• tlldWJJlthMi ..... ,,,llOTI"'"' CINI.....,.~ llrlf'f ~ WatllcteM .. lflfll~:tfllfrtli .. ~ Tevisited," to observe the myths that prohibit young and old from 1 aring ~~"'r.' ~-~11. ~": 0:-::... -.::.=---\iA ..... DtM " TMt. !Miit: "''°"·"'-..... trtM w tttw 1tt -..... * 'event. d t U!LT!:I .. .OUNO TNINlll...., (lifl,IM'• •• 1"'1Uflf.' ttllllltflM ; • #.:~:HIAfNMt HI: ""'~ lllllr .. I from Jlltlf I, 1"' •• """" " ....... ,..... r.~J: , the 1· ow of life an_d suggests new ways towq_r au1;T•• sov,o coM•Awv wi:: ., -.. .,...n 11CtttJ '~. '1'iu.:U. ui::J•M t• ui.111 111 Mid 11111 llrWfcllef, ""-. 11 .. 'fl tNM "' ........ •• · At the be-• i'ng of the ;,.__ 1-.... , -· .. ,,.,_. ,...,IBA(t -Mr• ~ tM ltrll'll Iii 111ct Dffd ~ II "-~NO· DAILY "' ' h th ,, ttrldl ttoWt .... 111or I ~ " ,,CT 1.U • ., TMt ,.., ~ .... ~ f'llCT, I .......... ..,_, Ciro ... terview, Zanuck set aside a accepting eoc , o. er. .,'' '~'!! .. ""', 'E: eu1,",r •.•-fflll•, .,..,,,_~W."'1 .. ,..l"i: :: ™' •••••11••1• '""i""" S.,. ~ '"""' ""'" ""· "'""' -~-" "" ""' hilli R th , t~ • .,W , • Al1.-...,. ..... -........, etrflf'f ... It It CIOnd\ld!P ~-'*Ill If Tnnt. of ce.tt,M .... """""" Wlll !tie lllrl\W " ·copy of P P 0 s LSO "'~·°""" h r1r 'l~1 '°'"°' ~"·"'""'"' -~ -i:•r""' -.... 11 1• • nie ..., ""'"" .. 1, DtM "" 1~ lilti1IRn • 1111 Cltr c-c11 A M•fdl *1 IL ,.. 2t, IHt 11"" t'll!llllil •ltf!Mnl' O!llrlef. livf~t C.ft. ~ ~ t:47:~ 1 *"'9dl « dltl.it wt1119 fer IJ'ld lll!Mf t119 • ..,,,., 1' . ....,,,.-u-.,... t. ltl9 ''°"""HI. lM • i\ffl!Clf'-1 fktlt!M fll'fll If Cl> 'MblfH lfl11'1t\1, l"AtSIO ANO AllOrTID lf'llt Sf•" -. . -.....--.. ~··WI! IWf;;itltll w D, .... ~ .. Ylr.lA NAl•rn't."T a1 -...... "'""""' .. dtr. Mlrttrr.. 1 ... , . • Co S e GOLDIE GLISTENS -Personality profile of ;Al:·Mll ..,..., r"-'1,. dllflM ., -"'Vli.U.'llAUTV . .,,LONI.... ""' .•l •ltttll Dec1tr1Mt1 A. L. '1•\(Lrt ' ncert et MOTICI T6. CllDIT'D911 f rotttll' Ila_. In flit ., .. , tilt llmt Is ~ If flit f$nSilllflll _. ~~ DJMW ftr 1111, int Al•IW crf 1!il Goldie Hawn, the' dizzy blonde (If "Laugh-In" tuflt•10• (,OlillT OP T"I :. ~hunt J'Ti!;.,. ~ fett = ~-=·i. =-:::.....~ ·-tt 're '! lfMCll ..:nJ. ".Ji*!!.1'.l -.nnT~lllf"' Cllt• ..... who-is "dumb like a-4ox." 'i=1'C:::-At':l~9'~ _Al a~ A1r1t1.1llul'•I =ct 11 _IK'''~-• 111.auu . ....-. --·£.=i .....,..._ ,Ni c__1t..•11uUT I La .... ....,... •. """" 0-lty Mull• Owtllllli INC; ti .-~-Ctitiii I Ill lj, IHI. tM CllY a.it"" .. n guna •DRAGRACING'S•BIGDADDY' lnthe ild '"'""'"'•"co'ov1101uOT. 0''"'«· c::": ,;_ -~ ·' .-.... -,..._f"'"""'-- w .... l'l~~~~ .__ IUlrT, IU. "· ~=· .... __ ·, ""'.~ WlfN ........ Wiii -*' .. .... .. -~ "' Ti~I' CAlllllOIH\A I ' and exciting world of high-speed, tire-squealing. l. •u•,. . . • • •-. ,.. =: -i -r ,... • "' .. ,,., Dfffclll ro; ~ o•ANGt . u Concert pianist Jacob La-oil-eating competition, they call Don Garlits cr:~'.,1'..!4':.:!" ::1"4": ~-.--,:. ":..::=:' ~Mii , ~:IRJ!.c.""'. 11e111 w ''"[' c. K. r:.~a~'t: .C!t't cwt' .,1 telner wlll be it the ktyboord ''Sig Daddy." He 's the king. :::1 .:~ ":,."':~...:= ~ :'triet ,,_ ~f"t,,.,.-::' ..:=::i IT.\TI OP CALt,OftHIA I ,,.. '7 ~~ r:,_ct :. cm·=.,,~ r_-=l I-1Mr11. !"f1li tf11! ~ WlldlWa. In llf"'1d ti 1tlot1·1 .... u.I ...,.... ClMIJfTY OP !MMlt J .. -""" • w • rt a.ti ,,,,..., lier* _,.., t1r11if 'tntheLagunaBeachHlgh •HAIRTOMATCH-Pbotolayoutofnew .,..,w.,,...,.,,,._ ...,.., " ' °'"""''""~'!I"""-'· 1~7' _,..,_.,. __ ,.. School aud1torium lt 8:15 p.m. coi.Uul'es ln the sr;tsb manner, designed to :.111":-.~.,. .::,,:-,,. ~ -; m""" ~ ,;:~~ ~ :::.,.,'"=', ": -. ·-~ ..... ... ,.,. t.''1.l":; f ':' ="= ~ ~:.:: · complement the nd to an! •-lltt'lt'"" "'t11t lf'PICI """ ltllmt';, 11 C•trftrllll co.v't, c... "" ...,, """""' -llii:tr """'m. .,.. we -w; n. ......, ,,..--crw CMctl.,... • . ._ t:oday for a ·program or works w soiwr, more J•,.,.. "· ~"' ~lM!tl hlCfl 1 w IM1="fllil""' V•ltn' i...i 11111tt'"" .,.. ~ ""°"'"' .... ,.. "°' ... ..._, M •, f,, 1, AtllClll , .., ., ,.,....,, ,,._ ..,. ~ d feminine c)othes. ., ..... SUI .. U.S. t.Wll ~. C1Uton;11 lllet. TM "' ONIMMI. ZMllll Jtflll c. ~ kAMlM " ,,.. ........ ,_....... ..... $'"'="' ~ .................... " by Schubtrt, Brahms 1n to111L-lttJfdil 11 "" , • ......_ .,.., ,,.. .1a11 .,. ... ,11, ... ~~' ., 111oe .,...,.""' _ftllf uw ,..... ""' """ ... 'u,..,, • ......,.. ., #Ii .. °' n-get,SessiOnB. 9f tltl WM-JtMf !fl Jll: l'Mtltn Ml' the ..... ~ ... ._o..,. -mortf ~ lrt ~wtlftff; ~ M ..... •f'lltllr• r. >I fl. a , I , ' lliM ... 1f11t JN M .. ,..,._ ~ All ·Com1'ng ·S1tur•-1'n fhe ''"'"",. ll!t-... •W lllCHtlll,1'' .... --.... ··"""*"' ~· ... l>etiil .,.,.,.,,.,,.. • .. ~-...-Sponsored by the Laguna ... , ..,.,. .. _. ,,..... ttttr t11t ""' ~--r•"""..,,. ~ ., ... " -.,.. tuc11 _,.....,. '"'•"11LD • • • v 1 c 1 COM> AVllt 1 """""" ,_, , · DI C _.. tloll., Willi"°""" ,.._ .. 119 ... tlfY ... fe¥li' .-ecilllif """' 111 ~.WfltfWf, ttANY .,, It. ,,...., ,...,, Beach Commu ly once• lS OtNrll Mtrrlt 1. '"'· or 11'1 •Htttlln \I tlitM' ,,..,.. .. w111 t l\IW' ,...,...,,,,. .., ,,,,., ,.._ .i " Ml:f Trw"' HOii• ;;;;~fi-• ··-I u th -c-wll Flotilla A. llMllr • • ...... "" -~fly~ ...... lfftDll 1111' &Mdtl .... "" .., 4l_nd • ., ,y.,.,.. M. tltwrt AltlNT!-cou I " ....... ,_.,..,,,.a OD, e .. vu ll:I ~ """''"""''"" "IM ltt•• It ~ ... ~·lltil II .,.., .,.... 1"f' ....... ~ w ...w ~ ~,. .. ,, IN WITNi$1 IOll, I flew -cooslst of three. impromptu• DAI LY PILOT .. • ,...,.. .... ......,, .,,,., ~· ""' ~..,....,.. -.rtiMirl'I co,.11tt1AL ••AL) · fJ ··~· ~ ... ""' ..,. .,,_. fli<ii and the Fantasle In C major ~~-~~~111..,., l!...."l;::!.,.,. ,.,_~,. _,....,. =:;,s=.lflllnll• 11 w. ~ Jr .. ~.,"=..~""'--c:..-. "'*'• by Fran: ·Schubert. Rojer 111111 •• ~ CITY C.OVNCJL ~ THL_ '"~' ... l:l ' ~ c. "I(, l"Rrm •' .Se!slons' Sonala Ne. 3 and r.ri,~~-~t~NTAINV ,LIY :',.-,.-a:t._..... talt:f ~c""C:-.. .,..~-• v I ti ' """-'"' 1••11r11rt• <llf cim ,,..l_i:~ '"°""""" 0r...,. Ctts' "-11' 1>111t. c.,,. J 1hannt1 Brahms ar a ons Ml":ia~,, :;~1...-111 ,,_,., '11et, . PIM•.,.... °''"" c11tt ~'"' •11o1, ll'ullfllllf o,e,.. CtMI a11" !Jiot. ~ if 1t111 ..,... 4 u. ,,.. . .... · -tw. •1ort a 111eme of PaganlnJ. r· '· .:z-..,.., Ml""'._,,.. .I ..,..., ""-'°'a. u. ~ ,,, ,,. """· *"' to 1 ~ r 1 M DAILY l'ILOT . , Te Winkle ·Scholars Announced J New Sea Scout Director Set . Doug Murdoch, 1131 W. Cool Highway, Newport Buch, lw uswned duties u director of the Orange Empire Council &ea Explorer Bue In Newport Beach. ' Murdoch will be workinc with boys from 14 to ti years wbo ~e interested in the Boy -Scout sea explorer program. • BEST MASSAGE IN THI HARBOit AREA • ~' MIN & WOMEN Pllene 642·9HO • • • • / .. . . ' ' ••• . . .. ~ ' • I • What a wonderful time to transfer your funds-and your allegiance-to Glendalere<!eraL • We pay you the nation's highest rate from the day you put your money In to the day you take it out You never have to wait on your umpteen earnings because the receiving line Is alway$ open at the 1natlon's second largest federal. And of course, Glendale Federal will continua to pay earnings from the 1st, on funds received by the 10th, when these funds are h1tld to quarter's and . .. • N&WDOrt.'.·Baacll 23:ia.e~t eo.1; H;ghway 18 OFftCE8'TO ,SAVE IN/MAIN ~CE: GLENDALE/NATION'S SECOND LARGEST FEDERAL/ASSETS NEAR $1 BILLION 6% 'CURRENT ANNUAL llATE J 1.18% CURRENT ANNUAL v1ei.o / 5.26% s YEAR eoNus ACCOUNTS • ' . I • ,, ' , ... " .. I ' .. ,. " " SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICE f '•<. • •· FINAN~NG . TO FJT ' . . YOUR : IUDGD :.. WE HAYE ' THEM! •• • We have the largest ' selection of 1968 & 1969 Pontiacs in Orange i · Counfy I More· than . l 200 I '~L-• I ,. ' ~·' ,,_.,,; , 0 WIVvS8· FOm < • -• • . .,..,., 11·,· ... ..-.... • ' !f ·" i1:-~ ., ,·, l ·, 'Jv.l, .. -' COME IN! I , ~·,. ' c t T""1dq, M""° 6, 1969 •• .. .. ' ' ~ ' t . We're Celebrating Oar 23rd Year as a. Pontiac . Beiler & oar 1st year · in Orange Co•nly · ,:. ; ; ' · · · .. · THE BEST BUY EYIR 1.969 GRAND PRIX :Mod•l.SJ' ' I : ' ~ ·' ~ Mr.· l..o119p ... '1 · · Personal .Car ·~,,. $!019.12 NOM .WINDOW STICKll Pale• ,l\UTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING. Cordovc tQp, turb,; trcn1· mission. St•r•o ~. ra,dio1 r1lly II whe•l1, custom steerin9 wheel, power steering, power disc. br11ke1~ tinted 91111, power door lock1, ,power windows, power bucket .. seats, cornering limps, rally 9•uga :cluster, automatic level control, fibtr9l111 tires~ . . many, many other 1xtr11. ANNIYElSAlY SPECIAL DREAM CAR!! ' NOW ON DISPLAY . 1 969 .• , •. Ai(D~Rl.X _ .: 1 . ~ LA PARISlltt DREAM CAR . The ONLY Southern CallfOrnla Appearance!. DON'T MISS IT, THIS IS THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY YOU WILL HAYI TO VIEW THIS IEAUTll'UL DREAM CAL '. .. •. NEW 1969 FIREBIRD , > , HARDTOP COUPE · · . .· ~O Cubjc• inch-ov1rh11d·c1m engine, bu_C• ket se1 t\, wicle ov1l white will ti res, hick- ' ') .. ·up lites , 1 w\ndshiel~ w1she", he1d re- str1int1. 122J379l600196J s2739 SEE AND DRIVE READY FOR IMMEDIA n DELIVERY -· . ·Tllk ·105"'!1"'· Pure Stocl1, Ram Alr 'Intl•• . tropllf·'illows th.., al who 11 ,,..I'( . NumlNf 11 . '· ! j -.: ·~·if~ r . .,_y . ti • •• -.., . . J1rJl,·,'6:1ir-s Fllnf ·::··~of Oullj 1967 GRAND PRIX '68 .Pontia~ GTO's '68 Firebirds ' STATION WAGONS Pollliics la1•illes & Cllllhl1s Cllemlel .,IS & Bel Airs Ferd Country Sqilres vw Buses 65's; 66's, 67's, 68's, Most n FldlrJ •. 6 & ' Pm11111r. T~Mln Jo lkf! w A b1111tiful Tyrol blu1 with bl•ek eorclov1 top. VI, 1ulo· m•lic ft•n1mi11ion, tldio, ~ttftr, pow1r 1ltt rin9, powtr br•ke1, eir conditioning tinl1d 911:1. l ie:. !VN 7'') $1995 1966 MUSTANG Coup1. Poppy roi with bl•ck trlll\ It h11 VI, 4 1p11d, r1dio, ho1t.r, fi11ttd 11011, Very 11ic1 ur ISLD 1941 $1595 1959 CHEVROLET 1/2-Ton ·Plckup &ftt cl11'ii • bo•W"tlful "41t1dor 11d with VI ·.~tom•tie tl"i111mi11ion .• ~.Lie IT 264141 $795 1967 EL CAMINO Yollow wll!i bl•c:k fop trim, lluc:k1t 111t1 •nd r1m1ining factory w•rr11ty. l it "J'6'" tur"o, rod lo, h11t.r, ,.w1r 1t11tin9, .,.j11yl top, No, 96069. $~395 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX .& LICENS~ Diiyton ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL THOROBRED. DELUXE TYREX® RAYON 4 FULi. Pl. Y ' . s1301 . :::=a T 2.20 6.95/7.Ux14 F.E.T. Ee. 7.75x14 ORANGE COUNTY-DAYTON TIRE DISTRIBUTOR . . WE HONOR AIL "CROUP PUJiCHASE'' DISCOUNT CARDS WHJTE\V ALLS 12.55 EXTRA SPECIAL PURCHASf 1968 Volkswagens e Vinyl Interior e Rad"IOI • Heaters • Remaining Fact. Warr'antY • Large; Choice Of Colors · · • All Under 13,000 Miles We Pass Our Volume Buying Power on t4 Yov $195 DN. '59 MO. O.Ap~Crfflt SAVE on VW's ONLY 26 Meltlil 1f64 LE MANS. -2 Or. h•rdtop. Gu11 111et1l 9r1y wilh bl•ek ""e~1t ••th, ·VI, 1utom1tie tr1111ml11ion, tint1d 9l1u. No. 96075 $995 1966 GTO 2 .... , h·•Ntop, Llbtrty bluo wtth lll11k' c0Nov1 top, Vlf'f 1loo1t. Y·I, 1utoM•tlt tr1111Mi11lo11, r1tllo, ht•tor, powtt thorl111. Uc, (SYC 1)9) Ivory with "'•ck cordovo top, ttoroo t1po dock, 1nd m•g wh11lt, 1em1ining f1ctory w1rr111ty, VI, •utom•tic fr•nt· mittion, t•dio, h1•tt r, powtr itotrin9, whil1 will tir11. Lie UKA 4''· $2 495 1967 LE MANS SPRINT • T11rqu.l10 -..ith m•tchl111 b11cl:1t 101t1. A ro•I b1111ty. Lie Till 7ll. •I $1595 . . ' '68 Firebird 350's '68 Firebird 400's '68 Catalina's '68 Bonneville's '68 Ventura's '68 Le Man's '68 9 Passenger STATION WAGONS PLUS MANY MORE 1968'1 All Priced Below ftactory Invoice! G OPEN 7 DAYS e 0 SERVICE & TIRE DEPT-. e . · · Mondcy · 7 A.M. till 9,00 P>M . . Mond1y thru·Soturdey 9:00 A.M. till t :OO ·P.M. Sund1y 9:00 A:M. t ill 6:00 P.M. Tu11doy thru• Ft;d'cy-7:00 A·.M. till 6:00 P.M. ~ SerViee Dep•~m'ent Closeci~·sat .• nc. Svn. .. - • .... ' .. 87GLDiNWHrl'E °' ... ~ ......... Bul<ttbaU Jost ooe o1 its most outstan- ding Y""'8 coadlel )odaY wbeo eo..aa dti Mµ lligb School -BUI Bloom rulgntd the post ho ao capably . btld with the Sea Kin( Institution, the DAILY PILOT itarned uchllively. His ckclllon rab u probobly bigger tban any upset' piJleil olf by bis One teams. . .. Jlloom, 30, is 10111& to -I his •tremeod•US dtdlcNioo lo tbo buiiness wcr-kl, throwing his Jot 't'ltb a npid aii-frtight <~occrn lo Dio AD&dOs. HLt replacement bas nQt yet been_ an- nounced, due lo the shoctin( auddenoess of Bloom's decision. The former University of Southerd callfomi.a rtar left a.n indelible Qµ- • • Jftlllon upon the boys bt <»aCOed aod the people with whom he dealt most intimal<ty durlog bis three-year leoure at C4rooa del Mar. , , ... Hit rtCOrd WU fabulous. He led tbe '67 Sea IQrigs to a 19-7 mark and second place (btluiid Huotm,too Brach) in the lrvioe League. Corona made it lo the CIP M quarter floall tbai seuoo, fall· inaloSanMarcos. In 11111 he guided Corona de! Mar lo Ibo Triple-A quarlar floall afltt wiJ>. oin( the lrvioe 'Ll;aau<. Tbls -Marloa ttiPf Bloom's grcup in overtime, still leavtng CdM with a flossy ·21-3 mark. But some disbelievers of the Bloom ~'cblng w!Jardry IUU~ that Bill had nol proved ~ as 1 -1> btcau!e most ... of his team's .talent had come via the transfer roUte from other district ' . ' s<:lioOls -a motler Ui&l cauae;ra cr<at , dell ol bard feelinp In IOlllf clrcles at lhe «me. • To 110D1t uteot -doubts my hive beeo·vaUd fO< Biil-did Piel< up f1bulouo"tlleot In Ibo ~~ Yult ud Phil Jordao moves to CdM. But wheo the acid test came aJooa, Bloom WU at his besL Tbll put season he WU blelsed with DO visible taleoL He WU up qalnsl M..,..U. In the nm for the Jrvloe ~ lnil file litter hid three atarten -~ a tum wblch had finished IOOOlld lo Con>oa the prev~ camp&l&n. Yel Bloom mampd lo splll IW<> gunes with Magnolia and wound up c»dwnpion of the c:lrcuit. Theo ia the CIF pl1yolls his Sea Klngs blaaled SI. Anlbony before losing lo uodefealed Claremont by only P~o Tennis lnvitationOl . t Shocker lhree']>Oiots -y lliCJll. EarUer In the yar Cor-. wu 1 prohlbiUve underdot W unbeaten Comploo IUlCI Glldoa GnlYe. Aod In each ..., the SU Klnp l!llyed lhelr rtval _lo_ before 11ai11J b111J1c. it WU a cr<al lrt-lo -'I coacblng 1billty that lhll pUtlcollr i..m should stay c1 ... lo lily toogb foe. · But Bill Bloom, ooe ~ two CU)'I ever tO twice captain a USG ~ na man than I coach. Ills npp!rl wllb - ja unrivaJ~ in lhil wrlter'a experience. Ills players lov!,,blm. Aod ao do the -In school .•••. be ...... the ... nounocment of b1I retlremejll will nddtn more tban one ey~ball on cmpua. Bloom WU toq11 ·Oil the Idell dllrlng a game. But he w .. thelr .. big daddy" olhttwlle. lie fJ.ud the lock.,,_, up 1n 1 way !bit .....id m1te any t11D11er rwpllld. Aa IChool ' pr1oc1pa1 Leon Mew ,.. PllJnl, "be lliM the' ki<ll on4 they bow ii. It's u simple u !hot. Yoo cao be ..... wt'll iDlaa blm lnlUDd beie. .. Blooli> says b1I relltiolllhip ·with the younger atrb ao !lroni-*,.,. ho alw~s backed bis players -no 1n1tter whlL , M ~ ol 1 llt1er Bloom rtedved fnlm, Yule 1 few daya ago d..-tratll the amailng ~ally the young peojile feel lo BUI. "You .make a· team what it ii. We both know that you are. the main. reuon · I am where I Im toi!ay (caJllll.o ol . Ille Uoiverstty of Oklahodil fn!eb leam). '''You 1naWled in me the · dulre to play IOd win -Iha'. b whit yoo do ' to moat pllym whom y..t hive f Ioiic enou&h Ume to work with." ,)Aoklni bact eyer his ~ but brliuuit .._ u 1 ~. B!Oom NI'• the blpesl thrill .... tharlng the ltque UUe this aeuon. · His ~lggesl disappololro<Qil ...... Jos. "" lo Marini In the 1911 ~ playolls IUlCI dropplog a same al· llunliqloo' ill 1911 afttt leadinl_ by 10 with two · minutes to play. ''Tlity Just ...wdn't give up/' Bloom says ot ~ "'!'hit's 1 · ~ldemart ol aU Hunliil'clon ...... IUlCI that.. • anil tribute. lo tbelt coach (Elmer Com!»)." So -Bil Da<tdY IUd b1I chuc:ts In the buslnHI wor14. Aod lflle _.1es· the ume succesi !hire ·u he did 11 corona del Mar, he'll make a~· 1 Laver, Emerson in Tonight's Semis By EARL GUSTKEY Of .... o.IJJ '11M llalf INGLEWOOD -Deoois Raisloo sat slumped in front of his locker, towelling the sweat from his face. There was a lot of it becaUJe he'd jl!St been beat.en by Rod Laver, W, U, 2-6. Ralston was thus absolved from further singles obllgations in the 19" Los Angeles pro tennis invitational lourna· ment at The Forum. "Rod's a helluva tennis player." Ralston commented, wWch isn't exactly letting any cats out of the bag. "Speed is his main asset and since they're using heavy balls in tlUJ tow'na· ment be has an even greater advantage .. When he's on his game like he was tonight, he's really tough." Laver earned a shot at John Newcombe tonight· in a semifinal match starting at obo<Jt t, prec<lled by the other semi -Roy Emuaon of Newport Beaeb vs. Marty Riessen. Emerson beat steady Ken Rosewall Wednesday nigh~ W, U, &-3. Newcombe defeated Jona:·haired Ray Moore of South Africa, H, 6-1, 6-5. Riessen swtpl by Fred Slolle, W, 8-4. The tournament's championship match is set for Saturday evening at 9. Laver, looking for hls third 1989 tourna· ment championship (he's already bagged the Australian and Philadelphia Open singles titles). seemed pleased with his play against Ralston. "I started slowly tonight but I've been hitting the ball well and that seemed to pull me through," the Corona de! Mar resident said. "l suppose if I bad to find a Daw in my game right now it would be the serve -1.t could .be better. And I'm not volleying as well as I can, either." Laver seemed more dilpoatd to dilcua8 the sudden-death set..declder rule belnc used at the Forum matches to prevent drawn out matches. Sets deadlocked at fivtrall are sent into a 12-point 'playoff strie1 with the first player reaching seven points wfu: ning the set. The play·en alternate serves with no changing 9f sides. "I've never played this 'tie-breaker rule before and it'I difficult to get used to. What it amounts· to ii gearing yourself to a new kind of -~e. You find spring drills at Palm Springs, portraying what players looked like 100 years ago when the game was created. EARTH ANGELS -Believe it or not, those are real Angels -baseball variety, that is. Tom Satriano (left) and Jim Freg0<i clowo it up during_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Angel Hopes For Howard Are Dimming PALM SPRINGS, Ca Ii I. (AP)-- California Angel general manager Dick Walsh sa)'s chances are dimmin& for a trade between the Angeb1 and Wa.shinglOO Senators for big F r a n k Howard. "The longer a deciSioii is 11ul off :' Wallh said Wednesda)'. "lhtn tne mort doubtful the v.•holt thi~ becomts." Bit by Bursitis Doctor Orders Palmer To Take Golfing Rest ORLANDO, Fis. (AP) -Arnold Palmer, veteran. pro. golier suffering from b:ufsilis 1n his rlght hip, thinks his doctors ha\re finally pinpointed the problem. ' Palmer disclosed the ailment Wed- nesday on lhe evt ol the $US,OOO Citrus ~olf Tournament which started here to- day. al Doral with a 68 and a 69, but slipped to a one-over·par 73 In the last two. rounds and finished in a tie for lot.h. South Africa's Gary Player withdrew from the Citrus Toume)' earlier this week because or illness, but most of the other big nimes in aolf have .shown up. you have a tendency to take too much advantage of·your opportunlties. "But tennis• needs someth1na: like tlU.J IOd it's certainly worth the eiperlmtnL People want to see all .tbe playen when they come to a toumameot ,but they doa~ nnt lo Illy around until I 1.m. to ... them all.'1• • Aa It ...... the flnll sin(lel ·match -Emeraoo·!IGlewall -eoded II tho atrollt of midnight. . Laver ftgurea u the heavy favorite over Newcombe toru,b_t. He's only played him once, in the Australian cham· pionships, but licked him in straight sels. Women begin play tonight witlt Ann Jones of Great Britain playing France's Francois IMT at 6 p.m., followed by Billie Jean Kini and Rosemary Casali,. Senators Open Camp Without Howard's Bat By t.be Altociaied Pres~ With Ted Williams managing and Frant Howard hitting, the Washington Senators .should pack the parks this tea.son, but Williams: will have to carry tbe load alone today when the Senators optn their elhibition season. Howard, the giant home run hitter whose presence Williams certainly would trade for half the people in the stands, ii still holding out for more money. sun WUliams' managerial debut ii ez. peeled to attract a full house of•c:urious fana at lilly Municipal Stadlunl '1n Pom- pano Beach, ag11lnst the N!W York Yankees. Wllllams also will be without his other power hitter, Ken McMullen, but at least McMullen i.s where he can be aeen after ending his holdout Wednesday by signing an estimated $30,000 contract. However, he has missed the first 19 da)'s of practice and will not play. Howard, who led ·the American League with 44 home runs last aeason, was back home Jn Green Bay, Wi!., talking about quitting unle1111 he gets the three. year,-$100,000 per year contract he has betn demanding. Willlams and the Senators were not the onl)' ones without top players as the exhibltoln games begin. MinnHOta still was without Dean Chan· ce, Jim Kaat. Cesar Tovar, Leo Cardenas and John Roseboro ; Willie Horton was misslng from the Detroit camp; Cleve- land still had trouble with Sonny Siebert, and ClncinnaU still had Pete Rose and Jack Fisher unsigned. Atlanta bad yet to slgn Joe Torre and Los Angeles i.s missing Don Drysdale, Claude Osteen, Ron Fairly and Paul Popovich. The Twins, although they did give Ted Uhlaender a $10,000 raise to $25,000, the largest Increase among the Twins, they had other problems. Infielder Rick Renlch broke his right ankle sliding into second base during an intrasquad game. Tom Phoebus ot Baltimore also signed along with rucb Rollins and Darrell Brandon of Seattle and Ken Boyer or Los Angeles. On the fie1d Wednesday, Roberto Clemente shrugged off his sore shoulder of last season and slammed a home run in Pittsburgh's lntrasquad game, and Ken Harrrel.son homered and slngltd in a Boston Intramural affair. GIVES UP POST -Corooa de! Mar High basketball coach Bill Bloom turned in his resignation and will try his fortunes in the busi· ness world after tutoring the Sea Kings to two league championsbips and a ~econd piace finish. His career varsity record was 65 Win~s and 20 losses .. Bard to Prove Some Stars Took Cash, •. Says U.S. Olympic Boss DETROIT (AP) -The president of the U.S. Ol)'mpie Committee sr.id Wednesday ••we know" some American track alhletes received money from West German sboe manufacturers at the Mei:- ico City Olympics, "but it's practically impossible to prove it." Douglas F. Roby said the matter still is under investigation by the American Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) and the InternaUonal Amateur AUtleUe Federa· tion, and that steps are being taken to make certain "it doesn't happen again with shoes, or skis." "We've had the same trouble in winter sports," Roby silid, "with ski manufac- tuers wanting to get their equipment used -get it on television and among the athletes as advertising." In Chicago, Avery Brundage, president of the Inaternational Olympic C.Om- mittee, said "the subject will be placed on the agenda" of the IOC's executi ve board meeting in Lausanne, Switzer!~, March 22. Brundage, militant Bl-year-old cham- pion of pure amateurism, added : "We hope, in the meantime, that some of the organiz.aUoos involved in in- vesUgating will have some more pncise lnformaUon." Brundage said "I have made my com· menl8 before'' on the Jong.rumored Olympic payola. He w a s quoted, when original!)' queried on the reported big shoe scandal : "Give us the proof and we'll act." Roby sakl he thought a story In the magaiine Sport.s Illustrated "is all rut of proportion," regarding both the number of athletes and amounts of money involved at Mexico City. "I don't· think the)' have a sound buis for m o s t of their material/' he added. ' Sports Illustrated reported in a: C<>pyrighted story that track athletel at the 1968 Olympics received an estimated $100,000 in cash and '350,oot in equJpment from rival West German shoe manufacturers bidding for use of· their product!. "\Ve investigated this tl!r'I thoroughly," Roby said, "andA' donJ think there was an)'thing like'rbose pro- portions. "The largest amount we could come, up with was a cashier·s check for 6,000 German mark.s, about $1~500, I think. "The check was made out in German, all right, but it was similar to a travelen" check in the United States. It was signed by the recipient in both places. . . "We can't prove he got it for wearlnt any particular shoes, but we think this was done pretty generally. All of our information hu been turned over to the AAU, which is working wJtb the I AAF to have all shoes alike ln the future. "There are further compllcatlms. Three countries are involved, Gtnnln)', Mexico and the United SCates." llOOy sald he doubled 1 Sports II· lustrated' report that one athlete shopped back and forth and wound up with $10,000. adding "that it just wou1c1n1r have been e<:ooomlcal -good bunnelr -on the part of the manufacturer to pay that kind of money." .., · He said he feels \\1ashington is going to try to sign Howard. ~ho hu been in a contract dispute with the Senators. Walsh aaid be tried unsuccessfully to reach Wllhln8too owner Bob Short and woukl make another attempt today. "I'm as torry as ever)'one else that l won't b• ab 1 e to play thtrt.'' a 1 I d Arnie, wtio bu won a million dollars pllyin( golf. - "But in 'falmtss to myself and to my . golf game, I thlnt r must alve nzysell .. opportunity lo ..,,. thlJ .... dJ'1<tn." Players Oust Grid Coach In New York, an official of the AAU: said "to the· best of my tnowledp, v;e have not yet received the report from the U.S. Olympic Committff." i The official, Ollan Cassell, the AAU'I director of track and field, uJdl"'·••we- can't do anything unW we bear frtm. the Olympic O>rnmittee." COi. Don Hull, the AAU's uecutlit ~irector, was not immediately avaUablel· The Angel general manager ..W fN ptayen hive been onered for Howard: c:atcber~lnfitlder T o m Salria.oo; out· flddft Vlc 0.viliUo; pitch..-Clclye Wrighl, Md • cboio< of ouUJekleu Roctr Repoi; or Chock Hinlon. or infielder Oruck COttier. Howard enjoyed hit: finest season tut ,,ear, leadinC t h e American League in bame runa and runt-bitted-in. He hit 4f bomcn. '!be bl1 alugger b cumnilr • holdoul I 'I · Amie'• docton have prescribed two • wttb of rest and X-ray bubnenta. t1ley 111, a tendon rubblna on a nerve U CIUSi"8 the Jrrltalion. P1Jmer lndicattd ho deflnllfJr p I 1 n s to pfay ln JacbonvUle March 20-U. He uJd he may play tn hnsaco1a nerl week U he feels better. Palmer said be had betn receivlna medlCJl treatment for the past· thttt dl)'I IUlCI played the final ' rouod of the Dora! Open 1ast wttk In aome diltresi. • Arnie. 39. flh1shed the rtrsl 3S ho~ COLLEGE PARK, Md. (AP) - Although Marylaod'1 footblll playm were unanimous ln their dealre to iet rid of Cooch Bob Ward, they refuaed lo crow over his rtllgnallon. The playtrs relnsed ID unsigned stet .. meoL Wedneaday, Juli 1 few boun aft<r W1rd announctd bis ~lp1tloo 1t a new1 · conference. Sources at t h e MarylaDd campus say the pl~m' pro. nouncement wu written the nl&bt be!ott, about the •aame time lhJt Ward was preparlna bil ruJcnaUon statement. "We the pllyers of the Univeri!IJ of P..taryland," the statement said, "claim I ' .. victoey from thlJ c!eclsiCll. "We did what we felt wu best for the football _.,,. -.IUlCI In the future ." Tbtlr statement went on to pra.lae Ward11 ·accomp11ahmtnta: u a ronner Mlryllod All-Amerlcln. 811 old No. II jerffY is the only oot ever to be rttired by the lchool The .......... dtlCribtd the lloublt u 1 ponaoallly ...ruct aod upraaed """ "that ao un<ienljlodio& betwm u.s eould not be reacbtd." Wont of wlde1prt1d playrr disaaUlf..,. lion and the threat of t spring training ' boycott came to !ht surface late lut wtek when Want wu out of town on I recnillinl milsloo. Bis coofldence In hi• ablllty to U I penonality cooflict llJlCI Hprested in • dec1araUon that he wouJd make "no compromise:" Jn the situation. llowever, whm he met with school olflclat• and hi1 US players 'l\Jtlday night, Ward apparently became aware for the first Ume of the grievances btld •lainst bim. He then sa.ld the problem was due moslly \o his "1ggressive penonaUly." m Ne• York. '' Arthur Lent., the USOC'1 u...- dlrector, Hid the rtporl hid -forwarded lo lhe MU Jn mJd.l'ebnllry, and was sent to Hull, and to Jeue Pardut, the AAII'• oew ....iclent ~ Houston. Tei:.. and Arthur TOlltf" ,,_, Pittsburgh, the new national chatnnaD of the MU'& rtglstrailon commi~·· ·- "Pardue bid roqu«1«I -iiie·rtiiO.t.lo 11ald Lentz. "Tt'a the AAU's reapooiltilJ!it, now." Uke Roby, Lonts t11d "the lnlorm1lllin Is pretty sketctiy. We haw.n't any con-- elusive proof," • I -------,,,_ __ - ~t~rlng C:dM Boss Defense, ToughScheJule Made Bloom Successful ~year, woen Coro11a del Mar High's basketball team was chewing up the Irvine League and spitting it out the lkle of its mouth; the aoothsayers wagged knowing fingers · at the team's roach, BHI Bloom, who resigned today. "Wait'll next year, Bloom," they said. .. Tiie shoe will be on the: other loot then." Bloom nodded at such admonitions. but ooJy to acknowledge the fact that this season's team wouldn't have tbe talent as the 1967-61 juggernaut. But as for winning another champion&hip, Bloom was llaying or conceding nothing. And as it turned out, amazingly enough, the Sea Kings fo'on a share EARL GUSTKEY ................. ol the Jeague crown and fpu.nd. themselv· es in the CIF playoffs again. Upon close inspection, you find Bloom accomplished this feat relying mainly on two · factors -a strong pre-season schedule and a continued htavy emphasis on defense. "I decided Jut year that no matter what kind of individual talent we had thls season we were going to play the toughest teams we could find to toughen ~ for the league games," the coach explains. It worked. In pre-league contests, Cd~t finished 5-7 bul were 8·2 Jn the Irvine Le.ague. The Sea Kings lost 1 to such CIF big guys as Compton, Garden Grove, Muir and Long Beach Poly but Bloom made sure each defeat was a learning ezperience. Defensively, Bloom ls man-l!>-man oriented. Jn fact, be could conduct fruit- ful practices if the custodian . were to take the baskets out of the gym. "We spend about tw!>-thirds of our practice tlme on defense," he says. "We never use the zane defense. I think it's necessary for a boy lo take personal pride in stopping a man by himsel!. Defense is a Constant factor in a basketball game. Tbert are times when you can't buy a basket but you can always play hard, c o n s i s t e n t defense." Corona's man-to-man e.xtends from one end of the court to the other. "We aren't necessarily trying lo steal the ball with our fu11 court press. We're trying to force a bad pass or make a right handed kid dribble to his left." Bloom admiltedly drives his players defen.iively. "Our kids have so much pressure on them defensively that it helps our ball~ontrol offense. The kids are more careful about offensive mistakes because they don't want to go back on· defense." Bloom isn't the first to proclaim that the name of the game is defense. But few have provided such a gr8phic ex· ample. * * * BAD BALLOT DEPT. 1be two wrtten who lportd Lew Alclndor on Pirate Nine Nabs 8-6 Win Over Indians Orange Coast College moved lt! g'15ttm Conference record up to the .500 mark Wednesday afternoon, knock· Ing off San Bernardino Valley College. U on the IruliSD diamond. The Pirates, who are no.,..· 2-2 on thl' season, tripped San Bernardino with a • IASTIRN CON,IRINCI W... Llfff I'd . ,, .. Mt. S.t1 Atl!llnle ' • ,._ '~Id"' We< ' ' n' Cli1ff1y ' ' Cl!r\13 ' ' Yori~ COUI ' ' ' ""'' ·~ • ' Rlvenldt ' ' •• -• ' Cntm1 • ' ,~lllr!Dn • ' ... ltrMrcl!r .. ' ' w .. ndllf'f'\ I<•"" Ortnv-CHIT I, ittl IMl'"'rcllnt' Ml. San Antonio 2, Cllell-V I TINr'I 0.IM 'I S.nll AM 11 Cl1T111 .<» .>• ·'" .... ·"' .m ·"' ·"' ·"' ·"' .. •• .. '• ,,, ' , ' '" ., .... ;-o-run rally In the eighth and anolhtr run in the top of the ninth. iReUef pitcher Bob Contanl received credit for the win. Ile came Into the came In the last of the seventh al~er the Indians had lied the score, 5-5. wtl.h two runJ oU starter f.1al Swaim. The Pirates ripped three S an Btrnardlno pitchers for 13 hit& including •.pair of doubles and tYi'O triples. Cen- UrlleJder M..lke Bailey and Mike Paul were the big IUJ\I for Or111ge Coast .. Ba.Jtey upped hla season'• rbi total to. 11 "htn he clw<d ID thret runs With 1 palr of 1lnglrs. •Poul bl»l«I a double and trlplo and coUtcted two rum-batted·in. ~ ..... CMtt "' ·~~ •''"""' ~ .._.,."" !ti ,, , """' l ~ •• J 1 ' • ' • 2 ~ ' 1 I I t t t I l I I I I f f t '"'""'*"' a I t t I 1tnc1111, 711 \_iill!tj, ft J t t I MtGt1rJ. d Jiillik"'9. '* 4 I f I U•~. u .. ,i-, d s I l ' Avrtt. '1 .. ~u ,, • , , , '"'· It #rltttllt " 4 t t e W•l""t' lb' Klmol'lrl. If 4 t I l T1rr, J& io11mtr, ( ' ' ' .... 1 ..... -. c Snlr!I. I" 2 I I 1 Atltlrt, • ~""'· II I • I • o·c ....... , • Jfllll ' • ' t ' • • • • I I I f t ••• II ' I i llNtl. 11 l1 111f T ... lt kin.,. IMflllt . ' . "8to0 1tl -IUI m•10t -• • • lbdr A1aoclated Prus All·Amerieu basketball ballots tu& week daJm dwiy did so bttau.11e Alclndor cbOH aot to play oo. Ole OlympJc team. Baloney. lt was a racist vote. ne·n la ao other poulbJe ezplanaUo.n, * * * GUAROO DEPT. -UCI baskelball coach Dick Davis could be up tt hLs ears in guard! next season. He'll have. junior starters J.1ike Barnes and Steve Sabins back, plus classy Gary Fox up from the freshman team. And Mike Kendall, who wai; lhe prime mover for Monrovia High'a CIF cham~ pions tv.·o years ago, wanb to transfer to UCI from the Uniyerslty Of Hawaii. Another possible transfer is Chris Smith of .Fullerton JC. And don't overlook Larry Wasserman, the ~9 freshman dynamo ·who perfonned brilliantly In UCI's near-miss against the USC iroah last week. State Jaycees Open Battle For Cage Title Eastern Conference c h a m p l o n Fullerton Junior College. is matched against host FreSno Qty Colle1e tonight In the feature gam~ o( the first round of the California junior cpllei;e basketball tourp.ament tn Fresno's Selland Arena. The Fullerton-Fresno g8me will bt played at 9 o'oclock. Other opening round e<mlests have Imperial Valley meeting College of the Siskiyous at 3 p.m., City College of San Francisco playing Los Angeles City College at S and Pasadena Clty College taking on Merced at 7. Pirates Third Otuie Coast Copege fln.lsbed iD a tbree-way tie for third pla« in tbe Southern Callfornl1 Swim Re I a y s Wednesday aftcn1000 1t Santa f\1onica City College. Los Angeles Valley College won lht mttt wfUt 90 points wltlt Fullerton JC flnilhinf 1econd wftb II. 'I'ile Ptr1te1. Cerrilos ind S1nta Ana each flnlabed with 3S. In the various relay events, the Plr1tes t 11 o k one · second, two thirds 1nd ene I i f t b. Orange Coast won tbe ZOO.yard freestyle race, but was disqu1Ufted. In the various relay events, the Plrates t.oGk ,Ol'\e aeeond, two thirds 1nd ooe fifth. Orange Coast won the ~yard frttstyle race, but was disqualified. Conigliaro OK'! WINTER HAVEN, Fla. -Tony Conigliaro knows it's too early to tell for sure about his comeback, but the young Boston Red Sox outfielder is happy with the first indications. "I am very well satisfied," the one- ~ime American League home run king said after stinging the ball well although going hiUess tn t.brtt tries in the club's •first intra-sqU'ad game of the spring training season Wednesd•Y· "I could follow the ball very well even though it was an overcait day," he said. "I saw all kinds or pitches too." Stars Win LOS ANGELES -Tbe Lot AnaeJes Stan bave two days to aavor their US.US victory over the Mlnnaott Ptpu1 Wore puttlug.tltelt Amerlea11 Basketball Asaoctatloa rtcOrd on llte Ible Saturday against the New Yori: Nets. Kings Lo•e PHILADELPHIA -The Los An1eles Kings, soured by a 6-4 defeat al the hands of the Toronto Maple" Leafs, invade the. City of Friendship tonight for 1 Nalional Hockey League battle with the Philadelphia flyers. Bengtson Promoted GREEN BAY, Wl1. -Phil BtnlbOft Won't be moving lnit dte nro.e Room In Gl'ffD Bay for a ncaple If d1y1 yet, but workmen are preparln1 • sip w I t li bit name 01 U to It wbeni It now ~ad11 Mr. Lombardi. Bengtson waa named Wedrttlday 11 Green Bay•1 · renerat mu11er, addln« tbo11e duUe1 to bJ1 present job u bead coach. Injuries, B1 EARL GUSTKEY Of ftll Dtltr l"I• lfllft LAS VEGAS -lnjurif1 and lllntas have a dtpravfld. W&J of vWUnc athleUc team• wbr:n they're most unwanted. And thal't -the sltuaUon In ""hlch UCl'1 basket.bin team finds Itself today 11 It awaltt the opening Uporf Friday In round one or lhe NCAA coneae division rel{iOMls. Irvine (18-8} play1 San Francisco State (1.M) In tht doublthl!:~r opener. UC Davis and host Unlvtnlly of Nevada, L 1 s VtgM, square off ln the t o'cl~k game. The winnert 1 b o o t (or the rqklnal I Will Skate at F"rutta ' ' World champio~ Tim Wood of the United States will be one of ·25 ice skating stars who'll perform at the Forum Monday (8 p.m .) in a special ex- hibition Of amateur It.an from the Iron Curtain countries, Japan, Great Britain and the USA. Refs Not at Fault Editorial Full of Errors On Story of OCC Tilt No newspapennan would deny a fellow journalist the right to express hls opinion, But when a writer abuses that right, like a Santa Ana sportwriter did last '"·eek, il's enough to make every responsi- ble reporter gag. In a sports editorial la.st Sunday, the Santa Ana writer charged that the con· troversy surrounding the Orange Coast· Cypress basketball game and the ex· cessive number of technical fouls that were called were solely t h e fault o( the two olficials. Nothing could be further [rom the truth and that writtt woukl have known .................. JOEL SCHWARZ ................. it if he had covered the game in person. He didn't and the distorted facts in his editorial reflected his absence. Officials Tom Farrell and Tom Keou1h did miss a few calls -both wayJ -but they didn't lose control of the game or lose their coOt. The game got out or -control only when Orange Coast coach Bob Wetl.el began badgering officials, waJ ejected from the game and his players be.gar commitUng dell~rate personal fouls io prolong the conteot . No one will argue that Eutern Con-, ference officlatin&. could use some upgrading. The 'll:D'ftl can be nld of reporters who write about evenb they've never seen. * * * Former Oran1e Coad Colle&e football star Biii Redding, who'•, no" pl1)'141 middle pard at USC quieily did a rood deed lut week. Wbe• Reddln1 beard the son of OCC tralntr Dean Westgaard was stlll In a Freue Hospltal recovering from • 1boolln1 attldent he decided to so 1ometbln1 ia cbttr up 1%-year-old Guy. He bad 0 . J. Simpson and a number of bit odttr Trej111 teammates autorrapb a football and be presented the pt11kin to tbe y~ogster. "* * * When Bob \'Vlckersham transferred to Orange. Coast last month from the Unlyeralty o£ Washjngton, Pirate football coach Dick Tucker landed an outstanding tw'o-way performer. Wlckei'sham 's former Huntington Beach High· coach Ken Moats says he's One of the finest receivers and defensive backs the Oilers ever had. "He's bound to make it In college ball,'' Moats said. "I have to rate him just behind Bill Jenkins aii a defensive back, but that 's not taking anything away fr om him. "In his junior year he caught 27 passes and I thought he would break our school receiving r2cord as a senior. But we didn 't have a passer in 1967. "He'll very quick. has good agility and is a very hard nosed tackler. He can play College ball as a defensive back or a split receive r," Moats added. * . * * Basketball coaches who believe in the slowdown style or play would be aghast if they had to watch Indian River Junior College of Florida. Indian lUver is averaging 136.9 pointa a game this year, the highest by any colle1e er pro team in the country. Not aurprl&in&Jy, the. Pioneers are undefeated. But they mulll be e lit.tle- l.lred from all the running thftve had to do to maintain their orfensive aver11;e. Garden Grove's Gleason Aims ' . For Bigtime VERO BEACH, Fla. (AP) -The name ot Roy Gleason doesn'i appear on the majqr ltaiue roster of the Los Anaeles Dodgen but the Janicy ouUielder is mat- ing a run at the big Ume in bue:ball. Gleason, J-loot-8 ~nd 200 pounds, from Garden Grove, who earned the Purple Heart a n d Sliver Star while an Army sergeant In Vtetnam, is att.emptine a comeback at &Jt 25 followin1 two years in the servitt. "We. really haven't seen th1t much of Gleason except In c a m p games," said Manager Walter Alston. "But I've known for a Joni Ume that all Gleason has to do is make consistent contact with the ball and he 'll be in the major leagues." GleaJOn Is currenUy alowed because two of eight pieces of shrapnel in his left Ie.1 came out over the weekend. Gleason received the wounds when a mine exploded In the Mekong Delta. It killed four of his patrol and wounded two others. Of the 40 men who entered Vietnam with Gleason, only he and one other are alive. "The shrapnel Isn't bothering me too much and I ahould be ready real soon," Gleason said. "For the firlll lime in my carttr, T'm really bitting the ball well and I know that ls all it takes for me to make the bla: leasues. '' While Gleuon.saw only limited action In Wednesday's lntruquad game, col· Jecting two hlb, the nmainder of the squad worked out In preparation for the fint Grapefruit League game Fri'dly ~ with Houston at Cocoa, Fla. It was aMOUnced that infielder Ken Boyer bu signed his IMt contract, leav· lni pitchers Don Drysdale ind Claude Osteen, inllelder Paul Popovich and o\Jt. flelden Ron Fairly and Len Gabrielson •till unsigned. Illness Strike Anteaters title Saturday night at 9 and a trtp to the NCAA playoffs at Evansville, lnd., nut weekend. Whe)l the AJ>ttaten !kw out of Oranae County Airport at l :ZS UtlJ momlnc. atarlina forwtrd Nlct Sanden was Jim· ping and center MJke Heckman wu wooay Willi • cold and fever. Sanden sprained his rlght bi1 toe against Tahoe ParadiSe last rrlday and wat ttlll e1ptrlcncing pain even walldn1 on the toe today. He wu tn ~whirlpool once very four houra lhla wttk. lleckman has mlastd au ucr praetlees · this week but Davis aeemed aure his H pivotman would llut Frldoy. ' II Sanden can't go, Oav1s "UJ plat Dave P'ontlus or J o h n Glavtnovich in the vacant forward berth. Out to the NCAA'• surprising selection of UC Davis for the regionals, UC[ has no first-hand acouting rtport on San Francisco Slate. Afler Oavll btat the Gatoni last Friday night to create 111 <»-ehampionshlp 1itua· lion in lhe Far Wutem Conferenct, Dick Davis figured both clubl had eliminated thtm.M!lvu. So the ~Cl coach hu been on the phones Ull• week. "I've talked to Santa otar1., Sin Jose State, St. Mary'1 and Chapman and ' all th ... coaclles ttll mo San P'rand.co Silla has a club pntiy almllar to our own," Davll reports. "So II look.a to me Ulla the club thal makea:" the re.Wt.St mtstakt• 1l'rlda1 will win It. , Should the Antutm win , they'll - bably race Nevada for the tJUe Saturday fl:ttrtlng. 1r '°· It'll be a rematch of last year's realonals fln&I when tho Rebels bul UCI, 7Hi. PIAyl"' on Ila home C011r1, the 1,0lll). seat Lu Vqa1 ConvtnUm CenW. Nevada rates 11 an overwhlJ.mblC: favorite 111lrut UC Davis, a team UC l beal by OH9. 1 Lancer Boss Confident For HB Tiff BJ ROGER CARLSON Of .. O.llV 'll•t stiff • Coach Rusa Hawll: and hls Sunny Hilb ·High School Lancu1 will get a chance Friday night at t to do what they aaid they should have done Wt year -knock oU Hunlington Beach High ScllOOi in the quarterfinals of the CIF AAA buketball plAyofla. Last year, at the aame playoff alte as Friday's rematch, Long Stach Sports Arena, the Lanctra fell to the Oiltn, 71HS. Now, a year laltr, the two clubs wlll again meet "in the quarterfinals. Hawk is high on his team's chances against the Subset League cbampiom. pointing out the aiperb play of hi! 1-t center Frank Dehn and M forward Kim Swaim alainst Pacific High in the 74-~ -nd round victory Tuesday night. And, he . considers his two auants. Brad McNamara and Don Paul as the best duo in the county. McNamara wa:o; named on the All-Orange County firs~ team. "Paul's just as good," says Hawk. Wl'.en queried about the Lancera' ac- defeats to Troy Jn Freeway Leque ac- tion, Hawk aplaloed: "A lot of people don't rull!e that thfo first time we lost we didn't have Dehn playing and the ae<ond Ume lnlWld was only his second leque 1ame ol &he year.'' '111e 6-9 junior bad fainted on eampus after an exhausting plane trip from Washington, hitUng his htad on cxmcrete and was out for 30 minutes. He then missed .• the firsl 11 league encounters and all practice sessions while un· dcrgoing tests. As for Huntington Beach and its fast· break offense, Hawk doesn't seem too concerned. "Yes, we'll have to keep (Roy) Miller off the boards and (Mike) Conlreru from shotting as much. "We'll be running with them because that's one of our biggest asset!. "As for their pre.ss, well, I don't think they really press that much. Actually I hope they press us. There'a: m doubt in my mind that we can tum that into an advantage. "We're all healthy now and rtally coming on strong. One of our biggest assets is the fact we are now In our best shape ol the year. "They key to the game could be In the control of the boards," lini&hed the J.an<er boss. , l~awk had no immediate 1pecial assignments for his defeme, aaying be was just now gettin1 ·llf'Ol.lbd to tatm, • look at 1e«1Unc rtPorta on the Oilers. The Lancer coach also noted that his c:_lub'11 otbe1: defeat during the e&m))lign. a if.so decisli:Ja. to Compton, came, on the heels of a nu.epidemic that crippled hJs team's endurance.. Compt~ pulled away from lhe Lancers In the fourth period after a tight 1ame ,..the first three· quarter•. Biil .Arnutrong, coacll of the Compton TarbabeJ, told !ht DAILY PIL<Yr thal t~· Sunny Hilla aquad WU the beJI team he'd faced this year. R ~ .. D " ~ " .. M " ff .. " TV GAME SLATED AT ORANGE COAST. Orange Coast College will be the 11ite of the televised basketball game betwetn Gar'den Grove and Rowland hlgh schoo!t Saturday. 11te quarter final CIF AAA playoff game will begin 1t 3 p.m, and a.Ired via Chamel four. Grove is the number one seeded team In the AAA division and is a heavy favorite lo CODtinue on to lhe finals March 15. · CIF Announces Playoff Sites Buketbalflans will aet the opportunity to view all four quarter linal ClF AAAA basketball games this weet w I t It doubleheaders Friday and' 'saturday nights at the Long Beach Sporta Artna. Two Oran1e County prep teams begin action Friday at 1:30 with Compton and sw-prisina Bellnower meet.ln1 Jn the finale at 8. A da.y later Ventura ind Morningslde meet at 7:30 and ltfuir and Notre Dime round out the action at t. 1 Complfle Ustinp qi other CIF p)ayo!J gamts and lites: AAA Garden Grove va: Rowland at OCC (S11w'day at I p.m.) Santa Marla "' Luum at Hancock CoDe1e Claremont n Blahop Amat 11 Cl! Poly Pomon.a Beverly HUis VI Nop!" at Rio H- Colle(e AA Verbum Doi VI Bell Ganlens al c.r- rllos CoUq:e Katella vs H a r t at Fullerton 1unior Colltge A Ala1<adero VI Eshiore a~ lilt )'ti to be determined Onlario .Chrillitn v• .Aqlllnu al }lont<lalr I lllah I t t ----------·--- • t' . L -' Start _Hornets ----- Your -Pick Off Vikings, Lions, Engines! Honors· WIDE SWING"-AIC ADDS"\IP TO DISTANCE lf yw twino f11t •wide ate, yo;ur cluliMadwill ..W liotOr ti..' If you awlnt 111.-11...,. S)l!CO • tho4W....•f ... , ...... isdo-· ~ost Tourney Wins by Deke Houlgale at that lime wilh a oo-hitttr, but tbe Friars came bl<k kfft ff IJWllMI ··•' .. '• Jtro1!t. --~ "2 Anyone who -tbe motorinf ......... tired "' the ..... cld -Ume and qaJn -tbe clalln -._ much auto radng Clllllributa to lrlflic Alety.' Well. 11•1 !rile lnd!vl<malt -Jl'UUerloo Junior CGllap domlnale ... ·~llld: ······•1. lir c.........., .,...,, It 1houlcl "" .w ... ""' • wlclo,1wln1 on: wlll ,,....._ f'Oll~"lft V•lltl' 000 »I ~ I\ J WIMltl!I...._ UJ Marina, Westmlnster· I p d with three null in lhe MY.. I"~ Valley high sdloOls eoth to moke ll close. .. ' .... all right. bul tt•1 true. . • ~AJI.-~ bu:MlboD lam. ·-.., lhe -·· ~ jual lll'e lhe 'B O r n o \ I -..._"'""will. -11 or~tr el'C: W•Eltr, ck J. la/ICNL ,. MU,.,., .. ...,. all victorious Wednetdly w~•-·· broke up I tight 11teinoon In the Huntington ,........,._ • • I • I • • • • 1. • • You'd lhllll: ma(aUM journalllll WCJUld thial: ol· -hiOJ better thin to dredl• up 1111 lndlanlpo& -Rq Harroun'• rear view mirror .,_tion after IO' many ......., bul 1n1ritab1J every article OD the lul>jecl llarll off that way. 1IUcb High baseball touma· game with three 1'11111 In the ment. . · fourth and sixth innin8'· .l'he Hlf•n, It • Mtdl, n1 I 1 I I .. • • ... Mtc.fl.....,., " • • • • c1tne1tnnl"', .. • • • • H1rnt1, "" ' I • ' Sa ~ h, game was capped by eight Vanna nig derendlng wild pHcbes by the losers, Ed ........ led tho lcial ....... • --Goldeii West aad Or- CIF champion, was dumped _ Bane wa:i tht winning pitcher. apin, this 1\me by Marina, J.J, In nine lruilngs. ludl._nd, ' w. Mc(••llltY, " ' • • • • I ' I A ruJJy excitlna Alety pn>jecl is under way lhil year, ant that auto racing reporten lbauld tum more attention to. It has hnplicatlom In the praeot ellorU to -the mass flow of automobile traffic our bJibny qtneers are concerned with &oday. Tiie oafdy deVice .....i.t. ol a ocupte ot Jiljlls. me 11'<11 for go and the· other yellow for caiilioo. ~ on the d11h..,.rd ol Paul Goldsmith'• Dod(~ llloct car. Whet tt does is tell Goldsmith at 1J1 times wbjolher lbe lract ahead -including that part wb!Cb be can't ,.. -is clear and safe: Coul ~ falleil to p!..,. a man on lbe finl, secaod .. ,third learns, bul th..e playel'I -Mark Miller aad Dan Prather of' the Ruillm aad Mike Flaberly ol the Pirates -wm accorded hononhle mention. l'ullerUlo placed lwo .. lbe ftnt ...... -.. the seecmd -and walked away with coach and playtr. of lbe yw boaon. Guard Cbril Smith and l'e-Ille wi<tft el your ,....._ "-n, 'hv1, l'""'"•I'•· ·'""""-you ~ 11.-.11 .. lglo ·lol\ ... -...... r•ur.lioclc-.· ...... .... ~.in. .... ,11 .. , ·-'~ ... '2) ... •lhaight· riglo ..-iJ,w lollow-th""'Sh. ,Al,.., ......... '!l••ic. ~ c.t.la ytNf ..... ._j,. .-~· ...... .,..,, ........ ; .... hi 11-'0llt'toWaolitbo ·d··· .. , .. -. ...... 'lbere are tbo.9t terrible momaits durin& a high speed auto race when a driver doesn't know that danger will ll'live In hil path within aeconds. They lllrt with an oecld..,t or when IOIJ!ebody dumps a load of oil on lbe lract, bul often the other driven don't mow what happened unW Ibey ,.. a yellow flag a< warning signal lllbt forward Ted Harper of ·'-===;;::============:::;::::! Fullerton were joined on tbe "r ,,, · · · first team by Saa =:rf.!.~::S.:.='!Jt~~!.~~1·=- Golcismith, with hil ...,.,;,pental duhboard devi<e, lalowl lmtantly, no matter wbtre be p on a nee treck. When Beroardlno'1 Howard Lee, lw-wlM'-. A-lo-lw2Jlled• , Chaffey's Bob Beam and ML .. '' ' ••. ~r !Plllf • ~ ~1 ~ 111111 _w 9 I • · the olflcial yellow waminl ii displayed, 1 tnmmlll••" In the speedway cootrol tow.. aencis him a llgnal and hla own yellow JJPI _ .. 00. Goldsmith thinks the device bu a better application thin &pef.dway driving. He sees a day when everybady has one of theae gadgets In his automobile. Patrollng police cars would be equipped. with transmitters. and when an accident occurs, temporarily causin& a traffic snarl, yellow Ughls would come oo in all cars withiq a t1'0 or three mile radius. F•r Alteu 111 s.retw Auto racing, in fact, is ao far ahead in safety th.It It San Antonio's Pat Ford. Smith wu the o n I y IJDlnlDM)UI fll'lt-team lelec- lloa, bul the c:llolce fer player ol the year bonon wu a blttl• --him and Lee. the conference's I e 1 d Inc scorer. 'lbe Fullerton c u 1 r d • s overall perlorm,once during the year and hiS 10le u the quarterback of the Hornet's runaway championabip team ...... tbe lop Individual award .to him. fDIJ' be years befare aome of ita advance1 wDI be a._nable '"" T.-to UI motorists. Here are a few of the l&fety adv...t·-ltnfftl. F11•1111M ,_ .. ... -.-t..e,s .. ~ race drivers enjoy that few of. us have available for atreet "''-• ""'"'1M ............ hMI. C"'""7 ... ,,...._ P..i, ML IAC I -The fuel ..U. 'lllis ii a nibbfr btaddee that fill -- Inside the guolint tank. It.a purpose is to prevent CU tank ::· ~ ..!: ruptw'el common to rtar end collisions. Development was Glonk.I, Olllffr 8~, Fuller1111t hastened by the fiery horror at Indianapolis iD 1964. Fuel Geri-ts. ,.."" ...,.. ,.r. M ....... _ .. ...... -., "'· ~,, Saph. "' ....... SoPh. "3 cells have been in general racm, ue since 1966. They may ci.rt:, R,.,.,.i!:1"1 T-Fr . .,_ reach tbe public by 1971. KMIWldY, 111o ...,. "°'h .... 2 -The roll cage. Built-in roll cages, not u strong ~:;"=..,""" a.;;_,tf. as the ones found in race cart. are a feature of IOnle ft•"*"· M1, u c "'· .,, high performance automobile rDodels. 'Ibey have been mandatory M=-~~1~1..:''*:'~ in all NASCAR stock cars and SCCA sedans for yean, 1'btll Miiier, 01w ~l'lthtr1 c,,,.m-cvy is no publicly announced ..i •• to mate some rann of roll Sd'lm111t1 itiw.-..-oari Al•H••: c11. ..,,...._ n•-•11"' J-111111 Klllh ..,,.._er cage mandatory in all passencer can. • .-11.......cr• ,......., I -Tiie wide pn>llle tire. ~ and Goody8' made • the wide tire available to tbe public u-t u 3000 u It wu developed for rilcbi.:. II povldea more Alety becauae more ol lbe vthicJe Is Jn<'cliilact with tbe pavement, -..inc the driver's contrOI. Tire companiel did a good job ot popll!arWng the wide tire through advertillng, bul It ltill nmains an apensi•e ,,... Cit optioo, IOlll UJUaJly u • bigb perloniwice ilem or recommeoded for hmuy c.ara. 4 -Tbe wide aOJ)e mlm>r. Two years ago a lltllall company began markellng a m!mlr lhl1 gives undistorled l!Me(. visibility around I car. The company -ool of bulinm, bul nol before lntmfucln& the mirror lo nclni, where it wu received with wild enthullum. Rlc<n an perllapa more aware of the Importance of :what's romc on behind them than the average motorist Is. That mirror alone, if it wu on all pasSenaer can, could substantially reduce "blind spot" accidents. Corona, Diablos Tie, 3.3 Corona del Mar and Milsioo Viejo bigb llChools foogbl to a w standoff alter nine in- nlnp before darknell balled action in non--Jaaue . bueball action Wedntlday lfternooo. , GUrtler Outlasts Gowdy for Honor Gltr)D Gurtler scored a nel II to capllJ!O aolfer ol the yaar Jaiinla al Meadowlark Counby Cblb SUnday. Gurtler flnllbed two - ahead ol IWlll Gowdy fcr the honor among the 12 lndvidual monthly champians of 1968. Third wi.s Keenan Smith with 68 and Rick Young follawed with a in the men's club eve.nt Tom Sterling fasbiooed a hot .. in<me ... the iff.yml 11th hole Saturday. Sterling used a seven-iron lor the bick. Bc11elloSI Jim Miller and Andy Hedblom tied for rint in tbe low net tournament in men's club action Saturday. brink and Harland Erickson, and Marco Anlcb aad Jhn Ward. In a nine-bole four--club tc:uimy eisht days • g 0' Clarence Hubbert toot the ti· Ue with a net St~. Tied for secood were Dick 8o&P and John Boyd · with 358, rattowed by · G o r d o n Walker'11 351,.2, The annual Hu,gb Hudson Memorial tourn-nt wilt be wrapped up this weekend in the farm of a better ball of partners event with a blind draw in men's club com- petition. ""' Application! for the Satur· day , and Sunday event are . belnJ labn through tonlg.bl Ill tbe JlfO shop. Santa A11a 'Ibey finlMtd with Ms The annual Women's Club followed by Gecrp Sheets' Ii champlOlllllJp al Santa Ana and Mort Davia' •· Country Club ~ In the Bud Wright.. Lts mu· and semifinal stage with action Don Barney trailed with 67s. slated Monday and Tuesday. A Hl.fo ICOtch tourney is In the upper bracket are BCbeduled f!" Mar. 15 and ·Ann Ward and Dorothy Terry 22 m men I dub acUvttr. while Allee Hall and Jackie Deadline for applicatlam 15 Voelkl art vying in the lower Saturday. division. Cost• Mesa 5 -Aerodynamjcs. Racing ls respoosible for the sleet look ar many car models, but the imporlanct of "slipperiness" at high upressway speeds bu never been adequately IOkl to the public. By cootrast, some. cara look like boi:es, others John Kelley kept the in-Seacllli Country Club Is in Dr. Doug McBride scored -his third boJe.in-one while playing the Lake Course at Costa Mesa Galf and Country lite inside-out hardware stores. vading Sta KJngs in business the process of changing over with a t hree ·far·four the fint bole to a 510-yard performance at tbt plate and par five. knock:ln& in two runs in the The hole will be open for n's difficult to imagine that Alety in bigb wiDcl driving conditions was considered in their design. Detroit bas acquired a Jot of aerOOynamic engineering knowledge from racing, but the job lhlt .-Is doing is merchandiling of Alely In thla proce111. competition April 15. However, the Diablas came -The prevJous distance was from be.hl.Od to tie It in the 408 yards on a par four course. bottom of the seventh innina field. with 1 11ntte run alter taldog Bu11tl .. toa Be...,lt 'Ne Bfsot.,, 111 Sport the lnlUal lead with two runs In the first Inning. Nobody yet bu accuaed motor racing ol pmnotlq bi(otry. CM'lllt ... Mlf' 111 Considering the lr"'1bles other sports ban bad Jalely with ''"""· " mioority participants, that fact ii remarkable. ::""'~~ ... .. , .... l • • • ' . . . ' . . . J • • • • • • • J • • • • • • • 1 ' • • J I t I I I I f 2 • • • ' ' ' . The simple truth behind its unsullied racial imqe is '""""' 1• that ecoriomics of racing permit few minority people to 1et ~~. , lnterested in the aporl Auto, boll and airplane lpcx1a are ;:1~. ';. strictly playthings af suburbia. Therefore, mator racing's eu.i1, er-is establishmut hasn't developed many racial banRUPJ. :i1::.J'1• " Only one major figure tn the sport today is a Negro, K"""' c: , , Wendell Scot\ «.Danville, Va. He is frequently one of the TW•t' MIMIN ..,._: 01 1 top 10 in NASCAR Grand National ~ car raclnJ, but 1111 , 11 "' hasn't won a race. since 1963. :=:;., ':, ~ ~ ; ~ Ray Godwin and Jenniler Thompson teamed for a net a in a ladies and men'• miur rectntly. Tied for aecond wue Troy Caraway and Mary Wineke; An8elo Molli<a and Evelyn Rice, both with Ms. 'nllrd place alJo ended in a deadlock with Al Dehne and Alice Actlin and Claud Ward and Wanda Bater abuing booon with ""· lrrine CIHUt Comes now a new threat to white supremacy in auto c11.., a s • 1 1 racing, a doctor dentist team with an· all-black crew baied ::'w, " ! : ~ ~ FJve teams tied for rant (See GOLF, Page %1) / And Fountain Valley bung on to post a 44 decision over Servite while Westminster was running easy with a 9-I tally over Foothill. Huntington Beach was the looe Orange Coast area twn io suffer defeat, droppina a 7-3 decision to Pacifica. Marina's winning run in the ninth came when Dave Camp- bell reached ftnt. on an error, moved to third on a passed- ball and wild pitch then came home on Tony Cred'11 sin&le to riMbt fie1d, Creci. was responsible for tying the game up in the.,sixth when be tripled and came home on a ]>Wed-ball. Rick Saeman, who went the last two innings ror the Vlkes, Ricked up the win. Fountain Valley seemed to be riding high alter six in- nings with a four-run lead. but had to hold on to get by Servite. The winning run far the Barons came in the bOttom of the sirlb stanza when Dave Clarkson bit a solo home run. Gary Valbuena was cruising HIM,.... l•dl UI Jelle!. p _,,,,,,, SymoM, If ....... ' R'l'dtr, :lb cantr•!!. rr ..... " M~.lb R11li. d E•rh', lb Tolell .. , .. ,.. I t G t ' I 1 • ' . . . l • 0 • 'l 'l l 1 'l I I t J l • • 'l 0 0 0 ' 1 0 'l 2 • 0 • M 6 i J GolU,.., 7b Bot!'l~ll, d Minn, P S.ncn, u Newloft, c Mlyt>errr, lb e1oct;. rr Mcom. lb O•vklson. JI Tolels ,Klf'lcl 0) .. • • • . " ' . .... ' . . ' • • I ' ' ' • • • ' ., ' . ' ' 31 10 klt'I ., '""'- • • • • ' . ' . . ' ' . ' " . l'ICHitl 00& OU 1-111 J H11n1J1191<>n ... di mi oot 6-4 ' s ""'"" (t) .. • Witf)CIC, II F"°"'11111, lb Molt, c Crft .. , cf Curr.,,, rt C.fl>Qbell, lb KIUl'lllrutlltr, p ..... . CACI, )b "'m•n. p Tot•ls ' • ' ' • ' ' ' • • " • • • • • ' • • I • • S.'1'-Ill .. ' • • ' • • • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' I CAl'l'IJ!tNI!, lb Mo!Mr, rf Cltworr, u Hor11an, lb Gros1, rt WtstriMI, ct Mlrtlnu. to eu111.1n, c Ak1m1.,.. 2b khldol. p 8n:iollllt r. Ph PtMhorn. P li.llNki. Ph c.m .. p Tot1lll " kerl '' IR•ln11 .... • • • • • • • • • • I • • ' • • ' I • • ' I .... t I I I • • I • ' • • • • • • ' ' .. ...,_. ..... DOD 010 000-1 S l -001 001-2 l l LADIES' TENNIS DRESSES in Los Angeles. ·0r. Vernon Shields II, the de.ntill, ls the ~1tr1, e • • • • place Saturday in a better driver, and his psychiatrist partner, Dr. Roland Jeffenon, ~.ff a ! : : : bJll ol partnen tournament. shares ownerahlp in·1' fl5,000 race car. "...,....,.· u • • 1 • Deadlocked with 60s in the They-will bankroll and nee 1 1'ord·powered Fcnnula A =:-., H ~ : : ! men's club event wert the. single-seater on SCCA 's professional ' Cootlnmtal OP clrcult MttlltlM, ., • • • • fallowin1 duos: ol 11 races. ";:;. " ,! : : : Al Obert and D u a c Sale Reduced 25% · CLOSE OUT In SCCA racing, h ls necessary to attend a chlt>Gplratfld _ ._. "" ....... • " • McAlpine, tbick Hlpie and ICb::iol to urn a Ucenee. lt'a not an easy Ot a chelp IJl'OCW. c.... • Mir ta 1oe ~ 1 t McAlpine, But McHucb and 'lbm. before competing in protesaloMl racet. • driver mutt1==M=-= vr.i. •a 1'°'""4 • 1 Art Daugherty, awct Betd- compete in a number ol local amattur evwita called reJional iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dWlq>lonlbip races. ta the courte of doing this Dr. Shitldl won U. Poiftt dwnpioollllp ol S<X:A '1 Caltfornla Sporta Cir Clllb r<poo, me cl the tought.st amateur citcuila In the U.S. Newport Rolls to Title Newport Harbor II i I h powered ttl WIY to its aecorid lll'alillt tille in the lJth lMUaJ -oringe Coast Collece Jnvita~ tlonaJ Tellllil ,._,,.y Satur· ay at occ. Newport took the Cl'OWll with JI polota, followed by EatancJa l with 13, Villa Pul<, t ; FOWl- tlln . van.,., 1; COltl Meaa. {;. ~ ~E\ ;ns::: pla)'tf, Al RolelU " EIW>cl• tll'pk four lll'alpt mo1<hes -lo" eaplW'e tbe UU•, dOIMtlD& lelmma'A Jolla Wln!m In tho flMla, H . W. • Ill Dlvlllon n dooble~ "l"JI to au pl•Y«'I. the team Of Cunnlnlbam aad Hart ol NIW)lllrl took It all, ~ EmOly and S<bell• of Eltaii- cla In lbe !lnlll, H, H . In Dlvlllan lll. open to -varatt.y ltttmntn, Kim Perino of Newport wan lhe Utlt with a W, S.1 win ovtr taammate Bob HuktD in the' ftnal match. Ill Dlvisloo lV, •ilin llmlled to non--' 1 r 1 l t '1 lettermen, Jooes and Paley ol Nswport Hlrboc. dalealld EIJtnl•• lftd Durgsn ot Nswport In the ffnab, &.J, W. AUTO SALESMEN • No auto sales experience necessary. • U you have had any direct selling experience we WOllld like to talk to yoo. • We train you for six weeu in our dealership and General Moton lralnJni center. • OUr professional salesmen earn in es:cess or - $25,000 Pat YEAR • We will pey you m>o per mo. guarantee pllll a new car right f?om the flnt dty, pl111 all trlnll• benenta. • We are atarUof our 2Srd year lo busin .... • Joint succeulul dealmhlp. • 25 to S5 married. -Call MR. TOPPER for lnterView - aoa LONOPRI 'PONtlAC lltOO llACH ILVD. wasTMINSTIR "2.USI .,. .U.1500 Ml ILACI ALWTAI Basketball SHOES SKl-CIZOR-SKI EXERCISOR l'1•l•114.ts ... SALi. 8.95 CBl BASKmALL ILIMllH -a .. ular 12.fS •.• SALi 8.95 Ll2 BASKmALL ILIMllH-R .... ar 11.ts .• ~ SALi 6.95 S101 BASKmAU. """'" '"' ... s.u1 5.95 4.95 ..... TETHERBALL SET f PR. ONLY-GOU: SHOES l'IUt..11.ff ••• CLOllOUT 7,95 YOft -IUMllM DUCK FEET FINS tUNLOP ~ FORT FRAME IPICIAL hMMIY\YAMIA 17• TENNIS BALLS 6.95 14.95 7u50 ,...., ... Vllt.y (4) .. ' . -.. .. ... _ .. c.n.11. II .,.... If . OIUlil. cf ,.....,, rl Tern<, cf Wiii~ c ...... V•~.' , ... 1•11vw. 2b -.u Ft ... ct .,,_,, " ..._ .. ....... ......,,_ W•llll.orYI, If ·-' FIYM, tt a. a.rn, 11 Tettll • • • • • • • • J I ' ' • • ' . > I I ' " . Stnlhl (II .. ' • • ' . • • • • ' . ' ' 2 I ' ' ' . I o ' . " ' .... • ' I • • • • • • • I I • • • • • ' ' • " • • •• • I ' • • ~ • • • I • • • ' • • • • • ' ' • • "'·•· 211 I o.drldlt 2b ' Plot!, rf • M. S.nchtL rf.)b • Membrlll. ( • McO-ld, "" . • llttld, • I ''"'' Hf ' Tot~lt .. • ill'fltflllll tll .. Jltduon, n N..,..nc1,1, er .:.~,.. rt •1.tcklk1111, 11>(1 Schacitt. '' Kltln, II Smith, e Vtn DordfCfll, Ho!IM•, 2b S~lener, 1b Hori. p J1111111, p Toi.Ii • • I • • ' ' .. ' I • ' I ll ' • • • I ' • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • ., • . • , ' '" • • • Cl -•. • 0 • • • 0 I 0 ' . . . . ' o I o • • • • • • I o o • • • • • • I 2 0 Foottim wu1m1nr11r • H ' DCll 000 0-T 2 I) 011 "" _, ' a; Grove Track Team Sweeps Costa Mesa · Invading G~n Grove High ScPool sacked it to Costa Mesa across the board in track and field Wednesday alternoon when the Argonauts rallied an 88i,a..37Y.. victory in the varsity divialon. Garden Grove completed the day's efforts with a 61...ff decision in Bet competition and 45-41 in Cee hostilities. Mesa was able ta garner only four wins during the day in varsity action and three of those were in the field events. Ra1ph Dean was the only runner to gain victory, win- ning the 8lKl in 2:01.9. Ed Ensign, Brad Borden and Jerry Reilly led Mustang 1weep1 1n the pole vault, shot put and discus. Ensign took the vault with a 1J.O mark, Borden the shot put with a 43-5~ effort and Reilly led the discus parade with a 132-4 toss. Mesa's nut non-league meet Gymnastics \!•nltY c-9tl Mir t7'\IJ) t4.I~) s.. '~· Tu!Mllntl -\. J. W1111H I'! !. olt!G~'te!' CCI J. P. W1!dtr C 'RO::. 1l~inb -1 8e1C1 111 < !f.'1•1d CC) 3. Hsi4m•" (Sl ,.,,.: · L-HOrtt -1 J. Wi lder (Cl ll.6~"'6otl (l;) ), TF.orfi11 (SJ Po!nh: HI.. blr -I lle•ch !Sl 2 J w110tr !Cl J. Hoffrr11n !Sl Points: 15/iw IJl.lr(lie -1. J. Wiider (Cl J. "· W1iollr (C) J. Gr1 .. r !CJ Points: 1U. · Side l'lorH -1. I". M~lllfb1ll IC\ Tt1~••dl IS! l. Hollls!itr IC) Point$; f'..-•llel b91l -I J. Wild., (C l ii.~~ ISJ '· W'11der (Cl Polnl5: 1si''cr..;-..1.·1 fs,wJl:i1 :1ltl· •e•"' is at Balsa Grande next Thurs· day. V•UllY C.M. U7Yll lllYI) qtr• Onve ( l. ~riol1 IGI lllW: ·11.1 . HIO -1. loot1 !€) 2. W1lntr -L Wei GI !. · Mlrlol C~ l. Hlllklt I~ T : 11.6. ' ~ -I, Rk1rd IGGl 1· Ou, ICMI l. O.vl1 iGG: Ti!' /I &all -1. Oe.iin M 2. Klnt1 '°.;j(i.J·~~llGG ~-''Jh~hn1 IGGI l. G-t CGGI TllM •:4t. ?·Milt -1, ~'" \GGl 1. Slddorlt 'iJj 3. Pr1e1t CM1 T ""ru· •:u.1 • 1 HH -I. !U (GG 2. 0.rd,_r CG ) l. Tl9 lfler (GGI • 01v11 ICM) llM:l6.3. no LH -1. 6-n:ll!I!" fGGl t. 800!1 IGGI 3. Ktnneov ICMI TllM: 20.:1. UI Rt-11r -1. G1rden Grow Time: ~ .. Mli. ll.C.y -1, G.lrdfft Grove Tlrnt: l :J&jt. HJ -• Jtu11 IGGI >. i;"- -1. Kr 01 Gl 2. trlOI• CGG) 3. Frlltt.I {C~~Ht till:~ co1f1 l. L•l..W~G b~111flCfl: 2l·Ph. PV -l. Enslln ICM! 2. O. Oevl1 fCMl 3. Hameh ICMJ Ht 111!1: 12-0. SP -1. llordt!l \CM) 1. ltlltY . (CMJ l , L_.rv CCM) 0 1111nu: <IS-W.. OIK~I -1. llllft' (CMI f. Turner (C.M) l. JDrdln 4ifJ Obtence: 132-•. c.M. 1 .. 1 I'll o.,..... orwe 100 -1 ICU1 nirbtdt CGG) 2. Wtrf IG~ l. Wlse \GGI Tl,,,.: 10·•· -1. K 111"9bltk tGGI 2. WIM IG 1 l , Gro1sm1n {CMl Tim.: M.2.. "° -1. tlelll(ot_l_IGGl 2. Mtrtirlel 1'~3. LOllPl>l'I (GG Tlfnt: l:tt,O. 1 -1. ~In CM) 2. SchnltMr fG l lH C••l'Oll l~J TllM: 3\·11.f. 10 IH -I. -!ev•uer MJ I. P1l9 tGGl I. v ... tNn (GG T me: 11.1. . UO LH -1. Vl>Vlhen (GGI 1. ltv1Utr (CMI 1 KtltY ICM} TlrM: 15.•. llO R1l1y -1. Glrdtft .GrM Tlmt: 1:2'.J. HJ -1. Mllrchwltltl ICMl 2. khnl!Mr fGGI J. W.ro' IGGI Htlt!\l: 'tJ -I. Wi .. IGGI 2. 0110kl IGGI 3. Mlrtl\Or .. 111 lCMl Olli!•~: ... PV -I, W~IRl CCMl J l'll:llG (CMI l. P•rker G~'•M .. • ,6-0. fCMl J. Voeft l 11 IMI: · • SP-I.Cr C4 i> !m:' " DllClll -l. M r l t. L•fSOll lCMl l . ct= /2J:t1 t 1nct: llM. C.M. (4') (U~9\.11illll Orw"N lDO -I. C1t1llto IGGJ t. Tit Mtwftn ThorP« fGGJ Ind Vletl tCM) Time : 11.0. ' 1tlr -1, C11lltlo IGGJ 2. &.kl!" GG) l . 8ambov ICMJ 'l'im.: lt.3. Wl,-1. Brr'°" \CM) 2, Rlclrlll !G l , Wtllll'Nfl fGG Tl"M!: !:»,•. -l. Hol t11 <GGl 2. ll!t IGGJ l. P•Ho ICM) Tl'l't: J:Jl.5 l2G LH -1. Vi!:I fCM l 1. thorpe CGG ) 3. W1rO (GG Time: 1•.7. 4"° R1l1y -I. trden Gravtt Tim!: 0 .9. HJ -1. Tit betw"" 81kw f'"I Ind Vwne ICM) J. Tomblln CM ""l"1' w. L -1. Arbuckle !CMl 2. B'rlctr IGGl l . Fleming IGGJ DlsllN:e: lM. PV -I. Man!>: ICM1 7. Fick.it IG5i > ~ ¥'1tx..~?G~e1,ht: u. S. S1i1 IGG!" ifil111.o.: 14.t KIM (CMI r----- ~ ------ Rawlings Baseball Mitts & Gloves LITTLE LEAGUE BATS Soft Ball-Baseball Bats BASEBALLS BASEBALL SHOES $9.98-$13.95-$16.95 TRACK SHOES $10~95-$13.95-$17.90 Conwe1M Al Stor Basketball Shoes IU.Cl oa WHm """" . " " " " "." . $8. 95 CONVERSE TENNIS SHOES MIMS $7.75 WOMIJO $7.25 .IACI PUICIU TENNIS SHOES $8.95 WILSON-BANCROFT-DUNLOP DAVIS-11111 TENNIS RACKm MIN'S Tennis Shorts 4.95 to 12.95 Mlll'S Tennis Shirts 4.95 to 6.00 TENNIS SWEATER.$ & JACKm Tennis Visors 95' RALEIGH BIKES & PARn BIKE REPAIRING RACKET STRl"GING .. . •·• • ••• ·~'"• •••'"·'•••-•I • .. ~,,,,,,~• l 'TTV\'•· 1 i\,t /4! 'ft'! fit .. ti.'! !*t f !t<iti tti5t'T i lif il l ( t'\4' *E .4 14 +" ..• "'\I $ii ii p o , t +E< 1••• ++ • • --.-:L ... ' •' ' -l ' • I I '· • . Ff Matmen Have Chance -- At Bagging CIF Crown r ... llln V.Uey Hllh School will be mak· bill Ill !Int --In a aportlnjr -with a oolld cbaJ1oe al capturlna a CIF llllt .lalonlu wben eooch Vtm Wqner'1 ~ tral: to Cl! SW. Fullorloll to do !*It. In !he CD' wnotllnc llnala. Actleft lttl under way at 10:30 a.m. with ~ --~ blllld IO< 7 p.m. IJld the linall .. hour Ill«' ' Hornik, with lour Dn1111t1 and South TOl' ranee wUh flv• lflppln are w l)' favorites to the """'"• but Fountain Vllle7 could sur· pn.. "1111111 flvo -..... ..... allll -(IOI) IJld GI"'" Aa- '''"''''"'''''" ROGER CARI.SON **llAllAAiiiliiiiiM denon (Ill) are caosldertd 1ood btll to win their .._ilve weipl uu ... U 11111 duo could win .U lour matcha by pine the Bir-would pick up II pelnll- -a lour palnll .ey al whit t>blerven lad will be nquJrtd to win Ille UUI. Both .....Uen to date an undelulld Iller • maic:bel, and have ao ar more pjnl-to their cndll. OU... threlll from the Orange Cout .,.. Ire Newport Harbor, Wtllminll,., and Ma· rina. Colla Mesa and F...tancia have two wrest· ten apiece representln& them. * * * A v0f1 Uluiq u1lde appeared la a -Au pollllcllllo ..-lly allactiaf lh Or-C-1)' ,,.. ......... - A-":f --al -. ... ...... ,,.. ... arpllllllho, ... -Au ----tlDplutll-.. ae ftJ ~W wta: tH lpwlawtllen -ftldi II nKt11 eemeL Ooe el ... major * * * Gary Carr, the e1.-0llta Mesa High and Orange Coast College wbl.J who went on to further athletic clorles at the University of Wasbiniton, has coached the fint~ver championship in any •Port at Mission Vitjo ~ Bee buketball twn wu 17-1 in cap-lurinf the cratvlew Loque lilll. CUT WU aw: of the Purple Gll;lrl from Wllhinllon to llnoct USC GUI ol Ibo llooe Bowl 1 few years back with 1 lf.lJ win in tbe Collseum. Williams Named Eagle MVP Skip Williams was named the Most 0 u t s t an d i n I mOlt valuable playtr on the Wrestler. vanity buketball t e am BuketMll Wld"'*'ay nl&ftl al Ibo 1MU11 Vanity -Capt.ain : Bill Winter Sporla Awardl banquet DUllu; MVP Skip William.'J; ..__.... Eltancla HI I h Best deftnlive player: Mike ;;;;;;;.; bubtblll and wml· = Mcel Improved: Gary line-.,, Junior Varsity -Capt.ain: Wllllmm, a jllllicir, led lhO· Cort 'lllomu; MVP: Les l!iqlel In IC«inf wftb a 11.4· · Heotor; Bott delenstve player: CUtt '11:1omas ; M 0 I t Im-ptr same IYer&p. proved: &eve Buller. Len Morley IJld Bob Ray· Bee -Capllin: J 1 m mond wm llllllOd coapllina Wa-; MVP: Jim Wa-; of lbe Wl'1llllblJ lllm with Bott delOOl!ve pllym: Chip Raymond lllo ..-tn1 tile Brown IJld Crelg llay1; Moot hip point nud and Morley Improved: Dan Newnan. Cet: -Captain: Kevin Brown; MVP: Jtlf FO<d ; ltfost Improved : Dous Confer. Wmtlla& Varsity -Capllln : Len Morley IJld Bob Raymond ; Outstandln1 wrtllJer: Len Marley ; .-lnspirallmal: Tom Fou: Hich Point man: Bob Raymood. Junior varsity -Captain : ~b Fate and Lyle Sean; Moot Oullllndlnl Wraller: Bob Fate. 1'nlll-Soph -Captain: Dile Raymond ; Moot Out1tanc111!1 wreatler: Randy'l'rldway. . Ewr .., 1o· ileiCi;J,O the -of a whilUY lo a friendl lllln .,...., loo many-. ;you can -. · --Smooth. ..... "mdlow"' ••. "lisht" ..• lhar ubout 11. • u When yo/re dtleribina the tu le of Seqram'o 7 Crown wt t1Jnk lhtre'• on• mof9~0ld 'JI want to 1dd. Thalrare le ••• "qua]Jfy", You can't it. But you sure wi.wtelll • 5.tyStqr••an<lleS-. 15\~. ... 11·~ ... • • I ~~-"""--"'~~·~M_u~c;.,:6,~1~969C.....~~~~~~·-All~Y-l'll~llT--'3~5~ J ; Skate Star Visits LA Four-talglat !!•vasion BOAT BUFFS Grunioii Hit Sands Tonight --Ah11•11 lHl•hy I• Hi• eely ..Nll • tltnt "\••flllf rflttt wer•i119 ff '"" 11••.,.W In Ot1119t C;u11ty, Hi1 ... ,11111.,, c•"'••• •f 11 .... i119 '"d ytchtl~t •••• la • llulty fttflllft •f ffl• DAILY PILOT, TheNl is no bag limit on grunion, but it is unJawful to waste then1. The Department of Fish and beach and expose the eggs. Wllhlh two or three 1ninutes the baby grunion hatch and are washed out to isea. I I'---------' Gabriele Seyfert, the bluing blood from East Germany, huCls a troop of 25 figure skaters who will appear In a ipeci1l one night exblblUon show at The Forum. A fOW'·night spawnlng run Of grunion onto Southern C11lfornla beaches the flnt run ol the 1969 open season on the silvery lit.tie ocean fish~ Is expected starting tonight. Carne says it ls impossible ---·--------------- The Monday nlghl pro111am starta 1t a o'clock and features winners and runner ups in the r~nt world figure skalln& chami)ionship.s held in Color•dO Springs, Colorado. Mlsa Seyfert is lhe 1969 world l1dies singles gold medal winner. She is also the European tltllst. Ten nations will b e represented in this 1ala ice festival, unctioned by the International Skatiq Union. TiCkets are priced at $5, $4, '3 .and $2. Ch.Udrtn are bait price in all ranges. They are available at The Forwn bo1. office IJ well 11 all TRS computerized ticket outlets Ind Mlituat agencies. .. ,Spawning runs of one lo two hours are expected to start about 10 :30 p.m. tonight, 11:06 p.m. Friday, 11 :42 p.m. Saturday, and U:36 a.m. Sun· day nla:ht. Additional open-season runs or four-night duration are tx· peeled to start March 20, JWle 16, July I and August I. The grunion ;eason is closed throughout April and P.1ay to allow the fish to spawn un- molested. Anyone 16 or older must hive a valid angling license to take grunion, and they may be taken only by hand. No applianct: of any kind may be used and it ls unlawful to dig a hole in the beach to entrap t.he fish . WITH THI S COUPON BEAM & BLINKER LANTERN 99~TTERffS EXTRA • PoW«ful whit• ti...n ph11 rltd n t.ry blink., • Croablf h.ndl• dootlltl " atnd to predict. which beaches the Jish will tu\, but grunion runs may occur on any aandy beach from Mexico north into Santa Barbara County. The DFG note1 that grunion deposit their eggs about two inches deep in the beach sand. Succeedina: tides bury the eggs eight to 16 inches deep. After about 10 days, the nut high tides erode the 'I' . ewu ~ ··1•• NewHrl Ht"* ll Ul PnfftM ll~·-0¥1• O~HI Olf. Ma<rlt !l'I M , '"'· .. ._rt: (NH) lc•I lo P. M0rrl1 !I"\ l·~l!rlr (NH) lie!. Mcken1l• CP) 6·1o,t,,; (NH) Iott to Nick !P) S.7. ,_.. I J1•rqn {NH I loll ID SttM (Pl 1..t, 1-4 - --........ ·--l•l ... hlo<lh •--. --"'···-....... -... -IOl ... •1'· ....... ..... •---... -....... ,_,,_.,...-11o .. •c•_.,.. __ _ --...... 11 -.--...... -a.c. ......... 1:1. -------..... -.--~ ........... ----........ _a-...),. ............ _ .. _____ .....,....,....._ •. • _ .. _ .... _"' ___ j .... _.... .. _ ... ., __ .. _ .... __ _ -~- Save s24 to SJOO ~~t::~~;:s4• BFG Silvertown 180 Size Reg. Price for 4 Sale Price YOU SAVE e Our standanl new car tire! e Built with Oynacor• Rayon Cord! o Longer, smoother, more i comfortable ride ! · 9.00-16 199.80 99.00 100.80 8 .86-15 179.00 9 9 .00 80.00 8 .45-15 167.80 99.00 58.80 8 .15-16 143.BO 9 9 .00 44.80 7 .76-14 131.60 99.00 32.80 7.36-14 123.BO 9 9 .00 24.80 NO MONEY DOWN l'lllt f"'-ll l1111it9 T•• .i 11.11 1• IJ.71 ,..1;.e, deplndll\11-lll•t, plut neh•~'"""· ON TIRES AND SERVICES TIRE BRAKE REPACK FROIT ROTATION ADJUSTMENT WHEEL BEARINGS c c c ' .... """' I • .::r... .. :: . .. ,,,_ 11111 i.tt l I ........ C--llM -· --..... 1 ........ ........ ..., ew,.., ..... -.......M. C1 p a ChM MM.oft4. c..i,..... .. Goed M.ft."'4. .,.,. --:11, '"' ............. 11, .... ........ Mord: :It, lff_! COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE , L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 2049 HARBOR BLVD,-fAt Bay! PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 , 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. l'HQNE 893°5572 DAILY 8 a.m. • 9 p.m. e Sit 8 a.m. • S p,m. DAILY 8 1.lil. • 1 p.m. e Sit 8 a.m. • S p.m. e OUR OWN IUDOn PLAN e IANKAMIRICARD e MASnR CHARGI Stt MISS AADIAL AGE prtttn1 Monet~ • Tuttdt'I Nlgh1 at th• Movlu, Th• N11nt of tM Gtl'!l<l, TN Out11dtr Ind ltontldtt on NIC· TV • B.EGood ric:h I I . . ' ..... . ·-----· . ...... .,. ·-· .. -. . -·-· . . -.. . . . . . ... --' . .,-I Kings,' Vik es Drown Gaacho Coach Estancia SteVem .Satisfied EyJs '70 With 1st Se~on By JOEL scnw ARZ Gf ..... D•ltY ,. .... SIMf To most basketball coachts an a.so seuon would be a disuter, the kind of ca mpaign l)ley'd as spon like lo forgeL But at Saddleback College, Roy Stevens doesn't have any · happier years to reflect back on. The 1968-69 season was the Gauchos' first year of competitive basketball. "I di<tn't feel it was a bad !ieason for us. If you strictly look at our won and loss record you might say th.at. But we blve to look at the seasor, in terms of • i~ provement and when. I do tha.t I have to be a little o}llimistic, "The kids who played f9r us regularly came on as lbt' season progressed," Stevens said. "Individ ually aU of our kids improved a lot as players. "We started out with a big handicap. inesperience. Not only were we playing with out any experienced junior college players, but most our boys ortly saw limited action in high school. Three o'l them never played before." "Obviously we hated to lose our last eight games, but we were playing against good op. position and that competition ls going to help us next year. "One of our biggest prob- lems was size. We were basic- aJly a 6-2 team and we were out-rebounded in almotit every game." Stevens turned up one nug· get durin g Saddleback's freshman year -guard Bill Nooo. The 6-1, 150-pounder wound up the season as the leading junior college scorer I n Orange County with ~ points and a 19.2, average. Despite his slender fram(', GOLF ... Noon wu one of the Gauchos' leading reboundefs and be ex· celled as a baU handler, ''He bad a great year and did an outstanding }ob for us," 'Stevens said. UnfOrtunately, Noon pr4}. bably ·won 't be back at Sad~ dlcback next season. He's only a freshman in eligibility but a sophomore academically. Chapman College and Idaho State both have shown interest in the former SavaMa Jligh School player and chancel are he'll be playing for a lour-year school-next fall. StevenS •also praised center Marc Hardy and forward Ran- dy Lav.Tence. "Lawrence was a real surprise for us. We didn't ex· pect a lot from h,im when the season started, . but he turned out to be one· of our most consislaat players. He · really did a job. "Hardy was slow coming around after playing football, but he came on strong as . the season progressed. He scored 20 or more points in five of our last six games." Looking ahead to the 1969- 70 season, Stevens hopes to develop a bigger basketball program at Saddleback in· volving more players and hopes to parlicipate in su m· mer lea gue activities. Next fall the Gauchos will give up their independent stal· us and join the Desert Con- ference. G l'G •T TP A\IG Biii Noor> 71 21l 11' !-17 1'.1 Mtrll. H1t1dY 7t 17' .59 «11 14.5 Rtnd'f Ltwrtncr 74 114 57 215 11.I Hal "Cl'f'd 11 HS ff 2" 10.7 Rick Mtrrlll 71 60 31 1.M 5.6 Gr!'!! SwrNOll i.1 4 14 110 •.1 Mike Winier 74 n 1 Jl 7.l Ric~ NtlJOll 211 lS 3 Jl 1.7 M.n: Slntnv • s J 13 l .t De1n 5111nnrr t t 2 12 l.l Hoop Title Corona de\ Mar 111 £ h School"• sea KlngJ continued to rebound i.r) the swisnmin& By ROGf:R CARLSON department with a n im· °' IN D.l1r "u" '"" , presslve 63-23 decision over "lt's been a long year for Downey Wedne.sd~Y Afternoon u.s .•. but if we had to start to higbllght nob-league e.ctlon next season right now I'd really be eager to begin with while Marini mixed things up this club comi(l,g back." a little ln \be Suuet League. That's coach Bill Wet.zel's The Vikes nipPed ·Anaheim feelings about what is in store on the. strength of Don Up.- , . - the 200 free and came N ck to 1wim a 57 .a in tbe 'JOO back to lead the V~s to their clutch win. Corona del Mar'a blasting o( Downey featured five In· dividual wins and both relays. The toll rree relay mark was 3:21.l. Tari-Falcons for his Estancia High School · basketball team "e•t year as poldt'a: two school l"eCOfdS, 4.9-..... ..., I"' 1:;:r,_ v111.w 111 ., h•l N wporl Ho ho d 200 Mld•n ' l'.111 -I, Mtw-' the Eagles figure to have a .S, w 1 e e ·r r r an Hertior cw11<011. w.11tr1, J°""'°"• • , OD.-.Yt 11m9; 1:52.1. solid shot at the Irvine League Westminster were w1M1ng :!OD Ftee -1 wh'°" JH~\m.'· Lille with several outs_tandL'lg handily over Santa Ana Valley ~.T.1" iu.i 1. Wi1c:o11 IM 1 ' relur ees lro a "16 I b ~ Free -1, W&medlr OOl l 7. n m 7 cu · and Huntington Beach. iq1w11 CHHJ J. L.CtrK 1s...1 Timi: Actually it's been two long The Sailors ripped Valley ";. tlldlvld•ll · Medlef _ 1. 00 .. ~~ years for Wetzel as Estancia t~:J: f;,,~~r-1c11 , cu.1 J. He ftllrd lea led f. t 4 21 k by a 79-15 margin and mi> pos 1r1 a • mar 01v1n•-1. eu1111n·CNttl 2. c noord In ?967 and then the 9-16 rec· Westminster was an e2.sy 67·27 INH) Point•: ~5. • , lllO Fly -1. · WlkOI< • ~H'l\ 1. or~.isdy .. ~arpit.e lhe shoddy 1-9 victor at Huntington Beach. r:.T· IHHI ,. ,c1rllon lH ) ' ~: Santiago nipped Fountain * Fr"-• -' '· , WillOfl o~Hi ~· record compiled in lrvine Dool.,.. tNtn ·i. L.Cerff Tlr'M: n .1. h Valley, 52-44, in non-league 1• •~· -1: ~ tHHt 2. ostilities, the Eagles showed HrMldl tu.1 ~. Ellloll tMHt rim.: on occasion that they coul,j hostilities while Foothill High J::Ol.'!\::ff _ 1. '°"r wu~ c""H' be I t t d . h · · .,._ l . Jt• Wlkoll CNH 1. Cl!l'IMlm a orce o con en wit was showmg Jls wares w1 u 1sAJ T : ':21.J. next year. a 57·38 win over Laguna Beach N'lt-J~i .3. ~1~.''1'1t1H\111~1...:: The most notable effort was In Crestview League activity. · 1:ll.1;,.. R11,~ _ 1. w11son '1NH1 a four-point loss to co-eham• 2. w1N110•.fNH TI~: ~:n.o. Pion Magnolia in fir st round Wesbninster'i Dean Hen-n!E) II ~n" Alll \lllllT I els 200 lttltv -I, Mtwoort action. lngson set two schoo recor ~~ 1 1n~11tr. T1irr.111 r1,,_: Wetzel has five retumin" with a l ·&8 5 and 4:23.4. in ·ifi "'" -1. F•rrtr INHI 2. b · ' Grter tNHI l. \ltruntc'-l$A) Tllfle: varsity lettermen returning the 200 and 400 fretstyles to 2:u.s.F,... _ 1. Ti1-l"I '· and virtually the entire group 1 d th L" Elkm1n tSAl J. fl!D1 !SA T me: could be considered retum'·g ea e ions. 23i~ 1P>d1vldo.l•I Mo<11ev -1. sn11111 •• Lippoldt clocked •. L:51.4. in INHJ. \ .. Allllt CNH! ]. Otll!K~ CNH ) starters. Tim.. .os.•. 'W Flv -1. e"'• fNHl ,_ Horii\ At the top Of the list ii CNH 31=Nt ltllrd i.fme : l:Ool .•. 8-5 center Skip Williams. IAons~ilers sr:i11h 1~1 l. e;,!:"T~HfH~\,..:; ""''" W·u· $7.r. c ... -... I Mir (UI IUI DeWMY t iams averaged 14..4. points >.1~1v 1111 a.a; -1. 5rw0tr. \""\ 1. 100 Medlev Rr11v -1. c-. h W•lmllll'I• 1'11 (•I Ml/llllll.... RoblnMft ($A l J. RHd l NH TIM: ~I Mllr (SIDl\ef, HllfTlln, F11r, llltcll per game over t e season and 200 Medle~ R11tY -1. w,11m1nstw 1:~1. F•et _ '· snvdlr \NH! 1• T~: ',',~'· _ '· •• _,., ''\ '· was especially effective on ~= =':"i;/~~L LMDtl') kJwol North CNHI J. SNrlH CNH T'"'t: tt, .. :.7'rr\Pl>D.. 1'i~ IC) J. !;ii (OJ T ""'' defense underneath the c..~''l'wl J. • L;;:r.~"'lm \'f.:lrJi ~:~o. ar'l" -1. 0eu1sc11 rNH I U Fret _ 1, a11dt 1c1 2. Hitlmiltl basket. '"ill ]iTl~:l'~·=s. r tWI 2. ROlll i:w~•ltv s.-.1 3. Riied INHl Time: (CJooJ, ~~~w;l ,i;.~.:,2~. I. Hiits H ed th 1\'!i orrll IHJ Tl · 24..C ·~ 'l"rtt R1l1Y -1. ""'-I Htrbor \D) 2. Newcomb ICI 3. Dito IC) e W.aJ nam On e second 2110~lvlclwl Mad ·-t ' "•tty:; w1r .. rJ 071r11r, T1lm11111. SnVcltrl !rnt: !:II,]. learn All-Irvine League by the l~\ ~·2~r."" iwi 3' 1 IT\t: : • · c... L~1~ ilr~J. Mor~i,.. ~g~· Ti~~: s1:•. 1• 0 Counl S...,,.......,.m Olv l -J. ~ CW\ t. O. ~ Cnl S11111 Alll \1111ty !IS) 1oa Frff -1. Sll)lltr jCl 2. CurU1 range Y ...,..., .... ters cc11.. 11. Sttur w1 Ptlrll1 :1"\ • "';';i~ 1t11tv -1. Newoort 1c1 J. ~11ru 101 T1m1: 1.t. • ----'·(' lllO l'f -· l . llt ,_ n .. Karbor JI, POl"l-S. .C 1 1 t y , 100 B.cto; -I BtrNrcl !Cl 2, ~ 100. l igfr (H) 1 a.ron IWI T me: Btfd\11~ lme; No !:.~ Bradburn !C l 1 M1nln:1 !DI Time: Mlke Hays will be back at 1:\1&:: !J" -1. Gertii., 1w1 2. ar2:.. c~> i:" 1tk.e~w:; no~'r~lmt': 1'W· Frff -1. M. Mon!n I" a guard spot and the 5-9 R,~, •~1 1._scr.1e• ~~: l.wi"~.J.lJ::,w 2:~·1·Frtt _ 1• a11t11,,;1, INH! 1. l~~m~}.1 cci 3· P. Mor•la 01 playmaker is expected to con-.\)ill J. 'tind1rN11 'rw1 ckl\OOI -c1 N01ro1 15AJ J. 11111w SAl T mt: H~r.'. lb'l'J'.' Ho;,, lciH~\~,:~~. 1 •.. tinue his role as field general 1.1-i~~=~ tti1 k 0~~?."1~flsJ:l ~~!: 1l}h~ fsf/'l tul1n::r1ma M':f cf:.'30ll~~11l1ontr, 1Cu~?;:°"l1.,t"/ for Wetzel'.! group. . . '8f&r'~~ ~ "'t \"!1111111 cW"I 1. so "Iv -1. w111 fHH1 1. coonr1 Tim.: 3'21·1• 1 .... Two pla-capable of D\lr•h HJ l °" .. cw 1me,.-1·1,a, ll4H11,Lrndro1t1~Hl Timll: JC.I. c.,_ ._.Mir un c111 0.-1 ,,...., .iQ r-. RlllV -. 1. W m Ill' tr 100 ·f" Clltrlel fMHl 7 lOD Mrdl!Y RtllV -1 Caront playinl:I' lriu1•rd.Gr forward ate IL~· HMll'llnnon. G1rdMr. ROll •I llraw<1 f$A) "i . (NHI Tim..: 111'1 Mir !llUtllHOI\, MMUdl, K1m111t1r1Y. ~-o "....,... Tlmt: J...... No Tlmt. G. lollv Time: l:S6.1. . Ste~e Vall~ ~nd Gary Orgil.1.' .. -Wt•ll"lllMt•• ,:rscui Hunt!"''"' 1 :.0., B•1C:A1 -,. 1Qu1~"(NH\111~11.,,l; s1~elr~.eccl 3, 1 ·~~1'01 191m:; Orgill, a )UnlOr nut year, 20D Medi.1 Rriev -1. WP,:J~\!'SIHI :lJi Sr,1.t _ l Grihem CNH l t l :~'7Free -1. Brl1l'v !Cl 2. Rees 73 · •h I l ~S~ COit. Curlll. rn,...tm BllllM•lNH!J.Cf1rksonTlmt:3J.•. · CD)J.HOtvQlktCC I Tmt:2S.1. • 1 verage · µt ~de ha. ads $e~en !~:. i=!,;'-_ 1, lir•11t• CW\ 1. :!OD Frtt R•l•v -1. NewJ>On H•rb!w 100 1n<11w1c1u11 Med •1 -1. 011wer eague garnes~n a. ,high • M.t'f'tr (WI J. KrOOl\I (Hl T mt: CRollrrtton, B1W11Utr, Cllarlls, C111vl \Cl 2. Ml!lkh (Cl 3. Windburn (Cl 2:1t.'1. Tlmt: 1:#.f. '[mt: l:N.O. output of 21 against El l>orlldo·· ' '50' Fre-t -1. Plunkett 1wi J, 100 Fl'f -1. 11/k~• (D> 2. E1g1r DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less! e COMPLnl LIN! AYAILAlll e WIDE OVALS !Some 1;tMtrgl111l -5UPE1t PREMIUM -POLYE5TER R.-.01.-.L SPORTS - SANO llUGGY -CAMPER SPECIAL$ -& ALL SIZE TRUCK TIRES. · IANKAMl!llCAlD MA.STIR CHAlal ConUnued from Page 25 Club. J ·n th 8• ~ -·· DurkH iHl 1. Lau .. 1rc1 1wt Time; \likes-Colony 101 3. Kernmeriv \ t nm., 1:M.1. e ,ea ourney 100 Frr, -• HuQ~•• (Cl 2. V li I • . ' , rti lndlvl(lu1I Mrdlty -1, IC.Jiit l'lrl~lt• (Cl J, G. Lo1!1 !Cl Tlrn1: event Friday In women's club a ere saw united acllon I~ Ji s~~Mll\ 1w1 J. Tr1111Nm v1n1ty 53i?io aetk _ ,, Bur•'°" fc1 1• action. Her 96-20-76 bettered but is ei:pected lo be a -¥ital 1P ~-!.:°';~· Cur_tll . iw1 l . Ctx ' ~~ 1"J.1~"1 ~N~""M•rln• 11~ \P~l. ~i .. e;, cc~1:.=:1~112·~ci BERG'S DEL TA TIRES McBride, playing with Aimo Palonen, Bob Burns. -Lou Lovelette and Ray McCoin, used a lour·iron to negotiate the 176-yard 17th hole. McBride has tallied aces at 1ifesa Verde and HunUngton Beach Country Club in the past. Adrianna Coote won the A night honors in the low net Tennis Summaries lJCI Ill s1,.m Ntlll (lJCl l loll lo VllNlltk. ._., '-!. ••• N~tl-!UCll def. W1rt~ld. 6-A, '-'· H.,•llnt IUC1l cit!. J 1mlJO", '-'· 6-l. Olvot (UCI) !OJI lo R. Vtlf<llc~ 5-1, ,.,, , ... Te1I (UCI) IOI! lo R11rnuHe". ,.3. .... :1-4. N1Kn1rod (UCI) clef. GM!fl, 6-A. 6-1. ,,. .... O'~lll tnd Ol<lm IUCIJ lool le \It•· 'ldl •rod Jtmli.o", U , '-'· MHl19t t tid Dukr-rVCll ""'· \lerdlcll tr111 W1rt~ld. 6-.1, 1·6, 6-J Htrdl"9 Ind N1$C!llnd !UC IJ oel. Gnadl •NI RtimUUI", 1-l. 6-1. c-• Ml Mir :u. l'Hflllll l Sln•llll Miiier (CdM) dtf, Tripp, 6-'1 Off. ltf'lllfl, 6-21 clef. Woactwtrd 6-2, cltf. (l1rll, 1-1. Nelurt !CdMI Iott "' TrlPO. , .. : dtl. Ltrlffl, ._.: dtf. WODcl-rd, 7·5: HI. C!tr\, 6-1. Ber11v CCcVe\l lot! to Trio.>, M; llrl. LI• ...... 6-h d.t. WDOdw1rd, 1-1, ,ef. Clark. 6-1, Peterwn (CdMl lo9' lo Tripp, 0 .. ; d~f. L1rtcn, 1.SI dtl. Wooo:IWtnt, 6·11 ••t. C!trl<. 6-), ...... Tiii tn6 ~IJrmtn !CdM) d~I Ell'll• 1111111 Ind Brown. 6-1, 6-ll cltl, $ht,.._ Worn 1..cl H1tdv. 1-1, 1-t . NelMf' tnd K!lltft• ICdM) Ml. Tll\o t ilt' tr111 llNIW!I, 6-1, 6·JI Ml. Slltn- ~ 11\11 Htrdr, ._,, 6-.L Merrilee Dungan's 93-21..trl and cog in the Sta'rting lineUJ> nett 1"1&o3' F~o ft'll~. ~~P1~nlci~. IWl 1. \=ll'l...:J.!l~~~ .. 1~~'.•.°°"'1"*'1 1. DWYtr co1 l . Bu11r1c1 101 Tlmt: P F, ,ft,_, Dutklt H S. Ht1• IHI Time. n·t. · .. ?.!Ml ..f'tl -1 llpgajdt CMI 7 •:1~0. B 1 1 a (Cl ' at 1tipatri\;A s !&-20-79. Y~M~ · ' l~i;.J t 1 3. ..Jr111~~'fw.1 ~~; -TIA.~"{ ~Ii ._!v1,. ·1.-.J lkhool recordi Mllllth 'l!f 3. Hiiw1~8'W\ T me : B Flight honors were cap. 1ke Shaughnessey returns :~o. IC'. .so ·FrM ' -1 DonekHotl !M) '· 1:!&5· Free 11:r11v _ 1. c~-c1e1 ZOOI wm 17tti. SANTA AHA -'41-6914 141E.17tli St,· Costa Mesa. 645°2010 tured by Betty Brown's. 98-27· at a forward poslUoo to round tHl J.kMf,..,.rfH1·./tr:"l'Y~ s~r's.'1.1• ,.... tJcc~'!1u1111ev (MJ J. Kot~"' <Al ~·r (OlivH. Br1111v. Loltt. H<i!IM'l t • lllO ' ,.... • . Cilrtlt lW1 2 li,.;;;;~~·i;;ii·;'·--------.,;;;""::;;;' ~'~''''~··ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:;~ 71 with Rosemary SkUlion OU the five returnees. r1n1 HI 3. l:nMnan (H) Time:' Op,.Ute IMI 111 l•Y trailing at 101·23-73. . More help b 'in sight from · 'io" Fr• R•l•v -1. ·W•llr.:.= Betty Sleva was the winner the junior varsity where 6-2 V:~~'r11l..,".,.,_ Mft.,., in C flight activity with a Les Hester, 8-1 Kurt Thomas w.,,,,,,,..,. c~Mcn """""* 114-38-72. Rita England follow· a~d 6-2 Stev~ Butler are stan· y;;~n~J.e: • .,:~;"'-.~r.:~""t'JM~ ecf'with a 112·32-80 along with ding by to lend assistance. 1;;=F2~~ 1. L•pr. 1w~ b 11:ovsdari Marion Voss (113-lUO), Else Graduation lasses will in· 1~~J.fr~· ~ t~I it~:cH:I ·l: 1.cmi1 Stipes (llS.33-82) and J ean elude Bill Dugas, George '"f6ol.1 l:T!rdJ.~>°~ij'~ U.,!· 1. Br•ui Creighton (II~). B~ell, Charlie Hoyt and +rJ..1·i, ~r.",., c i. H~tdi.. 1w David Smith. sa Fl'f -1. Herrr·•• 1H11. Bu,_. Monday's play tin W 1w1 l. &r1ndlm.., WI Time. 2'.0. was a etzel's Eagles will be !OP Fr" -1. H 11 IHI 1. l- hi ti t d Do th t IWJ i llovsden no Tl~: 51.•. w s e· even an ro y en ered in the slime pre-le8gue twi J. 'r.,.,;;; lwr~~: ~l.J~ "111111" O'~ary, Hazel vretiSter and tourneys as in the past seasoo 11;-o1da,:..M,.111Wj i_·~"'!~,1~lnJ: Vi Hoskins all finished atop -the San . Clement~, Brea ":iao F 11.e11, _ 1. H nth••'°" the heap with net 80s. 1 1;,.;•~ndii,;Tr~oyi;;;:ln~v~11B~tl~o;na~l~s.;;.;;;;;;;;;;~'~""'~ {m'11. w"1, 111un. ~rr.rt1 Time : 1:'6.l. Second flight action was won by Bea Regan's 105--28-77 (3'l) follov.'ed by Betty Brown, Shirley Cummaro, S a 11 y Thompson, lrene Br a z d 1 , 1'1axine Assmuss and Skillion. Sleva won third flight com- petition with a 111-36-75 (34). Stipes was second at 110-33-77 {31) followed by Marje Fil.isimmons, Voss, Evelyn Gorman and Ann Creighton. Low gross honrs in men's club action was won by Bob Darnell over the weekend in the low net-low gross event. Darnell fashioned a 72 ror the honor. Low net was tied between Dick ~tiller (82·1:Hi9) and Norm Popkin (79-10-69). Pete Peterson followed with an 86-16-70 along with BruC1!: Herbert and Pat Kalama at 71. Willie King. (~. L. Horton, Frank St. Pierre and Jack Clark rounded out the lop finishers. · Y 0J1r Frie11dly Store OFFERS BARGAINS IN QUALITY Automatic Tuning _Convenience WHITEWALL TIRE SPECIALS! -. ' IULL 4·PIY· IOOO/o llYLOll COID BODY WHITEWALLS 5UAIA#TEEI TO WEAi 2l lllO#THS 'IMIA#1EEJ TOWEAJ :UlllO#THS . '4/AIA#TEEO TO WEAi 41 M01111S 5 17~.~~ 5 22~~ ,s2 7~.~ Any Size Listed! Any Siz!l Listed! Any Sil8 Listed! 1.00/6.Jhl J l.2Jo\4 7.00/•.lhll 1.Jl/•.•1•14 (l ,OO•l'l •.91/•.45wlll (7.I0/6.lhl•) T.7J/7.JJ•ll (• S01• .... l•J 1ll•l4 C6.70/•.Sh11) l .Jkl• (1.lhl4) l .ISxlS (1.thl•I tt .IO.IJI 7,71•14 (1.Shl6) •.21•1• {1.00.lt) ..... , .. (0.Jhlt J 7.7.ir11 (,,, .. 15) l .lblS (1.lhllJ l .4l•IS 17,Mall) t. J/l.ll•IS HT Of 4, •• $68 SIT Of 4 ••••• $88 DM111t 1.50 hf llect-1 Prica 1,11.1• l7.Shlt J 1.11114 11.00.ICJ l.Sl•l4 tt.10.14) Ill Of• •• 7,JJ•lS {l .7h1JJ 1.11111 1111.111 •.•t•IS (7.6hlf) • $108 ··········•••1••··························· , . • • : WESTERN NATIONAL • • • • • • • • • • ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••1•••••••••1•••• MIRCll 8·18 _ ..... WE£KDAl1 • N·lftlllOIDS U IO:I .-.sue-aM.ftb (DJll&tlln TS UIXUIY YACHTS) • • • • • • • • ' RCA VJCTOR MARK I CQLOR TV WITH AMAZING 'IOUClfflAR POWER 1\JNINO PRICES START AT $27'196 This b&auliful ~biMI hMn \Ill most .ut~it color lV 1"ttr. No nttd to li11e-hH1e: each time JOI thlf11' d\1nneh-autom1tlc fine lol!in1 M ft I« )'OU Bl«irorticllly. Chlflll VHF and UHF dllnnds jvst by louc:hi111 lht chant'lll! btt st11d0r • Mod•l EL412G • THE MOST TRU STE D NAME IN ElECTRONICS OUR OWN SERVICING OUR OWN INSTALLATION OUR OWN FINANCING APLIANCE ANO TV SALES ond SERICE NO MONEY DOWN • :16 MONTHS TO PAY 1115 Newport Blvd., Cosf1 Mew 541-7781 Free $7.95 Alignment Wiiii ,_._ "'2 Ti,.." M- NU-TREADS ·,-:~~~~i;:·• .. MIUM W-1-D~E TREADS• 2Tl,GUAUNTll 4 f 39'5 o All Sill LIS'fUI ~ :;";J:: NE.':' ... ~~~ .!~~~E ! 4. Fo·s-9 • w... It lloodi•tlll "' 6S011J 77Sa1 4 S6h1S 1451115 4ar ~le li1ted '· C. T• 7001113 115114 Sf01IS 100115 650/700..lJ •• 12s.1c 560 IS llS 1 ~,,. ,,,.1.. I JS.14 77Ss1J 11Ch1S 7JS11114 ISS.14 73511 15 145115 715114 tS01114 llStlS toOalS 77Sit14 t00al4 11s:1s t00:1: 10,000MIUGUAl.AHTll NONOlllfMOLIAllfHOWAS'T11 ---~ll, ... MLwi lni 4·WMel ••• hht 1595 Rlyu's hlllll Mufller 995 ~=k _!hoorbera 2 fer ,_I 111 """' .. ..,._..._ R•ro• ....._ c.ttn ._. .._ ..,... t.-. ..._ n.y:. "-"" 1 &· "'"1tt.. , ...... ""' .......... ...... .. et .... •lol1otiffally .,..._..,, ,., ~ ... , .... ~ .. -· ·- '"" ...... -_.... ........... Cefl ,_ .,,, filtf ...... """ .-c... ,_ ......... --~ ~ = All Major Oil Co. ood Dept. Store Credit Cords Hooored to Open a Rayco Cho'llt Accoullt. S.-0 ..... -.. '''""' ,. .. , .. ,... ...... ""'" ... ' (I~ ..,._,,.._,) YH MUf'I s1-o,.. """·,.... • , .•. • HO ~·H PAYMIHT COSTA MESA ANAHEIM 2860 Hubor Blvd. Phont 540-0170 CBI'-It_.,• Affll'lll 1695 w. ll11<ol• Phono n4-1416 • I . ' .. , -... .... . ~~leetlng Proud Tradition , , •I I, -. •There championship banne~ that adorn., Hunting-institution. The Oilers are currently 26-2 and will ;lol1 ·Beach High School's gymnasium portray the meet Sunny Hills Friday night (9) at Long Beach ~long, -~uccessful basketball history of the OU City Arena in the ClF quarter finals. ; 3:Seniors Broderick Key iLeadMesa T i· Ch . . . · . o ion -ances 1.CageHopes • By ROGER CARUON OI Ille 0.111' Plllt Stiff Coach Herb IJvsey of Costa ·Mesa High School eipects to A highly successful basket- carry . only three seniors on ball season at Westminster bis blsketblll club nut year. High School was concluded With a program figuring to when the Lions posted a 14-12 be ~ted · by sophomore.!! overill mark and undisputed and juniors along with another third place in the Sunset :rugpc1 ICbec!We, the J,lustanp League. • do nbt · present a formidable However, It -was done with 'force. nearly an all-senior lineup and ffeldin«-the-aeniora ls.Bob only one varsity performer Aurtin. a 1-1 fonirard who is will return next year to coach 'an ezcellent jumper and con-Don Leavev slileted ·the " only'' pun·· · · ~ ·. . biU~tlyer by lJvsey. J.ea~ey, m_ his fll'Bl Var&Jty GUll'ds Dave Divis at 5-9 \ coachi?g ass_ignment wi1t have and Dave Djea at 5-10 round to build bis team around OJt the ·tbrtelot1le. second-team -A 11-Sun 1 et After• that it's goini to be Lea,gue c.enter, Da~ Broder'ick. * wide open scramble with Brodenct _was mstrumental se_veral aood clndidatfs vying in the LiOlll' •ttack and was for the open spots.· · ezcE1ptional on defense, Junior. varsity . candidate& ."He~• definitely a blue chip are stan . Wall.In, M, Ken" ballplayer, but with only obe Deaton and Greg Jordan. returning ·letterman Jt could With Divis, Dies and Jordan be rath;er . difficult," says playing football in ,the fall, Leavey. Livsey doesn't plan on gelling It'll be qp to the returnees that group Utltll'the basbtball from a jwtlor varsity eon- seuoa·'lnearly under way. Ungent that posted a lS.I Two.~IOOMo-be sophomores mark to fill the gaping holes that Uvaey is counting on for Leavey'I Ol.ltfit. to fill .. ping boles are DOllg At the top of the list ls McLean and Rick Desmet. Steve McLendon, a M senior Livley com!l>J"ed McLean to in the fall. McLendon and Bruce Cb.lpman, Broderick are slated to see "McLean is vuy 1i.mllar to double duty as center and Chapman as a fruhman . He forward according to the bu good endu/.ance ·and is IJo!IS' bosi an aJl..roond athlete," says Tw.o ou~ candidates Li~:1Pman was·. one of the fo_r guard poaiti~ a r e all·thne great.I at Costa Mesa Richard MaM, 5-9, and Phil High . b:efore going on to Newhouse, S.11. Orange Cout Obllege and the Key to the &e;aSon coold be Untvtntty -of Nevada at Las wra~ up. m ~hat the Vegu. · following four candid_ates caa ·Another aophomore vi h 0 produce: Bryan Thomas, a e.3 ...id llelp L!Vsey'1 Gmn and fotWatd: Chuck Robinson, 1 'Wbtte-k Alan Moore.· • 1-1 swing man; Mark Pearson, t•'Ibe key to our season -a S.2 forward; and Terry will be limply how much they Hawley, l. 1-2 forward. want to play. Desmit and Among those only Pearson Wallin.. coukl be a big factor will be a junior, giving the !a tbe succea of the team," Lions another s e n i o r • slys Livsey. dominated club. Miii. playing teams from Leavey sa.ys be likes lo run Las, Vegas to, Yum• in "and Jll'!SI Ind figures be eeoeraphy and from Compton might have the per90Mel next ~-Ami in strength, finished year to !!9 a good job witb JP ~. caqipalp wltb a 7-18 tbooe tactics. rfcord.. . H11 junior vanity l ea m sOfi;·sru SAM ,, 0 G , __ _ finished third in the Sunset League in the recently com· pleted campaign and barring two losses to Santa Ana, could have finished second. Leavey is not counting on a great deal of help from . the Bee team, noting that most of the Bees were freshmen and will most likely be playing junior varsity. "The league will be better balanced nut year. If we· can weld 1 complete unit around • Broderick we could give Newport _ J:larbor, Huntington Beach and Mirinaagood bat· ue. for the cbampio!llhip," says Leavey, SW:IM ACES J'IE' TONIG HT Some ol lht nation's finest collegiate swimmers -including many Olympic Game.!! compeUtors -will move l'nto the Pacific-3 athletic spotlight t b i s weekend in Long Beach. USC and Stanford, two of the nation 's leading irwim- rning powers, 81'1!: erpeded to battle it out for the team crown wHen the Pacific-& Swimming and D i v In g Champlondiips oper, a thr~ day stand at the Belmont Plaza Olympic Pool in Long · Beach starting tonight at 8. The meet figures to be the. finest collegiate cham- pionship meet in the U.S. this year. Sunday Runs End at OCIR This .Week J 111tior fuel . and top gas dr1.g1t.ers will roll into the spotlight at Orange County International Raceway Sun- day. The junior fuel drivers wJU be returning after a •ix·month absence at OClR. 'The top gas dragsters haven't been seen 1t the track since· Nov"'1ber. The program will bring down the curtain on Sunday drag shows at OCIR. The track IWitchts to Saturd1y racing March 15. One ol the top-rated ruel tntranta on hand Sunday will be Gene Adami of Miaalon Viejo, wbo boldl the national 1recont In. tus-clul at 7.61 ~·f« thf quarter mile. The .... record boldtr Is Jolm Nt!ft of Santa Monica 111d be, too, wlll be on band Sunday. REI mark la 7.50. Ron Bl.iio ol Norwalk, a surprl,. tntry lu Sunday'> Air gas eliminator show, ran olt With the wlnntt'1 take of Sl,000. His Ume.s were 8.71, 1.71 and I. 73. The much-publlclzed Opet Kado~ of Big John Max· manlan m1de 1 respectable abowlng, ioflgln1 atoll of I.It and t19.ll mph. ' Coast Area Prep Golf Outlook Netcpert Barbor With the defending. CJF in- dividual champion returning for San Clemente H I g h School's golf team, the Tritons are labeled as the team to beat in the Crestview League. Coach Ray Beaver's· outfit has five returning lettennen to bolster its chances for a repeat le.a,ue championship. From the basketball team are Greg Dominchini and Eric Christensen, along with Scott Pomroy and Jay Olson. Pomroy won the · C J F Southern Section title last year as a junior. Top candidates for-openings In the starting lineup are Paul Yoder, Scott Mangum and Richard Bernard. Weatm lnster Westminster High is without its first ~ players from last year's second p I a c e Sunset League golf team that compiled a 13-3 mark. But coach Jim Thompson still sees his Lions as first class contenders (01 secood place in the Sunset circuit, conctding the tiUe to Hun- tington Beach, which he U)'I shoWd have · an excellent chance at the CIF title. Back for Weslminster from last year's team are Jell Powers. t Mark Sfiai.n ancl Harold Eldridge. Others counted oo to fill in are Billy Sch\fllter&r Terry Steveuson and Jobn-Wlllson. Westminster's ·three losses last year were by a point each. • '!be big-three tbat led the Lions, Mlh Nichols, Ken Krlbel and Tom Schwttters, m · curnnUy the top thm at Golden West Colle1e. Prep T~D:Dis ... T1Mndlf, Mlftft •• 1M LEOAL NOTIC& Ll!XIAL NOTICE Who Listens ' To Landers? SINCE SHE'S ONE OF THE TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA • • • • • • Just About Everyon_e Does That's Who · FAVORITES You Can ·'Usten' to Ann t:an'Clen Daily in The DAILY PILOT ' -You have ooly 30 DAYS to take ad· vantage of our 6% % interest rate on the beautiful new homes of Ran· cbo La CU..ta on Brookhunt at Atlanta tn Huntington Beach. Our lender muat tncreue bl& Inter· est rates on April 7, 1989. .. .All that II neceaary lo....,,. your· oelf of 11111 low tnterut Is your ... lection al ODO of our s or 4 BR, 2 or 8 bath, l or 2 story homes & mate your ln1tW depolit or '500. Call -2920 or 988-1338 any day from 10 lo 8. ll'•dom Drwm ..... built b'J'OUllll*'' ....... flm. Uy. Dll""""'1 deoor. Lule _ .......... - room and ~-Located at ltrM:t d. exptnllw bOmff. U J'O'I CID affard JM,OJO you'd better lee thla today • You OWN the land. submit Y9llZ' mnaDer home on our pa.ranttt trade plan. WE SELL A HOME IVE RY 31 Ml NUTES Walker & lee 20IS Wttfclllf Dr. 1146-'1711 Open -.. SPEOAl $24,950 1'4 ku available to yau. .......... --. $142. pn-montb.. Located near COLLEGE PARK School. Newly d~ 3 BR l!ii bath home -vacant. Exclusive with: Newport II Victoria _"46,111 Formal Dinning $500 total down to vets !====•= on a street lined with 40 tt. pine "-. lhla clwminc 3 bednn 2 bath home bu • RJ>. formal din. rm., 12x20 covered encla.ed patio floor to ceillna: fireplace, enorm· OU1 ldtchen and wall to wall carf)etinc. All for onb' ""·"" coll ...... -/:1rr-~ ..;,- BARGAIN HUll1W HOU SIS fOR SAL I Generel 1000 COU!GE PARK 684 ONLY 12f,000. Aluma 5%" FHA loan $W1 month in- cllJdlfW taxes a.nd 11wunncl. ,...,,,, .............. , .. bolh, opaclous ~ room and modem bullt·lnL Locat. ed near o.c.c. and cosrA MESA avtC CENTER. Lot , UI anaDp tbe ttrml .. CalJ W appointmtnt to IHI * * * * Olll.Y $20,9.50 OUR RARE l'lND!I Your ttne bedtucm h o m • tn EAS1' a>srA MESA, Walk to Weltdttt SboppilW Center • Enjoy the line "'lih'- bood, ICl>ooll, -........ ,round. Luxurious HARD- WOOD :n..ooRS, tarp fenc. et! rut yard with treu. Paved alley .. easy aoctA 1ot bolt and tn.Uer. A BAR- GAIN ON TODAY'S MAR.- KET. A Dirty lal'fJaln 3 bedroams, 2 bathe, double 1arqe, palace verde atonl fireplace O'Vttlb:td lot and Jts near iclxxQ and abop. pifv. No money down to Veta or FHA. Below marbt at $22,500. Fam:rs Real!;)' 293 E. 17th St. Ml-"94 4 BEDROOM-2 STORY $21,500 2 balh home, -...... built-in ldtcbi!n. dillnruMr. On A ClearDay You Can SH CataRna Other days jun walcb all the boat.. or awlm In your huge circular pool 3 BR, 3 baths Uld paneled den. Asking •83.~ -owner moving to Long Beach and. anxious to sell !!! DeLancy Real Estate 2121 E. c .. at Hwy., Conna dol Mar 67W770 -=---=-----= __ ----~ - ----- Spacious 3 BR, 2 bath, •U bit-Ins, plus cus- tom B B Q. Enclosed carageo. Sacrltlce at $69,950 -U0,000 Dn. ok. IALIOA IAY PROPERTIES '73-7420 $27,500 NOW VACANT .. DIMEDI· ATE PDSSESSION. Immac- ulate 3 BR 2 bath home with aun1cen uvq room. tantutic bullt..ln kitchen, ex- cellent carpettnc ~ heavy .-root. llW't tnmc free ltrtet, Out Ori town own. er mmt .U. lmm«l1ateJ¥ • CAIL 540-1151 (open rn1) !:=I TWINKLE Beautiful view by nl&ht • • • .. by dl,y. Prime view loci.don. lmmacu· .... """"""' • bdrm 3 bl.th with elepnt floor plan. One ol. a kind! $48,61 Evn: 67:M117 -~----------~=-- BAYCRfST FAMILY TRUT 4 bdrml 3 bathl, pool, formal dinlnz, 4 petloe, .... play yud. Truly cwitom planned for C&J. ifomia Uvina'. Fee aim· .... Alldoa 169.500. • c:o:Ts WALLACI REALTOltS 546-4141- (0pon Evonlnpl "THINK INCOME" C eye catchlna Rentah ~ .,.,dy --· ru.p1&0-e11, choice location near pop. ular 10th St, Beach • always rented wmmer and winter ·$61.500. tor th1I qUality prop. '""· llllDlll REALTY ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2n E. 17th St, 646-4494 'Ml.ill 3 BR + family room home in Mna Verde la to- day's best buy. Functk>na1 :floor plan has 1'4 baths., all el@ctric built • in ovm A n.na:e, nice wvice porch, apacioul llvin& room, w/'w carpets Ii:: drapes, fenced rear yard. Good location near abopph1c centv. Onl1 $25,950 • VA or FHA tmm. J' \I I • \\ 111 I I ~r \h \ \I t\'\ HU&"e famiJ1 room. ftre-8U3JErt ~ ID p1"", pllllb co:petlzw. 24 ..... 'l1oo DAILY Pll.Or ft. muttr bedroom en low· 2025 w. Balboa Blvd. N.B. 67MOOO --=-=-=---- .IOIN tbl ew41a1 DI tM DAJLY PJlm' lr.vf'T ADS! ' I 'I I\ 11»3 Bakrr, C.M, er JeveL 54G-l'120 O•eetfted! ~ I a•• TARBELL 2'55 Herbor _, -a -., Looi! -..,_!I f • ~ USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID DAILYJ PILOT WANT AD ORDER BLANK AND REA.;H THE ORANGE COAST'S BIGGEST MARKET 5 SHORT WORDS MAKI ONE UNE-NO AD WS THAN 3 UNES PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 I TlllD $-4.50 $5.10 ... 00 •~n .. hit •••••••••• , • ., •• i..1111.1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , Cl1••illc1tl1• •• , •• ,, ,. , , ••• , • , , , •• , , •• , •• , ••• , , , , • , , • , , , , , ,, , , •• • N1N ,,, ,, ••,. •· •• , • ,, ,, , , •• ,, • , •• ,, •• ••,,, ••• •• , ., , ,, •••• ••••• ,,,,,,.. . ...................................................... . City • •• •• •••••• •• •• •••• •• •• •• • • • "'"' ........................ . • Tlllll 7 Tlllll 11 TlllD - "·'° SUI ,,,, - $10.65 $15.90 $13.10 $20.10 $15.55 $24.30 TO PIMll COIT Pd n lr •M wft flt •••' .,. •• '""· IMW• ,..., ,,,,... ., ,... ··"'"'· no ••If of y11r H It 1t +ti1 1114 of .... 11110 .. wflkh tfri• , ... "" of , • ., ., h wt!+. h a. A44 SZ.00 extr1 tf y11 41tlt1 1n1 of DAILY PILOT In ''"111 wltli .. nt4 , .. ,u ... 1----------CllT MIU '-PAITI ON 'IOVl lrm&orl ---------- IUSINISS ltEPLY MAIL ... a. ...... u.~ ...... e.... OIWl£ DUPl.EX Cute older unlta with larae detached double 1ara1e. Near achooh I: shoppinc. $2'20 mo lnc.ome. Auume 1% private loan. $18,950 •, r::::----P E l=ll=ION J . • .. • •••••• * 642-1771 Anytime * ----==--·-= Income Units $72,000 Monthly Income $850 Woll..McCardle, Rltn. ' l3l0 Newport Blvd., C.M. SCS-1'129 Eves. 64'.QiU 4 BodrMn11 1 ¥• Beth Newly decorated, carpeted, room for trall1r, clOle to 1boppina. ~00 down. -•l!RNll! CLEVELAND CARDINAL HOME ' BR. Inuned. occupancy. Ranch 1tyle, Ultd brick f:X· terlor, heavy ahake J"OOf, modern ldtchtn, · dbt o.,...n, ample cloltta. cpti I drpl, block wall fence. VA or FHA . low, low ptjce $21.950. 2 fOR 1 t.oYdy 3 bdnu plus do-llahttul tbil4rtn'1 play. home. Quiet klca.Hon. ' cleaQ boule, larp )ot I: available for lnunfdi. ata occupanc:J'. AIJd,_- 126.!00 . anxlouL ' '' . , I j ' ' ' " ' ' • 1·16 -5 990 • -i '' . . , . REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B, 675-6000 john macnab * * * * Mrs. Ronald Siegrist HO Presldlo Drive Cost• Mes•, C•llforni• Yo• are wlnDer of • pair *'· ttcUta .. tbe ••• t BHw at U. ••helm Co•Ye•tlo• Celtter, Man* I tlllro a 11t1 JS. Clomo to Ul1 Of Ollf 4 ltruell .rnco. and pick ., J'Ollf l'BEE puae1. * * * * ---------- Custom Built • BR 11000 OFF FHA APPRSL rN;•;;w;;;"'";;;;";H.;•;;;l;•hta;;;;;;l;2;;1•, 3 bdnna I: den. 1%. Ba, 11 """"""· ""'"· d ' Pl ' 0 " lay covered patio. Ne w I y CHft remodeled kitchen Awiewlikethisilteldomef· w/blt-lns, tile, brnkfast ftred. Wide Oct.an by day, riook diahawter, b.ds of and apHkllna lilbts by cupbouda. Within 3 bib Ori IU&:lf.. 3 BR. 2% baths. fire. all 1ehooU. Bie cor. lot place,Hobb)'Rm.trtplepr. w/larp trtta ~ OVft'S1nd ap, Of!tr $40,000 on tbia. 2 acr IU'I'· PLUS -A separate yard tor bot.ta, • 9!VI ~ trln, ..... kid~ '''· cu.. ~ rent FHA appnl la $22,850. I I A L T Y Buy from owner for $21,850. Near N8 Poat Ole. 646-IDC1 in Mesa Verde'• be5t area on 2103 Wallace. P h one I~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ quiet Cul de Sac street. 2100 540-86U or 548-0398 for).:__._ BEACH HOUSE "' "· ''" / .. ,.in., .,... ,;•~PP~,,~~~~~~/;E~e~1t~bl;;uf;;f;:;;;;;;;;;12~4~2 .. 1 beam cellinp tn family rm. Old" Home on '-Innoreom. aU lhla ''"' , .. , Swimming Pool A Touch of C'-s {35 x 95 ft.) Jl..2 Lot l • ., 950. Ow w ... 1 block to ... ch ed poo , ,....., ner w Hot weather II comin&: • aee help fhwlce • MUST Sl:LL thil pool. Nke s BR home Luak bWl.t S Bdrm home at Geor9• ~Wiiamaon nus MONTH! on Eutaide prime area. end ot quiet cul de AC 675-U43 $3500 -. ........ -.,... .. Dlnlow"""" + fam. ae.1~~ .,. •1:1!'_. DOVER REALTY ~~Joan. $26,950. Dy room w/ puquet floor· ~··· ·--,, ...... .,..,,. ... ..,....,..,,I 1mmac. condition. Lars• 1ot -·-------·--ELICTRIC COUNTRY : · 1""1 ..... 1or the 1...iq ' •-with mall cblldttn .. l<l,$00 "MEDALLION" ATMOSPHERE-p te Dolt .... $22,000 -2 BATHS lmmaeuls" spilt t.v.I ..,.. I I A l T y e f rn Kini abed bedrooms. walk tom built home C bedrooms Near NB Pait Ofc. ft&.2.Ut ~ E. Cout Hwy.,Jt:a Jn pantry ol1 the electric A pantiled kmfb. room. "Award" kitchen, rttripra. EKcdlent buy. ASSUME '"~ GI loan. 4 FINEST iamfiy &reL Web tor, dlahwuher A wuber. JEAN SMrI'H Br. 1% hL Pymtl $131. desirned ! BR S bath home. 5f0.l'Dl Realtor OPENHOUSE54S-11 &8 c.arpet., draperies, TARBELL 2'55 H1rbGi' 400 E. 17th st., Of 6f6.llS5 Doyle Co., Eva ~un fireplace, private ~ ON THE id!A Owner says "Sell" MH• ~-Mar 1115 =· ,"::.:,. ~ ""'"' Excl\lllve Q,1i1a Cow bol'IM. C BR 1" 1-. GI loan $2C,'JOO.. For appointment "4-1192 year around livirc . •t thilkwe11CBR.2ba beach l llft-$*0dn.Submittrade. Irvine Terrace 1245 -..... 'BR, 2 Ba, ...... t,.,.,...., '"""" 1 ,;;0wnJ;;;:~ .... ~~-~~==·/;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 pr!ctd to lell tut at· J9,5Q) $3',<o:I. aubmlt all otltta. I' By appt only CAYWOOD REALTY Mau Verde 1111 • CORllN·MARTIN l306 w. 0..t Hwy., 543-1290 BY OWNER : REALTORS -E.CoastHwy,CdM 675-1"2 -------- LOVELY MODEL Rustic Pri acy 1ty IVAN WILLS Unique C bdnn, ~ tarnD:t W~~;:o ~ ';.'::' with 'Torewr Vllw ... 4 BR roorn with beamed ctWJwa. with t.~nt ftnancifW,. · S BEDROOM -DIN 3 bo. 2 """"' "" .,.,, + _.u..i llv. nn, """' bride Sollsb R $11,500 !am. nn. .. ~ .......... ..,,i. lrplc, ..... •bi= '"""'· ury ""' J.DatM n&r Uvirw ftlGftl tt.ey J. W•nl C... many utru.. Near aoU 211 Merine Ave. l : --· -o! siua uu Santiap Dr. 641-1500 """"· ........ ,.._ .. _ ltlo. •7Wlll ovtdook • ma.nlel.nd Ja'ftl $ fo'r kids. Owntr/tdr. ~ • • Au1iatloland.,.pq.Bullt. 10 500 ... 131.M Call 5*413J .... P,.lllp ...... HJ.1720 I aft L TARBELL 2955 Herllar e IY OWNER i C-.. Mer list 0..-11 C..lt DAILY PILOT P.O. lox 15'0 In Lqwoa S.ach, ...... < Bk + !am, 2 llA, -_ • ., = DILUXI DUPLIX ""'cttd oom v1aw lot ftdoc + •h• -·r. -tlol. OWNllt MUST SILL PM~Trallo~1t_.t Now 3 Bit Unlb "'""""'' DAVIDSON RHlly ttc.126.oOO~O ~ RIDUCID $10.000; c.t. M.H, C.llf. 92626 fh , .. Dlpt. • Room tor all on tbla to x JS5 ... u .. -t to Octa.n 4 8aJ' 1:~• • .-....._ ,._ ..... 2 BR. 2 ~lb ~-00 ~ lot. 3 Br ttU blt. hdwd &I ................ ,,_..,_,, .., ... q. -..-... ..,. '""'"" -• 1>t.m 1~ 11nanc1nr. . OPEN HOUSE eon ... Park 111s "'•ch. 0wnu will n ....... 122,000. ' ""· Ml-1171 Balboa RHI E1t1to Co. Or C t p OY 0\VNER: 3 Bn.. 11!( BA. ange .. , '°'=-DAI.LY Pil.OI' ~ 700 &. Balboa Blvd., Balboa SAT A: SUN 10 -5 p.m. .... .. Ma--•'-rlte Cd'l -..., ~" Fam Uy rnl, trplc, low\y ~ ••Y • 1> 5 I , 1JNEs. Y<AZ csn ijle thlm v•-.i.w New Spa.nl•h Colltemportry .. .. .... ..,..., ... !!lm!!!!•I houH, corntr 500 Tu1Un 6 paUo. Au ume. !ll)l9" rnA. DlU7 "1k1' W&bt Adlll • h jlW perm!tt 1 dq. DllJ TK!: QUt<Xl:R YOU CA1.L. Ol.y, Newport Hefaht1. 87 $24,900. 540-6566 Need a Gwtlemtuate't ' 1112-1111 THE QUl<Xl:lt YOU m.L Owner. DAILY PILO'l'WANT ADS! .,,,,. ft wttb 1 -tit -'-r-~~~....;..;"-='-""""'-'F'~"-'·....:.::=-:.=:..=::..=~ Find Your NJme Among -· Classified Ads •I ' t Win Free Tickets EIERH NATIONAL A MARINE • . .:=:r.;: m..._....---Tickets Good Any Day -March 8 thru 16 -Anaheim Convention Center' HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS ...... Unfumlshod 1675 -------1~---~ .. ---1----·---. loAiN PoNnoulo llOO Havasu Lolco Hou.-Fumlshod REAL ISTATI Gtnoral REAL IS'l'ATI itlAL UTATI Gonorol Gonorol , -·-·-----1·~~"--~~-u . 5990 Qff1ce Ront1I . 6070 Moun/. I -621 Vocitlon Ront11t 2900 N1'"Jl'lff HoJth!o 3210 C..11 -. 4100 Coot• MMo ~• --•UY! lllYISU like, (1111. 1------HARBOR HJgb Sobool LAGUNA BEACH BIG Bear-·-. -H~..., on ..... 1 .... ,1• FOR REN'f Fam M&mmotb ~ .... 2 ~; ~ 1! BEA1JTil1.n.J.'l' FURN. l BR. unf'Urn $12)J Avail teacher & family want S Air CondltiOMd 1toft1 &nd two 1k:1. 1UtL ..,....._.._ 2 & 3 bdrm homes from Monn tat n Condomialum ......µ.... w lmmac. clean! 2 bt, port, 3/1 • 2 • l Br. ~ $130 bdnn house or apt to nnt ON ---,· ••f't"t>.n-CaQ" furnbhed two btdlUG• 5100 Ront1l1 Wont..i point; three bedtoQ.ma. one $12,500. Large R-1 Jots from akep& a. ~U> cupets, dr&J)H, Eutalde Adults, no peta $150. 22ri up. Heated pool, no pets, in Harbor Dist. Call...___ .... _...__, .·.~~2~· .._ holtse wtttl. huae . llW., and a hall baths, fireplace, ..._ Call ...... """ .ontu -~-~----Costa Mesa.CJoee to lhoi>' M•nle, 540-5566, 6C--480'l baby ok. 1887 Monrovia, -""""' " um,a 4UWWe &U !er ••• ~~~ .~ lledbJeaarage.Near~ ... ~..... P6 .. vs,o-,.,,,.. or Kt:f'llrAU Pini' A puk. N.lce l1 .,,.,::,..,.,,,,,_. ..... , __ 199K:A 6t6-f753 ui.,....,waft,.pm. ...,... ciftlct bWldinc at room,wa .~ ...... ..,._ oeI am public beach. A ,&=1.856== .... ,,...,=. ==== HOUSM ''nfvmlthecl landlcaped yard. C!OWfed '"'un.o"~ .......... ...... I,,.,,_,"""==~-~~ ROOM wanted, aleepflil'; .fpr Drime loca,Uoa, ID downtown au. Well localed °", 30' Jewel.Reducedto$38,250. -L •--h """ patio, very qu iet l _ bedroom $1lO. Newl)i 28B1MENOOZA,lower3Br. lady Fatmew employee: L&IQJla &adt. All' condi-x IS' lot. WUll tell b' BURR WHITE, Rltr. •guna -c 1705 nelgbborhOOd. $195 pr. mo. decora~. 2131 Elden Aw. 2 Ba. unt.; end. patiq, $1SO walldngdiftance. Repl)'Box tioDed. carpeted. bea.utUu1 $U,500-equity 16,SOO er 2901 Newport Wvd .• N.B. General 3000 Available for tmmecllate oc-e Namu Palms e Mo. J; .!"t A'Mf>...'JWJ Or P-4'18, Daib' Pilot ~ed: putltlonJna. Two ;:a ~~ "= 67M630 Evea ,'42·2%53 Income Units cupancy, Wlile Box 612 d o 1 a 2 BR.· Pool see • P • URGENTLY needed"; turn. ~~: i'roatap • _ .. ~ ftve • H1ndym1n S.-ci1l1 Owners Attentionl Dlllly Pilot lTr E. 22nd St ~ EXTRA Ip 2 bd, w/w crpts, qle. apt. for mature lady .-Orert ""·· nar leads to 11.1.Ui!I" • Lido 11!0 1351 Fixer Uppers 3 BR, 2 baths, 35' lot, steps to best Beach, om, $45,950 -terms. · Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy. Do · )'OU have re11t&l untta t NICl! 3 bdrm to reapon lone drpa, blt·inl, closed pr. aion.. Harbor area. 4M-6961 Milndpal puk1na Iota. S50 IExd\lnsttil. R. E. 150 yda from Beach. 4 lge W~ have eood tenants from tum adJt tmanta. $225. No N!wport Belch 4200 $125. Adult.I,, no p e t 1 • Atttr 5 PM per month for space. Delk Apt. llllits, needs paint & previous years and need • clop. Aft 5 pm. 1513 aw WOULD you tin 1o live on _646 __ D»_______ e LANDLORDS e and ~.anllable t::r $.\. HAVE 13'.J,llll lit TD b' good ieneral clwlup. p().. SUM;M!:R • WINTER -and Dr ~ Newport lalandt Lovdy up-2 Bi unf., cpts, drpg. bltnl. FREE RENTAL SERVICE =·a:. -;trincno, ~-. --.· :w= TENTIAL I.NC 0 ME EX· ANNUAL rentals for them. pt. •-1 Wall panellna, 1 d\lld OK uw.~ ._, .. CEEDING l10 000 ANNU•T Pleue call our rental dept U I I p k 3237 per a • ui.•Ta., on ease. _,..,,.;Brokv::.:;::;....:5.'lf.Ql!2.:.occ,;o-~ All utnltie. pakt e:xcert ~1a ~--.... -• ~ n vers ty •r Prefer -'e.,,., cblldftn or Nr. beach. $125 .. 962-3055 ~ .... 1.-).-· ....... --.Q.>1 LY Price $69 950 and let us i{iVt:' you the RED .. .,. PARTIALLl'd'um 2 or 3 ~· MtsSION REALTY' .., • ......., CARPET treatment."""" de-LUXURIOUS 3 Br.. bonul pem<>mts. Space for mnal1 boat pELUXE 2 BR studk>, cpts, bdrm hie. Have doe: I; cat. DAILY Pnm ~ ~·~ ·--pool S135 • i -ro·-·~-R. E'. W•n-6240 985 So n-·t 1 "-•~n serve the best! 2 •·••· lrpl •~" ..::.:..:c::.:-----~ I • · "" up. Rent open. 648-1601 -~· 11•-"u'"' ·.....,.... • .._....,... rm., uu.u•, c. -1· • child OK 64fi..Q496 .;========I LAGUNA BEACH 45' Lot. 3 BR, 2 baths, tre-I'!!!!!!!~!!!! ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RED CARPET Rlty Mo., leue. 833-0927 1 • BR., balcony over pool. -======== ~ Inunedla.te Cub far pod bu.Y m.00.U. potential. HI & Dey Dplx, nr Vlcio• Rental DePt. ~ =o~=""'=="'=== I Adult" $13S, ht A lall N Buch 5200 Rooms for Ront 5995 -,..-.,_::;=::::::,--:---In good land In On..-Co. at $55,IXXI. Call: Hugo's; good lnc. $6500 dn 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Huntington ... ch 3400 644-0631 or 548-®35 ewport ROOM for rent. ND, quiet ~utw~1!t;vl':J: Wrtte Box M 406, Dt.ily Pilot LM Sc6hono73 •5k'asRe1lt01" $34,950, qt. 49f..5(EJ/81J-ll66 F rff Rent•I Book ON Bay, nr. Udo; l Br., pvt N'PT. laland ·DxJ. upper home; for woridna 'Mlm&Jl, _,. CNn800 It ·• .. · ISUS~NE)S •nd '-=:::zl::zl::zl~~==== RENTALS IR\'IJ¢"TERRACE. 2 BR D I nd B H pto., ufil. pd. SJ.75 Sm. boat duplex; 3 Br. 2 Ba. epu:, klt prtv. SC..CT94: &Wo. ~. == PINANCIAL 11 . HOVHI Fumltfted le den. Fantutlc View, 2 ~•Hom.el.row Good ape. f73.6t50 dr}lra. frpl. Elec. bltns, NICE Room ft1r ~DELUXE otflcea nrar ClYic -,-.,..-Opporlun...,..---lt-I01-6JOO--ll Rentals to Share 2005 =~~ condltioc '"' $1SO Condltton. BeauWul Fool l1lboa 4300 ~;~ all~ta No man. 1996 Anaheim. St Coal& Center & West Oranp with huse covued patio for pe • · Mesa 5t3-6361 Courlhouae. 29c per ..... ft 1'LITTLE BUSINESS'' WORKING girl wishes to BEACON B~2 BR & thatbJ&p&Tt;y.ForRentat a.EANBachelarAptl. 2 BR. 2 Ba. Condo, frplc, 8'132 W tminsttr A~ eOperatefrom your ._ share home with same, 22--den, or 3 BR. Community $160 per month, Great Lo-All util incl $75 up pool, extras. $250 or $275 Guest Homes 5991 W~ter. 1$-1.337 Y • • ' • Full or put.time 71, % blk to ocean, yrly. beach, pier, ternilil: cou.t -cation. · 31SE. Balboa Blvd. furn. 4~. 67J..llli6 2 •mats eam1np Call Min Rice 534-3081. Alt $450 per mo. WE SELL A HOME BALBOA 613-99C5 21.M PRIVATE room for elderly MEDICAL • ProfeePonal e No experience necetmJ. 6, 673-0963 John Mcnab Realty Co. EVERY 31 MINUTES ch .-.. -GOLD Med 2 bdr, 2 be. crpts, lady in licensed rue1t home, Suites for le.ue. Custom e Free tra1nhw p:osram 1i========:J2 BR. 2 Ba, apt w/mature ~~~'!".....,,,""!'""'""'""'"" Walker & Lee HuntlngtonlM -drpa, blt·lna $l85 lse. ~~~ .. ~··~·=~~§r"=:::==:!amlly:=;L ............ =M=atn::..!St~ .. EH~un[·~~f .. ~·~.:.~8-7-12 ·.~1~~~ .. ~-Ba R ·' f 5 ma1e in Colla Mesa only. ::'. G'B-2371'.t, &15-6949 (1213) ... " --.. ....,.,., uv=uu<: .....,. e.uy or ummer n--. lo NO . $100; 2 BR. home w/ gar., _ • ~ complete inventory This Excellent location ncnlrict n cigarette.Ii, stove·, kida & pet O.K. "'6112 ~••-r lncomo Pro-~ 6000 e informa"·- • 1 tc o 75 • '""""'•"' ~!u!!t~l~l;uff!.!::=:-:::::-.:5~2~42!J,;;;;;;;;;;;•-;;";;;;';;;;;1 MODERN ofc. space; air-For ....,.. LIDO ISLE BUY Iramac 3 BR home on 2 over. sized lots. One ot moat beau- tifql patio/1;ardena on Udo. Outstanding' value, $79,500. LIDO REALTY, INC. 3400 Via Lido 673-3830 on Lido. 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, needs Cl&'al'll, P pe, e · K. S mo Broker 5M-6980 842MS.5 or 540-5140 -wi •-e Call 5'Ur~ · b Box P 314 Daily Pilot. cond. park'&, •""""" .......,,, mt : ..., eVt:'ll, some attenUon, ut priced ... n.: •• LGE. 4 BR. 2 ba ho-Open T>:Jly tD S::o· e NEW DELUXE e I ooo ·~ tt. ====------~~ .,. 500 ~ 0 ~......, ···-. nveatment rm. l, to .ww aq. AFFILlATE • .,. ... t, ....,, -6""" terms. ~ ::. to2 s:: ::: =. w/w, drpa, frpl. Fncd. foi' SPARKLING, aunny, wallc: to 3 Br. 21$ ba. apt tor lu..se with Insurance 54M76l. * PARTN&R * ~·~·Re::9300 home -.!mother&: 110n in children, Bkr. 534-6980 beach 4 IMpping; 3 BR: Sp&nllbaty1e,decon.torfurn. !:" :-;-bl.m:r:.~~ Apprm:3'acres,rareM~lo'~FFI:;::CE:;."1n"1no,...-ol!ka=,,.-a-va1L"'·"'.·lwub $1500 caab. tn join me University Park. 833-0927 $60; NICE older 1 BR. home, bltN, secluded patio, pool Sha& carpettrw 8l!lf clean. door opener avail. Pool a: in& in avocadOI + nrttal. wtrecept. nn. AI1 gtaa, in local light llWJUfactur. BY Owne.r 2 br, 1 ba, fplc, fnt'd yd, child I: pet It maintenance; many ex· lnr ovens ~te entrance -. otta. Nr.. Catholic UUllties & sewer la • pa.Id Grlttlth Bldc-, downtown inar bullnea. Salary to •tart. bllN, plvrm & ba. Best RESPONSIBLE Mature lady welcome. Nr, everyfhlna: tras. $195 Mo. 838-7954 I: private'· Fundeckl. Adult Cb'"':._. • IChool oL ,.,__"_ for, 400' trntg on Pf,ved Udo. $100. 8'15-a383 P&rl;)o must be CD18tnlal .,.... will share 2 Br. 2 Ba. apt Bier 534-6980 2 wui • • ~....... treet clo to • .......,,_ le _ .. th ~.J---bill•• •-r Lido buy $44,500. <n4> w/""-·· Call .,.9~, alt · IM.MAC. 3 Br. Ba. home; living, near beacheL 1 A: 2 del Mar lDgb. 1 se ............... 300 Sq Ft· Office .,., UlaUR:lillll a ~· """er- t=$15-5023========-I 6 p~m.,_ .,..,.. ,.,.. $170; 3 BR. 2 ba, gar. Fncd. avail. March: rera. $189 BR, 2 BA· from $1711 to $225. f~ay. Can't be topped at ' • encn nchanged. CaD (nf) n3) 358-0368 e ONLY $B1 e $52,SOO. 29% dn. Owner will Costa Mesa. 64&-2130 00..21ll.ext. 1345. R"'oo'°"'MM=A"TE=-~w~A~N=T"E~D F~ily "' pets welcome. f\fonth ( ~~~~ S37.f11 AmP Way, NB. CUTY at 6.5% . Huntington Beach 1400 Brok" -'llY -BANK. ER lnduotrt1I Rontol 6090 BARBER SHOP r'EMALE. Balboa Island. =========-1 S•nt• Ana Heights 3630 Corona •I Mar· · 5250 2 chair, w.ttt l ownenhlp NO PAYMENTS FOR Avail now. 673-3i64. after Cost• Mii• 3100 19922 Brookhur1t lt.~Al.. ESTATE SPACE Wanted. in Newport for 7 yrs, $2500. 5 PM *3 BR. House. Stove I: Retrl· (jUlt No. ot Adams) '1141724-3760 Beach, Costa Mea or Santa 548-6991 HA VE 2 Bedroom apartment 2 B1 E1DROOM bouselroln ~· all utll pd.,.!;~~th. Hunttnpn Beach ~· ._ • 2430 W~s, Vista. Callf. Ana, for liaht eledrlcal A'ITRACTIVE BE • UT y f Blocks from Beach s ng e garaa:e &. nt y ... u. ......,...,,.., (714) ~ a 1 aembly manufacturine, "' M&-57J9 afttt 6 PM Water pd, ;130. Mo. 1.Jit I: ;::;:;::;::;,:';;:==:~~lli!!!!!!!!!l!lilii;!!m!!!B! Q. Approximately 400 1o .60Q SALON Udo area. 60 DAYS Coat• Mesa J~ 4, & 5 Bdrm Hom11 2100 ':~ r;_;!. r:· A+~ Li9un1 leach 3705 UTILITIES PAID o!i":.':!toA~-=~ square feet,· with electr1cty; 1---*-61'5930--,,.,-*---I Pl C M GORGEOUS view, bu all. 2 BR le bach. Htd, pool ON TEN AC1tD Pine'· l BR It den ucb. beat and plwnbirlg. Area WANTED : .Ott-Sa» liqQ:lr ' .$lSO. MONTH Mwit rent this week. Like 802 Knox'l'We, Apt D, H.B. 1 6: 2 BR. Ftlm A Ullfu:rn Frplc. Low down • $36.000. mus0,~ •"'ctlvclooodl"-p'!!'--~ llcei.Callfm' ~~ CORAL SHORES Btwn Beach Ii Brookhurat on Garfield, Huntington Bch. (714) 962-1353 SHAKE ROOF BE'AUTY 4 Bdrm, 2 balhll I: hardwood floors. too! Extra large lot with trailtt gate. Clean and 3 BR., 1% be.., trpL, Wlhr: fncd. yd. Matute adlts; no pet&, no drinkers, Avail. March 15th thru Aug. l!ilh; $185 Mo. 645-1378 Newport Baoch 2200 * * * * Mr. Orin Wright P, O. Box 66 Balboa Island, C•lif. new. 3 Br, 2 Ba. 64&-2598 e 5361l914 • Frpla I Prl I PatlOI I CANON REAL TY ~ ~ ~ "" ' -3 Bedroom, one bath howe. PoolL Temla. Omtnt'I me. dicate the monthly mst and """=======ol Large completely fenced · 4 BR. family house, P~ LHUn• INdt 4705 &t. 9 bol8 htt/Gl'ffll. 30.l4 E. Coast Hwy. 675-3581 availdblliy .datt". Address lnyfttmenf 5'JIPW·' 63l0 yard. can ewnings or week· furn. lOO Yd&. to beach.1-=-'--------1900 SN Lue, OdM IH-2611 reply to Electronic Systems , . ' •""" 673-<568 1211l· '9<.3613 alt. PM Cbarmhla 2 Bii. near...... 10" .. NET • c. .. P.O:Boll ~~-"""""' COSMEl'IC mti a -· 1tcNl ALS $225 mo. Year leut. Adults. !MacArthur ar. Coal!: HW)'l Fully leued 3 >T old Ind. Btach, c.itt..., WUl .IL!ll 25% lnttmt 1n T ·PLA'.N for renl Lovely n.til Aamdates fM.6594 Blda'. prime location, Costa '-iiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;_,..,. .CO. fer $15,QXI to active M""delMulBRl-Apls.Fumlshod N OIANNEL Red 1YT1'e Mesa,Prict<l·riibtat$51.500i' lZOOO ·~Sq ft orlilactlvo-party.Need<Ub leue ·at $2l5 per month. Generil 4000 'cN (ALS $fiOO mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Bla. 60-0177 1 . • • ·lo i!:xpancl.' 50-f1t1 . Vacant &. ready. Ag t • .::.;;=.;;.;. ____ ;.;..;..; Apta. Unfurnllhed waterfront. Boat a 11 p Sprinkled. 9}'c Per 1q, tt. ,.._.HI RENT 1----------1 675-5483 LIE on beach, flsh on pj,er, (Smaller unlfl •vailable) . R I E I ' -· ,.,A Gonor1I 50001,.;.;:..:.:::,~----· I picnic ID parl<, all within Woll1-McCord'", Rltr•· N a •!O _ _, - 1 BEDROOM houae, mature F lr~R!lliiiiiiiiiiiijiii. NEW l·Bdrm., g a r a I e ; atld dis•·-N ~ -3 Rooms urnlture bl w ng ....... ...,. e w 1310 Newport Blvd. C.M HOME LOANS sharp, only $23,900 GI or l'ou .are wt-er ol a pair ~p!~:t:: r::; $25 Month VEN DOME ~. za:only ~ Hunt. Beach f.Plex. by 548-7729 Ewa. '644-0GM MONEY AVAILABl.!: pd h!tldtt. $65.900 M7-395T Call ~ •~•-on ~-~ . ~Ref. 1735 Pomona. FUU.. OPl'lON TO BUY --""'...,.. _..., 1 FHA terms. See thJs one for ol Uc.tels lo tbe B o a t 2 BR . ..,., patio, """· °""" . (Rdrlg,..._ Available) IM>IACIJLATE APTSI Balboa 5300 Buslnoa Property 6050 ~~~.~ .... ~It~ =.,.ro.. ~: ;:;,,,.TDL 1 sure! Show at the Anaheim Paul Jon11 Re1lty co •• t1 at I• n Clenter, stove, re.trig. Tropical set· No depo.lt o.a,c. IMMEDo occurANCY GRACIOUS Adult Uving. commerc1aJ. 847-1266 Eves, 531>-7124 ~[arch I t h r o •I b 11. ti~. For adult&, 1 blk. to H.F.R.C. ADUL'J' Ii: FAMILY Ocean I~ view. 5 ...... i,.,ua LAGUNA MOTEL Vlnd~-~-hlll w !ti Delta El I: 32:.yettlusM--Co •-shops. $160 mo. M4-'1780 Furnl.ture Rint1l1 SECTI~·s AVAILABLE _...., Prime location 27 older units 1.19~-.. un · ec-.,. er ..... _... • .. ..., So/4% Interest Come lo any or our t branch ofilces and plcll: w 19th C.M 548-MS:l v"' 2 BR. 2 BA., walk In on Iarae lot. Great for 0~ tric. Days -831-1400. Eves • 336 E, 17th St. 2 BDRM hou11e, avail. 411, 517 •J· • • Close to Shopping, P•rk · cloeeta, beauUful carpet& & er/mar, large equity, 499-4198. 64.1-:l.n. . 545-<ml 5 Br 2 Ba Medallion, lathe & up your FREE pulM'li. pluter, heavy shake, cu&tom * * * * crpts & dr'PI. 2% car garage, ======== concrete drive. Fully land· B k Bl 22•0 crptll, drps, trple, adults, 1568 W. Lllcln, Anhm 774-2800 e Spacious 3 Br'1, 2 Ba draperte1. Pool. Boat allpe SUBMIT AU. TRADES 3000 SQ ft warehomre I: ofDce Eves. 61,3-7865 642-1157 no pets. After 5:30, 642-DiS DELUXE, spacious 1-Bdrm. e 2 Bedroom» for tenants. Subterranean OR LOW DOWN PAYMENT +&ID) 111 ft paved. fenced scaped. Access to 6 acre -•• __ Y,_ ____ , SUO 2 BR, near shp'g A: Furn. apl S135 Pha util. • swtm. Pool, Pul/ll'ffn patkina. m-300.1 RICK ALOERETTE ·-.... 1855 ' .. _, .... ,.,_ __ 2 Br. A "'" $1611 Plul ulil. • F>'[>l, lndivll,.,,.,. tac'b ,_.. --~~n ~~mw=~~:rn Heated pool Ample parkhli: 1145 Anaheim Ave. Lido Isle 5351 Re•ltor Rd. (nf) t9U066 ar (nf> Mortg-, T J>.'1 6345 HAVE $60,000 Private mo.ney izrv'estor wants to buY ~ ht & 2nd TDa. ~.eatonable db' count park from rear yard. 2 miles to major shopping. Walk to schools, college ~ Douglas Plant. Located In Bolsa Park, Hunttncton Beach. Owner 893-1569. DOWNTOWN : Corner lot. 2 BR & den 1,,:, : baths, hdwd fin. $3500 cash 1 -owner will take 2nd. i' BRASHEAR Rulty , 847-8531 Eves. 96!'rll78 I • OlllY $23,950 ' . ! Former Model Home i Immaculate 3 BR 2 baths. : HAFfDAL Realty i "Home1 to Match Income" f 8740 Warner, FV 842-f405 FOURPLEXES • 6t/.i% LOAN I NO VACANCIES '. . $39,950 I . FIRST PIONEER -' ' • l'ilunt1ln V1lloy 1410 I ' 2 BE'DROOM : per month total includ· I . ·l!lr ...... 11100 down. BA[. inced po'iver, Pl FA heat ' waterbeater, elect. built. range I: own, 1uba&t' dlapoul, w/w cpt1 I d""- 1 dbl prage with boat door, • ,._ A l&ndlcaped. , . ' \:WM• : ~JClnt/lmmed Pos. , . t BR S battlt. lb 11:1 ft, i, bit.Im A dlollwuber. • "J)W down I: aaume extatinl f 10e.n-. Owntt wU1 1113' aD I 'l'RAOEWINOS RL TY. ' 84IJl;8lJ. or _, i y P1LOt .. 1 tDES. You can ue them I 'lit joll" pemiel a daf• Ol.IJ ,_. ' tlif'SUN Nl:VER SETS oo I duallltct'• -....... fdr an 1111 llO Mii around ' .llio dodc. cBll - I l BR J.fouse. rear of 1,1 ac. 1105 270 Sanl:a lsab!:I 546-9ooo No children-No pets OOSTA MESA 642--2824 1704 N. Rou n4/547-M69 5i)..'l601~~=-=,..,,.,.,,~,, J.D40;t~il~.2S:Month. 1965Pomona,CM ~~~. ~~2 ~~ OFFICE ILDG ... Hli :X:~~:M~::.:: * Sll-0019 * $100; UTIL. pd. Lovely, $155; DLX. 2 Br. 2 ha. $225. mo. yearly lease. 6CXlO aq. ft 15 oltlces. Good door. Ul8 Logan St. C.M. 2250' I-;;======== cleaii ha.ch apt, w/w, patio, studio. Fncd yd., patio, 673-3824 for: Dr. -Lawyers. Savinp $195 mo 646--0ll81 --------Newport a.._e_h __ 3_2_00_ carport.,Central loc:. Bkr. w/w, drps. ChUd Al pet A:;t.o.n.Bank.5yearaold.I,;==:·====== COMPIEI'EY furn., newly 5.34-6980 OK. Bkr. 53M980 BAYFRONT 2 BDR, Prlvt Euy conversion. Loh 6100 redec. l Br. house, 3 bl.ks IMMACULATE 3 BR POQI,, Beach, Ftreplace, Patio, R. D, SLATES, Rltr. I:::;=-----.;;,.;.;.,; to b!:ach; walk to stott1. HOl\IE 1 block from West Costa Mftl 4100 Cotti Mela 5100 I ~$325=:·::;':;1>-283;;;:;1,:alt.:=:,'== 847-3519 Evn. 962-7369 SALE No yd. worit. No pets. Newport Beach. Family on-. __ ...;.;.;;.; -Cm'poril.Uori Llquldatlort, (3) AdultJ only, Ref. req. $155 ly. $330/mo. Broker $25 Wk. Up Huntington leach 5400 Butlnn1 Rent•I 6060 HAWAIIAN LOTS near Mo, yr. JM. 675-154() Eves. 546-41-tl •Studio l Bach apts. HARBOR Hilo $2,000 each. ~Sharp, H ti B h 2•-TOWNHOUSE 3 B•. 2% ha. • Incl Utlla A Phone"'"" EXCLUSIVE HUNTINGTON BEACH Ral1"', 300 N. Newport Bl., un ngton e1c '""" .,_ lrpl ~ ..... ·~-TV ·-" GREENS N.B. 6t6-7414 W/W ..... -~· • ·~· • -~·~. ··-ON·THE-IEACH 4 Bit 2 Bath !um. born<, patio, et... bltnll. 2 Cu e New Calo & Bar GOLD KEY SUITES VIEW • 210 lle1l'ff of Ocun nr. Golden West Jr. C.Ollege pr, pool $775. 642-7219 J376 Newport mvd. 548-9155 BAQIELOR. UNFURN. 2 & 3 led~,~~tt.tba Executive & Sale1 a: City llaht&, $29.500 incl S18S Mo. yrly lse. 897-0032 0 CE A N FR 0 NT Lovely SllO. Very nice 1-Bdrm. Apt., from $1 QQ LUlurY lMt8 to -Offices plans. 9,CO> gq ft lew.I pad. modem 3 BR. + lam. rm. adults only. most di.crtmlnatinl· ~OP 2714 Harbor View Dr., CdM San Clemente 2710 $350 Mo. Yrly. 83J...87 132 W. Wlllon, C.M. Apt. II AI.SO AVAILABLE ava.ila.bi. at 1't Air-eond & uWs ELEVATED Canyon Lake 4 BR, 2 u. --rm-.-ru-oti-c 1 BEACH HOUSE 6 doors to NICE Bachelor Apt. $90. utU Hea~ ;,:~,~Care lbe ffunllngll'n * c.&rpets A: drps lot. Panoramic view ot club modern, 2 bllcs from beach Ocean. 2 BR, patio, gar, Incl. Adults. no pet 1 . Center, Adj. to Sbopplrc _ * Reception Rm hie, , bay, channel,, mtl in wooded canyon. Lease. Bkr. 675-4130 · SfS..8428 No pets allowed GB ;~= ~ • ~ 4.97-187511am.7 pm ELEGANT Bayview, xtra tr LCE., Attr'. 1-Br. apL 2700 Peteraoo Ws:y, at HU'-PIC)fii Secretartal Servke avail PAIR ot 30' kll1. 217 otAL direct 64%-567&. Ow're 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pool, golf, ardm'· UHi. pakl. $110. Adults bor 1: Adami. Qwta Mtta. Town & Country Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. S.ltler Mciril"9 Co, lnc. 33' E. 11th St. ~nn 5f5..0Sll Eva. 673-1885 6G-1157 12% l\E."TURN PJ,tm lit TD, $300 mo, bl. eluding 8%, 3 yrs, Level hilltop, ma.gnifk:ent OceM View, Larp ca.ah don, -bufer. Dtecount will return 12%. ~l138 12% • SMALL lNVES1'0R bt m an 4ue 3 yeara art Laguna land. For ·appt to view call 494-1137. D),CO> 2nd TD, 10°"' 3 •)'I'S. ''"' dbcount 114.000\ 134 Meq.-. ANNOUNC:tMINfS ind NOTICES. )'Om' ad, lhlD lit back and CdM Hi. 645--illl No peta. 673-1.365 5M4170 Shopping Center $32,500 each. &7>J539 &ten to th& pboM Jina! OIARGE your Wlllt ad now. Dlal 6US678 for RESULTS 1 BR duplex, with earace. Rinc:MI _. 6150 found (f,.. Ada) 6400 18582 Beach Blvd. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;; Gener•I 4000Gener1I 4000Genlf'al 4000 Clean I: quttl, $90 month. (at Ellis) Huntirwton 8ch WHITE male tal wt th -"'==----=.;..c.;,;;....;;.;... ___ .;..;..,.,.;..;;.=.:;;..-_;_=.;_ I ~ llamlllon, Apt H • "2"'417 SAN TIMOTEO rh""''°"' collu, hu .,. --------------••• STORES ALSO RA. NCH bl~n A --Qfi'Q-Q A\' I f) "°C ~Q..e STUDlO 3 BR. 111i BA. JI.lit eye, vk!. Cout Kwy, So. p~ J.'QIJ ~J.. -~ P</' ~ """'·New crpta. o1rp1. Uttt STREffiRONTAGE' 360 Acre nnch. Bulldlnga A Lquna. $44611 a11er 4 · rm, tjoetd Pl'· D •Y 1 Ot. Beach Blvd. lflO Sq, ft. equipment worth •PProxi-SIAMESE cat, femaSe, with SolwaSimp!eScrombltdWonll'luzltforaChucklc -evu546<)\1119 Model....,.ldeallor"""' .. matel)l llll,000 ,.,th.,..... n.a cx111ai-. vie. Glonnoyre 2 BR. ttudiO, nnt. Cpta. Drpe:, Rltr., etc. <Bet KateUa and tMy ~. Some •a&-Ir; Arch St, Laa'una Beb. 0 r=rnai.='~ word's ~ /...._'V.-il>-....,,--, blt·lna. 984 D Camino. $145. Cen1toa) S ~In .. lndlcod.. aar under., hTlp.tion. Hu 4!N-;MSS low to bm fovr llmple words. 962-6CS • l9l'l2 Brnoldlurlt S250 mo. 10650 Beach Blvd. -;.-::m~~ !:': ro=UND*""':-----.,.,b"'l-t .·I IS A Y LIE I 2 BDR, !% ha. """'"""' UOll No. ol Manul • 63Ml20 • ap. Neu """•"'' In RJv. ,,_. cat vie """"""""' · . Adlll, bit.In& Ind>:y nn. Gu (TU) 911-'*1 Balboa Island nwlcle eo...ity, J'ull -1 llarlloo>', Call • ldenl!lY ' I I I J I' suo. a1t e •'" -· . ,...1432 • • • . . Choice of Two, 11.511 A 11'15. !360,000. For lUrther ,_ ==-=-· _,..,..,-~-I 2T7BR.l ••~--Al>rhltna.,.JUO-Want Prlvecy! Ntwl Rltr. 642-9555. :_a_~ pleueb call ckpn ~~.f:E'...t..:P~I· co1la,, I ~ ....... or ONE BR1 NEAk OCEAN _ .1nun1pam '#It ..,.,_, .... .,..._ crtY· Vic. DA FE T I call -sm mo <1117 "'rnl .. ,... Offlco Rontol 6070 Eckhoff '-Asooc., l,f\C. Meoa cltl Mar - I. 1: I I' 1: 3 BR. 111 bo. Cbll4ron 2lll • H:h. Sll.UU, m-1111 1118 w. Chapman Ave. MAL& S<llpot Slamooe cat • ·-• • • • welcome. ll50. Mor. 8112 w. . . * Moclirn Offices ~. Calif. ' hu 11eo oo&r. v1c Nept.,. Center Apt 1; 10 &.m.-4 p.m. l:efunl IMdt ' S705 Slnele or loKtL Air cood. !l41.3121, E'wtMrtlmdl mml l::lornet F.V. 98B-313S IN y DAD I 3 BDRM . ..-. 1145 Mo. 100 CLIPP DRIVI ·-· .......... -* GERMAN ..._ ~ I . r Ii I Nawrfloo kti., "H•'•IO r-·' Cbll-Dk, ..,... -LUXUllY JVRNllJN1\lRN -... tral location, 1:M;•;•~m;'·;•;;;D;';";'';;;;;62;l;0:1~!'l.~-*~ .. ~Fl!d.~;'"~·Vk:~~~~H~ -·~·bor·,-,,," _ _ . _ • d ,... blt·inl. 5f5.0382. No peti! YeartJt i.e... 1 6 S Bdrml. C. Robert Nattr. RM.lb I• ._.. ... w ~ _,__w r-------~ old1el~!'' L~ho~~I _,..._,..,_:"'': OORGEX>US new ~ult apta. *P9 to Shon • 0ope ,.__ ... 230M E. 11th ~~ 1,,_ Haviw Leb FLUFFY Blk/Wht cat Vic I I _., "" .,, 1-2 BR. Furn/Uritum Oceaav1 from ' ~... HI -· _, • Graham A Warner K.8. ·t;T_YT"C_ST"l,;...M.,.• -.--.--I .,. r-•~ £~ ~ ,,_ ~~ ""° rAR.90NS ....0 -:... mo·~ NEWPORT CMC CENTER first Timt Offered ..,.._ .' I t I' I "-c,---~ Ofllceo IOitablo "' eom. ~~~ ... ~"'t!. z-=1 ;:!'. ~rr~ S"~ lJIG , 8"-~ Ba. u..., = .. ~i...°:'"" ~,.,;1"'..:a-n.':"! 3r:0 · vc:J:.. ~ »-; · 9 f:l\",.~!~.!S I' . r r r r r . I' ,. ,. duplex, !rpl<. 1195 er l2lO FROM 1'111 Lalli, Ca!ll Art. -.. 1-· ll?!-10l1 iw ~... • _ _ _ _ _ • • • 2 BR. 2 BA. blina, crptt, fW:'n. OHilll, t13-U86 a 511-5031 OR. e.2464 ~1858 evn, 1'LU1TY Ftmalt Kl t t • n • ... ~NSCSWI•AM&ll'. 10•1 I I I I • IE I J chpo. 181 • I( Doi Mar AYll. 2104 BUSlt:S'I """"""'.... II Bill/wilt With Fleo CoUor v ,.. . . . . . . ~ = Sl45. S4f.l2TI an' pm. CAREFREE 2 BR. Pulttiou. ton. Tbl DAILY PllDI 5 4 Nr. HeneL Jlldeawu 29tf'I SL NB ~i7 ' 1911; 1 BR U-. lreoll pain~ opt, dlrecti1 -IUrl. aou.tllld -.. ,. I,®' 11. Wtr, ...,. 1i1!00. TEM. Bill. 1 Mon. Ot SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 new cp1 .. -pore11. Tobit Roel< Potnt. ,,_ ......,, -•-.. i.ooll $lll 0n. m.mo 1-10 A.Ill-· Sbepl,.,,s 111artct""' -r w-or. 11M!'1211 l3llll. ---m :r .., 1 -~ ..... =r -- f I I f I .. • • ~-~~DAl~L~Y~Pi;jltOTtmff""l•--•~iiiiiiiil' -..... l~;,.._llpl __ l'I SEIMCE DllECTOltY SEltVl~E DlltltTOltY Joas &..llMPLDYMI~ JOIS & IMPLOYMIMT 1015 & ~OYMINt JOIS & EMPLOYMINl~ NiliOUliffillNTS * * * * * 'if · 7200 Holp WMllM t .... NOTICES Oraporloo . ~ ,~ .w-w--Help w ... ltd. Min 7200 Hol!t WMtted, w-7400 : Im-'~·-•HAVE"""'""' -1'alnt1ne-.---~ J.c.J'o....,.o.. CITY.OF . w-N GARD'"°° ua"'S f blot -6401 1~:.,__ __ _;~ - m...ACK • tan female Gmnan Shepherd Wt I b aUve:r C'hoke • aea collar. Vic ~ Co. a1roprt. A111w'l!n to Babl!. Rewud. Call O.w Kal<!lna~I 833-ml -oply. ~~SPORT ·V.AN. PA!ltl' """ ....... • hll>lon 1'"'od NEWPORT BEACH u I l'UUll' • : bdlraom ~ $10. ! bavt No__. Stach equlpaJoot ...... ._,,... -~· •• """ .... _ LOST: Block & whlhl fluffy cot. I yr. old - male. No coller. Vk . Sh•llmer Dr., C.M. R• we rd. Whodclya Wontf Whoddv• Got? SPECIAL C~IFICATtON FOR 644-l:Ml or 54M5'7. DOBERMAN mlx..M, 35 Iba., 7 mo. Red/brn wi t.an mrkgg. \' ellow t-Y'!l!. no tags. Vic 9th I. Balboa, Bal .,...... 'rTUltAL IORN SWAPPERS Spoclel Rahl 5Llna-511 .... -s bucks lltUllES -AD MUST IHClUOe ~ -....... "' tT'Ht. ,_...,,.,,., VOii ....... '" trHt. >-VOUlt llll'IOfW •lldlOr ...,..._ ........ llnQ 9' tcMrlilln& $10 reward. Siamae, blue- poiIJt female. Near Ctnyon View l Temple Hills Dr, L&- ""'410lHJHG FOlt SALR -lltAOEI OHL 1'1 ' PHONE 642..5671 To Place Your Trader'• Paradlte Ad E\ltll. Sch. -494-2121 ? ?.1·1 Wt·up bldp. an Pia· LOST: Boolva Accutron cenUa. C.M. Trade eqt)'. Astronaut man'& watch; S!6,50J far T.D. or prop. + Lincoln S<!hl. Reward. No $45,<m. Full Pr. $BO.OOO. • questions. &e,...MH; 615-1451 ;543.1542;:::::.:::·.,-,,...,,---,-=;: FEML Coll~ "Patches" M Houses &. Units irt-Santa ,,,_ Ba'-"a p<t. VI c. Ana Heights I. Costa Meaa.. -.-"J Trade for land in Louisiana. r.taa:;nolla SL l.c Pttslde:nte Owner-Agent. F.V. Re"'•ardl 847-3139 5&2211.1 L O S T , w h I t e f e m a I e I ~--,;::::;::::.,---...,,.~ miniature pood1e, vie Del t.quna Motd, prime loea- nald tion, 27 older units on large Obllpo + Calle Rey a, lot. Great for owner/mgr. San Juan. 493-3109 La.tie eq. Trade. for land, COST keys on chain at Town T .D. or ? Bkr. 547~. I: C:OUntry C.entu, tm TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2112 ba. 897-e44 Beaut appt'd. Prtv. patJo. GER. ShDrt ha.Ir polnter, pool, cloee to bay, Val. liver color "pet". Vic C.M. $32,000. low dn. er T.D., Reward. 548-4916 Car or "? Owner 646-665' BOX ol pink Ii: while yarn. 1966 vw Bug for VW Bu.s. Haritt Center Parking Lol ,Man's diamorxl ring for 50-2279, ~7218 trail bike, wuheT & dryer GERMAN Shepherd or color TV. Antique rifies Samoyed B months old, IOlt for camera or "? .613-0098 2/26. Reward. 64.2..-8772 1-IAVE 8X35 ft tnller, ·A·l Personals 6405 I P.tagnilicent execuUw home finest Mesa Verde Area. Fabulous view, over 4500'. Trade large eqty for land, T.D. "? "? Bkr. 547-0469. RUSTIC J Bedl'OClm 1'ome Newport llelght1, extra room in 3 car gar. 14 M @<I· uity, For Io ca I condo. 642-5776 er 548--5240 e1 JO Acres on Mtn Vlew Rd. 4 Miles from Palm Sprgs. Suitable Trailer Pk location. Trade $3000 equity for car, mobile hon1e or "? ~U31 $61XX!, 113 acrt with key to private be&ch So. of Santa Cnii. TRADE $3900 equity lor dn pymnt Ora.nee Coun- ty land or boat. 499-3633 Corona del Mar Duplex Exchange up lot Laguna Beach Home. Broker 4.94-1330 Electrical 6640 lunlbb wen. a matmala, I E:::L::;E~C:;:'TRJ.:::.,CTAN ___ Llcenoed_;.;.:.:;• l ·eo&t 5'3-881 aft I PM. bonded. Smalt Jobs Malnt Interior P1lntln1 • repair. 548-~ Apt&. or homn by job or Gordon Inv ANTHONY'S Garden S.h'lce 646-1941 BUDGET LA.NOSCAPJNG Pruiie ... Plant .•. Prepare Atonthb'. Malntenanl;e Ex.,. HortkQ!tarbl TAKATA JAPl'.NESE NURSERY M&-0724. Complete prdening aeMce. Headquarters IJ)r all )Qll' nurwry .~· AUDI BROS GARDENERS SIUDENTS worldn& their way thm col· lege. Experienced. licensed. REAS! 646-4203 room. Low oft teuon ratea. 89'J.s643, Mytime VINYL wall ooverl n1 speclal11L Kit, \>at h • . Mattrlal &; labor. &l 847-1659 INTER or Exl PAINTING. U.1MED. SERVICE. Local ref. FREE ell. !148-1621 PAINTIN.C, Inte r \or. ex- terior, 11 e r y l"eallOOable! Call82G-66Z PAINTING. inter. • exterior State lie. • borxled. Free estimates. 64.2--0238 Paper haJl&ing, 45 years experience. Call Fredi .......... EXT.-INT. Acoust. Celllna; Llc. lns. 17 yrs. Exp. Fitt Est. 548-532.J JapeneM Gerdener E:<per, comp( ya.rd aervice! Free estimate. 548-1958. lfOUSE Painting. Quality at YARD CI e a n 11 p • Tree a fair price! Free esl. Call senile!', new lawns, Rick, 64.>-2275 11prlnkleri, rototill. 646-5848 PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs JAPANESE GARDENER in Harbor atta. Llc &: bond- Ct-rnplete yant servl<:t!, free ~"'~· ~"';:":;::''"":;::·:;":;"-:=2356:=:=,. estimates. Exp. 540-1332 J AP ANF.SE Garder.tr, mm· plete yard service, free estimates. ~1332 JAPANESE Ga rden er Complete Se rv 1 c e. Ex- perienced. Reliable. ~ e PAT'S Plastering. AU types. Free estimate. Call ......,, . Plastering, Repair 6880 INT. Plu~, ext. stUCOI), dry wall taptrig, aa:11.11tlc l:/or textured celllnp. 545-WD Plumbl.~ng,,_ __ _.:.61-'90-' PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small • 642-3U8 • PLUMBING 24 hr ·;, Work qU&r, lie, Ins, n!mod, repair, rooter seN. 531-'F.166 11.u full time openiflal: tor * Auto. S1rvic1 * Specialists Recent e.xpemnce In brakes, front erxl anp. ment alr-cond. Insulation and ' lWeup required. Coropetillve salary ar- rangements. Top flight working tonditlona with newcsi and ~st equij>- ment. Generous benefit& lncludi.ng hospitalli.&Uon, emplo)ltt discount and proUt sharing. SEEKS TEMPORARY LAIOREIS $1.54 per hour lmmedta.te openlnc for aix temporary JabOren to wortr full time d•y hours for 4 to 6 weeks. per- fcnnina: 1trenuoos. physi- cal tabor, reinovillf M- bris front beach. Requlr- t-s e)lcellent phy&lcal con- dition arx1 \'8.ikl Ca:!Uor- nla drivers l\cf:nae. Apply Frida,y 8 AM to S PM and Salunlay 9 to ll AM, at Pt-rsonnel 'Oftice !bldg fn1ur•nce Group TIRED OF A LONG COI\iMUTE'! Unl&;ard Insurance Group Ill now blrl,_ tor our new dt- v!Sk>n ollicc openlne approx. 4115/'69 ln lluntin1ton Beach. just ott the San Di- ego Fwy. Tbeae pce.ltionB will require a short trainiDC period cf 2 month.I in our Loa ~les otfioe, before ~ lbe mow. P.t .!eqe will be paid durin&: this pertod. Imm.diet• Openings In the following •teas EXPERIENCED Tli BROADWAY llWPORJ . No. 47 courts of Fuhion Newport Center I: in rearl, City Hall, 3300 CODING Apply in ....... N•wport Blw., N•wport 10 Ab1 to 9; 30 PM Beach. Calil. Experienced or IJ"ainee In e SECRETARY e S:.rl hand 80 wPm. typfrw IO • "'pm. Ji.linimwn two 1'tAft ' ollite-experience. Girl re- quired to take clw'le· With inituitivt, typirc customer 1 r.torxllL)' through Saturday fire &/or cuualty 1tatisti· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO: cal codlna:. P.talh aptitude J. (, PBllY co. 14 Fashion l•l•nd An equal oportunlty • employer USED CAR LOJ MAN WANTED ne~ssary. You?< man w;lh d"1Uno ''" ACCOUNTING penence ID start on rrourxl fioor ct lars:e precut con· Type to t?. 50 accurately, c:rete manulacturin& firm. Some c,'(pene~ or aptitude l.1ust be able to read blue with figures helpful. Light prints, make production customer t."Olllact. drawings. learn quotations • ''"""' """""""'· help RA TING in enginttring, cost account.. Prefer at ~ut one year ol ing & inventory takln&:. fire er casuaJty ra~ exper. Must have experience. Excel-Future opportunity to enter lent company benefits and s.:es department, engineer- workln& corxlitions. Ap~ly in Log and/or ~ty control. person to Bob Rogalski. ience. Opportunity to ad- vance into mu!Upal line rat· Ing. NAllRS CADIUAC """"'"""'" ...,,...., ,, 10 KEY PUNCH • corresporxtence. purt.hue re. ' quisitlcns. sales orders etc. Good opportunity lo r the rlQ:hl girl. • Ocpartmental Clerk • Lile typing, mai! delivery , and general derical dutie1. : Call 642-2400 ask tor Jim-Hyams. SeJ'VOlto ic Division of Gulton Jrxlus. : tries, Jnc. 1644 Whittier Ave., · O»ta f.iesa.. An equal oppori. tunity employer. 30 yrs ollt, dratlini e.xperl-Career opening for operaton ence, high JQ. with at Jeut one year ex· 2600 Harbor Blvd. Call l'ilr. Larcome SO.ID7 perience on Alpha & Neu· --~C..~l~a~M'.'.'.'~'"'.....--['!!!!!!"'!~~~-0:-:""!!!!!!![ merlc lBl'il equip'ml Day SR. STENO CAREER OPPORTUNITY! NEW CAR .WI. $440. to $545. . LICENSED Splrltual Readings, advice on all matters. 11'.Z S. El corxlitlon! Want l!bc40 fl trailer will pay dillerence. Call betw 2·7_ pm 548-rul!I APTS. in Hunt. Park, 13 wUta, 1 .l 2 Br., new paint • cpt. w:lthln la:st yr, Trade fer income prop. N'pt., Costa Meaa. 549-3713 Eve. 17 Fl. outboard !or station wagon or aub:I cf ~ vaJ.. ue. Phone 644;4681 '67 !\1ustang V-8 C011vert; PS/PB, R&H, xlnt cond. new tires, Jo mi, val. $2300; accept amali car in trade. Pr. Pty, 548-Xlfil e JAPANESE GARDENING Service Cleanup, La.ndscap- tng. 531-7034 aft 7 p.m .. JOHNSON'S Gardening serv. Finest equip, expert yard care! Reas! 962-2035. DETAIL MAN Top salary, exccllent working conditions. Remodel., Re!)air. 6940 Jotn tod131s tut.est growing CAU. &b: professlon·Mutual Fund"'" MARQUIS MOTORS Excellent fret": benefits. Per- manent, steady work. Our policy is promotion from within. Your futut"e is deter- mined e:nUrely by you. Ne"IV modern ollice, friendly, pleaa&nt atmosphere. }.1nl. opportunit"; tor sharp : young gh1, Elect. typewril· • er, shorthand, 2 yn, exp. Advanceme11t oppty. Camino Real San Oeme.nte. .f92.91J6. iJJ AM-10 PM SPECIAL fl READING Attro<llvo Expert YOUNG WOMAN dancer will tuch you all latest l!'teps. Call Ardell 213: 591-453& l·lD PM COUPLE.S & Singles -don't go around ''moplan", be a trroPIAN. Join the swing to more enjoyment • * * lobysltting * $45,IXX> equity in Oiannel Retl ~nthoust. Will trade for property In Hawaii. C'hester SalU!bury, Rlty. ,,,_ * * * SE RV IC~ CIREC TORT 6550 Cement, Concrete 6600 ---·---- CLEAN-UP Specialist! Mow· Ing, ...... ,odd jobo, liibt moving. Reas! ~ Cut & Edp Lawn Maintenance. Lice:Ned 548-4Blll /645-2310 alt 4 eJAP~ GARDENER Maintenance &: CLeanup Call 548-2572 AL'S Gardening Se r v Ice Lawn maintenance, gal'del> itJa I: clean Ups. 646-3629 IF You need remodellng, painting or repairs, Call Dick. 642-1797 Roofing 6950 A Roofer not a salesman. Leaks stopped, all type roofing. New or rtFair work guar. 536-8444 Sowing 6960 • Dn!ssmaking-Alterations Special on Hems ......... No experience necessa~ 900 Scuth Coast liii:~way We train · full or put time Laguna Beach 494-7503 Mutu•I Fund Advfaon, M A N A G E R TRAINEE Inc. WANTED, over 25. Profit Npt B. lf.DJ Westclltt 642-&122 sharing with benefits. Apply S.A. 1212 N. Broadway TIIE BURGER,. 4.501 W. 547-33..ll Coast 1-lwy. Newport Beach. GENERAL LINE MHHAJllC MAN fer Shipping & Receiv- ing Room Driven license J1e<'. S day wk. S.S Pf.1. Apply 4360 Campus Dr. Newport Beach, Cal. For Details and App't. Call Collect PERSONNEL 12131 384-1213 UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP PUBLIC AGENCY FULL BENEFITS ' Call Mr. Sylvester, 540.2910 , or 962-2lli Mon. lhnl Fri. only. ---~--: F/C Bkkpr Call: 635-9291 A ITRACTIVE girl to model a few hours a y,'ttk, pnerous PIY· Strietly lor tun, no exp necessary. ~ 1y Box M.Qil Dally Pilot e BABYSITI'ING ln my hPme s run da,yg \\-eek, nice home near Weatcliff ~ Pini: center. Fenced in yard, hot lunches. excellent c:are. Pleue call Mrs. Smitb 5411-4538 * CONCRETE \\Wk. Bond· -ALTERATIONS by German eel &: LicellRd. Conii:rete UCHT Hauling, T r a c t o r dressmaker; wry n e a t u~ Leveling, Clean Up, Light \\'Ork. 54S-6181 General Services ,._lu1t have Cadillac Experi. FRY Cook, relief ahilt. Start ence. Excellent company $2 Hr. l8 or Over benefits etc. Apply in person Cottage CoUee Shop to Bcb Rogal.ski. 562: \V. 19th St.. Costa Mesa RN DIRECTOR OF NURSES Construction background pre- ferred. 1-tust be: able to do quartcrb'. taxes and unton payroll. Top groomin&:. MUii. have nsume. $600 mo. Co. "ill split tee. Phillips Cement. 5Cg.(j38Q ~:lltion, Cbain Saw I -C,A~lt~1-r-ot~l-on_1_'64"1"·"SM°'IS" Custom Landscaping * 545-S400 * Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. NABERS CADIUAC WANTING Enterprising: yng man part time, 9:30 am Oiallengin&: position with e:ccellent potential with mul1ipa.l oonvalescent or- ganil&tion. Lynwood area le start. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 Coast Highway 1 , BESI' IN CONCRETE • 646.1234 • TYPING 6990 Newport Beach 64&3939 2600 Harbor Blvd. io 1:30 p.m. S2 per hr. Costa Mesa 54S.1686 REDUCE Safe, 1bnple I. fut with GoBesie tab'els cnl7 ·98c. Crawford 's RX Pharmacy, Costa 1.teu. BABYSITTER Fenced yard. Meals included. Wttk ~ oply. Vicinity Hallad.:Y A: Bishop st, S.A. Phooo836-5012 IBM Exec. Resumes, Th!sla. e CUSTOMPATIOS e Phont! dictation, pick up le CZYKOSKI'S Custom concrete sawing I. r:emoval Upholstery FINANCE CAREER KENNEL Help wanted: Part National finance firm, 800 time, n:wrn~ onl~ 8 to offices, seeking applicants 11. \\'rite Daily Pilot M Hostess/ Cashier : * SetectiW! Singles * CDmpanlonahlp, Sinooity Introductions Confide.ntlal C25-5Sl 642-9676 f>.10 PM DON'T Jet another lonely weekend p by! Succeed In dalin&: wtthout really tryini. Laguna Bch ...... ,. • ., OlO deltvt'J'. 544-887-4 Upholstery. E o. ro p e an ~-S=ta=''=Ll~·~· ~·=~~~='=,,.. C r a f 11 man I h ip. 100% a.; potential branch m&nag· :'13:::_· --------1 PhOM 645-0030 • BFSI' IN CONCRETE ~~:~~ ~~ Financlng. 642.--1454. 1831 Walka, pool decks. Doon, 54S-5325, anytime NeW1X1rt Blvd., C.M. ers. Promotion in 18 to 36 EXP Service station at· 1--------- EVENINGS LICENSED day <!att. Pref wkly 2-4 yrs. Hot lunches. balanced activities. 546-15.19 BABYSITITNG My home, E-f:lde C.f.'[. Prefer weekly. Patios. Phont! 642-8Sl4. .;;:==:;;;======I .:...;....:..==.,.,;,,..,,==::-: .-:---JOSS & EMPL01'MENt • CONCREfE work, all Hauling 0730 montha. Experience unnec. tendant, comm + illlary. essary, Outstandin1e career Apply 24362 or 24085 El opportunity, exccllent bene-Torm Rd, Laguna Hills. RN's ICU & OB REUBEN E. LEE types. Pool deckl A cW1IDm. I:.::=:""''----="' I Job Wanted, Men 7000 ~Call:;::,;""~'::"'~.,--.,,,....,.-CLEAN Lots/p.rages etc, CEMENT Work, no job too trte n!mov, dump skip limall, reakinabte. F r e e backhoe, fill gnde. 962-874.5 fits. At least H.S. education BE YOUR OWN BOSS req~. Ccntacl George Parking attendant, high in.. 151 E. Coest Hlghw1y 1 Newport Beach • 548-1551 ... eatim. H. Stunlck. 548-8615 LITE Hauling & cleanup. Reasonable. Any area. WORK WANTED ?.lale 2ti nttdi work. Salary open. 645--0722 Dowrung come. ~m4 an 12 noon. Public F lnence Corp. GENERAL LABOR Excellent working conditions. 188 E. 17th. C.M. 1286 above average salary and ..................... --.1· See Betty BNce al ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 542-7217 ct write to P .o. Box 1223 Co1ta Pitesa.. OfILD Cs.re, any' age my home. $2 5. we ek. Teacher/mother 66--0I!i6 Contrecton 6620 Call 642-3357 Job Wanted, Lady 7020 ~..,,.:::::;:..c:=;i=.,--1 6464841 S2.00 hour 496-fr1r@"e benefits. Call Person- EXP. Ill-Fl compone nt sales trainees. Salary, x.lnt future. &i6-8895 nel Dept. bet. 8:30 AM • 5 Pl'i1. Mon -Fri. 527.7744 mi66Gxec Announcement• 6410 Irick, Mltonry, .tc. ADDmONS.REPAIRS 6560 REMODELING HauJing-Garage Cleanups MATURE 'M'.lman. n I g h I Trim Hedges. Trees. Reas. employed -wlll manage SECURITY GUAROS · Afency for Career Girls 410 W. Coast Hwy .. N. B. BE A RF.SERVE DEPUTY, ' Dnignine &: Plannifl: Orange County 5heritt'a BUILD, ltemodeJ. Repair Kilcbens·Batbs. etc. BIG JOHN • 642-4030 complex (Costa 1-tesa area) Agencies, Women 7300 Stanton Community Hospital By appoint "16-3939 6735 for apartment A util. plus. H .. .:.OUN=;..cl.;cu_n_l_nt=----1 Reply Box P662, Daily Dept. Needed now to Brick, block, co n c re t e , Llc'd & Bonded. Free erl. UIU!t tn patrol, ja.11, crpntry, no job too small. A & B CONSl'RUCMON PAYL:ESS Cleaning Serv N•wport Ar•• Apply UH6 N. Tustin Ave. Receptionist ........... S373 -Pilot. court. rescues ln ruaged Lie Contr. 962-6945 U22 Paularlno, CM. Apls, Bid.a, Re:sid, &: Suite D. Orange, Calif. AIP Clerk .......... to $500 RN or LYN tern.in, technical ser-* 545-49tl * Comc'I. Xlnt work, fast vices. Voluntttr work, Buslnet1 Service 6562 Additions * Remodellne service, l'lw rate. 675-~. monthly meetings, law Fred lL Gerwlck. Uc. 673-8085 enforcement training BU SJ N E SS CAR D S "'~"2l!O Evans, 834-3:196 PRINTED 673-6041 * ~ CARPETS, windows, Ors, Sit-Mon-Fri: Afternoons otlly. etc. Realden. or Come'!. ATTENTION Costa Mesa. MG-2888 Cerpet Cleaning 6625 Xlnt work Reaal R.ets. EX·NAVYMEN PROFESSIONAL Rug 1 ,54008-4111=--==-~--=-=-0ean out the old 11ea-bag C•rpenterlng 6590 Upholste..., Cleaning. Top DtM»Unt Cleaning Service a.nd help out a &ood cause. I :;::;cc:;:"-':.;o;"----·~ A ta Carpets U hohtery Give ........ ur old unlfoma <OU· quality, guaranteed results. PF. ., __ .. • ~!.1,_ • ,. NTRY Allen's ?wtaintenance • ast .:x:1-v1ce ~ -toen & Erum«I) to the S.•· CARPE Scouts. Need blues, whites, MINOR REPAIRS. No Job 646-4063 or eves 642-3526 WllJ.Wf'S CLNG. SERV. I .:"':::::'"""::;,:~::..:•.::•'::.· .:.""=.::"''---I Too Small. Cabinet in gar-CARPET A: Furn. cleanlna:; Carpets-furn-compl hi;e. ALOOROLH.~ Ancl\ymouJ ages .\ o t her cabinet&. for 1 da,y service £: quality And Apt clng. 642-8164 Pbooe 542-7211 or write to 54.5-8175, U no &ns?.'er leave \\'Ofk, call Sterlin& for P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. msg at 646-237'2. H. 0· 1,;b;rlg;h;::';""';;'="=2"520==== """'""" Comotery Crypts 6419 ===--=-=-== Carpet Laying & -QUALITY Repairs -Altera-1 ____ _;,R;.;•.,;P'.o..l_r-'66'-2_6_ 1 NICHE 33, Alcove o1 Devo-tioM -New const. h)' hour CARPETS (nylons. v.wls, tJoa. Palm O>urt, Paclfic er Conrract £46...3442 ii .. ,.,. >f---"-' Parl<, 11 ..... ie. polynten,) Vinyls and T • •• =..,. . .., .. ,. REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS • ...... t "•'-• ond -•-n. 1140 or cffer. 539-9565 eL Mll•.::S ,..,.., LV>U CABINETS, Any lize job. Commm:lal and Rt-aldential.. Auto Transport 6445 2ii )'n. exper. S«8-6'113 Expert installation. MASl'ER carpenter, H per BLANKINSHtP FLOORS WANT ride 1o E. L.A. or hour. Remodeling. Repair&. 642-140.1 540-7262 downtown L.A. from llun-~642-6409:::::::::.."':;,:~:::.='°;..._== lS YOUR AD fN a.ASSI· tlna1on Beach, Beach Blvd. ts Yoor Ad ln our cludtlEdlt nEDt Scmeone wm be 842.-3996 Someme will be kJok1na fcf lookhw fbr tt. Dlal 142-">61! DAILY Pll.OT WANT ADS! tt. DI.al &e.5671 tor quidt, .mcsem relults. f ""~~ .. ' '°"· :1 ).16,.~.JI· SAGITT.uM ""'"" ' '''"I ~,.., Income Tax 6740 H. K. CI ark Acct.g Serv. Income tax, persona.I or buainess, yoor home or ofc. 20 yrs exp, lot: firm. ~183 or 645--0742 l!:Vt'S e TIIE TAX ADVISORS Year round ofc. 328 No. Nwpt Bl\'d, N.B. Reas? Call 66-0tOO for appl. SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE Yoor b o me • Jteuonable, Ewa:. Norman P.l a n 1 54>"328 MAO\: HARRIS Tax Serv. 9th yr., 3117 ~I, C.M. Appolntmts, 5'0-2971 e PROFESSIONAL TA X SERV. Home.quick accurak. $19. Complete! t 968-3403 \Valier It Fahrenhol:r: P.A. Income TU SeNitt 642..QM or ~1393 t'~~. e INCOME TAXe Done ln )'OUI' home $.'i And up. m-2600 INO)ME Taxes prepattd your home, long form com- hinod. $15. '94-M22 lNCOME Tax .SU.., Notary Publk: ...... Evn. 519<1340, 2361 Ztnilh, S.A. Hts. Landtcaplng 6110 Poot #'4.an'a Friend OJSTOM LANDSCAPING * 6£1234 •• Metonry, Brick 6130 ,..-·-.. PRICE & QUALITY OJSt'OM L.ANOSCAPLNG • 646.12){ • DAY \Vcrto:, Gel1t'1'al Clean- in&". Experienced. 0 w n Tram. 541·9863 or 673-5574 DOMESTIC experience. days or evening&. Own transportation. M3-503ll llousev;ork wanted. Reliable -548-1871 Call after S: 00 10 AM lo 4 PM Statistical Typist •••• to $411 ---------I Shipping Oerk ...... to $375 Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiil • WAITER • APPLY IN PERSON AF1' 5 P.M. Merch•nts Personnel Immediate Opening fer; 21>'3 Westclllf Drive General office worker %_~~ ~ GIRL FRIDAY I ::=~~::=~~==:IPennanent posltlon: liberal Help Wanted Women bendits. For appt. please call: Full or P.1rt Time Sunlit• Ntwport Harbor Convalesc•nt Hospit11 646-n64 KA RAM 'S 501 30th Strut Newport Beach 7400 S40-l'20 Work Near Hornt1 Office Dow Corning Corp. SECTY'S 16 ) !IBCRETAR!AL 150 McCormick Ave. Dom"flc Help 7035 ---------Local lnsurange A~ e n c Y , Costa Mete -By Appointment-::::::::::.::::...:.:::r __ .;..;= * BUSBOYS-Days Harbor atl'a, del!i~a full ·An Equal Oppry Employer Supe rior Agency Ceorgt: Allen Byland Agency time Girt Friday with top1'!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!l!i!i!i!i!!!!!il!!i!I!!! Established 1946 Emplo~r Paya fel' skills. Pleasant ollice.. lns. J~ E W IN G M AC H I N E ~7 Harbor Bl, Co,, ta Mea 106-B E. 16th, SA 547-0395 exp helpful. Salary cpen to OPERATQ•< Expd Bl'nd ==,:Call~;°":;;;:L:_;:64z.;::n:_;41;,,= Apply in perscn right person. Call Bev. ·~ · 1 Chinese live-Ins. a.eertul M&-7370 for appt. hemmen of sporl!v.-ea.r. Ap. TELEPHONE SOLIOTORS Permanent Experienced REu•aa E lfE ply: JAY·J\.1AR INC. 2907 Full time: our officts Far East Agency 642-8703 UU'I • e SUPERVISION A: S. Oak Santa Ana. 8 lo Hourly rate pl111 ixnls SALES WORK •, :.3"-p::Cm::.. -------Apply in ptt30n Agencies, ~n 7100 Engr. R&S •. , •••.• to $1000 Ni&ht Security •••••••• $433 Quality Control ••.••• lo $600 Specllication Coordinator . . . . • • to $600 Merchenta Personnel 2GC Westclill Drl\"e 1..<tbby Office. Corner 17th Ii: Irvine Nl!:\\<port Beach 64!J.2TTO -S45-568!'i Hotp Wonted, Men 7200 * WAITERS BUSBOYS Immediate openings. Experl· ence lff!<."eS&&rY, Exp&rxllrc JlaU for enlarged hotel oper. aUon. Coot.ct J. Ravln in penon. THE NEWPORTER INN 151 E . Coast Highw1y Full time. P.1ust have neat1~ Holiday Health Spa Newport Baich appearanct, able to deal Telephone reception 5 Pts. Shopping Center with people. Apply in per-work, Apply ~twffn Hun~on Bach --------.... l p.m. & 5 p.m .. 1616 l's"'E"A.,;MSTRESS=:;;;;:·::."""~= .... ;...,-.-.. DISHWASHER Holiday HHlth Spa E. Maywood, 5.,to ., all ""m"'• w•ar al..,. , Full Time Apply tn person THE RIGGl 16 Fashion Island Ne'l\:port Beach MAINTENANCE MAN 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.P.1. An•. ticns. Good v.•ages. Full , CASHIERS \VANT babysitter. I i g ht time. Steady employment, 1 CANDY SALES housek~ping, my home. <8 Apply House cf Tailorlna:, Studen!s only yr old. l 21 Pf.I to approx. So. Oml Plua, 3333 So. ' Apply in penon. 6 PM Mon. thni Ft1. Balboa I .C:Brlsc.'::l::oc,l•,:C..=ta::.,:.M::';:;"::·-~ FOX TJIEATER 675--34fi6 aft 6 or v.·knds. COMBINATION, S!iarp Bar ' 3410 S. Bri"ol CAN YOU QUALIFY? Mak" k Go Go o.n..n. Costa Mesa Housewives who want to Top "'-ag'E'J $3.()0.$3.~ to for 60 Units. Must ~\"e Hou s EK EEPER. Com· \\'Ork part Un1c. 10 hours start. Ph. for int, ~ knowledgl! of P I u m b g, 11 a n Io n 1 o r e I de r I y per Wffk & make $6S <!all SASSY LASSY, 2901 Haber, ~leclric, carpentry. gardl!n-gentleman 1 i v I n 1 on ~I betwn 2 &: 4, ' C.!\I. Ill&" etc. Excelll!nt salary. nlns 1 &l&-8520 fl 51.::::.::::.:_.:::=...:..::..:: __ Do not apply unless com-pe u a. a NEEDED Baby.sitter r 0 r Telephoni1t/lypiat, tor 6 p\etely qualified. References. PM. "·alkcr: nr Bayvie"' Sehl; girl c!f!ce. ?.twit have ex· \\'rile DaUy Pilot Box l'if-400. e EXPERJENCED e 7;3().9:3(} am. your home or cellent \."Oice for telephone, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY mine, 549--09.) aft 5. must be an •ccurate typiat. e INSTRUCI'ORS -J'\ill · ma.II r.. Phone: Air. Andrew a, or/and ....... time Neat ~ lo CW.'ntr, 1 m,.. co. DENT AL assistant, scmt-elf. 6'15-35SI ~;.. t ;_ ••-I ~fust be de~ndable •nd ~r\ence neetuary f'ull petll'tlDC'e .... us ...., auu: o __. d 1 il. s··-... """ · rD•~ W"-meet and deal ,.,;th tbl !:"",...46•t ca ...... , .......... time. 962-3.129 ....,........, ·~ lrtslNCtor. .....,., ..t.. ........._ 0 1iving-bacqround, cran. pubUc. good figure, Ap...., W MAN for child care. 7:30 5,_;altit'• and ava.llabMi in penon. Hollda.Y Health SARAll COVENTRY ha1 am to 3 prn. ?iton thni ...... ~ ... Spa. 2300 llarbcc' Blvd.. ·~ for full or part Fri s;n Own trans. 64>-0815 ;:n:r.t~ days. ~ PUol C.M: time sales. Pleasant .,.'Ol'k, BABYSITTER aft K'hl 2·:r). ~:;;;o,;;,,,,__~-.,,,-°'"'I ' "'ANTED: Strv. Sta. no lnve1lme;t. 'ieno S:30 plus schooi hol~ BABYSITT'ER. lor 10 nm. Altn'dnl 5-12 pm lhift.. Pttf dtlivttiea. For inten w MG-5357 aft 5:30 Pr-I. old thlld: g AM to 4;30 # 110? Jamboree Rd. con. il\Jdent. Full time. no call 540--0614 COUN -PP.1. \1c. Harbor It wu.m, Newport Beach pijockey.~App.lnprrmn,CURTAIN 1 drapery TERGIRL 0.1. 541)...MSI vet JU Mr. ---------I ~hore Rkhfteld 200 W. salealadies. APJ)ly Udoffs Night work only. $2 per hour. &u PART 6 F"Ut.L Tll\IE Coas-t Hwy., N.B. Home "1miahiflg'!, S. Coast Call 8J.l.060o e)l f 2036 BOOKKEEPER. n)e(fJca,1 of· CAR WASH HELP • liELP WANTED ltlALE Pia.ta, Costa Mtt.a \VAITilESS. Part time fjce, Laguna. Btach ara. & • EXPERIENCED walll"f'l'll OVER 21 CALL Siatt-11~ l. qu&llflca.Uorta. EXP 'O. POLISH and Day 1hirt. McDonald'1 16866 wan1td Apply Ir pmon.1--.,.-,,.:~~·=o·;;"';'~--ceo,,=.cM:..·1:.:Dl:.:·..:Oa.::Uy:::c.;P:.:l::Jo.::t· __ 1 • DETAIL MEN Dtach Blvd. llJ3. Appyt 1 S\V'iU Chait!. 414. No. + DAfillAID + CHILD CARE, 4 da wk. J11.1 Top P'U'· 2 lcc. Fllll wort wk. to S 1.1on·f'ri. Fr In S: e N~-port Blvd. N.B. Elperienre NQt NPC't'35:1ty hmnt, downtown c. M. lttF.'TRO CAR WA.Sii btncfits, htt linen. DENTAi. Mt'l I Seci'y. 838-2082 Btl'\\t.'t'n 10-6 Rers. °""' transp. 54W881 '2950 Harbor Btwl .. Claf. PLASTICS Fabricatortulll IOr dmlal olfict: expt'r. or "'1ATURE h\'e-ln. child care. * LIVE tn Baby s I l t er 'nl& QUJCXER rou $fLi. man w/mechanleal ap. 9Clml tn.lned. Smd rctumc houM!~per. S Day Wttk: wanted. c.M. atta. THE QUtOCD\ YOU CA.t.L,. •ti~. n!llable. scs.11n to Box -.m. Daily Pilot. prh·. rm .. r .v. S..17ofl2'26 + M&.Si!I + • • • f"'' bO'fMIHT, .:.oes ' EMl!LOY~ M~f,fJSM:. "':!W:.fJS~ "':~~~:~s~=· M:~~=':..."r.' ~=:~llA~D~.1!~~·~114!'.·~ll ~!!;51!rl'ftiODfit,411;iliiYrJ-im~ ..... W-' , .... .-;'WIM. 7500 ""ml IOOO 1...-··-----'-' -._ Doto fOU rw...... .. 7• MONTiOMERY. "' lure Fumlture ·-H-'"'l~Oeod1 -Planao & °"""" 1130 _,_ MOOj-::-;:::;:--;-::;:--1~;;;;;-;;.=,;;L~ • OPERATORS • WARD& ~7..":cu:';!:'m"J HAMOND ORGAN p ~ c.;;* .. -*-14r ooRY-:'Z hp J, - _,..,...,,,,. .. J>l.llme. • HASIMMEDL\TE ~-==•"~ EXQUISITE Ttrmolt 0 t>«mo.638-:U.7 • LESSONS • AUCJ¥111 •. *1 .1n1ot'T11 .... Drlve =~·=·+'= ~J"'N~1\':_~ OPENINGrol< ·Si,.n1s11 , SPANISH GarqaS.la I022 ENROLUNOWI Wll!i'HITE•~R,5th ~dolMltr,~•llf. "'1i. l200.l1'hl>w a••r· ct o.c..,;.,,.;, ' INTERIOR DU.lc;N Medff 1...... r9.~ '°:.:;::: :":; .., . 1111 P'.M:·· ·• " .. .-.-".,.,. = eo. Mii!!), Dolb' BOOKKEEPER. .... tlnr .. INSTRUCTOR en ·-· -... ,,... •.-.ctke Top Qpol!Cf ~-'" -..... • • • • ·-· -ma ch. R-1Yad'canooll1tlon MB>l1fRRWll NR~~G~-~ ... limfr a"*1lable. a..&m *•N. EW&·USElf* -al ..... -.. u.••i.u·-· Blurprtnt tbow'P dts. ~·~tloaal COD-of$22,000.DOSpenlth RE"nJRNEDnt6M o;bNo."4:'M~·7th. START: lkatnnen. Mlrch Fumltvn.~,O*r I &-•••••,•.~•'.•~.· , 1----------'200-·I bu.tnotnec..540-S313 =:,,:home f= •ndMediterr&nMn MOOELtlOMES 7th, 8th. 1330 J"ullerton. :~fb.P:·:: 1V'1 AOtm&Jri&tion1. .,..., L t•:r 1'4 SEE the Doll Wide W ,, ... """"· w.m. 7500 "'"''"" You will,,....,,,. All .!.!_mTJlvreQu II A llne -ot °""""''• eo.ta Mel&. 9:~ . .IJ4. 4:M day 7 PM. Exoellent teed> AOK -..:::. ... ";... llner Pan -Piro. ITT JABSCO MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN packa&'e '°"'"'• all tn.truo--• op a ly "°""''ulb. Bnuld ,.... ... :J!"Pll!M!I'. ~'!""!!!!!!!"'!"!""'!'!!!!!!!! er. ._.~ lllto ...S -tSob8l aides are fum1Jbed. Br•nd~N1mt1 ki.l'lgslie bedroom.a. btautUuli• Comml11lor'I G•lltry '!P.1Mr f'BD.,...... mobile._ now at "'-'"'e".., in wua1 Dac~ralw'1 Dro•m 1 .., • .rw.. rooma. chJnu. MARCH '· " 8 206 """" REG'~ Now: ~ .• ""' 1122 Gard<• G,... 91..i. ' · * " * * • Dual WI• Sales arts area. Must know: col· HouM on Dltpl•Y hutches'. custom quality to-Cana!, small Balboa Wand. t--·-.~ JO'lowi;d"' ...... ble. 1 Bttl~GWG. 0~~ 't'o)t Poodle Pt.1wle1, AKC ai.-· .. ,•~.JJt.1,;._ __ •--. or, ,iyie, deai&n. JllVlllOUoa, Items as follows; GoJ-... , tu A IOve seats, dpuble doot Clothing, antique chatn, Rent ortana aval!&ble dUr· o -• • #:.•.,.1• ·C.U alltr 1;30 , ....... ~__:u--S • - U11 publicity. geo\lS 8 !t. Custom quU-tt.frigert.tOl'JI wasberi dey-patio furn, &arden tools. · 9' SOFA gold beJ&e, !air. MT·lil8T • .,._., """" A challeni:in& '"ition for the ted sofa with separate era, OQlQr TV-s Call ~ Odds le.ends. !:.:e~ ~~gn up $35. Zenith Stereo console. SKYl= Te r rte r a• AKC 5314571 right. wide -awake indlvid-~ ~de5co':'1~h~?-teed) will sacrifice;._ Sell all FRIGIDAIRE Rangt, Refrig Inquire tor detalla: $.50. KNL Stereo speakers. Cha.mp. sired. Rare, Clbn.·i . .,""'x:-;;50'"00=L1>=M:::locl"iW"''""'2"'sa,"" ual • a unique opportunity. chinl cha.Ir, 3 matchln&: or part. Terms on eood credo washer & many o t b er HAMMOND $35. each. New RandonJi fluffy; Ml A show. SG-254T 2 ha, eetv)ce perch. com- Excellent company· benefits, oak occasional tables., (2} , it barga.inl. 389 Flo'lftr, C.M. in OORONA DEL MAR Houae dictionary $15. Mile M:Uli ldl, Mo'(ilw p/aet up. lowb' adult parfc, lndudlng profit ahari,,., 58" tall decorator lampo, AOK WARfJIOUSE 642-1909 all d"' sat« Call. ~ E. <lout l!Wi .. ~ bookclock ~J>lo· .• ~w -~~ 11ar111 ... Buenjl AKC ~-":.~ .... '"'!:'.!-croup insurance, employee an 8 piece master bed-..,,.,..... ..., ...,. 1.n ......,.,..,,.. ....... _.. ........ .wu. _.. .. ·discount, rettre~t and room ..... M•uledlte.~,, ... ,.,1.-RUGS, Fumiture, ~•. • N Pi • St., Coat& Mesa Between $60. -.W lndlCPd. ready to ~ h\ many otben, Apply Pft'eon. ~Oh top ~ual·~., 15• 1722 Garden Grove Blvd., Sat._.March 8, 9-S 232l Se-eW QftOS 5 and T PM'only, AK~ Tiny Toy J>oodles ,SlD,500. By owner.~ "" • • y yr. 'l mck Weal ol ~---· mvd., -nd & A••M• CdM WURLITZER .. BRADBURY whl'· -··· ... ~·-nel OUtce, .Morid.13.tbru fri.. M.rra.n..:. mattrels A box ~ "" ....... _, ATIENTION "" "-pupp • ....... up._,., DECK, -~·· a-•- p "" oft Gard4:n Grove ~-..... All aQ-les 6 ~ all bf.clclroUnd $75 5ts"'3tO -... """.... r•-• daylto3 .M. = Spanlah decor OpenlOto 9 ~io".16 Appllincu 1100 Amttk:anmade,88n0te,..del TREASURE , • · Aatonp,Veryntt.ttJJm MONTGOMERY ~1:'11.::"Mlun was w-bepch A ......i. Price start. HUNTl!RS llALE, Golden RetrlOYer,. 9 333 w. a., St, Sp u, C.>t 29 20 PC "MADRID" • SPECIAL PURCHASE • ""'at 1499, . , Gardlner eliefrOnlc .....,._ -qld. AKC -1="======-=1 WARD . M'u°'TulaSrAc''Rl5F.IOOCE • Refrigerators, automatlc W· ... ltzer o-ns tor m•tal det.ctor, model Attn 5 PM, call -Mlnf lllkotl . 9275 JS' 3 Room Group washers & other maJor ap. ~· N • 111-200. Max ranp 4 ft. WID AKC Rec-mln. ScJmelllft' ~ TT7T F.din1er Hunt. Bcb. EciuaJ. opportunity empl())'el' Equal opportunity employer Male and Female $5, 68 oft pliances from model bamea e EW e , aacrltice 1or $75, Call ~ l>U»Pies. $100. , e GO-KART e e \-"' FROM MODEL HOMES at fantastic disoounta! No Many other makes. Maey 1987 after 8 "R.m. 842-7361 . New MClO. Dlanf emu /uiy Piece can be pur· ,Jncludfli: Quilted sofa It Down. We service. See at: ' style• " finlahes. Prices KJllT1B) FABRICS .SILVER "'-• Poodle Reuomble>. m:Gl Ews. , chued lndlvldually . . • chili-2 ond tabl<1 A rol· FOSTER'S start at S595 1·-·•·. AKC. 962--~!!: ltlolorcyelea. 93 •. 00 1485 Dale Way, Costa Mesa CalifomlL ...,. (TI4)~ J. c. ,,....,. Co. FuhloD hland Newport Beach I-fas openine for * COOK * Recent succeulul experience in all phues of food Indus- try· iA, required. ·Competitive , wages, outstanding benefits iincluding profit sharing. ".A.pply in person 10 A.M. to 5 P .M. ....... thru Friday J. C. PfNllY CO, 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity emplo~[ UNUSUAL Opportunity The Independent Order of Foreaters have opened a new of(1ce in South om.nae O:iunty. Require intelligent man (!r womruf over 25. Col- Iea:e Dbl nectSIU)'. Should have experience in mteting putillc. J>linlfled llle time 'polltion. EarnhW commenc- : es immediately. Should. be . in ex.eta ot $250 weeley. Ancient Mariner 2607 w. Coast ·Hwy. N£WPORT BEACH ' Now taking applications dally fOr ---- • Lunch Ho1tt11 • Daytime ki~chon help Apply daily between 10 Ii 4 p.m. *DRIVERS* No ~perience Necessary! Must have cleaJJ cautomia driving recol"d. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. CoSta MeSa Wanted; WAITERS&. WAIT- RESSES. Lunch and dimer shift, Apply after 5 PM Uilll TERMS W fe<?table -2lamps-·dreas-11185 Brookburst, Ftl'I Valley ..,......, _,,, ~...-~ -t carry our . h s.·--own accounts. er-nurror-eadboard-{So. ot Warner) 968-1234 ..;;;:~,;~=:·===== quilted box spring & matt-FRIGIDAIRE w I bot t o·m EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ....,POI SALE • '6'9 .HONDA SCR., 125, 2600 ' ' f /] .... -. 5 pc. dinO)g room: to<ezor. M"'t "" by Sol Beach Music Center RemnaDll, -" MDI ~ IUO mU .. , -cond. 1425. table le 4 hl·back chairs. $125. Xlnt cond. 501 34th ends Sat Onb' I un. to 2 XI.NT Weattm ahow horat Wtekdl:Y& Phone 6G-C330. C0f.fi>A$1U;l 9 A 9 T $149.95 ~~.,N.B. 673-2968. An xl.nt Factory Salea & Service p.m. 929 Baker, Colta Mesa. ._. 'd ~~ 4 old After 4 pm. Weekm!a ~ Dally 12 noon ·w 9, Sat g.s GARAGE SALE: Washer, idJ3. 11·~ :-Aft.-5'2-5711 Aile for John, al HAf'uRrtaBOiRtuBrLeVD . No down-Prnta only $16 mo. KENMORE Auto mat le 1740t Beach mvd., (Hwy 39) naug, couch &: cbr, pwr bian. $400 673--0629 'fi6 SUZUKI IO,, bored out -... l'n nU. So. San Dl .. o ........,._ D)()Wft', bookcue, boy il eirl · •-97 CC· tuned exha·-t WElJ('S WAREHOUSE wuh" Lat• modot ~· Hun"-on Beach Mi.i;3. blli.• IUIJ bed """"" yauth TllANSPORTATION w • -18" Newport Blvd. "'"'"'. <<mdltlon. '110. w~· ~·.';'!oval ..... Mllltaelll 9000 ~~. tlnalllS ..... '1112 847-8ll5 PRIVATE PARTY ~ Bolts & Y1ch'1 "'"" Cosla Mesa "" w. <th so.. Santa Ana =~~~~,......-wants to """ ·-... BSA !Jih..,,,. 650 cc. Open Daily S.9 G. E. Electric dryer for Casb. 213-877-1035 f.lAN'S %. carat diamond NEW Best oUer over·flOO (only) sat. ., """11.s xtnt "' .. ~~· 165 '""' in be9uutu1 norenttne KETTENBURG 41 ~~ WANTED: ~A~ J10ld and brushed lilvu ,.,. 546-'IS'l'I Every nite 't'H 9 500 LB. Amana upright Cash paid $ S1v1 Thouund1 $ '64 XLCH Sportater, full1 freezer, nds'. · v.wk $40: Deluxe model washer * 636-36)) * ting. Wu $210.00 new. Will customized. Wed., Sat., Sun. 'til 6 white b"•k ~d• W/mat-New! $2DO. 501 34tb st .. N.B. I========, I aacrlfice tar $100.00. Stt for 29' Col 29 JIB loaded $9950 chopped A $llOO ..... .,.. If 54&-5197 35' Herreschotf, absent ownr Call; 645-1078 SPANISH Returned from tresses $35: whitt 4X8' ovaJ 673-296S T1l1vl1lon .. ___ ....:12.::0:.::5 ~-==;;,.· =='---d tate try .,.,.000 ·=-==.,-,=--=----~-I Model Homes on sale at tble:, blk. wrought iroia legs EASY 1vuher/dt'ye.r . com-·-S1'lver fol Jackel espe • ... ... ~· '65 HON.PA 3Cli Scrambler. wt6 Cal·Style blk. wrought binatlon, pxl condition. WANTED FOR CASH LATE . 38' KtttenbUl'I' '65 Cira3· ll,IXO J4lles. A-L '325 Or leu than wholesale! Group iron Ir. white tta'"'" chairs $30. 642-4988 model color TV. Write Box. ePACIFIC YACHT SALESe otter. 673-6809 includes beautiful is·' --=:.:::..:::::.. _____ I M ·--n. -•·t Colt $350 -aacr1ftct $100 3446 Via Oporto, Newport l=========I quilted' sofa & love seal. $90: 4 matching 30". bar REF1UGERATOR .....,, ~ ruu · 24 Hom Pho 673-1570 T I T stools $40; Oak 3 drawer Philco $45. 642-0ml6 twninCI ne ral tr, r1vtf 9425 t,J~:1'tab?:=: ~ 36~~~~s"no~~ ~~:: ~ . HI-Fl &_~!, .... :::._...:•.::2;;:10 s: ~e. T;:·~ SCRAM-LETS uVER·ROyo!~ wall placque, king, queen, ceramic lamps $8; misc. ADMIRAL apt size ref'rig, 1967 PORTABLE . ·Wpeaket' port. RW1nl mach. $Z. ---. or full size bedroom SUlte itema 644-4994 « 545-4701 2 years old, copper, $85. stereo -beautiful. -2-tone 642.-D Aak for Mrs. ReD-ANSWERS 4 burner stove, oven A brlr. complete incl box springs, · * 644-4l77 * cabinet w I stand. '51>.~ , Dbl sink. elec WH, elec mattress, linens & boudoir * $29.44 * ___ , )'Oil won't bellevi·jhis until ~""=·-------refrl& -ice box comb. Nr lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc For 3 Piece Braided Antiquu 1110 )'OU hear , for._ l'OUl'leJ1! ~~m-AIRE1 gasmmodd r y !} Euily -Fated -Dandy -new, tirts -spare T A W. dining set priced elsewhere e OVAL RU!} SET e 1:.:.::;.;;o""°:....--....:. Includes l);tadphone ~ jack~ ... -.J co e • ..,..., My1tic -NAMED YET A real buy at $888.88. NE\V Salon opening .in 2 at approx. Ul95.00 ALL Nylon bleild.. rc~ljle, VAST Stock Amer &: Eur Olson headpbol'lft1" with lafP ~ llble lamp, $30. Never too late: "He's IO 1960 Inter, 'l'l'l.velall, weeks: operators with FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, Brown, copptrtoni,~'iften. tum & clocks. Larry separate wlnmlt" ·oOntrol, ~7769_;-· indecisive, he bu a iteVen-well experienced, $390. JOSEF'S 2121 E. Coast Hwy OR 3-1180 following pref. Guarantee $4.99 per v.·eek I out of Sizes: 8 x.10, 2 x J. 2 x 6 Morgan Antiques, 24 2 8 brand new $15.'546=5197 · Q u~ tiT'X' kin& bed ~~~.~n be hasn't NAM-1 =~~*=545-6694~~~·*-~- plu.o; comm.; good working state credit OK. W i 11 AL'S UNUSUAL ' Ne\vportBlvd., C.M. STEREO l,9694JU6 .~· ''"~ted mattress, comp. I <i~iii ... ;;;;;;;;oiOii .... IFOR SALE:· 8x27" tr&Uer, cond. & paid vacation. separate for quick sale. ~th FURNITURE ANTIQUES & CLOCKS deluxe conlOle_at#e0,-4 N Ultd $98. worth S250. DAVID L. PUSER metal a'l\'lllq:, cozily turn. 830-lOWforlnterview Century Furniture. 9'?72 17881 Beach Blvd. I· FOSTER'S ANTIQUES spd ~r. Left.-qnJ.S¥ 8U-e53S HU Via OpOrto, Newport Seetoappree$1640.IG-WS • COOK • tQll. cook off g:::~ G':o~;e Da~~ v 1~9'. Huntington Beach ~ 64U138 • 19!XJ ·Federal, CM away. Pay off mni.lnl.ng bBJ.. PE,RSµN Ruis 2x4 $4. 3x5 * SP!CIAL * 30' AlRSTREAM. Saturday and Sunday Sat 1.CMi, Sun 1:i.5 Come ANTIQUE Bedroom set; 3 ance of $76.00 or term5. Ii: 4x6 $20. Sx9 $33. lxlO $49. Coiµmbla 28'a, two boa.la. $6,000. After 5 PY • GENERAL Kitchen help. in or call (TI4J 53G-5240 pc ~ed Walnut BR group, Sewing Machtn11 1120 -Cred;;;;,';;' ;°":;!PSL'==,.;53~>-~7289~ I ;i9xl2;iii;i!SS;ii;;. 142-~'18911;;;:;;;;· ;:-;;;:;::; 1Jke new! One at $9000. * &3M31S * For new Convalescent late Victorian, 19th Century. 1968 SINGER. touch-<>-matic = FIREWOOD for sale. Walnut Call : Chuck Aveey Home. Top salary. Call 17 Pc. King Size ~uble be4. 6 dra~r _chest. conipl with war tab. Ulnn& !•P' R•cordtr1 1220 Eucalyptua, Apricot, $47.50. ~ * 49f.3916 Ewt. Trucks tSOO Moil .• Fri. oniy 646-9601. Bedroom dresser w/trame tilt i'nirror forces repo. $39.50 full price MUsr tell _ Tape Recorders. cord· $25 :Iii crd. Del. Ii e These Boata in Newport e . '60 ITllMll I lrfl REAL ESTATE. Sh:JuldD't w/beveled &1ua. $ 8 0 0. or $4.75 mo. Automatic %1,g SONY 5800, auto reverae stack'd free. O> 68&.-08'8 "IVllWAft you be selling the hottest Laree 9 drawer dreLSer, ntir4 ~1 zag, button holes, blind $250. ~ 255 $1~. TEAC UPHOJ.S'I'ERm'G -$79.50. 2 BOGARDUS•Y.ACHTS area Huntington Beach? ror, 2 bedalde stands, king ROUND DJ,n. rm, tble, & hems, overcasts, some fan. 803A 8 bead. auto revene pc. (European craftlmen) 29' Owtna 10,·lliepa 6, 1/z Ton PU Village Real E&tatC' 962-Un alzehtadboard, framt, quilt. hutch, 6 Windsor chairs cy stitches etc. No attach $275. Aak tor van 646-8895 1'ree at, del, plclcup, 215 planked hull;~· deck. V'-3. 4 speed. <M•T365f GOOD Hair Stylists wanted erl mattress, aheets, blank· $130; gold nauga. swivel needed. Guarantee aood· Matn, HB '~' S36--64(l5i rad.lo tel, fatbo., Estate $StS for busy salon: .ets, etc. rocker; good. cond $40: 2 .526-6616 Sporting Goodt 1500 PRIVATE )U'ty wa.nta: 16' Sale. $5500. #745 W. C.out Telephone: 492-8700 bi!tween 642-7800 or 642-TI71 Choice ol Spanish lamps $5 pr. ~2357 I========= ·-'--~"" Whaler, must be xlnt cond Highway, N~ ~ - 9 AM .. 1 PM Mon. thnl Fri. . t A•l•l Mfoodorm $S\yl24•9 LO¥ E s~.AT Hide-e-bed, MuJicat Inst. lf25 GOLF.._-~v.be; 9 irons, · 3 with or wttbout motor. (805) CHRIS Craft '35 • Com-ATLA· S '9 AM .. u ·NooD Saturdays COUP~ Wall ed. lor Motel white naugahyde couch, dbl. woods;·Palmel' Serles. Xlnt. 831i.815S . mander. Flberllu, IO hrs, tor appointment -';.?a~ 496:~-H,~· ~o·down-Pmts. only $9 mo. ~~~" A sprinp, etc. G:i~ H.!i't~ort:n ::..11~ &: cart· ~· N~ ftNNIS CLUB =· SI~~ extras. cmiY~PLYMOUTH 1.;,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.,.IPART or ·FUll -work WElJ('S WAREHOUSE =~,..,...-.,---~ Feoo.,evox e Standol SCUBA r •••. Tank -cu membh.h'lp/aale.673-7384"7 or . · ."! 30' ·• ••2929Harborffivd I' '"'· Tijuana , Taco; 6581 FOR Sale: Large sectional • GIBSON • MARnN """"". ·~ ft:qla 2 Yl'I or newer. Priv C.OSta Meta 546-u .4 Edi......., Ave., Hunt. Beach 600 \V, 4th St, Santa Anti sofa sleeper & recliner e WIISJN • YAMAHA ft. $40, separ gun, Jrg $35, HEAVY ateel delk w/Ole prty. 842-3231 Open 'tll 10 p.m. * Wailrelses *Busboys ... ~. chair, reasonable! 968-3206 flM $5 (new). 536-8930 aft drawer $95: misc. tum., 70 HP Ml School•lnstrudlon 7600 sat.~~ 0~:~. s JJKE new Colonlal & ""'"· D~~vH.:S~~";" 6'30 :::. A :=.,.~pc 1a111 1elact~rh~'Y 1_, *'i0Riru~:f v~,.._ BUNK beds (2). metal, com-liv. rm. &: din. nn. furn. LUDWIG, ROGERS. ASTRO FREE TO YOU Beach Tennia Oub comp I ~ y ovt au -They A"9 AH H1r1 At Tho Newport pleto with "'8m rubh'1" mat. Reasonablo 213: 592-0803 Large aelection wlth now 4 I-'-------644-0637 or !14S-:1>3li with cont67."!~~2f. tank. FanlMllc D_ l-nta * Cook School of Bu1fnt1s tresses, bed spreads &: • pc. aeta and cymbals start-ho hair -- sheet.a:. ~1427 after 5:30 Office Furniture 8010 ing at $99.50. Pedals, hi-hat.I FINE Gennan 1 rt COCKER Spaniel, b Ion d, FEATURES: , and aeta repaired. AU small pntr, liver & wbt; to good AKC, 3 yrs. pnUe female; 17 Fr. Perfortner. hlandtr Ready tor tmmr.dtate •Electric typewriters pm. Excellent condition fur INS. Group disposes of: steel parts, accesaoriel A cymbala home, Would especlalcy pool tablt. Mf>.2462 Deluxe model' (all fiber-· delJftry • Dictatine equipment only $50. & wood Exec &: Secretarial . tock train iood for hntg. Gentle, .=:;.;:::==::=== glass) outboard. Cuatoin BEACH CITY • Modern office proced~ --u AL IT y king bed desks~ chain, tables, files tnE~YnuNG IN MUSIC good W/ ch1drn. _Sbtlts. Misc. Wanted 1610 anatllt p~~.wn .... ~ot· B~~ oo' D"'E COCO'S e Brush up Greu Shorthand w/quilted mattreu, comp. shelving, loclcers &: drafting 545--2792 3/8 ~ •·-....,.~ uu. v . • Penonal Jlevolopment Never UIOd $98, """'!250. room lumlture Beach MuSt'c Center 7 MON'I11 Id 'male black WE PAY MORE "· Phone--7 ... IESBeach m,.i.. '(Hwr. •> (Ask obut our sptcla]. atfer 1 _842--65311=-------McMAHAN'S 0 "m-84.50 Lab 1e ~; S~iel to CASH '68, 1 7 ' 111UNDERBIRD M0-26SO REUBE'llfs which includes tree typing HID&A·BEU, $100, brand 1830 S. Anaheim Blvd. in Factory Sales It Service &ood home. Netds fenced ' w/100 HP Johnlon. lA&ded H1111UQston s.di R instruction.) new! 2137 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim ,(alongside S.A. Oa.lly 12 nOon 'til 9, Sat S.S yard. 842..a5!6 3/6 _ w/equlp. Owr $4.,0J) lilt '68 Qevy 'f, ton plclalp, ra- 1555 W. Ad.ms 646-0153 ..,..;;eo.ta""i-'"M::'"'=-;;;""::..;;7930:=C:c-I =F)'wy=="='=Ka=t=•lla=J.=== 17404 Beach mw .. (Hwy 39) 1 ,,_ y R , 01 d: Part wt>en new, Owner will .ac. dio I heater, custom ~ I.= ~==~'"o"u""",...,.-,=-1 NEARLY new T' Bel""•"' 1% mL So. San Diego Fwy. L b I W l t l For any near new or uaed 213: 592-1036 Hunt Harb'r. l'IUIO _, turlx>bydro tranl, Cost• Mia• &.i.r.c.tl.l-t,typewritln&. "._. Office Equipment 8011 Huntlnef!ln Be,a.ch 847-8536 a e m., gen e fumiturt, appliances, color-..... 1-...,,,-.--=-.s=o--Otlldrett. ll'ftDdcblldren, or linen floral couch. t150 __ ~~=~;:;='-=":i-o I· w/chldrn. to aoocl home. td TV'•, stereoe:, pianos, or-25' CHRIS' OVERNITER, 321 V8 enafne -a rell h\lllcJ Reil E1t1t1 1111 ..,.,uneUI llxlMd,..11 •• tutor-540-1265 ADDRESSOGRAPH CLARINET; like new. Ex· All ahota. 549-3456 3/T slpa 2. radio. compl equip truck. $2589. et-365.1 Min & Women J" --.;, ndltlo ""-' .. ..-:: gane:, atovtt. ftlrirenton, cl ~ .,.,_ w:--.... ,u-apJn. Office # ed Otllcoat 10 lel80l'll typin& ===SOCK;;;;,IT;.TO;.':;EM;.! =0::.Recond:;;o· ;:;,";w;/IUJ>:;;P;:lleS:;':=Tl;;l-$!00o=,:I ~rie$90nt ~ 962-?5l~· raw-· SMALL Male dog, 1 )T. old; bedroom eetl~ dining room very ean. -· """.._ '58 CHEVY l'it Ton. Van ..... .,........... school. 173 Del liiar, CM, --% Dahcabund %. Clillluahua; aets, office furniture. 1 piece body Reblt motor. Good 4 o-available for o:~o ..-.. IOOO 1000 5111•-·11 -10 ~ ·-Pia~ •~ "---~me•"-· •• 1 =-=-:=-,--~~.,..--Fumlture Furniture housebroken; prefen adult.a: or hou1etul. Day, night or 1:::;;-~:,:;;;:_;.:~~"';;;·11j~~~~·~w:..::~:~..:.-:·1 ~·-·--· u• iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiii~~~~iijim;;;;iiiiiiiiii~iml:P~l;an;ot~&~O~r·~•;na;;•~130= I ~ ~·1 o-~ G 3/8 ... ~... 64WQ12 stant income A traltllng. Mr PIANO leYOna, BA degree • ...,.....,,.,., . .... ... en ·rove ...... .......,. Gard:nl!t. s pr I D 1 Realty, ln mmic, 1 hour $4. My BABY white rats, Mom & 636-3620 LET'S SAIL! '65 GMC Panel Handivan, '540-4824 homo, CdM f13.5849 (? j I ARE SALE 11 Ood. All or part. Good pets. NEWPORT 2fl SLEEPS 3-!i Aulo. traDI,. f'ldlo. beater; MERCHANDISE FOR I . <:ago """' wlth all . DIDette, Groco bead. Barlow NC, $lll50. 142-3956 GENERAL PRODUCTION MEN & WOMEN SALE AND TRADE Ou• .,...,..., n • w otore 002-2584 318 $ WE BUY $ wlncbel, Genoa Tnd<, IOOII>. '62 11 ton °""Y Trucl<.wtth -· IOOO burned! The 'pianos 1: or-BEAfrr.-Brn/Wbt 6 Mo. old $ FURNITURE $ Fixed mt. O/B, Bracbtl otwithoutteantropJrcamp. FUrntture gans sufiered no wa~r dam-Playful Pup, Hu Lie. &: READY TO GO! •• •• $341115.. er. 5fS..849T aft 5.. 20 Pe·, ·MO.DERN ,.., but they att ,......,., T11s. 962-1311 an APPLIANCES John Granath, Yacht• Apply tn person 1987 Plactnlia Avr.. eo.ta !Ilea dirty, dully A icratchy. We 2 PUPPIES 7 -~ old Part Color TV't-"•n•'t-Stor••'• 3446 V1a Oporto, NB f13..3570 J11ps 9510 3 ROOM GROUP moved them all back to (llll' Cocker&: Poodj;'"' I r1eu er H•••• F111I ,, ·~.,..=~~~~,....--1 IDcludes: :noraI IOfa A chalt f.ANTED: handy older OOU• • walnut tobltl • lamp•• ,pie to help manqe amaB eomi>lete bedroom with quilt )motet on Colorado. River. ed mattri::11 -5 pc, dinette, old location .l marked eveey· * 546-6689 * CASH IN JO MINUTES NOW ON DlSPLA YI MILITARY Jeep ; Chev V-1, lblng at FIRE SALE PRIC. -------• 541-4531 • Col'OP&do 34 $18,995 Corvalr Budcd Seat• 23 ES! So, if you dig thit "Old FREE S mo old. male Duffy Open 'til 9 t ~O pl pa tank, Suney top. Time Si'nol!ey F 1 av 0 r", kitten. Howie tr a in e d , 6SED or wrecked Honda SABOT new llOOxlS tlrn:, m&ll1 .•Apt. furn, plus1lt1l. A amaU etc. AD for. . . $3916 come J: iet 'em. and at btalthy, affectionate 892-718'2 with aoocl 90 cc erwine and MOt'e fttru. On ft'ont a:wer prices you won't believe. , 31'1 auto ma t 1 c ~ Camp.le':, &4$.0lio * $280 Ftb. I• au• "f.wtiertler'' WARD'S BALDWIN sruoro BEAUTIFUL healthy puppy _MM338:.::..:.;;;:.•;.;"".;::;· ~=--Mapiille. See at Me.. taOl NeWport. C.M. 642-8484 8 wks old, netdt 1ovlnit *WANTED TO BUY: Blue CELESTIALNavlgator, yruoNnS~Uoam~~.!~iew ~. 'Fm uae 9l boall. $277 P .O. Box 147, Bullhead Cl!>', rog. $59.9S ! Arizona No down-Pmts, only $10 ma. ;!fr:~Y:.~~:., WElK_'S WAREHOUSE One of Our ~any Bara.ins! G~"t':~ .. "::': :;-_ 'jult opened . .,... ,.,,...i &10 W. 4th St., Santa ADI MEDITERRA. !¥AN SPANl.SH tlunn IO<tlorio (flt all ""· 'fiill time einployets, male Open Daib' 9 -9 gans). Uled organs. Free ,A.female, 20--211 yn ofd. SaL Sat 9 -6 SUn. 11 .. 6 N Sho Sa · I JeslOnS. Take-an:ythlng rea-~. ~. ~ • .r"' m .. t our 20 Pc. Maple tw wroom mp e's sonabte!D lrado. u Tmna. .,. -Wiii Sall Any Pltc.e lndlvldu11ly No down. EXP. I•od""'pe aa1 ...... l ROOM GROUP 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair or Eltctrlc Organ Assoc. or trainee. Salary + comm: Includes: Uvina: room •t -love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w/ 333 E. l?th St., Costa Mesa ·~ 'lflada. Ft l n 1 t tablt'I • lamps .. bedroom. bl k d f ·• ch·'-8 BR 646-4033 kntl.its. Call 5t6-..oM6 lflt • quilted mattreu . ma. ac or avoca o ram cu AU;,; pc ~et. Cln blck at Pancake Houlf!) 9-d Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 com-~"tx>UPLE '!or -tant pied ..... ooom. All !or ... modea, decoraUve headb!lard in Spanl!h oak PIANOS & ORGANS .......,. 52 Unit AP 1 $449 dealgn with matching box springs, mattresa & Famous Name "'"""" pl~Experitoetd No""--Pmts.only$Umo. f from $529. preinnd. Call M'-'1988 '"¥..~·· rame, ~ -Alan USED JMt:Nmenta (:"ilEST•URANT ~ WBl'S WAREHOUSE ONLY $529.95 Gould t.l<isk Company *Beath ArM * -($1095 95 Value) 20'5 N. Ma1n •• San1a Ana I" · ooc w. 4th 6L, sant& Ana • So. ot -.,. 547"81 !0'072I " ~03 Ope• DallY 9 • • or TER/115 as low " $4.66 Wttk Mon• Fri 'Ill I SUnclalr as tELEPHONE NJa: lk:bta. Sat • -C SW1. 11 ·' UM our 1toft charg. pl1n ot' b1nk fln•nc1ng llAMMOND -·ste1nway ...Ya,. ~ ~~~tt."~ 1WIN maple btdrm et, eost maha .. rMtW A med ptanoa ·mr . ....,.,...., .,..~., ...,,... Sell lot •-Dbl btd A , d F 'I I .. n -·t..-~ n~ ...__ ln fii'iR •IYllll W/ tOIJOWiiW ;;;;;.. w/bead~ A..... pprove urn1 ure ~ c.&"'d;i.io;;:..~· /to..-In \.ido $hOl>o caJI .,...,, 11" -t l<I, INo Fancy Fro11t -BUT Quality Val-lnsldol SCHMIDT MVS!C co .. '1.H8!I RIN'I'. sHOP ....,_ ::.00 ~ "~~ ~ · 2159 Hsrbor lllvd., Cotta Ma.a 541-9660 ~.,':a ::' drlvm, bluelim in. 501 Mth St. N.e. Opon 9-9 Dally-Sunday 11.5 I==,..:~,,:..~~~ --· 540..a:m m..-12 Y1•rt 1lm1 loettlon--nmt owner1 P~O TUNING • bl-r..11'(ll!'f't, ~ e! r-~.6006ll IQlr RESULTS <1JWW.E m Atbtrt Aarnes1 ma! home. 49t-3108 317 C'hlp 1tamp bookl will Pfl1 ~ Radio Op¢, Av&U IDr • ewport vii. _.._ 4 ~-~· 2 11.00 ... ..,_2!32 Trtnopac. 1-196-28ll ·sa J£EP ,Mill..,,, a..., ~u«-approx. ""'· i..,;:;;S,;;;;;.;;;;;,;,;;V;o,l~ST~OC~K-. v.a;.. totally~rellullL..-t old • ..,,_ Cocl<aJioo; ,,.... PET and LI •· P-r Cru1Mn· 9020 -ti> bellewl 1n.o340t1 good homes. 6C2-00t 3/S * To Coocl Home * AKC Fem. Poodle. AKC Bautt Hound 56-5141 311 PAIR Dutch Rabblll wtlh luge divided Hutch. 0..., Male Bm. Fem. 832-0015 3/8 Citto 1120 SACRIFICEI · Ca · 9520 BEAUTIFUL Choc;t;'t; '36' Oulaer w/6!5'•moortnr.·1.;.;.;.'"P"=.;.";....-·--=" Point male Siaiitete eat to top cond. Must MD by wteJc. YW mate with >'9IU' female mf,. 548.11681 Aft. I. s;..,,,., o. ........... pick Ba I C•npttt ol Utter. 84Wm between s~ Sid llMll ~ tllUllH I AM A 5 PM. att<r 5 .wli\UU,J ~::,:;. ::1:,, S\tm'.. cat I :PM::::~::::;;==== -311 .,_ 1125 TWO PET "GC!/IEA PIGS ;=;r < CACI!: A rotlD m.mo !18· AKC .5tlllle pupplel. 9 -kl ' ' old, andoul b' hlW homes, Mi~IJ.nlOUI . . 8600 and k>ta 0C: low, . a\ialJ u peU. or tor allow. Terms. FOR~·acla.-!14S-.e7 ' beta<, I'.!.-plllow btck. AKC SUvv poodlt, 101, 2!1 V<rY pd -tloo' Maple coffee A ml'tablt. wrouah~ Yl"I olQ, Jowi cbldm, wt.U' mm headboard. ~1119 behavtd. New b:tme mutt be ......... bj'-MO, &RJiETs, VloY ... Tlltl, Ia• M!-'1295 Ul~•l)lle1 and. colOf1. Com-'ALASKAN-'--"--M-a_Ia_m-.-.. -. _AK ___ c. mm:ial " R.tttdential. Ex· temalc, 4 -nm. ExetUtnt :;.,:.:.;..;..;.::=~---':.:::~I pe,rt lnllallatlon. ·~ -tor 1bow ·-la and WANTED BOAT TRAP.El\ 142-1403 ~·--· BlaCk -Wb!to lor 21' - marJdnp. &Of' * !MO-Clft *, .1.J 1---~----• I CUARGf=)'OQ< want ad now. I I I ft DAILY PILOT -· lil.wtll I<, lM lftiilli!OltATIOii TitANSl'Olll'llTION TRAH5POllTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'OllTATION TRANSl'OllT ATION -f900 Uood Cm 9900 Uood Ctn 9900 I •::-O 1-------,-520-tmiiirtiii ,._ 9iiii hnporiM AulM HOG 1/n,..w A-NGO lmpoi'locl -NGO Uood c.n LOTUS , :,;~~~::~ l!ORSCHE TQJQIL. YDLISWAGEN c;~QJLLA~ FORD 1 __ ... ..,. t-r•fl•r. ~-~-~ l • GriAd '64'l'ORSCJIE' '67 VW: tilue: radio, blr. ------"- QLDSMOllLE "~ --car: "' .,..,._, 11396 . Or offer CADU,UC DI< Colclle de '" 1'01110 COUNTRY ....... '-: ka box, "-'L --\!I'd tor Sliver~ with blodc II> '69 TOYOTA'S 6J5.04 VIII• f~llJ load-ed, SQUIR• WA~ llMllSllY -""* a -... JllflO. -.... s.o. ..,,,. ....... 81aup1wlk AM.1'M,... ....... MHTIT dlo, c11fc -'oil aJ))IJnd. l•'llt S.lectlon '61 VW, e=llent rood. ;a;~:.:.-::..~ llull ~ ,..... .... ta, v.a. SAtES & SlltVICE IRAND NEY( 'Sf • ,.,,:,! ~ ,!: MER<;EDES BENZ = and4l"ve tllll one. immedW.~RO.llwry ::._~ ~wbedl ... '62 ~o. dean. ~ai., J>.S., P.a .• et<. ·$1!15.--only .$3295 SEE us TODAY ... vw Van, --c::""m:-..u.~:':: JOHNS$20l:: & SON OlDSMOBllf • • HOLIDAY. ea._ Shell, .:.."u=::J! !;~~.:'. • DOT • ~ L dean. ,.... """" ""'°" m-7321, ... 833--0350 • ... ....,. oood. = 11.oooActua.i'..U..!1 Flniah. t.fDi6 ·~~,,.,.,,~a.s.. :.._ CH~OLlT 1941 :m~'.""'k.- 61$-016! ed in Sea M1'1 m .. with DATSUN ""'"''"' Xlnt cone!. :n.ooo ml. '65 FORD COUNTRY ~ lttftl•ls 9522 ~~~ ~~'.:f; r.-un'" t!OOO. * '48-1952 '64 Chtv. 4 Dr. Mollbu SEDAN a>.AOl • rn.AfLER Cond. Power ..steer, BriJre9. Authorf• o..,., YOTA·'IOLYO '67 vw Bua. $U50. 6 Cyl,, auto, R-H. metallic Sta wq, dlr, v..a, pwr at.eer-- 2850 11 ... 1>or mvd. • O>ata M"' • 196f 540-9640 u,,..ieuaS41J.ml • ... OLDS,..,, ...... Yellow • BUICK w/ blk lnl Must ..U • • $ 0 444 .. . • belt oller. 1 ownr, MS-9527 2 • alt.. • RENTALS wtndowB, Many tnOftl Aces. HllJll6JON 1!166 li&rbor c.M. 646-9303 Call after 6 PM. blue. Lo milts. Vecy dean. Ine, Exctllent condition. $50 ~..:;:~~ :ee':~~ BEACH ~,OJA ..., .;:;:4,:.:, Mt. OML7lll $7'5 . =::.:r.c":"~:':o OLDS hd • • . • '" '81 .. Dr. tp. Pwr. • &teer., brb; .air. Very • IMMIDIATI DIUYllT • lda>ll Showroom......,. ,I ' w/1/w ttro, 18,000 miles. JOHNSON & SON Month. l.B UEV <M. Coll WEtK·END OR. WEEKLY . 1 TERS $1850. 675-6576 ~M Pat. 54.5-0634 °'' ~- clean. EYH. 646&J9 • • '61 OLDS 8B 4 dr. Pwr SIB. • • • • s.s.o291 New and UMd Cari ELMORE '56 VW, new er.,. $315 lMl Harbor Blvd.~i'OOO '64 FORD GAL. 500 • Complete Service 962-003& or 962-2'l73 Corw. v.a, auto. P.S., etc. °""9 IUtK1iH 9525 & Puts '65 CHEVY IMPALA -. ci.an. 1111X969 MR, ad tires ~ eng. $350 • Dllfl It HOWi TOIAT • 1/ °'~L~=~H ~=1 DIP! Sponster, Orvalr 11835 BEACK BLVD. 15300 ";!. ~-c.!3 !!. ~m,:;_,, '=1":..~ .:u.:: $795 .... • BB, .....,_ .,,.., n oo w. c...t Hwy. · 142.n_ll --2 BILL MAXEY S5I' Cub deb.,. --JOHNSON & SON ~ Urn, tow bar vinyl. NeWport Beach Just 3 miles .So. Sen O)ego ...,,,.,.,,,,..,,......,....,=..,... VOLVO car (n trade, Will fine pn1 lJncoln.Mercury lop, very clean. MJJsf aell! ™ . 540-1764 Fwy, and jU5f. a few minutes r: --------1 pe.rt;y. lB TIU 484. f!M.s713 1941 Harber Blvd. 64.2-1Ui0 L<pl ... -L ..,,_ AuthoNed MG Dea1u NQrth of ..,.,,,. ITlnlYl()ITIAI 1965 VOLVO 122 s. XInt "' 5'>-0634 · 1967 PLYMOUTH : · : •1 Fuey ill 4 lloo• banllop. Vi. • s2444 • 'I '62 Port.ch• Suptr c,... · !;I -· .,..,., 11'95 """ w Cou1 '67 ford f1irl1ne Imparted Autos 9600 F\nished ~ Silv~r Metalllc 18881 BEACH Bl VD. H . N.B . ' '63 CHEV. C'.!OnVL, V-8 auto., automatic, factory -!1' con,. • • 11 diUoning, power 1teenng, ra· .I AUSTIN H" ALEY with Bla<k lntono•. Chrome Hunt. S.Kh 147-85" =:->=· =oo" =====I ~PS/PB s .. t one.. 500 219 E ... "' 5A ~~FM, Etc, A~ :;:N;;~=t~::.e:: Antiques, Cl1ulct 9615 1959 EL CAMINO. 217 Knox Powtr $$1,~"I' R•H. dio, white side wall tires. • • • ,/ (TNB29!)) • • $1895 • $199DOWN • : ·'60 IUG EYE SPRm joi'\itnat -L !IFE854) only $895 e ~T e DATSUN Authorized DHltr HUITINGTON BEACH '67 M9rcede1 Benz 2505 J1 rtupor ! 311npon s Sparld.!fW Ebony Black with 3100 W; Coast Hwy All "Viiiyl Interior Ewf)' Newport Beach ' ~ ~ on Oils &f2.9fm 54(1.1764 MeticukJus Jna!ntalned M.B: Authoriitd MQ I>ealer Auto trans. FQD Power & Fad"'Y Air Cood. A ·must 1f.i6 M~(Hf 912 !or the Diacriminating Buy. rug er. 5 to Choose From! J2 rtt1po rr 31 Ill p Ll i i s All in Top Sh•ptll Starting at .... $3995 534-2284 or 11 \ 892°5551 New 11nd UHCI C11r1 "66 Porsche 912. Coupe Complete Service Bahama Yellow with Black & Parts 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Interior. Loaded with Ex· 11135 BEACH Bl VD.· Newport Bead> -,H .. AM/FM, tintod 142-ml -S4M442 ~ S41J.1161 g1au, Mac A ·Fee wbttls. J'ust 3 miles So. San Diego Authorlz.ed MG Dealer ~· owned & JerV.iced. J"wy, and .fult a lf!tf minutes '61 MERCEbES Benz model Must Re A: drive. • · North of Adami" 2at SE, immac eond -sEE J!rtuµn1 1 31111po11 ~, GONE to Viebwn, must sell TO BELIE.VE! J 1 6 0 0 • '60 Austin Healy Sprite,.,.._ ':i::::;===== make rea90fll.ble o f t e r . - '61 Bui-eye Sprite Excel cond. $700. or T.O.P. • 546-31£5. 1960 AUSTIN-Healy 300:t, R/H, O.D. Rebuilt engine, lD,llOOml.$llOO.m-Wll DATSUN (101 '66 & '67 DATSUN ROADSTERS MG MG SaJes, Service, Parts Immediate Deli~, All Mod.a J2rtuporr }l1!1pol1~1 llOO W. Coast Jtwy. , Newport Beach 642-!Kffi . 540.17" Authorized MG O.aler '66 PORSCHE 911; all u- lns. 5"'1 .. 3 banll radlo: Pl bea.ttt. $3,950. 673-41'1'1 ''5 Porsche ''C'' Coupe ''2" To OJoose. BcUI. Are Ex. ceptlonally a..._ 0ne 1s 3100 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. Red with Black Interior, ooe 642-9405 540-1764 is White with Black Interior. Authorized 1ofG Dealer Both have All Porsche Ex· to cl>OOle from. Save on your•--------1 tras and Each niustBe Seen hottat sports car. Froni '65 MG Mideet, needs & Driven to Be Appreciated. $1395 ~wt'~""': J2rlllpOrt 31111porr c:, • DOT • Mtm ,.ti '67 MGB GT, Olrome .wire wbeels, $2m. DATSUN ll6MU7 .PORSCHE 3100 W, Cout Hwy. New and UMd C1rs Complete Service & Parts 11135 BEACH Bl VD. 142.n11--2 Just 3 miles So. Sao. Oil!go Fwy. and just a few minutes Newport Beach 1-----~--1612-911!; 540-1164 '67 Portc:he 911 T1rga Autho!'lud MG Dealer Ebony Bladt 1'in1ab with Mat. '67 Porsche 912 Coupe chine Black Inter. 5 speed, Red with Black lllterior 4 ~. FactoryMagWhls. ~peed. AM/FM, ~. 23.0:0 Local miles. Re8ects Wheel!, Etc. Mint Condition. Meticulous Ce.re. Several Others to Choo&e. J2 rtuµorr 31111µ o rt s J1rtuµorl 31tn po rt s conditioning 17,000 miles. 1 '3ti Ford grille, 2 rear doon St. >.. ill, ai.M:Ond, R&H, _ -531-6306 _ xlnt cond, mWlt sell, below complete with &lau; 1 hood $450. 642--6336 ~ua tax & license on ·~= 1, ATLAS •proved credit for this "' hlue book. 6f2..-0219 &lightly beat, 1 bell housing 1963 Chevy 11 Nava SS '65 FALCON Futura Convert. with rear end. 1 •40 Ford Take over pymtB/ + ! ! 1 VS, RHlt, 4 spd, new tiree. SNew Buick spec!at. No.• . .433279Z600349. ... • '68 Toyota d 1 x. bdtop, hood deluxe &: 1 erllle de-546-6665 Xlnt cond. Aluka. bound. ~ 13,IXXI mL: origirml owner, lux Set of back f m~t sell. MS.ar.tJ CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Must aell by wkend. $1595 V ew. ft---_ ee~ •• ?!' '!i6 CHEV .. SUck: aix ~ rum 2929 Harbor Blvd. "'"U'l ...,. """"' · • aua. • """' .. ~ ..__ 91,... r......w1 .._, •• _ '6'J FORD Sta Wag, rum "'--ta Mesa 546-'"'' • .,_ .. ~Eves. H.B. Ask for Bill ........... ,, •-.• "'~ -;;;;;;:· W&AILCll A: good $150, ·~ Cad ad! flS um ~ • TRIUMPH ry .,...,....._, or ttd., 96PrBl5 <>Pen 'til 10 p.m. • POOLE 'S FINE USED CARS • • (2) '54 PACKARD Olppera. =="='===== --------'65 BARRACUDA, good • both running, p>d rond. CHRYSLER '56 FAIRLANE " I Thun-rond. Mlcbolln ~-new • ,65 SPITFIRE. Radio/ vinyl Tuck&:rolllnt lor '5.5 Cbev.1 _____ ·-·-·-derbird eng. 4 Nu tires A brks, R/H, bvy -:fut;susp .• ',,.,_.°""',.,.,"'mp!., new'. Aft 1968 CHRYSLER batte.,.. St25. 546-6110 ""itnctlon. $995/lrighest '65 IUICK • • 29,IXK> mi. 1 owner. Xlnt • 1 •. 11 • '68 FA!RLANE wagon, 8 Cyl. oiler. 536-1589 E ect•• coupe. ,..,, power, cond. $1050. 53&--130B ;======= I========-, · VOLKSWAGEN vw Price Spt<lal1 '60 Bua ••••••••• , • • • • $399 '61 Bugs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $499 '63 Bugs .... , ••••••• , • $599 ~r 75 VW'• All Extra ShoJi> $399 to $1999 ,,~~ ~"J" Ht .. 10-67 .. 1190 1171 HAllOI kYD. COSTA Niia * * * * Roj T. Smyth P.O. Box 627 Huntington Beach, C.al. Xlnt cond. $1900 • 1ctory air. • Autos W•nlld 9700 Radio, boat.,, ''""' •tee•· 675-7757 PONTIAC • $1895 • 1-----~-~ ing, p;'!Wer brake~ dedric --~::::..:.:::..:-~~ WE PAY . . . windows. electric teat,vtnyl '61 FORD Falcon Station . • • CASH toi>. taotol')'aU-conditioning. ~ ,,,,i'~'i:" ....,. '64 PONTIAC • •66 IUICX • CXWL!19l$3195 '"9 FORD GaJw. Convt: BROUGHAM •wndut 4 """ ,....., • Pis. air, R/H. Xlnt cond. Full power equipment and ••ir, eute., power 1t..1111.• tcr uRd can • truclll fast call us for free fftimate. GROTH CHEVROlfT A;!k for Sales Manager l82ll Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach Kl ""331 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHMOLlT 28'41farWBlvd. Costa M@a 546-12X) IMPORTS WAN'l'm Onnxe °""'"'" TOP $BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA $225. ~2427 aft 5 'Pm. ~ air oonditioning •• R&H. ISVX Ol•I • ATLAS Landau ..... From rigino1 IMPERIAL "'""'· noo..,,.,. w~. • $2595 • (FVK587) • • am.YSLER-PLYMOtrm 2929 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Mesa 546-1934 Open 'tll 10 p.m. CONTINENTAL 1969 MARK Ill CONTlllEllTAl 2 Door bOrdtap. Full ........ """"'atr. Lanilou tnp. lnl than IClXI mills. Stuwroora treab condition. (XSR,006) SAVE $$$ 1917 IMPERIAL $850 CROWN COUPE e DOT e Full power, factory air, 1or- geous l\tll:ury automobile. Less than 15,cm miles. lWO W119) ~$3,95 DATSUN Authoriud Dealer HUNTINGTON BEACH • '66 TEMPEST • Cudom cp•. RIH, a1to.,• • P.S., ftctory eir c;o11clltlo11•• .in9, !ST01771 I • $1595 • • • • "66 T-llRD •Full power, f~•t•ry •ISL l 4911 • • • .... • • ATLAS $2695 New •nd lfsecl Cars • CHRYSf...ER.PLYMOUTI I Complete Service .,-------.! • 2929 Harbor Blvd. & Parts a '65 CHIYSUI 9 Costa Mesa fM.-1934 1U35 BEACH BLVD. aN•w Yorker h•nltop coal": .. ~ 'tU 10 842-nll _ ... ~•2 Fu~~ powar, fecti:iry arr ...,.....n p.m. __.. '"' INHA JS•I • l'ou anl l\'lnner of a pair 18881 Beach J3lvd. LINCOLN ATLAS =="===~==I Jwit 3 miles So. San Diego •co ' Fwy, and J..t a few minute• • $2195 • or lleket2' to the B o a I H. Bead!. n_ M7--85j5 Show at the Anaheim CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Con v e n 11 o • Center, Will lay 2929 Harbor Blvd. '63 Lincoln Continental ftlarch 8 th r • • c li is. Costa Mesa ~1934 4 Dr. Sedan. Full lw:ury Corne to any of our 4 Your Votklwa&a • Ponebl Open 'til 10 p.m. equip. &: '4· Nrw '69 color ' branch otnee. and pick Is pq U. dollari Paid for 1962 HARDTOP -Black Jade. RGU848 up yo11t FREE,...... OI' not. can ltalplt; 1 Owner $1495 * * * * 673-1190 Cue!u(ymolnta-JOHNSON&SON '63 V.W. SEi>. loatbtr - A r.d o,.., «ooiJ mil.,, • Auto Lnalng 911.0 Sl2lll. 111-M 1941 i::.::ic.1UllO Very clean, WID288 '83 CONT. Qum http. Lo $995 e LEASE e ml.: fino1t cond. Looded! .,.,, LINCOLN Pmnler, I cir: North of Adams • • '67 FIREBIRD • , · • < speed, "325", delux• trim • 66 PL YMOUTll . • & AMERICAN MAGS. Fin-4 deor. A11fo1r1etlc, r.Jle •• lshed in deep aqua blue w/ I heater, ITU 1121 =· =··~000 =: $1395 • • Mut IN A driw. • • • '67 CHMOUT • • C.pric e Cf"'. Fecfery elr,. a•uto.·, PS. (UXC 0721. • JOHNSON & SON ''9 Camaro, ....... $89 mo. 615-llll ...... , ---'64 Cad CdV, air •..• $89 mo. $400. ~2946 '61 Le Mana ''" ru, J75 mo. CORYAIR '65 •DR. Lood<d! Xlnt "'""' noo w. cwt Hwy., N.B. • J1 rtuporl 311nporr~; $2295 • Lincoln-Mercury 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7000 VW DELUXE Bus '67, wood panelling, good tires, new battery & brakes. Split front scats, xlnl cond. Best offer over $1800. Call after 2:00. 54.1-3141 '67 Corva.ir Monz cpe $52 mo. =~-------beige w/ lthr int. $2100. 642-9400 , ID1764 •-------• SOUTH COAST '65 Cotvair conwrtible. rlth. """ """'~ '66 "ON l"-llow/black, ~r top. 4 I .::Qwnor==·=~=====: I Authorized MG Dealer • .-, TIAC • CAR ~EASING speed box. ready. $795. one '65 PONTIAC GTO • St•rchi•f 4 d•or. F•c. •lr,1 300 W. Coast H.iih~·ay owner, ms839 MERCURY Sky blue ext, white top, V-8, .•~tomttic, pow•r 1t.•rl119, Newport Beach &6-2182 CORVAIR Monza '62, 2 dr.1---------1 dlr, pwr steering, bucket IVTP 1471 • AUTO lWING ''3 MERC.COL. PARK " "" n. 00 • $ • * * ~:Prv ~..;,.. ~rond. • ....... ..., .. v~. ""'"· :•.;mu': ·o1~ ~yin°:; • 1795 • ./ ALL MAKES P.S., PA, Roof rack, etc. Clemente, J50 Cub dell or ~ • ' COMPEl'ErlVE l'IUCDI CORYE 11 E JYU2ll take fordr> ''" Can ""' • '64 CHEVROLIT • · North of Adami 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 3100 W. Coa.st Hwy. 'ff DATSUN Newport Beach Newport Beach "62 VW Very xlnt cond. New ledaD, 96 h ad &a..94C5 $40-17&1 642..!Kffi 54G-17St elq[ine, brakes, battery &: Bia P, oV'tl'be Authorized MG Dealer Authorized NG !)ealer tires, Porsche/clulcll. Empt cam q ., dtr, 4 sp!, ndio.1-~-~---'-I~~~~='-~=-e·•·t AM/FM 4 ~-•-healu, .,... tires. loaded! '61 Porsche 912 ·Couna •Qi Porsche 912, T•-rlne ''"'" • · r-w.~ r---... -chrome rims. 83l-52'l'l C Fo •·• , __ , $995 PM"P<1Y. 1.B NRC 20!. can ort x ...... ..._ .. '61Corvttt•4spd-"J27" JOHNSON & SON Pat....,,. •'•••'• • ••M.•A"''"'""• 224 W. O>ut Hl&hway GJeaml"'" lvv _,. F1nisb ' •power 1te,r, fOTU 4JJI Newport Beach 642-M«t .. ., .,, •·--~M • ...,,..., '67 SILVER grey LeMans· • with Blad< lntulo• AMIFM. l941 llarl>or m,,0-:--0.,.7000 blk. vinyl Landau top, ...: • $1195 • Used C1r1 9900 Power Steer, Wide Oval AM/FM, pwr. steer. &: • ~•. Etc/ Only 8,000 Local '67 VILLAGER wagon, 9 brks Xln J20J ml1ea, Under factory Tarcerine with Black Intel"' w/ blk inL Xlnt cond, lo I :C.CiiiO:..:~:;::::::;:::::_.,.... wanuty, Be.I $1115. Take klr, Om:ime Wheels, AM/FM ml. Make oUer. ~1319 '58 VW, good trans., or dune S?S cub dela or older car. 1 s.w. Radio. 7,tOO miles. Per· •66 PORSCHE 9l2, chrome buggy: S250 or best offer. L.B. YNWt87. Call after 10, ect thurout. v.·hecls, xlnt ronning cond. 17.f...1010 Ext 230 Of' 646-4078 49(.ST13. $3700. 6'16-5650 1..:;;A11;;.:"-"'0.:PM~~:-=~ TRANSPORTATION J1rtuµort lhnµorts '67 VW Squareback 1600 miles. Excellent Condition. pass. Auto., PS f PB, 642-9.u.2 t cond. $2300. • '63 GRAND PRIX • Equivalent to Bralld new. AM/FM, stereo tape, air, ,64 GTO Co fire IA11to f••n1., power 1teir.,. -=!2400=,,· 83=7-364=9==== I w/ \iihile l:pv,& m:~L 4 = •r1dio, he1l1r. IOHZ 621)• FERRARI FERRARI 1 --~S_IM_C_~-A~;~~:iav~ ~~~: s;:; CAR, SAlf N-" lm!lO<ta Ltd. 0.. '67 SIMCA 1000 ::o"',-00.,,· ;,Ca!-;1;::' "-675-57200.:.:.,-~ICr.dit problem! Se< us '" J 1 r l.ll po rt }l111por1 s MUSTANG '"'~ '°'1""'110"· Xlnt, • < $1295 • I--------· I orig own $ral0. 675-1084 1 • qe County's only autboi--3100 W. Ooa!lt Hwy. '66 VW Bus 9 pass. xlnt instant delivery, )ow price:i, bed dMler. NeWJl(lrt Beach G.L.S.D.L.R .• 4 spd. \Vi 11 mechanical cond, v e r Y euy tel'Dll, We decide on 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 1965 MUSTANG '61 CATALlNA. Vontu•~ • ,63 OLDS • Int., alr-cond. Xlnt cond. SALES. $ER.VIC!.. PARTS 642-9400 540-l71i4 take $50 cash, to del, take dean, good pnt. $1775. Alt ........ credi! Call or ........... in payments of $30.86. LB UJB 6 644--2634 ii"._ " ......_ Newport Beach 642-9405 540-17&4 VI engine, radio and healer, $100J. 645--m14, ~5--8194 I C11tl1u, 11110. p.1. IWFH-• '61 PONTIAC TEMPEST, I ll!i) 8 3100 W. a.st HWJ. Authorized ~tG Dealer 9S4 Call Pat alter 10:30 AM ,;;-• -7.,,C::.i=-,=~~ tnda>. 'ISC<Ml&Newnort Beach ''2 Poi:sche C•b Coupe 494-9'173 '65 VW Bus. Clean, Xlnt 540-4392 Authorized MG Dealer power 1t'etting, etc. (PIX433) n<w molot', p>d -· • $995 • 540.J:~ c;o_,,1 .. 1 n .. -....... '-======== cond! Custom tent ~tc. Antblrtsecl MG Delller • ~ ....... .._.,...,...,., Paint with 1-$1650 968--2687 ~===~:;==:=:::::! Blaok Loelh<T in-... SUBARU FIAT Tbl! JDOl1: perfect Ponehe in -------'S4 VW eonvertU>U!, new top, Nowport Beach. Has Chrome 1969 SUBARU pain~ Interior, 50,000 mL 1-~.61=FIA=T~.,,.~Sp~ldtt--·IWheels. CoCo Mat_ Ori'°"" !rom $1297; 66 MPG SMJi>. 61£.5'78 Brl.tilti Racltc Green Ughti, Etc. Mint lfl every Comple1c foreJan car &l'rvlce DON'T atve tt an.y, &et ~=~·~ .... ='l910~*;,.....--1 c1eta11. Kosta Kustom Kan qu1c1c .,... .,. " with • FIAT Abarth l!l50, 2 dr sedan, Daily PUot want Adi * 847-6355 * • BLUE CHIP CORVETI'E '1". 4111425, 4 $1295 AUTO SALES '""· 2 -pwr wndwa, 2145 llarl>or, COO. Mna AM·FM. Must ..U $2900. ATLAS RAMBLER WE PAY CASH FOR 548--1489 , ___ __;;.c::;::.: __ 8Mo"ter.,.. Fet. 111ir, eitt• .. • YOUR CAR, PAID autYSLE!t.PLYMOtml '64 RAMBLER AMER. •'"· IGEX Ho> •' FOR OR NOTI COUGAR ,.., Harl>or m"'1. ''° ' °'· Sod. • """ auto • • $795 • Newcastle Moton c..1a Moa 546-1934 A<ro.i 3'·$,t;u.• 00T220 •• • • '62 MERCURY • J2ru1porr 31111po11~, Xlnt cood.. $450. ~7 or 845 Baker, C.M, 540-S915 642--5673 •Goodonl>lhn>Mar.7th.. 068 COUGAR Open 'tU 10 p.m. JOHNSON & SON ....... .. '61 Ford Cbtry Sed. 3 seats, lJme wtth black padded top. '"MUSTANG CPE. lmoorted Auto. 9600 Imported Autos 9600 $23 dn , $23 mo. 24"""' Tax Loodod and ru, condl(lonlng. P.S., P.B., v~. auto,"""'· Uncoin-Memay • JAGUAR • -1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I 1; lie incl Lie No. LXD 648. $2800. l~. Stotts M2-Sl. ne IOZd w'/matching inter-1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7!50 • • JAGUAR 3100 W. O:>Mt Hwy. I.:' '59 Chevy •ta wag,: dr, $18 .::"""'==9£2.=71E6===== ior. Excellen• condition. MUST Sell, '68 Rambler • JIEADQUAR1'1:M • dn, $1& mo. 24 moa. Tax I: RQHTr9 Arner, xlnt cond. $400 under • IQU • _ JAG. '60, ,t..1 Newport Beach ,"'6 Prtv. party. --~1164 • Autborbed MG l>ealer lie Incl. Uo # QSH w. FALCON $1695 B.B. $1675. can 646-5850 all .complete s.1 ... s ..... 2186HIU'bo•mvd,CM612---------IJOHNSON&SON 6,'1ld~w1md1.· . ;co •nd P•rt• o • ......_ ''3 FALCON FUTURA ,62 RAMBLER ~--•-4 d •men! for JA6UAR5. : arn~iE i KARMANN GHIA ... PORSCHE C; ..... . • • GHW llftn $3,0XI 644-0637 ot~DS '65 PORSCHE Model C; air cond.. ..., ....,. -· $3.600. Call : 54&-6181 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH It DAILY PILOT "'11111 ,.,._,," WANT AD '"' ......... . -- ELMORE MOTORS UlOO llACH RYD. WISTMINmR "4-3322 4 112cro le11lc f\11 e11clt1! e•ell•b1e e11 ~Ilk .,,..o'l'e •f crffit. RlEE·FREE las Veaas VIClll~n 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO Ne '-"11•te NK•ttary 15300 Buch BIYd. Westmlnsler 894-3322 CPEN 7 DAYS BUICK lt.T. ep., v.a. ""'°' ai.,..... u...,..M,....,.,. ~ " • • pletely reconditioned and 190. Harbor Blvd. 6'2-7000 Pwr, file air, IOOl1 body, See Tit. bcltlnt • '65 SKYLARK Grand Sport ready. GBDI>7 'fi6 MusrANG, 21!9 cu. in. tln!s, auto. $300 or best ot-• 1969 Je9eet T.4ay Auto tranr, R/H, full ...,, $995 New ...., ( o vo " , ,. d J '"'· Jobn. .....,., . .. ••••••• •. '""'°""' 1-owne•. Tup cond. JOHNSON & SON Biacl< int"'°"· auto Inns. .. PrvP">Jl000 ..... 1970 27.000 ml. ExceU•nt "'~ T-BIRD 1.-------'"-'. 1967 RIVIERA. aU powtr, Lincol&Mercuty ditlOn $1740.. ·This ii Q» ____ ;.:.:::._ __ :1::. ~~~ !:1 :ir= ~~~ s:-.: ~'t"~~ book. (Pri. Par-1!5u7to,B:Y ~~Im~~ : 234 E. 17111 n: : hoaie.. $29911. ~· 2 "' a..n, -Cub Aft. 1969 MUSTANG Sport roof. = °"""' $1750. <'13) • 548•7765 •• * '66 B11k:k R.Mera, fUU ~',;.' ~673-4910='=----low mill!qe. V-8, JWI. • equipped, tmmatulatl! ~ ·«> FAI.a>N; vtf7 aood ~ $2595. wur trade tor late wsr Sac~ l95S T..Sird Mon. dltlon. CaD 614--dltlon. $195 ...... truclt er E1 c.mtno. -onlitlon. IDJ. Take • Frt l ::IO 1111 • 968-m\ M0-6:10'1' « 64&-3346 CMr pymtr SQ:>. ~29U • to 9 pm • ...... MUST. ili, bench ""~ • Soturdlly l ::IO .,. • FEIRD ,... ....._ Chll ..... u~ TEMPEST • to 6 pm • '59 CPE. DeVlllt. xlnl oond; lo mllea. 642-2307 CADILLAC new tn.na.. bltttt)', Utt1; '5i 8ANO{ER(), stick 1hlft, ·=65""'Hc,.ant;;;,,:rop"-'. "'a'-u-to-, -,1-,-I '66 PONTIAC TEMPEST SC • Sli(I. 644--0177 radio. $215. chrome rima, xJ.nt cond. VS, au to, RIH, new hnlk~ • Sundty1 10 om • to 6 ""' • '55 CAD. ' dr., good cond. * 54.>T'135 • $1495. 4!K-59.24 •hoob, 35000 ml. sharp, prf. • "··1 pty. $14$. '94-8358 !/>MIR S lll(K .-.. • IOOd t1~11: dean. FORD Mua:tq '6.S. Clean. '67 MUST ANG 968-34211 v.Q)d panel\~, auto, 289. Good cond 61l-8'l79 MANY WONDEKruJ.. OP. '&c CPE. DeVlllC!, 1 owrtt; ~~-*-'612-564""'.:.;_,7 _•_~ IS YOUR AD IN Cl..4A!l· ~~=~ = Z.tm M1. alt, tull pwr. Fer Dally PDot Want Ad&. lOokfn: ... IL Dial 1t.Ui6'71, Tuna back to ''Bu.ant.u n..:.,. $2,000. m,..ma ...,--....;;.lllal::...Kl4618;.;;..;:=--·"-'nm=;;':_.;Som:=,_,=,.:....::wtll:::..._:be: DOrtunlll~" NOW! .... .,.. ·'•~f l1J1 C.• '. .M'<l~ i c r ..::::.:.:::::::.:....:.::'..'.'.~,--COSTA ME SA I