HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' ' ' '*• * * *·· *. * • . '.' .. ' . , ' r • ' . '. ' .. 0 ( u .. e. ' I 'J I ; , t .• i , ' PRIDA Y··AFTERNOON,.•"1ARCH . 7, ·1969 · . ' VOl,. & NO •• J1,.4·11CTJOlfS, • PA•ll Hortons -at Pl~y . ' . * ti · .. ~· * * 'tr ' * * .. * * 'ti * .~ . -. ' ~-·---~! .. --. . -•• • -• -• . • .. -• • •. ' -. .. --• --• • • ~ ··-.. -e I e _O . ·o 0 -----~ ·---.J " --- ' .. • . ---• ~ ~ Ba·y · to Plead "·Ga;ift9 o , I , -· I • • , • ' : •· '., T -': • ! -• , •. ' , __ .. -. ' ' In Br. King Slaying2., . ' ' • ; G .. rim .. ._ .. ~.. -. . --. . ';/-~ . Nightmare Co~eS . . . /' __ .l .:. True for ., J ' ·H~,.,~~b.-e.,ki'-g ~·--ec-i~ion '\. 0 I • , I , , , , l o • 'J • , Yoµng Victim · , . . I : . . Roug~ed'Up • I I f :. 90 ~~~~~I .·I; ·, Police Chief's Probe Leads to Son'&-Drug Arr.at.-' t · 1~l ,.,_,,_~'. .1~;~:~ii'.i..~11J1oD1e'.tc :~-nflf~ 1 ,; ~~-~eR· ·· '' ·. ·, . . Jlt:--. 111NnllJ -T • ., . -:W..~:~ ,'fr A nlptmare''jtl' J! ago at llOlne' was fatally ~ for a ()pita Mesa sUrfer in Hawaii . when he awoke, hor- rified; and $ring Into ( gun; nnizzie which ·then fired, inwhlnf a slue' be- .. . -.• _ ... __.,., .. ,,... N"~-.... ~ .. 1r.-\ .... .4, ~~-' ~... ..t. '· .. .-IR~ ......... ·pwi&.,,-~~ lf\:;#t;lf-, ~:.,lilc .--· lfoir,• ' nld Silt Cle • P!>llce C)1lef .Cl\ff~ , GI , ,. iii with ~ to .etJ, hmfer, be lllld be ~ --Murray ~a ·his Dilly llOO, steven, GI niarijllana· srill' ,,.....!ifitn beCaait cil iJie Cl!I, '" · ,. \ · . 1J~······· .. ,..,1.. • .'~1 ,i .... Actor Richard Burton (second row left) .and his daugbtA!r, KatA!, seated next to her tutor Bonnie Badbain (tront) enjoy ride ~n Dlu!eyland's "Small World." Burton and ·his··p&rlftoUnO! ·Aliaheun '°'usement park Thursday while his wife, actress Elizabeth Taylor, was in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital for tests in connection with a degenerating spinal disc. ~ tween hiS • eye's Jn sumrQify e:recution.' 'The cold•blooded murder Tueidiy.,tth a' silencer-equipped pistol, on1y. 100 jards . . ' ' t . fr:om the thunder of big combers at' Sunset Besch on the island of Oahu, took another bizarre turn today. Police and parents of Wllllam Pond Jr., 19, ft 269 Albert Place, dlscl01ed that the vicUm was roughed up and threatened by three armed men wbo !ired a shot through bis door last Dec<m- ber. 'lbe manbunt for his apparently coin- cidental tillers -three Hawaiian beacbboys ·who allegedly loot 1700 from P.ond and two companions after deman- ding marijuana -w~ened meanwhile, with lltue success. Pond, a dedicated surfer who moved into his parents' borne after the December incident and e1ved money t<> join Newport Harbor High School bud· dies in Hawaii would have been there only a week today. \vu charged with lour' counta•of narcotic of~ with lnl"1t w .. 11:1ia~ l>e<n • .. ____ ,,_: ' ' . ~" • • violatlooJ. • . . .' , . · • lodae!I .,.""' 1!Je poltc.,cl!JFl)•!'!l-, Th< p~,.,,~ c:nor"'!. ~ 00 "If my kid lw to go . ilOwiHbe tube>. . <lh!ef fll\J!Tay ... Id ~e lla4 to be In J\O~ c,Ja/ml tllal tile ~ In tbat'!i· ~ w-.r it l\a!!io be. ·I bad·to~make tWo Places' at .once. 'Pi'ofei'10na\ly, ·'the : hla ~ulOii a $10 '•Poon " ~ ~ ded~lon. . .. . chleflll]d ·be hlla"to>·plotect• the •Jiro-> Md! ,five kilos ·of· marljµana , ,Worth · 11 can t enCorce the J11w if1 ~ Poes.n1t secution's case agahilt ·bis: ~wn · s0h1 ind. bet~n $425 and ~SSQO. · · , • : apply. to e.ve~. I ' had i!flormation· peraOnally 'he didn't want to jeopatdlte 'Nai'cofics oflk:ers alleie the IDll'ij'lllal. abou~ what my son allegedl)'.' w~ ·doing his son•s -defem:e was·.fildden behind the diivir'a ""'ol and assigned my detectives to 10\.·esti· · · · . , 1 • gate," 5814 Chie(Murray. .The chief saJd he .would .havei .to tb~youth~pickup~ck.. , · Steven E. Murtay,.21·, was icheduled disassociate blmsell.from the cue. . 'In th~ final ai/81Jala,. )'OU ·~Yi;lo for a court llearing today to enter a plea "I have dooe profesafonally what I do what you betie•e .Ja 1rlgbt.-Yoo ·hi't'e at San Clemente Municipal Court. The thought ·hid to be done," Chief Murray to separate ~ lier~ fetl;lnl'·fnm ... youth wu arrested Feb. 2 by,atate ·and · saJd. ypur profeasiooal. !telinp," the chief I~ narcotics officers in the driv~~Y· Following 1tbe trial, the chiefi said ·he coocl~ed. · . . ', , r. , Will Ray Plead ·Guilty To . King -Assassination?· . ' •. MEMPms; Tenn. (AP) -Jain.es Earl In Huntsville,, ·Ala"' ])Qwever, the Ray's lawyer was granted a'· MOndaY · Huntsville Tlinu 'repOrte(t tlaY wilr piead · appesrance In Crlmlnal Court as an guilty to the auauinatlon of King last Committee Urg~ Deferring ·AJ;t)Jl WASIUNGl'ON (IJPI) · -Tile · 8'oaie Foreign RelaU001 Conuntu ... today uri-' ed Presld'!lt Nboo :ti>'defer·deplo)'mini of·an'AllUbaDJitic Mlaaue /ABM).~ r periding; ''meanbtefitl ·dlsctWlons1' 'with : :. · I • I • I . ' I H • N F • · h · dJ . IDI body will arrive from the Islands ·. anoi ot · rig *"'.ne . · .~l>er•.~··~'llllk~ ... home -.at. lit:/ ~ 1:55 p.m., aboard a Pan Amerfcan jeUiner at Los Angeles International ' Airport. llf u s B l.. • R ,! ..J~ Honolulu police conti.uued to probe the ~ ·• •.. .amuing . · a~ ~'/:!""~:in~:~ . Aprll 4 and rectlve • fi.vear 1entence 1 Alabaf1a Jl!!"~pap,,e~. rw,~ .J~ay that , , The"'TIJl>ts ·.rate..~'tt :Je'.anled r th~ Raf plw to pfdd gilllty In U.. .death -si.te ~of Tenneaee· would . Tticomm'end' of Dr. Martin ~t.Uther King Jr. and will the •year sentence "when Ray ·pleads receive a pg.year sentence. guilty." King wa.s lhot to death· here A spokesman for Judge Preston Battle, . last April 4 u he •tood Of\ the balcony who" ls llCbe(tuled to · pral~ at Raj's of the Lorralne,MoteJ; wher°" be was t\te.Spviet :Unlon'Pl'!'ll'JT!l .CGfitrol.1 • • _. I ln'f 8'!1'<repm'tj 'tol'"Uie "sin.ate; ~" mending r.utkatlM-of· tbetNuClear'lJdn-· ' , ph:ilif~ation ·Treaty,l the ciuMiitteeJlakf · ::. i it ,:believes . !lie aclmtnl.trauo11 .'1la.lid : _.: l consider deferring 'tile' dep\~, !f. · staying after arrivinl .to lead a theoe ,(AB:.f) .... __ unlil il baLcbeiL ,. • . • · , , robberJ bl~ Tuelday ue probably biding • I . . . I ' Oii. PljuS (UPl>-"'lbe ·Communists will ~· dlies and lndlcal<d K ls•·an'<"I"" Steve L. Chui>, II, of Cos!> Meaa, coOiimie their attacks in Sooth Vietnam qu...,., wbecheibis ititloo will con\tiwe , stepeon ,of .ClraJ18e County atlorney d<'l!lte the po15ibilily the Unil<d Slate,< .• lo pOrtidpate in fbe·,.-WU • G<orge Chula, and Theodore H. "Teddy". ,retaliate by resuming tbe.,bombilli . . , -:----• f . ,, Rogers, of Newport Beach, were trial ne:r:t month, Aid Ray'1 liwyer demonstrftion ln behaU of the city'a hadsought·and been granted the bearing.-1~·gltbage collettMs:· · · · -- There was no lndjcation what the bearing The. garbage warien at that lime would concern. were on strlke for a· union contract . 1 and higher •wages -luues which were settled IOOZ1 alter King'• deaUi. tilne lo mW .. e..-t elfltd lo,.._' ·m.an1ng1ur~ .. -.lbe somi-Union." . ! . .0r .. ,. . , t.t • .t ' v-.n, a·HPol ~ But cbiet,u.s. ~Henry-~t !hrealened with death rr they notified Nixon Pla ns Weekend aa y. • 1 -. '... • ,Lodge ~ . .bejo >¥i the 'l!rtlJll · lawmen. · are oat' af6id• qr\~., termination Gl{"""8dif'1. lltlllllflillng · ll«>olulu· Police Department Homicide I Fl 'd R -. Dlsl AU,.. Gen. Pllll C1n1ie llad no commOlll on the Huntnllli Times report. I ' ' ! ' '" Sta~ A!IY. Ge!J, ~· M~ was ' . ., I ::· botl.i,1np. Prtiid'eii1:Joit..on has'~n · sesifun liy: the Souiii Vlelnamtoe cIM not • Del«tive Fred Yunc said Thursday that n on a etreat bombing us for foor yean and met· .constitute .a waltout." .the. -~ .. 4ilrud~1-~?· 1 : ·'·""·~ • · .,,_, .. "· .-. ' ' . defeat," the North V-spokes· Communist spokesmen In Parlo play<d 'Cl!ula·iilld11IO(ei'1 IO wOigbt POllll'I liOd)' 1 WAOtUNGTON (U~J). -~enl, ma~Jaid. · down the ~vii• " ,.._ ·•""""phere and dunlp•ll in'~..... Nbcon wlll• fly •lo• Key Blocayne; Fla,· nOtaVaflabte: '. ~. ' ,, •'· ~ .'•·"'i"·I ir-1•·•11~.,.l•"'J.·*·"" ·Rafwuca~1lill0ndon'.lai('J\t!ii~· 1 ' 1f.ea~. , . "II Pimldent 'llbllil follolll In his saytnj that dioJ'~i;;·;;;1.11nue • Yoilol Pond's ratbe'r ~ todar' • Utnight for a weekend of.rtluaUon. a; .afltft' a. worlil"li!e.-.maftlnllit,, .b;. b"'"', •. t.o1 .1,. , t st:otlan6 ·Yird dettCIJVes··an& ~~ ~ .. It' ~ ori,e ~ tnoae rweUendt"t atepo, be Will nj;id ·1'1\11 die . mpe !Al-1JW>no1 beiJO ~ihfr 'by that lbe "°1 may bate been shot lo The chief aecuUve pl1n1 lo depart ' alter. leqlhy •Je(al• Jir00eedi4i )0 'fai:e , to tell the to~ ~ct -aboUt , a mlll'Jler cJiar••)n KIM'• 11-111· . · · ' 1 -dear, mn••. "".' ... ~ ... tem-• defeat," ht added. ' '" NIXOft1i ......,. of aft u ~ death '*-tile be 'had no money left from Andrew• AFB, ·Md., with lkltne Ml>dn ,·~kt·~· aod ·Viet• ..-''or by •lhe •Bouth · ~ from his trip-to.band ovor lo 'the trio j mem1tors ·o1 hls ·•llfl, lnciudlng his""''. ·He 11·-·~-·'.lo of·slioOUiil .ltli· rrom . 0-~ ..,... ·-• ' amblllh ;;;;.,-:. ~ ·~'"acrGia erstur.. comlorlaht;"•placod In Nia..e>etlfeitltrr' iiil6it} V~t·' 1aclloil,-'wlllcb "'"" ~ •'"'lin· <ii men, careyioi lhol&m>a ·and the' Uonal lsecurllY aflaln advlw, Iiemy 11..-e citiel .m ~lWDt:~ hll ' '~.. : ,~ 'P' ' .• ' . ' . matde:r platoL .. . . A.1tl111Dgw. . . • . . • tlto.llfetl from Ibo meW, INt h.-•deriled ' the middle.-.llO'~ \al••• the1 it. ' · ··' r - . -1 .... : 1 .0range Cqait. ... ,,. .......... _ ; = ~·ilt.tliit;\ Yiibiiia~ ~ < •i, \.· ., ~ '· ., ' · • . •,,,I'\ , • • ~~~~i 1.i·~·:,~tiQ~ii'1ts Achieve Flawles~·tinkt1p-... ; •• • K -~h~~~ .,. "· ·•i" . ">.i,; .~ • • . . , :~..i;.~ ... tloo Is ,_,wJ iO::t:i~J~~.(~,t·: ·"1 ... )'llllout~lnthesunlilhi.• dlftllSH\f:Jul1.. • . -~~~:the~-..:.·: def . •·• ".:m.ri... ........,. Two --'.--'l.inar 1aJ>. M<Dlvlit aid u be. 1pproacbetf lho I ;The lls~ .~uoo ,,._, '.wp •,,,. .-au\s 1--~·t•llp-' ...i tlaeil u the • _ ___,... ••-cnfl ia.':..u:r' ·-Illa .-lllf. ill!P· "You're tJie •b1ggeaf/ ·.;,..,·u~· 5.hwe1cthi''ili.'i!"the . ...--. 'a.!.!-l . .::..'''-"'" '~~-' nsumes, -....... ~ M.... bo ..... ~ ·111~-1·· U ~ "'' • <" p, portanl ·~-· ., ~-Tbe lltuallon cresl<d ~Y tllt Oommtr Apolltr I ""'"'">I sl1lp todaJ llDll tllao __,, '"" • -'1 ever oetn. I # wllll a 1>11-'!l"I" cloQd of lire, Ille • ....Jninud • .ip ·at •f:•i a:m:. PST. nlat offensive In South -bas ' raced bock to a llnlal orltllal .nn-''Boy,,...,. IOI CG1traptioos banlinc and bl'Uted bito a dll!erenl .orbl~lrom . 'l'llat wu-t11e· star1 et ' a ..._, -· b~ the WU near collapse, accord-delVOlll In a major 114 toward a U.S. out all over," ScoU said u be examined ScoU In the conunand lhlp. GI operatlool · futlft -must ~ allied diplomats. moon ~ this sunoer. • the IUllll' module from 300 feet away. Four ,hours later, they. trliaend • the' perform lo ' land 00 aftd• rt1nrn • frOm' weet/ said there Is 00 '":tl"l!' the Tilt JnClaiOo. calcbuJ came at IO:lf II wu aa bnportant ocblevemeot for landina craft'• tmolf t111bt• !or the ll1t nioon. ttn:f nneg~;:"' tcl)edule con-a.m. PST. James A. l(cDlvitt and lluaHll project ~ It .._ed Iha! the last flnl Ume and bqan their purluit bactJ Tbe "Spider" pllola later ~ • In s.f;!., Sooth Vletnamelt . Vice L. Sclnttlctart · nudaed their luaar untuted i>l«e of _.nliht mochlnery toward 'the 11fet; of the earth orbllln& the i\Jna!' Jpcilr'a -'-<! lu-• Pl'llldent Niu,.n Cao ~ cilled Thu.. module "Spider" lo lea than lot feel -the gawk)' hmar module -ls ready motherslilp. dlna stsae and wldtMd the 1ap •twetn day for retaliation ar1lnst North .Viet-of David R; Scott In the _m.,., era/\ to go to lht mooo on a May lunar "It's IOfl o! ' kick In tbe rann1,• lh1 luNr modulo'• takeoll llOlloo 111111 nam lw Illa sbel&I Cl Sooth Vietnam· called "Gumdrop." orbital landing rehearsal. The lnlUal i.o-reported McDlvltt after !lrlnc a lhtee (lot UNlt\11', PIP I) • ' i ., l!UIDB ·TOIMY ' . ' . Alfat<to's • Ttd ru-,. ..,.'t -lo fa<• llil. old ......... 1 N ewporl Hor"°"'' A 11<m Droc,._. · .. f!1,.il> --· ... ~·· "-Cup t'dcls.'Tllq ....... 'C 11,c .. II I o1)d .he'U 1Gi1 their ~qcit. , Patio· 1 24. • < ' • I • • • ' ,,.,.,, '11" _,..,.,.I ~· ,_,...,... . ---.. C ...... :• .... --'-' I CWfia, , ti .. a I • .... c:-. ............. ..... ~ •1&-""'" ....... ,.... . """ ·•••fl' • ..... ...... .... ·-..... r~ . , .. Qllfll • .... ...._." ... c:-....,-I = ~ ~ I ,,. -~ ... ---------- - I I ·• ' DAILY PILOT Mtfl ...... • Cong Keep Up Shelling Laird Confers on Possibi.e. V.S. RetaliatiOn •• SAIGON (UPI) -Fort,: Vtet Coog artillery attaw reported today bit two province capitalJ and several American bases as Delense Secretary Melvin R. Laird conferred with top U.S. officials on possible retaliation for the continuing Communltlt olfen.sive. Saigon wu apaied from attack, and . a blgh-le.vel U.S. aource disclosed that the South Vietnamese capital, Da Nang and Hu.e wef.e the only Squtb Vietnamese targeta: involved in the qreement that stopped the bombtnc of North Vietnam" laJt Nov. 1. Fonner President Lyndon B. Johroon ordered a halt in air and naval born· bardment of North Vietnam witlt the uadersWK!inc, 1hat Comm.uni.st. force.s wOuld respect the demJlitarhed zone and refrain · from attacks on , South Viet~. namese populatloa. centers. The high American sourct said today he arrived her• Tburtday nlfh~ promiaed an "appropriate re.poose" If the Com- munist slielllngs conUnued. The American JOW"ce In Saigon said the bombing bah agreement had been violated but added : "I do believe it would ·be a great mJstake for us to nr that now that It hu beeo violatecl we should spell out open arus for at· tact." AUed why there bad been no U.S. response thus far, the IOUl'ct u.ld: V:You have to mea.sure your response. You have to anticipate what their (tb;t! Com- munists') reason might be." The new attack! included mortar or roctet barraa:es on the p t o v 1 • e • copltab ct ChuOOI 'lbl<ll, • milts sOuthweat of Saigon, and Quang· Doe, 110 miles northeast ol Salgon, and the mountain resort ol. Dalal, 14!i mUes northeast of Salgon. The South-Vietnamese command oald the au.leis killed one child ud wounded 311 persoos, includng S3 clvillanl. Laird spent today conlerrtnc with U.S. Ambusador Ellsworth Bunker and Gen. CreJahton W. AbrllJIIS, the U.S. mlll!ary commander. The P-gon cl>let, had appointments Saturday •. with' several South Vietnamese otncia!J:, including Preli.dent Nguyen Van '11Ueu. Ex~classmate of ·Sirhan • ' .Patorul Scene oa tke Mesa -ln~Saigcn tbat-both...Johnson and Presi· dent Nixon interpreted the agreement as meaning there would be no shellings o( the three biggest cities ·Of Saigon, Da Nang and Hue. Tel'ls of Attitude Chang~ i'reshly shorn flock of sheep mow the lawn and fill their bellies on grounds of Fairview State Hos. pital in Costa Mesa. Pastoral scene in foreground contrasts sharply with urban background 'pointed up by Bethel Towers retirement high-rise (left) and Canyon Elementary School (right). All three cities have been hit in the current Communist offensive whi ch began Feb. Z3 with a rocket assault on Saigon, but much of the emphasis has been in the countryside away trom the large urban concentraUons. . ' LOS ANGELi:s .(UPI) -A cl•-•to COmpton. of ·""' •. .i. .. B .. ~. 8Jrbu. ~akl ctoay tblt . . "No air," Wei Sirhan. I B,each Hopes Dim for Lift Of Quarantine 1bere is little hope that the quaran- tine on Newport Beach and Huntington Beach beaches will be lirted before another month, Orange County health authorities said '11wrsday. Rlvenide officials reported it will take at fiiil that long to repair the city's sfurm damaged sewage treabnent p!:ant-tbe source of the contamination which closed the beaches 41 days ago. Authoritie:s said raw sewage has been pouring into the Santa Ana River and flowing to its mOutb along the Newport- Huntington.al!oteline at the nte of eight to 11 million gallons a day. • Repair work oo three ruptured RI-.er- side lines caused by the January storms w8s near completion when the February rains hi~ washing out much ct the work. Robert S. Stone, dir<dor ct the heolth department's environmental sanitation division said however, that ibe quaran- tine of Allio Beach In South Laguna 'di being removed loday. He l&\d rei-in __ ...had been made in sewage line breaks in that area. The health department'• quarantine ct l>meny State Beach remains in. eftect because ol a new break in the San Juan Capistrano raw sewer line into Tr1buco -o.ek. Stone said the bacterial counts in the Santa Ana River are extremely high and said the quarantine limit.1 remain from the west end ct HuntlnJ!too Beach State Park to the Newport J>ier. Persons coming into bodily contact with the polluted sea water ~d be stricken with one of several disease!, according to Stolle, Including Infectious hepatitis. typhoid fever and Wmooell<> <is. a mild form ol typhoid. Union Oil Co. 'Optimistic' SANTA BARBARA !UPI) -Offlcials al lhe Union Oil Co. reported Thtlrld1y they were "reasooably optimistic" that the flow of oil from their offshore rig In the Sanla._Parbara Channel will be stopped soon. They said the black crude had been seeping into lbe channel at the rate ()f 1,000 gallons per day; while the com- pany poured special cement into the well so it will seep into some of lhe fwu:res on the ocean Door ind stem the seepage. I DAILY PILOT ............. llwlkwtaalMdi ................. ,.., .,__ CAUPOINlA Jetk I. C.r1.., 'f'kt ''" ... -Gl'ntrtl #itf141 .. n.-•• Kenn .... TheM•I A, Mvrpllf11e --·-•• ~, Niu•• ._ ... ....... -C. .. ~ 1:11 Wt11I.., ,,,_. .. _. IM<lt: 1'11 ~· ...... ""'....,. L•• lleldl: n2 '"-ti 4-llXlll A 1 .,_,., M ......... ' I" Life or Death ~~ "Are you IOl'l7 be ii detd!" . the young Aral>'• -1ftr chanced "No I'm not aorry; But I'm not proud marttdii attef his fall from a race of il" hone and that he became "impatient ''You are not SOIT)'?" and depressed." "J have no way of knowing lhat 1 Linkup Crucial Flight Maneuver A rocket barrage on Saigon early 1bw'lday killed 2Z pusooa, heavie.t toll of the war in a single .rald on the city. John Strathmann, a fellow student with actually did it." Sirhan at Pasadena City College in 1984 The defense today summoned more and 1965, said he noticed a very marked than 15 witnesses to testify about the change the last· time be aaw the def en· assassination and Sirhan. SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - 'Ibe Apollo 9 mission WdS a til&<ir-death proposition for two ol. the astronauts today -rendezvous with lbe c'.ommand 'lhip or perish. The spidery lunar ferry module (LEM), piloted by Air Force Col. James A. McDivitt and civilian astronaut Russell L. Schweickart, coukl not re.enter earth's atmosphere without burning up. Thus caution and safety were the watchwords in planning the maneuver most crucial in the entirt IO-day Apollo 9 flight. Putting the LEM to the supreme test, MeDiv:IU and Schweickart uncoupled it from the n o s e of Apollo 9's mother ship, piloted by Col David R. Scott, and eased away about 4:40 1.~ PST. The LEM then flew two foolbalkbaped paths around the m'!ther ship, czul3ed to a pJint about 110 miles awa,y, ~n * rendezvoused and booked up again some ai.J: hours later. Twice during the maneuver, at the end of each loop, there were opportooltieo to cut the rendezvous short and dock early, once after about tih: hours separa· tion and again nearly two hours later. Scbweickart was equipped with an ox· ygen·filled backpack, capable of sup. porting one man up to four bOurs, which he used Thursday during a apace walk, But the only emergency oxygen supply available for McDiviU was a container able to keep him alive about 30 minutes, called an OPS for oxygen purge system. If docking had not been possible, but the two spacecraft could get close together, the plan called for Schweickert to wear the backpaek and McDivitt to bop across with the OPS. .. It's kind of Buck Rogers ltqff, but there's no other w"ay home," Schweickart observed. * ;•1 wouldn 't want to invite an atlaet any place," the American 50Ul'ee said. "l thought the President made that quite clear In his news conference the other night." Nixon, at a news conference in Washington Tuesday, and Laird, when Gold Price Up In France Again PARIS (UPI) -The price of gold shot upward to $48.31 an ounce today, the fourth consecutive day of record prices showing growing concern over the future of the franc in the face of crippling Jabor unrest in France . dant in April of 11168. Sirhan shot and fatally wounded Sen. Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968. Strathmann told the murder trial jury th1t he often had Sirhan In hia home and that be visited the Sirhan ·home frequenUy. He said that lo addition to the change in personallty that after the accident in September 11186, Sirhan took up an interest. in Jhe occult and mystic. "He said there were many powers in the wwld with whleh we could com· municate or control if we JO train ourselves," he aald. Strathmann was one of more than a dozen witnesses the defense called Friday incJudPl& a bartender who reportedly served Sirhan cfrlnkl at the AmbB.Mador Hotel. The tiny Arab lmmJgrant said Tbur&- day he blacked out after drinking ten Tom Collins highball5 at the Ambasa.adot Hotel aod remembers nothing until he found someone ''choking'' him. Sirllan told the jury he didn' Reds Seal Off Road to Berlin For Seventh .Day; BERLIN (UPI) -The Communllts halted traffic to West Berlin for the seventh consecutive day today, and Western offlelals said they expected the harassment to continue unUI end of the joint Russian-East German war gamu. Aa during previous closing ·Eut German guards suddenly fia.shed their traffic signals red at both endl of the ll~mile autobahn lo Helmstedt, the main one linking Berlin to the West. From Page 1 The new gold price was recorded as the government disclosed that French currency and gold. reserves had dipped again in the battle to save the franc from devaluation. It ls currently pegged at five lo the U.S. dollar and the in- temaUonal price of gold at $35 an ounce. remember tati.ng the gun to the hoteL He didn't remember writing that Ken-- nedy must die. He didn't remember refwing to give his name to police. In fact, he said, he didn't reallxe until 7 a.m. on June 5, 1961, that Sen. Kennedy had been shot. East German soldiers and border guards sealed oU the main highway linking Berllir with West Germany ellht times in the past week in retaliation 10< West German use of West Berlin for its presidential election Wedneaday, LINl\.UP SUCCESSFUL . •• Jn London \he price of gold jumped anotl:Jer 35 cent! to a new record high aince the introduction of a tw~tier internaUonal system lasb. year lo protect it! $35 price. It rose to $43.60 an ounce, causing a mild loss to the British pound sterllng. Today the West Berlin Commanlst Par· ly newspaper Die Wahreit Indicated more trouble because of the elecU0111. "Some will first fully realit.e only In the coming weeks the damage West Berlin has sus- tained from lhis election," the paper said. It did not elaborate. tbe o:mmaod !hip. The separation of the ship'• two parts w1s the most risky operation of the day and poor com- municaUons from an Afri~n tracking station left the oUlcome of the maneuver in doubt for U minutu. "The staging went OK," McDivitt finally repon'ed. ''However, Gumdrop can't find us in his optics (telescopes ) any longer and we may have knocked out our tractiJ'lg ligbta." A 30-secood blast from the lunar module then started the spacecraft on a course back toward the command ship to complete the operation rehearsing lunar orbit maneuvers. The object of today's test was to get the lander u far from the motbershi p as lunar erpkn.n would be before blasting olf from the moon, and then to prove that the "Spider" could chase down the "Gumdrop" and hook up with it again. In the first four hours of the orbital acrobat.ics, McDivitt and Schweickart tested nearly every operation moon pilots muat perform to land on the moon a~d slart their trip back home. The two, opening lhe fifth and busiest day or the Io.day orbilal mission, transferred to the lunar lander shortly after midnight. 'The two ships were unlatched at 4:39 a.m. PST. There were some initial difficulUes in freeing the two ships, but after Scott flicked the separation switch twice, he radioed to McDivitt and Schwelckarl: Gold waa $42.04 an ounce in Frankfurt and there were no reports o1 frantic eUorta to buy the stable West German mark as there were Jast year wben France was faced with a devaluation "Are you glad that Senator Kennedy is dead?" asked Deputy Dist. Atty. Lynn Nixon Picks Kearns For Bank President crisis. "OK, you're free." WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presldent Dickinson Heir, 18, Dies of Overdose McOivitt reported that he could see Nixon aMounced today he is nominating the command ship's control jets firing Henry Kearns, a California businessman, NEW YORK (AP) -Po 11 c e say "just .. clear .. a bell. It lighl.s up Memphis Newspapers to be preslcteot " th• upor!·lmport Fairleigh Dicktn.wn m. 11, WhOle fomlly the whole •iy." bank. founded FalrleJah Dlcklnlon Untven!ty, "There's a great big orange cloud ," S ddJ d h S • k K""= ol San Marino served u w1>-died Iller taking a combtnaUon ct opium said Scott, observing the first firings a e Y trI e tant secretary of commerce fOf'. in-and LSD. f th land , · emational affaln in the Eisenhoftf' 1d-Dickinson, a Colwnbia Unlvenity 0 e er s engmes. AlE~iPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) -The ministration. He is head of Kearns freshman, wu found u n con 1ciou1 After early checks showed the $4l Amer1'can Newspaper Guild early today 1-•·--" al Int U-•I '···•--· w~-·• . friend' million Spider was working as planned, • 11\.c.luauon , an erna vua uu.ua~ """'e,:,uay ma a room oo campus struck lbe Memphis Publl!hing Co., development firm, and ii a director and dJed later at a hospital A final McDivitt fired the ship's big landing publishers of lhe morning Commercial of business companies in Thailand and medical report on the cause of death engine, controlling its power with a hand Appeal and the afternoon Press-Scimitar. Japan. is pending. throttle much like those found on railroad l-~-;ij;iiiliiiiliiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiim;;;i;ijjj;;jm9iiiiiiiiimm9iiiiii .. iiiiiiiiiiimmiiliiiO;i;:--locomoUves. Controllers reported the ~ I second bunt went perfectly. "Thi! is really an ungainly beast," McDivitt told Scott in the ship code named ''Gumdrop." Court Delays Hearing On Trautwein Bail Plea EXCEPTIONAL TABLE FEATURING CARVED BASE. l'<" GLASS 66" LONG ll" WIDE A Superior Court bearing into Charle! John Trautwein 's appUc1Uoa for bail was delayed today when both Judge \\'llliam Speirs and dtfe.nse attorney Sam Hurwitz reallied examinatlon oC wit· nesses called would take at least a full day. Judge Speirs scheduled ihe bearing for Thur&day. "I squeezed this maUer in today during 1 recess in a jury trtaJ;• he said. "and I didn't realize it would be such a long .involved pro- cedure." Trautwein, St, ct lOm Cralmer Lan<. Htmtington Beach, is seeking resetting of the bail he forfeited when be WIS sent t.o Atascadero State Hospital for psychiatric euminltlon as a possible mentally disordered su offer;>der. Deputy District t\Uorney Al Wells to- day said his oUice "will oppoee right down the llne" aQJ attempt lo release Trautwein from Oranie County Jail. Trautwein'& ball bearing Thursday will be followed Fr"ulay by Judge Speirs' ronslderatkm ct the ""P'<"' bid f0< canceU.tion ct his pl«< of guity on charges of as11ult with lntent to commit ripe. Tk'aulftin "u awallln& JW'J trial when he filed that plu and admitted that ht tried to rape I Newport BelCb WomJD In her Balboa llland home wt Aug. 2. But attorney Hunrltx wlll argue before Judge Speln that TrautweiJI was "'In deep emoUa11al tn>uble" when he pleaded guilty and his aiolllc:t with attorney ·Mmh&ll Schulman -then hJ1 defense council -also led blm to take the action he now revets. • Hunrtll also wants the highly COO<> demning Atascadero report stricken from court records. "That isn't surprising," said Wells, "that report said he was a dangerous, mentally disordered sex offender, that he wasn't amenable lo treatment tllal be is a danger to the health and safety of others." If Trautwein's bid for bail succeeds, It seemi1 likely that the amount set by Judge Speirs wlll eclipse the record $250,0CXI be imposed at the time of Traulwein's first aJTaignment. Paul Trautwein of Newport Beach, the actused man's weaf\hy father. brought that amount to the courthouse in small bills. II took a specielly assi.gnt:d group of sheriff's deputies a full day to count the bail Youngster Gets History Lesson Four·year<>id Erik Glbbool ol N•wport 1!eadt learned I history lesson Thursday. He found out what It was Uke for mlscreant Amuican Colonl!ts who wtlll.nd up In a pillory. Playing among the kitchen chairs at hit home at 2007 Diana Lane, Erik ended up with hil held stuck a!DOll& the runp. Firemen responded to a call from the house and dismantled the chair to free the bqy. Then, Wir t e po r t says, lhey reassembled the chair and ltft. JUST A FEW OF DREXEL'S UNLIMITED SELECTIONS OF FINE FURNITURE. DREXEL THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN FURNITURE. ~ -·-· .. -·-·- IUHCHINtl; TAIL! CRl F••f11rh19 fr•m•tl 9l1u t11p .,..llh c11rle ~If !Mlow. A"tl11v• 1uilt fh1il11, S14t IOMll COMMODE I LI A¥ti11ble IR clletli wlllte ,, 111 ..,;,.,,,. y•llow with h • 11 4 p•inh4 /•tor•fion. $17f $339 EXCLUSIV£ DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL-HERITAGE 9Q DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT 7etit1N1 . INlERIORS NEWPORT BEACH Pn1f-lon1I Interior LAGUNA IE.A.CH 1727 W11tcllff Dr., 64:Z.2D$0 Detlgnora 345 North Coatt Hwy. 4f4.6.5St OPD NIDAY 'TIL t Avallab .......... ID-NSID -NIDAY 'T1L t _,,._....,.,_._,...nu ' ,, I -. • ' • • • . ~qL ,62, NO. 57, 4 ~~TIOt-1$~ lf l~&ES .. I .. . . . aeb. • • . . .. '-J_, I • • • ,. ace oes .. . . : .. MO re • I ' •' • • .. • Flowing River · Hampering . Cleanup Cleanup operations a1oog the ocean front" in Hilntington Beach won't be' suc- cessful unW the fiow from the Santa Ana Rivel returns to normal. "Trees, river bamlxlo, bushes and ahrubi are continuously clllttering our beaches,'.' said Melvin Bowman, assistant dlrtctor"of the city's Harbor and Beaches department. "We're not under quar1ntine and the beach tralh doesn't constilu"te any serious hazard," explained. Bowman, "bUt it does .. - -. . -. keep "'\' crews buSy. day Jn aitd day out with no 1ign ~ letup." ' Hun!lngten'a citY beacil b · clear of pollution. However, HunUngton · Buch State Part lbortllne, from · Be.Ch Boulevard soutlmly, ii under a pollution quarantine becluae ol nw rewage fldw. ing down tbe Sant.a Ana River. At pr....t NeW.,ori Beach· and areas sooth are receiving the beavtert polldtion from the Santa .Ana River. Some of tbe IOllthern ·beacba have. bftn · fC>rced to cl~ down becauSe of highly polluted waters. , ''A welt sWell arid west wind is pushing most of the river debris south," said Bowman, ·"but a change in swells to lhe &OUth could cauae the river to poU"ute our waters. 0 ·it may be several weeks before the Santa Ana River drops to a nonnal level, according to Orange County Flood (See TllAB!I, Page II Nigbtnuire 90 Days Ago Ended in Surfer's Death By AR'tlJUR R.1 VINSEL ding marijuana -widened meanwhile, or *' Dlltr •1i.1 ...,. with lltOe success. · A ~ to diyr 'qo ~t . liome Pond, a dedicated surfer who moved was fatally fufUled for a Costa Mesa tnto bis ' parenta' home after the .surfer in Hawail when be awoke, hor-December incident and rived money rill<d IDCf • !larlng Into a IUD muu.le to join Newport Harbor lllgh School bud· •!>kb .then fired,. ll11lUhlnl a !Jui be-dies f!t Hawaii would haft been lhere tween_ bis <)'.el 1o-..... ~-:tton. . onlJ •·-"today. • . -.... . ...... . ~· -• .. ~ . ( . ' 0 . ' . pet:~lIOJ!·~S . ' ' . . ·Crucial .Pait ~Flawless'- . I SPA~E CENTER, Houston (UPJ) - Two ast;ronauts gunned thelr1 tunar Jan- dlng craft 113 miles. aw.Y liom l1\e Apollo I ccmmand ahip today IDCf tblm raced .back to a flawl~ orbitlf. l'fto • ,.' I '• dezvous in a maja:r ffep toward' a U.S. moon landlng:thla IUJlllller, The precision catcltup came al 10:14 a.m. PST. James A. McDivttt and RUiun L. $cbw~ickart. nudged their lui)ar module "Spider" to leis than toil fett of David R. Scott Iii Uie COQllDIDl'c!rall c8.Ued "GUm<froP. 1' ur see you bUt 'Utere •ln the amli,gti4• McDlvltt said as he · approached...: the command s~p. "You're thi bJaNt, boldest, funniest sta: I've ever aeen/' "Boy, you've1 got con~aptiom llanilnC out all over,".ScOU'.aaJd u he eXamfueii .the lunar module from 300 feet away. ' . . ' ·It was an lmportanf1achleveinent for project Apa:llo. It showed that the last untested piece of rnoonfllght macbiDery -the gawky lunar mod'ule -ii ready to go to . the moon on a MBJ lunar orbital·landlna rehearsal The lnltlal 1afto cling ii set for July. , The !!ii·~ , operation began wbm ·. ' ' · • ' · · ~ ~i OA.iLY ;.i,LOr, at1tt ••, ¥cDivittt-and.-·Sc;bwelckart Ut ·~p , the . .... • • '~·. • 1 sky ! with a .big, ~e ·cloud .if fire ljUNT,INGTOl\l~KOUTS DBl,.!VER THE GOODS . :w><t JW\ed-hjto ''~ 9nit'lna - !'J'be eoH-bloolled mllnler ·wllh .His Jiedy will arrive.ltom 1he lalands A!~.-eqoou I l1platoki1f ;.~ ' WW he ltoptd to ~ • """"" al ~ --........ ~'li.t · .. r..J.,I :. ,,., ...... -~, ...... , i•• J ~'BUdi''oii ,-. !<. ~; iew-· ll'IAI ~f~JntarnallOJiaJ ..at.:~ bllarn~tun; ........ ? .,. j ~ ,, ., y J • [ .., •• •,i · · • '-'f••lil~.,,iw•1o1 · ' l1.C:1iM.'~"9~'f'.i· ,l , . • , . Ill the -,..t'8'1P'.. ·~, •. ' . .. ' ... ~ :...;;,~j'..~.2~~ trlfpltd ll!e . -' . -,......,. ""'' ·-...................... Ibo· -Pollio Ind -la· of '1111111111 lai)d ·~ AG1ice -to probe the . ~--••1a1 .. 'Allli!it'~.'ilocWM lfOl*lqde11'~ ""·bucldlii irbo tlilt .. tbe ·victim: Wd .lOllPW<~ 'Ind ~Kne•~d the,-· · dminl ihe f700 ' ••...MIJldollt~.llb cWtb, bJ• "-'ll armed rob....., late Toooilay are ......,bly .,.,_ • .,_ .., ~·~·a lhot'~1t. dOor oiit.-' . r•-_,. ' .. r.:,':~: . ; . . ~ve· L. ·CJwla, 11, d 1COsta 1Mlll, Huntingwn~couts Aid ;~.!f:~.:,~:= . DAft.y-~u.ofi·ahid' .... · '!'lie lriai!1'iint for hll a-Uy coin-sttpl!NI . of .Qranle Col!nlY attorney cidenlfl tmers ~ three Hiwal!U GOoriO,CJiula, Ud ~ H. •"red<\V" • •• r ' WINS SERVICE· AWARD Jaycoo·Schwelk•rt · bUcfiboY. -laJle;Odly toOt *1GO ·ltom lloiers. 'o! Newp0rt Beach, w.t re POlld-IDCf· two companioaa alter ·-· .. (See &UCtJTION, Pace JJ . . Bill Schweikert Sir.ban Attitude Change Wins Huntington. Jayce'es' Award Told· by -Former Oassml!_te • ' · -LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A-clamnate Willi al!' Schweikert was h o n.o r e d of ·Sirhan B. Sirhan Aid today that . Thursday night u winner of the Ja,ycees -1he )'OUDC· Arab'•, pencm.Uty chlnpd Distinguished Service Awal'.d at the an-markedly after his fall from a race nual bp.nquet of the Huntington Beach horse and that be became "impatient Serl.rice club. and df:preued." Schweikert, an administrator at lhe John Str11lm'wm1 a fellow student with McDonnell Douglas AstronaUtics Co., has Sirhan at Pllldena, City COlltP, in 1914 been active in the Jaycees and bl.! and 1985, uid be notlctd a veq marQd particfpaled in nearly ev'eiy acUvity of change the tut time he· .. ;.. the deftn· the lroup dant in April ol, 1'61. --· · Sirhan lhot IDCf fatally WOWlded Sen. )Ceynote speaker for the eve~ng ~WfS Robert F. 'Kennedy on J1D1e I, 1• tele~ion actor Gene Barry w~· ~tµ . StraUunann told ~ nwrder trial jwy calllag for more involvement bf ciU:zens that he often · had Sirhan in ~ home in the community reaffirmed his in-and that be v.laited the Sirhan home · f · !!"cal .,;,. lrequenUy. Ile Aid that In addlllon to tentiOIJ to run or 80nte po l.l uutce the cbaqe in penon&uty that after the -"'°"t likely U.S. Senator -at some accident In Sepl<lnber,lllf, slrjian took future date. up an tnterut in the ocidt· ~ mylUc. Ban')' told the 1nore tbn 150 persons · "He Aid there ~ IDlD1 powen tt -•· th 1 th 1 "I ha been in the world with wtdeb we could com-a ellUmg e even a ve munlcate or control if we ID train involved for the past 10 years or so ourselvu," be llid. and I understand many ol the Issues. Strathmann _wu . one of more than "l have laken th'!: stand that I will a dozen wltneua: the defeue called go ~son.ally into the polilical war -Friday lncJudlng 1 bat1cnder who at aome future date.'' "portedly terVed Sirhan drinks at thl Ambuaador HOtel .The tiny Arab lmmlgrant llld Thur .. day be blacked out alt<r drinking 'ten Tom Coll!nJ biibballa at the Ambaaaador Hotel and remembers nothing UnUl he f~ aomeone "choking" him. Sirhan told the jury he didn't remanber laklng the IUD to the hotel. He dldn~ mnember wr!Ung that Ken- riedy Jillil:t die. -Se didn't remember reluslni to II•• hll name to pollce. In fact, he said, be didn't realize unUI 7··,.m. on J~ $, 1"8, that Sen. Kennedy bad been shot. . "Art.,,... glad that Senator Kennedy 11 dead!" aal:ed Deputy Dist. Atty. Lynn COmptoa. "No r:lr," raid Sirhan. "Art you 11Jrr1 he ii dead!" "No I'm not 19"'1· But I'm not proud ofil" ' .. · 1"i.ou 1re not IOC'r)'?" ' . _"I have no way of tnowin& that I actuall,y ill<! IL" Tbt ~elenae today summoned more than IS 'Witnesses to testify about tbe 1sra1rtMUon and Sirhan. Flood Victims With Food A JW)el lruc-. loaded to the sagging point with food. from Huntington Beach , pulled Jnto Santa Ana's Salvation Army Headquarters Wedilmtay a(ternool). Out ol lta doon jwnped two witlormed scouts who began piling up more than 1,200 cans ranging from chicken soup to green peas at the back door to the obvious delight of Major •Torn Cisar. · The scoub, Kevin Benedict and Conrad ~legner, both of Huntington Beach'• Troop 565, explained to the ·officer that the food would· be donated :to: the Salva- tion Army to replenish food· stock depleted by the r<cent floods. C.Ommittee ·urges Def erring !BM . _WASIIlNG'I;ON (UPI) -The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today urg- ed President Nixon to de.fer deploY.Jn.ent of an Antlballlstlc Ml.Uile (A,BM f systein · Pendfng ~gful·'tlisdussions" 'wlQl the.~vlet Union on. mm control. · In , a report tq the Senate recom- maidlng ratification of the N1:1clear .Noir- proWeration "Treaty, •the cOmmittee said It t'bellevea the administration "ahoµld · consider deferring 'the deployment of these (ABM) weapons until It 'bas had Ume to·m8ke-1J1 earnest effort to ~sue . metnincful dlscuss!Of\I with the sOvlet Unlbn." · . ' . The drive was organized1 March 1 by scout Bill Lathmer. Several.of. the troop's palrols helped ln canvassing tl:Je homes, i{lcludlng the Apache, Pelican and Bu!· f~lo pattol&. Vall~{ Trustees Asked to Acqitlre Costly :Computer Fountain Valley School OJ s trict ~~e':!S, tqday are pon,_dcring a proposal to make the district 1'lhe JQoi.her of a· 'cOOperaUve cOmputer center" whicli would share Its knowledge with other . schools. InstallaUon or lhe teacher-assisted learning program, propoaed by Ra'dio Corporation of America, would cost the dlstri~ $43}!00, per month. · Jehn Hammond; RCA data products repreae'ntatlve, pleaded wkh the trustee.. Wednudlly night. to acquire '11e. ,"9111' puter, explainhlg Uuit "it is 1'01 .~ _ei.·. pensive. as It aoundJ. •: , , 1 .' "Our l)'olem · Lo <•!!'Ible of data ~ cessing for a minimum' of 150,000' students a year," •d Hammood.1 He, Rdded that since the dl.otri<:t ~i not have that many , studenta,' :'the break·' e;v,n point would be 1reached easll,y. by leasing. eicess · temilnais 'td other· schools." That future d1te, said Barry~ 1•wru be alter my C001111ftments ... ac- complished." . •Rear.Jbreaking Qeeision· The 192-tenninal collipuler ls capabte. of proceulnl/the ~'• adl@ll!ltadve data functlona, Ill otadenf JWiiln{'func.' tlons and can .. provlde P.fOll'NI reports. OD tac!\ llud.,.t cm I -~J ~ Hammond upialned 'Ulal 'the !>">'' Fil'lt runner-up for the DSA plaque was Robert 'E. .. Bob') OlnpaD; jll'elk1enl of tk Hunllngloa Valley Prea • Inc., and I king-time &>le ......... Second ruMU·UP was Carole Ann Wall, who received a kiss from Barry ln addition to her placjue marklna: .se.rvke cesalng cait<r can~ ~~l\!Jdtol'.•. work dally ~ chli~ llllll on~ . • level of al>Dlly the fOllOWID( U)'. • II J •-· • · -·-1 • 11/lrY vltrue o( the COIJlllll(er, .Aid the Police· ·06ief':s P.rob~ Le~. to Son's Drug Ar~est to U. community. . OtlJer citations "!'1l to Ralpq lkJn'illon, PllyQ!a Galkin and Elilne Xenip. 1 ft-CllAfPllU _ of tbe lamlly-at Ill LI Elperann, -Id ¥,..rto1'to·uy to comli111n!t1 , ... uentatlve, ii tli&t.the i\ddinl "ls, •"" - --Sao Cleme!ii. · --IDCf olbert about a ··-"t'• role ..I...~ly 1"".'"·_•' at, ·~1·-·el'~ --Ille< "l'mln-"-~·~·.·,,,_,. ~ol ·=--d ·~·-and ~-~ .-~ ~-" _,. ··-· --~~ ......,... -· w. l1'91VIA 1n "-11-with JUCh ,cues. N.,., -·.--t..t ... ve." 1 i : old loll~--Clllard . • o( ~· -tO aell, .._.... --..,_ ~--~ -•· -w••• hoJJ""• be said be·woodd mnaln lileot' He added that' the CG111pUWI ti. YV)'J .PUlllL.Y ._,_,. ....... ' I J(a' JJitj at•!Mf1Jaenl and polJlf'iclp beca'ut ,ol tbe"'cue. 0 • 0 • ~.... I .at•"')e) ahd thr.f~ lt ... ll 1not1 Umlled ta1 -dlarled wltb lour -of -ol ~-lntoal lo aellban-•--, • . ; _ lod&od epllit, the po11ce chlel'a .... ·Tho • ..-eharlu· are bUed on ~~Odd "'ft;~·-·~ .'to "ll my ldd.ba ta ...... the-· Qilel lfmrq uld be bad to be In pollce clalN 1tbat the yOuth hitd In· ~·-w ~·~ reported McDivitt alter firln&, a three second burst· from U\e .takeoff tl\llne. The' Utronauts be1an .their · aU-Jm. portant advenfure by • anbooklnf frwa the command ship at 4:39 a.m. PST. That was the start of · a risky 1er:iea of operati.ClM future · aslrmluta ·must' pfrform to land on abd retutit from. the moon. Tbt "Spidel'" 'llots lalir clllcanled the lunar ~·s four-legged ·Ian- <!lng.1tage and widened tbe· gap bettleen the Jimir module's' 11teoif iect1oa · eiid tne Command 'ahip. The separaU<il of U\e ship's two parll waa.the most r!ab. ~raUoo of the day ' and ~ com-' munici.tions from an African "'"trackfni ~Uon l~ft Ole oUtcome of the maneuver • 1n doubt for 12 minutes., "The .. stagtna went OK,'' NcDlvjtt finally repor(ed. "However GwndrOp •an't ,nn4 us In '11.o optics 'cte1-.J any longer and we may have bocked. out. our trackipg,Ughts." A IO:stcc/J\1 blan from tbe lunar module. then; ~tarted the spacecraft on a course back towari:I -the cOnimaod ship to complete the o~aUon rehear1tna lunar ofbU maneuvers: • Tbt object of today's tell iru · iO fet the Ian<ler as far from the motbirahlp. as lunar e±proren 'fNUld be . bifor9 blasting olf from the mooo, and then to prove that 1he "Spkler"· coiilil cliiae: down the "~" and bqot \IP wltlt (Seo WOOJp, ..... ·11 . It'll be one of..tbote'Wffbnda 1 to ieµ.the lolb'back -•l!out -dear, aUmir at'ie. •Wlth 1em'p. ' eratar,_1 <oll\for!!bly ,pla~ Jn the rii!ddle eG'• alnnt the Qr111" ~ "T·~.-- ' INSIDE / TODA" ' ' Ahattto't T"fd TMM ~'t ,,_ to fa« .lits old -· Newporl Harllor'•-,A!'aK brotJI. ~ra, fn M:fi W•lt'• Congrcu Cup ra<t1: Tl>q -'t-k ill ii """ ht'll'..U IMirboet"Paijir a<f. I • • •• N&W YORK (AP) -The --got • sharp aetback today, altllaoP It did manage to trim eome o( !ta earllor heavy IOIMI by tbe c1 ..... TradinC )'II lllOderoi.. (See quotallans, I'ljel 1bat'l .. W"1llliiilllabo.llladtimab two "'""'"'II ooce . .Proleutonally, Ult iila ~ 1 .,10 spocm ·ol •horoln, Its atora1•11111D. ''You -.,...1""" the dadaloe .--· • · IJ • o\m • aald H1111rnond. ' • '. ' -• " - -• •t COfti mi..; .. llnt'll & _, chlol ~ ba bad to pcot<ct the pro-aRd • llH• ldlol ol mar lll4A worth A• prototype ol tbe _. anltJhMI 1 =' ,.,: = C .. . apply to ·••..,.. I llad -. -·ca,. qalnal-.hll OWll aob and batw.., "5\aRd '500., , • -In operiU6n af!ICA'111'11o Alo ...,.. . " ~ .J U.13). • The Dow Jonea: indlllt:rlal aver11e 1t 1:30 ~.m. waa olf 1.03 points at IOUt. It had been o(f u much u t.01 points at 11:111 l.JIL r abOolt what .,yr' -..... -1ly, be didn't went to~ j ~Nercilllcaolllcar&allqethe ... ij~ tabonlor111ncc 1117. St-ta lo 'll••" =:i:... 'l . l:lll Q::' .: and......... 'ID ln,..u-hll IOO'I del-. ' I "".'!Jddtll bebfnd, tbe--dtl ., ""''\x~oll&-,_,,_l l Qlllm )tHe -· - -' -.. W P!"·" Aid ~ • ' ; ': The . ddol. said lie would "' .. • i. 1 lM'1'uUi' pie~~"' . f.f•. !--'ffll!iii;' """"""' • ...,..,llolt ~s. .. ::; s;~-":: St:evm E. MatnJ.)21 ... ICbtdulfid dlanrraciaie hbMelf mm tbl~. t t 'In tbt'! Drsll ~~'I .. ol ; • ~; : '' jt J1j"•' ~; .. J &;. -" lf ,..... ..., loracourt__,10dl71ooil!oraolie "I Mft ·-pr-111 =~~ do !'!lat 1"" btH.,..1• v ~-·-.artd.lavoralrly · ... " • •, =-" al. s.. -. 11~·-~ "'Ille lhoullhl had to·bt.-," Chier 'to'-111 ;oar' I; llo!aril· lht~\IOtl\» •bul -.a ·to· •k -:&"" ,,&: Y:!i:...:U:~ ~ "i:~. "f ........ •-·""·' ,. __ .,11 , ,_ ~" ~ ~lillana '1 <". i cblaf. ll> In. operau.ji before taJdlll!. aCIJoo •• f ~ • ltA t ~"!'"' ~. .., -. Uft' --~ ""' ~ -n. con.rJYHCL •· ., • 1: ~ · · the matter durtns tbclr April~· """~··.--...... .:...-----"----·;~~ . ~4 '• ~ j_J ' l I ' • .. .• I I I . I I I I • % II.Ill'/ I'll.OT H Little Hope -1 For Lift~g .. •· ' ~~ ' .. ' Qiiitratitine 'lbtre Is Diiie hope tllal tha q1111an- tine on Newpoi:I Beach and lllmUngloo Buch State Puk beaches wlU bo lift,. ed before another month, Orange cciuat:r health authorities aald ~· ' Riverside officials ·._.ced II' wlQ tili al lout that IOfll to !IP* !bl city~ ...... damqed ....... - plant-the aourc. of the cootamlnat!oa which closed the beaches 41 dl)'I 110. Authorities said raw sewage his been pouring Into the San!a Ana Rl"r and flowing to ill mouth along the Nnpon.. Huntington shoreline at -the rate of eight to 11 million gallons a day. Repair work on three ruptured Rlver- sida lines cauaed by the Jmwy ""'1ns WU near completloo -the February rains hit, washing out much of the work. Robert S. Stone, dlreCtor of the healtl! depe.rtmeot's environmental wil.tatlon division said however, that tbe q\411'1D- tine of Aliso Buch In South Liiiana ..... being removed today. He said repain had been made in sewage line breakJ · in that area. The health _._.t'• --of Dolleny State Il<ach remains In effect because of a new break in the San Juan Clpistrano raw sewer line Into Trabueo Creek. . s-aald the baderial counll In the Santa Ana River are txbemely bl&h and said the quarantine Umtta remain from the wost end of Huntlru!ion lleacb State Park ·to the Newport l'ier. · Penoos coming lnlo bodlly contact wtlb the pollutea aea water could be stricken with one of -1eyeral diHuel., acconllnl lo Slone, Including lnlectlou< bepatltb, tYJ>liold fever and W-UO- lil, a mild. lorm of cypbold. *'rom P .. e I EXECUTION ••• . ~ . tbrealened with death U they notlfied lawmm.1 I Honolulu Pnlice Department Homlcfde Detective Fred YUiii aald Tburlday that the dru(-dem~ intruden crdered Chula and 11ot1era lo weJPt Pond'• body and -p 1( fn the troplul ..... Young Pond's father sp;culated today that the boy may have been thot to death because he bad no ,,..,., left from bb trip lo hand aver to the trio ol meo, carrying ahotl'IJll and Ibo monler plslol. Honolulu PoUce Detec:tl.ve Capt. John Dlcbon, however, stuck lo bb theory told 'l'llllraday that the riitblua heachhoya merely tilled Pood lo llnpraa the other two wJth savagery. somewhat akepUcal durlll,! their lnlUal lnvestlpiloo of th' crime -which ISOUDd• more Ute a teJtvillon Jcript than a pollce log occurrence -aaid today it definitely bu demenll al autheotJclty, Texan Sentenced In Beach Theft A Twn arrested by HunUnjton Beacli Police and' charged with burglary of a doctm"s ofDce pleaded guilty Tbund•J. In Superior Court. Judge Robert GIJ'dner sentenced Michael David Courtney, Dt of Houston, to UO days in Oranse County Jail and placed him on three ye.an problUon. An addiUonal charge '!f burglary against Courtney WU dbmissed; Co\n"tney was one of four men and a juvenile arrested in what police said was the breaking of a burglary ring that concentrated oni cllnlcs and doctors' offices. Huge quantities of drugs, many of them narcotics, were found in the home of one of the defendants, police ' alleged. They alao sold'business machines and equipment which they took from aeveral doctors' offk~. investigators claimed. !1/\llV 1'11111 OIAMOI CO.Ul 1'111LISHIHO <OM"1\NY II•._. H W..4 f'nl ... .,.. "*lttlW Jecl l. C.1!.v Viet ,.,...... 111111 0-rJ IMNMI n ..... kff,n -n... .. A.M..Mrilfl1 ........ llliW ,_ ~ w. ..... Wllli1111 l19' ~ ~fl!wltlcll ................. tit ... Stntt M1lftAt A*!t1111 P.O .... no, tt••• --........... i .. IW..t .......... .. c-t9 ... 1 ........ , ... ,,,... lAltlM~02,-9"iA ..... OAIL Y l'flOT ..... """' BooslltlfJ S~Jaof.arsJilps Lee Mooteller, coordinator of llCholarship fund drive In Huntington Bea~ Union High School Dl1trlct, uses Mike FrYm for writing surface aa be endone1 '25 check-donated by Huntington BeaCh High 'lbesplanl. Mike la president ol the group, which raised .the money through play receipts. Susie OWen, Thespian treaaurer and Mrs. Joy<:e Ward, the group'• advisor, also were on band for pruenta- tion Thursday. · Life or Death Linkup Crucial Flight Maneuver SPACE Cl!;NTE!l, Houston (AP·) - Tile Apollo • mllilOn ..... Ille-or-death propoolUoii for ti!• ·of the utrooauta loday -rend......, with the command ohlp or perlall. Tbe spidery hmar ferry module CLEM), pilot.e!f by Air Force Col< Jameo A. McDlvltl and civilian astronaut Rusaell L Schweicklrt, colild not re-enter earth '1 almolpbere without burning up. 'lbul cautloe .and· safety were the watclniCt'da In planning the maneuver moo! ciiiclal lb the eollre Jo.day APoUo 9 flight. I. Putling the LEM to the .._.. lttl, McDlvltt and SchwelcUit uncoupled 11 fn:m the n o 1 e of Apollo 9'1 maO>er abip, piloted by Col David R. Scott, and eased away about 4:40 a.m. PST. The LEM theo flew two footbalHhaped paths .....,d the mother pllllP. ~ to a point about 110 miles away, then rendezvoused and booked up again some oh: houn later. . ". • . Twice during the maneuver. at the end of each loop; there were oePoflW!ltles to cut Ibo rendezvous · abort and doct. early, once after about 1~ boura tepara- Uon and qaln nearly two hours later. Schwelckart wu equipped wttb an ox- ygen-filled hackpaclt, capable of aup- portJna one man up to four Mn, which he uaed Tburoday·durin( a space walk. But the ollly emergency °"l'Pn 111pply available for McDivitt was a container able 1o keep him .Uve about :11rm1nu1es, called an OPS for o:rygen purge system. If docking bad nol been poalbk, but the two spacecraft cgu)d get close together, the plan called for Schwelckart to wear the backpack and McOivitt to hop across with the OPS. "It's kind of Buck Rogers stufJ, tiut there's no other way home," Schweickart ·~ed. l'rom Page 1 LINKUP SUCCESSFUL • • • It again. Jn the first four hours of the orbital acrobatics, McDivitt and Schweickart tested nearly every operation moon pilots must perform to land on the moon and start their trip back home. The two, opening the fifth and busiest day of the lo-day orbill1 mission, transferred to the lunar lander shortly after midnight. 'Ille two ships were unlatched at 4:3' a.m. PST. There were :some iniUal difficulties hi freein& the two ships, but after Scott flicked the aepUation &witch twice, he radioed to McDivilt and Scbweickart: "OK, you're free." , McDlvitt reported that he could see the command ship's control jets firlnc "just as clear as a bell. It lighls up the whole sky.'' "There's a great big orange cloud," said Scott, observing the first firings of the lander's engines. After early checks showed the $41 million Spider was working as planned, McDivitt fired the ship's big landing engine, controlling Us power with a hand throtUe much liie those found on railroad locomotives. Controllers reported the JS.. second burst went perfedly. "This is really an ungaiDly beast," McDlvltt told Scott in the ship code named "Gumdrop." Sunset Beach Annexation Fate Comes Before Count~ The fate of future Sunset Beach an- nen.Uon comes before the Local Agency FormaUon Commission (LAFC) in it.s 2 p.m. susion Wedneaday. Two annexaUon proposiUons by Hun· tington Beach art on the agenda. At the request o( many leaden .of the community to the northwest of Hun- tington Beach, the city b proPOSID,! an annexaUon t1ection on territory from Anderson Strttt to Warner Avenue on Harbour, Sunset Battle to Flare In Court Tuesday The cold war between lhe Huntington Harbot1r CorporaUon and a '""'P of Sunset Beach homeowners ii upectcd to heal up 'l\JeSday In the Santa Ana courtroom of Superior Judi• Oaude Owel!S. A besrlll,! on an ln)unctlon qalllll the corpcnUoo aought by homeownerl is ecbeduled to get under way after two p«Vloua delays. Romeownen leek to hall the car- poraUon 's attempt to move fences It claims tncroacb on HunllD,!lon Hari>ow' property. Al50 awaiting a coort htarlnJ on 1 date ltlU to be aet ii a counter wit broughl by tho corp«atloo qolnat homeownera. '!be rum ...U men than •t mtillon In dtmalU from -Involved In the prvp;;ty ~ine dbpute. both sides of Paclfic Coast Highway. The second proposiUon is for a strip along Coast ltgbway of uninhabited land. This move is aimed at closing the gap in city limits between the Bolsa Chica State Beach and the city limits on \Varner Avenue. Closing lhe gap encircles the 2,000 acres or tbe undeveloped B o l 1 a Properties inland oi Ute atate Beach. Seal Beach offtclals too have been asked to annex Sunset Beach and ap- parently are awaiting completion of the action by HunUngton Beach before mak· ing a move. Seal Beach planners already have approved the kleQ of IDDtlinc Sunset Beach. Little Leaguers Called for Tryouts Saturday, Sunday Rain-delayed tryouU for the Robbiwood UtUe League wlll he held Saturday and Sund1y In llunllngloo Beach. Boya between 10 and 15 years of age wilt try out Saturday botween • a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Nlne-year.cld boys are ICheduled for I p.m. Sunday. Tryouts will bo held at the Liiiie Lea.cue fltld, comer Qtlngu Avtnuo aod Graham Str..t, Huntington Buch. F1lrlhe< lnlonnaUoo about the LIU11 League program la avalllble frvm preal- dent Bob Hanvey at -· or player'• agent John Lecklt, at -· Coyg ~eep Up Shelling • I ' aird Confers on Possib~ U.S. RetaliatiQn .-.· .... • '. "!./ -~ (Ul'll .,.. Fo(ty Vlei C0\11 arim..,< allacta roported today hit two ~-capllall Qd ... erll 'Aftttllcan bueJ as ·Defense Secretary Meivln R. Lalid conferred with lop U.S. olficlols on poss.Ible retaliation for the continuing Communiat offensive. Sal.goo waa sPared from atlack, and a hlgb-level U.S. IOW'Ce di3closed that the South Vleblamese capital, Da Nang and Hue were the only South Vietnamese tarsets ~volvtd In the agreement that alopped the bombing of North Vietnam lut Nov. 1. Former President Lyndon B. JobnsOn ordered a hall in air and naval born· bardmellt of North Vietnam with the understanding that Communist forces would ~pect the demilitarized zone and refrain from attacks on South Viet. namese )>opj.&laUon eentera •• Tile b1ib American source said today fn Saigon that both John!on and Presi· dent Nixon tnlerpreted the agreement as meanl.ng there would be no shellings of the three biggest cities of Saigon, Da Nang and Hue. , All three cities have been hit in the current Corilmunlst offensive which began ~eb. 23 with a rocket assault on Saigon, but much of the emphasis has been in the countryside away from the large urban concentraUorui. A rocket barrage on Saigon early Thursday killed 22 persons, heaviest toll ()f the war in a single rald on the city. "I wouldn't want to invite an attack any place," the American source said. "'I thought the President made that quite clear in bis news conference the other nlght." Nixon , at a news conference in Washington Tuesday, and Laird, when l'rom P&fle 1 .TRASH •.. Conlrol District persoMel. Bob Wise, hylrologist for the county predicted it would be at least two ~ three weeks before the river rate dropped significantly; "Villa Park dam is only releasing 350 cubic feet per second of water" said Wise, "but Prado dam is still unleashl1114,000 cubic feet per second." AT LEAST WEEK A spokesman for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, regulators of Prado said it would be at leart a week before Prado would cut down from its 4 000 cubic feet per second rate.. ' After that there woukf still be an outflow of J,000 cubic feet per second through an ungaled ouUet possibly fer several months:. The Corps of Engineers spokesman said nonnal outnow in t~e summer is Jess than 100 cubic feet per second. Prado dam currently has 76,720 acre feet of water stored, while Villa Park rapidly approaching normalcy, contain; J,700 acre feet . Bowman said that beach crews could expect to have the city's beaches in good shape about a week after the Santa Ana River is nonnal, a lime as yet unknown. Saddled by Strike MEMPIDS, Tenn. (UPI) -The American Newspaper Guild early today struck the Memphis Publishing Co .• publishers of the morning Commercial Appeal and the afternoon Press-Scimitar. he srrlvtll hm 'llnlnd1y night, Pf')mlMd an "appropriate· response" lf the eom. m1,lnlst shellinga conUnued. 1be American source in Saigon said the bomblq halt agreement had been violated but added: "l do believe it would be a great , mistake . for us tD say that DOW that It b.u been violated w~ 1hQuld .peu out open areas for at· ·tick.'" A¥*f wby ~ had been no U.S. respme t.1111 far, the source said: 1'You have 1o measure your response. You have to anticipate what their (the eo~ munists') reason might be." The new attack: included mortar or ror:kd barraces on the p r o v l n c • capitals of Clluong 'lblen, H D1lles soulhwest of Saigon. llld Quanl Due, 110 miles nortbtast ol Saigon, and Ole mountain resort of Dalat, 145 miles northeast of Saigon. The Sooth Vietnamese: command llid the aUacka tilled one child llld wounded 30 persons, includn( 33 civiliJns. Lal!d OP<lli toda,J coo/erring with U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker a1ld Gen. Cre!gbton W. A)rams, the U.S. militarY commaoder. The r.ot>aon chief had appointments Saturday wJth several South Vietnamese oWciall. includinl President Nguyen Van Thieu. W:ill _Ray Plead Guilty To King Assassination? MEMPJOS, TeM. (AP) -James Earl Ray's laW,.er was granted a Monday appearance In Criminal Court as an Alabama newspaper reported today that Ray plan.! to plead gWlly in the death al Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and will receive a 99-year sentence. A spokesman for Judie Preston Battle, who is scheduled to preside at Ray's trial next month, said Ray's lawyer had 50Ught and been granted the hearing. There was no i.ndicaUon what the bearing would concern. Jn Huntsville, Ala., however, the HWltsville Times reported Ray will plead guilty to the a53assinalion of King last April 4 and receive a 99-year sentence. The Times wrote that it learned the State of. T.t;nnea;a:e.e would r~mmend the 99-jeaz tcntence "when Ray pl~ds guilty." King was shot to death here last April 4 as be stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel, where he was staying after arriving to lead a demonstration in behall of the city'I 1,200 g&rbage collectors. The garbage workers at that time were on strike for a union contract and higher wages -issues which were settled soon after King's death. Dist. Atty. Gen. Pbil Canale bad no comment on the Huntsville TimeJ report. State Atty. Gen. George McCanleu was not available. Ray was captured in London lut June 8, after a worldwide manhunt, by Scotland Yard deteclivu and returned after lengthy legal proceeding• to face a murder charge in King's death. He is accused or shooting King from ambush from a rooming hollle aqoo_ the street from the motel, but bu denied: it. Court Delays Hearing · On Trautwein Bail Plea · A Superior Court hearing into Charles John Traul)Vein's application for bail was delayed today when both Jud.le William Spelrl and ddeose attorney SaPl Hurwitz: realized examination of wit- nesses called would take at least a lull day. Judge Spelrs scheduled the heariog for Thursday.· "I squeezed this matter in today 'during a recess in a jury trial," he said, "and I dldn't realhe it would be such a long involved pro- cedure.'' Trautwein, 31, of 1.0291 Craimer Lane, Huntington Beach, i1 seeking reselling of the ball he forfeited when he was sent to Alascadero Slate Ho.spital for psychiatric, eumination as a possible mentally difordered ae1 offender. Depnly District Attorney Al Well! to- day said his office "will oppose right down the line" any attempt UI release Trautwein from OraJlie County Jaji. 'I)"autwe!n'a bail hearing T?IJrld&y wlll be followed J"riday by Judge Speirs' consideration of the suspect.'s bid for cancellation of his plea of guity on charges of assault wUh intent to commit rape. a s Trautwein was 1waiting jury trW when he filed that plea and admitted that he tried to rape a Newport Beach woman in her Balboa lsland home lut Aue. 2. But attorney Hurwitx wU1 ariue befcn Judge Speirs that Trautwein was "in deep emoUooal trouble" wheo he pleade<l guilty and his conflict with attorney Marshall Schulman -then his defenae council -~!so led him to late the acUon he now regrets .. Hurwtta also wants the highly con· demnlng Atascadero report atricken from court records. "That J.sp.'t surpi:islng,'• saJd Wells, "that rel'ort said he was a dangerous, mentally disordered sex offender, that he wasn't amenable to. treatment that he is a danger to the health and safety of others." If Trautwein's bid for bail succeeds It seems likely that the amount xi· by Judge Speirs will eclipse the rteord $250,000 he imposed at the time of Trautwein'• first arraignment. Paul Trautwein of Newport Beach, the accused man's wealthy father brought that amount to the ~ in small bills. It took a specially assigoed group of . sheriff's deputies a full day lo count the hail. EXCEPTIONAL TABLE FEATURIN6 CARVED BASE. II" GLASS 66" LONI> ll" WIDE $339 \ JUST A FEW OF DREXEL'S UNLIMITED SELECTIONS OF FINE FURNITURE. DREXEL THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN FURNITURE. ~ -·--·- IUNCHING TAii.i fl) fi1twl119 fr1r111'11l1"'t'" _yfftl llltl1 •If ,kltw. Ali"'!v• 111l1t fi1111i.. S14t llOl.IM COMMODI I l) AT.Ul1ll/1 f11 clitlli: tHlltt ., ift 11t1/11t1tlla y1/11w .,jtJ. Ii I II J p1 it1leJ 4tc.,•tl•ft· S11' NEWPO•T IEACH 17'27 w .. tcllff Dr.; '42-20.50 OPIM NIDAY 'nL 9 LAGUNA IEACH 345 No11h c ... , Hwy. OPIN flf.JDA T "TlL t .... , ......... " .... c--, .... , ... Prol ... lonal lnWlor Dta11nort Av1lllbi.-Al~SIP • 494-6551 . ' ' • I " t MRS. RANDOLPH GLAESE Costa Mes• Home Glaese-Berry Vows Repeated Hmeymooning in ldyllwild before e:!Ublishing their first heme in Costa Mesa are new- lyweds . Randolph Darwin Glaese cX. c.osta Mesa and his bride, the former Diane Leigh BerTy. Parents of the bridal COU· ple are Mrs. Melwood Arthur Berry of Huntington Beach and the late Mr. Be?Ty and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Glaese of North Miami. The couple e.zchanged vows and rings before the Rev. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield in St Andrew's Presbyterian Churd>. Given in marriage by bt;l;. brother, David Allen Berr:f. the bride spoke her vows in an A·line delustered satin gown with chapel train and ruffle trim. Her tiered illusion veil was edged with lace and caught to a crown o{ rhinestones and seed pearls. She carried yel· low roses and daisies on a Bible, which belonged to her great-grandmother. Wearing a yellow chiffon gown and carrying yellow Harborite To Marry In March Our t.ady Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Corona de! Mar will be the setting for the wedding of Susan Jane BaJTett ol Anaheim and Rob- ert Morgan Anderson or New- port Beach. The betrothed have selected March 29 for their marriage date. The bride-elect, daughter of Mrs. Alfred 8. Barrett of Alpena. Mich. and the late Mr. Barrett, is a graduate of Alpena Central High School and Michigan State UniYmi- ty. She is a speech therapist with the Anahe im School !);strict. 'Ibe son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Anderson o f Newport Beach is a graduate of Newport Harbor High cama1icm was Miss Roberta LeBus of Coli& Mesa, maid of honor, lltdle an avocado green frOct and matching carn1tions was aefeded for the brides· maid. Miss Barbara Jane Beck of Newport Bead!. Atteodizig as best man was Jolln King of Laguna Bead>, while usher duties were as- sumed by John Ainley of Seal Beach and James Berry, the bride's brother. During a reception in the home ol the bride's motbtr, Miss Linda .Lee Chamberlain of Qosta J\fesa circulated the guest boot. Special g u e s t s attending were Misa Lillian Schwarz of Portland, Ore., ~ bride's great.,,,unl; Capt. and Mrs. Thomas p. Berry of Orlando, Fla., her brother and zister- in-law, and . Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Glaese of Albu· querque, the bridegroom's grandparents. The bride is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended Orana;e Coe.st College. Her husband is an alt.mlllus of Norland High School, Florida. Reports On Agenda Reports will top the agenda during a meeting for Cavalier Chapter, Colonial Dames XVD Century iii the Old Brussels at 12 :15 p.m. next Tuesday. During the gathering Mrs. Bea Crist, president, will report on a state conference in Fresno which she and Mn. Erwin Marks attended. Following the busi ness meeting, Mrs. L aw rt. n c e Dunnay, first vice . president and program chairman, will introduce Mrs. Fred C. ROBS, who will tell about the third annual Patriots' Day Parade. Mrs. Ross is a member of Patience Wrtaht C b a p t e r . Daugbters of the Ameriean Revolution, co-spOnsors of the parade. Memben unable to att<nd the luncbecm meetlng .,. '"" quested to notify Mn. Harry Wood.~. School, New Mexico Military-----------! Institute and Claremont Men's College. Kids, 'Ask Andy' ' . I See by Today-s Want Ads , e Sprinr Tiowen : Orchids and assorted p1Mta for s • 1 e , tnOYlrs fl'tlm state. . .35c lo tlO • , • .now l.1 the lime tD """"""'· • Rnum to the Put: ~ ttmi• lot sale, .::me enttqun, tn- ""'1lne an""' b«I. -,. b IDtiMIN'I.. e Sd AWl7 Wlth Me: 88uttf'la1 _., da)'l ahlad Cllll fer .. clfftrftlt adl"f'fto mtt .••. dwttT OU. au. ,. tor • ..,. or tun anc1 re- laxation tn Che Paclfic blu.. e Mf!'# Old Wodd Flavor. New fW'aihn must k ~ ,,._ ......,, Sponi.11 "'11e da•tiiport and love- Alaska Home • Wedding Planned Engagement Told Dwing, a ceremony in London Karen Eileen Kell and John s. Partridge will ex- cqange wedding pledges. Miss Kell, a 1962 Children's Home Soc- iety debutante, is an alumna of Newport Harbor High School and attended the Uni- versity of Southern California. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Kell of New- port Beach affiliated with Gamma Phi Bela and Spurs while majoring in history. The benedict-to--be, son of S. J. Part· ridge of London and the late Ml'1!. Partridge, graduated with·an honors degree in history from Cambridge Univenity. The betrothed, who both reside in Lon· don, will be married May 24, in an Epis- copalian Cbureh. i i...,.._,,. ,.._., ____________ ,. La Leche League Club 'Babies' Mothers Prospectiv e and new mothers will find a aeries of four meetings beginning"f\les- day, March ll, of interest.. SpoTU10red by tbe Costa Biography Reviewed 'L54 ,.,..,. ................... ........................ ,_ ____ .......... p ... 11 .... ,_ _..,...a.-9': I le wlw_. ..................................... Mesa Chapter r:I. La Ltclle League, the meetiilp will be titled Advantages cl.· Nllraln& Your Baby, the Art ol Nu(slng and Overcoming Difficulties. Birth of the Baby and Nutri- tion and Weaning. Mrs. Jerome Hjeltness of Costa Mesa will ho.It the first meeting at 7:45 p.m. and subsequent meetings will bt April I. May l3 and June 10. s-s•---ft!I••..._ ... ......... ,, .......... ""921 .......... _-.c-. ........ --....a.c .... ................. ,.., .... ., ..... ., ... ,,... ...... ...:...P+ 1 , .. ...._,..,,_SM.a. WM.a.. Associates Own Members Spotlighted .... fl•-aoa_....., .... M l.,.... .............. J :X:' ........... ... ... .... I ··-'Hf(:JW 4/111:. .,._.. ....... w.,.. I.I~ ..,~ '21S: ....,. aw"'Jr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.i !US: tub chain, 115 todl • • . . .a brand new Uvtn, room 1t half Price! COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BUOi NEWPORT BEACH IH•rbor Shopping C.nf•rf I Huntln9ton C•nt•r I ( Fa1hio1t f1li'nd-J LPJAI. HOTICI -· ,r14q, MorQ 1, 1'69 DAtl.Y I'll.OT J;J 'Wl'',,._. Complet• Pl lnthig -Service Top Gu•tt -Fast ,S1nic. 642-4321 2211Weal11 .... IM. ............... • • l r I ..... - Meet B'9 Brother ... ,, . . . Two ·pan American jeUiners sit side by side ot Everett, Wuh. aftM th• second giant Boeing '7'0 to be built wu iolled out of the paint shop 'with Pon Am markln(s. The other plane !J the older !O'T, once conaidmd qU!ta ·a large pieee of equip- ment. Tb• n .... ..t ·aacn11on !O ti!• flB Am ~eet will require about 1,400 houra of l!igbt testin( before be- ing turned over to the air~. . . · Yo_. Money's Worth -yaucon-..eo..-cu- pled meeting doy to doy obllgatlona- -bllll, ~you con for9ot lhlra'a • tDlllOf I aft• I Wlllhlnl Fedenit SO¥lngo -.Id llkl to Nmlnd yau ... ond .... tho -w -wrt IO -tho avollabllily 0t moner fOf' future plan1. or Juat tuture ~.lobyoya~-... WlloNr8 --the hlgheat .. tin .. -MYlnlll 11Uowed bj ltw •• .a.-.-t11eCll'T9nton..,.1pua-· ..,_ _., , .... compounded dlllyonil 1111111 .... ,....Addltlonally,,.., ....... 11 .-. .,_on 3-ntll ..Uflcato • • • --1-YD.llEM---Qllllf.921127•M.H711 -~--,, 2 --·, ... - -In nUtlpleo of SI ,ooo. Stmt pmtdlng for yo11r futm IDdly w1th • 1avlng1 account 'at Wl11hlr1 F-... tlltn odd IO It 189Ularly • • hMI cam from date rcceiucd to dole toithdrown. • • hndi nccfued b~ Che 10th tarn from thr lit If lift to <ftd of quorter. .. NAMED VICE P~EXY G110rg Hochfll:itr ,@ C &CSL €L __ ... _ -·---i... .. -- O:YER ·THE COUNTER, • , '.1W UL ·A· • ' ·I •• • 1 • • i • • I • • • l l ' ' ' ' ! ' l ' ' l l ' ! l ' • ! l l ' ' l • i ( ' ' ' < ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l ' ' ~ • • • • • • ' • ' ' ~ • • ' ~ ' • • • • • ' ' ' • ' • ' • • • • • ' • • • ' • • • ' • • ' ' • • I ' ' • • ' ' • • • I • • ' I ' I I ' ' I I I ' I I I I ' I . -. -· >CW'"'°~~ ........ ~>4' ...................... ~ ...... "'! ...................................... ~== .... o;lli""'"" .. """'"""""""""""'"~'"""'" ..... ~ ..... ~..,~ ....... """"'"'"'"'""""'""""""'"""'" .. "'"!"' ......... ..,, ...... ~ ............... 111;'""'::'1:!1 • m I . ' ' ··~Pri~-,-·· • • • tl -- • j r I I - I .. ' ' , • .• ;:Jf DA&.V PILOT , Fridor, -1, !'16'1 -·Rocket-·~otl · E·xf!lode ·s to Newcombe --- 111 GLENN WHITE -1 ot•....,rti.IMtff INGLBWOOD -Rlllln•y '-n..Jlocket" 'r..,.. ls not the kind of man ~011 like .. bact 1n a comer -especially ir 1"U happen to be opposing him in bis dKIRll field ol professional tennis. For Laver, universally acclaimed as .0. world'• greatest player, seems to be at hb best when his back is to ll'lbo wall. SO jt was Thursday night a.t lbt Forum ts the flame-hafred Corona del Mar ~tnt ezplOOe<I in the second tel to ti u m p Australian John Newcombe. M , Jo 1 e • up a semifinal victor)' 1a t h e %nd annual LA Pro hivllaUooal. He had demolished Newcombe 1n the f!rll l<l. ~ !>"\ ;._. bovine' p)ems ':4.tb bft• ~~l serve ln the final Rt. Laver owned a M lead and had the serve for the loth g1mo of the set. Newcombe bad been playing surpris· in,l)t well in the iet -until it aot down to ·brass tacks. Then Laver picked up paints with two superb shots on lhe line, and a beautiful clrlp over the net lo Jud, 40 love. Newcom'bo .....,.i to .pick up a polnt before the RoCket aiain made what Jooted to be an iinpossJble ' ' STRICTLY BUSINESS -Gary Johnson, former Orange Coast area prep and jaycee star, gives the details on his new upgraded man- agerial -gnment with the Chicago White Sox. Three-year-old daughter Julia takes in the confab, listening for possible mistakes. ; lohnson Moves llp • l ·'' ., ' Mail Call Was Big Event For Ex-Coast Area Ace ,. 1' When you've reached the age plateau , of 30 and art a family man. Oeeember can only mean a mountain of. bills and ~ headaches of the same dimension. ~ That lJ, that's generally the way tlrings ..... .. However, for former Huntington Beech High and Orange Coast College baseball t star Gary Johnson. December turned into a memorable monlh. Jt was then lhat 'he received his lllh annual cootract from the Chicago Whltr .WHITE WASH ************"'*~ Sol <rganizalion. He bad just complelc I bil rm campaign of manacinl a clu b d his own -Appleton, Wisc., of Cla&"i A level. Jobmon had guided lbe t.eam to third place in each half ot the split le~e campaign. Naturally.· he was anxious .. as to bow his effort& would be evaluated • by 1he While So• l)'ltem. ,1 A few years earlier he had abandoned .. hll hopes of being a major league player ~ and gone into the player-coach program «iciJ>ated by the Pale Hose. • , So when the contract was delivered ., to 1he Johnson household on Balboa :· Island, there was 1 quantity of sweat ,, " • .. ., ' • • 1' • t • College, NBA Cage Results ...._,_ fl.....,,. U. MMl!lt!Ml'I 1J ltllf99n ''· Htw Ytrtt U. 74 ' .... c..11toe n. ~ n S!Mf .,.._ .U, Lllll!Nn 4 br911t n, It. L ..... U. 71 tit~ St.le l't. Nebf•Y.• •l Ct: ............ ITlt. 111 Le116i:Ylflt It, ..... '" 11 S..11 "" ...... "· ""''-11 ............... n. UC. Str!tt • .,,..,. 11 ........ CMll c.tw-· , .. _ ~· "' ""'""'-. s-"' c.r.iin. tt.. M.tr-<11'"" n ...,. ~ ... ,.. °""'* ,. w.u ,..,_, 11. lltMlfl 1;1,..,,... ,,.. n ..._ ...... ~" 111. Ml'-!~" lit .......... , .. :.r;1a " o.ic.,. tu., "'· .............. .... °"" 111, ... ""' " on the handa as lhe ~velope was opened. It waa lomething like Academy Awards night for Gary and his family . Happily for them it turned out that Johnson was promoted. giving him a 30 percent salary increase and that big step up the management ladder. Now , in a few hours he 'll be flying to Columbus, Ga., where he'll guide lhe playing destinies of the While Sox's AA farm club -one lhat is being rekindled in tbe Georgia city foll owing a few years of dormancy. His goals at Columbus are simple: "Primarily I want to win games and develop players," he says. His coaching philosophy ls also down to earth: "Let 'em know who's in charge but don't make playing a drudgery and reeogni 7.c the good things they do as well as chewing them out for mistakes." The big choice for Johnson came four years ago, foltowlng what he calls "my \11orst season in baseball." In AAA bail al Indianapolis he hit .250 and drove in 60 runs, But compared to the um season when he batted .341, drove in 101 runs, had 184 hits, 3S doubles and 11 triples, it was indeed a poor campaign .. So Gary sized things up and when the So;r instilled their player-coach pro- gram. he joined it. Asked whether be misse."I the playing aspect of the game, the ex-first baseman says: ''I miss-waking up ln the momir~ and feeling good for being in shape. But rm so busy running the games, matins reports, etc .• that I don't have time to think about what 1 'm not doing." Johnson wilJ be taking up resident In Hoyt Wilhelm's .Columbus home since the laUer is coming wcsl to play for the Angeb. * * * Short Circuits Gree Snydu, 1t.ar bukelball pllyer at Huntlq1ft e ... ~ High, b alaled fflt bee AJ1'l'1 Ap,ril 11. Oelpltt nmon ~ ta ...., popen, S.yoltr .. ys lte'I 1&1.y oa 8' Stanford Unlvl!l'llty. 81 '-JIAd *-bee durtn1 ln11b team ..-. Mark SOderberg, who st.atTed al Marina wb& Snyder was at Huntinaton. ii averaging 18.t polnls per game and 12.7 nboomds per Ult for the Uhlv.,..lty ol~lrosh. Crall RlUtr, fenntrly of Ntwport llJrbw mp. h ... ol .... ..,. pltd1en at tfM Unfvtnily .r Callfeml1. Santa Blt"Mrl. Jlt wu t-• flw the GauC"bM l111t MUOI· relurn juat ln&ide the lint to win tho match. Aftmrardr In the dttS&luC room Ntwe1>fn'6o &lid.• f•( Jost stood thue and walched that list shot. I i:ouldn't believt It." Laver volleyed; '1l'm glad yoo admired It. When l fir1t thought about It I didn't think t was goinc to be able to get to'the ball." The !otmtr Australian great admitted thal generally speaking he is not: a touch player. But od<f.ed, "Tonl&hl. 1' wu tbue _,, , J. :was. really -hittlg& the ball •tU." · So now Laver will face Marty Riea&en • In Sa~ nlgbt's llnols after Utt latttt cooU.ued bis hot otruk by bocking oll Newport Beach's Roy Emenoa In the l1nl hall of Thunday'a aemla. ru...e.. 11>e 11ant alayer or Ille tourney, baa now defeated Tony Roche, Fred Stolle and Emerson to inate the nnala. "Jt's been ·my tournament so far." s a I d the 27-year-old upstart following hi.I 6-3, .1-S (lie-breaker used) win over Emerson. ''I've been bot and I want to keep it that way." Rleuen .liniJhed rut In both se1a and was serving particularly well against Rapid Roy. ~He won lhe 1atl thrte aames to take the first set Then he came !rom a 114 dellcll In the -set to lie Erner'°" and lon:t the tie breaker. Then be again erupted to llnJsh off the verdict when Emeraoo drove the Ooal. two point baU1 into the net. He wu having problems clearing lhe net throughout the evening -both on service and returns. And he ne11er ~emed lo be able lo complete the klll when he bad Riessen wavering ln key 1ituations. . _Emtt&on 'bad never before lost lo Riessen. EmersoD and Laver lat.er teamed to Charice for SC By TJ¢ ASSOCIATED PRESS Two yeers ago, ~ year coach Bob Boyd asked hia Sou!bem California Trtr jans to play what amounted to a staU game against the riation's No. I team -crosstown rival UCLA. A shot at the buzzer by Bill Hewitt. now playing professionally for the Lakers, missed the basket by !riches and the game went into overtime. UCLA won 40-35 and cruised to two straight national basketball titles on the back 1~9 Oatiook: of Lew A.lcindor and a group of outstan- ding helpers. Tonight the Trojans and Bruins clash at lhe Los Angeles Sports Arena. USC has nothing to Jose and UCLA nothing to g;pn. It's aimply rivali'y week in the Pacific-8 and that means it's "anything can hap- pen" time. Wuhington State is at \Vashington , Oregon is at Oregon State and California la •l Stalllord. Dodgers Require Steady Improvement of Players VERO BEACH, Fla. (APJ -Bill Sudak.is is part Norwegian, part Lltbua· nian and all third baseman. He is the Mth pt8yer to play third base for the Los Angeles Dodgers since they landed on the West Coast in 1958 and may be the first to hold the job for any considerable length of time. F o r Sudakis1 allhough he is only 23, is one of the major reasons the Dodger.s had the best record in the National League over the final month of the 1961 season. Sudakis broke in ,with a homer at Philadelphia. , "No wonder. You've been wearing your left Jena in your right eye and vice versa." With tl}e right lens in the right e y e, he"s only one of the keys for the Dodger.s, who wlil be battling AUanta, Cincinnati, Houston, San Diego and San Francisco in the Western Division of the National League's two-division set up. Besides the continued development of Sudakis the Dodgers need better years from second baseman Jim Lefebvre (.241) and ouUielder Ron Fairly (.234) and for J'ookie Bill Grabarkewitz to take hold at shortstop. ''Sudakis Could make a big dilference for w if he plays anywhere like he did last year," said Manager Walt Al!toa, now in his 15th year with the Dodgen. A! for Grabarkewiti. he's the kid who showed so much at Albuquerque, whtre he hit .308 wllh 10 homers, that the Dodgers exposed Zoilo Versalles in the expansio'n draft However, he suffered a broken right ankle late la.st year and it has been slow healing. lf Lefebvre returns to his 1966 form .274 (%4 homers, 74 R81), Sudaki.s is what be appears to be and Grabarkewitz makes it, the infield will be SOtJnd. Sli('kfielding W e s Parker Is at first and Tom Haller the catcher with a .285 average that was the best on the club. Fairly holds the key to the solidity of an ouUield that includes Willie Davis, \\'ho had a late-season surge that in- dicated he may finally alter long, long years be ready for stardom; young Willie Crawford, and trade-acquisition Andy Kosco. The pitching is st_rong with Don Drysdale the big stopper, Bill Singer and Don Sutton expected to improve v"ith age, Claude Osteen remaining steady and Jim Brewer providing ef· fecti11e relief pitching. If everything goes right, the Dodgers could be as though a club a.s they appeared in the final lllOt'lth when they posted an 18-9 record -witb Drysdale on the sidelines with a sort arm. "While what we did in September last year.won't count this season," Alston said, "it did indicate we're a better team than we looked over the entire season." The Dodgers fini shed in a tie for seventh last year, 21 games behind pen - nant-winning St. Louis. They can't finish that low this year in a si.J:-team division, and they could even challenge for the top spot. ALCINDOR HEADS ALL-COAST FIVE SAN FRANCISCO -So what's new? Everybody knew Lew' Alcindor of UCLA would bead United Press-Intemational 's 1969 All-Coast basketball team. After conceding Alcindor's spot. prob- ably the most asked question in the West wu who would join him on the mythical squad. In a poll of. writers and sportscasters. the pm. went lo Ted Wierman of Washineton State; Don Griffin, Stanford; Bud Ogden, Santa Clara; and a surprise pick: In Sam Robinson of Cal State (Long B,.ch). Shoe Manufacturers Call Story Exaggerated FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) -"We didn't pay a dime to athletes in MuiCtJ City." said one German track .shoe manufacturer Thursd,y. "Extremely ez· aggerated," said another. demands for using certain equipment. ··Sul the sum mentioned in Sports Illustrated Sffms ridiculously high." Armin Dassle.r, director or Puma, said In an interview, 1'T hes e charges of payments to athletes have been raised for many yem. They are untrue. ·As far as we of PUma are conctrned, I can only say that we didn't pay a dime to athletes in ¥,el.ico Clty." But in Los Angeles, folks are wondering if Boyd wlU pull aoolher stall game. "We won't change our st rate a y drastically from what we've done this season," Bo)'d said earlier in the week. Was it a ploy? · "We plan to press some," he said, indicating that this year's Btllin guards aren't as good as last year's duo of Mike Warren and Lucius Allen. 11le Bruim will likely start John Valle· ly and Bill Sweek with Ken Heitz and Sports Clipped Short fr•11t th WINt ef AP /UPI ~ Luker• Host Celtics INGLEWOOD -The Los Angeles Lakers, who have had more offensive punch in recent games with Mel Counts at center instead of Wilt Chamberlain , face the Boston Celtics at the Forum tonight. The Lakers lead the Nalional Basket- ball Association 's \\'estern DiYillion by 3Yz games with 10 regular se ason con- tests left. "We have played better will) Counts recently," coach Bill 11an Breda Kolff admitted. Hawever, the 7-foot Counts won't start in place of the 7-foot-i Chamberlain. Van Breda Kolff feel.s be doesn't have tqe stamina and i.s prone to gel into foul trouble. Ho1curd lo A119els? P AU1 SPRINGS -Dick Walsh says he hasn'i elven up. He feels the CalHomi a Angels sti ll have a chance of landln i:; Frank Howard. "It's not a dead thing yet," the Angel general manager said Thursday. Walsh reportedly bas offered four player• to the Waahington Senators for the 1961 American League borne nm klng. They are belleved ta be outfielders Vic Davallllo and Roger Repoz, pitcher Clyde Wright and catcher Tom Satriano. Nixon Dies PO~fONA -Funeral services will be hekl Saturday for Eugene Nixon, head football coach at Pomona College from 1916 until 1934 and athletic director at the school from 1924 until his retirement in 195 1. Nii:on. 84, died Wednesday night. Kings Bow, 5·1 PlllLADELPmA -Leonard Patrick "Red" Kelly, one of tbe Natloaal Hockey League's greats, can take Jteo•rt.. The Loi Angele• Klng1 will be home next week. Kelly's Kings, whose road record ihi~ season rivals William Jenning• Bryan·11 record as a presidential candidate, fell to tbt Philadelphia Flyers, 5-1, Thund1y, The Jou was the z.ttb -that's right, the 24th -away from home for the Kings as opposed to 5 wf.n1 and 4 ties. Two f'lre 68s OR.l.ANOO, Fla. -Pvt. Tom Weiskopf calls the shots on the golf course, but the Anny is something else. "Every ?-.toaday, no matter where I am on the tour, I have to go to those Reserv e meetings in Coh1mbus, Ohio," be say s. "It's either that or go to Vietnam." ''I don't even want to talk about it." He took command of a 26-mile-an-hour wind and shelled lhe tricky Rio Pinar Country Club course with a. 6S to go into the 11econd round of the $115,000 Citrus Open tied for the lead with the veteran Rod Funs:eth. ciown JtJweo and Tom Okktr, 114. R1tssen hu 1wtce played Laver - ooce as a IJ.) e1M1ld junJor and In the third round o1 th• 1111 Wimbledon Open wb!:n be lo.n in four sets to the 1'ed-balred star. Laver went on to win th6 Wimbledon classic. 1n other Thu.ml.ay night play Ann flaydon Jones of Great Britain to~ Francoise Durr or France, &-3, in semifinals and Billie Jean King topped . Rosemary Casals, 6-1, 6-4. And in men '• double$ seipis, Newcombe OJ)d Tony Roche· defeated Ken Rosewall and Fred Stolle, 8-5. Cagers Terry Schofield ready to come In. The forwards w.lll likely be sophomores Sid Wicks and Curtis Ro~·e .• Troy will probably starl 7-foot Ron Taylor to oppose 7·1Y.r Alcindor. At the guirds will be veterans Steve Jenning~ and Mack Calvin with Don Crenshaw and Ernie Powell at the corners. California must be favored over rival Stanford. The Golden Bears played their finest game in years last week, forcing the toJrranked Bruins into overtime before losing 84-77. Fink Aids SC To Early Lead • In Pac-8 fdeet LONG BEACH {AP) -The University ol Soulhem California grabbed a 1)4. 122 lead over Stanford Thursday night in the Pacific-3 s"•imming and diving cham- pionships at Long Beach's Belmont Pia. za Pool. Former Corona de! Mar H,igb S\\lim· mer Greg Fink captured third place in the 500-yard freestyle fo r USC. clock- ing a 4:45.3. The Trojans scored v.•ell in the first e v ent of the night -the 500-yard freestyle event won by USC's Andy Strenk in 4:42.74. But Stanford struck back when John Ferris broke the conference record with a 1:58.24 time in the ·200-yard individual medley. He broke the old mark by .06 of a second. Bob JeMen of Oregon won the SO free- style in 21 :50 but three USC swimmer_, wer.e second, third an<J fourth for 36 a<J.. ditional points. ~ Stanford closed the gap with a second to UCLA in the 400-yard medley worth 26 points. Troy scored 22 points in the event. The Trojans. seek i n g their ninth straight conference title, are tryin~ to avenge a 57-56 dual meel loss to Stan- ford which ended a 12-year USC unbeaten string in dual meets. 1,;,~=~ of T~ursd1~·s 1ven11 In !he Pttl,lc.f 500 lrKsly!t -\, Al\Clrew Sirin~. Soulhtr" Ctllfcm!1. •:'2.7•. 2, Gr~ O..rl!...,, UK, •:..i.6S. l. Gr~ Finl<. use. 4:.U.3. (, ar~t atnt. $l1nford, 4:"5.'5. S. Fred Ht.,..,..., Sttrrford, •:J2.6. •• 8trt IA•son, St•"'°'d. •:J7.t1 JO f<eesh'le -1, Robert Jensen, Oretcon. 71.~0. !, Dtn Frtwtev." use, 21.5t. J, ll:1rn KIOO!r. use, 21.M. •, Da11 Heven1, use. 71.K. J, 11:1rr. ll11tne<", St111ford, 27.0f. 1. Rick E•glnfen, Jllnford • 21.n. * lndlv!d\l•I me<l ltv -1, John Ferrl1, Jlt11forO. 1:51.24 mK1 -d. old m1rk 1:51.J, ll:IQ Roll>. Sta,,,.,ro, OUI). 2. Cl1Udl Dr1~!ctvlch, UCL.t..l l :J•.11. 3. Pllll t10UHr. IJ~C. 2:00.lt, •, l'"tirT Ando. UCLA, 2:01.'9. J. Mike Thl>tnlls, UCLA.. 7:01.1'. 6, Jeffy Newm.n, Oreoon, ?:01.10. .COO medltY l'l!ltY -1. UCLA Wevn1 Pu9"-Torr"'f W<'bll. r.1~n Hll!Pl>~s, Frtv H~th 3:,. t'I. 2, s11nfon:1, l:lJ.:U. l. Or~, 3:.11.'2. •· use, 1:3!.•i. J, W11hll'l!ll011, J;40,31. 6, Ore-Slt!e, J:oM.11. • l-melfT divlnt -1. Dtve Cloclwltl. Ore,.,11, U6.60. 1. Gordon Cr,,ed. UCLA. m.:o. J, Oenni1 H1rrm1n, Oregon, •16.1J. (, Greg 8•yt11. Ort90n Sle~. •10.?S. .S. Ted Nichol•, s11n1ord, '9'.65. I, Torn SPl!•Ol'll, Orl110n, 393.fG. OM-dlY !fem 1ltndln91 -!, UK 1J.I. S!~niord 122. o._ ,._ UCLJ. '3. Ort~ s11re 32. Wt1hl119ton ?I, C1tlfornl1 14, W1ll\lnt1011 Sl•r,, 11. ANTEATERS MEET SF STATE TONIGl/T LAS VEGAS ...!... UC f's basketball team takes on San Francisco State here tonight at 'i in the opening game of the four· team NCAA college division basketball regionals. University of NeYada, La s Vegas, and UC Davis meet in the 9 p.m. game. The wiMers play for the cham pionship Sa· turday night at 9, \'l'ith the champ going on to Evansville. Ind., for the NCAA fi· nals ne:d week. Both UCI and SF State are IH on the season. Anteate r coach Dick Davis was concerned all week lh at t"·o of his start• ers -Nick Sanden and ?-.Ilke Heckman -might be below par for the regionals. Sanden has a sprained toe and Heck- man a cold and fever. These were the comments of. two West German shoe makers -brothers but biller rivab -· to allegations In a copyrigHt article by Sports Illustrated that the two finns had handed out SJ00 ,000 in cash and ~.000 in equipment to Olympic athletes for the use of their producl!I in the 1961 Games in Mulet:1 City. The firms are Adidas, headed by Adolf Dasslet\ and Puma. Headed by Rudolf Dassler . Williams. Loses Debut,· 8-5 Horst Oassler, j'llDkx' chief of Adidas wl'tlch had the exclusive rlghl.li to a shoe shop hi the otympjc Village. said the· sunu mentioned "ere "extremely exaggerl'lted." But Horst Dassie:r laid he figured that his firm, Puma and \he Japtnest Ticer compan1 1tt.rcttJler spent "a total of one mitfion marks (S2$01000) in. 1968 for the equipment o( track athletu with spikts, tralnlnc ahoea, sweat &Uits. l>Ags, etc." Asked how much he thought had beet'! paid in e1sh, Horst Da•ler replied: "Most everybody knows that many lra~k st11M1 come up with ctrtain financial • POMPANO BEACH, Fla. (AP) -Ttd Williams dldn1~ tick up a tantrum. He dkin"t lllorm. He didn't even wince. But he mu1t have wanted to. Williams concealed any show of pain as lbe. Ne.vt York Yankees came within one. out Thunday of lnOlctlng 1 ncrhttter on his punchle.u Washington Stnators aod ruined his m1ngtrial debut by win· ning 11nd wlld W txhibltloo opener. To the Hall of Fame htro Y.'ho is ~b!ll'1 greatest Uvtng hitte.r, the one lonely hit mmt hive hurt. But WllHams Just laughed. "Maybe the pitchtna lt better than t thought. J'm thankful that we got the one.'' It took a Yankee error in the bottom of the n i n th to 1i11e the Senators an extra opportunity at tbt bat and set up Dick Bllllnp' sharp &ingk! to tenter after two men were out. Tb e contrast wu stark between the fabled pasl o( Williams and the nawed play or his last·place Se.natora. Obvlou1ly , none· of Williams' hilling maglc had rubbed off rtadl\y. \VUllams. lasl man In lh4! m1jon to top ,400, had a lireume 1vtraee more tha n elgbt timts as high as the 0.40 average of the Senat.on in their debut.· New York's parade of pitchcr.s sprayed IZ walks to help the Senators to four runs before Blllinp drilled his run-scor- ing ling)e in tbe bottom of the nint::.. Willlu'\s l&id, 110!.ir guys didn't tllln t the Yalitee pitching wn ' that &ood or at least they camt back to the: bencti moanln& and 11ytna: they wanted ano~h· crack at them. But It must have pretty &ood." The former Boston Red Sox !!lugger concmtratfd on young. 111'.:!xpcrir.nced players fn his debut. .. • ... !"'" -. ' • .Vot:. 62. NO. 57, 4 SECTIONS, ll PA6ES ' . ·.· ·-· ace u .-oes • More B.ea .ch . ' . . ' -. -~ Trash ,,_. T • •· ~ . - .. • Qper~tion's . ~ucialP~ ' . ti 'Flawless' ·Flowing River H·ampering Cleanup • Cleanup operations along the ocean front in Huntington Beach won't be suc- CH!ful until lbe flow from the Santa Ana River returns to normal. "Trees, river bamboo, bu.shes and shrubs ·are continuously cluttering our beaj:hea," said Melvin Bowman, assiltant director of the cit1'1 llarbor and --department "We're not under quaranUne _and the beach.trub doesn't coostltute any serious hazard, .. explained Bowman, "but .it doeJ keep lltD' crews busy d~y In and day out with no sign ol letup." · Huntington'• city beac!i is clear of pollution. However, Huntington Beach State Park ahoreline, from. Beach Boulevard .southerly, ii under a pollution quarantine ·beckur. of raw sewage flow"· .ing down the Santa Ana River. At present Newport Beach and arus south art re.ceivlnJ; the heaviest poDutlon from the Santa Ana River. Some of the oouthern beaches have been fomd lq cl"!< down because o/ bigJlly polluted waters. "A west swell and west wind is pushing most of the river debris south," said Bowman, "but a change in swells to the south could cause the river to pollute our waters." It may be several weeks before the Santa Ana River drops to a l)Of'Dl81 level, according to Orange County Flood ' (See TRASH, !'qt !) 0 ' o ' • ' F o SPACE CENTER,-Houslon..(IJPI~ -Tiro . Utronauta pnood tbelr '!nnir• Jin. dli>I e\:alt Ill uillel away fnlai' 1ht I ' I . I Apollo· 9 command lhlp today mid U. ' ~ .. raced back to a Oawless orbital ,_. d.;;;;.;a In .a major ...p loWalil a·u:s; mOan 1apding uii. smDmer. .. • • • • The ;preclalon calr.lo>p came at ll:M a.ni.--m. JamesA.llcDtvitld- L.: ,'Scbl.~tarl . Dudpd Qielr·. lllqot ,,,,mie_ "Spider'' to 1m·u.:~"loit of• JJOQI JI. Soott' In 'Ille _ ....... .cnll Nightmare 90 Days Ago ca:lled•''Gutndrop.'. ' . ··~ see you out there In rthe .limupt." McDMtt uld as he approached 1ht command ahl.p. "You're the .blgiisc, boldest, funnleit .W I've in:r ...._ .. . Ended .in Surfer's Death "Boy, yoo've 1oi conqaptipqa banP.nc out.an over,'' Scott laid u be" «pmiOjpd the lunar module from 300 feet aw.Y. :•: l n.a.y';ruri.,. ..... w1 iis. SERVICE .AW~RD Joyuo Schwolkort By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ofllle •Hr ...... ,..., . A nightmare IO days ago at home wis fatally fufiUed for a Costa Mesa surfer in Bawail when he awoke, hor· rifled and staring into a gun muzzle which then fired, smashing a slug be- tween bis eyes in summary execution. The coJd..blooded murder Tuesday with a,aiJellc<Hqlllpped pist01, only 100 yards ~the -A-at ~ Jlqcll <ii Ille' . GI Oal!!i, """'inll!l!lf llbilm lt • ' . PoliCe 'ind parents of WJruain Pond . -Jr.,· It~ JD Albert P~ cHsclOfJd -that the · vicihn WU roogbid Up and • • ~ !rilh l!etui b7 ~ armtd . jnen who llrod a shot lbioup hll door . Wt IJecomber. ' The mailhunt for Ilia oppanntly coin- cidental tilltQ -· three Hawaiian buchboys. who aDepd):J' took f'/00 from Pond and two companiODI after deman- · It wu · an lmpor\111~ ·ac:hleyemenl for ding marijuana -widened meanwhile, project Apollo. It_ abowed that th~. lut with litUe success. , untested piece ~ moonfllgbt matb""'T Pond, a dedicated surfer who moved -the P•tr hmlr .nmdule ""T Ja teady into biJ ....... nts' home after the 1o· IO to the moon en a Ml1 lunar December fucl~ and nved monoy · orbital landln( nhearsal. The UUtW ]Q. to join Newport Harbor lllgh School bud-• ding.is, If'! f..-July. · · dies in Hawaii would .have been ~ • . ~ llJ:~ ~at;on ~gan when onlyaweettoday. 1 .r-1• •ti , • ·'tN"'YPu.\,-t..._,,_. M~l;>ivltt ind SCbwtictart lit up •U.. Ills bod7 will arrive lrcm the lsWi<ls I ' • • ' . . . " . .. ~ . I • sfy ,wjth a ~lg onJ!le clood of lint w~ ii! .t.::' ~~ a. home ·at . ,., . ' . t\UNTINCJTDN :St Ol,l-TS DIL!'t'EI!. THJ ,GOODS,,.: 1 • 1 , · ai\d.,bJ.,ied :Into .• ·dlitiielit' Gitlt iriOl a:sr r,P\1't Loo ,• 11'!'_.~, · ". K«Vin «~~·U~tT;C'iolrid.S,l09:""r '.,., -; -,..;,~iittlieCM]l!lanilahlp, ~.~ -C . :J.:A~~·.1'·!1\)~"' r.-..... \·~~ ~ ·r ... > .. I"''' ·l··~· ·., 1 1 ~,r ·J 1u.:\.r. •,l ~)pun~,~ t.tluertet t :aonoMU -lice • 1 $o ob, thl M" • ' •-; ~ ~ • ~ ' . . " t • I c:rlft'J taboft tacme : (ti' gtOl>sque ~yiog; aitor,iw;, i.&i.r...,,. H -t"· . -. · ~ci -· ~· A. ·, •..:'J--'~~ -~41!4,~ -m.=-r~~e<~~=:t,J: . un i;rigt;Qn· k)f p~~ r f:~··r ' ::re;:;~~: the ;...,,. .Steve L. Cbula.. • .. l' ·of ,Cos, ta. Mesa, • ' • • 1 • . • • • : , • • I · ' ~ Mc"'vitl alter flrlng • lint ., ' • , . • .. • " -aei:odd .bunt Tfi.om• the tahoff • 5.Ch~~!: ·~t~: · Flood Yi e.tims 1 W.~th F op<J, ~::. i::~~ (See EXECVTJON, Pap %) • ' t • • , , : • ' , • the· command ahJp at 4:39 a.m. PST. · That was the start of a riaty •Jes Bill Sc hweikert ' ,A panel truck, loaded to· the· sagging · The drive · was organized Marcil 1 I. by of 'OperaU• futurt · utroniuls -inmt point will.. fopd from ~untinjton Bfach, scout BUtLi.mmer. Sev&Jl 9' the troop 'a perfofm lo land on and ·return fnm Planed into Simla Ana'• S'1v1ation ~Andy . patrols helped ln canvB:Nine the b0me1, the moon. iricluding .tbe Apache, Pelican' aild Buf· , Headquarttrs Wedrtes:iay afternoon. filo patrols. ' '.1'he ·• Spider" pilots later dllcarded Out of i,11 door• jumped 'tWo un~Orm~ · • the hmlr lander's. fonr..lqpd. 1--. S~han Attitude Change Wins Huntington Jayce es' Award T~ld by Former Qassmate scouts who began piling uP more : than · 1 ·, ding s~e and widened .the pp bet..en lilOO cans ~ from Chicken l!OUP v ~ ll Tr ~ blar modale'a •taball -11111 to green peas at .. the back ~ to auey· . µsi~ ; the• -m•nd ahlp. The -'>tioor ol the obvious deligbt of Major Tl!lll qsar. d the MIR'.!Jll• ""111.wuJP;.-~ ·'ll1e11COUts,·KevinBenedlct>and~ad . A .. ske' ·to ' •',;mlire operation of the doy and ·,.;..·..;,,,;· William Schweikert was honore·d Thursday night as winnerof the Jaycees Distinguished Service Award at the an- nual banquet of the f!unlington Beach Service club. Schweikert, an administrator at the McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co., has be.en active jn the Jaycees and bu participated in nearly every activity of the group. Keynote speaker for the evening was television actor Gene Barry whii ifter calling for more involvement by citlzeDs in the community reaUirmed his in- tentioo to run for some political· Ci(fice -most likely U.S. Senator -at some future date. Barry told I.he more than ~ persons atteodl.ng the event that "I have been. involved for the put 10 yurt or so and l'understand mltl,J ol the issues. "l have tatm th') stand that I will go personally into the political war - at some future date." .. Th.lit future dlte, said Darey, "will be after my commJtmentl are ac- complished." LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A clusmate of Sirhan B. Sirhan 1ald today that the young Arab'• pmooallty changed markedly after bis fall from a race hone and that he became "Impatient and depressed!' John Strathmann, a fellow student with Sirhan at Pasadena City College In 11111 and 11165, said be nolked a very marted change the last time be aaw the ·def en: dant In April of 11188. Sirhan shot and fatall7 wounded Sen. Robert F. Kenneil1, on Jooe 1,1.1188. Strathmann told the murder trial jury that be often had Sirhan to his home and that be visited the Sirhan home frequenUy. He said. that in addition to the change In pmooallty that ofter the accident in September 198', Sirhan took up an interest in tbe occult and mystic. · "He Wd there were many powers in the world with whlcb we could com- municate or control U we ao train ourstlvu," be Aid. Strathmum wu ooe of. more than a dozen wltneuel the defenae called Friday Including a bartender who . ' . reportedly served Sirhan drinks at tbe Am ...... dor Hotel. The Uny Arah. lmmlrrant nld Thur,. . day be blacked out ofter drinking ten Tom Collins highballs at the Ambauad..- Hotel· and remembers nothing witll be found someone 0 choklng'' him. ~ told the jury he didn't remember taking the gun to the hotel. He dldn't l'<Jllember wr!Ung that Ken- . nedy must die. He didn't remember refusing to give biJ name to police. In fad, be aald, he dldn't realize until 7 a.m. on June I, 11188, that Sen. Kenned7 bad been shot. "Ar< you glad that Senator KeMedf b deadl" uted Deputy Dist. Atty. Lynn Compton. "No sir," laid Sirhan. "Are you JOrry_he ls dead?" _ "No I'm not aorry. But I'm not proud of It." "You art not sorry?" "1 have no way of knowing lhat •J actually did it." The defenee today summoned more than U wtlnelses to tesllfy about the ususination and Sirhan. Stegner, both of HunU~-~ch'a . . M._.-.-manicaUOns from an -African t:l a:bc Troop 565, explained to · ~,officer that . , · ~Y.ti~ left~ oulcome of the m.aneayer the food would be dooated to the Salva· C I Co 111 doubt for U minutes. • lion Army to replenish foOd · stol:k OSt. y mpUtCf . "The staging went OK," McDtvltl depleted by the recent flood:!. · l1nally reporied.. "However, Gumdrop Fountain Valley School DI st r.-1 ct C4D't find UJ in· blJ opt.lea (te1t1C011a)) ' trus~s today-are Wfldering a propGl8.lj a~y Jonpr and we may have' bocbd Co ··u· . u '. out our tracking tigbtl." mJD1 ee. ' rg es to mate Ibo dlatrlct !:'tbeo •IJllltbel'. .of A-'30'Rcond blait: lr<lln tho lunar , · a· ·cooperaUve comPuter center" ~-w'hlcb ~odule tbtn started. the spacecraft On D f • ABM would share Its tnowle<fge with other a c:oone ·,baCJi toward the" CommiJld C Cf. f!Jl,g \ -·. ' , · . ,"boo~. . ,. · • slilp IO. complel! the -alioii rebeantq , ln!Wlatlol) or the ~·~ lunar orbtt maneuvers. · • WASHING1.'0N '(UPI) -The 'S<nate learning irogram, propoOed 1!1. ,Ridio The. objecl of today's te.t -ceo Foreign Relations Committee today urg· Corporation of America, would c0st· Uie get the lander' u far from Ute:~ ed ;President Nixon to defer .deployment disb1ct $43,000 per month. as limlr• uplorm: 1lroUld be< &er.. · or an Ai!UbilllsUO M&slle (ABM) aystem Jolm· llamlJlODd,: !\CA ~alf :prvo1uc11 blaatlng oil lr<lln the-,,_,, and iiiol . peridlng• ''meaitlngful discusiiom"• wtth representative, pJeaided ,with the trUatees tor prove..that the ~"sprder" cwJd -... · the Soviet Union on anns coDCroL W,e<!Of8d•Y nl811t to acq!'ln, tJ>' • Cl""' down the "~" and hoot up wtth 1 In a 'ttpOrt to •the Sellai .. Jec:om· poler, explalnin( !hat "lt .ts nOI u ex· · (~ ~' 1'1111 1) mendln' ratificatkm of the Nutjelµ' Non-pensive 11 It soUndl." · prollleratlon Treaty, the committee· said . "()Jr system i1 capable of da1i ~ jt "believu the administration abould ctSi'tng for ·a mlnlrbum of. 150,000 cOmlder deferrin& Ult c!tployment of studenll a year," aaJd • Ham.IDoncl. He theae (ABM).-.unUI ·It bu )lod . added that sln<o the ~'does not time to•mm an -t dlort to l!U'IU" . hive !het man,-atudentl.-"tlle°)1r.u'· meontnglul 'dilcuMIOIUI wjll1-the · 119vlet eV.n )>Olnt ,'lf<!'lld be. feached ~ by . Union.~' .• . , , tealing ' e1cess ~ lo· other .schools." 0raa,. "; ~Heartbreaking De~isiou ··. The 192-termlJ\al computer II capable or proc:euln1 the cllstrict-.adm!>l!Jti.u°ve · data func:Uoni, ita 'Sllitent •lOorntng lune· lions aod can JJCO'o'.ide ~ repoft.a on each,lludet op a~~-. I . . Hammond aplalned that ... , ,..,.. First runner-up for the DSA. plaque WU Robert E. "~" D!n&'Wall, J'ftlident of the Huntia&lon Vollq !'ms Inc., and a long-Ume dfic leader. Police Chiefs Probe.Leads to Son's Drug .Arre~t cou!ng center cu analJoo the -·· wort dally and cMleqoJ1lm• ""bit leval ol abtlll)'. fhe . lollciWq ,d171 J'rl. . mary vlttue o/ the ~, uld the Secood runner-up wu Carole Ann Wall, who received a kiss from Barry in addition to her plaque marking service to the community. Othe< cltaUons went tVtaJpb Burriaon, Phyllis'Galtln and EIAlne ll:emp. 117 JACK CBAPPEU. Of-~· ....... 11I'm lo rattieJ: an UllUIUll Po1ltlon." aid Sa Cleftnte PoUoe Chief Cllllord Mum7 lodo1 alter his only -Steven. wu cbarpd wtlh lour -of nan:otic vlolattonl •• s~ /11-lcets "U 1111· tld ball to ., 11own 1be lubes, _______ ....__·.-•:;...__ 11111'•111& WI'/ It bao Ill k 1 had to make · ·· the_. '1s ,:EaW=·~~ ~~ili:t ~ -..... Ibo la,; H tt -~ it did manage to trlm 90me " • : .. ,~'*"W>:· I bad iafonDaUon earlier bea•yl ..... bythe;ci~·~·~~Jraw~ ...... was moderate. (See ·q.qi.UilliS,'~'• '. ,~ • V,Urlo ~ IHI) _. · ,. ··I ·· Tbt Dow ·Jo/ies liifusttw' .,.,:-L 'at i ' 'E. Marra)',.llo .... JQbeduled ... or o COit! ._... ·1oi1a1 to anler a plea I :!O p.m. wu of! I.Ill points at IO'l.51. at San Clemmie Munlclpal Court. The It had been oll as much ii I.Ill points youth -amotei1 Feb. I b7 llate and at 11:!0 a.m. local narcotics olJlc:en In Ibo drlvewl)' ' 1 . of the lamll)' home at Ill La Esperama, San Clemente. <l>argeo "' -Ion .of beroln 11111 po11f 'km rJ. heroin with loteot to ~ -lion of marijuana and i::,sesllG!i "' marijuana wtlh lntail to ..n ve -lodged aptaat lbe pollce chief'• .... Chief Marra)' uld be had lO be In two placa al ooce. Pro!easionalir, the cbiel laid be had to protect . the ' - -·· .... agalllll his-~= -Dr•.be.41*'l wuNo J · ' . hla ann•s ....,,...,_' ·.. l!' • .. ; · f, • -,.~,.,_..,...._ , " • .... • " I 'Thi • ~ Jlo> WOUMI 'biYf\ ~ dli11l0Cia litmoaJI lr<lln the ~ ' "I have • 4* prv!eoalon•nr WWI' ~ thought bad to be dooe," Chief~ said. · . Followlna the trla~ the chi'! ~~ wpu)d.bave a IOt to uy )to-communlty ieprMiltiUvt. 1a tbat -lhe .. atudrlat ·••is AtltmtG'1·Trd ·hnlcr--.tnl't graujll·aDd othen abolrt a parent•1 role constantly warldn& at i-. ilftl be or lhe ,,_ to fac. Ills old 111mu<s, In deatinc •with such w... Now, cin achieve." Nrwport Harbor'~ AU.. bro!A-botrf1et;~ laid be w01114 -1111 olient • He .odded. lllat the~""""'er' il'\•eey, m, m M:rt -kit Coogrns llera-Gf'lbe...., • • . . • pliable 1and. 1tllot ·ti ta~l!'ll • .ltl!'iM!I \o . C•p """'" TMJ -~ bf in ii '!lie _.ilea c1>ar1a are lilied. O!I a partlcaJar cun1culum, a!Jowtol. Ibo 1 ... llo'U IClil IMlr -. ,....-, police cialml that the yoUtb had In . -·lo· """ tu:. -~ "' 24. ]Ill poa.ion 1 110 spoon' of heroin, ill '!:":.~~b$Nq. y,..,qn ... ·~·1 t..;,.;;;: • - -_ • and nye • tllol, "'t.....,....,.r nlth • ~pmo1ype'~ . d Ii" ,, ... , .1 =s; , - -.. "" . • f<i!"l!f' lflll .. J .. H'P;' ,.. • ., n ~· ~11: I ---.;,;, ·-. . .. _ . . ,-.-· .. ·:·~·· ' ' arCOika . • ' .• ' i'" ••• •D11111 "-'·~1 al. ..... • . • -· ,.i:i·~~~,·3.:i~~:;·· ;!,~~t>!'1·• . ~.~-· .ft,,\.,-, =IC .. utO;t!)lll"·~J~-. . ~ .. "~~~~ ~..;~·· ' ::! --:t: ...i'natyQq ..uz;:~'!'~f~•}' . "' . l . lia~:e~: . .: ~ . ""! U.~te-~~.1~ i~· ~ tlle~lltlt, .~.-· ·=· i == ..i Ci ~ '~·" itl!t .clll•.I, • '.liJ Ot>er~ bera . . acdiln~ 1-, .,. .w.;; ,I :.. . , ~' ,. ,'l • • 111'.!'latief "'""" th!!r Ajit!L~ I :..1-'':..i'.._. ____ ._...._ __ _i. • . ~ .>-.. .. ........ t J.i • . -• . ft ~ ~ J . • ,,._. ·1 · t ~· •·1~ ·it •..> -· • • I • -I .._/< \. • ' • ~ f. . , •• f1'i 1 •'"'\'•~~. '· .••. ~~... .,.,._ .. •.f.;2, \ • I • -.. -ic------ .. S DAILY PILOT H "'*t-Littl Hope -'-I,. ~~11 "For rnimg ' , • I • l 11 ' I . ' Quarantine There II ntOe bope lhal the quaran- tine oo Newport Belch and Hunlinlloo Beach State Park beaches will be llll. , ed belon another monlh, Orange Countr , beallh -tleo aald~ ru,.nlde 1olllclals reported II wUl tab 1t .lwt \1111 tone to repair lhl city's llonn damlged sew1ge trutment pl.ant-the source ot the contamination whidl closed lhs beaches fl days qo. Autboritles Aid raw aewage has been pourto& into the s..la Anl River and !lowtng lo Ill ll!<Alill aiooC Ille N01!POf1- Hunlinlloo shoreline at lhe rate ol eight lo II mllJiol1 pllom I day. Rtpoi; wort oo lhne niptured River- side nn0s CIUled by lhs JllllW'J l(arms was near C<XDpletlon when the February rains hi~ wuhlng out much of the work. Robert s. Stone, director of the helJlll department'• environmental aanK.ation divblon aald "°"""'' thll lhe q,,ar.D- tine of Allio Beacb In sooth Ll&lma -being removed today. H" saicl repairs had been mldt In ....... line breW In thlt ""· . '!be helllh -·· ...,..u,,. of llobeny Stllo l!uch nmalm In died becauae ol a new break In the Sa Juan CapiltrlDO nw sewer llne into Trabuco Q<ek. stone aald die bllcterll1 counta In the Santi Anl River are eUremtly hl&b and oaid the qumntlne llmHI nmaln from the weal eod o1 HuntfnrUia Beodl Stile Park lo the Newport )'ltr. . Penom QJDUna Into bodll1 contact wilb the polluted ,.. Wiler could bo stricken wltb one ol 1tveral di••· 8CCllC'dlng lo Sl«le. lncludfnr lnfectloua bepilltll, ll'Jlbold lever and laJmonello- ai.s, a mlld· larm ol t1Jlhoid. Fl'Otll P .. e J EXECUTION. •• lhrutoned wllh dealh If Ibey nolllled lrimea. HCll>Obdu Pollce Dtporlmtnt llGmlclde Detedhe Fred Yq aald Tlnll'ldlJ lllat the ~ !nlnldn ordered Cb11Ja and JlaCttt lo weilbt Pood'I bodJ and cbnp 11 ln the tropical ..... y-Pond'• lither speeulated lode1 lllal the boy may hive boen shot Ip death bec•up be bad DO IDOne)' ldt fr<m hta trip II> balMI over . to Ille trio :!:Pia~F°' lbotpns and ~ Honolq)u police De~ Capt ~olln Dlcbon, bowna"t stuck to his thWy told · Thundaf thlt the r u t bl t 1 1 belehboyl mertly tilled Pond lo lmprta the other two with avagrry. SOmewbat uepUcal durfnC lhelr lniU1I !nveallptlm ol the crime -which loundl more like a te1evt.don ICl'lpt than • police log occunenc• -aald lodl~ 11 dellnltely baa elements of 1uthtntlclty. Texan Sentenced In Beach Theft -. A Tuan mealed 1'f lllmllnllon Belch police and charpd wllh buro:ilrJ ol a doctor'• olllce pluded BUilty thuisday, in Superior COurt. Judie Robert Gar!lner 1 en le n c e d Michael David Courtney, II, ol HOOJton, 1o JJO d1y1 1n or..,. ~ty Jail and pllced him on three .;tars probltloo. An lddlllonal chars• of bur1tary 111lnst CourtneJ WU dlsm1ued; Courtney wu one of four men and a juvenile arrested in 1t'bat police aald wu the breatlng of a burtlarJ ring that concentrated on cUntca and doctors' oWcei. Huge quapUUa of drug1, many ol them narcotlcl. were found In th• home of one of the defendantl, police alle&ed. They allo·IOld Wlintn machines and equlpmeol wh!Ch Ibey took liom oeveral docton' tdtcta, lnvutJa1tors clefnwtd, , . OIUMOI CQUl P\IM.tlttllte ~T l.a...t N WeM _..,_ JMI L C..lw V"9,,...., ................. n... •• l(..,g --o.A.M ....... -··· .....,,. W. ltft• WUll1111 llff4 ---.... "OJ• ... ............. n ..... JM Ith SttMf M•nt., "'4mt1 P.O. a.. no, t!Mt --......... , .. ,.,.., ..... ...,.....,. -Clell -.: .... , "" '""' ....... ...-:m,...,..._. • DAILY PILOT .... "* Boosting Seltolarslaip• Lee Mo.teller, coordinator of ICholarshlp fund drive In l!unUngton Beach Union High School Dlstrl«;t, uses MJke· Feym for writing stuface u he endones '25 check donated by Huntington Beach Jligb 'lbeoplaijJ. Mike u presidenl of the group, which raised the money through play receipts. Swile Owen, 'lbeeplan treasurer and .Mrs. J_oyce Ward, the ·group•s advisor, also were on hand fOr presenta- tion Thursday. Life or Death Link~p Crucial _Flight Maneuver · SPAQl: CENTER, llouaton (AP) - '!be Apollo I m!lllon Wd a IHO<JM.,th propoolUoo lo< two ol the ulronauta tod'1 --wllh Ille command ship "' porilb. Tbe·spldery lunl1' ferry_ module (LEM), piloted by Air Force Col. James A. McD!vlU and clviltln aatrooaut Russell L SCbwelckarl, could DOI l'Hllter earlh'I atmccphere wlthool burn1nJ up. TbwJ CIUUoo and lalety were the w1tchnrda In p11zmlni the moneuver moot cnadal In Ille entire llklay Apollo t f1IChl. . Putting Ille LEM lo Ille auprerne test, Mclllvltl and Sehwelclwl uncoupled It fl'om tbe n o 1 e" of Apollo t '1 motiter ship, pllotod -tiy Cot David R. Scott, and ea.Jed away about 4:40 ~.m. PST. Tbe LEM !bin flew two footbl!Hhaped paths arow'MI the mother ahip, cruised to a point about 110 mil~ away, then rendeivoused and booked up again 10mo six boun: later. Twice during the maneuver, at the ,end of each loop, there wen opportunlU.S to cut the rendezvous abort and dock early, once after abotit l!iii houri aepar• tion and again oearly two houri later. Schwdckarfwaa eqWpped with an ox- ygeo.fllled · backpeck, capable of sup- porting OPe man up to four hours, which he uaed Thunday durfnC a apace walk. But the ooJy emergency ..,,..., auppty available for McDivitt waa a conWner able to keep him alive about 30 minutes, called an OPS for oxygen purge aystem. U docldn( lu!<f not been poulble, but Ille two spacecraft could set cioae together, the plan called for Schweickart to wear the backpack and McDivltt to hop across with the OPS. "It's kind of Buck Rogers stuff, but there's no otber way home," Scllweickart observed. From Page J LINKUP SUCCESSFUL • • • It qaln. In the first four hours of the orbital acro6atlcz, McDlvltt and Schweickart teated nearb' every operation moon pilots rnmt perform to land on the moon and start their trip back home. The two, opening the filth and busiest day of the 10-day orbital mission, transferred to the lunar lander ahorlly arter midnight. The two abips were unlatched at 4:39 a.m. PST. There were some initial dilliculties · In lreelng Ille two ships, but after Scott flJcked the separation switch twice , lle rad1oed to McDJvitt and Scbweickart: "OK, you're free ." McDivJlt feported that he could see the command ship's control jets firing ''just as clear as a bell. Jt lights up the whole sky." "There's a great bit <lrange cloud," said Scott, observing the first firings <lf the lander's engines. After early checks showed the $41 million Spider WHS working as plaMed, McDlvitt fired the ship's big landing engine,-C<lntrolllng Its power with a hand throttle much like those found on railroad locomoUves. Controllera reported the 25-second burst went perfectly. "Th!i is really an ungainly beast," McJ>lvltt told Scolt In the ship code named "Gumdrop." Sunset Beach Annexation Fate Comes Before C9un~ The fate of future Sunset Beach an· nesaUon C()IDU be.fore the Local Agency FormaUon Commission (I.AFC} in Its J p.m. 1es.slon Wednesday. Two annuaUon propos1Uons by Hun- tington Beach are on the agenda. At the request or many leaders of the community to .the northwest of Hun.- Uoaton Beach, the city Is propoalniJ an anoeuUon electioo oo terrllorJ from Anderson Street to Warnu Avenue on Harbour, SUJ;l.Set Battle to Flare . In Court Tuesday The cold war between Ille HunUnaton Harbour cOrporllion ml a IJ'OUP of Sunset Beacll llomeowneN 11 expected lo bell up Tuesdsy In the Sanl.I Anl coartreom of Superior Jud&• Claude ()wens. A bell'fnc on an 1"junctlon 1pfnll the _.u .. souaJit by bo-.-1 II lcheduled lO 1e1 under WIJ after two prevloal de1ayl. U-wner1 oeek lo halt the cor· porlilon'• •ttem;>I lo move ffll<ft It clal1111 lllCl'OOdl on HuntlnglOo Harbour property. Allo 1waiUni: a court hearing on • , d1te 11111 lo be set ii a counter ault brouaht by the -11lon qalnst borMolt'nm. '!be flrin ...U m ... thin •t mllllon In dam•I" from horntowntrt Involved In the property Un• d!Jpute. both 1ldes Of PacWc Coast Hll:hway. The sec<lnd proposition is for a strip along Coast Highway of uninhibited land, This move ls ahned at closing the g1p ln city Umits between O:ie Bolsa Chica State Beach and the city lfmlts on Warner Avenue. Closlng the gap encircles the 2,000 acres of the undeveloped B o 11 a ProperUes inland of the state Beach. Seal Beach officilll too have betn asked to annex Sunse~Beach and •Po parently are awaiting c001pletion or the action by Huntington Beach before mak· Jng a move, Seal Beach plannen already have appiyved the ideal of annuJna Sunset Beach. Little Leaguers CalledforTryouts Satw·day, Sunday R&ln-delayed tryouts for the Robinwood LIUie League will be held Salunlay and Sund•y In Huolfnilon Beach. Boys between IO and IS years of age wm try out Sllurdsy between ' a.m. and I :'l p.m. Nint-year-old boya are scheduled fort p.m. SUnd.,. Tryouls will be held at the Wtt!e L<~e llold, comer Edinll'!' Avenue and Grlham Slttel, Hunlinlloo Beacll. Further Information tboul the UttJe l.eegue prograni 11 avalllble from pru,., dent Bob Hanvey at 8*0S2'7, or player'• :igent John Leckie, at 803-2905. • • • Cong Keep Up ·Shelling ' Laird·Confers on Possible U.S, Retaliation ' , " IAl<ION (u,t) -Ji'orty Viet C.., artlJler7 11taeb npqrted today hit two . Jl"lvlnCe capltils, siid several AmerlclO hues .u.J>ef~• Secretary Melvlo R. Laird conferred wllh lOp U ,$, officials on po11ible retaJleUoo for the cootlflulng Communist ofleollve. • be arrived here ~•Y nlpt, pr~ an "approprl1te"n1po111e" ll the Com- munist lbe11lngs continued. . rocket barrqel on the provi nce cap(lalJ of <;II"°"' '!11l<I). ti 111ij!'J southwest of Sllgoo, and Qu11111 Due, 11• miles oorlheut of . Saigon, and lb• mountain neort of Dalat, 145 miles northeast of Saigon. Salgon1 wu apand from attack·, and a blplovel u.s, • ...,., dlsclouel tbaf the Soulh Vlelnamese capital, Da N"" and Hue were lhe mly So4)h Vlema-e tarsets 'involved 1n the agreement that stopped the bombin1 of Norlll Vlell>am Jut Nov. 1. Former President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered a halt In air and naval boJI). bardment of Norlll Vlelnom with the understanding that Communist forces would rupeet PMl demllitariied ZODe and refrain from attackJ on South Viet. nam111e p<>pula~on ctntera. · The high American source aald lodsy In. Sllgon lhat,)>olh Johmon and Presi· dent Nixon Interpreted, the agreement .a1 meaning there wou1a be no shelllngs of the three Jllggest cities of Saigon, Da Nang and Hue. AJI three cUles have been lilt in the current CommunJst offensive which began Feb. 23 with a rocket assault on Saigon, but much of the emphasis has been in the countryside aw1y from the large urban concentration.1. A rocket barrage on Saigon early '"'urlday killed 2Z persons, heaviest toll <lf the war in a single raid on the city. "J wouldn't want to Invite an attack any place," the American source said. "I thou&bt the President made that quite cJear in h1s news conference the other night." Nixon, at a news conference in Washington Tuesday, and Laird, when From Page 1 .TRASH .•. Control Dl.strlct.·personnel, Bob Wise, hylrologlst for the county predicted it would be at least two t~ three week.!! before the river rate dtopped slgniflcantly. "Villa Park dam is only releasing 350 cubic ftet per second m water," said Wise, "but Prado dam is .!!till unleashing 4,000 cubic feet per second." .AT LEAST WEEK A spokesman for the U.S. Army Corp.!! of Engineers, regulators of Prado, said It would be at least a week before Prado wouJd cut down from its 4,000 cublc feet per second rate. After that there ·would !till be an ootflow of 1,000 cubic feet per !eCODd through an ungated ouUet possibly for several moilths. The Corps of Engineers spokerman said normal outflow in the summer i6 Jess than 100 cubic feet per second . Prado dam currently has 76,720 acre feet of water stored, while Villa Park. rapidly approachi1ig normalcy, C<lntains 1,100 acre feet. Bowman said that beach crews could expect to have the city's beaches in good shape about a week after the Santa Ana River ill nonnal, a Ume as yet unknown. Saddled by Strike MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP I) -The American Newspaper Guild early today struck the Memphis Publishing Co., publishers of the mornlng Commercial Appeal and the afternoon Press-Scimitar, JUST A FEW Of DREXEL'S UNLIMITED SELECTIONS Of FINE FURNITURE. DREXEL THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN FURNITURE. NIWPORT IEACH 1727 Wntcllff Dr., 642-2050 OPIN NIDAT 'Tl\ t 'Ille American IOUtce In Sal&on aald the bombing bait agreement bad been viol.steel but added: "I do believe It would be a 0-Ut ml.stake for U1 to &ay that now that fl bu been violated we should 1peU out open areu for at- tack." • Asked why lhn hid been no· U.S. respae tb111 far, tbe IOW'ce 1ald: "You have to mlU\a'e your respOnse. You have to anticipate what their (the Com- muniJts') reaaon mltbt be." Tbe new attackr Included mortar or The Soutb Vietnamese command aald lhe ailacb Wied one child and woilnded 31 pmons, lnclucfn& ·31 ~vlliant. Laird -t lodsy conlm!ng wllh U.S. :Ambaaaador Ellsworth -er and Gen. Cref&hton W. Ahrlms, lhl U.S. mllltlrT commlbder. The Pentqon chief bad appolobneuts Saturday with several Soulh Vietnamese olllclals, Including President Nguyen Van Thieu. Will Ray Plead G~ilty To King Assassination? MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -James Eu! Ray's lawyer wl s granted a Monday appearance In Criminal Court as an Alabama newspaper reported today that Ray plans lO plead BUllty In the death of Dr. Marlin Luther King Jr. and will receive a 99-year emtenct. A spokesman for Judge Preston Battle, Who U scheduled lo prulde It Ray's trial DeJ:t m<1nth, aaid Ray's lawyer had sought and been granted the hearing. There wu no incficaUon what the hearing would C<lncern. In Huntsville, Ala., however, the Huntsville Timea: reported Ray wiU plead guilty to th'e usas.sinaUon of King last April 4 and receive a 99-year sentence. The. Times wrote that it learned the State of Tenneaee would recommend the 99-year ientence 0 wben Ray pleadJ guilty." King was shot to deatb here laat April 4 as he stood on the balcony of the L«raine Motel, where he was staying after arriving to lead a demonstration In bebaH of the city'• l,JOO garbage collectors. The garbage worker• at that time were on 1trike for a union contract and higher wages -issue. which were seWed soon after King'• deatb. Dist. Atty. Gen. Phil Canale had no coounent on the Huntsville Times report. State Atty. Gen. George McCanless WU not available. Ray was captured ,In London last June I, after a worldwide manhunt, by Scotland Yard detecUva and returned after lengthy legal proe«ding1 to flC1! a murder charge in King's death. Ut,is accused of shooting King from ambulh from a rooming house acro1s Ille llreet from Ille molt!, but baa denied It. .. Court Delays Hearing On Trqutwein Bail Plea A Su perior Court bearint into Charles John Trautweln's application for bail y,·as delayed today when both Judge \\'illiam Speirs and defense attorney Sam Hurwitz realized examination of wit. nesses called would take at least a full day. Judge Speirs scheduled th<! hearing for Thursday. "I squce1ed th.111 ma!ter in today during a rece~·s in a jury trial," he said, "and I . didn't reelize it would be such a long involved pr<r cedure ." Trautwein, 31, of 20291 Crai nler La11c, Huntington Beach, is seeking rese tt!n:;- of the bail he forfeited Y.'hen he· \ras sent to Atascadero State Hoipital for psychiatric examination as a posilible mentally dlaordered RJ offendu. Deputy District Attorney Al Wells to. day said his office "will oppose riglit down the line" 8ny attempt to release Trautwein from Orange COW1ty Jail. Trautwein'a bail bearing Thursday y,·iJl be followed Friday by Judge Speirs' consideration of the suspecl's bid for cancellation of his plea o.f guity on chartes of assault with intent to commit rape. IUHCHIH& TAIU I RJ htf11ri111 fl'tll'l-4 1la11 te, with Clttl• ahtlf ••ltw. Alitl~•• 111l1f ""''"· l14t IOM• COMMOll 1 ll A•tlltMt hi th111i 'l,il.lte ., i11 fl'lill'lllt y•ll•w with h • II • p1!11t.C ••t•r1ll•11. 1111 as Trautwein was awaiting jury trial when ho filed that plea and admitted that he tried to rape a Newport BeaCh woman in her Balboa h1and home tut AU(. 2. But attorney Hurwlll will argue before Judge Spetra that Tr8.utwein wu "in deep"'ezpotlOl'la1 trouble" when he pltaded guilty aod his ·coofllct wllh 1ttorney Manball $cbulman -then bis defense council -a!Jo led him lo take the action he now regret!. Hurwitz a.bo wants the highly con- demning Atucadero report 1tricken from co~rt records. "Tliat isn 't surprising," said Wells, "thal •port said he was a dangerous, mentally disordered sex offe nder, that he wasn't amenable to treatment that he is a danger to the health and safety of others." If Trautwein'a bid for bail succeedl, tt seems likely that the amount set by Judge Speirs will eclipse tbe record $250.000 he Imposed at the time o! Trautwein's first arraignment. Paul Trautwein of Newport Beach, the accused man's wealthy father, brought that amount to the courthouse in small blll1. It took a specially assigned group of sheriff's deputies a full day to rount the bail. • EXCEPTIONAL TABLE FEATURING CARVED IASE. ll4" GLASS 66" LONG Jl" WIDE $339 LAGUNA llACH >45 North Coaat Hwy. 49-W.SSI OPDI PllDAT 'TIL t ,._.lei,_ .... flll 0....-C...,. Mto1W I, - • . . . .. ' l . . . . ~~Lagoni;.· Be&ell~ -~DJTiON . ' J ... . ,_ TEN CENTS ' -~ . -~ --~ . . ,,.,. l -.J •...... Laguna Still Assessiµg Qamage , Fro'ID ·• $t~r~ · ' -' , . . ' ~ --. l!f RJCILUID P. llALIJ ............ iw, .... Laguna Beach ,JJ 1Ull 'asseuin'g the elttnilb of Us enemy:' tile storm: Molt recent clfy action ln tallying · .the havoc: for disuter aid was the city C<llllldl decision Wednesday to buy 1d- diUonal geo!op:al elJJ'l'lise wbllp the time is rJ~ J01eph 'Sweiu>Y, city dlrtct« GI. public Works, advlstid ·the council to spend an addltk1111l ,l,llOO to $%,000 with the ,,. 'l I gene~al plan .1eo10Jill because of a phenomena of the 1~ · Jt hu oppened new fil:JW'es; and 1earps ~nd --.... spr1np,-be uld, lhal ' will be an lddiUooal and present IOUrCe of lnlonnaUon to the geologist: Co<m- cilm<D qreed to the apeodilure. - ' Tbq aloo adelied a reoolut19n.declar· inl the cJ\y I efr..ster ft~tn an , effort to get slate and federal aid le< npalr of pubU.: woru dama~ SwWl1 lnll\all1 estimated !lllght ·nm lo 1nort than half ' a.mJiUon.. ·• ,·. I " '' ' II did not look like federal funds, . at least, would be overly speedy ID arrival. Sweany reported that: "Time fer relmbuneD!f11 to thlo Coun- ty Road Commlalon for the last ma)Qr disaster.WU something like MYeD ytll'l- from the time tbe,flnt application w.u . 1ubml1ted until the cbeck wu ID ~ty ace-~oes , Dearihreaki·ng D •• e~ISIOD ., ' ' Police Chiefs Probe Leads to Son's Drug Arrest By JACK CHAPPELL ot ,... ~u, Plllt ltd "I'm ln rathe1 an unutual position," 11aid San Clemente Police Chief Cll!Cord Murray today after his only son, Steven, wu charged with rour counts of narcotic violations. "U my kid has to go down the tubes, that's the way it has to be. I had to make the decision. ''I ca,a't enforce lhe Jaw if it doesn't apply to everybody. I had information about what my SOD allegedly WU doing arid assigned my detectives to investi- gate," aaid Chief Murray. or the rainily home at 22.S La Esperanza, San Clemente. Charges of poosesslon of heroin and possession of heroin with intent to aeU, possession GI marijuana ahd pos..,.lon of marijuana with intent to sell have been lodged agalnll-the Police chief's aon. Chief Mbrray said be had to be in two places at once. Professionally, the cbief said be bad · to protect the pro- secuUon's case 11alnst his own IOD and pe.r~lly, be didil.'t want to jeopardize his son's de.fense. The chief aaid · he would have to dis8SIOCiate: himlelf from the case: \fould have a lot to say to community. groups and others about a parent's role in dtaling with such cases. Now, however, he said he would remain silent because of lhe case. The narcotica charges are based on police claim1 that the youth had in his possession a $10 spoon of heroin, and five kilos of marijuana worth between ~ and i:;oo. Narcotica officers allege the marijuana wu hidden behind the driver's seat ot the youth'• pickup truck. .; . . . . -. .~U: -. ' ... , : , ~ .. -Dam1ge to the old _., oulflD 111 lbO . 100 o( Broadw1y lhal • ·~ ., a bypW I« the 'mlin oulfaD Ufevtnt1 otUpair. J. , --Oim1ruct10o ai In ouUaD llOrm drlln at Bolt Canycia. ·... \ "'~-_,,,,,. __ .,.co..tnicu.n al .cir.JIM&• llCURIO' In c.nyon Acres Drive. llld rfC:ODilnactioa of the stfeet. . .... -.Repair -of various retili\ing Wills :_ • _(Bee FLOOD, l'lp:I) a.c .. .. -, . . .. . o,~r:~i!~~'s . - Crueial . Part ~ . . 'Flawless' -SPACE CENTER, Howton (UPI) - Two astronauts gunned. their lunar Jano d1na: craft 113 . 'mil.es away lrom the Apollo I comman::l 'slilp today and then ra~ed ~ck lo a fiawleu orbital re.n- denoua in a major step toward a U.S. moon landing this summer. ' The l)ftclslon ~~hup came 1t lO :M &even E., Morray, ~4 was scheduled for a court hearing today to en\er a plea _ •'t Saa· ~ -Muni<!··' r~...+ 'lbc wth wii ilmoW 1'111.-'.7..,-~ aad _ C nritiCs officers in the 'driveway ,"[ havei ~ .profession.1Jlly what ·1 thouabt ~ bo .4,~(" Cbiel Murraf ·-· ,. ~· "'°'. ~' ,..._"'' ··' t'1n ~ fln1:l analyals, you have to do what you believe ii right. You hive to separat. your pmona1 feellop fmn ,__,pn1-.1 f'""""." .. -··: ., : •·i;t· PST. ,Jam~,,A. Mi;Divltt and Ruaadt -1 L.: SchJltjckort--.i-nuilce<l -th#--llmar----- • ~ Spldfl' to! las thaa, !'-lfOI , , .i !la.Ii R. ~I ID thO coiiunii.d •crafl Followfui-lb< trial, the, chief .. id be concluded. ' c!i,.uJllcl wnciNp." '• i.. :._ I j,; ·~ .... ; -•1 ,-'(=· you out lbera 'ln"the l\llllicl>I," · Night~re 90 Days Ago Ended in Surfer's Death . ... .. ' Skhan 'th~ged~ After Horse }fall Says Classmate By ARTHUR R. VINllEL Of .... Deity PIW SMH A nightmare 90 days ago at home was fatally feftlled for ·a Costa • ~esa 1urfer in Hawail w~n be awoke, bor· rilied and staring into' a ·gun muuJ,e T<hich then f~ mnulUlll a slug. be-_ tween his eyes m summary ex~bon. The cold-b!OOded murder Tuesday with a ailencer-equipj>ed piltol, only 100 yards from the thundir of big coinbers at Suiiset Beach on the island of Oahu, took another bii!rte tum ioday. School District Seeking Signal Near El Morro I, LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A claaSmate .. 1 • • ", ,r.;; • ,· . • ~ , 1• , .• M.L"t''ILOT ~1~ Po ice and parents of William Pond of Sirhan B. Sirhan aald todif that • i · iw • ·,' -,-, rr Jr., 19, of 269 Albert Place, dlactosed ch ltEG~NT ¥j!VES''-' U.C:Jrvliie stjmeq~ ll'ev SJ~,.-Uigurii!' lhiil the victlm -.u rou&hed up and the YOll"i Arab'• pel'SOIUllily anged Hlli1, a!ld cDa'!' AQlt, Santa Alla; esctirf ,Ulil¥1ily ll~""1t.~,,E-' threa~.with _death by threO anned markedly alter bis faD from a race Ciinaday IO.meetlng withlCfPpus.adn\inlStr8tors. Sey~ ~.e11ts men who firod • lhol thrOll&h h~ door honeand d.::!-~.!. be became "impaUent were on camP.,. today !or't~-doo"-~~,P.tb -UCl;'offil'(a'jl., , ,·· ,_.:.. December. John"'O:..~a-thmann, a fellow ~--•··_l w,lth · 1 : '· • '·' :. • ' : : ! · tr : <~ :. 1 • ' • ' ; ... .. ' -· "" ·~• , · ·., ·i(•;' ,, -t· ,, ,,1,·,, . l1!.·,:.,_;t,.1 ·c ,., t~ 1·.-·1 1. I The manhuht fot his apparently coin-Sllthan at Pasadena City COilege in'. 1984 l .... /.·,.•/ ·'· .• ,, . ,. 1 , i ·, t : 1-r ! \I I' r. 't'' ! I [. Cl., • l f r I I =~ ~~ .=::i~::= :..;r.~~== =-~~~ , Six 'R_ .. e.·-_·,,g~n._ ... 1_ ... '.s_« ·, Meel 'iit~:u_·" ·~I·, :· ding mruijuaria -widened meanwhile, Sirhan ahot and fatally wounded Sin.: : . • . . with lltUe IUCCR'. Robert F. Kennedy on June$, 11181. · · · ( ~ . · . . ' · "\1· •1 i ~-·..., Pond, • dedicated 1urfer who moved Strathmann told th• murder trial jury-. :w. ·,··-th· ·S'tu'" . d'' e'n· ·_ ts,·_ Off' .·.c.~als' ' ' into hJI parenta• home after the that he often bad Sirhan in hiJ borne . December incident and rived money a.nd thal be visited the Sirhan hop>e to join Newport Harbor High Schoof bud-1.-.quently. He said Iha! ID add!U.,,.to dies in HaWail wO\lkf have been there the change in personality that after ,Ute . ' · ,. , . • :; .;: only a week today. accident in September 1966, Sirhan look By THOMAS FORTUllE-· : Jns\rud\on· ¥•~ Jljilf!i:IY ~ ~bl1 ms body will anive from the islanda up an lntertst in the occult and my1Uc.• or. fllt'DellY P11et stllfl' · Speaker.Robert ~onagan -JU ~la, where he hoped to make a home at "'He said there were many powws Six of %4 · University of Calllomla ' were not. 1:55 p.m., aboard a Pan American in tile world wlth which we could com· regenta visited t!1e , UC lrviJ)e1c~m~ . Mrs. Eloisf: ..Kloke,· 'assiAiaht to the jeWner at Los Angtlea Intematkmal munlcate or control U we 10 train today and met wllb admiplstr1tor1, chanCellor; de9crlbed the .iviJi&aUoa ~ aS Airport. . ourselves," be said. faculty and ff,udenl&, .all ~bind ~I~ , "a chance for ·regents to get. 'dCqualnted The · Laguna Beach Unified School Honolulu ppllce continued to probe the doors. . . . 1 1 1 with Irvlne,and 'meet .aoine ·cOmpUs peo. Dislricl ii carrytog on a fight to <hav1 ~~·,1:.~~=bfljddlesf):: Steck Markets The vl~tatlon w•• In lieu <>flwldl'J -pie firsthand.~--' • • traffic signal installed at the COtuit rob ...... -late""""'-'• .. are pro hiding a regular regents meeUng at UC ·JJnd . rite visltioi·regents met Jhis ntOfnlng ~1 .. -1 a new policy, mettfnis' no lon,ief ~e , with Cbanctllor Daniel A¥H~h ,and _ad· Hlgbway entrance to El Morro Elemen-out liEW YORK (AP) -The stock market rotated amoug the nine UC c~puse1. · mirilstr4tors, lunched Willi ii corhbined t ...... School. Steve L. Chula. 11, <l Costa Mell, got I &harp lttblct today, al~h j Unlvei'sity Pres1dent 'Ch3rleJ mtch was . adtnlntstration, llculty· • •ttiatnt. m-oup, .... 1 stepson of ~County attorney -it did manage to trim aome ot_.Jts 1 but•-meni atateRoverninent ' ... 1. r-f • •·fir! The battle, now almost a yea_r old, Georn. ,...,,1., and u ••Teddy" ll hea J b tbe IOle Tr~hl.• resen , ""Y _ n ., . and were to meet uua "a ternoon s will be continued durlng a series of Rogeii,""~ .. Newport Bea.cl;, ,. ere ~~ ~'Ite~Seey quo~Uon~. p;, -Gov. Ronala, ~aa,n, ~l-?'.~u~~c . wllll stu~ts, ui,n faculty ." r. meetings now scheduled belween District (l!eo ED:ClJTIOll, J>a&e ·I) 11-11). • . Dttcµ.ssl!Jns 11:ere to'~-about the UC! Suprlnlendenl WUlJam lnlom and stale ca,nipus. ' I • • anc1 county bighw•y officiall, uu ...... d. Retired Oil Man Tll• stude•l ~·r o1 ~ i• m~1 wuh 1 aald ii He approacijlid . the . ahfp. 11YOU're the higtlt. boJdest; fwullest ate rve evet li!eD." '.'Boy, you've got contraption! banlfril out.aJl·over," Scott saJd•u he ntmmed . tb~'lun'ar module from 300 feet 1wq. -It was an important achlevanllt for project Apollo. II showed that !he· list . untested piece of moonfllghl machlnlb -the gawky. lunar module -is rea• to 'go tO the moon on a May lunar crbital lindlng reheatsaJ. The lnJuil Ju. ding· ii set for July. The ail-hour ·-llloo began wben McDlvltl aiwt' ICliwelckarl Iii· up !lie , aky' with a hl_g orange clou~ GI fire and bliraled-bliO a<dl!!6ren~ orbit< fr• Scolt Iii t6e coinuiand ihip. - Fbur li>un-lalor, 'they tliggUeil the tandilljJ craft's lakeolf englDe f• the first Um• ~nd began their pumift back toward the safety of the earth orblUng molhenhip. · "It's aort al. • kick in the ftnn)'," reported MclliviU al.ter firing a three ·second bul'll ""'" the lateoll engine. The astronaUtl be11n their aU...im- portant adventure by unhooking from . the comma_nd •ablp at C:39 a.m. m. That wu the · start ot • 1 ri.Uy' Wits Of operations I future astronauts 111;.U.t perform, lo laod ·on and rettirn from the moon. The ''Spider" pllota later discarded the -lunar labeler'~ !our-lqaed· Jan. din1 stage and widened the gap between the lunar moda1e'1-ta.teoff sectkln and the command ship. Thi ltpl?etion cf th• 1hip's two parll 1'• the 1'!'111 rilkf ,(See _b!NKIJP, ...._,,_ , . Concerned parents and sCbool officials c ii D • R • . , . the regents• w.af: P~ .to represent all • firs! requested a traffic signal 'for_ lhe ounc : emes ezonmg 'sh&Alea o( c~mput OP,lnJon, lncludin~ tj1'I - three-way intersection last April m a T 0 Direci . {]a' -·po student ridtcals. l_elter to the OraJl/le County Safety Com-. A; ~ piotest to the -repnil .visit W-••er • wu aclieduJM ln · the form of ' a UCI .,. _,..._...,. • mislion. Ov 'd B k Guerrilla Ttieater Jn which · students' It'll be of thole t di m: ~:""i:::" :i:i"'~~ i!'": After Pr_ ntest o_f Citizens ern e·. ac · ers ;:1~.' JllOlllllllOlll °' garbag•"' ii. 1•11 th.·~=~·-= at:µ1 euperfntendent denied t ·acuna con-"' . The SoUtb ·clut committee formed ' "' -clear, nn111 akiea with tem~ too-lhat bllh tr.me ...iume war· · • er1ture1 ·comfortably• pJaeo4 lo ranted a signal al Ille cr<lllinl-• to i.pport a P,opooed,lk<!il tu-over· --the middle I0'1 &IOll( 'Ibo "Traffic .. tumes -mlerliol ud laavtnc "W• aboald 1IPlfAd• Ille aitua!lao and !hat chaqlq Ille rDDin& would oo1y . rtd.eJer II!<· Cylllrano llnllled' School -Evca:vation C::.uts -Ordte''Cdiit. ,_ ' ~ _ tbe 1ebool !nm Cout BJClnn1 ·...,.. nol dcnrnJradt oo we ean lllll live In make~ c:oolilteol wtth uae. , Dllllrlcl 'haa oelected Jim Sia~.., rdlred 4 . • , •e rr llghl at all.limM-bldudhC the alovelJ1--" • Commer)tlog by letter lhal·pollco ln San . Cl"1'~ ~tJ-'man,•u g~al • · · ·"' / '· INIDE 'l'GDi\'l: Period -.hen chllm<n ...,. b • t n 1 Mn. ~'Wllllamoon, lllO Arroyo Ill• put have raided the ·resictence, ~· cha~. · -. , Phone . Service . , . . . . lranaported to and from school Cbico, told Lquna· Buch cooncllmen Im. ElllWO<th L. Jllcbmloon filed a The aroup, u¥ ·KllllS !l· Keep Atlanto'• Ted ,..,.,,., .... , "Traffic on Coaal HllJ>way wu also Iha! Ille WU quotJnc fmn the plarmlnl protest ln wriUng on behalf of tM Improvlog Dlllrlct,Schooll, _.k Telejihone tc,'to about l,Otll Dana 'i<'W lo /oce lti1 Old ...,,,.,, retaUvcly light and no <Olllfllloo wu commlatloo. She joloed a claol:ul ol pco. lietpborlioodCollp'agatlonalChurch. to ·~ -oppro•al«of the lkenl .Poln~ Capi:;::, ---l!lli Juan N•wporl Harbor'I A,Uon bTalll- observed. Any -fer the _...,. ,_ aplool a chop GI d!ifrlcl IOUgbt • Proleollng In person, £1!'. Paul D. override April 15. . , . Ca latrano C1lalAlmen with • 411 prefll< ,i,, 1,; ""1 .,.,~., Conareu of the school wootd penalize the ~ for Pi!IP"ll> ,17111 Catalina S~ Conov.,, tll Arroyo pil®, said prob!.,.. 'l\ie acldfttonal In ·wrr ;cal!*I I« W . J 1ntmiipted' • • wMn' an 11 1 cu' Th 'I ~ 'f ft on Coasl HllJ>way, probably causing -"U 0 1 had to 10 ,IJln!uCh another rum-In tho quiet netghborhOocl •had bqUn, dillrlcl , trualtel •. ..mo. ~acl!lflional i '~avlllltft ....... •:...,w.;· · .J ~~';.u.r.'.i':°"boct ~. overtaking-type acctdenll and "!"11 in . mer like the lut -I woUI sen lllY larl-"'*"Pf'lll¥ slepton la2~· .. ~,-'"""· • . •dl!fl GI, ·!llht• ~' , siri\l;lt pomc1 . -•ti 7 ' 1n increase in the total munber of IC-property;"_lbeJtld. Jar1e llDOlDUl~~·Wert 1efl'. ""~ted~,if .. ,, i , t.iDo. \ctbk: ~ "') · f f '.5-'· •1' :• 1., , ~ ' , cidenll" thelellttsaid. Tllliqalll-Glllllprolata-.cuoerod; tl>Oiiilh 'ft(• dotP : '"!!In:~.. . 'I' . 'l'be>I~""' · 1.'..t&itiollll·I-· • ·' "·"""" -" ~tool<adlffereotlack1"cleclailng tobo.,.._M.....,t.atthepi-IJ .nldl:SPC~ £· · and~\k~~··LI com 0~JJ\'! .-at c...t ~-P .,.,. -~• :.::z: ,._,: ='•'=' -i lhol wben actual numblr ol ...,_. wldch . ..u· lold •lo !lo" ll-1 (,,.,,. • lU. Tee "' La ,Ca o tnhu mid.'fi"1arw•--•rs mm PnowaJI,'•• _. v .• ' . , -" --,." .usiril the tntersecllon wu used rather famlly)mlinJbutleplmultlpleresiden-teacher of 44f'!l'4 satclliio d tbe ,dlltrlcts~jor~: ·, . p~ . .'T ,.,_...._l'!cf1P"';.,.. =-'--': "'"' ::' .:: .,. jmt the number o! •ehldea, the Ila! use. purchued ~!~ IOidenlanciill 11111 I Atta ·~halrrilan an Uoo 'fl11tti, •• .~~ llallo!t ... ~k:e :=: 'T,..: ::-"~C:""' ;t:; ;o~-:i_wu great~ to wmut ~La~~=~ i,..i£.t!~ ~~&":P~t.;:t!:::J~ :~=·:-lbt~· ~':': :°j 1=,: ~ He uld Iha! oniy,tbe utr!IORlinaJ:7, only war to ;blnd,k such.)l'Qblans II •. 11i!r-JGetph Ga)fliey'l a~·slzl J\'"'I~ a&a!i: · ·, !li!!•Oillt,'to•ftiicll ~ ~-r ·== .. car1 eierclsed by district employ .. haa ••tocetrldG1......,lhalc1usetrouble." Wt~n11dl'.Y Fr!MDn ,,a ~•)I~ J!'taC!i: -0ie lnl!DOlll~ ~,lio , "-"' ,,.. av.nod manr clo«e calil. So far, on11 'lie ml uoe ol the Pf1>POrl1. wu llie cNoce "',lbt lctowilaat· .nil iDjam ~a Luaba • """' ~ -... -t:;" .. ne .L one tnddenl has been reported. a1rea<l7 R·I (mu!Up!t residenllal) Qd • ~ ••• i(lltl ~ "' r---;_. , ,-,.., 1:--!.-----=-----~ t . . '1 .<:~ r ) .. • T • • ' .. , t ' • l l • ' l L ' - JI-_!J_9 F~culty May R_~scind Mail Bailot . Al·• -lal meet.inJ of the Acedomle Senate l,te today, the UC Irvine focutty wu scheduled .to consider whether to rescind a pt.nd1na mall vote an a rttrolc- Uve -tum affoclln1 two llnd pro- fesaon.. • A maJ1 ballot on ret:roactlve motatoriwn :wa1 approved 75 to as two w..U l\IO afttt; •bout tbree -faculty members wllked out of a stctn1 1tn1te meeting. 'l'bere seenu to be sentiment to heal the dlvialon of tbe faculty (Ill the laluo ud II la llJ!ely" the vote for a mall bal1at will be re<clnded,......, said. An alternative JllOlio&a1 that bu been referred to as a peace plan beclula It WU :worked out between faculty menben re~Uni either utreme will be pr<ienle1f10r approval. It calla for atabllliunent of a eom- mltteo of tine lludenll and -pro. lesson to solicit au((elllonl ud make recommendations. for involving atudenta In the faoutty·promollon ud. lmnlnl!Uoo process. . The same proposal wu presented tut week' lo dlPldenl atudenta w!lo reJec:lod II ond called 411 all lllldentl to boy<ott the committee. Unleaa reoclnded, the ~ .. moratorium ballot is lo be beld by llan:h 20. A.ui!tant prof won of English Stepben Shapiro ud Donald Brannan, fired In January by Cbancellor Daniel Aldrich on i..,.....,.00 llloa ol Eqlilb Daport- , ment senior faculty, 1ffl!lld be affeCted. Tiie moratorium on flr!np ti pr_..i to be retroacllvo from Ju. I. DettleJuneni t'• "' ... "No Matier What, Police Problem Evw have -ol tbon days when your head seemed detached and ma,be iven floatlnl a 11111e? Jhn Pleaker, an Albany, Ore., rail- road -':er, o!fm vilual proof It can happen. Photo isn't "doctor- ed." .W~ bottle act. as a large Jens and Inverts the image. • . Dile.mma ~n Capo llrom Page 1 • San Juan Capistrano city counclhnen, If lheY . clld!l't tnct" bllore, are &olng EXECUTION NIGHTMARE • • • to find OU( wbat the word 11dllemma" tbrutened with deatll U they notified asleep during the fatal holdup ezcept means ~ t11gbt and they won't lawmen. -· for the final seconda of h1s life. even have to'CllDIUlt the cUctionary. · HmOtulu Pollet ~t Homicide The small caliber slug which crubed The pii,h!em cl IOlrinl pollce pro-• Dellellft Fnd 'Yq Aid Tburaday tbat lnlo his atull ond buried In hJJ brain tecUon coats for the town bu three the ~ lntruden onlered altenaUvu -but all 1re Wiplwul Chula ud 8-1 to welgbt Pond'• bodf disruplod tbe respiratory proeeu. Pond ud 11D11cceptable -a dllan111a. and dllinp I( ID lbe ln!plcaJ ..... ' lived only three boon alter being San Juon bu been told that .Ill 111,000 y"'°' Pood'• i.ther apei:Ullted today transferred from a small cllnlc to a conlrael wllh the OranPlloun!Jllherlll'1 --thal the~ve been-.hot to· brger hospital. • o!!ICe will jump lo just le!',.. Jl•,llfl . · ~ bee-bo had no1_, left. Desplle tbe shock aod borror of .en year due to a new • l)'il<nl of ·froni lila ti1P to fl...i ovef lo ihe trio lb _..... Chui liaufing ch>rgea which hues COlll .. of mm, CUTJ'inl aholgunS and tbe walching eir guest .. _._, a patrol area rather than mamblf-ot•,people ~t :-' and Rogers were able to give a good aerved. . I ••' · Pi!iee Dej&ctlv~Clpl Jobn . description of t b e typlcally:<lressed Cowlcllmen CID eitber' (O ahead wlfh Jlla-)' Jiciwever, lluck to hit tbeory · beach boy trio, accordin( to U. Dickson. the quadrupled 1heriff'1 contract« form told ftanday that the rut h le•• "f imagine the boys were all terribly their own force at a coat esUmated beacbboyl merely killed Pond to lmprea:s confused," said Pond's father today. lo be around 1150,000 lor tbe first year. tbe Otber two wltb aavagery. Or, Ibey may conlrael with tbe City Sc\a><whal atepllcal during tbelr lnlUal of Son Clemente for an ellimaled ln~Ugatlon of the crime -wltlch 1160,000. sounds more lite a television script than A complete coat accounting o f a police log occurrence -said today alt ativea will be pruented to the it definitely bas elements of authenUclty. dty councilmen Monday night by City Ont particular angle being explored A ator Ernest ThomptOn. is the ownerahlp of a brick, or one.half kilo of marijuana, foond on tbe ground Surfboard Stolen . . From Laguna Youth I The theft of ID oranp l1lrfbolnl valued at '96 wu reported 'lbarlday to pollce by Chrll Bell, ·11, ol JllO Ocean Way, Laguna Beach, Bell sald he discovered the lou aome time be.lore reporting the crime, but thought the board m1gbt have been bo~ rowed by friends. The aeven..foot board bad Bell'• name imprinted by the skeg, Papers on Strike ' MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) -The ~erican Newspaper Guild early today atrurt the MemphJJ Publllblng Co., publlaben of tbe morning Commercial Appul ud the afternoon J>m..Scimltar, II, I'' 1'11111 OlllANOI COiUT PUIUININO COMM1tY a.Mrt N. w,,, ,,.._, _. PWllW Jet• ~. c.,1.,. Yb ~ tllll 0-tl """"'"" '""'•• •-n ·-r ..... A. M1,,.hl~t .-....1111111lflr ltd1r4 '· Nell Pt11I Nlu111 '"r .:* "Ct.."'-___ ,,, '-"9tt •••• MtlU~ AIUr•1 PA 1 .. 664, t2lll ---C.'9 MtM1 ....... , ..., """' ......,, lftdl! "" ... , .............. ,.. ........... IHidl: ., .... '""*" I outside the rusUc A-frame cottage when !nve.sUgaton arrived. Lt. DicbOn aald today his men bave Mt been able to link the contraband picked up near the house shared by three youths wbo were host.in& Pond until he got a job and wa1 settled. The victim had worked with hls father in the electrical busineH and .... ·as empJOyed 'J)lrl-time as a surfboard builder, a job be hoped to 'find in the islands a1. well. ' The incident in which Pond was in- timidated at his West 19th Street apart· men:t last Deeember and Ule fatal visit by the trio Tuesday appear "at this stage lo be grimly coincidental. WRITl'EN REPORT Lt. Dickson said, boweve"r, that he expects a written ciae report and follOl!iup Investigation, malled by Costa ltote.sa Police Thursday, to arrive today. Pond'• father Aid today Ille lnddenl stemmed lrom tbelt ol IOID< IOODd equip. ment in which the youth aug:eated a suspect who proved not to be involved,· but consequenUy had a bru.sh wltb tbe law on something else. l'be barua:ment ceased after Pond moved back with hls parents, and brothers Martin, JS, and Jimmy, 10, the former electrical company owner said In an Interview today. "I read about the marijuana upec\ tn another paper and the way the case toundl now, I wouldn't be aurprlsed," 1aid Pond, whose son was reportedly Dinner to Start Y Member Drive The South OrlJll'! Cowlly YMtA will launch II! 11&1 1ustalnin( membership drive with a dlnna' ud opeakm FG- gram lonllhl at 7:11 o'clock In Hotel LllUftl. Chairman for Ibo drive whlcli alms al collecting 137,000 ud enrolllng HOO new members art Jon Baughman of the Teams Divlslon, Jnei Good Lee of tbe Century Club Dlvlalon and the Rev. Bob Cornelloon of Board SollcltaUon. Robe(! carter, YMCA direclor, said the orranlllUon 11 now conducll"I lhe lar1tll programs of c 1 m i> I n f, nelgbborilood p<IUPI. carffl' COUllRll"I and teen acllvlly In tbe S..tb Caul area. , All su1talnln1 rii'emberlhlp fund• 1• toward current operaUoM lo 'conUnot and .. pud youth pro""'f, carter &aid, MESA NURSE Chula's mother, a nurae fo~ a Costa Mesa physician, said Thursday that her aon, who was attending junior college with Rogers and a third youth, Mike Giteau, of Newport Beach, may fly home immediately. Troubles C<luld possibly await him he.re on the mainland, however, based on response today by a federal official who learned of the wild island homicide case and made some inquiries about Chula. "He may not have obtained permission to leave the state," said Mobley Milam, assistant U.S. attorney handling a San Diego case involving O:lula and mari- juana. Milam said young Chula is scheduled to appear before a U.S. Commissioner April 2, to enter a plea stemming from his San Ysidro border arrest July 14., 1968. when he was allegedly carrying 20 pounds of marijuana. DUE IN COURT The federal attorney said Chula was to have appeared in court for trial Jan. 20, but failed to show up and was arrested by Newport Beach Pollce on Lido Isle In early February. Milam said the youth was taken to San Diego afterward and surrendered by his stepfather, at which time the U.S. Commis.!icner, equivalent ef judge, granted ball and C<lntinued the case. Ex-surf ' Hero Sent to Jail For Selling LSD Last summer surfer Randy Ladow was the hero of the Harbcir Area. He wa1 the gutsy guy who threw his board l.Dto the sw1 near the Santa Ana River jetty aod helped pull slrug· gli"I heavyweight ~ star Jerry Quany ud hJJ brotber lo safety. But that was last June. Today he's Jn Orange County ·Jail, put there fer one year 11runday by Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner lollowlng Ladow'1 conviction en charges of selling LSD. He wu mealed last November at 238 Avocado SL, Costa Mesa. 1'bere was no menUon or Ladow•1 wive-lopping exploltl ud Jud & e Gardner's demeanor ln senttncln;: the Santa Ana man made It plain that It wouldn't have made any difference U there had been. Ile 111Spend<d lhe 1tlte prbon tum or one \o five yw1 {o:r Randolph Anthon)' Ladow, 11, lmJlOl'd tbe jail lmn ud placed him on probation for three. yeara. The obviously lblken Ladow nu<d his flnger1 u he wu led away. 11 will be some lime belore be n .. ea them a.round a surf board. I • ·- - arine .~Life ' . ' l Draining Dana ff arbor Cause4 Prob~~· . - -...,_. lllrted the pumps lo drain a ptrl of lbe Dana Point Harb<>( eall buln: .... odd coiitlngent of Jifeguarda stood by to rescue the marine beasties caught in the receding 30-acre puddle. A mau of abalone, lobster, wrluling fllh and eels were saved from a dry doom b)I Callfornla Fish Ind Game Wardens, Yohp1tett students, ~a· tionilts and citizens. Decked out in hip boot&, the rescue COil'! waded through deep mud lo pick up ~ stranded marine life and haul the critlers to a nearby locaUon for replanUn1. More than 1,200 abalone were rescued . llrom PGfle J FWOD .•. In lbal manner ·Ibo f I ro I day ol die operaUOll, said Game Warden Hal SQla • After that, Seals said he lost counL M<11t ·Of the delicious moUusU were small to mediurq size, Seals said. They'll have•a chance to grow up now. The rescuers also balled out aome 50 to 75 JaniulJblna Joblten, a nwnber of broo<\ing sea. bass and some ruentful eels which attempted to blte lhe bands that would saye them. "Those eels can inflict some prtUy bad wounds il they iel a bold of you," Seals saJd. However, none of the men received any biles. The nasty tempered eels wee rewtro- ed for their orneryneas by duth when Life or the ralns broullrt frtlh water Jl'ld mud cucedlng into the ba.lln. Two mootba'.prior to. the Jul ei/ort, an underwater rescue had been held with members of area SCUBA diving clubs scouring the wbol:e harbor bottom rot animals. Creatum rescued jn lbe latest save were tbc ones P(eV{oua1y misied Tho muddy Job of baod-plckl1iii tbe marine fauna will be r<pe«ted' as the other basins are dewatered. fOr harbor floor e.zcavation. . " In lime, tbe wildlife· will be allowe<I to return when the m.s million harbor is f.lnhhed -but then, will they want to what with all ibos< humans 1Pl~ about. Death and bulkheads ln the city street system. -Construction of a storm line in Starlit Drive. Linkup Crucial Flight Maneuver -Construction ef a drainage system In the Center Street area . -Construct.ion of a storm drain in the 1100 block oI Gaviota. --Contain and repair eA~'.1 slides. Sweany likened the stonn technically lo a 25 year storm closely paralleling the winter of 1941 during which there was a total of 18 inches of rainfall by the end of February and 24 for the year. He said nearly 100 percent saturation of the ground brought extremely high velocity water runoff, slides and heavy erosion. "These things in tum resulted In s11ch a volume of water at a given e-0UecUon point that the inlet was simply ineffective or forceably plugged with mud and debris which floated on the surface," he reported. SPACE CENTER, HO!lllon (AP) - The Apollo· t mission w11s a life-or-death propoaitlon for two of the a.Stronaots today -rendezvous with the command ship or periah. The spidery lunar ferry module (LEM), piloted by Air For<:1! Col. James A. t.fcDivitt and civilian astronaut Russell L. Schweickart, could not re-enter earth's atmosphere without burnln& up. Thus caution and safety were the watchwords in planning the maneuver ·molt crucial in the enUre ltkiay Apollo 9 fllghl. PutUng tbe LEM lo tbe' IUpreme tes~ McDlvitt and Schweickart uncoupled it from the n o s e of Apollo 9's mother. ship, piloled by Col. David R. Scott, and eased away about 4:40 a.m. PST. The LEM then flew two football-ehaped paths around the mother ahlp, cruised ta • paint about 110 miles away, then :rendezvoused and booked up apln tome six hours later. Twice during the maneuver, at the end of each loop, there were opportuniUes to cut tbe rendezvous short and dock early, oace after about 1~ houri separa· tion and again nearly two mun later. Sch\\'eickart was equipped with an ox- ygen-filled backpack, capable of sup- porting one man up to four hours, which he used Thursday during a space walk. But the on1y emergency oxygen supply available for McDivitt JU. a cootainer able to keep him alive ;aoout JO minutes, called an OPS for oxygen purge .system. If docking had nof'been poalble, but the two spacecraft could get close together, the plan ~ed for Scbwelckart to wear the backpack ud McOlvlll to bop across with the OPS. . "It's kind of Buck Rogers stuff, but ' there's no other way home," Schwticbrt observed. Damage to the private sector is also 5till being evaluated. Bill Sharp, .senior building Inspector for the city, said Can· yon Acres Drive was worst hit with four homes a total toss. Sharp said he has about 12 reports ort homes with structural damage rang· ing from total to minor and has 28 other reports on problems ranging from major to minor. llrom Page l LINKUP SUCCESSFUL ••• There was considerable earth slides and flooding of property along Skyline Drive, he said. other pal'tlcuiar problem areas for residents included Anacapa Way, Coronado Drive, Skyline Drive, upper Diamond Street aod Gainsborough Drive. operation el the day and poor com- munications from an African tracking station left the outcome of the maneuver in doubt for 12 minutes. "The staging went OK," McDivilt finally reporled. 0 However, Gumdrop can't find us 1n his optics (tele.scopu) any longer and we may have knocked -t:r -t:r * Storm Re~uge~ ·• out our tracking lights." A 30-secon4 blast lrom the lunar module then started the spacecraft on a course J>aek toward the command 5hip to complete the op(!rali9n rehearsing lunar orbit maneuvers. May Get Help San Juan Capislranoo storm refugees may gel some help from California's "private sector'' according to a telegram -.to city Mayor Edward Chermak from Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke Thursday. The wire said Gov. Ronald Reagan n~ds information by Monday on the extent and type of need of persons whose property was destroyed by recent storm!. The rr.llef program would be in addition to the official a.id given cities for the repair of flood damaged streets, bridges, public building• ond llDllary facilities. The aim is to mobillze private en- terprise and organize a state.wide flood relief program for the disaster stricken, the telegram saJd. The object of '<Klay 's test was to get the lander as far from the motbership as: lunar explorers would be before blasting off from the moon, and then to prove that the "Spider" could chase down the "Gumdrop" and book up with it again. In the first four hours of the orbital acrobaUcs, McDivltt and Schweickart tested nearly every operation moon pilots must perform to land on the m&o and .start their trip back home. The two, opening the filth and busiest day of the lo-day orbital mission, transferred to the lunar lander lhorUy after midnight. 'llte two .shlpa wus unlatched at 4:39 a.m. PST. There were some initial dilliculties In freeing the two ships, but alter Scott 5 2 JUST A FEW OF CRSCEL'S UNLIMITED SELECTIONS OF FINE FURNITURE. DREXEL THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN FURNITURE. ~ --- IUHCHIH• TAILI (l';J f•thlrl~t fr111terl tltH tt, flicked the sepi;!fation switch twice, he radioed to McDivitt and Scbwe.ickart: "OK. you're fret." McDivitt reported that h~ couJd zee the command ship's control jets firinC ••just as clear u a bell. It lights up the whole sky." · ''There'• a great big orange cloud,••) said Scol~ observing the flr)I flringl of the lander's engines. '- After early checks showed the $41 million Spider W<1!: working as plaMed, McDiviU fired tbe ship's big landing engine, ccntrolling its power with a hand ' throttle mucb like those found on rallroad Jocomotlves. Controllers reported the zs.· second burst went perfectly. "This is really an ungainly bea!I,'' McDlvitt told Scott in the ship code named "Gumdrop." Actor Seeks Divorce LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Actor Roh· ert Cummings, 58, charged his wife ot 24 years with extreme cruelty in a di· .vorce suit filed 'I'hunday. Cummings asked that Cl1'!ody of tho couple's four minor chlldren be a"arded to his wife, tbt former actrus Ma r '!. Elliott. 51, wbom he married Mardi S: 1945, in Riverside. They separated lut Oct. 31. . • 2 EXCEPTIONAL TABLE FEATURING CARVED !ASE. ,% " GLASS 66" LONG ll" WIDE $339 a ) wltlt turlo •h1lf il1l1w. Allll11•• \ twllt f111!1h. • Sl4f :::::::::;::~~ • IOM• COMMODI Ill Av1ll1\111 ht c.h1llt: wt.It. ., 1111 fllflll•i• .,.uw wltll •• It' pai11t1.I -'••wtflefl. S17t EXCLUSIVE DEALERS l'Olt: HENRIDON-DRIXIL-HEltlTAOI 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LOHOE!t TIRMS AVAILABLE ON APPftOVID CREDIT 1et1. ~ NEWPORT BEACH 17117 W•llcllff Dr., 642-2050 ONN NIDAY 'TIL t INTEllORS P19'111fen1I lnterlw l>Mlflne,. Avallabl.....+.ID-HS!D LAGUNA llACH :MS North Coast Hwy. 494-6.SSI OP'llf PllDAJ "TIL t OAll Y PILOT Sllff l"Mt. . • Frfdq, Marcil 7, 196' JS) D-ese~ter -~·~Sentenced . •• County 01 Gets 4 Years Hard Labor · 'Ibe federal government Thursday un- derlined 111 •.lilt~e . ~¥" . desertion, when a Santa All• · GI 'Who lelt hll vietnilll\ dutf :,,a, ~WnCtd to four years at bard labor aftef a hlsioric · court martl1l.' . · ~ · ' The muimuzh verdiCt loo ' the mu· imum Rntence were imposed on Pvt. Edwin C. Arnett,''°• ·who said wller· other homesick 'deteCtors ' .ln Sweden; would decide their filtures on the· out;. come of his. · He waa also stripped .of all rank, pay in4 · benw!s :ana ·ordered .to be dishonorably discharged. A board or she men and one woman deliberated only 90 minutes late Wed· nesdB.Y,. before declaring' the baldlps cook guilty on two rounls. ' They w.ere desertion 1nd desertion with the intent to 1hirk lmpor\a~I servi°', namely provl!llng food for lt\Clllbe!'I of hll unit •I Cam Ranh Bay, IJnC. f,oqd > Is baslC to good morale. • ' . TJ)e defeo•• -three at1oi:nq1, ·m. of jhem 'cl viii~ -m~Ja'""' 19i•t he WU guilty Only ol being I~ ,wllhoul leave, but Ille board, rolµlecj· to 10cep1 the lesser plea entere,I tut wot,t:, The defecUon to. S_. via ~•pan and Rws1a following 'a .~ rest leave wu pllbliclzed as ' ~'ftr':,JlfOt~t. but the' defense said WednadQ' •• tt·was d.-u e to harassment by tn.~ll!blAmttl's unit. ;. ., Before being taken -into ··,nuutary custody after choosing to return to Americo ape! ·race ' cltargesr ·1.rp~u w11 quoted ln nrifi interViews •• referring to himself as a deserter. 1lle. red-halrod bacl!elor, ~ pole and totlmd oo his :f•t-momoallrilJ: u court marl1al pi;ident Col. Setli' Linlhlcum, read ~ ~llnee notl!!l!l!I by the "'1Jllary jury. The ""'tenc• b · ,.bjtcl to automatic appeal· by a ·mllllary revie'tr> boud.ibl W81hlngton Jtnd Pvt. AJ'ftett be1ui n appeal to the people or America after sentence Wednesday. ·"I believe the people lbould upren their feelings by writing to tbe pntlo dent," be 1ald. E""ping just ooe year ago, Pvt. Amell waS granted asylum 1n neutral St1edtft, but chose to become the first returnee among Gls who defected after belnc . unable to get a job and Uvlng Gii •10 weekly well~ f~. CEREMONIAL GARB HELPS 400 INOIAN FAMILIES FEEL AT HOME IN ORANGE COUNTY Indian C•nter leaders Wilker (left), Knifechief Ald Members of All Tribes We made a great special buy of polyester k.nits' BY :WILLIAM_ REED Reeds •• ~ . in· the Wind At 4:15 p.m. on March 2 Christine Marie Biscalui ·was born at Huntington Intercommunity Hospital to parents Irene and Len Biscaluz, of. 17106 Ash St., Hun- tington Heach. . lv1iss Biscaluz weighed in at 6 pounds 4 ounces and is lY l,-2 inches tall and will be called "Christie." She has a brother, Lenny, 5, and a sister, Cheryl, 3. Her father has been a postman bere fo r 11 years. He had the com· pany of uncle Warren Bisc3:1uz in the waiting room. Warren is the rriendly desk Sergeant at the local police department and says he is pretty happy over the event. Yes , Uley are related to the famous sheriff of Los Angeles county. * Ex·Navy pilot Harvey McClure, an . electrical engineer at the McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. in Huntington Beach, was watching Monday when Apollo 9 roared off into space. He was at Cape Kennedy to see the launch as a re\vard for outstan· ding craftsmanship in the design and manufacture of the S-IVB stage of the Saturn V lunar launch vehicle. He'and hi s \Vife have three girls, Candace, 19; Anne, 17 and Cheryl, JO. They live in Newport Beach. McClure has been with the com· pany 14 years. * Teacher associations at three \\rest Orange County s ch o o I districts have joined and opened an office under the name of West Orange County Educators. Participating are t e a c h e 1" associations in the high school 1istrict and Ocean View and Westminster elementary. Th e organizations claim to represent ;ome 1,500 teachers. The office is in Suite 215 of the Mercurj.r Savings Building · at Beach Boulevard and Edinger !\venue. Open house will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs~ day next week. • Hearings Slated .On Zone Changes Two public hearin8s on zone changes have been aet for March 11 by the Foun- tain Valley City Council. The first public hearing concerns a req1,1est for R-4, high density multiple family zoning, on propel1y on the west side of Brookhurst Street about 475 feet north of Slater Avenue. · Agricultural use is the current zoning of the area. · ' 1be second request is for local business toning of an area nortbwest or the intefsection ol Warner Avenue and Brookhurst Street. Thls area is also currenUy zoned for agrleultura.I use. Policeman to Show Film on Marijuana NarcotJcs and marijuana will be discussed Monday night by Huntl!lgton Beach Police Officer Btrt Chadwick In the cafeteria or Marina High Schoo~ 15871 Springdale St. During the 7:30 p.m. meeting he wlD· chow the film "Marijuana." A qUMUOft period will ronow his presentatlon to tilt Marina l>oos1<!rs lfOllP· Showing "'Dow~ County Bureau Aids l1ulians By TERRY COVILLE Of .... O.lly P'li.t •••If Today's American Indian may wear a traditional buffalo headdress fashioned from a footba11 helmet and he probably will flash a union card before perfonning a tribal rain dance . Adjusting from the plains to plasticville is a tremendous task faced by the thousands of Indians who leave the reservations yearly. Helping them make that adjustmenl in SouUiern California is the Orange County Indian Center, headed by chairman John Knifechie£. ' "You'd be surprised how many Indians coming here don 't even know how to use a telephone," sayd Knifechicf, him self a full-blooded Pawnee. Phil Walker, public relations director for Lhe <;enter, estimates there are about 400 bonafide Indian tfa1nilies in Orange County. "\Ve also handle Indian problems fro1n Los Angeles County ," added Walker. The Orange County Indian Cente r is one of two such organizations in California. The other center is in Los Angeles and it has severe financial pr<r blems, explained Knifechiet. A Bureau of ln'dian Affairs (BIA) prtr gram allows Indians to seek government aid in rel(l(:ating once they leave the reservation. The Los Angeles office of the BIA will provide finances for an Indian to come to California and attend lrade school of his choice. "But they don't show him what to do if he loses his first job," complains Knifechief, "and an Indian out of work immediately becomes confused and wants to go back to the reservation." "We try to convince them to stay here and adjust to life off the reserva· Lion," explained Walker, a member of the Omaha Nation. "First they need money, and quite . often food," said Walker. "But not clothing," commented K.nifechief, ·"we're overloaded with donated clothing, but Indians will rarely accept clothing." "Indians in n~ usually hear about us throogh the grapevine," sa id Knifechief. "We stick together and the center isn't well known outside of Jndlan families ." · A hall for meetings is presently needed by the 54 members of the Orange County lndi an Center. "We currently meet .in the senior citizens clubhouse in Santa Ana," said \Valker, "but we need a hall "Where we can perfonn tribal dances, hold pow \Vows and sponsor.fund raising events." Knifechief's home at 7931 First St., SLanton, currently serves as head· quarters for the . center. A garage in back is used to store canned food ·and clothes as v.1e\I a.~ ceremonial costumes. Last Christn1as the center fed hundreds of needy Indian families with donated canned food _ Plans for the future include sponsorshi p of an All·lndian rodeo in 01·ange County. .. \Vc 'd like to develop an annual Indi an festival simi lar to those in Gallup, N.M. and Flagstaff, A-riz.," says \Valker. "It would be a West Coast first,'' beams Knlfechief. "We'd like to use the Orange County Fairgrounds, bu\ haven't heard anything from them yet." "We already have an agreement from a rodeo company in Newhall to-set it up and run it," adds Walker. Most members of the center sLill perform tribal dances even though their legs may. be rusty from tooling around town in ·their car.s. "SeVeroll of our dancers work at Disneyland," said Knifechief, ' 'a·n d they're all union members." Most Indians in Orange County belong .to the Navaho·Nation, said Walker. The next largest group is probably Siooi: from the Dakotas, he said. "But once they come to the center everyone fits together pretty well," he added. When asked if the great American Indian is dying off, Walker commented, "Not as loog u the reservations stlll exist." But the Oow from reservation to plasticville is increasing yearly, Health Experts Endorse Pilot's Series on Drugs The JO.part series ol articles, "Drugs 1969." to be published starting Monday in lhe DAILY PlLOT has been called. "the best view of the drug scene the adult world has ever been offered." Written by Associated Press science writer Alton Blakeslee, the articles are the result of months of research into the use and abuse of drugs and narcotics in the United States. the Harvard University Hea1th Services. llaid : ''This series represents a new high in respc>nslble reporting of all aspects of . the current drug problem in . the Untted States. Not only does it present much factual material which in itself is all too rarely presented, but it describes the subtle psychological in- fluences that affect young people eager for new experiences or looking for waya to solve their personal problema:." They are slanted toward parents of children who already are, or may become, U\ers of dangerous drugs. They cover the subject from the one· e. I k I w· eiperimenta1 use "ror kicks'' o ir--4> a es ee IDS · fulJ.blown agony of. addiction. Purpose of the articles to help • • A d pareni. learn .tilt (aci. .. they can r1ting war safeguard their children from drugs. Nationally, Blakeslee's articles have · · NEW YORIC (AP) -Alton BIUeslff, drawn advance raves from authorities A!:sociated Press Kience writer, wu who were allowed to read them before named today u one of · HJ wtnnm In they were released for publication. the Scripps-Howard Foondation's EdwlJ'd Among authorities who r e v l e we d J. Meeman Conservation Awards for Blakeslee'• work and endorsed it was J968. John Flnlator, associate direct.or of the Blakeslee's select.ion was based on bis BW'e&U of Narcotics and Dangerous five-part series on "Our Polluted Drugs in the: U.S. Department of Justice. Planet," published widely in newspapera His comments: across the country in February 11168. "I am pleased to recommend tlli! He received a ~ cub pri2e. . accurate and factual report dealing with t11t menace m natcollcs aru1 diug a11uoe Actor Seeks D1"vorce not "'11,v for parenu and those lnt'1'dted in leachln8 drug nopect, but lot young LOS ANGELES (UPJ) -Actor H<»- people who are lllb)ected to the drug ert CUmmlngl, 58, charged hll ..Ut iJ1 phenomena In their everyday IOcill .,,.. ~ yeen with extreme cnielty In a dJ.. ta.eta." . · vorce 11.1it filed Thunday. $10 JUNIORS 7·15 MISSES 10·18 lmaginel IMart new polyester knits that procticG!ly car. for lhtmselvu. Wash by hand or machine ••• drip or tumtile dry, and they're reocly to go anywhere with aplomb. ChooM from • whole rainbow of pastels with sc:cnf; tab, belt, button, and white-tour'1 trim .. At this 1pedol Anniversary price, coiled a whelt wardrobe of them. l\nnelfJ THE DRESS# PLAC!'. • Alton Blakesi<e 11 to be commended CUmmlnp ubd lhat custody of I b e for his very studious yet candid approach couple'& four minor children be awarded 1.----------------------------------------. to the problem. Thll Is traly • •llal lo his wl(e, lite ·former ac1r ... Mary COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEA~U ·contribution to the advancement o( pubUc Elliott, 61, whom be mmled Mlrdl 3, • I 1 ht•lth •lid public llfety." IH5, in mv!ralde. 1lley 1<parattd l11t (Horbor Shopping Center) (Huntington Center) (Fashion Island) Dr. Dan L. Fe_msworth, director or Oct. 3i. 1 ' • , • ' . I l • ! • l· l" • I l • • • .. FMor, Mlftll 7, 1'69 R~sia Blasts Red Chinese Atrocities Claims Soviet Soldiers Executed; Mobs Smash China Embassy .Windows By Unltad p,... lnt.matlonol A Fftsno State College professor P'rtano State College profuaor poured catsup on hi1 SelecUve Senice card and ate it during a rally by a group oppos~ to the draft. Byron Bl.ck, 29, profesaor of linguiJUc1, said be turned in bis card during an antiwar rally last fall but a new card wu sent to him. ''Now I am my draft card," Blac)I: announced, alter swallowing the card. · • Dough ~u1.1n,. 17, offered lo go down the chimney in Houston when the unidentified teen-age g I r I discovered ahe was locked out of , her fashionable home in southwest Houston. ••1 guess I'm just a little fatter than I thought," said Dusan after firemen used a rope to pull him from the chimney 45 minutes later. • AU qualifitd voter• turntd out to vote on the &ale of alco- holic bevtroge1 in Broumdalt, Ttz. Tht oott /err liquor and bttt was 58. The rc1t of the vottrs-1~ted dry. Mar1hall at 104 milts away, t.oa1 tht ntar-- ert place to the north whert you could get a ltgal drink before Wtdnesdat1'• tltction, Silsbee, 70 miles away, the nearest to the .south. • Nine bouquets appeared on the Witness T ell.s . . Of Tots Held In Jail Cell.s WASlllNGTON (UPI) -A Maryland jail iospector told Senate investigators today oI cues in which children u youni as 3 y~ old were kept in fillhy jaua for u much u IO days. The children were held not as defen- dants but u witnedes or victims in child abuse casea, the witness, Joseph B. Egeberg tesUfied. He is an employe of Maryland's Department of Cor- rectional Servlcea. Appearing before a Senate 1ub- commltlee fnvestlgaU., prison oondlllons in the nation Ege berg uid' "Maryland law providtl for the conflnement of witnesses when security ls not ·available and It makes no exception for juvenile." "I know of ooe case in which a juvenile cases where youngsters were held for long periods. '1 know of one case in which a juvenile was incarcerated as a witness for three months," he conlinued, telling of a 3· year-old boy confined in a Baltimon! City Juvenile Jail as a witness in a child abuse case against his parents. F0<elcn clllct spokaman Leonid Zamyalln Aid JI RuQlan ooldi,nr died ud It ,..,. ltrlooaly woonded In lhe clash tome , 4' mllea north o I VlacllvOllok. Be iaid the d7ing l\uulan t0ldler1 were badly muUlated with bl,yootll. Zlmyatln Aid a pOll marltm mecllcal o:amJnaUon aiter the 0 1an1ster raid" acoru lbe border by about 300 OUnue "utal>UrJ>ed Iba! Ille Oilnae.llnd poinl blank at the wounded and struck tbem with . bayoneta. '' "Tbe face of the killed Soviet border guanla were ao muUlaled Ibey could bard(y be rocoll\hed," Zamyatin uid. The -... Aid they heel handed the Chlnf.le a lllf( dlplomaUc note in Peklnr Thuraday demanding· an end to "holUJe actions" around the Soviet em· bauy there and along the bordtr. The foreign minlltt'y J&fd a Chinese dellcbmeot had been "pcclally l(alned foe the DamBOJky Island atleck allhouJh ''tbe Chlneae aulhorlUes tty to diJlort the lacll, to lhirk the TetJIOOl)blUty for the perpetrated provocaUon, to lhllt the blame to the Soviet Union.'' The Sovlell Aid the OW-allact built up on Salunla7 nlabl ud -11 Sunday ud Iha! lOll OW-In wblle camou!lage lllllOCD allecked the lllud, baCktd · by mortars, ara>adf lhrowen and machine ,.,,... The . at&tement 1CCUHCI the Chi.nae of sta.giug the incident to draw attention from China's internal trouble! and to "conaolldate the sreat. p 0 "fl r 1d- venturilt1c course promoted by Mao Tae- tung." It Ii.Id one main reuon wu In preparation for impo1lng a "pta.Uorm bosWe to the Soviet Union" at tbe comtn& nlnlh -of tbe Chlnole ~l 1'1111· Tbe M.Ncow m>wd marcMd U abnasl f0< Ihm houri In lhe cold, drear)' Morch an.moon and smu!led mOll of the 100 windows of the ftve-atory Chlneae Co~ munlst Embassy, ipllntered one o1 the two glau door• and splaahed the bulldln& wllh Ink. , . Tbe bandlul o! iow-rankin( ailnne cllpiOOUlll .UU left In the huge embusy peered lurllve(y lrom~ win- dow• u the crowd hurled beer boltlel, stonu, int bottlu, mowballa and dmnks of Ice. Fire Kills 9 In Tenement; Alarm Delayed JERSEY CITY, N. J. !UPI) -Al )east nine persons were killed in a roar- Jng tenement fire because neighbors waited too Jong berore sounding tht alarm, authorJUes said today. Seven children trapped Thursday on the top 1loor of the five-story tenement v.·ere killed by flames or smoke. A mother and her &-year-old daughter. trying lo escape the fire, fell five stories to their deaths. A U·year-old boy was l' e s r. u e d moments before the roof on which ht was standing rollapsed into the flaming ruins of the building. The dead were members of two families who lived oo the top floor ot the tenement. Other residents of the JO-family building were believed to have escaped, but firemen were sifling the rubble today for other possible vlcUms. Inspectors were also on the scene, ·trying to determine what caused the blaze. Police Chief Raymond Gibney said the fire was "really going" before the first fire truck arrived became there had been "a serious delay in teporUng it." grave o( Joseph St.1lln in Red Square in Moscow Wednesday, the 16th anniversary of bis death. There were no messages attached to the fiowers, which seemed to be from individuals rather than organiuttions. Soviet news media made no mention of the an- "It was a rather beart-atirrlng sight to lite this small child being confined 1n the detenUon room with bars at the window and a very mlnlrnwn of facillt1u," Epberc Aid. '"11le major conunandlnr lhe police atatioo ud I WtDt into Ille rGOm and im· mecllalely the llDlal1 child ru1hed to tJie major ud threw bla arms around Ille majcr'a neck and wu obv10Ully moat happy CO tee the officer." be conUnued. Pool May Go Down Drain "If we had been 10 minutes sooner, we could have saved some lives," Gibney !laid. niversary. ~1ass of 30,000 cubic yards of earth slowly moves toward their S\Vimming pool a s Mrs. Richard \Vagner of Orinda, Calif. and her children watch. 'I'he rear deck of a neighboring home has started to pull away and two homes at the base of the hill are threatened by those above. Most Americans Disagree With Student Rebels Light up a leaf, Triumph Smokt1, lnc., announced that it will market m NflD England a cigarette 1t1b1titute that hm no nicottnt or tobacco tar- ;uat ltttuce. Here model Sand., Eart- ler, ahown with the new cigaretta and a head of ltttuc~. Ughti up. The Tri· umph wilt loo k Ukt a normal filter king cigarettt but will havt a diltine· tive sweeter aroma and different taitt. • W. Ch11t1r Sanborn was unop- posed for · Hopedale, Mass. town tree warden-one of six positions ha holds. In th.is community of about 4,500, he is also chief o! po. lice, keeper of ttie lockup, consta .. ble, superintendent of insect pest control and animal and slaughter- ing inspector. "When wt bad to luvt and Jock the door qaln, the ebllcf' commenced crying, and the cftleer f«md it difficult to leave -Uie chUd. But be bad no alternaUve." Ike Progressing Well, May Leave His Bed Soon . WASHINGTON (AP) -Former Presi· dent Dwight D, El!enbower la pro- gressing llO 1aUsfactorily from hla rectnt emergeney illnesae1 that he'• expected to get out of bed and all In a chair .within a few days. , And bla morale and 1pirlU are 1ood. Thls WU rq>orted toda7 b7 Brir. Gen. Frederic J. Hugbea, Jr.. com-mandin& general of Walter Reed Army Hospital, llll'ftring a terle1 ot written questions. When Eiaenbower ls allowed bis initial out-of-bed adlvity, he will have to be assisted to the chalr and remain up !or relaUvely brief period& be!O<e belnr wilted back to bed 11ain, ft wu ez. .. plained. • Meanwhile, althoua:b atlll bed-ridden. Elaenhowtr periodJcally uk1 to hive hia bed-lop propped up ao he can be supported In a altU., poslUon, and engage In readinJ •1J.ltht material" - presumably bla favorti. West.em. nove.Ja. "Wben do yoo upoct be11 be able to walk unualJted?" "u another ques- Uon. 'Supermale' Fails First Cou11 Test;- _lnsanity Rejected LOS ANGELES (UPI ) -The theory that men with an extra 1n a I e chromosome -so-calltd "supermales'' -might be born criminals with · ungovernable pa.ssions has lost its first court test. Superior Court Judge Maurice T. IMder ruled Thursday that Raymond Tanner, 33, a supermale and self-con· feaed rapist, could not enter an insanity plea to a sexual usault charge. The decl!lon set a world legal precedent. The chromosome abnormality is called the. "XY Syndrome" because supermales carry an txtra Y, or malt, chromosomt. SOme itneticiJts have advanced t~e theory that XYY m a. I e s arc "predesUned" to commit crimes and are prone to aggreuive behavior and uncontrollable impul9es. Tanner aaid he knew right from l\-'ron,. thus fulfUllng one of the main legal tarts ol. aanity, but 'Jought' to plead Innocent by reason of insanity becaU1e he wu an XYY male. His attorney contended Ta nner was phy1\cally unable to rtop himself from attacking the housewife he m~t in a bu In 1987. ·Newport (Vt.) Mercury --14 Norfolk Inundated in East Coast Rain Stor111 Callfoml• Sou""°'" Ctllfooo,.19 Md fllr .tlwt ..... CIDllMr 1-.1u ... "' flle "'"" le!° _.iionl tolllJ' wtlh 9UI,., Wllliih al 11,,_ It -mctll" .u""" _,. l• ,.,,_ -* arid Vld,.ltr w!lh !hi ""'9111111 .,..,..ltd to C90lt!-lhrwtll tornat"- f'fJW. Tiie lllth t i 1'\tr Clvk Ollltw .. , 6ol, Uto tr1l'll Tllurtd1'1'1 t11e•l11t11111 IJf A Tiie low fllnl9hl .wilt bt 1,,.;llOI 4.1. Owtv wlflcft <onllnv.d i. '1• n,. ,,..., Tiie Air PoHvtlOfl COl'lt'tll Ohtrkl "" ~Id l'O llTIOI !n fhe 11t1I,.. ltecrHllDnal .,.... hM 1unnr Jlllft '"" eu1tr wtl'>Ch. ,... IMl'Cll,.., d l"'blocl '° " ,, ,.,. ~ willt "-..... , ~lvrt "a. ,.,,.,. -lictlh> lllltr ,..,.... ...... Ill ..... "*'"'•ft wl!ll '"°" " ..... ... -""" "'""' -.. Gwl"I' wlnlll Cl'M19'11 •lld .,_. .,., ...,_ at tin. In ,,.. ......,. ., "" ...,. ,.,,...,.. ~ llltlt ~·-­ "'"" fl'Ol9I ... JI .... 1 .. ~ "'" ,..,. ~ ""Jfl-,,..,,. M to 7'. TM U.t. ...,..,_. l!lur11u lwtc.a•I -'""""""'*' lll!"eWtl WtllneYlf WI* ~tvra ,,,,,. "''' _,,,., -~..,...... ................ s.l'llt M9l'a """11N¥ 1NI ~­_,,~ toffl' lfw:koclM: L-...a. ..... ..,,., ,,,..kt ... , • ..,,. ........ Ml. WllMft ,._,., Pt""'Mle ,,_-. ........ ,, ..... P1S.., ~ ..._ ~ ,,...._ 511 Ole-to It-......... ..,.,. ....... I.OS Af\IOILU ANO \'l(IMITY- "'""" """'*"'· '''-''"" <DVlff .. """" ""' • Nlttt ..,_, """''· l-*""' ~. "'"" .. 111•4•f ... CQUTAL AHO INTl!tY.I OIAT! V-.Ll.fYI -,_,. Sit""*"· illtflllr ~ ""'""' "1t a II~ ..,,,,.,., •••· ln'lflt1, LOWt "'"'"' a " '"° '*""' ... ""'*'" .. .. "· Ciftf t!'ld *"""' ...... lflf ICMtl .. daJ'. W'lrlf9 -"-11wo11Wt1Y', II to JO •l'IOl'I. T......,... Mttl. ft ti 63.. Y....,..,.. ... ,,.,.lwntf r• 111a• ......,, • "'-'., 61"' a ._ « a. , .... 1111 ..,_,.,.,,. ,._ ....... 4 . ,,.. _ _. ...._,."" ••• .M ... ·-S1111, 111-, '.l'Wes •1t.IDAY Slter'llll ft .............. t 1N 1.111. 1.1 a..c..w fllffi ............ ,11111 ''"'" u s.\TUJllDA"f ~"' ..,.,, •.. " .......... f;A.I '""· .. . "'"' llltn .............. lltft '""' 11 lec.-if 11tW ............ l :le •Ai. IA $ecoM hiwll . . . .• : ll!ii' ·-u I UH DAY Fi"I tew • , .••.• , ..••••• 1102 a.111. t.J l"l,.t "'"" ............... l :tJ .,1111. i.J V.S. S11mmarv Mmf of 11119 N lllfl tfl1.,.., 1um.f\t!'le ... ,. tofll .. llftlt ..... 1'11 In ,,.. flltdl~ '""' ,..,... car.i111e ...,. ,..., ~"lit .... """'**""' Htw YOt'll 1nlf MalNdtlMttl. aNI Ill lt'4 ""'"" Ol'MI LHe ,... ..... T_,,...,.tlo,... ,.,,..... ,,..,,. e1r1¥ "*""11141 *"" .. 1t i.111w I-ti H""'· -'• VI .. t9 M al K.-, W..I. l'Je, CM1tal """ ~ ""''1¥ -.,., llf'IHUolrttf' l!ldltll " rtln kl "" Nwfllk, v. .. -· .... .,, fll!I. -'"" "'" ~ "'"'* ....... h lftlll Alttfttlc COit! Ill •Mlhlr Ill "" -· ~ltt Ill • • ., C-1--. "' .. ''""" lndltl ,,, -,_ -· 1-.HW '" H"9 ti ,,.,.. Yori!, c- l'Ktlc:v! .... ....., 11111111 •rid "" """"" "'" •IH fnlm C111t I.Mii· 9111, M,C,. h> lltdt l1llN1, It.I. A!bu<l~ ·-A tit I'll• Stlf~t4d 11-l"dl '"" ..... ,,_ Cl11tlMt" ci.....11nd ,,.,_ "'""'"' .... ~. ~ul'lllla , ....... '""" --· -K-.. (ltf Lat v .... ··-M11f'nl IMCll M!l..vl .. MW.•11 ,, .. °""'"',,, Jltw Yorlt "'"'" ....... ,._ ltllblu 1"111 .... tDflle -· l"ll'ltbll,.. ......... J1111le CHY ltMI llufr ·-s.Cl'tll'll!l'llo St. Lw• ....... Slit Lilla (lly hi\ Di.to 1111 ''•Ml- ... nl1 l•flW•• Hiii! L"" i'"~t '. SI 11 . " 4'J !'It .IS " ~ n _, ,, '~ . " l6 '' .01 " ,, .01 IO 73 .C2 '' '~ Tr ,, )0 .~ •O IS .N .... . ~ " " .. " • • " ~ . " .. . .. " 1• 611 .04 JI Ml .e1 JI 1' .01 ~ . " <IS )0 .M S1 ' tS 1' JI Tt " " " lf .u . " ... ti It .OI )0 )I. .11 . " " . ll JI " . ... " . 17 JI .,. M " JI IS .. . n lA .N Jl H .~ " . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nixon Presents 3 Gls With Medal of Honor NEW YORK (UPI) -II the average adult American had his way, studenta wbo di!rupt the operation of their schools \vouJd· be expelled and prosecuted in the criminal courts, a Sindlinger survey reports. \VASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on besto"'ed the na tion 's highest award -the Medal of Honor -today on three Army men who he said "fought ror the cause or Jreedom and peace" in Vietnam. The presentation was a first for Nixon. and he 1aid it was the highest honor for hlm thus far as President. Jn a colorful East Room ceremony, the President pre.sented the blue-ribboned medals with a handshake to Sgt. JC Fred W. Zabil05ky1 26, of Trenton, N.J.; 'TREE' CONTEST GOES TO POT SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The direc- tor of tree planttng for San Francisco admitted today the foliage depicted in a winning "Plant-a·Tree Week'' poster isn't exaclly what he has in mind. The first award blue ribbon went to a poster which pictured pot, embarrassed officials admitted. "They're not the sort of trees we recommend for strttt plan. ting," said Brl;in Fewer, city tree plan- ting direc tor. The 17-year~ld high Khoo! youth who painted the poster, which was displayed In lhe lobby o! a public buildirig until its true nature became known, said he "dfd Jt to find out where people are at.,, S/Sgt. Joe R. Hooper, 29. o( Saugus, Calif., and Spec. 5 Clarence E. Sasaer, 21. 0£ Rosharon, Tex. Nixon said the three "have added to tht honor or America by what they have done," risking their lives for their fellow men in courageous acts. lie noted that all three were under 30 and said that there is a tendency to emphasize what is wrong with the younger generation in America sometimes. But. he said, "These three yowtg men demonstrated to us that we can be \'ery proud of the younger generailon. They are magnirlctnl." Secretary or the Army Stanley R. Resor read the dtations crediting the men "'ith outstanding heroism and performance under fire in January and February 1968. A1nong other thi ngs, Zabitosky rtscued the pilot from a burning helicopter which crashed during a fire fight. Sasser, a medical aid man, was cited for his treatment and encouragement or wounded men during a battle even after he was wounded in the shoulder and _both legs. Hooper, a squad leader, led an assa ult on a heavily defended enemy posiLion on a riverbank. The cltaUon said he "singlehandedly swrmed three enemy bunkers, deatroying tbtm with hand grenades and rifle fire, and sbot two enemy aold.iera who had attacked and "'-ounded the chaplain." Only 6.9 percent of those interviewed a aid . they agreed with the student pro- testers. The survey, conducted Feb. 26-March 3 and released Thursday, showed 87.S percent of those questioned agreed with Notre Dame President Theodore Hesburgb that student demonstrators who disrupt clams should be given IS minutes to stop and expelled if they did not. Just • 4.2 percent disagreed with Hesburgh, while 8.6 percent said they had no opinion. Sindlinger said 63.8 percent favored legislation making the disruption ot education a crime, with 2& percent op- posed to this and 10.S percent with no opinion. Student Still Critical After Bo1nh Explosion SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Negro you th n!rnained hospitalized in critical condition today, bllnded and crippled by the loth borablng during the four- month-old student strike at San Francisco State College, Tim Peebles. 19. charged with con· spiracy and explosion of a bomb, I011t three finger1 in the blast Vi'ednesdty night in the school's creative aru builcllng. Organ Jamboree ORGANS HAMMOND CHORD, .............. NOW WURLITZER. 4040 ""' '''"· ...... NOW THOMAS, VL2 SIJH .................... NOW HAMMOND, M·l ''"' ................ NOW WURllTZER, 4480 WURLITZER, 4500 fffw, UJJI Y•I•, • . NOW N.,., SJl91 Yailw, • • HOW PIANOS 399 699 899 995 1975 2245 MASON·HAMUN CONCUT ~ltAND, 9 ft ., $5000 v.1,.. NOW l6tt snINWAY, Mod•! M, "4000 v,1,., -.................. -......... --NOW -Utt KNAii. New, 1• I''• Ebany, with Bench, .... : ........ --..,.--NOW lltO WUlUlDl, Moclol 2420, Now, I only, $1U V•l"', -NOW 760 -··MIYU, st,dlo Up<l9ht, ,600 v.1"'· ........... _ ... _ .. NOW 4tt -aeMal •"""'9 •t lu .. f'llntl•I l•vlnp- South Coast Plaza OPEN SUNDAYS 0. ....... Jvd N..tti of ha DI ... Ffwy. COSTA MESA -540 • 2830 ' i.tlouNTAIH MUI -P:•lr 111,..,,11 """-"irU¥. ~ ,.,......, w .,."""" .......... Sec:ft '°" .............. 1:1• ,...,,. '·' ~ C.llfwltl1 hid fUll¥ Wllldl,. •'""' twll!Mntllrft ,,.,, lllJftftf lkltt. "'"" '""~ "'""" W111'1"'9lon <IS U .4 !-------===== • i I - Spy Cre~s To Learn Sw-vival CORONADO ( U PI) - Sailors who lako ships Jike the USS Pueblo on Mure e,. pionage missions may be trained intensivtlj on what to do if they get caught. ' That seemed certain to be ~ outcome of the Ptteblo 11ffair, and the Navy court of inquiry into the vwd'1 aeizure by North Koru met today behind closed doors to discuss it. SUJD.!DOned before the five admirals was C.pt, John Stane, an authority on the Navy's SERE program, which teaches survival, e v a s l on, • ........... • ML MUM I •l ,. ' ll !! :~ Mrs. Meir OK'd as Israeli Premier JERUSALEM ' (AP) Jsrael11 ruling Labor party en- dorsed Golda Mfir for prime minister today, virtually u- 1uring bu the job. The former foreign minister said sbe woud accept, even though the pro- spect "terrified" her. In a statement to the party's Central Committee Mn. Meir made it apparent sbe will re- tain the C&binel of Prime Minister Levi ~ol who died Feb. 28 alter I ~ 1tllcl<. Thia Indicated thal Mo.he Dayan, a poUUcal rival of Mrs. Meir wW atay on u · defense mini!ter. President Zalman S!war ls ei:pected to uk tht 70-year-old Tbe one-eyed d t f • n s • Mra. Meir s m o k e d ,in-week U abe •oukl accept the grandmother by Monday to mlolster sald earlier thll week cesuntly u she ut In the poat, Mn. Meir witbbeld berr form a Cabinet. he would be wlllln& to serve third rw, wearlnc a navy decbloa llnW lbe central com~ The Cea tr al Committee e& undtr Mrs. Me.it if lhe was blue drep. Dtyan .sat un-mtttee votiuc .• Private)J lht doned Mn. llltlr by • vole choeeo by the party com-notlcod well back In the hill expreaod !ear thlt the atr1 ln ol ta7.0 JJith JS abst.entions, mittee. and left when the mfftlng of lea,Sersh!p might prove IM mainly from 1upporter1 of Now 70, the former wu b&1f over. A spokesman fnucb f« her bealth. Dayan, who had reportedly Mllwaukee schoblteacber will for hJm, Shimon Peret, told P1nbu s a p I r , aecrelary~ hoped to win the prime be Israel's fourth Pr Im e the deleptel thlt the D1y111 gwral ol the party, told th• minister'• post. m1niater and probably Its last facUon would accept Mrs. party CauCUJ today th 1 t Mr1. Meir favors Deputy eovernment chief from the Meir and added "we are sav-''Gok11 ls Rlited for a publlc Prime MJnJster Yil•l Allon paeration ol lmmlgrants who Jng our decWon" oo whether niual.n. She bu the 1b)llty over Dayan. But poUUcll fOWlded the Jewish nation. the defense aUniatu would bid to lead IDd the authority in obauvtrt 11y abe wW need After her; the leader1b1p is for the top pott in November. the country and the labor the popular Dayan to cooUnue 'upected to pas.s, on to the Although Labor party movement Aod she ls ac~ a.s defense mlnJ.ater to keep natlvt-bom Sabras, like Alton leaden bad aaked her last cepted by almost everybody.•• up public morllt.. ud Dlyu. 1r;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~ * * * * * * .\Basil W. Oberhan•ll "ol ndon," well 'N U , 1 ,; b known Harbor Area Cbef bas pleuure asser rgesl.1:1. ra s in announcing the opening ol bis Aulhontlc Brltloh Pi• Shop! All Food1 to Go -Including Sand· To H;t_ Jsrael F;rst wiches, Salac!J, el<. We also cater tor an occasions. " " Canape•, Birthday & Annlvt!<sary Cakes as well u resistance and acape from'_J::::::==========~~~==== Communist land.!. Drug Usage Up Sharply In Military dinners! 81 Ualted ~ ta&ena~ He u.ld in 1 new war Egypt For Your "TAKE.OUT" Ordtr1 •• • A dose COll!ldanl or ·Em!-needed 1lr b.,., in otber Arab THE ORIGINAL 645·2252 Two aailOrs aboard the 1an Pret1dm1 G11n11 Abdet· coonl!l<S bec•WI• the Egypt-.o· BER.HANS.Ll'C .. Na.uer said today that the Ian Air Force is now unable Arab nations ihould attack to strike at the heart oI lJ.. OF LONDON Israel fint in the next' Mid-rael without impunity because 270 E. 17th St., Hlllgrtn Squire Pueblo at the tlme of her capture Jan. 23, 1988, were graduates of the SERE school. Its itudents 10 through a rug- \ ged course of interrogation ~ 1 and mistreatment by offlters 1 trained in Communist police Sealab 3 Chief Says Safety Project· Goal W ASlllNGTON (UPI) - Investig ations oC ·suspected use of drugs rose ah~ly last year In the armed force s, especially in Vietnam, the Pentagon said today, The figures could indicate either more use of drugs or more intensive de t ection pro- cedures. tNnt t9 tM Slat.I C... ..... die East war. New fighting -~it.~pl_!...,~!!a:_re_bll!<d--too_r_•_r~~·~,.~-'~'~" ~"~"~·~-~-~"~"~'"~~~0~, -~~·~'"~··~'"~'"'~'~~~~!" from Israel. flared along the tense Atab- methods. Both men h a v e tesified their SERE training helped them stand up under 11 I months of captivity in North Korea. The other ao Pueblo survivors had no s u c h training. The court ~journed for the weekend'. Its ' president. Vice 1 Adm. Harold Bowen, flew to Hawaii for a conference with his chlef, Adm. John J. 1 Hyland, commandtt in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. • 1 Hyland, who convened the court of Inquiry Into the Pueblo affair, will be the first person to read its recom- menda tiorus. Under normal Navy procedure he would get them two or three weeks after the court adjourns. SAN DIEGO (UPI) - ''Safety first" was the guiding principal of the Navy's Sealab 3 project. the head of the program told a board of of. ficers investigating the death of. an aquanaut. Capt. William Nicholson. project manager for all of the-Navy's deep submergence operations, said Thursday divers were lost every year and ooe of the goals of the Sealab program was t.o im- prove the safety margin. He said all decisions made the day Berry L. Cannon died of carbon diOJ..ide poisoning on the ocean floor were "made with thorough consideralion of all conditions." Cannon died during hls 1e- i Author Tells of Spat cond dive in Jes• than 12 hours In 49-<legree water to seal leaks in the Sealab habita t parked on the bottom oI the Pacific, 610 feet below the surface. Nicholson said the decision to send ·the four-man team of ·aquanauts down the second time seemed "a reasonable way to go." But one of the aquanauts who survived the dive, R i c h a r d Blackburn, testified earlier the dive "should never have been made." ._:An autopsy dl!closed Cannon was asphyxiated by a fatal buildup of carbon dioxide in his breathing apparatus, wltich constantly cleans and recycles the helium-oxygen miJ:ture. Worldwide there were 14,041 investigations in 1968 u com- pared to 7,641in1967. In Viet- nam the totals jumped from 1,390 in 1967 to 3,460 in 1968. N.:ost of the invfllll,ations concerned use of mar1juan1 . The r a t e s per thousand t.roopa for such cases Were given I! 4.18 for Europe and 7 .99 for Vietnam in 1968. The 1967 rate in Vietnam was J.69. "I could only guess," Frank A. BarUmo, chairman of the Defense Department's Drug Abuse Control Committee, said in an interview, "but I believe much of the increase is due to ow· greater foc.µs on the subject." lsrael frontier. Hassanein ·Haii:al, editor ol ~--------~~----------~..-. .. the semi-official Cairo newa-the paper Al Abram and a fre- quent Nasser spokesman. also called for the Egyptian u s e e e I ::.:i~:q"" in Syria, Jordon ong1na He said such an agreement woufd · enabl• Russian-buUt llgbt Egyptlan MIG jets to strike at the heart of Israel. The Arabs should attack first ln a next Middle Ea rt Scotch war 111d ·the attacks should be Jaunc}Jtd from several Arab countries at once, Cl'l!:ating nOW5 99 several fronts and forcing Is· rael to divide its troops, he said. fifth Halka! said th a t a blitz. neHs i" the six-day war m .June. 19117, would not be feas· r • • J • • ! krie~ pattern used by the I~-USHER'S ible in a new conflict because 1 ~======================~~~~~~~~== Uris Threatened Wife Before Death 1srae1i planes are now scatter·!~ ed at many bases, most of which are now further from the Arabs than before. ASPEN, Colo. (AP) - Author Leon Uris says be and his beautiful young bride quar- reled and that he told ·her, "We're through,'' shortly before she wu found dead of a gunshot wound Feb. 19. A si;s:-member coroner's jury resumes its hearing to- day, after failing to reach a decision during a day-long hearing Thursday on the death~ ' of 28-year-old Mrs. Margery Uris. Investigating officers said . , earlier her death was an ap- , parent suicide. . l There had been earlier spats • aince the.it mal'l'iage last ~ September, Uris testified, but '/ added they always had been Httled qulcldy. In the last dispute. he said he told her, "We're through. Go sleep downsta irs." But, he said, ''What really • 1 got me" was Mrs. Uris ' reply to hiJ order. "I've made other plans," he quoted her 1s &aying. "She was calling my bluff," said the 44-year-old 1uthor of such successful novels 1s "Ex- odus," "Topaz," "Battle Cry," 1 and .. Mila 11." "When she walked by me the said 'Goodbye. Enjoy the presents.' "· He said hiJ last words were : "Marge, if you don't tell me where you're .. going, it's the worst mistake or your tile." The reference to presents involved presents she had glven Uris and his son earlier in the day. Mrs. Uris -model, lrtist, silversmith -bad b e e n described as "one of the beaut irul people" of this Rocky Mountain ski resort. Their fashionable h o m e overlooked the town. Uris told the panel, ''We were happier than any couple I knew," but conceded he had tal.ked.,,.lth bis .11t«ney the day of the shooting about a divorce. Assistant Dist. Atty. John Wendt asked if he wu serious about the divorce. ' ' No t really," Uris replied. "Jt was killd or a blu!C." He said it was starting to anow when his wife walked to the door. "Sbe bad an anguished look on her fa ce," he said. "She hesitated as though she didn't know where she was going or if she wa nted to come back into the house. "It was a test of wills, 1 auess," Uris said. He aaid JET ..,,.,. , 7 .· -. . ' ·NOISE .. By Jou One ol. the bigge.st battles in loo when we 1'ill see if the bi& i·~ campaign . to protect ~r 1irlines have the blg s11 •• , or ~nice homes aga.1n.st the big }~1! if the little property owner· ~and the blight that t~ey bnng tai:~yer still counts for .some-to our homes, our f~mil1es, and thlni in our ireat America-the oo.r pocketbooks, will be fought airport has m1de anolher crit- .. this cmning Tuesday, Atarch 11. ical ind costly decision. fl The place wlll . be the ~ty At the cost of an estimated l .Board of Supervisors o!f1~~ at $1I0,000 of your money, the air~ 515 North S)'.tamore (~ls Ju.rt port pl!:Ople havi ordered ftvt ~ ·est or Main Street ) m Santa inches of 1sphalt to be 1dded Ana. to the existing Orange County . At 10:30 Newport"s pretty and airport runw1ys, ~"4!fllcient Mayor, Doreen Mar-Along wida this b\& lhf i lay· ; ihtll, ,..UI go before the board er, other pavine will brf i )'OCllr ·.and ask them \0 tum down the bill to $250,000 • • • r j ruess it!°equest of half I dozen big air-what it's ror? Coull' l be to :Jines to fly more flights to bring In b~tr, faf , louder ·iJnort. !IMJI! cltiel, from our and heavier eta to ""° 11rport ;iUttle Orange C«mty airport. so they can 1 O\'ft' your hoUle • While so many people under ind make your home wmh ;the fiight P1ttem were dls1p-less and less'! Seem strange o.fpointed when the city of Com. Uiat die county will ut the tu- '.Mesa seems to be 101ng atona: payer to pay for this IO-Cl.lled "'With the aerial Invasion over lmprovement. belr city, Mayor M•nh•ll and * * * ;1he Newport Be.acb council are Ltt'a be in Santa An• on :_dead stt against It. Marth 11. 1 ~ She will need your support on '* + * 1 •.'this date. Why not come by vuy l "'6rly and be on hand to voice We wUI be back here on TUtF our protfft by yout appear· ay. Meanwhile call us at 64.2- r '•nee-1t the supervllor1 cham· 4404 · • • or Kt.op by our head- • ben That date ag1ln, Matt:h en In Cotta Mesa. •t ITth 11 Tu...S1y •t 10"!0 In i!Jnla and Irvine (Upstllrl) It 418 1 '":AM ' · "' East 17th St. Wt an optn at ~ :1-. * * • 10:00! Even before the crJUca.t de-.A ifport Noilr A.ba.ttmn& ri ci.sion on Marth is In Wuhing-Committc1 then he heard three shots. penetrated the brain. A thircl 1\1inuteman 2 He said he thought Mrs. bullet struck her purse, found Uris was firing at the house lying by the body. Launched "to show me she was good and mad." East German v,... ND EN BERG AIR He said he kept guns Jn FORCE BASE, ~Ur. (AP ) - the house "because there bad A k A J The Air Force, testing com-8 S sy lllll ponent. of the Minutem111 been a threat on my life after weapoM systein, launched • I wrote 'Topaz.'" That novel POVLSKER, Denma rk rifinuteman Two Intercon- dealt with international in· (UPI) -A captain in the tinental Ballistic Misslle down lrigue involving France and East German Air Force flew the Western Test Range at th . ed Stat H "d I to thi to th 12 :20 a.m. today. e Urut es. e sa.1 a pane s wn on e The miasile, launched by a the threat was made "by Baltic h:land of Lornholm to-team of_ Air Force ind in- agent! from a foreign country day and-asked for pOlitical dustry personnel, soared to who arrived in Aspen." asylwn. DaniJb ·authorities a prl!:detennined tll'get area The aut.opty showed one .38-took him to Copenhagen for in the Pacific, the Alr Force caliber bullet caused a .--'qC:uutionln=·=:!1::.· ------='"=i=d·--------1 superficial wound in Mrs. Uris' cheek and another en- tered her mouth a n d Many Idled In January WASHINGTON (UPI) There were more workers idl· ed by strikes in January than in any January since l~, according to the L a b o r Department. There were 320 work stoppages during the month, the departmenl aaid, involving 182,000 workers. YOUR OWN BUSltlSS E1rnin1 Potenti 1I Unlimitecl We offer fin1nci1I 111i1t11\C• &Ule seat• edorleM Otlllcll1llu .. 1•r Mmf!· am.a .. veMm•t. Vomplet.e nains pncnm. Woa'\ l.llterfen widl prue11t eeC"l*UOll. BrJ.~D 'ftllS AD POB PBEE llKOCBURr;..- UniYefSOI Chinchilla Breeders 11JI s-t AH Btreet. v.Dut-. Ot.tl:f, a.a: (1lf) .,.. .... or Coiled: (nt) 111·11f1 ... _._ __ , JWL nllll AD STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach IO 11 12 .NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL! per annum compounded daily ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO l.OAN ASSOCIATION • CORONA D.EL MAR 2867 East eoa·st Highway, Corona Del Mar, Calif. 9262 5 telephone: 675-5010 HEAD OFFICE 315 E. Colorado Blvd . Pwdena, C.lil. 91109 telephone' 449-2345 I OTHUI IRAllQI ornca Covina,~ West ~rcodl1 I ' ' . I ~ • • f ' ' I • • . ' I DARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I c -Urgent: A. YES Vote 'lbe Tuesday ove.rrlde election will be a crucial one tor burgeoning Tustin Union High School District. The school board is asking the electorate to approve a $1.50 lax rate. The board believes, as do many other responsible cllizens, !bat Ibis will continue eldsUng ed- ucation levels, fund one year's operation of a new high &ebool and build depleted reserves. The reserves. necessary to normal school opera· tion are..netrly extilict as the result of drawing on t:bem to offset the overdraft created by the exi•lini $1.20 tax rate. If the electiqn should fail, as three others have in ncent yearsrln 1he big fast.gro>ldng district, the rate would sink back to the basic rate of 85 cents. Supt. Robert Dahlberg bas estimated Ibis would mean cutting the teaching staff by 45 persons in the face of enrollment increases o! about 700. Classes are already large. And what of transportation for the district? New buses ere needed. The district's latest model is a 1956 vintage. Some buses have more than a quarter million miles.use. The DAILY PILOT strongly recommends a YES vote Tuesday for the future of Tustin Umon High Scbool District ,00 its children. ' . Coastline Beautification A beautification study on three miles of coasUine between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point should be ready for the printers by June. Launched. last year by a group oC civic associations and private entities anteing up $71500. the South Coast Scenic Improvement Project was helped by a like amount from county cOffers . Spearheaded by James E. O'Connor·of Three Arch Bay and Les Remmers of Laguna Niguel, the study will concern itsell . with cogent Woblems of marred vistas and ugliness. . Particular attention will be paid to such problems as billboords. aud other outdoor adverti~ng along the highway and the crisscross of utility WU'es. The study also will lnclude details auch as lrees, pavement and. curbing, shop windows, fences, waste recepla<les and the condition of beacbes. The study is multjplled in importance because ol hopes that it will be a pilot project for beautilica\ion of all Orange County coastline. . studying the three.mile stretch ts a big first step. Beautifying it will be an even bigger one. It is hoped that the civic pride which ignited the project stays afire through a beautiful conclusion. Offe1ing a Helping Hand ''Help your storm stricken neighbors," the plea read. It was the opening publicity gambit of a fund drive to aid Lagunans who suffered. loss ·during the recent record rains. The Laguna Beach Flood Victims• Fund-spear- headed by art dealer Richard Challis and Helen Keeley, former vi~e mayor-bas a two-prong approach. ,There will be the normal fund·raising efforts' by solicitation for those who h•ve lost homes or other possessions . Additionally, the group plans .an art sale at some future date, probably at the Festival of Arts grounds. Each Laguna Beach artist will be asked to donate at least one work to help his neighbors. Cash donations may be sent to the Laguna Beach Flood Victiins' Fund, P.O. Box 434, Laguna Beach. Cali!. 92652. The drive seems to us something like an old·fash- ioned barn raising where a community served its high· est function by offering a helping band for its members. . Qs .Q (L) TALES Of THE REI> BERETS • I : I l\ . : . ' : I t .. I • . ' ~ : ' . . ' .. New Look at Helping Relationship To Aid Efforts Toward World Peace Dear Gloomy Gus: Military Victory Needed in Vietnam ~-· ' I '-~.,J ... By GEORGE R. ROFF, Ph.D. Timt wa!!I when, upon seeing so1neooe for the first time in my office, my initial question would be, "How can I be of helP"?" Without consciously reafiz. ing it, this inferred that somehow l could dispense some form of magic whicb would mUe the person !eel better; · become healthier, change malada~vt into adaptive behavior, or get "filed. ' T wa! functioning according to the assumpUonof'' psyc ho Io g i c a l in· tervention" in which I, the helper, was able to provide -for a fee -the answers to living which he, the one needing help, could not provide for himseU. I stressed what I could do to and for him because, after all, if he could find his o wn answers, he \l.1)U)dn't have to contatt me. UNDER THESE circumstances, a ii<r called "helping relationship" was established. Someone helpless consulted someooe else who was not only squared away, but had so much extra help that he could afford to sell it. What 1s the difference between patient and doctor? One of my friends, also • psythologisl in private practice. laughingly states that the people who come into bis office are very "patient" while he "practices" on them. A doctor. someone with M.D.. Ph.D., Ed.D., or D.D. beliind his name, doesn't have all the answers to the problems of Jiving No amount of education. a I o n e . guarantees wisdom. He is, however , a 5pecialist in one phase of the art and scienc:e of improving: life. The patient also may have a specialty, ?ut he is a generalist io living. THE Ml.NL'tfml requiremt.nt for a p.11ycbologlst, psychiatrist, social worker, pastoral counselor, or other helper iJ: that be be htghly trained and •kille<I with the tools and technique, of his proleaion: thal's understood. Beyond It must be an act of God : The city buys the main beach for '3 million and withi n a few months it washes away. Do we still have to pay for it? -P. B. Tllis fe1h1,. '"MetJ .....,,, vllwl. ,.., -·••rll1 1'--., '"' _,...... , .... ,,_ "' "-.. G~r 0111. rMIUy P'llll. this, he must M willing and ·able to offer not only his expertise, but also bis aliveness. By so doing, he gradually t?ut surely contributes to his patient's psychological health. The real help, during a helping rel• lionship, comes from an emphasis on the process or what Js going on, not on the end. Open inquiry is more con- ducive to happiness than readfmade solu- tions to problems. Both the doctor and patient are attempting to live more fully. The human interaction in the office of the professional helper is a microcosm of what both. of them experieoce in daily life. IN THE DOCTOR'S o(fice, both. are paying attention to the patient's living, in an effort to make him better at it. I have learned 1 great deal from those I was trying to help, and I hope they have learned something from me also. Before help can be given in either direction, the emphasis must be on the process, not the end. Nobody waits until he finishes thenpy to start living. For the proress to offer maximum help, th.ere must be autbenUclty and re(iprocity. I am a person trying to be a psychologist. My patient is another person trying to do whatever ill his · thing. His psychological growth proceeds proportionately to our nspective abilities to share our authenticity. CONVERSELY, his growth is inhibited to the extent that we perpetuate our personal hangups, slatu.5 g a m e s , phoniness, and defenaiveness together. Certainly a professional helper can bo of help. But It ls bo, in JN"OC<SS with bis J)ltient -not his training, knowledge , or technlcal 1klll -who is tht use.ntlal catalyst in improving living. To the Editor: We should realize the rather ominous aspects of events occurring on various parts of the globe. The Russians .(Communists) are in· volved, to the detriment of the free world, in Vietnam, in the Middle East , in the Nigerian·B iafran conflict, and in the heavy pressures now being put on West Germany and \Vest Berlin. We also should not Ignore what Russia did recently in Ciechoslovakia. I submit that it would be un\\·ise for the United States presenllr_ to enter a nuclear nonproliteralion truly with the Soviet Union. SUCH A TREATY could be more favorably considered. in the future. after the Kremlin had abandoned its ag· gressive and subversive activities in the lives ot other nations. It is my hope that ,concerned readers will join me in w~1ting our senators in \Vashington regarding this. A fu rther important malter is lo let senators and congressmen know that a military vie· tory in Vietnam over the Communists at an early date would be in the best interests of the United States and greatly aid our efforts toward world peace. URBAN L. SCHMITZ fl11allty Ed11<!atlo11 To the Editor : We, the Citizens for the Support <>f Students, Faculty and Education, are the South Coast committee of a statewide organization of parents and citizens: ~·ho desire excellence in California education. We believe quality education is the keystone of democracy. We define quality education as that education wh ich enables each student to develop his talenls to his fullest so thal he may be : I) a fulfilled human being '"ith the capacity to love and lo creale ; 2) a rational human being v.•ith a well· developed capacity for critical thinking and the ability and desire to shape the policie~ of his country. WE REJECT the nolion that the func· tJon of education is primarily to train workers for industry or to program docile citizebs who accept the slatu! quo without question. Childr e11 as a Tax Break \Ve concede e.rcellence in education Is difficult to achieve and may well be expensive. We acknowledge that wp- presslon of student unrest is the easier road to follow -but we believe it Is the eoward's "'ay. To admit the i;hortcomings of the present system and sean::h for methods of improvement arc difficult and complex undertakings, but this is the only honorable COlifsr. tn follow . Children are 1 btes11ing -or al least a tax break . even though the $600 ex· f!mption won't cover muth of the.it keep these days. Parents can claim the eiemption when they provide more than half of their children's support. A child may work summers or carry 1 paper route and actually makt up to $600 himself which wm not be tue<I. The working child thus has a double emnpOon. a child under nineteen or a 1tudent of any age can earn income d. any amount. St.sides lhe parent's deduction. the child may take his own penorlll exanplion In Ilia return. In deddini whether the parents furnished mor'fl than bal! of tus 5Upport, the lar matt wm not li(Ure in the youngster's f'arnillo not apenl on hig own support. FOR EXAMPLE, Johnny, a junior col· tege ltudent. worked summcr1 amt made '800 1 year. 1111 tnljlloyor withheld 1100 tn 11.uo. 11 · the parenll. spend 11 .000 lo auppart JaJnv" .. tb1J can claim him 11 an e:um:ptJan. 1Dilry can alao rue hlJ own retunl and daim his own $600 ""mpUon, Po1 the tu ml &et • refund. H you have 1 "'°"" son . or ditughttr • • r Law in \VE THEREFORE support lhe studcnL, In their struggle for greater participation living at home who is neither a ~t.udent in their education because we believe nor under nineteen, check his part-time their cause is just. income. If he ea.ms more than '600 We support the faculty's right to col· he is no longer 1 dependent. Jf he I l~tive bargalnlng and lheir say In ad· earns less lban MOO you can 1tlll claim ministrative decJ.slons as the only him as an exemption. SOMETIMES PAREl''TS make tax sav1J1is by &lvlni their children penonll property auch as atockl. Parent. m1y act u CW11.adlans and can OOld Utle and keep some control ovtr the ato<:ks. But note: The properly belongs lo the child : you cannot Jegflly UJC rt nor JI& proceeds to benefit anyone else. M a tu savtr. parent.a often put real tBtate or other property into • tnist rm-children. One can a1:90 miilt1periodtc 1ift5 to chlldnn and save inheritance and ut1tr taxes. Nott : California JatDJ(rn off" th f.r column sa yo1L mot1 knOtD abnut nMr lOtlJ!, \ ,.----By George ---, Dear George : '-iY New Year's resolution! are to quit smoking. drinking, llaylng up late, spending money carelessly and wasting my time on girls and loose li ving -and so far, so good. ~1y problem is this -whal else i1 there to do? DETERMINED Dear Detenn.ined: You nee:d a hobby to l'ICC!upy your mind. How aOOut breaking New Ye.ar's reSolutions? That's 11lway~ popular and there's a \'try large club you could join Mailll'ox L•~~ '"'"' '""''"' Ir• ..,.ICOm•. Hotmlll'I wrl!•rs •hollld l;OO\YI~ 1r..1r mf~•av• IOI XIO "'°"'' or IUI. Th• rl9~t to condenH int.r1 kl tit "'M;'S Of' •tlmi-n1te 111111 11 ,.Mrwd. All leltert must lllcludl 1l1"llu,.. 11111 m1IU1'11 llddra..o,, but l'lllTlft fftl' t• "'lllltllld on ,~.,.st If JU!tklenl ,...son k _Nfl,, guaranlee that the main goals of educa· lion may be fulfilled. \\'e support education iree from the U1reat of tactical squads and financial retribution beeause we believe that free human beings must be nurtured in an environment free from coercion. ALLAN D. CHRISTIANSEN CSSFE Also s i g n ed by Jacquelyn L. Ly ster, George Askenasy, ruva Morton, C. H. Richardson, Virginia H. Richardson, Thomasina Gunn, Renere Roesue (not a cithen), Mercedes C. Neubauer, lluth Blanton, Mabel Hooper, David A. Brown , Mary Riker, Geoffrey Riker, Forest Strayer, PhD., J. L. Langworthy, Thomas ,_~ Lyster, Paul S. Darrow, Suzanne S. Darrow, 1'1ithael ~1cFadden, Nancy McFadden, Joy Con- nors, Tom 1if. Shannon, Fred Pratley, Jan Peters Babcock, Nola Chari , Deno.is Madison, Jane Rosen, David Rosen. Cry•tal Ball To the Editor; On a subject I dreamed up m~elf, namely "Juvenile Crime And Just Plain Uppityness," I had to resort to the crystal ball, which snidely informed me that lhe present generation may be an angry bunch of kids, but they are saints compared to the generation to come. The crystal baU then suggested a solu· lion as fantastic as the socialism everywhere possible and nowhere found. Fanlasllc because (1) the kids wouldn't go for it, (2) it would be immediately opposed by that segment of the anti-birth· control people who would like to crowd the world with their own particular breed. I WOULD DEFEND their right lo do thl!: If they were important, but even ao it would appear unfair to the starving millions who are already hert. The "solution" suggested by the crystal ball is this : Declare a moratorium on all child bearing for about 30 years. That would give the kids of today a chance to grow up, acquire a modicum of maturity and common sense. Then they "'ould pcrteive, to their chagrin, that over-population has been, is, and will always be the underlying cause or wars, starvalioq, crime and what have you to make your life miserable. And it might bring them to realize that the glories of propagation have a great po~tial lor a lifetime of headaches If there results too many kids lo feed prop<rly. MILT BASHAM l\'lxoM's Vote R erord To the Editor : In case anyone should aak, more people have cast baUotl for Rlchard M. Nixon than for any other man In history, in. eluding Franktln 0. Roosevelt. Rrrerrlng to figures quoted In the 1969 Edition of the World Almanac: In l"A'O eJecUon:s for Viet PrtsldenL and two for PruJdent, Nixon has rtttfv. ed a iota! of tM,935,106. ln four elcctJons for President, and one for Vice Preaident (1920) Frl'lnklin Roosevelt received 112.565,m. IN ONE ELECTION for Vice President nnd one for President, Lyndon Johnson - received 77,353,596 (and holds the one election record of 43,126,506). In two elections for President, Dwight Eisenhower received 69,521,596. Assuming Nixon runs for re-election. win or lose, that vote probably will assure his holding the tota1 vote cast record !or all lime. N.R. ANDERSON lttcol.,enu!n t To the Ed ilor: J\1r. Name Wjlhheld"s letter (DAILY PILar, March 3) fastidiously calling for the liberation of kindergarteners wa."I a rather weak attempt at humor and obviously endeavored to ·align· the in· • telligence, responsibllitle! and maturity of pre-schoolers with high s c h o o I studenls. Basing his (her?) argument on the contention that there are no bars on age, he failed to include the one thing ~that breaks the comparison between four· year-olds and JS.year-olds -ability. What's wrong with high school students holding . protest r a 11 i e ! "? Most demonstrators -the vast, vast majority -are not the unruly rebels we see on television. Demonstrator& are, for .- the most part, concerned citizens follow- ing the American tradition of political involvement. This is much m o r e preferable lD the apathy mo.st citizens practice. Fountain , JIM BAKER Sophomore Valley High School 'Home Lo ver 's' ReplN To the Editor: Th is letter is In reply lo 'the letter from ···orange County Airport Lover" (rv!ailbox, March 5). May he learn that his personal con- venience and comfort is not to be gained at the expense of others. May his home fall into the Santa Ana River after he voted against the flood control bonds. May the county build a sewage dispo&ll plant ne>tt to his r home and refuse to condemn his propefty. Better hill, may the county condemn his home and refuse to pay fair market value. Even better. may he learn the rrustration and fury thal comes when his home is threatened by unregulated "'progress" and some buffoon writes a letter such as his to the local paper. ~IA Y HE CIRCLE forever over Ken- nedy Airport in a sn~·storm. If he lives in Cost.a Mesa, may his entire city be strangled by freeways, and then be annexed to Baja Callromla for con· version into a super bo"'ling alley. f\~ay the tounty build a runway that points directly over his home. M-r he live next to a polluted river, and a beach ruined by oil spills, ind choke constantly on air poUut.e4 by in· dustrlal wastes. And nnaJly, may he survive to S:tft the da,y (a fn .J!lfl hence) when Orange County Airport becomes 10 congested wtth pasengen and ever-larger jeta that he writes a whining letter to the DAILY PILOT complaining about the Inconvenience and intolerable condition1 at the airport. - A HOME LOVER G 11n Control To U1e Editor: In the light or lbe majority of our clllzens' desires ror better IUR control measures, it is eJl'.tremely unfortunate that a vocal minority, which seems more concerned about Its prerog1Uvea and precious privileges than tt dou In pro. tcctlon for the public and fair pla, for our potlct1 forces, should be able to Intimidate: our lawmaking bodies. and make the passage of adequate gun con· trol measures so difficult. GRANTED THAT we need betler law enforcement and greater restrictions of the criminal ; we also need better control · of the purchase. possession a n d packing of pistols and automatic weapons, jf better crime control is ever to take 1 place and we are to move out of the ''\.\'ild \Vest" era. \Ve license drivers or vehicles who cause accidents, yet v.·e also license 1•ehicles to make law enforcement euier. A comparable situation exists 1relativ• to guns. We need better control and more drastic penalties for those who use guM to commit crjmes, but we also need better control over the use of automatic weapons. This will not stop sportsmen from hunting, but it will make Jaw enforcement ea.sit!!". IT IS TU\IE for the silent majority who too easily permit lhemselves to' be shouted down by a vocal minority to speak out. Certainly if the senseless slaying of innocent individuals and the Welong crip- pling of many others can be reduced through ·gun control, the inconvenienc~ cl a gun control measure which require~· a permit i! 1 small price to pay. · \V. B. SCHOENBOW. ~ !ti a11 Day Latll Day To the Editor : May 1, 1969, will again be designat nationally as Law Day. The theme this year. "Justice an<t!_it Equality Depend Upon Law and YouriJ} ""as selected for its tin1eliness. Jn ·" period of public disorder, rising erim rate, sll'ained racial relations and socia unrest, ii reminds Americans that equa justice and equal opportunity involv both law and Lhe altitude5 of indivldu cil-i.zens. l It recognizes thal, \11\lile slHndards o justice are formalized in laws, tht;' achievement of justice depends i~' substantial measure upon the \\'illingnese:: of . the individual to accept and appl~ that concept and to help apply it i~ bis daily life. "':- IN ADDmoN, the theme affirms tha enduring advances in social justice m come about through lawful channels an that public acceptance of the needs justice will speed such gains. Sponsored by the American Ba Association, the Orange County Law Oa Chairman is the Honorable Hannon Scoville, Judge or the Municipal Cou " in Westmlnsler. The Laguna Beath 8 rc Chairman, William M. WI 1 cox en telephone 4.9-..7565, may be contact for further information about progr~'- material for service club.-. and ... organizations. • WILLIAM M. WILCOXE • -~W- Frid .Y, Moreb 7, 11169 T"' «lilortal ,,..,. or the Dcllr Pilol ''""' lo Inf°"" and fthn. vla:tt rtadtn bu pre1tnti11si thiJ M10tpapf1"'1 O'J)'h&iona mid com. nuntorv on topic• of mi,.,.,11 and 11gtUfka:ct, b~ providing a forvm Jqr Ute tzpreuion of our rcadm' op(ftions, and bu pre1ntino , tM dfUfl'tc vf~ro­ points of &t/ormtd obierver1 and IJ'0""""1t on toplt1 of tit. cl4u. Robort N. Weed, Publisher • • ...... . ! t I , : " , ; ' .. ., ' . • • .. .. . ~ •• t .. •. .. :· •' • •. i .. . : i: . 1t? ' 1t·• . ' • JIAl'J 'col!(, 4M.MM 1tflltr, MWdr 7t 1'{" L , '·-f . . '· . Mrs .. Jack ~ • ' I I • Lyons Presides : ' ·Leaders Na-med ·Mrs. Ji.ck I:.yorts,' who .has put. in ieYen yl'UI of servict' on the bOard of directors for.'Auxill"!)' of·!)outh Coast Conµnunity Hospital, be- . came Its president during an iirlnual Junclieon meeting')ast week. The auxillary's ways and Jl)eans chairman Since 1962,.sbe :was nam!d vice presid'ent tn· 1967 and · aISo cODtinued. on as ways and meana leader for special projects. . . · · · ·In addition· .the Sooth Laguna resident· serves .oo .th• board of the Women Associates .of UCI and also is active in the university's Town and , ·Gown and Frien«Js of the Library Organizations. : . · Her past experience ,pJaying piano over1 radi~ and:stnging in light opera productions· inspires her current interest in Lyric Opera Association of Orange County which she supports as a member and past president of its' Opera League. · ' A familiar figure in style paradeS, she utiUZes -her experience as a professional model and Commentator to coordinate fashion shows for vari- ous'15bilantbropic organizatioos. . ,. John Weld, hoopital president, installed ' the new leaders, includini the ~es. George W. Wolf, vice president; Leland Po!art, treasurer; Tandy R. eo,.eiµan, volunteer:chain:nan;·o.,v. Johnson, ~rresponding,secretaty, andoJohn M. Shee Jr., recording secretacy. . . · . • • J . 1 · f \ Appointed board members include Miu Fei;n .Randolph., Sjlver ~ Gold Chapter, and Ille Mme1. Harry Sowden, ,gift .fhqp;. Peter~. jun- iors coordj.nator; Thomas ·J. l!'lj!tcher, publicity and publlc.rela!iQiis; Goi;- don ·c. Fleener, newsletter; Mont McMillen, program; Edward M. Kriss, membersl\ip; Freeµian W. Perrin, parliamentarian, al!(rWllliam L. Tracy, ·~ t • •• ... . ·~ ' ., ...... ;' ••. t ! , ,, .. • ~ La• Madrin§s Chapter'. • ' EltECUTIVE 'c!l~CL·E-Mrs. Jack Lyons,' new·· " events. She ·1S:clreled by, board.members the Mmes. Iy ~ ptll-'ld~nt'.<lf 5!'~1li CO.rt Community Hos· . Edward, M." Kriss, Mont McMillen, Tandy .R: Cole- ·piW's.' Abx!U§iy 'looks.· over " scrapbook of pa!t · man and Thomas J. Fletcher. - ' • ' ' ' . . I • • Here's an Im portan t • Facto r-lor This fa shion-minded hare gives i.J:istructions to Three Arch Bay Women's· Association membert for their ' . annual Easter parade of fashion•. Mrs. Floyd Berry· , '' The Lagu na Line enjoyed this afternoon by members or Laguna Beach . . ... . . Womln'S.Club who beard' Dr. · -~: t.· ~~:J .eti,;,. ~ '°P.sY!:ho1og!st, ·~k on · A p. lft:eclltllig' th"e :Ma'tuie-Ye·afs1 In; th Woman'! .'clJUt>bouSe. ·. .. ~ ' . . • , ·~i r , 1 ' F 0·11 ENTERTAINlllENT with a fasfel" ·p~; .·~T'°1t>le Ellat Sislerhood · ii pl!ftling a ba!fol diruler 11'! claDce nd t S<in<!ly· •1', '\>.In ... i1o .wm.n VleJo s,.1µi.a~ l\acqpet'Club. ) , r • ~ 1 '. ~TES: OF •i:quna -t Beach Art AssoclaUon, who LAGUNA NIGUEL Republican Women's CI u b Federated members also are bus)-:preparing for a mem- bership luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. ne~'ntursday ln the Monarch Bay ' 'home of Mrs. Fred ·Bfiggs. . BECAUSE OF storm damage, the FlesLa de las ' ,, \ \.1 had,L ~· :c~tx;el , ~ Winter · GOiondrlnas Parade and other fesUVitles coM«f.ed with · lhe swallows' historic return to San Juan Capistrano will not take place next Friday as orJgl,nally scheduled. Instead celebrations have b e e n delayed to April 19. t I I \ --\ 'i r , I ~ · · i I , Easte r 'Fa shib11s-. ' . ·~··· •• , .... 4 hlil. takes i\bies:.wl)lle Mrs.~Dah ;rai~/li!t~ns"I~ to plans for the l2:30 p.m. event 'lbursday, Marcli. ~ 20; 'in· Thfee Arch Bly:'cori.munity Clubhouse. . ' . ~t'• ~ • .. •. ~. • ... ' Feslfvir~· ~·. Bill last II ~~k~-tdJI' to rain, will con- gre(ate\ •it!:tt Monday at JO •·111< in.~ the Art Association ,<;;allay. for a demonstration by · Orange COunty 1rtl!l W. ' .. -, M. MacKaf, MEANWlllLE, AS818TANCE FOR 1'ftisJC LOVERS, a performance by S m e t a n a Quartet is being sponsored by Laguna Beach Chamber ?,fusic Society In La!IWll B<acll Hllh A DISTRICT evaluation will be given during the general nl:eeUng . of Parent Teacher's Association Unified Council of I;aguna Beach in the high school cafeteria 7: 30 p.tn. Wedn~sday, March 19. BLUE SKIES· and fair weather is on the minds of 'f.hree !Jch Bay Women's Ass*laUon member• who ar'e thinking ahead to spring. The group. I> planning !ta annuiJ Easttl' fashion · show and luncheon . in 'ntree Arch Bay Community Clubhouse at lJ:JO p.m. Thunday, March Iii. c . ' . •_/ .~ M E II MAIDS, WOMEN'S Divisloli of ·the Liagunl'!!Beach Chamber· of Commerce will host a conclalo:• for women's Divi1ion1,, Orange C o u n t y Obimber of Commerce Satur- day,~ March • 22. Women chamber supporter• ·will con· • ' .. ''BRIGAbooN" will be the spring musical offertne~cil tht drima and mUSic dt~ at 'Laguna Beacll lillh' sC60ol Thursday tl!rough ·S.turday; March 20-22 ln the auditorluJn ~ at 8:? p'.m. •1' 1 ' EMILY KIMBROUGH, who has been speaking fiom 1~ ture plaU~ for the pNt 30 years will'preaent the .third lecture in the Town tHIJl Serles sponsored" by Lagima Beach Asalstance L<que. 51\0 will,step1on·tbe stage of'~tb Coart Theater at 11 a.m. Moo- day, March 24. CAPIBTRANO V ·A LL I') Y wom~ wl,>o recenUy . fonned the Music ''lbeater Guild of South Coul Cllorll ind· L!Jht Opera "As!oclaUon plan to launch their orgaJUzation with abtindant glitter. PllDI ·cur .. ., -renUy 'le. ~ . forn;iula\ed for Premiere Nl&ht. an ln- vitaUonal J>!!rformuce W:~ be given Friday ·evening, .Match 21. followed by \I liullet llUJlPer and party in San CleDl!nte Inn. SOUTH COjlST CLUll mem- bers and ucorts will dine and dance in Btn Blown'• restaurant Sablrday, March 29, during an annual formal dinner-dance plllllled by the group'1 junlon. • l • ~(~ ,. , B~t~· ,ti>r:'.~ ~Eti·mi nate Ann Goes ·to • Practices of Pack ·Rat · ' . ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Mom 'bas a. mania for saving . tblnp. our clooe'ls are jam-packed with clothtt we outgrew aaes ago. We are teenagera now but , Mom refuses to P"et rid of our Brownle unifomls and uJ toC0 'we: Wtir! When' we were 5· years, old. II'• hard to pl Mom tO buy us anything new because &be illl1ats otD' olOliets are bulging. Well, they are, but 1ln1ost everything in there datea bac.t'" to the Johnstown fiood. The same hangup got1 for food. Mom refuses to throw out anything. She aaves 1 tablespoon oC oole .sJaw and half Of 1 wiener. The Icebox Is loaded 'fllh pl.,UC containers but damed llttle food. Why does she do this 1 Ia there eotne way to cure her? -SANTA ROSA l'EENS. j I ! • 4 I • • . ' . . DEAll 8.INTA: Y--11 a poet, nt. ad *-re II n bnJI cse f!f tlQ 111!t-M"l'be ... ---..... ., .. ,_ ... tbe felt ol. bolag -apla llaull ber, Oll<O tlol1 iJ 111e· ,._ people -1 lltar le lflmr ..,W.1..i. A.It Mom fer M ..... If lier 1fae. Tlb tal'lll yoar ........ clGdios ... mtdel diem for le" Tloa npal • e1D Gtodwlfl lndutrlts w .. - Army aod pve Ille d-. II ,.,._ ' t ,' ' I I .. Few culturt1 ian approach our• !l'ben cbalkqed. It was aot ,..ty 1-lle I do·about It! -MUSKEOON < • It comes to:payfug res)>ict to the aged. but u hmllL DEAllMU~: Y•.0.. •1M In addlUon to hiYll)g been 'robbOcl of • ' • • · lf"l'"·"11<1¥.S.ll1!Jtf,....dif''a our r!Jllt{ul ~fq!o. we ,have been poor-1 • DEAJ\ ANN: ' ~ m1 wile ,-la ....,., 1 - -... ,_ • ly depicled , by ' hlltDriw. ·You do not . ~ lbe WU I c -lnll llesl -· !te!P the aitu•Ullh when you wpetuito lbacked up with everything that walk..t . , , • . ' ' ·-.......... 111e ... DEAR ANJ1 LANDERS: A woman who ai&J')ld bulelf "Hmtltck" asked, "II there a 1pedat place ·for tirtd worn •out wives to to 1'hen ~Y are no tonger lovld or w-!" Siie then eompared her plight lh Ille Anm1can lndl1111 wbo, ~ Aid, put Oii! their old and sick and !ell t&hi to die.' ThiJ criae1 11\)'th la IAllal1y wl--ml I hope you wm Id Ille record stn!J)lt. gucb degradi~g lies. And pte8se1 don't. ·in pants. We have ~ small cl'llldren 1 \ .Too many couples.,. from mtf.rhnoaJ . whom I love very much-I Wljl ,,m.iln lo acrimony. Don't let your marrllp tell me I 1m unduly aenslUve. I am the court would award me ew1todl but. !lop tie(.,. tt geta llarted. Send for proteaUng not only kearlslclt'a state-I was bldJy miataken. , Ami Luden' llookl!I, "l!llrrilll-'11111 men~ but the attltode of mOlt w~lte Whenever l 1fO get the clllldren !<r to.~" Stnd your·r1q-lo Am men toward the first au t bent Jc the day, they are bl1ck aod blue frOm Landen in care ol. thll MWIJl8P.ii .a. Americana. It's dlsgracelui; -ONE OF beatlnp and flltl1y dirty. I don'{ thlnit Ing SO <inll In coin and a..,..; -..i, THE MOHAWKS · tlley e1t properly either because they ..u .. -emtlope • DEAllFRIEND:l-llleAmtd ... llWIY,I ... starved tor miilt and !tub Ann ·Londen will, bl 11811 to belp hd1u U. bet• 1~17 trelte4 ud bread. you with your 11'.'lblon. ~ ib!m It's lllp Ume _,. n1 Diido •1 I c1n give llleae kids a ijwcb better to hot In we ol the DAIL._ PILOf. ear ,.,.,...,..._ My lpOlosle1 fw _,lllow· home than. their mother but Ille coutl enclOoinl a 1111.--. ....... to1 llWUle8'1' ....... 1 ta 1• .., sayr no. \Vb7! Whyf Why? Wbll can eovelope. . ' I • .- , ' • I I l • .. .. ------.. -----·· -........ --- ·-. ·-· Horoscope Virgo:-Fo 1 get Past Bitter ess SATURDAY MARCH 8 111 IYDNEY OMARR • ~ wile man conlroll his . ' -.., • • • As1rolojy points tbe WIJ." AR1111(Mardi21-April It): Dll l<lr Information. Don 't be ulilpod with auperficlal ln- dk::ttklll. Ulrlque method may ba required. Di!cu.s3 ftnllllCOI wWr-one, close to you. Reach ............ Then proceed ID .._,, T.IJIWI (April 20-May 20): A~ on marriafe, partmosbips. Be receptive. Nol wloe to force i..,,..; u.teo·uc1 observe. Whal you JearD ',llitay can be put to --GllllllNI (May lhlllM 20): tonight -'bu~ .......... lherf ii I Wll"ITOll'. - LEO (July :D,AUf. II)> Obstacle appears. But yoa are ab!< to ourmlUIJl· IL Jle flu· Ible; welcome oppportunltJ l<lr change. Messqe received ,. quires attenUo~ Be ualJt;lcaL Read betwee:n the llnes. VIRGO (Aug. IS-Sept. DI : A short trip could be on agen- da. But whatever JOU do, strive to include f a m 11 y member. Yoli need feeling ol !Upporl Mate gealpre wlllch ·-pall blttarnesa t 1 fcqotten. Jt'• up to J014. UllRA (Sepl Z$-Ocil. DJ : You tend to see people in ldealisUc light. µ n J e 1 1 roaliatlc, you are anld bill ol goodo. Word to wlee here lb®ld be .lllfflcltnl. Unlaa determined to loao, lllart being more pnctlcal SCOllPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): RECEIVIN<t I' iOosT~cH"i ....... 'cap1 aDil • diploma, .,mboll of 'their .... .,. (left to rtglil) Otange Coast c.llego student., Mill G811e I.anon, Miss Margaret Aluander aDil Mn. &ben' Mat- thews, who are, ncelvlng IChola1'5hlps 'from th' Cciola' Jli:ua ·women'• Club, pre..entecl by Mrs. · LoUil A. Keim,' llChO!anhlp ~an. The gill• will receive ulislance from the club-until they re- ceive their teaching ciedeotlalJ or complete nunes tralnlng. • . . Gel bulc chores COD!pletod. A void an)' tendency to be ~anl Key Is versatillly. Bui don't try too much al once. Relatlve who iraveJJ (el&IDtGucb. CANllD (June 21.July D): Be discreet about aul.gnment, mpoosiblllty. Meaiia cfoo' ten all you know. Take eare with manners ol dress. Key Is to be COOla'VIUve. 'You tlon't have to allow off ah!Uty. ·" ANN COWLEY AugustWeddlnl Germany ~-.Selected f()r .Rites PJannlDa l<lr ID A1111J11 •e<l- dlu( .In Germw an Am =.::t1 ud Joel : '. :'' ,,.. eocqement ...... .. -~: ......... \U 8a1mUJ durtq • bufld ~In lhe 'home ol bar pmnta, Mr. and lolra. Manball E. Cowley ol Colla MOIL Parent& flf the benedicl- elecl .... Mr. and 'Mn. Joel P. Cllrt otllu Clomente. -Cowley la • poduals ... Colla "'-lllgb Scbool. ad Onnp Coul College. SAGITrAIUUfl (No•. :ZZ. Future ~.Nbr.ses, Teacher Good lunar aspect today hlpUpt. intensilied Contact with opposite ser. Give at- tentkm to chUdren. Have tun Dec. 21): Day to flnilb, com- plete. Be -JOU bow wbal you're doing. llWll cbecl facts. Lt.ave guemirort to others. lloqual l<lr aid could . come from one coaflned to . . ' . .Assi~ted · Toward · Goals borne, b\llPllal . CAPRIOORN (Dec. II.Jan. 19): Accent oo hope&. lrlendl. You can htv• .fun lo!>lgbl through new ecmtacta. You've ttcelved lndlcatl6ni that old relltiomhlp may be flnlllhecf. Keep guanf up. Pro1ec1 your toterests. • . . ·~=-~= Robm' Xatthen, 1 tad en t ...... and Mila G11JeC Lanoa, a future teadwr. ' ,ulilted ID -ecluca!lan by the ea.ta Meu Women'• Club.' . Scbo1arsblpa were presented ' ·bi' Mn, Louil A. Kozel, . ochoiondilp dlalnnan, to Mill lllariartl A!euMtr 'and Mrl. Tbe three were cholen in k .. plng with lhe club's Idea that more teachers and DW'lf:I are noeded and both pro- fealon1 benefit the com- munity. Weddi~gs, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To help lilJ requirements on'botb wed· ding aDil engagement &tortes, forms are avail- able Ill . all ol ~ DAILY PILOT offiC.S. , Fnl1ller .µ'kuest!ODI !fllI be amwered by Social Notes Jnel!l~ al 642-432~ or 494-94e6. To avoid dlappolntment, prospective brides ara reminded to have !bell' weddlnc· slorlt1 with black and whlte g1...,. photo-. gnphl·to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prtar to or within one, week after the weddinf •. · For eii-ment announcement. It II suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and whlte glOll)' p I c t u re. be submitted , urly. U the betrothal announce- ment and -,clcllng date are m weeks or leas · apirt, · o\iJy the wlldding photo wU1 be ac- cepted. . Mias Alexander, 11, 11 cam- pleUng' her Onl -u a student nurse.· While maln- lalnlng good .frades, llhe aUD finds ilm• to. ~dpate In college activities. Mrs. Matthews, 21, I 1 married to a student wbo aloo i.s working to 1Upport the family. She will be graduated in June. . 'Ille tuwr. teacller, Miss Lanoa, Is 211 arid ii com- pleting her RCODd year at OCC. An A student. she will attend UCI nell year and Iha Women's Club w11l cooUmie lo essllt ber financially. The club'• Bridge Secticin, which meets m01Jt.bly, offers its proceed& to the llCbolarohlp program. Mn. William Ban- daruk ...... u Iii cbalnnan. --SH!RLEY FULL!!R ~rll llrlda Betrothal Revealed At Parties Fomll:f and: dooe friends learned al Ille_.... al Shlrl<J Ami Fuller --Family ·Panel al . America Mlc!Moel J-wbeD Ibey Consumer Congress Convening AQUARIUS (Jan.-20-Feb. •18): 'lbose in auUK>rlly Joot favorably upon your elfnril. Be lllllllble. Lei actlona opea): "for themselves. Your ego LI -Aocepl_IC<Olada in grac1oua,......, PlllCD (Feb. 1MW'dl •>: lln>adea -Expm wllHngMM to learn. Ba fin. Ihle. Old ~ 11111 aol -Joyuua -lndlcatal toalPL -..i-belnr ~-..- IF TOD.t.Y Ill YOUR BIRTBDAY you ani c:om- 'pleltng I qde. Gel nadJ l<lr .... ~ llabll pa>- leml dlange. A new IJDo portant -enter& 70U Ille. GENERAL TllNDENCllll: Fill>lng, PJanllni fa-bJ lunar poolllon. ·-'' ...,. guesll al -porllK will boll the nllllh amuw holled by Ille ..._ al Ille N k Consumer Congrw De It future bridal eouple. . amesa e Tue>day al t:a> a.m. In lhe J\1111 Fuller .. the "°"""" ~ &be ii • cra<luate'----------------~ Hunu1181011-s11en1on Hotel, o1111n. Edith 1U11er o1 Sonta Di'scussed Pa.saclena. · Ana and her iluce ii Ibo Am<mg 1ubjecil to be '°" ol llr .. and Mr. Nonnan llddenl· al C&llfornla Slate College al FuBerlon wbore lhe la alu!IYlnl for her elemmtary teaching """"1tlaL Iler fiance ii an alumnus flf San Juan paJ>IJ1tano lllgb Scbool and wu enrolled at OOC and San Jou Slate Collego. "'-Uy he 11 In Iba U.S. Army and will be .ala-In~. ·Memorial Exhibit · To Open All alil!Xi In -of Iba late llr. Emil J. Kala Jr-. noted CalllpnQ artllt, . wtll open ID Iha ColW Ganlen Gallery MondaJ, March 10. 'Ille ..,.,. will feature more Iba fO ol bis watercolor and oil ·paintlnp.. 1be Ir ti St iUited tbl CalJfornla lamtacapa wllh. spedaJ taleol l«e•• hi Jo..ed tt IO much. Newpnrt • llarbo< Servioe 1-wllll feBow artlstl and lrlmla, . &t'l Brandl, 1laaa ·~"1lm.<;'°'sJ: s!.1-: ·----who wlD ......... -... .._, -the 1"1bllc to w_ , tiew&bl.JepddaUveworb. . 'Illa -JI, "I"" frotll II •• ............ ~Urouch :-·:.r:; .,. LUI.~ p.m. ..._ llotth'-.nd : ...... plllrJ la localed ~ " -IC. CoMI ll!Clnr11. 0.-d&lllCa'. • • • • • • ~ -' ' • • r} '~ I -~··· ..... ~ .......... z:: .• i:t;;: ._ "' tto. .DAILY PllOT, .. Young Artists Entered dilcusced will be Doe! lhe J~~.~ i=.!mt:=.= Publlj:, Really Own t h e ol San1.I Ana Vllley llllb -by Mrs. Lydia Bart ,Ain\a)'I, Ad v en I u r u in Scbool and allends Orinp 1llJllaml ol l!awlbulne. In State Competition Achl•~<!Denl and How to Be ~ .. ~i:s:; ~am:.~ L:~.~ .. ~.":il/"1 a Better Shopper. '1'11' Spen-.. - ding of the Green is this year's Unlvenlty where be WU af. Arboretum fw Pumdena City Iheme. fllla1ed with Slima C b I Collep, Mrs. 1llJllaml will Entries lpOlllOt'ed . by lhe FoUntaln Valley Woman's Club wen reapoaalble for lhrea flnl prllea In ' !he orange Dlltrid Ynutb Ari Conlell and will be --in llatewlde compeilllon. In the j111i<if bllb d1>1aioo, awards were made to Margo Mattbnl, TatDura, for . her lllD life illll Rldwd Balfleld and Cathy Sfocba, Fountain vane,, collage and wood paln- llnf. . lirix.e J~ Fountain van.,., Pu! Harper ud Julie Ma1uab, !llelllu, wm !l1us for their palnUnp In the elemenlarJ diYlaloo and Janel Mlilon, FuJton, received an i-ui.·men11ot1. The club sponaored Ill 'own Children's Ari . Sil!lw lut 8',turday Ir. Tamura. More than 51111 entrle1 from all the lcbools were judged by the Mmes. Pete Barbolak and James Grundy, dub w and craftl co-chainnen; Vance Derington, Tbom.u K o h 1 , . James Budc!iD&Ji, E'u I en e Mooring and Mlsa Dione Mooring ud lolra. Karen Kofchar DI the bilb acbool. fratetnlty. speak before Ibo Colla M-. Following lunch lhe . al· They will aay their vowa Ba:r at1es Fucblla Soolety al 1l!l'DOCll oesslon will fealure April 11 In SL Andrew's 7:•·;.... Mm*J, llmh 11, a product parade and. ~ Presb)'lerla Cburcb, Newpon In 111e·Coatii --usembly will vole on • pn> Beach. LeplG hall. jecl for, 1119. .,---------~------ -..... preoented to Jell Brand~ Dan Truby; Tu· ry Funk, Dnfd Clark, Bri1n Tl'clet· lnfonnaUon ma)' be obtained by calling Mrs. .Paul Vi!allo i i 172-"llM. ' • . Hospital Date 'Martain, Scott Rhlg and Paul Memben ol the Colla Meaa Clark, Lamb; Jelf Barton, Memorial Hospital Aulinary Michele DeLac.y, pa m 'will ptber In the cmfennc:o Termolllen, Sharl Lilly, Cberyl nlOlll of Ibo hospital MoadaJ, Catherman, Beed L D C a s , M·-"' 10 t Kathy Ubaldtnl, Jl'ulton; ere · Dll;:Q ' 1 10 a.rp.. Klamln and • 'An 1 be II •llr====F.::::A::::IT::::H=::::,I Vlllanoeva, Nteblu; Wendy McCarthy. and Cheryl Lind, . ond McDowell; David Matthew, Tam~•; Tina Antonson , .8 Ricky Thurb!r ud Carol Erlcslin, Fnuntaln Valle)'. CELEBRATE WITH US! OUR SECOND BIRTHDAY .. . "" NllCT -MAaat 1~15 Ml&im 9IOPPB&,wtL-.a the m1i1 ml~ Watercolor, Acrylic ... ,_ ........... y"' -ba ......... al ... -....... -,_ ... -..paid !«. It~, a March Artist Named and -la the c:urrenl ..... c1eu1. Siie la a member ol the Coltl Meu Women'• Club Incl bu aerved as a r t c:halmwr for Orangt lllllrlcl. Mn. Wl1llama hat been Commlialnnld to paint Dlurals ID the ·c:hlldra'a win! In hrnkw 8late Hoapltat. She bu .l!lldled wllb Ra Brandt -"" Mn. Cbarlea Simley. "-lJ "'"la. a-· ol llldlard V. Joltnaoil nl North Long B"ch. /Jn< FREE dnnalng ,...,. llm>fng for SL l'ulliclu Dofl Com< & pul • IW<d ill "PADDY'S PIG"! No PUn:hue li~ -i.r March 10 thnJ 16 ,..._MedMIM_.... ..... S111ly C.rt .. 11 M1M Sf••" ~ J~ flfl Jii1cLIN6ERIE , 2so t. Eait 11111 s1. Co1t1 Me•e Hlllf"" "1•.,.. '42·1411 -... -TlloJ rido 'tllll CA1IOOlll!lo numtAllt,ha-1 vo.m _.... •• tbe-o.t. ---1!"--sv• 111-..,. ,._ ..,.. . Pickup drawing •llp• for eH expen•• pelcl trip t• Heweii, Me9n1•ox 2f Inch Cotor TV, h• •ny 1tor. rt•d w•elrl loath Coast ?Jiu • •• ' Now !J the time get Involved ·ID 1IJlll' eom121~ ltleti' need•. And JOiia, requlrinf <lllly time 81111 wtllllig hl!lldl, are available to thousands of wllllnc volanteera frllm flenage lo 1111lor citizens, You C8ll help a 111ungster learn, o~ ease Ute burden ol JoneHMN for lbe elderl;t. ~ of )JQi@ont •ucll as these are await· Ing your telephone Call to the Volunteer Bureeu. llfrs, Lll)n Arkulh,· at 84J.ll963 II the executive di~ reclol' aDil wW Uliat callers from 9 a.m. to noon . every weekday. She will custom 11µ1tch you aDil the jOb wllb lbe lime yon have lo give. The bureau ii localed al ~ N. Newport l!lvd., Newport Beach. • CLERICAL HELP AND Y.EACH!RS NEEDED · A Harbor Area school providing educatinnal theripy of all kinds t. 1n-neec1 of clerical help and a receptionist as often as volunteers can serve. 1be aid is needed in order to continue leaching young people. 1bere also ii a need for playground supervis- ors, laechfl'I of reading. Ullls .ml Individuals lo read to students. . THR.IFT SHDP OR AT HOME A tbrlti. shop need& staffers ail: days a week. If you can't work at the shop but can al home, jobs such as repairing, painting aDil making ltemJ for sale mlgbt occupy your time. · WHAT IS A FRIENDLY VISITOR? A Frieildi.Iy Visitor ts a person wb~ takes 1ev- eral dayi a month lo go lo the convaleacent homes in hl1 community. When be get. there be can either lake part u an Instructor or helper in arts and crafts, recreation, or help individual• with their correspondence or shopping. He might even help a convalescent while away the houn, accompany him to the museum or movie, or the volunteer might prefer working in the library or a gift shop. I , Art Group President Paints for Aff iii ates Onu!ge Coun1y artist W, M. MacKay will g 1 v e a demonstration of bis painting teclmlques before Affiliates, Laguna ·Beach Art AMoc!ailon at 10 a.m. next Mond1y in the Art Aaaodalioa Gallery. Rose Tips Offered A native of Southern CaWornla, MacKay h a 1 devoted him.!ell almost ti· elusively to the Weslem ICtne and recently completed a aet of paintings of Irvine Ranch for Mrs. Joan Irvine Smith. He cumnUy la presidcut of the art UIOdaU111 and u- hlbits In the FesUval of Arti. Colleclnra from N.,. York, Dallu, Sin Frand&co and Tucson recenUy have purcbu. eel his worts. 'Ille .-reeelved bis early training In Paeadena achook and during hi& college years when be worked u a com- merdal arUIL His bacl(round al!Jo lnclodes a degree from the C&llfornla In.1111ute al Teclmolol)'. . With the Omeg• Seamaater De VIiie • Forget winding •Throw awayyout pocket calendar • Wear It anywhere (Including the showtt') beautifully. Omega ls recognlmd throughout the wo~d as orw ol lhe veryftnest wlleh& Omega, for example, ls the official watch ollhe 1968 Olymplc Gana In Mexico. And this hllldlomt Seamatlr O.Vllle hu undergone 1497 qUlllty.controf checks to guarantee It will perform 10 Omega standards • Left: In •feinlt•• ce•• with mdchlnt ltrecelet, f'l40., or gold-filled c.a1e end bracelet, •t75, Rithf: Gold-filled cast with metching mtth hrecaltt, '''°· SLAVICK•s J•••SW.tl17 11 FHhioo llland Newport lttch-.644.IJIO Y .. , ct.a,... Atc•flt w,~._ -la•kAMrlceril, M••hr a.,.,,, h• 0,.. M-.i~ Fri. 111tll t:JO p.111. - ----------------------~- • I , I I +.'ii 4 ii 4 • :: • • ' Barbor · -~ ED'ITION • • ace oe.s ' Police Chief's Probe Leads to Son's .Drug Arresi . , ' .... By JAClt CHAPPELL Of Ille Deltt l'ltlll Steff "l'm in rathet an wiusual position,·' . uid San Cl~mente Police Chiel Clifford Murray today after his only son, Steven, was charged with four counts of narcotic · violations. "If my kid has to go down the tubes, that's the way it has to be. I had to make the decision. "I can't enforce the law if it doesn 't apply to everybody. I had information about what fl>Y son allegedly was doing and assigned my detectives to investi· gate,'~ said Chief M\ll'I'8y. of. the famUy: hOm°e at 225 La Es,,Uat.u. san Clemen~ •• ' . Charges of ~ion of heroin and . possession of heroin with intent lo sell, possession ol marijuana and possession of marijuana with intent to sell have been lodged against the police chiefs son. Chief Murray said be had to be in two places at oDCe. Professionally, the chlel saJd he bad to protect the ~ seculion.'1 case against his own son. and personally, be didn't want lo jeopardiu hiJ IOD'I defense. . • v;ould have I lot to say to ciomm.unJty grollpa ind others 1bout a parent's role in dealing wilb such cases. NO!', ho\ti,ver, he said he would rtmain al1eot because of the case. • The narcotics charges art -bf,sed on police claims that the youth had in his possession a·-i10 spOon of heroin, and five kilos of _ marijuana w<rlh between 1425 IJ1d ISllO. Narcotics officers aUeie the marijuana was hidden behind the driver'• aut of the youth's pickup truck. . ~ . ' -' • • . .. ·ac . - ' . .Oper~~o~~s :er-u~iaI-r·an . ~Flawless'-~ .. SPACE cENTER, Houston (UPO - Tw'o astronauts guiined their l11rfar'Jaa. ding craft 113 miles away from-the ApollO t commin::I ShiP today aMrthen raced back to I" niwltu orbital: ·re. dervOUI' In a iliajor.,·stfp ·foWaid ·a U.S. moOO taodJng this aummer. · ·nie Preclsion cili'Jiop ~me at fo :u a.ni. PST. Jame1 A. iccDlvtU'and!ilmd 5'even'E. Murray, 21, was scheduled for a .COUJi.bearing today to enter a plea at Sin Clemente Munlcipal Court. The y..nb ,... m'ested Feb. 2 by state IJ1d local lWCOtics officert in the driveway Tbe ~ chlef said · he would have to disassociate himoeu "9'11 the ..... "I have done professionally what I thought had to be done," Chitf Murray said. "In tbe final analym; you hive lo do what you believe la: rlghl You have lo separate yoUr-pmonai fedJDgl from YO!" prol...iooal feelings,• \he chief concluded. ' -t. Scbwelckart miliied -; linar ... Following the trial, the chief 11id he Newport Youth . ~ :~p"nslve Death Cause Rocks Replace Steel Still Mystery As Erosion Barriers DAILY PILQT lllfl' l'Mll Orange County Coroner'• deputies sa'id today it may take up to two weeks to determine the euct cause of death of Bal~ l!land music shop owner Kevin Ricbe!ei' Fonlerbrugen. He w'5 found dead Wednesday in hi!: store at 225 Marine A~e. , 1 Onl1 Ille day before, Forderbrugen wu released frt'ln Orange. County Medical .Center after being treated for · an ovtrdo!e al. drug$. · Graveside funeral services f o r Forderbrugen will be conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. in Pacific View Memorial Park. He leaves his mother, Kalherine, of Corona del Mar; three sirtefS, Mary and Carol Forderbrugen of Corona del Mar and Diane Lamard of Anaheim: and hiJ father, Kevin J. Forderbrugeo of Minnesota. Youngster Gets History Lesson Fouf..year-old Erik Gibbom·of Newport Bead> learned a biJlory le&<OO Thursday. He found out -what it was like for miscreant American Colonists who wound up In a pillory. Playing among the kitchen chairs at his borne at 2007 Diana Lane, Erik ended up with his head !>1Uck. among the rungs. Firemen responded to a call from the house and dismantled the chair to lr.e the boy. 'Iben. their r e p o r t says, they reauembled the chair and le.fL Rocks,. ln!lead of steel, will be used for construction of lhree more erosion- blocting groins in West Newport, city officials disclosed today. Newport Publlc WOrks Director Joseph T. Devlin said !be U.S. Army Colpi . •'f'\'t.: ...,t "\11"":..~.. .. ... --Haslii,Sh 'Pra,nk' . Not So Funny;· Y achter Jailed A N9pori Beach yachting: persooalily'I plea that his imporlalion ol lulshlsb from Nortb'Alriea waJ nothing more than "I. ch11dillh prank" didn '' a~ert a two to 18-year term in state prison Tbunday. Suoe0nr Court .Judge Robert Gardner banded' that aenlence lo the fonner Laguna Beach reslden~ Gerald Edwin Cooper, 2.1, of 1!03 E. Balboa Blvd., In a quiet · dlsniiual of arguments for leniency offered by Cooper'• attorney. Cooper and his wife, Susan Jessamine, were m..ied by abtriff•1 depuUes last May 11 and charged wilh possession of marijuana. Mn. Cooper is scheduled to face the charges in municipal court. lnvestigat<n saJd Cooper cashed a $3,1)® insurance policy taken out for him tiy· his father and u3ed the money to buy large quantities of hashish in Tangiers. HiJ trallicldng In the drug came lo lllht wben packages cootainlng the illegal weed were mailed from North African centers lo lib wUe. Good RUW.•~· . ' r I ~ ""ll' "• Jl«nalns of old llOQileo 'Jamlio~ 11"'4 Bri41l. over Upper Newport Bay were tom clown today. Brid&o wu abandoned two years •Co In favor of new concrete llnlC!ureJ oear•y. Trafllc accldenlis ' .. REGENT ARRIVES -UC Irvine students Bev Slenning, Laguna · Hills, and Dave Ault, Santa-Ana, escort University Regent· Johrr E. of Engineers has decided to use granite Canaday to. meeting' with campus adm.iniStratO'rs. Several r'elen•~ boulders for the project startinl possitlly were on ·campus tod,ay for closed-door talks witli UCJ officials.. · in May, for four reasons: · ~ ,.. -Rocks are leu costly than steel. • • 1 • o; , • , • , -Tb• job can bed-without hiving ~:.;,,..;.,~ '." .-. '. ll.l''t;,::.'...'1'.:l... .,l',lll'\lf ' · ln ·blllld' -'·~ 001 ~ ·~'lllft.:fl'~t8 ;1fftm1'-"'itt~-~~ '~ as ~ required by p~p for the} ~el . 1 ~~,;---• ~ • • ' • ·..a.-""=--~ ' :ro~E;:?i:-.. ~~~, •l•el Witli "s~.i~~' ~Offi~iJls : "The cost of steel has risen . liharply · • " · ' · • •• ' . ' l I ' 'r recenUy," said Devlin. By· THO¥A$ FORTUNE · ' with ~v~e aild meet &1me compw ~ He aplained that initial cost studies 5. of .O: .. u~ftr''i'"'t "'"o1 c ill . plt first band1" · . ui: .. mven y a orn1a · ..;.._ .. 1.,~. ts 1 lhi . favored steel and it wu used for groina r~enta. •illted: the · UC Irvine campw; :1111; v,11-. regen . me s morrung at 40lh, ffth and partially at 48lh streets today and met wilb administrators, w~th CHaDCellor Daniel Aldf"lcb and. ad.- in 1967 and J961. facul"ty Ind students, all behind closed m,1nlstraton:, ,lunched with a1 con;ib1qed 'l1le rock ll'Oinl l'lli be built _ al 41th doofs• · · ' · . · a~mlnlftrl/lqn, faculty •. studenl ,.ll'O,•P, Street, finishing out the steel one already The; visltltk>n was tn lieu of bokllni and were. to meet this ,alf.Frnoon ~1t lu!U-lnstalled, IJ1d at 52nd IJ1d 5ltb 1tree~ a regular repnll meelinf at UC!. Uoder • with studenll, then f•cully. . _ Estimated eoSt of' the project Ls f800,000. a. new policy, meejjngs no longer are Discusllom ,were .to be. about· Ute. UCI Devlin said the clty baa no obJecUon rotated l.!1100I the nine UC:CUD:~· c&mpua. 1 1 1 ' to the Corps' switch in groin construction uruvtnttir .~nt Chlfit• "!:~iit:ll Was The. student' panel ' of 155 to· meet with materials. "6ur primary concern la: pro-prese.nt, ~t top rtien.in state COVtrnment the -regents• WU picked. te repie.sent· all tection of the beachfroot,11 be Ji.id, "so -. Gov. RonaJd .JUaa:an, Su.sJt: of P.U~Uc shades of campus oplnio~, 1ncluding 1tbe we're not about to argue." Instruction Mal Rafferty and ~11 student 'r1$c'all. · The city's share of the project eo&t Speaker Robert Monacan -ID regents, A slDall protest to the regents visit will be only a few thousand Clollars. were not. . wu scheduled ih ~ fOrm ol a UCI Tb t ill N'~s. Eloise .!Qoke, assistant to the · coerillJa· "Theater tn which itudents e res w be financed by federal, chancellor, deicrlbed the Vl!iitaUoo as would build ·a monument of a:arbage to state and county gover~ments. • "a chance for 'ff!gents to cet acquainted th~ regenta. Stacie Marlceta NEW YORK (>.!')-The stock market got a sharp setback today, although it did manage to trim some of its: earlier heavy Joaes by the close. Trading was modcralt:. (See quotaUons, Pq:es U.13). . "' VCIFaculty May Rescind Vote on Firet;l Pr-0,f essors .. hiJuries IGl1 .. ' . . . . .. . ' . Wreck vidim ,, module "Spider" to · leis than·• hit o'f ·David R. Scott in the comdilJld erafl called "Gumdrop." ; "I see you out" there in the aunHcbt.,. McDlvltl Aid u be aPIJl'OIChed the command abip. "You're the blaut, hokiest, funniest sta: I've ever attn." _ ~'Boy, ,you'·ve go[ coot.rip04?n1 hangin&: out all over," Scott said u be eumlned the .lunar mOdule from ~Jeet awaY.. lt..,was an Important achievement for project Apollo. II sbowed, that Ille last untested piece of rDOonfllgbt machinery -tile gawky lunar module -ts-.rudy to' go to the moon·· on a May lWW' orbital landlq rebeanaf. TbO lnilfal lan- ding Is. set for July •. The six-hour operation began when McI5i'vitt · and · Schwelckart lit up the skyc with a bll -.re clovd al 1n· and blut.ed 1au. al different · orbit from •'""'11 lio\the ~ lhlp.·' .. ' . 'l'.ur''hour(!Olei,; :u.., 'lrlilm.i. the landing craft'• takeoff englne...for the first ~me 'nd began !heir (iunlilt back 12.'!t':"~ ,,C!li al .. qrtlj ~ muwenrup . ' "ll'L ..ri al , kick ~ fanny,• reported McDivitt afW-a tlree. aecond burst from the ta qine. Ihe utroqaul8 began~•!Wr ·a11-m,. portant adventure by the CtJmmand ship at 4:31 a.& Iii. . That WU the start of a ti.Uy of operaUon1 future utronalltl perform to land 001 and return trlim the moori. · Tbe "Spider" plJOll lalel' dli!cal!ded the lunar lander's f-l!uid . !In: d!ni stage and ..tdeold the i•P --• the lunar mddale'• takeoff iecaoD and the command· lb.Ip. The' aeParatttW of the thlp's two pOl'll wu the .-rlikl operation of lhe day ed. poor-eam- niunJcations mm an African track1ni station left the outcome of the maneuver in doubt for l2 minutes. . :. . .. The staging went OK," McDlvilt · finally reported. "However,• Gumdrop can't find us in hil optics (teleacopa:) any longer an4 we may. i.ave ~ked out our trac~ lights." A 30-lecond blast 'from the lunar module then started the lpacecrart on a course back ·toward the command ship to-complete the operaUon rtbeai&inc lunar orbit maneuvers.' Tbe object of today'1 te>I was to get the lander as far Crom the motherihip as lunar explorers would be tiefore bluting off from the moon, IJ1d then to prove that. the ''Spider" could chase down the "Gumdrop" ar>cf book op with Jt again. I . ,Orange. . . WeaU.er It'll be one 61 tbO.e weekend• to tell Ille --liock -about -clear, IU.llhy skies Wtttt-temp. erature1 cooif-bl,y placed In , the m.l~dJe ~ ~'a • '8loag the Orange cout. • ,. _ .. • ·-· l' ,_ • • . -• • f I ' • • N .~Hirhor Te~b¢rs Mak~ Big Deman~l~Of B«? r.d -. ~ ~ ~ . • ''-1' .· . • • . . • . ·•, • • • ii • I • ' I . ' ,i ' .. • , , ·\ ' . • • . I .. "r • 117 TllOMAI l'Oll'l\1NE :. p of wbldl II --ANoclollll "Teacbers .,_ llill conslder<d u ol luchm, and a hlfl)I 1hcool" remedlll .... -""' -,_;....,_ ~ ... ~ _... ·-~ ..... ~ ~ ,...._ ........... ~ _,_, .. ····· -···-· ,~ 4' """""Hrna -. -·....,.. -~lo-• ~..,,.;-·--· •·•--OWi! ....,..., w ,.""ll palro-·& W'1 ._program. ~liollld--~-' ~--i.. lioralq Ille · ,...,...,liulbtpi....,.1111,._. llJllitadlDllllinuao."lllllllllle. Ja " -aid,_,_ ... loalillll for AM11111:¥'0!1'-lbey want quite• lot' OU i.-alrlioa, Tho poel•,.,. DOI -a opooillc 111111: ~Iii~ blftil of teachers.' approval of their eoU.. 1packqe ~ Thtlr ........ lo.U>Oschoolboml. ~bolnlwlllbtllDriooltdeilllSJlle doQ._talllJ...,.,,B•Lll-·ToPln ....... ..tce lndecislon·mak· will leave k lo the •board lo -~ •.lar l!eyGlld Ille 1111111 nqual nt1Qtlilloa. packce In cl-uecut!vo ' a numbtt ol salary revllloO' guldelilla Ill& leacbtn m 1 ~ tor equal up wfth a propoul on salary locrU1u• f« a po:r ·nile, "'-.Ht forth In 1 H4Slon nen Tuesday nflbL tb>I """Id be oootly lo pu! lnlo effect. npruentatton with ad"m!nbltal<>rs on JO On $It p o I n t, be aald, "T bey can nepjlallo!I paciagt 1"Plrod by lb! . ~r¢llfect ol the teacben~ nqu'51! I• A m.iec thrust ol the negott•tlon new Joint conuii!ttees. CommfU..S WQuld take tl!e Orang• eounty· • Tncllers dlstrkjt'• t~ UIOCiltloq; ~ Bl!1 Hake, hired uut ,.F:hool year as packag~ ls a series of requests for loot jnto teacber lnvolverrient in such AssoclaUon guideline of a minimwn JD Tbt lhett ~Wilber of lhinl• teacher& __.lbt flnt executive secretary of the ,Jll't1\er teacher parUclpaUon In tnanag.. areas as gri,.,vance procedures, persoMel percent pay 1ncuue. That b: O.K. with 1tt u11ni -JD 17 difflreal 11~ group, Newport.Mesa Education ffng the al'fain of the acbool dlslricL · sele<:tion and advancement, reassignment us." .. ... Plati~.efs OK • . - -Huge , Complex Off 'Back ~'ay. • Plans for Newport S..ch'• Jar1at pllnnld _ _.uolty devefopm!Oi _.., "Norlbblull'' overlookfn& the Upper Ba' -won a UDIJlimous recommendaUoa. · for approval lrom the Plannln& Coin- mllllon Thurada7 nlfl)IL · ' • 'J'l1' general development plans and nse 'permit fot the 556-bouse cluatet housing development will go before the city council March U for final apProval. • The development, the cost of which waa ,not d.iscloaed, will be built bJ the Costa Mw.!Jued firm of George M. Holstein and Sons on al.moat IS aCl'U ol land northerly of the Newporta lqo. The development wUJ be tncnrn !.I ••North.bluff," following. in eue:nce, the •mtin& Eutbluff planned comDiuntt; devek>pment nearby. colnmiiatonen recommended approval of Ille plan alter h•arln& glowln& plan- nln&: department staff reporll abool the unlqQeoeaa ol the developmenl SII swimmln& ...., ara included in the general development plan atone with groups el· teonli club coltagu, sreen areas and reereatkm centef.. ~ Th:e average slJe of each dl!elling ta the ~qplty would be 1,llOO 1quare feet, illcllldln, tennb coUapa, apllt·level homu, _... and multHtoty dwtll· tnp; The land II north o1 Butbluff Drlve and 50llth of the emtln& Back Bay Drive. Company apokeamen aald npliclt ln- f«maUon and m«e dabO<ate flltlltO woWd be relwed at the MU<h 14 council meeUn& • ' * * * Discotheque Gea _ Dancing Permit. Planning comm1a11....,,. approved a liz·lDOlltb conditional use permit 1l!UJ'l-d:E" tile New Look IJIJcotheque, which js to reopen 11 an adult club in boa. Applicant. Finn O. Olson ond Robert L. Russ uked for permission to have dancln&: to recorded music at the loca- tion, 110 E. Balboa Blvd. 'Ille Mablialuneot. will _.1e under • beer and wine -ie· -and will be .. adult dlllCOthequt. It previously was a teen-age dancg eatabJlshrooit aerviq PO llqucr. Huntington· Chief Retires July 7 HW11Jn&1oa !leach Poljce Chief John Seltzer announced his rttirtment tod1y. City councilmen •accepted the mi.pa· tion, effecUve July 7, with regret.o. Seltzer, 54. has been with the depart- ment for 31 yean. He ro&e through the ranb to captain, and became chief in 11114. DAii Y PllOI OAAHOi COAIT l'\llUIHllCO COMl"AN't' .... ,. N. W•-4 """""" ... l'WllNr Jad l. C.ri.y 'lie. ,.,....... ...., 0-" Mint"' n ..... , '""ii ·-n. ..... A. M1tt.tii" -·""' ' Seedling• to Grow Little Hope For Lifting Quarantine "'n:iere f!' ·nttJe hope that the quaran- tine on Newport Beach and Huntington Beach State Park beaches will be lllt· ed. before another month, Orange County health authorttles -saJd 1bursday. Riverside officials reported it will take at least that Jong to repair the city's storm damaged sewage treatment plant-the source of the contamination which closed the beache.s 41 days ago. Authorities said raw sewage bas been pouring into the Santa Ana River and flowing to 11.!1 mouth along the Newport- Huntington shorelioe at the rate of eight to 11 million gallons a d~y. Repair work on three ruptured River- side lines cauaed by the January storms wa.s near completion when the Febnmry · rains hit. washing out much of the wort. Persons coming into bodily contact with the polluted sea water .could,,be stricken with ooe of several diseases. according to Stone, including infectious hepatitis, typhoid fever and salmonello- ais, a mild form of typhoid. . I •In Arbor Day ceremonies today at Harbor Area eleineptary •choo!s children like nine-year-old Mary Whitney of Costa Mesa's Bayview School r1!Celved seedlings to plant at borne, With Mary are Newport-Me.sa Associate Supt. Norman Loats (left) and Arthur Slrock of Rotary Club ol New· por&Balboa which presented seedlings to 2,000 school district third grade rs. • Ex-surf Hero Sent to Jail Nightmare 90 Days Ago .Ended in Surfer's Death B1 Alfl'HUR R. VINSJ:L , • ,..( .... ~IY rfW II , The victim had worked with his father in the electrical business and was A nlptmare to days qo' at home was fatally fufilltd for a Costa Mesa ,employed parl·time as a surfboard :nJrfer in Hawaii when he awoke, hor· builder, a job he hoped to find in the islands as well. rilled and staring into a gun muzzle which then fll'ed, smuhlng a slug be-The incident 1n which Pond was in· lween his eyes in summary execution. timidated at his West 19th Street apart· The cold-blooded murder Tuesday with ment last December and the fatal visit a slltncer-equ.Jpped pistol, only 100 yards by the trio Tuesday appear at th.is stage from ihe thunder of big combers at Sunset Beach on the island of Oahu, to be grimly coincidental. took-another bizarre turn today. Lt. Dickson said, however, that he Police and parents of William Pond expects a written case report and Jr., 19, ol 26t Albert Place, dl.sclosed followup investigation, mailed by Costa that the vicUm was roughed up and Mesa Police Thursday, to arrive today. threateodtd wltb death by three armed , . . . inen wtio fired a shot through hll door Pond a father said today the 1nc1dent }a!\ December. 41 stemmed fro~ theft of some sound equlp- 'I'tle manhunt for bis appatt:ntly coin-ment in which the youth suggested a cidental tillers -three Hawaiian SU.!pecl who proved not to be involved, beachboys who allegedly took $700 from but consequently had a bru.!b with the Pond and two companions after deman-Jaw on something else. ding marijuana -widened meanwh\Ie, The harassme.nt ceased after Pond with Jltlle succeili. moved back .with his parents, and Pond a dedicated surfer who moved brothers Martin, 13, and J immy, 10, lntG his parents' home after the th~ ~orme~ ele~lrical company owner December incident and r1ved money said m an interview today. to jotn Newport Harbor Hi&h School bud· .. I read about the marijuana aspect dies in Hawaii would hive been there in another paper and the way the case only 1 week today sounds now, I wouldn't be surprised." His body will ar'.riV'e from the Islands said Pond, whose SQII was reportedly where he hoped to make a home at asleep ~uring the fatal. h~ldup except g·ss pm aboard a Pan American for the final seconds of h.is hfe. j~Ulner. Ii Los Angeles lnleniatlonal The small caliber slug which crashed Airport. Into his skull , and. burled in his brai n Honolulu police continued to probe the di.mlpted the respiratory process. P~d grotesque slaying 'jVhlle two buddies v•ho lived only three hours aUer being witnessed the ~ during the flOO transferred frdm a small clinic to a robber)' late T11esclll' are probably hiding larger h°'pilal. · oat. Despite the shock .end horror of Steve t . Chula, JI, of Cosla Mesa, watching their guest exec~ted, Chula st.ep8on or· Orange County attorney and Roger1 were able to give a good George Chula and Theodore H. "'Teddy'1 dewipUon of the typically-dressed Rogers ol 'Newport Beach, w e r e beach boy trio, according to Lt. Dickson. threate~ed wilh death if they notified "I Imagine lhe·boys \\'ere all terribly Jamnen. confused,'' said Pond 's father today. Honolulu Police Departmenl Homickle Chula's mother, a nurse for a Costa Deted.lve ';.:!.~ 1aJd Thuf.sday that Atesa physician, said Thur.sd~y that her the drug-d intruders ordered son, who was attending JuntOr college Designers Plan Ne\vport Meeting Leading interior designers fr o m throughout the nation wlll attend a regiona1 conference next week at the Newpofter Inn ln Newport Beach. The National Society of Interior Designers will hGld board meeUngs, workshops and general sessions Monday through Friday. Co-chairmen for the conference, first of its kind ever held in Orange County, are Vera Dennis, Lois Harding and Dale Fahrney. of the county'! NSID chapter. Rudy Zuccolotto, president of the coun· ty chapte r, said the conference will in- clude tours of UCI and Newport Harbor. Papers on Strike MEMPHIS, Tenn . • (UPI) -The American Newspaper Guild early tOOay l'ilruck the Memphis Publishing Co., publishers of the morning Commercial Appeal and the afternoon Press-Scimitar. For Selling LSD Last summer surfer Randy Ladow wa11 the hero of the Harbor Area, He was the gutsy guy who threw his board into the surf near the Santa Ana River jetty and helped pull strug~ gling heavyweight boJ.ing star Jerry Quarry and his brother to safety. ,·, But ·that was last June. Today 'he'1 In Orange County Jail, .put there for one year Thursday by Superior Court Judge Robert.Gardner tollawing Ladow'1 conviction on charges of selling LSD. He was arrested last November at 2.11 Avocado St., Costa Mesa. There was no mention of Ladow·s wave-topping exploits and J u d g e Gardner's demeanor in sentencing the Santa Ana man made it plain that it wGuldn't have made any dil!erence if there had been. He suspended the state prison term of one to live years for Randolph Anthony Ladow, 21, imposed the jail tenn and placed him on probaUoa for three year11. The obviously shaken Ladow fie1ed his fingers as he was led away. It will be some time before be nexu them around a surf board. a a ~UST A FEW OF DREXEL'S UNLIMITED SELECTIONS OF FINE FURNITURE, DREXEL THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN FURNITURE. ~ ~ ' -~._ __ ·- _,.,.._ F. c.tllM P11I Nr,w11 ~ .... -:c"· "==" Chula and Rogen to weight Pond's body \.\•ith Rogers and a third youth, MJie and dump It in the tropical teaS. ~iteau, of Newport Beach, may fly home Youn Pond's father speculated today immediately. . IUNCHIN• TAILI Ill Ftahlrint frerrtM 1la11 kp •Ith c11rl• Ji•lf lii•l•w. Alltl~ll• 111Ut linlah. St•t ..._ __ _ 2111 w ... 11!"91 a..i...r1 Mallf .. M4Ht.1 P.O. hrllfl. t2UJ --Cilfe ,..., aa w .. t aw"""' L ..... ~l Jn ,_, A"'"'" " .. , ...... ...,.! ......... that th~ boy may have been ahot to Troubles could possibly await bun here death because be bad no money left on the m~and. howevtr • based on f hil tri to baacl ovtr to the trio response tod;y by a federal oUiclal who rom p, __ , the learned of !be wild island homlcllle cue of men, canylnJ shotgum auu and made some inquiries about Chula. murder pistol. "He may not have obtained pe.rmls!ion Hoaoluhf P,,Uee DeltdJve Capt. John to leave the state," uld Mo~ey Milam, Dlckaon, however, stuck to his theory assistsnt U.1. attorney handling • San told Thursday that the r u t .h I e 1 1 Diego ca1e involving Olul1 and marl· IOM• COMMODI I LJ Aw1il1W• 111 dellr: ..Wt. "' 111 f!'llrrt••• .,..11 ....... '. 4 palntalll 4•c•r•tiefl. $17' He alto uld, "We lblnk there Is ...,,. tJIOllln ol cndlt that wW .. ~ .. lnlannicl -.... -tMt h6l1* ... the bond !slue puaed." · ~ ''When tbty Wk ollout spir-n.r conrtructlon cosla . . . we~o polntlt!f ~ ouhrt've abo rot spiraling Uvin&: mrttt.'' Teacher associaUon preaiderit Ray Snyder sJ4Sested the teacher requetts, ll approved, will benefll lbe students. "We think ll the lhlnp lo !bis pacbft • come •bc?Ut ab.Mfenll are Phil to benelii tmmePurabl,r from It," bo oald. Chuck Stel!D!'ll'. challlnaA of the teacbera' public. relationa committee • spoke of teachers doing more the, jua1 focusln& on salary. "Practically every ' aspect of a teacher's eliatence in involved in this package," he said. Snyder said teachers are fortunate it> have a very enlightened · acbool board and seemed optimirtic that the requests ·will he -nc!lvecl. Here Is what tbe-teachers are askin1: ON SALABY -More pay relative • to be&inning teachen' uJary for teacben with years of experience. -More pay for additional training to keep up with rising colt of education. -Teacher contracts be open end so pay can be increased it m'ore reverwe becomes available during the ·IChool year. -Pay for principals and adminiltrators for actual days worked not covered in their contract. -All principals be ad vanced one step on the salary schedule. -The muter's degree be eliminated as a requirement for salary advancepttnt and education course unlta be accepted instead. --Salary increases of $500 be 'liven. career teacherl in th e 15lh, zotb an d }Slh year of !<aching. -The rate lor summer IChool salarl~ be equal to the aalary rate during the regular school year. --Substitute teacher pay be increased. -Pay for after-school duty such as coaching or advising student acU'vtUu be Increased 50 percent. FRINGE BENEFITS --Sabbatical leave pay be increased from two-thirds lo three-fourths of regular salary. -Teachers be given two days of paid personal leave in addition to present 10 days of sick leave. -The school district increase its con• tribution to $400 per teacher each year for health and welfare benefits, the extra cost lo be paid for by a pe.rmissive ovenide increasing the tu rate. -That six yeara of teaching uperience fn other school districta be accepted for pay calculaUons Instead ol tho present maximum of five yetts. OTHER REQUESTS -Remedying of lltuations whm there are not sufficient teitbook!I for all children, and be willing to go beyond state minimum requirements where needed. -Ten •hours time off from teaching duties for partnt C005Ultationa instead oC five. -Members of teacher negotiation council meet on school time. INVOLVEMENT -Joint committees of teachers and administraton be formed to f i n d .solu· ti OM in these 10 problem areas: School calendar, grievance procedure, master guideline for meetings, a pro- fessional practice& handbook, training to update 1kJIJs, wriUng of a c:urriculum guide and teacher involvement in plan- ning tu or bond elections, electlon. and advancemtnt of teachers, reualcn- mer:it of teachers, a faculty committee for eacb achoo! bui1dJn&, and a high schoof remedial nadlng program. 2 EXCEPTIONAL . TABLE FEATURING CARVED BASE. !'." GLASS 66" LONS ll" WIDE $339 I I \ beachboy1 merely killed Pond to unpreas juana. the qther two wltb 11vagery. Milam said young C.ula 11 scheduled EXCLUSIVE DEALERS fOR: HINRllDOH-DUXIL-HlltfTAOI Somewhat skeptJcal during their lnltla.l to appear befort a U.S. Commissioner lnvutlaat1on of lhe crime -which April J. to enttr a plea 1temming from aoundl more like a televlslon ~lpt than his San Yaldro 'Oorder atTest July It, a poUce ~ occurrence -said todlJ 196&, When he wa11 11ltgedly Carrying II delinllely has elemtnll ol outhenllclty. Jiil pounds of marijuana . One partk:ulat angle being explored The ff(ieral attorney 11ald Chula was ts the owntrahlp ol a brick, or one-hatf to hive 1ppeartd In court for trial kUo ol marijuana. fou"ld on the ground Jan. 20, but failed to ahOw up und outlldt tbe iuldc A.frame cottag1 when wa1 arruted by Newport Beach Police lovutlgalDn arr!YllcL on Lido fale In earl,y February, u. Dickson uld today hll mtn have Milam aid the. youth was liken to not been 1ble to 1lnk tht ccmtraband San Dltp aftenrard and llDTtndered plclced up near Ille houla abared by by his .•teplather, at which Umo tho thrte youthl who wen hostlnl Pond U.S. Commlulontr, equivalent of Jud.gt, unlll he got a job and wa1 settled. granted ball and conUnued lhe case. • , ( 90 DAYS NO INTERIST-LONGER TIRMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CRIDIT NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Woatcllfl Dr,, 642-2050 orlll NIDAY "TIL t INTERIORS Prol ... IOf"I 1,,nttrlor LAGUNA llACH DoolfM MS North C..et Hwy. Avollohlo .t.ID-NSID -"'"•' m t _ , .. ,,.. -.. --_, ... ' ., 4"'65JI I· • • ,1 I · • Spy Crews T0-Learn Surviv CORONADO ( U P I) - Sailors who take lhipg like the USS Putblo on future .,. pionage missions may be trained intensively ob wbat to do if they get cauibt. That ,..,,,ed certain lo be one outcome of the> Putblo affair, and the Navy coon of inquiry lnlo the mael'1 seizure by North Korea met today behind ~--· lo discuss it. Summoned before the five admiral! wu Capt. John Stane, an authority on the l! Ii • • ' Navy't'SERE program, which ~~. ~ ,. teacbe! survival, evaaion, -~ ~ ' ·~)/ .resilitanCe and eacape from _!::::=::=:=::::=:=========~~~=::::::::::~ Comm.unist lands. Two uilors aboard the Pueblo al tbe Wn• of her capture Ju. 23, 19St, were graduates of the SERE school. llJ studenll go through a rug- \ ged COlD"M! of interrogation \ and mistreatment by officers trained in Communist police 1 rnethocb. B<Ah men h a v e tesilied their SERE training helped them stand up under 11 1 months of captivity in North Korea. The other 80 Pueblo &urvivor1 bad no s u c h '• training. The court adjoorned for the weekend. Its president, Vice Adm. Harold Bowen, flew to · \ Hawaii for a conference with his chief, Adm. John J. Hyland, commander in chitf of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Hyland, who convened the court of Inquiry Into the Pueblo affair,.will be 1he flJ'St person to read Its recom- mendatiorui. Under· normal Navy procedure he would get them two or three wetka after the court adjourns. Seala~ 3 Chief Says Safety Project Goal SAN DIEGO (UPI) - '·Safety first" was the guiding principal ot the Navy's Sealab 3 project, the head of the program told a board oE of- ficers investigating the death of an aquanaut. Capt. William Nicholson, project manager for ail of the Navy's deep submergence operations, said Th u r s d a y divers were lost every year and one of ihe goals <>f the Sealab program was to im· prove the aafety margin. He said all decisions made the day Berry L. Cannon died of carbon dioxide poisoning on the ocean floor were "made with thorough consideration or all conditions." Cannon died during his 1e· cond dive In less than 12 hours in 49-degrtt waler to seal leaks in the Sealab habitat parked on the bottom of the Pacific, 610 feet below the surface. NicbolSOfl said the decii.ion to send the four-man team of aquanauts down the second time seemed "a reasonable way to go." But one of the aquanauts who survived the dive, RI c Ji a rd Blackburn, testified earlier the dive ".should ne ver have been made." An autop!y dilclosed cannon was asphyxiated by a fatal buildup of carbon dioxide in his breathing apparatus, which constantly cleans and recycles the helium-oxygen miJ:ture. Frkf.v, MNCft i, iitn Mrs. Meir OK'd as Israeli Premier JERUSALEM !AP) Jarael 's ruUnc Lahar ,porly .,,. cloraed Golda Melt for prime mlnllt today, virtually as-•urlni the Job. '!be former f m!nlator sale! ahe woud , even tboucb the pro- "tenifled" her. a statement to the party's CeilblO! Committee Mrs. Meir made t aPPf,rent 1he will re- tain the cabinet of Prime Minister Levi Elhkol wbo died Feb. 21 after a heart attack. Tbls indicated that Moahe Dayan, a political rival ol M·rs. Meir wjll stay 0{1 as defense minllter • President Zalman Sbau.r is Drug J.Jsage Up Sharply In Military WASHINGTON (UPI) - Investigaliou of suspected use of drugs roM! aharply last year iq the armed forces, especially in Vietnam, the Pentagon said today. The fiaures could indicate either more use of drugs or more intensive detection pr~ cedures. Worldwide there were 14,041 investigations in 1968 as com- pared to 7,641 in 1967. In Viet- nam the totala jumped from 1,390 in 1967 to 3,Wl in 1961. Y-ost of the investigations concerned use of marijuana . The r at e s per lhousand trpopa for such cases were given as 4.18 for Europe and 7 .99 for Vietnam in 1968. The 1967 rate in Vietnam was 2.89. "I could only guess," Frank A. Ba.rtimo, chairman of the Defense Department's Drug Abwe Control Committee. said in an interview, "but I believe much of the increase is due to our greater focus on the mbject." espocted ti Uk !be ~ytar .. ld aranclrnotber. by MOllday to form a cabinet. The Central Comm.Jttee en- dorsed Mn:. Meir by a vote ol 217.0 with '5 abateoUODI, mainly lfom supporters of Dayan, who bad reportedly hoped to win' the prime mlnlsttr'a poat. Mn. Meir favor1 Deputy Prime MlnlJttr YJ&al Allob over Dayan. But poUUcal oblerven aay ahe will neeff the popular DlylJI to contjnue as defense minllter to keep up public moraJt. 1lle OOHyecl dof"enaa Mr~ Melr-am otod la-,,.. If Ille-would a<elfl Ibo m1..i.t. aa1cl urllar lhfl .week c,....u1 u ahe 111 !n.!.Jbe JlOI~ Mn. Meir withheld ber be would be'-wllllns to serw tblra rOw, wearing a navjt declslon unlit the central com· under Mr1. Meir if she was blue dress. Dayan sat un--mlltee voUQg. Privat.e.ly she chciseo by the party corn-notlced well baclr In the 6aU UjJl'<ued fw that the atraln mltt<e. · and felt wh"' the meet!nc o11 .. c1enhlp mlgllt'prove too Now 70, the f 0 rm tr wu half over. A rpoktlmltl mucb for bu health. Milwaukee schoolteacher will for him, Shimon Pertt, told PlnJw s a p 1 r • aecretary- be Urael'1 foutlh Pr f m • !be del••att1 that the ""•an --·al of the ~rty told lb• -1-1-'-· and probab'" ill last ..., ~ evln.4 r-• iimuo\oQ v facUoo would accept Mrs. party caucus today th a t aovernment chief from the Mtlr and added "we are Av-''Golda it suited tor a public . 1enerat1on ol lmmlgrant.s who Ing our decision'' oo whether mluioo. Sbe has the abJUty founded tbe Jewish naUon. the deftnle minister would bid to lead aDd. the authority h1 After her, the leadership b for Uie top post in November. I.be Country and the labor ~ lO pau on to the Although Labor' p a r t y movem~nt. And abe is ac- aativ&-bom Sabras, llie Allon leaden bad asked her last cepted by almoat everybody.•• and Dayan. \r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ * * * * * * II Basil IV. Oberbansll "of London," well N U A b -known Harbor Area Chef bu ple1111re asser rges ra s in announclne the opening of his · Authonlie ·llrlli1h Pl• Shop! All Fooda to Go -Including Sand· To H.;t Israel F.;rst · w1cb ... Sal•ds, etc. we .1a. cater 100 al)occuion<. " 11 canape.s, Birthday & Anniversary Ca kes u well as dinnerst ~By Ulla.I Preu Int.eraadoul He said in a new war EiYPt For Your "TAKE.OUT., Orders ..• K ctoae cOnfidailt of Em!· needed air bues In other Arab 'THE ·oRIGINAL 645-2252 ~res::'t!~u ~ :n~F:;u: ! !'::1~ :OBERHANSLI'~ Arab naUons should attact to strike at the heart of Is-OP LONDON Israel first. in the next Mid-rael without impunity because 270 E. 17th St., Hlllgren Square i I b~-.-..1 f tNtxt ,. ... SbderJ CHttl Me .. die Eut war. New fiahUng ts Panes are ~ too 1 r 1,..1.: 111 ..... , ._,., w111111,,....., '''""' ,. .. '"-' nared along the tense Arab-~lfom~~h~r~a!'el:_. _____ _!.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Israel frontier . Hassanein Haikal, editor ol the semi-official Cairo newt- paper Al Abram and a fre- quent Nas..<er spokesman, also called for the Egyptian u 1 e of air bases in Syria, Jordan and Iraq. He said such an agreement would enable Russian-built Egyptian MIG jets to strike at tbe heart ol I11rael. The Arabs should altack first in a next Middle E as t war and the attaclrs should be launched from 1everal Arab countries at once, creating several fron~ and forcing Is- rael to divide Its troops, he said. . the origtnal light Scoteh now5~ fifth USHER'S • ! ; ' · i Author Tells of Spat . Uris Threatened Wife Before Death Hatka1 said th a t 1 blitz· laieg pattern wed by the Is· raelis in the six-day war in .June, 19'7, would not be feas- ible in a new conflict because Tsratli pl~ are now acatter-\====================~~~~~~~~== ed at many bases. most of which are now further from the Arabs than before. ASPEN, Colo. (AP) - Author Leon Uris aay' he and his beautiful young bride quar- teled and that he told her, "We're through," short l'y before she was found dead of a gumhot wound Feb. 19. A sil:-member coroner's jury resumes its hearing to- day, after failing to reach a deci!lion during a day-long hearing Thursday on the death t m 26-year-<>ld Mrs. Margery Uris. Investigating officers sa id earlier her death v.·as an ap- parent suicide. ' 1 There had been earlier spats since their -maniage last • 1 September, Uris testified, but 1 added they always had been aettled quietly. In the wt dispute, he said he told her, "We're through. Go sleep downrtair1." · But, he uld, ••What really ~ .l got me" wa1 Mrs. Uris' reply 1 to hil order. "I've made other plans,'' he quoted her as uying. "She was calling my blufi," said the 44-year-<>ld author of such succeuful novels as "Ex- odus," "Topa z," "Battle Cry," and "Mlla 18." "When she walked by me 1he said 'Goodbye. Enjoy the presents.'" He siid his Jut words were: "Marge, if you don't tell me where you're going, it's the worst ml.stake of your life." The reference to presents involved prtsents sh1. had given Uris and his son earlier in the day. Mrs . Uri.s -model,. artist, silversmith -had b e e n described a.s "one of the beautiful people" of this Rocky l\1ountain ski resort. Their fashionable h o m e o\·erlooked the town. Uris told the panel, "We were happier than any couple I knew/' but conceded he had talked with hls attorney the day of the shooting about a divorce. Ass.i stant Di.at. AUy. John Wendt asked if he was serious atiout the divorce. ; • No t really," Uris replied. "It was kind of a bluU." He said it wa11 starting to 1now when his wife walked to the door. "She had an anguished look on her face," he said. 11She hesitated as though she didn't know where she was going or if she wanted to come back into the house. "It WU I test ol wills, J 11JUS," Uris said. He said JET '*~ , 77 ··-' ' --. . ~ . . -.NOISE By Jen • One ol lbe blgg.,t batU., In too when we will let U the bl& j our CID'l})llgn to protect out airllDes have the bit say •• , or i nice homea against the big jell If the little property owner· ~and the blight that Ibey bring taxpayer still COWlll for ll«lle- 1Jo our homes, our f~mlllt:a, and thing in our cre-t America-the .ou.r pocketboob, will be fought airport has made anodler crit· _thts coming Tu.esday, March 11. lcal and costly decision. ;,. The place will _ be the ~ty At the cost of an estimated •1.Board of Superv1S0rs offi~ at Jl!I0,000 of your money, the alr--~IS North S~camore (~at• JUSt port people have ordered five i::West of Matn Street) m Santa indles of asphalt to be added f;Ana. to the existing Orange County · ~t 10:30 Newport's pretty and airport runways . :efficient. Mayor, Doreen Mar· Along with this bl11hld: lay· ,ahall, will ao before the board er, other paving will brlnt JOllT :·and uk them to turn down t!>' ill to $2SO,OOO •.. and iuea l·Hqll<St of hall a d~ bl& air-t it'• for! Could U be to ~-to ny more nights to bring in bigger, falter, louder : .more, far-di. cities, frcm our and heavier Jeta to tbt airport ~.Jillie Orance County airport. so they can rJy over J'OU!' boUle ... While ao m&QY peOple under µi.ake your home worth ,.the nlgb! Potlern ..... cliaap-less and less! Seem stranp • pointed wben the city of Costa that tbe county wUI uk the taJ· • M"a teemJ lo be 1olng ·alOlll payer to pay for tbll .....Ued with the aerial lnvuioo over improvement. thnlr city, Mayor Manhall and * * + • the Newport Beach c:ouncll art Le1°1 be In S.nta Ana on 'dead tel agaln$t If. Mareh 11 •• She wlll need your support on · !~his date. Why not come by very * * * •early and be on hand to voice We will bt bac-here on 'l'\!11- )'0Ur protest by your appear· •1· Meanwhile call us at '42- :. -1ncoe at o. suptrTilon ch am· fOt .•. or stop b1 our btad- ' ben 'nlat date again March cruartua In Colt& Men at 17th : 11 Tuesday at 10·111 in Santa St. and Irvine (upltaln) at 411 hia ' · Eat! t71h 5' Wt a,. opeo •t =: . * * * 10:00! Even before the critical de-Airport Hoist AbattmtnJ cl$ion on March 2$ In WU.hlng· Committtc then he heard three abets. He said he thought Mrs. Uris was firing at the house "to show me she was 1ood penetrated the brain. A third bullet struck her purse, found lying by the body. Minuteman 2 Launched and mad." East German VANDENBERG AIR He said. be kept guns In FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) "-the house "because there had A k A I -The Air Force, testlna: corn-s s !!Y um ponenlJ of the Minuteman been a threat on my life after weapons system, launched a I wrote 'Topaz.' " That novel POVLSKER, D e n m a r k Minuteman T w o Intercon- deaU with international in· (UPI) -·A captain 1n the tinental Ballistlc Missile down trigue involving France and East Gennan Air Force fle\v the Western Test Range at the United States. He said a plane to this town on the 12:20 a.m. today. The mW:ile, launched by a the threat was made "by Baltic Island of Lombolm t~ team ol Air Force and in- agents from a. foreign country day 11.nd uied for political dustry personnel, soared to who arrived in Aspen." asylum. DanUh authorities a predeterminetl tar1et area The autopsy showed one .38-took him to Copenhagen for in the Pacific, the Alr Force questioning. said caliber bulle t caused •,-------------· -------- superficial wound in Mrs. Uria' cheek and another en- tered her mouth a n d Many Idled In· January WASHINGTON (UPI) There were more workers idl· ed by strike.s ln January than in any January since l~, according to the L a b o r Department. There were 320 work stoppages during the month, the department aaid, involving 182,000 workers. YOUR OWN BUSINESS -W• .tf•r ftn1nci1l 111l1t1nce ... is-tie ..... (llll9dLllM • ,..,. ..... ._. ~-L QimplN ....... pt'Of'l'W· W•'' leterrere W1U. .,....t ~-· SEND 'lHIS AD 1'0R ftEE BBOClltJllE- Universal Chinchllla Breeders 1 lJI :&Mt AM Stree&, hlluMm, o.111, OLD: ('114) ST•tlll or Oonec&: (114) nl·S111 .., ____ ,,, JWL 11111 AD STEREO SENSATION! .,. ' 12 • NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED . INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL! per annum compounded daily ASSETS OVER $4~!5.000.~0.00 -- MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO L OAN ASSOCIAT ON CORONA DEL MAR ~8 67 Ees t Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, Calif. 92625 telephone: 675·5010 H£ADOFFICE 315 E. Colorado Blvd. -·Calif. 91109 ttlepllono: «~~5 l. OTH ER IRAllQI omco Covinl, G1'u' 11 W1stA,...,la • I " I l l • • q 1.y --,.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' LDAtL l:" PILOT EDITORIAL P AGE I ' • Bikeway s at Last Newport Beach has finally blazed the lrall for a network of bikeways throughout lhe Harbor Area. A 35-mile system is now part of the city's Master Plan. . Newport councilmen unanimously approved the In· clusion lut week , capping two years of studies during which the proposal was pedaled from one city com· mission to another, and then back again. Costa Mesa, UCI and Orange County government representaUves parUcipated in iniUal studies in 1967. They indicated agreement to linking their territories with the Newport System. But so far, the only decisive action ~eems lo have been taken by Newport. Once the entire Harbor Area joins NeWport's net· work, an ambitious bicyclist cou:Jd -by following the !ligns -travel alon~ some 75 miles of trails. Unfortunately, the cyclist will have to be as cau. tious a~ ambitious -for a good portion of the trails, in Newport. at least, will be on existing roadways. These include Newport Bou1evard, Dover Drive, Pali· sades Road and one .day wilrinclude MacArthur Bou!· evard: all of wbich already cariy more than .their share of automobile traffic. But Newport has done its best. The bilteways are on that city's official maps. Now it is up to Cpsta Mesa and other local agencies to pick up the trail. Ur gent: A YE S Vote The Tuesday override election will be a crucial one ' for burgeoning Tustin Union High School District. The school board is asking the electorate to approve a $1.50 tax rate. The board believes, as do many other responsible citizens, that this will continue existing ed.· ucation levels. fund one year's operation of a new high school and build depleted reserves. The reserves, necessary, to no,rrnaJ. ,~ool opera· lion, are nearly exUnct as the result of drawing on them to offaet the overdraft created by the exis!lng $1.20 ta1 rate. If the election should fall, ai> three others have in recent years in the big fast-growing district, the rate would •ink back to the basic rate of II.I cents. Supt. Robert Dahlberg has estimated this would mean cutting the teaching staff by 45 persons in the face ol enrollment increases of about 700. Classes are already large. And what of. transportation for the district? New buses are needed. The district's latest model is a 1956 vintage. Some buses have more than a quarter million miles use. The DAILY PILOT strongly recommends a YES vole Tuesday for the future of Tustin Union High School District and its children. A Hazard to the Last • Nature undid a lot of. man's work last week. And 10me of it deserved IA> go. _ _ '.l'he old abandoned Jamboree Road bridge, for in· stance. The rickety, woodeµ span was wrecked by flood waters charging down the San Diego Creek . Its destnicliion solved a vexing problem for 1oc31 authorities. They hadn't been able to figure out what to do with it since its replacement by adjacent conc;rete bridges in recent years. The new bridges \Vere built along a re-routed road· way after some hall-dozen ~eop1e lost their Jives in auto crashes on the narrow, two-lane wooden bridge. So its ignoble end was fitting. But as it went , it kept up its reputation as a hazard to the last. Its debris poured into the Back Bay. And those chunks of. lumber are now a threat to navigation. ... • /, 'l!ER£ • • ' " '4kTJ.~l \ .. . -• .. ~f)'IJSfRr • • .. N TALES OF THE RE!> BERETS New Look at Helping R~lationship . To Aid Efforts Toward World Peace ~~ ! By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. Time Was Y.1hen, upoo seeing someone for the first lime in my <lffice, my initial question· would be , "How can l be ()f help?" Without C<lnsciously realiz- ing it, this inferred that somehow [ could dispense some form <lf magic which would make the person feel better. become heaJthier, change maladaptlvi into adaptive behavior, or gel "fiJ:ed." I was functioning according to the assumption<lf 1•p1 ye ho I o g ic a I in- tervention" in which I, the helper, was able to provide -for a ree -the answers to living which he, the one needing help, could not provide for himself. I stressed what I could do to and for him because, after au, i( he could find his o wn answer&, he wouldn't have to contact me. UNDER TH~f circumstances, a ao- <:alled "helping relationship" was established. Someone helpless comulte<I somfl')!le else who was not only squared away, but had so mucP extra help that he could afford to sell iL Whal ls the differenct between pat.ienl and doctor? One <lf my friends, also a psychologist in private praclice, laughingly states that th'e people who came Into his office are very "patient" while he "practices" on them. A doct.or. someone with M.D.. Ph.D.. Ed.D., or D.D. behind his name, doesn't have all the answers to t.be problems of living No amount of education, a Ione, guarantees wisdom. He i:s, however. a 11peciallilt in ooe phase of the art and science of improving life. The patient also may have a specially. but hr is a generalist in living. THE ~UNIMUM requiremenl f<lr • psycllologist, psychiatrist, social worker, pastoral counselor, or other helper is that bt be highly trained and •killed with the tools and techniquu ol "his profmion: that's understood. Beyond Dear • Gloomy Gus: How do you make 1'Pink'' p~ pie? Fly jet! over lUS house. -W.R. H. T~ll fHI-l'tl'lldt ,,.,_., •il'wl• •" fltoe.u1r11r tll-et 1'111 _."'"'· s...c veur NI _. W G~r 9vl. Dllll" P'li.t. this !tC'lTIU!l-be willing and able to offe~ not only his expertise, but also his alivene6!. By ao doing, he gradually but s..gel1. cf,Jllributes to hia4 ~tie1nt'~ pSYchol0g1Cal'l'tealtl'f. • '"~ The real help, during a helping rela· tionship, comes from an e.mphasis on the iw-• or whit 1' l"lllll ~· not on the end. Open inquiry ls more con- ducive to happiness than readymade aolu· tiorui to problems. Both the doctor and patient are attempting to live more fully. The human interaction in the o[fk:e of the professional helper is a microcosm of what botll of them experience in daily life. JN THE DOCTOR'S office, both are paying attention to the patient's living, in an effort to make him better at it. I have learned a great deal from those l waa trying to help, and I hope they have learned aomething from me also. Before help can be given in eltber direction, the emphasis muat be on th• proceas, not the end. Nobody wails until be finishes therapy to atart living. For tile process to olfer maximum help , there must be authenUclty and reciprocity. I am a person trying to be a psychologisL My patient is anotbtr person trying to do whatever is his thing. His psychological growth proceeds proportionately to our respective abilities lo share our authenticity. CONVEMEL Y, his growth is inhibited to the extent that "'e perpetuate our personal hangups, status g a m e s , phoniness, and defensiveness together. Certainly a professional helper can be of help. But it is he, in pi-C>CtU "ith his patient -not his traininl, knowledge, or technical •kill -who is tht esaential catalyst in Improving livtng. Children as a Tax Break Childrtn are a blessing -or at least a La:r break . even though the $600 ex- cmpLion "·on'.t CO\'er much of their keep the.Se days. Parenll can claim the e1emption wh"n they provide more than half or their children's support; A child may l''ork summers or carry • paper route and aduatlY make up to $600 himselr which will not be tued. The working child U1us has 1 double czemption. a child under ninetttn or a atudent of any age can ea111 Income ol any amount. Beskita lht partnt's deduct.ion, the chUd· may take hl1 own penonat. exernpti(rn in his return. ln decidlng wbtlher the parents furnished more lhan half o( bls support, the ta x man wt.II not firure in the )'OW\Pter·s eamino not spent on his own support. FOil JtU,MPLE, Johnny. a. junior col· lep ~enc, w«ked summen and made fa • year. HU employ<r withheld 1100 In WM. U Ibo paronta spend $1 ,000 to ~ Johmq, lbe1 can claim him u an uempUon. Johnny can alao fllt '1il on return tnd cla!m his °"" ffOO ez~ pay Ibo tu tnd 1et t reftmd. U ~ havt 1 '""'" ton or d1u1htcr I Law in Action I living at home who Is neither a student nor under nineteen, check his part.time income. U be earns more than $800 he ls no Joager a dependent. 11 he ell11' Jea than $600 .YOU can mu claim him 11 an exemption. SOMETIMES PARENTS mal:t U1 savinp by giving their children peno111J property aich u stocks. Partrits mey act 11 ~odim ind can hoht tltle and keep t0me control over the stocks. But note: The property belon11 lo the cbUd ; you cannot legally uae It nor its proettd.1 to btntfil anyone else. As I tu llVtr, pa.rent. ofleD put real estilte or other property into • • trus1 ror chlJdttn. One an al&o makt periodic: girts to children and uve lnhtrU.ance and estate. tu es. Nou: California 1awvm ol/t1 111;, rolumn 10 vou "'aft kn0t0 obcwt our ICTICI. ' ' Military Victory Needed in Vietnam To the Editor : We should realize the rather ominous aspects of events occurring on various p&rl$ or Ibo globe. • The Russians (Communisls) are in- volved, to the detriment ol the free world, In Vietnam, in the Middle East, in the Nigerian-Biafran conflict, and in the heavy pres!Ul'es now being put on West Germany and West Berlin. We also should not ignore what Russia did recently in Czechoslovakia. I submit that it would be unwise for the United Stales presently to enter a nuclear nonproliferaliorl treaty \Vith the Sovie! Union. SU Cit A TREA 1'Y could be more favorably considered r,in the 'future, .after the Kremlin had abanponed ~its ag. gressive and subversive activities in the lives of <llher nations. lt Js my hope that concerned readers will join me in writing our senators in Washington regarding this. A further important matter is to let senators and congressmen know that a military vic- tory in Vietnam over the Communists at an early date would be in tht best interests of the United States and greatly aid our efforts toward world peace. URBAN L. SCHMITZ Tree Seleetlon EN"or To the Editor : As .-home owner on Alla Vista ·Drive, Eastbluff, perhaps I reflect the <lpinion of other citizenl in that category that the city should act now to rectify the initial error in selecting eucalyptus trees for planting along the cui:b strips. Since originally planted more than foqr years ago under a contract awarded to a nonprofessional, the maintenance depart· ment has been fighting a losing battle in attempting to save them. More than 50 percent have fallen \'ic· tims to the Santana winds. A COUPLE of years ago. I learned from a city employe that some con· aideration was being given to throwing in the towel but since then certain of tbe wind casuaJlieJ have been replaced by elongattd twigs six feet or more in height; some ol a base diameter le!S than three quarters of an Inch. 'I'bo.tt twigs are supported by 2 inch · x 1 Inch boards and since the wind can't find them perhaps they won't be broken or derooted for 1 few years. DURING EACll Y.'inler sea.son, Alta ,...---B11 Geor9e ---· Dear Geor&e : i\1y New Year'~ reSQlutions trt lo quit smokiog, drinking, staying up lale, spending money carelesaly and wasting my time on girls and loose living -and IO far, 50 &ood. My problem is \his -what else hi there to do 7 DETERMINED Dear Detmnlned : You need 1 &bby to occupy your mind. How about. breaking New Year's resolutions? That's alway• popular and ·there'1 a very large club you could join •.•• De<[ George: H<lw did you de\·elop your marvelous power! of concentration and can you teach them to me? s. c. Dear S. C.: Huh! Oh, Yeah. ye•h, T can teaeh )'OU. AU you have to do lJ what was that qucslloa 1pln" Mailbox , Lene,.. trom rHd~rs ... w11com1. Nomi1lfv wrl11" U.Ould l';OttVll' ltlllr meu191 In JOO Wllrd! Dr !us. 1l>I rlgtit kl condensl lfttsn to Ill AllU or lllml-nall libel If rn1rYed, All lltt1n must lnclucM slel'lllvrt ind m•lllfle ..:ldrn.. lllvt fl-"''" be •l"'hlld DI! .... 111111 ff lllflkilnl ,..._ f$ .,.,,,...,,, Vista Drive periodically might be utilized by Boeing for wind tunnel testing of its SST mock-ups. Hence there is a problem not limited to the recent heavy !'torms. However, certain other Eastblufr streets are subject to those winds and other 1types <lf trees along the curb strips have suffered compara:tively light damage. \\'hether some of the remaining Lree:s ultimately might survive is hardly the point. A large percentage of those are shapeless wrecks which survive <lniy' because most of their brancheJ have previously taken flight, some believed si~ted over Catalina Island at high nOMI on 1 Tuesday . 1'lULE I llAVE tried to keep an npai mind, though not at both ends, <ln lhis subject, it seems difficult to justt1y further expenditure of the tax- payer~· money either for maintaining or replacing that type of lree. A study of Ute wind conditions appears in order with the thought of 1 complete replanting with trees which have a chance to survive. " Should city funds be unavailable for that purpose, perhaps photographs <lf those curb strips should be sent to President Nixon in aupport of a request that he declare the str.!et a disaster area. RALPH C. MILLER S1vin1tners -Slrot Do1v11' To the Editor : I have been reading in the DAILY PILOT about the recent penalties levied upon Corona de! Mar and Costa Mesa high schools. Unfortunately, the C<ln- sequences <lf the CIF ruling committet't action will have a much more serious effect than preventing deserving athletes {rpm competing. Today, more than ever, we hear of the misunderstanding, the strife, and the conflict, between the generatloos. The older general.ion has been accused again and again of being hypocritlcaJ and unjust. This description seems to flt the whole situation involving the CIF and the parent who brought the charges in the first place. One wonders what tbe swimmers at Uiese high schools, and indeed cvtry high school student, art learning today about adults and justice. U.!AOINE THAT you are a swimmer al one of U'8le schools and have just been told that the enUre team is guUty of ctF rule violations. Remember, you have been getUng up at 5:15 every mominc during the BChool year and mod of the summer to work out. This you have been d<llng for' four ye&rr. What has suddenly changed, you w<1hder? l~ow can S<lmtOne work out illegally? I have talked wJth many ()( the swint· mers at Corona and they had no idu they were working <lut illegally. A1ost of lhem didn 't even know there was a CIF Blul!!book (the official rule. book). let alone that It was kept in the coach's or princlpal's office. Most of them are angry that no one told them about thl~ or even that lhey ml&ht be working out Illegally. I wonder what they art thinkini: now about 1dult11 and the older generation. I OtON'T KNOW IM:rt "'as -Ctf' Bluebook tither, hut I dtcidtd lo read It to find out what rules had been violated. I guess I'm dumb because I can't fiod the rule and I read the book five times. There was a CIF meeting held lo ''determine the truth." Included was the legendary Mr. Fagans, head of ClF, and even the mother that phoned in about the charges was there. It was impossible for me to attend but I talked with some who had. What they sa id could have been predicted : Fagan.c; double-la lked for half an hour, a few people hollered and screamed, and everything remained as it had been before with no concrete explanations. This is justice, and then some people "'onder why youths learn to que~<ln adults. ONE POINT THAT really irritates me is the mother's {the one who made -the accusations) motive for shooti ng down all these young men. I have been swimming a few years and have been to many local and AAU meets. l have noticed that this mother has two sons who swim. I also know that the <lnly two local boys who have beaten her sons go to C. del ltf. Hig~ School. ls this a coiocidence? No, I guess this is justice! MIKE MARTIN Parental Apath9 To the Editor: I aUended a meetiog recently. Fcyers were distributed through some or· the Newport-Costa Mesa schools (some 6,000 I understand) and other sources of which I am not aware. ·The net result was approximately a dozen i n t e re a t e d parents. The topic was venereal disease! I was astounded at the lack <lf at- tendance at this meeting. Are the parents in this area that apathetic? Or do they think it could never happen to them (or theirs)? Or do th ey really believe they (and theirs) know all of the answers? ONE OF rt1Y objectives in attending this meeting was lo see a • movie and judge for myself whether 1 wanted my child or any child within the teen-age span to view this film. I would now appreciate another opportunity to see this film again WITH my teen-ager. This film , "A Quarter of a Million Teen-agers," was excellent, in good taste and effective. I found nothing ob- jectionable about It. Parents must determine for themselves what their children are exposed to in this respect. lt1V OBJECTION is that the J>Brenls don't appear to be Interested enough to take advanlage of opportunities when they are offered. I compliment and praise the Junior Ebell Ctub 0£ Newport Beach and Vernon C. Mitchell, president of the Commltlff for lbe Eradication of Syphilis, Int .• for their efforts to help educate I.be parents in this area. t also wish to apologl1.e to them for the ·apathetic ma· jority of parents in thi1 community. MRS. BE'l'TY GLASER 'Dome Lo ver'•' Replfl To U1e Ed itor : This letter ls ln rtply to the letlt.r from "Orange County Airport l.,o\ler" (Mlllbox, March 5). May he learn Uurit h15 penonal con.- venieoce and comfc:tt Ja not to be gained at the expense of others. Miy his home fa.11 Into the Santa Ana ru ver alter be voted against lbe Dood cootrot bands. May the county bulld a ae.wage: dispo8al plant next to his home and refuse to condemn his property. Bttler still, may the county cond&mn his homt. and refuse to pay falr m•r.ket value. Even better, may be learn the . frustration and fury that comes when • hi& home is threatened by unregulated , •;progress"· <1.nd some buffoon writes a •. letter such as his to the local paper. MAY HE ClRCLE forever over Ken. , nedy Airport in a &nowstonn. If he lives in C<lsta Mesa, may his entire city be strangled by freeways, and then • be annexed to Baja California for C<ln· version into a super bowling alley. May the county build a runway that f>oints directly over his home. ~fay he live next to a polluted ri\•er. and a beach ruined by <lil spills, and choke constantly on air polluted by in· dustrial \\1astes. And finally, may he survive to see the day (a few years hence) when Orange County Airport becomes so congested with passenger• and ever·larger jets that he wril.eJ .1 • whining Jetter to the DAILY PILOT '- complaining about the inC<lnVenience and . intolerable conditions at the airport. A HOME LOVER Gun ContPol To the Editor:. ...... In the light of the majority o( <lUr=. citizens' desires for betler gun control ti!: measures, it is e.xlremely unfortunateZ: that a vocal minority, which seems rnorl!'=' concerned about its prerogatives and·! precious privileges than it does in pro· . ' tection for the. public and fair play ·. 1 for our police forces, should be able • t.o intimidate our lawmaking bodies, and-· make the passage of adequate gun con· . : 1 trol measure.a "° difficult . · : GRANTED THAT we need better law . enforcement and greater restrictions off! the criminal ; we also need better C<lntroiS. of the purchase, possession an d·i ' 1 packing o( pistols and automatic weapons,, : 1 if better crime control is ever to lake'-! place and we are to move out of the:;,: "\Vild \Vest'' era. !' \\le license drivers of vehicles who ·. Cause accidents, yet \\'e alsn license : vehicles to make Jaw enforcement easier. '. A comparable situation exists relative:t: to guns. ~. We need better control and more ;f: drastic penalties for those who use guns~ to COO'lmit crimes, but we also needJill· better control over the use <lf automatic~· weapons. This will not stop 1poNmeni from hunting, but it v.·ill make Jaw · enfortement easier. ~· IT IS TIME for the 111lent majority1' who loo easily permit therngelve1 to 1 be shouted down by a vocal minority 1 to speak out. · Certainly if ine senseleM slaying oti'. Jnrnant individuals and the lifel<log cfi~ pling ol many others can be reduced~ through gun control, the inconvenitn~ or a gun control measure which req~ a permit Is • small price to pay. ::!; W. B.SCllOENBOHM>i<. ' """ r-~~~~~~~--,;"" --~--- Friday, March 7, 1969 TM cdilorlal,,.,,. of the Doilr PiloS ncla to itlform arid ttfm.. ula:te rtadns bll prerrnttng W.. ncwlJ'Cl)ff'o opiftlons ond cmfto mdt.a~ °" topics of tnUrc1t aml signfflcana, bl/ proVidfng • forum tOT Utt t~tuion of our rtadas" opftato?ll, end b~ J)ftse11tlng C}tf dititrlf oitt0- pcrillll of 111/onned ob•....,. and opolcwnn on lopia of th• do~. Robert N. Weed. Publisher J' .. ... ... -' • • ~ ' • ,. ' . a: ' -" " •. ... • • . . • ' '· - ---... .. f --. - • .. 't • " ---,-------- • • •IA-Aitl:IJll.SON, I-lier . ··-· ........ .. ,.., ~ . '~.,., • • • .. ' , .. . . . I) ' ,• , Associate• of Mano Con Amor Auxiliary, Cbllllml'• ' Home Society predict · showers on Friilay; Marcil 28. · . , , For this I& the date selected by them for their first endeavor -/a layette shower tor adoptive chilcl.ren who are placed in foster })omes while ·awaiting the arrival cf new-found.-parents. Newport Beach Tennis Club will be the selling· for the benefit which I& scheduled lo· begin with an 11 a.m. cocktail 8n!I social hour, followed i>Yi a noon luncheon. Gues\s al\ending are asked fq'bl'ing' gi!U of. baby· clothing, which will be placed under an Easter egf tree, one of the many spring and Easter decoratlbna plmmed-by Mn. DoBal4 MacLe"'I, 1Cliairman . AsllisUng hU wi)h arrang~ents are the 111m ... William :1.jarvin, GB!'Y Schmid and f'i;ank Carr. Reser• ~'fs. a.re b!'ing '*~;~~:.M~s. La~r~ce ~e al Tl\e · auXlliary,. which has ,~ in . existence Jess than a .year, 'bas ·an active melll'bersblp of 28 women lill4 Mrs. Ei;oi .J'ayne is the president. , ' l,ast Nov~mber they h06!ed1a tea for prospective associatea, th,e ~es!llt l!eing £he fonnation in January ' ~ • I I CH,ARITY BLOSSOMS -CenteT of attraction at Iii~ layette sbow- er,)>lanned by Associates of Mano Con Amor Allllliaey, Children's Home Society, will be an Easter egg tree where baby gifts will be placed by guests; Puttin~ 1he linhl touches ori the d~; are (left to right)' the Mmes. Donald MacLean,. chainnan,.La'lµence Kittle and Roi)al4 Wlnterburn. of tl,ils group; which, also boasts 28 workers. · oi·ot' Through efforts of the society, 31,000 children have been pJ,.,_.i in permanent homes since the private adoption agency was founded in 18111. Memorc;iPJe Mo_vi e · Mqments .. ~ · .... J :' •• ''£' if r· rij ·• a .,.!). flt rl'l" I '; (.t"!;,J,..-··"<1.;.~·.:r : ) ,;_, '"> ·.·_.' l ,'·'' 't. •• •• Camera' The history of cinema will be recreated in the Movie Show1 an exhibit opening Sunday, March 16, in the Newport Harbor Art Musew:µ. . · Covering the seven .sµiges of Hollywood film.making from sileni& to cinemascope, the exhibition will include film clips, sound tracks, pb.Qtpgraphs, costumes, proi}s, technical equipment and personal memorabilia. - " Personalities who brought luster to the screen and the directors who immortalized. them will be saluted, including stars such as Flor· eace Lawrence, Theda Bara, Buster Keaton, Mary Pickford. and Doug· .las Fairbanks, and directors D. W, Griffith and C~ B. DeMille. Young exhibit-viewers will enjoy film clips from Walt Disney 's animated pictures and the representation of special elfect equipment. 1 ' • Two special film showings will highlight the ·exhibition, which· will .close April 20. . · · ' · · ,. An Evening With Busby Berkeley anct .Ruby;K!"'ler.ww.iµe ·, place Sunday, March 23, in the science auclltorlum at Qrange Const , .. College, with Mis• Keeler present as special gut1t. · · ' .. · . Berkeley Choreographed most of the famous dance nwhbers ·in Ute musical films of the 30s al)d 40S: especially those-featuring the dance team of Ruby Keeler and.Dick Powell. M.~rable dance por- tions from those movies will be nm, spic~ ·~th ~m111entary, and a question-answer session will follow the showing. · On Tuesday, April IS, the Wqrld Qf Harold l.ioyd will be shown < ·al 8:30 p.m. in tlie Balboa l'heater. A rare film highlighting LIOyd's career, the museiim showing of it will bethe lint'ln the United •Slat•. Admission price for each film event:is· $3 ifor JlOl!lllemb~; . $2.50 for museum members and $2 for studenl&, Tlc;kets are 'available~', · atrthe museum office, 675-3886. . , 1 r " · \ Information or reservations for gallery·~ ere avl\il*J,le by . 1 calling Mrs. Nicholas S. Pl>tter, ~2623, or Miss : Pllyllis· Lui' eans, gallery administrator, 67>38l56. 1 ! ,_ ' : : () ,,Ann Goes ' · DEAR ANl'j LANDERS: Mom bas a mania fur saving · things. Our closeta · are j8Jll-flacked with dotbel ,.. outimr ages ago. We are teenagers now but Mom refuses to get rid of our Brownie unilonns and the socD we wore wben we wett: 5 years old. to ' .. \4.~9 rip~ ~-a ~~~ ~~q ~~rn ~;.~if h F~$hi9fl . • . . • . . . ' .. . ¥rangemen14 o! cherry ~-. ; blOAOm1, 1 ... oced -f1i1l figure MadOrinil; will ~ter t.1>"5 in tbe Newporter lDn . when· the Women'~ 'Guild Gf_ Our ·Lady Queen •. All&<li Chureh lioafl its IJllllja! IP,tlpi • luncheon and faalilon -··· .. MonlhllllOD~'~. -ts .. expei:led to a•w W.idnuday, \fa!di U, for t'1!i 11:1G11.m1·soc1a1 hour, lolJpw .. eel b , .. ~i.-.. and Ille lublaD Y--, . pafade. . G~ Wi!l 0 lie. sreei<dt-Rb1 •CMn, Willlam .ff. Jla!l>bo, d reiident and c:bllrinan ibo p ' , .• . patl,Y. and Mn. Edwin Flnlt<r, Lido P'aablons.1111 promllecl an:Uttavi&aaza of new llylts for iprtog;to )le modeled l>1 memben of Ibo plld and schciol IU>iliaey under the d!J<cllon of Mn .. John L. coil- nell, ~ ol,.mod<Js. ' . • OOertq comment . oo thO ..-bl.. will he Mn.. Pat llah'ilon ol Lido Fubiom, •.• d providina lla~"!f music will be Mlal Sue Far· rand. An added attraction will be , a bolt al door priza, • to. be drawn by Mn. John Kehoa and Mn. Eltelle Kuhl. InvltaUans to the ~1 fund-ralalng e•ent ~ve ~ malled by Mn. A. Id. Coker ' and membeb .al her , _. mittee. • Acceptlng reservatlom ts Mrs. Warren· Scott. wbo may be contacted /or tlck& at t ._."!. I r ·~ .• ,, • •• SPIUNo·)'RlvtEW·-~Cli~q£blo•soms will be.in · · · evidfll!Ce; ·gracecl ''Wltll .Mlidoruia figures, Wedn~ ,.;day, March.'12, for.•lhe, ilmiual fashion .show and ·-lunchlOO ·of 'tho 'Wchoii'll Gdlld ·of Ou! lflldy.Queen , ' , 0f • ' I ~ of Angels Church. Admiring the delicaie bloomi.are (left to right) the Mmes. John L. CO!lll~ W1rr~ Scott and William H. Rambo, president. '644-1621. ~ 1 Fund< raised will. be used to pun:11ue oew ~for the .c!nirdi, ~to loin. Rambo, ptkl ~ . . ,. . ' ' ' ,, • ' ... ... • " Practices of Pack " Rat . . . . hope you will set the record strai&ht. Jq Heartsick' ltltemOet· lonp -• 1ay1 no. Wtiy.T Wloy! _'llllJT '111111 a1n Few culture• can 1pProach ours when cballenttd. lt wu aot os.Jy iaacaame 1 do 1bout K? 1-MU8KBOON" , 1t comes to piying,mpect to Ibo aged. bat u luulL DEAR MUldGON: Y• !1M4 .~... ' In addition to having been robbed ol ,. 1 la~er. A.,i It.I. U .., tl ~ dCC lo our rtgbUul herltsge , we have been poor-DEAR ANN: I divoli:ed my )file ·.;, lo -.•• --.. ,_ Jy depicted. ,by JUstotlaa You do-.not il)ecauae lbe wu a terrfOc, boozer. and belt •l&at11. • ' II., bird lj> get • Mom to bµy UI anytblng oew becaWJe ahe iDsist8 our closets are bulging. Well, 11\eY are, but ~ everything in there dates back to the Jolwtown Oood. ; help'.~ ~~lion when. you WPetu•~ ' oha<ked up with everything !hilt walk~ Too .;.;,;.Cllllplel ,,;,. ..:...• DEAl\SANTA: YMr-Jo.al!&ck An17 ,ud t)v• tloe -Jo -•uch degrOding Heo. And please don! ,in ·pants. W• have three amell •cldldnn • to acrinmy; Don't 'Ct )'OUI' marrlaae nt., ud .,_ h .. ..._ .,...ftr fttcaJuetbea. ~ tell ~el am ·undulf tenl1Uv'e. J'am · wbolriIJovevuymucb.lwu certU 1•1n0p•befon tt i• ltarted. leht ir · Tiie same hangup gOet lot food. Mom refuses to ·throw out anything. Sbe saves a lab!eSpoon of co"le alaw and half of a wiener. The icebox ls loaded with plastk c:ootalnen but damed little foi>d. Why does ah< do thiJ! ,, there ..... way to cure herJ -SANTA ROSA TEENS. lldt IJpe. Ma7h .... ·-- -DEAR ANN, ·~•. A...:. •• ~ protesting not only Hearislck'1 state-Ibo court would award me alit6dy 'but Ann 1.ancien• boolll«, ''Mlntap-Wiiitt Ille waa ,_, ud tloe f II ..... -w~...,. ··-"'~ men~ but the alUtude of moot white I was badl)> miltaken. : to, EIJ*l" Send JOll' nqual lo -,. · licJ>ed bentll ''HIWlsick" .-"II men toward lbe flnl 'a u th en ti c Whenever 1 go get tbe chjldnn l\lf Landen in WO al 00. -_... -apls llaull lier. Oita Ilda 11 thert a special piac;& for Ured 'worn Americans. ll'1 dtsgracelui..-ONE OF the day, Ibey are black 'F,<f blue '""" Ing IO.ctnla In coin and• lolJC, -.-, ttie ,._ people cu, llear It -out wives to IO when they are no looger THE MOHAWKS beatinp and ru1h7 dirty. I don't thinlc ,.if-addrteaed envelope. · ' ..,W., .... ' lovtcl or w•ted!'' !lie -comp...., they eat properly eltbei, ~1Uie lf"1 , Ann • Land,n wiD bl llad lo 'w, Alt M-It< aa -ti lier -· her p1ig11t lo-Ibo American Indians who, DEAR FRIEND: I -ttie AlllOdca alway1 Ile llarVed fir lilllt and ~ . you wit!\ your il'lllO• -llllla Tab"' an,_ ........ ~ ud ·lilt laid, l'"t out lhek old and dck lndlu llu beta •loamelllllJ tnaled ud bread. iii bor bi core al lbe ,DAILY PILO'I'. model ttiem fer ..... n. .....-de and left them to dle. This cruel myth Ifs , Mi • dibe mUliatloo wu ..... b7 1 can Civt these kldl a much bet1er oncJoalnc • 1ett-addr1.•1d, ,'~ caD Goodwlll ladatrlu • .. -ii tolollJ -documentation l!icl I .., rovmammL My apolopea ltr aDow· bomt lhlll tbeir mother bOl. llie coort envelape. • , • • • • d ) • ' 1 ' ' • • ' l l ~ ' • I .. --. -.. ~ -· .. ' ... ........ .. . " .. • -'""'--. -- • . . . . .. -----, ------. --··· . -. . ... --. -· --- Horoscope ),_~Virgo: forget • Past..: Bittern·ess ' Now II tbe time &et bm11"'4 la :roar CG!l'-llla' ....... ' Allil ,., ~ ODlY time llDll ..unn. lllDdl, -~ io IJliiiill'>4> el wlUni 'l'GluafMn fr\11111inp 1o -ior alllolll. Yau ""'~llelp a YOUDilllr l,arn, Cit .... the SATURDAY toolPI -. 'bUI, --· burden of JGalll-for tho elderly. MArtCH 8 tlMrt 11 a_,...,, Handnda. o(J>Ollllolll luch a1 thue are await. BJ IYJINEi or,IAllll, • ft~'-<Julf •11u1• II): tng :roUr lelophOM.·..U lo the Volunteer Bunoau. .• • .,.,,...,. ._ JOO ""' Mrs. Linn Arkulb, al t4J.oNS 11 the esocuU .. dJ.. • 'ITbe 1llle mp cootroll 1111 a!>lt to llll1DIUlll It. Ba Ila· ric:loo and will aullt callm fnim t a.n lo DOOll dtlllnr • : • Altrolao polJlla !hit; welcoml ~ !: , tJVe.ry woetda. Slie, will CUllOm malcb you and Iha Ille way.• , '. . · =·~:.:Ba~ job with tho 6me you havo lbJ!.Vfl. Tbo buluu II .tJllllll (Jlln:b l1-ApU It): , llMd between 111e,lbioi, . located at 325 N. Newport Bl ., Newporl Beach. 'Ill !or ~ 1""'~ bt VIBGO (AUi. ~ II): CLIRICAL HILP AND TIACHIRS NllDID '...,_ wttJi ~ .,._ A lborl trip oauld bt • .... A IW!lor Area acbool provldlq edocational · -.. u111qu1111e11>oo11111J !1v,!'"lto ': ;~1~ therapy of all ldndl II Ill need of denw llolp and ,Jllcnca1'1r!l!IJDllollll.llDIJ_L.....z_bc ..l'Cll-lllld -. al_.!.~ U ollen U voluntam CID -'l'lle- wltll ..,. dote to ,... lladl IA!PP"L • MUa ..,._ .midi · ma!DiiiiliiJlii onter W-tlmle·tncllbtf 70UDI .--...... ---'-' Ill llio,rt put --l 1 people. . -,...---·-pr.._ farptleo.11'• llP to·yoii. 'nlero also la a need for playsrouod 1uporvlt-~ '< 'pril -Ma• -)i URA (Sipt; Z$-OC1. · 11): Ol'I, t.ehen of roedlng &kills aod lndivldua!J lo n -• -You -lellll •to .,.. --I• ID read to students. Accent on m1rrt11e, · .perjDenhlpo. Ba ncept!ve. !dMDlllc •upt. · Uoltll THRIFT SHOP OR AT HOME • Not ~-to f-•-·-iu111tlc, ,.. -IOld bill of ' • --L w--·· -pods. WIS<I 1o ·-here A thritt shop needs lllaffm &Ix day• a w-. ~ and ·~ Whal 1°" ilbould bt ~dlJdeol ~ If you can't work at the 1hop but cao at honl•. "' I::'.:::' ~ bt put to delermlD_ed_:.,)-, lllrt....., loba a1'"eclj,,~hl~pyg.,etmtlmge 8Dd mlkln1 ~ • 'Glllllil (llay U.JUDO "Ill): _. pr--.II ior 1 ,--' • . c;tt l!ol1c -· coiDpletod. •!IQO!IPIO (Oct. .N ... l1,., WHAT IS A FRllNDLY VISITORt .~CEIVING ·,. IOOST-lloJcllna.nllfHI capl aod a diploma, 1ymball of their pll an (left lo npt) .OraDge Coul Collego·ltndenll, Miu Qayle Larson, Miss Margll'lt Alezander and Mn. Roben M1t- ·thews, who are nc:elvlDg ldlolarsh!PI from Ille ~· .M:ua Women's Club.--enttd bf Mrs. Loa11 A. Kor.el, scholarship cha1rmao. The-girls will receive a1slstance from the dub ,unljJ 'they re- ceive their teactiing credentials Or complete nurses training. AMI _,.., ~ to bt Be dllc:roel lb!lul 1ulpment, flambafUt. ·!toy~ •enatlUIJ. ..itopoolUlllltJ. -doll~ !Ill A Frleodlfy VtsHor la a penon wbo Ilka ...-. But. doll't try too 1Dlldl Ill all JOU -· Tab cue wllll en! dayl a mouth to go· to the eonvalucent i-ee ooeo. Relllllre w11o • iranll nwmen ol -. KeJ II lo ID hlJ community. When he ceta Ibero I)• CID ellber pll la loud!. be -tall... You dolli bke part u ao iDltructor or helper Ill aria and CAJllCBll (June 11..llll111)i hive to -·afl<OllWIJ. cralla, recreation, or help Individuals with their . Good lunar "-' todlJ 11.lGmAlllllll (No•. ' II-correspondence· or shopping. • ANN COWLEY AuwuofWoddlnl . Futur~ Nurses, T ea~her "As·sisted Toward Goals . . Roberl KIUbewl, 1 I a d a D I ....,.., and Miii Ga11e Lareoo. • "'-teacher. Tlio !hree ..... cho!en In keeplna wUb the club'•· idea thal mOn tucben and nur1e1 ... -and bo!h pro-feukm benefit the com· lll1llll!y. · Weddings, Troths " Illa Alon ...... II, ........ detlna bef ·.ftn& 111111M u . a 1tu11eat: ~ WbDe ~ li1nlng poc1 srldtl. lbe 11111 f!OOI . llmt to pulk:!P11!e· lo collep ICllvl!lOI. " Mft.. MaUbtn, 21,' •• married to a student 1!'bo allo is working to support the family. She will ht graduated in · June. bl.,,upu .....,..., ooillacl Dec. 21): Doy to llDll!I. com-He might even help a c:onvlle1cent while away with ' bppollle oa; Give at-· p!ele. Be """ ,.. -wllat Ille hours, accompany him to the mweum or lllDYle, tm!laa to clllldree. 111 .. luD you're doing. M.... checl: or the volunteer might prefer worldog ID the library facla. Leave _...k to or a gilt shop. · -.. Request for aid could _.from .... ...-to ...... holpltal A t CAPlllCOllN <Dec. 11-.1... r It): Accml ... bopa, -You can hive fun loDllhl llnUlh on -ioctL You ... ncelved 1-that old nll!laalhlp 1111)' bt fh>ll!bed. Keep pud op. Protect :iour Group President for Affiliates Paints lolerellll. AQUARIUI (Jan. »Feb. 11)' 'lllole lo lllllhori'1 look favorably upon your effortl. Be amiable. Lei sc!loos speak for ·themae:lvu. Your e10 fl boll!ered. 11.c<:epl 1ceolade ID gracious manner. Oraiip County arl1sl W. M. Madtay will I l v e a demcmslr1Uon of bis painting tecbnlqueai before Affillatea, Laguna.Bea.ch Art Auoclation at 10 a.m. next Monday in the Art A.ssoclaUon Gallery. PlliCEI (Feb. It-Marci> 20): • R T. :ro.1,;...~ ~n: ose 1ps lble. Oki methods JDIJ not A native of Soulhtrn Cllllomla, MacKIJ .. 'I I devoted hlmlelf almost u~ 11 elusively to the Wtltem 1Cene and recently completed a 1et of paintings of Irvine Ranch for Mrs. Joan Irvine Smith. Germany Selected · Pilot's Dec;idlines Tbe fulurt teacher, Mias Larscm, la 20 and ls com- pletine lier ......i year al OCC. AD A -~ lbe will attend UCI next year and the Women's Club will conUnue to~ her financially. .,;....;, :J= ~-= Offered He currently is president cf the art auociatlon and °"' hlbli. In !he FesUval of Ar11, Collectors from New Ycrt. Dallas, San Francisco aftd. TuC!On recently hive parcJw.. ,....... .... careless. Remember J'fCtDt Ormge County Rooe Society ed bis worn. .. For Rites P1cmlnl fer '"· Auamt wed-cllnC lo G«mlll1 Ire Ann LoalR <:.,r!eJ and J 0 e l 'l'ho!DU ClarL . . To h.tp llll nqulrelDODll on both wed- ding aod engagement stodes, jorms are avail- able Ill all ol the DAILY PILOT oflices. Further .'llellicm!l will bl aoswered by Social N-~Dlemb!n at ~lor,49+.Mee. · · To 1YO!d. d!Jappolntment, ~ .. bridel aN remlndeil· 1o· have th wedding lllorleo 'orllb till<t aod w!llte gloay photo- · gnplla .~the DAILY PILO'l'·Sedely °'part-. 1lleDt pr!ar lo or within one .week after Ille . The clLlb'a ~Section, wb1ch meetl , often ii. --to Iha lanblp program. Mn. 1Vl1llam Ban· daruk ltl'Vttl 11 lta chairman. SHIRLEY PULLER April Bride Betrothal Revealed reoolutloll!. IF roDAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are eom- plellng a cycle. Get rudy for new activiUa. Habit pat- len>I change. A oew Im- portant penoo inlers JOU Ufa. GENEllAL TENDENCIES: rublog, planting f1vored by lunar positlm. nwnbm will heir 1 1aJk by The ar11s1 received bis earlJ WllfoJ A. Hamp b rt y , tralnlDg In P.,.dena l<booll bart1culturlll from the Orange and during his college yur1 County Agricultural ExteMl.on when he worked as a com- Service, -Tuesday in !he merclal arli.t. IUs baclrlfl'Ollnd Westmlnate:r Qtvtc c e n t er also lnclude1 a degree from Recreation B~g. the California lnsUtute ol For !he 7:30 p.m. meeting, _Tlchn __ ol...;OIY:.;,_' ----- Humphrey will speak on soil manaeement, use of roil COI\" . '!\llr -I WU ll>- ", "/, ....,,,...i lul lllllDrGl1 durlq ' a b!lfld ~ ID !hi boioi "' btr _... Mr. aod Mn. Manbll1 E. COWleY ol Coota Ilea. Pamill ol Ille beDedlct. .i.ct ... Mr. IDd Mrl. Joel ftdd!Jj ' . . . " . . ' " ·-felt · anjagement aonouncemenll It ·II .Consumer Congress At Parties C I · ' FIJDlly and dote fr!eods o_ n.vening !wood of Ille enppment of dition1r1, fertilizers, ltrtgaUon a roee specimen and flower To find ov1 ..,.... • ., ,. ,.... practices aad weed control. arrangement show and draw .. Ill _.,. .nci .,.,,... .,.,.. .,..., lo .... a.ti ---IA Ill '-• Oman"• 11oa1r;1et, ....,.. ..,... ...,.. .n. 'l-.. on-an.swv ~n w inl a..u are planned for the ~,:' ~,. _,":.~"~ l'!:t:~ follow. meeting. There is no ad- • " " .. ~ • -!; ' -i ~ I t ~ ,1 .. ... oug~. that the story, allo accompaoled "1 a ·bla~ !llld white Cl:J,~ ct u r e. bo lilhnilUi4 -Jy. If the anoounce--t aod wedding dale ve. llz·woeb or loll •Jllfl. onl1 th• weddln1 photo wm be ac- ' Shlrlq ADD Fuller aod Steven Fam!IJ PIDOI ol Amer1cl Mlchlel J--Ibey ~ tl'll DA.IL y ,.,LOT ... :n..o. Refreshments, door prizes, mlsslon charge. OrMf Cffttrll Si.tlan. N .. Y•k.j-----.C'---===-==.::..:=:.::. __ _ P. Clari< of 1111> a-te. 11111 CowleJ ... ·.,..iua1e "' Colla 11... mp 'llcbool cepted. .. . ' ,.· """' ..-Ill -porl1ea will boll Ille. . lliDlh -1 bollld bJ u. por.m of !he Coqlmner C<lop'eU De I I fllbD'I bridal coople. N.Y. 10017. aod Onoge Coul College: CDm:ntly llhe II 1 graduate'-----------------' ~ , al 1:111 a.m. In !he 14111 Fuller 11 Ille dlap!er Hullliiiill!~ H o I e I , ol Mrl. Edl!h Fuller of. Sao!a PllMell•i Ana and ber f1ance II tbt Amooi Ab}ecla to b .e ..., ol Mr. and Mr. Norman Namesake Discussed llulleol al Cllllomla State eonece al l'uller\On wbere "" y A ·e-· . d ::.~...:.:t1ementarY, • oung rtists . ntere .. Jacobs<lO ol Lquna Beach. Hiltory of Fucbsiu from dllculled will be Dou !he The bride-to.be II 1 graduate 1147-M ~ill be Iha topic ..- Publlc lleally Own I b e of SIDla ADI Vllley Hlib diacusaion by lfn. Lydia Burl . .Alni111. Adv e n I u r 01 lo School and 11t<Dda Oruge Willlams of. Haw!horne. Acblt¥tmeot IDd u ... to Be Cou1 Collep. Her fllnce II A horticulture teacher Ill Ille a Bell<r Shopper. The Spe1> a graduate ol A111<ma Slate Loa Ao-gelel Couot1 "·"ol!h G 11•u-• Uolvmlty wbere be wu al· Arboreblln,for P1111deol City Her fllnce 11 111 -~!:';:'":lied~ In State Competition OCC aod San /ooe Stale CoDep. Preleotly be 11 In . Ibo U.S. Ar111J IDd will be llattlltlOd ID liermaoy. . lh:,e. e ™" -JU' 1 fllla!ed wl!h Sigma Cb I College, Mrs. Wlll1aml will Memorial Exhibit To Open Aoaldblllommiaryof Ibo !ale llr. 'EDill J. Koll Jr., not.eel Cllllarola artist, will open la Ibo Oofiee Garden Gtllay llCll!day, 1lllrcb 10. The show will f-. more Ihm 40 of 1111 Wliercolor and oil P11in!lnp. The Ir ti 1 t painted' tho _!: a 11 lo r n I a laodlcape wl!h a~ talent becall!O bt loved n .. much. • Newport Hlrber l!enlce 1-wtlll 1--aod -.; ......... Hau ..-,, a-.. G~ ..-!llllllor. -· -·· ... tlll!ld -.. wtio wtll ~ lllo ~ B• hlblllom. lovtlo Ille pabUc to _ .. ....-..m- 'lllo -11 --11 ........ , ..... _.,. lbroaP 1'ridlJI ... it:• ...... ., p.m. _.,. durlo( -and .&,.n. 'lllo plJerJ .. localed al. -E. Coal! IDCbftJ, eor... de! l!ar. \ J:n1i111 ~ b:r Ille IChooll wen Jadllll i>J !he Fon.,.1ng hmcb Ota af. lra!ein!ly. speak before Ille Costa M- F«millo Valley Wonl•n'• Mmel. Pele B1rbo1at and temooa ..Won will fellura ATbeyll will uy ~~ Bay CWOI F1ldWa Soct.ty 11 Clolt ,.... -.n.i.. for Jamil,.~ ..... , clabJY and a __.~ parade '"-•· Oto pr 11 ID Sl N~~·• 7:30 p.m, 'Mmday, Mll'Ch IO, •.....-.-~....., .. ---Pru~-'-QJun:b N---' In ••-Costa lfm· Amerleao !hree 11n1 prDil la Ille crlfll codlalrmeD· Vance. usembty will YOio oa a pro-Buch'.--' .. ,.... ""' Or-Dlstrlcl Youth Ari ~ Tbomol Kobl,•'jOctlor;llll. .' ' . ,---------Le-gloo~-haD-· _____ 11 Coi>leil and wlD ht ·-Jam• -lngb, 'Eu 1 e.. Tlcli!ii ~11'11> may be in lll!ewlde <Olllpetlllon. . Mooring aod ,11111 llilDe ob1a!iiii 1iJ =lln· P1ul Ill Ille •-'-., ... dlvll!ou, Moorin1 ad 11r1. Karen v•-· ·• -' • · ' anrdl .:;;;-..... lo llugo Kofdm of !llelil&b IChooL • · -·.,.. """r · f. · Mal!h<n. Tamura, ~ her lllbboili .... ~ to ' lllll Ille oil; 1llcbard -Jeff erlllldt, DID TnW. ,..,.. Hospital Daie , .. aod Cl!IJ1 Iii~ l'claDlaiD ry Funk, ljll'lld cwt.. llrtaD I · . " . , , , ValleJ, ailllp md -pain-lbrlalD, Bc;ol\ lUDC 1111" .Paul ii.mben of Ille ~ -. -. Cllrk, 1-bt ~efl 'Barton, Memortal llolpllal.. Aulllliry ; . Bruoe J-. FOllll!aln Mldlele DeLlcet, P am will ga!ber ID Ille - Valley, Pu! llllper IDd Julle Tormoblen, Sblrl·Lmy, ~I "'°"" o1 !lll'liOop!.tal Maocli;, '• M&tulb. Nilblu. wm sfta: CltbennaQ. Beccl Lie a a, March 10,fat.10 Lai. · for !heir pa!Nfop lo lbe KalllJ Ubaldlnl, FullJ>n; ere,;========:::.I elemeolsry division and Jonet Klamm and An 1 b e 11 el MU50D, Fulton, re«lved an VUlanueva, Nlebtu; Wendy honorable menUon. McCarthy and Chtr)'l Llnd, 'll>e club sponsor'<! Iii own McDowell; David Matthew, diildren'• An show la1t Tamura; Tina Anton1on, Sltorday Ir. Tamura. ·More Ricky · Thurber and Ciro! lhu IOll entrl11 from an .!he Erlcsoo~ F..mtaln Valley. Watercolor, Acrylic March Artist Named i ' ""° ...... Ille -.,...i. dloll. &IJe ii a . member of Ille Costa MOii Women'• Club and bu _..1c1 as art chalmwl rcr 0r111ae Dlllrlcl. Mn. Wll1llml bis been OClllllnlllkbd to ,.int murals lo Ille · cbll-'' ward lo Falnlew Slate Hol!>ilil She 1111 llildMd wllh Ra; llrlDdl ..o Mn. aior1.. .Slanley. p,_t1y ... la • lllldenl ol IU!hanl V. Jobiiloa of Nor!b Long Btoch . FAITH lfl •. fine FREE dnnotng tot'f'C IMn>ttlo '/M St Potl'ic.U ~I eon.. 6 ind • llclul la "PADllY'S PIG"I No PurdlllM N~ R-March 10 !hru 16 Miiner MM Mt IM ~ ,. Wiii Meri"'•"' 210 I. Eall 17th St, Coit• M••• Hillr• · Sfiure ••2-14)0 CELEBRATE WITH US! OUR $ECOND BIRTHDAY AU. NIXT -MA1CH 10.11 111ST&ar moPPlllf wm liron .ta.e =of!·~ ,.:r rw :row parelmM. Y• 1BaJ be uprWd Ill u. cm nctater' n. ,_ ... :1 en II ,US for. Brlllt !Oo -11'ly doll Tim CA-. Fmr Alls, ... M1111•l • r )'Gtlll __.: la, ... OW: I o.t • -__ ,_,. .,_. ... _ ., ___ _ Pick., drtwlnt ollpt for an • .,,.... paid trip .. H1w1ll1 M•9na'l9X IJ Inch Cofer TV, .In any stot• n•d · w•ekl loath Coast ?tau· With the Omeg1 S11m11ter DeVIRe •Forget winding • Th:ow awayyoul pocket calendar •Wear it anywhere (including the showes) beeu!lfully. Omega 11,_gnlzad throu_ghoul lho world as one of the ve:y fl nest watch9L Omega, for example, ls the official watch of the 1968 Olympic Gana In Mexico. And thl• handaome SeamuWr DeVllle has undlrgone 1497 qulllty.controt • ctzeclcs to guarantee !twin perlonn to Omega ltandardo. Left: I" 1t1inle11 case with matching lwecel•t $140 .. or 9olcf-filled Ce1• •nd bracel.t, $171.' Rioht: 6old~flR•d e••• wltti m1tchln9 m11h bracelet, Sl60 . SLA.VICK'S J......,.SlrWlll ,.117 11 F1shlon Island Newport lotch-6-M·lllO y • .,, Cll•tt• AccNllf W1lff!M -8111lAMtrl11f'4, M1thr Cl!irt•• +.e o,." MIMI,. ftt. •11tll t rlO , ..... • r rn II ... ' me •ti ICh . o! ... rll. rk, llld .... '"' ..i. •fl , ... und 'Ol1I ot ... IW• the Id· I -. . . .. --------~ . ' -......... ,.... . . -- ED IT I N • It" t . ' . ,,1, • " . • ace ·.'t1· ' ,. ' ", ... ." ~-'1 •I '• ' 0 .. ··e; ,,S. -I . ~ :• . • ' 1 ' I ' i <. . ' ' . . .. . '• '' ,·r ~ \ I l ~i. ·,r.:;-"' .. ·-·-u, " . •. -. . ' . ' Nightmare Came True Slain Mes~n Was -Threatened 3 Months Ag~ By ARTHJJR R. VIN8EL or t11t 0.11, PU" St•fl A nightmare 90 days ago at home wu fatally fufilled for a Costa Mesa surfer in Hawaii when be awake, h<r- rified ·and $taring into a1 gun muzzle which then fired, sm&shing a slug be- tween his eyes in summary execution. The cold-blooded murder Tuesday with a silencer-equipped j>istol, only 100 yard! from the thunder of big comber& at ~t Beach on the island of Oahu, toot another biwTe turn Wday. . Police ind parenta of William Pond Jr., 19, of 269 Albert P lace, dlsck>fed · lbat the victi.rD wu roughed up and lhreBt~nded with death ·by three am\ed men who fired 1 shot through hia door last December. The ma~unt for his 1pparently coin- cidental tlllers -three HawaUan ~acbl>oys who apegedly took f100 from Pond and two companli:IM after deman· ding marijuana · -'widened :memwhile, with little ·success. · • ' · POnd, a ' deilicated . surfer wbo ·moved into his parents• horbe . ·after tbe ' December incident and ~tved mcmey ' to join N,ewport Harbor·High Scl>ool b\ld-. dies in Hawaii would have. been there oµIy· a week today. His body will arrive . from -the illandl '· - . Told ·by Former Classmate LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A classmate of Sirhan B. Sirhan said today that the young Arab's personality changed markedly after his fall from a rate horse and that be became "impatient abd depressed." John Sti'athgwm. a fellow student with Sirhan at Pasadena City College in 11114 and 00, said be noUced 1 very marked change the last time be saw the defen· dant in April of 1911. . Sirhan lhot and fatally wounded Sen. Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968. strathmann told the murder tm1 jury that he often had Sirhan in hia home and that he visited the Sirhan home frequently. He said that !ft addition to the change in ~rsonality that after the accident in September 1966, Sirhan took up an interest in the occult and mystic . "He said there were many power! in lhe world with which we could com· munlcate or control 'If we so train ourselve!.'' he said. Strathmann was one ol more than a dozen witnesses the defe~ c~ed Erklay including a bartender who reportedly served Sirhan dripka at the Ambauador Hotel. The tiny Arab immi{l'ant said Thma- day he blacked out after drintin& ten Tom -Collins highballs at the Ambawdor Hole! an4 remembm 'noihina wiW ht f~ sorpeone .. cbokinj:" ~ Slrlwt _lol!I the .jnry he didn'I remember taking the JUD to the hoteJ. He dldn'.I· remember wrtling that Ken- nedy . 'ID.Ult die. He cUdn't remember refusing to give his name to police. In .fl\<~ he said, he cljdn't reallu unW 7 a.m. on June 5, 1963, that,Sen. Kennedy had be<n abot. "Are you glad that Senator Kennedy is dead?" uked Deputy Dist. Atty. Lynn Compton. "No sir," said Sirhan. "Are you IOnY be is dead?" "No I'm not JOrry. But I'll) not proud of It." "You 11't. not 10l'1')'?" "I have no way ol knowin& that I actually did it." The defenae today summoned more than 15 'wltne,,.. to 1est111 about the assassinatron and Si.Jlan. ' . Patoral Seene Ott · the Ma• where he hoped .to ma_ke a home at 6:55 p.m., aboard 1 Pan AmeriCan jetliner at Los Angeles International Airport. Honolulu police continu.ed to probe the grotesque slaying, while (wo buddies •;f>o witnessed. the .shootlng during the' f100 · robberj lile Tuellday'are probabli: bldjtlg out.. . . , ' . Sieve L. Chula\' 11;, o( Costa .M"'f3• . stepsoh · of Orange . C4uity . 11~ George 'Chula, apd ~ore. H.' ''1'.edd1."' ' Rogers, of Newport Beach, we r· e lhrelte~ed with death if they ~eel (See NIGllTMAl\E, ·Pqe I) ' . . : -~ .. :. . ·, .. "'14, ~ ·-' Cpu,nty"'/,,"flifff i· Clinic 'DOitar' · -. As lmpQstor Robert Ervin Brown today was tndicted by lhe Orange County Grai>d jilry 'In l.. b" 1 20-page statement that 1ccuseu r 1m of falsely pr~clicin& mtdicine arid poling .. great bodily hartn" for at JeUt 17 patients at 1 Fullerton· cliltic. . " • 1 • • Brown, 33, of Bll'mincham,, Ala. will ~ anaigned ~fore Supetjor Court Juda:e Robert Gardner on. !ptciflc clwi!•• of vlolatu1g sections of the state's BUliness. and ProfesslOm cOde. • More thin 30 witnesses, including the physician whose name he allegedly bor- rowed, tes\lfied in ten hours of Grand Jury bearing!. · The man whOse name Brown allegedly borrow~ -Dr. Glenn F"Wr, 37, a teacher In the University of AJabama medical school -&UCCU!fully cootinued Thursday the evading tactics he hu employed ever since he landed at Orange Comity Airport. Enright made no secret ef the fad that bh office J:lal helped Footer to elude ~smen. "He asked ua. to (!lee.INDICTED, Page Z) • ! .. • p ~,, Freshly shorn Cock ot sheep mow the lawn and conlrasla sharply with urban l>ackground poln1'11 llll their belll .. on grounds ot Falmew State Hos-' Ii]> by Be!heJ'Towers retlremenl high-rise (left) Ud pllll in Coal& Mesa. Pa.sloral ...,., In forecmuacl Caeyon Elemenllr)' Scbool.(right). • .:i1..··.,., . ., ! 1' . ·- ..... ~' J : •••• i ' . ' ' ! i ' .,I I· • . ~'!"" t t 1 · ' I : " • • ·, ., .. ....... ·--· --~ -~ O,perati,o~~s • ' • J "Crucial Part I" ... • 1 J 'i '.,!,4~( 'Flawless~· ' ' . SP ACE · CENTER, 1'0l!lton (!)Pl) -·. Two. uironauta gunned !heir , lunar .lai>- ding_ craft 1U Jl)iles 1way .1rOin tha Apqllo t commind ship today and !hen raced· back to1 a flawlal ·orbital rere- dezvous 'In a' mljor step toward a U.S. moonJandln11thia amrpnq .. The precision c1\l'.hup carna at lO:M . a'.m'. l!ST. Jomei I<. MCDMll and ·RUYell u Scb\velcl<irt mdged lheiri lunar modul6 "Spider" to' 1tu thiri 100 feet · o! David R. Scolf.\nrlbe C(inmalld crlfl · ·' "Cll1e4 .. ~Gumttrop." . ·' ., · · · ' ._•.ri:lot Y°" 'thero'ln ·!M IU!llW." ... ~" '•'"' 11pprplcbidl"tbe l'l'..-.ad '. '. "YW'i'e .. a,.,......,. bG_ldeat,t · stu. l'n fJVer stea.." , · •lo; ••• rot ~ lianifur. oUt att~."ilCOft'lild u he eilmfhed Iha hmat riiodale lroril Jllll leeli•rl)'. II WU an lfi>partanf adlievnenl f°' projict· Apollo. It showed that -tile lul imlesUd piece of ll)OOl!fllght ,macbiner)' ""T lhe gawky 1unaf mOdu.Ie ~ it rUdy lo gb 1to the ,m001f .. On a 'May lunar orbital landlnc relleanal. The initW lan- ding is set for July: , ~ . ~ ' ·~ix-hour operat.IOJI began When McDMlt and Sclnvelch(I' µ\ up the s!cy '!."~th· a bfg or,ange clo'ud of1 .fire and bluted into a dlllerenl orbil from Scott ID Iha commaiid lblp. • , Fonr ·bciun' ~.·they tr!iiet.d !he landing craft's ll~e.11 enilrle ·fer the f\rl! lime and tiegan lht1r puriult ·~ tm;ard 'the nfety o! the earth· crhiIJna , n!otMislilp. ' ' I -, -- ' . ,_ , ~', ) By THOMAS FORTuNE · . wi~ rrvme ,and D;leet some cOmpus peo. ; °' .... DmH•'''"' 11.., pie fiiit 'b&nd." Six of 24 Uhi\'er1l!Y of ' Cillfornla: --·.1 · , [:Jen ts · visit!CI the 'O:Ct Irvine . cafnpus. ··1rle ."YlllQnc regent! mei ,this · morfl!ng .y and met Wtlh admilll.strato-, Will}· Chance nor_ pa'nl~l Aldrich · and. ii.d· ' 0 nilnltlriton,"·Iunehed · with . a· emnb'"ed faeulty and studell\S;:all · behin~ closed "' doors. , , , . . , • a~ls~•!tolO!l. facu, ltliitr.1 •'a1tutdent · giouflrps't The vjsltalioil wu l~ lieu, of holding . 311"' W(r'e met s emoon a regular regenis mieet1h1· at uci. Under . With ·student("then faculty. a new policy, meeUnp no tonger. are · 'DliCuuloM• were-to be about the UCI rotaled atnq the nfn<' UC .ampmes. · c"'1J!lls,' ·· • . Unlyer1ijy ~)dent Cbar!e~Jllleb waa : .11le '•tudent' panel of 35 'to meet with · present, but lop mtR In slJtt a:ovtminent . the rej'~~wls"pltked to ripresent all ~Gov. Ro~1d'Reaa:an,·&,pt. Of :Pub}!C . sbadU ot 'Campus •Opinlon, lncludlng 'flie · Jnstruc:Uoo M11· Ral!erty one! • ......,tily" · 1tuaehr:r1e11cit:.: ' ' • · SJieikerftobiit ~oriarali .;;'Ill rigentii1 'Al soiaD •Pti>t>it ·10 -the teg"1" -Yfil\' were•.not 1· ,-; ' • , , \ • t·. . ' was !cheduled. ln the ·tontr ol ' • uCt J ,II''!•--Ell>ioe 1 Klol(e,. assi>tut ·lo !he Guertlllt >Theater. · 1n ·which studeilli charictUor 1 • cleScri~ . the v!sltiUoo as : WDUk1 bulld a monument of ;arb'age tO · •'I chance .for rigebta tl>. gel acquolttted ' Uie regents. • • • • • J *··*·'*· * *·* VCIFaculty May Be~c~ruJ, ip; ' .. lt'1 'IOrt al ' r. kick Jn' the' faMy," reported Mcl>ftltt afttt. flrinc a 'ttiree •econd butll. from the !Ueol! engine. 'The' astronauta began their all-Im.. portant lulvenlnre 'by ·unl\ooklni from the command shlp at 4:Jt a~m: PST. That wa1 the start of 1 risky aeries of operations future·· a!tronauts ·-murt perfohri to lanid on and return ftom the moon. .nie "Spider" pllofs tater diicardtd the Junar. lander's four-legged lan- ding stage and widened lhe gap between the lunar module's takeoff section and the command' shlp. ne. separal:itllf of the .!lhlp'a two parta WU the mdit rt1ky o\'<'aUon of Iha day-and-poor _. munlcatlons from an Alric11 tracking station left the outcome of tbe'nWmtVer iq doubt !or, ·IJ -..: ' . ,Or••fe Wea-..er u·u be ... or-~ weekend• lo lell lbe folb back elll about -<leu, -ew"\th temp- er1lurt1 fOID!•l'lalll1 plfced ID ' the mldille:' eo·. alotl( lbe Or1qe .~ .~., ~ •• .,, I . . -, I . ~smE_ 'lVQAT, , AUdnta•1 Ttd 7'tcmer 100n•t 1 haw to fact hil old n.emtsu, Ne-rt Harbor'• -Au..i ..-ou.. er1, in nm wnti, Congrcu 1 Cup +acec. new WOll'l be in ii • ond he'U aaU , '4rit bqat..: Pagt I ~ .-. . ~ ~ ~-= ~ !(....... ... .,....c... • c-.~. n as a:;..""' ~ a..,... n ~,.._ ·}.=--·"" ...,..,_' ,.,..,, I..... • ffro.9 ... ......_ .. ,. '"911!1 '"' • ,..... ' • l,,...c.. •. ,...... ... ......... ll ._. •• • • .... ~ ' --.. ..... ·' --.. t ·:.:.;~ 1 • • ,,., tt• • I ' " • r . 1 ' • 'c Jf.atho:r, Tl ac1;ier$ M3ke Big Demands of Board F,.... Pefle ·l INDIC{ED. •• ... cooperalo In eoaur1nc that 111-->t nceiM pubUcltyt• Enrf&ht ~ ~'We cortalnly didn't want lo 1111-la tllll key wltnW b7 lplrlq that roqueot. .. Emiibt did not oped that Dr. FClller wOllld be -boliri the _..i jury today fer !urUier tatlJll!llY althouCh 0.. 31-yw-<>ld Alabama llbYliclln wu beJnc kept "on tap" at ~-Fullerton home of friends. · · · -·· • ' Fostu wu 1111upted out of th• hwlni.- room about noon 'flllnday alter lelU- fying on hll relatlonahtp with the llCCllMd Brown for much cl the mamln(. Much of the jury'• aubl<qaeot dlllbntlolll, were · said to have been c:onftned to victims of Brown's alleged fraudulent practice as a cardiologist Estimates cl the number of potie!IU Bild to hive paued through "Dr. F061.tl'a" 1-ndl at 1be DCl1b county facillty d!ml)ad Tllundl.J .. ,..... tllln 100 and 11Ce 30 of them will ban dfe«d evl<!enct by l•lo taday, Enrlahl llld. ' ~ . ""1 1110 ol wllleli fl i...i..i( H1111M A1e,d~'lon •1 --........ lo ..... --Ill Illa .. -. ....... -......... bolrd -......, Illa mltlf' ·1,.11111,llll•"*'llllllltllr...._ all fiJr I Wllilt. I • 'l'ba JllCkqe -llol -0 ...... 'l1ie .board )rlV' ""'1!I -... ~ ' llollar alllJ ,,...._ Ba I I ,,_. negollaUon ~·18,.d!lfd ~ft 1 number oflllary mttlon pldlllna session nell Tueoday n!pL · •. that would he costlj< tO pit Into effect. ArChlticl of ·the' le1Cben• r<quesll II .~ major thrusl of lhe 11e,.U.Uon Bart ' Hake, hired thla achoo! year u package II 1 1<ries o1 "'l1lall !Or the lint ._.u.. -aary ol 'the J'eater teacll<r parllcJpoUon ·In manag- leacberl jrwjl, NewpoM(eaa "lduCaUoa Ill& the 4f!aln of the l!Cbool dlslrlcl. "Te~ an IUll ~ered u of ':.t'.ta.chm: and a hlcb ahcool remedial aaqilo)w la a Vflr'f paln1niJlng way rudlng fll'Olllm. "1 lfla ~" lald Hake. "JI•, llako oald lead>or>.are looklle !Gt thlnll -• • '!"' btted ol leachers. • approval of their 1111Jre package llid To taJn l'U!'r voi<e In declsion·mak-• wlU leave It to the board to como Ing ......-'art uklng for equal up with a proposal on salary In.._. , reinsentatfon with adminlltiators on -10 On that pot n t, he 1a1d, "T h e y can new joh>l ..,..1tt..,. COmmltle<o would talt' the Orange County Teacbera look into teacher involvement in such ASs'OciaUon guideline of a minimwn 10 areN " grievance procedures, penonnil percent pay increase. That is O.K. with ee1ectlon and advancement, reassignment ua." Heartbreaking De~ision ~INDICTID AS IMPOSTOR _,, ......... Po r.ce CTiief·s Prolie LeCiilsw----son's-Drug -Arl'esl By JACK CHAPPELL CM .. °""" 1'1111 ...., , "l'DI In· rather ID U1IUIUll poalllio," Bild San Clemocte PoU.. Cblel Cllllord MatnJ todly Iller lila only aon, Slaven, WU charged"with !oar CGUDll of nueolic vlolatiom. "U m, kld bu lo go down the lubes. lhll'• the way It hu fo he. fhad"' make the declllon. · "I ca't enforce the Jaw If tt doesn't apply to everybody. I had infonmtion abOtit what my son allea:edly was doinl '·and Ulilned my detecllveJ to lnvealf. · p.te, .. ia1d Chief Murray. ~ E. Murray, Ii, was acheduled for a court hearing today to enter a plea at San Clemente Municipal Court. TM youth was arrested Feb. 2 by state and local narcoUcs officers in the driveway of the ram.Hy hoine at 225 La Esperama, San Cltmente. = cl pouesslon of heroin ond • ~ or heroin with intent to sell. pouelalon of marijUIDI Ind pou"'1oo of marijuana with intent to sell have been lodged agal.Nt, the police chief's son. Chief Murray said he bad to be in two placea at pnce. Professionally, the chief said be had to protect the pro- secution's case against his own son and personally, he didn't want to jeopardize hJJ 100'• delense. The cbiel 11ald be would have to disassocilte hlmlell from the case. "I have done professionally what I thought had to be done," Chi el Murray said. Following the trial, the chief said be From Page 1 would have a lot to say to community groupa and. other1 about a parent's role in dealing wttb IUcl\ cases. Now, bow~ver, he aaid be w09ld remain ,llltnt ~ause of the cue. .. 'The narcotics charges are based on police claima that the youth had in his possession a flO spoon of heroin, and five kilos of marijuana worth between $425 and '500. NlrcoUcs oUlcert allege the marijuana was hidden behind the driver's stat of the youth's pickup truck . "In the final analysis, you have to do what you believe is right. You have to separate your personal feelings from your professional feelings," the chief concluded. ••• -He a11o Mid, "We think ther. Is """' mtlRn o( credit thlt will 10 \o • )DflnMd ........ atalf that helped 1et th< --pouecl!' And, "When they talk about spirallnl · conatnicllon coot. , . . . . we.,. polnilnc out we've alsc> got apJrallD& U.vW, COits. ·• Teacher aasociaUon pre1ldent Ray Snyder suggested the teacher request.I, if approved, will benefit Lbe atuaeratl. "We think ll the thlnp In lhll package come abOD.t atudentl are aoln.I to ben.d!t immeasurably from it," be saJd. Chuck St"1'0eir, chairman of the teacbera' pUbnc relaUo111 committee. spoke of teachers d~ ni«• ·than jusL focuaing"' salary. "Practically every . aapect -ol. a teacher's existence 1n lntulved in th1.s pa~" be said. Snydtr soid teachen m forlunalo to have a veey Wlghtentd ICbooJ. board Ind Kerned optlmlallc that Ille requeata will be well received. Hert ia wbat the teachers are uldnl: ON SALARY -More pay relative to beginning teachers' salary for teachers with yeara of experience. -More pay for additional training to keep up with rising cost Of education. -Teacher contract.! be open end to pay can be ,increased if more revenue becomes available during tbe school year. -Pay for principals and administrator~ for actual days worked not covered in their contract. -All principals be advanced one step on the salary schedule. -The master's degree be eliminated as a requirement for salary advancement and education course unitlil be accepted inalead. F,... P.,,e. J MESAN'S NIGHTMAiq: CAME TRUE Janien. stemmed from theft of aome sound equip- ment Jn which the youth suggested .a 11uspect who proved not to be Jnvolved, but conseqtLenlly had a brush with the la• on something else. his San Ysidro border arrest July 14, 1963, when he was allegedly carrying 20 pounds OJ marijuana. -Salary Increases of $500 be given career teachen in t h e 11th, 20th • n d 25th year of teaching. FAIRVIEW DISPUTE ENDS • • • orml>and1 WednadaJ and Thunday In- stead of the black ones seen elJewbere in the syatem out of deference to the late Mr~ Powel~ burled \Yednead•Y· l Resuili"' of 1 ltj>edulod Thuncl•y meeuna ' of the CSf?'0rganlllti;,. with Carl Mqlder, dfreclol-of the State De~ o1 Health Care Se<vic.,, bave not yol ' been 8MOW1Ce.i In sacrament.a. . "lt'1 not an argument. between the PTs and the RN1, their fight II with the great bil 1ederal govmuoen~" Dr. Toto uplalnedi Wodneoday. "ThiJ 11 their attempt lo publlclll · .what omounll to a dlUeraco ol opinion andl they hive made •ll dear that, II Ss in no way lntendtd to emba:rtw the adminiltraUon here or the ltlte •l'ltm·" hi lddtd. I '° I.Ii ()fltlaw't preu ~t DUrlU1 .,. ~lr«ll Iii• crillcllm, howtver, dlrtc!ll1 lowlnf dllapprvval of the De~t Of Mental J{yllene. 6HQW DIBAPPl\OVAL .. It 11 .•• intended to expreu the Pl'a' disapproval ol the department to aupporl their own convtcUons. In mMilnl ~ vWona of Medi-Cal law, the department hu failed lo 1UJ11!0r1 the aupervilory level Pf," the annotulCf'JDent said. '!1le coolrover11 began shaping up aboUt one year al:O';-.wbeo certain atlte """1tala devoted to,. or with apoclal ~ ror, the i:nant:.lly nllrded finally qualllled for Medicare. . Ti 1et ftmd1 for aome paUenb' tlm!lies, one RN was reqiprtd to be on duty every moment of every three dallf ablfta, aeveo·. d&ya ..a week, oo. even noo-med1c&l type ~tat wards. Dr. Toto explained thel RN• already staffed the 41 warda heullng lnflnn pa- tienta requiring medical care, bu._ the problem bad to be aolved on 11 of the remalnin& XI wards. Channels of edsUni 1uthorlly from · ward personnel to the nuraine supervisor were ordered to .rtmaln unchanged, however, creaUnc 1 cumberaome method cl communicaUon. be II.Id. lnvestigaton from • the· dtpartmenta of public bealth and heallb care aervlcts CGnducted 1 uiinute IWd3' of the new • 11f\11 I I' I l ti I ~ C0MT 1'1)1l.llHIN9 C0M'AHY l:eMrt N, W••I ,,.*"' .. Nlll.w J•cl1 11. Citrl.., vie.,., • ....., ... e-.i Mefitllff n-•• K•nn ·-nefl'ltf A. w.,,1rir~• -·-... ,. Nl11e• ..,._.!.,... Dit.dlt ---.)JO W•lf 1.,. Str.tt M•lll~t A44rtt11 Pl:J. 1w llff, '2611 --,...,,.,. IMdtl ttll ........ ...._,. ..._ 11woi1 m ~ = """""'*'*"1•• \ . mtthocll at all holpltall 'llfecled, then luued 1 new dlrectlve. · CHAIN OF COl\IMAND The Department ol Manta! J{y1i1111 order Feb. 25 1ald five new RN1 ua1cntd lo the ·10cal faclllty lhould he placed direclly In the chain of ~llllDIDd of nl1flinl 1ervke. ' Tbll ll!Wlt aldltlili Mn. Wemmer~ Powell lo other duly, wcrk which •Di:· Toto said bu bMn needed, bul aomewhll . nelieclod due to thinly apread penooneL The uallllnl mininc aupervllorJ poall bad he'!> trldltlooallJ atalfed by PT ~..,~oil of,!~ w!dtriO • rigid ~ ·tnlnlng -am. b;.,; conUnui .. lnlo .,,,.. -'•llaed ·~· "P.ai-1 "'11 •· proj>lem· ,i,. that the calflarlif& ~1trlc1 ~ II unJ.. qae ~ tllie federal aovemment J1 not fanillllr with the ezlenl ol l!!& tralnlni," Dr. 'J'.oto flld. 1 ' The ontoyear procram r. trainee• luding lo I allte cerltllcalo _... requlremeota of local junior collqa Ii•· ing licensed vocaUonal nurse credenUals, be 1ald. Paychlatric technicians at compleUon of their on-the-job and classroom fn.. strucUon are qualified to admlnlater medication, 11 well 11 acting in aupervisoty and even jan1toria1 duUu. The tough federal wording on MecUcar1 administration ls aimed at 1tatu employ .. ing untrained people witb no medlcal backgroood as literal baby-1ltters. NON-NURSING Dl11'1ES Actually ho aid, :JO percent of th• PT and ·RN employa' time Is spent in non-nursing style duties, particularly in a hospital where many patients can't control their normal bodily functions. As a result, a new civil service position tilled hospital worker has been created, with tl8 hired at the local facW!j< to help take the menial workload oH nurllng worker1. Dr. Toto sa.id the nunlnc director has worked out a five year plan approved by Governor Ronald Reagan, which will theoreUcally bring Pr-RN efllcJeocy up lo JOO percent with h .. pital worker belp. "We are cllrectine our effort toward the dlladv1Dtaged groupa and 1ean1n1 over backward to ,mate Jt work," he added, laying 300 !'lli he hired by the end of Ille five yqr period. Mn. Wemmer was one of thos4!1 prlmarily Jnvolved in evaluaUon and guidance of tbe algnlficant new program alter being lhifted from a post to be filled by a reliatf:red nurse. Family Claiming $27.61 Damages · Over Mud MishaP. The Don Brown famu, of Huntlnglon Bt>ch WIDll 117.11 worth cl 11UJ11clioa out of C..ta Mesa offlctals. Mrt. Bl"O'W?I, of 10212 Hala'lt'a Drive, ouWned the .-.quest !n 1 lttler to City Clerk C.K. "Charlie" Priest, who duJy puaed it oo for offlci.al cons.kler1Uon. lolrt. Brown 11Jd her ICXl'I car spun out of control &nd 11.uck In the mud an Adams Avenue •t Mtsa Verde Drive during a Feb. 2.1 &tonn Ind he c1UJbt a ride on to work. Returning from l\Ja ont-mJn iravtyard abJf\ u • eemce atauon attondan~ ,..... Brown found hll mudbound oar had btt:n lmpou:ndtd D a trafOc hulrd, coatlJI& t111n 1ow1ng fett. Her bu.hand took Ume oil """' work lo clear up the matter, computlnt hll wage loss to the penny at $1UI, the c1ty clerk said. ll<Doluhl Poli<e Deportment Homicide llei.ctift P'led Yung lald Thunday that the drq-dem1ndln1 lnlrudan on!~ Chula ·and Bogen lo we!Chl Pond' a bod;y and dump It In the tropical aw. . Y oun1 Poiicl•s father, speculated today that the boy may hive been ahol lo death becauae he hid no money left from hll trip lo hind over lo the trio ol men, carrying lholiulll and the murder pllt<>I. . ·Honolulu Police DetecUve Capt. John Dicbon, however, lluck lo hll theory lold TbundoJ that the r u Ihle 11 beachboys merely llilled Pond to Impress Ille other two with 11vqery. Somewhat ueptJcll during their lnlUal brt..Upllon of the crlm1 -which -more llkl 1 televlllaa acripl thin a police log occurre11Ce -llld tod•i II deflnltely bu olementa of 1uthenllclty. -OH porllcular angle beJnc uplored ls the ~p of a~brlck, or on&balf kilo of marijuana, found on the l!'ound ouldde the l'1lllic A-frame cotll(e whea lnveaUgat<>n arrived. Lt. Diet.son uJd today hil men have not been able to llnt the contraband picked up neu: the hoUll lhlred by three youtha wbo were holllng Pond unUI he cot 1"job and wu 1etUed. The victim had worked with h11 father in tbe elect.rtcal business and was employed part..time u a surfboard builder, a job he hoped to flnd In the islanda as well. The incident in which Pond was In· tlmldated at his West 19th Stieet apart. ment lut December and the fatal visit by the trio Tuesday appear at thU atage to he arim!Y colncidenl&L Ll DicUon said, however, that he expects a written cue report and followup invest.i.g1Uon, mailed by Costa Mesa Police Thursday, to arrive \oday. P<lld'a father aid today the Incident Civic Leaders To Tour Farm Coot& Meea High School agriculture students will &i ve Costa Mesa civic leaders a lour of lheir school farm Wedneaday. 'I1le oc:aaiOn will be National Future Farmers of America Week, according to aopbomore agriculture atudent Bill Lupla. He aid lnritatlons hive been ellended lo Mayor Alvin Pinkley, Fire Chief John Marshall, Pollc:t Lt. Glenn Walker, and representat.ivu of the co.ta Mesa Kiwanis and Opt1miat c1ubl and Grange. Senior Debbie Tatbtrt will lead the tour In .,hich diinitarlp will aee tho rlilin& of ahetp, cattle, and chlckens. and growing of corn and tomatoes. Pilh Just What Doctor Ordered?, A petite, l"l<ll"yed lirl arrested outside Ftnnipn'J Rainbow, I Costa Mesa tetn nl&ht spot, had a colorful .. ..,. lo p along with the blue and white pills in her pone early today. Olfl<er Pll Donohua stopped the girl outalde the hangout at 1714 Placenll1 Ave., because lhe seemed to be Lmdtr the lnllu"1C< ol IOllle drug. She had 1 ready upllnotlon for the suspected contraband turned over lo Patrolman Donohue. - Sile uld her phyalclan preacrlhed them for1trou111-ntvenmaldi..- The ......croated girl could not back up her stoiy with 1 hoaaflde ..-rfptlml, 1llp and wwnd up In j1U on OU!plclon of pwcsslon or danaerous drup. ' The harassment ceased after Pond moved back with his parents, and brothers Martin, 13, and Jimmy, 10, the former electrical company owner sald in an interview today. "I read about the marijuana aspect in another paper and the way the case sounds now, I wouJdn't be surprised,'' said Pond, whose son was reportedly asleep during the fatal holdup except for the final secoods of his life. The small caliber slug whlch crashed into his skull and buried in his brain disrupted the respiratory process. Pond ' Jived only three hours alt.er being transferred from a small clinic to a larger hospital. Despite the shock and horror of watching their guest executed, Chula and Rogers were able to give a good descripUon of t he typically~esaed 'beachboy trio, accordi!JI to Lt. Dickson. "I imagine ~ boya were all terriblY. contused," said Pond's father today. Chula'a mother, a nurse for a Costa Mesa physician, said Thursday that her son, who was atteo<ilng junior college with Rogers and a third youth, Mike Glteau, of Newport Beach, may fly home immediately. Troubles could possibly await him here on the maJnland, however, based on res:ponae today by a federal official who learned of the wild island homicide case and made some inquiries about Chula. "He inay not have obtained permission to leave the state," said Mobley Milam, aMistant U.S. attorney handling a San Diego cue involving Chula and mari· juana. Mll1m said young Chula ls scheduled to appear before a U.S. Commiuiooer April 2, to enter a plea at.em.ming from The fedetl!-1 attorney said Chula was to have appeared in , court for trial Jan.· 20, but failed lo show up ;..nd was arrested by Newport Beach Police vn Lido Isle in early February. Milam said the youth was taken to San Diego afterward and surrendered by his stepfather, at which time the U.S. Commissioner, equivalent of julf&e, granted bail and continued the case. Under the present cue listed on the federal court calendar, MUam cooUnued, Cbu1a is to enter a plea to a reduced charge since he was a 17-year-old juvenile when arrested. Members of the Pond f I m i I Y , meanwhile, say rites have been scheduled at St. Joachim's Catholic Church, with Rosary Sunday at a p.m., and Requiem Mass Monday at 9 a.m., witb burial in Good Shepherd Cemetery, Hunttoct<>a . Beach. "It's a shame something so terribltl had to happen in the place he loved so much," sa.id the mother of the surfer who visited the islands Jn 1967 and fell in love with them . hirs. Pond said her son began surfin g on a $40 secondhand board bought when he was 13, became· expert in the Hawaii- born sport and won a 1966 contest at San Clemente. He, Chula and Rogers were 1967 high school graduates and before his Jatal departure for the peaceful islands, he told his family he would find half his graduating clasa there. Bill Pond wanted to live in those Idyllic, volcanic islands and he did, but not even long enough to write home before senseless death found him, as he dozed on a cot. a a JUST A f£W Of DREXEL'S UNLIMITED SELECTIONS O~ FINE•FURNITURE. DREXEL THE MOST .TRUSTED NAME IN .FURNITURE. ~ ·- IUNCNIN• TAIU -The rate for summer school salaries be equal to the salary rate during the rerular school year. -Substitute teacher pay be Increased. -Pay for ·after-school duty such as coaching or advising student activiUes be increased 50 percent. FRINGE BENEP'ITS -Sabbatical leave pay be increased from two-thirds to three-fourths of reiUlar salary. -Teachers be given two da)'I of paid personal leave in addition to present 10 days of sick leave. -The school district increase it!: con· tribution to $400 per teacher each year for bea1th and weUare beneflta, the extra cost to be paid for by a permis,sive override increasing the tax rate. -That six years of te•chlnl experience In other school districts be accepted for pay calculations instead of the present maDmum of five years. 0111El\ REQUESTS • -Remedying of situations whue there are· not .. aufficient textboob fvr all ch11dren, and be willing to ao beyond state minimum requirements where needed. -Ten hours time off from teachinc duties for parent conlllltatlons instead or five. -Members of teacher negotiation C()uncil meet on school time. INVOLVEMENT -Joint committees of teachers and administrator• be fonned to f I n d solu· lions in these 10 problem areas : School calendar, grievance procedure, muter guideline for meetings, a pro- fesaional practlcel handbook, training lo up:late stilla, writing of a curriculum guide and teacher involvement in plan- ning tu or bond electionJ, selection and advancement vi teachers, reasalan-- ment of teachert, ·a faeuhy committee for each achoo! building. Ind a hJth achoo! remedial reading program. fl EXCEPTIONA~ TAILE FEATURING CARVED BASE. I'." 6LASS 66" LON6 13" WIDE $339 \ fl) ht.t.tlftt fr1111•i tlt.11 t•p witli cw!• tllelf ~.1 ... Mil~v• \ ,.ur ~"'· . 114, :::::::::;::;:;:o. IOM• COMMOl!I IL1A•Rell'•111 eltel~ _.,.. • Ill .... .,.11 .... ~ ... I I 4 ,.1,w ,.,.,.t1... 11n fXCLUSIVE DIALlltl !'Oil: HIN llDON -DUXIL-Hll!T AGI 90 DAYS NO INTIUST-LONGlll TERMS AVAii.AiLi ON APPlOVID CUDIT ?eJ,., NIWPORT BEACH 1727 Wfflcllff Dr., 642-2050 Of'IN NIDAY "flL t INTlllOllS Prefoaalonal Inter! .. 0.11Mr9 Aval11~l.....,.l~SID LAGUNA llACH 345 North Ca11t Hwy. OllN NIDAY 'Ttt. t ...,,,,. .... -.. -.._ ........ .. "'44151 Spy Crews To Learn Survival CORONADO ( U P I ) Sailors who tab sblps like the USS Pueblo on tuture e ... pionage missions may be trained intenaivelJ aa. what to do if they get caughl That sttmtd cortain lo be tine outcome ol the Pue~o affair, and !ht Navy court" ~ inquiry Into the veaseJ'1 1elzure by North Korea met Ulday behind c! .. ed doors to dilcuu it. "\ Summoned belor.e the live · admJtals __ waL.Capl. _Jobn Stane, an authority on the Navy's SERE program, which ... -- I ll 1~ ·' .. .. - - ------- ---• F'ridq, Martft i, l'" • Mrs.· Meir OK'd ··as Israeli Premje~ . . . JERUSALEM ~AP) -1'.iiael's nilla& 1.atiOt plrlJ ... ~ doned-Golda Moir fore pdme mlnl.sler today, virtually .,. surtnr ber Ibo Job. 'lbt fonner foreljn mln1'ter said ah• woud accept, even-tbouP the pro- spect "territled" her. In a statement to Ille party's Central Commll!M !lln. Meir made it apparent ahe wlll r&- tain th• cabinet of Prim• Minister Levi Eahlcol who dltd Feb. 21 after a heart attack. Tbla Indicated that Motbt Dayan, a pollUcal rival of Mrs. Meir will stay on 11!1 deferuie minister . President Zalman Sbaur is expected to aak the 70-~ear-old 1'1Je One-eyed de f •a a • rr•odmolli!r by. Monday to mlnlmr.uld earllu·fhll week lonaaJ:abtne · he would be wlWnc to aerve The Central Committee en-under Mr1. Meir if she was doratd Mrs. Meir by a vota cb,... by the party ...,. ol :ZINI 1flth 45 ablttnUDlll, mlttte. malnly fi'om supporters ol Now 70, the ! o rm e r Dayan, who had reportedly Milwaukee schoolteacher will hoped to win the prime be larael's fourth pr J me m!nlmr's pool. miniltar and probably tta WI Mra. _Meir favor• Deputy covernment chief from the Prime MinL'1er Ylaal Allon 1enu1Uoa ol !mmliranla who over Dayan. But poUUcal founded the Jewl.!h n1~on. observers aay she wlll need After her, the leadertbjp 'ta the popular Dayan to coolhiue expected to pass on to the u defen11 mlnilter to ketp naUve-bom Sabras, like Allon up pub~ morale. and Dayan. * * * * * * Nasser Urges Arabs Mn. Meir 1 ".\. o k t d In• Wttk U .the would aUepl Ibo cliiantlf as lhl! 111 In the~ M?s; Meir witbheld bet third row, wearlnf a navy ttecliion until..lbe. central cam· blue dress. Dayan sat un~ mlttte v9~ Privately .i-t• noUced well blct \D the hall exi)resaed fear that the atr&in and left wbto lht mttlln( ol leadtnl!IP mlahl prove loo was half over. A 1poteamaq tnoch:f~hef ,healtb. for him, Shimon Peres, told Pinbu S a p 1 r , aecretary. the delegatt1 that the Dayan general ·of the party, told th• facUon would accept Mrs. party caucus today th a t Meir and added ''Wt are ,.,. "Golda la suited for a public in& our deci!lon" oo whether miuioa. She bu the ability the dtfense ml.alJt.er would bid to lead aod the authority in for the top peat In November. lht country and ~ labor Although Labor party movement. And she ls ao- leadtn had 4-ked her last cepted by alm.011t everybody." Basil W. Oberbansll "!IJ l<mdon ,'' well known Harbor Area Chef has pleasure In announcing the opening of Illa Authanllc lrltlsh Pia Shop! ,. teaches sunival, e v a a 1 on, · 'hi re1~tance and eacape hom_~:::::=:::::::==::=:=:=::::::~~~:::::::::~ CommuniJl' land.a. Drug_ Usag.e Up Sharply In Military To Hit Israel Firs_t II Fooil1 to Go -Including Sand· wiches, Salads, etc. We also ca~r !or all oceaaions. Canapes, Birthday & Anniverury Cak .. as well as dinners! ' Two aailors aboard the By United Preu tatematltlail He said in a new war Egypt For Your "TAKE-OUT" Orders .•• A c!ooe confidant of ECJll, needed air bastS in other Arab THE ORIGINAL 645·2252 :a~~ ~~~at~~ :n:.°F::~e: ~':1~ 10BERHANSL1··~ Arab nations should a.t!ack to strike at the htart of II-OP. LONDON 1'1'atl lint in !ht nm Mid· l'at! wltboul impunity becauat 270 E. 17th St., Hlllgren Square Pueblo at the tUne of her capture Jan. 23, 1988, were graduata of !ht SERE school. Its students go through a rug~ I ged course of interrogation ·' and mistreatment by office.rs '! trained in Communist police · Sealab 3 Chief Says Safety Project Goal WASHINGTON (UPI) - lnvrri:ligations of suspected use of dnigs rose sharply last year in the .armed forces, especially in Vietnam, the Pentagon said today. The figures could indicate eithei: more use <if drugs <ir more intensive d e I e c t i o n pro- cedures. IN.n te tM Sbdw) Ceft M ... die Eut war. New fighting -i~la~~pl_!anea~~a:.rt-baoed--too_1_a_r.!..!!~";;.;·';;;'5''~~;;;·~.,~-~11te~'"~"~"';;;m~~-· ~-~';;.;";;;'M~·~·~·,_~,~~~~~ from Israel. flared along th~ tense Arab- methods. &th men h a v e tesified their SERE training helped them Slaod up under 11 1 months of captivity in North Korea. The other 80 Pueblo gunivors had no s u c b training. The court adjourned for the weekend. Its president, Vice Adm. Harold Bowen, flew to Hawaii for a confertnce with 1 his chief, Adm. John J. Hyland, commander in chle.l nf the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Hyland, who convened the court . " inquiry into ~ the Pueblo affair. will he !ht firat person to r'ead its recom- mendations. Under normal Navy procedure he would get them two or three weeks after the court adjOUrn!. SAN DIEGO (UPI) - "Safety first" was the guiding principal of the Navy's Sealab 3 project. the head of the program told a board of of- ficers investigating the death oI an aquanaut. Capt. William Nicholson . project manager for all of the Navy's deep submergence , operations, ~aid Th u r s d a y divers were lost every year and one of the goals of the Sealab program was to im- prove the safety margin. He said all declaions made th• day Berry L. Cannon died of carbon dioxide poisoning on the ocean floor were "made with thorough consideration of all conditions." Cannon died during his 1e- '~ Author Tells of Spat • cood dive in lesa than 12 hours in 49-degree water to seal leaks in the Sea.lab habitat parked on the bottom of the Pacific, 810 feet bel<iw th e surface. Nicholson said the decision to send tbe four-man team <if aquanauts do'WJI the second time seemed "a reasonable way to go." But one of the aquanauts who survived the dive, Rf ch a rd Blackburn, testified earlier the dive "shfluld never have been made." · An autopsy disclosed Cannon was asphyxiated by a fatal buildup of carbon dloxide in his breathing apparatus, which coruitant1y cleans and recycles the helium-oxygen mixture. World\\·ide there were 14,04.1 investigations in 1968 as com· pared to 7,641in1987. In Viet- nam the totals jumped from 1,390 in 1967 to 3,460 in 1968. ?lost of the inve&lif"alions concerned use of marijuana. The r a t e s per thousand troops for such cases were given as 4.18 for Europe and 7.99 for Vietnam in 1968. The 1987 rate in Vietnam wu 2.69. "l could only guess," Fra.qk A. BarUmo, chairman of the Defense Department'a Drug Abuse Control Committee, said in an interview, "but I believe much ol the increase is due to our greater focus on the subject." Israel frontier. Hassanein Halkal, tdltnr ol .---------------------. the semi-official Cairo news· paper Al Abram and 1 fre- quent Nasser .!pokesman, also called for the Egyptill'l u s e of air bases in Syria, Jordan and Iraq. He said such an agreement wou!d enable Russian-built Egyptian ?iUG jets to .!trike at the heart of Israel. The Arabs should attack first in a next Middle E a I t war and the attacks 1hould be launched from teveral Arab countries at once, creating ; now5 99 !leveral fronts and forcing ls· rael to divide its troop.!, he said. fifth Haikal said th a t a blitz- lcrieg pattern used by the l~-USHER'S raelis in the six-day war In .June. 1967, would not he feas- ible in a new conflict because I ; l i • ' ' i ' • • ! I • .. Uris Threatened Wife Before Death • tsraell planes are now acatter·.I====================~~~~~~~~== ed at many baseJ. most <if which are now further from the Arabs than before. ASPEN. Colo. (AP) - Author Leon UriJ aay.! be and hia beautiful young bride quar- reled and that he told . her. "We're through," shortly before she was found dead of a gunshot wound Feb. 19. ~ A si1·member CC>roner's Jury resumea its bearing to- day. after failing to reach a decision during a day-long hearing Thursday on the death 1 nf 26-year~ld Mrs. Margery Uris. Investigating <ifficers said earlier her death was an ap- parent suicide. There had been earlier spats 1inee their marriage last September, Uris testified, but .1 added they always had been -1ettled quickly. Jn the laat dispute, he said he told her, "We're through. Go sleep downstairs.-· , But, he said, "What really • f got me" was Mra. Uris' reply • 1 to his order. "I've made other plans," he quoted her ts uying. "She was calling my bluff," flaid the 44-year~ld author or auch successful novels as "Eir· odus." "Topaz." "Battle Cry," and "Mila 18." "When she walked by mt 1he said 'Goodbye. Enjoy the presents.• " He sald his Jut words were : "Marge, if you don't tell me where you're going, it's the worst mistake or your life." The reference to presents involved presents she had given· Uris and his son earlier in the day. :\frs: Uris -model, artist, silversmith -had b e e n described u "one ot the beautiful people'.' <if this Rocky Mountain ski re.!ort. Their fashionable b om e O\'erlooked the town. Uris told 'the panel, "We were happier than any couple I knew," but conceded he had talked with his attorney the. day of .the shootin1 about a dJvorce. Assistant Dist. Atty. John Wendt asked if he was serious about the divorce. • ' No t really," Uris replied. '1t w1s kind of a bluff." He said it wu starting to 1now when his wife walked to the door. "She had an anguished look on her face ," he. said. "She hesitated 1s though she didn't know where she was going or if she wanted to come back into the house. "It was 1 test oC wills, l guw," Uris said. He said JET p~· , ... 7 ...... . . . . ' . •.NOISE By Jou Olle ol the b!Qeal ba~les in ton wbto we will stt i( the big ~cur cam.J)&ign to protect our airlina have the big 1ay ••• or ~ice homes against the big j~ts if the little property owner- and !ht blight that tiler bnng taxpayer still counts for som .. r o our homes, our f~miltes, and thing ln our creat America-the :.oo_r pocketbooks, will be fought airport hu made anocber crlt· t <h1S coming Tuesday, March 11. lea! and costly dtcilion. ~ The place will . be -the ~unty At the cost of an estimated. ~.Board of Supervuors offt~~ at $180,000 of your money, the air- "''515 North Sycamore (that• Just port people have brdere:O· five ~west of Main Street) in Slhta inches of asphalt to be added ~;Ana. to the existing Orange County • At 10:30 Newport's pretty and airport runway1. "~efficient .Mayor, Doreen Mar· Along with this big lhick lay· • 1ball, will 10 before the board er. other paving will brlng your ~·and ask them to tum do~n ~ bill to $250,000 . . . ._oo guess -request of half a dozen big l.ll'· at it's for? Could it be to -Unes to ny ~ flights to bring in bigger, faster. louder • more, faN;Jfl cltiu, from <lW' and heavier jets to the airport • 'little Orange County atrport. so they can ny over your houle ; While ID maey -le under and make your home wmh ; ·the Oigbt pattern ....., dlsap-less and less7 Stem llranp .;. pointed when the city of Costa that the county will uk the taz. •"M~ seema 1'o be goJng along payer to pa.7 for this SC>Cllled '"with the aerial invasion avtr improvement. ... their city, Mayor Manhall and * * * ~:-the Newport Beach council are Let'• be in Santa An• on •dead RI against It. Man:h 11. ~ Sht wlll need your wpport on * ... , •l thls date. Why not come by very ·We will be back btrt on Tut> • early and be on hand to voice your protest by your appear· ay, ~feanwhlle call us at 142- ...; ~t at the auperv\son cham· ..•. or stop bT our bead- , · bers. 'lbat' date again, March s tn ~ M~ at 17th , u Tutaday at 10·!0 in Santa • and Irvine (upsta1r1) at 118 A' • · · East 17th St. We are open al :: na. * * * Ul:OOI • tven btfore the uillcaJ de-Airport NoLtt,Aba.ttJMn& dsion on March 25 In Washlng· Committee then be heard three shots. He 1aid he thought Mr s. Uri.! wa1 firing at the house "to show me she was good penetrated the brain. A third bullet struck her pur.!e, found lying by the body. Minuteman 2 Lannched and mad." Ea~t German V~NDENBERG AIR He said ht kept guns in ll'ORCE BASE, tielif. (AP) - •••-th h d A k A ) The Air Force, testing com-lht house ~cause en a • • sy Wll io o ponents <if the Minuteman been a threat on my life after \Yeapons aystem, launChed a J wrote: 'Topez.'" That novel POVLSKER, Den mar k Minuteman Two lntercon- dealt with intem~tional in-(UPI) -A captain Jn the tinental Ballistic Missile down trigue involving France and East German Air Foree flew the We.!tern Test Range al the United States. He said a plane to this town on the 12 :e a~g::,1r~unched by a the threat was made "by Baltic Island of Lomholm t1> team of Air Foret and jn. agents from a foreign e<1untry day and asked for political duatry personnel, soared to who arrived in Aspen." asylum. Dan.iah authorities a predettrmined target area The autopsy showed one .38-took him to Copenhagen tor in the Pacific, the Air Force questioning. said. caliber bullet caused a .-"=---=----'--------------1 superficial wound in Mrs. Uris' cheek and another en- tered her mouth a n d Many Idled In January WASHINGTON (UPI) There were more workers idl· ed by strikes in January than in any January since 1953, according to the L a b o r Department. There wert 320 work stoppages during the month, the department uid, involving 182,000 worker&. YOUR OWN BUSINESS W• off•r flnanci1I ••lttance Bailie 1eet1e 4dor1Ms OlllChlllM .. ,_r ....., &mal. ........ 0-pl9ta ...... ,........ W1111't t.lerfen wtU. JINM9' ~*'•· SEND THll .lD FOB nz11 llll0all11l£- Universal Chinchllla Breeders wit r.ut AMi Street, l"llUert.Oll, OIJll, C'll.D : en•> &Tt-lON er eoneet: (ft•> lll·lltt MAIL '1'1111 AD STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound .of o,an9e County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM . .,. From Fashion Island. Newport Beach 10 11 12 NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED • INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL! per annum compounded doily ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS • AN 0 \.. 0 A N ASSOCIATION CORONA DEL MAR £867 East Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar , Calif. 9262 5 telephone: 675·5010 ' HEAD OFFICE J IS E. Colorado Blvd. p.-. C&lif. 91109 telepllone: «9-2345 - OTHER BIWICH Offll:O Covina. Gllldt1 West A"'8dl1 . i ' l • .. • • .. ' l oAILY PJLoT EDITOl\lll PAGE I , £ --Teachers: New -Breed ''Teachm are sUll considered as employos In a very palrOOWng way by the admlDlstrallon. We thinJ< there .iJ a new breed of teachers." So said Bart Hake, executive secretary of the New· port-Mesa Education AsS<>Ciallon, u ho submillad lo dillrict tru.sleos this week an unprecedent.d volume of ieacher requests. Hake, hired by lbe teachers as their representative just lhi5 year, called It right. Teachers today still are employes, bul very definitely are a new breed. This is amply demon>trat.d by the variety-louch· ing 27: different areas -of the requests, as well at their volume. School board members will begin considering ihe negotiations package Tuesday night. They've got a lot of tough work ahead~of~. More,jJ) !Jct_. than ever liirore. ~ Throughout it all, taxpayers, parents and "students earnestiy hope that cool beads-trustees' and teacher!' -prevail. Bikeways at Long Last Newport Beach has finally blazed the trail for a network of bittw&]'I throughout the Harbor Area. A 35-mile system is now part of the city's Master Plan. Newport councilmen unanimously approved the in· clusion last week, capping two years of studies durine which the proposal was pedaled from one city com· mission to another, and then back again. Costa Mesa, UCI and Orange County government representatives participated in initial studies in 1967. They lndicalad agreement I<> llnklng their lerrllorl .. with the Newport System. I But so far, the only decisive action seems to ba,·e been taken by Newport' Once the entire Harbor Area joins Newport's net· work, an ambitious bicyclist could -by !ollowlne the signs -travel along some 75 miles of trails. Unfortunately, the cycllst will have lo be as cau· tious as ambitious -for a &ood portion of the trails, in Newport. at least, wUI be on existing roadways. These include Newport Boulevard, Dover Drive, Pali .. sades Road and one day will include MacArthur Boul .. evard, all of which already carry more than their share of automobile trafiic, But Newport bas done its best. The bikeways are on that city's official maps. Now it is up lo Costa Mesa and other local agencies lo pick up the trail. A Hazard to the Last Nature undid a lot of man's work last week. And 1ome ol it deserved to go. . The old abandoned Jamboree Road bridge, for in· stance. The rickety, wooden span was wrecked. by flood waters charging down the San Diego Creek. Its destruction solved a vexing problem for local authorities. They hadn't been able to· figure out what to do with it since its replacement by adjacent concrete bridges in recent years. The new bridges were built along a re-routed road· way after some half-dozen people los! their lives in auto crashes on the narrow, two-lane wooden bridge. So its ignoble end was fitting . But as it went, it ...ept up its reputation as a hazard to the last. lts debris poured into the Back Bay. And those chunks ot lumber are now a threat to navigation. (CJ 1 I • TALES Of THE REI> BERETS . •· -1 • . .. \;; . ' . .. ' ..... • New Look at Helping Relationship To Aid· Efforts Toward World Peace Dear Gloomy Gus: Military Victory Needed, in Vietnam By GEORGE R. HOFF, P-.D- ..~ ~· Time was when, upon seeing someOne for the first time in my ofrice, my initial question would be . •·How can ]_be of help~" Without consciously reallz.. ing it. this inferred that 10mebow I could dispen.se some form of magic whicti. would make the person ·feel better. become healthier, change maladapdve into adaptive behlrlor, or get ''fi:J:ed." How do you make "Pink" put· ple? Fly jeU over HIS house. -W.R. H. this, he must be willing and able to oCJer not only his e,;perti!e, but also his aliveoe.ss. By so doing, be aradually but suftly" contributes to his patient's psycllofogical health. • ' ~ The real help, dwiog a helping . rela· tionship, comes from an emphasJ.S on lhe procn1 of what is going on, not on the e..t. Open inquiry ii more eor>- ducive to happiness than readymlde soli.t-~ tions to problems. Both tbt doctor and patient are attempting to live more fully. 'I'be human interaction in the office or lhe professiooal helper is a microcosm of what bolh of them ei:perience in To the Editor : \\1e should realize the rather ominous aspects of events occurring oo various parts of lhe globe. The Russians (Communist!) are in- volved, to the detriment of the frtt world, in Vietnam. in the Middle East, in the Nigerian-Biafran conflict. and in the heavy pressures now being put on West Germany and West Berlin. We also should not ignore what Russia did recently in Czechoslovakia. l submit that il would be unwise for the United States presently to enter a nuclear nonproliferation lre.aly \rilh the Soviet Union. SUCH A TREATY could be nwre favorably .considered ln the fulure, alter lhe Kremlin had aband....i--n..,. ag- gressive and subversive activities irf the lives of other nations. It is my hope that cOOcerned readers will join me in writing our senators in Washington regarding this. A further important matter is to let senators and congressmen lmow that a military vic- tory in Vietnam over the Communists at an early date would be Jn the best interests of the United States and greatly I WU functicrllng according to the assumption of 1 1 p 1 ycb olo t i c al iJt.. tervention" in which I, the helper, WU able to provide -for a fee -the answers to living which be, the one n«ding help, could nol provide 1..- himselL I stressed what I could do to and for Nm because, after all , if he could find his o WD answers, he wouldn't have to cootact me. daily Wt. -aid our efforts toward world peace. UNDER THESE circumstances, a 10- called "helping relationship" was established. Someone helples! comu.Ued some9!W: else v.•ho v;as not only squared iaway, but bad so much extra help that he could afford to sell it. What ts the dillereoce between paUenl and doctor? One of my friends, also a psychologist in private practice, laughingly states that the people who come into bis office are very "paUent'' while he "pracUces" on them. A doctor, aomeone with M.D .. Ph.D., Ed.D., or D.D. behind his name, doesn't have all the answers to the ptoblems ol Jiving No amount of education , a I o n e , guarantees wisdom. He is, hov.·ever. a . specialist in one phase of the art and acience of improving life. The paUent also may have a specialty. but he is • generalist in living. THE MINIMUM requirement for a psycbologi!t, psychiatrist. social worker, pastoral counselor, or other helper is that he be highly trained and skilled with the tools and techniques of bis profeMion : that's understood. Beyond IN THE DOCTOR'S office, bolh are paying attention to lhe patient's living, in an effort to make him better at il J have learned a great deal from those I· was lrying to help, and I hope they have learned something from me. also. Before help can be given in ei~r direction, the emphasis must be on the process, not the end. Nobody waits until ht finishes therapy to start living. For the process to otter muimum help, there mll.!t be authudcUy and reciprocity. I am a person trying to be a psychologist. My patient is another person trying to do whatever ls hi• thing. His psychological growth proc<eds proportionately to our respective abilities to share our authenticity. CONVERSELY, his trowth is inhibited to the extent that we perpetuate our personal hangup!:, status g a m e s 1 phoniness, and defens.ivene.51 together. Certainly a l'C'olessional helper can be of help. But it is he, in proces.!1 with his patient -not his training, knowledge, or technical skill -who is tht essential catalyst in improving living. ~ ChiUlrenasa Tax Break Children are 1 blessing -or at least a tai: break. even though lhe $600 ex- ~mption won 't cover much ol their keep lhese days. Parents can claim the exemption vthtn lhey provide more lhan hall of their children'• support. A child may ,-.•orl.: aummert or carry a paptr route and actually make up to '600 himself which win not be taxed. 'Jbe working chilcl thus has 1 double. ~n:mptkn a child under nineteen or • lltlldent ol. any agC! can earn tncomt d any amount. Besides the pettnt's deduction. the child may take his otfn penlOIUll uemp<Joa In hlJ ttlum. In d<clding wh<lher lbe parents rurni.hecl more than half of his support, the tai: .ma:n WUI nol figure ln the youngster's earnings not ~Pf.nl on h.i.s own support. fl'OR U.U1Pl..E. Johnny, a junior rol- legt lludtnt, •orke.d summers and made • a year. llll em ployer whhhe)d f]OO Ja tua U tbt parenta sptnd $1 ,000 to mppart Jobnqy, they can claim him a ., e:iemptlon. Jdmny can also rue til own nCurn and cllim hia own MOO .......,.1ou, ..., lbe tu llld get 1 round. JI 10U hlft I (l"OWn IOO or dau1htcr I. -,_ living at home who Is neither a a.1udent nor under ninetffn, chect hi! part-time income. If he earns more than MOO he bi no I001er a dependent. If he earns less than $600 you can 1Ull claim him u an oemption. SO~~ PARENTS make lax savlnp by gl•inl lbelr children penonal property such u stocks. Paten\$ m.,- aet aa custodians and can hold tltle and keep some control over the stocks_ But note: The prnperty beloflgs lO the child; you cannot legally 1UJe it nor its Jl"OCeeds to beneftt. anyone elst. As a tai: savtr. parents otten put real estate or other property into a trust (OI' chlldi<n. One WI Ibo mike pffiodk gifll to children and save inheritance and eslllt taxes. Not<: Coli/omlo llltDJl'f• olfa thil column 10 VoU may knotO abovt our ltl14'S. URBAN L. SCHMITZ Gryllol Ball To the Editor : On a subject I dreamed up myself, namely "Juvenile Crime AJl4 Just Plain Uppityness," l bad to resort to the crystal ball, which snidely informed me that the present generation may be an angry bunch of kids, but they are saints compared to the generatioa to come. The. crystal ball ·then suggested a solu- tion as fantastic as the socialism evtrywhere possible and nowhere found . Fantastic because (I) the kids wouldn't go for it, (2) it ,\·ould be immediiitely opposed by that segment of the anti·birlh- control people. who would like to crowd the \li"orld v.·ith their 0"\\0n particular bree<l. I WOULD DEFEND their right lo do tbis if they were important, but even &0 it would appear unfair to the starving millions who are already here. 1be "solution" suggested by ·the crystal ball ii this: Declare a moratorium on all child bearing for about 30 years. That would give the kids of today a chance lo grow up, acquire a modicum of maturity and common sense. Then they would perceive, to their chagrin. that O\."er·population has been, is, and ,---By f;eorge ---, Dear George: r-,fy New Year's resolutiom m to 'Nit smoking, drinking. staying up late, spending money carelessly and wasting my lime on girls and loo.se living -and so far, IO good. ~1y problem is this -what else is there to do? DETERMINED De<1r Determined; You nttd a hobby to occupy your mind. How about breaking New Ytar'!i resolutions! That's always popular and thttt's a very large club you could join •••. Dear Georae : How did you develop yoi.ir mar~·eJous powers of co~ntratiou and can you teach them to me! Dear S. C.: llub! s. c. Oh. Ytah, yeah, ( can teach you. All you have to do Is whet WM th1t quc&Uon a.g11in~ ( ' i\l ailhox l"'1'9n trorll l"Mdelil .,.. W-. HomMotlY Wrl,_..1 "'-Id awlY.., ""*Ir IMaWllfl !fl :JOO -.II Of leu. ll'M rl9'1t t. ~ leltt,. 11:1 tit _,, or 1llmf. net. libel i. reMrwd. AU lollttn murt !Mk.Id• •l11n1tun anll 1n1Hlft9 111111,,_, but 111me1 !MY tit' •1~1111 ... r-1 It lllffklitnt ~ Iii -Ntll. wilt always be the underlying cause of v;ars, starvation, crime and what have you to make your life miserable. And ii might bring them to realize lhat the glories of Propagation ha ve a great potential for a lifetime of headaches if there results too many kids to feed properly. . MILT BASHAM Swit,1111e r s •Shor Down' To the Editor: I have been reading in the DA.lLY PILOT about the recent penalties levied upon Corona de! Mar and Costa Mesa high schools. Unfortunately, the con- sequences or the ClF ruling committee's action v.•ill have a much more serious effect than preventing deserving athletes lrom competiQg. Today, more than ever, we hear of the misunderstanding, the strife, and lht conflict, between the generations. The older generation has been accused again and again of being hypocritical and unjust. This description seems to fit the whole situation involving the CIF and the parent wbo brought the charges in the first place. One wonders what the swimmers at these high schools, and indeed every high school student. are learning today about adults and justice. l.\IAGINE TllAT you are. a swimmer al one o[ these schools and hav.e just been told that the entire. team is guilty of ClF rule violatiom. Remember, you have been getting up at 5:15 every morning during the school year and most of the summer to work out. This you have been doing for four years. What has suddenly changed, you wonder? How can someone work out illegally ? 1 have talked with many of the swim- mers at c.orona and they bad no idea they were working out illegally. Most of them didn't even know there was a C1F Bluebook (the official rule book), let alone that it was kept in the coach's or princlpal's office. Most or them are angry that no one told them about this or even that they might be working out illeially. I wonder what they are thinking now about adults and the older generation . I DIDN'T KNOW there "'a.~ a CIT Blud>Ook either, but I decided to read It to fiDd out what rules had been violated. I guess I'm dumb because 1 c1.11'\ ftnd the rule and I read the book .fl•• limes. There was a CIF meeUng held to "delermloe the truth.'' Included was the legendary Mr. Fagans, head ol ClF, and even the mother that phoned In about the charges was there. It was impossible for me to attend but 1 talked with some who had. What they said could have been predicted : Faga1111 dooble-laltecl for hall an l'<>ur, 1 rew people. boiler«! and ocr>llf1¥d, •nd everything remained as It had bttn before wilh no c:onc?tele explanations. This ls justice, 11nd thtn some ~le wonder why yrutbs lea;·n to quesUoo adults. ONE POINT nlAT reaUy irr1l1tcs me ls the mother's (the one who m•de the accuutlons) moUve for shooting down an theae young men. I have been swimming 1 few yem and ha vr bl!!f':n t" man,y local and AAU mttts. I hl \•e noticed that this mother has two sons who S\~rim. I also know that the only two local boys who have beaten her sons go to C. del ~1. High School. Is this a coincidence? No, I gues.s this is justice! MIKE MARTIN Parental A pathy To the Editor : I aUended .a meeting rttently. Flyers were distributed through some of the Newport-Costa Mesa schools (some 6,000 I understand) and other sources of which I am not aware. The net result was approximately a dozen inte r J st e d parenls. The topic was venereal dJSease ! I was astounded at the lack ol at- tendance at this meeting. Are the parents in this area that apathetic? Or do they think: it could never happen to them (or theirs)? Or do they really believe they (and theirs) know all of the answers? ONE OF t!IY objecti ves in .all.ending this meeting was to see a movie and judge for myself whether 1 wanted my clUld or any child within the. teen-age span to view this film. 1 would now appreciate another opportunity to see this film again WITH my Leen-ager. This film. "A Quarter of a t.1illion Teen-agers," was excellent, in good taste and effective. I found nothing ob- jectionable about ii. Parents must determine for themselves what their children are exposed to in this respect. ~1V OBJECTION is that the parents don't appear to be interested enough to take advantage of opportunities when lhey are offered. I complime.nt and praise the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach and Vernon C. tl1itchell, president of the Committee for the. Eradication of Syphllis, Inc ., for lhe.ir efforts to help educate the parents in this area. I also wi sh to apologize to them for the apathetic ma· jority of parents in this community. MRS. BETIY GLASER •Dome Lover's' R epl11 To lhe Editor: This Jetter is In reply to the Jetter from "Orange County Airport Lover" (Mailbox, March 5). ~fay he learn that his personal con· venience and comfort is not to be gained at the expense of others. May his home fall into the Santa Ana River alter he voted against the nood control bonds. May the county build a awage disposal pl¥l next to his home and refuse to condemn his property. Better still, may the county condemn hls home and refuse. to pay fair markel D1·opouts Everett. Walb .. ·Herald : "AlthougtJ more than 500.000 studeilt1 now are recorded ., high 11Cbool ch<>polltl each year, a sizable nwnber ol them return to some Conn of formal educt.tloo l;1ter. Some enroll In other 1chool1, other go on to adult education pro- grcna -a slgnlflcant number of w1mn graduate. Olber1 earn their blgh school diploma durtna mUltary 1ervice . This one finding alone In~ dicates tbe shallowness of l'IUVloua studies. Dropouts do not necessarily r<maln dropout&." GRANGEVll,LE, Id1bo, Free Pl'Qa: . "Comi>elltiOn. the good America.n dtmocr1tic. W'lY o£ We. koeps -l• alert. on thtlr toe. 1nd interested in what is going on.1' value. Even better, may he learn the frustration and fury that comes when his home. is threatened by unregulated ''progress" and some buffoon writes a letter such as his to the local paper, r.tA Y HE CIRCLE forever over Ken- nedy Airport in a snowstonn.. Jf he lives in Costa Mesa, may his entire city be strangled by freeways, IJ1d then be annexed to Baja California for con· version into a super bowling alley. May the county btlild a runway that poinlJ' directly over his home. May he live next to a polluted river. and a beach ruined by oil spills, and choke constantly on air polluted by in- dustrial wastes .. And r10ally, may be survive to see the day (a few· years hence") when Orange County Airport becomes so congested with passengers and ever-lnrger jets that he writes • whining letter to the DAILY Pn.aI' complaining about the inconvenience and intolerable condition! at the: airport. A HOME LOVER Gun Control To the Editor: . ~ In the light of the majority of OW' ,_.: citizens' desires for better gun control ~ measures, it is ei:tremely unfortunate I; that a vocal minority, which seems more 1 concerned about its prerogatives and precious privileges than it does in pro- tection for the public and fair play 1·· for our pollce forces, should be able to intimidate. our lawmakµtg bodies, and ~'. make the passage of adequate gun con· + trol measures so difficult. ~~ GRANTED THAT we need better Jaw !; enforcement and greater restrictions of ' the crimioal; we also need better control of the purchase. possession a n d packing of pistols and automatic weapons, if better crime control is ever to take place and we are to mo\'e out of the "\\!ild \Vest" era. We license dri vers of vehicles who ~' cause accidents, yet v.•e also license • vebicles'to make law enforcement easier .. ~ A comparable sltualiora exi sts relative -= to guns. 3;' We need better control and more fiih.. draslic penalties for those who use guns I·~ to commit crimes, but we also need 1· better control over tbe use of automatic " weapons. This will not stop 1porUmen , ;· from bunting, but it will make law Jtl enforcement easier. 1~ IT IS TIME for tbe silent ma}ority ' r! who too easily pennlt themselves to 1 be shouted down by a vocal minority to speak out. Certainly if the sensele~ slayin1 of Innocent individuals "and the lifelong cri~ piing o( many others can be reduced through gun control, the inconvenience 1 of a gun control measure which requires t • i permit Is 1 small price to pay. .... w. s. SCHO!:NBOllMI i'. e ----i : Friday, March 7, 19&9 Tiii cdllorfal povl Of Ill« llcri!J PiloC 1cckl to iflform and strr. Mlat. mzden bit prcnnti.110 Ul.b ~·· opbt.ionl mid com.- m .. toTy °" topfet at l•tn•it and rigrdficonu, by J)rOt'idtftg a forv.m /or tM e•••ftoa oJ OUT rc-adf1'a· opf1liona, aM bi premUlng U.. dlwTu Of- poiftts of '"fom14d olMerwrs CP1d .poke'""" °" top;e> of U.. daf. Robort N. Weed , Publisher i: ! : . .. ' .. \ . ;; .. . . .. .).>. •. .. I . • I • • • :• • I• •' • • I I· I ,, ------ • • ($) De·serter . . Sentenced - County G' l;ets 4 Years . Hartl LaJror 'Iba lederll pvermntnl Tbundaj' ..,. 1l19 Intent to 1blrk lmJlOl'lant service, '!'be rtd-halrid .,......., lllrnalf pale derllned Ill aUltude toward dexrtlon, D4111'ly providing lood for members ol aod lolltnd on his led .,.._Will when a Sulla Ana GI who left ilia bis unit al cam Roob Bay, 1inco food . u court martlal j1l..idml Col. Belli Vietnam duty was sentenced lo four ii bulc.to ~ood n;iorale. , . ; Llolblcum, md 1111 -ttlmued years '~ bard labor after . a historic ' The ~•use, -thr~_e attorney•, two . bJ the mlliWY. jury. 1 court martial. ol them clvlllAn -maintained that he , '!'be -ii lllbjocl to . - The mutmwn verdict aM the mu· wu aulllr ooly o1 behl( abaenl .wilhoul ~ by a IOIJlls1 ......, -i. lmum sentence were lmPoeed on Pvt. leave,-but the board relUJed to accept Wuhlngton and PYt. Arnett ~ an Edwlll c. Arnet\, ·:io, w11o· aaid earlier' the lwer ptea·enltted last ,,..k. appeal to the Jieople ol Amerlca 'alter other htxn~slck detectors , in sWecleft Tbe def«.iion to ,Sftden Yia Japu aentence wedneldiy. • would decide their luture.!'oo the ou~. nd ·111w1a lo)lowing a · fiV&<11y· rat · "I bellm! the .people lhould apn11 come of hil. ,. · )ea•• w:u p11bllclzi:.d as a war prolett, their feellDp by Wruin, to the pmt- He was a1sQ sb:lpfl.ed of all rank, but the def""' said Weane.dll!' II ·wu ' d. , " •· •• ,, pay and benenls and · ordered to 6e du e to h.ar&Mment by m e 11 in Amett's en., uc ~ oishonorably discharged. uni!. Escaping just -"J'ar qo, Pvt. Am<lt A board « sll: men and one .woman Before ~Ing taken into military wu·granted asylum In. ~ Sweden. deliberated ooly 90 mln\lles late ·wed-custocty · aft<r choosing to retUrn to biit ~· to ._,.,. lhe flnt -- nesday belore declaring the balding cook "-le• and .lace charges, ~ wu among Gb who ftfecled ~ guilty on two count.s. quoted ln news interview. as referring unable. to eet •: Jtb· and lfvibl aa. 1tlt They were deaution IOd desert.ion with to hlms!lf u a-deserter. weekly weUare fbnds. DAILY ,llOT Steff ...... CEREMONIAL GARB HELPS 400 INOIAN FAMILIES FEEL AT HOME IN ORANGE COUNTY Indian Center Ludera Walker (l_eft), Knifechltf Aid Members of All Tribes We made a great special buy '-..-.. of polyester knitsl BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• In the Wind At 4:15 p.m. on March 2 Christine Marie Biscaluz was born a t Huntington lntel'conununity 11ospital to parents Jrene and Len Biscaluz, of 17106 Ash St., HUn· tington Beach. . . f\.'fiss Biscaluz \Ye1ghed in at 6 pounds 4 ounces and is 191h inches lall and will be called "Christie." She bas a brother, Lenny, 5, and a sister, Cheryl, 3. Her father has been a postman here for 11 years. He had the com- pany of uncle \Varren Biscaluz in the \\'ailing room. Warren is the [riendly desk sergeant at the local police department and says be is pretty happy over the event. Y~s. they are related to the famous sheriff of Los Angeles county. * Ex-Navy pilot 1-larvey McClure. an electrical engineer at the h1cDonneLI Douglas Astronautics Co. in Huntington Beach, was watching Monday when Apollo 9 roared ofi into space. He was at Cape Kennedy to see the launch as a reward for outstan· ding craftsmanship in the design and manufacture of the S.IVB stage of the Saturn V lunar launch vehicle. He and his wife have three girls, Candace, 19; Anne, 17 and t'beryl, 10. They live in Neu'J)Ort Beach. h1cCiure has been with the com· pany 14 years. * Teacher associations at three \Ves t Orange County s c h o o l districts have joined and opened an office under the name of West Orange County Educators. Participating are t e a c h e r associations in the high school 1istrict and Ocean View and ~Vestminster elementary. The organizations claim to represent :;ome 1,500 teachers. The office is in Suite 215 of the ~1ercury Savings Building a t Beach Boulevard and Edinger A.venue. Open hou se will be held Tuesday, \Vednesday and Thurs· day next 'veek. Hearh1gs Slated On Zone Changes TwD public hearings on :ione changes have been set for "larch 18 by the Foun- tain Valley City Council. The first public bearing concerns a request for R-4. high den"Sity muJtiple famUy zoning, oo property on the west aide of Brookhurst SlreeL about 475 feet north ol Slater Avenue. Agricultural use iS the current zoning of the area. The second request is for local business ioniog of an area northwest or the inlerseetion ol Warner Avenue and Brookhurst Street. This area is 'also currently zoned for agricultural use. Policen1an to Show Fihn on Marijuana Narcotics and marijuana will be di.cussed Monday nlgbt by Huntington Beach Police Officer Bert Oladwick ln the cafeteria of Marina lligh School. 1S87l Springdale st. During the 7:30 p.m. meeting he win &bow the film "M1rijuJna." A question period will follow his pruntation to the MArina booaten .,..p. Showing •now~ County Bureau Aids Indians By TERRY COVILLE Of .... .., ...... Sllff Today's American Indian may wear • traditional buffalo headdress fashion<d from a football helmet Ind be probably will fiasb a union card befOre performing a tribal rain dance. Adjusting from the plaiM to plastieviUe ls a tremendous task faced by the thousands of Indians who leave the reservations yearly. Helping them make that adjustment In Southern California is the Orange County Indian Center, headed by chairman John Knlfechief. "You'd be surprised haw many Indians et1ming here don't even know how to use a telephone," sayd Knifechief, himself a full-blooded Pawnee. Phil Walker, public relations director for the center, estimates there are about 400 bonafide Indian families in Orange County. "We also handJe.,.Indian problems from Los Angeles Cou!ty ," added Walker. The Orange doWtty Indian Center is one of two ~h organiz.ations in California. The other center is In Lo!! Angeles and it has severe financial pro- blems, explained Knilechief. A Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) pro- gram allows Indian! to seek government aid in relocating once they leave the reservation. The Los Angeles office 0£ the BIA will provide finances for an Indian to come to California and attend trade school of his choice. "But they don't show him what to do tr he loses his first job," complains Knifechief, "and an Indian oot of work Immediately becomes et1nfused and wants to go back to the reservaUon." "We try to coovince them to stay here and adjust to life off the merva- tion,'' explained Walker, a member of the Omaha Nation. "First they need money, and quite often food," !!laid Walker. "But not clothing," commented Knifechief, ''we're overloaded w i .t h donated clothing, but Ind1ans w1ll rartly accept clothing." ) "Indians in need usually bear about us through the grapevine," s a I d Knilecltief. "We stick' together and the ce.nter isn't well known outside of Indian families." A ball for meetings is presently needed by the 54 members of the Orange County Indian Center. "We currently meet in the senior citizens clubhouse in Santa Ana," said Walker1 .. but we need a hall where we can perfonn tribal dances, hold pow wows and sponsor fund rai;si.M events." Knifechiers home at 7931 First St., Stanton, • currently serves as head- quarters for the center. A garage in back is used to store canned food and clothes as well as ceremonial costumes. Last Christmas the center fed hundreds of needy Indian families with donated canned food . Plans for the future include 1-poruiorship of an All-Indian rodeo in Orange County. "\Ve"il like to develop an annual Indian festival similar to those in Gallup, N.M. and Flagstaff, Ariz.,'' says Walker. "It woold be a West Coast fi.rst, .. beams Knifechief. "We'd like to use the Orange County Fairgrounds, but haven't heard apythiag from them yet." "We already have an agreement from a rodeo company in Newball to aet it up and run it," adds Walker. A1ost members of the center still perform tribal dances even though their legs may be rusty from toollng around town in their c'ars. "Several of our dancers work at Disneyland," said Knifechief, • ' a n d they're all union members." · Most Indians in Orange County belong to the NavaOO Nation, said Walker. The next largest group is probably SiOlll from the Dakotas, he.said. "But once they come to the center everyone fits together pretty well," be added . When asked if the great American Indian is dying off, Walker Ctlmmented, "Not as long as the rtservations still exist" But the flow from reservation to plasticville i!1 increasing yearly. Health Experts Endorse Pilot's Series on Drugs The 10-part Rries of article!!, "Drugs 1969-." to be published starting Monday in the DAILY PILOT has been called, "the best view of the drug scene the adult world has ever bttn offered." Written by Associated Prm science writer Alton Blakeslee, the articles are the result of months of rt.search into lhe use and abuse or drugs and narcotics in the Urtited state11. ' They are 1hmted toward parents of children who already are, or may become, users of dangerous drugs. They cover the subject from the one-time, experimental use "for ticb" to the full-blown agony of addiction. Purpose. of the articles is to help parents learn the facb so they can safeguard their childttn from drugs. Nationally, Blali:eslee's articles have drawn advance raves from authorities who were allowed to read them before they were released for publication. Among authoifties who r e v i e w e d Blakeslee's work and endorsed H was John Finlator, associate director of the Bureau of. Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs in the U.S. Departmenl of Justice. His comments : "I am plea!led to reconlmeod this accurate and factual report dealing with the menace of narcotics and drug abuJe not only for parents and those Interested in i..dling drug .....,..i. bul ltr young people wbo ore lllbjeded to the drug ~ in their ettryday 8DCial con. lact.a:." .. the Harvard University Health Services, said: "This series represents a new h.igh in responsible reporting of all aspecls of the current drug problem in the United Slates. Not only 00.. ll present much factual material which Jn it.self ii all too rarely pmented, but n describes the 1Ubtle psychological in- nueoees that affect young people eager r{r new experiences or looking for waya W solve their personal p-oblems." Blakeslee Wins Writing ~ward NEW YOR!t (AP) -Alton Blaltesl,., Associated Press science writer, wu named today as one ol 10 wtnnen In the Scripps-Howard FOUbdaloa's Edward J. Meeman Conservation Awards for , 1968. ' Blakeslee's select.ion was based on hll five-part series on "Our Polluted Planet,'' published wide.ly in newspapen lfl'OM the country in February 1968. He received a $5QO cash priu. Actor Seelqi Divorce LOS ANGELES (UPf) -Actor .ftob. ert CUmmlJ)p. 118. c!l&"ged his wile ol ff years wllh extreme cruelty In a dl- \'orce suit filed 'Ibursday. $10 Jltl!QRS 7·15 MISSES .10·18 l111C1gllial --polyostor bits tliot pramcolly .. ,. for !Mmsal-. Wmh by hand or •adiU.. ... drip or lvmtila dry, and tlioy're ready lo go OIT)'Wfio<o wjlh aploonb. Choote fro. • whole rainbow of pastels with scarf, tab, be~, button, encl whlte-toui:h tri-. AJ this ip41Cfal AnnTversory priot. collect • whole wordrob. of them. t\nnelf• THE DRESS PLACE • ... Alt.on Blakeslee 11 to be comniended for hi1 very studklul yet candid approach to the problem. Thi• is lruly • vllal 'i::oobibution to the advancement of public health and public rafety." Cummings asked that custody cf I h • COUJ)le'1 four minor cbildrtn be awarded I...-----------------------------------------. ~11~: •• ~V~· ... '/:,;'f:"...,,~;:,.~rl, COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH Dr. Dan L. Famaworth, director flf 1945, In Rlveralde. They oeparat.d lasl (H-rbor Shopping Contor) (H untington Center] (Fashion ftl<tncl) . Oc.1. II. • • 1 • ' J " . FrfdQ, Marcil T. 1'69 Rus·sia Bla.sts Red Chinese Atrocities Claims Soviet Sola!ers Executed; Moos Sin.ash -China Kmbassy Windows cc:.r.:... " ... _.., ,,.., •..m By United Press lntemolionol A FHlno stale College professor Fresno Stale College professor poured cat.up on bis Selective Service can! a11d ate it during a rally by a group opposed to the draft. Byron Block, 29, professor of linguistics, aald be turned in bis clU'd during "" antiwar rally last fall but a new card was sent to him. "Now I am my draft card," Black announced. after swallowing the can!. • Dough Dusan, 17, offered to go down the chimney in Houston when lhe unldenWied teen-age g i r I discovered she was locked out of her fashionable home in southwest Hduston. "ill guess I'm just a litUe fatter than I thought," said Dusan after firemen used a rope to pull 'him from the chimney 45 minutes later. • Alf qualified voters turntd out to vote on the .sale of alco- holic btverages in BrotondaU, Tex. The vote for liquor end beer 100$ .56. The re1t of the voten-l~voted dTJI. Mar.shaU at 104 milt• away, was the ntQ11- e.st place to tht north whert: you could get..p. ltQal drink before WedM1day'1 election, Silsbee, 10 mile• awaJI, the nearest to the 1outh. • Nine bouquets appeared on the MOSCOW (UPI) -The SOvlel Foreipl Mln1say charged today that llusalan soldltt& wouqded 1tt a Slnc>&vlel border club wllh the Chlntse Commurdsta lut Swtday were ei:eculed by Chinese firing al them point blank and wleldlng bayooell. The statement was made at a press conference after a quarter of. a mttllon Russians surgtd pest lhe Chinese Com- munist embusy today In a Jeerinl, wJn. dow...whing parade that broke olmoal every wlndow in tbe building and aplat· tered its facade with colored ink. Witness Tells Of Tots Held In Jail Cells WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Maryland jail Inspector told Senale lnvestlga\ors today of cases in which children u young as :J yeara old were kept in fill.by jalls for as much u 90 clays. The children were held not u defen- dants but as witnesses or victimll in child abuse C8!e1, the witness, Joseph B. Egeberg testified. He ls an employe o[ Maryland's Department of Cor- rectional Services. Appearing before a Senate aub- commW.. Investigating prison <Ulditions In the nation Egeberg wd: "Maryland law provides for the confinement of witnesses whtn secwity b not available and tt mikes no ei:cepilon for juveniles.'' "I know.of one case in which a juvenile cases where youngsters were held for long periods. 'I know of one case in which a juvenile was incarcerated as a witness for three months," he continued, telling of a 3- year-old boy confined In a Baltimore City Juvenile Jail as a witness in a child abuse case against his parents. Foreign office spotemian Leoald Zamyatln ssld St Rulltan IOldlen died and 14 were strlously wounded ln the cluh some 400 mi1el north o f Vladivostok. He 11ald the dyln,g Ru.asl1n soldiers were badly muUlated with b~nell. / ZamyaUn wd a Poll mortem medical examination alter tlle "gaqster raid" acoru the border by about 300 Cblnese 0 eatabijsbfd that the Chtneae flrtd point blink; at the wounded and a:truct them with bayonell." '"Ibe faces o1 I.be killed sov1e1 bordu guards were ao D'lUtl1ated they could hardly be ""°loltod." ZamyaUn said. The Russtan1 uld theJ bad banded tbe Ch!D..,. a sll!f dlplomat!c note in Peking Thursday demanding an .end to "holtile actions" around the Soviet em-i>usY there and along the border. The lorelgn ministry aald a Cblnese detachmcpt had been especially trained for the Danuuuky llland attack allhough "the CblneJe authorJtiu try to distort tbe facls, to shirk µi. mpmjstbillly for the perpetrated prol'otaUon, to ahllt the blame to the Soviet Union." Tiie SOvlell uld the ~ attact 'bufll' up oo 5alar<lay Jl!&ht and early ·~ and t.bal lllO Cbln. ID , whlia c-nace omacb attacked the Wand, bacbd by mortsrs, srenacle t.browera and macbine l'IJll. • Tbo -.......S the Chinese of llqtng the lnddent to draw atlellilon Imm China'• Internal troubles and to ''cooaolldate the great pow e r ad- venturistlc coarse promoted by Mao Tae- timg.'• It uld ooe maln re.ason was tn preparstloa la< lmpoalnl a "plaUorm holWe to tbe SOvtet UDloo" al the comlnC ftlnth -ol the Cblnese COnununbl ~·-erowd mucbed 12 abrult !« t.bree 't>oun In the iolll, dreary Mtr<h altemooo and mnasbed moll of the 100 wlndoWI of the fivwtory Cblne,. COmo lllQlllat Embusy, IJ>llnlered ooe , ol the two glass doors and splaahed the bulldlng wlt.b Ink. The handful of low-<anklne Chinese diplomats 1WI left In ~ bugt embwy peered furllvely Imm ~ -doWI U the crowd burled beer boltles, atooes, lnk botUe1, anowballl and clnmks of ice. Fire Kills 9 In T «;nemei;it; Alarm Delayed JERSEY CITY, N. J. (UPI) -At least nine persons were killed in a roar- ing tenement fire because neighbor! waited too Jong before sounding tht alann, .authorities said loday. Seven children trapped Thursday oo the top floor of the live-story tenement were killed by flames or smoke. A mother and her 6-year-old daughter, trying to escape the fire, fell five stories to lheir deaths. A 12-year·old boy was re s c u e d moments before the roof on which he was standing collapged into the flaming ruins of the building. The dead were members of two families who lived on the top floor of the tenement. Other resident& of the 10-family building were believed to have escaped, but firemen were sifting the rubble today (or other possible victims. Inspectors were also on the scene, trying to determine what caused the blaze . Police Chief Raymond Gibney said the fire was "reaiv going" bdore the first fire truck arrived because there had been "a serious delay in reporting it.'' -grave of Joseph Stelln in ·Red Square in Moscow Wednesday, the 16th anniversary of his death .. There were no messages attached to the flowers, which 1eemed to be from Individuals rather than organlzaUom. Sov!et news media made no mention of the an" "It was a· rather h~_art-stlrrtng · sight to see this small child being confined in the detention room with bars at the wiadow and a very minimum o( facllWa," Egeberg said. ''The major commanding the police station and I wot into the room and Im· mediately the small child l'Ulhed to the major and threw his arms around the maj<r'a neck and wu obviously most happy to aee the officer," be continued. Pool May Go Down Drain "If we had been 10 minutes sooner, we could have saved some lives," Gibney said. Mass of 30,000 cubic yards of earth slowly moves ·The rear deck of a neighboring home bas started toward their swimming pool as Mrs. Richard to pull away and two homes at the base of the hill Most Americans Disagree With Student Rebels nivenary. \Vagner of Orinda, Calli. and her children watch. are threatened. by thofie above. ~~~~~~~~~~~....:..~~~~~~~~~~~ Light vp a leaf. Trlaaph. Smoker, Inc., announced thaC U will market m Neto England a cioaretu substitute that Ml no nicottne or tobacco tar-;use lettuce, Here model Sandg Eait- ler, shown with the mto cigarette and a Mad of lettuce, light.I vp. The Tn.. umph will look like a normal fil~r king cigarette but 10iU haoe a dUtinc· tiut iweeter aroma and differmt taste. • W. Chester Sanborn was unop- posed fur Hopedale, Mass. town tree warden-one of six positions he holds, In this community of about 4,500, he is also chief of po. lice, keeper of the lockup, consta· ble, superintendent of Insect pest c<>olrol and animal and slaughter- ing Inspector. "'When we had to leave and lock the 'door again. the child commenced crying, and the officer fouod It dllficult to leave &be child. But be had no allernative." Ike Progressing W eU, May Leave His Bed Soon WASUINGTON (AP) -Former Presi· «tent Dwight D. Eisenhower ls pro- gressing ao aaUsfadmily from blJ recent emergency lllneuea that he'• ei:pected to get out of bed and sit In a chair y,iithln a few days. • And bis -.le and 1plrtta U'I good. 'lb1s WU reported todly by Brig, Gen. Frederic J. Hugbea, Jr., com- manding general of Walter Reed Army Hospital, answering a series of written questions. Wbeo EbeMower la allowed bis Initial out-of·bed activity, be wW have to be assisted to the chair and remain up for relaUvely brief perloda befcn being as.silted. back to bed again. It was ex· plained. Meanwhile, alUiougb still bed-ridden, Eisenhower periodically askl to have bis bed.top propped up so be can be supported In a· titting poolUO)I, and engage in reading "light material" - prenmab)y bis favorite West.em novels. uWhen do you u:pect he'll be able to walk unassisted?" wu another queS4 lion. 'Supermale' Fails First Court T est; Insanity Rejected LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The theory that men with an extra m a I e. chromosome -so-<:alled "supermales" -might be born criminals with ungovernable passions has lost its first court test. Superior Court Judge Maurice T. Leader ruled Thursday that Raymond Tanner, 33, a supermale and sell-ain- fessed rapi!t, could not enter an insanity plea to a sexual wault charge. The decision set a world legal precedent. The chromosome abnormality is called the "XY Syndrome" because aupermales carry an ei:tra Y, or male, chromosome. Some geneUcilts have advanced the theory that XYY ma 1e1 are "predesUntd" to comm.It crimes and are prone to aggressive behavior and uncontrollable impul!es. Tanner said he knew right from wrong, thus fulfilling one of the main legal tests of sanity, but sough' to plead innocent by reason of insanity because he wu an XYY male. His attorney contended Tanner was physically unable to stop himself from attacking the housewife he met in a bar In 1967. Newport (Vt.) Mercury -14 Norfolk Inundated ·in East Coast Rain Storm l'eM.,eretHl"l!I I (i.f """ IWflll'I' •lon9 .,.. CO.II II> iklf. Wllll:bi -t-rwr!l\'ftl'"1'11, IJ fo 20 11"°'5. T_..,..1 ~fftl. Jt i. il .,.""11w't i.tn-atvM r I II t I It frOl'll • fllttl ti 61 fo • • ti "· lnlflllll """9f"ltvrt no-w" "' i. 4 , '""" •!ff ~""· ... st .... ·- PltlOAY h<O'ld 10w ... , ......... 4:M J,f!I. 1.1 k<ond llltfl . . . . • • . . .. 11 :OI lt./l'I, J.J SATVltDAY ll'lrlt koW ............... Jr4' '""'· 0.4 "'"' 111th •.••.•••••••..• 11:• 1.11'1.11 ...................... •:•to.11'1. '·' kal!ld 11'-'t •• .11:11 ".m. "2 IVMOAY '"'"' lclw •• , ........... J;tt e.m.•.I '"'"' frlltlt ............... J;tJ ··"'· ,,, $t<orwl lo-..... ,.,. ..... J:l4 '·"'· J.I M11t ti fM M iion ll'llololod tuMtiltM ,_.,, wfllle lllillf -''" Ill .... llodllft, '""" """" CarollN end Ille vi,..i~ lntq ..,lfllullm tftW Yon: .,.. ~ .. •!Id lft "" toMf" Gl"ftl lmll• "9ilfl. TM?!...,.hll'ft "'"""' ,,.,...,. ta•I? moflllne ..,,._ mf H blW Nr. 11 H-Wf, vt,. M M .t Kft' Wftl, Fii. Coetffl '\Im. dlllftHll .-rr, -..,.,. ..,.._,,., IMMt ti r•lll 111 1111 Ntrtolll, Vt .. trt1. HtreVf relll, -ellll Mil ~(I ....... lllMIM .. mlf At1enllc CO.It In •/lllfPlff" In 1111 ~I ltrln of ll•lt C-11 """'" u. .. """" lrldlft fl .... ·-••• •ll'l'ft"4 Ill 119111 of !Mw YOtlt, C- '*1lt\lt tlld lthellt lll•l'ICI ......... .... mlfltt W. ... ..._ from C•N look• 91,1t, N.C .. le lloet l1lllld, It.I, """"'"' c-1 ...... llld ..,..,. ~ n"' ttmPfr1turet •11111 "'""' Jkltt. • Altlu._..,. -....... s.-enlkld 8111Nrdl· ,_ ·-'"-Clnt1Ml11 Ctwt11!1d ..._ ...... _ ...... ·-· fort W«lfl ·~M ...... _.., -K-(ltt ........ L•A ...... Mi.tll Md! MllwM.et M- NfW Ol'lllf'll NewY.-... _ ......... p-lloll"-Pltl~Jlllle -·· l'll'tlbll1'911 hrtl1trCI Jl••ld (lty lled aMt ·-Si<T1INflhl SI. LGoll• ...... S.lt ~ (ltv ... -SI,, ltr•M1'c1 "'"''-9'1'111rt ...... ..... M -Wethl!otton ' Mltll L-,rt(. " " • ~ a • ·" " • n • • ,. ~ " " ~ ,, • n .., • " "' • " T• " " .... • " ... • • ... • • " " • " .. n " • • M " .. " " " • ,M " • ... " " .., .. • ... " " "' " " ll " T• " " • " ... • " .n " • ,, • ~ "' " " " • " " " " n M " ~ .. " •• " " .. " " • n .. ... " " .u " " " " ... Nixon Presents 3 Gls With Medal of Horwr NEW YORK (UPI) -If the avenge adult American had his way, students wbo disrupt the operation of their echools would be ei:pelled and prosecuted In the cri.m.i.nal courts, a Sindlinger survey reports. WASHINGTON (AP) -President NiJ:- on bestowed the nation'• highest award -the Medal or Honor -today on three Army men who he said "fought for the cause oC freedom and peace" in Vietnam. The presentation was a first for Nixon. and he said it was the highest honor for hJm lhus far as President. tn a colorfu1 East Room ceremony, the President present~ the bluMibboned medals with a handshake to Sgt.. lC Fred W. Zabitosky, 26, of Trenton, N.J.; 'TREE' CONTEST GOES TO POT SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Th< dire<· tor of tree planUng for San Francisco admitted today the foliage depicted in a winning "Plant-a-Tree Week" poster isn't exactly what he has in mind. The first award blue ribbon went to a poster which pictured pot, embarrassed officials iidmltted. "They're not the &Ort of trees we recommend for street plan- ting," said Brian Fewer, city tree plan· ling director. The 17-year-old high school youth who palnted the poster, which was displayed in the lobby of a public building unUl its true naturt became knollfll, said he "did it to find out where people are at." ' • S/Sgt. Joe R. Hooper, 20, of. Saugus, Calif., and Spec. 5 Clarence E." SaSl!ler, 21, of Rosharon, Tex. Nixon said the three "have added to the honor o( America by what they have done," risking their lives for their fellow men in courageous acts. ' He noted that all three were under 30 and said that there is a tendency to emphaaiz.e what is wrong with the younger generation in A m e r i c a aomelimes:- But, he said, "These three young men demonstrated to us that we can be very proud ol the younger generation. They are magnificent." Secretary of the Army Stanley R. Resor read the cit(llions cred!Ung the men with outstanding heroism and performance under fire in January and February 1968. Among other thina:s, Zabitosky rescued the pilot from a burning helicopter which crashed during a fire fight. Sasser, a medical aid man , was cited for his treatment and encouragement of wounded men during a battle even after he was wounded in the ,shoulder and both legs. Hooper, a squad leader, led an assault on a heavily defended enemy position on a riverbank. The citation said he "singlehandedly stormed three enemy bunkers, destroying them with band grenades and rifle fire, and 1bot two enemy soldiers who had attacked and wounded lhe chaplain.'' Only 6.0 perceni of those interviewed said they agreed with the student pro- testers. The survey, conducted Feb. 26-March 3 and released Thursday, showed 87.S percent of those questioned agreed with Notre Dame President T h e o d o r e Hesburgh that student demonstrators who disrupt. classes should be given 15 minutes to stop and expelled if they did noL Just 4.2 percent disagreed with Hesburgh, while 8.S percent said they had no opinion. Sindlinger said 6.1.6 percent favored legislation making the disruption of education a crime, with 28 perctnt op. posed to this and 10.5 percent with no opinion. Student Still Critical After Bomb Explosion SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Negro youth remained hospitalized in critical condition today, blinded and crippled by the toth bombing during the (our- month~ld student strike at San Francisco State College. Tim Peebles, 19. charged with co/\4 spiracy and explosion of. a bomb, loat three fingers in the blast Wednesday night in the school's creative art! boilding. Organ Jamboree ORGANS HAMMOND CHORD, "" .......... NOW WURLITZER, 4040 ""' ............ NOW THOMAS, VL2 "'" ................... ' NOW HAMMOND, M-3 '"" •• , ............. NOW WURLITZER, 4480 N .... UJ21 '''"· •• NOW WURLITZER, 4500 N .... ""' ·-· NOW PIANOS • 399 699 899 995 1975 2245 MASON·HAMUN CONCHT GRAND, 9 ~ .• $5000 v,1.,, . NOW J6't STllNWAT. Moclol M, ~000 V•luo, -···-.................... _ NOW 22tt KNAii. New, 5' I'\ Ebony, with Bench, -··············-NOW ·22to WUIUlDI, Modol 2420, Now, I only, $165 v,1.,,. -NOW 760 -·MITD. Stud;o Upr;9hl, $600 v,1.,, ............ ___ NOW 4tt _.Mttal aetvntt at l•nt.fttl•I S.•I,....._ -South Coast Plaza OP£N SUIDIYS 0. Mm!. Jnt -of Soll DI ... frwy. COSTA MESA -540 • 2830 - • Spy Crews To Learn Survival CORONADO (UP I) - Sailor• who lake sblpa like the USS Pueblo on future a. pionage mlsslona mar be tralned intenalvtly oo what to do ii they get caupt That seemed cerlaln to be one outcome of the Pueblo affair, and the Navy court ol. inqui"J into the vwtl'1 seizure by North Kcga tntl IOOay behind c1"'od doors to diacuss it. Summoned before the five admirals WU Capt. John Slane, an authority on the Navy'• SERE program, wtUch Ii ll ' • Mrs. Meir ·OK'd-as Israeli Premier. JERUS.41 Ell ,(Ai>) hrael'1 rulli>c Labor party ••· donocl (lo~~ Melr !0< prime ----mtnister todly, virtually as-surins lier the Job. Tbo lonner foreign minlller l&id Ille wood accept, even tbou&b tbe pro- spect 0terrW~1' her. In a statement to tbt party's Central Comntittee Mra. Meir made it apparent she will re- llin the cablnel of Prim< Mlnlst8r Ltvl ~ol who died Feb. 21 alter a heut.alllct. This !ndlClted that Moahe Dayan, a political rival , ol Mrs. Meir will stay on as defense ministet. Prealdenl Zollman Sbuar Is eipoc:tad to ask tlla 10-j'llt-Gld Tlit oowyed d e It n H Mrs. Meir s m • k • d-.... .... u -.....w .... !Ila stiiiClmolher by Monday to • minbl<r said earlier this week cuuolly as Ille sat Jn the pool. Mn. Melr wlthbeld btt fon:n 1 C1blllet. be would be wWiDI to serve third row, wearin& a navy ctecldoo until U'I central ~ The Central .COmmiUee en--under Mrs. Meir If abe ·waa blue dress. Dayan sat UJl.. mlttee v0Un1. Privately she doraed rm. Melr by 1 vote cbOltn by the part1 com-noticed well back ln the hall apreued tea:r that the rtraln al 217-<l wllh 61 ablltnUons, mm... ind left when the meeU•• ~ •· d sbl •~1 ove loo mainly from sup·--'-• ol Now 70, the t or m e r ... "'a er P m...., pr r--waa hall over. A 1pokerman uch for her bealtb. Dayan, who had reportedly Milwaukee IChooJteachtr wW for blm, Shimon Peres, told Pinh.aa "S a p I r , HCrttary .. hoped to wln the prime be Jsrael'1 fourth Pr I m.e the delecatea that the Dayan general ol the party, told the mtnlstu's posl. minlaler and probably Ito list f1cUoo would accepl Mtl. party caUCWI ·today t h a I ¥ra. Melr favor1 Deputy governmut chlef from the Meir and added 0 we are IAv· "Golda it ruJted fOI' a public Prime Mlnilter YIJAI Allon generation of lmmliraata who 1 .... our decision" on whether -1 .. .;00 She •·· th abJllty over D11van, Bu• po. UUcal f···-•ec1 !he Jewlsb n1Uon. .... ..._ · · IUla e ....., • uu.nu lhe defense mlnllltr would bid to lead and \be tuthorlty In observers uy she wOJ need Alter her, the leadr.rlhlp la for lhe top poll In November. the country and the labor the popullr Dtyaa to continue opected to pass on to the Although Labor p arty movement. And ahe 11 ao- as defense mlnlster to keep naUve-born Sabru, lite Allon leaders bad uked her last c:epkd bJ alrnoet everybody.•• up public morale. and Dayan. Jr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;;;;;;;;;;.;;,;;;~ * * * * * * • Basil W. Oberbamll "of London," well N U A b known Harbor Area Chef has pleasure asser rges ra s in announcing the opening of his Authontlc llrltl1h Pia Shop! teaches survlva.J. e v a 1 I o n, ! ~'' nsiltance and escape kom_~::::::::=:::::=::::=:=:=:::::::::~~~::::::~ Communist landJ. Drug Usage Up Sharply In Military T All Foods lo Go -Including Sand· 0 H;t Israel F;rSl wicbes, Salt~. et<. We also cater for au occaaions. " " ~anapes, Birthday &: Anniversary Cates as well u dinner&! By Ualtta Pren IDtenadOlll He said. in 1 new war Eaypt For Your •'TAKE.OUT" Ordtr1 ••• ._ Two sailors aboard tbe A c!01e eon!ldlDI ct EIYPI· needed air bases in other Arab THE ORIGINAL 645-2252 ~ess~~tt!~.t~~ :n::sF::::u:: ~~ :OBERHANSLI'~ Arab nations should attack to strike at the heart of Ia-OP LONDON Tsraet first In the nut Mffi. ·reel without impunity becau.e 270 E. 17th St., Hlllgren Squire I E ils planes are based too f a r 1 Nut "' ,.. Slld«J c... M9tll Pueblo •t the ti.me of her caplw'e Jan. 23, lflSI , were graduates of the SERE achoo!. Its stujlenta 10 through a.rug-, ged course of Interrogation and mistreatment bf officers trained in Communist police methods. Sealab 3 Chief Says Safety Project Goal WASH!NGTON (UPI) - Investigations or suapected use of drug·s tOJe sharply last year in the armed forces, especially in Vietnam, the Pentagon •aid today. Tht figures could ir..clicate either more use of drugs or more intensive d e t e c t i o n pro- cedures. rel e art war. New fighting ( ... , .• 111 "' ... ., __.... """'...,.""" •rtn• , .. ••• Oared along the tense Aral>-_:r~rom~_!l~ar:!"~L:._ ____ _..!.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both men h a v e tesified their SERE training helped them atand up under 11 1 montha of captivity in North Korea. The other 80 Pueblo 21urvivors had no s u c h training. The court adjourned for the wetke.nd. lb president, Vice Adm. Harold Bowen, flew to 1 Hawaii for a conference with his cltief, Adm. John J. Hyland, commander in chief of lbe U.S. Pacific Fleet. ' Hyland, who convened the court ol inquiry into the Pueblo airair, will be the first person to read its recom- mendatiorui. Under normal Navy proCedure he would get them two or three weeks arter the court adjourns. SAN DIEGO (UPI) - "Safety first" was the guiding principal of the Navy's Sealab 3 project, the head <>f the program told a board of of- ficers investigating the death ol an aquanaut. Capt. William Nich<>lso11, project manager f<>r all or the Navy's deep submergence operations, said Th u r s d a y divers were lost every year and -0ne of the goals (lf tbe Sealab program wu to im· prove the safety margin, He said all decisions made the day Berry L. Cannon died of carbon di<>xide poisoning <>n the ocean floor were "made with thorough consideration of all conditions." Cannon dJed during .his se· I Author Tells of Spat cond dive in less than 12 hours in 4!kl.egree water to seal leaks in the Sea.lab habitat parked on the bottom of the PacifJc, 1110 feet below the surface. Nicholson uid the decision to send the four-man teim of aquanauts down the second time seemed "a rea30nable way to go." But one of the aquanauts who survived the dive, Richard Blackburn, testified earlier the dive "should never have been made." An autop!y disclosed Cannon was asphyxiated by a fatal buildup <>f carbon dioxide in his breathing apparatus, wlllch constantly cleans and recycles the helium-oxygin mixture. Worldwide there were 14,Ml investigations in 1988 as com- pared to 7,641in1967. In Viet- nam the totals jumped from 1,300 in 1967 to 3,460 in 1968. Jlo5' of the investigations concuned use of marijuana. The r a t e s per thousand troops for such cases were given as 4.13 for Europe and 7 .99 for Vietnam in 1988. The 1967 rate in Vietnam waa 2.19. "1 could only guess," Frank A. Bartimo, chairman of the D@fense Department's Drug Abuse Control Committee. said in an interview, "but I believe much of the increase is due to our greater focus on the subject." Israel frontier. Hassanein Haital, edltoi ol r---------------------.<:-- the seml-offlcial Cairo news- paptI: Al AhtJUD and a .fre- quent Nar.r spokesman, also called for the Egyptian u s, e <>f air bases in Syria, J<>rdan and Iraq. He said such an agreement would enable Russian-built Egyptian MIG jets to strike al the heart <>f Israel. The At abs should attack first in a next · .Middle E 11 t war and the attaeks should be launched from several Arab countries at once, creating several fronts and forcing Is· rael to divide its troops, he said. Halkal said t h a t 1 blitz.. krleg pattern used by the Is- raelis in the aix-day war in June. UMl7, would not be feas- ible in a new conflict became "'"" . the us · original , f1 light Scotch now59.9 fifth USHER'S- ! ! ~ • i . l • .i f I ~ 5 r • • • j · ' • , , ! Uris Threatened Wife Before Death Israeli planes are now scatter-II:=============::::====~~~~~~~~::= ed at many bases, most -0rl· \Yhich are now fUrther from lhe Arabs than before. ASPEN, Colo. (AP) - Author Leoft Uris: says be and his beautiful young bride quar· re led and that he told her. "We're through," sh o r t I y before she was found dead of a gunshot wound Feb. 11. A six-member coroner's jury resumes its hearing to- 1 day, after falling to reach a decision during a day-long hearing Thursday on the death <l1 26-year-old Mrs. Margery Uris. Investigating officers said earlier her death was an ap- parent suicide. There had been earlier spa.ls since their marriage last 1 September, Uris testified. but 1 added they always had been 1ettled quickly. Jn the last dispute, he said he told her, ••we're through. G<> sleep downstairs." But, he said, "What reall y I got me" was Mrs. Uris' reply 1 to hls order. HJ've made other 1 plans," he quoted her as saying, "She waa calling my bluff," said the 44-year-old author of such successful novels as "Ex- odus," "Topaz," "Battle Cry," and "Mila 13." "When she walked by me 1he said 'Goodbye. Enjoy lhe presents.1 " He said his last Words were: "Marge, if you don't tell me where you're going, it's the worst mistake of your life." The reference to presents involved presents she had given Uris and his son earlier in the day. Mrs. Uris -model, artist, silversmith -had b e e n described as "Qne of the beautiful people" ·-0f thls Rocky Mountain ski resort. Their fashionable h o m e overlooked the town. Uris told the panel, "We were happier thaii any couple I knew," but conceded he had talked with his attorney the day <>f the shooting about a divorce. Assistant Dist. Atty. John Wendt asked if he was serious about the divorce. '•Not really," Uris replied. "It was kind of a bluff." pe said it was: atarting to snow wben hia wife walked to the door. "She had an anguished look on her face," he said. "She hesitated as though she didn't know wbere she was g<>ing or if 1be wanted to come back into the ht:>me. "It wis ·a test ot will!:, I guess," Uris said. He said. JET ;« .. , -7 ' ··~ ' . : ,· -' . .( '.:~.NOISE . -- ByJ.U One of. the biggest battles in ton when we will see lf the blg .our campaign . to protect our airlines have the blg u7 ••• or hice homes agawt the big J~ts If the little property owner· •nd the blight that ~y brmg tupayer still counts for nne- .to our homes, our families, and thing in our great Ame.rica-the ~r pocketboolul, ":1JI be fought airport has made another crit-!}hlS coming Tuesday, March 11. lcal and costly deciJion. The place will be the County At the cost of an estimated hrd of Supervisorl offices at $190 000 -0£ ybur money, the air- ·615 North Sycamore (that'• just Port' people have ~ fin: ~est of Main Slreet) tn Sanll incllu ol aapbalt to be added :Ana. to the exi.sUng Orange County At 10:30 Newport's pretty and airport runways. efDcient Mayor, Doree.n Mar-Along with this big I.hick 11,y. shall, will go before the board er, other paving will bring )'OOI' J.11d uk them t<> turn down the bill to $250 000 ... i'M.-iUw .-.queat of half a dozen big air' t il's for! C.Uld II 'lie to lines to ny more fllgbtl to bring in biggu, faster, bider mete, f1r-olf ctUes, from our nd lleavler jets to the airport lllUe Onnge Cow!ly airport. o they can fiy over your - While so many people under ind mike your borne worth 1he filght pitlern wm dlaap-Jess and lea? Seem stranie J>Olnted when the ctly of Colla thet the county wt11 ul< the lu· lolesa seems U. be 1olng aJoni yer lo pay for this so-called .ntb the atrial • lnvulon over provement. their city, Mlyor Marlhall and • * * Ohe Newport Buch e«mcll are t..1'1 be in SIDla Ana on llead Id aplrot IL Mardi 11. • She wt11 Med your support on Jhis date. Why not come b7 very . * • * url7 and bt on hind to voice We will be ~ack here on Tuu- your protest by your ippur-ay. Meanwhile ~ UI at IC- • the -~!sort cham· 1404 .•• or lllop by our head-ance •• tu,_. • 01tters In Costa P.fesa at J7th bert. 'lllat date a11ln, M1<dl L Ind lrvtne (upslllrs) it 1811 ll, Tueeday, it 10:30 ln Santa 11th st. We are open at Ana. • • * 10:001 Even before the critical de-Airport Nolle Abattmcn.t ctslon on March JS tn Wathlng· C0111mlt1<1 then he heard three sh<>t.s. He nld he thought Mrs. Uris was firing at the h<>use "lo show me she was good pcnelrated the brain. A third bullet struck her purse, found lying by the body. Minuteman 2 Launched and mad." East German VANDENBERG AIR He said he kept guns in FORCE BASE, eafil. (AP) - the house "because there had Asks Asylum The Air Force, testing com- been a threat <>n m~· e after ponents of the Minuteman weaporui 1ystem, launched a I wrote 'Topaz.' " t novel POVLSKER, D e nm a r k Mlnutemtl(l T w o Intercon- dealt with internaUonil in-(UPI) -A captain 1n the tinental Ballistic MiAalle down trigue involving Fraf!ce and East Gennan Air Force flew the Western Teat Range at the United States. He said a plane to this town on the 1%:20 a.m. today. The missile, launched by a the threat was made "by Baltic Island of Lornholm to-team of Air Force and in· agents fr<>m 1 f<>reign country day and asked for political dustry personnel, soared to who arrived in Aspen." asylum. Dani.sh authorities a predetennined target area The autop!y showed one .33-took him le> C<>penhagen for in the Pacllic, the Air Force caliber bullet caused a ,....:q_ues_tiomn_' cog_. _______ s_ai_d·--------I superficial wound in Mrs. Uris' cheek and another en- tered bet mouth a n d Many Idled In January WASIUNGTON (UPI) There wert m<>re workers idl· ed by strikes in January than in any January since 1953, according to the Labor Department. There were 320 worlc ltoJ>PliCS during the month, the departmenl said, Involving JC.000 workers. YOUR OWN BUSINESS R-. ~ .._.... OJ_..._ .. ,_.. ..._, lmal. .......... " Oomple4e ~ ,...,.... "•" .. tmfen wttll ....-~· SEND 'DUI AD FOB REI: B&Oal11B£-- Universal Chinchllla Breeders tut z.& AM Street, Fld&f.r&oa. Callf. o.n : (7tt) .,.. • ., ... O:illed: (nt) •·IHI. ,,.,_.__.._..,. MAIL TRiii AD STEREO SENSATION! The colOrfUI sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Island , Newport Beach 10 JI 12 NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL! per annum compounded daily ' ASSETS OVER $425,00o,OOO.OO MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Highw.'y, Corona Del Mar. ear.I. 9262 5 telephone: 675·5010 HE.AD OFFICE 315 E. COiorado Bl>d. Pasodonl, Calif. 91109 telephone: 449-2345 OTHER llWICH omco CcMna, Glt<dll • Wost Aradio • . ,..,...._,,,__._ __ ~ I J I l I I' ., •• loAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I i -Jail Money Well Si)((llt • I ! • • J Hl,tntiDgton Beach councilmen have authoriz.ed $41,500 for modernizing the city jail and belatedly are pledging that the bo!ding lacWty wUI be kept Ill for bumall$. Ordinarily the condition of a tjty jail js .. not an issue to aroU$e public sympathy or evoke strong emo- tions in count'ilmen, but the local jail has been ignored much too long. The usual clients of the city jail are seldom In the facility for more than a few hours or a day or so at inost until they are either released on bail or sent over to the county jail. No one has cared too much il the run-of-the-mill narcotics users, petty thieves and drunks had to suffer looking at unpainted walls for a few hours, but the jail liituation 'has been far more serious and it took the courage of a man falsely accused of murder to arouse enough jnterest in the jail to result in the facility be· ing reblliit. He was Norman Coatney, 41 , of Los Alami· tos. • Pollce Chief John Seltzer was well aware of the jail conditions and on the.night .after Coatney first sa\V the inside o( the local jail Chief Seltzer vi.as asking the council to improve the facility. His report pointed out that the police expect to ptocess soijle 8,500 persons through the jail this year and nearly 11,000 next. year. All of this came at a time when the council was committed to spending as little as possible on present facilities while a new civic center was being planned. At lint, spending this amoynt of money on a jail \Vhich will have to be replaced\in three years seems unjustified, yet just painting the present facilities will not do the.job and the council was convinced of Utis. More than the amount of money needed to make the jail adequate could be Jost in a lawsuit should a prisoner be injured because of faulty detention facili· ties, for example. Jn addition, escapes become a real possibility in an inadequate facility, New Look at Helping Relationship r· l _ • • £,ver-a'.day Btoble1ns ' -. By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. \ I Time was when, upon seeing someone tor the first time in my office, my initial question would be, "How can I be o[ help?" Without consciously realiz· tng it, this inferred tttat somehow l could dispense some form of magic which would make the person · feel better, become healthier, change maladaptive into adaptive behavior, or get "fixed." I ~as functioning according to the as.sumption of•• psycho Io g i ca I in- tervention" in Which J, the helper, was able to provide -for a fee -the answers to living which he. the <lne needing help, could not provide for himself. l stressed what I could do to and for him because, arter all, if he could [ind his o wn answers, he wouldn't have to contact me. UNDER THESE circumstances, a so- called "helping relationship'' w a 11 established. Son1eone helpless consulled someo!le else who was nol only squared away, but had so much extra help that he could afford to sell it. What is the difference between patient and doctor? One of my friends. also a psychologist ~ in private practice, laughingly states that the people who come into his office are very "patient" while he "practices" on them. A doctor, !omeone with M.D .. Ph.D .. Ed.D .. or D.D. behind his name, doesn't have all the answers to the problems of living No amount of education. a I o n r , guarantees wisdom. He is, however. a specialist in one phase o£ the art and science of improving 1ife. The pallenl also may have a specialty, but he is a generalist in living. THE MINIMUM requirement for a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, pastoral counselor, or other helper is that be be highly trained and skilled with the tools and techniques of his profession: that's understood. Beyond Dear Gloomy Gus: If Chief Seltzer is soon to retire. what are we gonna do to get an- other name as alliterative and euphoniou,, as "Selt.zer's Sand· men"? -T. T. 0. This fMlijl't A'illdl '"''""' VltWI, llill 11K11SHrUJ I-ti Ille 11-•P.... 5.,, .. 1our "' _..... .. Glotm1 o.i1, o.nr ,u ... this. he must be willing and able to offer not only his eiperlise. but also his aliveness. By so doing, he gradually but surely contributes to his patient's psycho1'gical health. The real help, during a helping rela- tionship, comes from an emphasis On the process of what is going on, not on the end. Open inquiry is more con- ducive to happiness than readymade eolu· tions to problems. Both the doctor · and patient are attempting to live more fully. The human interactioo in the of{lce of the professional helper is a microcosm of what both of them experience. in daily life. IN THE DOCTOR'S office, both are paying attention to the palicnt's Jiving, in an effort to make him better at il. J have learned a great deal from thGSe J was trying to help. and I hope they have learned something from me also. Before help can be given in either direction, the emphasis must be on the process, not the end. Nobody waits until he finishes therapy to start living. For the process to offer maximum help. there must be autheotlclty and reciprocity. J am a person trying to be a psychologist. My patient is another person trying to do whatever is his thing. His psychological growth proceeds proporLionately to our respective abilities to share our authenticity. CONVERSELY, his growth is inhibited to the extent th.at we perpetuate our personal hangups, status g a m e s , phoniness, and defensiveness together. Certainly a professional helper can be of help. But it is he. in process with his patient -not his training, knowledge, or technical skill -who is the essential catalyst in improving living. Children as a Tax Break Children are a blessing -or al least a tu break, even lhou,gh the $600 ex- emption wou't cover much of Uieir keep lhe9e days. Parents can claim the exempt!()n when they provide more than hair of their cbildren'1 support. A C!hild may work 1UJ1'l1Dtt'S or carry a paper route and actually make up to $600 himself which will not be taxed. The "orking chUd thus has a double exemption. e child under nineteen or a student of any age can earn inrome or any amOWlt Besides U-.e parent's decjudion, lht child may i.ke his own pttsonaI eumptlon in his return. Jn decidina: whether the parents furnished more Uum half of hJJ support, the tax man will not rigu.re ln the youngster·:i; emdnp not spent on hll own SUpport. t'OR EXAMPLE, Johnny, a junior c.'01· lege studmt, worked summers and m1de $800 a year. His employer wlthbekl $100 In tax... If the ptrenla apend 11.000 lo IUJlP0'1 Johnny, Ibey CID ci>im him aa an e1tmption. Jahnny can aJaD file his own return and clllm hls own $600 etemptlon, pay lhe llz and set. refund. If you hove • pvwn IDll I>' dauabter • \ La:w in Action .. li ving at hom e who is neither a student nor under nineteen , check his part-time income. U he earns 1nore than $600 he is no longer a depende1,1t. lf he cam~ less than $600 you can itiU claim lilin as an exempUon. , \ S0~1ETl'AtES PARENTS make lax savings by giving their children personal property such as stocks. Parents may act as custodians and can hold Litle and keep some control over the ~tocks. But note : The property belongs lo the clilld; you cannot leplly use it nor l"' Pl~S to btneflt anyone else. As a tar saver, parents orten put real esllte or other proptrty into a truJJt for chUdren. One can allo make periodic glft1 In chlldrtc aod save Inheritance .00 tstalc taxts. No te: Coli/ornf4 la1DJ1tr1 offer tltlf r olumn 10 uou mo11 knato about our lo1v1. ' Councilmen not only have ta.ken an Important step on a bwnanitarian basis, but have done much to pro- tect t.be community from loss through lawsli.its and from escapees Injuring citizens and their property. For Expert Answer JtunUngton Beach, it seems, is to be blessed with two or more hospitals, each one backed·by all the doc· tors in the city, if you can believe the information com· ing b:om the ~val hospital companies. Hwitington Interconununity Hospital is preparing lo oppooe a move by Robert Zinngrabe aiid the HBII Corp. to convert the Huntington Convalescent Hospital lo a specµllized hospital. Zinngrabe maintains that there is a need for ad· ditional hospital beds L, the community and that his company is prepared to provide the beds and to ex· pand in the future if need be. Doctors on both .sides say that more hospital fa· cilities are needed and that there is good reason why the ne~ sqould be supplied by two hospitals or by just expansion of·Huntington Interrommunity. The . solution to what apPears to be a dilemma Is for the whole matter to be referred to the regional Hos· pita! Planning Association of Southern California for a recoinmend ation, Two years ago Zinngrabe told the council tbat the 'hospit:al planning group s!Jould review plans of any de- veloper who wantedi to build hospital facilities then so he surely bas no objections to this procedure. O~ra· tors of Huntington lntercommuillty agree that they do not object. lf both abide by the Hospital Planning Association's recommendation, the question should be answered ex· pertly and quickly-and Huntington Beach will have the hospital beds it needs. (5) TALES Of Tl1E REl> BERETS To Aid Efforts Towo1·d World Peace .. Military Victory Needed in Vietnam To the Editor: ) We should realize U\e rather ominous aspects of events occurring on various parts or the globe. The Russians (Communists) are in- volved, to the detriment of the free world, in Vietnam, in the Middle East, in the Nigerian-Biafran conflict, and in the heavy pressures now being put on West Germany and West Berlin. We also should not ignore what Russia did recently in Czechoslovakia, 1 submit that it would be unwi se for the United States presently to enter a nuclear nonproliferation treaty with the Soviet Union. SUCH A TREATY could be more favorably considered in the future, after the Kremlin had abandoned its ag- gressive and subversive activities in the lives of other nations. It is my hope that concerned readers will join me in writing our senators in Washington regarding this. A further lmporlant matter is to let senators and congressmen know that a military vie· tory in Vietnam over U1e Communists at an early date would be in the best interests of the United States and greally aid our eHorts toward world peace. URBAN L. SCHMITZ Q11n/ll!J Ed11cnlio11 To the Editor: We, the Citizens for th~ Support of Students, Faculty and Education, are the South Coast committee of a statewide organization of parents and citizens who desire excellence in California educaLion. We believe quality education is the keystone of democracy. We define quality education as that education which enables each student to develop his talents to his fullest so that he may be: J) a fulfilled human being with the capacity to love and to create: 2) a rational human being with a well- dcveloped capacity for critical th.inking and the ability and desire to shape lhe policies of his country. WE REJECT the notion that lhe func· tion of education is primari.b' to train workers for industry or to program doci le cili1.ens who accept the status quu ~·ithout question. \Ve concede excellence in education ls difficult to achie\'c and may \veil be expensive. \Ve acknowledge that sup- pression of student unrest is the easier road to follow -but we believe it is the coward's way. To admit the shortcomings of the present system and search for methods or improvement aro difficult and complex undertakings, but this is the only honorable course to foll ow. • 'VE TJIEllEFORE support the studtnt.1 ln lhcir struggle for greater participaUon 111 their education because we believe their cause Is just. \\'r support the fa culty's right lo col· lective bargaining and their say in art. ministrative decisions as the on ly guarantee that the main goals of educa- tion may be fulfilled. \Ve support education (ree from the thrc:.it of lactical i;quads and financial relributlon hccause we believe that free human beings mu.st be nurtured In an tn\'iron1ne11t free rrom cocn::ion. ALLAN D. CllJUSTIANSEN CSSFE Also s i gned by Jacquelyn L. 1.yst.er. Crorge Askenasy, Riva Morton, t:. II. Richardson, Virginia JI • Richardson, Thomasin• Gunn, Rencrc Jtoesue inot a clUzen),_ MerctdC! C. Neubauer, Ruth BW!ton, Mabel Hoope:r, David A. Brown, Mary Riker, Geoffrey Riker, f orest Strayer, PhD., J. L. Langworthy, Thomas M. Lysler, r~1ul S. Darrow, Suzanne S. Darrow. Mich:i el 1'.1cfadden, Nancy McFadden, Joy Con· ( Ma~lhox Letters !ram nader1 are We!eotne. Norm•llY wrt!er• &r!Ould Oln~ey llle!r meuave In JOO words or ltsi.. The rltlll lo condense letters IO 111 11>ac1 er ellml- nale libel Is rtHrvi!'d. All ltt!trs mu~! Include •lt.,.!11<• •!Ill ,,,.111119 lldclress, bitf fllrnet may bl "'llhntkl on rrciua1 If -.uttlclenl re•IO!I Is tPPtr.nl. nors, Totn Jl..1. Shannon, Fred Pratley, .Jan Peters Babcock, Nota Chari, Dennis f\1adiSon, Jane Rosen, David Rosen. Crystal Bnll 1·0 the Editor: On a subject l dreamed up myself, namely "Juvenile Crime And Just Plain Uppityness," I had to resort to the cryst.al ball, which snidely informed me that the present generation may be an angry bu_nch of kids, but they are saints compared lo the generation to come. The crystal ball then suggested a solu· lion as fantastic as the sociaHsm everywhere possible and nowhere found . Fantastic because (1) the kids wouldn't go for it, (2) it would be immediately opposed by that segment of the anti·birth- conb'ol people who would like to crowd the world with their own particular breed. I WOULD DEFEND their tight lo do this if they were important, but even so it wou1d appear unfair to the starving millions who are alr~dy here. The "solution" suggested by the crystal ball is this: Declare a moratorium on all child bearing for about 30 years. 'rhat would give the kids of today a chance to grow up, acquire a modicum of maturity and common sense. Then they would perceive, to their chagrin, that over-population has been, is. and will always be the underlying cause of wars, starvation. crime and what have you to make your life miserable. And it might bring them to realize that the glories or propagation have a great potential for a lifetime of headaches if there results too many kids to feed properly. MILT BASHAM l\'ioron'• Vote Record Tu the F.clilor : 1n case anyone should ask, more people have cast ballots for Richard M. Nixon than for any other man Jn history, in- cluding Franklin D. Roosevelt. Referring to figures quoted in the 1969 Edition of the World Almanac: In two elections for VJce President and two for President, Nixon bas rect:lv· ed a total of 134,935,106. In four elections for President, and one for Vlce President (1920) ~anilin Roosevelt received 112,566,778. IN ONE ELECl'ION for Vice President and one for President, Lyndon Johnson received 77,353,:>96 (and holds lhe one election record or 43,128160!!). In two tlec:Uons for President, Dwight Eisenhower received 69.521,596. Assuming Nixon runs for rc-tlection. \\·In or lose, that vote probably wlll assure liis holding the total vote cast reOJrd for all Ume. N.Jt ANDERSON • lnooh :em e n t To the Editor: Mr. Name Wlthheld's letter (DAIL\ Pll.OT, March 3) fastidiously cilllng ror the libcraUon of. kindergarteners was a rather weak attempt 1t humor and obviously endeavored to align tbe in· telllgence. respooslbilltles and maturity of prMChoolut wtfi high I c h o o I . students. Basing his (her?) argument on the contention Ulat there are no bars on age, he failed to include the one thing that breaks the comparison between four- y~ar-0lds and 18-year-olds -ability. What's wrong with high school students holding protcst r a 11 i e s ? Most demonstrators -the vast, vasi majority -are not the unruly rebels we see on television. Demonstrators are, for the most part. concerned cilizens follow- ing the American tradiUon of pollt!cal involvement.. This is much m o r e preferable to the apathy most citizens practice. JIM BAKER Sophomore founlain Valley High School 'Rome Lover's' R e pl!J To the Editor: This letter is in reply to the lelter from "Orange C.Ounty Airport Lover" (1\1ailbox, March 5). May he learn that his personal con- venience and comfort is not to be gained at lhe expense of others. May his home fall into the Santa Ana River after he voted against the flood control bonds. May the county build a sewage ·dfsposal plant next to his home and refuse to condemn his ·property. Better still. may the county condemn his home and refuse to PilY fair market value. Even better, may he· learn the frustration and fury that comes when his home is threatened ~y unregulated ··progress" and some buffoon wriies a Jetter such as his to the local paper. J\IA Y HE CIRCLE forever over Ken~ nedy Airport in a snowstorm. li he lives in Costa Mesa, may his entire city be strangled by freeways, and then be annexed lo Baja California for con· version into a supe.-howling alley. May the county build a runway that points directly over his home. May he live next to a polluted river, and a beach ruined by <111 spills, and choke constantly on air polluted by in· dustrial wastes. And finally, may he survive lo see Ule day (a few yeara hence) when Orange County Airport becomes so congested with passengers and ever-larger jets that he writes a whining lelter lo the . DAILY PILOT complaining about the inconvenience and intolerable conditions at the airport. A HOME LOVER 6 1111 Conlrol To the Editor: In the light of lhe majority o( our citizens' desires for better gun control measures, it is extremely unforlunate that a vocal minority, which seems more concerned about lt.s prerogatives and precious privileges than it does in pro. tecUon for the public and fair play for our police forces, should' ·be able to Intimidate our JawrJ.lakiµg bodles, and make the passage of adequate gun 'COii· tro! m,easures so dlWcult . GRANTED ~T we nL'td better law enforcement and greater r111triciions 1f the criminal: we al90 need better control of the purch'ase. posse_,slon a n d packing o( pistols and automatic 1feApo0$, U better crime Control ls tvtr to lake place and we art to move out of the "Wild West" era. We .Uoon9t drivers of vehicles v>'hn <=lluse accidents. yet we also license vthicles to make la'tf enforcement tasier. A comparable situation exists relative to guns. We need better control and more drastic pcmaltles for those who use tun1 to commit crlmeR. bul we at'° nted better control over the use or 4ulomnUc weapons. This wm not stop sJ)Olts.m«i from hunting. but it v.·ill make law enforcement easier. IT IS TIJ\tE for the silent majority who too easily permit themselves to be shouted down by a vocal minority to speak out. Certainly if the senseless slaying of innocent individuals and the lifelong crip- pling of many others can be reduced through gun control, the inconvenience of a gt:n control measure which requires a permit is a small price to pay. "' W. B. SCHOENBOIDrt 'Football Oriente d' To the Editor: We must disagree .with 6Jenn White's article concerning the Sunset League in which J\{r, \Vhile outlined the slatt of affairs of the league when Santa Ana Valley drops out next year. Many people at Marina High School believe r.1r. \Vhil.e has taken a very "football oriented" attitude. We believe at Marina that there are other sports besides foot- ball. ti'lr. White also went on to suggest that perhaps Marina should drop out if Loara cannot be admitted and that · · way it cooki find a loofi . In which •it~ could better compete -especially loo~ ball. ..,! . . \VE AT fl.1AR1NA do not believe thal~ .. this is a fair and equitable mclh()( of judging a coll\plete pigh school athletic: i program. We would gladly place our' 1 records, in this our fourth ye.ar, against· .. that of any , other high school in thii;1i51 area, We at Marina believe that we have;. ~ been the recipients of several undu verbal slaps in our collective faces iflt .. relation to any faults \vhich we do have Yet, we have seemingly been dcliberatcl 1 overlooked as to our good points bt.:i ' your sports editor. tJ, CURTIS D. SUTIJFF~ ~ Dollars t or .S<!lwln rs :J; To the Editor: ;.,. Several years ago, Mr. J im DcGuelle.i1 or~~ a Huntington Beach Alumnt~ Association. Many loyal Oilers con...t:. lributed ln the fonn of dues to th•'* organization. Of recent years it becam&;'; evident that the alumni association waS:I not going to function properly. Wit~; $222.92 le!L.ln the treasury, it was decidcd,~J. by llf.r. De.Guelle and a few of hi_(.,.1 alumni associates that the account needi ed to he closed. He forwarded the money to the Hun lington Beach District Scholarship Fun~ where it was deposited and will g to"•ard starting some Huntington Beac District gradoates on their edileaUOna journey. Aga.in we say "thank you" .tea:-.. the Huntington Besch Alumni. I.EE MOSSTELLE!ll; Coord\111109 • -----Friday, March 7, 1969 • • Tht tdtt.onal pag1 of th1 DaU)I Pilot 111kl to infonn. and lffm,. ulatc tcodtn b11 prtltnting oa, n.cwpa:J>Cf''• opinioni and com. mentor, on topics ot tntttut and signlftCance, by provfdhrg o '°"'"' for 111< •"Pl'rsslon of 01'1' ti£~TI' opfn£an1, ond b~ pttutMing thf dfVC1'SI! vie~ pofnU o/ informed observers end apokennen on topics of the 1 • day. Robert N. IVUI(, Publit5her l ' I ! I • } " r - Frida;, IOll'di 7, 1969 o:;ftly PILOT 1 'Political' e~EUCPKI~~ -Regents T:!.~~~.;;::;~ ' T s ''Colooel X:' wW probably '--..;_ ___ _J . 0 tay ' never be beml bi' lbe jury B h • d G which wu 1UU bo1ll( quallfled fOWD• mre iris r.eS:~=~TOunha~) with =.:::.v:~va':. . • . , both Uni•or•Uy of California Capt. Emmli Yu.ry, a Cry Ca .. tc' h· ·Cold . ~:in:~':i· ~ ;~f·~~-; det.·COWllOl. lotroduced an . ' meuure to dwnp G 0 v . affidavit Thunday w h l c h 1 Reigan and pther poUUcat stated the officer SdenUlled By L M. BOYD NINE OUT OF .10 Corlvicts in Unlled Stat.es prisons plead· eel guilty in trials without jur- ies • . . A YOUNG ROBIN eats 14 feet or earthworms be- tween dawn and dusk . . . EVERY FIFTll · .PQE/>f sub- mitted to the national maga- zines is sent.in by a man .. : IT'S A RARE FELLOW whose right lung isn't bigger t h a n his le!t ... A BABY HIPP().. POTAMUS always nurses un- derwate r . . . ONE OUT OF EVERY 20 persons who ever lived is &f,111 alive . · .. FOURTH MOST POPULAR Clog Jn the country is t h e • turu ln an t!~tra large a r e a ~:-n~ front the board of ~r!:~t! ~~ ~vt'::"~ so 'our entire family ot six: Inst • d 1h A b I WIS' consm· .. wants off the hook" ~on the could shower together We ea , e s I e m y never wear pajamas. we· close Goverllplent Admlnlltration mutiny charges. no ·doors. We make no at-Commlttee look under sub-M N d Yury aald the Army hid tempt lo conceal ourselves mission the proposed con· an ame made an invesUgaUoo of CoJ. from one Mother. In fact. we sUtu~lonal amen9ment , b Y X and asked the court to ~~rage the elimination of Assemblyman Wlillam T • Vall' H d all the dirty little inhibitiorul. Bagley (R-San Anselmo). ey e8 make lbe report available to What do you think of that?" Bagley charged Thursday him to s.ee if Jt could be Think the old boy is makin~ that Republican R e a g a n , LOS GE p valuable ln the defense. too blj a deal oUt of it. Wl\.at's Democratic Assetnbly lear.ler AN LES (U I} -The request wu denied by wrong with a dirty Uttle Jn. Jtise M. Unruh arid Jaines W. Cleary, v I C• Col. John Lee, the law olficer hibitiOftl'oi' two? Superintendent of Public Jn. chancellor for academic af. conducting the court marU.1. THIS HAS TO DO w' l th structloo Mu RaUerty, a fairs at the University of Lee also sa..ld the mysterioua little girls wbo,,e parents get ~publican, were ma It Ing \Visconsln, has been named Officer was a Col. Jenkins. di vorced. Seven out of 10 such political capital 0 u t o ftheit presideilt. of the IS,000-student The six defendants are Jtirls marry more than onoe. position on the regents. among 27 charged with muUny Five out ol 10 marry mo re "11ley use the university" San Ferftando Valley St.ate after a tlt-ln at the Army OUR CUR.BENT ANNUAL RATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY & HELD 1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT e INSUU.NCE TO Sll,000 e FEDERALLY CHARTERED AND SU,ERVISED e WE PAY IARNINQS ON YOUR FUNDS FROM DATE RECEIVED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e FUNDS RECl lVED ON Olt IEFORE THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH IAl.N FROM THE IST e SAVE0IY.MAIL., WE PAY '°STAGE IOTH WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAVL l\41C can'IPICA1'19 l~D IN MULTI ..... Oii' ., .. '9lt s Y&la TllllM CONTllACT . SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS - dachshund. · A BRUNETJ'E, a redhE;ad and 1 blonde react differently "·hen and if involved in a rcr n1anlic triangle, s a y s our l.-0ve and War 'man. ·Research Is not compltite, he admits, but it would appea r a bru· nette is apt to shoot the man. a redhead is likely to shont the woman, and a blonde is inclined to shoot herself. 1-Iow- ever, a brown-haired girl in this unfortunate situation. he sa,vs, apparentlv does not tend ta become so viol ent. She j11st cri 0 , a Jittl<'! anrl r.atchMi cold. than twice. Three qut of 111 ·aaid Bagley. ' College. Presidio stockade lut Qc.. marry more t.han t~l'f'e times. But Aasemblymen Carlos The appointment o! the 41-tober. The demonstration was l-----------------------====-~nd almost 1nvar1ably eacb Bee (0-Hayward) and Ler ld Cl h . 1 to protest the fatal sbootlng l tune thev remarry wealth~er c r e e n e (0.S~crame t:T year-o eary' w 0 18 a so of a fellow prisoner durln1 .. ~l!l!!l!!l!l~!!!'!~l'!'!!!'!ll!iJ!ll!iim'!lll!l!ll!!"!9 .. ~ .. --llll!l!lll••illia men tn better their material 11 n • a speech professor at the an escape attempt. • IAHKAMIRICAID DAR.T 10.7 • flL 10-9 • SAT. M • MASTU CMAlll lnt in life. Such is the conten-~ep ed Lb.at present regents P.fadJso1t; Wis., school, was an-' Yeary J&ld Col. X telephon- lion of social researr,J1or Al-nd admlnilltrators had failed nounced Thursday by the of· ed h J m Feb. 7 and sald the fl"f!d Rnwlinl' ... "WHERE to stop campus disturbances flee of State College Chan-Army wa.s dJ.ttre.ued about JN THE WORLD do you· see -. and the people now want cellar Glenn S. Dumke, head the bad publicity the mutiny . . their elected olflclals to step f th I"· •· lrf·" -··• the most beanbful i<•1nrises!" in o e IM,;ampus sys""m. .a were lC'l,.~vlng. inouires a r.lient. That's tie. ' Cleary, who succeeds Dr. Cot. X also save the same batable. Tn t1'<? Color:ido coun-1fl' he man on t he street Ralph Prator as second presi· lnformaUon. to another defense trv, maybe: Personally, have-doesn't approve of red paint," dent of the It-year-old school, attorney, satd Yeary; n't been up that early since t said Bee, referring to last will assume hls new dutiea Col. James Garnett. llh was oot that late. As to the weekend's vandalism at the in mid-June. Army judge advocate, earlier other end or the da.v. hnwev· University of CaWornia at Prator resi&ned last Sept. called Col. X a fraud. pr, still think the most he..:>H· Berkeley in which red paint l, and was replaced tezn... Most of ThlU'lldJiy was taken tiful sunsets ~hflw np off the was spattered on buildlngs. porarlly by Dr. Paul wllh questioning of 10 .officera Gr•I( rr,.st rf Flrrirla. And Greene, referring to Bloingren. Cleary will take flown from Ft. Lewis, Wash.1 RAPID REPLIES: fll R£.. regents, said, "the kinds of over the office from Malcolm to sit u jury in the coun GRETS, Mr. H .. but still have-people we have had so far martial .. n't found out whether the oy· tiave not been able to handle O. Sillars, who has been acting One 'was excu~ on a ster cocktail was first put the problem.1• He wondered president since Feb. 14, when challenge by the srosecutlon. tngether in Placerville. Ca I., whether the legislature should Blomgren was forced to realgn SUll pending was a defense or in San Francisco, but wtuch-have the power to confirm due to ill health. motion Wednesday for a ever, 1866 is said to be the or reject the governor'• 8~ Cleary hold• a bachelor of change of the court marUal year or that significant eve nt pointments to the board. phllosophy degree and a location. •.. (%) YES, sm. WHEREA.. The measure would remove master of arts degree from On trial are five Callfor- BOUTS of the world's longest from th. e regents the governor, Marquette University and a nians, Edward Yost. 2 3 , bar can now be stated. That's the lieutenant governor, the doctorate of phllosophy from Elmira: Ricky L. Dodd, 21, SlllSOIY AN Ol'EN LITTU TO ALL MIN'S WIAl WAILIU• Send us yow hard to flt customer, we carry name brand wearing apPartl tor the Tall and Big Man Only! We do not compete with you by carrytng reauJar merchandise. The newest, the latest, and the largest Inventory o! big and tall wearing apparel In Orange County. PHONE 642·31n • 1912 HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA MESA .. .. • . ' . ' • . CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. 11So all circus elephants a r e females, are they? \Vhat ebout lhe biggest of the bunch, Jum· bo?" A. Jumbo was a m a I e all right, but that was long ago, and the fact that he got mean was what decided the circus men to use only females thencetorward. Tough old beast, Jumbo. Up in Ontario one fine autumn day he char- ged a trai.Q , so P. T. Barnum or'dered him shot. NARROW-i\IINDED. 'fhat's a 2115-foot counter in the Work· speaker of the Assembly and \Visconsin, where he has been Hayward ; W.lchael E. Murphy, ing tifen's Club 0£ Mildura in the superintendent of public_•_n _lh_e _1a_cu_It:_y _sin_c_e _1963_. _ _:_-Co="':.:•:.:rd::.; ::.H=ar:.:•l=d..:J.:... ::.Sw::an::'°=:"·~------------------------- Victoria, Australia ins.tructlon. It r,ould also re-I what a Portland, Ore., fel101v calls me, For going tsk tsk ove r the recent report of a mother who posed in the nude \vh lle her artistic son of col- lege age painted her portrail. "\Vhen we built our. house," "'rites this compl ainant, "we installed special bathroom fix. No Damage SAN DIEGO (AP) -Oil spilled into the ocean off Santa Barbara has caused little damage to marine life, says an expert or.. environmental health from California lnstitut~ of Technology. l;>amage was "definitely not t at.a.strophic" even t h o u g h Your questions and com-qult'e open m etlngs of the ments are welcomed a 11 d regents -so~thing opposed will be used ·whenever pos· by the university. sible i11 "Checkhi.g Up." Ad· dress mail to L. Af. Boyd, in. care of the DAILY PI- LOT, Box 1875, Nt1.0port Beacll, Calif. 92663. From Slick?. hundreds 0£ sea birds and some other animals were kill· ed, Dr. Wheeler J . North said Thursday at an offshore ex· ploralion cOnference in San Diego: Santa Barbara b e a c h e s should be cleaned up and ready for 6umtner tourists, he said. 5 Die, 1 Hur~ In Plane Crash LEMOORE NAVAL AIR STATION CAP) -A naval airman remained Jn critical condlUan today with Jnjurfes received la an antisubmarine plane'• crash wblch killed five men 111.urlday. The survivor was pulled from lhe burning wreckage minutes alter the PS Orion hit the runway, rolled into a fi eld and exploded. WANT INTEREST ON Yf;>UR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CAN'T GET IT BUT WITH PA.CDIC'S SWITCH 'N SA.VE ACCOUNT You CIR do 1lmost u Wiii fly ....... 1 Ill ..... ., ID . your chldling account 11111 1 lat _. 111 ym P'lllllc II P 11l 11k Account ind swjtdling momy blck •d follll ii lflll •,.. ._ . B11aw •ve.-1" dollar earn• ne-.. -r,•ar It 11 la 7our Paellle A..G•aat-J even for Jut w d!f· &!I 11nllll1J an PmlloDII:A&clllll -JI& ' I Mr .. 114"-. dhlollll II ..... ..,... hnus ..... Ill Nil ....... Snt111 i1 your acc1111t 1t ,11rt1f1 11• -tn. ... 1lt el HJ •11t• .... llCllVld ily t•1 1~. . An \open1letter to:P-rofessional men anaiexecutives: As a·person who follows important trends, you know that real estate has continuously appreciated in value and is lik(lly to do so for the foreseeable future . · Why? . The rising costs of both material s and labor and the diminishing supply of land. , So right now is a good time to pu rchase a home . But what kind? · Where? .. We of the Stanley C. Swartz Company feel that one of your most important yardsticks should be this: "Is my new ~ome in t:he path ~f economic progress to provide appreciation 1n value over the years?"· . At our new community at University Park on the Irvine Ranch, we have created homes that provide greater initial value and offer better appreciat ion over the years because of design, location and price. We call them "complete home s." Homes in The Park include items our competitors , list as •:extras!' They are full y carpeted and draped. Seven-foot ·high walls surround the property. Beautiful Spanish clay tile entryways provide the look of luxury and creative placemen t of the house on the lot gi ves you more ou tside area. · . . In The Park, it isn't neces sary to take out expens ive side loans for those features which mak e livin g more enjoyable; we've alread y provided them . We urge you to in vestigate our comp etitor s and then compare the complete ho~es of Th e Park. It makes sound busines s sense t o make the move to us. - froni$32,995 l:~2 ~ Stanley C.SW1rtz COmpany-COmmun$:i'lders .. - I I ' 1 • •. a DAILY PR.OT . ' Slq-w;t •••• , Ju~e ~ et 1_.....or1 Talk :At.irvine Ut~ RapS_NiXpn .. - . ' U.S. ·Circuit t:....I Judge 'Wade M'cCree Jr., wru give OnAppqintments puJ>Ilc 1ectt;--n Mooday. at UC W,\SJllNOTqN Ile P • Irvine abd TU~ ar0r:.n,e J-11. Utt (R·Tuolln), CoaSt ' Ccllege on. nee t•lo< ~. ~. ,. ..., ~.~ lionifaocf L.,. oourta. r,_ •·-I" ..., ··- J•"'•e McCree, !Odge.in the up lo 1111 ·-11" -promise ~ to brln( about "a ......... e.11 Sixth r~~-0 ~-.. rtrof,Appeals,' ._._.,. i-eeently was described bY .. ;rt>ere has been some new Time magazine as the mnn paint applied," -Utt A.id, "but "many cor.t:,..l!r to be the m~st the termites are still working liteJy of his . race, alter beneath th1 ·1urface.u otepta, Utt ..id In 1 .... s1etter lo 1111 CGllllltueota; lfpd ~ 1 '1,ha~efu·llY treated" by, the Johnson ..ad- miniltralloo "~·~ WU more lofal,Jo Am«lca .ml cooperated with tbe smote In- ternal ~ty Ccamittee, revealing lllbveralv• within the State~.• • Old World ""Mediteiimwm _ Spaniah Furniture OYll $100,000 INftNTOaY, TO CHOOSI ·NOM DICOllATOU CANCILLATION •Ml ltn'UINI PIOM MODIL HOMll ICOUTOU J\llllAM HOUH ON DISl'i.AT ltew as 'follows: Georiteous 8 ft. cwtom quilted sola with separate loose. pillows with heavy oak'trim deeOr ..nd matching chair, 3 matching olt ~ tables, (2) 68" till decora19r lamps, hlllgliig chain swag la1npo In wrought ·1ron, an a piece·Jdng me muter · bedroQm IUite in pecan panelled Med,lterru>o oan style with top quafity 15 yr. warr.iity Jdng size mattress le box springs. Spanlab decor dinin« ael etc. ........... _..,..,1111.11 ~urgood Marshall, to reacl:I T h e coniervative con- the Suprem· r • .. gressman complfilned l.IJlDnl He will speak at 4 p.m. other things lhAt Secttlllry ol Mood•!Y in UCJ's Science Leo-State William P: Rogers had ture Hall on .... "Race Relations 'nol .re.in.stated Otto ' Oiepb. and the Federal ·Courts." former department security Tue;,9day · at ii a.m. he '.'ill o:nc.er:. Utt quoted Nixon u ba'.vinB said ... caodldate ·11111 ht ~, -i. JI tllal "julllce la acainled lhll man (Ojopb) ~ lflmd hls counti,. • big and 80 well.,, :li."o::~-. $698,.00 Speak in the . OOG, ~ltor~urp 1 , " on ... 'Tbe Negro in the COurts." lli"tch . BOtb of his Wk& 'are qpeo to Speak Any -c... lie Pu..ci..-r lndlvlduolly T1rm1 A•1lllMe -New-n to Calif. ...,.,c...-i,. """""'" lmmedllloly . ·1...1' ........ ~,.,.·. ,., ..... ,, .. ,.e At Harbor Blvd . "' No Room for the Inn to the public withOUt.cha.rge. . '. · , · A.t Newporter Sunday ·co~cet1 ; uruJ~sity · • 1 California ' lJtt abo claimed Flanc:!i. Knightt bead of the State[ Pepartment's P'a 11 po r I Division, is-"still hav:lng her ~~· In seetlog lo )iai !>¥'pO!u: to "certalp sub' v~viS.'' · . t .. ·stcre~ BDC'ri!I appears ~-ID bO 'lnlerntej!' ill· ljavin. ftiftse .. subversives, broQiht to his ~~ElfllJon:" t,Jtt ·n.ld. , . f~ N,e~ lllYd. Costa MelCI only ~ l\¥WJ nltltt 'Iii 9 -:Wed. Sit. & Sun. 'Ill 6. Saint "Ann's Inn, storied "honeymoon hotel" o fthe 1920's and 30's, is being defrocked as part of redevelopment program at county Civic Center in Santa Ana. Last used as office building for count)' Welfare Department, fabled stop for lovers must make way for parking lot. Timber extracted. by wrecking . crews will make last romantic trip south of. the border -to be used in con- struction in Tijuana. DEATH NOTICES KELLOGG Fredfrld< F. l(tl1-, M.D., ot YJ0 llarshor• w1•, lont BelCll. O.te ol dlJllll. l!Mrdl !. Survived by wife, Stllllo P. KlllDetl; '°"· F1"191rldl; dewlr1W, Mrs. Jaton Plttt.1 wwf thrft 9nnddllldr... Dr. kellon W•I I !!'llmDer of fht' An.rlall' Hurt ,.. IOCll!lon, Alnlfkan MICllcll Alooci. tbl. Alnlfk.ln Collftte of Phl'SClaM eNI Surveon1. AlamltoJ 1.., Y1dlt Clllto, C.llfaml1 l+ffr1 Anoc:l•llon. t.. A. Acadoemv ol Medic).,., P1cllk lllfer·Vrtlln CUnlc11 Club, Lollf BNCh SOc:leott ot h1lel'"n11 MeolclM, t.ont ... di Hunt A!.i0Cl1llon, D~ R.1nch Cauntrv Club. F1mllv re<111t,is th- wt.11111111 pl-m1k• memorial contrl- !Nllons IP Ille M$norl1I HOSPllll (en- W for Canlfnulllti Educatloft. Prlv1!1 Wl'YICll -r• ·held, at Pllll< F1mlly COioniai FUllll'"lt Hom~. VENNER t.ome Vt11ner. IMO R.-• S.vllle, Lt· 9111\1 H111s, Dale of dN!h, M1rch !. Slll:Yf.Ylr!!! tri-wife-, ~•n•r-1. 11111hewl. H11...,-(1Wson Jr:, ·FullerlOil; Ke11net11 BradWw, LlllUlll Nl'9uel1 n!«e, El- lie .l.llcllllorl, Brftllh Columbl11 two -t-nleces, Lnn,.. 81!11rl111, t.om- POCi. Cgnnje Alkl\1101" 11r•nd-neionew, B'"" Alld\l.on, both of 81111111 Colum. b11; 11r11l11r.nd-nJ«e, M1rl1 B•LI• rlne; Lm.«. Srttvlces, locSlv, Frld1v, 11 AM. P1clflc \II-ClltPCI, with llev. Hll't'Y Sdlerer offklt!lrt11. Interment, l'eclflc \llew Mt:morl1I Ptr-. OlrKled bv ~tclllr vi-Mortu1rv. KEITH Flori M. kelll'I. '66 V.. lllt'I SI., Cosi. MCM. O.t. col clet lh, MtrCll 4 Sllrvlvtd ti\ $111'1, Robert M. Dldtrr, Codi Mesi; brot1'111', Jot\11 Muir, Putf'· 11 1111•r11, Mellko: •'"II -11r1rw>- d1U<lllter. fu,,.r•I senokn, S.ll.lrdl•. 1 PM, l1lt'r. Ch-!, 1741 SuPCr\or, C!llll Mftl, with Rtv. O.vlct Crvmp olflc'-11"1. 81tl1 Mortl!•rv, OlrKIOrl. POND • .JR. Wllll1m H. Pond, Jr. Ave lt, of )4t Freeze on Campuses Gets Slight T _hawing SACRAMENTO -It may construction was t h a w e di not be necessary to build any somewhat in th e modified additional university or SUltt resolution adopted. college Campuses in the next But, nevertheless. it .does few years. .the Coordinating not now appear the slate's Council for Higher Education top advisory board on higher decided Tuesday. educsUon will be approving An originally proposed eight· establishment of any new year freeze on new campus cempuses for a time. DEATH NOTICES DELLACQUA LDll~ Detlacque. AIH' tl, of 212 Fl~r $1., Cotti Mew. Survl-tty wlfr, VIC· torll; Glllll!le<, PhYlllJ Hllde0r1nd. PrlYlll 11r1W$1drt iervlCll't, M!ll'ldily, 10 AM, Hirt>« Rn! Memorlll P1rk. 0 1- rKl!d tty Bell 8rl*l't4y MOrlu1ry, 110 8rDIKlw1y, C01l1 Met.a. PAUL Mu) Cf.ltltf'llle P1ul. '9S E. 11111 St.. C01t1 Mirw. 0.le of de1Th, M1rel! J. survived """ llushlnd, ~ E. P91.1I; two KIRf, G. l>Mnls ind 9rlan A. P1ul; lllOf!Wr, Mllcll'W lioodenpyle, 111 111 ca.i. Mes.ii. ltCJWry, tanlllht, Fr!Oey, l ;lO PM. Requletn M.lss, $.llurdliy, t AM, bolh 11 Sl. 'JCIKtllm'1 C1ttlotk ·Olurdi. lntwrntfft, Good ~rd c~. a.tt1 Mor1111rr. 17,1 lllPlf' lor, Costa Miia. Dlr-ctor~ ~~~~~~~~-11 Now in Our Family: Family Weekly ' Set at Irvine First in .a series of Sunday evening concerts at the UC Irvine thisl,Sunday .night will feature Soprano Vanessa Brit- tan 3nd pianist Edw.ard Shiel in a 1;1rogram 'of works by Debussy, Schubert. and Massenet. Concert time is 3 p.m.' in Fine · Arts 178. • .Admission is free. . ' · President Charles J. Hitch will spfa.k: ·at a diMer ffieeling of the World Affairs CounclJ of Orange 'County ' Monda night at the ?je_wporter ltµi. · HJtch'• topic will be "What's Wrong with Higher Educa- tion?" Persons wishing to hear the chief executive ot the UC system should make reserva- tiO!ll by telephoning 542-5624; Uld Council President J .S. Floor. . ENJOY PEACE OF .MIND . HAVE YOUR INCOM£ TAX COMPUTERIZED 24 HOUlt INTEIVIEW SllYICE-YOUI HOMl-OUI OFFICI CALL: 675-5994 CHAR&ES BASED ON YOUR NEIDS atlas financial consultants 3355 VIA LIDO • SUITE 304 • NEWPORT BEACH FOR. YOUR CONVENIENCE • • • O~~ Savings Department will be OPEN SATURDAYS 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Huntington Beach Office Only A 91•• r • MERC~ln'-SAVINGS' •1t.tJt1• policy nsures )'OU th• hi&hftt lilpl rate of in~rest for lnsum uvlnp. • Funds elm int.rest from clat• of receipt Funds received by tM tenth of the month earn Interest from the first Interest compo1,1ndtd dally-- BONUS ACCOUNTS AVAR.AllL • FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX! For Mercury S•vers malnllrlnint minimum .bal•nce of $2,DOO. I ... . ME!JCURY S"VINGS •rd fo8tl GIOel«IM MIM °'"": 8814 Knott Ave., Btie111 Park On Knott, ne1r Lincoln £x1cutiY1 OH!cts: Mercury Savings Bui!di~g. Huntinatnn Beach Acrnss from Huntineton Center Alt.ff! Place, Co1t1 Miu. Oltd In Honolulu, Mire~ i. Survl...i bv Hr· f!flll, Mr. 1nd Mrs, Wl111tm H. Pond, Sr.; two brothe-.. Mlrtln ~nd J~mes; 11'11ndl'llrenls, Mr. and Mr1. H. 8. Pond, 1nd Mr. tnd Mrs. L<'o Magone. Reclhltlatl or Ille 110..rv. sunc11v eVt" ni11111, ' P/,\. Re<1ultm MASI, MondAV, ' AM. bolll 11 $1. Jotd'olm's C•!~ollc Churdl. lnMrment,, Goad Sh~l>herd Cemlffn. l;ell l roedwav Mortu1rv, (!1111 MeSI, OlrKIOl'I. For The Record FORDERBRUGEN kevl11 11. Fordtrbr\191n. 70J Potnsett11.1·---------lftDI The less-than·four-grand price is manufacturer's suggested retail. sole. Nylon-pile carpeting. sOft-rim steer- ing wheel. Recessed door hand\es.' Plus what makes the Grand Prix so grand-longest hood in the industry. 118' Wide-Track stance,:Utrerly distinc· tive front end. So if you always thought !lie Grand Prix was a $6,000 car, your only problem now is how to spend th~ $2,134 left over. c..-det M1r. Otta ol dee!!!, Mirth •. SurvlYl'd bv r11Mr. Kevin J., ~I Mhlntsal1; mother. Mn . ketherlne Forderbnl!lefl; lhrH Jfll<'n. Mlrv 1nd C.n:ol Forclerbru-. of Ill!! honie, tnd OlaM t.1rn1rd. A...,,.lm. Gr1wslelo! servlcn. $1turd1v, 11 AM, Ptd !IC View (tolptf, wllll Rev. Olvld A. Crump oftlcll!ll\9. 111terrnen1. Pec111c VllW Mftnorl1I ll"art. DlrK!ed bv P• clflt Vin Mortutrv. RUFFMAl'il Don ... Hllffnwin. :ion S.1111 Ana ,..,,,Coll• MIM. Diiie ol det fh, Mer. •· Survival bv two d1u11hltn. Mrs. A. Laul» F1'11flMMn, C!llll MIU, 1nd Lolt t.. L-nrv. Frnno1 l'fiV 1on1, CllNllCI Hllltmen, (Piii MeU, and IC"'lllth Jones, LI Pllll'\81 bn:ottlef", Leslls H"'..n' 1!1!er, D'91 MC°""· both or Het>n)lc11 nine 1r1nddll!d..., '"" -9 .... l"!lnndchlld. SeNIC"· todtJ', 1 PM, Pe<:ll\t; Vie.,.. Ch11>el. Wllh Rev. Dr. Houpt olflCl1tl11111. l~W· merot, P1clllt; \lie<# MefT\or11I Perk. Directed b• P•clllt View Mortu1rv. SOULE M1"'1,..I A. Soule. A11t U, r.rl "' W. lfth SI., Cotta Mes1. Prlv1t1 11rvl«'I and lnfoermenl wert held 11 Bell 11ro11dw1v MOttuarv. 110 1r01dw1v. (Mii ,,,,..,., BALTZ MORTUARIES Coron dtl Mar OR S.9450 Costa ~fHa ~u 1-lW BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY Ill Broadway. Costa Pt1tsa u a.Jl33 DIWA Y BROTHERS n .. U.gloa Valley Mortuary 17tll Bucb Blvd . RDDd•gton Btacb UZ.Tl'lt PACIFIC VrEW MElllORIAL PARK Cemetery' e Mortuary Chapel UM hcifle View Drive Newport Belc~ Calilorala 141.:?llt .,-· PER FAMILY ICOLONIAL FUNER.C. HOME 1111 Bolla Ave. Westalultt DWSZ5 SBOPl!:it MORT\1ARY ~-IM-1w 1: a... amante ._., .. _ il SMITll't MORTUARY In Mala St. ~--· l.oB ._ ~ 1: ' ,, Meetings M8r Visit M.ISOl'll< LodlH', Masonic Temple, UOl 1511'1 SI., NowPClrl BeKh. 7:30 p.m. P1renl1 Wflhout P1rtneri. Or1nllll C111,1nty, A..-!Qn LHlon H1l1, 'u 15111 StrMt. Nll'WPOrl 81Kll. I p.m. Chrllllan llUlir>eSSmtn'• Comml~r. B&Jlm BIY Cklb. N~ Buen, 7:30 I.Ill Fire Calls Westllll111ter ~ .. ' 12:•7 p.m., Medical aid, Wntml111ler ~Ill P1rt. 1:11 11.m .. Medic.. aid, w ... rrnrnsi.r Hiii!! School H1111tl .. t.• ... di Mllr.' 2:31 •.m., Truck fl,._ .. 1 Adams 7:411 e.m., StnKflltt, "21 L•uttl1u"I 7:32 ,.m., G,..n tire, 1'WI GoltMrd •:4• p.m., Tr1sl! flr., Slil $l•lo!I t :Sf P.m., Tr••h !!ft, tot M1ln SI. C.stl MtM fqr.' 2:06 p.m .• O.eillog, 432 Prlnctloo Dr. 4:lt p.m., Glra9e. 2700 Pelen.on Wtr 5:'3 p.m., RKale, 16.22 Ctl'OWtY •:IJ p.m .. Auto, "32 Htrbor Blvd. •:S. p.m .. Tnller, JUG N-1 BMI. 7:~7 P.m .. o-iu1111. JIU, Tait --· ,_.,.,_' t :St •.m., R-, *7 DI-L•IW 5::16 p,m., False •l1rm, Clift Dr. & -l!Mr. 1 ,,51 1.m .. Medic.II •ill, m C•rMO H'9Mtnd1 How lll•llY tl111•1 ht•• '1•11 httrlll tili11 0111 .1 °"' ,..fl'( ~11•1h for t TV Lilf111i119 Dt•ice lt•rft4 with "plttlt 11nd 6rtMIMt •11• of '/Ollr litt•11i119 dt•ictt like 1111 1111t my •thtr 6r•nd1111." Now wt c:111 all •ni~ the TV wlfho11t It 1111rly dri•l119 u1'fro111 fht '°'"'· Thi1 i1 1 1peci1I offer of 1 f,... TV Device. Those who 111•1 tr••• lilt 1111d1rit1ndint th• 1p•1ker at tho chvrch rn.etitp, Jf l•• fell t1 h11r the t1l1pho111 ., like the TV er radi• fumed l111d1r ••• II y•• HEAR. b11t de t1ot 1lw1y1 UN. DEltSTAND, ti.it Will IE A •R.EAT HELl'I T • r1c1it•• • fr11 TV Ll1t.11i119 D1•ic1, j111t s111d ynt 111r111 arwl 1ddr111 111111 rip code to: --. AM HI CAM : HIAllN6 AID CINTllS ' i c/• WlllACU..UI, , hpt. CMCJtl : P.O .... 171JJ I Mi.••••"' Ma..15427 1'111~ 1111.t 1 .. , TV 11111/ll•r ~•m•--~---~ ril'rolJn' lllORTUARY UI.~ llllo l!L, Cotta MUI .... : ;.dJr••t -------' ! Cll'I -St1t1 -Zip-• 'It includes a lot: 350 tiorses. All· synchnitt:ansmission.Strato-bucket seats. Hidden radio antenna. Vinyl..:overed con- .. Have a ball on Pontiac. See the Grand Prix at your Pondac Dealer dur•n1 die Great Break-., Sale. •Manur.cturcr'• llUlllSU:d retail izice includlDc: Federal ucilr: tu ud aiutlled drta1er new car P:ti*iatirol ~ ne.tacm-.-. ml IDc:ll tam ml tCICi:ail wr9' lllt Sid +4 ' '------------'~---·--"-- I• • • . I • . I l, I • ' ' -• FAl0R:~icHA1'1GE '.... P~~;idb,g oiier a iJrty,i.l\ 0 !>is honor will be this perky·wblte.elephant,whe9 Assistance .4'l1gqe ,members gath- er to swap packages an<I: news as well 'as fill .th,rift ~bop·-Shelves On to District . ' Juniors St'itch . ' .· . • . ! I • • • ' ' ..... • ,.~(~,r·-~· "11 ·1'h rult .' '<;; .r "• Prize · ;E(t~tam-es ··:, Ready for additional competiti9n are Hunligg: ton Beach Junior Woman's Club se'wing contest;< winners, Mrs. James Shepard and Miss Supan Cald· well, Huntington Beacb High Scbool student. They will model thaJ' prize-wJnning costumes with other Orange District winners on Monday, March 17, In Bullock's Fashioo Squa•e, Santa Ana. \.. Co~~b~~ng a hurnoro1::1s no~e was a skit stag~ . d~udging by Mrs., James Mahan, fine arts .. chairm&J}, w~o dePicted unUsual styles fqr each month of the year. Mrs. David steckbauer, sewing chairman, arranged fur a display 'oi handmade creati'lOS for the entertainment of the. general membership who were ·guests.. for 'tb'e meeting. · Assisting Mrs. Karl Hammer, hospitality cbair- man, were the Mmes~ Bill Lowance, Wµli~ Mc-- Court, Jobn Miller, Sam<Wilaon and Edwin Hume, Mrs. Mahan also arranged to donate nine licit· els fur "Adventures of a macl< Girl" in the Mark Taper Forum to students 'from the dr!lJDa depart- ment of Golden West College. Funds were raised i · !rOm adult arts and· crafts tjasses and wlli benefit : slu4ents who would not ordinarily be able to enjoy '," the expenence. , . -, ' Juniors also presented $100 • to I/le college's · scholarship committee fur.mt by students majoring in. fine arts, and tickets were presented ;students In the music appreciation cl, ass t(!. a~ _an ··organ ; concert. The group also ·renewed. the club's 'sus- taining membership at the 'Huntingtpn Beach Plliy-1 I house. • · · ' 1 1 ' . . As convention mOnth nears, JUlilon are com· pleting a variety of projects, , , i Mrs. 'Robert Murray, mental health chairmiur, '1 t pres"!'led a check .to tile Sa~e a Child prosi;in\ at i the Child Guidance Clinic of Orange.County, ailcl0lhe ! I club also renewed its membership .~th Golden Key, I a clinic support group. It also made a1 donation to ' the National Association for Retarded Children, a , ' state project of Junior clubs. Ann Goes ' ' . DEAR ANN LANDERS ; Mom 1w 1 • ' mania ror uvtnc tbihp. O&rl Cloettl ·• - L e~.gu e · ... B·i.as ·': 1.. -. ' Pacn¥W·erms . ' ,. Come accompanied by a white elephant bidl Mrs. Berrell Jllel, chairman, and members' of Ibo Aa•i•tauce .Le&ll!• or'~ ' • Beacb ,will be doinf.t!Hlt between io a,m. and 4 p.m. 'lburlid81, March . 13. ' - SearCbing'. Btttcs and doiilg ttieir SP.ring cleaning eerly are' active, provisional, s~lriing and associate members as well as, members of the league'!iiilver Ancl!<>r Auxiliary which slaffrthe bospital~They-­ will supplement their while elepharit' donation with a bundle of used clothing or other household goods which may be contributed to the chapter house prior to day of the sale. • In addition to shopping members and gq-:sts will enjoy coffee, tea and cookiea. Assisting Mrs. Rit"'lfo, !!!':fl!!!••· Harry LeBard, C<H:hairman, William Russell, 0. B. 11oot,' Robert Parker, Alice Free- man, Herbert Wood, Lowell Spangler and Wayne Flanery. . Benefitirlg lrom the •Jl9"i!il iale wlli lie the thrill shop aince many lvhite elepbants Will flllt tliefr way to .the shop's llhelves along with the bundles and household goods. The shop is located in the chapter house, 301 Walnut Ave., and ls open to the public each Tuesday and Friday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. · ·. ' . . ' • . .._ } ' '• I '' I ' on Thurs<lay,, Much· 13. Welcoming a<:tive, provisiOnal ,' su!tatn- ing and J>ssoc:iate members are (\efti to right) Mrs. Harty Le- Bard, Mrs. WU1lam llussell and Mi's. Robert A. Seybert. . On !!hose days the public is invited to browse and take advantage _; • l • wo•J '».,f ·~ ., of pttces guaranteed rigbt for every pocketboolt, Proceed.o from th• white elephant sale and all thrift shop fun~s are used to lurlher As, " sis;&nce League philanthnl!iles Within th,e city . • ' . 'i>t1tn<:t ·Competition! in santa An,, on Monday, ;,Mardi' 17, Mrs, Shepard is a member of the Junior I. club and •ill!ss Caldwell attenas Huntington Beach lligh ·School. . . . Practices For Monday Club Past Glory . Recalled · I ' I ' ' I . The splendor, tragedy· and hlimor, of ' EUf0!1e lo\lay wl,ll he captured for members of the Monday 'Morning Club of Huntington Beacb by 'the Rev. Wendell L. Mille(, , Membirs and guests will meet at 10:30, follo~ed .by an 11 : 30 a.m. buffet in t,he Shera- ion:eeach IM: · · · · Presenting the speaker, who ,wDl !jlus- trate his tait with some ot the 60,000. col- ored slides comprisinihls penonal uirr.rY, will be Mrs. Russell Relliy, first vice presi· creiit and programcchaix;man .• The Rev. Miller, an active clergyman more than 42 years and currently active with the Community Church in· Manhattan Beach, is a member of the International Platform Association, listed in. a supplemenl of 14Who's Who in Ame'rtca,"·'iWb.O'a \Vllo in ~e Y('s~.'' and ('Who's' Who b"l Metbod.l1m." In his lectures he cllscusses · not onl7 places of interest, but also the personal, so- cial and international probli!:ms with an in-- . ter?retetlon of the basic needs of huma¢ty, · He Ii the only .member ol the American • Sjlminar .w. travel 'three coosecutive years making. a first-hand study of Europe ~ in-. terviewing various world lea.den.-He alto has visited Russia and satellite• countries conducting interviews and producing pho~ grap1>1... ,• , ' Refervations. may be made> by calling 1 •Mri.·Sberwood ·Ollen before noon Tliursday, ·March 13, and Mrs. Edward !toward wlll cooducf>the: buiiness meeting. of :Pack Rat . . ' F.W culturOI can approach ours when cilalleo1ed. II wu Mi Ill)' -I do oboal Kl -MUSDGOM· • J · are jam-packed with clotbel we ~,r1 •• ages ago. We are teenagen itoW but • Mom relu1e1 to get rid of 1our Broinle ~ ! ·· uniforms and the 80CU we 'l'Cl'C ·wbm · we were 5 ye1r1 old.. ., . • . • . 1 tL comes to payin& retpect to the aged. bid a tu.IL D1:;AR MUSUGONs Y• .... 11rei:1r In addition to having been robbed ol llwyer, Md P.S. U..., ti._. 1Ylw , our rlgh!fllI bmtage,'we'ha" beeh poor-~fAJI -~N: ,I , ~~~ ~-~ ~ la 'f't'I• a teacl;r, -.. "'°' " ly d-'~"" 0by' .. .:. ... m\, "You do ..... --.... -11 • ~·~ --• ..,. ,.._, ' ,,..,._. _.,., · "'''.I ;_'L.L ~ Ith-~•'"--,..\'-----· • ' It'S hard to gt! Morh to ' bOy' ui • .' , help the 'llfuillon. wDeh ' yi>u perpetuato -·up w ••~1-..... ....... ' IAICh degradln1 liOI. And pleue don't ln panll. We ha•• three llDli! childnn Too lll8llJ couplet I! !l!lm.ll!llldawoi anything new~-sbe -oat' : D""llANTA:Y-moellfll .~,,ct •!".cuae- clooell are bull!tna. Well, lllq ah, bpi ' nil, _. ..,. W' M -""" I~ almost everything ln there dales bioet W. type. M~ ~ ""' poor , ~ ;11. ~ ... All ~If~~•'"~ wuomk~. 'r.'°1, 1 lO the Johnstown flood. Me WU Joai ... ae fear Of beiq ··~ IR;J,,1111: ._--. a ""' ' 'l1lt same hangup'°'" Ior food. Mom -lpfo ll&mtll .... Oita W. fl there lo at>edal , DlaCe for tli:ed llorn reluseJ to throw oot ..,)'llllnc. Slie .. ,. ,.. .._ pffflle ... , bur to -out wtm lo I" "~}her are no 1..,,., a tablespoon ol cole llaw ~hatf Ii ..,.W.c wt. · 1 .loved or wanted ?'' :sne then compiftd a wiener. '11ie lceboz fl loaded wllll A.t Mom ftr aa -ti ... u-bOr, pllibt to the .Amerlcan lndia111 who, plastic containers but damed llttle food., TW Olt all ,.... wlJpun _..,. 111t aatd, jM out their old •ond lick ' Why does she do lhill II theft. ...... 1Rodel llltm fur ..,,. T!!n 11111'11 alie ond ldt them to diL Tbla crud Jll1l)I way to cure her? -SANTA · ROSA call Goodwill ladwtrlll or Ille lal-• ,II> totaUy wlthoUt clocUmentaUoo aad I TEENS. . Army ad live th dllMt .. 11•1111 bopeyauwWMtUaencon:llWal&bL f , ... whom I love very much. .I WU• aNln to acrimooJ. V...'1 lei 'f'Nll """1aeo tel me I am unduly 1101Wuve. 'I am the court would iwlrd mt CUllodt . bat, flop helon It ,.. ~. l!ni lir protistlng . no1 only Hearlslct'1 stalo-I w1& bed1r miltaftn. ' -,-.. , :.\lift Landin'-, "llirrlqe-Wllal ment, oot the atUtude o1 rilool white Whenever 1 ,. get the cltl!dttn• for to Ezpect," SWd 1"" nqlllll lo .\119 men toward • the 'ltnt au I h en ti c the day, Ibey are blld: and 'blUo fronl • ~ la con ol 11111 ,.._ ....... Amerlcw. lt'1 cfllcr.celul -ONE OF beatings and filthy dirty. I don1 lhlnk 11111 Ii ~ la Cllin, ... a """' •._r. THE MOHAWl<S . they eat properly ellher' bee-they lltif-......... ' D£AJ\ FRIEND: 1.,,.. tlle Amerl<a alwQI are llarved for m!a 111111 r.-Anil 1-wlD bo Pd lo ~ lndiaa bal ben -111117...-_. -bread. ' Y"'1 with ,_ PNlhn. .... ._ It'• blp. u ...... -. wu made by 1 <111 give these klda a muc:li liett<r · to hir la ..,. ol Ille iiA\Ly PILOr. oor lotml!D<Dli MJ apoloskl for lflow. home than their mother but tht court encioltng a a,W..,..11111; •iiJ Ing Hearlllcl'1 1tatemeot ta p 1a-•llYI no, Why! Why! Why! Whal can enveiOf)t. " • • \ • • •• .. Horoscope Virgo:· Forget r ~la tho !Ima.let tnvolved 1a)our CO"'mO . n t B .. tt . · w.· ....... Altd J9111, nauirln& only tlino .. ras 1 erness =~~=~e==.~wllllnl ' SATURDAY ' .· t.lcbi .;:. 11u1, --, You can .llelf a yotm11tor loom, 0< eue tlto -~ bmlllD al ............ flir the. elderly. · . MAltOH I ' -·••lumOS1ow. ~~tlon• iucb •• theae·•"' await. ._ ~ Oii•-· LIO (Ju!Y IUal-Ill: •·· _,, tei.,-. ·.,.n to the Volunteer Bunlea. "' •·-··· Obllacle ._..Bat :l'OllN ~ 'iiim -Artuh, al M>0963 ls tlle eucutlve at, ~ ..._ ___ -• u. a11111o ...-11. a. 11o1-• an· ·-'• m. to -·-.,.. --a,.. -. llmll1 f« ' r.etor and wlll.a•llsl c era uum ••• dlllla1 ' • • 'AIVolao· polata ~ -., -Ind ..,..,., weoltd&y. She will cwtom match ~ and th• II!' wey.• qu1ree uealtoa 1 81":J;li!L Job with the tlmt•yOll have to give. The· bUJU11 la "81111 (-II~ II): -.:.. ... ti..-lacalail at DI· N.-Newport Blvd., N~ J!1rb; Ill& for W........, Dooi bl VIRGO <Alie· »&pt. II): CLlltlCAL HILi' AND TEACHERS NllDID 11tlalled Willl .~ Jn. A lhon trip coald 111 • -A Harbor Aru scbool providing educaUonal dlcatloai. Uolqae ..--:t,. 11111,.. = I~ I~· 11jenpy o1 all klncla' ls In need of clerical be1p ThllDll be ........... lllacma flMl'I'."" _.... y,.. -leelloi ct a recepllonlat u often as volunt~ can aerve. e --c1oee 1o you. ._., ~ Mate .,.an Widc1r al4 Is. -ed In mer to continue teacbln& 10UDI - -_.:..., ~ -pell --II peclple, . ~ ·-r-• flio!PI& B'l 11P lo you. 'lbeN liao la a need for playgn>und npem. "-· uD& (Scpl. IS-Oct. II)' on, t.cbera ol radlng skills and indlv!duali to .~uaus (AJ!rjl »ICa1 •>: Yeu !Ind ·lo ,,. -' Jri ·rea11 to. atudenta. -on marrtaae, · ~-.iii..: 'Bo f1C11111ft. • 1eldll11UU011l1Cic lil!JL U 1 hll THRll'T SHOP OR AT'HOME . !1111 ·wi.· 1o ,....,. ._ ;:.-w:I ~ !: ~ A thrift lbcip1need• lllaffers six days a week. = :: -. .. til~~JOO. -be •1flloWI. Un!lu If ~ cln't work at the lbop but can at home, luluro -Y CID .... to -1o·!oae,11artbelnl lob• sucb as repairing, painting and makln& lteu!t n-~ -. pradlcaJ. • • .-!or sale might occupy your time. , . -,.ay 11.;rune IO)-' · ·· · . Qet ~ cbone --' flllORPIO· (Od. ll'NoY. II): WHAT IS A Fltll!NDL Y VISITOR? '· A90id . _,. bor • Be dlacraat •-aatpmeot, , 11am11oy°:t. Ke;J; ~ -~Uty. _doll, tell A Frteildll;y Vlsllol' Is a person who take11...,. RECEIVING A BOO~T-HoldlnC ,J111UU caps · and a diploma, symbols of their goail are Uel\ to rlibl> Orange.Coast College students, Mi11 Gay!' Larsqn, • ·:• Miss Marg8"'t Alexander and Mn. Roben· Ma\. "" thews, who are receiving scbolanhlps ·from the ' Costa ·Mesa 'Women's Club,· pnaent!'I 'by Mr.s. Lollil A. Kozel, scholarsl!lp . chaJr!nan. The girls wlU receive assislani'e from the cliil> until they re- ceive their t~•chlng credentla!J or complete nurses .training. - JIU! doni try too much ai all JOO. -· Tate care Wilh er'aJ day1' a month lo· go to the .convale1cenl hpnlOll euce. Reilt!H w1io lranla . ..._. ct dna Kif· la lo In hla community, When be gets there he can either pti Iii-. ' . ·be _,at!,.. Ym t1oni take part u an lnstrUctor or helper In arts 11D11 cWi'cl:B (Jani 11.;re!J Ill; have lo lhow o11 al!llllJ'. crolla, recreation, or help individuals with their Good lunar upect today liGmilllJll (lloy. SS., cocnspondence or ahcpplng. . • •• ...... . .•. ··~ ... ... t _, " ,, .. ; ,, ..... •·f. , .. . ~ ,., ., . ·~· . . >I'> ..... ;, ". ,. •• ~ '!A.\· ,, . •w ·~ """ ANN COWLEY A...,.1w..w1111 Germany Selected For Rites . - Future Nurses, Teache~r . .· . . · A'ssisted T ow9·rd , Goa Is Three JGUllll OrlOll COUI lloberl Kaltbew1, 1 I u d e n t Collep itudenta are being nuraes, and llllsa Gayle auiJted In tb<lr educalloo by LlrsQo, a !ul\ife leecber. Ibo Colla ·Meea Women'• The three were choeen In Club. · keeplns Witb Iba cluh'a Idea Scbollllblpl wen: ~ that men ~n and mu1e1 by lira.. Louli . A. £i>zel, are neOded ml hcitb pro- . acbolanblp' dpairmen, lo Mlil feeal1111 beJ\1111 tbe ~· ~----Mn~ munlly. Weddings, Troths -.. Pilot's Dead/ ines ' . . to help-fill ncjulnmeiltl oil both we4- dlng and engacement ·llo1!ea, fOrmi are avail- able In Ill• of the· DAILY' PILi>T offk:el. Further questlonl ;will be mwered = Notes .wt memben at 942-4321 or 4 · • Mia Aleundtr1 ll. II c:om-PlelinB her llnl ......... , .. .a student DDl'le. Wblle maln- talninl food grade1, lbe 1UD l!nds lime lo partlclpeto In college acllvlllea. Mrs. Matlbewa, 11, I 1 married lo a lludent who ailo is wortlng lo support tbe (amll)'. She will be gradaated in' Jane,' · · The future teacher, Mia Laraon, 11 JO' and 11 com- plellnl her oecood year al OOC-An A -~ lhe will atteod UCI nm year and tbe · Women'a Club will ~ to ualJt her fln•ncial)y. The dub'& Bridle Section, wblcb meets ·ll>Ollhl1, .-. ill .. -lo tho a:boianblp -program. -WUllam ~ --·ill cbalrman. . ' blgllll&hla tntemllied C<lllacl Dec. II): Illy lo flnllb, com-He might even help a convalescent while awa;y Wilh oppllltle ·-. Give u. pllle. Be...,. JOO. -w!ial the houri, accompany him to the museum or mav!e. tenlioo lo cblldren. Have fun JOO.'re dotJll. ~ ebocl: or the YO!unteer might prefer working In the library 1ecta. Lu.,. .-,lo or a gift .a.op . otbon. ~ for aid cauld -1rem -t'111flned lo ~ (llec. iw... Art II): AOCllll • bopea, - Group President for Affiliates . y.., . CID haft lun toaJPI . tllroap -eontacte. Yau'v1 . ncel•ed ,-lbal old nil~ may be llnlsbecl. Keep· pard up. l'nltecl ;iOur -AQUAlllVll (Jan. IO-l'eb. 11) : ,,_ In 1utborlty loot. 11 ..... bty upon )'OUf lflorll. Be lmlable. Lei lclionl lpllt for tbemaelvu. YOl.D' f10 11· bolllered. Accept accolade In graclous manner. 1'18CB8-(Feb. lf.Mardl IO): -· ....-. ll:Iprees •fill-lo !urn. Be fla. Ible.. Old melboda may not . -J.,... llml Indicated toiilPL ~ -being ,..,... ..... carelea. Jbmlmher recept SHlltLIY l'ULLllt April lrlclo -11" TODAY II Y 0 UR BIAl&DAT 10U 1:r1 ete- plellnl a .,.,Jo. Gel tud1 foroew--pa~ ler1ll .,....... A· new lm- portonl -.... ,.. Die. P.aints Orange County artist W. M . MacKay will 1 t v e a demoutratlon ol bis pointing techniques before Affiliates, Lqtma Beach Art Auoclatlon at 10 a.m. nut Mooday in the Ari Aaaoc11Uon Gallery. Rose Tips Offered A naUve of Southern Calilomta, MacKly h I I devoted himself .almost el• clualvely to the Western ICtne and recently completed a et of palnllols of Irvine llaneh for Mrs. Joan Irvine Sm!th. He ·currently b president of the art U.90claUon and ex· hibita In the FesUval of ~ Collectors from New Yort. Dallas, San Franclsco and TUcsoo recently have purchuo OrlOI• County Role Society ed his works. .-bm will hear I lalJ( by The artist received hie early Wealey A. Hom p b re y, training iA Puadena ICbooll borUculturilt from Ibo OrlOle · llDd during his colleg1 years County Agrlculmlf Eitomlon when hi worked u a· ..,.. llervice, nm Tuadly In tbe mercllf ertlsl. Bil bacqround Watminlter Civic c en \er alao includes a degree from Recreation Buildlnl. tbe Californll Institute ol .• Piannlnll for an AlJIUll wed-. . .• ..,. ding tn Germany are Ann To avoid d!Qp~tment; -....U•• brides are reminded tO h••• lhelr widdlni' . itories with blact ind white glo.y pbqto.· grapha to the DAILY.~ Bqciety Depart- ment. prior to or within one weet· ilfter the .·.Consumer Congress Betrothal Revealed At Parties F ... 7 --...H... Technology. or -:-p.m. --...... ---------Hmnpbrey will speak on ooil GENEllALTINDINCllll: ::':~· L<iuile' COWiey ud . Joe I ,._ Tbomu Clark. .. ..• ~ "· ,., ... 'lbelr' eqqement w.u ~ -Int Sllunlay durinl a buffd dhlner In tho .home of her pom1ta, Mr. and Mn. Manball E. C.OW!ey of Calta Mesa. Parenti of the benedJd. elect .,. Mr. and lira. Joel P. Clark of San Clemente. Mia Cowley II I llfldUlte ;,. ct Coila ..... Higb Scbool ·"· wedding. . For· enpgement ann01111cementa It II sugg~. that the story, also a.Companied by a blsck and white gl=.J:.!ic'tu.re. b<I. submltt<d early. U the ,anil"'111C9'. ment and wedding d1te ore m weUi or less apart, oalJ the weddtn& phpto ·will .. be 10- cepled, . . - . C·orivenihg ·Family and clole friends learned ol the enppmenl ol SblrJey Ann Fuller and Sleml Family PIDOI of Am~ea 1lllcllael J-wben Ibey Fllhlnc. plullnc-favond by lunar poottloo. manapmenf, me of IOil con- dllioner1, ferlllizers, Jirigallon a ,,.. specimen Ind llower T• ""' • ...... "*' tw .,.. pr1ctlces and weed control. arrangement allow and dr"'" ~..:=,. ~--....:;";; A que1Uoo-anrwer aesalon will ~ ing also are planned for tbt ::' •""' ,,;:.-::",,,::: ~ follow. . meeting. There ii no ad. ..,...,,. ,.. DAR.Y l"ILOT, .. -. Retr. llhmtntl, door prizes, mll!ion charge, ~ ~ ......... ftlw Y•1--~--'--:__;.._::====---'-­"·y• 1tfl7, ·· were psll al dl!mer puliee wW boll. °" nlpl!l ~ boated by tbe ........ of the Namesake ColllW!ler • ~ "·' • I fUture bridal couple. · 'l'Ueedey ll I:~ 1.oi. 1n tbe · !dlso Fuller II the daugllter and Onnp COUI Collqo. CmTenl!y lhe Ii a ciadllata L.....----------------' ... ~=i>Sber·1o11 Hotel, t!"'.;.i F.dl.:!', ':::. ofiaS.:, Discussed Amq l1lbjecta lo be '°" ol Mr. and Mr. Norman J-of Lq1ma llocb. lliltary of Fucbelu !rem .. , • ~· .. .. , . .,. .,, < -I at Calllomia Slate Collqe at Fullerton where oho ii atudylng for her elemelllley, taachblg ctt>delltlaL Her f1ance b an alumnus of San Juan Clpiltnno High Scbool and waa enrolled at 00C and San JOA Slate College. PresentlJ be 11 In ,.., the U.S. Army and 1'tl1 be. ltetlooed In Germany. ... ... . " Young Artists Entered In State Competition . dllcusa<d will be Doee tbe '!be brtde-l<>be la a.,-lll'Mf will be tho topic - Public Really 0... 1.h o o1. ~ Ana Valley Higb -by lira.~ Burl Airways, A~ • e n I u re 1• In Sc:bool and a11onit1 Oranlll WUU-ol llawtbonle. Achievement and How lo Be Cout Coltele. Her 11ance la A borliculture teacher at tho I Beller Shopper' The Spen. a ........ of Ariaool Sllto L. I An. e I 11 c 0. n I y dinl of tbe Greell ii lbll year'i University where be -Ill· -f« Puadena City Iheme. , . DHated wltb Slpa Cb I Co1lep, _lira. W111i1m1 will · ' !ntemlty. · ~ befon Ibo Calta M-FolloWins lunch tbe If. Tiiey will eay tbelr vowa a., atJ1a Fllchlla Sodoty at .1..-MUiop will_ feelure ~ It Iii st Andmr'• 71IO p,.m._·-y, Mardi 10, I .~ ~ade ind Iba by1er1an Oiurch, Newport Iii Ille Colla Meea American .. Memorial Exhibit 1111irta llpClllli>rod' by the acbooil were Jlldled by the Fountain Vifiey W om a n ' I l\lmOI. Pele Barb<>liJi Ind Club wite respolllibje for Jamel Grundy, club 1111 Ind three lint priles In the craftl c»<hllrmen; · Vanct OrlOle lliltrlcl Youtb Ari DerJnc!on, Thomu Kohl ; Cootal and will be llubmllled Jamee Buddlngb, E U·I e o • in llatnlde cornpelltloo. MCIOl'inl and Mill Diane -In the junior hip dlvillon , Moorlns and . Mn. X.... IWlldll w.r. made lo Margo Kofcbur ol the ·hiP·IChooL ulemhlJ {lrill vole OD I JlfO' Beach. L11Jo1i ba1J. - jecl'for 1111.' ,---------..;..--~---·Ill · . Tlctet lnlprmaUon !nay be ';.· oblaiaO!I by caDinB lira. PJul ; •, ·•· .. .. VlacOlto al 'm-'llM. '• . M1Ubm, Tunura, fOr her R.lbbom: 1"!l'e i--wnlld to , :J :i,~~::S r~~~ ~e11 ~ii.:'·;:~n:,; Hospital Date·. , h Vllloy, 'COl!lle Ind 1IOlld peln Martain, Scoll Rini ml paul • M·-..:_ J ... ~-}( -·~. To Open 11ns.· Clark, Lamb: Jell-· M~·~~ • ,, Broce Jobolao, l'bteln MJcbele , DeLacey, Pa.m wiD ·ptber In the confennce • ••· •• ~'bil In :':."k of :Vllloy, Paul Ruper and Julie Termoblen, ~!'°"'· Cbeeyl room of tbe boopUal,M-,, -~ M1tuab, Nlebln, wm prim Cltberman, ~ L q c 1 1 • Mardi 10 at 10 a.in. -,. 1111 ii.to i.lr. Emil J. osa 1or !belt pa1nt1ns1 1n the Kiiby Ubaldint, Fulton; Cr•,;;::;===' =====I .,. Jr., noted Callf<n.la artlst, elementary dlvilloo and Janet Klamm and An a be l l·el • • • will open In tbe Collee Gardu -M-· Fulton, ,,.....,. an Villanueva, Nleb1u; · Wendy • ... ••• .-. ... ... •• GellerJ Monday, March 10. bononble mcnUoo.' McCarthy and cberyl Lind , ne lhow wW feelu!< more ,,., club ---' Iii own • McDowell; David Matlbew, tun ID of bis walercolor and .,,..--1u ~-"A t all .... 1 .. n-1'bt •v,:i•t arlldren'•. Art Show t Tamura: .u .. D ODIOD , ,......_ Salurda1 b. Temura. M.,. Ricky Tllurher and Clrol Dlinlod Ille C,1 II f o I 1 !ban IGO entrtee from all tbe Ertcaon, Fountain Valley • landlcape Will! a ajleclll Wen I lleca• bl loved tt ao much. N~ Harbor Service ~ Wilh fellow arlbti Ind ' • . . -. . Ra Brandl, Hans Borilllrdl, Gcorp GU-, -lllllller. --·· ... ·~ Wat~rcolor, Acrylic ... ...-. • ' f . . • . ~ I . v ' and --· who will ,._i Ibo memorial ... hlb-, Invite the piblle to """the _....iatm-ta. fte -II -from 11 Ull.-4 p.m. Moodl.1a u...p l'llda1I ..i It:• 1.m.-I p.m. 8Uarda1I durlol Marn and >\fril. ,,., plllry la located • -E. c.ut lflPw"l· ~dll.W.• . ' . March Artist Named and -ii the c:umnl ....... deal.Bbeila_..,.ol tbt Costa Meu Womea11,Club and bu aer9ld a arl cbalrman for Orenp ~ lira. Willilml bu be<o commJalooed lo palnl niunls In tho • cbll-'1 l!ard In FaJmmr 6tat. HOIPital SM bai oludied wUh llu s,andl ad lira. Clerlol Stanley. "'-1)y •be ii··-cl Richard v. Jobmoo ol North Lone Beach. • I FAITH .and tt's a flu FREI dnnoltlg ....,. IMlomg for S~Palrickl!Javl Come & fllll • tick<! ti. "PADDY'S PIG"! No Pu.rdwe Ntcell&l'i--~ Restate-March 10 tbni,ll ....................... ' St'"'7 C.rf .. 111 M•rl c.-.... ~·· ' . ~ ~([~ERIE no 1 -Elst 17th St, ~ Cost• Met• HUiitt• S~••'• "42·14J& ' -. . CELEBRATE ' WITH US! · OOR SECOND •RTHDAY Ml. NIXT ..C lilAaat 10.11 Ml&IUY •oPna 'Wll ltr'Ol dae --·~pat tw ,_. pm•• ·m, Y11 laQ' be Dp'Wd It tbe caMl ~ ..... 1flllll JU' t ss1 II paid ""· -1111 ct"" e. 'not ridl TD ~ PllDI Ailtt hi W R 11 YOC!a--11" 1111-c.t • Jiii. .. -,.,. _.,. I IJ• llf -·-----. Picl.wp dr1wlnt "11" '"' •• ..,.... ,.w trip •• Htwaii, ._.,,,....... 2J Inch Col« TV, la 1ay store next wtekl loath (oast?tm • With the Omega S.amaater DeVlll• •Forget winding • Th!OW away your pocket calendar •Wear It anywhere Qncludlng the 1hower) beautifully. Omoga 11 iecognlzad throughout tho world as one of the veiy finest watches. Omege, for example, ls theo!llclol '.f'alCh of the 1988 Olympic Gameo In Mexico. And lhil handaome Soamater DeVlllt has undergoni 1497 quality-conlrol checks lo guarantee It will pelfonn to Omega llandords. L..ft: In 1t1tnle11 c.1e wi+ft metchin9 brscelst fl~O., °' 9old-toliM .... 1..i bracolat, fl75.' R19hl: 6old.fl0M c110 wttt. mllchi•t m1oh br1c1l1t, fl&O. SLAVICK'S Jeus•aa.1117 11 Fashion l1l1nd New poll "••h -644-1 JIO Yftt Chitt• Ace""'' W•lc.OM -t.111tA-rtc1t•, M••'-' Oter,.1 t.1 O'"' Me..., Ftl, 11tll t :lO ,.111. I I • .. ·---cc-------·---\.'"( MRS. RANDOLPH GLAESE Costa Mtt• Home . Glaese-Berry Alaska Hor;ne I Exchange Wedding Planned ----------' Engagement Told During a cere:pony in London Karen Eileen Kell and John S. Partridge will. ex- change wedding pledges. Miss Kell, a 11162 Children's Home Soc- iety debutante, is an alumna of Newport Harbor High School and attended the Uni- versity of Southern California. The daughter of Mr. and Mi:s. Frederick M. Kell of New- port Beach affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta and Spurs while majoring in history. The benedict~h'e, son of S. J. Part- ridge of LondQll and the late Mrs. Partridge, graduated with an honors degree in history from Cambridge University. The betrothed, who both reside in Lon- don, will be married May 24, in an Epis- copalian Church. ,.., ,,, ...................................... 111111 . d · La Leche League Vows Repeate · cl b 'B b' , M ·th . u a 1es o ers Hmeymooning in ldyllwild before establishing their first home in Costa Mesa are new- lyweds Randolph Dar w i n G1aese of CoSta Mesa and his bride, the forme r Diane Leigh Berey. Pa.rents of tbe bridal COU· pie are Mrs. Melwood Arthur Berry of Huntington Beach and the late Mr. Berry and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Glaese of North Miami. The couple exchanged vows and rings before the Rev. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield in St'. Andrew's Presbyterian C!Jureh, Given in marriage by her brother, David Allen Berry, the bride spoke her vows in · an A-line delustered saUn gown with chapel train aod ruffle trim. Her tiet'ed illusion veil wu edged with lace and caught to a crown of rhiilestones and seed pearls. She carried yel· low roses and daisies on a Bible. which belonged to he r gr<et.gnndmother. Weiring a yellow chiffon gown aod carrying yellow Harborite To Marry In March carnations was Miss Roberta Leeua fl. C'.osta Mesa, maid of honor, wbffe an avocado green frock end matching carnations was telected for the brides· maid, Miss Barbara Jane Beck of Newport Beach. Atteodiog as best man was John King of Laguna Beach, while usher duties were as- sumed by John Ainl~y of Seal Beach and J ames Berry, the bride's brother. During a~ r~ion in the home of the bride's mother, Miss Linda Lee Chamberlain of Costa Mesa circulated the guest' book. Special g u e s t s attending were Miss Ltllian Schwan o! Portlan<I, Ore., the bride's great.aunt; Capt. and Mn. Thomal; P. Berry of Orlando, ]i'\a., her brother and sister· in-law, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Glaese of Albu- querque, the bridegrpom's grandparerits. The bride is a graduate of Newport Harbor High )lchool and attended Orange Coast Cdlege. Her husband is an alumnus of · Nonand High School, Florida. Reports On Agenda Reports will top the agenda durlng a meeling f~ Cavalier Chapter, Colonial Dames XVII Our Lady Queen o( Angels Century in the Old Brussels Catholic Church in Corona de! at 12:1$ p.m. next Tuesday. Mar will be the sett.ing for During the gathering Mn. the wedding of Susan Jane Bea Crist, president, will Ban;ed of Anaheim and Rob-report on a state f;Ollference ert Morgan Anderson of New· in Fresno which she and Mn. port Beach. Erwin Marks attended. The betrothed have selected Following the b ti s i n e 1 1 March 29 for their ma~iage meeting, Mrs. L aw re n c e date. Dunaway, (lnt vice. president 11le bride-elect, daughter of and program chairman, will Mrs. Allred B. Barrett of introduce Mrs. Fred C. Ross, Alpena. Mich. and the late who will tell. about· the third Mr. Barrett, ls a graduate alUNll Patriots' Day Parade. al Alpena C..tral High School Mn. Ross is a memlJu of and Michigan State Universi-Patience Wright C b 1-p t e r , ty. She is 1 speech therapist Daoghter:s o.t the . Amertcan with the Anaheim School Revolution, ·co-!pXISOl'S of the i)i.trict. parade. . Tbe 10n or Mr. and Mrs. .Members· unable to attend Donald D. Andenon o f the luncheon~ inteting m re- Newport '.Beach is a· graduate quested t:G notify Mrs. Harry of Newport Harbor High Wood, llWOI&. School, New Mexico Military--"'--------- ~:•and Clsremool Meo's Kids, •Ask Andy' I See hr Today· s Want Ads e SprlnK Flowenl' """"" Md """""' p!utl fer s a I e , rnoov\na · from tltte. • .JSc to $10 • • • .now i1 the time to reJOc.te. • Retun •the Put: Mlaoellu.eou1 Items for Ill.le, .mt anti~ mo dudlric an iron btd. •• • • ,... ........... e Sll Any Wlth Me: ' Bnutif\ll ~ d&.)"I •~ call tor • tltterent adft.n. ~ .•• .cb&rter thb OAL ~ tor • dl.Y oE fun and ..... lu:adan tr. the Pad& blue. e New W Worid n..vcr: Nf'W ~ must be llild before......,.,~ st;)'Jcl da•enport and 1~ IM?lil,' $mi: thrte Ubl.ti, $125; tub, ch&irs, $15 etch . • . • .a brand new llvina: room at halt price! Prospective and new mothers will fmd a serie1 of four meetings bea:lnning Tues- day, March 11, of intereSt. Sponsored by the C.OSta Biography Reviewed .. Mesa Cllapter of La Leche Leagite, the meetin11 will be titled Ad vantagea of · Nur1ing Your Baby, the Art of Nursing and Overcomi ng DlfflculUes, Birth of the Baby and Nutri- tion and Weaning. Mrs. Jerome Hjeltness of Costa Mesa will host the first meeting at 7:4.5 p.m. and subsequent meetings will be April I . May 13 and June 10. Associates Own Members Spotlighted Save~ our A8flon i-.fa-far fltanclw..t bg.'2. NCM 1.54 __ .,... __ _ ............... ,_ ___ ............. pqu' ... .... -.1-.o.1ot•• ..... .. ..... "' ............. M4.&. COSTA MESA fH1tbor Shoppln9 CenterT . ' . s..., .................... '9 .. __ .. ___ . . ................... ~··· til(J'·· .., ..... ,.,,.....:a: M aw&. ... .., I ' . . ,... ............ .,..., ..... .. """ .......... q ll nJ I , .... ~ .. ... ,.. •I 1.-0....-,..,. UM'' .. ,... .---.--. .. ......c .... ....,,.... M~ • HUNTINGTON BUCH NEWPORT BEACH fHuntln9ton Centerl IF11hlon l1l1ndl F""1, Mirth 7, lM DAA.Y PllOT JJ tlXIAI. -LDW. lllOl'D UQAI, HDJllCll Complete Print~t Service Top ~ly -Fast Service 642-4321 • ,2211 W.t lal ... llv4. NwwoM .... IALV IUT _"_,.., __ oo -OCCOCOllllnmultlpl .. ot•114>. plod ,...ting day to day obllgllfona-Start providing fw your Muro todly -blllo. ~ .., forgot U-'1 with a Hvlngo account at Wllahlr• a-· Fedanl ... then add to It regularly. Wlllhl19 Fadand Savtnga wmild Ilka to • '""""",.., ••• ond _.i the -..... --to -the ovallablllty'of • -fO< future piano. or Jiiaffutura -1r,,faby~aavlng. 1l,Vllahft Fadand -the hl;liiot .... .... ... -aavlnp allowed bl' lr;w ... s.1~ ....... the......ililnUil- --"''"' fa........,.iocl dally and lleldfar. ,_. Addltlonally. 'l"".., urn .............. 3~·cartlfl"°'9 • • --''--~~ FKMI tam /rom d4te rte1ivtd to <lat. IDi lhdrawn. Fundl reedvtd b11 tht '10th tom /rom the 111 If uft to encl of qt<OTtcr. 8 l'll>DALIAYllQ ~-- .~ ........... . -. . . ~ . ·~ r OYER .. 'i'HE COUNTER . " . .. . • ·A· ~- ......... ... • . . • '· PriceS'-U.mnlete Override OK'd EL CENTRO (AP) -A1tir ...... tUpoy.--'l'Ult-day,. lbe El c..tr. llchool IJUlriclwlll-lta- 'lde al lbe -·· ..... "' cellinc al ts.fl per tJOO nJaa. tloa lmlll tm. 'Ille -lu ..w., ~fl.a por 1100. DAil. Y I'll.DX ( Amerieaii •• • • • ----------~-----~---,---------------7"--:------------;-:--------------:::---":"""--------- • Jj lll!LY l'IUIT lr!Qr, M.,.1,-7,-1'69. );locket '· 1RO(l'. EXplodes to Newcombe · By GtENN WlllTl! OI .. _., P9lil Dllf - INGLEWOQJl -llodney '~'/l°'*et" ta.., II not Ille kind ol man oo like M back ln a corner -especially Jr rau bappon to be oppoalna him In hil -., lield ol pro!ealonal tennll. For Liver, universally aCclalmed as the world's greatelt player, seems to be at ~ be!l when hl$ back is to the wall. So 1t waa Tbursday nighl at lhe Forum aa lhe Oame-lullred Corona del Mat resident · op1oded in the second set to d. u mp Almtralian John Newcombe, M to 1 e 'II up • :iem.Ulnal victory lo t he tDd' annual LA Pro lnvJt.aUonal. H• had d~o1w.,.i N•wconlhe ~"'' t•.•llo}T" bavln ~ liil 1dvenary I serve 1n llie I M.i. Laver owned ~ M lead ,.;.i had lhe- sem for the lOtli came of. tM set,·, Newcombe bad -P1-Jlna .aurprll- i11J!iy wpl in lhe set -w>IU I! &<" down to bran ~ckt , Then Laver plck~ up polnt.s with tWo superb Jhotl °" the line,· and a beautifuJ chip over 4bt ~ to le!Jd, 40 Jove. -Neweombe • m"anaged •to pt ck up a polnt before the; Rocket agaJn made what looted ,to 1be Ill tniipou.Jble STRICTLY BUSINESS -Gary Johnson, former Orange Coast area prep and jaycee star, gives the det~s on his new upgraded. man~ agerial assignment with the Chicago White Sox. Three-year-old daughter Julia takes in the confab, listening for possible mistakes. lo'lanson Moves llp Mail Call Was Big Event For Ex-Coast Area Ace When you've rtacbed the age plateau of 3J and are a family man, December can only mean a mountain of bills and headaches of the same dimension. That is, that's generally the way things 10. However, for former Huntington Beach High and Orange Coast College baseball star Gary Johnson, December turned into a memorable month. It wu then that he received his Ilth annual contract from the Chicago White WHITE WASH Sqx crganiiation. He had just completcJ hls first campaign of managing J club d. hls own -Appleton, Wisc., of Clas., A level. Johnson had guided the team lo third piace in each half of lhe splil league campaign. Naturally, he was anx.iow; aa to bow bis efforts would be evaluated by the White Soi: system. A few years earlier he had4abandoned h1I hopes or being a major league player and gone into the player-coach program originated by the Pale Hose. So when the contract was delivered to the Johruton household on Balboa IsllDd, there was a quantity of sweat College, NBA Cage Results F....ihlftl II. ,._.It.,. 11 •ui.n '11, Htw;ylft. u. 7~ ao.ion coi"°' n. ou.-n •• , .,.._. 0. Ult-" • °'"-· n. s .. l.wll u. 711 Oil.....,,. Sr.it n , HeOt•Y.1 '3 OtJtNMt '4 '-$Nit 71 L,.oMwtlN Q. .,..ltY 1* s..i JIM , ....... lal'OI• " I"~ 1l, UC 1Mt1 ••"""" 11 , ...... " ... ' AftM!fft c...t CAlllfWwtl ............ Olh "· \l'"wllllil·8' ~ t'-•IM .,, M11Wolll1 n flMrttl ~ M ti.-7' w-. .,Ol'tt, tt, NIWlll ~roll• U.lt 71 NtA lttMollt <lftclnfllll 111. Mllw!,lk .. llt Atllni. I& f'~ll<NkfiDlll• " Ollttoo lb. "''*"Iii 111, o"r!I"" -~ lM. ... ,.., ,, on the. hands as the envelope was opened. It was 'ilom.ething like Academy Awards night for Gary and his family. Happily for them it turned out that Johnson was promoted, giving him a 30 percent salary increase and that big step up the management ladder. Now, in a few hours he'll be flying to Columbus, Ga., where he'll guide the playing destinies of the White Soz:!s AA farm tlub -one that is being rekindled in the Georgia city following a few years of dormancy. His goals at Columbus are simple : "Primarily I want to win games and develop players," he says. His coaching philosophy is also down to earth: "Let 'em know who's in charge but don't make playing a drudgery and recognize the good things they do as mil as chewing them out for mistakes." The big choice for Johnson came four years ago, loHowlng what he calls "my worst season in baseball." In AAA ball at Indianapolis he hit .250 and drove in 60 runs. But compared to lhe 1962 season when he batted .341, drove in 101 runs, had 184 bits, 36 doubles and l l triples, it was indeed a poor campaign. • So Gary siied thinp up and when the Sos: instilled their player.coach pr~ gram, he joined it. Asked whether he missu the. playing aspect of the game, the e.z:-first. baseman says: "I miss waking up in the morning and feeling good for being in shape. But I'm so busy runnlng the games, mating reports, etc., that I don't have time to think about what I'm not doing ." Johnson .will be taking up resident Jn Hoyt Wilhelm's Columbus home since thl! latter is coming west to play for the Aniels. * *· * Short Clrewlt.t Gree Sqdet, •tar HltttbaD player ol Huallogloo Bea<b Hip, II 1taled for hft llrl"J Aprll U. Despllt rwmon apptlrla( la tlMt popen. lin1der N)'I he'll 1tay on al Stanford Ualvmlty. He lljurfd tH bte dllr1nr fro&~ &tam ptadlce. , Mark Soderberc, •ho starred at Marina while Soydtr wu al llunUnpn, is aver.,mg 16.l polnts per game and • 12.l rebounds per WI for lhe Unlveralty ol Kentucky !rosll. Crai& RIUer, formt:rly of Newport Harbor HJcli, II -of llie .., pllclien at the Uulfenltf of Callfortla. Santa Barbara. 11e wa1 M fer the (iauebos lasl seasoo. f elllfll JU>! Jnaide "" line to wlo th. malch. Allcr1'!1rf : .~.. ( ~ 'room NeW..dlbe ' aaia, I jliit atood lhere and watched lllot Jut abol. I cOuldn 'I believe it. 1' '"# . I.Aver volleyed: "f'rn glad you admired II. When l first lllo\lfhl about II l dldnt think I wu gOlng to be 1~1e· to get to the ball." The former Awtrallan great admitted that gWrally speakln&. he is not · a touol> player. But added, "Tonilhl tt WQ there ' . • I WU really blttinc the ball well." . ' SO ~w i.avu will face Marty Rle!Sen In Satorday nllbt'a f1nlJa after tho ~ JI~ won Ille Jut !Wt 1amea' to .IUJ continued 'lila not .i..u by knod!iir tho flnl oet Then be came from 1 olf;'N_.Beoch'a 11or -In ~ dellclt In lhe ......i set to . tie tho liral ball of Tburoll,Y'a -. "1mtr10f! aod f-Ille Ue bruker. 111-. the ·11an1 ~ of the 'Jben he 11atn aupl>d to lllllah ell tourney, 1ill -delealod' Tony Roche, the verdict when -drove tilt Frod Stolle and Emenoo lo make the !ioal two 1 point IHIµ. into tho ne~ He flnaJa. , wu havlnc problemJ cle"'1nJ the nel "It'• been my WUrnament so far/' throughout the evening -both on eervice •a ld lhe -37.year-old upstart following • and reluml. · J hia ~,3, . .(Ue-breeker uaed) wtn over And be never aeemed to ~ 1ble to Em n "I've been bot and I want COrtlp1et.e the tll1 when he had Riessen to keep lhat wax." wavering 1o·tey altuatloos. Rltsseo flnlJhed fast In both sets and Eme:r1c>n had never before lost to was 11Uvlq particularly well 1galnst RieBlell. .Rapid Roy. Emerson and Laver later teamed to Chance for SC By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS . Two yean ago. first year coach Bob Boyd asked his Soutbem California Tro- jans to p~y what amoUnted to a stall game agailµt the nation's No. l team -crosstown rival UCLA. A shot at the bll1Ur by Bill HewiU, now playing professionally for the Lakers, missed the basket by inches and the game went into overtime. UCLA won 4G-35 aod C<Uised to• two lllraighl national basketball UUes oa the back 1969 Outlook: ol Lew Alcindor and a group of outstan- dina helpers. Tonight lhe Trojans and Bruins cJaSb at the Los Angele.! Sports Arena. USC has nothing lo !Olle and UCLA nothing to gain. It's simply rivalry week In the Pacific~ and that meam jt's "aliything can hap. pen" tlm'e. Wuhington SLate Is at Washington, Oregon is at Oregon State and C&lifornia II at Stanford. Dodgers Require Steady Improvement of Players VERO BEACH, Fla. (API -Bill Sudakis is part Norwegian, part Llthua· nian and all third baseman. He is the 36th player to play third base tor the Los Angeles Dodgers since they landed on the West Coast in 1951 and may be the first to bold the job for any considerable length of lime. F o r Sudakis., although he is onJy 23, is one of the major reasons the Dodgers had the best record in the National League over the final month of the 1968 season. Sudakis broke in with a homer at · Philadelphia. "No wooder. You've been wearing your left lens in your right eye and vice versa." With the right Jens in the right e y e, he's only one of the keys for the Dodgen, wbo will be batWng: Atlanta, Cincinnati, Houston, San Diego and San Francisco In the Western Divbion of the National League's two-<tivisi90 set up. Besides the continued development of Sudaltis the Dodgen need better years from second baaeman Jim Lefebvre · (.241) and outfielder Ron Fairly (.234) and for rookie Bill Grabarkewitz to take hold at shortstop. "Sudakis could make a big difference for us if he plays anywhere like he did last year," said Manager Walt Alston, now Jn his 15th year with the Dodgers. As for Grabarttwit:z. he's the kid who showed so much at Albuquerque, where he hJt .308 with 10 homers, that the Dodgers exposed ZoHo Versalles in the eipansion draft However, be suffered a broken right ankle late last year and Jt has been slow healing. If Lefebvre returns to his 1966 form .274 (24 homers, 7f RBI), Sudakis is whal be appears to be and Grabarkewitz makes it, the infield 'will be sound. Sff('kUelding W e s Parker Is at flnt and Tom HaUer the catcher with a .285 average that wu• the best on the club'. Fairly holds the key to the solidity o( an outfield that jncludes Willie Davis, who had a late-season surge that ~ dicated he may finally after long, long years be ready for stardom; young Willie Crawford, and trade-acquisition Andy Kosco. The pltclt!ng ls strong with Don Drysdale the big stopper, Bill Singer and Don Sutton expected to imp.rove with age, Claude Osteen remaining steady . -and Jim Brewer providing ef· fecUve relief pitching. lf everything goes right, the Dodgers could be as though a club as they appeared in the final month when they posted an lJ..9 record -with Drysdale on the sidelines with a IOU arm. ' "While what we did in Septe'mber last year won't count this Jea.SOD." Alston said, "it did indicate we're a better team than we looked over the entire season." The Dodgers finished in a tie for seventh last year, 21 games behind pen- nant-winning St. LouiS. They can't finish that low trus year in a six·team div~ion, and they could even challenge for the top spot. ALCINDOR HEADS ALL.COAST FIVE SAN FIJ,ANCISCO~ -So what's new ? Everybody knew Lew Alcindor of UCLA would head United Press lnternational's 1969 All.Coast baskelllali teom. After concedlnc Alctndor'a opol, prob- ably the most asked question in the \Vest was who would join him on the mythical squad. In a poll of writers and sportscasters, the posts went to Ted Wlennan of Washington State; Don Griffin, Stanford: Bud Ogden, Santa Clara; and a surprise pick In Sam RoblnMln ol Cal Stale (Long Beach). Slwe Manufacturers Call Story Exaggerated FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) -"We didn't pay a dime to athletes in Mexico City," said one German tract shoe· manufachuer' 1bursday. "Extremely ez:. aggerated," said another. demands for ming certain equipment. "But the sum menUoned in Sports Illustrated seems ridiculously high ." Annin Dassler, director of Puma, said In an interview 1 ur h e 1 t charges of payments to athletes have been raised for many yean. They are untrue. As far as we of Puma are concerned, I can only say lhat we didn't pay a dime to athlete! in Mexico City." But In Loa Angeles, folks are wondering if Boyd will pull another stall a:ame. j~Wt . won't chinse our s tr a t e r y drastically from what We've done this ~uon." Boyd said earlier in tht week. Was Jt a ploy? "We plan lo press some, 11 he said, hu:UcaUng that this year's Bruin guards arCn't as good as last year's duo or Mike Warren and Lucius Allen. 'Ibe Bruins wiH likely start. John Valle- Jy and Bill, Sweet with Ken Heitz and Sports l Clipped t Short i • •o "9111 tile WiNI ef ., /UPt Laker• Hosl Celtle• INGLEWOOD -The Los Angeles Lakera, who have had more offensive pun!!h in recent gameS with Mel Counts at center instead or Wilt Chamberlain, face the Boston Celtics at the Forum tonight. The Lakers lead the National Basket- ball Association 's Western Dlvlaion by 3in games with 10 regular season con- tests left. "We have played better with Counts recently,'' coach Bill van Breda Kolff admitted. However, the 7·foot Counts won't start in place of the 7-foot-2 Chamberlain. Van Breda KoHf feels he doesn't have the stamina and is prone to get into foul trouble. Boward to Angela? .. PALM SPRINGS -Dick Wahb says be hasn't ,tven ap. He feels the California Angels still have a thance of landJng Frank Jloward. ' "It's not a dead thing yet," lhe Angel general manager said Thursday. Walsh nporledly bas offered four players to the Washington Stnator1 for die lKI American Lupe home run king. They an believed to be outfielders Vic Davalillo and Rog:er Repoz, pitcher Clyde Wright and e11tcher Tom Satriano. Nixon Dles POMONA -Funeral services will be held Saturday for Eugene Nil.on, head football coach at Pomona College from 1916 until 1934 and athletic director at the school from 1924 until his retirement in 1951. Nixon, 34, died Wednesday night Kings Bow, 5-1 PIDLADELPHIA -Leonard Patrick "Red" Kelly, one of tile National Hockey League's greatl, cu take hurt. 'l'be Los An1ele1 Kill&• will be home nel:t "eek. Kelly 's Ktng11 "bOle road record thl11 season rivals WUUam Jennln11 Bryan's record as • praldentlal candJdale, feU t.o the PbJladelpbla Flyers, 5-t,'n11nday, The Jou wu the %4th -th•t'• right, the :Uth -a"aJ from home for tile Klnp as opposed lo 5 wins Md f Ues. Two Flre CUb OIU..ANOO, Fla. -Pvt. Tom Weiskopf calls the shot.II on the golf course, but the Anny is something else. - "Every Monday, no matter where 1 am on the .tour, I have to go to those Reserve meetings in Colwnbus, Ohio,'' he says. "It's tither that or go to Vietnam." "I don't even want to talk about it." He took command of a JO.mile-an·hour wind and shelled the tricky Rio Plnar Country Club course with a 61 lo go into the second round of the $115,000 Citrus Open tied for the lead with the veteran Rod Funaeth. ~ lUe.saen and '{'om Okier1 Jt.t. ~ ru..... bu forlco pliyed Laver -. once IS a lJ.)itar-Old funior and in the third n>und ol Ille 1111 Wimbledon Open when he lost In four atts to tho red-hair¢ star. Laver went on tc wln th& WlmtAedon- classlc. In other Thursday night play Ann Haydon Jones of Great Britain topped Francoise Durr of P'l'ance, 6-3, In· semilinals and Billie Jean Kini topp«I Rosemary Casals, t-1, M . And in men11 doubles semi.9, Newcombe and TOl11 Roche defeated Ken Rosewall and Fred' Stolle, w. Cagers . ' Terry Schofield ready to come in .. The forwards will likely be sophomore. Sid \Vicks and Curtis Rowe. ' ' Troy will probably star.t 7·foot Ron Taylor to oppose 7·1\.S: Alcindor. At the guards will be veterana Steve Jennings and Mack Calvin with Don Crensh•w and Ernie Powell at the comers. California must be favored over rlxal• Stanford. The Golden Bears played their finest game in years last week, forcing the to~ranked Bruins into overtime before losing 84-77. Fink Aids SC To Early ~d : In Pac-8 Meet · LONG BEACH (AP) -The University of Southern California grabbed a 134- 122 lead over Stanford Thursday night ia the Pacific-8 swimming an'd diving cham- pionships at Long Beach 's Belmont Pia· za Pool. Fonner Corona del Mar High swim· mer Greg Fink captured third place in the 500-yard freestyle for USC, clock.: ing a 4:45.3. · The Trojans scored well in the first event of the night -the SOO-y4rd freestyle event won by USC's Andy Strenk in 4:42.74. But Stanford struck back when Jcihn Ferris broke the conference record wilh .• a 1 :58.24 time in the 200-yard individual medley. He broke the old mark by .08' ot a second. , Bob Jensen of Oregon won the 50 fre- style in 21 :50 but three USC swimmtr3 were second, third an<I fourth for 36 ad· ditional points. Stanford closed the gap with a second to UCLA in the 40IJ.-yard medley worth 26 points. Troy scored 22 points in th~ event. . The Trojans. seek i n g their nihth straight conference title. are trying to avenge a 57-56 dual meet loss to Stan· ford which ended a 12-year USC unbeaten string in dual meets. ANTEATERS MEET SF ST ATE TONIGHT ' LAS VEGAS -Uct's basketball team takes on San Francisco St.ate here tonikht at i in the opening game of the four- team NCAA college division basketball regionals. Univet:sity of Nevada, Las Vegas, and UC Davts meet in the 9 p.m. game. The winners play for the champioosblp Sa- turday night at 9, with the champ rolnc on to Evansville, Ind., for the NCAA fi· nals next week. Both UCI and SF State are 18-1 on the season. Anteater coach Dick Davis was concerned all week that two of his start- ers -Nick Sanden and fl-like Hecknian -might be below par for the regionals. Sanden bas a sprained toe and II~k1 man a cold and fever. Ttlese were the oomments of two Weiil German shoe makers -brother11 but bitter rivals -· to aUegation!I in a cop)rright article by Sports Illustrated that the two finns had handed out $100,000 In cash and $350,000 in equipment to Olympic alhJete11 for the use of their products in the 1968 Games in MeDco City. The finns are Adidas, headed by Adolf 08.Mler, and Puma. headed l)y Rudolf Daasler. Williams Loses Debut, 8-5 Horst Dassler, junior chief of Ad1das wttich had the exclusive rights to a aboe shop Jn lhe Olympic VIUage. said the turns menUoned were "ettreJMly u:aggerated." But Hom Dossier said he !IJIUU'! that his firm. Puma and the J1pa11 ... - Ttger company toeether spent "a 1.ot.al ol one mllllon marks (ll00,000) in 1168 for lhe equipment of tract atbletet with spite., training ahoes. sweat suits, bags, etc." Asked how rnucll be thooght had been paid in ca!lh, • Hont Da.ult:r rtpUed: "Most everybody knows that many track st11rs come up wlt.b certaill filll!IClal POMPANO BEACH, Fla. (AP) -Ted Williams didn't tick up a tantrum. He dkln't storm. He didn't e.ven wince. But he mutt have wanted to. Wiiiiama cooc<o!cd any show of pain u the. New York Ya.itkees came within one out Tburadl1 of infllctlnC 1 no-hitler on hla poncbleaa W•shJnitoo Senaton and rulfled hls m..,erlal debut by wlo· nlng and wild M eshlbllion oP<llf'. To the Hall of Fame hero who is bueblli'a -tell living hiller. the ooe lonely hlt mu.It have hurt. But Wlll11m1 Ju.st tau&hed, "Maybe the pitch.Ing Is better than t thoogbl. J'm thankful that we rot the one." It took a Yankee error In the bottom of the n i n t h to ctve the Senators an extra opportunity at the bat aod set up Dick Billings' sharp single to center after two men .. ere out Th e contrast wu stark between the fabled pall of WlDJams and the flawed play of his lul-plm Senators. Obvk>usly. none of Williams' hitting magic had rubbed off rtadlly. Wllllams, last man ln the majon to lop .400. had a IJfetlme averaee mnre than eight times as high as the . 0.40 average o( the Senators in tbtlr debut • New York's parade of pitchers sprayed 12 walts to 'he!P the Senators to f~r runs before BUlings drilled his run-scor- ing aingle in the bottom of the ninU:. WIUiams said, "Our guys didn't uJ'nk- the Yankee pitching 1\'Sli that good or at le~st they came back to the bt6c~ moaning and saying they wanted ano~· crack at them. But it mmt hAYt pretly good." The former Boston lled Sox sluga:er concentr.ated on young. irn!xpcrlenced players in his debut. -- • . Viker Lion - '• N~ w· -.. mes m U-tlers · Face · Toug!f La~cer~ __ '(q~ght ---_,... ' .. ... . -... " :.JnToume~ _; ~""" -~ blali .l. ,.... lhtlt -..... llUallb&la 'lleoch-bollblll-Than-dq ~ to llQ· In -Uon for • . ..... al Ille uu. Wllb -- Podflca llJP, Poclllca bu a M ..-d. Tho VlklDp --tldrd -1amealtbl-wlthat.e~ vm!lcl .. .,. 8erTtto while Weatmlmtor WU banding defending CIF champion :tavanna 111 thin! atralgbt Joa, s.t. ... Huntlngton B<ach r<bowlded for a M win over Foothill and Pacifica ripped rOUJ!laln Vllley, llH. . . · . Marina tallled the wlnnlnc nm agalnlt · 'Servito when n.ve Campbell wallled,. . ·JDC! tat.er came home on Tony crtc:i'a _ bue hit. · H1111tlngton '1 flrll win WU •Parl!'d by the h!Wng of Dan -ti. . Moall llOclled a lln>nm -In Ibo .lint tnn1ns and doUb'led bome ,two men ,.lllllel In Ibo thin! lmlll>I to sift Ibo •.OlJenaCUlblon. . Bob Ryder aloo bit a looNJqpr la lbe lint Inning. Gre1 Weller's triple accountod for two """ In lbe thin! lnolni to eap Wealmlnlt<r'1 tbreHw ezplo&ion and lbll WU all pitcher Ed Bane roqulnd for lbe win whlle otrWng olll 11 5av11111& J>aller•. , ....... ,., .. , ...... '90.-. .. 1111 ......,,,.., •111 •llckfflld. d • I 1 l Ktltta.~lf ' I 1 I '""lltl,-'c ,,,, VMIDol', Jb J I 1 I Hwf,l'f llJI iPekhtr. lb ' ••• khKt.11 Jiii llill9fl 11 n ltlCll If) -·· -· _,,,, Cn1tm1, rt .,.,. .. lull. d ..... u ...... lb """"· " l•n .. ,., ' E•tlf, Ill McQuon, lb -·· • rll rM J l 2 • a I I I I I I • ..... J I 2 I I I I I J 1 1 • 1 • 1 1 • ••• 1 I I I 1 • 1 • 1 I 0 I I I I I 31 I 11 J T~!I J7 ' ' ' ICWll 11, ..... F..thlll Mlllltltltllll lltdl '-"tti. V1lln (II .. ,. rM lltbwta. !ti J I I I Arlldt1 •. a I • • I . 1111-11, .Jb I I I I _ .!=trftll, If I I I I leli.n. c .I I I I .~rt I I I I DGMt1Y, rt I I I I ~ d I I I I ' . ,,..,,..,, d' 1 ••• • 9'Yi.. 11• 2 ••• .v • ......._•,••• .• .Htft. .. 2 ••• ·,Hla.N l•tO ..._.. . ... C.r11 ... • 1 1 0 I . •t.niw, • I 1 t t 5eeNMr,"" l ••• • • • 104 -1--4 11 2 JU Oll:2 Jl-f I I PKlflP (It) •• r II rM Dt'lld""' 211 1 1 2 2 lottlwlt!, cf J • 1 • MeM..lli 4t1t ..,., .. 4120 Ntwtoft. c ' 1 2 2 lllldMr. c 1 ••• McDHl.IP 2111 ...... ...,..1112110 ltoct.rf 2101 WltTIN. JI I J t t Teffll JS I 1 1 T .. ll ,.,.,., .. _,,_ - ••• 0111 IQ ~II lt ' • 010 t--.1 I r ..... en _..Ill •rlllrM .. rllrM l ...... ,1111 4t lt ·Wtmdt.1f Cttt •. ..,..,,, a t t e· O •llmlnl. lit I I I t c.r-i.oo 4010 #1111,c ltot ._......1bl•tO M.C,..l,dC01t ,,,... rf I 0 1 I Cunwi. • I I I I . f .... d COIO D~lt Ott t Clrftlllo. a I 0 0 0 .....,_, • o I I t Noltllt.H IOOt '""'-"" lttt W•*°"" ... t O O t ' ~ 1111 I I 0 t .., ....... a-.rt ,.,. . MIM.M ltlO T.C.......a1121 T ... 11 2511 1 T91e" aJ61 _.,_ ' -•· • ..,,.. ...... Ill • •rllrM ,"'9-. II I t t t • MllM, • I t t . t Mdlolllld, d' I 1 1 I ........ d' •••• · ,.Mcertny, If I 1 I I Wtller. c I I 1 t • •J.a...ctiu., ,. 1 • 0 • ~It It 1 .0 .W .Mc:( 1111'1' rf I I I I • t11,,_ Jb I t t 0 · C..,.,.,nlnt, Ill I I o 0 M.lelldlu. 211 I 1 t t · .o.Jrld, ID 1 t I t ........ t••• ••• .......... ••n-t ' 1 S.-.11) .. rltrM ~11,JllC 11 I Mollllt. " :s ••• ...... ..C2tll ...,..ft,.2b .(ttl C-ry, M I I t I Grus, IP ttlt Wemll1l.d• I t t o llWlllllw, lt .I t t • Me•n. c I O I I Ktllll ..... 1010 FWTl11,.Jb ltto Totell JC I J I T91elJ 27 1 • 1 ...... _ -·-...,. .., ··-••• tOt Ill f-1 6 I OllllOOX-S I I . HB SPIKEFEST , . SITE, TIME SWITCH • n.e '8th llllNal Southern Counties Track and Field meet -the oklest blih IChool tnct .... t .. SOulbem ··California -will be b<ld •t Westmlnlter 11111> SCbool on Mardi Ii. · ., fhe meet Wal nrltchod from ltl'UIUll borne, Huntlngton Beach Hi&b, due Iii •-ort belar -to Ibo Oller lleld. . • The -· Ume bu aloo been cbaq-. · -~. from noon to 11 a.m. ·occ Netter8 Tie Hornets, 41h-41h Orqe Coan and Fullerton Junior Co1J<se lbe Co-lavorilel· to win Ibo =~~~~·· tornoon on Ibo J'ltall coort. . Tho decldiq thin! -ma1dt bdooen Jolin Blgmtall mid Gary GodJball al Crap CO&lt and Jolln Walbr and Tim n.d al Ful1ertoo WU baited by dlr-alter tw• -Each ICbool went Into Ibo match with perfect $4 -In "'"'.....,. play. .,.... c.... 14"11 ,_, ....... -·" L .... 1'1 *'· C:.19 (OCC) .... W. • :. 09* COCCI tltt. W'rtlt Cf'I 1 .. 11, 64 M. ·.,·~ GeH1et1 IOCCJ -._...,. ,,, l•tti N. ~ ... _......,. Cf'J 4111'. Httlr fOCCI No K ' O"" IOCCI _,, wallfr lf'I, 6'I. M. M. ..... IJll -. '""D:::..'oc:c1, ...... , .. L.,._..., IPl "'· c.,.._. 1oca w. .s. O.JNMtlr CoctJ _,, \l.r.twl .......... CPI, .. '-lw~ ... Cf'J tW GoHltll-llMnttfl' (OCCI ...... UNSTOPPAl!LE OILER -Mike Contreras· (30), e Huntington Beach High School's great basketball slar, moves through Toriance defenders for a ba .. ket during early week CIF playoff action, Con- treras and bis mates lace Sunny Hills tonight at THE A,TiRMATH -Torrance !Ilgh's Mike Moon (I) ·ls spl~ered on the floor alter Mike Contreras driving shot (photo above), Contreras b Orange • '~. DAILY!l'luiJ.....,. _. ...... ~lw ' ' Long Beach Ar<na. The two Orange County power· houses will square off at 9, following the 7: 3o tiff between Compton and Beilllower. Two more quart- er final games ani· on tap Saturday night la the · AAAA divisiOn . County's player of the year and a returning All· C!Fer. ) 1 .0range -Co~niy 1 :fi~~s . , . ' .Collide at 'LB Arena • ' ..,II..~.._:, T' By GLENN W1llTE lut yw'1 quartu _flnoJI. aloo played Of .. - - -... Loog Buch, -· LONG 1!EACH -Two o1 Or-C..... Coach Elmer Colllbo' OllUJ nlY 0n ty'•. 11111!1 -Huntlniton -Rllb tbl airens1.. olllput al Rby lllllet and uil llWlllY H1I1o -lock im11 In C1P, Mike Contrera, plul a nifty cld-. butetblll piayoll combat lon1PI at Loog Sunny Hiiis 11 pac<d by All.c.anty Beach ~ . selection · Brad llcNomar• -a .!!no Sund,.. al lbe t o'clock colllllon will outside ailooter -and M Prom; llO!ln, a4Vaoi:e to nm FrldaY'a t".\,Ai\ll' ·~•ndles moot al lbe ~I aemiD'\"la at the Loa ._ SParto F.ww g.., Swaim '(M) &ivt• .d- > Arena.1'Jll!o Ibo 1-'1 ...... will IDll ···--· ......... to lbe 'Lancer boar1f oJ>rultlb'' w---... -. ,Def~ C1F champkil 'COlil;.,. ~ ~ ~ Hli1I '-il·Rua -lo ..;,. ~ llellllooer ue pairld In lbe" · !Iden hll erratic forcea cmi -off 8aly Biiio ....... -"' ~ed Ollei'I. Ha -that M -. F • Coo-W on ~ otnnllh and Ibo, ClllinM tblt W ~ F . · -W hll ~~the belt la ()rapCoanty . f.1 -o.M ' · C Wallen W For thal......, b< leell Ibo Hlllllln&ton u MeN...,. G -M press tbat clecimotod Torrance~ M PaU G -M night will fte· ·lnelfecllva· agalnot the " " \ l.apeera, , 7,30 llrlt pme. of: the ~ llnols Combo kl most collQhant of the twlft blIL SalurdaY nJlhl n:u· b< Vllllllra • J,anceis' ,rebouttdlnir' adi'aittqe. ";n.etr against MorobJold( (f,19) ~ Mhlr heigbl; ll bard to overcome .. Wa can vs Notre Dame (I). , . , . "'!'ffll ~ and do even>lhlni! fun. TooJPI'• ...ruc1 ~ ~ s-i dlineiitally correct and lbeY oilJf l'llclt League cbmnPlon Q\llri 'ancl SUnny Hills o..,. you and picl: up lbe ball. . . eoWcl turn Into a wlJd .tllfenal .. bottle. ·"We know McNamara la very . ..._. Both toull like to .'nm and the .r1vo1 c11q !111<f rm ,.... they'll try jo nm coacl1ea oay Ibey' w<jn't ·.iow ijown'thelr with us. We'll llicl: with our--· attacb. • " • ollhoagh we may brln1 , 11 .olll fartbk SUDllY Hllll, runnef:uP,11n ttht Freeway 'to prMIUh Mc:Hlmll"a.,. , Leorue, oims a ~ .....rd wblle lbe il<mnY Hllil,ll the thln'I l'1llllieplp die Oil City n .. boula a'1Nmart. includlq 011en wtH have me! In ill-·~ 20 wino In ·a row. ' cliieio..Prevloojllj Ibey nlppOil ~. Huiltln;tca tllminated lbe' Lancon IQ -· ml•bluted Torrance, IWI. • I • I • . ' • ' .. Of1 tlae s~• " ... , .. - " ' .. s9-~~ v~~ia swi :~rigJit • ± • • • • Fo~·soutWand Ski Bugs Hopefully oil mountain niado will b< oi>en for 1tllng thll -tond. LUI weekend the IDOW WU ready and waft- ing, and so were skiers-for the roaCIJ to be cleared. Siding 1t all areas in the West ii excellent on pecked powder with un- tracked and unpacked powder a1Jo avail- able. Week day sk.lers have it the belt.· ol. course. Weekends are bound to be more· crowded, ID start early. Early rllera will avoid the loogt1t lines al tralllc on both roodl and Wll. 'lbe latelt recorded IOOW report for loool area and June Mountain lo avail· able 1t'(lll) AT 7-f!ll, fDI" Mammoth Mountain 111 (211) -· , With local 111llng Is pod 11 It ii, it ' ' def Snow over a '1D Inch ~ bae. A 1oeclal feature Ill At1l<iaa -Bowl Is Its "Whlrlyblrd" ltll· .111111 ii • a hellcoptor service offmd sillen but cloeed to toboqans and 1ledl. 'Ille Whirlybird aru 11 operated wttktDcb and school holidays . Arit.ona Snow Bowl is open seven da)s a week from t a.m. to 4 p.m., with Jodae and rertauram open from I a.m. to i p.m • ·!l'he Grand ~on 1111 Just. a bit fartblr for an 1n1eitst!ni addltlon to a U1 trip to lbe area. , June Mountain and June i.ke are mblnlng to offer a IGuN!ay 1111 and Joi1i1i>r mid-week special. lnlonnalloli ti aviliolile by calling June Lab ll<oervo- tlaM at (711) 111-Tlk · -· ........ ,. ..... ,,. Esther Billings *"""*'"""*"""' At Heavenly Vllley, -Lab Tlboo, the NASTAll llnols are thll ....U.d. ' NASTAR, standing for '.'N~Ollll stand· ord Raceo," -orialnltod to glva r«-rtational 1t1ero a chance to nee aga1n11 elllabllsbed times aet by Olympic modal- ilt Jimmy H"'JI 'and I pl'Of..ioaaJ racer at a specific aru. '11ie ........ tlooal -ii enoblad to compete far f01c1. &ilver and·--- 1111 throogb a handlcop/par -..,,. Pl'Ofeaional ·racu from the area. who Is naturally a first choice (or 1tlers. Everyone e1le thlnb IO, hoftver, 1a lilt line waJt1 are Jong once the croWdl arrive. Durillg the .... t II ii your abooluto bett bet and wW be for wteb \o come, with weekends getl1ng better u crowdl thin a bit. An' advam'age of crowds at local areu, however, ls that Saturday evenit11 often a lot more action. Snow Summit In the San Bernardino Mountains offlll'I 1tllng · Saturday evenlna 11 well u danclnl and 80clollzlng In the Soow Summit lm1. Big Bear Late vtllqe bu 1 variety ol other entertainment 1))0tl1 u doel Run- ning Sor1nll near Snow ValleY. and Green Volley. In the San Gabriel Range Mt. Baldy village bu teVeral spots with combat, ei:ctllent buffet dinners at rea10111ble coot, and plenty al acres atl actlYtty. Newcomb'• Ranch nw ML Waterman and Kntb Ride• jumpo after stllng, and-at Wrightwood-Bli Pineo there II .the Blue Rld&t Inn and nearby spoti: for em.rtalnmeril alter sldl!ti Blue Rldce, TIJ>le Mountain and HolidaJ' Hill: SOendlnl Ibo night al IOCOI ""'rll adda to Weekend HI pleasure, but r• ervatiom: at tll1I time of Yetr are a mull. Loc:al cblDlben al """"'""" ... ofter information u to renrvations aervjceo. The Southern Ca!Uornla Au~ moblle Club can al&o be of auiltance. U you wllh to travel fl!1J>Or afield, Arhona Snow Bowl, 15 mne. north of Flagsta{f, Aril., 411 excellent · 1tllng conditions at the prest.nt ume on pow· ~ FULLERTON WINS, PLAYS J'4$ADENA Flll!:!llO -Elltorn c.n!ertnee but- elhlll ncolved a lhol la lbe ann here '1'lllnlly when P'UJlerton nunped F.-Ci1J Colltp, 1141, la an opening litund mlldi al Ibo ~ JC tournament: 1be a-, ridlnl a a....,. wl·n stnat, tata oa Puadena In a ltllllJlnal g1111e ~ o( Seljad Attna. s 1 n Frandd IDll Imperial Vllley mll In lhooilMr-t Puadena won ltl opener, 12-61, over Merced, San FrllllClaco nud(ed L o I Angeles CltY, llMI, and lmperlll Valley tromped Slsldyous, ts-71. In Pasadena, Fullerton will be a:olna agalnlt Ibo n111D<rup In loot yoar'1 towiwnent, won by Cerrttoo. 1'te club's leader ls center Geor1• Trapp, w b • l<Oftd II 1galmt Me.....i. • - hU been bal!dlcapped -"" hll time a compared to Heup'1, 111"n11 • pece lttter .at his own area. Portidputa r<calve ~ balad Upm;I. their time U com lo &be ~ter· •. ~ The uniQue lhlnll about lbe whole pro- gram ti tbtt It fa natloowlde-atlli !II "par" In 1oJ1. For Ibo l1nt time • oJdor can measure h1I prollclency oa a nidon- ol bull, i.,i JUI! at. an ai'ea l'~ he may have entered Ill own V«iloD al • atandlrd nee • Pirate Girls Place Second In Swim Test Puadena City eon.,. edpd er- Cout and . Batenlleld Co1lqe for tie llam Ulle In the UlllU•I Soatlmn Cllllornia junior con.,. lotercoflicjata athletic council womtn'1 awlm nlaJ• at occ Tbund•y Ille,,_ . Puadena won lbe meet with • points wblle Orange Coast had Iii and Ba!tersll~d 56. Golden West Uad for aeventh with Santa Monlcl U: both schools ta1lled 11. • Orqe Coast won two of the 1 seven relay races in the meet, shattering records in both events. • 'l1le feminine Piralol broke their first meet record In Ibo opanlng evll!I ol the day, lbe 100.~ -,. Tbe f....._ ill Weody Wrlpt, lilantn '!'lilt, llbarrl x..tp and Debbie wa;ner -.lhl-1aaa. 1bal -obaftd -11 ...... lull -all Ibo--t al l :Oi.t. Two •--· lJrlPli '!In, ml Debbie ·--up with 'ancy W-for a -YlcWy over Puadma In the U•yw bulterlly nlay. Tbe Pirato quartet IWIDI Ibo cilltanoa In IU, breaking the meet -.! of 1:02.l. Pasadena, only a loucb bablnd, WU credited With I 5'.t . Orange Coast'• 100 ba<~e rolay llam cut five RC<l>dl off Ibo m.ai atandan!, but WU eclpd. by Pa- in the event. 'l1le Pirate pil '""*" In a 1 :01.1 effort, while P11ldell •• dolnf 1:08.1. • • I ' I l t l 1, I I I • -Del 11/111 S<llOOl .ij.Qp.· peel a IH bueball deciJlon • lo bolt Corona High Thuroday aft-U tht Panthers took , advaiitqe aC alI , wieaitied nmo In the aecood IMlng. 'Ellancla mp School "111e home from Lakewood with a U defeat al the handl of the Mayfair M,....... Du Meyer led the Mater Dd hiltlq uuull with a lhroHoM-effort and three RBI> lncludlnc • lrlpl,e. Es!1ocJa came cJooe In the seveatb lDDlnc wbell Mike Lempll:e drov'-In twl? runs ·with· a aingle lo Ue the ICOl'e. Mayfalt mpooded, however, In the· bottom cl the frame wi.tb a . nm cm two singles and two errors for the winning margin. ' • E~le ,: Txiton Sp~ke vs R~ll ;. -4 • .... ----- Vike ~, Edge1 N ewpor:t, 64-54 · Bodtt'.treti tbti_,...._ w~ -1. IW tltl>' t. k~ -of. .. '-.. _. .. y Jn -p tr•·• and (SAJ L llo&itlle•laAJ: .... ~ loLJ ~ ~ "'" -U -~vm!. tHIJ 1. o-fleld acUon Tburldy (Pl a. ·~-c:t•._..= =~ Estancia aDd ~·~ ~ c.t'f,,:-v~ .t&U11~1~n"'- , high ICbooil itadlnf:l!'e , • 1~.'< 1~,(~\j,= · Servile invad~~ 'i...w; 1 ., ' and went away wJth a Jlt.U ._ AM c~<tMI ••••t 111 i b eJ 1 a c ~l D' whlJe Sin IOI -1. ,..,,:::: CIAI .. GMdl Clerfttnte1PJbed the nJde bolt (~l 1.·A11111tr CSA~. ,,.., lt.L , 'iodi._. Jflul, Ylejo with .!_ UJ.~ ;;: ~~"'f:l ~1 ~ •• r:-ii.r • 'Cleat 1tl Crestview · i..eque w. -1: ._.,. 1tta1 t. ,.......z. U CW 1 lllUYftl&I (SA). TlfrM: l;R.t ac on. IDI -1. Oltt'llo CU.I l. ..,,."' ~--Cre~Vie• .~•-l&W CSA) S. McC1Ur-. IHB), Tlftw:: l::ll.l, vwig •~ " ..,._ 1,. Ll"I - 1. OtMt CIA.I t. lrtn El Modem. ripping Lquna cu.1 s. hnW CSAI. nn.: 10. Gillis• Ge~s Beach by I 9141 ~ a't ---i •• IMtl AllL Tl!tlt: HJ -1, W~ CHI) ,.1. 11n11 Marina ~ Newport· cs.a.1 s. Aftdlr8M 1H11 • Ce1C11 Harbor, M,Mi, iD the only clOle ~'tj· ~: ~ CIA) t. S.-sea King Sunset 1-Jue mtet. cw s. anwt (IA). Dllt-.: 1W.. PY -1, ....,.._ CIA) 2. I,_ All-PoYJetful Santa ADI rip. 1u.1 l wor111y tHll, He191d: 1N. -.I H 11 ..... _ Be....... ....,. .p -.1. '"' ... (Hll t. Tlmmernllll ._. ~ UD_,...,.. · ....._ IHll t. ..... (Hll. ~: 4j.I. · and Anaheim did in .. • Cag. e Post· weslnilnllert 74,44. . . r.n~vu.i .... Ge<irp .llaier -wa1 a triple v~ "t ' winner for'Sin Clemente, wfn. .!eo-~.. ~11 •' By GLENN WlllTE nlng ·the !""· aild high hunlles "'l!o'~"T.''r.' v '1 1~· JMI • .. ."f Ol ·COMNCT ~· plu• $!.7' ,..d . ,. °' ... DeflY .,.,_. ,..,, • • -1. and pole vault. ' I'""' 1 ~:' j,~·~· Tandy Gillis, tormft. bastef, GeorgiWOCld clocked a lll .tNH 1:_~, ·~: r'\.= ball great' at the !Jniv"!flty 'In the 11111 low hurdl., to lead -I. '-"!" · t.'!''~Jli~~·~·;fi.•. '"'"' • 11 , 11 ,... of Callfornla, has~ named t.be way in Estancia's big win f H 1~ ~~ • iwc. ~14:f·~lt; ~: ~: ~ad cage coach at ~ona ov~~te. f1t'J 3J. _ n·IM)~l~ 'J. , t 2 1 ae'J Mar H\gb School, UMi P:AI· ' ft<f!" I I.• 1rY11 <NHI lll'le: ' e•.:.T•11•, 1l11e 6.iO•UlllbetrlM 1 ' ~ ~ : : LY PILOT teamed' ~~vely E .. le•·E'rler• J.J"' itff't. Urtl. 1.fAffc:: ~1 2. I It t today. : I • , Iv..., ~ '.\'t!r:.11.-Tl:._~f~ 2 :r 1 • Gillis, 30, rePtace!I Bill •·~ ntJ 1111 llM•, ~~..r: ..,. ·' 1 ! ! ~ ~ Bloom. The IatU:. sbocted blJ 19' -hrnttt (~l L SklwM. CEI T : t~l~1.r -1 •• NftMrt. Kirt.or ... 2 • • I ,... . ll. CIMdM II). TlnM. II.•. I DI . """' 36 .s 1 .s ptaren and . ~tea .by 1,ft ;~in ~~~h.Z· a.a. c 1;:. llif"i H :t:r, Mt)'fW u> res.tgning Tblinday aft e r .. -1, Gonto11 CE> t. F•lb CHJ:!J i. 1~ I " 0{.' 2t.fr. •llr II"' leading the;·Sea YI ........ _ a (El!) I. "auar ISi. Time: !J.1. 1Mi".~ -w .. <M •• ~. ' O'Htt• AtMll•lf, II " 1 1 I £~ W --l. ·~ I~, 2. ~"'"'-jlo... .,7' 'tJl\ ~. tll 4 I 2 2 pair o/. Jea;ue l'hl:lmnionships (El J. SlllHl1111 Cl'I. Tlnw: 2:11.t. tNSHl i° A...W.~l'it.l:nu: ~~ ~ d J l I • and ~second pl~-nium dur Miia - 1. Ha,t (e) 2. K11111 Ct:) • Honll'Q. 1t J 1 1 I 8 -t, ,..._ (SI. Timi: •:«lt.4. ""-t l"r."t- l.Y!ldl. a. 2 • 1 • ing bis brief tenure as vanity 3-MLla -1. Hwt 11'1 . 1. c..,.., 1J~ i" 1 'IA~ ': 16.J, CGtt!n1n. c J 1 1 I hief "' , CEI l. MmRa Ill. Ttmt: 10,)t.J. ,-NH 2. Gull•flen W•I-. 111 J I I t C • r 11 HH -1, Wood fEJ L Stv.11 f S. at.lM • 14.f. y-. If ~ 1 1 2 Tbe'itew Sea KiDg boss serv· IEl·I. .. rtolds II). Time: U C f~T: HI (:': SllD!tr si;-.,':"' ~ ~ ! 1~ : ed two years .~er ... Bloom .1~r's. ~~,..;1c111·1s~~m:~~.l: Sfuart ,J: -t'"n-~~ f1!lli~~r SC-·.., ,....... u . jimlor .... -u.. ....... _ ahill .... ~tltr -1. E1!111CI .. TltM: I HH -I. ..... lN. I. CHllll , • N I 1 , ... ,..._, '~, M.I. . (N J. JI:-INHJ INl l.7 .- .. 1a 1 5 & J Owned 8 ft...uv' r9ford of' S5 ' Milt lt•llY -t. E1!1nci1. Tl11·": p 1 "'LHIM)-),_ .. JI~ 1: NW! 2. . -, -~ J ·:h.I. 1,e11 l. ...... n1nc1e1 J 'ftrne: Mtt'flll!•-• ea:,..1,fj ll~" wfns t aod nine Joues. ~His ·HJ -l.•l1kk1n <El 2. ••1'1'11tt 4it., 1Jtt11v 1 N.--t Htrllllr . ...:.A--...... 1t..1.~ ;_...,d' CE) No ltlltd, Hel1ht: Ml. Tg' ,.,,. -. ,... • J: • . ...,, II"" ...,,..,,..,._'"'lee). -~ <~VU 1 LJ -'· hnittt (El 2. SWiii J • ..: l.. l'ehMr I"\ • "'""' Ftltr-·• ; t.f .. : l. ~ : .,1in the Irvipe~~' . : I ,CEI I. ~In (A). 01tl1r1U: 21·5\t. I l J.~ ~':J:I H'lfA :. \t• 1 Munli,'-(111 .... 't ' • ' .. 1 2' • G""-pr·A•u.....;. n .... ..1.J ...... iy.. PV ..... 1. Sl•kll'll. (El 2. N•l'lllll'• ,.f.tl, J.1t-1MY or11t11tt: i .. P.""1 Wlltllnlfllll, M _, ~f a\;~~ W"'f UllJI.~ r (El Ht 1f!Jrd, Helllllt, 12-4. 'Y'v -I.· Eflif.! !Ml 2. Ntv•rr• MtfW, a . , • l 3 J philosophy Of. the tnan f.or SI"''-1, l.oWlo.: CFI 2. lt1YfT'ftnd fM~J. Mon INH Ht!llht\ 114 ' ~·-~~~ i : :,: whom he ptajecr 'at ' Cal .... CEJ~~W!! ?~1:':.c'.i.!:d 1J1 i.-o!k.Alt'H °P>J,~::C.tJ?r."'"" O•blt, t • ~~" ., ,: ~ : : .:f>ete Newell. :'N~ t1t'f'I a · l~I ,J. Ft1rtr.:1'it.011t•nu: 1:11·1. ,.....,, IH w f-'c" WI MlrN ~=t cf •' •• I fantutic guy' & ......... t me • ..lJ...i:'·\:,, CUI ~ .lp -4. 't:llr. IM! 2. l"ldcfonl . l,_,cf>e ''! t 1 • • ...,.. lill ~~" !El 2. lllVlock ''1 ·'·~ T"mk1°·~· .V..ltb'I' Mt#i9 ..... 11 • • 1 , to believe m defense., Gillis CEI 1 scaw 11n .T1me : lt.i. fM 1. ttt1ift1 Ml Ti,,.: ,,j Gty, ,. I .I I I told the DAILY PILOT. HO -·1. kavo IS) 2. Neurmn, r,-1. •bulll jMl .2 •. l't'Mr l(r.,.._, • l I I I " ' d · IEI J. Gr'O\let .(El. Tlmt: 24.1. IM S. H Ir.HJ lmt. \, .t, £-. • , 1 1 e It takes 11ve guys . to play "' -i . oi.on 1E1 2 •. GNlll CEI J 1 a.-k~.J!HI ,Z\1 CW: siw-.' ~ : : : a defensive type game aod 3·1~~ 1~~· ~~'lr:1 ~=,>·:.· 5..,., ce1 :,r·'"LH -l erwi INH) 2. Hoffmln T.T~~· • :M t n ! I bellev~ that st_YI.~ ~ves a 3. ~":;'::_.,,_IE)i. Tlmtk,~!;"· CE) !. (M~JR:'i."' _!:'1~ ~ 1fi!M: •.•. (ll'MI 11'1 •••• ,.. team pnde ~discipline. Thull ISi J. GI .... ISi. TllM: IM) 1 ilt Y•~ J.~/1ert. lt:'l~. .., • I 2 1 • "We'll basically be a control 10.1. • • Jt1ilffrmK1wr 1M1 11111 ¥'ucUr 1NH1 0 11.!; .. .-1 ~ ~ : .• team. Bloom Ind I had very ·,J?°a.L~~1'ti'.11:;..1,'"~ .. :: '' 11 m1n . ~.:.;.~1'11\HMl '"'~"O.W' SC0 Dl•hle1 ~-~'r:' d 4 1 1 , similar coaching philosophies .r,:· k•lii' -1. E111ncl•. TllM: 1'1Jv'-_ "· "rt~ :rJ: WI•• H-'I. c 2 2 1 so there twon't be much, if 1.~1. -1. Olull 1ic1 ·:t. Gr-IE) ,,~a. :!~'r If.. Ji __ 2 .. Tlldter -.......... ,, " ' ,' ' any ch g . ~-de! l. Cl•tk (SI. 1ttr,i,1: s..i. IHHI a. C~ll l -: .u.N. • • , an e m ....,rona u -1. Neofft'l1n CE! 2. c-.-• •.,.~":..~ ... • : ! : Mar basketbaJJ." (El 1 .IC.l!Mr IEI. Dllt•nu: 1~ fAotu-Co'...._ """' " I · -._ f '. '\'-I. Hftllt CE) 1. l(fl----II' ...,.. rt • • • •. 1:1n:: ormer lAlng. Beach~ ce> Gllmor•,(s>; H1l9h1: 11-4. . :'."":;..!.,, • : 1_:: Wilson High whiz J?Btured1 11!5:3.~11 ~E1.~.t!~: ~;,~ . ' -"i~ll\' .tT=· .. M. w ...... ' 0 •• I from an asparagus-thin (S-5, DIKVI -1. Str•hl JEJ 2. OUlllW llAll sc.r. ll't i.•t1I 24 10 • l 160 pound.!) prep to a fine CEI No n.1rc1. 011::-=-: N-5. 160 -I. IAI . ·~ 1"f:o~ ~-r, l~i.J i1" .' lowlrs "iJ· .!''l'.~:l'l · ~ !;.;......,, ':!j:'· A"'r."%1: J'WJ. ~~ ~.l~---­IW 2. O,~!~jw1~°1Ln!:·1~l/.~' • Ila -_,;.~KllTtr ~W} 2. Hlchol1 ~ 1'1!m~it~~.1.~r.l1! ·iA1'.J§.:2-e1'6oll "'Yio2· H~ ... ~cwr~a •:21"1 l 2. :ftf.'e CW). ,J, L1111a , 'tlr . ~k!°": 5\io •t.H·_-·.1. Amt,1~w i· L~n• ,,.. .... D11 1os 111 •-: 1~ : ·college player. · . ·100 ~~"" .. ~~.,'" 1 ~2~ TICW' c.ron. .,. 211 JI -11 • a He was a second · 'stringer 1E1 1. wr.111tw11i CEI. TlnM: 11.1. Rangers Vie In State Cup 'Itie Coast Rangers will enter State Cup soccer action SUnday, hosting St. L.ivan of the treater Los Angeles Lelgue at Newport Beach's Mariners Park. . 'Ille preliminary Slate Cup duel . between Riverside and PboeniX of Orange. gets under way .at.noon with the Ranger , atrug1e due to begin at 2. Coaclt Brian McCaugbey's Rangers carry a t3-1·2 record Into the tiff. SL Iatvan warmed up for the , tlJolo by whipping San Diego, '-2, last week. And at the. same time the .Rangers were blanking the Central Cout AU.Stors, 2-0. .at Cal in 1959 when the Goli:lea 1eo -1. Otrlrn•llOClV 1E1 t. Tlttr Ill J. "1l"k1t !El. Time; It.I. Bears ~eleated West Virginia, uo ..;. 1. 01rlm1roocrv IEl i Jove•' 71.-for "• NC" ch (El J. Slllr11111n Cl!J. Timi: 1:37.5, 1u, .. ., nn. am· 1Jl'O -1, Moo .. (E) 1. DIYldlOll pionship. And .be was a starter IEI l . Jonn CEJ. T!m•: 3:0 .1 • • • • • 121 LH -I, M, Nu~t tS) '· (A.)"}. Mc0ut&n (Al, T . . , the followmg year ·When II, NIIMI IS) 3. Wlltr CE ). Tlmt: Newell's forces were upended 1~ 11:11,.,. _ 1. E"•net•. Time: by Obi~ State, 75'-SS, in· the 4'~J _ 1• Rldllrdl tEJ '· c.Otlfff .MO lttlav -1. A"' . Tlmt: ~·· ll• • Clllmblrltln. AldYtmlJ, Time: " NCAA fmale, fEl 3. R"ltk 1s1. Hei,111: s-o. f. •~LIV -1, Weslmlnsl1f (Tillll, -I , W~A.l 1. lltrl IWI 3.. l'rlHf' lA). e I; f.10. Jerry Luc a Larry u , -1. W'*""''" (El 1. '"""".,. , • S 1 , Cl!I !I. H.-... Ill!') Oltl•nc1 IM"'. , U -1. , fAI 2 .. Fr11.w IAJv"' _!!~,it.n . 8,111tii?'~ IA> '· "'"-'• IW~ ... , .. 1,v' Seigfried, John Havlicek -PV -1. H•~·· (E) l. Ten1" all ·active pros in the · NBA 1 F s'; ~ T1~1";i.e':!~' ( ~~· 2• Schutw -were on ·the Ohio State !Ell. 0 ... 111 fEI. 01111nct: »-10. . SP ~-·r.-Hll1 · fAJ ..O.rs five. Gillis says ·that Cal's tough semifinals game the night before, against Cin- cinnati and Oscar Robertson, took too much· out of Cal. And, he points out that Ohio State seemingly couldn't miss from t.be floor. Gillis was drafted by, the New York Knicks. "But · -I knew I didn't have a chance becauu of my in between size/' he tells •. "l'd have had to play guard and that would have been \ad news because I'm no dribbler." IA.I .t. Shull'I (A), 1l1ntt: , ou ...... s., .... ' Wr.M' l#l UU A"*'nl 100 -J,o. -lid! !Al 2. K•,..se IVQ.S. _!•-;~• '/c,.T'if[:i ltL y-<jjoJ. c.111w1 ... ~: is.1. Vlr111Y -10UI'* fWI 2. Kov llMf Au 1141 C:MI HnH .. NiJ a-11 I 1!;l.,!t\rt. Jm;_~~I. J_lnlf: 11~>021.1 . ._,_ 1• -1. Wlllh fSAI t. WlllSttd ~~ .""T1.. """ ISAJ s, kablMGll fSAl. Tlmt: t .7. . '"Y ), ~~rdJ. ~ · · t. m -I. wtiltl {SAi 2. k•1J1ltt1 HITl'll •{W, I. PownoC:Hli--IAI. me: ISAJ J. 01~ CHI), Time: 72.11. 116 .t.io -1. ltol>ln.ooi ISA) 2. "•mlru 120 lH -1. W~n "'ti 2. (SA) J. Strouth CHI}, Time: 53.t, t\'frl• IWI 3.. Wlllltr A). lint: .. -1. Alvettdot tlAI 1. Va11P1tten ~ •11tv -1 w..tmlnsltl" Tlme· (SA) J. 8!'1'1110 (SA). Timi: !:17.1. t:if."6. ' ' • Miit -1, .,Ol'llMR lSA) 2. Hlftaltosl U -1. IC.lnl!ll!: CW\ 1. l.t'>tt (HI) 3. kfllll,..1 (SA). Time: A:Sl.J, ,·, CA) 1. t+e{llMt°ilA). Ollt1ntt: 111'. '°"'flt -I. Wlnttr ISA! 1. 0.-1 PV -I. P 1111 !Al 1. l llWrrv Cl-ti) 3. Dono'tM (H81. Tlmt: 11:211. f~l l. IC.lnl1r • f'!tllllll i JN. 11t HH -1 O•vll ISAI 1. y-' 1' • -· l,l itn _W! '· Ce!{ llAI 3. s~M •HI\. T'-•: l4JI. tAJ J. kli• 11'111 ~~· Dl1l1nc1: 3W. HG LH -I. CHl\41 ISA! t. J•l'11I" '¥ts""lll$tflr 0'1 flt l A,._llllllon ISAJ J, YO\lri1 fSA.). Tim" lt,4, lot -I. l1dlml CW) 2, H1n1t11 4'40 ktllV -1. $.lnl1 .1..,.. TIPM: '°·'· Mlhl kellV -1. H~ntl1111!011 IMdl IM1rtlt'llt1, l•ltmtn, Cro1!1r, st-nl. Time: s1u.1. HJ - 1. McGlllnty !Hill 2. Mlrtlnel CHll l. RUbl"'tr CSA) •nd Curtt1 {SA). H4ilvllt: foll. lJ -1, Jtl'lldl CS.I.I 2. Slubb!n1 • . Prep Net Results • Erskin e Mesa MVP (Hll J, A~ !SA). Otrt•nu:. .. ..... .., loll h H•rrsl Ind Fltnq1n ..... :Z0.11, NIMlf. luc .. t1~1 Int.I C1St1 MBm '""*' Vt<"llll' PV -1, Andtrson (SAl 2. l"Mkt Shlllll Mllllt. '-" IZMI Ul'll CH11 Mes.t G En•••• ed Jun! Varsit•' c pta' IHI) l. G•lbtrt (So\.), H•l•Fll: lM Mrtn (CM) loll Ill Kelltl Ct.-........ reg AUK: WU nam or . ~ -a m: II" -1. ci.m-l HI) l. Curtll IHI) :W; dtl. Kevlrl Ort1oo11~'-li l'IN\llY (CM) dlf. Lee (HI) M . most valuable player Thurs-Btutt End.!Jey; ~: • Ken cv.i 1. '-•Y" 1u.1. 01111nc1: S>Na. 1t1r1 t1 Edd't' 1.., tMtn w. Lvhott .._., dr.w '"'"".,. 1-1; 1o11 nl... Cost M H'gh ~-··· Most I ed Rt k ... Miiite (CM) kill II 1(1tltl Oflleod II ·-f.J, day .,,t as a esa I uo;owu; mprov : c s...t1 A_. un 0•1 M1111tTa1• •-~ CHI ) Mi *'· 1<.wt. OrtlMd •11 ENeltr IC"ll kill t1 ltt IHll Scboo,I honored the varsity De.Smet '"" -1. Gre<or 1~•1 :t. H•wn mi t1 Edd't' ..._ 111111n :w. 1"' LYl!Mf M. ,..,.., .J.11 dtf. •-• • · ' 0411 J. l"tltl'ne CIAJ. •Tlmt: 11.2. Clolll fCMl dtf. IC.•lltl ~ fHll H . baaketbiall team at the school Bee-Captain: Mike Allen; t2I -1 • .._ (Hiil 2. GNlf M ; l(nlfl Ol'tlood •11 IDd .. btr l"IWUll ICM! kilt .. LR IHll cafeteria MVP: John Marchiorlatti ; 1SA1 :a. P•ltlmO fM>. Tinw: 2A.1. '""1n11t11 ... 1. 14 LYflod 14 P•rlttr w. ,,_ • os! WI -I, H41"91 11.1.J I. INLr Mool'9 (CM! lllllt ti 1(111!1 Ortlood 1-1. Chuck Yerkey garnered M ·Imp r o v .e d : Doug tH111. GllHOn 1sA1. Tim•: 1:1:2.2. 1H11 '"' dtl', Kwlll OrllDlll '"'· Mllf'.,... ICM! 11111 to t.w M. honors as captain of the team. McUan. 1110 -1. ~ 1H111 2. H•<We idfr M 1 .. , i. ,,,,_ w. lVfllllf '"" ,.1,.., ,...., "'"" w. ISAl l. SllM.ld ISAJ. lllM: l:M.7. OM*i. ......... Varalty -~: Chuck Cet -cap la In: Jack ,,. HH -1. l'lo'td (~) I. WIH ,,..rtllltt Ind Goodmlll ICMl ... Me<:Wlilt -II~ ICMI loll Yer•ey·, M .. Gr• g g ·~···, MVP ·. Joe •~•ur·,· f1'4•1 i. L""'"' fSA>. T1m1: n.6. M111er •nd H•"'-•"' !Hiil w. .u, 111 ._ Miii """'' tHll ,... , ... A tu~ l'LIWI 111 lH -I. LINIY !SA) 2 •. F11" kilt Ill Hlrf'tl tlld l'""""tll 2"' 9-111111lottrt14 1-1. Enkine; Most Improved: Bob Most Improved : F ·r an k 1v.1 J. W•" lHl l. nm1: 1J.J. 1-1. c.rtet •nd ChtdWkll CCMI 1os1 .. ktlty -1, Stftlt AM. Tlftw: Shlttkt Md KlllMMtl (CM) tit!. ti 9-•nd ltNll (HI) U, >11 Great Price! Greatlire! . ' ' ·General tun 4-PY nylon <::Ord tubeless whitewall JET Fw FOii, tflmtOltT, '1.llllDI~ UlllUI • Four full nylon cOrd Plies provid_e a lrength • Excluafve Duragen• rubber tread g1v11 long mllu119 • Fmnou1 dual tread deslgn'hugs the road F• IDICI, ILISMOltlt, DOD~ PlYlllOUTM, CMllYSL£1 T1r IU!Cl, OLD$cMOllL£, DODIE, POkflAC, CHIYSUI ·19 ·20 plus $2.20, u.n f•d. [a. T•••, l iltS 1.75 ll 14, 7.75xl5,tv1111es1 PIUS~ $2.4' fed. EJt.. I IX', 1!n1IZiJI14, t .H x 1!, t\lbll"s NEW! the fiberglassbe/ted General GTW • General's long-mileage high-performance highway lire • Flbergl••• twin-be/I under the tread • Two lull Nygen .. cord plies ' • Sleek three-ring whitewall A SAFETY BELT OH WHEELS JATO SUPER,100 GOLF BALLS • Dur•lon covtr for long1 CUl•frM Iii• • EnerglMd "PB" ctnttr grvu 11re1t distance • UHra.fllgh·l•ntlon windln; Lownt ttrfct E'ltf' L""" 1 Doz. DON SWILUND COAST GEllERAl TIRE 31or'133 1 doz. lor $5.25 AVERY 6BIRAl TIRE SERVICE 16t41 .... ~·· Ill W. 1M. c .... Mn1 140.1711 -· '46-llJJ ""· .... -147·5110 • Plfi.ct )ldlll: ... _ ... _ -·-• .....,i.~ .... ... ,......, .... GENERAL • I TIRE SERVICE 1W I. 4". S.te AH 14J0 IJJ6 , ' r ~ " ' • I '• "' ' ' ' .. ,. . ' ,; _, ' " ·~ ': ' " . ,. ·; ,, '. • ,, ' '. ' Austln. Roldan. 1:17.t. Miiiet •nd H1nlllln CHI) W. N 1 I-Ind .... rt N. 1-1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~··" ,, • I ! -_As $ure As The Four Seaso ns YOUR SAVINGS EARN • !5.DD% Elm 5.U1' wNn CM.II' Curttrit 1M1,1.t t•te on cvrnnt ~ '* It: 1 J ·yelf"boll\l111CCount1. comDWndltdcJtll)olfld Minim um SlOOO pl11s. fMfntalnlcl fOr • ,..... ~IODO f'l'!l.lllJPl•L On Bonus Accounts (minimum S1 ,COO in 51,COO muhipie'si we par the 5%-current annual rate quarterly· plus 1/4" annua bonus if held three years or longer. This rate is determined quarterly. The safety of your saviogs insured to S1S,CXX>. ANAHEIM SAVINGS AND LOAN ABBDCIATION MAUI ornu.1 • • 11,w, u11et111 •"'· I 4n M•t• 11mt I ms."""" .,.. .. i., c.i11er1111 "-t/Jlll• ht£k. c.i1t. '"'· c.iilfftlt f'l 1-wt ll. 1-191 JA, t.4t1J P1tl£ CONVtNllNT ,AAICINQ AT All 3 LOCA.TION~ \ • • • • • --------• ~ • • • l I • 1 · -"'A:~. C '!·'II! P, I e t e 6 ii id'· • Hollywood Back Stage By VERNON SC01T u"'""'~c~ , . . HOLLYWOOD -J&n. FaOda b bacl( in town to make another movie for the pbrpoee of llWng the old silo wiJh American: dollara which IM and dlrec-t4r-\uJlband Jqer Vpdlm spend al!foad WiUi abandon1 l 'MOMy ~for ~." Jane aaid, n!undJ!Di • .Jwill>arl• ill her draaing room. " . "You put it in the lllock inarttt and you cOuJd have another • and. bo out ol hilliDHI 1t . JIOl'I phllolopby on ....-lcl may oot be o11A1te1ber ICIUlld. Bui abe ia on "firmer ground . •bea discus-- '"" her ngabond life I .tM• NllU Jll' lift actreal, ~ r.., ~ bed; lhil bollgbl a two- aere farm bl. I. valley IOUtb1"tst of Paris aid , boped lo. setUe down. Now she'd nither, Visit ihan live there. She prefers to keep movlng 11rOWJd, "I can't. stay in one place very long,'• she said. "I'm too young to1 die. The firm ii between Houdan and Mantes oo ~ waY tq Drill." , ;Loca\,ed Ii it is arpoag three gre~t ctnlerl ol, art and cemmerce, one tS bird ~ to COll))ftliend why Jane wOuld #Ow r-tfv~ in IUCb a sophlsU· cated setting. . . ' ~ane, ~ever. la tn no way an ex· patrllle. She !Ovea the United Stales and lives 'abroad only becat11e ber bus. bmi' ls ·• Europwi. " 0 1 Uve ln Jl'rance QOt bleaule I love tJ:i.t eowttry, but became 1 love Vidlm," said 1aoe, Uljnc·Mr buaba!14's lllrMDll a-ii ber 'wont. ''It be were GermaD ... or iEncllab -I woukl live with hlin Jn, Gernumy ... EatJ!ud ... Mia F-· lauea to ny whee she wciuld :fi~·ll ber ·inuband was a Lap- lander,.PataaONan:, Siberia or Eskimo. ItJeo hlpperil Vldlm. changed hls name fr9m PJ~, which ls· Russian. And neltbet .{aDe nor Roger are in a big ht!rrY 'to ae\llO dol!D Jn Kiev or Mur- mllllk. , "SiQce I've'~ Vldim I spent more UmO m the Vii.J!m Stalls Jban abroad," Jino llOld, ....,.m, !or btt e,Jlausting roie u 'a marathon cl.eCer tA 1J3Z in ABc lilma' ''Tbef ~ Hone.s, Don't 11eYT" ....... a... slor<I all her bouseOOld trap- pings when she'• away from Southern Caillornil. When sqi,!1 called f<r a pie. lure, aa she ·rr.quently ii, Jane, Vadlm and boby v ...... (f -Iba) ..... In- to a rented ~t the beach-and Qlfke ther:nsel•es at home. 'uwe both 1lke the beach," Jane laid. ·~i taktS VadJm about a year to pre- pafe and dlrect a movie. In that time I Cl!l make three or foor pictures." It's a «ood thing. 'With both of them working they, can spend as much money a'J. they like without fear of another s'ifk market crash. · • Gabel Signed For Top R9le Martin Gabel, Jhe ooted llqe, .....,,, radio and te.levlJlon actor, has been signed for a top role in '"l1lere Wu A. Crooked Man . f!', for Warner Bros.· Seven Arts in which be wW pcrtray the Ward!21 ol a terrlJorlal prism muniered by one ol the inmates. , Kirt IJooglu afld' Henry Fonda star in the· Techrrlcolor--Panavlllon drama,· 'Phich Joteph L. Mantiewlcs will pn>- duce and direct. c. O. (Doc) Erickson 1s the executive prodOOll'. I 'ft'EEJl.ENDER INSW E l'EATIJBES The l11med Smetana Quorlet ,ol Prague wtll plQ' nluaic " the CIOCha In Laguna Beach dtl(tna tbeJr tour o1 North Ameic:a. see story on Pqe II. Traftl -cow. to l'a u.a·- 1.oft .... Wea-Wet. OllL!N' '""* AN•- 111 .. Galerlet Lepod "'p .... Mom llHle!f OC Pilllhnlltole Mtfle Ill MaklloJ Qlee•le . Cemlco TV vi,. .. a ~tlsvliloo Lii PaJJ0 11 Pap II P ... d ' Pap JI Pqid p .... 11'!1 P•ll Pap II Pap II , ... P•ll Popll Pagttl Paie ZI Pq:tD Pap II • • • Where to go AN ORANGE COAST FAVORITE -SLEEK COLUMBIA 3' -ON v i Ew JN ANAHEIM JNTEKltlJSSION ~Deviltry' AfootatOCC B;y _TOM TITUS of difficulty and "Advocate" ts no piece ot llM DAll.T PILOT Stiff of cake either. . -I . You ihight~ say that Jack Holland is Bath plays are among those whlch Hol· having a devll of. a Ume preparlng for land has long .yearned to stage at OC'C, opening night at Orange Coast College and lhe prospect of. producing. µiem t~ next week. gether in repertory was too rich for him Th< OOC l]>lech snd dfllma instructor to resbt. """'•all• only "The Devib" haJ assigntd himseJf the unenviable v•..,.. 3 task of diNcting two productions simul· was schl'dllled, hilt· some studenl.I who taneousl)' -either ol. which would be a failed to make the cast seemed dis- handful for any collegiate group. appointed. so Holland added "Advocate" 'J'¥ .shows ~e for their benefit, 1'Tbe Devils" and While the plays are similar in their "The Devil '• Advo-tlUes, and both have pfiesu a::1 their cate," which will central characters, the relationship se~ mount the stage of arates at Utat poi8t. "Devil!'' is the more ~ 00 ~ compelling of the pair, drawing it. has~ t«nate ni&hls aeJI "I fact from an b.cident In the 17th cen· week, COQ1Prisbtl Wry inspired Aldous Huzley's novel, the m..t al!ll>JU-"The Devils of Lou duo.• theatrical project When first staged at the Music Center's the itcftool11 drama deptrtment bu yit Mark Taper Forum twO years 1go, Hol· attempted. '"I land notfmt "The Devils" aroused the ire M tf that weren't eooqil to OICUPY hia waklrc h:lurl,. not to' menUon a few • o( some devoutly reli&ious playgoen or (I( kJs 11eopinc -Holland Jhil Woll ill depiction of a J)!iest accused of "poo- bad to --tilt -'bill!J of ollii!ng" riuna with' the' devil. replacin&-tbe ltldlnC llCtor in the litter "Pl"nonally,·1 .HollaDd. uyr, "I can't show 'beCame ol IDrfeu. Fortun1tely the 1te any· reason for the furor. 1'til ii 1 young man recovered and wW IO oa 18 "lay of tremendous. beailty ind we are ICbeduted next week. " · , ' All Jn an, llDUind .. ,dooble schedule , approllCbing It from lhit point. C.rtalnly shoold make him Ille. Cceil Mesa col-the play end! on a moral tone-a prieat lege'1 most likelJ candidate for a MrV· dll!I roefuslng to deny his God." "" br..-n. llut \.the veteran Jn. The oeconcJ plof, Dore Schary'• "Devil., ltnkWr' II 'taklns tt aD Jn bis normal, Advocate," ls.a more contemporary work, °!fl'~~ bltkhrN.ktt," he sighs. with 1 polt·Worrd Wat ll aetting, Holland "We're ftbNninl nery 1ftemoon. ev~n-explains. It depicts a priest sent to check lng and week~ But the cut .me.mbtn: the report of a "miracle" ind to deter· are u.-r, eulted about the abows mJno whether the priest who alltgedly · '""' they're Iii• ng !hero au Jhelr • ..,,_ perlonned ii should be elevaled to ulnt-CY " . Tbe,y would have to. since "The Devils" hood. alone: bu bten lttmed "unplayable" og Technically, u well_u dramatJca11y, a collqo campus becaUJe ol Ill dearff th• tandem proclucllon which ruJ1!1 Moo- . • day lhrOflgh Sa.lurday of oex) week Is a huge mouthful. '10ur coatumea 1 alone will cost ovtr ,1,000," Ho11and relates. But Holland Ls no !lranger to expamlve or expensive 1productionl. 'lbe holder of a muter'• decree in theater ,(rom UCLA, he baa a Jong and varied backgrOW>d in stage, screen a,od tel,eviaJon work. Prior to comtng to Orange Coast in 11164, he hid d1rec\ed some to stage JJ* ducUons, played , in 50 television shows arid appeartd in 10 motion pictures. At one tlnie he cenducfed a theatrical work· shop in HotlyWood Wlllch included among Its students such notabla u Davl'd Jan- aen, Hugh O'Brlan and Joanne Worley, the "chicken job" girl on "Laugh·lrt '' 1'1imartly a speech Instructor at OCC- one of his pupil.a: wa• national champion Jon Law Of Laiuna Btacb-Holland came back to theater last year wheni he directed Arthur Miiier'• demanding dra- ma' •lAfter the Fair' with Law in the leading rol~1 .\ Holland clearly r!l~ wortJng in the ll)eater again. He dincted the Peter Usti- nov taUre 11Halfway Up the Tree" for OCC 18.!t year abd 'hu taken on the task ol ota~nc the colli1t'• annual amnmer moale.il, 11' Y.t 1lnaeleded. or his ""1'tlll p/o)ect, he beams, "We're all very excited. and the ~ are · •orktng extra btd. Some an e'(en uking for more rebeanal time/' t Wily Is be attempting such an ombi- tlool undertalclng II a juDIDr college? • Rollind offers two Teuona:. "Finl al all, the kkJs might 11 irttl 1et u...i to II; lhey'U llo working Jhls WIJ' when they 1et lntO the' unlvenlty. And HC011d1y, we appreciate the challwae. "If we fail 1l thll. "'tie addt, "at lwt we:u have given It everything, we ~. l 'l much rather fall trying tomething Hite. this th•n to aucct«I with medJ.1n 1w11. And 1 think...,.. eoma to llll'l'flsa a 1at ,of 'JN;OPSI." ; • .. :~Wllot . ' ' NEW . PLYJNGFISH SPORT SAILER BY AMF ALCORT IN SHOW . " Dinghies•to-Yiichts Due_ At Anaheim's Boat Show_. .. i>roductr H. Werner Buck will unveil Include a C-Olumbia 3&.1~1do ;•and the new We1ttrn NaUonal B:o.at and Kettenbfr1 K-41; wi,th power ~ Mllrine 'Show Sal., M~h I, In ihe by Trojan, a IO looter,."and a Bertram spacious Anaheim Convention Center: 31.1 Bound to be an erecatcber ii • The show cOnUnues daJly throu.gh March 21 ft. ~ace-age lie boat, or1..i.fe sPHefe 16, with doors. opening at noon on featUred by Whlttiker;a 'Adv'bblcl strii> weekendi and. 4 p._m. weekdays. tores . diVision. It:s prtiCUcally in- Crafts from dinghies to lllIW'Y yachts destrucUble. and canoes to ocean cruis~s. plus A. large p6r:tion of .the m~ EJ:. marine accessori., will b<! on dlsplay. 1u1im0n Han ·ha• lieen ta~l'P · ~~ . i,- Fully rigged aallboatl of all aize.s: and · members of the Orange Copnlf. JiOii shapes will ocaipy the big Sports Areoa · LC -while the· mi,e ExbibltloP Hall will be I;>ealers As9ociation, woo will' feature devoted primarily to power craft. Several a wkte variety of trailered panr ~ 1pectaHy boall will be displayed In the and cruisen;, big lobby, Mes,a Boat. .w~l ~I' .. ~cralt, A special attraction 'for aailing buffs ~ ~ Arrowgl~; ·Kis¥i~ the wlH be free bl.ti:uctionl by Pegy Mlller, Glaaipar, Glastroo, Seal•Rd,'llhleWatcr comely ' o wner ot the Academie of and Lu Vtgasf Llrry BICOQ· tbe f~ Salling iii Long Besch and , probably Cat and Phoenix Cat; Offenb11...,. tbi the only .,oman quaillled Id teach aaD1n1. Slartralt, Aieiuicl'aft and IJlew'y; S~ She'll give practieal demo0straU0111 wllh Mirtoe the Seabird, Saoli<r, '~, a 14 ft. 1ailboat Doatiq iri a big taok Carlson and Laraoo ; ·LIUlejolin Iha in the Arena area. HydrarWift and Crest~r; , lnbovd For water skiera, there'll be a serit5 Specialties · the Cheetah and Mustm&; of lectures and dry-land demonstrations crown Marlne the Wreidt; lW1>br Boat 1t a large booth staffed by eJ1:perts l(oUJe the. Thunderbird, Relnell and u.slna a. tournainent rigged Cobia 11 JMP'; ind West Anahe1M the Gillfstreuii. ft. boat equipped wilh TaJ>etjiex skis.' Valeo, Regalia and Glutriln. • . · ?': An e1:~a added 1ttncil0n • for the Reprelent.atives of. the U.S. ea.& ladies who vtalt the .OOW will be ~ Gµard aod Auxiliary, Power ~ dally !~Ion show. Boatiq and r-:! and Orange County Harbor Dept. 1'!11 wear will be presented during the -run have booths offering all type& ol ~ oC the show with the Wet Seal abopl of formaUon concerning boaUn1, from tulN Oraoge ~ty .. 1ec11n1 llPF."l"lste .ol the J,oad to safety. , . , , • ,. lemlolnO olllre '"' the Jadlts 'li> w..... New '1>oatl to be 'inttochi<Od locludo and :the 1enUemen to enjoy. Oranie a '11 . ft. Mustan1 Sea · Sled {wfil& :lo ·Coat College coeds will model the. a •m.alltr venloli «>I Muotq'I ,.,... 1arments. , l'.~ bruting 11 rooter,, and,UM:a. SiI 'dlvtaiOlll ol Whittaker Corp, wjll U IL Flylnglilh sallcr\lfl by,AMF, ~ display ·thalr newest m-Odel boall and ol -Connecticu~ 'l'bis IPl'clY lal1-craft DCCOpy ptactkally the complete center suppiemeoll iJie .....iesJp SUulilll end area of the Sport., Arena. Sailing craft SallflllH made by A.FM. · ' ~ , .. -'--'""""~*~ ................................ .._ ........ ,llmiji .. 1 ,, ' l ' .. • ' Weekend -Highlights :; BOAT SHOW -The Western National Boat and Marine Show opena Sat, Mar. 81 in all part& ol the AnaMim COoyenUon Cent.er, IQO W, ' Kolella, Anaheim. llqals ol all' -from lillJ' to terrtlic ,will bo ., dllplay u well u acceoiGr1eo oo Important to comfort, lui;uti',~ Nfllly. • <There 11 even a c:bance for 1 saWnc Jmon wbOe thtli. Osiiil. at t p.m. , dutlht Iha week and 0t ,_, "' weekendll. ' . MlllllON ART DAYB -Old MlsaiGO 8"..uii Jle1 'Ji 'ceMllfatliic Ito" Mlallon "" Dayt tbll :weet'1Jd, s.~ and sun. IJ'oal')l\;at to ,,. p.m. Oil palntlnra, ~ ol prlmillYJ· lildJsD ~ pld ..., lilnr dlillcu datlnt -J,7!0, embrGlilar"li ""'""and _,fine ar:t will ::.:;~ 1:'l .. ~~~~:a. =·r,:~~- mtoratloa ol Jhe mlaaion. BUDDY HACKETI' IROW --Comedian Buddy Hackett will be ptrlorm- lng 'on the aiap oi Mt)odyland Theatre Jhla. n-1.,.Sat. alid llun. with special gut11 Illar jaa pianist Ra-r Lewto. and bJs trio. 'l1'lrt wlll h one perionnanct on Fri. and two GO Sal and Slln. Hackett ls llnilliir to mO.t television viewers front bis ~ appear-en, Tilt ~ • CarlOll ShoW. He al8' 11 •IOI> nil)ll clill> per!Dna-. , " ... O..W. ti hi, hp. II ' 1i " . l I . :.. .._, • . Mlekey O'Moue GVIDE TO FVN Concerts Galore On Coast Scene MARCii 7 CONCERT -The Unlvmlty of Calllor111a In!ne Symphonic Wind EnMnble, IW. 7 in Ille -Lecture Hall on campus. Admlllioa LI free • MAJICll 74 Dilneyland takes on an emerald hue, Mar. 17, when Mickey, biJ friends, sev· · era! clnun and pipe bal!d• and Irish step dancers join the Dlmey characters far a Parade at 3 p.m. down llfain Street and through tile part. CONCERT -The deparimlllla of dance and music will combine Jn a run stqe producllcm al Carl Orfl'a "Cabllli Carmllla" wl1h Ille Unlvtnill' Cl>orul Gd Corpo de Ballet on Mar. 1 and I et I: ID p.m..· ln Crawford Hill. UCI, 71Dl !nine Ave., Irvine. Tlcllell,. 13.110, ore on Ale at the llCI Fine Arla bo• Office. Pbooe m.17. • ' . -TRAVEL Are Guide Books Always .Perfect? By Stan Delaplane ''This wfll be our first trip to South America. Any ~ice, any fUlde boob, wouW k w~ .•• " The guide book I boogbt was disappointing and wrong a good deal of the time. I'm used to carrying travd checks in $50s -with a few $2lls for just-belore- l~YiDC cash. rd recomm~ ,careyin& them .. all in •10 diecli:1 In S.A. . * Bard to get local money back into dollars. Taite Cblle, escudos 8.91 equal $1 U.S. You citsb escudos back at a Joas -tliougb U you're en route Argentina, you can cash at Buenos Aires for a bOtter rate. Argentina bOuls they'll cash the dollar at good rates. But it takes a lot of scurrying from bank to bank. * ''Can we drink Mle w1ter In the South Am1rigin countries?'' The locals say no. Drink botUed water. They say milk and ice cream is chancy. * ''What to ahop for , •• ?" In Lima, the silver is good. (That's what Pizarro CJMe for , remember!) It's heavy, marted sterling wept and probably i>. In fact most silver in this COUD· , II)' la so soft you should not buy the lie clips. There's " no spring in it. Uama skin rugs are soft and fluffy and · ,_good buy. * Rio de Janeiro is the place for Brazilian gem : ·jewelry. Good wool ponchoo in Buenos Aires. Alligator -. !>al• in both cities -but I don't know alllgator well ~ i,;i!Jloug!i to say which is best. Or U they're any good· at >·"•" • ~ ...--.• * ~ .......... '.;/' . ._. . . ; :t··!': .''We ere just married •nd twt eu!. of coll• MCI , .f.~• • )'Mr before we settle ...... Questloa: Whet • ~iioiut tra..tl,,. by bicycle In Eu-?" \$[ Yoo can rent bikes in Europe. Buy them. BllY and ~sill them back. You can carry them on trains. 'Ibey gdon't coat much -$35 to $75 will give you a good_ b,lke wttb Alpine gear ratio which mat.es it easier to pump :up those grades. · • But -bike riding is plenty of work. (As they say, • ~ never forget bow to ride a bike. But ;iou do forget ~;fill aren't 12 years old.) I would favor blke plus Eurall- ~· -the almost unllmlted pas£age on trains· 1111y- "1dlere, anytime. U&e the blke locally. Rlde,the train -~('fitb blke) to the nest Jocatloll and start pedalling i--a1n. .;,~ ·~' * . ' . ~· • 'lbt Michelin mapi are J'UUI' best bet. 'Ibey show ~th steepness of the gradu on roads . Keep 1111 e:r• on .:.• bluebird and go. ' ~ . * ~ . ;: ''What •heut Mexlc:e by treUer?" ~. I ..tviled three cooples against this. And I hive ae11en from all of them saying they are havlnl no prob- ':Joma """1 dalJ1i spendidly. So I WH WJ'OllJ. One couple ;;'Jlv• me avera1e cost per day of $1.74. You can't beat :.111at. * ~ ~> . ,. . ·-:; Lot of c:ampeMtailer people doing Europe these ;,.s.y1, too. Ootn1poacleots report coot per couple .,,.,. "jlinj[ '8 to '12 a dq for everything. ·That IS 1 bargain. :"Yooi can rent. Bur oncl sell bock. Suy and shlp It Mme. ;:("11 ii couple with a Brltlsb-made C1111per could not ._ repeln In Me:dco.-Tbe Volknapn camper Is no &iUbt Ufa for npalr work. l . OCCOpens .Two-Play Repertory MARCii 7 ·I llUDDY BACll'IT SHOW -ComedWi Buddy Hackett will be on •Ill• at Melodyland Theatre Mar. 7, I and I with apedal guest llJr, Jm plonlll Ramaey Lewla Ind hll trio . Performances l:!O p.m. Fri.; 7 Ind 10 p.m. Sal, Ind $ and l :!O p.m. cn Sim. Tickets, IUO to IUO available at the box olllce. Phone J.7'11-74'0. MARCii 7-11 NATIONAL ORANGE SHOW -The Mth annual Nalional Orange 8baw will be ata(ed at Ille Or1Di• 8baw Gn>undl In San Bernardino, IW. I tbrouP ·II from II a.m. to 10 p.m. clatly. Pnlp'1m includeo -..-dally In Ille ''Tlte Dt'lll's Advocate" gninrlstand area along wttb ~ end ~ ""'° lle.U." esblblla. For informatlm phone (n4) 1-1 OCC ill presenting two pJlys MAftCJI' I -• 1 In rtlltlt«Y, "The Devils Advoci.te." by Dort Sdwy FESTIVAL· OF IOUND8 -Sil. groups will compete f« Mar. 1~12 and 14 ; John prizel. and a ~ to rebn for temS-ftnl1s fl. Feltival Whitney 's "Tht Devils," Mar. ol Sowda'' competition, UU. weell:end, Mar. I and t. Per· 11, 13, U at llS p.m. hi the f~;are30 .. ~f,or,~~8!.!-·fnllld~pat 1:30, 4:00 -.~: 'p.JIL -I a ~ -ark C11 OOC Audilarium!l'IOI Flllrview Beac:1i Blvd., )ult'IOOtb ,GI tllot Smita Ana Fl-II'· Drive, Colla· Ilea.. ~eb , . are free but mwt bl picbd .., ~· "' " ' ·-MA.:21 N . ... uplllhe~onWJ>. SlY DmNG -A 11i:1 dhiDc -'with awe pus. than IDI Jumpen wDI -i>e1e far -nlnll aod lnl)>l>lel ''Tlckllall Acrobat" in the !Int IDDUal lllncbo Calllornla Sty Dlvfnc Toornament la Tho "'Und M'lk thll Sal and· Sim. Mar. I aod I al lllncbo Calllor111a , Dy ,, n. mas . er 1 startmc 1t t 1.m. both dly1. No admlallon charge. Located "ood " playing Mar. 14 ' on 111Pw1y 315, one mile north of Temecula behreeo and IS at 8:30 p.m. in the Rlvenlde Ind San Diego · ' UCI Studio Theater, 7IOI ' Irvine Ave., Irvine. Reserv•· MARCii ... liooa -83Ull7. MIB8IOll SAN LUJI · IIBY -Art Daya are ocheduled !or ''PMladelpllll Hert I Come" An eochaolin( lrbb comedy will be OD1tqe at the Laguna Playbou.9e, 311 Ocean Ave ., Laguna Beach, Wed. through Sat. It I :• p.m. closing 1'1ar. 1. ReservaUoos -49HO&I . "Barefoot; i. lite P1.rk'' A comedy about newlywf'd ~ in a walk-up apartment will be on at.age at the San Clemente Community Theater, 2Cll Avenlda Cabrillo, San Clemente., Thurs. through Sit at 1:30 p.m. closing Mar. II. ResuvaUom -1..fft...0465. "Plcalc" A romanUc drama o f midwestern life at t h e Muckenthaler Centu, 1 I t But:n1 Villa Drive, Fullerton lbz'ouih Msr. I, Fri. Ind Sat. nlchts at 1:30 p.m. Resenra· tloos -t-4J5..8039. "Dea~ et 1 Salt1m••" Mllle:r's cluslc story of tragic:: Willy Loman ia on stage Thurs. l!Jrouib Sun. at l :!O p.m. closing Mar. 23, at South Coast llepertory Theater, 111:27 Newport B"d., Coota M.,., Reserntions -146-13'3. "Ugllt Up dtt Sky" . IW.·I .and 111 Mlaaion San Lula Rey, three mlleo Inland !nm Oeeanslde. On uhlblt will be palntlncs, wood carv· inp, molal work and fabrics !rom the urlj> milslon days. No 'ldmiulon charge. MARCH a.11 BOAT SHOW -The Western National Boat and Marine Show la set for Mar. j.,tl at tbe An&bel.m ConvenUon Center, llOO Katella, Anah<iJn. All tYJ><S al boala from dinlbies to luxury yachts will be on display along with boating acce:s- sories. Sailing and boating lessons will be gjven dally. The show is open from 4 p.m. 1.fon.-Fri. and from nooo on Sat and SUn. Admission, $1.50 for adults, children 75 cents. MARCH I • APRIL I HORSE RAC1i3-Thoroupbr<d bone 'Facln& at Santa Anita Park, 185 W. iluntlnll<>n Dr., Arcadia. Finl Post time Tues. through Sit., 12:30 p.m. Phone 1·(21S) 447-2171. Sat., Mar. II, $145,000 Santa Anita Handicap. MARCH IS NOON CONCERT -"Clarinette a la ti.lode," Sonata (or clarinet and piano will be presented at noon, Mar. 13, in J'OOrTl 171 of the Fine Atta BuUd1ng at UCI, 7601 Irvine Ave., Irvine. No admiaion charae. MARCH 1 .. 11 CLASSlC FILMS -Open End Theatre, 2115 Villa ·way. Newport Bead>, ii ~tin( >ome claulc motion pcturea, Oiarlie Ol.lplln'1 "Gold Rush" and Mack Sennett lhort subjects, Mar. 14, 15 and ~I. Tickets ue $2.IO; ltudentl, II.SO. Performance at l :!O Fri. and Sal Ind I p.m. Sun. Phone 17$-1120. MARCH 1 .. 11 TENNl!3EB ERNIE PORI> -Melodyland -10 Freedom Way, Anabe1m, wlll present Tenn-Ernie Font Ind Ille Lennon Silton on """' Mar. 1 .. 11. Tlchta are available at tht bos: oUlce and an Ucktl. qtncles. Phone 1·1'1S-7f80 • A comedy aboot theatrical life and a play, ls on stan Fri. and Sal nlgbla at 1:311 ~ II p.m. lhrougb Mar. 12, at the LAGUNA CONCBRT -The LallJlla Beach Centa M111lc Weatmlnster C om mu a l t J · Society wW pngeot tat Smetana Quartet in a conct:rt 'nlealer, Westminster Ave. at in the Lagima' Beach HiP School auditorium at I p.m. Go Iden West St•.. A preview progam ii tcbeduled for ?:JI p.m. The qulf'tet Westminster, Reservations -will play music of Mozart, O\'orU: ind Beethovt11. Tickets, lt'I~. IUO 'Adulla; II for atudenla. Phone 41Hla. "Biederman ud MABCH II Ille Fl,.bop" OC P1llLBAJIMONIC CONCERT -The onnc-Cowity Mas Jl'rllCb'a satire on P1>llbannonlc SOdely will ..-< tho Pltlstlcq S)m,...., HIUer will be M stage II on:i-., with Wllllam Slelnbers conduotfn(, on IW. II tho Goldeo West .College at 1:20 p.m. in tho Qrtnlt Cout Oollep auditorium. Actor's Pla,ybo• in the com· !l'IOI Fairview Road. COiia Meoa. Tlckela. 14. available munlcaUOna, ooildlng, ton!P~ • at Ille OC Pblthamonlc Sodely olflce, 201 w. COast lllghw11, Mar. 7, and 1.tar. I 1t 1:30 Phone MUW. p.m.. TlckeLI are free and ma~ bl obtalned from the coIJeae boobtore. "RanarUblc Mr.P-cbr" MARCH 17 Al\TllT.QlNCERT Pitt.has Zukerman. Ylollnist, will perform -· 17 at ''' p.m. In the UW. Theatre. Ca1lfornla Stale Collep at Fliller1on, IOO Ne. Stall Collep Blvd., Fullertoo. Tlctets !Lit. Phone 1-l~JllO. A comedy about a man who la htadlni two lamUles wlll be MARCH II . Oil •Ill• at Ille C..ta MW MABAUA JACKSON -The MlnlaUn Conference al .... Civic l'laybouse, w"t p te of Angelea ii lloldinl a benefit ..._i In lllaballa'a honor on Oran&e County Falrgrounda oo Msr. II al 4 p.m. in the Lani Beach Arena. Mahalia wW Fri. and Sat. nlghla at l :!O, ·perform with other ll"8la ind prOl!ta wDI be WIOd to furlber Mar. 21-D. R"ervallDD>-114-the churdl won ol aldln.ti lho -· the licit and qed in 6!0l. tho .,.. ol Oomptorn. Meta on u1e at Arena """ omc.. . ' ......... . . ; • • ' ... menl ID ... ,, . !or thelr .;..,i~· ~ ' . -.. tw"io= to alflllall wtlb Ult Orcbeltra, u a cllambtr m u 1 i a ensemble. After World War II the Smetana Quartet ..... the first Czech grOup to r&<111bl"" 111e 1ame or the Czech art ci chamber mwie performance in the -I nwslc «11W. in El/">P<. maklnC ita llnl inlernallooal appearance m Warsaw in 1950. This pttmtere was followed by a tow to Hqory and Auatria in 1952 and since then the ttinen.ry bas expanded each year until now it bu performed in !DC!"' than thirty countries. 'Love Bugs' To Parade Sexy Weather TV's Weir Draws Fans AtAnaheim , ,,--:;,c'fhen lt rli.na It pours, and More t b an 1,200 1aity thiJ i1 the year of the deluge decorated bug-like cars will f o r television weatherman _ ..... !or -'·-· In "Love ....... r-Gordon B. Weir, the sexiest Baa Day" at Dilneyland 00 certlflcated meteorologist in Sim.Mar.II. EiOtY aOmi-llnallstl in four all Cllrlstendom. cateiorlea wDI J)arade 1brotJP Weir-weary hi terms of bis the ''Jh&lc Jttngdom" In a dilmally frequent r a i n contest to llOled Ille "Most foncalll, perhaps, Southland Lovable Bug" with the top wome.n are enCbanted by the prize, a 1181 Volbwqen. KNBC prognosUcator oo all The porade of w 11 d 1 y • other fronts. decorated 'IUtol acC:ompanied They are warm -iL not Jjy marcltlnc bands and Ille to1Tled -!roots, and female> lonble Dlmey cbar1c:terl will from t e e n y -b o p p e i s to paride down Main Street matronl would give up their U.S.A. at 1 p.m. seat before tht set for the The little can will compete siz o'clock news to get into in fool' categories -molt the ark two--by-two w i t b Jll)'Chedelic, most comJcal, Gordon. mosl toy-like and most "I suppose," sighed the penonalltJ. KNBC 10-year staff member, Well known experb 1n In--"that it was bound to happen." 4ustrlll design, fublon and Red-faced corporate '!!- automotive stfllnr will help ecuUve1 may have missed the · judp the cc:mpetitlon along btqe&t TV sleeper of the ~ Deu Jones, Buddy aeuon In Weir, whose craggy Hdett Ind oilier stan or •-• the fmtbQtu!Inc Walt D1aney face tGpped by • gray s....,.... fllmJ •,,.;: Love Bua:" whicb d ba1r lfves the appearan~ will l,Jll'imtere 11 Graume'i of tbe Sierra Nevadas under = K."Ibeater in Hollywood 1 ~ the q u e r i e ~ • • . received daily by th e Leading the Parade will be p b en omenal weathennan, Herbie, ~ stout-~ auto-wbO.e name is sprouting:• on hero of 'Love Bug' wbc>oe bumper stickers "-••'-•I penooallty Ind aimolt INman ............ ernntJom mate him t b • tbe Southllnd, mo~~ l J ll'1Mocrat ti.. tbe minlar ll!t. d ·• c; • r a,~ I DI femah!:drivm ;,,. v~ lint prize can: · · will be fully' equipped with "Wbat ore Gonloo B. Welr'1 n4io ud special-chrome meuarementa? .. trim .. Other -'-· ln each "What does Gordon B. Weir ... -wear lo bed?" of the four decor at In C "ls it ttue about Gordon cateforles will i n c I u d e porta6le color televtalon sell, B. Weir and Raquel Welch?" morif! cameru .m projectors Or, aay KNBC execuUves, and other cameru. ieplace M1sl Wekb with the JodClnl will bqln on Sun. name of any famed. female Mir. ZS, at 11 1.m. followed of band.!ome proportion and by Ille porade ol aemj. reputaUon . DnallttJ. Teenqed girls clutch at bis Judges will review the wrinkled brown auit in chance parade from the stepi of the meetln11 on the street aod 1la1n Street Railroad st.atloa dJanifled Daughters of the and will llllKl\lnce winners im· A m erican Revolution-types mediately followin& t h e are allegedly woot lo be& locks parade. oj hla hair. FANS FAN FLAMES W•11thermen Weir sourtt SW TROPICAL RSH Largest SelecUon of Tropical F ii h & Supplies in the area. New 2 Leclltk• Ill W, \ff!Uotf, COSTA MUA folf F1ni.w ltd4 S.-l'NI 171-0, 1tlwr11M Df'.-Ne-1 .. _.. Cbthlli.l IM "-' OfflCIJ .......,. ' iiiiiiiijjijjijiijj *Newport Harbor Cruise* Dally CruiH-2 p.m. S1turd1y & Sunday Eaeh Hour -12 lo 4 ..., ".,.... '' Mme. er.r .. ..,...,,. , .. w.rr,., .... y ..... Hertter. . Fu11 Zone Boat Co.-Balboa-673-0240 THIS AD'S TERRIBLE! That's what you'll prob4bly say when you read th• follow ing ••. Writ• me a letter telling me what yov think of my ad s in th• "W•ek•nde,." and the b .. t letter wlll get yov • case of Santa Ana lerries FREE! I 12 lig loxe1l . We'll deliver th•m t• youl Write m• et NIWPORT PlODUCI., 1:616 NIWPOIT aVD., NIWPOIT m.ACH, ATTN: Mr. Ern•st C1mp. Writ• now, you'll love th• strawberri••· -CUP THISI COUPONS A~D SA VII SA Vil-• • • •••••••a•••~••·~••••••••••••- • •UDY ••D ~ ALWAY• POPVLA• • roa ITVPPINO • .. PAIULOU& • LARGI • • • Grap•frult • Orallfl•• • PEPPERS • : oc_. : sc.. :·, ·. 1oc... : .. Ufttlt 11 •, Lhftft 1....._ • with ttlll c_,... • w"" ""' -• . ...., ,.. -I ..... tt ...... • .................... ····~···~ COUPONS IJIPIU llAlCH Z Tll••• fine r1st1ut1nh wift not "cut tho quality," that'1 why they d•m1nd th• fin •1tl That'1 why they f•atur• NIWPOIT PIOOUCI •'lfclu1ively. P1tronise !html 'Ille Ardito. 'f1lo ............. ., 'f1lo lleN, -·a. PHONI: 673-1715 HOW AIOUT YOU CAWNG US? NIWPORT PRODUCI -'-"'''-..... ---1111- Z61' N...,... -. aa !tie , ...... • \ , -, I , I . 1 :.. i ' .. . -~·-.... -..... • • ,.r ORANGE '. Gerard's . Both the coita"Mesa' and Laguna }leach locations of Geratd's -French .Ratauraots _ are 101110:.Vhat off th• !IOaten · p.th. Those who yet haven't discovered .them should lnitlBte the quest at'once. To lovers of superlative· and genuine French cuisine, the first meal' at either place can nnly come 'as a "where have I been all this time'' delight. Thereafter you're booked. Ask diners already in the know end 1lleY'll tell you how easily Gerard's becomes habit-forming. Don't be surprised, though, if there's a ~light resentment .of your futrusio.n into the world of their j>ersoillll'addiction. .. · · After all, such people have a tendency lo want the bourgeois kept out of their private preserves. But down deep they'd admit the restaurants are so good the entire populace would be dooe a terrible disservice if not enlightened. While there are some simil.al;ities and the menus are th"e-·same ln both establishments, each has a distirict pei-sonality of its own. We'll describe the one in Laguna Beach another time and devote ·Uilll ~pace ·to-the table d'hota aod the Coata M!'Sll JOcation. . ; ' ,. '•",··~ta. . ~. · SO ·VERY FRENCH ' '1 . The ·precise address of the latter is 758 St. Clair St., off Bristol and Randolph, just South of Baker. !M'aster ·chef and partner with Gerard Tbe!'f In Ibis 'flOI· I& Georges Duperroy. Both hail from European. families going back many genera· tions in tlie food and restaurant business. The origms of Gerard and · ~perroy will qever be doubted fiom tht> moment of enirmke tbrougf! • ,departure. A large . brick fireplace dominales 'Ifie slllall and intimate dining -room, Lu~~h•• fro.. 'II :30 o.ay •xc•pt Sund•y Dinn•r from 4:10 N;ghtly ENTERTAINMENT Ni9htly except Sund•y TONY FLORES His Songs and Guitar Vina Harmer ·. Trio Moncl•y lfiru S•turdoy • Dick 'Powell Trio 37 FASHION ISWll NOiPOIT ~-" -..:-~----- •1ii'Miie4! -.. ~-- • r;w,,, Mrii 7. 1969 -DAILY l'ft.fT JI • • . ~OIUll ST.llNL&Y. " ' .. ' R ES T 'A U:R A N 1, ' . Cl!UB '':A.N•D ENT'ERT Al N·MENT SCE~E .. ' which has_ a maximlim' aeallnc capaeily of .just over SO. Tllrougbout ls a prevalllng Gallic charm, heightened by French provlnclal furnlablng1 and d~or. Various ,bai\es of orm.ge,_ gold and brown accent the warmth of· ev.erythi\lg · fi'Dm wan. and celling tO table clotbs,.drapes and c~ . .' · • Another of thou-Slll8ll but lelllng loucbell -ls the V8BI holding a fresh flower on each tahle. • LUNCHEQH Sl!RYl!D f'r, .··,·ri-;, . ' ' sauce a l'orange,-'4.2.&i ff'Og'i.Jtls • 11 Provencale~ ... 25; pepper-1teak llarnb,, ,f4.llS.' .. . - - As with, the I~ menu,;~rcaD tOP-. tionally choose mm 00111• l<lnptiftc Jl!)r,,,d'<oeb.vra , and desseru.. Among · the ll!lter you· can go. fiom caramel custard, ~le 'nu>cca roll, ice cream or sherbet at 45 ceuts each lo ci-epes Suzette, for two, $.1.50. -.<.J " Fro Ill· a very select wine list o.n e. ls also ; ' I . " able lo choose the perfect -vintage· lo"cornpllinent any choice of enlree. . LuncboonspedallofthedafTues~thnlugh . LITTLE EXT.RAS · . Friday, respectively, are· 'breut-of clilcl<en au · . • • · I · Romarin, poached sea ban Duilere,,__!.~.,And Jib matter what, YPll. .order,:a Ge"1'd'•, chicken In sliepy sauce, 1tuffe\l __ lxou,. :Miil cr11>-••. ~-~ "1>e attractively 81\d effic!Ontly ~rved. Note meat. Including, soup or saled, each, ls• avlllable loo those lltt,l• t]\tras ,lite the, teq>peratilre,at wblch • for·lhe very reasonable llDIJUllt of fl,'15. · •. you receive the _warm ,sourdOllih b~d, and . the Other entrees are canellonl Piemontaise, $1.65; chicken in wine and mushroollls, $1.75; shrimp a la Provencale. $LBS; balibut saata aux champlgnons, $!.~;.grilled ' ch"se lll!d, ~IQ on sourdough, $Ui0; mmute steak, $11:25. There Is also a small and choice selection of appetizers, 45 cents to $1.65, and desserts, 35 to 65 cents. Lunch is served Tuesday tlmlugh'Friday from 11:30 a.m. -lo 2 _p.m. DINNER ENTREES . ' ' Dinner enlrees -served fiom 5;30 to 10 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday -which Include -aap or salad and two vegetables, nnp from t,be canelloni, halibut aod a ground · ~-'with mushroom sauce at $11.25 each lo double -in-. garnie, for two, $1Ui0. generous amount of butter proVided In a .special crdck. ' You · should be forewarµed that deciding on soup means you have lo make· the difficult choice between French onion and chilled vlchyuolse. They're both u good as you'll ever find so' it's hard to settle on one. · ' In c81e it's.more convenient to try the·Laguna 13each Gerard's firs~ you'll find. It at 859 Broadway. dut watch closely or you'll miss the tutn that leads to the exact location. . TlltrY ls usoclated In the art colony operation wilb. Denise Kaufmann. Dinner reservations' are recommended !Or both restaUl'lintl. • • • _ lichee 7Restaurani •• • , Since ancient times no pepple have been more selective and discriminating about thelr'food than the Chinese. It ls recorded In the Analects that Confucius -· as long as-25 centuries ago -voiced objection lo eating "anytblng over-cooked; In between en 1UCh delicacies u veal cordon under~ked, crookedly cut or deficient in season· • • • ' ~' .. •been carried <io.wn lo Ille pc Ulllt• ~. One el r 111~.!'."t eonlemponzy ezp1esllaal will lie faaild at ""''l;lchee Reltallrant In W~ter. , .. ' WOO l'AttllLY -. . . .. , The WniJy-Wf!O th!it ope~tes tldi spllildld establishment la o)lvloQJ!y MllOOled' In the - heritage-of chlnele cookery. And you'IJ0 -orChelr ·knowledge wbethtt You order a 'la carla.ol' fiom ; the com~tion luncheon plates~ and wDur llYle dinnefl. " ' ' . I • • . .. ' ~, with the --luncheon menumi:oii>- blnatlon plates, al\ served with chef's · "'°P• are offered. with a price variance• of on)y 15 IS. These choices range from . a low of $1.llO ~ 4• IUX« vegetable cliow mein, pin~pple 1hrimpo.and s\eiuned rice, lo a ·high of 'l.65 for chiclien almolid. bar-l>q spareribs, fried shrimp, silver wrappejl chicken aod fried rice. ' HOUSE SPECIAL: • There's also an unusual bOUle sj,ecial, 1beef ho yow rice, which conslsts : of pea podi, watercheslnuts, lllUsbrooms aod bamboo. ,oboots In oyster sauce, lopped with a fried egg, (or $1.fO. • A la carte, the tab can climb·hihier fl,. such items as chow mein Cantonese, .served with ahrimp and chicke~, $2.00; moo goo gai pan,· mushn»om chicken, $2.20; pepper steak tenderloin, cubes of choice steak cooked In soybean sauce and chcpped bell peppers and onion, $3.00 ; lobster Can!Ollese, $3.75. A limited but well·roonded aelection of no1>- Chlnese dishes ls available loo. Jn addition lo cold sandwiches, tb·ese include aucll possibilities as a hot turkey sandwich, grilled northern hillibut steak and deep fried eastern scallops. - blea, ham and ch..,., $3.75 ; veal Oscar, $3.115 ; ing." , Cont'nued p 21 sweetb{Ulls, saute chasseur, $3.95; roas~t-=d::uc;=k~li;:;ng;i'1o;;;:;;;;;:;;;i;Thi;;;:;;'s=a•dlll=ir;;;ab;;;Je=t•ra;;;d;;;iti;;;'o;;;n;i;, ;;;fc;;;ort;;;un=a;;;te;;ily;;;,;;;h;;;a;;;;;s ?======;;' =;;°":;:;;;;;•;;'°=======; Dinner at Llchee ls still another book In the bl.story of Chinese cuisine. JI goes fiom the opening chapter on appetizers through a lengthy list of a la carte choices in Oritntal specialties, 'OPBr TC ,PUBUC , I • .. IN THE UDO LOUNGE MIKE JORDAN DUO 5:00. 10:30 p.m. -Monday thru Friday 1:00 p.m ... I :00 a.m. -Sunday THE HERB-JOE TRIO 1:30 p.m. -f:OO a.m. -Moncl1y ihru Friday 1:101 p.m. -I :30 •·lft: -S.1tun:l1y M1k1 • 11i9ht 1f it -Dii11 in tli1 M1utif1I MARINE RESTAURANT 644-1700, •xf 554 fo;. te11,.,afion1 llLL MARTINI COCKTAIL LOUN&! ,----'---, 111f,1M COSTA MISA . . Bill Mamnl Presents Direct from Let V .. •"' JUBAL'S CHILDREN For ,Yoar Dlilcing and listening Pleuure DON'T RJAD THIS UNLESS YOU'RE FED UP WITH BLARING SOUNDS & WANT MATURE MOOD MUSIC D1nclnt Te THE ODD COUPLE TINY & BRUCE PLUI UN ROSE IONCllTlllll IXTl!lAGaDINAIY ·-----PH-Jllb PeClte f'llet or Steole & Wbater c-bo Complete Dinner Mon. lhru Sat. $3.95 18582 ._. at Ellis Huntlnglen leach (Town & Country) 96UU6 ----Hajden Cawey Trio HAYDIN CAUSIY. CHARLIS MURCHISON • JOSll'HINI COURREOIS . ,,...,_,., wttti n.. 0.C.•tr. Sltt.nl INCHILADA l&'TACO .......•. $1.30 C~ REWNO-ENCHILADA .. $1.45 --...... rtit ...... ..,...... .,., ..... • , COOKT AILS • · fOn I. Ad-(at Mavnoll•l HUftl .... ch '6:Z.7'11 a-tliftwersR-"·;·~;;;~.:'574 • e SUNDAY •1tUNCH • IUTAUIAHT AND e u.n SUPPEll • ,.COCKTAIL LOUN•t DINING • South Cont'• newest, IMlt •ietant .C.anfront"' dining, atop Towers Wint of Surf and Sand Hohl 1555 South C..11 Hwy. L19un1 leach, Canfoml• HOWARD'S RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS 4001 W. Com+ Hwy., Newport leacl! IREAKFAST ANYTIME WE ARE SELECTING ·FROM OUR REGULAR DINNER MENU THE FIVE MOST l'OPULAR ENTREES AS SPECIALS, ONE EACH NJGHT, FROM MON DA·Y THRU FR I DAY FROM 5 P.M. TO 9 P.M. THISI IXCILUNT YALUU WlU RUN FllltUAllY AND MARCH MONDAY ... Flavor Crisp FRIED CHICKEN .. 1.15 TUllOAY .. , • Old Fashioned BEEF STEW ..... 1.45 --' WIDHllDAY.... I \ !).S. Choice Top Sirloin STEAK .. 2.15. TNURIDAY ••• ~ . · Choice ROAST BEEF, au jus .... 2~. AllAY •••. · Local FISH of the week ...... 1.tS <llo1ce of~~: Potato· ROH • A YAllm Of CMILDUWS-1'1.ATIS Af $1.Jt ' FAMILl'." ST.IAI HOU SIS HUNTllfflTON llACH I COSTA MIM. :!. I-TOWN • COUNTlt'I' llEH~~,.\~~''°" • " ... ""-• ...... ..w•L 'tnll. 6 ,_ ~ ' •' SPECIAL SIZZLER BROCHITTi Sbftrwd boot, ... .....:.p1 ... ,,1.. ,,.., -.... Jj,I*"' musft. ...... ..,... .;. : ' • I rice • wllfi ... 11 4 -· TOP SIRLOIN STEAK .. : ... S 1.3' NIW YORK STEAK ...... ', $1.5t ·~ .. "4 .. ',, .... fril4I .................... . CHIL8MWl'POlmON V. .,.cl 1 ..... 11 Y-t 1 MAD lll09AY...,.. ,_ -T·- TOP SIRLOIN STpK Only. 11" ,_, ............ ,,._. ,,.... , .................. .. ·--· ~ -·-1•-•, ..----• mdtM• :1St1p111eca11!all•·---·1 110! AM. TO 5:00 P.M. ' :~:! =: .:.. ~.~ .... 1'c ........ s-i .. ' ' I I ' ' ' I I I . l ' l • , ' I . . . GALBA-• ENTERTAll'!MENT IN THE LOUNGE EATURJNG - llfll•Y IWltA .. tUll..• 1"IU Mt. I . PIANO.VOCAL STYLIST Nl&lf(l.T 0 _r; ~ • 't~l ,~ .. ·' " ., ~Vinctu, non vinca.t, amamua" ( , ' • "Win or lost, we Jove Jou" 1, • • f> t: -1 ' I ' ' ' ! :· . -. . I . ' :1' ' I ' You'U win .whtft you deelme to dine at Villa Romo 1 !alul toe'U both ?mt if you don 't. Let U3 .show 11ou OMr low by choosing w to ;Oioc you tht greatest meal ::ilQu•ve ever eaten. 1 , fru 1(.S mxt tifl'te and yo1'1U a.gree! -. 65 dtlectable entre~ and we're open from 4 p.m., ·~ilv1 Close<t Tt1o.eldoYSr ' . , · ' . :; · · .VILLA ROMA • · "' : 445 .Norilr'NOwpert -.. N..,... -·:MMm , ' GRAllD 0Pfllll6 SPECIAi. ' 1 :FREE DINNER. " I One C9UpOll Plf' vltlt, talc• Ollt ot Hl 1n.'wnfi ·~·3• -~ DON'T MISS A GOOD BARGAIN · 1· Princeton Dinner -10 Dlshe1 1 . ' • ' FOOD TO 60 -IMMIDIATI SIATIN• . GENERA'L YEN'S ~ .. ' CHINESE RESTAURANT · • 1500· Adaim• Avenue ·., ·· I ' '. C.lhl ~.,. ... .... 54t-19J7 + .. ·c;;;: ~ 4 o..;. O.ly, Mfilt "'"' n.r, !'"" M.lrdl IS. l• . ' -.~llJ!lllbl:Jll(11il~illl~ -, JOSEF'S-· DIXIE.~AND BAND EVERT FRIDAY AFTEllNOON FROM 5:00 P.M. ' Drop in Soon ., .,We th.ink y.ou'll like the "New Loolt" • LUNCHEON • DINNER • tATE SUPPER • SUNDAY BRUNCH • 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN ·./ 67J.lllO ----- " ' ' . ' ' : • ' • DINNER DANCING COCKTAILS . &Tllff!~iR[ REBTAUl\IANT -' ' ' ' I 2241. W. Coast Highwar Ntwpon IWtJr, (714,) i:U-5057 . " • • U.t . ' I 1 ," C~lnuWf,.... ~ .. 1,:i 1 '~)lWPectsareto?Mt4~20,.*\to ;);lufnlilorchicten C.;w~~· .,_.. ch • h wftli Cµrry sauce, ••· ; pork lnusb'loom chow Wlll ,bi, CoiN\lettJy redesigned· In !Ill conversion to a dihlng facility. . . Principals in the establishment's operation will be the Gordon brotheri, Bm!!!, Albm and Eg. gerie, widely-bro~ Southern Callfarnia· reotaura- teurs, and Jolln Munsterman. former executive --~• \ll.Nlll:s, soups, ow mein, c op ~uey, mein, $1.60 ; abalone soup, fl.25; beef m~m ~. •U foo YOWll. oweet and sour dishes · . ebop "'""· Jl.llO; ))ar.b-q port noodle, $1.10; ohrlmp and nee. foo yoll!l,g, $1.50; sweet. and sour fried won ton, " · ,AMILY D'""llU $1.40; cl11cb~,fried nee, $1.35. J Four family style · dhuie,.;; 1eried"for ; two ·· or ,,_.· only, are off erect 'It $2.40,J'f2,9$, ·$3.95 and "· 75' per person. . " , · 1 ' ' ; I ' ' . · .. ~ .. -. !Bl'' ~ ~· ) : 'k an ~.ample: 'the $2.95 'dinner coiulals of chef'• soup, bMf 1lu mai, ·fried jumbo abl!mp, ·chicken mushroom chow mein, -chlneire pea'pod • with bar·b-q pork, fried rice, barbecued spareribs, tea, fortune and almond_ cOoti1.;-f ' · . · Fo~1;_thr,,. -1~ piJ!eiipple P!lr).r: la added and, for :wur ot more, ~ppei:· !leU: teni!OFloln~ ., / ;Lichee allo serves' a ilpedp'chll4n'1!1.cliniler, tor lhose'wider 12, at •1:~. 1'1' ~ ?ecl\ve ' chef'• 1oup1 .fried abrbnp; ber·l><i IP~. allv~r · wrapped clilcken; erg too young; fried ' rice~ ·te.a· and cookies. , ··· ''I. ~.. • :, ••• . , SUCCUL.NT , . , , . Some of the ,11ldlvldul!l Cantonese 'dishes are· . casbew uut chicken, breast of chicken cooked with musbroom11 bamboo ahOots, watercbettnuta; ~ · pea podJI and garden vegetables, topped • ·with cashew nuts, .'2.45;r straw mushroom, imported Chinese •!raw mubroom cooked wllb oyster sauce, $2.50; tenderloin steak gai kow, cubes of choice. steak and breast of chicken with walercbestnuts, mushrooms, fresh peas and vegetables ·aauteed in chicken broth, $3.25. Ampng more than 70 additional al la carte ..:.ii' I Ml nllt, ... : .......... . 11f111UI ..... 1 .5.U-3"5 (QMds..day) ReWc llld inJoy' tho lflht llld IOU!ld Of the-lnthi lonlllll oettiq In Lqmla lleocll- a perfect IOltlq for memonhle dlnlJlr. QI DllM. ClllM llllbli Lfllml. ... r.-••• --,J=r·--mu.-COcktalll tuVI~ at&TAUUNT Contlnintol Cul1ln1 Cockt1il1 Sen>lnQ LuftChe<m and-Oinntr If""""' lllf'OllQ~ &mmlop. CJoa•d SvndaJi 0pttt for Private Partits Onl11 We are locet1d next to the May Co. in South Coast Plaza • 1111 s. ....... c.... .. _ 14 .. !141 YOUU ENJOY OUR ·MIDDAY I FAEl\ SUNDAY 12 P.M. l 'O 4 P.M. !FM~ Fine Oininn Sinct J965 3801 fAsr Q)..\sr HIGHWAY O:lRoN.t 01'.L MAI, C\UFORNIA P!roN!: (714) 675-1374 .+ '1 ' THE ,. ... HOUSE ' (a of HYUN ,., s.,... cw-~ SPECIAL SUNDAY BRUNCH 12.2:10 ,,II\, $2.50 ltNfrfll HOUU 1 . Irr.I.'... • ...... '' . w-5"'' cocrrAU-w SUYD '" TH Dragon D9n ' CLOSllJ MONDAYS I ftsa!LtlllM .... a• J ·411 lllOADWAY 1.AellNA •IACH 4M-mo , ., .... ._.,.·.·--~o .· ' ' ~ ~· 1. ~ } l'l,;t ! ; J;;-.,'. , ' !'i ' t '.' , I 1 f>merlcl\!l ,dlahu fri)m the char-b.roller IJld lrlll t1J1ge from .~ ,•lrloin 1te~. '2·75, to steak and lobster·tan comblilatlon, '5.75. ' ':. ' 1F~rl EAST i'oUCH The • "Lichff · · Reltauriiit, 1ocated i n Westminster <;ente~ at 6785 Weatminsler Ave., also provides a soft 'iiicf r.'laldn.i 'iiimospbUe. The spar· ing -of Ori111W objects ii' art lives an·unclutter· ed. but -utAentlc )Ouchr of the. Far East to Ult diners' ~•: '. · , ' ' ' iOne· more'11JiuAial .featUre. Beybnd the ·&tan. dim! llbatiolia; thil spot ClQlriei up . wfth .fOme fairly 'exotic' ind potent 'f,olynesian cocktails. Be corlful ;w)th ,the scorpion, pi yi, lapu lapu or ••ark's tQotb. ~ ' . ' _, Gordon's. I..agOjia Niguel The Labor Day weekend· lomru a long lime off but expectations are already building for the boli· day's schedqled ~ning of · a new gourmet res· taurantin Laguna Nig\lel. • To be know!> as Goi,lon's j.aguna Niguel, it will occupy !lie tonne, administntioD bllildlng.of the Laguna Nlguei Corp. just off .Pacific Coast Highway on Crown Valley'Parkway: The structure ' ~ I . cllef at the El Niguel Country Club. . OLD TIMERS . Tbe seCoocl generation in the busineH, th' Gor· dona ~ectM!y have more thll!I a' ca,ituey·~ ex· perlence in operating fine ra!auranU. Bemie la e:xecutiVe· vice preiiclent of the Revere ' House in Tustin. and Albert operates the popular Room At The Top, located atop the Sunset-Yin• Tower in Hollywood. . Tbe . Gorcloos also direct the rec~.opened Twin Lakes. Inn at Lake Los Angeles, a nrrio com- munity in Palmdale. ' • Dining area In the Laguna Nlruel spot wil1 ac· commod:ate 130 patrons, and a coc~ Jounge and bar will ·seat in the .Jieigbborhood of 50. It will .em- plo:f a itaff of approximately 50 persons when open • Total costs for the new restaurant, including land arrangements, fixtures , recresignillg and· con-~ are. reported to be well in excess of *500,000. Give all due credit to the Gordons and Mun· 1terman for their plans. out 'N' About bas had·tbis site pegged for some lime as the idell) place f9r a top.flight l!l&tro. ·-~-',....-' · :ig\ ~:~~1~.~ :;;.~:.: ~~·· ~;~;b:··R:~; • • ~ •\SI. t!7l'UJtUDIT6-~f/ ·~~ PRESENTS : : 'ENTERTAINMENT -3 SHOWS NIGHTl Y -DANCING • : · Monday thru Saturday : CAROLYN STEIN Sens1ti~nll Au1t;1G1n Songstreu .. & JIMMY VANN TRIO ' CONTlNENTAL CUISINE . . 211 Z N AYI. IC-~.'i~UNTINGTON 11A 14 : • • " ' ................... ,. ·-· •• :·-· •• ·•Ii ••••• PRUENTS Dlred from Their 8·Natlon Orient Tour . . ancl ·Appearance on. The Steve Allen · Show -' VICKY LANO and . 1BOB FLETCHER ' ' In The Dritiuloell Lo ..... ,, ' T,UESDAYS 'Thni ' SUNDAYS ALSO DANCING TO THE UN CERVI TRIO IN THE VELVIJ KNl~HT ROOM · Dlseothequ.~ Dancing , \ . . ' Wntte•••v trar11 s ........ -• p.-. -1:se ._,,.. WITH THI · " • HERE: AND Now'.Sl.tER BROS .. • . DON'T MIU THI • DANCE CONTEST .. IYIRY SUNDAY NIGHT · •, ' Weekly Winning Couple RtceiYls $25 and Becomes. Eligible for OR~NP FINA'L AWARD OF . I ' ' . $250 PWS WBUE PAI> WEEKBID 11 LAS V£6AS . ' • ~ . f ' 1041 8AYSIDI DRIVE e NIWPOllT llACH e 671-0200 -· ------ • " I .,. I !-:·,, 0 _ ~:•Nog.-ReYi~w~ .... I ' I .• , ' "'"''....' : t Ki&' -Losing · Tr Dnl"fl'_ed''Better -· . ...;...-... 1 ~ BAll,Ky -llily -SUSia -illol llS;<oinc8t . ..J ~ .,,.___ Mme and Ibey happily -·ID lhianda! ""1n1 -led --ad'taleall . 11 ·-.:. -i lhat, ''to try .... do _.., tba1----It"' -.. a.r. noniWIJ, --·1 hall • ..mi..i IDdttlduala la And .,. -todaj thal liave 1i11f1t lo the end of the . the """"1 cOuld do wllh a the H~ producot -ht ::!: ~~ ~. stroa of Ibo poa If Ibey pol "" the -lOit mort 5-Do.ts Jr the wllllod to -nllo part of thm$1.111111Dthllfluco. M..-. foor 1t1r1 frmn the the flt,D -fer Slllan'I Fenf -than 1,1111 ~ Mod SqUld !how and olber loaf ,d e le r red lddney ~ '..i the Im' "' 11,ooe -performers. . • tnmpl nt _..uaa..,. ~ .:L ...... -of ~ with the ... Tllfa la • mlOw .... the& wu. flJ.lllO ---. cepllonoftlleclever,.yenaWe apln It Isn't. We have· no .-.eoe -;-·,J17 bad • Do.ts woold, apln ""'1!Wl1, c o tn m e n I s ' o n. t h e COlllltfll m. ·Not cme Of tJ.O b&Ye· fO\'Olved on,lhJnc olbU performance, oo·almomly en: pll'la ... -a• - thin a bWI of llCorn -Joyed by the ~ there for 11111 a_.ce llUI q. thli writer. 'l'hal is .....,, ob-for, u Ibey &117,• 1bOJ dido~ -ate away a total· of vio\lllY" we ...wa..·~ under play our kind of llllllic. ' • $11, 7llO. aey dfcumst•ilcet, ba,. loeon WE'llll: NOT h u r lln * It la to be .-aly ~ found dead. In the Convention anyone's fee11nc when we 117 thal thla --will· no& Center Sunday night. thol We .-ul:od to wrile blllill the -• IT of' the INSTEAD, WE coum.d it a rm.. . by tbe Oedlcated dedicate•!' flOOPle wllD ire .~ 1 prlvile(e to be nuinbered orgulaers of the -with lllnl IO bird lo 11"9 a., 17- amoog· the' 'scanty audience their lull ~ of jull year-old ...... -(Ir!.~'. !hot -·-by thele how we ,fell about ,Ibis type Jeaae °'! life. It WU :lne ladleo and gentlemen. Fnr ...r musical olfe1ing. a trqedy. tllal IO llllllY houri Ibey, Uke us, have Verj mucl> · But il dl d n;,t· ;take ~ ·,of ~.J"-!.~;b~ia...tter al heart the welfare of 8 chartered , -t, · t 0 111111 -ftap ~· I . r::=:~r.~~;;:;:;vo;;i!ii.,i!iii!ii-~~·~1 fruits. ~ ": . TO 80 lt\NY pqle hi thll -~ .... ~la a mtn' ID .tlle•"1!:1ieL And II JOU --~--tbelr . ' 1' Cbeclr: liooa -111e 11111 of f:Jalldren'• Tlaeeter. · ·wlDllv a-. 1 _ thla allrad!w, >Iii ,...., ' ' " . . . . ' t lady Ii al llib. Servant gip,.Tonl Douglau, taUa onion from the ftllidl'I ~ ..... , ... -.;.,.,._ ....... . ta9ty tantales ••• .&I othl!r ... !Jdt·Soltth"..of ..... ldfder spedaltit;s, wrved Maid lhe colorful .-.pM.e of old Met· ko. Delishtful-"* cock&aif ... -.. ...... &M ",.,... .. Ml( •alidclMdo0ol ....... .. -. ,_..,. .......... _. WB SAJi> tl!al thll ~ G<!>UmiW>-ln-W~, 111llMlller,ln.''1beEmperor be no ,.view ·It couldn't . b8 apd the Nl&hle!Ifale. ' ilbe play II tnHDled ln Ofi. 811)'1hlng ~ ihon what it eiltal mime at' Sou1b Coul ~. Bundaya ·at la .iter •lll<hln& • halidful, 1and3 p.m. . " . • -' None Ali•~. fauoulm. • I .H"'".l~h.~~·il ·AMl,os ••• tM~-.t . , . "'-liNIMllliqll~s. • ol .gallant performers worldn& I tblir hearts ' • d • Defore· a . ' aPrloldhil of apectatGn. ; .-And a ftnll word ~· two :'! members ot .fbe r prea who , ; attended Ibis conceri ud took -• ' ~·of their -·to , claim free -·at·tldt bDl!t iierfcrmance.. Wo pold and ' . . "° . ' , I, I~.~ .. ~4UerlnJ••: 1-· • 11' r l ( , · T ' Ch~Uie ,·f~wr~s · • ..,i:· ···''.~ food ..... ., Amba ' ~-,.. •AMaY IES'rAUIAN'IS COUliled It,. a prlYile(e to ~· . .. and to donlte to llila WT . B . d Art worthltslolcauaes! ( w.arner air . . They.bo,; .. ilDd ,;; - them. And we have a mes&llt for them today. , t cDlr.\ ............... , ..... ............................... ~ ....... -~ WHY NOT CHANGE YOUR LlJNCH 'HABIT? . ., Varied Dally Sp0aal ~'t~~1 we'lr~.Yf· " tllllt11G1f " ' . oii· .. ' ' --1, " COCK'FAILS ' . ' ... .., •· DISCO..XER NEW . DINING"PLEASU~E I Savo; ~innlf;-w:ith o;,-.. "',_~~ ~. spinach ·Nt.d, ·and . freilt lii1Me4 bread. M'odtr:.t• ·Prices • • ,. . of cOutse~ · •·,, ' $1.45 Coldest Martini In Town ! M-P'-ltolt.n l .... ilottl ~\ ... T ...... ,._,.,. PfW Chkkan '<2.JO • Dine in frlendly1 snug surroundings -uni· quely redecorated in .the cclorfu~, informal at'mospher• of sid•·•treet San Francisco, Swingin' Pieno Ber Eiloen Wright,. Wed. thru Set. Golo St. Pat'a Party, t,ltin., Morch 17, -• ., ,_ ·• I ART GALLERY ' ORIGINAL ·on.s ly, 1 .. dh19 c•••t 1rtl1ta. di1pley1d for y11r 1t1f.Y· f11111t or puuh111. ' 3344 E. Coast H'jfY;, Corona D~ Mar ',., ·-.... ,, •• • '.:MA•B·18 " DOORS Cl'Ell . • limoos4 .. ·wtmllll 121111111 Matts"$15.llldl Ii ... ~DISPUYS SAIL• a, llOAT1118 LESSOllS, J111lor · · MatlnH . .. . Saturday,··2 ·p.m. "TARZAN DIE APE :MAN'.'. cA~!l\'oi.s AU SNta 50¢ I I i-" . . ' ,,..,MN7,1M I Al-tin POI 19"°11MA11C111 TWO llG OttD TOGETHER ' J)'cMM.i,11 ~ ' 'II ·~l-ijn Qrl9 riol Un.Vt ' ' ~ . . .llar.r.n FIRST RUN · HARBOR AR~ ONE OF· THE · TOP TEN, 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS . . ' . ' . ., . · 1-.1Fa"".'7wsou.TH coast:: lllQll. ~l"LAZ·~- . -· SM'*90F_ll_ 0 ~ I ' . ' . . . .. . , ··· 'J;CI SMASH , WEii< · ' , ·- 1 OPE.N DAILY. 6:00 ' P .M. . sc.t. & Suri: 0,. 12, ~ ·WALT • ' . ' -; " -• I I I l I MIO fCHAllLll, THI LONllOMI COUOA!t" ; ' ;---.... --·--IWlllPMllVl~lll ION4sMl11P.ll.-COUtAIMI -j ~· ; I ' * PHOllt 0 212.0421: BEYl:~LY HILLS * OR ll!Avtl .IQOO' SWiil ,_Tw:i..-:ii: ,.,....., 1 • -"-------coue __ A ___ ... _~.:_t.ll_,..----..-1' I " 1&11.l PIUJf L'AMOUR, L'AMOUR -Ludmila Mikael.brigbleM the life of Jolin Phillip Law in "The Serg-." cur· renUy playing 1n local thea!efs. Rod stelger stars In the tttle l'Q)e. Steinberg Slat~d On OCC's Stage The Orange County Pbillwmolllc Society w i i I pment tbt Pittsburgh Sympbony -Orchestra, with William Steinberg conducting, on Sim., Mar. 11, at 1:30 p.m. in the Orange Coast College Allditorium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. This orchestra, under the ·direcUoo ol Sleinberg for 16 aeasona, bu established illelf as one of the lix foremost orchestras in the United States. Its inventive pro- graminl has ranged from world prtmieres to the finest or classics. The Mar. 16, program In- cludes Overture to "Oberon." by Weber; Sympl>cmy No. I In F Major ("PuUnle"). Beethoml; Don Juan, Op\13 ON. OCC PODIUM 20, Strauss. and Rapsodie William Steinberg Espagnok,Ravd. ~~~~~~--=-~- Tickets, ft.00, att on sale at the Orange County Phllhannonic Office, 201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Buch. Sludenl tickets, $1.75. Phone M™J'i. Philharmonic Orchestra. 1be nut Orange Qlunty Pbllharmonie Society concert iB scheduled for April 13, with Antal Donati as euest con- ductor wUh the Los Angeles A dtange in the location ot the concert has been an- nounced. It originally was set to be performed in Crawford Hall al UC!, but haa been rex'heduled and will be pre- sented Jn the auditorium of Orange Coast College at 1:30 p.m. that ~unday. Crossword P11zzle ACROSS '13 Skltrs" 111llltu 1 Mosla1 44 Exist 1 lnont 45 Showtd • 6 Can Int 1must1111t1t feature 47 Ctrtaln ll Ntt Un~ trorsts In ••an I 51 Coln of h•t Eur opt 14 Bynntlnt 5Z Lid tht WIJ empress S4 Kind of U ••It t'ftUS soldler U Kind of 1tl1 51 Outbttili: trouble 59 Grand Dute 17 Fr. ltglsl• of Moscow live 61 Foniet bodt Indian 11Arfw Ind" .. ~ ... ,. 61To·-: 19 UnconM Perftct 20 Condl11tnl 2 words 22. Argued 63-Claudlus 24 Gilt Gaesat 2i £1tcltlcal 64 Union army Insulators c;hltf rf AnU· 65 "Tht• as ~UuUOllsls" has, -" •1111: 66 Btca11t 2 words larger i31 lnd11-67 ltmbtfs of tsz llloss, Lortnz IL noble r ;111. s. •11111, 3Jt...irs-DOWN 7 Cha lab II quid I 'Btn-: Scottish mountain '9 Grtedy 10 Yanlt's ntlghbor 11 Not blunt 12 "Down _ .. 13 City In lflt Aire valltJ ll Prima'[ optlc1 area: Abbr. 23 Siga of Elsenftowet 35 Tftlt: Abbr. 31 "ISus S*°'" exertion lR'"''"'°" ZSl~IY z • .,r.. A""r''• -39 Plonttr In Utah 40 Famtts' ,...,.eo11oo. 41 Rtcent: Comb. fol"ll'I 11'2 For•ost's c01fP111lon I 3 Engllslt tslan · countr 17 Part of 4 lorktd up: the ftce 3 words 21 N.-ro• 5 lord In · passage blrthdaJ 2' Wort: greeting CoMb. fonn •Temporary 3~ Rout out of fashion lled: Dial . 3(7/'9 ' 34 Tiii 35 Afl'lctn 36 Catdt..wllll a lasso 37 Co11un1t\M traffic offtnse 39 Soft and : · pliable I 40 Talten lo , I .,,_ •2 "Born~· 43 Unf•lll.,. · 44 "UAdtrnaUt The-u "' StSMI plant 47 Young cod 48 D.Clal• 49 Plant whlcll ls rtpl•Utd 50 Cut s• v .. 1n11-ss Talk 56 Sta eagle .57 Furrows 60 Hef'l's COllPlnfOll 6VJDE 'J'O 1'10VIE8 ·· • Sergeant .Taut Show -'1111 11111 ••• 27" ., .... IEdllor'1 Nolf: Tl h ...... oul<!e ". prepared br IM filmi -milt« of Harbor Covncll PT A. Mn. RoberC Soren.en Lt prtri- <Unt and Mrt. lfarl SIDt""V is ccmunittce ichairman. lt ii fntendtd a1 a refermc1 1n detmnhUng .ndtable film, for eerie~ a o's , Of'01.U'I , and JoiU ' Ct>PfGT wekl'1. Your ottio1 art .10Udted. Mail tbtm to Jlo- .,;, • Gllld<, cart of lh< DAILY PILOT.) * • • ADIJL1S AMa1udAWoma:A poignani French rormnce cen- ters on the conflict . between 1 woman'1 , broodln& love for her dead hu.ohand 11111 her new love for 1 m1n who wants to marry her Jn t.b i a m1aterplece of mood photography. Je1n-Louls Trto- tignent and Anouk Aimee. • . . The , Detocll" ( IM.A ) : Frank Slnltr1 pi.,1 I dedicated "cop" Whole ~ vestlgaUon ol 1 murder · Ind suicide uncovera Police cor.. ruptloo 11111 l>rullllUOI, u .wen .. ~··lole9oo la.lllia viplepl . l"~· .fll Ille sordid Ind· bnzlal · ~ ol Nf.'ff Yort. Hl.t nympbomanlac wi!ellLeeRemlcL '1'111 Prodaetn: llllariolla and 11111 farce about haHMn producer Ind mllquetoul ... countant .who over-captt,.nze I BroldWI,}' flop. Zero MOstel •tin. ne lecrOt Life et Aa Amerlen Wife: Sophlltlcated, l1ridly ldull cOmedy ol I bend 1 u b u r b a n botllewife d~ tO proy11·~ benelf that her c:hlnna ue llUI -po. tail: Anne J1cUoo Ind Wil- ier Matthau lllr. • ne Serput (R): A taut drarqa 1et in contemporary U.S. Anny. Rod Sltlger 11 caat u the 1er1eant wbo ill drawn to • YOUD& tortured youth (Jobn Phllip Llw) In Warner ~lann.ing $3'00,000 Setting A $!00,llOO let II under ...,_ structlon In the JOlhua 'l'r9'. National Monument for f<There W11 A Crooked Man. . .'', the Joseph L. MIDklnk:I production for Warner Broe:.· Seven : Arla 111rrtnc Kirt Doqll1 incl Henry Fonda. Th e Technicolor-Panavl.sioa. drama la bein& produced and dirttled by Mlllklewlcz, with C. 0. (Doc) Erlcklon u tt· ecutlve productr. l1anz such .. ctll doors, -11111 locks IJ'e belq crl!tOd· at the Warner Jlrol .• Stven ArtJ Studio in B.urtiank, CIUI, llld lllllpped to the IOCI· , llon. Slz ' -pllsler panels raemblln1 IClobe brick In being cut 11 the ltudlo ud at the location Itself. Some· supplies, such u wood llld heavy timbers, .,.. being pun:buod In Indio. Painltatln& attenUon to delall Includes the bauliq of trucklolda ol loploll from !be Coachella Valley needed for llrp .,... " mod followlq rlln sequences. The lopooll 11 • ........,. -ol lhe - ,.._ raaJl1Jl.tN·11: Wall Dllney'1 IPiriled 1a1e o1 a llDilly • lblpwr9cted• On I dll<Med lillnd 11' lallor-1111de ,.,.. the . enUre fmllly. Slan John Mllll llld Dorothy McGuire. .. * * . THI MOTION PICTUU CODI AND U. TIN• l'lO.U.M Tk M.+i•• rict.r• Cff• •114 hti11t Atlmi11iatratlH •pj11ll•1 th• f•ll-i11t r•tl11p t• film• 41atrl\wtH i11 th• U.S.A. ,.ic- hr91 rat.4 S, M .; k ~·Ufy fw th• CM• s,.1. 49 Plctw.1 r•tH X ·'• ••t r•c•iY• • Seal, Th• r•ti1111 .,,1y-.t. ,11tart1 r•l••••4 •ft•r Nlh'- lt., ·I, 1961. Plcfllr•• ral••••' lt•hre tltat 4at• ara 4•1crib- M •• '''"1 .. nly I 49 alfl4/•r SMAI. Jll-S11t1•1t•tl f•r atNllAL a114ia11c•a. l!l-S1111•1fatl f•r MATUU a1141•11c•1 ll'ar•nt•I 4ia. 1ratle11 a4vlia4 I. [81-«DTllCTll -'''"''"' ""'" '' .... ''"''""· v11l•11 a1cem,•111M lty p•r•11f •r •4ult 91111"4· ia11. ~-·· ... ............ n.11 .,. , •• 1trlctl•11 t11•y be hither I• 1erf1l11 aree1. Cltec• th••"• ., ,,.,.,+i.1.,. " --·--~ .• *. lflY IC;IQS. *• , M. IPICIAL.t80W SAT 1 1\91·-,.Mfll' PQl1T~ . .......... ....... ~Ci••• ............... , 'Ac*"'Y ·~ .........,.. •+1111111111a 111 ... .-..... ..1-iM W01dWlnl c~ ._, ........ Alan Miii • COlOlt ""llleM_, ... '-""- . ............ .. .,.. ,,. ..... .. z.,. Mostlt COLOlll: ..................... For Adv1r.tlll"f1 In The Weekend~r Phone 642 -4321 The I m m e n a e structure, covering four acres, la a ter- ritorial prison of tht 1880'a. set in the high desert «I milu northeast of Indio, Calif. Film- ing there next month will mark the flnt t 1 me pennllslon haa been granted . for a motion picture to be made in the National Monu-ment.; dJ n1Wre of dftttt aoll A.~:iiiii~iiiii quarry ·wldch II port ol !hell :,e1 i:u~ ~:e.iba=i: Creative Drama Workshop The aet, deaiglled by pro- duction dOllgner Edwin! c ... rere, will lncluclt H bulldlnp compleidy enclond by a will IO feel high 11111 four lee! lhk:k. ll<cluse . fll heUcopt<r filming, all tho bulldlnp will be COfllplelel.Y roofed. A wagon.tr.a road into the remote aru was bulldozed llld widened ,.,.. I distance of three miles to provide .c- cw lo the Id. ln for the purpose. ••••m• NOW The bulldinp within the ,_ ,., .... , ... • ~ ,.,_ • CALL wal1I will Jncludl a pardt' MN. .. 1.1111 .. -IJl-1t11 barracks. wll'deD'a quarten ~ ltd~..,~ MWH4 . 11111 olflce, ..... ball, tllclllo, ~~~~=i holpllll, b1ac:bipllh shop. I :; mule llhed llld cornl 11111 seven fUll'd · towera. A final touch wlD be I laJlows [Cll' prison uecuUono. Cover aeljl will Include the warden'• office arxt . quarten, Eighty Hollywood crllllmen the pPllll, on dlbkonvlct are currently workln& on the cell and 1 10litary cell. An loc1Uon, where construcUon addiUonal cover 1et mey be beg111 lite In November llld encled In Indio lllelf, wbere will be compkled In the neil the COl11Pll\1 will be held- few weeb. -quartered. 1 COMPLnE PRINTING SERVICE ..... _ ..... • rnvlt111otw • "°'"''" e H_ 0,..111 PILOT MJ.4321 2211 Wiit lall1H llevlWonl, Nw""" loodl -- DON'T Miii THIS PIO•IAM YOU'U HA.ft A PllHCT\.T llUa+mVL IYININ• "May ProY• tq le the Year's Most Enjoyable Picture!" ·-~ AU WAl.t DISND SHOW c..t. s.t ..... 1JlJt , ... ...., ..... , , .•. POSiTrtnT INDS TUUDAY ~bnmEtu RoiWF.o ..s'JUUET IPICIAL IAtUUAY MOININ• STUDINT SHOW • 11 A.M. -$1.21 WITH STUDENT CA.ID tlAllQll at ADAM.$, COSTA MESA, l'HONI:' 546'3102 • MOMINATD POI • BEST ACTOR A,.<:::::.• BEST ACTRESS 6 AU.II Al .. N -INCLUDING JOANNE WOODWARD BEST PICTURE Of 111£ YW! Best Supporting Actr111e1 Esnu1 PA.HONS -...... CHIL" SANDRA LOCll:I-"HIAIT" Beat Screenpl•y "RACHEL. RACHEL• ~m®.~rRd] WHO CARES ABOUT A 35 YEAR OLD VIRGIN? ............. _, rachel • ....... . • • • . • STAR'' T•V~ CL•.''!'ff!S Ar $7 50 AND SAn • , ON TOii NUT SlmCI CAIL (~ l..,i,_ M.l't JI, l ... J ICA -SALIS • $11YICI DNITH ,. ... I~ • .. tli.te hr\<lns . 642·9742 275 E. 17th ST" C:OSTA MISA -·-....... _ . - GORPO ' ,3.'! • • MISS PEACH Oil ~ . • • ENEMY SOL.Plt!RS?' · ' . • iY To111 K: Ryan i l ' I • 11 fi q ' k 11 ' ly Gus Arriola . ' .. TELEVISION VIEWS H9pe· Shows , • • ToP' ·RatiDgs By RICK DU BROW ' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Bob Hope's incredible popularity with the television audience is docu- mented ln a ratings aurvey of the season's top prime time specials published by the show business weekly "Variety... . The coini!dlan's annual Christmas show -bull! around bi1 performanees for American troops over- seas -was · the No. 1 special !or the Period from SeptenlBer to the"beglpning o! February . . . IN ADDITION, alioiher of bis specials was the sl'C<1!1d·raMed' sl)pwJ Alld two oli)~r H!>PP programs placed in the top 10 for the periOd covered-mak· . µig. for ~. l<?lal of !our, .. Furthennore; two : more Hope specials finish-.ec! amopg the lirat.2.5· rated. • •1 One~ .aiain; the C~rtoons starring the charaCt-~1'· cif the "~~arlyta•• c_omic strip proved that, next to· NBC-TV'•· Hope; they are just about the moat papular special· flgllres on the three networks. ~ ·Two of the'·CBS-TV 11Peanuts" cartoons rank- ed 8Dl()llg ihe top ·tit. And, remarkably, both were reruns. The C~ristmas season provided the theme for three of the top 10 specials. There was the Hope program, of course. And one-of _th~ .. P~nuta" _r_e-- runs was keyed to !\le Yule· celebration. And NBC. TV's Andy Williams Christmas show ranked ninth, FOLL.OWING the two blgbest-rated Hope specia)s, !he remainder of the top 10 consisted of: , The.Elvia Presley hour, "Heidi," another Hope show, a "Peanut&" cartoon, another Hope show, another "Peanuts" cartoon, the Williams broad- cast and a Harlem Globetrotters 'basketbal!-comedy special. , · Ranked in the next 10 moat popular specials were : . . The Alan King 'hour, the Ann-Maniret show, a . rerun of the "Rudolph !he l!ed-Noaed Reindeer" cartoon, a Te~es.se~ Ernie Ford program, a renin of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (allOlber cartoon); a National Geographic hour about' rep- WeS. and amphibians, "The Little Dnunmer-Boy,'' The Miss Teenage America Pligeent, NBC-TV's election coverage· and "The Lions Are Free." ' . THIS ·LAST SPECIAL was a followup on the fate of the prl~e of J!Olls made famous in the movie f'Bom Free." ' I ·'' ·Rated front 21st to 30th -among '<the speciAJs were: . · Tlie Suprem~· broadcast, Ii. ~ack Benny hour, ~er Hope show, the Frank .smatra program, another !{ope show, a Bing Cros~y ouUng, a Jlth Nabors variety special, a voyage to the Galapagos Islands with Prince Philip as narrator, CBS-TV's electlOll coverage and the Mitzi Gaypor hclur. THE CHANNEL SWIM : "NBC Experiment' In Television" presents ita hour documentary by, with and about ,Ital!an· movie director Federico Fellini In prime time April 11 .•• LeojJold Stokowskl, lfl, conducts one selection of an aJ;I!~ach progrBn}. on ClJS.~a· "Youn~ People's C~ert" with Leonard llersteln March 30 • • • Evangelist Billy Graliam appear! on NBC-TV's "Laugh-In'' March 31 .•• 01car nominee Ron Moody, o! the film "Oliveri/' perfor'ml on the aame network's PetuJa Clark opoclal April 7 . . f)ennJ• tlte lflenfle~ ·~ ' . ·~ ' . , ' ' •• • I . • I • • • • -· Tr~ll~~.·.~iven Q.@~~. natitvt;,, Ra\l '"Sweden's Hanoi Ties . Baldwin M. Baldwin, pre>- ~ minent Newport H a r b o r t yachtsman, has sent -0ne of hil most prized trophies back to lLs donor in Sweden becauu be resented that ~tr.y'• re-cenl recoghJUon o(Nortb Vid-· nam. '!be trophy was the prize he'-wm for being first to finish in &be 1960 transaUantic race from Bermuda to Marstrand in Db: former yacht, Escapade. Jlal4win ~nl !hp ttopby to the Swedl!h collllllate in Los " . The Balboa ~obi. ·Ii.I·" b and the Lido ,Y'i(ch17'C1ub have issued inv atlons to lhe Ball Regatt~ one of .the µiore widely attended. yach~ing' ev- ents or ·the spring season Sa- turday ind Sunday. Theis is the annual event ln which the two clubs fODlbint their sailing talents ~ well -as social events. As ls customary, BY will handle the r"'*"·,o£ ; h<e· large boat cl~ OU!side COllllle.'. Clasie! l~vlled ~ Ocean Racin(I:, Rhodes-3Y, 501- ing, PHRF, MORF, Luders-16, Endeavor, Cal-25. !:xcalibur, Santana and Cal-20. ' ' I ' Anlelu with. the following lei· ter: "1 am the holder of the Swedish trophj won by me in •my yacbt Eio:apado in the Jtso transa.UanUc ract from Bermuda.to Marstrand. "Jn .view.of your country's recent reCognition of North Vietnam, one of the United States' enemi~, , I wish to return this trophJ as an .ex- pression of my dis&Upt of a ·country which takes iucll ac-- lion andr one .that also givu . .. , • ' - • , ' • . ONLY $299 DOWN $134 .• 19 per~.,•'!~-·. , o.A,c.. . . . . . . ·· ···~~·~··~············-············ .. e $ . 00 DOWN . • CASH ·or . T~l ·w1LL e : .. . ·' " · D•LIVER AN~ JllW C:4R ! . : . r. DON'T WAIT! YOU CAN SAVE JJ.P.. TO .. 1 ·: ·.. '· · · .PLUS TAX AND LICENSE · . . . e " · . . ON APPROVED CllEDIT! . . e. · "< .•.•• .,, •• ~·······~ ................. ~-··~··' ' • • l ' • ' ~ ., . '&&PORSCHE 4 speed, radio~ heater, sharp .. Lie: WAF ~75. . . '. " '&5 FURY . 4 speed, be8ter, ,.bite wall tiles, ', real . ali.,.p:" whil!e' '.wlil) red' in-' . '65 C6 eysler '~~ 168 .CHEVROLET . " '63 DODGE GT , ¥• TON PICKUP ~·~R -~P. Fu~ power, U>ngbed, VB, autamitic trans· 2 Door. 4 speed. Radio, heater, plus m 'condltionmg. Lie NQW iniBsioo, .power steering, ~adio,, . while walls.-HZZ 190. • 000. · · 1 heatei;, split rims, be a.v y .duty'. ----------P.----•"".., ... --111•----· ···----· ·' ·: .. '1495;· ,eqwp~~69520923A . '61 DODGE , ·· '&r::PLY.r.JOUTH '65 ;PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. sedan. a. cyl., automatic transniission, rQdio, uawr, power. steering, .pqwer brak .. , air conditiOniJig. 1'952280112. 5895 terior. t;.ic.,1;1XU,j16l.1.1 . , ... "''"&· . ·09 . ' . . . . ' . $ . 3695 , '( . , ' . '595 '. " '67 NEW YORKER . . '. . '65 BUICK LE SABRE. Air conditioning, automatic transmission , power brakes, r. ow e·r steering, white walls, e ectric seats. Lie. ROG 048. DART. 2. door. 8 'cyl. 4' sp~ 4-door, ~Uf9nia:ut:·· fr~missiOn, FURY 1r: Autoinetic tranambsi6n Rad . b t le #31NI~ ra,tlo Ami b~ate?~·whi1':!idewalh. , ridio, heater, .white wall&. Lie. to, ea er, e . ~. . • ll'YD 976. .. ',i Uc :;zj?$ .. - '65 CHEVROLET . NOVA. 2 door· hardtop. 8 cyl. 4 .speed. Radio, b"eater, white walls. ~al s~. TW942. 51:295 · -~1495 '64 DART . . , 2 Door Hardtop .. Automatic . 'tratismissioq;. ra·dl10, ~a_ter, white side walls. Lie ·KGE·7,4~: •AIO'll CAlll.S l"l.UI TAX &.Lk:, . .. I . AT THE LAKEWOOD TUINoFF OF TH!'S•N .DIEGO RtEEWAY . ' . . j . ,., ' . . ' . . .. .. 'It FORD custom , automatic transmission, radio, heater, 11r conditioning. Lie SUK 858. '895 . . . ' ' ,. , . i" • • : '64. CHEVROtET · . . . . . ' ' ' MAf.lBU convettible. B•cyl. Ra· clio, heater. Nice little' car. SKR 8118. " ,. ' · 19:JEEP 4 WHEEL . DRIVE. Warner bubs. ~lectric .wlncb. Lesstthan sooo nilles. "Lie. w AF 680. .. .,. ' ···~ 5,. . . . . ' : •' . •' .. ·~'( . _, j • I • , . . 2-door hardloP. Juli, P.,...er, fac. tory air condiUoning, .i:radio and b~ater, .~alaqce of factory war· ranty. Lie. !K373., · .. ~i89S· '61·coNTINENTAL Full · P.,wer lnclud'i\lg ,f~ctory air . ' . ' & e1ecttic windows. Lid·VHN 263, .. . ' . .. RAY VINES • __,:4201 WJLLO)V' , lOftG BEACH . . : r~ ' P.ACUFIC ' -v • I ' • ' ) ·~ • • • • • • • I ., I I 1 I I j .1 I l I 1/8 . , t THE GREATEST PEACE ON EARTH 1s· TO OWN A PIECE OF THE EARTH! VACANT LOTS R·I LOT -View of Bay! Balboa! Price of $25,000 includes plans for 2 or 3 bedroom home. Eve. Phone -54M8e6 25x95 LOT close to City Hall. Terms .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. $24,000 Eve. Phone -51111966 \ I FINER · OMES I DOVER SHORE"$ -Unique architectural designed ·s Bedroom, home, panotamic View lot, large sunken living room, spacious ac- tivity room, island kitchen. Like oew, Asking '8'/,500. OPEN SAT & SUN -1014 Santiago Dr. IRVINE TERRACE -Newly redecorated 3 Bedroo~ home with all new carpet!n~. Built-' in dee kitcben, breakfast rm, d~g rm, o~ ............................... '51,500 Call ftlr appt. MEDITERRAHIAN -Impressive cu.tom WATERFRONT -Fee Simple Loi 30:d0-quallty home ,alliicent to Dover Shores on Newport Shores ....... .-..........•.. $27,500 choice comer. Spacious living rm with beam · Eve. Fhone -54M8e6 ceilings, formal dining rm, 4 Bedrooms, lam- . ily rm with fireplace and wet bar. Beautiful OCEANFRONT TRIPLEX! Comer in best master suite. Steam bath, healed & filtered rental area. 1988 iO'comthinl.~ ov~.!!!.o:J:,m 2 pool .... : .... : ..................... ,. $97,500 units, Owner. occupies ~~~ . ms OPEN SUN 1-5 (No Sign} m each urut. 2 umts furnis!>ed. Partially · 134 H .,_ c· 1 w liH booked for summer. Always JOO%,.occµpie4;. . ~ 7 ampsllll~ ., ICC ~' 'estc. .,...' Full price-$110,000. GoCia temu ~ ·t~ ~ ., c dilln-RY FREHcH ~ {tleal ~ holbt, Eve.,P~i-::;-18 1-1 .· S ~ms, l&ltt'faiq)ly pl), n.,. ~led., INCOME property very close, IO City ;t,;.,, ' " lminilculate. N"ear M~' !><!I ~ and Lido Shopping Center. TbniO ~~ part. .. · · .. ·: ...... · .... · · · ~ .... · $0,flOO house w /fireplace, pins three hedrooal' ~-Call for appomtment. · · · •• , ment over garage. Only 8 years old. DOVER SHORES -Exquisitely decorated value at only ........................ $(5,000. 3 Bedroom home, family rm, lanai, large · Eve. Phone -548-6966 sunken living rm, huge master suite. Exten- NEWPORT SHORES sively landscaped with citrus trees. Room 3 large bedrooms, dining room, spacious Ii¥-for pool · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $115,000 ing room w/slone fireplace. Many extras,.,. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1363 Galaxy Dr. eluding additional 600 sq. fl .......... '32,500. Orange Connty plus some·casb. _ •-.,. Eve .• Phone-5411-$66 ,...... ' ' Talce a look ,a\ lllis diierflli' otillli!ien • then view the l'..t of lliii 3 •be<!roOlii J I·'!< bath- 2 story bome.,..All of 1¥' u~urs for only ...................................... $28,500 Eve. Phone -54S-6966 Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Drive, Sutte 221, Newport Beach '4>2000 54M9'6 iohn macnab REAL:rY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 121:1 642~35 Oceanfront-Deluxe Duplex Check These Values - Pete Barrell Rea/lg ,. ' .. preunu NEWLISTING-IRVINE TERRACE, delightful 4 bdrm 2~ bath home wilh- dining room, 2 fireplaces, great en- closed yar4 for children & privacy. Shown by appointmenl SPLIT LEVEL with grea) floor plan. • 4 bdrm 3 baths & a ,.paHte family room with 1 fireplace, Immaculat:e. Owner moving to Hawaii! Price jlls\ 1 reduced for quick sale. SM AL L COMFORTABLE HOME large R-3 lot close to 17th street Slw/pping Center In Costa Mesa. 2 bdrms. fenced yard, alley in rear, room for boats, trailers etc. Our bar- gain at ...................... $15,000. BEAUTIFUL UPTOWN BAYCREST Estate living on a residential lol The lovely spaciou1 yard will give you all season pleaaure. The elegant interior offers you the luxurious pampered ceiling we all enjoy. The entire fami· ly has ample room in this 4 bdrm, family room, 3 car ' garage beaut.v. Quiet tree lined street. Vacan~. Reaey for immediate occupancy.' ·. -1i - \ . WE HAVE summer " yearty leas" water-front home1 available. Call Bill Bents OFFICE OPEN Saturdays ·& Sundays 1605 WESTCUFF DRIVE \ Newport Beach 642-5200 ~~ ~·?' ,,. f' ' (. , llO v~tr wo1ti Spacious 3 BR, 2 bath, all bl~las. plU! cus- tom B B Q. Enclose~ garag,,0.;~crifice-·at. 1!1!m44 $69,950 -no.ooo :t>n ot.. , ·• , ,0 S l/S 1 5 JUST REDUCED llr .Immediate sale Fam """"" • $35,IXXJ Tired of maintenance'!' Live Large lot Ob quiet stiftt. WD1 take 2 atmy. You awn the land. "'·"" DOYER SHORES Near new custom buUt 4 bdnnl. 314 bath bm:ne of un. --i de;ilP. Bulltby IVAti EXclu1lve ~t WELLS. Pn>teuklna]Jy C&JI. d .. ,.,.,, .......,, landtcape<I. p. a. palmer In orporate Panoramic view of Bay • 0· . Hilll.P!e"1>ol"""''°'lhal 33n VIA LID r ' .• .... "1l!i. . TrHI Ph: 540-5113 From L.A. C1n MA ,__ Roy J. Word Co. (Ba,ycre1t OUk:e) ------·-----lM2 Santlqo rn. ....1550 HOME + INCOME VA NO DOWN Npt. Hghts. Dist. 2 bedroom 3 BR 1'4 bath. Front well B/! B ~~~-etely remodded2 + 1 llihted lritc:ben. bUllt ~ in ""'11VUm rental -can.au ranee &: oven, &or to cell- New drivewa)'1 • inc. pol iJ¥ ~ cpta / drpl. 2• CHOICE IRVINE """ . 129·"" • 10" d~ S=en<d '" • patio, -.. OPEN EVES. 'TlL 9 Dougbboy pool, TQxl.00' hnc> 546.2313 64;&-nn ed. iot, J.andlcaped. T r y CHANCfUOR HOMES $25;$0. THE ~J EAL E .STATEPC; • * * * Assumable Loins (One 11 5%%) 3 B<lnns. 2 Baths. Touchcll cf elecance thruout. Conv. to l!Chls + shops. 4· Bdrma. 2% Baths. Less than 5 yn. old. Upgraded S7,000 {Professional dee. + Landscp.) $38,950. Bay & Belich Realty, ·inc. 2407 E. Colut Hwy., OIM . '7s..3800 CORONA DD. MAR .. -.r.';•-.-111-• Open Houses THIS WEEKEND KMIJ this hliMl~!~ter wltfl yeu thl1 wHfc .. ....i u you .. untlnt-All thti lecatl9M 111,_. IMtlow at'll tltacrlMd In 11,..t.,. detail ~ advertlilnt elsewhert In hMlay'1 DAILY PILOt WANT.ADS, Pa,._ -IM -,__ '°' Ml• W. t• rent .,.. .,,.... h list IM.h lnforJM.. tlen In tt.lt celum1t •ch Prhlay. (2 Bedroom & Den) 440 Seville, (Balboa Point) NB o .. ,... Williemton Realtor ST.J.G50 E'vell. 67l-1.56t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2400 SQ. FT. PRESTIGE NEW ENGLAND 2 atary. Huge Livihr; Rm. Farmal dillibg rm. Sep. ram. rm. 4 BR, 3 ba. Red.aced $4IXXl to $41,500. Qwn...4lgt. w/belp finantt. ~TJ)S for appt. White Elrphantz! Coldwell, Banker BALBOA BAY P~qnu ! pen a . un • { l "~·. 2342 COLGATE 673·7420 . ·Eves: 673-9117 LUXURIOUS MANSION· =---- DOVER SHORES SCOTCHMAN'S SPECIAL it up and enjoy life in yuur R-2 Jot + house. Rare avail. alluring three bedroom two ability, high hlvestment ~ bath BEAtrrY! Entertain tential: 5th lot from OceaJ\ your friends in th!! te1axing Blvd. &:: beach. 3 BR,, llJ( swimming pool, attractive baths: soml' view. Always clubhouse or putting giftn. rented. Priced to sell. 675-11000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 302-7th St., Huntington Beach 646-4494 (3 Bedroom) (S un 1·5) 1601 Bonnie Doone, (Irvine Terr.) Cd~! 642-6472 Eves; 673-3468 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1014 Santiago Dr., Dover Shores OFFERS: Cameo Shares Oceanfront View ol. channel & boats. 2 BR'S, den w/ frplc. & wet ~ar •• FolJDill din. rm. Lrge. in- ner patio. Pl~ty or rOom for pool & ad- ditions. 3 car garage .......... $159,000 Mrs. Raulslo!\ Udo Home On Via Heme 5 hdrma., lam. rm. w/Wet bar. Swimming pool Lorge petio. 51' street to street lot. Gnat for large family ........ $117,500 Mrs. Raulston Udo· Ge--New Ust 4 Br., 3 Ba.~ 80' lotw/view of bay. Comp. red~•~lndscpd. Lge. Sun- ny So. patiO: 100' lb beacl> & dock $89,500 Joe ClllrUoll 2 Units -Slip And Pier $82,500 Custom designed. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, gourmet kitchen. Cheerie 1 bedroom apart- ment. Large sun deck. 'Mary Lou Marion Oceanfront Duplex~ Exceptional modlftl *Ith built·ins and fire. pll1Ce11 -alreody l1o9ted full for summer -localed on belt beach-only $77,50-0 ... ch Walter Haase Rne Udo Isle Home 5 bdrm home w /3 ba. Extra lrg llv rm w/ wetwet bar. Lovely south patio. 55' lot. Buy now & enjoy summer fun -private beaches, club & docks ......... $74,500 Mrs. Harvey CoroM di! Mar Duplex 441 FERNLEAF OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN I . 5 The double lot alone worth the price of $58,500 -(rear rents $150) close to ocean Walter Haase Don't Miss This! 1064 Pe1cador, Dover ShorM OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 -6 Mapificent home, view and pooJ with ja· awl. exciting fioor plan. 3 bdrs., conv. den, a hu, dining ronm, 3 car garage M_,, .LCJU Marlon Fine View Lot lll{J" ocean & ·bay view from large bldg. site. Private beach privilege not leasehold. $3f,500 in Corona del Mar Mn.Harvey COLDWRL, BANKER & CO. 2200 I . COAST HIGHWAY NIWl'ORT llEACH l(J 9-335) ' $36,000 5 Bedtoonu, 3 baths. Drearii • home built for a dilcrimlna.L ina executive and bill de- servin& family. Odi&:hUul decor. Larre livin&: room, huge family room. J..and.. acaped with an eye tcward1 beaut¥ and euy mainten- -,14l'.led'l"J ..... cul· ~ "~~If ).ou can af. 10rd a ~for;.am Home, '10u'd betttt tee this today. GI NO DOWN!!! SubmJt )'OU1' amaller home on cur pranttt uJe plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 2043 w~tcliU Drive 616-TIQ.. ' °"'" Evn. Nit~ Heights " ' C'arm Ezpoml .beam ceWnr, hard wood floorw and cozy wood buminK ti.replace. Bright counby kitchen with dish washer, dellghUul brea.Jdruit area by a picture window. 'I'htee bedrooms plus a aep... an.te sue1t room and bath with private entrance. Room tor boat.or~. Ownen "'"' ~""" ... arodous. • Aoldll!f $20.oot Colesworllly & Co. 642.Tm OPEN EVEs. Designed & built by IVAN WELL S. Unequalled Ior $24,950 quality comtrucrtion on larx· 5%. loan available lo you. est view lots in Newport Payments includ ing taxes. Beach. Plan # Jm. READY $142. per month. Located for occupancy, is the model iiear COLLEGE.PARK with U.... elegant atrium . • . School. Newly deccrated 3 14' beamed eeiling, transJu. BR 1% hath home -vacant cent roof. all tiled floor & E I • •th panelled walJi. ~ttil-XC USIVe WI : ' lng in family room W lit i. Newport choice or hard.wed. parquet or carpets. Unique luminw ttilin& behind decoratiw beam1 in the all electric view k1tchtn. 4 bdrms 3 ba, 3 car gar. See this pool-cr- •• Victorie 6'.6-1111 iented elegant home today -!~~~~~~~= It wcn't last long! 1: Roy J, Ward Co. 1 Baycregt Office l 1842 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 Be a part of lhls EXCIT· $37,500 ING 4-ytar-New UPPER BAY COMMUNITY! Our best buy for $25,950. • • • • FRESH AS A DAISY One of a. kind. S bdrm pool home with authen- tic Colonial design. Par- quet. floors, dormer ~·Cape C.od kitchen le a v.<ttping willow tree. Home includes a 20x40 pool • ,, .. , ...... "°""'· Fine. locatiori near gnU """"· $51,sto ''I' . \' ""1'· . , l .. ~.1 .r ,\,,11n 546-59 90 . -.-.;.'Open• HouH - Fri, Set &. Sun 1415 S•ntlago 1-5 Beautiful 81.Ycrest 4 Bdrm + Fam.. nn. Ab1oh.1tely Im· maculatl'. Sprinklers. out· door li&htin&, enclosed lanai just to list a few of the many exb'U. ~ to sen at $57,500. JEAN SMITH, Realtor .....,,,. Terms & Emotion New po If •• Victori• 646-8811 =-=.""= PENINSULA POINT 3 BR home. Xlnt locaUon, 50' x 100' lot • room to eri- larg~ present home. Don't miss this! $42,500 DELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Units. Bit-In R &: 0, dshWlhr. carpeted. On the Peninsula • just steps to Ocean le Bay. 7% financ- ing available • • . . • • $59,950 Be lboa Real 1Est•f9 Co. Josephine Webb. Realtor 700 E. .Balboa Blvd., Balboa 613-41'0 NO\V VACANT • IMMEDI- ATE POSSESSION. Immac- ulate 3 BR 2 bath home with sunken livlfv room, fantaxtic built.hi kitchen, ex;. cellent carpeting Ir: heavy shake root. Quiet tra.Uic h'ff 1t!ftt. Out of t.own o~ er mmt sell immediately. CALL 54().USl (open ews) l~.:I ASSUME 53/4°/o LOAN Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 bath in Mesa Del ~tar. New CU'- petq, 1parkl1ng c I e a D throughout. -Finished pr- age -Nicely landscaped Y&tdJ. -S168 per moritb pt.ya all. OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 546-2313 · st0-nn THE ~E A L E S TATE R .S ------- YOU OWE IT TO YOlJR.. SELF ro INVESTIGATE ouR 4 DIFP.ERENT TRADE IN PROGRAMS. (71 4) 642·8235 !Sat & Sun) 2342 Colgate (College Park) CM 646-8811 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom & F•mily or Den) 50-0 Tustin, (Newport Height..) NB 5411-2076 ' (Sat & Sun 10-5) 1500 Vivian Lane, Newport Beach 673·2020 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 17833 Oak Street, Fountain Valley 9624471 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 1363 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores (714) 642·8235 (Open Dailyj 1064 Pescador, Dover Shores 675-2000 (Sun 1·5) 2813 Drake Ave., (Mesa de! Mar) CM 675-3745 !Sat & Snn 1·5) 1927 Leeward Lane (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) *2395 Tustin Ave. (So. of Santa Isavel) NB 646-1550 (Sun 1·5J (4 Bedroom) 1148 Santiago, Dover Shores (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *IOI Linda Isle Dr. !Linda Isle) NB (714) 642·8235 (Sat & Sun} 3036 Garfield, Costa Mesa 5411-1168 • 675-1977 (Open Sun) 255 Lugonia St. (Newport Shores) NB 642·3014 !Sat & Sunj 2211 Vista Hogar (the Blufu) off Hidalgo NB, 675-3433, 644-0990 (Sat & Sun 1-4) (4 Bedroom & Family or Din) 2836 Alta Vista (Eastbluff) NB 644-1192 (By Appl. Only} 3081 Gibraltor. !Mesa Verdel CM 540-94 lO · (Sat & Sun} * 1347 Hampshire Cirde, (Westcliff) NB (714) 642·8235 (Sun !·SJ 1354 E. Oceanfront, Bllboa Pt. 645-20-00 Eves: 54M966 (Daily 1-5J 416 Hazel, Corona de! Mar (Aft. Nonn.s, Sat & Sun} 1415 Santiago, Newport Beach 648-3255 I (Ai., Sal & Sun) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay} NB 540-1720 (Daily 1-5) 1706 Highland (Harbor lilghlands) NB 642·5200 fSat & Sun I ·5} * 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 648-1550 (Daily 10-SJ (5 Bedroom) 908 Chestnut Place, (Eutbluff) NB 845-2000 Ev'": 548-69e8 (Sit & Sun 1·5) (5 Bedroom & 'F1mUy or Den) 2852 Basswood , (Easlhluff) NB 642-9190 (Snn 1-5;30) *2118 Windward Lane, Newport Beach 642·2698 !Sat & Sun 1·5) DUPLEXES FOR SAU 8906 w...i 0oeon Fron~ Newport Beach 875-5930 !Sal & ·SUn 1·5) 441 Fernleaf, Corona de! Mar • • 675-2000 !Sat & Sun 1·5) *'"' f HO\JS~S POii SALE HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES .f'OR SALE HOUSE$ f OR SALi HOUSES f~ SALi HOUSES FOR SALE 0-ral 1000 Gonoral 1000 Gen.,al 1000 Gonoral 1000 Cosio-. 1100 [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i I .-BR. • ea.. ,,, -· -.. -·· _,...., ....... B d' B t at. --~lcll. w/ni... • oy s es r Y---:.-::r. ..,:e•"":;" UNIYERsrrY PAIK -Liva In a "pl•..,.. community''-. only min- -Wost O...nf,..,,., NB -137-"!T;flWISS •lf• to UCI & Fublon island. where we have "!~~ete tt<:Teallonal factnu .. , lour l)O<lls, t courts, etc), acrea of gt.en park areas, new ahoppin1 center & even an lS hole golt course! YM an ....._ If a paSf You !lave only 29 DAYS lo lake ad· •antage of our 6~ O,'o interest rate op the beautiful new ho1nes of Ran· cho La Cueata on Brookhurst' at AU.nta In Huntington Beach. The "Tiff Du I Deco OWJIER..4 Br. lli Ba. °"""' any· ot p ex property, ra-bl patio, new paint. $4,500 "' ............ . Rentaloi.Shore 1DQ5 tor coordinated ow_ners unit, plus excellent dn. take owr CI Joan SUI ISlloW al .. .......... C•••••tl•• O..t.r, Mardi• tlara•r• 11. Corne to a111 of our -6 brudl olrloes .... pick 11p )'OW" FREE pulll!!I. WORKING Ill! .-to ahl.re bome with Iii.IM, 22- 71, % blk to oceen, yrly. Call Mlu,Rlce -Aft .. m.-0963 natal schedule .................... $92,500 .. mo ..,. al'. su.oo7t At the present time, I have-a good selection of 2, 3, 4: & 5 bedroom separate home & Townhouse resales available In the 524,950 lo '34,950 price range. All bavt fireplaces, carpets & drapes, at leut 2 baths & kitchen built-ms. OPEN SAT & SUN I • 5 BO Y D REA LT Y 't"RIPLEX Nr Collea;e Park, 2 UR. each. Ktt bltlna, end 1ar's, income $340 mo. ,$32,QOO Owner &U-9193 ~UME 4~ % CI klan, 4 Br. OPEN •HOUSE. 548-1168 Tiie Doyle Co., eve• 67&-1917 • • * * * 2 BR. 2 Ba. apt w/maaae rnalo "" °""' "'~ ~· Restriction NO cfp:retll:s) " ' Our tender must increase his inter-362' E. Coaat Hwy., CdM • est nles on April 7, 1969. s11:~iu'WF All that Is necessary to wure your· self of this low int8rest is your se· lectioo of one of our S or 4 BR, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes & make your initial de~it or '500. Call 968-2929 or 968-1338 any day from 10 to 6. On A Clear Day You Can See Catalina Soles through the Multiple Usting Service of t he Newport Herbor- Coste Mos e Boord of Realtors toteled $4,565,250 for the firs t month of 1969. This represents 114 uni t soles end en increase of 33 1/J °lo over Jenuery of le st yeer. List you r property with e Reeltor todey. 1105 4. BR 1" ha. GI loan $24,100- G'Ai-$2'XlO dn. Submit trade. Qwn/~. - 1110 Call I o d a y for an appointmemt to lnsped ·these cho\ce properties -perhaps we have the right one for YOUI. · BOB l'ETIIT, Realtor Specializing in Univerilly Park properties 833-0101 4 Bdrm, 2 blthf le hardwood tl.oon, 'too! Extra iarae lot with trailer pte. Qe.a.n and •harp, only $23.900 GI or J.llA terrru. SH this ooe for 1titt! Paul Jones Realty 1147-1266 Eves, S36-TI24 BY ,OWNER : 5¥•"• lnter.,t R ti P • 5 Br 2 Ba Medallion, lathe 4 US C rtYacy Nowport Bolch. 1200 1245 plut", he•vy ....... cb!tom Unique 4 bdrm, larg:e family I'--'°--'""==-...;.;;,;,; I apt.I &: dr'pg, 2% car ivqe, room with beamed ceilings, IDEAL r AA!IL Y HOME concrete drive. Fully Jand- paMlled liv. nn, U8ed brick Near !;tariner's Park. 3 Br, $ acaped. A~a to I acre {rplc, lush atrlUm entry, ~tra lg. ~ x 20' family 32 500 I I park from n!lll' ya.rd. :t milts .maiw exl.rall. Near iolf rm. 1" ba. Ell. cond. Fenc-I • • to major ahopping. Walk to cipn, pipe, etc. OK. ml mo Box P 314 Dally Pilat MAN To liw'e borne, with pool; Newport Be a eh. ~1313 .ut. 8 PM l'r!., all ""' Sal • """""' WOMAN lo share beaut turn 3 bclrJn. 2 ba, bonwl rm. home w/molher Ii: aon in Univenit)' Park. marlf R~NSIBLE Ma.tuft lady will ahare 2 Br. 2 Ba. a.Jll w/ume. Call l46---97M aft 6 pm. ROOMMATE WANTED FEMALE. l!ilboa f-. Avail now. 17l--l664 Uta 5 Plt1 Other days just watch all the ·boats or swim in your huge circular pool. 3 BR, 3 baths and paneled Cleo. I'll GIVE IT TO YOU STRAIGHT Asking $83,500 -owner moving to Long Beach and anxious lo sell !!! Delancy Real Esfate 2821 E. CCH11t Hwy., Corcna del Mar U you are inlerested in a good location (Costa Mesa, 6 73-3770 Newport Heights are a). close to Newport Heights p-ade school (11~ blksl & Bia Bedroom Mamma Thi! Mesa Hi&;hlapds is 1. de. light lo behold. Hu upgrad- ed carpet!, il rnarlile entry, beautUuJ land!ICaping &: yo1.1'll agrtt when you see t h e 1pa.cious bedrooms. "'"'' ~ co:Ts ~WALLACE • REALTORS 546-4141- IOpon n..1 .. 1 OPEN KOUSE l4l Cedarwood, Orang• Lovdy 4 BR 2 bath, dining room, pool. S39.995 l)AVIOSON Rulty ~ Eves. 546-3851 5 UNITS Three Wishes new city park c2 btksl. shop. lt peace, comfort, location ping, 5 min. lo beach, a very are important to you, look quiet sll'eet, big JU lot lrooin th.is over. Convenient to fol boat, clllnper or rental Ne'NJ)ort Height 1 grade unit), 3 bedroorns ~or 2 & school, a nd all shopping, 2 a den) 1* balh • ..;, firt•1>laCl', bll<s ,lo new park. Only sidewalks, paved alley, dou- $25,500: and aJJ these "pl113" ble garage, large fenced features. 3 bedrooms, 2 back yard, then phone n1e baths, lireplace. cpts. and at 644-4687. I am askine drapes double garage con-$25,500 but if you come run· crete 'drive large f~ ning (l'n1 in a hum) with back yard ~ 5Qx13o FT. R-2 _check book in ha~. (as l~ LOT, There is not to mu~ as $1750 d~wnJ .' U glvl! 11 available in UliS pa11 of to you straight, I It save you east.side c.t.f. Hurry. OWN-$1000, !That's as slralghl as ER, WILL SELL FHA! ! 1 'iii iieaniiiiiigoiitiil.iiiiiiii_iiii_ 644-4687 1 • Income Units $72,000 Monthly Income $850 Wells-McCardle, Rl trs. 1310 Ne\\-port Blvd., C.l\l. TAX SHELTER ]D'Jl Bak('r, c.~t. $54,000 -10"/o DOW!~ I i"'8-iim>~-!ij!iiiijE;vij"ij· ~-ii~ ·~-;-;~::::::::::::::::-;l::l: ROO~f TO BUILD __ _ course, great neighborhood ed patio. Spac. kitcb., ~bk achools, college 11-Douglas for kids. Owner/brier. Ask-porch, 11pe. dble gar. Champagne living" and a beer Plant. Located in &ha ;no-$35.950. Call 546-0732 O\VNER. $36,500. 1912 Park, Huntl•u.tnn zo ___ .. ~... price. Most house for dol· ...... D<OaUI. aft 6. Deborah Ln. 646-6731 tar value In the carefree Owner 893-1569. 1 oo/o DOWN BY OWNER' 4 BR 11< SA. Owner's Special Blu!U. 1850 .. ft. 3 BR, 211 ---;Ao-s_su_m_e~- NO LOAN FEE-r~mily, frplc. ChoiceOwloca-3 Br., or 2 Br. & den, c~ baths. 2-etory like new home. lion \Valk to i:;chls ner Absenttt owner ~ week· 5 l l4Glo Loan 30 YEARS · · . tom \VestcliU home, n1any '/• -11 trans. Assume 5% % l'"H.A. ends only. Vacant -squeak)! SUBMIT ON ON PMNT 4i bedrooms, 211.i baths, 2487 $11 200 S40.l7lO l'!Xtras, nr 1101-es & scllls. 1 xi . • .. ...., ft of Jivin.,. area, master ' · • Phone 644-40-14 * c ean · ai move-in Ire..-~ 3 BR family room + dinillC ~ ·~ • BY OWNER • Better call today. roo~. Walk to beach, suite you've dreamed about: Beycrest Bargain EASTBLUFF ,., & •-· . , 1. HAFFDAL Roalty "" long •>= 1t s own U'e-4i BR + ram, 2 BA, ~wly Ideal ran)ily home: 4 BR. place, huge closets & dress-rt!<lec + ahag crpt'r, patios, l: den, plus tam ... rm. plus REALTY "Hornet to Match Income'' · N " & 8740 Warner, FV 842-4405 1ng area. ew carpe etc. $26,900. Sf0..9410 3 Ba. 5~% k>an. °'vne.r :?414 Vista Del Oro drapes. Completely ~ASSUME Low FHA, total trans. $42,950. Prine. only. Newport Beach Wa• To Beach 1'.'tcd It landscaped. Ov\", pymt $177. 3 BR, den & 1612 Irvine. 642-1231 6,44.lllJ Eves. 644-0505 Sharp 3 BR home, carpets, 81~ dou~f' g~e:. Don 1' fam. $26,500. \Vill take 2nd. 3· BR Waterfront No. 62 drapes, heavy ~ roof. ~~.to~~·,:S·::Om ~722 Balboa Coves. $60,000. atrium entry, quiet cul~e-* LACHENMYER OPEN Houie Sat/Sun. Uive-~~ !8i!ier~ti:~~ Corona del Mar 1250 ;:~~~i 0~ ~-1.Y 3 BR 2 ha, family. $25,900 -;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I uawne 51'.% Joan. Owner 7771 • Paul Jones Re•lty HARDLUCK SALE will "'" 2nd. -1110 ""o"P"EN"'°'S"A"'T"'•""s°""UN=10-.""5~ OCEAN vu 847·1266 Ev ... 536-712< 61h% INTEREST (},~'ner facing pos&ible imml-BES!' BUY in H a r b o r nent lra!Wer. Sacrlfice-buge Collep Park 1115 Highrand&. 1500 V.l.v i a.JI_ from every room o( thil DOWNTOWN ... ...,. ""'"''' . -. HA VE 2 Bedroom apartrqrent c Blocks from Beach ~739 after l PM Coste M9M 2100 3 BR., l 'h bl.., trpJ .. Wlhr; .fncd. yd. MatUtt Rita; no pets, no drinllmi. Avail. March 15th thru AIJS. 15th; $185 Mo. ~1378 PARTLY FUm. or turn. 2 Br .. frpl: no childre!!; older cpl. prefer. ~TOll San Clomonto 2710 ~-...;......;. 4i BR. 2 'liv rm, rustle modttn, 2 b&I rrom beach in wooded canyon. Leue.. 497-181511am-7 pm «CN I AL~ HoU... Unfurn11htd Colonial 4 &. family room, 3, Lane, NB. 67].;2020 formal dining room, impres-BY O~VNER : 3 BR. 1 ,, BA. sive 2 1tory with curved Fan1ily rm, hiJlc, lovely drivev.·ay, Liliting is $41.500 patio. Assume 5% 'ib FHA. NEW SPANISH Duplex, 419 38th St.. Ne\\•port Island. $59,500. Owner. 673-6433, 6'J5..Sl61 4 BR & DEN 2 full Ba + pwdr. Hugi'! !iv Corner k>t. 2 BR ' den l%. General 3000 •. .1. ,_1 .,,_ baths, hdwd .Ors. $3500 ca.sh I ;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I but any offer considered. $24,900. 54G-~ n_n, uo:am ct'.-1 111&"· ""' <; ....... -owner will take 2nd. I' kitchen, blt-uia, brldst bar, BRASHEAR R It Owners Attentklnl carpeted It draped, Del Piso " Y t 546 5380 Newport Be•ch 1200 DLX Condo, !plc, pool-2 br, (flftfMtmiitheatie) li,i~~=====~~l 2 ba, xtns. Quick J>OM. LLEGE REALTI I~"'· -ll!I 15000 dn 128.500, a• t. .,•-·. 2 pati,., comp/fenc-847:8531 E~s. 968-1178 Do )'OU have rental units ""' We have IOOd tez:mnta fnm ....... •tt>ddod, 40xt35 lot. FOURPLEXES prev;o"" ,...,. and ...... --~~~-=-¥ _@ _..,.,._, __ /,M.-, 494-5081/613-ll66 v~-~7 * 3 BR. 2 BA East Bluff Low taxes. 6112-A LOAN SUMMER. WINTER •. and OPEN SAT & SUN NO VACANCIES ANNUAL rentals l<r thorn. AFT/NOONS Please call our rental dept. 416 Hazel, CdM $39,950 andlel1"<lvoyoutboRED Five Bedrooms lk, home. Owner. 726 Billon Ave., N.B. Open Sat&: Sun. SALE/LEASE Fl.RSI' PIONEER CARPET treatment • you de- LEASE OPTION 842-4421. serve ~ belt! Beautiful Baycrest h o me wlth lovely pool.. 1 bdrm i;uitab!c for maid's room. Excellf'nt Antigua \\'ay \oca. tion. Don'! mi~~ lhi~ onr. Arnold & Freud :m E. 17th St.. C.?i>t. Realtont 646-7755 !f)4t;"?'~ ,yt:,,,,,, 1210 I ~=~=~=~~=:lcGO~LD:o::•MiEedalio~JO· ~nlH>io>.me;;:-•-;;;; RED CARPET RJty Ii Re<atta Dr. 2 sty, 4 8', Rental Dept 6l3-3663 -;;=;;;;..;;;=;;;;;;;;;;; OCEAN BLVD. -w •-•~-Blvd N.B -2 Ba, L rm w/frplc, fonnal ""'""' · ~ " · 0 & Ba i'~lnci>t corner lo! with I";=; Cean y rharming older home D. rm, lam rm, elec kitch. I' A \'il'\1' like this L"i seldon1 of-Orang• Coast Proparty Br. Bar, Crplll, Drps. Prot IRVINE TERRACE -2 BR fered. \Vide. Ocean by day, Landscape. 5% ~' I 0 a n. &: den. Fantutic View, 337 ),fargueritt' 67l-8!i50 n..... Sa (~·1 and sparkling light.I by .., .... n t a: sun. ...., bcautlfld· coodttior: .. $150 Newport H•lght1 Rlfr. '"""" """ >18~720 ON THE BEACH Custom Built 4 BR • KENNEDY Exclusive China Cove home. in J4eu Verde'• best area on l 'o~C~E~A~N~F~R'iO~N~T"!Lov!'"'"!,,•,1 11lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I year around living • best quiet Cul de Sac srreet. 2100 modern 3 BR. + fam. rm. { lf)lf/_,-£ JI_.,(. night . 3 BR, 2%1 baths. fire-l~~~!!"-~~='!'-~.~~~~"-~1751-4050 or(~ 671--6636 per mo. pl.ace. Hobby Rm. triple 1ar-Balboa Penin1ul• 1300 E~ecutive H°"" BEACON BAY .. t Ba '- a&'e. Oller $40,00'.l on this. -;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1 de•" ~ S BR.. Co-~ • A borne of ·dW!tinction. 2 storJ ·~ ............ :1 I' Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba; aq ft, elec I blt·inl, open S5(XK) Dov.•n. 8.13-2087 Owner "'THINK INCOME '' priced to sell fast 11t-$69,500 beam ceilings in family rm. -MODERN DAY · 0 lye Bye·-BUY! "BR, , .. ,tttut, -· bead>. pter, '"""'" -• & •'~ ~... . extras galo1-e. Parll: al'f!L $450 per mo. • c ve catching Rentals com· By appt only Innercom • alJ thil! plus heat. pletoly '""""""· fittpfa<> CORBIN-MARTIN "" pool, 142,950. Ow"'' will ea. choice location near pop. REAL TORS help finance -MUSI' SELL ular 10th St. Beach • alway& Tl·US MON'n1 ! rented summer and winter 3036E.CoastHwy,CdM 675-4343 ·$61.500. for this quality prop. I '!!!!!!!!!!!!~67~S.!'1~66~2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOVER REALTY erty. I' NEAR DA1 Nilllil'. Hoag Hospital ...... ~IJili 2% acres, P.1-1. near Hoag R E A L T Y Hospital. SI00,00'.l, Terms - 2025 \V. BalOO&. mvd., N.B. Trade, please calJ KERP.11T 675-6000 RIGGS with Farrow Realty. 293 E. 17th. 54f>.2759 or 646-4494. WPlf DUPLEX 5 BEDROOM -DEN $25,500 !Mllated rear living room Eut of Main Street Delightful corner location. Askin& $69,500. for ~ slrory home -3 bdrms. 3 baUis with Sun dl'ck. Cute older units with large detached double g a r a & e. Nat schools &: shopping. SZlO mo income. Aasume 690 private loan. with fittpl.a.ce, walls of glass , 2025 W. Balboa Blvd .. N.B. $18,950 .. overlook a manicured lawn . 675-6000 & artistic landscaping. Built·, fl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iru . .Prestige area. 540-1720 LOVELY MODEL TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~-DELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Units Peninsula adjacent to Ocean & Bay $59,950. 7% financing, Balboa R•al Estate Co. 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa by IVAN WELLS wilh "Forever View". 4 BR 3 ba, 2 dining nn areas + lam. nn. "L" shnped pool. 1PEl=ll=ION Roy J . Ward Co. -J ......... -.... ,...-. 1842 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 * 642·1nl Anytlmo * ELECTRIC "MEDALLION" 673-4140 OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 10 . 5 p.n1. Nev.· Spanish Contemporalj' house, corner 500 Tuslin & Clay, Nev.'J)Ort Heights. By Owner. Owner says "Sell" $22,000 -2 BATHS Kine a1zed bedrooms, walk 1n pantry otf the electric "Award" kitchen. re!rlgera- tor dilihwuher A: washer. ~1720 tllil lovely 4 BR, 2 ba, beach Pool-Tr•ller-Addltion? home, 7 Yr"1 young, Priced Room for all on thia fiO x 135 $34,000 • IUbmit 811 offers. lot 3 Br .. •ell bit, hdv.'d tln TARBELL 2'55 Harbor SOCK IT TO ·~1! CAYWOOD REAL TY 122.000. , ne•. 548-7617 6306 W. Coast Hwy., 543-12901 --=~~~~~-­\Vhlte El.ep..'IA.nll? Chner•I tOOOGenerel 1000 ------ Soloe o Simple SCTambted Word Puzz~ for a Chuckle 0 R...,1011ge left_,, ol th. four Krombled words b. bw-to f°"" four limp!. words. ..._,,.,..~ rPACTER 11'111 I I I I II I Typiool .bi9-fime apender, . . . -'Only the u:s. .... motte.ed. r-------.., the art of being proape,ou1, IN 011·0 A I though -.· tr•""T1--r1-1r-Trr-r1 -t e ~i.:: :-"'" ~~ . . -• -. yw d.wdop lrO!D ftp Na. 3 below. & Pl~~s~~is lETIERS lN 11 · r . 11 r r I 'KE MAR I 6 "'l~~~~e LEmas I I I I I I •""""MC.._a,......._ SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7500 • • 1100 CASTLE THREE 2 BR UNITS Spaoio"" '""om b,;u 5 Bedroom11, Newport Estate featuring 3',i captivating $32,500 baU,,, Iri•ndlJ> family rm "l'P.. FHA ~ 1 bl k b'ol 11 . plus ~r~clous formal •' 3 oc n ar d1nmg room. bor Blvd. Never again at New lavilJh carpelin& Inside, these prices! v.'ith plumbing in~lalled for 4 BR 1% B·ATH Near Harbor & 19th. $22,000 your pool outside. Refreshingly clean. 159.000 (IIS·C~ r.>""7M Doll HOUBe on peninsula Pricfo $40,SOO. John Mcnab Real~ Cb. I l A LT Y polnt; three ~rooma, one R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 642-&235 Near NB Post Ole. 646-2414 and a half baths, fireplace, 847-3519 Eves. 536-7840 lge dble garage. Neai:..chan- Newport Shores 1220 BY O\VNER: Open Sat/Sun 1255 LUGONIA ST. Channing 4i Br 2~'ir ba .. slept to beach. $36,500. 642-3014 --- Bayer••!___ -'~ nel and public beach. A 4 BR or 3 &: den, 1%. BA. Jewel. Reduced to $38.250. $23,500. By Owner. Near BURR WHITE, Rltr. Douglu. 897-<554 2901 Newport Blvd., N.8. ., . 675-4630 EvH 642.2253 FoVnlaln Valloy 1410 Lido Isle 1351 Yacant/lmmed Pos • ;:;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:13 BR l baths, 1600 sq tt, BY OWNER LIDO ISLE BUY .,.le, bit·"" • dW>wuhe•. BA YCREST -POOL Immac 3 BR home on 2 over. Low.down &: assume exiat:ina $100; 2 BR. borne w/ pr., •tove; kid& .I: pet O.K. Bro~r 534-GMJ $195; LGE. 4 BR. 2 ba home, w/w, drps, fl'pl, Fncd. tor children. Bkr. 5M'9llO $60; NICE older 1 JIR:. home, fncd yd, child A: pet welcome. Nr. evaythlne Bkr.534-6980 • t'HAIV A . Of\. ::I bdrms. 3~~ ba. del pi.so ai.J;ed lots. One of moat beau. kJ.a.n, Owner will pay all $170; 3 BR. 2 ha, pr. Fncd. Family .I: peta welcome. Bt'Oker.,.._ PROPERTIES wraT entry, lge liv. nn w/biJlc, tifuJ patlo/prdens on Lido. costs. c11'> 17$-4.IJI separate din mi, lam nn. Out11tanding value, S79.500. TRADEWINDS RL TY. Cott• Mela 3100 THREE 1 BR UNITS 102sBaJWldtDri1'• lge kitchen w/dining area, LIDO REALTY, INC. M2-50ll or 8f2.50l2 NewportBe.ch,c.!itH662' laundlj' rm, 2 car fa.rage. 3400 Via Lido 67J.8830 $150 MONTH Room for more. N~ mcome. I& ..{a] Custom drp11 & plush crpti. I ~~~~~~:::-;:-;:.:cc:I Hav•1u L•k• 1675 3 Bedroom. one bath bouR. $32,500 ~· 6<2-269tl 1' ----i t..u'g• complotaly f"""" Waterfront Duplex E111b1uf1 1242 • !.'~ '::: ,c::;.1~;:"rm Hivasu Lake, Calif. ,..... Call..-.,.,-.. ONE BR -R-2' LOT . ·-50 x 112'. 3,000"' fl pool , • 3 bdrm hom" from ...... '""""' Private dock . room for 2 A Touch of Class size patio, 3rd car/boat $12,500. 1...&rge R-1 lots front r:e~del':ar r;n~R t'= STEAL IT boats, large 1ecluded patio, Lusk built 3 Bdrm home at sp. work rm nr bch. SlOO.COO $~. Call Art. 642-4994 or lease at $235 per month. $12 500 tropical plantings, 2 luxury end of quiet ci.il de sac 3355Ry~· ~~:ER, R~~~300 962-1856 e_'""-· Vacant I: ready. A 1.t . 1 Apts tastefully decorated. street. Dining room + lam-546-4141 $6.3/mo pays everything. New carpetin1, Furn & im-lly room w/ parquet Door -BY Owner 2 br, 1 ba, fplc, La9un• B••ch 1705 -1 -B~E~D~R~OO~M-hou-,.-.-m-.-1-.,.-1 Renled for $110 now. mac. Near Ocean & Lido tmmac. condition. Large lot shops. Priced at S74,500. Ideal home for the family blins, plyrm & ba. Best couple or retired pel'llOns. Owner/Agt 6'13·9ai0, 675-4747 with imaU children •. S4l,500 Lido buy $44,500. 1714) No chlldreri. Gas &. water 615--5023 • pd. Stove-Rel. 1735 Pomona. '"''· Peter Dobbs 2 BR, a:ar, patio, crpta, drpa, STORE Across from whopping center Plenty parking. Like to Entertain? $23 950·$3000 dn S.. th1' 3 BR, pl"' 3 batlt~ I 1 Cf4Y dlnifl&'/famlly nD 2 Owner must sell quick. f?plC!I plua hU&e room for pool table or '!' Enclosed Lockhart Realty pool wUh oepant• Play 646-2301 Eves. 5-18-2951 yard for $52,500. ";~~~~===:I Walker R•alty • 3336 Via Lido 67":>-5109 Swimming Paol Hot weather LI coming aee th~ ,..1. N;.,, ,, BR -· What's Your Baa! on Eastslde pnme area. $3500 dowtl and take over Look at thl11 l Bdrm comer 5~% IOfln. $26,950. lot imn1ac11late home in Cashionable EutbluH. It will Ci).-' tW'll you on. Appt. only. .......... DeL•ncy Real Est•t• : ! A L T T 2828 E. Colult lh'I')'., CdM Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 ""'""'!!!!!!!6'1'J">""'170""'""'""!!!' I =::~~~~~:i::::-;~~= BY OWNER: Be au t If u I Ov rtook• Baycreat home. Formal llv· e tng jng rm, dinin&: rm, den \V/ GOLF COURSE ... + famil y nn. I ~· Spanillh 4 Bdrm. L«;. BDR~1S. 3 BA, Slet'f!O lhl'll- fam, room + renta.I +room oul. You own this deep lot to bullrl, w/ lm~ly patio Ii new ~· 161 Mesa Drive pool.. Prictd below replace- OPEN SUN. P.M., ment O»l. ~ 2843 E, Coast Hwy., Cd~f 67!>5003 6T.l.!IOO rlNESf tam$ area. well designed 5 BR 3 bath home. Carpeb, drape?'it1, fireplace, private mutet suite. View of hi.lll. J...arge back yard. 2836 A)Je. Vista: For appolnbnent 8'4-1192 e VIEW HOME e Lusk 4i BDRM. 2~S 'Bath. family room; fully crpt'd & drp'd. Owner. SU..2338 Irvine Terr.ai 124$ Huntington l••ch 1400 No. Payments FOR 60 Days l . 4, I< :i Bdrm I-tomes CORAL SHORES URN'BR stove, refril. Tropical met- ••-•"'"• ting. For adult.I, 1 blk. to !!hops. $160 mo. 544-4780 MAL •naTa ----3 BR PCX>L HOME. 1 bkM:k u--. , -~·llf7 from beach. No ~ ...., problem. Broker 546-4141 LAGUNA {'()VE . LAGUNA Ask for Don BEAOI -An architectural 1 'ro=1"rn"tt"o"u"s"£;:-;4-,8':::c-.-:,::c\l,-.:c-hL lrtwnph! Dramatic contem. bltns, pool; childru .I: petl porary home witp clusk O.K. $250. 549-3955 Oavor. Extra hi1h ct:ilin&s 2 BDRM houle, avail. 4/1. thruout, ndi&nt heat -evtn crpts, drp8, trplc, adulta. " Btwn Bea.ch 6 Brook-in patio, Marble ftoor entry. no pet!:. After 5:30, 60-n;a hunt on Garfield, liunl· Dfrilhs room for U. Teak 2 cabineta 1n ki1'hen. Jo"""' $ll0 BR.. near abp'a .I: ington Beach. ~.~ _ __.., Sm fncd .~ 2 -·~ t .. -11~ room wtth 11-1 -.;1u. ,~.... UlKlnl (7 141 962--llSJ .... ........,. .... ., .. ace ok. ~ Wallact:, 6f&.434i Try & b·-th•11 3 BR, 3 bl., beautuul Yiewa '""' I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiol of Be"h and •tni -$155.000 3 BR, 2 BA Yalu. l·n I ' 00 1040"' WU.On. $UO Month. p L NIGUEL T£RllACE -A well * '31-801'1 * Newport Beac'h 3 BJt. 2 ba home, need• tl'!nd-de•ianed family home wtth 1-=========I 5 BR, 3 ba, f4m home on er loving car and paint. 4i Bedroom1 on larp l~ Newpert IMch 3200 traUic free atreet in the $3,35(1 C&!h to )oani. Full lot. Bl& family room, S charming plaru1'd comm~ P~ $23,950. batbl. deluxe kitche:n, TOWN1JOVSC S Br. 2~ ba. ity of Eastbluff. Near Play SOUTH SHORES $52.TOOO. A I ~;,cp!c_ ~IDl~2 ~ f::.· clean I: ready to mo\11! 2 BR, carpeUrv. drapt1, bit. ~~;, C:::C i:::.• pr, pool $215. 542-m.9 Aakina only $40,500 lM, FA heat, S14.500. Lquna Beach (n() mun 0 c EA NF g 0 NT Lowb' To ,.. caJl, WOODWARD -3 111'. + tun. rm. 642-9190 rHI estate lnceme Units S350 Mo. Y~. &1::)..UT FM•I Welker, lteeltor 184.1 Adam1~~ Bch ijandyman Spec:Nls BEAOI HOUSE I &iars to \VK-DAYS CALI. BOAT I. TRAILER bavis Re•lly '42-7000 P\tnty ot apace 4i bedroom l '"'""'~~""'""'~~!!!!!I bl.th. Terfific view of Be.ck • $27,500-S BR-Boy, Excl""I'"" 64&+11' ::C II!!!!~~~~~~~· Loo. on Oceanaidll! Ol Hwy, OoMn. 2 BR, padot pr, e $150 PER MONTH 1$Q ;., tr.m Beach. I ll< lll<r. 675-4130 Do Yo. u--.1 lncludl"' taxn. 3 BR Ill Apt unla, nH<k palnl A ELEG==/\Nr==-......,~.-,..,. ... -.,.,.-1 nswu bath. $19'2 down. Mtdrtlllan rood l'!Mnll dumlp. PC). 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pool, aol:f. lfdnr. l...ari:e ram rm. hdwd Qrl. 2 ha. excrl cond., tine ma. &-: llbop area. 1 block from h.11b'brooice Grade School. ll1lto 11111 fstolt Prine, nnly. 1311 Stonctflcld. BUIFF'S. Ex~tlona.I 4 Pt Owl'lf:l' 534-2760. 2 ba. ()pt'n Sal • SUn 1-4. S BR,. 3 ba., cptJi, drpl. Bltns.: food: nr. echlJ, North C.M. Own. MS--1847 2211 Vista Hopr. PJ,Sj(), m.3433 WhJte Elrphant1T a 4 BR H-· 7 """"'· bit-In oleel ....... TENTI~ 1 N c 0 M E EX· CdM IU. 66.Wl We have two _ f BR bo1JW1 oven A: 1arbe.le dllpolai. C£m . (i $10,<XXI ANNUAlr ·"th pooli, lrrine Tem.ce Pl FA heat. watd he•ttr. ~~Price $6&,950. Newport Helthtt 3210 •• WI ••/'-dbl ~vN REALTY ----with o:ctllc11:t fl.nanci.rW. "' cp ..... _ llftP• 181 So, Oout, 1..8.tuna NICE J bdrm 1D f'tlPOii to Sall b R lty pa~ kneed, sprlnklen. • tum adlt tenant&. m. : I Ul'Y H !andM:opl.,., OC1:ANVIEW Loi 11, 0 0 0 ~. Aft $ pm. m• - 315 Marino Ave. !I -· -- :•1a,o.1,1 •. •7W~ Wl?M'IMP ~~o:~;'~·:.=l'llot-wam~ -Whlle.dtpbu\lll..Dlm~ ---OW~ I I , I I • • • • ,. H llAIL.Y PILOT ' •: ' • • I RENTALS Hou.., UnfUmllhod NewPo" Ha/vhb '2JO CwuoNG 2 bedroom .a den, 2 bath' boaie. w/w """'"' -Eutaldi O:ilta Mesa.Cklll'! to &bop. plnr " park. .N J c e l 1 llndacAped yard. coverod pa·tto, very quiet nellbborbOOd. $195 pr· mo. Available fot immediate oc- cupancy, Write Doz 612 c/o Daily Pilot Find Your Name Among ·-. .,._Classified Ads ,,.'!Ir.. ' · Wih Free· Tickets ' . ~· ~ . .. • WESTERN NATIONAL & MARINE Here'• Bow To Win: J11d K i ii the ,., ••• , t.J1y'1 .t •• ,111 .. •'••(thl ..... n ... H Y•• ft"4 y111r ''"' .. Y"-wf1 tw1 f,.1 tl$bh t1 th1 W1, .. r11 N1fl1111f 111! & M1ri111 Shew. C1fl fw ticli:1b •t •"-Y 11 th1 ''"" IAILT ... _ rlLOT 1fflc1t 111 th• 'Or11191 C•11fl- )JI Yi. ley StlMt J" Nt1i ..._ C...._ H ....... IN ..... U 11 ..... -.... W,.,_.t. ..... ----March 8 thru. 16 -Anaheim Conventwn Center . ' . .,';: Tic1ieis Good A y Dp.~ -, R~NIALS Ar!!= furni•hlcj Gtneral , 4000 RENT 3 ltooma Furniture $25 Month ruLL OPTION TO BUY (Rdri&en.ton AvailableJ No d$olit o.a.c. H.f.R.t. Furniture Rentals ~.~HALS ~fumlohod RENTALS RENTALS Apta. Unfurnl1hed Apts. Unfurnlohod 4200 Cotta Mooa 5100 Nawpo<t Buch 5200 BAYFRONT Apt. S BR. 1 bath utfl pd. F&!llil¥ onl.y. $190/mo. 67!.-2572 ON Ba.y, nr. Lido: l Br., pvL pto., util. pd, $175 Sm. boat """. tl13-645fl Balboa 4300 2 BR. 2 Ba. Condo. lrplc, HARBOR pool, ., ..... l250 °' ms tum. 49t--5081, mrllti6 11 CREENS 1:'~=w=M=~~,~~~.~,~-~-,--~ dl'J)!, bit.ins $185 J 1 e , 673-2370, 675--6949 BACliELOR. UNFURN. from $100 ALSO AVAILABLE East Bluff 5242 ,(t:.Hl AL~ -· Apt.. Unfumtthed Ailvert.l•n IM1 plaoe tMlr •de '1 t.11~ L!@UOO...... 5705 Pho-Are· Open 8:00 a.m. -5:30 p.111. 9 lo Noon SaturC!ay-Cfosed Sunday . 100 CLIPI' DltlVE LUXURY FURN/UNFIJRN Ye~ Leul. 1 6 J BdrmL "'"' to Shore • Sbopa DIAL DIRECT 642°5678 Oceanview from fft!f1 Apt. . """' llSO mo""' .,.,. WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540.'I 220 494.MI LRG 2 Br. 2 Ba. up.,r Huntinfton leach 540-1220 Laguna leach 494-9466 =. .... ~.~;.~~ Hour1-Regulation1-Dead1in•1 2104 t: 1 Unlv•l'llty Park 3237 517 w. 19th, C..M.. 5'S-34B1 1568 w. Lncln, Anhm 776-2800 DELUXE, apacioua 1-Bdrm. :Furn. apt. $1.15 Plut util 2 Br. " den $1S) PIUI util. CLEAN Bachelor Apt& All util incl S75 up ' 315 E. Balboa Blvd. BALBOA 613-9945 llea~ ;!,~,~Car. • NEW DELUXE • C.enter, Adj. to Sboppin&' _ 3 Br. 2li ba. apL for lease No pets allowed Incl. 1pac. mstr. suite, din --..-..;-,===---"· EftftOftl: Ad¥9rtl•ra 9heui.f °""" tMlr ..... n, u4 ,.,.rt lfl'lmNld!l1 .,,.,. RE~~:: ATE •''mlecl•lfloAtlen .. THE DAILY 'ILOT • ...,,.,... ll•blllt1 fw orrero enlt ti •• '" LUXURIOUS 3 Br., bonua rm., 2 batps. trplc. ~ ttla 11rte"1 af J1UbU1hth1 th• adv•rtl•ment cornotly pt time. .... Mo.., lease. ll33-0927 Heated pool Ample parkina 1---------No childrm-No pets Huntington S.ach 4400 zroo Petenon Way, at Har-rm. &: dbl. prage, auto. bor &: Adams •. Olsta Mesa. door opener avail. Pool le 546.0370 rec. atta. Nr. Catholic l!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~\ Ou""b & rcl>OOl • Corona EXTRA lgeo 2 bd, w/w crpls, del Mar Wgh. ' Rent•I• W1nted 59?0 DEADLINE FOft CO,Y AND Kl LLll l:IO P.M ....... ., Mhro publ5-i1Mt ... ,. ,., HARBOit HJah School Wt1ktnd Edition and Monday MOtlono wtltn oi Mlrig time 11 t:IO P.M. 'rid.,-. teacher Ii family want 3 YOU MUIT HAVI KILL NUMIERI Wh1n kllllnf a11 •• "°''*of .,lck NtUttl, ,, lack Bay 3240 2 BR. Duplu; cpts. &; d~ in liv. rm.; enc. pr. $130 nr. U.CL 838-1082 1'65Pomona, CM UTJLITIES PAID $100; urn.. pd. lDVely, l BR 1: bach. Htd. pool clean bach apt, w/w, Jlilltio, 803 Knoxville, Apt D, H.B. carport. Central loc. Bkr. • 536.2914 • ,. 534-<90} 1--------~- e ONLY S280 e drps, bit-ins, closed pr. 837-8n Amigos Way, NB. $125. Adults, no p e t a • 646-6209 LEASE • luxury • view - 1 BR duplex, with garage. spilt levd. 2 Br. ~ Ba. apt bdrm botllfl or apt to l"l!nt be •ure to make a NODrd of th• kill 111um1Mir 1lv111 yq •r pur all tall., .. in Harbor Dist. ca 11 v1rlflcatlon et >""Ur NII. 675-3315 aft 4 pm . ==---,,,.-,'-,.·-~.....,-E..,.ry tffort la mad• tt klll •r oorNOt a n1w 1d that hu bttll •rd1rod, but wo .. ,.. nOOM wa~ted, sleeping; for not 9uar11ntM to do 10 untll the 11.d ha11pp1arff In th1 paper, -Coron• del Mir ----·--"'--·-· L•guna Beach 4705 Cll"an & quiet, $90 month.•~"'~.35J0========-32SO tosta Mou 41~ 5 ' ----------Charmin&' 2 BR, nl"ar beach. ~Hamilton, Apt H · Coron• del Mir laalkdy. Fadllirview :~plployee; DIME·A·LINI Adt 11'9 ltrlctly ca1h In advanoe I)' mall or •l anr Mo., •Ur .ttlcea. w mg lance . .....,, Y Box NO phone orde~ $25 Wk. Up $Z5N ~.AYear. ll"ue~~~~· ln~60-~2~B~R'-.1N'-ew;;;-ind;;;· di;;v-;un;;;;;;;.,;,, lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii P-478, Dally Pilot. The DAILY PILOT f'9Ml'YOI ti* right to olu.Hy, •dit. ffllMP ... ref.,.; ... ,. .......... URGENTLY needed; furn. tlMrnol'lt,, 11nd t• change ltt l'atta ond regulatlona wltMut prl., -~ 5250 •1 i 2 BR. duplex: redec. W /W .~ :r~ =··~~:-Pe~ LM $21D. 673-4989 C BR 3 Ba., rel, ra., dillhwshr, cpll., patio. $275. • S ..... ,_ .._ n __ .. ........ ewc.u ISOClatea .. ~ ........, s DAJ,;11 _.... frplcs, dahwr, &~. drp.s, ~ -e Ind Utila A Pbohe aerv. 1 BR cottage north end. nos adults, no pets. '"~ e Maid Service • TV avail. inc util, l!lt A: la.st mo. in 361 E. 18th SL 6t2-6340 """' •rt• • NN Cafe&: Bar advance, 497.1273 I --------~ sgle. apt. for matutt lady M•ll Addru11 aow 1111. N•wpert lnclt C•llf • alone. Harbor atta. 4M-696l ' Afte'r 5 PM CLAlllP'IED COUNT&ftl .,.. locabd .. follrMI Daily Pilot Classified ,. , Adlts, no pets. 6T:>-S218 !===== 11 Huntington INch 3400 2376 N-Blvd ~ .....,. 2 BR. studio, unL Cpll. Drps, DRY Garage for atorap. .... .,.... ' .,_..,,aa bll-im. 984 El Camino. $145. ON TEN ACRES Costa Mesa/Newport atta. I·-, -1 8 _,_ . l RENTALS ... -·,· CLASSIFIED INDEX " ... . " . .. ... * •• y .. FrH Rent"11 Book Drop In and Browse 2 Bedroom Homes, Good Condition. · Beautiful Pool with hUge covered patio for that bl&" party. For Rent at $1611 per 1r1onth,-Crea1-Lo. cation. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 1682 Edinger 342-4435 or 540-5140 Open T>:.ily ti1 8::· ....,. ..... r, ..:u::an, qtue Apft. Unfurnished 962-5050 t It 2 BR. 1',urn It Unfum ............,.. Beaut. turn. Wshr/drye.r, i----------2 BDR 1~ ba, crpts/drps Frplcs I Pri I Patios I e LANDLORDS e pr. Mature adults. Gentr•I 5000 Adlts blt·ill! Jndry rm Gar Pools. Tennis • Contnt'l Bk· FREE RENTAL SERVICE ~D Wallace, C.M. ll~. 'a1i 6 pm "'" ,~6· 1st. 9 bole Putt/Gl'ffn, Broker ... ~.........., HOUSES FOR SALE HSWPOIT ••ACM -DllAl'TIH• 1•11v1ca 'fV .,._.,...... ~ OllH•Ul 1• HIWl'ffT Mll4HT1 GM IL.aCT•ICAL BEAUTIFULLY FURN. ----,~-ba--Ch-il_dro_· 1900 Ste Lane, OiM ~2611 PARTIALLY furn :l Ol" l COITA MllA ll• HIWl'OllT IN0a11 4nt IQUIJ'M•HT llNTAU Immac. clean! 2 br. pod. VEN .DOME 3 8 1 R. \.i · -n fMaWfhur nr. Coast Hwy) bdrm hae it .._ .._ 1 M••A o•L MU u• ::m~'::v PM• : P=• Adultll, no pets $150. 2272 v.-e rome. $150. Mgr. 862 W.l"!!~~!!!!"!!!!!!i'!i!!!i!!!!!iJ R l . ,,~~e.,.,-;:5 ""ca . ~:~.::•::1:k 1111 llACk ...,., .. :ul:NAC• 1t•PA11t. ..._ .... .... -.... ... -Maple.~ 642-48)7 CenlerAptl; 10a.m.-4p.m.lb-tANNEL Reel 1 yr lse1--·-·-'~""-"-·----·-----NllWPOl:T ••.-.cH 1111 IAIT•lU,, on ,.UIHtTUlll1llt'TOa1H• IMMACULATE APTS! 3 80.,1 .. -• n<S M ·~ 2 8 R fo R 1 5995 N•~T ,.11'"" ;;: co.OMA o•L Mola a11 a .,,,,.,s"'"• ..,. NICE Ba~lo!_ Apl JOO, .u1iJ UitMED, OOCUPANCY ''"' · ••·u.iurn. o. ~ mo. r . 2 Ba. OOms r •n U l lOA C0\111 Ullot. _. •AllD•HIN• ... , __ , Ad""-t ADULT • FAMIL_Y_ 2 Children ok;-apts, drps, walerfronL Boal -s-rI p HIWPOll:T IKOl:ll !: .,.., ISU.KDI .. ••HlltAl llll:VICll ..., """· w .... , no Pe 1 • "' blt·lns. 545-0262. "lo pel!I! 675-5483 ROOM for rent. Nice, quiet t.t.TC••n 1211 l DCfllU GA •uorM., DttctN• ,_ 54&-8428 SF.cI'IONS AVAil..ABLE I-;;-;;;,-,,.,-,,-~.,--,~-home· f work' U.YSHOl:I S IHI UUOA Ill.AHO OP •LAii ... Clos• to Shopping, Park GORGEOUS new adult apll. 2 BR modn. Redec. Ocean • or ing woman, oov11: stt0111 1nr HUNTIH•TOH ••ACN ... Olll•• TMUM• .,.. l.GE .. Attr. 1-Br. apt. 1-2 BR. Furn/Unfurn. "d h N kit. priv. 642-4794 lnSTCLll'P ltll l'OUHTAtN VAUIY 4411 •UH IHOP •TII UW . paid, $1l.O. Adults : ~=!~r's, 2 Ba 2000 rARSONS &42-8670 ~~o. ~tureu a~~~· 0~:: $50; PRIV. room, employed ~:~'::1.;.!,'"P't:l' im t::~ :::~: : ::~tT:. CLUll :: No pets. 673-1365 ~ "-tl llVIHI Im OIU.HOI COUNTY 4411 KOUS•CLUltlH• 1111 .. Swim Pool, Put/green 2 BR, 2 BA, bltns, crpt., $200. 673-2086 Sat & Sun or CO.LH;ge gen eman; in a aACK ••v ::: UIOIH HOVI t611 IHT•ltoll D.COl:ATIN• 1m $125; CLEAN dupe.Ix 2 Br., • Frpl, lndiv/tndry fac'ls d""S. 181 • H Del Mar Ave. NEW l Bdrm lovely home. 546--1713 IAST•lUl'P. IMI WnTMl..UI• .. ,, IMCOM• TAX 1141 gar., 1 ~.QK.. 1••5 An h · A ... · ·· gar a i e ; .,..IP M . 11tv1"" T11tuca 1w MIOW.t.Y cfTY 4'H 110H. GrM.-.,. ~ 6191 Westside C.M. SCS-3l35 -a e1m ve. Sl45. 543-3278 a.ft 6 pm . carp., drapes, bltns. $150 "'"'' . en; sep. entry, quiet. coaoHA Dal MAI , •. U.NTA ANA ..,,. 110H1Ho 1111 COSI'A MESA 642-2824 ----------1 Lease. Adults lJnly ~ S55 MO. or weekly; $70 Mo. •AllOA PIHIHSULA , ... SANTA .\NA "'''"'' ,... IHSllU.TIH• ., .. FURNISHED tudioe S99 50 •IACOH IAT t• TUSTIN °"* IMSUllAHCI int SPAR.KLING, sunny, walk to b~ • beach le shopping; J BR: ' . . ---~ 1 BR unfurnished $80 w/kitchen, 5f8....698li ••T Ill.ANDI , .. COASTN. 4711 IHVISTIOATIH. ·Otttdlft 41" 1 bedroom $110. Newly $155; DLX. 2 Br. 2 ha. \Vells-~lcCardle Realtors Balboai 5300 NICE Roo fo work.in l lOO llLI ,., u.evHA llACH .,.. .IANtTOllAL '"' dl"COrated, ml Elden Ave. tud' ~~ d ·-<•g.1729 m _r g IAUOA Ill.AHO , .. U.OUHA ,. .. Vil 47U .l•'#llll't' lllPAI.. .... .. S JO. c .. .._.., y " pauu, '" man. ]996 Anaheun St ~Sta HUHTIMOTOH llACM 1• SAii ClllMIJtTI 4711 lAIJIOKAPIMO MM lMMAC. Detuxe 2 BR, patio \V/W, drps. Child & pel 2 BR unf., cpts., drps, bltns. GRACIOUS A~ult Liv.ing. Mesa 548-5261 MUHTIHeTOll """IOUll ,. DAMA POINT 47~ l OCIUMITII - Adults. No -ta. $150/mo. OK. Bkr. ~ Wall ··-"·· 1 child OK Ocean a: Bay view. Spa.ClOU! 1----------l'OUNTAIH VAU.W'i' 1411 Tll tPl•X. "'" .,.. MASOttaT. •l:K:k • -- bltnll, secluded patio, pool ·'--" &: maintenance; many ex· .(• 1 traa. $195 J.fo. 838-7954 ' .. $1SO; NICE 4 Br. 2 Ba. 2ll7l2 F""""""'1> Jfunt. Beach 539-6976 ....... t"'-'~'ti 11.t.I. llACH ... COHOOMIHIUM ffM MOVIHO I STOllAO 1914 Wallace. Nr. beach. sll;. 962-3055 2 BR. 2 B:A_., walk in Guest Homes 5991 IUHllT llAC"H 14" RIE:NTALS PAllrfTIH .. P...,.. .. , .- • Nusau Pa.Ima • 1 & 2 BR. ·Pool 177· E. 22nd St. 642-3645 Costa Meta 51001:===,,..,=-c-,,.--c closets., beautiful carpets &. OAllDIH 011ovw 1m U I IL-_. PAIHTIHe. ,._ "" ----------DELUXE 2 BR studio, cplS, draperies. Pool. Boat slips PRIVATE room for elderl,y LOH• ••AcH 1111 Apta. n urns.-.-:!!~o:.,ll:APH't' 1171 1 BR. ""'um 1120. Ava.·1 d-.....,,.I 1135 & Up l f I ,. b I d . . ___ .. U.klWOOD ..... ••HlllAl .... • -• .,a, ....,... · · or tenan s. .,u tcrranean a y tn llce,llK:'U guest home. OIAHGa coUMTT u• cotTA MllA n• J'U.IT•lllN., Pll'dlo •we ti· 3 BR. 1 % bath, 1 mile from 3/! -2 • 1 Br. furn $130 child OK 646-0496 parking. 6TJ...3003 Good food served family OUT o .. COUHTT , ... MllA VIAD• 1111 p.~M ....... ·..... = up He ,_.. ..........l no t I . .... CWT °'" ITAT• .... HIWPOIT 11.M:H 1211 •• N rt B h 4200 · a'""'"' """' pe s, Hty e . .,., 3391 STANTON 1"1 HIWPOllT HllOHTI ftll POOL •••VICI "1t • -beach. Close to ahoppin&'.. -"!E'!~~--"-•----baby ...ok. 1887 Monrovia, Newport Beich 5200 Lido l1le 5351 ----------lw11TM1Hn111 111t N•WPOl:T lllOtl•I •nt =:•.:::~~'"• :;:: o~;., $190/mo. 53&-7744 WOULD .,.,,. like to live on 646-4753 Income PrAAAMv 6000 MIDWAY CITY ,,,. ftSTCLI,, mt 1100111H• .,,. :-~ 1r •1 . ,, IMMAC. 3 Br. 2 Ba. home; avail. March; rers. S189 ?if<mth (213) 35&-0368 J¥W UPSTAIRS 2 BR, 2 BA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;~;;;;";;;';;;;;;;;;l•AlrfTA ANA ,,. uwmutTT P.t.a• sm ._.0,. ,.,..., .. -N"ewport l&labd'!' ~up-2861 MENOOZA, lower 3 Br. N'PT. Island Dxl.. upper . • ' UJITA AHA Men. 1&11 U.Cll .... ., .,.. -• • .. Al IMI 2 blt-1ns c:rpts drps frplc Oll:AMOI l&ll UST 11.UI'.. ha ••MOOILIHO a • • per apt., rum., on leue. Ba. ullf..; encl. patio, $150 duplex; J Br. 2 Ba. Cpts, • • • . Investment tUITIH ''* COii ... ,, Diil MAii Ull ll•MOD•UH .. KITCHIHI IHI Prefe:r-cple-. no children ar Mo. yn lse .. 540-2493 Or drps, frpl. Elec. bltn!, $Z!5. mo. yearly lease. with Insurance MOl:TN nm1M JM a.u.ao.t. .,. ='•..,.. = peta. Space for small boat. see Mgr. Apt-A refrl&. Pier, llip. Adults No 673.-3824 •NAHalM '"' •AT tsu.NDI '* , .. , ... MACHtMI llPAHtl """' . ·~===~-=~~~ Approx 3 actts rare R-3 mn. StlVlll.AOO CQTOff 1611 LIDO Ill• nn 673-0472 pets. $350 Lse. 642-3425 BAYFRONT 2 BDR, Privt . . d• + ta1 LAGUNA HILU 17M Huom••T .. llACM "" ,",",.!',J!0" kS. ...... a1tr. --NEW 2 BR. 1% BA, crpts, Be ch F" la p l' 1~ .1? avoca ott • ren . U.OUNA llACH 1111 ...... ,,. p)o..o Santa Ana Heights 3630 ,. , " I'.': I "' 1 -:c: ., . '. ·1.' •o:. lo< ~~( .~ , ... ' *3 BR. Iiouae. Stovel Refri. all util pd. $160 month. 54&"'47 1 • BR., balcony over pool. AduJtll. $135, 1st & la.st drpa, an bltns incl dshwr, YEARL y Spacious 3 Bdr. a . lt'ep ce, a JO, Utihtie11 A: sewer 1l1 le -nld u.ou ....... , ~UJfTAI• VAUrt' Mii TIRMITI COllftOL lfn $325 6~2837 aft 4 ...,.. l7'1 IJUOA 111..AM• nSI TILL c.-i. lfM 644-tl631 or 548-2035 sep patio, sep gar. $165. 2 Bath, Fireplace $225. Mon. . . for. 400' frntg on paved IAH CllMIMTI 1n• llAl ••ACM 14.M TILL LllllleWnl & ..,... "" Avail April 1. 642-6257 Appl. Onlv 499-2128 ·--1 cl I ho . •. SNt JUAN CAJ'llTIAHO ,,,. LOH• ••ACM ISM Tit•• lllVICI .. J Huntington Be1ch 5400 SUl.""<: OR 0 II ppmg • CAl'llTIAHO •UCH 1"' OUN•• COUHT't s• TILIVll\OH, .. ....,. ... ... freeway, Can't be topped at OAHA POINT 11)1 OAIOIH •11ov• NII UPHOUTllY .,,. EXCLUSIVE ON-THE·BEACH 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts • Luxury Uving to please the most dlscriminattna"· Jli<J91 available 11! SSl,500. 29% dn. Owner will ~=~•'•~• 11.. w11TMIHITIR Nit w•LDltt• .,,. CUT)' at 6.5%. UH 01aeo ~;;; =:~HcAtTY ::: JOBS f EMPLOYMENT USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID BANKER lllVlllllDI COUJfTT IMI IAlrfTA ANA Mll•"'1 IUI JOO WAllTIO. --HOUSal TO II MOYaD 1 .. REAL ESTATE COHOOMIHIUM .,,. ~rJ~l :: :: =~:: ._. ... 714/124-3760 OUPl•lCll 1'011 IAl• lfn U.•UHA •IACH 1111 MaN • WOMlll ... ..PAITMINTI '°I U.ll ltll LAGUNA lf!OU•l. Im OOM•ITIC NILP 1m • DAILY PILOT 2430 \Yannlands, Vista, Calif. RENTALS 1M1 CLIM•NT• m1 AOaHci•s. *-ntt Hou." Fuml.h _ _. UH .IUAN CAPISTRANO 1121 HllP WAlfT1D, M'9 ,_ FOUR·PLEX 3 Br 1 ba each WANT AD ORDER BLANK lhe Hunlingl11n R f dd ·1 Ea '"d GINllAl m or a . uni . !L.'>J e l &NTAU TO IHAll loc. Rent can be inc. 20% COSTA Ml!SA w/out vac factor Pride M•SA DIL MAI: ' • M•IA VlllDa of owner. $62,500. COLL111 PAIK AND REAl!H THE ORANGE COAST'S BIGGEST MARKET Pacific 646-nn StG.2313 HIWPO•T ••ACM The Real Estaters ::::::~ ~i:r:11 1 .............................. 1•ATSMo••s 1-------............................. .--... ........................ ~ •••.•••.•••••.••.........•• ..._ .......... _____ 711 ~~S: ;;_~4s7H.Il. Income & Avocados ::::c•L~ .. ":111 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES '~'!""'~'!""'!!!'!'~'"""'1°"~'"'·1c1""'8R"·e."""-"'°"h r:.'1'::•m "" 1~W I p • ? N ,-ping. "" den eac . IACK •AT 1-----..-----.----~----..-----.----~----.----..----en rivacy ew Frplc. Low do11:n • $36,00'J. ,...,T 1Lu'" z 4 1 12 ONE BRs NEAR OCEAN CANON REALTY lllVIHI T•••Aca TIMlS TIMIS TIMU TIMU $132 mo ($147 Fum} garage COllOHA Oil MAI l-----1-----1----l-----1·----1-==-11-==-1--"'='-1-...cc='-1202 • 14:.IL 536-lll9, 673-l7S4 3034 E. c.oasr Hwy. 675-lSSl ••L•OA c=;;,;..:,;;::::::::::::=.c;:;:-:::-:11!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!'J!!!!!!!!!!!!l'A't' ISU.HDI 1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----11-----1-----1----·11-BR. Townhouse, bltns, 10'!. NET ~~~~!LrsUMD $•.so $610 $10.65 $15.90 Wllhr/drYer. drps, nr. beach Fully leased 3 yr old Ind MUHTIHOTOM llACH • • 1120 '10 ~·3 .~~ n~"" . , ' FOUHTAIH VALL.ST '-----1-----1·----·l-----1-----l·----l-----I ,. ....... : ,,.,,.....,,,.."' Bldg. pnme location, Costa SIAl 11ACH ' ---1----1~~~-.,-,-,,~ $5.10 $ •. 2. $13.10 $20.10 2 BR. Expanded Mobile Mesa priced right at $57.500 LONG 11ACH Home $135 mo. N•ar ........ n Bkr 00-0111 OIANlll COUHTT ..,.. .... _., . 1~.NTA AHA ---l-----l·-$-2-4-.3-0--1 unlurn, lse. SJG.9933 LIE on Leach, fish on pier, :r~~T~"~~;: l----~----'-----'----~----'-$6_.00 __ '-$_9_·_7_6_._$_l_S_.S_S _____ 1IT'SWONlJERl'\ILt1Mim&.Q1 picnic in park, all within U.HTA AHA Hl lSHTI buys m appliances you find walklrc distance. New ~~iT:; l lACM in the Oaaifted Ads. Cl&.~ Hunt. Beach 4-Plex, by LAGUNA J11ou1L PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND -BILL 0 tO flliURI COST Publi1h for,,,•• ••• , .dayl,, bo9innin9 • ,. •·••·•, ,,, ,. , •• , ., ,. •• •••, ,,, l,;""""'m=oo=w='======~buflder=~~·= ... ;::;""o=ll4=7-3!15=;:';<1'AH CL.IMl:HTI ' S~,. JUAN CAPIS,,_AHO CAJ'1STllAHO IUC:H Huntington Be1ch 5400Huntington Beach 5400 oAHA ..01HT --~'----------=----;..;....;.:..111va11101 COUHTT VAC•TIOH lllHTAll CONOOMIHIUM OUl'laX ll ll'Ulttt. RENTALS _., OAHA l"OINT 1141 AGll+Clll, W-,_ REAL ESTATE, HllP WANT9.0....... 1411 --"" "" 1111 tlU .. mo "" '"' = "" "" ... »• no nu "" ,,. ... "'' IHI .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... '"' "" "" '"' "" "" ,, . -... .... "" G I J01J.-..M4111 • ..... ,... ener• AGaHCIU. """' • .._ ,.. Tlll,LIX. "' Dtl ICHOOU & IHITIUCTION Hll CONDOMINIUM ffll J01 PllaPAllATIOll ,... ltllfTAU W.llfTID 5"' THIATlllCAl 1"I llOOMI .. o. ••HT SftJ MERCHANDISE FOR l:OOM • IOAID '"' I MOTIU. TIAll•• COURTI "" SALE AND TRAD OUllT NOMll ..,. PURHITUlll -MISC. lllNTALI "" O""ICI l'UllHITUl:I ... lltCOMI PllOPa11n ... OPPIC• IG\llPMINT .,, •UllHISI ... O .. lllTT ... ITOI• IOUlflMaNT Mlt ftA.llal PAIKI 6111 CAFll, l:ISTAUl...,.T Ml• •Vllltlll lllHTAL "" IAI •OUIPMllrfT Ull Ol'PICI 1a11tTAl 611l HOUSaHOLD 9000I ltll IHOUITllAl PllOl'll:TY ._ OAIAOI SALi 1122 COMMllCIAL -"UINITUll AUCTtoH 1115 tHOUITllAl lllfTAl "" A ... llAHCD '1M lOTI 11• MITIOU•I '1U RAMCMal IUI llWIH• MACHlllU IHI CITIUI OllOVll 1111 MUSICAL tM"1lUM&Wf ... ACllAGI Gii PIAHOI & OleAHS 11• LMll lLllHOl:I lttt llAOIO all llllOllT Plt°'lllTY all TaLaVlllOM -OUH•I CO, PllOl'lltTY 1211 MM'I a ITlllO ftll OUT 01' ITAT• l'llOP. 4MI TAI'• l•COl:Dlll Im MOUNTAIN & OISllT 1111 CAMlllAI & •OUIPMl"1 ... SUIDIVISION U.HO QU HOl•'t' IUPPllll 14'1 IUl •ITATI M•YICe 6211 ll'OITIH• MODI ... 11.L I XCHAHOI 4211 llHOCUU.IS. KOPIS _,. L & WANTID 04I Mttc'lllAHIOVS -BUSINESS Ind MISC. .,,..,.0 .. ,. FINANCIAL ~~~·••· ii. :: IUSIHl ll OPPOllTUHmat ... ITOIAO• "11 IUStH•IS WANTID .. •UR.Onie MATllllAU INt IHVllTMIHT 01ae1I-1111 IWAPI - 1Hv11TMIHT wAHTao '*'' PETS inti LIVESTOCK MONI Y TO LONI UM PallOHAl L.OAHI Im PITI, elHlllAl. - JIWILllY LOAHI 1n1 CATI -COLU.T'lllAl l.OAHI mt DOOi -llAl ISTATa LOAMI ~ HOlllll - Cl1t1ific1tio11 • , ••• , •• , •• , , , , ,, , , ••• , , ,, , , , , ,, , , , , ,, , , ,, , •• , ••• , , , , 'ut 011ty 0111 word i11 ••ch •p•c• obo••· lnchulo your •ddron or pho110 nu111b•t. th• coif'.'[ your 1d it of th1 011d of lho lino on wh1~ th1 l•1t word of yo11r oJ it writ· l1n. Add $2.00 ••tr• If yoo dt1it1 YIO of DAILY rtlOT 101 ,,,..re. with 1111ilod r•• plio1. Hous" Unfurnished MOl:TO .... as, T""' 0.-1'41 lrvlllOCK --av ••"'"• -CALIFORNIA LIVING N11111 ••• , •••• , ••• , • , , • , • , , •• , , • , • , •• , ••••• , , , • , ••• , , , • , , , , , • , • • Adlllr•t• ••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• , •••••••••••••••• City ••••••••• , ••• ;. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'h•nt , •••••••••••••••••••••• • -·-··----------CUT Hilt -rA.STI ON YOUl INYU.Orf O•NalAL COSTA MIU. MISA O•l MAI MISA VllOa COLLIQI PAIK NIWPOllT 1aACM HIWl'OllT H1T1. MIW..OIT IMOllal •ATIHO•ll OOVll lttOllll W'IST(llll'I" UHIVl!lllTY P.l"k lllYINI •AClt •AT ..... ANNOUNCEMENTS •ua11aL11 '"' IUI ind NOTICES =='". l'OOU = Jiii POUMD ('"" _, .. AWtU.... 1111 1111 LOl'T 6tel VN!ATIOlll -= ::::':~,.,. !: TRANSPORTATION me atlTHI .. n IOATI a TACH'T'I ... sns PVHlllAll "" u1L1Un ""-/ am PAIO OllTUA•Y '411 NW•• c•u•••• .,. PUHllAL Dll:ICTOll ~ '4U IPllD-IKI •OAn Mii am no111n t-111 10AT T11AILll1 •1121 -CAID O' TllAWQ tt1• llOol.l MA!WTINAMC• tm n• I• IQMOl:IAM ... , NAT U.U'llfCMIH• tlM nu CIMITUT LOn t-111 ........ IOUI... ... • l~T 11.UI'• l•YIHI TlllllACI OIONA Oal MAit 1Al•OA 1Mi CIMllal:Y CllYPTI t-11t IOAT 11.lfl, MOOl11f9 MM att CAIMAT'Ottlll t-111 '°"·T •llVKl"S ---MhlORIM. Pt.IQ '41t OOAT 1taNTALI ... , ... ,~ ' ' ·-1~ " Ii I; •• ... • • \. ' - IUSINESS R E PLY MAI L Ol'llnge Coat DAILY PILOT '· o. lox 1560 ' c.t. Mt•, C.lif. 92626 Spanish Style Luxury 1 ' 2 Ballroom -2 a.th Apa. Fumishad and Untumllhad Adult Lhln1 -Nu• Bucha ShqCarpet1 Self Clunlnc <Ivans Private Entranca Private Fun Docks Huce Pool Paf17 Pavilion With Kitchen Now Renting 19822 lltuokhunt St., Ju1t North of Mims Huntineton htch-(714) 962-2981 ••Y ISU.MOI LIOO ltll l.llaGA llUJtO Hl.WPOl:T WalT IUlolTIMOTOH l l ACll NUHTIH•TOH HAllMlll ""HTAIN VAlllY llAl alACH •A•OIH tlovt LOH• •IACH OllAMO• COUll'n IAlrfTA All'A WllTMIHITI• MIDWAY CITY IAHTA Al>IA Hll~n COi.iTAL ""'OUH.l •IACM U.OUHA NIOUll IAH CllMl"ITI CAl'llTRAMO CAPllTl:NtO •UDI OAHA l"OIHT CONDOMINIUM OUl'L9x•s UNl>Ulll. RENTALS Apta. fumlahod ••••"it.Al COSTA MISA MllA VIII.DI Ja AUCTIOM IQt MAT CMAl:Tlll ,_ : m'J.~ •me• :: ::'~':o~~:r = am •• ,......,.,.-.T.011 ...-""' noue• '"' , ,_ AllTO ftMll'OllTATHMll ... ...T1 • ...,..,.. ,_ *"II ..-....L lltOTICU 69 AllC'ltAl'T nt1 , ~ HllMMI & fVT'Oilllfe '4t1 RTIH• t.anotnl t1M ... SERVlCI DIRECTOltY\ :;:: :' = NII •«.oUWTIM -lllC't'CLll t1lf -....... 111•• llRVICll . .... llGTlllC UU "91 • = APl't..l'°lllt'• I WAIAI. Pn •S14 :.Mltll ..... ..., ml •llt A..,.,,11"'9 A M9TOit(TCLIS ,_ Asl'MAL.T. Olli "" MOTOltc:OOTall ,_ M1I AUTO lllPAld .,_ AUT9-HllVICll a '"l:TI t• -AUTO. ......... T-. .... .... AUTO TOOU a •eu1P. ,,. 1711 IAl't'llnlH• ... TllA11.I .. TllAW" Nit .,. llOAT MAIHT"l'9NICI .. u nA1La•1o .,,.., ... "" U ICtt. MAJOflHIY, ""' ... CAMPl:llS tnt .,. 1USIHIJI nna1 .... n.UCKI .. -•utL.DIU Wll IUl'S tt1t #11 CATllll.. IPI DVtll •IMrn 1Hll CAe•ITMAk... .. IMf"OllTID ~ -CAllPIMT91"'• ... 9'0llT CAH .,,. c.MI"'· ~ ... AlfTNtUn. cu.ntn CHU c.t.111. ~ Int uc• CA•S. ... COllTllAC1'9al tal AVT'O IYl1f'ft u.tll>IT CLaAM... ... AWTOI WANTle -CAIPIT U.Ytfi• a llPAla ..,_ HIW Cl.Ill ,,. OttAnllll'• -AUTO l•All'M9 llH OIMOUTIOfll -VIU Cl.Ill • -... H" "" ·-... -... ... • • • ·---------------•••q••-·-···~-·~--~,_...,_,..,,.,_•~·-·--·•,.~·-•-w•o••~•••~•~•~•~•··-·~·••~:c .... cwo•:wo•se,..owo..,w~owwa~ooooocoawaa:•m""!..,' .. a~a•sasawaasaa~ .. 0£"!asaa0 ...... au==aa~~'lll!l ... !ll!] ----------• , JOIN THE . ' .. 'SELLERS CIRCLE' WE'RE SAVING SPACE FOR YOU • • • • ~ ·~ ~ ·~ .~ . ~ ·~ ~ If you sell a service and 'don't aavertise in +he DAILY PILOT Se rvice Directory, you're doing business the ha rd way· The Service Directory (classifications 6500 • 7000 in the classified ad section daily) g i v e s you an • advantage you get t hrough no other adver· tising medium . It reaches customers who are ready to buy. Be there when your prospects come into the market looking for the services you have to sell. If your service isn 't listed, we'll start a category just for you. Pick up the phone r i 9 h t now and reserve your space in the "Sellers Circle" • Your Direct Line to Directo .ry . Results 642•5678 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ---..... -- RIAL ISTATI ;;;-REAL ESTATI 1,_ IUS!NESS and ANNOUllC~~rf'41Jl .... pm .......... iiiiiill Gonoral -ral PINANCIAL , 11111 NOTICIS llMI-Property Office ltont1I 6070 a... o,,o.tunlti. -Loot • 64P! LAGUNA.11\0TEL LAGUNA BEACH * * * * 11LAOt " '°" femal• Prtme\ocado4,2'1.W.runU11 , Air ~ncfitioned Mr. 0.nny lntr•m Omn&n Sblplmd wit• or< l.arae Jot. Cttlt--~ ON i'ORES't-AVENUE-11t M•riM Ave. .u~~cbob I-flea eouar. 1.,1...,, ~-""'='""'· Doa1r -· -hi Balboo Island, Calif. Vic Orin(e Co. ai...t. SUBMIT ALA. tM!Wtlt ol11et b.d\dlna •l Annett to Babe. ~dd_ \)R LOW DOWN.P YMENT ,Prime aoqtloo tu downtown \'~ are wtuer el a PF Call Ort~ K\l I e in 1 tJ RICK A'LDERETTE lAiuna S.aeb. Air COO>I!> or...,_,. ... a oat -wtoobt ..... RHI"" ~ carpeted, boautlful -at ... •·-LOST: Black lo whit. 11QI N. Rau 114154'7_. paneled partitioolnJ:, Two Co•••••••• Ollller. ·fluffy cat. 1-yr. ekf -OFFIC ~ BLDG HB entrucet:: Frontaae co Mardt. ' t 91' ••'la 1.. lo u-lo i:: • • Forest Ave., rear Jtadl 1o Come m• • ._ wl r. V&c. 6000 sq, tt l.5 omces. Good Munclpal par1cq: iota. s;.o brucl 1:,;:. :'.,. --~ Shallmer Dr., C.M. ft• for:, Dr .• Llwyel'I • Savinal per month fOl' space. Desk our tr&D: waN. Wheddya Want? Whaddva Get! , ~ ~~5 ,,..,. ~·· =in i!:,~.:,!".,:0 ".{ • r-t 646 5161 or 54MSJ7. Sl'ICIAL CLASSIPICATION. FOil It. D. SLATES, Rlt r. aeMce avau.ble '"' 110. '.'LITTLE BUSINESS'' NEAR Baker A F.-, NATUllAL IOltN SWAPl'lllS 84'1.8519 Eves. 962-136'9 All utruti@f paid txctlPl •Operate trom. )'Ol;a' b01M ·:!.-Azmi'e~t. ~ Sp1cl1I a.t.,. RESTAURANT ....... , time. r.t-•. ¥ FUii or.,..n.thne · aft f. 5 .._ _ 5 ti--5 llucb :moo ~ C.2. St.LI, roOAILY PILOT •. lli&hN. e~ LOST ~--· A ~ ~ ._.IHA.U~AO MUl't~u: ..... .... leue trade 54&.-3139 m REST AvnruE oexpe.-... nceneceuary : -va ccutren ..,.TOU•_...,..,...., ...,.,_.,.._ ... . ' . LAGUNA BEAat • Free tnWnc prognm Aatronaat man'• watch; ~ING 'otl &AL•-TIUDU ottl'fl ---------s Eam while teaming Lln<Oln SchL -.... No PHONI '4~71 BvtlMll R•nt•I 6060 bFFICE'In Ins Gtfice1 avail.,• $3500 ~ent bu1• questiobL 50-5.S64; m-1451 T•''lec.e Yeur Trlder'a P1redlM M · I\;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I w/reoept. rm. Alf ... Q.8 , eompltte mventory LOST· 8lk. L & bra 4 o" I· ...-e !'or inlomfation 1 __ :,. wl-m---•'· .. :_•, t M~l tllt-uP bldp, on Pl&-I 10 Acres oo Mtn View Ref, HUNTINGTON BEAQ-l Griffith Bldg., downtown 1:n-,...-., __. v.,,; _ GOLO KEY SUITES Executlv• &. S.111 Offic11 Lido. $100. 675-4383 • Call: 54&-6740 eves. Beach I: Adams :Btv, JIB centil., C.M. Trade eqt.y, 4 Mlle1 tram. Palm !fprp. AFFILIATE Rew 5.16-Ql.7 m,500 for T.D. or prop. + SUltable Ttailer.Pk:Joeatlon. 3QO Sq. Ft. Office * PARTN•R * · 16.0JO. FUii Pr. l150.0IO. • Tnde l3<lOO ..wr:. ... eu, Costa Meaa 646-2130 .:; FEMI. Collie · "Pa.tcbea" no 548-lSG. __ .... ~--T •uun • · With $1500 cash to inin me ,......, ... ,.., "" ._ .,...... tap. ~by'I pet. V 1 c ' TOWNHOU.n. 3 Br ~ bl.. lndu5tri1I Rtnttl 6090 !n local light manufactul'-!IC:qnolla Sl A Preaklente • . • A'•-~ • u·"·-mg business. .... 1 .. -. to 1tart. F v ft-·udl M?-3139 Beaut apprd. Prtv. patio. ·~-~ _, . ' ~w ~ "'*'-ID ~... Vol * r..-ta Ii: .1-.. SPACE Want~ ·in Newport Party mllSt be COll&t1¥.l LO i f l ~ - $60lJ, 113 acre with bf to private beach So. Of Santa *::.::Cp~-Rm"'~ Beach,Costa.MesaorSanta withbU&ineuabillty.ftdeT.. ST, wb te ema e $32,~ tow dn. or T.D., • ......,.,, ......., Al.a...-A "-ll n nµniahltt poodle, vie Del Car Of' ? Owner 6661154 * ri ...... : .... It main!. A111t. for light electrical ences ex ... _""· ..... ( 4) Qbl~ + c.ne Re-.. u CN<. TRAPE $m1 -· tor dn pymnt Qranp ~ ly land or ~l -4£19.3133 --~ bl _ft_,.__ .. ,~..... .,.,.. .,.,..~ exL 1345 .. ..., .,._a. .,_,, VW Bn• •-· VW BuL Telephone Answering ~ a' 1em Y ,....,,~, ... U'b· .,.....6,.... . San Juan. 493-3109 .....,.. ... - Secretarial Service avatl Approximately. 400 to . 600 SACRIFICE GER. Short bair pointer, Man'i diamond rinc for Cnroria del Mu Duplex Exchangi! up for Lquna Beach Home. • B...., Town & Country );(IWU'e feet, \\o1tl\ electncty, BY OWNER liver color "pet", Vic C.M. trail bike, wuher I: dryer Shopping Cent•r heat and plumbing, Area Dul" to change must sell Reward. 548--4916 or color 'l'V. Antique rifle• n1ust be . ~I~ olf from vending route.• ~5 month I-========= for camera or ? 513-«iS8 18582 Beach Blvd. o~her actaviues. Please ln-old lOc snack machaies, less PtrlOntlt HAVE 8X35 ft trailer, A·l (at Ellis) Huntington Bch d1cate ~ monthly cost and % price. SUOO. 847·28'l4 , 6405 condition! Want 10x40 ft 962 ~·7 avaUaJbhty date. Addreu --• PALM lo CARD e trailer will pa.y difference. 4*-1330 •' ' 'ST Mutana V4 conyert; PS/PB, !WI, xlnt .,..a, new titta, lo ml, val St300: accept small ear iii trade. .... Ply, 5'8-2l61 ._ reply to Eleetrome Systems FISHING Business at Dory STORES ALSO Co., P.O. Box 1'772. Newport Fleet Newport B. 16' Boat Pwychie reader Sister Julia Clll betw 2-7 pm 548-7189 __ _ Bee.ch, CaliJ. 9266.1 J motor gear, locker a: bait hu helped ~ Jet APrS.. in Hwit Pull. 13 STREET FRONTAGE FOR 1 La Niguel box. Pri~ $600. R~ady to her bdp you. gpeeia.l read· units, 1 a: 2 Br., new pajnt Or: ~ach _Blvd. 1480 Sq. ft. t' Sae~ ~n:i t Cro • go. 962-4692 inp $l Open daily 9 a.m. A: cpt. witt.in lut yr. Trade :r.'Iodet1stiine ideal for insur 0 -n ego" ... ., a wn BARBE to 10 p.m.193-985fi 7Ul W~ for income prop. N'pL, $45,000 eqU(ty in Channel Ree.t Penthouse. Will trade for property in 'Hawaii. Cheater Salisbury, Jllb'· 6'13-<900 Rltr, etc CBet. Katella and Valley, new commercial 6 2 ch . °"' R ,SHOP .. : min&ter, Westm1Mttt. C.0.ta Mesa, ~ Eve. c.e ·.to)·~· lndscpd industrial units. Delta El.ee-air, U er owners.up LICENSED _::1 1 1'0650' •"Bea'· h Bl •.. tric. Days • 831-1400. Eve~ . !or 7 yrs. $2500. 17 Ft, outboard for 1tatlon -mob, "'"'~ Sc v · 4~98. , 548-6997 Spiritual Readi.np. advice waa:on or auto of equal val-~ on all matters, l<I: S. El ue. Phone 64M68'l 3000 SQ ft warehouse II oUk.-e A'ITRACTJVE BE A U TY Camino al ~-lafboa Island + 6<m sq It paved & fenced SAWN Lido a~a. Re • San -...cmente. Five year equity in 3 bdrm, * ,,..., ~-492-9136.. 10 AM·lD PM 1 ...... 1 .. -,,.,_;1 .. _.._... Cboice ot Two $150 A: $175. yard. 1855 Laguna Canyon v•.:>-i»olll * .,......,.,.... .. 12,n••nING ..., ...... .....,,~ ........ ' • <JC"~ ~ bo!De, For mobile horn• ot Rltr. 642-9555. Rd. (U4) 494-i066 or (U4l WANTEO : Otf-&Ie liquor 22' Century Inbrd., hU aU extraa, C.G. app. equip. + SIS RT. Sold new S"r.iOO. \Vlnter price $3695. Tradl. for amalll!l' ?bat. 546-SS12 54G-768:J }l-.. aa 1,, .. ,_.,,,_ ........ _,... YOU Muat be tcene to be truck equity. ----------~·--... v• ... '6" ...uw.i.., ael!Cted. We ~ people ._,·=~Call;::_::,;&U-31""';n::_-o-J'JOO SQ. h. t.1-l space with call: 64Ul39 Office R1nt1I ~ front oHice; drive in rearl-'==''=-=====::; of all qea int in exposure HAVE 3 UNITS; need tiiammoth Lam -JO Units plus lara;e boml! on 1 &Cft.. Trade for )'Olli' Oral!P County property·or '! Salia- bury Realty 673-6900 * Mod --Offi door. 1308 Logan Sl. C.M. Real £5t1te Lo1n1 6340 101" bit parts ln ccfmmerc., ar.i.e County income em Ce5 $195 mo. 646-0681 ' , .mov __ ... _~_TV_8'6-3460____ \Vlll exehan&e up Single or suites, Air cond· HOME LOANS Attraetivt Expert SI Slavin, Realtor !tinning, parking, secretarial Lots 6100 MONEY AVAILABLE YOUNG WOMAN 642-6222 lle'l'Vice, central locatlon. Call for details on today's dancer will teach you all C. Robert Nattresl'! Realtor SALE · rates for 1st &-2nd TDs. late1t 1teps. Call Ardell * * * * * 230 E. 17th Street Corporation Liquidation, 13) Serving ()ranee County for 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM Costa Mesa 642-1485 HAWAIIAN LOTS near 20 years -=:...::::.:=..=.::.:::.._ NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER Hilo $2,IXX> each. Ed Sharp, Sattler Mortgaa:e Co. Inc. COUPLF..s A: Single. -don't . ·-------·-· ·----·----SERVICE DIRECTORY .. around "mopian", be a I I k u. lo Offices suitable for Com· Realtor, 300 N. Newport Bl., 336 E. 17th St. UTOPIAN. Join the •winz r c , nwtonry, .tc. Ctrpet L1ying mm:::ial, 1t1edieal , Dental N.B. 646-7414 &f:t.21n 545-0611 to more enjoyment '560 Repair '626 Air-cond., crpts, elevator VI EW • 210 Degree of Ocean Eves. 673-7865 642-U57 Call: 635-9291 BUILD, Remodel, Repair CARPETS • (nylons, woo1a, FROM fiO & Cily lights, S29.500 incl , -~ ---==-===--541-5032 OR ~2464 plan.~. 9,CXKJ sq rt Jew.I pad. Mortg1911. T.D.1 6345 ATI'RACTIVE girl to model Brick, block, c on crete , polyesters,) Vmyta and TD. --11 few boura a \vtek, crpntry, no job too amall. es. Latest styles and eoJon. DELUXE omtts near Civie 2114 Harbor Virw Dr., CdM HAVE $60 000 gtnerous pay. Strictly for j:;Ll;::'c:,Con;:tr;o·:,96:=:1-69<;::=;'=== Commercial and Relideirtial. Center I< West Orange ELEVATED Canyon Uike Private nionc; investor run. no exp necessary. Rep. Expert in&tallation. Courthouse. ~ per stt. 11· loL Panot".i.mic view or elub '"anlit to buy seasoned 1st ly ;em: M-658, Dally Pilot lu1lne11 Service 6562 BLANKINSHIP n.c>oRS K732 ~estm1nster Ave· • h~r. bay, channel, 1nls & 2nd TDs. Reasonable dis-642-1403 S40-TJ62 Westmil\6ler. 894-1?~17 ttHi-:i-i81 <.'OUnL REDUCE Safe, aimple l fut B US JN ES S C ARDS with GoBcse tablets only PRINTED _MEDICAL -Professional PAIR. of ~n· lolS. 217 Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. 98c 1 d RX Or1-rit1 6630 ~., f ~ . Craw or 'a Mon-Fr\ AttetiiJOll!I -l... r-· o>O.Ules .--or lease. CUstom Heliotrope. Corona del Mar. 336 !;. 17th St. v ... ., remodeling avail. 1878 2 $32,500 each. &75-3539 &f2-21TI ~ Pharmacy, Costa Mesa C.OSta Meu... 541>-2881 e HAVE Draperiel cutmn Map! St., Hunt. Beach Eves. 673-"i865 642-1157 * Selective Singlet * made fDr yogr SPOKl' VAN. (1-213) ~ Ranct"?es 6150 12~ RETURN Companionship, Sincerity Carpenterl.. 6590 Call 563'l05 lntroductiona Confidential MODERN ofc. space: air-$30,000 ht TD, $300 mo, I~ ($55) 6'2-9676 S.JO PM cond, park'g. good Joi:· .. n>itt SAN TIMOTEO eluding 8%, 3 yrs. Level CARPENTRY Elactrlcal rm. 1.000 lo 1500 sq. H. hilltop. magnificent Ocean OON'T Jet another lonely MINOR REPAIRS. No Job EL E CI'RICL\N 1JceNed, ~14g.o'/61 . RANCH View. Large cash down, weekend iO by! Succeed in Too Small. Cabinet ln ...... bonded. Small joba lolalnt I ""-o · : will dating without really tryln&. •-· CHARGE your want ad now. 360 At:ro r anch. Buildings & s mng .. ..., ... r. •scoun qefJ I: other cabinets. A: repair 5'fi8..Sll3 . return 12%. 494-ll38Legu ·~;;•;;•,;;Bch::::.j!J:::..:.I .:.44:;;19:,,..~ ""~ I===: .. =·=·==· ==>I equipment worth approx1--1-=-':CC.-"-'-==---TEACHER ts d .. n .. rid ~75, U no aMWtt leave' ' PlANlllNG TO REMODEL! I •' \• I , , •' ; ! I I ' i mate\y Sll8,CXKJ w_ith invcn-12'1< • SMALL INVESTOR wan _., e tn.!11 at M&-2372. lL 0. Gtrdtnlnt 66IO 1 I TD 11 d 3 from Costa Mesa t 0 Andel'IOQ ----'------! ~'; ~~~:~i:: 8~ ~na a !JlM~e For y::t ~: ..:~===-· 645-<1915=-"-''--ANTHONY'S waler ,.,.. his, """ & pressure view call 494-ll37. ALCOHOLICS AnonymOUJ QUALITY 11--.o. •ti: Gtrdon Service Ph::lne 542-7217 or write to ·--· --ra· system. Paved road lront· S20,1Xll 2nd TD, 10% 3 )'1':11. tlom -New conn. b)' hour "'°'1941 age. Near Redlands ln Riv· 20711 discount <S4.000l S34 P .O. Box 1223 Coiita Mesa. or Caatraet M6-34C BUDGET LANDscAPtNG crside Cowity. Full price M eq. 494-3964 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Prune ••. Plant.,. Prepue S360:CXKJ. For further lnfor-ANNOUNCtMENTS Announcemenb 6410 CABim..,-S, Any she job. MontbJ7 MaintelJance n1at1on. pie~ call Gl€'nn ind NOTICES 25 yn. exper. ~ ·--""""=·;llao1lcul~~;;;run.t=:...-I Thompson w11h BE A RESER.VE DEPUTY, TAKATA Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. Found (frH Ads) 6400 Orange COunty Sherill'• MASTER carpenter, $4 per JAPANESE NURSERY 1818 w. Chapman Ave. Dept. Nttded now to ~:oo~-Repairs. 54f>.0724. Complete prdeniJll Orange, Calif. RECENT Mother. Brnlwht usist in patrol. j&ll, ~rvice. Headquarttn for 5'11-2621, Eves-wknds 5JS.6Tl7 dog, new collar A: flea col· court, rescue. in ruued Cement, Concrtte 6600 all )'OW' rr.uwry needs.. · ___ tar. Vic, 19th & Newport. ternin, tedmlcal 1er-. AU.EN ·BROS Resort Property 6205 ~~d: Susana Pl, C.M. vices. Volunteer work, * CONCRETE work. Bond-GARDENERS mJDEN'IS monthly meetinp, law ed a: Licensed. Qmcrete work1rW their way tbnt cm. Profit/ Pleasure Investment WHITE male cat w i th enforcement training awtne lege. Experienced, Jy....n...j rhinestone collar, hu one _.:Sgt::c:.. . .:"""""=..::..· .:J!34.3096==-I Pbllllps Cement. 54M380 REAS! 646-4203 blue-green It one yellow ATTENTION Custom Ltndtcaplng -J~a-pa-.. -.. '-G;..a-rdet~,.-,-I eye, vie. n~~ ltwy, So. EX~NAVYMEN BEST IN CONCRETE Exper, comp! yard service! Luxurious split-level Laguna. 4:>.>-"l'OO<I after 4 Clean out the old sea-baa: e 646-1234 9 2 BR th I · I ·-=-==;_:;;.;:'.'..~~-Fl'ef: (!stimate. 548-7958. ma.mmo conl om1n um BROWN Dog found hurt, and help out a good cause. wllh quality craftsn1anship F..a.stbluff area. ~ Or. Give your old unHorma (OU. • CUSI'OM PATIOS • YARD CI ea nu p . Tree you can see & fe{'l. Year-Stockton, 673-1050 Claim by Jeers A: Enlisted) to the Sea· co~te A.Wini&:: removal llel'Vicr, new I awn I. round management, Monday Sc!outli. Nttd bluts, whitet, ...,,.:~:='•:;Llc.;;.¥;;,:llC-:;;;]J)U]::;:;,,_ tprinklen, rototill. 646-68tl . recr:eatio~I co.mplex FOUND: Blk & white ttea·bap, etc. 642-5'1ti9 • e BEST IN CONCRETE JAPANESE GARDENER 111ciuc;t1ng swimming pool, female "~Type" dog, ALOOHOLlUt Anonymous Walb, pool decb, 8oon. Complete yard aenic:e, free whU'lfXIOI, MUM, and . A·-•·· A "-ta ----•-m? or .~ .. IO Pa.tic». Phone 842-8514 Htimates. Exp. 5'0-1332 recreation hall. \Valki""' VIC. ,......,im · ve., \.NII rPU1M1 ;>Mo-w•• e OONCRETE --.. all .. ., 1.1eu °'° -p O. •-•-~. M-• ......... JAPANESE Gardetie:r, -di.stance lo proposed · V'W"V'""' · -~ ......,., -..--Pool drdcl .. -·---m. ~ SI "'fESE . VY"""' • """'"' plete yard aervkie, a-ae tramWay. $29,950 or for rent. 1u• cat, female, witb Cemetery Cryph 6419 Call SU.ll:U Htimatel. 540-133:1: PROPERTIES WEST floa roll8r, vie. Gleoneyre _ CEMENT;:::;<='°'w°'Glj<,-._..::....,..,.jo~b-t<OO-o===~----: 11128 Bayside Dr. 675-4130 ~ .... ~~ St., Laguna Sch. NICHE l8, Alcove ol. ~ _.11 reamnable. Free JAPANESE G a r dener -..n-u"tOJ ........., Complete S e r v t c e • Ex· tion, Palm c.ourt, Pacific ettim. H. Stutlick. 54&-861!i perienced. Reliable. &0-4319 Mount. & Desert 6210 MALE Sealpnt Siameae cat, View Memorial Park, lirJ&le. 1======::;= ha.I flea collar. Vic Neptune $140 or otter. 539-9565 • JAP~ GARDENING BIG Bear hideaway ~ near llomes F.V. 968--3185 Child C•re '610 Sen:lce Cleanup, Landsca.p- 1tore1 and two ski llftA. * GERMAN Shepherd Pup-inr. 531-70.14 aft T p.m. Cozy lumished two bedroom py * Fnd. Vic. Harbor a: Auto Tr1nspor1 6445 ~ oi:; ~!e~ Dl1 J.2~ll>t ~~,~~~ ~ hou11e with hoge llv\ng Hamilton CM. MS-6810 WANT ride to E. L.A. or l=='°="=°'::fun:::!:::l:46::112!11l==~ 1 ~~ ~7'9a-"&~ ~-.. room, watt!r . .-lectrtclty and FLUFFY Blk/Wbt Cat Vie downtown L.A. from Hun- ps. Well kicated oa 30' • Graham a: Warntt H.B. ttngtnn Beach, Bea.ch Blvd. ~ Sped.aliat! Jlow.. x 0;' loL Willi ""' far 84WIS W-39116 Clntr...... 6'20 q , ...... ,odd joba, liP! SU.500--equity $6,500 or .:::.::=------1.:=c=------movina:. Reas! SM-411955 trade for d~sert property. 3 MO. Old BIK Pup Fem. SIRVICI DtllCTOIY ADDmONS.REPAIRS cut A Edee lA.wn U f's dicker. Call 642-QJO Fnd Vlc-F.din&er It. Spr-REMODELING Maintenance. Ucenaed 11~·~'"~'~1~1""~·..,..,..,..,...,.!;'i:"""'[i~·f,""f;·'I061;;,;;.,.-1<1itonf!":!!Jbys~ltt!!l~nt 6.150 DeaJcnbll • P1anninc 548-48(1/645,.2.'UO att t Iii FLUITY Femalr K I t t tt n Kltche,.Batm, etc. Havasu' L·oke ' Blk/whl. With Flea O>llar e BABYSITl'ING in 1111 l.Jc'd A: Bonded. F'rtt est. eJAP~ GARDENER • 29th St. NB ~2247 home S fuJI days ~k. nice A 4 B OONSTRUCI'ION MainteNlftCfl a:, ~ First Time Offered icFEM=.=Blk=-.""1=-=M:.:.on_.-0-1• home"'" Fw_~ .. ~ 1122 ·"=··°'· ean 548-25'12 s hard M .. -.i...... T pingOl!ntf:r • ..........,... ., ... .., AL'S Gudtnhle Servi ct Commercial acreqe, small hep .._. ..... ...,, hot 1uncbea. excellent care. H, J. "Jbnmle" Wood. Lawn maintenallee, prdeo. l or large parcels. llaVll1Ju under Cleat 646-mM Pleue call Mn. ~ Buildu or Medallion HomtJI, h:v A dean qps. U6-Xll / 1 D ;962-;;tS56;;""';;'~· ""'""'""''""'~';;;;;-s,;:1-;;';~ BABYSl'lTER C..ta M.. a..-11 Soni.. 1611 I! --GERM AN S hep'h etd ~.____. ard M-•1a1~1 •• ..a......1 - Lake, Calif. _.. .. ......,.. .. L'... 6401 1 =--::..:=---~--(!)' m no-: "'- ,.-5 A. Nr. Hemet. Hideaway ~ 8 montba okl. lost .rW;k~1~ ;:;;: .. ; MM039 LIGHT .h&ulbw, Tractor g;r I"+. '·""'' ... Wb', -· """· 2/l6, Re'!'"fd. ~ Halladay • Blaho9 Sl. ..... Addlwno .. -lire LevelJ>C, Cloan UP, Liallt Read Cl•15lflc•lion1· S55 Dn. ~mo S-lO A.M. •----'--'-'--'----Phone 8J6..S72 Freel H. Ge:rwick, Lle. OemoUUon. Chain 8 •" 6500·6900 ... NOW'S THE l.Ll.::CEN=SED=:::d'1::---.-PNI-r!MOll * • $6-2111) 'WILrX. * -* • E •· R E '230 , wldy 2-4 ~ Hot luni::t.. '" the xc~ngas. · • " TIME FOR balanced actMu... 5*-:wo Corpot c1oan1.,. . 6625 l8M Eoret":°: 'l'beall, UAVE U>.000 lit TD for BABYSITTING ID 7 oi"i PROJ'ESSIONAL RUI I "'°"9 dktafton, pldt 1IJ I Income prop. "' &Oine 9.UICK CASH h o-cn • • Y 0 • furn I 1 b V"'"""'7 Qeonq. Top dtliwr. -4 "'°"""'· Bkr~WainuL --~14flf ....,,,,,, ......--1ta. tiiiM:iNG:Q;iOiii;miiiiial Coot& Mou. THROUGH A BABYsrmNG Ml' bom<, Allen'• --~ui::i~ ::_ ~ -C.M. Pftfer wtllly. -or .... -!>II--* 541-.155? * CAiPii • 1'll1L dNnlnrr; ~Jim~ .. ~ DAILY PILOT R. E. Wanted For E1pert Immediate Cash for eood bey Aulstanc:e '" aood '">4 t" °"""' eo. ---''Write &;>x M 400, Enily Pllril DAILY PILOT WANT AD CHILI> cu., ... ... ... ""' 1 di)' -• -...... -.,_ -h o m. e • $ t 5 . " e e t . work, ca11 SteriJrc fer •••• find P'll.t '*" II ,.. Ttlacher/mother ~156 brl!;htna.v! &U-3;i3J h •'ll Ml•!lftf4ftl i\N. --• I' \, l ,, ~ • ~ ' l • ' I FJ1dll, 1111'C11i 1, •96• -• 1 as a EM'LOYMINT -5 a OY -A IMPLOYMINT JOU 1 IMPLOYMINl JOIS & IMPLOYMIHt IOIS & EMl'l.OYMINT JOU& IMPLOYMIHT JOU I EMPLOYMINT 1:l:::0=::...==;.;;..=-.;.1 w-. -naoHolp'W-. -1200 .... , w ...... -72llO ~ w .. ~ ..... winto.t 7...:: Help Wan!M ,,.,,.. Mao, w-. 7sco ~= -I 7550 __ · w-7400 w--w-n 7400 MONTGOMERY • * * • ~ALESMINDED? ' CITY '~ 1 . UNIGAID • S~ARY • 5 "~ WARD Mro. Nlajl llanchlnl · vr l t1flPd $0 "''Pm, l,)'piJJI: 80 HAS IMMEDIATE 20m Mlufe~Une EARN $25,llOI OR MORE ANNUi L Y NEWPORT IEACH i IMUra;;c. Gr,ou, .,..,_ ....... ..,, two ,..., QPENING FOR Huntlntl<on IMch, Col. Local Alflllale at, lotetnatlo ·c~mpaoy ~ openllig for aaJeunibded per.On to Hll prod- uct In demand by retail bUJinus. T!RED OF A LONG' --.............. Girl ... INTERIOR DESIGN : ACCOUNTING COM.MU'It:? qulrtd to ta.II:~ chatii!. With v .. are .w.er., a ,.ar 'CLEltK ., ' Un!aall! ......... G .... Is lnltu!tivt, ""'""' , • ., •• ,,... INSTRUCTOR ............. " •• t . $452 to $549 per month now hiriiW" lot our new ~ c:omspondenct, pu.rchue re-~. oauonal eon-8bOW st 91! ~ CARPETS. ~... nn. rte. Realden. « Comc:'I. Xlnt ~ Aul! ite'fs. "'8-<ID PROOUCT TRAINING P.ROYIDEO 4-FIGURE INCOME· lw\ONTHL Y DRAW WITH COMMISSION If YoU &l"l a YoWW (lt &o «> ~an OidJ, aartllliw, Pf'1'" , lill&ll!Vt:, profeuional sale• tnan, you Rl&)' quallt)', IJe succeuful in sell~ n e w homes with a larle bu.lkkr. RuJ. IA:ttte lalearnan'1 U... ceoae not mandatory. Mu)' benetl.ta, JUCh .. defemd profit thariJl&,. insurance, and hoe:Pualiiation are pa.rt of this eballenclnc career. · hlllon in CllJ ""°'" Departme.nt reqliiru lll&:h School lf&duatlon and two ~ o1 l"!tt'nt e.QerleDCf ln aecounbl , Pt.Y&ble~ and I ot book· keepina: \li-otk; abllll)I to operate a variety ot ot£. Ice machines:, including the NCR 3300. Q\ta1IJled apPlicanta ahould apply to the Penonnel OUlce. Clfy Hall, 3300 Newport mvd., Newport Beach, &7U6l3, before 5 p.m., Ftida,y, March 14, 1969. Written test scheduled vilm oUk:e optnlne" l.JIP'OX· quialtiom, saln arden etc. al __.............. co a ., e • t I•• OMW, •"""!9.in Hunttn·,·.1on Good --· .. ity Jo r the c:em ~ks toe --:-• ,,, '""' .. !l: :tr._.. oriented home furnllhll°W8 ~ .. rdl I t li r •a I 11. Beach, on Edingtt at Beach •1&ht ..... oourse. You will present • Olme to ...,, 111. ear • &Yd., jWlt oU thr San 01-11 instruc-~ offkliM alld pltk ~ Fwy. Thele po&itioo& • Depurtrnenta.1 ClcMc • 'packqe course, a . up yoW' FREE ,.._ .. .WIUJAM'S CI.NG. SERV. Phone Mr. Chlltori •I SU.!Dll botw•n 2 PM I I PM, Fri & Sat will ~.1 ..... a _._...;. -i .. 1.... Lite typi11£, ma.0 deUvery llonal aides are furnished , ·~-· ~-· ·-• cl .... d 1. 0e-preferred In visual[=:*;;=*==*==*= .....riod of .. prox.ima•·• .. one and general · llrl"41 uocis. .-~-1 ...--.Y arts area. Must knOw: ~ • month in our Los ' Ancelet · lion, School .. lnstructlon 7600 ottice, bdore the moyt, Call 642-2400 or, style, design, promo k I J " 1-'·"'-St n-and publicity, Ca.rpeta..fum-oZnpl Nie. And Apt clns. 6Q.8l64 -----------T!'anaportation wlU be pro. as or llll ..,........ Ml A ehalle-i .... rv>Otition for the v~. le Divis1011 of Gulton Ind~ ....... ..-vid-Th• Newport School of Business HOUSECLEANING, Honest, Job W1f'f'ed, Min 7000 qwn car. DependaNe, $18. • 64J..'Zm * CHEt.f, GRAD. UCLA Going ~d. acbool Wanll lcc".;c'°';;,;m_,._T_•_• ___ 67_40_1 aummer Wk: July 14th. H. K. CI ark Accta" Serv. 644-21.?9 CdM 1Dcome tu, peNC>nal or WORK \¥Alfl'EO busines1. )Qll' h:ime ot ofc. MJI~ 26 ~ wort. Salary 20 yr? exp, loc firm. open. 645--072Z ~or645--074leves Jeb Wanted Lady 7020 e THE TAX ADVISORS ' Yeu round o!c. 328 No. ~tATURE \roman, n i 1 b t Nwpt mvd, N.B. ~! employed -wilL ma.naie eau· M5-0tOO !tr appl complex (Costa M'~ area) SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE for apartment It utiL plus. Your b o m e • Reuonable. Reply Box P662. Daily Eves. N<rman Man z.1 ~P=il="~· ~--~-~~ 545-632S NEED Work Tue• & Or ltAO< HARRIS Tax Serv. Thun . Educ. Attrac. Reep. 9th yr., 31J'Z Roosevelt, Research, Soc. Driv/c.omp. C.M. AppointmU, ~2911 .~E~~~'~-=~lle,62 ___ ~-e PROFESSIONAL T AX DOMESTIC experience, days SERV. Home-quick accurate. o r eve~ Ing•. Own $19. Ccu:nplete! ! 968-MOl tramportation 543-5038 Walter H. Fahmiboll P.A. PRACI'ICAL NURSE Income Tax Servi<» Live .out. Experienced 642-6204 or 54.>1398 eve. 642..m:w J. c. Peim!y Co. Fuhlon. !Jland Newport Beach * Auto. Service * Specialists Rtttnt experience in brakei, lront end aUa:n- nlent, afr..cond, inSlllation and tuneup .required.. Competitive salary ar- rangements. Top flight working conditions with. newest vx! finest eq11ip... ml'nt. Generous benefill Including hospitalization. f mploy1!t" dlscowit and profit sharing. Apply in person 10 AM to 9:30 PM Molklay through Saturday CDr1tact Don Paddock c.11 211: 636.1755 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SEEKS TEMPORARY LABO.RERS $2.54 per hour SatunlaJI -·""""' 15, 1969. tries, Inc, 1644 Whittier Aft., ria:ht, wide • awake indi Costa Mejl. An equal oppor-ua1 • a unique opportunity. tuoity employer, ·Excellent company benefits. Immediate Openings in includinc profic ahartn&. tho following aroH SR. STENO .................. employff STATISTICAL DA.TA $440. lo $545. dlacount, reeittment and many otbers. Apply Person- nel Office, P.londay Uml Fri- day 1 to 3 f .P.t. · Experienced or trainee tn ·. ~i.. .. ----------I "-and/ ually .... .,~ Xlnt. oppiortun1tr .for .,._,., ...... ~. or cas ,......... young ~ ~t. typewrlt. tical ocxl.ing\ fttpare .com-er, aborthand, 2 Yt'll. exp. p11le! jn.~ dita in ov;r op. AdV&.Dcement oppt;y. eratiorul urul Detail figutt MONTGOMERY ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper 'WOl'k lnvdlved. • PUBLIC AGENCY POU CY FULL BENEFITS SERVICE Call Mr. Sylv<•'"· 5402'1.n Prefer at teut one )'ear nf -~~ 962-2ID Mon. 'thru t'l"I, titt, casualty or multiple y. line ratio& experience. Plea. --------- sant phone penonality es- ...,tial. Excell"'' ·•-Hostess/Cashier ity for advancement EVENINGS · WARD Tm Edill&'er HWlt Bch. Equal opportunity !!mplo)'er ITT JABSCO MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN FEATURES' • El.ctric .,....,,.. .. e Oietatinc eqUlpment e Mpdern otGce procedurn e Brush ijp Gtta Shm1hand t Pttaonal DeveJopment (Ask obut our ~ offer which indudn frtt ~ instruction.) 64Ul53 L1FETIME Gill. ............ Otildren. ....---. "' yourself! lndMduall.1 tutor- ed Oillcoat 10 km:aa tnlne sctxx>I. 173 Del Mar, CM, 548-2859 PIANO leuon&. BA degree in music. 1 hour $4, My home, CdM 613-6849 MERCHANDISE ·FOii SALE ANO TRADI Furniture 1000 ~~~~T~~ ~~~~ition 24 Fashion I.stand 15 And •P· 639-2600 Phone TI<l/52&-2351 J. c. PEIUlfY co. Impiediate opening Ior siX temporary Iabon!rs to work full time day hours Ior -4 to 6 weeks, per- formin& strenuous, physi- cal labor, removing de. bria frnm beach. Requir. es uce~nt physical con- dition and valid C&lifor- nia drivers license. Apply Friday 8 AM lo S PM and Saturday 9 to 11 A?wl, at Personnel Office (bldg . in rear), City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif. R•sponsible, top level position for 1harp, t•k• chart• 9lrl. Must hav• excellent skills incl. shorthand; handle lite bkkpg; billing. Undor 30; Call Barbara. (714) 642-:191D. RN DIRECTOR OP-NURSES POLICY TYPING REUBEN E. LEE Experienced in ciose toler- ance drafting: on small pump components and as- aem bly. Requires working knowledge of dimensioning techniques as applied to casting a n d machining: drawings. Shop experiC!nce desired. 20 PC. "MADRID"' 3 Room Group FROM MODEL HOMES Include&: Quilted .:ifa & An ~uaJ oportunity INOOME Taxes prepared OOMESTIC experieooe, days employer )'WI' home Jong-form com-or e v e n i n 11 . 0 w n --~=--,,--- E.werienced or tra.intt, mul· tip)e line ~cy typist 60+ accurately on the electric. 151 E. Coast Highway Newport Beach chair -2 end tables &: col· I~ table -2 lampg-dreas- er -mirror -headbo&rd - quilted. box spring le matt. re~ -5 pc. dining room; table & 4 hi-back chairs. bined. $15.. 494-3422 tl'anlportation. 5C3-6038 -USED CAR Oiallenglng positlon with excellent potentlal with multipal convalescent or- ganization, Lynwood area· ro start. The ideal position for JICllD.e-l•;;;;;;iiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..-,INro~ Tu Serv., Notary Domestic Help 7035 Public. Reu. EYes. 549-1340, 1 ;....;.c...;.;..:..;.='---'-"'-I 2361 Zenith. S.A. Hts. George Allen Byland Agency Employer Pays Fee L!f'C'sc1plng 6810 106-B E. 16th, SA 54'Z-0395 Poor Min's Friend OJSI'OM LANDSCAPING * 646-1234 * Chinese livt!-ins. Qlcerful Permanent. Experienced Far East Agency 642-8703 Masonry, Brick 6830 Af!ncios, Mon 7100 LOT MAN . fllusl have experience. Excel- lent company benefit.a and worldnr conditioJl.'11. Apply in person to Bob Roplski. NABERS CADIUAC IMPORT MkltANICS Busy shop in Huntington Beach oUen hia:hest montfl.. ly iuarantee, paid vacations, PhDrle 645-0030 one who likes to type, See Betty Bruce at KEY PUNCH miJJGxec Career opening tor operators Agency for Can'er GlrL'I with al leut one ·year ex· '10 W. Coast 1-l"'Y·· N. B. perience on Alpha & Neu· By appoint. 646-3939 meric mM equip'mt Day[ .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s hift CLEANING WOMAN Equal opportunity employer Male and Female 1185 Dale 'Vay, Costa J\Icsa California. 92626 (TI4> 5'15-8251 OOMPARE AT $749.95 $399 No do"'n-Pmts only $16 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily S.9 Sat. 9-.fi Sun 11-G PRICE I QUALITY E>'io» R&S ........ 10 $1000 ""' Harlx" Blw. IA~'' Costa Meu holidays and group inllut· ance. 5 day v.ieek. U you are a top man, we can give )'OU all the work YoU want. CAii Art Thompson at 847-85fii. RN's ICU & OB For Thursday Excellent !ree benefits, Per· 646-'l'l72 or eve• 644-0719 manent, 1teady \\'Orit. Our UNUSUAL 500 LB. Amana upright lreezer, nds. v.wk $40; 'vh.ite bunk beds w/mat· tresses S35; white 4X8' oval tble., blk. wrought iron legs "''/6 Cal.Style blk. wrought iron & v.·hite nauga. chain $00: 4 matching JO" bar stools $4-0; Oak 3 dra"'·er desk 36"X48"'. S25: maple roUee lble. no; 2 white ceramic lamps S8; misc. items. 644-4994 or f>t.5-4701 CUSI'OM LANDSCAPING Night Seeurity ••...•.. · -w.>. ---'=o.;.=:_ __ NEW CAR DETAIL MAN Top &alaey, excellent wmid~ conditions. policy is promotion from Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 within. Your future is deter-1----·----- mined entirely by you. New e 646-1234 e Quality Control ...... lo S600 Specification P1perhafttin9 Coordinator •. , . . . to SliOO hinting 6850 Merchant5 Personnel 1:_::;::.:;;~ ___ ..,:;c..01 2CK3 Westcliff Drive ,JIAINT your avera 1 e bathroom • no. I have equipment & know bow, you furnigh wall~ & rnt.terial.s, Lobby Office Comer l'Zth & Irvine Newport Beach 645-7710 -56-5685 lcoat ~aft 6 PM. ========= Interior Painting Apts. or homes by job or room. Low oft ~ n.tt:L ......,,_ VINYL wall c over in& Jpeclalist. Kil, b a t h s . Material le lalxr, ·El:L Help Wanted, Men 7200 * WAITERS BUSBOYS M'l-1659 Immediate openings. Experi- INTER or ExL P AINTING, ence necessary. Expanding OOfED. SERVICE. Local stall for enlarged hotl'I oper. re.t:FREE est 548-1627 ation, O>ntact J, R.avin in 'PAINTING, I n t e r t or , ex- tttior, ve ry tta.!IOMhle! Call- 6950 persun. THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 JElJJlbome Rd. Newport Beacll KENNEi.. Help wanlrd: Part 1' Roofer not a ul~M. lime. momino only 8 10 i..eab slopped, nil lypt 11. Wrile Dally Pilot Pil rootlnc· New Of" tTralr "WOrk l13. l!Jaf· 53&-3444 EX=·p=-~--,-.,.--,,-.,""tion"'"-:-.,. • ~ tend.ant, comm + salary. Sewi!'I V7VV Appl.y 24362 or 20S El • -·All ... Uonl Tam> Rd, Lquna Rm.. Special on """" BE YOUR OWN BOSS * 646--6f45 ·'* Parldnr: attendant, bictt in- ALTDlATIONS by Cmn.an C!'IX'l1e. m.rnc aft u 0000. .......,._ ...., ""1 GENERAL LABOR -t. 5'Mrn fl.Ill ..... 496-1286 Alteration~ Pl.J.Sl1CS J:"'abricator/util Nf'll.t. aeon.tr, 20 yn. etp. m a n w/mechanlctl ap. ~. reiJlble. so..un !'r"'ltlwJ 6990 EXP'D. StrY Sta A-.nt. CZYKOSKl 'S 01r1nm ~ atEVRON UpbcUCny. Eu" ape an 2275 Newport Rlvd, CJ11'. Cr1ttamenshlp.I(Ot;(. SERVICE Slatton At4 ,,,,.,.... 6C-1« 11D.1 '61dant11. Appt11Xl!lG llM'bar Ntwplll't Blvd. C.M. Rlvd, CM. 648ol.~ • CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Join todays fastest a:rowinl profe!Wao-Mutual Fund ules No~ necessary. We train ~ full or part time Mutual Fund Advisors, Inc. Npt B. 1603 Wetlcliff 6421422 S.A. 1212 N. Broad'wa;y 517-8331 GBIERAL LINE MECHANIC 1tfust have Cadillac Experl- f'nce. Excellent company here.lits etc. Apply in person to Bob Rogalski. NABEtS CADIUAC CAU. Bob: MARQUIS MOTORS !m sOOth .Cout Hlghway Laguna Beach 4~ 7503 MAN A GER TRAINEE \V ANTED, over 2.1. Pral.it sharing with benefits. Apply THE BURGER, 4501 W. Excellent "·orkln& conditions, above average salary and fringe benefit&. Cali Person- nel Dept. bet. I : 30 AM • 5 PM. Mon. F'rl. 527-Tr44 Stanton Community Hospital C.out Hwy. Nf'WJ)Ort Beach. ATI'RACTIVE Women to FRY Cook, relief ahi.ft. Stan train u coumdors for $2 Hr. 18 or~ Gloria Marshall FI a: u re C.Ottage Coffee smp Control Salon. ?i!Ullt have 562 w. 19th St., C.osta Meaa a slim figUre and enjoy ~'Otking with people. Jin. A9enciu, Women 1300 2-9 PM. Age 25 and over preferred. For appoinlment Receptionillt ••••••••... $375 642-3630 A/P Clerk .......... to $500 e Medical Secretary e Ga1 Frida,y (Adv) •• to $400 Experi<'nce \n convale1ttnt Part Time Cook •• to $2. hr home or Blue CT o s s . modem office, triC!nclly, pleasant atmosphere. For Details and App't. cau Collect PERSONNEL 12131 384-1213 UNI GARD INSURANCE GROUP RN or LYN Full or Part Tim• Sunlit• Newport Harbor Convalescent Hospital 646-n64 ITT JABSCO INDUSTRIAL EN GINEER Opportunity to ga..in f'X· periellCe under a Sr. l E in areas of tjme study, cor;t improvement val~ analysis, and standards program~. Prefer formal education and some lime- !ludy experien(."('. Please apply in person or by conlidl"!ntiat resumr in· eluding salary requirc- menl11 to Personnel. Opportunity n.,. Independent Order or Forester! have opened a n@W office in South Orange County. Require intelligent man or woman over 25. Col· lege not nect?ssary. Should have experience in meeting public. Dignified life time position. ~ commenc- es immediately. Should be In excess ol. $250 weekly. Telephone: 492-8700 bl:ot\\•een 9 AM • 1 PM Mon. tlmJ Fri. 9· AM • 12 Noon Saturdays for appointment. 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP Includes: Floral sofa .. cba1r • walnut tables • lamps • complete bedroom with quill ed mattress • 5 pc. dinette, etc. All for .•. $277 I'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I No down • Pmts, only $10 mo. Ancient Mar ine r WElK'S WAREHOUSE Merchants Personnel Kmwledge of Medicare and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ~'607 \V. eoa. .. 1 l!\l.•y, 600 w. 4th St., Sa.nfa Ana 26oo J.larbor Blvd. 21>13 Westcliff Drive Medical billings, also hook· Er.IPLOYER NEWPORT BEACH Open Daily 9 • 9 Costa Mesa Corner 17th &: Irvine keeping, trial balance11 etc. Re•I Estate Sales {~fale or Female! Now taking applications dally Sat 9. 6 Sun. ll ~ g FINANCE CAREER 645-2Tl0 -54.5-5685 Top wa,a:es. Pre.fer otdtt Men & Women ror * $29•44 * National finance Jinn, 800 pe!'!On or handicapped. Bat Expanding again. Office # 1485 Dale Way. Costa Mesa • Lunch Hostess For 3 Piece Braided H I W nt _ _.. M ~ Daily Pilot 4 openings available for G SET e offices, seekina applicant!>! e P I -..........,, Phone : 545--8251 {TI41 • Daytime kitchen help • OVAL RU ·-. ,,,_ licensed m9 4 women. I~ a.. potential branch manag. Women 7-slant income & training. Mr ---------Nylon blend, revtrsible, ers. Promotion in lB to 36 Oftice FINANCE Gardner. S pring Realty, Apply daily bclwel'n Brown, coppertone, green. month&. Experie~ w1nec-E.'l:p Cashier needed 540.4324 w . 10 & 4 p.m. Sizes: 8 x 10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 • ...,.,,. Ou!Jlandi .. ''''''" • ·-· SECl!!:TAIWL O>nl>rt H.E. Sullon * a1tresses AL'S UNUSUAL opportunity, excellent be:ne-~ Insuranae Age n r: Y • Delta Acceptanol!! Work Near Hom• FURNITURE ""·A•,..,., H.s. "'""""" :;.~ ... ~~~: =Adamo A .... c." SECTY'S 161 * Busboys * DRIVERS * '"" ... ,"Blvd. rrquired. Contact George skills. Pleasant ottice. ln!. 540-1560 -By Appointment-No Experience . liuntington Beach 842-4464 Dov.'nina: exp helpful. Salary open to I~~~~---~~ Superior Agency c k N I ANTIQUES: Desk S 2 5 • Public F inanc:e Corp. right person. Call Bev. Telephone reception Established 1946 * 00 ecessary. Rocker SU, small table $10. 188 E. 17th. C.M. 546-'l370 for appt, work. Apply betwHn 18S'Z Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa 1.fust have cleai. California Other furn; 4 Maple P'ivel ____ 64644.;.;..c.;;1 ____ 1 •SUPERVISION & 1 p.m. & 5 p.m., 1626 Call tirsl ui.nu d;~nfLQWrc1·c1&1y CO. bar !tools $40. Ital dinette SALES WORK . E . Moywood, Sent• TELEPHONE SOLlctTORS Apply in pcl'son table, 4 chn $40. Wrought SECURITY GUARDS Newport Area Apply 1046 N. Tustin Avf', ~uitc D. Orange, Calif. 10 AAf lo 4 PM • WAITER • APPLY lN PERSON AFT 5 P.?.1. KA RAM 'S SOI 30th StrHt Newport Beach 186 E. 16th St. · d' Iii •-·-no Full timf', Must have neat An• Full time; our offices Costa Mesa 11'0n 111 rm e u ............. ~. appi!arance, able to deal ==~· ,-,--~..,..== I Hourly rate plm bonu! COCO'S Ping pong table $12. Hur-YOUNG, Aggressive &: sharp ricane lamp ;s. Lg mp! with peoplf'. Apply in per-secretary for stockbroker's Apply in penon GENERAL PRODUCTiO'"' hutch. 185. 454 E. 2l5t St. "" -" call 1-loliday Health Spa REUBEN'S " · office. For inte1-v1ew Jl.1EN & \VOMEN Nev.'POrl, 642-6606 Holid.1y He•lth Sp.1 :r.tr. Gedik between to le J 5 Pll!I. Shopping Center 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. at 494-9794 Huntina:ton Beach 1iVIN maple bednn set, COiii As Rs SEAMSTRESS. Experienced 1555 W . Adams Apply in person S700. Sell for $400. Dbl bed C HIE WANT babysitter, I i K ht Coste Mesa 1987 Placentia Ave. •-ame w/"ad .. -~ • -·I· on all women's wear altera• ·~=~==~~== .. '"' .......... u • ..,_ CANDY SALES bousekeeplni, my home. (8 -:: Co!1a l\fesa tress. SIS. Breakfast set, StudenfJI only yr old.) 2 PM to approx. :. S~y ~:~~ SCRAM-LETS round tbl w/4 floral chain, Apply in pel'llOfl. ~?a_!.~~~· 1 6hru .:~ .... ~boa Apply House of Tailoring, Wanted; WAITERS le WAIT. $60. l5ili tan wool rug, ~l)X THEATER u•~ .. t or............ 3311 ANSWERS REs.5ES. Lunch and dinner $75. 501 34th SL N.8. 3410 s. Bristol • 0 p E RAT 0 Rs • ~~eos~8:~aa. So. shift. Apply alter 5 PM 673-2968 Costa Mesa Sportswear. Fl. or pl time. COMBINATION, Sharp Bar Carpet -Crime -1.taker -AITTIQUE Bedroom .et; J HOU SE KEEPER., Com-Expd. Top pay. 4001 G. Maids&: Go Go Danceni. Baboon_ BROKE JOSEF'S pccarvedWalnutBRgroup, gentleman I iv i nc on of O.C. airport start. Ph. for int. 5'>998:! "Only 1 .. has niastered OR 3-JISO Double bed, 6 drav."e r chtlt, pan ion 1 or e I de r I y Bin:b St . .' N.B., l bJk. E. Top wages S3JX43_50 to ~!cal big-ti spender: 2121 E. Coast ii1o1•y Cd~f late Victorian, 19th Century. peninsula. 646-&'iai alt 5 BOOKKEEPEJL Postin&: on SASSY .LASSY, 2901 HaJ:bor, of bl:oing prosperous, NEW Salon opening in 2 dresser \V(lrame tilt mirror ---------l_P_M_. _______ adcb-x postin&" roach. C.M. though BROKE.'' y,."('('~; operators w i th w/bl:oveled glass. $300 . * BUSBOY~iJS • EXPERIENCED • mueprint know how des. TtlepboniaVtyptst, far 8 WANTF..D: handy older COU· follov.ing pref. Guarantee 546-3351 Apply ln prl'llOn REUBEN E. UE ISi E. Coast H i9hway Newport S.1ch EXEn.ITIVE SECRrl'ARY but not nee. 5tD-8313 Pi ottlce. Muat have ex· pie to help manag• small plwi comm.; good working MUST sell Maplt! Uvina: lo Ownt'r, small mfg. co. CAN YOU QUALIFY? cellent wice tor telephone, motel on Colorado Rhrtt. concl. &: paid vacation. room turn. Couch, chair, flfust bt dependable and Housewives .,.ho want to must bt an accurate typl!it. Apt. furn. plua util. I-amall 830-1010 for ll'lterview end talbes, coUtt table. The good at detail. Start $;100. work pnrt time. 10 boun Phone: tifr. Andrews, salary. Free USI' of boats. REAL F.STATE. Shouldn't se.t S75 ors eparately . ~246 per week & make $6.5, call 675-3551 P.O. Box J4'Z, Bullhead City, you bl:> sell ing-the hottest Refrigerator, Q5. 642-5810 SARAH COVENTRY has 838-9321 belwn 2 & 4. CRAFTS Instructor, Write, 1 ~A_n_ro_oo_______ area Huntington Beach? Estate Furniture Sale openinga for fuJI or part ~MA=ru=RE=1~•'"om-an....,.to""'1>o'"'"1>yo-,1·1 a:ivtn& background, crafll COUPLE, Janitor w 0 r k, Village Real Esta.Ir 962-4471 both old & new from time sales. Pleasant work, Mon t.hru Fri. 2 under 2, •pecialties, and available Mesa Theatre, 1884 Newport GOOD Halr Stylial!>I wa.Dted Pasadena. Sat 6' Sun ooly1 no i n v es l men I , no \lleAtminster Ill f.chJ a.rea. houri & days. Oall3' Pilot Blvd., c .ttt. Stt: 1ttr. or for busy salon 8 to 5. l81l Highland Drive, dellvertea. For intervh 894-1871 Box M-407 Mn. Chapman before u 642-7800 or 642-1m Newport Beae!J 54S-0782 call 540-00l4 =BA=ev=sr=rr=E'°R~\'°V_a_n,.t-,~d : BABYSMTER, for 10 tnol!I. AM daily or call 548-47111 COUPLE ...,·11.nted for f.totel ROUND Din. rm. tblt. It DISHWASHER Photom1t Drive Thru 8 • 5:30, S daf5. my horn~. old child: 8 AM 10 4:30 EXP. Landscape salc1n1en work. 3411J Coast Hwy. hulch, 6 \Vindsor chain Full Time Pho(o ..ie., pi.rt ll~ v.'Of"k. Vic Brook.hunt ' Adams. PM, vie. Harbor &: Wibon, or trainee. Salary + romm; Dana Point. 49&-1300. SUO; gold l\aUJ"a, swivel Apply ln pt~ Dey Ii cvenina: Mlif13. Ai~ 962--'ZS21 CM, 540-5151 ext 243 &1r. qualified lead&. fr l n 1 t1 PART or Full. time wen rocker, rood oond $40; 2 THE RIGGER 19 lo 22. 301 E. 11th St., Of MATURE Woman, cue kr ..., hooelli>. Call -"" Tijuana ''"'" 6581 lamps $51"'· m.m oo.stOl 2 tchl qe chlld.rt:n. 3-'Z pm BOOKKEEPER. medical of· e <DUPLE tor Ass~ant F.ltlnger Aw .. Hunt Stadt COMP. HOUie Mec!Ht. dmJrr, 16 Fashion Island EXPERIENCED waittta fat 'MX~ m o I h t: r . Ike, Laguna Beach &reL Manqtt 52 Unit A p t fum.. Nr. nrw, &al. 11 ... Newport. Bea.ch wanted Apply tr pmion. 615-7259 State qe I. qualifications. Com.plu. Ell p e r I e n c e d A .. nciu, Men & 'lei • B Jamet St., CM. • INS'J'Rl.tt."?U:RS -f\ll1 Swill Oialet, 414 No. HEEDED &bysittf'r r 0 r Box M·'IOL Dally PUot. ~ferred. CaU &16-79811 Women 7550 ,, .... ~m::.;'------·1 «/&nd part time:. Neat ap. Newport Blvd. N.B. 'nlker: nr Bayview Sehl : O IU.O CARE. 4 da wk. my ~AURANT HEl..P --------'cc; I PERIOD F'um: Hand crafted Pf!arance, Musl be able to DENTAL AM'L ' Scct'y. 7:30-9:30 am, yoor home ar ho!TI('. downtown c. M. • * Beach Atta "* r ~newpon. couch. chr/mal'g 1bl. Sell mttl and ~A.I with the for denial off:i<T: upe.r. or min., 549-4l9a aft S. Rt:f's, own 1ransp. S48-m 642-0Dt • 61Ul.03 only u set; best olff!r. ~~.1=· ~ llChool trall>ed. Send re!IUn'le BA=a"'Y"s1=1=1"ER=--a1"1.-ochl...,.,."','"',,..=-1-.=WVE='""',.-.=,".'-,'-,-",-"11:.:.cr TEL..EPHONE .it'll: tickets. personnel 1.,:877:.:..:--=------ spa. %JOO llatbor Blvd.. loweox ..!!~· ~ J>Uot. ~ ~~,1~ .. ~30 holldt.ra. wanttd. C.M. arta. E:qJ. pm but w/train. agency ?i1 ~~ 1 rt ...... _. &« C.M. A,,~ Part time .,,.,....,.,.., .... 01: PM. * ~ *-Mr. Gune.tt, 5$0051 ,..__ ... ....., or • e HElP \~'ANTED MALE OVER 21. CAlJ.. COUNTER GIRL TEAClfER ncedJ ho\llckpn-HAIR atyllat w/ followt'ria Profe11lonal S.rvfu Daily PllOI want Adi e 5C5-886.1 Night "''Ork only. S2 ~r bour. bab)'Wllltr, ll~in: start ta rent In Udo Shop. Call fo r tM employet 1,,:"'""'~;,:.,;:_ ______ I 0ey lhln. P.fcDonald'• 16886 * BARMAID * C.a.11 833--0600 ext 2035 S..140 P.tonth. 842-'ltm f7)-flU) ind the applicant B~~ The m~a~1~ Beach Blvd. 11 .8 . ARP)'l 1 F.:Xpe.rienct Not Neceimry MA1tJRE JJve.ln, chUd cllf'I!!, BABYSlTrlNG ri,ty home, BLUEPRINT SHOP ri•quire1 133 Dover Dr., N.8 . 0-\Jlltfkid leClim. San to G 1'1on-Frl. F' t l n at R33-nt2 &r.~n 10.S housekttptr. $ Oe,y "ttk; tull ·part tlmt nr Pomona dc!livtt)' dr!Vffl!, blue\lne 642-3170 S49·2743 ll'lmll'J, KS-. A .ttGr\. &.- ""cc."':.."c:';.;"c.-=c.l_t"".c"-''---' DA.TL Y Prt.OT WANT ADS! prlv. rm., >~. V. m .. 22:1; 1ehool. 642-3001 tri_"""" __ r _ .... _,,._1_0_,.,_._10-Am __ ·~. __ OOCK __ ._JT_TO_'.;cD.c' I_!---' :-::::lc:.L:..' -------I • --~~~~--.--------------------""""""------........ --............................... .. r !: ,,,,.,., Mardi 7, 1'169 IN('f "LOT If ;~. MERCHANDISE l'Oll MERCHANDISE l'Oll MlllCHANDIS' l'Ot' MlllCMANDIH l'Oll f!llllCMANDIH POI MUOWIDISI !'Oil MlltCHAfiDIH POI TitAHIPORTATION TilANSi'OlTifiOH (I SALi AND TltADI! SALE AND TRADE SAl.E AHi> raAD1 ••LJ, AND TUDI SALi AND TRADI SALi AND TRADI SAi.i 4ND TRADI -.·j .., ...,. a r...... 9000 ~,. .. Fvmltvro IOOOFurnlluro IOOO &-lloh.;.. 11-1100 Plo-a4~ lllO M.....-MOOM!oml'-\ MOO Mloc.Wllllool 16101---."-"----'i . ........ ... ----,,.---CllRJS M....u.· °""" '81' llOl'{I)~ Ser •. JlS, ml•JJL.<i+-( ~ ~ ~~ J • SPtlCIAI; PllltatASE e .. -New-Pfmos• -::Jlill PA'f'MOlll DW>der. F-IO ..... ..ne., xlnt c:oc>d. 1315 • R<lrlltra""'/ ••""'""" WllRL1:IZl:ll<AlUW>llllRY PUBLIC * * * * * CASH 1911. 8lfo t.....,.--. make ·oller. W-spanlsh . ......... .1.-major .,,. ... -• ·-~ all Sell ... trado llr 2J to IQ" Phone -_._ • ""' pllancs from model homel -• ,,__ fbir&la 2 )Tll or newer. Prtv weektnds ICS7U uk IDr ..... Meditej:nean •• t.anwlk dl"""lnll( )lo ~= ~~ FURNITURE AUCTION ""'· IG-3231 Joha.:~=-=-...,...,--~l .. Down.-Wt lft"Vb. SM at Mil Tot w ...,. new or .-'lfi XI.CR Sportat.tr, til1 Boutht Man l•cturor'• >WIER'S lrc•,_•_ .. i..,. O SATURDAY NITE 8:31 PM ...,...,.., oppllancet, eoior-Sollbools 9010 -•""""1lzocl.Sll00 '69 Showroom somplt1 17115-. l'tn v.u., WMliw f1DM • •TV'~ ..,...., -or. --~----'''-I Call: ,...1018 At Tenillc 5-1.pl S,.clal ht•••.,_.,. !So. ot'Wamtt) 968.llU a MEW a u..... OPEN TO PUBLIC l'Oll INSPICTJON & ~..:__ atoYN..,. ~ton. M * .: Imo* * YAMAHA 80• deRtt l'l!lldr. 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg.man's chair UKENewKemoore-N&oY othor ..U.a ·-• CONVINIENCE * D'•ILY t~t * --·" '--.. "'°"' "·-' lalp-,_ .. -$11S Or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak. din set range. Raliuerie, 11a11 atyft 1 A ,,,.,..., Pdotl "' "' 1eta,ofUcetum1.tuft.tplece 11141rtSt. .et.S?5~f~ I l w/black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR oveo -It; lilht. Full> lt&rta ""'fS FINANCING AVAILAILI -MUST 11 nr bouaelul Doy, nli!ht or Newport Boocll, Calif. e '6! y~ IQ.cc e set. 9-dr Mr. & MI'S. dresser, lg mirror, 2 a~tomatle, ' l>urner. Belt ,.-CHECKED PRIOR TO SA(E I I &mda)'&31-3&21. . Trallmuter, auro. lube Good / conimod . d . ti h dboard . Spa·;·• • "'· 2348 ,JW ...... °'"" EVER....ii..;.;. 1N MUSIC .... "I" -... '"" """" l21J>...,...., es, e<:ora ve ea m ~~ Mesaattu6PM ... ,.~'U. All"·-uall1tJ bands r.an · . ., ......... •••t · oak <fesign with matching boz springs, mat. FRlllT ...... Pilo ~ '* 1NQ Mille [enfer • ~ .fil • new, name r : e, -"' ,.. ,.,. ''"' ~-Lllhlnlrc lit> a; tr..,. & frame. fri&ldalrt· u "'ti:' w"'4, TbQDWI . e, nagu&ta, Pulaski, Empire, . $ WE ' BUY $ O••n•tho ~. Beatol!er.,,...!100 '• Items Sold lndivldu11Jy lb tretztt'. Lib _,., '*' Factory 8PI A Semce Beauty ReSt, Garra'rd. Krobler • · ~ 1 t 11 r • • 1 , 11. , ____ 546-~·~"'-rr ____ , .. Shop Around-Before you buy SM USf $459, priced $300.15'791 Dun-Dall)' U noon 'tat. Sat~ * 63 NEW Living room groups: couches, love $ FURNITURE $ O:rme a. a., et. •• ' '65 HONDA .n; Scrambler. VALUE $109S.95-FULL PRICE $629.95 C1a1k Ln HD. 89).'1611 ll<Ol llelcb .-., (Hwy "'l seals, chairs. Colonial, Spanish, Medilerran-APPLIANCES -..._ ... pldt U.tm MU... A·L 1325 Or i'·t or terma as low 11 $4.66 -r week rn1G10AfRE "I bo.t tom lY.i ml. So. ·s.n Diep ""'>'· ean, Modern. c.i., 1V'-Pl•••'t--St.r.•'• 1;.,""~"'"'~,;""""~ ... ~-.... :·...,,1~•;,tl~er~. ;-=i,~~==:~I U 0 S ,.... Hunttnctan ...et. M7.a536 I 'IK• •r H .... hll * * * * I" se ur tore Charge Plan or Bank Finan:J. ....,.,_ Must .,n by Sat. * 35 NEW, !lfdroom 1ets, several large king ' No ·Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values de 1125. Xlnt cond. •llll 34th :?f::~~ size with large chest & armoire. Numerous •CAStj IN "sMINUTl•s LET'S SAi'.·! Troller, Tra•ol 9425 • -::;,,,N.B. 613-211!'-An xlnt '°' Cull. iU.tn-lll35 othooders to choose from-all good quallty bard-541 ·4 31 NEWl'ORT 20 ~ 3' 18' ROD • REEL . I w00f0: ND0t •'()rp.n&. w . . . ~ USED or wrecked Honda Dine G Bartow VERY Cl.EAN KENMORE Auto mat 1 c 1 Cub pa.id , * 1()..2 Door, late model. Refrigerators (bronze, witll i'OOd 90 cc vigine and ~ ee":. ~ too lb. 4 bumer stow. ow:n a: brtr. I '""'"" .. I========= * 15 Near:new Washer' & Dryers. • ~ """"· READY TO CO! .... ·-. .-.!rig • ke :1m <"Omb. Nr =· ~.:i~·,::: * IJS.XI) * yellow, white, turquoise). All guaranteed. automatic trablm1alon Fixed~ OJB. Bradcet! Dbl sink. eke WH. elec I ""··•:;1a:::•ui.!:;:.'!":;::_ __ _;1::;20S::.:o· * Co!OmLabote 5 .model Color TV's, ai.o Black & Willie WANTED' SraaU u t 11 tt'y John Gr ... tlt._Yocliti .,.,., -• ..... T • w. COPPER.TONE Ke n mo re -::.i. -Jra11tt in aood cond. Veey 3'46 Via Oporta, NB 673-3510 A real buy at $11811.88. portable dishwasher, full WANTED l'OR CASH LATE * 9 New, near-new. Stereos. reaaonable 963-3452 1960 Inter. Ttavela11, · ~ capacity, Xlnt cood. $85. modd color TV. Write Bax * 00 Mattress sets, all sizes. PITS and LIVISTOCK SMALL SAIL BO ATS well experienced, $300. • Furniture 8000 Furniture 1000 968-260'1 M «16, Dally Pilot. * 14 BeaullfUJ. Hardwood Dining Room ·sets. SABOl'S trom $150. New 1' * -* AUTOM. Wuher, XlnU $50. 23" T'4 excel&ent, condition. * 20 Dinettes & Game sets. Cate: ...!!! ft. DART $440. Lido 14' $795. FOR SALE: wr trallet. 20 'Pc. Maple Gu~;~t!A:?J 0~ .... ~.!tf.;_.Pwtabl• BEAlmruLChocolate 20'Sklop$655 metal awning, cmDY fum. i• G 0 ..._. ~ •~ -· vu-1.JV.1. We also have ·8 fine selection of Mahogany Point male Slame&e cat to TOMCAT BOATS See to apprec $1640. 6C-4315 t a.=••~ l ROOM R UP ADMIRAL opt om refrir. -furnilure, dining room sets, bedroom oels, mate with ,..., female 261' NpL Bl"". 615-2400 ,.. AIRSTREAM S 'sh Includes: Living roorn &et • 2 yean old. copper. $85. HJJ.•I A S..,_ 1210 chinas, butches, bullets, desks, chests, Slamese. Owner wants pk:k Lehman 10, fbgls oonst, $6,00'.l. After 5 PM paru tables -: lamps • bedroom * 64Ml11 * um ~ Wpeakl't pianos, bunk beds, coffee &: end tables, of litter. 6G-3751. between backamd u.il. Alum nwt, * 839-4.115 * Mediterranean :: -~~~.; '.".": Antiques . •!!! t..".:. ;. ~ ~::-. lr.'i'r·~· china and all kinds of "good good-;.., ~~ PM, after 5 ~"'i;:·.,,~· $28&. Trvcb 9500 -. Received cancellation $449 VAST: Stod< ...... ~ • ""' .... ,believe this until AOK ' c-1111...1 G-'-NOW ON DISPLAY! *SPORTSMENS v•..u. I of $22,000.00 Spanish No down • Pmts. only $l8 mo. turn & clocb. Larr '1 10U hear 1ot )'OW'lielJl ...... DMOft unsry Dogs 1125 Coronado 34 $16,995 "'""JI( ond Mediterranean WELJ('S WAREHOUSE Morgan · Antiquet. 24 21 lncludes. boadpboue jack. 7722 Gonion Grovo lllw. AKC Sllkle pupples, 9 week> Opeo 'til 9 * 645-0SlD * TRUCKS * • Furniture Newport Blvd., C.M. /oi.oo boadphones wit b 1 Block Wesl of Beach Blvd .. oUG.G. F.rwy. SABOT They Aro All Hore At I All New Top Quality · 600 W •th St., Santa Ana ANTIQ~ A CLOCKS tepU&te volume ,control, :1!i ~ f:..e~~ O>mplete $280 Fant1stlc Discounts· 1 · ., Brand Names Open Daily 9 . 9 FOSTERS AN'I1Q~ ' brand new $15. MS-5l97 II peta, or for show. Terms. *W~ * Re·~ .. dellh =edJate · Decorator's Dream Sat. 9 • 6 Sun. u. 6 MUl38 e lD Fedtral. Cllt STEREO 1969 Solid state Misc• •n.ous l600 MlscellantOUt l600 548-4957 -~·.:.u ~ T~., House on Display deluxe comiole stereo, 4 ... -.... -...,,-... ..,.-M--... -m-·--·-vc Cal I) trailer CH CITY t· Items 8.11 follows: Gor· DESPERA~! ~ull o( Sewing .Machines &120 1pd dwJeer. Lett on lay • ~•w•.n u..,, Aa• ' BEA ''°"' 8 fl <u.tom quiJ. . beaut. Meditt;: rude-a-bed, ·-· Poy oll ""'"'"""" bo1-* AUCTION * AUCTIOM • femele, 4 """· Exc:ellent ~~-'~ ':..M~. OO""E I, • led sofa with separate pool table, 8 so1a &: lave 1968 SINGER, toach-cMnaUc a.nee or $16.00 er tierma for ahow Pl'OllPtCU and .......... """'....__ ... "'61-U' "'9 loose pillows with heavy seat, coHee tbL &: 2 end compl with wal cab. "!P.r-Credit Dept. ~n. FRIDAY. MARCH · 7th WED NITE. MAR. 5th ln-edirg. Black with Wirlte n&.S. 16$5 Beach mvd., CH"7. '9> : ~~ ~ ~3 4~tf-commode1; occ. chairs, oak forcet rep:i • .$39.5> f!Jit~ 7:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. . maddnp. 49'J.-0403 * 675-2336 * 540-2660 uung c ~· ma (2 tbl. & 6 chairs, 3 Br. sets or $4.15 mo. Automaoo ..... $-.th-Gooclt asoo NEW ii: USED FURNm1RE Top Quality Mercbandiae SKYE Terr 1 er I. AKC CELESnAL Na v I 1at0 r I HunUngion Beach oak occasional tables, incl 1 ...,,,~ size· 2 ..., buttorf MlM J bUDd ...,... ,,,.., * N. ,.,___ ·~ ..,__ -1-5S" tall d"°"'to' lam,., · ~~ ' ·-. • fan. · from Ba-.ptciea & Re..,.. EW & USED * ~~•P· ••=· ~·. -·• Ham Ramo Oper. Avail for an 8 piece master bed-crede~, l~ps, 2 velvet hems.. overcuts. GOf GOLF clu~ 9 irons. 3 aieulons: Bedroom sets, Din-Dully; pet ii: show. 549-2547 ~. l~J833 ' room suite in pecan pan-Br. chairB. chair & ottoman. cy stitches ~tc. Ho .attach woods, Palmer Series. Xlnt. r-..: Fumltllf'f!, Appliances, Color I =========== I 1203 Guarantet '--" ing room setl, ..... vans, JUde-TV's I Combinations, LABRADOR Retriever pup. I ' el!ed Med.iterr8:Jlean sty e All very nice. 870-. needed. . ............ ·$80. Ba&' • cart ind. &·beds, Oieatll of drawen, AOK pies black, dual champ Power CrufMl'I ' 9020 with top quality is yr. FOR Sal . , .. -.... .. _ _., ___ , 526-6616 -r ~u65 Lam TV' ~-o· .~~~~~~~-~I ;:;;-:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;--.;:-;;; warranty mattress & box e, ............. "'""""':''"" P3t •, ~u:ttoll, m-~· AKC. 642-5630 springs. Spanish decor sofa sleeper &: rechner I 1125 SCUBA Gear. Tan)c 72 cu iette.. Mattresses,• Bunk Commission G•ll•ry AKC AFGHAN 2 )'l'il' old. 25' 'rolLYCR.AFT, 65 210 dining set, etc. chair, reasonable! 968-:m6 MuaiCI Inst. ft. $40, separ cun. lrR: $35. beds, Rocken. COmmodes, · rm Garden Grove Blvd. 11 tralDed VI dee rd., auto batt lllAND HI W 1tff 112 Ton Pickup $2195 Whole houseful! was Offo'co Furno'-ture 8010 GultM' H===-4arten fins $5 (new). 53&-8930 aft CoffH tables, DesJra. uprl&"ht l Bllt. w. of Beach, ~/~n.~ 6'fS...005t • system, s s Rad, depth snd. I $1295 00 ....-I l'.I t>1 ....... Bars A Stooli, Olin-•" .-...-mint cond. ti:S:M, $99 ON. plus TIL. oac regu ar . • NEW and USED. : • ........ ott G. c~ ~. . . Muat n. M-"--T~... .....,.,., MUST SACRIFICE LA'tEModel Paymaster Fender e \l'ox e Standel SMrm A weuon 38 Call eseaona:! Vacutnncleanem, ee .,~.... Owner 968-4257 $568 00 . Lik ~ 2" ,...,._,_ ...... 1 .. 1 "'-Oriental pieces, Owldelier, Barkle11 Baaenjl AKC s'ACRIFICEI check wnter. e new. -· e GIBOON • 14ARTIN ..... ...,ts s~, ......,. new, Fas $60 968.om.t CONNELL CHEVROLET ' ' '•' I " I Any Pi --·· •• put• 5411-ms .• Drvwn.som .!,.,y-.~... SSS. 646-9861 Retrigeratan, Stoves, Wash-hion Trends . 36' Cruieer w/6$' moortne; .. "'" ...... ...., ...,..__-.-,..--=========! ers, Dryers & Freezer 4 CUSTOM DRESSMAKING POODLES . AKC, MUST topcond.Mustsellbyweek. Olli E ' I 8011 MiOHllo---•~ MUCH MORE!! •· ••'....,..., "TIONS SELL! v-reuonable. 2828 Harbor CM. chased individually • . • ice qu1pmen •NEW and0U8ED • ·--.. 1Uo!£.onl\ ~-, end 548.8691 Aft 6 t TERMS - We cany our LUDWIG ROGDlS ASTRO OOME BROWSE AROUND Plus an exciting collection 962.-6585 • • • 546-1200 i ow:accou; ] a!~.Rw~;~~RA.:~200 ~tase~i ~~ =:. 1~°c7~b~;~ WINDY'S AUCTION ~s~ady made1 Ii accesaor-~~E $7S~PS S~ki Bo1ts 9030 .68 Chevy % ton pickup, ra-: ' I f J lng at $99.~ Pedals, bi-hats abo trarul. china service for 2075% Newport mvd. Newport Shores Center 962..'.4883 14' GLEN L family boat. dlo I heater, custom ca~ • l Household Goods 8020 and aeta renk'ed· All amall 12. 543-1829 Behind Tony'• Bldg, Mat'la. 548-3881 Tln,y Toy Poodl New glau overv.ood. New 11000 ml, turtJG.hydro trans, _ _ _ _ KIRBY vacuum • late ioodel. part&.. r:z: • cymbals Llme Oak Tfble Costa Meaa * 6£8686 wh:~ale puppies, ~ paint. Wide beam lor open ;:!_~!:.~-·.~al ~ I' stock 38"XS4'' .Extends to 90'" 6 OPEN DAILY 9 t0 4 '".·-~.~ • ...c "..,. ....... water l&fety; Good 30 mph u-..... _..... • ........._. Far11ituBre Lll<e new, full p~ ~ .• 95. "'EVER· , GIN MUSIC ~· . All $50. 548-Q74 9' SOFA ll)ld bei&'e. fair. uiu;_..,...,... "'"' ~ plw: aid boat. Overllauled:1,.:.,c:::CHEVY::,:,:°"'~l%~-~~V~an . • t HARBOR LVD. T"""' 17 per mo. --H< Zenith ··--· --·-._, 0 --~ ·~~ ~"--·"-35 -·---with 1 o • • Ne rt Bl d Be1cll u1s1c Center "ID eam''!.::'.th ~ * AUCTION * ;;: KNL st=.=..;;.~ -;--ppi;:"iioo"."'" ~ .. _ ;;.;;.";;. N;-·;;:._., ::::'J. ~:· ::::::: <;: · ll'M wpo Y. • Gorogo Solo 8022 r' ~Doop "'-· ~ U,.... will eeD er boy $35. eodL ·New Random "2-tl61 Good "'1!er with new ""'L liU-001' Costa Mesa MISC iterm ftom Decorators Factory Sale1 &. Service FULL membenhip N'pt l(ive Windy a try Houee dlctlonary $15. Mi9c auo Excelliftt buy at $49'; terms.1.,65=-=G=MC::,..._Panel_~H~.-.. -(---, I . trade-ins Fumlamps-teak Daily 121 ~ 'tn 9, Sat 9-5 Beach Tennis Club Auctlonld Friday 1:30 p.m.. book $1.00. New Motorola Hor'MI ~ .e~ '!~ Auto. t!rans., radio, beall!r; ' {only) chest &. ~fl. tbl. 54" round 1740f Bek<)h Blvd .•. (Hwy 39) 644-0637 or ~DS Win y's Auction 81m clock radio $2i 134 C.enter EXCEU.ENT HORSE CARE . n-•--..., 21622 ~--t HI'*""" aac. $1050. 642-3956 . • marble tbl top. 6 Chair 11Ai mlJ SO. San Diego Fwy. Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat1 St., Costa Mesa Between ,_, I paddocks be t D&viu: \,.IJlUI -..... Every nite 'til 9 Spanish Din seL Round oak Hwitlnfton Beach ~7-8538 e INVALID WALKER• 20'15%N 5and7PMonly. _,,.aafeppe • s at Beach mvd., Huntington '63 FORD Econoline Pick, Wed., Sat., Sun. 'til 6 table. Carpet remnants &: CLARiNii', like new. Ex-Folding, Mallbu~brakes MAN'S ~~~= ATTENTION ~l~~·~r:~= Beach, 536-&91 ~ =:;: ~~ radJo.. 100'1 of small rug samples. celleqt condition. Paid $225. Xlnt cond.,$85. rinc in beauWul flarentine TREASURE on Ortep Hwy. River Oaks BNt Trailers 9032 ANISH Returned l'.rom Some items water damaged. Sell JOO, 91)2.1516 HD. rock mple. din. tbL, iotd and brushed silwr set-HUNTERS Train!~ Stable, San Juan lffrH 9510 , ~:e~o=I~!~~~ 215 E . 16th St., C.M. i-1 & Org ll3Q 4 chain $50~ stmies, ting. Wu $210.00 new. Will Gardiner electronic tranm. Capi.str&M. WANTED BOAT TR.All.ER ,.. ; includes beautiful 9 6' • GARAGE SALE : 2 large •not . lftl 10 vol $50. aacriflce tor $100.00. See Jar tor metal detector, model XLNT Western show hone Jor 21' Inboard MILITARY Jeep • Chev V~. qllilted sofa &: love seat, bookcues $20 ea. Pair snow HAMOND ORGAN )'OUnelt 546-6)97 200. Max range 4 fl Will 1m exp'd rider. 4 yr ol« * 540-n73 * Corvalr Bucket Seatl, 23 3 span;,i, oak .,..,,,...,.. ..., ou rm.. ll5 ea. Wood LESSONS FREE TO YOU BRILUANT cltamond rin&; oacrillco for 175. Call 646-.. (ding; 1' bone A .,. · gal gu tan!<, Suney lop, lam storage cabmet $3.50. l..arp / ... _ .-n-1987 after 8 p.m. bian """"' 613-0629 Marine Equip, 9035 new 1lOOx15 tires, mal)Y tables, swag or table ps, assortment of a r t If I c i al ENROLL NOWI FINE Gft'DW1 lhort ha.tr 14 .... -.t ~ I01d. moun. . ........,. -·-. more extras. On front wall plaeque, king, queen, flowers pictw'el &: bric a $16 !or 8 week coune pntr, liver &: wht; to good tlfl&'. w/up to date appnl KllJ1B) fABRICJ REG. 'Iborobttd aeldina: I 16' DORY • 25 hp J., $400. l'eb. J s sue ·"+wheeler'' or full size bedroom suite brac.'"llo Amethyst, Balboa You do not have_ to own an home. Would eapecially at $680, sacrifice $350. yn. oJd; iplrited, but iood Bendix F. Meter, $300. Magazine. See at Misa complele irK:l box sprinp, 1 larid 675--6866 bl.rument. r"ree practice train good for hntg. Gentle, 6C""6278 ""'FOR SALE natured "51J, 5'5-2600 Gilnet, $50, Locker + be.Jt Union Station car. Fairview mattress, linens & boudoir s . time available. CLASSES good w/ chldm. Shots. REEL type powr mowtr Remnant&, samples I: llllD TRANSPORTATION box, $200. ~ ls.hing rear. I: Newport Blvd. 645-2380 ·. , I lam~. Spanish oak 6 pc RUM)IAGE-GARAGE SALE srART: Beginners, March MS-2792 3/8 " King of L~um pawn end.I Sa.L Onb' • a.m. to 2 Reply Box M660, Dall.y 1967 JEEP, 6 eyj, over drive, :!nl~~x~i~~::iew~ Newport Harbor Emblem 18, TUesday, 7 PM. Inter-7 MONI'H old female, black ed.ger; less Ulan 1 )T old, p.m. 9211 Baker, Colt.a Mesa. lolits & Yachts 9000 Pilot. roU be.r, white top. r I: , FOR ONLY $39!1. $20 down, Cub No. 394. March 6th. mediate, March 13• Tbun. Lab A Sprll:w!:r Spaniel to $40 eL l5'l9l Dundalk Ln., EXCELLENT Thick.pile DAVID L. FRASER · h, lock out hub&. See Sa't ~· $4.99 ...... week J out of 1th, 8th. lOl FullertolJ. day 7 PM. Excclknt tcacb-good home. Needs ~ HB. 893-l637 Sand mkftd Carpet, Ap... Boat Sllp Moorlnt 9036 & Sun at 3024 Oubbooaa ' ,...... Costa Mesa. 9:30 AM • f:,.SO er. 3/1 BELOW Cost; ..tti.. home 3-424 Via Oporto, Newport Cir CM state credit OK W 111 yard. 842-8595 a-prax. 1& x 16, $50. Apt. 27' Kbwa CrulBer Sloop DOCK tie-up privilege $60 • 1 "parato fM quick sale. ~ PM. ..,._ 1 u y R Id t t decor. La.st week! A1IO size Rd. Qt Coffee table •----·•-te 17•-min or 12 per ft. Water 1953 W/wtnch· reblt ln -' •'"'"""''"'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!IJ!""'IREGISTER NOW: Fun,""'" -,. . o ; pa display tables, •helves, • • u1uu.l'"""' ••··•••••• wu , -., ; Century Furniture, 9? 12 --T--"-A: ...... tertaininr Kmwledgeable Lab/Wet m., gent I e d .. inlaid Wood. $7.50 ~ 28' p.23 Sloop nice , ... $6750 .I: elect locL 303 F.dgewater, eng, llOtt top, clutch. brim. , Garden Grove BI v d., 10 SCUBA """"" ~-•· ' d ' 1~,"---born es.., rug, vacuum. 551 W. Klnp Road, Sat. Noon • 37' y wl Imm•• -at ~-1 Balboa. (714) 871-2SS6 e•-. 1t11•=•\ 842-4356 _ Sabot Sail Boat. Shag ofeen ~t organs availabl~ lR'• w '"11AU.I "· "' e. 19th St., CM 548-1914 a ' -., -~~ UUll. ' "' .,......... • ;,~~~~r;: ~~Y c:!~; 9x12 Rug Snakes &t J,.iJards, mg tenn of coune. Sign up All ahotl. 549-3456 an FOR Sale • sofa, brocade ' P.M. Transpac :::i ····Qi· $19,000 B y h '58 JEEP Military, Chevy -: ll (714 """""A" Slot c~ & track, Tools, now! Avoid the rush.! FR.EE Rabbits, 2 adorable be.lge, S'. ~ --·-p"'·-· ~-•. MOVING, everything new. 38' F one pper""" 01t· IC t V-8; totalJy. Nbullt. Mu.st : in or ca ) ....,.,...._ 2221 u-•i..< Lane Inquire for details· ts 1 a: wh I blk ~ lllllW .....,., Spanish d ave n Po rt &: Sloop • · • • • •· •• • • • • · • • $15,......., Charters 903~ eee to ~Uew!' 673-3108 _ ~ SomN 8.e turn. °""' ' HAMMOND . pe. wh. a;:'!.~ •. Id·:_, •-Very good condition. Maphl Jovneat $275. 3 tabln $125. 44' C.owiteu 4f FIG Ketch ~ · 17. Pc:. King Size ~·· ~ ·~ ""' 6 nd tabl CAL 24 '°' CHARTER . 6 1 8 20l Grand In PQRONA DEL MAR clilldren 54Q..982f 3/10 ee e e, Wl'OU&ht Tub chairs ST5 e a c b • Diesel . .. •• • . •• • • •• • $46,900 Cl!!!'r-$ 9520 Bed.-m ~ ..;.u· ........ Island. 2854 E. eo..t -·· ......,. SMALL Mele "°"· 1 ,.. • ..,, -headboard. 54&-181'l Fl1aldolft $195. fypwrtter rrJ:' ,?°~71.., ~ ~= ;:"' VW Large 9 drawer dresser, mir-ctouiliw. antiqul! chaiR, J,ii DabcshuDd % Otlhuabua; LIVING rm ledionaJ; 2 $50. Reel bay. MS-0155 :::.:..=:=.~~ ~:&'':i .. prien .-I I FIRE SAlE I I ~~~~.:.~~ =1~i::.TK: ~G~, ::::: KmE~=rrRG 41 Mobil~°';' bor 9200 Bus f~OCALSamper .• ~( ec1 mattress, sheets, blank· MISCEJ.L. items, antique Our gorgeona new store FEMALE German Shepherd 9D-S691 =fun bed ~mpl, )'OUth $ S.ve Thouund1 $ · Y •r S I ,WI; ets, etc, . h tables, chairs, iron beds. burned! The piiilos &: tit'-3 )'n old iood watch dog, CARPETS, Vln)'l.J, Tiles, lat. bed, lrg oval nia;. Muat sell! 29' Oirl 29 JIB loaded $9950 Moblle Home I et Clioice of Spanls 10 AM to S PM. 259 Cedar aans guffered no water dam-older chlldtt:n er adults. To eit ityles and colol"I. ~ 9ln-8452 35• Herre.:bc>U, absent ownr 11'.®'42'~4' • 34 wides '&4 SUnrooJ Bus •••••••• $149& • or Modern St;y\e St. Newport Beach. ~· but they are smokey, good home. 645-1993 3/10 men:tal &: Relidential. Ex· de.rate, , , .... try $12,000 Cua Loma-Roll-Away· car. '65 Dlx Bua, 9 pe.s, • • • • = ~ 1 AU Foor $249 .:.C,.....-o'"-&,-..,9:-c=-.-:-1,-dirt;)', dus~ & scratchy, We 'BABY white rats Mom " ,_. ,_ ..... ,._ .. _ HEAVY steel desk w/flle 38 •• Kettenburs '65 Gn.,y. tbbee • Homette • Fashion '67 OOt Bus, 9 pas. •••• ~t No down • Pmtl. only f.1 mo. MAR. 8 ' ar. li!l e, moved them &ll back to OW' ' t"'"" uuu&1&11<wu. drawer $95; mlae. furn,. ClnC YAarJ' SALESe Manor • Kit • Bay Harbor • '&7 Camper, split seat, elee. WELJ('S WAREHOUSE 10 to 4 PN, '30 E. 21•1 oldlocalion6nwk<devny· ~Allcrpart •. :;:""'"ft' "2-14<1S ·54fl.1262 -6clolheLIJ15..®( •:i.vta()porfo,N...,.... Slllon-c.JebrilJ.Sberaton .. t ..... , ............ $24119 St, off 1~ ~~ thlna at nRE SALE PRlC 961-2584 loel wt a 31; N 2 WHEEL hr>memade 24 Hour Phone 673-1570 Manor. ~ Beach. Furni. .... ., & ...... ,,!!. ESI So, H Yol1 dig that "Old trailer, $75. G.E. Cop. DES'ERATEI Houletull of Pub available in an areu • 600 w. 4th St.. Santa Ana FRIGIDAIRE Rance. Refrig "nme Smokey Flavor", BEAtrr. Brn!Wbt g Mo. old pertobe Re:fri&:. S150. Sat .1: beaut. Meditt.; ~. DAVID L. FRASER lay Harbor 0 ~· '•j Open Daily 9 • 9 washer .I: many o t be r come A get 'em, and at Playful Pup, Hu Lie. &: Sun only 66..ol33 pool table, 8' IOfa ii: low SC4 VJ.a Oporto, Newport MobUe Hom. Show ~ ' Sat. 9. 6 SUn. ll . 6 barpinl. 389 Flower, C.M. prloes yoo won't believe. Tap. 962-4311 ln FRIGIDAIRE CU d r 1 r seat, coffee tbl. &: 2 end S ECIAL * 14Z5 Balu!r St . ' • BUNK bed.I (%), metal, com-642-1909 all da:i; Sat or Call WARD'S BALDWtN srumo FREE 5 mo okl male a.uay $100. Walnut commode 1 $50. commodes, occ. chain, oU: eottmb: 28.s. two boat& % bJoclc &.It of Harbor Blvd. la : ;~ plete with foam nibber mat. RUGS, Furniture. Oothes, 1801. Newport, CM. MUf84 ldtten. Home tr at n e d , 1arp table lamp. p:i, tbl. I: 6 chain; 3 Br • .eta Llke Mwt One at $9000. on Baker W .. ~ tresses, bed sPteads Ii &.t. ifarch 8, g..s 2321 Se-healthy, a.Uectionate 892-7182 ~-Incl. 1 king Ille; 2 Call: Oiuck Awry a.ta Mesa Cnf) 5f0.9f'IO ,1, ;,'l sheets. 839-1427 alter S:30 eond !Acacia, C.dM ~~ ;. 311' * NEWPORT 8EAQ{ TEN-~= = 2 1= fB.6252 * 49t-3916 EW& SEE the Dual WJde ftoad.. Mt....._.7J.llff , : pm. Excellent conditiOn ftJt G~E ~ -Furn, Uunn sections (fit all or-ND good Home Blk/wht fem NJS CLUB OR A.RTE R AU. very nice. n!~ · e ~Boats In Newport e liner Pan: American. Pu. Ifft HAI_,. II.VI. only $50. cl na. toys, m.lac. 821 • ) U.ed Free kitten. Mitten Toed Adultt MEMBER s BI p . $300 mount, Flit. lll'ld General COITA MISA I WSTCllSE Re'-'n, 2 bdr iiiiiiBe St. (Eutbluffs) NB ~.:_ ............. 0an~---... Pref. 5e«l79. 3/10 &M-1063 BOGARDUS YACHTS mobile homes now at · . " "~ ~~ ·-,_. ---S1'I fol J•.&.ef ...._. WI .. -.. _. __ CAMPlNG -· otyle: .!!eta, glw lop P a t Io ~ E Garage SAit, S..t 8th ~ble iii tradie. U Tenn&. BOXER PUPPY $ Mo. old LEAVING sta&t, must 1eD Ylr -.a 29' 0wtm 'fiO. alecpe S. "991 us ....a A1Jn01t new ApacbD-.._. ' lbllchrs. Poker tbl. chest ii,.ryainsplore!XIE.18th No down. Fem. Yard trained . OcrMda ii: UllOl'ted plant.I a:.t 'S350 . Must sell $51 ~~~~= Qw.~MOOUe lJomeshlc. ~t»etenttrall1r •• 1 ot: drwrs. misc. 66-1968 :"I .. CM. Vecy reuonable. Electric 0'11n Aaoc. 56-0t& 3110 35c ll> $10. 211-A 16th Pl IQ.0096 f'Yttrlrwl Sale $5500.. 2745 W Oou& DO N. Harbor, S..A. &leepl C. locludts: ice box. , 8' BroWn Quilted mfa. lilct! Jd'ISC ITEMS -Sat &: Sun 333 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa AKC Male Germ. Polnttt CM: I~, N.B.· 5M.s $314571 11oVe, &I.nit 6 ~· $Um. _: I new. Single bf!d m • 2641-A Elden Ave. C.M. 64M03l S>Ol't Hr. 1 )'1'. Older Olt· Q u AL IT x .,.. bed GARAGE Sale !i015 Rlvtt, II JC !IO 001..[).Medal 2 BR. .... Jm I Ml 1 c ellaneoul fumitlft. * ~ .,, (In 1-ck of PucUe HOUie) df"l!'n. 53M579 Eves. 3/10 w/qu.Dted mattml, comp. Ne:wpst. DtMe chewc:s. 17 rr. Pal:n1Dft. Wandlr' 2 b&. IU'Vice port:h, (l)fQ-CAMPER fw El cam.mo ·""' .; : gc...nu PIANOS&ORGANS MINIATURE Poodl NeWTl.ed.$98.,wortb$250. bunk beds, TV1, bkcaa Dthott model <aD ft.blro.. pl•ttq>,kMlyadultputr. '6'1 ·Imulated.~..,.., LOVE SEAT~~·, AfPlllnces 1100 FamOUI Name Bn.ndl: Wondefrul with Oilldre:n. IQ..t53B hdboard. Mlle 50-4936 cJual outboard. ~ SUCh. awnlnp, carport. $19.\. ~ : white na111atO"de couch, UUOf ' from SS29.' 64&-3.fD'l 3/10 nREWOOD for -Walnut snap down t!f:N'tr. me whftl tton.ce shCd fl.Ill lklrt. ~ mattreS:f a sprinP,, eto. * 2 GAS STOVES * Abo USED lnstrunw!nts • · REVERE Projector a. acreen Ult tnJltr S'lOO « belt aft· • . T' llOLIDAY. Camper Shell, 644-2285 ~lf. ~ ~---""·-le Com-ny BEAUTIFUL healthy ..... ~ ..... -~ $4'1.SO $.1!1 ............. 13 50 er,Phoneiu4'7et11r1pm =-.;;o::.:. =: ..... """':!~n· • 1 _ _.,. ~ ~ S wb old. ,_,, lovlrc -1' crd. lid. l ..i.mo ' ' 11· M1TOlELI. '816 lit H.P ••~ "' U A L J TY ldn& ' 200, N. Main, Santa Ana bom11! 4N-3J.0!1 SIT stadc'd free, (1) A8-0MS Evtnrude Trt. ~ ~ 13 l 8* l!JXSO Great Ld8. * FOR Sale-Camptr lbtD w/qulltN mattl'Ull. KENMORE ps Myer Uke So. ol FNeWaJ' 541-0&81 4 ~ approa.. 2 mol. UPHOLSTERJNG • $79.50. 2 Indlan Wellt CaunCry Club OODll WIW Cl'PCli. driJs., Xlntl tar I'_.,., bed Pklmp. $1!9. Nf',oe.r l1*'d SSS. wmth new! $70. strr'T868 Mesa Mon 6Fri'tUJSundl.)o12.1 old+ ~ Cocbpoo: Dttd pc. (Eun:lpeazr Cl'lftlmen) membef1tUp • '*· •"' ToMCA.t BOM'S Adlt 1Wk. 5tMUI 541-61J.4• • 1 142-U V-, Cll. llAMllOND • -..., Y.. l"Od -6G418 316 ..... oot. dtl, pldcup, JI! ll500. Coll '*-'17'12 11U Npt. -· -lx32. DfXX. lllllol ownlno J NEARLY ,.,,. T Delme _, -malla ·...,A i..i -lllJn. llB "ll•r"'" 53Ma A -V ... u ll!IO> C-.. r RMtelt 9522 l U..n !Wal coud!. l New! 13111. 101 S<th St., H.B. ol ·.u --~ Best ~ Ill * To Good Home * PRIVA-----tJ i~ Mite. w.... MIO W. 11' TllUNDEIUllRD ' ..., 1;;:;::;!:::;...:;;;;::.:::_....;.= 540-1'!!5 / 6'13-2968 So. aiJi.~-. -· AKC Fem. -AKC ~0,.;;;j,. ";;..,;. w/100 llP JOh.-t.oode<I !:W; ..,St. Sp~ll:_ !DAO! .'l'flAUD\ j '-=~.:;::.:;;;;'--cer~=, EASY wubtr/cteyor """" sanmn llUSIC m.. ea.f -!l4Hlll 311 ·~. WANT: N"""Relax·A-Oeor w/oqulp. Ovtl: '4.llllt 1111 M~ loo -REHTAU , 5 PC Frtnch Prov . te : binll.Oon, l'OOd condition, U01 N. Main. PAIR OUtdl Rabbit. wlth = ..... .._.t -*!"· (mii) Rl!'uonahle, aood oanL when new. Owner ..,m a e.-!'9', -, .,...,. II'• none too ead1 io ma'-'I + matn:" l Im ~np; $30, '41-4988 Senta Ano !up dMcfed Hulcll. Gr., 6#-USS 218' ~lQ.16 HunL" lloMl'r. '81 SlJZUK1 IQ. bCftd °'" .....,._ ... lil>dno J1o1. s~r".:°"Sis. SIM:,,,;. Ible. REFRIGERATOR PrANO TUNtNG A Ropalr llelo Bn. hm. S!Mll5 Sil NI TINNll CLUI * WANTED TO BIJT: -211' OIRIS OVERNm:R, to !II 0::; ...... abeuot -· A <hatn 115: 1 p"e k er Phll<O $1S. -.....,.b(e( TWO PET GIJlNEA PIGS ~-· tm-1* dJ Chip etamp -will fl&> ~ .. 2. ndJ,>. """"'equip l Dunlop tlrt1 $165. S..1W WEEK.END OR WDl!LT wtr:nc.kiMm! sis. 5ft.06G Albert AameM ~ CAGE • rooo m.n. Sii awwE ,.,.. WllftC af now. SUD a. m.n W:l'1 c:Jet,Q. l2l5G. Ml-1.ID ew:. M-QZ91 I I . . . . ... . . . . .. 'I '\.~\• ,l",.I. • •1 • • ~ 't . • -~ <;-, ••• ' . .. "i''";ITlfn~-: 1l \ • ·l t-:-.t ,n••>'•'"'y:"'"""'?i"''"',...,.1£¢nl"'''"' .. """m••87"'.,",_i -. .,., __ ,,..... ______ ,._,~------· ____,_..._,,..... -----··-~- :t! DAILY PILOT Fl1dlf, 111 .. w 11196'1 11A RTATION ATI TRAHSPOllTATION ·TRANSPORTATION . Dun' Butglff 9525 1-""' A-HOO lqipomd _._ HOO lmf!md Au!Ot • EMPI """"'"'' """air MEICEDES IENZ MG POllSCHE ...,.~ BB. ~ road·n·---"--· -~=--~1 -------------...... --.,! 1'CiDI tlm,)ow bu1 vinyl ''61 Mtrcecitt'B 250 SE '65 MC ~t, ooed1 '66 Por1eh1 912 Coupe ~ for 111rett •• ~ if,OOO ·Actual in'tfet! ! ~tab. * $800. 675.5347 * Jnteri0;r. y.oJtb Ex· a · top, vel')' dean. MUS'r aell! An Unbcltievabli A~tomobile. ~Has new enal.nt. Bahama Y~with BUi-ck * V\V Dune Buam' S350. • ed 1n $.ta Miit Blue wtth MUST aell 'GT M9B CT, tnu. Hat • tinted RAND. SbOrtMed tube tramt. Contruttng ~ vtnyl Jnter-ChJome wire wbeeljl, $2395. glass, Mac A Ne wbef'JJ. :m Call 646-2682 ior. Auto, trant. Factory Air ~ l.m8.lly owried 4 serviced. • NEW 600 Cond. Power-Steer, Braku, :i:.======= Muatsee&:dri~. • Imported Autoa 9 ·:::w·~~';; POUCHE • J1rlup Lll 1 31111 ports '1969 BUICK • • AUSTIN HEALEY ....... eente•Armlle.s~Etc.1------'---• Showroom.~ '67 Pors~he 911 Tart• • '60 BUG EYE SPRITE Or\ainal throuibout. crFESSU only $895 e DOT e DATSUN Authorited D•eltr HUHTIN6T°" BEACH Ntw end Us.ed Cars Complete Service J1rtupor! 31111po11~, & Ports '67 Mercedts BOnx 2505 18835 BEACH BLVD. s~ Ebony Bl'°" with 142.na1 -540-0442 AD v1n11 Interior Every Just 3 miles So, San Diego Conceivable Extra on this Fwy, and just a few minutes MeticuJous ma.inta.ined AtB. North of Adams Auto trans. Full Power & ·"ss~.:,H:;:.::al;,=-=.tra=·=•·-°'' I Factory Ail' Cond. A must · A. e ey, ex ,,. .... .,. . Ne1v: Interior, \1'00d dash for the Di.sc:riminating Buy· & wheel, ronncau, tires, top. er. , Overdrive. $1100 J i rm • 673-3189 GONE to Vietnam, must sell '60 Austin Healy Sprite, niake reasonable c f I e r • J1rlupon 3\Jnp o rt ~; , 962-56~ 3100 W. Ccut Hwy. ' 1961) AUSTIN-Healy lCOO, Newport Beach R/H, 0 .0. Rebuilt engine, 642-94{6 . 540-1764 20,COO ml. $800. 67S-2120 Authorized MG Dealer DATSUN 110) '66*'67 DATSUN ROADSTEU to choose from. Save on your hottest sportl!: car. From' $1395 e DOT • DATSUN Authorlad Dealer · HUNTINGTON BEACH N:ew and Used C1rs Complete Service • • & Parts ' 18835 BEACH ·BLVD. 842·7'181 -540-0441- Just 3 mlle1 So. San Diego Fwy. aJXI just a few miml~s North cf Adams '69 OATSUN MG 'MG Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Model& J1rtuport 31111port s Ebony Black Finiah wltp Mat.. ching Black Inter, 5 apeed:. AM/FM, Fact<>ey Ma& Whls. 23,000 .Local ~ ReOecta: Meticuloul .care. J1rlUIJO rt 31J11µor1 s 3100 W. Cout Hwy, Newport Beach 642.s4C6 54{).l'TM Autl)orized MG Dealer '68 Porsche 912 COUP" Tangerine with Black lnter-- ior, Chrome Wheels, AM/FM • S.W, Radio. 7,400 miles. Ptr- Iect thurout. J1rtuport 1\Jnports 3100 W. c.oa.~t Hwy, Newport Beach 642.!}.1{6 541).1764 Authorized MG Dealer •'62 Porsche Cab Coup. Special Burgundy Paint With BI a ck Leather Interior. The most perfect Porsche in Newport Beach. Has Chrome Wheels, CoCo Mat. Driving Lights. Etc. Mint in every detail. J1rtuport 3\Jnports J1 rll11JOrl 3\Jnµor! s .J1 r tuµ o rt 31111por1 ·:, 3100 W. Coast H..\ry. Newporl Beach 642-9405 540-1764 AuUiorized MG Dealer Big &edM, 96 hp, overhe6d cam eng., dlr, 4 spd, radio.. heater, wsw tires, loaded! 1200 miles. under factory wamtn\y. Bal $1715. rue S1S cash dels or older ·ce:r. L.B. YNWCST. can after 10. 494-9773. '66 DATSUN 25,500 . Miles Exlnl Ccnd. $950. Seil ()?' trade for larger Car. Pvt. 'Ply, 642-1046 WE'VE GOT A COUPLE OF TOPLESS FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imporu Ltd. Or· ange County's only 1utbor- lzed dealer. SALES· SERVICE· PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9'105 540-1764 Authorlted MG Dealer FIAT '67 FIAT 850 Spider British Racing Green * 646-791D * nAT Abarlh 850, 2 dr tedan, Xlnt cond. $450, 54&-395? or 673-694!> JAGUAR JAG "65 3.8 S sedan, silver grey I red llhr int, auto, ps, \\'ire whla. air, AM/FM. $3595. Priv party, 714: 52l--066ll JAG. '60, A·l 19$ Priv, party. 962-49&1 KARMANN GHIA 6111AS ! · 67'1 Like new "One v.ith 9,000 miles" l -66'a Extra Nict • 'One with' atr cond.." All extra sharp, all with ra· d.ion &-healttl and one with air oonditioning, 14f•OJOJ-67J.11 t0 1 f70 HAllOI ILYD. COSTA MISA LOTUS LOTUS 30 Ctoup 1, Cran(t Prix •Pott• ear; m Inns .. Jncomp 1. t:n&. MC>dllif'd Ior 1trect Wt'. Sac. 96f.3758 D,ULY J'IWI' DIME-A· urq;s. !'Oil cu at them lor fUll ... -• ..,. Dial srzan • MODELS · THAT'LL BLOW YOUR MINI! THINK of an the thinCJS you CCIII put in . a 6 foot bed. DRIVE DATSUN PICKUP TODAY 18835 BEACH BLVD. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 842 • 7781 or 540 • 0442 • • • • :•••••••e: • JAGUAR • : HEADQUARTERS : •Complete Sales ~ Serv·• •ice and Pa rt1 D•part:• •mant for JAGUARS. • • St• Th• bt1fin9 • • 1969 J•t"'•' Tod•y • .......... IL-~-~~~~· : 234 E. 171h ST. : : 548-7765: • • • • • OPEN: 1 DAYS AND MNIN&S • • • • • fi'JM& BUICK II ~{ UUIC.k o..O AMt1t 1 COSTA MESA 912 TllANS.POltTATION HOO 1964 OP.El.. "IWl<tt Sporb Sedan. R)tL Very, V>l'Y 5 lo Cltooo<I f roml I> Ton plckup. All In Top a.·-11 Ammca'• new _. ....ao1 clean. Low mL $ 7 0 0 • ·" ·~ ~ ~,~,54G-=='="'==========--1 ..,-,..-work horse, (I Startlog'.ol .. '. $3995 $l 2 534-2214 or lll.192-5551 OPEN SUNDAY ,==:;S=IM=:C;A::===J Bil.L MAXEY '67 SIMCA 1000 !TfOMO!T!AJ VOLKSWAGEN vw Price Specials '60 Bug ••• • • ...... • • • $399 G.L.SJ).L.R., 4 apd, ·Will 1Nll IEACH ILVD. take ~ cub. to clel, ...., Hunt. IMch 147-1555 ~ ot $30.88. LB VJB S ml N. of c:out RWJ. on Bcb '61 BU<' .............. $499 "63 BU<' .............. $599 O'\ler 75 VW' s All Extra Sharp $899 .. $lJl99 ~I P•l &ltor 10'30 AM '69 TOYOTA'S o~~~ SUNBEAM '6"6 SUNBEAM ALPINE Very Britilh racinc green. Factory hardtop. (THV263J $1499 Lo .... S.ltcllon .FOR Immediate O.llvory SEE US TODAY Llmi6 MPORTS . OT~l'OL~O '~p· 14t.fJIJ..--6 7J·11 t0 1970 HAUO• ILYD_. COSTA "MIU '65 VW StJlllU)OF, rid;,. xint conct.· :n,cro mi. SlO&l. * 548-7952 • '61 V\V Bug. $1350. Call alter 6 PM. * 673--6847 * Greatest Selection Of Previously Owned Cadillacs IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALLEN OlDSMOBlll CADIUAC INC. '68 CADILLAC ELDORADO ••• Brown with brown vinyl top, houndstootl-i interior. Full power, fa ctory air, new car warranty. $5995 '68 CADILLAC Eldorado $6195 l11rt•ndy, whit• •inyl ftp, wkit• irit. full pwr., f1ct. 1ir, n•w c•r w1rr•nty. '68 CADILLAC c .. p. de YID• $5295 Gold wit~ ~•it• ¥inyl top. Full pwr, f1ctory 1.r, n1w c•r w1rr1nty. '68 CADILLAC Coupo d• Vlllo $5295 Wkit1 wl!h bl111 inf, I top. f11ll pwr, f1ctory 11r, 111w cir w1rr•nty. '68 CADILLAC 5-d• v1n. $4995 Gr1•n wi!h t r••n int. Full pw1, f1clory 11r, new ''' w1rr1nty, '6.8 CADILLAC c .. po d• Vlh $5295 G old wilk told vi"yl top, b•it• int, full pwr, f1cfory •ir, N•w c•r w•rr111ty. '68 CADILLAC Sodo• d• VII• $5295 Y•llow, bl1ck vi11yl tip, <gild Int. Full pwr, f1 ctOry 1lr 111w c•r w•rr•11ty. '67 CADILLAC Sodao d• VII• $4295 Gold. ltl1.ck vi"YI fop I t11t. f11ll ,.wr, f1cfory 11r, n1w c•r w•rr•nty. Whit•, bl1ck ¥1nyl top, whit• lthr i11!., '67 CADILLAC c .. po de VIiie $4295 fi.tll pwr, f•ctory 1ir 11•w ct r w•rr•nty ' Ut1 blll•, vh1yl f•p I l11t, fl.Ill pwt, '67 CADILLAC 5-d• VIie $4195 ftc-+.ry •Ir. n•w cir w•rr•nty, '67 CADILLAC Sodao de vm. $4095 1•191 w/btlt• Int. f11U pwr, f1ctory 1lr, '""'cir w•rr1F1ty, '67 CADILLAC Coupe de VIiie $4395 ll1ck with wklf1 l•1th•r il'lt., Full pwr, f•ctory 1ir, n1w c:•r w1rr1nty '56 CADILLAC On11 •wn•r. LIKE NEW!! ''8 OLDS Cotlo11 CoopH ) lo choo11 fro"', 1lr cond, ,. • .,.. ci r warr•nty, whjt• b1i91 gold. '61 OLDS 442 Coupe 6500 mil•1, gold, "'"" c:•r wtrr1nty. '67 OLDS Vlllo Cntl1er 511. w•g, whii1 w/bl111 int, Air condltion1d. Sh1rpl '67 OLDS L11J1ury S- Ai1 cond .• t11tq11oi'1 w/bti9• ¥inyl top •nd f11rq ., int. f111I pw1, like "'""· '67 OLDS CllfloH c .. po I S,000 111il•s. Lik1 l'l•wl l11191 F1dy. I '67 IUICK 11 .. lhl 215 4 door, bl111 int., fvll P"'· 1ir • 'H LINCOLN CONTININTAL 2 do•r, h•rdlop, Ute bl111 w/bh11 .,;"yl top, bl11• ltlir. lflf., 11111 pwr, 1ir co11d, 'H CHM II Ctottloe l'lcbp V·I, 4 •pd. •ir con4, tvrq11•;,~ )4,000 ,,,u.,. \ ''4 OLl!.SLiaory 5- Wliite, b\11• Int., full pw r, olr COft"d. Sh•tpl MANY MORE TO CllQOlE FROM. OYER 30 1968 CADILUCS -•IYI us A nr lll'OU YOU IU\' -. ALLEN OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC INC • 1150 S. Co1s1 Hwy. · 494-1084 ' 547-3103 llaun1 Beach ' • -, -~-.---..--------------------------·----.. -.,,., .... ---::-------,.,, ... ----~--~---~:""'--!""-.... ~--· • ' ' I• Fillloy, M"c! 7, 1969 NowCll'I 9IOON.W C11'1 9IOONew C11'1 flOO New C.1'1 Now C.1'1 800 NewCars • I : •• YOU-AREEREEwAY~CLO ETO'l'BEMOST CONVENIENT UNCOLN/M~RCURY: DEALERSHIP S'ERVING ' THE GREATER :AJ{BOR AR~ & ORA~GE CQl{ryTY .. JOHNSON & SON. GREAT CARS, GREAT TERMS, GREAT SELECTION . . . AND GREAT PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH 1 · ot 2626 HARBOR .BLVD. I I at 1941 .HARBOR BLVD. I 1966 CONTINENTAL COUPE l oc:1l Oft• owt1•r with onlr 12,00.0 •••Y rnil1t, fl,nith..O In b11utiful 1969 !runt Or1ng1. l1H1r hurry on #lit 0111 , And it's fully 1qui pp1d' with •II th1 fin11t f1 ctory options. lie SRW '463 $3195 1966 CADILLAC S1d1111 D1ViU1. t1111til11I Gold Mi1t fini1h wlth blond bei91 1•1· th1r int•r. Equipp1d with 1111 th1 IUaury fe1hlr11: 111110, tr11n1., r1dio I h••l•r, pow•t 1t11rin9, pow., br11k11, pow•t win· dow1, 4·w•y~Af, 111110 ,f•<::t. 11 ir <;011d, 11f<::, On,ly lt,000 or.hi· ln1I mil1s. Li<=. SBS 145. $3495 • · SAVE $425* 1964 CONTINENTAL 4 door 11d1n. A1t1<:: gold fini1h ,,.;th s1ddl1 l111th1r int1rior. Fully lvxury 1q11ipp1d, 111torn11li<:: tr1n1mi11ion, r1dio, h1at1r, pow•r 1!1erin9, pow•r br1k11. pow1r 111h, f1 ctory 11ir, •I<=. B111utif11I ci r. lllC 105) SAVE $460• $1495 1966 CONTINENTAL S11tony y1tlow with 9old int1rior, autom1tie fr11n1mi11ion, r1dlo 11nd he1ter, 11ir conJitionin91 f11ll power, 1t.1rin9, br11k11, 6 ,,.1y 1e1t, tilt 1t11rin9 wh11I. (SVZ 040). Be111tifully m1 int11h1•d $3195 ' . 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE 4 Ooor h1rdtop. 8111utiful 9rov1 9re111 mist finiah ""ith ni11t<::h· ing int1rior & Ivy gold l1nd1u top, All th1 fi11e 1<::<::l11otle1, 11utom11tic fr•nsmi11ion, r11dio, h11!1r, pow•r 1te1tin9, pow•r br1 k11, powtr window1, f11ctory air., 1tc. Li<=. IR.UM 1)2) SAVE ssao• $1795 1968 OLDSMOBI LE CUTLASS S11p. 2-dr. H.T. B11 11tif11I 11g1 gold 1xt. ""/'"t<::hng. bu<::k1t 111111, blk. l11nd1111 roof. Fu lly f11c. •quipt. + 11ulo tr1n1., R.&H, PS, PB, f1c. 11ir. Driv1n 16,000 111il11, c1r1f11lly main. by orig, own1r, XOA 421 ·$2995' I 1967 MERCURY1 COLONY PARK 9 p1u st1tion w19on. Arctic Whit1 with t11r~uoi11 fnf1ri1r, 1ufo, ft111n1, r1dl~ I h1at1r, 1ir cond ., pwr. 1t11rint , p1w1r br1k11, ctdr f•cint third 111t, lutt•t• r•c•, .11111 1cti111 t1i1. 1961 \'.OLKSWAGE°N SEDAN 1961 MERCU.RY COLONY PARK 2 Doff ,..,.,, "''Y 'l1w Mil1111, just tu111d, rid hi color l ie 11t1, I 1w111r c11r. lie UIH 757 . I SAVI $655* $2695 1967 OLDSMOBILE TORONADO D1l11a1 co11p1. l11111iNI l't'( 9olcl fl11i1h with 1ati11 bl1cli int.rlor. Luxury eq11ipp1d• of couri•-A11tom1tl<:: tr1n1111i11ion, r1dlo, he11ter, pow1r 1teerin9, pow1r brak11, pow1r wi11d1w1 l • w•y pow•r 11•!, wond1rf1i1Hy <=•fid for •. T0Jay1 b11t buy Li<=. l:RX- 1'7 $2995 1968 CHEVROLET IMPALA Custom 2 dr. h1rdlop. R.ich lerm11d1 ini1t 1.1111 1111t1llie finish. Equipp1d with 11utom11tic tr1n1mi11ion. r•ill1, · h111f1r, pow1r 1te•r>ing, P'""'' br••••· f1ctory •ir. • SAVE $50Q', $2495 • 196.-THUNDERllRD Cp1. 'l11utiful Altic ••Id inktilf with 11'11.tehln9 l11t1rl1r. All tho l11xury 1qulpm6nt Yo• w1at. Automatic tr111111'1hd1n, pow•r . window1, pow1r 11at. F1ctory 1ir, 1tc., NII 11t of ll:1111i11I Ply tir11. Shows 1a<::1ll1nt c:1r1 lie~ SIN 179 SAVE $S1oe $2395 . 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR· 4 door h1Nltop, 1ttr1<::fi¥1 ••t• told finish with 1111tchint in· terior, 1uto1111ti<= tr1n1rni11ion, r1dio I h11f1r, pow1r 1t11rint I power ltr11ke1, f1chiry 11ir, 1h;. Prictll to 1111 tod1y. lie. rTUV· 3 ltl SAV~ ··700• $1995 1967 CONTINENTAL . 4 door 11d•n~ a.1utiful powJ1r bl111. flni1h with dirk bl111 111· th1r interior." l111111ry equlpp1d with •11to-tic tr1n1mi1tlon, r1dio, h11tw, fad1ry elr, p1w~ 1t11rl111, power br11k11 4 w•y 1111,. on• 11wn1r carefully Mlint1intd. Li<:: TEY 961 WID 211 $895 SAVI $2001 1966 CHEVROLET y, -TON PICKUf I cyllnJ1r, 1111t1lfl1tlc tr111111f1l1ll111, 11ir c1ndltl•l\i111. l ie. Ni>. Ut22t3 SAVI f:ztO* $1495 -1966 COMET CAPRI 4 Do1r. VI, 111tof!111tit tr11111ni11io11, p1w1r at11rin1, r11di1 l h11t1r. 1ir c1!1;11lti111lnt. Compl1+.ly r1condition1d. Li<:: No. ll:R.Y 522 SAVI $2il• •$1495 1966 COMET CALIENTE I 2 Dior. H.T •. Vt, 111\p, ]4,000 1ctu1I rnil11, 1x<::1ption1 1ly d 11n, l1igo with 1111tchint idrior, Uc. No, R.R.Z 671 SAVE S27t• $1625 1967-.MUSTANG &.T. COUPE H•• lll'•tythi119, VI, 4 1p11d, f1cllf')' elr c1nJitio11in,, power 1t11rl11f I p1w1r br1•11, AM-Ft-t ,, r1dl1. l1 1111111 l i<=, N1. TNH OS• SAVE $40fl• $2150 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA CONVERTIBL~ Vt. 1utoP111ti<:: tr1n1mi11ion, pow1r 1t11ring, r1dio I he•f•r Whit• with whit1 top. In top condition, Li<= No. OLG tt7 $875 1960 FORD 1/, .TON PICKUP With a 19•1 <=lfllptr lie. N•: E93241, <::om• 11• ii 11nd SA.Vf $2001 $995 1964 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Auto. tr1n1., r1dio I h11t1r, p1w1r 1t11rlnt, p.ow1r br1•11, f1 <::t1ry 1ir cond. M&F 611 ' $3995 IA.VI 1441• *UNDH KIL Y ILUE 10011 $895 ' ~ ) fflf w19011. Vt, 111tolfl1tic tr11n11"l11ion, p•.w•r tf11ri111 I P•-t br•lr11. ltt 1 nit• on• Uc No, JYU 21 I ' SAVE •tu• $995 1966 COMET CALI ENTE 4 Ooor. Vt, 1111tom•tic,' pow•t af11rin9, r1dio I he1t.r, Fwlly t•<::ooditiion1d, met11lli<; 9r11y with rn•tchi11'9 int•rior. l ie, Ne, TXU S9l $1395 SAVE Poll*· 1961 THUNDERBIRD ' Lo11d1d with f1~tory 11ir <::onc:lltio11lng, poW•t wind1w, pow1r •••h, r1dio I h11h 1. 1fc.liC No. 1YE 4J7' , . · SAVE $3551 $795 . 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500 COUPE Vt, •Ufom1tic tr1nsmiuion, pow'ilr lf11ri111, f1.<::t.,., •lr coft.< ditionin9, Turq11oi1• with 1111f<=hin9 int1rlor. l ie. No. SUN )t6 SAVE $520* $1395 1965 OLDSMOBILE "98" ,HARD!OP '4 DoOC" lu111ry 1q11ipt. with hill plWff I 1ir, 1mi111 white 11~ t1rior, lie. No, NIR 792. luy l'IOW .111d SAVE $355• $1595 ' 1964 MERCURY MAURADER HARDTOP 2 Ooor. Th, f11ib1.cli m1J1I., 1quipt with Vt1 euto11111tic tranl•i mi1llon, pow1r 1ie1rin9, 1ir co11dltlonin1, 1t<::, whit. with ltti91. int1rii1<. lie. No. 10X 167 . $1095 ' SAVE $150* 1966 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE va, 1ulom11ti<:: tr11n11nit1io11, pow•r 1l•1rin9, 1ir 'c1nditiet1lflt .. m•i•IHc 1ilv1r 9t1en with m1tckit19 inl1rior. Li<:: N1. SAA IJI SAVE $2451 $1550 . 1961 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4 Joor, f11ll l11x11ry oq11lpt. 11ir conditionin9, 111w IM1cft JM• color, n•w tirt1, bl1ck le1lher inl1rior. Li<:: No. R6U 141 • SAVE $145' $1395 D ~&[ffi~ ]][ D ~ ~ [ffi ©(ill [ffiY/ D ©®U!J@fu[ffi ' 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I CONNELL CHEVROLET'S USED CAR . CENTER SPECIALS '65 CHEVROLET i,w Ton Fleetside Pickup. V-8 engine, Tu-tone paint, chrome wheels, tonneau cover, radio & heater, step rear bumpe r. Lie. No. S46108. · $1095 '68 EL CAMINO Custom. 327 V-8, Auto. factory air cond., PS, R&H. Mist blue with blue vinyl interior. Fact. new car warranty Lie. No. 14R51A 52895 '65 PLYMOUTH Sport }'ury convertible. VB, automatic, JlO'YCr steer., radio, heater. (NBV8'94l 5895 '66 'CHEVROLET %·Ton Pickup, V-8 engine. auto. trans .. power steer .. factory air cond., Tu·tone il"een and white, chrome fropt bumper, step rear bum~r, radio & heater. Mu1t ,.., Llc. Ns;995 '66 PLYMOUTH Fury m 9 Passenger Station Wagon. V-8, A.T., P.S .. Fact air cond., RIH. Uc. No. VHU281 · $1595 . . . - '62 DODGE =n V-8, auto. trans., radio, heater. j '""'~$395•· JOC170 '63 OLDS STARFIRE Haf.dtop Coupe. auto. trans., pwr. steer., factory air cond., radio &. heater. Extra clean. Original maroon with all vinyl trim. Lie. OKM596 s995 ·~ RAMBLER Classic 60 Station Wagon, V..S, 11.uto. trans .• pwr. steer., rad.lo, heater. Clean! Uc. No. ONS517. , 5895 '62 OLDS F-85 Deluxe Station Wagon. V.S, auto., PS, R~H. Gold with Fawn interior. Uc. No. KQV-845 . s595 ., ••••••••••••• , e ORANGE COUNTY'S e :SAVINGS: : HEADQUARTERS : e '64 FORD e • Country Sedan. V-8, auto. trans. pwr .• • steer., radio • heater. SUver with red • interior. extra clean. Uc. No. MYG022 : s995 : • • • '64 IMPALA • • 4 Door hardtop. V8, automatic, PS, P-• • windowa, factory air conditioning, radio, • • heater. (0TM1221 • : 51095 : e '68 CORVETTE : : H1rdtop '427, VI, 4 pr.I. p1w1r ''"""' • . AM-FM radio. Brand MW Wide Oval • Red Une 'nres. New car factory _war-• • ranty. Forrt1t green. Lie. No. VWJ'364 • wl!h lt11clt lnt1tior '66 DODGE Polara 4 Door. Automatic, air cond., Power steerinf, radio, heater, gold with belie inter. Below wholell.le. tSIN486) $1395 '67 CORVETTE Fastback, V8, 4 apd., AM·FM radio, Disc brakes off road exhausts, power win· dowa. British green with saddle interior. Serlal No. 1943775104813 s3795 ' '69 EL CAMINO .. Custom V-8 Stick, Landeau top. Butter· nut yellow, 4,000 original mil~factory new car warranty. Uc. No. J 2C 52695 ! SAVE ! --~.,,-.. "·.~·'1....·:6·.l.·.,~·1alr·~·~·v:· ... ·~·~··.·~~·~·d : '61 COMET i ::;:;,h~~"v1;,1111',.,~i~.?"' u~ .. .fuX'Jl'i • Station Wa1on. Automatic tranamiuion, • s249· s· • radio and beater. (QMV922) ..--------.: s395 :...._ ___ ...... : . '63 PONT. LEMANS : . '65 DATSUN Pickup. Had.lo, Heater. Uc. No. NMW452 '61 BUICK La Sabre. 4 doo'r, Hardtop. V-8 A.T .. P.S., Rut. Ermine white. Lie. No. U.N-509 . • Convertible. V8, automatis_ .. ~dio. beat· •• er. Red w/whlte top. (NG~ll ' 5895 : s595 : s395 '64 MALIBU S.S. Coupe. V~ auto. trans., radio, heatN. Danube bJue th blue vinyl· interior. Lie, No. OJH851 ' s995 DUNE BUGGY Sharp with peppy VW engine and trans· miuio11. M1t1IHc blu1. lie No. DOU lll 51395 '64 CHEV. PICKUP 8' Fleetsidr. Step rear bumu:r, Weiit Cout mirrors. Glenwood green. c. No. P7&175 $1195 '64 CHRYSLER 300 Hardtot> Coupe. Auto:-trans,. power steer .. factory air cond. Beige with parclu'nent In. ttrlor. Uc, z.ro. XEV9ll $1395 .. '66 CHEVY VAN Automatic, side OOors, Jti.r win®w1.10Nitti. Mlli while ts; .. ,95~ ................ , .............................. ~~ . CHI ROLET · 2121 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA ' ~!: 546•1203 CNA': 546•1200 . --·-~-"-···--· ... ·--· -·-···-~-------- • ' ' ! J i -----~---~-~---·-------~·--------------::0----::-----;----.,, -~·~---·~---.. .. Let this car speak for itself' PONTIAC !.$ GRAND -PRIX I ~·- PREFERRED OVER ALL THE OTHER "PERSONAL LUXURY CARS" REPORTED SALE:i-5 -OCT. 1 thru DEC. 31, 1968 Named "Outstanding Car of 196!>" .by. Car Life . Magazine. DRIVE ONE PRICE ONE -YOU'LL KNOW WHY ! GRAND PRIX 34,722 THUNDERBIR'DS 17,632 RIVIERA 16,077 TORONADO 9,370 OUR RREBIRD DEALS MAKE A SPORTS CAR FAN OUT OF ANYONE I CHOOSE FROM OVER SIXTY NEW 'BIRDSI iilEW 1969 FIREBIRD Be•utiful C•rousel red 1utomobile, equipped with 1peci•I pe int. B.70x I 4 red line tires, deluxe wh eel cover~, deluxe steerin9 wheel , wheel openin9 mouldin 9s, custom mete! trim pletes. 2233 79L601492 $2852 '66 CHEVROLEl Fernily "''fOll, 6 c;ylinder, ewto Metic;, r•dio, h'e•ter. c1mp•• •quip 1 pH, ITll 0001 1 '67 BUICK GS 400 VI, llydr1J111fic:, power lie1ri119 I l,r1lce1, redio, h11ttr WSW, fie· tory 11ir, vinyl top. ITPY 519 1 '66 PONTIAC loftn1•ill1 con•. VI, P.S., P.I. P.W., A:IH, f1 cl, eir, WSW , blk I w/Dllc top. Jted buck.et •••h I A::U.0 451 J I I '68 CHEVROLET Sport w.19011, r1dio, h11l1r, 11tlo. tr1,.1ml11io11. (VTl 1191 '66 PLYMOUTH Fvry 11 f pin. w19on. VI , torque fli9hl, power tl11r., •edit , h11l1r, f1c:tety ,;,, I SSU 11 l I 0 $1677 FULL PRICE FULL PRICE $2377 FULL PRICE $2777 FULL PRICE $1977 FULL PRICE '66 ·PONTIAC GTO Sport Coupe. VI, 4 1p•1d, pw r. shier., r•dio, ~••ltr, WSW, vinyl top. ISSl-t 2711 '68 PONTIAC GTO 2 Or. VI liydr1m11tic, P.S., r1dio, h1.1t1r. WSW. f.1ctort eir. IWIC. 0671 '64 CADILLAC Coupe 01Vill1. VI . hyd<1111.1t!c, P.S., P.I , P.W., P. S11h, f1 clol"'f' 1ir con4ilio11i119. IULF 20ll '65 VOLKSWAGEN 11.edio, ~11+1r, ~ 1pt1d. INPM . ott.: '66 CHEVROLET M11ibu 2 Dr, H.T. VI, 1ulo., P.S. r1die, heeler, WSW, hu clr1t 1e1h, FULL PRICE FULL PRICE FULL PR ICE $1277 FULL PRICE $1977 '66 VALIANT V-200 4 Or. p11•en91r w19on. Vt, eulo. P.S .• Jt&H, WSW, 22.174 111ile. !TIX l76 l '65 MUSTANG 6 cyli11d1r, euto, r1dio, ll11t1r, WSW. fPEV 3051 '65 CHEVROLET M1libu S.S. VI, 111to1111lic. power .t11rin9, r1dio. heeler, WSW, 35,.,75 111il11. lNQX 7931 '63 PONTIAC LeM.1111 1 Ooor. VI, 1ulom1tic, r1dio, h11t1t, WSW. IOSC 97l l '64 PONTIAC tSVY 9.41,~l ------..!::::'U:l:l:P:;R;"'IC•l_, p C1telin1 Wt')Oft, VI, hydr.1111.1tlc, I ALL PRICES PLUS Ll.C/T AX I P.S., •1dio, heeler, ... hit1 w1ll1. s::: ~--::;:=:iiii~--;;::~-~-~-.! ... 'l1ctory •ir. IT244AI -• • . ' $1877 )ULL PRICE $1477 FULL PR ICE $1877 FULL PRICE $977 PULL ,.I.IC.I $1477 · FULL PllCE .) 990D CONTINENTAL '63 CONT. Cream hdtp. Lo mi.; finest cond. Loaded! 645-llll CORVAIR CORVAIR Monza '62, 2 dr. Au to; R/H. Good cood. $398. Prv prt,y. 646-81T1 CORVmE ·' .. 1963 FORD Galaxy 4 sedan, good condition. or best oiler. 962-9788 "57 RANCHERO, slick radio. $2'l5. * 545-TI35 * FORD Mustang , '65. Cle wood paneling, auto, 289. • 642-5647 * '6') FORD Sta \Vag, good $150. '53 Cad gd! '61 Corvette 4 spd·"327" ,;"',.;,trd;;·;;;' ,:;968-~2605c:':=o,d: Gleaming Ivy green Finish '68 FAIRLANE '4>agon, 8 with Black Interior AM/FM, Xlnt cond. $1900 Power Steer, Wide Oval I =~=;..·'75--=-Tl5~7-..,,--.,,_ Tires, Etc/ Only 8,000 LQcal '61 FORD Falcon Sta . miles. Excellent Condition. Wagon. New tires, Equivalent to Brand new. cond. $325 673-3179 J1rluµorr 3'1nµorts 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach • 642-94(}5 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer '59 }\)Rl) Galaxic C.on Pis. air. R/H. 'xlnt co $225. 545--2427 aft 5 pm. '!ill FORD Fairlane, 6 3 spd. $300 or offer. 67 LINCOLN CORVFITE '66, 47/'/425, 4 '59 LINCOLN Premier, 4 zpd, 2 tops, pwr wndws, white; good <.'Ond. AM·FM. Must sell $2900. $400. 536-2946 , ~548-=l"'====== '65 4 DR. l..Daded! Xlnt co I" beige W/ lthr int. COUGAR '68 COUGAR Lime with black padded top. Loaded and alr condi~. $2800. 1". Stotts 842-5581, Eves. 962-7"'6 NewC1n Owncr.~1 ?.1ANY WONDERFUL 0 POR'I'UNITIES ba•e discovtted in C1a5slfied A Tum back to "BWl!DeU portunities" NOW! HOLIDAY RAMBLER IN COSTA MESA INVITES YOU TO COMPARE AND SAYE Annual ,Red-White & Blue SALE BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER FULL SIZE, SEATS 6, 128 . H.P. •·,---.. BRAND NEW ·~9 REBEL ,,,. ... ,,. c.. $2436 f't111 T & L 1175212 BRAND NEW •69 AMBASSADOR $3286 Air Coltdltl111l1HJ, YI, -A•t9., tnuts., phr1 T & L SI 10210 BRAND NEW '68 JAVELIN , 11• ... ,.. $2386 l it .,._. 111t1ll pric:1 111111 T & L 1279,69 VALUE CHECKED USED CARS ' •• ' ' . ' '66 Dodge wA•oN $1595 . : . Altl tr1111., ,._, lft>ffhuJ & btakn TRD 676 I '66 El Camino s1n5 Allto tro111., ,.-..r lfwrillf, ntdle, Ma,.,. '66 Ford STATION WAGON $1795 COUNTIY SQUIRE ',....,.,. •.r.. "'"'·· ,,_, "-· •n 2J1 '64 Volkswagen .~~:. $9'5 W\TtD nRa. HM• 149 • '66 Ambassador:::..~: $1795 •• ,. tr111, ,., • ""' & '"'-""" &tr. 'tff" '67 Opel ......... , .... $149" 4 "'""· .tlyl •• ,. ;Ii nMlil .. ~-HOJ 912 • '65 Mercury '64 Dart GT $1045 A1tt_.k ~11, rodl1 hD1ttr. OML 191 f 1 ~ llED CARPET SIRVICE fOR YOUR CAI HOLIDAY AWlllCA.N MOl0¥ Sales & Senlce ONN 1 DA.Tr A.ND IYININeS fOR TOUI CONYlNllJeGI 1969 H1rbor Cosl1 Mesa 642-6025 ·' ' . . . . . • . ! . ·j • • . • .. ,. . . ' .. • • ,. .. ' .. ' •• ' ·' " ,. •· ~-•• i . ,. · .. • .. ' . . ' r. ' ' ' . • • • 4\!t:-'" ..... ..,-.==:-~=r==:::.......:T~RA=N:::SPO~ll~TA::T:.:.l::O:::N_J..-_:'!..~NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Frida)', Mm 7, 196' TRANSPORT.A I N TRANS :::::-:......--~.:.::;;::::::::::~~~~~:.::.;:::.:.~-..:"00 "°°-~ SIXTY· NINE---·· ; I . • • ' . 'IECE 'FR.OJvl THE . . ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM------. . 1968 COUPE DE VILLE t 1967 COUPE DE VILLE • Beautiful Silver Pine Green exterior with black padded 4iP and ll'ffn cloth and leather Jnter:lor. Has power steer- in&', power brakes_ power seat, power windows. tilt and telescopj_c ateerini wheel, aignal see~ wonder-bar radio. Hu very law mileqe. Beautifully well kept cad-illae. Must Re this one. (XSP 691} ~t;,.3 $5,33 • .. • Coupe DeVille. Beautiful Boroque Gold wl,th eovert cloth leather Interior. This car t. exceptiona14' equipped with factory air condit!Oning, ~ ~ poWtt brake:t. pawer aeats. power windows,. .tilt>: ~heel. dqol' ~ lllbt sentinel Steno l,M:.m radlQ.~(VEW'R) . .. ' 1969 FORD Showroom frfth with only 2600 miles, Lux-urtoua LTD Hardtop Coupe finished in meta:l- lic ereen with black padded top and plush black brocade deluxe interior. Full powfi, factory air condito~. Stereo AM-FM Multi Plex. All deluxe interior. lXIT 421) SALE PRICED 1969 JHUNDERllRD The most popular landau mCdeL Stunning mornine 1old with gold landau top and Broui- ham interior. This one is absolutely loadl.'tl including power steering, power brak@S, pow· er seats, power windows, stereo AM-FM, -,ir conditionin&, in fact' this car has every Thun- derbird accessory available. Must See.· (X'fG. 761) SALi $5222 PllCI 1967 CADIJ.LAC This love1y Sedan DeVille bas all popular power usiat:s including power •t@ering, power ~brakes _power windows. power seat and cad- lllac's famous factory air conditioning. This beautiful aut.omobile has been very carefully driven and shows on1y the finest of care by its previous owner. ("445) SALE $4222 PRICE 1964 CADILLAC A beautiful black-cim.vert!bk with contrast-ina: wblte top and black full leather interior. .... --·--· _ .. -11. --AM·FM ""'1o; and fa.,. tol')' air' conditiooin1. 'l'bbl one ii juat beau ti· ful. (HHY 487) WI $1999 PRICE . . 1966 PON11AC , Catalina 4 Door hardtop. ~ '.,,btte auto- mobile with red interior, l'uDY ~pped with automatic transmiaslon. power deerillJ, poW• er brake&, power seat. power windows, fac- tory air conditlooing~ radio and heat.er, Wt steering'wheel and wnit.e aide wall tires. You must drive this one~. (SLU725) • SALi $16~ PllCE Sedan neJ!.6t.~~.!~ go,.eout; Finished in Spaniah Silver 1With matching cloth and leather •Jntirior, ~ power ac- cent.ed with power steerW-lftlm-wndows..· seats-door locka, A?(:.N 'Tadio, a11to. 'Cl'Uisf! control. premium wtitt.e aide ·Wall Ura and. factory air conditioning, (RGN2S1), WI $3111 PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2 door hardtop jg 'ful]y eqUlpped with power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seat and Ford's fam.ou.s fac- tory air conditioning. A beautiful satin silver exterior with black vinyl interior. Must be seen and driven to fully appreciate! (RTU· 339) SALE $2222 PRICE 1967 OLDSMOBILE The Custom Delta 4 Door hardtop finllhed in a metallic blue exterior with black vinyl root and blue' interior. Fully equipped with power steering. power brakes, power windows, utro seat,.-.factory air conditioning plus many other l~ features. Showfl meticuloua .care by previous Owner. (TYY 744) ' NABERS CADILLAC HAS THE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL. PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY, TllSE CADIUACS ARE All SPECIALLY PRICED NOW FOR THIS SALE ONLY.~ SEE US TODAY! ' 1967 BROUGHAM Fleefyroqd Brou&ham. Majestic regal · ailVer with blaclc padded top and black tapestry and leather interior. All power including steering brakes, windows, vent wind.OW! truck lid re. lease. St.ereo radio, tilt and telescopic steer· • ing wheel plus factory air condltlonina:. CUKV 239) • SALi $4333 PRICI 1,965 CADl~C . The. "°5" DeVllle model flnlabed ln lovely with black vinyl top and ·black leather terior. Hu power 1tftrin&,. powU brakes, power win~•. tilt steering wheel. AM·FM radio .m fador)' .iz.· condi~ tioninc, Th1I ii ._ bet.utiful automobile that is priced for a quick sale. CNQX514·) SALi $2555 PRICE . 1966'.PONllA(: GTO A very SPQl'tl' hardtop that is ·finished in silver wl.tb·/black all vinyl bucket seat in- terior, Fully. loaded includilig Big V8 engine, trl-power 4 speed t.ransmlsslon, power ateer- ing, power brakes, radio and! heater. Factory air conditlonlne. You won't want to mias this one. {SAA494) SAi.i $1999 PRICE ., . 1966 OLDS TORONADO Hardtop Deluxe. Emerald green exterior with p-een cloth interior. Full power lncludlng power steering, power brakes. power win· dows, tilt 11teering wheel, factory air condi· tionlna, Low mileage and ahlolutely gorge-- ous .tm:ourhout CSVX120) SALE PRICED SALE PRICED 1963 CADILLAC with beire tOp and be)ge cloth and 1 This i. a l!Ardtop coupe. that b I0}4 ln~<Olor er interior. Has automatic ~PC._· er steering, ~ btakes, radio' and'hil-, ' and air conditioning. (KIN709) · _,,_ i WI $888 PRICI . 1964 QLDSMOllLE 1 • ., The poPU}ar Startire 2 Door hllnltoo moilll' . flni!hed in Tahitian turquoise with harmonl»o .... bucl<" ,.., lnte-. Fully. equ!ppe4 :ollt(> I power 1tffmg, power brak~ power ~ power vent windows powtt '1'tenna. .~ trwik lid ~eue,' 'ilr conditlOnbtg, ~ , bar radio plus mUch more. Thia car le a JQCll one owner and has only 47,000 a.refull1'' driven inlles., (IOZ 240) ·' SALi $1555 ,.ICI ,_. ' . . . 1968 Et DORAl>O nie ever popular El Dorado, Flblahed tn t.r.. OQUe 1oJd w!th •beire padded roof ad aold,. interior, rut wheel. power s~ ~ brakes. pawer windows, power Mt.t, Dowm-vent ·windowl,~power trunk lid ~ 8tl!'NO, AM·FM radio, and m:u~ more luxury ~ featUttS including ca c factory_~ Condh. tionina:. Better 1et here tint. (VTI.367) SA~ $6222 rRICI 1 ,. 1967 RIVIERA . .. ' Gran Sport. LoveJ;y mldn1ght green exterior' with black all. vinyl interior. Hu powtt ateer- ing, power brakes.. power windo'lril, till ate.ti' ing wheel, ~ hll:h ltJla ..Gran __ Sport wheela and of count factory m conllltkmlns..· 'Ibis automobtle ahoww the tlnest of can bY • Its previous owper. Must see. <TSDC98) · , SAlf' P"ICED SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN------___;;;;;.-;.....;;....__,. SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MARCH II, 1969 8:30 AM to •S':OO PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY • . , VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area ' ' SALB & SOYICI CINm ' • WE AUO S'IOCK ALL ORIGINAL FACTOR! 19Ull'MINT mis. NABERS s39':.. ,INCLUDIN• MOUHTIJIN•U.NCINe I Dctll TAK • FREE PICKUP AllD DBIYERY -.. 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Me~a 540-9100 QMCI C1rJ 9900 UHd Con 9900 Ulld <ors 9900 Utod Clfl 9900 Utod Cars 9900 UMd C1rs 9900 ;;.;....;..; ........... ~~~-1 -~-~---- MERCURY MUSTANG MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE PON11AC PONTIAC 9900 RAMBLIR UHdC•rs iMEruCAN '51 hdtp, pwr '66 MUSTANG Futhuk e '66 MUSTANG, 2119 cu. In. '65 OLDS, 4'2, 4 opd. Yollow '64 PON11AC '6' PONTIAC VI '67 WAGON 990 Ambuwl0<, )trfbnket. AM radio, 2--cyt, xJ.nt oond, pvt pty. Newfuu (oversized) wf blk 1.nt. Mu.at tell • BROUGHAM ,air, AM/FM, Pl. 9 J>UL <ono, W/W, 31.000 ml. $1lllO. $1495. 548-0881 Bbcl< lbterior, auto tr&DI. boat a!fe<. 1 ownr, 548-e527 Cata!""' VentW'a , hardtop N"" ""'· Ollor. 615-"'64 '962-1607 77,000 ,..ml. Excellent con-aft t. · :run power equipment and -... n . __ -------- Used Can 1--------t..,iRD l957 BABY T -Bird cbnvt, auto; fW.l power. lmm&c. Orlalnal -$11?i0. (213) Ol-1960 • '6.5 Hardtop, auto, p/a, ditlon 11740. This · •""" coupe. "',..,.., gree , llll' ......... '67 VILLAGER waaon. 9 chrome rima, xlllt L'Ofld. ~ _,,, '65 OLDS Jet Star; air-cond. factory air coOOltion!rw. ditionlng,'rl.dio, power steer. ~. Auto., PS I P B, $14.9S. fM..5924 ullder blue book. (Pri. Par-P/b, P/1, Prvt Prty. Xlnt Landau roof. rrom orilinal tne. (HSY698J ~/FM. stetto tape, air, I-'--'-'-'-----ty), ~7689 cond. S1290, 644-1693 owner(""~!OOanderwholeaale. $9'9 h$2<00.~~131~'16tl~"'="':::===:..!.;:;:;:;:Whi~la~D~ ..... ~·~·~b~T:::;.. 1969 MIJ!!!'ANG Sport roof.I-----'---~ ••~" '61 T--BIRD, blue; xlnt cond. l...OWn!!r' commuting car, -... -T--Bl-RD-.-..,.,-. -oct-.,,-nd·. I all extra.a. $2600. 673-2675 Lela than 9000 ml. Fult,I 11IE QUICKER YOU CAu, equipt. Si8--t464 atttr 5. THE QtJICXER YOU SEU. T0 BIRD , NEE· FREE I.IS YeQIS YIUflOI i DA VS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO ... ,.... .. Nee .... ,, 153GOIWBml. Wenlmter · "'·1322 OPIN 1 DAYS 1ow "'l)e""'. v..s.. !WI. PLYMOUTH SBSO $2595. Will ....,. "" iai. , e DOI e model truck or D Camino. - 5l)..Ql1 <l' 6f6.-3.146 '85 BARRACUDA, & o o d --------1 cond. Michelin Tin!s. new '65 ¥1JS'I'ANG V-8, au.tom, brkl, RtH, bvy duty susp. pwr. ""'· vinyl top, wi4< --~ --Xint cond. $1450. """'· s:J&.1589 -A -'IB PLYMOUTH, rad A "ii" KUST, air, bench -t. beattr, pwr at& A brb. WD1 dilc brUn. Cruisamatlc, tell lea than wholtsale. lo m!\ls-8'>,2307 5'6-0076 '65 MUSTANG .• V-8; air, - DATSUN Authorlud DHll~ HllllTlll610N BEACH xlnt """1.: blk.; roJly poct; PONTIAC New •nd UMd C1r1 mio '1HIM _ Complote Service '67 MUSTANG '67 Fll!lllRD · & P•rl• Good·cond man ~ _.i. ''3lll1, del-trim IAU BEACH BLVD. BILI, MAXEY !TJOIY(OlT!A! 11111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. a.1eh 147.USS I ml N. ol Qlut HW)', on Jkb ''5 PONTIAC GTO Ski< b1lte ex~ ...,.,. .... V-1, dlr, pwr •tttrilw. bucket .. w. Excellent cond. ~ ed. by Ultle 'ole 1'<11' In San. Clemente, '50 Cub dell or take loretr> car. Can pnc prvt prty. LB NRC 2UI, Call Pat 4llU1T3. 6 AMERICAN i<AGa. Fin-IC-ml -$40.M42 --,------1 llbed 1n dffP aqua b1118 w/ Juat 3 llllJtos So. Sin Dielo l-------- dLDSMOllLI -lnledor.,JJ,OC. ............ andlultalewmlnuta RAMllUR· : ~ ~~ mllel. 0 17 s:: ::~: MUST SeO, '8 R&mlller _1 ~ l l Up Ll I i \\•11(11' 11 '' blk. vinyl Landau lop, alt, Amer, xlnt concl· l-tllO ·u-. AM/FM, pwr. oteer. 4 B.!f, '1675. Call -a1C brb. Xll>I cond. l%!0Q. f, all ci.,. - M2-8(JJ. '62 1WCBl.!lt CluolC 4 di ' • 11u11iat...Bhd. MW. Ooul ...,,, M.B. llBll POM'IUC 'l'•m»••~ Pwr, tac alr'1 IQOd • 1 OR If-. .... S.11" C\lltOln corm. N pwr, ttru, auto, $D1 or 'beat of. l40>M Ulod_OU. !l4Mllll A-liod MG Diiier aOlo. BllPm !JCll.mlalt5 !er. Jobll. MUM9 . 111 OWS f Dr. bdtp. Pwr. 'II. PONTIAC TEMPE:Sr, 'Sf. CAT~ Vtnt11ra Ula RAMBLER Cla11lc oteer .. ' -; air. Vfr'J -............ ilNo.. Int., -X1nt cond. Wq!>n <dr, !WI, air cond. clesn. Ewa. 64623.Ct * 847-63$5 * nooo. "5-0SIC, 5'5-819C Xlnt! $395. 54s.-62M ---------~-------·------· .~ .. ·~ • I I Us..t Cart,. ' .•• 9900 T-lllD' ' . . i MUST Secrmce ~ T·Bird .... condl!l<>n-lolCJO, Take over pymll $!0. HliBll 1IMPIST I '61 PONTIAC TEIG?£sr SC VI, auto, Mi,·-- lbodCI, 350CIO ml; _,;,pr1. p\y. $1485. - " ' \ . l'J-"-~-~~--.-----·-------------------------~-------------~------;--~ • I I It l · . l l t ... -1 F~daJ. llMch 7, 1969 I RD -HAS~-· _. • ·DUNTON F • I • • PIC~ OUT T~E ·c~~-~~:~RUCK YQO _ ·w,NT & DRIV~.IT 'H.OM~!_ . . . BRAND NEW 1969 FORD LT.D. .ROOMY 4·DOOR SEDAN . . . . ......... tlr9 ............. ~· I . , , • • . > . I ,·_ ' O~!>ER NP'(( . '. . '66 .. :_:_ · .. ~2'649 ~ ' .. > _. ;·sA¥E .$·:$! ;69 .T•BIRDS . . . ' . .•• J ' l " ' , ·IXICUTIYE . CARS :~ \ . ,. . AT THE BIGGEST . . DISCOUNTS . . . BRAND NEW 1969 · FALCON · '. ' il • ORDER NOW ' '.ORDER 1NQW Goodyear Polygl•t Tires qptlonal / MJW 1969 42B CID :Y·B engine. Raftd at;~35 horsepower •. The chassis llMlttch'es the engine. An-synchronlncl 4 • speed floor shift, coniii411l1ion suspension with staggered rear shocks. You've ne_vtl' seen so mui h performance per clollor before . '$ I . . *48 Month Financing AVAILABLE THROUGH CALIFORNIA FUNDING ON APPROVED CREDIT AMIGOS Y VECINO$ Los l11Yh• • tt• ...... • DUN· TON fOID. ,._. ......... .. -fer U""'9 ... wW.. ,..._ . '""'°' ' ........ .-nkll ..... ~ ............. _ ..... ,.,. MnlrtM. . . s. SlnJMr, JAC,I HOIN t ~k .. NEW-1969 . · \ ·M• •STANG HARDT~P or FASTBACK . . WMe1 C-. alllll Wiii'"'•• Tll'tl O.tleMI · W1 lleWI I llu" •lldlM ef ,.._,_ .. wttao ....... ••"'-' • .... ... lrnlMdltla lllllftty• .Sllll A-IQ•s No. 1 ... llfte swts car. Otlt ywr,..,..a.t DllllfN .... t .... 'l'I ' s2aRiOi 00 ~ ./ PLUS TAX AND UCINSI SPECIAL SAVINGS.! -.· ' ~ 68 Demonstrators! Executive' tars! - • ALREADY LOW PRICES -ARE ' . . ~ REDUCED MORE THIS WEEKEND DRIVE DUNTON FORD USED CARS WITH CONFIDENCE I 'A. Alfa Romeo 'IOADSTll . " .. ...... "'"" ........ llnnM '"" C)Pkft l • I • '65 Marlin FASTIACK v.a. 1111111oM1k. •ldlo. hNter, ~ •,..,1119< PfWW br'•kn. 811Cket sMts. tic. LlclllH No. NFH 111 • ,,_,__~-Pr!---~,_._._ ... ,. -------------·_-____ ;•w-~4 _ .. _~ _____ • . ' ' ,, I ( ' • .. ~· ~I • I I ' i . : l . ' • \ ' ' • ~··1 • ,DlllLY ...or If llAllll N1W '69 BELVEDERE · 2 DOOR . . ' FINANCING IS NEVER A PROBLEM AT ATLAS s295 DOWN PLUS TAX AND LICENSE DRMRS ANY ATLAS NEW OR USED CAR. ON APPROVED CREDIT. .. : FREE s D ·. ~ .. !~ -~.~~:i·: ; 111Jf, IVEEKEND~o s., ·12 ~-.,. ...._ 'BB . Nl r· .,.. . .. . ,,,,.,, .. '~.: '~-· -• .J.HRYSl.!R ' 5· ' I ·' ~. 'i::-·~;.4.00o-. '•· ~-;, H:t . •31.9· ~. ' ' '64 Ill ·-• S """'""" r' nMo .... fVI -LIU ""'· crJ.1. ,.,.,: rf'!IVln y ~ J-,1 'f "4J ""' ...-. ' . ' f . '87 . _, .,. . ... ~, -.;;;..,,·· :..";,"·'· ... l'lYIOUTH r 095 """': ,,::o;:, ... -•• rarr ,,, .... . . . : ; :· • .. ,,,.. .s ..... -....,... uu, · TfllEIArElit i · ·· · · ... -:--F. 72 r .. ,,,1 ~ . "..!'"'°..,. · •s9-. "'~ ........... IACllDA -·~"--w-:99s· " ..... ,. ' ..... 14/flC '69 " •995 .;.~, !:.~" SA~v;~t All PRICIS All PWSTAX & UCINSE PR 2 llO(l(S SOUTH Of , TH!ic:'AN ~NTIL 10 PM SUN. MAROl t 1969 fl!IWAT Oii NAHOR .iVD. ~~-$$ I I , I I CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH· IMPERIAL · • • ' ........ __ ... _,,_ ... _.......,' -· .... --~ . . " l • '• N1W IHI , ' , , ,ENOUSH ,1';9flD$ DEWXE ~4-DQOR's . DEWXE 2·D00l's . . •. GT 4-DOOR:1 . GT· 2•DOOl'1 '' , Statloll ~-~-' 4 Spaeds, .. Automat(c1 S99. OVER ACTUAL ' • FACTOl!Y INVOICE WHIL". INVl!ft'Ol,111 LMTll No ..................... .... l'tlliH .,,.. • No d~ 1••111. Yo. flllY ONLYSH...-oullll~ lnvolul ColllpClh Wln!low sttcbls wMi our sale pi:bs to convert "-Inly mia•al 4'scc•s i!lto CIChlal ..... onck••l•sawllMJll Final•~ Shipments Herve Arrived. No M9ff 1r'Wheft Present Stocks Are Sold! · · A-C'(.TODAy'! • M OVER• ACTUAL 7~ .. FACT~Y 1INVOIC~ WHILI lllVINTOlll • LAITll . SMnBY" AMdlCAN . "'Fol ,,,,, i . Th~ore ~ins fot:d• 0 (1ngo County'i 0 N-L Y Sholl>.Y ~ · o .. ler,,proudl'f 'f>!9Mnls. tho uri'.common.GT for '69! 'GT-350, GT-SllO ·~NOW READY FOR, l~MEDIA~D!UVERY.: , . .. " ta·u.c.1 'SAW . -sEiVJd SUPER · cemR NIW '1$f •• CAMPER ·IBOOIJARTIRS 'F-1lt . 196-4 cHi!ilELLI :wlltlbN , V.f W1oon,· 1t~lt 'I ""'f't'• Jio-~.-tOMJ7tll . l lul IOOll pr1c9 llCIU 2t1' do\1111 « tr~• , $7. 95 ·'""' ~ ... .. . · PlfCI · . "!'f&Q ... .... Sn. • B i h'1d1 •. Fw WI ... hW u... S&.isn •' ~·"JO wsleitl . ~­ ,_ -.. ,.., .... """' hr .......... .. d••···· . 'lt'2 CHIYIOLIT IMPALA V.f,, """"""' .,,._ RIM, l"J, Air aM. IOMl"MI llut hok 'tiirb ....... ,,,,.. llf' tr•. $595 =~· $25 =..:: IHI oLDSMOllU Dll.JA II , ~~-I*· Hf, l"S, .wto...ll e. H. (l"IYNO) 1"-IOlt -'1615 .... ~ .. tredt. $1395 =· . $49 =..:: 1'65 1'1.YMOUTH FUIY Ill V-1, C fr. ~n ,_.., •Ir c.111 .. aul& (1'009:92) IM hllt '.'~ llSU ft ...... • f'radl, • $ll95· ;:,~. $42 =..:: UM POllTIAC HAlDTOI' C.,hlllN \'tntvr., Ml ........ V4. (CllWM'i li.t .... ~ 111111 ... ._, .. ...... • $695 ::.~ $25 =..:: TRAllSPOATATIOH· $1'1CIALS 1Now •w .... lfll 15 qn per week th.It clin IM Mn.I •t whel-le t9 tM ,.,1111c l•t ft.. fflt.n en ti.-.Wer c1rs. SAVEii 1'64 FORD 41ALAX1l 500 s.doln. v.a. Mii .. f\111'1' MUlltPM. ITWltOIJ M down ~--. $695 ~'t. $23 :.-...:: 1'61 FOID Y-1 ' ·*°• ..,,._ ~-•Mrl,., rJllli. & '*'IW· Ct... I aJJlUlflll ltii.• look ,,1q IWI ft _... w ..._, f1·ns =~· . $S3 =: ' . . . 1'67 FOID 'V-1 ; • 'ifr,. .wtQ., It & ·K. fllll'I' _..., ic1i.. I tJl12'17) ltii. loak llM ft OcPwft w tr.ot. ' $1195 :~~. $36:::.; • 1'67 FOID. S9Ulll WA4101j Ill & H. V-1. 1vt.. PS, 1lr cond., lmmKUi.t.. (VMM.311) a1w tom '215' .,_ dO¥m or tr.ie. , $2195 .=~· $60 :.-...:: I '65 CHM MALllU HARDTOP V-1, Olt¥tfle.. fliltl· ,_, •Ir ~ l"S. W'9. (PHY21G) 11111 loot prite 111.11. a,., down or tr.W. · $1395 :~~. $49 :.-...: IUO FORD 'h·TON PICKUP V·I. C llllMd. (ff\2U9SJ Tlll & Lii:. d9Wll Of' tr..._ S199 ~~. S14 :.-....: ltU CHEVROLET 'h·TON PICKUP L-bed •ldr.uP, lle1Mr. tnll~I 1111e ea 111111 20% dawn or frtde. $1195 ~:.'t. I H7 IAMILIR AMIASSADOl "' HT, ..., '"°'""-,._,I ,,_..., •Ir _,.,, IUl!'V.Qll '"-.... --a& ............... $1195·=~ $49 :;-...: 1'66 CHIVIOLn MALllU ' V-1 HT, MlfQ. -,..,.,_, It ... H. (SMH5J Ihle Book 11'5L ,.,.: down cir .,.., , , $1395 =~· $49 :.-...:: IH7 PONTIAC UMANS HT Vlnyf ,...,, Wdlet -b, l"I. r'ldi. 6 IMtt.I'. (U()G- '121 Ihle Bodi l2S6f. ~ down w tr .. S2195 =~· $59 :::..: "Ir CW., ~ .. PS, ,_..., tUJlot1). SOid MW ewr PXIO • .,. llown er tfMI. $2495 =~~. $79 :.-...:: . l~U ,fOID WAW ltH CHEYIOLIT llL-All WAflON '61 FORD 4 DOOR V.f (°""try StUn. ,Ully ..... ~) Tilt lo Y-t. 1uto, It & H, ,,.,_,. ttlotrlne, l h'" COllll. (JIU""') VI. iwto., 3" eng,, llM1'9r, bled; W/wfllt. too. (IJJ!l-Llc. llowfl .,. ffacle. :~,., llut IOClk SIOOI ill1I. Oowll or tl'tde. 11#151. IM l'C!'k prlc:9 12111. ill1I. tlDWll w trada. $195 ·~. Ul =::.: . $795 ~~. $33 :.-...: $149.5 ~.'t. $39 =::.: I .. ' . .!, . \JSlDpt S>f! PRICIS .lFFECTryE ,41 HOURS UNLE3S PREVIOUSLY SOLD.-ALL PAYMENTS flGUaa. ON APPROVED-CREDIT. . ~. . l . .. ' THUNDERiiRD i~LE 11 to choose ·fro111. 2 tloor ·~ , 4 tl1M 1110d•I• }Ut4ltop1 ind Und1,s. AN WlHi 111 c111.Cllti0ftin9 l full powtr. Somo wltlt ... ,., t1,.1 '61 thr1 '67 Mod1l1. 1965 T-BIRD LANDAU Fully Equlpfled. Air c.wi. Powtr wlfldilws ,enll Hits. IOY(U.21), lllle loot •rim SDJ1 a!lio ....,, or tr.... ~ s129s .:~ w.:o..:. 1964 T-BIRD HARDTOP FuU ,_,., Ak Qwld, tOMK07') 8M 1M11 111$1 »'loOo ...... "" trede. S]ot5 ·~~Cl sa;-:.::... 1967 T-lllRD LANDAU , •. -,